THE ANATOMY OF THE ■ II 91 i N BODY. BY J, CRUVEILHIER, • "* **S> PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY TO THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE OF PARIS, PHYSICIAN TO THE HOSPITAL Of SALPETRIERE, AND PRESIDENT OF THE ANATOMICAL SOCIETY OF PARIS. THE FIRST AMERICAN, FROM TUB LAST PARIS EDITION. EDITED BY GRANVILLE SHARP PATTI SON, M.D., PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW-YORK, MEMBER OF THE MEDICO-CHIRUKGICII SOCIETY OF LONDON, OF THE WAKNERIAN SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY OF EDINBURGH, OF THE SOCIETE MEDICARE DT.MULATION, AND SOCIETE PHILOMATIQUE OF PARIS. THIRD EDITION. NEW-YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS 329 & 331 PEARL STREET, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 1 8 7 5. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1844, b’7 Harper & Brothers, In the Clerk’s Office of the Southern District of New-1 fid. EDITOR’S PREFACE. Numerous and excellent as the works on Anatomy are which have lately been reprinted in this country, still they are, all of them, so de- cidedly inferior to the “ System of Anatomy by Cruveilhier,” that the editor feels it unnecessary to offer any apology for having under- taken its republication. Occupying, however, as he does the Chair of Anatomy in the Metropolitan University of the United States, the pro- fession may perhaps think that it would have been more becoming of him to have published a System of Anatomy of his own, rather than to have undertaken the humble office of editing the work of a European anatomist The reasons which have influenced him in the course he has pur- sued are the following: The science of Anatomy, viewed abstractly, and without reference to its connexion with Physiology, Pathology, and the Practice of Med- icine and Surgery, is to the student just commencing a very dry and uninteresting study. Yet in this way it is generally taught in the schools, each system being demonstrated separately, without refer- ence to the others, or to the Physiological and Pathological facts which its demonstrations tend to illustrate. The course followed by the editor, as a teacher of Anatomy, as his numerous students are aware, is very different. His great object has always been to endeavour to give interest to every lesson, by making it not a mere lecture on Anatomy, but a discourse illustrating Physiological and Pathological science, and elucidating the principles -which should guide the practitioner in the practice of his profession. For the editor to have prepared a mere system of Anatomy would have been, in fact, merely to have undertaken the work of a compiler; originality was out of the question, and no industry nor effort could have enabled him to have produced, on this plan, a better work than the systems of Wilson, Quain, or the numerous other systematic trea- tises on Anatomy which have already been published. The editor having been a teacher of Anatomy for more than thirty years, from his experience is fully aware of the vast importance to the successful performance of his duties as an anatomical professor, of his being en- abled to interest his pupils and to fix and enchain their attention, that he is very unwilling to do anything which could have the effect of taking from the interest or diminishing the freshness of his lectures. To pub- iv editor’s preface. lish a system of Anatomy on the same plan as that adopted in his lec- tures, he would, of necessity, require to imbody in it the same Phys- iological, Pathological, and practical views with which they are illus- trated ; and to have done so, he cannot doubt but that the interest of his lectures would have been diminished, and that he would in future have found it much more difficult to fix the attention of his pupils. This consideration has decided him never to publish, so long as he is engaged in the duties of teaching, an original work on Anatomy. The system of Anatomy of Cruveilhier has recommended itself to the editor for publication : First, on account of its decided superiority to any other work on Anatomy which has ever been published ; and, secondly, from its being prepared, in some measure, in accordance with the plan which he follows in his lectures, many of its details be- ing illustrated by Physiological and Pathological references. In republishing the work, the editor has so restricted himself in the performance of fiis task that he feels it can neither add to nor take from his reputation. He has merely furnished to the members of the profession in the United States The System of Anatomy of Cru- veilhier. Several reasons have influenced him in being sparing in the introduction of notes or additional matter. First. The work is in itself so perfect as not to require them. Secondly. It is very volumi- nous, and to have increased its size would have been to have diminish- ed its value. Thirdly. The editor has ever thought that an inde- pendent mind will shrink from, mixing up and incorporating his thoughts with those of another. If a man wishes to obtain reputation as an author, let him publish an original work, and not attempt to gain popularity by illustrating and enlarging the labours of another. Since the English edition of Cruveilhier has been published in Lon- don, the first and second volumes of a second edition of the work have been published by the author in Paris. The editor has carefully com- pared the second edition with the first, so far as it has been published, and has incorporated in the American edition whatever he thought could increase its value. He has, however, only followed the second edition when he thought that the changes introduced were improve- ments. In many instances, with the view of keeping down the size o* the book, he has condensed into a few short paragraphs the substance of several pages. In the department of Myology the author has in his second edition made very numerous alterations from the first. As these, in the opinion of the editor, have rather diminished than in- creased the value of the work, he has only in a very few instances adopt- ed them. The student, he feels satisfied, will find the description of the muscles sufficiently minute. The subdivisions introduced, and the minutiae which are added to their descriptions in the second edition. editor’s preface. V would tend rather to embarrass than to promote their improvement; he has, therefore, very generally preferred to follow the first edition m the description of the muscles. In the original work there are no engravings ; this is a great desidera- tum, which has been removed in the English edition by the introduc- tion of numerous woodcuts, selected with care from the best anatomi- cal engravings, and marked with letters of reference. This greatly enhances the value of the work. The translation, which is an excel- lent one, was made by Dr. Madden. Systems of Anatomy generally offer little interest except to the anatomical student. This cannot be said of the system of Anatomy of Cruveilhier. It imbodies a fund of information, in connexion with Physiology and Pathology, which will, in the opinion of the editor, pro- cure for it a place in the library of every physician and surgeon who feels any interest in his profession. If the members of the profession only procure the book and peruse it, he cannot doubt but that the cause of Anatomical science will be greatly promoted in the United States; and should this be the case, the editor will be amply repaid for any trouble he may have had in undertaking the republication of Cru- veilhier. University of New-York, Sept. Ist, 1844. AUTHOR’S PREFACE. The study of man offers three very different objects for contemplation ; viz,, his or- ganization, his vital functions, and his moral and intellectual faculties. The organization or structure of man is the object of anatomy, a science which in- vestigates every distinguishable material condition of the different parts that enter into the construction of his frame. Anatomy is a science of observation, and is, in this re- spect, susceptible of mathematical precision and physical certainty. The vital functions of man are the objects of physiology, which reveals to us the ac- tions of organs, with whose structure anatomy has previously made us acquainted. The science of physiology inquires into the various motions that occur within the human body, just as anatomy investigates the form of its component parts. All that we know, m fact, concerning material objects, may be resolved into a knowledge of their motions and their forms. As a moral and intellectual being, man is the object of the science of psychology, which contemplates him in the exercise of thought and volition, analyzes the operations of his mind and will, and classifies them according to their supremacy. A perfect acquaintance with man necessarily presupposes a combination of all that is taught by these three sciences ; and it is because his anatomy, his physiology, and his moral and intellectual endowments have not been studied by the same class of philoso- phers, that in the sciences relating to himself so much yet remains to be desired. Anatomy—the immediate object of this work—constitutes the foundation of medicine. In order to discover the precise seat of a defect in some complicated machine, and the means to be adopted for the reparation of its disordered mechanism, it is necessary to be acquainted with the relative importance, and the particular action of all its constitu- ent parts. “The human body,” says Bacon, “may be compared, from its complex and delicate organization, to a musical instrument of the most perfect construction, but ex- ceedingly liable to derangement.” And the whole science of medicine is therefore re- duced to a knowledge of the means by which that harmonious instrument, the human frame, may be so tuned and touched as to yield correct and pleasing sounds. But since anatomy forms, as it were, the vestibule of medical science, it is of im- portance that he who is entering upon its pursuit should fully understand the path he is about to tread; it is necessary, therefore, to assign, on the one hand, the rank which medicine holds as a natural science, and, on the other, the position of anatomy among the various sciences relating to medicine. The term science, according to the admirable definition of the Homan orator, signifies certain knowledge, deduced from certain principles—cognitio certa ex principiis certis ex- orta. Sciences are divided into the metaphysical, the mathematical, and the natural; but since the two former are not connected with our present subject, we shall direct atten- tion to the natural sciences only. The object of the natural sciences, or of physics, taken in its widest signification, is a knowledge of the materials of which the universe is composed, and of the laws by which they are governed. They are subdivided into the physical, and the physiological or zoo- logical. The physical sciences take into consideration all the phenomena presented by inor- ganic bodies; they comprise, 1. Astronomy, which studies the heavenly bodies as they revolve in space, and estimates, by the aid of numbers, the laws by which their move- ments are governed; 2. Physics, properly so called, or the study of the properties of matter in general; in aid of which, experiments are performed in order to exhibit phe- nomena in every possible light, and calculation is employed to render fruitful the results of experiment; 3. Geology, or that science which studies the surface of the globe, and the successive strata which are met with in its interior; which goes back far beyond all historical traditions, brings to light, as it were, the very depths of the earth, and traces, with a sure hand, the history of the globe, and the various revolutions it has undergone ; 4. Chemistry, which consists in the study of the reciprocal actions of bodies, when re- duced to their atomic condition. The zoological or physiological sciences embrace all the phenomena presented by living bodies. The science of hotany examines into the structure and functions of plants; but zoology, properly so called, investigates the organization and the life of animals. The examination into structure or organization constitutes anatomy. Physiology embraces the study of functions or of life. The facts presented to us in the zoological are of a totally different character from those comprised in the physical sciences. Inorganic bodies, in fact, are governed by constant and immutable laws, acting in perfect harmony with each other; but living bodies are subject not only to physical, but also to vital laws, the latter of which are constantly struggling against the former. This struggle constitutes life ; death is the triumph of the physical over the vital laws. In consequence, of this continual strife, derangements of structure and disordered functions very often occur; and these become more frequent and more complicated, in proportion as the organization is more highly developed, and the animal more elevated in the scale of creation. A knowledge of these derangements and of the proper means for restoring both or viii author’s preface. ganization and life to a healthy condition, constitutes the science of medicine; and the station which I have just assigned to this most important branch of zoological science will prove, better than any arguments, that the study of the physiological or healthy state of organization and of life should precede that of their pathological or diseased conditions ; and that anatomy forms the first link in the chain of medical science. Each science has its own methods of investigation, and its peculiar elements of cer- tainty. Metaphysics and moral philosophy have a metaphysical and moral certainty. The mathematical sciences set out from a small number of self-evident propositions or axioms founded upon the nature of things, proceed gradually from the known to the un- known, and trust to problems already demonstrated as to so many axioms, by means of which, as steps, they again ascend towards new truths. The natural sciences, again, are founded upon observation, and observation is merely the evidence of our senses; hence arises the necessity of exercising them, in order to increase their acuteness and their activity. Facts, therefore, constitute the elements of the natural sciences ; and then reasoning follows, founded upon those facts and upon analogy. It would be absurd to study the natural sciences after the same method as metaphysics. It may readily be understood, that as the purely physical sciences are based upon con- stant phenomena, mathematics are directly applicable to them, and hence they are termed physico-mathematical sciences; but in the zoological sciences, effects are continually varying, according to their causes. Any attempts, therefore, to apply the art of numbers to the elements of medicine, would be to imitate the philosopher, Condorcet, who enter- tained the whimsical notion of subjecting moral probabilities to the test of mathematical precision; who was anxious to substitute a-\-b for either oral or written legal testimony; who admitted half proofs and fractional proofs, and then reduced them to equations, by means of which he supposed he could arrive at arithmetical decisions, regarding the lives, the fortunes, and the characters of his fellow-men. It must, however, be reluctantly confessed, that we can acquire a knowledge only of the surfaces of a body; and that to say w-e are acquainted with its texture, is to state, in other words, that we have a knowledge of the smallest surfaces comprised within its general surface. Sight, touch, &c., the only means of investigation by which we can appreciate the qualities of matter in general, can recognise nothing but surfaces, appear- ances, and relative properties. Absolute properties they are unable to detect. With our organization, we shall never know of what material objects essentially consist, but only what they are in relation to ourselves. This work being essentially of an elementary nature, and in some measure adapted for the lecture-room, I have endeavoured to confine myself within narrow limits, and strictly to avoid all considerations which are not immediately connected with the anato- my of organs. At the same time I have not forgotten that this work was intended for the student of medicine, and not for the naturalist; I have, therefore, been induced, in the following pages, if not expressly to indicate, at least to direct attention to the more immediate applications of anatomy to physiology, surgery, and medicine. The objects which I have constantly had in view have been to exhibit the actual state of the science of anatomy; to present its numerous facts in their most natural order ; to describe each fact clearly, precisely, and methodically; to adopt such a method as would form an easy guide to the student, and not involve him in confusion ; and, lastly, to give to each detail its peculiar value, by invariably directing particular attention to the more important points, instead of confounding them with matters of less consequence, in an indigested and monotonous enumeration of facts. The following is the order in which the principal divisions of the subject have been treated. The first division comprises Osteology, Arthrology or Syndesmology, and Odontology. 1. Osteology,:which, notwithstanding the great number of works on the subject, seems always to offer some new facts to those who study it with zeal, has been treated with the attention it deserves, as forming the basis of anatomical knowledge. An account of the development of the osseous system has appeared to me necessary for the comple- tion of its history. I have therefore considered the following points in connexion with the development of each bone : the number of ossific points; the time of appearance of the primitive and complementary ossifie points ; the periods at which the several points unite, and the changes occurring in the bone subsequently to its growth. By adopting this method, the most complicated ossifications are reduced to a few propositions easily retained in the memory. The inconvenience arising from including in a description of the bones all the attach- ments of the muscles, and nearly the whole anatomy of the part, is so totally at variance with a methodical arrangement of facts, that it is unnecessary to offer an apology for the changes made in this respect. Occasionally, however, I have mentioned those muscu- lar attachments which might serve to characterize the osseous surfaces on which they are situatecf. 2. Under the title of Syndesmology, or Arthrology, are united all the articulations of the human body. Assuming as the only basis of classification the form of the articula- ted surfaces, which is always in accordance with the means of union and the movements of the ioint. I have been induced to modify the divisions usually adopted. The condylar author’s preface. IX irirosis, or condyloid articulation, and the articulation by mutual reception, form quite as natural genera as the enarthrosis and the arthrodia. It will, perhaps, be found that the characters of the different kinds of articulation, and in particular those of the angular ginglymus, which I have called the trochlear articulation, and those of the lateral gingly- mus, or the trochoid articulation of the ancients, are more clearly defined than in other anatomical works. The mechanism, i. e., the movements of a joint, is so intimately connected with its anatomy, that it was impossible to pass it over in silence ; on the other hand, it was sometimes difficult to determine the limit which ought to distinguish an anatomical from a physiological treatise. I have endeavoured to avoid both extremes, by confining my- self strictly to the mechanism of each joint in particular, referring to works on physiol- ogy for the principal movements of locomotion, and of animal statics, such as walking, running, standing, &c. 3. Odontology, or the description of the teeth, concludes the first division. I have ta- ken care to point out that this juxtaposition of the bones and the teeth was founded upon their common indestructibility, and not upon the identity of their nature ; the bones be- ing organs composed of living tissues, while the hard portion of the teeth, on the other hand, is but the solidified product of secretion.* The second division includes Myology, Aponeurology, and Splanchnology. 1- In treating of Myology, I have preferred the topographical to the physiological ar- rangement of the muscles, for this reason only, that it admits of ail of them being studied upon the same subject. To unite, as far as was practicable, the undoubted advantages possessed by both methods, I have given, at the conclusion of myology, a general sketch of the muscles, arranged according to their physiological relations; and by grouping them, not after their order of super-imposition, but according to their several actions, I have arranged them around the articulations to which they may belong, and have point- ed out the extensors, the flexors, &c. A muscle being known when its attachments are ascertained, I have thought it advi- sable to commence the description of each by a brief announcement of its origin and in- sertion, as a sort of definition or summary. The particular details concerning its mode of insertion, whether it be aponeurotic or fleshy, and concerning the direction of its fibres, complete the description of each muscle considered by itself; the history of which is concluded by an examination of its relations to neighbouring parts, and of its uses. The individual or combined action of the muscles, for the production of simple movements, follows so naturally after their description, and presupposes so correct and positive a knowledge of their anatomy, that it can be treated of with propriety only in a work on anatomy. The compound movements necessary for the consecutive or simultaneous action of a great number of muscles come within the province of physiology. 2. The aponeuroses, those important appendages of the muscular system, are separ- ately noticed, in connexion with the muscles to which they belong; but I have also de- scribed them together under the head of Aponeurology. This combination of analogous parts possesses the twofold advantage of simplifying the science, by enabling one part to elucidate the structure of another, and of permitting us to discover the general laws according to which these structures are disposed. 3. With some modification, I have adopted that old division of anatomy, which treats of the viscera and organs, and which is known by the name of Splanchnology. The brain and the organs of the senses, which were included in this division m all anatomical works preceding those of Soemmering and Bichat, have been removed from it, and described with the other portions of the nervous system. The description of the heart, in like manner, will be found with that of the other organs of circulation. In short, the old classification of the viscera, according to their locality, that is, into those of the head, the neck, the chest, &c., has been replaced by a more physiological arrange- ment. Splanchnology will therefore comprehend a description of the organs of digestion and their appendages, of the organs of respiration (among which is included the larynx, or the organ of voice), and, lastly, the genito-urinary organs. To the inquiry why I have departed from the usual custom of placing splanchnology at the end of anatomy, I reply that, in order to study, with advantage, the vessels and the nerves, it is necessary to have a previous acquaintance with the organs to which they are distributed. The importance of the parts described in this division, and the practical results which flow from even the most superficial knowledge of their forms, connexions, and intimate structure, are at once my reason and excuse for extending, to so great a length, this portion of the work; and, moreover, it is necessary to state, that there are many medi- cal practitioners who learn anatomy only from elementary works. The third and the last division treats of the organs of circulation, viz., the heart, arter- ies, veins, and lymphatics ; and of the sensory apparatus, viz., the organs of the senses, the brain, and the nerves. 1. No part of anatomy, perhaps, has been better known than the arteries, since the appearance of Haller’s admirable works; I could neither have followed a better guide nor a more perfect model * See note, o. 183. X author’s preface. 2. The study of the veins has acquired an unexpected degree of importance, in conse- quence of the works of various physicians on phlebitis ; and our knowledge of them has been much extended by the researches of M. Dupuytren into the veins of the spine, and the excellent plates of this order of vessels published by M. 13rescind, 3. The study of the lymphatics has been almost abandoned since the very remarkable publications of Mascagni; I have endeavoured to ascertain what credit was to be given to the assertions of some modern writers concerning the frequent communication be- tween the veins and the lymphatics. 4. The work of Scemmering on the organs of the senses constitutes, perhaps, the high- est title to fame possessed by that great anatomist; and it might even be said that he has left nothing for his successors to accomplish, did not the constant study of a science of observation unceasingly proclaim this important truth, that it is in the power of no man to declare, beyond this limit thou shalt not pass. The brain and the nerves, to which so many able and laborious inquirers have lately directed their attention, have been my favourite objects of investigation ; on account of their importance, and perhaps, also, from the difficulties attending their study. Not sat- isfied with simply tracing the nerves to the various organs in the body, I have studied them in the interior of those organs, and have endeavoured to ascertain the precise branches that are distributed to each particular part. I may add, that, in order to facilitate the dissection of the nervous system, and, indeed, of all the other parts of the body, I have presented, whenever it was necessary, a short account of the best method of preparation. With regard to the general spirit of this work, I have been anxious to render it clas- sical ; and have avoided, most scrupulously, that species of induction and analogical rea- soning, which, in a great measure, constitutes philosophical anatomy. To this kind of anatomy I have never even introduced any allusions, except when its general ideas and views (almost always ingenious, but usually bold and speculative) might elucidate our own subjects. All the descriptions have been made from actual dissections. It was only after hav- ing completed from nature the account of each organ that I consulted writers, whose imposing authority could then no longer confine my thoughts, but always excited me to renewed investigations wherever any discrepancy existed. Anatomy being, as already stated, the basis of medical science, we should greatly misapprehend its nature did we not consider it the chief of the accessory sciences of medicine. Without it, the physiologist rears his structure upon sand ; for physiology is nothing more than the interpretation of anatomy. It is anatomy that guides the eye and the hand of the surgeon; that inspires him witli that ready confidence, which leads him to search among structures, whose lesion would be dangerous or mortal, for some vessel that must be tied, or for a tumour which must be extirpated. Nor is it less indispensa- ble to the physician, to whom it reveals the seat of diseases, and the changes of form, size, relation, and texture, which the affected organs have undergone. Anatomy is, moreover, the science which, of all others* excites the greatest curiosity. If the mineralogist and the botanist are so eager, the one to determine the nature of a stone, the other to ascertain the characters of a flower ; if the love of their particular science induces them to undertake the most dangerous voyages, in order to enrich it with a new species, what ought to be our ardour in pursuing the study of man, that masterpiece of creation, whose structure, possessed of both delicacy and strength, ex- hibits so much harmony as a whole, and displays so much perfection in its parts ! And while contemplating this marvellous organization, in which all has been provided and prearranged with such intelligence and wisdom, that no single fibre can acquire the slightest addition, or undergo the least diminution of power, without the equilibrium be- ing destroyed and disorder being induced—what anatomist is there who would not feel tempted to exclaim, with Galen, that a work on anatomy is the most beautiful hymn which man can chant in honour of his Creator !* May this work inspire among students an ever-increasing ardour for the study of the organization of man, which, even if it were not the most eminently useful, would still be the most interesting, and the most beautiful of all the sciences. And what more powerful motive for emulation can present itself to a generous mind, than the idea, “ that every acquisition of knowledge is a conquest achieved for the relief of suffering humanity !” Let it never be forgotten that, without anatomy, there is no physiology, no surgery, no medicine ; that, in a word, all the medical sciences are grafted upon anato- my as upon a stock; and that the deeper its roots descend, the more vigorous will be its branches, and the more abundantly laden with flowrers and with fruit. I must here express my acknowledgments to M. Chassaignac, the anatomical assist- ant to the Faculty, who has distinguished himself in several concours, and who has as sisted me with the greatest zeal in the execution of this work. * “ Sacrum sermonem quem ego Conditoris nostri yerum hymnum compono, existimoque in hoc veram esse pietatem, non si tauromm hecatombas ei sacrificaverinij et casias, aliaque sexcenta odoramenta ac ungiienta suffumignverim, sed si noverini ipse primus, deinde et aliis exposuerim qucenamsit ipsius sapientia, quro virtus, qiire bomtas.’7—(Galen, De vsu yiait., lib iii.) CONTENTS. Object and Division of Anatomy.—General View of the Human Frame.—Apparatus o' Sensation—of Lo- comotion—of Nutrition—of Reproduction.—General Plan of the Work ... • Page 1 INTRODUCTION. APPARATUS OF LOCOMOTION. OSTEOLOGY. Of the Bones in General. The Bones—lmportance of their Study—General View of the Skeleton.—Number of the Bones.—Method of Description.—Nomenclature.—Situation in general.—Direction.—Size, Weight, and Density of Bones. —Figure.—Distinction into long, broad, and flat Bones.—Regions of Bones.—Eminences and Cavities.— Internal Conformation.—Texture.—Development, or Osteogeny.—Nutrition a The Vertebral Column. General Characters of the Vertebra;.—Characters peculiar to the Vertebrae of each Region.—Characters proper to certain Vertebrae.—Vertebrae of the Sacro-coccygeal Region.—The Vertebral Column in general. —Development ... 18 Composed of the Cranium and Face.—Cranial Bones—Occipital—Frontal—Sphenoid—CEthmoid—Parietal —Temporal.—The Cranium in general.—Development.—Bones of the Face—Superior Maxillary.—Palate. —Malar.—Nasal.—Lachrymal—-Inferior turbinated.—Vomer—lnferior Maxillary.—The Face in general. —Cavities.—Development 33 The Scull. The Sternum.—Ribs.—Costal Cartilages.—The Thorax in general.—Development 64 The Thorax, or Chest. The Shoulder.—Clavicle.—Scapula.—The Shoulder in general.—Development.—Humerus.—Ulna.—Radius. —The Hand.—The Carpus and Carpal Bones.—The Metacarpus and Metacarpal Bones.—The Fingers.— General Development of the Superior Extremities . . . 73 The Superior, or Thoracic Extremities. The Haunch.—Os Cox®.—The Pelvis.—Development.—Femur.—Patella.—Tibia.—Fibula.—The Foot.— The Tarsus and Tarsal Bones.—The Metatarsus and Metatarsal Bones.—The Toes.—Development of the Lower Extremities.—Comparison of the Upper and Lower Extremities.—Os Hyoides . . . .87 The Inferior, or Abdominal Extremities. The Articulations, or Arthrology. General Observations.—Articular Cartilages.—Ligaments.—Synovial Membranes.—Classification of the Joints.—Diarthroses.—Synarthroses.—Amphiarthroses, or Symphyses 11l Articulations of the Vertebral Column. Articulations of the Vertebrae with each other.—Those peculiar to certain Vertebrae.—Sacro-vertebral, Sa- cro-coccygeal, and Coccygeal Articulations.—Articulations of the Cranium—of the Face—of the Tho- rax 115 Articulations of the Shoulder.—Scapulo-humeral.—Humero-cubital.—Radio-cubital.—Radio carpal.—Of the Carpus and Metacarpus.—Of the Fingers 135 Articulations of the Superior or Thoracic Extremities. Articulations of the Inferior or Abdominal Extremities. Articulations of the Pelvis.—Coxo-femoral.—Knee-joint.—Peroneo-tibial.—Ankle-joint.—Of the Tarsus.— Tarso-metatarsal.—Of the Toes . . . . 154 Circumstances in which the Teeth differ from Bones.—Number.—Position.—External Conformation.—Gen • eral Characters.—Classification—lncisor—Canine—Molar.—Structure.—Development.... 177 ODONTOLOGY. The Muscles in general.—Nomenclature.—Number.—Volume and Substance.—Figure.—Dissection.—Rela- tions.—Attachments.—Structure.—Uses.—Preparation.—Order of Description . ... 190 MYOLOGY. Muscles of the Posterior Region of the Trunk. The Trapezius.—Latissimus Dorsi and Teres Major.—Rhomboideus.—Levator Anguli Scapula;.—Serrati Postici.—Splenius.—Posterior Spinal Muscles.—Complexus.—lnter-spinales Colli.—Recti Capitis Postici, Major et Minor.—Obliqui Capitis, Major et Minor.—General View and Action of the Posterior Spinal Muscles 198 Muscles of the Anterior Abdominal Region. The Obliquus Externus Abdominis.—Obliquus Internus and Cremaster.—Transversalis Abdominis.—Rectus Abdominis.—Pyramidalis 208 Diaphragmatic Region ..... . . 212 The Psoas and Iliacus.—Psoas Parvus.—Quadratus Lumborum 214 Lumbar Region. The Inter-transversales and Rectus Capitis Lateralis.—Scaleni . 217 Lateral Vertebral Region. CONTENTS. The Recti Capitis Antici, Major et Minor.—Longus Colli.—Action of these Muscles . . . Page 218 Deep Anterior Cervical, or Prevertebral, Region. The Pectoraiis Major.—Pectoralis Minor.—Sub-clavius.—Serratus Magnus.—lntercostales.—Supra-costales. —lnfra-costales.—Triangularis Sterni 220 Thoracic Region. Superficial Anterior Cervical Region. The Platysma Myoides.—Sterno-cleido-mastoideus 224 Muscles of the Jnfra-hyoid Region. The Sterno-hyoideus.—Scapulo- or Oino-hyoideus.—Sterno-thyroideus.—Tl.yro-hyoideus . . . 226 Muscles of the Supra-hynid Region. The Digastricus —Stylo-hyoideus.—Mylo-hyoi^eus.—Genio-hyoideus.—Their Action .... 228 Occipito-frontalis.—Auricular Muscles 230 Muscles of the Cranial Region. Orbicularis Palpebrarum.—Superciliaris.—Levator Palpebra: Superioris .... . . 231 ' Muscles of the Palpebral Region. The Pyramidalis Nasi.—Levator Labii Superioris Aloeque Nasi.—Transversal is, or Triangularis Nasi.—Do pressor Al® Nasi.—Naso-labialis 233 Masai Region. Muscles of the Labial Region. The Orbicularis Oris.—Buccinator.—Levator Labii Superioris.—Caninus.—Zygomatici, Major et Minor. Triangularis.—Quadratus Menti.—Levator Labii Superioris.—Movements of the Lips and those of the Face Muscles of the Temporo-maxillary Region. The Masseter and Temporalis 239 The Plerygoideus Interims.—The Pterygoideus Extennis 240 The Pterygo-maxillary Region. The Deltoideus.—Supra-spinatus.—Infra-spinatus and Teres Minor.—Sub-scapularis .... 241 Muscles of the Shoulder. The Biceps.—Brachialis Anticus.—Coraco-brachialis.—Triceps Extensor Cubiti 244 Muscles of the Arm. The Abductor Brevis Pollicis.—Opponens Pollicis.—Flexor Brevis Pollicis.—Adductor Pollicis.—Palmaris Brevis.—Abductor Digiti Minimi.—Flexor Brevis Digit! Minimi.—Opponens Digiti Minimi.—The Interos- seous Muscles, Dorsal and Palmar ; 260 Muscles of the Forearm 249 Muscles of the Hand. The Glutaei Maximus, Medius, et Minimus.—Pyriformis.—Obturator Internus.—Gemelli, Superior et Inferior. —Quadrants Fetnoris.—Obturator Externus.—Action of these Muscles 264 Muscles of the Pelvis. The Biceps Cruris.—Semi-tendinosus.—Semi-membranosus.—Tensor Vagin® Femoris.—Sartorius.—Triceps Extensor Cruris.—Gracilis.—Adductor Muscles of the Thigh 269 Muscles of the Thigh. Muscles of the Leg. The Tibialis Anticus.—The Extensor Communis Digitorum.—Extensor Proprius Pollicis.—Peronei Longus et Brevis.—Gastrocnemius, Piantaris and Solaris,—Popiiteus.—Tibialis Posticus.—Flexor Longus Pol- licis . 277 The Extensor Brevis Digitorum.—Abductor Pollicis Pedis.—Flexor Brevis Pollicis Pedis.—Adductor Pollicis Pedis.—Transversus Pollicis Pedis.—Abductor Digiti Minimi.—Flexor Brevis Digiti Minimi.—Flexor Bre- vis Digitorum.—Flexor Accessorius.—Lumbricales.—lnterossei 286 Muscles of the Foot. Geaeral Observations on the Aponeuroses.—Structure.—Uses 294 APONEUROLOGY. Superficial Fascia.—Aponeuroses of the Cranium—of the Face—of the Neck—of the Thorax—of the Abdo- men—of the Pelvis—of the Thigh, Leg, and Foot—of the Shoulder, Arm, Forearm, and Hand . . 297 Particular Aponeuroses. General Observations on the Viscera.—External Conformation.- tincture.—Development.—Functions.— SPLANCHNOLOGY. Dissection . 320 The Organs of Digestion and their Appendages, Alimentary or Digestive Canal. General Observations.—Division.—Mouth and its Appendages.—Lips.—Cheeks.—Hard and soft Palate.— Tonsils.—Tongue.—Salivary Glands.—Buccal Mucous Membrane.—Pharynx.—CEsophagus.—Stomach.— Small Intestine.—Large Intestine.—Muscles of the Perineum.—Development of the Intestinal Canal. 322 The Liver and its Excretory Apparatus.—The Pancreas.—The Spleen 354 Appendages of the Alimentary Canal. General Observations.—The Lungs and Pleune.—The Trachea and Bronchi.—Development of the Lungs. —The Larynx—its Structure, Development, and Functions.—The Thyroid Gland . . . , 409 The Organs of Respiration CONTENTS. The GenitoUrinary Organs. The Urinary Organs. division.—The Kidneys and Ureters.—The Bladder.—The Supra-renal Capsules • • • Page 435 The Generative Organs. The Generative Organs of the Male. The Testicles and their Coverings.—The Epididymis, the Vasa Deferentia, and Vesical® Seminales.—The Penis.—The Urethra.—The Prostate and Cowper’s Glands 446 Ihe Ovaries.—The Fallopian Tubes.—The Uterus.—The Vagina.—The Urethra.—The Vulva , . 461 The Generative Organs of the Female. Number.—-Situation.—Size.—Form.—Structure.—Development 473 The Mamma. The Sub-umbilical Portion.—The Supra-umbilical Portion.—General Description and Structure . . 479 The Peritoneum. Definition and Objects of Angeiology . . . 479 ANGEIOLOGY. General Description.—External and Internal Conformation.—Structure.—Development.—Functions.—The Pericardium 479 The Heart. The Arteries. Definition.—Nomenclature.—Origin.—Varieties.—Course.—Anastomoses.—Form and Relations.—Termina- tion.—Structure.—Preparation 496 Description of the Arteries. The Pulmonary Artery. Preparation.—Description.—Relations.—Size.—Development 499 The Aorta. Preparation.—Definition.—Situation.—Direction.—Size.—Division into the Arch of the Aorta, the Thoracic Aorta, and the Abdominal Aorta Collateral Branches of the Aorta. Enumeration and Classification.—Arteries arising from the Aorta at its Origin, viz., the Coronary or Car- diac.—Arteries arising from the Thoracic Aorta, viz., the Bronchial, the (Esophageal, the Intercostal.— .Arteries arising from the Abdominal Aorta, viz., the Lumbar, the Inferior Phrenic, the Coeliac Axis, in- cluding the Coronary of the Stomach, the Hepatic, and the Splenic, the Superior Mesenteric, the Inferior Mesenteric, the Spermatic, the Renal, and the Supra-renal or Capsular .... , . . 503 Enumeration and Varieties.—The Common Carotids.—The External Carotid—the Superior Thyroid—the Facial—the Lingual—the Occipital—the Posterior Auricular—the Parotid—the ascending Pharyngeal— the Temporal—the Internal Maxillary.—The Internal Carotid—the Ophthalmic—the Cerebral Branches Arteries arising from the Arch of the Aorta. of the Internal Carotid.—Summary of the Distribution of the Common Carotids.—Artery of the Upper Extremity.—The Brachio-cephalic.—The Right and Left Suli-clavians—the Vertebral and its Cerebral Branches, with Remarks on the Arteries of the Brain, Cerebellum, and Medulla—the Inferior Thyroid— the Supra-scapular—the Posterior Scapular—the Internal Mammary—the deep Cervical—the Superior Intercostal.—The Axillary—the Acromio- thoracic—the Long Thoracic—the Sub-scapular—the Posterior Circumflex—the Anterior Circumflex.—The Brachial and its Collateral Branches.—The Radial, its Col- lateral Branches, and the deep Palmar Arch*—The Ulnar, its Collateral Branches, and the Superficial Palmar Arch.—General Remarks on the Arteries of the Upper Extremity 513 Enumeration.—The Middle Sacral.—The Common Iliacs.—The Internal Iliac, or Hypogastric—the Umbil ical—the Vesical—the middle Hsmorrhoidal—the Uterine—the Vaginal—the Obturator—the llio-lurnbar Arteries arising from the Termination of the Aorta. —the Lateral Sacral—the Gluteal—the Sciatic—the Internal Pudic.—Summary of the Distribution of the Internal Iliac.—Artery of the Lower Extremity.—The External Iliac—the Epigastric—the Circumflex Iliac.—The Femoral—the Superficial Epigastric—the External Pudic—the Muscular—the deep Femoral, its Circumflex and Perforating Branches.—The Popliteal, and its Collateral Branches.—The Anterior Tibial and the Dorsal Artery of the Foot.—The Tibio-peroneal—Peroneal—Posterior Tibial, and the In- ternal and External Plantar.—Comparison between the Arteries of the Upper and Lower Extremities . 553 The Veins. Definition.—The Venous System.—Origin of the Veins.—Course.—Anastomoses and Plexuses.—Varieties. —Termination.—Valves.—Structure.—Preparation.—Method of Description 573 Description of the Veins. The Pulmonary Veins Preparation.—Description.—Relations.—Size.—Peculiarities ......... 577 The Great Coronary or Cardiac Vein.—The Small Cardiac Veins 577 The Veins of the Heart. The Superior Vena Cava.—The Brachio-cephalic Veins—the Inferior Thyroid—the Internal Mammary— the Superior Phrenic, the Thymic, Pericardiac, and Mediastinal—the Vertebral.—The Jugular Veins, viz., the External—the Anterior—and the Internal.—The Encephalic Veins, and the Sinuses of the Dura Mater, viz., the Lateral—the Superior Longitudinal—the Straight—the Superior and Inferior Petrosal— tfie Cavernous—the Coronary—and the Anterior and Posterior Occipital Sinuses—the Conflux of the Sinuses.—The Branches of Origin of the Jugular Veins—the Facial—the Temporo-maxillarv—the Pos- The Superior, or Descending Vena Cava and its Branches. XIV CONTENTS. terior Auricular—the Occipital—the Lingual—the Pharyngeal—the Superior and Mi dale Thyroid—the Veins of the Diploe.—Summary of the Distribution of the Veins of the Head.—The deep Veins of the Upper Extremity—the Palmar, Radial, Ulnar, Brachial, and Axillary—the Sub-clavian.—The Superficial Veins of the Upper Extremity—in the Hand—in the Forearm—at the Elbow—and in the Arm—General Remarks on these Superficial Veins . Page 578 The Inferior Vena Cava—the Lumbar or Vertebro-lumbar Veins—the Renal—the Middle Supra-renal—the Spermatic and Ovarian—the Inferior Phrenic.—The Portal System of Veins—the Branches of Origin of the Vena Portae—the Vena Portae —the Hepatic Veins. The Common Iliacs the Internal Iliac —the Hemorrhoidal Veins and Plexuses—the Pelvic Veins and Plexuses in the Male and in the Female.—The deep Veins of the Lower Extremity—the Plantar, Posterior Tibial, Peroneal, Dorsal, Anterior Tibial, and Popliteal—the Femoral—the External Iliac.—The Superficial Veins of the Lower Extremity—the Inter- nal Saphenous—the External Saphenous 596 The Inferior, or Ascending Vena Cava and its Branches. General Remarks.—The Superficial Veins of the Spine.—The Anterior Superficial Spinal Veins, viz., the Greater Azygos—the Lesser Azygos—the Left Superior Vertebro-costals—the Right Vertehro-costals— the Vertebro-lumbar—the Ilio lumbar, and Middle and Lateral Sacral—the Anterior Superficial Spinal Veins in the Neck.—The Posterior Superficial Spinal Veins.—The deep Spinal or Intra-spinal Veins— the Anterior Longitudinal, and the Transverse Veins or Plexuses, and the Veins of the Vertebra the Posterior and the Posterior and Lateral Transverse Veins or Plexuses—the Medullary Veins.—General Remarks on the Veins of the Spine ....... 605 The Veins of the Spine. Definition, History, and general View of the Lymphatic System. Origin. Course. Termination and Structure of the Lymphatic Vessels.—The Lymphatic Glands.—Preparation of the Lymphatic Vessels and Glands 611 The Lymphatic System. The Thoracic Duct—the Right Thoracic Duct.—The Lymphatic System of the Lower Extremity—of t e Pelvic and Lumbar Regions—of the Liver—of the Stomach, Spleen, and Pancreas—of the Intestines—of Description of the Lymphatic System. the Thorax of the Head —of the Cervical Regions—of the Upper Extremity and Upper Part of the Trunk 620 The Organs op the Senses. NEUROLOGY. The Skin—its External Characters, Structure, and Appendages.—The Tongue considered as the Organ o Taste.—The Organ of Smell—the Nose—the Pituitary Membrane.—The Organ of Sight—the Eyebrows the Eyelids the Muscles of the Orbit —the Lachrymal Apparatus the Globe of the Eye, its Mem- branes and Humours—the Vessels and Nerves of the Eye.—The Organ of Hearing—the External Ear— the Middle Ear or Tympanum—the Internal Ear or Labyrinth—the Nerves and Vessels of the Ear . 629 General Observations 681 The Cerebro-spinal Axis. General Remarks.—The Dura Mater—the Cranial Portion, its Structure and Uses—the Spinal Portion.— The Arachnoid—its Cranial Portion—its Spinal Portion—the Sub-arachnoid Fluid—their Uses.—The Pia Mater—its External Cerebral Portion 682 The Membranes of the Cerebrospinal Axis. The Spinal Cord, and the Medulla Oblongata. General View of the Cord—its Limits and Situation—the Ligarnentum Denticulaturn.—Size of the Spinal Cord Form, Directions, and Relations the Cord in its Proper Membrane the Proper Membrane, or Neurilemma of the Cord—the Cord deprived of its Proper Membrane.—lnternal Structure of the Cord— Sections—Examination by means of Water, and when hardened in Alcohol—the Cavities or Ventricles of the Cord.—The Medulla Oblongata—Situation—External Conformation—Anterior Surface, the Ante- rior Pyramids and the Olivary Bodies—the Posterior Surface—the Lateral Surfaces—the Internal Struc- ture—Sections—Examination by Dissection, and under Water.—Development of the Spinal Cord.—De- velopment of the Medulla Oblongata.—Comparative Anatomy of the Spinal Cord.—Comparative Anatomy of the Medulla Oblongata 693 General Description and Division.—The Pons Varolii and Middle Peduncles of the Cerebellum—the Pedun- cles of the Cerebrum—the Superior Peduncles of the Cerebellum and the Valve of Vieussens—the Cor- pora Quadrigemina.—lnternal Structure of the Isthmus, viz., of its Inferior, Middle, and Superior Strata. The Isthmus of the Encephalon. —Sections.—Development.—Comparative Anatomy 710 The Cerebellum. General Description.—External Characters and Conformation—Furrows, Lobules,Laminre, and Lamell®. —lnternal Conformation—the Fourth Ventricle, its Fibrous Layers, its Inferior Orifice, and its Choroid Plexus.—Sections of the Cerebellum, Vertical and Horizontal.—Examination by Means of Water, and of the hardened Cerebellum.—General View of the Organ.—Development.—Comparative Anatomy . 715 The Cerebrum, or Brain Proper. * Definition—Situation—Size and Weight—General Form.—The Superior or Convex Surtace.— Lne Inferior Surface or Base—its Median Region, containing the Inter-peduncular Space, the Corpora Albicantia, the Optic Tracts and Commissure, the Tuber Cinereura, Infundibulum, and Pituitary Body, the Anterior Part of the Floor of the Third Ventricle, the reflected Part of the Corpus Callosum, the Anterior Part of the Longitudinal Fissure, the Posterior Part of the Longitudinal Fissure, the Posterior Extremity of the Corpus Callosum and Median Portion of the Transverse Fissure, and the Transverse Fissure.—The Lateral Re- gions, including the Fissure of Sylvius and the Lobes of the Brain.—The Convolutions and Anfractuosi- ties of the Brain, upon its Inner Surface, its Base, and its Convex Surface—Uses of the Convolutions and Anfractuosities.—The Internal Structure of the Brain—Examination by Sections—‘Horizontal Sections showing the Corpus Callosum, the Septum Lucldum, the Fornix and Corpus Fimbriatum, the Velum In- terposition, the Middle or Third Ventricle, the Aqueduct of Sylvius, the Pineal Gland, the Lateral Ven- tricles, their Superior and Inferior Portions, the Choroid Plexus, and the Lining Membrane and the Fluid of the Ventricles—Median Vertical Section—Transverse Vertical Sections—Section of Willis.—Genera] CONTENTS. XV Rennrks on this Method of examining the Brain.—Methods of Yarolius, Vieussens, and Gall.—Gall and spurzheim’s Views on the Structure of the Brain.—General Idea of the Brain.—Development.—Compar- ative Anatomy ... Page 725 The Nerves, or the Peripheral Portion of the Nervous System. General Remarks.—History and Classification.—Origin, or Central Extremity.—Different Kinds.—Course, Plexuses, and Anastomoses.—Direction, Relations, and Mode of Division.—Termination.—Nervous Gan- . Tv?nd 1 *le great Sympathetic System.'—Connexions of the Ganglia with each other, and with the Spi- nal Nerves.—Structure of Nerves.—Structure of Ganglia.—Preparation of Nerves . . . .759 General Remarks.—Division into Spinal, Cranial, and Sympathetic Nerves 769 Description of the Nerves. Enumeration and Classification.—The Central Extremities, or Origins of the Spinal Nerves—Apparent Ori- gins Deep or real Origins.—The Posterior Branches of the Spinal Nerves—Common Characters—the Posterior Branches of the Cervical Nerves, their Common and Proper Characters—the Posterior Branches of the Dorsal, Lumbar, and Sacral Nerves.—The Anterior Branches of the Spinal Nerves—their General Arrangement - . . ... . . .770 The Spinal Nerves. The Anterior Branches of the Cervical Nerves. Dissection.—Anterior Branch of the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Cervical Nerves.—The Cervical Plexus—its Anterior-Branch, the Superficial Cervical—its Ascending Branches, the great Auricular and the External or Lesser Occipital—its Superficial Descending Branches, the Supra-clavicular—its deep De scending Branches, the Nerve to the. Descendens Noni and the Phrenic—its deep Posterior Branches.— The Anterior Branches of the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Cervical, and First Dorsal Nerves.—The Brachial Plexus—its Collateral Branches above the Clavicle—its Muscular Branches, Posterior Thoracic, Supra-scapular—opposite to the Clavicle the Thoracic, below the Clavicle the Circumflex—its Terminal Branches, the Internal Cutaneous and its Accessory, the Musculo-cutaneous, the Median, the Ulnar, the Musculo-spiral or Radial.—Summary of the Distribution of the Branches of the Brachial Plexus . 77C The Anterior Branches of the Dorsal Nerves, or the Intercostal Nerves. Dissection.—Enumeration.—Common Characters.—Cliaracters proper to each 794 Enumeration.—The Lumbar Plexus.—Collateral Branches, Abdominal and Inguinal.—Terminal Branches —the Obturator Nerve—the Crural Nerve and its Branches, viz., the Musculo-cutaneous—the Accessory of the Internal Saphenous—the Branch to the Sheath of the Vessels—the Muscular Branches—the Inter- nal Saphenous 796- The Anterior Branches of the Lumbar Nerves. Dissection.—Enumeration.—The Sacral Plexus.—Collateral Branches, viz., the Visceral Nerves—the Mus- cular Nerves —the Inferior Hemorrhoidal the Internal Pudic and its Branches the Superior Gluteal Nerve—the Inferior Gluteal, or Lesser Sciatic Nerve—the Nerves for the Pyramidalis, Guadratus Fe- moris, and Gemelli.—Terminal Branch of the Sacral Plexus, or the great Sciatic Nerve.—The External Popliteal and its Branches—the Peroneal, Saphenous, Cutaneous, and Muscular Branches—the Musculo- cutaneous—the Anterior Tibial.—The Internal Popliteal and its Branches—theTibial or External Saphe- The Anterior Branches of the Sacral Nerves. nous—Muscular and Articular Branches—the Internal Plantar—the External Plantar.—Summary of the Nerves of the Lower Extremity.—Comparison of the Nerves of the Upper with those of the Lower Ex- tremity 804 Definition and Classification.—The Central Extremities of the Cranial Nerves, viz., of the Olfactory—of the Optic—of the Common Motor Oculi—of the Pathetic—of the Trigeminal—of the External Motor Oculi —of the Portio Dura and Portio Mollis' of the Seventh—of the Glosso-pharyngeal, Pneumogastric, and Spinal Accessory Divisions of the Eighth—and of the Ninth Nerves 81G The Cranial Nerves. The First Pair, or Olfactory Nerves.—The Second, or Optic Nerves.—The Third, or Common Motor Nerves. —The Fourth, or Pathetic Nerves.—The Fifth, or Trigeminal Nerves—the Ophthalmic Division of the Fifth, and its Lachrymal, Frontal, and Nasal Branches—the Ophthalmic Ganglion—the Superior Maxil- hiry Division of the Fifth, and its Orbital Branch—the Spheno-palatine Ganglion, and its Palatine, Spheno- palatine, and Vidian Branches—the Posterior and Anterior Dental, and the Terminal Branches of the Su- perior Maxillary Nerve—the Inferior Maxillary Division of the Fifth—its Collateral Branches, viz., the deep .Temporal, the Masseteric, Buccal, and Internal Pteiygoid, and Auriculo-temporal—its Terminal Branches, viz., the Lingual and Inferior Dental—the Otic Ganglion.—The Sixth Pair, or External Motor Nerves. The Seventh Pair—the Portio Dura, or the Facial Nerve—its Collateral Branches—its Terminal Branches, viz., the Temporo-facial and Cervico-facial—the Portio Mollis, or Auditory Nerve.—The Eighth * I irst 1 ortion, or the Glosso pharyngeal-Nerve—its Second Portion, or the Pneumogastric Nerve, Distribution of the Cranial Nerves. divided into a Cranial, Cervical, Thoracic, and Abdominal Part—its Third Portion, or the Spinal Acces- sory Nerve. The Ninth Pair, or the Hypoglossal Nerves.—General View of the Cranial Nerves . 824 General Remarks.—The Cervical Portion of the Sympathetic.—The Superior Cervical Ganglion—its Supe- rior Branch, Carotid Plexus, and Cavernous Plexus—its Anterior, External, Inferior, and Internal Branch- ®s-~The Middle Cervical Ganglion. The Inferior Cervical Ganglion. The Vertebral Plexus. The Cardiac Nerves ; Right, Superior, Middle, and Inferior ; Left.—The Cardiac Ganglion and Plexuses.—The thoracic Portion of the Sympathetic.—The External and Internal Branches.—The Splanchnic Nerves, The Sympathetic System of Nerves. i real and Small.—The Visceral Ganglia and Plexuses in the Abdomen, viz., the Solar Plexus and Semi- lunar Ganglia.—The Diaphragmatic and Supra-renal, the Cffiliac, the Superior Mesenteric, the Inferior ileseiiterii:, and the Renal, Spermatic, and Ovarian Plexuses.—The Lumbar Portion of the Symnathetic. —lhe Communicating, External, and Internal Branches.—The Luiiibar Splanchnic.Nerves aiK1 Visceral Hexuses in the Pelvis. The Sacral Portion of the Sympathetic. General View of the Sympathetic System . 854 DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. INTRODUCTION. Object and Division of Anatomy.—General View of the Human Frame.—Apparatus of Sen- sation—of Locomotion—of Nutrition—of Reproduction.—General Plan of the Work. Considered in its most extended signification, Anatomy* is the science which has for its object the structure of living beings. Living beings are divided into two great classes, vegetables and animals; there is. therefore, a vegetable anatomy and an animal anatomy. When anatomy embraces, in one general view, the whole series of animals, comparing the same organs as they exist in <-he different species, it receives the name of zoological, or comparative anatomy. Zoological anatomy is denominated philosophical or transcendental, when from the com- bination and comparison of particular facts it deduces general results, and laws of orga- nization. When anatomy is confined to the examination of one species only, it receives the name of special; such as the anatomy of man, the anatomy of the horse, &c. Physio- logical anatomy considers the organs in their healthy state. Pathological anatomy regards them as altered by disease. When physiological anatomy is confined to the examination of the external conforma- tion of organs, that is to say, of all their qualities which may be ascertained without di- vision of their substance, it is called descriptive anatomy. If, on the contrary, it pene- trates into the interior of organs, in order to determine their constituent or elementary parts, it receives the name general anatomy, or of the anatomy of textures. Descriptive anatomy informs us of the names of organs (anatomical nomenclature), their number, situation, direction, size, colour, weight, consistence, figure, and relations ; it traces, in fact, the topography of the human body. In more than one respect, it is to medicine what geography is to history. The anatomy used by painters and sculptors may be regarded as one of its dependances, and may be defined to be the knowledge of the external surface of the body, in the different attitudes of repose, and in its various move- ments. On this subject it may be observed, that the precise determination of the ex- ternal eminences and depressions may afford most important indications regarding the situation and state of deeply-seated parts, and is therefore worthy the attention of the physician. Descriptive anatomy, in the sense here meant, has arrived at a high degree of perfec- tion. It is to this branch that reference is made by those who affirm that nothing now remains to be done in anatomy. But although descriptive anatomy may be all that the surgeon requires to enable him to comprehend the lesions which most commonly fall under his notice, and to perform operations, it will by no means suffice for the physician or the physiologist. For their purposes, anatomical investigations must not be confined to the surface, but penetrate into, and analyze the substance of organs. Now such is the object of general or textural anatomy. By its means the different organs are re- solved into their component tissues; these tissues, again, are reduced to their simple elements, which are then studied by themselves, independently of the organs which they form; and subsequently, by considering the elementary constituents as combined in va- rious proportions, the organization of even the most complicated and dissimilar parts is made manifest. There is one species of anatomy which has of late been cultivated with the greatest success. I mean the anatomy of the foetus. The anatomy of the foetus, or the anatomy of the body at different periods of life, named the anatomy of evolution, has for its object the study of the development of organs, their successive modifications, and sometimes even the metamorphoses which they undergo, from the time of their first appearance until they arrive at perfection. Lastly, there is a species of anatomy to which the term of “ applied anatomy" may be given, because it comprehends all the practical applications of the science to medicine * The word Anatomy is derived from the Greek (ava, up, and TCfivia, I cut). It is, in fact, by means of Dissection principally that we are enabled to separate and study the different organs. But injections, desicca- tion, the action of alcohol, concentrated acids, &c., are also means employed by the anatomist 2 ’NTRODUCTIOX and surgery. With this view, the body is divided into regions or departments, ;,nd each region into successive layers. The relation of the different layers is pointed out, and in each layer the parts which compose it. In a word, the constant object is the solution of the following question : A region, or any part of the surface of the body being given, to determine the subjacent parts which correspond to it at different depths, and their order of superposition. This has generally been denominated the anatomy of regions, topographical or surgical anatomy, because it has hitherto been studied only with refer- ence to its uses in surgery. It may easily be shown, however, that with the exception of the limbs or extremities, the anatomical knowledge of which has few applications to medicine, properly so called, the study of regions is no less important to the physician than to the surgeon. To give it, therefore, a name corresponding with its use, it should be called mcdico-chirurgical topographical anatomy. Such are the different aspects under which anatomy may be regarded.. The following work is essentially devoted to descriptive anatomy.* General View of the Human Body. Before entering on a detailed description of the numerous organs which enter into the composition of the human body, it is advisable to present a rapid sketch of the whole. Such general views, instead of embarrassing the mind, at once enlighten and satisfy it, by exhibiting the objects of its research in their true relations, and showing the end to be attained. There is one general covering, which, like a garment, envelops the whole body, ana is moulded, at it were, round all its parts. This covering is the skin, of which the nails and hair are dependances. The skin presents a certain number of apertures, by means of which a communication is established between the exterior and the interior of the body. These apertures, however, are not formed by a mere perforation or breach of continuity in the skin; on the contrary, this membrane passes inward at the circumference of these openings, and having undergone certain important modifications in its structure, forms the mucous membranes, a kind of internal tegument, which may be considered as a prolongation of the external envelope. We might, therefore, strictly speaking, regard the human body as essentially composed of a skin folded back upon itself. This idea is, indeed, realized in some of the inferior animals, which consist of a mere tube or canal. In proportion, however, as we ascend in the scale, we find the layers which separate these two teguments become more and more increased in thickness, and cavities are at length formed between them. Nevertheless, however widely these membranes may be separated from each other, and however different they may be in external aspect, there are abundant analogies to establish unequivocally their common origin. Under the skin there is a layer of adipose cellular tissue, which gently elevates it, fills up the depressions, and contributes to impart that roundness of form which character- izes all animals, and particularly the human species. In some parts, there are muscles inserted into the skin, which are intended for its movement; these are the cutaneous muscles. In man they are very inconsiderable, and are confined to the neck and face, where they play an important part in giving expression to the physiognomy; but in the larger animals they line the whole skin, and in certain classes, of very simple organiza- tion, they constitute the entire locomotive apparatus. The superficial veins and lymphatics traverse the subcutaneous cellular tissue ; the latter, at various parts of their course, pass through enlargements denominated lymphatic ganglions, 01 Ivmphatic glands, which are grouped together in certain regions. Below the cellular tissue are the muscles, red, fleshy bundles, arranged in many layers. In the centre of all these structures are placed the bones, inflexible columns, which serve for a support to all that surrounds them. The vessels and the nerves are in the immediate neighbourhood of the bones, and, consequently, removed as much as possible from external injury. Lastly, around the muscles and under the subcutaneous adipose tissue are certain strong membranes, which bind the parts together, and which, by pro longations detached from their internal surface, separate and retain in their situation the different muscular layers, frequently each particular muscle: these envelopes are the aponeuroses. , Such is the general structure of the limbs or extremities. If next we examine the trunk, we find in its parietes a similar structure, but more in ternally are cavities lined by thin transparent membranes, named serous, on account ot a liquid or serosity with which they are moistened. In these cavities are situated or- gans of a complex structure, called viscera, of which we shall give a rapid enumeration in an order conformable to the offices they perform in the animal economy. The human body, as well as that of other organized beings, is composed of certain parts, denominated organs (bpyavov, an instrument), which differ from each other in * Descriptive anatomy ought, in strictness, to be confined to the consideration of the external characters ol organs, or what is understood by the term external conformation; nevertheless, in order to present a complete view of each organ, after having described its exterior, we shall give a short account of its texture and devel- opment. GENERAL VIEW OP THE HUMAN BODY. 3 Aeir structure and use, but are all combined, for the double purpose of the preservation tbe and the continuance of the species. To accomplish these purposes, the organs are distributed in a certain number of groups or series, each of which has a definite end to fulfil. This end is denominated a l unction: the series of organs receives the name of an apparatus. Of those necessary (or the preservation of the individual, some are designed to place him in relation with external objects, and these constitute the apparatus of relation: the others are destined to repair the loss which the parts of the body are constantly suffering ; they form the apparatus of nutrition. The apparatus of relation may be subdivided into two classes: 1. The apparatus of sensation. 2. The apparatus of motion. Apparatus of Sensation.—The apparatus of sensation consists, 1. Of the organs of sense; 2. Of the nerves ; 3. Of the brain and spinal cord. The organs of the senses are, 1. The skin, which possesses sensibility, the exercise of which constitutes tact. The shin being placed under the direction of the will, and rendered mobile in consequence of the peculiar mechanism of the human hand, is called the organ of touch. 2. The organ of taste, the seat of which is in the cavity of the mouth, that is, at the entrance of the digestive canal. 3. The organ of smell, placed in the nasal fossae, the commencement of the respiratory passages, by which we are en- abled to recognise the odorous emanations of bodies. 4. The organ of hearing, con- structed in accordance with the principles of acoustics, and placed in relation with the vibrations of the air. 5. The organ of sight, which bears relation to the light, and ex- hibits a construction in harmony with the most important laws of dioptrics. The organs of sense receive impressions from without. Four of them occupy the face, and are, therefore, placed in the vicinity of the brain, to which they transmit im- pressions with great rapidity and precision ; and that organ seems, in its turn, to extend into them, so to speak, by means of the nerves. Indeed, the impressions received by the external organs would be arrested in them, were it not for certain conductors of such impressions : these conductors are the nerves—white, fasciculated cords, one ex- tremity of which passes into the organs, while the other is connected to the spinal mar- row and the brain, which are the central parts of the nervous system, the nerves con- stituting the peripheral part. Apparatus of Locomotion.—The apparatus of locomotion consists, 1. Of an active or contractile portion, the muscles. These are terminated by tendons, organs of a pearly white colour, which direct upon a single point the action of many forces ; 2. Of a pas- sive portion, the hones, true levers, which constitute the framework of the body, and the extremities of which, by their mutual contact, form the articulations: in the latter we perceive (a) the cartilages, compressible, elastic substances, which deaden the violence of shocks, and render the contact uniform; (b) an unctuous liquid, the synovia, secreted by membranes denominated synovial: this liquid performs the office of the grease em- ployed in the wheel-work of machinery; (c) bands or ligaments, which maintain the con- nexion of the bones. Such is the apparatus designed to establish the relation between man and external objects. Apparatus of Nutrition.—The apparatus which performs in the human body the im- portant office of nutrition consists of the following parts : A. The digestive apparatus, which consists essentially of a continuous tube or canal, denominated the alimentary canal. This canal has not the same form and structure throughout the whole extent: on the contrary, it is composed of a series of very dissim- ilar organs, all, however, contributing to the formation of one common passage. These organs are, 1. The mouth; 2. The pharynx; 3. The oesophagus, or gullet; 4. The stom- ach ; 5. The intestines; which are farther subdivided into the small intestines, consisting of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, and the large intestines, comprising the ccecum, colon, and rectum. To this long tube, the greater part of which is contained in the abdomen, where it forms numerous reduplications, are annexed, 1. The liver, a glandular organ, whose office it is to secrete the bile, and which occupies the superior and right portion of the abdomen; 2. The spleen, whose functions are involved in great obscurity, but which may, perhaps, be termed an appendix to the liver, on the left side ; 3. The pancreas, which pours a fluid into the duodenum, by an orifice common to it and the biliary duct. B. On the internal surface of the digestive canal, and particularly that portion of it which bears the name of the small intestine, certain vessels open by numerous orifices or mouths,* and carry off the nutritive fluids prepared by the process of digestion; these are the chyliferous or absorbent vessels, which are also called lacteal vessels, on account of the white, milky aspect presented by their contents while absorption is going on. The absorbent apparatus consists, also, of another set of vessels denominated lymphatics, be- cause they contain a colourless liquid named lymph, which they collect from all parts o* * IThis must not be understood literally. See account of the lacteals, infra.J 4 INTRODUCTION. the body. All the absorbent vessels, of whatever order they may be, traverse at differ ent parts of their course certain grayish bodies, called lymphatic ganglions or glands, and finally terminate in the venous system. C. The venous system arises from all parts of the body: it takes up, on the one hand, all those matters which, having been employed a sufficient time as part of the body, must be eliminated from it; and, on the other hand, all those substances which are carried into the system, to contribute to its reparation: it is composed of vessels denominated veins, which at various distances are provided with valves, and at last unite in forming two large veins called vena cava, of which one, the superior, receives the blood from the upper part of the body; the other, the inferior, brings back that which has circulated in* the lower portion. These two venae carae terminate in the central organ of the circulation, the heart, a hollow muscle, containing four contractile cavities : two on the right side, the right au- ricle and ventricle, and two on the left, the left auricle and ventricle. D. Next to these in order of function is the respiratory apparatus, composed of two spongy sacs, placed on each side of the heart, and occupying almost the whole of the chest: these are the lungs. They receive the air from a common tube, the trachea, which is surmounted by a vibratile organ, the larynx, which opens externally by the nose and mouth, and constitutes the organ of voice. E. From that cavity of the heart which is called the left ventricle, arises a large ves- sel, the aorta: this forms the principal and primitive trunk of the whole class of vessels named arteries, whose office it is to convey red blood to all parts of the body, to main- tain their heat and life. F. There still remains one other portion of the nutritive system, the urinary appara- tus, consisting of, 1. The kidneys, organs which secrete the urine: 2. The ureters, by means of which the urine, as soon as secreted, passes off into a spacious receptacle, the bladder, from whence it is at intervals expelled along a passage which has received the name of urethra. Apparatus of Reproduction.—The apparatus above mentioned is destined for individual preservation: the organs which secure the continuance of the species constitute the generative or reproductive apparatus. They differ in the male and in the female. In the male they are, 1. The testicles, which prepare the spermatic or fecundating fluid, 2. The vasa deferentia, tubes which transmit this fluid from the testicle where it is se- creted to the vesiculse seminales ; 3. The vesiculce seminales, or receptacles of semen ; 4. The ejaculatory ducts, through which the seminal fluid passes into the urethra; 5. The prostate and Cowper’s glands, glandular appendages of the organs for the transmission of the semen; 6. The penis, by means of which the fecundating fluid is conveyed into the interior of the genital organs of the female. The generative apparatus in the female is composed of the following organs ; 1. The ovaries, the function of which is to produce, or keep in readiness, the ovulura or germ; 2. The uterine tubes, which transmit the germ, when fecundated, to the uterus ; 3. The uterus or womb, in which the product of conception remains and is developed during the period of gestation; 4. The vagina, a canal which permits the passage of the foetus at its final expulsion; 6. As appertaining to the system should he mentioned the mammary glands, which secrete the milk destined for the nourishment of the new-born infant. There are two methods by which the numerous facts that come within the range of anatomy may be explained. The different organs may be studied in their order of super- position, or in the topographic order, d capite ad ealeem; in this way the most dissimilar parts are brought together, while others are separated which have the greatest analogy; or they may be considered in a physiological order, i. e., an order founded upon the same grounds as serve for the classification of functions. This is clearly the most rational, because it has the incontestable advantage of preparing for the study of the functions bv that of the organs. It may be easily seen, however, that this physiological arrangement should be modified according to the relative difficulty in the study of the different parts of the body; for the great aim in a work of instruction should be to conduct the mind, by degrees, from simple and easy objects to those which are more complicated. It is for this reason that the consideration of the nervous system, which, in strict accordance with physiological arrangement, should be placed near to that of the locomotive appara- tus, is deferred. The object proposed has been to adopt an arrangement which would, as far as possible, reconcile both these views, and, at the same time, be compatible with the greatest economy of subjects for dissection; and this appears to be secured by the method generally adopted, at least with a few slight modifications. The following table presents a view of the general plan of this work: General Plan of the Work. ri. Of the hones—Osteology. Apparatus of locomotion . . • • • jl: Of the articulations—Syndesmology. Of the muscles—Myology. u. Of the aponeuroses—Aponeurolog/. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. s. Apparatus of digestion, appara ;us of respiration, > Snlanchnoloev. gemto-urmary apparatus . . . . ) 1 (Heart ~j Apparatus of the circulation .... 1 / Angeiology. 1 Lymphatics J 1" Organs of the senses 1 A. Apparatus of sensation and innervation . . ■< cor(* ’ ‘ !■ Neurology. L Nerves . . -J APPARATUS OF LOCOMOTION. OSTEOLOGY. The Bones Importance of their Study.—General View of the Skeleton.—Number of the Bones.—Method of Description.—Nomenclature.—Situation in general.—Direction.—Size, vVeight, and Density of Bones.—Figure.—Distinction into Long, Broad, and Flat Bones. —Regions of Bones.—Eminences and Cavities.—Internal Conformation.—Texture.—De- velopment of Osteogeny.—Nutrition. OF THE BONES IN GENERAL. The bones are parts of a stony hardness, but yet organized and living. They serve as a support to all other parts of the body, are a means of protection to many, and afford points of attachment to the muscles, in the midst of which they are situated. All the hard parts of the body, however, are not bones. The fundamental character of a bone consists in its being at once hard and organized. As the bones receive vessels for the purpose of nutrition at every part of their surface, they are surrounded on all sides by a membrane which is fibrous and vascular, named the Periosteum (nepl, around; bareov, a bone). According to this definition, the teeth, horns, nails, and, in articulated animals, the ex- terior skeleton, are not to be considered as bones, but merely ossiform concretions. We may add, that true bones belong exclusively to vertebrated animals. The study of the bones constitutes Osteology, which may be regarded as the basis of anatomy, for without a knowledge of the bones it is impossible to become acquainted with the muscular insertions, or the exact relations between the muscles, nerves, vis- cera, and, above all, the vessels, for which the bones afford the anatomist invariable points of reference. Osteology has, therefore, ever since the time of the Alexandrian school, formed the commencement of the study of anatomy. In the present day, the transcendental anatomists have particularly engaged in the study of the osseous system, doubtless on account of the facility with which it may he investigated; and from their labours, though in many respects speculative, a more ac- curate knowledge has been obtained of some of the nicer points of osteology, which had scarce attracted notice from the older anatomists. Lastly, from the admirable researches of Cuvier respecting fossil animals, osteology has become one of the most important bases of comparative anatomy and geology. By the study of bones the anatomist has been enabled to determine genera and species, no longer existing on the face of the globe, and to give, as it were, new life to these old and disjointed relics of the antediluvian animal kingdom. Thus the fossil bones, deposited in an invariable order of superposition in the crust of the earth, have been transformed into monuments more authentic than historical records. General View of the Skeleton.—The bones form a system or whole, of which the different parts are contiguous, and united to each other. The only exception to this rule is the os hyoides, and yet the ligaments by which it is connected with the rest of the system are evidently the representatives of the osseous pieces, which in the lower animals con- nect this bone with the temporal. The assemblage of the bones constitutes the skeleton. It is called a natural skeleton when its different parts are connected by their own ligaments ; an artificial skeleton, on the other hand, is one of which the bones are joined together by artificial connexions, such as metallic wires, &c. The result of this union is a symmetrical and regular structure, essentially composed of a central column, denominated the vertebral column or spine, which terminates superi- orly in a considerable enlargement, the cranium, and interiorly in certain immovably united vertebrae, which constitute the sacrum and coccyx. Tp this column the following appendages are attached: 1. In front of and below the cranium, a complicated osseous structure, the face, divided into two maxillae, the superior and inferior. 2. On each side twelve bony arches, flexible, elastic, and curved—the ribs, which are united in front to another column, the sternum. These parts, taken together, form the thorax. 3. Four prolongations, called limbs or extremities; two superior, or thoracic, as they are termed, because they correspond with the chest or thorax; and two inferior or pelvic, so named 6 OSTEOLOGY. on account of their connexion with the basin or ■pelvis, but better named abdominal cd tremities. The thoracic and abdominal extremities are evidently modifications of the same fundamental type, and are'essentially composed of the same number of analogous parts, viz.: 1. An osseous girdle, the superior constituted by the bones of the shoulder, the inferior by the pelvis. 2. A part which may be in some measure regarded as the body of the limb, viz., the humerus, in the thoracic extremity, the femur in the abdominal 3. A manubrium or handle, to use an expression of Galen, above the forearm, below the leg. 4. Lastly, digitated appendages which form the extremities, properly so called, viz., the hand and the foot. Number of the Bones.—Authors do not agree respecting the number of the bones. Some, for instance, describe the sphenoid and the occipital as forming only one bone, while most anatomists consider them two distinct bones. Some admit three pieces in the sternum, which they describe separately. Many, after the example of the older writers, divide the haunch into three distinct bones—the pubes, the ischium, and the iieum: others recognise five pelvic or sacral vertebrae; three or five parts of the os hyoides ; and, lastly, the ossa sesamoidea and the ossa wormiana- are omitted by some, but by others are reckoned in the enumeration of the bones. The ideas of certain modern authors with respect to the development of the bones, in- stead of dispelling the uncertainty which attaches to the enumeration of the parts of the skeleton, have tended not a little to increase the confusion, because many of them have made no distinction between bones, properly so called, and pieces of ossification. All doubt, however, in this respect will cease, provided we consider as distinct bones only those portions of the skeleton which are separable at the time of complete development. The time at which the osseous system arrives at its perfect development is between the twenty-fifth and thirtieth year. According to these views, we may count in the human body 198 bones, viz.: Vertebral column, including the sacrum and coccyx . 26 Cranium 8 Face 14 ()s hyoides 1 Thorax (ribs, sternum) 25 Superior extremities, each 32, viz., shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand Inferior extremities, each 30, viz., pelvis, thigh, leg, and foot . G4 60 198 This enumeration does not include the ossa wormiana, nor the ossa sesamoidea, among which we include the patella. Of these 198 bones, 34 only arc single : all the others are in pairs, which reduces the number to be studied to 116. Before proceeding to examine each piece of the skeleton in particular, we shall state the method we intend to pursue in the description. The chief points embraced by de- tailed descriptions of a bone are, 1. Its name; 2. Its general situation; 3. Its direction; 4. Its bulk and weight; 5. Its figure; 6. Its regions; 7. Its relations; 8. Its internal conformation ; 9. Its intimate texture ; 10. Its development. Nomenclature.—Osteological nomenclature has many imperfections. Persuaded of the importance of a suitable choice of language in the study of all the sciences, some anatomists have endeavoured to introduce reforms, but with little success, the old de- nominations being still for the most part retained. From these modern systems of no- menclature we shall adopt only such terms as are strikingly appropriate, or such as have already been sanctioned by usage. We may here observe that the denominations of bones have been derived, 1. From their situation ; as the frontal, which is so called be- cause it is situated in the forehead: 2. From a resemblance, usually very obscure, to some well-known object, as the bones named tibia, scaphoid, malleus, incus, stapes ; or to some geometrical figure, as the cuboid: 3. From their size ; as the os magnum of the carpus, and the small bones or ossicula of the ear; 4. From some circumstance of their external conformation ; as the cribriform or ethmoid bone, the unciform or hooked bone : 5. From the name of the author who first most carefully described them ; as the ossicles of Bcr tin, of Morgagni—wings of Ingrassias, &c. General Situation of Bones.—The situation of a bone is determined by comparing the place which it occupies with that occupied by other bones of the skeleton. In order to make this comparison, the skeleton is supposed to be surrounded by certain planes, which are thus denominated: 1. An anterior plane, passing before the forehead, the breast, and the feet; 2. A posterior plane, passing behind the occiput and the heels ; 3. A superior plane, placed horizontally above the head ; 4. An inferior plane, which passes be- low the soles of the feet; 5 and 6. The two lateral planes, which complete the sort of case or parallelepiped with which we suppose the skeleton to be surrounded. Lastly, the skeleton being symmetrical, i. e., exactly divisible into two similar halves, we admit a seventh imaginary plane, the median or antero-posterior, separating these two halves. By the term median line is understood an imaginary line traced so as to mark exteriorly the division of all the symmetrical bone* of the skeleton into two similar halves. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 7 ihese points being understood, nothing is more easy than to determine the position *a, ,)one: it approach nearer to the anterior plane than others with which it is com- pared, it is said to be anterior to them; if it be nearer the posterior plane, it is said to be posterior to them. Let us take, for example, the malar or cheek bones. With respect o the whole face, they are placed at the anterior, superior, and in some degree the lateral part; relatively to the neighbouring bones, they are situated, 1. Below the frontal; 2. . and a little external to the maxillary ; 3. Before the great wings of the sphenoid and the zygomatic process of the temporal. Direction of Bones.—The direction of a bone is absolute or relative. The absolute di- rection is expressed by the terms straight, curved, angular, or twisted; in a word, it is the wrection of a bone considered by itself, or independently of its situation in the skeleton. he long bones are never quite straight: sometimes they present a slight degree of cur- vature, as the femur; sometimes their extremities are curved in opposite directions, ike the letter S, as the clavicle: sometimes, again, they are twisted upon their own axas> as the humerus, the fibula, &c. Hie relative direction is determined by reference to the planes which circumscribe he skeleton. Viewed in this manner, a bone is vertical, horizontal, or oblique. It is heedless to enter into any explanation of the terms vertical and horizontal; but with re- gard to the oblique direction, it may be stated that this is determined by the respective situations of its two extremities. For example, a bone is oblique when one extremity approximates the superior, the median, and the posterior planes, while the other ap- proaches nearer to the inferior, lateral, and anterior planes ; such a bone is said to be oblique from above downward, from within outward, and from behind forward. It is easy to see that in this way the situation of a bone relatively to the different planes may be determined with the greatest exactness. It should be observed, that in describing the direction ol a bone, we should always set out from the same point. Thus, if the direc- tion of a bone from above downward is spoken of in determining its obliquity from be- fore backward, and from within outward, we should always commence with the supe rior extremity. Size, Weight, and Density of Bones.—The size of a bone may be measured by the ex- tent ol its three dimensions; but as an exact estimate is not in general required, it is sufficient to indicate the volume of each bone relatively to others, whence has arisen the division ot bones into great, middle-sized, and small; a distinction, however, altogeth- er vague and futile, since from the largest to the smallest bones there is so regular a gradation that the limits assigned must be quite arbitrary. The weight, or the mass of the skeleton compared with the rest of the body, the weight °f each bone, and the comparative weight of different bones, are points of little inter- est ; such, however, is not the case with the specific weight or density of bones. In respect of density, viz., the number of molecules in a given volume, the bones are the heaviest of all organs. The truth of this assertion is by no means contradicted by the lightness of certain bones, which is only apparent, and which is caused by vacant spaces or cells in their substance. This density varies in different kinds of bones, in bones of the same kind, and even in different parts of the same bone. Thus, in the long bones, the greatest density is in the middle : the extremities of the long bones and the short bones have a much lower density. The broad or flat bones hold a middle place between the shaft of long bones and the short bones. Of these broad bones, those of the cranium are heavier than those of the pelvis. Age has a remarkable influence upon the specific weight of bones. It has been said that the bones of the aged are specifically more heavy than those of the adult, just as the bones of the adult are specifically heavi- ei than those of the infant; and this assertion appears the more probable, from it being generally admitted, as a law of organization, that the phosphate of lime increases in bones with the progress of age ; and it is well known that the weight of bones depends, m part, on the presence of this calcareous phosphate. But on this point, as on many others, experience has refuted these preconceived opinions. Thus, it is certain that the specific, as well as the absolute weight of hones, is much less considerable in the old person than in the adult; and this difference depends upon the loss of substance which the bones undergo, in common with all other tissues, during the progress of age : thus, in aged subjects, the walls of the cylinder of the long bones are remarkably diminished in thickness, while the medullary cavity is proportionally increased. We may even af- firm, with Chaussier, that the medullary cavity of the shaft of long bones has” a greater diameter, in proportion as the individual is advanced in age. In like manner, the cells of the spongy tissue become much larger, and their walls acquitc an extreme tenuity. It may, nevertheless, be contended, that the weight of the osseous fibre, or, rather, of he osseous molecules of the old people, is greater, comparatively, than that of the same parts in the adult; and this presumption is almost converted into certainty by chemical analysis, which shows an excess of phosphate of lime in the bones of the aged : to re- move all doubts upon this point, it would be necessary to grind an adult bone and an old one, and to weigh in the balance an equal bulk of each powder. In this wTay the contra uictory statements of certain authors might be reconciled. 8 OSTEOLOGY. The increasing fragility of bones, and the consequent frequency of fractures in old age, are easily explained, since along with the accumulation of phosphate of lime, which di- minishes the elasticity while it increases the brittleness, there occurs a diminution of bulk, and, consequently, there is less resistance. It is with respect to the quantity of calcareous phosphate alone that the osseous system can be said to preponderate in old age. Shape of Bones.—The shape of a bone is determined, 1. By comparison either with different known objects, or with geometrical figures: thus the frontal bone has been compared to the scallop-shells of pilgrims, the sphenoid to a bat with extended wings, &c. It may be readily conceived that, notwithstanding its want of exactness, this meth- od of comparison, so familiar to the ancients, cannot be altogether proscribed. The « omparison of bones whose forms are so irregular with the regular solid figures of which geometry treats is no less inaccurate than the preceding; nevertheless, we shall con- tinue, like other anatomists, to speak of the short bones as cuboidal, the shafts of long bones as being 'prismatic and triangular, the lower maxillae parabolic, &c. We shall speak of spheres, of cones, of ovoids, of cylinders, &c. 2. The symmetry or want of symmetry of bones is a fundamental point in the deter- mination of their figure : thus, some bones are divisible into two halves exactly resem- bling each other; these are the symmetrical or azygos bones, also called median, be- cause they always occupy the middle line. The others can not be divided into two sim- ilar parts ; these are the asymmetrical bones, called also lateral or corresponding, because they are always in pairs, and situated on opposite sides of the median line. 3. The figure of a bone comprehends, also, the proportion which its three dimensions bear to each other. When the three dimensions, length, breadth, and thickness, are nearly equal, the bone is said to be short; when the length and breadth are almost the same, and both greater than the thickness, the bone is called broad or flat. Lastly, the predominance of one dimension over the two others constitutes the character of long bones. The distinction here drawn, however, is not altogether exact, because there are certain mixed bones which partake at the same time of the character of the long and the broad bones. Some general observations upon the three great classes will not be out of place here, as they will be applicable in the description of the individual bones. General Characters of Long, Flat, and Short Bones. Of Long Bones.—The long bones are situated in the extremities, in the centre of which they form a set of pillars or levers placed upon each other. The bones of the abdominal extremities are generally longer and larger than those of the thoracic. The longest bones are in the upper part of the limbs ; it may be said, indeed, that the length of bones is in the direct ratio of their proximity to the trunk. The diameter of the long bones is smallest in their middle. From this part, as from a centre, they gradually increase in volume, and at their extremities are much enlarged, so as to present a diameter double or treble that of the shaft. Every long bone, therefore, presents a biconical form, i. e., is shaped like two cones united by their summits. A long bone consists of a shaft and extremities. The shaft of the long bones is almost always prismatic and triangular; so much so, that in this respect the bones seem to be an exception to the general rule of organized bodies, which have usually a rounded form, and to approach nearer that of the mineral kingdom, the characteristic shape of which is angular. The extremities of long bones are enlarged, that they may serve, 1. For articula- tions ; 2. For the insertion of ligaments and muscles ; 3. For the reflection of tendons, the direction of which they alter. Each extremity presents a smooth articular surface, covered with cartilage in the fresh state, and not perforated by any foramina, and a non-articular portion, rough, pierced with apertures, and covered with eminences and depressions. Of Broad or Flat Bones.—These bones, intended to form the parietes of cavities, are more or less curved, and present for consideration a circumference and two surfaces; the internal concave, the external convex. No single broad bone constitutes a cavity; there are always a certain number united for this purpose. Some broad bones are alter- nately concave and convex on the same surface, as the haunch bones. In flat or broad bones there is no accurate correspondence between the inequalities, ridges, or depres- sions of the two surfaces. Thus, the iliac portion of the haunch bones, instead of pre senting a convexity on the inner surface, to correspond with the external iliac fossa, is hollowed out into another depression, the internal iliac fossa. In like manner, in the cranium certain impressions and eminences exist on the internal surface, while the ex- ternal is uniformly convex, and almost smooth. The parietal, and even the occipital protuberances, would be twice or three times more prominent if the interior concavity were faithfully represented by a corresponding external prominence, and if this concav- ity were not in a great measure hollowed out from the substance of the bone. The circumference of broad bones being intended either for articulations or for inser- tions, is for this purpose greatly thickened. Thus the parietal bones, which are very GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. hin at their centre, become considerably thicker at the circumference. The broad 'ones piesent at their circumference sometimes a simple enlargement, when it is in- ended for muscular insertions only; for example, the haunch bones : sometimes indent- ations of various kinds, and sinuosities, when it is to serve the purpose of articulation; the bones of the cranium. Of Short Bones.—These are principally met with in the vertebral column, the carpus, and the tarsus ; in fact, wherever great solidity is required in connexion with slight mo- bility ; several of them are always grouped together; their form is extremely irregular, but generally cuboid ; they have also numerous facettes for articulation. The non-artic- ular portion is rough, for the insertion of ligaments and tendons. Regions of Bones.—There are so many objects to be considered on the surface of a bone, that it is necessary, in order to prevent the omission of any essential detail m the description, to divide the surface into a certain number of parts or regions, which should be successively examined. These different parts or regions have been denom- inated faces, borders, and angles. Thus, in the prismatic and triangular shafts of long bones, there are three faces and three borders to be considered; in the flat bones, two faces and a circumference, which is again subdivided into borders and angles formed by the meet- ing of these borders. There are six faces in the short bones. These faces and borders are named sometimes, from their situation, superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, &c.; some- times from the parts winch they contribute to form, such as the orbital and palatine fa- ces of the superior maxillary bone ; sometimes from their relations to other parts, as the cerebral and cutaneous face of the bones of the cranium, the frontal, occipital, and tem- poral borders of the parietal bones. When the borders give insertion to a great number of muscles, it has been deemed advisable to divide these into three parts or parallel lines ; the middle is then called the interstice, and the two lateral are named lips, the in- ternal and external lip ; the superior border of the haunch bone, and the linea aspera of the femur, are examples. Eminences and Cavities of Bones.—The bones present certain eminences and cavities, of which it is proper to take a general survey in this place. Eminences of Bones.—The osseous eminences or processes were divided by the an- cients into two great classes, apophyses and epiphyses, distinguished by the difference of their mode of development. According to their view, some of these eminences arise from the body of the bone, appearing to be nothing more than prolongations or vege- tations of its substance; these they called apophyses; others, on the contrary, are formed by separate osseous centres or nuclei, which make their appearance at various times during the process of the development of bone : to these they gave the name of epiphyses. This distinction, however, founded upon incomplete observation, has been totally rejected, since the researches of M. Serres on Osteogeny have rendered it evi- dent that almost all the osseous eminences are developed from isolated nodules; so that an eminence, which at one time is an epiphysis, becomes afterward an apophysis. If, therefore, the majority of eminences are formed from separate osseous points, the dif- ference between them can apply only to the relative periods at which they become uni- ted to the body of the bone. A far more important distinction is that by which the eminences are divided into articular and non-articular. The articular eminences have received different names. 1. They are called dentic- ulations when they form angular eminences resembling the teeth of a saw; these are best seen in the bones of the cranium. This kind of eminence is employed only in im- movable articulations. I he others belong to joints which admit of motion, and have received the following names : 1. They are called heads when they represent a portion of a sphere supported by a more contracted portion, to which the name of neck is given; for example, the head and neck of the femur. 2. The term condyle is applied to them when they resemble an elongated head, or a portion of an ovoid cut parallel to its greatest diameter ; for exam- ple, the condyles of the inferior maxilla. The non-articular eminences are, for the most part, designed for muscular insertions. Their appellations are in general derived from their shape. Thus, they are denominated, 1- Prominences. When they are but slightly elevated, smooth, and almost equally ex- tended in all directions ; as the parietal and frontal eminences. 2. Mamillary Processes. When they resemble papillae; for instance, the mamillary processes of the internal surface of the bones of the cranium. 3. Tuberosities. When they are of a larger size, round, but uneven; for example, the occipital protuberance, the bicipital tuberosity (or tubercle) of the radius. 4. Spines or Spinous Processes. When, from their acuminated, but generally rugged form, they bear some resemblance to a thorn ; as the spine of the tibia, the spinous pro- cesses of the vertebra. 5. Lines. When their length greatly exceeds their breadth ;as the semicircular lines of the occipital bone. When these lines are more prominent, and covered with asper- they receive the name of lineae aspera ; as the linea aspera of the femur. 13 10 OSTEOLOGY. 6. Crests. When they are elevated, and have a sharp edge ;as the external and inter nal crest of the occipital bone, the crest of the tibia. One of these eminences has been denominated the crista galli, because it bears some resemblance to the comb of a cock. 7. The term apophyses (or processes) has been retained for those eminences which are of a certain size, and appear to form, as it were, a little bone superadded to that from which they spring; they are distinguished, for the most part, by epithets derived from their shape. Thus, the clinoid processes of the sphenoid are so called from their supposed resemblance to the supporters of a bed {Fkivy, a bed ; ehhc, shape). Pterygoid processes are those which are like wings (7-repxf, a wing). Mastoid, such as resemble a nipple (uaardr, mamma). Zygomatic, such as have the form of a yoke (fvybg, a yoke). Styloid, such as are like a style. Coronoid, such as are shaped like one of the angular projec- tions of a diadem.* Odontoid, such as resemble a tooth; as the odontoid process of the second cervical vertebra. Coracoid, such as have the form of a raven’s beak (kopal;, a raven); as the coracoid process of the scapula. Malleoli, such as are like a hammer {malleus, a hammer). Some processes have received names, 1. From the parts they contribute to form— orbitar processes, malar processes, olecranon {ulevy, the elbow; Kpdvov, head): 2. From their direction ; as the ascending process of the superior maxilla : 3. From their uses ; as the trochanters to turn), because they serve for the insertion of muscles, w'hich rotate the leg on its own axis. No part of the language of osteology, perhaps, is more faulty than the nomenclature of the eminences. Thus, how unlike is the spine of the scapula to the spinous processes of the vertebra, or the styloid process of the temporal to the diminutive projection call- ed styloid of the radius ! Many eminences which perform analogous offices have re- ceived different names ; thus, the eminences of the humerus, wThich give attachment to its rotating muscles, are called the great and small tuberosities ; while the correspond- ing parts of the femur have been denominated trochanters. While, therefore, we retain the names consecrated by usage, we shall be careful to point out the more rational terms substituted by modern anatomists, and particularly by Chaussier. The size of the eminences of insertion is in general proportional to the number and strength of the muscles and ligaments which are attached to them. To be convinced of this fact, it is only necessary to compare the male and female skeleton, or that of a man of sedentary habits and that of a person devoted to athletic exercises. This re- markable correspondence between the size of osseous eminences and the strength of the muscles which are inserted into them, has given rise to the opinion that these eminences are formed by muscular traction. It is easy to refute this notion, and without entering into details which belong to general anatomy, we shall prove, by facts, that the osseous projections enter into the primordial plan of organization, so much so, that they would have doubtless existed, even though the muscles had never exercised any traction upon the bones. I have twice had occasion to dissect the thoracic extremities of individuals, who, in consequence of convulsions during their earliest infancy, had suffered complete paralysis of these parts. The limb affected had scarcely the proportions of that of a child of eight or nine years, while the opposite limb was perfectly developed. Never- theless, in this atrophied limb, the smallest as well as the largest projections were per- fectly marked. Moreover, very powerful muscles are often inserted into cavities, as, for instance, the pterygoid cavity of the sphenoid. Cavities of Bones.—Besides the great cavities of the skeleton, cavities in the formation of which many bones concur, and which are destined to lodge and defend the organs most important to life, there are a great number of smaller excavations formed in the substance of the bone itself. These cavities, like the eminences, are divided into two great classes, articular and non-articular. The articular cavities have received different names. 1. The term cotyloid designates the articular cavity in the haunch bone, because it is deep and round, like a vessel known by the ancients under the name of kotv!y. 2. The name glenoid (from ■ylvvy) is applied to many articular cavities, which are more shallow; for example, the glenoid cavity of the scapula, the glenoid cavity of the temporal bone. 3. The term al- veoli has been assigned to the cells or sockets in which the roots of the teeth are lodged. It is not correct, however, to consider as an articulation the union of the teeth with the jaws, because, as we shall afterward show, the teeth are not true bones. The non-articular cavities are to be considered with reference both to their figure and their uses. From their figure, they have received the following denominations ; 1. Fossa, or pits, are cavities largely excavated, wider at the margin than at the bottom; e.g., the parietal fossae. 2. Sinuses are cavities with a narrow entrance ; as the sphenoidal sinus, maxillary sinus, &c. 3. The term cells is applied when the cavities are small, but nu- merous, and communicating with each other ; as*the ethmoidal cells, &c. 4. Channels (gutters) are cavities which resemble an open semi-cylindrical canal; as the channels for the longitudinal and lateral sinuses of the scull. 5. These take the name of grooves * [Also from Kopiivrj, a crow—like a crow’s beak.] GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. (co ■thsses) when they are lined by a thin layer of cartilage, for the passage of tendons • < a he bicipital groove of the humerus. The term -pulley or trochlea is applied to grooves U('1 have their two borders also covered with cartilage. 6. Furrows are superficial fifipiessions, long, but very narrow, and intended for the lodgment of vessels or nerves, as the furrows for the middle meningeal artery. 7. When more deeply excavated than he last, and angular at the bottom, they are named by the French anatomists Rainyres. ■ A notch (incisura) is a cavity cut in the edge of a bone.* i he cavities which we have described exist only on one surface of a bone ; those vhich perforate its substance are usually denominated foramina or holes. 1. when a foramen has an irregular, and, as it were, lacerated orifice, it is named a foramen lacerum. 2. When its orifice is very small and irregular, it is called hiatus; v hen the opening is long, narrow, and resembling a crack or slit, it is denominated a fissure; as the sphenoidal fissure, the glenoid fissure, &c. 3. If the perforation runs some way through the substance of a bone, it is called a conduit or canal; as the Vidian canal, carotid canal, &c. I here are some canals which lodge the vessels intended for the nourishment of the n°n3 : these are called nutritious canals. They are divided into three kinds. I he first, which belong exclusively to the shafts of long bones, and to some broad bones, penetrate the substance of the bone very obliquely. These are the nutritious canals prop- erly so called. Anatomists carefully point out their situation, size, and direction, in de- scribing each bone. . The second kind are seen on the extremities of long bones, on the borders, or adjoin- ing the borders, of broad bones. Canals of this kind are generally near the articular sur- faces. Their number is always considerable. Bichat has counted 140 on the lower end °f fhe thigh bone, twenty upon a vertebra, and fifty upon the os calcis. The third kind of nutritious canals are exceedingly small, and might be denominated the capillary canals of hones. They are found in great numbers on the surfaces of all bones. They may be easily seen by the aid of a good magnifying glass ; their presence is also indicated by the drops of blood which appear upon the surface of a bone on tear- ing oft' the periosteum; for example, on the internal surface of the cranium, after sep- arating the dura mater. The diameter of these little canals has been calculated to be about the l-20th of a line. The farther progress of the above-mentioned canals is as follows : those of the first kind, which belong to the long bones, soon divide into two secondary canals, one ascend- ing, the other descending, and communicating with the central or medullary cavity. Ihose which are situated in the broad bones form winding passages, which run for a considerable distance in the substance of the bone. The canals of the second kind sometimes pass completely through the bone (as in the bodies of the vertebra;;), and they communicate with the spongy tissue. The canals of the third kind terminate at a greater or less depth, in the compact substance of the long bones, and in the spongy tissue of the short bones. Such are the forms and general ar- rangement of all the cavities which exist on the surface of the bone ; the following are their uses : 1. They serve for the reception and protection of certain organs ; ex., the occipital fossae, which receive a portion of the cerebellum. 2. For insertion or surfaces of attachment, as those on which muscular fibres are implanted, as the temporal and pterygoid fossae. 3. For the transmission of certain organs, such as vessels and nerves which have to pass into or out of an osseous cavity; such are the fissures, canals, fora- mina, &c. 4. For increasing the extent of surface ; as the sinuses and cells connected with the organ of smelling, the surface of which they greatly enlarge by their numerous anfractuosities.f 5. For the easy passage of tendons, and sometimes for their reflec- tion, so that the original direction of the force is changed. To this class belong the bi- cipital groove of the humerus, that for the tendon of the obturator interims, &c. They are generally converted into canals by means of fibrous tissue, which lines and com- pletes them. 6. For the nutrition of bones, such being the use of the three orders of nutritious canals already described. We must mention, along with these osseous cavi- ties, other markings or impressions seen on the surface of many bones ; for example, the shallow depressions in the lower jaw bone for the sub-lingual and sub-maxillary glands, the impressions named digital on the internal surface of the cranium. As the eminences of bones have been attributed to the mechanical effect of muscular traction, so the various impressions and vascular furrows upon the internal surface of the cranium have been considered to be the result of pressure and pulsation; but it Would be more correct to limit ourselves to the simple statement, that the impressions find eminences on the inside of the cranial bones exactly correspond with the elevations and depressions on the surface of the brain, and also that the osseous furrows for the nriddle meningeal artery correctly represent the ramifications of that vessel. + «7*ere's £=rea*; lati tilde among anatomical writers in the use of these terms. ] eil Whatever other purpose they may serve, such cells and sinuses age, in most instances, to be regard- a provision for increasing the bulk and strength of bones without a corresponding augmentation ol 12 OSTEOLOGY. We may here point out certain rules to be followed in describing the external confor- mation of bones. 1. In describing the surface of a bone, it should be so divided that the description may comprehend but few objects at a time. Thus, a broad bone is to be di- vided into two surfaces, into angles and borders, which are to be successively studied. 2. The bone being thus subdivided into regions, each of these is then examined, care being taken regularly to proceed from one part to its opposite, i. e., to pass from the su- perior to the inferior surface, and from the anterior to the posterior. This is the only method which, in along description, will guard against omissions and avoid tiresome repetitions. 3. It is also of great importance, in considering the objects presented by each region or surface, to follow an invariable and regularly progressive order. Thus, after exposing the objects placed in front, the examination should be continued uninter- ruptedly from this point backward. 4. In the symmetrical bones, it is advisable to de- scribe, first, the objects situated in the median line, and afterward those placed laterally. Internal Conformation of Bones.—The tissue of bones, like that of most other organs, presents the appearance of fibres, whose properties are throughout identical, but which, by certain differences in their mode of arrangement, give rise to two forms or modifica- tions of structure. To one of these the name of compact substance has been given; to the other, that of spongy or cancellated substance. A subordinate modification of the lat- ter has long been described under' the name of reticular tissue. The spongy or cellular substance has the appearance of cells and areolae, of an irregu- lar shape and variable size, all of which communicate with each other, and their walls are partly fibrous, partly lamellar. The compact substance seems to consist of fibres strongly compressed, so as to form a close, firm tissue. It is both fibrous and areolar. By means of careful inspection, softening the bone in nitric acid, and studying its devel- opment, it has been clearly proved that it is fibrous, and that in long bones the fibres are arranged longitudinally, while in broad bones they seem to diverge like rays from the centre to every part of the circumference ; and that in the short bones they are disposed irregularly, so as to form a superficial layer or crust. The researches of Malpighi have conclusively shown that it is also areolar or spongy. By examining a bone softened by nitric acid, or studying it in the foetal state, it may be seen that, in feet, the compact tis- sue is nothing more than an areolar substance, the meshes of which are extremely close and much elongated. Accidental ossifications, and the diseases of bone which so fre- quently exhibit the compact tissue converted into spongy, and the spongy changed into compact, complete the demonstration.* In strictness, therefore, but one form of osseous tissue can be admitted, namely, the areolar, which presents itself under two aspects, sometimes being close, compact, and fasciculated; sometimes spongy and cellular. Having thus become acquainted with these two forms of osseous tissue, their general arrangement in the different kinds of bones is next to be examined. Internal Structure of Long Bones.—A vertical section of a long bone presents, in the body or shaft, a cylindrical cavity, which, in the fresh state, is filled with a soft, fatty substance, named the marrow. This cavity, or medullary canal, is of greatest diameter at the middle of the shaft; and, as it recedes from this point, it is narrowed and inter- sected at various parts by lamella; detached from the sides, and forming a sort of incom- plete partitions. Sometimes, however, there is a complete partition; thus, I have seen the cylinder of a femur divided into two distinct halves by a horizontal partition situa- ted precisely in the middle of the bone. The medullary canal is not regularly cylindri- cal, nor does it correspond in figure with the external surface of the hone. It commu- nicates with the exterior by means of the nutritious canals, which sometimes run, for a considerable distance in the substance of the bone, parallel to the medullary cavity, with which they communicate by numerous apertures, and transmit the vessels as far as the extremities of the bone. Some have supposed that the cavity existed only in order to receive the marrow, while, on the other hand, it has been maintained that the marrow existed only to fill up the cavity. Whatever be the uses of the marrow, it is certain that the existence of a cavity in the centre of long bones is an advantageous provision for strength ; for it is proved in physics, that, of two cylinders, composed of the same material in equal quantity, the one which is hollow, and whose diameters are, conse- quently, greater, will offer greater resistance than that which is solid. By the contri- vance, therefore, of the medullary canal, there is an increase of strength without aug- * [The description in the text applies to the more obvious structure of bone : hut, when examined with the microscope, the osseous substance, both compact and spongy, is seen to consist of exceedingly fine lamellse laid on one another. In the compact external crust of bones, these lamelhe run parallel with the surface ; they also surround, concentrically, the small cavities of the compact substance and the cells of the spongy texture, the parietes of which they form. They are not to be confounded with the coarser layers and plates described in the compact substance by Gagliardi, Monro, and others of the older writers. Along with the la- mellae there are minute, opaque, white bodies, with extremely fine lines irregularly branching out from them. These bodies, which can be seen only with the aid of the microscope, are named the osseous corpuscules ; they obviously contain calcareous matter, and are, probably, minute ramified cavities lined with earthy salts. The earthy matter of bone, however, is not confined to the corpuscules, for the intermediate substance is also impregnated with it. For a representation of the minute structure of bone, see Muller's Physiology, translated by Baly, pl&te I.] GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 13 ntation of weight. There is another advantage in this arrangement, viz., the in- intaS? vo^ume without corresponding increase of weight; for, since the bones an; , en(led to give insertion to numerous muscles, it is necessary that their surfaces th °i - not re(i|lce(i to too small dimensions ; but this must have been the result had ie walls of the hollow cylinder been compressed so as to form a solid rod. The mar- ow consists of two distinct parts ; 1. The medullary membrane, which lines the walls ° rp!e canai- 2. The fatty tissue, properly so called, or the medullary liquid. ihe membrane, highly vascular, serves to nourish the internal layers of the bone : it possesses great sensibility and a high degree of vitality. The fatty tissue, on the con- rary, is altogether insensible. If a probe be introduced into the centre of the medulla 0 a lon§ bone in a living animal, no sign of pain is evinced so long as the instrument does not touch the walls of the cavity; but whenever the walls are rubbed or scratched, the pain oeotnes excessive, and is manifested by piercing cries and violent struggles. , he proportion between the thickness of the walls of the cylinder and the diameter ot he medullary canal varies not only in different individuals, but in the same person at dif- erent periods of life. In the aged, the thickness of the walls is proportionally much less ban in the adult; this is one cause of the great fragility of the bones in old age. Some- imes in the adult the walls are so thin, that the bone breaks by the slightest force : in such cases, there is in some sort hypertrophy of the medulla and atrophy of the bone. 1 is in such cases that fractures occur from the simple effect of muscular contraction, °r even from moving in bed. It is in the central canal of long bones that those very delicate osseous filaments are observed, which, interlacing with each other, and forming large meshes, give rise to that J anety of spongy tissue which has received the name of reticular, and which appears in- tended to give support to the medulla. The compact tissue diminishes, and the cells increase in number, the greater the distance from the centre of the bone, so that the ex- tremities are entirely composed of spongy substance covered by a thin layer of compact tissue. It appears that the compact tissue which forms the shafts of the bones divides and subdivides into lamellae, in order to form the cells of the extremities. It is easy to perceive the advantage of a spongy structure in the usually voluminous extremities of the long bones : they could not have been compact without a great increase of weight, while tac additional strength thus acquired would have been redundant, and altogether useless. The cells of the spongy substance are filled by an adipose tissue, similar to that which exists in the bodies of long bones: from its greater fluidity, it has been denominated niedullary juice. Internal Structure of Broad Bones.—lf the surface of a broad bone be scraped, or if the bone be sawn across perpendicularly or obliquely, it will be found to consist of two lamella or tables, separated by a greater or less thickness of spongy tissue. Hence the two plates are insulated, and one may be fissured or broken without injury to the other. The thick- ness of the compact laminae and of the spongy tissue is not uniform throughout the whole extent of a broad bone. At the centre, for example, there is scarcely any spongy tissue, and hence the transparency of the bone at this part. Towards the circumference, on the contrary, the spongy tissue forms a very thick layer. In the bones which form the vault of the cranium, the spongy substance takes the name of difloe {dm ?.6oc, double), because it occupies the interval between the two tables. From what has been said regarding the internal structure of broad bones, it is evident that their distinctive character depends as much upon their internal as their external conformation, and therefore the ribs, which, according to their external characters, seem ™ to belong to the long bones, have been classed among the broad, because they exhibit m their internal structure the characters of the latter kind of bones. Internal Structure of Short Bones.—The extremity of a long bone, if separated from the shaft, would represent a short bone, both in its external and internal conformation ; for a short bone is a spongy mass, covered by a thin layer of compact tissue. To their spongy structure the short bones, as well as the extremities of the long, owe their specific lightness. It should be observed, that what has been said concerning the internal structure of ?ones applies, in strictness, only to those of the adult, because the younger the subject, the ess are the cells of the spongy tissue developed. And, in like manner, as the walls of the cylinder of long bones diminish in thickness, and the medullary cavity increases in diam- eter la the aged, so by the progress of age the walls of the cells become extremely thin, and the cells themselves very large. In some cases of disease, for example, after white swelling of the ankle-joint, I have observed true medullary canals in the cuboid bone and calcaneum; and I have remarked in one case of cancer of the breast, that the ribs adjoining the tumour were hollowed out by a sort of medullary canal. It is to this dimi- nution of the osseous substapce, this kind of atrophy of the bone, that I am disposed to attribute the fragility so often observed in the whole osseous system in cancerous diseases. Chemical' Composition of Bones.—The bony tissue consists essentially of two distinct feaients! pne inorganic, the other organized. When a bone is subjected to the action dilute nitric acid, the salts are removed; it becomes flexible and elastic like cartilage, •no though retaining its original bulk and form, is found to have lost a great part of 14 OSTEOLOGY. its weight. By this process its saline ingredients have been dissolved, and nothing re- mains but its organic constituents, which, being subjected to boiling, present all the characters of gelatine. On the other hand, if a bone be calcined, the whole of its organic matter is destroyed, giving out during the process the odour of burned horn. A substance remains which preserves exactly the shape and size of the original bone, but at the same time is very light, porous, and so friable that it crumbles to powder under the slightest pressure. If the calcination be complete, the bone is rendered perfectly white, but it is black when the burning has not been carried sufficiently far ; it may even be vitrified by a more in- tense heat applied for a longer time. Prolonged exposure to the action of air and moist- ure in like manner remove the organized substance, and leave only a calcareous residue. The two elements of bone do not bear the same proportion at different ages. Certain diseases greatly affect the predominance of one or the other, producing almost the same effects as chemical agents. To the inorganic matter the bones owe their hardness and durability; to the organized substance they are indebted for their vitality and the slight degree of flexibility and elas- ticity which they possess. The following are the results furnished by the chemical analysis of M. Berzelius: 1. Organized Part ) 1. Animal matter reduced to gelatine t 2. Insoluble animal matter f Phosphate of lime . 1 Carbonate of lime .... by boiling . 3217 . M3 . 51-04 . 11-30 2. Inorganic Part e^u well defined. Some apply the term to that period of formation in which the bones and the other organs of the body form but one homogeneous mass of a mucous aspect others use the term to signify a more advanced stage, in which the bones, acquiring a greater consistence than the surrounding parts, begin to show their development through these more transparent tissues. In-the latter sense, the mucous stage is obviously no- thing but the commencement of the cartilaginous, and therefore the first acceptation is the only one to be retained. 2. The cartilaginous stage succeeds the mucous, though the time of the transition from the one to the other has not been precisely ascertained. Several anatomists are of opin- io», with Mr. Howship, that the cartilaginous state does not necessarily intervene be- tween the mucous and osseous conditions; that its occurrence is only satisfactorily de- monstrated in such bones as are late in ossifying, and that it constitutes a sort of provis- ional condition, in which the cartilage is employed to perform the office of bone. Bui when we take into consideration, in the first place, the rapid transition from the cartila- ginous to the osseous stage in certain bones, and, secondly, the translucency of newly- formed cartilage when of inconsiderable thickness, as in the cranium, where the carti- lage is scarcely to be distinguished from the two membranes between which it is placed, We can conceive that the cartilaginous stage may easily have been overlooked. On the other hand, the constant result of my observations proves that, in the natural process of ossification, every bone passes through the state of cartilage. M'hen the different pieces of the skeleton assume the cartilaginous condition, the change occurs'throughout their whole substance at once. The notion of central points cl cartiiaginification, corresponding with the points of ossification, is purely hypotheti- cal ; a bone becomes cartilaginous in all parts simultaneously, and never by insulated points. The cartilage has the same figure as the future bone. Bones which are to be permanently united by intermediate cartilage, are formed from c'' onrnitive piece of cartilage, as those of the cranium and face : those, on the other :UUa, which are connected together only by ligaments, are distinct and separable while in the cartilaginous state. 3. The osseous stage. The cartilaginous condition of the skeleton is completed by the end of the second month ;* but ossification commences in several places long before this period. The first point of ossification appears after the fourth week in the clavicle ; the second, in the lower jaw. From the thirty-fifth to the fortieth day points of ossifica- tion appear sometimes successively, in other cases simultaneously, in the thigh-bone, the humerus, the tibia, and upper jaw-bone. From the fortieth to the fifty-fifth day, points of ossification appear at short intervals in the annular portion of the uppermost vertebrae, in the bodies of the dorsal vertebrae, in the ribs, the tabular bones of the scull, (he fibula, the scapula, the ilium, the nasal, palatine, and metacarpal bones, the phalan- ges of the fingers and toes, the metatarsus, &c. Once commenced, the ossification pro- ceeds with more or less rapidity in the different bones during the remainder of intra- uterine life. 5 In the child at birth, the shafts of the long, as well as the broad bones, are far advan- ced in development. As to the short bones, the vertebral are scarcely less early in theii evolution than the long and broad bones ; the calcaneum, cuboid, and sometimes the as ragalus, have points of ossification, but only commencing. The extremities of the long iones, with a single exception, the lower end of the femur, are as yet without ossifying points. The remaining short bones and extremities of long bones ossify subsequently. i the tarsal bones, the scaphoid is the last to ossify; the pisiform is the latest among be carpal bones ; the patella is ossified at the age of three years. in regard to the process of ossification, a question of the highest interest presents it- selt, viz., Is the successive appearance of the centres of ossification governed by any general law ? the order of commencement of the points of ossification is in no way dependant on he size of the bones. It is true that the smaller bones, excepting the ossicles of the ftai, are later in appearing; but, at the same time, it is not the largest bones that are the earliest; thus, the bones of the pelvis appear long after the clavicle. jx „ le relative time of ossification of the different bones, or, at least, the order in which it commences in the*111>1S ?asily determmed ; but owing to the uncertainty respecting the age of the embryo in its early stages, stat at>s°wte time of festal life at which each bone begins to ossify is very uncertain, and, accordingly, the as ,?Inellt®■°f many anatomists differ from that given in the text: thus the seventh week is assigned by some e period when ossification commences in the clavicle. The age fixed by the author appears too early.l 16 OSTEOLOGY. Proximity to the heart or great vessels has no effect on the precocity of development. Though the ribs which are near the heart ossify speedily, the breast-bone, on the other hand, which is still nearer, is one of the bones latest in ossifying. Again, the anterior and inferior angle of the parietal, which is close to the anterior branch of the middle meningeal artery, is the part of the bone which last ossifies. The femoral artery lies on the confines of the os pubis and ilium, which at that part long x-emain cartilaginous. The true law which governs the order of appearance of the points of ossification is this, viz., that the period of formation is earlier or later in the several bones according to the period at which they are required to fulfil their office in the economy. Thus, the jaws being required to act immediately after birth, are ossified before the other bones of the head. In the same way, the ribs, destined for a function which must commence from the moment of birth, are for this purpose completely ossified : the vertebrae and bones of the cranium appear early, because of their use as protecting the spinal cord and brain; and it is thus that the pretended correspondence between the rapidity of ossifica- tion and proximity to the nervous centres is explained. Although several of the bones are completed solely by an extension of the primitive nuclei of ossification, the greater number acquire, in addition to these principal or es- sential pieces, complementary points of ossification named epiphyses. Thus, whileHn the frontal the two original points of ossification suffice by their extension for the com- pletion of the bone, the vertebrae, on the other hand, have three primary osseous nuclei, one for the body, and two for the laminae and processes; and five complementary pieces of ossification, namely, two for the body, and one each for the tips of the spinous and transverse processes. The transition from the state of cartilage to hone is attended with the following phenom- ena : the cartilage becomes more dense ; its colour is at first a dull white, but subse- quently changes to deep yellow; small irregular cavities are formed in its substance; red vessels show themselves; a bony point appears in the midst of these vessels, and this bony nucleus is spongy and penetrated with blood. The ossification spreads by lit- tle and little, always preceded by a great development of vessels ; so that, in attentively examining an ossifying cartilage, we find first an osseous point, then a red zone, next an opaque layer of cartilage which is permeated by canals, and, lastly, the remaining car- tilage traversed only by a few vascular canals which run towards the point of ossifica- tion. Moreover, it is always at some depth within the substance of the cartilage that the first osseous points appear, and never at the surface. It is only in cases of accident- al or diseased ossification, as in the cartilages of the ribs, that it occasionally begins at the surface. It is unnecessary to pursue farther the immediate process of ossification ■ nor need we here discuss the purely speculative question, whether the bone is really a new part essentially distinct from the cartilage, which is absorbed and gives place to it, or merely a deposite of earthy phosphate in a cartilaginous tissue. In admitting that ossification is always preceded and accompanied by a great devel- opment of vessels, a fact proved incontestably by Haller and Bichat, I must, neverthe- less, decidedly dissent from the opinion that the appearance of blood in a cartilage is a constant indication of approaching ossification; for several cartilages have naturally bloodvessels, as may be seen in the cartilages of the ribs and larynx. The study of the development of the bones does not consist merely in determining the number.and time of appearance of their points of ossification : it comprehends, also, the ulterior changes which take place in the osseous system, viz., the union of the primitive points of ossification, and the appearance and junction of the complementary points of ossifica- tion. It is to be remarked, that the order of development and union of the points of os- sification does not always correspond with that in which they originally appear; nay, it is often the reverse. Thus, the lower epiphysis of the femur is the earliest in appearing, and it is the last in joining; while, on the other hand, the upper end of the radius is one of the latest of the epiphyses in appearing, but is joined to the bone before all, or nearly all, the rest. The junction of the pieces of ossification is not complete till about the age of twenty-five years, at which time the lower epiphysis of the femur unites with the body of the bone. General Mode of Ossification of Eminences and Cavities.—M. Serres, in a very remarka- ble work, has given, under the title of General Laws of Osteogeny, the results of his ob- servations concerning the development of azygos or median bones, and of eminences and cavities; and with a rapid notice of these, we shall conclude what is to be said on the points of ossification. 1. By the law of symmetry, which, according to M. Serres, governs the development of all bones situated on the median line, every such bone is originally double, that is, composed of two separate halves, which, advancing to meet each other, are at last join- ed. Thus there are originally two osseous halves of the spinal column, and two demi- sterna. The basilar portion of the occipital, the body of the sphenoid, the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, the vomer, and the spinous processes of the vertebra, have, ac- cording to this view, originally been double. But this law has many exceptions. Thus, although some of the pieces of the sternum are commonly formed from two lateral DEVELOPMENT OF BONES. paints, the first and the last are always, or almost always, developed from a single point n. elr middle. The bodies of the vertebrae are most commonly formed from a single I nmitive nucleus : the same is the case with the basilar portion of the occipital, the per- pendicular plate of the ethmoid, the vomer, and the spinous processes of the vertebrae of incomplete division of bones on the median line must not be adduced in proof of the existence of two primitive points of ossification.. Every eminence, according to M. Serres, is developed by a special point of ossifi- cation. This is true generally: but how many eminences are formed merely by the ex- ension of ossification from the piece which supports them ! Where, it may be asked, is ie special point of ossification for the articular processes of the vertebrae, the coronoid process of the ulna, the external and internal protuberances of the occipital, axk, spine). This ridge is far from being regular, but its irregularities are all perfectly adapted for the fulfilment of the movements of the dif- ferent regions. It commences with the tubercle of the first vertebra, is suddenly en- larged at the second, diminishes again at the third, fourth, and fifth cervical vertebrae, and projects anew at the sixth, and more remarkably at the seventh; thence named vertebra prominens. Below this point the processes become oblique, prismatic, trian- gular, and with one tubercle : their obliquity increases, but they become more slender from the first to the tenth: in the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dorsal, they become hor- izontal, shorter, and stronger; and they are broad, square, rectangular, and horizontal in the lumbar region. Lastly, the ridge gradually sinks down in the sacro-coccygeal re- gion, when it ends by dividing into two smaller ridges, leaving between them a furrow, which is continued along the coccyx. We cannot fail to perceive the importance of the most trifling circumstance in the conformation of the spinal ridge, whether examined in reference to physiology or pathology. Ist. In reference to physiology. This ridge must be viewed as the lever of those powers which produce extension. We know that the movements of extension are greatest in the cervical portion, that they scarcely exist in the dorsal, and are again considerable in the lumbar. The interval between the spinous processes measures the extent of motion. The three enlargements above referred to, viz., that of the second cervical vertebra, that of the seventh cervical and first dorsal, and that of the twelfth dorsal and first lumbar, explain these movements. The first is for the articulation of the particular movements of the head, the second for the move- ments of the neck, and the third for the insertion of the extensor muscles of the loins. 2d. In reference to pathology. The spinal ridge being the only part of the vertebral column which we can see or feel in the living subject, it is clearly of the greatest im- portance to study the slightest differences which it presents, because it is thus alone that we are able to judge of the extent of deviation in the column; and yet the indica- tions it affords are not absolutely certain, because the pedicles of the vertebrae being susceptible of torsion, a curvature may exist in the bodies of the vertebrae without any corresponding alteration of the spinous processes. 2. On each side of this median ridge are two grooves, broad and shallow in the cervi- cal, broad and deep in the upper part of the dorsal region, contracted at the lower part of the back, enlarged again in the loins and at the base of the sacrum, contracted, and final- ly obliterated, at the lower part of this bone. These grooves are filled by a muscular mass, which, in robust individuals, projects beyond the spine, while in those who are emaciated the ridge forms the most prominent part. Lateral Surfaces.—These present, 1. In front, the sides of the bodies of the vertebra; and their transverse which are deeper at the sides than in front, also deeper in the loins than in the neck and back; 2. In the dorsal region, facettes for the costo-ver- tebral articulations ; 3. Still more posteriorly, the intervertebral foramina, equal in number to that of the vertebra'. The largest of these foramina is the one situated between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebra;: from this point they gradually diminish in size to the upper part of the back: in the cervical region, again, they are somewhat larger ; and in the sacro-coccygeal they are double, with an anterior and a posterior opening,* in con- sequence of the lateral conjunction of the false vertebra; of the sacrum. In general, their dimensions are in proportion to the size of the veins which communicate between the intra and the extra vertebral venous system. Between these foramina are the transverse processes, which contribute to form the sides of the posterior grooves, and., between the transverse processes, the articulating processes are visible. The base and the summit of the vertebral column have been already considered, in the special description of the atlas and the fifth lumbar vertebra. Vertebral Canal.—This canal, into which the intervertebral foramina open, follows all the curves of the spinal column, but does not altogether correspond in shape with its external figure. It may be even said that its dimensions, at different heights, bear an inverse proportion to those of the column; thus, while the canal is most capacious in the neck, the column, on the other hand, is largest in the loins. It has been said that the widest portions of the canal correspond with the enlargements of the spinal cord: but this is not correct. The capacity of the canal is proportioned to the mobility of the respective portion of the column, so that, in the most extensive movements, the spinal marrow is effectually guarded from compression : thus it is largest in the neck and loins, and smallest in the back and sacrum, t * [The foramina which lead from the sacred canal are single at their internal orifices, though, for the rea- son given in the text, they open externally by two orifices. It is the internal orifice which answers to the intervertebral foramen of the other vertebra;.] fln the Philos. Trans., 1822, Mr. Earl has published a papo i establish this fact from observation in comparative anatomy. THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN. 31 rive canal is almost equally well protected in front and behind: anterioily by the bodies of the vertebrae, posteriorly by the spinous processes, which, as it were, ward off rnischief from the spinal canal. Laterally it is defended by the articular and transverse processes. Behind, on each side of the median ridge, it is protected by the laminae, the intervals of which are filled up by what are named the yellow ligaments. Any loss of se- curity occasioned by the existence of these yellow ligaments is compensated by the fol- lowing circumstances: 1. The ligaments are very short, so that the edges of the laminae are almost contiguous. 2. In the neck, where the intervals are greatest, the laminae are so inclined, that the inferior border of the one above overlaps the superior border of the one below. 3. In the loins, where the intervals are nearly as great, the laminae are small, and their place is in a great measure occupied by the lateral masses and the pedi- cles, which are proportionally increased in development. It is impossible for an instru- ment to penetrate into the canal in the lumbar region, excepting between the spinous processes. The same difficulty exists in the cervical region dfiring extension, on ac- count of the imbrication of the laminae. During forcible flexion, however, an instrument may enter between them, when directed from below upward. Excepting the thin external layer of compact tissue, the bodies of the vertebrae arc almost entirely composed of open, spongy texture. The different processes, on the other hand, have a considerable quantity of compact tissue ; but, in all places where they undergo any enlargement, they are cellular. The laminae are formed almost exclusively of compact tissue. This abundance of the spongy tissue explains the fact of the weight of the spinal column being so inconsiderable in proportion to its size. The venous canals are larger in the vertebras than in any other bones. They are, for the most part, arranged within the body of the bone in the following manner: A singlq canal, directed horizontally, and from behind forward, commences at the posterior surface of the body of the vertebra; at the distance of a few lines from its commencement, it divides into two, three, or four canals, which diverge from each other, and terminate partly upon the anterior surface of the bone, partly in the cells in its interior; all these canals are lined by a thin layer of compact tissue, and perforated by foramina. Internal Structure of the Vertebrae. Development. The development of the vertebral column comprises, 1. That of the vertebrae in gen eral; 2. That of certain vertebrae which differ from the rest; and, 3. That of the column considered as a whole. Development of the Vertehrce in general.—Each vertebra is developed at first from three points of ossification,* viz., one median for the body, and two lateral for the rest of the vertebral ring. To these primitive points are added, at different periods, five secondary or epiphysary points, viz., one for the summit of each transverse process, one for the summit of the spinous process, and two for the body, the one on the superior surface, the other on the inferior surface, where they form two very thin plates, so that at one time the body of every vertebra of the spine is, in fact, a triple disk. Lastly, there is a complementary point for each a ..ysary tubercle of the lumbar vertebrae, which gives to this class of vertebrae seven secondary points of ossification. The first osseous points generally appear in the lamina?; they precede, by some days, the deposition of bone in the bodies. This law, however, as Bedard has remarked, is by no means general. The first ossific points are visible from the fortieth to the fiftieth day; that in the body occupies the centre of the cartilage, under the form of an osseous granule, which ex- tends horizontally, so as to present a lenticular aspect. The points of ossification of the laminae appear, in the situation of the future transverse and articular processes. The complementary osseous points are not formed until the fifteenth or eighteenth year. Sometimes, however, as Bichat has observed, the point for the summit of the spinous process is included among the primitive nuclei, and in such cases it is situated at the place where that process becomes continuous with the laminae. The lateral osseous points are always united together before joining the body of the bone : this union commences about a year after birth; they are not united with that of the body until about four years and a half. The lateral points are so joined to the cen- tral one that they form the sides of the body, and in the cervical region, from their more rapid increase, they constitute of themselves fully two fifths of the body of the vertebra. It is, then, on the body of the vertebra, or on what is essentially the articular part of the bone, that the three primitive points are united together. The epiphysary points of the transverse and spinous processes are joined to the rest from the twentieth to the twen- ty-fifth year; the union of the epiphysary laminae of the bodies is not completed until from the twenty-fifth to the thirtieth year. ,* Some anatomists admit two primitive points for the body of the vertebra. It would exceed our limits to Kive an account of the discussions to which this question of osteogeny has given rise. 32 OSTEOLOGY. Development of particular Vertebra.—Those vertebrae which present great differences of form present striking differences, also, in their mode of development; such are the atlas, axis, seventh cervical vertebra, first lumbar, and those which constitute the sa- crum and coccyx. Atlas.—Modern anatomists admit five or six points of ossification for this hone ; one ;r two for the anterior arch, two for the lateral masseh, and two for the posterior arch. I have never observed more than two lateral points, the same point belonging at once to the lateral masses, and half of the arch on each side. They appear in the following order: those for the posterior arch make their appearance from the fortieth to the fiftieth day; those for the anterior arch not until during the first year after birth. The two osseous points of the posterior arch unite together, those of the anterior arch do the same, and then the anterior is united to the posterior arch. Axis.—There are often two osseous points for the body of this hone, and always two lateral ones for the odontoid process : it has, therefore, in all, five or six points, viz., two for the lamina; or posterior arch, one or two for the body, and two for the odontoid process. Meckel and Nesbit admit one other nucleus between the odontoid process and the body, which appears in the course of the first year after birth. The points in the laminae appear from the fortieth to the fiftieth day; those in the body during the sixth month ; and those in the odontoid process, a short time after. At birth the body of the axis is proportionally more developed than that of the other vertebrae. The union of its several parts takes place in the following order; the two laminae are joined together shortly after birth; the two points of the odontoid process remain distinct during the whole of the first year; the body and the odontoid process are united in the course of the third year; and the laminae and the body during the fourth or fifth year. Seventh Cervical Vertebra.—lndependently of the osseous points common to all the vertebra;, tipis bone has two others situated on each side of the body in the cartilage whichYorms the anterior half of the transverse process. The existence of this point, which was described by Hunauld, but which does not appear to me to be constant, establishes an analogy between the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae and the ribs ; it represents in a rudimentary state the permanent cervical ribs of some ani- mals ; and explains an anomaly which is not very uncommon in the human subject, viz., the existence of a supernumerary cervical rib. First Lumbar Vertebra.—Its transverse process is sometimes developed by a point which remains separate from the body of the bone, and forms a supernumerary lumbar rib. Development of the Sacrum and Coccyx.—The first three sacral vertebrae each present five primitive points, viz., one for the body, two for the laminae, and two for the anterior portion of the lateral masses. The last two sacral vertebrae have only three points. Each of the coccygeal vertebrae is developed from one point only, but it is not uncom- mon to see the first two formed by two lateral points, which subsequently unite in the median line : there are, therefore, twenty-one primitive points in the sacrum, and four in the coccyx. Subsequently two epiphysary lamina; are formed for the body of each sacral vertebra, making ten new complementary osseous points. At a still later period two laminae are developed, one on each side of the sacrum, corresponding with the au- ricular surface, so that the whole number of osseous points in the sacrum is thirty-three. Ossification proceeds more slowly in the sacral and coccygeal vertebrae than in the others ; it commences in the body, the first points appearing from the second to the third month in the first three sacral vertebrae, from the fifth to the sixth month in the fourth and fifth vertebrae; the laminae begin to ossify in the interval between the sixth and ninth month ; the first vertebra of the coccyx usually begins to ossify during the first year after birth ; the second, from the fifth to the tenth; the third, from the tenth to the fifteenth ; and the fourth, from the fifteenth to the twentieth year. The union of the osseous points takes place at different times; the osseous pieces of each vertebra are first joined together, and subsequently the vertebrae themselves. 1. Union of the Osseous Nuclei of each Vertebra.—The osseous points of the laminae are first united ; these then join with the anterior lateral nuclei of the first three vertebrae: at a much later period the lateral masses become connected with the body. The union of the lateral masses with the body takes place much earlier in the fourth and fifth sacral vertebrae than in the three others, though these latter first showed osse- ous points. After the union of the lateral masses, the sacrum is composed of five pieces, which remain separate until the fifteenth year. 2. Union of the Sacral Vertebra with ons another.—This process commences between the fifteenth and eighteenth year, at which time the epiphysary lamina; of the bodies of the sacral vertebrae are developed. At the age of twenty-five the epiphysary laminae of the iliac surface of the sacrum are developed. The union commences with the lower vertebrae, and proceeds upward. The first is not completely joined to the others until from the twenty-fifth to the thirtieth year. The union of the body of each vertebra with its epiphysary laminae proceeds from the circumference to the centre, so that, in a vertical section of a sacrum, which is com- pletely ossified externally, we often find an intermediate lamina of cartilage. I have THE SCULL. observed this cartilage between the first aml second sacral vertebra} in subjects of a YeJT advanced age. Ihe union of the pieces of the coccyx takes place sooner than those of the sacrum. , commences with the first two pieces; the thud and fourth then follow; and, in the ast place, the second and third are united. Towards the fortieth or fiftieth, or some- unes the sixtieth year, the coccyx becomes united to the sacrum. This junction is ater m the female than in the male ; sometimes it never takes place. Development of the Spine in general—Up to the end of the first month of conception, ue length of the spine is commensurate Avith that of the body, the extremities as yet only existing under the form of small tubercles. This disproportion between the spine and members is gradually effaced by the elongation of the limbs, so that at birth the vertebral column does not constitute more than three fifths of the height of the subject, a the adult it forms only two fifths. All the parts which concur in forming the canal for the defence of the spinal cord are developed prior to those which are specially devoted to locomotion, as is shown in the development of the laminae, as compared with that of the body and processes. The os- sification of the laminae proceeds in regular succession from above downward, from the neck to the sacro-coccygeal region. The ossification of the bodies takes a different course, commencing in the dorsal region as a centre, and proceeding to either extremity °J the column. The ossification of the bodies of the vertebrae commences in the centre °* the bone, and accordingly, if the spine of a feetus be dried, the cartilages shrink, and the series of osseous nodules, which represent the bodies of the vertebrae, look like grains of Indian corn strung together. In the first periods of its development, the spinal column presents the following re- markable differences from its subsequent condition. It is completely devoid of curva- ture, and instead of resembling in shape a pyramid with the base below, it is precisely the reverse, the base of the pyramid being uppermost. As the child grows up, the spine gradually acquires those characters which it presents in the adult. In the old subject it is always more or less bent forward. It is not uncommon to meet with several dorsal or lumber vertebrae more or less completely united by a layer of bone, which forms a sort of sheath or clasp. To this I have applied the name of anchylosis by invagination. Composed of the Cranium and Face.—Cranial Bones.—Occipital.—Frontal.—Sphenoid.— Ethmoid.—Parietal.—Temporal.—The Cranium in general.—Development.—Bones of the Face.—Superior Maxillary.—Palate.—Malar.—Nasal.—Lachrymal.—lnferior Tut hinated.— Vomer.—lnferior Maxillary.—The Face in general.—Cavities.—Development THE SCULL. The scull is the most complicated portion of the skeleton. It has been more minute- ly investigated than any other part, probably on account of the difficulty of the study. It is composed of two distinct portions : one, the cranium, designed to enclose and protect the brain ; the other, the face, which affords lodgment to almost all the organs of the senses, and, at the same time, is employed in the function of mastication. The cranium (/cpdvoc, a helmet) is a round osseous case, composed of eight bones, that is, of eight pieces, distinct and separable after the complete development of the skeleton. Four of these are single, and placed on the median line, viz. (counting from behind forward), the occipital, the sphenoid, the ethmoid, and the frontal; the remaining f°ur are in pairs, and are situated laterally, viz., the two parietal and the two temporal. I o these must be added the two small supernumerary bones denominated ossa wormiana, or triquetra. The Cranium. The Occipital Bone {figs. 9 and 10). The occipital bone occupies the posterior, inferior, and middle portion of the cranium, a great part of the base of which it constitutes.* Below it is articulated Avith the ver- tebral column; in front with the sphenoid; and it is, as it were, wedged in between the parietal and temporal bones of the right and left sides. It is broad and symmetrical; in shape, an irregular segment of a spheroid, notched round the circumference. It has an anterior and a posterior surface, and a circumference having four borders and four angles. The posterior or cutaneous surface {Jig. 9) is convex, and presents the inferior orifice of t‘-e occipital foramen (1, fig. 9; d, fig. 21), (foramen magnum), the largest of all the fora- mina in the skeleton, excepting the sub-pubic, or obturator foramen of the os innomina- It is the os prone of Fahricius of Aquapendente, who, following' out the same 'metaphor, has given th« injnu c,( os puppis to the frontal, and os carintß to the sphenoid. E OSTEOLOGY. turn. It gives passage to the spinal marrow with its envelopes, the spinal accessory nerves, and vertebral arteries. In front of the foramen is the inferior surface of the basilar process (2, fig. 9; n, fig. 21), which forms the bony roof of the pharynx; it is placed hor- izontally, is rough, and has a ridge in the median line, more or less prominent in different subjects. Behind the foramen, and in the median line, is the external occipital ridge {perpendic- ular spine) (3 4,fig. 9; ca, fig. 21), extending from the poste- rior edge of the foramen to the external occipital protuberance. This projection is wanting in some individuals, and in others its place is occupied by a depression. On each side of the ridge are unequal surfaces, bounded above by a line, with the concavity looking downward. Thus, the superior semicircular line (5 5, fig. 9 ; a b,fig. 21) commences at the occipital protu- berance (4, fig. 9 ; a, fig. 20), and proceeds horizontally out ward. The irregular surface included between this line and Fig. 9. the foramen is again divided by a line whose concavity is directed upward (6 6, fig. 9), and which is called the inferior semicircular line. These lines and these inequalities are destined to receive the insertion of a great number of muscles. On each side of the occipital foramen, and towards the fore part, are the condyles (7 7, fig- 9; e,fig. 21), two articular eminences, convex, elliptical, directed from behind for- ward, and from without inward, their surfaces looking downward, and somewhat out- ward. They articulate with the atlas. Behind these are two fossae : the posterior con- dyloid, which are often perforated by an aperture ; the posterior condyloid foramen (8, figs. 9 and 21), giving passage to a vein. In front, and external to the condyles, are the an- terior condyloid fossa and foramina (9 9, fig. 9); the latter are really flexuous canals, through which the hypoglossal nerves pass out of the scull. External to the condyles is a rough surface, the jugular surface (i,fig. 21), which gives attachment to the recti laterales muscles of the head. The anterior internal or encephalic surface I fig. 10), in common with all the other bones Fig. 10. of the cranium, is lined by the dura mater. It presents, 1. The internal orifice of the occipital foramen {I, fig. 10), which is larger than the external. 2. Before the foramen the ba- silar groove (2), sloping gently from above downward and backward; the sides of the groove are marked by other very small grooves, which concur in forming the inferior petrosal groove. 3. On each side of the occipital foramen, and towards the fore part, is a projection (3 3) which corre- sponds with the condyle, and particularly with the anterior condyloid canal. 4. A little more external and posterior is a small portion of a groove (4), wdiich contributes to form the termination of the lateral sinus. 5. Behind the foramen are the four occipital fossee, two superior or cerebral (5 5), and two inferior or cerebellar (6 6), separated from each other by a crucial ridge. The vertical branch of this ridge (g a) joins the termination of the sagittal groove above; below it is formed by the internal occipital crest (7). The horizontal branches (g b) correspond with the grooves for the lateral sinuses of the dura mater. The internal occipital protuberance (g) is situated at the conflu- ence of the four branches. The right and left lateral grooves are rarely of the same size and depth; the right is generally the larger, and forms by itself the continuation ol the sagittal or longitudinal groove. The circumference presents four borders and four angles. The superior ox parietal bor- ders (a b, a b), which are remarkable for the length of their indentations, articulate with the posterior borders of the parietal bones forming the lamdoidal suture. The inferior or temporal borders (b c, hc) are divided into two equal portions by the jugu- lar eminence (d), which articulates with the temporal bone. This eminence, in most sub- jects small, in some instances is largely developed, so as to form a true jugular process. I have seen this process articulated to the transverse process of the atlas. The part (b d) above this eminence is slightly denticulated, and united to the mastoid portion ol the temporal bone ; the part {d c) below is thick, sinuous, but without indentations, and articulates, by juxtaposition, with the petrous portion of the temporal. In front of the jugular eminence is a deep notch, sometimes divided into two parts by a process oi bone, which contributes to form the foramen lacerum posterius. The superior angle (a) is acute, and is received into the retreating angle formed by the posterior borders of the parietal bones. Its place is sometimes supplied by a Wor- mian bone. In the young subject, the posterior fontanelle is placed here. The inferior angle (c) is truncated,.and very thick; it forms the basilar process, which presents a rough articular surface for union with the body of the sphenoid. The connexion is established 35 7 means of a cartilage, which becomes ossified at a very early period, so that many anatomists describe the sphenoid and occipital as one bone.* 1 be lateral angles (b b) are very obtuse, and are received into the retiring angle formed y t'ie union of the parietal with the temporal bone. At these angles the lateral and pos- enor fontanelles are situated. Connexions.—The occipital articulates with six bones; the two parietal, the two tem- poral, the sphenoid, and the atlas. structure.—The part of this bone which forms the occipital fossae consists almost ex- clusively of compact tissue. It is here extremely thin, especially at the inferior fossae, thi ■ res*' its extent there is spongy tissue between the two tables. The external table is much thicker and less brittle than the internal, which is named vitreous, on ac- count of its fragility. The spongy tissue is very abundant in the condyles and in the ba- silar process. Development.—The occipital bone is developed from four points : one for the squamous portion, that is, the part of the bone behind the foramen magnum; one for each lateral condyloid portion of the occipital, and one for the anterior or basilar portion. These '°ur parts are considered by some anatomists as so many distinct bones, which they de- scribe under the names of posterior or superior occipital, lateral occipitals, and anterior occipital or basilar bone. The first point of ossification appears in the squamous or back part of the bone, under the form of a small oblong plate, placed transversely in the situ ution of the protuberances. I have never seen this piece formed by two lateral points, dhe part of the bone of which we are speaking is always visible towards the middle of the second month. The condyloid portions make their appearance next, and, lastly, the basilar portion, which I have never seen developed from two lateral points. In a foetus of two months and a half, the ossified part of this process presented the appearance of a linear streak, situated exactly in the median line, and directed from before backward. The four points of ossification are finally united at the foramen magnum. Anatomists, however, are not at all agreed respecting the number of points of ossifi- cation. Meckel admits eight for the posterior part of the bone, two for the condyles, and one for the basilar process. Bedard, on the other hand, admits only four in the poste- rior part of the bone. His opinion is founded upon the existence of four fissures or di- visions at the circumference of this portion; viz., one at the superior angle, which sometimes gives to the posterior fontanelle the lozenge shape of the anterior; one be- low, which is nothing more than a slight notch in the back of the foramen magnum; and two on each side, corresponding to the posterior lateral fontanelles. The opinion of Meckel is perhaps grounded upon certain abnormal cases, in which this part of the bone is divided into a considerable number of pieces, resembling so many Wormian bones united by suture. FRONTAL BONE. The Frontal or Coronal Bone [figs. 11 and 12). The frontal bone is situated at the anterior part of the scull, and above the face. It is symmetrical, and represents a considerable segment of a hollow sphere. From its shape it has been compared to a shell. The superior three fourths are curved, placed vertically, but more or less inclined from above downward and forward; the inferior fourth is flat and horizontal. It has an anterior, a posterior, and an inferior surface, and three borders. The anterior cutaneous or frontal surface is smooth and convex; there is a suture in the median line in young subjects, which in the adult is obliterated, leaving scarcely any trace of its existence, ex- cepting at its termination below. At this spot there is a prominence named nasal eminence or glabella (or middle frontal eminence) ii). On the sides of the median line, proceeding from above downward, we observe two smooth surfaces; then the frontal eminences (2 2), two projections which are most strongly developed in young subjects ; and below these, on each side of the glabella, the superciliary ridge, an arched elevation which forms the margin of the orbit, and is more prominent towards the nose than externally. Quite at the outside ot the anterior sui face of the frontal, there is a small, depressed, triangular surface (4), which looks directly outward, and is separated from the frontal eminence by a sort of crest, running upward and backward (5): it forms the anterior part of the temporal fossa. The anterior surface of the frontal bone is separated from the skin by the frontal, or- bicular, and corrugator supercilii muscles, and the anterior portion of the cranial apo- neurosis. Ihe inferior or orbito-ethmoidal surface ( fig-. 121 nresents in the middle a larsre rectan. Fig. 11. li« i^leference t0 comparative anatomy would seem to justify this view, for in some inferior animals the uar process and the sphenoid are hut one piece. OSTEOLOGY. Fig. 12. gular notch (6), which extends the whole length of this surface from before backward. This notch, which is named ethmoidal, because it receives the ethmoid bone, has, 1. In front, and in the median line, a prolongation, denominated the nasal spine (7); this spine is rough in front, for articulation with the proper nasal bones ; be- hind it is marked by two grooves, separated by a verti- cal ridge ; the ridge joins the perpendicular lamella of the ethmoid, and the two grooves form part of the vault of the nasal fossae. 2. Farther back, and on each side, is the large opening of the frontal sinuses. 3. The two borders of the notch are marked with (h d, bd) incom- plete cells, which join with those of the ethmoid. 4. On the same borders there are two, or sometimes three small grooves, which contribute to form the anterior and posterior internal orbitary canals. On each side of the notch is the orbital plate (9 9), triangular and concave, especially towards the external margin, where there is an excavation for the lachrymal gland (fos- sa glandules lachrymalis). At the internal margin there is a small depression for the at- tachment of the cartilaginous pulley, in which the tendon of the superior oblique muscle of the eye is reflected. The posterior or cerebral surface is concave, and marked by eminences and depressions corresponding to the sulci and convolutions of the brain, and by furrows for arterial branches. In the median line is a longitudinal groove, the sides of which unite below, and form the frontal ridge, which terminates in a foramen called foramen caecum. The ridge is sometimes absent, and occasionally the place of the foramen is occupied by a notch, completed by the ethmoid, as already described. On each side of the median line are the frontal fossce, which are deeper than the corresponding eminences on the outside seem to indicate : below are the orbital prominences, which look directly upward, and form a retiring angle* with the frontal fossae ; they are covered with acuminated eminences, which are received into the anfractuosities of the brain. The superior or parietal border (b a b) is semicircular, denticulated, and cut obliquely at the expense of its internal plate above, and of its external below, and at the sides. In the middle, it forms a very obtuse angle (a), which is received into the retiring angle formed by the parietal bones. In young subjects this angle is wanting ; in its situation the anterior angle of the anterior fontanelle is placed. The inferior or sphenoidal border (b b b) is very short, thin, and straight, interrupted by the ethmoidal notch, and adapted to the smaller wings of the sphenoid. It terminates externally at its junction with the superior border, by two triangular surfaces slightly in- dented, which articulate with the greater wings of the sphenoid. The anterior or orbito-nasal border (c c,fig. 11) presents in the centre the nasal notch (d d), articulated in the middle with the nasal bones, and at the sides with the ascending pro- cesses of the superior maxillae. At the bottom of this notch is the anterior surface of the nasal spine. On each side we observe the orbital arch (c d), more sharp and thin to wards its outer end. At the junction of the internal with the two external thirds of this arch is situated a foramen (e), or, more frequently, a notch converted into a foramen by a ligament; it is called the superciliary or supra-orbital foramen, and gives passage to the frontal vessels and nerves. At the bottom of this notch there are generally one or more vascular openings, which lead into the diploe, and are the terminations of venous canals, which run for a considerable way within the bone. The orbital arch terminates on each side by a process ; the inner one, internal angular process (d), is broad and thin, and artic- ulates with the os unguis ; the external (c) is thick, and unites with the malar bone. Connexions.—The frontal is articulated with twelve bones ; the two parietal, the sphenoid, the ethmoid, the two nasal and two malar bones, the ossa unguis, and the two superior maxillary. Internal Structure.—The vertical portion and external orbital processes are very thick; the horizontal part is very thin, and hence the facility with which instruments can pen- etrate the cranium through the roof of the orbit. It contains large cavities, frontal sinu- ses (a. figs. 23 and 24), which open in the ethmoidal notch, and add greatly to the thick- ness i ’ the bone at its lower part. They are separated by a septum, which is often bent to one side, and is generally imperfect. The capacity of these sinuses is very variable ; they often extend throughout the whole of the orbital plates, almost to the edge of the sphenoid. The study of these sinuses, which are connected with the organ of smelling, is of great importance in determining the facial angle. Development.—The frontal bone is developed from two lateral points of ossification, which appear about the middle of the second month, and commence in the orbital arches. At this time the edges are in approximation below, but above are separated by an angular * This retiring angle measures pretty exactly the facial angle. SPHENOID BONE. n erval, which forms the anterior angle of the anterior fontanelle. The two pieces are united by suture during the first year; it is gradually effaced afterward, being longest isible at its inferior termination, though it is uncommon to find it permanent through ffe. Independently of these general changes which the bone undergoes in the course 01 its development, there are also certain peculiar alterations in which the sinuses are concerned. These cavities make their appearance during the first year, and gradually increase in size, not only up to the period of manhood, but even to old age. . This bone has received its name from the Greek word arjv (a wedge,) because it is inserted like a wedge between the other bones. It is situated at the anterior and mid- dle part of the base of the cranium {fig. 23). Almost ml anatomists agree in considering it as a separate bone ; but Soemmering and Meckel describe it as united with the occipital, under the name of basilar or spheno- occipital hone. It is a single and symmetrical bone, con- sisting of a body or central part, from which spring, on each side,' two horizontal portions, the greater and less- er wings of the sphenoid; and below two vertical col- umns, the pterygoid processes. It has been compared to a bat with extended wings. We shall consider it as divided into a body and lateral parts. The body, or central part, is of a cubical form, and therefore presents six surfaces. Superior or cerebral surface (of o d,fig. 13). Proceeding from before backward, we observe, 1. A smooth plane surface (a), slightly depressed on each side, over which the olfactory nerves pass. 2. A transverse groove, optic groove (b), on which the commis- sure of the optic nerves rests, and which is continuous on each side with the optic fora- men (1 I).* 3. A deep quadrilateral fossa (c), in which the pituitary gland is lodged, called the sella turcica, suprasphenoidal, or pituitary fossa. 4. On the sides of this fossa, two grooves, named cavernous or carotid grooves, because they correspond to the carotid arteries and cavernous sinuses. Anteriorly the cavernous groove gives attachment to the ligament of Zinn, a tendon which gives origin to three muscles of the eye. Near its anterior termination, and between it and the pituitary fossa, is the middle clinoid process,} generally nothing more than a simple tubercle, but sometimes sufficiently developed to unite either with the anterior or with the posterior clinoid processes, the former case being the more common. 5. Behind, the pituitary fossa we observe a quadrilateral plate {d), directed obliquely from above downward and backward; its anterior surface forms part of the fossa, its posterior surface is continuous with the basilar groove, its lateral edges are notched for the fourth and sixth pair of nerves, and the superior border, which separates the basilar groove and the pituitary fossa, presents, at each extremity, an angular process (e), the posterior clinoid (from s'kivy, a bed, from a supposed resem- blance of the anterior and posterior clinoid processes to the four corners of a bed). 6. From the lateral and anterior parts of the body of the sphenoid arise two triangular pro- cesses (no, no), flattened above and below, extremely thin and fragile, and directed transversely: these are denominated the orbital or lesser wings of the sphenoid (alee mi- norcs), or the wings of Ingrassius, from the anatomist who first gave a good description oi them. The superior surface of these processes is flat, and corresponds to the ante- rior lobes of the brain ; the inferior surface forms part of the roof of the orbits ; the ante- rior edge is bevelled below, and rests upon the posterior border of the frontal and the eth- moid ; the posterior edge is thin and sharp externally, thicker internally, and divides the anterior and middle fossae of the base of the cranium; the summit (o) is pointed, and hence the processes are sometimes called ensiform or xiphoid ; the base presents the in- ternal orifice of the optic canal or foramen (1), which is directed outward and forward, and gives passage to the optic nerve and the ophthalmic artery. The base of the lesser wing terminates behind in a projecting angle (n), which forms the anterior clinoid process; and beneath this is a deep notch, sometimes a foramen, for the carotid artery. Occasion ally the anterior are united to the posterior clinoid processes by a long bridge of bone. All the part of the sphenoid in front of the sella turcica, including the smaller wings, forms the anterior sphenoid of some modern anatomists. In this portion of the bone the an- terior fossae of the base of the cranium are situated. The remaining portion of the bone, placed inferior to the former, constitutes the posterior sphenoid, and in this the middle fossae are situated. The separation of these two parts, which is but temporary in man, existing only during the early months of foetal hfe, is permanent in quadrupeds. The inferior or guttural surface of the body {fig. 14) presents, in the median line, a ridge or crest, called the bealfvf the sphenoid or rostrum (g); it is more prominent anteri- orly than posteriorly. is received into a nroove of the vomer, and is continuous with the The Sphenoid Bone {Jigs. 13 and 14). Fig. 13. G'be groove is formed on an eminence named the olivary process.] t When the middle clinoid processes are united with the posterior, they are then also joined to the anterior. 38 OSTEOLOGY Fig. 14 anterior ridge of the body of the bone. Oi each side is a deep furrow concealed by a lamella (01 each side of g), under which the edges of the vomer are insinuated. At the bottom of this furrow is seen the orifice of a temporary canal, which exists only in young subjects, and which, passing obliquely through the sides of the bone, opens in the sphenoidal fissure. This canal is the trace of the still incomplete union of the anterior and posterior sphenoid ; it disappears as soon as the sinuses within the bone are developed. More externally, and on the same surface, is situated a small groove running from before backward, which lorms part of the pterygo-palatine canal, along which an artery of the same name passes. Still more externally are the pterygoid processes (6 m h) ala), two large projections directed perpendicularly downward. In front their surface is broad above, where it forms part of the pterygo-maxillary fossa, and rough below, for articulation with the palate bone. Behind is a deep fossa, into which the internal pterygoid muscle is inserted ; it is named the pterygoid fossa, and is formed by two laminae, named the external and internal ptery- goid plates, of which the external (A) is the broader, and the internal (m) the longer. At the upper part of the internal plate is an elliptical depression called the scaphoid fossa, which gives attachment to the circumflexus palati muscle. The internal surface of the pterygoid process contributes to form the external wall, and posterior opening of the na- sal fossa (A i, fig. 25). The outer surface of the external plate is broad, forms part of the zygomatic fossa, and gives attachment to the external pterygoid muscle. The base of the pterygoid process is pierced from before backward by the vidian or pterygoid canal (6 6, fig. 14); its summit is deeply bifurcated, to receive the tuberosity of the palate bone. The internal branch of this bifurcation (internal pterygoid plate) is very delicate, and is curved into a hook-like process (s) (hamular process), round which is reflected the tendon of the circumflexus or tensor palati muscle. The anterior or ethmoidal surface of the body of the sphenoid presents, 1. Above and in the median line, a small horizontal projecting angle (flfigs. 13 and 14), which artic- ulates with the posterior border of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid. 2. Below this, a vertical ridge {f g, fig- 14), continuous with the septum of the sphenoidal sinuses, and articulating with the perpendicular lamella of the ethmoid. 3. On each side the open- ings of the sphenoidal sinuses (7 7). These are two in number; they are separated from each other by a septum, which inclines sometimes to the right side, sometimes to the left, and are subdivided into a number of irregular cells. They are wanting in the young subject, but acquire a great size in the adult, occupying the whole body of the sphenoid, and extending into the base of the lesser wings, and even occasionally into the substance of the palate bone. External to the irregular orifice of the sphenoidal sinuses is a rough surface, which articulates above with the lateral masses of the ethmoid, and below with the palate bone. The orifice of the sinus is in a great measure closed by a lamina of very variable shape, curved upon itself, and designated sphenoidal turbinated, or triangular bone (cornu sphenoidale, ossiculum Bertini) (t t, and Jigs. 15 and 16, c c). This plate, which remains separate for some time, appears as if it arose from the upper part of the palate bone, and formed the anterior and part of the inferior wall of the sinus. It is not unusual to find it united either to the palate bone or to the ethmoid. The posterior or occipital surface {u, fig. 13) is quadrilateral, rugged, and irregular ;it articulates with a corresponding surface on the basilar process of the occipital bone, by means of a cartilage, which is very early ossified. On the posterior aspect of the bone is situated the posterior orifice of the vidian canal. The lateral surfaces of the body of the sphenoid pass into the base of the great wings, which we shall next describe. Great or temporal wings {y z). This portion of the bone consists of two large triangu- lar prolongations, on which there are three surfaces ; a superior, an anterior, and an in- ferior ; two borders, an external and an internal; and two extremities, an anterior and a posterior. Superior or cerebral surface {y 2 z). This surface, which forms part of the middle fossa of the base of the cranium, is concave, quadrilateral, and marked by cerebral impressions and vascular furrows. Towards its inner part, and proceeding from before backward, we observe, 1. The superior maxillary foramen (3), ox foramen rotundum, directed obliquely forward and outward, which gives passage to the superior maxillary nerve. 2. The in- ferior maxillary foramen, or foramen ovale (4), which perforates the bone directly from above downward, and transmits the inferior maxillary nerve. 3. The foramen spinosum, or spheno-spinosum (5), which is the smallest of the whole, and gives passage to the mid- dle meningeal artery. • External or tempero-zygomatic surface. This surface is divided into two parts by a transverse ridge; the superior or temporal {I, fig. 14) forms part of the fossa of the same name, and gives attachment to the temporal muscle ; the inferior {p) forms the upper SPHENOID BONE. 39 zyg°matic fossa, and gives attachment to the external pterygoid muscle. On - -is last part we perceive the inferior orifices of the oval and spinous foramina. Anterior or Orbital Surface.—This surface {w w) is four-sided and smooth, and forms the greater part of the external wall of the orbit. Its superior border unites with the frontal f«ne ; the inferior forms part of the spheno-maxillary fissure. The internal border con- tributes to form the sphenoidal fissure, and has a small tubercle near its inner termina- tion. The external joins the malar bone. Internal Border.—This border is convex, and commences in front by a triangular and 'cry rough surface {y y, fig. 13), which articulates with a corresponding surface on the rental bone ; it then forms part of the sphenoidal fissure (2), and finally bends outward, to join the petrous portion of the temporal bone : in this place it is grooved for the lodg- ment of the cartilaginous portion of the Eustachian tube. The sphenoidal fissure, or foramen lacerum superius (2 2, figs. 13and 14), partly formed in the waywe have described is completed by the lesser wing of the sphenoid.. Wide at its internal extremity, it be comes narrow at its outer end, where it is closed by the frontal bone at o. It gives pas- sage to the third, fourth, the ophthalmic branch of the fifth, and the sixth pair of nerves, to the ophthalmic vein, and to a prolongation of the dura mater. At the internal extremity of the fissure there is a furrow, which is occasionally converted into a foramen for the pas- sage of a recurrent branch of the ophthalmic artery, which goes to the dura mater. The external border is concave, bevelled on the outside superiorly, and on the inside interiorly, for articulation with the temporal bone. The anterior extremity is very thin (behind y, fig. 13), and bevelled on the inner side foi articulation with the anterior and inferior angle of the parietal. The posterior extremity presents a vertical process (z), the spine or spinous process of the sphenoid, which is received into the angle formed by the union of the squamous and petrous portions of the temporal bone, and gives attachment to the internal lateral liga ment of the inferior maxilla, and the external or anterior muscle of the malleus. Connexions.—The sphenoid articulates with all the bones of the cranium, and with the palatine, vomer, and malar bones of the face. Structure.—The most remarkable circumstance in the structure of the sphenoid is the presence of the sinuses, which convert the body of the bone into two or more cells (5, fig. 22). The compact tissue prevails in the lesser and the greater wings, and in the pterygoid processes, the thick part only of these containing spongy substance. Development.—ln the foetus, as we have already mentioned, the sphenoid is divided into two quite distinct parts: 1. An anterior sphenoid, consisting of the lesser wings and the portion of the body which supports them ; and, 2. A posterior sphenoid, formed of the great wings and the part of the body which corresponds to the sella turcica. 1. The anterior sphenoid is developed from four points of ossification; two for the body, and two for the alas minores.* 2. The posterior sphenoid is also developed from four points ; two for the body, and two for the great wings. Besides these eight points, there are two others on each side; one for the internal plate of the pterygoid process, and one for the sphenoidal turbinated bone ; so that the whole number of centres of ossification of the sphenoid is twelve. The osseous points of the great wings are the first to appear; they are visible from the fortieth to the forty-fifth day; a short time afterward, those of the lesser wings, which are situated on the outside of the optic foramen. At the end of the second month the osseous points of the body of the posterior sphenoid are distinct; at the end of the third month, those of the body of the anterior sphenoid, and the internal pterygoid plates : the sphenoidal turbinated bones begin to ossify, according to Bedard, in the seventh month of intra-uterine life ; according to Bertin, in the second year after birth. The two points of the body of the posterior sphenoid are united from the third to the fourth month; the great wings are joined to the body in the course of five or six months after birth. The two points of the body of the anterior sphenoid are joined to those of the small wings about the third or fourth month; they then unite together in the me- dian plane from about the eighth to the ninth month. The union of the internal ptery- goid plates takes place during the sixth month, f The anterior and posterior sphenoid are united from the eighth to the ninth month. The sphenoidal turbinated bones are not joined to the body of the bone until from the fifteenth to the eighteenth year. The other changes which the sphenoid afterward undergoes are connected with the development of the sinuses. It is united with the occipital bone from the eighteenth to the twenty-fifth year. * According to Albinus, the anterior sphenoid is formed exclusively by the union of the osseous points of the lesser wings in the median line. Bdclard observes, that the process takes place sometimes as described by Albinus, but that occasionally there is a median point; and that at other times there are two points for each of the smaller wings, the internal of which forms the base of the process, and the inner half of the optic fora- men ; and the external forms, the remainder of the wing. These are the two points which I conceive to form the body of the anterior sphenoid. The very numerous osseous points which some anatomists have described are nothing more than irregular grains, which have been mistaken for constant centres of ossification. f fit the lower animals the two sphenoid bones remain separate during the whole of life. The inner plate of the pterygoid process is also a distinct bone. 40 OSTEOLOGY. The Ethmoid Bone (Jigs. 15 and 16). The ethmoid is so named from the Greek word vO/abc, a sieve, because it is perforated with a number of foramina; it is placed in the anterior and middle part of the base of the cranium, but belongs rather to the face and nasal fossas. It is included between the median notch of the orbital part of the frontal and the sphenoid. It is a symmetrical bone of a cuboidal figure, consisting of three parts—a middle part or cribriform plate, and two lateral masses. Cribriform Plate.—This is a lamina situated on the median line, horizon- tal, quadrilateral, and pierced with numerous foramina. It has two surfa- ces, and two borders. On the superior surface (a a, fig. 15) we observe in the middle a vertical triangular process, the crista galli (h and n, fig. 22); the summit of this eminence gives attachment to the falx cerebri; the an- terior border terminates in front in two small processes (alee) (/), which articulate with the frontal bone, and often complete the foramen cajcum ; the posterior border is very oblique, and is continued to the posterior edge of the cribriform plate by a marked thickening. There are many varia- tions in the size and direction of this process: it is frequently deflected to ng. 15. one side.* On each side is the ethmoidal groove (a), deeper and narrower in front than behind ; it is pierced throughout its whole extent with numerous foramina, which have been very accurately described by Scarpa, and which form two rows ; the internal, sit- uated along the base of the crista galli, being the largest. They all transmit filaments of the olfactory nerves ; they are funnel-shaped, and are the orifices of canals, which subdivide in traversing the cribriform plate, and terminate in grooves, either upon the turbinated bones or the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid. Among these openings is one which has the form of a longitudinal fissure by the side of the crista galli, and trans- mits the ethmoidal or nasal branch of the ophthalmic nerve. The inferior surface of the cribriform plate {fig. 16) forms part of the roof of the nasal Fig. 16. lossa3; it presents on the median line a vertical plate (g g, fig. 16), which passes from before backward, and divides it into two equal parts. This is the ‘perpendicular plate of the ethmoid, continuous with the base of the crista galli, quadrilateral, often deflected to one side, and forms part of the septum narium (1, 2, 3, 4, fig. 22): in front, it articulates with the nasal spine of the frontal bone, and with the proper hones of the nose ; behind, with the anterior crest of the sphenoid; below, with the vomer, and the cartilage of the septum; and above it is united to the cribriform plate, along the line of the crista galli, which appears to grow out of it. The anterior border of the cribriform plate articulates with the frontal. The posterior is usually notched for the reception of the spine, or process (/, figs. 13 and 14), which surmounts the median ridge of the sphenoid. The lateral masses are cuboid in figure, and formed of large irregular cells, which to- gether are named the labyrinth. They have six surfaces : in the superior surface we ob- serve several imperfect cells (d d,fig. 15), which, in the united state, are completed, and, as it were, roofed in by those we have already described as existing on each side of the ethmoidal notch of the frontal. We find, also, two or three grooves, which join with similar grooves in the frontal bone, and form the internal orbitary canals. On the infe- rior surface we perceive thin, irregularly-twisted laminae, which narrow the opening of the maxillary sinuses. The most considerable of these has received the name of unci- form or great process of the ethmoid; it is a curved plate which arises from the inferior surface of the transverse septa, which close the anterior ethmoidal cells, and is placed between the anterior extremity of the middle turbinated bone and the os planum or la- mina papyracca, to be afterward described; it sometimes articulates with the inferior turbinated bone. The anterior surface presents half cells, which are covered by the os unguis and the ascending process of the maxillary bone. On the posterior surface we see the posterior extremities of the superior and middle turbinated bones, and of the superior and middle meatus, and a convex, uneven surface, which corresponds with the posterior ethmoidal cells. This surface articulates with the sphenoid above, and with the palate hone below. The external surface is formed by a smooth, quadrilateral plate (e, fig. 15), placed vertically and very thin, to which the ancients gave the name of lamina papyracca or os planum. It has an elongated, rectangular form, is slightly curved upon itself, and constitutes a great part of the internal wall of the orbit. The superior border articu- lates with the frontal, and assists in forming the orifice of the internal orbital canals the inferior articulates with the maxillary and palate bones, the anterior with the os un- guis, and the posterior with the sphenoid and palate bones. The internal surface of the lateral masses constitutes the greatest part of the external wall of the nasal fossae : on it we observe, in front, a rough, quadrilateral surface, marked * Morgagni mentions the case of an asthmatic subject, in whom the crista galli was so obliquely placed, that the ethmoidal groove on one side was very much contracted, and considerably enlarged on the other There was a much greater number of foramina on one side than on the other. PARIETAL BONES. 41 by grooves and canals, which lodge the ramifications of the olfactory nerve ; behind, two ihin plates, twisted upon themselves like cenain shells : they are the turbinated or spongy hones of the ethmoid, or concha of the ethmoid. The superior {h,fig. 35) is the smaller, nud is sometimes named concha of Morgagni; Bertin has seen it double. The inferior (c fig. 37) is larger, and forms the middle concha ; it articulates by its posterior extremity With the palate bone, and its superior border is continuous with a transverse septum, which stretches across to the lower edge of the os planum, and partially closes the mid- dle or frontal cells. The superior and middle turbinated bones are separated by a hori- zontal groove called the superior meatus of the nasal fossa? (between b and c, fig. 37), at the superior part of which appears an opening of communication with the posterior eth- moidal cells. Below the middle turbinated bone is a similar groove (between c and d, %■ 37) running from before backward, and forming part of the middle meatus of the nose. Anteriorly it leads into a cell, the lower part of which is broad and the upper narrow, whence it has received the name of infundibulum. This cell communicates directly with the frontal sinuses, and, by a small aperture, with the anterior ethmoidal cells. Internal Structure.—The ethmoid is composed of extremely thin and fragile plates, ar- ranged in more or less irregular cells, having a hexahedral, pentahedral, or tetrahedral shape. They are disposed in distinct series, which have no communication with each other. The anterior cells are the largest and most numerous ; they open into the mid- dle meatus by the infundibulum ; the posterior open into the superior meatus. There a little spongy substance in the crista galli, which is even sometimes hollowed into a small sinus which communicates with the frontal sinuses. There is also spongy sub- stance in the turbinated bones, and here, by a remarkable exception, it occupies the surface. The specific lightness of the ethmoid is such that it floats in water, and its ex- treme brittleness is readily explained by its spongy structure. Connexions.—The ethmoid is connected with thirteen bones: the frontal, the sphe- noid, the ossa unguis, the superior maxillary, the inferior turbinated, the nasal, the pal- ate bones, and the vomer. Development.—The ossification of the ethmoid does not commence until the fifth month. It begins in the lateral masses, and more particularly in the os planum; shortly afterward the spongy bones make their appearance. The middle portion is not ossified until after birth. The crista galli and the contiguous part of the perpendicular plate, and the cribriform plate, become bony between the sixth month and the first year. At the end of the first year, the cribriform plate is united to the lateral masses. In the foetus, at the full time, the lateral masses are so little developed, that their internal and exter- nal walls are almost contiguous. The cells are completely formed about the fourth or fifth year. The, Parietal Bones {figs. 17 and 18). The parietal bones are so called because they form the greatest part of the smes ol the head. They are two in number, the right and the Fig. 17. left; but sometimes in the adult they are united so as to form only one bone. They occupy the summit and sides of the head. In shape they are quadrilateral, and much thicker above than below, so that a force applied to the crown of the head often causes a fracture of the lower parts of these bones. The parietal bones have two faces, four borders, and four angles. The external or cutaneous surface {fig. 17) is convex and smooth, with a projection in the centre, the parietal protuberance (i), which is more prominent in the child than in the adult, and corresponds with the point where the breadth of the cranium is greatest. Below this there is a semicircular line (g), with the concavity looking downward, which forms the superior boundary of the temporal fossae, and gives attachment to the temporal aponeu- rosis ; the rest of the surface below this curved line gives attachment to the fibres of the temporal muscle. The rest of this surface is covered only by the cranial aponeurosis and the skin. The internal or encephalic surface {fig-. 18) is concave, and marked with mammillary projections and digital impressions; it is traversed by ramiried grooves, resembling the veins of a leaf (//, fig. 18), which converge partly to the anterior inferior, and partly to the posterior inferior angle of the bone, and correspond to the branches of the menin- geal artery. The parietal fossa, a concavity corresponding to the prominence of the same name, is situated in the middle of this surface. The superior or sagittal harder ( a b,fig■ 17 and 18) is the longest: it is thick and den- ticulated, and, by its union with the opposite bone, forms the sagittal suture. On its in- ternal surface there is a furrow along its whole extent, which, with that in the oppo site bone, forms the groove for the longitudinal sinus. Near this border is sometimes 42 OSTEOLOGY. Fig. 18. found a foramen (c) (foramen parietale), of very varia- ble dimeireions, which opens into the posterior part ol the groove, and transmits a vein which is sometimes very large. We may farther state, that along this sur- face the impressions made by the pacchionian glands are to be observed. They are more remarkable in the old than young subject. The inferior or temporal border (d e) is the shortest: it is concave, thin, and very obliquely cut on the out- side, so as to resemble a scale with radiated furrows; hence its name (margo squamosus): it articulates with the squamous portion of the temporal bone. The anterior or frontal border (be) is less thick and less deeply indented than the occipital edge : it is bev- elled externally above, and internally below, so as to articulate with the frontal bone, which presents a precisely opposite arrangement. The posterior or occipital border (a d) is very deeply indented, and articulates with the superior border of the occipital by the lambdoid suture. Of the four angles, the two supe- rior are right angles ;of the inferior, the anterior or sphenoidal (e) is acute, and rendered very thin by the sloping of the anterior and inferior edges of the bone. Inside this angle is situated the principal furrow, or sometimes canal, which lodges the middle meningeal artery and veins : surgeons, therefore, recommend this angle to be avoided in performing the operation of trepanning. The posterior or mastoid angle (d) is, as it were, truncated, and is received into the retreating angle formed by the union of the mastoid and squa- mous portions of the temporal bone. Internally, it is grooved for the reception of part of the lateral sinus (e,Jig. 22). Connexions.—The parietal is articulated with live bones: the frontal, the occipital, the temporal, the sphenoid, and the opposite parietal Above, it is separated from the skin by the cranial aponeurosis only, and consequently it exposes a large extent of surface to the action of external agents : hence fractures of this bone are very common, and they are, more frequently than other fractures, accompanied by effusions of blood, on account of the connexion with the middle meningeal artery and vein. The internal structure is quite similar to that of the frontal. In that bone we find venous canals traversing long tracts in the substance of the diploe. Development.—The parietal bone is developed from one point of ossification alone, which appears in the situation of the protuberance. Its first traces are observed about the forty-fifth day. The angles are the last parts of the bone wrhich are developed: their absence gives rise to the fontanelles of the cranium. The temporal bones are so called from being situated in the locality of the temples. They are two in number, and occupy part of the sides and base of the cranium, below the parietal bones, above the inferior maxillary, in front of the occipital, and behind the sphenoid. The temporal bone contains the complicated apparatus of the organ of hearing. Its figure is very irregular, and therefore, in order to facilitate the description, we shall consider it as divided into three parts, the squamous, the mastoid, and the petrous portions. Squamous •portion.—The squamous portion has the form of a semicircular scale (a hc, The Temporal Bones {figs. 19 and 20). Fig. 19. figs. 19 and 20), bearing a considerable resemblance to one of the valves of certain shell-fish: it occupies the anterior and superior part of the bone. It is by far the thinnest part of the cranium; and hence the common but well-founded notion of the danger of blows upon the temple, although this danger is much lessened by the presence of the zygomatic arch and the temporal muscle. The external surface (/, fig. 19) forms part of the temporal fossa : it is smooth, convex, and marked by vascular furrows. At its lower portion is situated the zygomatic process (m n) (&vyvvu, I join), so called be- cause it unites the sides of the cranium to the face : it is also named ansa capitis, and is one of the longest processes of the skeleton. At its origin it is broad and directed outward; it then grad- ually diminishes in size, and bends so as to turn horizontally forward and a little out- ward : it is flattened from without inward. The external surface is convex, and may be easily traced under the skin; the internal surface is concave ; the superior border, which gives attachment to the aponeurosis of the temporal muscle, convex and thin ; the inferior, which gives origin to the masseter muscle, concave, thick, and much shorter; and the extremity (m) is cut from below upward and forward, and denticulated for attach ment with a corresponding surface on the malar bone. The base of this process is TEMPORAL BONES. 43 grooved above, and serves as a pulley for the reflection of part of the temporal muscle. Posteriorly, it separates into two portions or roots: the inferior (o) of these is the larger ; it is transverse, covered with cartilage, and bounds the glenoid cavity in front, serving also to increase the articular surface in the joint of the lower jaw. The superior (n) is longitudinal or antero-posterior in its direction : it also is biturcated, one branch directed upward, and forming part of the temporal semicircular line, the other passing between the auditory meatus and the glenoid cavity. At the point of junction of the two roots there is a tubercle, which gives insertion to the external lateral ligament of the lower jaw. Between the two roots we observe the glenoid cavity (behind o), divided into two portions ; the anterior of which is articular, smooth, and in the fresh state covered with cartilage ; the posterior (s) does not enter into the formation of the joint. The parts are separated by a fissure, called glenoidal fissure, or fissure of Glasserius (before s), which transmits the corda tympani nerve,* the laxator tympani or external muscle of the malleus, the inter- nal auditory vessels, and lodges the processus gracilis of the malleus {process of Raw). The internal surface of the squamous portion {g, fig. 20) presents a concavity propor- tionally greater than the convexity on the outside; it is marked by the ordinary inequalities, and is generally trav- ersed,.towards the upper part, by a horizontal vascular fur- row, running from before backward. Tne circumference {a b c) forms about three fourths of a cir- cle ; it is very obliquely cut internally in its two posterior thirds, which unite with the parietal; the anterior third is thicker, and bevelled externally: it unites with the sphenoid. Mastoid Portion (c e d, Jigs. 19 and 20).—The mastoid por- tion is very prominent in adults, but only slightly developed in young subjects : it occupies the posterior and inferior part of the bone. The external surface {fig. 19) is convex and rough, ter- minating below and in front in a nipple-shaped process, the Fig. 20. mastoid process [e). Inside of this is a deep groove called digastric {fossa digastrica), because it gives origin to the muscle of that name. Behind the mastoid process we observe the mastoifi foramen, an opening which transmits the mastoid artery and vein, but which is subject to numerous varieties in its size and position. Above the process is a rough surface, for muscular attachments of the splenius and sterno-cleido mastoideus muscles. The internal surface is concave, and forms part of the lateral and posterior fossae of the cranium ; we observe on this surface a deep and broad semi-cylindrical groove {h i, fig. 20) which lodges the greater portion of the lateral sinus. At the bottom of this groove the mastoid foramen opens by one or more apertures. There is generally a considerable difference in size between the grooves on the right and left side of the head. The circumference, very thick and indented, unites in front with the circumference of the squamous portion, lorming a retiring angle (c), which is occupied by the posterior inferior angle of the parietal bone, and then curves round in a semicircle to join the occipital bone by means of a thick, uneven edge. Petrous Portion; Rocker or Pyramid {c i dv, fig. 20) Petrous Process.—'This part of the bone is placed between the squamous and mastoid portion, resembling a pyramid, pro- jecting forward and inward into the cavity of the cranium. Its name sufficiently indi- cates the extreme hardness of its osseous structure ; a circumstance very important in relation to its functions (for this part of the bone serves as the receptacle of the vibratory apparatus of the ear), and at the same time is calculated to explain the frequency of frac- tures in this situation. It has the form of a truncated pyramid with three faces, separated by three borders. The inferior surface, which is seen at the base of the cranium, is very irregular, and presents the following objects, in an order from without inward: 1. A long, slender process (A), generally from twelve, to fifteen lines, sometimes two inches in length. This process, which has been denominated styloid, is, in man, usually continuous with the rest of the bone, but occasionally it is articulated by a movable joint, as in the lower animals, where it is always separate, and is known by the name of styloid lone. 2. Behind this process, between it and the mastoid, is a sort of fossa, at the bottom of which we find, besides one or two accessory foramina, the stylo-mastoid foramen {y, fig- -21) which forms the inferior aperture of a canal improperly called the aqueduct of Fallo- pius,f which transmits the facial nerve. 3. Inside of the styloid process and the stylo- mastoid foramen is a triangular surface called the jugular, which joins with a correspond- ing part of the occipital bone. 4. A little within and behind the styloid process is a deep depression, which forms part of the jugular fossa, and lodges the enlarged commence- ment or sinus of the jugular vein. 5. The inferior orifice of the carotid canal {v, fig. 21), Which is directed at first vertically, then horizontally, running forward and inward, and * [The corda tympani, according to the author, passes through a special orifice by the side of the glenoid fissure. See description of the ear, infra.] ' [Fallopius knew that this canal transmitted a nerve; he named it aqueduct merely on account of its direction.] 44 again vertically at its termination in the cavity of the cranium. 6. A rough surface, which gives attachment to the levator palati muscle. Lastly, in front of the styloid process is an osseous lamina, in the form of a vertical crest {s, fig. 19), a continuation of the plate which forms both the inferior portion of the auditory canal, and the posterior portion of the glenoid cavity, which it completes. This crest, which has been described by authors under the name of vaginal process, because it surrounds the styloid process without adhering to it, extends inward to form part of the carotid canal, and outward to the mastoid process. The other two surfaces of the petrous portion, of which one is superior and the other posterior, are in the interior of the cranium. The superior surface, which looks forward, has a furrow running from before backward and from below upward, terminating about the middle of the surface in a small irregular opening, the hiatus Fallopii, which communicates with the aqueduct of Fallopius. The furrow and the hiatus contain the superior or cranial filament of the vidian nerve, and a small artery. The posterior surface shows a canal directed obliquely from within outward and for- ward. This is the internal auditory meatus {I, fig. 20); it is shorter than the external, and is terminated by a lamina divided into two parts by a transverse ridge ; in the supe- rior of these parts there is a single orifice, the commencemnet of the aqueduct of Fallopius, which receives the facial nerve ; the inferior is perforated by numerous openings, through which the fibres of the auditory nerve pass; it is the cribriform plate of the auditory nerve. Behind the internal auditory meatus is a small opening, which is the orifice of a canal named aqueductus vestibuli. These surfaces of the petrous process are separated by three borders. On the superior border (m v) we observe a furrow for the superior petrosal sinus; also a projection which corresponds with the superior semicircular canal of the internal ear, and which is most prominent in the young subject; inside of this projection, a cavity, the depth of which is in the inverse ratio of the age, and is gradually obliterated in the adult, and near the summit a depression, on which the fifth or trifacial nerve rests. The anterior or sphenoidal border, in the external half of its extent, is connected with the squamous portion of the bone; at first by a suture which often remains perfect even in adult life, and subsequently in a great measure disappears, but is never completely obliterated. The internal half is free, and forms, by its union with the squamous portion, a retiring angle, at the apex of which are the openings of two canals, placed parallel, like the barrels of a double-barrelled gun, and separated by a small osseous lamina. The superior canal, much the smaller, contains the internal muscle of the malleus; the in- ferior canal forms the osseous portion of the Eustachian tube. They both communicate with the cavity of the tympanum; the bony lamella, which separates them, is called the cochleariform process. The inferior, posterior, or occipital border, rough, but without indentations, is united to the occipital bone by juxtaposition. It has a deep notch, which forms part of the fora- men lacerum posterius. This notch, which is continuous with the jugular fossa, already described, is frequently divided into two portions by a tongue of bone, one being anterior, the other posterior. Immediately in front of the notch is a small triangular opening, the inferior orifice of the aqueduct of the cochlea. On the base {fig. 19), which is not distinct from the rest of the bone, the only part to be noticed is the external auditory meatus {y), which is situated behind the glenoid cavity. It is rough inferiorly for the insertion of the cartilage of the ear; and the canal, which is more contracted in the middle than at either extremity, takes a curved direction, the concavity looking downward and forward: it is chiefly formed by a curved plate, named the auditory process, which constitutes the posterior half of the glenoid cavity. The summit of the pars petrosa («, fig. 20) is very irregular and truncated : it presents the superior orifice of a carotid canal, and forms part of the foramen lacerum anterius. Connexions.—The temporal articulates with five bones, viz., three of the cranium, the parietal, occipital, and sphenoid; and two of the face, the malar and the inferior maxil- lary ; we might add, also, the os hyoides, which is attached by a ligament to the styloid process. Internal Structure.—The squamous portion is compact throughout, excepting towards the circumference, where traces of diploe may be seen. The petrous portion is still more compact and hard, resembling in density the teeth, or certain ivory-like exostoses. The mastoid portion is hollowed out into large cells, and is very liable to be affected by caries. In the description of the organ of hearing we shall notice the cavities which ex- ist in the petrous portion; the nervous and vascular canals will be described with the nerves and vessels which traverse them. (For the aqueduct of Fallopius, see the de- scription of the Facial Nerve.) .... Development.'—The temporal bone is developed from five points of ossification: the squamous, petrous, and mastoid portions, the auditory canal, and the styloid process, being each distinct. The first- osseous point which appears is situated in the squamous portion, and is visible towards the end of the second month. Immediately afterward OSTEOLOGY. THE CRANIUM IN GENERAL. 45 Th tro,ls Portion exhibits a bony nucleus, stretching from its base towards its apex. be third point in order is that of the circle of the tympanum, a kind of ring channelled d 1 round for the membrana tympani. This circle, at first almost horizontal, becomes gradually more and more oblique ; it is incomplete above, and the two extremities which are applied to the squamous portion cross each other instead of uniting. In many ani- nials the ring of the tympanum constitutes a distinct bone, named the tympanic bone. Ihe fourth point of ossification appears in the mastoid portion during the fifth month. Ihe last which becomes visible is that of the styloid process: it also remains distinct throughout life in the lower animals, and is called the styloid hone. It is not uncommon to find it in the same condition in the human subject. Ihe development of these five pieces does not advance with equal rapidity. The petrous portion is most quickly completed. The mastoid, squamous, and petrous por- tions become united during the first year. The styloid process is attached to the rest the bone at the age of two or three years ; at birth, the glenoid cavity is almost flat, °u account of the absence of the auditory canal, and the slight development of the trans- verse root of the zygomatic process. The ulterior changes which take place in the temporal bone depend on the completion of the auditory canal and glenoid cavity, the increasing size of the mastoid process, and the obliteration of the projections and filling UP of the hollows on the surface of the petrous portion. It is worthy of remark, that traces of the union of the base of the petrous portion with the squamous and mastoid portions, are visible in individuals of the most advan- ced age. The different bones which we have described unite in forming the cranium, an osse- ous cavity which encloses the brain, the cerebellum, and the annular protuberance. It is situated above the face, is the most elevated portion of the skeleton, and forms a con- tinuation of the vertebral column. The form of the cranium is that of an ovoid, flatten- ed below and at the sides, and with the large extremity turned backward. It is never perfectly symmetrical; but a very great deviation has always appeared to me coincident with disease of the brain. From attentive examination of a great number of sculls of idiots and maniacs, I have observed that in these subjects there is a remarkable differ- ence between the two sides. The dimensions of the cranium have been very accurately determined by Bichat. The antero-posterior diameter, measured from the foramen caecum to the occipital protuber- ance, is about five inches ;* the transverse diameter, measured between the base of the petrous portions of the temporal bones, is four inches and a half; the vertical diameter, extending from the anterior edge of the foramen magnum to the middle of the sagittal suture, is rather less than the transverse. In front, and behind the spot where the height and breadth of the cranium are measured, i. e., in front and behind the bases of the petrous bones, the diameters progressively diminish. Hence it follow's, that the point where the cranium has the greatest capacity is the junction of the two anterior thirds with the posterior third ; that is to say, at the place of meeting, or, if I may use the expression, at the confluence of the brain, cerebellum, and spinal marrow. The cranium, however, presents many varieties, both in regard to its dimensions and shape. The varieties of form of the scull in different individuals appear generally to de- pend upon the preponderance of one diameter over another; and it may be remarked, that in these cases, where one diameter is much increased, the others are almost in- variably diminished in the same proportion, so that the absolute difference in size is by no means considerable. There are also variations in size and figure peculiar to the crania of different nations, as has been shown by the researches of Blumenbach and Scemmerring. In the white, or Caucasian race, the cranium is decidedly much larger than in the others, more es- pecially than in the negro. Among certain tribes, the configuration of the cranium is determined by the permanent or frequently-repeated compressions to which the sculls of infants are subjected. It varies also according to age and sex, being proportionally larger in the foetus than in the adult, and in the male than in the female. It should be remarked that all these varieties are exclusively confined to the vault of the cavity, oince the cranium is exactly moulded upon the brain, great interest has been attached to the exact appreciation of its dimensions, and hence the different measurements which have been adopted for this purpose. The oldest is the one proposed by Camper, under the name of the facial angle. This angle is intended to measure the relative proportions the cranium and face. It is taken by drawing one line from the middle incisors of >he upper jaw along the front of the forehead, and another from the same point to the auditory meatus. The angle included between these lines is in the European from 80° 10 in the Mongolian race 75°, and in the negro, 70°. This anatomical fact had not escaped the attention of the ancients. We observe that in the statues of their heroes The Cranium in general. * [An old Paris inch is =1.065765 inch English 1 OSTEOLOGY. and gods they have even exaggerated the facial angle, which is generally 90°, and even more in the case of Jupiter Tonans. The facial angle gives no information respecting the capacity of the posterior regions of the cranium, and, consequently, Daubenton had this specially in view in his mode of measurement, which bears the name of the occipital angle of Daubenton. This, however, like the preceding, and, in fact, all linear measurements applied to the determination of the capacity of the scull, is necessarily inexact. The variable thickness of the walls of the cavity, the greater or less development of the sinuses, and the projection of the al- veoli, or their obliteration after loss of the teeth, are ail important elements in the esti- mate, which have been entirely neglected; and, moreover, the facial and the occipital angle can only express the dimensions in one direction. The capacity of a cavity, like the volume of a solid, can only be determined by an estimate of its three dimensions. Hence, measures of surface, and measurements taken in the interior of the cranium, must be employed for this purpose. This is the object proposed by Cuvier, in comparing the area of the cranium and the area of the face, cut vertically from before backward. A section of the cranium represents an oval, with the broad end backward; a section of the face is triangular. In the European, the area of the cranium equals four times that of the face, without the lower jaw ; in the negro, the area of the face is increased one fifth. The most general result which can be deduced from a comparison of the cra- nium and face in man and in mammalia, is that they are developed in an inverse ratio. One appears to augment at the expense of the other. Division of the Cranium, and Description of its different Regions. The cranium, considered as one piece, presents an external surface, and an internal, or encephalic surface. Many of the objects seen on these surfaces have been already de- scribed with the particular bones to which they belong; these we shall merely point out; others, which result from the union of the bones in one common whole, will be ex- amined more in detail. External Surface of the Cranium. The external surface of the cranium offers for consideration a superior region or vault, an inferior, and two lateral regions. The superior region or vault is bounded by a circular line, passing from the middle, frontal, or nasal protuberance {glabella), along the temporal fossa, to the external occipi- tal protuberance. It is principally covered by the occipito-frontalis muscle, and presents in the median line, 1, the trace of the union of the two primitive halves of the frontal bone ; 2, the hi-parietal or sagittal suture (sagitta, an arrow), which forms a right angle, in front, with the fronto-parietal or coronal suture, and terminates behind at the superior angle of the occipito-parietal or lambdoidal suture (from the Greek letter lambda). On each side we observe three eminences, more or less prominent in different indi- viduals, and always most marked in the young. These are the frontal, the parietal, and the superior occipital protuberances. Between the frontal and parietal protuberances, the coronal suture is situated; and between the parietal and the occipital, we find the lambdoid suture. Besides these, there are a great number of smaller projections, which Gall has also denominated protuberances, and to which much importance is attached in his system. The inferior region or base of the cranium {fig. 21) is flattened and very irregular. It is Fig. 21. bounded, behind, by the external occipital protuberance (a) and superior semicircular line {a b); in front, by the glabella, or nasal eminence; laterally, by a line passing over the mastoid and external orbital process- es. I shall content myself by describing in this place the posterior half of the base of the cranium; the other half will be included in the description of the face, with the bones of which it concurs in forming the orbital, nasal, and zygomatic fossae. The ptery- goid processes below, and the posterior edge of the sphenoid above, define the limits of these two portions. The posterior half of the base of the cranium pre- sents, in the median line, and in an order from behind forward, the external occipital protuberance (a), the external occipital crest {a c), the foramen magnum {d), and condyles (c), the basilar process (n), and the transverse suture, which results from the articulation of the body of the sphenoid with the truncated inferior angle of the occipital bone, the spheno-occipital suture. On each side we observe the inferior occipital pro- tuberances, presenting certain variations in size in different subjects, to which Gall has attached great importance in his craniological system. These pro THE CRANIUM IN GENERAL. 47 tuberances are bounded above by the superior semicircular line of the occipital bone (A); •hey are crossed in the middle by the inferior semicircular line (g), which is separated from the preceding by muscular impressions. Between the inferior semicircular line and the occipital foramen are also a number of inequalities for the attachment of mus- cular fibres. Still more anteriorly is the posterior condyloid fossa, and occasionally the posterior condyloid foramen (g). Outside the condyles are the jugular surface (*), the eminence of the same name, and the petro-occipital suture, running obliquely from behind forward and inward (i k), without any indentations, or even complete juxtaposition of the bones, and terminating behind in a large irregular opening (before i), the foramen lacerum posterius, which is divided into two parts by a tongue of bone : the anterior is the smaller, and transmits the eighth pair of nerves ; the posterior is larger, and is call- ed the jugular fossa, from its receiving the enlarged commencement (sinus or diverticu- lum) of the jugular vein. The petro-occipital suture terminates in front in another irreg- ularly triangular opening, the foramen lacerum anterius {k), which is closed by cartilage, and forms, in fact, a fontanelle between the edges of the occipital, temporal, and sphe- noid bones. In front of the petro-occipital suture is the inferior surface of the petrous bone, with its numerous asperities; then, still proceeding from behind forward, we find the mastoid process (I), the digastric groove (m), the stylo-mastoid foramen (7), the sty- loid and vaginal processes, the inferior orifice of the carotid canal (v), and the petro-sphe- noidal suture, at the external termination of which the osseous portion of the Eustachian tube opens by an orifice directed obliquely forward and downward. Thus all the sutures of the posterior half of the base of the cranium meet in the fora- men lacerum anterius. From its internal angle, the spheno-occipital suture stretches across to the same part of the opposite foramen. The petro-sphenoidal suture sets out from the external angle, and becomes continuous with the fissure of Glasserius ; and the petro-occipital suture extends from the posterior angle to the occipito-mastoid suture, which it joins at an obtuse angle : all these sutures are formed by juxtaposition, and not by mutual reception, as those of the roof of the scull. The lateral regions of the cranium are bounded, behind, by the lambdoid suture ; in front, by the external orbital process; and above, by the temporal ridge. This region, more or less rounded in different subjects, is, nevertheless, the flattest part of the vault of the scull. Proceeding from behind forward, we observe, 1, the mastoid region, comprehend- ing the mastoid foramen (9, fig. 21), the external auditory meatus, the glenoid cavity, and the transverse root of the zygomatic process ; 2, the temporal region or fossa, con- cave in front, convex behind, bounded below by the zygomatic arch, which projects con- siderably from the head, more especially in carnivorous animals, and by a ridge which separates it from the zygomatic fossa. The temporal fossa is traversed by numerous sutures, arranged in the following manner : The fronto-parietal or coronal suture (e b, fig. 22) descends vertically; from its inferior extremity two others proceed, one in front, the sphcno-frontal, the other behind, the spheno-parietal. Each of these soon divides into two branches. From the spheno-parietal the spheno-temporal descends, and terminates in the fissure of Glasserius; the tempero-parietal {b id) passes horizontally, and becomes continuous with the lambdoidal suture ( the predominance of the antero-posterior diameter, and the absence of the grooves, both depend on the same cause, viz., the slight degree of curvature of the ribs in the foetus. At a more advanced period the curvatures increase, the posterior grooves are gradu- ally developed, the antero-posterior diameter is diminished, and the transverse propor- tionally increased, so that there is less difference in the absolute capacity of the thorax than would at first sight appear, for the differences we have noticed are in a great measure referable to the comparative predominance of one or other diameter. We should also remark, that in the foetus, the vertical diameter, particularly at the sides, is much shorter, on account of the unexpanded state of the lungs, and the elevation of the diaphragm by the abdominal viscera. The two circumferences likewise present remarkable differences. In the foetus, the superior opening has a- greater extent from before backward than transversely, which is precisely the opposite of what is observed in the adult. The inferior aperture is ex- tremely wide in every direction; and this accords with the large size of many of the abdominal viscera at this age, and particularly of the liver. At birth there is a sudden enlargement of the chest, because the access of air increases the lungs to a double or threefold extent, which, up to this period, were much contract- ed. At puberty, the thorax participates in the great development which the respiratory apparatus undergoes. It is at this time, also, that malformations of this cavity most fre- quently become obvious. In adult age, the thorax still grows, but In an almost insen- sible manner. THE LIMBS. In the aged, the different pieces of the sternum become united by osseous union : the cartilages are ossified; the thorax has a tendency, in some degree, to form only one piece, which does not permit the different parts to move upon one another. THE LIMBS. The vertebral column alone, in many animals, is the organ of locomotion, and the jaws the organ of prehension; but all animals so constituted either live in water or crawl on the earth. The vertebral column, however, in man, and in those animals which live in the air, is not constructed in such a way as to allow of the performance of a complete locomotion, and thence the necessity of limbs, which are only connected to the trunk by their superior extremities, and which, along the rest of their length, are completely iso- lated from the body. They are also denominated extremities, because they are the parts which are most distant from the centre of the body. They are four in number: two supe- rior, or thoracic, so called because they are directly connected with the thorax ; and two in- ferior, or abdominal, because they are continuous with the abdominal cavity. These last are intended to support the weight of the body like two pillars, and to transport it from place to place : the thoracic limbs are intended to seize objects or to repel them. The extremities present in their structure certain general circumstances which are essen- tially characteristic. We shall particularly notice the following : 1. As regards their form. The bones of the extremities differ in many respects both from those of the trunk and those of the head. They generally have the appearance of cylindrical and elongated levers, superimposed so as to form a column, the parts of which are movable upon each other. 2. The continuity of the extremities with the trunk is established by means of osseous zones or girdles, viz., the shoulder for the thoracic limbs, the pelvis for the abdominal. 3. The bones of the extremities diminish in size and length from the proximal to the distal, or free end. 4. The number of the bones in the limbs augments as we proceed towards their free extremity. 5. As a necessary consequence of the augmented number of bones, and of their pro- gressively diminished size, the articulations become more numerous and smaller towards the distal end of the limb. The thoracic and abdominal extremities being constructed upon the same fundamental type, we should never forget, in describing them, that they have numerous analogies, while, at the same time, we notice the differences in each which are connected with its peculiar office. THE SUPERIOR OR THORACIC EXTREMITIES. The Shoulder.—Clavicle.—Scapula.—The Shoulder in general.—Development.—Humerus. ■ Ulna.—Radius.—The Hand.—The Carpus and Carpal Bones.—The Metacarpus and Metacarpal Bones.—The Fingers.—General Development of the Superior Extremities. The thoracic extremities are divided into four parts, which, proceeding from the central .owards the distal end, are, 1. The shoulder; 2. The arm; 3. The fore-arm; 4. The hand K OSTEOLOGY. The Shoulder. The shoulder, situated at the posterior and lateral part of the chest, is composed of two bones, which form by their union a sort of angular lever with a horizontal and a ver- ) of the ulna presents a considerable enlargement; it is hollowed in front into a hook-like cavity, which articulates with the trochlea of the humerus, to the shape of which it is adapted. This cavity, which forms almost, half the circumference of a circle, is called the great sigmoid cavity {b g h) of the ulna, because it has been compared to the letter sigma of the Greek alphabet. It has a vertical branch, which forms the olecranon process (h), and a horizontal one named the coronoid process (h). There is a sort of constriction at the place (g) where these two branches meet; this is the weakest point of the upper end of the ulna, and is, consequently, the almost invariable seat of fractures of the olecranon. The olecranon (h), so named from uMvy, the elbow, and Kpdvov, the head, because it constitutes the most prominent part, or head of the elbow, presents, 1. A posterior surface, smooth above, and rough and irregular below, where it gives insertion to the triceps ; 2. An anterior or articular surface, concave, divided by a vertical ridge into two lateral parts of unequal magnitude; this is articulated to the troch- lear surface of the humerus ; 3. Two borders, more or less rough in different subjects, which afford attachments to the triceps muscle ; 4. A base, with the constriction we have before described; 5. The summit, having the form of a curved beak, which is received into the olecranal cavity of the humerus during extension of the forearm. The horizontal branch of the sigmoid cavity, or the coronoid process {h), presents, 1. A rough inferior surface (i), on which the brachialis anticus muscle is inserted ; 2. A supe- rior surface divided into two unequal parts by a ridge, which is a continuation of that which divides the articular surface of the olecranon ; 3. An internal rough edge (w), bent inward, and giving insertion to the internal lateral ligament of the elbow-joint; 4. An external edge marked by a small cavity, which is oblong from before backward, and slightly concave in the same and is called the lesser sigmoid cavity (k) of the ulna, to which the head of the radius is articulated ; below this small cavity is a rough, triangular, and deeply excavated surface, to which the supinator brevis muscle is attach- ed ; 5. An anterior sinuous edge, with a projection or beak, which is received into the coronoid cavity of the humerus during flexion of the forearm. The lower extremity of the ulna presents a small rounded enlargement (c), which has been called the head of the ulna. We observe on the outside an articular facette (/), con- vex, and elongated from before backward, which is received into a corresponding con- cave surface on the lower extremity of the radius. On the inner side of this head a vertical cylindrical process arises, called styloid process of the ulna (m), the point of which gives attachment to the internal lateral ligament of the wrist-joint. The head of the ulna presents below a smooth surface, which articulates with the cuneiform bone, a movable fibro-cartilage being interposed; it is separated from the styloid process behind by a groove for the passage of a tendon, and on the inside by a slight, irregular depres- sion, to which the triangular fibro-cartilage is attached. Connexions.—The ulna articulates with the humerus, the radius, and the cuneiform bone. Internal Structure.—The shaft of the ulna is compact; the two extremities are cellu- lar, especially the upper, the olecranon process of which resembles a short bone, both THE RADIUS. 81 in form and structure. Sometimes, even, as Rosenmuller has observed this process constitutes really a short bone, entirely separated from the ulna. Development.—The ulna is developed from three points ; one for the shalt, and one for each extremity. The osseous point of the body appears first from the thirty-fifth to the fortieth day, or a little later than that of the humerus. At birth, the extremities are entirely cartilaginous ; they do not begin to ossify until the sixth year, the lower one having the priority. The coronoid process is formed by extension of the ossific point of the shaft. The nodule of the olecranon appears about the seventh or eighth year. The upper extremity is united to the shaft from the fifteenth to the sixteenth year; the lower, from the eighteenth to the twentieth year. The Radius [fig. 45). The radius, so named because it has been compared to the spoke of a wheel, is situa» ted between the humerus and the carpus, on the outside of the ulna, to which it is contiguous above and below, and from which it is separated in the mid- dle by the interosseous space. It is somewhat smaller and shorter than the *dna, and has a vertical direction. It is a long and asymmetrical bone, pris- matic and triangular in its shape ; its lower end is the larger, and its shaft is slightly curved ; it consists of a shaft and extremities. The shaft (o), smaller above than below, presents a slight curvature with the concavity looking inward: this circumstance increases the distance be- tween the radius and ulna, i. e., the interosseous space. It has three surfa- ces, an anterior, a posterior, and an external, and three edges. The anterior surface (u), narrow above and broad below, presents (above o) the orifice of the nutritious canal, which, like that of the ulna, runs upward, or in an oppo- site direction to that of the humerus. It is somewhat grooved, and gives at- tachment to the flexor longus pollicis, and below to the pronator qaadratus mus- cles. The posterior surface, also slightly hollowed, gives attachment to sev- eral of the deep-seated muscles on the back of the forearm. The external surface, convex and rounded, is of equal breadth in almost its whole extent, and presents near the middle a rough surface for the insertion of the prona- tor teres. Of the three edges, one is anterior, the other posterior, and the third inter- nal ; the anterior edge (t rs) is blunt superiorly; it commences below a marked projection, named the bicipital tuberosity, or tubercle of the radius (t); from this point it passes obliquely outward, and terminates below, in front of an- other eminence called the styloid process (s) of the radius. The posterior edge, less prominent than the anterior, forms a scarcely perceptible demarcation between the two surfaces which it separates; it is pretty well marked in the middle of the bone, but hardly distinguishable above and below. The internal edge (t g) is sharp, and has the appearance of a ridge; it commences below the bicipital tuberosity, and extends to a small articular cavity (g), on the inner side of the lower end of the bone. This edge gives attachment to the interosseous ligament in its whole extent. The superior or humeral extremity (u), called also the head of the radius, expands in form of a shallow but regularly-shaped cup, the cavity corresponding with the small head of the humerus, which it partially receives. It is bounded by a circular border with a ver- tical articular surface (v), varying in breadth in different points, being nearly three lines broad on the inside, where it is in contact with the lesser sigmoid cavity of the ulna. The head of the radius is supported by a constricted portion, or neck {w), of a cylindrical form, and five or six lines in length, which is obliquely directed from above downward, and from without inward. At the junction of the neck and body of the radius, on the inside, we see a very marked process, called bicipital tuberosity (t). Its posterior half is rough, where it gives attachment to the tendon of the biceps; the anterior is smooth, and the tendon of the biceps glides over it before reaching its point of insertion. The inferior or carpal extremity (x), which is the largest part of the radius, is irregu- larly quadrilateral. Its dower surface is articular, smooth, concave, irregularly triangu- lar, and divided by a small antero-posterior ridge into two parts : an internal, which ar- ticulates with the semilunar bone of the wrist, and an external, which articulates with the scaphoid. In the outside of this surface we observe a pyramidal, triangular pro- cess, slightly bent outward; this is the styloid process (s) of the radius, shorter and much thicker than the styloid process of the ulna, and, like it, giving attachment to one of the lateral ligaments of the wrist-joint. The circumference of this end of the bone exhibits in front some inequalities, to which the anterior ligament of the wrist is attached; be- hind and on the outside, it is marked by the following tendinous grooves, viz., proceed- ing from without inward, 1. An oblique groove on the external surface of the styloid pro- cess, which shows the trace of a longitudinal division marking out two secondary fur- rows. 2. A groove bounded by projecting edges, and subdivided into two secondary ones by a longitudinal ridge, less elevated than the lateral border. 3. A somewhat deeo- Fig. 45. OSTEOLOGY. er groove, also divided into two secondary furrows of unequal dimensions by a very prominent line.* On the inside (g), the lower end of the radius is slightly excavated, to articulate with the carpal extremity of the ulna. Connexions.—The radius articulates with the humerus, the ulna, the scaphoid, and semilunar bones. Internal Structure.—The two extremities of the radius are cellular, and are covered by a very brittle layer of compact tissue; this is more remarkably the case at the lower part of the bone, where fractures most usually occur. The shaft is almost entirely form- ed of compact tissue, and has a very narrow medullary canal. Development.—The radius is developed from three points, one for the body, and ore for each extremity. The osseous point of the body appears some days before that of the ulna; the lower extremity is developed about the second year; the upper, at nine years. The upper extremity, which is last in beginning to ossify, becomes united to the body of the bone about the twelfth year, while the lower extremity is not joined until from the eighteenth to the twentieth year. The Hand {fig. 46). The hand is the last part of the upper extremity. Accustomed as we are to admire the beautiful and perfect organization of the different parts of the animal body, we are impressed with the most profound admiration when examining the mechanism of the hand. The organ of touch and prehension, performing functions the most opposite; those demanding great force, and those re- quiring the greatest delicacy. To enable it to fulfd at the same time functions so different, great solidity and great mo- bility were essential; and to secure these conditions, it was necessary that it should be formed of & great number of bones. It is composed of twenty-seven bones, exclusive of the sesamoid bones. The hand exists only in man and in the ape ; and its importance is so great, that it has been con- sidered by naturalists as establishing a fundamental charac- ter of the species. Man alone constitutes the class of bima- na; the apes form the class quadrumana; but in the hand of the ape, compared with that of man, we find great infe- riority. Let us, then, study with the attention it merits this chef-d'oeuvre of mechanism, which some of the philosophers of antiquity regarded as the distinctive character of man, and even as the source of his intellectual superiority. The hand, considered as part of the skeleton, is composed of five series of small col- umns. Each series consists of four pieces, excepting the outer one, which has three only. The five series of columns converge so as to unite Avith a bony mass, composed of eight bones (a to i) articulated together, and forming by their junction the base of the hand or the wrist. This bony mass is called the carpus. The five columns (k k), next the carpus, have received the name of metacarpal hones; by their union they form the metacarpus, which,corresponds with the palm of the hand: lastly, the columns which succeed to the metacarpus form appendages which are entirely isolated and independent of each other; these are the fingers, which are distinguished by numerical names of first, second, third, fourth, and fifth, counting from without inward, the hand being su- pine, and the palm turned forward; they are also known by the following appellations : thumb, index or indicator, middle, ring, and auricular or little finger. Each finger is composed of three small bones, called phalanges (I m n), distinguished also successively, from above downward, by the numerical names of first, second, and third. The third bears also the name of ungual, because it supports the nail; the thumb has only two phalanges (I n); it is also distinguished from the other fingers, by being on a plane anterior to them. The form of the hand leads us to consider separately a dorsal, convex surface, the back of the hand ; an anterior or palmar surface, the palm {fig. 46); an external or radial edge (a n), formed by the thumb ; an internal or ulnar edge (c n), formed by the little finger ; a superior, carpal, or anti-brachial extremity; and an inferior or digital extrem • ity, composed by the ends of the fingers, which, from their unequal length, form a curve with the convexity downward. The natural attitude of the hand is that of pronation, i. e., the attitude in which it is placed when the bones of the forearm, instead of being parallel as in supination, are crossed in such a manner that the lower part of the radius is in front of the ulna. The Fig. 4fi. * In the description of the muscles, we shall point out the tendon which occupies each of these primitive and secondary grooves. All enumerations of this kind, the advantages of which we do not dispute, when the bones and.jnuscles are already known, will find a place in the table at the end of the part devoted to myology. We have noticed here the muscular insertions, because, instead of burdening the memory, they are useful iq fixing the attention upon the objects described. THE CARPUS. 83 hand is in this position when laying hold of anything, or exercising the sense of touch, It is only for the convenience of description that we shall suppose the hand to be in the state of supination, and the palm turned forward. We shall be obliged to return to pro- nation, when we draw a parallel between the hand and the foot. The axis of the hand is almost the same as that of the forearm. The carpus (from aapnog, wrist, Kupneiv, to lay hold of) constitutes the bony structure of the wrist; it is of an oblong form, and almost elliptical transversely. The anterior surface (fig. 46) is concave, and forms a deep groove, in which the tendons of the flexor muscles are lodged. The posterior surface is convex, and in contact with the extensor tendons. They are both traversed by waved lines, which indicate the numerous artic- ulations of the component bones. The upper border is convex, and articulates with the radius and ulna; the lower is irregular and sinuous, and articulates with the metacarpal bones. The Carpus (a to f, fig. 46.) At each of the two extremities of the ellipse represented by the carpus, we observe two eminences, which form a projection on the anterior aspect, and contribute to aug- ment the depth of the groove which it forms. The two which occupy the outer edge of the wrist are much smaller than those which are situated on its inner border. The structure of the carpus is remarkable in this respect; that in proportion to its size, it presents in a given space a much greater number of bones than any other part of the skeleton. It consists, in fact, of eight bones, and is scarcely one inch in height, and two inches and a half in breadth. These eight bones are arranged in two series, or rows; an upper proximal or anti-hrachial {a b c d), and a lower distal or metacarpal (e i g/). Each of these ranges is composed of four bones ; counting from the external or radial edge towards the internal or ulnar, they ar#, in the first row, the scaphoid (a), the semi- lunar (b), the cuneiform (c), (or pyramidal), and the pisiform (d); in the second row, tra- pezium (e), the trapezoid (i), the os magnum (g), and the unciforme (/). I shall not occupy time in describing successively the six surfaces on each of these bones. By simply explaining the law which regulates their configuration, I shall have the double advantage of avoiding prolixity, and of enabling the student to understand more correctly both their forms and relations. Bones of the first or Anti-brachial Range. What I have just said of these bones does not apply to the pisiform, which is distin- guished from all the others by particular characters, and merits a special notice. With regard to the rest,* viz., the scaphoid {a), the semilunar (b), and the cuneiform (c), it may he remarked, 1. That they articulate by their upper surfaces with the forearm, forming a. sort of interrupted condyle, i. e., one consisting of several pieces, which is received into the cavity formed by the lower end of the radius and ulna. Each of the bones con- tributes to form this condyle, by means of a convex surface ; consequently, the superior surface of the bones of the first rank is articular and convex. 2. They articulate by their lower surfaces with the bones of the second rank, which on the inside oppose to them a large head formed by the os magnum and unciform, and on the outside a shallow con- cavity, which corresponds to the trapezium and the trapezoid. In accordance with this, the lower surface of the first row presents on the one hand a concavity, which receives the head, and on the other a convexity, which corresponds to the cavity. Three surfaces, belonging to the scaphoid, the semilunar, and the cuneiform, unite to form the cavity, which receives the head belonging to the second row. There is, there- fore, a broken cavity, i. e., one formed of several pieces. The scaphoid being the largest of the bones of the first row, and corresponding by itself to the most convex part of the head of the second row, is more deeply excavated than the two other bones ; this has given it the form of a boat, whence the name of scaphoid a boat). The semilu- nar, which corresponds to the summit of the head, presents from before backward a con- cavity, which has given it its name ; the cuneiform, on the contrary, corresponds to the least convex part of the articular head, and has an almost plane surface. One bone only, the scaphoid, answers to the concavity formed by the trapezium and trapezoides, and it accordingly presents a convex surface at the point of union. There- fore the lower surfaces of the bones of the first row are concave, and the lower surface of the scaphoid is partly concave and partly convex. 3. The bones of the first row of the carpus unite with each other by plane surfaces ; those of the scaphoid and semilunar, which join, are very small; the contiguous surfa- ces of the semilunar and the cuneiform are much larger. The semilunar and the cuneiform, which occupy the middle of the row, articulate not only with each other, but also with the scaphoid and the pisiform ; and each, therefore, has two lateral surfaces, so that the two middle bones of the row have four articular facettes. * It is necessary, in order to follow this description, and obtain from it all the advantage which it can afford, ° study at the same time an articulated carpus, especially one in which the joints arc exposed behind, some ngaments remaining in front. 84 OSTEOLOGY. The scaphoid, which is the outer bone of the first row, articulates internally wito me semilunar, but externally it has a projecting process, which may be easily felt under the skin, and which increases the depth of the anterior groove of the carpus. This eminence constitutes the external superior process of the carpus. 4. The bones of the first row forming part of the concavity in front, and of the convexity behind, have their anterior surfaces much smaller than their posterior ; both are rough, and serve for the insertion of ligaments. The pisiform (sa this name anplies exclusively to the articular ligaments. CLASSIFICATION OF THE JOINTS. 113 vided with a synovial membrane or capsule, by means of which the parts are constantly lubricated with a viscid, unctuous fluid, that favours the exact adaptation of the articular surfaces, obviates the effects of friction, and maintains them in contact. This is the cause of the noise or cracking which results from the sudden separation of the articulai surfaces. The synovial capsules, which have been well described by Monro, are thin, transparent membranes, forming shut sacs, which cover the heads of the bones without admitting them into the interior of the cavity. In fact, it is their external surface which adheres more or less intimately to the ligaments and other parts which surround the joint, while their internal surfaces are in contact with each other, and are constantly lubricated by the synovia. It is a question among anatomists whether the synovial membrane covers also the articular cartilages. It can only be traced by the knife as far as the circumfer- ence of these cartilages, and if it exists on them, which analogy would lead us to be- lieve, it is so completely modified as not to be recognisable. Without admitting or de- nying the fact, for the sake of facility in description, we shall assume the continuity of this membrane over the cartilages. In many joints the synovial membrane is raised from the surface of the parts by a subjacent cushion of fat, which projects into the joint, and which Glopton Havers imagined to be a gland for secreting the synovia. I believe that this, which may be called synovial fatty tissue, is only intended to fill up the spaces which would otherwise be formed in many articulations during the performance of cer- tain movements. The synovial fringes, described by the same author as the excretory ducts of these glands, are nothing more than folds of the membrane. Classification of the Joints. The multiplicity of the articulations, and the analogies and differences which they present, have induced anatomists to arrange them in a determinate number of groups, having well-marked characteristics. The shape of the articulating surfaces in each joint, the arrangement of the uniting media, and the variety and extent of motions, being necessarily correlative, either of these three circumstances may be taken as the basis of classification. Most of the older anatomists, attending specially to the means of union, divided the articulations into four classes : 1. Synchondroses {avv, with, and a car- tilage), when the bones are united by means of cartilage ; 2. Syneuroses {avv, with, and vsvpov, a nerve, the synonyme of ligament among the ancients), when the connexion is established by ligaments; 3. Syssarcoses {avv, with, and aupt;, flesh or muscle), those joints in which muscles form the uniting medium; 4. Meningoses {tir/viyf a membrane), when membranes serve as ligaments, as in the bones of the cranium in infants. This classification can only be regarded as a rough sketch. Bichat, fixing his attention entirely upon the movements, has divided the movable joints according to the variety of motions of which they are capable. There are four kinds of motion : 1. Gliding; 2. The movement of opposition, when a bone is alternately moved in opposite directions, as in flexion and extension ; 3. The movement of circum- duction, when the bone which is in motion describes a. cone, the apex of which is at the joint, and the base is traced by the opposite end of the bone ;* 4. The movement of rota- tion, in which a bone rolls on its axis without changing its place. Proceeding on this classification of the movements, Bichat arranged the articulations in two great classes, the movable and the immovable. The latter he divided accord- ing to the nature of the articular surfaces, the former according to the number of mo- tions, in the following order : Ist class, those joints which are capable of every kind oi motion, viz., gliding, opposition, rotation, and circumduction ; 2d class, those joints which are capable of all the motions, excepting rotation; 3d class, those joints which are only capable of opposition, or alternate motions in the same plane; 4th class, those joints which admit only of rotation ; sth class, those joints which are only capable of a gliding motion. We should observe that gliding occurs in all the preceding forms of articulation. This classification, which is almost exclusively founded upon a consideration of the movements, is eminently physiological. For this reason we shall reject it, because, in the study of anatomy, the consideration of functions is of secondary importance, com- pared to that of structure. The motions of a joint are also evidently the consequence of the shape of its articular surfaces. The classification now generally adopted is that of Galen, with some modifications. Taking the presence or absence of mobility as the primary ground of division, the artic- ulations are divided into the movable or diarthroses, and the immovable or synarthroses. To these two great divisions Winslow has added a third, under the name of mixed artic- ulations, or a.mphiarthroses {uyu, both), because they partake of the characters of both, viz., mobility, and continuity of surfaces.! For the determination of the secondary divisions, regard has been had both to the shape of the articular surfaces, and to the movements of which the joint is capable. * All the joints which possess the four movements of opposition necessarily possess those of circumduction t This kind sf articulation was known to Galen, and named by him neuter, or doubtful articulation P ARTURO LOGY. Thus, the diarthroses have been subdivided into, 1. Enarthroses, when the heal of one bone is received into the cavity of another ; 2. Arthrodia, when the articular surfaces are plane, or nearly so ; 3. Ginglymus, when the joint is only capable of opposition, that is, of alternate movements in opposite directions in the same plane. This latter class is again subdivided into (a) angular ginglymus or hinge-joints, when the movements are an- gular, as in flexion or extension : the angular ginglymus is said to be perfect, when these movements alone are possible, as in the elbow; and imperfect, when a slight degree of lateral motion may take place, as in the knee : {h) lateral ginglymus (or diarthrosis tro- choides), when rotation is the only possible movement. It also is subdivided into simple, when the bones touch only by one point; and double, when they have two points of contact. The synarthroses, or immovable joints, have been divided, according to the nature ol their articular surfaces, into, 1. Suture, when they are furnished with teetl, by means ol which they are locked together, as in the squamous suture; 2. Harmonia, (then the sur- faces are nearly smooth, and are merely in juxtaposition ; 3. Gomphosis, when one part is implanted in another, as the teeth in the alveoli; 4. Schindylesis, when a plate of one bone is received into a groove of another : in this way the osseous projection of the an- terior edge of the palate bone is attached to the opening of the maxillary sinus.* There are many advantages in the above, classification, but many imperfections also. I would characterize, as especially objectionable, the class arthrodia, which comprises the most dissimilar articulations, as the shoulder-joint, the articulations of the lower jaw, of the wrist, of the bones of the carpus, and of those of the tarsus. We should also notice, as another cause of imperfection, the want of unity in the basis of the classifi- cation, which is sometimes founded upon the shape of the surfaces, sometimes on the motions. By adopting the shape of the articular surfaces alone as a basis, we shall find the ar- rangement of the ligaments and the motions to be in some measure dependant upon this. On this principle, we shall divide all the joints into three classes; 1. Tire diarthroses {Slapdpovt), or those which are formed by bones the surfaces of which are contiguous, but free; 2. Synarthroses {avv, with), or all the joints whose surfaces are continuous; 3. Amphiarthroses, or symphyses {uyipu, both), or those joints whose surfaces are partly contiguous, and partly continuous by means of fibrous tissue. Characters.—Contiguous or free articular surfaces, shaped so as to fit exactly upon each other, and each provided, 1. With an incrusting layer of cartilage; 2. With syno- vial membranes; 3. With peripheral ligaments; joints always movable. This class is divided into six subdivisions : I. Diarthroses. 1. Enarthrosis. Characters.—A head, or portion of a sphere, more or less completely received into a cavity. Examples : hip and shoulder joints {fig. 76, and figs. 69 and 70). Ligaments.—A fibrous capsule. Motions.—ln every direction; viz., flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circum- duction, and rotation. 2. Articulation by mutual Reception. Characters.—Articular surfaces, concave in one direction, convex in the direction per- pendicular to the first, and so fitted as to embrace each other reciprocally. Example : articulation of the trapezium with the first metacarpal hone {m, fig. 75). J Ligaments.—Two or four ligaments, or, rather, an orbicular or capsular ligament Motions.—ln all directions, like the enarthroses, excepting rotation. 3. Articulation by Condyles, or Condylarthrosis. Characters.—An elongated head, or condyle, received into an elliptical cavity. Ex- amples : articulation of the forearm and hand {fig. 75), of the lower jaw and the temporal hone {fig. 65). Ligaments.—Two or four ligaments. Motions.—ln four directions; viz., flexion, extension, abduction, and circumduction, but no rotation. There are always two principal movements in these joints, and, con- sequently, two which are limited. 4. Trochlear Articulation, or Ginglymus. Characters.—A mutual reception of the articular surfaces. The pulley or trochlea belongs to this mode of articulation. Examples ; the elbow {figs. 71 and 72), the knee {fig. 78), the joints of the phalanges {figs. 73 and 74). * [The rostrum of the sphenoid, and the descending plate of the ethmoid, are united in this manner to the vomer, and afford, perhaps, a better example.] t The particle did always signifies separation. t The cervical vertebne of the swan present a beautiful specimen of this kind of articulation. This gives to the movements of the neck of these birds that elegance and grace for which they are so remarkable. articulations of the vertebral column. 115 Ligaments.—Two lateral ligaments generally placed nearer the side of flexion than that of extension. Sometimes there are likewise anterior and posterior ligaments, but they are always weak, and are often replaced by tendons. Motions.—Two motions in opposite directions. 5. Trochoid Articulations.* Characters.—An axis received into a ring, which is partly osseous and partly fibrous. Examples ; articulation of the atlas and axis {e, fig. 64), of the radius and ulna {figs. 71 and 72). Ligaments.—An annular ligament. Motions.-—Rotation. 6. Arthrodia. Characters.—Articular surfaces, plane, or nearly so.f Examples: articulations of the carpal and tarsal bones {figs. 76 and 84), and of the articular processes of the vertebra, {g, Jigs■ 61 and 63). Ligaments.—Fibres placed irregularly round the joint. , Motions.—Gliding. 11. Synarthroses. Characters.—Articular surfaces armed with teeth or other inequalities, which are mu tually dovetailed, and from which the name of suture is derived. Examples : articula- tions of the bones of the cranium {figs. 21, 22, and 23). Means of Union.—Remnant of the cartilage of ossification, which is gradually en- croached on during the progress of age.f There are no incrusting cartilages, synovial membranes, ligaments, nor motions. Monro enumerates seven kinds of sutures, and these might still be multiplied, if we regarded all the varieties presented by the articular surfaces. Three kinds may be ad- mitted with propriety: 1. Indented sutures; 2. Squamous sutures; and, 3. Harmonic su- tures ; the distinctions depending upon the articular surfaces being provided with teeth, or overlapping like scales, or being simply rough and in juxtaposition. These even are only unimportant varieties. Monro added the schindylesis, or ploughshare articulation of Keil. We shall content ourselves with' simply mentioning it; and we also omit the division gomphosis a nail), which is appropriated to the mode of implantation of the teeth; because the teeth are not bones, and are lodged in the jaw, not articulated with it. 111. Amphiarthroses, or Symphyses. Characters.—Flat, or nearly flat, articular surfaces, which are partly in contact, and are partly continuous, by means of fibrous tissue. Examples : articulation of the bodies of the vertebra {b, fig. 58), symphysis pubis (e, fig. 77), sacro-iliac symphysis {b,fig. 76). Means of Union.—Interosseous and peripheral ligaments. Motion.—Very slight, gliding; an arthrodia is a necessary element of an sis. Thus, in the symphysis pubis the bones are partly in contact, partly continuous. ARTICULATIONS OF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN. Articulations of the Vertebra with each other.—Those peculiar to certain Vertebra.—Sacro- vertebral, Sacro-coccygeal, and Coccygeal Articulations.—Articulations of the Cranium— Of the Face—Of the Thorax. The articulations of the vertebral column {figs. 58, 59, and 60) are divided into the extrinsic and the intrinsic. The first comprise the articulations of the vertebral column with the head, the ribs, and the ossa innominata. The intrinsic comprise the articula- tions of the vertebrae with each other. These last are also divided into those which are common to all the vertebrae, and those which are peculiar to some. We shall describe each in succession. Articulations of the Vertebrae with each other. Mode of Preparation.—Remove completely all the soft parts which surround the ver- tebral column; saw off vertically all that part of the head which is in front of the column, and separate the bodies of the vertebra from the posterior arches by dividing the pedi- cles. When the section reaches the axis, carry the. instrument behind the superior ar- * The trochoid (Tpi%o>, to turn), or pivot-joint, corresponds to the simple or double lateral ginglymus of modern anatomists, or the rotatory diarthrosis of the ancients. t These articular surfaces are very variable in the arthrodial articulations. Sometimes they are angular, sometimes spheroidal. As respects the ligaments, they are sometimes loose, sometimes firm. t Some anatomists have rejected this kind of articulation, adopting the opinion of Columbus, -who affirms mat there can be no joint whe-e there is no motion. 116 ARTHROLOGY. ticular processes of this vertebra, and of the atlas, and behind the condyles of the ocCipt tal cone : remove the spinal marrow and its membranes. In this way the vertebral col- umn will be divided into two parts ; an anterior, formed by the series of the bodies of the vertebrae, on which we find the anterior and ■posterior common ligaments, and the interver- tebral substances; and a posterior, formed by the series of laminae, and the articular and spinous processes. The intervertebral substances require a special preparation, which consists in making vertical and horizontal sections of a portion of the column, or which may be more simply effected by maceration in diluted nitric acid, which allows the bodies of the vertebrae to be removed without injuring the intervertebral substance. The vertebrae are united, 1. By their bodies ;2. By their articular processes; 3. By their laminae ; and, 4. By their spinous processes. Articulation of the Bodies of the Vertebra. The bodies of the vertebrae are united together by amphiarthrosis. The arthrodial por- tion, or the contiguous surface, is represented by the articular processes. The articular surfaces are the upper and under surfaces of the body of each vertebra. It follows, from the concavity of these surfaces, that, instead of fitting each other exact- ly, they leave considerable lenticular spaces between them ; these appear to be the ves- tiges of the biconical cavity between the vertebrae of fishes. The depth of these spaces is not the same throughout the entire column ; it exactly measures the thickness of the intervertebral substance. By measurement, I have ascertained that the height of the in- tervertebral substance in the loins is one half of that of the bodies of the vertebra, in the back one third, and in the neck a little more than the half. From the size of the bodies of the vertebra, it follows that the interval between the bodies is largest in the lumbar re- gion. The articular surfaces of the bodies of the vertebra are covered by a very thin layer of cartilage intermediate between the bones and the fibrous tissues. The means of union are of two kinds, as in all the amphiarthroses ; 1. They surround the joint; 2. They proceed from one articular surface to the other: in one word, some are peripheral, and the others interosseous. 1. Peripheral Ligaments.—The most general idea which can be formed of these liga- ments is that of a fibrous sheath, surrounding the column formed by the bodies of the vertebrae, and uniting in one whole the different pieces of which it is composed. The part of the sheath which covers the anterior aspect of the bones is called the anterior common ligament of the vertelrce; and that which covers the posterior Surface is called the posterior common ligament of the vertelrce. The anterior common vertebral ligament {a, figs. 58, 60) presents the appearance of a white pearly-looking membrane stretched from the axis to the upper part of the sacrum. This ligament, which is thicker in the dorsal region than in the neck or the loins, is composed of three very distinct parts: a thick one in the middle, and two lateral, which are separated from it by a series of openings that give pas- sage to some vessels (see fig. 68). Its anterior surface is in con- tact with the organs of the neck, the thorax, and the abdomen, and united with them by very loose cellular tissue. The tendons of the longi colli and anterior recti muscles, and the pillars of the diaphragm, mix their fibres with this ligament. The psoas mus- cles correspond to its lateral portions below. Its posterior surface adheres more closely to the intervertebral substances, and to the projecting rims of the bodies of the vertebrae, than to the trans- verse grooves of the bodies. This ligament is composed of sev- eral planes of fibres, of which the most superficial are the longest. The deepest pass from one vertebra to the next, and are lost on the periosteum. The superficial stretch over four or five vertebra?. Posterior common vertebral ligament {a, fig. 59). This is thicker than the anterior, but has the same white pearly appearance. It commences at the oc- cipital bone, and terminates at the sacrum. It resembles a fibrous band, which expands at the intervertebral substances, and is con- tracted over the bodies of the vertebrae; hence it has a regular fes- tooned appearance. Its posterior surface is united to the dura mater at its upper part, but is separated from it by a delicate cellular tis- sue throughout the rest of its extent. Its anterior surface adheres intimately to the intervertebral substances ; it is separated from the middle of the bodies of the vertebrae by the veins, which pass from the interior of the bone into the vertebral venous sinuses which run along the edges of the ligament. Like the anterior com- mon vertebral ligament, it is composed of several planes of fibres, the posterior of which are the longest. It is formed of more com- pact tissue than the anterior. 2. The intervertebral substance or interosseous ligament {b, figs, 58, Fig. 58. (Fig. 59.) articulations of the vertebral column. 117 59, 60, and 68) consists of a kind of disc, which fills up the lenticular space between the bodies of the vertebrae, and might, with propriety, be called intervertebral, disc. Each disc has the form of a double convex lens, and is so closely united by its upper and under surfaces to the corresponding vertebra;, that it is easier to break the bones than to destroy this connexion. Its circumference adheres to the anterior and posterior com- mon ligaments, and contributes to form the intervertebral foramina. In the dorsal region it also forms part of the angular faeette which articulates with the ribs. The thickness of the intervertebral substance is not the same in all the regions of the spinal column, be- ing greatest at the lower parts. The proportion between the thickness of the discs and the bodies of the vertebra; is exactly measured by that of the intervertebral space, and is not the same in all the regions. In the lumbar region the thickness of the disc is half that of the corresponding vertebrae; in the dorsal region it is a third ; and in the cervi- cal region it is a little more than a half.* The intervertebral substance is not equally thick throughout. From its lenticular form, it must be thicker at the centre than at the circumference; in the neck and in the loins it is thicker in front than behind ; in the back the opposite prevails, and by this inequality the discs concur in producing the alternate curves of the vertebral column. Abnormal curvatures are in a great measure caused by unequal thickness of these dies, and I have often had opportunities to convince myself that compression of this substance on the side towards which the inclination takes place is the most common origin of the deformity. The thickness of the discs varies in different circumstances. Thus, after prolonged standing in the erect posture, the height of the body becomes diminished from eight to ten lines, which is owing to compression of the intervertebral substances. Each disc is composed of concentric layers (figs. 60 and 68) closely pressed together at the circumference, but more separate towards thfe centre, where we find a soft spongy substance, moistened by a viscid fluid resembling synovia. This soft substance is nearer the posterior than the anterior aspect of the body of the vertebra; it escapes, and forms, as it were, a hernia, when the parts are cut either horizontally or vertically. It varies much at different ages. It is moist, soft, spongy, and white in the infant and in youth, which accords with the suppleness of the vertebral column at that period of life. Where this substance is situated, we may inflate an irregular cellular cavity in it, which may be regarded as the rudiment of the large synovial cavity which these parts exhibit in fishes. M; Pailloux believes that this cavity is lined by a synovial membrane. In old age it be- comes dry, friable, and yellowish, or brown. Monro attributes the elasticity of the ver- tebral column to the displacement of this soft central substance in the different move ments ; for, according to his theory, the movements of the bodies of the vertebrae take place upon it as upon a movable pivot or a liquid fulcrum. The intervertebral substance is called a cartilaginous ligament by Yesalius ; by others, a cartilage; and by Bichat, a fibro-cartilage ; but they evidently belong to the fibrous tis- sues. This may be shown by macerating a portion of the spinal column for some days, or even by rubbing the surface with a rough cloth. It will then appear that this pretend- ed fibro-cartilage is nothing more than a series of concentric fibrous layers, strongly com- pressed together; that each layer is formed of parallel fibres, directed very obliquely from the lower surface of the vertebra above to the upper surface of the vertebra below, and regularly crossing with the fibres of the next layer ([bfig. 58). This regular cross- ing, which we shall meet with in other parts, is evidently very conducive to solidity. Union of the Articular Processes. These articulations are arthrodia. Articular Surfaces.—The corresponding surfaces are covered by a thin layer of cartilage. The means of union consist of some irregular ligamentous fibres (d d, fig. 60), which sur- round the outside of the joint, and are more numerous in the dorsal and cervical regions than in the loins, the internal side of the articulation being occupied by the yellow liga- ment. These articulations are provided with synovial membranes of greater extent in the cervical than in the other regions. Union of the Lamina. Fig. 60. The spaces between the vertebral laminae are occupied by ligaments of a particular description, which are called yellow ligaments, ligamenta sub- dued, on account of their colour. They are composed of two halves uni- ted at an angle like the laminae (c c,fig. 60). Their lower edge is implanted upon the upper edge of the laminae below, and their upper edge is attached to the anterior surface of the corresponding laminae. From this it fol- lows, that the height of the ligamenta subllava is much greater than would lie necessary to reach from one lamina to another; it is almost equal to that ol the corresponding vertebral lamina. Their length is measured by that of the laminae, and is, consequently, * A curious preparation may be made by taking away all the bodies of the, vertebra; in a spine softened by nitric acid. A column then remains, formed by the series of discs, which may be compared with a column formed by the bodies of the vortebr®. 118 ARTHROLOGY. greater in the neck than in the back and loins. They are of greater thickness in the loins than in the back and the neck, and the thickest part corresponds to the base of the spinous process. There are also some re-enforcing bundles, which constitute a sort of median yellow ligament. Their anterior surface is separated from the dura mater by cel- lular tissue, and by veins. It is remarkable for its smooth and polished appearance. Their posterior surfaces are in contact with the vertebral laminse, which cover them al- most completely, except in the cervical region, where they may be seen between the lam- inae, when the head is slightly inclined forward ; this circumstance renders it possible lor a penetrating instrument to enter between the cervical laminae, while it is almost impossible in the dorsal and lumbar regions. Structure.—These ligaments are composed of parallel vertical fibres very closely ar- ranged. They are extensible, and, when stretched, immediately recover themselves, and are therefore very elastic. They are as strong as ordinary ligaments. Their extensi- bility is brought into action during flexion of the vertebral column, and their elasticity during extension. They have great effect in maintaining the erect posture, which would otherwise have required a constant expenditure of muscular power. Union of the Spinous Processes. The spinous processes are united by the supra-spinous and the inter-spinous ligaments. The supra-spinous ligament {d d, figs. 58 and 59) is a fibrous cord, which extends from the seventh cervical vertebra to the sacrum, along the summit of the spinous processes of the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae. This ligament can be only distinguished from the aponeurotic fibres, which are inserted into the spinous processes, by the longitudinal di- rection of its fibres. It is larger in the lumbar than in the dorsal region. It is expand- ed, and becomes even sometimes cartilaginous in the interval between the processes. It is inextensible. I regard a fibrous cord which extends from the seventh cervical ver- tebra to the external occipital protuberance as a continuation of the supra-spinous liga- ment ; it appears to be the vestige of the posterior cervical ligament of quadrupeds, and is of considerable size in some subjects ; from its anterior surface, prolongations are given off to the spinous processes of all the cervical vertebrae, excepting the first.* The inter-spinous ligaments (e e, fig. 58) do not exist in the neck, where their place is supplied by small muscles ; they are very thin in the back, where each has the form of a triangle with the base looking backward. They are thick and quadrilateral in the loins. Their upper and lower edges are attached to the corresponding spinous processes. Their surfaces are in contact with the muscles of the vertebral grooves. M. Mayer speaks of synovial capsules, which he has met with between the lumbar spinous processes, and especially between the third and the fourth in this region ; these membranes are by no means constant. Although the articulations of the atlas and of the axis, with the occipital bone, do not properly belong to the articulations of the vertebral column, yet the connexion between these articulations and that of the atlas with the axis is so intimate, that it is impossi- ble to separate them. We shall describe these three articulations in succession ; first noticing the articulation of the atlas with the occipital bone (occipito-atlantoid articulation). Articulations peculiar to certain Vertehrce (Jigs. 61 to 64). Preparation.—Remove the part of the scull which is in front of the vertebral column, taking care to leave the basilar process. The muscles which surround the joint, being closely applied to the ligaments, should be very carefully detached. The atlas unites with the occipital bone, 1. By its anterior arch; 2. By its posterior arch; 3. By the base of its transverse processes ; 4. By its two articular surfaces. 1. The anterior arch of the atlas is united to the circumfqrence of the foramen mag- Occipito-atlantoid Articulation. Fig. 61. num by two anterior occipito-atlantal ligaments. One of these, the superficial {a, figs. 61 and 64), is a very strong cylindrical cord situated in the median line, where it forms a very marked projection, and stretches from the basilar process of the occipital bone to the an- terior tubercle of the atlas. The other (b, fig. 61), which is deep-seated, is pretty thick, consists of several layers, and extends from the upper edge of the anterior arch of the atlas to the occipital bone. 2. Most anatomists admit the existence of a liga- ment stretching from the posterior part of the foramen magnum to the upper edge of the posterior arch of the atlas, the posterior occipito-atlantal ligament [b, figs. 62 * ligament is the result of the intersection of the aponeuroses, of the trapezius, splenius, &c. I shall refer more particularly to this point in myology, -when on the subject of the posterior cervical apoueuCosis and 64). But it can scarcely be distinguished, con- sisting only of a few ligamentous fibres among the fat of this region. 3- Lateral Occipito-atlantal Ligaments (c, fig. 61). ' A fibrous cord passes from the base of the trans- verse process of the atlas to the jugular process of the occipital bone. In connexion with a similar bun- dle from the pars petrosa, it forms a very remark- able fibrous canal, which gives passage to the in- ternal jugular vein, the internal carotid artery, the hypoglossal, pneumogastric, glosso-pharyngeal, and accessory nerves. ARTICULATIONS OF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN 119 Fig. 62. The union of the condyles of the occipital bone with the superior articular surfaces of the atlas is a double condyloid articulation. The articular surfaces of the occipital bone are the two condyles, convex, oblong, looking downward and outward, and directed for- ward and inward, so that their axes, if prolonged, would meet in front of the basilar process. The articular surfaces of the atlas are concave and oblong, and look upward and a little inward, so as to fit exactly upon the convexity of the condyles. Both are covered by a thin layer of cartilage. The ligaments are vertical fibres which surround the joint, hut are most numerous in front and on the outside, for they scarcely exist on the inside and behind. There is also a very loose synovial membrane which passes beyond fhe articular surfaces on all sides, but especially to the outside. Atlanto-axoid Articulation. Preparation.—After having studied the superficial ligaments, remove the laminse of the axis, the posterior arch of the atlas, and the back part of the foramen magnum. Detach with care that portion of the dura mater which corresponds to the first two vertebrae and the foramen magnum, and turn it upward. Lastly, in order to obtain a good view of the articulation of the odontoid process with the atlas, disarticulate the occipital bone. This articulation is formed between, 1. The odontoid process of the axis, and the an- terior arch of the atlas ; 2. Between the superior articulating processes of the axis and the inferior articulating processes of the atlas ; 3. In addition, the anterior and posterior arches of the atlas are united to the axis by two ligaments—the anterior and the poste- rior atlanto-axoid ligaments. The anterior atlanto-axoid ligament {b,figs. 61 and 64) is a thick vertical bundle com- posed of several layers, which extends from the tubercle and the lower edge of the an- terior arch of the atlas in front of the base of the odontoid process of the body of the axis. It is continuous below with the anterior common ligament. The posterior atlanto-axoid ligament (c,figs. 62 and 64) is a very loose and thin mem- brane, extending from the posterior arch of the atlas to the upper edge of the lamina; of the axis ; it is a little thicker in the median line than at the sides, and represents the ligamenta subflava in a rudimentary state. Articulation of the Odontoid Process with the Atlas.—This is a.pivot joint, the odontoid pro- cess being received into a ring formed in front by the anterior arch of the atlas, on the sides by the lateral masses of the same bone, and behind by the transverse ligament. We have, therefore, to consider, 1. The articulation of the anterior arch of the atlas with the odontoid process (atlanto-odontoid articulation); 2. The articulation of this same pro- cess with the transverse ligament {syndesmo-odontoid articulation). 1. Atlanto-odontoid Articulation (c, fig. 64).—The articular surfaces are an oval and slightly concave facette on the posterior surface of the anterior arch of the atlas (1); and a slightly convex, vertically oblong facette, on the fore part of the odontoid process (2). Both surfaces are incrusted with cartilage, and there is also a veiy loose synovial membrane with subjacent adipose tissue. The joint is* strengthened by some ligament- ous fibres, arranged in the form of a capsule. 2. Syndcsmo-odoiitoid Articulation.—This joint is formed by means of the transverse or annular ligament (/, figs. 63 and 64), a very thick and compact bundle of libres, flattened before and behind, and stretched transversely between the lateral masses of the atlas, passing behind the odontoid process, and closely embracing it like a half ring. The anterior sur- face of this ligament is concave, and polished like car- tilage ; it is in contact with the posterior surface of the odontoid process (2, fig. 64), which is covered with cartilage, and is almost always furrowed transversely, i- e., in the direction of its movements. There is a very Fig. C 3. loose synovial membrane in this joint, which is prolonged on the sides of the odontoid process, as far as the odontoid ligaments. The posterior surface is covered by the pos- terior occipito-axoid ligaments* (o, fig 64; see figs. 63 and 64). From its upper edge a *lf the student is only provided with one preparation for the examination of all these joints, it is necessary to study these ligaments before dividing them, in order to expose the transverse ligaments. 120 ARTHROLOGY. fibrous band is detached, which is fixed to the occipital bone, in front of the occipito-ax- oid ligament, by a narrow extremity. Another fibrous band (see figs. 63 and 64), of greater length than breadth, proceeds from its lower edge, and is attached to the posterior surface of the axis ; hence the name crucial has been given to the annular ligament by some authors. The extremities are inserted into two tubercles on the inside of the lateral masses of the atlas. There is a very remarkable circumstance connected with this ligament, viz., that its lower circumference belongs to a smaller circle than its upper, so that the odontoid process is very firmly retained in the ring which this ligament contributes to form, and this ar- rangement accords with a sort of constriction at the base of the odontoid process. Union of the Articular Processes of the Atlas and the Axis. This is a double arthrodia. The articular surfaces of the atlas are plane, circular, and horizontal, but looking slightly inward ; those of the axis are also plane and horizontal, looking slightly outward, and of greater extent than the preceding. They are retained in their place by a fibrous capsule (g, figs. 61 and 63), which is very strong, especially in front, and sufficiently loose to permit the extensive motions which take place at this joint: it is formed of vertical and parallel fibres. The synovial capsule is very loose, and projects beyond the surfaces of the bones in every direction, but particularly in front. It almost always communicates with the synovial membrane of the joint between the transverse ligament and the odontoid process. Union of the Occipital Bone and the Axis. Although the occipital bone and the axis are nowhere contiguous, and are not, there- fore, articulated, yet they are united very firmly by means of strong ligaments, extending from the occipital bone to the body of the axis, and also to the odontoid process. Preparation.—Remove with care that portion of the dura mater which corresponds to the first two vertebras; the occipito-axoid ligaments lie under it. Then detach the transverse ligaments, remove the anterior arch and lateral masses of the atlas, so that nothing remains excepting the occipital bone and the axis. 1. The occipito-axoid ligaments are three in number, a middle and two lateral. The Fig. 64. middle occipito-axoid ligament (o, jig. 64) is thick, and forms at its upper part a single band, the fibres of which are sep- arated below into three very distinct layers. The most posterior of these is continuous with the posterior common ligament; the second is attached to the posterior surface of the body of the axis; and the deepest, which is very thin, and shaped like a tongue pointed above, is that which we described with the transverse ligament. The lateral occipito-axoid ligaments (r, jig. 64) arise from the sides of the basilar groove by a broad extremity, and are attached to the posterior surface of the axis by a pointed end. They correspond in front with the odontoid and transverse ligaments, and behind with the dura mater. 2. The odontoid ligaments are three in number, a middle and two lateral. The middle (I, fig. 64) consists of ligamentous fibres, which extend from the apex of the odontoid process to the fore part of the foramen magnum, between the condyles ; the two lateral (I, fig. 63) are two bundles of fibres, very strong, short, and cylindrical, which stretch between the sides of the apex of the odontoid process, and two small fossae on the inside of the condyles ; their direction is horizontal, so that they represent the horizontal limbs of the letter T, of which the odontoid process forms the vertical portion; they are almost always united by a bundle, which passes above the odontoid process without adhering to it, so that, at first sight, they mi(fht be declared to be one and the same ligament. Sacro-vertebral, Sacro-coccygeal, and Coccygeal Articulations. Sacro-vertebral Articulation.—This resembles in every point the articulations of the other vertebra. We shall only remark, 1. The great thickness of the intervertebral sub- stance, particularly in front, a vertical section of it resembling a hatchet with the broad part turned forward ; 2. The sacro-vertebral ligament (a, fig. 76), which is proper to this articulation, a very short, thick, and strong bundle stretched obliquely from the trans- verse process of the fifth lumbar vertebra to the base of the sacrum, where it crosses with some ligamentous fibres of the sacro-iliac articulation. Sacro-coccygeal Articulation.—This is an amphiarthrosis, or symphysis, analogous in every repect to that of the bodies of the vertebra; a fibious disc resembling the inter- vertebral substances, but of a more loose texture, unites the corresponding articular sur- faces. In some subjects the coccyx is very movable, and there is a synovial capsule in the centre of the disc. The other means of union are, 1. The anterior sacro-coccygeal lig- ament (a fig. 77), composed of parallel fibres extending from the anterior surface of the sr.crum to the anterior surface of the coccyx, and often divided into two lateral bundles; MECHANISM OF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN. 121 2. The ■posterior sacro-coccygeal ligament, which is fixed above to the edges of the notch which terminates the sacral canal, and is prolonged upon the posterior surface of the coccyx. This ligament, which completes the sacral canal, gives attachment to the glu- tan maximi muscles by its posterior surface. It is composed of several layers, the most superficial of which reach the apex of the coccyx, while the deepest extend only to the first piece of that bone. The coccygeal articulations are also amphiarthroses, which become synarthroses during the progress of life. The articulation of the first with the second piece is the only one which remains to an advanced age. It is sometimes extremely movable.* Mechanism of the Vertebral Column. The vertebral column being at. once an enclosing and protecting cylinder for the spi- nal marrow, a column for transmitting the weight of the trunk and the upper extremi- ties to the legs, and an organ of locomotion, its anatomical structure must be examined in reference to these three uses. The Vertebral Column considered as the Protecting Cylinder of the Spinal Cord. The vertebral column performs the office of a protecting cylinder, by virtue of its so- lidity, ensured by the bodies of the vertebrae in front, by the projection of the spinous processes behind, which ward off, so to speak, all external objects, and by the promi- nence of the transverse processes at the sides. By means of these arrangements, the spinal cord is inaccessible, excepting by a sharp instrument, which might penetrate ei- ther in front through the intervertebral substances, or on the sides through the interver- tebral foramina, or, lastly, behind through the intervals between the spinous processes, and between the laminae. Another condition of solidity, in so far as this can be obtain- ed with mobility, is provided by the number of pieces of which the vertebral column is formed. For, in all cases where the column is subjected to shocks, each articulation becomes the seat of a decomposition of the force; a part is employed in producing a slight displacement of the articular surfaces, and is therefore entirely lost, as far as re- gards the transmission of the shock. If, on the contrary, the vertebral column had been formed of one single piece, the transmission of shocks would have been unbroken, and thus the frequent cause of concussion and fracture. Lastly, the breadth of the articular surfaces by which the bodies are united, the strength and pliability of the intervertebral substances, the vertical direction of the articular processes, contrasted with the horizon- tal direction of the articular surfaces of the body, and the species of dovetailing which results from it, are also most favourable conditions for the protection of the spinal mar- tow. ' Indeed, I do not see how, in our system of organization, the protection to the spi- nal cord could be increased. The Vertebral Column considered as an Organ for transmitting the Weight of the Trunk The anatomical arrangements adapted to this purpose are the following; 1. The progressive increase in size of the vertebral column, from the apex to the base. This disposition is particularly observable in the first two pieces of the sacrum, which are proportionally much larger in man than in the lower animals. 2. The articulation of the vertebral column with the posterior part of the pelvis, by which the centre of gravity of the trunk is carried backward, and the maintenance of the equilibrium is aided, by counterbalancing the weight of the thoracic and abdominal viscera, which, instead of uniformly surrounding the column, are all placed in front. 3. The alternate inflections of the vertebral column, which allow more extensive os- cillations of the centre of gravity of the column than would have been practicable had its direction been altogether rectilinear, and which also augment its power of resistance in the vertical direction. 4. The length of the spinous processes, which thus afford a more favourable, because a longer lever to the extensor muscles, which maintain the column erect. The absence of these processes in infancy is one of the causes of the difficulty of standing at that period. 5. The existence of the soft matter in the centre of the intervertebral discs, which prevents compression of the column by affording a liquid, and therefore almost incom- pressible point d'appui, as Monro has remarked; the truth of this may be proved by sub- mitting a portion to powerful compression. We have before remarked that this soft matter is not placed in the centre, between the bodies of the vertebra;, but nearer to the posterior border, and, consequently, it occupies the centre of their movements. It di- minishes the violence of shocks, changes its position as we change our attitudes, and fills up the vacancies resulting from the approach of the bodies on one side, and their separa- tion on the other. It is generally believed, it is true, that the diminution of height which follows upon prolonged standing or walking is the result of mechanical compression of the intervertebral discs, and an absolute diminution of their thickness; but it appears * I have met with an instance in which this joint was very movable : there was a synovial membrane and a fibrous capsule. The extent of the motion was so great, that the two pieces cou’d be made to form a right angle with the cavity looking backward. Q 122 ARTHROLOGY. more conformable to the laws of physics to admit that the diminution in the height of the vertebral column depends upon the increase of the curvatures, unless we admit Mon- ro’s hypothesis of the absorption of part of the liquid contained within the discs. 6. The presence of the yellow ligaments, which, by their elasticity, continually oppose the causes which tend to bend the body forward, and which are for each of the vertebrae what the posterior cervical ligament is for the head. 7. The existence of the vertebral canal, which has the same advantage as the cylinder of long bones, of increasing the strength without increasing the weight. 8. The mode of articulation of the vertebral column with the head, which is doubly ad- vantageous, both as regards the place occupied by the articular surfaces, and their di- rection : 1. The articular surfaces correspond to the point of junction of the posterior with the two anterior thirds of the head. The posterior third of the head contains a large portion of the encephalic mass, while the two anterior thirds are chiefly formed by the face, which, in comparison to its size, is of little weight. From this it follows, that the weight of the posterior third almost counterbalances that of the two anterior thirds of the head. 2. The almost horizontal direction of. the condyles in the human subject permits the head to rest upon the summit of the vertebral column, without having a necessary tendency, or at least a very slight one, to incline forward, as invariably takes place in animals whose occipital condyles are vertical, and situated entirely on the back of the head. Yet, notwithstanding these advantageous conditions of the atlantal artic- ulation, the part in front of the condyles is somewhat heavier than that behind ; and this difference, though slight, is sufficient to cause flexion of the head, when left to itself, either during sleep or after death. Indeed, in spite of all the arrangements above re- ferred to, considerable efforts are required to maintain the biped position; and to secure this, we have the vertebral grooves filled up with powerful muscles. In the human sub- ject, the muscles which occupy the cervical portion of the column, and which are des- tined to support the head, are not nearly so strong as the corresponding muscles in the quadruped, while those of the loins are proportionally much stronger. Standing in the erect position is, therefore, very far from being a state of rest, and requires a constant muscular effort to sustain it. The Vertebral Column considered as an Organ of Locomotion. The vertebrae perform upon each other certain oscillatory or balancing movements in all directions, by means of the pliability of the intervertebral substances ;* but they are so obscure, that their existence can scarcely be recognised, or their character examined on a small portion of the column. In order to understand them, the entire spinfe must be examined. Movements of the entire Column.—These are, 1. Flexion, or the movement forward. 2. Extension. 3, Lateral inclination. 4. Circumduction, in which the column describes a cone, of which the apex is below, and the base above. 5. Rotation on its axis, or tor- sion of the vertebral column. In the analysis of the motions of the column, it is necessary to distinguish carefully between the actual and the apparent motions; the first are much less extensive than would be imagined at first sight, the greater part of the apparent movements taking place at the articulations of the pelvis with the thighs. In these movements of the whole, the column represents a lever of the third order, an elastic arch in which the resistance is at the upper extremity, the fulcrum at the lower end, and the power applied in the middle. Each vertebra, on the contrary, represents a lever of the first order, in which the pow- er and the resistance are at the anterior and posterior extremities of the bone, and the fulcrum in the middle. 1. In the movement of flexion, which is the most extensive of all, the anterior common ligament is relaxed; the anterior part of the intervertebral substances is compressed ; the soft central portion is pushed backward ; the posterior fibres of the discs are slight- ly stretched, as are also the posterior common ligament, the supra-spinous, inter-spi- nous, and yellow ligaments. The inferior articular processes of each vertebra move up- ward upon the superior articular processes of the vertebra below. The laminae are sep- arated, so that the rachidian canal, especially in the cervical region, becomes accessible to penetrating instruments. 2. In extension, the anterior common ligament and the anterior fibres of the intei ver- tebral discs are stretched ; the posterior fibres of the disc are relaxed ; the soft central matter is pushed forward; the yellow, supra-spinous, and inter-spinous ligaments are relaxed. The lower articular processes glide downward upon the superior articular pro- cesses of the vertebra below. This motion is not extensive ; it is limited by the ante- rior common ligament, and the meeting of the spinous processes. 3. In the movements of lateral inclination, the discs are compressed on the side to which the inclination takes place, and the central pulp is forced to the other side. These motions are limited, not only by the meeting of the transverse processes, but even be * Thus the uniting media of the vertebra; serve also as means of locomotion MECHANISM OF THE VERTEBRAE COLUMN. fore these touch, by the resistance of the intervertebral substances, and of the lateral bundles of the anterior common ligament. 4. Circumduction.—This motion, the centre of which is in the lumbar region, appears at first sight very extensive, because a portion of the movement at the hip-joint is gen- erally ascribed to it. In reality, it is very limited, and results from a succession of the preceding motions. 5. The movement of rotation is effected by the twisting of the intervertebral sub- stances. Although the motion of each disc is very slight-, yet the simultaneous twisting of them all produces a general movement, by which the anterior surface of the column is turned slightly to the sides. It is, however, upon the whole, very limited ; and al- though in the erect posture the trunk of the body can describe a semicircle, the greatei part of this motion takes place at the hip-joint. All the regions of the vertebral column do not equally participate in these general mo- tions. They are most extensive in the cervical region, where we observe, 1. Flexion, which may be carried so far as to make the chin touch the upper part of the sternum; 2. Extension, so that the neck may be turned backward; 3. Lateral inclination, until the head nearly touches the shoulder; 4. Rotation, which is greater here than in any of the other regions, notwithstanding the presence of the lateral hook-like processes or ridges.* These motions may be to such an extent as to Cause luxation, which can only take place, without fracture, in the cervical region, on account of the almost horizontal direction of the articular processes. The general movements are most limited in the dorsal region. 1. Flexion is rendered impossible by the presence of the sternum. .The presence of this bone in the different species of animals attests the immobility of the dorsal portion of the column, in the same manner as its absence is an indication of its mobility. 2. Extension is prevented by the meeting of the spinous processes, which are longer and more closely imbricated in this than in any other of the regions. 3. Lateral movements are rendered impossible by the ribs, which would be forced against each other if this motion took place. 4. As all the preceding motions are the elements of circumduction, it may be easily conceived that this can scarcely take place. 5. The same obstacles oppose the movement of rotation, which is also prevented by the position of the articular processes, which are directed ver- tically, and whose surfaces on the right and left sides are not upon the same plane. The thinness of the intervertebral substances in the dorsal region accords with all these arrangements in limiting mobility. What has been said regarding the immobility of the dorsal region applies only to the upper part of this region. The dispositions at the lower part are more favourable to mo- bility. We know that the last two dorsal vertebrae are remarkable for the shortness of their spinous and transverse processes; and that the ribs with which they articulate are very movable, and could not oppose the motions of the vertebrae in any degree. The lumbar region participates much more in the general motions than the dorsal. The articular processes in this region are much more advantageously adapted for rota- tion than in either the dorsal or cervical, for the lower pair of each vertebra forms a solid cylinder, which is received into the hollow surface of the superior articulating processes of the vertebra below'. This arrangement permits a motion resembling that of the hinges of a door. It should be remarked, that in all the regions the low'er articular processes of each vertebra are placed behind the superior articular processes of the succeeding vertebra, and form a sort of imbrication. Each vertebra, then, is retained in its place by a species of dovetailing, so that it cannot be dislocated forward without breaking the superior ar- ticular processes of the vertebra below, nor backward, without breaking the inferior ar- ticular processes of the vertebra above. This remark does not apply rigorously to the cervical region, the articular processes of which are oblique, and can permit dislocation without fracture. Mechanism of the Articulations of the Vertebral Column and the Head. The movements of the head upon the vertebral column are shared between two artic- ulations : viz., 1. The occipito-atlantal, to which all the motions of flexion, extension, .ateral inclination, and circumduction belong; 2. The atlanto-axoid, which only performs one movement, viz., rotation. The movements of flexion and extension of the head upon the atlas are very limited; when the head is decidedly bent or inclined, the effect is produced by motion of the whole cervical region. It is possible to distinguish flexion at the occipito-atlantal artic- ulation from that wdiich is produced by the entire cervical region. In the first case, the chin approaches the vertebral column, and the skin on the upper part of the neck is Mechanism of the Occipito-atlantal Articulation. * We should form an incorrect notion of the obstacle resulting' from the lateral ridges on the bodies of the vertebrae, in the performance of rotation, if we were to study them only on tße disarticulated skeleton. In the recent subject they, scarcely touch the vertebra above, on account of the intervertebral disc. 124 ARTHROLOGY. wrinkled transversely; in the latter, the spine bends at the same time as the head, con- sequently the interval between it and the chin remains the same, and there are no trans- verse wrinkles of the skin. During flexion the condyles glide backward; the odontoid, the occipito-axoid, and the posterior ligaments are stretched, but in extension the gliding takes place in an oppo- site direction. The occipito-atlantal articulation is deprived of the power of rotation by the direction of the condyles, which mutually obstruct this movement. In birds, which have only one condyle, the articulation of the head admits of very extensive rotation. In the human subject there is a slight movement of rotation at this joint, when the head is previously inclined upon one of the condyles, which then serves as a pivot. Mechanism of the Atlanta-axoid Articulation. In the movements of this articulation, we should regard the atlas and the head as forming only one piece. There are no movements either of flexion or extension. The inclusion of the odontoid process in the syndesmo-atlantal ring prevents even the slight- est motion of the atlas, either forward or backward ; for in the forward motion, or flex- ion, the atlas is fixed by the transverse ligament, which presses upon the odontoid pro- cess ; and in the backward motion, or extension, the atlas is fixed by its own anterior arch, which is brought in contact with the same obstacle. There is, moreover, no lat- eral inclination at this joint, for this is prevented by the odontoid ligaments. Rotation is, therefore, the only movement which remains. In this motion, in which the head de- scribes the arc of a large circle upon the,vertebral column, the syndesmo-atlantal ring turns upon the axis as a wheel upon its axle. Of the two plane surfaces of this joint, one glides forward, and the other backward; one of the odontoid ligaments is stretched, and the other relaxed. These ligaments, it should be observed, limit the extent of rota- tion, which explains the necessity for their great strength; but, great as this is, their resistance is occasionally insufficient, and the odontoid process breaking one of them, slips below the transverse ligament, and occasions death by compressing the spinal cord, Luxation, therefore, of this articulation is to be dreaded, not merely for the same rea- sons as other dislocations, but as being a cause of compression of the spinal marrow. The entire movement by which the face is turned to either side should not be attrib- uted to this articulation alone, for it extends to the fourth of a circle on each side, and such a degree of motion would dislocate the articular surfaces of the atlas and the axis. All the bones of the cranium are united together by synarthroses. We have here to examine, as in all other articulations, 1. The articular surfaces ; 2. The means of union. As the bones of the cranium form a complete cavity, closed in every direction, they unite by their entire circumferences or by their edges; and as the solidity of joints is in a di- rect ratio to the extent of the articular surfaces, the bones of the cranium, which are only in contact by their edges, would have been very slightly connected, had it not been for the following provisions : 1. The cranial bones are generally thicker at the circum- ference than in the centre ; 2. They are almost all provided with marginal denticulations that multiply three or four fold the points of contact; 3. The edges, instead of being cut perpendicularly, are bevelled so as to overlap each other, and thereby present much more extensive corresponding surfaces; 4. We should observe, also, the number of projecting and retreating angles that are formed by these bones ; and, 5. The sinuous arrangement of their edges, all of which arrangements are most favourable to the increase of solidity. We should remark, however, that these different modes of ensuring solidity are not employed indiscriminately over the whole scull. In the vault of the cranium, for exam- ple, firmness is attained by the mutual adaptation of the serrated margins of the bones at the upper and at the back parts, and by their overlapping at the sides; in the base, on the contrary, the solidity chiefly depends upon the breadth of the contiguous surfaces, and upon the reception of projecting into corresponding retreating angles. Examples of this double arrangement may be seen in the articulation of the occipital and sphenoid bones, which is accomplished by means of broad surfaces, and in the articulation of the projecting angle formed by the petrous portion of the temporal bone with the retreating angle formed by the occipital bone behind and the sphenoid in front. This description will suffice to give a general idea of the mode of union between the bones of the cranium. It would evidently exceed the limits of this work to dilate upon the form of each of the sutures, and to follow Monro in distinguishing fourteen or fifteen different kinds. Nevertheless, we do not think a few words regarding the principal forms of the indentations will be out of place. We would therefore observe, that the tooth-like projections are sometimes four or five lines in length, and are themselves in- dented on their edges, secondary denticulations being thus formed. They are generally straight, but are sometimes alternately bent towards the external and the internal sur- face. Some of the teeth are, as it were, pediculated, and are enclosed between the others, thus holding a middle place between the Wormian bones and the ordinary denticulations. Articulations op the Cranium. MECHANISM OF THE CRANIUM. 125 We should remark that the name suture, properly speaking, belongs more especially to hose sutures in which the bones are dovetailed; that those sutures, the uniting sur- faces of which are broad and oblique, are generally called squamous ; and that the sutu ra harmonics are those in which the indentations are scarcely perceptible. We must also observe, 1. With regard to the sutures, that their indentations are much deeper on the external than on the ,internal surface of the bones of the cranium ; 2. With regard to those sutures which are bevelled, that they often present alternate oblique sections, Hav- ing opposite directions, so that of two bones, the one that overlaps the other at one part of the suture is, at another part, itself overlapped; of this we have an example in the fronto-parietal suture. Means of Union of the Bones of the Cranium. We have remarked, in speaking of the development of the bones, that those which are subsequently united by immovable articulations are formed in a piece of cartilage that is common to them all. Portions of this cartilage, not yet encroached upon by os- sification, serve as the uniting media. It is evident, therefore, that these cartilages of the sutures are broader when the amount of ossification is less, viz., in the earlier periods of life. The pericranium, on the outside, and the dura mater, on the inside, although they adhere more firmly to the bones along the lines of the sutures, cannot to any con- siderable extent contribute to strengthen the union of the bones of the cranium. Mechanism of the Cranium. While the vertebral column performs four offices, 1. A cylinder or canal of protection; 2. A column of support; 3. The central lever of locomotion; and, 4. An organ movable on itself in its different parts, the cranium only performs two ; 1. An organ of locomotion ; 2. An organ of protection. As an organ of locomotion we have already fully studied it, when examining the movements of the vertebral column, and, consequently, it only -re- mains for us to examine its mechanism as protecting the nervous mass which it encloses. The cranium is nothing more than a bony envelope added to the fibrous one which en- closes the brain, and is exactly moulded, on its inner surface, to the external surface of the organ it encloses. Before its complete ossification, the cranium may experience an enlargement or diminution in size in proportion as the organ it contains is enlarged or diminished in volume ; but so soon as its ossification has been completed, its capacity is independent of the volume of the brain. If that organ is atrophied, the vacancy is filled up by serous fluid; if hypertrophied, a fatal pressure is the consequence. The state- ments which have been made by some, that the capacity of the interior of the cranium increases in men of genius, and that the head of Napoleon increased wonderfully in size during the progress of his reign, we consider as mere vagaries of the imagination. As the cranium encloses the brain, it is evident that any motion between the bones which form this case would be attended with fatal consequences. They are, therefore, im- movably articulated to each other. It might be supposed that this solidity could have been better secured, had the brain-case been formed of one instead of a number of bones. But, independently of the other important objects obtained by its being made up of a number of separate pieces, its power to resist fractures is increased by this arrangement, seeing that forces applied to it, in being transmitted through its different articulations, are weakened, and operate much less violently than they would have done without this arrangement. What has been said above of the immobility of the bones of the cranium is not equally true at all periods of life. During foetal existence, and the first few years after birth, the intervals between the bones of the cranium are occupied by a flexible, cartilaginous sub- stance, which permits those of the roof to move pretty extensively upon each other. Since, therefore, the conditions of solidity are not the same at this period as in the adult, we must examine the mechanism of the cranium both in the foetus and in the adult. 1. In the foetus, the conditions of solidity must be studied both in the roof and in the base of the cranium. In the roof of the cranium, the incomplete ossification allows the bones to move upon each other, and in this respect the encephalon is imperfectly protected. But, on the other hand, the presence of these cartilaginous intervals diminishes the momentum of a violent force applied to the cranium, and thus prevents, in some degree, both fractures of the cranium and concussions of the brain. The mobility of the bones is principally displayed at birth, in their overlapping, when the head of the foetus is passing through the pelvis. The base of the cranium is incompressible at the same period, and the bones are immovable, because ossification has so far advanced that they are only separated by very thin layers of cartilage. This arrangement is well adapted for the protection of the most important parts of the encephalon, which are in the vicinity of the base of the cranium. 2. In the adult, the roof and the base of the cranium form one piece. The roof being most exposed to violence, we shall examine the mechanism of resistance in the cranium to blows directed vertically upon the top of the head ; and it will be easy to apply what is said in explanation of the effects of a force so directed, to cases in which violence is applied in other directions. 126 ARTHROLOGY. The effects which may be presumed to follow a violent blow on the top of the scull, are, 1. Concussion of its bony parietes, succeeded by their elastic reaction ; 2. Disjunc- tion of the pieces entering into the formation of the scull; and, 3. Fracture of those pieces. We shall examine the method in which these results may be produced. 1. Concussion and Compression of the Cranium without Fracture.—The cranium may be looked upon as a hollow sphere, endowed with a certain degree of elasticity, depending partly upon the osseous tissue itself, and partly upon the cartilaginous laminae which separate the bones ; and it cannot, therefore, be doubted that, from pressure, or violent blows on the top of the head, the scull may undergo a flattening, and then recover its original condition, like a hollow ball of ivory when struck vertically. The truth of this explanation may be shown at once by projecting a scull against a resisting surface, when it will be found to rebound like an elastic ball. However slight this flattening may be, and the recovery which follows it, the known laws of physics will not allow us to deny its possibility. 2. Tendency to Disjunction of the Bones of the Cranium.—‘This separation has never been observed as the consequence of external blows. The following is the manner in which displacement is prevented in cases of blows on the top of the head. It is evident that violence applied in this direction would have a tendency to depress the upper edge of the parietal bones ; but this cannot take place without forcing the lower edge outward; and as, from the peculiar formation of the squamous suture, the parietal bones are over- lapped by the temporal and the sphenoid, this edge cannot be driven outward without giving the temporal bones such a motion as will tighten the articulations of the base of the cranium. All these articulations are remarkable in this respect, that the projecting angles of some of the bones are received into the retiring angles of others. This is ex- emplified in the articulation of the petrous portion of the temporal bone with the sphenoid and the occipital bone, and in the basilar process of the occipital bone with the two tem- porals and the sphenoid. The result of all these arrangements is, that blows upon the top of the head, instead of separating the bones of the cranium, tend to render their union still closer. 3. Another effect of blows on the top of the head may be fracture of the cranial bones; and it will be impossible to comprehend the nature of many of these fractures, without a knowledge of the following points of structure : 1. The cranium is of unequal thickness in different parts. This circumstance explains how a round body, striking the cranium in a spot of sufficient strength to resist the impulse, may cause a fracture of a more or less distant part, where the parietes are thinner, and consequently weaker. It may be conceived that this kind of fracture may take place either in the bone struck, or in other bones, and that it may affect the internal table only, the external remaining uninjured. 2. The cranium is so constructed, that a shock impressed upon the top is conoentrated at the base, being propagated on the sides to the temporal bones, and their petrous portions, as well as to the great wings of the sphenoid and the body of that bone; behind, by the occipital bone to the basilar process and the body of the sphenoid ; and in front, by the frontal bone and the roof of the orbits, to the smaller wings and body of the sphenoid. It will thus be seen how blows upon various parts of the scull may concentrate their ef- fects upon the base of the cranium ; and this explains the production of fractures at the base, in consequence of violence inflicted on the roof of the scull. 3. Most of the cranial bones are bent and angular. This disposition, which is observed at the union of the or- bital and frontal portions of the frontal bone, and at the junction of the squamous and petrous portions of the temporal bone, explains how these bones may be broken by the transmission of shocks from the roof. For we may conceive, when violence is applied to a bone which is bent at an angle, that this angle will be the seat of a decomposition of the force, one portion of which is transmitted to the part of the bone below the angle, while the remaining portion acts against the angle itself in the original direction, and may thus determine a fracture of that part of the bone. Although the roof of the cranium is most exposed to injury, yet some parts of the base may be reached by penetrating weapons, as the roof of the orbits and the cribriform plate of the ethmoid. It should be remarked, also, that these are the thinnest parts of the scull. Articulations of the Face. The articulations of the face comprise those of the upper and of the mwer jaw. Articulations of the Bones of the Superior Maxilla with each other, and with the Cranium. All these articulations are sutures, but they have not such large indentations as the bones of the cranium; almost all are united by harmonia or juxtaposition. At the same time, it should be remarked that a true dovetailing exists in these articulations, as may be seen in the junction of the superior maxillary bones (the fundamental articulation of the face), which is effected by means of thick furrowed surfaces, mutually and firmly adapted to each other. No suture in the whole scull is stronger than that between the malar and the maxil- lary bones; indented sutures are most common on the sides of the face. The manner ARTICULATIONS OF THE FACE. 127 ia which the vertical portion of the palate bone is received into the furrow in the open- ing of the maxillary sinus, affords an illustration of the suture by reception. There are some well-marked indentations in the articulations of the bones of the face with those of the cranium ; as in the articulation of the nasal bones ; of the ascending processes of the superior maxill® ; and of the malar bones with the frontal; in that of the sphenoid with the malar bones ; and of the latter with the zygomatic processes of the temporal bones. Simple juxtaposition is met with in the junction of the ethmoid Avith the roof of the orbit; of the palate bone with the pterygoid processes ; and of the vomer with the eth- moid; but there is a mutual reception in the articulation of the vomer with the sphenoid. With regard to the means of union, in addition to the firm union resulting from the configuration of the articular surfaces, there is also a thin layer of cartilage, continuous with that which formed the matrix of the bones, and which is itself aftenvard obliterated during the progress of ossification. As the mechanism of the face is adapted both to resist force applied from below through the medium of the lower jaw, and also the effects of external violence, it is necessary to analyze the conditions of solidity resulting from the configuration of the upper jaw; and m order to appreciate these correctly, we must analyze the framework of the face. The upper jaw, considered as a whole, forms inferiorly a sort of parabola, circumscri bed by the alveolar border, which is the strongest part of the bone, and receives the di- rect impulse of the lower jaw; it curves backward, and forms the roof of the palate, which gradually diminishes in thickness ; and, not receiving the impulse of the lower jaw directly, its construction is not so solid as the alveolar border. The upper jaw becomes broader and flattened above, and separates into different parts or prolongations, which, after enclosing certain openings, unite with the cranium by means of several processes, that form, as it were, so many-columns for resisting any impulses transmitted from below. These columns are, 1. The fronto-nasal, constituted on each side by the ascending pro- cess of the superior maxillary bone. These columns, which correspond to the canine teeth, are remarkably strong in carnivorous tribes ; and to their great size may be attrib- uted the lateral position of the orbits in these animals. The interval between these columns is occupied above by the nasal bones ; but an opening is left betAveen them, be- low, shaped like a heart on playing cards. The Avhole of that portion of the alveolar edge situated beneath this opening is weaker; but it should be remarked, that it corre- sponds to the incisor teeth, Avhich, being adapted for cutting, divide instead of bruising or tearing the food, and are, consequently, not subject to such poAverful efforts as the canine and molar teeth. Mechanism of the Articulations of the Upper Jaw. 2. The second pair of columns is formed by the malar eminences, Avhich are contin- uous with the alveolar border, by the vertical ridge separating the canine from the zygo- matic fossa. These columns, which correspond to the second great molar teeth, may be called the zygomato-jugal, because they are subdivided into two other secondary col- umns, the vertical, malar, or jugal, and the horizontal or zygomatic. The jugal columns are much stronger than the fronto-nasal, and are continuous with the external orbital processes of the frontal bone, and with the anterior thick and indented edges of the great wings of the sphenoid: the second, or horizontal, articulate Avith the zygomatic processes of the temporal bones, and with them constitute the zygomatic arches. From this arrangement, it may be understood how effectually the bevelling of the end of the zygomatic process that rests upon the malar bone is adapted for resisting impulses com- municated from below. The zygomatic arches, also, form props that oppose all trans- verse displacements. The mode of articulation of the zygomatic processes with the malar bones is such, that the zygomatic arches, although horizontal, are Avell calculated to resist any force from below. In carnivora, where there are no jugal columns, the zygomatic arches are enormously large. The fourth pair of columns are the pterygoid, intended to support the face in the antero- posterior direction, being articulated with the maxillary bones through the medium of the palate bores; these also oppose any displacement upward, and, moreover, serve to support the back part of the alveolar border. There are, therefore, four pairs of columns, viz., the fronto-nasal, the jugal, the zygo- matic arches, and the pterygoid columns. They are almost entirely composed of compact tissue. The principal columns are situated immediately above the first great molares, where the jugal, zygomatic, and pterygoid columns are concentred, and where the most violent impulses are received. The fronto-nasal columns correspond to the canine teeth; their strength is proportioned to that of these teeth, and hence, in carnivorous animals, the ascending processes of the superior maxillae are very large and thick. The fronto- nasal and jugal columns are near each other below, and only leave a small space be- tween them, which is occupied by the two small molares ; but they are separated to a considerable distance above, and enclose the orbital fossae. In this manner the deep fossae in the face are formed without being prejudicial to its strength. Even the maxillary sinus does not much diminish the solidity of the face, 128 ARTHROLOGY. oecause it is situated in the interval between the columns, and because only a small portion of it corresponds to the alveolar border. These details will suffice to show that the upper jaw has been framed to resist ex- ternal impulses, but especially forces communicated from below by the lower jaw ; that the alveolar border, being intended to receive the impulse directly, is most strongly con- structed ; that the whole force applied to the upper jaw is transmitted by the fronto-nasal columns to the internal orbital processes, by the malar columns, partly to the external orbital processes, and partly to the zygomatic arches, and by the palate bone to the ptery- goid columns of the sphenoid; that the vomer transmits little or nothing either to the ethmoid or the sphenoid; and that the cranium, on its part, opposes very unyielding structures to the sustaining pillars of the face. To forces directed from before back- ward, the zygomatic arches and the pterygoid processes offer great resistance ; against lateral violence each malar bone resists like an arch, and transmits the impulse it has received to the superior maxillary bone, the frontal and the sphenoid. The greatest part of the impulses communicated to the face are then ultimately transmitted to the cranium; and were it not for the multiplicity of its constituent parts, and the great num- ber of articulations which absorb part of the force, the brain contained within it would be frequently exposed to dangerous violence. The upper jaw is concerned in the pro- cess of mastication merely as a means of support; for though it may be raised when the mouth is opened, and depressed when the mouth is shut, these movements belong to the entire head, and result from the action of its extensor muscles, which thus become powerful auxiliaries of mastication in the carnivorous animals This joint, the centre of all the movements of the lower jaw, is a double condyloid ar- ticulation. The articular surfaces are, 1. The two condyles of the lower jaw, transverse- ly oblong, and directed somewhat obliquely inward and backward, so that their axis, if prolonged, would intersect behind; 2. The glenoid cavity of each temporal bone, and the transverse root of its zygomatic process. These surfaces are covered with cartilage. The glenoid cavity is remarkable both for its depth and its capacity. Its depth is in- creased by several eminences on its borders: viz., on the inside, by the spine of the sphenoid ; and behind, by the styloid and the vaginal processes, the latter of which is nothing more than the anterior lamina of the auditory meatus. The capacity of the glenoid cavity is no less remarkable, being double or triple that which would be neces- sary to receive the condyle ; moreover, the whole of this cavity is not articular, the part situated behind the glenoidal fissure being extraneous to the joint. This disproportion between the cavity and the condyle is only observed in man and in ruminantia: in ro- dentia and carnivora, the one is exactly proportioned to the other. The portion of the glenoid cavity posterior to the fissure affords an example of those supplementary cavities that, in certain circumstances, increase or replace the principal cavity. All that part of the glenoid cavity situated anteriorly to the fissure belongs to the joint, and is, there- fore, covered with cartilage.* The transverse root of the zygoma, convex from before backward, and concave trans versely, is also articular, and covered by a cartilage, which is a continuation of that lining the glenoid cavity. This articulation presents the only example in the body of two con vex surfaces moving upon each other. The means by which motion is facilitated and union maintained in this articulation are an inter-articular cartilage, an external lateral ligament, and two synovial mem- branes ; the internal lateral ligament of some authors, and the stylo-maxillary ligament, do not belong to this joint. 1. Inter-articular Cartilage {a, fig. 65).—This cartilage is interposed between the artic- Temp or o-maxillary Articulation {figs. 65, 66, and 67). Fig. 65. ular surfaces ; it is thick at the circumference, and some- times perforated at the centre, and resembles a bi-con- cave lens, with this peculiarity, that its upper surface is alternately convex and concave, to correspond with the glenoid cavity and the transverse root of the zygoma; while the lower surface is concave, and adapted to the condyle. Its circumference is free, excepting on the out- side, where it adheres to the external lateral ligament, and on the inside, where it gives attachment to some fibres of the external pterygoid muscle. This circum- stance is of great importance in regard to the mechanism of the joint. The existence of an inter-articular cartilage in a joint which is subjected to such considerable pressure, and is so often put in motion, agrees with the genera, law already pointed out. (Vide The Articulations in general). * The study of the condyle and the glenoid cavity is of very great importance in comparative anatomy ; for by the characters which they present, we may easily recognise the head of one of the rodentia, carnivora, or ruminantia. 1. In carnivora, the condyles are transversely oblong, the long axes of both being in the same line ; they are received into very deep cavities. 2. In rodentia, on the contrary, the long diameter of the con- dyles is directed from before backward. 3. In ruminantia, the glenoid cavity is flat, as well as the head of the condyle, while the transverse root of the zygoma is scarcely discernible. ARTICULATIONS OF THE FACE. 129 2. External Lateral Ligament (5, fig. 66).—This ligament extends from the tubercle sit- uated at the junction of the two roots of the zygoma to the outside of the neck of the condyle : it is directed obliquely downward and backward, and forms a thick band covering the whole of the outside of the articu- lation : it is in contact with the skin externally, and in- ternally with the two synovial capsules, and the inter- articular cartilage. Anatomists have described, under the name of the internal lateral or spheno-maxillary ligament (c, fig. 67). an aponeurotic band, which, neither as regards its po- sition or its use, can be considered as properly belong- ing to the joint; it is extended from the spinous process of the sphenoid to the spine sit- uated on the inside of the orifice of the inferior dental canal. It is a very thin band, which covers the inferior dental vessels and nerves, and separates them from the pterygoid muscles. Since the band just described has no effect in giving strength to the joint, it may be wondered that there is only one ligament for the articulation; but it should be observed that, as the lower jaw is articulated in the same manner at both its extrem- ities, the external lateral ligament of the one exactly per- forms the functions of an internal lateral ligament to the other. The stylo-maxillary ligament (d, figs. 65, 66, and 67) ap- pears to me to hold the same place as the preceding; it is a fibrous band extending from the styloid process to the angle of the inferior maxilla. It has no relation to the union of the articular surfaces. Its use appears to be that of giving attachment to the stylo- glossus muscle. Meckel calls it the stylo-mylo-hyoid ligament. 3. There are two synovial capsules in this joint, one on the upper and the other on the lower surface of the inter-articular cartilage (see fig. 65). Sometimes they commu- nicate by an opening in the cartilage ; the superior is looser than the inferior; and thus the articular cartilage is more closely united to the condyle of the lower jaw than to the glenoid cavity. These two synovial capsules are in contact on the outside with the external lateral ligament, and elsewhere with a thin laver of fibrous tissue. Fig. 66. Fig. 67. Mechanism of the Temporo-mcuillary Articulation In considering the action of this joint, the lower maxilla may be regarded as a ham- mer which strikes against the anvil represented by the upper jaw; it is a double angu- lar lever, the axis of its motion being represented by a horizontal line that would pass through the middle of the rami. This articulation, which belongs to the class of condy- loid joints, has been ranged among the angular ginglymi, on account of the great extent of its movements in two opposite directions, during its elevation and its depression ; but it differs from them in being so constructed as to admit of slight lateral movements. It can also be moved forward and backward. 1. Depression.—ln this movement each condyle rolls forward in its glenoid cavity, and then passes upon the transverse root of the zygoma, with a sudden jerk, which may be> easily felt by placing the finger on the condyle while the mouth is being opened ; at the- same time the angle of the jaw is moved backward. The condyle carries with it the inter-articular cartilage ; for the union of these two parts is of such a nature that, even in dislocation of the jaw, they are never separated. This depends not only upon the comparative tightness of the lower synovial capsule, but also on the mode of insertion of the external pterygoid muscle, which, being attached both to the neck of the condyle and the inter-articular cartilage, acts simultaneously upon them. The other parts of the joint are affected in the following manner: During depression of the lower jaw,, the ex- ternal lateral ligament is stretched; the upper synovial capsule is distended behind, but readily yields on account of its laxity. The spheno-maxillary band, or internal lateral ligament, which is inserted at an almost equal distance from the condyle, which is car- ried forward, and from the angle of the jaw, which is carried backward, remains unal- tered, being neither stretched nor relaxed. When the depression is carried too far, either from the effect of a blow upon the bone, or during a convulsive yawn, the condyle is dislocated into the zygomatic fossa?, tearing the superior synovial capsule, and carrying with it the inter-articular cartilage.* This mode of displacement is impossible in the infant; for, from the obliquity of the ascend- ing ramus of the jaw, the upper part of the condyle looks backward, and, in order to be * This luxation would be much more common were it not for the inter-articular cartilage, which, by al- ways accompanying the condyle, presents a smooth surface, oyer which "the lat’er may glide iii returning into Us proper cavity. R 130 ARTHROLOGY. luxated forward, would have to traverse a much larger space than it does even when the mouth is opened to the greatest possible extent. 2. In elevation, the condyle rolls backward, upon the transverse process, into the gle- noid cavity. The external lateral ligament is relaxed. The obstacles to too great an elevation are, 1. The meeting of the dental arches. 2. The presence of the vaginal process and the anterior wall of the auditory meatus ; and it is very probable that the extensive movements of the jaw in the olcl subject, when the teeth are lost, are permit- ted by the size of the glenoid cavities. Without that portion of the glenoid cavity which is behind the fissure of Glasserus, the toothless alveolar edges of the aged could never be brought in contact. The forward motion is not, like the preceding, the motion of a lever in which the jaw turns upon its axis ; it is a horizontal movement, in which the condyle is brought under the transverse root of the zygoma. A preliminary and indispensable condition to this movement is a slight depression of the whole of the lower maxilla. In this movement all the ligaments are stretched; if it were carried too far, the coronoid process would strike against the bone in the zygomatic fossa, and this circumstance would prevent the possibility of luxation of the condyle. The backward motion requires no special remark. The lateral movements differ from the preceding in the mechanism by which they are effected. In the first place, the whole bone does not move from its place. One of the condyles alone escapes from its socket, while the other remains in the glenoid cavity. The bone, therefore, turns upon one of the condyles'as on a pivot. The external lateral ligament of that articulation in which the condyle moves is much stretched. The lateral motions would have been much more extensive had not the two condyles mutually obstructed each other in all movements but that of depression, by reason of their opposite directions. This may be shown by sawing a maxilla through the middle, and moving each of the halves. Moreover, the styloid and vaginal processes, and the spine of the sphenoid, prevent displacement inward. The articulations of the thorax comprehend, 1. The costo-vertenral articulations; 2. The chondro-sternal; 3. The articulations of the cartilages of the ribs with each other; 4. The junction of the cartilages and the ribs. Articulations of the Thorax. The Costo-vertehral Articulations {figs. 58 to 60, and 68). Preparation.—Saw the ribs across at their posterior angles. Remove with care the pleura and the subjacent cellular tissue in front, and the muscles of the vertebral grooves behind. After having studied the superficial ligaments, expose, 1. The costo-transverse interosseous ligament by a horizontal section of the rib, and the transverse process to which it is attached ; 2. The costo-vertebral interosseous ligament by a similar horizon- tal section, including one vertebra and one rib, and passing above the angular part of the joint. This last ligament may be also exposed by a vertical section of the rib and the two vertebras with which it is connected. The costo-vertebral articulations have some characters which are common to them all, and others that are peculiar to a few. Articular Surfaces.—In this joint, the head of the rib is applied to the angular surface formed by the two half facettes (ff,fig■ 58) upon the sides of the bodies of the dorsal vertebras, so that each rib is articulated with two vertebras {costo-vertebral articulation, properly so called); and, in addition, the tubercle of the rib is applied to the facette {g,figs. 58, 60, and 68) on the fore part of the transverse process {costo-transverse articulation). With regard to the costo-vertebral articulation, it is to be remarked, 1. That it affords an example of a projecting angular facette received into a retreating angular facette, which has giver, rise to the mistaken notion that this joint is an angular ginglymus ; and, 2. That in each articulation the lower half facette is twice as large as the upper. The surfaces of the costo-transverse articulation are, a convex facette belonging to the tubercle of the rib, and a concave one belonging to the tranverse process. Sabatier af- firms that the articular surfaces of the transverse processes look forward and upward in the upper vertebrae, and forward and downward in the lower, and directly forward in those which occupy the middle of the column. This arrangement has been referred to in explanation of the mechanism of the dilatation of the thorax, by depression of the low- er, and elevation of the upper ribs; but this explanation is unfounded. In addition to the costo-vertebral and costo-tranverse articulations, the neck of the rib (c, fig. 68), without being in immediate contact with the tranverse process, is, in some degree, united with it by symphysis. Means of Union.—These joints are examples both of symphysis and arthrodia. Some of the ligaments are external to the articulation, the remainder are interosseous. The ligaments external to the articulation are, the anterior costo-vertebral or stellate lig- General Characters of the Costo-vertebral Articulations. ARTICULATIONS OP THE THORAX. 131 ament, the superior and the inferior ligaments, the posterior costo-transverse, and the superior costo-transverse. 1. The anterior costo-vertebral, or stellate ligament (I, Jig. 58), arises from the two verte- bras with which the rib is connected, and from the corresponding intervertebral substance, r rom these points its fibres converge, and are inserted in front of the extremity of the rib. 2 and 3. Besides the stellate ligament there are two small ligamentous bundles, a su- perior and an inferior, which extend from each of the vertebrae, concurring to form the articulation, to the extremity of the rib. 4. The posterior costo-transverse ligament {m,fig. 59 : transverse ligament of Boyer, poste- rior costo-transverse ligament of Bichat) is a fibrous band stretched from the apex of the transverse process, in an oblique direction, to the non-articular portion of the tubercle of the rib. 5. The superior costo-transverse ligament (n, Jigs. 58, 59 : costo-transverse of Boyer, infe- rior costo-transverse of Bichat) consists of a band, which arises from the lower edge of each transverse process, passes obliquely, and is inserted, not into the rib, which articu- lates with that process, but into the upper edge of the neck of the rib below. At the place of this insertion, we always find a crest or spine. This ligament is sometimes di- vided into two or three bundles ; it forms the continuation of a thin aponeurosis, which covers the external intercostal muscle, and completes the external wall of the opening through which the posterior branches of the intercostal vessels and nerves are transmit- ted. This ligament is interposed between the anterior and posterior branches of these vessels and nerves. The interosseous ligaments are two in number. 1. A costo-vertebral interosseous ; 2. A costo-transverse interosseous. 1. The costo-vertebral interosseous ligament (o, fig. 58) is a small bundle of fibres, very short and very thin, extending horizontally from the projecting angle on the head of the rib to the retreating angle of the vertebral facette, where it is continuous with the inter- vertebral substance. 2. The costo-transverse interosseous ligament {a, fig. 68) is formed bvsome lisramentona bundles intermixed with reddish adipose tissue, which stretch from the anterior surface of the transverse process to the pos- terior surface of the neck of the rib. An idea of the strength of this ligament may be formed by attempting to separate the rib from the transverse process, after the anterior costo-ver- tebral and the posterior costo-transverse ligaments have been divided. There are three synovial capsules in the articulations of the ribs with the vertebrae : one between the tubferosity and the transverse process, and two small ones for the two surfaces which are separated oy me costo-vertebral interosseous ligament. Fig. 68. Characters peculiar to certain Costo-vertebral Articulations. The articulations of the first, eleventh, and twelfth ribs alone present peculiarities. 1. Costo-vertebral Articulation of the First Rib.—The rounded head of the first rib is re- ceived into a cavity on the side of the body of the first dorsal vertebra; the articulation is, therefore, a species of enarthrosis; there is neither a costo-vertebral interosseous lig- ament, nor a superior costo-transverse ligament; the synovial membrane is much looser than in the corresponding articulations. 2. The costo-vertebral articulations of the eleventh and twelfth ribs present the same char- acters as the preceding in this respect, that the articular cavity for the head of the bone is situated upon one vertebra alone. The head of the rib is flattened, or very slightly convex, and there is no interosseous costo-vertebral ligament. The superior costo-trans- verse ligament is much broader and stronger than in the other articulations. As the eleventh and twelfth ribs have no tuberosities, and the transverse processes of the cor- responding vertebra; are but little developed,* it follows that there is no costo-transverse articulation ; but yet there is a costo-transverse interosseous ligament. All these liga ments are much more loose than in the other articulations. There are seven in number on each side, formed by the internal angular end of the cartilages, which are received into the angular cavities on the side of the sternum. The means of union are, 1. A radiated or anterior chondro-sternal ligament {a, fig. 69), which is tolerably strong : it crosses in the median line with the corresponding ligament of the opposite side, and is blended both with the periosteum and the aponeurotic insertions of the greater pectoral muscles, in the thick fibrous layer which covers the sternum ; 2. Bwo small ligaments, a superior and an inferior; 3. A radiated or posterior chondro-sternal Ligament, much weaker than the anterior. The existence of a synovial membrane is The Chondro-sternal Articulations I fig. 69). * Sometimes, however, the transverse process of the eleventh dorsal vertebra is enlarged, and articulated to the eleventh rib. 132 ARTHEOLOGY. merely inferred from analogy, for it cannot be demonstrated. (Vide Articulations in GENERAL.) The first, second, sixth, and seventh chondro-sternal articulations present some pe- culiarities. 1. The cartilage of the first rib is sometimes continuous with the sternum, and is sometimes articulated like the cartilages of the other ribs. I found in one sub- ject the first rib excessively movable, because its cartilage, instead of being continuous with the sternum, had its upper edge applied to the side of that bone to which it was united by ligaments, and was ultimately articulated by a narrow extremity immediately above the second rib. 2. The second cartilage (/;) is much more angular at its inner ex- tremity than any of the others; it is received into the retreating angle formed by the union of the first two pieces of the sternum. Sometimes there is an interosseous liga- ment in this joint, running from the angle of the cartilage to the bottom of the cavity, and there are then two synovial capsules: in other cases there is only one (c), but it is always more marked than in the other joints. 3. The articulations of the sixth and sev- enth cartilages, besides the anterior ligaments, have also a chondro-xiphoid ligament more or less strong, which crosses with the ligament of the opposite side in front of the ensi- form cartilage and the lower end of the sternum. Sometimes this ligament only exists for the seventh cartilage; it is intended not only to strengthen the chondro-sternal ar- ticulations, but also to maintain the xiphoid appendix in its place. The Chondro-costal Articulations. The cartilages are immovably united to the ribs ; the anterior extremity of the rib is hollowed to receive the external end of the cartilage ; there is no ligament. The perios- teum is the only bond of union between the costal cartilage and the rib, as in the articu- lations of the cranial bones. The Articulations of'the Costal Cartilages. The first, second, third, fourth, and fifth costal cartilages do not articulate together, unless the aponeurotic laminae, sometimes very strong, which form the continuation of the external intercostal muscles, and occupy the whole length of the cartilages, be con- sidered as uniting media. The sixth, seventh, and eighth cartilages, frequently the fifth, and sometimes the ninth, present true articulations. Some cartilaginous processes arise from the neighbouring, edges, and come in contact with each other: there are sometimes two articular facettes between the sixth and the seventh cartilages. The means of union are some vertical fibres united in bundles so as to form two ligaments, the one anterior and thicker, the other posterior and thinner. There is a much more distinct synovial membrane than in the chondro-sternal articulations. The seventh, eighth, and tenth cartilages have not always articular facettes, but are simply united by vertical ligaments. Mechanism of the Thorax. As the thorax performs the double office of protecting the organs which it encloses, and of assisting by its movements in the function of respiration, we must consider its mecha- nism with reference to both these ends. Mechanism of the Thorax for the Protection of the contained Organs. 1. The following is the mechanism by which the thorax is enabled to resist pressure or violent blows directed from before backward. The sternum is supported by the four- teen ribs, which, like buttresses, oppose their united strength to any causes of displace- ment or fracture ; it is therefore very rare to find the sternum driven backward, and all the ribs broken, however great the violence may have been. The elasticity of the car- tilages and of the ribs, and the number of articulations which exist in the thorax, are all circumstances most favourable to strength, because they diminish the intensity of exter- nal blows by neutralizing a certain amount of impulse : yet I have met with one case in. which all the sternal ribs were broken by a fall, as completely as if the anterior wall of the thorax had been divided for an anatomical preparation. I should remark, also, that the flexibility of the ribs and their cartilages permits great depression of the sternum without fracture ; and this explains the possibility of contusion, and even rupture of the heart, lungs, or great vessels, without fracture of the bones of the thorax. The degree of resistance of the anterior wall of the thorax may be also considerably varied by the state of relaxation or contraction of the muscles, which should be considered as active and contractile supports to the arch, of which the sternum forms the key-stone. 2. In the case of lateral pressure or blows, the thorax resists, like an arch, the vault of which is represented by the convexity of the twelve ribs, and its pillars by the ster- num in front and the vertebrae behind. External violence cannot act upon the whole side of the chest at once, as it does upon the front, and therefore the ribs offer a more partial resistance laterally, and are accordingly much more easily broken by direct blows In this case, also, as in the former, when the elevator muscles of the ribs are in action, the resistance is considerably increased ; and individuals have been then able to beai ARTICULATIONS OP THE RIBS. 133 enormous weights, which would, in all probability, have fractured the ribs, had the mus cles been relaxed. What has been said above of the manner in which the ribs withstand violence is not, however, applicable to the false ribs, which, having no fixed point on the sternum, are depressed into the abdominal cavity. Mechanism of the Thorax with reference to Mobility. The thorax is not equally movable throughout. The middle portion, which corresponds to the heart, and which is formed by the sternum and vertebral column, has a very limit- ed degree of mobility, while the sides which correspond to the lungs are endowed with the power of extensive motion. The movements of the thorax consist of alternate dilatations and contractions, from which its mechanism has been compared to that of a pair of bellows. They result from the motions which take place at the costo-vertebral and chondro-sternal articulations, and at the articulations of the cartilages with each other. We cannot explain the move- ments of each rib, and of the entire thorax, without first analyzing the motions at each of the above joints. Movements of the Costo-vertebral Articulations. These articulations permit only very limited gliding motions. In these movements, each rib represents a lever, which moves upon the fulcrum afforded by the vertebral col- umn. It may describe the movements, 1. Of elevation ; 2. Of depression ; 3. It may be carried inward; 4. It may be carried outward; 5. It may perform a revolving motion around the cord of the arc which it represents. These different movements, which are very obscure in the immediate neighbourhood of the joint, are more evident the greater the distance is from the posterior end of the rib. The means of union between the ribs and vertebrae are so strong, that luxation of the ribs is impossible ; and the causes which would tend to produce it would break the neck of the rib. Each rib is capable of performing all these motions ; but, as they vary in degree in the different ribs, we must examine them comparatively in the series of costo-vertebral ar- ticulations. The eleventh and the twelfth ribs possess the most extensive power of motion. They owe this, 1. To the circumstance of their being scarcely at all united to the very small transverse processes; 2. To the loose state of their ligaments ; and, 3. To the almost perfect flatness of their articulated surfaces. The extent of their move- ments inward and outward should also be noticed. We shall find these movements but less pronounced, in the eighth, ninth, and tenth ribs, they scarcely exist in the first seven ribs. The shape of the head of the first rib is undoubtedly favourable to mobility, and has suggested the idea that it is the most movable of all the ribs; but the articulation of its tubercle with the transverse process of the first dorsal vertebra, and the tightness of its ligaments, sufficiently explain why this opinion is erroneous. The movements which take place in the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh costo-vertebral articulations do not differ sufficiently to require any special mention. In these articulations there is even less gliding than in the preceding. The anterior extremity of the first rib, or, rather, of the cartilage which forms its continuation, is the least movable of all; more commonly, it is completely fixed on account of its continu- ity with the sternum, a circumstance which neutralizes the favourable conditions for mobility presented by its posterior extremity. The eleventh and twelfth ribs, whose anterior extremities are connected only to soft parts, are the most movable. The mo- bility of the ribs in front decreases from the lower to the upper part of the thorax; to this rule the second rib is an exception, chiefly on account of the two synovial mem- branes at its chondro-sternal articulation, which permit of greater motion. This, how- ever, is variable, depending as it does on the absence or presence of an articulation be- tween the first and second bones of the sternum, and upon the more or less variable mode in which these two pieces are articulated. Movements of the Chondro-sternal Articulations. The movements of this kind are restricted to the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth ribs, the cartilages of which alone are articulated to each other. They are simple, gliding motions, and this gliding is proportionate to the looseness of the ligaments. Hence it follows, that the ribs which I have just mentioned are always moved simul- taneously as they glide slightly upon each other; whereas the superior ribs are inde- pendent in their movements. This independence, however, is not as great as it might appear at first sight, on account of the interosseous aponeuroses, the interosseous mus- cles, and the superior transverso-costal ligament, which is very narrow above, and forms below large and shining aponeurotic laminae. It results, from the facts above stated, that the most movable ribs are the twelfth and the eleventh, which may be moved upward and downward, and, at the same time, Movements of the Cartilages upon each other. 134 ARTHROLOGY* enjoy, in the highest degree, the movements of projection inward and outward; that the first rib is the least movable of all; that the superior ribs may be moved isolatedly; that the inferior ribs are moved all together. Movements of the entire Rib. Since we now know all the elements of which the movement of the ribs is composed, we shall easily comprehend the play of each of those bones isolatedly, and the play of the whole thorax. The movements of the entire rib are composed, 1. Of those which take place at the sternal and vertebral articulations ; and, 2. Of those which result from its own flexibility and elasticity. We shall endeavour to reduce the subject to its most simple elements. Let us suppose, then, that the ribs are straight, inflexible levers ; from their oblique po- sition in reference to the vertical axis of the spinal column, their elevation will increase the width of the intercostal spaces; for it is a law of physics, that lines which are ob- lique with regard to another line, and parallel to each other, become farther separated when they are placed perpendicularly to that line. Hence it follows, that the contact or the overlapping of the ribs is impossible during the movement upward of these bones. A second effect of the elevation of this oblique lever is the advancement of the anterior extremity of the rib, which movement increases proportionately to the length of the le- ver ; hence results an increase of the antero-posterior diameter of the thorax. But as the ribs are curved levers, and not rectilinear, in assuming the horizontal position, their concavity must come to be directed perpendicularly to the median plane formed by the mediastinum. It may be shown, geometrically, that the concavity of an arc which falls perpendicularly upon a plane includes a greater space than when it falls obliquely. From the elevation of the ribs results, therefore, an increase of the transverse diameter of the thorax.* The arcs of the ribs, however, have not all the same curvature; each rib has its own peculiar perimeter, and it may be proved that the more curved the rib, the greater is the projection outward which it forms when elevated. Lastly, as in some ribs the upper border forms the segment of a smaller circle than the lower, the movement of projection outward is proportionally greater in these than in the other ribs. This assertion may be experimentally proved by imitating the movements of elevation and depression on the second rib.t The greater the disproportion between the curvature of the superior and that of the inferior border, the more marked will be the projection outward. This is the reason wrhy the elevation of the second and third ribs, when they are bent at once, both by their faces and their borders, produce such a remarkable increase of the thoracic capacity. If the ribs and their cartilages were inflexible levers, the movements of elevation would be much restrained; but, by a mechanism, of which we find no instance elsewhere, the flexibility of these levers introduces into the problem a power which is most impor- tant and very variable, so that their movements are much more marked than would arise from the mobility of the articular surfaces. These movements cannot be determined by calculation. Now this flexibility, whence results a movement of torsion in the rib, or of rotation round an axis, represented by the cord of the arc which the rib forms, is in a direct ratio to the length of the ribs and their cartilages, and the flexibility of either. Indeed, the movements of the ribs are much more considerable in children and women than in old men; and the deficiency of mechanical power in regard to breathing, which corresponds to the smallness of the power of locomotion in old men, explains the sever- ity which characterizes asthma and all the diseases of the lungs at this age. We shall now examine the movements of the thorax in general. Movements of the Thorax in general. The general movements of the thorax, which result from those partial motions we have been engaged in considering, are, 1. A movement of dilatation, corresponding with the act of inspiration; 2. A movement of contraction, corresponding with that of expi- ration. 1. The dilatation of the thorax is caused by the elevation of the ribs. By this move- ment, the anterior extremity of each rib is carried forward, and the antero-posterior di- ameter of the thorax is thus increased ; the most eccentric portion of the rib is carried outward, and the transverse diameter of the thorax is thereby augmented. There is a sort of antagonism between the upper and lower part of the thorax, with regard to the direction in which the increase of its capacity is effected: in the upper part the trans- verse diameter is most augmented; in the lower, the antero-posterior diameter. The most movable point in the superior ribs is at the centre of the curvature ; the most movable point of the inferior ribs is at the junction of the ribs and the cartilages But the columns to which the extremities of the ribs are attached are not equally mo * Borelli, t. ii., p. 177. t From measurements taken "by Haller, it appears that the second rib is the most elevated during' inspira- tion ; and if this may be doubted, it cannot be denied that its eccentric movement is greater than that of anv of the other ribs. ARTICULATIONS OF THE SHOULDER. 135 rable ; if the posterior extremity is fixed, the anterior extremity may be moved from its place. This circumstance does not oppose the transverse enlargement being produced by the elevation of the arcs of the ribs, though it introduces a new condition into the problem, to wit, the elevation of the anterior column or the sternum. So long as the movement of elevation of the ribs is limited to the costo-vertebral articulations and a slight flexibility of the ribs and their cartilages, the sternum scarcely participates in the motion ; but when the elevation is carried beyond a certain point, when all the powers of inspiration are in activity, when there is an integral movement of the thorax, which has not been sufficiently- distinguished from the partial movement, then the sternum is carried upward with the ribs, then the first two ribs, which we have represented as the essential props of the sternum, are themselves elevated, and this elevation must be the same as that of all the other ribs, and must, therefore, be proportionately more consider- able. Does the sternum perform an angular motion during its elevation, as Haller ima- gined 1 On placing the thorax between two parallel planes, and on executing a forci- ble movement of inspiration, we feel at the inferior portion a pressure, which seems to indicate, in this inferior portion, a movement of projection forward. The lever formed by the inferior ribs being longer, it seems, indeed, as though there ought to be an angular motion; but it will be observed that there is no pression tending to diminish the curve which is described by the ribs ; that therefore the two halves of the arc which the curves represent do not recede from each other, and that the powers of elevation simply draw all the anterior extremities of the ribs upward ; indeed, the sternum is simply elevated near the cervical region, retaining its primitive direction, as Borelli had previously well pointed out; considering the flexibility of the cartilages, the angular motion is almost impossible. The enlargement of the thorax is effected by the elevation of the ribs, and takes place either transversely forward or backward. The enlargement of the thorax in a vertical direction is produced by a totally different mechanism, the contraction of the diaphragm, of which we shall speak hereafter. 2. Let us now speak of the contraction of the thorax. This contraction is effected by the depression of the ribs. In the first stage, the contraction is passive, because it re- sults from the elasticity of the cartilages, which, on account of the relaxing of the eleva- tor muscles, cease to be maintained in a state of torsion, and therefore react and restore the rib to its primitive position, so that the rib and cartilage, according to the ingenious remark of Haller, are alternately the cause of their respective movements. It ought to be remarked, that the movement of depression is much more limited than the movement of elevation ; and I may justly regard the superior transverso-costal ligament as being destined to impose particular limits to that depression, during which* the intercostal spaces are narrowed. We may regard as a powerful auxiliary of the depression and the contraction of the thorax the movement of projection inward, especially in the last five ribs, which are in certain respects depending upon each other. This movement of pro- jection inward is opposed to the transverse dilatation or the movement of projection out- ward, which takes place especially at the superior portion, as has been seen above, and as is shown every day by the use of the corsets. Afterward we shall see that the great inspiratory powers, or powers of elevation, occupy the superior portion of the thorax, as the great expiratory powers occupy the inferior portion. To the integral elevation of the thorax, in the most considerable degree of contraction, corresponds an integral de- pression, and this depression of the ribs is directly produced by muscles which bear the name of expiratory muscles. . ARTICULATIONS OF THE SUPERIOR OR THORACIC EXTREMITIES. Articulations of the Shoulder.—Scapulo-kumeral.—Humcro-cuhital.—Radio-cubital.—Radio- carpal.—Of the Carpus and Metacarpus.—Of the Fingers. Articulations of the Shoulder. The two bones of the shoulder are articulated together; the clavicle is also united with the sternum and the first rib. There are, therefore, two orders of articulations : 1 The intrinsic articulations of the shoulder, viz., the acromio- and coraco-clavicular artic- ulations ; 2. The extrinsic, or the sterno- and costo-clavicular. The clavicle is articulated, 1. With the acromion by its external extremity, the acro- mio-clavicular articulation; 2. With the coracoid process by its lower surface, the coraco- clavicular articulation. Preparation.—Remove the skin, the cellular tissue, and the muscles which surround the joints; separate the acromion from the spine of the scapula; remove, in succession, the different layers of the superior acromio-clavicular ligament, so as to be able to judge of its thickness. Make a vertical section of the acromio-clavicular articulation, so as tr be able to observe the thickness of the ligaments and articular cartilages. The Acromio- and Coraco-clavicular Articulations. 136 ARTIIROLOGY. Articular Surfaces.—The clavicle and the acromion process oppose to each other a plane, elliptical surface, with its greatest diameter directed from before backward. The articular surface of the clavicle looks somewhat obliquely downward and outward, the acromial facette looks obliquely upward and inward. The extent of these surfaces va- ries greatly in individual cases, dependant on the degree of exercise to which the joint is subjected.* Means of Union and Provision for facilitating Motion.—These are, 1. An inter-articular cartilage, first pointed out by Weitbrecht; it is by no means constant, and, when it does exist, occupies only the upper half of the articulation. 2. An orbicular fibrous capsule {d, fig. 69), which is very thick above and behind, and very thin below. It is composed of distinct bundles, which are much longer behind than in front, and are strengthened by some fibres belonging to the aponeurosis of the trapezius muscle ; it is not only attached to the upper edge of the articular surface, but also to some inequalities upon the upper surface of the acromion. It is composed of several layers, the deepest being the shortest. ;>. A synovial membrane, of a very simple construction, supported below by adipose tissue. Acromio-clavicular Articulation {Jig. 69). Coraco-clavicular Articulation {fig. 69). There can be no doubt concerning the existence of an articulation, where two surfaces are contiguous, and capable of a gliding motion on each other ; one of them, the coracoid, being almost always covered with carti- lage and a synovial membrane ; and the other, the clavicular, presenting some- times a considerable process for this ar- ticulation. . Fig. 69. The means of union are two ligaments, or, rather, two distinct ligamentous bun- dles, a posterior and an anterior : they are called coraco-clavicular. 1. The posterior ligament, named also the conoid or radiated {e, fig. 69), is trian- gular, and directed vertically; it com- mences by a narrow extremity, at the base of the coracoid process, and is inserted into a series of tubercles on the posterior edge of the clavicle, near its outer extremity. 2. The anterior ligament (/) {trapezoid ligament of Boyer) arises from the internal edge of the coracoid process, and from the whole extent of the rough projection on the base of this process : from this it proceeds very obliquely to the ridge on the lower surface, near the external end of the clavicle. The two coraco-clavicular ligaments are continuous, and can only be distinguished by the direction of their fibres. We might with propriety range among the means of union of this joint an aponeurotic lamina, to which much importance has been attached in surgical anatomy, and which is known by the name of the costo-clavicular aponeurosis, or costo-coracoid ligament. It may be easily felt under the pectoralis major in emaciated individuals : it extends from the inner edge of the coracoid process to the lower surface of the clavicle, and converts the groove for the subclavius muscle into a canal. Mechanism of the Acromio- and Coraco-clavicular Articulations. The acromio- and coraco-clavicular articulations perform well-marked gliding move- ments ; and, in addition, the scapula rotates forward and backward upon the clavicle to a considerable extent. In order to have a correct idea of these motions and their mecha- nism, it is necessary to procure a shoulder with the ligaments still attached, and to ro- tate the scapula backward and forward. It will be then seen that the scapula turns round an imaginary axis passing through its middle. The looseness of the posterior half of the orbicular and of the coraco-clavicular ligaments permits this rotatory motion; of the two coraco-clavicular ligaments, one limits the rotation forward, while the other, which, as we have observed, runs in an opposite direction, limits the rotation backward. Although these motions are pretty extensive, they never give rise to dislocation, which can only be produced by falls on the top of the shoulder, the coraco-clavicular ligaments being lacerated if the luxation be complete. Incomplete luxations may, however, take place without laceration of these ligaments. The Ster no-clavicular Articulation {fig- 69). The articulation of the inner end of the clavicle is composed of the sterno-clavicular and the costo-clavicular articulations. Preparation.—Saw through the clavicles vertically at their middle, and also the first ribs at corresponding points ; and meet these two sections by a horizontal division of the * In individuals who have exercised the upper extremities very much, these surfaces are uneven, and qnequally incrusted with npwly-formed cartilage. ARTICULATIONS OF THE SHOULDER, 137 sternum. In order to see the interior of the sterno-clavicular joint, open the fibrous cap- sule along the edge of the sternum above, or, rather, make a horizontal cut, which will divide it into two parts, an upper and an under. In order to examine the costo-clavicular articulation, open the synovial membrane be- hind. The sterno-clavicular articulation belongs to those which are formed by mutual reception. Articular Surfaces.—The articular surface of the sternum is transversely oblong, con- cave in the same direction, and convex from before backward; it looks obliquely upward and outward, and is situated on the side of the notch on the upper part of the sternum. 1. The articular surface of the clavicle is oblong from before backward, slightly concave in the same direction, and convex transversely. From the respective configuration of these surfaces a mutual jointing results, and the short diameter of the one corresponds to the long diameter of the other; so that the end of the clavicle overlaps the surface of the sternum in front and behind, and the surface of the sternurh projects beyond that of the clavicle on the inside and the outside.* 2. There is an inter-articular lamina of cartilage (i, fig. 69) between the articular sur- faces, which is moulded upon them, and is very thick, especially at the edges. It is sometimes perforated in the centre.! It is so closely united by its circumference to the orbicular ligament that it is impossible to separate them; it adheres below to the carti- lage of the first rib, and above and behind to the clavicle. Means of Union.—These are, 1. The orbicular ligament (I, fig. 69). This name may be given to the fibrous capsule which surrounds the joint in all directions. The fibres which compose it have been regarded as forming two distinct bundles, known by the name of anterior and posterior ligaments ; but it is impossible to distinguish between them. Fi- bres proceed from all parts of the circumference of the articular surface of the clavicle, obliquely downward and inward, to the circumference of the articular surface of the ster- num. The capsule is not of equal thickness throughout; it is thinner, and somewhat looser, in front than behind, which may partly account for the more frequent luxations of the clavicle forward than backward. 2. The inter-clavicular ligament (m, fig. 69), consisting of a very distinct bundle stretch ing horizontally above the fourchette of the sternum, from the upper part of the innet end of one clavicle to the inner end of the other. This ligament, which is much nearer the posterior than the anterior part of the joint, establishes a sort of continuity between the clavicles. It is the only direct means of union between the two shoulders. 3. There are two synovial capsules in this joint. That which is between the sternum and the inter-articular cartilage is more loose than that between the cartilage and the clavicle. The Costo-clavicular Articulation {fig. 69). The articulation between the clavicle and the cartilage of the first rib is an arthrodia. It is formed between an articular surface, which almost always exists on the lower sur- face of the clavicle, and a corresponding facette on the upper surface of the inner end of the first rib, at its junction with the cartilage. There is, in this articulation, a syno- vial membrane, which is loose, especially behind. There is only one ligament, the cos- to-clavicular {g, fig. 66), a thick, strong bundle of fibres, quite distinct from the tendon of the subclavius muscle, which is placed in front of it. It is fixed to the inner part of the first costal cartilage, and is directed very obliquely upward and outward, to be inserted into the under surface of the clavicle, to the inner side of the articular facette. Mechanism of the Sterno-clavicular Articulation. This articulation is the movable centre of the motions of the shoulder and of the whole upper extremity; and hence the utility of an inter-articular cartilage, to obviate the effects of blows or pressure : hence, also, the wearing away of this cartilage, the de- formity and wasting of the articular surfaces, the depression of the right sternal facette, and, lastly, the, difference in the size of the sternal extremities of the right and left clavicles. This articu ation, like all those effected by mutual reception, admits of motions in every direction: viz., upward, downward, forward, backward; and of circumduction, resulting from the preceding, but not of rotation. 1. Movement of Elevation.—In this the sternal facette of the clavicle glides downward upon the corresponding surface of the sternum; the inter-clavicular ligament is relaxed ; the cartilage of the first rib comes in contact with the inner extremity of the clavicle, limits the degree of elevation, and prevents displacement. 2. Movement of Depression.—ln this the sternal end of the clavicle glides in the oppo site direction ; the articular surfaces of the costo-clavicular articulation press strongly * Bichat considers that this arrangement of the articular surfaces predisposes to luxation ; it appears to ma to have a precisely opposite effect, as it permits the surfaces to move upon each other to a considerable extent without being separated. t En a great number of cases this ligament is found partially wasted by the continued pressure to which the joint is subjected. s 138 ARTHROLOGY. against each other, and limit the extent of this movement. It should be remarked, that in this movement the subclavian artery is compressed between the clavicle and the first rib, sometimes so completely as to arrest the circulation in the limb. 3. In the movement of the shoulder backward, the inner end of the clavicle glides for- ward upon the surface of the sternum; the anterior part of the orbicular capsule is stretched; and if the movement is carried beyond a certain point, the capsule is torn, and the clavicle dislocated forward. 4. In the forward movement of the shoulder, the inner end of the clavicle glides back- ward. The anterior part of the orbicular ligament is relaxed, and the posterior part stretched; as, also, the inter-clavicular ligament, which, as we have seen, is nearer the back than the front of the joint. In this motion luxation may take place backward. It may be remarked that, of all the movements of the shoulder, the one described, in which the clavicle is likely to be dislocated backward, is the most uncommon. The movement of circumduction is more extensive forward and upward than backward. The motions at the sterno-clavicular articulation are very circumscribed in themselves , but when transmitted by the lever of the clavicle, the} become very considerable at the apex of the shoulder. Mechanism of the Costo-clavicular Articulation. This articulation, which may be regarded as a dependance of the sterno-clavicular, admits of very limited motions, subordinate to those of the joint last described. Preparation.—Separate the upper extremity from the trunk, either by disarticulating the clavicle at its sternal end, or by dividing it through the middle; 2. Detach the del- toid from its origin ; 3. Detach the supra and infra spinati muscles, the teres minor and subscapularis, proceeding from the scapula to the humerus ; 4. Observe the adhesion of the tendons of these muscles to the capsular ligament; 5. Divide the capsule trans- versely, after having studied its external aspect. The scapulo-humeral articulation belongs to the class of enarthroses. Articular Surfaces.—These are the glenoid cavity of the scapula, slightly concave, of an oval form, with the large end downward, and looking directly outward ; and the head of the humerus, consisting of about a third of a sphere, and presenting a surface three or four times more extensive than the glenoid cavity. The axis of the head of the hume- rus forms a very obtuse angle with that of the shaft of the bone.* These two surfaces are covered by a layer of cartilage, which, on the head of the hu- merus, is thicker at the centre than at the circumference ; while the reverse obtains in the glenoid cavity. Glenoid Ligament {a, fig. 70).—This is a fibrous circle, which surrounds the margin of Fig. 70. the glenoid cavity, and appears to be formed by the bifur- The Scapulo-humeral Articulation {figs. 69 and 70). cation of the tendon of the long head of the biceps ; but it is also partly composed of fibres proper to itself, which stretch along the margin, arising from one point and ter- minating in another. Notwithstanding this addition, the head of the humerus is still too large to be received into the cavity, so that a portion of it is alw.ays in contact with the capsular ligament; an inconvenience that is obviated, in some measure, by the existence of a supplementary cavity, as we shall presently see. The scapulo-humeral ar- ticulation is therefore one formed by juxtaposition, and not by reception; from which arrangement it has lately been classed among the arthrodial articulations. Means of Union.—Like all enarthroses, there is here a fibrous capsule, or capsular lig- ament (r, figs. 69 and 70), a sac with two openings, which extends from the margin of the glenoid cavity to the anatomical neck of the humerus, f This capsule is remarkable for its laxity. In fact, it is so capacious that it could lodge a head twice as large as that of the humerus, and is so long that it will allow the articular surfaces to be separated for more than an inch ; the only example of so great a separation without laceration of the ligament.% There is this peculiarity in the fibrous capsule of the shoulder-joint, that it is incom- plete in one part, its place being there supplied by the tendons of the surrounding mus- cles. In no joints, in fact, have the muscles and tendons more effect in strengthening the articulation: they are, in a manner, identified with it. There are a great many varie- ties in this respect. The fibrous capsule is so much stronger, as it is less adherent to the * Such, is the shortness of the neck of the humerus, that its head, which looks upward and inward, would 6e almost entirely included between the prolonged planes of the body of the humerus. t It should be remarked, however, that the fibrous capsule does not terminate directly at the anatomica, neck of the humerus, but is prolonged a little 'downward, and becomes blended with the insertions of the ten- dons of the supra and infra spinati and subscapularis. 1 In paralysis of the deltoid, the head of the humerus is so far separated from the glenoid cavity that two fingers may be inserted between the articular surfaces. ARTICULATIONS OF THE SHOULDER. 139 surrounding tendons. The following are the relations of the capsule : 1. Below, in the variable space between the subscapularis and teres minor, it corresponds to the cellular tissue of the axilla, or, rather, to the thin edges of the muscles just mentioned: the head of the humerus may, therefore, he easily felt by the fingers introduced deeply into the axilla. 2. Above and on the outside, it is in contact with the tendon of the supra-spi- natus, from which it is difficult to separate it, and is also in relation, though not immedi- ately, with the arch formed by the acromion and clavicle with the deltoid muscle. 3. In front, it corresponds to the subscapular muscle, from which it may be easily separated. 4. Behind, it corresponds to the tendons of the supra and infra spinatus, which are more or less adherent to it, and the teres minor, which does not adhere to it. As to its struc- ture, it is composed of fibres stretched irregularly from the neck of the humerus to the circumference of the glenoid cavity. Its thickness is not great, nor is it equal through- out, being most considerable below and in front; but the capsule is strengthened above by a considerable bundle of fibres (,?, fig. 69), called the coracoid ligament, coraco-humeral ligament, or accessory ligament of the fibrous capsule, which arises from the anterior edge of the coracoid process, and spreads out on the capsule. This capsule always presents an opening or an interruption above and before,* on a level with the superior border of the subscapularis, which covers the opening in part; or, rather, between this border and the coracoid process. This opening is of an oval form; its greatest diameter is horizontal; its large extremity is turned outward, and its small extremity inward. The circumference of this opening, which is large enough to admit the point of the index fin- ger, is perfectly smooth, thick, and looks like mother-of-pearl, especially in its inferior half. This opening is traversed by a considerable prolongation of the synovial mem- brane, which reaches the basis of the coracoid process, and then extends between the tendon of the subscapularis and the cavity which bears the same name. This cone- shaped prolongation is variable with respect to its extent, and appears to have no other object except to facilitate the gliding of the tendon of the subscapularis under the cora- coid arch and against the border of the glenoid cavity. By distending the articular cap- sule in several subjects, Mr. Bonamy has demonstrated this disposition to my perfect satisfaction. I have been able to see that the synovial prolongation is sometimes divi- ded into several cells by incomplete walls, by which this distended prolongation acquires a crimpled aspect. Sometimes several of these cells are totally distinct from the syno- vial membrane. Inter-articular Ligament.—This name may, with propriety, be applied to the tendon (t, fig. 70) of the long head of the biceps, which, arising from the upper part of the glenoid cavity, turns like a cord over the head of the humerus, and passes along the bicipital groove. It acts by keeping the head of the humerus applied to the glenoid cavity, and forms a sort of arch that supports the bone when it is forced upward. In two subjects, I found this tendon terminating by a strong adhesion in the bicipital groove, and thus justifying the name of inter-articular ligament, which I have applied to it: the tendon for the long head of the biceps took its origin from the same groove. I consider this division of the tendon to have been accidental, for the bicipital groove was depressed, and the inter-articular ligament flattened, and, as it were, lacerated. The synovial capsule is the simplest of all in regard to its disposition. It lines the fibrous capsule and the tendons which replace it, and is reflected, on one side, on the neck of the humerus, and, on the other, upon the border of the glenoid cavity, to be lost upon the circumference of the articular cartilages. It is remarkable, inasmuch as, 1. It forms a fold round the tendon of the biceps, which is prolonged into the bicipital groove, and terminates below by a cul-de-sac or circular fold, which prevents the effusion of the synovia; 2. It is open in one or two points,! and presents two prolongations communi- cating with the synovial bursae of the subscapularis and infra-spinatus. Supplementary Cavity.—We may regard as a dependance of the scapulo-humeral artic- ulation the vaulted arch formed by the coracoid and acromion processes, and the liga- ment which unites them. In shape it corresponds to the head of the humerus, and is so constructed that the coracoid process prevents displacement inward ; the acromion pre- vents it upward and outward ; and the ligament between them opposes dislocation di- rectly upward. This provision evidently compensates for the incomplete reception of the head of the humerus in the glenoid cavity. A circumstance which proves the use- fulness of this vault, and the frequent contacts which it must have with the humerus, is the presence of a synovial capsule, situated between the coraco-acromion vault on one * I have seen this opening divided into two unequal portions by a fibrous bundle, strong, looking like mother- of-pearl, and resembling a little tendon. Often 1 have met a second interruption of the fibrous capsule on a level with the concave border of the acromion process, which concave border acts as a real return-pulley for the infra-spinatus muscle, and is analogous to the return-pulley presented by the basis of the coracoid process to the subscapularis muscle. When the capsule is perforated at this point, the synovial membrane gives off a prolongation, which serves as a gliding capsule for the tendon of the infra-spinatus. t [Although the synovial capsule of the shoulder-joint is thus occasionally prolonged into the burs® mucosa connected with the tendons of these muscles, it must not, therefore, be supposed that it is an exception to the general rule that membranes of this nature always form shut sacs ; in such cases, the three structures consti- tute one continuous cavity.l 140 ARTHROLOGY. side, and, on the other, the tendon of the infra-spinatus and the great trochanter of thft humerus. The study of the coraco-acromion vault cannot, therefore, be separated from the study of the scapulo-humeral articulation, either under an anatomical and physiolo- gical or surgical point of view. The Coraco-acromial Ligament. This ligament (u, figs. 69 and 70) forms part of the vault we have described : it is a triangular bundle of radiating fibres, which extends from the apex of the acromion to the vhole length of the posterior edge of the coracoid process. Its external edge becomes thinner, and is continued into an aponeurotic lamina below the deltoid muscle, and sep- arating that muscle from the joint. Its anterior and its posterior bundles are very thick, folded upon each other, and look like mother-of-pearl; its middle bundles are much less thick. It is lined below by a synovial membrane, and is separated from the clavicle by fatty tissue.* Mechanism of the Scapulo-humeral Articulation. The scapulo-humeral articulation admits of\the most extensive movements of any joint in the body; it is capable of every kind of motion, viz., forward and backward, and also those of adduction, abduction, circumduction, and rotation. Forward and Backward Motions.—ln these the head of the humerus rolls upon the gle- noid cavity, and moves round the axis of the neck of the humerus, while the lower extrem- ity of the bone describes the arc of a circle, of which the centre is at the joint, the radius being represented by the hum eras, f The fomard movement is very extensive, and may be carried so far that the humerus may take a vertical direction exactly opposite to the natural one. The motion backward is produced by the same mechanism; the head of the humerus turns upon its axis. This movement is limited by the contact of the head of the humerus with the coracoid process, without which dislocation forward would be very easily produced. It should be remarked that, in any considerable movement of the humerus forward, the scapula is also moved, performing that sort of rotation which we spoke of when considering the mechanism of the shoulder. And this combination of the movement forward of the arm and the movement of rotation of the shoulder renders every kind of displacement extremely difficult in exercising the movements of the arm forward. The movement outward, or abduction, is the most remarkable. It belongs exclusively to animals possessed of a clavicle. In it the head of the humerus does not turn upon an axis ; it glides downward upon the glenoid cavity, and presses upon the lower part of the capsule. The shape of the glenoid cavity, which has its long diameter vertical, and its broad part below, is advantageous as regards this motion. When abduction is car- ried so far that the humerus forms a right angle with the axis of the trunk, a great part of the head of the bone is below the glenoid cavity. If, while in this condition, the arm be moved forward or backward, the great tuberosity of the humerus rubs against the coraco-acromial arch, and forms with it a sort of supplementary articulation, lubricated by the bursa situated between the coraco-acromion vault and this great trochanter.} The movement of abduction may be carried so far as to allow the arm to touch the head without dislocation; for the capsular ligament is sufficiently loose, especially below, to receive almost the whole head of the bone without being torn. It should be remarked, that during abduction the scapula is fixed, which explains the frequency of luxations of the humerus downward. Adduction is limited by the arm meeting with the thorax. When it is combined with the forward motion, the upper and back part of the capsule, and the muscles which cover it, are considerably stretched. The scapula does not participate in this movement, du- ring which luxation can be occasioned only by a very strong impulse on the arm upwrard and backward. Circumduction is nothing more than the transition of the humerus from one to another of these motions. The cone which it describes is much more extensive in front than behind, a circumstance tending greatly to facilitate the prehension of external objects, which is the chief purpose of the upper extremities. This predominance of the forward motions has been already noticed in the sterno-clavicular articulation, and will be found also in many others. * [This is the ligamentum proprivm anterius of authors; hut the author has taken no notice of another liga- ment proper to the scapula, viz., the ligamentum proprium posterius, a thin band of fibres stretched across the notch at the base of the coracoid process, which it thus converts into a foramen. The supra-scapular nerve generally passes below, and the artery above it.] t It is through this ingenious and simple mechanism, of which we shall soon see another example in the articulation of the femur with the os innominatum, that the movement forward of the humerus maybe carried far enough to describe a demi-circle, without the hone being displaced. t If theory has led us to believe that the coraco-acromion vault contributed to luxation, by offering a point of support to the lever represented by the humerus abducted from the body, a more careful observation, on the contrary, has demonstrated that this supporting of the humerus was impossible, as the anterior border of tha coraco-acromion ligament is alone pressing against the humerus in the forcible abduction, and luxation is al- ways produced in a middle abduction of the arm. ARTICULATIONS OF THE ELBOW. 141 Rotation.—ln this movement the humerus does not turn upon its own, but upon an imaginary axis, directed from the head of the humerus to the epi-trochlea, parallel to the bone. The manner in which the rotatory muscles embrace the head of the humerus is highly favourable to this motion, by compensating for the shortness of the neck, which serves as a lever for the rotatory movements. The Humero-cubital Articulation, or Elbow-joint {figs. 71 and 72). Preparation.—1. Remove carefully the brachialis anticus muscle ; 2. Detach the ten- don of the triceps from above downward, without opening the synovial capsule ; 3. Re- move the muscles which are attached to the internal and external tuberosities, keeping in mind that the lateral ligaments are intimately connected with the tendons of these muscles. This articulation belongs to the class of trochlear joints (angular ginglymi). Articular Surfaces.—On the humerus we find, 1. An almost perfect trochlea or pulley presenting two edges, of which the internal is the more prominent, so that, when the end of the bone rests upon a horizontal plane, its shaft is directed very obliquely from above downward and inward; 2. The small head, or articular condyle, separated from the trochlea by a furrow, which is also articular ; 3. Two cavities, a pos- terior, which is very deep, and is intended to receive the olecranon process, and an anterior, which is shal- lower, and receives the coronoid. The articular surfaces of the forearm are, 1. The greater sigmoid cavity of the ulna, which exactly em- braces the trochlea ;* 2. The glenoid cavity of the ra- dius, which receives the small head of the humerus. The means of union consist of four ligaments, two lateral, an anterior, and a posterior. 1. The external lateral ligament {a, Jigs. 71, 72) is blended with the ten- don of the supinator brevis; it is of a triangular form, and stretches from the external tuberosity of the hu- merus to the annular ligament, with which it becomes continuous, and which seems to be in part formed by it. Some fibres of this ligament are also inserted into the outer part of the sigmoid cavity of the ulna. This connexion of the lateral with the annular ligament is of great importance with reference to the production of luxations of the upper end of the radius, f 2. The internal lateral ligaments are two in number: one internal, properly so called, or humero-corono'idian; the other internal and posterior, humero-olecranian. The former, or humero-coronoidian, which is partly Fig. 71. Fig. 72. confounded with the aponeurotic tendon of the superficial flexor muscle of the fingers, is a thick, rounded bundle, which arises below the internal tuberosity of the humerus, and is inserted into the whole internal side of the coracoid process, and more especially in its tubercle. The second, or humero-olecranian, which might be described as a posterior ligament of the articulation, is thin and radiating; it arises from the posterior portion of the epi- trochlea, and irradiates to be inserted into the whole extent of the internal border of the olecranon; the inferior bundles are the strongest, and come in part from the humero- corono'idian ligament. The superior bundles are thin and slender, and reach beyond the olecranon, in order to expand over the synovial membrane. 3. The anterior ligament (c) is a very thin layer, in which, however, three orders of fibres can be recognised. The first, directed vertically, form a bundle which extends from the upper part of the coronoid cavity to the lower part of the coronoid process ; the second are transverse, and intersect the first at right angles; and, lastly, the third are obliquely directed downward and outward to the annular ligament, f We shall see, hereafter, that the brachialis anticus renders an anterior resisting ligament entirely use- less ; moreover, the most inferior and deepest fibres of this muscle are directly inserted in this anterior ligament. * There is here, indeed, a hinge : it is the most remarkable example of a hinge in the system ; it is the most perfect angular ginglymoid. The two articular surfaces present a sinuous surface, which is alternately concave and Convex, a sort of catching which is seen nowhere else. t These relations between the annular ligament and the external lateral ligament are so intimate that these two ligaments are seldom torn independently of each other ; hence the consecutive dislocation of the radius upon the cubitus in the luxations of the elbow; hence, also, the luxations of the radius upon the humerus, the ulna remaining in its place. (See an example of the luxation backward of the radius upon the humerus, the ulna remaining in its place, Anat. Pathol., with plates, Bth number.) t It should be remarked, that none of these ligaments of the elbow-joint are attached directly to the radius, but that the fibres which are directed towards this bone join the annular ligament • This arrangement all ws the radius to rotate with perfect freedom within its ring, which would have Veex impossible had the fibres been directly inserted into the bone. 142 ARTHROLOGY-. 4. The posterior ligament {d, fig. 72). The place of the posterior ligament is occupied by the olecranon and the tendon of the triceps. There are some fibres, however, which extend from the external to the internal tuberosity of the humerus, which are in relation with the synovial membrane in front, and the tendon of the triceps behind. The princi- pal posterior ligamentous fibres are those which seem to arise from the humero-olecra- nian ligament. The synovial membrane covers the posterior surface of the anterior ligament; from this it is reflected upon the coronoid cavity, covers the olecranon cavity behind, and is prolonged a little between the tendon of the triceps and the back of the humerus. In this place it is widest and most loose. Below, it forms a prolongation, which extends into the radio-cubital articulati on, covering the whole inner surface of the annular liga- ment, and forming a circular cul-de-sac below it, which prevents the effusion of the sy- novia.* There is some synovial adipose tissue round the points of reflection, and also at the margin of the coronoid and olecranon cavities. Mechanism of the Hamero-cubital Articulation. Extension and flexion, the only motions performed by this joint, are executed by it with remarkable precision and rapidity. The precision of these movements depends, 1. Upon the exact fitting of the articular surfaces; 2. Upon the great extent of the transverse di- ameter, round which the movements of flexion and extension are performed as round an axis ; 3. Upon the shortness of the antero-posterior diameter of the inferior extremity of the humerus, and, consequently, on the smallness of the circle to which the curve of the humeral trochlea belongs. 1. Flexion.—In this motion, which is very extensive, the radius and ulna move as a sin- gle bone from behind forward, on the small head and trochlea of the humerus. It should be observed that, in this movement, the obliquity of the trochlea from behind forward, and from without inward, throws the forearm, when bent, in front of the thorax, and the hand in front of the mouth. This motion is limited by the meeting of the coronoid process with the coronoid cavity. When this motion is carried to the greatest extent, the upper end of the olecranon descends to the level of the lowest part of the trochlea, and is, con- sequently, below the line which passes through the two tuberosities, or condyles, of the humerus. In this motion, the back part of the trochlea and the olecranal fossa are cov- ered only by the tendon of the triceps, so that instruments can readily enter the joint at this place. The flexion of the elbow, which constitutes a fundamental movement in pre- hension of bodies, may be carried as far as possible, even so far as to cause the forearm to meet the arm, without any risk of luxation, as any sort of dislocation here is impossi- ble, however extensive this movement may be. 2. Extension.—ln this movement, the radius and ulna roll backward upon the humerus. This motion can only be carried so far that the forearm and the arm form a right line, for then the upper part of the olecranon comes in contact with the bottom of the olecra nal fossa. The anterior ligament and the anterior and middle bundles of the internal lat- eral ligament are put on the stretch, and thus concur in limiting the movement of exten- sion, which is already limited by the olecranon coming in contact with the bottom of the olecranon cavity. There is no appreciable lateral motion of this joint, the exact fitting of the articular surfaces effectually preventing it. f The Radio-cubital, Articulations {figs. 71 to 75). In these articulations, the radius and the ulna are united, 1. By their upper ends {supe- rior radio-cubital articulation); 2. By their lower ends {inferior radio-cubital articulation); 3. By the interosseous ligament through a great part of their extent. Superior Radio-cubital Articulation. Preparation.—Remove with care the anconeus and the supinator brevis, and separate the forearm from the arm. The articular surfaces are the edge of the head of the radius, which is of unequal height in different parts, and the lesser sigmoid cavity of the ulna, which is oblong from before backward, broader in the middle than at the ends, and which forms the bony portion of the osteo-fibrous ring in which the head of the radius rolls. The means of union consist of the annular ligament of the radius (e, figs. 71 and 72), * [According to the common opinion, the articular surfaces of the radius and ulna are, of course, also cov- ered by the synovial membrane ] . t A glance at the articulation of the elbow, surrounded by its ligaments, is sufficient to convince us of the facility with which the dislocation of the humerus forward takes place, favoured as it is by the smallness of the antero-posterior diameter of the articulation, and by the deficiency in the resistance of the anterior liga- ment. This dislocation is, next to that of the humerus, the most frequent, notwithstanding the resistance of the brachialis anticus, which, being an active ligament, supports the anterior portion of the articulation, with which it is so closely identified, that, in this dislocation, it is always torn, at least incompletely. This dislo- cation forward is, moreover, favoured in the movement of extension by the point of the olecranon meeting the bottom of the olecranon cavity of the humerus. In a fall upon the wrist, the forearm being extended, the hu- merus becomes a lever of the first kind, whose point of support is represented by the-olecranon cavity of the humerus strongly pressed against by the point of the olecranon ; the lever of power is represented by the whole length of the humerus ; the lever of resistance, by the short portion of the humerus below the olecranon cavity RADIO-CUBITAL ARTICULATIONS. This ligament is a band forming three fourths of a ring, which is completed by the lesser sigmoid cavity of the ulna ; it is attached, by its two ends, to the fore and back part of this cavity, its internal surface, which is smooth and shining like mother-of-pearl, is in contact with the articular border of the head of the radius. The external lateral ligament is attached to its outer surface, and evidently becomes continuous with its posterior half. This arrangement has doubtless given rise to the assertion, that the external lateral lig- ament is attached to the ulna. Those fibres of the anterior ligament which are directed obliquely downward and outward are also inserted into the annular ligament. All these ligamentous attachments retain the annular ligament in its proper position ; when they axe divided, it is manifestly retracted towards the neck of the radius, and exposes the ar- ticular edge of the bone. The breadth of the annular ligament is from three to four lines, and its upper circumference is wider than the lower, which construction tends to main- tain the head of the radius in its situation more accurately. With regard to its structure, I would observe, that it is much thicker behind, where it receives the insertion of the ex- ternal lateral ligament, than in front, where it may be much more easily ruptured ; and I am persuaded that, in luxation of the elbow, it is not the external lateral ligament which is most commonly torn, but rather the anterior portion of the annular. The synovial capsule is a sort of diverticulum from that of the elbow-joint, which is prolonged upon the inner surface of the annular ligament, and is reflected upward from its lower margin, so as to form a sort of cul-de-sac below it. Preparation.—-1. Remove the muscles on both aspects of the forearm. 2. Separate the hand from the forearm so as to expose the lower surface of the triangular ligament, or fibro-cartilage. 3. In order to examine the interior of the joint, saw through the middle of the forearm; divide the anterior and posterior ligaments ; separate the two bones of the forearm; cut through the triangular ligament at its insertion into the ulna. The articular surfaces are a small sigmoid cavity on the radius, analogous to that which we have described at the upper end of the ulna, and the external two thirds of the cir- cumference of the head of the ulna. This articulation, therefore, is precisely the re- verse of the upper, since in this the ulna furnishes the head, and the radius the sigmoid cavity, while a precisely opposite arrangement obtains in the upper joint. The means of union are, 1. Some fibres stretched in front and behind the joint, and call- ed anterior (/, figs. 71 and 75) and posterior (g,figs. 72 and 74) ligaments. They form a very imperfect annular ligament. They extend from the anterior and posterior margins of the sigmoid cavity of the radius to the anterior and posterior surfaces of the little head of the ulna, in the neighbourhood of its styloid process 2. The triangular ligament, or, rather, cartilage* (i, figs. 71 and 73). This is a triangu- lar lamina of cartilage, the apex of which is fixed into the angle formed by the head and styloid process of the ulna, and its base into the lower edge of the sigmoid cavity of the radius. It is thin at the base and the centre, and thick at the apex and the circumfer- ence, It concurs in maintaining the union of the radius and ulna, and performs the office of those inter-articular cartilages which we have noticed as peculiar to such joints as are most exposed to shocks and friction; and, above all, it restores the level of the inferior radio-cubital surface by filling up the vacancy caused by the projection of the radius be- low the ulna. Inferior Radio-cubital Articulation. There is a separate synovial membrane for this joint (see above, i, fig. 75), (often called membrana sacciformis). It covers the upper surface of the triangular ligament, and the sort of incomplete ring which circumscribes the head of the ulna. It forms very loose folds at the places of reflection, which admit of very extensive rotation. This synovial membrane is common to the articulation of the ulna with the radius, and to the articula- tion of the ulna with the inter-articular cartilage ; it is entirely independent of the syno- vial membrane of the wrist-joint. Middle Radio-cubital Articulation, or Interosseous Ligament. The interosseous ligament {I, figs. 71, 72), improperly so called, is an aponeurosis which occupies the interval between the radius and ulna, and which appears to serve princi- pally for the insertion of muscles. It is broader in the middle than at the ends, and does not reach the extremities of the interosseous space, for there is an interval above and below, which serves the purpose of giving passage to nerves and vessels, and also per- mits more free motion between the two bones. The fibres which compose it are direct- ed obliquely downward and inward, i. e., from the radius to the ulna. We generally ob- serve on its anterior aspect several bundles running downward and outward; the supe- * This is the only example in’ the system of an inter-articulary cartilage serving as a means of union be- tween the bones. Can its principal use be to prevent the dislocation of the ulna in the movements of rotation ? The following experiment will show that this cartilage does not oppose the forcible movements of pronation and supination: Saw the bones of the forearm at their middle line, separate the forearm from the wrist, ro- tate with the utmost force the radius upon the ulna, and it will be seen that, during these movements, the in- ter-articular cartilage remains unstrained in all its points. This cartilage is attached to the groove of the sty oid process of the ulna by fibrous tissue ; what is called the summit of the triangular cartilage is, therefore t'othmg else than a very short and strong little ligament, by which the cartilage is attached to the ulna. 144 ARTHEOLOGY. rior and the strongest of these is called the round ligament, or the ligamentous cord of Weitbrecht (m, fig. 71). It extends obliquely downward and outward, from the outside of the coronoid process of the ulna to the lower part of the bicipital tuberosity of the ra- dius. Its direction is, therefore, precisely the inverse of that of the fibres of the inter- osseous ligament. Mechanism of the Radio-cubital Articulations. These articulations, like all trochlear joints, only admit of one kind of motion, viz., lotation, which is here called by a peculiar name. Rotation forward is denominated jnonation; rotation backward is called supination. We must examine these in both the upper and the lower radio-cubital articulations. Pronation.—In this movement, the inner part of the head of the radius rolls backward upon the lesser sigmoid cavity of the ulna, and may be carried so far that the radius may describe half a circle upon its axis. Notwithstanding the obstacles to displacement re- sulting from the strength of the back part of the annular ligaments, and the presence of the two little hooks, one in front and the other behind the lesser sigmoid cavity of the ulna, and, lastly, notwithstanding the advantage produced by the reception of the small head of the humerus in the cup-like cavity of the upper end of the radius, in violent pro- nation the head of the radius is frequently luxated backward. Perhaps no dislocation is more common in infancy than the incomplete luxation backward of the upper end of the radius, on account of the greater looseness of the annular ligament, and the less com- plete reception of the small head of the humerus in the cupula cf the radius. The cause occasioning this displacement is forced pronation, so frequent when infants are held by the hand, in attempting to save them from falling. In supination, the head of the radius turns upon its axis in a different direction, i. e.y its inner part glides forward upon the lesser sigmoid cavity of the ulna. If it be carried too far, dislocation forward may be the consequence.* Mechanism of the Superior Radio-cubital Articulations. The movements of pronation and supination, at the lower radio-cubital articulation, are produced by a mechanism which is precisely the inverse of the former ; for the ra- dius, instead of rotating upon its own axis, turns round the head of the ulna by a move- ment of circumduction. This difference results partly from the curvature of the radius, and partly from the great transverse diameter of its lower end, which forms the radius of the arc of the circle which it describes round the ulna. In pronation, the little sig- moid cavity rolls forward on the articular edge of the head of the ulna; in supination, it glides in the opposite direction, that is, backward. We see, then, that in the lower ar- ticulation, a concave surface moves upon a convex, while the contrary takes place at the upper. Does the inter-articular cartilage limit these motions, as it has been asserted 1 The experiment which I have indicated above show's that this cartilage is in the same con- ditions in regard to the articular surfaces, both in pronation and supination, and that the small ligament which attaches it to the groove of the styloid process of the ulna, expe- riences neither tension nor relaxation. The anterior and posterior ligaments alone are able to limit the movements of rotation by their resistance; but, in forcible pronation, these may be broken, and the head of the ulna dislocated backward ; in forcible supina- tion, it may be dislocated forward. It should be remarked that, in cases of luxation of the ulna, the head of this bone does not lacerate the capsule, but the capsule is torn upon it; for, as we shall afterward see, the ulna is immovable at the cubito-carpal joint, and takes no share in the partial motions of the forearm. Mechanism of the Inferior Radio-cubital Articulations. Mechanism of the Radio-cubital Articulations, considered with reference to the Bodies of the two Bones. In the movement of pronation, the radius crosses the ulna at an acute angle, so that its lower part is carried in front of the ulna, while the upper remains on the outside. The movement of supination consists in the return of the radius to its state of parallel- ism with the ulna. In pronation, the interosseous ligament is relaxed; in supination, it is stretched; its absence at the upper part of the forearm, where its place is supplied by the ligament of Weitbrecht, allows more extensive rotatory movements, f * This displacement is very uncommon, on account of the hook-like projection at the anterior extremity of the sigmoid cavity, and doubtless, also, because forcible supination is very rare. Professor Duges informs me that he has seen an instance of this dislocation of the radius, and proved its existence by inspection after death. I have myself recently met with a case of an incomplete dislocation forward in a child : a slight pres- sure from before backward upon the superior extremity of the radius was sufficient to reduce the dislocation, which took place on a sudden, while the child was being dressed. t If the interosseous ligament, the fibres of which pass downward from the radius to me ulna, had been prolonged to the upper part of the interosseous space, it would have much impeded the motions of supination, by limiting the movements of the bicipital tuberosity, into which one of the supinator muscles of the forearm, viz., the biceps, is inserted ; but the round ligament being inserted below the bicipital tuberosity, and passing downward from the ulna to the radius, can have no effect in limiting the extent of rotation RADIO-CARPAL ARTICULATION. 145 The existence of the interosseous space is an indispensable condition for the peiform- ance of pronation and supination; and, therefore, every curative plan for the treatment of fractures of the forearm which does not provide for the preservation of this space should at once be rejected. In the explanation we have given of the mechanism of the rad !o-cubital aiticulations, the ulna has been considered as an immovable axis, round which the radius executes below certain movements of circumduction; but many authors have maintained the opinion that the ulna also takes part in these motions. Without discussing the different theories which have been successively proposed on this subject, we shall mention an experiment which is at once decisive of the question. If all the articulations of the arm be exposed from the shoulder to the hand, and the humerus be immovably fixed in a vice, it will be seen that, when the forearm is pronated or supinated, the radius moves upon the ulna, which remains altogether undisturbed; and, also, that any lateral motion of the ulna is absolutely impossible, from its perfect jointing with the humerus at the elbow. When the humerus is not completely fixed, it also rotates in conjunction with the bones of the forearm. Lastly, it should be observed that, when the radius is rotated during semiflexion of the forearm, the motion is accompanied by slight degrees of flexion and extension at the elbow-joint. Preparation.—Divide the fibrous sheaths of the flexor and extensor tendons, and care- fully remove those tendons ; bearing in mind the fact that the fibrous sheaths closely ad- here to the ligaments, or, rather, are identified with them, and may be considered as an appurtenance of the ligamentous apparatus of the joint. This articulation belongs to the class of condylarthroses. The articular surfaces {fig. 73) are those of the scaphoid, the semilunar, and the cunei- form, which together form a condyle, oblong transversely, and covered by articular car- tilages, which are prolonged farther on the posterior than on the anterior aspect of the bones, and the transversely oblong concave, articular surface, formed by the lower ends of the radius and ulna. The radius, which forms by itself two thirds of the surface, cor- responds to the scaphoid and semilunar, and presents an antero-posterior ridge, and a slight contraction from before backward, opposite the interval between these two bones. The ulna corresponds to the cuneiform bone, with the intervention of an inter-articular cartilage, viz., the triangular cartilage already described, which performs the part both of a ligament and an inter-articular cartilage. The concave surface presented by the lower part of the forearm is completed at the sides by the styloid processes of the radius and ulna. Means of Union.—There are for this joint an external lateral ligament, an internal lat- eral, two anterior, and one posterior ligament. The external lateral ligament {a, figs. 73, 74, 75) stretches from the summit, and forms the neighbouring parts of the styloid process of the radius to the outer part of the scapho- id, where it is inserted by a broad attachment immediately on the outside of the radial ar- ticular surface of that bone. This ligament, which is not very thick, is continuous with the anterior and the posterior ligament, without any line of demarcation being perceived. The internal lateral ligament. It is uncovered immediately after the tendinous sheath of the extensor carpi ulnaris has been divided. It is lined by the synovial membrane of this sheath. It is a cylindrical chord, commencing at the styloid process, of which it seems to be a continuation, and dividing inferiorly into two fasciculi, one of which is at- tached to the pisiform, the other, which is more considerable, to the posterior surface of the cuneiform bone. This chord first appears very thick ; but, on dividing it, it is seen perforated by a cavity communicating inferiorly with the radio-carpal articulation, and its superior extremity is not attached to the summit of the styloid process of the ulna, but,to the middle point of this process, in the form of a demi-capsule. The summit of this pro- cess is articular, and surrounded with a thick layer of cartilage ; it is farther contained in the synovial membrane of the wrist, and is in direct relation with the cuneiform hone . The styloid process of the ulna is therefore the only portion of this bone which enters di- rectly into the wrist-joint. The anterior ligaments are two in number, one radial, the other ulnar. The radio-carpal ligament forms a broad layer resembling mother-of-pearl, which ap- pears as soon as the flexor tendons have been removed. It is composed of bundles, which are often separated by adipose cellular tissue and vessels, so that I considered it neces- sary, in the former edition of this work, to describe three anterior radial bundles, an ex- ternal, a middle, and an internal; I have abandoned this distinction, because it does not appear of any use. This ligament arises from the whole breadth of the anterior border of the inferior extremity of the radius around the articular surface ; it also arises from the anterior border of the styloid process of this bone. Hence its fibres stretch from above downward, and from without inward, approximating to a horizontal position, in proportion as they are more elevated. The most external fibres go to the os unciforme and the os magnum; those which come next are inserted into the scaphoid bone ; others, again, into Radio-carpal Articulation {figs. 73 to 75). i RTHROLOGY. the cuneiform and the pisiform bones. The most elevated fib -es, which ire the most in- ternal, seem to be continuous with the anterior ligament of fie inferior *adio-cubital ar- ticulation. The most external bundles of this ligament are tl e thickest This ligament is composed of several layers of fibres, the most superficial of which are the longest. The ulna.r-ca.rpal ligament has probably been confounded by authors with the internal lateral ligament; or perhaps it may have escaped their notice altogether, on account of its being deeply seated. This ligament arises, by a narrow extremity, from the groove which separates the styloid process from the little head of the ulna, .in front of the small ligament which forms the summit of the inter-articular cartilage ; thence it goes down- ward and outward, passes under a few fibres of the anterior radio-carpal ligament, and» lost by irradiating. The horizontal superior fibres describe a curve beneath the head ot the ulna, and are inserted into the anterior border of the radius, where they are confound- ed with the fibres of the radio-carpal ligament; the inferior fibres descend almost verti- cally downward, externally to the pisiform bone, and terminate in the os cuneiforme. The posterior ligament cannot possibly be separated from the fibrous sheath of the ex- tensor and radial tendons, with which it is continuous. There is but one posterior liga- ment ; it is much weaker and narrower than the anterior radio-carpal ligament, and stretches obliquely from the posterior border of the radius to the posterior faces of the cuneiform and the semilunar bones. The bundle which goes to the cuneiform is the stronger. This ligament covers about the third portion of the joint, while the radio-car- pal ligament covers the whole of the anterior surface. It should be observed, that there is a marked predominance' of the anterior over the posterior ligaments, both in the artic- ulation of the hand with the forearm, and in the articulations of the carpus. With regard to the anterior and posterior ligarhents of the radio-carpal articulation, I shall make an observation which may be of some interest; it is, that all these ligaments, with the exception of the cubito-carpal, come from the radius, and closely unite the inferior extremity of that bone to the first range of the carpus, and, consequently, to the hand. The synovial membrane (see fig. 73) is loose behind, where it is only partially covered by the ligaments we have described ; throughout the whole of the remaining circumfer- ence of the joint it is strengthened by scattered ligamentous fibres, which some anato- mists have described as a capsular ligament. This synovial membrane sometimes com- municates with that of the lower radio-cubital articulation, by an opening at the place o union of the triangular cartilage with the lower edge of the sigmoid cavity of the radius. It also sometimes communicates with the general synovial membrane of the carpus, by the interosseous spaces ivhich separate the bones of the first carpal row. Besides the means of union which we have described, the flexor tendons in front, and the extensor tendons behind, should be noticed, as serving to increase the strength of the joint. Mechanism of the Radio-carpal Articulation. This articulation belongs to the condyloid class, and has, therefore, four motions, viz., flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction, and by passing from one of these to the other, it can perform circumduction. 1. Flexion.—ln this motion, the condyle formed by the first row of the carpus glides backward upon the lower end of the forearm. The posterior ligaments and the exten- sor tendons are put on the stretch. When the movement of flexion is carried too far, luxation may take place by laceration of the posterior ligament, and then the lower end of the two bones of the forearm pass in front of the articular surface of the bones of the first row of the carpus. The possibility of dislocation of this joint has been doubted; but I have seen two instances of this kind of dislocation, which were incontestable. 2. In extension, the condyle formed by the carpus rolls forward upon the lower end of the forearm; and as the articular surface of the carpus reaches farther on the back than in front, it follows that extension may be carried farther than flexion : it is limited by the strong anterior ligaments, and also by the lateral ligaments, which, as is generally observed, are attached nearer to the side of flexion than to that of extension. It should also be remarked, that extension is the easiest motion of the hand upon the forearm : this may be readily understood from the great power which the hand possess- es when it forms a right angle behind with the forearm.* 3. In abduction, the condyle formed by the carpus rolls in the direction of its length, i. e., transversely and from without inward, while the radial edge of the hand is inclined towards the radial edge of the forearm: this motion is limited by the mutual meeting of the styloid process of the radius, and the external process of the scaphoid. 4. In adduction, the ulnar edge of the hand is bent towards the ulnar edge of the fore- arm ; the motion is limited by the meeting of the summit of the styloid process of the ulna and the cuneiform bone, and also by the tension of the external lateral ligament. It may be easily conceived, that in the lateral movements, which are performed in * We should observe that it is almost impossible to separate the mechanism of the carpal articulations from that of the radio-carpal joint; the latter is noticed here by itself only in order to conform with the ana- tomical divisions. ARTICULATIONS OF THE CARPUS. 147 the direction of the long diameter of the articular surfaces, dislocation must be very dif ficult, and that, when it does occur, it must be incomplete. The movement of circumduction is nothing more than a succession of the different mo> tions which have been already pointed out. The hand describes a cone, of greater ex' tent behind, that is, in the direction of extension, than in front, or in the direction ot flexion. It is also still more restricted in adduction and abduction. Articulations of the Carpus (figs. 73 to 75). These articulations comprise, 1. The articulations of the bones of each row together; and, 2. The articulations of the two rows. Articulations of the Bones of each Row. Preparation.—1. Remove the extensor and the flexor tendons ; 2. Separate the hand from the forearm, then the first row from the second, and, lastly, the bones of both rows from each other, examining their means of union before completing the separation. Articular Surfaces.—The articulations of the bones of each row are amphi-arthroses, and, consequently, present one part continuous and another contiguous. The bones of the first row correspond to each other by oblique surfaces, those of the second row by vertical and more extensive surfaces. Means of Union.—Two classes of ligaments belong to these joints ; the one is extend- ed between the corresponding surfaces, the interosseous ligaments; the other set are peripheral, and are divided into palmar and dorsal. The palmar and dorsal ligaments are fibrous bundles, stretched transversely or oblique- ly from each of the bones of the carpus to those which are contiguous to it. The dorsal are much thinner than the palmar. The interosseous ligaments are not disposed in an exactly similar manner in the two rows, and we shall, therefore, examine them separate- ly. 1. The interosseous ligaments of the first row (e e, fig. 73) occupy only the upper part of the corresponding facettes; they are nothing more than small fibrous bun- dles, one extending from the scaphoid (1) to the semi- lunar (2); the other from the semilunar to the cunei- form (3); they are sometimes partially interrupted, and present openings, which establish a communication be- tween the general synovial membrane of the carpus and that of the radio-carpal articulation. These inter- osseous ligaments are reddish, scarcely fasciculated, very loose, so as to admit of pretty extensive gliding motions. 2. The interosseous ligaments (d dd) of the second row are much thicker than those of the first; the whole non-articular portion of the corresponding facettes gives insertion to these ligaments, which are very compact, and of a much more dry and close tex- Fig. 73. ture than the reddish tissue connecting together the bones of the first row. It follows, therefore, that the bones of the second row are more firmly united than those of the first, whose interosseous ligaments are loose, and permit a certain degree of mobility. The articulation of the pisiform bone with the cuneiform merits a special description. Articulation of the Pisiform and Cuneiform Bones. For this articulation, the pisiform bone presents a single articular surface, which unites with the anterior facette of the cuneiform bone. T here are four ligaments in this little joint, which is nothing else but a loose arthrodia'. 1. Two inferior (e,fig. 75), which are very strong, viz., an external, stretched obliquely from the pisiform to the hook-like process of the unciform bone ; and an internal, vertical, which is inserted into the upper end of the fifth metacarpal bone. These two ligaments appear partly to re- sult from the bifurcation of the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris, this tendon being in the place of the superior ligament, which is wanting. The internal lateral ligament of the radio-carpal articulation may also be considered as entering into the structure of the superior ligament. 2. An anterior and a posterior ligament, thin and radiating, which strengthen the synovial capsule in front and behind. The synovial capsule is, most commonly, a small isolated pouch ; and sometimes it is a prolongation of the radio-carpal synovial membrane. This capsule is very loose, and the ligaments are not very tight; hence the great mobility of the articulation. Articulation of the two Rows of Carpus together. The articulation of the two rows of the carpus together presents an enarthrosis in the middle, and an arthrodia on each side. The articular surfaces consist of a head or spherical eminence received into a cavity, constituting the enarthrosis, and of plane surfaces on the inside and the outside, tvhich form a double arthrodia. The head is formed by the os magnum (6, fig. 73) and the su- 148 ARTHROLOGY. perior process of the os unciforme (7); the cavity is constituted by the inferior surfaces of the scaphoid (1), the semilunar (2), and the cuneiform (3) bones. This cavity, which is deeply notched in front and behind, is completed in these situations by two ligaments, an anterior and a posterior, which might be called glenoid ligaments, considering their po- sition on the edge of a cavity, and their use in increasing its depth. The posterior glenoid ligament is composed of transverse fibres, which are inserted into the first row, closing up the posterior notch. The anterior glenoid ligament, much stronger than the other, belongs to the second row ; it is confounded with the anterior ligaments of the articulation, between the two rows, and extends transversely from the os unciforme to the trapezium, passing in front of the neck and the head of the os magnum. Besides these ligaments, we also find, 1 An anterior ligament {i, fig. 75), which is very thick, and stretches from the anterior sur face of the os magnum, by diverging rays, to those three bones of the first row that form the enarthrodial cavity, in which the head of the os magnum is received, viz., the sca- phoid, the semilunar, and the cuneiform. 2. A posterior ligament (i, fig. 74), which con- sists merely of some fibres extending obliquely from the bones of the first row to those of the second. On the inside and the outside of this carpal enarthrosis we find an arthrodia. On the inside is the articulation of the cuneiform (3, fig. 73) with the unciform (7) bone, consti- tuted by plane surfaces, and strengthened by a very thin posterior ligament, an anterior ligament, much thicker than the preceding, and an internal lateral ligament (c). On the outside is the articulation of the scaphoid with the trapezium and the trapezoid. The ar- ticular surface of the scaphoid (1) is a sort of head or elongated convexity, and those of the trapezium (4) and the trapezoid (5) are twofacettes, that unite in forming a concavity, into which the convexity of the scaphoid is received. This small articulation is strength- ened by two anterior ligaments, both of which proceed from the scaphoid, and are connected one to the trapezium, and the other to the trapezoid ; and two posterior, arranged in a sim- ilar manner with the preceding, but much thinner. A single synovial capsule (see fig. 73), very loose, especially behind, covers the corre- sponding articular surfaces of the two rows. But it is also provided with small culs-de- sac, which penetrate into the intervals between the bones of each row,,there being three below and two above. The mechanism of the carpus must be considered as providing both for strength and mobility. The conditions favourable to strength are, 1. The number of bones in the car- pus ; 2. The reciprocal dovetailing of the two rows, the anti-brachial row joining in this fashion the metacarpal, and vice versa; 3. The numerous ligaments connecting the bones of each row together. The carpus, therefore, has power to resist the most violent shocks, chiefly on account of the expenditure of force at each of its numerous articulations. With regard to mobility, the movements between the bones of each row must be distinguished from those which take place between the two rows. 1. The partial movement between the component bones of each row is scarcely appreciable, and requires no consideration. 2. The mobility of the two rows upon each other is, however, more marked. The enar- throdial articulation of the head of the os magnum can only perform fonvard and backward motions, for the arthrodial joints on each side prevent any lateral movements. Mechanism of the Carpal Enarthrosis.—The movement of extension is very limited, on ac- count of the resistance of the anterior ligaments. The movement of flexion, on the con- trary, is much more considerable : it may be carried sufficiently far to cause luxation of the head of the os magnum backward. The slight structure and the looseness of the pos- terior ligaments, and also the looseness of the synovial membrane behind, explain the fa- cility which this articulation enjoys in the movements of flexion. It is of importance to remark, that the carpal enarthrosis performs a more active part in the flexion of the hand than even the radio-carpal articulation : a circumstance of the highest interest in relation to the mechanism of the carpus. Mechanism of the Carpus. The metacarpal bones are united at their extremities, but separated along their shafts. We shall examine the articulations, 1. Of their carpal; and, 2. Of their digital extremities. Metacarpal Articulations. 1. Articulations of the Carpal Ends of the Metacarpal Bones. These are symphyses or amphi-arthroses. The articular surfaces {see fig. 73) occupy the sides of the carpal ends of the metacarpal bones, and are partly contiguous and partly con- tinuous. The contiguous portion consists of a facette covered with cartilage, and is, in fact, an extension of the surface that articulates with the carpus. The part intended to become continuous is rough. The means of union are the interosseous, the dorsal, and the palmar ligaments. The inter- osseous ligaments (//, fig. 73) are short, close, and very strong bundles of fibres, interposed between the rough portion's of the lateral facettes of two neighbouring metacarpal bones. They constitute the principal means of uniting these bones, as may be seen by attempting METACARPAL ARTICULATIONS. 149 Pig 74. lo separate them after dividing the dorsal and palmai ligaments. I The dorsal {I, fig. 74) and palmar ligaments fin, fig. 75) ' consist of fibrous bundles, stretched transversely from one metacarpal bone to another. The palmar ligaments are much larger than the dorsal. 2. Articulation of the Digital Ends of the Metacarpal Bones. Although the digital extremities of the metacarpal bones are not, prop- erly speaking, artic- ulated together, yet as they are contigu- ous, and move upon each other,their sur- faces are covered by a synovial mem- brane, which facil- itates their move- ments ; moreover, a ■palmar ligament (n, Jigs. 74, 75) is stret- ched transversely in front of these ex- Fig. 75 tremities, and unites them loosely together. This lig- ament (called also transverse) is common to the last four metacarpal bones, but it does not reach the met- acarpal bone of the thumb. It may be considered as formed by the union of all the anterior ligaments ot the metacarpo-phalangal articulations, and as being destined to render these ligaments continuous. In order to expose this ligament, and to study with atten- tion its connexions with the anterior ligaments of the metacarpo-phalangal articulation, it is sufficient to open the fibrous sheaths of the flexor tendons of the fingers, and to remove the small lum- bricales muscles, together with the nerves and vessels of the fingers. We may consider the interosseous palmar aponeurosity as representing, in respect to the shafts of the metacarpal bones, the aponeurosis called the interosseous ligament in the forearm. Strictly speaking, the thickened inferior border of the dorsal interosseous aponeurosis, which is continuous with the tendons of the extensor muscles, might be con- sidered as a dorsal transverse ligament, much weaker than the preceding. The interosseous muscles, as we shall afterward see, complete the means of union of the metacarpal bones. Carpo-metacarpal Articulations. The articular surfaces are the inferior facettcs on the bones of the second row of the carpus, and the facettes on the upper ends of the metacarpal bones. We may consider all the carpo-metacarpal articulations as forming only one joint with a broken surface. The articulation of the trapezium with the metacarpal bone of the thumb, and that of the fifth metacarpal bone with the os unciforme, require each a special description. Articulations of the Second, Third, and Fourth Metacarpal Bones with the Carpus. Articular Surfaces {see fig. 73).—The articulation of the second, third, and fourth met- acarpal bones with the carpus presents a sinuous line, which might, perhaps, be sub- jected to certain rules of disarticulation, if this disarticulation seemed to be of the least use. It constitutes a tight arthrodia, with an angular surface. Proceeding from within outward, the fourth and third metacarpal bones form a regular curve, with the concavity looking upward ; but the second, which unites by three facettes with the trapezium, the trapezoid, and os magnum, presents an angular surface. The second metacarpal bone is jointed, by its transversely concave surface, with a facette on the trapezoid, which is concave, but in the opposite direction, and by two lateral facettes, with the os magnum and the trapezium, so that it enters, as it were, into the carpus by two angular projec- tions, which are received into the intervals between the three bones with which it is articulated. From this it follows, that the carpo-metacarpal articulations present not only concave and convex surfaces, favourable to mobility, but also angular surfaces that evince the immobility of these joints. Means of Union. Some ligaments, distinguished as dorsal and palmar, both very strong, short, and compact, retain the articular surfaces as immovably in contact as if the joints were symphyses. 150 ARTHROLOGY. The dorsal ligaments are much stronger than the palmar, and are composed of several layers, the deepest being the shortest. There are three dorsal ligaments for the second metacarpal bone : a median (o, fig. 74), stretched to it from the trapezoid bone ; an exter- (p), which comes from the trapezium, and covers the insertion of the extensor carpi radialis longior ; and an internal, arising from the os magnum : the first of these is ver- tical, the last two are oblique. There are two dorsal ligaments in the articulation of the third metacarpal bone ; a vertical, which comes from the os magnum ; and an oblique (r), from the os unciforme. In the articulation of the fourth metacarpal bone there is one dorsal ligament, longer and looser than the preceding. The palmar ligaments are much less marked than the preceding; contrasting thus with the palmar ligaments of the carpus. There is none for the second metacarpal bone ; the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis appears to supply the place of this ligament. There are three ligaments for the third metacarpal bone : an external, which comes from the trapezium; a middle, proceeding from the os magnum; and an internal, from the os unci forme. Lastly, for the articulation of the fourth metacarpal bone, there is one palmar ligament from the os unciforme. The synovial membrane (see fig. ’73) of the carpo-metacarpal articulations is a continu ation of the synovial membrane of the carpus, and is prolonged between the upper ends of the metacarpal bones ; and, as the synovial membrane of the carpus communicates also with the radio-carpal joint, it can be conceived what ravages may be produced by inflammation attacking any one of these parts. I must here point out an interosseous, or lateral ligament (I, fig. 73), which arises from the os magnum, and slightly, also, from the os unciforme, and is attached to the inner side of the third metacarpal bone. It al- most completely isolates the articulations of the last two metacarpal bones. This liga- ment being attached to the third metacarpal bone, which is already provided with very strong ligaments, increases in a remarkable manner the strength of the joint. Carpo-metacarpal Articulation of the Thumb.—This joint {m, fig. 73), which is very dis- tinct and completely separated from all the others, is remarkable, also, for the arrange- ment of the articular surfaces. There is a mutual jointing between the trapezium, which is concave transversely, and convex from behind forward; and the first metacarpal bone, which is concave and convex in precisely opposite directions. It is the type of all ar- ticulations by mutual reception. The means of union consist of a capsular ligament (s, figs. 74 and 75), imperfect on the outside, where its place is occupied occasionally by the tendon of the abductor longus pollicis (extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis): it is much thicker behind than in front, and is sufficiently loose to permit extensive motions in all directions. There is a separate synovial membrane for this joint, which is remarkable in respect of its relations : viz., 1. Behind, with the extensor muscles of the thumb; 2. On the outside, with the expanded tendon of the abductor pollicis ; 3. On the inside, with the interosseous muscles and the radial artery, where that vessel penetrates into the palm of the hand, to form the deep palmar arch ; and, 4. In front, with the muscles of the ball of the thumb. Carpo-metacarpal Articulation of the fifth Metacarpal Bone (sec fig 73).—The articulation of the fifth metacarpal bone with the os unciforme is, in many respects, analogous to the preceding ; for there is here, also, a sort of mutual reception between their correspond- ing articular surfaces. There is, also, a kind of capsular ligament (t, fig. 74), very strong in front and thin behind, and incomplete on the outside, on account of the presence of the fourth metacarpal bone : it is rather loose, and maintains the relation of the articular surfaces. The tendon of the extensor carpi ulnaris strengthens this joint behind, in the same manner as the tendon of the long abductor of the thumb strengthens the articula- tion of the trapezium and the first metacarpal bone. The synovial membrane of this joint belongs also to the fourth metacarpal bone. The fourth and fifth metacarpal bones may, indeed, be strictly considered as forming only one joint, and the lateral interosseous ligament as completing the capsular ligament. On the other hand, the second and third metacarpal bones form a very distinct articulation with the os magnum, the trapezoid, and a small facette upon the trapezium ; lastly, there is another joint peculiar to the first metacarpal bone and the trapezium. There are thus three distinct joints (see fig. 73) in the carpo-metacarpal articulation, in one of which the articular surfaces are simple, while in the two others they are broken. Mechanism of the Carpo-metacarpal Articulations. The mechanism of the carpo-metacarpal articulations should be studied, both as re- gards strength and mobility. 1. With regard to strength, the metacarpal bones mutually support each other, and resist in common the action of external agents : they can only be broken, therefore, by violence sufficient to fracture several at the same time. In order that any one should be broken alone, the violence must be applied directly to it. In this manner I have seen the third metacarpal bone fractured by the stick of a rocket. The great strength of the metacarpus depends not only on the simultaneous resistance ARTICULATIONS OF THE FINGERS. 151 ol its component parts, but also on the intervening articulations, each of which becomes the seat of a certain expenditure of force ; for part of this being employed in moving th' articular surfaces upon each other, is necessarily lost as far as its direct transmission i.. concerned. With regard to mobility, these articulations, which might be called tight angular arthro dias, are only possessed of slight gliding motions, on account of the angular disposition of the articular facettes, the sinuosity of the common articular line, and the strength and shortness of both the external and the interosseous ligaments. At the same time, the mobility of all the metacarpal bones is not equal. Thus, the articulation of the trape- zium with the first metacarpal bone holds the first rank ; it is in some degree different Horn the others in this respect as well as in position, and merits particular description. The articulation of the fifth metacarpal bone holds the second place, and that of the fourth the third. The articulations of the second and third metacarpal bones are as im- movable as symphyses. Mechanism of the Articulation of the Trapezium and the first Metacarpal Bone.—From the mutual reception of the articular surfaces, this articulation permits four motions, viz., flex- ion, extension, abduction, and adduction, and, as a consequence of these, circumduction. Flexion is not performed directly, but obliquely inward and forward. This oblique mo- tion produces the movement of opposition, which characterizes the hand ; it is very exten- sive, and, when carried too far, may produce luxation backward with the greater facility, because the capsular ligament is very thin in that direction. Extension may be carried so far that the first metacarpal bone may form a right angle with the radius. It is con- ceivable that luxation forward might be produced by this motion ; but there are very few causes that would tend to increase extension to such a degree, and, moreover, the ante- rior part of the capsular ligament is extremely strong, so that no example of this luxa- tion has ever been recorded. Abduction is very extensive ; when carried beyond a certain point, it may give rise to dislocation inward, for the trapezium, being situated on a plane anterior to the root of the metacarpus, the neighbouring metacarpal bones offer no obstacle to such a displacement. Lastly, direct adduction is limited by the meeting with the second metacarpal bone. Mechanism of the Articulation of the fifth Metacarpal Bone with the Cuneiform.—This ar- ticulation in some degree resembles the preceding, and, like the last, it would be liable to dislocation, were it not for its intimate connexions with the other metacarpal bones, so that the same cause that would tend to displace the fifth metacarpal bone would also tend to displace the fourth. Articulations of the Fingers (figs. 74 and 75). These comprise, 1. The articulations of the fingers with the metacarpal bones. 2. The articulations of the phalanges together. Metacarpo-phalangal Articulations. These belong to the class of condyloid articulations. The articular surfaces in each are formed by the head of the metacarpal bone, flattened from side to side, increasing in breadth from the dorsal to the palmar aspect, and pro- longed much farther in the latter direction, where it presents the trace of a division into two condyles; and by the shallow glenoid cavity of the first phalanx, which is trans- versely oblong, and, consequently, has its long diameter at right angles to that of the head of the metacarpal bone, which is oblong from before backward. We see, then, that an articular head, elongated from before backward, is adapted to a transversely oblong cav- ity. This arrangement favours the movements of flexion and extension, as well as the lateral motions, which are as extensive as they would have been had all the diameters of the articular surfaces been equal to those which are actually the longest. It is on account of the lateral flattening of the heads of the metacarpal bones that, in amputations at these joints, surgeons make choice of lateral, in preference to antero- posterior flaps. Means of Union.—On account of the disproportion just noticed as existing between the articular surfaces of this joint, the glenoid cavity of the first phalanx not being equal to more than one half of the articular surface on the metacarpal bone, this cavity is pro- vided with a ligament called the anterior ligament (u,fig. 75), which was confounded by the older anatomists with the fibrous sheaths of the flexor tendons. This ligament I have called the glenoid ligament, and its use is to complete the cavity of l eception of the metacarpal condyle. It is situated on the palmer aspect of the joint, and is grooved anteriorly, to correspond with the flexor tendons. It is concave, forming, so to say, a demi-capsule behind, to correspond with the metacarpal condyle. By its edges it is con- tinuous not only with the transverse metacarpal ligament, which is one of its appurte- nances, but also with the sheath of the flexor tendons, and with the lateral ligaments of the joint. By its superior border this ligament is continuous with the palmar interos- seous aponeurosis, and with the digital bands of the palmar aponeurosis. By its lower edge it is firmly fixed to the anterior part of the margin of the first phalangal articular 152 AETHROLOGY. surface; its upper edge is loosely connected by some ligamentous fibres to the contract- ed neck which supports the head of the metacarpus, and is accurately adapted to that neck. The anterior or capsular ligament is very thick, unyielding, formed of fibres that cross each other, and look like mother-of-pearl, and is as compact as cartilage. Several times I have found a sesamoid bone in the substance of the anterior ligament of the in- dex and the middle finger. The whole tendinous sheath of the tendons of the flexor muscles may be considered as making part of this anterior ligament, and we ought not to overlook these tendons in estimating the solidity of the joint with regard to flexion. This joint has two lateral ligaments, which are extremely unyielding, an internal and an external; they are inserted into a marked tubercle existing posteriorly on each side of the lower extremities of the metacarpal bones, and into a very remarkable depression below and before this tubercle ; hence these ligaments extend very obliquely from be- hind forward and from above downward, in the shape of a strong and flat band, looking like mother-of-pearl, which continually expands and irradiates, and finally terminates, 1. In a tubercle existing anteriorly, and on each side of the margin of the upper end of the first phalangal bone. 2. By its superior fibres into the borders of the anterior ligament. These lateral ligaments extend, therefore, obliquely from the posterior tubercle of the lower end of the metacarpus to the anterior tubercle of the upper end of the first phalan- gal bone ; they are stretched by flexion, which cannot be extended beyond the right angle without the ligaments being torn ; and they are relaxed by extension, except that portion of these ligaments which goes to the anterior ligament, and which limits the ex- tension by its resistance. It may be interesting to remark, that the external lateral lig- ament is much stronger than the internal; the former of these ligaments is inserted not only into the tubercle, but also into the whole extent of the subjacent depression. There is no dorsal ligament properly so called; its place is evidently supplied by the corresponding extensor tendon (w, fig. 74). This extensor tendon, after having reach- ed the level of the joint, becomes narrow, and contracts, as it were, upon itself, in order to form a thick and extremely compact cord. From each edge of this ligament an apo- neurotic expansion arises, which is inserted into the sides of the joint. The synovial capsule is extremely loose, especially on the aspect of extension ; it does not adhere to the tendon, but is folded upon itself during extension, and is stretched du- ring flexion ; it lines the inner surface of the lateral ligaments, and is reflected upon the articular cartilages. Metacarpal-phalangal Articulation of the Thumb.—Two sesamoid bones (x, figs. 73 and 75) are annexed to this articulation in front, and are constantly found in the glenoid lig- ament ; they afford insertion to the lateral ligaments and to all the short muscles of the thumb. If we examine these articulations in connexion, we shall find that they are disposed in a curved line, with the convexity looking downward. This curvature is slightly in- terrupted at the articulation of the fourth metacarpal bone, which is not on a level with those of the index and the middle fingers. Mechanism of the Mctacarpo-phalangal Articulations. We shall take as an example the metacarpo-phalangal articulation of the middle fin ger. From the arrangement of the articular surfaces, it is evident that this articulation can execute movements in four principal directions, and, consequently, those of circum- duction also. From a simple inspection of the surfaces, it might be inferred that the movement of flexion must be very extensive, while that of extension (or flexion back- ward) and the lateral motions of abduction and adduction are exceedingly limited. The arrangement of the ligaments amply confirms these suppositions. It should be noticed, as a rare exception, that in the movements executed by this joint, it is not the head that moves upon the cavity, but the cavity that moves upon the head. In flexion, the first phalanx glides forward upon the head of the corresponding metacar- pal bone ; the extensor tendon and the back of the synovial capsule are stretched by the projecting head of this bone : the posterior fibres of the lateral ligaments are also stretch- ed ; they limit the movement of flexion, allowing it only to proceed so far that the pha- lanx forms a right angle with the metacarpal bone. Lastly, flexion can be carried some- what farther by the thumb, the ring, and the little fingers, than by the others. In ex- tension, the phalanx glides backward upon the head of the metacarpal bone supporting it; this head corresponds almost entirely with the anterior ligament, which, as we have seen, is disposed in the shape of a fibrous demi-capsule. The posterior fibres of the lateral igaments are relaxed, and the anterior stretched. The motion is evidently limited by the anterior or capsular ligament, and by the anterior fibres of the lateral ligaments, which are inserted into this anterior ligament. I may remark, that the upper border of this anterior ligament forms a sort of ring or collar, which surrounds almost entirely the neck of the corresponding metacarpal bone, without adhering to it. According to the relative size of this ring, and the comparative looseness of the glenoid ligament, will the movement of extension be more or less considerable. In all persona it may be carried so far as to form an obtuse angle behind ; in some, until a right arglo ARTICULATIONS OF THE FINGERS. 153 is formed; and in a few, even so far as to produce an incomplete luxation, reducible bv the slightest muscular effort. If extension be carried beyond these limits (for which, however, considerable violence is necessary), the head of the metacarpal bone will escape ■*r°m the kind of collar formed by the superior border of the capsular ligament and the anterior fibres of the lateral ligaments, sometimes by extensively lacerating it, but at others only by stretching it very much; in both cases the first phalanx is dislocated back- ward, or the metacarpal bone forward. When the collar is not torn, reduction is al- most impossible, because the glenoid ligament is always interposed between the articular surfaces. It should be remarked, that the metacarpo-phalangal articulation of the thumb is the only one which is not capable of flexion backward. This is probably owing to the want of looseness in its anterior or capsular ligament. In this joint, the movement of extension does not go beyond the straight line ; in this respect it resembles the ar- ticulations which the phalanges form with each other.* Adduction and abduction consist of simple lateral glidings, limited by the meeting of the other fingers. Articulations of the Phalanges of the Fingers. These are pulley-like joints, or perfect angular ginglymi. There are two articulations of this kind in each finger, but only one in the thumb. Articular Surfaces.—The lower end of the first phalanx, flattened from before back- ward, presents a trochlea, broader on the palmar than on the dorsal aspect, and prolonged much farther in front than behind. The trochlea of the phalanx resembles the lower end of the femur, with this difference, that its two condyles are not separated from each other. The upper end of the second phalanx, also flattened from before backward, pre- sents two small glenoid cavities, separated by an antero-posterior ridge. The ridge cor- responds to the groove of the pulley, and the glenoid cavities to the two condyles. Means of Union.—1. An anterior ligament (y,fig■ 74), grooved anteriorly, to serve the tendon as a sheath, and exactly resembling, what exists in the metacarpo-phalangal ar- ticulations, and performing the same office of deepening the glenoid cavity, which by it- self only imperfectly receives the pulley of the first phalanx. 2. Two lateral ligaments, an internal (z) and an external {z'), arranged precisely in the same manner as the lateral ligaments of the metacarpo-phalangal articulations. They are attached to tubercles situated behind the lateral depressions, on the lower end of the first phalanx, and pass obliquely forward, to be inserted both into the glenoid ligament and the second phalanx. There is no posterior ligament, its place being supplied by the extensor tendon. This tendon is disposed in a peculiar manner :it gives off constantly a prolongation (w) from its anterior aspect, which is inserted into the upper end of the second phalanx, so that this bone presents a somewhat similar arrangement behind, as it does in front, with the flexor tendon. This prolongation has a cartilaginous aspect. The synovial capsule is precisely similar to that of the metacarpo-phalangal joints. The foregoing description applies equally well to the articulation of the second with the third phalanx. There is often a sesamoid bone in the substance of the glenoid ligament of the two phalangal joints of the thumb. The fingers are essentially the organs of prehension and of touch. In the mechanism of touch, the fingers are moved over the surfaces of bodies, and are moulded upon even their slightest inequalities, sometimes acting together, sometimes separately, seizing and moving between them, as between the blades of sentient forceps, even the most delicate objects. For the performance of this function, great mobility must be conjoined with great precision of movement. On the other hand, for the purpose of seizing bodies, of retaining, repulsing, or breaking them, as well as of acting as the means of attack and defence, considerable power is required ; all which qualities are united in the mechanism of the hand. Observe the number of the fingers and their complete isolation, so that they can act either together or separately, and even in opposite directions. Notice the number of the phalanges, their successive decrease in size, and the facility with which they can be separated or made to approach each other, so as to be applied around spher- ical bodies. Note, also, the inequality of the fingers in length and power, enabling each to act a determinate part in prehension ; and, above all, remark the shortness of the thumb, which only reaches the base of the first phalanx of the index finger ; but which, placed as it is upon a plane anterior to the rest, and endowed with a greater degree of mobili- ty, can be opposed to all the fingers together, to each finger separately, and to every pha- lanx of each, thus constituting the principal blade of the sentient forceps represented by the hand ; for, being more strongly constructed, and provided with more powerful mus- cles than the other fingers, it in some degree counterbalances them all. Mechanism of the Phalanges. * This is, I believe, the anatomical reason why a reduction of the dislocations forward of the metacarpo* phalangal articulations of the thumb and the other fingers is difficult, and sometimes impossible The most skilful practitioners have sometimes failed in this reduction, and especially in dislocations of the thumb ; gan* grene and death have often taken place in consequence of the violent attempts at reduction. lam certain that the vertical section of the anterior ligament would obviate the difficulty at once. 154 ARTHROLOGY From the shape of the articular surfaces, which form a miniature representation uI the knee, it is evident that the only motions of which these joints are capable are flex- ion and extension. The flexion of the second upon the first phalanx is as extensive as it could possibly be, for it is only limited by the meeting of the anterior surfaces of these bones. The amount offlexion of the third phalanx upon the second is less considerable. The extension of the second phalanx upon the first, and that of the third upon the second, are limited, as in the metacarpo-phalangal joints, by the anterior glenoid and the lateral ligaments. This motion of the phalanges is extremely slight; I have never seen them carried farther back than to form a straight line. From what has been observed, it follows that, as regards its movements, each finger represents a shortened or miniature limb ; that, at its articulation with the metacarpus, it is capable of motions in every direction, and also of circumduction ; that, from the joints between the phalanges, it is endowed with the power of strong, extensive, and accurate flexion ; and that, from the double bending of the second upon the first, and the third upon the second phalanges, the fingers represent a true hook for seizing and cling ing to external objects. Mechanism of the Phalangal Articulations. ARTICULATIONS OF THE INFERIOR OR ABDOMINAL EXTREMITIES. Articulations of the Pelvis.—Coxo-femoral.—Knee-joint.—Peroneo-tibial.—Ankle-joint.— Of the Tarsus.—Tarso-metatarsal.—Of the Toes. Articulations of the Pelvis {figs. 76, 77). The articulations of the pelvis are, 1. The sacro-iliac symphysis ; 2. The symphysis pubis; and, 3. The sacro-coccygeal articulation. The last has been already described with the other articulations of the vertebral column. Sacro-iliac Symphysis. Preparation.—l. Detach the pelvis from the rest of the trunk ; 2. Saw through the hor- izontal ramus and arch of the pubes at the distance of about eighteen lines on each side of the symphysis ; 3. Dislocate the os innominatum of one side ; 4. Dissect the anterior ligaments of the sacro-iliac symphysis upon the other ; 5. Then make a horizontal section of that articulation, dividing it into an upper and a lower half. The sacro-iliac articulation belongs to the class of symphyses or amphi-arthroses. The articular surfaces are formed on the sacrum and os innominatum, and are partly contiguous and partly continuous. The contiguous surfaces of these two bones are an- terior to the others, and are shaped like an ear, with the convex edge turned forward ; hence they are called the auricular surfaces. The parts which are rendered continuous by means of ligamentous fibres consist of the entire space comprised between the auric- ular portion and the posterior border of the os innominatum, and of all the lateral sur- face of the sacrum not occupied by the auricular facette. The continuous portions are both marked with very rugged eminences and depressions. These articular surfaces are also remarkable from being sinuous and alternately concave and convex, and from their presenting a well-marked obliquity in two directions, viz., from above downward, and from before backward and inward, so that the sacrum is, as it were, wedged between the ossa innominata both in a vertical and an antero-posterior direction. Means of Union.—The auricular surfaces are covered with cartilage, which is thicker Fig. 76. upon the sacrum than on the os innominatum, and is remarkable for the roughness of its surface, which contrasts with the smooth ap- pearance of other articular cartilages. There is a distinct synovial membrane in this joint in the infant and pregnant female, but it can scarcely be detected in the adult and the aged. The ligaments are, 1. An anterior sa- cro-iliac ligament (b,figs. 76, 77), a very thin layer which passes in front of this articula- tion, and composed of fibres stretched trans- versely from the sacrum to the ilium. 2. A superior sacro-iliac ligament (4,fig. 52), a very thick bundle, extending transversely from the base of the sacrum to the contiguous portion of the ilium. 3. An interosseous lig- ament, which forms the strongest bond of union in this joint, composed of a great number of ligamentous fibres, stretched horizon- tally from the ilium to the sacrum, crossing each other, and filling up almost the whole ot the deep excavation comprised between the two bones; these fibres leave small inter- ARTICULATIONS OP THE PELVIS. 155 vais between them, which are occupied by fat, and traversed by numerous small veins. One of these bundles merits a special description : it consists of a long and strong band extending almost vertically from the posterior superior spinous process of the ilium to a thick tubercle on the third sacral vertebra ; it maybe called the posterior vertical sacro-iliac ligament. 4. The ilio-lumbar ligament (c, Jigs. 76, 77) may be considered as belonging to this joint; it extends from the summit of the transverse process of the fifth lumbar ver- tebra to the thickest part of the crest of the ilium, that is, to the enlargement situated about two inches in front of the posterior superior iliac spine. It is a thick and very strong triangular bundle. Symphysis Pubis. Preparation.—This requires no special direction : only, in order to become acquainted with the respective extent of the contiguous and continuous portions, it is necessary to make two sections, a horizontal section, and also a vertical one from before backward. The articular surfaces {e,fig. 77) are oval, having their longest diameters directed ver- tically ; they are flat, and obliquely cut from behind forward and outward. They are, therefore, separated by a triangular interval, the base of which is directed forward, and the apex backward. We should observe, concerning this articulation, that there are many varieties in the respective extent of the contiguous and continuous portions of the artic- ular surfaces. Sometimes they are almost wholly continuous ; at other times, on the contrary, they are nearly altogether contiguous. I have observed this latter disposition in a very remarkablfe degree in the symphysis of a young woman who died in the sixth month of pregnancy. The means of union are the following : 1. An anterior pubic ligament {d,fig. 76), a very thin fibrous layer, the posterior portion of which is blended with the interosseous liga- ment : it is composed of fibres extending from the spine of each os pubis obliquely to the anterior surface of the opposite pubic bone ; those from the left side pass in front of those from the right. 2. A posterior pubic ligament, extremely thin, and covering the prominence formed by the ossa pubis behind, at the place of their articulation. This prominence, which is very marked in old subjects, seems to be produced by a jutting out of the poste- rior table of the bone backward, apparently caused by the pressure of one articular sur- face upon the other ; these surfaces being, as we have described, in contact behind, but separate in front. In a female who died of peritonitis soon after delivery, I found this posterior prominence of the pubes forming a sort of spine of some lines in diameter from before backward. 3. A superior pubic ligament (e,fig. 76), very thick, and continuous on each side, with a fibrous cord, that covers the upper edge of the os pubis, and effaces its irregularities. 4. An inferior pubic or triangular ligament (f fig. 76), which is exceed- ingly strong ; it forms a continuation of the anterior and interosseous ligaments, and is composed of interlacing fibres : this ligament renders the angle formed by the ossa pubis obtuse, and gives to the arch of the pubes that regular curve presented by it to the head of the foetus during labour. 5. An interosseous ligament (e, fig. 77), which occupies the whole non-contiguous portion of the articular surfaces, and varies greatly in thickness in different individuals. This ligament forms the principal means of union between the bones of the pubes ; it fills up the vacant space of a line and a half to two lines, which exists between the articular surfaces, and is composed of fibres, which cross each other like those of the intervertebral substances.* Of the Sub-pubic or Obturator Membrane, ami the Sacro-sciatic Ligament. Wc place the description of the obturator and sacro-sciatic ligaments next to that of the articulations of the pelvis, simply remarking that they can scarcely be considered true ligaments, but rather aponeuroses, which serve to complete the parietes of the pel- vis, without contributing anything to the strength of the pelvic articulations. In trying to account for the great obturator foramen and the great sciatic notch, I have asked my- self the question whether these great openings, independently of their transmitting ves- sels, nerves, and muscles, did not result from that law of osteology, by means of which the bones, the levers of the muscular power, are formed with the least possible weight and volume. How much heavier would the pelvis have been, if the obturator foramen and the great sciatic notch had been filled with osseous tissue. It would have been use- less, for the strength of the pelvis would not have been increased in any way by such an arrangement. Perhaps these strong but flexible membranes are also useful during the progress of labour, by diminishing the pressure of the soft parts of the mother between the head of the child and the bones of the pelvis. * From analogy, we may infer an identical disposition in the pubic and vertebral symphysis. Thus it will be seen that the articular surfaces in these two articulations are not fitted to each other. In the symphyis pubis, however, we discover an additional degree of mobility; the articular surfaces are contiguous to a greater ex- tent, and the synovial membrane is so perfect that no anatomist has yet doubted it. The symphysis pubis might, therefore, be regarded as the transition between the movable articulations and the mixed or symphy- ses. The obliquity in an inverse direction of the articular surfaces is the cause why the symphysis pubis is much larger in front than behind ; hence, in symphyseotomy or a section of the symphysis, the knife must be ap- plied to the anterior portion of the symphysis, so that the articulation may be entered into with more safety. It is clear that a trocar could not be thrust into the bladder through the symphysis, on account of its being too narrow behind to admit of its passage. 156 ARTHROLOGY. rSub-puhic or Obturator Membrane (g, Jigs. 76, 77).—This membrane closes the obtura- tor (sub-pubic) foramen, excepting at its upper part, where we find a notch, by which the groove for the obturator vessels and nerves is converted into a canal. The external half of its circumference is attached to the corresponding margin of the obturator fora- men, and the internal half to the posterior surface of the ascending ramus of the ischi- um ; its two surfaces give attachment to the obturator muscles. The obturator mem- brane is composed of aponeurotic bundles, which look like mother-of-pearl, and are in- terlaced in every direction. An interesting point of its structure is its being formed of several layers of fibres, and small bristle-shaped collections of fibres arising constantly from the internal half of the margin of the obturator foramen, which expand upon the anterior surface of the membrane, and afterward intermingle with the periosteum. There is also to be found a very strong parcel arising from a sort of spine upon the mar- gin of the obturator foramen, immediately above the level of the great cotylo'u notch. Sacro-sciatic Ligaments.—These are divided into the great and the smalt,. -« e apply the term ligaments to them rather on account of their fasciculated shape than from their use, which scarcely has reference to the union of the bones of the pelvis. The great sacro-sciatic ligament (I, figs. 76, 77) arises from a ridge situated on the in- ternal lip of the tuberosity of the ischium, and also from the ascending ramus of the same bone, by a curved margin of considerable extent, having its concavity directed up- ward, which, with the inner surface of the tuberosity of the bone, forms a groove for the protection of the internal pubic vessels and nerves. The most superficial fibres of this ligament are partly continuous with the common tendon of the biceps and the semi-ten- dinosus. Immediately after its origin, from its fibres being collected together, it be- comes very narrow and thick, and is directed upward and inward; it then expands con- siderably, and is inserted into the edges of the sacrum and coccyx, and more slightly into the posterior part of the crest of the ilium, as far as the posterior and superior spi- nous process of this bone. Its upper edge, or, rather, its external, is vertical, and is continuous with the aponeurosis, extending over the pyriformis muscle. Its internal edge, which forms a curve, and which is almost horizontal, makes part of the inferior circumference of the small pelvis ; it lines the small sacro-sciatic ligament, to wffiich it adheres at its insertion into the coccyx, and from which it is separated externally by a triangular space, where it is in relation with the internal obturator muscle ; it is covered by the gluteus maxirnus, to which it furnishes a great number of aponeurotic insertions. This disposition increases the thickness of this ligament considerably, and gives to its posterior surface the rugged, rough, and, as it were, lacerated aspect, which is a char- acteristic of that surface. The great sacro-sciatic ligament is composed of bundles, sev- eral of which, on a level with the narrowest portion of this ligament, are interlaced in the shape of the letter X. Several of these ligaments, which are external at their sci- atic insertion, become internal at their insertion into the coccyx, and vice versa. The great sacro-sciatic ligament and the posterior and superior sacro-iliac ligaments consti- tute a fibrous plane in the shape of bundles, arising from the superior posterior spinous process of the ilium, and extending in various directions. The small sacro-sciatic ligament (m,Jigs. 76, 77), placed in front of the preceding, and extremely thin, arises from the summit of the spine of the ischium, passes inward, and, becoming thinner, is lost upon the anterior surface of the great sacro-sciatic ligament. The two sacro-sciatic liga- ments divide the great sacro-sciatic notch ihto two distinct foramina: the upper (n, fig. 77) is very large, and shaped like a triangle with the angles rounded off, and is in a great measure filled up by the coccygeus and pyriformis muscles ; it gives passage also to the great and small sciatic nerves, to the ischiatic vessels, and to the gluteal and internal pu- dic vessels and nerves, and to a large quantity of cellular tissue. That form of hernia which is called sciatic takes place through this foramen. The lower (o, Jig. 77) is much smaller; it is situated between the spine and tuberosity of the ischium, and gives passage to the obturator internus muscle, and to the internal pudic vessels and nerves. Fig. 77. Mechanism of the Pelvis. The mechanism of the pelvis should be regarded in four distinct points of view: 1 As affording protection to the contained viscera; 2. In relation to the part which it per forms in the mechanism of standing and progression; 3. In connexion with the phenom ena of part nation ; and, 4. In reference to the motions which take place at its articula tions with other bones, and those between its own component parts. 1. Mechanism of the Pelvis considered as a Protecting Structure.—The following are the conditions in the structure of the pelvis, having reference to its office as a protector of the contained viscera : 1. Behind; the presence of the sacrum, which is itself protected. ARTICULATIONS OF THE PELVIS. 157 as well as the nerves that pass through it, by the great prominence of the posterior iliac tuberosities, which project considerably beyond it; 2. On the sides, by the crest of the ilium, and the prominence of the trochanters, which so often preserve the pelvis from ex- ternal violence. With regard to the large notch in front, which leaves the viscera situ- ated on a level with it, unprotected, it may be remarked, that the viscera contained in the small pelvis, being liable to considerable changes of volume, require to leave the osseous and unyielding space which contains them when empty, in order that they may extend into a cavity the walls of which are soft, and may be dilated almost indefinitely; 3. In front the means of protection are much less efficacious, in consequence of the vast notch which is situated in this region. The partial absence of the bony parietes in front has reference to the great variations in size which the viscera of the pelvis can undergo, and which would have been incom- patible with the existence of an osseous cincture, incapable of dilatation. The absence of bony walls in the situation of the three great notches, presented by the outlet of the pelvis, is also unfavourable to its solidity; but it has many other important uses, partic- ularly in the mechanism of labour. The pelvis, especially at its upper part, where it is most exposed to injury, is enabled to resist external violence by virtue of its vaulted con struction. Part of the impulse, also, is lost in producing the slight degree of gliding mo tion permitted at the symphysis pubis. Where, however, the power of resistance pos- sessed by the pelvis is overcome, it will be seen at once that the parts most liable to fracture are the ascending rami of the ischia at their junction with the descending rami of the ossa pubis. 2. Mechanism of the Pelvis with regard to Standing and Progression.—The part perform- ed by the pelvis in standing is connected with the transmission of the weight of the trunk to the lower extremities; this is effected by means of the sacrum, which rests upon the ossa innominata. We should add, that a small portion of the weight is directly trans- mitted to the femurs by the iliac bones, which support the viscera of the abdomen. The following arrangements should be noted, as being concerned in the transmission of the weight by means of the sacrum : 1. The great size of that bone, affording evidence of the destination of man for the erect posture. 2. The obtuse angle at which the sacrum unites with the vertebral column, peculiar to the human species, and which becomes the seat of a decomposition of the force transmitted by the spine. Part of the momentum acting in the direction of the axis of the column has no other effect than that of increas- ing the sacro-vertebral angle, at the expense of the flexibility of the inter-articular car- tilage ; the rest is transmitted to the sacrum, and then to the lower extremities. 3. The double wedge shape of the sacrum itself. In order to understand the advantage arising from this form, it is necessary to remark, first, that the weight of the trunk is transmit- ted in the axis of the upper half of the sacrum, and, consequently, in. the direction of a line sloping downward and .backward ; from this it follows, that the sacrum must have a tendency to be displaced either downward or backward, but the displacement down- ward is prevented by the position of the ossa innominata, which are nearer to each other below than above. The displacement backward is obviated by the oblique direction of the articular surfaces of the same bones backward and inward, while the obliquity of the sacrum itself is in the opposite direction, for it is broader in front than behind.* 4. The distance intervening between the sacro-iliac and the coxo-fernoral articulations. The articulation of the vertebral column with the pelvis being situated at the back part of that cavity, while those of the femurs are situated towards the front and the side, the distance between them increases the space in which the centre of gravity can oscillate, without being carried so far forward as to pass beyond the perpendicular let fall from the coxo- femoral articulation to the base of support. In man alone is found a large pelvian basis of support, and thus the erect posture has been rendered possible in him, without an ex- cessive extension in front. In quadrupeds, the antero-posterior diameter of the bones of the ilium is rather short, and their haunch bones are elongated behind,, and placed in almost the same plane as the vertebral column. The foetus and new-born infant somewhat resemble the lower animals in this respect, and, therefore, in the human subject there is a great tendency to assume the attitude of a quadruped during the first year of existence. The weight received by the sacrum and transmitted to the haunch bones is divided, sometimes equally and sometimes unequally, between the sacro-iliac symphyses. One. portion of the impulse calls into action the mobility of the symphyses, and the remainder is transmitted to the cotyloid cavities. It should be remarked, that this transmission is effected along the triangular prismatic columns, which form the sides of the inlet of the pelvis, and are the thickest and strongest parts of that structure. At the foot of these * Without admitting that the influences to which the sacrum is subjected have a tendency to force it back- ward as well as downward, it is impossible to explain either the use of its being shaped like a wedge, with the base turned forward, or of that powerful apparatus of posterior ligaments which can only resist its disloca- tion backward. The idea that these forces tend to press it forward is manifestly at variance with the nature of the uniting media ; for the sacro-iliac symphyses are only maintained in front by a very thin ligamentous layer, and the breadth of the space between the iliac bones is also greater in front than behind ; ciioumstan- ces that would evidently facilitate displacement forward. 158 ARTHROLOGY. columns, which form curves, we find, dug, as it were, into their substances, the cotyloia cavities, to which the weight of the trunk is transmitted. During the sitting posture, the weight of the body is transmitted to the tuberosities of the ischia, which, from their great size, are well fitted to support it. As these processes are a little anterior to the cotyloid cavities, and, therefore, situated in a plane very near the front of the pelvis, the centre of gravity of the trunk has a tendency to fall behind the basis of support represented by them; and, therefore, it is easy to push an individual backward when in the sitting pos- ture, inasmuch as in front the basis for the support of the pelvis is increased by the length of the femurs and the length of the foot while man is seated on a chair, and the whole length of the abdominal extremity while he is seated on a horizontal plane. The mode in which the pelvis resists violence applied to the tuberosities of the ischia in falls, is some- what connected with its mechanism as adapted to the sitting posture. The shock is, in these cases, transmitted directly upward in the direction of the acetabula, the lowTer hem- ispheres of which offer resistance like two arches: from the acetabula the impulse is communicated backward, by the thick columns extending from behind these cavities, to the sacro-iliac symphyses ; and forward, to the symphysis pubis ; so that falls upon the tuberosities are almost always accompanied with painful concussion both of the sacro- iliac and pubic symphyses. In order to complete our account of the mechanism of the pelvis in standing, we must examine its mode of resistance in falls upon the knees or soles of the feet. In this case, the shock is communicated from below upward to the upper halves of the cotyloid cavi- ties, which are supported by the prismatic columns already described. The anterior part of each acetabulum presents a large notch, and is altogether unconcerned in the transmission of these shocks ; so, also, is the very thin lamina constituting the bottom or inner wall of the cavity, which can only suffer compression in falls upon the great tro- ! chanter. The great difference existing between a fall upon the knees and the tuberosi- i ties of the ischia, and the fall upon the points of the feet, with regard to a commotion of the brain and the spinal marrow, may be easily conceived. While standing on one foot the weight of the trunk is transmitted to the femur by the sacro-iliac symphyses, and by the curve-shaped column of the side which bears upon the ground. In this position a fall readily takes place, on account of the facility with which the centre of gravity passes the basis of support. During progression, the pelvis affords to each thigh alternately a solid fulcrum, and re- ceives itself a fixed point of support from the femur of that leg which rests upon the ground. While one side of the pelvis is thus supported upon one of the thigh bones, the other side is projected forward. These alternate movements of projection of either side of the pelvis take place at the coxo-femoral articulation of the extremity which rests upon the ground. The alternate movements of projection increase in proportion to the breadth of the pelvis. It is for this reason that women, in walking, move the hips more than men. The remark of a witty author, that “ running is the only thing which women are unable to do gracefully,” is an allusion to this rather awkward motion of the pelvis. We may form a correct idea of the share which the pelvis takes in the act of walking by studying the mode of progression of persons with wooden legs. In these unfortunate beings the lateral inclinations of the pelvis are sufficient for progression by transporting the centre of gravity alternately to the two inflexible columns substituted for the lower extremities. 3. Mechanism of the Pelvis with regard to Parturition. The art of midwifery depends, in a great measure, upon the study of the pelvis ; it is impossible to form a true concep- tion of the mechanism of natural labour without being acquainted with the axes of the pelvis, its dimensions as compared with the size of the foetus, the sacro-vertebral angle, the inclined planes of the true pelvis, the diameters of the brim and the outlet, and the malformations to which it is liable. Any lengthened details upon these points would be out of place here. I shall only remark, 1. That the existence of the arch of the pubes is peculiar to the human species; and, 2. That the sciatic notches and the obturator foramina are not only useful from economizing weight, but also because, corresponding as they do to the oblique diameters of the head of the foetus during parturition, they ren- der less painful the pressure attendant upon that process; 3. That the pyramidales, the internal obturators, and the psoae and iliaci muscles perform, so to speak, the office of mat- tresses in the pelvic cavity; 4. That parturition, consisting in the expulsion of the foetus along the line of the pelvis, natural parturition, provided the expulsive power exists in its normal conditions, depends partly on a true conformation of the pelvis, and partly on a true conformation and position of the foetus; 5. That a general idea of all the defects which may occur in the conformation of the pelvis may be expressed by stating, that this cavity is liable to all the malformations which may result from a pressure upon its whole brim or only a part of it, from above downward, from below upward, from before backward, or from side to side. 4. Mechanism of the Pelvis with regard to its own Movements.—The intrinsic movements of the pelvis are very obscure, being confined to mere gliding or swinging motions, the production of which destroys part of the momentum from any external violence. By COXO-FEMORAL ARTICULATION. 159 some admirable contrivance, the mobility of the intrinsic articulations of the pelvis is considerably increased during the latter periods of pregnancy, so that the coccyx may be pressed backward, causing an increase of five or six lines in the antero-posterior diam- eter of the outlet; while the symphysis pubis* becomes susceptible of a slight separa- tion, which increases (in a very slight degree, it is true, but sufficiently to merit notice) the dimensions of the brim of this cavity. This mobility, which is especially remarkable in a narrow pelvis, favours the process of labour in a singular degree. The natural mobil- ity of the symphysis pubis has suggested the operation of symphyseotomy, by which the diameters of the pelvis, however, are but little increased, unless the severing of the bones of the pubes should be carried far enough to result in a separation of the sacro- iliac symphysis. A relaxation taking place in the symphysis of the pelvis may give rise to strange errors in diagnosis. The extrinsic movements of the pelvis are those of flexion, extension, lateral inclina- tion, and rotation: these motions, which are all very limited, have been indicated in describing the mechanism of the vertebral column. The motions of the pelvis upon the thighs are very considerable : they will be examined with the mechanism of the hip-joint. COXO-FEMORAL ARTICULATION {fig. 76). Preparation.—Remove with care all the muscles that surround the joint, preserving the reflected tendon of the rectus femoris. The psoas and iliacus muscles, the synovial capsule of which so often communicates with the articular synovial membrane, must be removed with particular care. After the fibrous capsule has been studied upon its exter- nal surface, a circular division should be made round its middle portion, for the purpose of uncovering the deep-situated parts. This articulation is the type of the order enar- tkrosis, being a true ball and socket joint. The articular surfaces are the globular head of the femur, and the cotyloid cavity of the os innominatum. There is a striking difference between this joint and that of the shoul- der, as far as regards the size of the articular head and the depth of the articular cavity. While the head of the humerus and the glenoid cavity are simply in juxtaposition with- out any reception of the former into the latter, so that the scapulo-humeral articulation has for a long time been, and is now considered as an arthrodia, there is a deep and com- plete fitting of the head of the femur into the cotyloid cavity, which we have pronoun- ced to be the deepest articular cavity of the body. Both of the surfaces above named are covered with cartilage, with the exception of two depressions, one of which is situa- ted on the head of the femur, the other at the bottom of the cotyloid cavity : the latter is filled with a reddish adipose tissue, improperly called the cotyloid gland. It is analo- gous to the adipose tissue found in the neighbourhood of all the joints ; its use is not well known. I have often asked myself the question, Why should there be this poste- rior cotyloid cavity 1 On submitting the joint to an antero-posterior vertical section, slightly encroaching on the margin of the posterior cotyloid cavity, it will be seen that the object of this cavity is to protect the round ligament in all the possible positions of the head of the femur; and that, without this cavity, the round ligament could not have existed without its being compressed between the articular surfaces. Now, as the intra- articular vessels enter this cavity, and go to the head of the femur along the round lig- ament, it is not impossible but that the exclusive use of this posterior cotyloid cavity should be to protect the vessels destined to the head of the femur, and that the round ligament itself should have no other use than to support these vessels, and to transmit them to the head of the femur. The cotyloid adipose tissue does not seem to have any other object, except to fill the empty space of this posterior cavity. It appears to me that the round ligament of the coxo-femoral articulation of the poste- rior cotyloid cavity serves the same purpose as the space between the condyles of the lower end of the femur and the crucial ligaments of the knee-joint. Means of Union.—The cotyloid ligament {n, fig. 76). This band, improperly called co- tyloid ligament, is attached to the margin of the acetabulum, which it, as it were, com- pletes ; it augments the depth of the cavity, and renders smooth its sinuous and notched circumference. It is of greater size at the notches than in any other part: by its means the irregularities of the edge of the acetabulum are effaced, and the deep-notch in front and below is converted into a foramen for the passage of vessels to the fatty tissue, the inter-articular ligament, and the head of the femur. The cotyloid band is much thicker above and behind than below and in front, and it is precisely against the first two points that the head of the femur constantly presses. It is also remarkable, in this respect, that the diameter of its free borders is smaller than that by which it is attached; and this circumstance assists, in some degree, in retaining the head of the femur in the cotyloid cavity, f It consists of fibres which arise succes- * In a female seventy-nine years of age, the mother of nineteen children, I found the symphysis pubis ex- tremely movable: the two articular surfaces of the pubes were contiguous : the interosseous ligament had disappeared; and a very thick, fibrous capsule, of recent formation, surrounded the articular surfaces in front, above and below, being inserted at some distance from them. It was a symphysis changed to a loose arthrodia. t I have never seen this disposition better exhibited than in a subject in which the cotyloid band was ossi- fied in its whole extent, except at the place on a level with the anterior and inferior notch. The head of the 160 ARTHROLOGY. sively from all points of the circumference of the acetabulum, and interlace at very acute angles. This interlacement is especially visible in the situation of the great anterior notch, where the fibres may be seen arising from each side of the notch, and passing across each othei. The orbicular ligament, or fibrous capsule (p. jig. 76). This represents a fibrous sac, having two openings, by one of which it embraces the acetabulum, outside the cotyloid ligament, while the other surrounds the neck of the femur. The femoral insertion of the capsular ligament requires to be carefully studied, for the purpose of explaining the difference between fractures within, and fractures beyond, the capsule. This insertion is so arranged, that at the upper part and in front of the joint it corresponds with the base of the neck of the femur, while beneath and behind it is situated at the junction of the external with the two internal thirds of the neck. The insertion of the capsule in front takes place not only at the base of the neck of the femur, but also internally to this base, to the extent of several lines, as may be ascertained by an incision being made along this insertion in the direction of the axis of the neck. The length of the orbicular ligament is exactly equal to the distance between its insertions, excepting at the inner part, where it is much more loose. Hence the extent of the motion of abduction, which is so remarkable in some jugglers, that they are able to separate their legs until they form right angles with the body, without producing dislocation. The thickness of this ligament is not equal throughout: it is greatest above and on the outside, where the reflected tendon of the rectus muscle is situated ; it is yet very considerable in front and above ; it is less thick behind, and still thinner on the inside. In some subjects the thickness of the superior part of the capsule is to that of the inferi- or as five to one. In front, the capsule is strengthened by a bundle of fibres stretched Dbliquely, like a sling, from the anterior inferior spinous process of the ilium to the inside of the base of the neck of the femur. It is called by Berlin the anterior and superior lig- ament (r, fig. 76). This band, which serves as a re-enforcement to the capsule, lies un- der that portion of the iliacus muscle which arises from the anterior spinous process of the ilium, and follows the direction of this muscle ; it is composed of parallel fibres, and closely adheres to the capsule, without adhering in the least to the muscle. Within this bundle the capsule is often imperfect, and permits a communication between the synovial membrane of the joint and the bursa of the psoas and iliacus muscles. This last syno- vial membrane may be considered as a prolongation of the articular synovial membrane ; this prolongation is analogous to the one which we have described at the scapulo-hume- ral articulation for the subscapularis muscle. In one subject that I dissected, the com- municating orifice was so large, that the common tendon of these muscles was in imme- diate contact with a considerable portion of the head of the femur; the tendon itself be- ing split into several bands, some of which had been lacerated, and, as it were, worn away by friction. The external surface of the capsular ligament is in relation with the psoas and iliacus muscles in front, being separated from them by a bursa at the upper part, in those cases where the fibrous capsule is not interrupted, and giving insertion to many of their fibres below. On the inside, it is in relation with the obturator externus and the pectineus ; on the outside, with the gluteus minimus ; behind, with the quadratus femoris, the ge- melli, the pyriformis, and the obturator internus. Several of these muscles send fortify- ing bundles of fibres to the capsule. I may point out an aponeurotic expansion coming from the gluteus minimus, which establishes a close connexion between this muscle and the capsule ; a second expansion, furnished by the pyriformis and the gemelli; and a third, which is furnished to the capsule by the tendon of the vastus externus. The internal surface is lined by the synovial membrane. The orbicular ligament of the hip-joint differs from the generality of such structures in being of a dull white instead of a pearly white colour, and in being composed of ir- regularly interlaced fibres, except the superficial fibres, which are disposed in parallel lines. I have also observed a very remarkable fact, apparently overlooked by anatomists, viz., that it is extremely thin at its inferior orifice, but especially behind ; and that near this insertion it is strengthened by some circular fibres which embrace the neck of the bone like a collar, hut without adhering to it; and that in its different movements this sort of collar rolls round the neck, but is refhined in its place by small bundles of fibres, reflected from the capsule upon the neck of the bone, which raise the synovial mem- brane from the surface. The inter-articular, which is improperly called round ligament (t, fig. 76). This ligament arises, under the form of a fibrous band, folded backward upon itself, from the depression on the head of the femur, which depression is not entirely filled by it. It is twisted around this head, and is divided into three bands, one of which, after having again been subdivided, traverses the adipose tissue and is fixed into the bottom of the cotyloid cav- ity, while the two others are attached to the two edges of the cotyloid notch, below the cotyloid band, by which this insertion, with which it is often continuous, is concealed. femur wis mechanically and solidly retained in the acetabulum, whose bottom, being partly worn out and pressed i award, formed a prominence in the interim face of the pelvis. COXO-FEMORAL ARTICULATION. 161 In one case a prolongation of this ligament traversed the cotyloid notch, and was at- tached to the part nearest the capsule. The thickness and the strength of this inter-ar ticular ligament are extremely variable; sometimes it is extremely strong, sometimes very weak; sometimes it adheres to one edge only of the notch; sometimes it consists mere- ly of a few ligamentous fibres, contained within the substance of the reflected synovial membrane ; sometimes in its place is found a fold of that membrane, which may be torn by the slightest force; and, lastly, it is not uncommon to find that it is altogether wanting. The synovial membrane, lines the whole internal surface of the capsular ligament, the two non-adhering surfaces of the cotyloid ligament, and that part of the neck of the fe- mur contained within the joint; it embraces the round ligament, and sends off a pro- longation from it to a quantity of fatty matter at the bottom of the acetabulum ;* an ar- rangement which led the older anatomists to believe that the round ligament was in- serted into the bottom of the cotyloid cavity. Mechanism of the Coxo-femorcd Articulation. Like all enarthroses, the coxo-femoral articulation can execute movements of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction, and rotation. L In jlexion, the head of the femur rolls in the cotyloid cavity around an imaginary axis corresponding with that of the neck of the bone, while the lower end of the femur is carried from behind forward, and describes the segment of a circle, whose radius is represented by the shaft of the bone. In the mechanism of this movement, the neck of the femur has the effect of substituting a rotatory motion of the head of that bone upon a fixed point, without changing the relation of the head with the acetabulum, and, con- sequently, without any tendency to displacement, for a very extensive movement back- ward and forward, which would otherwise have been necessary, and in which the sur- faces would have been liable to separation from each other. We can, indeed, scarcely believe that luxation would be possible during this motion, although it can be carried so far that the front of the thigh and the fore part of the abdomen may be brought in contact 2. Extension is effected by the same mechanism, the head and the neck of the femur rolling upon themselves from behind forward, while large arcs of a circle, from before backward, are described by the body of the bone; but such is the obliquity of the acetab- ulum, which looks both forward, outward, and downward, that when the femur is in the vertical direction, the head projects and carries forward the fibrous capsule. The anterior re-enforcing bundle is, stretched. The psoas and iliacus muscles perform the office of an active ligament. Luxations of the femur forward are not common, for the movement or extension is limited by the meeting of the edge of the acetabulum and the back part of the neck of the femur; and the ligament and muscles above named also tend to counteract it. 3 and 4. The mechanism of adduction and abduction is altogether different from that of the preceding movements, where the articulation forms the centre of a circle descri- bed by the femur, the radius of which is measured by a line stretched from the head of the bone to the space between the condyles. In abduction, the head of the femur presses against the inner part of the capsular ligament; and; on account of the looseness of this ligament, the obliquity of the acetabulum, and the arrangement of the inter-articular lig- ament, this movement may be carried very far without displacement, and is only limited by the meeting of the upper edge of the neck of the femur with the rim of the cotyloid cavity. But this very meeting may itself become the cause of luxation, and then the edge of the cotyloid cavity may be regarded as the fulcrum of a lever of the first order with unequal arms, the whole length of the femur being the arm, to which the power is applied, and the neck of the bone, that by which the resistance acts. In adduction, the femur moves in precisely the opposite direction ; this motion is lim- ited by the mutual contact of the two thighs, but, by means of slight flexion, it may be carried so far as to throw one over the other. The great depth of the upper and exter- nal part of the cotyloid cavity, and the strength of the capsular ligament in the same di- rections, would seem to oppose all displacement. But it should be observed, that falls upon the knees almost always happen during adduction of the thighs, for this is an in- stinctive movement of preservation. However slight the adduction may be, the inter- articular ligament is of necessity stretched; and from this it follows, as my colleague, M. Gerdy, has ingeniously remarked, that the head of the femur is detached from the bottom of the cavity by a kind of rolling of the round ligament upon it, and comes to press against the fibrous capsule. The rupture of the inter-articular ligament is not .al- ways necessary in luxation. I have seen several instances of a so-called incomplete lu t- ation inward, without this ligament being torn. 5. Circumduction consists in the transition from one of these motions to another. T1 e * The synovial membrane is often seen, being interposed and descending between the adipose substance and the posterior cotyloid cavity. I may also point out semilunar folds, which are often formed by the syno vial membrane round the neck of the femur. These folds are supported by some detached fibres nf the cap- sule, so that the neck, on a level with those fibres, is lined with synovial membrane only in the neighbour hood of the head of the femur. The synovial folds appear to me destined to conduct vessels to the margin ot the head of the femur. Round the head of the femur, at its point of union with the neck, are constant! found very small adipose bundles. 162 AUTIIROLOGY. femur circumscribes a, of which the apex is in the joint, while the base is described by the lower end of that bone. The axis of the cone is represented by a line drawn from the head of the femur to the interval between the condyles ; and the length of the femur accounts for movements which are scarcely felt at the coxo-femoral articulation, being so considerable at the lower end of the bone. 6. Independently of the movements above described, the coxo-femoral articulation per- forms motions of rotation, arising by no means from its enarthrodial shape, but from the presence of the neck of the femur. Generally no movement appears to require a greater expenditure of power on the part of nature than the rotatory movements, and these move- ments are not always regulated by the same mechanism. We have already seen an ex- ample of this movement in the atlo-axoidian articulation, where a cylinder forme I by the odontoid process rolls in the partly osseous and partly fibrous ring of the atlas, as an axle tree in a wheel. Here the arrangement is quite different; the rotatory movement is ob tained simply by the lever being bent like an elbow in such a manner as to make the rota tory movements of the femur upon its axis result from the movements forward or backward of the bent portion. This movement should be studied both at the upper and at the lower part of the femur. At the upper part it is a motion of horizontal displacement, the radi- us being represented by the head and neck of the bone ; at the lower part it is a rotatory motion of the femur, not precisely upon itself, but upon an imaginary axis placed on the inside of, and parallel to, the shaft. It follows that there can be no rotation in cases of fracture of the neck of the bone, and this is one of the diagnostic signs of that accident Lastly, it may be observed that rotation is performed from without inward, or from within outward : the latter is the more extensive and more natural movement; it is produced by a great number of muscles, and, therefore, during repose, the point of the foot is slightly inclined outward. Preparation.—l. Make a crucial incision in front of the knee and dissect back the flaps. 2. Detach the aponeurosis of the thigh, preserving the fibrous band, which forms the con- tinuation of the tensor vagina femoris, and which forms, as it were, a superficial ligament. 3. Remove the aponeurosis of the triceps on the sides of the patella, taking care to avoid opening the synovial capsule. 4. Remove the tendon of the biceps, and turn downward the tendons of the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus. 5. Remove the popliteal ves- sels and nerves behind, and also the gastrocnemii. 6. After having ptudied the ligaments situated around the synovial capsule, isolate the latter as much as possible by dissecting off the lateral ligaments, and the ligamentum patella). 7. Open the synovial capsule above the palate. 8. Make a horizontal section of the femur immediately above the con- dyles, and a vertical section from before backward between the condyles These two sections are intended to expose the crucial ligaments. The articulation of the knee belongs to the class of angular ginglymi; it is the largest and most complicated joint in the human body ; it is, perhaps, the most important, both in regard to the part which it plays in the mechanism of the animal economy, and the fre- quency and the gravity of the maladies which it is liable to. Articular Surfaces.—The lower end of the femur and the upper end of the tibia are the essential constituents of this joint, which is completed in front by the patella. The ar- ticular surface of the femur is formed in front by the trochlea, and behind by the two condyles, separated by the intercondyloid fossa ; the articular surface of the tibia con- sists of the glenoid cavities, separated by the spine of the tibia, in front of and behind which are some irregular projections. The patella presents two concave surfaces, sep- arated from each other by a vertical ridge corresponding to the groove of the trochlea. These surfaces are all covered with a thick layer of cartilage. It should be remarked, with regard to the knee-joint, 1. That the articular surfaces are rather placed in juxta- position than jointed together; 2. That the articulation is in some measure double, since two very distinct condyles correspond to two equally distinct cavities. These two con- dyles being turned in opposite directions, viz., the external backward and outward, the internal backward and inward, they are opposed to each other ; like the articulation of the two condyles of the occipital bone with the atlas, which are opposed both to the lat- eral and the rotatory motions, and, in regard to these motions, constitutes an angular ginglymus, so in the case in the knee, its two condyles constituting, as it were, a double condylian articulation, transformed into an angular ginglymus. Inter-articular Cartilages.—Like all joints that are exposed to much pressure, the knee is provided with inter-articular cartilages. They are twTo in number, and are named, from their figure, semilunar or falciform cartilages {a, h, fig- 78). Their upper surfaces, corresponding to the convexity of the condyles, are concave ; their external circumfer- ence is very thick, and the internal sharp and thin : they therefore assist in deepening the concave surfaces of the tibia. The section of these cartilages forms an elongated isoscele triangle, with its base outward. The external inter-articular cartilage (a) cov ers almost the whole of the external glenoid cavity of the tibia, forming nearly a com- plete circle ; while the internal cartilage {h), which is, indeed, semilunar, leaves a great The Knee-joint {figs. 78 to 81). ARTICULATIONS OF THE KNEE-JOINT. 163 part of the corresponding cavity uncovered.* In this respect the inter-articular cartilages of the knee differ from all others of the same kind, for they do not establish a complete separ- ation of the articular surfaces, between which they are placed. * hese falciform cartilages are inserted into the tibia by means of ligaments, which deserve a particular description. Ligaments of the External Semilunar Cartilage.—These are two ; the one anterior, and the other posterior ; both of them are very strong. The anterior is inserted in front of the spine of the tibia, outside of the anterior crucial ligament, into a deep depression situated near the external glenoid cavity of the tibia. This anterior ligament of the external semilunar cartilage sends off a bundle which intermingles with the ante- rior crucial ligament. The posterior is inserted into the spine of the tibia, in the unequally-divided interval situated between the two prominences of the spine. The posterior ligament sends off a considerable bundle of fibres to be inserted into the posterior crucial ligament. The circular form of the external semilunar cartilage is owing to the insertions of the two an- teiior and posterior ligaments being separated from each other Fig. 78. only by a few lines. Ligaments of the Internal Semilunar Cartilage.—These are much weaker than the foi- nier. The anterior is inserted a good deal before its fellow, the anterior ligament of the external semilunar cartilage, and the posterior is inserted a good deal behind the corresponding ligament of the external semilunar cartilage ; hence the semilunar shape of the internal semilunar cartilage, which does not send off any fibrous prolongation to the anterior or posterior crucial ligaments. The ligaments of the inter-articular cartila- ges being inserted into the tibia, these cartilages follow the tibia throughout its course. Means of Union of the Knee-joint are two lateral ligaments, a posterior and an anterior, two crucial ligaments, and a synovial capsule. I. Lateral Ligaments.—The external lateral ligament (a, figs. 70 and 80) appears as a rounded cord; it is inserted into the exter- nal tuberosity of the femur, at the point of union of the five anterior sixths with the first posterior, on the prolongation of the line of the fibula ; the precise point of this insertion is a small eminence surmounting a depression which is destined to the tendon of the popli- teus muscle, and is situated in front of an- other depression destined to the external ge- mellus ; thence this ligament descends, in a vertical line, to be inserted into the external face of the head of the fibula. This ligament has the appearance of a tendon; it extends along the anterior border of the tendon of the biceps, with which it may be readily con- founded. We should have but an incomplete idea of the means of union which the knee-joint pos- sesses on the outside, if we did not add to the number of its ligaments the tendon of the bi- ceps, which unites in some sort its inferior insertions with those of the external lateral ligament, and the small band of the fascia lata inserted into the anterior tubercle of the tibia, and sending to the external edge of the rotula an expansion, which unites with the tendon of the vastus externus. The internal lateral ligament (b c, figs. 79 and 80), which is much longer than the exter- nal, has the shape of a broad, thin, pearly- coloured band, arising from the posterior part Fig. 79. Fig. 80. * On asking myself the question why there should be Ibis difference between the two semilunar cartilages, I v||i|S*||ss n have come to the conclusion that the external condyle of 7HF the femur, pressing much more upon the tibia than the a internal, on account of the external following the axis of the femur, while the internal is turned away from it . to the inside, the external inter-articular cartilage had to protect a greater portion of the articular surface of liip. tibia 164 ARTHROLOGY. of the internal tuberosity of the femur, on a level with the external lateral ligament, im- mediately below the tubercle into which the third adductor muscle is inserted; it is turned downward, and a little outward; it widens in its course, and is inserted, by a broad surface, into the internal border and the anterior surface of the tibia ; at this in- sertion, which is at least an inch wide, it is covered by the tendons of the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus muscles, which glide over this ligament by means of an in tervening synovial bursa. Its deep surface is applied to the anterior or reflected tendon of the semi-membrano sus, to the internal semilunar cartilage, to which it intimately adheres, and to the inter nal inferior articular vessels, which are protected by it. When the layers of this ligament are removed in succession, it will be seen that the deepest fibres are attached to the superior part of the internal tuberosity of the tibia, and adhere to the synovial membrane. The lateral ligaments are situated much nearei to the flexing or the back part, than to the extending or the fore part of the joint, so that they are stretched during extension, and assist in limiting that motion, but are re- laxed during flexion, to the performance of which they offer no obstacle. The posterior ligament, or ligament of Winslow (c, figs. 79 and 81), is much complicated, and is composed, 1. Of a fibrous capsule for each condyle ; 2. Of a median posterior lig- ament, the only one which has been described by authors. 1. Fibrous Capsule of the Condyles.—Each condyle is enveloped with a fibrous husk , that of the external condyle is covered by the external origin of the gemellus, and that of the internal condyle by the internal. The fibrous capsule of the internal condyle is completed by the internal origin of the gemellus turning around the highest and most in- ternal portion of this condyle. The semi-membranosus muscle sends a fibrous expansion from above downward to this same internal capsule ; the external head of the gemellus is still much more than the internal identified with the corresponding fibrous capsule, which furnishes a great number of insertions to that muscle. When there is a sesa- moid bone in the external gemellus, it is found in the substance of the external capsule. 2. The Median Posterior Ligament.—lt is composed of several sets of fibres : I. Some pass obliquely upward and outward, being formed by a considerable expansion of the semi-membranosus; 2. Others proceed from the tendons of the popliteus and the ge- melli: and, lastly, 3. Some fibrous bundles, partly vertical and partly oblique, arise from above the condyles of the femur, and are attached to the tibia. From this collection of fibres running in different directions, there results an irregularly-interwoven ligament, perforated by foramina that transmit the ramifications of the middle articular artery; several of the most deeply-seated ligamentous bundles are inserted into the edges of the inter-articular cartilages. 3. Anterior Ligament, or Ligamentum Patcllce (d,figs. SO and 81).—This name is given Fig. 81. to that portion of the tendon of the extensor muscles which ex- tends from the patella to the tibia. This ligament has the shape of a very broad, thick, almost triangular band. Its fibres arise by a broad insertion, of from five to six lines, from the apex of the patella and from the anterior surface of this bone ; they are parallel, pearly-white, and become nearer to each other as they approach the most prominent and lower portion of the anterior tuberosity of the tibia, to which tuberosity they are attached. It should be remarked, that this ligament is by no means inserted into the rugged projections which are found on the back part of the apex of the patella. Behind this ligament is a considerable mass of adipose tissue {e,fig. 81), which separates the ligament from the articular synovial capsule , a synovial bursa if, fig. 81) separates it from the anterior portion of the tuberosity over which it glides. This synovial bursa sometimes communicates with the articular synovial capsule, and sometimes is totally dis- tinct r~om it.* Cruual or Interosseous Ligaments—ln the interior of the knee- * I should remark that this bursa extends partly over the ligament, which it covers from side to side, and partly over the anterior tuberosity of the tibia, which is at this point completely deprived of inter-articular car- tilage , so that the facility with which the synovial membrane of the tibia is removed contrasts with the diffi culty which is experienced in dissecting the synovial membrane which covers the inter-articular cartilages provided it exists there. The ligamentum patella) forms only a part of the anterior ligament of the knee-joint this anterior ligament ip completed by the rotula and by the united tendons of the rectus femoris, the vastus internus and extemus, of which united tendons the ligamentum patellffi is evidently a continuation. We see here a very remarkable application of this law, by means of which the articular ligaments are fortified by ten dons, and sometimes completely replaced by them ; and I have taken care to observe that it is generally the trochlear joints which exhibit examples of this replacing of ligaments by tendons in regard to extension, be- cause, in the movement of extension, a ligament, being a purely passive means of union, was not sufficient. What would take place if an ordinary ligament were to be substituted for the tendon of the extensor muscles 1 In the first place, this ligament would have to be extremely long to permit flexion; but in case it should be long enough for flexion, what would become of it in the movement of extension 1 Unless it were endowed with the extensibi ity and the elasticity of the yellow ligaments, it would become folded, and would thrust it self between the articular surfaces. It is for this reason that a ligament was required which might be short ARTICULATIONS OF THE. KNEE-JOINT. joint there are two interosseous ligaments {g i, fig■ 78), so arranged as to admit of the most extensive flexion, but to limit the movement of extension. They are called crucial, because they cross each other like the letter. X. They are situated in the deep inter- condyloid fossa, whose sole destination appears to be that of protecting them. The an- terior (g, figs. 78 and 81) arises from the external condyle, and passes to the fore part of the spine of the tibia. The -posterior (i, fig. 78) arises from the internal condyle, and is fixed to the back part of the spine. Both are continuous, by a distinct bundle, with the external inter-articular cartilage; never with the internal. The names anterior and posterior have been given these ligaments, from their inferior insertion; for superiorly they arise on the same level. Here follows a more minute description of their inser- tions above and below, and of their direction. The anterior crucial ligament arises, as a little band flattened from side to side, from the semilunar depression, which is concave superiorly, and is situated on the internal or median surface of the external condyle ; thence it extends from above downward, from without inward, and from behind forward, flattens from before backward, and is inserted in front of the spine of the tibia, upon which spine it encroaches a little by means of some insertions which it takes between the two articular projections constituting the spine. From the external edge of this ligament a few fibres are given otF, which extend into the external part of the semilunar cartilage. The posterior crucial ligament arises from the external or median surface of the inter- nal condyle in a semilunar depression, entirely similar to the one which is destined to the anterior crucial ligament; like the latter, it presents a threefold obliquity from above down- ward, from before backward, and from within outward ; it sends a considerable expan- sion to the external inter-articular cartilage, and is inserted back of the spine of the tibia. Thence it follows that the crucial ligaments present a double crossing; 1. A crossing in an antero-posterior direction, and this alone has been observed with attention ; 2. A crossing in a transverse direction ; when the tibia is rotated from within outward, the crossing of these two ligaments increases to such an extent that these two ligaments, strongly pressed against each other, limit the motion ; in the movement of rotation from without inward, on the contrary, as the crossing diminishes, they become relaxed and parallel; both are stretched during extension, and relaxed daring flexion ; there is an exception for the most anterior fibres of the anterior crucial ligament, which are relaxed in the middle state of extension, and stretched during flexion ; but when the extension is considerable, the anterior crucial ligament is also stretched in its anterior fibres, which, being pressed by the condyles, describe a curve anteriorly concave. The synovial capsule of this joint is the largest and the most complicated of all that ex- ist in the body. In tracing it from the upper edge of the patella, we find, behind the ten- don of the extensor muscles, a large cul-de-sac (s, fig. 81), sometimes replaced by a dis- tinct synovial capsule, interposed between that tendon and the surface of the femur. In many subjects, this bursa communicates with the synovial capsule of the knee-joint by a more or less considerable opening, and in such cases a circular constriction forms the only trace of separation. On each side of the patella the synovial membrane extends beneath the two vasti, and is sometimes elevated from one and a half to two inches above the articular surfaces ; the prolongation under the vastus externus is much more considerable than that under the vastus internus. The existence of these two prolonga- tions affords an explanation of the swellings observed at the sides of the knee in dropsy of this joint; and the greater extent of the external prolongation explains, also, the great- er size of the prominence on the outside. In the inter-condyloid notch the synovial mem- brane envelops the crucial ligaments ; then it is reflected upon the posterior ligament, the lateral ligaments, the semilunar cartilages, the articular surfaces of the tibia, and, lastly, the back of the ligamentum patella;; it next sends off a prolongation, containing a few ligamentous fibres, and extending from the lower border of the patella to the front of the inter-condyloid notch. This fold has been incorrectly termed the adipose ligament ened or elongated as might be necessary, a tendon being the continuation of a muscle, that is, of an organ at once capable of extension, contraction, and endowed with elasticity. Besides this, a bone was required that might complete the articulation on the outside, that might fill the large space which, during the movement of flexion, would have remained empty between the articular surfaces, and might glide without injury over osseous surfaces, and facilitate, at the same time, standing upon the knees. This threefold object has been attained by the patella, a sesamoid bone, which is developed in the substance of the tendon of the extensor muscle of the leg, viz., of the triceps fernoris, whose parallelism, at its insertion into the rotula, is destroyed by this bone. independently of the anterior ligament, the knee-joint exhibits a large aponeurotic surface, formed by the femoral aponeurosis, by an aponeurotic expansion of the fascia lata, and by another aponeurotic expansion fur- nished by the tendons of the sartorius, gracilis, and semi-tendinosus muscles ; to this latter expansion is Joined a fibrous lamina, given off by the tendon of the vastus externus and internus, which is attached to the tibia. This large anterior aponeurotic surface exhibits, on a level with the tendon of the triceps, a saltier-shaped in- terlacing, which closely adheres to this tendon, and seems destined to serve it as a bridle ; on a level with the patella it exhibits a thin layer, which is sometimes interrupt .< 1, and, so to say, lacerated, in consequence of the sub-cutaneous synovial capsule being present; and on a level with the ligamentum patellae it exhibits fibres running obliquely from above downward and from without inward. Finally, I shall point out as appendages of the anterior ligament two proper ligaments of the patella, one in ternal, the other external, extending from the edges of the patella to the posterior part of each tuberosity these ligaments are broad and thin, and strongly adhere to the synovial capsule. 166 AETHROLOGY. (ligamentum mucosum, t; figs. 78 and 81). After having furnished this fold, the syno- vial membrane lines the posterior surface of the patella, and becomes continuous with the cul-de-sac behind the extensor tendon. Sometimes the prolongation, known as the adipose ligament, does not exist; at other times there is more than one. I have seen a fold of the same nature extending from that part of the synovial membrane which lines the extensor tendon to the surface of the femur above the trochlea. No other synovial membrane in the body is provided with so large a number of villous prolongations, which, in some subjects, may be said to give it a shaggy appearance ; they are especially met with around the patella* and the semilunar cartilages. To these prolongations Clopton Havers has given the name of synovial fringes. Some deep fibres of the triceps cruris have been regarded as a special tensor muscle of the synovial capsule. (Vide Triceps Cruris, Myology.) Sub-synovial Adipose Tissue.—From the abundance of this tissue in the knee-joint, its disposition requires some special notice. It is chiefly met with behind the ligamentum patellae (e,fig. 81), where it forms a very thick layer, filling up the interval between the patella and the synovial membrane. This adipose mass, which raises the ligamentum patellae in the extension of the knee, and which, during flexion, fills the empty space which the movement of flexion produces between the condyles of the femur and the tibia, is situated to the outside of the joint, between the ligamentum patellae and the synovial capsule, which is raised by the mass. This mass, on being examined on the side which is contiguous to the joint, exhibits several prolongations, which are somewhat similar to the fatty appendages of the epiploon. These appendages are all lined by a fold of the synovial capsule; one of these appendages, supported by a fibrous bundle, is attached to the inter-condyloid space, under the name of ligamentum mucosum patella, which lig- ament is sometimes multiple, and has no other object except to dratv to it the fatty mat- ter between the tibia and the femur during flexion of the knee, and to keep that matter in its place during the movement of extension. A large quantity of fatty matter is also found behind the tendon of the triceps above the condyles, where that matter fills the in- terval between this tendon and the corresponding part of the femur. Bundles of fatty matter are, lastly, found all around the condyles, as well as in the inter-condyloid notch, and around the insertions of the crucial ligaments. This fat, which may be observed even in individuals in a state of marasmus, except that, under those circumstances, it is more serous and infiltrated, is nowhere more evidently than in the knee-joint, destined to fill the intervals produced between the articular surfaces by certain attitudes. Mechanism of the Femoro-tibial Articulation. 1. With regard to Strength.—The strength of articulations is generally in direct pro- portion to the extent of the articular surfaces, and there is no joint more advantageously constructed in this respect than the one we have been examining. The reception of the spine of the tibia into the inter-condyloid fossa also tends greatly to increase the strength of the joint, although it forms but an imperfect kind of dovetailing. A third and last con- dition conducive to strength is, the multiplicity of the ligaments, and of the tendons, sup- plying, in some respects, the deficiencies in the fitting. 2. With regard to Mobility .—The knee, being a hinge-joint, has two principal move- ments, in opposite directions, vizflexion and extension; but, as the mutual reception of the surfaces is very imperfect, it is also capable of some slight rotatory motions. In flexion, the surfaces of the tibia, defended by their inter-articular cartilages, glide backward upon the condyles of the femur; and, from the great extent of the articular surfaces of the last bone in that direction, the movement can be carried so far as to per- mit the leg and thigh to touch. In this movement, the lateral, the posterior, and the cru- cial ligaments are relaxed, except the anterior fibres of the crucial ligament, which are stretched; the ligamentum patellae is stretched; the patella is firmly applied to the front of the joint, and can neither be moved to the right nor to the left, as maybe done during extension. In the position of flexion, the patella fills up, as it were, the great hiatus then existing at the front of the joint between the femur and the tibia. Luxation is impossible during this movement, which is only limited by the mutual contact of the leg and the thigh. In extension, the tibia and the inter-articular cartilages glide in the opposite direc- tion. The movement is arrested when the leg is in the same line as the thigh, and whatever muscular effort be then made, the leg never will pass that limit, excepting from malformation of the parts. A greater amount of extension is rendered impossible, both by the shape of the articular surfaces, and by the stretching of all the ligaments, ex- cepting that of the patella, which is completely relaxed, and permits of a great mobility of that bone in all directions. One circumstance in the shape of the articular surfaces, which appears to be opposed to any extension beyond the straight line, is the small extent of the trochlea in front; for, could such extension take place, the glenoid cavities of the tibia would then be applied to a portion of the trochlea, much smaller than themselves. The crucial ligaments are especially intended to limit the movement of extension, as the * [Two slight folds of the membrane formed at the sides of the patella have been particularly described »nder the very inappropriate name of the alar ligaments.] PERONEOTIBIAL ARTICULATIONS. 167 following experiment will at once demonstrate. Divide all the external ligaments of the joint; the crucial ligaments will then alone remain; then endeavour to extend the leg beyond the ordinary limits ; this will be found impossible until these ligaments art divided. That both the crucial ligaments oppose the extension of the limb beyond a cer- tain limit, is proven by dividing these ligaments separately. So long as one remains, no matter which, the extension is limited. An analogous experiment, in which all the liga- ments of the joint (even including the crucial) are divided, excepting the lateral, proves that these are not only opposed to lateral movements, but also limit extension with much force; this they are enabled to do from being situated nearer to the back than to the front of the joint. Complete luxation can only be effected after laceration of all the liga- ments which limit extension. An interesting remark, which has been suggested to me by M. Martin, is, that the crucial ligaments are not only destined to limit the movement of extension, but also—and this is, perhaps, their principal object—to prevent the articu- lar surfaces from leaving each other in the anterior posterior direction during a forcible extension. Thus, the anterior crucial ligament will prevent, in a movement of exten- sion, both the displacement of the tibia backward, and that of the femur forward, and the posterior crucial ligament will prevent both the displacement of the tibia forward, and that of the femur backward. It is also important to remark, that while standing upon the feet, the ham-strings being stretched, these extensor muscles of the leg, which are situa- ted upon the thigh, the rectus femoris, and the vastus externus and intemus, are entirely inactive, as is proved both by the extreme mobility of the patella and the relaxed state of these muscles in a standing position, and by the absence of all sensation of lassitude in these muscles after the vertical position upon the feet has been continued for a long time. The extension of the knee, therefore, takes place without any co-operation on the part of the muscles, simply through the articular surfaces being juxtaposed in all their breadth, and by the tension of the lateral and crucial ligaments, which keeps the articular surfaces mechanically upon each other.* In all these motions the patella is fixed ; it is the femoral trochlea which glides upward or downward upon the posterior surface of that bone. This almost invariable position of the patella depends on the inextensibility of its ligament. The existence of the patella has no effect in limiting the movements of extension; its only uses, as far as the joint is concerned, are to protect it in front, and to prevent painful pressure in the kneeling posture. Its other and chief uses are connected with the functions of the triceps ex- tensor muscle, in the tendon of which it is developed; it removes the axis of the muscle from the parallel direction of the lever which it is destined to move. It is movable and depressed during extension of the leg, but during flexion it becomes prominent and fixed, f Rotation.—When the leg is semi-flexed upon the thigh, it can be very slightly rotated inward and outward. These movements are performed, not upon the external, but upon the internal condyle as a pivot, so that the external part of the head of the tibia glides forward during rotation inward, and backward during rotation outward. The difference in the part performed by the two condyles in the movement of rotation does not depend upon any peculiarity of structure in the joint, but exclusively upon the arrangement of the acting forces, as we shall see when treating of the muscles. Rotation inward is limited by the mutual contact of the crucial ligaments, whose decussation is increased during this movement. Rotation outward is more extensive, because in this movement the liga- ments are uncrossed, and become parallel. We shall see hereafter that the biceps is the agent of rotation outward, and the popliteus of rotation inward. Preparation.—l. Remove carefully the muscles of the anterior and posterior regions of the leg, which wall expose the interosseous ligament, and the anterior and posterior ligaments of these joints. 2. In order to see the interior of the articulations, saw through the two bones in the middle, and then separate them. 3. To gain an idea of the interosseous Peeoneo-tibial Articulations {figs. 79 and 80). * M. Robert, one of our most distinguished young surgeons, has observed a fact which sustains these ideas, which had already been demonstrated by the artificial legs of M. Martin. An individual in whom the patella was fractured, had recovered with a distance of about ten centimeters. The movement of extension by mus- cular contraction was impossible ; but when the limb was extended, it maintained itself in that position with the same force as the limb upon the healthy side. The patient had succeeded, by a sort of artifice, in exe- cuting spontaneously the movement of extension ; he brought the trunk and the pelvis forcibly forward : the femur followed the pelvis, and extension being once effected, this inferior limb, being very strong and immo- vable, assisted in the standing position just as much as the healthy limb. t It is during flexion of the leg, and, consequently, when the patella is most immovable, that this bone may be displaced in consequence of some external violence, and in this case, the displacement always takes place to the outside. However, one should suppose that the external condyle of the femur, being much more prominent than the internal, would be opposed to the luxation outward, and favour the luxation inward. But we may remark, that the patella, when displaced inward, cannot remain in this position, in which nothing maintains it, and from which the oblique direction of the triceps tends, on the contrary, to bring it back to its natural place; whereas, when the patella is displaced outward, the prominence of the external condyle op- noses the reduction of the patella, which can only be effected by artificial means. It should be remarked, that tae obliquity downward and inward of the femoral trochlea gives a tendency to the patella of being continually drawn outward by the tendon of the extensor muscles, which is slightly oblique in the same direction as the trochlea. This is so true, that in white swellings of the knee-joint, the spontaneous displacement of the pa- tella always takes place outward. 168 ARTHROLOGT. ligament of the inferior articulation, saw perpendicularly through the lower ende in* bones of the leg, so as to divide them into an anterior and a posterior portion. The tibia and the fibula, which are contiguous at their extremities, are separated from each other along their shafts, the interval being occupied by an aponeurosis, improperly called the interosseous ligament. We have, then, a superior and an inferior peroneo-tibial articulation, and an interosseous ligament or aponeurosis. This articulation is an arthrodia. The articular facette of the tibia, looking downward and outward, is situated behind its external tuberosity. The facette of the fibula looks upward and inward ; it occupies the inner part of the upper end of the bone. The means of union are two ligaments : an anterior {g,fig. 80) and a posterior (d, fig. 79). They are composed of parallel fibres, directed obliquely downward and outward from the exter- nal condyle of the tibia to the head of the fibula. There is generally a distinct synovial membrane for this joint, but sometimes it is a prolongation from the capsule of the knee. This communication frequently existing between the synovial capsule of the knee and the peroneo-tibial articulation, should condemn, in an amputation of the leg, the practice of extirpating the superior extremity of the fibula. The formidable accidents which might be consequent upon such an extirpation may readily be conceived, and should for- bid the operation, although it has been accomplished without any accident. Its only ob- ject is to prevent the fibula from pressing upon the soft parts. 1. Superior Peroneo-tibial Articulation. 2. Inferior Peroneo-tibial Articuloiion. This articulation is an amphi-arthrosis, that is, it is formed between surfaces that are partly contiguous and partly continuous. The former consists of two articular facettes, narrow from above downward, and oblong from before backward ; of these, one is con- vex, and situated upon the internal surface of the lower end of the fibula above the mal- leolus ; the other is concave, and continuous with the inferior or tarsal articular surface of the tibia. They are both covered with cartilage. The continuous surfaces are rough, and much more extensive ; they are triangular in shape, having their bases directed down- ward : the one situated upon the fibula is convex, that upon the tibia is slightly concave. The means of union are, two ligaments external to the joint, and an interosseous liga- ment connecting the two triangular surfaces just mentioned. Of the two external liga- ments, one is anterior (i, fig. 80) and the other posterior (e, fig. 79). They are both very strong, and composed of thick, shining, parallel fibres, which pass obliquely downward and outward from the tibia to the fibula. They are almost always divided into two dis- tinct bundles. They are both remarkable from descending beyond the articular surfa- ces, so that they increase the depth of the cavity for the reception of the astragalus. The synovial membrane of this articulation is a prolongation from that of the ankle-joint. The interosseous ligament consists of fibrous bundles, mixed with adipose tissue, which unite the two triangular surfaces so firmly that the fibula is sometimes fractured in at- tempting to rupture the ligaments. 3. Interosseous Aponeurosis. The name of interosseous ligament is given to an aponeurotic septum (b,figs. 79 and 80) placed between the muscles of the anterior and those of the posterior aspect of the leg ; it should rather be regarded as serving to multiply the points of insertion for fibres of those muscles, than as a means of union between the bones of the leg. It is narrow- er below than above, and is composed of fibres running obliquely downward and outward from the outer edge of the tibia to the longitudinal crest on the inner surface of the fibula. As in the interosseous ligament of the forearm, we find some other fibres cross- ing the former at an acute angle. The septum thus formed is interrupted above and be- low for the passage of the tibial vessels ; the peroneal artery and veins traverse the low- er opening ; the anterior tibial artery and veins pass through the upper. Mechanism of the Peroneo-tibial Articulations. The fibula is only capable of almost imperceptible gliding movements upon the tibia. This arrangement is directly connected with the mechanism of the ankle-joint. Ankle, or Tibio-taesal Joint {figs. 79 and 80).* Preparation.—Cut and turn back the tendons that are reflected round the joint, and remove the sheaths of those tendons by which most of the ligaments are covered. The peroneo-calcanean ligament is seen after the tendons of the peroneal muscles have been removed ; the'synovial membrane of these tendons only covers it. The peroneo-astra- galian ligament is the most difficult to uncover, on account of its being deeply seated, and separated from the sheath of the muscles of the posterior region by a large quantity of adipose tissue. The internal lateral ligament is seen immediately beneath the sheaths of the tibialis posticus, the common flexor tendon of the toes, and the proper flexor of the * We should remark that, in order to study this as well as all the other articulations efficiently, it is a great advantage to be provided with two joints, of which one is opened, while the other has its ligaments untouched- ARTICULATIONS OF THE ANKLE-JOINT. 169 great toe. In order to see the deep layer of this ligament, the superficial lat ers must removed one after the other. The tibio-tarsal articulation belongs to the class of angular ginglymi. Articular Surfaces.—Both bones of the leg participate in this joint, their 1 nwer extrem- ities being united to form a transversely oblong socket, of which the tibia constitutes by far the greater part. On this articular surface there is an antero-posterior ridge, corre- sponding to the groove of the trochlea on the astragalus, and separating two shallow cav- ities. rl he socket is bounded by the malleoli on each side. The internal or tibial mal- leolus corresponds to the internal lateral articular surface of the astragalus ; and the ex- ternal or fibular malleolus, to the external lateral facette of the same bone. The tibio- peroneal cavity is completed forward and backward by the lower part of the anterior and posterior peroneo-tibial ligaments. The superior articular surface of the astragalus is a trochlea; it is oblong from before backward, thus contrasting with the cavity on the lower extremity of the leg,* which is transversely oblong. This trochlea presents a shallow depression, running from before backward, and having an external and an internal edge, the external being the more elevated of the two. The pulley of the astragalus is continuous with its lateral articular surfaces, of which the external is by far the larger. The means of union are three external lateral ligaments, two internal lateral ligaments, an anterior (r,fig. 80) and a posterior (s,fig. 79) ligament, and a synovial capsule. The external lateral or. peroneo-tarsal ligaments are three in number; they all proceed from the fibula, either to the astragalus or the os calcis. 1. The external lateral ligament, properly so called (ligamentum fibulae medium vel per- pendiculare, m,.figs. 79 and 80), is situated beneath the sheath of the peroneus longus and brevis. It arises from the summit of the external malleolus, is directed downward and slightly backward, to be attached to the outside of the os calcis. It is rounded, and composed of parallel fibres. 2. The anterior external lateral ligament (ligamentum fibulae anterius, n, Jig. 80) arises from the anterior edge of the external malleolus, and proceeding downward and forward, is fixed to the astragalus in front of its external malleolar facette. It is very short, and broader below than above: it forms one of the two anterior ligaments described by Bi- chat in this joint. 3. The posterior lateral ligament (ligamentum fibulae posterius, o, fig. 79) is very deeply seated behind; it extends from the excavation on the inside and behind the external malleolus to the posterior border of the astragalus, immediately above the pulley of this bone. It is directed almost horizontally, or in a slight degree obliquely downward and inward, and is almost parallel to the posterior ligament of the lower peroneo-tibial ar- ticulation. It is composed of very distinct parallel fibres, which are arranged in several layers, the deepest of which are attached to the astragalus behind the facette of the ex- ternal malleolus. The posterior peroneo-astraglagean ligament is very strong. Bichat calls it the posterior ligament of the joint. The internal lateral ligament is much stronger than the three external ligaments taken together. It is composed of two very distinct layers :1. A superficial layer, consisting of fibres stretched from the apex and the anterior and posterior borders of the internal mal- leolus to the os calcis, and the upper edge of the lower calcaneo-scaphoid ligament, which it maintains in a state of constant tension. The fibres are long and slightly divergent, but still sufficiently so to have given origin to its name of the deltoid ligament (p,figs. 79 and 80). The fibres which are most anterior pass directly forward to the neck of the astragalus, and to the scaphoid; they form a very thin layer, which has been improper- ly called the anterior ligament of the ankle-joint. 2. Below the above is a deep layer of much greater extent, composed of short and strong bundles, passing downward and out- ward from the summit and sides of the internal malleolus, to the inner surface of the as- tragalus, below the articular facette.f Synovial Capsule.—The external surface of this membrane is brought into vi&w in front and behind by removing the tendons and their sheaths ; and if the external and in- ternal lateral ligaments be divided, it will be seen to extend into the inferior peroneo- tibial articulation. It will also be observed that it is tense at the sides, but very loose behind, and more particularly so in front. A great quantity of adipose tissue covers its external surface in these situations. Mechanism of the Ankle-joint. This articulation not only constitutes the point at which the weight of the body is * Hence, the longest diameter of the astraglagean cavity is from before backward ; the longest diametei of the tibio-peroneal cavity is transversely. The extent of the movements of flexion and extension of the foot depends upon the disproportion between the antero-posterior diameter of the pulley of the astragalus and the socket of the leg. . t [The author has omitted, perhaps intentionally, to give a special description of the anterior and postenoi ligaments of the ankle-joint, already alluded to by him. The former extends from the anterior margin of the articular surface of the tibia to the corresponding border of the astragalus, a u>e rectus abdominis and sartorius. With regard to the relations of their edges, the muscles are sometimes contiguous throughout their entire course, and sometimes separated by intervals, generally of a triangular figure ; and principally important in surgical anatomy, because incisions, for the exposure of vessels, are almost always made in such intervals. Relations of Muscles to the Vessels and Nerves.—The muscles serve to protect the ves- sels and nerves, not only in consequence of the thickness of the layers which they form in front of them, but also by the resistance they oppose during their contraction to ex- ternal violence. Near the centre of a limb there is generally a considerable cellular in- terval between the muscular layers, which is intended for the principal vessels and nerves. The existence of sucffi spaces prevents the injury which these vital parts would sustain from compression during the contraction of the muscles. It is also worthy of notice, that whenever a vessel passes through the body of a muscle, we find an aponeurotic arch or ring, which is non-contractile, and in some degree, therefore, obviates the danger of compression during the action of the muscular fibres. I say in some degree, because, in order to render compression of the vessels impossible, the muscular fibres attached to these rings must have proceeded from them as from a centre, diverging in all directions. In this case, the action of the muscles would not change the form of the rings, but would tend to increase their diameters in every direction. It is found, however, that they are invariably elongated in one direction and diminished in another, when the fibres of the muscle contract. Bernoulli!, indeed, has shown that it is impossible to change the form of a circle, by making one of its diameters greater than the others, without, at the same time, diminishing its capacity; because, within a given periphery, the most regular fig- ures have the greatest capacity, and the circle is more regular than either the oval or the ellipse. On the whole, however, it must be understood that the contraction of the fibrous rings does not, in any material degree, impede the circulation. It should also be remarked, that a distinct fibrous sheath surrounds the vessels and the nerves, serving to isolate and protect them amid the various muscles by which they are surrounded. Most of the arteries have accompanying muscles, which may be called their respective satellites : thus, the sartorius is the satellite muscle of the femoral artery, the biceps of the brachial, the sterno-mastoid of the carotid, &c. Attachments or Insertions of Muscles. The attachments or insertions of muscles constitute one of the most important points in their history, and one which requires to be studied with the greatest care, because the uses of a muscle can be determined from a knowledge of its insertions alone. These insertions should be considered in two points of view ; 1. As to the direct insertion of the muscular fibres into the tendons, aponeuroses, or other structures; 2. As to the in- sertion of the tendons and aponeuroses into the levers represented by the osseous system. The muscular fibres themselves are attached, 1. To the skin, of which mode there are numerous examples in the muscles of the face ; 3. To other muscular fibres, as in many muscles of the face and of the tongue ; 3. To cartilages, as in several of the muscles of the chest and larynx ; 4. To aponeuroses, of which they act as tensors, and whose power of resistance they thereby increase; lastly, to tendons or aponeuroses,* that are them- selves attached to the bones. The fleshy fibres are inserted into, or become continuous with, the tendons and apo- * [The tendons afford examples of the fascicular form of fibrous tissue, for a noljce of which see note, infra.l ATTACHMENTS AND STRUCTURE OF MUSCLES. 193 neuroses in the following manner: The tendon is prolonged under the form of a mem brane, either upon the surface or in the substance of the muscle. The results of this arrangement are, 1. An increase of surface for the attachment of the muscular fibres, which the tendon gathers up, as it were, in order to concentrate their efforts upon one point; 2. An obliquity in the insertion of the fibres, in reference to the axis of the entire muscle, by which the direction of the power is represented. It may easily be conceiv- ed that this obliquity is of the greatest interest as regards the dynamic relations or ac- tive property of the muscles.* One of the most curious circumstances respecting the continuity of a tendon or an aponeurosis with a muscle is the very intimate union between the muscular and fibrous tissues, which is so complete that they are scarcely ever separated by external violence, which, moreover, tends to lacerate the muscle rather than the tendinous fibres. It is a fact worthy of notice, and one which we have already had frequent occasion to remark, that the adhesion of any two organic tissues is stronger than the respective co- hesion of each; so that the tissues themselves will sooner break than admit of separa- tion from one another. Insertion of the Aponeuroses and Tendons into the Bones.—A tendon or an aponeurosis forms a species of ligament, by means of which the action of a very large muscle is transmitted to the lever intended to be moved, by a fibrous cord or aponeurotic lamina of small size. A great advantage arises from this mode of economizing the extent of bony surface required for muscular attachments ; for, notwithstanding the extent of surface afforded by the expanded ends of the bones, and by the eminences and ridges with which they are covered, it would be evidently insufficient, were the muscular fibres to be directly attached. The existence of tendons and aponeuroses produces also this remarkable result, viz., that the muscular insertions are much stronger than they would otherwise have been. The aponeurotic tissue acts as a transition structure, being in some points of its organi- zation analogous to bone, and in others approaching that of muscle. The analogy be- tween the bony and fibrous tissues is confirmed by the frequent occurrence of ossifica- tion in the latter, even under normal conditions, as may be observed in the formation of the sesamoid bones, and also in the mode by which tendons are attached. It has been observed, in fact, that at the point of junction of the tendons with the bones there is a sort of mutual fusion of the tissues, from which so intimate a connexion results, that the proper substance of the tendons always gives way before they can be separated from the bones, their attachments to which even maceration will scarcely destroy. Of the different bones with which a muscle is connected, some remain immovable du- ring its contraction, while others are put in motion ; hence the distinction between fixed and movable attachments. But this eminently useful distinction must not be taken in an absolute sense ; it is only rigorously true of a very small number of muscles, which, like some of those found in the face, being connected by one extremity with the skin, and by the other with the bones, can give rise to movements only at their cutaneous at- tachments. In the greater number of muscles, on the contrary, although one of the at- tachments is most commonly fixed and the other movable, yet their relative condition may be changed, and they may become alternately fixed and movable ; it is therefore necessary, in explaining the action of a muscle, carefully to notice the supposed mobility or fixedness of the different attachments at the time. In compai'ing such attachments as are habitually fixed with those that are constantly movable, we shall observe that the former are either numerous or spread out by means of aponeuroses, whereas the latter consist of very accurately-circumscribed tendons. The figurative expressions of head and tail, given to the ends of a muscle, refer to. this arrangement. The fixed attachment of a muscle is usually blended with those of several others, while the movable one is distinct.! In order to facilitate our description, we shall invariably designate the fixed attachment of a muscle, its origin, and the movable attachment, its termination or insertion. Structure of Muscles. Muscles are composed of two kinds of fibres : 1. Of red or contractile fibres, which form the muscular tissue properly so called; 2. Of white, strong, and non-contractile fibres, con- stituting the tendons and aponeuroses. In speaking of the ligaments, we mentioned the general properties of tendons and aponeuroses as belonging to the fibrous tissues; we shall now make a few remarks on tbe peculiar characters ot muscular tissue. 1. Colour.—Muscular tissue is of a reddish colour, the intensity of which varies in dif- ferent muscles and in different individuals. This colour is not an essential character even in the human subject, for the contractile fibres of the intestinal canal are very * In fact, as the tendon, and the aponeuroses by which it is continued into the muscle, represent the direc- tion of the power, the fleshy fibres must necessarily be attached to it more or less obliquely. It is not our in- tention to examine here the great loss of power which this arrangement involves. t [This assertion must be taken with some limitation. We shall find many exceptions to this general rule, as we proceed in the description of the muscles.] 13 B MYOLOGY. pale ;* still less is it so m the lower animals, some of which have the entire muscular system perfectly colourless. The red colour of the muscular fibre is independent of the blood contained within the vessels of the muscle. 2. Consistence.—The consistence of the muscular fibres varies in different subjects : in some it is soft and easily torn ; in others it is firmer and more resisting, and retains for some time after death a degree of rigidity which yields with difficulty to forcible ex- tension. Structure.—The muscles may be divided into bundles or fasciculi of different orders, and these, again, into distinct fibres, which are visible to the naked eye, and rendered more apparent, either by dissection, or by the action of alcohol, of diluted nitric acid, or even of boiling water. They are of a variable shape, resembling prisms of three, four, five, or six surfaces, but are never cylindrical. Their length also varies in different muscles, in but a few of which do they extend parallel to each other throughout the en- tire length of the fleshy belly. Each muscle is surrounded by a sheath of cellular tissue, which also penetrates into its substance, and surrounds both the fasciculi and fibres. This cellular tissue permits the free motion of the different fasciculi upon one another, while it serves, at the same time, to isolate each and combine the whole.f The chemical analysis of muscular tissue shows that it is composed of a small quan- tity of free lactic acid (Berzelius); gelatin; some salts ; osmazome in greater or less quantity, according to the more or less advanced age of the individual; and leucine, a substance extracted from this tissue by the process described by M. Braconnot. (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., tom. viii.jf In addition to the tendinous and fleshy fibres, vessels, nerves, and cellular tissue also enter into the composition of muscles. We have already described the disposition of the cellular tissue contained in these organs; the mode of distribution of their vessels and nerves will be more appropriately alluded to in the description of the vascular and ner- vous systems. § Uses of Muscles. The muscles are the active organs of motion, constituting the source of the power * [The involuntary muscular tissue, of which the above-named fibres afford are, with the excep- tion of the heart, of a much paler colour than the voluntary muscles, to which this division of the present work exclusively refers.] f [ln reference to the microscopic structure of the voluntary muscles, or those of animal life, it has been ascertained that the smallest fasciculi (corresponding- with the prismatic fibres of our author, and with the secondary fasciculi of Muller), the size of which varies in different muscles, are divisible into transverselv-slri- ated fibres (the primitive fasciculi of Muller), having a uniform diameter in all muscles in the same species and being themselves composed of still smaller elementary parts named filaments (the primitive fibres of Mul- ler). All these elements of the muscular tissue extend parallel to each other, from one tendinous attachment to another, never having been seen to bifurcate or coalesce. In man the fibres vary from to -g-Wfh of an inch in diameter ; the transverse stri* upon them are parallel, generally straight, but occasionally slightly waved or curved ; they are situated at intervals of from tAvoth t0 Tsffooth of an inch- The filaments are varicose or beaded, i. e., alternately enlarged and contracted ; their diameter is from T-ggg-gth to of an inch. According to the general opinion, they are held together in each fibre by means of a glutinous substance, which latter, according to Skey, constitutes the entire centre of the fibre, the circumference alone being occupied by the filaments. In the larvic of insects, a delicate membranous sheath, sometimes observed projecting beyond the filaments, has been described by Schwann as forming a proper in- vestment of the fibre ; a»d, by analogy, this is also presumed to exist in man and the other vertebrata. Be this as it may, it is certain that the fibres have no separate sheaths of cellular tissue derived from the common sheath of the muscle, the prolongations of which appear to extend only so far as to enclose the smallest fasciculi. The cause of the striated appearance has, perhaps, not been quite satisfactorily ascertained • but since the enlargements on the varicose filaments are darker than the constricted portions, and since lhe*y are situated at intervals precisely similar to those between the transverse striie of the correspondin'l- fibre and from some other additional considerations, it has been supposed, with great probability, to result from the enlarged and dark portions of the filaments being arranged side by side. For an account of the microscopic characters of the involuntary or organic muscular fibres, see the notes on the structure of the several viscera, &c.,in which they are found, viz., the alimentary canal, trachea, gento- nrinary organs, and iris. We may remark here, that the muscular fibres of the heart and of the upper part of the (esophagus are striated, and apj.roach very closely in character to those of animal life.] X [The following analysis of the muscles of the ox is on the authority of Berzelius .- Water . ... . 77-17 Fibrin (with vessels and nenes) .... . 15.8 Cellular tissue cc nvertihlc into gelatin . . 1-9 Albumen and colonung matter .... . 2-2 Alcoholic extract, or ozmazome, with lactic acid and lactates 1*8 Watery extract, with phosphate of soda . . 1-05 Phosphate of lime •08 100- The inadvertent omission, on the part of M. Cruveilhier, of fibrin as one of the proximate principles of mus cle, will serve to impress on the mind of the reader its importance as a constituent of that tissue, in which it exists in greater abundance than in any other. The substance called leucine, mentioned in the text, is a product resulting from the action of concentrated sulphuric acid on muscular fibre, and therefore must not be regarded as previously existing in it.] ) As it is our intention to introduce, after Myology, an account of the Aponeuroses, we shall be content at present with the general ideas that have been already stated regarding this important division of the fibrous tissues. USES OF MUSCLES. 195 that is applied to the various levers represented by the component parts of the skeleton. The movements produced are the result of that peculiar property possessed by the mus- cles of shortening themselves, which is called muscular contractility (myotiliU). The shortening of a muscle is termed its contraction, and the opposite state its relaxation. Phenomena of Muscular Contraction.—During contraction the muscular fibres become folded in a zigzag manner throughout their entire length; the muscle itself becomes hardened, and broader and thicker in proportion to the amount of shortening. There is no oscillation in a muscular fibre during a normal contraction.* The aponeuroses and the tendons take no part in the contraction; they are entirely passive. The degree of shortening of which the muscular fibre is susceptible cannot be precisely determined; as far as we know, the shortening, and, consequently, the ex- tent of the resulting movement, is proportional to the length of the fibre. A distinction should be drawn between the force and the velocity or rapidity of muscular contraction. Again, the velocity is very different from the extent of motion : the latter depends upon the length of the fibres ; the former has no connexion with it, but varies according to the constitution of the individual, and is probably dependant on a more or less rapid influx of nervous influence. The muscular force is composed of a great number of elements. According to Borel- li, an intrinsic and an effective force may be distinguished in each muscle. The in- trinsic force is that power which the muscular fibres would exert if they were in the most favourable position for contraction: the effective force is measured by the result. The estimation of the force of a muscle presupposes a knowledge, 1. Of the number of its fibres. 2. Of ther quality or constitution. 3. Of the nature of the lever upon which it acts. 4. Of the angle of incidence of the muscle upon that lever; and, 5. Of the angle of incidence of the fibres with respect to the imaginary axis of the muscle. 1. Each muscular fibre, being distinct from those around it, may be considered as a small power ; it may, therefore, be easily conceived that the greater the number of fibres in any muscle, the more energetic will be its contraction. 2. The quality and constitution of the fibre, and the intensity of the stimulus, have no less an influence upon the contractile force of a muscle than the number of its fibres. To be convinced of this, it is sufficient to compare the energy of movement in an individual excited by anger with that in one who is calm. 3. The determination of the kind of leverf represented by the bone upon which the muscle acts, is a fundamental point in studying muscular action. It is a law in mechan- ics, that the power acts with greater effect in proportion as its arm of the lever exceeds in length that of the resistance. The most common lever in the human body is that of the third order, in which the power, being applied between the fulcrum and the weight, is therefore most disadvantageously situated for action. 4. As far as regards energy of movement, the lever to which the-power is applied is as unfavourable as possible, because the muscles are generally inserted near the fulcrum. * The observations of Rogerus tend to show that rapid contractions and relaxations are constantly takinsr place in muscles, especially during their contraction.—(Tr.) uDe Pemetna Fihramm Miisnnlan'nm Paloitatione.” 1760. t A lever, in mechanics, signifies an inflexible rod capable of turning round a point. The point upon which the lever turns is called the ful- crum {fffigs. 103, 104, 105); the cause of motion is called the power (p); and the obstacle to be surmounted is the resistance (r) ; the space be- tween the fulcrum and the power is the power-arm of the lever ; the space between the fulcrum and the weight is the resistance-arm of the lever. There are three kinds of levers, distinguished by the respective arrange- ment of the three parts: 1. A lever of the first order {Jig. 103) has the ful- crum between the power and the resistance. 2. A lever of the second or- der {Jig. 104) has the resistance between the fulcrum and the power. 3, A lever of the third order {Jig. 105) has the power between the resistance and the fulcrum Fig. 103. Fig. 101. Fig. 105. 196 myology. But, as a sort of compensation, an advantage peculiar to animal mechanics, the motions gain in velocity and extent what they lose in force, which, however, may still be obtain- ed by an increase in the number of muscles, and of the fleshy fibres of each muscle Nevertheless, levers of the most favourable construction, and of the most advantageous position, are met with in situations where considerable force is required; as in the ar- ticulation of the foot with the leg, presenting an example of a lever of the second order; and in the articulation of the head with the vertebral column, forming a lever of the first order . The angle of incidence most favourable to the power is the right angle ; but in the hu- man body, as the muscles are arranged in layers upon the bones which they are intend- ed to move, they are for the most part inserted at very acute angles. Their incidence would be still more unfavourable were it not for the enlargement of the articular ex- tremities of the bones, which disturb the parallelism of the muscles. Besides, in certain cases, the angle of incidence more or less approaches, or even attains to a right angle, and is combined with an extremely advantageous lever, when such an arrangement is required ; as in the articulation of the foot with the leg. It is of importance to notice, in determining the action of a muscle, that its incidence upon the bone varies at different periods during its action; so that a muscle which is almost parallel to the lever when it begins to contract, becomes perpendicular to it at a given moment during that process. It may be said that the momentum of a muscle occurs at that period of its action when its perpendicular incidence gives it the utmost energy of which it is capable : thus, the momentum of the action of the biceps femoris takes place when the leg forms a right angle with the thigh. In a certain number of muscles the momentum coincides with the commencement of action, such as the gastrocnemii and the solei. In some muscles the angle of incidence remains the same throughout the whole time of their action, and, consequently, they have no momentum : this is the case with the deltoid. The angle of incidence of the muscular fibres, with regard to the imaginary axis of the muscle or the terminating tendon, involves a loss of power proportional to the amount of the angle. In some muscles the aponeuroses form a continuation of the fleshy fibres ; in others, the angle of incidence of the muscular fibre is so acute that it may be left out of consideration. Estimation of the Action or Uses of the Muscles.—Since the contraction of a muscle con- sists in its shortening, it follows that its action may be determined, d priori, from a knowledge merely of its attachments and direction. It may also be ascertained experi- mentally, by placing a limb in such a position that the mus<|e in question shall be per- fectly relaxed. As the same muscle generally performs several uses, it is necessary to place the limb in several different positions, so as to determine those in which the mus- cle becomes relaxed. Let us take, for example, the glutseus maximus. If we desire to relax this muscle completely, it is necessary, 1. To extend the thigh upon the pelvis. 2. To abduct it. 3. To rotate it outward: hence it follows that the glutseus maximus is at once an extensor, an abductor, and a rotator outward of the thigh. As a counter- proof, the limb must be placed in such a condition that the muscle becomes completely stretched. The successive positions in which a muscle becomes stretched will be the very reverse of those which the limb assumes during the contraction of the muscle. Thus, the glut ecus maximus is slightly stretched by rotation inward, more so by adduc- tion, and most completly by flexion of the thigh upon the pelvis. In determining the action of a muscle that is reflected over any angle of a bone, it is necessary to put out of consideration all that portion of the muscle intervening between its origin and its angle of reflection, and to suppose the power to operate directly from the latter points. The action of sphincter muscles is to close the orifices around which they are placed. A curvilinear muscle assumes a rectilinear direction at the very commencement of its action. The insertions of a muscle are neither equally fixed nor equally movable. The fixed point of a muscle is that extremity which remains immovable during contraction ; but, in certain cases, the fixed may become the movable point: this must be taken into consider- ation in determining the action of a muscle. The fixed point is most commonly that which is nearest to the trunk. But, with few exceptions, it is never completely station- ary ; and since a muscle would lose much of its power when acting between a movable and an imperfectly fixed point, it is necessary that the latter should be kept as immova- ble as possible by the contraction of other muscles. These consecutive contractions are often very extensive, and should be familiar both to the physician and the physiologist. When a muscle passes over several articulations, it moves them all in succession, commencing with the one nearest to the movable insertion. Those muscles which concur in producing the same motion are called congenerous; those which execute opposite movements are termed antagonists: thus all the flexor muscles of any region are congenerous, and they are antagonists to the extensors. Two muscles may be congenerous at one time, and act as antagonists at another; when they contract simultaneously, their individual and opposite effects are destroyed, PREPARATION, ETC., OF MUSCLES. 197 and a common and intermediate effect results ; thus, when the flexor carpi ulnaris, which is both an adductor and a flexor, acts in conjunction with the extensor carpi ulnaris, which is an adductor and extensor, the hand is neither flexed nor extended, but is mere- ly adducted. We shall constantly have occasion to notice this arrangement, which ap- pears to me calculated to give much greater precision of motion than if two perfectly congenerous muscles had been employed. There are also certain compound motions, which are, as it were, the results of two different movements ; thus, when the flexors and the adductors of the thigh act simul- taneously, the femur passes in the intermediate direction. It is from this kind of com- bination that the movement of circumduction is produced by the action of the four orders of muscles situated at the extremities of the antero-posterior and transverse diameters of the joint. These four orders of muscles are known by the names of flexors, extensors, adductors, and abductors. Lastly, muscles may contract without producing any motions, as when antagonist muscles act with equal energy. The result of such a simultaneous contraction is an active immobility or tonic movement, as the older writers termed it, which is of very great importance. Preparation of Muscles. Dissection.—The end to be attained in the dissection of a muscle is to isolate it accu- rately from all the surrounding parts, leaving only those connexions which are compat- ible with that object. Since, however, it is sometimes impossible to preserve the rela- tions, and at the same time isolate the muscle, it then becomes necessary to be provided with two preparations for the demonstration or study of the same muscle. In order to isolate a muscle, the surrounding cellular tissue, which often forms a very adherent sheath, must be removed; and to do this completely, 1. Make a section of the skin parallel to the fibres of the muscle, deep enough to reach the muscle through the sheath; 2. As soon as the flap of skin can be grasped by the hand, stretch and separ- ate it from the muscle by cutting with the scalpel in the angle formed by these two parts; 3. When the superficial surface is exposed, proceed to separate the deep surface, preserving as much as possible all its important relations; 4. Then dissect the extrem- ities, marking out their limits with the greatest care. In the study of the muscular system, great importance should be attached to the choice of subjects. Robust and tolerably fat subjects are best adapted for this purpose. Preservation of Muscles in Liquids.—Alcohol, oil of turpentine, a mixture of equal parts of these, or solutions of the bichloride of mercury, or persulphate of iron, may he em- ployed for the preservation of muscles, though they alter many of their properties, such as their colour, consistence, &c. Preparations by Desiccation.—As this kind of preparation requires a peculiar method, we refer to the special treatises upon anatomical preparations for an account of them. (Vide the works of MM. Marjolin and Louth.) Order of Description of the Muscles. Before passing to the description of the particular muscles, it is necessary to deter- mine in what order they shall be studied. Galen divided the body for this purpose into regions, and described the muscles of each in their order of super-imposition. In place of this arrangement, which is purely topographical, Vesalius substituted a physiological one, founded upon a consideration of the uses of the muscles. This order was adopted by Winslow, who named the different muscular regions in the following manner: Mus- cles which move the shoulder upon the trunk; muscles which move the arm upon the scapula, &c. Albums revived the method pursued by Galen, and divided the muscles into Ibrty- eight regions in the male and forty-six in the female. He was followed by Sabatier, and by Vicq-d’Azyr, who brought the arrangement to perfection by establishing some sub- divisions in the groups formed by Albinus. Thus modified, it has been adopted by most modern anatomists. It is evidently preferable in many respects, since it is essentially anatomical, and is best calculated to exhibit the relations of the different muscles and regions. In regard, also, to economy of subjects and facility of dissection, it has many advantages over the physiological order, with which, however, in many regions it may be made to coincide. We shall, therefore, adopt this arrangement, modifying it so far as to permit all the muscles to be dissected upon one subject; and, after having descri- bed all the muscles according to their topographical relations, we shall give a table in which they will be grouped in a physiological order. 198 MYOLOGY. The Trapezius.—Latissimus Torsi and Teres Major.—Rhomboideus.—Levator Anguli Scapula.—Serrati Postici.—'Splenius.—Posterior Spinal Muscles.—Complcxus.—lnter- spinalis Colli.—Recti Capitis Postici, Major ct Minor.—Obliqui Capitis, Major ct Minor —General View and Action of the Posterior Spinal Muscles. MUSCLES OF THE POSTERIOR REGION OF THE TRUNK. The muscles situated on the posterior region of the trunk form several layers, which, proceeding from the skin to the bones, consist, on either side, of the trapezius, the latis- simus dorsi and teres major, the rhomboideus and levator anguli scapulae, the serrati postici, superior and inferior, the splenius, the long muscles of the back, viz., the sacro- lumbalis and longissimus dorsi; the transversalis colli and the complexus (which I re- gard as two series of accessory fasciculi to the longissimus dorsi); the complexus ma- jor, the inter-spinales colli, the recti capitis postici, major et the obliqui capitis, major et minor.* Dissection.—1. Render the muscle tense by placing a block under the chest; 2. Make an incision through the skin from the occipital protuberance to the twelfth dorsal verte- bra, and another horizontally from the seventh cervical vertebra to the external end of the clavicle ; 3. Reflect the two flaps, together with the cellular membrane adhering in- timately to the muscle ; 4. Dissect very carefully the insertions into the occipital bone, which consist of a very thin aponeurosis closely united to the skin. The trapezius (cucullaris, Albinus, a, figs. 106,113), the most superficial muscle on the The Trapezius. posterior region of the trunk, covers the nape of the neck and the back. It is a broad triangular, rather than trapezoid muscle, thick in the mid- dle, thin and elongated at its supe- rior and inferior angles. Attachments.—lt arises from the spinous processes of all the dorsal and the seventh cervical vertebra, from the corresponding supfa-spi- nous ligaments, from the posterior cervical ligament (ligamentum nu- chas;, and from the internal third of the superior occipital line, and is in- serted into the entire length of the spine of the scapula, into the poste- rior border of the acromion, and into the external third of the posterior border of the clavicle. The fixed attachments or origins of this mus- cle present, 1. A broad, semi-ellipti- cal aponeurosis, which, when united to the one on the opposite side, forms an ellipse, occupying the space be- tween the sixth cervical and the third dorsal vertebrae ; 2. A very thin fibrous lamin'a, not having the ordi- nary shining appearance of an apo- neurosis, which is firmly adherent to the skin, and forms the truncated occipital angle of the muscle ; 3. A great number of tendinous fibres, constituting all those attachments to the vertebrae that are independ- ent of the two preceding aponeuro- ses. From these origins all the fleshy Fig. 106. fibres proceed outward, the inferior fibres from below upward, the superior from above downward, and from behind forward, and the middle ones horizontally. They terminate in the following manner : the lower or ascending fibres are collected together, and at- tached to a triangular aponeurosis, which, gliding over the small facette at the internal extremity of the spine of the scapula, is inserted into the tubercle immediately connect- ed with it; the middle or horizontal fibres terminate at the posterior border of the spine of the scapula, by tendinous fibres which are very distinct, especially towards the acro- * [The transverse-spinalis muscle includes the semi-spinalis colli, the semi-spinalis dorsi, and the multifidus sninai of Albinus.] THE LATISSIMUS DORSI AND TERES MAJOR. 199 mion; the upper or descending fibres are inserted into the convex portion of the posterior border of the clavicle, many of them being also attached to the upper surface of that bone. Relations.—The trapezius is covered by the skin, from which it is separated by an aponeurotic lamina, except at the upper part, where the muscle and integuments are intimately adherent. It covers the complexus, splenius, rhomboideus, and levator an- guli scapulae, in the neck; and the serratus posticus superior, the supra-spinatus, the pos- terior spinal muscles, and the latissimus dorsi, in the back. The most important rela- tions of this muscle are those of its superior and external or occipito-clavicular margin: this forms the posterior boundary of the supra-clavicular triangle, which is limited in front by the sterno-mastoid muscle, and below by the clavicle. It should be observed in reference to the indications regarding the supra-clavicular space, furnished by this margin of the trapezius, that it sometimes advances as far as the middle of the clavicle, and has even been observed to become blended with the posterior edge of the sterno-mastoid. Action.—l. The upper or descending portion elevates the clavicle, and, consequently, the apex of the shoulder; but if the shoulder be fixed, this portion of the muscle inclines the head to one side and extends it, and, moreover, rotates it, so that the face is turned to the opposite side. 2. The middle or horizontal portion carries the shoulder back- ward, but, from the obliquity of the spine of the scapula, it also rotates that bone, so that the apex of the shoulder is carried upward. 3. The lower or ascending portion draws the posterior costa of the scapula inward and downward ; and, by a species of rotation, which was alluded to when treating of the scapulo-clavicular articulations, also elevates the apex of the shoulder. 4. When the whole of the muscle contracts at once, the scap- ula is drawn inward, and the apex of the shoulder is raised. The Latissimus Dorsi and Teres Major. Dissection.—l. Render the latissimus dorsi tense by the same means as were employ- ed for the trapezius, and also by withdrawing the arm from the side. 2. Make an incis'- ion in the median line from the tenth dorsal vertebra to the sacrum, and another trans- versely from the same vertebra to the posterior border of the axilla, dividing in the lat- ter incision a fibro-cellular membrane, which adheres very firmly to the fleshy fibres. 3. Dissect the humeral insertion very carefully, and at the same time prepare the teres major, which is very intimately related to this extremity. The Latissimus Dorsi. The latissimus dorsi (b, Jig. 106, p, figs. 109, 110) occupies the lumbar and part of the dorsal region, and the posterior border of the axilla. It is the broadest of all the mus- cles, and shaped like a triangle, having its inferior angle truncated, and its upper and external angles considerably elongated. Attachments.—It arises from the spinous processes of the last six or seven dorsal, of all the lumbar, and of the sacral vertebrae, from the posterior third of the crest of the ilium, and from the last four ribs, and is inserted into the bottom of the bicipital groove of the humerus, not into its posterior border. Its origin from the crest of the ilium and from the vertebrae is effected through the medium of a triangular aponeurosis, narrow and thin above, broad and very strong be low, where it is blended with the aponeuroses of the serratus posticus inferior and ob liquus internus abdominis, and with the posterior layer of the aponeurosis of the trans- versus abdominis. This aponeurosis assists in forming the sheath of the sacro-lumbalis, longissimus dorsi, and transverso-spinalis. The costal origins consist of fleshy tongues or digitations, which are interposed between similar processes of the external oblique. From this threefold origin the fleshy fibres proceed in the following manner : the upper pass horizontally, the middle are directed obliquely, and the lower vertically upward; they all converge, so as to form a thick fasciculus, directed towards the inferior angle of the scapula, from which it often receives some accessory fibres. The muscle is then twisted upon itself, so that the inferior or vertical fibres become first anterior and then superior, while the superior or horizontal fibres become first posterior and then inferior. This torsion may perhaps be intended to prevent displacement of the fibres. They all terminate in a flat quadrilateral tendon, which is inserted into the bottom of the bicip- ital groove, above the insertion of the tendon of the pectoralis major. This tendon fur- nishes a fibrous expansion continuous with the fascia of the arm, and also a band which extends to the lesser tuberosity of the humerus. Relatwns.—This muscle is covered by the skin (from which it is separated by a close- ly-adherent fibro-cellular sheath), and by the inferior angle of the trapezius. It covers the posterior spinal muscles, the serratus posticus inferior, the external intercostals, the serratus magnus, the lower angle of the scapula, the rhomboideus, and, lastly, the teres major, by which musclb it is itself covered in its turn. Its external margin is in relation with the posterior border of the external oblique, from which it is separated below by a small triangular interval. The upper part of the external margin, together with the teres major, forms the posterior border of the axilla; and from the same margin a muscular fasci- culus occasionally extends beneath the axilla to the lower edge of the pectoralis major. 200 MYOLOGY. The Teres Major. TLis muscle (c c,fig. 106), which, both in its uses and its anatomical arrangements, should be considered an accessory to the latissimus dorsi, is situated behind the shoulder. Attachments.—lt arises from the quadrilateral surface, situated at the inferior angle of the scapula, to the outer side of the infra-spinous fossa, and is inserted into the posterior border of the bicipital groove. The scapular attachment consists of short tendinous fibres, some of which are fixed directly to the bone, and some into the fasciae, which separate this muscle from those of the infra-spinous and subscapular fossae. The fleshy fibres arising from these different attachments form a thick fasciculus, flattened from be- fore backward, not cylindrical, and about two or three fingers in breadth, which is direct- ed outward and upward, and becomes slightly twisted, so as to be inserted by a broad and flat tendon into the posterior border of the bicipital groove. Relations.—The latissimus dorsi at first covers its scapular extremity, and then, turn- ing round its lower edge, becomes anterior to it. The tendon of the latissimus dorsi is, therefore, applied to the anterior surface of the tendon of the teres major; but since the former is attached to the bottom, and sometimes even to the anterior border of the bi- cipital groove, and the latter to the posterior border of the same groove, they are separ- ated at their insertions by an interval, in which there is almost always a synovial mem- brane, and which forms a true cul-de-sac below, for the lower margins of the two tendons are blended together. . The posterior surface of the teres major is covered by the skin, from which it is'sep- arated on the inside by the latissimus dorsi, and externally by the long head of the tri- ceps. Its anterior surface is in relation with the subscapularis, the coraco-brachialis, the short head of the biceps, the brachial plexus, the axillary vessels, and the cellular tissue of the axilla. Its upper margin is at first in contact with the teres minor, from which it is separated above by the long head of the triceps; its lower margin forms, in conjunction with the latissimus dorsi, the posterior border of the axilla. Action of the Latissimus Dorsi and Teres Major.—The latissimus dorsi adducts the arm, rotates it inward, and at the same time draws it backward (hence its name, ani sculptor). When only the upper or horizontal fibres contract, the arm is carried inward and backward; when the lower fibres act alone, it is carried downward. The uses of the teres major are precisely similar to those of the latissimus dorsi, to which it is congenerous and accessory, and with which it is always associated in ac- tion, drawing the humerus inward, backward, and downward. When the humerus is the fixed point, the latissimus dorsi raises the trunk, and with the greater facility, be- cause it is attached to the ribs, the spine, and the pelvis. In consequence of its costal attachments, the latissimus dorsi is a muscle of inspiration; and it should be observed, that the direction of its fibres, which is almost perpendicular to the ribs, enables it to act with great power. The Rhomboideus. Dissection.—Divide the trapezius by an incision extending from the third dorsal ver- tebra to the lower angle of the scapula; dissect back the flaps, taking care to remove a fibro-cellular layer which adheres closely to the trapezius. The rhomboideus (d d,fig. 106), situated in the dorsal region, on the posterior aspect of the trunk, approaches closely to the form of a rhomboid or lozenge ; it is broad and thin, but thicker below than above, and is almost always divided into two parts. Attachments.—lt arises from the bottom of the ligamentum nuchas, from the spinous processes of the seventh cervical and five superior dorsal vertebrae, and from the corre- sponding interspinous ligaments, and is inserted into all that part of the posterior costa of the scapula situated below its spine. The spinal or internal attachments consist of tendinous fibres, the most inferior of which are the longest. From these points the fleshy fibres proceed, parallel to each other, downward and outward, to a very thin ten- don, which runs along the posterior costa of the scapula, but only adheres to it above and below; the greater number of fibres are inserted into the lower angle of the scapula by a very strong tendon, which forms the principal attachment of the muscle, and to which the tendon mentioned above is merely subordinate. The upper part of this mus- cle (e, fig- 103), which arises from the ligamentum nuchae and the seventh cervical ver- tebra, is inserted by itself opposite the spine of the scapula. It is distinct from the re- mainder of the muscle, and from this fact Vesalius, Albinus, and Scemmering gave it the name of rhomboideus minor or superior. Relations.—This muscle is covered by the trapezius, the latissimus dorsi, and the skin. It covers the serratus posticus superior, part of the posterior spinal muscles, the ribs, and the intercostal muscles. Action.—The rhomboid raises the scapula and draws it inward. As it acts principal- ly upon the lower angle of that bone, it rotates it in such a manner that the anterior angle, and, consequently, the apex of the shoulder, is depressed. It assists the trape- zius in carrying the entire shoulder inward, and is also associated with the upper fibres THE SERRATI POSTICI. 201 of the same muscle in raising that part; but, on the other hand,, it antagonizes the tra- pezius by depressing the apex of the shoulder. The Levator Jlnguli Scapula. Dissection.—Detach the trapezius from the spine of the scapula with care ; divide the upper part of the sterno-mastoid, so as to expose the transverse processes of the three or four superior cervical vertebrae. The levator anguli scapula (levator scapulae, Alhinus, f, figs. 106, 110, 113, 114), situ- ated at the posterior and lateral part of the neck, is an elongated bundle, having its up- per portion flattened from without inward, and divided into three or four fasciculi, while the lower part is flattened from behind forward. Attachments.—lt arises from the posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the three or four superior cervical vertebras, externally to the splenius, and behind the sca- lenus posticus ; it is inserted into the superior angle of the scapula (whence its name), and into all that portion of its internal costa situated above the spine. The cervical attachments of this muscle consist of four tendons, to which succeed an equal number of fleshy fasciculi, at first distinct, but afterward united into one bundle, which proceeds downward, backward, and outward, and spreads out to be inserted into the scapula by short aponeurotic fibres. Relations.—lt is covered by the trapezius, the sterno-mastoid, and the skin ; and it lies superficially to the splenius, the sacro-lumbalis, the transversalis colli, and the ser- ratis posticus superior. Action.—When its upper attachment is fixed, this muscle carries the posterior angle of the scapula upward and forward, and, consequently, rotates that bone, so as to depress the apex of the shoulder. It conspires with the rhomboid and the trapezius in elevating the entire shoulder, and with the rhomboid in depressing its apex, in this respect acting as an antagonist to the trapezius. When the fixed point is below, which must be verv rarely, it inclines the neck backward and to its own side. These are two in number, a superior and an inferior. Dissection.—l. To expose the superior muscle, divide and reflect the trapezius and the rhomboid, and draw the scapula forward; 2. To display the inferior, raise the latissimus dorsi with great care, as its deep aponeurosis is blended with that of the serratus posticus inferior; 3. Preserve the thin aponeurosis extending between the two serrati muscles,* 1. The serratus posticus superior is situated at the upper and back part of the thorax, and is of an irregularly-quadrilateral figure. Attachments.—lt arises from the ligamentum nuchse and the spinous processes of the seventh cervical and of the two or three upper dorsal vertebrae, and is inserted into the upper borders of the second, third, fourth, and fifth ribs. The vertebral attachment con- sists of a very thin aponeurosis, the fibres of which are parallel, and inclined downward and outward. From this aponeurosis, which constitutes at least the inner half of the muscle, the fleshy fibres proceed in the same direction, and almost immediately divide into four digitations, which are inserted into the ribs by means of short tendinous fibres. The superior digitation is attached near the angle of the corresponding rib, and each of the others at successively greater distances from it. 2. The serratus posticus inferior (lumbo-costalis, Chaussicr, g, fig. 106) is also of an ir- regularly-quadrilateral form, and is situated at the lower part of the back and the upper part of the loins. It arises from the spinous processes of the two lower dorsal and three upper lumbar vertebras, and is inserted into the inferior borders of the last four ribs. The vertebral or internal attachment consists of an aponeurosis similar to that of the prece- ding muscle, but its fibres have an inverse direction, i. e., obliquely outward and upward. From this aponeurosis, which forms the internal half of the muscle, the fleshy fibres pro- ceed in the same direction, and divide into four flat digitations, progressively decreasing in size from above downward, which are inserted into the ribs by means of tendinous laminae, the superior digitation near the angle of its corresponding rib, and the others, successively, farther beyond it. Relations.—These two muscles have certain relations in common, and there are some peculiar to each. They both cover the longissimus dorsi, the sacro-lumbalis, the trans- verso-spinalis, the ribs, and the corresponding intercostal muscles. The superior is cov- ered by the rhomboideus, the trapezius, and the serratus magnus, and covers the splenius and transversalis colli. The inferior is covered by the latissimus dorsi, with the apo- neurosis of which muscle its own aponeurotic lamina is so closely united that it is impos- sible to separate them completely ; and it covers the posterior layer of the aponeurosis of the transversalis. The Serrati Postici. Action.—Besides certain common uses, each muscle has its own peculiar action. One * [This exceedingly thin and semi-transparent lamella has received the name of the vertebral aponeurosis See ApoNEUROLOGY.t Cc 202 MYOLOGY. impoi tant common use is, to retain in the vertebral groove those muscles of the back which, from their extreme length, are the most liable to displacement. This effect is produced by their fleshy portions rendering tense their aponeurotic expansions. With regard to the actions proper to each, 1. The superior elevates those ribs into which it is inserted, and is, consequently, a muscle of inspiration ; 2. The inferior, on the other hand, is a depressor of the ribs, and, therefore, a muscle of expiration. Dissection.—Merely remove the trapezius, the rhomboid, and the serratus posticus su- perior. The Splenius. The splenius (i, fig's. 106, 113, 114), so named because it has been compared to the spleen {air/h/v), is situated at the posterior part of the neck and upper part of the back. It is a broad muscle, terminating in a point below, and dividing into two portions above. Attachments.—It arises from the spinous processes of the four or five superior dorsal and the seventh cervical vertebrae, from the corresponding supra-spinous ligaments, and also from the ligamentum nuchae, between the seventh and the third cervical vertebrae ; it is inserted, 1. Into the transverse processes of the first, second, and often the third cer- vical vertebrae ; 2. Into the external surface and posterior border of the mastoid process, and the external third of the rough space bene*ath the superior semicircular line of the occipital bone. The spinal attachments consist of tendinous fibres, the most inferior of which are the longest. From these the fleshy fibres proceed obliquely upward and out- ward, the lower being longer and more vertical, and form a broad, flat muscle, which is much thicker externally, and soon becomes divided into two portions : one smaller, infe- rior and external; the other much larger, superior and internal. The former is called the splenius colli; it is sometimes distinct, even from its origin, and soon subdivides into two or three fasciculi, which terminate in as many tendinous processes, that are in- serted into the atlas, the axis, and often into the third cervical vertebra. The fascicu- lus proceeding to the atlas is usually the largest. The second, or the upper and internal portion of the muscle, is connected with the head, and is called the splenius capitis. Relations.—The splenius is covered by the trapezius (the rhomboid and the serratus posticus superior intervening below), by the sterno-mastoid, and by the levator anguli scapulae. It covers the complexus, the longissimus dorsi, the transversalis colli, and the trachelo-mastoid. The levator anguli scapulae is in contact with its outer border, and rests upon it above, the cervical insertions of the two muscles being blended togeth- er ; below they are separated by the transversalis colli and sacro-lumbalis. The inter- nal edge is very thin, and separated from the muscle of the opposite side by a triangu- lar interval, in which the complexi are visible. Actions.—The splenius extends the head, inclines it to its own side, and rotates it so that the face is turned to the same side. This action of the splenius depends on its at- tachments to the occipital bone, the mastoid process, and the atlas. By its insertions into the second and third cervical vertebrae it tends to rotate these in the same direction. When the two muscles act together, the head is drawn directly backward. The splenius is therefore an extensor and rotator of the head and of the neck; it assists in supporting the head in the erect position, and prevents it from inclining forward in obedience to the force of gravity. As these muscles are arranged in a peculiar manner, we shall adopt a method Muscles of the Palpebral Region. Orbicularis Palpebrarum.—Superciliaris.—Levatoi• Palpebrcz Superions. The muscles of the eyelids are divided into constrictors and dilators. Jiei® '&n oae ™ viz. the orbicularis palpebrarum, to which the corrugator supercilu is an ac- cessory; there’is also one elevator, viz., the levator palpebral supenons. The Orbicularis Palpebrarum. Tv /• AT;,i-p an elliptical incision through the skin round the base of the orbit, Dissection. M miner and lower half of the muscle, proceeding from the adhe- dissect successrv ely PP d eyelid. It is of more importance here than m any rent towards the free border olt tQ the fleshy flbres, When the external sur- S''Jihe mn°sde Seen studied! detach it carefully from the subjacent parts, and rc- -Be¥he SlristfftTs? the eyelids, and also an extremely thmflayer upon hem P exceptio„, ,t, alsc muscles of this kind, is composedofcirculai Undon of thc orhcuians . provided with a remarkable tendon of or gi anses fromthe ascending pro- U to the lachrymal groove, and passes in front ol 232 MYOLOGY. the lachrymal sac, where it divides into two unequal parts, an upper and smaller, and a lower more capacious ; sometimes it corresponds entirely to the upper part of the sac. At first it is flattened from before backward, but is then twisted upon itself, so as to pre- sent one surface upward and another downward. Opposite the inner angle of the eye- lids, this tendon, which is also called the palpebral ligament, becomes bifurcated, and each division is attached to the inner end of the corresponding tarsal cartilage; from the posterior surface of the tendon a very strong aponeurotic lamina is given off, and forms the outer wall of the lachrymal sac : this is the reflected tendon of the orbicularis palpebra- rum. Fleshy fibres proceed from the anterior and posterior surfaces, and from the bor- ders of the straight tendon, and also from the anterior border of the reflected tendon ; but the greater number arise by well-marked tendinous prolongations from the external orbital process of the frontal bone, from the ascending process of the superior maxilla, and from the internal and lower third of the base of the orbit. From these origins the fleshy fibres pass outward, dividing into two halves, an upper, which describes concen- tric curves with the concavity directed downward, and a lower, also describing concen- tric curves, but with the concavity directed upward (duo palpebrarum musculi, Ve'salius). Each of these halves is subdivided into two sets of fibres : an external set, surrounding the base of the orbit; and an internal or palpebral, belonging to each eyelid : hence the distinction drawn by Riolanus between the orbicularis and the ciliaris or palpebralis mus- cles. The external fibres (forming the orbicular portion) describe a complete ellipse. I have never met with the fibrous intersection at the outer part of the eye, mentioned by some anatomists. The palpebral or ciliary fibres, forming the proper palpebral portion, arise from the bifurcation of the tendon, and describe concentric arcs, which are united on the outside at an acute angle to a cellular raphe. Relations.—The orbicular portion is closely united to the skin by means of a fibrous and adipose tissue, which is very compact over the upper, and loose over the lower por- tion of the muscle ; it is connected with the skin of the eyelids by a serous cellular tis- sue, remarkably susceptible of infiltration. It covers the lachrymal sac, the corrugator supercilii muscle, the orbital arch, the maxillary bone, the temporal muscle, and the su- perior attachments of the zygomaticus major, of the levator labii superioris alteque nasi, and of the levator labii superioris. It is separated from the conjunctiva by a fibrous membrane and the tarsal cartilages. Its circumference is blended with the pyramidalis nasi on the inside, with the occipito- frontalis and corrugator above, but is free below; occasionally it gives off a few fibres from its outer border, some of which form the zygomaticus minor, and others of a paler colour terminate in the skin. Actions.—The orbicularis acts in the same manner as all other sphincters, that is to say, the circular fibres of which it is composed contract towards the centre ; but, as the fleshy fibres have their fixed point at the straight tendon, and still more at the internal insertions, it follows that, during the contraction of this muscle, it is thrown in some measure inward, and by it the integuments of the forehead, the temple, and the cheek are drawn towards the inner angle of the eye. The intimate adhesion between the skin and the upper half of the muscle explains why, during its contraction, that part is ren- dered more apparent beneath the skin than the lower. The palpebral portion contracts independently of the orbicular, a fact that confirms the distinction made by Riolanus. Nor is this all ; the contraction of this palpebral portion, or palpebralis muscle, properly so called, is habitually involuntary, while the contraction of the orbicular portion is subject to the will. The palpebral fibres are pale, and resemble the muscular fibres of the ali- mentary organs ;* the orbicular fibres are red, like those of the muscles of animal life. When the palpebral fibres contract, they do not produce the occlusion of the eye, by a concentric approximation of the fibres, but by bringing together the free edges of the eye- lids, the only method permitted by the tarsal cartilages. The curve described by the muscular fibres of the lower being smaller than that formed by those of the upper eye- lid, it follows that the closing of the eyes depends principally upon the latter. Dissection.—Make a vertical incision in the median line between the frontal muscles; turn back carefully the frontal and the orbicularis muscles from within outward. The superciliaris (corrugator supercilii, Albinus, a', fig. 114) is a narrow and tolerably thick fasciculus, generally of a deeper red than the orbicularis, and situated along the superciliary arch, with the direction of which it corresponds. It arises by one, often by two or three portions, from the internal portion of this arch ; proceeds upward and out- ward, describing a slight curve, having its concavity downward, and is blended with the orbicularis palpebrarum at about the middle of the arch of the orbit. From this arrange- ment, Albinus described it as a root of the orbicularis. According to some authors, it terminates in the skin of the eyebrow (cutaneo-surcilier, Dumas); but I have always found it attached to the deep layer of the orbicularis muscle. The Super ciliaris. See note *, p. 238. THE LEVATOR PALPEBRiE SUPERIORIS, ETC. Relations.—It is covered by the pyramidalis nasi, the orbicularis palpebrarum, and the occipito-frontalis, and it covers the os froniis, the supra-orbital and frontal arteries, and the frontal branch of the ophthalmic nerve. Action.—This muscle corrugates the eyebrow, and draws it downward and inward. It is, therefore, regarded as the principal agent in the expression of grief. The repeated contraction of these muscles in irascible individuals gives a character of severity to the countenance, from the constant approximation of the eyebrows, and the nermanence of the vertical wrinkles formed between them. The Levator Palpebrce Supreioris. Dissection.—Remove the roof of the orbit by two cuts with a saw, meeting at an acute angle opposite the foramen opticum; detach the bone with care, so as to leave the peri- osteum untouched; cut the periosteum from before backward, and separate the frontal nerve which passes above and parallel to the muscle, which may then be separated care- fully from the superior rectus muscle of the eye. The levator pedpehree. superioris (see description of the eyelids) is an elongated, flat, triangular, and very thin muscle, placed in the orbital cavity, directed horizontally from behind forward, and curved at its anterior extremity, so as to form a concavity directed downward. It arises from the inferior surface of the lesser wing of the sphenoid, im- mediately above the optic foramen, and from the sheath of the optic nerve, and is insert- ed into the upper border of the tarsal cartilage. Its sphenoidal origin consists of a small tendon, and its attachment to the sheath of the optic nerve is a fibrous ring common to all the muscles of the eye. From these points the fleshy fibres proceed forward, form- ing a broad, thin bundle, increasing in width and diminishing in thickness towards its tarsal insertion, which is effected by means of a broad aponeurosis. Relations.—Covered by the periosteum of the orbit, from which it is separated by the frontal branch of the ophthalmic nerve ; covered, also, by some adipose tissue and by the fibrous membrane of the upper eyelid, it covers the superior rectus of the eye and the conjunctiva. Action.—lt raises the upper eyelid. Its reflection over the globe of the eye explains that peculiar motion of the eyelid by which its upper edge is buried below the orbital arch. The relaxation of this muscle suffices for the depression of the upper eyelid in passive closure of the eyes, while the active occlusion depends on the contraction of the orbicularis. There is no analogous muscle for the lower eyelid, which scarcely concurs either in opening or shutting the eyes. NASAL REGION. The Pyramidalis Nasi.—Levator Labii Superioris Alceque Nasi.—Transversalis, or Trian- gularis Nasi.—Depressor Alee Nasi.—Naso-lahialis. The muscles of this region are the pyramidalis nasi, the levator labii superioris alas- que nasi, the transversalis or triangularis nasi, the depressor alse nasi, or myrtiformis, and the naso-labialis of Albinus. The Pyramidalis Nasi. Dissection.—Trace down upon the dorsum of the nose the internal fibres of the occip- ito-frontalis, directing the scalpel parallel to these fibres, which have a vertical course. The pyramidalis nasi (/, fig. 113) is a prolongation of the internal fibres of the occipito- frontalis, of which it may be regarded as a prolongation (frontalis pars per dorsum nasi ducta, Eustachius). It lies upon the bridge of the nose on each side of the median line. It is separated from the muscle of the opposite side by a thin layer of cellular tissue. It is narrower at its origin than at its termination, which takes place in the aponeurosis of the transverse muscle of the nose. Relations.—It is covered by the skin, to which it closely adheres, especially below, and it covers the nasal bones apd lateral cartilages. Action.—This small muscle has been regarded as an elevator of the ala. and, conse- quently, a dilator of the nose ; but I believe it rather acts in depressing the inner angle of the eyebrow, and the skin between the eyebrows. In this respect it has considerable influence upon the expression of the countenance. The Levator Labii Superioris JlUeque Nasi. Dissection.—Make a vertical or somewhat oblique incision from the ascending process of the superior maxilla to the upper lip. Reflect outward the inner and lower part of the orbicularis muscle. This muscle (g', fig. 113) is thin, triangular, and divided into two portions below. It extends from the ascending process of the superior maxilla to the ala of the nose and the upper lip. It arises by a narrow extremity from the internal orbital process of the frontal bone, immediately below the tendon of the orbicularis palpebrarum, passes obliquely G G MYOLOGY. downward and outward, becomes much broader, and is inserted partly into the cartilage of the ala of the nose, or, rather, into the very dense skin which covers it, and partly into the orbicularis oris, or, rather, into the skin of the upper lip. The cutaneous portion of this muscle is distinguished by its paleness, compared with the red colour of the rest. Relations.—lt is covered by the skin, and a small portion of the orbicularis palpebrarum ; and it covers the ascending process of the superior maxilla, and the transverse muscle of the nose. Action.—lt elevates both the ala of the nose and the upper lip. I consider it the most important of all the muscles of the nose, because the elevation of the alae dilates the nos- trils, and thus aids most essentially in cases of impeded respiration. It is a respiratory muscle of the face, and has, also, great influence over the countenance, producing the expression of contempt. Its action upon the upper lip is of much less importance than that upon the nose. Dissection.—Remove with great care the skin covering the ala of the nose, and then fol low this muscle below the inner edge of the common elevator; or, what is better, remove all the soft parts covering the ala of the nose, and dissect the muscle from its deep surface. The transversalis nasi (compressor narium, h',figs. 113, 114), which I regard as a de- pendance of the muscle next to be described, is a small and very thin triangular muscle, stretching from the inner part of the canine fossa to the bridge of the nose. It arises by a narrow extremity from the canine fossa, passes forward, enlarging as it proceeds along the ala of the nose, and terminates by a very thin aponeurosis, which is blended in the median line with that of the opposite side, and with the pyramidalis. It is covered by the skin, to which it closely adheres, and by the common elevator; and it covers the car- tilage of the ala, and a small part of the superior lateral cartilage of the nose. Action.—The action of this small muscle is not yet well determined. Some have agreed with Riolanus in considering it a dilator (qui alam naris dilatat sine elevatione nasi, Riolanus); others think, with Spigelius and Albinus, that it is a constrictor of the nose (primi paris constringentiura alas, Spigelius; compressor naris, Albinus). It is prob- able that its action varies according to the shape of the ala: if this be concave outward, it is a dilator; if convex outward, it is a constrictor. Its action is very slight. The Transversalis, or Triangularis Nasi. Dissection.—Evert the upper lip, and remove the mucous membrane on each side of the frsenum. The two myrtiformes may then be separated by a vertical incision in the median line. It will be apparent that the myrtiformis and transversalis form only one muscle, which arises from the alveolar border near the lateral incisor, the canine and the anterior bicuspid teeth, and is distributed to the orbicularis oris, the alae, and the septum of the nose. The Depressor Alee JTasi, or Myrtiformis. This muscle (ijig. 114) is short and radiated, and arises by a narrow extremity from the incisive or myrtiform fossa of the superior maxilla, opposite the canine and two in- cisor teeth (incisif moyen, Winslow). Its fibres diverge upward and outward, and are in- serted. thus : the lower, or descending, behind and in the substance of the orbicularis oris ; and the upper or ascending, into the ala and septum of the nose. Its upper border is not distinct from the lower border of the transversalis. Chaussier, on account of its termination in the upper lip, regarded it as one of the origins of the orbicularis oris. Relations.—lt is covered by the buccal mucous membrane, by the orbicularis oris, and the common elevator, and it lies upon the maxillary bone. It is continuous, without any line of demarcation with the transversalis nasi. The inner border of the muscle of one side is separated from that of the other by an interval, corresponding to the frsenum of the upper lip. Action. It depresses the ala of the nose, and has also been considered a depressor of the upper lip (depressor labii superioris,* Cowper). I regard it rather as an elevator of that lip. The Naso-lahialis of Albinusv This consists of a fasciculus which it is difficult to demonstrate in many subjects, it arises from the anterior extremity of the septum of the nose, passes horizontally back • ward, is then reflected downward, and terminates like the preceding in the orbicularis, of which it may be considered a root. Phe Orbicularis Oris.—Buccinator.— Levator Labii Superioris.—Caninus.— Zygomatic , Major et Minor.—Triangularis.—Quadratus Menti.—Levator Labii Superioris.—Move- ments of the Lips and those of the Face. No region has so many muscles as the orifice of the mouth: seventeen, nineteen, and MUSCLES OF THE LABIAL REGION. * Depressor labii superioris absque nasi of other writers. THE ORBICULARIS ORIS AND THE BUCCINATOR. 235 often twenty-one muscles, are grouped round it, viz., the orbicularis oris, the common elevators of the alae and lip already described, the proper elevators of the lip, the great zy- gomatics, the canine, the buccinators, the triangulares,the quadrati or the levatores menti; and often two muscles on each side, viz., the risorius of Santorini, and the small zygomatic. The Orbicularis Oris. Dissection.—Make an elliptical incision round the opening of the mouth, and dissect back the skin with great care, the mouth being previously distended by the introduction of tow between the lips and alveolar borders. The orbicularis oris (I' I, figs. 113 and 114) is the sphincter of the orifice of the mouth; it is essentially the constituent muscle of the lips, occupying the entire space between the free edge of the upper lip and the nose, and the free edge of the lower lip and the transverse furrow above the chin. We shall consider, with Winslow, the orbicularis to be composed of two halves, each constituted by a demi-zone, of semi-elliptical concentric fibres, terminating on either side at the commissures of the lips. These fibres, which are all fleshy, do not become con- tinuous opposite the commissures of the lips, but only intersect each other, those of the upper half being continuous with the lower fibres of the buccinator, and those of the low- er half with the upper fibres of the same muscle. The thickness of the two halves varies in different individuals, particularly around the free borders of the lips, where the fasciculi of the muscle are somewhat everted. In the negro this is very remarkable. The thickness of the lips depending upon this cir- cumstance must be distinguished from that which is the effect of a scrofulous habit. Relations.—These muscles are covered by the skin, to which they adhere intimately, and hence the facility of bringing together the entire depth of the surface of wounds in the lips, by retentive applications to the skin only. They cover the mucous membrane but are separated from it by the labial glands, the coronary vessels, and a great number of nervous filaments. Their outer circumference receives all the extrinsic muscles of the lips, which terminate in these as in a common centre. Their inner circumference circumscribes the opening of the mouth. The differences in the dimensions of this open- ing occasion the varieties observed in the size of the mouth, but the capacity of the buc- cal cavity is in no way influenced by these variations. Actions.—These are exceedingly various, and may be studied as connected with the closing of the mouth, with the prehension of aliments by suction, with the playing upon wind instruments, and with the expression of the countenance. I shall here only notice the shutting of the mouth. This may be accomplished simply by the approximation of the jaws, which is followed by a corresponding motion of the lips. In active occlusion, or that dependant on the orbicularis, two things may happen; either the lips may be closely drawn against the teeth, and their free edges applied to each other, or they may be pushed forward and puckered; in the latter case, the buccal opening, which is usually represented by a trans- verse line, resembles a circiilar, or, rather, a lozenge-shaped orifice. The Buccinator. Dissection.—Distend the cheeks by stuffing the mouth with tow; make a transverse incision through the skin, from the commissure of the lips to the masseter muscle, and dissect back the flaps': in order to gain a good view of the posterior border of the mus- cle, turn downward the zygomatic arch and the masseter, and then divide with the saw the inferior maxilla in front of the ramus. The buccinator (fig. 113, and b,figs. 114 and 147) is the proper muscle of the cheek ; it is broad, thin, and irregularly quadrilateral. It is attached above to the external sur- face of the superior alveolar arch, along the space between the first great molar and the tuberosity of the maxilla ; below, to the external surface of the inferior alveolar arch, or, rather, to that part of the external oblique line of the lower jaw which corresponds with the last two great molars ; and behind, to an aponeurosis existing between this muscle and the superior constrictor of the pharynx (see fig. 147). This aponeurosis, to which the name of buccinato-pharyngeal has been given (pterygo-maxillary ligament), ex- tends from the apex of the internal pterygoid process to the posterior extremity of the internal oblique line of the lower jaw. From these different origins the fleshy fibres proceed forward, the upper somewhat obliquely downward, the lower obliquely upward, and the middle fibres horizontally. In consequence of this arrangement, the fibres inter- sect each other opposite the commissure of the lips, from which points the lower fibres of the muscle proceed to terminate in the upper half of the orbicularis, while the upper fibres end in the lower half of the same muscle. Relations.—It is situated deeply behind, where it is covered by the ramus of the lower jaw, the masseter, and a small part of the temporal muscle ; from all these parts, how- ever, it is separated by a considerable quantity of adipose tissue, and by a mass of fat which exists even in the most emaciated individuals. More anteriorly it is covered by 236 MYOLOGY. the zygomaticus major and the zygomaticus minor, and the risonus al S mtorini, where the two latter exist; and at the commissure it is covered by the canine muscle (levator anguli oris) and the triangularis. The Stenonian duct runs along this muscle before passing through it; the buccal nerves and the branches of the transverse facial artery lie parallel to its fibres; the external maxillary {i. e., the facial) artery and vein pass perpendicularly across it, near the commissure. A peculiar aponeurosis, called the buc- cal fascia, is closely united to it, and intervenes between it and all these parts. It cov- ers the mucous membrane of the cheek, from which it is separated by a dense layer of the buccal mucous glands. Action.—It is the most direct antagonist of the orbicularis. When the cheeks are not distended, its contraction elongates the opening of the mouth transversely, and, conse- quently, renders the lips tense, and produces a vertical fold upon the skin of the cheek. This fold becomes permanent in the aged, and constitutes one of their most prominent wrinkles. When the cheeks are distended by air, or any other substance, the buccinator becomes curved instead of flat, and acquires all the properties of the former class of muscles. Thus the first effect of its contraction is, that its fibres become straight, or have a ten- dency to become so; gaseous, liquid, or solid bodies, are then expelled from the mouth, rapidly if the orbicularis offer no obstacle, and gradually should that muscle contract. The buccinator, therefore, fulfils an important office in performances upon wind instru- ments, and hence its name (buccinare, to sound the trumpet). In mastication it is of no less importance, since it pushes the food between the teeth, and expels it from the sort of groove existing between the cheeks and the alveolar arches. The Levator Labii Superioris. Dissection.—Reflect the lower half of the orbicularis palpebrarum upward, and dissect with care the lower extremity of the muscle about to be described, which adheres close- ly to the skin. It can be best studied from the inner surface. This muscle (c',fig. 114) is thin and quadrilateral. It is situated upon the same plane as the common elevator, of which it appears to be a continuation, and extends from the base of the orbit to the skin of the upper lip. It arises from the inner half of the lower edge of the base of the orbit, on the outer side of the common elevator : from this origin, which is sometimes bifid, the fibres con- verge downward and inward, and are inserted successively into the skin, probably into the bulbs of the hairs, as in animals which have mustaches; so that this muscle would deserve the name of mustachie, which is given by some anatomists to the naso-labial of Albinus. Relations.—Its two upper thirds are deeply seated; its lower third adheres closely to the skin. It is worthy of notice, that almost all the muscles of the face are deeply seated at one of their extremities, and terminate by the other in the skin. It is covered by the orbicularis palpebrarum and the skin, and it covers the infra-orbital vessels and nerves, as they escape from the infra-orbital canal. It is also in relation with the ca- nine muscle, from which it is separated by a quantity of adipose tissue, with the trans- versalis nasi, and with the orbicularis oris, being interposed between the latter muscle and the skin. Action.—lt raises the upper lip, and draws it a little outward. The Caninus. Dissection.—Merely reflect the levator labii superioris. The canine muscle (levator anguli oris, Albinus, d, fig. 114), so named from its origin, arises from the canine fossa by a broad attachment, from which it proceeds downward and a little outward, diminishing in size, and becoming gradually more superficial, to the commissure of the lips, where it terminates by uniting with the zygomaticus major, and becoming continuous with the triangularis oris. We often find some accessory fibres arising from this muscle, and attached to the skin opposite the commissure. Relations.—Above, it is concealed by the levator labii superioris and the infra-orbitary vessels and nerves ; below, it is quite superficial, being only covered by the skin. It covers the superior maxilla, the buccinator, and the buccal mucous membrane. Action.—It raises the angle of the mouth, and, from its oblique position, draws it inward. The Zygomatici Major et Minor. Dissection.—Make an oblique incision from the malar bone to the commissure of the lip, and remove carefully, from the great zygomatic, the fatty tissue which surrounds it. This muscle (m',fig. 113) is a cylindrical, fleshy fasciculus, extending from the malar bone to the commissure of the lip. It arises, by tendinous fibres, from the entire length of a horizontal furrow, situated above the lower edge of the malar bone. The fleshy fibres approach each other so as to form a fasciculus, which passes obliquely downward The Zygomaticus Major. THE TRIANGULARIS, ETC. 237 and inward towards the commissure, where it is closely united to the canine muscle, and, like it, is continuous with the triangularis or depressor anguli oris. Relations.—It is covered by the skin, from which it is separated above by the orbicu- laris palpebrarum, and below by a large quantity of adipose tissue ; it covers the malar bone, the masseter and buccinator muscles, a great collection of fat, and the labial vein. Action.—It draws the angle of the mouth upward and outward ; by carrying the com- missure upward, it assists the canine muscle, but in drawing it outward, it antagonizes the same. When the zygomatic and canine contract together, the commissure is drawn di- rectly upward. The Zygomaticus Minor. This small muscle {n',Jig. 113), which is often wanting, maybe regarded as a depend- ance of the proper elevator of the upper lip. It arises ■ from the malar bone, above the great zygomatic, passes downward and inward to the outer border of the levator labii su- perioris, with which it is blended. It is not uncommon to find this muscle enlarged by fasciculi given off from the outer and lower circumference of the orbicularis muscle of the eyelids. It is covered by the skin and the orbicularis palpebrarum; and it covers the canine muscle and the labial vein. Action.—lt assists the common elevator in raising the upper lip and drawing it some- what outward. Dissection.—Make a vertical incision of the skin, from the commissure of the lips to the base of the jaw; then follow the course of the muscular fibres as they are successively exposed. This muscle {o', fig. 113) is of a triangular shape, as its name implies, and belongs to the inferior maxillary region. It arises, by a broad base within, from the lower border of the inferior maxilla on the side of the median line, and sometimes from the median line itself; and without, from the external oblique line ; from these points the fibres pass in different directions, the external almost vertically upward, the internal obliquely upward and outward (the obliquity increasing as we proceed inward), and describing a curve with the concavity looking inward. All these fibres are concentrated into a narrow and thick fasciculus, which terminates at the c< mnnissure, on a plane anterior to the fibres of the buccinator and the orbicular oris, being evidently continuous with the canine and the great zygomatic. The Triangularis, or Depressor Anguli Oris. Relations.—lt is covered by the skin, beneath which it is clearly discernible, and it cov- ers the quadratus menti, the platysma, and the buccinator. Some colourless fibres, which intersect those of the quadratus at a right angle, and, moreover, follow the same direc- tion as those of the triangularis, may be regarded as a dependance of that muscle, to the inside of which they are situated. They terminate in the skin, like those of the quadratus. Action.—It depresses the angle of the mouth, thus antagonizing the canine muscle and the great zygomatic, with which it is continuous. The continuity of these muscles is so manifest, that they may be regarded as constituting a single muscle, broad and triangu- lar below; bifid above, to form the canine and zygomatic; and narrow in the middle, where it corresponds to the commissure. The internal fibres of the triangularis, from their oblique direction, are directly opposed to those of the canine muscle ; but its exter- nal fibres have not a similar relation to those of the zygomaticus major. Dissection.—Dissect back the skin covering this muscle, cutting obliquely downward and outward. The quadratus menti (p', fig. 113 ; q', fig. 114), situated to the inside of the preceding, is of a square, or, rather, lozenge shape. It arises from the external oblique line of the low- er jaw, and is in a great measure continuous with the platysma, the fibres of which pass behind, and sometimes through the triangularis. From this origin it proceeds obliquely upward and inward, therefore in an opposite direction to the triangularis, and is inserted into the skin of the lower lip, on a plane anterior to the corresponding half of the orbicu- laris oris. It is closely united to the skin, and covers the lower jaw, the mental nerve and vessels, the lower half of the orbicularis oris, and the muscle next to be described, with which it is intimately connected. It is separated from the muscle of the opposite side by the prominence of the chin below, but is blended with it above. Action.—It depresses the lower lip : from the obliquity of this muscle, it also draws out- ward and downward each half of the lower lip, which is therefore stretched transversely. The Quadratus Menti, or Depressor Labii Inferioris. The Levator Labii Inferioris. Dissection.—Evert the lower lip ; divide the mucous membrane at its reflection upon the lip from the lower jaw, so as to expose the origin of the muscle. In order to show its cutaneous insertion, carefully dissect off the skin covering the chin. As the muscles of each side are blended in the median line, it is necessary to make a vertical incision from before backward, opposite the symphysis, in order to separate them. 238 MYOLOGY. This muscle (levator menti. Alb., r', fig. 114) is a small conoid fasciculus, which forms, in a great measure, the prominence of the chin. It arises from the facette on the side ol the symphysis menti, opposite the incisor teeth, whence the name incisif inferieur, Wins- low, which is also given to this muscle. From this point the fibres expand like a tuft, downward and forward, to be inserted into the skin. It is red and fasciculated at its or- igin above, but pale, intermixed with fat, and not fasciculated below, where it is blended on the inside with the opposite muscle, and on the outside with the quadratus menti. Its upper fibres form a concavity above, which partially embraces the great circumfer- ence of the lower half of the orbicularis oris. Action.—lt raises and wrinkles the skin of the chin, and, consequently, raises the low- er lip, and projects it forward. It appears somewhat singular at first that an elevator of the lip should be situated below it. General Considerations regarding the Movements of the Lips, and those of the Face in general. If we take a general view of the muscles of the face, we shall observe, 1. That no re- gion is provided with so great a number of muscles; 2. That all these muscles are at- tached to a bone by one extremity, while the other is implanted into the skin, or into other muscles; 3. That the cutaneous portion of these muscles is colourless and non- fasciculated, presenting all the characteristics of involuntary muscles ;* 4. That those portions which are attached either to the bone or to other muscles have, on the contrary, all the characters of the voluntary muscles. All these muscles are arranged around the several openings of the face, and, conse- quently, they are either constrictors or dilators ; the orifice of the mouth, however, is peculiar! in having the greater number of the muscles of the face specially intended for it. Indeed, the orbicularis oris, or sphincter of the mouth, is antagonized by the bucci- nators or transverse dilators; by the proper elevators of the upper lip, and the common elevators of that and the alse of the nose ; by the depressors of the lower lip, or quadrati; by the elevators of the angle of the mouth, viz., the canine muscles, the zygomatic! ma- jores, and, where they exist, the zygomatic! minores, and the two risorii of Santorini; and, lastly, by the depressors of the commissure, or triangulares oris. The lips fulfil a great number of uses, all requiring a considerable degree of mobility. They serve for the prehension of aliments, for suction, and for the articulation of sounds, whence the name labial given to consonants specially produced by the action of the lips, as b, p, m: they modify the state of the expired air so as to produce in it vibrations of a peculiar character, constituting the act of whistling ; and, in this respect, they illustrate the mechanism of the glottis : they assist in mastication, by retaining the food and con- stantly forcing it between the teeth: they are also employed, during performances upon wind instruments, in regulating the volume of the column of air which strikes upon the body to be thrown into vibrations. The mechanism of their action varies according to the kind of instrument: sometimes, for example, they assist in graduating the rapidity of the column of air, by influencing the orifice through which it issues, as occurs in play- ing upon the flute ; and sometimes they represent vibrating cords situated at the mouth of an instrument, and determining the different tones by their various degrees of ten- sion. In this case, the lips themselves become the vibrating bodies, and propagate their oscillations to other bodies with which they are in contact, independently of the effect produced in the instrument from the passage of a column of air. Examples of this are observed in playing on the horn, trumpet, &c. If we examine the muscles of the face in connexion with their influence in producing emotional expressions, we shall find that they are often almost completely removed from the influence of the will, as, for example, where those emotions are not simulated; but that sometimes, on the contrary, their contraction is altogether voluntary, as in those individuals who, either by profession or habit, are accustomed to imitate feelings which they do not really experience. Nevertheless, it should be remarked that, although the outward expression of every passion may be produced at will upon the face, yet there is always a great difference between the natural emotion and the fictitious representation. On the whole, the general expressions of the countenance may be regarded as varie- ties of two great types, viz., those of the cheerful and those of the melancholy emotions. * This similarity is limited, however, to the colour and general aspect of the two kinds of muscles; for even the palest muscular fasciculi of the face are found to consist of striated fibres, precisely similar to those of the other voluntary muscles ; but the fasciculi into which they are collected are neither so evident nor so large. t Man greatly exceeds all animals in the number of muscles attached to his lips. The ape, which is re- markable for the great mobility of its physiognomy, has, properly speaking, only one muscle for the entire face, which is a dependance of the platysma (or cutaneous muscle) ; therefore, the play of its countenance is con- fined to a grimace, which is always the same, only differing in intensity, and which does not permit it to ex press different and even opposite passions, such as are often depicted upon the human countenance.* * [The platysma myoides in monkeys is certainly extended, as a single muscle, over the entire cheek, and forms a muscular layer, covering the lateral pouches appended to the mouth in some of that tribe of animals. In addition to this, however, monkeys have precisely the same number of muscles attached to their lips as in the human subject: they possess, indeed, all the facial muscles found in man; and, like him, they appear to be capable of expressing, by Changes in their features, « -ariety of internal emotions.] THE MASSETER. 239 The cheerful emotions are expressed by the expansion of the features, i. e., their retrac- tion from the median line, a movement that is due to the pccipito-frontalis, the levatores palpebrarum, and especially to the great zygomatic muscles. The melancholy passions, on the contrary, are expressed by the approach or concentration of the features towards the median line, which is chiefly effected on either side of the face by the corrugator supercilii, the depressor anguli oris, the common and proper elevators of the upper lip, the levator labii inferioris, and the quadratus menti. On account of the intimate connexion between the skin of the face and the facial mus- cles, which, from the nature of their insertions, are in some measure identified with it, the frotpiently-repeated contraction of one or more of these muscles occasions folds oz wrinkles of the skin that remain during the intervals of those contractions, and aftei they have entirely ceased. And thus the continual experience of grave or cheerful emo- tions, with their characteristic expressions of countenance, at length impresses a pecu- liar and permanent stamp upon the features, so that those who are in the habit of close ly observing such circumstances may in some degree judge of the disposition of an indi vidual from an examination of his physiognomy. This is the only foundation of the sys tem of Lavater. MUSCLES OF THE TEMPORO-MAXILLARY REGION. The muscles of this region are four in number; two on each side, viz., the massetei and the temporal. The Masseter and Temporalis. The Masseter. Dissection.—Make a horizontal incision along the zygoma, and a vertical one from the middle of this to the base of the jaw ; dissect back the flaps, taking care not to divide the Stenonian duct, which passes over the muscle. In order to see the deep surface, saw through the zygoma in twro places, and turn it outward. The masseter (s,Jig. 113) is a short and very thick muscle, of an irregularly-quadrilat- eral form, situated upon the side of the face. Attachments.—lt arises from the lower edge of the zygoma, and is inserted into the outer surface of the angle and ramus of the lower jaw. Its origin from the zygoma consists of a very thick aponeurosis, which embraces the anterior borders of the mus- cles, and is composed of several planes of super-imposed fibres, which are prolonged upon its surface and in its substance for a considerable distance. The fleshy fibres pro- ceed from the inferior surface and the borders of this aponeurosis, obliquely downward and backward, and are inserted into the angle of the jaw either directly or by means of very strong tendinous fibres. Not unfrequently a small triangular fasciculus is detached forward to the inferior border of the body of the bone. The fleshy fibres arising from the posterior portion of the zygoma constitute a short, small, and almost entirely fleshy bundle, which passes vertically downward, and is inserted behind the preceding into the external surface of the ramus of the jaw. Lastly, the zygomatic arch being reversed, we see a still smaller fleshy fasciculus, arising directly from its internal surface, and passing forward, to be inserted into the outer surface of the coronoid process, and into the tendon of the temporal muscle. Relations.—lt is covered by the skin, from which it is separated by a small fascia, and sometimes by a prolongation of the platysma ; behind, it is covered by the parotid gland, and by the orbicularis palpebrarum and zygomaticus major above. It is crossed at right angles by the divisions of the facial nerve, the transverse artery of the face, and the Stenonian duct. It covers the ramus of the jaw, the temporal and the buccinator mus- cles, from the latter of which it is separated by a collection of fat. Its anterior edge, which is prominent beneath the skin, has an important relation below to the facial ar- tery, which may be compressed against the bone immediately in front of it. The parot- id gland embraces its posterior border. Action.—The action of this muscle is very powerful. Its strength in different animals may be in some degree measured by the size of the zygomatic arch, and by the promi- nence of the lines and projections on the angle of the jaw. Its momentum, i. e., its period of most powerful action, occurs when the jaws are slightly separated, because its angle of incidence with regard to the lever is then nearly perpendicular. The general direction of the fibres of the masseter muscles, obliquely downward and backward, is highly advantageous as regards the trituration of the food, for during the contraction of the two muscles the lower jaw is moved upward and for- ward. This same obliquity explains the action of the muscle in producing luxation of the jaw ; for as its insertion is farther back than it would have been had the fibres been vertical, it follows that, however slightly the jaws may be separated, the condyle is placed in front of the axis, to which all the fibres of the masseter may bj referred; and when this muscle contracts, it increases the peculiar movement performed by the con- dyle in becoming dislocated forward. 240 MYOLOGY. The Temporalis. Dissection.—Having sawn through and turned back the zygoma, remove the fascia covering the temporal region, and the fat surrounding the insertion of the muscle into the coronoid process. In order to gain a view of the deep surface, detach the muscle, either from above downward, by scraping the periosteum from the temporal fossa, or from below upward, after having sawn through the base of the coronoid process. The temporal muscle {e', fig. 114), or crotaphyte, so named because it occupies the whole of the temporal fossa the temple), is a broad, radiated muscle, resem- bling a triangle with the base turned upward. Attachments.—It arises from the whole extent of the temporal fossa, and from the in- ner surface of the superficial temporal fascia, and is inserted into the edges and summit of the coronoid process. The fleshy fibres all arise directly, either from the temporal fossa, or from the inner surface of the fascia, which, being attached above to the entire length of the temporal semicircular line, and below to the upper edge of the zygomatic arch, is very tense, and thus affords a solid and very strong surface of origin. From these two parts the fleshy fibres converge, and proceeding downward, the anterior ob- liquely backward, the posterior obliquely forward, and the middle vertically, form a fleshy mass, which gradually increases in thickness until its fibres are attached, partly to the external, but chiefly to the internal surface and borders of the terminal aponeurosis. The fibres of this aponeurosis, which are very strong, and radiated at its commence- ment, are collected into the form of a very thick tendon, inserted into the coronoid pro- cess, and called the coronoid tendon. The temporal muscle, in its course from the tem- poral fossa to the coronoid process, undergoes a sort of reflection over the groove at the base of the zygoma. I have often seen a very strong muscular fasciculus arising from the lower part of the temporal fossa and the ridge bounding it below, and inserted by a separate tendon into the internal border of the anterior surface of the ramus of the jaw. Relations.—lt is covered by the skin, the aponeurosis of the occipito-frontalis, the an- terior and superior auricular muscles, the superficial temporal arteries, veins, and nerves, and more immediately by the superficial temporal aponeurosis, the zygomatic arch, and the masseter. It covers the temporal fossa, the external pterygoid muscle, a small part of the buccinator, the internal maxillary artery, and the deep temporal vessels. Its thickness is in proportion to the depth of the temporal fossa and the strength of the coronoid process. Action.—The strength of the temporal muscle, therefore, may be in some degree measured by the depth of the temporal fossa and the size of the coronoid process. This fact may be demonstrated by an examination of these regions in the skeletons of carniv- orous animals, in which the elevators of the lower jaw are most highly developed. The use of the temporal muscle, like that of the masseter, is to elevate the lower jaw, but the mechanism of its action is different. In fact, the masseter raises the jaw by a direct action ; the temporal muscle, on the contrary, raises it by a sort of swing motion, acting principally upon the back part of the coronoid process. In a word, the temporal muscle acts upon the vertical arm of the bent lever represented by the maxillary bone, while the masseter, on the contrary, acts upon its horizontal arm, the movement depending on the action of the temporal muscle : the lower jaw resembles the curved lever represent- ed by the hammer of a bell. THE PTERYGO-MAXILLARY REGION. The muscles of this region are the external and the internal pterygoids. The Pterygoideus Internus.—The Pterygoideus Externus. Fig. 115 The Pterygoideus Internus vel Magnus Dissection.—Separate the face and that part of the cranium which is situated anterior to the ver- tebral column from the remainder of the scull, and divide the face into two lateral halves by an antero-posterior section. This muscle may also be dissected in the fol- lowing manner: saw through the lower jaw ver- tically at the junction of the body and ramus ; re- move the zygomatic arch; cut through the base of the coronoid process and the neck of the con- dyle, and then disarticulate the latter. The internal pterygoid {a, fig. 115) is deeply seated in the zygomatic fossa, along the inner surface of the ramus of the jaw (tertius musculus qui in ore latitat, Vesalms). It is thick and quad- THE PTERYGOIDEUS EXTERNUS, ETC. 241 nlateral, and in its form, structure, and direction, bears a remarkable resemblance to the masseter; hence Winslow called it the internal masseter. Attachments.—It arises from the pterygoid fossa, from the hamular process, at the apex of the internal pterygoid plate, and from the lower surface of the pyramidal process of the palate bone; and is inserted into the inner surface of the angle of the lower jaw Its origin consists of a tendon resembling that of the masseter, prolonged upon the in- ternal surface, and into the substance of the muscle. From this the fleshy fibres pro- ceed downward, outward, and backward, to be inserted, by very strong tendinous lamina;, into the lower jaw. Relations.—On the inside it is in relation with the external peristaphyline muscle {tensor palati), and with the pharynx, a triangular interval existing between it and the latter, occupied by a considerable. quantity of cellular tissue, vessels, nerves, and the sub-maxillary gland; on the outside it corresponds with the ramus of the lower jaw, from which it is separated above by the dental and lingual nerves, the inferior dental vessels; and the so-called internal lateral ligament of the temporo-maxillary articulation. Action.—As this muscle is inserted almost perpendicularly into the lever upon which it acts, it has very great power. Most of the remarks already made concerning the mas- setor apply to this muscle, which is a true internal masseter. It has only this peculiar- ity, that as its origin is nearer the median line than that of the external masseter, il assists in producing a slight lateral movement of the jaw, which is very useful in bruis- ing the food. Dissection.—This, like the preceding muscle, may be exposed by two opposite methods. The external pterygoid {h, fig. 115) is very short, thick, and conoid, smaller than the preceding, and situated in the zygomatic fossa, extending horizontally from the outei surface of the external pterygoid plate to the neck of the condyle of the lower jaw. It arises from the whole outer surface of the external plate of the pterygoid process and from the facette of the palatine process, at which it terminates below, from the ridge separating the temporal and zygomatic fossae, and from a spinous process at the extrem- ity of this ridge, which appears to me worthy of notice. It is inserted into the fossa in front of the neck of the condyle of the lower jaw, and into the border of the interarticu- iar cartilage. Its origin consists of a strong tendon, prolonged into the substance of the muscle. From this the fleshy fibres proceed horizontally outward and backward. forming, at first, two distinct portions, between which the internal maxillary artery often passes : these two portions then converge, are blended together, and terminate by some small tendinous fibres, which form the truncated summit of the cone represented by the muscle, and are attached to the neck of the condyle and to the inter-articular cartilage. Relations.—This muscle is deeply situated, and is in relation on the outside with the ramus of the lower jaw, the temporal muscle, and the internal maxillary artery; on the* inside with the internal pterygoid, and above with the upper wall of the zygomatic fossa. Action.—The axis of the external pterygoid being directed outward and backward, and its origin being at the pterygoid process, it may be readily imagined that its con- traction will produce a horizontal motion in two directions, viz., forward and to the op- posite side from that on which the muscle is acting. When the two external pterygoids act together, the jaw is carried directly forward. From the insertion of this muscle into the inter-articular cartilage, the latter is never separated from the condyle during these several movements. It is principally this muscle which causes displacement of the con- dyle in cases of fracture of the neck of the bone, and it is also the chief agent in bruis ing the food. The Pterygoideus Externus vet Parvus. MUSCLES OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES The muscles of the upper extremities may be divided into those of the shoulder, ol the arm, of the forearm, and of the hand. • f-ff ■ MUSCLES SHOULDER. 'The Deltoideus.—Supra-spinatus. a-spinatus and Teres Minor.—Subscapularis. The muscles of the shoulder are the deltoid, the supra-spinatus, the infra-spinatus and teres minor (which I regard as only one muscle), and the subscapularis. The teres major, generally arranged among the muscles of this region, has already been described with the latissimus dorsi, of which it may be regarded as an accessory. The Deltoideus. Dissection.—Make a horizontal incision through the skin, round the summit of the shoulder, extending from the external third of the clavicle to the most distant point of the spine of the scapula : from the middle of this incision let another be made, descend H H MYOLOGY. mg vertically half way down the humerus ; dissect back the two flaps, taking care tc raise at the same time a very thin aponeurosis, which is closely applied to the fibres. The deltoid {I, figs. 106, 109), so named from its resemblance to the Greek delta, A, re- versed, is a thick, radiated, triangular muscle, bent in such a way as to embrace the scapulo-humeral articulation before, on the outer side and behind. It is the muscle of the top of the shoulder. Attachments.—lt arises from the entire length of the posterior border of the spine of the scapula, from the external border of the acromion, and from the external third, i. e., from the concave part of the anterior border of the clavicle : it is inserted into the del- toid impression on the humerus. The scapulo-clavicular origin of the deltoid corre- sponds exactly to the inferior attachment or the insertion of the trapezius, so that these two muscles, although separate and distinct in man, appear to form a single muscle di- vided by an intersection : a view that is perfectly confirmed by a reference to compara- tive anatomy. The origin consists of tendinous fibres ; of these the posterior are the longest, and are blended with the infra-spinous aponeurosis, which also gives Origin to some of the fibres of the deltoid. Three or four principal tendinous laminae, attached at regular intervals to the clavicle and the acromion, penetrate into the substance of the muscle, and give origin to a great number of fleshy fibres. The largest of these laminae extends from the summit of the acromion, and its situation is sometimes indicated by a prominence' of the skin, particularly during contraction of the muscle. From this very extensive origin the fleshy fibres proceed downward, the middle vertically, the anterior backward, and the posterior forward ; they form a thick, broad mass, moulded over the top of the shoulder, and, gradually converging, are at length inserted into the deltoid impression of the humerus by three evry distinct tendons, the two principal of which, the anterior and posterior, are attached to the bifurcations of that Y-shaped impression. Not unfrequently some fibres of the pectoralis major are connected with the front of this tendon. Relations.—lt is covered by the skin, the platysma intervening between them, by some supra-acromial nerves, and by a thin fascia extending from the infra-spinous apo- neurosis, the spine of the scapula and the clavicle, and becoming continuous with the fascia of the arm. It covers the shoulder-joint, from which it is separated by a tendi- nous layer continued from the infra-spinous and coraco-acromial ligaments, and which terminates on the sheaths of the coraco-brachialis and biceps muscles. Between this lamina and the greater tuberosity of the humerus there is a quantity of filamentous cel- lular tissue, and frequently a synovial bursa. The deltoid, therefore, is enclosed in a proper fibrous sheath, and glides over the articulation. It also covers the upper third of the humerus, the coracoid process, the tendons of the pectorales, coraco-brachialis, biceps, supra-spinatus, infra-spinatus and teres minor, teres major, and biceps muscles, also the circumflex vessels and nerves. The anterior border of the deltoid, directed ob- liquely downward and outward, is separated from the external margin of the pectoralis major by a cellular interval, but is frequently in contact with it. The cephalic vein and a small artery define the limits of the two muscles. The posterior border is thin above, where it is applied to the infra-spinatus muscle, and becomes thick and free below. The inferior angle of the deltoid is embraced by the brachialis anticus. Issues are generally established over this situation. Remark.—The structure of this muscle has been patiently investigated by some anat- omists, who have counted the exact number of its component fasciculi. These are sep- arated by fibro-cellular prolongations, like the fasciculi of the glutaeus maximus ; some- times, even, the muscle is divided into three distinct portions above, viz. a clavicular an acromial, and a spinal. Eighteen or twenty small penniform fasciculi,’the bases of which are generally turned upward, are collected into a small space by mutually over- lapping each other, and are united by their terminating tendons. Albinus admits ten of these bundles, which he has described separately. Action, -the deltoid elevates the shoulder (elevator, attollens humerum). From the threefold direction of its fibres, it has a different action, according to the particular set of fibres employed. The middle fibres raise the humerus directly, the anterior raise and carry it forward, the posterior raise and carry it backward. When the arm is raised, Bichat states that the anterior and posterior fibres can depress it; but Ido not think this possible. There has been no example recorded of luxation from the over-action of this muscle. When the arm is fixed, as in the act of climbing, the shoulder is moved upon the head of the humerus. The trapezius must be regarded as the most powerful antagonist of the deltoid, since the scapulo-clavicular attachments of both muscles are the same. Thus, we have seen that the diaphragm and the transversalis abdominis are separated only by their costal insertions. The most complete antagonism follows from such an arrangement, for then one fibre is, as it were, opposed to another, having ex- actly an opposite direction. The action of the deltoid is, however, less powerful than might have been supposed om its size; it is, in fact, parallel to the lever on which it acts. While almost all other muscles have a momentum, occurring at the period whe v their fibres are inserted at the THE SUPRA AND INI RA PWNATUS AND TERES MINOR. 2i3 most favourable angle, the deltoid, pioperly speaking, has none; it is parallel to the lever during the entire period of its action. This is the reason why the elevation of the arm is so feeble a movement, and why contraction of the deltoid is always accompanied by considerable fatigue. 1 J The Supra-spinatus. Dissection.—Take off the trapezius, and, in order to see the whole extent of the mus- cle, remove the clavicle, and saw through the base of the acromion. The supra-spinatus O', Jig- 106) is a thick, triangular muscle, broad on the inside, nar- row without, occupying the supra-spinous fossa, and retained therein by a strong apo- neurosis, which completes the osteo-fibrous sheath in which the muscle is enclosed. Attachments.—lt arises from the internal two thirds of the supra-spinous fossa, and is inserted into the highest of the three facettes on the greater tuberosity of the humerus Its origin from the supra-spinous fossa is partly tendinous and partly fleshy, and somj fibres arise from its aponeurotic investments. From these points the fleshy fibres con- verge to a tendon, which is found among them where the muscle reaches the upper part of the joint, and which is slightly reflected over the head of the humerus before reaching its insertion. This has not the shining appearance of other tendons, but has the dull aspect of many ligaments ; it is blended with the fibrous articular capsule, from which it cannot be separated near its insertion. It may even be regarded as forming the upper part of the capsular ligament. Relations.—lt is covered by the trapezius, the clavicle, the coraco-acromion ligament, and the deltoid; and it covers the supra-spinous fossa, the supra-scapular vessels and nerves,* and the upper part of the shoulder-joint. Its tendon is often blended with that of the infra-spinatus, and is separated from that of the sub-scapularis by the long head of the biceps, and the accessory ligament of the capsule. Action.—lt raises the humerus, and therefore assists the deltoid. Notwithstanding the number of its fibres, and its perpendicular insertion into its lever, it has very little power, on account of the proximity of that insertion to the fulcrum. Its principal action appears to me to have reference to the joint, affording a support to it above, and forming a sort of active arch, the resisting power of which is in proportion to the force tending io thiust the humerus upward against the osteo-fibrous arch, composed of the acromion and coracoid processes and their connecting ligament. There is no muscle, then, to which the name of articular can be more correctly applied. The use of the deep fibres in preventing the folding of the fibrous and synovial capsules, and their compression be- tween the two articular surfaces, though much insisted on by Winslow, appears to me very problematical. The Infraspinatus and Teres Minor. Dissection.—Detach the scapular origin of the deltoid, and saw through the base of the acromion. The infra-spinatus (s) and teres minor {t, fig. 106) constitute a single, thick, triangular muscle, broad on the inside and narrow externally, and occupying the infra-spinous fossa, m which it is retained by an aponeurosis, exactly resembling that of the supra-spinatus muscle. It arises from the internal two thirds of the infra-spinous fossa, from a very strong lascia interposed between it and the teres major and long head of the triceps, and by a ew fibres from the infra-spinous aponeurosis : it is inserted into the middle and inferior lacettes on the greater tuberosity of the humerus, below the insertion of the supra-spi- natus. It arises from the infra-spinous fossa, directly by fleshy fibres, and also by means of tendinous fibres attached along the ridges of that fossa. One of these laminae is con- stantly found attached to the ridge situated on the outer side of the infra-spinous groove : this has doubtless given rise to the division of the muscle into two parts, called the in- fra-spinatus and the teres minor. From these origins the fleshy fibres proceed, the su- perior horizontally, the next obliquely, and the inferior almost vertically outward : they form a thick, triangular, fleshy body, and become attached to the anterior surface and margins of a flat tendon, which glides upon the concave humeral border of the spine of the scapula, to be inserted into the humerus. Not unfrequently we find the lower fibres of the portion called the teres minor, arising from the posterior surface of the tendon of the triceps, becoming applied to the under part of the capsular ligament, and inserted into the humerus immediately below the great tuberosity. Relations.—These two united muscles are covered by the deltoid, the trapezius, the Jatissimus dorsi, and the skin; and they cover the infra-spinous fossa, from which they are separated by the supra-scapular nerves and vessels ; they also cover the capsular ligament of the joint, and a small portion of the long head of the triceps. Their lower or external border corresponds internally or inferiorly with the teres major, an aponeu- rotic septum intervening between them, and externally or superiorly with the long head of the triceps. * The supra-scapular nerve generally passes through the coracoid notch by itself, and the supra-scapular tery above the ligament. ' ‘ 244 MYOLOG-1 Action.—This muscle rotates the humerus tsatward and a little backward. When the arm is raised, it assists in keeping it in this position, and carries it backward. But an important use of this muscle is that of retaining the head of the humerus in its place, pre- venting its displacement backward, and protecting the posterior part of the articulation The Suh-scapularis. Dissection.—Detach the upper extremity, including the shoulder, from the trunk of the body; remove from the inner surface of the muscle the cellular tissue, the lymphatic glands, the brachial plexus, the axillary vessels, and the serratus magnus ; and dissect off, with care, the thin fascia which invests it. The sub-scapularis (o, jigs. 110, 116) is a thick triangular muscle, occupying the whole of the sub-scapular fossa, beneath the axillary border of which it passes : by itself it rep- resents the supra and infra spinatus and teres minor, upon the posterior scapular region. We not unfrequently meet with tendinous laminae dividing it into three parts, which cor- respond to those three muscles. Attachments.—It arises from the internal two thirds of the sub-scapular fossa, by ten- dinous laminae attached to the oblique ridges already described as existing on that part of the scapula; also from the anterior lip of the axillary border of the scapula by an apo- neurosis, which separates this muscle from the teres major and the long head of the tri- ceps. Very frequently the lowest fibres arise from the anterior surface of this head of the triceps, just as we have seen that the lower fibres of the teres minor take their ori- gin from the posterior surface of the same head of that muscle. From these different origins the fleshy fibres all proceed outward, the upper horizontally, and the lower ob- liquely, gradually approaching more and more to the vertical direction. The muscle, therefore, becomes progressively narrower and thicker, until its fibres are attached to the two surfaces and borders of a tendon which is inserted into the entire surface of the lesser tuberosity of the humerus. Some of the muscular fibres are inserted below the tuberosity; and I have seen the inferior fibres of the muscle attached for a certain extent to a fibrous prolongation that completes the bicipital groove behind. Relations.—The posterior surface of this muscle lines the sub-scapular fossa, which it entirely fills, and from which it is separated at the outer third by some cellular tissue and the sub-scapular vessels and nerves ; more externally, it covers the upper and anterior part of the capsular ligament of the shoulder-joint, turning around it, and becoming iden- tified with it at its insertion. Its anterior surface is in relation with the serratus magnus, the sub-scapular fascia, and some very loose cellular tissue intervening between them ; also with the axillary vessels and nerves, and with the coraco-brachialis and deltoid muscles. The upper border of its tendon glides in the hollow of the coracoid process, which serves as a pulley, and forms with the coraco-brachialis and the short head of the biceps a sort of ring, partly bony and partly muscular, in which the tendon is retained. Between this tendon and the coracoid process there is also a synovial bursa, which some- times extends over the tendons of the biceps and coraco-brachialis, and always commu- nicates with the synovial capsule of the shoulder-joint.* Action.—lt is essentially a rotator inward of the humerus. In proof of this, we find that the muscle is stretched when the arm is rotated outward, and relaxed when it is ro- tated inward. The movement of rotation is much more considerable than the length of the neck of the humerus would lead us to imagine, and this arises from the muscle turn- ing round the head of the bone. As a rotator muscle, then, it is congenerous with the latissimus dorsi. When the humerus is raised, the sub-scapularis tends to draw it down- ward. And farther, this muscle, as well as the supra-spinatus, infra-spinatus, and teres minor, is essentially an articular muscle, and is sometimes completely identified with the anterior part of the fibrous capsule ; in all cases it offers an active resistance to displace- ment forward, and is, therefore, always torn in this kind of dislocation. The Biceps.—Brachialis Anticus.—Coraco-brachialis.—Triceps Extensor Cubiti. The muscles of the arm have been divided into those of the anterior region, viz., the biceps, the coraco-brachialis, and the brachialis-anticus ; and those of the posterior region, which constitute the single muscle called the triceps. MUSCLES OF THE ARM. Anterior Brachial Region. The Biceps. Dissection.—Make a vertical incision through the skin from the middle of the clavicle to the middle of the bend of the elbow ; dissect back the flaps, and divide longitudinally the brachial fascia, which is united to the biceps by very loose cellular tissue ; preserve the vessels and nerves which lie along the inner border of the muscle. Expose the up- per part of the muscle by detaching the pectoralis major and deltoid from their clavicu- See note, p. which it exceeds in size, but resembles it in being divided below into four portions. Attachments.—lt arises from the upper three fourths of the internal and anterior surfaces of the ulna, from a well-marked cavity situated on the inner side of the coronoid process behind the rough eminence which gives attachment to the internal lateral ligament of the elbow, from the inner two thirds of the interosseous ligament, from that part of the fascia of the forearm which covers the inner surface of the ulna, and, lastly, by a few fibres, from within and below the bicipital tuber- osity of the radius. It is inserted into the front of the bases of the last phalanges of the fingers (z, figs. 119, 120). The fleshy fibres arise directly from these numerous origins, and proceed vertically downward, the internal fibres alone being directed somewhat obliquely forward and outward. The belly of the muscle thus formed continues to increase in size, and is then divided into four unequal portions, each constituting a semi-penniform muscle. These four small muscles are in juxtaposition, and terminate in as many flat tendons, which occupy the lower two thirds of the anterior surface of the entire muscle, and are remarkable for being divided into very reg- ular and closely-united parallel bands of a nearly white colour. The four tendons emerging from the fleshy fibres at various heights, but always above the anterior annular ligament of the carpus, pass under this ligament conjointly with the tendons of the flexor sublimis, the flexor pollicis longus, and the median nerve. In this situation they are placed behind the tendons of the flexor sublimis, which are ar- ranged in two layers, as we have already seen. The tendons of the flexor profundus are always in juxtaposition, and, moreover, are united together by means of dense cellular tissue and tendinous bands pass- ing from one to the other: the fasciculus for the index finger alone remains distinct; and, therefore, the flexion of this finger is almost as independent of that of the others as il s extension, for which latter movement it receives a special muscle. Immediately below the annular ligament the tendons separate from each other; the two anterior tendons of the flexor sublimis no longer cover the two posterior, but all four become situated in front of the corresponding tendons of the flexor profundus, and arrive together at the metacarpo-phalangal articulations : here they are received, at first, into a very strong fibrous sheath, resulting from the division of the palmar fascia, and afterward into an- other sheath (s,figs. 118, 119), which converts the groove in front of the phalanges into a canal. If we divide any of these digital sheaths, we find the tendon of the superficial flexor becoming flattened and hollowed underneath, as it were, into a groove, which is exactly moulded upon the tendon of the deep flexor. About the middle of the first pha- lanx the tendon of the sublimis (e, fig. 119) bifurcates, and gives passage to that of the profundus, which it embraces by turning round it like the thread of a screw, and be coming posterior instead of anterior, as it was before. The two halves of the tendon then reunite to form a groove Saving its concavity directed forward, and again separate THE LUMBRICALES AND THE FLEXOR LONGUS POLLICIS. 253 to be inserted into the rough edge of the groove on the second phalanx. The tendon of the flexor profundus {i' i', figs. 119, 120), on the contrary, passes directly through the sheath formed by that of the flexor sublimis, and is inserted into the third phalanx. The tendons of the flexor profundus, moreover, present in their whole course very slightly apparent traces of division. From the relation of the tendons of the two flexors to each other, the superficial muscle has been called the perforatus, and the deep one the perforans Relations.—These should be examined in the forearm, in the palm of the hand, and along the fingers. In the forearm the flexor profundus is covered by the flexor sublimis, from which it is separated by an incomplete tendinous septum, and by the median nerve. It covers the ulna, the interosseous ligament, and the pronator quadratus; it corresponds within to the flexor carpi ulnaris, and without to the flexor longus pollicis. The ulnar vessels and nerves are at first situated between this muscle and the flexor sublimis, and after- ward separate it from the flexor carpi ulnaris. In the palm its tendons are subjacent to those of the flexor sublimis, and cover the interosseous muscles and the adductor pollicis. The lumbricales muscles take their origin from them. Along the fingers its tendons are in relation behind with the grooves of the phalanges, and with the metacarpo-phalangal and phalangal articulations, and in front with the tendons of the sublimis and the fibrous sheaths of the fingers. Action of the two Flexors.—These muscles flex the third phalanx upon the second, the second on the first, this, again, upon the corresponding metacarpal bone, and, lastly, the hand upon the forearm. The flexor sublimis has no action upon the third phalanges. Its origin from the internal condyle of the humerus enables it to act upon the forearm, and to assist in flexing it upon the arm. It is scarcely necessary to say that the bifur- cation of the tendons of the flexor sublimis is intended to afford a sheath to, and bind down, those of the flexor profundus. The flexor profundus flexes the third phalanx upon the second, the second upon the first, the first upon the corresponding metacarpal bone, and, lastly, the hand upon the forearm. The lumbricales (x,figs. 119, 120) a-e small fleshy tongues, which may be regarded as accessories of the flexor profundus. They are four in number, distinguished as the first, second, &c., counting from without inward. They extend from the tendons of the flexor profundus to the first phalanges of three or four fingers. They arise from the tendons after these have passed through the annular ligament: the first and the second in front of the tendons for the index and middle fingers, the third in the interval between those for the middle and ring fingers, and the fourth in the interval between those for the ring and little fingers. From these origins they proceed, those near the median line verti- cally, and those at either side obliquely downward to the outer side of the metacarpo- phalangal articulations of the corresponding fingers, where they terminate by a broad tendinous expansion inserted into the edges of the extensor tendons, and completing the sheath which those tendons form on the back of the first phalanges. The tendon of the third lumbricalis appears to me to be almost always inserted, not into the outer side of the ring finger, but into the inner side of the middle finger: an arrangement that cannot well be accounted for. It is not uncommon to find this third lumbricalis bifurcated, and attached, not only to the inner side of the middle, but to the outer side of the ring finger. Relations.—They are placed between and upon the tendons of the flexor profundus, and have, therefore, the same relations as those tendons in the palm of the hand; they are also in relation with the sides of the metacarpo-phalangal articulations, and the ten- dons of the interosseous muscles. Action.—It is difficult to determine their actions precisely. Yesalius has described them as adductors, and Spigelius as flexors. I agree with Riolanus in regarding them as specially intended to keep the extensor tendons closely applied to the phalanges, and to serve instead of a proper sheath. They are of use also in binding together the ex- tensor and flexor tendons, and preventing the displacement of either. The Lumbricales. The Flexor Longus Pollicis. Dissection.—The same as that of the flexor profundus. The flexor longus pollicis (/, figs■ 120) is situated upon the same plane as the flex or profundus digitorum, of which it may be considered a division; it is thick, elongated, and penniform. Attachments.—lt arises from the upper three fourths of the radius, from the contiguous portion of the interosseous ligament, from the anterior border of the radius, and not un- frequently by a prolongation, tendinous at its extremities and fleshy in the middle, from the flexor sublimis digitorum. It is inserted into the upper end of the second phalanx of the thumb. The fleshy fibres arise directly from these origins, pass vertically down- ward, and are attached to the posterior surface of a flat tendon, which forms a continu- ation of the series of tendons of the flexor profundus on the outside, and, like them, is MYOLOGY. divided into bands. The fleshy fibres accompany the tendon as far as the anterior an- mnar ligament of the carpus ; it then passes beneath this ligament, is reflected over the inside of the trapezium, and proceeds obliquely outward along the first metacarpal bone. When it reaches the metacarpo-phalangal articulation of the thumb, it is received in an osteo-fibrous sheath, resembling in every respect that of the tendons of the other fingers, and, like them, is inserted in front of the upper extremity of the ungual phalanx of its corresponding finger (/, fig- 120). Relations.—lt is covered by the flexor sublimis, the flexor carpi radialis, the supinator longus, and the radial artery ; it covers the radius and the interosseous ligament, from which it is separated above by the interosseous vessels and nerves, and below by the pronator quadrates. Its tendon is the most external of those which pass under the an- terior annular ligament of the carpus, after leaving which it is received into a deep mus- cular groove formed by the muscles of the ball of the thumb, and is ultimately enclosed in its own osteo-fibrous sheath. Action.—It flexes the last phalanx of the thumb upon the first, this upon the first met- acarpal bone, and then the hand upon the forearm. In order to understand its action precisely, we must suppose the muscular force to be concentrated upon the upper end of the reflected portion ; it is then easy to see that it draws the phalanges inward, while flexing them. It is, therefore, an opponens muscle. The Pronator Quadratics. Dissection.—Cut across all the tendons occupying the lower part of the anterior region of the forearm, and this muscle will be exposed. • This small muscle (le petit pronateur, Bichat, m, figs. 119, 120) is situated at the low- er part of the anterior region of the forearm, and forms the deepest layer of this region. It is regularly quadrilateral, and thicker than at first sight it appears to be. Attachments.—lt arises from the lower fourth of the internal border of the ulna, which is directed so decidedly backward interiorly, that the muscle is rolled round the bone; also, from an aponeurotic layer much thicker below than above, directed obliquely up- ward and outward, and occupying the inner third of the muscle, upon which it terminates in a number of elegant intersections ; lastly, from all that portion of the anterior surface of the ulna upon which it lies. From these origins the fibres proceed horizontally out- ward (le pronateur transverse, Winslow), becoming longer as they are more superficial, to the lower fourth of the external border, anterior surface, and internal border of the radius. Relations.—It is covered by the flexor profundus digitorum, the flexor longus pollicis, the flexor carpi radialis, and the radial and ulnar arteries, and it partially covers the two bones of the forearm and the interosseous ligament. Action.—The pronator quadratus tends to approximate the two bones of the forearm ; but as it is rolled around the ulna, which is immovable, it causes the radius to turn upon that bone, and is therefore a pronator. Its action is much more energetic than would at first sight appear: this depends on the number of its fleshy fibres, which are arranged in several layers, the most superficial being the longest. The Muscles of the External Region of the Forearm. The muscles of this region are, the supinator longus, the extensores carpi radiales, longior and brevior, and the supinator brevis. The Supinator Longus. Dissection.—The brachial portion of this muscle is exposed in the dissection of the brachialis anticus and the triceps, and the portion situated in the forearm, by removing the fascia from the outer and anterior aspect of the muscles of this region. The supinator longus (f,figs. 118, 121), which is the most superficial muscle of the ex- ternal and anterior aspect of the forearm, belongs both to the arm and the forearm (bra- chio-radialis, Soemmering), and constitutes, in a great measure, the oblique ridge forming the external boundary of the bend of the elbow. It is a long, flat muscle, fleshy in its upper two thirds, and tendinous in its lower third. « Attachments.—It arises from the outer border of the humerus, and from the external inter-muscular septum of the arm; the extent of its humeral attachment varies fropr the lower fourth to the lower third of that bone, and is limited above by the groove for the musculo-spiral nerve. It is inserted into the base of the styloid process of the radius. The fleshy fibres proceed from their origins downward, forward, and a little inward, to form a fleshy belly, which is flattened from without inward, and is applied to the brachi- alis anticus. After reaching the lower end of the humerus, the fleshy belly becomes flattened from before backward, and passes vertically downward. At first it is thick, but, during its progress, it expands, and becomes thin, until its fibres terminate successively upon the anterior surface of an aponeurosis, which becomes entirely free from fleshy fibres above the middle of the forearm, and is gradually contracted into a flat tendon, that is inserted into the styloid process of the radius. Relations.—lt is covered bv the fasciie of the arm and forearm; in the arm it is en- THE EXTENSORE3 CARPI RADI ALES, LONaiOR ET BREVIOR. 255 closed in the same sheath with the brachialis anticus, from which it is separated by the radial or musculo-spiral nerve ; in the forearm it has a sheath proper to itself; it is in relation with the brachialis anticus, which is at first within, and afterward behind it; then with the extensor carpi radialis longior, the tendon of the biceps, the supinator bre- vis, the pronator teres, the flexor carpi radialis, the flexor digitorum sublimis, the flexor longus pollicis, the radial artery and veins, and the radial nerve. Its inner border limits the bend of the elbow on the outside : the radial artery emerges from beneath this bor- der, and then lies parallel to it. Its outer border is separated from the extensor carpi radialis longior by cellular tissue, and, inferiorly, is in contact with the dorsal branch of the radial nerve, which, at first, was situated beneath it. The most important of all these relations is that with the radial artery, of which the long supinator may be consid- ered the satellite muscle, and might be designated the muscle of the radial artery. Action.—lt might be asked, Why does the supinator longus form an exception to the general rule, in being inserted into the lower end of the lever which it is intended to move 1 for, while the forearm is in a state of supination, the axis of the muscle is verti- cal, and its action appears limited to that of flexing the forearm ; but if the limb be pro- nated, the direction of the muscle becomes oblique from without inward, and, therefore, supination is the result of its contraction. After this effect has been produced, if the muscle still continues to act, the forearm is flexed upon the arm. It is needless to state that the distance of its insertion from the fulcrum gives the muscle great power, not- withstanding its disadvantageous angle of incidence. The Extensor Carpi Radialis Longior. Dissection.—This muscle, as well as the succeeding one, will be exposed at the same time as the supinator longus, beneath which it is placed. The lower end of its tendon occupies the dorsum of the wrist, and should also be exposed. The extensor carpi radialis longior (le premier ou long radial externe ; radialis externus longior, Alhinus, n,figs. 119, 121) is situated on the external and posterior aspect of the forearm, below the supinator longus, of which it seems to be a continuation at its orioin from the humerus ; like that muscle, it is flattened from within outward in the arm, and from before backward in the forearm : it is fleshy in its upper third, and tendinous in its lower two thirds. Attachments.—lt arises from the rough triangular impression terminating the external border of the humerus, from the external inter-muscular septum, and from the anterior surface of the common tendon. It is inserted into the back of the upper end of the sec- ond metacarpal bone. The fleshy fibres arising directly from the parts mentioned con- stitute a bundle, at first flattened on the sides, and forming a continuation of the supina- tor longus, from which it is often difficult to separate it: it afterward becomes flattened from before backward. The fibres pass vertically downward, and are attached to the anterior surface of a tendon, a little beyond the upper third of the forearm. The tendon then becomes narrower and thicker, proceeds along the outer border of the radius, pass- es under the tendons of the abductor longus and extensor brevis pollicis, which cross it obliquely, and turns a little outward, and th%n backward, to arrive at a groove common to it and the extensor carpi radialis brevior; it is then crossed at an acute angle by the tendon of the extensor longus pollicis, and is finally inserted, by an expanded termina- tion, into the second metacarpal bone {n',fig. 121). Relations.—lt is covered by the supinator longus and the fascia of the forearm; on the outside of the forearm, it is covered and crossed obliquely by the abductor longus and ex- tensor brevis pollicis, and in the wrist by the tendon of the extensor longus pollicis. It covers the elbow-joint, the extensor carpi radialis brevior, and the back of the wrist-joint. The Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevior, The extensor carpi radialis brevior (le second ou court radial externe ; radialis externus brevior, Albinus, o,figs. 119, 121, 122) is thicker, but shorter, than the preceding, below which it is placed. It arises from the external condyle or epicondyle of the humerus, by a tendon common to it and the extensor muscles of the fingers ; also, from a very strong aponeurosis, situated upon its posterior surface; and from another tendinous septum, which divides it from the extensor communis digitorum. It is inserted into the back part of the upper end of the third metacarpal bone. The fleshy fibres, thus arising from the external condyle by means of an aponeurotic pyramid, are attached to the posterior sur- face of a tendon, which becomes gradually narrower and thicker as it receives them. The fibres themselves terminate about the middle of the forearm, and then the flat ten- don passes backward into the same groove on the radius as that of the last-named mus- cle, the two tendons being retained in it by the same fibrous sheath, and lubricated by me same synovial membranes, but separated from each other by a small vertical ridge of bone. After leaving the common sheath, the tendon of the short separates from that of the long radial extensor, passes still more posteriorly, and is inserted into the third metacarpal bone (o', figs. 121, 122). Relations.—It is covered by the preceding muscle, and, like it, is crossed obliquely on 256 MYOLOGY. the outside by the long abductor, the short, and then the long extensor muscles of the thumb : it covers the external surface of the radius, from which it is separated by the supinator brevis above, and the pronator teres in the middle. Its tendon covers and protects the back of the wrist. In consequence of the different length of their fleshy fibres, the supinator longus and the two radial extensors of the carpus are arranged one above' the other, the highest being the supinator longus, and the lowest the extensor carpi radialis brevior. ... Action of the two Radial Extensors.—These two muscles, which, from their insertions might be called the posterior radials, extend the second row of the carpus upon the firs and this upon the forearm; they are also abductors of the hand, for they incline it to- wards the radial side of the forearm. The extensor carpi radialis longior being attach- ed to the humerus, can assist in flexing the forearm. The Supinator Brevis. Dissection.—Pronate the forearm forcibly. In order to expose this muscle completely, divide the two radial extensors of the carpus, and even some of the muscles of the su- perficial layer, on the back of the forearm. The supinator brevis {p, figs. 119,120,, 122) is a broad muscle curved into the form of a hollow cylinder, and rolled round the upper third of the radius : it forms by itself the deep layer of the external region of the forearm. Attachments.-—lt arises from the external lateral ligament of the elbow, with which it is blended, and by this means from the external condyle ; from the annular ligament of the radius ; from the external border of the ulna, which is provided with a projecting ridge for this purpose ; from a deep triangular excavation, in front of this ridge, and below the lesser sigmoid cavity of the ulna; and, lastly, from the deep surface of an expansion of its tendon of origin and the external lateral ligament, which covers the greater part of the mu’scle. From these different origins (Jig. 122) the fleshy fibres pass round the ra- dius, into the posterior, external, and anterior surfaces of which bone they are inserted, embracing in front the bicipital tubercle and the tendon of the biceps {figs. 119, 120). I have seen a fleshy prolongation of this muscle, covering the anterior half of the annular ligament of the radius, of which it might be regarded an extensor. Relations.—The supinator brevis is covered by the radial extensors, the supinator lon- gus, the pronator teres, the extensor communis digitorum, the extensor digiti minimi, the extensor carpi ulnaris, the anconeus, and the radial artery and vein: it covers the upper third of the radius, and also its annular ligament, the plbow-joint, and the inter- osseous ligament. It is perforated by the deep branch of the radial nerve, which is dis- tributed to all the muscles on the back of the forearm. Action.—No muscle in the body is so completely rolled around the lever that it is in- tended to move, for it forms five sixths of a cylinder; it is, therefore, the chief agent in supination, and the supinator longus can only be regarded as an accessory. The muscles of the posterior region of the forearm constitute two very distinct layers : one superficial, comprising the extensor communis digitorum, the extensor digiti minimi, and the extensor carpi ulnaris ; the other deep, comprising the abductor polhcis longus, the extensor brevis and extensor longus polhcis, and the extensor indicis Muscles of the Posterior Region of the Forearm. Muscles of the Superficial Layer. One mode of dissection is common to all these muscles. Make a circular incision through the skin at the lower part of the arm ; pronate the arm, and make a perpendic- ular incision from the external condyle of the humerus to the third metacarpal bone, entirely dividing the sub-cutaneous cellular tissue down to the fascia; remove this fascia by careful dissection, except where it is very adherent. Trace the tendons of the ex- tensor muscles along the back of the fingers. The Extensor Communis Digitorum. The extensor communis digitorum {b,fig. 121), situated at the back of the forearm, sim- ple above and divided into four portions below, arises from the external condyle of the humerus, and is inserted into the second and third phalanges of the four fingers. Its ori- gin consists of a tendon common to it, and to the extensor carpi radialis brevior, exten- sor digiti minimi, and extensor carpi ulnaris. This tendon consists of a four-sided pyra- mid, and is formed by the fascia of the forearm, by a lamina separating this muscle from the extensor carpi radialis longior, by another lamina separating it from the extensor digiti minimi and the extensor carpi ulnaris, and, lastly, by another situated between it and the supinator brevis. The fleshy fibres arising from the interior of this pyramid form at first a thin, but afterward a much larger muscle, which becomes flattened from before backward, and soon divides into four fasciculi. The two middle fasciculi, intended for the middle and the ring fingers, are stronger than those destined for the index and little fingers, i. e., the two extreme fasciculi, which, lower down, become placed in front of THE EXTENSOR DIGITI MINIMI. 257 the middle fasciculi. In this manner they all pass under the dor- sal ligament (r,fig. 121) of the carpus in a proper sheath. After leaving this sheath, in which they are provided with a synovial capsule,* extending both above and below the dorsal ligament, the four tendons become situated on the same plane, and diverge from each other; the two middle tendons proceed along the backs of the corresponding metacarpal bones; the external and internal ten- dons (b' h\ fig. 121) correspond to the interosseous spaces, which they cross obliquely, in order to assume a position behind the heads of the metacarpal bones, to which they belong. Having reached the metacarpo-phalangal articulations, the tendons become nar- rower and thickened, and give off on each side a fibrous expansion, attached to the sides of the joint; they then enlarge again so as to cover the dorsal surface of the first phalanges, receive and are re- enforced by the tendons of the lumbricales, and opposite the ar- ticulation of the first with the second phalanx, they divide into three portions, one median, which is implanted upon the upper end of the second phalanx, and two lateral, which pass along the sides of the second phalanx, approach each other at the lower half of the dorsal surface of the second phalanx, unite by their neighbouring edges, and are inserted into the upper end of the third phalanx. Opposite the metacarpal bones they sometimes split into two or three small juxtaposed tendons, and at the lower end of these bones the tendons for the little, ring, and middle lingers commu- nicate with each other by expansions of variable size, and some- times by a true bifurcation {see fig. 121). The tendon for the in- dex finger is alone free. The communication of the tendon of the little with that of the ring finger takes place opposite the metacar- po-phalangal articulation, by means of a transverse band, which forms a projection under the skin. Lastly, we not uncommonly Fig. 121. see a tendinous prolongation arising from the anterior surface of these tendons, and in- serted into the upper end of the first phalanx. Relations.—The extensor communis digitorum is covered by the fascia of the forearm, from which a great number of its fibres arise superiorly, by the dorsal ligament of the carpus and the dorsal fascia of the metacarpus, which separate it from the skin : it cov- ers the supinator brevis, the three long muscles of the thumb, the extensor proprius in- dicis, the lower radio-cubital articulation, the carpus, the metacarpus, and the fingers. Action.—This muscle extends the third phalanx upon the second, the second upon the first, the first upon the corresponding metcarpal bone, then the carpus, and, lastly, the radio-cubital articulation. It is necessary for me to mention the independence of the muscular fasciculi proceeding to each finger: this is peculiar to man, and is much more remarkable in some individuals than in others. By continual exercise, the faculty of extending one finger without the others may be acquired. The tendon for the index is generally the only one not united to the others, and therefore the movements of this finger are by far the most independent. The Extensor Digiti Minimi. This is a very slender muscle (extensor proprius auricularis, Albinas, c, fig. 121) placed on the inner side of the common extensor, to which it appears to be an appendix. It is difficult to trace its origin as far as the common tendon, with which it is connected only by an aponeurotic prolongation. Its fleshy fibres arise from this prolongation, and from a fibrous pyramid which separates it from the muscles of the deep layer, from the exten- sor communis digitorum externally, and internally from the extensor carpi ulnaris, and is coihpleted superficially by the fascia of the forearm. The fibres constitute a small, fusiform, fleshy belly, which accompanies the tendon (at least on one side) as far as the head of the ulna; there the tendon enters a special fibrous sheath formed behind the head of that bone ; it is then reflected inward to the fifth metacarpal bone, behind which it is retained in a thinner sheath, which, like the preceding, is lined by a synovial mem- brane. f The tendon then splits into two bands, of which the external (or radial) re- ceives the inner bifurcation of the extensor communis. The three tendinous prolonga- tions becoming united, envelop, as in a sheath, the dorsal aspect of the first phalanx of this finger; having reached the articulation of the first with the second phalanx, they divide into three portions, which are attached precisely in the same manner as the ten- dons of the extensor communis. Action.—As its name indicates, this muscle extends the little finger. It might at first sight be imagined that this finger might be moved independently, since it receives a sep- arate muscle ; but the connexion of its tendon with that of; the extensor communis ren- * See note p. 296. t See note, p. 296. K K 258 MYOLOGY. ders any such independent action as difficult as in the other lingers, and much more so ‘ban in the index finger. The Extensor Carpi Ulnaris. The extensor carpi ulnaris (e, Jig. 121), the most superficial and the most internal* of the muscles on the back of the forearm, arises from the external tuberosity of the humerus • from the posterior surface of the ulna, which is a little excavated for this purpose ; from the middle third of the posterior border of that bone ; and from the anterior surface of an aponeurosis covering the muscle behind. It is inserted behind the upper end of the fifth metacarpal bone. Its origin is effected by means of a fibrous pyramid., t'ne apex of which is attached to the outer tuberosity of the humerus. From the interior of this pyr- amid, and from the other origins above mentioned, the fleshy fibres proceed to a tendon, which, by a very uncommon arrangement, extends through the substance of the even from its superior attachment, without commencing in the form of an aponeurosis’ At the lower third of the forearm, this tendon appears on the posterior border of the then semi-penniform muscle, and continues to receive fleshy fibres on its anterior edge until it enters the groove intended for it on the ulna. This oblique groove is continued as far Fig. 122. as the insertion of the tendon into the metacarpal bone, by means of a long, fibrous sheath, and is lined throughout by a synovial membrane. Relations.—The extensor carpi ulnaris is covered by the fascia of the forearm; it covers the ulna, the supinator brevis, and the mus- cles of the deep layer. Action.—lt extends the second row of the carpus upon the first, and this upon the forearm. It is, at the same time, an adductor of the hand, which it inclines towards the ulnar border of the forearm. The Anconeus. The anconeus (brevis anconeus, Eustachius; le petit ancone, Wins- low, g, figs. 121, 122) is a short, triangular muscle, so named from its situation (u/kuv, the prominence of the elbow). It appears to be a continuation of the external portion of the triceps, from which it is only separated by a very slight cellular interval. Attachments.—lt arises from the back part of the outer tuberosity of the humerus, and is inserted into the outer side of the olecranon, and a triangular surface bounded internally by the posterior border of the ulna. Its origin from the condyle consists of a tendon quite dis- tinct fiom that common to the muscles on the back part of the fore- arm. This tendon splits into two diverging bands. The fleshy fibres arising from these proceed inward, the upper horizontally, the lower obliquely downward, and are inserted directly into the outer side of the olecranon, so as to be continuous with the triceps, and into the surface of the ulna. Relations.—lt is covered by a prolongation from the fascia of the triceps, and it covers the radio-humeral articulation, the annular lig- ament of the radius, the ulna, and a small portion of the supinator brevis. Action.—lt extends the forearm upon the arm, and vice versa; from its oblique direc- tion, it can also rotate it inward. Muscles of the Deep Layer, Dissection.—This is the same for all the muscles of the deep layer of the forearm, and consists in removing the muscles of the superficial layer, especially the extensor com- munis digitorum and the extensor digit! minimi. The Abductor Longus Pollicis. The abductor longus pollicis (extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis, i,figs. 121, 122) is the broadest, thickest, and most external muscle of the deep layer (le grand abducteur, Bichat). Attachments.—lt arises from the ulna below the origin of the supinator brevis, from the interosseous ligament, from the radius, and from a tendinous septum between it and the extensor longus pollicis. It is inserted into the upper end of the first metacarpal bone. From the above-mentioned origins the fleshy fibres proceed obliquely downward and outward, constitute a flattened fusiform belly, and are successively attached to the posterior surface of an aponeurosis, which becomes condensed into a flat tendon; this tendon turns round the radius, crossing over the radial extensors of the carpus, and, at the same time, ceasing to receive any fleshy fibres ; it is then received into the outer groove on the lower end of the radius, conjointly with the tendon of the extensor brevis * It is needless to remark that this internal situation presupposes the supination of the forearm. In prona- tion, this muscle may be correctly termed ulnaris externus, and le cubital extenje, according to Albinus and Winslow. THE EXTENSOR BREVIS POLUCIS, ETC. pollicis, a small fibrous septum intervening between them, and, finally, is inserted into the first metacarpal bone. This tendon is almost always divided longitudinally into two equal parts, and not unfrequently the division extends up to the fleshy portion. Of these two divisions, one is inserted into the first metacarpal bone, the other furnishes attach- ments to the abductor brevis pollicis. Relations.—lt is covered by the extensor communis digitorum and extensor digiti min- imi : it lies immediately under the fascia, from the outer side of the radius to its termi- nation. It covers the interosseous ligament, the radius, the tendons of the radial exten- sors of the carpus, and the outer side of the wrist-joint, where it may be easily distin- guished under the skin. Action.—It extends and abducts the first metacarpal bone: for a long time it was called the extensor of the thumb; but its chief use is, as Albinus first remarked, in ab- duction. Winslow observes that, from its obliquity, it can act as a supinator; lastly, it assists in extending the hand. The Extensor Brevis Pollicis. This muscle (extensor primi internodii pollicis, I, figs. 121, 122) is situated internally to the preceding, which it exactly resembles- in figure and direction, and with which it was for a long time confounded (partie du premier extenseur du pouce, Winslow). It is, however, shorter and more slender (petit extenseur du pouce, Bichat). It arises from the radius, occasionally from the ulna, and from the interosseous liga- ment ; and is inserted into the upper end of the first phalanx of the thumb. Its origin consists of short, tendinous fibres, the fleshy fibres proceeding from which constitute a slender fasciculus, having a similar arrangement to that of the preceding muscle; its tendon is received into the same fibrous sheath, but is divided from the other by a small septum, and passes on, to be inserted into the first phalanx. Relations.—The same as those of the abductor longus. Action.—lt extends the first phalanx upon the first metacarpal bone, and then becomes an abductor and extensor of the metacarpal bone of the thumb. The Extensor Longus Pollicis. This muscle (extensor secundi internodii pollicis, m,figs. 121,122) is much larger than the extensor brevis, within and parallel to which it is situated. It arises from a consid- erable extent of the ulna, from the interosseous ligament, and from the tendinous septa, dividing it from the extensor carpi ulnaris, and the extensor proprius indicis ; it is insert- ed into the upper end of the second phalanx of the thumb. The fleshy fibres form a flat fusiform bundle, directed obliquely like the preceding muscle ; they terminate in succes- sion around a tendon, which emerges from them at the carpal extremity of the ulna, en- ters a special osteo-fibrous sheath, and crosses obliquely over the tendons of the two ra- dial extensors, being separated from the tendons of the abductor longus and extensor brevis pollicis by an interval which may be readily distinguished through the integu- ments, and gives rise to the hollow on the outer side of the wrist, commonly called the salt-cellar. The tendon next crosses obliquely over the first interosseous space, gains the inner edge of the first metacarpal bone, and then that of the first phalanx, upon which it is expanded, and proceeds to be inserted into the second or ungual phalanx of the thumb. Relations.—lts general relations are the same as those of the preceding muscle. Action.—Its uses are also the same; but it acts in a special manner upon the second phalanx of the thumb, which it extends upon the first before exerting any influence upon this last-mentioned bone. It has less power in abduction than the preceding muscles. The Extensor Proprius Indicis. This is an elongated fusiform muscle (indicator, Albinas, r, fig. 122) like the preceding, below and parallel to which it is situated. It arises from the ulna, the interosseous liga ment, and a septum intervening between it and the extensor longus pollicis : it is insert- ed into the last two phalanges of the index finger. The fleshy fibres proceed obliquely from their origins and terminate around a tendon, which they accompany as far as the sheath of the extensor communis digitorum: into this sheath the tendon enters, and, having escaped from it, crosses obliquely over the carpus and the second interosseous space, becomes situated on the inside of the tendon given off to the index finger by the extensor communis, unites intimately with that tendon opposite the lower end of the metacarpus, and terminates with it in the manner already indicated. Its relations are the same as those of the preceding muscles. Action.—lt enables the index finger to be extended independently of the others, and hence, without doubt, arises the particular use of that finger. I should add, that the union of its tendon with the one furnished by the common extensor is so intimate, that its in- dependence of action would have been much less, had not the fleshy fasciculus of the common extensor destined for it been itself almost isolated. 260 MYOLOGY, The Abductor Brevis Pollicis.—Opponens Pollicis.— Flexor Brevis Pollicis.—Adductor Pah lids.—Palmaris Brevis.—Abductor Digiti Minimi.—Flexor Brevis Digiti Minimi.—Op ponens Digiti Minimi.—The Interosseous Muscles, Dorsal and Palmar. MUSCLES OF THE HAND. The muscles of the hand occupy the entire palmar region. They are divided into those situated on the outer side, viz., the muscles of the thenar eminence, or hall of the thumb; those on the inner side, viz., the muscles of the hypothenar eminence, or of the little finger ; and those which occupy the interosseous spaces. All the muscles of the thenar eminence belong to the thumb; they are, in the order of their superposition, the abductor brevis, the opponens, the flexor brevis, and the ad- ductor pollicis. Those of the hypothenar eminence all belong to the little finger, and are the abductor, the flexor brevis, and the opponens. The palmaris brevis may be in- cluded in this region. The interosseous muscles are seven in number—four dorsal and three palmar. The lumbricales, which belong to this region, have been already described with the tendons of the flexors of the fingers. Muscles of the Thenar Eminence, ok Muscles belonging to the Thumb, I divide these into three muscles inserted into the outer side of the first phalanx of the thumb, or into the first metacarpal bone, and a single muscle inserted into the inner side. The former are the abductor brevis, the opponens, and the flexor brevis; the lat- ter consists of the adductor, in which I include a part of the flexor brevis of authors generally. Muscles inserted into the Outer Side of the First Phalanx of the Thumb, or into the First Metacarpal Bone. Dissection.—Make an oblique incision from the middle of the annular ligament of the carpus to the outer side of the first phalanx of the thumb, and a circular incision round the wrist; detach the flaps, raise the external and middle palmar fasciae, and then cau- tiously separate the muscles of this region, which are recognised by the following char- acters. The Abductor Brevis Pollicis. This is the most superficial of the muscles constituting the ball of the thumb {q, fig. 119). It arises by tendinous and fleshy fibres from the os scaphoides, from the upper, anterior, and external part of the anterior annular ligament of the carpus, and almost always from an expansion of the tendon of the abductor longus pollicis. It is a small, thin, flat muscle, passing outward and downward, and inserted by a flat tendon into the outer side of the first phalanx of the thumb. A very narrow cellular line separates it on the inside from the flexor brevis, which is situated on the same plane. It is covered by the external palmar fascia, and it covers the opponens muscle, from which it is distin- guished by the direction of its fibres, and by a thin intervening aponeurosis. Action.—It draws the thumb forward and inward, and therefore might be termed the superficial opponens. From its attachments, it might be called scaphoido-phalangal. The Opponens Pollicis. The opponens pollicis (r, figs. 119,120), a small triangular muscle, arises from the trape- zium, and the anterior and external part of the anterior annular ligament of the carpus, in front of the sheath of the flexor carpi radialis. From these origins, which are partly fleshy and partly tendinous, the fleshy fibres radiate downward and outward, the highest being the shortest and the most horizontal. They are inserted into the entire length of the outer border of the first metacarpal bone. This muscle is covered by the abductor brevis, which projects a little beyond it on the outside, and from which it is separated by a more or less distinct aponeurosis. It cov- ers the first metacarpal bone, and its articulation with the trapezium. Action.—It draws the first metacarpal bone inward and forward, thus opposing it to the others, as its name indicates. From its attachments, it may be called trapezio-metacarpal. It is difficult to point out the limits of this muscle, or, rather, they.have hitherto been quite arbitrary. Its inferior attachment has been usually divided between the external and the internal sesamoid bones (Boyer, Traite d’Anatomic, 'tom. ii.,p. 307; Bichat, Ana- tomic Descriptive, tom. ii., p. 272); but we shall consider that portion only which is at- tached to the external sesamoid bone as belonging to this muscle, referring the entire fleshy mass that is inserted into the internal sesamoid bone to the adductor pollicis.* The Flexor Brevis Pollicis. * The arrangement I have adopted is founded upon the inferior attachments of the muscles, for at fhei, origins they are so blended that their division is more or less arbitrary. I divide the muscular fasciculi con- nected wit*, the thumb, therefore, into two sets, viz., those proceeding from the carpus to the first metacarpal THE ADDUCTOR POLLICIS, ETC. 261 This division is, moreover, established by the tendon {I, fig. 120) of the flexor lonvns pollicis. Proceeding then from below upward, in the dissection of the flexor brevis'' t figs. 119, 120), we shall see that it is triangular, much larger than the preceding two muscles, bifid above, and channelled in front. It arises by tendinous and fleshy fibres from a process on the trapezium, from the lower edge of the annular ligament, from all the reflected portion of that ligament forming the sheath of the flexor carpi rad’ialis. and extending as far as the os magnum, and from the os magnum itself by a portion which is usually distinct. From these different origins the fleshy fibres proceed downward and outward, the internal being the most oblique ; and, converging so as to form a thick fas- ciculus, are inserted, through the medium of the external sesamoid bone, into the first phalanx. Relations. It is covered by the external palmar fascia, which is prolonged in front of it; it covers the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis, and more internally those of the common flexor. It also covers a small portion of the outer border of the adductor pollicis, and the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis. Its outer border, or, rather, side, is in relation with the short abductor, from which it is easily separated, and with the opponens some- times being continuous with it. Its inner border is distinct from the adductor below, but is confounded with it at its origin. Its tendon of insertion into the phalanx is cov- ered by that of the short abductor, which lies externally to it. From its attachments, it might be called trapezio-pkalangal, and, from its uses and position, the opponens internus. Action. It is evidently not a flexor pollicis, but, like the preceding muscles, it draws the thumb forward and inward, and it acts more decidedly in producing the latter effect because it is inserted in a more favourable manner than the other muscles. This there- fore, is also an opponens muscle. Muscle inserted into the Inner Side of the First Phalanx of the Thumb. The Adductor Pollicis. This is the largest of all the muscles of the thumb (u, figs. 119, 120); it is verv ir- regularly triangular, and arises from the entire extent of the anterior border of the third metacarpal bone, from the anterior surface of the os magnum, from the anterior and up- per part of the trapezoides, from the anterior part of the trapezium by a tendinous and fleshy fasciculus, and from the palmar interosseous fascia, near the third metacarpal bone. From these different origins the fleshy fibres proceed, the lower horizontally the rest more and more obliquely outward; they all converge to form a thick fleshy bundle, which is inserted through the medium of the internal sesamoid bone into the first pha- lanx of the thumb. Relations.—lts inner two thirds are deeply situated, and covered by the tendons of the flexor profundus digitorum, by the lumbricales, and by an aponeurosis, which, becoming continuous with the deep interosseous fascia, constitutes the sheath of the muscle. It is sub-cutaneous near its lower border. It covers the first two interosseous spaces, from which it is separated by a very strong aponeurosis. It is again sub-cutaneous behind, also along its lower border, which may be easily felt under the fold of skin, extending from the thumb to the index finger. Action.—lt is an adductor; it draws the thumb towards the median line or axis of the hand, represented by the third metacarpal bone. Muscles of the Hypothenar Eminence, or Muscles belonging to the Little Finger. These muscles correspond exactly to those of the thumb : the reason that three only are described is, that the one winch represents the adductor of the thumb is situated in the fourth interosseous space and is, therefore, classed with the interosseous muscles, to be hereafter described All the muscles of the hypothenar eminence are inserted into the inner side of the first phalanx of the little finger, or into the third metacarpal bone We find also a cutaneous muscle in this region, viz., the palmaris hrevis. dhe Palmaris Brevis. This is a very thin square muscle (caro quaedam quadrata, b, fig. 118), situated in the adipose tissue covering the hypothenar eminence. It arises from the anterior annular ligament of the carpus, and the inner edge of the middle palmar fascia, by very distinct tendinous fasciculi, succeeded by equally distinct fleshy bundles, which pass horizontally inward, and terminate in the skin. Relations.—It is covered by the skin, to which it adheres intimately, especially by its inner extremity (le palmaire cutane, Winslow)-, it covers the muscles of the hypothenar bone and to the outer side of the first phalanx of the thumb, and those extending from the carpus to the inner side of the same phalanx. The first set, which might be regarded as a single muscle, comprises the abductor brevis, the opponens, and the flexor brevis; the other constitutes the abductor pollicis, which I regard as the first palmar interosseous muscle. The action of the first set is common, viz., to carry the thumb forward and inward ; they are, therefore, all muscles of opposition (perhaps no muscles are so badly named as those of the thenar eminence) ; the muscle formed by the second set is really an adductor, as its name implies and so are all fhe palmar interossei, among .vhicli it sl.tuld be included. " ’ 262 MYOLOGY. eminence and the ulnar artery and nerve, from all of which it is separated by the inter- nal palmar fascia. Action.—lt corrugates the skin over the hypothenar eminence. The Abductor Digiti Minimi. It arises from the pisiform bone, and from an expansion of the flexor carpi uinans, by tendinous fibres ; these are succeeded by a fusiform fleshy belly (v, jig. 119), which passes vertically along the internal (or ulnar) surface of the fifth metacarpal bone, and is inserted by a flat tendon into the inner side of the first phalanx of the little finger. Relations.—It is covered by the external palmar fascia, and covers the opponens digiti minimi. Action.—As it name denotes, it abducts the little linger from the axis of the hand. The Flexor Brevis Digiti Minimi. This muscle {w, fig. 119) is situated on the outer or radial border of the preceding, from which it is distinguished by arising from the unciform bone. The two muscles are separated by the ulnar vessels and nerves, which pass between them, in order to penetrate into the deep palmar region. In other respects, as in direction, insertions, and relations, the muscles resemble each other; they have accordingly been described by Chaussier as a single muscle, under the name of le carpo-phalangien clu petit doigt. This muscle is often wanting, but the fleshy fibres which usually constitute it are then always found in some measure blended with the other muscles. Action.—It produces slight flexion of the little finger. The Opponens Digiti Minimi. This muscle (y,fig■ 119) is generally distinct from the preceding, and is the represent- ative of the opponens pollicis. It arises from the hooklike process of the unciform bone, and from the contiguous part of the annular ligament: from these points the fibres pro- ceed downward and inward {i. e., towards the ulnar border of the hand), the highest be- ing the shortest and the most horizontal: they are inserted into the whole length of the inner or idnar margin of the fifth metacarpal bone. Relations.—lt is covered by the preceding muscles and by the internal palmar fascia ; it covers the fifth metacarpal bone, the corresponding interosseous muscle, and the ten- don of the superficial flexor proceeding to the little finger. Action.-—It opposes the little finger to the thumb by drawing it forward and outward. The Interosseous Muscles. Dissection.—Remove the tendons of the extensor muscles behind, and those of the flexor muscles in front, together with the lumbricales, preserving, at the same time, the digital insertions of these small muscles. Dissect and study the deep palmar fascia, a fibrous layer covering the interosseous muscles in the palm of the hand, which sends prolonga- tions between the two kinds of these muscles, and is inserted into the anterior borders of the metacarpal bones, enclosing each interosseous muscle in a proper sheath. After having studied the palmar and dorsal fascia, separate the bones of the metacarpus by tearing their connecting ligaments, and the interossei will then be completely exposed. The interossei, so named from their position, and distinguished from each other by the numerical appellations first, second, third, &c., are divided into palmar {p p p, fig. 123) and dorsal (d d d d), according as they are situated nearer to the palm or to the back of the hand. They are also distinguished into adductors and abductors of the fingers. There are two in each interosseous space, one occupying its dorsal, the other its pal- mar aspect; and, as there are four interosseous spaces, it would seem that there should be eight interosseous muscles ; nevertheless, seven only are admitted by modern anat- omists, in consequence of the first palmar interosseous muscle, which belongs to the thumb, being separately described as the adductor pollicis. This separation is founded upon the peculiar arrangement presented by that muscle, which is not attached from the first to the second, but extends from the first to the third metacarpal bone; an important fact, that explains the great extent to which the thumb can be adducted. A minute description of the interosseous muscles would be both useless and tedious. I shall content myself with pointing out their general conformation, and the law which regulates their arrangement. In taking a general view of the interosseous muscles, they must be considered with regard to the adduction or abduction of the fingers; but these terms must not be under- stood in reference to the axis of the skeleton, but to the axis of the hand, which is rep- resented by a line passing through the third metacarpal bone and the middle finger. This being admitted, all the dorsal interossei will be found to be abductors, and all the palmar interossei adductors. Thus, the first dorsal interosseous muscle proceeds from the first and second meta- carpal bones to the outer or radial side of the first phalanx of the index finger : it is there- fore an abductor of that finger. The second extends from, the secofid and third meta- THE DORSAL INTEROSSEI. 263 carpal bones to the outer or radial side of the first phalanx of the middle finger, and is an abductor of that finger. The third extends from the third and fourth metacarpal bones to the inner or ulnar side of the phalanx of the middle fingers, and is also an abductor of the same, because it separates it from the supposed axis of the hand. The fourth extends from the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones to the inner or ulnar side of the first phalanx of the fourth finger, and it again - A is an abductor of that finger from the axis of the hand, although, as well as M@!J| « the preceding muscle, it is an adductor as regards the axis of the body. In order to render this view more intelligible, I have been accustomed to rep- \ / |/|\jj 1 resent the five fingers by five lines (see diagram d), to prolong the middle \j |/11| y line for the axis of the hand, and then to draw other lines (the four fine lines) ® »i I representing the axes of the muscles; the demonstration is thus rendered d complete. In the same manner, all the'palmar interossei are adductors as regards the axis of the hand. Thus the first, which is represented by the adductor pollicis, and extends from the third metacarpal bone to the inner or ulnar side of the first phalanx of the thumb, is an adductor as regards the axis of the hand as well as that of the body ; the second, ex- tending from the second metacarpal bone to the inner or ulnar side of the first phalanx of the index finger, is an adductor both as regards the axis of the hand and that of the body; the third, extending from the fourth metacarpal bone to the outer or radial side of the first phalanx of the ring finger, is an adductor as regards the axis of the hand; and, lastly, the fourth, extending from the fifth metacarpal bone to the outer or radial side of the first phalanx of the little finger, is an adductor : as regards the axis of the hand, but an abductor in reference to the axis of 11 the body. A similarly-constructed figure, as that employed for the dorsal |\ 11 interossei, will always keep this arrangement in the memory (see diagram IAI/ p; the four fine lines represent the axes of the palmar muscles). The gen- 1 Pi eral disposition of the interossei may be summed up in the following very a | | simple law; All the dorsal interossei have their fixed attachments farther ,p from the axis of the hand than their movable one ; all the palmar interossei “ have their fixed attachments nearer to the axis of the hand than their movable one, We may now consider the general arrangement of these little muscles. The Dorsal Interossei. These are short, prismatic, and triangular muscles (dto d, fig. 123), extending from the two metacarpal bones, between which they are placed, to Fig. 123. the first phalanx and the extensor tendon of one of the corre- sponding fingers. They arise by a double origin, between which the perforating arteries pass. But while one of these origins is limited to the back part of the lateral surface of one of the metacarpal bones, the other occupies the whole length of the corresponding lateral surface of the other metacarpal bone. From this double origin the fleshy fibres pass obliquely forward round a tendon, which only emerges from them near the metacarpo-phalangal articulation ; it then expands, and is inserted partly to the upper end of the first phalanx and partly to the outer edge of the corresponding extensor tendon. Relations.—The dorsal interossei correspond behind with the dorsal surface of the hand and the extensor tendons, from which they are separated by a very thin aponeurosis ; in front, they are visible in the palm of the hand by the sides of the palmar interossei, and, like the latter, are covered by the muscles and tendons of the palmar region, being separated from those parts by the deep palmar fascia. A distinct cellular line, or, rather, an aponeurotic septum, intervenes between one of their lateral surfaces and the corresponding palmar interosseous muscle ; the other lateral surface is in relation, through its entire length, with the metacarpal bone on which it is implanted. Action.—These muscles are evidently abductors of the first phalanges of the fingers, the avis of the hand being taken as the point of departure. Their insertion into the ex- tensor tendons explains why previous extension of the fingers is necessary to the move- ment of abduction. The first dorsal interosseous muscle merits a special description. It is larger than the others, on account of the greater size of the space occupied by it; it is flat and triangu- lar, and arises by two origins, separated, not by a perforating branch, but by the radial artery itself.. A fibrous arch completes the half ring formed by the interval between the first two metacarpal bones for the passage of this artery. The external head of the muscle arises from the upper half of the inner border of the first metacarpal bone ; the Internal from the entire length of the external surface of the second metacarpal bone, and from the ligaments which unite it to the trapezium. From these points the fleshy fibres proceed, forming two thick bundles, which are perfectly distinct above, and con- verge to a tendon that is attached to the outer side of the first phalanx of the index finger. 264 MYOLOGY. Relations.—It is covered behind by the skin; it corresponds in front to the adductoi and flexor brevis pollicis, excepting below, where it is sub-cutaneous. Its lower edge, directed obliquely downward and inward, is immediately sub-cutaneous, and crosses the corresponding edge of the adductor pollicis at a very acute angle. The Palmar Interossei. These, like the preceding, are short, prismatic, triangular, and penniform muscles. They are three in number (p p p, fig. 123) according to most authors, but four if we in- clude the adductor pollicis. They all occupy the palm of the hand, as their name indi- cates, and extend from the entire length of one of the metacarpal bones bounding the interosseous space in which they are situated to the first phalanx of one of the corre- sponding fingers, and to its extensor tendon. They arise from about the anterior two thirds of the lateral surface of only one meta- carpal bone ; they are, therefore, covered behind by the dorsal interossei, which, being attached to the entire lateral surface of the other metacarpal bone, project equally into the palm. Lastly, their insertions into the phalanges and their extensor tendons corre- spond precisely with those of the dorsal interossei. Relations.—They are covered by the flexor tendons and by the muscles of the palmai region : each is in relation behind with a dorsal interosseous muscle ; on one side with the dorsal muscle of the corresponding finger, and on the other with the metacarpal bone from which it arises. Action.—They are evidently adductors, as regards the axis of the hand, and, like the dorsal interossei, they bind down the extensor tendons; they can only act effectually when the fingers have been previously extended. MUSCLES OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. The muscles of the lower extremities may be arranged in four groups, viz., those ot the pelvis, of the thigh, of the leg, and of the foot. MUSCLES OF THE PELVIS. The Glutcei, Maximus, Medius, et Minimus.-—Pyriformis.—Obturator Internus.—Gemelh, Superior et Inferior.—Quadratus Femoris.—Obturator Externus.—Action of these Muscles Fig. 124. The muscles of the pelvis are divided into those occupy ing the posterior and those occupying the anterior region. The former are very numerous, consisting of the three glutafi, maximus, medius, and minimus, the pyriformis, the obturator internus, the gemelli, the quadratus femoris, and the obtura- tor externus. The iliacus, which may with propriety be considered as be- longing to the pelvis, and as forming its anterior region, has been already described, together with the psoas, under the name of the psoas-iliac muscle. Dissection.—Having placed the subject on its face, raise the pelvis by a block, flex the leg forcibly, and rotate it inward ; then make an oblique incision along the middle of the but- tock, from the sacrum towards the great trochanter, dividing both the skin and fascia covering the muscle ; dissect up the two daps, one from below upward, the other from above down- ward, following the direction of the muscular fibres. '1 he glut ecus maximus {a, fig. 124) is the most superficial of the muscles on the posterior aspect of the pelvis ; it is broad, thick, and pretty regularly quadrilateral; it is the largest mus- cle of the human body, in this respect coinciding with the great size of the pelvis and femur in man; it causes the prom- inence of the buttocks. Its great size is one of the most dis- tinctive characters of the muscular system of man, and has reference to his biped position. Attachments (see a, fig. 125).—It arises from the posterior semicircular line of the ilium, and the portion of the bone be- hind that line ; from the vertical sacro-iliac ligament, and the outer margin of the common aponeurosis of the posterior spi- nal muscles; from the crest of the sacrum, sometimes only from the tubercles which form a continuation of the trans- verse processes of the vertebrae on the outside of the posteiioi The Glntents Maximus. THE GLUT2EUS MEDIUS. 265 sacral foramina; from the edges of the coccyx, and the notch terminating the crest of the sacrum below, this origin being often effected by means of a tendinous arch, under which the last posterior sacral nerves pass ; from the posterior surface of the great sacro-sci- atic ligament; and, lastly, from the posterior surface of the aponeurosis of the gluteus medius. It is inserted (a, fig. 125) into the rough line leading from the great trochanter to the linea aspera of the femur. The fleshy fibres arise either directly or by short tendinous fibres, and proceeding par- allel to each other outward, and a little downward, unite into large distinct fasciculi, ca- pable of being separated through their entire length, and constituting an extremely thick, quadrilateral, and very regular muscle, which, having reached the outside of the thigh, terminates by tendinous fibres. These are received between two layers of the fascia lata, which is here very thick; in passing downward they converge, escape from the fascia lata, curve round the base of the great trochanter, or, rather, the tendon of the vas- tus externus, from which they are separated by a synovial bursa, and are successively inserted by so many large fasciculi into the series of tubercles and depressions, extend- ing from the great trochanter to the linea aspera, and from the external bifurcation of that line. The lower fleshy fibres are attached directly to the linea aspera, and a cer- tain number are inserted merely into the fascia lata. In order to obtain a good view of the femoral insertions of this muscle, its tendon must be separated from the fascia lata. Relations.—lt is covered by a large quantity of fat, being separated from it by an ex- pansion from the aponeurosis of the glutseus medius, from which are given off the cellu- lar prolongations that divide the muscle into thick, parallel, and easily separable fasciculi. It covers the glutseus medius, the pyriformis, the gemelli, the obturator internus, the quadratus femoris, the great sciatic notch, and the tuberosity of the ischium, together with the muscles attached to it, viz., the semi-tendinosus, the semi-membranosus, and the long head of the biceps. It covers also the great trochanter, the adductor magnus, and the triceps femoris, the gluteal, ischiatic, and internal pudic vessels and nerves, and the great sciatic nerves. Its upper border is very thin, and rests upon the glutseus me- dius ; its lower border forms a very marked prominence beneath the skin, that affords the surgeon very precise indications, both in the diagnosis of many diseases of the hip- joint ; in operations performed for the purpose of reaching the tuberosity of the ischium, when it is either carious or necrosed; in those for the relief of sciatic hernia; or, lastly, in searching for the sciatic nerve, whenever it becomes necessary to operate upon it. Several bursae mucosae, which have been well described by Monro, separate the gluteus maximus from the eminences which are covered by it. One of these separates it from the great trochanter, and is almost always multi-locular: I have seen it filled with a san- guineous synovia. A second exists over the tuberosity of the ischium, but is often want- ing ; and a third between the tendon of this muscle and the vastus externus.* Action.—The glutseus maximus is an extensor, an abductor, and a rotator of the thigh outward. When the femur is fixed, as in standing, it acts upon the pelvis, which it draws backward and to its own side, and rotates so that the anterior surface of the trunk is turned to the opposite side. Besides this, it is easy to see that the lower fibres can act as adductors. By its connexions with the fascia lata, it is one of the principal tensors of this structure; by its attachment to the coccyx, it tends to prevent that bone from being thrown backward, forward, or to one side. Dissection.—Make a vertical incision through the middle of the gluteus maximus, or detach that muscle from the pelvis ; remove the adipose tissue from the sub-cutaneous portion of the muscle, and also the fascia lata ; dissect the tensor vaginae femoris, which covers the anterior fibres of this muscle. The glutaus medius {b,figs. 124 to 127) is intermediate to the other two glutei, both as regards size and position; it is a broad, thick, radiated muscle, situated more deeply than the preceding, beyond which it projects upward and forward {jig. 124). The glu- teus maximus is attached to a small portion only of the iliac fossa : the glutei medius and minimus share almost the whole of it between them. Attachments.—lt arises from the whole extent of the curved triangular surface included between the superior semicircular line behind, the anterior three fourths of the crest of the ilium above, and the inferior semicircular line below; from the anterior superior spine of the ilium and the notch immediately below it; from the deep surface of a dense aponeurosis, which is inserted into the outer lip of the crest of the ilium, covers all the upper portion of the muscle, and becomes continuous with the fascia lata : opposite the junction of the anterior with the middle third of the crest of the ilium, at which point a large tubercle exists upon the bone, this aponeurosis is so dense as to resemble a tendon. The muscle also arises from a deep aponeurosis, extending from the anterior part of the inferior semicircular line, and giving attachment, on its external surface, to a great num ber of fleshy fibres ; and, lastly, from the fascia lata internally to the tensor vaginas femo ris. It is inserted into the external surface of the great trochanter {figs. 125, 127). The Glut (bus Medius. * See note, p. 296. L L 266 MYOLOGY. From these numerous origins the fleshy fibres proceed in different directions ; the pos- terior forward, the middle vertically, and the anterior backward, becoming more and more horizontal in front. They all terminate upon the two surfaces and edges of a radiated aponeurosis, the fibres of which are gradually concentrated, and folded upon themselves, so as to form a flat tendon, inserted, not into the upper border, as it is generally said, but into the external surface of the great trochanter, along an oblique line running downward and forward, so that the anterior fibres of the muscle are inserted into the anterior ex- tremity of the lower border of the great trochanter, and the posterior fibres into the back part of the upper border; at this latter point a well-marked projection sometimes exists, the size of which generally indicates the power.of the glutaeus medius. A synovial bursa intervenes between the tendon and that part of the great trochanter over which it passes.* Relations.—lt is covered by the glutaeus maximus, the tensor vaginae femoris, and the skin; it covers the glutaeus minimus, with which its outer border is blended, and the glutaeal vessels and nerves. Its lower border is parallel with the pyriformis {fig. 125). Action.—The glutaeus medius is both an extensor and an abductor of the thigh. More- over, the anterior fibres rotate the femur inward, and the posterior outward; but the for • mer have the greater power, for they are more numerous, the muscle being twice or thrice as thick in front as behind; it is, therefore, an extensor, an abductor, and a rotator inward of the thigh. Winslow denies that it is an extensor, and considers it only as ar. abductor ; this is only true in the position of standing upon both feet. In the sitting pos- ture, again, this muscle in some degree loses its power as an extensor and abductor, and acts merely as a rotator. When the femur is fixed, as in standing, the glutaeus medius extends the pelvis, draws it to its own side, and rotates it, so that the front of the trunk is turned towards the same side. It co-operates with the glutaeus maximus in the first two motions, but antagonizes it in the last. Finally, its anterior fibres appear to me calculated to flex the thigh upon the pelvis, especially when the flexion has been already commenced by other muscles. The glutceus minimus (c,fig. 127) is exposed by simply cutting across the preceding muscle, beneath which it lies ; it is thinner, and more regularly radiated. It arises from the anterior part of the crest of the ilium, below the glutaeus medius, from the outside of the sciatic notch, and from all that part of the external iliac fossa situated below the in- ferior semicircular line : from these points the fibres converge, the middle passing ver- tically, the posterior forward, and the anterior backward, to the deep surface of a radia- ted aponeurosis, the fibres of which are collected together into bands, that are inserted separately into the anterior border and anterior half of the upper border of the great tro- chanter. Most commonly the posterior band is intimately attached to the tendon of the pyriformis. The Glutaeus Minimus. Relations.—It is covered by the glutaeus medius, with which its anterior fibres are blended; it covers the external iliac fossa, the reflected tendon of the rectus femoris, and the upper part of the hip-joint, from which it is separated by some fatty cellular tissue. Action.—lt is much more directly an abductor than the preceding muscles. Its ante- rior half rotates the thigh inward, and its posterior half outward. If the femur be fixed, it extends the pelvis, inclines it to its own side, and turns the anterior aspect of the trunk to the same side ; by its anterior fibres it assists slightly in producing flexion. General Remarks upon the Action of the Glutcei.—The three muscles we have just ex- amined generally have their fixed points upon the pelvis; and, in this point of view, are of the greatest importance in the standing posture. By their means the pelvis, firmly held down from behind, is enabled to resist the effects of the weight of the trunk, which tends to throw it forward; hence the enormous development of these muscles in man, evidently proving his destination for the erect position. These same muscles are the principal agents in the position of standing upon one foot, inclining the pelvis to their own side, and balancing the entire weight of the opposite side of the trunk. They also rotate the trunk when the individual is standing upon one foot. They are all extensors and abductors ; the glutaeus maximus is a rotator outward; the other two are rotators inward. Hence we may understand how the thigh can be so powerfully rotated inward, although there are no direct muscles for that purpose ; while a great number are spe- cially intended to produce rotation outward, which movement, indeed, is performed much more energetically than rotation inward. The Pyriformis. Dissection.—Detach the glutaeus maximus, and separate the pyriformis from the lowei border of the glutaeus medius, to which it isqparallel. In order to see the sacral attach- ments of the muscle, make an antero-postrfrior section of the pelvis. The pyriformis or pyramidalis {d, fig. 125) is sometimes double : it is a flat muscle, of a pyriform, or, rather, pyramidal shape, lying almost horizontally along the lower margin of the gluteus medius, with which it seems to be continuous, and is sometimes intimately * See note, p. 296. THE OBTURATOR INTERNES. 267 united; it is partly situated in the cavity of the pelvis, and assists in filling up the sciat- ic notch. Attachments.—It arises from the anterior surface of the sacrum {p,fig. Ill), in the in- tervals between the grooves forming the continuations of the anterior sacral foramina, and also opposite those grooves, by three or four digitations, which are sometimes trav- ersed by the great sciatic nerve : these origins are sometimes concentrated into a small space around the second and third anterior sacral foramina. It also arises from the an- terior surface of the great sacro-sciatic ligament, and from the upper part of the sciatic notch. It is inserted into the back part of the upper edge of the great trochanter. The fleshy fibres pass from their origins almost horizontally outward and a little backward, and form a muscle which fills up the upper part of the great sciatic notch, and, becoming much narrower immediately after emerging from the pelvis, from the convergence of its fibres, terminates on the posterior surface and edges of an aponeurosis, which is after- ward converted into a round tendon, and is fixed to the upper border of the great tro- chanter, behind the glutams minimus, and above the gemelli and obturator internus, with which it is almost always intimately connected. Relations.—lts anterior surface is in relation with the rectum, the sciatic plexus, and the hypogastric vessels within the pelvis, and with the hip-joint outside that cavity ; its posterior surface, with the sacrum and the glutaeus maximus ; its upper margin, with the glutaeal vessels and nerves, which separate it from the glutaeus medius ; its lower mar- gin, with the ischiatic vessels, and with the great and small sciatic nerves. Sciatic her- niae take place between the upper margin of this muscle and the sciatic notch. Some- times the muscle reaches the summit of the notch ; occasionally, a considerable interval exists between them; in such cases, there is a predisposition to this species of herniae. The obturator internus (e, jig. 125) is a triangular reflected muscle, extending from the inner surface of the margin of the obturator foramen to the digital cavity of the great trochanter. Its course and direction are alike remarkable. The Obturator Internus. Attachments.—lt arises from the posterior surface of the obturator ligament, from the pelvic fascia lining the inner surface of this muscle, and from the tendinous arch which converts the sub-pubic groove into a canal; also, from the entire circumference of the ob- turator foramen, viz., from the internal surface of the descending ramus of the pubes and the ascending ramus of the ischium, and from the whole extent of the quadrilateral sur- face situated between the obturator foramen and the sciatic notch ; and, lastly, by a few fibres from the brim of the pelvis. It is inserted into the digital cavity of the great tro- chanter. The fleshy fibres arise directly from this extensive surface, and, converging downward and outward, pass out of the pelvis through a triangular opening formed by the spine of the ischium and lesser sacro-sciatic ligament above, by the great sacro-sciatic ligament on the inside, and by the body of the ischium on the outside. At its exit from the pelvis the muscle becomes much narrower, is reflected at a right angle over the body of the ischium as over a pulley, is next received into a groove formed for it by the gemelli, and proceeds horizontally outward, to be inserted into the digital cavity of the great tro- chanter below the pyriformis. In order to obtain a good view of the structure of this muscle, it must be detached from its insertion and turned inward. We shall then per- ceive that the tendon divides into four or five diverging portions upon the deep surface of the muscle, which are lost in its interior. A well-marked synovial membrane* inter- venes between the tendon and the trochlear surface on the body of the ischium, which is covered with cartilage that is streaked, as it were, in the direction of the movements. Cowper and Douglas alluded to the presence of this bursa when they named the muscle marsupialis vel bursalis. Relations.—In the pelvis the obturator internus is in relation with the obturator liga- ment and the circumference of the obturator foramen, by its anterior surface ; and with the pelvic fascia and levator ani muscle, which separates it from the bladder, by its pos- terior surface. During its passage through the orifice I have described, it is in relation with the internal pudic vessels and nerves ; externally to the pelvis, it is covered by the great sciatic nerve and the glutaeus maximus, and it covers the hip-joint. From the great extent of the pelvic origins of this muscle, almost the whole of the an- terior and lateral parietes of the pelvis are covered internally by a layer of muscular tis- sue ; the posterior wall is also in a great measure covered by the pyriformis. The of the muscular fibres from the tendinous arch of the obturator ligament are so arranged, that the contraction of the muscle can have no effect in diminishing the size of the sub-pubic foramen intended for the passage of vessels and nerves. There are sometimes two small tendinous arches) one for the nerve, the other for the artery and vein. The Gemelli, Superior et Inferior. The gemelli (gemini, Albinus; les petits jumeaux, Winslow, / and g, Jig. 125), two small * See note, p. 290. 268 MYOLOGY. fleshy fasciculi, accessories to the obturator interims, are generally distinguished by anat- omists into the superior (/) and the inferior (g); they are separated from each 3ther by the tendon of the obturator internus, for the reception of which they form a groove. Above and below this groove they take their origin ; the superior from the spine of the ischium, and the inferior, which is the larger, from the tuberosity of that bone, immedi- ately above the attachment of the great sacro-sciatic ligament, and even slightly from the ligament itself. They both pass horizontally outward, are sometimes united either behind or in front of the tendon of the obturator internus, which they then completely embrace, and with which they are entirely or partially blended, being inserted with it into the digital cavity of the great trochanter. Their relations are the same as those of the reflected portion of the obturator internus. The gemellus superior is often wanting, and the inferior is frequently double. I have several times seen the superior terminate in the tendon of the pyriformis, and the in- ferior in the tendon of the obturator internus. Action.—They rotate the thigh outward. Their relations with the synovial capsule of the obturator internus led to their being designated marsupiales by Cowper, and by Portal, le muscle capsulaire de la capsule du tendon de I’obturateur interne. The Quadratus Femoris. This muscle (i, fig. 125), shaped like a parallelogram, is situated immediately below the gemellus inferior. It arises from the external border of the tuberosity of the ischium, in front of the semi-membranosus, from which it is separated by adipose tissue. From this point the fibres proceed horizontally outward, parallel to each other, and are inserted into “ an oblong ridge* projecting partly from the back of the root of the great trochan- ter, and partly from the femur immediately below itbut above the attachment of the adductor magnus, with which, at first, it appears to be continuous, but from which it is always separated by the internal circumflex vessels. This muscle is sometimes wanting; but very frequently its pelvic attachments are pro- longed as far as the ascending ramus of the ischium; in which cases it is twisted interi- orly upon itself, so as to oppose a surface, not a border, to the adductor magnus. Its re- lations behind are the same as those of the preceding muscles ; in front, it covers the obturator externus and the lesser trochanter, from which it is often separated by a sy- novial capsule. The Obturator Externus. Dissection.—The lower or horizontal portion of the obturator externus is exposed, by dividing the quadratus femoris into two equal parts by a vertical incision. In order to see the upper or pelvic portion, it is necessary to detach the gracilis, pectineus, psoas, ili- acus, and adductor brevis. This is a triangular, flat muscle (e, fig. 127), of the same shape, but thinner and smaller than the obturator internus, and, like it, reflected, though at an obtuse angle. It arises from the circumference of the obturator foramen, from the obturator ligament, and from the tendinous arch which completes the sub-pubic canal for the vessels and nerve. It is inserted into the deepest and lowest part of the digital cavity of the great trochanter. The fleshy fibres arise directly, the lower ones proceed horizontally outward, and the upper obliquely downward, backward, and outward; thus converging, they form a fleshy belly, which turns round the neck of the femur, and terminates in a tendon that passes horizontally outward, to be inserted into the digital cavity, below the gemelli and the ob- turator internus. Relations.—lts outer and anterior surface is in relation with the pectineus, the adduc- tors, the psoas and iliacus muscles, and more externally with the neck' of the femur and the lower part of the capsular ligament of the hip-joint. Its inner and posterior surface is in contact with the obturator foramen and the quadratus muscle. Action of the 'preceding Muscles. The last six muscles are evidently rotators of the thigh outward. The pyriformis, the gemelli, and the obturator internus, which are almost always united at their insertions, would deserve the name of quadri-gemini, given by the older anatomists to the gemelli, the pyriformis, and the quadratus. When they take their fixed point upon the femur, as, or example, in standing upon one foot, they become rotators of the pelvis, and turn the anterior surface of the trunk to the opposite side. They are only rotators when the limb is extended ;in the sitting posture, they become abductors. Winslow, who first demon- strated their use in abduction in the semifiexed position, attached great importance to the connexion of so many of these- muscles with the capsular ligament, which he believed prevented pinching of the capsule during the different movements of the joint. The insertion of these muscles is exceedingly favourable. Moreover, we shall find, that besides the glutaeus maximus and the posterior fibres of the glutaeus medius and * [M. Cruveilhier states the insertion of the quadratus femoris to be into the inter-trochanteric line- Tha description in the text, copied from Albinus, gives a more accurate idea of the insertion of this muscle.] CHE BICEPS CRURIS. minimus, they have many other muscles as accessories in rotation. The effects pro- duced by the contraction of the two obturators can be easily understood, if we bear in mind that the action of a reflected muscle is to be calculated from the point of reflection, leaving the rest of the muscle out of consideration. Thus, with regard to the obturator internus, the sciatic notch acts as a pulley, and may be regarded as the fixed point. MUSCLES OF THE THIGH. The Biceps Cruris.—Semi-tendinosus.—Semi-membranosus.—Tensor Vagina Femoris.— Sartorius.—Triceps Extensor Cruris.—Gracilis.—Adductor Muscles of the Thigh. The muscles of the thigh are divided into those of the posterior region, viz., the biceps, the semi-tendinosus, and the semi-membranosus ; those of the external region, viz;, the tensor vagi me femoris and the vastus externus ; those of the anterior region, viz., the sartorius, the rectus, and the triceps extensor cruris of authors ; and, lastly, those of the internal region, viz., the gracilis, the pectineus, and the three adductors. Posterior Region. The Biceps Cruris. Dissection.—This is the same for the biceps, the semi-tendinosus, and the semi-mem- branosus. Place the subject upon its face, with a block under the pelvis, and allow the leg to hang over one side of the table. Make an incision from the middle of the space between the tuberosity of the ischium and the great trochanter to the interval between the two condyles of the femur. Both the skin and the fascia of the thigh must be di- vided in this incision. Cautiously remove the cellular and adipose tissue surrounding the subjacent muscles, the relations of which with the popliteal vessels and nerves must be carefully studied. In preparing the superior attachments of these muscles, the glu taeus maximus must be divided in the middle, perpendicularly to its fibres. The biceps femoris (biceps cruris, Albinus, I, figs. 124, 125), so named because it con- sists of two fleshy bodies or heads above, is a long, large muscle, situated on the poste- rior and externa] aspect of the thigh . Attachments.—lt arises from the tuberosity of the ischium and the linea aspera of the femur, and is inserted into the head of the fibula, and slightly into the external tuberosity of the tibia. Its origin from the ischium (I, fig. 125) is common to it and the semi-tendinosus; it takes place, not from the tuberosity properly so called, but from the highest and most external part of the tuberosity, above and behind the adductor magnus, and immediately be- low the gemellus inferior. It arises by a tendon which is sel- dom completely free from muscular fibres. This tendon, at first very thick, and separated from the tuberosity of the ischium by a synovial bursa, expands into an aponeurosis, which gives origin to the fleshy fibres of the biceps by its ex- ternal edge and posterior surface, and to those of the semi- tendinosus by its internal surface. Up to this point the biceps and semi-tendinosus are blended together so as to form a single fleshy belly, which, after extending from two to four inches, is divided into two portions : one posterior and external, consti- tuting the long head, or ischiatic portion of the biceps; the other anterior, forming the origin of the semi-tendinosus, which we shall next describe. Arising thus in succession, the fleshy fibres of the long head of the biceps form a fusiform belly passing obliquely downward and a little outward, and termina- ting on the anterior surface of an aponeurosis, which extends for a considerable distance on the posterior surface of the muscle, and which gradually becomes contracted, so as to form the terminal tendon. Just where these fleshy fibres are about to terminate {I, fig. 125), the aponeurosis receives upon its anterior surface and external edge the fleshy fibres of the short head, or femoral portion of the biceps. This portion of the muscle {l', fig. 125) arises from the greater part of the in- terval between the two margins of the linea aspera, and the posterior surface of the external inter-muscular septum of the thigh; it passes downward, inward, and backward, to be at- tached to the common tendon, almost as far as its insertion. Fig. 125. This insertion is not confined to the head of the fibula, but extends also to the externa, tuberosity of the tibia by means of a strong division of the tendon, which, at the same time, gives off an expansion to the fascia of the leg. The insertion into the fibula is ef ■ 270 MYOLOGY. fected on the outer side, in front of and behind the external lateral ligament of the knee- joint, which ligament it embraces in a bifurcation. Relations.—The biceps is covered by the glutaeus maximus and the femoral fascia. It covers the semi-tendinosus, semi-membranosus, and vastus externus. It is in relation, also, with the great sciatic nerve, which is placed at first externally, then in front, and, lastly, on the inside of the muscle ; finally, its short head is in relation with the popliteal vessels. The biceps forms the external border of the popliteal space; near its termination it is in relation with the outer head of the gastrocnemius and with the plantaris longus muscle. Action.—The biceps flexes the leg upon the thigh. When this movement is com- pleted, its long portion extends the thigh upon the pelvis. T'rom its obliquity downward and outward, it rotates the leg outward during semi-flexion ; but this rotation is impos- sible when the leg is extended, in consequence of the tension of the crucial ligaments. The fixed point of this muscle is as often below as above, and it then performs an im- portant part in the mechanism of standing ; for it tends to prevent the individual from falling forward, because it holds back the pelvis. When the pelvis is thrown quite back- ward, this , muscle can then flex the thigh upon the leg. The Semi-tendinosus. The semi-tendinosus (m,Jigs. 124, 125), so named on account of the great lengtn of its tendon, is situated on the posterior and internal aspect of the thigh. Attachments.—lt arises from the tuberosity of the ischium, and is inserted into the an- terior tuberosity of the tibia. Its origin (m, Jig. 125) consists of a tendon common to it and the long head of the biceps, which is prolonged in the form of an aponeurosis, upon the external (or popliteal) border of the muscle. Some of the fleshy fibres are attached directly to the tuberosity of the ischium. Having arisen in this manner, it enlarges and constitutes a fusiform bundle, which passes at first vertically downward, and then ob- liquely inward. About four or five fingers’ breadth above the knee-joint it terminates in a long, thin tendon, which turns round the internal tuberosity of the tibia, describing a curve having its concavity directed forward, and is then reflected horizontally forward, to be inserted into the anterior teberosity of that bone, behind the tendon of the sarto- rius, and parallel with the lower edge of that of the gracilis, to which it is united. The union of these three tendons constitutes the patte d’oie (goose’s foot). The length of its tendon of insertion is the most characteristic feature of the muscle ; and hence its name, semi-nervosus (Spigelius), and le demi-nerveux (Winslow), for which the term semi-tendinous has now been substituted. The structure of this muscle is re- markable. The fleshy fibres are interrupted across the middle by a tendinous intersec- tion, analogous to that of the great complexus, which gives origin to new fleshy fibres. Relations.—It is covered by the glutaeus maximus and the femoral fascia, and it cov- ers the semi-membranosus and part of the upper portion of the adductor magnus. Its tendon is first placed behind the semi-membranosus, and then, before it turns round the internal tuberosity of the tibia, between the tendon of that muscle and the inner head of the gastrocnemius. Action.—The same as that of the biceps. It is a very powerful flexor, on account of the reflection of its tendon. Its oblique direction enables it to rotate the tibia inward du ring semi-flexion of the leg. It is, therefore, a congener of the popliteus. The Semi-membranosus. The semi-membranosus (n,Jigs. 124, 125) is situated upon the posterior aspect of the thigh, thin and aponeurotic above, thick and fleshy below. Attachments.—It arises from the upper and outermost part of the tuberosity of the is- chium, in front of the biceps and semi-tendinosus ; and is inserted into the internal tuber osity of the tibia, and also, by an expansion of its tendon, into the femur. It arises by means of a very thick tendon, which becomes wider immediately after its origin. From its inner border is given oflT an aponeurotic lamina, that splits into two layers, from the in- terval between which the superior fleshy fibres arise. Lower down, the muscular fibres proceed directly from the tendon itself, which runs along the outer (or popliteal) border of the muscle, as far as the lower fourth of the thigh, but is afterward buried in its sub- stance. The union of all these fibres constitutes a very thick, four-sided, fleshy belly, which is received into a tendinous semi-cone, open on its outer side, and soon becoming converted into a thick tendon, which, after a passage of a few lines, separates into three divisions, terminating in the following manner: the posterior division passes inward and upward, forms the chief part of the posterior ligament of the knee-joint, and is inserted into the femur; the middle division is attached to the back of the internal tuberosity of the tibia, below the articular surface ; the third is horizontal, and turns round the inter- nal tuberosity of that bone in the horizontal furrow existing there, and is inserted on the inner side of the tuberosity. A synovial bursa intervenes between it and the bone. Relations.—The semi-membranosus is covered by the glutseus maximus, the semi-ten- THE TENSOR VAGINAE FEMORIS. THE SaRTORIUS. 271 Oinosus, the biceps, and the femoral fascia: it covers the quadratus femoris, the adduc- tor niagnus, and the inner head of the gastrocnemius. A synovial membrane separates it from the knee-joint. It also covers the popliteal artery and vein, which soon come into relation with its outer or popliteal border. The sciatic nerve lies parallel with its outer border through the whole of its extent; the gracilis is in contact with its inner border. I shall remark here, that the biceps on the outside, and the semi-membranosus and semi-tendinosus on the inside, constitute the lateral boundaries of a cellular interval which extends along the whole of the back of the thigh, and is continuous with the pop- liteal space. This large cellular interval communicates above with the cellular tissue of the pelvis at the sciatic notch, and below with the fossa of the ham. It is in this di- rection that purulent matter so readily escapes from the pelvis. The greater part of this interval is destined for the great sciatic nerve, which, however, is soon accompani- ed by the popliteal vessels. Action.—Precisely similar in nature to that of the preceding muscle, but much more powerful. The momentum of all these flexor muscles occurs, on the one hand, during semi-flexion of the leg upon the thigh; and, on the other {i. e., when their lower attach- ments are fixed), during semi-flexion of the thigh upon the pelvis. The Tensor Vagince Femoris. External Region. Dissection.—In order to expose this muscle, it is sufficient to make a vertical incision through the thick, tendinous layer given off from the anterior portion of the crest of the ilium, and to dissect back the two flaps of that aponeurosis. The tensor vaginae, femoris (le muscle du fascia lata, o, fig. 126) is the largest of all the extensor muscles of aponeuroses : it is a short, flat, quadrilateral muscle, contained within the substance of the fascia lata, and occupying the upper third of the external region of the thigh. It arises from the anterior part of the outer margin of the crest of the ilium, and from the outer border of the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium, between the sartorius and the glutasus medius, by means of a tendon, which also furnishes some points of attachment to the anterior fibres of the last-named muscle. From these points the fleshy fibres proceed downward and a little backward, and, at about the upper fourth or third of the thigh, terminate in a series of small tendinous bundles, the anterior of which become continuous with the fascia lata, while the posterior cross obliquely over the vertical fibres of the fascia, with which they are very soon blended. Relations.—It lies between two layers of the fascia lata, the external layer being much thicker than the internal. It is covered by the skin, and it covers the glutaeus medius, the rectus, and the vastus externus. Its anterior border is in contact with the outer edge of the sartorius, but is soon separated from it by a triangular space, in which the rectus femoris may be seen. Action.—It is a tensor, not only of the entire femoral fascia, but particularly of the very dense portion or band of the fascia lata, which, being continuous with it, maybe regard- ed as ah aponeurotic tendon to this muscle (muscle aponeurotique de la bande large, Winslow), and which is inserted into the outer tubercle of the anterior tuberosity of the tibia, and into the adjacent part of its external tuberosity. When the tensor vaginae is in action, this band compresses the vastus externus, which has so great a tendency to displacement; by means of this band, also, the muscle acts upon and extends the leg. Lastly, on account of its slight obliquity downward and backward, it may be regarded as a rotator of the thigh inward ; it is but little concerned, however, in the production of this movement, which, as I have already said, is chiefly effected by the anterior fibres of the glutaei medius and minimus. Anterior Region. The Sartorius. Dissection.—This is common to all the muscles of the anterior and inner regions ol the thigh. Make a horizontal incision along the femoral arch, and another perpendicu- larly from the middle of that to the anterior tuberosity of the tibia. Dissect the fascia of the thigh with care. As all the muscles of the anterior and inner region are separa- ted from each other by distinct sheaths, their dissection consists simply in opening these sheaths successively, and removing the cellular tissue that fills up the inter-muscular spa- ces. It is necessary to preserve the vessels, in order to obtain a good view of their rela- tions ; avoid opening the vena saphena, as it generally contains a large quantity of blood, the escape of which will impede the dissection. If the vein should be opened, it must be tied above and below the orifice, and then cut across. When the superficial muscles have been studied, they must be divided in the middle, in order to expose the muscles of the deep layers. The sartorius (p, fig. 126), so named on account of its uses, crosses diagonally over the anterior, and then the inner part of the thigh, to the top of the leg. It is the longest mus- cle in the body, both as regards its total length, and more especially in reference to the 272 MYOLOGY. Fig. 126. length of its fibres; whence the name of longus, given to it by Riolanus. This is the case even although it be measured by a line stretched directly between its two extremities. Attachments.—lt arises from the anterior superior spinous pro* cess of the ilium, from the upper half of the notch below that pro- cess, and from a tendinous septum between the muscle and the fascia lata. It is inserted into the inner margin of the crest of the tibia, situated beneath the ligamentum patellae. Its origin con- sists of some tendinous fibres, which are more marked behind and on the outer side than in front and within. The fleshy fibres commence almost immediately, and form a flat, riband-like mus- cle (fascialis, Spigelius), which in reality is prismatic and trian- gular, as well as the tendinous sheath in which it is enclosed. The muscle increases in breadth as far as the lower third of the thigh, and passes obliquely downward, inward, and a little back- ward ; it becomes internal and vertical at the lower third (p, Jigs. 124, 125), and reaches the back part of the inner condyle of the femur, to turn round the knee-joint, tendinous fibres having al- ready commenced on the anterior edge of the muscle. The fleshy fibres terminate precisely where the muscle changes its direction to pass forward. The flat tendon by which they are succeeded is at first narrow, but becomes considerably expanded, to be inserted into the crest of the tibia, in front of the tendons of the semi-ten- dinosus and gracilis muscles, with which it is united, so as to form what is called the patte d’oie (goose’s foot). A synovial membrane separates it from the tendons of these muscles. A considerable tendinous expansion is given off from its lower edge, and contributes to form the inner part of the fascia of the leg. Relations.—The sartorius is the most superficial muscle in the anterior aspect of the thigh; it lies beneath the femoral fascia, and covers the psoas and iliacus, the rectus, the vastus internus, the adductor longus, the gracilis, the adductor magnus, and the internal lateral ligament of the knee-joint. The borders of this muscle deserve particular attention, because incisions for ligature of the femoral artery must be made along them. Its most important relation, indeed, is with the femoral artery and vein ; it is the satellite muscle of the femoral artery. Thus, in the upper third of the thigh, it forms, with the adductor longus and femoral arch, an isosceles triangle, having its base turned upward, and the femoral artery represents a perpendicular drawn from the apex to the base of the triangle. In the middle third of the thigh, the artery is in relation, first, with the inner border, then with the posterior surface, and, lastly, with the outer border of the muscle. In the lower third, the sarto- rius occupies a deep groove, formed by the gracilis and vastus internus ; from the latter muscle it is separated below by an interval containing adipose tissue, of which circum- stance advantage maybe taken in the application of issues. It also covers the saphenus nerve (a deep branch of the anterior crural), which emerges from beneath its anterior bor- der, opposite the lowermost point of insertion of the adductor magnus. Near the knee- joint, the saphena vein is in relation with the posterior border of the muscle. The structure of the sartorius is very simple. The fleshy and tendinous fibres are all parallel, and the former correspond exactly with the length of the muscle. Action.—The sartorius flexes the leg upon the thigh, which it draws inward, so as to cross one leg over the other. When this movement is produced, it flexes the thigh upon the pelvis. If the fixed point of the muscle be at the leg, it then flexes the pelvis upon the thigh, and rotates it, so that the anterior surface of the trunk is directed to the op- posite side. The Rectus Femoris and Triceps Extensor Cruris, or the Triceps Femoralis. I have included under the name triceps femoralis the two muscles, or, rather, the two parts of the same muscle, which are described separately in most anatomical works. The reasons for this arrangement will be understood after the following description of the muscle : I shall consider the triceps femoralis as composed of three portions, viz., a middle or long portion, the rectus femoris of authors ; an external and an internal portion, which constitute together the triceps cruris of authors ; for these I shall retain the names of vastus internus and externus, including in the former the middle portion or crureus, prop- erly so called, of most anatomists. The long portion of the triceps femoralis, or the rectus femoris {r, fig. 126), is situated in the anterior region of the thigh, extending from the anterior inferior spinous process of the ilium to the patella: it is vertical in its direction, thick and broad in the middle, an! narrowei at its extremities THE RECTUS FEMORIS AND TRICEPS EXTENSOR CRURIS. 273 It arises by a very strong tendon (r, fig. 127), which embraces the anterior inferior spinous process of the ilium, and is proportioned to the power of the muscle. This ten- don i eceives on its outer side another flat tendon, arising from a groove upon the rim of the cotyloid cavity, and following its-curvature; this is the reflected tendon, which is blended with and strengthens the straight tendon. It then expands into a broad aponeu- rosis, the outer portion of which is very thin and prolonged over the anterior surface of the muscle as far as the middle, while the inner portion is very thick, and penetrates into its substance nearly as far as its insertion. The fleshy fibres arise from the poste- rior surface and edges, and also from the anterior surface of the inner portion of this aponeurosis; they all pass downward and backward, the internal inward and the exter- nal outward, and form a fleshy belly, which increases as it proceeds downward, and then terminates on the anterior surface of a broad, thick, and shining aponeurosis, occupying the lower two thirds of the posterior surface of the muscle, and soon becoming contract- ed into a flat tendon, which receives upon its inner edge the superficial fibres of the vastus interims, again expands, and is finally blended with the common tendon of the two vasti. Triceps Femaris of Authors, or Vastus Internus and Extcrnus.—This is a voluminous mass of muscular tissue, situated behind the preceding muscle, and extending from the three surfaces of the shaft of the femur to the patella and tibia. It is commonly but er- roneously considered to be divided above into three heads, which are described under the names of vastus internus, vastus extcrnus, and crureus. I have searched in vain for the middle portion, but have never been able to find more than two separate parts : one external, very large and superficial, viz., the vastus extcrnus; the other internal, anteri- or, and even external, viz., the vastus internus; it is much smaller than the vastus ex- ternus, and is partly covered by it and by the rectus. The external portion, or vastus extcrnus {s,figs. 124 to 127). This is the largest portion of the triceps femoralis. It arises from a projecting border or horizontal crest, situated at the base of the great trochanter, and from a vertical edge in front of that trochanter, which forms a continuation of its anterior border, and sometimes presents a very prom- inent tubercle : in the angle formed by these two attachments is situated the tendon of the glutams medius. It also arises along a line running from the great trochanter to the linea aspera, and from the whole extent of the external lip of the linea aspera itself. All the preceding origins are effected by means of a broad aponeurosis which covers the superior three fourths of the muscle, and from the deep surface of which almost all the fleshy fibres proceed. Lastly, some of these arise from the tendon of the glutams max- imus, and from the tendinous septum intervening between the vastus externus and the short head of the biceps. From these origins the fleshy fibres proceed, some vertically downward, the others somewhat obliquely downward and forward, the lowest being the shortest and the most oblique ; they form a large bundle, which partially covers the an- terior portion of the vastus internus, but is separated from it by vessels, nerves, and cel- lular tissue. After a course of variable length, some of the fleshy fibres are attached to the deep, but the greater number to the superficial surface of another equally strong apo- neurosis : this becomes thickened and contracted into a flat tendon, which is sometimes divided into thick parallel bands, emerges from the fleshy fibres at the external margin of the rectus, and is inserted into the outer half of the upper border of the patella, being: blended on the inner side with the rectus and the vastus internus. The lower fleshy fibres which arise from the inter-muscular septum are attached directly to the outer bor- der of the patella.*' The internal or anterior portion, vastus internus {t and u, fig. 127), is much smaller than' the external, and surrounds the femur. Its inner portion lies immediately under the fas- cia, and is the only part which is generally described as the vastus internus (t, figs. 127). Its anterior portion is covered by the rectus, or long portion, and is usually called the crureus (cruralis, Alh., u,fig. 127). Its outer portion is covered by the vastus externus, with which many of its fibres are blended ; but they may always be separated by cutting along the outer margin of the middle aponeurosis. Thus defined, the vastus internus arises from a rough oblique line, extending from the front of the neck of the femur to the linea aspera, and from the internal lip of the linea aspera itself, in front of the adductor muscles ; both of these origins are effected by means of an aponeurosis, which is weaker and smaller than that of the vastus externus, and is blended with that of the adductors, concurring with it in the formation of a canal for the femoral artery. It also arises from almost the whole of the internal, anterior, and external surfaces, and from the two ante- rior borders of the femur; lastly, the lower fibres arise from the internal inter-muscular septum. From these different origins the fleshy fibres pass in various- directions ; the external inward, the middle vertically, and the internal, which are the most numerous, downward, forward, and outward ; they thus form a fleshy belly, thicker below and with- in than above and without, and are successively attached to both surfaces, and espe- cially to the posterior surface of a broad aponeurosis, which is covered by the tendon of * The anterior border of this tendon is free, and perfectly distinct from the tendon of the rectus, which is ined by it ; and also from the expanded tendon of the vastus internus. M M 274 MYOLOGY. the vastus externus, but can be easily separated from it. The inner fibres are attached to the anterior surface of the aponeurosis, and terminate very regularly opposite a verti- cal line, running parallel to the inner margin of the rectus femoris. The aponeurosis extends over the anterior surface of the middle portion of the mus- cle, which lies behind the rectus : this fact has, doubtless, given rise to its division into two parts, viz., a middle, or the crureus, and an internal, called the vastus interims. The superficial layer of the internal fleshy fibres is attached below to the inner margin of the rectus, or long portion of the triceps femoralis : the lowest of these fibres, which arise from the inner and inferior bifurcation of the linea aspera, and from the corresponding inter-muscular septum, are almost horizontal, and accompany the tendon as far as its in- sertion into the inner border of the patella. Lastly, the terminating aponeurosis is pro- longed inward to the internal tuberosity of the tibia, below which it is inserted, being covered by the tendons of the semi-tendinosus, semi-membranosus, and gracilis muscles, on the inner side of the internal lateral ligament of the knee. This very strong aponeu- rotic insertion represents the fascia lata on this aspect of the limb, and forms an acces- sory internal lateral ligament. From the above description, it follows that the triceps femoralis is composed of three muscles and three tendons, super-imposed upon each other, viz., the rectus femoris, the vastus externus, and the vastus internus. Relations.—The long portion of the triceps, or the rectus femoris, is covered by the fascia lata in its lower three fourths. Its upper part is covered by the sartorius, by the anterior fibres of the gluteeus medius, and by the psoas and iliacus. It covers the hip- joint, the anterior circumflex vessels, and the two vasti muscles. The vasti surround the femur as in a muscular sheath, and have relations with all the muscles of the thigh. They are superficial in a great part of their extent: in front, they are in relation with the psoas and iliacus, the rectus femoris, and the sartorius, and they lie immediately under the fascia, in the triangular spaces left between these muscles ; behind, they are in relation with the biceps and semi-membranosus; on the inside, with the adductors, with the femoral artery, the sheath of which the vastus internus contributes to form, and with the sartorius; on the outside, with the glutasus maximus, which glides over the upper end of the vastus externus, and is separated from it by a synovial bursa; and, lastly, with the tensor vaginae femoris, and the fascia lata. It is necessary to allude here to a small fleshy bundle, formed by the deepest and lowest fibres of the vastus in- ternus, which is always distinct from the rest of the muscle, and is inserted into the up- per part of the synovial membrane of the knee. This bundle has been regarded by Wins- low as an articular muscle, intended to prevent the synovial membrane from being pinched between the surfaces of the joint. Action.—This muscle extends the leg upon the thigh; its action is facilitated by the existence of the patella, which serves to increase the angle of insertion, and which we have described as a sesamoid bone, developed in the substance of the tendon. We must, therefore, regard the triceps as inserted into the anterior tuberosity of the tibia, or, rath- er, into the lower part of that tuberosity. It should be observed, that the tendon is in- serted into the patella, in front of its base, and not into the base itself, in the same man- ner as the ligamentum patella? is attached to the anterior surface of that bone, and not to the rough mark on its posterior surface; this important arrangement increases the angle at which the moving power operates. The triceps femoralis is the most powerful muscle in the body, no other having such large surfaces of origin, and, consequently, so great a number of fibres. By itself it supports, in a state of equilibrium, the entire weight of the body in standing, and may be adduced as a striking example of the pre- dominance of the extensors over the flexors ; it is also this muscle which raises the whole trunk in progression and in the act of leaping. We cannot, therefore, be astonish- ed at rupture of the patella, of its ligament, or of the common tendon, during a violent contraction of this muscle, notwithstanding its disadvantageous insertion so near to the fulcrum. The rectus necessarily acts with the two vasti, but it can also flex the thigh upon the pelvis. The somewhat oblique direction of the tendon of the triceps down- ward and inward, and of the ligamentum patellae downward and outward, eo that they form an obtuse angle, open to the outside (see Jig. 126), and more especially the predom- inance of the vastus externus over the vastus internus, sufficiently account for the oc- currence of luxation of the patella outward, and for the impossibility of its being dislo- cated inward. When the patella is forced inward by external violence, the contraction of the vastus externus draws it back into its original position: on the other hand, the action of this muscle has a tendency to displace it outward ; and when this is accomplished, the same muscle keeps it in its abnormal position. Luxations of the patella, therefore, if not al- together irreducible, can only be temporarily replaced ; whenever the hand ceases to re- tain the bone in its proper place, the contraction of this muscle again dislocates it. Pro- fessor Ant. Dubois has informed me of an individual whose knees were bent very much inward, who could not contract the triceps femoralis with any force without dislocating the patella outward. THE GRACILIS, ETC. 275 The muscles of the internal region of the thigh are the gracilis and the adductors, among which I include the pectineus. Internal Region of the Thigh. The gracilis (le grele interne, ou droit interne, Winsloic, v, figs. 124, 125, 126) is a long, straight, and slender muscle, and the most superficial of those situated on the inside of .he thigh. Attachments.—lt arises from the symphysis pubis, between the pubic spine and the ascending ramus of the ischium, and is inserted into the spine of the tibia. It arises by some long, shining, and parallel tendinous fibres, which bind down a perpendicular fibrous bundle that lies on the inner side of the line of attachment. The fleshy fibres succeed- ing to these are at first parallel, and form a broad, thin bundle; they then converge to- wards each other, so that the entire muscle resembles a much elongated isosceles tri- angle. It is rounded below, and terminates in a long, thin tendon, which runs for a con siderable distance upon its posterior border, and receives all the fleshy fibres in succes- sion. This tendon becomes free immediately above the knee-joint, is then situated be- hind the internal condyle of the femur, turns round this process and the corresponding tuberosity of the tibia, and is inserted into the spine of the last-mentioned bone, behind the tendon of the sartorius, and above that of the semi-tendinosus, with both of which it is united so as to form the trifid aponeurotic interlacement, denominated la patte d'oie (goose’s foot). Relations.—The gracilis is covered by the femoral fascia, and slightly by the sartorius at its lower part: it covers the three adductors, the inside of the knee-joint, and the in- ternal lateral ligament, from which it is separated by a synovial bursa common to it and the semi-tendinosus : the vena saphena interna crosses the inner surface of this muscle obliquely, near its lower extremity. Action.—It flexes the leg, and carries it slightly inward, at the same time, by means of its reflection round the knee ; in this part of its action it assists the sartorius ; it also ad- ducts the thigh. In the position of standing, its movable point is at the pelvis. The Gracilis. The Adductor Muscles of the Thigh. There are three muscles on the inner aspect of the thigh which are called adductors ; with these the older anatomists were acquainted under the collective name of the triceps adductor. Modern writers, however, describe them either in the order of their super- imposition, as the first, second, and third {Boyer); or in the order of their size, as the mid- dle, small, and great adductors {Bichat). These vague denominations are the source of much confusion, for the one which occupies the middle place as regards size is the first as regards its position. I have therefore thought it right to modify these names, and have, at the same time, included the pectineus among the adductor muscles. I consider, therefore, that there are four adductors, which I shall divide into superficial and deep; the two superficial are the pectineus and the first or long adductor; these I shall term the first and second. Superficial Adductors.—The two deep are the short and the great adductors, which I shall denominate the small deep adductor and the great deep adductor. Strictly speaking, we could only admit the existence of two adductors, one superficial, the other deep; and this mode of division would perhaps be preferable. Dissection.—This is common to all the adductors. Abduct the thigh so as to render these muscles tense. Make an incision through the integuments from the middle of the femoral arch to the patella, and a semicircular incision at either end of this ; preserve the vessels and nerves, in order to examine their relations ; tie and cut across the vena sephena where it enters the femoral vein; divide the fascia lata, and dissect the mus- cles, which will then be brought into view. The First Superficial Adductor, or Pectineus. The pectineus {pcctcn, the pubes) is a square muscle {w, fig. 126) situated at the upper anterior and inner aspect of the thigh, ou the inner side of the psoas and iliacus (c). Attachments.—lt arises {w, fig■ 127) from the spine and crest of the pubes, from the trian- gular surface in front of this crest, and from the lower surface of a very strong tendinous and arched prolongation of Gimbernat’s ligament, which is attached to the crest of the pu- bes, and is continuous with the fascia covering the muscle. It is inserted {w, fig■ 127) below the lesser trochanter, into the ridge extending from that process to the linea as- pera. With the exception of the spine of the pubes, where there are always some well- marked tendinous attachments, the fleshy fibres commence directly from the several ori- gins ; they proceed downward, backward, and outward, and constitute a bundle, which is at first flattened from before backward, and afterward from without inward: the fibres ol this after a short course converge, and are inserted into the internal bifurcation of the linea aspera, in part directly, and partly through the medium of an aponeurosis which oc- supies the anterior surface of the muscle. 276 MYOLOGY. Fig. 127. Relations.—The pectineus is covered by the deep layer of the femoral fascia, and by the femoral vessels. It covers the capsular ligament of the joint, the small deep adductor, and the obturator externus, from which it is separated by the ob- turator vessels and nerves. Its outer border is parallel with the inner border of the conjoined portions of the psoas and iliacus, and is separated from them by a cellular interval, over which the femoral artery passes ; so that, were it not for the projection of this outer border, this vessel would be in imme- diate contact with the bone. Its inner border is in relation with the second superficial adductor, and is sometimes blend- ed with it, except below, where it is separated by an interval in which the small deep adductor may be seen. It has an im- portant relation with the anterior orifice of the sub-pubic canal, which corresponds with the posterior surface of the muscle. When hernial protrusions, therefore, take place at the fora- men ovale, the displaced parts are always covered by the pec- tineus muscle. The Second Superficial Adductor, or Adductor Longus. The adductor longus of Albinus (le premier adducteur, Bo- yer ; le moyen adducteur, Bichat, x, fig. 126) is a flat, triangu- lar muscle, situated on the same plane as the pectineus, of which it seems to be a continuation, and with which it is often blended above. For this reason, Yesalius made of these two muscles his eighth pair of muscles of the thigh, under the name of pars octava femur moventium. It is certain that there is a sort of consolidation between these two muscles, and that a small pectineus is always observed in conjunction with a large adductor longus. Attachments.—lt arises (x, fig. 127) from the spine of the pubes, and is inserted {x) into the middle third of the linea as- pera of the femur. Its origin consists of a narrow, flat ten- don, which expands anteriorly, and gives origin to a thick and broad fleshy belly; this passes downward, backward, and out- ward, and is inserted into the middle third of the linea aspera of the femur, between the triceps femoralis in front, and the great deep adductor behind: with the latter of these muscles it becomes blended at its insertions. It is attached to the bone by means of two tendinous layers, between which the fleshy fibres are receiv- ed. A number of foramina, intended for the perforating arteries, are observed in the neigh- bourhood of this attachment. Relations.—lts upper part lies immediately under the fascia, and it becomes gradually deeper as it passes downward. It is in relation with the sartorius, from which it is sep- arated by the femoral artery and veins. This relation is one of great importance, as I shall hereafter have occasion to point out. The Small Deep Adductor, or Adductor Brevis. The adductor brevis of Albinus (le seconde of Boyer ; le petit of Bichat, y,fig. 127) is of the same form as the preceding muscle, and is the second in the order of super-im- position, but the smallest in size. It arises below the spine of the pubes on the outer side of the gracilis and the inner side of the obturator externus, from a variable extent of surface. The fibres proceed outward, downward, and a little backward, and form a thick bundle, at first flattened from within outward, and then from before backward, which increases in breadth, and terminates at the middle of the linea aspera of the femur, in front of the great deep adductor, and behind the two superficial adductors, with which it is blended at its insertion. Relations.—It is covered by the superficial adductors, and it covers the great deep ad- ductor, or adductor magnus. Its outer border has a relation with the obturator externus, and the conjoined psoas and iliacus muscles ; its inner border is at first in contact with the gracilis, and is then applied to the adductor magnus, from which it is sometimes difficult to separate it. The Great Deep Adductor, or Adductor Magnus. Dissection.—ln order to obtain a good view of this muscle, it is not sufficient to study its anterior surface only, which is exposed after the preceding muscles have been divi- ded ; its posterior surface must also be examined ; and for this purpose it is necessary to remove the three muscles of the posterior region of the thigh, viz., the biceps, the semi-tendinosus, and the semi-membranosus. THE ADDUCTOR MAGNUS, ETC. 277 The adductor magnus of Albinus (le troisieme of Boyer; le grand of Bichat, z, z', Jigs. *24 to 127) is a very large, triangular muscle, extremely thick internally, where it con- stitutes almost the entire substance of the inside of the thigh {fig. 127). It arises from the whole extent of the ascending ramus of the ischium, from a small part of the de- scending ramus of the pubes, and from the apex, i. e., the lowest portion, of the tuberos- ity of the ischium. It is inserted into the whole extent of the interval between the two lips of the linea aspera, and into a very prominent tubercle upon the inner condyle of the femur, above the depression for the insertion of the tendon of the inner head of the gas- trocnemius. Its origins, especially those from the ischium, which are the principal, can only be seen on the posterior surface of the muscle (see fig. 125). They consist of ten- dinous bundles, giving origin immediately to fleshy fibres, which form an extremely thick mass, directed downward and outward, and presenting coarse bundles, almost as large and as easily separable as those of the gluteus maximus. The muscle soon divides into two portions, or, rather, into two distinct muscles, an internal and an external. The internal portion (z, figs. 125, 127) forms the inner border of the adductor magnus, the original course of which it follows. About the lower third of the thigh, its fibres are received into a tendinous semi-cone, open on the outside, and terminating in a shi- ning tendon, which is inserted into a well-marked tubercle on the upper and back part of the internal condyle of the femur. Throughout its whole course, this tendon lies close to the aponeurosis of the vastus internus. The external portion (z',fig. 125), abandoning the primitive direction of the muscle, is directed outward, and separates into thick bundles, which are inserted into the whole extent of the interval between the lips of the linea aspera by means of a very large aponeurosis, which is intimately united to the tendons of the other adductors, and forms a series of arches (see fig. 125) for the passage of the perforating arteries. These two divisions of the adductor magnus are separated below by the femoral ar- tery and veins and their sheath, and are generally distinct for a considerable extent, and sometimes entirely so. I have met with a case of this kind. That portion of the mus- cle which was inserted into the internal condyle arose entirely from the apex of the tu- berosity of the ischium; while the origin of that portion which was attached to the linea aspera took place from a prominence situated on the external side of that tuberosity, and projecting outward from it, and also from the ascending ramus of the ischium, and the descending ramus of the pubes, externally to the gracilis muscle. The superior fibres {fig. 125) are horizontal, and, forming a distinct, and, as it were, a radiated bundle, turn in front of the succeeding fibres, and are inserted into the line leading from the great trochanter to the linea aspera, internally to the glutseus maximus. Relations.—The adductor magnus is covered by the superficial adductors and by the small deep adductor : it covers the semi-tendinosus, the biceps, the semi-membranosus, and the glutaeus maximus. Its inner border is bounded by the gracilis above, and by the sartorius below; its upper border is in contact with the obturator externus {e, fig. 127) on the inside, and with the quadratus femoris (i, fig. 125) more externally. Its most important relation is that with the femoral artery and vein, which pass through it before reaching the popliteal space. At the place where this perforation occurs we observe a tendinous arch, or, rather, canal, into which the fleshy fibres are inserted ; and so, also, where the perforating arteries pass through this muscle. Action of the Adductor Muscles.—The muscles we have just described are both flexors and rotators outward; but their principal office, as their name indicates, is to perform adduction, a very energetic movement, as might be anticipated from the strength of the muscles concerned in its production. We have seen, indeed, that the line of origin ex- tends from the ilio-pectineal eminence as far as and including the tuberosity of the ischi- um, and that the insertions occupy the entire length of the linea aspera, the two branch- es of its superior bifurcation, and the inner condyle of the femur. These muscles are powerfully exerted during equestrian exercise; it is by their means that the horse is firmly grasped between the knees. The two superficial adductors and the adductor bre- vis are also flexors, because their insertions are posterior to their origins. All the ad- ductors are, as it were, rolled around the femur during rotation inward. MUSCLES OF THE LEG. The Tibialis Anticus.—Extensor Communis Digitorum.—Extensor Proprius Pollicis.—Fe- roneus Longus and Brevis.— Gastrocnemius, Plantarus, and Soleus.—Popliteus.—Tibia- lis Posticus.—Flexor Longus Pollicis. The muscles of the leg may be divided into those of the anterior, those of the exter- nal, and those of the posterior regions. Muscles of the Anterior Region of the Leg. The muscles of the anterior region of the leg are the tibialis, the extensor communis digitorum. and the extensor proprius pollicis pedis. The anterior peroneus, or peroneus 278 MYOLOGY. tertius, when it exists, is nothing more than an accessory fasciculus of the extenso. communis. Dissection.—Make a vertical incision through the skin from the anterior tuberosity of the tibia to the middle of the inner border of the foot; dissect back the two flaps of skin, and expose the fascia of the leg; di- vide this fascia vertically, commencing from the middle of the leg, and terminating at the lower end of the tibia, taking care to preserve the annular ligament; prolong the dissection and sep- aration of the fascia as far upward as possible; lastly, remove the fascia on the dorsum of the foot, which covers inferiorly the tendon of the tibialis anticus. The tibialis anticus {a, jig. 128) is a long, thick, prismatic, and triangular muscle, placed superficially along the outer side of the tibia. Attachments.—lt arises from the crest which bounds the ante- rior tuberosity of the tibia on the outside, and from the tubercle terminating this crest above ; from the external tuberosity of the tibia, and the superior two thirds of its external surface, which / presents a depression proportioned to the strength of the muscle ; from all that portion of the interosseous ligament situated to the inner side of the anterior tibial vessels and nerves; from the deep surface of the fascia of the leg ; and, lastly, from a tendi- nous septum intervening between this muscle and the extensor communis digitorum. It is inserted into the tubercle on the first or internal cuneiform bone, and sends off a tendinous expansion to the first metatarsal bone. It arises from the internal surface of an osteo-fibrous quadran- gular pyramid formed by the tibia, the fascia of the leg, the inter- osseous ligament, and the inter-muscular septum; from these points the fleshy fibres proceed vertically downward, and termi- nate around a tendon which commences in the substance of the muscle above its middle third; the anterior fibres cease at the lower third of the muscle, the posterior accompany the tendon to the point where it passes under the dorsal ligament of the in- step (seen in jig. 128). As soon as the tendon appears on the anterior border of the muscle, it is deflected forward in a similar manner to the external surface of the tibia, and follows the same oblique course, after having left the common sheath .of all the muscles of the anterior region of the leg. Another sheath, which is nothing more than the condensed dorsal fascia of the foot, re- ceives the tendon at the point where it passes vertically downward, to be inserted into the tubercle of the first cuneiform bone. Relations.—The tibialis anticus is covered by the fascia of the leg and the dorsal fascia cf the foot; on the inside it is in relation with the external surface of the tibia; on the outside, at first with the extensor communis digitorum, and then with the extensor pro- prius pollicis, from which it is separated behind by the anterior tibial vessels and nerves. Action.—lt flexes the foot upon the leg ; and, from the obliquity of its tendon, it raises the internal border of the foot, and, consequently, produces that sort of rotation inward at the articulation of the two rows of the tarsus which we have already alluded to. It tends, also, to adduct the ankle-joint, and is, consequently, opposed to dislocation out- ward. The absence of a proper sheath for this muscle explains the considerable pro- jection formed by its tendon during contraction, which may serve as a guide to the pre- liminary incisions in ligature of the dorsal artery of the foot. Spigelius called this mus- cle the musculus catena, because fetters applied around the ankles of criminals press chiefly upon the projection formed by its tendon. The Extensor Longus Digitorum Pedis, and the Peroneus Tertius vel Anticus Dissection.—Remove the fascia of the leg and the dorsal fascia of the foot. This is an elongated, semi-penniform, and reflected muscle {h c, jig. 128), flattened from within outward, single above, and divided into four or five tendons below. Attachments.—It arises from the external tuberosity of the tibia, on the outer side of the tibialis anticus; from the whole of the internal surface of the fibula in front of the interosseous ligament, and slightly from that ligament; from the upper part of the fascia of the leg, and from the tendinous septa interposed between this muscle and the tibialis anticus within, and the peroneus longus and brevis without. It is inserted into the sec ond and third phalanges of the last four toes. From these numerous origins the fleshy fibres proceed in different directions ; the su- The Tibialis Anticus. Fig. 128 THE EXTENSOR PROPRIUS POLLICIS. 279 perior vertically downward, the rest obliquely downward and forward, the lowest being the most oblique ; they all terminate around a tendon, which appears upon the anterior border of the muscle below the upper third of the leg. This tendon soon divides into two portions : one internal, and itself subdivided into three tendons for the second, third, and fourth toes ; the other external, and generally split into two tendons, one of which is intended for the fifth toe, while the other is fixed to the posterior extremity of the cor- responding metatarsal bone. This last subdivision is often wanting: it is but imperfect- ly separated from the fasciculus belonging to the fifth toe, to which it almost always sends off an accessory tendon : it has been generally described as a separate muscle, under the name of the peroneus tertius or anticus (c,fig. 128). I have thought it right, however, to connect this muscle with the extensor longus digitorum (&), from which it can be so imperfectly separated that it has been designated by Cowper, pars extensoris digitorum pedis longi; and by Morgagni, quintus tendo extensoris longi digitorum pedis. The extensor communis is directed vertically as far as the ankle-joint, where it enters a sheath common to it and the flexor proprius pollicis, is next reflected under this sheath, becomes horizontal, passes obliquely inward and opposite the tarsus, is received into a much stronger proper sheath, after leaving which the five tendons separate so as to cov- er the dorsal surface of the metatarsal bone of the toes, to which they correspond. In this course they cross the extensor brevis digitorum at a very acute angle, reach the dorsal surface of the metatarsal phalangal articulations, apply themselves to the inner edges of the corresponding tendons of the extensor brevis, receive some expansions from the interossei and lumbricales, and are arranged in precisely the same manner as the ex- tensor tendons of the fingers, forming a fibrous sheath on the dorsal surface of the first phalanx of the toes ; and like these, having arrived at the articulations of the first with the second phalanges, each divides into three portions ; one median, attached to the pos- terior extremity of the second phalanx ; and two lateral, which unite upon the dorsal sur- face of the second phalanx, to be inserted into the posterior extremity of the third. Relations.—Internally this muscle is in relation with the tibialis anticus, from which it is soon separated by the extensor proprius pollicis, and externally with the peroneus longus and brevis. It is covered by the fascite of the leg and foot, and it covers the fibula, the interosseous ligament, the ankle-joint, the extensor brevis digitorum, which separ- ates it from the tarsus and metatarsus; lastly, it covers the toes. Acticm.—As in all reflected muscles, we must suppose the power to be exerted imme- diately after its reflection, and in the direction of the reflected portion : in this way, it will be seen that it extends the third phalanges upon the second, and the second upon the first; and having produced this effect, it flexes the foot upon the leg. From its obliqui- ty, it also draws the toes outward, and turns the sole of the foot inward. The Extensor Proprius Pollicis. The extensor proprius pollicis (d, Jig. 128) is an elongated, thin, flat muscle, placed in front of the leg, between the extensor longus digitorum and the tibialis anticus. Attachments.—lt arises from the internal surface of the fibula, and slightly from the adjacent part of the interosseous ligament, within and behind the extensor communis This origin is situated at variable heights, but commonly not above the middle third of the leg. It is inserted into the posterior extremity of the second phalanx of the great toe. The fleshy fibres arise directly from the fibula and the interosseous ligament, and proceed at first vertically around, and then obliquely behind a tendon, which occupies the anterior border of the muscle, and to which the fleshy fibres are all attached in a sloping manner, like the barbs of a feather, as far down as below the proper sheath formed for it at the tarsus. From thence the tendon is reflected at a right angle, proceeds oblique- ly and horizontally forward and inward upon the dorsum of the foot, passes along the dorsal surface of the first metatarsal bone and first phalanx of the great toe, to the latter of which it gives off a prolongation on each side, and is then inserted into the second phalanx. ... Relations.—Internally, it is in relation with the tibialis anticus, from which it is sep arated behind by the anterior tibial nerve and vessels ; and externally, with the extensor longus digitorum. Its anterior border, at first concealed between the preceding muscles, is soon situated immediately beneath the fascia, and during its contraction forms a pro- jection, which it is important to know, because it serves as a guide in searching for the dorsal artery of the foot, which will always be found on the outer margin of the tendon ; it may be called the muscle of the arteria dorsalis pedis. In the foot it crosses superfi- cially to the extensor brevis digitorum. Action.—It extends the second phalanx of the great toe upon the first, and that upon the metatarsus; when this is accomplished, it flexes the foot upon the leg. In conse- quence of its obliquity, it tends, like the preceding muscle, to turn the toes outward, and slightly to elevate the inner border of the foot. In this region are found the peroneus longus and peroneus brevis muscles. External Region of the Leg. 280 MYOLOGY. The Peroneus Longus. Dissection.—This is common to both muscles. Remove the skin on the outer side of the leg; make a vertical incision through the fascia ; reflect the two flaps, in order to ar- rive at the tendinous septa dividing the peronei from the muscles of both the anterior and posterior regions of the leg. To expose these muscles in the foot, remove the outer portion of its dorsal fascia, and divide obliquely inward and forward all the muscles of the plantar region, from the groove of the cuboid to the posterior extremity of the first metatarsal bone. The peroneus longus (e,figs. 128 to 130) is along, thick muscle, prismatic and trian- gular at its upper part, and superficially situated on the outer side of the leg (peroneus primus, Spigelius). Attachments.—It arises externally from the outer and anterior part of the head of the fibula; from a small portion of the contiguous part of the external tuberosity of the tibia; from the upper third of the external surface of the fibula; and from the anterior and pos- terior borders of that bone, by means of very strong tendinous septa, interposed between it and the anterior and posterior muscles of the leg; lastly, from the fascia of the leg superiorly. It is inserted into the posterior extremity of the first metatarsal bone, on the outer side of which a process exists for this purpose. From these very numerous origins, the fleshy fibres proceed vertically and form a bun- dle (e, fig. 130), thick above, thin and flat below, and terminating in a tendon which is at first concealed in the substance of the muscle, but appears in the form of a band on its outer side, a little above the middle of the fibula, and becomes narrower and thicker as it proceeds. The tendon soon leaves the fleshy fibres, and accompanies the external sur- face of the fibula as it turns backward (peroneus posticus, Riol), then passes behind the external malleolus in a groove common to it and to the peroneus brevis, and is reflected forward and downward to the outer side of the os calcis, upon which it is held by a sep- arate sheath. Having reached the outer side of the cuboid bone, it again reflected, enters a groove running obliquely inward and forward upon the lower surface of that bone (e, figs. 132, 133), where it is retained by a very strong and compact sheath, and continues its oblique course, without any deviation, along the lower surface of the tarsal bones ;as far as the posterior extremity of the first metatarsal bone. In this way the tendon of the peroneus longus undergoes a double reflection : first, behind the external malleolus, in which situation a thickening or knot is often seen ; and, secondly, at the cuboid bone, opposite which a sesamoid bone almost always exists. There are also three fibrous sheaths, and three synovial membranes belonging to this tendon, one be- hind the external malleolus, one upon the outside of the os calcis, and a third under the cuboid bone. Relations.—In the leg, the peroneus longus is covered by the skin and the fascia of the leg :it covers the peroneus brevis. In front, a tendinous septum intervenes between it and the extensor longus digitorum: behind, another inter-muscular septum exists between it and the soleus above, and the flexor proprius below. On the outside of the foot, its tendon corresponds to the skin externally, and to the os calcis internally. In the plantar region, it is covered below by the entire thickness of the soft parts, and corresponds above to the inferior tarsal ligaments. Action.—As we have already so frequently observed, a reflected muscle acts as if the power were applied at the point of reflection. In this way, by transferring the power to the outer end of the groove on the cuboid bone, we shall find that the foot is abducted, or, rather, rotated outward by this muscle ; by next supposing the power to act from the other point of reflection, i. e., from behind the external malleolus, we may observe that the foot is extended upon the leg, and its outer border turned upward. In this move- ment, the lower end of the external articular surface of the astragalus tends to carry the external malleolus outward, and to increase the curvature of the fibula, which is some- times fractured in consequence. It may be easily conceived that if the fibula be frac- tured, the contraction of this muscle will no longer be counteracted, and accordingly will turn the sole of the foot outward, and may luxate the astragalus inward. This is the mechanism of luxation of the foot occurring after fracture of the fibula, the only species of lateral dislocation of this part which has ever been observed.* The Peroneus Brevis. The peroneus brevis of Albinas (peroneus secundus, Spigel; le petit peronier, Wins- iOW,f, figs. 129, 130) is a fiat, penniform, and reflected muscle, smaller and shorter than the preceding, beneath which it lies. Attachments.—It arises from the lower half, sometimes from the lower two thirds of the external surface of the fibula, which is more or less excavated for this purpose; from the anterior and posterior borders' of the same bone, and from the tendinous septa exist- ing between this muscle and those of the anterior and posterior regions of the leg. It is inserted into the posterior extremity of the fifth metatarsal bone, and sometimes * See the admirable memoir by M. Dupuytren, on fracture of the fibula. THE GASTROCNEMIUS. 281 even, by a tendinous expansion, into the fourth metatarsal bone; it often gives off a pro- longation to the extensor tendon of the little toe. The fleshy fibres proceed successively from their different origins to the internal sur- face and edges of a tendon, situated upon the outer surface of the muscle ; the bundle which they form gradually increases in size, and then diminishes, is at first penniform, and afterward semi-penniform, and accompanies the tendon as far as the fibrous sheath behind the external malleolus : after leaving the sheath, the tendon enters another, prop- er to itself, upon the outer side of the os calcis, above that for the tendon of the peroneus longus, and passes somewhat obliquely downward and forward, to be inserted into the base of the fifth metatarsal bone. Relations.—lt is covered by the peroneus longus, and covers the fibula and the outer side of the os calcis. It is, therefore, only in comparison with the peroneus longus that Riolanus and others have called this muscle the anterior peroneus. Action.—The same as that of the peroneus longus, with the exception of that of its subtarsal portion. Thus, supposing the power to be applied at the external malleolus, we have extension of the fifth metatarsal bone upon the cuboid; extension and rotation inward of the second row of the tarsus upon the first; rotation of the calcaneum upon the astragalus; extension, and a tendency to abduction of the entire foot, which is therefore considerably everted when the fibula is fractured. Posterior Region- There are two layers in this region : one superficial, formed by the gastrocnemius and soleus (or triceps surahs) and the plantaris ; the other deep, consisting of the popliteus, the tibialis posticus, the flexor longus digitorum, and the flexor longus pollicis. The Gastrocnemius and Soleus, or Triceps Suralis, and the Plantaris. Dissection.—Make a vertical incision from the upper part of the popliteal space to the heel; at right angles to this, above, make another horizontal and semicircular incision, embracing the back part of the thigh; divide and dissect the fascia of the leg. The gas- trocnemii will then be exposed, and must be dissected very carefully at their origins. In order to study the structure and attachments of these muscles properly, they must be cut transversely in the middle, and the superior half turned upward. In dividing the outer head of the gastrocnemius, be careful not to cut the plantaris, which seems to be merely a small fasciculus detached from that muscle. The soleus is exposed by simply removing the gastrocnemius; but, in order to study its structure and attachments, it must be divided vertically from behind forward at the side of a median tendinous raphd, and the fibres which conceal this median aponeurotic lamina of the muscle must be scraped away. From this division we have a fibular and a tibial portion of the soleus. The gastrocnemius {g g) and the soleus {i i', fig. 129) together constitute a very powerful triceps muscle (musculus sum, Seem.), which, by itself, forms the fleshy part of the leg, commonly called the calf. The great development of these muscles is one of the most marked characteristics of the muscular apparatus of the human sub- ject, and is connected with his destination for the erect position. The three portions of the triceps suralis are united together below in a common tendinous insertion, constituting the tendo Achillis {t, fig■ 129), but are divided above into two very distinct planes : one, anterior or deep, formed by the soleus; the other, posterior or su- perficial, consisting of the two heads of the gastrocnemius. We shall describe these in succession. Fig. 129. Gastrocnemius. The gastrocnemius, from yaarrip, a belly, and uvfijirj, the leg (ge- mellus, Albinas', primus pedem moventium, cum secundo, Vcsah- us), is the most superficial muscle on the back of the leg: it con- sists of two heads above (g g',fig■ 129), but forms a single fleshy belly, which is thick and flattened from before backward. It arises from the condyle of the femur by two perfectly distinct but similar heads, viz., an outer or smaller, called the gemellus ex- ternus (g), and an inner or larger, named the gemellus internus (g'). They take their origin from the bone, by two very strong and flat tendons, which are attached on the outer side, and behind the con- dyle of the femur, to two well-marked digital impressions, that foi the outer head being situated above a much deeper impression foi the popliteus muscle, and that for the inner head immediately be hind the tubercle into which the adductor magnus is inserted, s« that the inner head is situated upon a plane a little posterior to that of the outer head. They also arise, by tendinous fasciculi, from N N 282 MYOLOGY. the rough triangular surfaces surrounding the digital impression, and terminating at the inferior bifurcation of the linea aspera. Each tendon of origin (that for the inner being much larger than that for the outer head) expands into an aponeurosis upon the posteri- or surface of that portion of the muscle to which it belongs. The aponeurotic expansion of the inner head is, moreover, thicker and longer than the other, and embraces the inner border of that part of the muscle, like a tendinous semi-cone. The fleshy fibres arise from the anterior surface of these tendinous expansions, and are disposed in the follow- ing manner ; those in the middle, which are few in number, are strengthened by fleshy fibres proceeding from the rough projections of the bifurcation of the linea aspera, pass inward and downward, and are united together like the limbs of the letter V opening up- ward, upon a median raphe, which consists either of a simple thickening of the termina- ting aponeurosis, or of a small tendinous septum: the other fibres, constituting almost the entire muscle, arise from the anterior surface of the tendons of origin, and from the aponeurosis in which they terminate, and proceed vertically downward to the back of an- other very dense aponeurotic expansion, which covers the whole anterior surface of the muscle. This last aponeurosis commences above by two very distinct portions ; at first it is of equal breadth with the muscle, then becomes narrower and thickened, and, finally, closely united with the terminal tendon of the soleus. At the lower part of the calf the fleshy fibres terminate suddenly upon the posterior surface of this aponeurosis, forming a V opening downward. Although the two portions of the gastrocnemius become inti- mately united shortly after their origin, they are not confounded together, and the inter- nal portion forms on the inside of the tibia the greatest part of the fleshy mass called the calf of the leg. Relations.—The gastrocnemius is covered by the fascia of the leg, and it covers and adheres intimately to the capsular ligament, which envelops the back part of the con- dyles of the femur. It is also in relation with the popliteus and the soleus. The tendon of the inner head corresponds to the posterior surface of the internal con- dyle ; that of the outer head to the outer side of the external condyle. We often find at the upper part of the tendon of each headn but most commonly in the substance of that of the outer head, a sesamoid bone, that glides upon the back of the condyle, and belongs to the sort of fibrous capsule or hood by which the back of each condyle is cov- ered. (Vide Syndesmology, Articulation of the Knee.) The Plantaris. This little muscle (le plantaire grele, 11', Jig. 129) should be regarded as an accessory of the outer head of the gastrocnemius, or, rather, as a rudimentary muscle in the hu- man subject. Its small fusiform, fleshy belly, varying much in size, is found beneath the outer head of the gastrocnemius. It arises (Z) from the fibrous capsule covering the external condyle, and sometimes from the lower part of the external bifurcation of the linea aspera. From these points, it pass- es obliquely downward and inward, and after a course of from two inches and a half to three inches, ends in a long, flat, and slender tendon, which is at first situated between the gastrocnemius and soleus, and afterward (I') lies parallel with the inner edge of the tendo Achillis, and is inserted into the os calcis, either at the side, or in front of that ten- don. Sometimes, however, it is lost in the sub-cutaneous adipose tissue. This muscle, which is often wanting, is occasionally double.* The Soleus. The soleus (partly seen at i i',fig. 129) is so called because it has been compared to the fish called a sole, or to the sole of a shoe. Attachments.—It arises from the fibula and tibia, and is inserted into the os calcis. Its jibular origins (?) consist, first, of a tendon attached behind, and on the inner side of the head of that bone ; this tendon is extremely strong, especially on the inside, opposite a process existing on the fibula for its attachment; it is prolonged within the substance, and along the anterior surface of the muscle : and, secondly, of some tendinous fibres attached to the upper half of the external border of the fibula, and the upper third of the posterior surface of the same bone. The tihial origins {i') take place from the oblique line on the posterior surface of the tibia below the popliteus, and from the contiguous portion of the aponeurotic expansion of that muscle; from an aponeurosis which arises from the middle third of the inner border of the tibia, and is prolonged upon the anterior surface, within the substance of the muscle ; and, lastly, by a few fleshy fibres from a tendinous arch extending between the head of the fibula and the oblique line on the posterior surface of the tibia. From these different origins, the fleshy fibres pass in different directions to the anterior sur- face and edge of an aponeurosis, which covers the posterior surface of the muscle, be- comes narrower and thickened as it proceeds downward, unites with the terminal ten- don of the gastrocnemius about the middle third of the leg, and is soon blended with it to form the tendo Achillis. * Fourcroy, in his sixth memoir upon the burs* mucos®, states that the plantaris, whose tendon, according to Albinus, is received into a grO"ve along the inner border of the tendo Achillis, is the tensor muscle of the synovial capsule of that tendon. This is an error. THE POPLITE’JS In order to study accurately the structure of the soleus, divide it longitudinally at the side of the raphe or tendinous septum existing in the middle of the lower half of this muscle, and then, by scraping off some of the fleshy fibres, it will be seen that a dense, fibrous septum given off by the terminal aponeurosis, separates the muscle into two equal halves, and forms with that aponeurosis two tendinous semi-cones, in the interior of which the fleshy fibres are received. It will now be understood why Douglas, who had designated the gastrocnemius the two external and superficial heads of the great extensor of the tarsus, should call the soleus the two internal and deep heads of the same muscle There are, in fact, two principal aponeuroses of origin, and two hollow tendons of insei - tion ; each aponeurosis of origin covers almost the entire anterior surface of the corre- sponding half of the muscle. Relations.—lt is covered by the gastrocnemius, which projects beyond it on both sides, but especially on the inner side, and from which it is separated by the plantaris. It is thickest immediately below the largest part or belly of the inner portion of the gastroc- nemius, and, consequently, it prolongs the swelling of the calf downward. It covers the muscles of the deep layer, viz., the flexor communis digitorum, the flexor proprius polli- cis, and the tibialis posticus ; it also covers the posterior tibial and the fibular vessels and nerves. , The Tendo Achillis.—The tendo Achillis {I, figs. 129,130) results from the union of the tendons of the gastrocnemius, plantaris, and soleus. It is formed in the following man- ner : the terminal aponeurosis of the gastrocnemius, shortly after leaving the fleshy fibres, is intimately united to that of the soleus, which still continues to receive fleshy fibres upon its anterior surface and its edges, and gradually becoming narrower, is soon joined by the antero-posterior septum of this muscle. All these tendinous fibres are col- lected together to form the strongest and largest tendon in the body, known by the name of the tendo Achillis, which, after a course of about an inch and a half or two inches, glides over the smooth surface presented by the superior two thirds of the back of the os calcis, with the intervention of a synovial bursa, and is expanded a little, in order to be inserted into the rough surface on the lower part of the same bone. Action of the Gactrocnemius and Soleus.—These muscles extend the foot upon the leg. In no other part of the body do we find so advantageous an arrangement for an immense development of power. 1. These muscles are very large, and particularly remarkable for the number of their fleshy fibres, in which respect they exceed all other muscles in the body. 2. The mode of insertion is nowhere else so favourable, for it is absolutely per- pendicular. 3. We have here a lever of the second order, in which the fulcrum is at the ball of the toes, the resistance in the middle of the foot, being represented by the weight of the body resting upon the ankle-joint, and the power at the extremity of the heel (see fig. 104). The length of that portion of the lever which projects behind the joint varies much in different individuals ; it scarcely exists in the peculiar malformation denominated flat-foot. These muscles are the principal agents in walking and leaping; they raise the weight of the whole body, even when loaded with heavy burdens. Hence it is not surprising, that occasionally an energetic contraction of these muscles may rupture the tendo Achillis, or fracture the os calcis. Frequent exercise appears to be necessary for these muscles; for when they remain inactive, they become atrophied, and are speedily affected with fatty degeneration. The action of the soleus, which reaches only from the leg to the heel, is limited to extension of the foot; but the gastrocnemius, which is at- tached to the femur, after having extended the foot, can flex the leg upon the thigh; but, from its proximity to the fulcrum, this last action is very slight. When the foot is fixed, as, for example, in standing, the soleus acts upon the leg, and tends to prevent one from falling forward, to which there is a constant tendency from the weight of the body ; the action of the gastrocnemius, on the contrary, is to ilex the thigh, and in this respect it is altogether independent of the soleus. The plantaris can only be regarded as rudimentary in man ; in the lower animals it is a tensor of the plantar fascia; it has been, as it were, cut short in man, in conse- quence of his destination for the erect position. Sometimes, as we have already stated, it is lost upon the fatty tissue covering the os calcis. The Popliteus. This is a small, triangular, and very thin muscle {m,fig. 130), situated in the popliteal space. It arises from a deep fossa, resembling a groove running from behind forward, on the back of the external condyle of the femur, below the origin of the outer head of the gas- trocnemius. It is inserted into the entire extent of the triangular surface, on the upper part of the posterior aspect of the tibia. It arises by a very strong tendon, which bears no proportion to the diminutive size of the muscle. This tendon, at first concealed by the external lateral ligament, contain- ed, as it were, in the cavity of the joint, and completely enveloped by the synovial mem- brane, passes obliquely behind the articulation, and, after extending for about one inch, 284 MYOLOGY. divides, like the tendon of the obturator internus, into four or five small diverging bun- Fig. 130. dies, which soon surround the fleshy fibres on all sides. The lat- dles, which soon surround the fleshy fibres on all sides. The lat- ter then become attached in succession to the triangular surface of the tibia, the lowest being the longest and the most oblique. The superficial fibres are inserted into a tendinous expansion from the semi-membranosus, which covers the posterior surface of the popliteus muscle, and forms a very strong sheath for it. Relations.—It is covered by the gastrocnemius and the plantaris, from which it is separated by the popliteal vessels, and the inter- nal popliteal branch of the sciatic nerve. It covers the tibio-fibu- lar articulations and the back of the tibia. Action.—lt flexes the leg upon the thigh, and, at the same time, rotates it inward (oblique movens tibiam, Spigelius). In this last respect it antagonizes the biceps. The Tibialis Posticus. Dissection.—Remove the gastrocnemius and soleus; separate the tibialis posticus from the flexor longus digitorum, which par- tially covers it; carefully remove from the posterior surface of the tibialis posticus a very broad aponeurosis, together with a portion of the long flexor of the toes, which arises from the posterior sur- face of that aponeurosis ; completely separate the tibialis posticus from the interosseous ligament, and the adjacent portions of the tibia and fibula ; lastly, be careful to preserve the tendinous expan- sions always given off by this muscle to the fourth and fifth meta- tarsal bones. The tibialis posticus (n,fig. 130) is the most deeply seated of all the muscles on the back of the leg ; it is very thick, and occupies the whole depth of the excavation between the tibia, fibula, and interosseous ligament. Attachments.—It arises from the tibia, the fibula, and the interos seous ligament, and is inserted into the scaphoid bone. Its tibial and fibular origins form a bifurcation for the passage of the poste- rior tibial artery. Its tibial attachment takes place on the oblique line situated below the popliteus, soleus, and flexor longus digitorum. Its fibular origin is from the inner border of that bone, below the’soleus, and from all that portion of its inner surface which is behind the interosseous ligament. It also arises from the entire posterior surface of this ligament. Lastly, a few fibres take their origin from the deep surface of an aponeurosis which separates the deep from the superficial layer of muscles, and from the tendinous septa interposed between this muscle itself and the flexor lon- gus digitorum on the inside, and the flexor proprius pollicis on the outside. From these numerous origins the fleshy fibres proceed vertically downward, around a tendon which may be distinguished near the upper extremity of the muscle, under the form of a ten- dinous sheaf, which afterward appears along its posterior border, and receives the fleshy fibres on its anterior surface, like the barbs of a feather upon the shaft. This tendon, however, is nothing more than the thickened posterior edge of an aponeurosis occupy- ing the entire substance of the muscle from before backward, and receiving the fleshy fibres upon its two lateral surfaces as far down as opposite the internal malleolus. The thick tendon resulting from the union of these aponeurotic fibres then becomes free, and enters a proper sheath on the outer side of that belonging to the tendon of the flexor longus digitorum, in front of which it then passes behind the internal malleolus, where it is also enclosed in a separate sheath (n, fig. 129). On the inner side of the internal lateral lig- ament of the ankle, and below the lower calcaneo-scaphoid ligament, it enters another sheath, and is finally inserted (n,fig. 133) into the tubercle of the scaphoid bone, a very thick sesamoid bone existing near its insertion. In some subjects this sesamoid bone is found at the point of insertion ; in others it is situated opposite the calcaneo-scaphoid ligament. Besides this, the tendon of the tibialis posticus gives off a very strong ex- pansion to the first cuneiform bone, and on the outside an oblique expansion to the sec- ond and third cuneiform bones, and even to the third or fourth metatarsal bones. Relations.—It is covered by the flexor longus digitorum, slightly by the flexor proprius pollicis, and entirely by the soleus: it covers the interosseous ligament and the adjacent parts of the tibia and fibula. Action.—The tibialis posticus extends the foot upon the leg. As it is a reflected mus- cle, all the fibres must be considered as acting from the point of reflection that is be- hind the inner ankle. It is evident, then, that this muscle extends the foot, both by its action upon the astragalo-scaphoid articulation, and also by that upon the ankle-joint. It also tends to turn the sole of the foot inward; and, consequently, it co-operates with the tibialis anticus in this respect, and antagonizes the peroneus longus and brevis. It may also be understood why some persons, in whom the tendo Achillis has been cut or THE FLEXOR LOIVGUS POLLICIS. 285 ruptured, are yet capable of walking, and why the foot can in all cases be extended after this accident; but under these circumstances the lever formed by the foot is changed, and the power represented by the tibialis posticus is applied between the fulcrum and the resistance ; so that we have, then, a lever of the third, not of the second order, as when the tendo Achillis is uninjured. The Flexor Longus Digitorum Pedis. This is a penniform, elongated, and reflected muscle (o, figs. 130, 132), situated along the posterior surface of the tibia and in the sole of the foot; it is the most internal mus- cle of the deep layer, is flattened from before backward, and terminates below in four tendons. Attachments.—lt arises from the tibia, and is inserted, into the last phalanges of the last four toes. It arises from the oblique line of the tibia, below the popliteus and the sole- us, and from the middle three fifths of the posterior surface of the same bone. Some fibres also proceed from the tendinous septum intervening between it and the tibialis posticus. From these different origins the fleshy fibres proceed obliquely backward and downward, to the anterior surface and edges of a tendon which commences near the upper end of the muscle, and gradually disengages itself from the fleshy fibres, being accompanied by them anteriorly as far as the internal malleolus. It passes behind this projection in the same sheath as the tendon of the tibialis posticus, from which it is sep- arated by a fibrous septum; it soon leaves that tendon, passing to its outer or fibular side (o, fig. 129), and is then reflected at an obtuse angle upon the internal malleolus. It now becomes horizontal, and is buried under the astragalus and the small anterior tubercle of the os calcis, where it is contained in a proper sheath. Having thus reached the sole of the foot (o, figs. 131, 132), it passes obliquely outward and forward, crosses under the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis at a very acute angle, receives from it a strong tendinous communication, and at the same time becoming expanded, is joined by its accessory muscle, and finally divides into four tendons for the last four toes. The tendon for the second toe proceeds directly forward. The tendons for the other toes in succession pass more and more obliquely. Having reached the metatarso-phalangal ar- ticulations, these tendons are received, together with those of the flexor brevis digitorum, into the sheaths upon the first and second phalanges; and they have precisely the same relations to the tendons of the last-mentioned muscle as the flexor profundus is observed to have with regard to the flexor sublimis digitorum in the hand ; and hence the name of perforans given by Spigelius to the long flexor of the toes. The tendons are finally inserted into the posterior extremities of the third phalanges. The tendinous parts of this muscle are lubricated by synovial membranes where they pass through the different sheaths. Relations.—lt is covered by the soleus, the posterior tibial vessels and nerves, and it covers tbe tibia and the tibialis posticus. In the foot, it is covered below by the flexor brevis digitorum and the adductor pollicis. Action.—lt flexes the third phalanges upon the second, the second upon the first, and the first upon the corresponding metatarsal bones. When these movements have been accomplished, it extends the foot upon the leg. From the obliquity of its reflected por- tion, it would turn the toes and the sole of tue foot slightly inward, if the accessory mus- cle did not, as it were, rectify its action, as well as co-operate with it. In standing, it op- poses flexion of the leg forward. The Flexor Longus Pollicis. The flexor longus pollicis is the most external and the largest muscle in the deep re- gion of the leg: it is prismatic and quadrangular, vertical and fleshy in the leg (p, figs. 129, 130), tendinous and horizontal in the foot (p, figs. 131, 132). Attachments.—It arises from the fibula, and is inserted into the last phalanx of the great toe. Some of the fibres arise directly Irom the inferior two thirds, and from the internal and external borders of the fibula; others arise from the fascia covering the tibialis pos- ticus (its origin from the fibula, and that from the fascia of the tibialis muscle, are sep- arated from each other by the peroneal vessels); from a tendinous septum between it and the peroneus longus and brevis ; and from a small portion of tbe lower part of the interosseous ligament. From these numerous points of origin the fleshy fibres pass ob- liquely downward and backward, around a tendon which occupies the entire length of the muscle, and may be seen at the lower part ol the leg, through a thin layer of muscu- lar fibres. These fibres terminate abruptly behind the ankle-joint, at the oblique groove on the astragalus, in which the tendon is lodged ; it then turns into a groove on the os calcis, forming a continuation of the preceding {fig. 133), and situated below that for the tendon of the flexor longus digitorum, and dips into the sole of the foot. It is retained in these two grooves, wdfich run obliquely downward, inward, and forward, by a very strong and continuous sheath (fig. 132). In the sole of the foot, the tendon is deeply situated (p, fig. 131), passes forward, and crosses (p, fig. 132) at an acute angle above the tendon of the flexor longus digitorum, to which it gives off a considerable fibrous 286 MYOLOGY. prolongation. It is then received in a groove formed between the flexor brevis digito- rum and the oblique adductor of the great toe, passes below the anterior glenoid liga- ment of the metatarso-phalangal articulation of that toe, between the two" sesamoid bones, and is received into the osteo-fibrous sheath of the first phalanx, to be inserted into the posterior extremity of the second. Relations.—lt is covered by the soleus, being separated from it by a fascia, which in- creases in thickness as it passes downward; it is also covered by the tendo Achillis; it covers the fibula, the tibialis posticus, the peroneal artery, and the lower part of the in- terosseous ligament. Externally, it is in relation with the peroneus longus and brevis ; internally, with the flexor longus digitorum. Action.—lt flexes the second phalanx of the great toe upon the first, and this upon the first metatarsal bone ; having produced these movements, it then extends the foot upon he leg. From the obliquity of its fleshy belly, it has a tendency to turn the great toe and the foot outward. In this respect it antagonizes the flexor longus digitorum and the tibialis posticus. The very strong tendinous expansion which unites it to the long flexor of the toes consolidates the two muscles ; in fact, it is very uncommon to find either of them acting independently. MUSCLES OF THE FOOT. The Extensor Brevis Digitorum.—Abductor Pollicis Pedis.—Flexor Brevis Pollicis Pedis. Adductor Pollicis Pedis.—Transversus Pollicis Pedis.—Abductor Minimi Digiti.—Flexor Brevis Minimi Digiti.—Flexor Brevis Digitorum.—Flexor Accessorius.—Lumbricales.— Interossei. The muscles of the foot are divided into those of the dorsal and plantar aspects and the interossei. The muscles of the plantar aspect may be again subdivided into three regions, viz., those of the middle plantar region, those of the internal plantar region, and those of the external plantar region. A single muscle occupies the dorsum of the foot, viz., the extensor brevis digitorum. The muscles of the internal plantar region are four in number, viz., the abductor, the flexor brevis, and the oblique and transverse adduc- tors of the great toe. The last two muscles may be regarded as forming part of the middle plantar region. The muscles of the external plantar region are the abductor and the flexor brevis ot the little toe. The muscles of the middle region are the flexor brevis digitorum, the flexor accesso- rius, and the lumbricales. The interosseous muscles are seven in number, and are divided into the dorsal and nlantar. The Extensor Brevis Digitorum. Dorsal Region. Dissection.—Remove the dorsal fascia of the foot, and the tendons of the muscles of the anterior region of the leg. The extensor brevis digitorum (q, Jig. 128) is a thin, flat, quadrilateral muscle, situated on the dorsum of the foot; it is divided into four portions anteriorly, and is an accessory of the extensor longus digitorum. It arises from the os calcis, and is inserted into the first four toes. It arises, by a rounded extremity, from a small excavation on the outside of the foot formed by the os calcis and the astragalus {the astragalo-calcancan fossa), and from the os calcis, in front of that excavation. Its origin from "these parts is both fleshy and tendi- nous. The muscle then passes forward and inward, and soon divides into four fleshy fasciculi, each representing a little penniform muscle, and terminating quickly in a small tendon, the size of which is proportioned to the strength of the fasciculus. The inter- nal tendon is the largest, because it is intended for the great toe ; it is situated below the tendon of the extensor proprius pollicis, which it crosses at a very acute angle, and is inserted into the dorsal surface of the proximal end of the last phalanx. The second, third, and fourth tendons, intended for the second, third, and fourth toes, are subjacent to the corresponding tendons of the extensor longus digitorum, which they cross at a very acute angle. Having reached the metatarso-phalangal articulations, the tendons of the short extensor are situated to the outside of those of the extensor longus, and are blended with them, so as to complete the fibrous sheath on the dorsal surface of the first phalanx, and to terminate in a similar manner. Relations.—It is covered by the dorsal fascia of the foot, by the tendons of the exten- sor longus digitorum and extensor proprius pollicis ; it covers the second row of the tar- sal bones, the metatarsus, and a small portion of the interosseous muscles and the pha- langes. The arteria dorsalis pedis runs at first along the inner border of this muscle, wiiich overlaps the artery, where the latter perforates the first interosseous space, in order to reach the sole of the foot. THE FLEXOR BREVIS POLLICIS PEDIS. 287 Action.—lt extends the first four toes ;it acts upon the first phalanx only of the great, toe. Its obliquity enables it to correct the contrary oblique movement communicated to the toes by the contraction of the extensor longus digitorum ; so that the opposite ac- tions of these two muscles are mutually destroyed, and the foot is extended directly. Not uncommonly, the extensor brevis presents a fifth fasciculus, which is lost upon some one of the metatarso-phalangal articulations. The muscles of the ball of the great toe may be divided, like those of the thumb, into two orders, viz., those which pass from the tarsus to the inner side of the first phalanx, and those which pass from the tarsus to the outer side of the same phalanx. Here, as with the muscles of the thumb, the tendon of the flexor longus divides the flexor brevis pollicis pedes of authors into two parts: one internal, forming the flexor brevis of the great toe, properly so called; the other external, which is found to be connected with the oblique adductor of this toe. Internal Plantar Region. Muscles inserted into the Inner Side of the First Phalanx of the Great Toe. Dissection.—ln order to expose the abductor brevis, it is sufficient to remove the in- ternal plantar fascia; the flexor brevis will be found under, i. e., deeper than the tendon of the abductor brevis. The muscles inserted into the inner side of the first phalanx of the great toe are the abductor brevis and the flexor brevis. They are distinct at their origins, but are often blended at their insertions ; so that Winslow united them together under the name of le thenar da pied. The Abductor Pollicis Pedis. Fig. 131. This muscle (le court adducteur,* Cruveilhier, r,fig. 131) is the most superficial in the internal plantar region; it arises on the inside, from the internal , posterior tuberosity of the os calcis; from the internal annular ligament under which the posterior tibial vessels and nerves pass; from the upper sur- face of the internal plantar fascia; and from the lower sur- face of a tendinous expansion, which occupies the entire ex- tent of the deep or superior surface of the muscle. From these points the fleshy fibres proceed to the circumference of a tendon {r, Jigs. 132, 133), which emerges from them inte- riorly near the first cuneiform bone, but is often accompanied by them superiorly as far as its insertion into the internal ses- amoid bone, opposite the first phalanx of the great toe. Relations.—lt is covered below by the internal plantar fas- cia, and is divided from the muscles of the middle plantar re- gion by a tendinous septum, which gives attachment to some of its fleshy fibres. It is superficial to the flexor brevis polli- cis, the flexor accessorius, the tendons of the flexor longus digitorum, and that of the flexor longus pollicis, the tarsal in- sertions of the tibialis anticus and posticus, the plantar vessels and nerves, and the internal articulations of the tarsus. Action.—It is, properly speaking, a flexor of the great toe. Adopting a similar plan in the definition of this muscle as in that of the short flexor of the thumb, I shall describe as the short flexor of the great toe that portion {s, fig. 133) only of the flexor brevis of authors which extends from the second row of the tarsus to the internal sesamoid bone of the metatarso-phalangal articulation of the great toe, and shall refer to the oblique adductor that portion (t) which is attached to the external ses- imoid bone. This change^appears to be warranted by the rule already laid down for the distinction of muscles. Community of the fixed points of origin is not sufficient to es- tablish the unity of two muscles, provided their movable insertions are distinct. A cel- lular interval and the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis establish anteriorly the line of demarcation between the flexor brevis and the adductor obliquus pollicis. According to this view, the flexor brevis pollicis (s, figs. 131, 132, 133) arises from the second row of the tarsus, particularly from the cuboid and the third cuneiform bones, by some tendinous fibres which are formed by a continuation of the inferior ligaments of the tarsus, and are common to this muscle and the internal portion (/) of the oblique ad- ductor of the great toe. The tendon of the tibialis posticus (w, fig. 133), or, rather, the prolongation which this tendon gives off to the fourth metatarsal bone, also furnishes some points of origin. The fleshy fibres proceeding from these different attachments form a bundle that gradually increases in size, becomes separated from th e oblique ad- The Flexor Brevis Pollicis Pedis. • See note, next page. 288 MYOLOGY. ductor, and terminates in a tendon which is inserted into the external sesamoid bone, and also into the glenoid ligament of the metatarso-phalangal articulation. Not unfre- quently the greater number of the fleshy fibres are attached to the tendon of the abduc- tor brevis, and thus constitute the short head of a biceps muscle. Relations.—The flexor brevis pollicis is in relation below with the internal plantar fas- cia, and with the tendon of the abductor brevis pollicis, being moulded upon it, and usu- ally separated from it by a tendinous sheath, except in those cases where the tAvo mus- cles are blended together. Observe that, at the point where the fleshy belly of the ab- ductor terminates, the flexor brevis is in relation above with the tendon of the peroneus longus (e,fig. 133) and the first metatarsal bone. Action.—The same as that of the preceding muscle, but it is much less powerful, and less extensive. Muscles inserted into the External Side of the First Phalanx of the Great Toe. These are the oblique and transverse adductors.* Dissection.—They are exposed by cutting across, and turning forward the flexor brevis digitorum, the tendons of the flexor loftgus digitorum, and the flexor accessorius : par- ticular care should be taken, when the dissection has extended as far as the heads of the metatarsal bones, to avoid cutting the small transverse adductor. The Adductor Pollicis Pedis. This (I'abducteur oblique, Cruveilhier, 11', jig. 133) is the largest of all the plantar mus- cles ; it is prismatic and triangular, and occupies the great hollow formed by the last four metatarsal bones, and is bounded by the first metatarsal bone on the inner side. It ex- tends from the second row of the tarsus to the external sesamoid bone of the great toe. It arises by two very distinct portions : the smaller (t,figs■ 131, 132, 133), common to it and to the flexor brevis, proceeds from the cuboid bone ; the other {tj is much larger, and arises from the sheath of the tendon of the peroneus longus (e), from the posterior extremities of the third, fourth, and fifth metatarsal bones, and from the transverse lig- aments by which they are united. From these different origins the fleshy fibres pass more or less obliquely inward, and are inserted by a tendinous bundle into the external sesamoid bone of the metatarso-phalangal articulation of the great toe, and into the pos- terior edge of the glenoid ligament of the same joint. Relations.—Its inferior surface is in relation with the long and short flexors of the toes, with the flexor accessorius, the lumbricales, and the plantar fascia ; its superior surface, with the interosseous muscles and the external plantar artery; and its inner surface, with the first metatarsal bone, the tendon of the peroneus longus, and with the flexor brevis pollicis. Action.—lt is a powerful adductor and flexor of the great toe. The Transversus Pollicis Pedis. This small transverse bundle (I’abducteur transverse, Cruveilhier, u,fig. 133) forms an appendage of the preceding muscle, and is represented in the hand by the transverse fibres of the adductor pollicis ; it extends from the fifth metatarsal bone to the external sesamoid bone of the metatarso-phalangal articulation of the great toe. This muscle, Avhich is of variable size, arises externally from beneath the head of the fifth metatarsal bone, by a tendinous and fleshy tongue, which is directed transversely inward, is strengthened by other fibres arising from the anterior transverse ligament of the metatarsus, and from the interosseous aponeurosis, and is inserted into the outer side of the first phalanx of the great toe, where it is often blended with the attachment of the oblique adductor. Relations.—It is in relation below with the tendons of the long and short flexors of the toes and with the lumbricalis, and above with the interosseous muscles. It is lodged in the anterior part of the deep concavity of the metatarsus, and is provided Avith a proper sheath. Actions.—lt adducts the great toe, and draws the head of the metatarsal bones towards each other. * [The terms adductor and abductor are applied by M. Cruveilhier to the muscles of the great toe, from then respective actions upon it, in reference to the axis of the body ; the muscle attached to the inner side of that toe being called its adductor, and those to the outer side its abductors. In the translation, however, the nomen- clature of Albinus has been adopted, in -which the terms adductor and abductor have reference to the axis of the limb: first, because it is followed by the majority of authors ; and, secondly, because it is in accordance ■with the principle observed by M. Cruveilhier himself, in describing not only all the muscles of the hand, but some even of those of the foot, viz., the interossei, which are classed by him as abductors or adductors, accord lug as they draw the several toes from or towards an imaginary axis passing through the second toe. By this change much risk of perplexity will be avoided, and a uniform principle of nomenclature preserved as regards all the muscles of the hand and foot. In the description of each muscle of the great toe, the synonymes ot Cruveilhier are given between brack ets ; but in all instances, both here apd hereafter, where these muscles have incidentally to be mentioned, the names adopted from Albinus will be strictly adhered to. It is scarcely necessary to observe that the abductor of the little toe will still retain its name.J THE ABDUCTOR DIGITI MINIMI, ETC. 289 External Plantar Region. The Abductor Digiti Minimi. Dissection.—This is common to the abductor and the flexor brevis. The first is ex- posed by simply removing the external plantar fascia, and the second by removing or re- flecting down the first. The abductor digiti minimi (v, Jig. 131) is of the same form, the same structure, and al- most the same size as the abductor pollicis, and extends from the os calcis to the first phalanx of the little toe. It arises by tendinous and fleshy fibres from the external pos- terior tuberosity of the os calcis, from the outer side of the internal posterior tuberosity, and from an aponeurosis occupying the upper surface of the muscle. The fleshy fibres having arisen in succession from these lifferent points, proceed obliquely round a tendon, from which they emerge, opposite the posterior extremity of the fifth metatarsal bone. The fleshy belly of the muscle appears to end at this point, but it is continued by other fibres, arising from the upper surface of the external plantar fascia, and inserted either into the common tendon, or separately, by the side of this tendon, into the outer part of the first phalanx of the little toe. A small fleshy bundle is frequently detached from the body of the muscle, and implanted into the posterior extremity of the fifth metatarsal bone, together with a prolongation of the external plantar fascia, which serves as a ten- don for it. Action.—It is an abductor and flexor of the little toe. The Flexor Brevis Digiti Minimi. Fig. 132. This is a small fleshy fasciculus (x,Jigs. 131, 132, 133), situ- ated along the external border of the fifth metatarsal bone, and forming a continuation of the series of interosseous muscles, with which it was for a long time confounded (interosseus, Spigdius): it extends from the second row of the tarsus, and from the fifth metatarsal bone, to the first phalanx of the little toe. It arises from the ligamentous layer covering the plantar surface of the metatarsal row of the tarsal bones, and from the posterior extremity of the fifth metatarsal bone ; it is inserted into the outer side of the first phalanx of the little toe, or, more correctly, into the posterior edge of the glenoid ligament of the metatarso-phalangal articulation of that toe. Some of the fleshy fibres will be found attached to the entire length of the external border of the fifth metatarsal bone ; and these some- times form a small and very distinct muscle, representing the opponens digiti minimi of the hand. Relations.—lt is covered below by the plantar fascia, which is here very thin, and also by the tendon of the abductor digiti minimi; it is in relation above with the fifth metatarsal bone and the first plantar interosseous muscle. Action.—The same as that of the preceding muscle with re- gard to flexion, but its action is less powerful and less exten- sive. Middle Plantar Region. Dissection. Remove the plantar fascia, which is intimately united to this muscle pos- teriorly. The flexor brevis digitorum {y, fig. 131) is a short, thick muscle, narrow behind, and divided into four tendons in front. It arises from the inside of the external1 tuberosity of the os calcis, from the upper surface of the middle plantar fascia, from a special ten- dinous expansion occupying the lower surface of the muscle, and appearing to be a de- pendance of the plantar fascia; and, lastly, from an aponeurotic septum, situated between i?, and the muscles of the external plantar region. It forms a fleshy belly, which is nar- row and thick behind, passes directly forward, increases in breadth, and soon divides into four, sometimes only into three fasciculi, constituting as many small and perfectly distinct penniform muscles, the long and delicate tendons of which emerge from the fleshy fibres before reaching the metatarso-phalangal articulations, become flattened, and are then situated below and in the same sheath with the tendons of the flexor longus. Opposite the first phalanx each tendon of the short flexor bifurcates, to allow the passage of the corresponding tendon of the flexor longus, is formed into a groove, becomes re- united above the latter tendon, and once more bifurcates in order to be inserted along the borders of the second phalanx (hence it was named perforatus by Spigdius, and le perfore du pied by Winslow). The short flexor of the toes is, therefore, analogous to the superficial flexor of the fingers. Relations—lt is covered below by the plantar fascia and the skin • it is in relation Oc The Flexor Brevis Digitorum. MYOLOGY. above with the plantar vessels arid nerves, with the tendon of the flexor longus digitorum and with the flexor accessorius and the lumbricales, from which it is separated by a tend! nous lamina. On its outer and inner side it is completely isolated from all the adjactn muscles by prolongations of the plantar fascia. Action.—lt flexes the second phalanges of the last four toes upon the first phalanges and these upon the corresponding metatarsal bones. This is a flat, quadrilateral muscle, forming a considerable fleshy mass (massa carnea, Jacobi Sylvii, z,fig. 132); it arises, by a bifurcated extremity, from the lower part of the groove of the os calcis, and a small part of the calcaneo-scaphoid ligament by fleshy fibres, and by means of a tendon from the lower surface of the same bone, this tendon sometimes extending as far as the external posterior tuberosity of the os calcis. From these points the fleshy fibres pass directly forward, and terminate in the following man- ner : the lower fibres become inserted into the outer margin, and a small portion pf the inferior surface of the tendon of the flexor longus digitorum ; while the upper are inserted into several small fibrous bundles, which unite together, receive a considerable expan- sion from the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis, and are ultimately blended with, and increase the size of the divided tendon of the flexor longus digitorum. Relations.—This muscle is in relation below with the flexor longus digitorum and the plantar vessels and nerves, and above with the os calcis and the inferior calcaneo-cuboid ligaments. Action.—lt is a muscle of re-enforcement, and assists in flexing the toes ; from its obli- quity, it rectifies the oblique action of the flexor longus digitorum in the opposite direction. The Flexor Accessorius. The Lumbricales. The lumbricales {I I, figs. 131, 132), which form a second class of accessory muscles belonging to the flexor longus digitorum, exactly resemble the lumbricales of the fingers; they consist of four small fleshy tongues, decreasing in size from within outward, the two outer of which are not unfrequently atrophied ; they extend from the angles formed by the division of the tendons of the flexor longus to the inner or tibial borders of the first phalanges of the last four toes, and to the corresponding margins of the extensor tendons. They are distinguished by the numerical names of first, second, third, and fourth. The first is situated parallel with the flexor tendon of the second toe. Relations.—They are covered below by the flexor brevis digitorum ; they emerge from beneath the plantar fascia, in the interval between the sheaths furnished by it° to the flexor tendons, gain the inner side of the corresponding metatarso-phalangal articulation, and terminate upon the first phalanx and inner margin of the tendons of the extensor longus digitorum. They have the same action as the lumbricales of the hand. Interosseous Region. The Interossei. The interosseous muscles of the foot correspond exactly with those of the hand, and require the same consideration. They arise from the lateral surfaces of the interosseous spaces in which they are placed; and are inserted into the sides of the first phalanges and the corresponding mar- Fig. 133. gins of the tendons of the extensor muscles. They are seven in number, viz., four dorsal (three of which are seen at d d d,fig. 133), and three plantar {p p p); to the latter, however, the ob- lique adductor of the great toe may be added, for it is nothing more than a very large plantar interosseous muscle. As in the hand, the dorsal interossei are abductors, their origins being situated externally to the axis of the foot; the plantar inter- ossei, again, are adductors; but the axis of the foot must be suppo- sed to extend through the second, and not through the middle toe. As we observed in the hand, the dorsal interossei project into the plantar region, by the side of the plantar muscles ; and so narrow are the interosseous spaces in the foot, that these dorsal muscles are much more completely situated in the plantar than those of the hand in the palmar region. The palmar interossei correspond- ing to the fourth and fifth toes, arise not only from the lower two thirds of the internal or tibial side of the corresponding metatar- sal bone, but also from the lower surface of the posterior extrem- A <■: mr «ame bone. It follows, therefore, that the interosseous muscles ' ■ 1 from below, appear one continuous muscle, in ■: r, i '.iuiu bo iiflicult to separate the muscles of each space, the live- rSSoous 'antar fascia did not give off prolongations between them ; here, a cellular line defines the limit be- tween each pla - id dorsal muscle. PHYSIOLOGICAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE MUSCLES. 291 Again, as in the hand, the dorsal interossei arise from two corresponding metatarsal hones at once, but more especially from the lateral surface of that metatarsal bone which is directed from the axis of the foot: as in the hand, also, their posterior extremities are perforated by the posterior perforating arteries, the first being perforated by the arteria dorsalis pedis. The plantar interossei arise from only one of the metatarsal bones, and from the lateral surface that is directed towards the imaginary axis of the foot; moreover, they do not arise from the entire thickness of the bone, but only from its inferior two thirds, since the upper third is covered by the dorsal muscle. The following are the general relations of the interossei: they are separated above from the tendons of the extensors by a layer of fibrous tissue* and by the dorsal inter- osseous fascia; and below from the proper muscles of the foot, by the deep plantar in- terosseous fascia, which is much stronger than the corresponding structure in the hand, and gives off septa between the different pairs of interosseous muscles. However important it may be to become acquainted with the order of super-imposi- tion, or the topographical arrangement of the muscles, it is no less necessary to study the i-etrospective uses, in other words, the physiological arrangement of these organs.* 1 n order to obtain, as much as possible, the advantages of each of these two methods, having already described each muscle in its topographical order, I shall now give a table of the muscles, arranged according to their physiological relations. It is important to observe that the terms muscles of the arm, of the thigh, cfc., have not the same accepta- tion in the two arrangements. Thus, by the term muscles of the arm, in the topograph- ical order, we mean the muscles which occupy the region of the arm, as the deltoid, bi- ceps, &c.; but, in the physiological arrangement, the same term is applied to the mus- cles which move the arm, viz., the pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, &c. PHYSIOLOGICAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE MUSCLES. Muscles of the Vertebro-cranial Column. These are divided into the extensors, the flexors, and the lateral muscles or lateral flexors, which incline the vertebral column to one side or the other. There are no rota- tors, for rotation is performed by the extensor muscles. Extensors.—These occupy the posterior region of the vertebral column. They con- sist, on each side, of, 1. The posterior spinal, or long muscles of the back, divided into the sacro-lumbalis, longissimus dorsi, and transverso-spinalis; 2. Of the transversalis colli and the trachelo-mastoideus, which may be regarded as accessory fasciculi to the longissimus dorsi; 3. Of the splenius, or representative of the longissimus dorsi of the neck and head; 4. Of the complexus, or transverso-spinalis of the head; 5. Of the in- ter-spinales, in which the two recti postici of the head may be included ; 6. Of the ob- liques major, or spino-transversalis of the atlas ; 7. Of the obliquus minor, or transverso spinalis of the head. Flexors.—These are situated on the anterior region of the vertebro-cranial column. The most important of these muscles are carried forward, and attached to the sternum, and to those long transverse processes called the ribs. They are on each side, 1. The rectus abdominis; 2. The sterno-cleido-mastoideus. The other muscles that co-operate inflexion occupy the deep anterior cervical region, viz., 1. The rectus capitis anticus major; 2. The rectus capitis anticus minor ; 3. The longus colli. Lateral Muscles.—These are, 1. The inter-transversales of the neck and loins, among which I include the rectus capitis lateralis ; 2. The scaleni anticus et posticus ; 3. The quadratus lumborum. Muscles of the Ribs, or of the Thoracico-abdominal Parietes. These are, 1. The inter-costales, externi and interni, which are both elevators and depressors; 2. The small accessory muscles, viz., the infra-costales of Verheyen and the supra-costales, or levatores costarum, the latter being always elevators; 3. The ser- rati postici superiores, which are elevators; 4. The serrati postici inferiores, depressors; 5. The triangularis sterni, or small anterior serratus, also a depressor ; 6. The diaphragm, a muscular septum, the contraction of which increases the vertical diameter of the tho- rax, and draws the ribs inward. The muscles of the abdominal parietes are so intimate- ly connected in action with those of the thorax, that the description of the former nat- urally follows that of the latter. The abdominal muscles, then, may be regarded as mus- cles of expiration, and are all depressors of the ribs. There are, 1, The obliquus exter- * Custom, rather than conviction, has induced me to prefer the topographical to the physiological arrange- ment. The only objection which can be urged against the latter is, that it does not permit all the muscles to be dissected upon the same subject ; but this objection applies only to a few regions; and as these regions exist in pairs, the superficial muscles on one side might surely be sacrificed. Moreover, there is no reason why the examination of the deep-seated muscles should not be postponed until the superficial ones have been studied. I therefore direct students to dissect these parts sometimes according to their topographical, and at oihers after their physiological order i 292 MYOLOGY. nus, which is nothing more than a large external intercostal muscle, extending between the ribs and the pelvis; 2. The obliquus internus, which may be regarded as a large internal intercostal muscle, of which the cremaster is a dependance ; 3. The trai sversa- lis, which we may consider as forming with the diaphragm a single muscle, interrupted by its costal attachments. Muscles which move the Lower Jaw. As the bones of the upper jaw are immovably articulated together and to the cranium, they have no proper muscles. The muscles of the face do not belong to them, but are true cutaneous muscles, attached to the different bones only for the purpose of having fixed origins. The lower jaw, on the contrary, is provided with two principal orders oi muscles, elevators and depressors, to which are added diductors (from diduco, to draw aside). The elevators and diductors preponderate ; the only office of the depressors is to bring down the jaw into a position from which it may then be raised. 1. Elevators.—These are the masseters, the temporales, and the pterygoidei interni. 2. Diductors, viz., the pterygoidei extend. 3. Depressors, consisting of the muscles of the supra- and infra-hyoid regions, and more particularly of the two digastrici. Muscles which move the Os Hyoides. These are divided into elevators and depressors. All the elevators belong to the supra-hyoid region, and are, 1. The stylo-hyoidei; 2. The mylo-hyoidei; 3. The genio-hyoidei. The depressors consist of the muscles of the infra-hyoid region, viz., 1. The sterno- hyoidei; 2. The sterno-thyroidei; 3. The thyro-hyoidei; 4. The omo-hyoidei. There are no muscles proper to the pelvis. The ischio-coccygeus is the only intrinsic muscle. The extrinsic muscles attached to the pelvis do not belong to its cavity, but merely take their fixed points from its parietes. It is only under particular circumstan- ces that the pelvis changes its usual office, and becomes the movable point; for exam- ple, in the horizontal position, in the action of climbing, and in the reversed attitude of a tumbler, the pelvis is moved upon the vertebral column on the one hand, and upon the femur on the other. Muscles which move the Pelvis. The muscles of each shoulder are divided into elevators and depressors, both of which are also rotators. The elevators are, 1. The trapezius ; 2. The rhomboideus ; 3. The levator anguli scapulae. The depressors are, 1. The pectoralis minor; 2. The subclavius; 3. The serratus magnus. The elevators and depressors of the entire shoulder must be carefully distinguished from those which raise or depress its apex. Muscles which move the Shoulder. These muscles are divided into extensors, flexors, adductors, abductors, and rotators. The extensors and abductors are the same, viz., the three glut an. The conjoined psoas magnus, iliacus, and psoas parvus constitute the only flexor. Adduction is performed by four muscles, viz., the pectineus and the three adductors. Rotation outward is performed by six muscles, viz., the pyriformis, the two gemelli, the obturator intemus, the quadratus femoris, and the obturator externus. Rotation inward is performed by the tensor vaginae femoris, and especially by the an terior fibres of the glutsei, medius et minimus. J J Muscles which move the Thigh upon the Pelvis. Muscles which move the Arm upon the Shoulder. These muscles are divided into abductors, which are at the same time flexors, and into adductors and rotators. There are no proper muscles for the movement forward or flexion, nor for the movement backward or extension, both of which motions are effected by the adductors and abductors. The abductors are, 1. The deltoideus; 2. The coraco-brachialis; 3. The supra-spi- natus. The adductors are, 1. The pectoralis major; 2. The latissimus dorsi; 3. The teres major. The rotators are, 1. The external, viz., the infra-spinatus and the teres minor ; 2. The internal, viz., the sub-scapularis. Muscles which move the Leg upon the Thigh, These are divided into flexors and extensors. The flexors are, 1. The biceps femoris ■ 2. The semi-tendinosus ; 3. The semi-membranosus ; 4. The popliteus ; 5. The sarto- rius ; 6. The gracilis. Extension is performed by one muscle only, viz., the triceps femoralis, the long head PHYSIOLOGICAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE MUSCLES. 293 of which is formed by the rectus femoris, and the other two heads by the triceps cruris of authors, viz., the vastus externus and vastus internus, including the crureus. I should remark, that all these muscles which arise from the pelvis perform the double function of moving the leg upon the thigh, and the thigh upon the pelvis. Muscles which move the Forearm upon the Arm. These are divided into flexors and extensors. The flexors are the biceps and the brachialis anticus. The extensors are, 1. The triceps (of which the long head resembles the rectus femoris); 2. The anconeus. These are rotators inward, or ■pronators, viz., 1. The pronator teres ; 2. The pronator quadratus; and rotators outward, or supinators, viz., 1. The supinator longus; 2. The supinator brevis. The pronators occupy the anterior region, the supinators the poste- rior region of the forearm. Muscles which move the Radius upon the Ulna. Muscles which move the Hand upon the Forearm. These are divided into flexors and extensors. The flexors are, 1. The flexor carpi radialis ; 2. The palmaris longus; 3. The flexor carpi ulnaris. The extensors are, 1. The extensores carpi radiales, longior et brevior; 2. The extensor carpi ulnaris. Adduction and abduction are also performed by these muscles. Muscles which move the Fingers. These are divided into extensors, flexors, adductors, and abductors. The extensors are, 1. The extensor communis digitorum; 2. The extensor digiti minimi; 3. The ab- ductor longus pollicis; 4 and 5. The extensor brevis and extensor longus pollicis; 6. The extensor proprius indicis. The flexors are, 1. The flexor sublimis digitorum ; 2. The flexor profundus digitorum, and its accessories, the lumbricales ; 3. The flexor longus pollicis. The extensors and the flexors of the fingers are all situated in the forearm ; the ad- ductors and abductors belong to the hand : they consist of the interossei, which are seven in number, four dorsal, constituting the abductors, and three palmar, which are adductors. Other muscles are also superadded to the thumb and the little finger. The muscles superadded to the thumb are, 1. Those which constitute the thenar eminence (ball of the thumb), viz., the abductor brevis, the opponens, and the flexor brevis ; 2. The ad- ductor pollicis, which is nothing more than a palmar interosseous muscle. The mus- cles superadded to the little finger constitute the hypothenar eminence (ball of the little finger), and form, as it were, a repetition of those of the thenar eminence, viz., the ab- ductor brevis, the flexor brevis, and opponens. But although three only are thus de- scribed, it is because the palmar interosseous muscle of the little finger, which repre- sents the adductor pollicis, presents no peculiarities, and is, therefore, classed with the other palmar interossei. Muscles which move the Foot upon the Leg. These are divided into flexors and extensors ; the same muscles also produce, at the articulation of the two rows of the tarsal bones, movements of rotation, which corre- spond to adduction and abduction. The extensors are, 1. The gastrocnemius and soleus, or the triceps surahs, with which we describe a small rudimentary muscle, the plantaris. 2. The tibialis posticus. 3, The peroneus longus et brevis. There is only ono flexor, viz., the tibialis anticus. The peroneus tertius, when it ex- ists, is merely a dependance of the extensor longus digitorum. There are no muscles in the leg analogous to the pronators and supinators of the fore- arm. Muscles which move the Toes. These are divided into extensors and flexors. • The extensors are, 1. The conjoined extensor longus digitorum and peroneus tertius. 2. The extensor proprius pollicis. 3. The extensor brevis digitorum. The flexors are, 1. The flexor longus digitorum, and its accessories, the lumbricales. 2. The flexor brevis digitorum; the flexor longus pollicis. Contrary to what we have seen with regard to the fingers, many of the flexors and ex- tensors of the toes form part of the intrinsic muscles of the foot. As in the hand, the ad- ductors and abductors of the toes occupy the thenar, hypothenar, and interosseous regions. The interosseous muscles are adductors and abductors of the toes ; they are seven in number, four dorsal, being the abductors, and three plantar, acting as adductors. The superadded muscles of the great toe are, 1. The muscles of the thenar eminence, viz., the abductor brevis and the flexor brevis. 2. The adductor obliquus, and the ad- ductor transversus. The muscles superadded to the little toe are the muscles of the hy- pothenar eminence, viz., the abductor and the flexor brevis. 294 APONEUROLOGY. These muscles, which are inserted into the skin by one of their extremities at least, are in the human subject concentrated round the openings in the face with a sino-le ex- ception, viz., the palmaris brevis. ’ 8 The cutaneous muscles of the ear belong to the orifice of the external auditory meatus and are all rudimentary in man. They form the three auricular muscles. J ’ The muscles of the eyelids, on either side of the face, are divided into constrictors and dilators. There is only one constrictor, the orbicularis palpebrarum of which the corru- gator supercilii may be considered an accessory. There are two dilators, viz the levator palpebrae superioris and the occipito-frontalis the cutaneous muscles of the nose consist of four or five pairs, i. e. on each side of the face, of the pyramidalis nasi, the levator labii superioris alseque nasi the transversalis nasi, the depressor alas nasi or myrtiformis, and the naso-labialis of Albinus. The cutaneous musdes of the lips are, 1. A constrictor, viz., the orbicularis oris. 2 Nine pairs of dilators, consisting, on each side, of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi already mentioned, the levator labii superioris, the zygomaticus major, the caninus, the buccinator, the triangularis oris, the quadratus menti, the levator labii inferioris, the pla m°Lr °f tW° a°°‘3SS°IS mUSC‘eS' ,he risorius of;San,orini’ and Cutaneous Muscles. APONEUROLOGY. General Observations on the Aponeuroses.—Structure.— Uses. The aponeuroses are fibrous membranes, arranged in the form of inextensible textures which constitute sheaths for the muscles, and, at the same time, afford them broad sur- faces for attachment. The aponeuroses are generally known, at the present day, by the name of fascia (fascia, a band), an expression which was at first applied exclusively to the strong, broad aponeurotic band, forming the termination of the tensor vaginae femoris and part of the fascia lata of the thigh. 8 b’ The aponeuroses constitute important adjuncts to the system of locomotion They were for a long time neglected, or, rather, studied independently of each other, and then only partially, until Bichat gave a general view of them, in his division of the fibrous svs tem, including the membranous forms of that tissue, of which the aponeuroses form the greatest part. As the aponeuroses have now become the object of numerous researches, and even the subject of some special treatises,* I have considered that it would be useful to offer a description of all the aponeuroses of the human body under the head of Aponeurology. I his grouping together of analogous parts will have the double advantage of simplifymg description of the particular aponeuroses, by making them elucidate each other, and ol bringing into prominent notice a system of organs, the study of which is generally neg- lected in anatomical lectures. General Observations.—The aponeuroses are divided by Bichat into two distinct class- es, one serving for the insertion of muscles, viz., the aponeuroses of insertion ■ the other for investing or containing the muscles, called the investing or confining aponeuroses Many aponeuroses serve both these purposes at the same time : but. in g-eneral nnp m the other function predominates in each. ’ 8 ’ The aponeuroses of are subdivided into those formed bv the exnanded con- tmuations of tendons, and those which do not originate in terulnn/ m,®xpanded con of the gastrocnemius and solous belong ft the »/£ ■ VoSe °f U,e broad Eesrf the abdomen are examples of tho second : in the latter eke the anOTemTes serve boft for the insertion and investment of the musclpes qatvl„+- ’ n® al)oneurosesser 0 Dotn tim muUioofemneoio p me muscles. bometimes the aponeurosis occupies f , .’ as’ /or example, the cordiform tendon of the diaphragm, and the aponeur ses ole occipito-frontalis. The use of the aponeuroses of insertion evident- b. ia? r, br™ce to the great number of muscular fibres, all of which could not have been attached to the limited superficies of the skeleton. Ihe investing aponeuroses occasionally form a sheath for the entire limb, sometimes for only a single muscle, and at others for several muscles. The first set are called e-en- eral, the other two partial aponeuroses. 8 The aponeuroses are found not only in the extremities where they perform such im- portant offices, but also in the trunk. As a general rule, wherever there exists a muscle fulfilling any special purpose, and susceptible of displacement during its contraction we find an aponeurosis, or, rather, an aponeurotic sheath ; and the thickness of this sheath is proportioned to the length and strength of the muscle, and especially to its tendency to displacement. ’ * Godman, of Philadelphia, published in 1824 a special work upon the fascia:; and Paillard a treatise unon tae aponeuroses of the human body in 1827. ’ f See no te, p 29eT GENERAL REMARKS UPON THE APONEUROSES. 295 Each aponeurosis presents for our consideration an external and an internal surface, a superior border or circumference, sometimes termed its origin, and an inferior border or circumference, sometimes called its termination. 1. The external surface of the general investing aponeuroses is in contact with the sub- cutaneous cellular tissue, from which it is separated by the superficial veins, lymphatics, and nerves. The skin is therefore movable upon these aponeuroses, excepting jn some situations, as in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, where it is intimately uni- ted to the fasciae by prolongations from the inner surface of the cutis. What, indeed, would be the consequences with regard to the sense of touch, or in the attitude of stand- ing, if the skin over those regions were as movable as it is upon the thigh I The same adhesion is also observed between the hairy scalp and the subjacent aponeurosis. The mobility of the skin upon the aponeuroses depends upon the following contrivance ; From the inner surface of the skin are given off a great number of prolongations, which, having intercepted the areolae containing the adipose tissue, unite together, and expand into a membrane, which glides over the aponeuroses and the superficial vessels and nerves : the sub-cutaneous membrane thus formed bears the name of the fascia superfici- alis: it is only distinctly seen in regions that are traversed by superficial vessels and nerves, as in the lower part of the abdomen, and on the extremities. 2. The deep surface of a general investing aponeurosis presents fibrous prolongations passing between the different layers of muscles, and even between the muscles of which these layers are composed. Moreover, this surface and its several prolongations some- times afford attachments to the superficial muscles, and sometimes it glides over the mus- cles and their tendons by means of a very loose filamentous cellular tissue—an arrange- ment that prevails throughout the greater part of the extent of this surface. Lastly, amid all these sheaths for the muscles, there exists a proper sheath for the principal vessels of the extremities. These aponeurotic sheaths are not so exactly moulded upon the muscles as not to ad- mit of the accumulation of a certain quantity of fat in their interior; nevertheless, their capacity is so far proportioned to the size of the muscles, that the latter, during their contraction, experience a degree of pressure from them which is highly favourable to their action, at the same time that it prevents all displacement. In emaciated individuals, these sheaths are no longer filled by their respective mus- cles ; and, without doubt, the want of a due compression upon the muscles has some in- fluence in producing the weakness experienced by convalescents, or by those wasted by some chronic disease. 3. The borders or circumferences of aponeuroses, incorrectly named their origin and ter- mination, are either continuous with the aponeuroses of the adjacent regions, or are at- tached to the processes on the articular extremities of the bones, or result, in part, from the expansion of tendons. The aponeuroses are perforated by vessels and nerves, which, in such cases, are gui- ded and protected by arches, rings, or canals of fibrous tissue : of this nature are the sheaths of the femoral artery and vein, and of the brachial artery and veins, the femoral arch, the canal and arch of the adductor muscles of the thigh, the arch of the obturator foramen, and the aortic arch of the diaphragm; these canals and arches tend to prevent any injury to the vessels and nerves by which they are traversed during the contraction of the muscles. We must not suppose, however, that the vessels are exempt from all pressure ; for experience has proved that arteries are particularly liable to become affect- ed with aneurism in the neighbourhood of such arches ; as, for example, the popliteal and femoral arteries and the aorta. The muscular fibres, in fact, are not attached to these arches in such a manner as to dilate them in all directions during their contraction, but rather in such a way as to elongate them in one direction and contract them in another. All the aponeuroses, whether of insertion or investment, have their tensor muscle. With regard to the aponeuroses of insertion, this requires no proof; for the action of the muscle or muscles to which they afford attachment must necessarily render them tense. It is no less true, however, of the investing aponeuroses, some of which have even a sep- arate muscle for this purpose. Thus, the occipital and frontal muscles are tensors of the occipito-frontal aponeurosis. Ihe fascia lata is rendered tense by the tensor*vaginas fe- moris, the palmar fascia by the palmaris longus, &c. The aponeuroses of both kinds are inextensible, resisting, and insensible membranes, their thickness and strength being exactly proportioned to the resisting power and strength of the muscles which are invested by them, or to which they afford the means of inser tion. Thus, the fascia of the thigh is very much stronger than that of the arm ; the thick- ness of the aponeuroses increases from the upper to the lower part of the limbs ; and, again, the powerful vastus externus is provided with a much stronger sheath than the muscles of the posterior, or of the internal region of the thigh. We may, then, consider it as a general law, without exception, that the aponeurotic system invariably presents a corresponding degree of development to that of the muscular system. We should, there fore, study the aponeuroses, as well as the muscles, upon robust subjects; their pearly aspect is destroyed in individuals wasted by chronic diseases. The aponeurotic and muscular systems are both most fully developed in carnivora, in which class of animals the pearly appearance is peculiarly well marked, and the cellular tissue is often replaced hy a fibrous texture ; a transformation which proves the analogy of the cellular and fibrous tissues in organization, vitality, and function.* The thinner fasciae are composed of a single layer of parallel fibres, which have be- tween them intervals of different sizes ; stronger aponeuroses are composed of several planes, the fibres of which intersect each other at various angles. The vessels and nerves of the aponeuroses are little known ; but I believe that I have traced nerves into them. I have certainly done so with regard to the dura mater.* I shall include among the aponeuroses the fibrous sheaths of tendons * which are some- times presented under the form of imperfect rings, or canals of different lengths, which retain the tendons in contact with the bones. They serve to confine the "tendons, to keep them applied against the bones, and to favour their reflection. The periosteum* must also be annexed to the aponeurotic system ; it is a true aponeu- rosis, covering every part of the bones, and constituting a fibrous sheath for them. We may consider the periosteum as the central point of the aponeurotic system, proceeding from which, we find either tendons expanding upon the surface or in the substance of muscles, and constituting the aponeuroses of insertion ; or else those fibrous cones or pyr- amids, from the interior of which the fleshy fibres take their origin. From the perioste- um, or, rather, from the ridges or clefts by which the surfaces of bones are marked, both the partial and general investing aponeuroses arise. In this way the muscles of the ex- tremities are situated between two fibrous layers; the deep layer consisting of the peri- osteum, the superficial layer of the general investing fascia: numerous septa pass from one to the other, and divide the limb into a number of compartments, intended to isolate, confine, and protect the different muscles. Use of the Aponeuroses.—Forming, as they do, an important division of the fibrous tex- tures, they partake of the physical, chemical, anatomical, physiological, and pathological properties of that tissue. • 1. From their great strength, they are enabled to resist the powerful traction and dis- tension exercised upon them by the muscular fibres. Their division or destruction is accompanied by displacement of the parts which they are intended to bind down. Be- tween the different layers of the regions of the body they establish very precise limits, a knowledge of which is of the greatest importance, in enabling us accurately to account for many morbid phenomena, and in guiding us in the performance of surgical operations. 2. They are inextensible ; hence the resistance which they oppose to the development of subjacent parts, and the tension produced by inflammation of organs situated beneath them. They yield to gradual distension, but then become thinner and weaker, and can only imperfectly fulfil their proper offices. 3. They are totally inelastic, arid, therefore, when distended beyond a certain point, never return to their original dimensions. Of this we have an example in the condition of the abdominal parietes after utero-gestation, or ascites. 4. The low degree of vitality they possess explains why they are so slightly involved in inflammation or other morbid conditions of the adjacent structures, and also the fact of their establishing limits beyond which these diseases seldom pass. They are insen- sible to all ordinary stimuli, but become painful when they are violently overstretched The plantar fascia, under such circumstances, becomes extremely sensitive. Having made these general remarks, we shall now describe, in succession, the prin- cipal aponeuroses of the human body.t 296 APONEUROLOGY. * See note, infra. t Note on Aponeurology.-l The analogy existing between the cellular and aponeurotic investments of various organs renders it advantageous to concern, this place the general anatomy of the cellular and fibrous tissues. The ultimate elements of both these kinds of tissue are precisely similar, though somewhat differently ar- ranged in each ; they consist of delicate transparent filaments, varying in diameter from »_th to T-,‘th cf an inch, and having a peculiar sinuous or undulating direction ; they are insoluble'in cold water, but by long-continued boiling are almost entirely converted into gelatine. In cellular tissue these undulating filaments are arranged side by side, either into larger compound and fiex- uous fasciculi, oi into thin, transparent lamina.', which cross and intersect one another in all directions, so as to leave interstitial cavities or areolse, freely communicating with each other, and moistened by an albuminous fluid. Ihe tissue thus formed, more properly called areolar, or filamentous, is of a grayish aspect, and highly elastic ; the latter property depending not on any innate elasticity in the ultimate filaments, but on the sinuous disposition of those filaments, and of the fasciculi into which they are collected. But few vessels, and still fewer nerves, are believed to terminate in this tissue. It is continuous over the whole body; hence the great extent to which it may be affected with diffuse inflammation; it also invests and isolates parts, forms the ma- trix of nearly all organs, and the basis of many membranes ; and is called, according to its position, investing, intermediate, penetrating, parenchymatous, or sub-membranous. The characters above described are most strongly marked in the loose cellular tissue, examples of which are met with in the axilla, under the sub-scapv- ular muscle, between the free surfaces of muscles and their sheaths, behind the kidneys, &c. In other situ- ations it is more condensed, as in the sub-serous, sub-mucous, and sub-cutaneous cellular tissues ; in the latter of these, or the superficial fascia, and also in the cutis itself, it approaches to the fibrous tissue both in density and in the mode of arrangement of its elementary filaments, and is therefore termed fihro-cellular tissue.. From this variety the transition is natural to the fibrous tissues, properly so called. In fibrous tissue the undulating primitive filaments are also arranged side by side into fasciculi, which differ from those of cellular tissue in being much larger, more dense and more opaque, and in being straight in- stead of flexuous. They are white, shining, strong, and almost inelastic, qualities depending on the compact SUPERFICIAL FASCIA. 297 PARTICULAR APONEUROSES. Superficial Fascia.—Aponeuroses of the Cranium—of the Face—of the Neck—of the Thorax —of the Abdomen—of the Pelvis—of the Thigh, Leg, and Foot—of the Shoulder, Arm, Forearm, and Hand. The Superficial Aponeurosis, or Superficial Fascia. From every point of the deep surface of the skin fibrous cellular lamellae arise, which intersect each other in various directions, so as to form meshes or areola?, containing adipose tissue in ordinary circumstances, and a serous fluid in oedema.* The cutaneous muscle (panniculus carnosus) of the lower animals is developed in these laminae ; and among them are situated the sub-cutaneous vessels and nerves, and the lymphatic glands. The name of fascia superficial has been of late applied to this assemblage of lamellae. It was pointed out in a particular manner by Glisson, who described it under the name of the general investment of the muscles, proceeding from the spine, and covering the whole body; Camper, Cowper, Scarpa, Hesselbach, Lawrence, J. Cloquet, &c., have described it upon the abdomen, in its relation with hernias ; Godman has spoken of its existence over the entire surface of the body : M. Paillard, in his inaugural dissertation, traced it with still greater exactness ; MM. Velpeau and Blandin, in their Traites d'Ana- tomic Chirurgicale, consider it as existing in almost all regions of the body. But if the word aponeurosis be employed in its ordinary acceptation, it will be found that a fascia superficialis, consisting of a fibrous texture capable of anatomical demon- stration, exists only in two kinds of situations, viz., in those where the skin is extreme- ly movable, and in those where there is a layer of sub-cutaneous vessels and nerves : in both these cases the fibrous prolongations from the skin are expanded into a thin lamina, constituting a superficial covering for these vessels and nerves, and separated from the fibrous investment of the muscles by a layer of cellular and adipose tissue, of variable thickness. In all other parts, the fibro-cellular prolongations of the skin become contin- uous either with the investing aponeuroses, or with the proper fibro-cellular sheaths of the muscles, or are lost in the sub-cutaneous cellular tissue. So true is this, that this thin areolar layer, which can with difficulty be separated from the skin in emaciated persons, disappears altogether in those whose cellular tissue is distended by fat or se- rous effusion. Having made these remarks, I shall describe the superficial fascia in those regions only where it can be easily demonstrated, viz., in the lower part of the abdomen, and in the extremities. The Superficial Fascia of the Abdomen. This aponeurosis, from its constituting the first sub-cutaneous covering of hernise, has particularly engaged the attention of authors who have specially treated of the patho- logical anatomy of those diseases. It becomes evident in the neighbourhood of the umbilical region, but is much more dis- tinct at the fold of the groin, where it divides into two layers, one of which is attached to the femoral arch, and the other is prolonged upon the lower extremity. It is bound- ed on the inside by the median line, and on the outside by another line, extending per- pendicularly upward from the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium. It is pro- longed over the inguinal ring, and over the spermatic cord in the male subject. parallel disposition of the component filaments, and the slight amount of elasticity in particular on the ab- sence of sinuosity in the compound fasciculi. According to the manner in ■which these fasciculi or fibres (as they are termed) are arranged and combined, we have either the membranous or the fascicular form of fibrous tissues. In the membranous form there are some which closely resemble the fibro-cellular membranes already allu- ded to, and consist of the shining fibres crossing each other in all directions (without anastomosis), and inter- mixed with more or less condensed cellular tissue ; for example, the thinner investing aponeurosis, the capsu- lar ligaments, the pericardium, tunica albuginea, periosteum, and dura mater. In others, again, the fibres are more parallel, though still intersected, and combined with cellular tissue, as in the fascia lata of the thigh, and in other strong investing aponeuroses. In the aponeuroses of insertion of the broad muscles, and in the expanded terminations of tendons, there is scarcely any cellular tissue, while the parallel arrangement is yet more perfect; and, finally, the latter attains its utmost perfection in the round ligaments, and in tendons, which constitute the fascicular form of fibrous tissue, and the type of the tissue itself. These textures contain but few nerves and vessels. The distribution of a branch of the fourth cranial nerve to the dura mater, alluded to in the text, has been confirmed by other anatomists. Bloodvessels abound in the periosteum, but they merely divide in that membrane, so as to enter the bone at a great number of points. The sheaths of tendons (classed among the fibrous tissues by M. Cruveilhier) display a tendency to become fibro-cartilaginous, especially at and near their attachments to the bones. They have hitherto been described (ex. gr., p. 250, 257) as if lined by vaginal synovial membranes (note, p. 177). According to Dr. Henld, how- ever, their interior is not covered by an epithelium. The bursce, or so-called.bursal synovial membranes, formed between the tendons of muscles (p. 265), between tendons and bones (p. 260, 266, 267), and between the skin and projecting parts of bones, as over the patella, the olecranon, &c., according to the same authority, are also destitute of epithelium. It would appear, therefore, that although these cavities resemble in function the true synovial membranes, they differ anatomically from them, and consist merely of shut sacs formed in the general cellular texture of the body. Such burs®, however, as communicate with the synovial capsules of oints (p. 216, 244), are probably lined by an epithelium.] * [Adipose tissue is never deposited in the sub-cutaneous tissue of the eyelids, nor in the male organ of gen eration. These parts, however, may become much dislepded from serous infiltration.] P P 298 It has been said that in the foetus, before the descent of the testicle, the supei ficial fas cia dips into the inguinal canal, and forms an infundibuliform prolongation, reaching up to the lower part of that gland; and the dartos has been supposed to result from the ex- pansion of this fascia—a description which can be regarded only as an ingenious specu- lation, which has not been confirmed by actual dissection. Lastly, the external surface of the superficial fascia of the abdomen is in relation with the skin, separated from it, however, by a layer of adipose tissue of variable thickness, in which the sub-cutaneous vessels and nerves are situated. Its deep surface corre- sponds with the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle, and with a portion of its fleshy fibres : from these parts it is separated by a layer of serous cellular tissue, which enables it to be moved easily upon this muscle and the sub-cutaneous vessels and nerves. APONEUROLOGY. The Superficial Fascia of the Upper and Lower Extremities. These are thin fibrous sheaths, separated from the skin by a greater or less quantity of adipose tissue, and from the investing anoneurosis of the muscles by the sub-cutaneous vessels and nerves. It does not exist around the joints, nor in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, for in these places the skin adheres to the subjacent aponeuroses The Aponeuroses of the Cranium. The Occipitofrontal or Epi-cranial Aponeurosis. This is a sort of tendinous or cutaneous cap (galea capitis), stretched between the two frontal and two occipital muscles. Its superficial surface is intimately adherent to the skin by means of very short and strong fibrous prolongations, between which the fatty matter is deposited; the frontal, occipital, temporal, and auricular vessels and nerves traverse this adipose tissue. Its deep surface glides upon the periosteum of the scull (pericranium) by the intervention of a very delicate cellular tissue, in which fat is never found. Its anterior margin receives the fibres of the frontal muscles, forming a trian- gular point between them; its posterior margin receives the fibres of the occipital mus- cles, and also occupies the interval between them. These two muscles act as tensors of the aponeurosis. Its outer margin gives attachment to the superior and anterior auricular muscles. It is composed behind of shining fibres, which seem to form a ten- don of insertion to the occipitalis muscle, but it soon loses its pearly appearance, and becomes more adherent to the skin : it is thick and strong at the upper part of the head, but thin and almost cellular at the sides ; it may be regarded as a dependence of the su- perficial fascia. It gives rise to the tension which is so common and so dangerous in inflammations of this region. Its adhesion to the skin explains the shallow character of ulcers, and the flatness of the small abscesses occurring in these parts. Besides the tendinous origin of the temporal muscle, which has been already descri- bed, there is also a very strong investing aponeurosis, arising from the upper border of the zygomatic arch, and inserted into the curved line bounding the temporal fossa above. This aponeurosis completes the sort of case in which the muscle is contained ; and the space between it and the temporal fossa corresponds with the thickness of the muscle. It differs from the epicranial aponeurosis, which is more superficial and covers it su- periorly, in not adhering to the skin, which glides very easily upon it. Its deep surface adheres to the upper part of the muscle, and furnishes it with numerous points of at- tachment ; below it becomes free, and is separated from the fleshy fibres by a consider- able quantity of fat; hence the depression formed in this situation in emaciated persons. It increases in thickness from downward ; it divides below into two layers : one superficial and thinner, inserted into the outer edge of the upper border of the zygoma ; the other deep and thicker, attached to the inner surface of that process. In tolerably stout persons, a considerable quantity of fat is situated between these two layers, and a remarkable branch of the temporal artery also occupies the same situation. This fat must not be confounded with the larger mass which lies beneath the aponeuroses. The resistance of this fascia explains the reason why abscesses in the temporal fossa never point outward, but rather tend downward into the zygomatic fossa. The Temporal Aponeurosis. The Aponeuroses of the Face. The Parotid Aponeurosis. This is a sheath of great thickness, especially that part which covers the outer surface of the gland ; it is continuous below with the cervical fascia. It belongs especially to the gland, for which it forms a framework by means of fibrous prolongations from its deep surface. The density of this sheath explains both the pain caused by inflammation of the gland, and the difficulty with which pus makes its way from within it to the surface. The Masseteric Aponeurosis. This is a thin tendinous layer covering the masseter muscle, and continuous below with the cervical fascia ; it appears to divide behind into two layers, one of which con* THE CERVICAL FASCIA, ETC. 299 stitutes the parotid fascia, and the other penetrates between that gland and the nasse- ter ; above and anteriorly, it becomes merged into the cellular tissue. Purulent matter situated beneath this fascia tends downward into the neck, but when situated superfi- cially to it, points towards the skin. The Buccinator Aponeurosis. The buccinator is covered by a closely adherent fibrous layer, which is regarded as tne expansion of the fibrous sheath of the Stenonian duct; it is thickest behind, where it is termed the buccinato-pharyngeal aponeurosis, because it gives attachment behind to the superior constrictor of the pharynx, and to the buccinator in front. This aponeurosis prevents superficial abscesses from opening into the mouth, and is also opposed to the extension outward of diseases attacking the mucous membrane. The Cervical Aponeurosis, or Cervical Fascia. In the cervical region we find, 1. The cervical fascia; "2. The prevertebral aponeurosis. The cervical aponeurosis covers the whole anterior region of the neck; it extends from the base of the lower jaw to the sternum and clavicles, and is insensibly lost on either side in the sub-cutaneous cellular tissue. It is thick in the median line, and forms a sort of cervical linea alba. From this linea alba two layers proceed in the supra-hyoid region, and four in the infra-hyoid region, which are arranged in the following manner 1. The superficial layer, or the superficial cervical fascia, covers the whole anterior and lateral regions of the neck, is prolonged downward in front of the clavicle, to become continuous with the proper aponeurosis of the pectoralis major, is attached above to the masseteric and parotid fascia?, and, internally to the masseter muscle, is fixed to the base of the lower jaw. It fills up the interval between the two platysmata, and is prolonged behind these mus- cles to form the anterior layer of the sheath of the sterno-mastoid. The external jugu- lar vein is superficial to this layer in the sub-hyoid, and lies beneath it in the supra-hyoid region. 2. The deep layer passes beneath the stemo-mastoid, on the outer border of which it unites with the preceding layer, and completes the sheath for that muscle. It covers the internal jugular vein, the common carotid artery, the pneumogastric nerve, the great sympathetic, and its cervical ganglia. Its upper margin is attached to the base of the lower jaw; its lower margin to the posterior surface of the clavicle, and to the posterior edge of the fourchette of the sternum. It is necessary to examine this deep layer, both in the supra and sub hyoid region. In the supra-hyoid region its middle portion is very strong, and occupies the triangu- lar space between the anterior bellies of the digastric muscles ; it is fixed by its lower margin to the os hyoides, and on each side to the tendon of the digastricus. The lat- eral portions of this aponeurosis pass beneath the sub-maxillary glands, and are attached to the rami of the lower jaw. Externally to these glands they join the parotid aponeu- roses, and form a tolerably thick septum between the sub-maxillary and parotid glands of either side. The Cervical Fascia. In the suh-hyoid region this deep layer is divided into three very distinct parts, a mid- dle and two lateral. The middle is the stronger ; it occupies the triangular space be- tween the two omo-hyoid muscles, and becomes continuous with their median tendons : the muscles may, therefore, be regarded as the tensors of this facia. It binds down the muscles of the infra-hyoid region ; its arrangement explains why abscesses situated in front of it discharge their contents through the skin, and not into the thorax, as those do that are subjacent to it. The lateral parts of the aponeurosis constitute the suprd-clavic- ular fascia, a very strong layer, in which the superficial layer already described, and the two which yet remain to be noticed, all terminate. It occupies the whole triangular space between the trapezius and the sterno-mastoid, is continuous with the fibro-cellular sheath of the former muscle, and adheres below to the clavicle. The latter circumstance is of great importance in relation to surgical anatomy. The superficial and deep layers which we have now described are common to both the supra and sub hyoid regions. In the sub-hyoid region there are two other aponeurotic layers: one, very thin, separating the superficial from the deep muscles, i. e., the omo and sterno hyoidei from the sterno-thyroidei and thyro-hyoidei; the other, thicker, pass- ing between the sterno-thyroidei and the trachea. The latter is the fourth layer, which Godman incorrectly describes as continuous with the pericardium. The Prevertebral Aponeurosis. This aponeurosis covers the muscles of the prevertebral region, viz., the longi colli, and the great and small anterior recti: it is prolonged on each side upon the scaleni, the levator anguli scapulae, and the brachial plexus ; and is attached to the upper border of the scapula, and to the outer half of the posterior border of the clavicle. It completely 300 APONEUROLOGY. separates the axilla from the neck, and is perforated by several vessels. It prevents large abscesses of the neck from opening into the axilla; arm, in caries of the cervical vertebrae, it retains the pus poured out against it, so as to form abscesses by accumulation. The Thoracic Aponeuroses. Independently of the semi-tendinous structure of the intercostal muscles, we find sev- eral fibrous layers in each intercostal space ; one layer in front, continuous with the ex- ternal intercostal muscle ; another behind, continuous with the internal intercostal mus- cles ; and, situated within these muscles, a third layer, which lines them and separates them from the pleura. The existence of this sub-serous aponeurosis accounts for the rare occurrence of the bursting of an external abscess of the chest into the cavity of the pleura; and, on the other hand, of the escape of collections in the pleura by external openings. The Intercostal Aponeurosis. The Aponeurosis of the Serrati Postici. In the dorsal region of the trunk, we find a very thin fibrous layer (sometimes called the vertebral aponeurosis), extending between the two serrati postici. It is of a quadri- lateral form; its inner margin is attached to the summits of the dorsal spinous process- es ; its outer margin to the angles of the ribs, and its lower margin to the upper border of the serratus posticus inferior ; it seldom terminates at the lower border of the serratus posticus superior, but generally passes beneath it, and becomes the investing aponeuro- sis of the splenius. The use of this aponeurosis is evidently to confine the posterior spi- nal or long muscles of the back. The Abdominal Aponeuroses. The parietes of the abdomen are partly muscular and partly aponeurotic: the muscu- lar portions are situated at the sides of the abdomen. The aponeurotic portions occupy the anterior and posterior regions, and form the anterior and -posterior abdominal aponeu- roses. The extensibility, elasticity, and, above all, the contractility of the abdominal pa- rietes, depend on the three intersecting muscular layers ; while to the aponeuroses must be attributed their capability of resistance and want of extensibility. The anterior abdominal aponeurosis forms the greater part of the anterior wall of the abdomen. It consists, 1. Of a fibrous column, which is continuous with the osseous col- umn of the sternum ; and, 2. Of two perfectly corresponding halves, one right, the other left. These two halves are united in the linea alba, which may be regarded as their com- mon origin. The Anterior Abdominal Aponeurosis. The Linea Alba. The linea alba (i,figs. 109, 110) is a tendinous raphe, extending from the ensiform cartilage to the symphysis pubis ; it constitutes the anterior median line of the abdomen. In a theoretical point of view it may be regarded as a continuation of the sternum, which, in some animals, is prolonged as far as the pubes.* Anatomists are not agreed as to the acceptation of the term linea alba. According to some, it is a mathematical line produced by the intersection of the aponeuroses of one side with those of the other: according to others—and this meaning appears to me preferable—it consists of the tendinous band comprised between the inner borders of the recti. Thus defined, the breadth of the linea alba corresponds to the interval between these muscles, and, as they are directed somewhat obliquely upward and outward, it follows that the upper or supra-umbilical portion of the linea alba is broader than that portion which is below the umbilicus. This remarkable arrangement, by which the strength of the lower part of the abdomen is secured, affords an explanation of the uniform occur- rence of hernias through the linea alba above, not below, the umbilicus. It should also be observed that, during exertion, the viscera are chiefly forced against the lower part of the abdominal parietes, and also that the gravid uterus rests upon it. The sub-umbilical portion of the linea alba forms a mere line, while the supra-umbili- cal is about a quarter of an inch in breadth. Its transverse dimensions are much in- creased in persons whose abdomen has been greatly distended. Thus, during and after pregnancy and certain dropsies, it in some cases acquires a considerable breadth, and does not return to its original size, even after the distension has ceased to exist. In a female who died a short time after delivery, I found the linea alba three inches across at the umbilicus, and fifteen lines in the narrowest part. In cases of this kind, the linea alba forms a sort of long pouch, which receives the intestines, and becomes very prom inent during the contraction of the recti. The linea alba presents several elliptical openings for the passage of nerves and ves- * The analogy has even been carried'so far* that the tendinous intersections of the ?ecti have been pared to the ribs, for they seem to come off from the linea alba like abdominal ribs. THE ANTERIOR ABDOMINAL APONEUROSIS. 301 sels. In these foramina, round masses of fat are developed, which dilate them, and draw down the peritoneum into them, or are absorbed in consequence of emaciation, and thus open an easy way for the production of hernia of the linea alba. Of all these orifices, the most remarkable is the umbilical ring, which gives passage to the umbilical vessels in the foetus, but becomes cicatrized after birth, at least in the majority of subjects.* The situation of the umbilicus varies at different ages. The middle point of the length of the body is situated above the umbilicus before the sixth month of foetal existence, and corresponds with it after that period. In the adult it is situated below the umbil- icus. Its situation with regard to the abdomen varies in different individuals. Thus, the umbilical cicatrix, which is generally a little below the middle of the abdomen, is sometimes exactly in the middle. I have even seen it at the point of junction of the lower with the upper two thirds. This cicatrix, moreover, is much stronger than the neighbouring parts. Thus, an umbilical hernia, which, in a new-born infant, always occupies the navel itself, in an adult is almost invariably situated a little above the umbilicus. Still it occasionally yields, either in cases of dropsy or of hernia ; and I have records of several instances of hernia in the adult, that have occurred through the umbilical ring. The linea alba is in relation, in front, with the skin, which adheres more closely to it than to the neighbouring parts, especially opposite the umbilicus. In the, male, it is sep- arated from the skin below by the suspensory ligament of the penis, which sometimes extends as far as the middle of the space between the pubes and the umbilicus ; behind, it is in relation with the peritoneum, separated from it, however, by the remains of the urachus, and by the bladder itself, when that viscus is distended. It is, then, through the linea alba that the bladder is punctured in cases of retention of urine, and that the incision is made in the high operation of lithotomy. The peritoneum does not adhere more closely to the umbilicus than to the other parts of the abdomen, and therefore um- bilical hernias, like all others, are invariably provided with a proper sac. The upper extremity of the linea alba is attached to the ensiform appendix, a flexible, elastic, cartilaginous body, constituting, as it were, a transitional structure between the sternum and the part we are now describing. The lower extremity corresponds to the symphysis pubis. If we examine the structure of the iinea alba, we shall see that it is formed by the in- tersection of the layers of the anterior abdominal aponeuroses. One remarkable circum- stance is, that the intersecting fibres do not stop at the median line, but pass from one side to the other; so that the tendinous fibres of the external oblique of the right side become the tendinous fibres of the internal oblique of the left; and, again, that the inter- section occurs not only from side to side, but also from before backward. Below the umbilicus the point of intersection is elevated by some longitudinal fibres, constituting a small and very distinct cord, which appears to form a septum between the recti mus- cles ; it increases in thickness as it proceeds downward from the umbilicus to the sym- physis, and may be easily felt under the skin in emaciated individuals. We may add, that the fibres of the linea alba have no resemblance to the yellow elastic tissue ; they are neither extensible nor elastic, at least in the human subject. Its uses entirely re- fer to its capability of offering resistance. The pyramidales are its tensor muscles. The Four Layers of the Anterior Abdominal Aponeurosis, From each side of the linea alba {a, fig. 134, a diagram representing a horizontal sec tion of the abdominal parietes) two fibrous layers proceed 134. outward, one anteriorly, the other posteriorly, to the rec- tus muscle (r). The anterior layer (b), having arrived near the outer bor- der of the muscle, subdivides into two other layers : one superficial, constituting the aponeurosis of the external ob- lique (d) ; the other deep, forming the anterior layer of the aponeurosis of the internal oblique (e). The posterior lay- er (c) is also simple as far as the outer border of the rec- tus, and then separates likewise into two layers : one an- terior, which becomes united with the aponeurosis of the internal oblique (e), and is regarded as the posterior layer of that aponeurosis; the other posterior, which continues its course outward from the rectus, and forms the aponeu- rosis of the transversalis muscle (_/)• We shall describe these different parts in succession. _ The Aponeurosis of the External Oblique.—This is the most superficial layer, and is of a quadrilateral figure {a, fig. 109); it is broad below, where it corresponds to the in- * Some cases are on record of the persistence of the umbilical vein, and, consequently, of the umbilical ring, I have narrated a case where a sub-cutaneous abdominal vein, prodigiously developed, became continuous with the vena cava, which was abo very large.—{Anal. Path., 1. xvi., pi. 6.) APONEUROLOGY. terval between the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium and the linea alba, be- comes narrower immediately above, and again expands at the upper part, but to a less extent than below. It is covered by the skin and the superficial fascia, and it covers the aponeurosis and the anterior portion of the fleshy fibres of the internal oblique. It adheres intimately to the aponeurosis of the internal oblique, as far as the vicinity of the outer border of the rectus, excepting below, where the two fascia are perfectly distinct, and can be easily separated throughout their entire extent. Its external margin, slightly concave and denticulated, presents irregular prolongations, with which the fleshy fibres become continuous. A line extending from the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium to the extremity of the cartilage of the eighth rib, will indicate with tolerable accuracy the direction of this margin, which appears to be divided into two layers, one superficial, very thin, and continuous with the proper cel- lulo-fibrous sheath of the muscle ; the other deep, and giving origin to fleshy fibres. Its upper margin is narrow, and cannot be exactly defined; it often gives attachment to some fibres of the pectoralis major. Its lower margin consists of two very distinct portions ; one, extending from the ante- rior superior spinous process of the ilium to the spine of the os pubis, is called the fem- oral arch {p p', figs. 136, 137); the other, stretching between the spine and the symphy- sis pubis, offers for consideration the pillars and the cutaneous orifice of the inguinal canal (m, figs. 109, 136, 137). The aponeurosis of the external oblique is composed of tendinous fasciculi, directed obliquely downward and inward, like the fleshy fibres with which they are continuous. It is also perforated, especially in the neighbourhood of the linea alba, by a considerable number of bloodvessels and nerves. Not unfrequently the component fasciculi have between them, especially near the femoral arch, linear or triangular spaces of variable size, through which the fibres of the internal oblique are visible. The component fas- ciculi are also intersected at right angles, and, as it were, bound down by other tendi- nous fibres, which are more or less developed in different individuals, and are most usu- ally situated in the neighbourhood of the femoral arch. Having made these preliminary observations, we shall now describe in detail, 1. The lower margin of the aponeurosis of the external oblique, or the femoral arch; and, 2. The inguinal ring and canal. The, Femoral or Crural Arch.—When the aponeurosis of the external oblique has ar- Fig. 136. rived opposite a line extending from the anterior superior spinous pro- cess of the ilium to the spine of the pubes, it suddenly terminates, be- comes thickened, and is reflected (a a', fig. 137) from before back- ward upon itself. The reflected border {pp',figs. 136,137) has been variously denominated the femoral or crural arch, the reflected margin of the tendon of the external oblique, Poupart's ligament, and the ligament of Fallopius. This arch, which is stretched like a cord, corresponds to the fold of the groin, and defines the limits of the abdomen and the lower extremity ; it forms the ar terior border of a considerable tri- angular space, which is completed by the ilium (1 ,fiig. 136) on the out- side, and by the os pubis (2) behind. This space establishes a communi- cation between the lower extremi- ty and the abdomen, and is occupied (proceeding from without inward) by the psoas and ilxacus muscle (i to i), the crural nerve (w), the femoral artery (a) and vein (v), and the pectineus muscle.* The crural arch is directed somewhat obliquely downward and inward; and as its out- er third is more oblique than the inner two thirds, it describes externally a slight curve, having its concavity directed upward. Its lower or reflected border is continuous with the fascia of the thigh. This adhesion occasions the tension of the arch, as may be shown by cutting the femoral fascia at the point of its junction with the arch: hence the precept of Scarpa, who recommended incisions to be made in this situation, in order to relieve the constriction in femoral hernise. The free margin of the reflected portion of the aponeurosis, of which the femoral arch * This is not represented in the woodcut. THE CRURAL ARCH. 303 consists, is continued backward into the iliac fascia (s') externally; and internally, into the fascia transversalis (I). Externally near the psoas and iliacus (beyond a", fig- 137), the posterior or reflected portion of the arch is closely blended with its anterior or direct portion, as well as with the iliac fascia and the fascia of the thigh, so that, in this situation, there is a thickening rather than an actual reflection of the aponeurosis. Internally to the psoas and iliacus, however (at a), the direct and reflected portions are perfectly distinct, and form a groove with its concavity upward, which we shall find to assist in the formation of the inguinal canal. These two separate portions of the inner part of the femoral arch require a spe- cial description. The direct •portion (part of which is shown turned downward at d, fig. 137) passes on to be attached to the spine of the pubes (p,figs. 136, 137), becoming more and more prominent, so that it can be easily felt under the skin, especially when the thigh is ex- tended upon the pelvis. The reflected portion, externally, is narrow, and, as it were, folded; but internally it becomes expanded, from its fibres slightly changing their direc- tion, and diverging, so as to be inserted into the spine of the pubes behind the direct portion, and also into the pecten or crest of the pubes. This reflected and expanded portion, described even in the oldest anatomical works, has become celebrated in recent times under the improper name of Gimbernat's ligament (g,fig. 136), from a Spanish surgeon, who pointed out its importance as the seat of stric- ture in femoral hernia. It is triangular in shape ; its anterior margin corresponds to the crural arch; its posterior margin to the crest of the pubes ; its outer margin is free, con- cave, tense, and sharp, and forms the inner part of the circumference of the crural ring (r). This concavity, against which the protruded intestine becomes strangulated, has obtained for the ligament the name of the falciform ligament or fold* Its strength is very considerable; but, occasionally, intervals are left between its fibres, through which hernial protrusions may take place, t From the lower surface of Gimbernat’s ligament a fibrous prolongation is given off, which sometimes represents a second arch below the femoral arch, and assists in form- ing the superficial layer of the fascia lata of the thigh. This tendinous expansion has a great effect in rendering the arch tense. We may add, that there is considerable vari- ation in different subjects, both in the strength and development of Gimbernat’s liga- ment ; varieties that must have great influence on the position of crural hernia?, and on the seat of strangulation in that disease. Behind the femoral arch, on the outer side of Gimbernat’s ligament, is an opening (a to r, fig. 136) or ring, intended to give passage to the femoral artery (a) and vein (®), and to a great number of lymphatic vessels and glands: this is the crural ring.% The sub-peritoneal cellular tissue sometimes acquires great strength opposite this ring, and constitutes what is called the crural septum (situated at r). The form of the crural ring is that of an isosceles triangle, the base of which is very long, and formed by the crural arch, the inner border by the pectineus, and the outer by the psoas and iliacus muscles. Of the three angles, the internal is rounded, and corre- sponds to the concave margin of Gimbernat’s ligament; the external angle, opposite which the epigastric artery is situated, is very acute, and corresponds to the point at which the femoral arch separates from the iliac fascia; the posterior angle is very ob- tuse, and corresponds to the ilio-pectineal eminence (d). The femoral vein is in relation with the inner or pectineal border of this triangular space ; the femoral artery with the ilio-pectineal eminence and the outer border. The crural nerve (n) lies behind and externally to the artery, being separated from it only by the iliac fascia (s')- Crural herniae descend through the inner portion of the crural ring.*) The femoral arch is formed by proper fibres, arising from the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium; and also by those fibres of the aponeurosis of the external oblique, which, after having arrived at the arch, change their direction, become reflected inward, and are collected together, so as to form a strong and tense cord. The Inguinal Ring and Canal.—On the inner side of the spine of the os pubis, between the spine and the symphysis, the aponeurosis of the external oblique divides into two almost parallel, or at least very slightly diverging, bands, which leave between them an opening for the passage of the spermatic cord in the male, and of the round ligament in the female. This opening is the inguinal ring (m,figs. 109, 136, 137), and the bands which form its limits are called the pillars (op, jigs. 136, 137). The inguinal ring is oval or triangular; its greatest diameter has the same direction as the fibres of the external oblique, viz., obliquely downward and inward. Its base corresponds to the interval be- * [This term is now generally applied (after Bums) to the external margin of the saphenous opening 137) in the fascia lata.) t M. Laugier has lately recorded a case of hernia through the fibres of Gimbernat’s ligament. I have since had an opportunity of seeing, in an old woman at the Salptr&ere, two hernial sacs near each other, one of which protruded through the crural ring, and the other internally to the ring; the necks of these sacs were separated by a fibrous band, which appeared to me to be formed by the external fibres of Gimbernat’s ligament. t [The term a crural ring,” it must be remembered, is limited by British anatomists and surgeons to the small space (r), bounded internally by the free margin of Gimbernat’s ligament, and externally by the femora] vein. It is through this space, and therefore through the internal portion only of the “ crural ring” of M Cruvcilhier, that crural hernia; descend.] Q See note, supra. 304 APONEUROLOGY. Fig. 137. tween the spine and symphysis pubis. Its apex is not always well defined, and is generally truncated by fibres which pass at right angles to its pillars. From the up- per part of the margin of the ring a tendi- nous prolongation is given off, which ac- companies the sper- matic cord in the male, and the round ligament in the fe- male. Of the pillars, one is external or inferior, the other internal or superior. The external pillar (p) is attached, not to the spine of the Os pubis, but into the fore part of the symphysis: this pillar is nothing more than the in- ternal extremity of the direct portion of the femoral arch. Moreover, some anatomists consider Gimbernat’s ligament as the reflected portion of the external pillar. The internal pillar (o) is broader than the external, and intersects the corresponding structure of the opposite side in front of the symphysis, not unfrequently some fibres of the right internal pillar intersecting those of the left external pillar. Inguinal Canal or Passage.—The inguinal ring (m) is the anterior or cutaneous orifice of an oblique passage, formed in the substance of the lower edge of the inferior parietes of the abdomen opposite the crural arch, and destined to transmit the cord (s) of the spermatic vessels in the male, and the round ligament of the uterus in the female. This passage, which modern writers only have correctly described, has been styled by them the inguinal canal (t c m). Its length varies from an inch and a half to two inches and a half; it is directed obliquely downward, forward, and inward. The inguinal canal is formed, in reality, by the groove resulting from the reflection backward of the aponeurosis of the external oblique (at a), the posterior border of which groove is continuous with the fascia transversalis, and its anterior border with the apo- neurosis of the external oblique itself. We may, then, consider this passage as having an inferior concave wall (at a) formed by the groove of reflection ; an anterior wall, formed by the aponeurosis of the external oblique (shown turned downward at d); and a posterior wall, formed by the fascia transversalis (c). There is no superior wall, or, rather, it is sup- plied by the lower margins of the internal oblique (e) and transversalis (/) muscles, which occupy the groove of the crural arch, and receive from it externally numerous points of attachment. Internally the margins of these muscles are separated from the groove by the spermatic cord, or the round ligament. It has been supposed that this canal is lined by a funnel-shaped prolongation of the fascia transversalis. The peritoneal or internal orifice {t, figs. 110, 137) of the inguinal canal is much less accurately defined than the external, or, rather, its inner border alone is well defined, consisting of a concave fibrous edge formed by the fascia transversalis, and somewhat analogous to the concave edge of Gimbernat’s ligament. I lie strangulation of the intestine in inguinal hernia sometimes occurs against this edge. The peritoneal orifice of the inguinal canal is closed by the peritoneum, and the epigastric artery runs along its inner border. The testicle, which is originally situated within the abdomen, descends through the inguinal canal; so, also, do those hernias, commonly called oblique inguinal hernias, in order to distinguish them from the direct or internal inguinal hernias. The Anterior Aponeurosis of the Obliquus Internus and Transversalis.—The aponeurosis of the internal oblique commences at the linea alba, and immediately divides in its upper three fourths into two layers, one of which passes in front, and the other behind the rectus (r, fig. 134). The lower fourth passes entirely in front of the same muscle without division (as shown in fig. 135). The anterior layer is very closely united with the aponeurosis of the external oblique (at b), from which it can be distinguished only by the direction of its fibres. In some parts there is even a true interlacement between the tendinous fibres of these two muscles ; the lower or undivided portion of the aponeurosis of the internal oblique may, on the contrary, be easily separated from that of the external oblique. The posterior layer of the aponeurosis of the internal oblique is no less intimately blended with that of the transversalis (at c), from which, also, it is to be distinguished by the direction of its fibres only. At the outer border of the rectus muscle the anterior layer of the apo- THE FASCIA TRANSVERSALIS, ETC. 305 neurosis of the internal oblique separates from that of the external oblique, and the pos- terior .ayer from that of the transversalis, and then immediately unite together, and give origin to the fleshy fibres. The outer margin, therefore, of the aponeurosis of the internal oblique exactly corresponds to the outer border of the rectus, and is directed vertically. The aponeurosis of the transversalis (_/, figs. 134, 135) is the deepest layer of the an- terior abdominal aponeurosis: it is very narrow above, increases in breadth as far down as opposite the crest of the ilium, and then progressively diminishes towards its lower portion. It commences at the linea alba, and is divided into two portions : one inferior (below s,fig. 110), consisting only of the lower fourth of the aponeuroses, and passing in front of the rectus (as in fig. 135); the other superior (above s, fig. 110), which passes behind the rectus (as in fig. 134), and is formed by the upper three fourths ot the apo- neurosis. Its external margin is convex, and gives origin to the fleshy fibres of the muscle. Its anterior surface is closely united to the aponeurosis of the internal oblique, beyond which it passes on the outside ; its posterior surface is loosely connected with the peritoneum, excepting in its lower fourth, which, as already stated, passes in front of the rectus muscle. The tendinous fibres of the transversalis, which have the same direction as its fleshy fibres, are occasionally found not to terminate abruptly behind the lower part of the rectus; but the aponeurosis merely becomes thinner, and its fasciculi separated from each other. In order to complete the description of the anterior abdominal aponeurosis, it only re mains for me to describe the fascia transversalis, which I regard as a thickened portion of the sub-peritoneal fascia. The fascia transversalis (seen at a' and c, fig. 137) was first pointed out by Sir Astley Cooper, but has been more correctly described by Lawrence and J. Cloquet: it com- mences below at the reflected border (a a') of the crural arch, so that it may be regard- ed as a thin prolongation of the reflected portion of the tendon of the external oblique. It also frequently arises from the brim of the pelvis, as well as from the crural arch. From these points it passes upward, becoming more and more attenuated as it approach es the umbilicus, at which point it cannot be distinguished from the sub-peritoneal apo- neurosis. The Fascia Transversalis and Sub-peritoneal Aponeurosis. The fascia transversalis is situated between the abdominal muscles and the peri- toneum. Its internal margin is continuous with the outer border of the rectus muscle ; and its external margin, which gradually becomes thinner, is blended with the sub-peri- toneal aponeurosis. The only part deserving a special description is that portion which lies between the outer border of the rectus muscle and the abdominal opening of the in- guinal canal. In this situation it assists in strengthening the parietes of the abdomen, which are here remarkably weak; and it is to the existence of this fascia that we may attribute the extreme rarity of direct inguinal hernia;*, which, in fact, can only result from a congenital weakness, or a relaxation of this fascia. A very interesting portion of the fascia transversalis is an infundibuliform prolonga- tion, given off from it to the spermatic cord. It is impossible, indeed, to conceive the descent of the testicle to occur without its pushing before it a portion of the fascia, which then constitutes the immediate investment of the cord upon which the cremaster muscle (b,fig. 137) is spread out. The peritoneal orifice of the inguinal canal is, there- fore, the superior opening of the infundibuliform process, furnished by the fascia trans- versalis to the testicle and its cord. The Sub-peritoneal Aponeurosis. The peritoneum, throughout the whole extent of the abdominal parietes, is strength- ened on its outer surface by a very thin tendinous layer, the existence of which may serve to explain why abscesses, formed in the parietes of the abdomen, so seldom open into the cavity of the peritoneum; and, on the other hand, why collections within the peritoneal cavity so seldom open externally. The. Posterior Abdominal Aponeurosis. The posterior abdominal aponeurosis is much smaller and of less importance than the anterior: it consists of three layers, one anterior (h, in diagram, yig. 134), and very thin, which commences at the base of the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebra?, and passes in-front of the quadratics lumborum {q); another, middle (?), and much stronger, commencing at the summits of the same transverse processes, and passing behind the quadratus lumborum; and a third, posterior (&), which arises from the summits of the lumbar spinous processes, and passes behind the sacro-lumbalis, longissiraus dorsi, and transverso-spinalis muscles (,?). This last-mentioned layer is connected both with the internal oblique (e) and with the transversals muscle (/), and is blended with the apo- neuroses of the serratus posticus inferior, and of the latissimus dorsi (/). The two an- * [7. e., hernia: occurring’ directly downward and forward through the inguinal ring (m, fig. 137), ami not descending along the inguinal canal.] Q Q 306 APONEUROLOGY. terior layers are connected with the transversalis only. The posterior abdominal apo- neurosis has, therefore, nearly the same relation to the quadrates lumborum and the common mass of the sacro-lumbalis, longissimus dorsi, and transverso-spinalis muscles, that the anterior aponeurosis has to the rectus muscle. The Lumho-iliac Aponeurosis. The lumho-iliac aponeurosis, or fascia iliaca of modern authors, forms the tendinous sheaths of the abdominal portion of the psoas and iliacus muscles, and is, therefore, bi- furcated at its upper part. That portion which invests the psoas commences at the ten dinous arch of the diaphragm, already described as embracing the upper end of this mus- cle. The iliac portion arises from the whole extent of the inner border of the crest of the ilium. The circumflex ilii artery is situated in the substance of this iliac portion, at its origin. The internal margin of the fascia iliaca is attached to the sides of the lumbar vertebra, and, lower down, to the brim of the pelvis ; it is arranged in arches, which give passage to the lumbar vessels and to the nervous cords, establishing a communica- tion between the lumbar plexus and the lumbar ganglia of the sympathetic nerve. The centre of each arch is opposite to the groove on one of the bodies of the lumbar verte- bras, the intervals between the arches corresponding with the intervertebral substance. The largest arch extends from the last lumbar vertebra to the brim of the pelvis, and is opposite to the base of the sacrum. The obturator and lumbo-sacral nerves pass under it. Opposite the femoral arch, the fascia iliaca adheres intimately to the outer part of Poupart’s ligament; but towards the median line it separates from that ligament, passes behind the femoral vessels, and forms the posterior half (s,fig. 136) of the crural ring. Below the femoral arch, the fascia is prolonged upon the thigh ; on the outside (s') it completes the sheath of the psoas and iliacus, accompanies them as far as the lesser trochanter, and becomes continuous with the iliac portion (g,fig• 137) of the femoral fascia ; on the inside, it forms the posterior wall (s,fig. 136) of the canal for the femoral vessels, and forms the deep layer or pubic portion (h, fig. 137) of the femoral fascia. Relations.—It lies beneath the peritoneum, to which it is united by a very loose cellu- lar tissue ; it covers the psoas and iliacus, but is not adherent to them, in consequence of the interposition of some equally delicate cellular tissue. All the nerves from the lumbar plexus are subjacent to this fascia, excepting one very small cord, which perfo- rates it at the side of the sacrum, and becomes situated in the sub-peritoneal cellular tissue. The femoral vessels are situated on the inner side of the fascia, and are separ- ated by it from the crural nerve, which lies on its outer side, and underneath it. Structure.—The upper part of the fascia is extremely thin, but it increases in thick- ness as it approaches the femoral arch. It is formed of well-marked transverse fasci- culi, intersected perpendicularly by the tendon of the psoas parvus, when that muscle exists. This tendon is blended with the fascia, and is distinguished from it only by the different direction of its fibres ; it is inserted by spreading out, at the side of the pelvic brim, into a tendinous arch which lines this brim, and with which the psoas parvus and the iliac fascia are continuous above, and the pelvic fascia below. Few aponeuroses are more deserving the attention of anatomists than this, on account of the practical consequences resulting from its arrangement. In fact, notwithstanding its tenuity, it forms a boundary between the sub-peritoneal and sub-aponeurotic cellular tissue, which is very rarely passed by inflammatory action. When inflammation termi- nates in suppuration, the pus, whether it be beneath the peritoneum or beneath this fas- cia, descends towards the femoral arch ; but if the inflammation be sub-peritoneal, the femoral vessels lie behind the purulent collection ; and should it be sub-aponeurotic, the vessels will be in front of it. The latter is especially the case in abscesses following caries of the vertebrae. The Aponeueoses of the Pelvis. The aponeuroses of the pelvis should be distinguished into the pelvic, properly so called, and the perineal: the former constitute essential parts of the pelvis, and are deeply seat- ed. Ihe others belong to that part of the floor of the pelvis which is called the perineum. I shall commence with the description of the latter. The Aponeuroses of the Perineum. These are two in number; one superficial, the other deep. The Superficial Perineal Fascia* Dissection.—Remove tne sub-cutaneous adipose tissue very cautiously, layer by layer, commencing the dissection along the edges of the pubic arch. This aponeurosis (which is very distinct from the fibrous laminae, intercepting spaces filled by fat, and forming what is called the fascia superficialis) is of a triangular shape, and consists of well-marked transverse fibres. The outer margin of each half of the fas- cia is attached to the descending ramus of the os pubis and the ascending ramus of the ischium : its inner margin is lost at the raphe, along the median line : its posterior mar- * M Bouyier, in his thesis, and M. Blandin, in his Traite d'Anatomic Chirurgicalc, first described this fascia THE DEEP PERINEAL APONEUROSIS. 307 gm is bounded by a line extending from the tuberosity of the ischium to the anus • it cor- responds with the posterior edge of the transversus perinei muscle, and appears to be reflected behind it, so as to line the corresponding perineal or ischio-reetal fossa.* Relations.—It is covered by a prolongation of the dartos, to a greater extent in the me- dian line than on each side ; also by the sub-cutaneous adipose tissue, which is thicker behind than in front, and by the sphincter ani, above which it terminates in the median line : it covers the transversus, the bulbo-cavernosus, and the ischio-cavernosus mus- cles, the fibrous sheaths of which may even be regarded as a prolongation of this aponeu- rosis. It also covers the superficial perineal vessels and nerves, which are sometimes lodged within its substance. The existence of this membrane explains why, in cases of perforation of the urethra, the urine is infiltrated forward, and very rarely backward. The Deep Perineal Aponeurosis. Dissection.—Remove with great care the ischio- and bulbo-cavernosus and the trans- versus perinei muscles. This aponeurosis, which was well described by M. Carcassone under the name of pe. rincal ligament, and called by modern writers the middle pe- rineal fascia, appears to me perfectly distinct from the aponeuroses of the pelvis. It is an extremely strong trian- gular layer {h a, fig. 138f), oc- cupying the pubic arch, and apparently forming a continu- ation of the sub-pubic ligament {b). It is vertical near the arch, as far as the ball of the urethra, below which it be- comes horizontal, or, rather, oblique, from before back- ward. Its lateral margins are attached to the descending ra- mi of the ossa pubis, and the ascending rami of the ischia [d d), above the attachment of Fig. 138. the ischio-cavernosi muscles. Its posterior margin becomes blended with the posterior margin of the superficial perineal fascia, behind the transversi muscles, in front of the perineal fossae, of which it forms the anterior boundary. • Relations.—lts lower surface is in relation with the ischio- and bulbo-cavernosus mus- cles, and gives off, in the median line, a fibrous septum, which passes between these muscles, and affords them points of attachment. Its upper surface is in relation with the artery or arteries (e e) of the bulb, which are sometimes contained within its sub- stance : it is also in contact with a very remarkable plexus of large veins, with which it is very closely united, so that, when divided, they remain open: these veins are also fre- quently enclosed within its substance. It is also in relation with the levator ani. There constantly exists another transverse muscle, very distinct from the transversus perinei generally described, which is situated farther behind. This muscle (transversus perinei alter, Alb.) is applied to the lower surface of the perineal fascia, and passes trans- versely inward to the bulbous portion of the urethra. The deep fascia of the perineum is perforated (at c) by the posterior part of the bulb of the urethra, or, rather, by the point of union (c, fig. 181) between its bulbous and membranous portions ; it gives off prolongations upon the sides of the bulb, and serves to support the membranous portion of the urethra: whence the name, triangular liga- ment of the urethra, given to it by Colles. It is also perforated, beneath the arch of the pubes, by a great number of veins, and by some arteries. Uses.—This remarkable aponeurosis evidently supports the canal of the urethra. It has been correctly regarded as an obstacle to the introduction of the catheter, the point of which strikes against it, however slightly it may deviate from the direction of the ca- nal. The prostate gland is situated above it. The Pelvic Aponeuroses. From the sides of the pelvis, and from the entire circumference of the brim (which, as * See note, p. 309. t [The triangular ligament consists of two layers, which approach each other more nearly above than below. mfig 138. the anterior layer has been removed. Between the two layers are situated the sub-pubic ligamou (.!>), perforated by the venae dorsales penis, the pudic arteries (//), the arteries of the bulb (e e), the great part of the membranous portion of the urethra, with its compressor muscle, to be described hereafter, ant lastly, Cowper’s glands (g g). In the female, the tmngular ligament is perforated by the vagina, as wel bv the urethra.] 308 APONEUROLOGY we have seen, is covered and rendered smooth by a thick layer of fibrous tissue, that forms a limit to the lumbo-iliac aponeurosis), a tendinous lamina is given olf, which pass- es into and lines the pelvis, and is soon divided into two distinct layers: one external, the lateral pelvic or obturator fascia, which continues to line the sides of the pelvis, and covers the obturator internus muscle; the other internal, or superior, which passes in- ward upon the side of the prostate gland, bladder, and rectum, in the male, and of the bladder, vagina, and rectum, in the female, in order to form the floor of the pelvis. This is the superior pelvic aponeurosis, with the description of which we shall commence. The Superior Pelvic Aponeurosis, or Recto-vesical Fascia. Dissection.—This aponeurosis must be studied both from the cavity of the pelvis and from the perineum. It is exposed in the pelvis by removing the peritoneum, and the loose cellular tissue beneath that membrane ; this should be done without any cutting instrument. To view this fascia from the perineum, it is necessary to take away the adipose tissue that occupies the perineal fossae, and also the levator ani muscle. The superior pelvic aponeurosis forms a complete floor for the pelvis. Anteriorly it is remarkable for its strength and shortness; in fact, it does not reach the inlet in this sit- uation, but arises on each side from the symphysis pubis, presenting the appearance of bands or columns, which are more or less separated from each other, and become at- tached to the front of the neck of the bladder, whence the name of anterior ligament of the bladder, which the older anatomists gave to this part of the aponeurosis. More exter- nally, it forms a strong arch (the sub-pubic arch), which completes the posterior orifice of the obturator or sub-pubic canal {i, fig. 48). This arch is not unfrequently double, and then one of the foramina gives passage to vessels, and the other to nerves. Still more externally, it is attached to the brim of the pelvis, in the manner I have al- ready pointed out. Posteriorly it is extremely thin, passes in front of the sciatic plexus, and is lost upon the sacrum. Sometimes it appears to be divided into two laminae, the posterior of which passes in front of the sciatic plexus, and the anterior in front of the internal iliac vessels, to which it would seem to furnish sheaths. Relations.—lts upper surface is concave, and connected with the peritoneum by loose cellular tissue, containing more or less fat. Its lower surface is convex, and covered by the levator ani: it forms part of the great perineal excavation, and is in relation with the pyriformis and obturator internus mucles, with the sacral plexus, &c. This aponeurosis is perforated by a great number of openings : in the male it is pierced by the prostate {i, fig. 181) and the bladder (h), on the sides of which it is prolonged, and reflected on to the rectum, whence the name of the recto-vesical aponeurosis, given to it by M. Carcassone. In the female it is also perforated by the vagina. On each side of the bladder and prostate it is strengthened by two tendinous bands, which run from before backward. These are sometimes very strong; they extend from the symphysis pubis (6) to the spine of the ischium (e), pass along the bladder and the prostate, and are re- flected upon their sides. In front, it has some openings for the vesical and prostatic vessels. Behind it presents a considerable opening, which corresponds to the outlet of the pel- vis, and gives passage to the lumbo-sacral nerve and the gluteal vessels. The extrem- ity of the arch formed by it corresponds to the anterior border of the sciatic notch. It is through this opening that sciatic herniae protrude. We not uncommonly find larger or smaller openings in this fascia, of an oblong or cir- cular shape, leading into conical culs-de-sac, which are filled with fat. Lastly, it is per- forated behind by the ischiatic and interna] pudic vessels. It does not appear to be in- tended for the passage of the vessels which are distributed in the interior of the pelvis, for it seems to invest these in fibrous sheaths. Uses.—The superior pelvic aponeurosis forms the floor of the pelvis; it is pushed downward by the action of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, and tends to prevent the occurrence of perineal herniae, which otherwise would be extremely common: it forms a boundary between the sub-peritoneal and the perineal cellular tissue, and also limits the progress of inflammation and infiltrations. Infiltration of urine above the fas- cia can only be caused by rupture of the bladder itself. The prostate (i, fig. 181) is al- most entirely below the fascia, and therefore,' in the lateral operation for stone, in which this gland is the principal structure'to be divided, inflammation and infiltration of the cellular tissue are extremely rare. When they do occur, the section or laceration must have been prolonged into the body of the bladder. The Lateral Pelvic Aponeurosis, or Fascia of the Obturator Muscle. Dissection.—This aponeurosis is more advantageously studied, at least in its most impor- tant part, from the perineum, than from the cavity of the pelvis : it is exposed on either side by removing the adipose tissue, which fills up the perineal fossa. This aponeurosis, which is quite distinct from the obturator ligament, commences at the upper part of the circumference of the obturator foramen, and at the brim of the pelvis, in connexion with THE FEMORAL APONEUROSIS. 309 the superior pelvic aponeurosis, which it soon leaves, and is applied to the obturatoi r - ternus muscle; it then unites below with the reflected portion of the great sacro-sciati * ligament, and is prolonged upon that portion of the anterior surface of the glutseus max- imus which projects beyond the ligament, and also upon the coccygeus muscle. Relations.—On the inner side and above, it is only separated from the superior pelvic aponeurosis by the levator ani, which is applied to that aponeurosis; lower down, the two aponeuroses are separated by a considerable interval, which is occupied by fat: this interval forms the perineal fossa. On the outside it is in contact, with the obturator in- ternus, and lower down with the internal pudic vessels and nerves. Uses.—lt binds down the obturator internus muscle, and protects the internal pudic vessels and nerves, which are, therefore, rarely cut in operations in the perineum. It forms the external boundary of the perineal fossa. The Perineal Fossce.—Situated between the superior pelvic aponeurosis (which is lined below by the levator ani) and the lateral pelvic aponeurosis, there is found on each side of the anus a conical space, the base of which is directed downward, and corresponds to the skin: it is formed behind by the lower border of the glutseus maximus ; in front, by the transversus perinei muscle ; on the inside, by the levator ani and the superior pel- vic aponeurosis; and on the outside, by the tuberosity of the ischium.* Each of these fossa; is filled by a large quantity of fat, and traversed by fibrous laminae, some of which extend vertically from the apex to the base, and divide the contained adipose cellular tissue into several distinct portions. When an abscess occurs in either of these fossae, it may be easily conceived how difficult it is for the inner surface of its parietes to come into opposition: hence the pathology of fistulae, and the modes of cure which are adopted. The Aponeuroses of the Lower Extremity. The aponeuroses of the lower extremity comprise the femoral fascia; the fascia of the leg; the annular ligaments, which bind down the tendons of the muscles of the leg, as they are passing upon the dorsal or plantar surface of the foot; the plantar and dorsal fascia of the foot; and, lastly, the fibrous sheaths, which maintain the tendons in con- tact with the phalanges of the toes. We shall describe these in succession. The Femoral Aponeurosis, or Fascia Lata. After the remarks which we have already made upon the aponeuroses generally, it may be easily conceived that the muscles of the thigh, which are so numerous, of such great length, and so loosely united together, and almost all of which are reflected to a greater or less amount over the knee, require to be kept in close contact with each oth- er and with the bones ; hence the necessity for the femoral aponeurosis, consisting of a large fibrous sheath, that confines without compressing the muscles, and the strength of which is directly proportioned to the force of the muscles, and their tendency to dis- placement. Its superficial or sub-cutaneous surface {g h, fig. 137) is separated from the skin by a very thin fibrous layer, the fascia superficialis (not shown in fig. 137), which can be more easily demonstrated immediately below the femoral arch, and along the sa- phenous vein. Between the femoral aponeurosis or fascia lata and this superficial fas- cia, which results from the union of the fibrous prolongations given off by the deep sur- face of the skin, the sub-cutaneous vessels and nerves take their course, and communi- cate with the deep vessels and nerves, either by simple openings or by fibrous canals, of variable length. Under this fascia, also, are situated the superficial lymphatic vessels and glands of the groin. A great number of the superficial nerves of the thigh have special sheaths, which are hollowed out, as it were, in the substance of this aponeurosis. The femoral aponeurosis is perforated with a great number of foramina opposite the femoral vessels, Irom Poupart’s ligament to the entrance of the vena saphena (x) into the femoral vein (y). These foramina, which occupy a triangular space, of which the base is above and the apex below, are intended for the passage of a great number of lymphatic vessels, which pass through it to join the deep set. This has been called the sieve-like portion of the fascia lata, or the fascia cribriformis (■«): it has been said by some, that the aponeurosis is altogether wanting in this situation.! We not unfrequently find a lymphatic gland occupying one of the foramina. * [These spaces are the ischio-rectal fossa of Velpeau ; they are described by him as if lined by an aponeu- rosis (the ischio-rectal) composed of two layers, one external or ischiatic, corresponding' to the lateral pelvic aponeurosis of M. Cruveilhier, and another internal or* rectal, which covers the lower surface of the levator ani from the coccyx to the posterior border of the transversus perinei, and unites with the other layer before, above, and behind. This latter layer is very thin, and continuous with the united margins of the superficial perineal fascia and the triangular ligament, behind the transverse muscle, and is alluded to by M. Cruveilhier (p. 307) as a reflection of the' superficial fascia.l t [And then the cribriform fascia is regarded, not as belonging to the fascia lata, but as formed by a deep layer of the superficial fascia, situated beneath the sub-cutaneous vessels, adherent to the borders of the saphe- nous opening in the fascia lata, and perforated by those vessels. The saphenous opening is, according to this view, not the foramen (£) through which that vein passes, but the aperture (a) left between the iliac (g) and cubic (A) portions of the fascia lata, and is bounded externally by the crescentic margin of the iliac portion -!r the falciform process of Burns (see the left side of fig. 137, where the cribriform fascia has been entirely removed).) 310 APONEUROLOGY. The most remat liable of all these openings is undoubtedly that (i) for the vena sapheni interna, where that vessel enters the femoral vein, at the upper part of the thigh, eight or ten lines below Poupart’s ligament. The margin of this opening, which has been improperly called the inferior orifice of the crural canal, can only be demonstrated in its low- er half, on account of the almost complete absence of the aponeurosis above it: this is the reason of the semilunar form of the portion of the fascia over which the vein passes. The deep surface of the fascia lata gives oft' a great number of prolongations, which pass between the muscles, and form their proper investments or sheaths. The largest of these prolongations form two lateral septa, called the inter-muscular sep- ta, which extend from the fascia to the linea aspera; each has the form of a triangle, having its base directed downward and its apex upward; they are extremely thick, es- pecially below. The Inter-muscular Septa of the Femoral Aponeurosis. Of these there are two, one internal and the other external. The Internal Inter-muscular Septum.—This serves at once as a septum, an aponeurosis of insertion, and a sheath for the vastus internus: it extends from the anterior inter- trochanteric line to the inner condyle of the femur. Its anterior surface affords attachments to the vastus internus throughout its whole extent: its posterior surface is in opposition with the adductors, and is intimately uni- ted to their aponeuroses. Its outer margin is attached to the linea aspera: its inner margin is very thick, and prominent below, where it is strengthened by the inferior ten- don of the adductor magnus, and may be felt under the skin like a cord. It appears to become continuous below with the internal lateral ligament of the knee. It is composed of very strong vertical fasciculi, passing somewhat obliquely down- ward and inward. These fasciculi are bound together above the inner condyle by oth- ers passing transversely, and are crossed almost at right angles by the tendinous fibres of the adductors. 'Lastly, the internal septum is perforated, near the linea aspera, by a number of orifices destined for the passage of vessels, and forming communications between the anterior and the internal sheath of the muscles of the thigh. The External Inter-muscular Septum.—This serves as a septum, an aponeurosis of in sertion, and as a sheath for the vastus externus. It extends from the great trochanter to the external condyle, above which it forms a projecting cord: it affords attachments to the vastus externus in front, and to the short head of the biceps behind. Its inner margin is attached to the linea aspera: its outer margin forms a prominent cord, especially below. It consists of fibres directed vertically, or somewhat obliquely outward, and strength- ened by transverse fibres above the condyle. Like the internal septum, it is perforated, especially above and below : above, for the passage of the circumflex vessels ; below, for the passage of the articular vessels of the knee. We shall now examine the different sheaths furnished by the femoral aponeurosis. One of the most important of these is, as it were, hollowed out of the sides of the otherss and belongs to the femoral vessels. The Sheath of the Femoral Vessels. The. femoral artery (z, fig. 137) and vein (y) are enclosed in a prismatic and triangular tendinous canal, which protects them in their course amid the muscles of the thigh. The portion of the canal (laid open in fig. 137) included between the femoral arch and the point where the vena saphena opens into the femoral vein, has received the name of the crural canal, a term to which I have always objected, since it was first introduced into anatomical nomenclature, because it establishes a false analogy between the ingui- nal canal and this upper pon ion of the sheath of the femoral vessels; for, while an oblique inguinal hernia traverses the entire length of the inguinal canal, crural hermae, as far, at least, as my own observation extends, never protrude through the saphenous opening, but escape immediately below the femoral arch, and lift up the cribriform por- tion of the fascia lata.* The anterior wall of the sheath of the femoral vessels is formed above by the cribri- form portion of the femoral fascia (g', fig. 137), then by the fascia itself, and, lastly, by the posterior layer of the sheath of the sartorius, in which place it is thin and transparent. The internal wall is formed above by the very strong layer covering the pectineus; be- low, by the weaker layer investing the adductors. The external wall consists of the very strong sheath {s', fig- 136) of the psoas and ilia- cus; externally to this wall is situated the crural nerve, a branch of which perforates * [The term “crural ring” is, in this country, commonly limited to the space (r,fig, 136) situated internal- ly to the femoral vein. By the term “ crural canal” is generally understood that portion only of the canal de- scribed by M. Cruveilhier as the “ crural canal,” which is situated on the inner side of the femoral vein, and is occupied by cellular tissue, lymphatic vessels, and sometimes by a lymphatic gland. If the term crural ca- nal be thus defined, if the cribriform fascia be regarded as a part of the superficial fascia, and the saphenous aperture as the space between the iliac and pubic portions of the fascia lata (see note, p. 309), the analogy be- tween the crural and inguinal canals will not be so very remote.] THE FEMORAL APONEUROSIS. the sheath and joins the vessels. Lower down, the external wall is formed by the apo neurosis of the vastus internus. The three great Muscular Sheaths of the Femoral Aponeurosis. By means of the internal and external inter-muscular septa, the muscles of the ante rior region of the thigh are separated from those of the posterior and internal regions ; a weaker septum than the preceding intervenes between the muscles of the internal and posterior regions. It follows, then, that the femoral aponeurosis presents three great tendinous sheaths : an anterior, an internal, and a posterior. The great posterior sheath is undivided: it is common to the biceps, the semi-tendino- sus, and the semi-membranosus. The great anterior and internal sheaths are subdivided into a number of secondary sheaths, in most cases corresponding with the number of the muscles. The great Anterior Sheath.—The sartorius has a proper sheath, remarkable for its pris- matic and triangular form. The rectus femoris, or long head of the triceps, is separated from the two vasti by a tendinous layer, very thin below, but strong above, and com- posed of vertical fibres. The tensor vaginae femoris is contained in the strongest sheath in the human body, for it is formed by the fascia lata itself. The deep layer of this sheath is much thinner than the superficial; it commences at the anterior inferior spinous process of the ilium, below the rectus, and may be regarded as the deep origin of the broad band in which the tensor vaginae femoris terminates: it is composed of vertical fibres, prolonged be- tween the rectus and the vastus externus. Lastly, above and on the outside, we find the sheath of the psoas and iliacus {s', fig. 136),. which forms a continuation of the lum- bo-iliac aponeurosis, or fascia iliaca. The great internal sheath furnishes a number of tendinous lamellae, which separate the different muscles of this region. Thus, there is a proper sheath for the gracilis, a com- mon one for the pectineus and the adductor longus, one for the adductor brevis, and an- other for the adductor magnus. The sheath of the obturator externus is continuous with that of the adductor brevis; it commences by a very strong fibrous lamina or arch, which arises from the anterior edge of the pubes, and is directed obliquely outward to the fibrous, capsule of the hip-joint. This arch conceals the anterior orifice of the obtu- rator canal, and protects the obturator vessels and nerves. Lastly, the two vasti, which extend into all the regions of the thigh, have sheaths formed by the femoral fascia, where they are superficial, and by the internal and exter- nal inter-muscular septa, and the posterior laminae of the other sheaths in their more deeply-situated portions. In the midst of the sheaths of the anterior and internal regions we find the sheath of the femoral vessels already described. The Superior Circumference of the Femoral Aponeurosis. In front the femoral aponeurosis arises from the femoral arch, with which it is so pei- fectly continuous as to render the arch tense ; hence the plan, already mentioned as proposed by Scarpa, of endeavouring to remove the constriction in cases of strangulated crural hernia, by puncturing the femoral aponeurosis. But the mode of origin and continuity of this fascia with the femoral arch is not the same on the inner and outer sides. On the outside, the iliac portion of the femoral apo neurosis (g,fig. 137) arises by a single very thick layer ; more internally, in the situation of the femoral vessels, it arises by two layers, one superficial, thin, and perforated by foramina (the cribriform portion, v); the other deep, called its pubic portion (A), which is continuous with the fascia iliaca (s,fig. 136), covers the pectineus, and sends off a pro- longation between that muscle and the psoas. This deep layer forms the posterior wall of the canal of the femoral vessels. On the inside of the thigh, the femoral aponeurosis arises from the body of the os pu- bis and the ascending ramus of the ischium. On the outside and behind, it arises from the crest of the ilium by very numerous ver tical fibres, which are strengthened, especially behind, by other horizontal fibres. Be tween the posterior superior spine of the ilium and the crest of the sacrum there is a tendinous arch, which is common to the femoral fascia and the aponeurosis of the long muscles of the back. The glutseal aponeurosis forms the upper and back part of the femoral fascia. It cov- ers the glutaeus medius, in which situation it is extremely thick, and is continuous with the broad band of the tensor vaginae femoris. Having reached the upper border of the glutaeus maximus, it is divided into two layers : one superficial and very thin, which covers the outer surface of the glutaeus maximus, becomes thinner below, and continu- ous with the femoral fascia; the other deep and thicker, especially above and behind, where it affords attachment to the glutaeus maximus, and is blended with the great sa cro-sciatic ligament. It becomes very thin whe;e it separates the glutaeus maximus The Glutceal Aponeurosis. 312 APONEUROLOGY. from the deep-seated muscles. A synovial capsule intervenes between this fascia and the great trochanter, and another between it and the tuberosity of the ischium. It presents a very remarkable opening called the glutceal arch, for the passage of the glutaeal vessels and nerves. Lastly, over that portion of the glutaeus maximus which enters into the formation of the corresponding perineal fossa, it acquires a great degree of thickness, and, at the lower border of the muscle, is blended witn the superficial layer of the glutseal fascia. The Inferior Circumference of the Femoral Aponeurosis. The femoral aponeurosis terminates below, around the knee-joint, where it becomes continuous, partly with the fascia of the leg, and partly with the fibrous structures cov- ering this articulation. Concerning the arrangement of these fibrous laminae we shall offer a few remarks. Behind, the femoral aponeurosis passes over the popliteal space, and is continuous with the fascia of the leg. In front, it is prolonged over the patella, from which it is separated by a synovial bur- sa ; it is very thin, and is continued in front of the ligament of the patella, upon which it forms a thin layer of transverse fibres. On the inside, it is at first blended with the sheath of the sartorius, and then with the horizontal portion of the tendon of this muscle ; it crosses the fibres of that portion per- pendicularly, and becomes continuous with the fascia of the leg. Under this layer of fibrous tissue we find, on the inside of the knee, another very dense layer, formed by vertical tendinous fibres derived from the vastus internus, and inserted into the upper part of the inner surface, of the tibia, beneath the tendon of the sartorius. This fibrous layer, which may be regarded as the lower or tibial insertion of the vastus externus, occupies the interval between the internal lateral ligament of the knee-joint and the patella. Its vertical fibres are crossed by others at right angles, extending from tne internal tuberosity of the femur to the corresponding margin of the patella. Lastly, under this we find another very thin layer, belonging to the synovial capsule. On the outside, the femoral aponeurosis is blended with the broad band of the tensor vaginae femoris, from which it can be distinguished only by the horizontal direction of its fibres. Beneath this very thick layer we find a thin one, composed of fibres stretching from the external tuberosity of the femur to the patella; and, lastly, another thin layer be- longing to the synovial membrane. It is thin behind and on the inside, thicker in front, and extremely thick on the out- side of the thigh, where, indeed, it may be said to exceed all other fibrous membranes in thickness and in strength. This thickened portion is bounded in front by a line extend- ing vertically downward from the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium. Its lim- its behind are no less distinctly defined; hence the name given to it of the broad band (fascia lata). This great density is owing to some very strong vertical fibres, arising from the front of the crest of the ilium. It is connected with the great force and tendency to displace- ment of the vastus externus. We may add, that the femoral aponeurosis is composed of horizontal fibres, sometimes regularly parallel, as in its thinnest portions, and sometimes intersecting each other. These horizontal fibres are even seen opposite the broad band on the outer side, from which they are distinguished by their direction. There is a very beautiful preparation of this aponeurosis in the Museum of the Facul- ty of Medicine : similar preparations should be made by those who wish to obtain a good idea of the tendinous sheaths, and the shape of the muscles of the thigh. It is to be made by removing all the muscles from their sheaths by means oflongitudinal incisions, and substituting for them a quantity of tow, which must be taken out when the aponeu- roses are completely dried. The form of the sheaths exactly represents that of the cor- responding muscles. A tolerably accurate idea of these sheaths may also be obtained by cutting across each sheath and the muscle which it contains, in a fresh subject. The circumference of the section of the portion of the sheath that becomes visible after the retraction of the muscle will give an excellent idea of the figure of the different sheaths, which are all angular and polyhedral like the muscles, but never rounded; during health they are completely filled by the muscles, which in emaciated persons, on the contrary, do not occupy more than a half, a third, or a sixth of the area of their sheaths. Such is the femoral fascia. Its tensor muscles consist of the tensor vaginae femoris and the glutaeus maximus, the tendon of which is received between two layers of this fascia. Structure of the Femoral Aponeurosis. Aponeuroses of the Leg and Foot. The aponeurosis of the leg forms a strong general investment for the whple leg, except- Aponeurosis of the Leg. mg the internal surface of the tibia, which is covered by it only at its lower part, a little above the malleoli. ANNULAR LIGAMENTS OF THE TARSUS. 313 Its external surface is separated from the skin by the superficial vessels and nerves, several of which perforate it, either directly, or after having run for a short distance in its substance. The external saphenous vein and nerve receive from it a complete sheath. Its internal surface covers all the muscles of the leg, and does not adhere to them ex- cepting above and in front, where it gives attachment to the tibialis anticus and the ex- tensor communis digitorum. From the internal surface there proceeds on the outer side of the leg two principal tendinous septa, one situated between the muscles of the ante- rior tibial region and the peronei, the other between the peronei and the muscles of the posterior region of the leg. There are, therefore, three principal sheaths in the leg, an anterior, an internal, and a posterior. The latter is subdivided into two other sheaths by a very strong transverse lamina, becoming still stronger below, which separates the muscles of the deep posterior layer and the posterior tibial and peroneal vessels and nerves from the superficial layer of muscles, or the triceps suralis. Lastly, some tendi- nous laminae, more or less complete, are interposed between the different muscles of each region. Thus, a tendinous layer separates the tibialis anticus, at first from' the ex- tensor communis digitorum, and then from the extensor proprius pollicis : this layer dis- appears in the middle of the leg. Another very strong tendinous lamina separates the tibialis posticus from the flexor longus digitorum on the one hand, and from the flexor longus pollicis on the other. Superior Circumference.—If we now examine the manner in which the aponeurosis of the leg becomes continuous with that of the thigh, we shall find that, posteriorly, the femoral fascia is prolonged directly upon the leg, in order to form the posterior part of its aponeurosis, which, in this situation, also receives an expansion from the ten- dons of the biceps, sartorius, gracilis, and semi-tendinosus, and from the broad band of the fascia of the thigh. Anteriorly the fascia of the leg is continous with that of the thigh over the patella, and appears also to arise directly from the outer edge of the ante- rior tuberosity of the tibia, from the head of the fibula, and from the tendon of the biceps, which, as we have already seen, gives off an aponeurotic expansion backward. By its lower circumference this fascia is continuous with the annular ligaments of the ankle, which we shall presently describe. Structure.—On examining the direction of the fibres and the thickness of the fascia of the leg, it is found that it is much thicker in front than on the outer side of the leg, and still more so than behind; that, in the first situation, in the upper three fourths of its ex- tent, it is composed of obliquely interlaced fibres, some of which descend from the spine of the tibia, and others from the anterior angular surface of the fibula; and that in the lower fourth of the anterior region of the leg, and in the whole extent of the posterior re- gion, it is composed of circular fibres. At the point where the muscles of the leg become tendinous, and are reflected over the ankle, they require very strong sheaths to keep them in contact with the joint; the fascia of the leg, therefore, forms, opposite this part, the anterior, internal, and external annular ligaments. The Annular Ligaments of the Tarsus. The annular ligaments of the tarsus are three in nuiffber: an anterior or dorsal, an in- ternal, and an external. The dorsal annular ligament of the tarsus. The aponeurosis of the leg is thicker at the lower and anterior part of the leg, and binds down the corresponding portion of the mus- cles in that region. But there is, in addition to t*his, a dorsal annular ligament of the tarsus {see fig. 128), which arises, by a narrow but thick extremity*in front of the as- tragalo-calcanean fossa, becomes broader as it extends inward, and is divided into two bands. The superior band passes upward and inward above the internal malleolus, and is split into two layers, in such a way as to form two complete sheaths : one internal, for the tibialis anticus; the other external, for the extensor longus digitorum and the peroneus tertius. Between these two complete sheaths, which are separated from the synovial capsule of the joint by a layer of cellular tissue, we find an incomplete sheath (for the annular ligament is not split into two layers in this situation), intended for the extensor proprius pollicis and the anterior tibial vessels and nerves : the internal sheath is the higher, and situated opposite the lower extremity of the tibia ; the external sheath is lower, and corresponds to the ankle-joint. The inferior hand, or the lower bifurcation of the annular ligament, passes forward and inward to the front of the tarsus, and be- comes continuous with the internal plantar aponeurosis, (this lower band forms a sec- ond annular ligament, which furnishes to each of the three preceding muscles, upon the dorsum of the foot, a less powerful sheath than that afforded by the upper band : it keeps the tendons closely applied to the bones. The external and internal annular ligaments of the tarsus are two fibrous bands, contin- uous with the fascia of the leg on the one hand, and with the plantar aponeurosis on the other. 314 APONEUROLOGY. The internal annular ugament arises from the borders and summit of the internal mal leolus, and proceeds in a radiating manner to the inner side of the os calcis, and the in ner margin of the internal plantar aponeurosis. Beneath this sheath, which is thick- er below than above, and closes in the concavity on the inner surface of the os cal- cis, proceed the posterior tibial vessels and nerves, and also the tendons of the tibialis posticus, the flexor longus digitorum, and the flexor longus pollicis. For these several parts there are four very distinct sheaths : the most superficial is that for the vessels and the nerves ; two sheaths, placed one over the other (see Jig. 130), and behind the internal malleolus, belong, the anterior to the tibialis posticus (w), and the posterior or more superficial to the flexor longus digitorum (o). These two sheaths soon separate as the two tendons diverge from each other towards their insertions : as the sheath of the tibialis posticus is continued as far as the insertion of that muscle, the sheath of the flexor longus digitorum accompanies it to where it gets beneath (i. e., deeper from the surface than) the plantar fascia. The sheath of the flexor longus pollicis (p) is lower than the preceding, and extends obliquely along the astragalus and os calcis, to be cov- ered by the internal plantar fascia. The external annular ligament forms a common sheath for the two peronei, longus et brevis: it extends from the border of the external malleolus to the os calcis, and is completed on the inside by the external lateral ligaments. It is at first single, but soon becomes subdivided into two other sheaths, one of which is destined for the tendon of the peroneus brevis, and the other for that of the peroneus longus. The Aponeuroses of the Foot. These are divided into the dorsal and plantar. The Dorsal Aponeuroses of the Foot. These comprise the dorsal aponeurosis, properly so called, the pedal aponeurosis (I’apo- neurose pedieuse), and the dorsal interosseous apaneuroses. Dorsal Aponeurosis of the Foot.—While the upper margin of the annular ligament is blended with the fascia of the leg, which appears to be inserted upon it, the anterior margin of the same ligament becomes continuous with the dorsal aponeurosis of the foot. This dorsal aponeurosis is a thin layer, which forms a general sheath for all the tendons situated upon the dorsum of the foot; it gradually disappears in front, opposite the an- terior extremities of the metatarsal bones, and is attached at the sides to the borders of the foot, becoming continuous with the plantar fascia. These tendons, again, are sep- arated from the extensor brevis digitorum by another and still thinner layer, which in- vests that muscle: this is the pedal aponeurosis; lastly, upon the same surface of the foot we find the four dorsal interosseous aponeuroses, viz., one for each interosseous space. The Plantar Aponeuroses. The plantar aponeuroses or fasciae are three in number: one middle, the other two lateral. The middle plantar aponeurosis is very strong, is attached to the inner of the posterior tubercles of the calcaneum, becomes suddenly contracted, and afterward gradually ex- pands without diminishing perceptibly in thickness. Opposite the anterior extremities of the metatarsal bones, it divides into four bands, which are themselves bifurcated al- most immediately, so as to embrace the flexor tendons of the four outer toes. Becom- ing moulded on the sides of these tendons, they furnish those of each toe with an almost complete sheath, which is attached to the upper and lateral borders of the anterior gle- noid ligament of the corresponding metatarso-phalangal articulation, and becomes con- tinuous with the. tendinous sheath of the corresponding toe. These four sheaths are separated by threq arched openings, through which proceed the lumbricales and interos- seous muscles, and the plantar vessels and nerves. There is a perfect analogy between the middle plantar and the middle palmar aponeurosis; but the former is by far the stronger. It constitutes, indeed, a true ligament for the foot, offers a powerful resist- ance to the forced extension of the phalanges upon the bones of the metatarsus, and sup- ports the antero-posterior arch of the sole of the foot. I have known exceedingly vio- lent pain to be produced by distension, and, probably, laceration of some of the fibres of this aponeurosis. The margins of the middle plantar aponeurosis are curved upward, so as to embrace the flexor brevis digitorum on each side; they become continuous with the external and internal plantar aponeuroses, and form septa between the muscles of the middle and those of the external and internal plantar regions : in front these septa are complete, but only partial behind. The upper surface of this fascia gives attach- ment, posteriorly, to the short flexor of the toes : the proper tendinous expansion of this muscle appears to be given off from the upper surface of the plantar aponeurosis. Some transverse fibres strengthen this fascia in front, and I shall also notice some other transverse fibres, perfectly distinct from the preceding, which form a true trans- verse ligament for the four outer toes : it is situated opposite the middle of the lower surface of the first phalanges, and is admirably adapted for opposing their dislocation. The External and Internal Plantar Aponeuroses.—The external plantar aponeurosis, very THE APONEUROSES OF THE SHOULDER. 315 thick behind and thin in front, gives attachment by its upper surface to the abductor muscle of the little toe, and is bifurcated at the posterior extremity of the fifth metatar- sal bone. The external division of this bifurcation is very strong, is inserted into the enlarged posterior extremity of the fifth metatarsal bone, and may be regarded as a pow- erful medium of connexion between that bone and the cuboid. The internal plantar apo- neurosis is thin in comparison with the external; it commences behind by an arch, ex- tending from the inner malleolus to the os calcis ; its inner margin is attached to the corresponding border of the tarsus, and is continuous with the dorsal annular ligament and with the dorsal fascia of the foot; its outer margin is blended with the middle plan- tar fascia, or, rather, is reflected upward, to complete the sheath for the internal mus- cles of the foot. These three plantar fasciae just described form three sheaths, which are quite distinct in their anterior five sixths, but communicate with each other behind. The internal plantar sheath includes the abductor and the short flexor* of the great toe, which are separated from each other by a layer of fibrous tissue ; it also contains the internal plantar artery and nerves. The external plantar sheath includes the abductor and the flexor of the little toe, which are also separated by a tendinous layer. Lastly, the middle plantar sheath includes the short flexor of the toes, the tendon of the flexor longus digitorum, the flexor accesso- rius, the lumbricales, the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis, the oblique adductor,f the transversus .pedis, and the external plantar vessels and nerves. The sheath of the flexor brevis digitorum is completed above by an aponeurotic layer, which separates it from the tendons of the long flexor and from the accessorius. A proper sheath exists for the oblique adductor,t and a subdivision of the same sheath for the transverse ad- ductor. It is formed above by the interosseous aponeuroses, and below by a thin layer attached to the circumference of the deep hollow in which the adductors are lodged. Lastly, the inferior interosseous aponeurosis is remarkable for its thickness, and for the septa which it gives off between the interosseous muscles. The sheaths into which the flexor tendons of the toes are received opposite the pha- langes resemble so exactly those of the fingers, that I shall not anticipate what will be said hereafter regarding the latter. We find the same system of synovial membranes, and the same loose, membranous, and extensible cellular tissue for the flexor tendons of the toes as for those of the fingers. In all sheaths that are partly osseous and partly tendinous, we find a synovial membrane ;t but, on the other hand, there is nothing more than a loose cellular tissue in situations where a tendon or muscle glides in the interior of a confining aponeurosis. These comprise the aponeuroses of the shoulder; the brachial aponeurosis ; the apo- neurosis of the forearm; the dorsal and anterior annular ligaments of the carpus ; the palmar aponeurosis ; and, lastly, the sheaths for the tendons of the flexor muscles of the fingers. The Aponeuroses of the Shoulder, These are the supraspinous, the infra-spinvus, the sub-scapular, and the deltoid aponeu- roses. The Aponeuroses of the Upper Extremity. The supraspinous aponeurosis is a thick layer of fibrous tissue, attached to the entire circumference of the supra-spinous fossa, and converting it into a sort of osteo-fibrous case, that serves as a sheath for the supra-spinatus muscle, to which it also affords sev- eral points of attachment. This tendinous layer is gradually lost, externally, under the acromio-coracoid arch. The infra-spinous aponeurosis is an equally dense and strong fibrous lamina, attached to the entire margin of the infra-spinous fossa, and completing the osteo-fibrous sheath of the infra-spinatus muscle ; it is continuous on the outside with the brachial fascia, and gives off from its anterior surface a thick septum intervening between the scapular at- tachments of the teres major and those of the teres minor, and also some thinner septa interposed between the teres minor and the infra-spinatus, and between the different portions of the infra-spinatus muscle itself. The deltoid aponeurosis. The infra-spinous aponeurosis having reached the posterior border of the deltoid muscle, splits into two layers : of these, the superficial layer invests the deltoid, and terminates in the brachial aponeurosis ; the deep layer continues to cover the tendon of the infra-spinatus, and becomes attached to the tendon of the short head of the biceps. Some very loose cellular tissue, or even a synovial bursa, separates this aponeurosis from the head of the humerus, and the tendons inserted around it. The sub-scapular aponeurosis is a very thin membrane, which completes the sheath of the sub-scapularis, and gives the muscle some points of attachment. It is fixed to the entire margin of.the sub-scapular fossa. * [J. e., the inner half of the flexor brevis pollicis of anatomists generally.] t [lncluding the outer portion of the flexor brevis pollicis of most anatomists.] t See note on Aponeurology, p. 296. 316 APONEUKOLOGT. The brachial aponeurosis commences above at the clavicle, the acromion, and the spine of the scapula, and is continuous with the infra-spinous aponeurosis-; on the inner side it arises from the tendons of the pectoralis major and the latissimus dorsi; and, in the interval between them, from the cellular tissue of the axilla; it envelops the arm as far down as the elbow, where it becomes continuous with the fascia of the forearm, and is attached to the different bony projections presented by the surface of that joint. Its su- perficial surface is separated from the skin by vessels and nerves, to which it furnishes sheaths of greater or less extent. We may admit the existence of a superficial fascia between the vessels and the skin. Its deep surface presents various septa, dividing its interior into a certain number of thin sheaths for the several muscles. It is composed almost entirely of circular fibres, some of which have a somewhat spiral direction: these fibres are intersected at right angles by others passing vertically downward to the fascia of the forearm. The brachial aponeurosis is so loose as to permit the free exercise of the muscles con- tained within it, yet sufficiently tense to prevent their displacement. It is slightly thickened on either side, along the outer and inner borders of the humerus, and gives off in those situations two very strong inter-muscular septa ; one external, the other internal. These septa are in every respect analogous to those of the femoral fascia, and divide the brachial sheath into two great compartments : an interior, contain- ing the muscles on the anterior aspect of the arm, viz., the biceps, the brachialis anti- cus, and the coraco-brachialis, also the upper or brachial portion of the supinator longus, and the extensor carpi radialis longior; the posterior compartment belongs to the triceps. The external inter-muscular septum arises from the anterior border of the bicipital groove, by a narrow and very thick extremity, blended with the posterior margin of the tendon of the deltoid ; it reaches the outer border of the humerus, expands and becomes somewhat thinner, and separates the anterior from the posterior muscles, more espe- cially the triceps from the brachialis anticus, affording attachments to them both. It is perforated very obliquely by the musculo-spiral or radial nerve, and the superior profunda artery, which at first lie behind, but are afterward in front of it. The sheath of this nerve and artery establish a free communication between the anterior and posterior com- partments already alluded to. The internal inter-muscular septum, broader and thicker than the preceding, but, like it, of a triangular form, arises from the posterior border of the bicipital groove, below the teres major, is continuous with the tendon of the coraco-brachialis, crossing it at a very acute angle, and becoming partially united to and blended with it, proceeds along and adheres closely to the inner border of the humerus, and terminates at the inner condyle or epitrochlea of that bone. Both of these septa are formed by bands and fibres given off in succession from the corresponding borders of the humerus, and they both afford attachments to the brachialis anticus in front, and to the triceps behind. The ulnar nerve is anterior to the internal septum in the upper part of the arm, but perforates it, and remains in contact with its posterior surface, passing between the attachments of the triceps. From these two great sheaths the propet sheaths of the muscles proceed. First, the deltoid has its proper sheath : another thin aponeurotic layer, gradually becoming thicker from above downward, consisting almost entirely of vertical fibres, and forming one of the origins of the aponeurosis of the forearm, separates the biceps from the brachialis anticus ; again, the brachial vessels and the median nerve have a special sheath, which also receives at its upper part the basilic vein, and the ulnar and internal cutaneousl nerves ; this is the brachial canal, the counterpart of the femoral canal; it establishes a communication between the cellular tissue of the axilla, and that in the bend of the elbow; lastly, a tendinous layer separates the upper half of the long head of the triceps from the other portions of that muscle : the sheath of the coraco-brachialis is given oft from the inner edge of the biceps. We must consider as dependances of the common brachial investment the several sheaths furnished by it to the cephalic, basilic, and median veins, to the branches of the internal cutaneous nerve, and to the superficial ramifications of the musculo-cutaneous nerve. When an artery or a vein previously situated under an aponeurosis becomes sub-cutaneous, the perforation in the aponeurosis is almost always of an arched form. The brachial aponeurosis has no muscle analogous to the tensor vaginae femoris ; the pectoralis major and the latissimus dorsi are sufficient to effect its tension. The Brachial Aponeurosis. The Aponeurosis of the Forearm. Dissection.—Make a circular incision through the skin, immediately above the elbow, and from this let two vertical incisions be carried downward to the ftnist, one in front and the other behind; let the incisions extend through to the fascia, without dividing it; then cautiously remove the skin, being careful to take with it the sub-cutaneous adipose The Aponeurosis of the Forearm and Hand. THE APONEUROSIS OF THE FOREARM. 317 tissue ; the superficial veins and nerves may be preserved. The external surface of the fascia may be studied first, and its several sheaths afterward opened in succession. The aponeurosis, or fascia of the forearm, ■‘onus a general sheath, entirely surrounding or embracing that portion of the upper extremity, with the exception of the posterior border of the ulna. It is semi-transparent, and hence can be seen to be traversed by white lines, generally vertical in their direction, which indicate a corresponding number of thickenings of the sheath, and inter-muscular septa given off from them. It is separated from the skin by the superficial veins and nerves ; by its upper part it gives numerous attachments to the subjacent muscles, and this renders the dissection very difficult. By making a vertical incision, however, along the separate sheath which it furnishes to each of the muscles, and then carefully removing the latter, a good idea may be formed of the numerous angular compartments into which the common cavity of the fascia is subdivided. In the first place, it will be seen that this fascia, like all other investing aponeuroses, is composed of proper and superadded fibres; that the proper fibres are nearly or quite circular, are more or less oblique, and more or less in- terlaced, but the superadded fibres are vertical. It will be found that it is twice as thick upon the dorsal as upon the palmar surface of the forearm; that its thickness and its strength increase from above downward; and that it is strengthened by a great number of superadded fasciculi, consisting of aponeurotic expansions from the tendons of the adjacent muscles. Thus, the brachialis anticus on the outside, the biceps on the inside and in front, and the triceps behind, give off tendinous expansions to this aponeurosis : of these the most remarkable is, without doubt, that given off from the biceps, which muscle may be regarded, indeed, as the tensor of the anterior portion of the fascia. This expansion constitutes, in fact, one of the terminations of the biceps, with the ex- ternal fasciculi of which it is continuous, and, moreover, arises from the outer edge and the anterior surface of its tendon. This expansion, so important in consequence of its relations with the brachial artery, passes obliquely inward and downward, and, as it ex- pands, intersects at right angles the vertical fasciculi proceeding from the epithrochlea and epicondyle of the humerus. These last-mentioned fasciculi also appear to me to be supplementary; they are continuous with the common tendons of origin of the external and internal muscles of the forearm, and constitute the anterior walls of those two mul- tilocular pyramids, of which one is on the inner, the other on the outer side of the fore- arm, or of that series of trumpet-shaped cavities {cornets), as M. Gerdy calls them, from each of which the muscles of these regions take their origin. I must not omit to men- tion the thick tendinous band, which arises from the entire length of the posterior border of the ulna, divides into two layers to give origin to the flexor carpi ulnaris, and by its internal or deep surface affords attachment to the flexor sublimis. In the fascia of the forearm there are numerous foramina for the passage of vessels and nerves, but I shall direct attention to one very large orifice existing in front, at the bend of the elbow, and bounded on the inside by the outer margin of the tendinous ex- pansion of the biceps. This opening establishes a free communication between the sub- cutaneous and the sub-aponeurotic cellular tissue at the bend of the elbow, and leads into a sort of fossa, in which are found the tendon of the biceps, the brachial artery, the commencement of the radial artery, and the median nerve. This fossa is lined by apo- neurotic laminae : on the outside, by the layer which covers the inner surface of the supi- nator longus, the radial extensors, and the flexor sublimis ; on the inside, by the layer which completes the sheath of the pronator teres ; it communicates above with the canal of the brachial artery, and below with the canals through which the radial, ulnar, and interosseous arteries and the median nerve proceed downward to the forearm. From the internal surface of this fascia a number of laminae are given off, to form the following muscular sheaths: In the anterior region of the forearm, a transverse septum, thicker below than above, divides the superficial layer of muscles from the middle layer, consisting of the flexor sublimis, and also from the deep layer, composed of the flexor profundus digitorum and the flexor longus pollicis. Other septa, passing from before backward, divide the mus- cles of the superficial layer from each other. Lower down the sheaths of the flexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus, which are perfectly distinct from each other, are situated in front of the remainder of the fascia; and this has led to the statement of some anat- omists, that the fascia is perforated by the tendons of these muscles, especially by that of the palmaris longus. The radial artery has a special sheath throughout its whole ex- tent ; the ulnar artery and nerve have a proper sheath only in the lower part of the forearm. In the posterior region of the forearm, the fascia is much stronger than in the anterior. A transverse layer separates the muscles of the superficial from those of the deep layer; and septa, passing from behind forward, subdivide these common sheaths into several smaller ones, corresponding in number to that of the muscles. Thus, we, find a sheath for the extensor communis digitorum. a second for the extensor digiti minimi, a third for the extensor carpi ulnaris, and a fourth for the anconeus. The supinator longus and the two radial extensors of the wrist appear to be in the same sheath ; but a more or less distinct membrane surrounds the first of these muscles: the supinator brevis has 318 APONEUROLOGY. also a proper sheath. We find a common sheath for the extensor longus pollicis and the extensor proprius indicis. The abductor longns and the extensor brevis pollicis, which, properly speaking, constitute but one muscle, have also a common sheath accompanying them as far as the dorsal annular ligament of the wrist. The Dorsal Annular Ligament of the Wrist, and the Dorsal Aponeurosis of the Metacarpus. The dorsal annular ligament of the wrist (r, fig. 121) may be considered as a depend- ance of the fascia of the forearm, which in this situation is strengthened by a great number of fibres. It is a band of six or eight lines in width, passing obliquely inward and downward over the extensor tendons of the hand, perforated by a number of open- ings for the passage of vessels, and distinguishable from the fascia of the forearm only by its somewhat greater thickness and by the parallel arrangement of its fasciculi. It arises internally from the pisiform bone and the palmar fascia, passes first over the ulnar side, and then the posterior surface of the carpus, is interrupted by the outer mar- gin of the groove for the two radial extensor muscles, takes a fresh origin from that mar- gin, covers the radial side of the wrist, and is inserted partly into the radius, and partly into the fascia of the forearm. From the anterior surface of this thick fibrous band arise several small prolongations, which are interposed between the numerous tendons passing over the dorsal and radial aspects of the carpus, and convert the grooves upon the lower extremities of the radius and ulna into canals. Thus, proceeding from with- out inward, and from before backward, we find, 1. A sheath for the united tendons of the abductor longus and extensor brevis pollicis; 2 and 3. Two distinct sheaths opposite the radius ; one for the two radial extensors of the carpus, the other for the extensor longus pollicis, which sheaths become blended together lower down into a single com- pletely fibrous sheath ; 4. A fourth sheath, stronger than the preceding, for the extensor communis digitorum and the extensor proprius indicis; 5. An entirely fibrous sheath for the extensor digiti minimi; 6. A very strong sheath for the extensor carpi ulnaris, which is prolonged below the ulna, and accompanies the tendon as far as the fifth meta- carpal bone. All these sheaths are lined by synovial membranes,* which extend some distance above the dorsal annular ligament, and, on the other hand, accompany the ten- dons very far down, sometimes even to their insertions. The dorsal aponeurosis of the metacarpus is a continuation of the dorsal annular liga- ment : it is composed of a very thin layer of transverse fibres, and separates the exten- sor tendons from the sub-cutaneous vessels and nerves. A very loose, extensible, and elastic cellular tissue takes the place of the synovial membranes over these tendons, and greatly facilitates their movements. The Anterior Annular Ligament of the Carpus. The deep groove upon the anterior surface of the carpus is converted into a canal by a very thick fibrous band, viz., the anterior ligament of the carpus (g, fig. 118). It com- mences internally by two well-marked origins, separated from each other by the ulnar nerve, one being from the pisiform bone and the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris, the other from the unciform bone. The first bundle passes downward, the second trans- versely, and their united fibres, some of which are transverse and others interlaced, ter- minate at the trapezium and the scaphoid, giving otf an expansion to the fascia cover- ing the ball of the thumb, with which they are continuous. This ligament is continuous above with the fascia of the forearm, which is much thickened in this situation; it re- ceives in front the expanded tendon of the palmaris longus, and terminates below in the palmar fascia. Its anterior surface gives attachment to most of the muscles of the the- nar and hypothenar eminences. A small portion only of this ligament is generally seen and described, viz., the free portion. It it is wished to obtain a perfect conception of it, the muscles attached to its anterior surface should be carefully removed; it will then be seen that, on the outside, it describes a curve having its concavity directed inward, in order to be attached to the scaphoid and the trapezium, and that the sheath of the flexor carpi radialis is contained in its substance: this sheath is entirely fibrous above, and partly fibrous and partly osseous below, where it converts into a canal the groove on the trapezium. While there are-almost as many synovial membranes as there are sheaths under the dorsal ligaments of the carpus, on the palmar aspect nine tendons with the median nerve form but a single bundle, which is lubricated by one or two synovial membranes. This synovial membrane* presents a curious arrangement, subject, moreover, to numerous varieties. It lines the posterior surface of the anterior annular ligament of the carpus is prolonged above and below that ligament, and is reflected (without passing between the different tendons) upon the anterior surface of the bundle formed by them and by the median nerve, which is to their outer side. In order to obtain an accurate idea of the termination of this synovial membrane, cut across the tendons at the lower part of the forearm, and turn them forward upon the palm of the hand: it will then be seen that the * See note, p. 296. THE PALMAR APONEUROSIS, ETC. 319 synovial membrane is reflected upon the ulnar border ot the bundle of tendons ; that it lines the posterior surface of this bundle, passing more or less between the tendons, and separating them from each other in a rather irregular manner ; that it is reflected upon the groove of the carpus, prolonged upward and downward much farther than it was in front, and divided below into four small prolongations corresponding to the flexor ten- dons of each finger. Nor is this all, for there is a special synovial membrane for the flexor longus pollicis. In order to expose this, the synovial membrane must be cut through where it is reflected, on its radial side, from the annular ligament on to the me- dian nerve and the anterior surface of the bundle of tendons : a special and very exten- sive synovial membrane will then be seen to pass high up along the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis, and to be prolonged downward as far as the last phalanx of the thumb. The Palmar Aponeurosis. The palmar fascia (c, fig. 118) forms a common sheath for all the muscles of the palm of the hand, and is divided into three portions, a middle and two lateral. The middle portion. This is the only part generally described as the palmar fascia; it is triangular and strong, but of variable thickness : it binds down the numerous sub- jacent tendons. It arises from the anterior surface and lower margin of the anterior annular ligament of the carpus, and from the tendon of the palmaris longus, which may be regarded as its tensor muscle. Between these two origins the ulnar artery pene- trates into the palm of the hand. Not unfrequently the expanded tendon of the palma- ris longus forms a fibrous layer in front of the proper palmar fascia. This fascia is nar- row and thick at its origin, but expands as it proceeds from above downward, and, op- posite the heads of the metacarpal bones, divides into eight prolongations for the four inner fingers. At the seat of this division we find very strong transverse fibres binding the prolongations together, and preventing disjunction of the fingers and laceration of the fascia. By this arrangement four arches are formed, under which the tendons of the flexor muscles pass : between these four arches there are three smaller ones, giving passage to the collateral vessels and nerves of the fingers, and to the lumbricales, so that al- together there are seven arches. These arches are true fibrous canals. In order perfect- ly to understand their structure, make a vertical incision through the palmar fascia; it will then be seen that, opposite the arches, tendinous prolongations or tongues are detached from the deep surface of the fascia; these prolongations turn round the sides of the ten- dons so as to embrace them, and become continuous with the anterior or glenoid liga- ment of the metacarpo-phalangal articulations : the same arrangement obtains with re- gard to the three small arches for the vessels and nerves situated between the four prin- cipal tendinous arches. The palmar fascia is, moreover, intimately united to the skin by very numerous prolongations : its deep surface covers the superficial palmar arch of the arteries of the hand, the median and ulnar nerves, and the flexor tendons ; a very loose and extensible cellular tissue separates it from these parts, and facilitates the move- ments of the tendons. From its inner margin is given off a very strong layer, which becomes continuous with the interosseous aponeurosis, and separates the middle from the internal palmar region; a thinner layer proceeds from its outer margin, and passes down between the muscles of the thenar eminence and the first lumbricalis muscle. This small muscle, called the palmaris brevis (b, fig. 118), arises from the inner margin of the middle palmar fascia, and is merely a cutaneous muscle. The external and internal palmar fascice, or the thenar and hypothenar aponeuroses. These consist of two rather thin fibrous layers, forming the sheaths of the muscles of the ball of the thumb and those of the little finger ; they are both continuous with the middle palmar fascia: the external appears to consist, in a great measure, of an expan- sion from the tendon of the abductor longus pollicis ; and the internal, of an expansion from that of the flexor carpi ulnaris. At the limits between these aponeuroses and the middle fascia are formed two septa, passing from before backward, and dividing the palm of the hand into three distinct sheaths : one median, completed by the interosseous apo- neurosis, and intended for all the flexor tendons and the principal vessels and nerves of the hand; the other two placed on either side, and binding down the muscles of the the nar and hypothenar eminences. The Sheaths of the Flexor Tendons of the Fingers, and their Synovial Mem- branes. After leaving the arches, or, rather, the curious sheaths, formed by the palmar fascia immediately above the corresponding metacarpo-phalangal articulation, each pair of flex or tendons is received into a special- sheath, by which they are accompanied down to the last phalanx. It will be remembered that the anterior surfaces of the first and sec- ond phalanges are marked by a longitudinal groove ; to the two borders of this groove is attached a very regular semi-canal of fibrous tissue, which is exactly large enough to contain the two flexor tendons. This very strong sheath preserves its shape when the tendons have been removed; and a correct idea of its importance may be obtained by observing the effects of contraction of the flexor muscles after it has been divided. This 320 SPLANCHNOLOGY. sheath is formed of parallel semicircular laminae, placed one above the other, densely ag gregated over the bodies of the phalanges, and, for the most part, forming a continuous sheath, but becoming more and more separated, and sometimes even completely disap- pearing opposite the articulations and the articulating extremities of the bones. It ap- pears to me that, in the movements of flexion, these articular rings are pushed into each other. The sheath ceases altogether above the articulation of the second with the ter- minal phalanx. A very remarkable synovial membrane,* which is prolonged upward beyond the arch- es formed by the palmar fascia, lines the whole lenth of each osteo-fibrous sheath on the one hand, and on the other is reflected upon the two flexor tendons, affording each of them a sheath, and forms two, often three or four triangular folds, having their bases directed upward, and being perfectly analogous to the so-called adipose ligament of the knee- joint. Of these folds, the superior is situated opposite the upper extremity of the first phalanx, and extends from the tendon of the flexor sublimus to that of the flexor pro- fundus ; the inferior fold passes from the bifurcation of the superficial tendon to the deep tendon; the others are intermediate, and proceed from the phalanx to the two tendons. These synovial folds can be very well seen by raising and separating the flexor tendons from the phalanges. Not unfrequently the synovial membrane forms a hernia between two of these tendinous rings, either opposite the body of a phalanx, or, still more com- monly, over one of the articulations. We may add, that these synovial folds are proba- bly intended to support the nutritious vessels of the tendons, and not to connect these tendons together. General Observations on the Viscera.—External Conformation.—Structure.—Development. —Functions.—Dissection. SPLANCHNOLOGY. Splanchnology (from cnldyxvov, viscus) is that division of anatomy which treats of organs more or less compound in their structure. Some of these are contained within the three great visceral cavities {the viscera), while others are situated without these cavities {organs, properly so called).! The brain, the spinal cord, the heart, and the organs of the senses, are generally in- cluded in this division. I have thought it advisable, however, to confine myself here to the description of the digestive, respiratory, and genito-urinary apparatus. The organs of the senses, the brain, and the spinal cord will be studied more advantageously in con- nexion with the rest of the nervous system, and the heart with the other organs of the circulation. As the organs we are about to examine have few relations with each other, they do not admit of such extended and important general remarks as those which preceded the osteological and myological divisions. I shall content myself with explaining briefly the method in which the description of each organ should be pursued. Every organ presents for consideration its external conformation, its internal confor- mation or its structure, its development, and its functions. The description of the external conformation of organs includes that of their nomen- clature, number, situation, direction, size, shape, and relations. Nomenclature.—The nomenclature of organs has not been subjected to so many chan ges as that of the bones and muscles: the names adopted by the oldest authors have been retained in modern science, and are even used in common language. The names of organs are derived, 1. From their uses, as the oesophagus (from olu, I convey, and uyu, I eat); also, the lachrymal and the salivary glands. 2. From their length, as the duodenum. 3. From their direction, as the rectum. 4. From their shape, as the amygdala (the tonsils). 5. From their structure, as the ovaries. 6. From the name of the authors who have best described them, as the Schneiderian membrane, the Fallopian tubes. Lastly, they are conventional words ; for example,the tongue, the liver, &c. Number.—Some organs are single; others exist in pairs. Varieties in number are very common, both by excess and by defect. Thus, three kidneys have been found in the same individual, and there is often only one. Examples have been recorded of in- dividuals having three testicles ; one is uncommon. Lastly, varieties by excess almost always result from the division, and those by defect, from the union or fusion of organs. Situation.—'This must be considered with regard to the region of the body occupied by an organ, i. e., its general or absolute situation; and also with regard to its relations with neighbouring organs, i. e., its relative situation. Thus, when it is stated that the stom- The External Conformation of Organs. * See note, p. 296. _ t All the viscera are organs, but all the organs are not viscera. The word viscus is probably derived from vescor, I eat, because a great number of the viscera are engaged in the functions of nutritior . STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANS. 321 ach occupies the left hypochondrium and the epigastrium, its absolute or general situa- tion is indicated ; but when it is added that this viscus is situated between the cesopha- gus and duodenum, below the diaphragm, and above the transverse mesocolon, its relative situation is implied. Many of the organs are subject to varieties of position ; and this constitutes an im- portant point in their history. These varieties of position depend upon congenital or upon accidental displacement, either affecting the particular organ only, or consequent upon displacement of the neighbouring organs ; or they may result from a change in the size of the organ itself. Size.—The absolute size of an organ is determined by linear measurements, by the quantity of water which it displaces, and by its weight; its relative size, by comparison with bodies of a known size, or with other organs. The size of organs is subject to a great number of varieties. These depend either on age, as in the liver, testicles, and thymus gland; on sex, temperament, or on individual peculiarities; also on the state in which an organ is found: for example, the uterus, pe nis, and spleen. Lastly, there are some pathological variations, which should not be omitted in a treatise upon descriptive anatomy. Figure.—The figure of the organs treated of in splanchnology appears to follow these rules. The double organs do not exactly resemble each other on the right and left sides of the body. The single organs, occupying the median line, are symmetrical; but most of those which are removed from that line are not symmetrical. Nevertheless, symme- try is not so completely wanting in the viscera belonging to nutritive life, as stated by Bi- chat, for the stomach and the small and great intestines may be divided into two equal halves. In regard to their forms, organs are compared, in general, either with familiar objects, or with geometric figures. Thus, a kidney is said to resemble a kidney-bean, and either lung, a cone. In very irregular organs, we merely describe the surfaces and the borders. We shall not find in the viscera the same constancy of form as exists in the organs of relation. Direction.—The direction of an organ is determined in the same manner as that of the bones and muscles, viz., by its relations with the imaginary planes surrounding the body, or with the mesial plane. Relations.—The figure of an organ being determined, its surface is then divided into regions, the relations of which are accurately ascertained. These regions are generally termed surfaces and borders. As the situation of many organs is subject to great varie- ties, their relations must also vary. Too much cannot be said of the value of an accu- rate knowledge of these relations, from which a number of the most important practical inferences may be derived. The surface of an organ being well understood, we next proceed to the study of its structure, comprising its colour, its consistence, and its anatomical elements. Colour.—The colour both of the surface and the substance of an organ requires to be studied. All variations of colour should be very carefully noted. Age and disease have much influence over it; and it is often difficult to distinguish positively between its physiological and pathological condition. Consistence.—The consistence, density, and fragility of organs are connected with their structure. The specific gravity or density of a single organ only, the lung, has been ac- curately studied, and that in a medico-legal point of view. In estimating the consistence- and fragility of organs, we can only approximate the truth. It is desirable that some more methodical and accurate means should be devised for the estimation of these qualities. Anatomical Elements.—The determination of the immediate anatomical elements, or tissues, which enter into the composition of an organ, together with their proportions and their arrangement, constitutes the knowledge of its structure. Every organ has either a cellular, fibrous, cartilaginous, or bony framework. Some organs are provided with muscular fibres, or even with distinct muscles ; they all contain the several kinds cf vessels, viz., arteries, veins, and lymphatics ; and they all possess nerves, The gla i- dular organs have excretory ducts. In explaining the structure of organs, we shall, generally, confine ourselves to a brief enumeration of their constituent parts, referring to works on the anatomy of textures for details which would be misplaced in an elementary treatise. The Internal Conformation or Structure of Organs. The Development of Organs. The study of the development of organs, and the changes which they undergo at the different periods of intra- and extra-uterine life, is of the greatest interest, at least as're- gards some among them. The formation of the soft parts, however, is not nearly so weh understood as that of the hard tissues, because the most important phenomena of devel- opment occur during the first weeks after conception. The remarks upon this subject will, therefore, generally point out some hiatus to be filled up. S s SPLANCHNOLOGY. The Functions of Organs. The functions or uses of organs flow so naturally from their anatomical description, that we shall follow the example of the greater number of anatomists, in adding to such description a short account of the functions of an organ. We shall only notice particu- larly those uses of organs which depend immediately upon their structure, referring to physiological works for the details and discussions of yet disputed points in the science of functions. No part of anatomy excites so much curiosity and interest as splanchnol- ogy, in consequence of the importance of the organs of which it treats. Without a knowledge of this department of anatomy, it is impossible to understand the mechanism of functions the most indispensable to life ; and as the organs themselves are the seat of the greater part of the lesions which are assigned to the physician, as well as of many of those which fall under the care of the surgeon, most of the fundamental questions of the healing art require a profound knowledge of these organs. The Dissection of the Viscera. The dissection of organs does not consist in merely isolating them from surrounding parts, which, as far as regards those contained in the visceral cavities, is done by sim- ply laying open the latter, but in the separation of their anatomical elements or tissues. For this purpose, injections of the most delicate kind, maceration, boiling, preservation in alcohol, desiccation, the action of acids, in short, all the resources of his art, are em- ployed by the anatomist. Having made these preliminary observations, we shall now describe in succession the organs of digestion, the organs of respiration, and the genito-urinary apparatus. THE ORGANS OF DIGESTION AND THEIR APPENDAGES. General Observations.—Division.—Mouth and its Appendages.—Lips.—Checks.—Hard and Soft Palate.—Tonsils.—Tongue.—Salivary Glands.—Buccal Mucous Membrane.—Pha- rynx.—(Esophagus.—Stomach.—Small Intestine.—Large Intestine.—Muscles of the Pe- rineum.—Development of the Intestinal Canal. ALIMENTARY OR DIGESTIVE CANAL. The organs of digestion form a long canal, the alimentary or digestive canal, extending from the mouth to the anus, which receives alimentary substances, induces in them a series of changes, by which they are rendered fit to repair the losses incurred by the body, and, moreover, presents a vast absorbent surface for the action of the lacteal ves- sels. The entire series of these organs constitutes the digestive apparatus. The existence of an alimentary canal is one of the essential characters of an animal. In consequence of possessing it, animals may be detached from the soil, so as to move from place to place. In the lowest species, the entire animal is nothing more than an alimentary sac, having a single opening, and formed by a reflection of the skin ; so that, according to the beautiful observation of Trembley, when polypes are turned inside out, the digestive process is performed as well by their external as by their internal surface. Ascending in the scale of animals, the canal soon presents two openings, acquires larger dimensions, becomes more or less convoluted, and is distinct from other systems of or- gans. A skeleton clothed by muscles is interposed between it and the skin. It becomes more and more voluminous, in proportion as the nutritive materials and the textures of the body differ more widely in their chemical composition. What a difference there is, in this respect, between certain fishes, in which the alimentary canal is not nearly so long as the animal, and some herbivora; the ram, for example, in which it is twenty- seven times the length of the body. Carnivorous animals, again, have a short and nar- row alimentary canal. Man, being destined to live both upon animal and vegetable sub- stances, occupies, as it were, a middle station between the herbivora and carnivora. General Situation.—The digestive canal is situated in front of the vertebral column, with the direction of which the straight portion of the canal accurately corresponds, while its tortuous part is distant from, though invariably connected with it by means of membranous attachments. It commences at the lower part of the face, traverses the neck and the thorax, penetrates into the abdominal cavity, which is almost exclusively intended for it, and the dimensions and mechanism of which bear strict relation to the functions of the alimentary canal; and it terminates at the outlet of the pelvis, anterior to the coccyx, by the anal orifice. Its upper part is in immediate relation with the or gans of respiration ; its lower, with the genito-urinary apparatus. Dimensions.—The length of the digestive canal has been calculated to be seven or eight times that of the body of the individual. Its diameter is not equal through its whole extent; and its alternate expansions and contractions establish very distinct lim- its between its several portions. The largest portion is, undoubtedly, that which re- ceives the name of the stomach; the narrowest parts are the cervical portion of the oesophagus, the pyloric opening of the stomach, and the ileo-caecal orifice. It is impor- GENERAL REMARKS. 323 tant to remark, that the transverse dimensions of an alimentary canal have, to a certain extent, an inverse ratio to its length. Thus, a very wide intestinal canal is generally less remarkable for length. This remark is illustrated by comparative anatomy in the fact that, in the horse, an herbivorous animal, the intestinal canal is shorter, but, at the same time, of a much greater calibre than in the mminantia, which are also herbivorous. Direction.—The upper or supra-diaphragmatic portion of the alimentary canal, through which the food merely passes, is straight; the sub-diaphragmatic portion is very much convoluted upon itself, but again becomes straight before its termination. General Form.—The digestive apparatus forms a cylindrical continuous canal, in which we have to consider an external and generally free serous surface, and an internal mu- cous surface. Structure.—The digestive canal is composed of four membranes or tunics: 1. The most external is the serous or peritoneal coat, also named the common tunic, because it is common to almost all the organs in the abdominal cavity. This membrane, which may be regarded as an accessory tunic, is often incomplete, and even entirely wanting through- out the supra-diaphragmatic portion of the digestive canal. At the same time that it constitutes the external covering of this canal, it separates it from the neighbouring parts, facilitates its movements, and forms certain bands, which maintain the several portions of the canal more or less fixedly in their proper situations. The serous membranes, of which this external tunic is only a dependance, are shut sacs, which, on the one hand, line the walls of the cavities to which they belong, and, on the other, are reflected upon the organs contained therein,* without, however, including them within their own prop- er cavity. A serous membrane may be compared to a balloon, or, rather, to a double nightcap; its internal surface is free, smooth, always moistened with serosity, and its parietal and visceral portions are in contact with each other : its external surface is adherent.! 2. Beneath the serous coat is situated the muscular coat, consisting of two layers; one su- perficial, composed of longitudinal fibres ; the other deep, and composed of circular fibres. These fibres are colourless, like almost all the muscles of nutritive or organic life.f 3. The fibrous coat, interposed between the muscular and mucous coats, maybe regard- ed as constituting the framework of the alimentary canal. It consists of dense areolar cellular tissue.§ 4. The mucous coat or membrane forms the internal lining of the digestive canal. Ev- ery cavity having a communication with the exterior is lined by a mucous membrane, so called on account of the mucus with which it is constantly lubricated. In mucous membranes, generally, we find, 1. A dermis or chorion. 2. Papilla or villosi- ties, which give them a velvety appearance ; hence the designation papillary, villous, or velvety membrane frequently given to them. 3. On the outer surface of the dermis we find a very dense network of capillary vessels, which may be completely injected from the veins, but less easily and less completely from the arteries. 4. Either follicles or small closed sacs are seen here and there in the substance of mucous membranes ; but they are not essential, as the name follicular, given to these membranes by Chaussier and some other anatomists, would seem to indicate. * [Hence the terms parietal and visceral, applied to these two portions of a serous membrane (see fig. of the testis, letters p and v). In consequence of the existence of an aperture in the free extremity of each Fallopian tube, the peritoneal cavity in the female is an exception to the general rule, that serous membranes form shut sacs, not communi- cating with the external medium.] t [Serous membranes are transparent, colourless, extremely thin, and highly distensible and elastic. They are composed of a basis of cellular tissue, loose and connected to the adjacent tissues externally, more or less condensed towards the inner and free surface of the membrane, and covered with an extra-vascular epithelium, consisting of a single layer of nucleated cells, flattened into the form of scales, and arranged parallel to that surface. Cilia have been detected on many serous membranes, as on the peritoneum and pericardium of the frog ; on the same parts, and also on the pleura and lining membrane of the ventricles of the brain in certain mammalia ; and in the latter situation in man. Bloodvessels ramify in the sub-serous cellular tissue, but do not penetrate far towards the free surface, where they are entirely wanting. Lymphatics also exist in the sub-serous tissues, but have not been found in the membranes themselves ; nor have nerves been traced into them. The fluid secretion found in serous cavities appears to be of an albuminous nature.] + [The involuntary muscular fibres of the alimentary canal (according to Dr. W. Baly) consist of bands, va- rying from t!l TS’Vfi1'1 °^an *nc*l in diameter, apparently formed of flattened tubes, in the parietes of which are seen, at irregular intervals, numerous transparent oval or linear bodies, sometimes very difficult of detection ; they are believed to be the nuclei of the primitive cells, from which the fibre itself is developed. These fibres contain no varicose filaments, nor do they present any transverse striae, like those of animal life (see p. 194). Moreover, although they have a parallel arrangement in the fasciculi into which they are col- lected, the fasciculi themselves are irregularly interlaced, at the same time that they all pursue a common direction. . The muscular coat of nearly the entire alimentary canal consists essentially of these involuntary or organic muscular fibres; but at the commencement and termination of the canal, where the muscular systems of ani- mal and organic life come into relation with each other, this tunic appears also to consist of fibres resembling those of the voluntary muscles. Thus, at the upper part of the cesophagus, fibres containing varicose filaments, and possessing the cross striie, were detected by Schwann ; and it has been shown by Valentin and Ficinus, that these exist all along the oesophagus, and that indistinctly striated fibres are found even at the cardiac end of the stomachs of many mammalia, and of man. Similar fibres were observed by Ficinus in the rectum, near the sphincter am'.] 0 [lt is frequently called the cellular coat ; and, from its white appearance, has been termed (liite all other white textures) the nervous tunic.] 324 SPLANCHNOLOGY. All mucous membranes are covered by an extremely delicate pellicle, which may he readily detected by means of a simple lens. Injections made by the arteries and veins never penetrate it, nor is it reddened by inflammation. I have accidentally injected it. however, by means of a tube containing mercury, used for injecting the lymphatics b> pricking the mucous membrane in different places as superficially as possible. The vas- cular network, thus injected, is exceedingly delicate; the small globules of mercury traversing it in all directions, so as to form rapidly a silvery areolar layer. I have seen this in the mucous membrane of the nose ; on the conjunctiva, both over the sclerotic and over the cornea ; on the mucous membrane of the vagina, of the tongue, and of the cheeks. It is very remarkable that the mercury never passes from this network ei- ther into the veins or the arteries; and, moreover, that if the tube pierces a little too deeply, the veins are injected, but not the epidermic capillary network. It is evident, therefore, that this network has no communication either with the arteries or the veins. It probably belongs to the lymphatic system, although I have never observed the lymphat- ic vessels filled from it.* Vessels and Nerves.—V essels and nerves also enter into the formation of the aliment- Fig. 139. ary canal; for example, we find a very abundant supply of branches from the adjacent arterial trunks; an immense num- ber of veins, of which those from the sub-diaphragmatic por- tion of the canal terminate in the vena portae ; absorbent ves- sels, divided into lymphatics and lacteals; and, lastly, nerves, almost all of which proceed from the ganglionic system, ex- cepting the pnenmogastric and glossopharyngeal nerves. Division of the Digestive Canal.—The digestive canal has been divided into several parts, from differences both in their anatomical characters and their functions. One principal di- vision, which deserves to be retained, is into a supra-diaphrag- malic and a sub-diaphragmatic portion. The supra-diaphragmat- ic portion comprehends the mouth, the pharynx, and the oesoph- agus. The infra-diaphragmatic portion includes the stomach (a b, fig. 139), the small intestine, subdivided into the duodenum (b c), and the jejunum and ileum (c d); and the large intestine, somewhat arbitrarily divided into the caecum {d e), the colon (d h), and the rectum (h i). The appendages of the digestive ca- nal consist of the salivary glands, connected with the mouth ; of the liver and the pancreas, connected with the duodenum; and of the spleen, which may be regarded -aS an appendage of the liver. The Mouth and its Appendages. The mouthj is a cavity situated at the entrance of the digestive passages. It occu- pies the lower part of the face, and is situated between the two jaws, below the nasal * [The lining membrane of the digestive apparatus, forming part of the gastro-pulmonary system of the mucous membranes, extends not only throughout the entire alimentary canal, but also along the ducts of the various glands which pour their secretions into it. Structure in general.—Mucous membranes are usually soft, pulpy, incapable of great distension, easily la- cerated, somewhat opaque, and when free from blood, of a pale grayish or ashy hue. The dermis or chorion (analogous to that of the skin) is a basis of cellular tissue, of very variable thickness; its attached surface is connected to the subjacent textures, either immovably, as in the nasal cavities and on the tongue, or loosely, as in the gullet and stomach. The pellicte or epithelium with which its surface is always covered (correspond- ing to the epidermis of the skin) also varies much in thickness in different situations ; it consists of transpa- rent nucleated cells, according to the form and arrangement of which it receives its name. Thus, in the squamous epithelium, there are generally (as in the mouth and gullet) several layers of cells ; of these the deepest are vesicular, and contain a comparatively large nucleus ; those on the surface are flattened out into polygonal scales, from the centre of which the nucleus has nearly disappeared, while the intermediate cells present intermediate transitional forms. The nucleated cells of the columnar epithelium (found, for example, in the stomach and intestines) are developed into oblong cylinders, arranged in a single series, like basaltic columns, perpendicularly to the surface of the dermis. In some situations, as in the nasal cavities and air passages, cilia are attached to the free extremities of the cylinders of the columnar epithelium, but no cilia have been detected in any part of the alimentary canal of man, or the warm-blooded animals ; the superficial cells of the epithelium of mucous membranes are continually being thrown off by a process of desquamation. The different mucous membranes differ in vascularity; the network of capillary vessels in the dermis becomes closer or denser near its surface ; the lymphatic vessels also form a network in the same situation; but the epithelium, though organized, is, as stated in the text, perfectly extra-vascular. Mucous membranes are also more or less abundantly supplied with nerves. Wh»u boiled they yield no gelatine, or, rather, only as much as would proceed from the cellular tissue and vessels they contain. The fluid secreted by them, or mucus, is viscid, transparent, and colourless, miscible with, but not soluble in water, and not coagulated by heat. It contains, besides the desquamated epithelium scales, proper granular globules, yyyf inch in diameter, and having a very close resemblance to the globules of pus. According to Berzelius, mucus consists of water, a few salts, albumen, and a peculiar animal sub- stance, which he calls mucous matter. This latter, when dried, swells on being placed in water, but, like fresh mucus, is insoluble in that fluid,either hot or cold; it is slightly soluble in dilute acetic and nitric acids, and in caustic alkalies. The peculiarities presented by particular portions of the mucous membranes, and the structure of the pa- pillae, villi, follicles. &c., found in some parts of them, will be separately noticed, as opportunity offers.] t The meaning of the word mouth, in anatomy, differs from the ordinary acceptation of the term, which is "sually applied, not to the br.ccal cavity, but to its orifice. THE LIPS. 325 fosse, between the cheeks, behind the lips, and in front of the pharynx. It constitutes a very complicated apparatus, in which are per- formed the several acts of mastication, tasting, and insalivation, the commencement of the act of deglutition, and the articulation of sounds. Fig. 140. The dimensions of the buccal cavity are great- er than those of the succeeding portion of the ali- mentary canal; hence bodies may be introduced into it which are too large to pass through the constricted parts of that canal.*' The size of the mouth presents every intermediate degree be- tween complete closure with the jaws in contact and leaving no interval between them, and ex- treme expansion, when the buccal cavity repre- sents a quadrangular pyramid, the base of which is directed forward, and the apex backward. An increase in the capacity of the mouth may also be effected in the transverse direction by the dis- tension of the cheeks, and in the antero-posterior direction by a projection of the lips forward. In studying the relative proportions of the sev- eral diameters of the buccal cavity, it is found that none of them predominates in man, while, in the lower animals, the antero-posterior is by far the longestthis depends partly on the great size of their nasal cavities, and partly on the length of their jaws. In connexion with this subject, we may remark, that in the animal series there is an inverse ratio between the size of the cavity of the cranium and that of the gustatory and olfactory cavities. In man, the direction or axis of the mouth is horizontal—an arrangement which is con- nected with his destination for the biped position. If man assumed the attitude of a quadruped, the axis of his mouth would be vertical; whereas, in the lower animals, it is directed obliquely to the horizon. Form.—The mouth {jig. 140) represents a perfectly symmetrical oval cavity, the great extremity of which is in front. It has an upper wall, viz., the arch of the palate {a); a lower wall, consisting principally of the tongue (h); a posterior wall, formed by the velum palati (c); an anterior wall, composed of the lips (d) on one plane, and of the alveolar arches and the teeth (e) on another; and two lateral walls, formed by the same arches, by the teeth, and by the cheeks. It has two openings ; one anterior (m), constituting the orifice of the mouth ; the other posterior (2, figs. 140, 141), establishing a communication between the buccal cavity and the pharynx, and, on account of its narrowness, called the isthmus of the fauces. We shall now describe these parts in succession, excepting the maxillary bones and the teeth, which have been already treated of. The salivary glands, which pour their secretions into the buccal cavity, will be described as appendages to it. The Lips. The Ups, forming the anterior wall of the mouth, are two movable, extensible, and contractile curtains, which circumscribe its orifice. They are distinguished into upper and lower. Their direction is vertical, like that of the alveolar and dental arches, upon which they are applied. This direction is peculiar to the human species, and is more marked in the Caucasian race; lips projecting forward, like those of the lower animals, and not placed upon the same vertical plane, give a mean expression to the physiogno- my. The depth of the lips is measured by that of the alveolar and dental arches. The upper is deeper than the lower lip. The two lips offer for our consideration an anterior or cutaneous surface, a posterior or mucous surface, an attached and a free border, and two commissures. The Anterior Surface.—In the upper Up this surface presents along the median line a ver- tical furrow, the sub-nasal groove, commencing at the septum of the nose, and termina- ting below in a tubercle, which is more or less prominent in different individuals. This furrow is the vestige of a division in the lip, natural to many mammalia. The malfor- mation, termed single hare-lip, always occupies one of the edges of this groove ; in double hare-lip both of them are affected. On each side, the upper lip is convex, and covered with a slight down in the female, and befoie puberty in the male, but after that period with long and stiff hairs directed obliquely outward. The aspect of the anterior surface of the lower lip is inclined a little downward; the middle portion only of this lip, which presents no median depression, is covered with hairs. * As a general rule, the proportion between the different parts of the alimentary canal is such, that the up- per portion will not admit bodies too large for the lower ; and though the buccal cavity forms an exception tfr the rule, it is because the food, while it remains in that situation, is under the influence of the will. 326 SPLANCHNOLOGY. The Posterior Surface.—Each lip is free behind, excepting in the median line, where we find a small fold of mucous membrane called the franum labii: it is more marked in the upper than in the lower lip. This surface is always moist, and is in contact with the alveolar and dental arches. The complete independence of the lips, as regards tlm maxillary bones, explains the extreme mobility of these membranous organs.* Adherent Borders of the Lips.—The lips are bounded at their posterior surface by the reflection of the mucous membrane upon the jaw, so that there is a deep and very re- markable furrow between the lips and the maxillary bones, which may be regarded as an anterior buccal cavity, or the vestibule of the mouth. The upper lip is bounded in front by the base of the nose ; on each side it is separated from the cheeks by the projection of the inner margin of the levator labii superioris alteque nasi; the lower lip is bounded in the median line by a transverse depression situated between it and the chin, called the mento-labial furrow, which is remarkable for the perpendicular direction of the hairs growing upon it; on each side it is separated from the cheeks by the projecting inner margin of the triangularis oris. The line or furrow which separates on either side the lips from the cheek commences at the ala of the nose, and is called the naso-labial line ;f it would be more appropriately named the bucco-labial line or furrow. The boundaries between the lips and the cheeks are, then, entirely artificial; the two lips, taken together, represent an ellipse, the longest diameter of which is transverse. The Free Borders of the Lips.—The free borders of the lips are rounded, are covered by a red integument, intermediate in character between skin and mucous membrane, and are marked by folds or wrinkles directed at right angles to the length of the lips, and produced by the contraction of the orbicularis oris muscle. These free borders, which are, as it were, everted, especially that of the lower lip, present anteriorly a well-marked line of separation between the skin and the mucous membrane ; they describe an undu- lating line, which attracts the attention of the painter more than that of the anatomist. The chief characters of the free margin of the upper lip are, a slight projection in the middle line, and a slight depression on either side : those of the free border of the lower lip are a median depression and two lateral projections ; on meeting together, these bor- ders come into accurate contact, and completely close the opening of the mouth. The free margins of the lips are, moreover, their thickest part, and they are thicker in the middle than at each extremity ; their thickness also varies greatly in different individ- uals. In general, thick lips are regarded as indicating a scrofulous diathesis; but in forming an opinion upon this subject, it is necessary to distinguish carefully between size resulting from hypertrophy of the muscular layer, and that which is caused by an excess of skin and cellular tissue. In the Ethiopian race, the size of the lips is entirely due to the great development of the muscles. The Commissures.—The lateral extremities of the free margins of the lips are thin, and by their union form the angles or commissures of the lips (from committo, to join together). The Anterior Orifice of the Mouth.—The free edges of the lips intercept a transverse fissure, viz., the anterior opening of the mouth. The variable size of this orifice in man has given rise to the distinctions of middle-sized, large, and small mouths : the difference, however, is confined to the opening, and does not at all affect the buccal cavity properly so called. The anterior opening of the lips is also exceedingly dilatable, and, accord- ingly, admits the introduction of very large bodies, and renders the exploration of every part of the cavity of the mouth comparatively easy. Structure of the Lips.—The lips are composed of two tegumentary layers, one cutane- ous, the other mucous; of a muscular layer ; of a series of glands; and of vessels, nerves, and cellular tissue. The Cutaneous Layer.—This is remarkable for its density and thickness, for the size of the hair follicles, which are partially situated beneath it, and for its intimate adhesion to the muscular layer; so that it is impossible to separate them by dissection without encroaching upon one or the other. This layer may be regarded as the framework of the lips. It is endowed with an exquisite sensibility, and, in many animals, possesses so delicate a sense of touch, that the slightest movement of the extremities of the long hairs with which it is provided at once warns the animal of the presence of approach- ing objects. The Mucous Layer.—This is remarkable from the existence of an epithelium upon it, which can be very easily demonstrated. It covers the free edge of the lips, so that, by a rare exception, a portion of this mucous membrane is habitually exposed to the exter nal air. It adheres more firmly at the free edge of the lip than elsewhere.t The Glandular Layer.—This is a thick layer, situated between the mucous and the * Mammalia alone have lips that are movable, independently of the jaws; but this independence is still more marked in man. . , , t Much importance is attached to this furrow in semeiology. It is termed the abdominal line, because it becomes remarkably distinct in diseases of the abdomen. t [The mucous membrane upon the free borders of the lip is provided with papilla. Its epithelium, and, indeed, that of the entire mouth, is squamous.] THE LIPS. 327 muscular layers, and causing an elevation of the former. It consists of small spheroids glands of unequal size, placed close to each other, but perfectly distinct; when examined with a lens, they resemble small salivary glands, each being provided with an excretory duct, opening by a separate orifice upon the posterior surface of the mucous membrane.* These are true labial salivary glands, and not muciparous follicles. The Muscular Layer.—This is composed essentially of a single proper muscle, the or- bicularis oris, into which almost all the muscles of the face are inserted, viz., the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, the levator labii superioris, the depressor alas nasi, the naso- labialis, and the zygomaticus minor (where it exists) for the upper lip; the quadratus menti and the levator labii inferioris for the lower lip ; the buccinator (which we have regarded as forming the orbicularis by its bifurcation extending to both lips), and the zygomaticus major, the triangularis oris, the levator anguli oris, and the risorius of San torini (where it exists) to the commissures. Including the orbicularis oris, there are twenty-five muscles. The differences presented by the free edges of the lips in differ- ent individuals depend upon variations in the thickness of the corresponding portion of the orbicularis. No fibrous tissue enters into the composition of the lips and their commissures, which are exclusively formed of fleshy fibres ; hence- they are extremely extensible, a circum- stance of which the surgeon avails himself in operating upon parts situated in the buc- cal cavity and pharynx. Vessels, Nerves, and Cellular Tissue.—Few parts are so abundantly provided with vessels and nerves as the lips. The arteries of the lips are derived from two principal sources : the coronary arteries arise from the facial; the buccal, infra-orbital, and alveolar arteries destined for the upper lip, and the mental artery for the lower lip, arise from the internal maxillary. The sub-mental artery, a branch of the facial, and the transversalis faciei, a branch of the temporal, also give off some ramifications to the lips. The veins bear the same names, and follow the same direction as the arteries ; the lymphatic vessels, which are little known, terminate in the glands at the base of the jaw. The nerves are derived from two distinct sources, viz., from the fifth and the seventh pairs of cranial nerves. The cellular tissue contained in the substance of the lips is essentially of a serous nature. It is liable to a considerable amount of serous infiltration; but even in the fat- test individuals it contains only a very small quantity of adipose tissue. .Development.—According to Blumenbach and most modern anatomists, the upper lip is originally developed from three points or three distinct parts: one median and two lateral. Some have even gone farther, and have maintained that the median point itself is originally formed of two lateral halves, which become united at a very early period. This hypothesis is founded partly upon the nature of the divisions in simple and double hare-lip, each of which has been assumed to be nothing more than an arrest of develop- ment ; also, upon the mode of development of the superior maxillary bones, the alveola!- border of which, it is said, is composed of four pieces : two median or incisor, and two lateral; and, lastly, upon the permanent existence of these divisions in some animals. In opposition to this view, however, we may state, first, the absence in the human feetus of distinct bony pieces, corresponding to the ossa incisiva of the lower animals, for all that can be distinguished is a fissure, the mere trace of a separation (see Development of the Superior Maxilla, p. 51); and, secondly, that at no period of fcetal life can we demon- strate the existence of any division in the upper lip. This lip has always appeared to me to consist of a single piece from the earliest period of its formation. The same may be said of the lower lip, which, according to authors, is developed from two lateral halves. At no period of fcetal life can any such division be detected.! Ido not even know an example of malformation in which such an arrangement existed. The length of the lips of the new-born infant is well adapted for the act of sucking, and depends upon the absence of the teeth. To the same cause, and to the wasting of the alveolar borders, the length of the lips in advanced age must be referred. Uses.—The lips, constituting the anterior wall of the mouth, form a sort of barrier in front of the teeth and alveolar arches, by which the saliva is retained within that cavity. So great is the importance of the lips in preventing a continual escape of the saliva, that in cases where they have been destroyed, the constant draining away of that fluid may become a cause of exhaustion, and even of death, i They are employed, also, in drinking, sucking, and blowing ; in playing upon wind-in- struments, and in uttering articulate sounds. They are also of great importance in the expression of the passions, which, as we have seen, influence all the muscles of the face. Pride, contempt, joy, grief, anger, and every possible gradation of feeling, are depicted in a striking manner upon the outline of the lips. The mouth is more particularly the k When these orifices are obliterated, the dilated excretory ducts are transformed into salivary cysts, which may acquire a very large size. t The admirable researches of M. Velpeau upon embryology fully confirm the results at which 1 have ar- rived. t This use is principally confined to the lower lip, and it is remarkable that this lip is never affected by con- genital fissure. Another singular, and also totally inexplicable fact, is, that cancer, which is so common Q dis ease, never affects the upper, but invariably the lower lip 328 SPLANCHNOLOGY. seat of grimaces, which are nothing more than the expression of passions ridiculously exaggerated. The cheeks form the lateral walls of the mouth and the sides of the face. They are bounded internally by the reflection of the mucous membrane upon the maxillary bones; externally their limits are much less defined, and are thus determined on each side of the face ; in front, by the bucco-labicd furrow, which separates them from the lips ; behind, by the posterior border of the ramus of the lower jaw; above, by the base of the orbit; and below, by the base of the lower jaw. The cheeks, then, comprise three very distinct regions : the malar, the masseteric, and the buccal, properly so called. Each cheek is quadrilateral in form, and presents, 1. An external or cutaneous surface, on which is ob- served, above, the projection of the cheek, called the malar eminence, and lower down, a surface, which is convex and smooth in stout persons, but hollow and wrinkled in the emaciated; 2. An internal or mucous surface, free, and corresponding to the alveolar and dental arches. On this surface is situated the orifice of the Stenonian duct, opposite the interval which separates the first from the second upper large molar tooth. Structure.—Each cheek, properly so called, is composed of the following parts : the malar bone and the ramus of the lower jaw; a cutaneous layer, increased in thickness by a great quantity of fat; a mucous, a glandular, a muscular, and an aponeurotic layer; some vessels and nerves, and an excretory duct. We shall make a few remarks upon these different layers, commencing with the skin. The skin is remarkable for its firmness and vascularity over the cheek bone, and also for the facility with which it is injected, or becomes pale under the influence of the moral feelings ; it is covered with hair on the lower and back part in the adult male. The mucous membrane is a continuation of that of the lips, and presents the same char- acters. The Cheeks. The glandular layer is formed by the buccal salivary glands, which exactly resemble the labial glands, but are smaller, and, like them, cause projections of the mucous membrane, upon which they open by distinct orifices. Two of these glands have obtained a partic- ular appellation, because they are not subjacent to the mucous membrane, but are situ- ated between the buccinator and the masseter muscles ; they are called the molar glands. Their excretory ducts open opposite the last molar tooth. The muscular layer is formed, in the masseteric region, by the masseter and a part of the platysma; in the malar region, by the orbicularis palpebrarum ;in the buccal region, properly so called, by the buccinator, and the two zygomatici. The aponeurotic layer is formed by the aponeurosis of the buccinator muscle. The adipose layer is thin in the malar and masseteric regions, and very thick in the buccal region, properly so called. Bichat has, moreover, pointed out a mass of fat in the substance of the cheek, between the buccinator and the masseter. It is highly devel- oped in the infant, and vestiges of it are found even in the most emaciated individuals, and in extreme old age. The arteries of the cheeks come partly from the facial and the transverse artery of the face, and partly from the internal maxillary : the branches from the internal maxil- lary belong to the infra-orbital, the inferior dental, the buccal, the masseteric, and the alveolar arteries. The veins bear the same name, and follow the same course, as the arteries. The lymphatic vessels pass into the cervical and parotid lymphatic glands. The nerves of the cheeks, like those of the lips, are derived from two sources, viz., the buccal and malar nerves, from the portio dura of the seventh pair, and the buccal, masseteric, infra-orbital, and mental branches of the fifth pair. The cheek is perforated by the duct of Stcno {s,fig. 144), which runs horizontally for- ward, below the malar bone. Development.—The absence of the teeth, the presence of a large quantity of fat (more especially the great size of the mass above noticed), the want of height in the superior maxilla from the non-developmenfiof the sinus, and, lastly, the obtuse angle of the lower jaw, give to the cheek of the infant its characteristic fulness. The loss of the teeth, and the wasting of the alveolar borders in the aged, diminish the inter-maxillary space ; so that their emaciated cheeks become disproportionately long, and, consequently, dis- play a looseness which forms one of the chief peculiarities in their physiognomy. At puberty, the cheeks of the male are covered with hair. Uses.—The cheeks form lateral active walls of the mouth, which, closely applying themselves against the alveolar arches and teeth, force the food between the latter, and thus assist in mastication. They are employed, also, in suction, in the articulation of sounds, and in playing upon wind-instruments. In the expression of the passions, they assist rather by changes in their colour than by any distinct movements. The cheeks and the lips constitute the outer wall of a supernumerary buccal cavity, of which the inner wall is formed by the alveolar borders and the teeth. This cavity, a sort of vestibule to the buccal cavity, properly so called, is very dilatable. It may ha THE PALATINE ARCH AND THE GUMS. 329 considered as a kind of reservoir, in which the food is deposited, in oi der to be submitted in successive portions to the action of the masticatory organs. This vestibular buccal cavity is provided with labial and buccal salivary glands. It is also interesting to find that the parotid glands, the largest of all the salivary glands, pour their secretion into .this cavity. The Palatine Aech and the Gums. The palatine arch, or the hard palate {a, Jig, 140), constitutes the upper wall of the buc- cal cavity. It has the form of a parabolic arch, bounded in front and on either side by the teeth, and behind by the velum palati, into which it is continued without any dis- tinct line of demarcation. Upon it we observe, in the median line, an antero-posterior raphe, at the anterior extremity of which is a tubercle corresponding to the lower orifice of the anterior palatine canal. This tubercle has been incorrectly stated by physiolo- gists to be endowed with a peculiar sensibility ; on each side and in front there are trans- verse ridges, more or less marked in different individuals, which represent the still more highly-developed ridges, bars, or calcareous concretions, which render the surface of the roof of the palate in some animals so rugged. Posteriorly, the roof of the palate is per- fectly smooth. Structure.—The constituent parts of the palatine arch are an osseous framework, a fibro-raucous membrane, a layer of glands, with vessels and nerves. The framework consists of the bony palate already described : it is thicker in front than behind, and is held up in the middle by the sort of column formed by the vomer and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid, and behind and on each side by the vertical por- tions of the palate bones, and by the pterygoid processes. We have already noticed the asperities which it presents, and which appear to have no other object than to secure the intimate adhesion of the fibro-mucous membrane to the bones. The Palatine and Gingival Membrane.—This mucous membrane is remarkable for its whitish colour; for the thickness of its epithelium, especially in front; for the thickness and density of its chorion, which even approaches to that of the corresponding tissue in the skin ; for its close adhesion to the bones, into which the chorion sends off well-mark- ed fibro-cellular prolongations ; and, lastly, for the great number of orifices with which it is perforated, especially behind. This excessive thickness of the palatine membrane', however, is observed only anteriorly, and most particularly so behind the incisor teeth. The Glandular Layer.—ln the median line the palatine membrane is blended with the periosteum of the bones, but on each side it is separated from it by a very thick layer of glands, which are sometimes arranged in regular rows along the antero-posterior groove presented by the palatine arch. These palatine salivary glands are exactly similar to the labial and buccal glands already described; they are much more numerous behind than in front, and open upon the membrane by a number of orifices visible to the naked eye. There are often two openings mud more distinctly marked than the rest, situated one on either side of the posterior extiemity of the median raphe. The Gums.—The description of the peculiar tissue of the gums, to which some allusion has been made in speaking of the teeth, naturally follows that of the palatine membrane. The term gums (ouAd) is applied to those portions of the buccal mucous membrane which surround the teeth. They are distinguished from the rest of that membrane by their intimate adhesion to the periosteum, by their thickness, and especially by their almost cartilaginous density, which enables them to resist the shocks of hard bodies during mas- tication. In this latter respect, and in regard to their want of sensibility, the gums closely resemble the contiguous portions of the palatine membrane. They commence about a line from the base of the alveoli, their limits being marked by a scalloped ridge. Having reached the free margins, i. e., the base of the alveoli, the gums continue their course for the space of about a line beyond that point, as far as the neck of the teeth, where they become reflected upon themselves. The point of reflection is a free border of a semilunar shape, corresponding to the indented, and, as it were, festooned border of each alveolus. Ihe denticulations or longest portions of the gums correspond to the intervals between the teeth, in which situation the processes of the gum, covering the anterior and posterior surfaces of the alveoli, communicate with each other. The rejlected portion of the gum, though not adhering to, is in contact with, all that portion of the root of the tooth which projects above the alveolus ; it then dips into the cavity of the latter, so as to form the alveolo-dental periosteum, which, as we have already seen, is a powerful means of connecting the fang of the tooth to its socket. The tissue of the gums appears to be provided with particular follicles for the secretion of the tar- tar.* It varies much in different individuals, both in colour and in density. One of its most peculiar characters is the singular effect produced on it by scurvy and by mercury, under the influence of which agents it becomes softened and fungous, easily bleeds, and furnishes a large quantity of tartar.* Another, but purely anatomical character, consists m its largely-developed openings or pores, which, in a particular light, at a even visible [These are mucous follicles : the tartar is now known to be merely a ileposite from the saliva ; its increased amount during- mercurial salivation is, therefore, readily accounted tor.] T T 330 SPLANCHNOLOGV. to the naked eye. The gums are almost insensible when divided by cutting instruments ; but the pressure exerted upon them by the teeth, during the eruption of the latter, often gives rise to the most serious affections. Veasels and Nerves of the Roof of the Palate and the Gums.—The arteries arise, seme from the internal maxillary, viz., the posterior palatine, the alveolar, the infra-orbital, and the mental branches ; others from the facial, viz., the superior coronary for the gums of the upper, and the sub-mental branches for those of the lower jaw; the sub-lingual artery also supplies the latter. The veins bear the same name. All the nerves proceed from the fifth pair, viz., the palatine and the superior and inferior dental branches. The naso-palatine nerve sends ramifications to the small median tubercle upon the roof of the palate. Few parts have so little cellular tissue as the gums. Development.—According to the best authorities, the bony and membranous portions of the hard palate are developed from two lateral points, which unite along the me- dian line, so that the malformation known by the name of harelip with cleft palate, is said to be an arrest of development. The fissure may be either single or double in front. If the cleft be double, that portion of the upper jaw which supports the incisor teeth is separated on both sides from the rest of the bone. Such divisions always seem to me to be absolutely departures from nature,* for at no period of its growth can such separa- tions or clefts be detected in a naturally-formed foetus. Uses of the Gums and Hard Palate.—The hard palate separates the buccal cavity from the nasal fossa. It serves as a fulcrum for the tongue in the act of tasting, in mastica- tion, deglutition, and the articulation of sounds. Before the eruption of the teeth, the gums completely close the alveoli, and serve as the immediate instruments of mastication; and they become hard, and supply the place of the teeth after the loss of those organs. The gums have great influence,in fixing the teeth within their sockets, and hence the loosening of the former from scurvy or from the abuse of mercury. We may consider the gums as that portion of the mucous membrane in which the dental follicles are situated. The Velum Palati and Isthmus Faucium. Dissection.—The lower surface of the velum palati may be seen by forcibly depressing the lower jaw, or still better by sawing it across in the median line, and separating the two halves. In order to see its upper surface, the pharynx must be removed entire, and its posterior wall divided vertically (as in fig. 141). The dissection of the different lay- ers which enter into the formation of the velum palati, and of its extrinsic and intrinsic muscles, will be understood from the following descriptions ; External Conformation.—The velum palati, or soft palate (c, fig. 140), is a muscular and membranous valve, which prolongs the palatine arch backward, and, therefore, might be called the membranous palatine arch. It is a sort of incomplete septum (septum staphylin, Chauss.), dividing the buccal cavity from the nasal fossa? and the pharynx. Its direction is curved: its upper portion is horizontal, but it soon becomes curved, and passes almost directly downward (velum pendulum palati). In the act of degluti- tion, the velum becomes horizontal during the passage of the alimentary mass, but im- mediately afterward returns to its oblique and pendulous position, and thus tends to pre- vent the return of the food into the mouth. In several pathological conditions the velum is thrown backward and upward, and adheres to the posterior orifices of the nasal fossae. All these changes of direction affect the oblique, and not the horizontal portion of the velum The velum palati is broad, quadrilateral, and perfectly symmetrical. Its in- ferior or buccal surface is concave, and continuous with the hard palate, without any line of demarcation. This surface is very well seen when the mouth is opened, and is, there- fore, easily accessible to the surgeon. In the median line it presents a white raphe, which is a continuation of the median raphe of the hard palate ; it is formed by a small fibrous cord, causing a projection under the mucous membrane. The superior or nasal surface of the velum {fig. 141) is convex : it prolongs the floor of the nasal fossa;, and, from its obliquity, directs the mucus into the pharynx. This surface presents a median projection produced above by the palato-staphylin muscles (azygos uvula;, a), and below by a mass of glands. Congenital division of the velum is always situated in the median line, and is followed by so great a retraction of its two halves, that, in some cases, the entire absence of the velum has been suspected. Its upper border is thick, and firmly united to the posterior border of the hard palate. Its lower border is free, extremely thin and concave, and forms the upper boundary of the isthmus {t,fig. 141) of the fauces : it presents, in the middle line, a sort of appendix or prolongation, called the uvula (u, fig. 140): this is of a conical shape, and of very va- riable size and length; it is capable of considerable elongation, and may then reach '.he base of the tongue, but not, as has been supposed, the upper orifice of the larynx.) It is not very uncommon to find it bifid, and sometimes it is entirely wanting. * [f, e., not mere arrests of development.] + In consultation upon a case of chronic laryngitis, I was much surprised to hear the medical attendant state that the disease was the result of irritation prpduced by the uvula upon the superior orifice of the la- rynx. The pos’tion of the uvula is always a few lines in advance of the epiglottis. THE VELUM PALATI. 331 The two lateral borders of the velum limit it on each side, and separate it from the cheek. This boundary is indicated (on each side) by a prominent ridge (before /, fig. 140), extending from the posterior extremity of the upper to the corresponding part of the lower alveolar border. This prominence corresponds to the anterior margin of the internal pterygoid muscle, and is formed, in a great measure, by a series of small, glan- dular structures, which are collected behind the last great molar tooth of the lower jaw into a considerable mass resembling a small gland. The pillars of the velum palati. These are two lateral columns or pillars, having an arched form, and distinguished into anterior (behind /, fig. 140) and posterior (g), which pass down on either side from the uvula. Each of the anterior pillars (the two forming together the anterior arch of the fauces) proceeds from the base of the uvula outward, and then vertically downward, describing a curve with its concavity directed inward, and terminates at the sides of the tongue, opposite the anterior extremities of the V- shaped series of papillae vallatae found upon that organ. Each of the posterior pillars (which together form the posterior arch of the fauces) commences at the apex of the uvula, and immediately curves into an arch, having a smaller diameter than that repre- sented by the anterior pillar, and then passes obliquely downward, backward, and out- ward, to its termination on the sides of the pharynx. The two posterior pillars consti- tute the free margin of the velum. They project much farther inward than the anterior pillars, so that when the base of the tongue is depressed in the living subject, both sets of pillars can be seen at the same time, like double curtains, placed on different planes. Each of these pillars represents a triangle, having its base below and its apex above. The Amygdaloid Fossa.—From the direction of the anterior and posterior pillars, they approach each other above, and are separated by a considerable interval below. This interval, which is partly occupied by the tonsil (w), may be called the amygdaloid excava- tion. In order to have a good idea of it, it is necessary to make a vertical section of the head from before backward. A sort of recess will then be observed, narrow and shallow above, but very broad and deep below, especially when the tonsil (n) is small. The base of this fossa corresponds anteriorly to the base of the tongue (b), then to the epiglottis («), the larynx, and the walls of the pharynx: the bottom of the fossa corresponds to the angle of the lower jaw and the lateral portion of the supra-hyoid region, where it is sep- arated from the skin only by a thin layer of soft tissues. The dimensions of this fossa always remain the same above, but are very variable below, according as the tongue is retained in the mouth or protruded. The Isthmus Faucium.—The posterior orifice of the buccal cavity is called the isthmus faucium (2,fiigs. 140, 141). It is a sort of passage between the buccal and the pharyn- geal cavities, bounded below by the base of the tongue, above by the free margin of the velum palati, divided into two arches by the uvula in the middle, and the two pillars on each side. This posterior orifice of the mouth, though very dilatable, is less so than the an- terior opening of the same cavity. It may be contracted, and even completely closed, not only from inflammation of the tonsils and arches of the fauces, from the contraction of the muscles which enter into the formation of the velum and its pillars. This may be seen by watching the movements of the isthmus of the fauces in a person who will sub- mit to such an examination. These differences in the dimensions of the isthmus are con- cerned not only in deglutition, but also in the modulations or articulations of the voice. Structure.—ln the velum palati we find an aponeurotic framework ; also certain mus- cles by which it is moved, which are either extrinsic or intrinsic. The intrinsic mus- cles are those constituting the azygos uvulas, viz., the palato-staphylini; and the extrin- sic muscles are four on each side, two descending, viz., the levator palati, and the cir- cumflexus or tensor palati, and two ascending, viz., the palato-glossus, and the palato- pharyngeus. We also find in the soft palate a thick layer of glands, vessels, nerves, and cellular tissue; and, lastly, a covering of mucous membrane. The Aponeurotic Portion.—The aponeurotic portion, or, rather, the principal aponeuro- sis, is extremely dense, and continues the hard palate backward : it is generally regarded as an expansion of the reflected tendons of the tensores palati, but it is, in a great measure, formed of proper fibres continuous with the fibrous tissue, which prolongs backward the septum narium, the outer borders of the posterior orifices of the nasal fossae, and the fibrous portion of the Eustachian tube. Below this aponeurotic membrane there is an- other fibrous lamella, continuous with the fibrous tissue found in the hard palate. Ihe framework of the upper half of the velum palati may, therefore, be said to be formed of two fibrous layers, one superior, the other inferior, between which the glandular layer is situated. Lastly,’a small fibrous band extends from the nasal spine to the uvula, along the median raphe, upon the lower surface of the velum, producing a slight elevation of the mucous membrane. This little band sends off a prolongation between the glands of the velum, which separates the right half of the soft palate from the left. Dissection.—This is common to all the muscles of the soft palate. It is merely neces- sary to remove the mucous membranes and the subjacent glands, in order to study the The Muscles of the Velum Palati. 332 SPLANCHNOLOGY. arrangement of these muscles, and to follow the ascending and descending fibres which emerge from or enter into the velum. The Azygos Uvulce, or Palalo-staphylini. The palato-staphylini (a, fig. 141) are two small, fleshy, cylindrical bands placed in Fig. 141. contact, one on eacn sine oi the median line, and extending from the posterior nasal spine, or, rather, from the aponeuro- sis continuous with it, to the base of the uvula. They are covered by the mucous membrane of the nose, under which they form a projection, and they cover the levatores palati. The two muscles, from their juxtaposition, appear, at first sight, to form a single rounded muscle, to which the names azygos uvulce, columellce musculus teres, have been given. Action.—To raise the uvula. The Levator Palati, or Peristaphylinus Intcrnus. Dissection.—Remove the mucous membrane from a verti- cal ridge which exists along the outer border of the posterior orifice of one of the nasal fossae, behind the Eustachian tube; then remove the mucous membrane covering the upper sur- face of the soft palate. The vertical portion of the levator palati (le petro-salpin- go staphylin, Winslow; petro-staphylin, Chauss., c,figs. 141, 146) is situated upon the outer side of the posterior orifice of the corresponding nasal fossa ; its horizontal portion is in the substance of the velum; it is thick, narrow, and rounded above, expanded and triangular below. It arises by short tendinous fibres from the lower surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, near its apex, and from the contiguous part of the cartilage of the Eustachian tube. From these ppints its fibres pass obliquely downward and inward, turning round the outer side of the tube. At the outer border of the velum palati the muscle becomes horizontal, and its fasciculated fibres diverge, so as to cover the whole extent of the antero-posterior diameter of the velum. The anterior fleshy fasciculi are inserted by short tendinous fibres into the posterior border of the aponeurosis of the soft palate. The others also terminate by very short tendinous fibres, which are blended in the median line with those of the opposite side, immediately below the azygos uvulae. Relations.—lt is covered by the mucous membrane of the pharynx and soft palate ; its vertical .portion is in relation, on the outside, with the circumflexus palati and the supe- rior constrictor muscles, and its horizontal portion with the palato-pharyngeus. It forms the uppermost muscular layer of the soft palate. Action.—lt raises the velum (elevator palati mollis, Albin., Soemm.). The length of its fibres, its direction, and its shape, render it well fitted for this purpose. It should be re- marked, that the tendinous portion of the velum scarcely participates in the movement of elevation. The Circumflexus or Tensor Palati, or the Peris taphylinus Externus. This is a thin, flat, and reflected muscle (le pterygo or spheno salpingo staphylin, Winsl.; pterygo-staphylin, Chauss.), and is tendinous for a considerable part of its ex- tent ; its vertical portion (d, fig. 141, 146) is situated along the internal plate of the ptery- goid process, to the inner side of the internal pterygoid muscle {h), and its horizontal portion {d) in the substance of the velum. Attachments.—lt arises from the fossa navicularis, at the base of the internal pterygoid plate, from the contiguous part of the great wing of the sphenoid, and from a small por- tion of the cartilage of the Eustachian tube. From these points the muscle, which forms a thin fasciculus, flattened at the side, passes vertically downward: near the hamular process of the internal pterygoid plate it becomes a shining tendon, which changes its direction, and is reflected at a right angle under that process; it is retained in this situ- ation by a small ligament, and its motions are facilitated by a synovial membrane. The tendon then passes horizontally inward, expands, and becomes blended with the aponeu- rotic membrane. Relations.—Its vertical portion is in relation on the outside with the internal pterygoid, and on the inside with the levator palati, from which it is separated by the superior con- strictor of the pharynx (g,fig. 141) and by the internal pterygoid plate. Its horizontal or aponeurotic portion is anterior to the levator palati, and has the same relation as the aponeurotic portion of the velum. Action.—lt is a tensor of the aponeurotic portion {tensor palati), but does not otherwise move the velum. As Haller has remarked, when its fixed point is below, it can dilate the Eustachian tube. The Palato-pharyngeus, or Pharyngo-staphylinus. This muscle (thyro-staphylinus, Douglas, ee,fig. 141) is narrow and fasciculated in the THE PALATO-GLOSSUS. 333 middle, where it is situated in the posterior pillar of the fauces, broad and membranous at its extremities, one of which is in the velum and the other in the pharynx. Attachments.—It arises from the whole extent of the posterior border of the thyroid cartilage. From this point it passes vertically upward, and forms a broad and thin mus- cular layer, the fibres of which are first collected into a fasciculus or muscular column, which enters the posterior pillar of the fauces, and then, again expanding, occupy the whole extent of the antero-posterior diameter of the velum, and unite in the median line with the muscle of the opposite side, so as to form an arch. The anterior fibres are in- serted into the posterior border of the aponeurosis of the velum. Relations.—It forms the lowest muscular stratum of the velum : it is separated from the mucous membrane below by the layer of glands: it is in relation above with the muscular layer formed by the expansion of the levator palati. In the posterior pillar it is in relation with the mucous membrane, which covers it in all directions, excepting on the outside. In the pharynx it forms the innermost muscular layer, i. e., it lies between the constrictors and the mucous membrane. Action.—The two palato-pharyngei draw the velum downward, and press it strongly against the alimentary mass during deglutition; they therefore form a constrictor of the isthmus of the fauces. When they take their fixed points above, they raise the poste- rior wail of the pharynx. They are important agents in deglutition. This is a small fleshy bundle {o,fig. 141) situated in the anterior pillar of the fauces, narrow in the middle, and broad at the extremities. Its lower extremity is expanded upon the side of the tongue, and is united with the stylo-glossus. Its upper extremity spreads out in the velum palati, and becomes blended with that of the palato-pharyngeus. Its middle portion is very slender; it forms the anterior pillar, and is visible through the thin mucous membrane by which it is covered. Action.—The two muscles depress the velum palati, and raise the edges of the base of the tongue; they consequently constrict the isthmus faucium. The Glandular Layer of the Velum Palati.—Under the mucous membrane covering the upper surface of the velum palati, there are some scattered glands, which are more nu- merous on the sides than along the middle ; but on the lower surface of the velum there is a much more obvious collection of glands, particularly dense, opposite the aponeurotic portion of the velum, and forming a continuation of the glandular layer of the hard pal- ate. Similar glands are found in the uvula, the size, and, in some measure, the form of which they determine. These small glands in the velum exactly resemble the salivary glands already described as existing in the lips, the cheeks, and the roof of the palate. The Mucous Membrane.—Both surfaces of the velum are covered by mucous mem- brane, which constitutes, as it were, its integuments. These two mucous layers are remarkable, inasmuch as each presents the peculiar characters of the cavity to which it belongs. Thus, the lower layer preserves the characters of the buccal mucous mem- brane, and the upper layer those of the nasal.* The two layers are continuous with each other along the free margin of the velum palati; the fold of mucous membrane forming this margin passes beyond' the other constituent tissues, so that, for the space of half a line or a line, the two mucous layers are in contact. The same occurs in the uvula, the apex, and sometimes the lower half of which consists of a duplicature of mu- cous membrane, containing some loose cellular tissue, which is very susceptible of infil- tration. Either serous or sanguineous infiltration of the uvula produces an elongation of this part, called relaxation of the uvula. I should not omit to mention the great differ ence, in regard to sensibility and liability to inflammation, that exists between the mu cous membrane of the free and adherent borders of the velum palati. Vessels and Nerves.—These are very numerous in proportion to the size of the part. The arteries arise from the palatine and the superior and inferior pharyngeal. The veins are similarly named, and follow the same course. The lymphatic vessels, which have been little studied, enter the lymphatic glands at the angle of the jaw. The nerves are derived from the palatine branches given off by Meckel’s ganglion, and from the glosso pharyngeus. Development.—We have here again the question, whether the velum is formed origi nally from two halves, which afterward become united in the median line ; in favour of this view we may adduce those cases in which the uvula and the velum are bifid, either with or without fissure of the hard palate and lip. In the youngest embryos which I have examined, I have always found the velum undivided. Uses.—The velum palati is a contractile valve, which fulfils very important functions in deglutition, in the utterance of articulate sounds, and in the modulation of the voice; it is capable of being elevated and depressed. Elevation affects its muscular, but not its * [According- to the recent researches of Dr. Henld, the ciliated columnar epithelium (like that of the nasal mucous membrane) is found upon the upper surface of the velum, only in the neighbourhood of, and a short distance below, the expanded orifice of the Eustachian tube ; the remaining portion of the upper surface, aa well as the free border, and the whole of the lower surface, are covered with the squamous epithelium, sirai lur to that of the buccal mucous membrane.] The Palato-giossus, or Glosso-staphylinus. 334 SPLANCHNOLOGY. aponeurotic portion: this movement cannot be carried so far as to revert the velum up- ward. Depression may be carried to such an extent as to close the isthmus faueium by the approximation of the velum and the base of the tongue. The contraction of the pa- lato-pharyngei, which are curved muscles, may be so complete as to bring the posterior pillars of the fauces into contact, and thus close the isthmus in a transverse direction. The uvula moves independently of the velum. When the aponeurosis of the velum pa- lati is rendered tense, the velum itself is enabled to resist both elevation and depression. The Tonsils, or Amygdala. The terms amygdala {dyvyfaMa, an almond), or tonsils, are applied to a group of mu- cous follicles (n, fig■ 140) which occupy the interval between the pillars of the fauces on each side. They are placed there on account of the necessity of lubricating the isthmus during the passage of the alimentary mass. Their form pretty nearly resembles that of an almond; they are directed obliquely downward and forward, and their size is exceed- ingly subject to either congenital or accidental variation. In some subjects they can scarcely be said to exist; in others they fill up the whole amygdaloid fossa, and project more or less into the isthmus of the fauces, so as to impede deglutition, w even respiration. The compound tonsil results from its component follicles being collected into several distinct masses. The internal surface is free, and may be seen when the base of the tongue is depress- ed ; it is perforated by foramina, like the ligneous shell of an almond. These foramina, which vary in number and size, have been frequently mistaken for syphilitic ulcerations. They lead into small cells, in which mucus sometimes collects, and is then ejected in hard fetid lumps, which have been erroneously supposed to be pulmonary tubercles. Its external surface is covered immediately by the aponeurosis of the pharynx,* and then by the superior constrictor. The tonsil corresponds to the angle of the lower jaw. Compression behind this an- gle, therefore, affects it at once, and causes pain in cases where it is inflamed. It has an important relation with the internal carotid artery, especially when that vessel, descri- bing a curve with the convexity directed inward, touches the tonsil. In front the tonsil is in relation with the anterior pillar of the fauces, and, therefore, with the palato-glossus muscle ; behind, with the posterior pillar, and, accordingly, with the palato-pharyngeus muscle. Structure.—ln structure the tonsils are intermediate between mucous follicles and glands ; they consist of an agglomeration of follicles, continuous with those at the base ot the tongue. Groups of these follicles open into small cells or lacuna;, which again open upon the internal surface of the tonsil by the foramina already described. The mucous membrane covers the inner surface of the tonsil, and, penetrating through the foramina, lines the interior of all the cells. The arteries are very large, considering the size of the organ. They are derived from the labial, the inferior pharyngeal, the lingual, and the superior and inferior palatine. The veins form a plexus round this organ, called the tonsillar plexus ; it is a dependance of the pharyngeal plexus. The lymphatic vessels terminate in the glands found near the angle of the jaw; hence the inflammation or enlargement of those glands in conse- quence of inflammation of the tonsil. The lingual and glosso-pharyngeal nerves form a plexus outside the tonsil, which gives off some branches to it. The tongue, the principal organ of taste, is situated within the buccal cavity, and, con- sequently, at the commencement of the digestive passages (b, fig. 140) behind the lips, which in many animals are organs of prehension; also behind the teeth, the organs of mastication, and below the organ of smell, which possesses the sense of taste in the lower tribes, and is necessary in all animals for the perception of flavours. It is a mus- cular organ, free and movable above, before, and on the sides. It is retained in its po- sition by ligaments which attach it to the os hyoides ; and, by muscles connecting it to the same bone, to the styloid processes and to the lower jaw; so that it appears to me anatomically impossible for persons to have been destroyed by swallowing their tongues, as some historians have related. Nor do I believe, notwithstanding the authority of J L. Petit, that division of the framum in infants may be followed by a similar accident. The size of the tongue, though variable in different individuals, is always proportional to the curve described by the lower jaw; it is not large enough to fill the buccal cavity completely when the jaws are closed. It has not been satisfactorily proved that too large a tongue is the cause of certain defects in speech. However, a natural size is not absolutely necessary for the exercise of its functions, for these are performed even when considerable portions have been removed from its apex and sides. Direction.—Its anterior portion is horizontal; behind, it slopes downward and back- ward, and curves abruptly, so as to become vertical and reach the os hyoides, which in some measure constitutes its base. This direction, which is maintained so long as the The Tongue. * The existence of this aponeurosis explains why the tonsil always becomes enlarged internally, and also why abscesses of this part never open externally. THE TONGUE. 335 tongue is within the mouth, is somewhat altered when it is protruded, the tongue then becoming horizontal, and the os hyoides raised. Figure.—Examined without any anatomical preparation, the tongue appears of an oval figure, having its great end behind. Its form is determined, and, as it were, measured, by the parabolic curve of the lower jaw, by which it is circumscribed. When separated from the neighbouring parts, it represents an ellipse, with its long diameter from before backward. It is perfectly symmetrical, flattened above and below, narrow and thin in front, and increasing in thickness and in breadth from before backward. Its figure, which has itself become a term of comparison, does not appear to be essential for the articulation of sounds, a function that would at first appear to be peculiarly connected with this form. The tongue presents for our consideration an upper and a lower surface, two edges, a base, and an apex. The Upper Surface or Dorsum of the Tongue. —This is free in the whole of its extent, corresponds to the roof of the pal- ate, and is divided into two lateral halves by a median furrow, which often limits the progress of disease. It is covered by innumerable eminences, which render it very rough ; these should be distinguished into such as are perforated, viz., the glandular eminences, and such as are entire, and have no ori- fice, viz., the papilla {papilla, a nipple). The perforated eminences, or lingual glands, improperly class- ed among the papillae, and known under different names, may be distinguished by their circular openings, which are perfect- ly visible to the naked eye ; by their being situated only at the base of the tongue ; by their rounded form, and their having no pedicle ; by the arrangement of the mucous membrane, which passes over without adhering to them ;* and. lastly, by dissection, which most distinctly reveals their glandular na- ture. These lingual glands, moreover, are not follicles, but true glandular organs, analogous to the labial and buccal glands. They form a V-shaped ridge, strongly marked in some subjects, and bounded in front by the ridge {a a, fig. 142) of the same shape, formed by the caliciform papillae. Fig. 142. All the other eminences of the tongue are papillas, which we may describe as the large and the small. The large papillae are called caliciform: they are arranged in two lines {a a, fig. 142), united like the limbs of aV, open in front. Their number varies from sixteen to twen- ty, some of which are placed irregularly. Haller has seen them forming two rows on each side. Their size is also variable, but they are larger than all the other papillae. Each papilla forms a truncated and inverted cone, the base of which is free, and the truncated apex adherent (papillae truncates, Haller ; papilles boutonnees ou <\ tete, Boyer). They are placed in a sort of calyx or cup, or surrounded by a circular trench : hence the name of papillae circumvallatae (papilles caliciformes, Cuvier). The border or rim of this cup is itself a circular papilla, t At the angle of union of the two rows of these glands is a blind opening (b), which is frequently wanting, and generally known as the foramen caecum of Morgagni (lacune de la langue, Ckaussier). Several anatomists of the last century affirmed that certain sup- posed salivary ducts, which were afterward shown to be merely veins, had their termi- nation in this foramen ; it is now generally considered to be a cul-de-sac for the recep- tion of the secretion from several follicles; but it appesrs to me to be only the cavity of a calyx, the papilla corresponding to which is very imperfectly developed. When the papilla is more developed, or the calyx less deep than usual, the foramen caecum is said to be wanting. The Small Papilla.—These occupy all that part of the dorsal surface of the tongue which is in front of the Y-shaped ridge, formed by the papillae circumvallatae ; they pre - sent many varieties. Some of them are conical, others filiform; some are pointed like a reed, and others are lenticular or fungiform, that is, flattened at the top, and supported by a narrow pedicle; but the conical or filiform are evidently the most numerous, for they occupy of themselves the anterior portion and the apex of the tongue, while all the other varieties are disseminated between them. They are directed obliquely backward, * [f. e., without being closely united to their outer surface, as it is to that of the papilla. The mucous membrane, as in all glands, is really prolonged into their interior.] .... t The want of a uniform nomenclature for the papill® of the tongue has occasioned great obscurity. Ido wot know two authors who agree in this respect. M. Boyer calls the lingual glands papilles lenticulaires j the caliciform papilla, vapilles boutonnees ou a tile ; and applies the term papilles coniques to the papilla generally known by that name. Gavard called the glands papilles muqueuses ; and the caliciform papilla, papilles fungi- forrnes. M. H. Cloquet appears to have confounded both the glands and the caliciform papilla under the name Of papilles lenticulaires; the papilles fungiformes, according to him, are irregularly disseminated over the edge* and apex cf the tongue. The use cf the term conical papilla is the only point in which they are all agreed. SPLANCHNOLOGY. so that, by rubbing the tongue slightly from behind forward, they may be brushed up, and their exact shape and length ascertained. This oblique direction is much more marked in the lower animals than in man. The conical papillae are sometimes arranged in regular or irregular lines, so as to give the tongue a fissured appearance. Sometimes even several papillae are united in a line, so as to form a jagged ridge. We may add, that there is very great variety both in the shape and arrangement of the lingual papillae.* The lower surface of the tongue is free only in its anterior third, the muscles which con- nect the tongue to the neighbouring parts being attached to the posterior two thirds. On the free portion, which we shall alone notice here, is observed a median furrow, more distinct than that on the upper surface. At the posterior part of this furrow is a fold of mucous membrane, called the frcenum lingua, which is sometimes prolonged to the apex of the tongue, and prevents the movements of that organ, both in the act of sucking and during articulation : hence the necessity for the operation known as the division of the fracnum. On each side of this furrow are seen the ranine veins, on which the ancients performed venesection ; also an antero-posterior projection formed by the lingual muscle. The edges of the tongue are thick behind and thinner towards the point. The papillae are prolonged in a regular manner upon their upper half in a series of vertical and par- allel lines. The actual base is fixed to the os hyoides; the apparent base, which is seen at the back of the dorsal surface, presents three glosso-epiglottid folds, of which the median (above b, fig. 142) is much larger than the other two. The apex is situated immediately behind the incisor teeth; the median furrows of both surfaces are prolonged upon it. Having thus examined the peculiarities offered by the external surface of the tongue without the aid of dissection, we shall now examine its structure. Structure of the Tongue.—The tongue being the organ of one of the senses, and being, also, capable of various movements, we must examine its structure with reference to both these objects. But, after the example of Haller,f we shall be principally occupied here with its structure as a movable organ. The tongue is essentially composed of muscular fibres, and, in this respect, the heart is the only organ which can be compared to it. Its framework consists of the os hy- oides, of a median cartilaginous lamina, and of its papillary membrane. Framework of the Tongue.—The os hyoides, already described (seen in fig. 143), is tru- ly the bone of the tongue ; hence it has been called the lingual bone by some anatomists. In man it is not prolonged by a process into the substance of the tongue, as in the lower animals, but is united to it by the hyo-glossal membrane, which commences at the pos- terior lip of the body of this bone; and, again, since the os hyoides is united to the thy- roid cartilage (t) by ligaments, it follows that all the movements of this bone are commu- nicated both to the tongue and to the larynx, between which parts it is situated. From the middle of this fibrous membrane, the median cartilaginous lamina of the tongue, de- scribed by M. Blandin, proceeds. This lamina, which is perfectly distinct from the car- tilage described by M. Baur in the dog and the wolf,t is situated in the median line ; it is directed vertically, and gives attachment to some muscular fibres by its two lateral surfaces ; its upper edge is thin, and reaches the middle of the dorsal region of the tongue , its lower edge is seen between the genio-hyo-glossi, where it is either free or covered by a few muscular fibres which interlace below it. It is thick behind, but thin in front, where its fibres have a number of intervals between them, like those in the septum of the corpora cavernosa penis. I regard the papillary membrane as part of the framework of the tongue, on account of its density, which is so great that it is with difficulty cut by the scalpel. Moreover, a great number of the muscular fibres terminate in it. The Muscles of the Tongue. These are either intrinsic or extrinsic. The Intrinsic Muscles.—The ancients regarded the tongue as a single muscle, H structure of which they did not qttempt to unravel. Columbus was the first to consider this organ as composed of two juxtaposed muscles. If the texture of the tongue be ex- amined by means of sections made in different directions, it will be found to be compo- sed of an interlacement of muscular fibres, which will, indeed, appear to be inextr.rt.ble. Among these different sections, I would principally call attention to a vertical section, made at right angles to the axis of the tongue. This section presents a pale muscular * [All these kinds of papillae are extensions of the mucous membrane, and are, therefore, composed of simi- lar elements. The papillae vallatae contain many loops of vessels, the papillae conic®, in general, only a few; all are abundantly supplied with nerves.] t Haller treats of the muscles of the tongue when describing the organ of voice (lib. ix., sect, ii., p. 421), and of the papillary membrane with the organs of the senses (lib. xiii., sect, i., p. 99). t The cartilage described by Baur is a fibrous cord, subjacent to the mucous membrane, and occupying the median line on the lower surface of the tongue. It extends from the apex of the latter, where it is very wel marked, to the base, where it terminates in a cellular raphe. THE MUSCLES OF THE TONGUE. 337 tissue in the centre, in which successive layers of vertical and transverse fibres may be distinguished. A soft, fatty substance, the lingual adipose tissue, is interposed between these muscular fibres; it is analogous to the fat formed at the base, or, sometimes, among the fibres of the ventricles of the heart; it increases in quantity towards the base of the tongue, but is entirely wanting at the apex. Around this central part of the tongue, which may with propriety be called, after M. Baur, the lingual nucleus (noyau Ungual), we find a very thin layer of red fibres situated above, a somewhat thicker layer on each side, and a much thicker layer below; the lateral and inferior layers belong to the extrinsic muscles. A transverse vertical section, therefore, demonstrates the presence of vertical and trans- verse fibres in the tongue ; an antero-posterior vertical section shows that there are fibres running from one end of the organ to the other, and will also display the vertical fibres already mentioned. Thus, by means of simple sections, we can demonstrate the exist- ence of longitudinal fibres running from the base to the apex of the tongue ; of vertical fibres passing from the upper to the lower surface ; and of transverse fibres extending from one side to the other; and other dissections will confirm this statement. Though Malpighi,* in a memoir of great interest, had very exactly described and figured the ar- rangement of the three orders of fibres in the tongue of the calf; though Steven proved their existence in the human tongue, and Bidloo had carried his observations still far- ther ; and although Massa had recommended that, to facilitate this investigation, the tongue should be previously boiled, or should be examined after putrefaction had com- menced ; still, almost all anatomists, including Haller, neglected this subject, until MM. Baur, Gerdy, and Blandin directed attention to it almost at the same time. From the examination of the boiled tongues of the ox, the sheep, and man, I have observed the following facts: 1. Under the papillary membrane, which, as I have said before, has almost the density of cartilage, there is a series of fibres running from before backward. These fibres ap- pear to rise in succession from the papillary membrane, and form a layer, which is thicker in front, where the fibres are collected into a small space, than it is behind, where they are scattered and pale. In the ox they traverse the yellowish glandular-looking substance found at the base of the tongue. This thin layer is described by Malpighi, and has been called the superior or superficial lingualis muscle. 2. On the lower surface of the tongue, between the genio-hyo-glossus and the hyo- giossus, we find a longitudinal bundle, reaching from the base to the apex. This thick bundle wras first described by Douglas under the name of the lingualis muscle; it might be called the inferior lingualis. The lingual muscle of authors generally! is a small mus- cular fasciculus, situated on the lower surface of the tongue, between the stylo-glossus (m, fig. 143) and the genio-hyo-glossus (a). It arises from the base of the tongue, in an indistinct manner, amid an intricate mass of muscular fibres; from thence it passes for- ward, and terminates at the apex of the tongue, where it unites with the fibres of the stylo-glossus. It shortens the tongue, and depresses its point. 3. On either side of the tongue we find two layers of oblique and very thin fibres, cross- ing each other. The superficial layer consists of fibres passing forward and downward, the deep layer of fibres running obliquely forward and upward. These two layers can only be seen towards the base. They are more easily shown in the ox than in man. We also find along each side some antero-posterior fibres, continuous both with the stylo- glossus and the palato-glossus. 4. Lastly, the dissection of the lingual nucleus of a boiled tongue enables us most dis- tinctly to separate the vertical and transverse fibres already noticed as being seen in the different sections of the tongue. The transverse fibres form a slight concavity above : the vertical fibres converge a little from above downward. In the substance of the lin- gual nucleus, near the base of the tongue, a soft, liquid, adipose in infornnoorl hofuranM ■ i r-, matter is interposed between the muscular fibres.' ’ The Extrinsic Muscles. The extrinsic muscles are three on each side, viz., the stylo-glossus, the hyo-glossus, and the genio- hyo-glossus. The Stylo-glossus. The stylo-glossus {u,figs. 114,143, 146) is a small, slender mus- cle, cylindrical above, thin, triangular, and bifid below. It arises from the styloid process by some tendinous fibres surrounding the lower half of that process, and slightly also from the stylo-maxil- lary ligament. The fleshy fibres proceeding from these points form a rounded fasciculus, which passes downward, inward, and forward. At the margin of the tongue, opposite the anterior pillar of the fauces, the muscle becomes flattened, expanded, and trian- * It is not unworthy of notice, that Malpighi commenced upon the tongue that series of researches into the structure of organs which has made him, as it were, the founder of textural anatomy. t [From this statement Albinus must be excepted ; the lingualis of that anatomist corresponds exact! v with •he muscle described by Douglas.] * U u 338 SPLANCHNOLOGY. gular, and divides into two parts: one external, which runs along the corresponding margin of the tongue, from the base to the apex ; the other internal, which passes be- tween the two portions of the hyo-glossus, assumes a transverse direction, and is blend- ed with the transverse fibres of the tongue. Relations.—On the outside it is in relation, successively, with the parotid gland, the in- ternal pterygoid muscle, the sub-lingual gland, the lingual branch of the fifth nerve, and the mucous membrane of the tongue. On the inside it has relations with the stylo- hyoid ligament, the tonsil, the superior constrictor of the pharynx, and the hyo-glossus muscle. Action.—The stylo-glossus draws the corresponding edge of the tongue, and, conse • quently, the entire organ, upward, and to its own side. When the two stylo-glossi act together, the tongue is increased in breadth, and carried upward and backward : it there- fore assists in retraction of the tongue. This is a thin, quadrilateral muscle (t,Jigs. 113, 114, 146), arising from the os hyoides by two very distinct origins : one from the body of the bone, near the great cornu ; the other from the whole extent of the anterior border of the great cornu, and also from its point. The Hyo-glossus. From this double origin the fleshy fibres pass upward parallel to each other, forming a quadrilateral muscle, which expands a little, in order to terminate upon the sides of the tongue, between the stylo-glossus and the lingualis. There is an evident continuity be- tween this muscle and the vertical fasciculi of the tongue. The direction of this muscle varies according to the positions of the tongue. It is vertical when the organ is contained in the buccal cavity, and is directed obliquely up- ward and forward when the tongue is protruded. The hyo-glossus is almost always divided into two portions corresponding to its double origin, which are separated below by a cellular interval, and above by the posterior fas- ciculus of the stylo-glossus. Albinus described them as two distinct muscles : the por- tion arising from the body of the os hyoides, as the basio-glossus; and under the name of the cerato-glossus, the portion arising from the great cornu. He also admitted a third portion, under the name of the chondro-glossus, described as proceeding from the small cornu. Haller, who considered this latter fasciculus a distinct muscle, states that he has always been able to find it. Relations.—On the outside it is in relation with the stylo-glossus, the mylo-hyoideus, the digastricus, the sub-lingual gland, the hypo-glossal nerve, and lingual branch of the fifth. On the inside, it corresponds to the lingual artery, which never passes between the two portions of the muscle, to the genio-hyo-glossus, and to the middle constrictor of the pharynx. Action.—lt depresses the corresponding edge of the tongue, and draws it towards the os hyoides. When the tongue has been protruded from the mouth, it assists in drawing it backward. When the two muscles act together, the tongue is depressed and con- tracted in its transverse diameter. The Genio-hyo-glossus. This is the largest of the extrinsic muscles of the tongue : it is thick, triangular, and, as it were, radiated {a, Jig. 143). It arises from the superior genial process of the infe- rior maxilla by a sort of tendinous tuft, from which the fleshy fibres immediately proceed as from a centre, radiating backward in different directions. The posterior fibres are attached to the os hyoides, either directly or through the medium of a membrane. They constitute the superior genio-hyoideus of Ferrein. The more anterior fibres expand upon the sides of the pharynx, occupy the interval between the os hyoides and the stylo-glos- sus, and immediately cover the corresponding portion of the pharynx, or, rather, the amygdaloid excavation. rl hese fibres, which are very distinct (I was acquainted with them before I was aware that they had been described by others), constitute the genio- pharyngiens of Winslow. The fibres which are next in order, proceeding forward, all belong to the tongue, and traverse the whole length of that organ. The most anterior fibres, which are the shortest of all, having reached the hewer surface of the tongue, curve forward, and terminate near its point. All the others pass perpendicularly upward and turn a little outward, so as to terminate in the papillary mucous membrane at the side of the median line. Relations.—On the inside it corresponds to its fellow, being separated from it by cel- lular tissue frequently loaded with fat. The two muscles are perfectly distinct, and sep- arable until they enter the substance of the tongue, beyond which point they cannot be separated from each other. On the outside it is in relation with the sub-lingual gland, the mylo-hyoideus, hyo-glossus, stylo-glossus, and lingualis muscle. The hypo-glossal nerve perforates this muscle between its genio-pharyngeal and lingual portions. Its lower margin corresponds to the genio-hyoideus, from which it is separated by a very delicate layer of cellular tissue. Its upper margin is subjacent to the mucous membrane, of which it occasions a prominence on each side of the fraenum. THE MUSCLES OP THE TONGUE. 339 Action.—By its hyoid fibres it raises the os hyoides and carries it forward; by its pharyngeal fibres it draws the pharynx forward and compresses its sides ; by its poste- rior lingual fibres, as well as the hyoid, it carries the base of the tongue, and, conse- quently, the whole organ, forward. This is the muscle by which we are enabled to pro- trude the tongue from the mouth. By means of its anterior or reflected fibres, the tongue, when protruded, is drawn back into the mouth ; lastly, by its median lingual fibres, the tongue is made into a groove ; when one muscle acts alone, it is protruded to the oppo- site side. Such, including the palato-glossus, already described, are the extrinsic muscles of the tongue: I shall not include among them the mylo-glossus of the older anatomists, and described, also, by Heister and Winslow, because it appears to be nothing more than that portion of the superior constrictor of the pharynx which is inserted into the mylo- hyoid ridge ; nor yet the glosso-epiglottideus, a very large muscle existing in the lower animals, which has been described by Albinus in the human subject as a dependance of the genio-hyo-glossus. After the most careful examinations, I have never been able to meet with it. Vessels, Nerves, and Cellular Tissue.—The cellular tissue of the tongue receives arter- ies and veins, and from it issue both veins and lymphatics. The arteries, consist of the propqr lingual, which are very large in comparison to the size of the organ, the palatine, and the inferior pharyngeal. The veins form two sets, as in the limbs, and for the same reason ; a superficial set, independent of the arteries ; and a deep set, accompanying those vessels. The lymphatics enter the deep lymphatic glands of the supra-hyoid region. The nerves are very large, and are derived from three sources, viz., from the ninth pair, or hypo-glossal; from the lingual branch of the fifth pair; and from the glosso-pha- ryngeal division of the eighth pair.* The cellular tissue of the tongue is partly serous and partly adipose ; the serous por tion is chiefly situated in front, the other is more abundant behind. The Tegumentary Membrane and Glands.—The tegumentary membrane of the tongue is a continuation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. It is thin and slightly adherent in almost all its non-papillary portion, and becomes very thick and strongly adherent wherever the papillae exist. The edges of the tongue are occupied by numerous small glands, continuous with the sub-lingual glands, and opening upon the lower wall of the mouth by small excretory ducts. Development.—The tongue is visible in the youngest embryos. Its early development has reference to its functions, for it is an essential agent in suction, and is, consequently, brought into use immediately after birth. The tongue is not double or bifid at first; in the earliest embryos it presents the appearance of a single tubercle. Uses of the Tongue.—The tongue has two very distinct uses. It is the organ of taste, and it is also a movable organ. In this place we shall consider it in the latter capacity only. The movements of the tongue are concerned in the prehension of food, in suction, in mastication, in tasting, in deglutition, in articulation, and in playing upon wind- instruments. In order to fulfil such a variety of uses, it is organized so as to be capable of moving in every direction. Its movements are either extrinsic or intrinsic. The extrinsic move- ments, or those of the whole tongue, may be ascertained from our knowledge of the sin- gle or combined actions of its extrinsic muscles. Thus, it may be protruded from the mouth, drawn back into that cavity, inclined to the right or to the left side, directed up- ward or downward, or carried into any intermediate position. In its intrinsic move- ments it may be contracted transversely by the transverse fibres, diminished in length by its longitudinal fibres, and contracted vertically and rendered concave by its vertical fibres ; lastly, its apex can be carried upward by the superior, and downward by the inferior longitudinal fibres. By far the most varied, precise, and rapid motions of this organ are required in the ar- ticulation of sounds, in which it is one of the chief agents. In consequence of this use, which is by no means the result of a special conformation (for, by constant practice, an- imals, whose tongues are very different from ours, may be taught to -articulate), the tongue is associated with, and becomes one of the principal instruments of the mind. It is the organ by which thought is most commonly expressed. This use is peculiar to man. * The ninth nerve is distributed to the muscles, the lingual nerve to the mucous membrane of the anterior part and sides, and the glosso-pharyngeal to that ol the base of the tongue. (See Organ ok Taste.) f have lately seen a considerable branch of the facial nerve terminating in the tongue ; it was given off from the facial nerve at its exit from the stylo-mastoid foramen, crossed obliquely in front of the styloid pro- cess with which it was in contact, passed in front of the stylo-pharyngeus muscle externally to the tonsil and parallel to the glosso-pharyngeal nerve, which was situated behind it, communicated with that nerve by sev- eral arches, and divided into two branches at the base of the tongue, one of which ran along the edge of that organ, and the other anastomosed by a loop with the glosso-pharyngeal; from this loop some filaments passed off, to be distributed in the usual manner. The opposite side did not exhibit a corresponding arrangement. 340 SPLANCHNOLOGY Besides the labial, buccal, and palatine glands found in the cavity of the mouth, which, by most anatomists, have been confounded with the follicles or muciparous crypts, there exists around this cavity a particular glandular apparatus, forming a sort of chain or col- lar, symmetrically extended along the rami and body of the lower jaw. This chain is interrupted so as to form six glandular masses, three on each side, named, from their sit- uation, the parotid, sub-maxillary, and sub-lingual glands.» The Salivary Glands. The Parotid Gland. The parotid gland (p, fig■ 144), so called from being situated below and in front of Fig. H4. the external auditory meatus (rcapd, near, ovc, wrdf, the the external auditory meatus (ttapd, near, oir, wrdf, the ear), fills the parotid excavation. It is bounded in front by the posterior edge of the ramus of the lower jaw; behind, by the external auditory meatus and the mas- toid process; above, by the zygomatic arch; below, by the angle of the lower jaw; and on the inside, by the styloid process and the muscles which proceed from it. This gland has given its name to the region occu- pied by it. It is the largest of all the salivary glands, and even exceeds all the rest put together. Its form is irregular, and is determined by that of the surrounding parts, upon which it is moulded like a piece of soft wax. Its su- perficial portion is broad, but it suddenly becomes con- tracted when it dips behind the ramus of the jaw. In order to obtain a good idea of the size and shape of this gland, it must be removed entire from the irreg- ular mould in which it is lodged. It has been compared to a pyramid, of which the base is directed outward, and the apex inward. Relations.—lts external surface, or base, is broad, oblong from above downward, irreg ularly quadrilateral, and tabulated at the edges; it is sub-cutaneous, being separated from the skin, however, by the parotid fascia and the risorius of Santorini, when that muscle exists.! Its anterior surface is grooved so as to embrace the posterior edge of the ramus of the low- er jaw. A bursa, or some loose cellular tissue, facilitates the movements of these parts. This surface is also in relation with the internal pterygoid muscle, the stylo-maxillary ligament, and the masseter muscle, on the external surface of which it is prolonged to a greater or less extent (see fig. 144) in different individuals, and is separated from it an- teriorly by the ramifications of the facial nerve, by some loose cellular tissue, and by the transverse artery of the face. Its posterior surface is in relation with the cartilaginous portion of the external audito ry canal, being moulded upon its convexity, and adhering to it by very dense cellulai tissue : it corresponds also to the mastoid process, the sterno-cleido-mastoid and digas- tric muscles, and indirectly to the transverse process of the atlas. This surface is ex tremely irregular, adheres by means of dense cellular tissue, and is dissected off with great difficulty in an attempt to remove the entire gland. On the inside it is reduced to a mere border, which corresponds to the styloid process, and the muscles and ligament connected with it. It sends off a considerable prolonga- tion into the space which separates the styloid process and its muscles from the inter- nal pterygoid : but the most important relation of this border is with the external carot- id artery, for which it furnishes a groove, and sometimes, even, a complete canal. Its upper extremity corresponds to the zygomatic arch and the temporo-maxillary ar- ticulation. Its lower extremity fills up the interval between the angle of the jaw and the sterno- mastoid, and is separated from the sub-maxillary gland (m) by a very thick fibrous septum. Besides the relations already indicated, the parotid has others with the vessels and nerves which traverse it at different depths: these may be called its intrinsic or deep re- lations. Thus, the external carotid artery almost always perforates the gland near its in- ner side ; the temporal artery (see fig. 144), the transversalis faciei, and the anterior au- ricular, which commence in the substance of the gland, also traverse it in various direc- tions. We also find within it the temporal vein, which is a communicating branch be- tween the external and internal jugulars; the trunk of the facial nerve is at first placed behind the gland, then penetrates it, and divides into two or three branches, which again subdivide and traverse it in all directions. The auricular nerve, a branch of the cervi * The continuity of this glandular chain, admitted by some anatomists, is only apparent. A fibrous septum always intervenes between the sub-maxillary and the parotid glands. t In a female in whom I dissected the parotid gland, the risorius arose from the superior semicircular line of the occipital bone by two distinct fasciculi, which, passing downward and forward, united opposite the apex of the mastoid process, and then proceeding horizontally, expanded upon the parotid gland. Some of the fibres reached the commissure of the lips, but the greater number were lost upon the parotid fascia. .THE PAROTID GLAND. 341 cal plexus, also passes through it very superficially.*- The parotid gland, by a remark- able exception, always contains in its substance, a little below the surface, several lym- phatic glands, which may be readily distinguished by their red colour from the proper tissue of the gland. It maybe imagined that a morbid development of these glands may have often been mistaken for disease of the parotid itself. Structure.—A thick fibrous membrane covers the parotid glands, and sends prolonga- tions into it which divide it into lobes, and these, again, into glandular lobules. The ac- tual structure of the gland, therefore, depends upon the nature of these lobules; and, without entering into details which belong more properly to general anatomy, it may be stated that it has been shown, by the aid of the simple microscope, that each lobule is a porous, spongy body, something like the pith of the rush, and provided with afferent ves- sels, viz., the arteries; and efferent vessels, i. e., the veins and excretory ducts.t The re- lations of the nerves and lymphatic vessels with these granules have not been accurate- ly determined. The parotid arteries are very numerous ; some of them arise directly from the exter- nal carotid ; others from its branches, more particularly from the superficial temporal, the transversalis faciei, and the anterior and posterior auricular. The veins have similar names, and follow the same direction as the arteries. There is a parotid venous plexus. The lymphatic vessels are little known : they terminate partly in the glands at the an- gle of the jaw, and partly in those which lie in front of the auditory meatus. I have already said that one or more lymphatic glands are always situated in the parotid gland, a few lines below its surface. The nerves are derived from the anterior auricular (a branch of the cervical plexus) and from the facial nerve: they seem to be lost in the substance of the gland. The Parotid Duct.—A. small excretory duct (resulting from the union of its terminating vesicles) proceeds from each lobule, and unites almost immediately, at a very acute an- gle, with the ducts of the adjacent lobules. From the successive union of all these ducts a single canal results, which emerges from about the middle of the anterior margin of the gland: this is the parotid duct (s, fig. 144), called also the duct of Steno, although it had been previously described by Casserius. It passes horizontally forward, about five or six lines beneath the zygomatic arch, across the masseter, and at right angles to its fibres. At the anterior border of the masseter it changes its direction, curves in front of a mass of fat situated there, dips perpendicularly into the fat of the cheek, perforates the buccinator in the same direction, and glides obliquely, for the space of several lines, between that muscle and the mucous membrane of the mouth, which it pierces opposite the interval between the first and the second upper great molar teeth, almost on a level with the middle of their crown. The mode in which the Stenonian duct opens into the buccal cavity does not appeal to me to have been sufficiently well understood. It exactly resembles the manner in which the ureters enter the bladder. Thus, it glides obliquely for a certain distance be- neath the mucous membrane, a fact that may be easily determined by perforating the cheek at the point where the duct passes through the buccinator, and then measuring the interval between this perforation and the buccal orifice of the canal: this interval varies from two to three lines in extent. Again, the buccal orifice is oblique, like the vesical opening of the ureter, so that it is extremely easy to pass a fine probe into it. The duct of Steno is often accompanied by an accessory glandt (glandula socia paroti- dis, see fig. 144), situated between it and the zygomatic arch. The duct of this little gland opens into the main canal. I have seen twTo small accessory glands situated above the canal, one at the middle and the other at the anterior part of the masseter. Lastly, as the parotid duct is passing through the buccinator, it is surrounded by a series of glands continuous with those of the cheeks, called molar glands, the ducts of some of which appear to open into the canal, and those of others directly into the mouth. Al- though it is not flexuous, the canal, when separated from the surrounding parts, will be found much longer than it appears at first sight. * These relations prove the almost absolute impossibility of extirpating- this gland by a cutting’ instrument, and of compression after Desault’s method, for the cure cf salivary fistulse. Compression, which is extremely painful, on account of the number of nerves passing through it, can only affect its superficial portion. T [Weber has succeeded in distending with mercury the ducts 145) of the parotid gland in the infant, and has shown that they terminate in closed vesicular extremities (c) about TJL. of an inch in diameter, three times that of the capillary vessels ramifying upon “them. See Mulleds Physiology, translated by Baly, p. 447 ; and Muller on the Glands, translated by Solly, p- bJ.-(tr.) In the early embryo of the sheep, this gland consists of a canal which opens into the mouth by one extremity, but is closed at the other, and has numerous short hollow* branches projecting from it into a granular blastema: as development ad- vances, the blastema is absorbed, and the ramified canal, increasing in length, be- comes still more ramified, so as to form the ducts with their closed vesicular termi- nations.] Fig. 145. it ions.] Magnified fifty times* t Desault found this gland very large in a subject where the corresponding parotid was atrophied. 342 SPLANCHNOLOGY. Relations.—The Stenonian duct is sub-cutaneous and superficial where it passes ovei the masseter ; it is protected by a large quantity of fat, and, in front of the masseter, by the zygomaticus major. A considerable branch of the facial nerve, and some arteries derived from the transversalis faciei, run along this canal. Structure.—An exaggerated idea is generally entertained of the thickness of the duct of Steno ; it is only thick at its anterior part, where it is strengthened by an expansion of the aponeurosis of the buccinator muscle. When freed from the surrounding fat, it is not thicker than most other ducts, the ureters, for example. The notion that it is in- extensible is also incorrect. It is true, however, that the diameter of its canal is not in proportion to the size of the gland. It is formed by two membranes : one external, the nature of which is not well known ; the other internal, consisting of a prolongation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Its arteries and veins are very large. The Sub-maxillary Gland. The sub-maxillary gland (m, fig. 144) is situated in the supra-hyoid region, and part- ly behind the body of the lower jaw ; it is bounded by the reflected tendon of the digas- tricus, below which it almost always projects. Size and Figure.—lt is much smaller than the parotid, but larger than the sub-lingual. It is oblong from before backward, elliptical, irregular, and divided into two or three lobes by some deep fissures. Relations.—On the outside and helow, it corresponds to a depression on the inferior maxillary bone, in which it is completely lodged when the jaw is depressed. When, on the other hand, the head is bent backward upon the neck, the gland appears almost entirely in the supra-hyoid region, and is in relation with the platysma, being separated from it by the cervical fascia, to which it is united by cellular tissue of so loose a tex- ture, that it may be called a synovial bursa. This surface of the gland is also in rela- tion with the internal pterygoid muscle and the numerous lymphatic glands situated along the base of the jaw. On the inside and above, it corresponds to the digastric, my- lo-hyoid, and hyo-glossus muscles, and to the hypo-glossal and lingual nerves. The sub-maxillary gland almost always forms a prolongation of variable size and shape above the mylo-hyoideus. Sometimes the lobules of which it is composed are situated in lines, so as to appear like the Whartonian duct, or, rather, a second canal running parallel to it. Most commonly, this prolongation is of considerable size and irregular, and forms, as it were, a second sub-maxillary gland. The most important relation of the gland is to the facial artery (a), which runs in a groove on its posterior border, and upon the contiguous part of its external surface. Sometimes this groove is prolonged forward, and divides the gland into two unequal parts. We cannot avoid seeing the great analogy between this arrangement and that of the external carotid artery, with regard to the parotid gland. Structure.—This is identical with that of the parotid. Its investing fibrous membrane is weaker, and still more difficult of demonstration. The arteries are numerous, and arise from the facial and the lingual. The veins correspond to them. The lymphatic vessels are little known, and enter the neighbouring glands. The nerves are derived from the lingual and the myloid branch of the dental. I should remark, that all the nerves proceeding from the sub-maxillary ganglion are destined for this gland. The excretory duct of the sub-maxillary gland is called the Whartonian duct, although it was really discovered by Van Horne. It is formed by the successive union of all the small ducts proceeding from the lobules ; it leaves the gland at the upper bifurcation of its anterior extremity, and, consequently, above the mylo-hyoideus, and is directed ob- liquely upward and inward, parallel to the great hypo-glossal and lingual nerves. It is at first placed between the mylo-hyoid and hyo-glossus muscles, and then glides between the genio-hyo-glossus and the sub-lingual gland, to the inner surface of which it is at- tached.* I have never succeeded in determining whether it receives any excretory duct or ducts from this gland. Having reached the side of the freenum linguae, the duct, which is sub-mucous in the whole of the portion corresponding to the sub-lingual gland, changes its direction, passes forward, and opens by an extremely narrow orifice upon the summit of a prominent and movable papilla found behind the incisor teeth. This orifice, which can scarcely be seen by the naked eye, was found to admit a hog’s bristle in a particular case presented to the Anatomical Society by M. Robert.! Bordeu has correctly described the appearance of this orifice by the term ostiolum umbilicale. The duct of Wharton is remarkable for the thinness of its coats, which are not thick- er than those of a vein; for its great calibre, which exceeds that of Steno’s duct; for the extensibility of its coats, the canal sometimes acquiring an enormous size ; and, last- ly, for its proximity to the mucous membrane of the mouth, which causes it, when much dilated, to project into the buccal cavity. * [See fig. 146, in which the gland itself (m) hangs down, resting upon the hyo-glossus ; the digastric and mylo-hyoid muscles and half the lower jaw have been removed.] t This was observed in a shoemaker ; the bristle had become the nucleus of a salivary calculus. THE SUBjLINGUAL GLAND. 343 The Sub-lingual Gland. The sub-lingual gland {I, fig. 146), which may he regarded as an agglomeration of small- er glands analogous to those of the lips and palate, is sit- nafprl in til ft Sllh-linornQl fr»C!C«a fha 1 nurov in"\\t of flip QlVlp l&' 146. uated in the sub-lingual fossa of the lower jaw, at the side of the symphysis menti; it is much smaller than the pre- ceding gland, with which it is sometimes continuous. Its shape s oblong, like that of an olive flattened at the sides. The following are its relations: It is subjacent to the mucous membrane, beneath wThich its upper edge forms a prominent ridge, runnjng from before backward along the sides of the fraenum ; its lower edge rests upon the mylo-hyoid muscle ; its external surface corresponds partly to the mucous membrane and partly to the sub-lin- gual fossa; its internal surface is in relation with the mucous membrane, with the genio-hyo-glossus (from which it is separated by the lingual nerve), with the Whar- tonian duct (which, we have seen, closely adheres to it), and with the ranine vein. Its anterior extremity touches the gland of the opposite side. Its posterior extremity and its lower edge are embraced by the lingual nerve, which gives numerous filaments to it. A small glandular prolonga- tion also proceeds from its posterior extremity, and runs along the edge of the tongue. Structure.—Precisely similar to that of the other salivary glands. Its arteries arise from the sub-mental and sub-lingual. Its veins bear the same name. Its nerves are numerous, and are derived from the lingual. Its excretory ducts, called also the ducts of Rivinus, from their discoverer, are seven or eight in number. They open along the sub-lingual crest: their orifices may be shown by placing a coloured fluid in the mouth. Most anatomists state, that several of the ducts of this gland open into the Whartonian duct. General Characters of the Salivary Glands.—The salivary glands present the following general characters; 1. They are situated around the lower jaw, extending along its body and rami, from the condyles to the symphysis ; they are in relation, on the one hand, with the maxilla- ry bone, and on the other with numerous muscles, so that they are subjected to consid- erable compression during the movements of the lower jaw. 2. They all have direct relations with large arteries, which communicate their pulsations to them. 3. They re- ceive vessels from a great number of points, and the vessels themselves are very numer- ous. 4. They are penetrated by many of the cerebro-spinal nerves, of which some only pass through, but a certain number terminate in them. 5. In structure they resemble the pancreas and the lachrymal glands ; they have no special fibrous investment to isolate them completely from the surrounding parts ; they have no precise form, and they are subdivided into lobes and lobules. 6. Their excretory ducts pour their secretion into the mouth, i. e., the parotids between the cheeks and the teeth, the sub-maxillary and the sub-lingual glands behind the lower incisors, on each side of the apex of the tongue. This distribution of the means of insalivation between the two cavities into which the mouth is divided deserves the attention of physiologists. The Buccal Mucous Membrane. The buccal mucous membrane is continuous with the skin at the free edges of the lips ; it lines their posterior surface, and is reflected from them upon each of the maxillary bones, forming a cul-de-sac or trench, and in the median line a small fold, called the frae- num of the lips. About a line and a half or two lines from the free border of the lips, it changes its character, and constitutes the gums, which are reflected upon themselves, so as to become continuous with the fibro-mucous membrane, called the alveolo-dental periosteum. In the lower jaw the mucous membrane passes from the alveolar border to the lower wall of the mouth, and from it to the under surface of the tongue. At the point of re- flection in the median line, it torms the fraenum linguae. From the under surface of the tongue, the mucous membrane passes over its edges and upper surface, where it pre- sents the peculiarities already described; and in being reflected from the base of the tongue to the epiglottis, it forms three folds, the glosso-epiglottid, so as to become con- tinuous on the one hand with the raucous membrane of the lary nx, and on the other with that of the pharynx. In the upper jaw it is extended from the upper alveolar border upon the roof of the pal- ate, passing over the anterior and posterior palatine canals, which it closes, but does not enter. From the roof of the palate it passes upon the velum, and is continuous with the nasal mucous membrane at its free edge. On the sides it forms two large folds for the pillars of the fauces, lines the amygdaloid excavation, covers the tonsil, and becomes continuous with the mucous membrane of the base of the tongue and of the pharynx. 344 SPLANCHNOLOGY. At the sides of the buccal cavity the mucous membrane is reflected from both the alveo. lar borders upon the inner surface of the cheeks, and thus forms two trenches. At the anterior edge of the ramus of the jaw, behind the molar teeth, it is elevated by a saliva- ry gland, which marks the limit between the cheeks and the pillars of the fauces. Inside this prominence it forms a cul-de-sac. The buccal mucous membrane sends off prolongations into the numerous canals which open into the mouth. Thus, on the floor of the mouth there are two for the Whartonian ducts, and several for the small ducts of the sub-lingual glands. Two others are seen on the inner sides of the cheeks for the ducts of Steno ; and it is also clear that it must pen- etrate into the thousands of other orifices with which the mouth is studded (those of the buccal, labial, palatine, and other glands). But in all these prolongations its structure is modified, and it becomes exceedingly thin. It has been proved that it lines not only the larger ducts, but even their minutest subdivisions. Thus, there is a kind of parotitis, which consists in inflammation of the lining membrane of the excretory ducts of that gland; and then all the canals are filled with muco-puriform secretion, which escapes by the buccal orifice when the gland is compressed. The numerous openings on the surface of the tonsil are formed by the prolongations of this membrane into the cavities situated in its interior. Although the different parts of the buccal mucous membrane are continuous, they do not all possess the same characters. Compare, for instance, in regard to their density, thickness, and closeness of adhesion to the subjacent tissues, the mucous membrane of the gums and palate with that of the lips and cheeks, or the membrane covering the low- er with that upon the upper surface of the tongue, or the mucous membrane of the free edge of the velum palati with that of the arches and the amygdaloid excavation. The two principal characters of the buccal mucous membrane are the following: 1. The presence of an epidermis or epithelium* (as it is called in mucous membranes). This can be distinctly demonstrated by maceration, or by the action of boiling water or some acid ; by any of these means a pellicle is raised, having all the characters of an ep- idermis. It is very thick upon the gums, the roof of the palate, and upon the tongue, where it forms a horny sheath to each papilla. To the existence of this membrane, and of the fluid with which it is constantly kept moist, we must attribute the possibility of applying, or, rather, running, a red-hot'iron over the surface of the tongue without burn- ing the part. 2. The multiplicity of small subjacent glands, so near to each other in some parts as to form a continuous layer. These glands should be carefully distinguished from the muciparous follicles or crypts, with which many modern anatomists have commonly confounded them. To these two characteristics a third may be added, pe- culiar to some portions of the buccal mucous membrane, viz., that it is supported by a very dense fibrous tissue, with which it is completely united. This fibrous layer is per- fectly distinct from the periosteum, and from its presence the mucous membrane should be arranged among the fibro-mucous membranes. The Pharynx. The pharynx the throat,! 1, 2, 3, fig. 140), long confounded with the (esopha- gus, under the common name of gula or oesophagus, is a muscular and membranous semi- canal, perfectly symmetrical, and situated in the median line: it is a sort of vestibule, common to the digestive and the respiratory passages, intermediate between the buccal and nasal cavities on the one hand, and between the (esophagus and larynx on the other. It is situated deeply in front of the vertebral column, extending from the basilar process of the occipital bone to opposite the fourth or fifth cervical vertebra and the cricoid cartilage. It therefore corresponds to the parotid, and partly to the supra-hyoid regions. Its dimensions deserve particular attention. It is smaller than the mouth, but larger than the oesophagus, which, compared to it, resembles the tube of a funnel. Hence it follows, that foreign bodies, which have been able to pass along the mouth and pharynx, may be arrested in the oesophagus. In length it is from 4to 4£ inches, which may be increased to s|-, or even by dis- tension, and reduced to 2£ by the greatest possible contraction, which is limited only by the contact of the base of the tongue with the velum palati rendered horizontal. The length of the pharynx, therefore, may be made to vary about 4 inches. The pharynx undergoes these extreme variations both in deglutition and in modula- ting the voice; in effecting which latter purpose, it acts in the same way as the tube of a clarinet or flute. Thus considered, the entire length of the pharynx may be divided into three parts, a nasal (I, Jig. 140), a buccal or guttural (2), and a laryngeal (3) portion. It may be easily seen that the variations in length affect almost exclusively the buccal portion, into which the air is received after escaping from the larynx. Now these vari- ations in the length of the pharynx have the same influence over the compass of the hu- * [The existence of an epithelium is common to all mucous membranes; that of the buccal cavity is of the squamous variety.] t The term pharynx had -o well-defined meaning- among- the ancients; they sometimes used it to designate •he pharynx, properly so called ; sometimes the larynx. THE PHARYNX. 345 man voice as the differences in the lengths of the tubes of wind-instruments have upon the sounds produced by them. The breadth of the upper or nasal portion of the pharynx is measured by the interval between the posterior margins of the internal pterygoid plates ; it is about one inch, and is invariable. In the buccal portion the same diameter is measured by the interval be- tween the posterior extremities of the alveolar borders, and is about two inches : it may be diminished to one inch by the contraction of the constrictor muscles. The breadth of the laryngeal portion is measured, first, by the interval between the summits of the great cornua of the os hyoides, where it is about one inch and near two lines ; then by the interval between the superior cornua of the thyroid cartilage, which is an inch and two or three lines ; and, lastly, by the interval between the inferior cornua of the same cartilage, about eleven or twelve lines. The contraction of this laryngeal portion may be carried to complete obliteration of the cavity. Both the buccal and laryngeal portions, therefore, are capable of contraction, and this always takes place in deglutition, in order to force down and compress the alimentary mass. Contraction of the buccal portion also takes place in the modulation of sounds: it exerts the same influence over the compass of the human voice as the contraction of the tubes of the flute or clarinet does over the notes of those instruments. The antero-posterior dimensions of the pharynx are not subject to the same variations as the transverse and vertical, on account of the presence of the vertebral column. Its en- largement in this direction is produced during that period in the act of deglutition when the larynx and os hyoides are carried forward and upward, and its diminution at the time when the same parts are carried upward and backward. The antero-posterior diameter of the pharynx depends upon the length of the basilar process of the occipital bone. Figure.—The pharynx does not form a complete cavity with distinct and separate walls, but, rather, half or two thirds of a canal, which is completed in part by several or- gans otherwise not belonging to it. Moreover, the pharynx, from its commencement down to the larynx, is habitually open, and in a state of tension; its walls are never in apposition: an important circumstance in reference to the continual passage of air through its nasal and buccal portions. This tension depends on its attachment to the basilar process, and to the fixed points at its sides, and also upon the tendinous struc- ture of its upper portion. Opposite the larynx the tension ceases to exist. The pharynx, as well as all other hollow organs, presents an external and an internal surface. The External Surface.—This is in relation behind, by a plane surface, with the verte- bral column (see fig. 140), from which it is separated by the long muscles of the neck and the anterior recti of the head. It glides, by means of some very loose cellular tissue, upon the fascia covering the muscles of that region ; and when, from the effect of in- flammation, this cellular tissue becomes dense, the movements of deglutition cannot be performed, and dysphagia is the result. The relation of the pharynx to the vertebral col- umn accounts for congestive abscesses of the neck sometimes opening into the pharynx. At the sides the pharynx is separated from the internal pterygoid muscle by a triangular space, broad below and narrow above, occupied by the internal carotid artery, the inter- nal jugular vein, and the pneumogastric, glosso-pharyngeal, hypo-glossal, and spinal ac- cessory nerves, all being surrounded by very loose cellular tissue. The sides of the pharynx are also indirectly in relation with the parotid gland and the styloid muscles. Lower down, the pharynx corresponds to a great number of lymphatic glands, and to the external carotid artery and its branches. The Internal Surface.—In order to examine this surface, it is necessary to open the pharynx from behind by a vertical incision. We shall then perceive that this structure only exists behind and at the sides, but that in front it presents a great number of open- ings (see figs. 140, 141), the arrangement of which is of great interest. Proceeding from above downward, we find, 1. The two posterior openings of the na- sal fossa (1), quadrilateral in form, having their longest diameter vertical, and separated from each other by the posterior edge of the septum. On looking into them, we see the posterior extremities of the turbinated bones and the terminations of the several mea- tuses. 2. The upper surface of the velum palati (c a), forming an inclined plane, which directs the mucous secretions into the throat. 3. The isthmus of the fauces (2), of a sem- icircular form, divided into two arches, and exhibiting the pillars, the amygdaloid ex- cavation, and the prominence of the tonsils. 4. The superior opening of the larynx (3), the plane of which is directed obliquely upward and forward (see fig. 140); the epiglottis (.hfig. 140), which is ordinarily erect, closes this opening by becoming depressed like a valve. 5. The posterior surface of the larynx, with its two lateral and triangular grooves, broad above and narrow below, which have been regarded as specially intended for the swallowing of liquids, which thus pass on each side of the laryngeal opening. It is extremely curious and highly important to study all the objects displayed in the complicated mechanism of the pharynx : by so doing, we learn how the air passes from the nasal fossa and mouth into the pharynx, and thence into the larynx, into which it is drawn by the active expansion of the thorax, without ever entering the (esophagus; X x 346 SPLANCHNOLOGY-. how the mucous secretions of the nose, or blood, can pass from the nose down into the mouth and throat; how instruments may be introduced from the nasal fossae and buccal cavity into the oesophagus and larynx, or drawn from the nose into the mouth; and, lastly, how solids and liquids can pass into the oesophagus without entering the air-pas- sages, or why they sometimes take this irregular course. The 'posterior wall of the pharynx is broader in the buccal region than either above or below ; it may be partially seen through the isthmus of the fauces in the living subject. There is no folding of the membrane upon any part of this wall: we only lind a few glands forming projections beneath the lining membrane. On each lateral wall is seen the expanded orifice of the corresponding Eustachian tube if, fig. 140), and a groove leading from it downward and inward. This orifice corre- sponds precisely to the posterior extremity of the lowrer turbinated bone: an important relation, because it serves as a guide in the now common operation of introducing a catheter into the Eustachian tube. The roof of the pharynx corresponds to the basilar process : it may be reached by the finger introduced into the mouth, if it be curved directly upwTard. There is no very distinct line of demarcation, either internally or externally, between the pharynx and the oesophagus (y, fig. 140). Their limits are established by a sudden narrowing of the tube,* by a change of colour in the lining membrane, and by a change in the direction and colour of the muscular fibres, which are red in the pharynx and much paler in the oesophagus. Structure of the Pharynx.—The pharynx is composed of an aponeurotic portion, of muscles, of vessels and nerves, and of a lining mucous membrane. The aponeurotic portion, or framework of the pharynx, is composed of the cephalo-pha ryngeal aponeurosis and of the petro-pharyngeal aponeurosis. The cephalo-pharyngeal, or posterior aponeurosis of the pharynx, arises from the lower surface of the basilar process, from the Eustachian tubes, and from the contiguous parts of the petrous portions of each temporal bone ; it is continuous above with the thick pe- riosteum which covers the basilar process, is prolonged vertically downward, and, grad- ually diminishing in thickness, is lost after extending about an inch and a half or two inches. On this membrane the constrictor muscles of the pharynx terminate. The petro-pharyngeal, or lateral aponeurosis of the pharynx, arises from the petrous portion of the temporal bone, internally to the inferior orifice of the carotid canal, by a very thick tendinous bundle, continuous, at a right angle, with the cephalo-pharyngeal aponeurosis ;f it then descends along the sides of the pharynx, and splits into bundles, which are inserted into the pterygoid fossa between the internal pterygoid muscle and the circumflexus palati, separating these muscles from each other. From thence it gives off to the posterior extremity of the inferior alveolar border a fibrous prolongation, to the front of which the buccinator muscle is attached. This aponeurosis covers the tonsil, to which it is closely united. It is prolonged downward as far as the upper bor- der of the os hyoides, in order to form the framework of the side and lower part of the pharynx. Muscles of the Pharynx. The muscles of the pharynx are divided into intrinsic and extrinsic, The Intrinsic Muscles. The intrinsic muscles have a membranous form, and are arranged in three successive imbricated layers. Santorini described a great many muscles in the pharynx, on ac- count of their numerous attachments ; but Albinus has reduced them to three on each side, named constrictors, distinguished into an inferior, a middle, and a superior. Chaus- sier united all the muscles which enter into the composition of the pharynx under the collective name of les stylo-pharyngiens. The division of Albinus has been generally and justly preferred. Fig. 147. The Inferior Constrictor. This is a membranous muscle iic,figs. 141, 147), of a lozenge, or, rather, a trapezoid shape, the most superficial and the thick- est of all the muscles of the pharynx, and is situated at the low- er part of that cavity. It is attached, on the one hand, to the cri- coid and the thyroid cartilages, and, on the other, to the fibro- cellular raphe, along the posterior median line of the pharynx (crico-pharyngien and thyro-pharyngien, Valsalva, Winslow, and Santorini). It might be called the crico-thyro-pharyngeus. It arises upon the side of the cricoid cartilage, from a triangu- lar space bounded in front by the crico-thyroideus (a, fig. 147), * [This occurs exactly opposite the cricoid cartilage.] t The superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic nerve lies upon the angle formed by these two aponeuroses. MUSCLES OF THE PHARYNX. 347 from which it often receives some fibres, and behind by the crico-arytenoideus posticus {i, fig. 141) i. Its thyroid, origins are much more extensive, and take place from an imaginary ob- lique line on the outer surface of that cartilage, from the two tubercles at the extremi- ties of that line, and from the entire surface behind it; also from the upper and poste- rior borders, and from the corresponding inferior cornu of the same cartilage. Having thus arisen by two very distinct digitations, the fleshy fibres pass in different direc- tions : the inferior fibres, short and horizontal, proceed directly inward ; the superior be- come longer, and are directed more obliquely upward, in proportion as they approach the upper part of the muscle : they terminate by an expanded border of much greater extent than the outer border, and the upper extremity of which rarely extends above the middle of the pharynx. The transverse direction and the shortness of the inferior fibres have obtained for them the name of the oesophageal muscle (Winslow, Santorini). Relations.—Covered by a dense cellular membrane, which surrounds the entire pha- rynx, and which might be regarded as the proper sheath of its muscles, the inferior con- strictor has the same relations posteriorly as the pharynx itself. Externally it is cov- ered by the sterno-thyroid muscle and the thyroid body. It covers the middle constric- tor, the stylo-pharyngeus, and palato-pharyngeus, and, for a great part of its extent, it is in contact with the mucous membrane of the pharynx (see Jigs. 141, 147). The recur- rent laryngeal nerve passes under the lower margin of this muscle, near its cricoid at- tachment, in order to enter the larynx. Its upper margin is well defined from the other constrictors by a tolerably distinct ridge, and by the passage of the superior laryngeal nerve beneath it. Winslow states that he has seen some fibres of the muscle arise from the thyroid body; and Morgagni, that he has traced some from the first ring of the trachea. Action.—lt is simply a constrictor in its lower portion : its upper fibres act as a con stricter, a depressor, and a tensor of the posterior wall of the pharynx ; it can also raise the larynx, and carry it backward. The Middle Constrictor. This is a membranous triangular muscle (v,figs. 141, 147), situated in the middle oi the pharynx, upon a plane anterior to the preceding. It arises from the os hyoides, and is inserted into the posterior median raphe (hyo-pha ryngeus). It arises from the os hyoides in the following manner: 1. From the whole ex- tent of the upper surface of the great cornu below the hyo-glossus (<), from which it is separated by the lingual artery ; a great many fibres arise by a tendinous origin from the apex of this cornu. 2. From the lesser cornu and the contiguous part of the stylo-hyoid ligament. From these different origins, which form the external truncated angle of the muscle, the fleshy fibres diverge in various directions ; the inferior passing downward, the middle transversely, and the superior upward : the latter are much more oblique and more numerous than the others, and terminate in a pointed extremity, which never reach- es as high as the basilar process. Relations.—lts external surface is in a great measure superficial, and is in relation with the muscles of the pras-vertebral region, through the medium of the cellular investment of the pharynx. It is covered, in the rest of its extent, by the inferior constrictor and the hyo-glossus. It covers the mucous membrane of the pharynx, the superior constric- tor, the stylo-pharyngeus, and the palato-pharyngeus. Its upper margin may be dis- tinguished from the superior constrictor by its projecting slightly behind that muscle, and by the stylo-pharyngeus (r), which lifts up this border in penetrating into the pharynx. Action.—lt is a constrictor of the pharynx, and can draw the os hyoides upward and backward. The Superior Constrictor. This is a quadrilateral muscle (g,figs. 141, 147), occupying the upper part of the pha- rynx ; it arises from the pterygoid process, the mylo-hyoid ridge, and the base of the tongue, and is inserted into the posterior median raphe {ptcrygo-pharyngeus, buccinato- pharyngeus, mylo-pharyngeus, and glosso-pharyngeus, Santorini). It arises, 1. By tendinous fibres, from the lower third of the margin of the internal pterygoid plate and its hamular process. 2. From the contiguous portion of the palate bone, and the reflected tendon of the circumfiexus palati. 3. From the buccinato-pha- ryngeal aponeurosis, which extends from the pterygoid process to the posterior extrem- ity of the inferior alveolar arch.* 4. From the posterior extremity of the mylo-hyoid line. 5. The fibres which are said to arise from the base of the tongue are nothing More than those fibres of the genio-hyo-glossus, which Winslow has described as le ge- nio-pharyngien. These are the same fibres, so difficult to demonstrate, which Valsalva and Santorini have regarded as forming a particular muscle, denominated by them the glosso-pharyngeus. From these different origins the fleshy fibres curve backward, and then pass trans- _ * As this same aponeurosis gives attachment to the buccinator, it may be conceived that the contraction of that muscle cannot be altogether without effect upon the pharynx. 348 SPLANCHNOLOGY. versely inward ; the superior form a sort of arch, having its concavity directed upward {see Jigs. 141, 1'47), and are inserted into the cephalo-pharyngeal aponeurosis ; they form the ccphalo-pharyngeus muscle of some authors, which is said to be continued from one side to the other without any intermediate raphe. This muscle forms a very thin layer, the fibres of which are paler and less distinct than those of the other constrictors. Relations.—lts external surface is partly covered by the preceding muscle, and has be- hind, and on the sides, the same relations as the pharynx. This muscle forms the inner side of a triangular space already described (p. 345) (the maxillo-pharyngeal), the outer side of which is formed by the ramus of the lower jaw and the internal pterygoid mus- cle {b,fig. 141), and which is occupied by the internal carotid artery, the internal jugu- lar vein, and the pneumogastric, hypo-glossal, and spinal accessory nerves. Its internal surface {fig. 141) is in relation with the pharyngeal mucous membrane, with the levator palati (c), which it separates from the circumflexus palati {d), and with the palato-pharyngeus (e). Action.—It is a constrictor. Remarks.—From the preceding description, it follows, 1. That the constrictors of the pharynx form three super-imposed or, rather, imbricated muscular layers. This imbrica- tion, or overlapping, is so arranged that the projections (very slight, it is true) formed by the upper margins of the constrictors are on the outer, not on the inner surface of the pharynx ; and this has, perhaps, some relation to the downward course of the ali- mentary mass.* 2. That the thickest part of the muscular layer formed by the constric- tors is opposite the buccal portion of the pharynx, where the lower and middle constric- tors overlap ; and that the thinnest part is in the nasal portion, which is formed by the superior constrictor alone. 3. That the pharyngeal insertions of all the constrictors are upon a single line, the median raphe, while their points of origin are exceedingly nu- merous, viz., commencing from below, the cricoid cartilage, the thyroid cartilage, the great and lesser cornua of the os hyoides, the base of the tongue, the mylo-hyoid line, the buc- cinato-pharyngeal aponeurosis, and, lastly, the pterygoid process. The Extrinsic Muscles. The extrinsic muscles of the pharynx are generally two in number, the stylo-pharyn- geus and the palato-pharyngeus. The latter has been already described among the mus- cles of the velum palati. It is by no means uncommon to find several supernumerary muscles The Stylo-pharyngeus. This muscle (r, figs. 143, 147), which is round above and broad and thin below, arises by tendinous and fleshy fibres from the inner side of the base of the styloid process, or, rather, from the vaginal process surrounding that base. From this point it passes down- ward and inward, becomes wider and flattened as it enters the pharynx between the middle and superior constrictors, to spread out beneath the mucous membrane. Its up- per fibres ascend, the middle are transverse, and the lower fibres descend to terminate along the posterior border of the thyroid cartilage! (see fig. 143). These fibres, togeth- er with those of the palato-pharyngeus, form the fourth muscular layer of the pharynx. Relations.—Before entering the pharynx, the stylo-pharyngeus is in relation on the out- side with the stylo-glossus muscle (w), the external carotid artery, and the parotid gland ; on the inside, with the internal carotid and the internal jugular vein. Its most interest- ing relation is with the glosso-pharyngeal nerve, which runs along its outer side. Some branches of the nerve often pass through it. In the pharynx it is covered by the middle constrictor, and it lies outside the superior constrictor, the palato-pharyngeus, and the mucous membrane. Action.—It raises the larynx and the pharynx. Supernumerary Muscles of the Pharynx. Among the supernumerary extrinsic muscles of the pharynx, I shall notice, 1. A fascicu- lus pointed out by Albinus, which I have often met with : it arises from the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and passes into the walls of the pharynx; it is the petro-pharyn- gcus of some authors. 2. A very strong fasciculus, arising from the basilar process in front of the foramen magnum, passing downward and inward, and interlacing with its fellow of the opposite side in the median line : it may be called the occipito-pharyngeus. 3. A small muscle, which I have seen arising by well-marked tendinous fibres from the summit of the hamular process of the internal pterygoid plate, passing obliquely inward and downward, and expanding on the walls of the pharynx; it may be called the extrin- sic pterygo-pharyngeus. 4. Riolanus has described a spheno-pharyngeus arising from the spinous process of the sphenoid, and Santorini and Winslow have noticed a salpingo-pha- ryngeus arising from the cartilaginous portion of the Eustachian tube and the contiguous bone, and blended in the pharynx with the palato-pharyngeus. * In the construction of pipes or tunnels for the conveyance of water, &c., each piece is received into that below it; an opposite arrangement would facilitate the blocking up of the pipe. t Somemnatomists affirm that they have seen fibres from this muscle reaching the base of the tongue, the epiglottis, and the os hyoides. SUPERNUMERARY MUSCLES OF THE PHARYNX. 349 Such, then, are the muscles of the pharynx. They are all, as we have seen, constric- tors, and at the same time elevators, in consequence of their fibres rising to a greater height internally upon the median line than they do externally; the stylo-pharyngeus alone can be regarded as a dilator. Indeed, dilatation is chiefly effected by the muscles of the os hyoides, by the action of which the larynx is carried upward and forward; we may, therefore, with Haller, consider them as extrinsic muscles of the pharynx. Pharyngeal Mucous Membrane.—The muscular semi-canal of the pharynx is lined by a mucous membrane continuous with the buccal and nasal mucous membranes on the one hand, and with those of the larynx and oesophagus on the other. This membrane, which is of a reddish colour, presents some peculiarities at different parts of its extent. Above, near the basilar process, it is thick, and, as it were, fungous, and closely united to the periosteum, from which, indeed, it cannot be separated; in this region it is very liable to become the seat of fibrous polypi. Near the posterior orifices of the nasal fossae and the openings of the Eustachian tubes, it is, in some respects, similar to the pituitary membrane.* It forms a sort of rim around the trumpet-shaped orifice of the Eustachian tube, into which it is prolonged in a remarkable manner, gradually becoming thinner, and at length continuous with the lining membrane of the cavity of the tympanum. This continuity of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and Eustachian tube explains the close sympathy between these parts, and also the deafness which so frequently follows chronic sore throats and coryzse, in consequence of the obstruction of these tubes. In its buccal portion it exactly resembles the mucous membrane, upon the lower sur- face of the velum palati: the part covering the posterior surface of the larynx is pale, and forms several folds. The mucous membrane of the pharynx adheres to the subjacent muscles only through the medium of very loose cellular tissue, which is never loaded with fat, nor infiltrated with serosity. It is still less intimately adherent to the posterior surface of the larynx. Its surface is raised by a great number of small glands, chiefly occupying the upper part of the pharynx, near the posterior nares : we shall divide them into agglomerated and solitary. Two agglomerated glands are always situated around the orifices of the Eustachian tube ; they open upon the mucous membrane, either separately or together. These glands are sometimes arranged in a line, sometimes in several parallel rows. Haller believes that the salpingo-pharyngeus of Santorini and Winslow is nothing more than a series of these glands united together by fibrous tissue. The solitary glands are scattered over the whole extent of the pharynx. Lastly, the pharyngeal mucous mem- brane is provided with a thin epithelium,! which can be easily demonstrated by macer- ation and the action of acids. Vessels and Nerves.—The pharynx receives a principal artery on each side, viz., the inferior pharyngeal, a branch of the internal carotid. The superior pharyngeal branch of the internal maxillary, and some small twigs from the palatine and the superior thy- roid, complete its arterial system. Its veins form a very considerable plexus around it (the pharyngeal venous plexus), and terminate in the internal jugular and superior thyroid. The lymphatic vessels are little known ; they pass into the glands lying along the internal jugular vein. Its nerves are very numerous, and form a remarkable plexus—the pharyngeal, which I regard as one of the largest in the body. They are derived from two sources :1. From cerebro- spinal axis, viz., the pharyngeal nerve, a branch of the pneumogastric, which appears to be principally distributed to the muscular layer ; the glosso-pharyngeal, which appears to be chiefly destined for the mucous membrane ; and, lastly, some branches of the supe- rior laryngeal and the spinal accessory. 2. From the ganglionic system, several large, gray, and soft branches being distributed to it from the superior cervical ganglion. This abundance of nerves, and also the sources from which they are derived, will serve to explain, 1. The great sensibility of the pharynx, to which part we refer the feeling of thirst, which some have, therefore, proposed to term the pharyngeal sense; 2. The part which it performs in the perception of certain flavours, for example, those of acids ; 3. The sympathy between the pharynx, the base of the tongue, and the stom- ach ; 4. The feelings of constriction and strangulation, so common in the pharynx ; 5 The spasms with which it is affected in tetanus and hydrophobia; and, 6. The nature of the globus hystericus, &c.t Development.—The development of the pharynx offers no remarkable phenomena; still, it is an exception to the general law of bilateral development, laid down by some anatomists. Uses of the Pharynx.—Th6 pharynx is one of the principal organs of deglutition. It t [According to Dr. Henld, the upper part of the raucous membrane of the pharynx is covered with a cilia- ted columnar epithelium, as far down as a horizontal line extending from the lowei border of tie atlas to the floor of the nasal fossee ; below that line the epithelium assumes the squamous form, and is not ciliated. In the Eustachian tube it is also columnar, and provided with cilia; but in the cavity of the tympanum it is squamous, and destitute of those organs.] . - . t We caimot explain why the syphilitic virus has so serious a predilection tor the mucous membrane of the pharynx. 350 SPLANCHNOLOGY. serves also for the passage of air in respiration, and as a tube for modulating the voice. The importance of the pharynx in this last point of view, and the influence which its dif- ferent degrees of shortening and constriction exercise upon the compass of the voice, do not appear to me to have sufficiently engaged the attention of physiologists. The oesophagus (olau, I will convey, and dya>, I eat) is a musculo-membranous canal, an organ of deglutition, intended to convey the food from the pharynx into the stomach. It occupies the lower part ot the cervical region and all the thoracic region, and perfo- rates the diaphragm, in order to terminate in the stomach. Directions.—It is situated in the median line, resting against the vertebral column; its general direction is straight, for the food does not remain in it; nevertheless, it pre- sents several slight curves; at its commencement it is exactly in the middle line, but inclines somewhat to the left side in the neck ; in the upper part of the thorax it deviates slightly to the right side, then again becomes median, and, lastly, inclines to the left, where it passes through the diaphragm. The general direction of the oesophagus per- mits the introduction of straight probangs into the stomach. The inflection which it undergoes at its entrance into the thorax explains the reason why these instruments are sometimes arrested opposite the first rib. Dimensions.—The length of the oesophagus corresponds to the interval between the pharynx and the stomach, i. e., the space between the fifth cervical vertebra, or the cri- coid cartilage, and the tenth dorsal vertebra. In regard to its calibre, or diameter, the oesophagus is the narrowest part of the alimentary canal. Its diameter is not uniform throughout, the cervical portion* being certainly the narrowest; and, therefore, foreign bodies which are too large to pass through the alimentary canal, are generally arrested in the neck. The widest portion of the oesophagus is its lower end. The oesophagus is capable of a certain degree of dilatation, as is proved by the passage of large foreign bodies for a considerable distance through it {Mem. d'Hevin, Acad. Roy. de Chirurgie), sometimes even as far as the stomach. That this dilatability, however, is very limited, may be inferred from the pain caused by swallowing too large a morsel, and also from the stoppage of foreign bodies in the gullet. Nevertheless, in some cases, from external pressure upon, or from stricture of, some part of this canal, it becomes greatly enlarged above the seat of obstruction, and forms a sort of ampulla or dilatation resembling the crop in gallinaceous birds. In one case I found a sort of pouch, or di- verticulum, of the mucous membrane, of considerable size, protruding between the sep- arated muscular fibres, and at first sight resembling the crop of gallinaceous birds. An example has been recorded of dangerous suffocation occasioned by the pressure of ali- mentary matters in a cavity of that kind. Figure.—The oesophagus is cylindrical, and differs from the rest of the alimentary canal in never containing any air, so that (when at rest) its parietes are always in con- tact. It is somewhat flattened, and, as it were, compressed, at its upper part; but be- low it always presents the appearance of a solid cylinder, or a dense firm cord. This appearance exists through its whole extent in some animals, the horse, for example. Like all hollow organs, the oesophagus presents two surfaces, an external and an in- ternal. The external surface. In its long course the oesophagus has many relations, all ot which are of great importance, and must be examined in the neck, in the thorax and in the abdomen. In its cervical portion (?/, figs. 114, 140), the oesophagus is in relation in front with the membranous portion of the trachea (x), beyond which it projects a little on the left side. The cellular tissue uniting these two canals is most condensed above. All that portion which projects beyond the trachea comes into relation with the left sterno-thyroid muscle (n, fig. 114), the thyroid body (z), the left recurrent laryngeal nerve, and the inferior thy- roid vessels, which cross it at right angles. The relation of the oesophagus to the tra- chea explains how foreign bodies arrested in the former passage may compress the tra- chea, and impede or even prevent respiration. The deviation of the oesophagus to the left is the reason for selecting that side for the performance of oesophagotomy. Behind, it corresponds to the longi colli muscles and to the vertebral column, being united to them by loose cellular tissue, so that it is enabled to execute those movements which are necessary for the performance of its functions. Laterally, it corresponds to the thy- roid body, the common carotid artery, and the internal jugular vein ; but these relations are somewhat modified on each side, in consequence of the deviation of the oesophagus. Thus, the relations of the oesophagus with the left common carotid are much more im- mediate than those with the right. The left recurrent nerve lies in front of the oesopha- gus, the right nerve a little behind it. Its thoracic portion {o,fig. 161) is situated in the posterior mediastinum, and is in rela- tion in front, commencing from above, with the trachea,, then with its bifurcation, and slightly also with the left bronchus, which crosses it obliquely, and which may be com- The (Esophagus. * [Opposite the cricoid cartilage.] THE CESOPHAGUS. pressed by it during the retention of a foreign body (an example of this accident has been recorded by Habicot); lastly, it is situated opposite and behind the ascending portion of the arch of the aorta, and the base and posterier surface of the heart, from which parts it is separated by the pericardium. Behind, it is in relation with the longus colli and the vertebral column, to which, however, it is not so closely applied as in the neck; nor does it follow the curvature of the spine in the dorsal region, but is separated from it by a space filled with cellular tissue, lymphatic glands, the vena azygos, and the thoracic duct, the latter being placed to its right side, at the lower part of the thorax, but passing be- hind it above, so as to reach the left side. Below, at the point where the oesophagus deviates to the left side, in order to gain the opening of the diaphragm, it lies in front of the aorta. On each side it forms a projection along the wall of the mediastinum, which is thus brought into relation with the corresponding lung; it is much more prominent on the right than on the left side. On the left side it is also in contact, in its entire extent, with the thoracic aorta {h,fig. 161), which is situated a little behind it. Above, it has immediate relations with the arch of the aorta, as that vessel is passing backward and to the left side of the vertebral column. It is commonly, at this point, that aneurisms of the aorta open into the oesophagus. In all this region the oesophagus is enveloped by a serous cellular tissue, extremely loose and very abundant; it is surrounded by a great number of lymphatic glands, which have been improperly named oesophageal. These glands, when enlarged, sometimes compress the gullet so much as completely to arrest deglutition. Lastly, the two pneu- mogastric nerves run along each side of the oesophagus ; inferiorly the left comes in front, and the right retires behind the canal: they communicate with each other throughout their course by loops or arches, which, perhaps, explains the pain caused by swallowing too large a mass of food. In its abdominal ■portion (if such can be said to exist), the oesophagus is in relation with the oesophageal opening of the diaphragm, below which it is entirely covered by the peritoneum. On the right side ‘and in front it is embraced by the left extremity of the liver ; behind, by the lobulus Spigelii. In some subjects the abdominal portion of the oesophagus is an inch in length, but this, I think, is occasioned by descent of the stomach. The internal surface is remarkable for its pale colour, which contrasts strongly with the rosy hue of the stomach and the upper part of the pharynx, for the wrinkling of its pa- rietes and their contact with each other, and, lastly, for its longitudinal folds, which seem to have reference to the necessity for its momentary distension during the mere passage of the food through it. Structure.—The (esophagus is essentially composed of two cylindrical membranes, one internal or mucous, the other external or muscular. The muscular coat is remarkable for its thickness, which greatly exceeds that of any other part of the alimentary canal, and is connected with the necessity for the rapid pas- sage of the alimentary mass from the pharynx into the stomach. It is susceptible of hy- pertrophy, as we find in cases of stricture of the lower part of the gullet. I have seen it five or six lines thick. In all herbivorous animals in which the oesophagus is almost incessantly in action, in those in which the food is carried upward in opposition to grav- ity during the act of deglutition, in the horse and in ruminants, the muscular coat is still more developed than in man. The muscular coat is of a red colour immediately below the pharynx, and rosy through the rest of its extent, but of a darker tint than in the succeeding portion of the aliment- ary canal. It is of a vivid red in herbivora.* This coat is composed of two very distinct layers, the external consisting of longitu- dinal fibres regularly disposed upon all sides of the oesophagus ; the internal, of circular fibres, in which we shall in vain seek for the spiral arrangement described by some anat- omists as existing m animals and in man.f • The longitudinal fibres seem to arise, at least in part, from the posterior surface of the cricoid cartilage, in the median line, be- tween the two posterior crico-arytenoid muscles ; they evidently become continuous be- low with the longitudinal muscular fibres of the stomach. The first muscular ring of the (Esophagus appears to arise from the cricoid cartilage ; it has been designated the crico- (Bsophageus. There is no sphincter, as some anatomists have affirmed, round the lower extremity of the oesophagus. The Mucous Membrane.—As Bichat has remarked, the mucous membrane of the oesoph- agus is, perhaps, next to the buccal, the thickest in the alimentary canal. By a remark- able exception (also observed in the rectum), its outer surface is united to the adjacent membrane by a very loose cellular tissue ; so that the whole mucous cylinder may be removed entire from the sort of muscular sheath in which it is contained. It has even been said that the muscular coat can force the mucous membrane downward by its con- traction, so as to produce a projecting rim around the cardiac orifice of the stomach, analogous to that which is formed at the anus in prolapsus. The longitudinal folds of * [lt consists of involuntary muscular fibres (note, p. 323), intermixed with fibres possessing transverse striae.] t [These fibres are obviously spiral in the ruminant, and many other mammalia ] 352 SPLANCHNOLOGY. the mucous membrane are not caused by the contraction and elasticity of the circular fibres of the muscular coat, but depend upon a peculiarity of structure. If the first hy- pothesis be correct, why should not the mucous membrane also present transverse folds from the action of the longitudinal fibres \ for the extremities of the oesophagus are not so fixed, nor is its tension so great that it could not be shortened by the action of these fibres. Besides the longitudinal folds, there are also in the oesophagus a number of wrinkles analogous to those of the skin, and, therefore, irregular; they appear to me to be caused by the elasticity of the muscular fibres. The mucous membrane of the oesophagus has a thick epithelium, which may be easily shown by maceration and the action of acids, or even without preparation, and which terminates at the cardiac orifice of the stomach by an irregularly fringed or festooned border. * When examined by the microscope, the free surface of the mucous membrane pre- sents a number of small linear ridges, running vertically, and united together by other oblique ridges, so that the whole surface has a reticulated aspect. These ridges are formed by papillae or villosities, the arteries and veins of which have been accurately figured by Bleuland. The surface of the mucous membrane is raised in various places by small, oblong, and flat glands found here and there over the entire oesophagus. They were first described by Steno, and should be carefully distinguished from the oesophageal lymphatic glands : the latter are external to the oesophagus, and, in certain animals, frequently contain small entozoa : they have been supposed to open into the oesophagus, and to deposite within it a fluid containing these animalcules, which some physiologists have regarded as the chief agent in digestion. Any communication, however, between these lymphatic glands and the cavity of the gullet is purely accidental. The true oesophageal glands are very numerous.! In the oesophagus, there is only a trace of the fibrous membrane, which forms the frame- work of the alimentary canal; it adheres to the muscular coat, and is, therefore, but loosely attached to the mucous membrane. There is no external serous membrane ; it would not have yielded to the instantane- ous dilatation required in the oesophagus. The two laminae of the posterior mediasti, num corresponding to its sides may be regarded as forming the rudiment of a serous coat. Vessels and Nerves.—The oesophageal arteries are numerous, and arise from several sources. They may be distinguished into the cervical, proceeding from the inferior thy- roid ; the thoracic, given off either directly from the aorta or from the bronchial and in- tercostal arteries, and sometimes from the internal mammary; and, lastly, the abdominal, arising from the coronary artery of the stomach, and the inferior phrenic. The veins terminate in the inferior thyroid, the superior cava, the azygos, the internal mammary, the bronchial, the phrenic, and the coronary of the stomach. The lymphatic vessels enter the numerous glands which surround the oesophagus. The nerves are very numerous, and are derived from the pneumogastrics, which sur- round the oesophagus with a series of loops ; these are joined by some branches from the thoracic ganglia of the sympathetic. The development of the oesophagus presents nothing worthy of notice. Functions.—The oesophagus is intended to convey the food rapidly from the pharynx to the stomach. This function is performed by its longitudinal fibres shortening the pas- sage, and by its circular fibres contracting it successively from above downward during deglutition; in vomiting or regurgitation, the contraction proceeds from below upward. Fig. 148. The Stomach. The stomach {yaarTjp, venlriculus), one of the princi- pal organs of digestion, is that wide dilatation (s, Jig. 139) of the alimentary canal, intervening between the oesophagus (a) and the duodenum (b c), in which the food is collected and converted into chyme. Situation.—It is situated at the junction of the upper tenth with the lower nine tenths of the alimentary ca- nal, between the organs of deglutition and those of chylification. It occupies the upper part of the abdom- inal cavity (s, figs. 155, 161), almost entirely fills the left hypochondrium, and advances into the epigastri- um, as far as the limits of the right hypochondrium.t * [The epithelium is, in fact, continued on through the rest of the alimentary canal, but becomes thinner, and assumes a different character: in the oesophagus it is squamous.] t [Especially around the lower extremity of the gullet.] t [In order to facilitate the description of the viscera contained in the abdominal cavity, anatomists have adopted the following ar- tificial division of that cavity into several regions: The abdomen is first divided into three zones hv twn Kr»ri-/nnta1 linnc nno in n * [The epithelium is, in fact, continued on through the rest of the alimentary canal, but becomes thinner, and assumes a different character: in the oesophagus it is squamous.] t [Especially around the lower extremity of the gullet.] t [ln order to facilitate the description of the viscera contained in the abdominal cavity, anatomists have adopted the following ar- tificial division of that cavity into several regions : The abdomen is first divided into three zones by two horizontal lines, one (a a THE STOMACH. 353 It is maintained in its place by the (esophagus and duodenum, and also by some folds of the peritoneum, which connect it with the diaphragm, the liver, and the spleen. The stomach is, therefore, less subject to displacement than most of the abdominal viscera. It may even be generally stated, that almost all the changes in the relative situation ol this organ are the results of displacements or alterations in the size of those organs which are connected with it. Ido not here refer to examples of complete transposition of the viscera, nor to those cases of malformation of the diaphragm, in which the stom- ach has been found in the thorax. Direction.—The stomach is directed obliquely downward to the right side, and a little forward; this direction affords some explanation of the almost constant habit of lymg on the right side during sleep, and why the rest is disturbed and digestion rendered diffi- cult in those who lie upon the left side. Changes in direction of the stomach depend upon the same causes as changes in its situation. Thus, dragging produced by displace- ment of the small intestine or the omentum, enlargements of the liver or spleen, or the use of too tight stays,* must necessarily affect the direction of this organ. We not un- frequently find stomachs having a vertical direction. Number.—The stomach is single in the human subject as well as in the greater num- ber of animals. The examples of double or triple stomachs in the human subject are merely cases of single stomachs having one or more circular constrictions.! The es- sential character of a double stomach is not an accidental or even a congenital contrac- tion, but a difference in structure. Bilocular stomachs, indeed, are very common; but this form (resembling that of some kinds of calabash-gourds), though sometimes extreme- ly well marked when the stomach is empty, disappears almost entirely when it is much distended by inflation. Size.—ln all animals, the stomach is the most capacious part of the alimentary canal; so that, in many species, where its limits are not so clearly defined as in man, the ex- istence of a stomach is determined only by the presence of a dilatation. It is of consid- erable size in herbivora, but comparatively much smaller in carnivora. The human stomach is intermediate between these extremes—a fact which affords evidence of its adaptation to both vegetable and aliment diet. The human stomach, however, presents innumerable varieties in size, from a state of extreme contraction, in which it scarcely exceeds the duodenum, to such an enormous degree of dilatation that it occupies a third, a half, or even almost the whole, of the abdominal cavity. These differences depend less upon original variations, than upon its peculiarly dilatable and elastic structure, which enables it to contain a large quantity of food, and to contract more or less com- pletely upon itself when empty. Thus, the stomach has a much greater capacity in those who adopt the bad habit of eating only one very full meal in the twenty-four hours, than in those who eat more frequently, but less abundantly. In some cases of stricture at the pylorus, it becomes enormously distended. Long-continued abstinence occasions such an amount of contraction, that it has even been asserted, that pain resulting from the rubbing of its parietes together gives rise to the feeling of hunger; but this completely mechanical hypothesis should be rejected. In a great number of cholera patients, the stomach was found to be exceedingly small. In a female, who died a month after hav- ing voluntarily swallowed a small quantity of sulphuric acid, the contracted stomach wa& not larger than a moderately-sized gall-bladder. Figure.—The stomach resembles a flattened cone, curved upon itself backward and upward, and having a rounded base; it has been compared to the bladder of a bagpipe. Sections made at right angles to its axis represent circles gradually decreasing in size from the entrance of the oesophagus to the pylorus. We have to examine its external and its internal surface. The external surface. From the peculiar form of the stomach, we are enabled to con- sider an anterior and a posterior surface, a convex border or great curvature, and a con- cave border or lesser curvature, a great cul-de-sac or tuberosity, an cesophagal extremi- ty, and a pyloric extremity. The anterior surface {upper surface of some anatomists, s, fig. 155) is directed forward, and a little upward. When inflated in the dead body with the abdomen open, it is turn- ed directly upwyard; but such cannot take place, either in the living or dead subject, fig. 148) extending-between the most prominent points of the oartilag-es of the ribs, and the other (b b) be- tween the crests of the iliac bones. The superior zone is called the epigastric ; the middle, the umbilical; and the inferior, the hypogastric. These three zones are then subdivided by two vertical parallel lines drawn from the cartilages of the eighth rib down to the centre of Poupart’s ligament. The epigastric zone is thus divided into two hypochondriac (1 I),and a middle epigastric region (2) ; the umbilical into two lumbar (3 3), and a middle umbilical region (4) ; and the hypogastric into two iliac (5 5), and a middle hypogastric region (6).] x It is impossible to insist too strongly upon the influence of too tight stays on the situation, and even the form, of the viscera occupying the base of the thorax. T-hus, changes in the situation and direction of the stomach are much more frequent in females than in males. Soemmering observed, but without stating the cause, that the stomach is more rounded in the male, and more oblong in the female. t It may, strictly speaking, be stated that ruminants have only one stomach, the rennet or abomasum; and that the first three, viz., the paunch, the reticulum, and the many plies or omasum, are nothing more than dila- tations of the oesophagus, in which the food undergoes a preparatory elaboration. The same observation ap- plies to birds, in which the crop and the gizzard are not organs of chymification, the first being merely an or- of insalivation, the second one of trituration. Y Y SPLANCHNOLOGY. when the abdominal parietes are entire ; in which case the distended stomach passes in the direction of the least resistance, i. e., forward and downward, and its anterior sur- face cannot then be completely turned up. This surface is in relation with the diaphragm, and is separated by it from the heart; with the liver, which is prolonged upon it to a greater or less extent ;* with the last six ribs, being separated from them by the diaphragm; and with the abdominal parietes in the epigastrium : hence the name given to that region. It is not uncommon to find the great omentum turned upward between the stomach and the liver. When distended, the stomach has much more extensive relations with the epigastrium, or, rather, with the abdominal parietes, both in a vertical and transverse direction. All these relations are of the greatest importance ; and, with the exception of those which concern the epigastrium, they are constant. In fact, it rarely happens that the stomach precisely corresponds to the sub-sternal or xiphoid depression, which has been called the pit of the stomach, or the scrobiculus cordis, but which belongs neither to the heart nor the stomach. In exploring this depression, it is almost always the liver which is felt; the stomach lies lower down, and is generally below the ensiforrn appendix. The posterior surface {inferior surface of some anatomists, seen turned up at s,Jig. 154) is directed downward and backward, and is seen in the sac of the omentum, of which it forms the anterior wall. It has relations with the transverse mesocolon, which serves as a floor for it, and sep- arates it from the convolutions of the small intestines ; with the third portion of the duo- denum {e' to b), by some of the older anatomists called the pillow of the stomach {ven- triculi pulvinar); and, lastly, with the pancreas (o). The duodenum, the pancreas, the aorta (a), and the pillars of the diaphragm {d d), separate it from the vertebral column, upon which it rests obliquely. These relations are modified by the emptiness or fulness of the stomach. The great curvature (the inferior or anterior border of some anatomists, cad, fig. 149) Fig. 149. is convex, and directed almost vertically downward in the empty condition of the organ, and almost di- rectly forward when it is full; it gives attachment to the two anterior layers of the great omentum. It is in relation with the abdominal parietes and the cartilages of the lower ribs, and lies along the trans- verse arch of the colon {t, fig. 155), in front of which it advances when considerably distended ; hence it was termed the colic border by Chaussier. In the distended state its relations with the abdominal pa- rietes become much more extensive ; but even then I can scarcely believe the assertions of some, that the pulsations of the gastro-epiploic arteries can be felt by the finger in emaciated individuals. The lesser curvature (the superior or posterior border of some anatomists, oh p, fig. 149) is concave, and extends from the cesophageal orifice to the pylorus; it gives attachment to the small or gastro-hepatic omentum ; it is directed upward when the viscus is empty, upward and backward when it is full; and it then embraces the vertebral column in its curvature, being separated from it by the aorta and the pillars ot the diaphragm (see fig. 154); it also embraces the small lobe of the liver or the lobulus Spigelii, the coeliac axis (t), and the solar plexus of nerves. The great extremity or great cul-de-sac of the stomach (the bottom or great tuberosity, from c to the dotted line, fig. 149) comprises all that portion which is to the left of the car- diac or oesophageal opening ; it is a sort of semi-spheroid, applied to the base of the cone formed by the rest of the stomach ; it is the highest and the largest portion of that or- gan ; it is almost entirely absent in carnivora ; it is very large in herbivora, and of a medium size in man. rI here are also many individual varieties in the size of this por- tion of the stomach ; I have met with some instances in which it was not larger than it is in carnivora. It is in contact with the spleen {k, fig. 154) (hence it is called the splenic extremity by Chaussier), with which it is connected by a fold of the peritoneum, called the gastro- splenic omentum, and by the vasa brevia. When the stomach is distended it comes into close contact with, and is, as it were, moulded upon, the spleen (see fig. 161). From this relation a great number of physiological inferences may be deduced.! The great cul- de-sac occupies the left hypochondrium, and corresponds also, in the greater part of its' * The relations of the anterior surface of the stomach with the liver are very variable in extent; it some- times reaches even to the gall-bladder. I have seen a case in which the gall-bladder adhered to the anterior surface of the stomach, and, therefore, to the left of the pylorus, and communicated with it by an orifice, through which bile and biliary calculi were discharged. t The great end of the stomach is so closely connected with the spleen, that it necessarily follows all dis- placements of that organ. 1 have met with a case in which the spleen, three or four times its natural size, was situated in the umbilical region, and had dragged down the great end of the stomach with it. The left extremity of the transverse colon, and the upper part of the descending colon, occupied the place of the great extremity of the stomach. The patient had long suffered from indigestion, which had been attributed to chron- ic gastritis. THE STOMACH. 355 extent, to the left half of the diaphragm, which is in accurate contact with it, and separ ates it from the lungs above and from the last six ribs in front. It is more or less ele- vated, according to the degree of distension of the stomach; and from this we can easi- ly understand that difficult respiration may be caused by too large a meal. Lastly, it may be stated that the great extremity of the stomach has relations behind with the pancreas, and with the left kidney and supra-renal capsule. The (esophageal extremity (o, jig. 149). The oesophagus opens into the stomach at different angles, according to the emptiness or fulness of that organ. The situation of this opening, which is improperly denominated the cardia (cor, heart), is at the left ex- tremity of the lesser curvature, to the right of the great cul-de-sac, and opposite the cesophageal opening in the diaphragm. It is embraced (c, Jig. 154) in front by the left extremity of the liver, which sometimes forms a half circle round it, and behind by the lobulus Spigelii. It is surrounded by a circle of vessels and some nerves. Examined externally, the lower end of the (esophagus is continuous with the stomach, without any other line of demarcation than that depending upon a difference in size and direction. The peritoneum is directly reflected from the diaphragm upon the oesophagus and the stomach, and forms the gastro-diaphragmatic fold (ligamentum phrenico-gastricum, Soemmering).* The pyloric extremity (pylorus, from tvuly, a gate, and ovpoc, a keeper, p,jigs. 149, &c.) .s situated at the right extremity of the stomach. It forms the apex of the cone, and presents a circular constriction or strangulation, which exactly defines the limits between the stomach and duodenum. About an inch from this constriction the stomach is much curved, so as to form a decided bend, and presents a dilatation, on the side of the great, curvature corresponding to an internal excavation, called by Willis the antrum pylori, and by others the small cul-de-sac of the stomach (from dto the dotted line c). Not uncom- monly we find a second dilatation near the first, and a third, still smaller, on the side of the lesser curvature, resulting from the bend formed by the stomach. The pyloric ex- tremity of the stomach is directed to the right side, backward and upward, and some- times even a little to the left, when the stomach is much distended. The relations of the pyloric extremity with the abdominal parietes are very variable, for the changes in the situation of the stomach chiefly affect this extremity. It corresponds to the limit between the epigastrium and the right hypochondrium; sometimes it is in relation with the gall-bladder, and hence may become stained ; in some cases it passes to the right of the gall-bladder, to the extent of an inch or an inch and a half. I have seen it occupying the horizontal fissure of the liver, the edges of which were separated for its reception. Very commonly we find the pylorus in the umbilical region. I have seen it in the hypogastrium in a female who was affected with schirrus of the pylorus, and I have also found it in the right iliac fossa. It is, therefore, extremely difficult to determine the seat of an organic lesion of the pylorus from external examination. The relations of the pylorus with the abdominal viscera are more constant: above, it corresponds to the liver and the lesser omentum; below, to the great omentum; in front, to the abdominal parietes ; and behind, to the pancreas. It is not uncommon to find it adhering to the gall-bladder. The Internal Surface.—This presents the same regions as the external surface ; all its peculiarities may be referred to the mucous membrane, which will be noticed when the structure of the stomach is described. Besides these, however, we observe here the two orifices of the stomach. The cesophageal orifice (cardiac, left, or superior orifice, ostium introitus, o, Jig. 150) is remarkable for its radiated folds (ad Stella; similitudi- nem, Haller), which are effaced by distension ; for tne irregularly fringed border and the change in colour which mark the limits between the mucous membrane of the oesophagus and of the stomach ; for its size and its capability of dilatation ; and, lastly, for the total ab- sence of any valve or sphincter. The duodenal or pyloric orifice (right or anterior ori- fice, janitor, sphinctor, ostium, exitus, p) is remarkable for an internal rim, or circular valve, which in a distend- ed and dried stomach forms a sort of diaphragm (in Fig. 150. speciem diaphragmatis, qualia sunt in tubis telescopicis, Morgagni); for the narrowness of the passage, which, with difficulty, admits the little finger in most subjects ; for its slight dilatability ; and, lastly, for the existence of a muscular ring, which may be regarded as a true sphincter. It is of importance to remark, that this orifice, independently of any disease, presents a great number of varieties in its dimensions, and it is probable that these congenital or acquired variations may have some influence upon its diseases. The relative position of these two orifices is an important anatomical point. Upon this we should observe, 1. That they are but little apart from each other, considerin'? * [Hence this extremity is comparatively fixed.l 356 SPLANCHNOLOGV. the size of the stomach, and that the interval between them does not increase in propor- tion to that size ; 2. That the oesophageal orifice is directed upward, the pyloric open- ing backward and a little upward; 3. That the two openings are not upon the same plane, the oesophageal being higher and more posterior than the pyloric. The Structure of the Stomach.—In order to study the structure of the stomach, it is necessary, in the first place, to distend it. Two stomachs are indispensable for this pur- pose, one to be dissected from without inward, and the other from within outward. One of the stomachs should be everted, and then inflated. The parietes of the stomach are formed by the super-position of four membranes or coats, differing in texture and properties. These, proceeding from without inward, are the serous, the muscular, the fibrous, and the mucous coats. We must also examine the vessels, nerves, and cellular tissue, which enter into the composition of these parietes. 1. The serous or peritoneal coat. Like almost all the movable viscera of the abdomen, the stomach receives a complete covering from the peritoneum (membrana communis of the ancients ; la membrane capsulaire, Chauss.). It is formed in the following mariner : Two layers of the peritoneum, in contact with each other, pass from the transverse fis- sure of the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach: there they separate, so as to leave between them a triangular space, the base of which corresponds to the lesser curva- ture ; the anterior layer then passes over the anterior surface of the stomach, and the pos- terior covers it behind ; they again approach each other at the great curvature, along which they form another triangular space, exactly resembling that which we have already de- scribed as existing at the lesser curvature, and then unite so as to form the two ante- rior layers of the great omentum (see description of Peritoneum). The same arrange- ment takes place at the great extremity of the stomach. Bloodvessels pass round the stomach, along the line where the two layers of the peritoneum are applied to each oth- er at its two curvatures. The peritoneum, therefore, forms a complete covering for the stomach, excepting at the curvatures, where we find triangular spaces, into which the stomach is forced during its distension. I doubt whether these triangular spaces can afford sufficient space for the stomach when greatly distended, and I believe that, in such cases, the two anterior layers of the great omentum separate, and are applied upon that organ. It is evident, besides, that distension of the stomach chiefly affects its great curvature. The peritoneal coat does not adhere firmly to the subjacent tissues of the stomach, in the neighbourhood of either curvature ; but it is closely united to them at the middle points of both surfaces. The imperfect extensibility of the peritoneal coat requires such an ar- rangement as exists along the curvatures. I have observed some small fibrous bands in the sub-serous cellular tissue along the lesser curvature, which must be intended to maintain the shape of that part. The uses of the peritoneal coat, in reference to the stomach itself, are merely mechanical; it strengthens, preserves the shape, and facili- tates the movements of this organ. The Muscular Coat.—This coat has engaged much of the attention of anatomists since the time of Fallopius, who was the first to give a correct description of it; and to whom Morgagni (Advers. Anat., iii., p. 6) has attributed the honour of discovering it, in opposi- tion to the claims of Willis. Helvetius made it the subject of a special work {Hist. Acad. Roy. des Sciences, 1719). We shall describe, in accordance with Haller (Elem. Phys., tom. vi., lib. xix., sect, i., Fig. 161. p. 126), and the majority of anatomists, three layers of muscu- lar fibres. The superficial or longitudinal layer {I, fig. 151) is formed by a continuation of the longitudinal fibres of the oesophagus, vrhioii spread out in a radiated manner from the cardiac orifice of the stomach. They are scattered thinly over its surfaces, the great curvature, and the great extremity, but are collected into a band along the lesser curvature, the shape of which they assist in preserving. On account of this arrangement, they have re- ceived the name of cravate de Suisse. These fibres form a continuous plane of considerable thick- ness over the contracted portion of the stomach, near the pylo- rus. In this situation they are stronger, and fasciculated, and appear partly to terminate in the pyloric constriction, and part- ly to be continued upon the duodenum. The second or circular layer (2, fig- 151) is composed of fibres which cross the axis of the stomach at right angles, so as to form a succession of rings from the cesophagus to the. pylorus. They are few in number at the great extremity of the stomach, but become much more numerous towards the pylorus, through- out all the contracted portion of the stomach. At the pylorus itself they form a thick ring, which forms a sort of rim, project- ing in the interior. I have always found this more developed THE STOMACH. in old age than at any other period of life. It is a true sphincter, which, by its contrac- tion, effectually opposes the passage of food and gas from the stomach into the duode- num. It is not uncommon to find the whole of this ring, or a half, or two thirds of it, in- creased to the thickness of three or four lines, independently of any organic lesion. The older anatomists admitted also an oesophageal ring (or oesophageal sphincter), simi- lar to that at the pylorus, and having the power of closing the oesophageal orifice. This, however, does not exist; the last circular fibres of the oesophagus do not form a thicker layer than the others. Lastly, the different rings formed by the circular fibres of the stomach intersect each other obliquely at very acute angles. The spiral arrangement admitted by Santorini cannot be demonstrated. The third muscular layer (3, fig. 151), which I have only been able to see distinctly upon hypertrophied stomachs, is composed of looped or parabolic fibres, the middle portions of which embrace the great end of the stomach, extending from the left side of the cardiac orifice obliquely downward towai'ds the great curvature, while their anterior and posterior extremities are situated upon the corresponding surfaces of this viscus. The superior loops reach the lesser curvature, the inferior the great curvature, and the intermediate loops seem to be lost upon either surface, or, rather, to become blended with the circu- lar fibres. This layer of fibres appears intended to compress the great extremity of the stomach, and to push the food into the body of the organ, towards the pylorus. From what has been stated, it follows that, excepting in the vicinity of the pylorus, the muscular layers of the stomach do not form a continuous plane, but have an areolar disposition: the areolae, or spaces between the different fibres, are of considerable size ; hence the necessity for a strong membrane, like the fibrous coat, which, as we shall find, constitutes the framework of the stomach. The muscular fibres of the several layers are much paler than those of the oesopha- gus.* They have a pearly appearance when seen through the peritoneal coat, which has’ led to the supposition that they are tendinous. Hence the error of Helvetius, Wins- low, and others, who regarded the two white lines running along the two surfaces of the stomach, between the curvatures, as ligaments of the pylorus; they are nothing more than longitudinal muscular fibres. Other authors have merely admitted some tendinous intersections of these fibres. The muscular coat is not uniformly thick at all points. It is very thin at the great cul-de-sac, and becomes much thicker towards thd pylorus. It also presents many va- rieties in different subjects; it is but slightly developed in large stomachs, and much more so when this organ is contracted. There is a physiological as well as a pathological hy- pertrophy of the muscular coat. In the latter it has been found seven or eight lines thick. The Fibrous Coat.—This coat, the existence of which has been alternately admitted and,denied, is situated between the muscular and the mucous coats, and is quite distinct from both. It was known by the ancients as the membrana nervosa ;t it constitutes, properly speaking, the framework of the organ. In order to demonstrate this coat, it is sufficient to remove the peritoneal and muscular tunics, and then to evert the stomach and remove the mucous membrane. This experiment will also very clearly show the great strength of the fibrous coat, which, even thus unsupported, can bear considerable distension; while, on the other hand, when this coat has been divided, the remaining membrane or membranes burst through the opening thus made. This coat should not be confounded with the dermis of the mucous membrane, for it adheres much more strongly to the muscular coat, into which it sends numerous pro- longations, than to the mucous membrane; with which it is connected only by loose cel- lular tissue. The fibres of this coat have not a parallel arrangement like those of aponeuroses and fibrous sheaths, but they form a very dense network, the filaments or lamellae of which can be separated by inflation or infiltration. It is concerned in a very important man- ner in chronic diseases of the stomach; it is very liable to hypertrophy; and, in certain cases, acquires a thickness of several lines. The Mucous Membrane.—The history of this membrane is curious. It was for a long time confounded with the mucus by which it is covered, being regarded as merely a dried layer of that secretion. X Itwas pointed out by Fallopius, who applied to it the very ap- propriate appellation of the vcivet-like tunic; but it was first described as a separate mem- brane by Willis, under the title of the glandular tunic. The discovery was confirmed by the beautiful injections of Ruysch, who gave it the name of epithelium; to which term, however, he did not attach the same meaning as modern authors. It was afterward re- garded as an epidermic membrane, analogous to the epidermis of the skin,§ and capable * [They are principally of the involuntary class, but have a few striated fibres among- them (see note, p. 3S3’ t [So called from its white appearance.] .. . t Riolanus states positively (Anthtopol, 1. ii.jC. xii., p. 1/1) that the stomach, like the intestines, is com* loosed of three coats, viz., a common external membrane, a nervous, and a muscular coat, and that a closely adherent mucus, consisting* of the thickest part of the chyle, lines it on the inside. $ Such was the opinion of Haller, lib. xix. p 132. 358 SPLANCHNOLOGY. of being thrown off and renewed. In recent times it has been supposed to be concerned tanquam omnium lerna malorum, and has become in the present day the object of a great number of most interesting researches. The mucous membrane of the stomach presents an adherent and a free surface. The. adherent surface is united to the fibrous coat by cellular tissue, so loose as to permit very free motions. The free surface has the following characters ; When the stomach is strongly contracted, it forms a number of folds (see fig. 150), the principal of which are longitudinal; these folds disappear when the organ is distended, as may be shown in an everted stomach. Their only use is to allow of the rapid distension of this organ, a con- dition that could not have been attained in any other mode, in consequence of the slight elasticity of the mucous coat. These longitudinal and temporary folds, which are perfectly distinct from the perma- nent folds observed in other parts of the alimentary canal, are most strongly marked near the pyloris ; they are extremely regular, sometimes straight and sometimes flexu- ous ; and they proceed parallel to each other from the cardiac towards the pyloric orifice. They are intersected more or less obliquely by other winding folds of different degrees, which often give an areolar appearance to the internal surface of the stomach. From this arrangement, it follows that dilatation of the stomach occurs principally in a direction across its long axis ; the resources for dilatation in the direction of its axis are much less numerous. Of all the folds of the mucous membrane, the most important is undoubtedly that called the pyloric valve, which is often nothing more than a mere elevation of the membrane by the sphincter muscle.* This cellular fold is equally op- posed to the regurgitation of food from the duodenum into the stomach, and to its passage.from the stomach into the duodenum; it is completely effaced by distension, and it belongs as much to the duodenum as to the stomach. Its upper half has the characters of the gastric ; the lower half offers those of the duodenal mucous membrane. Diseases are sometimes observed to stop at the line of separation. We may add, .that the folds upon the internal surface of the stomach are formed by the mucous membrane alone ; the fibrous coat does not enter into them. Besides these folds, the mucous membrane presents numerous slight and tortuous furrows, dividing it into small spaces or compartments, which are either lozenge-shaped, hexagonal, polygonal, circular, oblong, or irregular. Examined by the naked eye, the mucous membrane has a soft, spongy, tomentose, or velvety appearance ; hence the name of villous or velvet-like membrane, by which it is still generally known. It is covered by a layer of mucus of variable thickness, which may be detached by friction with a coarse cloth. In order to avoid the inconveniences arising from this method, which is more or less injurious to the texture of the membrane, I have been accustomed to use a gentle stream of water, which, at the same time that it com- pletely washes away the mucus, clearly displays the papillary structure of the surface of the membrane. There are some stomachs which might be called granular or glandular, because the mucous membrane has a granular appearance, so that at first sight it might be imagined that some small glandular bodies (like the salivary glands) were scattered over the in- ternal surface of the stomach ; but this glandular aspect is merely apparent, depending upon the circular or semicircular direction of the furrows in the mucous membrane, which give a spheroidal character to the kind of islets that are intercepted between them. This granular appearance is seldom observed over the entire stomach ; it rarely exists at the great extremity. I have found it limited to the great Curvature ; most frequently it occurs in the vicinity of the pylorus ; sometimes it is observed over all that part of the stomach which is to the right of the oesophagus. These granulations are particularly developed in the stomach of the pig. There is one remark upon which too much importance cannot be placed ; and that is, the difference in the appearance of the mucous membrane of the great extremity of the stomach, and of the part situated to the right of the oesophagus. Sometimes the line of separation forms a perfect circle ; and this is a very remarkable fact, because in man, who has a single stomach, it may be considered as a rudiment of the division into the compound stomachs found in the lower animals ; for a multiple stomach results rather from some difference in the structure of the mucous membrane, than from the existence of different compartments or distinct cavities. It will not'be uninteresting to connect this remark with what has been already stated regarding bilocular stomachs. We shall now examine the characters of the mucous membrane in the oesophageal and in the pyloric portion of the stomach. In the oesophageal portion it is thinner, softer, and more vascular, and can only be separated in flakes from the subjacent parts. When the stomach contains any liquid after death, this part is converted into a sort of pulp, which becomes of a blackish colour, from the action of the acids in the gastric fluid upon the blood contained in the vessels of the stomach. This is the pultaceous softening, which I regard as a post-mortem change * [lt usually consists of the mucous membrane, the cellular coat, and the circular muscular fibres.! THE STOMACH. 359 but which has been erroneously confounded with the gelatiniform softening. This second portion of the mucous membrane, i. e., the part situated to the right of the oesophagus, is thicker, stronger, and whiter, and maybe separated entire from the other coats. Dis- eases often observe the line of separation between the right and the left portions of the stomach. Modern pathologists having attached great importance to the condition of the gastric mucous membrane, it has become highly interesting to determine its characters in the healthy state ; these characters relate to its colour, its consistence, and its thickness. Colour.—It is extremely difficult to determine what is the natural colour of this mucous membrane. The opinion generally maintained by the best authorities, that it is either primarily or secondarily affected in the majority of diseases, compels us to reject all ob- servations made upon persons who have died from acute or chronic diseases, or even from wmunds or injuries of long standing. We are, therefore, obliged to have recourse to cases of accidental death in persons previously in health. In such cases, for example, in criminals who are executed while the stomach is empty, the mucous membrane is found of a grayish-white colour, with a slight tint of yellow and pink.* When death has occurred during digestion, the mucous membrane is found to vary from a delicate pink to the most vivid red. After putrefaction has made some little progress, we find a red or port wine colour, or a brownish black tint prevailing over the great extremity of the stomach, and at the free edges of the folds or wrinkles to which the vessels correspond ; again, it is often found marked with blackish patches, or marbled ; but these discolora- tions are the result of post-mortem transudation. In the pultaceous and blackish softening of the mucous membrane, the colour is owing to the action of the acids in the gastric juice. When the stomach contains bile, the mu- cous membrane is tinged with yellow or green, and the stain sometimes remains after the longest maceration. If the mucous membrane be rubbed with a rough cloth, so long as the vessels contain blood, we may produce a red punctuated appearance, which has been often mistaken for a sign of inflammation. Lastly, in the aged we not unfrequently observe a slate gray colour, either in points or in patches, or diffused over the surface. This colour occupies the papillae, and may afford proof of some former irritation, but is certainly not due to any diseased action during the later periods of life. These different discolorations of the stomach must not be confounded with the alterations in its colour resulting from disease. Thickness.—lt is difficult to estimate the exact thickness of the gastric mucous mem- brane. Like the muscular coat, it varies in different individuals ; in chronic inflamma- tion it is twice or three times its natural thickness. In determining the thickness of this membrane, it is important to bear in mind the difference in this particular between the oesophageal and pyloric portions ; the former being extremely thin, and the latter twice or three times as thick as that. Consistence.—The same remarks apply to its consistence, for there are many individ- ual varieties in this respect. The oesophageal portion may be torn with great ease ; but the pyloric portion is so dense, that the back, and even the edge of a scalpel, may bo drawn over it with considerable force without wounding it. It there has been any liquid, or even food in the stomach, in however small quantity, the mucous membrane of the oesophageal portion, when macerated, is converted into a pulp ; moderate distension will then rupture the walls of the stomach, which may be broken through by the point of the finger. From want of sufficient reflection upon this subject, men of great merit have commit- ted serious errors in the appreciation of morbid lesions. In the gelatiniform softening, the gastric mucous membrane, as well as the other coats of the stomach, become dis- solved, and resemble a solution of gelatine. In many old people, and in some adults, I have found the mucous membrane so thick and so strong, that it could be dissected off entire, and removed in one piece. This condition coexisted with the slate colour, either accompanied or not with chronic inflammation. The Papillce.—If we examine the mucous membrane of the stomach, placed underwa- ter, and exposed to the direct rays of the sun by the aid of a powerful lens, we shall find that its surface is very irregular, mammillated, Fig. 152. Fig. 153. and furrowed, so as to present an appearance very like the convolutions of the small intestine. The eminences, which are much more distinct to- wards the pylorus than near the oesophagus, are studded with holes, or, rather, with small pits resembling the cells of a honeycomb {figs. 152, 153). These alveolar depressions are well de- scribed by Home, who states that they exist only in the great cul-de-sac, while the villi occupy the Magnified 32 diameters. Magnified 32 diameters. * In a great number of individuals who have died from acute or chronic diseases, the gastric mucous mem- brane is found in the same state as in those who have died accidentally ; it is, therefore, not always -affected, either primarily or secondarily, in disease 360 SPLANCHNOLOGY. rest of the stomach. The truth is, that a precisely similar structure is observed ovei the whole stomach. The alveoli, or pits, are separated from each other by small pro- jections, or papilla {Jig. 153), of which the papillae of the tongue convey an excellent idea.* Should these papillae be distinguished from other projections that have been termed villi, by Ruysch, for example, who called the entire membrane villoso-papillaris 1 Aftei the most minute examination, I have only detected one order of eminences,! viz., the ■papilla, the existence of which I regard as the essential character of all tegumentary membranes, whether mucous or cutaneous, which might all, therefore, be designated papillary membranes. We shall return again to the structure of the papillae. If we examine with a lens or simple microscope a perpendicular or oblique section of the mucous membrane of the stomach, we shall perceive that it consists essentially of a strong membrane, the mucous dermis, from which arise an immense number of small eminences closely pressed together, and of unequal lengths, like the pile of velvet. These eminences are the papillae ; they are liable to great enlargement in cases of hy- pertrophy, and then the structure just described becomes very apparent. The Follicles.—The follicles of the stomach can be very easily demonstrated in the pigl and in the horse. In the last-mentioned animal, entozoa are frequently found in the centre of these follicles, which then become developed into hard, and sometimes very large tumours. It is so difficult to demonstrate them in the human subject, that, with most anatomists, I, for a long time, doubted their existence. Haller only saw them once or twice but in some individuals they are very distinct. I found them well marked in a great number of cholera They are not situated in the sub-mucons cellular tissue, as is generally stated, but in the substance of the membrane itself, so as to form a projection on the inside of the stomach, but not on the outer surface. They are rounded, flattened, and perforated by a central foramen, which is usually visible to the naked eye. I have observed them upon all points of the mucous membrane, but they appear to be most numerous near the oesophageal orifice, and along the lesser curvature. The Vessels and Nerves of the Stomach.—The arteries are very large and numerous in proportion to the size of the stomach; they must, therefore, assist in the performance of some function besides the mere nutrition of the organ ; this function is the secretion of the gastric juice. They all arise from the coeliae axis, and are the coronary, the su- perior pyloric and right gastro-epiploic branches of the hepatic, and the left gastro-epi- ploic and vasa brevia, which are branches of the splenic artery. These arteries anas- tomose, so as to form around the stomach a vascular zone, which is in close contact with that organ during distension, but at some distance from it when empty. From this arterial circle branches are given off, which at first lie between the peritoneal and the muscular coats, but, after a certain number of divisions and anastomoses, perforate the muscular and fibrous coats, and again subdivide and anastomose a great number of times in the loose sub-mucous cellular tissue, until, having become capillary, they penetrate the mucous membrane. The veins bear the same name, and follow the same direction as the arteries ; they contribute to form the vena portae. Schmiedel {Variet. Vasorum, No. xix., p. 26) has seen the coronary vein of the stomach anastomose with the renal vein, the pyloric with the vena azygos, and one of the venae breves with the phrenic vein. The lymphatic vessels are very numerous, and terminate in the lymphatic glands, situ- ated along the two curvatures of the stomach. The peculiar ducts, said to proceed from the spleen to the stomach, and supposed by the ancients to be passages for the atra bills, are purely imaginary. The nerves are of two kinds, some being derived from the eighth pair, and others from the solar plexus. The nerves of the eighth pair form a plexus around the cardiac orifice, the left nerve being distributed upon the anterior, and the right upon the posterior surface of the stom- * [The alveoli are from g-g-gth to wjg-th of an inch, and, near the pylorus, •j-g'gth of an inch in diameter At the bottom of each alveolus is seen a group of minute apertures {fig. 152), which are the open mouths of small tubes placed perpendicularly to the surface of the membrane, and closed at the other end. In a vertical section of the membrane, these tubes, which average about g-~-th of an inch in diameter, are seen to rest upon the sub-mucous tissue by their closed extremities. In the cardiac portion of the stomach they are short and straight; near the pyloric end they are longer, and convoluted, or irregularly dilated, and are sometimes bifur- cated. Bloodvessels pass up between these tubes, and form a capillary network round the borders of the al- veoli. The membranous projections sometimes found between the alveoli {fig- 153) form irregular fringes, broader than the lingual papillae, and seem rather to be imperfectly developed villi (see note, p. 361), and art usually so called. The epithelium covering the entire mucous membrane of the stomach consists of a single layer of minute columnar cells; it is very delicate, and invisible, except by a high magnifying power; hence its existence was formerly denied.] t Upon this subject see the Memoir of Helvetius.— {Hist. Acad. Ray. des Sciences, 1720.) f [ln the pig these follicles appear to be nothing more than prolongations of the mucous membrane, or small diverticula; so that, after having detached the mucous membrane, they may, by slight pressure, ba turned inside out.] . I) “ Neque rejici debent, etsi non semper possint ostendi.”—{Haller, I. vi., lib. xix., p. 140.) II Vide Anat. Path, avec planches, liv. xiv., pi. 1. IT [ln the neighbourhood of the oesophageal orifice there are also several small compound glands, analogous to Brunner’s glands in the duodenum.—(W. S.)] THE INTESTINES. 361 ach. They may be followed as far as the muscular coat, where they seem to be lost, division of them paralyzes this coat. By means of the nerves of the eighth pair, the stomach is connected with the oesophagus, the lungs, the pharynx, the larynx, and the heart. Through the nerves derived from the central epigastric plexus, and named after the arteries that support them, the stomach is connected with the ganglionic system, and is brought into relation with the numerous viscera of the abdomen. Lastly, a very delicate serous cellular tissue unites the different coats of the stomach. There are three layers of this tissue, viz., one between the peritoneal and the muscular coats, another between the muscular and the fibrous, and a third between the fibrous and the mucous coats. The last of these is the most distinct; it is liable to both serous and sanguineous effusions, and may become the seat of diffuse inflammation. I have lately seen it infiltrated with pus to a considerable extent, the mucous and the fibrous coats being both perfectly healthy. Development of the Stomach.—The stomach of the fcetus is remarkable on account of its vertical position, which is due to the great development of the liver, especially of its left lobe. An unnatural development of that lobe will also occasion a similar position of the stomach in the adult. The relative smallness of the stomach, and the slight de- velopment of its tuberosity, are also characteristic of its foetal condition.* Nevertheless, from the first moment of its appearance, it is distinguished from the rest of the aliment- ary canal by its greater size. The changes which the adult stomach undergoes, and the variations in size which it presents, are, perhaps, less dependant upon congenital differences than upon particular habits. The differences in the two sexes are manifest- ly due to the pressure to which the stomach of the female is subject, either from the use of stays or from the gravid uterus. I may here advert to the development of the mus- cular ring of the pylorus, and of the neighbouring part of the stomach in aged persons. Function.—The stomach is the organ of chymification, or of that process by which the food is converted into a homogeneous gray pulp, called chyme. For that purpose it is evidently necessary that the food should remain for some time in this organ, and the elasticity of the muscular coat of the oesophagus and of the ring at the pylorus are suffi- cient to prevent its regurgitation into the gullet, or its passage into the duodenum. When the process is completed, however, the peristaltic contraction of the muscular fibres of the stomach overcomes the resistance of the pylorus ; in eructation, regurgita tion, and vomiting, the same peristaltic movements are assisted by the contraction of the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles. Chymification is a chemical, or, at least, a molecular action, and is effected by means of the gastric juice, mixed with the salivary and (esophageal secretions. These fluids are acid.t The influence of the nerves upon digestion has been ascertained by ingenious experi- ments, the results of which, however, have been interpreted in various ways. The Intestines in general. The term intestine, in its widest signification, is applied to the whole alimentary ca- nal ; but, in a more limited sense, it means that long and frequently-convoluted tube, extending from the pylorus to the anus, and occupying almost the whole of the abdomi- nal cavity. The intestines have been divided, according to their calibre, into the small (b to d, fig. 139) and the large (e to i); this distinction, which is applicable to most ani- mals, is anatomically established in man by a difference in size, by the sacculated char- acter of the large intestine, by a difference in direction, by the presence of a valve, by the existence of a caicum and of a vermiform appendix, and, lastly, by a difference in structure, especially in the muscular and mucous coats. The same distinction is recog nised in physiology, and upon equally good grounds, for the small intestine is essential- ly concerned in the formation and absorption of the chyle, while the large intestine is the organ of defsecation.t These differences will be rendered more apparent from the de scription of these two important parts of the alimentary canal. The Small Intestine. The small intestine includes all that part which is situated between the stomach and the large intestine (h to d, fig- 139). According to Haller, Bichat, and their followers, the upper portion, called the duodenum [h to c), should be abstracted from the small in- testine, which, according to them, would commence at the termination of the duodenum. It appears to me that the former definition should be adhered to, on account both of the * [At early periods of fetal life, villi are found on the thucous membrane of the stomach generally, after- ward on the pyloric portion only ; and, subsequently to birth, the only traces of these are the irregular fringes observed here and there between the alveoli.] .. t [The saliva, though sometimes acid, is usually alKalme.J , t The division into a small and large intestine exists among all vertebrated animals ; but no animals ex- cepting the ourangs and the wombat, have both a ciecura and an appendix vermiform.s In some we find one Ciecum, or several caeca ; in others, one or more vermiform appendices ; others have neither caecum nor appen- dix, but a valvular fold arm a well-marked change in diameter indicate the limit between the small and large intestines. In some, again, the only difference consists in a change of diameter. Z z 362 SPLANCHNOLOGY. absence of any real line of separation between the duodenum and the rest of the small intestine, and of their similarity in structure and function. The small intestine is divided into three parts, the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum. The division between the duodenum and the rest of the small intestine is defi- nite, but that between the jejunum and the ileum is altogether arbitrary; so that we shall follow the example of Haller, Soemmering, and others, in describing the jejunum and ileum together (c to d), under the name of the small intestine, properly so called. Dissection.—When the abdomen is opened, the first portion only of this intestine is visible ; the second is hid by the ascending colon ; the third is seen in the cavity of the omentum. The second is brought into view by turning aside the colon. The third por- tion, which is the most difficult to demonstrate, may be exposed in two ways : either by cutting through the inferior layer of the transverse mesocolon, or by turning the stomach upward, after having divided the lavers of the grest omentum, which are attached along The Duodenum. its greater curvature. The duodenum (dudsica daKTvXov, p h, Jig. 154), so called by Herophilus (Ga- len, Adminislr. Anat., lib. vi., c. 9) on account of its being about equal in length to the breadth of twelve fin- gers, commences at the py- lorus, and terminates, with- out any precise line of de- marcation, to the left of the second lumbar vertebra, at the point where the small intestine enters into the mesentery, or, rather, op- posite the superior mesen- teric artery (m) and vein, which pass in front of it. Its fixed position, its struc- ture, and its curvatures, have led to its being de- Fig. 154. scribed separately.* It is difficult to determine its precise situation with regard to the abdominal parietes. It is not exclusively confined to any one region, but occupies fin succession the adjacent borders of the right hypochondrium and the epigastrium, of the right lumbar and the um- bilical regions, and of the epigastric and umbilical regions. The duodenum is found more deeply situated in proportion as we recede from the py- lorus, and hence the difficulty of exploring it through the parietes of the abdomen. It is fixed firmly in its place by the peritoneum, by the mesenteric vessels and nerves, which bind it down, and by the pancreas. This fixedness is one of its principal peculi- arities, and is indispensable in consequence of its relations with tire ductus communis choledochus ; for had it been movable like the rest of the small intestine, incessant ob- structions to the flow of the bile would have occurred. It follows, also, that the duode- num can never form part of a hernia ; its first portion may, indeed, be displaced, for it is less firmly fixed than the remainder, and is sometimes dragged out of its proper situ- ation by the pyloric extremity of the stomach. Dimensions.—It is eight or nine inches in length ; its calibre is somewhat greater than that of the rest of the small intestine, but the difference is not so decided as to war- rant the names of second stomach, or ventriculus succcnturiatus, which have been given to it. I have even met with subjects in whom the duodenum, when moderately distended, was five inches, while the succeeding portion of small intestine was six inches in cir- cumference. It has been supposed that this part is more dilatable than the rest of the small intestine ; this has been attributed to the absence of the peritoneum. The fact and the explanation are equally without foundation. It is the fibrous membrane, and not the peritoneal coat, which is opposed to dilatation of the intestines. Direction.—This is very remarkable. Commencing at the pylorus, the duodenum passes upward to the right side and backward ; having reached the neck of the gall- Idadder, it suddenly changes its direction, and becomes vertical, forming an acute angle with the former portion ; this is its first curvature (c): then, after proceeding vertically through a variable space, it passes transversely from the right to the left side, and be- comes continuous with the rest of the small intestine. This change in its direction takes place at a right angle, and is, therefore, less abrupt than the former ; the point at which it occurs is called the second curvature (e'). * Glisson considered the insertion of the d uctus communis choledochus as the lower limit of the duodenum. THE INTESTINES. 363 It follows, then, that the duodenum describes a double curve, or, rather, one single curve, of which the concavity is directed towards the left, and the convexity to the right side. Haller has ingeniously- compared the course of the duodenum to two parallel lines, intersected by a perpendicular. This double change in the direction of the duode- num, which is probably intended to retard the passage of the food, enables us to consider it as composed of three portions, distinguished as the first (p e), second (c e'), and third (e'd). Relations.—These should be studied in each of the three portions. Relations of the First Portion.—Above, with the liver (l\ fig. 154*) and the gall-bladder (g), to the neck of which it is united by a fold of the peritoneum. It is not uncommon to see the gall-bladder and the duodenum closely adherent to each other, and to find an opening through which biliary calculi have passed into the gut. In front, with the gas- tro-colic omentum and the abdominal parietes. Behind, with the hepatic vessels, and the gastro-hepatic omentum. This portion of the duodenum, which may be denomi- nated the hepatic, is about two inches in length. Relations of the Second Portion.—ln front, with the right extremity of the arch of the colon {t, fig. 161, e being the duodenum), which crosses it at a right angle. Behind, with the concave border of the right kidney, along which it descends to a greater or less dis- tance, together with the vena cava inferior and the ductus communis choledochus. Some- times this portion is not in relation with the kidney, but rather with the vertebral col- umn. The ductus communis choledochus (c,jig. 169) and the pancreatic duct (m) enter the intestine at the posterior and inner surface, and below the middle of this portion of the duodenum. The relations of the duodenum behind are direct, i. e., without the in- tervention of the peritoneum. On the right, this portion of the duodenum is in relation with the ascending colon {a, fig. 161). On the left, with the pancreas (o, fig. 154), which is closely united to it, and embraces it in a sort of half groove. This second portion is two or three inches in length; it may be called the renal portion. Relations of the Third Portion.—The third portion is situated in the substance of the adherent border of the transverse mesocolon. Below, it rests upon the lower border of that fold. Above, it is bounded by the pancreas, which adheres closely to it. In front, it corresponds to the stomach, from which it is separated by the layer of peritoneum which lines the sac of the great omentum. Behind, it corresponds to the vertebral col- umn, from which it is separated by the aorta (a), the vena cava, and the pillars of the diaphragm (d d).\ As the internal surface and the structure of the duodenum are very analogous to those of the jejunum and ileum, I shall postpone the description until I have noticed the exter- nal conformation of the rest of the small intestine. The Small Intestine, or the Jejunum and Ileum. Fig. 155. The small intestine, properly so call- ed (c d, fig. 139 ; i i i, fig. 155), or the jejunum and ileum, consists of that por- tion of the alimentary canal which fills almost the whole of the abdomen, oc- cupies the umbilical, hypogastric, iliac, and lumbar regions, and is surround- ed, as it were, more or less complete- ly; by the large intestine (e f g h,fig. 139 ;at d, fig. 155). Its upper ex- tremity (/ fig. 161) is continuous, without any line of separation, with the duodenum. The distinction be- tween the two parts is established by the angle which the mesentery forms ■with the mesocolon, or, rather, by the point where the superior mesenteric vessels cross over the small intestine. Its lower extremity (d,fig■ 139 ; i, fig. 161) enters at a right angle into the large intestine. The old division of the small intestine into the jejunum and ileum should be banished with oth- er anatomical niceties, for it is found- ed only upon trivial distinctions ; and although the upper part of this intes- tine differs in many respects from the * In which figure the liver and stomach are turned upward. t In one subject I found a fourth portion which passed upward, and was about one inch in length, so that the duodenum described a third curve, with its concavity directed to the right. 364 SPLANCHNOLOGY lower, still the alteration takes place by imperceptible gradations.* So that Winslow unable to find any real difference, established a purely conventional distinction, by pro- posing to call the upper two fifths the jejunum, and the lower three fifths the ileum. No portion of the alimentary canal is so movable as the small intestine, properly so called. It is exceedingly loosely attached, or, as it were, suspended from the vertebral column, by a large fold of the peritoneum, called the mesentery (the attached portion of which is seen at 161), which, being broader in the middle than at either extrem- ity gives an unequal mobility to the different parts supported by it. The small intes- tine is displaced with great facility. The circular boundary described around it by the large intestine is only exact above, where the mesocolon and the arch of the colon (t, fig. 155) completely separate it from the stomach (.s), the liver (/), the spleen (/,'), and the duodenum. But below, between the caecum (c,fig■ 161) and the sigmoid flexure of the colon (/), it descends into the pelvis, and, extending laterally, passes in front of the colon in both the right and left lumbar re- gions. This excessive mobility is one of the most characteristic and important facts regarding the small intestine, which, in some measure, floats in the abdominal cavity, yielding to the slightest impulse or concussion. Of all the viscera, it is the most frequently involv- ed in hernia. It is liable to invagination, i. e., one portion may be received, as into a sheath, into that immediately succeeding it. When any organ in the abdomen becomes enlarged, the small intestine yields, and passes in the direction where there is least re- sistance. It appears to partake of the mobility of fluids. It collects together, or spreads out; it moulds itself upon the adjacent parts, and fills up every space, so as to elude all causes of compression ; and, by means of_this admirable contrivance, the abdomen ac- commodates itself without inconvenience to the occasional enormous development, either natural or diseased, of the organs contained within it. Direction.—We have seen that the upper or supra-diaphragmatic portion of the diges- tive canal is straight. The stomach presents one slight curve. The duodenum has two decided curves, and the rest of the small intestine pursues a not less flexuous course. The following is the direction of this intestine: commencing at the duodenum (j, fig. 161), it passes forward and to the left side; it is then folded a great number of times upon itself, and, at its lower part, it passes transversely from the left to the right side, and a little upward, in order to enter at a right angle (?') into the great intestine. The numerous foldings or turnings (gyri) of the small intestine upon itself have re- ceived the name of convolutions; they are moulded upon each other, without intermixing or becoming entangled, so as to form a mass, which so closely resembles the surface of the brain, that the term convolutions has also been applied to the winding eminences of that organ. Each convolution represents an almost complete circle. In the complexity presented by the numerous windings of the small intestine, it appears to be very difficult to assign to it any general direction ; nevertheless, if we consider that the small intestine com- mences to the left of the second lumbar vertebra, and terminates in the right iliac fossa, it will be seen that its general direction coincides with that of the membranous fold (m, fig. 161) which supports it; that is, it may be expressed by an oblique line running downward from the left to the right side. If, however, we examine the particular di- rection of the convolutions, we shall find that they all present a concavity towards the mesentery, and a convexity towards the parietes of the abdomen, so that each resem- bles the half of the figure 8. In consequence of this arrangement, the intestine may be- come folded without much change in its position, either in advance or otherwise ; and hence the great number of folds which can be placed between two points so near each other as the left side of the second lumbar vertebra and the right iliac fossa, the distance between which is not more than four inches. Dimensions.—The determination of the length of the small intestine, properly so called, has at all times been a subject of interest. Meckel says that it varies from thirteen to twenty-seven feet, including the duodenum. According to my observations, it varies from ten to twenty-five feet in the adult, f The length of the small intestine, compared to that of the large intestine, is generally as five to one. The different results which have been obtained by various authors may be explained partly by individual varieties and partly by the mode in which the measurements were made. Thus, a more or less perfect separation of the gut from the membranous folds which support it would lead to different results. But another, and less understood cause of difference, is the influence of the caliber of the intestine upon its length. The caliber and the length have always an inverse ratio to each other. Of this we may be easily convinced, by strongly infla- ting a portion of gut which has been previously measured. I have often been struck * The upper part of the intestine is called jejunum, because it is generally found empty; the second, ileum, either because it has been supposed chiefly to occupy the iliac regions, or on account of its convoluted disposi- tion, which, however, is common to it with the other (ciXelr, to turn, to twist). t The average length of the small intestine, including the duodenum, is 20 feet. I have lately measured several: in a female affected with chronic peritonitis, it was only 7 feet long ; in another, 14 ; in a third, 18; in a fourth, 20 ; and in a fifth, 22. THE INTESTINES. with the shortness of the small intestine in cases of hernia, accompanied with retentior. of the contents of the gut above the strangulation. Some authors have attempted to establish a relation between the length of the intes- tine and the stature of the individual; and it has been affirmed that the former is four or five times the height of the body. But differences in stature have not a uniform rela- tion to the length of the alimentary canal. Lastly, individual varieties in the length of the small intestine do not appear to bar e any influence upon the activity of the digestive process. Caliber.—The caliber of the small intestine, properly so called, is not the same through- out. It is greater at the commencement than at the termination of the intestine. When moderately distended by inflation, I have found it six inches and four lines in circum- ference at its commencement, four inches and two lines at the middle, and three inches and a half a little above its entrance into the large intestine ; but at the point of entrance itself it is dilated to about four inches and a half. The small intestine, therefore, is funnel-shaped, a form which must facilitate the rapid passage of its contents, by causing them to proceed from a wider into a narrower space. Lastly, the caliber of the small intestine presents many varieties. When any obstruc- tion occurs to the passage of its contents, it may attain the caliber of the large intestine. In certain cases of marasmus, when it contains no gases, it becomes so contracted that the tube is completely obliterated. Figure and Relations.—The small intestine is cylindrical; a section of it is almost cir- cular. Its posterior border, to which the mesentery is attached, is concave ;it is thrown into slight folds, as every straight cylinder must be when it is bent into a curve. Its anterior border is convex, free, and corresponds to the abdominal parietes, being separa- ted from them by the great omentum,* which seems intended to contain the whole mass of the intestinal convolutions. When the omentum is wanting, as in the foetus, or in cases of displacement from its being rolled up into a cord, the small intestine is in im- mediate contact with the parietes of the abdomen. The lateral surfaces of the different convolutions of the small intestine are in contact with each other. As these surfaces are convex, they intercept triangular spaces before and after them, in which either effused blood, or serum, or pus, or false membranes, are sometimes collected. The small intestine corresponds to all the regions of the abdomen, excepting those of the upper zone. Not uncommonly, we find it escaped from under the omentum, and sit- uated between the liver and the abdominal parietes, or reaching into the left hypochon- drium. It is immediately forced, as it were, in any direction in which there may be an opening, f More or less of the small intestine is always found in the pelvis ; in the male, between the bladder and the rectum; in the female, between the bladder and the uterus, and be- tween the uterus and the rectum. In several persons who were emaciated from chronic diseases, and in whom the vertebral column could be plainly felt through the parietes of the abdomen, I have found almost the whole, and, in some cases, even the whole, of the small intestine within the pelvis, contracted, and almost entirely void of air. When one portion only of the small intestine is in the pelvis, it is invariably the lower part. When any large mass is developed in the abdomen, as in pregnancy, or in encysted dropsy of the ovarium, the small intestine passes upward and laterally, becomes diffu- sed, fills up every space, and almost always escapes compression in the most remarka- ble manner. It is not uncommon to find, in the small intestine, appendices or diverticula, like the fingers of a glove, which are sometimes two or three inches in length, and have been found in the sacs of hernia;. These diverticula are usually much nearer the lower than the upper part of the small intestine. They are formed by all the coats of the bowel, and are very different from mere protrusion of the mucous membrane through the mus- cular coat, of which I have seen one example in the duodenum, and which I have often met with in other parts of the small intestine. In a subject which I recently examined, the small intestine presented about fifty spheroidal tumours of unequal size, all situated along the mesenteric side of the gut, and formed by protrusions of the mucous membrane through the muscular fibres. Structure of the Small Intestine. Dissection.—This structure must be studied upon a distended and moist portion of in- testine, upon a distended and dried specimen, and also upon one inverted and distended. It is also of importance to study the mucous membrane under water, with the assistance of a strong lens. Injections thrown in first by the veins, and then by the arteries, are also useful in developing its structure.t * fig. 155, the great omentum has been removed.] . . . t The small intestine is found in diaphragmatic henna}; it constitutes perineal hernia ; and it is this por* ■ion of the bowels which escapes from the pelvis when the lower wall of that cavity is divided. t The internal surface of the small intestine will be noticed with the mucous membrane. 366 SPLANCHNOLOGY. The small intestine, as well as the stomach, is formed of four coats or membranes, which, proceeding from without inward, are the serous, muscular, fibrous, and mucous coats. The Serous Coat.—The arrangement of this coat upon the duodenum differs from that upon the rest of the small intestine. The peritoneum is applied to the first portion of the duodenum in the same way as upon the stomach, i. e., it covers it entirely, excepting in front and behind, where there is a triangular space devoid of this coat. Like the stomach, this first portion gives at- tachment to the great omentum in front, and to the small omentum behind. The fold of peritoneum which passes from the liver to the duodenum has been improperly called the hepatic ligament of the duodenum. The peritoneum merely passes over the front of the second and third portions of the duodenum, so that the posterior surface of the in- testine is in immediate contact with the parts with which it is in relation, and is very perfectly fixed. The peritoneum forms a complete sheath for the small intestine, properly so called, ex- cepting along its concave border, where the two layers which constitute the mesentery separate from each other, so as to include the bowel. In this situation we find a trian- gular cellular space, exactly resembling those which we have already described along the curvatures of the stomach, and performing a similar office, viz., that of remedying the slight extensibility of the peritoneum, and permitting the intestine to undergo sudden dilatation to a great extent. We should have a very incorrect notion of the dilatability of the intestine if we imagined that it is limited by the triangular space along its con- cavity, for when the bowel is much distended, the mesentery itself becomes separatee into its two layers to allow of such distension. Of this I am convinced from having measured the antero-posterior diameter of the mesentery both before and after inflation of the bowels. The cellular tissue which unites the peritoneal to the. muscular coat is extremely del- icate, and its adhesion to the latter coat increases in proceeding from the concave to the convex border of the intestine. Although the peritoneal coat is very thin, and so trans- parent that the muscular fibres may be seen through it, yet it has considerable strength. The muscular coat is composed of two layers of involuntary muscular fibres, one su- perficial, the other deep. The superficial layer is the thinner ;it consists of longitudinal fibres placed around the bowel in a very regular manner, and forming a continuous plane. I have never found these fibres more numerous at the mesenteric than at the convex border. This layer of fibres is almost always removed with the peritoneal coat, to which it adheres very intimately. From their white colour and shining appearance under the serous membrane, they have been supposed to be of a tendinous nature. It is difficult, though by no means important, to determine exactly whether the same fibres reach the whole length of the intestine, or whether they are interrupted at inter- vals. It is generally admitted that they are interrupted, and that their extremities are received in the spaces between other fibres. The deep layer of muscular fibres is thicker than the preceding, and consists of circu- lar fibres, either parallel or crossing each other at very acute angles. They appear to me to describe complete circles, and to have their ends united. They have no tendinous intersections. The fibrous coat is intermediate between the muscular and mucous tunics, and presents the same characters as in the stomach. The Mucous or Papillary Membrane.—Its external surface adheres to the fibrous membrane by a loose cellular tissue, which is liable to serous, sanguineous, and purulent infiltra- tion. The emphysematous or cedematous condition may be imitated in the dead body, by everting a portion of bowel and distending it either with air or water. The tenuity of the mucous membrane displayed in these experiments has led to the opinion that this coat is nothing more than an epithelium, a continuation of the epidermis of the skin, and that the fibrous coat represents the cutaneous dermis. Its internal surface is free, and is covered with more or less mucus; it is remarkable for its duplicatures or valves, call- ed valvulce conniventes; for its highly-developed papillce, and for the arrangement of its follicles. The Valvulce Conniventes {Valvulce Intestinales). Dissection.—Evert the small intestine, so that its external surface becomes internal, and then plunge it in water; or, what is better, lay open the bowel, and examine its internal surface underwater. Also study a portion of intestine inflated and dried. Hitherto the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal has only presented to our no tice certain folds which are intended to facilitate the dilatation of that canal, as in the oesophagus and stomach, and which are completely effaced by distension. The folds of the mucous membrane of the small intestine fulfil another purpose ; and although they must, undoubtedly, in some measure assist in the elongation and dilatation of the°bowel, yet they are never entirely effaced, however far this extension in length or width maj be carried. These folds deserve a special description. They are called valvulce conni- ventes or the valves of Kcrkringius, although Fallopius had given a complete description THE INTESTINES. 367 of them 'oerore that anatomist. Kerkringius gave them the name of conniventes (con niveo, to close partially). They commence in the duodenum (see fig. IG9), an inch, 01 sometimes two inches, from the pylorus ; and it is not uncommon to find them preceded by some vertical folds. They are few and small at first, but become very numerous and very large towards the end of the duodenum and the commencement of the small intestine, properly so called. From the upper two fifths of that intestine they gradually diminish in number, and become less regular and less marked towards the lower part of the small intestine; sometimes they are altogether wanting in the last two or three feet of the bowel. In some rare cases, I have seen valvulas conniventes as far down as the ileo- ca;cal valve ; in no part are they sufficiently numerous to have a true imbricated arrange- ment. These valves are placed perpendicularly to the axis of the intestine, and describe one half, two thirds, or three fourths of a circle ; but they seldom form a complete ring. They are broader in the middle, being from two or three lines in width, than at their ex- tremities, which are slender. In order to ascertain their dimensions, they must be placed under water, or studied upon a fresh portion of intestine. They are generally parallel, incline towards each other by their extremities, bifurcate, and send off small verticular oblique prolongations. Sometimes we find small valves placed between the larger ones. Some of them are suddenly interrupted, so that they might be supposed, at first sight, to have undergone some loss of substance. Several of them are alternate, and seem to be disposed in a spiral manner; but there is no general rule in this respect; their free edge is sometimes directed towards the pylorus, and sometimes towards the ileo-ceecal valve. Their direction is very irregular; they yield to any impulse that may be communicated to them, and their free edge passes either upward or downward, ac- cording to circumstances. When examined upon a dried specimen, they resemble very much the diaphragms in optical instruments. The valvulae conniventes are formed by folds of mucous membrane, within which we find some loose cellular tissue, different kinds of vessels and nerves. Inflation, by rais- ing the mucous membrane, completely effaces them. The fibrous coat presents a slight thickening opposite the bases of these valves. The valves, notwithstanding the ease with which they are moved, must in some manner retard the passage of the food, with- out offering any decided resistance to it, for that would become a cause of obstruction, and give rise to serious accidents. Their chief use, perhaps, is to increase the extent of surface ; according to Fabricius, they double the surface of the intestine ; Fallopius says they increase it three times, and Kew six times. Soemmering has given the some- what conjectural opinion, that the surface of the intestinal mucous membrane is greater than that of the entire skin (Corpor. Hum. Fabrica, t. vi., p. 295). Although not peculiar to the human species, they are much more developed in man than in the lower animals. Besides the valvulas conniventes, the mucous membrane of the small intestine presents some irregular folds, which are effaced by distension. The Papillce, or Villi. Preparation.—l. Place the opened intestine in water, exposing it to a strong light, and agitate the fluid. A stream of water previously received upon the membrane will re- move the mucus, which sometimes forms a tenacious sheath around each papilla.* 2. Roll up a portion of the detached mucous membrane, taking care to turn the adherent surface inward. 3. Evert a loop of intestine, so that the peritoneal coat may be on the inside: stretch it upon a cylinder, and then agitate it in a cylindrical vessel, so as to float out the valves. The papillce, or villi, are much more developed in the small intestine than in any other part of the alimentary canal, with the exception of the tongue. Fallopius has the honour of having discovered them. They were well described by Helvetius, Hewson, and Lie- berkuhn, but still more accurately of late by Albert Meckel. When examined by the naked eye and under the microscope, the internal surface of the intestine appears to be roughened by an immense number of prominences or villi {figs. 157, 159), resembling very close, short grass, or a very hairy caterpillar. In some animals, as in the dog, and especially in the bear, the villi are so numerous and so long, that they in some degree resemble the filamentous roots of plants. They are found through the whole length of the small intestine, and cover the valvulae conniventes, as well as the intervals between them. They vary in length: according to Lieberkulm, they are one fifth of a line ; their maximum length appears to be about four fifths of a line : and I have even found some in the duodenum, which, when extended, were a line in length ; their number is very con- siderable, and attempts have been made to determine it. Lieberkuhn computed them at 500,000. Several Germans have taken up the subject; allowing 4000 to every square inch, by a calculation, the exactness of which I have not verified, there would be a mill- ion altogether. I have not observed any well-marked difference as regards the number of the villi, between the commencement and the termination of the small intestine. It * A. Meckel recommends that the mucus should be removed by plunging the intestine first in an arsenical solution, and then in water impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen ; but the continued action of a stream of water is far preferable. 368 SPLANCHNOLOGY. appears to me that the number and length of the villi are much greater in carnivora than in herbivora. The otter has been said to have the largest villi of any animal. Their form varies much. In the majority of animals which I have examined, as the dog, cat, calf, and bear, they are filiform. In the human subject they are all lamellar or foliaceous, but with many varieties. In the duodenum they are curved upon themselves, presenting the appearance of a calyx or corolla, and sometimes adhering to each other by their ex- tremities. In the small intestine, properly so called {figs. 157, 159), they are rectilinear, floating, cylindrical, conical, clubbed at the end, constricted, and sometimes bent in the middle. In the neighbourhood of ulcerations, they are, as it were, cut off close or trun- cated, without presenting any alteration in their structure. Structure.—Brunner calls them membranous tubes ; Leeuwenhoek regarded them as muscular organs; Helvetius and Hewson considered them to be small valves, an idea which has been revived and carried out more lately by Albert Meckel. This anatomist, who has given representations of the villi in a great number of animals {Journ. Comple- ment, t. vii.,p. 209), regards them as formed of small lamellae, sometimes twisted upon their axes, like the first leaf of a germinating grain of wheat, and sometimes folded into a semi-canal or groove ; but he considers that all these varieties may be referred to that of a lamella, broad at the base and narrow at the apex ; a fundamental form, which may always be demonstrated with the aid of a needle.* Lieberkuhn states, that at the base of each villus there is an ampulla, which opens upon the summit of the villus by a single orifice ; and he considers that both the ampul- la and the orifice belong to the commencement of the lacteal vessels ; arteries and veins ramify round the ampulla ; and each villus has an afferent artery and an efferent vein. According to Mascagni, the villi are composed of an interlacement of bloodvessels and small lymphatics, and are covered by an extremely thin membrane, composed of lym- phatics. The following are the results of my own observations ; Having had occasion to examine a subject in which the lymphatic vessels were filled with tubercular matter, I was able to trace a lymphatic trunk into each villus (vide Anat. Path, avec planches, liv. 2), which traversed its entire length. This perfectly agrees with Lieberkuhn’s ac- count. In another subject I injected mercury into one of the mesenteric veins, and then above the mercury I forced in a coarse black injection. The mercury and a part of the black injection passed into the cavity of the intestine, and a globule of mercury appear- ed upon the summits of the villi, which were blackened from the injection. From this I have concluded that the villi are perforated at their summits. I shall return to this subject again.t The Duodenal Glands and Follicles. Preparation.—Some intestines are not well adapt- ed for the study of the follicles, which, indeed, seem to be entirely wanting in them. Others, again, are very favourable for that purpose. The follicles are rendered more apparent by plunging the intestine into acidulated water. They must be examined from the internal surface of the mucous membrane, and also from its external surface, by re- moving the serous, muscular, and fibrous coats by which they are covered. In the study of the duodenal glands, this last method of investigation is absolutely necessary. The follicles are generally divided into two kinds, the simple or solitary, and the ag- minated; to these we shall add the duodenal glands. The Duodenal Glands.—These, properly speaking, are the glands of Brunner. This anat- omist, who had already made some curious experiments upon the pancreas, says that, having partially boiled the duodenum, he observed upon its internal membrane some granular bodies, which he has had figured, resembling the solitary follicles in the neigh- bouring portion of intestine. To this collection of granules he gave the name of the sec- ond pancreas. Farther observations have shown, that in the upper half, or upper two * [Many of the villi are certainly cylindrical, and, therefore, not referrible to the fundamental form described by Albert Meckel. In the fcetus and young subject they are comparatively broader and flatter, and are con- nected at their bases so as to form folds having irregular margins. In this stage of their development they re- semble the rug® in the intestines of birds and reptiles.] t [The villi contain all the elements of the intestinal mucous membrane ; no nerves, however, have been ac- tually demonstrated in them. „. The bloodvessels are numerous, and form a very tig. 100. Beautiful capillary network in each villus (3. fin. 156). Great differences of opinion have existed, and still exist, as to the mode of origin of the lacteals in the in- testinal villi; the best authorities, however, agree in stating that they do not commence by open orifices. Rudolphi and A. Meckel considered that they arose by a closed network. Dr. Henle found a single dilated but closed lacteal in each villosity ; and more recent- ly, Krause observed that in each villus the lacteal arose by several branches, some of which ended in free but closed extremities, while others anastomosed together {2, fig. 156). The villi, and, it may be ob- served here, every portion of the intestinal mucous linm. rnnsistimr of plfino-otod rwinmni-in i.nnUot,.,! membrane, are covered by a transparent, columnar epunenuiu, uuuniowuy ui ciuugaieu prismatic nucleated cor- puscules. The j)erpendicular arrangement of these upon the surface of a villus is shown in the diagram (1, fig. 156).] THE INTESTINES. 369 thirds of the duodenum, there is a layer of flattened granular bodies, peifectly distinct from each other, however close they may be. This layer must not be confounded with the glanduliform arrangement of the duodenal villi; it can only be well seen after hav- ing removed the three outer coats. These granular bodies are nothing more than small ■(compound) glands, which, when examined with a powerful lens, present all the eharac ters of the salivary glands. These glands do not cease abruptly, but become few and scattered towards the lower end of the duodenum; so that it is by no means inconsist- ent to admit that the solitary follicles of the rest of the intestinal canal may be of a simi- lar nature.* The solitary follicles, or glandular, solitaria, are generally known in the present day a.-, the glands of Brunner (Bis-put. de Gland Duodcn., Heidelberg, 1687, 1715), although that anatomist only described the glands or follicles of the duodenum, which he said dimin- ished in number below that portion of the intestine, and disappeared altogether in the je- junum. It is, therefore, by an extension of the author’s meaning that we speak of the glands of Brunner as occupying the termination of the small intestine, the stomach, and even the large intestine, The glandulas solitariae present the appearance of small rounded granulations, like mil- let seeds, projecting upon the internal surface of the mucous membrane, without any distinct orifice, and covered with villi (fig. 157); they are found upon the valvula; con- niventes, as well as in the spaces between them. Their number is very considerable ; so that in certain diseases, where they become more prominent than usual, they might be mistaken for a confluent eruption. It is a mistake to say that they diminish in num- ber from the upper towards the lower part of the small intestine, the contrary being nearer to the truth. When examined with the simple microscope, they have appeared to me to be hollow, and filled with mucus, t The agminated follicles, or glandular plexuses, are more generally known as the glands of Peyer, although both the solitary and agminated glands were described by that anato- mist. Pechlin noticed them under the name of veskularum agmina. Willis, Glisson, Malpighi, Duverney, and Wepfer have given more or less complete descriptions of them; but Peyer (De GlancUilis Intestmorum, J, C. Peyer, 1667, 1673), when still a young man, and without any knowledge of the work of Pechlin, described and figured them under the title of glandwlce agminatee so accurately as to leave nothing to be desired. These agminated glands are arranged in elliptical patches (fig. 158), the long diameter of which corresponds with the direction of the intestine : they are pierced with holes, or small depressions, so that they have a honeycombed appearance; and iience has arisen the name of plaques gaufrecs, under which I believe I was the first to describe them; they are all situated on the border opposite to that by which the mesentery is at- tached to the intestine; that is, along the convex border of the intestine, and never along the concave border, nor even upon either side. They are chiefly found towards the end of the small intestine ; they become more and more scattered as we approach the duodenum, in which, how- ever, Peyer once met with a single patch. Their number varies considerably, twenty, thirty, and even more having been counted. Are they ever entirely wanting 1 The dif- ficulty of detecting them in some subjects has led to their being rejected altogether, or considered as the results of a pathological condition; but this opinion is clearly at va- riance with observation. Again, these patches are not constant either m situation, form, or dimensions. Some- times they assume the appearance of bands two or three inches in length {fig- 158), and sometimes they form cir- cular or irregular clusters. The largest are found near the ileo-csecal valve. It is not rare to find the termina- tion of the small intestine surrounded by a circular patch; Fig. 158. in. other cases, the patches termi- nate some inches above (he ileo- csecal valve, and their place is sup- plied by simple follicles. Fig. 157. * [According to Dr. Boehm (De Gland. latestin. Struct, penitiori), this is not the case, the compound glands of Brunner not existing below the commencement of the jejunum.] , t [Kg'. 157 is a solitary gland magnified ; it is represented, after Boehm, as a closed vesicle filled with whitish matter, which contains granules smaller than those of mucus. Villi are seen upon the free surface of its capsule, and it is sur- rounded by the crypts of Lieberkiihn (the mouths of which are indicated by the darker spots), which have no communication with the vesicle itself (see also note, p 3701.1 A A A 370 SPLANCHNOLOGY. These patches are generally contained in the substance of the mucous membrane, to . . which they give a much greater density, so that, in * tViPcp situations, it Will tn hf> spranprl In snmp. which they give a much greater density, so that, in these situations, it will bear to be scraped. In some cases they appear to be imbedded in the fibrous coat. They should be examined both from the external and internal surfaces of the mucous membrane.* When they are filled with their secreted fluid, and are exam- ined by transmitted light, they may be compared to the vesicles in the skin of an orange : this observation may bo easily made in the day. They evidently consist of collections of glands, exactly resembling the solitary glands {fig- 159). Each depression appears to be the orifice of one of the follicles, which are quite independ- ent of each other; so that we sometimes find two or three altered in the middle of a patch, which is other- wise perfectly healthy. Lastly, villi are found upon the patches of the glandulae agminatse ; they occupy the in- tervals between the depressions.! The Follicles or Corpuscules of Lieberkuhn.—Lieberkuhn speaks, also, of innumerable, rounded, whitish follicles, which are seen between the villi, and of corpuscules which are visible between these follicles. He calculates that there are eighty follicles for eighteen villi, and eight corpuscules for each follicle. lam disposed to think that these follicles and corpuscules, which have never been seen excepting by the microscope, should be refer- red to those globules which are revealed in all the tissues by the aid of a magnifying power.! The Vessels and Nerves.—All the arteries of the small intestine, properly so called, are branches of the superior mesenteric. They are very numerous. Those of the duodenum arise from the hepatic. The branches from the superior mesenteric are remarkable for the numerous anastomotic loops which they form before reaching the intestine, for their flexuous course within its coats, and for the series j?f vascular layers formed by them between the peritoneal and muscular, the muscular and fibrous, and the fibrous and mu- cous coats. The last layer forms a very complicated network, from which the vessels of the mucous membrane are derived. The veins are much larger than the arteries, and present a similar arrangement, except in regard to the flexuous course, which is peculiar to the arteries ; they constitute the superior mesenteric vein, which is one of the prin- cipal branches that contribute to form the vena portae. The lymphatic vessels are of two kinds, viz., lacteals and lymphatics, properly so called ; they both enter the numerous lymphatic glands, situated in the mesentery; those which belong to the duodenum enter the glands above the pancreas. The nerves are derived from the solar plexus. The development of the small intestine will be noticed in conjunction with that of the large intestine. Uses.—Chylification, i. e., the transformation of the chyme into chyle, is effected in the duodenal portion of the small intestine. The essential agents of this process are the bile and the pancreatic fluid. In the remainder of the small intestine (the jejunum and ileum), the absorption of the chyle takes place. The numerous convolutions, the valvu- lae conniventes, and the villi, all tend to increase the extent of the absorbing surface. The products of exhalation and of follicular secretion serve to complete the digestive process. The contents of the bowels are forced along by the shortening of the longitu- dinal, and the contraction of the circular fibres, the latter producing the vermicular mo- tion of the intestines. The large intestine is that part of the alimentary canal which extends from the end oi the small intestine {d, fig. 139) to the anus (i). It commences in the right iliac region (c, fig. 161), and passes upward (a) as far as the right hypochondrium; then, having reached the liver, it makes a sharp flexure (the right or hepatic flexure), and proceeds The Large Intestine. * [Their contents are sometimes transparent, and they are then very difficult of detection.] + Lin fig. 159, representing part of a patch of Beyer’s glands magnified, are seen some of the elevated white bodies described by Boehm as resembling the solitary glands, except in not generally having any villi situated directly upon them. Each is surrounded by a zone of dark points, the elongated openings of the crypts of Lieberkuhn. Many of these crypts are also seen scattered irregularly between the numerous villi; none of them communicate with the interior of the whitish bodies, in which, whether solitary or agminated, Boehm could discover no opening, at least, not in a healthy human intestine. He considers them, therefore, to be closed vesicles, not follicles. More recently, however, Krause has observed that, in the pig’s intestine, they are occasionally open, independ- ently of disease ; and Dr. Allen Thomson has lately made a similar observation in reference both to the pig and to the human subject.] X [The follicles or crypts of Lieberkuhn are tubes placed more or less perpendicularly to the surface of the mucous membrane, like those in the stomach, but situated more widely apart; their open mouths are seen scattered over the whole surface of the membrane, or collected around the solitary and agminated glands (figi 157, 159). The corpuscules {corpora albicantia), described by the same observer as being situated in the bot- tom of the crypts, are probably collections of desquamated epithelium within them.] THE INTESTINES. 371 transversely (t) from the right to the left side (transverse arch of the colon); in the left hypochondrium, below the spleen, it again makes a sharp bend and becomes vertical (d), (left or splenic flexure). In the left iliac region (/) it is twice bent upon itself, like the Ro- man letter S (iliac or sigmoid flexure), and it then dips into the pelvis (r), and terminates at the anus. The large intestine, therefore, describes within the abdomen a nearly complete circle, which surrounds the mass of convolutions of the small intestine ; and it occupies the right and left iliac regions, the right and left lumbar, the base of each hypochondriac, and the adjacent borders of the epigastric and umbilical regions. Although it is much more firmly fixed in its place than the small intestine, and is, therefore, less liable to displacement, yet it presents some varieties in length and curvature which have a con- siderable influence over its position. The large intestine is more deeply situated than the small in one part of its extent, but in another is at least quite as superficial. From its long course, and from the different relations piesented by its different parts, it has been divided into the caecum, the colon, which is itself subdivided into several parts, and the rectum. Dimensions.—The length of the large intestine is four or five feet, and, compared with the small intestine, is as one to four ; but it varies considerably, rather, it would seem to me, from the effects of repeated distension, than from any original conformation ; for it may be easily imagined that the bowel cannot be distended transversely without lo- sing somewhat in length, and that, on returning to its former diameter, it must be elon- gated in proportion to the distension it had previously undergone. The large intestine has also generally appeared to me longer in persons advanced in age than in adults. Its caliber or diameter usually exceeds that of the small intestine, but may become so reduced that the gut resembles a hard cord, about the size of the little finger. In other cases it is so large that it occupies the greatest part of the abdominal cavity : this is ob- served in tympanitic distension of the large intestine. It is not of uniform caliber throughout, as the following measurements will show. The circumference of the caecum, moderately distended, and taken immediately below the ileo-caecal valve, was found to be eleven inches and three lines in one subject, and nine inches and a half in another; the right colon in the loins and the right half of the arch were eight inches and nine lines in the first, and five inches some lines in the second subject. The circumference of the left half of the arch of the colon, and of the left lumbar colon, was six inches in the first and five inches and a half in the second. The circumference of the sigmoid flexure was five inches and a quarter; that of the rectum was three inches until near its termination, where it presented a dilatation four inches in circumference in one, and five inches in the other subject. It follows, therefore, that the large intestine, like the small, has an infundibuliform shape ; it resembles, indeed, two funnels, the base of the one corresponding to the cascum, and its apex to the sigmoid flexure, while the base of the other is at the dilated portion of the rectum, and its apex is applied to that of the first. It is probable that this infundibuliform arrangement has some reference to the passage of the faecal matters. It also follows that there is no uniform relation between the diameters of the different portions of the large intestine : thus, a very large caecum and ascending colon may co- exist with a small descending colon In some cases we find in the large intestine con- siderable dilatations, separated from each other by such constrictions that the caliber of the corresponding part of the gut is obliterated. These strangulations from a con- traction of the circular fibres are very different from those produced by organic diseases ; they probably take place during life, and may account for the affection known as the windy colic. In some chronic diseases, accompanied with diarrhoea, the large intestine, contracted and containing no gases, is not as large as the small intestine. The Caecum.—The cascum {e, fig. 139), so named because it resembles a cul-de-sac, is the first part of the large intestine The existence of a caecum is one of the numerous indications of the line of separation between the large and the small intestine. Its up- per boundary is altogether arbitrary; it is determined by a horizontal plane intersecting it immediately above the insertion of the small intestine. It is single in the human sub- ject, but is double in some species of animals. It is situated (c, fig. 161) in the right iliac fossa, and occupies it almost entirely. It is one of the most fixed portions of the ali- mentary canal, for the peritoneum merely passes in front of it, and binds it down into the iliac fossa. It is not, however, so firmly fixed in all subjects ; it is often enveloped by the peritoneum on all sides, and floats, as it were, in the region which it occupies, its capability of motion depending on the looseness of the right lumbar mesocolon. This arrangement of the peritoneum is not necessary, however, to explain the great amoun of displacement which the c&cum undergoes in ceitain cases. It is not uncommon to find it in the cavity of the pelvis : it occasionally enters into the formation of hernias and, what is somewhat remarkable, it has been at least as frequently found in herniaa upon the left as upon the right side. Its direction, which is in general the same as that of the ascending colon, is not alway vertical as may be seen by examining a moderately-distended intestine, but it passt. 372 SPLANCHNOLOGY. obliquely upward and to the right side, so that it forms with the colon an obtuse angle projecting on the right side ; and I have even seen it form a right angle with the colon. This arrangement, connected with the obliquity of the plane of the iliac fossa, explains why, when its attachments are relaxed, it has less tendency to be displaced towards the right inguinal ring and femoral arch than to the same parts on the left side. In some subjects, the caecum and its vermiform appendix are applied to the lower part of the small intestine, so that the caecum and the neighbouring part of the colon describe a curve, the concavity of which embraces the lower end of the ileum. In size it is generally larger than the portion of the intestine which succeeds it: this, perhaps, depends less upon its primitive conformation than upon the accumulation of fecal matters resulting from the inclined position of this intestine, and from the direc- tion in which its contents are moved. It may be said, as a general rule, that, next to the stomach, the caecum is the largest part of the alimentary canal. There are many individual varieties in the length and capacity of this intestine, in which the fecal mat- ters are liable to be retained. These accumulations occasion great pain; they have been much studied lately, and have been often mistaken for inflammations. The caecum is very slightly developed in carnivora, but, on the other hand, it is very large in her- bivora. Figure.—The caecum is a sort of rounded ampulla, all the diameters of which are nearly equal; it is also sacculated like the rest of the large intestine. Upon it we ob- serve the commencement of the three longitudinal bands, which I have already noticed : of these, the anterior is, in the caecum, twice as broad as either of the two posterior ; some folds of peritoneum, loaded with fat, which are called fatty appendages (appendices cpiploicce); and, lastly, some protuberances, separated by parallel depressions, an ar- rangement which exists in the colon also, and is produced by the longitudinal bands. Relations.—ln front, the caecum is in relation with the abdominal parietes, through which it can be felt when it is distended with gases or fecal matters. When the ca> cum is collapsed, the small intestine is often interposed between it and the parietes of the abdomen. Behind, it rests upon the iliacus muscle, from which it is separated by the lumbo-iliac fascia. The cellular tissue uniting it to this aponeurosis is extremely loose, and, there- fore, offers no opposition to displacement of the intestine. When the peritoneum forms a complete covering for the caecum, that intestine is, of course, in indirect relation with the iliacus. The vermiform appendix is often turned back behind the caecum. On the inside, the caecum receives the small intestine ; the angle at which they unite (the ileo- caecal angle) varies much. Sometimes the small intestine is inserted at a right angle ; most commonly the angle of incidence is obtuse above and acute below {fig. 160). Some- times the ileum, instead of passing upward, is directed downward, and then the angle of incidence is changed. A circular depression indicates the limit between the two in- testines. Below, upon the free extremity or cul-de-sac of the caecum, is seen the ver- miform appendix (v), situated behind and on the left side, a few lines below the ileo- csecal angle. The arrangement of the internal or mucous surface of the caecum is in accordance with that of its external surface : thus, three projecting ridges correspond with the three lon- gitudinal bands ; some cavities or pouches with the protuberances ; and some transverse projecting folds, forming incomplete septa, which are easily seen in a dried specimen, correspond with the parallel depressions. Upon this surface, to the left and a little be- hind, we also find the ileo-caecal valve {a b,fig. 160), and the orifice (o) of the vermiform appendix (»). The Ileo-ccecal Valve.—This is also called the valve of Bauhin, from the name of the anat- omist to whom its discovery is attributed, although it had been described before his time. To obtain a perfect knowledge of it, it should be examined upon a fresh specimen under water, and also upon an inflated and dried intestine. In a fresh specimen, when viewed from the caecum, it presents the appearance of a projecting cushion, oblong from before backward, and fissured in the same direction. It is a membranous and movable cushion, and was incorrectly compared by Riolanus to the pyloric ring. It has two lips and two commissures ; the two lips are in contact, except during the passage of the contents of the bowels. Two folds, proceeding from the two comnrssures, one of which is anterior and the other posterior, are lost upon the corre- sponding surfaces of the intestine. The posterior fold is much longer than the anterior; Morgagni called them the frcma of the valve. When viewed from the ileum, it presents the appearance of a funnel-shaped cavity, directed upward, and to the right side. In a dried intestine, the ileo-caecal valve is seen to consist of two prominent valvular segments, projecting into the caecum, so as to form an angular ridge. The upper, or ileo- colic segment {b,fig. 160), is horizontal; the lower, or ileo-cacal (a), forms an inclined plane of about 45°, and both are parabolic. The upper segment is fixed by its adherent convex border to the semicircular line, along which the upper part of the tube of the ileum is united with the colon ; the adherent border of the lower segment, which is also convex, is continuous with the semicircular line of junction between the lower half of the ileum THE INTESTINES. 373 and the caecum. The free borders of the segments are directed to- wards the right side, and are semilunar; they are united at their ex- tremities, but in the middle leave between them (between a and h) an opening like a buttonhole, which becomes narrower as the intes- tine is more distended. The diameter of this opening is in proportion to that of the small intestine. The free border of the lower segment is more concave than that of the upper. When examined from the ileum, the valve presents an angular excavation exactly correspond- ing to the projecting edge found in the cavity of the large intestine. The lower surface of the upper valvular segment is slightly concave; the corresponding surface of the lower segment is slightly convex. This double ileo-caecal valve differs widely from the ring of the py- lorus ; it offers no obstruction to the passage of the contents of the small into the large intestine; but in ordinary cases, it will not per- Fig. 100. Mit their regurgitation from the latter into the former. The lower or ileo-caecal segment is elevated so as to prevent reflux from the caecum, and the ileo-colic segment becomes depressed, and opposes any return of the contents of the colon. Still, from a great num- ber of experiments which I have performed on this subject, I am satisfied that both wa- ter and air injected into the large intestine most frequently overcome the resistance offer- ed by this valve, though with different degrees of facility in different subjects. This re- gurgitation, however, only takes place with gaseous or liquid matters ; such as have a greater degree of consistence cannot pass back, and therefore the reflux of faecal matter is impossible. * Structure.—The structure of the ileo-caecal valve was perfectly demonstrated by Albi- nus. If we follow his example, and remove the peritoneal coat from a distended intes- tine, at the point where the ileum enters the large bowel, we shall at once perceive most distinctly that the small intestine seems to sink in there ; and if, by means of careful and gradual force, we attempt to disengage it from the large intestine* it may be drawn out, as it were, from the colon to the length of an inch or an inch and a half; and then, on inspecting the inside of the large intestine, we shall find that the valve has altogether disappeared, and that the ileum communicates with the caecum and colon by a large ap- erture. The precise structure of the valve is as follows; it is composed of the circular muscu- lar fibres of the ileum, which are prolonged as far as its free edge ;f of the fibrous coat, and of the mucous membrane. A similar fact has been observed regarding this mucous membrane to one we have already several times noticed in describing the alimentary ca- nal, viz., a sudden change in its character opposite the free margin of the valve. * That portion of the membrane which lines the surface turned towards the large intestine has all the characters of the mucous membrane of that bowel, while that lining the surface directed towards the ileum has those of the mucous membrane of the small intestine. The limit between them is generally observed in diseases. The Appendix Vermiformis.—The appendix vermiformis (v,figs. 139, 160, 161), so na- med from its resemblance to an earth-worm, commences at the posterior lower and left portion of the caecum, of which it may be considered an appendage (the cacal appendix); it resembles a small, hollow, and very narrow cord {duodecies nascente colo angustior, says Haller). In length and in direction, it presents much variation: its length is from one to six inches. It is somewhat wider at its point of junction with the caecum than in any other part, and is in general about the diameter of a goose-quill. Its direction is sometimes vertically downward, sometimes upward, and often tortuous. I have found it spiral, and at other times contained in the substance of the mesentery, parallel to the ileum, and only free at its extremity. In some subjects it is funnel-sha- ped, widening out to become continuous with the cascum, which, in such cases, is very narrow. Its situation and relations are equally variable. Thus, most commonly, it oc- cupies the right iliac fossa, near the brim of the pelvis : it is attached to the caecum and to the iliac fossa by a triangular or falciform fold of the peritoneum, which extends only to one half of its length, and allows it a greater or less capability of movement. It is still more movable when it is entirely surrounded by the peritoneum, and has no mesentery. From this it may be conceived that it may enter into the formation of hernias, and may be twisted around a knuckle of the small intestine, so as to cause strangulation. It is * Nevertheless, if we consider that the large intestine must always be very much distended in order to pro- duce a reflux of gases and liquids, it may be questioned whether the passage of gaseous or liquid matters from the large to the small intestine can take place during- life. I have been able to determine the mechanism of the resistance offered by the valve from the effects of distension. The two segments are turned back, the lower one upward, and the upper one downward ; their corresponding surfaces become convex, and they are pressed together the more and more forcibly in proportion to the amount of distension. In some subjects dis tension may be carried so far as to rupture the longitudinal bands, and yet not overcome the obstacle. ln most cases, the free edge of the lower segment glides from right to left under the upper one, which remains immovable ; and the gas and liquids escape with more or less facility according to the degree of disturbance in the parts. t (The longitudinal muscular fibres and the peritoneal coat pass directly from the small to the large intes- tine, without entering into the formation of the valve.] SPLANCHNOLOGY. often turned back behind the ascending colon between that intestine and the kidney: in one case of this kind, I found the free extremity of the appendix in contact with the lower surface of the liver. I have also once seen it turned up behind the lower end of the small intestine, and, at another time, embracing that bowel in front. None of these dif- ferences, however, depend on the situation of its point of attachment to the caecum, which is always on the left side, below and behind the cul-de-sac, at a short distance from the ileo-caecal valve. When divided lengthwise, the cavity within it is seen to be so narrow that the walls are always in contact. A small quantity of mucus is found in it, and it often contains small scybala ; cherry-stones and shot have also been found in it. The whole of its internal surface has a honeycomb appearance, like that at the lower end of the small intestine.* A valve of different size in different subjects, but never sufficiently large to cover the orifice entirely, is found at the point (o, jig. 160) where the appendix commu- nicates with the caecum. The cavity of the appendix, like the caecum, terminates be- low in a cul-de-sac; and in this, which is extremely narrow, foreign bodies may be lodged, and may then sometimes become the cause of those spontaneous perforations which are occasionally seen. The uses of this appendix are altogether unknown ; in the human subject, it is merely a vestige of an important part in many animals. Haller says that he has twice seen the vermiform appendix obliterated, i. e., without any cavity. I presume that this was the effect of morbid adhesion. Lastly, I once found this appendix as large as the index finger, and two inches in length ; its cavity contained some thick, transparent mucus. The orifice by which it should have communicated with the caecum was obliterated. The Colon.—The colon (icu?.vu, to impede, dfg h,Jig. 139) constitutes almost the whole of the large intestine. It extends from the caecum to the rectum, and, as we have al- ready seen, there is no line of demarcation between these different parts. In the first part of its course it ascends vertically, then becomes transverse, next descends vertical- ly, and is then curved like the Roman letter S, and becomes continuous with the rectum. From this long course, and also from its direction and numerous relations, the colon has been divided into four portions, viz., the ascending or right lumbar colon, the transverse colon, or arch of the colon, the descending or left lumbar colon, and the iliac colon, or sigmoid flexure. Each of these parts requires a separate description, at least with regard to its relations. Let us first point out the general form of the colon. The colon presents a sacculated appearance throughout, which gives it some resem- blance to a chemical apparatus, consisting of a long series of aludels. The sacculi of the colon are arranged in three longitudinal rows, separated by three muscular bands. Each of these rows presents a succession of enlargements and constrictions, or deep grooves, placed across the length of the intestine. These enlargements and grooves are produced by the longitudinal bands, which, being much shorter than the intestine, rig loi. cause it to be folded inward upon itself at intervals. It follows, therefore, that division of these bands by means of a bistoury, or, rather, their rupture, from great distension of the gut, should de- stroy this sacculated appearance, and such, indeed, is the result of the exper- iment ; at the same time, the large in- testine becomes twice or three times as long as it was before, and forms a regular cylinder, like the small intes- tine. An incontestable proof of the relation between the cells of the colon and the muscular bands, is the con- current absence of both in a great num- ber of animals. Lastly, the three rows of sacculi vary much in different sub- jects, and also in different parts of the great intestine. The descending colon and the sigmoid flexure have only two rows of sacculi, and, consequently, two intermediate bands. The sacculi al- most entirely disappear in the sigmoid flexure. The Ascending or Right Lumbar Colon (a, figs. 155, 161).—This portion of the colon is bounded below by the caecum, * [Nevertheless, the structure of the mucous membrane in the two situations is very different (see notes, p. 370, 379).] THE INTESTINES. 375 and above by the transverse arch, with which it forms a right angle, near the gall-blad- der. It is more or less firmly held in its place by the peritoneum, which in some sub- jects merely passes in front of it, and in others forms a fold or lumbar mesocolon. The ascending and descending colon may be included among the most fixed portions of the alimentary canal. In front of it are the parietes of the abdomen, from which, excepting when greatly distended, it is separated by the convolutions of the small intestine. Be- hind, it is in immediate relation with the quadratus lumborum and the right kidney, no layer of peritoneum intervening. It is united to these parts externally by loose cellular tissue. This relation accounts for the bursting.of abscesses of the kidney into the colon, and explains the possibility of reaching the colon in the lumbar region without wound- ing the peritoneum. On the left side, advantage has been taken of this fact in attempt- ing to form an artificial anus. On the inside and on the outside it is in relation with the convolutions of the small intes- tine ; and on the inside also with the psoas muscle, and with the second portion of the duodenum. The Transverse Colon, or Arch of the Colon.—This (t) is the longest portion of the large intestine; it extends from the ascending to the descending colon, from the right to the left hypochondrium, and generally occupies the adjacent borders of the epigastric and umbilical regions. It is not unfrequently found opposite the umbilicus, and even in the hypogastrium. Its right extremity corresponds to the gall-bladder (g), its left is below the spleen (k). It describes a curve having its convexity directed forward, and its con- cavity backward; hence the name, arch of the colon. In some subjects it is two or three times its ordinary length, and hence it presents various inflections. I have seen its middle portion descending as low as the umbilical or hypogastric region, and even reach- ing the brim of the pelvis ; in other cases it descends parallel to, and on the inner side of, the ascending colon, and then passes upward again, or it describes curves of different extent. The arch of the colon is supported by a very remarkable fold of peritoneum, called the transverse mesocolon, which forms a horizontal septum between the small in- testine below, and the stomach, the liver, and the spleen above. The extent of this fold, which is one of the largest of all those formed by the peritoneum, explains the great freedom of the movements of the transverse colon, which, next to the small intestine, is the part of the alimentary canal most frequently found in hernia. Relations.—Above, it has relations with the liver (I), which generally presents a slight depression, corresponding to the angle formed by the ascending and transverse colon ; with the gall-bladder (g), whence the discoloration of the right extremity of the arch from the bile; it is not rare to find the gall-bladder opening into the colon; with the stomach (s), which projects in front of it when distended, but is separated from it by a considerable interval when empty ; and, lastly, with the lower extremity of the spleen if). The two anterior layers of the great omentum, which proceed from the greater curvature of the stomach, pass over the arch of the colon without adhering to it. I have seen a large loop of the arch of the colon interposed between the liver and the diaphragm. Below, the arch of the colon corresponds to the convolutions of the small intestine {fig. 155). In front, it corresponds to the parietes of the abdomen, beneath which it may sometimes be felt when distended with gas. It is separated from them by the two an- terior layers of the great omentum. The two posterior layers of the great omentum are given olf from the middle of its anterior border. Behind, it gives attachment to the transverse mesocolon. The Descending or Left Lumbar Colon.—The descending colon {d,figs. 155,1G1) so close- ly resembles the ascending portion, both in situation and relations, that we can only re- fer to what has been already stated. We must observe, however, that it is more deeply situated above than the ascending colon, and that it is of less size. Advantage has been taken of its immediate relations behind, with the quadratus lumborum, in the operation for artificial anus in cases of imperforate rectum. It is preferred, for this purpose, to the ascending colon, simply from its proximity to the anus. The Iliac Portion, or Sigmoid Flexure, of the Colon.—The sigmoid flexure of the co- lon (/, figs. 155, 161) is situated in the left iliac fossa, and is continuous below with the rectum. The line of demarcation between it and the descending colon is determined by the commencement of a fold of peritoneum, called the iliac mesocolon, or, rather, by the change in the direction of the large intestine, as it appears to detach itself from the pa- rietes of the abdomen, opposite the crest of the ilium. It is continuous with the rectum at the point where it dips into the pelvis, opposite the left sacro-iliac symphysis. But, as it often happens that the lower portion, or even the whole of the sigmoid flexure, is con- tained in the cavity of the pelvis, it may be understood that such a definition is not precise. It is retained in its place by a very loose fold of peritoneum, called the iliac mesocolon, and therefore, in some measqre, partakes of the mobility of the small intestine. It has been found in almost all the regions of the abdomen, but especially in the sub-umbilical zone. It has been seen in the umbilical region, its first curvature reaching even to the liver. I have met with a case in which the sigmoid flexure extended upward, and the arch of the colon downward to the umbilicus, so that they came in contact with each oth- 376 SPLANCHNOLOGY. er; the large intestine, therefore, corresponded with the whole anterior region of the abdomen, the sigmoid flexure alone occupying the umbilical, the hypogastric, and the left iliac region. Should the following disposition, which I have met with several times, be regarded as accidental or congenital 1 Commencing from the descending colon, the sigmoid flexure passed transversely from the left to the right side, on a level with the brim of the pelvis as far as the right iliac fossa, below the caecum, which it turned upward in one case, and pushed in front of itself in another ; the sigmoid flexure then described its two curves either in the right iliac fossa or in the pelvis. These cases, in which the sigmoid flex- ure of the colon alone is transposed, must be carefully distinguished from general trans- position of the viscera. The most peculiar character of the sigmoid flexure is its direction. It passes at first upward, in an opposite direction to the descending colon, then descends vertically, and then, curving again, passes to the right or to the left, forward or backward, and becomes continuous with the rectum (r), (the iliac flexure). These several flexures, however, vary exceedingly ; I have seen them very slight; but then the upper or free portion of the rectum was found decidedly flexuous; and, indeed, it is difficult to ascertain whether such flexures belong to the rectum or to the displaced sigmoid flexure. There can be no doubt that this double curve of the colon is connected with its uses as a receptacle for faecal matters. The size of the sigmoid flexure varies considerably. In a case of imperforate anus in an infant, which lived twenty days, it became enormously distended. Retention of the faeces in the adult seldom causes so proportionally great an accumulation in the sigmoid flexure : the rectum is almost entirely the seat of the accumulation. Relations.—The sigmoid flexure corresponds to the abdominal parietes in front. When empty, its relations with the latter are indirect, in consequence of the interposition of some convolutions of the small intestine; when it is distended, they are immediate; and hence we are recommended to make an artificial anus in the sigmoid flexure of the colon, in cases where the rectum is imperforate. It is in contact behind with the iliac fossa, to which it is fixed by the mesocolon : hence it can be easily compressed and ex- plored by the fingers, for the purpose of detecting hardened masses of faeces. In the rest of its circumference it is in relation with the convolutions of the small intestine. The Internal Surface of the Colon.—On the internal surface of the colon are seen three longitudinal ridges, corresponding to the three muscular bands on its external surface ; three intermediate rows of sacculi, the concavities of which agree exactly with the pro- tuberances on the external surface ; and, lastly, numerous ridges or incomplete septa, dividing the cells of each row from one another, and improperly called valves; they cor- respond to the grooves or depressions on the external surface. In order to comprehend the arrangement of the cells and the intervening septa, we must examine the large in- testine when moderately distended and dried. If the muscular bands have been previ- ously divided, the cells and septa disappear. The internal sacculi, as well as the external protuberances, vary much in different in- dividuals, and even in different parts of the same colon. Thus, there are generally only two rows in the descending colon and the sigmoid flexure, because there are only two muscular bands in those parts. Sometimes, indeed, there are no cells in the sigmoid flexure. Lastly, the internal surface of the large intestine presents some irregular folds, which are completely effaced by distension. The Rectum.—The rectum (A i,flg- 139), so called from its direction, which is gener- ally less flexuous than that of the rest of the intestinal canal, is the last portion of the large intestine, and, consequently, of the digestive tube. It commences at the base of the sacrum, and terminates at the anus. It is situated, in the tree pelvis, in front of the sacrum and coccyx (r,fig. 161; o o', fig. 181). We see, then, that the alimentary canal, after having abandoned the vertebral column in order to describe its numerous convolutions, is situated at its termination in front of the lower part of that column, just as, at its commencement, it is applied to the upper part of the same. It is firmly fixed, especially below, where it is surrounded on all sides by cellular tissue, and is also bound down by the superior pelvic fascia. This part of it cannot, therefore, suffer such displacements as occur in hernia; but, from its functions as an organ of expulsion, the whole effort of the abdominal muscles is concentrated upon it, and it is, therefore, liable to displacements of a different kind, viz., to invagination and eversion. Its situation, which is in some degree constant, within a bony cavity, having unyield- ing walls, and its relations with the pelvic fascia, place it in conditions altogether pecu- liar to itself; for while the bladder and the uterus, which are also contained in the same cavity, ascend into the abdomen when they are distended, the rectum, in which the faeces are accumulated, dilates entirely within the pelvis, and undergoes no change of position. From this fixed condition of the rectum along the middle of the pelvic cavity, it also follows that, in cases where the gut is denuded by destruction of the surrounding cellu- lar tissue, it remains separate from the walls of the pelvis ; such is the nature of fistu- THE INTESTINES. 377 are contained in the capsule of Glisson, together with the ramifications of the vena port® and hepatic artery, to which * Structure of the Lobules.—[It appears from the preceding note, that while several branches of the vena port® and hepatic artery enter, and several of those of the hepatic duct pass out at the capsular surface of each lobule, only a single branch of the hepatic vein emerges from its base ; within the lobules, the following is the arrangement of these vessels : . The branches from the inter-lobular (portal) veins (> p p,fig. 167) form in the outer portion of each lobule a venous plexus (I /), consisting of branches radiating towards the centre, connected by others passing transversely ; these veins become capillary, ramify upon the biliary ducts, and terminating in the branches of the intra- lobular (hepatic) vein (h), which correspond in number with the processes on the surface of the lobule, ultimately unite to form the central vein that passes out at its base. The lobular arteries are few in number, and, according to Kiernan, end in branches of the vena port®, and not directly in those of the hepatic vein. Muller inclines to the more commonly received opinion, that the three kinds of bloodvessels communicate with each other. No communication, how- ever, exists, as stated by M. Cruveilhier, between the bloodvessels and the Fig. 167. biliary ducts, which, like the ducts of other glands, are an independent system of vessels. According to Mr. Kiernan, the ducts form a reticulated plexus, occupying principally the outer portion of each lobule (as shown at h b, fig. 100, which is a diagram copied from Mr. Kiernan’s paper). Muller expresses doubts as to the anastomosis of the ducts, and thinks it probable, from analogical observation, that they terminate in tufts of tubes Fig. 168. having blind extremities. The islets formed between the radiating and transverse branches of the lobular (portal) veins (I, fig• 167) correspond to the acini of Malpighi, and contain the biliary ducts with their capillary bloodvessels, and also a pecu- liar tissue, which occupies all the intervals between the several kinds of vessels, and consists, according to Krause, of hexagonal, nucleated cells, having several bright points in them, like globules of oily matter. The appearance of two substances in the liver can now be explained ; it does not depend on the biliary ducts being situated in the centre, and the veins nearer to the circumference of each lobule (see p. 391, 394), but in a ucaier tu me uicuuucicuw - - • * r ■ partial congestion of either the portal or hepatic system of veins. In portal congestion, the margins of the lobules are dark, and their centres pale ; it is very rare, and has been seen only in children. • a c*. , . , , _ Of hepatic venous congestion there are two stages : in the hrst, the centre of each lobule is dark, and the margin pale {fig. 166) ; it constitutes passive congestion, and is the common state of the liver after death : in the second, the congestion extends to the portal veins m the mter-lobular/wswres, but not to those in the inter- lobular spaces, or points at which those fissures meet, which spaces are then seen to occupy the centre of each pale isolated spot: this is active congestion of the liver; it occurs in diseases of the heart, and in acute dis- eases of the lungs and pleura.] + [/• e.j canals passing directly from the liver into the gall-bladder.] + See note, supra [Excepting those within the lobules.] 396 SPLANCHNOLOGY. they are connected by loose cellular tissue. The trunks of the hepatic duct lie at the bottom of the transverse fissure, and are hid by the trunk of the vena portae and the branches of the hepatic artery. The hepatic duct (t,fig. 169), thus formed by the union of the two trunks which occupy the transverse fissure, passes downward and to the right side for about an inch and a half, and then unites at a very acute angle with the cystic duct (s), to form the ductus communis choledochus (c; and x, fig. 154). In this course the duct is contained in the gastro-hepatic omentum, together with the vena portae, which is behind it, and the right branch of the hepatic artery, which is in front of it. A great quantity of loose cellular tissue unites the duct to these vessels. The Gall-Bladder. Dissection.-—A gall-bladder filled with bile may be studied without any preparation; if it is empty it must be distended, either with a fluid or with air. A beautiful preparation of the gall-bladder may be made for preservation by drying it after inflation, or by filling it with fat, which is afterward removed by oil of turpentine. The gall-bladder {cystis fellea, g,fig. 164) is the reservoir of the bile. It is situated at the lower surface of the right lobe of the liver, occupying a particular fossa (the fossa of the gall-bladder) on the right of the longitudinal fissure, from which it is separated by the lobulus quadratus. It is held in this place by the peritoneum, which, in the majority of instances, merely passes below it, but, in others, almost entirely invests it, and thus at- taches it to the liver by a sort of mesentery. In this latter case it is at some distance from the liver, as in certain animals. Its form is that of a pear, or of a cone with a rounded base ; it is directed obliquely, so that its great extremity (g,figs. 155,161) looks forward, downward, and to the right; and its small extremity, backward, upward, and to the left side. Size.—The small size of the gall-bladder corresponds with that of the rest of the ex- cretory apparatus of the bile, and is strongly contrasted with the great bulk of the liver. This difference becomes still more striking if we compare, on the one hand, the kidney with the liver, and, on the other, the urinary bladder with the gall-bladder. It is true, however, that all the urine must pass through the former, while a part only of the bile is deposited in the latter. The size of the gall-bladder, however, is subject to considerable variety; it sometimes acquires three, four, or even ten times its usual size from retention of the bile, in conse- quence of obstruction in the ductus choledochus.* Cases have been recorded in which it contained six, eight, or ten pounds of bile, but this I can scarcely credit. On the oth- er hand, it is sometimes closely contracted round a small calculus, while the cystic duct is completely obliterated, and reduced to' a fibrous cord. It must undoubtedly have been such cases as these that have been regarded as examples of congenital absence of the gall-bladder. Relations.—ln order to facilitate our description, we shall consider the gall-bladder as consisting of a body, a fundus, and a neck. The body is conical, and has the following relations : below, where it is covered by the peritoneum, it is in relation with the first portion of the duodenum, and the right extrem- ity of the arch of the colon. It is not unfrequently found in contact with the pylorus, or even with the pyloric end of the stomach. Sometimes it is united by accidental or nor- mal adhesions to Jhe duodenum and arch of the colon. These relations account for the yellow or green discoloration which always takes place after death in those parts of the alimentary canal that are in contact with the gall-bladder; and also for the passage of biliary calculi into the duodenum, the colon, and the stomach. It is not very rare to find the gall-bladder applied by its whole length to the right kidney; this relation can only occur after descent of the duodenum and transverse colon. Above, the body of the gall- bladder adheres to the cystic fossa by a more or less loose cellular tissue,! and by ar- teries and veins, but never in the human subject by biliary, i. e., hepato-cystic, ducts. The fundus of the gall-bladder {g,fig. 161), entirely covered by the peritoneum, gen- erally projects beyond the anterior margin of the liver, and comes into relation with the abdominal parietes, opposite the outer border of the right rectus muscle, immediately below the costal cartilages near the anterior extremity of the tenth rib. When distend- ed with bile or calculi, the fundus of the gall-bladder becomes prominent, so as to raise the abdominal parietes, through which it has been felt in emaciated individuals. It has even been stated that the noise made by the calculi may be heard on percussion. This relation explains the possibility of the occurrence of abdominal biliary fistulas, and why calculi may escape through such openings: on it, also, is founded the scheme for ex- tracting the calculi by an operation analogous to that performed for stone in the urinary b adder, and which I should not have mentioned had it not been proposed by J. L. Petit. The relations, as well as the size of the fundus of the gall-bladder, present many vari- * Another cause of enlargement of the gall-bladder is the obstruction of its neck by a calculus; but, in- stead of bile, it then contains a limpid serum, and, in fact, is converted into a serous cyst. The tumour thug formed may be compared to the lachrymal tumour in cases of obstruction of the lachrymal puncta or canals. t This cellular tissue may become inflamed, and, if pus be formed, it may pass into the gall-bladder, while the bile escapes into the cellular tissue, and hence death may ensue. I have observed, in a very short space of time, three examples of this lesion, which, perhaps, has not been thoroughly examined : and several cases have me under the name of gangrene of the gall-bladder. THE LIVER. 397 eties. The fundus, or that part which projects beyond the liver, is sometimes as large as the body. I have seen this part of the gall-bladder turned back at a right angle upon its body, and reaching the umbilicus. It may be conceived, that the differences in the form and situation of the liver must greatly* influence the situation of the fundus of the gall-bladder, which I have found in the hypogastrium and in the right iliac fossa, either with or without adhesion to the neighbouring parts. The neck or apex of the gall-bladder is twice bent suddenly upon itself, like an italic S, having its three portions in contact. It would appear, in some cases, that these two curves resemble the thread of a screw. This double curvature may be easily effaced by removing the peritoneum with the subjacent cellular tissue. The limits between the neck and the body of the gall-bladder on the one hand, and between the neck and the cystic duct on the other, are marked externally by a constriction. The internal surface of the gall-bladder is tinged either green or yellow, according to the colour of the bile ; but this staining is the effect of transudation after death ; its nat - ural colour is a whitish gray. Moreover, the internal surface is irregular, like shagreen, and has some crests or prominences arranged upon it in polygons, and again subdivided by smaller crests, like the reticulum in the stomach of ruminantia; so that, when ex- amined by a strong lens, it appears divided into a number of small and very distinct al- veoli ; some highly-developed papillae or villi, of a very irregular shape, are also found upon it. As to the object of either the crests or the papillae, or whether they favour ab- sorption by multiplying the surface, we are altogether unable to decide. Opposite each of the two curves of the S, described by the neck of the gall-bladder, we find a very large valve. The two valves, which are in opposite directions, as well as the curves, result from the alternate inflection of the neck itself, and are effaced by straightening that part. The portion of the neck between the two valves is not unfre- quently dilated into an ampulla. A calculus is often formed in this intermediate portion, where it remains, as it were, encysted, and intercepts the course of the bile ; and that the more easily, because the valves greatly contract the openings from the neck into the body of the bladder, and into the cystic duct. Moreover, these valves are opposed nei- ther to the entrance of the bile into, nor to its exit from, the bladder. Structure.—Proceeding from without inward, we find that the gall-bladder is composed of, 1. A peritoneal coat, which is reflected from the lower surface of the liver upon the bladder, completely invests its fundus, forms a more or less incomplete covering for its body and neck, and is continuous with the anterior layer of the gastro-hepatic omentum. 2. An areolar fibrous coat, which forms, as it were, the framework of the bladder, and pre- vents its sudden distension, though it will yield to a long-continued distending force ; but I have not been able to see the muscular fibres admitted by some authors, and which can be so easily demonstrated in the larger animals, the ox in particular. 3. An internal mucous membrane, the principal characters of which I have noticed when speaking of the internal surface of the gall-bladder: it presents some folds, which may be easily distin- guished from the borders of the alveoli, because they are readily effaced by distension. Af- ter the most attentive examination, I have been unable to recognise any crypts or follicles. The gall-bladder receives one very considerable artery, the cystic branch of the hepatic. The cystic vein terminates in the vena portae. The lymphatic vessels are very numerous, and easily demonstrated; they are sometimes tinged by the colouring matter of the bile. Its nerves are derived from the hepatic plexus. The Cystic Duct.—The cystic duct (s, fig. 169), or excretory duct for the bile, is the smallest of all the biliary canals : it is not uncommon, however, to find it of an equal or even larger size than the others, in which case there has always been some obstacle to the flowT of the bile through the ductus communis choledochus (c). It commences at the neck of the gall-bladder, passes downward and to the left side for about an inch, and unites at a very acute angle with the hepatic duct {/.). It is not straight, but inflected, and, as it were, sinuous. Relations.—It is situated in the substance of the gastro-hepatic omentum, in front of the vena cava, the cystic artery being on its left side. Its internal surface is remarkable for its valves, which are indefinite in number; according to Soemmering, there are from nine to twenty, but this appears to me to be an exaggeration : I have counted from five to twelve. These valves are concave at their free margins, irregular, alternate, oblique, transverse, sometimes even vertical, and united together by small oblique valves. In order to understand their structure, a cystic duct must be examined under water, or, rath- er, an inflated and dried specimen. This alternate arrangement of the valves some- times gives a spiral appearance to the inner surface of the cystic duct A These valves, which only exist in man, perhaps on account of the erect position peculiar to him, are not effaced, like the valves in the neck of the gall-bladder, by such dissection as will al- low of straightening of the duct. Small calculi are occasionally met with in the inter- vals between the valves, giving to the cystic duct a nodulated appearance, and intercept- ing the flow of the bile. Moreover, the valves of the cystic duct are not more opposed to the descent than to the ascent of the bile. It is even probable that they facilitate the * “ Quae possint aliquam spiralis fabrics imaginem ferre.”—(Haller, tom. vi., liv. xxiii., p. 530.) 398 SPLANCHNOLOGY. ascent of the bile into the gall-bladder by supporting the column of liquid, like the valves of the veins. Perhaps they are also intended to retard the course of the bile from the gall-bladder towards the ductus choledochus. From their appearing sometimes to have a spiral arrangement, M. Amussat has advanced a very ingenious opinion ; that the as- cent of the bile is effected by a contrivance like an Archimedes’ screw. But an Archi- medes’ screw only causes the ascent of a liquid when a rotatory movement is communi- cated to it, and how can such a movement be performed by the cystic duct 1* The Ductus Communis Choledochus.—The ductus communis choledochus (joA?/, bile, containing; c, c,fig-169), the last excretory canal of the bile, seems to be formed Fig. 169. by the union of the hepatic (t) and the cystic ducts (s). Another, and, perhaps, more simple manner of viewing the excretory canals of the liver, would be to consider the hepatic duct as giving off to the right, after a certain course, the cystic duct, which, after passing backward, di- lates into an oval ampulla to form the gall-blad- der ; and the ductus choledochus as nothing more than the continuation of the hepatic duct. The direction of the ductus choledochus is, in fact, the same as that of the hepatic duct, i. e., obliquely downward, a little to the right, and backward : there is no line of demarcation be- tween these two ducts : in the natural state there is no marked difference in their diame- ters : the ductus choledochus, when collapsed, is about as large as a moderately-sized goosequill. The same causes give rise to dilatation of the ductus choledochus and of the hepatic duct. I have seen the former as large as the duo- denum. {Anat. Pathol, avec planches.) Its length is from two to two inches and a half. Relations.—ln the first part of its course, before it reaches the duodenum, the ductus choledechus is included in the gastro-hepatic omentum, in front of the vena ports, and below the hepatic artery, having the right gastro-epiploic artery along its left side, and surrounded by loose cellular tissue, a great number of lymphatic vessels, and several lymphatic glands. Having reached the duodenum, opposite the first flexure of that in- testine, it passes behind and to the inner side of its second portion, and is there received into a groove, or, more commonly, into a complete canal, formed for it by the pancreas. Lastly, it penetrates very obliquely into the substance of the duodenum, about the mid- dle of its second or vertical portion, perforates the muscular coat, passes between that and the fibrous coat, then between the fibrous coat and the mucous membrane, elevating the latter when distended with bile or by a probe, and after a course of about seven or eight lines between the coats, opens into the duodenum, about the lower part of the sec- ond portion, at the summit of a nipple-like eminence (above e'), which is more or less prominent in different subjects. In this third portion of its course the ductus choledochus is in relation with the pan- creatic duct (m), which is situated on its left. Opposite the base of the eminence above- mentioned, the two ducts unite, or, rather, the pancreatic duct opens into the ductus choledochus ; so that, at its termination, the latter may be regarded as a canal having a triple origin, viz., an hepatic, a cystic, and a pancreatic.f Internal Surface of the Ductus Hepaticus and Ductus Choledochus.—The internal surface of both the hepatic duct and the ductus choledochus is characterized by the absence of valves, though traces of valves are occasionally met with in the ductus choledochus; by the absence of the alveolar structure observed in the gall-bladder ; and by having a multitude of openings or well-marked pores, which are considered as belonging to mu- ciparous follicles, and are apparently formed by an interlacement of fasciculi, having a fibrous character, and intersecting each other at very acute angles. The ductus chole- dochus and the hepatic duct are of uniform caliber throughout their whole length. The ductus choledochus is contracted a little in its third or duodenal portion ; it dilates into an olive-shaped ampulla, opposite the base of the papilla in the duodenum, and opens by an extremely small orifice or mouth: hence the reason why biliary calculi are so fre- quently arrested in the ampulla of the ductus choledochus. From the narrowness of the duodenal orifice of the ductus choledochus, from the mo- * Another opinion, founded upon the existence of the valves, is that of Bachms, who, believing- that he had shown that the valves prevent the ascent of the bile from the hepatic duct into the gall-bladder, has advanced very singular views concerning the formation and uses of the bile. The bile, according to him, is formed in the gall-bladder, and carried by the cystic duct into the hepatic duct and the ductus choledochus. By his theory, the bile which reaches the liver through the hepatic duct assists greatly in sanguification. This opin- ion, altogether erroneous as it is, has perhaps exercised a great influence in science, by contributing to eradi- cate the idea of the bile being an acrid, corrosive, and essentially injurious excrementitial fluid. t Hence the definition of Scemmering : “ Ductus choledochus, id est, ductus hepaticus, cysticus, et pancreati- cus, in unum conjlati.”—(Corpor, Hum. Fabric.} tom. vi., p. 186.) THE LIVER. 399 vable or yielding nature of the eminence upon which it opens, and from the oblique course of the duct through the substance of the walls of the duodenum, it follows that the bile and the pancreatic fluid may pass freely from the ductus choledochus into the duodenum, but cannot regurgitate from the duodenum into the duct. On this subject I have made several experiments. I have forcibly injected both water and air into the duodenum, included between two ligatures, but nothing entered into the biliary canals : on the other hand, I have injected the same fluids from the gall-bladder into the duodenum, which I was thus able to distend at pleasure. But then, on compressing the bowel thus distend- ed with great force, I have never been able to cause the slightest reflux into the biliary canals.* At the union of the cystic and hepatic ducts there is a very long spur-shaped process, formed by the lining membrane reflected upon itself. At the junction of the ductus cho- iedochus and the pancreatic duct there is also a similar process, which I have seen ex- tending down to the duodenal orifice. In neither situation do these processes prevent the fluid of one canal from passing into the other. Thus, the cystic bile might flow back into the hepatic duct, the pancreatic fluid might regurgitate into the ductus choledochus, and, on the other hand, the bile might enter the pancreatic duct, if these canals were not habitually full. Moreover, the spur-shaped process between the ductus choledochus and the pancreatic canal cannot arrest the flow, either of the bile or the pancreatic fluid, by being applied to the orifice of the one or other duct. Structure of the Biliary Ducts.—All the biliary ducts have a similar structure : they have an internal mucous membrane, continuous on the one hand with the lining mem- brane of the gall-bladder, and on the other with that of the duodenum ; it is thin, and provided with slightly-developed papillae ;f a proper membrane, composed of a dense are- olar tissue, generally regarded as fibrous, but which appears to me analogous to the tis- sue of the dartos condensed; a cellular layer connecting these canals to the surrounding parts ; and, lastly, the peritoneum, which forms a very incomplete accessory tunic for them. Thus constituted, the biliary ducts have very thin walls, so that they collapse like veins, and are extremely dilatable. In certain cases of retention of the bile we find the ductus choledochus and the hepatic duct as large as the duodenum, the divisions of the hepatic duct dilated in proportion, and the tissue of the liver more or less atrophied by the compression to which it has been subjected. Development of the Liver.—The development of the liver is one of the most important subjects in its history. Under this head we have several points to consider : 1. The time of its appearance is anterior to that of any other organ :t in the first days of intra-uterine life it may be distinguished by its colour in the midst of the cellular mass which represents the foetus. 2. In size the liver is relatively larger as it is examined at an earlier period of devel- opment. Thus, according to Walter, in the embryo of three weeks it forms one half the weight of the whole body. This enormous proportion is maintained during the first half of intra-uterine life. After this period its growth is slower, while that ot the other, or- gans is proportionally increased, so that at birth the weight of the liver is one eighteenth that of the whole body.§ After birth the liver undergoes an absolute diminution ; some authors have even affirmed that a comparison of the weight of the liver in new-born in- fants and in children of nine or ten months old, gives a difference of one fourth in favour of the former. It is generally said that the difference in size affects the left rather than the right lobe; but this has not appeared evident to me. Towards the age of puberty the liver has the same relative bulk as at later periods. Attempts have been made to ascertain the proportion between the weight of this organ and that of the body, and it has been said that it forms one thirty-sixth part of the whole body. But what relation can be established between two terms, one of which, viz., the weight of the body, is subject to continual variations 1 In old age the liver is smaller than in the adult, a dim- inution apparently in unison with that which occurs in all the other organs. 3. The differences in the situation of the liver are connected with its variations in size : thus, in the first half of intra-uterine life, the liver occupies the greatest part of the ab- domen, and is in relation with certain regions in which it is not found at more advanced stages. In the earliest periods it descends as low as the crest of the ilium, and when the abdomen is opened it presents the appearance of a red mass, beneath which are * How can this fact be reconciled with another no less incontestable, viz., the passage of lumbrici into the biliary ducts ? The reason is that the lumbricus is a foreign body, which has a power of selection, and is able to overcome an obstacle, to seek for the orifice of the ductus choledochus, and to introduce itself within it. t [Numerous follicles are found in the ductus communis and in the hepatic duct, and all its subdivisions ; according to Mr. Kiernan, even in the smallest that can be examined. In the larger branches they are ar- ranged irregularly ; in the smaller ones, in two longitudinal rows, along opposite sides of the duct.] t [ln the embryo of the bird the liver is developed by a conical protrusion of the walls of the intestinal ca- nal into a granular mass or blastema.—(See Muller's Phys. by Baly, p. 448.) The rudiments of the cerebro- spinal axis, of the heart, and of the intestinal canal, appear previously to the liver.] I have had occasion to notice, at the Maternity, the very great differences in the size of the liver in in- lants at birth, for which I have been unable to find any sufficient reason. There ar*3 some well-formed in fonts in whom the liver at birth is not relatively larger than that of adults 400 placed the other abdominal viscera. During the second half of intra-uterine life, and at birth, it occupies only a part of the abdomen ; but it still corresponds to a considerable extent of the abdominal parietes : hence the ease with which it is ruptured by pressure upon the abdomen of a new-born infant. One fact on record seemed to me to prove, that in a first labour, where the feet presented, the pressure of the genital organs of the mother was sufficient to produce this result.—(Vide Proces-verbal de la Distribution des Prix de la Maternite, 1832.) In the earliest periods the falciform ligament of the liver corresponds to the median line of the body; at birth it is a little to the right of that line, and is afterward removed still farther in the same direction. 4. The great size of the liver during intra-uterine life is connected with the existence of the umbilical vein, by which the fcetus receives the blood returned from the placenta, that is to say, all the blood necessary for its nutrition. The rapid diminution of the liver after birth is probably owing to the obliteration of this vein. It is a very remark- able fact, that the persistence of this vein in the adult is not accompanied by an unusu- ally large liver. In one particular case of persistence of the umbilical vein the liver w'as of a very small size.—(Anat. Path, avec planches, liv. xvii.) 5. The tissue of the liver of the foetus is of a pale red colour in the early periods, and of a deep brown near the full term of pregnancy; its colour becomes lighter after birth. The liver contains a greater quantity of blood before than after birth. Its tissue is the less consistent the earlier the stage of development at which we examine it, and its soft- ness is accompanied with great fragility. 6. The distinction between what are called the two substances of the liver is not ap- preciable during intra-uterine life. It only becomes apparent after birth. Functions.—The liver is the secreting organ of the bile. The bile is secreted in the glandular granules by an unknown process. Doubts are still entertained as to whether the materials from which the secretion is formed are conveyed by the hepatic artery or the vena portae.* The opinion advanced by some modern authors, that the yellow sub- stance of the liver is the only part concerned in the secretion of the pile, and that the brown substance has other uses, is a purely gratuitous hypothesis. The bile traverses the several ramifications of the hepatic duct, and, having arrived in the principal duct, it may either enter directly into the duodenum by the ductus chole- dochus, or it may pass into the gall-bladder by the cystic duct. This retrograde move- ment towards the gall-bladder has much occupied the attention of physiologists : perhaps it may be explained by the narrowness of the duodenal orifice of the ductus choledochus, by the elasticity of that canal, and especially by the pressure exercised oh its duodenal portion by the circular fibres of the duodenum. The gall-bladder and the cystic duct are not indispensable to the elimination of the bile. Nothing is more common than to find the excretory apparatus of the liver in old subjects reduced to the hepatic duct and the ductus choledochus. SPLANCHNOLOGY. Has the liver any other function besides that of secreting bile 1 The disproportion ex- isting between the size of that organ and of its excretory apparatus, and also the enor- mous bulk of the liver during fcetal life, i. e., at a time when the secretion of bile is at its minimum of activity, are both in favour of the opinion that the liver has some addi- tional function ; and if, again, we consider that, in the adult, a very important system of veins is distributed to the liver, and that in the fcetus it receives the blood from the veins of the fcetal portion of the placenta, we shall be led to presume that the unknown func- tions of this organ are in some way connected with the process of sanguification. The Pancreas. Dissection.—The pancreas may be seen through the gastro-hepatic omentum, after drawing down the stomach, without any dissection. In order to expose it, turn the stomach upward (see fig. 154) after having divided the two layers of peritoneum which proceed from its greater curvature to form the great omentum. It may also be ex- posed by turning the arch of the colon upward, and dividing the inferior layer of the transverse mesocolon. The excretory duct is situated in the interior of the organ. In order to dissect it, the glandular substance which covers it must be very carefully re- moved towards the middle and the right extremity of the gland. It may be injected from the ductus choledochus, after the vertical portion of the duodenum has been included be- tween two ligatures : when the duodenum is filled with the injection, the pancreatic duct becomes filled in its turn. It may also be injected from the ductus choledochus after hav- ing passed a ligature round the projection or ampulla which is common to the two ducts. The pancreas {nuv-Kpeag, all flesh) is a glandular organ annexed to the duodenum, with which it has immediate relations : it is situated transversely and deeply behind the stom- ach, and in front of the lumbar vertebrae. * [From the researches of Mr. Kiernan (see note p. 395), it would appear that the blood of the vena portie is directly concerned in the secretion of the bile, while that of the hepatic artery is only indirectly concerned, t. e., after it has afforded nutrition to the tissue and vessels of the liver, and has entered the branches of the vena portae, and thus become portal blood.] 401 Form and Size.—ln form, the pancreas resembles no other gland ; it is transverse!) oblong, flattened from before backward, large at its right extremity, where it presents a sort of angular expansion like a hammer, and gradually tapering towards its left extrern ity: hence the division of this organ into a head, body, and tail. Its long or transverse diameter is measured by the interval between the concavity of the duodenum (e e) and the spleen (k). The size and weight of the pancreas present many varieties. Its weight is generally from two to two and a half ounces, but may reach six ounces. The pan creas is sometimes found atrophied, and in one case of this kind it did not exceed an ounce in weight Relations.—Its anterior surface, convex and covered by the peritoneum, is in relation with the stomach, which moves freely upon it. In certain cases of disease, adhesion between the pancreas and the stomach takes place, so that in chronic ulceration of the latter we find the pancreas supplying the place of large portions of the walls of the stom- ach which had been destroyed. When the stomach is situated lower down than usual, the pancreas has relations either with the liver or with the anterior walla of the abdo- men, from which it is separated only by the gastro-hepatic omentum, so that it may be felt with the greatest ease through the abdominal parietes.* In such cases, even expe- rienced practitioners have not unfrequently been led to infer the presence of scirrhus of the pylorus. The pancreas is also in relation, in front, with the first portion of the duo- denum, and with the angle formed by the ascending and transverse colon. Its posterior surface is concave, and corresponds to the vertebral column, opposite the first lumbar vertebra; it is separated from the spine, however, by the splenic and the superior mesenteric veins, and by the commencement of the vena porta;. The two last- mentioned veins are lodged in a deep groove, or, rather, almost complete canal, formed in the pancreas, which also includes the superior mesenteric artery and its surrounding plexus of nerves. A great number of lymphatic vessels and glands, the pillars of the diaphragm (d d), the vena cava on the right side, and the aorta on the left, also separate the pancreas from the vertebral column. To the left of the spine it is in relation with the left supra-renal capsule and kidney, and the corresponding renal vessels. The rela- tion of the pancreas to the aorta is important; it is through the pancreas that the pulsa- tions of that vessel are felt in the epigastrium in emaciated individuals, and it is here that the vessel may be compressed. Its upper border is thick, and is grooved for the reception of the splenic artery, which often runs in a sort of hollow canal formed in the substance of the gland through its en- tire length. It also has relations with the first portion of the duodenum (e), with the k»bulus Spigelii, and with the cceliac axis (/). The thickness of this border has led some anatomists to say that the pancreas is prismatic and triangular. Its lower border is much thinner than the upper, and is bounded by the third portion of the duodenum, from which it is separated on the left by the superior mesenteric vessels (to, the artery). Its right, or duodenal, or great extremity is in contact with the duodenum and the duc- tus choiedochus. This extremity presents a very remarkable arrangement; it is curv- ed upon itself from above downward, like the duodenum, by the concavity of which it is circumscribed ; then, having reached the third portion of the bowel, it passes transverse- ly to the left, behind the superior mesenteric vessels, and forms the posterior wall of the canal in which they are situated. This reflected portion, arranged in the form of a whorl, is sometimes detached from the rest of the gland, on which account it has been, called the lesser pancreas. By its great extremity the pancreas is, as it were, attached- to the duodenum, beyond which it projects in front, but especially behind ; it accompa- nies this intestine in all its displacements, so that when the duodenum is situated lower down than usual, which happens in displacements of the stomach downward, the head of the pancreas is always removed in the same direction. Its left, or splenic, or small extremity is narrow, and touches the spleen, upon which it is flattened and blunted, and sometimes slightly enlarged. It is seen, then, that in its relations to other parts, the pancreas has a great analogy with the salivary glands. Thus, large vessels are situated near and penetrate this gland, which forms a sort of covered passage for them, and is moved by their pulsations. The diaphragm, the duodenum, and the stomach, also tend to disturb and press upon the pancreas. Structure.—The analogies in structure between the pancreas and the salivary- glands are no less numerous, and fully justify the name of abdominal salivary gland given to it by Siebold: it has the same whitish colour, the same density,! and the same arrange- ment into lobes, which are themselves divisible into lobules. The identity is such that it would be impossible to distinguish a portion of the pancreas from a part of a salivary TUB PANCREAS. * This condition may be foretold : it occurs whenever the vertebral column can be felt immediately behind Ae parietes of the abdomen. I have never met with it excepting in emaciated individuals, where a great part of the small intestine occupied the cavity of the pelvis. It is probably the traction exercised by the small intestine contained in the pelvis that occasions the low position of the stomach. t The pancreas sometimes assumes an extreme density, strongly resembling that of scirrhus. Jn such a case it is necessary to make sections of it, to be assured ol the perfect soundness of the glandular tissue. This stony hardness generally occurs along with atrophy of the organ E E E SPLANCHNOLOGY. gland. When boiled, they both have the same aspect and the same taste. There is no fibrous capsule, properly so called, but some fibrous lamella',, which separate the lobes and lobules. Cellular tissue is tolerably abundant. Fat is not uncommonly met with, either on the surface or in the substance of the pancreas ; I have even seen cases of atro- phy of the gland, in which fat appeared to have been substituted for the glandular substance. The determination of the structure of the pancreas, like that of all glands, involves two considerations, viz., the texture of each lobule, and the arrangement of the vessels and nerves in the substance of the gland. With regard to the first point, I shall merely re- fer to what has been already stated respecting the salivary glands.* The arrangement of the vessels is perfectly well known. As in the salivary glands, the arteries enter the pancreas at a great number of points. They are very numerous and very large, considering the small size of the organ; they arise from the hepatic, the splenic, and the superior mesenteric. The principal artery is called the pancreatico-duodenalis. The veins terminate in the superior mesenteric and the splenic. The lymphatic vessels are not well known ; it is probable that they enter the numerous glands which are in the neighbourhood. The nerves of the pancreas are derived from the solar plexus. The excretory duct (u, Jig. 169) is called the canal of Wirsung, from the name of its dis- coverer, a young anatomist, who was too soon lost to science. By an arrangement, of which we have no other example in the body, this excretory duct is contained entirely in the substance, we might even say, in the centre of the gland; so that, in order to ex- pose it, the superficial portion of the organ must be carefully divided. It is generally single, but sometimes double, and then there is a principal duct belonging to the body of the pancreas, and a small duct for the reflected portion, or lesser pancreas. The pan- creatic duct measures the entire length of the gland; it is narrow at the splenic extrem- ity, which may be regarded as its origin, and gradually increases in size as it approach- es the duodenal extremity ; there it bends downward, to reach the ductus choledochus, to the left of which it is placed ; it runs along the side of that duct, then perforates it ob- liquely, and opens, as I have already described when speaking of the liver, in the olive- shaped ampulla immediately preceding the duodenal orifice of the ductus choledochus. It follows, therefore, that the pancreatic duct and the ductus choledochus open by a com- mon orifice in the human subject. This arrangement is constant, and, when we find a pancreatic duct perforating the duodenum separately, we may be certain that there is another duct presenting the regular arrangement; at least, I have never observed to the contrary. As to the precise situation of the separate opening of the supernumerary pan- creatic duct, it may be either in front of, behind, below, or above, the orifice of the duc- tus choledochus. Tiedemann, who has collected all the known cases of double pancre- atic duct, and all the varieties of insertion found in the human subject, has arrived at the curious result, that these varieties have their analogies in the different species of animals. The mode in which the divisions of the pancreatic duct are inserted into the principal trunk deserves to be noticed. The ultimate ducts of the pancreas do not, in fact, unite into larger and larger branches, like the veins, but the small branches coming from each lobule open directly, and in succession, into the general duct: an arrangement which gives to the excretory apparatus of the pancreas the appearance of those insects called centipedes. As to the structure of the pancreatic duct, its walls are very thin; it is collapsed, and of a milk-white colour, very distinct from the grayish-white hue of the proper tissue of the gland. Its internal surface is extremely smooth, like a serous membrane ; f its thin- ness renders the determination of its texture very difficult; it is very extensible. Development.—The development of the pancreas presents no peculiarities excepting such as relate to its size, which is relatively greater in the foetus and the new-born in- fant than in the adult. Examples have occurred of disease of the pancreas during intra- uterine life ; and I have found a scirrhous pancreas in a foetus at the full term. Function.—The pancreas is the secreting organ of a particular fluid called the pancre- atic fluid, the physical and chemical characters of which have not been well known until very lately. I have met with two cases of retention of the pancreatic fluid. The dila- ted canal resembled a transparent serous cyst; the contained liquid was extremely vis- cid and transparent, but of a whitish hue, like a solution of gum-arabic; it had a slight- ly saline taste ; the collateral ducts were extremely dilated. There were some white patches, resembling plaster, in the centre of many of the lobules. This substance was more abundant in some of the lobules, and, when removed, presented the appearance of small lumps of plaster or chalk. The pancreatic fluid submitted to chemical analysis by M. Barruel proved to be an extremely pure mucus. M. Barruel even stated to me that it was the purest mucus he had ever examined. It possesses in the highest degree the ♦ [The only observable difference between the lobules of the pancreas and salivary glands is, that the closed termination of the ducts are cylindrical in the former, and slightly dilated in the latter (see note, p. 341).] t lit is a mucous membrane, continuous with that of the duodenum, and covered with epithelium. In some subjects, Mr. Kiernan found mucous follicles in it, similar to those in the biliary ducts ; in others, no traces of them could be discovered. None were seen in the salivary ducts.] property of rendering water viscid, either by dissolving, or by being diffused in it. This mucus contains free soda, a trace of chloride of sodium, and a very slight trace of phos- phate of lime. There is, therefore, an analogy between the pancreatic and salivary fluids, as the anatomical investigation of these glands had previously led us to suppose.* THE SPLEEN. 403 The Spleen. The spleen {anTiyv, lien; k, fig. 154) is a spongy and vascular organ, the functions ol which, though little known, appear to be connected with those of the abdominal venous system. It is deeply situated (k,figs. 155, 161) in the left hypochondrium, behind and to the left of the great end of the stomach, to which it is united by a fold of peritoneum, called the gastro-splenic omentum. It is also retained in its place by the peritoneum, which is reflected upon it from the diaphragm,! and by the vessels which enter and pass out from it. Being suspended rather than fixed to certain movable parts, the spleen necessarily participates in their movements ; and the contraction or relaxation of the diaphragm, as well as the alternate distension and collapse of the stomach, exert an undoubted influ- ence upon it; but these slight and temporary changes of position do not" constitute a true displacement. It may even be said that displacements of the spleen, which are very rare, are almost always congenital. Thus, Haller has seen this organ situated at the left side of the bladder, in an infant one year old, Desault has found it in the right cavity of the thorax in a foetus at the full time. Ido not here allude to cases of complete transposition of the viscera, nor to cases where the change of situation depends on enlargement of the spleen, or on displacement of the stomach, f I have mentioned elsewhere that I have found the spleen in the umbilical region. Accidental adhesions of the spleen are so frequent that they deserve to be mentioned. They are sometimes filamentous, and sometimes cellular, and they render painful the slightest changes of position in this organ, from violent contractions of the diaphragm, or from great distension of the stomach: these adhesions are almost always the sequelae of intermittent fevers. Number.—The spleen is single in the human subject. The supernumerary spleens oc- casionally met with near it are nothing more than small ovoid or spheroidal fragments of the spleen, which at first sight might be taken for lymphatic glands. I have never seen more than two supernumerary spleens in man. It is said that they are more fre- quent in the foetus than in the adult: this opinion is erroneous.§ It has been said that ten, twelve, and even twenty-three supernumerary spleens have been observed. With- out denying the possibility of the fact, lam inclined to doubt its occurrence. As the spleen is always multiple in a great number of animals, supernumerary spleens in man may be regarded as the last trace of such an arrangement. With regard to the examples of congenital or accidental absence of the spleen men- tioned by some authors, it should be remarked, that they were accompanied with se- rious diseases of the abdomen, and that small adherent spleens, lost in some measure among the surrounding organs, may easily have escaped notice in a not very close ex- amination. Size and Weight.—There is no organ which varies more than the spleen in regard to size and weight. These differences may be referred to the following heads : Individual Differences.—It is in vain to attempt to establish a relation between the size of the spleen and that of the liver, or between the size of the spleen and the stature, weight, constitution, and habits of the Differences from Physiological Conditions.—The spleen is often found small, wrinkled, shrunk, or, as it were, withered and collapsed; a state that certainly supposes the op- posite condition of distension. In other cases the spleen is large, and looks as if it were stretched. Ought we, then, to admit, with Lieutaud,f that the pressure from the * [According’ to the host analyses, the pancreatic fluid differs from saliva in containing a greater amount of solid matter, and also in the character of ns constituents : saliva is usually alkaline, and, besides other sub- stances, contains salivine, mucus, and sulpho-cyanate of potassa ; the pancreatic fluid contains albumen, ca- sein, but little salivine and mucus, and no sulpho-cyanate ; in other respects the two fluids agree.] t [This reflection is called the ligamentum phrenicu-lienale. The spleen is also connected by the perito- neum to the arch of the colon.] f The great end of the stomach is the most fixed part of that viscus, on account of its connexion with the oesophagus. Changes of position in this organ affect partly the portion between the pylorus and the cardia, and partly the pylorus itself. . t) It is true that a greater number of cases of supernumerary spleens m the foetus have been recorded than in adults ; but the fact is easily explained, if we consider that in the fmtus supernumerary spleens cannot escape notice, while they are often difficult to be seen in the adult, on account of the fat with which the omenta are loaded. . . II The spleen is proportionally larger in man than in the lower animals. It has been said, as if it were pos- sible to establish a relation between two such variable terms as the weight of the spleen and the body, that the former is -gigth of the latter. *ll Lieutaud"asserts that he has constantly found the spleen larger when death has occurred while digestion ■was going on in the stomach than when it has happened after that process had been completed; but the spleen varies so much in size that we cannot compare the spleen of one subject with that of another. An in- genious experiment has been made, the result of which is opposed to Lieutaud’s opinion ; out of four newly- 404 distended state of the stomach during digestion diminishes the size of the spleen, which, on the other hand, becomes the seat of an afflux of blood in the intervals between the occurrence of that process. This idea is, perhaps, erroneous as far as regards the pe- riods of collapse and turgescence; but it is correct as to the principal fact, viz., the al- ternation of those two opposite conditions. Differences from Age.—The spleen is proportionally smaller in the foetus than in the adult, and in the adult than in the aged. Differences from Disease.—The morbid differences in the size of the spleen suggest most important considerations. In a great number of patients suffering with intermit lent fevers, more especially when this organ is already enlarged from previous attacks, it is manifestly swollen during each access. Hypertrophy of the spleen may proceed to an extraordinary extent; so that this organ, which, in the natural condition, is with- drawn so deeply into the left hypochondrium as not to be seen on opening the abdomen, in certain cases fdls almost the whole of the abdominal cavity ; while its weight, which varies from two to eight ounces in the healthy condition, may be as much as ten, twen- ty, or thirty pounds; one case, indeed, has been recorded where the spleen weighed forty-three pounds. Atrophy of the spleen is very rare. I have seen it reduced to the weight of twe drachms. SPLANCHNOLOGY. The specific gravity of the spleen is, to that of water, as 1160 to 1000. The spleen, both upon the surface and in the interior, most commonly resembles in colour the dark lees of wine. This colour, however, presents many varieties from a deep-brown red to a pale gray. When the surface has been some time exposed to the air, it becomes bright red, like the surface of venous blood soon after its abstraction. Age, the kind of death, and diseases, have much effect on the colour of this organ, the different parts of which are not always of a uniform tint. I have seen a spleen of a deep chestnut-brown hue. Consistence.—One character of the tissue of the spleen is its extreme friability. In general it may be lacerated by the pressure of the finger, to which it communicates a feeling of crepitation, and emits a sound like the crackling produced by bending tin. The spleen maybe regarded as the most friable of all organs excepting the brain. Thus, examples have been recorded of its laceration from blows, or falls upon the abdomen, and even from a general concussion, or from the contraction of the diaphragm and ab- dominal muscles during violent exertion, &c. The consistence of the spleen also varies much in different individuals, and in dis- eases ; indeed, the mbst important alterations of this organ may be referred to either increased or diminished consistence. In induration, which is generally accompanied with hypertrophy, the tissue of the spleen is compact, brittle, and dry, and breaks like a piece of compact resin. In softening, carried to its highest degree, the spleen is con- verted into an inorganic pulp, exactly resembling a healthy spleen broken down by the fingers, and containing a greater quantity of fluid than natural. This state is often ob- served after malignant fevers,* and when the membranes are torn, the substance of the spleen escapes spontaneously. Figure.—The spleen has a crescentic form ; its long diameter is vertical, its concavity directed to the right, and its convexity to the left side. It may be compared, as was done by Haller, to a segment of an ellipse cut longitudinally. It presents for consideration an external and an internal surface, and a circumference. The external or costal surface is convex, smooth, and in relation with the diaphragm, which separates it from the ninth, tenth, and eleventh ribs ;t hence arises the influence of contractions of the diaphragm upon the spleen, and the possibility of its being rup- tured during a violent effort. This relation also accounts for the pain felt in the region of the spleen after quick running, and the difficulty and pain attendant on a strong inspi- ration made while running by persons in whom the spleen is hypertrophied. We frequently find a prolongation of the liver almost completely covering the external surface of the spleen. The internal or gastric surface is concave in all directions, and presents, at the junc- tion of the two anterior thirds with the posterior, a somewhat irregular series of open- ings, which are themselves irregular in form and number, are situated at greater or less intervals, and arranged longitudinally. This row of openings is called the fissure, or hi- lus {h,fig. 154) of the spleen. The gastro-splenic omentum is attached near this fissure. Some varieties are observed in the arrangement of the internal surface of the spleen. Thus, it sometimes presents a uniform concavity, and sometimes there is a sort of projecting ridge opposite the hilus, which divides it into two unequal parts, one anterior bom puppies, belonging to the same litter, two were kept without food, while to the other two milk was given ; on killing them, their spleens were all found of the same size. * Vide Anat. Path, avec Planches, liv. ii., art. Maladies de la. Rate. I have been able to collect the splenic fluid in a medicine vial, and to submit it to different experiments. t It is said that, the ribs produce marks upon the spleen from the pressure exercised by them upon it during life. 1 have never observed this appearance, and can only conceive it to exist in cases of hypertrophy of the spleen. THE SPLEEN. and larger, the other posterior and smaller: in the latter case, which is common, the spleen is of a prismatic and triangular form. The following are the relations of the internal surface : the part situated in front ol the hilus has relations with the great cul-de-sac of the stomach, and, on the right and behind this cul-de-sac, with the gastro-splenic omentum and the vasa brevia situated within it; the left extremity of the liver, which, as we have seen occasionally, covers the external surface of the spleen, is more frequently in relation with the internal sur- face of that organ. Behind the hilus the spleen corresponds with the left kidney, supra renal capsule, and pillar of the diaphragm, which separate it from the spine, and with the small extremity of the pancreas. The circumferenc is elliptical; its ■posterior harder is thicker above than below, and is in relation with the kidney, which it sometimes covers through its entire length; its an- terior border is thinner, and is applied to the stomach ; its upper extremity is thick, often bent upon itself, and in contact with the diaphragm, from which, howrever, it is occasion- ally separated by the liver'; its inferior extremity is pointed, and rests upon the angle formed by the transverse and descending colon, or upon the portion of transverse meso- colon which supports that angle. The circumference of the spleen is notched, and sometimes marked more or less deeply by fissures, which are prolonged upon both its surfaces, particularly upon the external surface, and which divide it into a greater or less number of distinct lobules. This lobular arrangement is the last indication of the mul- tiple spleens, of which we have already spoken. The description of the relations just given applies when the stomach is empty ; when that viscus is distended, they are some- what different. The spleen, which before was separated from the stomach by the gas- tro-splenic omentum, is then applied directly to it, and is moulded upon it, so, as it were, to cover its walls. It has no longer any relations with the kidney and the vertebral column, but is situated below and behind the great cul-de-sac of the stomach, and not to the left of it; and it becomes horizontal instead of being vertical, as when the stomach is empty. Structure.—Besides two investing membranes, one serous, the other fibrous,* the spleen consists of cells having fibrous parietes, and filled with a grumous fluid,f of the colour of port wine dregs, of certain corpuscules not very distinct in the human subject, of a very large artery and still larger vein, and of lymphatic vessels and nerves. The serous or peritoneal coat invests the whole spleen, with the exception of the hilus, which corresponds to the gastro-splenic omentum. It gives a smooth appearance to the spleen, lubricates its surface, and, at the same time, fixes it to the neighbouring parts by the bands which it forms. Its internal surface adheres closely to the fibrous membrane. The proper coat of the spleen forms a sort of fibrous shell, which is strong, notwith- standing its tenuity and transparency. This membrane is the seat of those cartilaginous plates which are so often found upon its surface, and which conceal its true colour. It is intimately united to the peritoneal membrane by its outer surface, and adheres still more closely by its inner surface to the tissue of the spleen by means of exceedingly nu- merous and dense fibrous prolongations, which penetrate it in all directions, and inter- lace in every way, so as to form, areolae or cells, the arrangement of which we shall here- after examine. Farther, the proper coat is not perforated at the hilus for the passage of the vessels, but by an arrangement similar to that already noticed in the liver, it is re- flected around the vessels opposite the hilus, like the capsule of Glisson, and is prolong- ed upon both the arteries and veins, forming sheaths which divide and subdivide like the vessels themselves, and receive the prolongations given off from the inner surface of the proper coat. This arrangement has been very well described by Delasonne {Mem. Acad, des Scien- ces, 1754), and especially by Dupuytren {These de M. Assolant). It follows, therefore, that the basis of the spleen is composed of a fibrous structure, consisting of an investing fibrous membrane, of fibrous sheaths which accompany the vessels in, their divisions and subdivisions, even to their terminations, and of prolongations arising from the inner sur- face of the membrane, interlacing in all directions, and attached to the outer surface of the sheaths.t The internal framework of the spleen is therefore an areolar tissue, which may be very well displayed by washing away the pulpy matter of this viscus by means of a stream of water; there wall then remain a whitish areolar and spongy tissue. This is also very clearly shown by injecting it either with mercury of some coloured liquid, or even by in- flating it with air blown through a puncture. The coats are then raised in different pla- ces, and after desiccation, the areolar structure becomes evident. This experiment also shows that the spleen is divided into a number of compartments, for, without rupture, only a small portion of the organ can be injected in this way. It appears, then, that the proper tissue of the spleen is composed of an areolar fibrous * See note, infra. . , ®e.e p. 406, t [This basis or framework is more or less developed in the different species of animals : it is much stronger the horse than in the ox. The proper coat of the spleen, together with the sheaths for the vessels, and the prolongations or trabecuke given off from it, are highly elastic, and are generally stated to consist of yellow elastic tissue, not of ordinary fibrous tissue.] 406 SPLANCHNOLOGY. network, and of a pultaceous matter, of the colour of port wine lees—-the splenic juice or matter, regarded by the ancients as one of the fundamental humours of the body, called atra bilis, and which modern diemists have not yet sufficiently examined. We have now to determine the arrangement of the cells, and the relation between these cells and the arteries, veins, and nerves. The Splenic Artery.—No organ of so small a size receives so large an artery. The splenic artery is, in fact, the largest branch of the cceliac axis, and, on this account, rup- tures or wounds of the spleen are almost always followed by fatal hemorrhage. It is also remarkable for its tortuous course ; when reduced to half its original size, from hav- ing given off several branches, it enters the spleen by four or five branches at greater or less distances from each other. These branches divide in the usual manner in the sub- stance of the organ, and preserve their tortuous character even to their terminations. One peculiarity well worthy ol attention is, that the arteries constantly divide in a ra- diating manner, so that air, or water, or tallow, thrown into one arterial division, does not pass into the branches of the others. This mode of division is observed not only in the larger, but also in the smaller arteries,* so that the spleen may be considered as an aggregate of a considerable number of small spleens, united together by a common in- vestment ; and accordingly, if in a living animal one division of the splenic artery be tied, the portion of the spleen to which it is distributed becomes blighted, while the rest re- mains in the natural state. This arrangement of the arteries may be shown in a very striking manner by injecting their several divisions with differently-coloured substances. The injected matters will not mix, and the line of demarcation between the lobes will become evident. This structure explains how multiple spleens may occur in man and the lower animals, and why there are so many varieties in this respect in the animal series. Some branches from the splenic, lumbar, and spermatic arteries enter the spleen through the folds of the peritoneum. The splenic vein is four or five times larger than the artery: it forms one of the prin cipal roots of the vena portae, and is almost equal to the other root formed by the supe rior mesenteric vein. The venous communication between the spleen and the liver has, in a great measure, given rise to the opinion that they are connected in function. The spleen is filled by the numberless and large divisions of this vein ; it might even be said that the texture of the spleen is essentially venous, that it is composed of a venous plexus or an erectile tissue, and that it bears the same relation to the veins that the lymphatic glands do to the lymphatic vessels. All the splenic cells communicate with the veins, or, rather, they are nothing more than these veins themselves, supported by the fibrous columns and sheaths already described: this is shown by the following consider- ations and experiments: 1. If, according to the example of Delasonne,f we examine the spleen of the ox by lay ing open the splenic veins and their divisions by means of a grooved director, we shall find that these veins are almost immediately reduced to their lining membrane, and per- forated with very distinctly formed foramina, through which the dark reddish-brown sple- nic matter is visible. These foramina soon become so numerous, that the veins are con- verted into cavities or cells, the walls of which are perforated with openings of various sizes, filled with the splenic pulp. This arrangement, which is most manifest under water, proves that the tissue of the spleen is composed of venous cells,t like the corpo- ra cavernosa of the penis. In man, the horse, and the dog, the great veins are not per- forated with foramina, but the cellular and areolar arrangement of the splenic veins, at a certain depth, is not less manifest. 2. If we inject the splenic artery, the spleen will become very slightly increased in bulk at first, i. e., as long as the injected matter does not pass into the venous system ; but as soon as this occurs, and it does so readily, the increase in size becomes rapid: it follows, therefore, that the communication between the artery and the splenic cells is indirect.s On the other hand, if we inject the vein, the cells are immediately dilated, and the spleen becomes prodigiously increased in bulk: it is easy to perceive that the communication is direct, and that the venous system, in some measure, forms the basis of this organ. We can very seldom meet with a human spleen sufficiently healthy for the following experiment. It will succeed perfectly with the spleen of a horse, which is of a much denser structure. The spleen ought, in the first place, to be freed from the liquid which it contains ; this must be accomplished by forcing water into the splenic artery. The * [The minute arteries ramify in tufts or penicilli.] t Delasonne has described the structure of the spleen in the ox as belonging to the human subject, t [According to Mr. Kiernan, these venous cells are lateral dilatations, which communicate with the venous trunk by small branches. They contain only blood, however, for the red pulpy matter of the spleen is said by Muller to be external to, and not within them. This red substance consists principally of red granules, about the size of the blood-globules, but spherical, not flattened.] t) It has been erroneously asserted that the communication between the artery and vein is more direct in the spleen than in any other organ. The great anastomoses, visible to the naked eye, between the splenic artery and vein, admitted by Spigelius, Diemerbroeck, Bartholin, and others, are purely imaginary. The pre- cise mode of communication is still unknown. THE SPLEEN. 407 water will return by the veins, at first turbid, then merely tinged, and at last limpid and pure.* I have in vain attempted to force the injection from the veins into the arteries. After the water, air should be blown into the artery, so as to empty the spleen as much as possible of any liquid which it may contain. If we examine a spleen thus freed of its contained matter, we observe that it is wrin- kled, and, as it were, shrivelled on the surface, and remarkably diminished in bulk ; and, on making a section of it, we find a white, spongy tissue, composed of laminae or fibres, interlacing in every direction. The following preparation! exhibits this structure most fully ; The spleen of a horse, prepared in the way I have indicated above, and weighing one pound, could receive ten pounds of tallow. The injection was thrown in by the veins ;at each stroke of the pis- ton, the spleen swelled up readily, an evident proof that the splenic cells communicate directly with the veins; while, in order to obtain the same effect by injecting through the arteries, very considerable force was required. The injection of the spleen by the veins did not take place in a uniform manner, but successively; in one injection, the upper part was injected before the lower, and the anterior border before the posterior. The independence of different portions of the spleen on each other exists in regard to their veins as well as their arteries. I have been enabled to observe the resistance of- fered by the tissue of the spleen to the distending power; a resistance which caused the injection to flow back whenever the impelling force was discontinued. The cells are extensible to a certain degree, beyond which they resist very powerfully ; it does not appear that they possess any elasticity, f After some days, when desiccation was complete, the spleen thus injected was divided into several portions, which were then immersed in spirits of turpentine moderately heat- ed. The tallow, by which all the cells were distended, and which had taken the place of their contents, having been dissolved out, the sections presented a spongy, areolar structure, like that of erectile tissue, as found in the corpora cavernosa, or the substance of the placenta: and this cannot be considered, as Meckel would have it, as the artificial result of the insufflation and injection, which lacerate, as he believes, a part of the ves- sels and fibrous tissue.—(Manuel d'Anatomic, t. iii., p. 479.) This spongy cellular struc ture explains why the spleen, as well as the corpora cavernosa, is susceptible of such great variations in bulk; and why it is sometimes found collapsed and wrinkled, and sometimes distended, and, as it were, swollen. Are the splenic cells lined by the inter- nal membrane of the veins 1 if so, the membrane is so thin as to be incapable of dem onstration. Corpuscles of the Spleen.—Malpighi described, as existing in the spleen, certain cor- puscles, regarded by him as the principal elements in this organ, and believed by him to effect some important changes in the splenic blood. These corpuscles, which Ruysch considered to be essentially vascular, have been again brought into notice by Dela- sonne, who demonstrated them by maceration. Haller denied their glandular nature, because, as he said, there can be no glands where there is no secretion and no ex- cretory ducts. The question is not, however, whether these corpuscles are glands or not, but rather whether they exist at all. It is certain that, in many animals, in the dog and the cat, for example, a great number of granules may be seen scattered through the spleen, and which, according to a calculation, the accuracy of which I do not guarantee, would s*eem to form two fifths of the weight of the organ. These corpuscles are soft, whitish or reddish, and vary in diameter from a fourth of a line to a line. They do not appear to me to exist in man.<) The lymphatic vessels of the spleen are divided into the superficial and deep. The su- perficial only are well known; a certain number pass from the spleen to the stomach ; they all terminate in lymphatic glands situated opposite the hilus, within the layers of the gastro-splenic omentum. * This injection, which requires considerable force, continued without interruption for a long time, occa- sions an exudation of a perfectly transparent fluid upon the surface of the spleen, even when water returned by the vein is still turbid. Here we have an imitation of an exhalant process. And, as this transudation takes place without rupture, it is evident that there are a set of vessels by which it is effected.* Ins ead of making an injection, which is always troublesome, we may attach the splenic artery to a tube, which is itself adapted to another tube, running from the bottom of a cistern ; the column of water will overcome the resistance offered to its passage from the arteries into the veins, and in twenty-four hours it will pass through perfectly limpid. t This mode of preparation was suggested to me by the plan adopted with the corpora cavernosa byßogros, prosector to the Faculty, who died a victim to his zeal for science. t [The lining membrane of these venous cells is not very extensible, but the trabecula;, between which they lie, are highly extensible and elastic also.] . rough), or asperia arteria (b,jigs. 170, 171), is the common trunk of the air-tubes of the lungs ; it is situated between the larynx {a, fig. 171), of which it is a continuation, and the bronchi (p p'), which are nothing more than its bifurcation in front of the vertebral column, extending from the fifth cervical to the third dorsal verte- bra. f In this situation, however, it is movable, and may easily be pushed to the right or left side. This mobility has occasioned serious accidents in tracheotomy, and has led to the invention of an instrument for fixing the trachea.} Its direction is vertical; it occupies the median line above, but appears to be slightly deflected to the right side be- low. I have often seen it somewhat flexuous, but these slight deviations only existed when the neck was bent upon the thorax ; they disappeared daring extension. Dimensions.—The length of the trachea equals that of the space between the fifth cer- vical and the third dorsal vertebrae, and is, therefore, from four to five inches; but it varies according as the larynx is raised or depressed, and as the neck is flexed or ex- tended. The difference produced in its length, by the utmost elongation and shortening, may be about half its entire length, i. e., from two inches to two inches and a half; its shortening is limited by the contact of its cartilaginous rings. § The diameter of the trachea is determined by that of the cricoid cartilage of the larynx; it is much wider in the male than in the female, and after than before puberty. Indi- viduals who have been many years labouring under chronic catarrh have the air-passages remarkably large, especially the trachea. The mean diameter of the trachea is from ten to twelve lines in the male, and from nine to ten in the female. The trachea is not of equal diameter throughout; it is almost always dilated at its lower extremity, where it bifurcates. In some subjects it gradually increases in size from above downward, and resembles a sort of truncated cone, with the base below. External Surface, Form, and Relations.—In front and on the sides the trachea is cylin- drical {fig. 170), but is flattened behind {fig. 171), so that it resembles a cylinder, the posterior fourth or third of which has been removed. The external surface is rough, and, as it were, interrupted by circular ridges, which correspond to the cartilaginous rings. The relations of its external surface must be examined in the neck and in the thorax. Relations of the Cervical Portion {x,fig. 140).—In front the trachea is in relation with the thyroid body, the isthmus of which being sometimes very narrow and sometimes very largely developed, covers a greater or less number of the rings of the trachea. In general, the first ring of the trachea is above the isthmus of the thyroid. Below the thyroid body the trachea is in relation with the sterno-thyroid muscles, the edges of which are separated only by the linea alba of the neck; also with the cervical fascia, the thyroid plexus of veins, a considerable quantity of cellular tissue, the thyroid artery of Neubauer, when it exists, and the brachiocephalic artery, which always passes a little above the supra-sternal notch. All these relations are of the greatest importance in ref- erence to the operation of tracheotomy. On the sides the trachea is embraced by the lateral portions of the thyroid body, and, therefore, in diseases of that organ, the corre- sponding part of the trachea is deformed, flattened on the sides, and elliptical, or even triangular. The compression of this canal may be carried so far as to produce suffoca- tion. The common carotid artery and the pneumo-gastric nerve are in contact with it on either side; and hence the possibility of wounding that artery in the operation of tracheotomy. A great number of lymphatic glands are situated upon the sides of the trachea, and may become so large as to prevent the passage of the air. Lastly, all the relations of the trachea, excepting those with the thyroid body, take place through the medium of a very loose cellular tissue in which this canal is imbedded. Behind, the trachea is flat and membranous, and is in relation with the oesophagus, which projects a little beyond it on the left side, and separates it from the vertebral col- * See note, p. 419. t The term trachea is derived from the roughness produced by the. projection of the cartilages of the wind- pipe. The application of the term arteria, by the ancients, to the vessels which carry red blood, arose from a serious anatomical mistake. These vessels being habitually empty in the dead body, it was supposed that they contained air during life ; and hence the name artery, which they still retain. f By a surgeon of the name of Buchot. The mobility of the trachea is an obstacle to its puncture in the operation of tracheotomy. . I) The elongation and shortening of the trachea is much more limited in man than in birds, in which the rings of the trachea are moved by longitudinal muscles, and can be drawn within each other ; in the greatest possible degree of shortening three rings overlap each other, so as to equal only one in height; and, therefore, the trachea of a bird may be diminished by two thirds These peculiarities of structure are connected with the different uses of the parts ; the trachea in man and other mammalia merely conveying the air (un porte-vent), while the trachea of birds conveys the voice (un porte-voix). THE LUNGS. sunn. The left recurrent nerve is situated in the groove formed between the trachea and the (Esophagus in this direction ; the right recurrent nerve lies behind the trachea. The immediate relation of the trachea with the oesophagus explains why foreign bodies arrested in the gullet may produce suffocation, and require the performance of trache- otomy. The softness and flexibility of the trachea opposite the oesophagus have appeared to some physiologists to be intended merely to facilitate the dilatation of the latter during the passing of the food ; but we shall see that the air-tubes continue to be membranous behind, even where they have no relation with the oesophagus, and comparative anatomy, which shows the trachea to be cylindrical in the bird, and angular behind in the ox, the sheep, &c., most completely refutes this opinion. Relations of the Thoracic Portion of the Trachea.—ln the thorax, the trachea occupies the posterior mediastinum. It corresponds in front, proceeding from above downward, with the sternum and the stemo-thyroid muscles; with the left brachio-cephalic vein (c, fig. 170); with the brachio-cephalic artery (A), an aneurism of which may open into the trachea; its left side is, as it were, embraced between the brachio-cephalic artery (h) and the left common carotid (j) ; with the back part of the arch of the aorta (g), which rests immediately upon it, and hence the dyspnoea which so generally accompanies aneu- rism of the aorta, and the frequency of its bursting into the windpipe ; and, lastly, lower down, with the bifurcation of the pulmonary artery, which corresponds with that of the trachea. The trachea is in relation behind with the oesophagus, which separates it from the spinal column ; and on the sides with those portions of the pleurae which form the mediastinum, with the pneumogastric nerves, and with the upper part of the recurrent nerves. In all its thoracic portion the trachea is surrounded by numerous lymphatic vessels and glands, and by a loose and very abundant cullular tissue, which communicates with that •of the cervical region. These lymphatic vessels and glands with the loose cellular tissue are the parts immediately adjoining the trachea ; and it may readily be conceived that enlargement of the glands may be productive of serious consequences. Internal Surface.—The internal surface of the trachea is of a rosy colour, and presents the same circular ridges as the external surface, but they are more distinct. It is also remarkable in its* membranous portion for the projection of certain vertical fasciculi, to which we shall again refer when speaking of the structure of these parts. The bronchi (J3p6yx°c, gutter, pp, fig. 171) are the two branches formed by the bifurca- The Bronchi. lion of the trachea, which spread out from each other at a right or a slightly obtuse angle ; one {p) is intended for the right, the other for the left {p') lung. A tolerably strong triangular ligament exists at the angle of the bi- furcation, and seems intend- ed to prevent too great sep- aration of the bronchi. Fig. 171. The bronchi differ from each other in many respects; first, in width. The right bronchus is much wider than the left, and its diameter is not much less than that of the trachea. In a female whose trachea was ten lines in diameter, the right bron- chus was eight, and the left five. This difference in width corresponds with the differ- ence in the size of the two lungs, and may afford a toler- ably correct measure of that size; they differ also in length, j viigj umLi Uiou xx* c-un-g 111/' the right bronchus being one inch in length, the left two; also in direction, the right bronchus passing less obliquely than the left, probably because it enters the correspond- ing lung sooner than the latter; and, lastly, in their relations. Thus, the right bronchus is embraced by the vena azygos, which forms a loop immediately above it, in order to terminate in the vena cava superior. The left bronchus is embraced above by the arch °f the aorta (g), and has an important relation with the oesophagus behind, which it G G G 418 SPLANCHNOLOGY. crosses obliquely. Both are connected with the pulmonary plexus of nerves ; both are surrounded with lymphatic glands, remarkable for their black colour, and for being fre- quently diseased, and which in some measure fill up the angle formed by the bifurcation of the trachea ; and, lastly, both have the following relations with the pulmonary artery and veins. Each pulmonary artery (kk') is situated in front of the corresponding bron- chus, then passes above, and finally behind it. The two pulmonary veins on each side (/1, •n m) are situated upon the same vertical plane as the corresponding artery; they pass up- ward in front of the artery and the bronchus, which is, therefore, behind the bloodvessels.* The shape of the bronchi exactly resembles that of the trachea, i. e, they represent cylinders, the posterior fourth of which has been removed, and which are formed by par- allel rings. The area of the two bronchi is greater than that of the trachea, in the same way as the area of the bronchial ramifications is greater than that of the bronchi them- selves, so that the velocity of the expired air increases as it approaches the exterior. At the root of the lungs the bronchi divide into two equal branches, but in a some- what different manner. The upper branch of the bifurcation of the right bronchus is the smaller, and is intended for the upper lobe of the lung, in order to reach which it is bent slightly upward. The low'er branch, which is larger, follows the original direction, and after passing about an inch, divides into two unequal branches, a small one for the mid- dle lobe, and a larger one for the lower lobe. I have once seen a small bronchus pro- ceeding from the lower part of the trachea directly to the apex of the right lung; the vena azygos passed between it and the regular bronchus.! The secondary divisions are precisely the same in the two lungs ; each branch of a bifurcation becomes bifurcated in its turn. All these ramifications pursue a diverging course, some ascending, others descending, and, after proceeding for a variable distance, they again bifurcate ; so that, by separating a small portion of the pulmonary substance, we can see that several diverging series of tubes proceed in succession from a bronchial trunk, and pass outward into the tissue of the lung. The prevailing mode of division of the air-tubes in the lungs is that called dichotomous, viz., a division into two equal branch- es, which we shall afterward find to be the most favourable to the rapid transmission of the contents of any vessel. (See Arteries.) The two branches of a bifurcation sep- arate at an acute angle, and a spur-shaped process, situated within the tube at the an- gle of division, cuts and divides the column of air. However, some small bronchial tubes are not unfrequently found arising directly from a principal division, to be distrib- uted to the nearest pulmonary lobules. The number of subdivisions, which always cor- responds with that of the pulmonary veins, is not so great as might at first be supposed ; there are not many more than fifteen. The form of the bronchial ramifications (bronchia) differs essentially from that of the bronchi themselves and of the trachea. They represent, indeed, a complete cylinder, which is not truncated behind; and the cartilages, instead of forming rings, have another arrangement, which I shall point out when speaking of their structure. Relations.—The first divisions of the bronchi are surrounded, even in the substance of the lung, by very numerous and dark-coloured bronchial lymphatic glands, enlargement of which is a very frequent result of chronic bronchitis, and may cause suffocation. The bronchial ramifications, as I have said, support the pulmonary lobules, which are applied to and moulded upon them, and are united to them by very loose cellular tissue. The following are their relations with the branches ol the pulmonary artery and veins : the artery allvays accompanies the bronchial ramification, and is situated behind it; the vein is often separated from it; the artery and vein are not unfrequently found interla- ced around the corresponding bronchial tube. Relations of the Bronchial Ramifications with the Pulmonary Lobules.—Each pulmonary lobule has its bronchial tube. This tube is cylindrical, of uniform diameter throughout, and entirely membranous ; having entered the lobule, it dilates into a small ampulla, and disappears. There can be little doubt that these small ampullae have deceived Malpighi, Reisseisen, and others, who have stated that the bronchial tubes terminate in culs-de- sac ; so that, according to these authors, each pulmonary cell is the termination of a par ticular bronchial tube. But it is evident that such cannot be the case, for, on the one hand, the bronchial tubes are not sufficiently numerous, and, on the other, it can be shown that only a single bronchial tube enters into each group of cells or each lobule. If we inject with tallow a lung which has previously been deprived of air, either by an effu- sion in the chest during life, or by an artificial one after death, it will be seen that the injection is divided into small globules or rounded tubercles, which correspond to so many pulmonary cells, and that these globules are all connected with a common pedicle, corresponding to the bronchial tube. Reisseisen, who has made this injection, thinks that the granular appearance of the injected matter represents the culs-de-sac, into which it had penetrated.! * [ln consequence of the oblique direction of the left bronchus towards the root of the lung, the correspond- ing pulmonary artery is placed somewhat above it, and the pulmonary veins below it; on the right side, the pulmonary artery is in the middle, the bronchus above, and the veins below.] t This appears to be the natural arrangement in the sheep and the ox. f [According to Reisseisen, each small bronchial tube, on entering its corresponding lobule, divides and sub THE LUNGS. 419 Structure of the Trachea, Bronchi, and Bronchial Ramifications. Structure of the Trachea.—The trachea is composed of a series of imperfect cartilagi- nous rings, separated by an equal number of fibrous rings, and hence it has a knotted ap- pearance ; these cartilages keep the canal permanently open. Had the trachea been en- tirely membranous, it would have collapsed during inspiration, which tends to produce a vacuum in the thorax, and this collapse would have prevented the entrance of the air. The number of the cartilaginous rings varies from fifteen to twenty. They are more prominent on the internal than on the external surface of the trachea. In some subjects they form two thirds, in others three fourths or four fifths of a circle. Each ring has two surfaces, one anterior and convex, the other posterior and concave ;an upper and a lower edge, both of which are thin, and give attachment to the fibrous rings ; and two extremities, which terminate abruptly, without being inflected or thickened. In general, there is but little regularity in the arrangement of these rings ; they are not exactly par- allel, nor are they of equal depth, which varies from a line to a line and a half, two, or even two lines and a half; and the same ring is often of unequal depth at different points. Two rings are often united for a certain extent, afld sometimes a ring is found bifurca- ted ; indeed, it is probable that differences in the number of the rings depend upon their thus uniting or dividing. They are sufficiently thin to allow of being compressed, so that the opposite surfaces may touch without breaking. Their elasticity enables them to recover their original position immediately, and thus permit free access to the air. They can only be broken when ossified, which is frequently the case in the aged. The first ring and the two lower rings present some peculiarities. The first is broad- er than any of the others, especially in the middle line, and it is often continuous with the cricoid cartilage.* The last ring of the trachea, which forms the transition between it and the bronchi, has the following characters : the middle part is prolonged considerably downward, and curved backward, forming a very acute angle, and is developed into a spur-shaped pro- jection within the trachea, which separates the two bronchi. The two half rings result- ing from this arrangement constitute the two first rings of the bronchi. The last ring but one of the trachea presents an angular inflection in the middle, less marked, howev- er, than that observed in the lowest ring. The Fibrous Tissue of the Trachea.—This is arranged in the following manner: a fibrous cylinder commences at the lower edge of the cricoid cartilage; the cartilaginous rings are situated within the substance of this cylinder in such a manner, that the thick- er layer of fibrous tissue lies on their exterior, so that, at first sight, their internal sur- faces would appear to be in immediate contact with the mucous membrane. In the pos- terior part of the trachea, where the cartilaginous rings are wanting, the fibrous tissue alone forms its basis or framework. The Muscular Fibres of the Trachea.—If we carefully remove the fibrous tissue from the back of the trachea, opposite its membranous portion, we arrive at certain transverse muscular fibres, extending from one end of each ring to the other, and also occupying the intervals between the rings. The existence of these muscular fibres, which I have seen forming a layer half a line thick in certain cases of chronic catarrh, cannot be doubt- ed. It is evident that their contraction must draw the ends of the rings towards each other, and therefore narrow the trachea, the diminution in the width of which is limited by the contact of the ends of the rings. The Longitudinal Yellow Fasciculi.—ln the membranous portion of the trachea, be divides in a certain uniform order into numerous twig's 172), which, extending towards the surface of the lobule, gradually decrease in di- ameter, but increase in number, and at length ter- minate in clusters of short, free, closed and round- ed extremities (c cl; these are the pulmonary cells, which vary from to v, () (y of an inch in diameter. Not only are the several lobules in- dependent of each other, but the cells of each lobule have no communication with one another except indirectly through the twig or twigs from which they proceed. This view of the minute structure of the lung, which is opposed to the opinion of M. Cruveil- hier, receives support from what is known con- cerning the development of the lungs, and from the analogy between these organs and the com- l>ound glands. In fig. 172, after Reisseisen, a shows the nat- ural size of the portion represented, magnified about nine diameters in b. The bronchial twigs Fig. 172. and pulmonary cells are seen distended with air; the knots or projections (d) on the sides of some of the twigs indicate the commencement of other twigs, into which no air has passed.] * 1 have met with one case in which the thin upper rings of the trachea and the cricoid cartilage were joined together, but only on one side ; the crico-thyroid muscle and the inferior constrictor of the pharynx ev- idently arose from the first ring of the trachea. This continuity of the cricoid cartilage with the trachea manifestly proves that the rings of the latter are cartilages, and not fibro-cartilages. Minute structure of the lung. 420 SPLANCHNOLOGY. tween the muscular and the mucous layer, are situated a great number of parallel, lon gitudinal, yellow fasciculi, which, at first sight, resemble longitudinal folds, bit*. are not at all effaced by distension ; these fasciculi adhere to, and produce an elevation of, the mucous membrane, and opposite the bifurcation of the trachea they also divide, and are continued into the bronchi. The nature of this tissue is not well known ; it can only belong to the muscular or to the yellow elastic tissue, though I would rather incline to the latter opinion. According fo either supposition, its use is to prevent too great an elongation of the trachea and the bronchi; actively in the one case, and by virtue of its elasticity in the other. Not un- frequently some longitudinal fasciculi are found behind the cartilaginous rings. The Tracheal Glands.—If we carefully examine the posterior surface of the trachea, we find a certain number of ovoid flattened glands {see Jig. 171), placed upon the outer surface of the fibrous membrane ; and, by removing this membrane, we see a tolerably 'thick, but not continuous, layer of similar glands between the fibrous and the muscular coats ; and, moreover, if either the inner or the outer layer of the fibrous tissue, situated between the cartilaginous rings, be removed, a series of much smaller glands will be found between these layers, occupying the intervals between the rings, and even ex- tending behind them. The Mucous Membrane.—This is a continuation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, it is remarkable for its tenuity, which permits the colour of the subjacent parts to be seen through it, and for its intimate adhesion to the structures covered by it. The lon- gitudinal folds of which some authors speak do not exist; the yellow longitudinal fas- ciculi have been mistaken for them. Lastly, it presents a great number of openings, from which mucus can be expressed. These openings are nothing more than the orifi- ces of the excretory ducts of the tracheal glands.* The Vessels and Nerves.—The arteries of the trachea are derived from the superior and inferior thyroid. The veins are generally arranged thus; some venous trunks running along the inner surface of the trachea, beneath the mucous membrane, receive on each side, in the same manner as the vena azygos, small veins corresponding to the intervals between the cartilaginous rings, and then terminate in the neighbouring veins. The lymphatic vessels are very numerous; they enter the surrounding glands, which are of considerable size. The nerves are derived from the pneumogastrics. Structure of the Bronchi. The structure of the bronchi is exactly the same as that of the trachea. The left bronchus has ten or twelve cartilaginous rings; the right has five or six. They both possess transverse muscular fibres, longitudinal yellow fasciculi, glands, &c. Their arter- ies generally arise directly from the aorta, and are named bronchial. The veins of the right bronchus enter the vena azygos ; those of the left terminate in the superior intercostal. Structure of the Bronchial Ramifications {Bronchia).—The fibrous cylinder of the trachea and the bronchi is prolonged into the bronchial ramifications. The cartilaginous rings are remarkably modified beyond the first division of the bronchi; they become divided into segments, which together form a complete ring, so that there is no longer any mem- branous portion, properly so called, and the bronchial tubes become perfectly cylindrical. The segments above mentioned are oblong, curved, terminated by very elongated angles, and so arranged that they can overlap and be mutually received between each other. They are also united together by fibrous tissue. This arrangement of curved and angu- lar segments exists as far as the last bifurcations of the bronchial tubes; but the size of the segments gradually diminishes, so that they soon form only narrow lines, and ul- timately mere cartilaginous points. The fibrous and membranous constituents of the cylinder preponderate more and more oyer the cartilaginous laminae, which disappear be- yond the ultimate bifurcations of the bronchial tubes, being found last at the several an- gles of bifurcation ; the ultimate bronchial ramifications are altogether membranous. The mucous membrane is prolonged to the very last ramifications, where it becomes extremely thin. The longitudinal elastic fasciculi, which were limited to the membra nous portion of the bronchi, are expanded over the entire surface of the bronchial tubes, beyond their first subdivision. The muscular fibres, which are confined to the mem branous portion in the trachea and bronchi, become circular on the inner side of th> bronchial ramifications, and form an uninterrupted but very thin layer, precisely resem bling the circular fibres of the intestinal canal, t When we consider, on the one hand. * Structure of the Trachea.—[The muscular fibres of the trachea are of the involuntary class (see p. 323), ami are attached to the internal surface of the ends of the rings : the longitudinal fibres exist all round tht trachea, but are collected into bundles on its membranous portion only; they are believed to consist of elastic tissue. The glands of the trachea and bronchi are compound ; its mucous membrane is covered with a columnai epithelium, and is provided with cilia, which urge the secretions upward towards the larynx.] t Structure of the Bronchi and their Branches.—[According to Reisseisen, the fibrous cylinder gradually de generates, in the smallest bronchial tubes, into cellular tissue ; according to the same author, the longitudinal elastic and the circular fibres can be traced as far as the tubes can be opened. The contractility of the pul- monary tissue on the application of galvanism, recently observed by Dr. C. J, B. Williams, establishes the muscularity of the circular fibres of the bronchial tubes. The mucous membrane, as in the trachea, has a co- lumnar and ciliated epithelium ; it of course enter s into and lines the pulmonary cells.l THE LUNGS. 421 the arrangement of the cartilaginous segments, which appear, as it were, shaped ex- pressly for the purpose of fitting between each other at their extremities, and of consti- tuting an apparatus capable of being moved, and, on the other, the existence of circular contractile fibres on the inner surface of these segments, we cannot doubt that they are moved upon each other, the extent of such motion being measured by the space they have to traverse in order to come into contact. When this is effected, the canals must be almost completely obliterated.* The Pulmonary Vessels and Nerves. Besides the trachea, the bronchi and the bronchial ramifications, which may be re- garded as forming the framework of the lungs, these organs receive two sets of arteries, viz., the pulmonary and the bronchial, and give out two sets of veins, also called pulmo- nary and bronchial. Avery great number of lymphatics arise from their interior, and from their surfaces, and they are penetrated by important nerves. The size of the pulmonary artery is equal to, if not greater than that of the aorta; the bronchial arteries appear to be distributed upon the bronchi and their which they exactly follow. The pulmonary veins correspond with the pulmonary artery ; they are two in number for each lung. The bronchial veins correspond with the bronchial arteries, and terminate in the vena azygos on the right side, and in the superior intercostal vein on the left. Within the lung, as well as at its root, the pulmonary arteries and veins always ac- company the bronchial tubes. The three vessels may be distinguished from each other upon sections of the organ by the following characters; the artery remains open, or rather so, and is of a white colour ; the bronchus is also open, but of a mdre or less rosy colour, and contains a frothy mucus, which may be pressed out of it; the vein is collap- sed, and much more difficult to be seen than the artery. The relations of these three kinds of vessels have not appeared to me to be constant. Notwithstanding the investi- gations of Haller, the arrangement of the bronchial with regard to the pulmonary arter- ies and veins is not well known.f I ought to notice the easy communication between the arteries and the pulmonary veins and bronchial ramifications. The coarsest injection pushed with moderate force passes with the greatest facility from the arteries into the pulmonary veins and the bronchial tubes ;t only inflamed portions of the lung have appeared to me to be imper- meable. The lymphatic vessels, both superficial and deep, are very numerous ; they terminate in the bronchial and tracheal glands, the number and size of which sufficiently declare their importance. The black colour of these glands only begins to appear from the tenth to the twentieth year. The nerves of the lungs are principally derived from the pneumogastrics, but they re- ceive some branches from the ganglionic system. They form a large plexus behind the bronchi, with the divisions of which they penetrate into the substance of the lung. I should observe that there is only one great pulmonary plexus common to the two lungs ; and on this circumstance the sympathy between the two is without doubt partially de- pendant. Development.—According to Meckel, the lungs are among the latest organs to appear in the foetus; they can only be distinctly recognised amid the other contents of the tho- rax, towards the end of the second month of intra-uterine existence. * These anatomical facts explain, in a remarkable manner, all the phenomena of nervous asthma, nervous suffocation, &c. t [The following are the results of Reisseisen’s observations on this subject; the branches of the pulmonary artery accompany the bronchial tubes, and do not anastomose until their termination in a dense network of capillaries upon the walls of the air-cells. These capillaries have very thin coats ; they are about one twen- tieth the diameter of a pulmonary cell, and the meshes which they form are scarcely so wide as the vessels themselves. From this network arise the branches of the pulmonary veins, which unite into larger and larger trunks, so as to correspond with the divisions of the pulmonary artery ; these veins have no valves, and their caliber is not greater, perhaps less, than that of the artery. Such is the chief mode of distribution of the pulmonary artery and veins ; but both vessels, as indicated be- low, also communicate with the bronchial arteries. The bronchial arteries are the nutrient vessels of the lung; some of their branches are distributed upon the air-tubes and to their lining' membrane, even as far as the air-cells, upon all the pulmonary vessels and nerves, and to the bronchial lymphatic glands ; while others, passing between the lobules, or upon the surface of the lung, anastomose with twigs from the pulmonary artery, and form, with the branches of the pulmonary vein, a ' ascular network in those situations, but more particularly beneath the pleura. The branches distributed to the lirver bronchia and vessels, and to the lymphatic glands, and also some of the vessels composing the fuperficiifnetwork, terminate in the bronchial veins, which, however, cannot be traced very deeply into the substance cf the lung. But by far the greater number of the bronchial arteries end in the pulmonary veins ; for example, those distributed deeply to the smaller air-tubes and pulmonary vessels, and to the air-cells, and nearly all the vessels which enter into the formation of the interlobular and superficial network.] t [This is due to rupture of the pulmonary vessels, wnich have exceedingly delicate coats, and are, perhaps, less supported by surrounding tissue than the vessels of other organs.] t> [The development of the lungs has been traced by various recent observers m frogs, birds, and mammalia including man ; according to Rathke and Muller, it closely resembles, in its eaily stages, that of the compound glands. In mammalia, the lungs appear at first as a protuberance upon the anterior part of the oesophagus, consisting of a soft mass, like the primitive blastema of a gland : within this substance a more opaque portion is formed, from which white lines extend, dividing and subdividing, and terminating in enlarged extremities 422 SPLANCHNOLOGY. The lung is smallest at the earliest period of its development. Its place appears then to be occupied by the thymus, which is the only organ that is seen when the thorax is opened, the lungs being situated behind it, upon each side of the vertebral column. The development of the lung takes place in an inverse ratio to that of the thymus, the lung increasing in proportion as the thymus diminishes. In the last two months of pregnancy the lung is completely developed, and fit for performing respiration. The weight of the lung in the foetus and in the adult presents some differences, which are wrell worthy of attention. During the whole period of intra-uterine life, the fcetal lung is specifically heavier than water; but as soon as the infant respires, it becomes much lighter, and floats in water. Yet the absolute weight of the lung is sensibly increased, because it receives a much greater quantity of blood than it did previously. Before birth, the absolute weight of the lung to that of the whole body is as Ito6o ; after birth, it is as Ito 30. It follows, therefore, that lungs which float in water, and which have acquired a much greater ab- solute weight than they would have had in the foetus, must belong to an infant that has respired. After birth, the lung participates in the development of the rest of the body. At the time of puberty it acquires the proportions which it subsequently presents. I have not observed that the lungs are smaller and lighter in the aged than in the adult. The colour of the lungs varies considerably at different periods. In the earlier periods oi development, the lung of the foetus is of a delicate pink colour ; subsequently it be- comes of a deep red, like lees of wine, and remains so until the time of birth. After birth, it again becomes of a pink colour. Still later, from the tenth to the twentieth year, black spots become visible at different points along the lines which form the loz- enge-shaped intervals on its surface. These spots subsequently unite into lines or patches, which give to the grayish surface of the organ a mottled appearance. The de- velopment of the black matter is so clearly the effect of age, that it is very rare not to find small masses of it in the apex or some other part of the lungs in the old subject. It is worthy of notice, that the black matter appears simultaneously on the surface of the lung, and in the lymphatic glands situated at its root and along the bronchi. With regard to structure, it may be observed, that during the four or five earlier months of gestation, the pulmonary lobules are perfectly distinct from each other; they may be separated by very gentle traction, on account of the weakness of the pleura and cellular tissue which unites them, as compared with the pulmonary tissue itself. The cartila- ginous rings begin to be visible after the third month. Functions.—The lungs are the essential organs of respiration, that process by means of which the blood, though dark and unfit for supporting life before entering these or- gans, becomes red and vivifying. For the accomplishment of this function, the lungs receive, on the one hand, the atmospheric air, and, on the other, the venous blood, the whole of which, in the human subject, passes through the lungs. The air is not drawr. in by any power resident in the pulmonary tissue itself, but by the muscular action of the parietes of the thorax ; the blood is propelled into it by the right ventricle of the heart. While the blood undergoes the changes above mentioned, the atmospheric air loses a portion of its oxygen, which is replaced by carbonic acid gas. The manner in which these changes in the blood are effected is not yet well known. It is necessary to have several specimens, from subjects of different ages and sexes so as to be able to examine the general relations of the larynx in its natural situation ; its cartilages separated from each other, its ligaments and muscles, its vessels and nerves, and its mucous membrane. The larynx is a sort of box (pixis cava) or cartilaginous passage, consisting of several movable pieces, which form a complex apparatus intended for the organ of the voice. It is situaiccl (v,Jig. 140) in the median line, in the course of the air-passages, opening into the pharynx (3) above, and being continuous with the trachea (x) below : it occu- pies the anterior and upper part of the neck, below the os hyoides, the movements of wdiich it follows, and in front of the vertebral column, being separated from it by the pharynx: it is covered by the muscles of the sub-hyoid region, which intervene between it and the skin, and it is, therefore, very liable to wounds, and may easily be reached by the surgeon. Its mobility allows of its being raised, depressed, and carried forward or backward, all of which movements are concerned both in deglutition and in the produc- tion of different tones of the voice. It may also be carried to the right or left side ; but these lateral displacements are most commonly produced by external violence, or by the growth of tumours. The Larynx.* these are accompanied by bloodvessels, and are at first solid, but soon become hollowed out, into the trachea, bronchi, bronchial tubes, and air-cells.] * The voice belongs essentially to the functions of relation, and, therefore, Bichat describes its organ after the apparatus of locomotion; but the anatomical connexions between the larynx and ihe respiratory organs are such that all animals provided with lungs have a larynx also, while the larynx disappears where the lun°-s cease to exist. THE LARYNX. 423 Dimensions.—The larynx appears like an expansion of the trachea, and has, therefore, been denominated its head, caput aspercz artena. The exact determination of its dimen- sions, according to age and sex, or in different individuals, and their relations to the various qualities of the voice, would be extremely interesting in a physiological point of view. Its greater size in the male than in the female, and the development it under- goes in both sexes, but especially in the male, at the period of puberty, are among the most remarkable phenomena in the human economy. Form.—It is cylindrical below, like the trachea, but is expanded above, and becomes prismatic and triangular. It may, therefore, be compared to a three-sided pyramid, the truncated apex of which is directed downward and the base upward ; it is perfectly sym- metrical. As the larynx is a very complicated organ, I shall describe, in succession, the numer- ous parts which enter into its composition. Being intended to admit of the continual passage of the air in the act of respiration, it must, therefore, present a constantly per- vious cavity, having strong and elastic walls ; but as it is also the organ of the voice, it requires to be provided with a movable apparatus, subject to the will. We accordingly find in it a cartilaginous skeleton or framework, much stronger than that of the trachea; certain articulations and ligaments, and a vocal apparatus, composed of four fibrous bands, or vocal cords; muscles, which move the different pieces of the cartilaginous skeleton, and produce certain changes in the vocal apparatus indispensable for the pro- duction of sounds ; a mucous membrane, lining its inner surface; glands, which pour out their fluid upon that surface ; and, lastly, certain vessels and nerves. We cannot enter upon a general description of the organ until we have studied sep- arately its constituent parts. The Cartilages of the Larynx.—These are five in number, of which three are median, single, and symmetrical, viz., the cricoid, the thyroid, and the epiglottis; and two are lat- eral, viz., the arytenoid, of which the cornicula laryngis are merely appendages. The car- tilaginous nodules, described by some authors under the name of the cuneiform cartilages, and situated in the membranous fold extending from the arytenoid cartilages to the epi- glottis, do not exist in the human subject. The Cricoid Cartilage.—The cricoid or annular cartilage (c c',figs. 173 to 177) forms the base of the larynx ; it is much thicker and stronger than any of the others. Its form is that of a ring, whence its name (kpt/tof, a ring); it is narrow in front [c,fig. 173), where it resembles a ring of the trachea; it is three or four times broader or deeper behind (c' and c,fig. 175), where it forms by itself alone the great- er part of the larynx, being there about an inch in height. In front, its external surface is sub-cutaneous in the median line ; on each side it gives attachment to the crico-thyroid muscle, and presents a smooth process (m, fig. 177) for articulating with the thyroid cartilage. Behind, where it is covered by the mucous membrane of the pharynx, it presents in the median line a verti- cal projection, which gives attachment to some of the longitudi- nal fibres of the oesophagus, and on each side a depression for the posterior crico-arytenoid muscle. * Its internal surface is covered by the laryngeal mucous mem- brane. Its lower border is perfectly circular and slightly waved, and is connected by a membrane with the first ring of the trachea; sometimes it is even united with it, and can only be distinguished by its greater thickness. Its upper border is not exactly circular, but is oblong from before backward, as if the ring had been flattened laterally. It is cut very obliquely forward and downward, or, rather, it is deeply notched in front, where it is concave, and gives attachment to the crico-thyroid membrane in the median line, and laterally by its inner lip to a fibrous membrane, which is continuous with the inferior vocal cord, and in the rest of its thick- ness with the lateral crico-arytenoid muscle. Behind, and on each side, is an oblong, articular facette, the arytenoid faccltes {h h, fig. 173), which are directed outward and upward, and articulate with the arytenoid carti- lages. Between these two facettes, the upper border of the cricoid is horizontal, and very slightly notched, and gives attachment to the arytenoid muscle. The upper bor- der of the cricoid cartilage is, therefore, horizontal behind, oblique at the sides, and hor- izontal and slightly concave in front. The arytenoid facettes are situated upon the ob- lique portion. The Thyroid Cartilage.—The thyroid or scutiform cartdage (f, figs. 173 to 177), so na- med because it has been compared to a shield (i%pcog, a shield),* occupies the upper and fore part of the larynx. It is firmed by two quadrilateral plates (or alee), united at an acute angle in the median line, and embracing the cricoid cartilage behind. Its an Fig. l"!i. * The name may also have been derived from its use. 424 SPLANCHNOLOGY. terior or cutaneous surface presents in the median line an angular projection (below c, fig. 173), more marked and deeply notched above, and completely-effaced below; much less distinct in the female, in whom it forms only a rounded surface, than in the male, in whom it has received the special appellation of the pomum Adami. This angular pro- jection does not appear until puberty ; it presents certain individual varieties, but these do not appear to me to have any relation with the qualities of the voice. On each side the surface (t, figs. 173, 174) is smooth and quadrilateral, and has two tubercles behind ; one of which is superior (b), and the other inferior {d). The latter, or larger, is prolonged upon the inferior border of the cartilage. The two tubercles are united by an aponeurotic arch, but there is no oblique intermediate line, as has been gen- erally affirmed. These tubercles, and the imaginary line between them, separate the anterior three fourths of the surface, which are covered by the thyro-hyoid muscle, from the posterior fourth, which is covered by the inferior constrictor of the pharynx and the sterno-thyroid muscle. The tubercles give attachment to these three muscles. The posterior surface {fig. 175) presents, in the median line, a retreating angle, which gives attachment to the thyro-arytenoid ligaments, or vocal cords, and to the thyro-ary- tenoid muscles. This angle is sometimes so acute that the cartilage has the appear- ance of having been subjected to strong lateral pressure. On each side (t t) the posterior surface projects beyond the cricoid cartilage, and forms part of the lateral groove of the larynx. It is lined by the pharyngeal mucous membrane, and corresponds in part to the thyro- and crico-arytenoid muscles. Its upper border is horizontal and sinuous, and gives attachment to the hyo-thyroid membrane in its whole extent. It presents a notch {e, fig. 173) in the median line, which is shallower, but broader and more rounded in the female than in the male. On the sides there is a small prominence, which forms a continuation of the superior tubercle, and is often wanting. More posteriorly, we find on each side a slight notch, bounded by cer- tain processes called the great or superior cornua {s, figs. 173, 174) of the thyroid cartilage. The lower border is sinuous, and shorter than the upper, and hence the pyramidal shape of the larynx. It presents a slight median projection, to which the crico-thyroid liga- ment is attached ; in the rest of its extent, it gives insertion to the crico-thyroid muscle, and presents a rough eminence, which forms a continuation of the inferior tubercle ; and more posteriorly, on each side, a slight notch, bounded by the lesser or inferior cornua {I, figs. 173, 175) of the thyroid cartilage. Its posterior borders {s r, fig. 174) are slightly sinuous, give attachment to the stylo- pharyngei and palato-pharyngei, and rest upon the vertebral column. As the thyroid cartilage projects behind the upper portion of the larynx, it may be regarded as protect- ing the larynx by its posterior borders resting upon the vertebral column. The cornua of the thyroid cartilage are four in number, two superior and two inferior, and appear to be prolongations of the posterior borders of the cartilage. They are all round- ed, and are bent inward and backward ; the upper or great cornua (s) are generally the larger, and are united by ligaments to the os hyoides ; the lower or lesser cornua (/) are usually smaller, and articulate with the cricoid cartilage. The Arytenoid Cartilages.—The arytenoid cartilages {a, figs. 173, 175 to 177) are two in number,* are situated at the upper and back part of the larynx, and have a pyramidal and triangular form ; they are directed vertically, and bent backward like the lip of an ewer, whence their name {dpvralva, a funnel). Their posterior surface {fig. 175) is trian- gular, broad, and concave, and receives the arytenoid muscle; their internal surface is lined by the mucous membrane of the larynx; their anterior surface {fig. 173) is convex, narrow, rough, and furrowed, and corresponds to the series of glands called the aryte- noid glands, and to the superior vocal cord; their base is very deeply notched, articulates with the cricoid cartilage, and is terminated by two processes : one posterior and exter- nal (/), which gives attachment to the lateral and posterior crico-arytenoid muscles; the other is anterior {a), pyramidal, and more or less elongated, has the inferior vocal cord attached to its point, and it forms a fourth, or almost a third, of the antero-posterior di- ameter of the glottis ; their apex is surmounted, or rather formed, by two very small and delicate cartilaginous nodules {g), which are bent inward and backward, and ineurvated so that they almost touch; they are called the cornicula. They were very correctly descri- bed by Santorini, under the name of the sixth and seventh cartilages of the larynx. They are now generally known as the tubercles of Santorini, the capitula, or cornicula laryngis. They appear to me constantly to exist, sometimes closely united with the arytenoid carti- lages, and not moving at all upon them, and sometimes perfectly distinct and very movable. The Epiglottis.—The epiglottis {knl, upon, and yluTTig, the glottis, i,figs. 174 to 17S), or lingula, forming a movable and highly elastic valve, is a fibro-cartilaginous lamina, situated {i, fig. 140) behind the base of the tongue, and in front of the superior opening of the larynx, not upon the glottis, as its name would seem to indicate. * It was fur a long- time believed that there existed only one arytenoid cartilage, because the larynx was al- ways examined when covered by its membranes ; so that the word arytenoid, in the works of Galen, is always applied to the two united. Galen only admitted three cartilages in the larynx—the thyroid, the cricoid, and the arytenoid. THE LARYNX. 425 Its direction is vertical, excepting at the moment of deglutition, when it becomes hori- zontal, so as to protect the opening of the larynx like a lid (laryngis operculum). Its tri- angular shape has been well compared to that of a leaf of purslaine. It must be separa- ted from the neighbouring parts to be properly studied. It varies much in size in different subjects, but always appears to me to bear some re- lation to the dimensions of the upper orifice of the larynx, beyond which it almost al- ways projects when depressed. Its anterior or lingual surface presents a free and an adherent portion. The free por- tion surmounts the base of the tongue; it may be felt by the finger, and even seen by strongly depressing the tongue.* Three folds of mucous membrane, one in the middle and one on each side, pass from the epiglottis to the base of the tongue. The adherent portion corresponds in front with the base of the tongue, the os hyoides, and the thyroid cartilage. In order to expose it, it is necessary to have recourse to dis- section. We then find a median glosso-epiglottid ligament, which is very strong, and com- posed of yellow elastic tissue, and wdrich, I believe, assists in drawing back the depress- ed epiglottis ; its place is occupied by muscular fibres in the larger animals ; also a hyo- epiglottid ligament, extending from the epiglottis to the posterior surface of the os hy- oides ; and, lastly, beneath this ligament, a yellow fatty tissue, improperly called the epiglottid gland, occupying the interval between the epiglottis and the concavity of the thryoid cartilage. Moreover, the anterior surface of the epiglottis, examined in the vertical direction, is concave above, convex in the middle, and again concave below ; it is convex in the trans- verse direction. The posterior or laryngeal surface (figs. 175, 178), the curvatures of which are the reverse of those on the anterior surface, is free in the whole of its extent, and covered by the laryngeal mucous membrane. Circumference.—Its upper margin, or the base of the triangle which it represents, is free, bent forward, slightly notched, and continuous, by two rounded angles, with its lat- eral margins, from each of which proceed two folds, viz., the aryteno-epiglottid (b,fig. 178), extending from the epiglottis to the arytenoid cartilage, and enclosing a ligament (h,fig. 176), and the pharyngeo-cpiglottid, situated anterior to the preceding, passing al- most transversely outward, and lost upon the sides of the pharynx. The epiglottis terminates below in a sort of pedicle, which is extremely slender, and is fixed (fig. 176) into the retreating angle of the thyroid cartilage, immediately above the attachment of the vocal cords. This attachment is effected by means of a ligament, called the thyro-epiglottid. The epiglottis is remarkable for the great number of perforations found in it, which give it an appearance very much resembling that of the leaves of several of the lauracece. In these foramina we find small glands, which, for the most part, open on the laryngeal surface of the epiglottis. The so-called epiglottid gland has no relation with these orifices. It is also remarkable for its flexibility and elasticity ; on account of which it is classed by Bichat among the filro-cartilagcs, a sort of tissue which we have stated does not ex- ist. Its yellow colour gives it an appearance like the yellow elastic tissue. It is brittle, and may be crushed between the fingers; this depends partly upon the nature of its tis- sue, and partly upon the numerous foramina with which it is perforated, and which ne- cessarily diminish its strength. The articulations of the larynx may be divided into the extrinsic and the intrinsic. The Extrinsic Articulations.—The thyro-hyoid articulation consists of three ligaments, which unite the thyroid cartilage to the os hyoides. The middle i74_ thyro-hyoid ligament (n,fig. 174) is a loose yellowish membrane, ex- The Articulations and, Ligaments of the Larynx. tending from the upper border of the thyroid cartilage (t) to the os hyoides (u). Its vertical dimensions are much greater at the sides than in the middle ; and, therefore, the cornua of the os hyoides can be raised higher than its body, and hence the sides of the tongue can be elevated so as to form a groove, along which the food glides. This membrane is thick in the middle, and thin, and, as it were, cellular on each side. Relations.—It is sub-cutaneous in the middle, but is covered on each side by the thyro-hyoid muscle. It corresponds behind with the epiglottis, from which it is separated by some adipose tissue, and with the mucous membrane covering the posterior surface of the tongue. It is attached to the posterior lip of the upper edge of the os hyoides, not to the lower edge, as is frequently asserted. It therefore passes behind the os hyoides. The lateral thyro-hyoid ligaments (o) may be considered as the margins of the thyro hyoid membrane. They are small cords, extending from the great cornua of the thyroid * I attach great importance to inspection of the epiglottis in diseases of the larynx. H H H 426 SPLANCHNOLOGY. cartilage to the tubercular extremities of the great cornua of the os hyoides. We often find a cartilaginous or bony nodule in these ligaments. There is a very distinct synovial capsule between the posterior surface of the body of the os hyoides and the Tipper part of the thyroid cartilage. Its presence attests the fre- quent movements which take place between these parts, and during which the middle and upper part of the cartilage is placed behind the os hyoides. The Tracheo-cricoid Articulation.—The first ring of the trachea is connected with the lower border of the cricoid cartilage by a fibrous membrane of the same nature as that between the rings of the trachea. A small vertical fibrous cord is added to it in the median line in front. This membrane permits some movements between the cricoid cartilage and the first ring of the trachea, and in these the sides of the ring are buried behind the cricoid cartilage. The intrinsic articulations are the crico-thyroid and the crico-arytenoid. I need merely remind the reader of the articulation between the arytenoid cartilages and the cornicula Jaryngis. The Crico-thyroid Articulations.—These are arthrodial. Each of the lesser cornua of the thyroid cartilage terminate in a plane surface, directed downward and inward, which rests upon a similar plane surface {m, Jig. 177) on the cricoid cartilage, directed upward and outward. An orbicular or capsular ligament (rejigs. 174, 175), composed of shining, fasciculated, and parallel fibres, surrounds the articulation, which is provided with a synovial membrane. The posterior fasciculus is remarkable for its length and shape, and extends nearly to the crico-arytenoid articulation. In some subjects the orbicular ligament is very loose, in others the articulation is exceedingly close. The movements are limited to simple gliding, combined with a forward and backward movement of the thyroid cartilage. The direction of the facettes upon the cricoid car- tilage renders them fitted to support the thyroid. The Crico-thyroid Membrane, or Middle Crico-thyroid Ligament.—Besides the preceding articulations, the lower border of the thyroid cartilage is connected with the upper border of the cricoid by a thick triangular membrane, the pyramidal or conoid ligament (v, jig. 174), which is attached in the median line to the lower border of the thyroid cartilage, and the base of which is fixed to the upper border of the cricoid cartilage. This mem- brane is fibrous, thick, very strong, perforated with foramina for vessels, and is yellow and elastic. The Lateral Crico-thyroid Ligament.—This ligament {d,fig. 176) can be well seen only from the inner surface of the larynx. It consists of very strong fibres, which arise from the inner lip of the upper border of the cricoid cartilage, in front of the crico-ary- tenoid articulation, and pass horizontally inward to the retreating angle of the thyroid cartilage, below the insertion of the inferior- vocal cord (r). This ligament, which is very strong, appears to be continuous above with the inferior vocal cord. It is covered on the inside by the mucous membrane of the larynx, and it corresponds on the outside {d, Jig. 177) to the thyro- (e) and crico-arytenoid (/) muscles, which separate it from the thyroid cartilage. The Crico-arytenoid Articulations.—These articulations are effected by mutual reception. The articular surface, upon the cricoid cartilage, is an elliptical facette (h,fig. 173), di- rected obliquely downward and forward, and oblong and slightly concave in the same di- rection. The base of the arytenoid cartilage presents an oblong articular facette, deeply concave from without urward, i. e., in an opposite direction to the former, which it accu- rately receives. Means of Union.—Properly speaking, there is only one ligament, the internal and poste- Fi~. 175 rior- }75). It arises from the cricoid cartilage, and is insert- Ed in a radiated manner into the inner and back part of the base ol the arytenoid cartilage, and to the inner side of its anterior process, behind the inferior vocal cord. This ligament is very strong, but yet sufficiently loose to allow of certain extensive movements. There is also a very loose synovial capsule, which can be easily demonstrated. The movements of this articulation, like those of all similar joints, take place in every direction; but the movements inward and out- ward are much more extensive than those which are performed forward and backward. On account of the mode of insertion of its muscles, the arytenoid cartilage is not moved in a direct line, but undergoes a partial rotatory movement, the centre of which is in the articulation. In the movement, which is oblique, on account of the obliquity of the articular surfaces, the apex of the arytenoid cartilage is carried either outward and backward or inward and for- ward. These motions should be studied with the greater care, because they afford an ex- planation of the changes which take place in the glottis during the production of the voice. The Aryteno-epiglottid Ligament.—This ligament (h, figs. 176, 177) is constituted by some radiated ligamentous fibres contained within the aryteno-epiglottid fold of mucous THE LARYNX. 427 membrane, and which pass from the anterior surface of the arytenoid cartilage to the corresponding margin of the epiglottis. In some animals, this ligament is replaced by muscular fibres. The Thyro-arytenoid Ligaments, or Chordae Vocales.—Although there is no immediate relation between the thyroid and the arytenoid cartilages, they are united by four very important ligaments, named the chordae vocales, which require a special description. The chorda vocales are also called the vocal bands, the ligaments of Ferrein, or the thy- ro-arytenoid ligaments, because they have a ligamentous appearance, and extend from the retreating angle of the thyroid cartilage to the arytenoid cartilages. There are two vocal cords on each side, a superior (s, Jigs. 176,178) and an inferior (r), the space between them is called the ventricle of the larynx (vfi and the interval between the cords of the right and left sides is called the glottis (o,fig. 178).* I shall speak of these parts again presently. The inferior vocal cprd (r, fig. 176) is much stronger than the superior, and has the form of a rounded fibrous cord, stretched horizontally from the retreating angle of the thyroid cartilage to the anterior process of the arytenoid cartilage. It is free in all directions, excepting on the outside, where it is in contact with the thyro-arytenoid muscle. Its free portion is covered by the mucous membrane of the larynx, which adheres inti- mately to it, and is so thin that the white colour of the cord can be seen through it. This vocal cord is thinner than it appears at first sight, the projection which it forms being, in a great measure, due to the thyro-arytenoid muscle. Its structure is entirely ligamentous, and consists of parallel fibres, running from before backward, and not at all elastic.t It is continuous below with the lateral thyro-cricoid ligament (d). The superior vocal cord (s) is smaller, and situated farther from the axis of the larynx than the inferior one (see jig. 178), and extends from the middle of the retreating angle of the thyroid cartilage to the middle of the anterior surface of the arytenoid cartilage : like the inferior cord, it has a fasciculated and fibrous appearance ; but the fasciculi are few in number, and are inter- mixed with a series of glandular masses. The superior vocal cord can only be distin- guished from the rest of the parietes of the larynx from the reflection of the mucous membrane below it, so as to form the ventricle. It is continuous with the aryteno-epi- glottid ligament {b, fig. 176) above, without any line of demarcation. These are divided into the extrinsic and the intrinsic : the former, which move the en- tire larynx, have been already described, viz., the sterno-hyoid, omo-hyoid, sterno-thyroid, and thyro-hyoid; to which we might add all tlje muscles of the supra-hyoid region, and those muscles of the pharynx which have attachments to the cricoid and thyroid cartilages. The intrinsic muscles are nine in number, viz., four pairs and one single muscle. ’Those which exist in pairs are the crico-thyroidei, the crico-arytenoidei postici, the cri- co-arytenoidei laterales, and the thyro-arytenoidei. The single muscle is the arytenoideus. Muscles of the Larynx. The Crico-thyroideus. Dissection.—This muscle is completely exposed by separating the larynx from the muscles by which it is covered. In order to gain a good view of the deep portion of the muscle, the lower part of the thyroid cartilage must be removed. The crico-thyroideus (a, figs. 147, 170) is a short, thick, triangular muscle, situated on the anterior part of the larynx, on each side of the crico-thyroid membrane, and divided into two distinct bundles. It is attached below to the cricoid cartilage on each side of the median line, to the whole of the anterior surface, and even to part of the lower bor- der of the cartilage. From these points the fleshy fibres radiate in different directions : the internal fibres pass somewhat obliquely upward and outward ; the middle ones very obliquely, and the lower fibres horizontally outward, to the lower border of the thyroid cartilage (excepting to its middle portion), and to the lower margin of the corresponding lesser cornu. The greatest number of fibres are inserted into the posterior surface of the thyroid cartilage ; some of them are continuous with the inferior constrictor of the pharynx (w, fig. 147). It is covered by the sterno-thyroid muscle and the thyroid gland, and it covers the lat- eral crico-arytenoid and the thyro-arytenoid muscles. Ihe inner borders of the crico- thyroid muscles are separated from each other by a triangular space, broad above and narrow below, in which the crico-thyroid membrane is visible. * [ln consequence of the voice being essentially produced opposite the inferior cords, they are termed the true vocal cords ; the superior being called the false vocal cords.] t [The inferior vocal cords are certainly composed of elastic tissue, so, also, are the thyro-hyoid and crico- thyroid ligaments ; and, according to M. (ikfdTTi. dc VAcad. Roy. de Med., 1835), the lateral crico-thyroid membranes, the superior vocal cords, and the aryteno-epiglottid ligaments are also composed of this tissue, which, he says, exists even in the thyro-epiglottid, hyo-epiglottid, and glosso-epiglottid ligaments.] 428 SPLANCHNOLOGY. Their action is not yet well determined. By taking their fixed point upon the cricoid cartilage, it appears to me that they would move the thyroid cartilage in such a way as to increase the antero-posterior diameter of the glottis, and thus act as tensors of the vocal cords. The Crico-arytenoideus Posticus. Dissection.—This muscle is exposed by removing the mucous membrane from the posterior surface of the larynx. It is a triangular muscle {g, figs. 171, 177), situated at the back of the cricoid carti- lage. Its fibres arise from the lateral depression, which we have described on the pos- terior surface of the cartilage, and pass in different directions ; the upper fibres are the shortest, and are almost horizontal; the middle are oblique, and the lower are nearly vertical; they all converge towards the posterior and external process on the base of the arytenoid cartilage, behind the crico-arytenoideus lateralis. Relations.—It is covered by the mucous membrane of the pharynx, to which it is very loosely united, and it covers the cricoid cartilage. Action.—It is a dilator of the glottis. It carries the base of the arytenoid cartilage backward, outward, and downward, and tints renders the inferior vocal cord tense .The Crico-arytenoideus Lateralis. Dissection.—Remove with care one of the lateral halves of the thyroid cartilage (as in Jig. 177). It is impossible to separate this muscle from the thyro-arytenoideus. This is an oblong muscle (/), situated deeply under the thyroid cartilage. Its fibres arise from the side of the upper border of the cricoid cartilage, in front of the crico-arytenoid articulation ; from this point they proceed obliquely upward and backward, to be insert ■ ed into the posterior and external process of the arytenoid cartilage, by a tendon common to them, and to the thyro-arytenoideus. It is covered by the thyroid cartilage and by the crico-thyroid muscle, and it covers the lateral crico-thyroid membrane (d). The Thyro-arytenoideus. Dissection.—The same as for the preceding. This muscle may be dissected from the interior of the larynx, by removing the vocal cords. I describe the thyro-arytenoideus and the crico-arytenoideus lateralis separately, merely in accordance with custom, for in no instance, not even in large animals, such as the ox, have I ever been able to separate them completely. They have the same arytenoid insertion; their fibres are situated upon the same plane, without any line of demarcation, and they fulfil the same uses. We might, therefore, unite them under the name of the The thyro-arytenoideus (e) is a broad muscle, very thin above and very thick be- low. It arises on each side from about the lower two thirds of the retreating angle of the thyroid cartilage. The greater number of its fibres arise from the lower part of the angle, and form a very thick fasciculus. From these points they pass horizontally back- ward and outward, and terminate in the following manner : The thick fasciculus above mentioned is inserted into the outer surface of the anterior process of the arytenoid car- tilage, and into a depression on the outer side of the base of that cartilage, between the two processes. The upper fibres are attached to the outer border of the arytenoid car- tilage. In the larger animals, the upper fibres of the muscle evidently proceed to the epiglottis, and form the thyro-epiglottideus of some authors. Relations.—On the outside it corresponds with the thyroid cartilage, from which it is separated by loose and sometimes adipose cellular tissue ; on the inside it is in contact with the vocal cords and the ventricle of the larynx. The thickest part of the muscle corresponds with the inferior vocal cord, and is almost the only cause of its projecting into the interior of the larynx. This fasciculus may even be considered as contained within the substance of the inferior vocal cord, and the two structures are so closely adherent that great care is required to separate them. Many anatomists, indeed, have thought that the fibres of the thyro-arytenoideus terminate in the vocal cord, which they therefore regarded as the tendon of the muscle; but the cord and muscle may always be completely separated. Action.—It carries the arytenoid cartilage forward, and would thus seem to relax the inferior vocal cord, as Haller believed ; “ Cartilagines guttales (the arytenoid) antrosum ducunt, glottidem dilutant, ligamentorum glottidis tensionem minuunt.” (Elcmenta Physiol., t. hi., liv. ix., p. 387.) But if we consider the mechanism of the crico-arytenoid articula- tions, and the mode of insertion of the thyro-arytenoid muscles into the outer side of the bases of the arytenoid cartilages, we shall perceive that, at the same time that these cartilages are carried forward, they undergo a partial rotatory movement, by which their anterior processes are turned inward. The ligaments of the glottis are, therefore, ren- THE LARYNX. 429 dered tense, and approximated towards each other. This movement may be carried te such an extent that the anterior processes may touch, and the antero-posterior diameter of the glottis be diminished accordingly.* The thyro-arytenoideus is, then, both a tensor and a constrictor of the glottis. This, moreover, was the opinion of both Cowper and AlbinuSj but Haller attempted to re- fute it.f The sudden action of the thyro-arytenoid muscle, pressing upon the ventricle of the larynx, may expel any mucus collected within it. The Arytenoideus. Dissection.—Remove the mucous membrane and glandular masses which cover it be- hind. Detach it along one of its borders, so as to be enabled to examine its thickness. The arytenoideus {a, jig. 171) is a single, short, thick, trapezoid muscle, situated be- hind the arytenoid cartilages, and filling up the concavity on their posterior surfaces, as well as the interval between them. It arises from the whole length of the outer border of the right arytenoid cartilage, and is inserted into the corresponding part of the left. Some of the fibres arise from the upper border of the cricoid cartilage. The fibres have a triple direction, and form three layers, which have been regarded as so many distinct muscles. The two more superficial layers are oblique, and cross each other, one passing from the base of the right arytenoid cartilage to the apex of the left, and the other following the opposite direction ; they constitute the arytenoideus obliquus of Albinus; both of these layers are thin. The third and deepest layer is very thick; it is composed of transverse fibres, and forms the arytenoideus transvcrsus of Albinus. None of the fibres reach the cornicula. Under the name of the aryteno-epiglottideus, muscular fibres have been described, extending from the arytenoid muscle to the mar- gins of the epiglottis. Some fibres of the arytenoideus are also said to be continuous with the thyro-arytenoideus. Relations.—Behind, with the mucous membrane and some glandular masses, which ad- here to the muscle by means of loose cellular tissue ; in front it is in relation with the posterior surface of the arytenoid cartilages, and in the interval between them with a thin fibrous membrane, extending from the upper border of the cricoid cartilage to the whole extent of the inner borders of the arytenoid cartilages. Action.—lt would appear, at first sight, that this muscle must forcibly approximate the two arytenoid cartilages, and therefore constrict the glottis ;t but if we remember that it is attached to the outer borders of these cartilages, we shall understand that, besides drawing them together, it must produce in them such a movement as will carry their an- terior processes outward, and stretch the vocal cords, but, at the same time, separate them from each other. And if we call to mind that the thyro-arytenoideus occasions an ex- actly opposite movement, it will be understood that the simultaneous action of the two muscles must produce tension of the cords, and, at the same time, fix the processes. Having thus obtained a knowledge of the cartilages of the larynx, the articulations by which they are united, and the muscles which move them, we shall now proceed to give a general description of this organ. The Larynx in general, The larynx, the general position of which has been already described, presents certain differences in its dimensions, depending either upon the individual, upon sex, or upon age. These differences affect both the whole of the larynx and its constituent parts. Thus, the larynx of the female may always be distinguished from that of the male by being smaller, i. e., about two thirds the size of the male larynx ; and by the angles and pro- cesses of its cartilages being less prominent, and their depressions less marked. These differences are connected with the characters of the voice, and affect principally the di- mensions of the glottis. The individual differences in the size of the larynx have not been thoroughly examined. The differences depending on age will be noticed when speaking of its development. The larynx presents for our consideration an external and an internal surface. The External Surface of the Larynx Anterior Region {Jig. 170).—In the median line we observe a vertical ridge, formed by the angle of the thyroid cartilage ; beneath this the crico-thyroid membrane, and still lower the convexity of the cricoid cartilage. On the sides we find the oblique laminae of the thyroid cartilage, a portion of the cri- coid covered by the crico-thyroid muscle, and the thyro-cricoid articulation. Sub-cutaneous in the median line, where it is only separated from the skin by the linea alba of the neck, the external surface of the larynx is covered on each side by the mus- cles of the sub-hyoid region, the inferior constrictor of the pharynx, and the thyroid gland. * [The effect of this will be, as stated by Haller, to relax the vocal cords, which is considered by the latest observers to be the action of these muscles.] , . . • T"t Loc. cit. 44 Cum magni viri glottidem clixerint ab istis musculis arctari, cxpenmento facto diducerc didici, Neque potest ille ad latus cartilagiuis arytaenoidae musculus terminari quin earn riviam diducat t [When acting together with the lateral crico-thyroid muscles, this is certainly their action.] 430 SPLANCHNOLOGY. The superficial position of the surface enables us to examine its different parts through the integuments, and renders it liable to wounds. Its still greater proximity to the skin in the median line has suggested the operation of laryngotomy. Posterior Region (figs. 141, 171).—In the median line we observe a prominence like a small barrel, on either side of which the thyroid cartilage projects. This prominence is formed by the back of the cricoid, and by the arytenoid cartilages, the expanded portion corresponding with the bases of the latter, which are covered by folds of a pale mucous membrane. Under this membrane we find, proceeding from above downward, the ary- tenoideus muscle, the vertical ridge of the cricoid cartilage, the crico-arytenoidei posti- ci, and the crico-arytenoid articulations. On each side of the barrel-shaped prominence is a deep angular groove, formed by the meeting of two flat surfaces, which are separated above, but approximated below ; along these grooves it is supposed that liquids flow during deglutition. The external wall of each groove is formed by the posterior surface of the thyroid cartilage, the os hyoides, and the thyro-hyoid membrane. The internal wall is formed by the upper and lateral part of the barrel-shaped prominence. The grooves are lined by a closely-adherent mucous membrane ; and it should be observed, that they exist only on a level with the aryte- noid cartilages, and, consequently, in this region alone is the larynx protected by the thyroid cartilage, the posterior borders of which rest upon the vertebral column. " The back of the cricoid cartilage is on a level with the posterior borders of the thyroid (fig. 174), and, like them, rests upon the vertebral column. The Internal Surface of the Larynx.—-The internal surface of the larynx does not cor- respond, either in shape or dimensions, with its outer surface ; and this depends princi- pally on the fact that the retreating angle of the thyroid is the only part of that cartilage which enters into the formation of the laryngeal cavity, the lateral laminae being alto- gether unconcerned in it. Cylindrical below, where it is formed by the cricoid cartilage, the cavity of the larynx is prismatic and triangular above, where it is constituted by the epiglottis in front, the arytenoid cartilages and the arytenoid muscle behind, and on the sides by the two mu- cous folds which extend from the margins of the epiglottis to the arytenoid cartilages. The dimensions of the lower of these two portions of the laryngeal cavity undergo no change, always remaining the same as those of the cricoid cartilage ; while the upper, on the contrary, which is broadest in front, varies much in size, in consequence of the mobility of the epiglottis and the arytenoid cartilages. Between these two portions, and about the middle of the larynx, a fissure exists, which is narrower than the rest of the cavity, and oblong from before backward ; this is the glottis, or vocal apparatus, properly so called. It can be seen without any dissection by looking down into the larynx (fig. 178), and requires a very particular description. The Glottis, or Vocal Apparatus.—The glottis (yhurrlq, from y/Maarj, the tongue), fre- quently confounded with the superior orifice of the larynx,* is a trian- gular opening or fissure (o,fig. 178) (nma), elongated from before backward, and included between the vocal cords of the right and left sides. It represents two isosceles triangles, placed one above the other, and having perfectly equal borders, the base of each being directed backward, and its apex forward. The lower isosceles tri- angle is formed by the in ferior vocal cords (r), and the upper one by the superior vocal cords (s). The inferior vocal cords are situated 3 nearer to the axis of the larynx than the superior, so that a vertical I plane let fall from the latter would leave the inferior vocal cords on ' its inner side. Many authors limit the term glottis to the lower tri- angle. This view is supported by the absence of the superior vo- cal cords in a great number of animals, the ox in particular. Dimensions of the Glottis.—The glottis is the narrowest part of the larynx, and hence the danger from the introduction of a foreign body into it, and from the formation of false membranes imthis situation. The only action of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx is to dilate or contract the opening of the glottis. We have seen that, with the exception of the crico-thyroidei, they are all, in some measure, collected round the crico-arytenoid articulation, the movements of which determine the dimensions of the glottis. The individual differences which constitute the tenour, baritone, or bass voices in sing- ing, depend upon the size of the glottis; to which, also, must be attributed the difference between the male and female voice, and the change produced in its tone at the time of puberty. A deep voice coincides with a large glottis, and a shrill voice with a small one. In the adult male the antero-posterior diameter of the glottis is from ten to eleven lines, in the female it is only eight lines ; in the male, the greatest transverse diameter is from three to four lines ; in the female, from two to three lines, f * This error is, perhaps, to be attributed to the use of the word eptglottis, so much do words influence our ideas. It was committed even in Haller’s time, who says, “ Etiam hi c (laryngis) ostiurfi non bene pro glottide sumiiur t These measurements are taken at the level of the inferior vocal ords ; the transverse diameter is rather longer opposite the superior vocal cords THE LARYNX. 431 From these dimensions, it may be understood how a Louis d'or might pass edgewise through the glottis, and thus fall into the trachea. In a case of this kind, most of those who were called in consultation rejected the idea of the presence of the coin in the wind- pipe, because, said they, the glottis cannot admit it. The patient died in about a year, and the Louis d'or was found in the trachea. Ventricle of the Larynx.—Between the superior and inferior vocal cords of each side there is a cavity, called the ventricle or sinus of the larynx {v, figs. 176, 178); it is oblong from before backward, and of the same length as the cords ; its depth is determined by the interval separating the cords from the thyroid cartilage, or, rather, from the thyro- arytenoid muscle, which forms the bottom of the corresponding ventricle. The opening of the ventricle is somewhat narrower than the bottom, is elliptical in its longest diame- ter, and has admitted the introduction of a foreign body. To each ventricle there is a supplementary cavity, which is accurately described and figured in the works of Mor- gagni.* This cavity resembles in shape a Phrygian cap ; it has a broad base, opening into the ventricle, and a narrow apex ; it is found at the anterior part of the ventricle, and is prolonged on the outer side of the superior vocal cord, between it and the thyroid cartilage, upomthe side of the epiglottis. Its dimensions vary much. In one case its ver- tical diameter was six lines, and it was divided into two parts by a transverse band. The Circumferences of the Larynx.—The superior circumference of the larynx {fig. 178) is much wider than the inferior, and presents the following objects : the superior angu- lar border of the thyroid cartilage, and the great cornua, in which it terminates; behind the thyroid cartilage, the epiglottis (i); and between the cartilage and the epiglottis, a small triangular space, filled by a compact fatty mass, which has been incorrectly descri- bed as the epigiotlid gland. I have already said that this fatty mass is bounded above by a fibrous membrane, extending from the epiglottis to the posterior surface of the os hyoides. Behind the epiglottis, we find the upper orifice of the larynx, which must not be con- founded with the glottis ; it slopes obliquely from before backward and from above down- ward, having the form of a triangle, with its base directed forward and its apex back- ward, consequently in the opposite direction to the glottis. This orifice is formed in front by the free margin of the epiglottis, which is slightly notched ; on each side, by the upper part of the lateral margin of the epiglottis, and by the free edge of the aryteno- epiglottid fold (b); and behind, by the cornicula laryngis, and by the summits of the ary- tenoid cartilages (a), and the deep notch between them. The superior orifice is the widest part of the larynx, and admits foreign bodies which cannot pass through its lower portion. The epiglottis, when depressed, generally cov- ers it completely, and may even overlap it at the sides. The inferior circumference of the larynx is perfectly circular, is formed by the cricoid cartilage, and is continuous with the trachea. The Mucous Membrane and Glands of the Larynx.—The mucous membrane of the la- rynx is a continuation of that of the mouth and pharynx. The larynx presents the only example in the body of an organ, part of whose external surface, namely, the posterior, is covered with mucous membrane ; and this depends upon the circumstance of its form- ing part of the parietes of the pharynx. The mucous membrane is disposed in the following manner; From the base of the tongue it is reflected upon the anterior surface of the epiglottis, forming the three glos- so-epiglottid folds already described, one in the middle and one on each side ; it adheres pretty closely to the epiglottis, is reflected over its free margin, covers its posterior sur- face, and penetrates into the larynx: on each side it passes from the epiglottis to the arytenoid cartilages, and becomes continuous with the pharyngeal mucous membrane, wdiich covers the back of the larynx. At the superior orifice of the larynx, it is reflect- ed upon itself, to form the aryteno-epiglottid folds, which constitute the sides of the su- pra-glottid region of the larynx ; it then covers the superior vocal cord, and lines the ven- tricle, sending a prolongation into its supplementary cavity. In the ventricle it is re- markable for its slight adhesion to the subjacent parts. It is reflected from the ventri- cle upon the inferior vocal cord; there, as well as opposite the superior cord, it is so thin that it does not conceal the pearly appearance of the ligament beneath, to which it adheres so closely that it is difficult to separate them. Lastly, it covers the internal sur- face of the cricoid cartilage, and the middle and lateral crico-thyroid membranes. The laryngeal mucous membrane is characterized by its tenuity, its adhesion to the parts beneath it, and by its pale pink colour, t It is perforated by the openings of a num- ber of mucous glands. Its extreme sensibility, especially at the upper orifice and in the * I first saw this cavity in a patient affected with laryngeal phthisis, in whom it was very much developed. I then examined the larynx in other individuals, and found it to be constant. I did not then know that Mor gagni had pointed it out and figured it (Advers. h, Epist. Anat.,\in.). + [The epithelium of the laryngeal mucous membrane is, in the greater part of its extent, columnar and cil lated. The cilia urge the secretion upward ; according to Dr. Henle, they extend higher up in front than on each side and behind; on the sides, for example, as high as the border of the superior vocal cords, or about two lines above them, and in front upon the posterior surface of the epiglottis, as high as its base or widest por- tion. Above these points the epithelium gradually assumes the laminated fc rm, like that in the mouth and pharynx.] 432 SPLANCHNOLOGY. supra-glottid portion of the larynx, is well known.* The aryteno-epiglottid folds, which include the ligaments of the same name, and some muscular fibres in the larger animals, aie remarkable for the great quantity of very loose cellular tissue which they contain : this fact explains their liability to a serous infiltration, called oedema of the glottis, which proves rapidly fatal. The Glands of the Larynx.—The glands of the larynx are the epiglottid and the aryte- noid. The thyroid gland, or body, cannot be considered as belonging to the larynx ;if it belongs to any organ, it must be to the trachea. The Epiglottid Glands.—The name of epiglottid glands is generally given to the fatty mass already described as being situated between the thyroid cartilage and the epiglot- tis ; and it has even been asserted that it opens by special ducts on the posterior surface of the epiglottis. But there is no other epiglottid gland besides those situated in the sub- stance of the epiglottis, which is perforated with innumerable holes for their reception : these small glands are so numerous, that Morgagni (Advers., i., 2 ; v., 68) regarded them as forming a single gland; they all open upon the laryngeal surface of the epiglottis by very distinct orifices, from which a considerable quantity of mucus can be pressed. The Arytenoid Glands.—These were well described by Morgagni, who very properly considered them as forming a single glandular mass, situated in the substance of the ary- teno-epiglottid fold. They are arranged in two lines, united at an angle, like the letter L ;f the vertical line runs along the anterior surface of the arytenoid cartilage and its comiculum, and produces a slight prominence, perfectly distinct from that made by the cartilages ; the horizontal line is less prominent, and is situated in the superior vocal cord. The arytenoid glands open separately upon the internal surface of the larynx. Vessels and Nerves.—The arteries are derived from the superior thyroid, a branch of the external carotid, and from the inferior thyroid, a branch of the subclavian. The veins enter the corresponding venous trunks. The lymphatic vessels, which are little known, terminate principally in the glands of the supra-hyoid region, if we may judge from the frequency of their inflammation in cases of acute laryngitis, &c. The nerves are branches of the pneumogastric, viz., the superior and the inferior, or recurrent laryngeal. The superior laryngeal nerves are not exclusively distributed to the muscles called constrictors of the glottis (the arytenoideus and the crico-thyroidei); nor do the inferior laryngeals belong exclusively to those called dilators (the crico-arytenoi- dei postici and laterales, and the thyro-arytenoidei), as a celebrated physiologist has af- firmed. (See Neurology.) The peculiar rotatory movement of the arytenoid cartilages somewhat interferes with any classification of these muscles into dilators and constrictors. Development.-p-The evolution of the larynx is remarkable in this respect, that, after hav- ing attained a certain size, it undergoes no appreciable change until the time of puberty. The ventricles are as yet so slightly developed that their existence has been denied. The prominence of the os hyoides in some measure conceals that of the larynx. M. Rich- erand {Mem. de la Societe Med. d’Emulation, tom. iii.) has proved that there is no very remarkable difference between the larynx of a child at three years of age and of one at twelve. Up to the age of puberty the larynx presents no trace of the sexual differences which afterward become so evident; and to these anatomical conditions are owing the shrillness and uniformity of the voice in the youth of both sexes. At the period of puberty, at the same time as the genital organs, the larynx increases so rapidly as to attain its full development in the space of one year; the voice then loses its uniformity, and acquires its peculiar timbre and quality, and then also the sexual dif- ferences in the vocal apparatus become manifest. Is it from an unequal development of the different parts of the larynx, or from want of a certain degree of education, that the voice at this period is so discordant, especial- ly in singing, or breaks, as it is said 1 The simultaneous development of the genital organs and the larynx has led to the opin- ion that they stand to each other in the relation of cause and effect; and observation has established that the vocal apparatus is in some measure under the influence of the generative organs ; for in eunuchs the larynx remains as small as it is in the female. (M. Dupuytren, Mem de la Soc. Phil., tom. ii.) At the age of puberty the size of the glottis is increased by one third in the female, and is nearly doubled in the male. After puberty, any changes which the larynx may undergo are the result of exercise, not of development, properly so called. Ossification of the cartilages of the larynx is not always the effect of age. I have seen it at the thirtieth year quite independently of disease. Chronic inflammation of the la- rynx induces a premature ossification of the cartilages. The thyroid has the greatest tendency to this change, then the cricoid, and, lastly, the arytenoid cartilages : I have never observed it in the epiglottis. • Functions.—The larynx is the organ of voice. Numerous experiments upon living animals, and many surgical facts, show that the vocal sound is produced exclusively in * It has been observed, in experiments upon animals, and in intro Inning the canula after the operation ol laryngotomy, that the sensibility of the mucous membrane beyond the glottis is much less acute, t “ Gnomonis, sed obtusanguli figuram utervis acervus habet.''—(Haller.) THE THYROID GLAND. 433 the larynx. The lungs, the bronchi, and the trachea perform, with regard to the voice, the office of an elastic conductor of air capable of contraction and dilatation, of shorten- ing and elongation. The thorax acts like a pair of bellows, by which the air is driven into the larynx with any wished-for degree of force ; and hence the quantity of air pass- ing through the larynx, and the rapidity with which it moves, may vary io a very great extent. What, then, is the mechanism of the voice 1 Is it the same as that of a horn (Dodart), of a stringed instrument (Ferrein), of a flute (Cuvier), of a reed instrument (Biot and Ma- gendie), or of a bird-call* (Savart) 1 Is it produced by the vibration of the tense vocal cords, or merely by the vibration of the air while passing through a narrow opening, which is itself incapable of vibrating 1 We shall leave these questions to the decision of physiologists. It is sufficient for our purpose to know that the action of the muscles of the larynx and the arrangement of the vocal apparatus are perfectly fitted to produce either dilatation or contraction of the glottis; and such is the mechanism of this part, that, from the rotatory movement of the arytenoid cartilages, the vocal cords are always rendered tense, whatever may be the other actions of the muscles. The voice as it issues from the larynx is simple, for the larynx is, with regard to the voice, what the mouth-piece is in the flute, or the reed in the bassoon ; but during its pas- sage through the vocal tube, composed of the epiglottis, the pharynx, the isthmus of the fauces, the mouth, and the nasal fossa?, the voice becomes modified. According to a very ingenious theory of M. Magendie, the epiglottis resembles those soft and movable valves which M, Grenie places in the pipes of an organ to enable the sound to be increased without modifying the tone. r The isthmus of the fauces resembles the superior larynx of birds, which consists of a contractile orifice that can be diminished, and even closed at pleasure ; and it is princi- pally owing to this mechanism that the small glottis of birds can execute such an exten- sive range of notes. We know, in fact, that the tone of a wind instrument is reduced an octave lower by completely closing the lower orifice of the tube, and that, when it is only partially closed, the tone is depressed in proportion. Now the isthmus of the fau- ces acts exactly like the superior larynx of birds. On watching a person who wishes to utter a very low note, we see that he depresses and flexes the head slightly upon the neck, so as to approximate the chin to the thorax : by this means the vertical diameter of the isthmus of the fauces is diminished, the larynx being carried upward, while -the velum palati is depressed ; and from this we may judge of the important part performed by the velum in producing modulations of the voice. If to this we add the changes which may be effected in the length and diameter of the pharynx (see Pharynx), and if we remember that, by diminishing by one half the length or diameter of the tube or body of a wind instrument, its tone is raised one octave, we shall be able to understand how the human voice can execute so extensive a scale of notes, although the glottis is so small. The voice is also modified while traversing the buccal and nasal cavities. Do the nasal fosse?, favour the resonance of the voice 1 or does the air, when passing through them, merely give rise to certain sounds denominated nasal I The latter opin- ion, which is supported by Mr. Gerdy, appears to me the most consistent with facts. MM. Biot and Magendie had already correctly observed that the voice becomes nasal only when it traverses these passages. The voice becomes articulate in passing through the mouth, i. e., the vocal sound is interrupted, and modified by the more or less rapid percussion of the lips and tongue against the teeth and the palate. Articulate voice is very distinct from speech. Animals which differ much from mm in the conformation of their vocal organs, the parrot, for example, may be made to artic- ulate ; but speech is the peculiar attribute of man, because he alone is possessed of in- telligence. The Thyroid Gland. The thyroid gland, or thyroid body, is a glanduliform organ, the uses of wmch are un- known : it is situated like a crescent with its concavity directed upward, in front of the first rings of the trachea, and upon the sides of the larynx. In describing this organ in connexion with the larynx, I follow the usual custom, which has arisen not from any direct relation between their functions, but from their contiguity to each other. The thyroid body varies much in size in different individuals; there are few organs which present greater varieties in this respect. The sexual differences in the size of this organ, like all those relating to the vocal ap- paratus, are very well marked, but in an inverse manner, that is to say, the thyroid body is larger in the female, in whom it forms a rounded projection, which assists in making the thyroid cartilage in that sex appear still less prominent. * A bird-call is a cavity with elastic walls, perforated upon the two opposite sides. The cavity is repre- sented by the ventricles, and the openings by the intervals between the vocal cords. If a tube capable of tontr acting and dilating be fitted to such an instrument, an infinite variety ol sounds may be produced. I I I 434 SPLANCHNOLOGY. Climate, and more especially certain qualities in the water used as drink, have a re- markable influence upon its size, which, in many cases of goitre, is enormous. These differences in size affect either the whole of the gland equally, or only one lobe, or occasionally the middle portion alone. The weight of the thyroid body, which is about an ounce, may be increased to a pound and a half, or even more. Form.—The thyroid bpdy is generally composed of two lateral lohes or cornua, united by a contracted portion, flattened from before backward, and called the isthmus. The varieties in shape principally affect the isthmus, which may be very narrow, long or short, regular or irregular, or entirely absent, or it may be as thick and as long from above downward as the lobes themselves. I have seen one case in which the thickest part of the thyroid gland was in the middle, and the lobes terminated above in a very narrow point. The opinion of the ancients, and which is also met with in Vesalius, that the human subject has two thyroid glands, no doubt arose from the narrowness or absence of the isthmus, or, rather, from the separation and complete independence of the two lobes in a great number of animals. The surface of the thyroid body is smooth and well defined, and sometimes divided into lobules by superficial furrows. We shall examine in succession the relations of the middle and lateral portions : The middle portion or isthmus is convex in front, and is separated from the skin by all the muscles of the sub-hyoid region. Behind, where it is concave, it is in contact with the first rings of the trachea. Moreover, this middle portion descends to a greater or less distance in different subjects, and sometimes so low, that there is not room to per- form tracheotomy between it and the sternum. Each lateral lobe is convex in front, and corresponds with the muscles of the sub-hyoid region : in particular, I ought to mention the sterno-thyroid, by which it is directly cov- ered, and the breadth of which seems to be proportioned to the size of the lobe ; in many cases of goitre I have seen this muscle twice or three times as broad as in the natural state. On the inside, each lateral lobe is concave, so as to be applied to the side of the trachea and cricoid cartilage, to the lower and latter part of the thyroid cartilage, to the lower part of the pharynx, and to the upper part of the oesophagus. The two lobes, to- gether with the middle portion or isthmus, form a half or sometimes three fourths of a canal, which embraces all those parts ; an extremely important relation, which explains how, in certain goitres, the trachea is flattened on the sides, deglutition is impeded, and true asphyxia by strangulation is the final result. Behind, each lateral lobe corresponds with the vertebral column, from which it is separated, on the outside, by the common carotid artery, the internal jugular vein, and the pneumogastric and great sympathetic nerves, which, according to the size of the gland, are either covered by it, or are merely in relation with its outer surface. The upper extremity of each lateral lobe terminates in a point, and hence the two- horned figure assigned to the thyroid body. It is situated on the inside of the carotid artery, in contact with the lateral and back part of the thyroid cartilage, and sometimes extends nearly to its upper border. Its lower extremity is thick and rounded, descends to a greater or less distance in different individuals, and corresponds to the fifth, sixth, or seventh rings of the trachea : it is situated between the trachea and the common ca- rotid. The inferior thyroid artery enters the gland at its lower extremity. Its upper border is concave and notched in the middle ; the superior thyroid arteries run along it. A prolongation extends from this border, which has been correctly repre- sented by Bidloo, and named the pyramid by Lalouette. It almost always exists; it passes perpendicularly upward, either on the right or left side of the median line, and presents numerous varieties in several respects. Thus it varies in its origin, sometimes arising from the isthmus, and sometimes from one of the lobes at one side of the isth- mus ; also in its termination, sometimes ending opposite the notch in the upper border of the thyroid cartilage, sometimes opposite the thyro-hyoid membrane, and at other times even on a level with the body of the os hyoides; but always firmly adherent either to the membrane or the bone. It also varies in its structure : sometimes it is a fibrous cord, and sometimes a reddish linear band, which has all the appearances of a muscular fasciculus, and has even been described as a muscle; it often consists of a series of granules arranged in a line ; sometimes, again, we find, in the middle, or at one end of the cord, a glanduliform enlargement, exactly resembling the tissue of the thyroid gland; lastly, it may be double, or bifurcated, or even completely wanting ; in which case, how ever, there exists a glanduliform mass of a certain height. This prolongation, in which I and many others have in vain attempted to find an excretory duct, is evidently of a compact nature. Is it the remains of a foetal structure, or the trace of a normal dispo - sition in some animals 1 The lower border of the thyroid body is convex, more or less deeply notched in the cen- tre, and is in contact with the inferior thyroid arteries. Structure.—The proper tissue of the thyroid gland is of a variable colour, sometimes esembling the lees of Port wine, and sometimes of a yellowish hue. It is of tolerably THE URINARY ORGANS. 435 hrm consistence, and feels granular. This organ presents all the anatomical characters of glands, and, like them, may be separated by dissection into glandular grains ; but with this difference, that these grains communicate with each other, while, in ordinary glands, they are independent. The communication of the glandular grains may be shown in the following manner: if the tube of a mercurial injecting apparatus be inserted into the thyroid gland, the mercury will enter into and distend the cells, and after a certain time all the grains will be injected ; it is easy to satisfy the mind that the mercury is not in- filtrated into the cellular tissue, but is contained in the tissue of the gland itself, in the centre of the granulations. The right and left lobes do not communicate, but all the granulations of each lobe communicate with each other. The thyroid gland has, therefore, a vesicular structure ; and we have seen that the glandular grains of all glands are spongy and porous, and that the products of their secre- tion may be accumulated in these pores. The glandular nature of the thyroid body is also shown by the viscid, limpid, yellowish fluid which pervades it in certain subjects, and which may be collected in sufficient quantity for chemical analysis; and also by the retention of this matter within a greater or less number of the vesicles when their orifices of communication with the neighbour- ing vesicles become obliterated. But, in connexion with this view regarding its glandular nature, we seek in vain for an excretory duct. If we examine the trachea and the larynx, or lay open the oesophagus, and then press the thyroid gland, we shall see that no fluid escapes into those canals. It has been asserted, indeed, that the excretory duct of the thyroid gland terminated in the foramen azcum of the tongue, in the ventricles of the larynx, or in the trachea opposite its first ring ; but, after the example of Santorini, we are compelled to reject these fancied and too hastily announced discoveries. I may here notice the intimate adhesion of the side of the thyroid gland to the first ring of the trachea. This can be very well shown by detaching the gland from behind for- ward ; it is of a fibrous nature, and I have sometimes thought that I saw a duct in the centre of it, passing through the membrane which connects the trachea with the cricoid cartilage, though I have never been able satisfactorily to demonstrate it. Still, I do not think that the absence of an excretory duct should remove the thyroid from among the glandular organs ; for I believe that there exist in the body glands with- out excretory ducts, as the thymus, the supra-renal capsules, and the thyroid body. The secretion of the gland is entirely absorbed, and fulfils certain unknown uses. Arteries.—The size and the number of the arteries distributed to the thyroid gland in- dicate that something more than a mere nutritive process must be carried on in it. The arteries are sometimes four, sometimes five in number ; two superior arise from the ex- ternal carotid; two inferior from the subclavian, and the fifth, or the thyroid artery of Neubauer, where it exists, arises from the arch of the aorta. The veins are proportionally as large as the arteries, and form so considerable a plexus in front of the trachea, as, in certain cases, to have prevented the completion of the operation of tracheotomy. The lymphatic vessels terminate in the cervical lymphatic glands. The nerves are derived from the pneumogastrics, and the cervical ganglia of the sym- pathetic. A thin cellular membrane envelops the gland, and sends very delicate prolongations into its substance, where we find a very firm cellular tissue, always destitute of fat. Development.—The thyroid gland is developed in two lateral halves, which are after- ward united by a median portion. It is not uninteresting to remark, that this dispo- sition, which is transitory in the foetus, represents the permanent condition of the gland in a great number of animals. During intra-uterine life and infancy it is relatively larger than at subsequent periods. Nevertheless, the changes which it afterward undergoes are not to be compared with those that occur in the thymus ; and we cannot say, as of the latter structure, that the existence of the thyroid body has any peculiar relations with foetal life. Functions.—lt is a secreting organ, but the uses of its fluid are not known. THE GENITO-URINARY ORGANS. I have thought it proper to describe the genital and the urinary organs together, because, although their functions are very distinct, yet they have the most intimate anatomical, physiological, and pathological connexions. Division.—The Kidneys and Ureters.—The Bladder. Ihe Snpra-renal Capsules The urinary organs form a very complex secretory apparatus, consisting of two secre- ting organs, the kidneys; of two provisional reservoirs, the calyces and the pelvis of each kidney ; of two excretory ducts, the ureters ; of a second and final reservoir, the bladder; THE URINARY ORGANS. 436 SPLANCHNOLOGY. and, lastly, of a second and final excretory canal, which, in the male, is common to hot', the genital and the urinary organs, viz., the canal of the urethra. The Kidneys. The kidneys (vepol) are glandular organs, intended to secrete the urine. They are deeply situated (k k,fig. 199) in the lumbar region, hence called the region oj the kidneys, on each side of the vertebral column, externally to the peritoneum, which merely passes in front of them ; they are surrounded by a great quantity of fat, and, as it were, suspended by the vessels which pass into and emerge from them. Fixed firmly in this situation, they are but little liable to displacement. Most of the changes in their position are congenital. The right kidney generally descends a little lower than the left, doubtless on account of the presence of the liver. One of the kid- neys may not uncommonly be found in front of the vertebral column, or even in the cavity of the pelvis ; and this unusual arrangement may, in certain cases, render diag- nosis very obscure.* I have frequently found the right kidney in the corresponding iliac fossa in females who had been in the habit of wearing very tight stays. This displace- ment happens when the pressure of the stays upon the liver forces the kidney out of the depression in which it is lodged in the lower surface of that organ. Number.—The kidneys are two in number. It is not very uncommon to find only one, which is almost always formed by the union of the two, by means of a transverse portion crossing in front of the vertebral column, and having its concave border directed upward. Sometimes the two united kidneys are situated in the right or left lumbar region, or in the cavity of the true pelvis. Cases of union of the two kidneys should be distinguish- ed from those in which one of them is atrophied. Again* Blasius, Fallopius, Gavard, &c., relate examples of individuals having three kidneys; in some of these cases, two were situated upon the same side, in others the supernumary kidney was placed in front of the vertebral column. Size.—The kidney is not subject to such great variations in size as most other organs. Its ordinary dimensions are from three and a half to four inches in length, two inches in breadth, and one inch in thickness. Its weight is from two to four ounces.! I have found them more than three times their ordinary size in a diabetic patient. When one kidney is atrophied, the other becomes proportionally enlarged, sometimes even to twice the usual dimensions. Atrophy of the kidney may be so extreme as to reduce it to a drachm and a half or two drachms in weight, and make it appear to be lost among the surrounding fat; but the presence of this fat distinguishes such a case from one of con- genital absence of the kidney.! Density and Colour.—The tissue of the kidney is harder than that of other glands. Its fragility accounts for its laceration by direct violence, or by a concussion produced by a fall from a great height. Its colour is that of the lees of red wine, somewhat analogous to that of the muscular tissue, but offers several different shades. Figure.—The shape of the kidney may be well compared to a bean, with the hilus turned inward. This form enables us to consider its two surfaces and its circumference. Relations.—The anterior surface of the kidney is directed slightly outward ; it is con- vex,!) and is covered by the lumbar colon, but sometimes only by the peritoneum, the gut lying to its inner side ; on the left side it is also in relation with the spleen and the great tuberosity of the stomach, and on the right side with the liver and the second portion of the duodenum. The relations of the right kidney with the liver are more or less extensive ; sometimes it is entirely covered by the liver ; in other instances it is inclined downward, and has no relation with that organ. The gall-bladder sometimes lies upon the anterior surface of the right kidney through the whole of its extent. Lastly, I have seen the kidney in immediate relation with the parietes of the abdomen, through which it could be easily felt. As practical inferences from these relations, we would notice the difficulty of explo- ring the kidneys from the anterior surface of the abdomen, on account of their deep sit- uation ; also, the possibility of an abscess of the kidney opening into the colon. The posterior surface is less convex than the anterior, and is turned inward ; it corre- sponds with the quadratus lumborum, from which it is separated by the anterior layer of the fascia of the transversalis muscle; with the diaphragm, which separates it from the * I lately had in xny wards a female labouring’ under hectic fever, of which I could detect no cause, either in the thorax or the abdomen. Upon opening the body after death, i found the two kidneys united, situated in the true pelvis, behind the rectum, and projecting a little above the brim. They contained a large quantity of pus, which escaped by the rectum. t [According to M. Rayer, the average weight of the kidney in the male is 4l ounces, in the female 3,1 ounces ; he also states that the left kidney is almost always larger and heavier than the right.] t Ido not speak here of enlargement of the kidneys from disease. Many examples of extreme enlargement will be found in my work on Pathological Anatomy, liv. i., xviii. $ Not unfrequently the fissure of the kidney is found on the anterior surface of this organ. In one case of this kind, the right kidney occupied the right iliac fossa ; it had two arteries, a superior, which proceeded di- rectly to the fissure, and an inferior, arising from the angle of the bifurcation of the aorta, in front of the mid ■ die sacral artery, and terminating at the lower extremity of the kidney. THE KIDNEYS. 437 two or three lower fibs; and with the psoas, which intervenes between it and the ver- tebral column. These relations explain the possibility of exploring the kidney in the lumbar region through the quadratus lumborum, account for abscesses of the kidney opening in the lumbar region, and for the escape of renal calculi in the same direction, and form the grounds on which the operation of nephrotomy has been proposed. It is of importance to remark, that the relations of the kidneys with the ribs are variable in extent, and that sometimes they do not pass beyond the last rib. The circumference of the kidney presents an external border, convex, semi-elliptical, and directed backward; an internal border, directed forward, and deeply notched in the middle, to form the fissure of the kidney (fiilus renalis, h,fig. 179). This notch is more marked behind, where it corresponds with the pelvis of the kidney, than in front, where it corresponds with the renal vein; it is from fifteen to eighteen lines in depth. If we separate the edges of this fissure, we expose a deep cavity containing fat, and called the sinus; in which are seen the pelvis of the kidney (p), the calices (c c c'), and the divisions of the renal artery and vein. The upper end of the kidney is directed inward, and is more or less completely em- braced by the supra-renal capsule ; it is generally larger than the lower end, which is di- rected slightly outward, and projects beyond the last rib. Structure.—Make a vertical section of the kidney from its convex to its concave bor- der. Detach the proper capsule in the same direction. Inject the arteries, veins, and ureter, in different kidneys, and also in the same kidney. Inject also the uriniferous ducts. The Proper Coat.—The kidney has no peritoneal covering. The remarkable fatty mass in which it is imbedded is called the fatty capsule of the kidney. Besides this, it is pro- vided with a proper fibrous coat, the external surface of which adheres to the fatty tis- sue, by means of fibrous lamella; passing through it; its internal surface is adherent tc the tissue of the kidney, through the medium of a number of small prolongations, which are very easily lacerated. a homogeneous and granular texture, in being composed of two substances : one of these is ex- ternal, cortical, or glandular (a a); the other inter- nal. medullary, or tubular (h b b). Some anato- mists have described a third substance, the mam- millated; but the papilla; (d d) of which it is com- posed belong to the tubular substance. The following is the respective arrangement of these two substances : The Tissue of the Kidney.—The kidney differs from other glands, all of which present The cortical substance forms a soft, reddish, sometimes yellow layer, of a granular appear- ance, and about two lines in thickness, which occupies the surface of the kidney, and sends prolongations, in the form of pillars or septa, from one to three lines thick, between the cones of the tubular substance. The tubular or medullary substance is redder, and presents the appearance of striated cones or pyramids (the pyramids of Malpighi), the bases of which adhere to the cortical substance, while their free apices are turned towards the sinus, where they appear like papilla;. Bellini, and, before him, Berenger di Carpi, considered the fibres or striae of the medullary substance as so many uriniferous tubes (the tubes of Bel- lini), and hence the term tubular substance. It follows, then, that the kidney is divided into a number of compartments, correspond- ing to the number of cones of tubular substance ; there are from ten to twenty of these compartments, which represent the temporary lobules of the human foetal kidney, and the permanent lobules in the kidneys of the greater number of animals, f The kidney, therefore, is formed by the union of a greater or less number of small kid- neys, applied together, and connected within a common investment. We shall see, pres- ently, that, in reference to the circulation, these small kidneys are entirely independent of each other. Although the distinction between the two substances is well marked, it is easy to see that some of the fibres or striae of the tubular structure penetrate the cor- tical substance in a flexuous course, and reach the surface of the organ. This fact was clearly shown by Ferrein, who considered the striae to be the excretory ducts of the gran- ules. These cortical and flexuous portions of the tubes, which become straight as soon as they reach the medullary substance, are termed the cortical ducts, or the convoluted tubes of Ferrein. * This figure is a plan, not an actual representation of the structure of the kidney, t In some animals the kidney resembles a bunch of grapes. 438 SPLANCHNOLOGY. Ferre in having examined the tubes of Bellini under the microscope, believed that each of them formed a pyramid analogous to those of the tubular substance, and that each of these secondary pyramids consisted of about a hundred ducts ; hence the tubes of the tubular substance have been named the pyramids of Ferre in,* in contradistinction to the pyramids of Malpighi. We shall now examine the structure of the tubular and the cortical substance. Structure of the Tubular Substance.—The tubular substance, which, at first sight, looks like muscular tissue, from its red colour and arrangement in lines, evidently consists of tubes or ducts. In fact, an examination under the simple microscope of a section made perpendicu- larly to the axis of the tubes, demonstrates the existence of a number of small openings, each corresponding to a tube; and if, while the eye is fixed upon the section, the kidney be compressed, urine will be seen to exude from all points of the cut surface. Direct injection of the ducts, by means of a tube containing mercury, introduced at hazard into the tubular substance, will fill all the tubes, in whatever direction the instrument may be directed. The ingenious experiment performed by Galvani, who tied the ureters of birds, and by this means obtained an injection of the tubes with the white matter of their urine, leaves no doubt of the existence of these tubes. Lastly, the tubes themselves are collected together in the papillae, and open either over their entire surface, or in a small depression which sometimes exists at their summits. Structure of the Cortical Substance.—The cortical sub- stance is tubular and granular. The granules are regularly disposed around the convoluted tubes of Ferrein.f On examining a thin slice of uninjected kidney by the simple microscope, we perceive a great number of oval and spheroidal granules (c",fig. 180), the acini of Malpighi, which may be separated from each other by maceration ; and those granules which have been cut through present that spongy appearance, resembling the pith of the rush, which seems to belong to all glands. When the section is verti- cal, these corpuscles are seen appended to the tubes of Ferrein, like grapes upon their stalk. § Vessels and Nerves.—The renal artery is remarkable for its enormous size, in proportion to that of the kidney, for its origin from the aorta being at a right angle, and for its shortness. There are sometimes two or three renal arteries, and two are not unfrequently found twisted spirally around each other. When the kidney is situated in the iliac fossa or in the pelvis, the renal artery or ar- teries generally arise from the common iliac. The renal vein is as large in proportion as the artery, and passes in front of it into the vena cava. The lymphatic vessels are but little known. The nerves are very numerous, and are derived from the solar plexus ; besides which, the lesser splanchnic nerve is distributed directly to the kidney. The spermatic nervous plexus is formed by branches from the renal plexus, and this may explain the close sympathy between the testicle and the kidney. The great num- ber of ganglionic nerves distributed to the kidney may account for the peculiar charac- ter of the pain experienced in this organ. Injection of the Renal Vessels.—A very coarse injection thrown into the artery will re- turn by the veins. One thrown into the vein will return by the ureter, and not by the * See note, infra. t According1 to Ferrein, these convoluted tubes form, by their numerous anastomoses, a network, in the meshes of which the granules are contained. * This is a plan, rather than an actual representation. t) [The uriniferous tubes, commencing at their orifices upon the surface of the papillae, pass up into the tu- bular portion of the kidney, dividing and subdividing dichotomously several times {a, fig. 180), so as to consti- tute fasciculi of straight and radiating tubes : these are the pyramids of Ferrein, a considerable number of which are united to form one of the pyramids of Malpighi (b,fig% 179). At the base of the latter the fasciculi spread out, and the straight tubes become the convoluted tubes of the cortical substance {fig. ]80). In the human kidney, the tubuli uriniferi are said by Weber to be o, a nearly uniform diameter throughout their entire course (averaging th of an inch); and all appeared to him to end in loops (b b), none in free and closed extremities (as at b'): according to Krause, they terminate in both ways. In either case, however, they form a closed system of tubes, independent of the bloodvessels, which merely ramify on their parietes. They are lined with a mucous membrane, continuous with that on the papula;, and having a columnar epi- thelium. . , The acini of Malpighi, or granules of M. Cruyeilhier (c ), are not or a glandular nature ; they consist en- tirely of minute convoluted arteries, which terminate in the veins, but have no direct communication, as wai formerly supposed, with the uriniferous tubes • they are called the glomeruli.] THE KIDNEYS. 439 artery.* Having filled the artery with red injection, the vein with blue, and the ureter with yellow, I observed the following facts ; The renal artery divides into several branches within the sinus, where it is surround- ed with fat; these branches pass between the calyces, and then between the cones of the tubular substance, proceeding as far as the commencement of the cortical substance without giving off any smaller branches : at that point, however, they divide and subdi- vide, so as to form a vascular network, the meshes of which are quadrilateral and of different sizes, inscribed within each other. The largest of these meshes embrace the entire base of each pyramid; the smaller pass in different directions through the sub stance of the bases. In order to obtain a good view of this arrangement, it is necessary to divide an inject- ed kidney along its convex border, and scrape away the tubular substance, which is so soft as to be easily removed. We shall then perceive that the arterial and venous net- work, corresponding to the base of each cone, is surrounded by a very thick fibrous sheath, apparently prolonged from the fibrous coat, which passes into the hilus. All the tubular substance being thus removed, the remaining cortical portion of the kidney presents the appearance of a series of perfectly distinct alveoli, each of which corresponds to a cone of the tubular substance. A very beautiful preparation may thus be made. It remains for us to inquire how the arteries terminate. A number of vessels pro- ceed from the convexity of the vascular network above described, traverse the cortical substance, become twisted like tendrils of the vine, and appear to terminate in small red masses, regularly arranged along the convoluted tubes of Ferrein. These small red masses are formed by the penetration of the injection into the cavity of each granule, as may be seen by examining a section of the kidney with a lens.f If both the artery and the vein be injected in the same kidney (and it is of importance that the vein should be injected before the artery, in order to prevent a mixture of the two injections), we shall see that the matter injected by the vein circumscribes that injected by the artery. Almost all the vessels are destined for the cortical substance, the tubular substance scarcely receiving any branches :f the vessels of any one lobule do not communicate with those of the adjacent lobules. Injection thrown into the ureter does not enter the uriniferous ducts, or, at least, very incompletely. Development.—The surface of the kidney in th 6 foetus, as in the lower animals, is fur- rowed and lobulated. Each lobule is formed by the medullary substance, covered by a layer of the cortical substance. After birth the furrows are effaced, and the surface of the kidney becomes plane and smooth. This change takes place during the first three years after birth ; nevertheless, the lo- bular arrangement not unfrequently continues for nine or ten years, and even during the whole period of life. When the kidney is the seat of disease, and more particularly when it is distended from an accumulation of urine within the calyces and pelvis, the lob- ular arrangement reappears. Each lobule is then converted into a pouch, which is perfectly distinct from those in contact with it. The kidney is proportionally larger in the foetus than in the adult. Functions.—The kidneys are the secreting organs of the urine. The urine is secreted by the cortical substance, and, as it were, filtered by the tubular substance; for perfect- ly-formed urine is found in the former situation. The mechanism of this is not better known than that of other secretions; its rapidity is explained by the great quantity of blood received by the kidneys. The Calyces, Pelvis, and Ureter. Dissection.—Remove the fat from the sinus, and study the arrangement of the pelvis and calyces externally. Divide the kidney from the convex border towards the hilus. The calyces (c c c',fig. 179) are funnels {infundibula), or, rather, small membranous cylinders, embracing the bases of the papillae by one of their extremities, almost in the same manner as the corolla of a flower embraces the stamina and pistil, and uniting at their other extremity with the adjacent calyces, to form the pelvis of the kidney. They vary in number like the papillae, or even more so, for two or three papillae frequently open into the same calyx. Whatever their number may be, they generally unite into three trunks, a superior, a middle, and an inferior, which correspond to the three groups of lobules, into which the kidney may be divided. These three trunks unite to form the pelvis. The external surface of the calyces is in relation with a great quantity of fat, and with the divisions of the renal artery and vein. The pelvis (p) is a small membranous pouch, situated behind the renal artery and vein, opposite the deep notch in the posterior border of the hilus, so that, when seen from be- hind, it projects completely beyond that fissure. It is elongated from above downward, * [This is the result of rupture.] 1 See note, supra. t [The vessels (c,fig. 180) of the tubular portion run parallel with the tubuli from the cortical substance to the papilla’; they were mistaken by Ruysch for the tubuli themselves, which were, therefore, supposfed bj him to communicate with the arteries in the glomeruli.] 440 SPLANCHNOLOGY. and flattened from before backward, and may become greatly dilated from ittentior cf the urine, or from renal calculi: almost immediately after its commencement it becomes smaller, and takes the name of the ureter. In certain cases it would appear that there is no pelvis, and that the ureter succeeds immediately to the two or three trunks formed by the union of the calyces. The pelvis is, therefore, nothing more than the expanded or infundibuliforra commencement of the ureter. The ureter (ovpbv, urine, u,-figs. 179, 181, 199) is the excretory duct of the kidney, and ex ends obliquely from the pelvis of that organ to the inferior fundus (has fond) of the bladder. It is generally single on each side, but sometimes double, and that under two very different circumstances : for example, where the two kidneys are united into one, a double ureter is almost invariably found ; and, secondly, when, there being two kidneys, one of them is divided into two very distinct portions. In the latter case the two ureters are often united into one, after a course of a few inches. There is, then, no pelvis properly so called, and the two ureters may be regarded as the prolongation of the two trunks of the calyces, which remain separate longer than usual. The ureter is a cylindrical tube, having whitish, thin, and extensible parietes, and va- rying in size from that of a crow’s to that of a goose’s quill. The most contracted por- tion of the canal is that situated in the substance of the parietes of the bladder. Occa- sionally it presents, at various parts of its extent, some circumscribed dilatations, which seem to indicate that the course of the urine had been for a time arrested. This canal is liable to extreme dilatation, when any obstacle occurs to the passage of the urine : I have seen it as large as the small intestine. Each ureter is directed obliquely downward and inward, as far as the side of the base of the sacrum : from this point {fig. 181) it passes downward, forward, and then inward {u, fig. 186), to the lateral part of the inferior fundus (a) of the bladder, where it enters between the muscular and mucous coats, and passes obliquely for about ten lines within the substance of that organ, to one of the posterior angles of the trigone, at which point it opens by an orifice narrower than the canal itself, and having the form of a parabolic curve, with its concavity directed inward. Relations.—ln proceeding from the pelvis of the kidney to the base of the sacrum, the ureter passes along the anterior margin of the psoas, and is covered by the peritoneum and by the spermatic vessels, which cross it very obliquely. The right ureter is in rela- tion with the vena cava inferior, being situated on its outer side. Opposite the base of the sacrum, each ureter crosses the common iliac, and then the external iliac artery and vein of its own side. In the pelvis, the ureter is applied to the parietes of that cavity, is covered by the peritoneum, and crosses in succession the umbilical artery, or the cord by which it is replaced, the obturator vessels, the yas deferens {t,fig. 181) in the male,* and the upper and lateral part of the vagina in the* female. That portion of it which is contained within the substance of the walls of the bladder corresponds indirectly with the neck of the uterus ; and this important relation explains why carcinoma of the neck of the womb is so frequently accompanied with retention of urine. I have also observ- ed that the ureters of all females who have died after delivery, or during the last months of pregnancy, are remarkably dilated. Internal Surface.—The internal surface of the calyces, pelvis, and ureters is white, smooth, and has longitudinal folds, which are effaced by distension. There are no valves, either at the opening of the calyces into the pelvis, or of the pelvis into the ure- ter, or in any part of that canal. Structure.—The calyces, the pelvis, and the ureter have all the same structure ; they are formed by two membranes ; an interned membrane, continuous with the vesical mu- cous membrane, very thin, and even having the appearance of a serous membrane ; it is reflected from the calyces upon the papilla;, and is prolonged into the uriniferous tubes : an external membrane, which is very thick, and supposed to be a continuation of the ex- lernal coat of the kidney, and therefore to be fibrous. Others regard it as muscular ;t I believe that it is formed of a tissue analogous to the dartos. Some arteries and veins, probably, also, some lymphatics and nerves, are distributed upon the calyces, the pelvis, and the ureters, but do not require any special description. The bladder {h,fig. 181) is a musculo-membranous sack, which serves as a reservoir for the urine. It is situated in the cavity of the pelvis, upon the median line, behind the pubes (5), and is retained in that position by the peritoneum (m), which only partially covers it, and by the urachus, a sort of ligament connecting it with the umbilicus. These means of attachment are in accordance with the great enlargement of which the organ is ca- pable ; but they cannot prevent certain partial displacements, known as hernia of the bladder When collapsed, it is completely protected from external injury; but when The Bladder. * Passing to its outer side. J* [ln some quadrupeds the ureter distinctly contracts on applying a stimulus.] THE BLADDER. 441 filled, it passes above the osseous girdle in which it is contained, and enters the dilatable cavity of the abdomen, where it can be distended to the utmost without inconvenience Number.— The bladder is always single ; the ex- amples of double bladder which have been recorded are cases of protrusion of the mucous membrane through the separated muscular fibres. But, whatever may be the size of these accidental blad- ders (and I have seen them twice as large as the true bladder to which they were attached), they may always be distinguished by their having no muscu- lar coat. The cases of de- ficiency of the bladder are generally examples of that species of malformation, in which the viscus is open anteriorly, and is everted, so as to resemble a fungous mass. kv luot/uiDio u. runguuo JUiaoo. Dimensions.—The bladder is the largest of all the reservoirs of secretion ; but its ca- pacity varies, from a number of circumstances : from habit—in persons wrho are accus- tomed to retain their urine for a considerable period, the bladder is more capacious than in those who immediately attend to the desire to pass urine ; from sex—thus, in the fe- male. the bladder is generally larger than in the male, because she is more influenced by the customs of society; from age—the bladder appears to be relatively larger before than after birth ; from disease—in consequence of which it presents every variety be tween a morbid state of contraction, in which, from the contact of its parietes, it scarce ly permits the accumulation of a spoonful of urine, and an extreme state of dilatation, in which it can hold several pints of that fluid. Direction.—The direction of the bladder is determined by that of the anterior wall of the pelvis, so that its axis is oblique from above downward and backward. On account of this obliquity, a slight inclination of the trunk forward makes the neck of the bladder the most dependent part of the organ. The obliquity becomes still greater when the distended bladder has escaped from the pelvis and entered the cavity of the abdomen : its axis then exactly corresponds with that of the brim of the pelvis, i. e., it is directed from the umbilicus to the lower part of the curvature of the sacrum. It has been said, since the time of Celsus, that the upper part of the bladder is a little inclined to the left side, but I have not observed this. Shape.—The bladder is ovoid, the great end being directed downward and the smaller upward. Its shape differs according to age and sex, and in different individuals. The sexual differences are not congenital; they seem to result from the pressure to which the female bladder is subjected during pregnancy; but the transverse enlargement and the vertical shortening of the bladder in a female who has borne children are not s (For special information on the varieties in the distribution of “IPth® reader is referred to Hal- ler, leones Anatomies, 1756; Murray, Descriptio Arteriarum, &c., libd JH ; Uarolay, Description of the Ar- teries, &c., 1818 ; Tiedernann, Tabulce Arteriarum, &c.,' 822 ; and to K. yuam s Anatomy of the Arteries, &c„ with drawings by J. Maclise, 1840, 1841.1 THE ARTERIES. 497 that such is the intention of the curvatures described by the internal carotid and the vertebral arteries. Bichat, it is true, has objected to this, that, in a system of commu- nicating and permanently distended canals, the curvature can have no influence upon the rapidity of the fluid circulating through them. But I would answer, that this prin- ciple, though true in reference to a system of inextensible tubes, is not so when applied to a system of dilatable canals like the arteries. In the latter case, in fact, part of the momentum acts against the curvature itself, and straightens it in a certain degree, and in this way there is a loss of some portion ol the original momentum. In some arteries this tortuous condition is acquired, in others it results from the prog ress of age. It proceeds from elongation of tae arteries, which is itself produced in the following manner: At each ventricular systole, the arteries tend to become elongated a« well as dilated. In the aged, and especially in those whose heart is very powerful, this tendency to become elongated produces an actual and permanent elongation, as may be seen in the abdominal aorta and in the common iliac, the humeral, and the radial arteries, which, in almost all old subjects, present alternate curvatures, that are never met with in the infant and the adult. It has been incorrectly stated, that at each sys- tole of the heart the curves were diminished, or manifested a tendency to be dimin- ished : on the contrary, the curves increase. This increase of curve is evidently per- ceived ia observing the temporal artery during the systole of the ventricles. If an ar- tery is injected, its branches, at each stroke of the piston, become more fiexuous. If the arteries were straightened, the dilatations and the calcareous deposites would not be constantly observed on the side of the convexity of the curves. Let us remark, that the dilatation of the arteries is, just as much as their elongation, a cause of the increase of their flexuosity. The flexuosities of the arteries are of a twofold order, zigzag and spiral. The former are more frequent; the latter are especially noticed in the ovarian or testicular, uterine, and sometimes facial arteries. We may also consider as acquired the tortuous condition assumed by collateral arte- rial branches, after the obliteration of the main trunk.* Anastomoses of the Arteries. during their course, the arteries communicate with each other by certain branches, which sometimes unite two different trunks, and sometimes form a connexion between two parts of the same trunk. This mode of communication is called anastomosis (uvd, by, and or6ya, a mouth). There are several kinds of anastomoses. Anastomosis by inosculation, or by loops, in which two vessels running in opposite di- rections open into each other by their extremities and form a loop. Anastomosis by transverse communication, as when two parallel trunks are united by means of a branch at right angles to their own direction ; for example, the anterior com- municating artery of the brain. Anastomosis by convergence, in which two arterial branches unite at an acute angle to form a larger artery, as in the union of the vertebral arteries to form the basilar trunk. By means of the anastomosis by inosculation or by loops, which is the most common method of communication, uninterrupted collateral channels are established along the great arterial trunks, the place of which they may even supply . The existence of these anastomoses, and the power possessed by arteries of becoming enlarged to an almost indefinite extent, originated the bold idea of attempting to tie even the largest arte- rial trunks. Anastomoses by inosculation are sometimes useful in regulating the distribution of blood,f and spreading out the origins of arteries over a more extended space. Thus, by means of several series of arches, the superior mesenteric artery gives off branches which proceed at right angles to the small intestine throughout its whole length. The arteries represent regular cylinders when they give off no branch, and cones, or, rather, a series of decreasing cylinders, when they gradually diminish by giving, off a certain number of branches. 1 heir cylindrical form, together with the looseness of the surrounding cellular tissue, preserves them from a number of accidents. Thus, the hu- meral and the femoral arteries glide over the head of the humerus and femur in disloca- tions of these bones; and so the carotid arteries, contrary to all apparent probability, sometimes escape uninjured in incised wounds of the neck. The arteries have relations with many other parts. With the hones, being supported by them, and more or less closely approximated to them. Thus, the aorta is applied to the vertebral column, and the arteries of the limbs, after escaping from the trunk, become Forms and Relations. * There are flexuosities originating in malformation, by deviation or by fracture. In a case of fracture of the neck of the femnr, the femoral artery described very marked inflections at the hip. This was also the case in a luxation of the femur with considerable shortening. The aorta becomes very fiexuous incases cf-hunch backs. t [The retia mirabilia of arterial vessels, found in some animals, are examples of the repeated subdivision »ml anastomosis of arteries.] Rkr 498 ANOEIOLOGY. applied to the corresponding bones, their course along which is marked by a depression and against which they may easily be compressed (see Osteology). From the relations of the arteries with the articulations, some important practical in- ferences are derived. The arteries always occupy the aspect of flexion ; and as flexion is performed in the larger articulations of a limb alternately in opposite directions, the arteries are observed to alter their relative position, as it were, to regain the aspect of flexion. This is seen in the femoral artery as it becomes popliteal, and also in the brachial, which at first lies in the cavity of the axilla, and then turns forward at the bend of the elbow. In consequence of this arrangement, the arteries are protected by the habitual, and, as it were, instinctive, position of the limbs. On the other hand, the proximity of certain arteries to articulations, and. the absence of any curvatures in such situations, may explain the occurrence of rupture of these vessels in dislocation, and often, also, in immoderate attempts at reduction. With the Muscles.—The muscles are the essential protectors of the arteries, which they separate from the skin. There are large cellular spaces in the centre of the limbs for the reception of the principal arteries, which are thus removed from the influence of external violence. Most arteries have a special muscle, which may be termed their satellite muscle. Thus, the sartorius is the satellite muscle of the femoral artery ; the sterno-cleido-mastoideus of the common carotid; the biceps of the brachial artery, &c. With the Skin.—Some arteries are sub-cutaneous, or, rather, sub-aponeurotic, in a certain part of their extent; and in large arteries, this is almost always at the point where they emerge from the trunk, as in the femoral artery. The arteries of the cra- nium are situated between the skin and the epicranial aponeurosis in the whole of their extent. The importance of these relations in reference to compression of the vessels may be easily conceived. With the Veins.—The arteries are always in relation with certain veins, which are ap- plied to them. When there are two satellite veins {vena comites) for one artery, the lat- ter vessel is constantly placed between the two veins. With the Nerves.—The arteries support the plexuses of nerves distributed to the or- gans of nutritive life. We may even regard their plexuses as forming an accessory c.oat to this set of vessels. Other nerves, though not so immediately in contact with the ar- teries, have a constant relation with them. This it is of importance to know, so that the rterves may be avoided, or that they may direct the operator in applying a ligature to the vessels themselves. For each artery it may be said there is one satellite nerve. With the Aponeurotic Sheaths.—The principal artery of a limb is provided with a fibrous sheath, which belongs to it in common with its veins, and often with its accompanying nerve. When an artery perforates a muscle, it is protected in its passage by a sheath or aponeurotic arch, which prevents, or at least moderates, the compression during the contraction of the muscle. Lastly, the arteries are surrounded by a loose cellular sheath, which allows of their dilatation and their alterations in position. The looseness of this cellular tisssue favours the displacement of arteries during the infliction of wounds, and enables us to isolate these vessels by blunt instruments, which cannot injure them.* As the nutritious ves- sels reach the coat of the arteries through this sheath, we can easily understand the im- propriety of separating the vessel from it too extensively in tying the arteries.f Termination of the Arteries. The divisions of the arteries are not so numerous as would at first sight appear. The number of successive divisions, commencing at the aorta, is not more than twenty. The arteries terminate in the substance of organs. The number of arteries distrib- uted to each organ is in proportion to the activity of its functions ; secreting organs are much more plentifully supplied with vessels than those in which the function of nutri- tion only is performed. Soemmering, Prochaska, and others, have observed that the actual termination of the arteries is different in different organs. Referring for farther details upon this subject to textural anatomy, I shall content myself with stating here, Ist, that the arteries terminate in the capillary system, through the medium of which they become continuous with the veins, as is demonstrated even by the coarsest in- jections ; 2d, that the arteries enter only in a very slight degree into the composition of the capillary system, which is essentially venous; this may be ascertained by in- jecting the arteries of an organ, the venous capillary system of the same having been previously injected by the veins ; it will then be perceived that the arteries enter but very little into the formation of the capillary system, and that they cease to exist as soon as they have communicated with it. If it were objected that, through this prep- aration, the injected liquid might have passed over from the venous capillary system into * [Another important result of this is, that a divided artery is enabled to retract within its sheath. In the abdomen and head thi? sheath scarcely exists.] t 1 have seen a liga< are of the primitive carotid which had been laid bare to too great an extent followed by a consecutive hemorrhage and death. THE ARTERIES. 499 the arterial, I would remark, that the impossibility of this reflux is one of the most clear- ly demonstrated facts in anatomy. Structure of Arteries. The walls of an artery are composed of three coats : an external, a middle, and an in- ternal.* The External Coat.—This is generally called the cellular coat, because it is in some measure continuous with the surrounding cellular tissue. Scarpa erroneously regarded it as not forming an integrant part of the arteries. It consists of a filamentous, areolar, and, as it were, felted tissue, which is never charged with fat or infiltrated with se- rum, and which appears to me to present all the characters of the dartoid tissue. I believe that the contractility which has been attributed to the middle coat is altogether dependant upon this, f It is the only coat which remains undivided after the applica- tion of a ligature. The Proper or Middle Coat.—The characteristic properties of arteries are chiefly de- pendant upon this coat. It is composed of circular fibres, which interlace at very acute angles, but which do not present the spiral arrangement admitted by some authors. From its yellow colour and its elasticity, it has been called the yellow or elastic coat. It is ex- tensible longitudinally and transversely. It is very fragile, is easily torn by longitudinal extension, and is cut by a ligature. It is proportionally thinner in the great than in the small arteries. This coat is of the same nature as the yellow elastic ligaments, and is therefore not muscular. Moreover, chemical analysis shows that it contains no fibrine ; direct irritation develops no contractility in it; and the supposed phenomena of irrita- bility pointed out by Haller may be entirely attributed to elasticity. It should be re- marked that the middle coat may be separated in several distinct layers, Which are, how- ever, not independent of each other ; while the most external layers present a strongly- marked fibrous linear disposition, the most internal exhibit an equally marked lamellar one; indeed, to such extent, that authors have considered as a dependance of the inter- nal coat the layer of yellow tissue which is in contact with the internal membrane, properly so called. The Internal Coat.—lt is a transparent pellicle of extreme tenuity; it must be care- fully distinguished from the subjacent layer, which is almost always dissected off with it. It is of a pale pink colour, and is lubricated with serosity. It appears to be of the nature of serous membranes, of which it presents the chief characteristics, viz., tenuity and non-vascularity.t It may. even be said that, like the serous membranes, it is ex- clusively formed by a lymphatic net. Ido not think that this internal coat of the arter- ies, which may have been considered as a sort of inorganic glue, is extensible or elas- tic ; on the contrary, in arteries in a non-distended state, this coat exhibits the appear- ance of folds which disappear by distension. Vessels and Nerves.—The arteries and veins distributed to the coats of the arteries are called vasa vasorum. In regard to the question whether the arteries receive any nerves, or whether the nervous plexuses which accompany them are only intended for the or- gan to which the vessels are distributed, I would observe, that it has appeared to me that several filaments of the great sympathetic nerve were lost in the thickness of the aorta, and it is probable that the same disposition exists in regard to the less consid- erable arteries. As to the vasa vasorum, some believe they arise from the neighbour- ing vessels, while others are of opinion that they are derived from the vessels them- selves to which they belong. I adopt the latter opinion, and believe that they mostly arise from the arteries to which they are attached. The venous vasa vasorum of the arterial coats join the nearest veins. Preparation. The preparation of an artery consists in separating it from the neighbouring parts, at the same time preserving its relations. Most of the arteries may be studied without any other preparation than a careful dissection ; but injections are necessary in order to follow the smaller branches. The most convenient injection with which lam acquaint- ed is the following Tallow, nine parts ; Venice turpentine, one part; ivory black, mix ed with spirits of turpentine or varnish, two parts. * All the vessels, and all the tubes of the body, are formed of different layers. t All experimenters have observed that, in an animal which dies of hemorrhage, the arteries, during the last moments of its life, lose a considerable part of their caliber, which is restored to them immediately after death. This phenomenon, which appears at first sight to be in opposition to the absence of the contractility, properly so called,' of the middle coat, may be easily accounted for by the tonic contractility of the dartoid tissue. The presence of this tissue may also account for the smallness or the contraction of the pulse, in op- position with its fulness, a double character which is sometimes met in the same individual, and in the same diseases, at short intervals. . . t [lt consists of longitudinal fibres, which are slightly interlaced, and are covered with a squamous epithe- lium. The longitudinal wrinkles observed in arteries contracted after death are .produced in this coat.] i [The paint or cold injection is one of the most useful; it consists of either red or white lead, mixed as a Paint, with a small quantity of boiled linseed oil, with spirits of turpentine, and also with some driers, viz., sugar of lead and litharge.] 500 ANGEIOLOGY. The best injection for preparations intended to be preserved is wax, one part; tallow three parts ; vermilion, indigo, or Prussian blue, first mixed with spirits of turpentine. It is advantageous, before making the general injection, to throw in some turpentine or spirit varnish, coloured with the substances mentioned above. For a very fine injection it is necessary to use glue-size, coloured either with lamp- black or vermilion ; but this mode of injection is not suitable where the preparation is to be preserved. In order to place a tube in the aorta, saw through the sternum longitudinally ; keep the two halves apart by means of a small piece of wrood ; open the pericardium ;be care- ful not to mistake the pulmonary artery for the aorta ; raise up the aorta by a ligature ; make an incision in it anteriorly, and introduce the pipe. Injections of the whole body may also be made by introducing the tube into a large artery, such as the primitive ca- rotid ; this mode of injection permits of injecting the heart and the cardiac arteries, and of avoiding the mutilation of the arch of the aorta. The partial injections in a whole subject are preferable to the general injections, especially when such substances as tal- low are used, which are easily solidified. Of course, an indispensable condition for the success of these partial injections is the previous isolation of the arterial system that you wash to prepare. This isolation is effected by ligatures which are put upon the large arteries communicating with the small arteries that are to be injected. In injecting the coronary arteries, the pipe must be introduced into one of the carotids. DESCRIPTION OF THE ARTERIES. THE PULMONARY ARTERY. Preparation.—Description.—Relations.—Size.—Development. Preparation.—ln order to inject the pulmonary artery, the injecting pipe must be in- troduced into one of the venae cavae. The pulmonary artery, called vena arteriosa by the older writers, because having all the external characters of an artery; it nevertheless contains black blood, extends from the right ventricle to the two lungs. It arises (k,fig. 191) from the infundibuliform pro- longation of the right ventricle, and then passes upward and to the left side, crossing in front of the aorta, which is embraced by its concavity; having reached the left side oi this artery, after a course of about fourteen or fifteen lines, it divides into two trunks (Jc k, fig. 192), which proceed transversely, one to the right, the other to the left lung \k k, fig. 171), where they terminate by dividing into branches. From the point of di- vision into the right and left branches* a fibrous cord, the remains of the ductus arteri- osus, proceeds in the original direction of the artery, and is attached to the concavity of the arch of the aorta opposite the left subclavian artery. At its origin the pulmonary artery is covered externally by the highest fibres of the infundibulum; internally it is provided with three sigmoid movable valves (a aa, fig. 196), which, when depressed, completely close the mouth of the vessel. By careful dis- section, it is found that the pulmonary artery is cut at its origin into three festoons, cor- responding to the sigmoid valves, and that it is connected to the tissue of the heart by its internal coat, which is contiguous with the lining membrane of the right cavities of the heart; and also by prolongations given off from the fibrous zone, and attached to the convex borders of the three festoons, and to the angular intervals between them. Relations.—ln front and on the left side the pulmonary artery is convex, and covered by the serous layer of the pericardium, which is often separated from it by some fat; be- hind and on the right side it is concave, and is in relation with the aorta, which it em- braces. The right and left auricles are in contact with its corresponding sides. Size.—The left branch of the pulmonary artery is about one inch in length; it is in relation behind with the left bronchus, one of the bronchial arteries often passing between them ; it is in direct relation with the aorta. In front, it is covered by the serous layer of the pericardium, excepting near the lungs, where the pulmonary veins are placed in front of the arterial branches. The right division of the pulmonary artery is from sixteen to eighteen lines in length ; it is in relation in front with the vena cava superior, and with the ascending portion of the aorta, but not immediately, for the serous layer of the pericardium covers both the aorta and the corresponding part of the pulmonary artery. Behind, it is in relation with the right bronchus, and passes above the right auricle. Development.—In the foetus, instead of the fibrous cord, which we have described as proceeding from the point at which the pulmonary artery divides into its two branches,! there is a canal called the ductus arteriosus, almost equal in diameter to the pulmonary * See note, infrh. , , t [lt was noticed by Haller and Senac, that the ductus arteriosus in tne tcetus, and the cord to which it is reduced after birth, arise, not from the angle of division into the right and leit pulmonary arteries, but from the left pulmonary artery itself: this is an interesting and important fact in reference :o the development of the great vessels issuing from the heart.] THE AORTA. 501 artery itsei., the course of which vessel it pursues; at this time the right and left brandi- es of the pulmonary artery are very small. At birth the whole of the venous blood pro- ceeds to the lungs, none of it passing through the ductus arteriosus, which then becomes obliterated. THE AORTA. Preparation.—Definition.—Situation.—Direction.—Size.—Division into the Arch oj the Aoi- ta, the Thoracic Aorta, and the Abdominal Aorta. Preparation.—The aorta may be studied without having been injected.* In order to study it in an injected subject, the median incision made for the purpose of introducing the injection must be prolonged down to the pubes. Then disarticulate the clavicles, separate the two sides of the thorax, even so far as to break some of the ribs, and keep them separate by introducing a piece of wood; cut through the abdominal parietes, and turn the left lung over to the right side. The aorto (uoprij, arteria magna, arteriarum omnium mater, ah c d.fig. 198), the com- mon origin of all the arteries of the human body, commences at the left ventricle, and terminates by bifurcating (at d) opposite the fourth lumbar vertebra. Situation.—lt is situated deeply in the thoracic and abdominal cavities, along the ver- tebral column, which affords it both support and protection. In those animals in which the aorta is prolonged beyond the trunk, the vertebral column accompanies the vessel, and forms a bony canal or sheath for it, distinct from the canal for the spinal cord. Direction.—lmmediately after its origin, the aorta advances towards the right side (a, fig. 198), and almost directly afterward pro- ceeds upward, describing a slight curve, the con- vexity of which is turned forward and to the right, and the concavity backward and to the left. After leaving the pericardium, it changes its direction, becomes suddenly curved, and passes almost horizontally from the right to the left, and from before backward, to reach the left side of the vertebral column, on a level with the third dorsal vertebra, at which point (b) it makes a third curve, and becomes vertical and descend- ing. Having reached the diaphragm (at c), it inclines a little to the right side, in order to gain the median line, and to pass through the ring, or, rather, the canal, formed for it by the pillars of the diaphragm. From this point to its ter- mination, it rests upon the middle of the anteri- or surface of the vertebral column. Varieties in its Direction.—It is not a very rare occurrence to find the aorta curving over to the right instead of the left side—a disposi- tion which may either be accompanied with a complete transposition of the thoracic and ab- dominal viscera, or may be independent of it. Size.—The several portions of the aorta have not a uniform caliber ;f but its gradual decrease, in this respect, bears no direct proportion to the number and size of the branches given off from it. At its origin it always presents three ampul- lae, which correspond to the sigmoid valves ; they are called the sinuses of the aorta, or sinuses of Valsalva. They exist originally, and must, therefore, be distinguished from a dilatation found on the convex side of the arch of the aor- ta in old subjects, and called the great sinus of the aorta. This dilatation results entirely from the impulse of the current of the blood. The caliber of the aorta, moreover, differs exceedingly in different subjects, even when there is no appreciable organic lesion :J it should be remarked, however, that the thickness of its coats is not at all in proportion with its caliber. * It will be advantageous to study the aorta in the same subject in which the viscera have already been ex- amined. t Thus, the caliber of the commencement of the aorta, compared with that of its termination, is generally as five to three ; hence the diminution is not by any means proportionate to the number of branches arising from it, for the united calibers of its collateral branches would much exceed that of the main vessels. f Thus, I have seen a case in which the aorta was 4 inches 8 lines in circumference opposite the arch, and z mciles 6 lines at its lower end : the latter is the usual size of the vessel. 502 ANGEIOLOGY. The aorta is generally divided into three portions, viz., the arch of the aorta, the tho racic aorta, and the abdominal aorta. The two latter portions form together the aorta de- scendens. The Arch of the Aorta. I shall give this name to all that part of the aorta (a 1981 which is comprised between its origin from the left ventricle and the point where it is crossed by the left bronchus.* The direction of the arch of the aorta is neither transverse nor antero-posterior, but oblique from the right to the left side, and from before backward ; so that it is anterior, median, and substernal in its first portion, and posterior at its termination, and in rela- tion with the left side of the vertebral column. In consequence of these relations, aneu- risms of the anterior part of the arch of the aorta frequently affect the sternum, while aneurisms of the posterior portion affect the vertebral column. Relations.—We shall examine the relations of the arch of the aorta, first in its pericar- diac or ascending portion, and then in its horizontal and descending portions taken to- gether. The Pericardiac Portion (f, fig. 191).—Concealed, as it were, in the substance of the heart at its origin, it is in relation in front with the infundibulum of the right ventricle, and behind with the concavity of the auricles, which are moulded upon it. On the right, it rests upon the groove between the infundibulum and the right auriculo-ventricular or- ifice ; on the left, it is in relation with the pulmonary artery. It is important to note the practical consequences of these relations. I have recently seen a communication between the aorta and the infundibulum. Again, aneurisms of the origin of the aorta may burst into the auricles. After leaving the heart, this portion of the aorta is surrounded on all sides, but to a greater extent in front than behind, by the serous layer of the pericardium, which forms a sort of additional coat for it, excepting in front, below, and on the left side, where it is in immediate contact with the pulmonary artery, as that vessel turns round it. Behind, this portion of the aorta is in relation with the right division of the pulmonary artery ; on the right, with the vena cava superior. It follows, therefore, that the pulmonary ar- tery on the one hand, and the aorta on the other, form two half-rings, like the branches of the letter x, which embrace each other by their concavities. The pericardiac portion of the aorta is situated oeneath the sternum, from which it is separated by the pericar- dium and the anterior mediastinum The Second Portion, comprising the Horizontal and Descending Portions of the Arch.— On the outside of the pericardium, the aorta is in relation, in front and on the left side, with the left pleura, and is separated by it from the corresponding lung, which is exca- vated at that point. The phrenic and pneumogastric nerves are also in immediate con- tact with it. Behind, and on the right side (/, fig. 171), it is in direct relation with the tra- chea, the commencement of the left bronchus, the oesophagus, the thoracic duct, the re- current nerve, the vertebral column,! and a great number of lymphatic glands. By its convexity, which is directed upward, it gives origin to three large arterial trunks, viz., proceeding from the right to the left side, the hrachio-cephalic {e, jig. 198) or innom- inate, the left common carotid (/), and the left subclavian (g) arteries. The highest point of the arch is opposite the origin of the brachio-cephalic artery in the infant, and that of the left subclavian in old subjects. The distance between the fourchette of the sternum and the highest point of the aortic arch varies in different ages and individuals ; it is generally from ten to twelve lines in the adult; it is much less in the aged and in the newborn infant, but for very different reasons ; in the infant it is owing to the undevel- oped condition of the sternum, but in advanced age it depends upon dilatation of the arch of the aorta ; in some adults, also, we find the distance very inconsiderable, and this is important in reference to the operation of tracheotomy. By its concavity, which is directed downward, the arch of the aorta is in relation with the left recurrent nerve, which embraces it, as it were, in a loop, having its concavity turned upward; with the left bronchus {p,fig. 171; also, fig. 198), which is placed be- hind the horizontal portion of the arch, and then becomes situated in front of its descend ing portions, so that the aorta, during its curvature, has two different relations with this air-tube; and, lastly, with a very great number of lymphatic glands, which in some measure fill up the concavity of the aortic arch. Anomalies of the Arch of the Aorta.—A very remarkable anomaly of the arch of the aorta has been observed, in which the vessel, being simple at its origin, divides into two trunks, which pass, one in front and the other behind the trachea, and then reunite to form the descending aorta. The aorta sometimes presents traces of a subdivision into * The limits of the aren of the aorta are not woil defined ; most authors exclude the first curve of the ar- lery The lower boundary is marked by the origin of the left subclavian, according to some ;by the left bron- chus, according to others ; and, lastly, according to a great many, by the articulation of the fourth with the fifth dorsal verte ora. , , t I have, I believe, satisfactorily demonstrated, in another part ot this worJc, that the left lateral concaviti of the vertebral column was owing to the presence of the arch of the aorta BRANCHES OF THE AORTA. two from its origin ; such a case appears to indicate a fusion of two aortee into one, for we then find five sigmoid valves. The Thoracic Aorta. The thoracic aorta (b c,fig. 198) is situated in the posterior mediastinum, along the lelt side of the vertebral column, and it projects into, and encroaches upon, the left cavity of the chest. Relations.—It corresponds, on the left side, with the lung, from which it is separated by the left wall of the posterior mediastinum; on the right, it is in relation with the oesophagus, the vena azygos, and the thoracic duct; in front, with the left pulmonary ar- teries and veins above; with the oesophagus (h) below, which canal becomes anterior to it before passing through the oesophageal opening in the diaphragm, and with the peri- cardium in the middle, by which it is separated from the posterior surface of the heart; behind, it is in relation with the vertebral column, the thoracic duct passing between them above. The thoracic aorta is surrounded by an abundance of cellular tissue, and by a number of lymphatic glands. Diaphragmatic Portion of the Thoracic Aorta.—The diaphragm does not form a simple orifice or an aponeurotic arch for the aorta, but its crura {s s, fig. 199) are arranged into a muscular semi-canal, from fifteen to eighteen lines in length, and terminating below by a tendinous arch. The aorta is accompanied, while passing through this canal, by the thoracic duct* and the vena azygos, and it inclines a little to the right side, in order to become anterior to the vertebral column. The Abdominal Aorta. The abdominal aorta (c d, fig. 198) occupies the middle part of the anterior surface ot the vertebral column, and is in relation on the right side with the vena cava inferior, and in front with the pancreas and the third portion of the duodenum, which rests immedi- ately upon it; in the rest of its extent it corresponds with the adherent borders of the mesentery, and with the peritoneum covering the lumbar region of the vertebral column. The stomach and the convolutions of the small intestine separate the aorta from the an- terior parietes of the abdomen. When the small intestine falls down into the pelvis, the abdominal aorta may be felt immediately behind the wall of the abdomen, and may be easily compressed there, so as completely to intercept the passage of the blood, t Enumeration and Classification.—Arteries arising from the Aorta at its Origin, viz., the Cor- onary or Cardiac.—Arteries arising from the Thoracic Aorta, viz., the Bronchial, the (Esophageal, the Intercostal.—Arteries arising from the Abdominal Aorta, viz., the Lum- bar, the Inferior Phrenic, the Coeliac Axis, including the Coronary of the Stomach, the He- patic and the Splenic, the Superior Mesenteric, the Inferior Mesenteric, the Spermatic, the Renal, and the Supra-renal or Capsular. BRANCHES FURNISHED BY THE AORTA IN ITS COURSE. The aorta is the common trunk of all the branches and twigs given off by the arterial tree. It alone furnishes, therefore, all the arteries of the human body. The branches which come from it I shall divide into terminal and collateral branches. The terminal branches of the aorta consist of the middle sacral and the two common iliac arteries. The collateral branches are very numerous: they may be divided into those arising from the pericardiac portion of the aorta, viz., the coronary or cardiac ar- teries ; those arising from the aortic arch, viz., the brachio-cephalic, the left common carotid, and the left subclavian: these we may consider as terminal arteries, which, ta- ken together, have been termed the ascending aorta in opposition to the descending aorta; those arising from the thoracic aorta, which may be subdivided into the parietal branches, viz., the intercostals and the visceral, viz., the bronchial, oesophageal, and mediastinal arteries; and, lastly, those arising from the abdominal aorta, which may also be distinguished as the parietal, viz., the lumbar and inferior phrenic arteries, and the visceral, viz., the coeliac axis, the superior and inferior mesenteric, the supra-renal, the renal, and the spermatic arteries. Arteries arising from the Aorta at its Origin. Dissection.—Take off the serous membrane from the heart, and also the fat which oc- * It is a mistake to say that the right azygos vein passes through the same opening as the thoracic duct. The azygos vein traverses the opening which is destined to the passage of the great splanchnic branch of the sympathetic nerve. 1* This compression is very easily applied in women immediately after parturition, both in consequence of the relaxed state of the abdominal parietes allowing them to be readily depressed, and also from the facility with which the small intestines are moved aside. The Coronary or Cardiac Arteries. 504 ANGEIOLOGY. cupies the furrows ; in order to see distinctly the origin of these arteries, remove the pulmonary artery and the infundibulum of the right ventricle. The cardiac or coronary arteries (see figs. 191, 192), the nutritious vessels of the heart, or, as it were, its vasa vasorum, are two in number, and are named right and left on ac- count of their origin, and also anterior and posterior from their distribution. Their number is not constant. Thus the two coronary arteries sometimes arise by a common trunk, to the left of the pulmonary artery.* Sometimes there are three coronary arter- ies ; Meckel has seen four; but these varieties in number do not atfect their distribu- tion, for the supernumerary arteries merely represent branches, which, instead of arising from the coronary arteries themselves, proceed directly from the aorta. I have recently seen the right coronary artery arise from the aorta by three branches in juxtaposition, one of which was of considerable size : the others were small. Origin.—They arise from the anterior part of the circumference of the aorta, imme- diately above the free margin of the sigmoid valves, at the highest points of the two corresponding sinuses. The origins ot these vessels are so situated, that their orifices are not covered by the valves when these latter are applied to the walls of the aorta, so that the heart receives its arterial blood at the same time as all the other organs. The angle at which the coronary arteries arise is extremely obtuse, so that the course of the blood in them is completely retrograde. The coronary arteries differ from each other in caliber, the right being larger than the left, and also in their course, so that a special description is requisite for each. The left or anterior coronary artery is destined principally for the anterior furrow of the heart; it is concealed, at its origin, by the infundibulum, from between which and the left auricula it then escapes, and entering {e, fig. 191) the anterior furrow of the heart, traverses it in a very tortuous manner, and anastomoses, at the apex, with the right or posterior coronary artery. Not unfrequently this artery divides into two branches, one of which runs along the anterior furrow, while the other passes upon the anterior sur- face of the left ventricle. In this course, opposite the base of the ventricles, the artery gives off an auriculo-ventricular branch, which, arising at a right angle, enters the left auriculo-ventricular furrow, and, passing along it, turns round the base of the left ven- tricle, as far as the posterior inter-ventricular furrow {e, fig. 192), where it anastomoses with the right coronary artery. The right or posterior coronary artery is larger than the left ; it arises to the right of the infundibulum, between that part and the right auricle. Immediately after its origin it is surrounded with a large quantity of fat, and turns directly, so as to gain the right auriculo-ventricular furrow. At the upper end of the posterior inter-ventricular furrow (e, fig. 192) it bends at a right angle, and entering the furrow, runs along it to the apex of the heart, wrhere it anastomoses with the left coronary artery. At the point where it changes its direction, the right coronary artery gives off a branch, which anastomoses with the auriculo-ventricular branch of the left artery. From this description, it follows that the cardiac arteries and their principal divisions occupy the furrows of the heart; that they form two vascular circles, which are placed at right angles to each other like the furrows themselves ; that the auriculo-ventricular circle is formed on the right by the trunk of the right cardiac, and on the left by a branch of the left cardiac artery; that the vessels forming these two circles are tortuous, but especially those on the ventricles, because that part of the heart is subject to greater variations in its dimensions than the part with which the auriculo-ventricular circle is in relation; and, lastly, that both coronary arteries anastomose by inosculation, and therefore can easily supply each other. All the arteries of the heart proceed from these two circles. The auriculo-ventricular circle gives off some ascending or auricular branches, an aortico-pulmonary branch to the origins of the aorta and pulmonary artery, and an adipose branch, all of which were pointed out by Vieussens ; also some descending or ventricular branches, the two prin- cipal of which run somewhat obliquely along the right and left borders of the heart. The ventricular circle gives off branches which penetrate the fleshy fibres at right an- gles. A large artery, which has been described as the artery of the septum, appears to be one of the terminal branches of the left coronary artery; it dips into and is lost in tire substance of the septum. Lastly, the coronary arteries communicate with the bronchial. They are very liable to calcareous deposites.f Arteries arising from the Thoracic Aorta. These may be divided into visceral branches, all of which arise from the front of the * The coronary arteries were denominated by the older anatomists, and especially by Bartholin, coronaritß modo simplex, modo gemina. Meckel, Harrison, and others have described cases in which there was but one coronary artery. According’ to the descriptions of writers on comparative anatomy, that disposition is natural with the elephant. , , I It is not uncommon from such deposites to find cardiac arteries which are extremely narrowed, and even obliterated. Several pathologists have considered this ossification of the cardiac arteries as the cause of those phenomena which are designated by the name of angina vectoris ; but this opinion is a mere hypothesis. THE AORTIC INTERCOSTAL ARTERIES. 505 aorta, viz., the bronchial and the oesophageal, and parietal branches, which arise from the back of the aorta, viz., the aortic intercostals. Dissection.—Carefully take away the heart and pericardium, dissect the bronchi, and trace these arteries both to their origin and towards their termination. Number and Origin.—The bronchial arteries (see fig. 198) vary much both in number and origin. There are generally two on each side ; but sometimes there are three, or even four, arising either at different heights or by a common trunk. Occasionally, one of them arises from the subclavian, or from'the internal mammary, or, rather, from the first intercostal, or, lastly, from the second, or even the third intercostal artery. 1 have seen the inferior thyroid artery give off a bronchial artery, which, after run- ning along the trachea, passed in front of the right bronchus, and anastomosed freely with the right bronchial furnished by the aorta. The right bronchial artery is always larger than the left. Whatever be their origin, the bronchial arteries pursue a tortuous course to the cor- responding bronchus, and are usually situated on its posterior surface. When the right bronchial artery arises from the aorta, it crosses obliquely over the lower part of the tra- chea. The bronchial arteries always give some branches to the oesophagus; a very great number to the bronchial glands; also several to the left auricle : they anastomose with the coronary arteries on the one hand, and with the inferior thyroid and the supe- rior intercostal arteries on the other. The Bronchial Arteries. Haller believes that the terminations of the bronchial arteries anastomose with the di- visions of the pulmonary artery, and says that he has seen free and evident communica- tions between them.* The oesophageal arteries (h,fig. 198) vary in number from three to seven, and are re- markable for their slenderness and length. They arise in succession from the front of the aorta, which they leave at right angles, and immediately curve downward to reach the front of the oesophagus, where they divide into extremely slender ascending, and into very long descending branches, from which are given off a numerous series of twigs. The superior oesophageal artery almost always anastomoses with the bronchial arteries, and the oesophageal branches of the inferior thyroid. The inferior oesophageal artery anastomoses with the oesophageal branches derived from the left inferior phrenic, and from the coronary artery of the stomach. The branches from the oesophageal arteries perforate the muscular coat of the oesoph- agus, ramify in the sub-mucous cellular tissue, and terminate in a network in the sub- stance of the mucous membrane. The (Esophageal Arteries. Dissection.—In order to see the posterior branches, dissect the posterior spinal mus- cles, and open the vertebral canal. To see the anterior branches or the intercostals, properly so called, expose these vessels on the inside of the parietes of the chest in the first half of their course, and then on the outside of the chest to their termination. The aortic or inferior intercostals (i i i' i!, fig. 198), so named to distinguish them from the superior intercostal, a branch of the subclavian, and from the anterior intercostals, derived from the internal mammary, are generally eight or nine in number, the upper two or three intercostal spaces being supplied by the superior intercostal branch of the subclavian. The varieties in their number depend upon the number of intercostal spaces which are supplied with branches from the subclavian, and also upon the number of intercostal ar- teries which arise by a common trunk. Origin.—They arise at various angles from the back of the aorta ; the superior gen- erally at an obtuse angle to gam the spaces situated above them ; the succeeding ones at different angles, which are less and less obtuse, and sometimes right angles, or even acute angles. In the latter case, the vessel immediately ascends to reach the intercostal space for which it is intended. Ihe right and left intercostals are of equal size, and there is little difference in this respect between the superior and the inferior intercostals. In consequence of the aorta being situated towards the left side, the right intercostals (i' i') are longer than the left. They turn over the body of each dorsal vertebra, passing oehind the oesophagus, the thoracic duct, and the vena azygos, and reach the correspond- ing intercostal space. The left intercostals enter their proper spaces at once. Both are in relation with the costal pleura and the thoracic ganglia of the great sympathetic nerve, behind which they are situated. The lower intercostals on the left side are covered by the vena azygos minor. The two lower intercostals on both sides are covered by the pillars of the diaphragm. In their course over the bodies of the vertebrae, the iutercos- tals give off numerous nutritious branches, which enter the foramina on the antex ir sur- face of these bones. The Aortic Intercostal Arteries. See note, p. 421. S S S 506 ANGEIOLOGY. On reaching the intercostal space, each artery immediately divides into an anterior and a posterior branch. The anterior or intercostal branches are larger than the posterior, and may be regarded as the continuation of the arteries themselves in their original course. They are at first situated in the middle of the intercostal spaces, between the pleura and external inter- costal muscles ; they then pass between the external and the internal intercostals, reach the lower border of the rib above them, and are lodged in the grooves found in that sit- uation ; having reached the anterior third of the intercostal spaces, where they have be- come extremely small, they quit the grooves, and again become placed in the middle of the spaces ; the superior intercostals then terminate by anastomosing with the intercostal branches of the internal mammary, and the inferior intercostals with the epigastric, the phrenic, the lumbar, and the circumflex iliac arteries During its whole course, each intercostal branch is in relation with the corresponding intercostal vein and nerve. The inferior intercostal arteries, commencing at the fifth” after leaving the intercostal spaces, are lost in the external and internal oblique muscles of the abdomen, which, as we have seen, form, as it were, continuations of the intercostal muscles (see Myology). The intercostal branch furnishes numerous ramusculi to the intercostal muscles the ribs, the sub-pleural cellular tissue, the muscles which cover the thorax, and even to the integuments. A very small, but tolerably constant branch, is given off at an acute angle from the artery, at the moment where it dips between the two sets of intercostals, gains the upper border of the rib below, and is lost in the periosteum and the muscles, after running a variable distance. The posterior or dorsi-spinal branches pass directly backward between the transverse processes of the vertebra;, on the inner side of the superior costo-transverse ligaments, and each of them immediately divides into two branches : one, the spinal, which enters the inter-vertebral foramen, and again divides into a vertebral branch for the bodies of the vertebrae, and a medullary branch for the coverings of the spinal cord, and for the cord it- self, to the distribution of which we shall hereafter return. The second, or dorsal branch, is larger than the spinal, and forms a continuation of the dorso-spinal ttunk ; it escapes behind between the transverso-spinalis and longissimus dorsi, sends some ramifications between the longissimus dorsi and sacro-lumbalis, and terminates in the muscles and the skin. Arteries arising from the Abdominal Aorta. The branches furnished by the abdominal aorta are parietal, viz., the lumbar and the inferior phrenic arteries ; and the visceral branches, viz., the codiacaxis, the superior and inferior mesenteric, the spermatic, the renal, and the middle supra-renal arteries. In refer- ence to their place of origin, these arteries may be divided into those which arise from the anterior aspect of the aorta, viz., the cceliac axis, the superior and inferior mesenter- ic. andtne spermatic arteries ; and those which arise from its sides, viz., the renal, the middle supra-renal, and the lumbar arteries. The lumbar arteries might be regarded as arising from the back of the aorta. The Lumbar Arteries Dissection.—Remove the pillars of the diaphragm and the psoas muscles. In order to expose the dorsi-spinal branches, dissect the posterior spinal muscles, and open the vertebral canal. To ex- pose the anterior branches, dissect the abdominal muscles carefully. The lumbar arteries {I I, fig. 199) continue the series of intercostals, with which they present nu- merous analogies in reference to their origin, course, and termination. They vary in num- ber from three to five, but there are usually four. These varieties depend either upon the greater or less size of the ilio-lumbar artery, which bears the same relation to the lumbar arteries as the superior intercostal does to the aortic intercostals, and which sometimes takes the place of the last, some- times of the last two lumbar arteries ; or the va- rieties may depend on several lumbar arteries ari- sing from a common trunk. Origin.—The lumbar arteries are. given off at right angles from the back of the aorta. Very rarely the right lumbar arteries arise by a common trunk with the left. Course. They proceed transversely in the grooves on the bodies of the vertebrae, and pass THE INFERIOR PHRENIC ARTERIES, ETC. 507 under the tendinous arches of the psoas, by which muscle they are covered. They send a great number of branches to the bodies of the vertebrae ; and having reached the base of the transverse processes, each of them divides into two branches, a posterior or dor- si-spinal, and an anterior or abdominal branch. The posterior branch, which is analogous to the dorsi-spinal of an intercostal artery, di- vides into two branches : one, the spinal, which enters the spinal canal through the in ter-vertebral foramen, and subdivides into a vertebral branch for the body of the vertebra, and a medullary branch for the cord and its coverings ; the other branch is the dorsal, which terminates in the muscles and integuments of the lumbar region. The anterior branch is smaller, and analogous to the anterior branch of an intercostal artery : it is situated between the quadratus lumborum and the middle layer of the apo- neurosis of the transversalis, and ramifies in the substance of the abdominal muscles. The anterior branch of the first lumbar artery runs along the lower border of the twelfth rib, passes obliquely downward and forward, and divides into two ramusculi, one of which continues in the same course, while the other turns downward to the crest of the ilium. The anterior branches of the second and third pair of lumbar arteries are generally small; not unfrequentiy the.third artery is wanting. The anterior branch of the fourth lumbar artery runs along the crest of the ilium, and sends branches to the muscles of the abdo- men and to the iliacus and glutafi muscles. Dissection.—Carefuhy detach the peritoneum from the lower surface of the diaphragm. The inferior phrenic or diaphragmatic, or the sub-diaphragmatic arteries (d d, Jig. 199), so named in contradistinction to the superior phrenic, which are branches of the internal mammary, are so frequently derived from the coeliac axis, that some anatomists, Meckel among others, describe them as branches of that trunk. They are two in number, a right and a left. They arise from the aorta, immediately below the cordiform tendon of the diaphragm, either side by side, or by a common trunk. Sometimes they arise from the cceliac axis itself, or, rather, from the coronary artery of the stomach, from the renal, or from the first lumbar artery ; in some subjects we find as many as three or four. Each artery passes upward and outward in front of the corresponding pillar of the dia- phragm, gives some twigS to this pillar, and one to the supra-renal capsule, and then di- vides into two branches, an internal and an external. The internal branch passes direct- ly forward, ramifies and anastomoses by loops with the vessel of the opposite side around the oesophageal opening, behind the cordiform tendon of the diaphragm. The external branch is larger and more tortuous than the preceding; it proceeds obliquely outward, between the peritoneum and the diaphragm, and divides into a great number of branches, which extend as far as the attachments of this muscle, where they anastomose with the intercostal and the internal mammary arteries. The right inferior phrenic artery, moreover, sends some branches into the coronary ligament of the liver ; the left artery gives off a branch to the oesophagus, which enters through the oesophageal opening in the diaphragm, and joins the oesophageal branches derived from the coronary artery of the stomach and from the aorta. The Inferior Phrenic Arteries. The Cceliac Axis. Dissection.—Elevate the liver by means of hooks, or by a ligature fixed to the right side of the chest; depress the stomach ; divide the fold of peritoneum by which these two viscera are united; and search for the coeliac axis between the pillars of the dia- phragm, by removing the solar plexus of nerves, which forms a thick layer in front of it The cceliac axis or artery (from uoilia, the belly or stomach, y, fig. 199), le tronc opis- thogastrique, Chauss. (omadev, behind, yaarijp, the stomach), supplies the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the pancreas, and the great omentum. It is remarkable for its size, being larger than any of the other branches of the abdominal aorta, not excepting the superior mesenteric; for arising at a right angle from the front of the aorta, immediate- ly below the phrenic arteries ; for its horizontal course, which is rarely more than five or six lines in extent, and for its very early division into three branches, ad modum tri- dentis. These three branches are of unequal size : they are the coronary artery of the stomach (b, fig. 200), the hepatic (c), and the splenic (d), which, together, are called the cceliac tripos, or the tripos of Haller. In its short course the coeliac axis is in relation with the lesser curvature of the stom- ach, or, rather, with the gastro-hepatic omentum, behind which it is situated ; on the left side, it is in relation with the cardia ; below, with the upper border of the pancreas, upon which it rests ; above, with the left side of the lobulus Spigelii. It is surrounded by so large a plexus of nerves, that it cannot be exposed until the plexus is removed The Coronary Artery of the Stomach. The coronary artery of the stomach, or the superior gastric (b, figs. 200, 201), is the small- est branch of the cceliac axis. It is directed upward and to the left side, to reach the oesophageal orifice of the stomach ; it then turns suddenly to the right side, pursues a 508 ANGEIOLOGY, semicircular course along the lesser curvature (arteria coronaria ventriculi), and terminates by in osculating with the pyloric artery (e), a branch from the hepatic. In this course it gives off from its convex bor- der ascending oesophageal branches, which pass through the oesophageal opening of the dia- phragm, ascend upon the oesophagus, and are there distributed like the aortic oesophageal branches, with which they anastomose ; also car- diac branches, which form a vascular network around the oesophageal opening of the stomach, and pass transversely upon its great tuberosity ; and a series of gastric branches, which arise along the lesser curvature, and are divided into two sets, an anterior set for the front, and a posterior set for the back of the stomach. No branch ari- ses from the concavity of the curve formed by this artery. Not unfrequently the coronary artery of the stomach gives off an hepatic branch, and hence the first branch of the cceliac axis has been called the gastro-hepatic by some anatomists. In such cases, as may be conceived, this artery is very large. It is also not uncommon to find the left inferior phrenic arising from it. The Hepatic Artery, The hepatic artery (c, jigs. 200, 201) is larger than the preceding. It passes trans- versely from the left to the right side, describing a curve, having its concavity directed upward, and moulded, as it were, upon the lobulus Spigelii. Near the pylorus it chan- ges its direction, and passes upward to the transverse fissure of the liver, where it di- vides into two branches. In the latter part of its course it is contained within the gas- tro-hepatic omentum, in front of the foramen of Winslow, and is in relation with the ductus choledochus and the vena portae, the vein being placed behind both the artery and duct. It is not uncommon to find two hepatic arteries, one derived from the coronary of the stomach, and the other from the superior mesenteric. Sometimes there are even three hepatic arteries, one from the coronary of the stomach, a second from the superior mes- enteric, and a third from the cceliac axis. Collateral Branches.—The hepatic artery gives off three collateral branches, the pylo- ric, the right gasiro-epiploic, and the cystic. The pyloric artery, also named the small right gastric artery, to distinguish it from the coronary artery of the stomach, which was called the left gastric (e), is a small vessel which arises from the hepatic, near the pylorus ;it runs from right to left along the pylorus and the lesser curvature of the stomach, and inosculates with the coronary ar- tery (b) of that viscus. Two sets of branches, an anterior and a posterior, arise from its convex border, and are distributed to the stomach and the first part of the duodenum, in the same manner as those from the coronaria ventriculi itself. Not unfrequently the pyloric artery terminates near the pylorus, without anastomosing with the coronary. The right gastro-epiploic artery (f,figs. 200, 201) is remarkable for its size and for .its length. It passes vertically downward, behind the first portion of the duodenum, near the pylorus. Having reached below the duodenum, it changes its direction, passes from right to left (/) along the great curvature of the stomach, where it inosculates with the left gastro-epiploic {h, jig. 201). In one case, where the hepatic artery was given off by the superior mesenteric, the right gastro-epiploic arose directly from the cceliac axis. The first portion of this vessel, usually called the gastro-duodenal artery, furnishes sev- eral branches to the pylorus, which may be called the inferior pyloric; it then gives a branch to the duodenum and the head of the pancreas, named the panercatico-duodena- lis (k), and remarkable for its anastomosing with the superior mesenteric ;an arrange- ment that leads, as it were, to the cases in which the hepatic itself is derived from the last-mentioned artery ; it is also remarkable for its size, which is sometimes such that the continuation of the vessel, the right gastro-epiploic artery proper, is only half the size of the trunk from which it is given off (the gastro-duodenal). In its horizontal portion along the great curvature of the stomach, the right gastro- epiploic sends both ascending and descending branches : the former, or gastric branches, divide into two sets ; one for the anterior, and one for the posterior surface of the stona- ach The latter, or epiploic branches (g g, fig. 200), are extremely long and slender; THE SPLENIC AND SUPERIOR MESENTERIC ARTERIES. they pass downward parallel to each other, without any windings, in the substance ot' the two anterior layers of the great omentum, are reflected upward at its lower border, just as the two layers are themselves, and accompany them as far as the transverse colon, to which they are distributed. The cystic artery (i, fig. 200) is a small vessel which almost always arises from the right of the terminal divisions of the hepatic artery, reaches the neck of the gall-blad- der, and divides into two branches; one superior, running between the liver and the vesicula, the other inferior, which pursues a tortuous course between the peritoneum and the proper coat of the divides and subdivides, and is finally distributed to the mucous membrane. Terminal Branches.—Of the two terminal branches of the hepatic artery, one dips into the right extremity of the transverse fissure of the liver, and the other into the left ex- tremity of the same fissure : in these situations they become applied to the correspond- ing branches of the vena portae and hepatic duct, are enclosed with them in the capsule of Glisson, and closely accompany the corresponding ramifications of those vessels through all their divisions and subdivisions. The Splenic Artery The splenic artery (d, figs. 200, 201) is larger than either of the other divisions of the cceliac axis. Immediately after its origin it is received into a slight groove formed along the whole of the upper border of the pancreas (i). It passes from the right to the left side, and is exceedingly tor- tuous in its course :* having reached the hilus of the spleen, it divides into a great number of terminal branches {n, fig. 201), which enter that organ separately. It is not rare to find one of these branches detached from the others, to be distributed either to the upper or the lower end of the spleen. Near the spleen, the splenic artery and its di- visions are enclosed within the gastio-splenic omentum. The relations of the splenic artery to the posterior surface of the stomach explains how, in certain cases of ulceration of the stomach opposite the pancreas, this artery may become the source of haematemesis. The splenic artery gives off several collateral branches : The pancreatic arteries (i i), which are variable in number, and are very large, consid- ering the size of the organ to which they are distributed. The left gastro-epiploic artery (h), which often arises from one of the divisions of the splenic, passes vertically downward, behind the great end of the stomach, gains the great curvature, along which it runs from left to right, and anastomoses with a branch of the hepatic, viz., the right gastro-epiploic (I); like which artery, it sends off ascending or gastric, and descending or epiploic branches. The size of the gastro-epiploica sinistra varies much, and has an inverse proportion to that of the gastro-epiploica dextra. The hrevia (o o), which are remarkable for their number and shortness, generally arise from one or several of the terminal branches of the splenic artery, just as these are entering the spleen ; they pass directly, by a retrograde course, from that organ to the great cul-de-sac of the stomach, as far as the cardia, where they anastomose with the cardiac branches of the coronary artery of the stomach. From the preceding description of the branches of the cceliac axis, we perceive that the stomach is surrounded by an uninterrupted arterial circle, formed by the right and left gastro-epiploic, by the pyloric, and by the coronary arteries ; and that, secondly, the branches derived from this circle constitute an anastomotic network upon the anterior and posterior surfaces of the stomach. The Superior JMesenteric Artery, Dissection.—Look for the origin of the artery between the pancreas and the third por- tion of the duodenum ; turn the whole of the small intestines to the left side ; remove with care the right layer of the mesentery, the left layer of the right lumbar mesocolon, the inferior layer of the transverse mesocolon, and the numerous lymphatic glands which conceal the artery and its divisions. The superior mesenteric artery (below y,fig■ 199) is the artery of the small intestine, and of the right half of the large intestine. It arises from the front of the aorta, imme- * I have seen some splenic arteries not at all tortuous ; and at other times I hare found the curvatures so decided that the lower part only of the curves came in contact with the pancreas. Why do these curvatures exist ? It cannot be to accommodate the variations in the size of the spleen ; but is it to retard the flow ot the blood? There is no proof of it; indeed, the law which governs the existence of a tortuous condition ot certain arteries is yet to be discovered. The caliber of the splenic artery is strictly proportioned to the s'w.e of the spleen. Where it is strophied the artery ir small • where hypertrophied, it becomes enormously enlarged ANGEIOLOGY. Lately below the coeliac axis, and very rarely from a common trunk with it. It is at tirst situated behind the pancreas, and then passes vertically downward, between that gland and the third portion of the duodenum, which is crossed at right angles by it, and of which it forms the lower boundary (vide Duodenum) ;it at length reaches the mesentery, opposite the point (a, fig. 202) where that fold meets the transverse meso- colon. Continuing its course within the sub stance of the mesentery, and following its ad- herent border, it describes a slight curve, with the convexity directed to the left and the con- cavity to the right side: gradually diminish- ing in size as it advances, it proceeds to oppo- site the ileo-cagcal valve (b), and then becomes so small that it can no longer be distinguished from the branches given off from it. It fol- lows, therefore, that the trunk (a b) of the su- perior mesenteric artery corresponds with the adherent border of the mesentery, with the length of which it, as it were, agrees. Collateral Branches.—While behind the pan- creas, the superior mesenteric sends off pan- creatic branches (k), which anastomose with those derived from the hepatic and the splenic arteries ; it rather frequently gives off the he- patic, and it is then larger than the coeliac axis. In the mesentery, the superior mesenteric gives off two sets of branches : one set ari sing from its convexity, and forming the arter- ies of the small intestine ; the other set from its concavity, viz., the arteries of the great intestine, called the right colic arteries. The arteries of the small intestine have received no particular name ; they are large branches, directed obliquely downward and forward, all of which proceed parallel to each other in the substance of the mesentery, towards the concave border of the small intestine. Their number is irregular, and their size unequal: seven or eight of them are at least equal in size to the radial artery, others are smaller; the superior branches are generally the largest. Their number is calculated at from fifteen to twenty. After a course of about two or three inches, each of them bifurcates ; the branches of the bifurcation separate from each other, and, curving into arches, inosculate with the neighbouring branches. From the convexity of this series of arches, which is turn- ed towards the intestine, a multitude of branches arise, which soon bifurcate, and form anastomotic arches (d d d), which, as they are nearer the small intestine, describe a curve of much greater extent in the mesentery than the first series. From the con- vexity of this second series of arches a great many'more branches arise than were given off from the first series. Lastly, from the division of these branches a third series of anastomotic arches is formed, which is still nearer the concave border of the intestine than the second. There are only three series of arches at the commencement and the termination of the small intestine; but in the middle there is a fourth, sometimes even a fifth. From the convexity of the arches nearest to the small intestine arise two sets of ves- sels, intended for the two halves of the cylindrical gut. Each of these sets of vessels divides into superficial branches, which, ramifying beneath the peritoneum, form a super- ficial network, and anastomose upon the convex border of the intestine ; and into deep branches, which perforate in succession the muscular and cellular coats, and terminate in an inextricable network in the mucous membrane. The series of anastomotic arches formed by the divisions of the superior mesenteric artery, not only regulate the current of the blood, but also enable a small number of branches, occupying a very limited space at the root of the mesentery, to supply branches to so great an extent of surface as the entire length of the small intestine, which is from fifteen to twenty-one feet. This spreading out of the vessels over a large surface will be still better seen in the arrangement of the arteries of the great intestine. The arteries for the great intestine, or the right colic arteries, are two or three in num- ber, and are distinguished into the superior (e), middle (/), and inferior (A). They arise from the concavity of the curve formed by the superior mesenteric artery, and pass from the mesentery, in which they are enclosed at their origin, into the right lumbar meso- colon. The superior is ascending, the middle horizontal, and the inferior descending; near the great intestine they bifurcate. The branches of the bifurcation anastomose, and form very large arches, with their convexities turned towards the great intestine. From these arches the intestinal branches take their origin directly, and divide into twe THE INFERIOR MESENTERIC ARTERY, ETC. 511 sets of parallel ramifications, an anterior and a posterior, whicu, like those of the small intestine, subdivide into the sub-peritoneal and the deep branches, and terminate in the different coats of the intestine. Where the primary anastomotic arches are situated at a certain distance from the intestine, for example, opposite the angles of bifurcation of the arteries, or opposite the angles formed by the ileum with the cascum, and by the as cending with the transverse colon, we find one, or even two, small arches filling up the angular interval. The upper branch (g) of the right superior colic artery (e, figs. 202, 203), which sup- plies the right half of the arch of the colon, anastomoses with the upper branch of the left colic artery (f,fig. 203), which is derived from the inferior mesenteric (c). This re- markable anastomosis between the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries has been pointed out by anatomists as the most important anastomosis in the body. The lowest branch of the right inferior colic artery (h, fig. 202) anastomoses with the termination (b) of the superior mesenteric, which becomes exceedingly slender. This right inferior colic, or ileo-colic artery (h), supplies the caecum, the ileo-caecal angle, and the appendix vermifonnis. The Omphalo-mesenteric Artery.—ln the early periods of intra-uterine life, the superior mesenteric artery gives off a branch, called the omphalo-mesentenc, which reaches the umbilicus, passes out of the abdomen, traverses the entire length of the cord, and is dis- tributed upon the umbilical vesicle. I have found this artery perfectly distinct in an anencephalous foetus at' the full term; it is generally obliterated towards the end of the second month of intra-uterine life. Dissection.—Turn the small intestines to the right side ; spread out the arch of the colon, the right lumbar colon, and the sigmoid flexure; remove the peritoneum, which forms the inferior layer of the transverse mesocolon, and the right layer belonging to the The Inferior Mesenteric Artery. descending colon and sigmoid flexure. The inferior mesenteric artery (m, fig. 199 ; c, fig. 203) is much smaller than the supe- rior. It arises from the front of the aorta, about two inches above the bifurcation of that vessel. It descends vertically in front of, and in contact with the aorta, and then in front of the left com- mon iliac artery. It is at first enclosed in the ili- ac mesocolon, but afterward enters the meso-rec- tum, where it divides into two branches, which are named the superior hemorrhoidal (h, fig. 203). In this course, the inferior mesenteric gives off no branch on the right side ; on the left it gives two, more frequently three branches, called the left colic arteries (/), which are distributed in pre- cisely the same manner as the right colic arteries. I have already said that the upper division of the left superior colic artery (/) inosculates with the upper division (g) of the right superior colic (e). Near the sigmoid flexure we find two, and some- times three series of arches from the sigmoid branch, so ax-ranged that the last may reach the intestine. The superior hemorrhoidal arteries are distribu- ted to the rectum, in the same manner as the other intestinal arteries; near the sphincter, they anas- tomose with the middle hemorrhoidals, which are derived from the internal iliac arteries. The Spermatic Arteries the Arteries of the Testicles in Man, and the Utero- ovarien in Woman. Dissection.—Remove carefully the mesentery and the peritoneum. Follow these ar- teries, in man, through the inguinal passages imbedded in the substance of the sper- matic cord, down to the testicle and the epididymis ; and in woman, follow them into the substance of the broad ligament as far as the ovaries on one side, and on the other, as far as the bottom and the body of the uterus. To inject perfectly these arteries to their termination, recourse must be had to very penetrating liquids, or, what is better, to par- tial injections. The spermatic arteries (o o,fig. 198 ; /fifig- 199) are distributed to the testicles in the male, and to the ovaries in the female. They are two in number, and are as variable in their origin as they are regular in their course and distribution. Their origin is remarkably distant from theil termination; an unsatisfacton attempt 512 ANGEIOLOGY. has been made to explain this circumstance by referring to the situation oV the testicle in the foetus. Varieties of Origin.—These arteries generally arise from the front, sometimes from the side of the aorta, below the corresponding renal artery, rarely above it, and still more rarely from the renal itself. It is rather rare for the right and left spermatics to come off at the same heights. I have seen the right spermatic artery arise below the renal, and the left by the side of the inferior mesenteric.* Whatever may be their origin, these arteries pass directly downward. Sometimes they come off at a right angle, and then curve downward, so as to descend almost ver- tically upon the sides of the spine, behind the peritoneum, in front of the corresponding psoas muscle and ureter, and on the inner side of the spermatic veins. The right sper- matic artery is in relation with the vena cava inferior, and almost always passes in front, but sometimes behind it; the artery of the left side is situated behind the sigmoid flex- ure of the colon. On both sides, having reached the side of the pelvis, the artery is sit- uated on the inner side of the psoas, in front of the external iliac artery, and is then dif- ferently distributed in the two sexes. In the male (f,fig■ 109), it enters the abdominal orifice of the inguinal canal, along which it proceeds, and, together with the vas deferens and the spermatic veins, forms the spermatic cord; it escapes from the canal, and, at a greater or less distance from the ring, divides into two branches, one of which enters the head of the epididymis, while the other, the testicular, penetrates the testicle at its upper border, and is then distribu- ted as already described (see Testicles). In the female, the ovarian arteries (o o, fig. 198), which are much shorter than the spermatics of the male, dip into the pelvis, reach the upper border of the ovaries, supply them, and also the Fallopian tubes, with a great number of branches, and terminate upon the sides of the uterus, by anastomosing freely with the uterine arteries (n n').\ The ovarian arteries are distributed more to the uterus than to the ovary, as may be proved by the post mortem examination of the body of a pregnant or puerperal female ; for it is then seen that the ovarian arteries also become largely developed as well as the uterine, and that the branches sent to the uterus are enormous in comparison with those given off to the ovaries. The ovarian arteries are very tortuous, especially opposite the brim of the pelvis; they are quite as much convoluted as the uterine arteries. The Renal or Emulgent Arteries. Dissection.—The renal arteries are prepared after the intestines, the peritoneum, the renal adipose tissue, and the numerous nervous filaments by which the arteries are sur- rounded, have been removed. The renal or emulgent arteries (e c, fig. 199) arise at right angles from the side of the aorta, above the inferior mesenteric : the left renal artery often arises a little higher than the right, doubtless on account of the size of the liver. These arteries are very large in comparison to the kidney, for they are nearly equal in size to the coeliac axis, or the superior mesenteric; they are remarkable for their transverse, and, generally, straight direction ; for their shortness ; and, lastly, for their numerous varieties. These we shall now mention. Varieties as to Number.—There is generally one for each kidney, but frequently there are two, three, or four. Varieties as to Origin.—Not uncommonly the renal arteries arise from the aorta lowTer down than usual, or even from the common iliac or the internal iliac. The two latter modes of origin are scarcely observed, excepting when the kidney is displaced, and occupies either the iliac fossa or the cavity of the pelvis. In a case which I recently examined, the kidney occupied the cavity of the pelvis, and there were two renal arteries, one of which arose from the aorta at its bifurcation, and the other near the inferior mesenteric. Lastly, I should add that Meckel has seen the two renal arteries arise by a common trunk from the front of the aorta. Varieties in Direction.— When two renal arteries arise from the same side, or when one divides into two branch- es, I have found them, in several cases, twisted spirally round each other, like the um- bilical arteries. Varieties as to Division.—The renal artery sometimes divides immedi- ately after its origin ; and then one of the branches, separating itself from the others, proceeds to one or other extremity of the kidney. Such a mode of division leads to those cases in which there is more than one artery. Relations.—The renal arteries are covered by the peritoneum and the corresponding renal veins ; they are surrounded by a quantity of adipose cellular tissue, and they rest behind upon the bodies of the vertebral. The right renal artery is also covered by the inferior vena cava. In one case, where there were two renal arteries on the right side, one of these was in front, and the other behind the vena cava. * It is not uncommon to meet witn two spermatic arteries on one side t We know that the development of the uterus, during- the first five months or preg-nancy, takes place al most exclusively at the expense of the body, and that the neck of the uterus begins to be developed from the fifth to the sixth month. I have seen some diseases of the uterus in which a sort of independence might have been traced between the neck and the body of the womb. THE CAPSULAR ARTERIES, ETC. 513 Collateral Branches.—The renal arteries give off some small twigs to the supra-renal capsules, which are called the inferior capsular or supra-renal, and also some small branch- es to the adipose tissue which covers the kidney, and to its proper cellular coat. Terminal Branches.—At the hilus of the kidney, the renal artery divides into thiee or tour branches, all of which enter the hilus, between the pelvis of the ureter, which is behind, and the branches of the renal vein, which are in front. The arteries subdivide in the kidney so as to form a network at the limits between the tubular and cortical sub- stances. (See Kidney.) A very few of the branches from this network proceed to the tubular substance, almost all of them being distributed to the cortical substance. Most anatomists have remarked the facility with which even coarse injections pass from the renal arteries into the veins and ureters. The middle snpra-reual arteries (s s, fig. 199), so named in contradistinction to the supe- rior vessels of the same name, derived from the diaphragmatic and the inferior, pro- ceeding from the renal, are of large size in comparison with the organ to which they are distributed. They arise from the sides of the aorta, above the renal, supply twigs to the surrounding fat, and to the pillar of the diaphragm, run along the concave border of the corresponding supra-renal capsule, give off anterior and posterior branches, which enter the furrows on the surface of that organ, and penetrate and ramify in its interior. The Middle Supra-renal, or Capsular Arteries. ARTERIES ARISING FROM THE ARCH OF THE AORTA. Enumeration and Varieties.—The Common Carotids.—The External Carotid—the Superior Thyroid—the Facial—the Lingual—the Occipital—the Posterior Auricular—the Parotid —the Ascending Pharyngeal—the Temporal—the Internal Maxillary.—The Internal Ca- rotid—the Ophthalmic—the Cerebral Branches of the Internal Carotid.—Summary of the Distribution of the Common Carotids.—Artery of the Upper Extremity.—The Brachio- Ce- phalic.—The Right and Left Subclavians—the Vertebral and its Cerebral Branches, with Remarks on the Arteries of the Brain, Cerebellum, and Medulla—the Inferior Thyroid— the Suprascapular—the Posterior Scapular—the Internal Mammary—the Deep Cervical —the Superior Intercostal.—The Axillary—the Acromio-thoracic—the Long Thoracic—the Sub-scapular—the Posterior Circumflex—the Anterior Circumflex.—The Brachial and its Collateral Branches.—The Radial, its Collateral Branches, and the Deep Palmar Arch,~-° The Ulnar, its Collateral Branches, and the Superficial Palmar Arch.—General Remarks on the Arteries of the Upper Extremity. Three arterial trunks, intended to supply the head and the upper extremities, take their origin from the arch of the aorta. Proceeding in the order in which they arise, i. e., from right to left, they are the innominate or brachio-cephalic (e, fig. 198), which soon sub- divides into the right common carotid (/) and right subclavian (g), the left common carotid (/') and the left subclavian (g). The direction of that portion of the arch of the aorta which gives origin to these arter- ies is such, that they are arranged one after the other upon a plane which slopes down- ward, backward, and to the left; so that the trunk of the innominate artery lies almost immediately behind the sternum, while the left subclavian is near the vertebral column. Varieties.—These three arteries present numerous varieties in their origin, all of which appear to me to be referrible to the three following heads : varieties by approximation or fusion, varieties by multiplication, and varieties by transposition of their origins. In many cases, several of these kinds of varieties may coexist.* Varieties by Approximation or Fusion of Origins.—Sometimes the left commtm carotid becomes closely approximated to the brachio-cephalic trunk ; and this condition leads us to the not very uncommon variety in which these two vessels arise by a common trunk, f Again, two brachio-cephalic trunks may be given off from the arch of the aorta, one on the right, the other on the left side.t Of these two trunks which arise from the aorta, the first, which is the most voluminous, gives origin to the two carotid arteries, and to the right subclavian ; the second, which is the smallest, gives origin to the left subcla- vian. The greatest amount of variety of this kind is observed in the case where the three branches which usually arise from the arch are united into one common trunk, which forms an ascending aorta. In this case, there is no arch of the aorta ; the aorta, * [A variety, affecting merely the situation of the three primary vessels upon the arch, is noticed by Pro- fessor R. Qua in (Opera cit.). It consists in those vessels arising to the rig,lit of their usual position, i. e., near- er to the origin of the aorta.] f I have often seen these three branches, viz., the brachio-cephalic trunk, the left primitive carotid, anil the left subclavian, arising by the side of each other, so that their three orifices were only separated, as it were, by a spur. 4 This variety, which, together with the preceding, constitutes the normal state of some animals, seems, moreover, the reproduction of the normal disposition of the venous system, in which there are two cepha.ic venous trunks, one right, the other left, which unite for the purpose of forming the superior vena cava. Meck- el, I believe, was the first to remark that certain anomalies of the arterial system might be attributed to the normal disposition of the venous system.—(See the excellent article of Dr. Rendu, Memoir on the History of ■Aitenal Anomalies, Gazette Medicate, 1842, v01.0c., p. 120.) T T T 514 ANGEIOLOGY. immediately all ,r its origin, is divided into ascending and descending. This arrange- ment is normal in the ox, the horse, the sheep, the goat, and some other animals.* Varieties by Multiplication of Origin.—Sometimes the two common carotids arise sep arately in the interval between a right and a left subclavian, a condition that leads us to the case in which the two carotids arise by a common trunk between the separated sub- clavians. Again, the left vertebral artery may arise directly from the aorta, between the left carotid and subclavian ; this is very common: or the two vertebrals, the two carotids, and the twro subclavians may all arise separately ;or the inferior thyroid, or the thyroid of Neubauer, from the name of the anatomist who first described this variety, may arise directly from the curvature of the aorta ; lastly, the right internal mammary and the left vertebral may arise directly from the arch of the aorta. Varieties by Transposition or Inversion of Origin.—The brachio-cephalic trunk is some- times found on the left side instead of the right; still more frequently the right subcla- vian arises separately below the left subclavian, and then passes upward and to the right side, most commonly behind the trachea and oesophagus, but sometimes between these two canals. Again, the trunks arising from the arch of the aorta have been seen to be given off in the following order: a single trunk for both common carotids ; then the left subclavian ; and, lastly, the right subclavian, which arose from behind the arch of the aorta, and passed as in the preceding case. A fifth variety consists in a combi- nation of the variety by transposition either with the variety by fusion or with the vari- ety by multiplication. The Common Carotid Arteries. Dissection.—Dissect the anterior cervical region, preserving all the parts in relation to the vessels. In order to see the thoracic portion of these arteries, remove the upper part of the sternum. The primitive or common carotid arteries (//', fig. 198 ; a, fig. 204) are the arteries of the head. Their limit above is marked by the upper border of the thyroid cartilage, op- posite which they divide into the external and internal carotids.t They are two in number, distinguished as the right and left: they differ as to their origin, their length, and their directions ; thus, on the left side, the common carotid ari- ses directly from the aorta ; on the right, it arises from a trunk common to it and to the subclavian, viz., the innominate, or brachio-cephalic artery (e,fig. 198). As the brachio- cephalic and the left common carotid are given off from the aorta nearly at the same level, it follows that the left common carotid is longer than the right by the entire length of the brachio-cephalic. It follows, also, from the obliquity of the arch of the aorta, that the left common ca- rotid is placed much deeper than the right at its origin ; but, in the cervical region, the two carotids are upon the same plane. They pass somewhat obliquely upward and outward immediately after their origin, but they are directed vertically and parallel to each other in the cervical region.): The interval between them is occupied by the trachea and the oesophagus below, and by the larynx and pharynx above. Their course is straight, and without any winding. Their diameter is uniform throughout, a circumstance which is connected with the absence of any collateral branches. The caliber of these arteries is relatively larger in man than in other animals ; and this has reference to the greater size of his brain. I have not ob- served any difference in diameter between the right and left common carotids. As about one inch in length of the left common carotid lies in the thorax, its relations must be separately studied in that situation. Relations of the Thoracic Portion.—In front, with the left subclavian vein, and the ster- no-hyoid dnd sterno-thyroid muscles, which separate it from the sternum ; behind, with the trachea and cesophagus, and with the left subclavian and left vertebral arteries ; on the outside, with the pleura or the left wall of the mediastinum ; on the inside, with the brachio-cephalic trunk, from which it is separated by a triangular interval, in which the trachea is visible. Relations of the Cervical Portion.—These are the same for both arteries. In front, each common carotid is covered below by the sterno-mastoid, and more immediately by the sterno-hyoid, sterno-thyroid, and omo-hyoid muscles, the latter of which crosses the artery obliquely.*) In its upper half it corresponds to the platysma myoides, which separates it from the skin. The cervical fascia, the superior thyroid vein, and the de- scendens noni, a branch of the hypoglossal nerve, are in more immediate relation with * Some anomalies of the arterial system of man may be in some measure explained from the normal state of the arterial system of certain animals ; but the number of such cases is extremely limited. Ido not know whether any one has ever thought of applying to these anomalies the rule of the arrest of development, which some have lately made to play such an exaggerated part in the theory of the vices of conformation. t [The common carotid has been seen to divide above the os hyoides, also opposite the thyroid cartilage, and even low down in the neck.] f [ln consequence of the larynx being wider than the trachea, the common carotids are not quite parallel m the neck, but are somewhat farther apart above than below.] 0 In order to omit nothing-, I should say that the common carotid is crossed obliquely by a branch which i» given off from the superior thyroid artery to the sterno-mastoid muscle. THE EXTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY 515 it. The most mportant of these relations is that with the sterno-mastoid, which, in a surgical point of view, may be regarded as its satellite muscle. Behind, the common carotid is the vertebral column, from which it is separated by the pre-vertebral muscles, the great sympathetic nerve, and below by the recurrent nerve and inferior thyroid artery.* On the inside, it is in relation with the trachea, oesophagus, larynx, and thy- roid gland, which passes in front of the artery when larger than usual; on the outside of the artery is the internal jugular vein. The pneumogastric nerve lies at the back, between the artery and vein. The common carotids are also surrounded by much loose cellular tissue, and by some lymphatic glands. The left common carotid is in more direct relation with the oesophagus than the ar- tery of the right side. The common carotids give off no branch during their course : nevertheless, if is not very rare for this artery to give off the inferior thyroid artery, or a supernumerary branch known as the middle thyroid,f Neabauer has seen the common carotid give off a thy- roid artery, and the internal mammary of the right side. Terminal Branches.—Having reached the upper border of the thyroid cartilage, at a variable height, according to the subject, the common carotid divides into two branches, called the external and internal carotids, which, by no means a common arrangement, do not leave each other at an acute angle, but remain in contact, and even frequently be- come crossed before they separate. The point of division is also remarkable for a sort of ampulla or dilatation, which the primitive carotid exhibits. Sometimes the primitive carotid bifurcates much sooner than usually. Morgagni relates a case in which the bifurcation took place at the distance of an inch and a half from the origin of the ar- tery. Sometimes the primitive carotid does not terminate in a bifurcation. In such a case, all the branches given off by the external carotid arise successively from the prim- itive carotid, which penetrates the cranium and terminates as the internal carotid. Dissection.—Prolong the incision made for exposing the common carotid as far as tne neck of the condyle of the lower jaw. Dissect carefully the styloid muscles and the digas- tricus, and cautiously separate the artery from the surrounding tissue of the parotid gland. The external or superficial carotid artery (b, fig. 204) is, in a great measure, intended The External Carotid Artery. for the face, and has, therefore, been called the facial carotid by Chaussier. It arises from the common carotid, forming one of its two divisions, and extends as far as the neck of the con- dyle of the lower jaw, where it termi- nates by dividing into the temporal and internal maxillary arteries. The origin of this artery is remark- able for being situated on the inner side of the internal carotid. It as- cends vertically as high as the digas- tricus, and passes under that muscle ; it is then directed a little backward and outward, leaves the vertebral col- umn, reaches the angle of the lower jaw, and again becomes vertical as it proceeds upward to the neck of the condyle, opposite to which it termi- nates. It is very slightly tortuous in the adult, and in the infant is almost straight. In the adult it is nearly equal in size to the internal carotid, but it is much smaller in young subjects. It diminishes rapidly in diameter, on account of the number of branches given off from it, so that at its termination it is scarcely one third its original size. Sometimes it divides immediately into a sort of bunch of arterial ves- sels ; in other cases its blanches aiisc in succession from the common carotid which is then directly continuous with the internal carotid.i * A variety of relations which it is important to know m a surgical point of view is the relation which often exists behind, between the right primitive carotid and the trachea. Where this anomaly exists the brachio- cephalic trunk arises a little more to the left side than usually. t This supernumerary artery arises at different elevations. In a case which has been communicated to me by Professor Dubreuil, the middle or supernumerary thyroid artery was given off by the right primitive ca- rotid at the distance of a centimeter from the innominata. It passed up in a straight line into the gland, where it was lost, and anastomosed freely with the superior and inferior thyroidian arteries on each side. The ri°-ht inferior thyroidian artery was not half as voluminous as usual. Mr. Dubreuil, who teaches anatomy with* so much talent at Montpelier, has communicated to me several arterial anomalies, which are to be inserted in a professional work that he is preparing on that subject in a surgical point of view. I It is doubtless on account of the numerous branches given off by the external carotid that several ancient 516 ANGEIOLOGY. Relations.—lt is superficial at its origin, like the upper part of the common carotid, and, like it, is merely separated frpm the skin by the platysma myoides ; but it then dips into the supra-hyoid region, below the digastricus, the stylo-hyoideus, and the hypo- glossal nerve.* Higher up it is situated deeply in the parotid excavation, surrounded on all sides by the tissue of the parotid gland, which, on this account, cannot be entire- ly extirpated without wounding the vessel. Collateral Branches.—These are six in number, and are arranged into three sets, vis., an anterior set, consisting of the superior thyroid, the facial, and the lingual; a posterior, including the occipital and the auricular; and an internal set, formed by one vesse , the inferior, or ascending pharyngeal. The terminal branches are two in number, the superficial temporal and the internal max- The Superior Thyroid Artery. The superior thyroid artery (d, fig. 204) belongs both to the larynx and the thyroid gland. It is the first branch given off from the external carotid ;it rather frequently arises opposite the bifurcation of the common carotid, which in this case would seem to divide into three branches. In some cases it arises directly from the common carotid ; at other times it has been seen to come off by a common trunk with the lingual. It is always of considerable size, but varies in this respect, maintaining either a direct rela- tion to the size of the thyroid body, or an inverse proportion to that of the other thyroid arteries. Direction.—lt is at first uirected horizontally forward and inward ; but it almost im- mediately bends, and proceeds vertically to the upper end of the corresponding lobe of the thyroid gland, in which it terminates. Relations.—lt is superficial at its origin, where it is covered only by the skin and the platysma ; it then dips under the omo-hyoid, sterno-hyoid, and sterno-thyroid muscles, and it is also covered by the cervical fascia and the superior thyroid veins. This artery furnishes several collateral branches, viz., the superier laryngeal, the inferior laryngeal or crico-thyroid, and the sterno-mastoid branch.f The Superior Laryngeal Branch.—This (e) comes off from the thyroid, at the point where the latter changes its direction; sometimes it arises from the external carotid. In certain cases it is so large that it may be regarded as formed by a bifurcation of the thyroid. In one case where it was wanting on the left side, I found it replaced by the right superior thyroid, which was almost double its usual size. This artery passes transversely inward between the thyro-hyoid muscle and the membrane of the same name, which it perforates along with the superior laryngeal nerve; having reached the cellular tissue behind this membrane, it divides into two branches, an ascending, or epi- glottid branch, which passes upon the side, then in front of the epiglottis, and ramifies upon it; and a descending, or laryngeal branch, properly so called, which passes behind the thyroid cartilage, between it and the thyro-arytenoid muscle, and is distributed upon the muscles and mucous membrane of the larynx. Not nnfrequently the superior laryn- geal branch enters the larynx through a foramen existing in the thyroid cartilage in soixi6 subjects. The Inferior Laryngeal or Crico-thyroid Branch.—This arises from the internal termina- ting branch of the superior thyroid artery; it is more remarkable for its constant presence than for its size. It is sometimes wanting on one side, but it is then replaced by the superior thyroid artery of the other side. It passes transversely inward, in front of the crico-thyroid membrane, along the lower border of the thyroid cartilage, and inosculates with the branch of the opposite side. From the arch thus formed twigs proceed, which perforate the crico-thyroid membrane, and ramify in the muscles and the mucous mem- brane of the larynx. It is not uncommon to find the inferior laryngeal artery dividing into two branches ; one superficial and transverse, the other ascending, which passes up behind the thyroid cartilage. M. Chassaignac has exhibited, at the Anatomical Society, a preparation, in which the trunk of the superior thyroid artery, instead of giving off the inferior laryngeal branch, passed itself transversely over the crico-thyroid ligament. Tie Sterno-mastoid Branch.—This is constant, but of variable size. It comes off from the superior thyroid, a little below the superior laryngeal, and passes downward to reach the deep surface of the sterno-mastoid muscle, to which it is distributed. Terminal Branches.—Having reached the gland, the thyroid artery divides into three branches, viz., one which passes between the gland and the trachea; another, which authors have not described this vessel as a particular artery, but have contented themselves with describing the branches which it gives off. , * [lt crosses over the styloid process, the stylo-glossus and pharyngeus muscles, ana the glosso-pharyngeal nerve, which lie between it and the internal carotid.] , t [The first branch is usually a small one, named the hyoid, which arises opposite the great cornu of the os hyoides, passes inward on the thyro-hyoid membrane, and anastomoses with the vessel of the opposite side,] THE FACIAL ARTERY. proceeds along the outer border of the corresponding lobe ; and a third, which runs along the inner border, and anastomoses in the median line with the corresponding branch of the opposite side. It is this vessel which sometimes gives off the inferior laryngeal.* Dissection.—Let the head fall backward by means of a billet placed under the neck, and incline it towards the side opposite to that on which the artery is to be laid bare ; dissect carefully the digastricus and stylo-hyoid muscles, which must be cut superiorly at their origin from the styloid process ; dissect the sub-maxillary gland, then the mus- cles of the face, avoid injuring the numerous branches which may come under tire scalpel. The facial artery (/, figs. 204, 206), so called from its distribution, is given off from the front of the external carotid, a little above the os hyoides: it is so large' in some subjects that it seems to be formed by a bifurcation of the external carotid. It pro- ceeds in a tortuous course from below upward, and then from behind forward, along a groove formed in the sub-maxillary gland. After leaving this groove, it passes verti- cally upward, crosses the body of the lower jaw at right angles in front of the masseter muscle, becomes oblique, arrives near the commissure of the lips, reaches the furrow between the ala nasi and the cheek, and terminates near the inner angle of the eye, by anastomosing with one of the branches of the ophthalmic, and with the infra-orbital ar- tery. The termination of the facial artery is subject to numerous individual varieties. The vessel is also remarkable for being extremely tortuous, a condition which is con- nected with the mobility of the parts supplied by this artery, which runs in succession over the supra-hyoid, the inferior maxillary, the buccal, and the nasal regions. Relations.—ln the supra-hyoid region the facial artery is covered by the digastric and stylo-hyoid muscles ; then, along the base of the jaw, it is in relation with the outer sur- face of the sub-maxillary gland, and is separated from the skin by the platysma and a great number of lymphatic glands. In the facial region, the artery is covered below by the platysma, higher up by the triangularis oris and the zygomaticus major, and in all the rest of its extent by a greater or less quantity of fat, which separates it from the skin; it lies upon the inferior maxilla, against which it may be compressed in front of the masseter, also upon the buccinator, the orbicularis oris, the levator communis, and the levator proprius. Collateral Branches.—The following branches are given off by the facial artery in the supra-hyoid region. The inferior palatine, a small branch which is sometimes derived from the external carotid, or from the ascending pharyngeal artery, passes up behind [or between] the stylo-glossus and stylo-pharyngeus muscles, to which it furnishes some branches, gains the side of the pharynx, and is distributed to the tonsil, which it covers with its ramifications, and also to the velum palati and the pillars of the fauces, oppo site which it anastomoses with several branches of the ascending pharyngeal artery. 1 have seen the palatine branch of the facial extremely large, and taking the place of the tonsillar and palatine branches of the ascending pharyngeal artery. The sub-mental branch {g, fig. 204) runs along the inner side of the lower border of the ramus of the jaw, between the digastricus and mylo-hyoideus, passes upward in front of the bone, on the outer side of the anterior attachment of the digastricus, and ramifies in the skin and muscles of the chin, anastomosing with the ramifications of the inferior dental artery. Sometimes the sub-mental divides into two or three branches, all of which terminate in the same manner, after perforating the digastric muscle. Branches for the Sub-maxillary Gland.—These are three or four in number, and are large in proportion to the organ which they supply. The Pterygoid Branch.—This is a small branch which passes into the internal ptery- goid muscle. The collateral branches of the facial region are divided into external and internal. The external branches ramify in all the muscles and integuments of the cheek, and anastomose freely with the transversalis faciei, a branch of the superficial temporal: the most re- markable of these branches are the two given to the masseter and buccinator muscles. Among the internal branches, besides a number of small twigs which have received no names, we remark the following . The inferior coronary or labial artery {h), which is given off from the facial, a little be- low the commissure of the lips ; it pursues a serpentine course in the substance of the lower lip, between the muscular and glandular layers, at a greater or less distance from the free border of the lip, and anastomoses, in the median line, with the corresponding vessel of the opposite side. I have seen this artery occupy the lower or adherent border of the lower lip until it reached the median line, when it ascended vertically to the free border, where it divided into two equal branches, which passed, horizontally, one to thq * I have seen the branch which runs along the inner border of the thyroid gland pass transversely to the left side, above and at a certain distance from this border; having reached the median line, it proceeded ver- tically downward, in front of the crico-thyroid ligament, to the middle of the thyroid gh.nd, where it gave off the right and left inferior laryngeal branches. The left thyroid was very small, and oaly furnished the ex- ternal branch for the thyroid land. The Facial, the Labial, or External Maxillary Artery. 518 ANGEIOLOGY. right and the other to the left, in order to form a second coronary artery, smaller mac the first. The superior coronary, or labial, arises opposite the commissure, passes in the uppei lip between the muscular and glandular layers, and inosculates, in the median line, with the vessel on the opposite side. Branches are given off from this arch to the mucous membrane, the gums, the muscles, and the skin. One branch only of this artery requires a special description ; it is known by the name of the artery of the septum nasi (i). It comes off, in the median line, by one, two, and sometimes three branches, which pass vertically upward, and then horizontally beneath the skin, covering the under surface of the septuqi as far as the tip of the nose, where they anastomose with the artery of the ala. The artery of the ala nasi, or lateral artery of the nose (/), which is very often the ter- mination of the facial, divides into two branches ; a small one, that runs along the lower border of the cartilage of the ala. and anastomoses with the artery of the septum ; and a larger one, that runs along the upper convex border of that cartilage. A small branch pen- etrates into the interior of the nares, between the cartilage and the opening of the nostril. Termination of the Facial Artery. The facial artery having become extremely slender, sometimes terminates, under the name of the angular branch (m), upon the side of the nose, by anastomosing with the nasal branch of the ophthalmic, and with the infra-orbit- al. At other times its termination is formed by the artery of the ala of the nose, or by the superior coronary of the lip, or even by the inferior coronary. I have seen it termi- nate in the artery of the septum. We seldom find the facial arteries of both sides alike. Sometimes there is merely a trace of one, while the other is very much developed, and supplies by itself alone all the nasal and labial branches. No artery varies more than the facial, both in size and extent of distribution. Its anastomoses with the inferior dental and infra-orbital arteries, branches of the in- ternal maxillary, as well as those with the ophthalmic, a branch of the internal carotid, should be particularly noticed. The Lingual Artery. Dissection.—Cut the hyoidian insertions of the mylo-hyoid muscle, which is to be turned up from below upward ; saw the inferior maxillary bone, either at the symphysis or on each side of it. Hook the tongue and draw it out of the mouth, and maintain it in that position while you follow the artery as situated at its inferior surface. The lingual artery (n, figs. 204, 205), which is very large considering the size of the organ to which it is distributed, comes off from the front of the ex- ternal carotid, between the facial and the superior thyroid, and often by a common trunk with the facial; it passes at first obliquely up- ward, and then transversely inward and forward, along the upper margin of the corresponding great cornu of the os hyoides: oppo- site the lesser cornu of that bone it changes its direction, and runs in a serpentine course from behind forward, in the substance of the tongue as far as the apex, wdiere it terminates by anastomosing with the artery of the opposite side ; in the latter part of its course it is named, we know not why, the ranine artery (g, jig. 205 ; rana, a frog). Its remarkably tortuous course is connected with the lia bility of the tongue to undergo great changes in its relative dimen- sions. cauuo. Relations.—It is deeply seated, at its origin, under the digastric and stylo-hyoid muscles and the hypo-glossal nerve; opposite the Os hyoides (at n. Jig. 205) it is situated between the hyo-glossus (the nerve passing over that muscle) and the middle constrictor of the pharynx: in the substance of the tongue it is placed between the genio-hyo-glossus and the lingaalis, and is accompanied by the lingual branch of the fifth nerve ; consequently, it occupies the inferior surface of the longue. Collateral Branches.—A. small transverse branch, the hyoid (e), forms an anastomotic P<»tion » that of the vertebralarterTalaie braneb Si, 7 7luch that orSan ls supplied with blood. The . ■ , , .J? , 1 0 the subclavian, completes the arterial system of the brain ; and the fact of an artery, principally destined for the upper extremity, also send- ing a titalic he brain, proves that there is nothing peculiar in the quality of the blood transmitted to the encephalon. ah,ea- liqnely upward and outward. Relations ■—ln front of the innominate artery is the sternum, beyond the upper end of which the artery almost always projects, and from which it is separated by the left brachio-cephalic vein, by the remains of the thymus, and by the sternal attachments of the sterno-hyoid and sterno-thyroid muscles. Behind, it is in relation with the trachea, which it crosses obliquely; on the outer side, with the pleura and mediastinum, which separate it from the lungs; on its inner side is the left common carotid, from which it is separated by a triangular interval, in which the trachea is seen. From a knowledge of these relations, modern surgeons have succeeded in applying a ligature to the innominate artery. Its relations, however, vary in different individuals. In some cases almost the whole length of the vessel projects beyond the sternum; and it is then extremely accessible, either to accidental wounds, or to the surgeon in the ap plication of a ligature. It has been thought that the presence of the innominate artery explains the predominance of the right over the left upper extremity; but this opinion is entirely unfounded. The arteria innominata gives off no collateral branch, except in those cases in which it affords origin to the thyroid artery of Neubauer, so named from the anatomist who called attention to this anatomical variety.* The same anatomist has seen the right in- ternal mammary artery arise from the brachio-cephalic trunk. The Brachio-cephalic Artery. The right sub-clavian artery (g, fig. 198 ; /, fig. 204) arises from the innominate (e); the left sub-clavian {g'), from the arch of the aorta. Varieties of Origin.—One very common variety is that in which the right sub-clavian arises below the left, from the posterior and inferior part of the arch of the aorta, from which it passes upward and to the right side, generally behind the trachea and oesopha- gus, sometimes between the two, and rarely in front of the trachea, f The precise termination of this artery is not well defined. By some authors it is said to end, and the vessel to take the name of axillary artery as it passes between the sca- leni.t It appears to me more convenient to take the clavicle as indicating the respect- ive limits of the two vessels. All above the clavicle, then, belongs to the sub-clavian, and all below it to the axillary artery. § From the difference, as to origin, between the right and left sub-clavians, they diffei from each other remarkably in length, direction, and relations. Differences in Length.—The right sub-clavian is shorter than the left by the length of the innominate artery ; and we should, moreover, bear in mind the slightedifference in the height between the origin of the innominate and the reft sub-clavian. The difference in the size of the two sub-clavian arteries requires no special notice. Differences in Direction.—The right sub-clavian passes at first obliquely outward and a little upward, and then bends over the apex of the lung, describing a curve with the con- cavity looking downward. The left sub-clavian passes vertically upward before curving over the apex of the lung, opposite which it changes its direction abruptly, and becomes horizontal. • Differences in Relations.—In describing these, we shall divide the sub-clavian artery into three portions: the first, extending from the origin of the artery to the scaleni mus- cles ; the second, situated between the scaleni; and the third, extending from the scale- ni to the clavicle. The relations of the right and left sub-clavians differ from each other only in the first of these portions. _ The first portion {I, fig. 204) of the right sub-clavian is in relation in front with the innei end of the clavicle, the sterno-clavicular articulation, the platysma, and the clavicular attachment of the sterno-mastoid muscle, with the sterno-hyoid and sterno-thyroid mus cles, with the termination of the internal jugular and vertebral veins in the sub-clavian The Right and Left Sub-clavian Arteries. * This inferior thyroidean artery arises, perhaps, more frequently from the arch of the aorta, between the brachio-cephalic trunk and the left primitive carotid. . . , . . t [lt rarely passes between the trachea and oesophagus ; and it appears t having been actually seen in front of the trachea (see Quain on the Arteries).] between tho ■ , t According to some authors, the artery changes its name as it emerges from between the scaleni; accord- ing to others, while it is yet between those muscles. „ a midrUo an 1 11 % We are in the habit of dividing this artery into three portions . a cardiac, a middle, and an axillary por- tion. The first, that part between its origin and the scaleni ; the second, the portion embraced between tha ioaleni ; and the third, the remaining part ot the artery. THE VERTEBRAL ARTERY. 533 vein, and with the right pneumogastric and phrenic nerves ; behind, with the recurrent laryngeal nerve and the transverse process of the seventh cervical vertebra; on the out- er side, with the mediastinal pleura, which separates it from the lung. On the inner side, it is separated from the common carotid by a triangular interval.* It is surround- ed by loose cellular tissue, a great number of lymphatic glands, and nervous loops formed by the great sympathetic. The first portion of the left sub-clavian is in relation with the same parts, though to a somewhat different extent: thus, its relations with the left mediastinal pleura and lung are much more extensive. The sub-clavian vein crosses it at right angles, instead of being parallel to it; but the left pneumogastric and phrenic nerves run parallel to, in- stead of crossing it. It is parallel to the left common carotid, instead of forming an an- gle with it; and, instead of being near the clavicle, the left sub-clavian is close to the vertebral column, and rests on the longus colli, the inferior cervical ganglion of the sym- pathetic nerve, and the thoracic duct, which is there to its inner side. The second portion of loth the right and left sub-clavian arteries, situated between the scaleni, is in close relation below with the middle of the upper surface of the first rib, on which there is a corresponding depression behind the tubercle for the attachment of the anterior scalenus; above, with the two scaleni, which are in contact with each other above the vessel; behind, with the brachial plexus ; in front, with the scalenus anticus, which separates the sub-clavian artery from the sub-clavian vein. This separation of the artery from the vein is one of the most important points in its history.! The third portion of the sub-clavian, or that extending from the scaleni to the clavicle, corresponds to a triangular space, bounded in front by the sterno-mastoid and anterior scalenus, above by the omo-hyoid, and below by the clavicle : this space is named* the lower or clavicular portion of the posterior triangle of the neck, which is bounded in front by the sterno-mastoid, behind by the trapezius, below by the clavicle. In front of, but somewhat lower than the artery, is the clavicle, that bone being separated from the ves- sel by the sub-clavian vein, which is here below and in contact with the artery, and by the sub-clavius muscle ; behind and to the outside of the artery is the brachial plexus of nerves, which surrounds the vessel in the axilla ; it is covered by the deep cervical fascia, the platysmu, the superficial fascia, and the skin, and is crossed by the descend- ing cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus, and obliquely by the supra-scapular ar- tery and vein; below, it rests upon the first rib. In consequence of these relations, the sub-clavian artery may be compressed, and the circulation of the upper extremity stopped by forcible depression of the clavicle ; the sub-clavian may be easily felt, compressed, and tied above the clavicle; and, lastly, it follows that the sharp fragments of a broken clavicle can wound the coats of the artery only after having transfixed the sub-clavius muscle and the sub-clavian vein. This artery, moreover, presents individual varieties both in regard to its direction and relations; it usually rises slightly above the clavicle, but in persons with short necks and high shoulders it is situated deeply under the clavicle, while in those who have long necks and low shoulders it may even slightly raise up the platysma and the skin. But the most important variety is that in which the relations of the sub-clavian with the sca- leni muscles are changed. It is not uncommon! to see the sub-clavian artery situated in front of the scalenus anticus, forming immediate relations with the sub-clavian vein.§ Collateral Branches.—The sub-clavian artery gives off certain collateral branches, which may be divided into the superior, inferior, and external. The superior are the ver- tebral and the inferior thyroid; the inferior are the internal mammary and the superior in- tercostal ; the external are the supra-scapular, the posterior scapular or transversalis colli, and the deep cervical. Besides these, the sub-clavian arteries sometimes give off, near their origin, pericar- diac, thymic, and tesophageal branches ; not unfrequently the left sub-clavian gives ori gin to the bronchial artery of that side. The vertebral artery, destined for the cerebro-spinal nervous centre, supplies more particularly the spinal cord, the pons Yarolii, the cerebellum, and the posterior portion of the cerebrum. It is the first and largest branch of the sub-clavian, and in some subjects is about equal in size to the continuation of that vessel. A very great inequal- ity in the size of the two vertebrals is rather frequently met with. Morgagni states The Vertebral Jlrtery. * [lt lias been observed by Professor R. Quain (Joe. cit.) that the origin of the right snb-clavian is sometimes partially or completely covered by the right carotid, a process of the cervical fascia sepa’iting the two vessels.] t [Professor Quain has seen, in a few cases, the artery perforating" the anterior scaltnis ; and it has even been found, by himself and others, anterior to that muscle, and therefore in contact with the vein.] t According to our observation, this is a most rare variety. Ed. Hn a case of this kind, which has been communicated to me by M. Demeaux, adjunct of anatomy co the Faculty, there was no brachio-cephalic trunk, but a bi-carotid trunk ; the right sub-clavian arose from the de- scending aorta, and went behind the trachea and the oesophagus. (This preparation has been deposited in the museum of the Faculty.) A NGEIOLOGT that he has seen the right vertebral four times as large as the left, I have seen the left vertebral represented by a very small twig. The vertebral artery arises (2, fig. 204) from the upper and back part of the sub-clavi- an, at the point where it curves over the apex of the lung; the left vertebral often ari- ses directly from the arch of the aorta, between the common carotid and sub-clavian ox the same side. The right vertebral has been found arising from the point at which the innominate divides into the right common carotid and right sub-clavian. It has also been seen arising by two trunks, both of which sometimes come from the sub-clavian ; and at others, one proceeds from that artery, and the other from the arch of the aorta.* Immediately after leaving the sub-clavian, the vertebral artery passes vertically up- ward and a little backward, enters between the transverse processes of the sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae, in order to reach the foramen in the base of the transverse process of the sixth, ascends through the foramina in the transverse processes of the succeeding cervical vertebrae, describing some slight curves in passing from one to an- other. In order to gain the foramen in the axis, it forms a considerable vertical curve between the atlas and that bone ; it then forms a second horizontal curve between the atlas and the occipital bone,t perforates the posterior occipito-atloid ligament and dura mater, and enters the cranium by the foramen magnum. The right and left vertebral arteries turn round the sides of the medulla oblongata, between the°hypoglossal and’sub- occipital nerves, converge (ii,fig. 208) in front of the medulla, and near the furrow which separates it from the pons Yarolii, unite at an acute angle to form the basilar ar- tery (b). The two remarkable curves described by the vertebral artery before it enters t_.e cranium are in accordance with those formed by the internal carotid within the ca- rotid canal and cavernous sinus. I have seen the vertebral very tortuous at the lower part of the neck, before it entered the covered way formed for it by the cervical trans- verse processes. Not unfrequently the vertebral artery enters the canal of the transverse processes at the fifth cervical vertebra ; it has occasionally been seen to enter at the fourth, third, and even at the second. It very rarely enters the foramen of the seventh cervical vertebra. Relations.—Before entering the foramen of the sixth cervical vertebra, the vertebral artery is situated deeply upon the spine, between the longus colli and the anterior scale- nus, and behind the inferior thyroid artery. The thoracic duet is at first on the inner side, and then in front of the left vertebral artery. From the sixth cervical vertebra to the atlas, it is protected by the canal formed by the series of foramina in the transverse processes, and in the intervals between them by the inter-transversales muscles ; it lies in front of the cervical nerves, but the sub-occipital nerve lies between it and the groove in the atlas. In the intervals between the axis and atlas, and between the atlas and oc- cipital bone, it is in relation with the complexes and trachelo-mastoideus, and with the rectus capitis posticus major and obliquus superior. In those cases where the vertebral artery does not enter the vertebral foramina until it has passed up to the third or second cervical vertebra, it goes upward along the side of the internal carotid artery. In the cranium, it is situated between the basilar surface of the occipital bone and the anterior surface of the medulla oblongata. Collateral Branches.—ln its course along the canal of the transverse processes, the ver- tebral artery gives off spinal branches, which enter the vertebral canal through the in- ter-vertebral foramina, and are distributed in the same manner as the spinal branches of the intercostal and lumbar arteries. Several of these branches, however, are derived from the ascending cervical artery, and from the praevertebral branches of the ascending pharyngeal. From the two curves formed by the vertebral artery arise a great number of small muscular branches, which are distributed to the deep muscles of the cervical re- gion, and anastomose with branches of the occipital and deep cervical arteries Amon* these there is one sometimes two, which enters the cranium through the foramen mag* num, and is distributed to the dura mater lining the inferior occipital fossae, and to the falx cerebelli: it is the 'posterior meningeal artery (rami meninges posteriores, Haller). Scemmering has pointed out a small meningeal branch, which enters the cranium with the first cervical or sub-occipital nerve, and which appears to me to be constant. In the cranium, before uniting to form the basilar, the vertebral arteries give off the posterior and anterior spinal arteries, and the inferior cerebellar. Spinal Arteries.—These are small branches, remarkable for being extremely slender, and for arising at an obtuse angle, so that they descend in a precisely opposite direction * One of the most remarkable varieties of origin of the vertebral artery is the following, which has been communicated to me by Professor Dubreuil: In a woman of forty-five years, the left vertebral arteries arose neither on the right nor on the left side from the corresponding sub-clavian arteries. The left vertebral took its origin directly from the arch of the aorta, be- tween the left sub-clavian and the left primitive carotid. The right vertebral arose from the right primitive carotid, at the distance of four millimeters from its origin. Both arteries passed upward, in parallel lines along the vertebral column, as far as the third cervical vertebra, when they entered the vertebral foramina of the transverse processes of this vertebra, having previously given off several small supplementary branches of the ascending cervical arteries. The sub-clavian artery gave here origin only to five collateral branches, t Have the curvatures of the vertebral artery any relation to the motions of the head upon the vertebral THE VERTEBRAL ARTERY. 535 \o the vertebral arteries, which ascend vertically ; they are distinguished into the anterior and the 'posterior spinal artery. It is incorrect to regard them as continued down to the lower part of the spinal cord: they are so slender, that they can only supply a very small portion of the cord; in reality, they are nothing more than the commencement of the spi- nal arteries, which are continued through the whole extent of the cord by means of branches given off from the cervical, dorsal, and lumbar arteries. The posterior spinal artery arises from the vertebral while that vessel lies upon the side of the medulla oblongata, and sometimes from the inferior cerebellar artery; it pass- es in a tortuous manner inward, and divides into an ascending branch, which terminates upon the sides of the fourth ventricle, and a descending tortuous branch, which winds along the sides of the posterior surface of the cord, and divides into two twigs, a small one situated before, and a larger one placed behind the posterior roots of the spinal nerves ; around each of these roots they form a network, and, by means of transverse branches, which are twisted on themselves and much interlaced, they communicate with the corresponding branches of the opposite side. Chaussier was therefore incorrect in giving the name of the posterior median artery of the spine to the two posterior spinal ar- teries. These small branches of the vertebral are soon exhausted ; they are continued on each side by branches of the cervical, dorsal, and lumbar spinal arteries, which run upward along the posterior roots of the nerves, and having reached the sides of the cord, divide into ascending and descending branches, which anastomose with the neighbour- ing vessels, form a network around each pair of nerves, and communicate by tortuous transverse branches with the arteries of the opposite side. The anterior spinal artery (m, fig. 208), which is somewhat larger than the posterior, arises from the vertebral near the basilar, sometimes even from the basilar itself, or from the inferior cerebellar, passes almost vertically inward and downward, in front of the medulla oblongata, and anastomoses in the same manner as the vertebral with its fellow of the opposite side, so as to constitute a median trunk, which is correctly named the anterior median artery of the spine ; it is situated beneath the pearly fibrous band found along the anterior median furrow, and is continued by branches from the cervical, dorsal, and lumbar arteries. The anterior, or median spinal artery, therefore, results from the anastomoses of the two anterior spinal branches of the vertebral. In one case there was no artery on the left side, but the right was twice as large as usual. The vessel is of considerable size, until it has passed below the cervical enlargement of the cord, from W'hich point down nearly to the dorsal enlargement it becomes exceedingly delicate ; a little above the last- named enlargement it suddenly increases in size, again gradually diminishes as it ap- proaches the lower end of the spinal cord, and becoming capillary, is prolonged down to the sacrum, together with the fibrous string in which the spinal cord terminates. During its course, this artery receives lateral branches from the ascending cervical and the vertebral in the neck, and from the spinal branches of the intercostal and lum- bar arteries in the back and loins. These branches penetrate the fibrous canal formed by the dura mater around each of the spinal nerves ; become applied to the nervous ganglia, to which they supply branches ; get intermixed with, and follow the course of, the corresponding nerves ; send small twigs backward to the posterior spinal arteries, and terminate in the anterior spinal trunk, at variable angles, similar to those at which the nerves are attached to the spinal cord. The re-enforcing spinal branches are not nearly so numerous as the nerves. If the con- dition which I have observed in three subjects be constant, there are three in the cervi- cal region, one or two in the contracted portion of the cord, and one only at the inferior enlargement. This last, which in one case was as large as the ophthalmic artery, reach- ed the cord at a very acute angle ; opposite the median line, it divided into twTo branch- es, one ascending and very small, the other descending, of considerable size, and form- ing the true continuation of the trunk. From the anterior spinal arteries there proceed a great number of twigs, which pass backward into the anterior median furrow, and from thence into the substance of each half of the corresponding portion of the cord; also some lateral branches, wdiich ramify on the sides of the cord in the pia mater. The Inferior and Posterior Cerebellar Arteries—These (h h) arise from the outer side of the vertebral, and sometimes from the basilar; they are of considerable size, and often differ in this respect on the two sides. Each of them soon turns round the medulla ob- longata, pursuing a tortuous course, passes between the filaments of origin of the hypo- glossal nerve, runs in front of the roots of the pneumogastric and glosso-pharyngeal nerves, crosses the restiform body, and reaches the back of the medulla oblongata on one side of the opening of the fourth ventricle ; it then passes backward, between the inferior ver- miform process and lateral lobe of the cerebellum, and divides into two branches : one internal, which continues along the furrow between the vermiform process and lateral lobe, supplies the former, and turns upward into the notch in the posterior margin of the cerebellum ; the other branch is external, and passes outward upon the lower surface of the cerebellum, and divides into a great number of twigs, which may be traced as far as 536 ANGEIOLOGY. the circumference of the cerebellum, and which anastomose with those of the superior cerebellar artery. The Basilar Trunk.—The basilar trunk (b) results from the junction or confluence of the two vertebral arteries. It is larger than either of them singly, but its area is not equal to the sum of their areas ; so that, by this arrangement, the passage of the blood is accelerated. It commences opposite the furrow between the medulla oblongata and the pons Yarolii, and terminates by bifurcating in front of the anterior border of the pons ; its length, therefore, corresponds to the antero-posterior diameter of the pons, on the median furrow of which it is situated. When the vertebral arteries are displaced to- wards the right side (a very common condition), the basilar trunk passes horizontally or obliquely to the left, so as to reach the median furrow. It gives off no branch from its lower surface, which rests upon the basilar groove of the occipital bone. A great number of capillary twigs are detached from its upper sur- face, and enter the pons Yarolii. From its sides proceed the anterior inferior cerebellar and the superior cerebellar. . The anterior and inferior cerebellar arteries (I i) vary much in size in different subjects, and are rarely equal in this respect on the right and left sides : each of them arises from about the middle of the basilar, and occasionally from the vertebral itself, passes out- ward and backward, sometimes behind, and sometimes in front of the sixth nerve, runs along the crus crebelli, passes in front of the facial and auditory nerves, and terminates upon the anterior portion of the hemisphere of the cerebellum. The superior cerebellar arteries (11) arise one from each side of the basilar, immedi- ately before it divides into its two terminal branches ; they might, therefore, also be re- garded as terminal branches of that artery, which would thus end by dividing into four branches. Having arisen at a right angle behind the third, or motor oculi nerve, each superior cerebellar artery, accompanied by the fourth or trochlear nerve, turns round the crus cerebri in the groove between it and the pons Yarolii, and, having reached the up- per surface of the corresponding crus cerebelli, divides into two branches ; one external, which passes outward on the upper surface of the cerebellum, along the anterior half of its circumference ; the other internal, which is directed inward upon the sides of the su- perior vermiform process, or median lobule of the cerebellum, and then subdivides into an antero-posterior branch, which passes from before backward upon the siues of the vermiform process, as far as the circumference of the cerebellum, upon which it ramifies ; and a transverse branch, which continues the original course of the vessel towards the median line, running between the superior vermiform process and the valve of Vieussens, and being distributed to both. The terminal branches of the basilar trunk are the posterior cerebral arteries (n n); they arise at variable angles, are directed forward and outward, and then curve backward, so as to turn round the crus cerebri, parallel to the superior cerebellar arteries, from which they are separated by the third or motor oculi nerve. They follow the concave border of the great transverse fissure of the brain, and, having reached the posterior extrem- ity of the corpus callosum, leave this fissure to pass backward upon the lower surface of the posterior lobe of the cerebrum, where they may be traced as far as the occipital region. Each of the posterior cerebral arteries gives off, immediately after its origin, an immense number of small parallel twigs, which enter the substance of the brain between the anterior crura, whence the name of perforated spot given to that portion of the brain. Just as each posterior cerebral artery curves backward, it receives the communicating artery of Willis (r), which is sometimes very large, and at other times very small. When large, it evidently assists in the formation of the posterior cerebral, which, after its junc- tion with the communicating artery, sometimes becomes doubled or trebled in size. The part performed by the internal carotid in the formation of the posterior cerebral is, there- fore, subject to variety. In certain cases, as I have already stated, the posterior cere- bral is exclusively derived from it. The posterior choroid artery arises from the back part of the posterior cerebral, imme- diately after the junction of that vessel with the communicating artery ; it turns round the crus cerebri, passes above and supplies the tubercula quadrigemina, and terminates in the velum interpositum and choroid plexus. As the posterior cerebral artery quits the crus cerebri, it gives off a branch which passes outward and backward, crosses obliquely the long convolution which forms the lateral boundary of the great fissure of the brain, and ramifies upon the lower surface of the cerebrum. Lastly, the posterior cerebral gives off a small constant branch, which may be called the artery of the fascia dentata, to which it is distributed. Remarks on the Arteries of the Brain, Cerebellum, and Medulla Oblongata. The arteries of the encephalon, i. e., of the brain, cerebellum, and medulla, are dcri ved from four principal trunks, two anterior, viz., the internal carotids, which arise from the common carotids, and two posterior, viz., the vertebrals, which are branches of the sub-clavian arteries. There are several circumstances to be remarked concerning these vessels, viz., their great size, which is dependant on that of the brain ; their depth from THE INFERIOR THYROID ARTERY. 537 the surface before they enter the cranium ; the numerous curves formed by (hem as they are entering the cranial cavity, the use of which is evidently to retard the course of the blood ; the absence of any large collateral branches, the only exception being the oph- thalmic branch of the internal carotid, by the existence of which the circulation in the eye is connected with that in the brain. Another remarkable point concerning these vessels is their anastomoses at the base of the cranium, viz., the anastomosis, or, rath- er, the confluence of the right and left vertebral so as to form the basilar artery; the anastomosis of the right and left internal carotids by means of the anterior communica- ting artery, which unites the anterior cerebrals, and the anastomosis of the internal ca- rotids with the vertebrals by the communicating arteries of Willis. By these anasto- moses an arterial hexagon (the circle of Willis) is formed, the anterior margins of which correspond with the anterior cerebral arteries, the posterior with the posterior cerebrals, and the lateral with the communicating arteries of Willis.* From this hexagon, as from a centre, proceed all the arteries of the brain, viz., from the anterior angle, the anterior cerebral arteries ; from the posterior angle, the basilar artery; from the anterior lateral angle on each side, the middle cerebral; and from the posterior lateral angle on each side, the posterior cerebral artery Owing to the existence of these targe anastomotic communications, any one of the four arterial trunks would be sufficient to carry on the circulation in the brain, if the other three were wanting or obliterated The situation of this arterial hexagon between the bones of the cranium and the (wain is remarkable, because it explains the alternate movements of elevation and depression seen in the brain when that organ is exposed during life It should also be observed, that the arteries of the cerebellum, pons Varolii, and me- dulla oblongata, are derived from the same sources as those of the brain. Lastly, as to the mode of distribution of these vessels, it may be remarked, that the arteries of the brain pass over the free surface of one or more convolutions, dip into the sulci between the convolutions, are reflected from one side of them to the other, give off a great number of very small branches, emerge from a given sulcus to regain the surface of the adjacent convolutions, and so on until they are exhausted. The princi- pal arteries of the cerebellum run upon its surface without passing into the sulci, be- tween the laminae, into which they send only very small branches. With some excep- tions, the arteries are reduced to capillary dimensions before they enter the nervous substance. Dissection.—Dissect the muscles of the sub-hyoid region; follow the branches of the thyroid ; trace the divisions of the ascending cervical artery into the grooves upon the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae, and into the vertebral canal. The inferior thyroid artery (3, fig. 204) arises from the front of the sub-clavian on a plane anterior to the vertebral, which often comes off exactly opposite to it. It varies remarkably in size and origin, as well as in the branches which it furnishes. It fre- quently arises from the common carotid; sometimes from the arch of the aorta, between the brachio-eephalic and the left common carotid; at other times from the brachio-ce phalic itself. Lastly, it is occasionally replaced by the thyroid of Neubauer. It often commences by a common trunk with the supra-scapular, less frequently with the posterior scapular, and rarely with the internal mammary. Its size bears an inverse proportion to that of the superior thyroid of the same side and depends, also, on the presence or absence of a third thyroid. It is larger m infancy than at any other period. In certain cases of goitre it becomes prodigiously developed. Sometimes there is merely a trace of its existence, or it is even altogether wanting. Immediately after its origin it passes vertically upward, then descends so as to de- scribe a curve with its concavity directed downward, and again forms another curve with its concavity turned upward, to reach the lower end of the lateral lobe of the thy roid gland, in the interior of which it ramifies. Relations.—Behind., it is in relation with the trachea, the oesophagus, and the verte- bral column, being separated from the latter by the praevertebral muscles and the ver- tebral artery. Its relation with the oesophagus is more marked on the left than on the right side, and it is important to bear this fact in mind in performing the operation of cesophogotomy. In front, its first curve embraces the common carotid, the internal jugular vein, the pneumogastric, and the great sympathetic nerves. The middle cervi- cal ganglion, when it exists, rests upon it. The second curve embraces the recurrent laryngeal nerve, and is also in relation with the muscles of the sub-hyoid region. It may be remarked, that there is one point in the neck where three arteries come into contact, viz., the common carotid, the inferior thyroid, and the vertebral. Collateral Branches.—The inferior thyroid gives off, downward, an ccsophagcal branch, The Inferior Thyroid Artery. * In a person who died ol apoplexy, Morgagni found a want of communication between the A'ertebrals and carotids ; and he attributed the apoplexy partly to this circumstance, and partly to the fact that the left ver- tebral arose directly from the arch of the aorta. Y YV 538 ANGEIOLOGY. some tracheal branches, and a small bronchial twig. I have seen the right bronchial ar- tery derived from it. It also gives off several muscular branches to the scalenus anti- cus and the praevertebral muscles. The most remarkable of all these is the ascending cervical artery (4), which is of variable size, and is sometimes so large that it may be regarded as resulting from the bifurcation of the inferior thyroid. It passes vertically upward, in front of the scalenus anticus, then in the groove between it and the rectus capitis anticus major, to both of which, as well as to the attachments of the levator an- guli scapulae, it gives some small branches. The most remarkable of its branches, call- ed the cervicorspmal, enter the grooves by which the cervical nerves emerge, run in front of these nerves, and anastomose with the branches of the vertebral artery. I have seen these branches divide into two ramusculi: the one anterior, very small, which passed in front of the vertebral artery, and emerged upon the sides of the body of the vertebra ; the other posterior, which passed between the corresponding nerve and the artery, entered the spinal canal through the intervertebral foramen, and was distributed to the vertebra;, and to the spinal cord and its membranes, in the same manner as the dorsal and lumbar spinal arteries. The praevertebral branch of the ascending pharyn- geal artery sometimes supplies the cervico-spinal branch of the first two intervertebral spaces in the cervical region. Terminal Branches.—Opposite the lower extremity of the lateral lobe of the thyroid gland, the inferior thyroid artery divides into three branches : of these, one follows the lower border of the gland, another passes to the posterior surface of its lateral lobe, while the third dips between the gland and the trachea, runs along the lower border of the cricoid cartilage, sometimes becomes superficial opposite the isthmus of the thyroid body, and forms an anastomotic arch with its fellow of the opposite side, along the upper margin of that isthmus. The Suprascapular Artery. The superior or suprascapular artery {transversus humeri, 5, fig. 204), destined for the supra- and infra-spinous fossae, and which might also be denominated the cleido-supra- scapular from its course, arises from the front of the sub-clavian below the inferior thy- roid, and often by a common trunk, either with the posterior scapular, or with the in- ferior thyroid and posterior scapular united, forming what is then called the thyroid axis. It is at first directed vertically downward, then bends horizontally outward, to run along behind the clavicle and gain the upper border of the scapula, where it passes over, very rarely under, the ligament, which converts the coracoid or supra-scapular notch into a foramen, and, being reflected over that ligament, dips into the supra-spinous fossa, and crossing the concave border of the spine of the scapula, enters the infra-spinous fossa, in which situation it terminates (s',fig. 209). Relations.—lt is concealed at its origin by the sterno-mastoid muscle, and is then sit- uated along the base of the supra-clavicular triangle ; it is in relation in front with the clavicle, following the direction of that bone; behind, with the sub-clavian artery and the brachial plexus of nerves, which it crosses at right angles ; above, with the deep fascia and the platysma myoides, which separate it from the skin ; and below, with the sub-clavian vein: more externally, it dips under the trapezius, and comes in contact with the supra-scapular nerve, is separated from it at the coracoid notch, and again be- comes applied to it in the supra- and infra-spinous fossae, where it is situated between the muscles of the bone. Collateral Branches.—Among a great number of unnamed muscular and cutaneous branches, I would particularly notice, 1. A small thoracic branch, which passes verti- cally downward behind the clavicle, perforates the sub-clavius, and anastomoses with the thoracic arteries. 2. A branch for the trapezius, which is so large that it appears to result from the bifurcation of the artery. It generally arises at the point where the ves- sel dips into the supra-spinous fossa ; at other times it comes off very near the origin of the artery, passes from before backward, turns round the scaleni muscles parallel with the posterior scapular artery, with which one might confound it, and ramifies in the tra- pezius and the supra-spinatus muscles, entering the former at its under, and the latter at its upper surface : some of the branches are distributed to the periosteum of the acromion and to the corresponding integuments. Again, in the supra- and infra-spinous fossse it gives off a great number of periosteal, osseous, muscular, and articular branches. In the infra-spinous fossa (5, fig. 209), it forms a free arched anastomosis with the sub-scapular artery, and gives off a branch which runs along the axillary border of the scapula, and anastomoses with the posterior scapular artery at the lower angle of that bone. The posterior scapular (transversus cervicis, transversalis colli, 6, fig. 204, 209) is larger than the preceding, and extends from the sub-clavian to the vertebral border of the scap- ula ; it arises from the front of the sub-clavian, sometimes to the inner side of the sea* The Posterior Scapular Artery- THE INTERNAL MAMMARY ARTERY. 539 leni, sometimes between them, but most commonly on the outer side of those muscles :* in the first case it often comes off by a common trunk with the inferior thyroid, and in the two other cases by a common trunk with the supra-scapular. It passes transversely and in a slightly tortuous manner outward, through the nerves of the brachial plexus, and sometimes through the scalenus posticus, and curves backward towards the poste- rior superior angle of the scapula. Then, opposite the levator anguli scapulae, it divides into an ascending and a descending branch. The ascending ox cervical branch, the super- ficial cervical artery of authors, passes beneath the trapezius, and divides into a great number of twigs, which ramify in that muscle, in the levator anguli scapulae, and in the splenius. The descending branch forms the posterior scapular artery, properly so called (a, fig- 209), and may be regarded as the continuation of the vessel; it turns round the posterior superior angle of the scapula, beneath the levator anguli, passes vertically downward along the vertebral bor- der of that bone, and terminates at the inferior angle by an- astomosing with the sub-scapular artery, a branch of the ax- illary, and with the supra-scapular, already described. Relations.—lt is superficial in the first part of its course, during which it traverses the supra-clavicular triangle hor- izontally, being merely covered by the cervical fascia, the platysma myoides, and the omo-hyoid ; and hence, doubt- less, the name superficial cervical, which has been given to it by some authors.! It is but rarely that the posterior scapular turns round the posterior scalenus and the brach- ial plexus, without passing between the nerves of the plex- us, which it traverses at variable heights. As it proceeds backward, it is protected by the trapezius; and, lastly, along the vertebral border of the scapula, it lies between the rhomboideus and the serra- tus magnus Its collateral branches are destined for the following muscles : the trapezius, scalenus posticus, levator anguli scapulas, splenius, supra- and infra-spinati, sub-scapularis, rhom- boideus, and serratus magnus. The internal mammary, or internal thoracic artery, not so remarkable for its size, which is less than that of the vertebral, as for its length and the number of its branches, arises (7, fig. 204) from the sub-claviau opposite the inferior thyroid, and behind the supra- scapular. Few arteries are less variable in their origin. The only varieties which have been observed are those in which it arises from the brachio-cephalic, from the arch of the aorta, or from a common trunk with the inferior thyroid. Immediately after its ori- gin, it passes vertically downward behind the inner end of the clavicle, enters the thorax, crosses obliquely behind the cartilage of the first rib, and bends a little inward to run along the first portion of the sternum, below which it resumes its vertical direction, par- allel to the border of that bone, as low down as the sixth rib, where it divides into an internal and an external branch. The Internal Mammary Artery. Relations.—lt is situated in front of the scalenus anticus, and is covered at its origin by the phrenic nerve, which crosses it very obliquely, in order to reach its inner side ; it corresponds to the inner end of the clavicle, from which it ie separated by the brachio- cephalic vein; it is then placed behind the costal cartilages and the intercostal muscles, in front of the pleura, from which it is separated by the triangularis sterni. It is situa- ted about two lines to the outer side of the margin of the sternum, so that a cutting in- strument may be carried into the thorax along that bone without injuring the internal mammary ; the name sub-sternal is, therefore, not at all applicable to this artery, which would be better named sub-chondro-costal. Collateral Branches. Ihese are very numerous ; they may be divided into the poste- rior, anterior, and external. Ihe posterior branches are, the thymic or anterior mediastinals, and, lower down, the superior phrenic, an extremely small artery, which runs along the phrenic nerve, is situated, like it, between the pericardium and the corresponding layer of the mediastinum, and reaches and is ramified in the diaphragm. Bichat has seen the superior phrenic artery as large as the internal mammary itself. The external branches are the anterior intcrcostals. Their number corresponds with that of the intercostal spaces : they are small in the first two, and gradually increase or diminish according to the length of the corresponding spaces. I have seen the common trunk for the third intercostal space so large, that it appeared like a bifurcation of the mammary. There are generally two branches for each intercostal space : one, which runs along the lower margin of the rib above, and the other along the upper margin of the rib below. These two branches sometimes arise separately from the mammary, * In the last case, those authors who describe the sub-clavian as terminating- between the scaleni, say that the posterior scapular* arises from the axillary artery, t [lt is the ascen.i 'g or cervical branch only that is named superficial cervical.] 540 ANGEIOLOGY. sometimes by a common trunk; as they arise above the level of the space for which they are intended, it follows that they pass obliquely behind the costal cartilages. The anterior intercostals inosculate with the aortic or posterior intercostals, so that it is sometimes impossible to determine the limits between these two sets of vessels. In some subjects they form a communicating arch of uniform caliber, extending between the internal mammary and the thoracic aorta. The anterior branches are superficial, and correspond in number to the intercostal spa- ces ; they arise from the internal mammary, pass directly from behind forward, through the corresponding intercostal space, and divide into cutaneous and muscular branches, both of which sets curve outward, the muscular branches beneath the pectoralis major, in which they ramify, and the cutaneous branches beneath the skin. The anterior branches of the first three spaces are distributed to the mammary gland. In females re- cently delivered, and in nurses, these branches become extremely large, especially the second, which I have seen as large as the radial artery, and very tortuous. Before per- forating the intercostal muscles, the anterior branches send some periosteal twigs be- hind the sternum, some of which penetrate the bone directly, while others ramify on the periosteum. Terminal Branches.—Of the two terminal branches, the internal, and smaller, contin- ues the original course of the artery, passes behind the rectus abdominis muscle, enters its sheath, and then divides into a great number of branches ; some of these are lost in this muscle by anastomosing with the capillary divisions of the epigastric, while the oth- ers emerge from the sheath of the rectus by special openings, and are distributed to the broad muscles of the abdomen, and to the integuments. Before leaving the cartilage of the seventh rib, it gives off a small twig, which passes inward upon the side of the en- siform cartilage, and forms an anastomotic arch with its fellow of the opposite side, in front of that cartilage. The anastomosis of this artery with the epigastric, which has been known from the very earliest periods, and afforded the ancients an explanation of the intimate physiological connexions between the genital organs and mammary glands, is accomplished in the usual manner of capillary communication. The external terminal branch, as far as distribution is concerned, is the continuation of the internal mammary. It is directed downward and outward, behind the cartilages of the seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh ribs, which it crosses obliquely, and ter- minates opposite the last intercostal space. During its course, it gives off the anterior intercostals of the corresponding spaces, two for each space, sometimes only one, which immediately subdivides. These intercostals diminish gradually in size as the spaces decrease in length, and are distributed precisely as the anterior intercostal branches of the internal mammary itself. The external terminal branch, and also the internal, while passing through the diaphragm near its costal attachments, give off a great, number of branches to that muscle, and hence the name musculo-phrenic, given by Haller to the external division, which, indeed, furnishes many more branches to the diaphragm than the internal. The Deep Cervical Artery. Dissection.—Seek at first for the artery behind the scalenus anticus, between the transverse process of the seventh cervical vertebra and the first rib ; trace it, both to its termination, between the complexus and semi-spinalis colli, and towards its origin, with- in the scaleni. The -posterior, or deep cervical, comes off deeply from the upper and back part of the sub-clavian, on the same plane as the vertebral, to the outside of which it is situated. Very often it arises by a common trunk with the first intercostal. It passes at first up- ward and backward, then bends outward behind the scalenus anticus to dip between the transverse process of the seventh cervical vertebra and the first rib. I have never seen it pass between the transverse processes of the sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae, though for this purpose I have examined forty subjects.* After leaving the inter-transverse space, the deep cervical artery divides into two branches: one descending, which I have been able to trace as far as the middle of the dorsal region, between the long muscles of the back ; the other ascending, which passes up between the complexus and the semi-spinalis colli, in which it terminates, and anas- tomoses with the occipital and vertebral arteries. The Superior Intercostal Arteries. Dissection.—This artery can only be dissected from the internal surface of the thorax. For this purpose it is necessary to saw through the thorax vertically. The artery must be exposed by removing the pleura from the two upper ribs and intercostal muscles. * This relation is so constant, that, even in cases where there is a supernumerary cervical rib, the deep cervical artery passes between this supernumerary rib and the first dorsal rib. oome students having’ called me to examine a subject in which this artery was wanting1, I sought in vam tor it between the first rib and the transverse process of the last cervical vertebra, and then perceived that there was a cervidal rib, between which and the first dorsal rib the artery was found. . - , [ln 264 observations, Professor Quain met with this variety in the course oi the artery four times, and also other peculiarities.] THE AXILLARY ARTERY. 541 The superior intercostal artery, intended for the two or three superior intercostal spa- ces, sometimes only for the first, varies in size according to the extent of its distribu- tion. It comes off from the lower and back part of the sub-clavian, near the deep cer- vical, and sometimes by a common trunx with it. It descends, in a tortuous manner, in front of the neck of the first, and then of the second rib, on the outside of the first dorsal ganglion of the sympathetic nerve, and terminates in the second intercostal space, like an aortic intercostal artery; sometimes it anastomoses freely with the first of the aortic intercostals. It gives off in each space a dorso-spinal branch, and an intercostal branch, properly so called. It is not rare to find the intercostal branch wanting in the first space : in all cases it is extremely small. The Axillary Artery. Dissection.—In order to prepare the axillary, as well as all the other arteries of the upper extremity, it is sufficient to dissect the muscles carefully, at the same time preserving all the branches which are met with, and tracing them to their origin. The axillary artery (a a', jig. 210) is that part of the artery of the upper extremity which intervenes be- tween the sub-clavian and the brachial. Its limits, which are entirely artificial, are the clavicle,* on the one hand, and the lower border of the pectoralis major on the other. It traverses the axilla diagonally, and bends opposite the neck of the humerus, so as to be- come continuous with the brachial artery. Its upper part rests upon the thorax, and its lower upon the hu- merus ; it is not very tortuous, so that in forcible ab- duction of the arm it may be stretched even to lacera- tion. Its direction corresponds pretty nearly with the cellular interval so generally existing between the sternal and the clavicular portions of the pectoralis major, or, rather, with an imaginary line, extending from the junction of the outer with the two inner thirds of the clavicle to the inner side of the neck of the hu- merus. Relations.—From the importance necessarily attach- ed to an accurate knowledge of the relations of this ar- tery, we shall consider them in the four aspects of the vessel. In front, the axillary artery is m relation from above downward with the sub-clavius muscle, a process of the deep cervical fascia intervening between them; then with the costo-coracoid ligament and the pecto- ralis major; next with the pectoralis minor; below this muscle, with the pectoralis major again ; and, last- ly, with the coraco-brachialis. In a subject where the pectoralis major had no clavicular insertions, that por- tion of the axillary artery which is intermediate be- tween the clavicle and the superior border of the pec- toralis minor, was separated from the skin only by the platysma myoides. Behind, it is in relation with the cellular interval between the sub-scapularis and serra- tus xnagnus ; lower down, with the teres major and latissimus dorsi. On the inside, it rests at first upon the first rib and the first intercostal space ; it next leaves the thorax, from which it is separated by the hollow of the armpit, and its inner side is then in re- lation with the skin which forms the outer wall of the armpit, and with the subjacent fascia. On the outside, it is at first embraced by the concave surface of the coracoid process, and it is then placed opposite the head of the humerus, from which it is separated by the sub-scapularis muscle Relations with the Axillary Vein and Nerves.—Immediately below the clavicle, tne axillary vein is situated on the inner side of, and at some distance from, the artery; lower down, the vein lies upon the artery. The cephalic and acromial veins pass in front of the artery. Immediately below the clavicle, the entire brachial plexus is situated on the outer side * Those authors who consider the sub-clavian as terminating' between the scaleni, describe the axillary as Commencing- at the same point. [The axillary artery is commonly said, in this country, to commence at the lower border of the first rib (a) and to terminate at the lower border of the conjoined tendons la') of the latissimus dorsi and teres lini n' muscles.] J ’ 542 ANGEIOLOGY. of the artery, wily one thoracic nerve crossing in front of it. Under the pectoralis ralnoi the artery is surrounded by the plexus ; it is at first embraced by the external and inter- nal roots of the median nerve, which meet in the form of a V opening upward ; lower down, it is placed between the external cutaneous nerve on the outer side, the median in front, the internal cutaneous and the ulnar on its inner side, and the radial, or muscu- lo-spiral, and the circumflex behind. In order to expose the artery in the axilla, the ves- sel may be sought for between the median and ulnar nerves. In consequence of these relations, wounds of the axilla may be very serious ; com- pression may be applied to the axillary artery, either by forcibly depressing the clavicle against the first intercostal space and second rib, or by placing the finger upon the ves- sel in the axilla, and pressing it against the head of the humerus ; a ligature may be ap- plied to this artery, either under the clavicle above the pectoralis minor, or in the axilla ; lastly, the artery may be torn from extreme violence in attempting to reduce a dislocation.* Collateral Branches.—The axillary givers off five branches, viz., the acromio-thoracic, above the pectoralis minor; the inferior thoracic, or external mammary, below the pecto- ralis minor ; the inferior scapular, and the anterior and posterior circumflex arteries, op- posite the neck of the humerus. The Acromial and Superior Thoracic Arteries. Under the name of acromio-thoracic I include two arteries, the acromial and the supe- rior thoracic, which almost alwrays arise by a common trunk, which is detached at right angles from the inner side of the axillary artery immediately above the pectoralis minor, then crosses the upper border of that muscle at right angles, and immediately divides into the two above-named branches. The thoracic branch passes downward and inward, and subdivides (b h) between the two pectoral muscles, both of which it supplies, but especially the lesser. Some branches perforate the pectoralis major, and are distributed to the skin and the mamma. The acromial branch subdivides into two others : a descending or deltoid branch (c), which enters the cellular interval between the pectoralis major and the deltoid, traverses it throughout, and is distributed to these two muscles, but especially to the deltoid ; it is accompanied by the cephalic vein : the second is a transverse or acromial branch (d), which runs horizontally outward, passes over the apex, and sometimes over the base of the coracoid process, then upon the coraco-acromial ligament, and runs along the outer third of the anterior border of the clavicle. It is covered in the whole of its course by the deltoid, to which it is in a great measure distributed. Some twigs terminate in the skin over the acromion. This acromial branch terminates near the acromio-clavicular articulation; sometimes one of its divisions closely follows the anterior border of the clavicle. The Inferior or Long Thoracic Artery. The inferior thoracic, long thoracic, ox external mammary artery (e, fig. 210), is much lar- ger than the acromial thoracic, and sometimes arises by a common trunk with it or with the sub-scapular; it is given off from the axillary below the pectoralis minor, passes downward and forward upon the side of the thorax, between the pectoralis major and serratus magnus, then between the serratus and the skin, and terminates at about the sixth intercostal space. During this course it gives ofi a great number of branches! to the lymphatic glands in the axilla, to the sub-scapulans, pectoralis major, and serratus magnus muscles, to the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth intercostal spaces, to the mamma, and to the skin. Not unfrequently the inferior thoracic partially supplies the place of the sub-scapular artery, in which case it is as large as that vessel. The Sub-scapular Artery. The inferior, common, or sub-scapular artery (/), the largest branch of the axillary, arises near the lower part of the head of the humerus opposite the lower border of the sub-scapular muscle, sometimes by itself, sometimes by a common trunk with the poste- rior circumflex, the long thoracic, or the deep humeral artery; in the last case it is as large as, perhaps even larger than, the brachial. At its origin, which is from the outer aspect of the axillary, it has the musculo-spiral nerve to its inner side, and the principal origin of the median on its outer side; it passes in a tortuous manner downward and out- ward along the lower border of the sub-scapularis muscle, parallel with the teres major, and beneath the head of the humerus,t furnishes large branches to all these muscles, and having arrived below the insertion of the sub-scapularis, divides into two branches, a descending or thoracic, and a scapular, properly so called. * I have seen two cases of rupture of the axillary artery from attempts to >• j, v j t [These branches represent the alar thoracic artery, and sometimes arise direc y the axillary, behind the pectoralis minor, or from the sub-scapular.] tn . . T t The relation of the sub-scapular artery to the head of tj® kj>®erus t in . ® lffTortant. In abduction this artery is much stretched, and I am surprised that it has not been torn in same cases of luxation ; on the contrary, the circumflex artery, and,therefore, the circumflexnem“l4® be much less ha ble to be stretched during- abduction. Nevertheless, it is certain that the circumflex nerve has been lacerated in some dislocations of the humerus, because they have been followed by paraljsis of the deltoid muscle. THE BRACHIAL ARTERY. 543 The descending or thoracic branch (g), which is often given off by the inferior or long thoracic, passesdownward and forward near the axillary border of the scapula, parallel with and behind the long thoracic, and divides into a great number of large branches, some of which enter the latissimus dorsi, several penetrate the serratus magnuseven as far as the lowest portion of that muscle, while others turn round the lower angle of the scapula, and anastomose with the following or scapular branch, and with the posterior scapular derived from the snb-clavian. The scapular branch (i), properly so called, proceeds along the lower border of the sub- scapularis muscle, in front of the long head of the triceps, and having reached below the scapular attachment of the triceps, divides into three branches : an anterior or sub-scapu- lar branch, which dips into the sub-scapular fossa below the muscle, and expands into a great number of branches, the highest of which are distributed to the capsule of the shoulder-joint; an infra-spinous branch (b,fig. 209), which turns round the axillary border of the scapula, runs between the muscle and the infra-spinous fossa, and anastomoses, by a considerable branch, with the termination of the supra-scapular artery ; a median branch {c,fig. 209), which continues in the original course of the vessel, runs along the axillary border of the scapula, between the teres major and minor, then becomes poste- rior, and terminates by anastomosing again upon the lower angle of the scapula with the thoracic branch of this artery, and with the infra-spinous branches of the supra-scapular. The Posterior Circumflex Artery. The posterior circumflex artery {I, fig- 210) arises from the back of the axillary opposite the sub-scapular, which it sometimes equals in size. It passes horizontally backward, between the sub-scapularis above and the teres major below, turns inward round the surgical neck of the humerus, passing first between the internal head of the triceps and the teres minor, then between the long head of the triceps and the bone, and finally {I, fig. 209) under the deltoid, to the deep surface of which it is applied ; it always turns round so as to describe three fourths of a circle, and thus reaches the anterior and outer aspect of the humerus, and is lost in the deltoid by anastomosing with the deltoid branches of the acromio-thoracic artery. In the whole of its course it is accompanied by the cir- cumflex vein and the circumflex nerve. As it turns round the bone, the posterior cir- cumflex gives off some articular and periosteal branches, which pass to the capsular lig- ament of the shoulder-joint, and to the periosteum of the humerus. The anterior circumflex, a small artery (n, fig. 210), sometimes represented by several branches, arises from the axillary in front of the posterior circumflex, and often by a common trunk with it. It passes horizontally outward above the conjoined tendons of the latissimus dorsi and teres major, covered by the coraco-brachialis and the short head of the biceps, runs beneath the tendon of the long head of the biceps, turns round the neck of the humerus, crosses the bicipital groove at right angles, being held down by the synovial membrane, and divides into an ascending and a descending branch. The latter presents nothing remarkable ; but the ascending branch, having reached the up- per part of the groove, anastomoses with the osseous branch of the acromial artery, and is lost in the head of the humerus, which it penetrates at one or more points. The anterior circumflex is, therefore, intended for the humerus, its periosteum, and the syno- vial membrane of the groove. Sometimes there are several anterior circumflex arteries, which enter the substance of the deltoid muscle. The Anterior Circumflex Artery. The brachial or humeral artery («' h, fig. 210) is that portion of the artery of the upper extremity which extends from the lower border of the axilla to the point of its bifurca- tion at the upper part of the forearm. It passes downward, and a little forward and outward, so that it is situated on the inner side of the humerus above, and in front of it below. The absence of any bendings in this artery explains the possibility of its being torn from extreme extension of the forearm in dislocations of the elbow, &c.* The relations of the brachial artery require to be examined separately along the arm, and in front of the elbow-joint. Along the arm, the artery is in relation, in front, with the coraco-brachialis and the in- ner margin of the biceps, which may be regarded as the satellite muscle of the artery : in emaciated subjects the biceps does not cover the artery, which is then situated im- mediately under the fascia; behind, it is in relation with the triceps, and then with the brachialis anticus ; on the inner side, with the fascia of the arm, which separates it from the skin ; on the outer side, with the coraco-brachialis, then with the inner side of the hu- merus, from whicll it is separated by the tendon of the coraco-brachialis, and in the rest of its extent with the cellular interval between the biceps and the brachialis anticus. The brachial artery is enclosed in a fibrous sheath, which is common to it and the me- The Brachial Artery. * In old subjects, the humeral artery is almost always tortuous, and sometimes these windings are so re- markable that the artery is sub-apoueurotic during’ a portion of its course. 544 ANGEIOLOGY. dian nerve. The following are its relations with the veins and nerves : the principal brachial vein is situated on its inner side ; another smaller vein is on its outer side : both are in contact with the artery, which they separate from the nerves, and they are connected by several transverse branches, which embrace the artery. The median nerve is situated in front of the artery,-excepting above, where it is or, its outer side, and below, near the elbow, where it passes to its inner side ; the median nerve sometimes crosses behind the artery.* The ulnar nerve is placed on the inner side of the artery above, then passes behind it, and is lodged in a separate sheath. The musculo-spiral nerve is situated, together with the deep humeral artery, at first behind the brachial, but soon leaves it to turn round the humerus ; lastly, the internal cutane- ous follows the same course as the vessel, crossing it slightly from before backward. From these relations, it follows that the vessel may be most efficaciously compressed from within outward, against the inner surface of the humerus, and also that it may be tied in any part of its course. At the bend of the elbow, the brachial artery occupies the middle of the articulation ; it is superficial in front, where it is only separated from the skin by the fascia and tendi- nous expansion of the biceps, and by the median basilic vein, which crosses it at a very acute angle ; behind, it rests upon the brachialis anticus, by which it is separated from the elbow-joint; on its inner side is the median nerve and pronator teres muscle, and, on its outside, the tendon of the biceps, over which it soon crosses, and, farther outward, the supinator longus. In consequence of the superficial position of the brachial artery at the bend of the el- bow, and from its relations with the median basilic vein and the elbow-joint, it follows that this artery may be easily compressed, may be wounded in the operation of vene- section, and may be lacerated in dislocations of the joint.! Collateral Branches.—These may be divided into the external and anterior, and the inter- nal and posterior. The external and anterior are very numerous, and are intended for the coraco-brachia- lis and biceps, which they penetrate at different heights, and also for the brachialis an- ticus. A very remarkable branch, which appears to me to be constant, viz., the deltoid, passes transversely in front of the humerus, beneath the coraco-brachialis and the biceps, and terminates partly in the deltoid at its humeral insertion, and partly in the brachialis anticus. The internal and posterior branches are small, excepting those which enter the brachialis anticus directly : I have seen them all arise from the axillary by a large branch given off from a common trunk with the sub-scapular and the posterior circumflex arteries. Whatever may be their mode of origin, four of these collateral branches are remark- able for their regular distribution, viz., the deep humeral, the internal collateral, the super- ficial branch for the internal portion of the triceps, and the superficial branch for the brachi- alis anticus. The two former only have received particular names. The deep humeral artery (profunda superior, k, fig. 210), called also the external collateral, from its terminating on the outer side of the articulation of the elbow, arises from the brachial, opposite the lower border of the teres major. It occasionally comes off by a common trunk with the posterior circumflex, which, in that case, arises from the brachial instead of the axillary artery. It passes downward and backward, gains the groove for the musculo-spiral nerve, and traverses the whole extent of that groove to- gether with the nerve. In this part of its course it is situated between the triceps mus- cle and the humerus, as it turns round the posterior surface of that bone ; below the in- sertion of the deltoid it emerges from the groove, between the brachialis anticus and the triceps, and divides into a deep branch, which continues with the nerve, and a superficial branch. The former is distributed essentially to the triceps muscle, and sometimes comes off directly from the brachial; it passes vertically downward in the substance of the triceps, supplies its internal and external portions, and terminates in them by anastomosing freely with the collateral branches situated around the elbow-joint. The superficial branch perforates the external head of the triceps, and the external inter-mus- cular septum, along which it descends vertically to the back of the epicondyle, or external condyle of the humerus, where it anastomoses with the interosseous recurrent artery. The internal or ulnar collateral artery (profunda inferior, m, figs. 210, 211) is much smaller than the external collateral, from which it is sometimes derived ; it is often double. It usually arises at a variable height from the lower part of the brachial, some- times passes transversely inward, and sometimes proceeds in a tortuous manner down- ward before becoming transverse, and then divides into two branches : one anterior, which is distributed to the brachialis anticus, the muscles attached to the epitrochlea or internal condyle of the humerus, and the periosteum upon that process ; the other posterior, which perforates the internal intermuscular septum, and divides into muscular branches for the * Bubreuil has seen that arrangement in three cases ; and M. Chassignac has met with, it twice last winter, t I have seen this artery lacerated in a case of luxation forward of the humerus on the forearm, in conse- quence of a fall from a horse upon the wrist. The lower extremity of the humerus had torn the brachialis anticus, the artery and the skin through which it had passed. A hemorrhage, followed by syncope, took place at the moment of the accident. The patient having been earned to her residence in this swoon, the reduction was accomplished, the hemorrhage did not return, and the cure was as perfect as possible. THE BRACHIAL ARTERY. 545 triceps; into periosteal and osseous branches, which pass transversely in front of the triceps, and anastomose with the interosseous recurrent; and into a descending branch, which accompanies the ulnar nerve, and anastomoses with the posterior ulnar recurrent. The superficial branch for the internal portion of the triceps is remarkable for its size and length; it arises from the brachial, immediately below the profunda superior, from which also it is rather frequently derived, and passes vertically downward applied to the ulnar nerve. It is at first situated in front of the internal intermuscular septum, then perfo- rates it, accompanied by the ulnar nerve, and, passing backward between the epitrochlea and the olecranon, anastomoses with the posterior ulnar recurrent. The superficial branch for the brachialis anticus arises from the brachial artery at the same height as the preceding, runs along the inner side of the brachialis anticus, grad- ually diminishing in size down to the lower part of the arm, where it anastomoses with the internal collateral artery.* The terminal branches of the bra'chial are the radial (p, figs. 210, 211) and ulnar (g) ar- teries. The bifurcation of the brachial artery into the radial and ulnar usually takes place below the bend of the elbow, sometimes on a level with it, but rather frequently above the articular line ; in the latter case, the bifurcation has been observed to occur sometimes at the lower third or at the middle of the arm, sometimes at the junction of the upper with the two lower thirds, and sometimes in the axilla itself, the radial and ulnar arteries immediately succeeding to the axillary. In these cases, one division of the artery, generally the radial, is sub-cutaneous, while the ulnar assumes the ordinary relations of the brachial; but the reverse of this may take place ; and, lastly, the radial and the ulnar have both been found sub-cutaneous. Not unfrequently, the radial artery, at its origin, is the inner branch of the bifurcation, and then crosses the ulnar at a very acute angle, in order to reach the radius. Besides these anomalies resulting from va- rieties in the point of bifurcation, there is yet another, in which a premature division takes place into two branches, one of which forms the interosseous artery, and the other the brachial, which has its usual arrangements; at other times, instead of a bifurcation, only a very slender branch is given off, and terminates in the ulnar, which in that case arises by two roots. The frequency of high divisions of the humeral artery require that the practical con- siderations to which these give rise should be taught. If, therefore, a hemorrhage by the arteries of the forearm should not yield to a ligature of the humeral artery, we should, with M. Danyau, suspect the high division of the humeral artery, and search for the other branch. Here follows the minute description of three rare varieties which I have exhibited at the Anatomical Society. From the inferior part of the axillary artery arose a slender ar- tery, which first coursed all along the humeral artery, on the inside of which it was situ- ated ; it then crossed this vessel by passing before it at the union of the two superior with the inferior third of the arm, and finally joined the radial artery opposite the bicipital tu- berosity of the radius. At the bend of the elbow, this artery, which might be considered as a slender branch of origin of the radial artery, occupied the same relations as the humeral artery, and was situated below the aponeurotic expansion of the biceps, while the trunk of the hu- meral artery was not placed under this expansion, but below the tendon of the biceps. It was behind this tendon, a little above its insertion into the radius, that the humeral artery was divided into radial and ulnar ; the radial, instead of coursing directly down- ward, described a curve with the concavity inward ; and it was with the lower part of this curve that the long and feeble branch coming from the axillary artery united. I have met, again, a similar anomaly, with this difference, that the long and slender arterial branch, instead of going to the radial, anastomosed with the ulnar. This varietj may be considered as a mode of anastomosis between the upper and the lower part of an arterial trunk, a mode of anastomosis by a collateral canal, unusual in the arterial, but very frequent in the venous system. In a case where one of the branches of the high division was the interosseous artery, and the other the common trunk of the radial and ulnar arteries, the respective relations of these vessels were as follows: The humeral dichotomic division took place below the hollow of the axilla. One of the branches was the common trunk of the interosseous arteries, which first followed the usual course of the humeral artery, then crossed, at a very acute angle, the other branch by passing behind it, coursed obliquely downward and outward, and finally reach- ed the external border of the tendon of the biceps. Having been sub-aponeurotic so far, it now dipped under the pronator teres, gave off the radial and ulnar recurrent branches, iad terminated as the interosseous arteries terminate. The other branch constituted the common trunk of the radial and cubital arteries; * [These two superficial branches are frequently represented in their distribution by a single branch, called the anastomotic artery (o,figs. 210, 211), which arises from the brachial, about two inches above the elbow. The nutritious artery of the humerus is small, but constant: it arises from the outer side of the brachial, oi one of its collateral branches, passes downward, perforates the insertion of the coraco-brachial.s muscle, and enters the oblique foramen in the inner side of the burner is, to ramify in the medullary canal of that bone \ Z Z 2 ANGEIOI.OGY. sub-aponeurotic, like the preceding, it reached the anterior side of the epitrochlea, and divided into two secondary branches: one internal, which was the ulnar, a little tortu- ous, coursed downward as far as the annular carpal ligament; the other external, which was the radial, passed obliquely downward and outward as far as the radial insertion of the pronator teres, when it became vertical. During their whole course, the radial and ulnar arteries were sub-aponeurotic. I have been on the point of opening the radial artery at the bend of the arm, in a case where it lay over the superficial tendon of the biceps.* A knowledge of these anomalies, both in reference to the point of bifurcation and tc the new relations of the parts, is extremely important to the surgeon. The Radial Artery and its Branches. Dissection.—The radial artery in the forearm is completely exposed by dissecting the supinator longus; the carpal portion of the artery' by dissecting the tendons of the thumb opposite the wrist; the palmar portion by dividing all the flexor tendons in the palm. It is, therefore, advisable to postpone the examination of the palmar portion of the artery until the ulnai has been studied. The radial artery (p,figs■ 210, 211), the outer of the two branches into which the brach ial divides, is more superficial and smaller than the ulnar; it extends from the point of bifurcation of the brachial down to the palm of the hand. Sometimes the radial turns backward, after having reached the lower third of the forearm, and remains sub-cutane- ous until it dips between the first and second metacarpal bones ; its place in front of the lower part of the radius is.then supplied by the radio-palmar artery or superficialis volae, which is extremely small. It is very common to find the radial artery of one arm larger than that of the other; in one case I found both radials wanting in front of the lower part of the radius. The radial artery is at first directed downward, and somewhat obliquely outward, like the brachial, with the direction of which it corresponds ; it then descends vertically as far as the lower end of the radius, turns round the anterior surface and apex of the sty- loid process, to gain the outer side of the carpus, and passes obliquely downward and backward, to reach the upper part of the first interosseous space ; there it turns abrupt- ly forward, between the upper extremities of the first and second metacarpal bones, passing between the two origins of the first dorsal interosseous muscle, enters the palm of the hand, and runs almost transversely inward, to form the deep palmar arch {b, fig. 211). The radial artery is frequently tortuous at the lower part of the forearm. From the long course and the direction of the radial, it may be divided into three portions, corresponding to the forearm, the wrist, and the palm of the hand. The first portion of the radial artery, viz., that situated in the forearm, has the following re- lations : In front, with the inner border of the supinator longus, which overlaps it, especial- ly above ; in the rest of its extent it lies beneath the fascia. In emaciated subjects the su- pinator longus is narrow, and this part of the artery is sub-aponeurotic in its whole extent. Behind, it corresponds to the anterior surface of the radius, from which it is separated above by the supinator brevis ; lower down by the pronator teres, and by the radial ori- gins of the flexor sublimis and flexor longus pollicis ; still lower by the pronator quadra- tus, below which it rests directly upon the inferior portion of the radius. The superficial position of the radial artery, and the support afforded it by the bone, are the reasons why it is chosen for examining the pulse. On the inner side, it is in relation with the pronator teres, then with the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis, along which it runs, and which is on a plane anterior to it; so that the contraction of this muscle, by causing its tendon to project, renders the pulsations of the vessel more difficult to be felt. On the outer side, it is in relation with the supinator longus, and in the middle part of its course with the radial nerve (the continuation of the musculo-spiral), which is situ- ated at some distance from it, both above and below, and has a separate fibrous sheath. Of the collateral branches of the radial artery in the forearm, only three require a special description, viz., the anterior radial recurrent, the anterior carpal branch, and the radio- palmar artery. The anterior radial recurrent artery (r,figs. 210, 211) is given off from the back part, and immediately below the origin of the radial. It is very large in some subjects, in- deed as large as the radial itself: it descends a little, and then turning upward, so as to describe a curve with its convexity directed downward, it ascends between the supina- tor longus and the brachialis anticus, in order to anastomose with that part of the pro- * The editor, engaged as he has been, for thirty years, in teaching anatomy, has had very extensive oppor- tunities of observing varieties in the origins of the radial and ulnar arteries , ana as the result of these, he would state as a general rule, liable to very few exceptions, Ist. When the radial arises prematurely, it pass- es, like the humeral, under the aponeurotic expansion of the biceps muscle. 2d. When the ulnar arises above the elbow, it passes superficially above tms aponeurosis, being placed sub- cutaneous in connexion with the veins. ... , The editor believes, that in the majority of cases where an artery is wounded in performing the operation of iloodletting at the bend of the arm, the vessel injured is the ulnar, which has arisen prematurely. In several cases where he has been called on to operate for aneurism produced by this accident, he has found this to be the case. THE RADIAL ARTERY. 547 funda superior which forms the external collateral branch of the elbow. I have seen this recurrent artery arise from the ulnar. From the convexity of the arch described by the radial recurrent, a great number of branches proceed obliquely downward and outward, and are distributed to all the mus cles on the external aspect of the forearm, viz., the long and short supinators, and the two radial extensors. One of these branches passes transversely between the long supi- nator and the long radial extensor, to anastomose on the outer condyle with the profun- da artery; others pass between the radius and the muscles attached to it, ramifying in the extensor muscles of the forearm, and anastomose with the posterior interosseous artery derived from the ulnar. The anterior carpal branch of the radial artery is a small branch {a, fig■ 211) which passes transversely inward at the lower margin of the pronator quadratus muscle, and anastomoses with a similar branch from the ulnar artery. The radio-palmar or superficial palmar artery {superficialis voice,, s, fig. 210) arises at an acute angle from the inner side of the radial, at the point where that vessel turns out- ward to pass over the carpus. Sometimes its origin is situated at the junction of the lower with the two upper thirds of the forearm. It varies much in its size and distribu- tion ; most commonly it passes vertically downward, on a level with the anterior liga- ment of the carpus, perforates the origin of the short abductor of the thumb, and anasto- moses with the extremity of the superficial palmar arch (t) of the ulnar (g). Several branches arise from its convexity, and are distributed to the muscles and integuments of the ball of the thumb. The radio-palmar branch is frequently very small, is entirely lost in those muscles, and does not assist in the fonnation of the superficial palmar arch. On the contrary, it is often so large that it may be regarded as formed by the bifurcation of the radial, and then assists as much as the ulnar in forming the superficial palmar arch. In some cases in which the superficial palmar arch did not exist, I have seen the radio-palmar give origin to the internal collateral artery of the thumb, both collateral ar- teries of the index, and the external collateral of the middle finger, the ulnar artery fur- nishing the collaterals of the other fingers. In one case, a transverse branch, resembling the anterior communicating artery of the brain, formed the anastomosis between the ra- dio-palmar and the ulnar arteries. The second or carpal portion of the radial artery extends from the styloid process of the radius to the upper part of the first interosseous space. Closely applied to the ligaments and bones of the carpus, it passes at first obliquely downward and inward, and then be- comes vertical as it dips into the interosseous space, to pass between the two heads of the first dorsal interosseous muscle. It is well protected on the outer side of the carpus by the projecting tendons of the two extensors and the long abductor of the thumb, all of which cross it obliquely, and separate it from the skin ; but between the tendons of the long abductor of the thumb and the long radial extensor it becomes sub-aponeurotic, and therefore very superficial. In this short course it gives off several branches. The dorsal carpal branch of the radial artery, more remarkable for its constancy and the mode of its distribution than for its size, which is inconsiderable, arises opposite the articulation of the two rows of carpal bones, passes transversely inward, and terminates either by being lost in the adjacent parts, or by anastomosing with the corresponding branch of the ulnar artery. From the arch thus formed proceed certain ascending branch- es, which anastomose with twigs from the anterior interosseous artery, sometimes ap- pearing to form the termination of that vessel, which, as we shall presently describe, be- comes posterior at the lower part of the forearm; and also some descending branches, of very variable size, which, having reached the upper part of the third and fourth interos- seous spaces in particular, anastomose with the perforating branches of the deeupalmar arch, and form one of the origins of the small twigs, which are named the dor satinter os- seous arteries of those spaces. The dorsal interosseous branch for the second space, known also as the dorsal metacarpal branch of the radial artery, is sometimes so large that it seems to be a continuation of the radial, and at other times very small, and, as it were, a mere vestige. It often ari- ses by a common trunk with the dorsal carpal branch just described; it runs along the dorsal surface of the second interosseous space, and, having reached the lower part of it, gives superficial dorsal arteries to the index and middle fingers, and then bends for ward between the heads of the second and third metacarpal bones, to anastomose with that digital branch of the superficial palmar arch which gives off the internal collateral artery of the index, and the external collateral artery of the middle finger.* The interosseous artery of the first space is so large that it is described as formed by the bifurcation of the radial: it arises from that artery between the first and second meta- carpal bones, and sometimes runs along the dorsal aspect of the first interosseous space, and at others between the first dorsal interosseous muscle and the adductor pollicis ; in * [Three small branches, two of which usually arise by a common trunk, are given off from the radial ar- tery near the dorsal aspect of the head of the first metacarpal bone ; two of them form the superficial dorsal arteries of the two sides of the thumb {dorsales pollicis), while the other is the dorsal artery of the radial side *»f the index finger (dorsalis indicis).] 548 angetology. either case, when it reaches the lower part of the space, it divides into two r i ; ~ which may arise separately from the carpal portion of the radial artery, as vtijig- » and which constitute the internal collateral artery of the thumb and the external co aa a. artery of the index finger (x). The external collateral artery of the thumb, sometimes en ved from the preceding, or even from the extremity of the superficial palmar arch, cross- es the muscles of the hall of the thumb obliquely, to reach the outer side of its metacar- po-phalangal articulation (v,fig. 210), and runs along the outer border of the thumb,' The Deep Palmar Arch. The third or palmar portion of the radial artery constitutes the deep palmar arch (b, fig 211) which is completed by inosculating with a branch of the ulnar, in the same man- ner as we have seen the superficial palmar arch, of the ulnar artery completed by a branch of the radial This arch is situated deeply across the front of the metacarpal bones, im- mediately below their upper extremities ; it rests immediately upon them and the inter- osseous muscles, and is therefore subjacent to all the nerves, tendons, and muscles (ex- cent the interosseous) in the palm of the hand. The deep palmar arch describes a slight curve the convexity of which is directed downward. I have seen the palmar arch form- ed by the dorsal artery of the second interosseous space, which then dipped between the upper ends of the second and third metacarpal bones. The deep palmar arch gives off very short superior or ascending branches (recurrentes), which are lost in front of the carpus, anastomosing with the anterior carpal branches of the radial and ulnar arteries ; also some descending or palmar interosseous arteries (d d, interossea; volares, Haller), three or four in number, which descend vertically along the interosseous spaces, and anastomose with the descending digital branches (cut across in fip-. 211) of the superficial palmar arch, either opposite or above their bifurcation into the collateral arteries of the fingers. The size of the palmar interosseous arteries is ex- tremely variable, as well as that of the deep palmar arch itself; it bears an inverse pro- portion to that of the superficial palmar arch and its branches. The relative size of the different palmar interosseous arteries, also, varies much; most generally the first is the largest, at other times the second, and occasionally the third. The deep palmar arch also gives off the posterior or perforating branches (c c). 1 hese are three in number, and form for the second, third, and fourth interosseous spaces what the radial itself is for the first, with this difference, that the radial perforates the first space from behind forward, while these perforating branches traverse the corresponding spaces from before backward. They arise from behind the deep palmar arch, and imme- diately perforate the upper part of the interosseous spaces ma, straight line, an having reached the dorsal aspect of the hand, generally anastomose with the corresponding dor- sal interosseous arteries, which, in a great number of cases, are formed entirely by these perforating branches. In some subjects, the dorsal interosseous arteries result from the anastomoses of the perforating arteries with the interosseous arterms denved from the fingers. The Ulnar Artery and its Branches. The ulnar artery (e fas. 210, 211), which is larger than the radial, leaves that vessel atl very acute angle,'passes at first downward, inward, and backward, m front of the ulna describing a slight curve, the convexity of which is directed upward and inward, and then descends vertically. Having arrived at the wrist, it is placed on the outer or radi- al side of the pisiform bone, in front of the annular ligament of the carpus, and then enters the palm of the hand, where it describes beneath the palmar fascia an arch, which has its convexity turned downward, and is named the superficial palmar arch (t,fig■ 210 ; Ve The relations the ulnar artery must be separately examined in the forearm and in tU In the forearm, it is at first covered by the thick bundle of muscles are attached a°raS coronoid process f i. I flexor carpi ulnans is upon its inner side, ana trial oi u betWeen the artcrv and the SSSSSsss ... t BTlii fhp external collateral of the index finger, frxraently arise * [The two collateral arteries o i ’ hus t^e two arteries for the thumb may take irigin from a in a different manner from that described .th ■ j artery 0f the thumb (magna vel princeps pollicis) . Unger (radialis indicis).] THE ULNAR ARTERY. 549 at the point where the vessel becomes vertical, and accompanies it as far as the hand. The median nerve is situated on its inner side at the bend of the elbow, but afterward becomes anterior, and then external to it. In some cases of high division of the humeral artery, the ulnar has been found immediately under the fascia in its whole length. In the hand, it is at first situated on the outer or radial side of the pisiform bone, and then in front of the hook-like process of the unci- form bone; finally, where it forms the superficial palmar arch, it is entirely sub-aponeurotic. In the forearm, the ulnar artery gives off a great number of un- named collateral branches, which are divided into internal, external, anterior, and posterior, and are distributed to the muscles and integ- uments. Four branches, however, require special notice, viz., in the forearm, the common trunk of the ulnar recurrents, the interosseous artery, the branch for the median nerve, and the anterior artery of the carpus; in the palm of the hand, the ulnar artery gives off the collat- eral arteries■ of the fingers. The anterior arid posterior ulnar recurrent arteries generally arise by a common trunk, which is given off from the back of the highest portion of the ulnar artery, passes transversely inward, and divides into two branches—an anterior and a posterior. The former, or an- terior ulnar recurrent artery (e,fig. 211), passes between the brachialis anticus and pronator teres, gives branches to all the muscles attach- ed to the inner condyle, and anastomoses with the internal collateral branch from the brachial. The other branch, the posterior ulnar re- current, is larger than the anterior, runs behind the muscles arising from the inner condyle, is then situated between that condyle and the olecranon, passes between the two origins of the flexor carpi ulnaris in front of the ulnar nerve, anastomoses freely with the in- ternal collateral branch of the brachial artery and with the interosseous recurrent, and contributes to form an arterial network upon the back of the elbow-joint. The branch given off by the posterior ulnar recurrent to the ulnar nerve deserves to be pointed out; it may be traced from below upward, along that nerve, and anastomoses with the other branches given off to the same nerve from the brachial artery. The interosseous artery is so large that it appears to be the result of a bifurcation of the ulnar, and is described as such by many anatomists ; it comes off from the back of the ulnar, immediately below the trunk of the recurrents, on a level with the bicipital tuber- osity of the radius ; it not unfrequently arises from the radial. Lastly, in several cases of high division, either of the brachial or of the axillary artery, the interosseous has been found to constitute one of the branches of the bifurcation, the other branch being the common trunk of the radial and ulnar arteries. Immediately after its origin, the interosseous passes directly backward, and divides into two branches of almost equal size, which are named, from their distribution, the an- terior and posterior interosseous. The anterior interosseous if, fig. 211) descends vertically in front of the interosseous ligament, and is held down to It by a layer of fibrous tissue;* it is placed behind the flexor profundus digitorum and the flexor longus pollicis, in the cellular interval between these muscles. Having reached the upper borders of the pronator quadratus, it passes between that muscle and the interosseous ligament, rests upon the latter, and perforates it towards its lower part; having thus reached the back of the forearm, tire anterior in- terosseous descends upon the dorsal surface of the carpus, and terminates by anastomo- sing with the dorsal carpal branches of the radial and ulnar. While perforating the in- terosseous ligament behind the pronator quadratus, the artery almost always gives off a small twig, which descends perpendicularly to join the arch formed by the anterior ar- teries of the carpus. In one case where the radial artery was exceedingly small, indeed in a rudimentary state, its place was supplied by the anterior interosseous; which, after having passed behind the pronator quadratus, escaped forward under the lower border of that muscle, and passed transversely outward, to anastomose with the rudimentary radial artery, W’hich, thus re-enforced, immediately assumed its usual size. During its course, the interosseous artery only gives oft' some small branches to the front of the forearm, among which the artery of the median nerve deserves special notice ; but several large branches are detached in succession from its posterior aspect, and im- mediately perforate the interosseous ligament: they are called the perforating arteries of the forearm., and are distributed to the deep layer of muscles on the back of the forearm. I have seen one of these run along the posterior surface of the interosseous ligament, in the same manner as the anterior interosseous artery. * After amputation of the forearm, the interosseous artery becomes retracted between this fibrous layer and tne interosseous ligament; and it is hence so difficult in some cases to place a ligature upon it, that it has been recommended to divide the interosseous ligament for a short distance. 550 ANGEIOLOGY. The artery of the median nerve is remarkable for its constancy and its length ; it comes off from the front of the anterior interosseous artery, reaches the posterior surface oi the median nerve, penetrates it, and then runs downward along its inner side. I have seen the artery of the median nerve very large, and anastomosing with the superficial paimar arch. It has also been found continuous with the brachial artery, and supplying the place of both the radial and ulnar, which were in a rudimentary state. The posterior interosseous artery is generally smaller than the anterior; it perforates the interosseous ligament opposite the lower border of the supinator brevis, and imme- diately gives off an ascending branch, the interosseous recurrent; it then descends be- tween the deep and superficial layer of muscles on the back of the forearm, and divides into a number of branches, which are distributed to those muscles, but especially to the superficial layer.* ■ The interosseous recurrent is a branch of the posterior interosseous, of such size that it may be regarded as resulting from the bifurcation of that artery : it passes vertically up- ward, havmg the anconeous and the extensor carpi ulnaris behind it, and the supinator brevis in front of it; it runs behind the inner condyle, and anastomoses on the outer side of the elbow-joint with the cutaneous, muscular, and periosteal divisions of the superior profunda artery, the external collateral branch of the brachial The anterior carpal branch of the ulnar artery is a small twig, which arises opposite the lowrer borders of the pronator quadratus, passes between the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris and the ulna, and anastomoses with a similar branch from the radial, to form the anterior carpal arch, from which several branches descend to reach the interosseous muscles, and those of the ball of the thumb - The Superficial Palmar Arch. Opposite the articulation between the two rows of carpal bones, and before it forms the superficial palmar arch, the ulnar artery gives oft a deep branch backward, called the radio-cubital, or communicating artery {y, fig. 210), which dips between the short abduc- tor and short flexor of the little finger, then passes outward between the short flexor and opponens, to anastomose with and complete the deep palmar arch. This artery is some- times so large that it may be regarded as formed by the bifurcation- of the ulnar The superficial palmar arch {t, fig. 210), which constitutes the termination of the ulnar, gives off no important branch from its upper or concave side. Four or five diverging digi- tal branches pass from its lower or convex side, and constitute the collateral arteries ol the fingers. The digital branches (u u u) are distinguished as the first, second, third, and fourth, proceeding from within outward. The first reaches the inner or ulnar border of the lit- tle finger, and constitutes its internal collateral artery; the second runs along the fourth interosseous space, and divides into the external collateral artery of the little finger, and the internal collateral artery of the ring finger; the third runs along the third interosseous space, and supplies the external collateral artery of the ring finger and the internal collateral artery of the middle finger; the fourth runs in the second interosseous space, and gives the ex- ternal collateral artery of the middle finger and the internal collateral artery of the index fin- ger. It is very rare to find the external collateral artery of the index finger (x), and the internal collateral of the thumb derived from the superficial palmar arch ; and still more rare to see the external collateral artery of the thumb (r) given off by that arch. Whatever varieties there may be in the arteries of the palm of the hand,f in reference to the share which the radial and ulnar respectively take in the formation of the collat- eral arteries of the fingers, the following general facts are apparent in their distribution : The size of the superficial and deep palmar arches respectively are always inversely pro- portioned to each other; the communication between the two arches takes place not only directly between the arches themselves, but also indirectly in a great number of points by their branches; all the descending branches of the deep palmar arch anasto- mose with the angle of bifurcation of the descending branches of the superficial palmar arch; those from the deep arch are sometimes smaller, sometimes larger than those * Some branches may oe traced as far as the carpus. . t [There are usually two other branches given from the ulngr in the wrist: the first is a dorsal metacarpal branch, which arises above the anterior carpal, runs under the tendon of the flexor ulnaiis, turns round the ulna to reach the back of the carpus, anastomoses with the dorsal metacarpal branc i o e radial, and sends a twig along the fifth metacarpal bone, to form the superficial dorsal artery ot tne little linger. The second branch of the ulnar in this situation may arise with the one just described ; it is a portmor or dorsal carpal branch, which passes backward, and anastomoses beneath the extensor tendons witn tne dorsal carpal branch t In one case the superficial palmar arch was formed in the most regular manner by the radial and the ul- nar arteries, which concurred in its formation by two perfectly equal trunks, ana gave t> t the collateral branch- es to all the fingers except the external collateral of the thumb, the internal collateral of the index, and the external collateral of the middle finger. ■ j The deep palmar arch, very small in comparison with the superficia paimar jch which was very co under able, was formed as usual. It gave off the external collateral_of the thumt. and the common trunk of the m ternal collateral of the index, and the external collateral of the middle finger. This common trunk was the continuation of the non-flexed portion of the radial artery. The radial artery in this case was much largei than the ulnar. REMARKS ON THE ARTERIES OF THE UPPER EXTREMITY. 551 Irom the superficial arch; they are rarely of the same size, but always bear an inverse ratio to them; the bifurcation of each digital branch of the superficial palmar arch takes place two or three lines below the metacarpo-phalangal articulation, opposite the junc- tion of the body with the upper end of the first phalanx; the collateral arteries of the fingers are situated upon the anterior aspect of the phalanges, on each side of the sheath of the flexor tendons ; they give off dorsal and palmar branches, and anastomose with each other in front of the body of the phalanges by small transverse branches ; having reached the middle of the last phalanx, they anastomose in an arch, from the convexity of which a great number of anterior branches pass to the skin, over the last phalanx, and some dorsal branches to the matrix of the nail; one of these branches runs along the curved adherent border of the nail. The termination of the superficial palmar arch is subject to variety: thus, it terminates either by anastomosing with the radio-palmar or superficialis voire, of the same size as itself, or by receiving a very small radio-palmar branch, and being prolonged so as to con- stitute the common trunk of the internal collateral artery of the thumb, and the external collateral artery of the index finger; or else it terminates in the external collateral of that finger ; or, lastly, after having given off the internal collateral of the thumb and the external collateral of the fore-finger, it ends in the external collateral of the thumb. At other times, again, there' is no’ superficial palmar arch properly so called, and the ulnar artery terminates by furnishing the collaterals of the little and ring fingers, and the in- ternal collateral of the middle finger, the other collaterals being derived from the radio- palmar, which is then very large. In certain cases, a very small transverse branch forms the communication between the radial and the ulnar arteries. General Remarks on the Arteries of the Upper Extremity. A single trunk, which may be called the brachial trunk, supplies the whole of the up- per extremity; it forms, in succession, the sub-clavian, the axillary, and the brachial ar- tery, which latter bifurcates near the bend of the elbow into the radial and ulnar arteries : these form the palmar arteries, from which the arteries of the fingers take their origin. The difference in the origin of the right and left brachial trunks has been considered to account for the difference in strength between the two arms ; and the different size of the two vessels has also been supposed to be connected with the same fact, which, however, in reality, depends upon the more frequent exercise of the right than of the left arm. The brachial trunk is not exclusively distributed to the upper extremity, but supplies the most dissimilar parts ; a fact which shows that the conditions of origin, which have so great an influence in regard to nerves, are altogether without importance in reference to the arteries. Thus, the brachial trunk sends branches to the following parts : the ver- tebral artery to the brain, the cerebellum, the pons varolii, the medulla oblongata, and the spinal cord ; the inferior thyroid artery, to the thyroid gland, the larynx, the trachea, the oesophagus, and sometimes the bronchi; the internal mammary and thoracic arteries, to the corresponding mamma; and the same arteries, together with the superior inter- costal, to the parietes of the thorax and abdomen; the ascending cervical, to the prsever- tebral muscles and the spine ; and, lastly, the deep cervical, sub-scapular, and posterior scapular arteries, to the superficial and deep muscles of the back of the neck. Setting aside those branches which do not belong to the upper extremity properly so called, we find that, during its course along the limb, the artery always occupies the as- pect of flexion, which is at the same time the position where it can be best protected ; and that, for this purpose, it is directed from the axilla to the bend of the elbow : we find, also, that it gives off a great number of anastomotic branches around the articula- tions, and thus establishes a collateral circulation, through which the blood can pass when the principal artery is obliterated. This anastomosis, and, consequently, the col- lateral circulation, is effected by the cutaneous, muscular, and periosteal branches, and even by those distributed to the nerves. Thus, along the clavicle, we find the acromio- thoracic in front, and the supra-scapular or transversus humeri behind; around the scap- ula there are the supra-scapular on the upper border, the posterior scapular on the ver- tebral border, and the sub-scapular on the axillary border ; so that that bone is complete- ly surrounded by an anastomotic triangle. Around the elbow-joint are the external and internal collateral branches of the brach- ial artery, and the radial, ulnar, and interosseous recurrents. Around the wrist we find the anterior and posterior carpal arteries, and also anasto- motic arches around the metacarpo-phalangal an# phalangal articulations. On comparing the size and number of the arteries of the arm and forearm with (he size and number of the arteries of the hand, it will be seen that the latter has greatly the advantage ; indeed, in this part of the body, there is an unusual distribution of the arterial system into a deep and a superficial set of vessels, precisely as is the case with the veins. Why is this 1 Is it not extremely probable that, as the deep veins are in tended to supply the place of the superficial, when the circulation in the latter is for a time imneded, so in the hand the arteries are arranged in a similar manner, because the 552 ANGEIOLOGY. superficial circulation is liable to be interrupted by pressure from grasping hard bodies firmly in the hand for a longer or shorter period 1 and is it not for the same reason that the superficial system derived from the ulnar artery has so many communications witn the deep system given off from the radial 1 It is worthy of remark that the radial, which is the superficial artery of the forearm, becomes deep-seated in the hand ; and that the ulnar, which is deep-seated in the fore- arm, becomes superficial in the hand. The great quantity of blood circulated through the hand is connected with the active use of that part, in the almost constant exercise of the sense of touch, and in prehension. ARTERIES ARISING FROM THE TERMINATION OF THE AORTA Enumeration. The Middle Sacral.—The Common lilacs.—The Internal Iliac, or Hypogas- tric. the Umbilical—the Vesical—the Middle Hemorrhoidal—the Uterine—the Vaginal— the Obturator—the Ilio-lumhar—the Lateral Sacral—the Glutceal—the Sciatic—the Inter- nal Pudic.—Summary of the Distribution of the Internal Iliac.—Artery of the Lower Ex- tremity. The External Iliac—the Epigastric—the Circumflex Iliac.—The Femoral—the Superficial Epigastric—the External Pudic—the Muscular—the Deep Femoral, its Cir- cumflex and Perforating Branches.—The Popliteal and its Collateral Branches.—The An- terior Tibial and the Dorsal Artery of the Foot.—The Tibio-peroncal—Peroneal—Poste- rior Tihial, and the Internal and External Plantar.—Comparison between the Arteries of the Upper and Lower Extremities. The arteries arising from the termination of the aorta are the middle sacral and the two common iliac arteries. The middle or anterior sacral artery (n,fig. 199), the snqall median artery of the sacrum, arises from the lower and back part of the aorta, a little above its termination. Like the aorta, it is a single vessel, and seems to be the continuation of it, as far as direction is concerned ; which, indeed, is really the case in such animals as are provided with a tail. Sometimes, but rarely, it arises from the left common iliac, or the last lumbar ar- tery. I have seen it arise by a common trunk with the two lower lumbar arteries.* It passes vertically downward in front of the fifth lumbar vertebra, the sacrum and the coccyx being closely applied to them all. It is situated in the median line at its origin, but sometimes deviates to one side or the other. In size it is scarcely equal to one ot the lumbar arteries, and it gradually diminishes from its origin to the first bone of the coccyx, towards the apex of which it terminates in a very variable manner. The size of the middle sacral is generally inversely proportioned to that of the lowest lumbar arteries. When the aorta divides higher than ordinarily, and the last lumbar is given off from the middle sacral, the last-named artery is of course unusually large. During its course, the middle sacral gives off, opposite the fifth lumbar and each of the sacral vertebrae, a right and left lateral branch, which correspond with the series of intercostal and lumbar arteries. The two lumbar branches are generally small, but are very large when the fifth lumbar arteries are neither furnished by the aorta, nor by the fourth lumbar, nor by the ilio-lumbar. The lateral branches given off upon the sacrum pass transversely outward, supply twigs to the periosteum and bone, and anastomose with the lateral sacral, the place of which they sometimes supply within the interior of the sacral canal. The Middle Sacral Artery. The middle sacral having become very slender near the base of the coccyx, bifurcates in order to form an anastomotic arch with the right and left lateral sacral arteries. I have seen its lower end divided into three branches, of which the median was prolonged as far as the tip of the coccyx, while the lateral branches anastomosed with the lateral sacral arteries. The Common Iliac Arteries. The primitive or common iliac arteries {i i, figs. 199, 212), the two branches into which the aorta subdivides, commence opposite the lower margin of the fourth lumbar vertebra, and terminate by bifurcating opposite the base of the sacrum ; they separate from each other at an acute angle, pass obliquely downward and outward, and form the two sides of an isosceles triangle, the base of which corresponds with the transverse diameter of the fifth lumbar vertebra. These arteries are generally straight, but not unfrequently they are tortuous in aged persons. In the adult they are about two inches long, the right being rather longer than the left, from the position of the aorta ; but they are often much shorter, on account of their bifurcating higher than usual. Meckel has remarked that this premature bifurcation is more common on the left than on the right side. In a specimen deposited in the museum of the Ecole de Medecme, the right common iliac * I have seen the middle sacral artery arise from the renal artery. In this case, the renal artery came from the angle of bifurcation of the aorta. THE INTERNAL ILIAC ARTERY. 8 entirely wanting ; the aorta dividing into three branches, two on the right, viz., the in- ternal and external iliacs, and one on the left, viz., the common iliac, which is distributed in the usual manner. In this case the descending aorta resembled, to a certain extent, the ascending aorta, and, like it, gave off three trunks Relations.—They are covered by, and loosely connected with, the peritoneum ; they are crossed by the ureters and the spermatic vessels, besides which, the left common il- iac is crossed by the inferior mesenteric artery; they are surrounded by a great numoer of lymphatic glands, and rest above upon the vertebral column, and on the outside and below upon the inner side of the psoas muscle. It is of great importance to comprehend their relations with the common iliac veins. The veins are situated behind the arteries; but as the right and left vein unite on the right side of the vertebral column, the left common iliac vein comes into relation with both common iliac arteries. The common iliac artery gives off no collateral branch ; it merely supplies some twigs to the cellular tissue, the lymphatic glands, and the coats of the common iliac veins. It occasionally gives off one of the renal arteries ; and it has been seen to supply the sper- matic and the ilio-lumbar arteries. Terminal Branches.—The common iliac artery terminates by dividing into two branch- es, which remain in contact with each other for a short distance: the internal branch dips into the pelvis, and is called the internal iliac or hypogastric artery; the external branch continues in the original course of the common iliac, and is termed the external iliac artery. The Internal Iliac or Hypogastric Artery. The internal iliac or hypogastric artery (t,figs. 199, 212) is distributed to all the organs contained in the cavity of the pelvis; to the muscles which line it within and cover it without; to the exter- nal and internal organs of generation, and to the integ- uments. It passes at first obliquely downward and forward, and, as it were, in contact with the external iliac; it then dips vertically into the pelvis in front of the sacro- iliac synchondrosis, describing a short curve ; and, after a course of about one inch or one inch and a half in length, divides opposite the upper part of the sacro-sciatic notch into a greater or less number of branches, which do not always arise in the same way from the principal trunk, but whose ultimate distribution is constant. It is cov- ered by peritoneum, and is crossed by the ureter ; it rests behind on the lumbo-sacral nerve and pynformis muscle*; and the internal iliac vein is behind and to its outer side. Its branches, all of which sometimes arise from two principal trunks, one anterior and the other posterior, may be divided into an anterior set, consisting of the umbilical, vesical, obturator, middle hemorrhoidal, uterine, vaginal, sci- atic, and internal pudic arteries ; and a posterior set, including the ilio-lumbar, lateral, sa- cral, and gluteal arteries. Altogether, there are nine in the male and eleven in the female. The umbilical artery, which is so large in the foetus, is converted into an impermeable cord (u,fig. 212) in the adult, excepting near its origin (a), where it gives off some ves- ical branches : the examination of the umbilical arteries belongs, therefore, more espe- cially to the anatomy of the foetus. They are intended to convey the blood of the foetus to the placenta, and are then the continuations of the common iliac arteries. The ex- ternal and internal iliacs, being very small at that period, in correspondence with the small size of the abdominal extremities, appear to be nothing more than divisions of the umbilical. The umbilical arteries pass downward, forward, and outward, and, having arrived at the sides of the bladder, run along them, in order to reach the umbilical ring, through which they emerge from the abdomen, and, having traversed the whole length of the umbilical cord in a spiral and tortuous manner, arc at length distributed to the placenta.* The vesical, middle hemorrhoi 1 ff, uterine, vaginal, and obturator arteries are given off in succession from the apparently ligamentous cord formed by the umbilical artery near its origin. The Umbilical Artery. These are variable in number: the principal of them on each side are given off from The Vesical Arteries. * It is curious to study the variable manner in which the umbilical arteries are converted, after birth, into & fibrous tissue. Sometimes these arteries are converted into two regular cords, which converge towards the umbilicus. At other times each of these cords is subdivided into irregular bundles which it is difficult to trace to their true origin. 4 A ANGEIOLOGY. the umbilical artery (a), which seems to be converted into a ligamentous cord (u) at the place where the vesical arteries arise, but which is in reality pervious. This ligament- ous appearance of the umbilical arteries depends upon the narrowness of their canal, as compared with the thickness of their coats. Other vesical branches arise from the mid- dle hemorrhoidal and obturator arteries, and in the female from the uterine and vaginal. We shall divide the vesical arteries into the posterior, the anterior, and the inferior. Tho posterior vesical artery (h,fig. 312) frequently arises, in the female, by a common trunk with the uterine. It reaches the base of the bladder, on the outer side of the ure- ter, passes inward and upward upon the posterior surface, as far even as the summit of that viscus. I have seen the right posterior vesical artery, of large size, running along the posterior surface of the bladder in the median line, and prolonged upon the urachus; the left posterior vesical was very small, and, in fact, rudimentary. The anterior vesical (c) arises from the umbilical, from the obturator, and sometimes from the internal pudic artery. When it arises from the umbilical, it is given off from that artery opposite the sides of the bladder, and passes downward and inward along its anterior surface. I have seen it given off near the summit of that organ. When it ari- ses from the obturator or the internal pudic, it traverses the anterior ligament of the blad- der, and passes upward upon the front of that organ. I have seen a very large vesical artery given off from the obturator, which, in that case, arose from the epigastric, and farther the vesical artery arose by a common trunk with the artery of the corpus cavernosum. The inferior vesical (d), which often arises direct from the internal iliac, reaches the inferior fundus of the bladder, and ramifies abundantly upon it and the commencement of the urethra: in the male it also supplies the corresponding vesicula seminalis and vas deferens, the branch to which is called the deferential artery, and the prostatic portion of the urethra. I have seen the dorsal artery of the penis arise from the inferior vesical. The Middle Hemorrhoidal Artery. This is a small artery (e), which is sometimes wanting, its place being then supplied by branches from different sources, but especially from the sciatic or the internal pudic; it passes upon the sides of the anterior surface of the rectum, where it terminates by anastomosing with the superior and inferior hemorrhoidal arteries. The uterine artery {n n,jig. 198) arises from the umbilica., near the posterior vesical, and frequently by a common trunk with it; passes transversely inward to the corre- sponding lateral border of the uterus, a little above the os tineas; is reflected upward along the uterus, and terminates by expanding into several ascending branches, of which the anterior reach the front, the posterior the back, and the middle the upper border of the viscus, and inosculate either with their fellows of the opposite side, or with the uter- ine branches of the ovarian artery. The uterine arteries are remarkable for the great size which they acquire during pregnancy, and also for their tortuous and spiral course, even to their smallest branches : a disposition which no other artery presents in the same degree. These tortuosities, instead of diminishing, appear to increase during pregnancy: a fact which seems opposed to the view generally adopted regarding the use of arterial flexuosities in organs liable to variations in their size. Collateral Branches.—At the point of its reflection, each uterine artery gives off one ox more descending branches between the vagina and the bladder to supply both parts ; in their course along the borders of the uterus, they furnish a series of anterior and poste- rior ascending branches, which are distributed in the same way as the terminal ascending branches ; they all anastomose in the median line with their fellows of the opposite side. Relations.—The trunks of the uterine arteries are beneath the peritoneum; the prin- cipal branches are situated under a thin layer of the substance of the uterus, and the ul- timate divisions and subdivisions enter its tissue. The Uterine Artery. The Vaginal Artery. The vaginal artery arises from the umbilical, sometimes before, sometimes after the origin of the uterine, which is sometimes given off from a common trunk with it. It is as large as the uterine in young subjects, but is smaller than it after puberty. It de- scends directly upon the sides of the vagina, to which it gives off a numerous series of branches, supplies a considerable branch to the neck of the bladder and the urethra, gives an equally large one to the bulb of the vagina, and then passes backward between the orifice of the vagina and the rectum, and anastomoses with its fellow of the oppo- site side. The Obturator Artery. The obturator artery (f,fig■ 212) is remarkable for the varieties of its origin, and lot the important consequences which result from those varieties, in reference to the opei' ation for femoral hernia. THE ILIOLUMBAR ARTERY. 555 It generally arises from the internal iliac by the side of the umbilical, but sometimes above the gluteal; it is almost as frequently given off from the external iliac, either'di- rectly,* which is rare, or by a common trunk with the epigastric. Lastly, and much more rarely, it arises from the femoral artery. The course of the obturator artery is modified by these differences of origin, which, notwithstanding the assertion of some anatomists, are as common in the male as the fe- male, and which may occur on one side only, or on both sides of the same subject. Thus, when the obturator comes from the femoral, it passes upward on the inner side of the femoral vein, enters the pelvis through the crural ring, is reflected upon the upper surface of the body of the os pubis, then passes behind it and gains the internal opening of the sub-pubic canal. When it arises by a common trunk with the epigastric, it dips vertically behind the os pubis to the same opening. In its ordinary mode of origin, it passes horizontally forward upon the sides of the brim of the pelvis, being bound down by the peritoneum, runs parallel with the obturator nerve (w), which is placed above i gains with it the internal orifice of the sub-pubic canal, and, having traversed this pas- sage, divides into an internal and an external terminal branch. Collateral Branches.—Near its origin, the obturator artery gives off a tolerably large branch, the iliac, which perforates the iliac fascia, dips between the iliacus muscle and the iliac fossa, and anastomoses with a branch of the circumflex iliac artery, t As it enters the sub-pubic canal it gives off a small branch, which passes transversely behind the body of the pubis, and ramifies upon the side of the symphysis, anastomo- sing with its fellow of the opposite side ; also a small ascending branch (.s'), which anas- tomoses with the epigastric artery, and which may be regarded, according to Meckel, as one of the origins of the obturator; so that the variety in which the obturator arises from the epigastric is often nothing more than an unusual development of this commu- nicating branch. In support of this view, we may quote the very rare case, in which the obturator arises by two roots of almost equal size, one coming from the epigastric, and the other from the internal iliac. Terminal Branches.—The internal branch passes between the obturator externus mus- cle and the conjoined rami of the pubes and ischium, so as to describe a semicircle around the inner half of the obturator foramen, gives branches to the periosteum of the os pubis, muscular branches to the two obturator and to the adductor muscles, some genital branches to the coverings of the testis in the male and to the labia majora in the female, and, lastly, some very important anastomotic branches, which join those of the internal circumflex. The external branch runs along the outer half of the obturator foramen; it is placed, like the preceding, between the two obturator muscles, and terminates between the neck of the femur and the quadratus femoris muscle by anastomosing with the sciatic artery. This anastomosis is very remarkable. During its course, the external branch supplies the obturator muscles and the hip-joint; the articular branch enters by the notch of the cotyloid cavity, and is lost in the reddish, fatty tissue situated at the bottom of it. The distribution of the obturator artery is much more limited than that of the ob- turator nerve. The ilio-lumbar artery (h) arises from the back of the internal iliac, and, tolerably fre- quently, from the gluteal. There are often two ilio-lumbar arteries. This vessel bears the same relation to the lumbar arteries that the superior intercostal does to the aortic intercostals; its size and distribution vary according to the presence or absence of the fifth lumbar artery. It has a retrograde course, running upward and backward in front of the lumbo-sacra? nerve, and behind the psoas muscle, and soon divides into two branches : an ascending or lumbar, and a transverse or iliac. The ascending or lumbar branch passes vertically upward along the bodies of the lumbar vertebrae, hidden by the psoas, and subdivides into a muscular branch, which corresponds to the abdominal branches of the lumbar ar- teries, and is distributed to the psoas and to the quadratus lumborum; and a spinal branch, which enters the vertebral canal by the foramen between the fifth lumbar verte- bra and the sacrum, and is distributed in the same manner as the other spinal arteries. * The cases where the obturator artery arises separately from the external iliac are not unfrequent. The following description may serve as an example. In one c ase, the obturator artery arose separately from the external iliac artery, at the distance of one inch above the femoral arch, and above the origin of the epigastric artery ; it went downward and inward to reach the lateral wall of the pelvis, crossed the obturator nerve, and entered the sub-pubic canal. In this subject, the obturator vein joined also the external iliac vein. The same disposition existed on both sides. t The obturator artery sometimes gives on the artery to the bulb of the urethra. In a preparation ‘which was exhibited by M. Denonvilliers, now chef des travaux anatomiques, at the concours for the office of prosec- tor, I have seen a voluminous branch which had arisen from the obturator artery, extending all along the in- ternal part of the obturator foramen, cross perpendicularly the posterior surface of the descending branch of the pubis, reach the bulb transversely by crossing the internal pudic artery, above which it was placed. This was on the left side. On the right side the arrangement was normal. This arrangement is not as rare as might be believed ; it is evident that the ligature of the internal pudic artery would be useless in a case of this kind, in arresting a hemorrhage consequent upon an operation for the stone. The llio-lumbar Artery. ANGEIOLOGY. The transverse or iliac branch passes horizontally outward, opposite the brim of the pelvis, and divides into a superficial branch, which passes under the iliac fascia, ramifies upon the iliacus muscle, and anastomoses with the circumflex iliac artery; and into a deep and much larger branch, which passes between the iliacus muscle and the iliac fossa, and divides into muscular and periosteal twigs. The principal nutritious artery of the ilium is derived from this branch. When there are two ilio-lumbar arteries, the superior represents the lumbar branch, and the inferior the iliac branch : in such a case the latter branch always arises from the gluteal artery. The Lateral Sacral Arteries. Most’commonly there are two lateral sacral arteries on each side ; they belong rather to the interior of the sacral canal than to the cavity of the pelvis, and form a continuation of the spinal branches of the lumbar arteries ; they almost as frequently arise from the gluteal as from the internal iliac; sometimes they are derived from the sciatic or the ilio-lumbar arteries. The superior lateral sacral is generally of considerable size. It passes almost horizon- tally inward, and after having given off some small transverse branches, which anasto- mose with the middle sacral, enters the first anterior sacral foramen, and divides into two branches : one intended for the nerves and their coverings, and another which emer- ges from the sacral canal by the corresponding posterior sacral foramen, and is distribu- ted to the spinal muscles and to the skin. The inferior lateral sacral {I, fig- 212) is situated at first under the digitations of the pyriformis muscle, afterward passes in front of that muscle, and is directed inward and downward on the inner side of the sacral foramina, and along the borders of the coccyx, where it anastomoses with the middle sacral. In this course it gives off a series of very small internal branches, which correspond to the several sacral vertebrae, and anastomose with the middle sacral; also some posterior or spinal branches, each of which enters the sacral canal through the corresponding sacral foramen, and subdivides into two small branches ; one intended for the nerves and their coverings, while the other emerges from the sacral canal by the corresponding posterior sacral foramen, and is distributed to the muscles and the skin. When the superior lateral sacral is small, the posterior or spinal branch of the inferior lateral sacral is very large. The inferior lateral sacral artery often terminates by a spinal branch, which enters at the lowest anterior sacral foramen. The gluteal artery (m,fig. 212), called also the posterior iliac, is the largest branch of the internal iliac, of which it might be considered the continuation. It might be called superior gluteal, in contradistinction to the sciatic, which is, in reality, an inferior gluteal. It passes downward and backward between the lumbosacral nerve and the first sacral nerve, escapes from the pelvis at the upper part of the great sacro-sciatic notch, above the pyriformis muscle (m,fig. 45), is reflected upon the border of that notch, and divides into a superficial and a deep branch. The superficial branch (a) passes horizontally for- ward, between the glutseus maximus and medius, and is almost entirely distributed to the upper part of the first-named muscle and to the adjacent part of the skin ; the deep branch (h) passes between the glutseus medius and minimus, and subdivides into two branches ; the lower of these runs horizontally, and may be traced as far as the anterior border of the glutseus medius, while the other very nearly follows the curve described by the origin of the glutseus minimus. This branch gives off some muscular arteries, several nutri- tious arteries to the bone, and several articular branches. One circumstance regarding the gluteal artery worthy of remark is the fact that, in common with all arteries of a certain size, it is liable to aneurism, and that for the cure of this aneurism (which has always been the result of external violence), the common iliac artery has in two cases been tied in America, and the gluteal artery itself recently by an English surgeon. The Gluteal Artery. The sciatic artery (o,fig. 212), from its distribution, might be called the inferior gluteal. It often arises by a common trunk, either with the gluteal or with the internal pudic, be- hind and internal to which it is situated ; it descends in front of the sacral plexus and the pyriformis muscle, traverses the sacral plexus, emerges from the pelvis {o, fig. 215) ]3e. tween the pyriformis and the lesser sacro-sciatic ligament, accompanied on its inner side by the great sciatic nerve, and behind by the internal pudic artery (p)■ Outside the pel- vis, the sciatic artery gives off internal or transverse branches, some of which pass trans- versely inward between the glutseus maximus and the great sacro-sciatic ligament, while others (c) perforate that ligament, and ramify in the internal attachments of the glutseus maximus. Several of these branches ramify upon the skin of the coccygeal region ; its other branches are descending, the largest of which (d) gains the deep surface of the glutseus maximus, and enters that muscle by numerous branches, which become cuta- The Sciatic Artery. INTERNAL PUDIC ARTERY. 557 neous at their termination ; one and often two or three branches (e) of the sciatic arterv attach themselves to the deep surface of the great sciatic nerve, and accompany it to tne lower part of the thigh. A great number of twigs are given off from the several branches of the sciatic artery, which are distributed to the small rotator muscles, or to the origins of the muscles attached to the tuberosity of the ischium, while others anastomose with the circumflex (/) and perforating arteries (s) derived from the femoral. Among these anastomoses, I would point out one very considerable anastomotic loop, formed behind the neck of the femur by the sciatic and internal circumflex arteries, and constituting one of the principal communications between the internal iliac and femoral arteries. The Internal Pit die Artery. The interned pudic (p,fig• 212), the terminal branch of the internal iliac, is, practically speaking, the most important of all the pelvic arteries. It is smaller than the sciatic, from which it is sometimes given off, either shortly after the origin of that vessel, or as it is passing out from the pelvis. The internal pudic runs in a tortuous manner down- ward, in front of the sacral plexus and the pyriformis muscle, parallel to the sciatic ar- tery (o), which is behind it; escapes from the pelvis, together with that vessel (p, o, fig. 215), between the pyriformis muscle and the spine of the ischium; is reflected upon that process, turning round it from behind forward, so as to embrace in succession its posterior, its external, and its anterior surfaces, and then enters the pelvis again between the two sacro-sciatic ligaments. The artery, af- ter descending a short distance, then becomes as- cending, and is situated in the ischio-rectal fossa {a, fig. 213), and is applied to the internal surface of the tuberosity of the ischium, or, rather, of the obturator internus muscle, with which it is kept in contact by a layer of fascia: it is separated from the levator ani by a considerable quantity of fat, and having reached the posterior border of the transversus perinei muscle, it divides into an inferior, superficial, or perineal branch (c), and a superior or deep branch (e), which is Attributed to the penis in the male and to the clitoris in the fe- male. An important variety in the course of this artery has been pointed out by Burns, who, in a male subject, saw the trunk of the internal pudic, instead of passing out of the pelvis, run upon the sides of the inferior fundus of the bladder, perforate the upper part of the pros- tate, and then terminate in the usual manner. Collateral Branches.—During its course within the pelvis, the internal pudic supplies branches to the bladder, rectum, vesiculae seminales, and prostate in the male, and to the vagina in the female ; it also rather frequently gives off the middle hemorrhoidal. As it turns round the spine of the ischium, it gives some branches to the rotator mus- cles of the thigh. Opposite the internal surface of the tuberosity of the ischium, it gives origin to one or more branches, named the external or inferior hemorrhoidal {b, fig. 213), which run inward to be distributed to the lower end of the rectum, to the sphincter, the levator ani, and the skin ; also some branches which proceed outward, some to sup- ply the periosteum of the tuberosity, while others ramify in the muscles attached to that process ; lastly, a very important communicating branch passes between the tuberosity of the ischium and the great trochanter, and anastomoses with the sciatic and internal circumflex arteries. Terminal branches. These differ in the two sexes. We shall first describe them in the male: The inferiw branch, the superficial artery of the perineum, or the perineal artery (c), is smaller than the superior branch : it passes forward and inward, in the cellular interval between the ischro-cavernosus and the bulbo-cavernosus ; above, i. e., deeper than the superficial fascia of the perineum, which separates it from the skin ; and below, i. e., superficial to the transversus perinei muscle, it thus reaches the dartos at the side of the median line, where it is named the artery of the septum, and is distributed to the scrotum and the skin of the penis. During its course the superficial perineal artery gives internal and external branches. Some of the internal branches run along the posterior border of the transversus perinei muscle, and are sometimes so large as to bleed very profusely when they are divided in the operation of lithotomy ; from its situation, one of them is named the transverse ar- tery of the perineum (d). The deep superior or deep branch (e), or the artery of the penis (in the male), is the con- tinuation of the trunk of the internal pudic, both in regard to size and direction ; it runs along the ascending ramus of the ischium; between the layers of the triangular ligament; above, i. e., deeper than the transverse muscle, which it sometimes perforates- also above the ischio-cavernosus and the corresponding crus of the corpus cavernosum ; and oppo- 558 ANGEIOEOGT. Site the point at which the two crura unite, it subdivides into two branches, viz., the dorsal artery of the penis (g) and the artery of the corpus cavernosum (*)• . During its course, the artery of the penis gives off a very important col ateral branch, named the artery of the bulb (/), which is as large as the superficia! perineal sometimes double, and generally arises near the bulb, passes transversely inward, above rSKSSiI fascia or triangular ligament or, rather, m the substance of that ligament, and is distributed to the bulb of the urethra and to the spongy portion of this canal.* • f n ■ js sometimes the only terminal branch of the internal T tSte fwig supplies the place of the artery of the corpus cav- MZ is supplied from another source. This artery reaches the dorsal surface of the penis by passing between the symphysis pubis and the crura of the cornus cavernosum and perforating the suspensory ligament of the penis, and then runs ? vprv tnrtnnns manner along, beneath the skin, upon the dorsal aspect of that organ, on one 7ide of the median line, being retained in its position by a layer of fibrous mem- on one sb ramifying in the prepuce and m the glans, around the base of whSi »a c~ ““ave leen the tarsal artery of theVnis given off by one of thP pitornal uubic arteries, from which it arose immediately above the entrance of the lanhenous vein into the femoral; it then formed a curve in the groin, with its concav- ity directed downward, and passed upon the sides of the dorsal surface of the penis ; m another instance, the dorsal artery of the penis was derived from the obturator, or, rath- e? it had two roots : a very small one, which had the usual origin and a large one which arose from the obturator and passed under the symphysis. The ngh an eft dorsal arteries of the penis sometimes anastomose by a transverse branch, like the an- to Th[eZtnfofrthelGcorpus cavernosum fh) is also sometimes the only terminal the internal pudic artery, the dorsal artery of the penis, m such cases, being derived fiom some other source. I have seen the cavernous artery arise from the obturator. In all cases it enters the corpus cavernosum by the corresponding crus, runs along its met lan sentum and ramifies in its areolar structure. I have seen the dorsal arteries of the penis and the cavernous artery arise by a com- mon trunk from the hypogastric ; this trunk passed directly from behind forward to be divided immediately. The same disposition existed on both sides. The internal pudic the internal pudto are arranged- • the inferior or superficial perineal branch is larger than the superior, and might be named the artery of the labia major a, to which it is distributed ; the superioror deep branch, or the artery of the clitoris, runs along in contact with the tuberosity of the ischium, and then withfts ascending ramus, and having given off a branch, which runs inward to the bulb of the vagina, terminates in the dorsal artery and cavernous artery of the chtoi is, these es sels being very small in consequence of the diminutive size oi that oigan. Summary of the Distribution of the Internal Iliac Artery. The internal iliac artery, which is so deeply situated as tobony parmtes pdS m.d «uml ;Tthe muscles which line the pelvis within be"visceral branches are the vesical middle hemorrhoidal, vaginal, and uterine arteries, and the deep branch sympathy existing between all the organs to which the abUve- named vessels are distributed, depends less upon those vessels having a common source than upon the community of origin of the several nerves which those vessels serve to SUThe parietal branches are the ilio-lumbar and lateral sacral arteries, which, with the middle sacral, continue the series of intercostal and lumbar arteries into the sacial re- gion, and supply the sacrum, the spinal nerves and their coverings and also the muscles of the vertebral grooves and the skin of the sacral region; theglutseala ( internal teries intended for the muscles of the gluteal region pudic artery, which supplies the perineum ; and, lastly,th® muscles an arterial circle around the obturator foramen, andi suppliesthe obturator muscles. Several branches of the internal iliac artery estabhsh anastomoses between that-ves sel and the femoral artery ; these are more especially the sciatic, t rnal pudic, the gluteal, and the obturator arteries. Artery of the Lower Extremity, or Crural Trunk. The arterial trunk of the lower extremity, or the crural trunk (CW.«r), correspond. • Th. ...„r or .h. huih. of the spongy portion of the urethra, anc|™.• udic sends a r dimentary branch to the bulb. It is the bulb comes from the obturator artery, the interior panic pudic artery which supplies Cowpers glands. THE EXTERNAL ILIAC ARTERY. 559 with the brachial trunk of the upper extremity. This vessel, which is the direct con- tinuation of the common iliac artery, passes downward and outward, emerges from the pelvis beneath the crural arch, and thus reaches the anterior region of the thigh. Op- posite the junction of the two upper thirds with the lower third of the femur, it traverses the fibrous canal formed for it by the tendon of the great adductor muscle, and thus gains the popliteal space, at the lower part of which it terminates by dividing into two branches. The numerous and important relations of this vessel, and the great number of branches arising from it, have led to its division by anatomists into three portions, which are named the external iliac artery, the femoral or crural artery, and the popliteal ar- tery. The two terminal branches are the anterior tibial, which, in the foot, is termed the dorsal artery of the foot, and the tihio-peroneal trunk, which divides into the peroneal and posterior tibial arteries, the latter of which terminates in the sole of the foot by subdivi- ding into the internal and external plantar arteries. The external iliac artery (r, figs. 199, 212), the outer of the two branches into which the common iliac divides, is analogous to the subclavian artery in the upper extremity. It extends from the highest part of the sacro-iliac symphysis to the lower border of the fem- oral arch or Poupart’s ligament, below which it takes the name of femoral artery. It is directed obliquely downward and outward, in a line extending from the sacro-iliac sym- physis to the crural ring, and is almost always straight, but sometimes tortuous. It has the following relations : in front and on the inner side, it is covered by the peritoneum, which is very loosely attached to it: an important fact, which enables the surgeon to separate that membrane from it in applying a ligature to the vessel; on the outer side, it rests against the psoas muscle, from which it is separated by the iliac fascia; behind, the artery of the right side is in relation with the corresponding external iliac vein, which is placed to its inner side below ; on the left side the vein is below, and on the inner side of the artery; lastly, the genito-crural nerve, just as it is about to enter the inguinal ca- nal, crosses in front of this artery, and so also do the spermatic vessels ; the circumflex iliac vein crosses it at right angles behind the femoral arch, in order to terminate in the external iliac vein; besides this, it is covered immediately behind the arch by several lymphatic glands ; higher up, the ureter crosses obliquely in front of it, and the artery of the right side is covered by the termination of the ileum, and that of the left side by the sigmoid flexure of the colon. Collateral Branches.—The external iliac artery furnishes no branches, excepting at its lower part, near the femoral arch, where it gives off the epigastric and circumflex iliac arteries. The External Iliac Artery. The Epigastric Artery. The epigastric artery is, practically speaking, one of the most important to be well un- derstood, on account of its relations with the crural ring and inguinal canal, that is to say, with the parts through which the viscera generally descend in hermae. This artery (v, figs. 199, 212) arises from the inner side of the external iliac, two or three lines above the femoral arch. Its origin, however, is subject to some varieties : sometimes it takes place half an inch, one, or even two inches above the crural arch : an important fact in reference to the application of a ligature to the external iliac. Hessel- bach and several others state that they have seen the epigastric arise from the obtura- tor artery ; but their descriptions appear to me to prove nothing more than that the epi- gastric and obturator arteries may arise by a common trunk. It is worthy of remark that'the obturator is often observed to arise from the epigastric, while there is, perhaps, no example of the epigastric being derived from the obturator. The obturator so fre- ouently arises by a common trunk with the epigastric,* that many anatomists have thought that the obturator is derived from the epigastric more frequently than from the internal iliac artery. In 250 subjects examined for this purpose by M. Jules Cloquet, the obturator arose 150 times from the epigastric on both sides, 28 times on one side only, and 6 times from the femoral artery. Although it is a very common occurrence to have the obturator artery arising from the epigastric, it is very rare to find the epigas- tric taking its origin from the obturator. This anatomical variety has only been report- ed as having occurred in two cases. One can easily understand how dangerous it would be to operate for the relief of a strangulated hernia in such a case. The epigastric artery, whether it gives off the obturator-or not, passes transversely or obliquely inward, and, having arrived below the spermatic cord in the male, and the round ligament in the female, is reflected upward, so as to describe a curve having its concavity directed upward, and corresponding to the loop formed by the spermatic cord o*- round ligament, the concavity of which is directed downward. W hen the cbtumtor arises by a common trunk with the epigastric, it is given off at the point where the lat- ter is reflected upward, and from the convexity of the curve. After being reflected, the * It would be very difficult to explain why the epigastric and the obturator Dteries are so intimately con- ceded at their origins. 560 ANQEIOLOGY. epigastric artery ascends obliquely inward, soon reaches the outer border, and next the posterior surface of the rectus abdominis muscle, and then passes vertically upward. Having reached the umbilicus, it penetrates into the substance of the rectus, and termi- nates by anastomosing with the internal mammary artery. Relations.—The relations of the transverse, oblique, and vertical portions of the epi- gastric artery should be examined separately. The transverse portion varies in length in different subjects; sometimes it is almost entirely wanting, the artery running im- mediately upward ; at other times it is an inch and a half in length. This difference in length, which is of no consequence when the obturator artery arises from the internal iliac, becomes highly important when that vessel is given off from the epigastric.* This transverse portion of the artery is directed obliquely downward, when the pp - gastric arises at a certain distance above the ring. The oblique portion of the epigastric artery forms the outer side of a triangle, the in- ner side of which is formed by the outer border of the rectus abdominis muscle, and the base by the crural arch : the epigastric constitutes the true boundary between the inter- nal inguinal fossa, which comprises all the triangular space situated on the inner side of the vessel, and the external inguinal fossa, which comprises the space upon its outer side. The abdominal orifice of the inguinal canal is situated in the external inguinal fossa, and, consequently, to the outer side of the epigastric artery. Those inguinal her- niee which pass through the internal fossa are called internal or direct inguinal herniee ; those which take place on the outer side of the artery are called external or oblique in- guinal. In its horizontal and oblique portions, the epigastric artery is placed between the per- itoneum and the fascia transversalis. I should observe that the spermatic cord in the male, and the round ligament in the female, do not cross the epigastric artery precisely in the situation of the loop which this vessel describes, but a little above it. The axis of the inguinal canal being directed obliquely downward and inward, intersects at right angles the oblique portion of the artery, which slopes in the opposite direction. In its vertical portion, the epigastric artery is situated between the rectus and the pos- terior wall of the sheath of that muscle until near the umbilicus, where it dips into the fleshy fibres. Collateral Branches.—Near its origin, or, rather, opposite the bend which it takes, the epigastric artery sometimes gives off the internal circumflex, which, as we shall here- after see, generally arises from the deep femoral. It always gives off the following branches : a cremasteric branch {I, fig. 214), which enters the inguinal canal, runs along the fibrous sheath of the cord in the male, and the round ligament in the female, and passes in the one to the coverings of the testicles, and in the other to the labia majora; a second branch, which runs along the inner portion of the femoral arch, and anasto- moses with its fellow of the opposite side behind the symphysis ; and, lastly, a branch which crosses the horizontal ramus of the pubes at right angles, and anastomoses with the obturator. I have already stated that this small branch may be regarded as forming the trunk of the obturator when that artery arises from the epigastric. In its oblique and vertical portions, the epigastric gives off a number of internal and external ascending branches, which pass very obliquely through the rectus abdominis, partially supply that muscle, and then pierce the anterior wall of its sheath, the internal branches near the linea alba, and the external branches near the outer border of the sheath, to ramify upon the skin. These branches anastomose with the internal mammary and with the lumbar arteries. The anastomosis of the epigastric with the internal mammary takes place only in the substance of the rectus, and by very small vessels. The Circumflex Iliac Artery. The circumflex or posterior iliac artery (x, figs. 199, 212), smaller than the epigastric, arises from the outer part of the external iliac, either opposite the epigastric or a little below it. It sometimes arises from the upper part of the femoral artery; it is generally single, but occasionally double, which may be regarded as resulting from a premature division of the vessel. It passes obliquely upward and outward, behind the crural arch, with which it is held in contact by a fibrous layer interposed between it and the peritoneum. Opposite the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium it divides into two branches; one is an ascending or abdominal branch, which passes upward, in the substance of the abdominal parietes, between the transversalis and obliquus internus muscles, parallel with the ep- igastric artery, and terminates by anastomosing with the inferior intercostal and the lumbar arteries ; the other is the circumflex iliac artery properly so called, which is the * [lf the obturator arises high up from the epigastric, it describes, before it enters the pelvis, a semicircle extending along the upper, and then the inner border of the crural ring ; and, 'consequently, has such rela- tions with the neck of the sac in femoral hernia, that render it almost impossible to avoid wounding* the ar- tery in dividing* the stricture upward and inward. i3ut if, as is much more frequently the case, it arises from near the commencement of the epigastr c, or by a common trunk with it, it then descends at once into the pel vis obliquely along* the outer border of the crural ring, and will have the same relation with a femoral hernia.J THE FEMORAL ARTERY. continuation of the vessel in direction and sometimes in size ; it runs along the crest of the ilium, is at first sub-aponeurotic, or, rather, is contained between two layers of fascia in the cellular interval separating the transversalis from the obliquus internus, and terminates by anastomosing with the fourth lumbar artery upon the crest of the Ilium. During its course, the circumflex iliac artery gives off ascending branches, which ram- ify in the muscles and integuments of the abdominal parietes ; and descending branches, which ramify in the iliac fossa, and anastomose with the iliac branches of the obturator artery. The femoral or crura, artery (a a', fig. 214) is that portion of the artery of the If.'ver ex- The Femoral Artery. tremity which intervenes between the external iliac and pop- liteal arteries ; it is bounded above by the crural arch, and below by the junction of the two upper thirds with the lower third of the thigh, or, rather, by the place where the artery passes through the tendinous ring formed by the adductor magnus. It has been proposed to take as the lower boundary of the femoral artery the origin of the deep femoral or profunda ar- tery, which has been correctly regarded as a terminal branch resulting from the bifurcation of the femoral artery, rather than as a collateral branch. According to this view, which has not been generally adopted, the femoral would not be more than from an inch and a half to two inches in length, and would divide into a superficial and deep femoral. The femoral artery is directed vertically, and somewhat obliquely backward, so that it forms a slight angle with the external iliac, on account of the oblique inclination forward of that vessel; and, farther, although it is in front of the fe- mur above, it is placed on the inner side of it below, prepara- tory to becoming posterior to it in the popliteal space. A line drawn from the middle of the space between the anterior su- perior spinous process of the ilium and the symphysis pubis, down to the inner side .of the femur, below the middle of that bone, would exactly represent its direction. The direction of the femoral artery, in respect to the femur, is such, that immediately below the femoral arch it is situated over the point of junction of the inner with the two outer thirds of the head of that bone, while lower down it is in relation with the inner aspect of the bone ; the artery, therefore, forms an acute angle, opening upward, with the shaft of the femur, and there is an interval of an inch to eighteen lines between the vessel and the upper part of the bone, into which instruments may be passed without wounding the artery. Advantage is taken of this fact in disarticulating the head of the femur in amputation at the hip-joint. The femoral artery, which is slightly tortuous when the thigh is flexed upon the pelvis, becomes straight when the limb is extended, and it is much stretched during forcible ex- tension. Relations.—In front, the femoral artery lies beneath the fascia in the triangular space vvhich is bounded on the inside by the inner border of the adductor longus ; on the out- side, by the sartorius ; and above, by the femoral arch. Lower down, the sartorius is placed between the fascia and the artery, which is in relation, first, with the inner bor- der, then with the posterior surface, lastly, with the outer border of that musclb ; besides the fascia, a number of lymphatic glands lie between the upper part of the artery and the skin. Enlargement of one or more of these glands has been mistaken for an aneu- rism, and an aneurism for an enlarged gland. From these relations of the front of the femoral artery, it follows that its anterior aspect may be exposed in the whole of its ex- tent, but that it is more superficial in the neighbourhood of the crural arch. Behind, the femoral artery rests, first, upon the body of the pubes, or the ilio-pectineal eminence, with which it is in immediate contact in emaciated subjects, but from which it is generally separated by the contiguous borders of the psoas-iliac and the pectineus muscles. The iliac fascia separates it from the psoas-iliac muscle, so that, in cases of simple psoas abscess, or congestive abscess from caries of the lumbar vertebrae, the fem- oral artery is situated in front of the sac of the abscess. The femoral artery is also in relation, behind, with the head of the femur; lower down, with the pectineus, and then with the adductor longus. It follows, therefore, that the femoral artery may be very effectually compressed at its upper part, since it is superficially situated, and rests upon hard parts. On the outer side, it is in relation, first, with the psoas-iliac, then with tne inner border 4 B 562 ANGEIOLOGY. ol the So.itorius, and, lastly, with the vastus internus, which separates it from the inner surface of the femur. hi consequence of this relation to the bone, and also of the slight thickness of the sar- torius, which separates it from the skin, the femoral artery may be compressed against the femur from within outward in the middle third of the thigh. On its inner side, it is in relation with the pectineus, the adductor longus, and afterward with the outer border of the sartorius. Relations of the Artery with the Vein and Nerves.—The femoral vein is situated on the inner side of the artery above, but it soon passes behind it, and, still lower down, is on its outer side. The crural nerve lies on the outer side of the artery, from which it is separated by a fibrous layer belonging to the sheath of the psoas and iliacus. The artery and nerve, therefore, have no immediate relation with each other; but the internal or long saphenous nerve soon runs upon the sheath of the femoral vessels, and is situated on the outside of the artery ; but as the vessel is passing through the tendon of the ad- ductor magnus, the nerve leaves it, and, lower down, escapes from under the tendon of the sartorius. The short saphenous nerve, or nerve of the internal vastus, is in relation with the outer side of the artery for a short distance, and the vessel is also crossed by another small nerve. The Sheath of the Femoral Vessels.—The femoral artery and vein are enclosed in a proper fibrous sheath, which is constructed, as it were, in the midst of the muscles of the thigh (see Aponeukology). It is, therefore, necessary to open this sheath, and not that of any of the surrounding muscles, in order to expose the artery. Anatomical Varieties.—lndependently of the very frequent and remarkable anatomical varieties in the origin of the deep femoral artery, which is often given off opposite, and sometimes above the femoral arch—varieties to which I shall immediately refer in speak- ing of the deep femoral artery—the common femoral artery itself offers some varieties which are not less interesting. The most important is the following, found in a prep- aration deposited by M. Manec in the museum of Clamard : In this preparation, the fem- oral artery presents behind the Fallopian ligament a caliber which is not larger than that of the radial artery, and is lost in the anterior muscles of the thigh. The ischiatic ar- tery, which is a branch of the hypogastric, presents, on the contrary, the caliber of the femoral artery, descends backward along the great sciatic nerve, and is continuous with the popliteal artery. During its course along the thigh, the ischiatic artery gives off the muscular branches which generally come from the deep femoral artery. Collateral Branches.—The collateral branches of the femoral are, the superficial epigas- tric artery, the two external pudic arteries, a great number of muscular branches, and the deep femoral artery. The Superficial Epigastric Artery. The superficial epigastric or sub-cutaneous abdominal artery (cut across at h, fig. 214) is a very small, but remarkably constant branch, which arises from the front of the femoral, and sometimes from the external pudic, immediately below the crural arch, passes vertically upward, between the integuments and the superficial fascia, gives some branches to the inguinal lymphatic glands, and terminates in the skin, near the umbili- cus (arteria ad cutem abdominis, Haller). The external pudic or genital arteries, also named scrotal in the male, and vulvar in the female, arise from the inner side of the femoral: they are two in number (c c, fig. 214), and are named the superior or sub-cutaneous, and the inferior or sub-aponeurotic. The superior or sub-cutaneous arises immediately below the crural arch, passes trans versely inward in the sub-cutaneous cellular tissue, and divides into two branches: a superior, which passes to the pubic eminence, and an inferior, which is distributed to the skin of the penis and scrotum in the male, and to the corresponding external labium in the female. I have seen the dorsal artery of the penis arise from this vessel. The inferior or sub-aponeurotic branch arises a little below the preceding, and some- times even from the deep femoral; it passes transversely inward, crosses the femoral vein at right angles immediately below the point where it is joined by the saphenous vein, so that this artery is generally received in the loop described by the upper end of the saphenous vein: it soon perforates the fascia and becomes sub-cutaneous, and then ramifies in the scrotum in the male, and in the external labium in the female. The anastomoses of the superior and inferior external pudics, both with each other and with those of the opposite side, are so free and large, that when one of them is cut across, it becomes necessary to tie both of the cut ends of the vessel. These arteries are re- markable on account of their relations with hernial tumours. The External Pudic Arteries. The femoral gives off a great number of muscular and cutaneous branches, which have received no particulai names. One, however, is usually described as the superficial o» The Muscular Arteries. THE DEEP FEMORAL ARTERY. 563 great muscular artery, which frequently arises from the deep femoral; it passes trans- versely between the sartorius and the rectus femoris, and immediately divides into as- cending branches, which proceed to the iliacus, sartorius, and tensor vaginae femoris, and into very large descending branches, some of which are distributed to the rectus fem- oris, passing in at its posterior surface, while others penetrate the vastus internus and vastus externus. The last-mentioned branches can be traced as far as the lower part of the triceps muscle ; and, indeed, the great muscular artery might be named the mus- cular artery of the triceps extensor femoris, which {g, jig. 214) may arise from the deep femoral artery. • The Deep Femoral Artery. The deep femoral artery (profunda femoris; d d', fig. 214.) is intended to supply the muscles and integuments of the internal and posterior regions of the thigh.* It arises from the back of the femoral, generally about one and a half or two inches below the crural arch, about half way between the pubes and the lesser trochanter, very rarely below this point, but more commonly above it. Thus the femoral often divides, either about six lines below the crural arch, or immediately beneath and on a level with it, into two equal and parallel branches, of which the external is the deep femoral, and the internal the femoral properly so called. I have seen this subdivision, which bears a rather close analogy to the bifurcation of the humeral artery into the radial and ulnar in the axilla, take place above the crural arch, that is to say, in the external iliac artery. Immediately after its origin, the deep femoral passes backward and outward, and then vertically downward, gradually approaching the femur; it is situated deeply behind the femoral artery, but is separated from it by the femoral and deep femoral veins ; it runs parallel to the femoral artery, in front of the pectineus, and on the outer side of the vastus internus ; having reached the upper border of the long adductor, it passes behind that muscle to arrive between it and the short and great adductors, perforates the latter mus- cle a little below the tendinous opening for the proper femoral artery, and terminates by ramifying in the biceps and semi-membranosus. Sometimes the deep femoral perforates the adductor magnus almost immediately, and at once becomes posterior to it. Varieties of Origin.—ln the history of the deep femoral artery, the varieties in its origin are most important, considered in a surgical point of view. The common femoral artery is very often divided prematurely into two equal and parallel branches, the external of which is the deep femoral, and the internal the true or superficial femoral artery.t This premature division may take place at a distance of six lines below the crural arch, opposite this arch, or even beneath it. I have seen this division, which bears a resemblance to the high division of the humeral artery into the radial and ulnar arteries in the hollow of the axilla, to take place above the femoral arch, consequently at the expense of the external iliac artery. Burns has seen this division taking place in the pelvis three times ; Tiedemann, who has observed it on both sides, thinks that it is only met with in small-sized individuals. In a case which Professor Dubreuil has communicated to me, where the right femoral artery was divided higher than usual, the epigastric artery, instead of being given off by the external iliac, came from the deep femoral, and the anterior circumflex iliac artery came from the superficial femoral artery. In another case which has been furnished to me by the same observer, the external iliac or femoral artery, in its passage below the crural arch, was divided into three branch- es : the external branch was the superficial muscular, the internal branch was the deep muscular, which, immediately after its origin, dipped between the muscles ; the middle branch, which was of a larger size than the two others, was the true femoral artery. The only anomalies in this case were in the origin of the branches ; in their distribution they were as usual. During its course, the deep femoral gives off a great number of collateral branches, which are soon expended in the adjacent muscles, and most of which are unnamed. Those that are named are the internal and external circumflex, and the several perforating arteries. The internal circumflex artery (e) is larger than the external, and is the first branch given off from the deep femoral; not unlrequently it arises from the femoral. I have observed, however, that this only takes place when the deep femoral artery arose a lit- tle lower down than usual. In a case of this kind, the origin of the deep artery took place * It is the proper artery of the thigh, ■while the femoral itself may be regarded as the artery of the leg and foot. t This relation is the one which always exists when the deep femoral artery arises opposite or above the femoral arch; the deep femoral passes down close by the external side of the superficial femoral; this latter covers the vein: if, in a case of this kind, the femoral artery were to be tied, and the ligature were applied only to one vessel, it would be to the deep artery, which holds the relations that generally belong to the trunk of the femoral artery itself. In a case exhibited at the Anatomical Society by M. Mercier, the deep femoral, which arose from the ante- rior side of the common femoral six lines below the arch, descended downward before the femoral vein, which it crossed opposite the opening for the scaphena vein, turned round this vessel to become the deep artery, and coursed along as usual. In this case, the deep femoral gave off the external pudio arteries. 564 ANGEIOLOGY. more than two inches below the femoral arch. Sometimes the internal circumflex comes from the external iliac artery. Whatever may be its origin, it almost immediately dips backward, between the pectineus and the neck of the femur, round which it turns in the same manner as the posterior humeral circumflex artery, so that it may be ruptured in luxation of the femur inward; it escapes backward beneath the quadratus femoris, and terminates by dividing into ascending branches, and into internal and external descend- ing branches. Opposite the pectineus, it gives off the following collateral branches: one very re- markable articular branch ascends along the capsular ligament, enters the hip-joint, passes under the ligament which converts the cotyloid notch into a canal, and is distributed to the synovial membrane, the adipose tissue, and the fibrous capsule of the joint: one or more anastomotic branches communicate freely with the ramifications of the obturator artery ; lastly, a great number of muscular branches, some of which are very small, and pass in front of, while others, which are larger, run behind, the pectineus, and are distrib- uted to the obturator externus, the pectineus, and the adductors ; the largest is intended for the adductor magnus. The terminal branches are as follows ; Ascending muscular branches, some of which are external, and ramify in the glutams maximus, while others are internal, and are dis- tributed to the ischiatic attachments of the biceps, semi-tendinosus, and semi-membra- nosus muscles ; descending muscular branches, which ramify upon the anterior surface of the biceps, semi-tendinosus, and semi-membranosus, upon the great sciatic nerve, and also in the small muscles situated between the pelvis and the trochanter major; periosteal branches, of which some ramify upon the periosteum of the trochanter, others upon the posterior surface of the neck of the femur ; and, lastly, anastomotic branches, which pass upon the obturator, gemelli, and pyriformis muscles, and anastomose freely with the sciatic, glutseal, internal pudic, and obturator arteries, but especially with the sciatic and the obturator. It follows, then, that the internal circumflex is an important means of communication between the internal iliac, and, consequently, the common iliac and the femoral; for, independently of the direct anastomoses above mentioned, there are a great number of indirect communications in the substance of the muscles and upon the periosteum. The external or anterior circumflex (/), smaller than the internal, sometimes arises di- rectly from the femoral; it is often given off from the profunda by a common trunk with the great muscular artery of the triceps, and it may then be regarded as formed by the bifurcation of the profunda : it passes horizontally behind the rectus femoris, crossing in front of the psoas and iliacus, to which it gives a rather large vessel, and then divides into two branches ; an ascending muscular, which is distributed to the gluteus minimus and to the tensor vaginae femoris ; and a circumflex branch, properly so called, which turns round the base of the great trochanter (f,fig■ 215), dips into the substance of the triceps, and expands into a great number of ascending branches, which anastomose with the internal circumflex upon the outer surface of the great trochanter. Not unfrequent- ly, an anastomosis is formed in front by a transverse branch between the internal and ex- ternal circumflex arteries, by which the arterial circle of the hip-joint is completed. The perforating arteries (r r, fig. 214) are both muscular and cutaneous, and are intend- ed for the posterior region of the thigh : they vary in number from one to four, and are all distributed in a similar manner. They perforate the tendinous attachments of the adductor muscles to the femur, and, having reached the back of the thigh, they turn horizontally round the bone, and divide into ascending and descending branches, which form a series of loops or anastomotic arches in the substance of the muscles ; these loops acquire a great size in cases where the femoral has been tied after Hunter’s meth- od, i. e., in the middle third of the thigh. The first perforating artery (r,fig. 215), which is the largest, and sometimes repre- sents two, or even the whole of the perforating arteries, passes through the great ad- ductor about one inch below the lesser trochanter, between the horizontal and oblique fibres of the muscle ; its ascending branch (s) turns round the great trochanter, and anas- tomoses with the internal circumflex and sciatic in the substance of the glutams maxi- mus ; its descending branch (I) is distributed to the vastus externus, the semi-tendinosus, semi-membranosus, biceps, and adductor magnus muscles. Some branches ramify upon the great sciatic nerve.* I have seen an inferior perforating artery arise from the femoral, just where it passed through the tendon of the adductor magnus. The terminal branch (d',flg. 214) of the deep femoral constitutes the last perforating artery, which is distributed in the same manner as the other arteries of that name. When the femoral artery has perforated the tendinous portion of the adductor magnus, it takes the name of the popliteal artery, which extends down to its division into the an- terior tibial and tibio-peroneal arteries. The Popliteal Akteey. The principal nutritious artery of the femur arises from the first or second perforating artery. THE POPLITEAL ARTERY. 565 The popliteal artery (o,figs. 215, 217) is the artery of the ham or popliteal space :it is bounded above (p, fig- 215) by the tendinous ring formed in the adductor magnus, and below (p, fig. 217) by the low- er border of the popliteus muscle, at which place it is sit- uated opposite the lower end of the upper fourth of the leg.* Its length in an adult subject is about seven inches. It passes vertically, or somewhat obliquely outward and downward, the direction of the artery being represented by a line extending from the inner surface of the femur to the space between its two condyles. It is tortuous when the leg is flexed upon the thigh, but it becomes straight when the leg is extended, and may be ruptured by very forcible extension. It has been proved by experiment, that extension may be carried as far as to cause lacera- tion of the ligaments of the joint, without rupturing the ar- tery, t Relations.—lt is situated deeply in the whole of its course, and it is in relation, behind, with the semi-mem- branosus above ; lower down, with the popliteal fascia, from which it is separated by a layer of fat of greater or less thickness, according to the prominence of the ham- string muscles ; below this, with the gastrocnemius and plantaris muscles ; and still lower, with the soleus. The popliteal vein lies behind and slightly to the outer side of the artery, and then behind it, adhering rather firmly to it. The internal popliteal nerve also lies upon it behind, but is separated from it by a very thick layer of fat. The veins and nerves both cross the artery beneath the gas- trocnemius, so as to get to the inner side of the lower portion of the vessel. From these relations, it follows that the popliteal artery may be exposed from behind in the whole of its extent, but that it is deeper seated below than above. In front, it is in relation, from above downward, with the adductor magnus ; with the internal surface of the fe- mur, which appears to be expanded and become posterior, so as to support the vessel; with the knee-joint, with which it is in direct contact; and, lastly, with the popli- teus muscle. The direct relation of the popliteal artery with the joint explains the fa- cility with which it may be lacerated when its tissue has been rendered fragile from or- ganic change, and accounts for the frequency of aneurism in this region. On the inner side, this artery is in relation with the semi-membranosus, the inner con- dyle of the femur, and the inner head of tire gastrocnemius. On its outer side, it has the biceps, the outer condyle, the outer head of the gastroc- nemius, and also the plantaris and soleus muscles. Collateral Branches.—The popliteal artery gives off from its posterior aspect several small branches, which pass into the muscles of the ham ; most of them are not named ; but there are some which are distinguished as the sural arteries : in front it gives sev- eral arteries, named articular, because they surround the knee, like the collateral arter- ies of the elbow-joint. The articular arteries are divided into superior, middle, and in- ferior ; the superior and inferior would have been better named the collateral arteries of the knee. The sural arteries (g g,figs. 215, 217) are two in number : one internal, for the innei head of the gastrocnemius, and the other external, for the outer head of the same muscle. Arising from the back of the popliteal artery, they pass dowmward and backward, are separated from each other by the internal popliteal nerve, enter the anterior and inter- nal surface of each head of the gastrocnemius a little before the two heads meet, and may be traced down to the lower part of the fleshy belly of that muscle. Generally one of their branches accompanies the external saphenous nerve from the popliteal space to the upper part of-the tendo Achillis. The superior articular or collateral arteries of the knee are divided into internal and external. The internal superior articular arteries are sometimes three, but most commonly two in number, one of which arises higher than the other ; their origin is subject to variety, * The division, of the popliteal artery takes place sometimes higher, sometimes lower than usual. In a case where its bifurcation was premature, the anterior tibial has been seen passing between the popliteus muscle and the posterior face of the tibia. t I have had an opportunity of observing a case of luxation of the knee, with complete laceration of the crucial ligaments, where the popliteal artery was left entire. 566 ANGEIOLOGY. but they are constant in their distribution. We shall distinguish them as the first ano second. The first internal superior articular artery, usually called the great anastomctic artery of the knee, is the largest of the whole : it arises opposite the point where the femoral becomes the popliteal artery, and sometimes even from the lower part of the femoral it- self ; it perforates the adductor magnus from behind forward, and immediately divides into four descending branches: the first is a muscular branch {i, fig. 214), which enters the substance of the vastus internus, passes inward and downward to reach the inner border of the tendon of the triceps, and, opposite the base or upper border of the patella, perforates the fibres of the muscle, becomes superficial, and runs transversely outward along the base of the patella, and forms an anastomotic arch with the external superior articular artery. The second and third branches are periosteal; one of them passes be- tween the triceps and the femur, with which it is in contact, and terminates above the trochlea of that bone by anastomosing (at s) with the external superior and the second internal superior articular arteries ; while the other runs along the adductor magnus, being held down against it by a layer of fibrous tissue, and anastomoses with the second internal superior articular artery, supplying its place when that vessel is only in a rudi- mentary state. The fourth branch (A) accompanies and supplies branches to the inter- nal saphenous nerve : it appears to be constant; it is placed under the sartorius, along which it runs, together with the internal saphenous nerve, continuing with it below that muscle. The second internal superior articular artery (A, figs. 215, 217) arises immediately above the inner condyle of the femur, turns round it horizontally, and divides into condyloid branches, which cover the condyles with their ramifications, and communicate partly with the first internal superior articular artery, and partly with the external superior ar- ticular artery coming from the opposite side. It also gives off a patellar branch, which runs upon the borders of that bone, supplies the skin and the synovial membrane of the knee-joint, and anastomoses with the internal inferior articular artery. The external superior articular artery (i,figs. 215, 217) arises opposite the second in- ternal superior, turns horizontally round the outer condyle of the femur, gives off some ascending muscular branches, which ramify in the vastus externus, and then terminates in three periosteal brandies. One, which is superior and transverse, turns round the lower end of the femur, and anastomoses with the corresponding branch of the second internal superior articular; another and inferior branch ramifies upon the inner condyle, and anastomoses freely by a great number of branches with the external inferior articu- lar ; the third is a more superficial branch for the patella, on the side of which bone it runs, and near its upper border gives off a transverse twig, which anastomoses on the upper border of the patella with a similar one from the internal superior articular arter- ies, and a descending twig, which runs along the outer border of the bone, and anasto- moses with the external inferior articular artery. The inferior articular or collateral arteries of the knee are also divided into the internal and the external. They both arise from the front of the popliteal artery, opposite the middle of the knee-joint. The internal inferior articular artery {c, fig. 217) runs downward and inward, and, hav- ing reached the internal tuberosity of the tibia, turns horizontally forward, passes be- neath the tendons of the semi-tendinosus, semi-membranosus, and gracilis muscles, and also beneath the internal lateral ligament of the knee, turns upward upon the inner side of the anterior tuberosity of the tibia and ligamentum patell®, describing a curve with its concavity directed upward, and anastomoses either with the superior articular arter- ies or with the anterior tibial recurrent. During its course it gives off ascending and descending periosteal and osseous branches.* The external inferior articular artery (h,fig. 217) arises opposite the internal vessel, turns horizontally forward, not upon the external tuberosity of the tibia (for this is pre- vented by the tibio-fibular articulation), but upon the convex borders of the external semilunar cartilage, passes beneath the tendon of the biceps and the external lateral ligament of the knee-joint, and terminates by dividing into an ascending branch, which runs upward along the outer border of the patella, a descending branch, which anasto- moses with the anterior tibial recurrent, and a transverse branch, which passes behind the ligamentum patella; below the patella, and anastomoses with a similar branch from the.internal inferior articular. The inferior articular arteries complete the arterial circle which surrounds the patella, and from which numerous branches are given off, some covering the patella by their anastomoses, and others entering the bone directly through the numerous foramina which exist upon its surface. The middle articular arteries (s, jig. 215) consist of several small blanches, which arise directly from the front of the popliteal artery, or from the external inferior articular, run from behind forward into the interior of the knee-joint, and are distributed in the inter- condyloid notch to the crucial ligaments, the adipose tissue, the synovial membrane, and * By osseous branches I mean those which enter the bone directly through the foramina, on the internal and external tuberosities of the tibia. THE ANTERIOR TIBIAE ARTERY. 567 especially to the lower extremity of the femur, which they peneliate through the large foramina on the adjacent surface of each condyle. The middle articular artery or arter- ies belong, therefore, to the knee-joint exclusively, and do not assist in the restoration of an impeded circulation: in this respect they differ entirely from the other articular arteries, \r hich acquire a very considerable size when the principal trunk has been tied. The Anterior Tibiae Artery. Opposite the lower border of the popliteus muscle, the popliteal artery divides into two branches ; an anterior, named the anterior tibial (a, fig. 217); and a posterior, which forms the continuation of the popliteal, and may be denominated the tihio-peroneal trunk (/). This trunk soon subdivides into the posterior tibial (t) and the peroneal {k) arteries. The anterior tibial artery (a, figs. 216, 217), the anterior branch of the bifurcation of the popliteal, terminates opposite the dorsal annular ligament of the tarsus (b, fig. 216), below which the vessel is named the dorsal artery of the foot (/). Immediately after its origin, it passes horizontally forward, perforates the upper part of the interosseous ligament, is re- flected over it, and descends vertically in front of it; having reached the lower fourth of the leg, it is directed somewhat obliquely inward, following the direction of the external surface of the tibia, and then passes under the annular ligament, at the lower border of which, as stated, it terminates. A line stretched from that process of the tibia, which has been de- scribed as the tubercle of the tibialis anticus (Osteology, p. 278), to the middle of the tibio-tarsal articulation, will indicate its direction and course. Relations.—The anterior tibial artery is situated very deeply, and yet it can be exposed at any point; it is in relation, behind, with the interosseous ligament in its three upper fourths, and with the tibia in its lower fourth ; it lies in contact with the interosseous ligament, and is retained in its place by a layer of fibrous tissue, so that, after amputation of the leg, it retracts between these two fibrous layers, and is sometimes seized and tied with difficulty. In front, it is covered successively by the tibialis anticus, the ex- tensor longus digitorum, and the extensor proprius pollicis, the ten- don of which crosses over it; it is placed exactly along the cellular interval between the tibialis anticus and the extensor muscles; and the incision should, therefore, be made along the line corresponding to that interval, in order to expose the artery when it is to be tied ; lower down it is only separated from the skin by the fascia of the leg and the projecting tendon of the extensor proprius pollicis, and hence it may be compressed in this situation. On the inner side, it is in relation with the tibialis anticus, then with the tibia, and, lastly, with the tendon of the extensor pollicis, being lodged in the same sheath. On its outer side, it has the extensor longus digitorum, then the ex- tensor pollicis, both of which afterward cross over it; and, lastly, it has only the fascia of the leg : the anterior tibial nerve runs along the outer side of the artery in its whole extent. Its collateral branches are very small and numerous, and are distrib- uted to the muscles and the skin. Among them, the anterior tibial recurrent, and the external and internal malleolar, require special notice. Fig. 216. The anterior tihml recurrent artery (c,fig. 216) is sometimes of considerable size; it arises from the tibial, after that vessel is disengaged from the interosseous ligament, passes obliquely upward and inward between the tibialis anticus and the external tuber- osity of the tibia, with which it is in contact, and expands into diverging, periosteal, and articular branches, some of which ascend and anastomose with the external inferior ar- ticular of the knee, while others pass transversely, and anastomose with the internal in- ferior articular. I have seen the anterior tibial recurrent, of large size, run transversely below the patella, and terminate upon the internal tuberosity of the tibia. The malleolar, which would be more correctly named articular arteries, arc divided into the internal and external. The internal malleolar or articular artery (d) arises opposite the dorsal annular ligament of the tarsus, passes transversely inward under the tendon of the tibialis anticus, and di- vides into two branches : a deep, or articular, which dips perpendicularly into the ankle- joint, and is distributed to that articulation; and & superficial, or malleolar, properly so called, which passes above the malleolus, and is distributed upon it, on the inner side of the tarsus, as far as the internal plantar region, where it anastomoses with the branch- es of the internal plantar arte y. The external malleolar or art cular artery {I), larger than the preceding, varies much in 568 ANGEIOLOGY. its origin. Thus, it sometimes arises under the dorsal ligament of the tarsus, opposite the internal malleolar; it often arises from the tibial, about two or three inches above the annular ligament. Sometimes it is derived from the posterior peroneal artery, and perforates the lower part of the interosseous ligament. Lastly, and most commonly, it arises by two roots; one of which is small, but variable in size, and is derived from the peroneal, while the other is larger, and is given off from the anterior tibial. These differences of origin affect the coarse of the artery. When it arises under the ligament of the tarsus, it passes transversely outward, and then turns in front of the ex- ternal malleolus to run forward, resting upon the tarsus. It receives the branch from the posterior peroneal at the point where it changes its direction. In those cases where it arises higher, it passes obliquely downward, in front of the external malleolus, and then upon the outer side of the astragalus. In all cases, the external malleolar artery runs forward on the outer side of the cuboid bone, and forms an anastomotic arch with the dorsal artery of the tarsus. It is in contact with the bones throughout its course, and is crossed by the tendon of the extensor longus digitorum : it gives off malleolar branches, which ramify upon the outer surface of the external malleolus ; very large ar- ticular branches, which dip into the tibio-tarsal articulation ; and one, which I would es- pecially notice, that enters the deep fossa between the astragalus and os calcis; and, lastly, external calcaneal branches, which pass under the tendons of the peroneus longus and peroneus brevis, and ramify upon the outer side of the os calcis, where they termi- nate by anastomosing with the peroneal artery, and with some branches of the external plantar. Several of these branches are reflected upon the upper surface of the os calcis in front of the tendo Achillis, and anastomose with branches from the posterior tibial artery. The dorsal artery of the foot {dorsalis pedis, f, jig. 216) is the continuation of the an- terior tibial, which takes this name after emerging from below the dorsal annular liga- ment of the tarsus ; it terminates in the sole of the foot, by becoming continuous with the plantar arch. Not unfrequently this artery arises by two roots, one of them being formed by the anterior tibial, which is much smaller than usual, and is, as it were, ex- hausted near the ankle, and the other by the peroneal, which is then very large, and per- forates the lower part of the interosseous ligament. In a few rare cases, the anterior tibial is entirely wanting, and is represented by some small perforating branches from the posterior tibial or the peroneal; the dorsal artery of the foot is then wholly derived from the peroneal. The size of the dorsal artery of the foot is also subject to variety; it generally bears a direct proportion to that of the anterior tibial, which I have seen as large as the poste- rior tibial and peroneal arteries together, while it has an inverse ratio to that of the two last-mentioned vessels combined. The Dorsal Artery of the Foot. The dorsal artery runs horizontally and directly forward upon the dorsum of the foot, as far as the posterior extremity of the first interosseous space, at which point it bends downward at a right angle, perforates that space like a perforating artery, and termi- nates by becoming continuous with the plantar arch. The direction of the dorsal portion of this artery is marked by a line extending from the middle of the tibio-tarsal articulation to the posterior extremity of the first interos- seous space. Relations.—lt lies in contact with the bones of the tarsus, in “which position it is re- tained by a layer of fibrous tissue. It is separated from the skin by the fascia of the foot, and also anteriorly by the inner portion of the extensor brevis digitorum. It runs along the outer side of the tendon of the extensor proprius pollicis, which projects so as to raise the integuments from the vessel; it may be exposed in its entire length by cut- ting along the outer border of that tendon. It is not uninteresting to remark that, un- der the dorsal ligament of the tarsus, this artery is situated in the same sheath as the tendon of the extensor proprius pollicis. Its collateral branches are internal and external. The internal branches are numerous, but are not named ; they ramify upon the inner side of the tarsus, and anastomose upon the inner border of the foot, either with each other, with the internal malleolar arteries, or with the internal plantar artery. One ol them may be described under the name of the internal tarsal artery, a branch which has a remarkable course : it passes obliquely forward and inward as far as the posterior extremity of the first metatarsal bone, and is sometimes continued along the inner side of that bone to form the internal collateral artery of the great toe ; at other times it is reflected under the first metatarsal bone, and anostoraoses directly with the internal plantar artery, after having given off a great number of branches to the inner side of the raetatarso-phalangal articulation of the great toe. Among the external branches there are two which require particular description, viz., the dorsal artery of the tarsus, or the external tarsal, and the dorsal artery of the metatarsus or the metatarsal artery. The external tarsal artery (g) varies in its s;ze, which almost always bears an inverse THE TIBIO-PERONEAL ARTERY. proportion to that of the external malleolar and metatarsal arteries. I have seen it as large as the dorsal artery of the foot, by the bifurcation of which vessel it appeared to be formed. It passes transversely outward under the extensor brevis digitorum, anastomoses freely with the external malleolar artery, and gives off the following branches : some which ramify upon the outer side of the os calcis, and anastomose with the peroneal; a branch which runs upon the cuboid bone, sometimes being so large as to be regarded the continuation of the artery, and then passes under the sole of the foot to anastomose with the external plantar ; and, lastly, some branches in front, which anastomose with the metatarsal artery, the place of which vessel it sometimes partially supplies, by giv- ing off the dorsal interosseous arteries. In one case, where the external tarsus artery was very large, it passed transversely outward as far as the outer surface of the cuboid bone, was reflected backward on the outer surface of the calcaneum, and there anasto- mosed very freely with the external malleolar and the peroneal arteries. In another case, the external tarsal artery divided into two branches, one of which ran transversely outward and reached below the sole of the foot, while the other formed the dorsal inter- osseous artery of the fourth interosseous space. The metatarsal artery (h) generally arises from the front of the dorsal artery of the foot, opposite the posterior extremity of the first interosseous space, sometimes by a common trunk'with the external tarsal just described. According to the most regular distribution, it passes transversely outward, opposite the posterior extremities of the several metatarsal bones, and constitutes the dorsal arch of the metatarsus {if Three branches given off from the convexity of this arch, which is directed forward, are named the dorsal interosseoas arteries (I I). They run along the dorsal surface of the second, third, and fourth interosseous spaces, and having arrived opposite the metatarso- phalangal articulations, divide into two collateral branches for the corresponding toes. During its course along its own interosseous space, each dorsal interosseous artery re- ceives two perforating branches, viz., a posterior perforating artery, opposite the posterior extremity of the interosseous space, and an anterior perforating, opposite the anterior ex- tremity of the same space. This explains the otherwise sin- gular fact, that the dorsal interosseous arteries are increased in size opposite the posterior and anterior extremities of their respective spaces. In some subjects, the dorsal interosseous arteries are derived exclusively from the perforating arteries. It is not very rare to find the metatarsal and the dorsal inter- osseous arteries wanting; their places are then supplied by the plantar interosseous arteries. The dorsal interosseous artery of the first interosseous space (n) is given off directly from the dorsal artery of the foot, at the point where that artery dips into the first interosseous space ; it is larger than the other dorsal interosseous arteries, but is distributed in a similar manner. The dorsal interosseous artery of the second space is also rather frequently derived directly from the dorsalis pedis. The Tibio-peroneal Artery. The tibio-peroneal artery or trunk (f, fig• 217), the posterior nranch of the bifurcation of the popliteal artery, is bounded above by the origin of the anterior tibial, and below by its sub- division into two branches, viz., the posterior tibial (1) and the peroneal (k). It is from one inch to eighteen lines in length, sometimes it is not more than six lines, and it may be two or even three inches ; I have seen it extend as low as the inner part of the os calcis, where it divided into the internal and ex- ternal plantar arteries.* It forms the continuation of the popliteal in regard to direc- tion, and is in relation with the soleus behind and the muscles of the deep layer in front; the posterior tibial nerve crosses behind to get to its outer side below. The collateral tranches of the tibio-peroneal artery are, first, an internal recurrent branch, which perforates the soleus from behind forward, turns round upon the inner border of the tibia, is reflected upward, and anastomoses with the internal inferior articular artery upon the internal tuberosity of that bone ; sec- ondly, the nutritious artery of the tibia (s); and, lastly, a single large branch, or several branches, to the soleus muscle, which * M. Dubreuil has communicated to me a case in which the tibio-peroneal trunk continued undivided al along the posterior face of the peroneus, and gave off the posterior tibial artery only at the lower part of the log 570 they enter n jar its peroneal attachments, and then anastomose with the anterior tibial and the external inferior articular. When the tibio-peroneal artery is short, the branch to the soleus is derived from the peroneal artery. ANGEIOLOGY. The Peroneal Artery. The peroneal artery (k) extends from the bifurcation of the tibio-peroneal trunk to the os calcis. It is generally smaller than the posterior tibial, and even than the anterior tibial, and bears an inverse proportion to the size of the two, more particularly to that of the anterior tibial, the place of which it often partially supplies. In some cases it is itself replaced by some small branches derived from the posterior tibial.* It descends vertically along the posterior surface of the fibula, from which it is separ- ated by the flexor longus pollicis ; it is covered by the soleus, and dips below between the flexor longus pollicis and the tibialis posticus, to reach the interosseous ligament, at the lower part of which it divides into a posterior and an anterior branch. Its collateral branches are, first, posterior ones, which are very numerous, and supply the soleus ; the highest of these are of considerable size, and often arise from the tibio- peroneal artery. Secondly, there are internal and external branches, which pass to the deep-seated muscles of the leg : among the external branches is the nutritious artery of the fibula; and among the internal branches a transverse or oblique anastomotic twig may be specially noted, which extends from the peroneal to the posterior tibial. Some- times this anastomotic branch is very large, and, in that case, the posterior tibial is more slender than usual up to that point, but increases in size after receiving this addition, and afterward gives off the plantar arteries. Terminal Branches.—The anterior terminal branch, named the peroneal perforating, or the anterior peroneal artery {g,fig. 216), perforates the lower part of the interosseous lig- ament, descends upon the lower end of the tibia, and anastomoses with the external malleolar artery, which is sometimes formed by it. This peroneal perforating branch, which is generally very small, is sometimes as large, or even larger, than the posterior branch, and then supplies the place of the lower part of the anterior tibial, and forms the dorsal artery of the foot; the anterior tibial is then very small. There almost always exists a trace of this distribution in the presence of a small branch, which anastomoses with the anterior tibial. The posterior terminal branch (I, fig. 217) of the peroneal artery, which might be called the external calcaneal, forms the continuation of that vessel, and gains the posterior as- pect of the external malleolus, to which it is applied, after running along the outer bor- der of the tendo Achillis, being separated from the skin by the fascia of the leg and an- other layer of fibrous tissue. It gives off to its inner side, opposite the posterior border of the lower end of the tibia, a transverse branch, which anastomoses with the posterior tibial artery. It then ramifies upon the outer surface of the os calcis, supplies the cal- caneal attachments of the muscles of the sole of the foot, and also the skin of the heel, and anastomoses with the external malleolar, and also with the external plantar artery. Some small ascending branches pass above the os calcis, and anastomose in front of the tendo Achillis with corresponding branches of the posterior tibial. I have seen the ev ternal calcaneal artery derived from the posterior tibial. The posterior tibial artery (t, fig. 217) is the internal branch of the bifurcation of the tibio-peroneal artery or trunk, and having entered a groove on the os calcis, beneath the internal annular ligament of the tarsus ft, fig. 218), terminates by dividing into the inter- nal {a) and the external (b) plantar arteries. It is larger than the other arteries of the leg, and is generally inversely proportioned to the anterior tibial and the peroneal. Thus, in a subject in which the anterior tibial and the dorsal artery of the foot were very large, the posterior tibial and the internal plantar were scarcely one third of their ordinary size. The posterior tibial artery is at first directed obliquely inward, and then vertically downward ; and it is in relation, in front, with the tibialis posticus ; lower down, with the flexor communis digitorum, which separates it from the tibia ; below that, with the pos- terior border of the internal malleolus, from which it is separatad by the tendons of the tibialis posticus and flexor longus digitorum ; still lower, with the ankle-joint; and, last- ly, while under the arch of the os calcis, with the groove for the tibialis posticus. Be- hind, it is at first covered by the gastrocnemius and soleus; and in the lower third of the leg, where these muscles are wanting, it is in relation with the inner border of the tendo Achillis, and is separated from the skin by two fibrous layers. The internal popliteal nerve runs along the outer side of this artery. It follows, then, that the posterior tibial artery may be compressed and exposed in the whole of the lower third of the leg. * In a case where the anterior tibial, being very small, disappeared at the union °* the two superior with the inferior third of the leg, the peroneal artery, which was twice as large as the posterior tibial, arose on the inside of this latter artery, which it crossed at a very acute angle, to become external. When it had reached the lower third of the leg, it passed down close to the posterior surface ol the interosseous ligament which it traversed at its inferior portion, and then formed the artery ot the toot. The Posterior Tibial Artery. THE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL PLANTAR ARTERIES. 571 The collateral branches of the posterior tibial artery are very small, and do not require any particular description: some of them are posterior, and pass to the soleus and gas- trocnemius ; others are anterior, and supply the deep-seated muscles, and the perios- teum of the tibia. The principal nutritious artery of the tibia, which we have stated to arise from the tibio-peroneal trunk, is often given off by the posterior tibial. Most of the lower internal branches perforate the flexor longus digitorum, turn round over the inter- nal border of the tibia, and ramify in the periosteum and integuments. Lastly, opposite the .posterior border of the lower end of the tibia, we find a small transverse branch, which anastomoses with a corresponding branch, already mentioned as arising from the peroneal artery. Beneath the concavity on the under surface of the os calcis, the posterior tibial gives off before its subdivision several calcaneal branches, some of which ramify upon the in- ternal surface of the os calcis, while others mount up above that bone, and anastomose with twigs from the peroneal; also, some articular branches for the tibio-tarsal and as- tragalo-calcaneal articulations; and, lastly, some branches which pass up upon the inner border of the tarsus, to anastomose with the internal malleolar artery. The Internal and External Plantar Arteries. The internal and external plantar arteries, the terminal branches of the posterior tib- ial, commence in the concavity beneath the os calcis, under the internal annular ligament of the tarsus. The internal plantar artery (a, fig. 218) is generally much smaller than the external; it passes horizontally forward, along the inner side of the sole of the foot, between the abductor pollicis and the tendons of the flexor longus digitorum; more anteriorly, it is subjacent to, i. e., farther from the skin, than the flexor brevis digitorum; it supplies the muscles m question, gives off several ascending and oblique branch- es to the numerous articulations of the tarsus, anastomoses freely by some internal branches with the internal malleolar and internal tarsal arteries, and ends in different ways. The following is its most common mode of termination: having reached the posterior extrem- ity of the first metatarsal bone, it divides into two branches ; one of which is internal, and runs along the outer side of the abductor pol- licis, and deviates a little, so as to fonn the internal collateral artery (f) of the great toe : the other is external, varies much in size, and anastomoses (at g) with the common trunk of the collateral arteries of the first and second toe. We may regard as its terminating branch a cutaneous artery, which perforates the plantar fascia, and is distrib- uted to the skin and sub-cutaneous cellular tissue on the inner side of the foot. I have seen the internal plantar artery very small, and terminating in the flexor brevis pollicis. The external plantar artery (/») forms the continuation of the pos- terior tibial in reference to its size; but in certain cases, howev- er, it is not larger than the internal plantar artery. It passes obliquely downward, outward, and forward, accompanied by the external plantar nerve, under the os calcis, between the flexor brevis digitorum, which is below or superficial to it, and the flexor accessorius, which is above or deeper: as soon as it gains the outer border of the flexor brevis digitorum, upon the aponeurotic septum between this muscle and the abductor of the little toe, it turns directly forward, and having reached the under surface of the posterior extremity of the fifth metatarsal bone, it changes its direction, leaves the nerve, and curves inward and forward, towards the posterior extremity of the first interosseous space (at g), where it inosculates with the dorsal artery of the foot: this curved portion of the artery, extending from the fourth to the first interosseous space, constitutes the plantar arch, which is formed by the junc- tion of the dorsal artery of the foot with the external plantar artery; it runs obliquely below the posterior extremities, or sometimes the middle of the metatarsal bones, be- tween them and the adductor of the great toe, by which, and all the other muscles of the middle plantar region, it is covered in below; and it establishes a free and uninter- rupted communication between the anterior and posterior tibial arteries. I have seen the plantar arch formed exclusively by the dorsal artery of the foot, the external plantar being very small, and losing itself in the abductor and flexor brevis minimi digiti; at other times, the external plantar artery only communicates with the plantar arch by means of some small branches. Before it constitutes the plantar arch, the external plantar artery gives off an inferior calcaneal branch (c), which passes transversely outward, in front of the tubercles on the lower surface of the os calcis, above the flexor brevis digitorum, and terminates in the muscles of the external plantar region ; also, some muscular branches to the muscles 0 the external plantar region, the flexor brevis digitorum, and the flexor accessorius ; and, lastly, some periosteal, osseous, and articular branches, to the bones and to the corre- sponding articulations of the tarsus. 572 ANGEIOLOGY. The plantar arch itself gives off superior and anterior branches. The superior tranch- es, or the posterior perforating arteries, pass perpendicularly upward, through the poste- rior extremities of the interosseous spaces, and anastomose with the dorsal interosse • ous arteries. There are only three posterior perforating arteries, which belong to the second, third, and fourth (d) interosseous spaces: the dorsal artery of the foot repre- sents the perforating artery of the first interosseous space. The anterior branches are five in number; of these, four are plantar interosseous or digital arteries, and are distinguished by the numerical names of first, second, and third, proceeding from within outward; the fifth anterior branch is the external collateral ar- tery of the little toe. All the plantar interosseous or digital arteries (e) run forward in the corresponding in- terosseous spaces, and then between two of the metatarso-phalangal articulations ; op- posite the anterior extremity of the metatarsal bone, each digital artery gives off a small anterior perforating branches at .s), which anastomoses with the corresponding dorsal interosseous artery; having reached beyond the posterior extremity of the first phalan- ges of the toes on either side, each digital artery divides into two branches, which con- stitute the internal and external collateral arteries (/) of the corresponding toes, and are distributed in precisely the same manner as the collateral arteries of the fingers ; that is to say, the internal and external collaterals of each toe anastomose by a small trans- verse branch opposite the second phalanx, anastomose again opposite the middle of the last phalanx, and are almost entirely distributed to the skin. The first plantar interosseous or digital artery (arteria magna pollicis pedis) requires a special description. It is very large, and arises precisely at the point (g) where the dor- sal artery of the foot terminates in the plantar arch, so that it appears to result from the bifurcation of the dorsal artery of the foot; it passes under the first metatarsal bone, and, having arrived behind the anterior extremity of that bone, it gives off a branch from its inner side, which sometimes forms the internal collateral artery of the great toe ; it then passes outward to reach the space between the metatarso-phalangal articulations of the first and second toes, and divides into the external collateral artery of the great toe (h) and the internal collateral artery of the second toe (/). Opposite the middle of the first phalanx of the great toe, its external collateral artery gives off a branch inward, which anastomoses with the internal collateral artery, and sometimes even constitutes that artery. The external collateral artery of the little toe (I), which may almost be regarded indiffer- ently as arising from the external plantar artery, or from the plantar arch, passes for- ward under the flexor brevis of the little toe, and terminates along the outer border of that toe, by anastomosing with the tarsal and metatarsal arteries derived from the dor- sal artery of the foot. I have seen this branch give origin to both the external and in ternal collateral arteries of the little toe. Comparison between the Jlrteries of the Upper and Lower Extremities. All the arteries of the lower extremities are derived from two primitive trunks, viz., the right and left common iliac arteries, each of which soon subdivides into an internal and external iliac. The arteries for the upper extremities and head arise from three primitive trunks, the first being the brachio-cephalic, or innominate artery, which soon subdivides into the right common carotid and right sub-clavian; the second is the left common carotid, and the third the left sub-clavian, which may justly be regarded as forming together a single primitive trunk. There are, then, ultimately, four trunks for the upper as well as the lower parts of the body. The common carotid arteries, distributed as they are to the head, cannot be compared to the internal iliacs, which are given to the pelvis and the organs contained in the pel- vic cavity ; but as the pelvis corresponds to the shoulder, we may find some analogy, if not in origin, at least in distribution, between the arteries of the one and of the other. The external iliac corresponds to the sub-clavian; the more numerous collateral branches of the latter are in part represented by the branches of the internal iliac to the walls of the pelvis. Thus, the os coxae, as well as the scapula, is, as it were, girdled by an arterial circle. The posterior scapular artery, which runs along the vertebral border of the scapula, represents the circumflex iliac, which turns round the crest of the ilium, and is distributed to the muscles of the abdominal parietes in the same manner as the posterior scapula is distributed to the serratus magnus and the rhomboideus. I will not carry the analogy farther, by comparing the supra-seapular, sub-scapular, and internal mammary arteries with the sciatic, gluteal, obturator, and internal pudic. The axillary and brachial arteries correspond to the femoral and popliteal. The deep humeral artery represents the deep femoral; the circumflex branches of the femoral correspond to the circumflex and sub-scapular branches of the axillary; the anas- tomoses of the femoral circumflex arteries with the obturator, gluteal, and sciatic, cor- respond to the anastomoses of the circumflex and sub-scapular branches of the axillary with the supra-scapular and posterior scapular branches of the sub-clavian. The popliteal portion of the femoral represents that part of the brachial which is sit- THE VEINS. 573 uated opposite the bend of the elbow ; the internal and external collateral arteries deri- ved from the brachial, together with the radial, ulnar, and interosseous recurrents, form anastomotic circles around the elbow, which are exactly analogous to those formed by the superior articular arteries given off from the popliteal with the inferior articular ar- teries and the anterior tibial recurrent artery. The bifurcation of the popliteal into the anterior tibial and the tibio-peroneal trunk represents the bifurcation of the brachial into the radial and ulnar: the anterior tibial corresponds to the portion of the radial situated in the forearm; the dorsal artery of the foot to the carpal portion of the radial; and the plantar arch, which is continuous with the dorsal artery of the foot, represents the deep palmar arch, which is the continuation of the radial in the hand. The tibio-peroneal trunk corresponds to the commencement of the ulnar artery, the posterior tibial artery to the trunk of the ulnar, and the peroneal artery to the interos- seous artery of the forearm. Just as the peroneal often gives origin to the dorsal ar tery of the foot, so does the interosseous sometimes give off the carpal portion of the radial. The plantar arch is represented by the deep palmar arch; the plantar interosseous and the collateral arteries of the toes, by the palmar interosseous and the collateral arteries of the fingers. If it be asked why there is no superficial plantar arch corresponding to the superficial palmar arch, it may be said, first, that the arteries of the dorsum of the foot are much larger than those on the back of the hand ; and, secondly, that the hollow, vaulted form of the sole of the foot preserves the plantar arch from the compression to which the pal- mar arch is liable in consequence of the flattened form of the hand.* Definition.—The Venous System.—Origin of the Veins.—Course-.—Anastomoses and Flex- uses.—Varieties.—Termination.—Valves.—Structure.—Preparation.—Method of Descrip- tion. THE VEINS. The veins {(j>Mip) are those vessels which convey the blood back from the extremities to the heart. They are also called les vaisseaux d sang noir, in opposition to the arteries, which are then named les vaisseaux d sang rouge; but these terms are incorrectly appli- ed, for the pulmonary veins convey red, and the pulmonary artery black blood. There are two venous systems, corresponding to the two arterial systems, viz., the pulmonary venous system, through which the blood returns from the lungs to the left au- ricle, and the general venous system, which conveys the blood from all parts of the body to the right auricle. There is also a third venous system, the system of the vena porta, which is an appendage of the general venous system, and, as we shall see, forms by it- self a perfect circulatory apparatus. In the foetus there is a fourth venous system na- med the umbilical. General View of the Venous System. Both the general venous system and the pulmonary venous system, regarded as a whole, resemble the roots of a tree, the trunk of which, in the former case, would cor- respond to the right auricle, and, in the latter, to the left auricle. While a single arte- rial trunk, the aorta, gives origin to the general arterial system, the corresponding veins terminate in three venous trunks, viz., the superior and inferior venee cavae and the coro- nary vein ; and so in the pulmonary venous system there is a single arterial trunk, the pulmonary artery, to four veins, two for eacli lung. Each artery has generally two accompanying veins, which are called its satellite veins {vena comites), and bear the same name as the artery ; besides these, there exist in some parts certain superficial or sub-cutaneous veins, which form a system totally apart from the arteries, and may be regarded as supplementary veins. The number of the veins is, therefore, much greater than that of the arteries. This rule, however, has some exceptions ; in fact, there is only one accompanying vein for the great arterial trunks, and even for some arteries of moderate size ; lastly” in some- few instances, there is but one vein to two arteries. Thus, there is only one superior and one inferior mesenteric, one renal, and one external iliac vein, each of which ’cor- responds to the artery of the same name ; but there-is but one umbilical vein to two um- bilical arteries, and there are several supra-renal arteries, but only one supra-renal vein. It is impossible to estimate the size of the veins with accuracy, in consequence of the variations to which they are liable from their extreme dilatability. Hence the very dif- ferent results obtained by authors in this respect. According to Haller, the capacity ol 1( * [For farther information concerning- varieties in the distribution of arteries, the reader is referred to tbs ‘ Anatomy of the Arteries, with its Applications to Pathology and Operative Surgery,” by Professor R. Quain, with drawings by .1. Maclise, 1841, 1842.] 574 ANGEIOLOGY. the veins is to that of the arteries as two to one ; according to Borelh, as four to one according to Sauvages, as nine to four. The entire venous system represents a truncated cone, the apex of which corresponds to the heart, and the base to the origins of the veins. From this disproportion between the total area of the smaller veins, and the area of the trunks in which they terminate, it follows that, in the course of the circulation, the blood passes from a wider to a nar- rower space ; an arrangement which tends to accelerate the progress of the fluid. The study of the veins includes the consideration of their origin, course, anastomoses, relations, termination, and structure. Origin of the Veins. The veins are continuous with the arteries; a fact that is proved by the facility with which even very coarse injections will pass from the arteries to the veins, and is also most satisfactorily shown by examining the circulation in the mesentery of the frog. In some parts, instead of the communication between the arteries and veins being direct, it is established by means of an intermediate vascular network or spongy tissue, which is entirely venous :of this we have an example in the corpus cavernosum penis. Last- ly, the facility with which injections forced into the veins from the trunks towards the ex- tremities escape upon the surface of the mucous membranes, would seem to establish the fact of these vessels arising by open mouths at the surface of those membranes. Haller admitted the existence of absorbent veins arising from all the free surfaces.* Course. Immediately after their origin, the veins form networks, from which small branches are given off to anastomose together and form larger and larger networks : from these, again, proceed larger branches, which become successively united, just as the arteries are successively divided ; that is to say, the smaller branches unite to form larger ones, and these still larger branches, which are at length united into the venous trunks. In the limbs, the veins are divided into the superficial and the deep. The deep veins, which accompany the arteries, have similar relations with the bones, muscles, nerves, fasciae, and skin, as those vessels. The deep veins are always in contact with the arteries, and are contained in the same fibrous sheaths. All attempts to ascertain any law by which the relations of the veins with the arteries are regulated have been unsuccessful. Indeed, the relative position of the two kinds of vessels, although constant, does not seem to follow any general rule. The close relations between the arteries and veins, interesting as they arc to the surgeon, who is required to separate the veins carefully from an artery before tying the latter, are no less so to the physiologist. The shock communicated to the blood in the venae comites by the pulsations of their correspond- ing artery, must assist the circulation of that fluid. In some cases of hypertrophy of the heart, I have seen the blood issue in jets from a vein as if it were from an artery. When, as it in some places happens, the deep veins do not accompany the arteries, there is always some special reason which observation may determine. For example, the cerebral sinuses, which are really veins, do not accompany the arteries ; nor are the hepatic veins, the ophthalmic vein, and the vena azygos, satellites of their correspond- ing arteries. The superficial veins exist only in parts where the circulation in the deep veins is liable to be obstructed during the exercise of those parts. In fact, as the venous blood does not circulate like the arterial, under the influence of an impelling agent directly connected with them, it is retarded by the slightest cause, and hence, therefore, the necessity foi additional means of circulation. The superficial veins, therefore, constitute, in reference to the deep veins, a collateral route for the venous blood, especially during the contraction of the muscles of the uppei and lower extremities, as we find in persons who exercise their limbs much. I have shown that the tongue, as well as the extremities, is provided with a superficial and a deep set of veins. The superficial veins are situated between the investing aponeuroses of the muscles and the skin, from which they are separated by a very thin layer of fascia : they are accompanied by the sub-cutaneous nerves and lymphatics. From this description it follows, that such of the deep veins as accompany the arteries do not require any special description, because they have the same distribution and the general relations as the arteries : the description of the venous system will therefore be confined to an examination of such veins as pursue a course independent o that of the arteries. Anastomoses and Plexuses. The anastomoses of the veins are more numerous than those of the arteries, and they take place by means of much larger vessels; an arrangement which compensates for the want of an impelling organ directly connected with them. I hus, anastomoses by * [The escape of injections upon mucous membranes is due to rupture or transudation ; the existence of veins having open mouths upon these or other free surfaces is now denied by the best authorities.] THE VEINS. 575 direct inosculation, by lateral, transverse, or oblique communications, and anastomoses by convergence, are found in every situation, and with all conceivable varieties. The branches of the veins form lozenge-shaped meshes ; and both the trunks and the branches communicate freely with each other ; that is to say, the superficial with the deep set, the veins of the superficial set and those of the deep set among each other, and the vena cava superior with the vena cava inferior; so that we may say that the whole venous system forms one vascular network, and it is by these free communications that such obstacles as impede, or even completely intercept the course of the blood in a given part, are rendered incapable of stopping it altogether. In order to intercept the course of the venous blood completely, it would, in fact, be necessary to obliterate, not only the prin- cipal trunk, but also all the collateral channels. One remarkable mode of anastomosis is the following : a collateral vein arises from some point of a particular vein, and termi- nates at a greater or less distance in the same vein, like a canal intended to unite two distant points of the same stream; this collateral channel is intended to receive a num- ber of veins, which would otherwise have terminated in the principal vessel. The fol- lowing is a variety of this kind of anastomosis: one vein divides into two of equal size, which diverge from each other at a very acute angle, or, rather, run parallel, and reunite at a greater or less distance. The saphenous vein often presents this arrangement. A venous plexus, which consists of a complicated network of vessels, is nothing more than the highest development of an anastomosis: venus plexuses are found in parts where the circulation is liable to be retarded, or in organs whose functions require a large afflux of blood; example, the vesical, uterine, and spermatic plexuses. The veins are rarely tortuous, like the arteries, but are generally straight; a circum- stance which also helps to lessen the effects of the deficiency of a direct impelling organ ; for tortuosities, by multiplying the points of friction, would evidently retard the flow of blood in the veins. The great veins are not at all tortuous, but the smallest veins, and those forming the plexuses, are distinctly so. The tortuosities of veins are generally regarded as the result of their too great development. Thus, hypertrophied veins, whether varicose or not, always pursue a distinctly zigzag course. Varieties. The varieties in the size, the anastomoses, and the terminations of the veins are so numerous, that it is impossible to include them in any general description ; it would seem that, for the due performance of its function, it matters'not whether a vein terminates in one or another part of the venous system. It may be readily conceived that as the an- astomoses of the veins are very numerous, and take place by very large branches, it can be of little consequence which of those anastomotic branches predominates. The veins of all the supra-diaphragmatic portion of the body terminate in the vena cava superior; the veins of the sub-diaphragmatic portion terminate in the vena cava inferior ; the veins of the heart terminate separately in the auricle ; the two venae cavae communicate with each other through the vena azygos, and especially through the veins of the spinal canal, so that when either of them is obliterated the other supplies its place. Termination. The existence of membranous folds, or valves {a a, fig. 218*), in the interior of the Valves. veins is one of the most characteristic features in their structure. The existence of these valves is shown externally in injected veins by a more or less distinct knotted appearance. If we open, under water, a vein provided with valves, we perceive attached to its interior surface certain membranous folds, or mem- branous processes, as they were named by Charles Etienne, wbo appears to have discovered them ; there are generally two, placed one opposite the other; they are rarely solitary even in the smallest ves- sels, and still less commonly are three found together, as Haller and Morgagni say they have observed. They all have a semilunar form, like the sigmoid valves of the aorta and pulmonary artery ; their ad- herent border is convex, and directed towards the extremities ; their free border is straight, and is directed towards the heart. Both surfaces are free ; the inferior is turned towards the centre of the vessel, while the superior corresponds to its sides, which al- ways present a dilatation or sinus (5) opposite the valves, that gives a knotted appearance to the vein when distended; the constricted part of the vein corresponds to the adherent border of the valve, and the dilated portion to the valve itself. As a necessary consequence of their direction, the valves pcrini' the blood to flow from the extremities towards the heart, but prevent its course in the opposite direction ; it was this anatomical fact which led Harvey to the discovery of the course of the venous 576 blood. The valves are so long, that when two opposite ones are depressed, they almost completely close the channel of the vessel. Notwithstanding their tenuity, the valves are extremely strong ; a fact of which we may be easily convinced by endeavouring to inject the veins in the opposite direction to that in which the blood flows through them. The perforations and notches sometimes observed in the valves of veins appear to me to be accidental. The office of the valves is to prevent that retrograde movement in the course of the blood which would otherwise occur from so many causes. All veins are not provided with valves, and those which have them are very unequally so. It may be said that their presence and their number, their proximity, and their dis- tance from each other, are directly influenced by the degree of opposition to the onward progress of the blood in any set of veins : thus, the valves are more numerous in the veins of the limbs where the blood flows against its own gravity than in those parts where it follows the direction of gravitation. There are no valves in the system of the vena portae. They are generally more numerous in the deep than in the superficial veins. We always find a pair of valves at the termination of a vein in a larger trunk. Very small veins have no valves. I shall take care to describe the number and arrangement of the valves in the principal veins. The number of the valves is subject to many varieties. Some valves completely, and others but imperfectly intercept the course of the blood. ANGEIOLOGY. Structure. In structure, a vein appears to me to resemble an artery, without its middle coat.* In fact, even by the most careful examination, we can only distinguish two coats in a vein ; an external, called the cellular coat, but which I believe to be of the same nature as the dartos, and an internal coat, very thin, which is analogous to the lining membrane of the arteries, and, therefore, resembles the serous membranes. The internal membrane is the essential constituent of a vein ; for the external coat may be wanting, or its place may be supplied by some other tissue : thus, in the sinuses of the dura mater, in the cells of the corpora cavernosa penis, in the substance of the walls of the uterus, and in the venous canals of bones, the place of the external membrane is supplied by the dura mater, by the fibrous parietes of the cells of the corpora cavernosa, by the tissue of the uterus itself, and by the proper substance of the bones. The valves are formed by a fold of the internal membrane, containing some fibrous filaments, which are found especially along their adherent border. The existence of a middle coat in the veins is admitted by authors, some of whom say it is composed of longitudinal fibres, while others think it consists of circular fibres; but such fibres do not, in reality, exist. Yesalius relates that, wishing to show them at one of his lectures, he was obliged to confess that he had never seen them, and could not find them, f The walls of the veins are themselves supplied with small arteries and veins (rasa vaso- rum). No nerves have been demonstrated in them, nor do either mechanical or chem- ical stimuli applied to the inner membrane of the veins occasion pain. It is rather a remarkable fact, in reference to the relations of the veins with the nerves, that nervous plexuses are never supported by veins, but, on the contrary, seem always to be separated from them. The trunk of the vena porta; is the only exception. Most of the veins above a certain size may be examined without being previously in- jected ; but injections are necessary for their minute investigation. The arrangement of the valves, which, in general, oppose the transmission of liquids from the heart to- wards the extremities, renders it necessary to inject a great number of veins from their extremities towards the heart. In general, in order to obtain as perfect an injection as possible, it is necessary to throw in the fluid simultaneously at several points and in sev- eral directions. Thus, a pipe may be placed in the vena cava superior, into which the# injection should be pushed from the heart towards the extremities ; another in the upper part of the cephalic or basilic vein of the right side; a third in the dorsal vein of the left thumb ; a fourth in the right femoral vein; and, lastly, one in the left internal saphenous vein. In all these vessels, excepting in the vena cava, the injection should be thrown from the extremities towards the heart. The injection of the veins from the arteries, which was proposed by Jankius, is doubly * [The walls of a vein are thinner than those of an artery ; and hence the former, when cut across, does not remain patent, like the latter kind of vessel. The coats of the superficial veins are thicker than those of the deep-seated ones, especially in the lower limbs.] , t [Nevertheless, the veins have an intermediate set of fibres, constituting a thin midme coat. The external coatis thinner than that of the arteries, and consists of interlaced cellular filaments. Ihe middle coat, differ- ing from that of an artery, is composed of pale red filaments, like those ot cellular tissue, mixed with others resembling elastic tissue ; the bundles into which these filaments are collected pursue a very irregular course around the vein. The internal coat is more distinct, less brittle, and more readily detached than the corre- sponding arterial tissue ; it consists of fine longitudinal interlacing filaments, covered with an epithelium ; it is continuous with the lining membrane of the auricles.] Preparation. THE PULMONARY VEINS. 577 inconvenient; first, because both veins and arteries would be coloured alike, which would make it difficult to distinguish between them; and, secondly, because we must use a very thin liquid, which would not become firm. The most convenient injection mass is a coloured glue-size, because it sets slowly. If tallow be used, the subject must be placed in warm water. The dissection of the veins, as well as that of the arteries, consists in separating them from surrounding parts, and preserving their relations as much as possible. In describing the veins, we may either follow the course of the blood, ana trace the veins from the extremities to the heart, or we may pursue an opposite direction, and trace them from the heart to the extremities. I shall adopt a combination of the two methods; that is to say, I shall commence with the trunks, and pass in succession to the larger and then to the smaller branches ; but in the particular description of each vein, I shall consider it as originating at the point most remote from, and terminating at the point nearest to, the heart. Method of Description. DESCRIPTION OF THE VEINS. THE PULMONARY VEINS. Preparation.—Description.—Relations.—Size.—Peculiarities. Preparation.—These veins may be traced from the heart towards their terminations The facility with which injections pass from the pulmonary arteries into the pulmonary veins should be borne in mind. There are four pulmonary veins {I Z, m m, fig. 171), two for each lung, which open sep- arately into the left auricle. Not unfrequently, however, there are five; three for the right, and two for the left lung. Sometimes the two left pulmonary veins seem to unite immediately before opening into this auricle. The trunks of these veins, each of which corresponds to a lobe of the lung, pass out of that organ in front of the .corresponding pulmonary artery. The two upper veins of the right lung generally unite into a single trunk, which descends towards the root of the lung, while the inferior trunk runs horizontally. In the interior of each lobule, the pulmonary veins commence from the ultimate ramifications of the pulmonary artery, and unite into a single branch, which emerges from the lobule in contact with the corre- sponding artery. These venous branches successively unite, so as to form a single trunk for each lobe of the lung. There are, therefore, three trunks for the right lungr and two for the left; but the trunk from the middle lobe of the right lung soon unites to that from the upper lobe. The pulmonary trunk belonging to the upper lobe lies in front of that belonging to the lower lobe; it also passes obliquely downward and outward, while that which belongs to the lower lobe runs horizontally. These four trunks open into the four angles of the left auricle (rt), after having perforated the pericardium, with- in the cavity of which their course is exceedingly short. Relations.—ln the substance of the lungs the branches of the veins are behind, those of the arteries are in front, and the bronchia are in the middle. The larger branches of these three kinds of vessels cross each other at acute angles, but their extreme ramifi- cations are parallel. At the root of the lung, the veins are in front, the artery is in the middle, and the bronchus behind. In the pericardium, the anterior surface of the veins is invested by the serous layer of the pericardium. The right pulmonary veins are in relation, in front, with the vena cava superior, which crosses them at right angles : the left pulmonary veins are in re lation with the left pulmonary artery. It is generally said that the pulmonary artery is larger than the pulmonary veins ; but it has appeared to me that the pulmonary veins are no exception to the general rule that the veins are larger than their corresponding arteries. Moreover, although there are two pulmonary venous trunks for each lung, by are- markable exception only a single vein accompanies each branch of the artery. The pulmonary veins have no valves, even at their openings into the auricle; they carry red blood like the arteries, and hence the name arteries venosce, by which they were designated by the ancients. Distinctly circular muscular fibres can be traced upon the portion of the pulmonary veins situated within the pericardium. The serous layer only partially invests these veins, and it is doubtful whether the fibrous layer is prolonged upon them at all. THE VEINS OF THE HEART. The Great Coronary or Cardiac Vein.—The Small Cardiac Veins. The cardiac veins are divided into the great coronary vein and the smalt coronary- veins of the heart. 578 ANGEIOLOGY. The 6reat coronary vein commences near the apex of the heart, at the lower part of the anterior inter-ventricular farrow, up which it runs (e, jig. 191), gradually increasing in size : having arrived at the base of the ventricle, it turns to the left, so as to leave the anterior coronary artery, and, changing its direction, it runs along the left auriculo-ven- tricular furrow, becoming larger as it proceeds, and at length opens (e,Jig. 192) into the posterior and inferior part of the right auricle, near the inter-auricular septum. The very great size of that portion ot the vein which embraces the left auriculo-ven- tricular furrow has obtained for it the name of the coronary venous sinus. It almost always presents a very remarkable dilatation, or ampulla, before it enters the auricle. During its course it receives a great number of branches. Thus, its vertical or ascending portion receives both superficial and deep veins, which emerge from the adjacent parts of the ventricles and their intervening septum. Its circular portion receives some small descending or auricular branches from the left auricle, and also larger ascending or ventricular branches, which enter it at right angles; among the latter, we find the vein of the left border of the heart, which commences near the apex of the left ventricle, runs backward, crossing obliquely over the corresponding artery, and opens, almost at a right angle, into the great coronary vein, behind the left border of the heart; secondly, two or three branches from the posterior surface of the left ventricle ; and, lastly, a posterior inter-ventricular branch, which traverses the poste- rior inter-ventricular furrow, and terminates in the ampulla, at the opening of the coro- nary vein into the right auricle. I have seen this branch terminate at once in the auri- cle by a distinct opening, covered or protected by the valve of the coronary vein. A small vein which runs along the posterior half of the right auriculo-ventricular furrow opens directly into the right auricle, near the ampulla of the great coronary vein ; I do not know whether this small vein is constant. The great coronary vein has no valves, excepting at its entrance into the right auricle, where the valve, however, cannot completely oppose the reflux of the blood, for the great coronary vein is always filled when an injection is thrown into the vena cava superior. The small or anterior coronary veins of the heart, or small cardiac veins {vena innomi- nate of Vieussens), consist of three or four small veins, which run upon the anterior surface of the right ventricle, and open at the lower part of the right auricle. Among them we may point out one which runs along the right border of the heart, and has been called the vein of Galen; and also another very small one, which commences upon the infundibuliform prolongation of the right ventricle, enters the right auriculo-ventricular furrow, and opens directly into the right auricle. It follows, then, that the small cardiac veins belong to the front of the right ventricle and auricle, or, we might even say, to the greater part of the right side of the heart; while the great coronary vein belongs to the left side of the heart, and to the remaining part of the right side. I have already said that the veins of Thehesius, or vena minima, which are described by Yieussens, Thebesius, and Lancisi, and which are said to pour their contents into all the cavities of the heart, do not exist at all, and that their supposed orifices are nothing more than culs-de-sac, formed by intervals between the muscular fasciculi of the heart, and at the bottom of which an areolar structure is seen. I agree with Senac in admit- ting the existence of venous openings in the right auricle only (of course excepting those of the pulmonary veins) THE SUPERIOR, OR DESCENDING VENA CAVA AND ITS BRANCHES. The Superior Vena Cava.—The Brachio-cephalic Veins—the Inferior Thyroid—the Internal Mammary—the Superior Phrenic, the Thymic, Pericardiac, and Mediastinal—the Verte- bral. Ihe Jugular Veins, viz., the External—the Anterior—and the Internal.—The En- cephalic Veins, and the Sinuses of the Dura Mater, viz., the Lateral—the Superior Lon- gitudinal—the Straight—the Superior and Inferior Petiosal—the Cavernous—the Coro- nary—and the Anterior and Posterior Occipital Sinuses—the Conflux of the Sinuses.— Tie Branches of Origin of the Jugular Veins—the Facial—the Temporo-maxillary—the Posterior Auricular—the Occipital—the Lingual—the Pharyngeal—the Superior and Mid- dle Thyroid—the Veins of the Diplo'e.—Summary of the Distribution of the Veins of the Head.—The Deep Veins of the Upper Extremity—the Palmar, Radial, Ulnar, Brachial, and Axillary—the Sub-clavian.—The Superficial Veins of the Upper Extremity—m the Hand—in the Forearm—at the Elbow—and in the Arm.—General Remarks on these Su- perficial Veins. The vena cava superior, descendens, is the common trunk of all the veins of the upper naif of the body, and very nearly corresponds to the ascending aorta in the p arts to which it is distributed. It is situated to the right of the sternum, within the thorax, and hence has been named the thoracic vena cava; it commences immediately below the car- tilage of the first rib on the right side, where it is formed by the junction of the two brachio-cephalic veins (c c', fig. 170). which return the blood from the whole supra-dia- THE BRACHIOCEPHALIC VEINS. 579 phragmatic portion of the body: from the point above mentioned it descends vertically, describing a slight curve, the concavity of which is turned to the left, and the convexity to the right side; it enters the pericardium, and {d, figs. 191, 193) opens into the upper part of the right auricle (m h, fig. 193) behind the auricula; its posterior half appears to be continuous with the corresponding part of the vena cava inferior : hence, doubtless, arose the opinion of Vesalius, that there is but one vena cava. Its relations, while without and within the pericardium, require to be separately ex- amined. Externally to the pericardium, the vena cava superior is in relation with the right lung, being separated from it, however, by the right wall of the mediastinum, and by the phrenic nerve, which is at first on the outer side, and then passes in front of the vein ; on the left side, it is in relation with the arch of the aorta ; in front, with the re- mains of the thymus gland and the cellular tissue of the mediastinum, by which it is separated from the sternum ; behind, with the trachea, a great number of lymphatic glands intervening between them. Within the pericardium the vena cava is covered by the serous layer of that membrane in its anterior three fourths : it is in immediate contact behind with the right pulmonary artery and right superior pulmonary vein ; on the left side, it is merely in contact with the aorta. The superior vena cava has no valves, either in its course or at its opening: it follows, therefore, that each contraction of the auricle is accompanied by a regurgitation of blood into the vena cava and into the branches immediately opening into it. Upon this regur- gitation depends the phenomenon of venous pulsation. The vena cava presents certain conditions in its structure which require special notice. It has been said that the muscular fibres of the auricle are prolonged upon it; I can state that such is not the case. The serous layer of the pericardium covers the pericardial portion of this vein, and the fibrous layer is prolonged upon that part of the vessel which is external to the pericardium. Lastly, the relative length of the intra- and extra-pericardial portions of the vena cava is subject to much variety: sometimes the vein enters the pericardium at about the mid- dle of its course ; sometimes only a few lines from its termination in the auricle. The caliber of the vena cava superior is less than that of both the brachio-cephalic trunks taken together, and also less than that of the vena cava inferior. Its length va- ries from two and a half to three inches. Sometimes this vein is double : I once found in an adult two superior cavee, opening into the right auricle, a variety which evidently depended upon the two brachio-cephalic veins not having united. This condition is normal in several animals. Collateral Veins.—The vena cava superior receives no branch while within the pericar- dium, immediately before entering which it receives the vena azygos. The right inferior thyroid and internal mammary veins, and the small veins called thymic, pericardiac, medias- tinal, and right superior phrenic, generally enter opposite the junction of the two brachio- cephalic trunks, and not into the vena cava itself. As the vena azygos forms part of the system of spinal veins, it will be described with them. As the other veins have a similar distribution on both sides, the description of those on the left side will apply to those of the right also. The brachio-cephalic veins, or vence innominatce of Meckel (c c',fig. 170), which are gen- erally included in the description of the sub-clavian vein, correspond exactly to the bra- chio-cephalic or innominate artery, being formed by the union of the internal jugular vein {d) and the sub-clavian vein (e), properly so called, which correspond to the common carotid and the sub-clavian arteries. There are two brachio-cephalic veins, one for the right (c') and one for the left side (c); so that the arrangement of the veins of the upper half of the body is more sym- metrical than that of the arteries. The right and left venous trunks differ from each other in length; for as they both commence at the junction of the corresponding internal jugular and sub-clavian veins, opposite the sternal end of the clavicle of their own side, and terminate on the right oi the median line, to form the commencement of the vena cava superior, it follows, therefore, that the right brachio-cephalic vein must be much the shorter ; it is, in fact, only from twelve to fourteen lines in length, while that of the left side is twice as long. They differ also in caliber, the left brachio-cephalic trunk being much larger than the right, in consequence of receiving the internal mammary and inferior thyroid veins of its own side. Also in direction, the right being almost vertical, and sloping only slightly to the left side as it descends, like the superior vena cava, which follows the very same direction • the left vein, on the contrary, is almost horizontal, and describes a curve with its con- cavity directed backward; the two brachio-cephalic veins, therefore, unite at a right angle to form the vena cava. The Brachio-cephalic Veins. ANGEIOLOGY. Lastly, they have different relations. The concavity of the left vein embraces the front of the highest part of the aortic arch, and the three great arteries arising from it. It corresponds anteriorly with the sternal extremity of the left clavicle and the sterno- clavicular articulation, and runs along the upper border of the sternum. The right vein is situated in the right cavity of the thorax ; it is parallel with, and on the outer side of, the brachio-cephalic artery, and it is in contact behind and on the right side with the right wall of the mediastinum and with the pneumogastric nerve, which are interposed be- tween it and the apex of the lung. The relations of the left brachio-cephalic vein with the arch of the aorta account for its obliteration in aneurism of that vessel, and its relation to the upper part of the ster- num explains the venous pulse, seen so distinctly opposite the fourchette of the sternum in severe attacks of dyspnoea. There are no valves in the interior of these veins, and hence considerable regurgita- tion may occur. Collateral Branches.—The right brachio-cephalic vein, in some cases, receives only the vertebral brain ; but most commonly the right inferior thyroid and right internal mam- mary veins terminate in it. The left brachio-cephalic vein always receives the above- mentioned veins of its own side, and also the superior phrenic, the thymic, and pericardiac veins, and often the superior intercostal vein. As this last forms part of the system of the vena azygos, it will be described in another place. The Inferior Thyroid Veins. There are two o tnese, viz., a right and a left inferior thyroid vein; not unfrequently there are three, and even four. The course of the inferior thyroid veins corresponds exactly with that of the inferior thyroid artery of Neubauer, when it exists. They arise from the thyroid venous plex- uses, and sometimes directly from the superior thyroid vein by an anastomotic arch ; they descend vertically between the trachea and the muscles of the sub-hyoid region, and terminate differently on the right and left sides, the right inferior thyroid vein ter- minating at the junction of the two brachio-cephalic veins, and sometimes even in the upper and anterior part of the superior vena cava, while the vein of the left side enters the corresponding brachio-cephalic vein. In one case in which there were three inferior thyroid veins, the middle one ended in the superior cava, and the two lateral veins in the corresponding brachio-cephalic trunks. These veins, moreover, present innumerable varieties in their number, course, anas- tomoses, and termination. One of the most curious and frequent of these varieties is that in which the right and left veins form an arch, which receives four or five parallel branches that issue from the thyroid gland. The inferior thyroid veins are joined by the tracheal and inferior laryngeal veins, so that Winslow named them guttural or tracheal. They form, in front of the trachea, a large plexus, which it is impossible to avoid in performing tracheotomy. The Internal Mammary Veins. The internal mammary veins follow the same course as the arteries of that name, and receive a series of branches corresponding to those given oft by the arteries, excepting in one instance, viz., the superior phrenic veins, neither of which, in general, terminates in the corresponding internal mammary. Usually, there are two veins of unequal size for each internal mammary artery, which is placed between them. The two almost always unite into a single trunk, which ter- minates on the right side at the junction of the two brachio-cephalic veins, or in the up- per and front part of the superior cava, and on the left in the corresponding brachio- cephalic vein. Among the veins which open into the internal mammary, I should mention the proper veins of the sternum, which form a very remarkable venous network in front of and be- hind each piece of that bone beneath the periosteum. The Superior Phrenic, and the Thymic, Pericardiac, and Mediastinal Veins. These are small veins which unite into two groups, one for the right side, terminating at the junction of the two brachio-cephalic veins, or at the upper and anterior part of the superior vena cava; the other for the left, and terminating in the left brachio-cephalic vein. The pericardiac and mediastinal veins commence upon the pericardium and the anterior mediastinum. The thymic veins, which are very large in the foetus, may still be seen in the adult and the aged, for the thymus gland is never completely absorbed. The superior phrenic veins are remarkable for their length as well as for their small size ; they accompany the phrenic nerve and the superior phrenic artery : the left supe- rior phrenic vein often enters the corresponding superior intercostal vein, and frequent- ly the internal mammary vein. THE JUGULAR VEINS. 581 The Vertebral Veins. The vertebral vein corresponds to the cervical portion of the artery of the same name, and, like it, is contained in the canal formed by the series of foramina at the base of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae ; it opens into the braehio-cephalic vein im- mediately behind the internal jugular; and it is said to open occasionally into the last- mentioned vein. Not unfrequently, as Eustachius remarks, this vein divides into two branches near its termination, one of which emerges with the artery, between the fifth and sixth vertebra, while the other, either alone or accompanied by a small arterial twig, escapes by the foramen of the seventh cervical vertebra. I have seen these two branch- es emerge, one at the foramen of the fifth, the other at that of the sixth cervical vertebra. This vein commences in the deep muscles at the back of the neck, communicates by a large branch with the occipital vein, and sometimes receives a small branch, which passes out at the posterior condyloid foramen; it enters the canal of the transverse pro- cesses, between the occipital bone and the atlas ; and while within this canal, it receives anterior muscular branches from the pravertebral region, posterior branches from the external spinal veins, and vertebro-spinal branches from the interior of the spinal canal. At the point where it opens into the brachio-cephalic vein, it receives a large branch, which corresponds in its course to the ascending cervical artery; it also receives the deep cervical vein, which has the same distribution as the artery of that name. The Jugular Veins. The jugular veins (from yugulum., the throat) are three in number on each side, viz., the internal or deep jugular (n,Jig. 219), the external jugular (A), and the anterior jugular (m). The two latter veins form part of the superficial or sub-cutaneous venous system ; but the internal jugular is the satellite vein of the common carotid artery and its branch- es. I shall describe these three veins in succession, but shall not notice the veins with which they are directly continuous, nor yet their branches of origin, until I have described all three of them, because those branches terminate almost indifferently in either of them. The External Jugular Vein. O The external jugular (A), one of the supplementary veins of the internal jugular, is a sub-cutaneous vein of the neck, on the lateral and anterior aspect of which it is situated. It is bound- ed above by the angle of the lower jaw according to some authors, by the neck of the condyle of that bone according to others; the former mode of limitation seems to me to be preferable. It is bounded below by the clavicle, behind which it ends in the sub-cla- vian vein (o), immediately to the outer side of the internal jugular, and sometimes even opposite that vein, but upon a plane anterior to it. The external jugular is generally single, but is sometimes double; and this depends either upon some of its branches of origin not joining it until they reach the lower part of the neck, or else upon the existence of a small collateral branch, which ari- ses from the upper part of the external jugular, runs along its outer side, and opens into it below, imme- diately before its termination ; . at other times the external jugular bifurcates before it ends in the sub- clavian. The external jugular varies extremely in size, which frequently differs on the two sides, and is not uniform throughout its whole length. Thus, it al- most always presents an ampulla, or ovoid dilatation of variable dimensions, near its termination. In size it is inversely as that of the other jugular veins of the same and the opposite side, and its differences are either congenital or acquired; the former depending upon the fact of its receiving more or fewer branches, wdnle acquired alterations in size are occasioned either by some occupation requiring violent respiratory efforts, or by the venous circula- tion being impeded by disease. Direction.—The external jugular vein passes obliquely downward and backward in the opposite direction to the sterno-cleido-mastoideus, which it crosses at a very acute an- gle, and then runs parallel to the posterior border of that muscle. A line drawn from the angle of the jaw to the middle of the clavicle will exactly indicate its direction. Op- posite the clavicle, the external jugular vein turns forward and opens into the sub-clavi- an, either directly, or after running horizontally for some lines. Relations.—The external jugular vein runs first across the sterno-mastoid, and the?* the supra-clavicular region of the neck. In the whole of its extent it is covered and 582 ANGEIOLOGY. separated from the skin by the platysma ; hence the rule to open this vein across the fibres of the platysma, when it is desirable that the orifice should be free, and favourably disposed for the flow of blood. By its deep surface it is in relation with the sterno- mastoid, which it crosses obliquely, so that it rests above upon the anterior border ol that muscle, and below upon its external surface, and parallel with its outer border. In the supra-clavicular region it is in relation behind with the omo-hyoid and scalenus anticus muscles and with the brachial plexus. It is always separated from these differ- ent parts by the cervical fascia, which is perforated by it as it curves forward to entei the sub-clavian vein. The external jugular vein is surrounded by the superficial nerves of the cervical plex- us, some of which pass in front, and others behind it. The auricular nerve runs behind its upper portion. This vein has generally two valves, one in the middle, the other near its termination ; sometimes only the latter exists. These valves do not appear, in general, to oppose any great obstacle to an injection thrown from the heart towards the extremity of the vein. Collateral Branches.—The external jugular vein receives, in front, branches of variable size and number, which communicate with the anterior jugular vein, and others which pass directly out of the sterno-mastoid muscle ; behind, it receives the superficial occip- ital veins fk), and several superficial branches from the posterior and lateral regions of the neck; lower down, it also receives the suprascapular and posterior scapular veins (I), which exactly correspond to the arteries of the same names. A constant branch passes beneath the clavicle, and establishes a communication between the external jugular vein and the upper part of the veins of the arm. Branches of Origin.—These are extremely variable ; most commonly the external jug- ular is formed by the junction of the temporal (/) and the internal maxillary veins. Some- times it is formed by a branch resulting from the bifurcation of a trunk common to those two veins ; at other times, by the successive juction of the temporal, internal maxillary, facial, lingual, and superior laryngeal veins. In all cases the external communicates either directly or indirectly with the internal jugular vein in the substance of the parotid gland by means of a communicating branch, which may be regarded as a branch of origin, and which sometimes is the only branch of origin. The Anterior Jugular Vein. The anterior jugular is a sub-cutaneous vein (m,fig. 219), supplementary to the exter- nal and even to the internal jugular, and collects the blood from the parts situated in the middle of the anterior region of the neck. It varies in size in different individuals, is almost always inversely proportioned to the external jugular, and is often larger than that vein. We frequently find both a right and a left anterior jugular vein ; but then they are rarely of equal size. Rather frequently, however, there is only one, scarcely a trace of the other existing. Lastly, instead of these veins, there are occasionally only some small branches, which scarcely deserve notice. Direction.—From the supra-hyoid region, where it commences, this vein passes verti- cally downward, between the median line and the inner border of the sterno-mastoid mus- cle ; opposite the fourchette of the sternum it bends abruptly, passes horizontally out- ward behind the two lower fasciculi of the sterno-mastoid, and enters the sub-clavian vein on the inner side of the external jugular, sometimes opposite to, but in front of the internal jugular ; lastly, in other cases, it terminates by a common orifice writh the ex- ternal jugular. During its course it runs in the substance of that median layer of fibrous tissue which we have called the cervical linea alba, and it receives several collateral branches. Collateral Branches.—The anterior jugular veins communicate with the external by one or two branches of variable size ; they also communicate freely with the internal jugular veins ; the communicating branches often form the origins of this vein. The an- terior jugular receives some laryngeal branches, and sometimes an inferior thyroid vein. At the point where it bends at the lower part of the neck it receives a sub-cutaneous vein, which comes from the upper part of the thorax, and passes above the fourchette of the sternum. At the same point, also, the right and left anterior jugular veins communicate with each other by a transverse branch (r,fig. 223), into which branches derived from the inferior thyroid vein, or even some branches communicating directly with the left brachio-cephalic vein, pour their contents. Branches of Origin.—The anterior jugular vein often commences by sub-cutaneous and muscular branches, derived from the supra-hyoid region, and corresponding in their several courses to the branches of the sub-mental artery. I have seen it arise from one end of a loop, the other end of which was continuous with the external jugular vein ; at other times it commences by a common trunk with the facial and lingual veins. Lastly, I have seen the anterior jugular form the continuation of the facial vein. THE INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN, ETC. 583 The Internal Jugular Vein. The internal jugular vein (n,jig. 219), the principal vein of the head, collects the blood from the interior of the cranium and from the greater part of the face and neck; it com- mences at the posterior lacerated foramen, and terminates in the brachio-cephalic vein (r), which is formed by the junction of the internal jugular with the sub-clavian vein (o). Its direction is vertical, without any deviation or bending. It is of considerable size, but varies in different individuals ; it is seldom of equal size on both sides, and is inversely proportioned to the external and anterior jugular veins ; it becomes extremely large in such chronic diseases as impede the entrance of blood into the cavities of the heart. I have sometimes seen the internal jugular vein of the left side very small, its place being then supplied, as in the lower animals, by a very large external jugular. Moreover, the internal jugular is not of uniform size throughout its whole length. It commences at the posterior lacerated foramen by a dilatation, which is called the gulf of the internal jugular vein; it continues of the same size until opposite the larynx, where it becomes greatly enlarged in consequence of receiving several branches ; it terminates below in an oblong dilatation, and is again slightly contracted as it opens into the brachio- cephalic vein. This oblong dilatation in some asthmatic persons is very large, and might be called the sinus of the internal jugular vein. That part of the internal jugular vein which extends from the os hyoides to the brachio- cephalic vein represents the common carotid artery; the part included between the os hyoides and the posterior lacerated foramen represents the internal carotid; and the se- ries of branches which terminate in it represent the external carotid and the ramifica- tions of that artery. These branches of the internal jugular, however, do not unite into a common trunk corresponding to the trunk of the external carotid artery, so that the distribution of this vein represents very nearly that variety in the distribution of the ar- teries of the neck, in which there is no external carotid artery; the branches usually given from it arising from the common carotid artery, which then terminates in the in- ternal carotid. Relations.—ln that portion of its course which corresponds to the internal carotid ar- tery, the internal jugular vein has almost the same relations as that vessel; thus, it is situated in the triangular interval between the pharynx and the ramus of the lower jaw; the artery, together with the pneumogastric, hypo-glossal, glosso-pharyngeal, and spinal accessory nerves, lie to the inner side and in front of it; the styloid and vaginal pro- cesses, and the styloid muscles, are also anterior to the internal jugular vein. That por- tion of the vein which represents the common carotid artery lies on the outer side of that vessel and in contact with it, excepting below, where the carotid is directed some- what inward to reach the arch of the aorta, while the vein continues to be vertical, and is therefore separated from the artery. During its course it has the same relations as the artery, only on account of being situated to the outer side of that vessel, it follows that it is not covered by the platysma myoides to so great an extent as the artery, and, therefore, that it is covered for a greater length by the sterno-mastoid ; and, indeed, its lower end is inclined to project beyond the outer border ol that muscle, so that in asth- matic persons the skin covering tl(e anterior part of the supra-clavicular triangle be- comes elevated when the enlarged part of the vein is dilated. The pneumogastric nerve is situated behind, between the artery and the vein. A very important relation of the internal jugular vein is that which it has with the sub-clavian artery, which is situated between it and the vertebral vein, the internal jugular being in front, and the vertebral vein behind the artery. The internal jugular vein returns all the blood from the interior of the cranium, re- ceiving it from the lateral sinus, which may be regarded as the origin of this vein, and as the common trunk of all the veins within the cranium. Its collateral branches, several of which belong sometimes to the internal, and at others to the external jugular, are the facial (e), lingual, inferior pharyngeal, superior thyroid (all which open by a common trunk), and middle thyroid veins, sometimes also the temporal (/), internal maxillary, and deep oc- cipital veins. We shall describe in succession the branches of origin, and then the col- lateral branches of the internal jugular vein. The commencing twigs and the branches of the cerebral veins are like all other veins, but their trunks are essentially different, for they consist of fibrous canals, formed, as it were, in the substance of the dura mater; the lining membrane of these canals is the only part in which they correspond in structure with the rest of the venous system, the dura mater forming their outer coat. These canals are called the sinuses of the dura mater. They receive the blood from the brain, cerebellum, and medulla, from the eye. and from the bones of the cranium. All the sinuses of the dura mater have a similar situation ; they all occupy grooves form - ed for them upon the internal surface of the bones of the cranium, and which we have already described. They are, for the most part, situated opposite the intervals between The Encephalic Veins and the Sinuses op the Dura Mater. 584 ANGEIOLOGY. the great divisions of the encephalon : thus, the superior longitudinal sinus occupies rne fissure between the two hemispheres of the brain ; the lateral sinuses are situated op- posite the great fissure which separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum. All the sinuses communicate with each other, and form an uninterrupted series of canals ; they all open into the lateral sinuses, which are to the other sinuses what venous trunks are to their branches. There are twelve sinuses in all, not including the inferior longitudinal sinus, which may be regarded as a vein. Eight of the sinuses exist in pairs, the remaining four are sin- gle, and occupy the median line. The single sinuses are the superior longitudinal sinus, the straight sinus, the coronary sinus, and the transverse occipital sinuses. The eight sinuses which exist in pairs arc placed four on each side of the cranium ; they are the two superior and two inferior petrosal, the two occipital, and the two lateral sinuses. As the lateral sinuses form, as it were, the common trunks of all the others, I shall describe them first. The Lateral Sinuses. The lateral or transverse sinuses {a a, fig. 221) are situated in the lateral grooves (vide Osteology, p. 80); each of them commences, like those grooves, at the internal occip- ital protuberance, and passes horizontally outward as far as the base of the petrous por- tion of the corresponding temporal bone, at which point it dips obliquely downward and inward into the inferior occipital fossa, turns round the base of the pars petrosa, and again ascends to reach the posterior lacerated foramen of its own side (s s, fig. 221), where it terminates in the internal jugular vein. Like the corresponding grooves, the right and left lateral sinuses are of unequal size, the right being almost always the lar- ger. Both of them gradually increase in size from their posterior extremity, which may be regarded as their origin, to their anterior extremity. A section of the horizontal portion of each lateral sinus, which is situated in the outer margin of the tentorium cerebelli, is triangular, while that of its vertical or curved por- tion is semi-cylindrical. In the first part of its course it projects beyond the correspond- ing groove in the occipital bone, so as to occupy the fissure between the cerebrum and cerebellum. In the remainder of its course it does not project into the interior of the cranium, or pass beyond the groove, which is exactly suited to its dimensions. The internal surface of each lateral sinus is smooth, and it is not traversed by bands like those found in the other sinuses. However, I once found in the horizontal portion of this sinus some of the white bodies called glandulse Pacchioni. One of the lateral sinuses has been found divided, in front, into two equal parts, a su- perior and inferior, by a perfect horizontal septum ; it is very common to find a fibrous lamina indicating a trace of this subdivision. The anterior extremity of each lateral sinus is continuous with the gulf of the corre- sponding internal jugular vein, and the inferior petrosal sinus of its own side opens into it at the same point. During its course it receives some inferior cerebral veins, some cere- bellar veins, and the superior petrosal sinus (/), which enters it at the point where it chan- ges its direction from horizontal to oblique, i. e., opposite the base of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. The lateral and inferior cerebral veins commence partly on the lateral and inferior parts of the convex surface of the cerebrum, and partly on the base of the brain ; they unite so as to form a group of three, four, or five veins, which open into the horizontal por- tion of the lateral sinus. They enter from before backward, that is to say, in an oppo- site direction to the course of the blood in the sinus. One of these veins is sometimes observed to run along the tentorium cerebelli, with which it is maintained in contact by the parietal layer of the arachnoid for about an inch before it opens into the lateral sinus The lateral and inferior cerebellar veins are very large ; they commence upon the lower surface of the cerebellum, and terminate in two or three trunks, which are found upon the circumference of the cerebellum, and open into the horizontal portion of the lateral sinus by perforating its lower wall. A large mastoid vein, which may be regarded as one of the principal origins of the oc- cipital, also opens into the lateral sinus, and thus establishes a free and direct commu- nication between the venous system within and that outside the cranium. The Superior Longitudinal Sinus. The superior longitudinal sinus (b b, fig. 220) is a single and median sinus, which occu- pies the longitudinal groove, and accordingly extends from the crista galli to the inter- nal occipital protuberance; it is formed within the substance of the convex border of the falx cerebri, and is three-sided; a section of it represents an isosceles triangle fc,fig. 221), with its base turned upward and its apex downward. It is small at its anterior extremity, but gradually increases in size as it approaches the confluence of the sinuses (n, fig. 221), in which it terminates. It not unfrequently bifurcates near its posterior ex- tremity ; sometimes it is directly continuous with the right lateral sinus. The internal surface of this sinus is remarkable for the transverse “bands found in it. THE SUPERIOR LONGITUDINAL SINUS, ETC. 585 especially along its inferior angle. These bands consist of fibrous tissue covered by the lining mem- brane of the sinus, and they conceal the orifices of the veins which open into it; in some points they are so numerous as to form an areolar tissue. Lastly, we almost always find on the internal sur- face of the sinus some small white projecting bod- ies, the glandules Pacchioni. The following veins open into the superior lon- gitudinal sinus : some from the internal or flat sur- face of each cerebral hemisphere, called the inter- nal cerebral veins; others from the upper half of the cortvex surface of the brain, or the external cere- bral ; and, lastly, several veins from the dura mater and the bones of the cranium. The internal cerebral veins, three or four in number on each side, return the blood from all the convolutions of the flat surface of the corresponding hemisphere of the brain, and enter the superior cerebral veins at the point where these are applied to the surface of the falx. The superior cerebral veins vary in number, but are generally seven or eight on each side. The anterior of these veins are very small; the posterior are much larger. There is al- most always one of greater size than the rest, which may be named the great superior cerebral vein: it appears to commence- in and run along the fissure of Sylvius, is then prolonged obliquely backward, and turning forward upon the convex surface of the brain, so as to describe a curve having its concavity directed forward, it becomes applied to the falx cerebri, and opens into the longitudinal sinus, after having run for about one inch in the substance of its walls. During its course this vein receives a great number of branches, some anterior and others posterior, which, although corresponding to the arter- ies in their origin and in a part of their course, are completely separated from those ves- sels at their termination. The common trunks pass inward towards the great median fissure of the brain; near the sinus they become attached to the dura mater, being held down by the arachnoid membrane, which is reflected from the brain upon the dura ma- ter ; they then change their direction, turn forward in the substance of the falx cerebri, beneath a very thin layer of the dura mater, and after a course of from six to ten lines in length, terminate in the longitudinal sinus by one or more openings. The manner in which the cerebral veins open into the sinus varies: for some there are lateral openings, as if made by a punch ; others open by means of an areola fibrous tissue, which, as I have already stated, is found in certain parts of the walls of the sinuses. All the venous ori- fices are concealed by fibrous areolae, none of the veins opening directly into the sinus. Most of them run for a certain distance from behind forward, i. e., in an opposite direction to the course of the blood, before they open into the sinus; the most anterior veins, which run from before backward, are the only exceptions to this rule. Moreover, the fold or bands which are formed in this and other sinuses do not perform the functions of valves, for they permit fluids to pass from the sinus into the veins. The inferences drawn by physiologists from the direction in which the cerebral veins open into the sinuses ap- pear to me to be erroneous, for that direction facilitates instead of opposing the reflux of the blood. I have satisfied myself that the cerebral veins have no valves in any part of their extent. The superior longitudinal sinus also receives proper veins from the dura mater, some venous or diploic veins, and several veins which commence in the pericranium, and es- tablish a communication between the external and internal veins of the cranium. Among the communicating veins are those which traverse the parietal foramina, and are called the veins of Santorini. A very great number of veins penetrate through the longitudinal suture, to open into the corresponding sinus in young subjects ; the communication of the diploic veins with those of the dura mater, and with the sinuses and cerebral veins, may- be shown by perforating with a pin, in a young subject, the very thin and brittle external bony table which covers one of the numerous veins of the diploe, and then inserting into the orifice the fine point of a mercurial injecting apparatus : the mercury will fill the diplo- ic veins, and will pass into the sinuses, the veins of the dura mater, and the cerebral veins The straight sinus (c,fig. 220) occupies the base of the falx cerebri, corresponding with the line of junction of the falx with the tentorium eerebelli. The straight sinus is therefore single, and situated in the median line ; it is directed somewhat obliquely backward and downward, and it opens into the confluence of the si- nuses or torcular Herophili («), by one or sometimes two orifices, according to the pres- ence or absence of a vertical band across its termination. It is three-sided, and a sec- tion of it represents an isosceles triangle (c, fig. 221), having its base turned downward This sinus increases in size as it proceeds backward. 4 E The Straight Sinus. 586 ANGEIOLOGY. The straight sinus receives by its anterior extremity the inferior longitudinal vein w sinus, the two great ventricular veins or vena Galeni, the inferior median cerebral veins, and the superior median cerebellar vein. The inferior longitudinal vein (d), which is generally but incorrectly described as the inferior longitudinal sinus, may be regarded as an ordinary vein enclosed within the pos- terior half of the free margin of the falx cerebri. This vein increases in size from be- fore backward, and enters directly into the straight sinus. It sometimes bifurcates be- fore its termination, and then the lower branch of the bifurcation opens into the anterior extremity of the straight sinus, and the upper describes a decided curve, and enters at the middle of that sinus. The inferior longitudinal vein receives the proper veins of the falx cerebri. It seldom receives any vein belonging to the brain itself. The ventricular veins, or vena Galeni (e), are two in number, one proceeding from the left, and one from the right lateral ventricle. Each of them is formed by the union of two branches, viz., the choroid vein, and the vein of the corpus striatum. The choroid vein runs along the whole length of the outer border of the choroid plexus, in a direction from behind forward. During this course it receives the vein from the hippocampus major, one from the fornix, and one from the corpus callosum, and having reached the anterior extremity of the choroid plexus, it turns back again within the sub- stance of the plexus, and unites with the vein of the corpus striatum. The vein of the corpus striatum is much smaller than the preceding; it commences be- hind in the furrow between the corpus striatum and the thalamus opticus, traverses the whole length of that furrow, covered by the taenia semicircularis, receives, during its course, a great number of small veins from the corpus striatum and thalamus opticus, and having arrived behind the anterior pillow of the fornix, unites with the choroid vein to form one of the venae Galeni. The two vena Galeni proceed parallel with each other, and horizontally backward be- neath the velum interpositura, pass out from the brain beneath the corpus callosum, and immediately enter the straight sinus below the opening of the inferior longitudinal vein without crossing each other, as is stated by some anatomists. Not unfrequently we find an anterior and superior cerebellar vein opening into the ve- nae Galeni, as the latter enter the straight sinus. The inferior median cerebral veins are very large. One is anterior, and commences upon the fore part of the lower surface of the cerebrum, and turns round its correspond- ing crus; while the other, which is posterior, arises upon the posterior convolutions; they both enter the anterior extremity of the straight sinus, behind the venae Galeni. The superior median cerebellar vein passes upward between the valve of Yieussens and the superior vermiform process, and opens into the anterior extremity of the straight sinus. The Superior Petrosal Sinuses. The superior petrosal sinuses {f f, fig. 221) are situated along the upper border of the petrous portion of the temporal bones, and are partly lodged in the small corresponding grooves ; they are continuous as regards their direction with the horizontal portion of each lateral sinus, and occupy the anterior half of the lateral or adherent borders of the tentorium, the lateral sinuses occu- pying the posterior half. They are very small, and, like the part of the lateral sinus with which they are continuous, they are three-sided. The anterior extremity of each su- perior petrosal sinus communicates with the corresponding cavernous sinus (h h); and its posterior extremity opens into the corresponding lateral sinus at the point where the latter leaves the tentorium cerebelli to turn round the base of the petrous portidn of the temporal bone. The superior petrosal sinuses, therefore, establish a di- rect communication between the cavernous and the lateral sinuses ; they sometimes receive an inferior lateral cerebral vein, but always an anterior lateral cerebellar vein, which passes upward under the free margin of the tentorium cerebelli, behind the fifth pair of nerves. The veins which come from the sides of the pons Varolii also enter the an- terior extremity of this sinus. The Inferior Petrosal Sinuses. The inferior petrosal sinuses (g g) are situated, one on each side, upon the petro-occip- ital sutures, and lie in corresponding grooves ; each of them extends from the anterior to the posterior lacerated foramen of its own side. They are larger than the superior petrosal sinuses, and are semi-cylindrical, like the anterior part of the lateral sinuses, with which they are continuous. The anterior extremity of each opens into the anterior THE CAVERNOUS SINUSES, ETC. 587 occipital sinus (r) and into tlie cavernous sinus of its own side ; while its posterior ex- tremity opens into the anterior end of the corresponding lateral sinus, opposite the com- mencement of the internal jugular vein (s). These sinuses establish a free anastomosis between the anterior and posterior sinuses found at the base of the cranium. Excepting one vein which comes from the base of the cranium through the foramen lacerum anticus, the inferior petrosal sinus receives no vein of importance. The cavernous sinuses (h h), so named from their reticulated, and, as it were, spongy structure, occupy the sides of the sella turcica and the grooves on the body of the sphe- noid bone. Each cavernous sinus is bounded in front by the inner part of the sphenoidal fissure, and behind by the apex of the petrous portion of the temporal bone : its cavity (shown on the right side in the figure) is larger than it at first sight appears to be, but is encroached upon by the internal carotid artery, which curves twice upon itself during its passage through the sinus, and also by the abducens oculi, or sixth cranial nerve. The motor oculi or third nerve, the trochlearis or fourth, and the ophthalmic branch of the fifth cranial nerve, are situated in the substance of the outer wall of the sinus. It is traversed by reddish reticulated filaments, the nature of which is unknown. The older anatomists said that the internal carotid artery and the sixth nerve were bathed in the blood of the sinus ; but it is now generally believed, in accordance with the opinion of Bichat, that they are protected by the lining membrane of the veins; it is difficult to prove the accuracy of this opinion, although analogy is in its favour. Bichat also thought that the reticulated filaments mentioned above were folds of the lining membrane of the vein. The anterior extremity of each cavernous sinus has been named the ophthalmic sinus, doubtless on account of its being prolonged outward. Its posterior extremity opens into the corresponding superior and inferior petrosal sinuses, and into the transverse oc- cipital sinus. On the inner side rt receives the coronary sinus, which establishes a di- rect communication between the right and left cavernous sinuses. Lastly, each cavern- ous sinus receives below several branches, which connect the veins within with those outside the base of the cranium, more particularly with the pterygoid venous plexuses. The cavernous sinuses receive in front the inferior and anterior cerebral veins, which commence upon the lower surface of the anterior lobe of the cerebrum. The largest of these veins on each side reaches the sphenoidal fissure, turns backward over the lateral and middle fossa of the base of the cranium, and enters the middle meningeal vein. Several anatomists state that they have seen the middle meningeal veins open into thq cavernous sinuses. The Cavernous Sinuses. Lastly, the anterior extremity of each of these sinuses receives the ophthalmic vein. The ophthalmic vein is a very large vessel, which commences on the inner side of the orbit as a continuation of the frontal vein, and terminates by opening into the anterior extremity of the corresponding cavernous sinus ; and it thus establishes a very free com- munication between the veins of the interior and exterior of the cranium. It pursues the same course as the ophthalmic artery, but without any windings, and receives venous branches corresponding to the ramifications of that artery. Among them, I shall men- tion particularly the ciliary veins, which commence in the choroid membrane of the eye, where they are called vasa vorticosa, on account of being arranged in whirls. The coronary sinus, or circular sinus of Ridley (i), runs round the margin of the pituitary fossa, and completely surrounds the pituitary body. Its posterior is much larger than its anterior half. In old subjects it is not rare to find the quadrilateral plate of the sphe- noid bone behind the pituitary fossa worn away, as if corroded by the blood of the sinus, so that it may easily be broken. At this period of life, the coronary sinus is larger than in young subjects, and extends under the pituitary body itself. The coronary sinus only receives osseous veins from the sphenoid, some veins from the dura mater, and those from the pituitary body. It opens freely on each side into the cavernous sinuses, which thus communicate with each other. The Coronary Sinus. The Anterior Occipital, or the Basilar Sinus. The anterior or transverse occipital sinus (r) is median and single; it extends trans- versely across the basilar groove from the foramen lacerum posticus of one side to that of the other ; it is of an irregular form, much larger in the aged than in adult and young subjects, and connects the superior and inferior petrosal sinuses and the cavernous sinus of one side with the corresponding sinuses of the opposite side. In old subjects, the basilar surface not unfrequently appears as if corroded opposite this sinus, the cavity of which often presents a cellular or spongy structure. The Posterior Occipital Sinuses. These (k Ic) are the smallest of all the sinuses of the dura mater ; they commence one at each foramen lacerum posticus, pass from thence upon each side of the foramen 588 ANGEIOLOGY. magnum, converge towards the falx cerebelli, enter its substance, and open separately into the confluence of the sinuses : they receive some small veins from the bones of the cranium and from the dura mater: the posterior occipital sinuses may be said to repre- sent the chord of the arc formed by the lateral sinuses.* The Confluences of the Sinuses. From what has been stated above, it appears that there are three central points in which all the sinuses meet: one situated behind and in the middle line, and one on each side of the middle line in front. The term confluence of the sinuses might be applied to all three points, but it has hitherto been confined to the posterior and median central point, or occipital confluence. All the sinuses open directly into one of these three points, the inferior longitudinal, if it be considered a sinus, forming the only exception. The Posterior or Occipital Confluence, or lorcular Hcrophili.—lf that portion of the dura mater which corresponds to the occipital protuberance be opened from behind, six ori- fices will be exposed to view, viz., a superior, which belongs to the superior longitudinal sinus ; an anterior, sometimes divided into two by a vertical band, which belongs to the straight sinus ; two lateral orifices, which belong to the two lateral sinuses ; and twm in- ferior, which belong to the posterior occipital sinuses. The point at which these sinuses meet is named the torcular Herophili (n n,figs. 220, 221), because it is supposed that the columns of blood flowing from the different sinuses must, in some degree, press against each other. The Anterior or Petro-sphenoidal Confluence.—Between the apex of the petrous portion of the temporal bone and the sphenoid bone, there is on each side another confluence, at which a great number of sinuses meet, viz., in front, the cavernous sinus and the cor- onary sinus ; on the inside, the transverse occipital sinus ; and behind, the superior and inferior petrosal sinuses. The Branches of Origin op the Jugular Veins. The Facial Vein. The facial, or external maxillary vein (e, Jig. 219), represents the artery of the same name ; also the terminal divisions of the ophthalmic artery; and, lastly, some of the branches of the internal maxillary artery. It commences in the frontal region, where it is called the frontal vein; at the inner angle of the eye it is named the angular vein; and afterward the facial vein until its ter- mination. The frontal vein (la vein preparate, a, fig. 219) is a sub-cutaneous vein, which was se- lected by the ancients for phlebotomy: it is sometimes single, and is then placed in the median line; but there are generally two frontal veins united by a transverse anasto- mosis. Among the numerous varieties which this vein presents, I shall point out one in which the two frontal veins are united into a single trunk, which bifurcates above the root of the nose. These veins do not exactly follow the course of the frontal arteries ; they descend from the vertex, where, by their numerous anastomoses, either with each other or with the temporal veins, they form a venous plexus large enough to cover the whole frontal region. They open into a transverse venous arch, having its concavity directed downward ; it is sometimes tortuous ; it is situated at the root of the nose, and is named the nasal arch (b). This arch is also joined by the supra-orbital vein, a deep- seated vessel (indicated by the dotted lines c), which runs transversely along the upper part of the orbit, receives the superior internal palpebral vein, and opens into the ex- tremity of the arch, on the outer side of the frontal vein : the ophthalmic vein also termi- nates in the nasal arch of the vein, between which and the cavernous sinus it establishes a free communication. Thus the upper parts of the face, more particularly the eye and its appendages, are intimately connected with the brain through the medium of the veins as well as of the arteries. Moreover, the dorsal veins of the nose, which run on each side of the ridge of that organ, open into the concavity of the nasal arch. The angular veins are given off from the right and left extremities of the nasal arch, and may be regarded as the continuations of the frontal veins ; like the corresponding arteries, each of them (d) is situated in the furrowr between the nose and the cheek. The inferior palpebral vein and the vein of the lachrymal sac and nasal duct enter the outer side of each angular vein, which is joined on its inner side by the veins of the corre- sponding ala of the nose. The veins of the ala nasi form a very dense network between the cartilage and the skin, and also between the cartilage and the mucous membrane; from these networks two branches are given off: a superior, which runs along the convex border; and an infe- rior, which runs along the lower border of the inferior lateral cartilage, or the cartilage of the ala. These two branches unite into a very large common trunk, which passes upward, often very obliquely, into the angular vein. The facial vein (e) commences in the angular vein, at the point where the latter is * [They sometimes join the lateral sinuses in front, as shown in the figure.] THE TEMPORO-MAXILLARY VEIN. 589 joined by the veins of the nose ; it proceeds very obliquely downward and -outward, passes under the great zygomatic muscle, reaches and then runs along the anterior bor- der of the masseter, crosses at right angles over the base of the jaw, is received into a groove in the sub-maxillary gland, and terminates in several different modes. Most commonly, it unites with the lingual to form a common trunk, which enters the internal jugular; it is into this common trunk of the facial and lingual veins that the su- perior thyroid and the pharyngeal vein, and the common trunk of the temporal and inter- nal maxillary veins, sometimes open. In other cases the facial vein passes obliquely across the outer surface of the sterno-mastoideus, and enters at some point of the exter- nal jugular vein. I have seen it directly continuous with the anterior jugular, also with the external jugular of the same or of the opposite side, or it may enter the convexity of an arch of communication between the external and anterior jugular veins. Collateral Branches.—During its course the facial vein in joined on its outer side by the alveolar venous trunk, which is very large, and may be regarded as the deep branch of origin of the facial vein, which, in fact, becomes much larger, sometimes even twice as large, after its reception. This alveolar trunk commences in a very remarkable venous plexus, named the alveolar plexus, in which the alveolar veins properly so called, together with the "infra-orbital, superior palatine, vidian, and spheno-palatine veins terminate, and which communicates with the pterygoid plexus. All these veins accompany the branches of the internal maxillary artery having the same names. From the alveolar plexus the alveolar trunk runs forward and downward below the malar bone, and unites obliquely with the facial vein. The facial is also joined on its inner side by the superior and infe- rior coronary veins of the lip, which are distributed like the arteries, but are not tortu- ous ; by the buccal vein or veins ; and by the anterior masseteric veins. Below the base of the jaw, the facial vein is joined by the sub-mental vein ; by the in- ferior palatine, which is remarkable for the plexus around the tonsils, which is formed al most entirely by it; also by the vein or veins from the sub-maxillary gland, and some- times by the ranine vein. During its course the facial vein is, in general, more superficial than the facial artery, and does not accompany it on the face, but is situated more to the outside, and is not tortuous. The temporo-maxillary vein, or venous trunk, represents the temporal artery, a part of the internal maxillary, and the upper part of the external carotid : many authors follow Walther in naming it the posterior facial vein, in contradistinction to the facial vein prop- erly so called, which they name the anterior facial. The temporo-maxillary is formed by the junction of the temporal and internal maxillary veins ; it most frequently termi- nates in the external jugular vein. The Temporal Vein.—This vein commences above by superficial, middle, and deep branches. The Temporo-maxillary Vein. The superficial temporal veins (fi.fig. 219) commence upon the crown of the head by anterior or frontal branches, which communicate freely with the origin of the frontal vein, by middle or parietal branches, which communicate with the corresponding branches of the opposite side, and by posterior or occipital branches, which communicate with the branches of the occipital vein. These form a very open network over the greater part of the cranium. From this network anterior and posterior branches arise, and unite with each other above or opposite to the zygomatic arch. During this course the veins do not exactly follow the direction of the corresponding arteries. It might be said that the veins of the scalp partake of the characters both of the venas comites and the sub- cutaneous veins. These venous networks are, moreover, situated in the substance of the hairy scalp, and, like the arteries, are placed between the skin and the occipito- frontalis muscle. The middle temporal vein is a very large vessel, often much larger than the common trunk of the superficial veins. It is situated (as indicated by the dotted lines, g,fig. 219) beneath the temporal fascia, between it and the temporal muscle. It is sometimes formed principally by the junction of the palpebral with the external orbital veins, which, corresponding in their distribution to the arteries of the same name, unite into a common trunk that runs backward at first between the two layers of the temporal fascia, then be- tween the muscle and the fascia, is directed backward and downward, again perforates the fascia from within outward above the antero-posterior root of the zygomatic process, and unites with the superficial temporal vein in front ol the external auditory meatus. The trunk resulting from the junction of the superficial temporal and middle temporal veins passes vertically downward, between the external auditory meatus and the tem- poro-maxillary articulation, dips into the substance of the parotid gland, and, having ar- rived behind the neck of the condyle, receives the internal maxillary vein, which consti- tutes the deep origin of the temporo-maxillary trunk. The Internal Maxillary Vein.—This vein, the deep origin of the temporo-maxillary trunk, is called by Meckel the internal and posterior maxillary, in opposition to the alveolar branch 590 ANGiSIOIiUIiY. of the facial vein, which he calls the internal and anterior maxillary: it corresponds to all the branches given off from the internal maxillary artery behind the neck of the condyle, in the zygomato-maxillary fossa; while the alveolar vein, the deep branch of the facial, corresponds to all the branches given off by the internal maxillary artery upon the tuber- osity of the superior maxilla and in the pterygo-maxillary fossa. Thus it is joined by the middle meningeal veins. The venae comites of the middle me- ningeal artery, the existence of which has been erroneously denied, are two in number, and are situated, one in front, the other behind the artery. These veins often receive some inferior and anterior cerebral veins, which enter them near the foramen spinosum of the sphenoid ; they always receive veins from the bones of the cranium and from the dura mater, and communicate with the superior longitudinal sinus ; they are sometimes so large, especially the anterior branch, that they have deep grooves formed for them upon the sphenoidal fossa, reaching from the foramen spinosum to the point of the great ala of the sphenoid bone. Lastly, the distribution of the middle meningeal veins is sim- ilar to that of the corresponding artery. The internal maxillary vein is also joined by the inferior dental, by the deep temporal, by the pterygoid, and by the posterior masseteric veins. All of these veins communicate with a very large and important venous plexus, the pterygoid plexus, situated between the temporal and external pterygoid muscles, and between the two pterygoid muscles. In this plexus, which communicates freely with the alveolar plexus, so freely, indeed, that they may be regarded as forming but a single plexus, the internal maxillary vein commences and joins the temporal vein, behind the neck of the condyle of the lower jaw. The temporo-maxillary trunk, thus formed by the junction of the temporal with the internal maxillary vein, is much larger than the former vein, and continues its course through the substance of the parotid gland; it is joined directly by some parotid veins, by the posterior and anterior auricular veins, and, lastly, by the transverse veins of the face. The last-named veins form, between the parotid gland and the masseter muscle (?, fig. 219), between that muscle and the ramus of the lower jaw, and around the temporo-max- illary articulation, a very large plexus, named the masseteric plexus, which communicates freely with the pterygoid plexus through the sigmoid notch. Termination of the Temporo-maxillary Trunk.—Most commonly the temporo-maxillary vein or trunk terminates directly in the external jugular vein (A); at other times it enters the internal jugular, and then there is merely a trace of the external jugular, which is formed principally by the superficial branches of the occipital vein, and by some commu- nicating branches from the anterior jugular. In some cases, the temporo-maxillary vein is almost equally divided between the internal and external jugulars ; lastly, it is some- times united to the lingual and the facial vein; when it ends in the external jugular, it sends to the internal jugular a large communicating branch which passes above the di- gastric muscle. The Posterior Auricular Vein. The posterior auricular vein follows the distribution of the artery of that name ; it re- ceives the stylo-mastoid vein, and enters the external jugular, or, rather, the temporo- maxillary vein, which does not take the name of external jugular until after it is joined by this vein. The occipital vein is distributed in the same manner as the occipital artery; it com- mences at the back of the cranium, passes beneath the splenitis muscle, and is joined opposite the mastoid process by one or more large mastoid veins, which come from the corresponding lateral sinus, establishing a direct and free communication between the venous circulation in the interior and exterior of the cranium. It was this that led Mor- gagni to prefer the occipital veins for the purpose of bloodletting in apoplexy. The oc- cipital vein ends in the internal, and sometimes in the external jugular. The Occipital Vein. The Lingual Veins. The lingual veins, being intended for a contractile organ, the circulation in which is on that account liable to be much interfered with, are divided, like the veins of the limbs, into the superficial or sub-mucous, and the deep veins. 'T'he superficial veins of the dorsum of the tongue, which are generally named the lingual veins, occupy the dorsal region of the tongue, ramifying in a remarkable manner between the mucous membrane and the muscular fibres of that organ: all these veins open into a dorsal or superior lingual plexus, which is situated at the base of the tongue, and is joined by a great number of veins from the tonsils and epiglottis. The satellite vein of the lingual nerve emanates from this plexus, accompanies the lin- gual nerve, receives some branches from the sub-lingual glands and the tissue of the tongue, and enters the facial or the pharyngeal vein, or terminates directly in the exter- nal jugular, communicating freely with the ranine veins. * The ranine veins are the superficial veins of the lower surface of the tongue. They THE PHARYNGEAL VEIN, ETC. 591 are seen one upon each side of the frsenum, where they form a ridge beneath the mucous membrane. Each of them accompanies the corresponding hypoglossal nerve, between the genio-hyoglossus and hyoglossus muscles, and terminates either in the common trunk of the lingual and facial veins, or directly in the facial vein. The ranine veins communicate upon the sides of the tongue with a very large plexus, the vessels composing which are sometimes provided with valves, so that it is impossi- ble to inject it in a direction from the heart towards the extremities of the veins, which, in other cases, may be done with the greatest facility. Lastly, the lingual veins, properly so called, are extremely small; they are two in number, and accompany the lingual artery throughout the whole of its course. Not un- frequently the veins of the tongue terminate directly in the internal jugular : I have seen them open into the anterior jugular. The Pharyngeal Vein and Pharyngeal Plexus. The Pharyngeal Plexus.—In making the section already described for examining the pharynx, we observe round the back of that organ a considerable venous plexus, which forms loops or rings for embracing the pharynx; several meningeal branches, and some derived from the vidian and spheno-palatine veins, open into this plexus ; from which a variable number of pharyngeal branches arise, and terminate by a common trunk, or by several distinct branches, in the lingual vein, sometimes in the facial or the inferior thy- roid, and frequently in the internal jugular. Besides this plexus, which may be called the superficial pharyngeal plexus, an ex- tremely dense network is found beneath the mucous membrane, from which branches proceed to join with those that arise from the superficial plexus just described The superior thyroid, or vein, commences upon the thyroid gland by branches corresponding to the thyroid arteries, and upon the larynx by branches corre- sponding to the ramifications of the superior laryngeal artery. The thyroid and laryn- geal branches unite and end in the internal jugular vein, opposite the upper part of the larynx; they perhaps end more frequently in the common trunk of the facial and lingual veins. It is not uncommon to find the superior laryngeal branch terminating directly either in one or the other of these veins, or in the anterior jugular. The middle thyroid vein arises from the lower part of the lateral lobe of the thyroid gland, and is joined by some branches from the larynx and the trachea. By their union they form a trunk, which ends in the lower part of the internal jugular vein. The con- stant existence of this vein explains in some degree a rather frequent variety in the ar- teries of the thyroid gland, viz., the existence of a middle thyroid artery given offby the common carotid. Not unfrequently there are two middle thyroid veins on each side. These, as well as all the other thyroid veins, are much enlarged in goitre The Superior and the Middle Thyroid Veins. To complete the description of the vessels of the head, it only remains for me to no- tice the diploic veins, or the proper veins of the bones of the cranium. They were first described by M. Dupuytren, in his inaugural thesis, under the name of venous canals of the bones : they were afterward figured by M. Chaussier (Trait'e de VEncephale), and, to- gether with their principal varieties, they have lately been represented with uncommon accuracy by M. Breschet, in his admirable work upon the veins. In the substance of the cranial bones there are found ramified venous canals, which are occupied by veins, having only their internal membrane, the bony canals themselves serving for an external coat. These venous canals are not exclusively confined to the bones of the cranium : they exist in all spongy bones, and even in compact bones ; but, while the canals are found in the entire substance of spongy bones, in the compact part of the long bones they are situated near the medullary canal. The venous canals of the bones of the cranium vary much in their size, and in the extent to which they are distributed: they are independent of each other as long as the cranial bones remain distinct and separable ; but they almost always communicate when, in the progress of age, those bones become united together. They get larger and larger as life advances, and their size is indirectly proportioned to the number of their ramifi- cations : they sometimes present ampulla; or dilatations, and at other times are suddenly interrupted, and terminate in culs-de-sac, reappearing again farther on, or ceasing alto- gether : these peculiarities depend upon the venous canal opening at different points into the middle meningeal veins. Moreover, these venous canals communicate by a number of orifices of different sizes, either in the interior of the cranium with the me- ningeal veins, and with the sinuses of the dura mater, or on the exterior with the veins which lie in contact with the bones of the scull. In some heads of old subjects, these canals are found blended with the furrows foi Che branches of the meningeal arteries; those furrows themselves piesent some large foramina, which open into the cranium in various nlaces. The Veins of the Diplo'e. 592 ANGEIOLOGY. In new-born infants there are no venous canals, properly so called; but the wftoie substance of the bones is traversed by a venous network, which may be seen when u» constituent veins are naturally injected with blood, or when they have been tilled with mercury, by which as delicate a network of vessels can be shown in the diploe as in in- jections of the soft parts. At this period all the cells of the bones are tilled with venous blood. On the roof of the cranium the canals of the diploe are divided into the frontal, tempo- ral, parietal, and occipital. The frontal diploic canals are two in number, one on the right, the other on the left side : they commence by numerous ramifications upon the upper part of the frontal bones, increase in size as they approach the lower part of the roof of the scull, commu- nicate with each other by transverse branches, and also with the periosteal or the me- ningeal veins, open externally by vascular foramina, and then enter the supra-orbital and frontal veins. The temporo-parietal diploic canals are divided into anterior and posterior : they corre- spond to the furrows which contain the ramifications ol the meningeal artery, and open into those furrows by a great number of foramina, which become very distinct in advanced life : they also communicate with the deep temporal veins on the exterior of the scull. The occipital diploic canals, two in number, a right and a left, communicate with each other by a great number of branches, and open below into the occipital veins. Summary of the Distribution of the Veins of the Head. Circulation in the Brain.—Corresponding to two of the arterial trunks, the common carotids, which convey blood to the head and neck, there are six veins, to return it back to the heart from the same parts, viz., the two internal, the two external, and the two anterior jugulars. This arrangement tends to prevent interruption of the venous circu- lation in the head, which, from so many causes, is liable to be disturbed. The external and anterior jugular veins belong to the sub-cutaneous venous system, and may be re- garded as supplementary veins which have no corresponding arteries, and which would be sufficient of themselves to carry on the venous circulation ; and as the veins of the right and left sides communicate very freely with each other, it follows that one of them would suffice to return the blood from the head. It will be seen hereafter, when de- scribing the veins of the spine, that the obliteration of all the six jugular veins would not of necessity be followed by interruption of the venous circulation in the cranium. Lastly, it is important to observe, that the external and anterior jugulars open into the sub-clavian vein, while the internal jugular joins the inner end of the sub-clavian, to form the brachio-cephalic vein. We have seen that the lower part of the internal jugular vein represents the common carotid, and the upper part of it the internal carotid; and that the external carotid is represented by all the veins of the face and neck, which open into the internal jugular either by a common trunk, or by several distinct branches. The cerebral venous system is remarkable for the extreme thinness of the parietes of the veins upon the brain, and for the existence of the sinuses, which take the place of the venous trunks, and differ so much in their distribution from the arteries. The cerebral veins are divided into the ventricular veins, which go to form the venae; Galeni, and the superficial veins of the hrain. All of them run towards the sinuses, in which they terminate in succession like the barbs ot a feather upon the common shaft, but do not acquire a great size. From the absence of valves at their orifices into the sinuses, the blood may regurgitate into them. The presence ol the spongy areolar tissue at the or- ifices of these veins, together with their oblique course through the walls of the sinus, must diminish this regurgitation: the communication of the cerebral veins with each other, and the continuity of the several sinuses, explain the varied means contrived for carrying on the cerebral circulation, which can only be interrupted by obliteration of the lateral sinuses. Lastly, the position of the principal sinuses opposite the fissures between the great di- visions of the encephalon, and the resisting nature of the walls of the sinuses themselves, prevent the fatal effects which might otherwise ensue from compression produced by obstruction of the venous circulation. Circulation in the Parietes of the Cranium.—ln the parietes of the cranium we find the veins of the dura mater, the veins of the diploe, the periosteal veins, and the veins of the hairy scalp. The numerous communications existing between these four systems of veins, and the direct communications established between the sinuses of the dura mater and the veins on the exterior of the scull, are worthy of particular attention. I would observe that the principal veins of the scalp, like the arteries of the same part, are situated between the skin and the epicranial aponeurosis. I have ascertained the existence of free and frequent anastomoses among these veins. As at the back of the cranium there is a very free communication between the occipital vein and the lateral sinus by means of a large vein, so, also, along the superior longitudinal groove, and op posite the sutures upon the base of the scull (through most of the foramina found in that THE DEEP VEINS OP THE UPPER EXTREMITY. 593 situation), an uninterrupted communication is established between the veins within and those outside the cranium. Venous Circulation of the Face.—All the veins of the face and of the parietes of the cranium end in two principal trunks, the facial and the temporal. The facial vein cor- responds to a part of the internal maxillary artery, to a part of the ophthalmic artery, and to the facial artery properly so called. One of the most remarkable circumstances connected with the distribution of the facial vein is the communication between it and the cavernous sinus, established at the inner angle of the orbit by means of the ophthal- mic vein, so that the veins on the inside and on the outside of the cranium are most in timately connected.* The temporal vein represents the temporal artery, a part of the internal maxillary ai- tery, and the upper part of the external carotid, and returns the blood from the entire side of the head. With regard to the veins of the tongue, we should remark the existence of two sub- mucous veins, corresponding to the sub-cutaneous veins in the limbs, and intended to return the blood, instead of the deep veins of the tongue, during the contractions of that organ. The size of the superior middle thyroid veins, their number, which exceeds that of the arteries, and their free anastomoses with the inferior thyroid veins, render them an important medium of circulation when the passage of the blood from the head is obstruct ed, and, at the same time, a diverticulum in great impediments to the circulation. The irregularity which exists in the relative size of the internal, external, and ante- rior jugular veins, and also in the distribution of the veins of the head between these three trunks, proves that, in the venous as well as in the arterial system, the origin or termination of the vessels is of little importance, and that, after the venous system of any part is once formed, it matters but little with which of the great vascular trunks it is connected. Lastly, the free communications which exist between all the preceding veins afford sufficient evidence that but little interest need be attached to their termination in one or another of the principal venous trunks. The Deep Veins of the Upper Extremity. The veins of the upper extremity are divided into the deep and the superficial or sub- cutaneous. The deep veins of the upper extremity exactly follow the course of the arteries, form their venae comites, and take the same names ; there are almost always two to each ar- tery. The large venous trunks alone form exceptions to this rule. Thus, there are two superficial and two deep palmar veins ; two deep radial and two deep ulnar veins ; we also* find two brachial veins ; but there is only one axillary and one sub-clavian vein. All these vena; comites receive branches formed by the union of still smaller ones, which are them- selves the vena; comites of the ramifications of the arteries, there being two veins with each small artery. The sub-clavian vein, however, is an exception to this, for it does not receive all the veins which correspond to the branches of the sub-clavian artery ; while, on the other hand, it receives other veins that are totally unconnected with the distribution of that artery. I ought to allude, in this place, to a mode of termination of the collateral veins, which is frequently observed, especially in the brachial vein. The circumflex veins, for example, instead of entering the brachial vein directly, terminate in a collateral branch, which runs parallel to the brachial vein, like a canal running along- side a river, and communicates with that vein above and below. Several large veins have these collateral canals, which establish a communication between different points of their length. Thus, I have seen a venous trunk proceed from the external jugular, de- scend through the brachial plexus of nerves, and enter the lower part of the axillary vein. The deep veins, moreover, communicate freely and frequently with the superficial veins. They are also provided with valves, like the superficial veins, and, it appears, even with a greater number; an injection thrown from the heart towards the extrem- ities will not enter more readily into one than into the other set. We always find two valves at the mouth of a small vein where it opens into the larger trunk; and it is are- markable fact that, while the valves situated in the course of the veins are sometimes passed by the injection, those which are placed at the mouths of the small veins are scarcely ever overcome. The Sub-clavian Vein. The Palmar, Radial, Ulnar, Brachial, and Axillary Veins. The term sub-clavian is generally given to all that portion of the brachial venous trunk * The study of these anastomoses ought to lead us again to have recourse to those local venesections which have fallen into disuse since the discovery of the circulation ; and it will enable us to determine, on anatomi- cal grounds, the proper places at which they should be performed. Thus, it appears to me that we might ad- vantageously introduce into nractice bleeding from the angular vein in diseases of the eye ; from over the mas- toid region, and the point wlTch corresponds to the junction of the longitudinal with the lambdoidal suture, in cerebral affections; and bleeding from the ranine vein in diseases of the pharynx 4 F 594 ANGEIOLOGY. which extends from the vena cava superior to the scaleni muscles ; but this vein may be described more naturally, as being limited internally by the brachio-cephalic vein, or, rather, by the junction of the internal jugular vein with the venous trunk of the upper extremity, and externally by the clavicle, or, rather, by the costo-coracoid, or sub-cla- vian aponeurosis. If the sub-clavian veins be thus defined, they will be of equal length on both sides ; and the left vein, and even the right vein also, will be shorter than the corresponding artery. The direction of the sub-clavian veins differs much from that of the arteries : we have seen that the sub-clavian arteries describe a curve over the apex of the lung, with its concavity turned downward; the sub-clavian veins, on the contrary, proceed directly outward as far as the first rib, over which they bend, so that they resemble the cord of the arc described by the sub-clavian artery. We have seen, also, that the inferior thy- roid vein, the internal mammary, the vertebral, the supra-scapular, the posterior scapu- lar, the deep cervical, and the left superior intercostal veins, enter not into the sub-cla- vian, but either into the superior vena cava, or into the brachio-cephalic vein. The right superior intercostal vein, when it exists, that is to say, when the branches which should form it do not terminate separately in the vena azygos, is the only one of the veins cor- responding to the branches of the sub-clavian artery which opens into the sub-clavian vein The external jugular, the anterior jugular, and a small branch from the cephalic vein of the arm, also terminate in the sub-clavian vein. It would therefore, in some respects, be proper to describe the external and anterior jugulars in connexion with the sub-cla- vian vein, instead of with the internal jugular. I would remark, that the external and anterior jugulars frequently terminate, not in the sub-clavian vein, but at the point where it ends in the brachio-cephalic vein, in front of the internal jugular. Relations.—ln front of the sub-clavian vein is situated the clavicle, which is separated from the vein only by the sub-clavian muscle, so that this vessel may be wounded in fractures of the clavicle : a very dense fibrous sheath binds it down to the sub-clavius muscle ; and it perforates the costo-coracoid or sub-clavian aponeurosis, which adheres to it, and keeps it open W'hen cut across ; behind the vein is the sub-clavian artery, from which it is separated, towards the inner part, by the scalenus anticus ; below, it is in re- lation with the pleura and with the first rib, on which there is a corresponding but slight depression ; above, it is covered by the cervical fascia, which separates it from the skin: a considerable swelling is often seen in this region when the venous circulation is ob- structed. The sub-cutaneous veins of the upper extremity belong essentially to the skin and to the subjacent adipose tissue, since all the branches from the muscles enter the deep veins. The superficial are larger than the deep veins, with which they communicate freely at a great number of points; and it may be remarked, that the size of the one set of vessels is always inversely proportioned to that of the other set. We proceed to describe them in succession in the hand, the forearm, and the arm. The Superficial or Sub-cutaneous Veins of the Upper Extremity. The Superficial Veins of the Hand. All the largest veins of the hand are situated upon its dorsal aspect; and it is worthy of notice, that the largest arteries, on the contrary, occupy the palm of the hand. If the superficial veins had existed on the palmar aspect, the venous circulation would have been impeded whenever the hand was used in prehension. Entering into the large sub- cutaneous network of veins situated upon the back of the hand are several branches, which constitute the superficial, external, and internal collateral veins of each fingei , they occupy the outer and inner borders of the dorsal surface of the fingers, and communi- cate frequently on the dorsal surface of each phalanx and around the phalangeal artic- ulations, but not upon the articulations themselves. Opposite the lower part of each interosseous space, these collateral veins unite at an acute angle, just as the digital arteries bifurcate at the same point. All the superficial digital veins ascend vertically between the metacarpo-phalangeal articulations, which they seem to avoid, and then enter into the convexity of a very irregular venous arch, which is formed by a series of loops, at each of the junctions of which one of the digital veins is seen to terminate. From the concavity of this irregular arch, which is turned upward, are given off a greater or less number of ascending branches, which are sometimes formed directly by the junction of the digital veins, without the intervention of an arch. Among these branches, we should especially notice the external branch, which is situated nearest to the first metacarpal bone, and is called the cephalic vein of the thumb; also the innermost branch, which corresponds to the fifth metacarpal bone, and, for some reason not very well known, has been named the vena salvatella. The Superficial Veins of the Forearm. The superficial veins are much more numerous on the anterior tha'ft on the posterior the superficial veins at the elbow, etc. 595 aspect rf th; forearm. We find there the radial vein or veins, the ulnar vein, and the median vein. The superficial radial vein (r, in the representation of the superficial nerves of the arm) is the continuation of the cephalic vein of the thumb ; it is situated along the outer side of the carpus and of the radius, and it soon unites with some branches from the vena salvatella, or with the salvatella itself. The superficial radial vein often divides into several branches, which are joined by others from the venous arch at the back of the hand. There are sometimes two superficial radial veins. The vein or veins having reached the middle of the forearm, turn forward upon the outer border of the radius, and then continue to ascend vertically along the outer side of the anterior surface of the fore- arm, up to the bend of the elbow. The ulnar vein (u) commences partly from the vena salvatelia, and another vein on the dorsal region of the forearm, and partly from some branches which arise from the lower part of the back of the forearm, and even from some small veins proceeding from the thenar and hypothenar eminences. The branches which arise from the vena salvatella and the back of the wrist pass for- ward ; the other branches run backward ; the common trunk or trunks resulting from their union are directed at first vertically upward, parallel with the superficial radial vein, then somewhat obliquely forward, to anastomose with the median basilic vein, above the bend of the elbow. When there is a second or posterior ulnar vein, it ends in the basilic higher up, or else it anastomoses with the anterior ulnar vein. Between the anterior radial and ulnar veins we find the common median or median vein (m), formed by the anterior veins of the carpus and forearm. There may be more than one median vein, and it is not unfrequently wanting, in which case its place is supplied by a venous network, the branches from which enter separately into the radial and ulnar veins. In some cases its place is supplied by an additional radial vein, and at other times by the deep veins. The Superficial Veins at the Elbow. At the elbcno all the veins are on the anterior aspect. The most common arrangement is the following : on the outer side we find the upper portion of the radial vein or veins ; on the inner sMe, the upper portion of the ulnar vein or veins, which pass in front of the internal condyle of the humerus ; between the radial and ulnar veins is the median, which divides into two branches : one external (a), which unites with the radial to form the cephalic vein (c), and is called the median cephalic ; the other internal (e), generally smaller, but more superficial than the preceding, which unites with the ulnar to form the basilic vein (b), and is called the median basilic. Several varieties are observed in the arrangement of the veins of the elbow ; some- times the common median vein is wanting ; but then its cephalic and basilic branches are given off by the radial, and the cephalic vein is almost always very small. In other cases we only find two veins at the bend of the elbow, viz., the radial and the ulnar, which are directly continuous with the cephalic and basilic. I once saw the common median vein replaced by the anterior radial, and by a branch from one of the deep ulnar veins. The Superficial Veins in the Arm. In the arm there are only two superficial veins, an external, named the cephalic vein, and an internal or basilic. The cephalic vein (c) is formed by the junction of the radial with the median cephalic vein, which junction may occur at very different heights. It ascends vertically along the outer border of the biceps ; then, running a little inward, it gains the furrow' be- tween the deltoid and pectoralis major, passes over the summit of the coracoid process, above or in front of which it curves backward, so as to enter the axillary vein immedi- ately below the clavicle. From this curve the cephalic vein gives off a branch, which passes in front of the clavicle, crosses at right angles over the middle of that bone, and enters the sub-clavian vein. Not unfrequently the cephalic vein is replaced by a very small branch. The internal vein of the arm, which is calleu the basilic vein (b), is generally larger than the cephalic. It is formed by the junction of the ulnar with the median basilic vein, passes at first obliquely backward, and then vertically upward, in front of the internal intermuscular septum, and enters either the brachial or the axillary vein. General Remarks upon the Superficial Veins of the Upper Extremity. From the preceding description, it follows that the cephalic vein forms the continua- tion of the radial, which is itself the continuation of the cephalic vein of the thumb, and that the basilic is a prolongation of the ulnar, which is a continuation of the vena salva- tella. The median vein, placed as it is between the radial and ulnar veins, bifurcates so as to terminate equally in the two latter veins, and establishes a free anastomosis be- tween them. 596 ANGEIOLOGY. The anastomoses of the several sub-cutaneous reins together are very numerous, and enable them mutually to supply the place of each other. The anastomoses between the sub-cutaneous and deep veins are not less numerous. Thus, the superficial collateral veins of the fingers communicate with the deep collat- eral veins : communications exist between the superficial and deep veins of the carpus ; very large communications exist between the two sets of vessels at the bend of the el- bow, so that, in fact, they are continuous with each other; thus, the superficial radial vein is sometimes continuous with one of the deep radials, and the median, as it divides into the median basilic and median cephalic, occasionally sends a very large branch to the brachial. In one case, where the median vein was wanting, I found that the ulnar, the deep interosseous, and the deep radial veins, formed a plexus, which gave off two branches, an external to the cephalic, and an internal, which formed the deep brachial vein. The superficial ulnar veins often communicate freely with the deep ulnar, beneath the muscles attached to the internal condyle. Along the arm, the basilic vein communicates with one of the brachial veins by several transverse branches. Not unfrequently the basilic vein communicates with the brachial by a very delicate branch, which forms a lateral canal. Valves.—The valves are more numerous in the deep than in the superficial veins ; they increase in number aa we approach the upper part of the arm, and are much more numerous in the basilic than in the cephalic vein. There are three in that part of the cephalic which corresponds to the farrow between the deltoid and the pectoralis major. There is one at the opening of the cephalic into the axillary ; another at the opening of the basilic into the brachial; all the small veins which enter the cephalic and basilic, as well as those which terminate in the deep veins, are also provided at their openings with valves, which prevent the regurgitation of the blood during life, and the passage of an injection from the heart towards the extremities. General Relations.—The sub-cutaneous veins are separated from the skin by the super- ficial fascia, and by the layer of fat above it. The median basilic is the only exception, for it is in contact with the skin, at least in the majority of subjects. The sub-cutaneous veins must be carefully distinguished from the cutaneous veins, prop- erly so called, which are in contact with the true skin, or even ramify in its substance, and which are sometimes of considerable size, especially in the neighbourhood of certain tumours. From the relation of the median basilic vein with the brachial artery, over which it crosses at a very acute angle, and from which it is separated only by the fibrous expan- sion from the tendon of the biceps, it follows, that in emaciated persons the vein is al- most in contact with the artery; so that, in bleeding from the median basilic, if the vein be perforated quite through, the artery may be wounded. The practical rules to be de- rived from this anatomical fact are, in the first place, to avoid bleeding in the median basilic as much as possible, and whenever it must be chosen, to open it either below or above the point where it crosses over the artery. In the description of the lymphatics and nerves of the arm, I shall point out their re- lations with the superficial veins. I may now state, however, that the musculo-cutane- ous nerve passes behind the median cephalic vein, and that the internal cutaneous di- vides into several branches, some of which pass in front, and others behind the median basilic vein. THE INFERIOR OR ASCENDING VENA CAVA AND ITS BRANCHES. The Inferior Vena Cava the Lumbar or Vertehro-lumhar Veins the Renal the Middle Supra-renal—the Spermatic and Ovarian—the Inferior Phrenic.—The Portal System of Veins—the Branches of Origin of the Vena Por tee—the Vena For tee—the Hepatic Veins. —The Common Iliacs the Internal Iliac the Hem,orrhoidal Veins and Plexuses the Pelvic Veins and Plexuses in the Male and in the Female.—The Deep Veins of the Lower Extremity —1 the Plantar, Posterior, Tibial, Peroneal, Dorsal, Anterior Tibial, and Pop- liteal—the Femoral—the External Iliac. The Superficial Veins of the Lower Extremity •—the Internal Saphenous—the External Saphenous. The vena cava inferior or ascendens, or the abdominal vena cava (I, fig- 222), is the large venous trunk which returns the blood from all the parts below the diaphragm to the heart. It is formed below by the junction of the two common iliac veins (n n), opposite the intervertebral substance between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebras; it passes verti- cally upward, and, having reached the lower surface of the liver, inclines a little towards the right side, to gain the groove formed for it in the posterior border of that organ. At the upper end of that groove the vena cava inferior perforates the tendinous opening in the diaphragm, and also the fibrous layer of the pericardium, which is, as it were, blend ed with the cordiform tendon at this point; the vein then curves suddenly to the left, and opens (r, Jig. 192) horizontally into the posterior inferior part of the right auricle. THE VERTEBRO-LUMBAR VEINS, ETC. It is larger than the’vena cava superior, but is not of uniform caliber throughout; for example, it increases in size in a marked degree immediately above the renal veins. The vena cava inferior presents also a second still larger dilatation opposite the liver, where it is joined by the hepatic veins ; in comparison with its diameter at that point, the vena cava inferior appears to be slightly contracted as it passes through the dia- phragm. Relations.—The inferior cava is in contact with the anterior surface of the vertebral column, and runs throughout the whole of its extent along the right side of the aorta ; it inclines somewhat obliquely to the right as it is about to pass into the groove on the liver. In front it is covered by the peritoneum, the third portion of the duodenum, the pancreas, the vena portae, which crosses it at a very acute angle, and at its upper part by the liver, which forms a semi-canal, or a complete canal for it. It adheres closely to the margins of the tendinous opening in the diaphragm, and to the fibrous layer of the pericardium, as if its outer coat -were blended with those struc- tures. The serous layer of the pericardium covers the vein, but the fibrous layer does not form a sheath for it. The relations of the inferior cava with the liver account for the erroneous notion of some old anatomists, that this organ was the centre from which all the veins of the body proceeded. There is no valve in the inferior cava; but at its termination we find the Eustachian valve, which has been already described with the heart. Branches of Origin.—We have stated that the junction of the common iliac veins con- stitutes the origin of the inferior cava. It is very rare to find these veins uniting above the intervertebral disc between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebras ; but in some few cases the junction has been observed to take place opposite the renal veins. Collateral Branches.—The vena cava inferior receives all the veins corresponding to the branches of the abdominal aorta, excepting the veins from the alimentary canal and its appendages, of which it only receives those from the liver, viz., the hepatic veins. All the abdominal veins which do not open directly into the inferior cava unite to form a large venous trunk, called the vena porta. Thus, the vena cava inferior receives the renal, the spermatic or ovarian, the lumbar, the supra-renal, and the inferior phrenic veins ; while the superior and inferior mesenteric, the splenic, the pancreatic, and the gastric veins open into the vena portae. It may still be said, however, that the vena cava inferior receives all the abdominal veins ; for, in fact, the veins of the portal sys- tem terminate in the vena cava through the medium of the hepatic veins. The portal system is, therefore, an appendage to the inferior cava. For this reason, and also for the sake of economizing subjects, I shall not describe the vena portae and its branches until I have noticed the collateral veins of the vena cava inferior. The vertehro-lumbar veins are three or four on each side, and correspond to the arteries of the same name ; they have two branches of origin : an external or abdominal branch, which represents the intercostal veins, and a posterior or dorso-spinal branch, which is itself formed by the union of two other branches ; one muscular or cutaneous, which com- mences in the muscles and integuments, and the other a proper spinal branch, which forms part of the rachidian venous system, to be hereafter described. By the junction of these two branches a lumbar vein is formed, which runs forward and inward in the groove on the body of the corresponding lumbar vertebra, and enters the vena cava at a right angle. The left lumbar veins are longer than the right, in con- sequence of the vena cava being situated towards the right side of the vertebral column • they pass under the aorta. The Lumbar or Vertebro-lumhar Veins. The renal veins are remarkable for their size, and occasion a great increase in the diameter of the inferior cava, above the point where they open into it; they are of un- equal size on the two sides, and are unequal in length, on account of the vena cava be- ing placed towards the right side of the vertebral column, and, therefore, nearer the right than the left kidney: they also run more obliquely on the right side, on account of the right kidney being generally situated lower down than the left. These veins commence in the substance of the kidney by a number of minute divisions, which unite into small, and then into larger branches, gain the surface of the organ, and are collected into a single trunk, either in the hilus or at some distance from it. The trunk of each renal vein is, always placed in front of the corresponding artery. The left renal vein passes in front of the aorta. We sometimes find one division of the left renal vein in front of the aorta, and another behind it. Plurality of the renal vein appears to me less common than an excess in the number of the arteries. The Renal Veins. The renal veins receive the inferior supror-renal and several veins from the surrounding 598 ANGihOLOGY. adipose tissue. The left renal vein is almost always joined by the spent, Me or ovatian vein of that side. In some cases we find several communicating branches between the left renal vein and the superior mesenteric, which is one of the branches of the portal system. The Middle Supra-renal Veins. The middle supra-renal or capsular veins, which are often numerous and very large, arc found on the surface of the supra-renal capsules, while the arteries enter into their sub- stance from every point. The venous trunks run in the grooves seen upon the surface of the organ. The left middle supra-renal vein almost always enters the renal vein of the same side ; the right vein generally opens into the vena cava inferior. The spermatic veins commence in the interior of the testicle, where they form a great number of those filaments which traverse the proper substance of the gland: they all terminate in branches, which are applied to the inner surface of the tunica albuginea, and are bound down to it by a thin layer of fibrous tissue, a disposition somewhat resembling that of the sinuses of the dura mater. The spermatic veins perforate the tunica albu- ginea on the inner side of the epididymis, not opposite that body. They are soon joined by the veins of the epididymis, so as to form a plexus, which communicates with the dor- sal veins of the penis, and with the external and internal pudic veins. The spermatic veins soon unite into five or six trunks, which pass upward in front of the vas deferens, and, together with that canal and the spermatic artery, enter into the formation of the spermatic cord. These veins are tortuous; they divide, and anastomose so as to form the spermatic venous plexus, which is often the seat of varicose dilatations. The veins ascend through the inguinal ring and canal, and having reached the interior of the pel- vis, they leave the vas deferens, accompany the corresponding spermatic artery along the psoas muscle, and terminate either in the renal vein, or in the inferior vena cava of their own side. The Spermatic or Ovarian Veins. In some cases the right spermatic vein opens both into the renal vein and the inferior cava. When there are two veins on one side, they communicate with each other by a great number of transverse branches, and, before terminating, unite into a single trunk. The name plexus pampiniformis is given to a plexus generally formed by the spermatic veins before their termination ; this plexus is more frequently found on the left than on the right side, according to the observations of Meckel. The spermatic veins sometimes communicate with some branches of the portal system. The left spermatic vein passes under the sigmoid flexure of the colon, which may per- haps account for the greater frequency of varicocele on the left side. The ovarian veins accompany the arteries of the same name : they commence by sev- eral sets of branches, viz., uterine branches, which communicate very freely with the uterine sinuses ; ovarian branches, properly so called ; branches from the round ligaments; and, lastly, some from the Fallopian tubes. All these unite within the substance of the broad ligaments, and pass vertically upward, without being at all tortuous : in some ca- ses they form a plexus pampiniformis. The ovarian veins, like the uterine veins, become much enlarged during pregnancy The Inferior Phrenic Veins. These exactly follow the course of the inferior phrenic arteries, to each of which there are two veins. The hepatic veins do not in any way correspond to the artery of that name ; they form a separate system, or, rather, they are connected with the portal venous system, of which they may be regarded as an appendage. The system of the vena porta {vena portarum), or the portal system, constitutes a spe- cial venous apparatus, appended to the general venous system, and representing by it- self a complete circulatory tree, having its roots, trunk, and branches. The first, or ve- nous portion of this system of veins, is arranged like the veins of the other parts of the body, and has its roots of origin in the spleen and pancreas, and in the sub-diaphragmatic portion of the alimentary canal; while the second, or arterial portion, sends its branches, like those of an artery, into the interior of the liver. The hepatic veins, which perform the functions of ordinary veins in reference to the second or arterial portion of the vena portae, connect the system of the vena portae with the general venous system. The Portal System of Veins. The branches of origin of the vena portae {i, fig. 222) consist of all the veins which return the blood from the sub-diaphragmatic portion of the alimentary canal, and also from the spleen and pancreas. They correspond to the branches of the cceliac axis, The Branches of Origin of the Vena Porta. THE VENA PORTA! 599 with the exception of the hepatic artery; they unite into three trunks, the great mesenteric (a), small mes- enteric (h), and splenic (c) veins. These veins are arranged like vense comitcs to the corresponding arteries. The Great and Small Mesenteric Veins.—The intes- tinal or mesenteric veins commence just as the ar- teries terminate, by two layers of vessels, viz., a sub-serous layer, the vessels of which ramify be- neath the peritoneum, and a deep layer, formed by the vessels of the coats of the intestinal canal. These small vessels unite into anastomotic meshes, which always lie subjacent to the arterial network, and which terminate in larger branches, and thus con- stitute a series of veins corresponding to the arter- ies of the intestine. The right colic veins {d d) and the veins of the small intestine (shown cut short at e) terminate, the one in the right and the other in the left side of the superior mesenteric or great mes- araic vein (a): this vein, in the early periods of in- tra-uterine life, receives the omphalo-mesenteric vein, a branch which corresponds to the omphalo-mesen- teric artery, and commences upon the vesicula um- bilicalis ; the artery and the vein disappear about the third month of utero-gestation, but the vesicle remains for a longer period. On the other hand, the left colic veins (/) enter the inferior mesenteric or small mcsaraic vein (/;): this vessel forms the continuation of the superior hemorrhoidal veins (g), which commu- nicate very freely with the middle and inferior hemorrhoidal branches of the internal iliac vein. The splenic vein (c), which is proportionally larger than the artery, arises in the cells of the spleen by a great number of roots, which gradually unite in the hilus of that organ, and form the same number of branches as there are arteries, each coming from a dis- tinct compartment of the organ. All these branches soon unite into a single trunk, which passes across to the right side behind the pancreas, and, therefore, behind the splenic artery, which it accompanies without being tortuous ; it is one of the branches immediately concerned in forming the trunk of the vena portae. During its course, the splenic vein receives the venous vasa brevia (h h) from the stomach. The inferior mesenteric vein opens into the splenic ; so that there are only two venous trunks, the union of which constitutes the vena portae, viz., the splenic and the great or superior mesenteric. The Vena Portce. The trunk of the ve7ia portce (?) is formed by the union of the splenic and superior mes- enteric veins at an acute angle, behind the right extremity of the pancreas, in front of the vertebral column, and to the left of the vena cava inferior. The vena porta? is larger than either of its two branches of origin, but is smaller than the two taken together. It passes obliquely upward and to the right side ; and, after running for about four inches, reaches the left extremity of the transverse fissure of the liver, where it terminates by bifurcating. The following are its relations during its course ; anteriorly it is covered by the head of the pancreas, the second portion of the duodenum, the hepatic artery, the biliary ducts, and the lymphatics of the liver, and also by some branches from the hepatic plexus of nerves ; posteriorly it is covered by that portion of peritoneum which dips be- hind the vessels of the liver into the foramen of Winslow, to line the sac of the great omentum. By this foramen it is separated from the inferior vena cava, the direction of which it crosses at a very acute angle. The two branches into which the vena porta; divides in the transverse fissure of the liver separate so widely from each other, that they seem to form a trunk, at right angles to which the vena portae itself is attached. Some anatomists apply the term sinus of the vena portce to that portion of the vein which is situated in the transverse fissure ; that part of the vein which adheres to the liver is more commonly called the hepatic portion of the vena portae, to distinguish it from the free and floating part, which is named the abdom- inal portion. The two divisions of the vena portae pass horizontally each towards the correspond- ing lobe of the liver; they soon divide and subdivide into diverging branches, which sup- ply all the granules or lobules of the liver. The branches of the vena portae are accom- panied by the ramifications of the hepatic artery and biliary ducts. The capsule of Glis- son, or the fibrous coat of the liver, is reflected upon them, and forms a common sheath for them. (See Liver.) Before birth, the hepatic portion (p, fig■ 164) of the vena pcrta; receives, besides the 600 angeiology. abdominal portion of the same vein, the umbilical vein (u), which is obliterated soon after birth. Nevertheless, I once found it perfectly permeable in an adult.* Before birth the ductus venosus {d) extends from the hepatic portion of the portal vein to the vena cava inferior, between which and the vena port® it establishes a direct com- munication. This hepatic portion might, therefore, be named the confluence of the veins of the liver. The capillary radicles of the hepatic or supra-hepatic veins commence in the capillary divisions of the vena portae, and, gradually uniting into larger and larger branches, con- verge towards the posterior border of the liver, or, rather, towards the fissure for the vena cava inferior, at which point they terminate by an indefinite number of small branches, named the small hepatic veins, which open all along the fissure ; and also by two principal trunks, the great hepatic veins, which end in the vena cava immediately before it passes into the opening in the diaphragm. One of these great hepatic veins comes from the right lobe, and the other from the left lobe of the liver. The vein of the left side often receives a great number of branches from the right lobe of the liver, and is larger than the vein of the right side. The vena cava inferior is always dilated into a large ampulla opposite the openings of the hepatic veins. It follows, from the previous description, that, in the liver, the branches of the hepatic veins and those of the vena portas run directly across each other, since the latter diverge from the centre of the organ towards its right and left extremities, while the former con- verge from the anterior towards the posterior border. Moreover, the branches of the hepatic veins are unaccompanied by other vessels, and are in direct contact with the tissue of the liver; while those of the vena portae are sep- arated from it by the capsule of Glisson, and are accompanied by the ramifications of the artery, the nerves, and the hepatic ducts. I shall farther remark, that although the hepatic veins gradually unite, like other veins, into branches, which decrease in number, but increase in size, they most of them receive besides, during their course, a multitude of capillary vessels, the inter-lobular hepatic veins, from the neighbouring lobules ; so that their internal surface is perforated with in- numerable foramina. The cribriform structure of their internal surface is therefore a peculiar characteristic of all the hepatic veins [except the very large ones], and enables us always to distinguish them from the branches of the vena portae. Lastly, the capillary communication between the extremities of the vena portse and hepatic veins is extremely free, as may be shown even by very coarse injections. All the veins of the portal system are without valves,t and they can therefore be in- jected with the greatest ease from the trunks towards the extremities. An injection thrown in towards the,intestine penetrates very readily into the interior of the alimentary canal, so that the minute branches of the vena porta; appear to open at the apex of each villus. This can be made evident by throwing mercury into the vena portae, and then forcing it on by an ordinary injection; drops of the mercury will then be seen in the open mouth of each villus, t The system of the vena portae is not so completely isolated from the general venous system as is commonly stated. It always communicates with branches of the internal iliac veins by means of the middle hemorrhoidal veins, and communicating branches with the renal veins have also been noticed ; and hence injections of the vena cava in- ferior always enter in a greater or less degree into the veins of the portal system. The Hepatic Veins. The common iliac veins (n n, fig. 222) correspond exactly to the arteries of the same name ; they commence opposite the sacro-vertebral articulation by the junction of the internal and external iliac veins, and terminate by uniting at an acute angle to form the vena cava inferior or ascendens, the point of union being opposite the articulation of the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebra;, to the right side of, and a little below, the bifurcation of the aorta. The Common Iliac Veins. The common iliac veins have the same relation to the lower extremities that the brachio-cephalic veins bear to the upper ; and as the right brachio-cephalic vein is shorter and more vertical than the left, so also is the right common iliac vein shorter and mere vertical than the left. The relations of the common iliac veins with the corresponding arteries are remarkable, inasmuch as they are placed between these vessels and the vertebral column. The right common iliac vein is situated to the outer side of and behind the corresponding ar- * Anat. Pathol., livraison 17. , u t M. Bauer says that he has seen valves in the venous vasa brevia of the stomacn , i nave never been able to discover them. , . r ~ t [The escape of the mercury is due to rupture of the bloodvessels. In the vilu, the minute branches of the vena portae commence in the capillary network dosenbed and figured at page JJJ .J THE INTERNAL ILIAC VEIN, ETC. 601 tery, and is parallel to it; while the left common iliac is situated on the inner side, and behind the corresponding artery, and is covered by its lower part. At the point where the left common iliac vein joins the vena cava inferior, it is also' crossed obliquely by the right common iliac artery. It follows, therefore, that the left common illiac vein is covered, and may be compressed by both common iliac arteries, while the right common iliac vein cannot be compressed by either of them, and probably this is partly the reason why anasarca of the left lower extremity is more common than in the right extremity in atonic diseases. The right common iliac vein receives no collateral branch; the left common iliac (n, fig. 223) is joined by the middle sacral vein (h). The middle sacral vein is situated in the median line, and its size depends upon that of the artery of the same name ; it belongs to the rachidian veins, with which it will bo described The internal iliac or hypogastric vein exactly represents the internal iliac artery, on the inner side of which it is situated, separated from it, however, by a very thin fibrous layer, which holds it down against the walls of the pelvis. The internal iliac vein receives the venaj comites of the branches of the internal iliac artery, the umbilical arteries in the foetus alone being excepted; for their satellite vein, the umbilical vein, which is also peculiar to the foetus, terminates in the hepatic portion of the vena port®, as we have already seen. The internal iliac vein, therefore, receives the blood returned from the parietes of the pelvis, from the organs contained within the cavity of the pelvis, and from the external genitals. There are always two veins for each artery ; but the two unite into a single vein at their point of termination in the principal trunk. The veins belonging to the parietes of the pelvis, viz., the gluteal, obturator, and sciatic veins, are arranged precisely like the corresponding arteries. The ilio-lumbar and lateral sacral veins (i,fig. 223) form part of the rachidian system, which will be specially described. The veins belonging to the genito-urinary organs present a plexiform arrangement both in their trunks and in their roots, which deserves particular attention. Some of the venous plexuses of the pelvis are found both in the male and female, as the hemorrhoidal, while some are peculiar to one or the other sex, as the vesico-prostatic and the plexuses of the penis to the male, and the vaginal and uterine plexuses to the female. The Internal Iliac Vein. The Hemorrhoidal Veins and Plexuses. The hemorrhoidal veins and plexus form a venous network, surrounding the lower end of the rectum. They are formed by the superior hemorrhoidal veins, which form the com- mencement of the inferior mesenteric, and by the middle and inferior hemorrhoidal veins, which are branches of the internal iliac. We ought to notice in particular the sub-mu- cous venous network near the anus. The plexus formed by it is analogous to that found in all other mucous membranes; its vessels are liable to become varicose, a condition which constitutes the greater number of hemorrhoidal tumours. The Pelvic Veins and Plexuses in the Male. Preparation.—lntroduce one injection-pipe into the corpus cavernosum, and another into the glans penis, and then push an injection simultaneously into both of them, and also into the crural vein. The superficial scrotal veins terminate partly in the superficial veins of the perinamm, and partly in the external pudic branches of the femoral vein ; they communicate with the superficial veins of the under surface of the penis. The Vesical Veins, or Vesico-prostatic Plexus.—The prostate gland and the neck of the bladder are covered by a very complicated plexus of veins, which become exceedingly developed in chronic inflammation of the bladder ; it receives the superficial veins of the penis, and gives off the vesical veins. This plexus, which communicates with the hemorrhoidal plexus behind, is supported by a very thick fibrous layer, which is continuous with the pelvic fascia, and which lim- its the degree of dilatation of the veins of the plexus in the same way as the dura mater limits the dilatation of the sinuses contained between its layers. The Veins and Plexuses of the Penis.—The veins of the penis are divided into a superfi- cial and deep set, the former representing the sub-cutaneous veins of the limbs. They commence in the skin of the prepuce, and run backward along the upper and lower sur- faces of that organ. The superior are called the dorsal veins of the penis; they commu- nicate freely with each other by large branches ; most of them run beneath the arch of the pubes, between it and the corpus caverriosum, passing through some openings or fibrous canals in the sub-pudic ligament, which have the effect of keeping the veins al- ways open; they end by assisting in the formation of the prostatic plexus. These veins communicate freely with the deep veins, especially opposite the junction of the two crura 4 G 602 ANGEIOLOGY. of the corpus cavcrnosum; this communication is proved by the fact that the superficial vessels are always filled when the injection is thrown into the deep veins. The areolar tissue of the corpus cavernosum and that of the corpus spongiosum may be regarded as composed of a venous network or plexus at its maximum of development. Branches proceed from this plexus, which correspond to the divisions of the internal pudic artery, and follow the same course. These veins, and the vesico-prostatic plexuses, are liable to become varicose ; hard earthy concretions, called phlebolites, are also frequently found in them. The Pelvic Veins and Plexuses in the Female. The vesical, or vesico-urethral plexus of the female, is less developed than that of the male, on account of the absence of veins corresponding to the superficial veins of the pe- nis, which are represented by a few branches from the labia majora. This plexus commu- nicates with the veins of the clitoris, and also very freely with the vaginal plexus behind The vaginal plexus is a vascular network, extremely well developed, especially oppo- site the orifice of the vulva, which is entirely surrounded by it with several series of cir cular anastomosing veins ; it communicates with the vesical plexus in front, and with the hemorrhoidal plexus behind; so that all the plexuses in the pelvis are involved in the state of turgescence, which accompanies the phenomenon of erection in the female. The radicles of this vaginal plexus commence in the mucous membrane of the vagina, and especially in the erectile tissue surrounding the orifice of that canal; some large veins arise, in particular, from the bulb of the vagina, forming a true erectile apparatus, which we have already described. (See Splanchnology, p. 320.) The Uterine Plexus.—The veins contained in the substance of the walls of the uterus do not present any trace of the tortuous arrangement of the corresponding arteries. In order to obtain a satisfactory idea of them, they should be studied in a gravid uterus. The uterine veins, like the uterine arteries, are then found along the sides and upper an- gles of the organ; opening into these veins are found larger venous canals, which run from side to side through the substance of the uterus, and anastomose frequently with each other. These venous canals are called the uterine sinuses, on account of their great size during gestation, and from the dilatations presented by them at the confluence of sev- eral secondary veins : they are also entitled to be so named from their structure, which has some analogy with that of the sinuses of the dura mater, inasmuch as only the lining membrane of the veins is prolonged into them; their outer coat is formed by the proper- tissue of the uterus, and hence the walls of these veins are contractile. I have stated elsewhere that, in reference to its veins, we may consider the uterus as consisting of an erectile tissue with muscular walls ; it is scarcely necessary to add, that these sinuses are unequally developed in different parts of the uterus, and that the point to which the placenta has been attached may be recognised by the greater size of the adjacent ute- rine sinuses. The veins contained within the substance of the walls of the uterus do not open into the uterine veins alone; several of them terminate in the ovarian veins, wdiich commu- nicate freely with the uterine, and may, if necessary, supply their place. The great size acquired by the uterine veins, both in the substance and on the surface of the uterus, proves that the venous apparatus plays an important part in the intersti- tial development of this organ. Moreover, the size of the veins and venous plexuses belonging to all the genito-urinary organs, and the essentially venous structure of such organs as are capable of being erect- ed, prove that the venous system performs an essential part in the truly active phenom- ena of erection. It is partly upon these anatomical and physiological arguments that I have endeavoured to show the active part performed by the veins in all the great phe- nomena of the economy, such as nutrition, secretion, inflammation, &c. The pelvic veins are provided with a great number of valves, which prevent injections from passing from the heart towards their extremities ; it ought to be remembered, that the venous plexuses of the pelvis establish a very important and verv free communica- tion between the veins of the right and left sides of the body. The Deep Veins of the Lower Extremity. The veins of the lower extremities, like those of the upper, are divided into the deep veins or venae comites of the arteries, and the superficial veins. The Plantar, Posterior Tihial, Peroneal, Dorsal, interior Tibial, and Pop liteal Veins. The external and internal plantar veins unite to form the posterior tibial, which accom- panies the artery of that name, and soon joins the peroneal vein, to constitute the tibio• peroneal vein : again, the anterior tibial vein, which commences by the vena dorsalis pedis perforates the upper part of the interosseous ligament, joins the tibio-peroneal vein, and in this way forms the popliteal vein Up to this point there are two venae comites for each artery, one of the veins being placed on each side ol the artery, across which they THE FEMORAL VEIN, ETC. very frequently send communicating branches. The peroneal veins are generally larger than the posterior tibial, and receive all the muscular veins from the posterior and outer regions of the leg. Commencing with the popliteal, there is only one vein for the main artery of the limb; but the arteries of the second and third order always have two veins. The popliteal vein is situated in the popliteal space, behind and in contact with the ar- tery. Its coats are remarkably thick, so that when cut across it remains open, and in the dead body has been sometimes mistaken for the artery. Below, and opposite the articulation of the knee, the vein is situated immediately behind the artery; above the joint it is behind, and a little to the outer side. The popliteal vein receives the large bundles of veins, the sural veins, from the gas trocnemius muscle : they are remarkable for the number of their valves; also the articu- lar veins, and generally the external saphenous vein. I have seen a small vein having very numerous valves, and being analogous to the collateral venous canals of which I have already spoken, extend from the upper part of the anterior tibial to the middle of the popliteal vein. The Femoral Vein. The femoral vein, like the artery of that name, is bounded below by the ring in the tendon of the adductor magnus, and above by the crural arch; it has different relations with the femoral artery in various parts of its course ; thus, below, it is on the outer side of the artery; higher up, it is situated behind that vessel; lastly, from the entrance of the vena saphena interna to the crural arch, it is placed to the inner side of the artery, and is in close contact with the posterior part of the opening for the femoral vessels ; so that femoral herniae descend in front of the vein, but not of the artery. The femoral vein is single, like the artery ; nevertheless, there are one or two collateral venous canals, which run parallel with the lower half, or lower two thirds of that vein ; some commu- nicating branches from the internal saphenous vein, and some muscular branches, open into these venous canals, which are always abundantly supplied with valves. The femoral vein receives all the branches corresponding to the divisions of the fern oral artery, excepting the external pudic veins and the cutaneous veins of the abdomen, which terminate in the internal saphenous vein. The great deep vein {profunda) opens into the femoral about ten or twelve lines be- low the crural arch. The external iliac vein is bounded below by the femoral arch, and terminates at the up- per part of the sacro-iliac symphysis by uniting with the internal iliac vein; it has the same relations as the artery, and is placed behind and to the inner side of that vessel, excepting over the os pubis, where it is exactly to the inner side of the artery. In one case I found the left common iliac receiving the right internal iliac, so that the right ex- ternal iliac was prolonged into the vena cava. The external iliac receives the epigastric and the circumflex iliac veins. These two veins are double, but each pair unites into a single trunk, as it is on the point of open- ing into the external iliac vein. All the deep veins of the lower extremity, excepting the external iliac, are provided with valves. There are four in the deep femoral, the same number in the popliteal, and many more in the tibial and peroneal veins; the mouths of all the small veins which open into them are provided with a pair of valves. The External Iliac Vein. The Superficial Veins of the Lower Extremity. The superficial veins of the lower extremity are much less numerous than those of the upper, and all terminate in two trunks, viz., the internal saphenous vein and the exter- nal saphenous vein. As in the hand, they are all situated upon the dorsal region of the foot. All the col- lateral veins of the toes enter the convexity of a venous arch, which is more regular and constant than that in the hand, and which is placed on the fore part of the metatarsus. From the inner end of this arch is given off a large branch, named the internal dorsal vein of the foot, which is the origin ot the internal saphenous vein ; the outer extremity also gives off a somewhat smaller branch, called the external dorsal vein of the foot, which forms the commencement of the external saphenous vein. The Internal Saphenous Vein. The internal or great saphenous vein (saphena interna, s, in the representation of the superficial nerves of the leg) is a collateral vein of the femoral venous trunk, and is con- tinuous with the internal dorsal vein of the foot. The last-mentioned vein commences at the inner extremity of the dorsal venous arch of the foot, into which the collateral veins of the great toe open ; it runs along the dorsal surface of the first metatarsal bone and the corresponding part of the tarsus, and receives, during its course, a deep branch from the internal plantar vein and all the superficial veins of the internal ulantar region, 604 ANGEIOLOGY. and particularly the internal calcaneal vein, which is sometimes large, and which, in cer- tain cases, does not terminate in the saphenous vein until it has reached above the in- ternal malleolus, around the posterior border of which it turns. The internal saphe- nous vein succeeds to the one just described; it is reflected upward in front of the internal malleolus, and continues to ascend upon the inner surface, then along the pos- terior border of the tibia, and upon the back of the internal tuberosity of that bone and the internal condyle of the femur. In this place it is situated on the inner side of the tendons of the semi-tendinosus, gracilis, and sartorius ; it then inclines forward, descri- bing a slight curve, with its concavity directed forward ; ascends along the anterior bor- der of the sartorius, and crosses obliquely over the adductor longus ; having arrived at the saphenous opening in the fascia lata, about eight or ten inches below Poupart’s lig- ament, it immediately curves backward, passes through that opening, and enters into the femoral vein, just as the vena azygos enters into the superior vena cava, that is to say, it describes a loop having its convexity directed downward. Several lymphatic glands are found near this curve. Relations.—The internal saphenous vein is separated from the skin by a very thin fibrous layer, the superficial fascia, and is in relation with the internal malleolus, the tibia, the tibial origin of the soleus, the tendons of the semi-tendinosus, gracilis, and sar- torius, with the last-named muscle itself, and with the adductor longus. It is accompa- nied by the internal saphenous nerve, from the knee down to the internal malleolus. During its course % receives all the sub-cutaneous veins of the thigh, most of the sub- cutaneous veins of the leg, the sub-cutaneous veins of the abdomen, the external pudic veins, and several communicating branches from the deep veins. The sub-cutaneous femoral veins of the back of the thigh sometimes unite into one rath- er large trunk, which appears like a second internal saphenous vein; it runs parallel with the regular vein, and enters it at a greater or less distance from its termination. I have met with an anterior superficial vein which commenced around the patella, ascended vertically along the anterior region of the thigh, and might be regarded as a third saphe- nous vein. In one case of this kind, these three saphenous veins, viz., the anterior, posterior, and internal, entered separately into the femoral vein, or, rather, into a dilata- tion in which the internal saphenous vein terminated. The internal saphenous vein often presents the following arrangement; opposite the lower part of the leg, or at the lower end of the thigh, it divides into two equal branches which pass upward, communicate with each other by transverse branches, and unite af- ter running a variable distance; in these cases the two branches represent a very elon- gated ellipse. I have even seen this arrangement in both the thigh and leg of the same subject, that is to say, the saphenous vein divided into two branches in the leg, which united opposite the internal tuberosity of the tibia, and again divided in the thigh. It is not uncommon to find a venous network supplying the place of the internal saphe- nous vein in the thigh. The sub-cutaneous abdominal veins should be arranged among the superficial and sup- plementary veins, although there is a small artery, the superficial epigastric, which cor- responds to them. There are three or four of these veins, which are joined by one from the gluteal region; they open sometimes by a common trunk, sometimes by three or four distinct trunks, into the internal saphenous, just as that vein is passing through the fascia lata. In a case of obliteration of the vena cava I found these veins very large, and prolonged over the thorax into the axilla, where they anastomosed with the cuta- neous branches of the intercostal and thoracic veins. In a case in which the umbilical vein was persistent, the right and left internal saphenous veins were tortuous, and as large as the little finger.* The internal saphenous also receives the external pudic veins; and I have seen it joined by the obturator vein, which commenced by a common trunk with the epigastric. The communicating branches of the internal saphenous with the deep veins are very nu- merous, and should be studied in the foot, the leg, and the thigh. The origin of the in- ternal saphenous vein gives off- a branch, which communicates with the internal plan- tar vein. Along the leg several other branches exist, which establish a communication between the internal saphenous and the posterior tibial veins ; these branches perforate the tib- ial origins of the soleus muscle. There is a very remarkable communication between the anterior tibial and internal saphenous veins in the middle third of the leg, by means of a branch which proceeds from the anterior tibial vein in front of the fibula, becomes sub-cutaneous, is reflected inward and upward between the fascia of the leg and the skin, and terminates in the in- ternal saphenous. Again, an inferior, internal, articular vein enters the internal saphenous. Lastly, the anastomoses in the thigh, between the deep and the superficial veins, aio less numerous than those in the leg ; at most we only find two such describing loops, with the concavity directed upward. * Anat. Path., liv. xviii. THE VEINS OF THE SPINE. 605 Valves.—The number of the valves appears to me variable : I have counted six along the internal saphenous, but at other times I have not found more than two or four. There is a greater number of valves in this vein in the thigh than in the leg. The External or Posterior Saphenous Vein. The external saphenous vein (la peroneo-malleolaire, Chauss.; see figure of nerves ol .eg), smaller and much shorter than the internal saphenous, is a branch of the popliteal vein; it forms a continuation of the external dorsal vein of the foot, which commences from the outer extremity of the dorsal venous arch ; it passes behind the peroneo-tibial articulation, crossing it from before backward; it receives, as it runs outward, a grea' number of branches, the chief of which come from the external plantar region ; also an external calcaneal vein, which is sometimes of considerable size, and comes from the outer side of the os calcis ; the vein then runs along the outer border of the tendo Achil- lis, and crosses it at a very acute angle, to reach the middle line of the posterior aspect of the leg: commencing at this point, it passes directly upward, crosses the internal popliteal nerve, and terminates in the popliteal vein between the internal and external popliteal nerves, between the two heads of the gastrocnemius, and by the side of the in- ternal inferior articular vein. Ip some subjects the external saphenous, at the moment when it bends to dip into the popliteal space, gives off an ascending vein, which runs along the posterior border of the semi-membranosus muscle, as high as the upper third of the thigh, where it then turns forward to open into the internal saphenous, or one of the branches of that vein, immediately below its opening into the femoral. Relations.—The external saphenous vein is covered by the superficial fascia, which separates it from the skin, and it covers the external saphenous nerve, from which it is separated by a layer of fascia; it crosses this nerve twice, being at first situated to the inner side, then to the outer side, and again on the inner side of the nerve. The external saphenous vein communicates with the deep veins only, behind the ex- ternal malleolus, and upon the dorsum of the foot. This vein has only two valves, one of which is situated immediately before its open- ing into the popliteal vein. Such are the veins of the lower cxVemity. The analogy which exists between the in- ternal dorsal branch of the foot and the cephalic vein of the thumb ; between the exter- nal dorsal branch and the vena salvatella; between the external saphenous and the ra- dial and cephalic veins ; between the internal saphenous and the ulnar and basilic veins, cannot be doubted. There is no branch in the lower extremity analogous to the median vein. General Remarks.—The Superficial Veins of the Spine.—The Anterior Superficial Spinal Veins, viz., the Greater Azygos—the Lesser Azygos—the Left Superior Verteiro-costals —the Right Vertebro-costals—the Vertehro-lumhar—the Ilio-lumbar, and Middle and Lat- eral Sacral—the Anterior Superficial Spinal Veins in the Neck.—The Posterior Superfi- cial Spinal Veins.—The Deep Spinal or Intra-spinal Veins—the Anterior Longitudinal, and the Transverse Veins or Plexuses, and the Veins of the Vertebra—the Posterior and the Posterior and Lateral Transverse Veins or Plexuses—the Medullary Veins.—General Remarks on the Veins of the Spine. THE VEINS OF THE SPINE. The spinal or rachidian veins constitute a very important part of the venous system, which has only recently been specially studied. These veins differ, in many respects, from the spinal arteries, so that the description of the one does not afford much assistance in the study of the other ; nevertheless, I shall frequently have occasion to point out some remarkable analogies between these two sets of vessels. The spinal veins are arranged most distinctly as vena? comites and supplementary veins. We shall divide them into the veins exterior to the spine or the superficial veins, and the veins in the interior of the spinal canal, or the deep veins. The Superficial Veins of the Spine. The superficial veins of the spine may be subdivided into the anterior and posterior. The Anterior Superficial Rachidian Veins. The anterior superficial rachidian or spinal veins {see fig. 223) comprise the vena azy- gos major, the vena azygos minor, the common trunk of the right superior intercostals, that of the left superior intercostals, the vertebro-lumbar and ilio-lumbar veins, and the lateral and middle sacral veins; in the neck, the ascending cervical and the vertebra, veins. The vena azygos major {a a', fig. 223) is a large single vein {dtpiyog, without a wllmv\ The Greater Azygos Vein. 606 ANG BIOLOGY. situated along the vertebral column; it commences {a') in the lumbar region, and termi- nates at the upper part of the thorax by opening into the vena cava superior. Its origin is subject to much variety. It very rarely arises from the trunk of the inle rior vena cava itself, with which, however, it almost always communicates by small branches. It generally forms the continuation of a series of anastomoses, which sur- round the bases of the right transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae, and which may be called after some authors the ascending lumbar vein (b, on the right side); sometimes it arises from the trunk of the last vertebro-costal, or the first vertebro-lumbar vein; we rarely find a branch of origin from the renal or supra-renal veins. It often has two ori- gins, one from the ascending lumbar, and the other from the first vertebro-lumbar, or last vertebro-costal vein. The vena azygos, almost immediately after its origin, passes from the abdominal into the thoracic cavity, through the aortic opening in the diaphragm, ascends upon the right side of the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae, as high as the third intercostal space, i. e., between the third and fourth ribs, where it curves forward, forming, like the aorta, an arch, which passes over and embraces the right bronchus, and opens into the back of the vena cava superior, as that vein is enter- ing the pericardium. During its course the vena azygos is in contact with 'the vertebral column, and is situated in the posterior mediasti- num, on the right side of the aorta and of the thoracic duct {t t), which runs parallel to it; it lies in front of the right in- tercostal arteries, and crosses them at right angles. It va- ries in size, according to the number of branches which it re- ceives, but gradually increases from below upward. The question of the existence of valves in the vena azy - gos has given rise to much discussion. It appears to me to be settled in the negative. The vena azygos is joined in front by the right bronchial vein and some oesophageal and mediastinal veins ; on the right side by the eight inferior vertebro-costal veins (c c) of that side; and on the left by the lesser azygos (d) and the common trunk (e) of the left superipr intercostal veins. Before opening into the superior vena cava, opposite the third intercostal space, the azygos vein receives at its curve, either by a common trunk, or by two or three separate branch- es, the three superior right vertebro-costal veins, which some- times enter the right brachio-cephalic vein, and sometimes the vena cava superior, above where it is joined by the vena azygos. In the last case they pass vertically upward ; in the second they are directed almost vertically downward. The lesser azygos vein (d d,' azygos minor, semi-azygos) may be regarded as the common trunk of the three, four, or five inferior vertebro-costal veins (c' c') of the left side : it opens into the great azygos vein. It commences below \d') in as many different ways as the great azygos vein, but it communicates with the renal vein much more frequently. It runs upward upon the left of the vertebral column, approaches the median line, and opens into the great azygos at a different height in different subjects. It joins the great azygos either at right angles or obliquely, passing behind the thoracic duct. The lesser azygos vein may be regarded as the left branch of origin of the greater azy- gos : sometimes it is extremely large ; in that case the great- er azygos is directly continuous with it, and the right branch is very small. The lesser azygos vein is joined by the four or five inferior vertebro-costal veins (c' c') of the left side. It also frequent- ly receives the common trunk of the superior vertebro-costal veins, which might be said to form a superior lesser azygos vein. The Semi-azygos, or Lesser Azygos Vein. The Left Superior Vertebro-costal Veins The common trunk (e) of the left superior intercostal veins (//) might be called the left superior lesser azygos, for it has the same relation to these veins that the lesser azy- gos has to the inferior intercostals of the same side. It runs downward upon the hit of the vertebral column, increasing in size as it apprcnches its termination, which is THE INTERCOSTAL VEINS, ETC. either near the end of the lesser azygos, or in the greater azygos. Not unfrequently the common trunk of the left superior intercostals bifurcates and opens both into the lesser azygos and into the left brachio-cephalic vein. In some cases it terminates entirely in the left brachio-cephalic vein : I have myself met with this disposition. I have seen the left superior phrenic and the mediastinal veins enter the trunk of the lesser vena azygos immediately before its termination. The number of the left vertebro-costal veins which unite to form the lesser azygos vein varies from three to seven ; when only three ox four of the highest of these verte- bro-costal veins end in it, the two or three lower ones enter directly into the greater azygos vein. General Remarks on the Vena Azygos Major.—This vein returns the blood of the right and left vertebro-costal veins to the heart; its presence is rendered necessary, first, in con- sequence of the inferior vena cava not being able to receive any veins from the point where it enters the groove in the liver to its termination in the right auricle ; and, sec- ondly, because the superior vena cava is also unable to receive any veins while it is within the pericardium. The greater azygos is, therefore, a supplementary vein, a true collateral canal which supplies the place of the vense cavae, and receives all the veins corresponding to the branches given off-by the aorta during this long course. These ob- servations are, for the most part, applicable to all the azygos veins. Anatomical Varieties of the Azygos Veins.—lt would be both useless and tedious to no- tice here all the varieties that have been observed in the distribution of the azygos veins. M. Breschet has described six, but there are many more. The following is a very cu- rious variety : the greater azygos occupies the median line of the dorsal portion of the vertebral column, and is divided below into two equal branches, a right and a left, each of which receives the three inferior vertebro-costal veins of its own sides ; all the other vertebro-costal veins end directly in the greater azygos. Another not less curious variety is the following ; there are two equal and parallel azygos veins, a right, which receives all the right intercostal veins, and a left, which re- ceives all the left intercostals : the two main trunks communicate with each other oppo- site the seventh or eighth dorsal vertebra by a very large transverse branch. The Intercostal or Vertebro-costal Veins. The intercostal or vertebro-costal veins of both sides (c c, c' c',f /) correspond to the in- tercostal or vertebro-costal arteries, the distribution of which it is important to call to mind. We have seen that each of these arteries divides into two branches ;an intercos- tal branch, properly so called, intended for the intercostal spaces ; and a spinal branch, the dorsal division of which terminates in the spinal muscles and the skin, while its ver- tebral, or intra-spinal division, is distributed to the vertebrae, to the spinal cord, and to its coverings. In like manner, the vertebro-costal veins are formed by the junction of the spinal branch, to which we shall presently return, and the intercostal branch. These two sets of branches unite into a common trunk, the vertebro-costal vein, which passes transversely along the groove on the body of each vertebra, receives some veins from the bone in that situation, and enters at a right angle into the corresponding axygos vein. In the lumbar region there are no azygos veins, and each vertebro-lumbar vein en- ters separately, or by a common trunk, with its fellow of the opposite side, into the back of the vena cava inferior. Not unfrequently two of the vertebro-lumbar veins of the same side open by a common trunk ; and it is not rare to find the left superior vertebro- lumbar vein enter the renal vein. The vertebro-lumbar veins (g) are distributed very differently from the corresponding arteries. Opposite the bases of the transverse processes there are a series of anasto- motic arches, which together constitute, on each side, an ascending branch, called the ascending lumbar vein (b h), which communicates above with the corresponding azygos vein, and below with the ilio-lumbar veins, and which might be regarded as a lumbar azygos vein. The trunks of the vertebro-lumbar veins proceed from this series of arches to the vena cava ; and all the intra-spinal and dorsi-spinal veins terminate in it. The Lumbar or Vertebro-lumbar Veins. The ilio-lumbar vein, which opens into the common iliac, is distributed like the artery of that name ; it sometimes receives the last vertebro-lumbar vein : it is joined by the great veiqs which emerge from the lower inter-vertebral foramina of the lumbar verte- brae ; by the branch which is continuous in front of the fifth lumbar vertebra, with the series of arches forming what may be called the lumbar azygos ; and, lastly, by a com- municating branch from the lateral sacral veins. The middle sacral and lateral sacral veins represent the azygos veins in the sacral re- gion ; they are joined by all the dorsi-spinal branches passing out from the inter-vertebral foramina, and end in the common iliac veins. The middle sacral vein (A) often commences below by three branches, a median in The Ilio-lumbar, Middle Sacral, and Lateral Sacral Veins. 608 ANGEIOLOGY. front of the coccyx, and two lateral and anterior branches. One of these joins the ves- ical plexus, while the other communicates with the hemorrhoidal veins, and establishes a remarkable communication between the general venous system and the system of the vena portae. The middle sacral vein passes vertically upward, somewhere near the middle line, and opens into the left common iliac vein (w) at a greater or less distance from its junction with the right common iliac. I have seen it bifurcate above to enter both common iliacs. During its course it is joined opposite each vertebra by some transverse, plexiform branches, which establish a free communication between it and the lateral sacral veins, and which receive some large branches from the bodies of the sacral vertebrae. These transverse branches represent the vertebro-costal and vertebro-lumbar veins, which also receive the veins which issue from the bodies of the vertebrae, through the foramina, upon the inner surface of those bones. The lateral sacral veins (i), of which there are always more than one on each side, are continuous with the dorsi-spinal veins, which emerge from the anterior sacral foramina ; there are generally two, a superior, which enters the common iliac vein, and an inferior, which forms a very remarkable plexus, opposite the great sciatic notch, and ends in the internal iliac vein, or in its gluteal and sciatic branches. The Anterior Superficial Spinal Veins in the Neck. In the anterior cervical region we find transverse plexiform branches (k) opposite each vertebra, more particularly opposite the first and second; these plexuses open partly into the ascending cervical vein, which corresponds to the ascending cervical artery, but principally into the vertebral vein, which is contained within the canal formed by the series of foramina at the base of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae. These plexiform branches, which cover the sides of the bodies of all the vertebra;, are joined by the veins from the prasvertebral muscles, by the articular veins, and by the anterior osseous veins from the bodies of the corresponding vertebrae. The vertebral veins and the ascending cervical veins may therefore be said to repre- sent the azygos veins in the cervical region. The Posterior Superficial Spinal Veins. The posterior superficial spinal veins commence in the skin, and in the muscles of the vertebral grooves : some of them closely accompany the arteries; for example, those that pass between the muscles of the vertebral grooves ; the others have a peculiar dis- tribution, and require a special description. These veins, which are called dorsi-spinales by MM. Dupuytren and Breschet, form an exceedingly complicated network, the meshes of which surround the spinous process- es and laminae, and the transverse and articular processes of all the vertebras; these meshes are more numerous in proportion as the injection is more perfect. After a successful injection, we sometimes find along the summits of the spinous pro- cesses, especially in the dorsal and cervical regions, certain median longitudinal veins, from which the interosseous branches proceed. These latter run forward, on each side of, and in contact with, the inter-spinous ligaments. Having reached the base of the corresponding spinous process, they pass outward, opposite the intervals between the laminae of the vertebrae, as far as the bases of the transverse processes, and then divide into two branches : one of these ascends, and anastomoses with the descending branch from the vein above; while the other branch descends, and anastomoses with the as- cending branch of the vein below. It follows, therefore, that around the transverse pro- cesses and the lamina; of the vertebra; there is a series of venous circles, which com- municate, opposite each inter-vertebral foramen, with the veins contained in the interior of the spine. The posterior superficial spinal veins in the neck have a much more complicated ar- rangement, and, indeed, form a plexus. Moreover, we generally find, between the corn- plexus and the semi-spinalis colli, two longitudinal veins, which appear to me to deserve a particular description, under the name of the posterior jugular veins. The posterior jugular veins commence between the occipital bone and the atlas, pass tortuously out from the interval between these bones, run downward and inward, and, opposite the spinous process of the axis, the veins of the two sides anastomose by a transverse branch. They then change their direction, pass downward and outward, and having reached the lower part of the neck, turn forward, between the seventh cervical vertebra and the first rib, and open into the back of the brachio-cephalic vein behind the vertebral vein. The two posterior jugular veins are therefore arranged in the form of the letter X. The posterior jugular vein, which does not always exist, for its branches of origin sometimes remain separate, seems to be inversely proportioned to the vertebral vein, with which it communicates opposite each inter-transverse space. It has appeared to me to communicate above with the deep occipital and the mastoid veins, with the veins situated in the spinal canal, and with the internal jugular vein. I hroughout the whole THE INTRA-SPINAL VEINS. 609 01 its course, it communicates freely, opposite each inter-vertcltral foramen, with the veins contained in the interior of the spinal canal, and with the vertebral vein. The Deep Spinal or Intra-spinal Veins. The veins in the interior of the spine comprise the proper veins of the spinal cord, and the veins situated between the bones and the dura mater, which are subdivided into the anterior and the posterior longitudinal veins or plexuses, and the transverse veins or plexus- es ; the latter establishing a free communication between all four of the longitudinal veins or plexuses, opposite each vertebra. Before describing the veins situated between the bones and the dura mater, I must state, in a few words, what is the arrangement of the proper arteries of the vertebral. The spinal branches which are given off on each side of the body by the vertebral ar- tery in the neck, by the intercostal arteries in the back, by the lumbar arteries in the loins, and by the lateral sacral arteries in the pelvis, enter the spinal canal through the several inter-vertebral foramina, and then each of them divides into an ascending and a descending branch; the ascending branch runs upward upon the lateral part of the body of the vertebra above, and anastomoses with the descending branch of the spinal artery above it, while the descending branch anastomoses with the ascending branch of the artery below. Each of the anastomotic arches thus formed has its concavity directed outward; so that there is a series of arterial arches, united at their extremities, situ- ated upon each side of the posterior surface of the bodies of all the vertebra. From the convexity of each arch two transverse branches are given off, one running above and the other below the small foramina upon the posterior surface of the body of the corre- sponding vertebra. The cribriform portion of the bone is thus surrounded by the arte- rial arches with their transverse branches ; and from all points of the polygon which they form small arteries are given off, which penetrate into the substance of each ver- tebra, and anastomose with the arterial twigs that enter the anterior surface of the body of the vertebra. The arrangement of these arteries gives a perfect idea of that of the veins known as the anterior longitudinal veins or plexuses, and of the transverse plexuses, which pass from one to the other. The Anterior Longitudinal Intra-spinal Veins or Plexuses, the Transverse Plexuses, and the Proper Veins of the Bodies of the Vertebrae. Dissection.—Remove the arches of the vertebras, and the spinal cord and its coverings. The plexus may also be viewed from the front, by carefully sawing through the pedicles and then removing the bodies of the vertebrae. The anterior longitudinal plexuses, described by Chaussier, but still more correctly by Breschet, form two venous trunks, named the great anterior longitudinal veins, extending, from the foramen magnum to the base of the coccyx, one on each side of the posterior common vertebral ligament, and therefore upon the sides of the posterior surface of the- bodies of the vertebrae, and on the inner side of their pedicles. These veins, improperly called vertebral sinuses, communicate together opposite each vertebra by a transverse plexus, situated between the body of the vertebra and the posterior common, ligament. These longitudinal plexuses are less developed in the cervical and sacral regions. It is probable that in the neck their place is supplied by the vertebral veins. It would be in vain to consider these plexuses as having a distinct edgin’, course,, and. termination; the description given above of the distribution of the arteries is applicable* to the veins in every respect: thus, the venous plexuses are formed by a series of plex- iforra arches, which embrace the pedicles of each vertebra, have their concavity directed outward and their convexity inward, and the extremities of which anastomose together opposite the inter-vertebral foramina, where they communicate with the branches on the outside of the spine, and assist in the formation of the vertebro-lumbar and vertebro- costal veins, and, consequently, of the azygos veins. From the convexity of each arch proceeds a transverse plexus, which goes to join with its fellow of the opposite side; and, just as we have seen that the transverse arteries extending from one arterial arch to another give off branches to the bodies of the vertebrae, so, in like manner, the trans- verse venous plexuses receive the veins which emerge from the body of each vertebra. The arrangement of the veins or plexuses just described explains the alternate en- largements and contractions observed in different parts of the anterior longitudinal plex- uses. The rare interruptions described by M. Brescho I believe to depend upon im- perfect injections, which succeed so differently in different subjects. The anterior longitudinal veins or plexuses cannot be regarded as sinuses, for they are not contained in a fibrous sheath, like the veins of the dura mater, nor are they reduced merely to the lining membrane of the veins. Notwithstanding their extreme tenuity, we can recognise an external coat, and the posterior common ligament does not cover them behind. Nor is the term sinus more applicable to the transverse plexuses, although they are situated between the bodies of the vertebra; and the posterior common ligament, for the ligament merely covers them without forming a sheath for them. 4 H ANGEIOLOGY. The Proper Veins of the Bodies of the Vertebra.—The foramina upon the posterior sn/- i'ace of the body of each vertebra, which are generally proportioned to the size of the ver- tebra, are principally intended for the proper veins of the bodies of their bones ; the ar- teries are much smaller, and though they enter by the same openings, they occupy but a small part of their areas. These veins belong to that system of venous canals found in the substance of bones, which we have already noticed as existing in the bones of the cranium. Their chief varieties have been correctly described and delineated by M. Bres- chet. These venous canals, which are more developed in the old than in young sub- jects, occupy the centre of the body of the vertebra, and always run parallel to the up- per and lower surfaces of the bone ; they arise from all parts of the circumference of the vertebra, communicating with the veins which enter by the foramina on its anterior sur- face, and converge towards the principal foramen, or foramina, upon its posterior as- pect. They frequently enter a semicircular canal, which has its convexity directed for- ward, and gives off from its concavity a venous canal, which opens directly into the transverse plexus ; the lateral veins ol the body of the vertebra open into the extremities of this semicircular canal; while within the venous canals of the vertebra;, the veins are reduced to their lining membrane, like the veins in the canals of the cranial bones. The transverse plexuses, therefore, collect the blood from the bodies of the vertebra), and transmit it to the anterior longitudinal plexuses. The Posterior Intra-spinal Veins or Plexuses, and the Posterior and Lateral Transverse Plexuses. The posterior intra-spinal plexuses, much smaller than the anterior, are situated one on each side between the vertebral lamina) and ligamenta subflava behind, and the dura mater in front. These veins are rarely injected along the whole length of the spine, and hence they sometimes appear to exist only in the dorsal region. They communicate op- posite each vertebra, by means of posterior transverse plexuses, or by transverse veins. They communicate with the anterior longitudinal plexuses by small lateral transverse plexuses, which pass from behind forward. It follows, therefore, that the veins within the spine, but external to the coverings of the cord, consist of four longitudinal plexuses, all of which are connected by a transverse circular plexus opposite each vertebra. A strict analogy may be said to exist between the sinuses of the cranium and the intra-spi- nal plexuses ; an analogy which did not escape the notice of the ancients, as the com- mon application of the term sinus by them to the veins of the cranium and to those of the spine would seem to indicate. Thus, in the cranium we find certain longitudinal sinus- es, that is, those which run from before backward, viz., the superior longitudinal sinus, the straight sinus, and the posterior occipital sinuses ; also, the superior and inferior pe- trosal sinuses, the cavernous sinuses, and the right and left lateral sinuses. The former set represent the posterior intra-spinal plexuses ; the latter correspond to the anterior in- tra-spinal plexuses. In the cranium we also find certain transverse sinuses, viz., the basilar or transverse occipital sinuses and canals, and the coronary sinus, which exactly correspond to the transverse plexuses, extending from one anterior intra-spinal plexus to the other. We sometimes find two or three transverse venous plexuses in the basilar groove of the oc cipital bone. Lastly, may we not compare the veins on the outer surfaces of the spine to the occipital, frontal, and temporal veins ; and do not the veins passing through the posterior lacerated foramen and the sphenoidal fissure, which we have regarded as representing the inter- vertebral foramina (see Osteology), establish a communication between the veins on the inside and those on the outside of the cranium, just as the veins which escape through the inter-vertebral foramina connect together the superficial and the intra-spinal veins 1 The anterior and posterior deep spinal veins communicate with the superficial veins of the spine at the inter-vertebral foramina so freely, that the circulation would not be interfered with even if a considerable amount of obstruction existed. I have already stated (see Vertebra) that the diameter of the inter-vertebral foramina is in relation, not with the size of the nervous ganglia, but rather with that of the veins, which estab- lish a communication between the superficial and intra-spinal venous systems. The Proper Veins of the Spinal Cord, or the Medullary Veins. If we examine the pia mater of the spinal cord, even without having injected it, in the body of a person who has died suddenly, as in that of a new-born infant after death from asphyxia or apoplexy, the surlace of the pia mater will be found covered by very tortu- ous veins, which emerge from the posterior median furrow of the spinal cord. This ve- nous network, wdiich is spread over the whole surface of the cord, gives off opposite the roots of each nerve a small vein, which runs directly between those roots, enters the corresponding inter-vertebral foramen, is enclosed with the nerve in the sheath formed by the dura mater, and having emerged from that sheath, opens into the large vein sit- uated in the inter-vertebral foramen. There is, therefore, this difference between the proper veins and arteries of the spinal THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. 611 cord, that tie number of veins is equal to that of the nerves ; while the arteries are less numerous, and enter the fibrous sheaths of the nerves only at intervals, and in propor- tion as the preceding arteries are exhausted. Moreover, the anterior and postedor spi- nal veins, like their corresponding arteries, may be regarded as belonging only to the up- per part of the cord, and not as being intended to traverse its whole length. General Remarks on the Veins of the Spine. The veins of the spine may be regarded, in reference to the general circulation, as es- tablishing an unbroken communication between the veins of all parts of the trunk ; so that we can suppose one of the venae cavae to be obliterated, without the venous circu- lation being interrupted. The greater azygos itself, which is generally regarded as the principal means of communication between the two venae cavae, is not, however, neces- sary, when we consider the arrangement of the anterior and posterior spinal plexuses. Thus, I have sometimes seen the inferior, and sometimes the superior vena cava oblit- erated without any apparent increase in the diameter of the vena azygos, and, what will perhaps be thought surprising, without oedema, either of the upper or lower extremities. Supposing the vena cava ascendens to be obstructed from the entrance of the hepatic veins down to the renal veins, the blood would then flow back by the vertebro-lumbar veins into the plexuses contained within the spinal canal; through these plexuses, it would ascend to the vertebro-costal veins, from thence to the azygos veins, and through them into the superior vena cava. If all the jugular veins were obliterated, the venous circulation in the head would still continue, and would be carried on through the spinal veins. I have tied the two exter- nal jugular veins in a dog. The animal showed no sign of cerebral congestion ; after opening the body, I did not find any increase of size in the small veins which accom- pany the carotid arteries, and which in those animals are naturally very small. In this case, the circulation was evidently carried on by means of the spinal veins. Definition, History, and general View of the Lymphatic System.—Origin.—Course.—Termi- nation and Structure of the Lymphatic Vessels.—The Lymphatic Glands.—Preparation oj the Lymphatic Vessels arid Glands. THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. The term lymphatic vessels is applied to certain transparent tubes provided with valves, and conveying either lymph or chyle, which pass through small, rounded, glanduliform bodies called lymphatic glands, and in all cases empty themselves into the venous sys- tem, to which, indeed, they may be said to form an appendage. From their tenuity and transparence, these vessels for a long time escaped the notice of anatomists. The thoracic duct was discovered by Eustachius in 1565. The lac- teals were discovered in 1623 by Gaspard Asellius, who, by a lucky chance, while seek- ing quite another object, discovered certain vessels filled with chyle. In 1641, Pecquet discovered the receptaculum chyli, and showed that the lacteals entered the thoracic duct, and not the liver, as Asellius and all his contemporaries believed. Rudbeck, Thomas Bartholin, and Jolyff dispute the honour of having discovered the lymphatic vessels, properly so called, in contradistinction to the lacteals or chyliferous vessels. Mascagni devoted a great part of his life to the study of the lymphatic system ; and his work, ornamented by magnificent plates, is a monument of science, which should be taken for a model by all who are engaged in anatomical inquiries. Lastly, within the last few years, MM. Fohmann, Lauth, Lippi, Panizza, and Rossi have thrown light upon some most important points in the anatomy of this system. In describing this system of vessels, the lacteals, or the lymphatics containing chyle, have commonly been separated from the lymphatics, properly so called, or the vessels containing lymph. This distinction, however, is not warranted by anatomy, for the two sets of vessels are perfectly identical in structure. The lymphatic system offers many analogies with the venous system ; but there ar also no less remarkable differences between the two. Like the venous system, it consists, as a whole, of afferent or converging vessels which arise from all parts of the body, and run from the periphery towards the centre. Like the veins, the lymphatics are divided into two sets ; a suh-cutaneous set, which, in general, accompanies the superficial veins of the limbs ; and a deep set, which follows the course of the deep arteries and veins ; and, lastly, the lymphatics resemble the veins in being provided with valves. The lymphatics differ from the veins in passing through certain bodies improperly called glands, which, at intervals, intercept their course. They differ from the veins, also, in their arrangement; for they do not successively unite into larger and larger branches, and these into trunks, but they scarcely increase in size from their origin to their termination ; and, though they communicate with each other by numerous anasto- 612 ANGEIOLOGY. Moses, each of them follows, as it were, an independent course : lastly, the blood which circulates in the veins is still, though indirectly, under the influence of the heart’s ac- tion, while the onward movement of the lymph is exclusively dependant upon the pari- etes of the vessels. Before proceeding to the special description of the lymphatics, we shall make some general remarks upon the origin, course, and termination of these vessels. Origin of the Lymphatics. The origin of the lymphatics, like every point connected with the minute structure of the tissues, is yet a new subject for inquiry.* It has been said that the lymphatics are continuous with the arteries, so that, accord- ing to this hypothesis, the arteries are continuous with two kinds of vessels, viz., with the lymphatics, which carry off the serum, and with the veins, which transmit the col- oured part of the blood. The continuity of the arteries with the lymphatics has been admitted, in consequence ot its having been observed that injections thrown into the arteries passed into the lymphatics. I have frequently seen thi§ in injecting the spleen and the liver; but it was only when the injection was pushed in with great and contin- ued force : so that it is possible, as thought by Hunter, Monro, and Meckel, that, in these cases, some of the vessels had been ruptured, and the injection extravasated ; or, what is still more probable, there may have been transudation through the pores of the tis- sues. Microscopical observations show most distinctly that the arteries are continuous with the veins ; but there is no fact to demonstrate the continuity of the arteries with the lymphatics. The origin of the lymphatics can be actually shown only upon free surfaces, such as the mucous membranes, the skin, the serous and synovial membranes, and the lining membranes of arteries and veins ; so that, in the actual state of our knowledge, it might be maintained that the lymphatic vessels arise exclusively from all the free surfaces. All the lymphatics arise by a network of such tenuity that, when .injected with mer- cury, the whole surface appears changed into a metallic layer. About eight years since, having introduced at random a tube filled with mercury for injecting the lymphatics into the pituitary membrane in a calf, I was astonished to find the surface covered by a metallic pellicle ; I repeated the experiment frequently, and constantly found that the pellicle was not caused by extravasation, for the mercury ran in determinate lines, forming plexuses of different kinds ; also that, to succeed in this experiment, it was necessary to puncture the membrane very superficially, or the mer- cury would run into the subjacent plexus of veins; and, lastly, that there was no com- munication between that plexus of veins and the more superficial network, which I sus- pected to consist of lymphatic vessels, for it exactly resembled the network of those vessels in the peritoneum covering the liver. I ascertained that the same structure ex- isted in the skin; in the lingual, buccal, and vaginal mucous membranes ; in the con- junctiva ; and, lastly, in the uterine mucous membrane of a sow which had lately lit- tered. I showed this lymphatic network of the pituitary membrane in several of my lectures ; and lately, having a Jain examined the subject for the purposes of the present work, I have ascertained that this network exists upon all the free surfaces, that it com- municates with the lymphatics, and that it is possible to inject those vessels and the lymphatic glands by introducing the pipe very superficially into the surfaces of these membranes, f I may be permitted to observe, that it is only a few months since I be- came acquainted with the splendid work of M. Panizza, of Pavia, upon the lymphatic ves- sels of the testicles (Osservazioni Antropo-zootomico Fisiologiche, 1830); and with M. Foh- mann’s last very important memoir (Mimoire sur les Vaisseaux Lymphatiques de la Pcau, des Membranes Muqueuses, Sereuses, du Tissu Nerveux, et des Muscles, 1833). Origin of the Lymphatics from the Mucous Membranes.—The villi found upon the mu- cous membrane ot the small intestines contain, in their centre, a cavity, named the am- pulla of Lieberkuhn, which I have seen in one instance filled with tuberculous matter. (Anat. Pathol., liv. ii.) Still, I have never been able to discover any open orifice on the summit of that villus.t Independently of these cavities within the villi, which are proper to the system of lacteal vessels, the thin pellicle of the mucous membranes which can- not be injected from the arteries or veins (vide p. 370), when carefully and very super- ficially punctured by the pipe of a mercurial injecting apparatus, is covered by a metallic pellicle. Panizza and Fohmann have proved that the membrane which covers the glans penis has two sets of lymphatics : a superficial and a deep. M. Fohmann has figured, in some very beautiful plates, the lymphatic network of the mucous membranes of the glans penis, bladder, urethra, trachea, bronchi, oesophagus, stomach, ileum, and colon. This network is so superficial, that the mercury appears almost uncovered ; it does not com- * Do lymphatics commence in all parts of the body ? It is true that absorption is carried on in every part, for absorption is one element of the process of nutrition ; but, as it can be effected by other vessels besides the lymphatics, its occurrence in any part does not necessarily involve the presence ot this peculiar class of vessels. + These preparations were made by M. Bonami, my prosector, under my direction, with extreme skill, and a zeal above all praise. . . t [For what is known concerning the structure of the villi, see note, p. .>OJ J ORIGIN OF THE LYMPHATICS. 613 mumcate either with the arteries or the veins, but communicates freely with the lym- phatic vessels. It was correctly delineated by Mascagni: according to that anatomist, it covers all the intestinal villi, as with a sheath, and does not appear to have any open- ings on the exterior. Origin of the Lymphatics from the Skin.—Are the openings or pores so evident upon the a Kin when viewed through a lens, and from which drops of sweat may be seen to exude, intended to serve the purpose both of exudation and absorption 1 or are there rather two distinct kinds of orifices for these two functions 1 or, lastly, are these orifices altogether unconnected with the absorbent vessels 1* If we puncture the skin very superficially, so that the injecting pipe may enter imme- diately below the epidermis, the mercury will be seen to run with great rapidity into some very small vessels, and to form a metallic network, precisely like that already de- scribed as existing in the mucous membranes ; from this layer proceed sub-cu.taneous lymphatics, which may be traced filled with mercury as far as the adjacent lymphatic glands, or even beyond them. In order that this experiment may succeed, it is neces- sary that the skin to be injected should be plunged into hot water. I made the following experiment in order to detect, if possible, in the lymphatics of the skin, the mercury absorbed during mercurial frictions. I caused two dogs to be rubbed with mercurial ointment night and morning; and, that the absorption might be more complete, I enveloped their bodies in a frock made of skin. These animals died in about eight days with gangrene of the gums ; but I could not find in any part the slight- est trace of mercury, although the frictions were continued up to the period of their death. . Origin of the Lymphatics from the Serous and Synovial Membranes.—The same results as those above stated are obtained by injecting the serous and synovial membranes. The portion of peritoneum covering the liver is generally chosen for injecting the lym- phatic network of serous membranes, because the tension and adhesion of the perito- neum over the liver renders it more easy to inject. The same results may be obtained by injecting the costal or pulmonary pleura, the tunica vaginalis, or the parietal and vis- ceral portions of the arachnoid. The synovial membranes may be injected with the greatest facility, either near the cartilages, where they are more tense than in other parts, or upon the ligaments, to which they adhere. Origin of the Lymphatics from the Lining Membrane of the Veins and Arteries.—The lymphatic plexuses upon the lining membrane of veins and arteries have hitherto been only partially displayed, but the analogy between these and serous membranes is so close, that I have no doubt of their identity in this respect. I have, moreover, found the lymphatic vessels of the aorta filled with blood in several cases of degeneration of the coats of that vessel. Origin of the Lymphatics in the Free Cellular Tissue.—ln order to exhibit the origin of the lymphatics in this situation, I injected coloured liquids, such as ink, into the sub- cutaneous and inter-muscular cellular tissue in several animals, and I found the lym- phatic vessels and the corresponding lymphatic glands of a jet-black colour. I made a great number of experiments to induce absorption of mercury, by injecting it either into the cellular tissue, or into a serous cavity ; but the metallic mercury always acted like a foreign body, the mechanical effect of which produced more or less inflammation, but it was never absorbed. I have found pus in both the superficial and deep lymphatics, and in the lymphatic glands of the groin, after phlegmonous erysipelas and acute abscesses of the leg ; but it is not proved that the presence of this pus was the result of absorption. It is more probable that it had been produced by inflammation of the lymphatics themselves. Although it is impossible to demonstrate, anatomically, the presence of lymphatics in the free cellular tissue, it is most probable that that tissue, as well as the serous mem- branes, with which it has so many analogies, is formed by this kind of vessels. Mas- cagni stated that all the white tissues consist of lymphatic vessels, and that the lym- phatic system forms the basis of the whole body. From the preceding observations, it may be stated that, with the exception of the lacteals which open upon the summits of the villi, f all the lymphatic vessels of free sur- faces arise by an exceedingly delicate network ; M. Fohmann believes that all the lym- phatics commence by a network of closed vessels.^ I have never been able to discover the lymphatic networks, either in the nervous sub- stance, in muscles, glands, or in the fibrous, cartilaginous, and osseous tissues. * [These pores are the orifices of the ducts of the sudoriferous glands, which are imbedded in the true skin, or the sub-cutaneous cellular membrane, and have no direct connexion with the lymphatics.] t [Whether the lacteals commence in each villus by a network, or by free closed extremities, is not yet de- termined ; but they form no exception to the rule that the absorbent vessels arise by closed extremities, and not by open mouths. See p. 370.] , t [These networks are arranged in layers, the most superficial of which is formed by the finest vessels, and has the smallest meshes.] 614 ANGEIOLOGY. Course of the Lymphatics. From the networks above described, the lymphatics themselves arise, and, in all the organs, are divided into a deep and a superficial set. The former set accompany the deep vessels of the organ, while the others follow the superficial veins in such parts of the body as are provided with them. In those organs which are covered with a serous coat, they appear to be contained within the substance of that membrane. The lymphatics run parallel with each other, and communicate pretty frequently by bifurcating, and then joining the neighbouring vessels ; but they do not converge towards each other, nor do they, like the veins, unite successively into a smaller and smaller number of larger and .larger branches ; thus, their increase in size is not progressive ; and it might even be said that, throughout their whole course, they undergo no decided increase nor dimi- nution. Their direction is slightly tortuous. (In fig. 224 are shown short portions of lymphat- ics of different sizes.) Anastomoses.—We do not find in the lymphatics those numerous and important anas- tomoses which form such characteristic points in the history of the arteries and veins. These vessels present only one kind of anastomosis, which is accomplished in the fol- lowing manner ; A lymphatic, after a certain course, divides into two equal branches, which diverge at a very acute angle; these two branches anastomose with two other lymphatics, each of which communicates either by bifurcation or directly with the neigh- bouring lymphatic vessel. This explains how, by injecting a single lymphatic, a certain group of these vessels may be filled. Not unfrequently, a lymphatic divides into two branches, which, after a certain distance, again unite. During their course, the lymphatic vessels meet certain small glanduliform bodies, the conglobate glands of the ancients, but which are also called lymphatic ganglia, on account of the analogy pointed out by Scemrnerring between them and the ganglia of nerves; the lymphatic glands form centres, to which a number of lymphatic vessels proceed, and are lost in them for a time, but from which they afterward emerge. The name of afferent lymphatics (vasa afferentia, a a a, fig. 225) is applied to those which enter a gland, and those which emerge from it are called efferent lymphatics (vasa efferentia, b h). Do all the lymphatics necessarily traverse one or more of these glands 1 Mascagni has successfully maintained the affirmative in opposition to Hewson and others, who as- sert that they have seen lymphatics entering directly into the thoracic duct. Mascagni states that he invariably found that these vessels passed through one or more glands. As to the argument derived from the absence of dropsy in cases of obstruction in the lymphatic glands, Mascagni explains this by the frequent anastomoses of the lymphatic vessels, the result of which is, that they communicate with several series of glands, some of which are situated at very great distances. The most numerous anastomoses of the lymphatics take place within the lymphatic glands ; thus, if we inject the afferent vessels of a lymphatic gland, the mercury escapes by its efferent vessels. In injecting a gland, it frequently happens that the mercury passes not only into the efferent, but also into some of the afferent vessels. Size of the Lymphatics.—The lymphatics are generally so small as to escape the no- tice of the observer ; but they may become enlarged to a remarkable degree. Thus, I have seen the lymphatics of the groin and of the uterus as large as the thumb. An attempt has been made to draw some comparison between the total capacities of the lymphatic, venous, and arterial systems ; but all that has been said respecting this is founded upon no positive data. I would, moreover, observe, that in all probability we are acquainted with but a portion of the lymphatic system. Termination of the Lymphatics. According to the most generally received opinion, all the lymphatics terminate in two trunks, the thoracic duct and the great right lymphatic duct; the latter vessel receives the lymph from the right upper extremity, and from the right half of the head, neck, and tho- rax ; the lymphatic vessels of all the other parts of the body end in the thoracic duct; the lymphatic vessels enter successively into these two trunks, as the plumes of a feath- er are attached to its shaft. The two trunks themselves end as follows: the thoracic duct enters the left sub-clavian vein, at the junction of that vein with the internal jugu- lar ; the great right lymphatic duct terminates in the right sub-clavian vein; hence it is that the lymphatic system may be regarded as an appendage of the venous system. Are the thoracic and the great right lymphatic ducts, notwithstanding their small size, the only terminations of the lymphatic system 1 With this question may be connected another: Are the lymphatics the exclusive agents of absorption, or do they share this function with the veins 1 Mascagni appeared to have established, beyond dispute, that absorption was performed by the lymphatics to the exclusion of the veins ; when Magendie* and Delille in France, * It is established, says M. Magendie, that the lacteals absorb the chyle, and that the intestinal veins ab- TERMINATION OF THE LYMPHATICS. 615 Tiedemann and Gmelin in Germany, and Flandrin and Emmert in England, relying upon some ingenious experiments, again attributed a power of absorption to the veins, and hence led other anatomists to undertake still farther researches. The inquiry was soon entered upon by M. Fohmann in 1820 and 1821, by M. Lauth in 1824, and by M. Lippi in 1825, all of whom again referred the phenomena of absorption exclusively to the lymphatics, and supported that opinion both by arguments and facts. MM. Fohmann and Lauth admit two other modes of termination of the lymphatic sys- tem in the veins besides the one already indicated: first, a direct termination of the lymphatic radicles in the radicles of the veins, which is supposed to occur in the sub- stance of organs; and, secondly, a communication between the lymphatics and veins within the lymphatic glands. This opinion, which seems reconcilable with the fact that the area of the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts is very small as compared with that of all the lymphatic vessels, appears, a priori, to be exceedingly probable. But an anatomical fact must be shown anatomically before it can be admitted. Now there is no proof of the communication of the lymphatic and venous radicles. M. Foh- mann relies upon certain more or less ingenious inductions, but not upon direct ana- tomical facts. I am, therefore, still compelled to doubt the existence of these copimu- nications, and to class them with the vasa serosa, or serous veins of Haller. Again, a communication between the lymphatics and the veins in the substance of the ymphatic glands had been conjectured by many anatomists ; the elder Meckel had seen mercury, when thrown into- the lumbar lymphatics, pass into the abdominal veins ; but tins fact was attributed to rupture in the interior of the glands.—(Hewson, Cruickshank.) This apparent communication had also frequently been observed by Mascagni, and was attributed by him to rupture. M. Fohmann urges in reply, that this communication takes place under too slight a pressure to be referred to rupture, that actual extravasations may be easily recognised, and that the mercury is then infiltrated into the cellular tissue with much greater facility than it can enter the veins. “ Why,” he asks, “ supposing the existence of rupture, does the mercury never pass from the lymphatics into the arteries 1” He also adduces in support of his opinion a considerable number of facts, which show that injections thrown into the lymphatic glands sometimes escape by the lymphatics alone, sometimes by the veins alone, and sometimes by both the lymphatics and the veins. He states that, having emptied the veins passing out from a mesenteric gland in a horse which had been killed while digestion was going on, and having replaced the intestines in the ab- domen, he found some streaks of chyle in the veins. Lastly, he has seen, in birds, the renal lymphatic vessels, which represent the lymphatic glands in those animals, opening directly into the renal and sacral veins. M. Lauth has repeated these experiments, and obtained the same results. But, however imposing the authority of the authors just ci- ted may be, I must confess that I am far from being convinced, and that the facts stated by them do not appear to me to be conclusive. I have made a great number of injec- tions of lymphatics, and in by far the greater number of cases the mercury passed from the afferent into the efferent lymphatic vessels, and not at all into the veins. In some cases, it passed from the glands into the veins ; but it appeared to me that the glands had then undergone a change in their texture, more particularly a red softening. It does not seem to me, then, to be shown that there is any direct communication be- tween the lymphatics and the veins within the substance of the lymphatic glands. Lippi (of Florence) denies the communication of the lymphatics with the veins within the lymphatic glands ; but believes that, besides the terminations of the lymphatics in the venous system through the thoracic duct and the great right lymphatic trunk, there are a great number of direct communications between the lymphatics and the vena por- tae, the internal pudic and the renal veins, and the vena cava ascendens and vena azygos. Several anatomists, indeed, had already met with lymphatic vessels opening directly into the venous system ; among whom were Waloeus, Wepfer, Abraham Kaw, Heben- streit, the elder Meckel, Caldani, and Yrolyk; but the isolated facts recorded by them were regarded by Haller, Mascagni, and Soemmering as anomalies, or as the results of rupture. The memoir published by Lippi excited new investigations on all sides. I was the more inclined to subscribe to the opinions of that observer, because, in 1825, I had most distinctly seen a large lymphatic trunk opening directly into the external iliac vein ; be- cause it appeared to me rational to admit that the communications between the lymphatic and venous systems would not be restricted to the internal jugular and sub-clavian veins ; because the communications supposed to exist by Fohmann and Lauth had not been de- monstrated; because ligature of the thoracic duct does not prove fatal to all animals subjected to mat experiment, even when the duct is single; and, lastly, because the thoracic duct nas .been found obliterated in many individuals. There seemed, besides, a difficulty in admitting that the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts formed the termination forl» otnei su os lances. It is shown that the veins are the absorbing' agents in other parts of the body, but it is no* bOovvn that the lymphatics absorb. Some authors have stated that the veins absorb only when the lym- phatic aystem is diseased. 616 ANGEIOIjOGY. of the whole of the lymphatic vessels. It appeared, moreover, at variance with the gen oral laws of the animal economy to suppose that two sets of organs should be devoted to the same functions; for, if the veins absorb, the lymphatic system would seem to have no special use. Nevertheless, truth compels me to state that, after the most minute and frequent re- searches which I have been able to make, I have not obtained a single result confirma- tory of the statements of M. Lippi; and that, with his plates before me, I have searched for the communications in all the points which he has indicated, and have never found any. I am, therefore, obliged to conclude, with MM. Rossi, Fohmann, and others, that the vessels which M. Lippi has described as lymphatics opening into different parts of the venous system are nothing more than veins. The lymphatics, as well as the veins, have two coats. This structure can be readily shown in the thoracic duct of the human subject, and still better in that of the horse : the existence of these two coats may also be shown by a method suggested by Cruickshank, which consists in turning the thoracic duct inside out, and forcibly introducing a tube into It; the lining membrane, which is then on the outside, being less extensible than the external coat, becomes lacerated. The external coat is considered to be fibrous by some, and muscular by others. Shel- don says that he has distinctly seen muscular fibres arranged circularly around the tho- racic duct of the horse. It appears to me that this external coat resembles the dartoid tissue, like the outer coat of the veins. It is not uninteresting to remark, that the outer surface of the lymphatics is often covered by a thin layer of fat, which has deceived sev- eral anatomists. Structure of the Lymphatics. The internal coat of the lymphatic vessels appears to be of a serous nature, like that of the veins. Some arterial and venous twigs ramify in their parietes ; but no nerves have yet been traced into them. Minute lymphatics probably arise from the coats of the larger ones. Mascagni believes that their lining membrane is entirely lymphatic. Notwithstanding their excessive tenuity, the lymphatics are tolerably strong ; less so, however, than is generally stated, for they are often lacerated by the weight of a small column of mercury. They do not appear to me to be stronger than the veins. They are much less extensible. When the thoracic duct, or any other lymphatic vessel, is punc- tured, it immediately collapses, and forces out its fluid contents sometimes in a jet. Some admit the existence of muscular contractility in them. The vermicular motion caused by contraction of their external coat is sufficient to explain the above-named fact.* The lymphatics are much more abundantly supplied with valves than the veins. The valves {a a, Jig. 224) are parabolic, and are arranged in pairs; they have an adherent border turned towards the commencement, and a free border towards the termination of the vessel; they are generally sit- uated at very short intervals apart, as is shown by the knotted ap- pearance of the vessels (see fig. 224), and occasionally they present a circular or annular arrangement, from which they have been re- garded as true sphincters. In general, these valves are strong enough to prevent the retrograde course of the lymph, and, consequently, of injections also. Never- theless, Hunter inflated all the lacteals from the thoracic duct; Hal- ler filled all the lymphatics of the lung from the upper part of the same canal, and Marchettis says that he has injected the whole of the lym- phatics from the reservoir of Pecquet. The valves are extremely numerous in the lymphatics ; they have sometimes appeared to me to be wanting in the thoracic duct. Like those of the veins, the valves of the lymphatic vessels appear to be formed by a fold of the internal membrane The Lymphatic Glands. Sylvius was the first to distinguish the lymphatic glands under the term conglobate glands, from the glands properly so called, which he named conglomerate. Chaussier called these little bodies lymphatic ganglia, following Soemmering, who first pointed out the analogy between them and the venous ganglia. The lymphatic glands are situated along the course of the lymphatic vessels, in refer- ence to which they may be regarded as centres in which a certain number of the ves- sels open ; those of the extremities are chiefly found at the upper part of the limbs on the aspect of flexion ; those of the thorax, the abdomen, the head, and the neck are pla- ced along the vertebral column and the great vessels ; they are found also in the sub- stance of the mesentery, in the mediastina, at the roots of the lungs, &c. * [The lacteal vessels have been seen to undergo a slow contractility on exposure to air, or to the action of any other stimulus ; but there is no evidence of the muscularity of any part of the lymphatic system of mam' malia. In certain reptilia and amphibia there are pulsating muscular sacs connected with the lymphatic ay** tern, which are called lymphatic hearts.'] PREPARATION OF THE LYMPHATIC VESSELS AND GLANDS. 617 Their size varies from that of a millet seed to that of a large filbert. The smallest are situated in the epiploon, the largest at the roots of the lungs. They are often greatly enlarged by disease. They are generally of a reddish-gray colour, excepting at the root of the lungs, when they are black. Their form is irregularly spheroidal; and they have been distinctly shown by Malpighi to have a cellular structure.* If we examine with a lens a lymphatic gland distended with fluid, we observe that it contains cells ; the same fact is clearly demonstrated by injecting it with mercury, which shows, moreover, that the cells communicate freely with each other. It is, nevertheless, doubtful whether all the cells communicate. The researches which I have made upon this subject appear to show that each lymphatic vessel is connected with a distinct portion of the lymphatic gland ; and diseases of the glands establish the same fact, by attacking one part only of a gland, the rest continuing unaffected. Several lymphatic vessels enter each eland, and several emeree from it. Each affer- ent vessel (a aa, fig. 225), as it reaches the circumference of the gland, divides into a considerable number of branches, which diverge and run for a short distance upon the surface of the gland, and then dip into its substance, f The efferent lymphatics (b b) commence in precisely the same manner as the afferent vessels terminate. The study of these vessels in the larger animals appears calcula- ted to clear up all doubts as to the structure of the lymphatic glands. Abernethy having injected the mesenteric arteries and veins of a whale, saw the fluid run into pouches about the size of an orange ; he then injected mercury into the lacteals, and found that it flowed into the same cavities; he therefore concluded that the arteries, veins, and lacteals all opened into the same cavities. This fact ap- pears to confirm the observations quoted by MM. Fohmann and Lauth, relative to the communications of the lymphatics with the veins within the substance of the glands; but the objections already urged against those observations will apply to this one also. The lymphatic glands are enclosed in a fibrous membrane ; I have Fig. 225. in vain attempted to find the fleshy coat described by Malpighi, and which he imagined sent prolongations into the substance of these glands. The lymphatic glands are supplied with very large arteries for their size, and they give off still larger veins : a proper tissue (d) appears to enter into their composition. The lymphatic glands may be said to consist essentially of an inextricable interlace- ment of lymphatic vessels, their structure having some analogy to that of the corpus cavernosum penis, and to that of the spleen. This opinion is confirmed by reference to the anatomy of birds, in which lymphatic glands exist only in the neck, their place being supplied by plexuses in all other parts. Preparation of the Lymphatic Vessels and Glands. I have already said, that in order to inject the network of lymphatics, the pipe should be very superficially introduced into the free cutaneous, serous, or mucous surfaces. When the injection is successful, the mercury passes from this network into the vessels which emerge from it, reaches as far as the lymphatic glands, and even penetrates through several series of them. The great number and peculiar arrangement of the valves prevents the injection of the lymphatics from the centre towards the extremities ; I have attempted to do this several times, without success, by introducing the tube into the thoracic duct. From the small caliber of the lymphatics, it is necessary to use a capillary tube for these injections. Mercury, notwithstanding the inconvenience of its fluidity, and in- capability of being made solid, is the most convenient material for the purpose ; the weight of a column of mercury about fifteen or eighteen inches in height affords suffi- cient power for the injection. Anel’s syringe is well adapted for injecting the thoracic duct, which may be filled with a solution of isinglass, or, still better, with milk, which be- comes coagulated by the alcohol. The best apparatus for injecting the lymphatics is a glass cylinder, to the lower end of which is adapted a flexible tube, which is terminated by a metal pipe, provided with a stopcock, and supporting a capillary tube of glass, which is better than one made of steel or platinum, like those generally used in Germany. A ring is attached to the upper end of the glass tube, by means of which the apparatus may be suspended ; this greatly facilitates the employment of the apparatus. In order to inject the lymphatics, one of these vessels should be exposed at a greater or less distance from the centre; for example, in the lower extremity, upon either the internal or external malleolus, or, what is still better, over the metatarso-phalangal artic- ulations, in the way practised by Mascagni; the vessel must then be punctured, and the tube introduced into its interior; the stopcock is then opened, and the mercury runs * See note, infra. t [Within the gland the lymphatics form a dense network (c) ; when the vessels of which this network is composed are distended, they give the cellular appearatice to a section of the gland noticed by Malpighi Cruickshank, &c 1 41 618 ANGEIOLOGY. as far as the gland into which the vessels opens, and at the same time enters all the vessels which anastomose either directly or indirectly with the one into which the tube is introduced. The vasa eiferentia are also soon injected, and if the experiment be con- tinued long enough, the mercury will, in all probability, reach the thoracic duct if no rupture should occur. The internal jugular, sub-clavian, and brachio-cephalic veins of both sides of the body may be previously injected, in order to prevent the mercury enter- ing these vessels by the thoracic duct and its supplemental canals. We may also have recourse to the following method, on account of its greater facility. Puncture a lymphatic gland with a capillary tube ; all the efferent vessels which com- municate with the cells thus punctured, and all the other portions of the lymphatic sys- tem which communicate with those vessels, will thus be injected. But this method is manifestly defective. With regard to the choice of subjects, it may be remarked that the lymphatics are much more easily seen when the cellular tissue is moderately infiltrated than when there is extreme emaciation. Fat subjects are the worst of all: adults are preferable to chil- dren and old subjects. In describing the lymphatics, I shall follow the same arrangement as Mascagni, with some slight modifications. Thus, after having described the thoracic duct and the great right lymphatic trunk, I shall notice in succession all the lymphatic vessels which enter it, beginning with those of the lower extremities. I shall not describe the vessels and glands' separately, but I shall group the vessels around the glands, as around central points towards which they all converge. DESCRIPTION OF THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. The Thoracic Duct—the Right Thoracic Duct.—The Lymphatic System of the Lower Ex- tremity—of the Pelvic and Lumbar Regions—of the Liver—of the Stomach, Spleen, and Pancreas—of the Intestines—of the Thorax—of the Head—of the Cervical Regions—of the Upper Extremity and Upper Part of the Trunk. Dissection.—The thoracic duct may be examined, when distended with chyle, in an animal killed during the process of digestion. If it is to be injected in the human sub- ject, turn the intestines to the left and the liver to the right; seek for the reservoir of Pecquet (receptaculum chyli) between the aorta and the right crus of the diaphragm ; fol- low one of the lymphatic trunks leading from this reservoir to the lumbar glands, and puncture it with the injecting tube. Care must be taken to tie the left sub-clavian vein both on the inside and on the outside of the termination of the internal jugular vein ; or, still better, first fill the sub-clavian and internal jugular veins with a solid injection. If we wish to make a preparation to be preserved, it is much better to inject the thoracic duct with isinglass size by an Anel’s syringe than to use mercury. The thoracic d.uct {s 11 u, fig. 223), so called from its situation, is the common trunk of all the lymphatics of the human body, excepting those of the right side of the head, neck, and thorax, and of the right upper extremity;* It commences opposite the second lumbar vertebra, by the junction of a variable num- ber of branches : Meckel says there are three, but I have generally found five or six. These vessels, which are usually of large size, pass out from the abdominal lymphatic glands ; they all converge towards a dilatation or ampulla of a triangular shape, which is called the reservoir or cistern of Pecquet (cisterna, receptaculum chyli, s, fig. 223), after the anatomist who showed that the lacteals did not pass to the liver, as was generally be- lieved, in accordance with the opinion of Aselli, but that they entered the thoracic duct. This ampulla, which is often nothing more than the point at which the lymphatic ves- sels meet, and presents no dilatation, is situated to the right of and behind the aorta, immediately below the aortic opening in the diaphragm, and by the side of the right crus of that muscle. The Thoracic Duct. Having commenced thus, the thoracic duct passes vertically upward, enters the tho- rax through the aortic opening in the diaphragm, and becomes situated in the posterior mediastinum {t t), in front of the vertebral column, a little to the right of the median line, and has the vena azygos (a a') on its right side, and the aorta on its left. Having reached the front of the fourth dorsal vertebra, it inclines towards the left, still continu- ing to ascend, passes behind the aorta, gains the left side of the oesophagus, runs along oehind and on the inner side of the left sub-clavian artery, and escapes through the su- perior opening of the thorax; having arrived behind the left internal jugular vein, and in front of the seventh cervical vertebra, it immediately bends forward, so as to form an arch (u) like that of the aorta, and finally opens into the angle formed by the junction of the left internal jugular and sub-clavian veins, or sometimes into the sub-clavian vein externally to that angle. The direction of the thoracic duct is not straight, but flexu- ous : its windings are sometimes very numerous. From the relations of the thoracic duct while within the posterior mediastinum, it fol- THE RIGHT THORACIC DUCT, ETC. 619 lows that, in order to expose its lower portion, it must be sought for on the right side of that cavity, and that we must look for its upper portion on the left side, and must di- vide the left layer of the mediastinum in order to expose it. The thoracic duct terminates in many different ways ; thus, it not unfrequently opens by several trunks into the left internal jugular and-sub-clavian veins. A still more fre- quent method of termination, and one which it is extremely important to know, is that in which the duct, at its upper part, is divided into two branches, the left one of which (m) is distributed in the usual manner, while the right (indicated by a smaller letter «) opens into the right sub-clavian vein in connexion with the great lymphatic duct of the right side. The caliber of the thoracic duct is not at all proportioned to the number and size of the lymphatics which terminate in it. Sometimes, in fact, lymphatics are found which, when distended, are as large as a goose-quill. Still less is it proportioned to all the lymphatics of the body, of which it is regarded as the common trunk. Its caliber is even smaller than that acquired by some lymphatics under many circumstances ; for exam- ple, by those of the uterus during pregnancy : this is a powerful argument in favour of those who regard the thoracic duct as by no means corresponding to all the lymphatics of the human body. The thoracic duct is not of uniform caliber in its entire length. It commences by a dilatation of two or three lines in diameter; in the middle of the thorax it becomes con- tracted to less than two lines in diameter, and it is again dilated a little at the arch which it forms before its termination. The thoracic duct not unfrequently divides, during its course, into several branches, which form a sort of network; it often subdivides into two branches of unequal size, which unite again after a variable distance. The thoracic duct receives, while in the thorax, a very large trunk, which is derived from the liver, and perforates the diaphragm through a special opening. I have seen this trunk cross and continue in front of the thoracic duct, being equal to it in size, and at last enter it opposite the fifth dorsal vertebra. The thoracic duct has been observed to end on the right side, and then the lymphat- ics of the left side of the head, left upper extremity, left lung, and left side of the heart, entered separately into the sub-clavian vein of the corresponding side. Meckel has cor- rectly observed, that such a disposition is a first trace of the lateral transposition of the viscera. Valves.—Of all parts of the lymphatic system, the thoracic duct has the fewest and the smallest valves. The most remarkable are those situated at its termination in the sub-clavian vein; their free borders are turned towards the vein, so that they oppose any influx of the venous blood into the thoracic duct. The free borders of the other valves, when they exist, are turned upward, their convex borders being directed down- ward ; the course of the fluid within the duct is, therefore, from below upward. The great right lymphatic duct, or right thoracic duct, is a large vessel, the common trunk of all the lymphatics derived from the right half of the head and neck, the right upper extremity, the right lung, the right side of the heart, and often, also, of those from the right half of the diaphragm and of the liver. This trunk {v, fig. 223), which is not more than an inch long, resembles the curved portion of the thoracic duct; it opens at the angle formed by the junction of the right internal jugular and sub-clavian veins. Sometimes this common trunk does not exist, and then the lymphatics, by the junc- tion of which it is usually formed, enter the veins separately. Anastomoses always ex- ist, moreover, between the lelt and right thoracic ducts. The Right Thoracic Duct. The Lymphatic System op the Lower Extremity. The Lymphatic Glands of the Lower Extremity. The lymphatic glands of the lower extremity are the anterior tibial gland, the popliteal- gland, and the inguinal glands. The anterior tibial gland is situated at a variable height in front of the interosseous ligament, generally at its upper part. Hewson has seen it below the middle : Meckel has found two glands here ; but the existence even of one gland is not constant. The popliteal glands are four in number; one of them is situated immediately beneath the fascia; the other three are placed deeply at variable heights along the vessels of the popliteal space : they are rather small. The inguinal glands are the most numerous and important; they are situated in the fold of the groin, below Poupart’s ligament, and are generally grouped around the en- trance of the internal saphenous into the femoral vein, in a sort of depression formed between the adductor longus and pectineus on the inside, and the psoas and iliacus on the outside. They are not unfrequently continued along the internal saphenous vein as low down as the middle of the thigh. They are divided into superficial and deep. The latter are very variable in size and number, and are often wanting: they are sometimes 620 ‘NGEIOLOGY. continuous with the superficial, through the saphenous opening in the fascia lata. The number of the superficial glands also varies much: it is nearly always inversely propor- tioned to the size of the glands, which is also subject to great variety in different indi- viduals and at different ages. There can be no doubt that these differences in number and in size depend, caeteris paribus, no.less upon actual differences than upon the subdivis- ion of one gland into several, or, rather, upon the union of a certain number of glands into one. Sometimes we find a large circular gland situated around the termination of the saphenous vein. The inguinal glands, moreover, are placed at different depths in the substance of the fibrous layers which constitute the superficial fascia. Several of these glands are frequently united to each other, not only by lymphatic vessels, but also by prolongations of their proper substance. The Lymphatic Vessels which enter the Lymphatic Glands of the Lower Ex- tremity. Preparation.—Introduce the pipe into some of the lymphatic vessels between the toes, over the metatarso-phalangal articulations. Mascagni employed this method, which is as easy as introducing the pipe into the vessels which run between the internal malleo- lus and the skin. A still better method of injection, when it proves successful, is to fill the lymphatic network in the skin by introducing the pipe into the dermis at any point beneath the cuticle. But the limb requires to be warmed for this injection to succeed. I have made a very beautiful preparation by injecting the cutaneous network of lymphat- ics upon the sole of the foot in a new-born infant. The mercury ran as far as the glands situated along the iliac vessels. If the pipe be inserted into the skin upon the scrotum, or into the mucous membrane covering the glans penis in the male, or into the skin of the labia majora in the female, the mercury will reach the lymphatic glands of the groin. The lymphatics which ramify in the gluteal region, and those situated in the sub-cu- taneous cellular tissue of the abdominal parietes, may be injected in the same manner. The deep lymphatics of the leg open into the anterior tibial gland and popliteal glands. All the superficial lymphatics of the lower extremity, and also those of the gluteal re- gion, perineum, external genital organs, and sub-umbilical portion of the parietes of the abdomen, terminate in the inguinal glands. Lymphatics of the Lower Extremities.—The lymphatics of the lower extremities, like the veins, are divided into superficial and deep. The deep-seated lymphatics are fewer in number and less accurately known than the superficial; they accompany the deep-seated bloodvessels. It is probable that every ar- terial and venous branch has its corresponding lymphatics ; but those only which ac- company the great vessels have been as yet discovered. They are divided into the pe- roneal, the anterior and posterior tibial, and the femoral. Of the anterior tibial lymphatics, two only have been demonstrated, although their num ber must certainly be greater. One of these accompanies the plantar arch, the dorsal artery and vein of the foot, and the anterior tibial vessels ; it communicates with the posterior tibial and the peroneal lymphatics, opposite the upper part of the interosseous ligament, and enters the anterior tibial gland, or more frequently perforates the interos- seous ligament, and enters the popliteal glands. The other anterior tibial lymphatic arises deeply from the outer side of the foot, and joins the preceding. The posterior tibial lymphatics, two or three in number, and likewise the peroneal lymphat- ics, sometimes unite into a single trunk, and enter the popliteal glands. The branches which emerge from the popliteal glands, five or six in number, traverse the opening in the adductor muscle, ascend along the femoral vein, and open into the deep inguinal glands. The superficial lymphatics, which can be very easily shown to arise from a network in the skin, run upward and inward, to reach the inner side of the leg, and then pass be- hind the internal condyle of the femur; those which arise from the outer side of the foot and leg, after ascending vertically in front of the muscles of the anterior region of the leg, cross over the upper part of the tibia obliquely from without inward, so that all the superficial lymphatics at last gain the inner and back part of the internal condyle of the femur : from this point they incline forward like the sartorius, upon which they are pla- ced, and then pass vertically upward, and are distributed to the different lymphatic glands of the groin. A certain number of lymphatic vessels which commence upon the outer border ol the foot (there are not more than two or three) pass over the external malleolus reach the external saphenous vein, become sub-aponeurotic like that vein, and enter the most superficial of the popliteal glands. These lymphatics, which accompany the exter- nal saphenous vein, are regarded by some authors as forming part of the deep set oi vessels. Superficial Lymphatics of the External Genital Organs, Gluteal Region, Perineum, and THE PELVIC AND jUMBAR LYMPHATIC GLARDS. * 621 Lower Part of the Abdomen.—The •superficial lymphatic vessels from these parts also en- ter the inguinal glands. The superficial lymphatics of the external genital organs of the male are divided into those of the scrotum and those of the penis. If the skin of the scrotum be injected, several sub-cutaneous branches will be seen to pass from the network beneath the epidermis upward along the sides of the penis, and then, after describing a curve with the concav- ity directed downward, to open into the inguinal glands, generally into those which are nearest the middle line, but I have seen them pass to the glands surrounding the saphe- nous opening. If we inject the skin of the penis, and more especially the membrane covering the glans, the mercury penetrates into the dorsal lymphatics of the penis, and reaches the innermost and highest of the inguinal glands. The injection from the skin of the penis enters the superficial lymphatics ; the injection from the membrane cover- ing the glans enters only those superficial lymphatics which accompany the dorsal blood- vessels of the penis. In the female, injections of the skin of the labia majora, and of the mucous membrane of the labia majora, labia minora, and clitoris, yield similar results as the injection of the scrotum and penis in the male. We know that diseases of the labia, nymphai, and clitoris, like those of the prepuce, penis, and scrotum, occasion enlargement of the in- guinal lymphatic glands. The lymphatics of the perineum unite with the preceding, and with the lymphatics of the lower extremities. The superficial lymphatics of the gluteal region turn horizontally round the glutseus max- imus and medius, and enter the external and middle lymphatic glands of the groin. This is the reason why furunculi or other diseases of the skin upon the nates may give rise to enlargement of the inguinal glands. The superficial lumbar lymphatics, as well as those of the sub-umbilical portion of the abdominal parietes, have a descending course : those of the loins run forward and down- ward, those of the abdomen vertically downward; they both terminate in the outermost and highest of the inguinal glands; and hence diseases of the skin covering the lumbar and sub-umbilical regions may occasion swelling of the inguinal glands. Tire lymphatic vessels which accompany the epigastric and circumflex iliac veins also enter the glands of the groin. The Lymphatic System of the Pelvic and Lumbar Regions. The Pelvic and Lumbar Lymphatic Glands. The lymphatic glands of the pelvis are divided into the external iliac, the internal iliac, and the sacral. The external iliac lymphatic glands, irregular in number, are situated along the artery of that name. Three of them require to be particularly noticed; they are situated im- mediately behind the femoral arch, one of them on the outer side, another in front, and the third on the inner side of the external iliac vessels. It is important, in reference to the ligature of the external iliac artery, to know that these lymphatic glands are subject to enlargement. The internal iliac lymphatic glands occupy the space between the external and internal iliac vessels. The bladder has proper lymphatic glands situated upon its posterior sur- face, and near its summit. In the female, some of the pelvic lymphatic glands may be regarded as belonging to the vagina and uterus. One tolerably large gland, which may be said to be constant, occupies the internal orifice of the obturator canal, and I have often found it inflamed or indurated in diseases of the uterus. The sacral lymphatic glands occupy the sides of the anterior surface of the sacrum ; several of them are situated within the folds of the meso-rectum, and belong to the rec- tum itself. The lumbar or aortic lymphatic glands are very numerous, and form a continuous chain with the pelvic glands ; they occupy the angular interval between the common iliac ar- teries, being placed along those arteries themselves, and also surround the aorta and the ascending vena cava, but more particularly the aorta. It is important to note the rela- tion of these lymphatic glands with the aorta, for that vessel is sometimes found much compressed and narrowed from enlargements of these glands by tubercular or cancerous deposite. There is also a lymphatic gland in each mter-transverse space on both sides of the lumbar region ; so that the lumbar lymphatic glands may be divided into the median and the lateral. The Lymphatic Vessels which enter the Pelvic and Lumbar Lymphatic Glands. The different lymphatic vessels which proceed from the inguinal glands enter the pel- vis behind the femoral arch, and near the femoral vein. The foramina through which they pass are so numerous, that the fascia which is perforated by them is named the cribriform fascia. Having arrived beneath the peritoneum, they are divided into two ANGEIOLOGY. sets, one of which descends into the cavity of the pelvis, and terminates in the several internal iliac lymphatic glands ; while the other enters the external iliac glands, and more particularly those situated behind the femoral arch. These external iliac glands, moreover, are joined by the epigastric lymphatics, some of which enter the inguinal glands, and by the ilio-lumbar lymphatics. The lymphatic glands of the pelvis also receive the deep lymphatics of the nates, which accompany the gluteal and sciatic arteries ; the lymphatics corresponding with the ob- turator vessels ; the lymphatics of the bladder and lower end of the rectum, those of the prostate and vesiculae seminales, and the deep lymphatics of the penis in the male, and those of the vagina, clitoris, and neck of the uterus, in the female. The lymphatics of the bladder, before entering the pelvic glands, traverse the glands proper to itself: the greater number of the lymphatics of the bladder run beneath the peritoneum upon its posterior surface. I have seen the vesical lymphatics filled with pus. Some other lymphatics emerging from the internal iliac glands accompany the external and internal iliac arteries and veins, ascend in front of the sacrum, pass through other lymphatic glands, and arrive at the brim of the pelvis. At this point, the lymphatics of the right and left sides unite together. These vessels pass through one or several series of lumbar lymphatic glands, and at last open into the thoracic duct. This collection of lymphatic vessels and glands forms the internal and external iliac lymphatic plexuses. The inter- nal iliac lymphatic plexus is placed in the cavity of the pelvis, and surrounds the inter- nal iliac vessels : the external iliac lymphatic plexus is situated along the vessels of that name. All the lymphatics of the lower extremities, after having passed through a greater oj less number of glands, open at last into these lumbar glands, so that the vessels and glands together may be said to form an uninterrupted chain. Thus, passing from plex- us to plexus, and from gland to gland, the lymphatics of even the most distant parts ar- rive, at length, at the thoracic duct. The lateral lumbar lymphatic glands, viz., those which occupy the spaces between the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae, receive the lumbar lymphatics, properly so called, which correspond to the bloodvessels of that name. From these glands, commu- nicating vessels pass to the aortic lumbar glands. The collection of lymphatic vessels and glands occupying the lumbar region is called the lumbar lymphatic plexus. The following lymphatic vessels also enter directly into the lumbar glands ; the lymphatics of the testicles in the male ; the lymphatics of the ovaries and Fallopion tubes, and also of the body and upper part of the neck of the uterus, in the female ; and the lymphatics of the kidneys in both sexes. The Lymphatics of the Testicle.—lt has been already stated that the lymphatics of the covering of the testicle enter the superficial inguinal glands ; those which belong to the gland itself are divided into the superficial and deep. The superficial lymphatics may be injected with the greatest facility by puncturing the serous membrane covering the tu- nica albuginea ; the tunica vaginalis will then appear as if covered with a coat of silver. (See the beautiful plates of Panizza.) These superficial vessels have numerous commu- nications with the deep-seated lymphatics, so that both sets are injected at the same time. All the lymphatics from the epididymus and the body of the testicle, which are very numerous and large, ascend with and assist in forming the spermatic cord, pass through the inguinal canal, follow the course of the spermatic vessels, and enter the lumbar lymphatic glands. t The Lymphatics of the Uterus.—Haying, in diseases of the uterus incidental to the pu- ferperal state, frequently detected pus in the lymphatics of the uterus (vide Anat. Path., liv. xiii., pi. 1, 2, 3), I have been able to trace the exact distribution of these vessels, and would divide them into superficial and deep. The superficial lymphatics are situated im- mediately under the peritoneum; the deep lymphatics form several successive layers, which occupy different planes within the substance of the uterus. The lymphatics near the neck of this organ enter the pelvic and sacral lymphatic glands. A certain number of the uterine lymphatics enter a lymphatic gland situated at the internal orifice of the obturator canal. All the uterine lymphatics, excepting those near the neck of that organ, pass towards the sides and upper border of the uterus ; some run within the substance of the broad lig- aments, and they all reach the upper or tubal angles of the viscus. They are joined by the lymphatics of the ovaries, broad ligaments, and Fallopian tubes, and then ascend in front of the corresponding ovarian artery and veins. Having arrived in front of the lower part of the kidneys, they incline towards the middle line, and enter the glands which are situated in front of the vena cava and aorta. Without having witnessed it, it is impos- sible to form any idea of the enormous size which the uterine lymphatics may acquire during pregnancy: several of these vessels, when filled with pus, become so dilated that one would at first sight believe that an abscess had been formed. The Lymphatics of the Kidneys and Supra-renal Capsules.—These are divided into super- ficial and deep. The superficial lymphatics have never been injected directly ; but if a fine injection be thrown into the renal arteries and veins, the injection, freed from col- THE LYMPHATICS OF THE LIVER. 623 curing matter, passes into the lymphatics. This was the only way in which Mascagni could inject the superficial lymphatics of the kidney, which he has represented in his beautiful plates. The deep lymphatics, which are very numerous, pass out of the fissure of the kidney, and enter the glands in front of and behind the aorta and vena cava. The lymphatics of the supra-renal capsules are remarkable for their size and number ; they unite with those of the kidneys, and terminate in the same manner. The Lymphatic System of the Liver. Preparation.—Of all the lymphatic vessels, those of the liver are the most easily de- monstrated. Before they are injected, they may be rendered more apparent, and even be filled, by throwing water either into the hepatic arteries, the vena portae, the hepatic veins, or the hepatic ducts. In order to inject them, it is sufficient to make a superfi- cial puncture in any part of the peritoneum covering the liver; but it is most convenient to operate upon one of the lymphatic trunks which run upon the surface of that organ. It is of importance that the tube should be introduced between the'peritoneal covering and the fibrous coat, without perforating the latter. It is sufficient to inject from a sin- gle vessel in order to fill all the others. The mercury generally runs as far as the near- est lymphatic gland, the resistance in which causes the fluid to flow back into the sur- rounding branches, even as far as their most delicate ramifications, so that, in successful injections, the whole surface of the liver has a silvery aspect; the possibility of injecting the lymphatics of the liver, from the trunks towards the branches, must lead us to sup- pose that there are fewer valves in them than in the lymphatics of other parts of the body. The Lymphatic Glands of the Liver. These are situated along the hepatic vessels, behind the pylorus, and are continuous with the cosliac lymphatic glands. I have seen them of a jet-black colour; a liquid may be expressed from them, resembling that contained in the bronchial lymphatic glands. The Lymphatic Vessels of the Liver. The lymphatics of the liver may be divided into the superficial and the deep. The Superficial Lymphatics.—These are subdivided into those of the convex and those of the concave surface. The lymphatics of the convex surface of the liver consist of a certain number of trunks, some of winch belong to the right and the others to the left lobe. Some of them run from behind forward, others from before backward, towards the posterior border of the organ. The first set, or those which run from behind forward, reach the suspensory ligament of the liver, and unite into several trunks, some of which perforate the diaphragm, enter the anterior mediastinum, behind the xiphoid cartilage, and terminate in the mediastinal lymphatic glands ; while others are reflected over the anterior margin of the liver, to gain the longitudinal fissure, along which they run as far as the gastro-hepatic omentum, by which they are conducted to the lymphatic glands placed round the pylorus, to those around the cardiac orifice of the stomach, and to those which lie along the lesser curva- ture of that organ, and near the lobulus Spigelii. The second set of the lymphatics of the convex surface of the liver, or those which run from before backward, having reached the posterior border of the liver, divide into three distinct groups of vessels ; those on the left enter the substance of tiie left triangu- lar ligament of the liver; th ose on the right pass into the right triangular ligament; while the remainder, which occupy the middle, enter the substance of the coronary ligament. Those lymphatics of the second set that do not perforate the diaphragm enter the lymphatic glands along the vena cava, and from thence reach the thoracic duct. Some of them run along the lower border of the twelfth rib, and open into the glands situated near its posterior extremity, and into another gland which rests upon the twelfth dorsal vertebra. Those lymphatics of the second set which do perforate the diaphragm pass through its crura, and proceed, some to the intercostal lymphatic glands, or into those which lie along the vena azygos and the aorta, and thence into the thoracic duct; while others enter that duct directly. I have seen a very large lymphatic trunk open directly into the thoracic duct, opposite the fifth dorsal vertebra. Mascagni pointed out some lym- phatic vessels which, after having perforated the fleshy fibres of the diaphragm, ran be- tween the pleura and that muscle, re-entered the abdomen through the aortic opening in the diaphragm, and then passed into the glands surrounding the aorta and vena cava, or entered the thoracic duct at no great distance from the reservoir of Pecquet, without passing through any lymphatic glands. The lymphatics of the concave surface of the liver consist of several trunks, which are all directed from before backward, and are divided into three sets : those which are situ- ated to the right side of the gall-bladder; those which surround it; and those which are situated to its left side. 624 Those situated on the right of the gall-bladder partly enter the lumbar glands, and partly terminate in the glands around the vena cava and aorta. Those which surround the gall-bladder torm a remarkable plexus, which accompanies the hepatic vessels, and terminates in the lymphatic glands which lie along those ves- sels, and in the glands situated in the substance of the gastro-hepatic omentum. Among this set of lymphatics I would point out one considerable trunk, which runs in the cellu- lar tissue connecting the gall-bladder to the liver. The lymphatic trunks on the left of the gall-bladder end in the oesophageal lymphatic glands, and in those which occupy the lesser curvature of the stomach. The Deep-seated Lymphatics of the Liver.—These vessels accompany the hepatic ducts and the vena portae, and are contained with them in the capsule of Glisson ; they emerge from the transverse fissure of the liver, penetrate the substance of the gastro-hepatic omentum, and enter the lymphatic glands situated along the lesser curvature of the stomach and behind the pancreas. Those lymphatics of the liver which accompany the hepatic artery and duct and the vena porta; are extremely large, and are often filled with yellow lymph : they are some- times found distended with gas in cases of commencing putrefaction. They were known long before the lacteals; indeed, they were the first lymphatic vessels that were dis- covered. ANGEIOLOGY. The Lymphatic System of the Stomach, Spleen, and Pancreas. The Lymphatic Glands of the Stomach, Spleen, and Pancreas. Those of the stomach accompany the coronary vessels along the great and lesser cur- vatures of the stomach; some of them are situated within the gastro-splenic omentum, and a great number surround the pyloric and cardiac orifices. The lymphatic glands of the spleen occupy the hilus of that organ. The pancreatic lymphatic glands are ranged along the splenic artery, and, consequently, along the upper border of the pancreas ; several of them are grouped around the cceliac axis. They receive a very great number of lymphatic vessels. The Lymphatic Vessels of the Stomach, Spleen, and Pancreas. The lymphatic vessels of the stomach are divided into the superficial and deep. The superficial lymphatics form a network beneath the peritoneum; the deep iym phatics arise from an equally complex network situated in the mucous membrane. They follow different directions : a great number of them pass to the great curvature, and enter the glands situated there; others proceed to the lesser curvature, and pass through the glands in that situation. Several run towards the spleen, and enter the splenic lymphat- ic glands ; and, lastly, others go to the lymphatic glands around the pylorus. It has been stated that the lymphatics of the stomach have been seen filled with chyle • this is at least doubtful. The Lymphatics of the Spleen.—The superficial lymphatics of this organ cannot be seen unless the splenic bloodvessels have been previously injected with size injection : the size freed from the colouring matter will pass into them. I have seen tallow, thrown into either the arteries or veins of the spleen, pass into the superficial lymphatics. It is true that the injection was made forcibly, and kept up for some time. The deep lym- phatics of the spleen are not known. The proper lymphatics of the pancreas are little known. The Lymphatic System of the Intestines. The Lymphatic Glands of the Intestines. The lymphatic glands of the small intestine, or the mesenteric glands, are extremely nu- merous. Several anatomists, who have had the patience to count them, have arrived at very different results, partly on account of individual varieties, and partly because sev- eral, having chosen tuberculated subjects for the purpose, have mistaken the tubercles for lymphatic glands. The mesenteric glands are situated between the folds of the mesentery, in the meshes of the network formed by the arteries and veins. Those which are nearest to the intestine are found in the intervals observed between the vessels of the mesentery close to the in- testine. Those which are most distant from the intestine are situated near the adherent border of the mesentery, along the trunk of the superior mesenteric artery. The largest of these glands are found near the origin and termination of that artery. Thus we find, below, a group of large lymphatic glands, the ileo-colic, opposite the termination of the il- eum in the colon. Another cluster, named the duodenal, is situated above, in front of the du- odenum ; they are extremely large. We generally find one larger than the rest; it is repre- sented in the oldest works on anatomy, and has been sometimes mistaken for the pancreas. The group of ileo-colic lymphatic glands is remarkable for frequently becoming inflamed in follicular enteritis. The lymphatic glands of the great intestine, or meso-colic glands, much less numerous than those of the mesentery, generally lie along the vascular arches formed by the colic arteries and veins : several of them are situated near the posterior border of the intes- tine; and some are even found upon the intestine, accompanying those bloodvessels which run for a short distance beneath the peritoneal coat, and then penetrate the mus- cular coat. The meso-colic lymphatic glands are not nearly so numerous along the transverse colon as along either the ascending or descending colon. Those situated in the transverse meso-colon form an uninterrupted chain with the mesenteric glands. THE LYMPHATICS OF THE INTESTINES, ETC. The Lymphatic Vessels of the Intestines. The Lymphatics of the Small Intestine.—These vessels are divided into two sets, the lymphatics, properly so called, and the lacteals. The lymphatics, properly so called, like those of the stomach and great intestine, arise from two sets of networks ; one in the serous, the other in the mucous coats. The ves- sels which pass out from these networks have a remarkable character, which was well described by Mascagni; instead of passing directly into the mesentery, they first proceed for a short distance along the intestine, and then curve and enter the mesenteric glands. The lacteals, or lacteal vessels of the small intestine, can be easily seen in an animal that has been killed while the absorption of chyle is going on in the intestine ; and they have occasionally been observed in the human subject, in cases of accidental death. They then appear as white, nodulated, and slightly flexuous lines, which communicate occa- sionally with each other, pass from one mesenteric gland to another, enter the lymphat- ic glands situated in front of the aorta and vena cava, and terminate in the thoracic duct by a variable number of trunks : the lymphatic plexuses of the left side pass behind the aorta. The lacteals commence, according to Lieberkiihn, upon the summit of each of the villi of the small intestines, run down to its base, and then enter at right angles into the sub- mucous lacteal vessels, which invariably perforate the other coats of the intestine, on its concave border. This arrangement was very evident in a case in which the lacteals were filled with tuberculous matter.—(Anath. Pathol., liv. ii., pi. 2.)* The Lymphatics of the Great Intestine.—We may, with Mascagni, divide these lymphatics into two sets, according to the glands in which they terminate, viz., those of the coecum and of the ascending and transverse colon, which pass through the meso-colic lymphatic glands, and then terminate in the mesenteric glands ; and those of the descending colon and rectum, which enter the lumbar lymphatic glands together with the lymphatics of the genital organs, and of the lower extremities. The Lymphatic System of the Thorax. The thoracic lymphatic glands are divided into those of the parietes of the thorax, those of the mediastinum, and the bronchial or pulmonary glands. The lymphatic glands of the parietes of the thorax are very small, and are thus arranged : the intercostal glands are situated on each side of the spine near the costo-vertebral ar- ticulations ; some are placed between the two layers of the intercostal muscles : they are very small, and irregular in number. The sub-sternal or mammary glands are found' at the anterior extremity of the intercostal spaces near the internal mammary vessels,, and applied along the borders of the sternum ; there is one for each intercostal space. The mediastinal lymphatic glands are divided into those of the posterior mediastinum,, which- are arranged along the oesophagus and aorta, and form a continuation of the intercostal glands : they have been known to become enlarged and press upon the oesophagus, so as to cause dysphagia; and into those of the anterior mediastinum, the principal of which lie upon the diaphragm in front of the pericardium, and around the great vessels connected with the base of the heart. The bronchial or pulmonary glands were noticed by the oldest anatomists, and espe- cially by Vesalius, whence the name of glandules Vesaliance, by which they are still known they are remarkable for their situation, number, size, and colour. They are situated along the bronchi and their first divisions. The largest are generally placed1 opposite the bifurcation of the trachea. The smallest lie within the substance of the lungs, around the first divisions of the bronchi; some of them are seen in the inter-lobular fissures. Their number is very considerable. In disease, they may acquire such a size as to compress and narrow the bronchi,, and Ihus prevent the passage of the air through those tubes. In infancy they do not differ in colour from the other lymphatic glands, but they are black in the adult, and especially in the aged. They are also liable to become the seat of depositions of phosphate of lime. Senac considers them to be secreting glands quite distinct from the lymphatic glands. Portal divided them into true glands and lymphatic glands; but no one has been able to demonstrate the excretory ducts, which, according to Portal, proceed from the lymphat- ic glands upon the trachea. The communications between these and the trachea, ob- served in some cases of disease, are altogether accidental. The Lymphatic Glands of the Thorax. * See also note, p. 369“. 4 K ANGKIOLOOV. The Lijmphatic Vessels of the Thorax, The lymphatic vessels of the thorax are divided into those of the parietes and those "i me organs contained in the thoracic cavity.^ The Lymphatics of the Thoracic Parietes.—We shall here merely notice the deep-seat- ed lymphatics. They are divided into the intercostal, the sub-sternal or internal mam- mary, and the diaphragmatic. The intercostal lymphatics accompany the arteries and veins of that name ; they re- ceive the lymphatic vessels of the intercostal muscles and costal pleura, run along the grooves of the ribs, pass through the intercostal lymphatic glands, reach the sides of the vertebrae, unite with other lymphatics from the back of the thorax and from the spinal canal, enter the lymphatic glands on the sides of the vertebral column, and are for the most part directed downward to terminate in the thoracic duct. The sub-sternal or internal mammary lymphatics arise from the supra-umbilical portion of the anterior walls of the abdomen ; they pass into the thorax, behind the ensiform cartilage, and form two bundles, which run upon the sides of the sternum, unite with the anterior intercostal and external mammary lymphatics, and enter the internal mammary lymphatic glands. From the lowest of these glands other lymphatics proceed, and as- cend in succession from one gland to another up to the inferior cervical lymphatic glands; on the left side they enter the thoracic duct, and on the right, the great lym- phatic trunk. Sometimes, but rarely, the mammary lymphatics open directly into the internal jugular and sub-clavian veins. The lymphatics of the diaphragm for the most part unite with the intercostal and he- patic lymphatics ; the others run forward between the pleura and the fleshy fibres of the diaphragm; some of them enter the inferior mediastinal glands, and the others, the in- ternal mammary lymphatic glands. The Lymphatics of the Thoracic Viscera.—The lymphatics of the lungs are divided into superficial and deep : the superficial lymphatics may be injected in the same manner as those of the liver ; they form an extremely close network beneath the pleura pulmonalis, and frequently present a number of, as it were, varicose enlargements ; these were no- ticed and figured by Mascagni; and the frequency of their occurrence led him to inquire whether such was not the natural structure of lymphatics. Some of the vessels which proceed from this network run in the inter-lobular fissures, and enter the lymphatic glands situated at the bottom of these fissures ; while the others reach the internal surface of the lung, and terminate in the bronchial glands. These superficial lymphatics also communicate with the deep lymphatics in the cel lular intervals between the lobules of the lung. The deep lymphatics of the lung are very numerous : the manner in which they com- mence in the lobules is not well known: they run in the inter-lobular cellular tissue, and all proceed towards the root of the lung, in order to terminate in the glands situated around the bronchi, and in several which lie along the oesophagus. It is doubtful wheth- er a single pulmonary lymphatic vessel enters directly into another lymphatic gland without first going through a bronchial gland. Other lymphatics proceed from these bronchial glands ; some of which pass in front of the trachea to enter the tracheal lymphatic glands, while the others proceed to the lymphatic glands upon the oesophagus. On the left side both sets enter the thoracic duct, at a short distance before its termination ; these are more numerous than those on the right side, which enter the right lymphatic duct. Some of them terminate in the thoracic duct, before it emerges from the thorax; several of these vessels are also seen to enter the internal jugular and sub-clavian veins. I should observe that, in consequence of the above-mentioned anatomical fact, the cervical lymphatic glands sometimes become enlarged in diseases of the lungs. The Lymphatics of the Heart, Pericardium, and Thymus.—The lymphatics of the heart are divided into superficial and deep ; the superficial vessels commence by a sub-serous network, and, for the most part, run along the right border of that organ; the deep lym- phatics arise from the internal membrane of the heart, in which I have never been able to inject a perfect network : they all accompany the coronary vessels, and all pass out of the pericardium ; some of them unite with the lymphatics of the lung ; the others en- ter the glands in front of the arch of the aorta and pulmonary artery, and from thence pass to the thoracic duct. The lymphatics of the pericardium and thymus enter the internal mammary, anterior mediastinal, and bronchial lymphatic glands.- The Lymphatic System of the Head. The Lymphatic Glands of the Head. There are more lymphatic glands in the face than in the cranium. All the lymphatic glands of the cranium are found upon its posterior region; some of them are situated behind the ear, along the attachments of the occipito-frontalis ; several are placed beneath the upper end of the sterno-mastoid ; they are very small, and often THE LYMPHATICS OF THE HEAD, ETC. 627 escape notice in a hasty dissection : they become very distinct in diseases of the sc^lp. Are there any deep lymphatics of the cranium ? The pituitary body, the pineal gland, and the white bodies known as the glandulas Pacchioni, have been regarded as belong- ing to the lymphatic system. Some authors have even considered the tubercles, so frequently found in the brains of infants, and which are evidently accidental formations, to be of the same nature. Certain bodies found in the carotid canal, and which are evidently enlargements of the ganglionic nerves, have also been described as lymphatic glands ; but this opinion is now completely rejected. Of the lymphatic glands of the face, the largest occupy the base of the lower jaw, and are called the sub-maxillary lymphatic glands : several of them are situated upon the outer surface of the maxillary bone, along the facial vessels, in front of the masseter muscle. We find, also, in the face, the parotid lymphatic glands, some of which are superficial and others deep, the latter being situated in the substance of the gland: we find some, also, between this gland and the masseter: lastly, there are the zygomatic glands, situ- ated under the zygoma, and the buccinator lymphatic glands. These belong either to the cranium or to the face. The Lymphatics of the Cranium.—The superficial or sub-cutaneous cranial lymphatics are divided into two sets ; the temporal lymphatics, which run along the superficial tem- poral artery, and pass through the parotid lymphatic glands, from which vessels proceed to the glands in the anterior region of the neck ; and the occipital lymphatics, which fol- low the occipital artery, and terminate in the mastoid and the occipital lymphatic glands. The deep lymphatics of the cranium, the lymphatics of the dura mater, or the meningeal lymphatics, accompany the meningeal vessels, escape through the foramen spinale of the sphenoid bone, and enter the jugular lymphatic glands. Ruysch appears to have been the first who noticed lymphatics in the brain ; he has named them vasa pseudo-lymphatica. Mascagni could only show the presence of the su- perficial lymphatics of the brain by injecting coloured size into the carotid arteries. The size freed from the colouring material passed into the lymphatics. The lymphatics of the brain are but little known. M. Fohmann has described and figured a lymphatic plexus situated between the arachnoid and pia mater, and precisely resembling those found in other parts of the body. This network dips into the sulci, and appears to be continued into the substance of the brain, where it is no longer possi- ble to follow it. From this network some small lymphatic trunks proceed, and accom- pany the arteries and veins as far as the foramina, in the base of the cranium, beyond which M. Fohmann was never able to trace them; so that he inquires whether these vessels do not form an exception to the general rule from their want of connexion wuth the absorbent system generally, and whether they do not enter directly with the veins upon which they are-placed. On the other hand, Mascagni has figured some lymphatics around the internal carotid, within the carotid canal, and also around the vertebral ar- teries and internal jugular vein. The existence of these trunks leads us to suppose that there must be cerebral lymphatics. M. Fohmann has also found lymphatics in the choroid plexuses of the lateral ventri- cles of the brain : these vessels were remarkably dilated, so as to present ampullae. The Lymphatic Vessels of the Face.—These are divided into the superficial and deep. The superficial lymphatics are much more numerous than those of the cranium. They commence upon all parts of the face; those from the frontal region accompany the frontal vessels ; the others accompany the adjacent bloodvessels ; several of them pass through the buccinator glands, and they all finally enter the sub-maxillary lymphatic glands. The lymphatics of the face are to be injected by introducing the pipe into the plexus contained in the skin. The deep lymphatics of the face accompany the bloodvessels. They are divided into those of the temporal fossse, those of the zygomatic and pterygo-maxillary fossae, and those of the nasal fossae. The lymphatics of the pharynx, velum palati, mouth, tongue, and larynx, enter the deep parotid and the cervical lymphatic glands. The lymphatic plexuses of the pituitary membrane, and of the lingual, buccal, and pharyngeal mucous membranes, may be perfectly injected. Indeed, it is only in that way that we can demonstrate the lymphatic vessels which emerge from these different parts. The Lymphatic Vessels of the Head. The Lymphatic System of the Cervical Regions. The Cervical Lymphatic Glands. The lymphatic glands of the neck are concentrated in the anterior region of the neck. They are divided into the superficial and deep. The superficial lymphatic glands of the neck are found principally along the external jugular vein ; they are therefore situated between the platysrna and the sterno-mastoid ; and in the supra-clavicular triangle, that is to say, in the triangular interval between the 628 ANGEIOLOGY. clavicle, the sterno-mastoid, and the trapezius. We also find several very small super- ficial glands between the os hyoides and the thyroid cartilage, and upon the sides ol the larynx. The deep lymphatic glands of the neck are very numerous, and form an uninterrupted chain around the internal jugular vein and the carotid artery, from the mastoid process to the superior opening of the thorax, in front of the vertebral column, and upon the sides of the pharynx and oesophagus. The tracheal lymphatic glands are also continuous with the deep cervical glands. The cervical glands form a continued series with the facial and sub-maxillary lym- phatic glands on the one hand, and with the lymphatic glands of the thorax and axilla on the other. The Cervical Lymphatic Vessels. The cervical lymphatics consist of those which have passed through the sub-maxiliary and facial lymphatic glands, and which afterward traverse the chain of glands along the jugular veins. They are joined by those of the pharynx, oesophagus, larynx, trachea, and thyroid gland. They then proceed from one lymphatic gland to another, and from one plexus to another, down to the lower part of the neck, where they are joined by some lymphatics from the lung, which also pass through some of the cervical they terminate on the left side in the thoracic duct, and on the right side in the right- lymphatic duct. The Lymphatic System of the Upper Extremity. The Lymphatic Glands of the Upper Extremity and of the Upper Part of the Trunk. There are generally no lymphatic glands in the hand or forearm, but Meckel found several very small ones along the ulnar and radial bloodvessels. There are two or three which are sub-cutaneous in the front of the bend of the elbow, and one or two above the internal condyle of the humerus, behind the basilic vein; in the arm we also find ase ries of small lymphatic glands, which are never numerous, along the inner side of the humeral artery. The axillary lymphatic glands are situated deeply in the axilla, and are very numerous, some lie along the great vessels, others are scattered through the axilla: they are often of a very large size. The following may be regarded as appendages of the axillary glands : a small sub-cla- vicular gland, situated deeply beneath the costo-coracoid membrane, opposite the trian- gular interval between the pectoralis major and the deltoid, and two or three small glands situated along the attachments of the pectoralis major, as far as the mammary gland. Mascagni has figured a small lymphatic gland near the umbilicus. The Lymphatic Vessels of the Upper Extremity and of the Upper Half of the Trunk. The Lymphatics of the Upper Extremity.—The superficial set of these vessels arise from the skin of the hand, and run parallel to the fingers ; they are, for the most part, sit- uated upon the back of the hand ; they cross obliquely over the metacarpal bones, pass over the carpus, and thus reach the forearm. In the forearm they are distributed almost equally upon its anterior and posterior aspects. The anterior lymphatics are collected upon the inner and outer sides of the forearm; having reached the elbow, some pass in front of the epitrochlea and its muscles ; others in front of the epicondyle. In this place they are re-enforced by the lymphatics from the posterior aspect of the forearm, which are also collected into an outer and inner group. Not unfrequently a certain number of the posterior lymphatics, which arise from the outer side of the hand and forearm, after ascending almost vertically for some dis- tance, pass obliquely, or cross transversely inward, above and below the olecranon, and unite with the inner group. In the arm some of the inner group of lymphatics pass to the lymphatic glands above the epitrochlea ; the others run along the inner border of the biceps muscle and basilic vein, and then pass backward and upward to reach the axillary glands. The externa] lymphatics cross very obliquely over the anterior aspect of the arm, to terminate, like the preceding, in the axillary glands. One of them has a remarkable course ; it runs along the cephalic vein, gains the cellular interval between the pectoral- is major and the deltoid, dips down over the upper edge of the pectoralis minor and be- low the costo-coracoid membrane, and describes a curve so as to enter the sub-clavicu- lar lymphatic ganglion. The deep lymphatics of the upper extremity exactly follow the course of the bloodves- sels ; they often communicate with the superficial lymphatics, and terminate in the ax- illary glands. I have seen some of the deep lymphatics df the forearm communicate at the bend of the elbow with the superficial lymphatics on the outer pait ot the back of the arm, and enter the glands above the epitrochlea. THE SKIN. 629 The Lymphatic Vessels of the Upper Half of the Trunk.—We have seen that all the lym- phatics of the sub-umbilical portion of the trunk enter the inguinal glands ; and so all the lymphatic vessels of the supra-umbilical portion terminate in the axilla. The anterior and Moral lymphatics pass upward upon the pectoralis major and the ser- ratus magnus, to gain the axilla. The posterior lymphatics are divided into those of the neck and those of the back ; the posterior cervical lymphatics descend upon the trapezius and the deltoid, and are reflected over the posterior border of the last-named muscle, in order to reach the cavity of the axilla; the posterior dorsal lymphatics run in different directions ; some horizontally, the others from below upward, to be reflected into the axilla below the tendons of the la- tissimus dorsi and teres major. NEUROLOGY. Neurology is that part of anatomy which treats of the apparatus of sensation and in- nervation : this apparatus consists of the organs of the senses, of the cerebrospinal axis, or central portion of the nervous system, and of the nerves, or peripheral portion of that system. THE ORGANS OF THE SENSES. The Skin—its External Characters, Structure, and Appendages.—The Tongue considered as the Organ of Taste.—The Organ of Smell—the Nose—the Pituitary Membrane.—The Or- gan of Sight—the Eyebrows—the Eyelids—the Muscles of the Orbit—the Lachrymal Ap- paratus—the Globe of the Eye, its Membranes and Humours—the Vessels and Nerves of the Eye.—The Organ of Hearing—the External Ear—the Middle Ear or Tympanum—the Internal Ear or Labyrinth—the Nerves and Vessels of the Ear. The organs of the senses are certain parts of our bodies which are intended, by means cn the sensibility they possess, to establish relations between us and externa) objects. The organs of the senses, to use a strong figurative expression, are, as h were, the bridges which connect the individual with the world around him.—(Meckel’s Anatomy, by Jourdan, p. 471.) The organs of the senses, being placed between the brain and surrounding objects, have the following characters in common: they occupy the surface of the body; they communicate with the brain by means of nerves of greater or less size; and, lastly, each of them has a peculiar structure in harmony with that particular quality of matter, the perception of which it is intended to convey to us. Anatomists generally admit five organs of sense, which we shall name, and then de- scribe in the following order : the skin, or the organ of tact and touch, the organ of taste the organ of smell, the organ of sight, and the organ of hearing. The Skix. The skin, the proper organ of tact and of touch, is a membrane which serves as a cov- ering or integument to the body, and is so accurately moulded upon it as to preserve the form, and'yet conceal the inequalities, of its entire surface. It may be regarded as form- ing an external surface or limit, endowed at the same time with sensibility and a power of resistance; enabling us by the one to perceive such qualities of bodies as are distin- guishable by the touch, and by the other preserving us, to a certain extent from their ac- tion. It forms, moreover, an exhalant surface, or sudorific organ, by which the system is freed from noxious substances, and also an inhalant surface, by which fluids may be absorbed.* General Remarks on the Skin. External Characters. Examined in reference to its external characters, the skin presents an external or free surface, and an internal or adherent surface. The Free Surface.—Upon the free surface of the skin the following objects require at- ention; its folds, or wrinkles, and its furrows; a peculiar colour, which is subject to * Some ancient authors, Marcus Aurelius Severinus among others, adhering closely to the order of super- imposition, which is sometimes called, the anatomical order, commenced the description of the human body with the skin ; and the same part, though for a very different reason, is described first by M. de Blainville, in his Anatomic Compared that celebrated naturalist, carrying out analogical induction to its utmost limits, makes the skin the fundamental organ of the body, connecting with it all the organs of the senses, which he regards as analogous to hairs, and names phanera (a word constructed by M. Blainville in opposition to the term cryptic, hidden, and derived from (fiavepog, evident, manifest, apparent). He considers that the appa- ratus of locomotion is a development of the elastic element of the skin, which becomes endowed with contractili- ty ; the digestive and respiratory organs he regards as modifications of the absorbent apparatus of the skin ; and the organs of secretion and generation as developments of its exhalant structure. The circulatory appa- ratus alone is not derived by him immediately from the external integuments ; yet he almost believes that it »s an extension or prolongation of the meshes of the cutaneous cellular tissue 630 NEUROLOGY. variety in different races of men, and in different individuals ; certain horny growths, as the nails and hairs, which are appendages of the skin ; and, lastly, numerous orifices for the escape of the cutaneous secretions, some of them being the orifices of the sebaceous follicles, others of the sudorific glands, while others, again, are the foramina, or depres- sions through which the hairs protrude. The horny growths of the skin will be noticed presently ; and its colour and orifices, or pores, will be examined under the head of its structure. We shall here make a few remarks upon the different folds or wrinkles found in the surface of the skin : they are of several kinds. Some of them may be termed folds of locomotion; they are permanent, and are inhe- rent, as it were, in the skin itself, and have distinct relations to the various movements of the body. They are of two kinds : the larger folds are observed around the joints, both on the aspect of flexion, and that of extension; for example, over the knuckles and in the palms of the hands ; the small folds are found over the whole surface of the skin, which is divided by them into irregular lozenge-shaped intervals ; it is to these folds that the skin owes its extensibility. Other folds, called wrinkles, are produced by the contraction of sub-cutaneous muscles; such as the transverse wrinkles produced by the action of the occipito-frontalis, the ver- tical wrinkles by that of the corrugatores supercilii, and the radiated folds caused by the contractions of the orbicularis palpebrarum, the orbicularis oris, and the sphincter ani. These wrinkles, like the contraction of the muscles by which they are produced, are only transitory ; but they become permanent when their causes are frequently repeated. In the same class as these we must include the corrugations of the skin of the scrotum, from contraction of the dartos. The folds or wrinkles resulting from age and from emaciation depend upon the skin be coming, after more or less distension, too much stretched, and, therefore, too loose to fit closely to the parts beneath. Hence, emaciation in yotmg subjects does not produce the same effects as in the aged; for in the latter, the wrinkles are caused by the want of elasticity in the skin, and they are more distinct in proportion as that property is lost. In cases of extreme distension, when the skin has been altered in its texture, the WTinkles are more marked, and are permanent; as, for example, those observed on the abdomen of females after pregnancy, and of either sex after dropsy. Furrows between the Papilla.—-It is necessary carefully to distinguish from the folds or wrinkles of the skin those more or less regular but slight furrows which exist between the linear ridges or eminences formed by the cutaneous papillae in the palm of the hand and the sole of the foot, and which are also found, though in a less marked degree, in all other parts of the body. . Adherent Surface of the Skin.—ln mammiferous animals the skin is lined throughout the greater part of its extent by a layer of muscular fibres, which are intended to act upon it, and constitute the cutaneous muscle or panniculus carnosus; but in man the only traces of this structure are the platysma myoides and the palmaris brevis. The sub-cutaneous muscles of the human subject are concentrated in the face. It follows, therefore, that, although in animals the passions can be expressed by move- ments of the entire surface of the body, in man their expression is limited to the face. It has been erroneously supposed that the phenomenon termed cutis anserina, or goose- skin, a corrugated condition of the skin, in which the bulbs of the hairs are rendered prominent by being forced outward, depends upon the contraction of a layer of muscular fibres situated beneath the integument. But the most careful examination has demon- strated no muscular fibres there; we do not even find a dartoid tissue, such as is ob- served wherever there exists a certain kind of active contractility independent of the will. Beneath the skin of the human subject we find a layer of adipose tissue, panniculus adiposus; it varies in thickness, and is contained in the meshes formed by the fibrous lamella;, which extend from the internal surface of the skin, and are then either attached to the investing aponeuroses where the skin is said to be adherent, or become expanded into a very thin aponeurotic membrane, called the fascia superficialis, in which case the skin is movable. The quantity of sub-cutaneous adipose tissue, and the fixed or mo- vable condition of the skin, have a constant and necessary relation with the functions of each particular region. Thus, while adipose tissue is very abundant in the palm of the hand and sole of the foot, where we always find a cushion of fat, it is never present in the skin of the eyelids and penis. When the skin over any bony eminence is required to be very movable, and at the same time is exposed to continual friction, we find beneath it a sort of synovial capsule, or bursa, as it is called; some of these bursas exist at birth, and belong to the original organization; while others are accidental, and result from friction. We must regard the sub-cutaneous adipose tissue as a dependance, or even as a con- stituent part, of the integument, for it is impossible to separate one completely from the other. The adipose tissue, in fact, penetrates into, and entirely fills the areolar spaces in the skin. The cutaneous vessels enter or pass out, and the cutaneous nerves penetrate at the STRUCTURE OF THE SKIN. 631 Adherent surface of the skin, and more particularly opposite the areola; observed on that surface ; so that whenever the skin is stripped off for a certain extent, it either sloughs off, or its vitality is so greatly impaired as to be incapable of completing the process of cicatrization. An accurate idea is, perhaps, not generally entertained of the enormous quantity of nervous filaments and of the immense number of arteries which enter the skin, or of the number of veins which issue from it. Its importance, both in a healthy and in a diseased condition, is sufficiently explained by these anatomical facts regarding it. Structure of the Skin. The skin consists essentially of the cutis, dermis, or true skin {a, fig. 226); of the pa- pilla, which project upon its external surface ; of the pigmentum, or colouring matter (//); of the lymphatic network; and of the epidermis, or cuticle (b); as accessory parts, it also contains the sebaceous follicles, as well as arteries, veins, lymphatics, and nerves; and has connected to it the hairs and the nails. The Cutis or Chorion.—The dermis, chorion, or cutis vera {a, fig. 226 ; e,fig. 227), is the tunaameniai part or the basis ot the skin; and to it the skin owes its strength, extensibility, and elasticity. If the skin be regarded as formed of several distinct layers, the dermis constitutes the deepest of these. The thickness of the dermis varies in different parts, but is always in proportion to the amount of resistance which it is required to offer. Thus, in the cranium, it is very thick and dense ;on the face, generally, it is thinner than on the cranium, but not in every part of the face. Compare, for example, its density and thickness in the skin upon the lips with its tenuity and delicacy in that of the eyelids. On the trunk it is almost twice as thick behind as in front; and upon the penis, scrotum, and mamma it is much thinner and finer than upon any other part of the anterior aspect of the body. Fig. 226. In the limbs the dermis is much thinner on the surfaces which are turned towards the median line and on the aspect of flexion, than it is on the outer side of the limbs and on the aspect of extension, which are more exposed to the action of external objects. On the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, which are almost incessantly in contact with external objects, the dermis is very thick. The thickness of the dermis varies in different individuals, and also according to sex and age. In old persons it participates in the general atrophy of the tissues,"and be- comes so thin as to be somewhat translucent, and enables us in certain regions to dis- tinguish beneath it the pearly aspect of the tendons, and the reddish colour of the muscles. The dermis has a deep surface, and an epidermic or papillary surface. The deep surface presents a number of conical depressions, the base of each of which corresponds to the sub-cutaneous layer of adipose tissue, while its summit is directed towards the outer surface of the skin, and is pierced with very fine openings. These depressions or alveoli, which are most strongly developed in the soles of the feet and palms of the hands, are filled with conical prolongations or masses of fat, which, when inflamed, give rise to boils, and in a state of gangrene, constitute the slough from such sores. Skin of jSegro. When examined in reference to its structure, the dermis is found to be composed of bundles of cellulo-fibrous tissue, interlaced with each other, and becoming closer and closer towards its external surface : this fibrous tissue is scarcely extensible or elastic, so that the extensibility and elasticity of the skin are due, not to the nature of the der- moid tissue, but to the arrangement of its component bundles.* The elasticity of a tis- sue may depend, like that of caoutchouc, upon the nature of its material, or, like that of a spiral piece of brass wire, may result from the arrangement of that material. The elas- ticity of the skin appears to be of the latter kind. The Papilla. Upon the external or epidermic surface of the cutis are found a multi- tude of small eminences, which are either arranged side by side, in rows or ridges (d, fig- 227), as in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, or are irregularly scattered over the suiface. These eminences are called the cutaneous papilla ; together, they con- stitute the papillary body (corpus papillate). To understand them properly, we must ex- amine a section of a portion of skin from the palm of the hand or the sole of the foot, which section should be made transversely to the direction of the papillary ridges (see fig. 227): numerous small eminences are then seen projecting from the dermis into the substance of the epidermis, which may be distinguished from these projections by its transparency and its horny appearance. The papillae are still more distinctly seen by re- moving the epidermis from a piece of skin, and then examining the latter under a thin layer of fluid. The papillae consist of a spongy erectile tissue,! containing nervous filaments, arter- ies, and veins. * The dermoid, like other cellular and fibrous tissues, is resolved into gelatine by boiling. It acquires great density and strength in the process of tanning, by which it is converted into leather. t It is impossible to doubt the analogy of the papillse of the skin to those of the tongue, and even to the in 632 NEUROLOGY. The nerves of the papillae are very numerous. In reference to this point, it is observed that the number of nervous filaments distributed to the skin is always in a direct ratio with the number and size of the cutaneous papillae ; and hence the nerves of the skin covering the palm of the hand are exceedingly numerous. Several anatorhists state that they have seen the nerves spreading out like pencils in the papillae themselves.* The papillae receive both arteries and veins ; in successful injections with mercury, or with glue-size, spirit-varnish, or turpentine, coloured with vermilion, all the papillae are penetrated by the injection, and exhibit, both in their interior and on their surface, a vascular network, which might be called an erectile tissue.! Lymphatics of the Skin.—lf we introduce the pipe of the mercurial injecting apparatus very obliquely beneath the epidermis, the mercury, if the process is successful, will run into a sub-epidermic network of vessels, and will soon cover the skin with a metallic lay- er. These vessels are most evidently lymphatics, for the mercury soon passes from them into the sub-cutaneous lymphatic vessels, and from them into the adjacent lym- phatic glands : in no case does it enter the bloodvessels. Mascagni, who has given so many representations of the vessels of the skin in his beautiful plates, has delineated in several of them this lymphatic network, lying super- ficially to the layer of bloodvessels. The universal prejudice against microscopical observations had very improperly thrown some discredit upon the positive results obtained by this great anatomist, when an accidentally successful injection enabled Haase to trace and delineate the cutaneous lymphatics of the groin from the skin to the inguinal glands.t M. Lauth, also, by acci- dent, injected the lymphatic network of the same region. Panizza, in 1830, clearly de- monstrated the arrangement of the superficial lymphatic network upon the glans penis and the prepuce, in his beautiful injections of that organ in the human subject and in an- imals. Lastly, M. Fohmann (Essai sur les Vaisseaux Lymphatiques de divers Ordres, 1833) has made some special researches upon this subject, viz., upon the lymphatic network in the skin and in other parts. Two beautiful plates, one representing the skin of the mamma, and the other that of the scrotum, glans penis, and prepuce, give a perfect idea of the arrangement of this network, which, when filled with mercury, forms a silvery layer beneath the epidermis. From this network branches are given off which perforate the dermis in all directions, and enter the sub-cutaneous lymphatic vessels proceeding from its internal surface. We have succeeded perfectly in injecting the sub-cutaneous lymphatic vessels in the entire lower extremity of a new-born infant, merely by introdu- cing the pipe into the sole of the foot. This lymphatic network is remarkable for being situated superficially to the bloodves- sels, as Mascagni had correctly observed, and for being completely independent of any other system of vessels ; also, for its vessels being dilated into ampullee at various pla- ces, for being destitute of valves, and for not opening anywhere upon the surface of the skin ; so that, excepting from laceration, the mercury does not escape through the pores of the epidermis. Lastly, the network generally consists of two very distinct layers, sit- uated between the epidermis and the dermis ; one extremely delicate and superficial, the other lying immediately upon the dermis, and belonging to deeper vessels. 6O as to ramify in the cavity of the concha. All the branches of the posterior auricular arteries turn over the free border of the helix, so as to reach the concave surface of the auricle. The anterior auricular arteries arise from the external carotid and the tempo- ral, and divide into inferior branches or arteries of the lobule and ascending branches. The veins have the same names and follow the same course as the arteries. The nerves of the auricle are derived from the auricular branch of the cervical plexus ; three or four of them ramify upon the internal surface of the auricle. A remarkable branch perforates the cartilage between the anti-tragus and the caudal extremity of the helix, and is the skin which lines the concha.* The External Auditory Meatus. The external auditory meatus (b,fig. 251) is a partly cartilaginous and partly osseous canal, extending from the concha (a) to the membrane of the tympanum (c). It forms the narrow portion of the ear-trumpet represented by the external ear. It is about an inch in length. Its section represents an ellipse, of which the longest diameter is vertical. Its direction is transverse, and it describes a very slight curve, having its convexity turned upward. Moreover, near its external orifice it is bent at an angle which projects upward, and hence it is necessary to draw the auricle upward and backward, if we wish to examine the bottom of the external auditory meatus. The external meatus is in relation with the temporo-maxillary articulation in front, with the mastoid process behind, and with the parotid gland below. * Its external orifice, which is vertically oblong, more or less widened out in different in- dividuals, and covered with hairs in old age, occupies the anterior and inferior part of the concha behind the tragus, which serves as a lid for it. It is bounded behind by a sort of semilunar ridge, which projects more or less forward in different individuals, so as to contract its orifice to a greater or less extent. In front of the auditory meatus there is an excavation or fossa concealed by the tragus, and named the tragic fossa of the concha; it forms, as it were, the vestibule of the meatus. The internal orifice of the auditory meatus is circular : it is directed very obliquely downward and inward, and is closed by the mernbrana tympani. Structure.—The auditory meatus consists of an osseous portion, and of a cartilaginous and fibrous part. The osseous portion has been already described with the temporal bone, as the external auditory meatus. It is wanting in the foetus, and in the new-born infant, in which its place is supplied by the tympanic ring or circle. We have stated that, in the adult, this ring forms an osseous lamina distinct from the rest of the temporal bone, that it rests behind upon the mastoid and styloid processes, for the latter of which it forms the vagi- nal process, and that it is separated in front from the auricular portion of the glenoid cavity by the fissure of Glasserius ; this lamina forms both the anterior and inferior walls of the auditory meatus and cavity of tire tympanum. The cartilaginous and fibrous portion forms the outer half of the external auditory mea- tus, and may be separated from the cartilage of the auricle by a careful dissection. If an incision be made over the similunar ridge which constitutes the outer border of the orifice of the auditory meatus, it will be seen that this ridge is formed by the juxtaposi- tion of two cartilaginous borders, one of which belongs to the concha, and the other to the auricle, and which are united by fibrous tissue. If the dissection be continued be- tween the tragus and the corresponding part of the helix, the auricle may be separated from the auditory meatus, exceping below, where their continuity is established by means of a tongue or isthmus of cartilage. The tragus belongs essentially to the auditory meatus, the cartilage of that canal being merely a prolongation of the tragus folded upon itself (see h, fig. 253*), so as to form the lower two thirds or three fourths of a cylinder. The inner end of this imperfect cylin- der is attached to the rough external rim ol the osseous portion of the meatus by means of a fibrous tissue, which extends farther above and behind than below and in front, and which gives the cartilage a great degree of mobility; there is a thick prolongation or process at the lower and anterior part of the inner end of the cartilage ol the meatus. The fibrous portion of the auditory meatus forms the upper third or fourth ol that canal, and also fills up the large notch in the inner end of the cartilaginous portion. * [The auricle also receives twigs from the posterior auricular branch of the facial nerve, from the auriculo- temporal branch of the inferior maxillary division of the fifth nerve, and from a small branch ol the pneumo- gastric nerve Sec description of those nerves.] THE TYMPANUM. 669 Near the tragus there are two or three fissures or divisions in this cartilage, named the fissures of Santorini, which give it some resemblance to the rings of the trachea; these fissures are at right angles to the length of the canal, and are filled up with a fibrous tissue, which some anatomists have conceived to be mixed with muscular fibres, or to consist entirely of muscular fibres intended to move the small and partially separa- ted portions of the cartilage. It is evident that the mode in which the partly cartila- ginous and partly fibrous portion is united with the osseous portion of the canal, and also the existence of the fissures just described, have reference to the mobility of the entire canal. The internal surface of the auditory meatus is lined by a prolongation of the skin, which is remarkaole for its extreme thinness. It becomes thinner and thinner in ad- vancing from the orifice to the bottom of the meatus ; and the fineness and extreme del- icacy of that portion of the skin which corresponds to the osseous part of the meatus deserves special attention. The skin of the meatus is also characterized by being cov- ered in all parts with fine downy hairs ; a fact which proves that it is of a cutaneous structure, and not a mucous membrane. In old subjects, there are some tolerably long hairs at the commencement of the auditory meatus, as wTell as upon the internal surface of the tragus ; they prevent the entrance of dust and insects, which, moreover, get in- volved in the ceruminous secretion. The skin of the meatus is farther characterized by the presence of a number of se- baceous follicles, or glands, called the ceruminous glands,* the orifices of which are vis- ible to the naked eye, and give the skin an areolar appearance. These small glands oc- cupy the entire inner surface of the cartilaginous and fibrous portions of the auditory meatus : from their yellowish-brown colour, they can be readily seen in oblique sections of the skin. They secrete a rather thick unctuous substance, resembling wax, whence it is called cerumen {cera, wax). It is very bitter, and is partially soluble in water, with which it forms an emulsion which leaves a greasy stain upon paper; it sometimes be- comes exceedingly hard from remaining long in the passage, and then acts as a mechan- ical cause of deafness. By analysis, this substance, according to Berzelius, yields a fatty oil, an albuminous substance, and a colouring matter, and, according to Rudolphi, a bitter principle like that of the bile. Nature intended, says Soemmering, that there should be a sufficient quantity of ceaunen, not only to keep out insects, but also to di- minish the intensity of sonorous vibrations. It is, therefore, a bad habit to remove it artificially, unless there be an abnormal accumulation of this substance. The Middle Emor Tympanum. Dissection.—The cavity of the tympanum may be laid open, either from its external wall, by removing the membrana tympani, or from its upper wall, by cutting away the anterior part of the base of the petrous portion of the temporal bone with a strong scal- pel ; the situation in which this may be done is indicated by a fissure, or, rather, a su- ture, which exists between the petrous and squamous portions ; lastly, the tympanum may be opened from its lower wall, by breaking down the osseous plate of the auditory meatus. In order to show all the parts contained in the cavity of the tympanum, several speci- mens should be prepared in different ways. It is of importance, moreover, to study the ear in the temporal bones of the adult subject and the foetus, as well in macerated speci- mens as in such as have been dried without previous maceration. The tympanum, tympanic cavity, or drum of the ear (tympanum, a drum, d, fig. 251), is a cavity situated between the external auditory meatus {lt) and the labyrinth or internal ear (/); it communicates with the pharynx, and, consequently, with the air-passages, by means of the Eustachian tube {e, fig. 255); it is prolonged into the mastoid process, by means of the mastoid cells (c), and it is traversed by a chain of small bones (1,2, 3), named the ossicula audittis. The tympanum is placed in the anterior part of the base of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, above the osseous lamina of the external meatus, and in front of the mastoid process; it is directly continuous with the osseous portion of the Eustachian tube, of which it seems only to be a dilatation. From its form, wffiich is otherwise irregular, or, rather, from the two dry membranes formed upon its opposite walls, it has been compared to a military drum; it is flattened from without inward, so that its transverse diameter is the shortest. It presents for our consideration an internal and an external wall, and a circumference. The External Wall of the Tympanum.—This wall is formed by the membrana tympani, and by that portion of the temporal bone in which the membrane is fitted. This portion of the temporal bone is a compact lamina, which is flat in the human subject, but ex tremely prominent in some animals. The membrana tympani {c, fig. 251) is a nearly circular, semi-transparent membranous septum, dry-looking like parchment, and vibratile ; it is situated between the external * [The ceruminous glands consist of a long convoluted tube, closed at one end, and opening by the otheT upon the internal surface of the meatus.] 670 NEUROLOGY. auditory meatus, at the bottom of which it may be seen in die living subject, and th& cavity of the tympanum. It is directed very obliquely downward and inward ;so that, instead of passing perpendicularly across the auditory meatus, it is continuous, at a very slight angle, with the upper wall of that canal. In consequence of this obliquity, the membrana tympani unites with the lower wall of the meatus at an angle of about 45°, and the meatus itself terminates in such a manner that its lower wall is much longer than the upper. The external surface of the membrana tympani is free, and is directed downward and outwTard ; the internal surface is turned upward and inward, and adheres very firmly to the handle of the bone of the ear, called the malleus, by which it is drawn inward, so that its centre presents a funnel-shaped depression, which is concave externally and convex within. The circumference of the membrane is fitted, like a watch-glass, into a circular furrow formed at the inner end of the external meatus in the adult, and into the tympanic ring in the foetus. Above and behind, near its insertion into its bony frame, the membrana tympani is elevated by a small process (the short process) of the malleus. Immediately on the inner side of the insertion of the membrana tympani, opposite the posterior extremity of a line drawn across its middle, is situated a small foramen, the orifice of a canal which transmits the chorda tympani nerve. Is the membrana tympani perforated 1 Some anatomists have asserted that there is an aperture between the membrane and the bone, at one point of its circumference ; and others have believed that an oblique slit traverses the membrane. But these perfora- tions do not exist in the natural state ; so that the membrana tympani forms a complete septum between the tympanum and the external auditory meatus. Notwithstanding its tenuity and transparency, the membrana tympani consists of three very distinct layers. The external or epidermic layer is a prolongation of the epidermic portion only of the skin which lines the external meatus. The internal or mucous layer is a prolongation of the extremely thin mucous mem- brane which lines the tympanum. The handle of the malleus is situated between this and the middle layer. The middle or proper layer, on which the strength of the membrane depends, appears to be of a fibrous nature. According to Sir Everard Home, it is muscular; he states that he distinctly saw muscular fibres radiating from the centre to the circumference, first in the elephant, and afterward in the ox, and in the human subject.* By fine injections some very delicate vessels are demonstrated in the membrane. The network represented by Soemmering, who only injected the arteries, is not nearly so dense as that which may be displayed by filling the veins. If a blue injection be thrown into the jugular vein of the foetus, the whole membrane will become of that col- our, and will present an exceedingly fine vascular network under a lens. In a new-born infant, which had died with inflammation of the tympanum, the membrane was found quite red. The bloodvessels appear to be situated entirely in the internal layer; they run from the circumference towards the centre of the membrane ; and this arrangement has probably led to the supposition of the existence of radiated muscular fibres. The use of the membrana tympani is to transmit the sonorous vibrations received through the external auditory meatus to the air contained within the tympanum, and to the ossicula of the ear. Its obliquity, besides increasing the dimensions of this vibratile membrane, has certainly some use in the reflection oi sonorous vibrations. As it ad- heres to one of the chains of small bones of the ear, it is influenced by their movements; and in this way it maybe either stretched or relaxed. The Internal Wall of the Tympanum.—The inter- nal wall of the tympanum (figs. 254, 255), which is perfectly exposed when that cavity is opened from its external wall, presents a great number of objects for our consideration. At its upper part is situated the fenestra ovalis (fifig■ 254), the long diameter of which is directed transversely, but rather obliquely down- ward and forward; the upper border of this fenestra (/> fig- 258) semi-elliptical, while the lower border is straight, or, rather, it projects somewhat into the opening. The fenestra ovalis, called also the vestib- ular orifice of the tympanum, would establish a free communication between the tympanum and the ves- tibule if it were not closed by the base of the stapes (3,fig. 255; n.fig. 257), which is accurately fitted to it. The fenestra ovalis is placed at the bottom of a depression, which is named the fossette of the fe- nestra, and the depth of which depends upon the de- Fig. 254. * Philosophical Transactions, p. 23, 1823. To his paper are annexed three plates, representing the membrana tympani in the elephant, the ox, and man. Natural size. (Section of the tympanum.) THE TYMPANUM. gree of projection of the aqueduct of Fallopius, which bounds it in front, by that of the promontory, which is below, and by an osseous tongue which passes up to the pyramid behind. Below the fenestra ovalis is the promontory (r, figs. 254, 255), an eminence which corresponds to the first turn of the cochlea, and has three grooves upon its surface, that diverge above and converge below, where they terminate in a common canal, which opens upon the lower surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, be- tween the carotid canal and the groove for the internal jugular vein. This canal (ca- nalis tympanicus, Arnold) may be called the canal of Jacobson, because it contains Jacob- son’s nerve, a branch given off from the glosso-pharyngeal, which establishes a very re- markable anastomosis between the glosso-pharyngeal and the nervi molles derived from the vidian and great sympathetic nerves.* The furrows upon the promontory are in- tended to lodge this anastomosis. They are often formed into complete canals. Behind the fenestra ovalis, and opposite its transverse diameter, is a small projection of variable size, called the pyramid (t,figs. 254, 255). There is an opening upon it which is distinctly visible to the naked eye, and makes the pyramid appear tubular. From this opening emerges a small cord (o, fig. 255), the nature of which is not known, but which is called the stapedius muscle. A bristle passed into this opening enters the canal of the pyramid, which canal is generally described as ending in a cul-de-sac, but this is not the case. M. Huguier, prosector of the faculty, has clearly demonstrated, in a series of preparations, that the canal of the pyramid is a long passage, which passes backward and downward below the aqueduct of Fallopius, becomes vertical like the aqueduct, is separated from it only by a thin lamina of bone, communicates with it by a small open- ing, and at length abandons it below, to open upon the inferior surface of the petrous bone, on the inner side of the stylo-mastoid foramen, at a variable distance from it. Sometimes this canal bifurcates below; so that two bristles introduced into the small openings near the stylo-mastoid foramen will both enter the canal of the pyramid. A small, very short, and horizontal passage, which terminates in the diploe of the tem- poral bone, may be regarded as a diverticulum of this canal. I have already stated that a fibrous-looking cord, named the stapedius muscle, emerges from the canal of the pyramid. It is not yet known what structures are transmitted through the divisions of this canal. Below the fenestra ovalis, and behind the promontory, is situated the fenestra rotunda (s, figs. 254, 255); it is placed at the bottom of a funnel-shaped depression, which was well described by M. Ribes as the fossa of the fenestra rotunda, at the bottom of which is found a partly membranous and partly osseous lamina, which is the commencement of the spiral septum of the cochlea. In a dry bone, which has been previously macerated, the membranous part being destroyed, the fossa of the fenestra rotunda communicates with the vestibule. Below this compound lamina, i. e., at the lower part of the fossa just described, is found the fenestra rotunda {s, fig. 257) properly so called, which leads into the tympanic scala of the cochlea (I) ; whence the term cochlear orifice of the tym- panum is applied to the fenestra rotunda, in contradistinction to the term vestibular orifice, which is given to the fdnestra ovalis. The fenestra rotunda is closed, in the fresh state, by a membrane, called the secondary membrana tympani, which is said to be composed of three layers—a middle layer, an external or tympanic, and an internal or cochlear layer. The two last named are mucous membranes, f Under the pyramid, and behind the fenestra rotun- da, is seen a deep fossa, the sub-pyramidal fossa {v, Jig. 254), remarkable for its constancy, and pierced by several foramina at the bottom. Upon the internal wall of the tympanum, in front of the fenestra ovalis, somewhat above the trans- verse diameter of that opening, and under the prom- inence of the aqueduct of Fallopius, is the internal orifice {n, figs. 254, 255) of the canal (m) for the internal muscle of the malleus, or tensor tympani muscle. This orifice is wide and cup-shaped, and is supported by a hollow eminence {x, fig. 254), which is itself sustain- ed by several ridges ; so that there is the greatest analogy between it and the hollow projection consti- tuting the pyramid. Both of them transmit a tendon. One is situated in front, and the other behind the fe- nestra ovalis. M. Huguier, who has paid much at- tention to this subject, has shown that the cochleari- * This can be clearly seen in some preparations in the museum of the Faculty at Paris. t [The internal or cochlear layer is merely apart of the common lining membrane of the labyrinth, and is, most probably, a Jibrc- lerous membrane, see p. 681. j Natural size. (Section of the tympanum.) 672 NEUROLOGY. Form process of anatomists {n, fig. 255) is nothing more than the remnant of the hollow projection (x,fig. 254) just described, one half of which is very thin and fragile, and is sometimes destroyed by long-continued maceration. The so-called cochleariform pro- cess, therefore, is merely the reflected canal for the internal muscle of the malleus. The Circumference of the Tympanum.—We shall examine this circumference above, be- low, in front, and behind. Above, the tympanum corresponds to the projection formed on the anterior part of the base of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. In it there is formed a recess, which may be named the recess of the tympanum, and which is intended for the reception of the head of the malleus {'l, fig. 255), and the body and posterior ramus of the incus (2). It is thin and spongy, and is separated from the squamous portion of the temporal bone by a suture, which persists even to the most advanced age. This suture is traversed by a great number of canals, through which communicating vessels pass from those of the dura mater to those of the tympanum. Below, the tympanum is very narrow, and has the form of a trench, in which there is nothing particular to notice. The wall of the tympanum is here formed by the osseous lamina of the external meatus. At the upper and hack part of the circumference of the tympanum is situated a large opening which leads into the mastoid cells (c c,figs. 254, 255). These cells are extremely numerous, and of very unequal size ; they occupy the whole of the mastoid portion, and the adjacent parts of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and are prolonged even above the external meatus. We may therefore regard the mastoid portion of the temporal bone as an appendage to the tympanum. The mas- toid cells have a very regular arrangement in the ox and horse, in which animals they are disposed in a series radiating from the surface of the mastoid process towards the tympanum; their arrangement is much more irregular in the human subject. Two large cells are almost always found, one near the apex, and the other at the posterior border of the mastoid process. In one case I found the whole mastoid process forming a single large cell, having extremely thin parietes. The mastoid cells are lined with a very delicate fibro-mucous membrane, which is con- tinuous with the mucous membrane of the tympanum. They contain air, and it is only in some cases of disease that any quantity of mucus is found in them. The mastoid'cells represent, in the auditory apparatus, the cells and sinuses which are connected with the organ of smell. It may be easily conceived that the intensity of sounds may be increased by being reverberated from so considerable a surface. In the fcetus there are no mastoid cells ; but there exists instead, in the base of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, a cavity prolonged from the recess already de- scribed in the upper wall of the tympanum, for the ossicula of the ear. In front, the tympanum is contracted like a funnel, to become continuous with the Eustachian tube (e, fig. 255); it might even be said that the tympanum and the Eustachian tube form together a single funnel-shaped cavity, the expanded portion of which is con- stituted by the tympanum, and the contracted portion by the tube of Eustachius. The canal for the internal muscle of the malleus is formed in tfte upper wall of the Eu- stachian tube ; it is a narrow tubular canal (m), which, having reached the anterior part of the tympanum, becomes applied to the internal wall of that cavity; it passes horizon- tally backward, forming a projection upon this wall, and is then reflected outward, at a right angle, to form the hollow eminence already described. This canal is separated only by a very thin osseous lamina from the Eustachian tube ; so that the two passages, placed one above the other, have some resemblance to a double-barrelled gun. The Eustachian tube (more correctly called the Eustachian trumpet, from tuba, a trumpet, e,fig. 255), or the guttural meatus of the ear, is a straight, funnel-shaped canal, flattened upon its outer side, and about two inches in length ; it extends from the tym- panum to the upper and lateral part of the pharynx, where it terminates by a free, ex- panded extremity (m, fig. 234), directed inward and downward, named the guttural orifice, or the mouth of the Eustachian tube. This orifice is wide and dilatable, of an oval shape, the larger end of the ovoid being turned upward, and being exceedingly dilatable ; but beyond its mouth the tube almost immediately contracts, and will scarcely admit an or- dinary probe. It continues narrow as far as its tympanic orifice, where it again becomes sensibly dilated. It is directed obliquely inward, forward, and downward; hence the facility with which the mucus of the tympanum flows into the back of the throat. The Eustachian tube consists of an osseous portion and of a cartilaginous and fibrous portion. The Eustachian Tube. The osseous portion, which is about seven or eight lines in length, is situated at the re- treating angle formed between the squamous and petrous portions ol the temporal bone A triangular cartilaginous plate, formed into a groove, constitutes the inner half of the tube ; a. fibrous layer, which is at first applied against the circumjiexus palati muscle, and is then lodged in the groove between the petrous portion of the temporal bone and the THE OSSICULA OF THE EAR. 673 posterior border of the sphenoid, forms the external wall of the canal, which is habitu- ally collapsed. The base of the triangular cartilage, which forms the guttural orifice of the tube, is notched in the middle, and terminates in two thickened elongated angles ; of these, the posterior one, which is more distinct, is movable, and may be pushed upward and backward. The anterior angle is firmly fixed to the posterior margin of the ptery- goid process. As catheterisra and injection of the Eustachian tube have become com- mon operations in treating diseases of the ear, it is of importance to define the exact position of its guttural orifice; it is situated {m, fig. 234) upon the side of the pharynx, immediately behind, and a little above the inferior turbinated bone. The mucous membrane which lines the Eustachian tube is thin, but at the mouth of the tube it assumes the characters of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and of the pitui tary membrane, with both of which it is continuous; it is also continuous with the mu- cous membrane of the tympanum ; hence the close sympathy which exists between the lining membrane of these several parts.* The use of the Eustachian tube is to renew the air contained within the tympanum , tut it also gives exit to the mucous secretion of that cavity, f Besides the orifice of the Eustachian tube, and that of the canal for the internal mus- cle of the malleus, the anterior funnel-shaped part of the circumference of the tympanum presents two orifices placed one above the other: the uppermost of these is the internal orifice of the canal for the chorda tympani nerve ; the lower one is an oblique fissure, which transmits a fibrous cord called the anterior muscle of the malleus. M. Huguier has shown me a number of preparations in which the chorda tympani nerve does not escape through the fissure of Glasserius, but runs in a very narrow special canal, about five or six lines in length, which is situated on the inner side of the Glasserian fissure, and opens at the base of the scull in the retreating angle formed between the squamous and petrous portions of the temporal bone, upon the outer side of the Eustachian tube, be- hind the spinous process of the sphenoid, and sometimes upon that bone itself. The fissure of Glasserius, then, merely transmits a fibrous bundle, named the anterior muscle of the malleus, and some small arteries and veins. We may now describe the course of the chorda tympani nerve. In its course this nerve passes through two canals, entering the tympanum by one, and escaping from it by the other. The canal by which it enters commences at the vertical portion of the aqueduct of Fallopius, in which the facial nerve is situated, passes upward and forward, and opens immediately on the inner side of the posterior margin of the membrana tympani, on a level with the horizontal diameter of that membrane, and al- most in the groove into which it is inserted. Having entered the tympanum through this canal, the chorda tympani describes a curve, having its concavity directed down- ward, passes between the handle of the malleus and the long ramus of the incus, enters its proper canal upon the inner side of the fissure of Glasserius, and emerges at the point already mentioned. The tympanum is traversed from without inward by an osseous chain, which describes several angles, and consists of four bones articulated with each other, and extended from the membrana tympani to the fenestra ovalis. These little bones, forming the links of the chain, are named, from their respective shapes, the malleus, or Fig. 256. hammer (1, fig. 256); the incus, or anvil (2); the os orhiculare, or , a round bone (4); and the stapes, or stirrup bone (3); the os orbicu- ~ - lare, however, appears to be merely a tubercle belonging to the bk incus. 1 The Malleus.—The malleus {I, fig. 256) is the most anterior of the bones of the ear; it is divided into a head, a neck, and a handle, and it has also two processes. The head of the malleus (a, Jig. 257) is situated in the recess of the tympanum, ir The Ossicula of the Ear. front of the incus, and above the membrana tympani. It is ovoid, and smooth, excepting behind and below, where it is concave, in order to be articulated with the incus. Soemmering has figured a small fibrous cord, which he calls the proper ligament of the malleus, extending from the head of this bone to the upper part of the recess of the tympanum. The head is supported by a constricted neck (b), which is slightly twisted and flattened, and serves also as a support for the two processes. The handle (manubrium, c) is directed vertically, and, Fig. 257. Magnified three diameters. * [According to Dr. Henl6, the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube, like that of the-upper part of the pharynx, is covered with a columnar ciliated epithelium ; but in the tympanum and mastoid cells the epithelium is squamous, and not ciliated.] t [The Eustachian tube, by establishing a communication between the tympanum and the external air, en- sures an equal atmospheric pressure on the two surfaces of the membrana tympani, so that the necessary con- dition of that membrane, and of the ossicula auditus, as conductors of vibrations, is not interfered with.] 4 Q NEUROLOGY. with the head and neck, forms a very obtuse angle, which retreats on the inner side ; it is in contact with, and adheres firmly to the internal surface of the membrana tyrn- pani, opposite the centre of which its rounded extremity is placed; it therefore forms a radius to the circle represented by the membrana tympani. The lower part of the handle of the malleus is distinctly curved, having its concave side turned outward ; this ex- plains the funnel-shaped depression upon the external surface of the centre of the mem- brana tympani. The processes of the malleus are two in number: the external, or short process (d), is directed slightly outward, and rests against the upper part of the margin of the mem- brana tympani, so as to make it project outward; the other, or long process, is very slender (processus gracilis of Raw, e), and is shaped like a thorn (processus spinosus): it arises from the anterior part of the neck, enters the Glasserian fissure, and affords at- tachment to a muscular or fibrous cord. I have several times found a simple ligament- ous cord instead of this process. The Incus.—This bone {%, fi- 256) has been well compared to a bicuspid tooth, the body of which would be represented by the body of the incus, and the fangs by its two processes. The body (/, fig- 257) is contained in the recess of the tympanum, behind the malleus, with which it is articulated by a very concave surface, directed forward and somewhat upward; so that the articulation between the head of the malleus and the body of the incus is effected by mutual reception. Of its two rami, the superior or short one (g) is thick, conoid, and directed horizontally backward: it is situated upon the same plane as the body, and, like it, is contained in the recess of the tympanum, in which it terminates; its extremity does not appear to me to be free. The inferior, or long ramus (h), is longer and thinner than the superior one ;it passes vertically downward, parallel to the handle of the malleus, on a plane internal and some- what posterior to it. Its lower portion is bent into a hook, the concavity of which is turned inward; and at its point is formed a sort of lenticular and distinctly defined tu- bercle (4, jig. 256 ; i, fig. 257), which has been regarded as a separate bone, and named the os orbiculare, or os lenticulare ; it appears to me to be merely a dependance of the in- cus, with which I have always found it united, even in the foetus. The Stapes.—The stapes (3, fig. 356), which is shaped like a stirrup, extends horizon- tally from the extremity of the long process of the incus to the fenestra ovalis (see fig. 257), and is situated upon a lower plane than the rest of the small bones of the ear. Its head presents a small articular cavity, for the reception of the orbicular tubercle of the incus. Its base (n) is directed inward, and consists of a thin plate exactly corre- sponding to the fenestra ovalis, which is rather accurately filled up by it, and to draw it away from which a slight force is necessary, so that it has a greater tendency to fall into the vestibule than into the cavity of the tympanum. The slight obliquity of the long diameter of the fenestra ovalis causes an inclination of the stapes in the same di- rection. Of its two crura, or branches {fig. 256), the anterior is the shorter and straight- er. Upon those surfaces of the crura which are turned towards each other there is found a groove, which appears to indicate the existence of a membrane stretched be- tween the crura. I have found the stapes very small, and, as it were, atrophied. In one case, the two crura of the stapes were united together. Muscles belonging to the Ossicula of the Ear. Most modern anatomists agree with Soemmering in admitting four muscles for the ossicula of the ear, viz., three belonging to the malleus, and one to the stapes. The incus has no proper muscle, because it is merely an intermediate bone between the malleus and the stapes. It is certain, however, that only one of these muscles has been actually demonstrated, viz., the internal muscle of the malleus; but it is so easy to fall into error when examining such minute objects, that I feel bound to suspend my judg- ment as to the existence or non-existence of the other muscles. The internal muscle of the malleus, or tensor membrana. tympani of Soemmering (e, fig. 251), is an elongated, fusiform muscle, contained within the bony canal formed in the retreating angle of the temporal bone, above the Eustachian tube, with which it exactly corresponds in direction. It arises from the cartilaginous portion of the tube, from the adjacent part of the sphenoid bone, behind the spinous foramen, and from the bony canal which forms its sheath. The fleshy fibres converge around a tendon, which appears from among them, before it passes out from the bony canal. This tendon is reflected at a right angle, like the canal in which it is contained, and then passes directly outward, to be inserted into the anterior and superior part of the handle of the malleus, below the processus gracilis of Raw. The muscularity of the band or cord named the anterior muscle or ligament of the mal- leus, or the great external muscle of Meckel, is doubted by a great number both of pres- ent and former anatomists.* I have never seen anything more than a fibrous cord, which “ Fut're autem et dudum et nuper clari viri qui de veris hujus musculi fibris carneis dubitarunt, cum THE OSSEOUS LABYRINTH. 675 commenced at the tip of the processus gracilis of the malleus, traversed the glenoid fis- sure, was re-enforced by other fibres arising from that fissure, and became continuous with a fibrous layer arising from the spinous process of the sphenoid bone, and generally regarded as the internal lateral ligament of the temporo-maxillary articulation. . The same remarks will also apply to the small external muscle of the malleus, or small muscle of the malleus of Casserius. This muscle is figured by Soemmering, who says that he found it exceedingly developed in one subject. All that I have clearly seen is a cylindrical cord, extending from the upper part of the frame of the membrana tympani to the short process of the malleus, or, rather, below it, according to the observations of Soemmering (ad manubrium mallei, infra brevem ejus processum). This small muscle would relax the membrana tympani; hence it has been named by Soemmering the lax- ater membrance tympani. The muscle of the stapes, or stapedius muscle (o, fig. 255), which is the smallest in the body, has, since the time of Varolius, by whom it was discovered, been regarded as a ligament by some anatomists ; nevertheless, it is more generally admitted to be muscu- lar than that last described. It arises from some part of the interior of the pyramid, and, escaping from that process, passes forward, and terminates at the back of the neck, or constricted part of the head of the stapes, behind its articulation with the incus. Soem- mering has not only represented its fleshy belly and its tendon, but also (see fig. 20, tab. 11) a filament of the facial nerve terminating in it. It is difficult to conceive that such a serious mistake should have been committed by this great anatomist. I have exam- ined this cord under a lens, and have never been able to discover any muscular fibres in it. We do not conceive how a muscle should exist in so delicate a cord. Supposing, however, that it does exist, it must move the stapes in such a way that the posterior ex- tremity of the base of that bone would be pushed into the fenestra ovalis, while the an- terior extremity would be carried outward. Movements of the Ossicula.—The chain of small bones in the ear is so arranged, that any movement of one of its extremities is communicated to the entire chain. Their mo- tion is precisely similar to that of a bell-crank. M. Huguier is inclined to believe that the processus gracilis of Raw serves as a fulcrum, around which the malleus performs a rotatory movement, the effects of which are transmitted to the stapes through the in- cus. The contraction of the internal muscle of the malleus, or tensor membranas tym- pani, must draw the handle of the malleus inward and its head outward ; the incus, from its firm connexion with the head of thp malleus, follows that bone, and as it swings upon its short horizontal process, its vertical process is carried inward, and therefore presses the stapes into the fenestra ovalis. The Lining Membrane of the Tympanum. The tympanum is lined by a very thin membrane, which not only covers the walls of this cavity, but also forms a very evident investment for the ossicula, and is, moreover, prolonged into the mastoid cells, lining them throughout, and forming small duplicatures around the vessels by which some of the cells are traversed. This membrane is con- tinuous with the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube, and therefore indirectly with that of the pharynx.* It serves at once as an internal lining for the tympanum, and a periosteum for the os- seous walls of that cavity, and should therefore be regarded as a fibro-mucous membrane. It secretes a mucus, which in the natural state simply moistens its surface, but in some cases of disease occupies the whole cavity. The catarrhal character of the products of suppuration in the tympanum, the continuity of this lining membrane with the mucous membrane of the pharynx, and its extreme vascularity, leave no doubt of its being a mu cous membrane. The Internal Ear, or Labyrinth. The internal ear, or labyrinth if fig. 251), the deep-rooted and essential portion of the organ of hearing, is situated on the inner side of the tympanum, in the substance of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. It consists of the osseous labyrinth, which forms a receptacle for the membranous labyrinth, which is the immediate seat of the sense of hearing. No part of the body has a more complex and delicate structure. The labyr inth is composed of three very distinct compartments, which have been named the ves tibule, the semicircular canals, and the cochlea. Preparation.—This is justly regarded as one of the most difficult dissections, even when the parts are previously known. The dissection should be made upon temporal bones from subjects of different ages, upon bones that have been macerated, upon oth- ers that have been dried without maceration, and also upon bones in the fresh state. The Osseous Labyrinth. imiltair . ambranam a periosteo propagatam, sulcum maxillce repleri viderent, et processed longissimo circumnasci, caeterum in eo carneam naturam non deprehenderent. NeqnC mea experirnenta rem expediunt Musculum qnoties volui, ostendi, num veras libras viderem, plerumque dubius haesi.”— {Haller, tom v lib Irv-’P-218-) * See note, p, 673. 676 NEUROLOGY. Commence with a foetal temporal bone, in which the labyrinth can very easily be isola- ted, in consequence of its being surrounded only by a spongy texture, readily yielding to the knife. In the adult, the labyrinth is, in proportion, much less developed than in the foetus, and is surrounded with so compact a tissue, that, in order to cut it, it is necessa- ry to use a chisel, a file, or a very strong scalpel. It is important to have a great num- ber of temporal bones, so as to be able to make several different sections. Preparation of the Vestibule.—Open the vestibule through its upper wall, which corre- sponds to the upper surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, opposite the fe- nestra ovalis, between the superior vertical semicircular canal and the internal auditory meatus. Preparation of the Semicircular Canals.—ln the foetus, one of the semicircular canals projects upon the base of the petrous portion of the temporal bone ; it is easy to isolate it, as well as the other canals, by removing, with a strong scalpel, the spongy tissue in which they are imbedded. It is useful to have two preparations of the semicircular ca- nals ; one in which the canals remain entire, and another in which they have been opened. Preparation of the Cochlea. Remove layer by layer that part of the petrous portion of the temporal bone which corresponds to the bottom of the internal auditory meatus. A layer of very thin spongy tissue shows, in the foetus, that we have arrived at the coch- lea ; remove this spongy tissue with care, and expose the cochlea, both on its upper and lower surfaces. In one preparation, the cochlea should be merely isolated; in another, it should be carefully opened, and for this purpose it is sufficient to make a simple cut into each of its turns: it is of importance not to remove the summit of the cochlea. If a probe be passed from the tympanum through the fenestra ovalis (/, fig. 258), it Fig 258 enters an ovoid cavity {a b t, fig. 259) called the The Vestibule. vestibule. The vestible is the centre of the internal ear, and forms an intermediate cavity or passage (fo- rum fodinaj metallic®, Vesalius) between the semicircular canals {op q,fig. 258), which are on its outer side, and the cochlea (I), which is to its inner side. It is situated in a line with the axis of the internal auditory meatus. It is remark- able for having a great number of both large and small openings into it. The large openings are seven in number: the hrst is me jenestra ovaus {J,Jigs. 261), which would establish a free communication between the vestibule of the tympa- num if it were not for the base of the stapes, which closes it hermetically, as we may be convinced by examining it from the vestibule, when the stapes remains in its place.* There are five openings (o' / q',fig. 259 ; o' a', Jig. 261) for the three semicircular canals ; and the seventh is the orifice (t) of the vestibular scala of the cochlea. In macerated bones we find, besides, an eighth opening, situated below the fenestra ovalis, having an oblong shape, and leading into the highest part of the fenestra ro- tunda. Of the small openings, the first is the orifice (r, fig. 259) of the aqueduct of the vestibule, which opens upon the posterior wall of this cavity to the inner side of the common opening for the two vertical semicircular canals {i. e., in the recessus sulciformis). The aqueduct of the vestibule turns Osseous labyrinth of the left side. Magnified two diameters. a short distance around that common opening, and then, bending at a right angle, ter- minates upon the posterior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone by an orifice already described (see Osteology). The other small openings in the vestibule are foramina for the passage of vessels and nerves ; they form the macula cribrosa, which corresponds with the bottom of the internal auditory meatus. The character of the vestibule is irregularly ovoid, and is divided by a crista into two fossa’: one inferior and hemispherical, named the fovea hcmispherica {a, fig. 259) ; the other, superior and semi-elliptical, called the fovea semi-elliptica {b). Morgagni has de- scribed a third groove-like fossa {recessus sulciformis), situated at the mouth ox the com- mon orifice of the two superior semicircular canals. The Semicircular Canals. The semicircular canals, three in number, represent three cylinders or tubes (tubsformes canales, Soemmering), of equal diameters, and curved very regularly, so as to describe * [The base of the stapes is retained in its situation, and the complete is,iS?fl fected, by the reflection of the lining membrane of the tympanum on the one hand, and by that ot the limb membrane of the labyrinth on the other.] THE COCHLEA. portions of circles ; they are situated within the substance of the base of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, behind the vestibule, into which they open by the five ori- fices already described. They have been named the great, the middle, and the small semicircular canals ; terms which have caused much confusion, because the differences between them, in regard to length, are not alone sufficient to distinguish them from each other. Their direction forms a much better ground of distinction between them. Two are vertical, and one is horizontal: there is an anterior and superior vertical, and a posterior and inferior vertical canal; the horizontal canal is external, and is situated between the two others. Tiie superior vertical canal {p,figs. 258, 260), which describes two thirds of a circle, is placed at the highest part of the labyrinth, immediately to the outer side of the vestibule. A plane passing through the two branches of this canal would cut the base of the petrous portion almost at a right angle. The convexity of this canal is turned upward, and its concavity downward. In the foetus, its concavity is free, so that it can be seen without any dissection; but in the adult it is filled up with osseous tissue. The anterior and outer extremity {p',figs. 258, 259) of this canal is dilated into an ampulla, and opens separately at the upper and outer part of the vestibule. The poste- rior and inner extremity unites with the corresponding extremity of the inferior vertical canal to form a common canal {a, fig. 260), which opens without any dilatation into the upper and inner part of the vestibule (a', fig. 261). The inferior vertical canal (q, figs. 258, 260) is placed at right angles to the preceding, and par- allel with the posterior surface of the petrous portion. It commences at the inner and upper part of the vestibule, by the common canal (a, fig. 260) already described, passes almost di- rectly outward, curves at first downward, and then forward, and becomes dilated into an am- pulla {qfig. 258) near the vestibule, into which cavity it opens {q\ fig. 259), about the distance of a line from the point at which it commences. This canal, therefore, describes nearly a com- plete circle ; and hence the term canalis major et longior, still given to it by Soemmering, in contradistinction to the superior vertical semi- circular canal, which he calls minor et brevioi-. The horizontal canal {o, figs. 258, 260), canalis minimus, brevissimus, sive exterior of Soemmer- ing, commences in the vestibule {o', Jigs. 258, 259) between the fenestra ovalis, which is be- Fig. 260 low, and the ampullar opening of the superior vertical canal, which is above ; it becomes dilated into an ampulla, describes a horizontal curve having its convexity turned out- ward, and opens {o', fig. 261) upon the inner wall of the vestibule, between the common opening {a') of the two vertical canals and the proper opening {q') of the inferior vertical canal. It appears, then, that each of the three semicircular canals has one of its extremities ciliated otto an ampulla, and the other not dilated ; that the two vertical canals unite by their non-dilated extremities; that of the five openings belonging to the semicircular canals, two occupy the outer, and three the inner wall of the vestibule, and that the three last consist of the common canal formed by the two vertical canals, by the ampullar ex- tremity of die pos enor vertical canal, and by the non-ampullar extremity of the horizon tal canal. The Cochlea, The cochlea {I, fig■ 258), or snail, so called from its resemblance to the shell of that molluscous animal, may be said to consist of a conoid tube, which is subdivided into two cavities, called scales, by a septum extending from its base to its apex, and is coiled upon itself into a spiral containing two turns and a half. The cochlea is the most anterior part of the internal ear; it is situated on the inner side, and in front of the tympanum ; its base {d, fig. 260) rests upon the bottom of the internal auditory meatus.* Its external surface is blended, in the adult, with the substance of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, so that it requires much skill to carve it out without breaking into its cavity ; in the feetus, on the contrary, such a dissection is extremely easy, on ac- count of the thin layer of spongy osseous tissue by which it is separated from the rest of the bone. * [The summit of the cochlea is directed forward, downward, and outward. The gyri of the cochlea are soiled in a direction from below upward, and from without inward.] 678 NEUROLOGY. The following parts of the cochlea are separately described : the tube of the cochlea ct lamina gyrorum, the lamina spiralis, the axis or columella, the two scalce, and the aqueduct The Tube of the Cochlea.—The tube of the cochlea (canalis spiralis cochlce, or lamina gy- rorum) is the compact lamina {I, figs. 258, 262) which forms the external walls of the cochlea. If we imagine a hollow osseous cone, coiled spirally, cicut circa fulcrum convol vulus {Haller), or like a winding staircase ; and farther, that the lowest turn of the spire embraces the turn above it, and that the walls of the different turns are blended with each other, we shall have a correct idea of the tube of the cochlea : as before stated, the spire thus formed describes two turns and a half. The Spiral Lamina of the Cochlea.—The spiral canal, or tube of the cochlea, is subdi- vided lengthwise into two secondary cavities (c e, c e, figs. 263, 264), called scales {scala, a staircase), by a septum (a), which is named the spiral lamina of the cochlea {lamina spi- ralis cochlea). Commencing at the base of the cochlea {t, fig. 259; also fig. 263), and at the fenestra rotunda, where it can be very easily seen, the spiral lamina winds edgewise around the axis or columella {b b, fig. 262), and is continued without any interruption to the summit or cupola (/) of the cochlea, the several turns of which it exactly follows. Its internal border is applied against the axis of the cochlea, and adheres intimately to it, excepting above, where it is free for a short distance, and leaves a communication {n, fig. 263) be- tween the two scalse. Margo liber lamina spiralis quo fit ut utriusque scales sit communica- tio {Soemmering). Its external border adheres to the inner surface of the lamina gyrorum, or tube of the cochlea. In consequence of the conical form of this tube, the lamina spi- ralis would, if unrolled, represent an isosceles triangle, the base of which had corre- sponded to the fenestra rotunda, and the apex to the summit of the cochlea. The spiral lamina consists of two portions—an internal osseous and an external mem- branous portion.* The osseous portion {lamina spiralis ossea, d, figs. 259, 261, 262, 264) predominates in the first turn, diminishes gradually in the second, and ceases at the commencement of the third, where it termi- nates in a kind of hook or beak {hamulus vel rostrum, e, fig. 262). This bony portion is thick, and consists of two la- mellae, between which are found a great number of very delicate canals, through which the nerves of the cochlea pass. These two lamellae form two distinct furrows upon the columella. The membranous portion {lamina spiralis membranacea, a a, figs. 263 to 265) completes the septum, forming its outer part. It is narrow in the first turn of the cochlea, becomes broader in the second, and constitutes the entire septum in the third. The bony and membranous portions of the spiral lamina, Cochlea (dry) magnified four times. Fig. 263. therefore, represent two isosceles triangles, so arranged that the base of the one corresponds to the apex of the other, and vice versa. Moreover, as Comparetti remarks, three zones can be distinguished in the membranous portion of the spiral lam- ina, the consistence of which diminishes progressively from the margin of the osseous lamina towards the inter- nal surface of the tube of the cochlea. The Axis or Columella of the Cochlea.—From the bottom, or, Cochlea (recent). rather, from the posterior part {d, fig. 260) of the bottom of the internal auditory meatus, arises a bony process, which is directed almost horizontally outward; it occupies the centre or axis of the cochlea, and around it both the tube and spiral lamina describe their several turns. This bony process is called the axis of the cochlea, columella, modiolus, or nucleus {b, figs. 262, 264). It extends from the base to the summit of the cochlea, but undergoes certain changes during its course. Opposite the first turn it is extremely thick, but becomes much thinner in the first half of the second turn. In the second half of the second turn, and in the last half turn, it is replaced by a cup-shaped lamella, called the infundibulum (scyphus, Vieussens, c, fig. 262), the expand- ed portion of which is turned towards the cupola (/) of the cochlea. The modiolus or axis of the cochlea, then, has three perfectly distinct parts. The base of the modiolus, which is seen at the bottom of the auditory meatus, is marked by a very distinct spiral tract {d, fig. 260), perforated with foramina, through which the filaments of the auditory nerve are transmitted. It is the tractus spiralis foraminulcntus of Cotugno. The apex of the modiolus, when examined in a cochlea which has been opened from the under surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, presents a decidedly in- fundibuliform figure. But in a cochlea which has been opened from its tipper surface * [ln the dried cochlea (fig. 262), the two seal® communicate along their whole course.] THE COCHLEA. 679 (fig. 264), on the contrary, it has the appearance of a very slender stalk, continuous with the rest of the modiolus, and proceeding directly to the cupola of the cochlea. This two- fold structure depends upon the fact that the terminal lamella of the modiolus forms only half a funnel, which half is turned towards the lower half of the cochlea. This terminal lamella of the modiolus, which has been very well described by Huguier, is of a triangular form, extends through half a turn of a spiral, and adheres to the inner surface of the tube of the cochlea by its external convex border. Its internal border or margin is straight and free, and is the only part of this lamella which is seen when the cochlea is opened from above, while its convex border and its surfaces are distinctly seen when the coch- lea is opened from below. The hamulus (e, fig. 262) of the osseous portion of the lamina spiralis terminates opposite the middle of this free border or margin. The surface of the modiolus is marked like a screw by two furrows corresponding to the two lamellae of the osseous part of the spiral lamina; this surface is pierced with foramina for the branches of the auditory nerve. If the modiolus be divided longitudinally {fig. 264), it will be seen that its centre is traversed by a number of canals, for the passage of the branches Fig. 264. of the auditory nerve. These canals open by the foramina on its surface. In the centre of the half funnel formed by the ter- minal lamella of the modiolus is an opening, through which the terminal filament of the cochlear branch of the auditory nerve passes out; it is the orifice of the tubulus centralis modioli. The Scala of the Cochlea.—The spiral lamina {d d, fig. 264) di- vides the cavity of the tube of tne cochlea into two secondary cavities (c e, c e), called the scalae of the cochlea. They are dis- tinguished as the external, superior, or vestibular scala (scala ves- tibuli, c c, figs. 263, 264), and the internal, inferior, or tympanic scala (scala tympani, e e). The first (c c, fig. 265) communicates directly with the vestibule (between t and s); the second, which cochlea magnified, commences at the fenestra rotunda (s, fig. 258), wrould communicate with the tympanum if that fenestra were not closed by a membrane ; hence the term scala clausa. The tympanic scala is decidedly larger than the vestibular. The section of either of the scalae, at right angles to its axis, is semicircular. The two scalae communicate near the summit of the cochlea (at n, figs. 263,265). Both the situation and nature of this communication can be easily ascertained, and have been well described by Soemmering, and more recently by MM. Breschet and Huguier. The lamina spiralis, which, we have seen, adheres closely to the modiolus, continues to wind spirally around the half-funnel-shaped termination of the modiolus, but when it arrives opposite the concavity of this half funnel, it ceases to be attached to that con- cavity, its internal border becomes free, and is then continued on to the inner surface of the summit of the cochlea. It follows, therefore, that the free concave border of the lamina spiralis is opposite to the concavity of the infundibulum ; and hence there is an interruption in the septum, in the form of a circular opening, the canalis scalarum commu- nis ofCassebohm, the helicotrema of Breschet {n,figs. 263, 265), which establishes a com- munication between the two scalae : moreover, this opening is not situated precisely at the summit of the scalae, but a little below that point; nor is the opening of communica- tion (between t and s, fig. 265) between the vestibular scala and the vestibule situated at the lowest part of that scala. The Aqueduct of the Cochlea.—The aqueduct of the cochlea opens at one end (n,fig. 259) into the tympanic scala of the cochlea, near the fenestra rotunda; and at the other, by an expanded extremity, upon the lower border of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, near the jugular fossa. It does not appear to have any such use as was attributed to it by Cotugno. Like the aqueduct of the vestibule, it is merely a canal for a vessel, and as such was denominated by Wildberg canalis venosus cochlea. The liquor Cotunnii could not pass through this canal, for it is closed by the dura mater. Ilg has taken a very ingenious view of the structure of the modiolus and cochlea. According to that author, the modiolus is not an osseous centre independent of the lamina gyrorum, but rather the internal wall of the spiral tube of the cochlea, which, in describing its first turn, intercepts a considerable cylindrical space of about two lines and a half in diam- eter, and then a smaller, but still cylindrical space, of about half a line in diameter, in its second turn; while in the third turn there is no space, and therefore the axis or modiolus is wanting, but it is replaced by the internal wall of the spiral tube of the cochlea itself. The terminal lamella of the modiolus would therefore be formed by the internal wall of the spiral tube. This view is supported by the structure of the bottom of the internal auditory meatus, on which is found a turn and a half of a spiral groove, precisely corresponding to the spire of the cochlea, and by sections of the cochlea made after Soemmering’s plan, from the apex to the base. {Videfigs. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, of Soemmering’s fourth plate.) The Membranous Labyrinth. The membranous labyrinth, discovered by Comparetti and Scarpa, has been correctly 680 NEUROLOGY, described and figured by Soemmering. M. Breschet has recently enriched our knowl- edge of this intricate anatomical subject with many most interesting facts. (Etudes anatomiques et physiologiques sur Vorgans de I’ouie et sur Vaudition dans I’homme et les ani- maux vertehres, 1833.) It is useless to attempt the examination of the membranous labyrinth in the human subject without some previous preparation. If the labyrinth be opened, it is found to contain a fluid; the eye can detect nothing else. By previously macerating it in diluted nitric acid, the twofold advantage is gained of softening the bones, so that they can be cut with a scalpel, and of hardening and rendering opaque the nervous tissues. Before studying the membranous labyrinth in the human subject, it should first be examined h the large cartilaginous fishes, such as the ray and the turbot, in which it is most highly developed. It is then seen that the semicircular canals and the vestibule contain, be- sides a fluid, certain semi-transparent membranous tubes and sacs, the aspect of which closely resembles that of the retina. The membranous labyrinth {fig. 265) is not so extensive as the osseous labyrinth: :> uAicuoivc ao ljic lauyi iiitu ; thus, it does not enter the cochlea, and its diameter is much less than that of the bony labyrinth. It scarcely occupies one half the cavity of the latter. The space between the bony and membranous lab- yrinths is filled with a limpid fluid, named, after Co- tugno, the liquor Cotunnii, although it had been no- ticed by several anatomists before that author. {De aqua ductibus auris humana interna. Cotugno, 1760.) It is the perilymph of M. Breschet. There is no air in the labyrinth, and it is somewhat singular that so accurate an anatomist as M. Ribes should have recently defended a contrary opinion, although it has been repeatedly refuted. The membranous labyrinth is itself filled with a fluid which was correctly described by Scarpa, and which might be named the fluid of Scarpa. M. de Blainville has com- pared it to the vitreous humour of the eye, and has named it la vitrine auditive : it is the endo-lymph of M. Breschet. The membranous labyrinth consists of membranous semicircular canals, and of a ves- tibular portion. Membranous labyrinth (leftside). The Membranous Semicircular Canals. The membranous semicircular canals {op q,fig. 265) were regarded as nervous cords by Scarpa, who first' described them ; they have precisely the same form as the osseous semicircular canals, although they do not completely fill them. Soemmering improperly • calls them tubuli membrano-cartilaginosi. Each membranous canal, like the corresponding osseous one, has its ampulla, or ovoid muscle {o'p' q'). The two vertical membranous canals unite at one end into a common canal, and, therefore, the three membranous semicircular canals, like their osseous investments, open into the membranous vestibule by five distinct orifices. The membranous vestibule consists of two very distinct parts, the common sinus and the saccule. The sinus communis vestibuli, or vestibular utricle {u),* as was first shown by Scarpa, forms the confluence of the membranous semicircular canals which open into it by five orifices. The utricle is situated in the fovea semi-elliptica of the vestibule, and floats, as it were, in the liquid of Cotugno ; it is distended by the liquid of Scarpa, so as to re- semble an oblong bulla. The liquid of Cotugno separates it from the base of the stapes, as Scarpa very well pointed out. The sacculus vestibuli, or vestibular saccule (sacculus proprius sphsericus, Soemmering, s), is much smaller than the utricle. Its connexions with the utricle have been com- pared by Fischer to those of the crystalline lens with the vitreous body : it occupies the fovea hemispheric! of the vestibule, and is therefore situated below the utricle. Accord- ing to Soemmering, it does not adhere to the utricle; that author has even represented a small space between these two parts.f According to others, there is a communication between them, and the saccule is merely a supplementary cavity to the utricle. I have not yet been able to satisfy myself concerning this point. The membranous labyrinth, then, is quite distinct from the membrane which lines the labyrinthic cavities. This periosteal membrane, which analogy would lead us to regard as a fibro-serous membrane, is the only membrane which is prolonged into the cochlea. We might, however, regard that portion of the lamina spiralis which is next to the in- ner surface of the lamina gyrorum as a portion of the membranous labyrinth. * Alveus utriculosus of Scarpa, utriculus communis of Sicmmering’, sinus median of M. Breschet, t Sacculus teres cum utriculo communi nullibi cohaeret, et übi cultri apice apentur, spruericaui ormam re- tinet. (Explanation of fig-. 2, pi. 3.) According to M. Breschet, the sacculus and utriculus adhere intimately, and he is inclined to believe that their cavities even communicate ; but, from the extreme delicacy of thes« structures, he has been unable to confirm this supposition. THE AUDITORY NERVE, ETC. The Calcareous Matter of the Vestibule.—The examination of the ear of fishes, which has proved of such assistance in investigating the structure of the human membranous labyrinth, has also led to the inquiry, whether there existed anything in the human ear analogous to the solid calcareous concretions found in the labyrinth of the ear of fishes. From the researches of M. Breschet, it appears that the labyrinthic stones, or otolithes, of fishes, are represented in all the mammalia, and, consequently, in man, by a cretace- ous powder, which he has named otoconia {oiie, wrof, the ear, and novig, dust); and that this powder exists both in the utricle and the saccule, collected together into two white shining masses, which were seen and described by both Comparetti and Scarpa, but were mistaken by them for the dried acoustic nerve. Does it fulfil the same uses as the otolithes in fishes 1 or should it be regarded as a rudimentary condition of an important structure in other animals 1 The Auditory Nerve and the Vessels of the Ear. The auditory nerve, or special nerve of the organ of hearing, is remarkable for its soft- ness, and hence it has been named the portio mollis of the seventh cranial nerve. The auditory nerve arises, at least in part, from the anterior wall of the fourth ventricle ; having reached the bottom of the internal auditory meatus, it divides into two branches : an anterior and larger, distributed to the cochlea, and a posterior, intended for the vesti- bule and semicircular canals. The anterior or cochlear branch (t,fig. 264) has a spiral arrangement, like that portion of the bottom of the auditory meatus {d, fig. 260) to which it proceeds, and it enters through the foramina in the tractus spiralis of the lamina cri- brosa. One set of nervous filaments enters the small canals in the centre of the modi- olus (b, fig. 264); the others are applied to the surface of the modiolus {t, fig. 263); the latter filaments spread out upon the first turn of the lamina spiralis (t, fig. 265), radiating in the most regular manner, and having arrived near the outer border of the spiral lam- ina, they each divide into two or three ramuscules, which anastomose together, so as to form a nervous expansion.* These radiating filaments are more distinct upon the lower than upon the upper surface of the spiral lamina. Those filaments of the nerve which are not spread out upon the first turn of the lami- na spiralis pass through the foramina in the centre of the modiolus, and spread out upon the second turn, in the same manner as those already described. Lastly, the highest filaments emerge from the opening at the apex of the modiolus, and terminate in a sim- ilar manner. It follows, therefore, that the nerves of the cochlea successively diminish in length, as the spiral lamina does in width ; and thus the radiating nervous filaments resemble the strings of a harp, in becoming successively shorter and shorter. It is probable that this arrangement is not without its influence upon the function of hearing. In a temporal bone softened by the action of nitric acid, the auditory nerve, the modi- olus, the spiral lamina, and the periosteal membrane which lines the cochlea, may be dissected with the greatest facility. The posterior or vestibular division of the auditory nerve is subdivided into three branches, the largest of which (v, fig. 265) is distributed to the utricle (u) and to the am- pullae {o'p') of the superior vertical and horizontal membranous semicircular canals; the middle-sized branch is distributed to the sacculus (s), and the smallest ends in the am- pulla {q') of the inferior vertical membranous semicircular canal, t Bloodvessels may be traced into the membranous labyrinth; most of them enter by the internal auditory meatus; those which belong to the cochlea pass through the fora- mina in the modiolus, and are distributed in a radiating manner like the nerves THE CEREBRO-SPINAL AXIS. General Observations. The cerebrospinal axis constitutes the central portion, while the nerves form the periph- eral portion of the nervous system. The apparatus of innervation formed by the cerebro-spinal axis and the nerves togeth- er, and named the nervous system, is the most important part in the animal machine ; it is the source not only of sensation and motion, but of the universal sympathy existing between the several parts of the animal economy; and that part of it called the brain performs the highest function allotted to organized beings, by becoming the immediate instrument of the soul in the exercise of the intellectual faculties. * [According to observations made by Treviranus, Gottsche, and others, the filaments o' the cochlear nerve in animals do not anastomose, bat terminate in isolated extremities, which are in some cases papillary (Tre~ viranus), and in others club-shaped (Gottsche).'] t [The nervous filaments proceeding- to the utricle and saccule form a fan-like expansion upon those sacs, penetrate into their interior, and spread out as a nervous layer on their internal surface. Each of the nerves which are distributed to the membranous ampullae appears to bifurcate, so as partially to embrace its corre- Bpoi.ding- ampulla in atransverse direction : the nervous filaments then penetrate into the ampulla, and spread out upon a transverse septum, formed in its interior by the folding inward of the walls ol the cavity, and also upon the adjacent parts of those walls. (See Steifcnsand, Muller's Arch., 1835.)] 4 11 682 NEUROLOGY. The cerebrospinal axis consists of that soft, pulpy, elongated, and symmetrical mass of nervous substance, which, becoming enlarged at its upper part, occupies the vertebral canal and the cavity of the cranium, and forms the centre from which the nerves of all parts of the body take their origin, or in which they all terminate. The structure of no other organ in the tody excites so much curiosity, and, unfortu- nately, there is none whose structure is involved in greater obscurity. Notwithstand- ing the real advances that have recently been made in our knowledge of the anatomy of the brain, we must still acknowledge, with Steno, that the human mind, which has car- ried its investigations even into the heavens, has not yet been able to comprehend the nature of the instrument by which its own operations are performed, and that its pow- ers seem to abandon it as soon as it turns its attention to the organ in which it resides. Until the end of the last century, the study of the central portion of the nervous system consisted in a simple enumeration of its parts, or, rather, in a more or less imperfect description of its external surface, and of the different objects displayed by various sec- tions. The nomenclature of the different parts of the encephalon* is alone enough to show with what limited views the researches of those anatomists must have been made, who did not suspect that this pulpy-looking mass—a sufficient definition of which they believed to be, that it held an intermediate place between the solids and the fluids of the body—was as wonderful in the delicacy and intricacy of its structure, as in the impor- tance and elevated character of its functions. In the present day, anatomists include in the study of the encephalon not only the topographical study of its various constituent parts, but also the determination of the mode in which those parts are connected togeth- er. To ascertain this latter point, apart from all questions as to origin, formation, gen- eration, and re-enforcement, with which the subject has lately been embarrassed, should constitute the special aim of every inquiry into the anatomy of this part of the nervous system. The central portion of the nervous system consists, 1. Of the spinal cord; 2. Of the tu- ler annulare, the peduncles of the cerebrum and cerebellum, and the tubercula quadrigemina; these together constitute a very constricted portion, which forms the bond of union be- tween the other parts of the encephalon, and which I shalll accordingly name le nccud de V encephale 3. Of the cerebellum; 4. Of the cerebrum. The cerebro-spinal axis is surrounded by three membranes or coverings, called the meninges (from pr/viyZ, a membrane), which perform some important functions in regard to it, and which must in the very first place occupy our attention. General Remarks.—The Dura Mater—the Cranial Portion, its Structure and Uses—the Spinal Portion. The Arachnoid—its Cranial Portion its Spinal Portion—the Sub- arachnoid Fluids—their Uses.—The Pia Mater—its External Cerebral Portion. THE MEMBRANES OF THE CEREBRO-SPINAL AXIS. But few parts of the body are so effectually protected as the cerebro-spinal axis ; this protection is afforded in part by the vertebral column,t and by the cranium, the mechan- ism of which we have already described as being so eminently calculated to defend the parts situated within them. Besides the osseous case formed by the vertebro-cranial column, we find, surrounding the cerebro-spinal axis, a fibrous sheath, named the dura mater; a serous membrane, called the arachnoid; and a proper membrane, named the pia mater, in which the vessels of the nervous centre ramify. The Dura Mater.§ Dissection of the Dura Mater of the Scull.—Make either a crucial incision, or one ex- tending from before backward, or from ear to ear, through the integuments of the head; turn back the flaps, taking care to remove the periosteum with the hairy scalp. The bones of the cranium being thus exposed, the scull-cap may be removed, either with a sort of hatchet (marteau-hachette) or a saw. This hatchet is the most expeditious and the best instrument. There is no fear of shaking or lacerating the brain, if the instrument be properly used ; but it is almost im- possible to avoid cutting the brain with the saw, the only advantage of which over the other is, that it makes an even section. The section should be carried quite round the cranium, about a finger’s breadth above * From Iv, in, and KsQaXrl, the head ; a convenient term, used to signify that part of the cere ro-spinal axis which is situated within the cranium. , , „ t [lt is necessary to bear in mind that the equivalent term, nodus encephali, has been assigne y cninmßr- ing to the pons Varolii.] , • , t A vertebrated animal may also be defined to be an animal provided with an encepha o , er-veitehra- ted animal is one having no encephalon. _ . , A , () The application of the term mater to the meninges of the brain is derived from ens, who regard- ed these membranes as the origin, or mothers of all the other parts of the body , or, p < ps, as aller has oh- served, this use of the terra depends upon an Arabic idiom, by which the covering ot any body whatsoever is called its mother. EXTERNAL SURFACE OF THE DURA MATER. 683 the orbital arches, the scull-cap being raised and removed by means of the narrow end of the hatchet, or by means of a hook attached to the extremity of its handle. If the brain is not to be preserved, a somewhat different method of proceeding is adopt ed. Two parallel cuts must be made with the saw, one on each side of the superior lon gitudinal sinus, along its whole extent. Each of these cuts should then be met by anoth- er, carried horizontally through the corresponding side of the scull. When the two por- tions of bone included between these sections are removed, there remains an intermedi- ate portion of bone, about an inch wide, extending from the nasal eminence to the occip ital protuberance. The dura mater should then be divided along the borders of this in- termediate portion of bone, and the brain and cerebellum removed. If, however, it be intended to preserve the brain and cerebellum, after the entire scull cap has been removed in the, ordinary manner, the dura mater must be divided circularly, along the cut edge of the cranium, the anterior extremity of the falx cerebri must be di- vided with the scissors, and the whole fibrous cap turned backward. Another mode, and one which I prefer, is, to make an incision through the dura mater, along each side of the superior longitudinal sinus, and then to divide the anterior ex- tremity of the falx, and reflect that part backward. Dissection of the Dura Mater in the Vertebral Canal.—This part of the dura mater may be exposed, either by removing the arches of the vertebrae, or by taking away the bodies of these bones. The latter method is but seldom adopted. The arches of the vertebras may be removed by means of a chisel and mallet, or, still better, by the rachitome. An instrument has lately been invented, consisting of two parallel saws, slightly con- vex on their toothed edges, firmly connected together, but capable of being separated or approximated as may be desired. Preference is justly given to the rachitome over this complicated instrument. The important object in opening the spine is, to make the sec- tion opposite the junction of the laminae with the transverse and articular processes. In order to display the continuity of the cranial and spinal portions of the dura mater, it is necessary to connect the sections already made in the head and spine, by removing with the saw the intervening portion of the occipital bone. A beautiful preparation of the dura mater may be made by removing the roof and sides of the scull, and the arches of all the vertebras; by then taking out the encephalon and spinal cord through incisions in the dura mater, which may be readily concealed ; and by filling the cavity thus left with tallow, which is afterward to be dissolved out by spir- its of turpentine, or, what is easier to do, the cavity of the dura mater may be filled with fine sand. The dura mater (meninx crassa, Galen; le meninge, Chauss.) is a fibrous membrane which covers and protects the cerebro-spinal axis, and the roots of all the nerves which arise from or terminate in that portion of the nervous system. It is the most external of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord (meninx exteri- or, Soemmering); it consist of a cranial and a spinal portion. The cranial portion of the dura mater forms a fibrous sac, which lines the internal sui- face of the bones of the cranium, forming their internal periosteum, and at the same time serves as a covering for the encephalon, and separates its different parts by means of prolongations or incomplete septa. The dura mater in the scull presents for our consideration an external and an internal surface. The Cranial Portion of the Dura Mater. External Surface of the Dura Mater. Its external surface is accurately moulded upon the internal surface of the bones of the cranium, to which it adheres by a multitude of small fibrous and vascular prolongations, which can be readily displayed by putting the membrane under water. These prolonga- tions give the external surface of the dura mater a rough appearance, which contrasts strongly with the smooth aspect of its internal surface. The ramifications of the mid- dle meningeal arteries and veins are seen on the external surface of the membrane, and project from it, as if they were only laid upon it. The dura mater adheres to the parieties of the cranium with different degrees of firmness in different situations. Thus, it is generally less firmly adherent to the roof of the scull than to its base, where it is impossible to separate it from the bone. The upper border of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, the posterior border of the lesser wings of the sphenoid, and the margin of the foramen magnum, are points to which it is very firmly attached; but the dura mater adheres more strongly opposite the sutures than in any other situation. Upon the orbital plates, on the occipital fossae, and upon the squamous portion of each temporal bone, it adheres so slightly, that it has been conceived to be altogether unattached in those regions A * An erroneous opinion for a long time prevailed that the adhesions between the dura mater and the bones 684 NEUROLOGY. The firmness of the adhesion between the dura mater and the bones varies at differ- ent periods of life, and also the manner in which it is effected. Thus, in old subjects, the parts are so closely united, that it is almost impossible to take off the roof of the scull without, at the same time, removing portions of the dura mater. When this hap- pens, there is.ossification of the outermost layers of this membrane. In the new-born infant, the adhesion is firmer than in the adult, especially opposite the sutures. As to the mode in which this adhesion is effected, it may be stated, that in the infant it appears to be exclusively by means of vessels; in old age, almost entirely by fibrous tissue ; and in the adult, by partly vascular and partly fibrous prolongations. The dura mater is, moreover, attached to the bones of the cranium by means of the fibrous canals formed by this membrane for the nerves and vessels which pass through the foramina in the base of the scull. The most remarkable prolongations of the cranial portion of the dura mater, except- ing that for the spinal cord, are those given off opposite the right and left sphenoidal fissures. Each of these prolongations separates into two layers, one of which forms the sheath of the corresponding optic nerve, while the other blends with the periosteum lining the cavity of the orbits. The internal surface of the cranial portion of the dura mater appears smoothly polished, and is constantly lubricated with serosity; its polished appearance is owing to a layer of arachnoid with which it is covered ; this layer is so thin that one might be disposed to deny its existence, and it is so firmly united to the dura mater that its demonstration is extremely difficult. Excepting at the points where the cerebral veins enter the dif- ferent sinuses, the internal surface of the dura mater lined by the arachnoid is free, and is in contact with the cerebral arachnoid, and indirectly with the outer surface of the encephalon. From this surface certain prolongations or imperfect septa are given off, by which the cavity of the cranium is divided into several compartments. These septa are three in number, viz., the falx cerebri, the tentorium cerebelli, and the falx cerebelli. The Falx Cerebri.—This is a fibrous lamina {d, fig. 220), which is placed vertically along the median line, is shaped like a sickle, and extends from the foramen caecum to the tentorium cerebelli. Its point, which is in front, dips into the foramen caecum, and envelops the crista galli; its base is behind, and rests perpendicularly upon the middle of the tentorium cerebelli. The venous canal, called the straight sinus, is situated along the line in which the falx and the tentorium meet. The upper border of the falx is con- vex, and extends from the foramen caecum to the internal occipital protuberance. In this border is placed the superior longitudinal sinus. The lower border is concave, thin, sharp, and free, and corresponds to the corpus cal- losum, touching that body, however, only at the back part, and, according to some anat- omists, making a rather deep furrow upon it. This free border, which is thicker behind than in front, contains within it a small vein, which has been named the inferior longi- tudinal sinus. The two surfaces of the falx correspond to the internal surfaces of the two hemispheres of the brain. Not unfrequently the falx cerebri is found as if torn through in some points, and I once observed the two hemispheres continuous with each other through an opening in this septum. The use of the falx is evidently to obviate the effects of lateral concussion of the brain, and to prevent one hemisphere from pressing upon the other, while the person is lying upon his side. The Tentorium Cerebelli.—This is an imperfect horizontal septum (le septum trans- verse, Chauss.), which is, as it were, notched in front, and which separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum. It is constantly in a state of tension ; a condition which depends upon the permanently tense state of the falx cerebri. These two parts, indeed, mutually preserve each other’s tension, and when either of them is cut, the other necessarily be- comes relaxed. It is, therefore, only when the tentorium is examined in situ, and the falx is left uninjured, that the anatomy of the former can be properly understood. It is then seen that it represents two planes, inclined upward, and united in the middle line at an obtuse angle, so as to form a sort of arch, upon the top of which the base of the falx cerebri rests. The concavity of this arch corresponds to and is accurately fit ted upon the convex upper surface of the cerebellum below ; the convexity corresponds to the slightly concave under surface of the posterior lobes of the cerebrum. Its outer or convex border is directed horizontally; it corresponds behind to the posterior portion of the lateral grooves, and in front to the upper border of the pars petrosa. Ihe lateral sinus occupies the whole occipital portion of this border. . Its inner or concave border is parabolic ; between it and the basilar gioove, in liont, a small space is intercepted, which is occupied by the nodus encephali, being accurately were the results of disease ; and it has even been believed that a space existed ”)ater an< the bones of the cranium. These errors resulted from a physiological hypothesis, wtactl attributed the move- ments of the brain to contraction of the dura mater. The Internal Surface of the Dura Mater. STRUCTURE OF THE DURA MATER. 685 adapted to that part of the brain. The extremities of the external and internal borders cross each other on each side like the letter X ; the extremities of the outer border are attached to the posterior clinoid processes, and form on each side a sort of bridge, near the apex of the pars petrosa, beneath which the fifth cranial nerve passes ; the extremi- ties of the inner border are prolonged above those of the outer border, and are attached to the anterior clinoid processes. They form the sides of the pituitary fossa, and con- tain in their substance the cavernous sinuses. The Falx Cerebelli.—This is a small falciform fold, situated vertically in the median line (le septum median du ceverlet, Chauss.); Winslow remarks that it is sometimes double. It extends from the internal occipital protuberance to the foramen magnum, and separates the two hemispheres of the cerebellum. Its base, directed upward, cor- responds with and is attached to the tentorium cerebelli; its apex bifurcates upon the sides of the foramen magnum. Its postetior border corresponds with the internal crest of the occipital bone, and its anterior border with the bottom of the median fissure of the cerebellum. The dura mater is perhaps the thickest and strongest of all the membranous invest- ments of the viscera. It may be regarded as consisting of two very distinct fibrous lay- ers : of an external or periosteal layer, which forms the internal periosteum of the bones of the cranium; and of an internal or proper cerebral layer, which, though blended with the preceding throughout the greatest part of its extent, is separated from it at certain points, in order to form both the fibrous canals, which are called the sinuses, and also the sev- eral folds just described as projecting from the internal surface of the dura mater. Thus, the periosteal layer of the dura mater enters into and lines the longitudinal groove, but the central layer passes off from it on either side ; and the twm laminae thus formed by the right and left portions of the cerebral layer approach each other, so as to include between themselves and the periosteal layer lining the groove a long three-sided inter- val, which forms the superior longitudinal sinus. The internal layer of the dura mater, which is essentially fibrous, must not be con- founded with the arachnoid membrane by which its internal surface is lined, and which will be presently described. Structure. The dura mater is evidently composed of fibrous, not of muscular tissue, as was for a long time believed.* It consists of fibres which interlace in various directions Anatomists generally describe, in connexion with the dura mater, those white granu- lar bodies which are chiefly collected into clusters along the superior longitudinal sinus, and which are improperly called glands (the glands of Pacchioni, from the name of the author who first gave a good description of them). These bodies are not found in infants, but exist almost constantly in the adult, and are very numerous in old subjects. They are sometimes single and sometimes collect- ed into groups; they are, at first, formed upon the internal surface of the dura mater, but after a time they displace the fibres of the internal layer, and separate them into small, parallel, or reticulated fasciculi, and, in this way, insinuate themselves between the two layers of the membrane. In this situation they form tumours, which project upon the external surface of the dura mater, and occupy corresponding depressions form- ed in the bones of the cranium. The rough and irregular depressions so frequently found in the parietal bones of old subjects, and ascribed by the older anatomists to caries of the bone, are occasioned by the clusters of these granular bodies. These bodies often insinuate themselves along the obliquely running veins into the substance of the walls of the sinuses, and project into the interior of the veins and si- nuses, so as apparently to be in direct contact with the blood ; but they are, in reality, separated from that fluid by the lining membrane of the vessels and sinuses. Although these bodies are principally collected along the superior longitudinal sinus, they are also found, as Haller remarks, opposite the anterior extremity of the straight sinus. I have seen a small pedunculated mass of them, which projected into the inte- rior of the horizontal portion of one of the lateral sinuses, and might have impeded the circulation. . I consider that the bodies in question are seated in the sub-arachnoid cellular tissue ; in fact, they are often found beneath the arachnoid, at some distance from the longitu- dinal sinus, along the superior cerebral veins. They always project at first upon the in- ternal surface of the dura mater, and then insinuate themselves into the substance of that membrane. „ What is the nature of these bodies 1 Ruysch noticed them, and considered them to be of a fatty nature. Some authors have likened them to the granulations so frequently * Pacchioni who wrote a treatise of some length upon this membrane, even went so far as to admit the exist- ence of three fleshy bellies, viz., one for each hemisphere, and a third for the cerebellum. The same author gives a verv minute description of tile direction of the different layers of Hines in the dura mater. Ido not believe that there exists in the history of our science a more striking example of the misapplication of textu- ral anatomy. 686 NEUROLOGY. found in the choroid plexuses; but there is not the slightest resemblance between tne two. Pacchioni regarded them as glands which secreted a peculiar lymph. He has even described certain, so called, excretory ducts, which have been said by others to enter the superior longitudinal sinus. Those clusters which project into the sinuses have been supposed to act as valves. It has been said that these bodies are lymphatic glands ; this, also, is erroneous ; and, indeed, it is better to confers our ignorance of their nature. They occur so frequently that they cannot be regarded" as morbid productions. Their absence in the infant, and their much greater abundance in the old subject than in the adult, are the principal features in their history. Vessels.—ln respect of the number and size of its vessels, the cranial dura mater seems to form an exception to fibrous membranes in general, which are remarkable for their slight vascularity. It receives, in fact, the following arteries : the middle menin- geal, which is a branch of the internal maxillary artery; the anterior meningeal, from the ethmoidal artery; and the posterior meningeal, from the ascending pharyngeal, or pharyngo-meningeal. Nevertheless, if we consider that these vessels are situated be tween the dura mater and the bones, and that they are almost entirely distributed to the bones, we shall be able to account for the apparent anomaly in the number and size of these vessels. The veins of the dura mater are two vena; comites for each meningeal artery, and the small veins which enter the sinuses; the venous sinuses themselves are situated be- tween the two layers of this membrane. The lymphatics form a network upon the internal surface of the dura mater, but do not appear to belong to the proper fibrous tissue. Nerves of the Dura Mater.—On consulting the various writers upon this subject, it is found to be involved in the strangest perplexity: some authors admit, while others deny in the most positive manner, the existence of nerves in this membrane; and those who do admit their existence, differ altogether in regard to their origin. Modern anatomists, with Haller, Wrisberg, and Lobstein, state that there are no nerves in the dura mater; on the other hand, Vieussens, Winslow, Lieutaud, Lecat, Val- salva, and others, declare that they have observed them. Valsalva says that they are derived from the seventh pair; all the other authors state that they arise from the fifth ; but they do not agree as to the exact point of origin, which, according to some, is the Gasserian ganglion; and according to others, either the ophthalmic, or the superior or inferior maxillary divisions of that nerve. Chaussier admits their existence, and says that they are derived from the ganglionic system; but it is evident that he has been led to this conclusion from theory, and not from actual observation. Accident has enabled me most distinctly to demonstrate nerves in the dura mater. In a head which had been macerated in diluted nitric acid, and afterward in water, the dura mater having become transparent and jelly-like, I was surprised to see within its substance certain white lines exactly resembling nervous filaments. I cut down to these white lines, ascertained that they were nerves, and dissected them throughout their whole course. I recognised on each side of the middle line two nervous filaments which came from the fifth nerves, and reached nearly to the superior longitudinal sinus. There was a third nervous filament in the substance of the tentorium cerebelli, but I could not ascertain its origin.* Uses of the Cranial Dura Mater.— The dura mater serves as an internal periosteum for the bones of the cranium, with which it has numerous vascular connexions ; and it also covers and defends the encephalon. Its prolongations separate from each other the dif- ferent parts of the encephalon, and in some measure prevent the effects of concussion. It also contains within its substance certain venous canals, in which all the blood is re- turned from the encephalon. The Spinal Portion of the Dura Mater. The spinal portion of the dura mater forms a long fibrous tube, which is prolonged from the cranial dura mater, and extends from the occipital foramen to the termination of the sacral canal. In order to ascertain the capacity of this fibrous sheath, it must be first distended with an injection; it is then seen to form a funnel-shaped tube, which is of considerable size in the cervical region, becomes contracted in the dorsal region, is again expanded in the lumbar region, and terminates in the sacral region by subdividing into a number of sheaths for the sacral nerves. When distended, the spinal portion of the dura mater almost en- tirely fills the bony canal formed by the vertebral column. Why the cavity of the dura mater (d.fig. 266, A B) should be larger than the spinal cord (s), a question the solution of which had exercised the ingenuity of almost all anatomists, has been well answered by Cotugno—it is for the purpose of containing a serous fluid, t * [The tentorium receives a branch from the fourth cranial nerve (see description of that nerve).] t “ Quidquid autem spatii est inter vaginam durae matris et medullam spinalem, id ornne plenum etiam sem per est; non medulla quidem ipsS, in viventibus turgidiori, non nube vaporosa, quod in re adhuc obscuri. sus picantur summi viri ; sed aqua ei quidem simili,quam circa cor rontinet pericardium, quae caveas cerebri yen triculorum adimplet, quae auris labyrinthum, quae reliquas tandem complet coruons caveas, libero aeri, nequa quam adeundas.”—(De Ischiade Nervosa, p. li.) THE CRANIAL PORTION OF THE ARACHNOID. 687 The external surface of the spinal portion of the dura mater, unlike, in this respect, io the cranial portion, scarcely adheres to the bony parietes of the spinal canal. Covered )y a plexus of veins behind, it has no attachment at all to the arches of the vertebras, nor to the yellow ligaments ; the intervals between those parts and the membrane is occu- pied by a soft, reddish, adipose tissue intermixed with veins, which, in the foetus, and during infancy, is infiltrated with serosity. This fat, which is most abundant in the sa- cral region, may be most aptly compared to the marrow of the long bones, with which it has so much analogy in respect of its use. In one class of vertebrated animals, viz., fishes, a precisely similar kind of fat is accumulated in large quantities in the cranium, always filling up the spaces left by the contained organs. In front, the external surface of the dura mater adheres to the posterior common ver- tebral ligament by fibrous bands prolonged from it at intervals. On each side, the spinal portion of the dura mater gives off fibrous sheaths (/, fig■ 266 ; b', fig■ 267) for the roots of the spinal nerves (re), which sheaths accompany the nerves beyond the inter-vertebral foramina, and are lost in the cellular tissue. The internal surface of this part of the dura mater is smooth and moist, in consequence of being icovered by a serous layer, viz., the arachnoid (a). Down each side of this sur- face are seen the double orifices of the several fibrous canals, which transmit the ante- rior and'posterior roots of the spinal nerves. It is very rarely found entirely free from adhesions to the arachnoid ; and it is necessary to be careful not to confound these ad- hesions, which are always met with at isolated points, with such as are the, result of morbid action. The inferior extremity of the spinal portion of the dura mater is situated opposite the bottom of the lumbar region, and it therefore extends much lower than the spinal cord; this extremity is formed into a large ampulla around the cauda equina, which enlarge- ment seems to be of use only as a reservoir for the cephalo-rachidian fluid. Its superior extremity is firmly attached to the margin of the foramen magnum, and is continuous with the cranial portion of this membrane. In consequence of the firm ad- hesion of this membrane to the margin of the foramen magnum, and of its attachment to the sacrum by means of the sheaths for the sacral nerves, and to the sides of the ver- tebral column by those for the cervical, dorsal, and lumbar nerves, it is constantly main- tained in a state of tension highly favourable to its use as a protecting covering of the spinal cord. Vessels.—The vessels of the spinal dura mater are much less numerous than those of the cranial portion; for these belong exclusively to it, and not to the surrounding bones. Its arteries arise from the spinal branches of the arteries of the cervical, dorsal lum- bar, and sacral regions. Its veins terminate in the intra-spinal veins. The lymphatic vessels observed appear rather to belong to the arachnoid. The nerves of this membrane have not yet been demonstrated ; but experiments upon living animals, especially upon dogs, have convinced me that the cranial, and probably, also, the spinal portion of the dura mater, although insensible to the knife, are extreme- ly sensible to laceration. The cerebro-spinal axis is surrounded by a serous membrane named the arachnoid, which, like all membranes of this kind, forms a shut sac, adherent by its external sur- face, but free and smooth on its internal surface. We shall first describe the cranial, and then the spinal portion of the arachnoid. The Arachnoid. Dissection.—The arachnoid may be shown upon the convex surface of the brain with- out any preparation, if the sub-arachnoid cellular tissue be infiltrated. It can also be very easily demonstrated by blowing air under it. The arachnoid membrane, which, Irom its extreme tenuity, was for a long time con- founded with the pia mater, was demonstrated by Ruysch upon the convex surface of the brain by injecting air beneath it; it was shown by Yarolius upon the base of that organ, and its arrangement in that situation was figured by Casserius. It was descri- bed first by the Anatomical Society of Amsterdam as a special membrane covering the brain, under the name of the arachnoid; and Bichat, reasoning from analogy, demonstra- ted that it not only forms a covering for the brain, but is also reflected upon the dura mater, and lines it through its whole extent. He also believed that it was continuous with the lining membrane of the ventricles, an error which has been successfully refu- ted by M. Magendie. Like all serous membranes, the arachnoid presents a visceral and a parietal layer The Cranial Portion of the Arachnoid. The Visceral Layer of the Arachnoid. The visceral layer of the cranial portion of the arachnoid requires to be examined upon the convex surface and the base of the brain. Upon the base of the brain, the arachnoid is separated from this organ in a great num- 688 NEUROLOGY. her of points, and more particularly as it is passing from one lobe to another. We shJS examine in detail the arrangement of this part of the membrane. In the median line, in front, it dips between the anterior lobes of the brain, but only at the fore part; behind, it connects these lobes by passing directly from one to the other; it covers the lower surface of the optic nerves and optic commissure, then the tuber cinereum and the infundibulum, for the latter of which it forms a sheath, and is then re- flected above the pituitary body; from the tuber cinereum it passes across to the pons Varolii, leaving a hollow space between it and the brain, which is traversed by a few dense fibrous filaments. I shall call this space the anterior sub-arachnoid space; it may be regarded as the prin- cipal reservoir of the serous fluid of the cranium. In the median line, behind, the arachnoid lines the furrow between the posterior lobes of the brain, and is reflected from the corpus callosum upon the superior vermiform pro- cess of the cerebellum : at this point it meets with the venae Galeni, and generally forms a circular fold around them, which was compared by Bichat to the foramen of Wins- low in the peritoneum, and which he supposed to be the orifice of an arachnoid canal, which opened into the third ventricle beneath the velum interpositum. The arachnoid covers the whole upper surface of the cerebellum; and, having reached the great circumference of that organ, it passes like a bridge from one hemisphere to the other, and from the cerebellum itself to the posterior surface of the spinal cord. In thus passing from one hemisphere of the cerebellum to the other, and from the cerebellum to the spinal cord, the arachnoid leaves a considerable space or reservoir for serosity, which may be called the posterior sub-arachnoid space. Laterally, the arachnoid covers the inferior surface of the anterior lobes of the cere- brum and the olfactory nerves, which are thus held in contact with the anterior lobes ; it then passes from the anterior to the posterior lobe, without entering the fissure of Sylvius, and from the posterior lobe to the tuber annulare and the cerebellum. It fol- lows, therefore, that there are certain small sub-arachnoid spaces which communicate with the great anterior sub-arachnoid space of the brain ; so that in the dead body there exists, between the arachnoid and the pia mater, at the base of the brain, a large space, the centre of which corresponds to the median excavation of the base of the cerebrum, and which is prolonged forward between the anterior lobes of the brain, laterally along each of the fissures of Sylvius, and backward, around the peduncles of the cerebellum. By this last-named prolongation a communication is established between the anterior and posterior sub-arachnoid spaces. All these spaces contain serum in the natural state, and coagulable lymph in some cases of inflammation of the sub-arachnoid cellular tissue. The arachnoid is arranged in a uniform manner in reference to all the nerves situated at the base of the brain ; it passes over their lower surface, and therefore holds them firmly against the under surface of the brain ; but where these nerves are separated from the brain it furnishes a tubular prolongation around each, and again leaves them as they are about to enter the foramina in the base of the scull, and is reflected upon the dura mater. Upon the upper surface of the brain, the arachnoid dips into the median fissure, and is reflected from one hemisphere to the other immediately below the free margin of the falx cerebri; and as this margin is nearer to the corpus callosum behind than in front, it fol- lows that the anterior portions of the two hemispheres are in contact with each other for a certain distance, or, rather, they are merely separated by the pia mater. The cerebral arachnoid adheres intimately to the arachnoid of the dura mater, along the sides of the superior longitudinal sinus, by means of the tubular prolongations which it forms around the cerebral veins that enter that sinus. This adhesion is also strength- ened by the granular bodies called the glands of Pacchioni, which, as we, have already stated, lie in the substance of the dura mater. Moreover, on the convex surface, as well as upon the base of the brain, the arachnoid, in covering this organ, passes, like a bridge, from one convolution to another, never dip- ping into the intermediate sulci. The cellular tissue, which unites the arachnoid to the pia mater, is of a serous nature and extremely delicate, so that the two membranes can be easily separated, excepting in cases of inflammation. When air is blown beneath the arachnoid, the extreme tenu- ity of this cellular tissue becomes evident: it is very frequently infiltrated with a serous fluid. The sub-arachnoid cellular tissue never contains any fat. The fat which Kuyscn, Haller, and other anatomists say they have observed, must have been that yellowish, gelatiniform lymph so commonly met with in cases of inflammation.* In some parts the arachnoid is lined by a fibrous tissue, which gives it great strength. This fibrous tissue, which may be regarded as a prolongation of the neurilemma of the spinal cord, is especially distinct in the great furrows of the brain, i hus we find it * I once found in an old woman an adipose cyst, about the size of a small g rape, arising by a very thin ped- We from tVie upper surface of the pituitary body. THE PARIETAL LAYER OF THE ARACHNOID. 689 around the great anterior sub-arachnoid space, where it constitutes, as it were, a very strong fibrous band, which surrounds the arterial circle of Willis, situated at the base of the brain ; it also retains the different parts of the brain in their relative positions, even when that organ is removed from the cranium, and is laid with its base uppermost. The Parietal Layer of the Arachnoid. The internal surface of the dura mater is lined with a very delicate and closely-ad- herent serous membrane, which, owing to these two qualities, for a long time escaped the notice of anatomists. It was only by reasoning analogically from the structure of all other serous membranes, that Bichat was led to enter upon the inquiry which ended in the discovery of the parietal portion of the arachnoid. This portion is quite distinct from the internal layer of the dura mater, the existence of which we have admitted with several anatomists. Upon a mere inspection, we should say that it does not exist, because, from its transparency, the fibrous bundles of the dura mater can be seen as dis- tinctly as if they were not covered. But if a very superficial incision be made upon the inner surface of the dura mater, some extremely thin shreds may be detached by the aid of the forceps. Lastly, ecchymosis not unffequently occurs between the dura mater and the arachnoid,* Ossific deposites in the dura mater, especially those found in the falx cerebri, being found beneath the arachnoid, sometimes enable us to detach this lat- ter membrane in the most distinct manner. It still remains, however, to describe the mode in which the parietal and cerebral por- tions of the arachnoid become continuous with each other. It has been stated that the arachnoid membrane forms tubular prolongations around each of the nerves which are given off from the base of the brain, and around each of the veins which enter the dif- ferent sinuses ; these prolongations just enter the fibrous canals formed by the dura mater for these nerves and veins, and almost immediately terminate by being reflected upon the dura mater itself; so that the arachnoid forms a sort of cul-de-sac around the cranial orifice of each fibrous sheath of the dura mater. In order to see the funnel- shaped prolongations of the arachnoid, it is convenient to examine them when the brain is being lifted up from before backward, in order to expose and divide the nerves which are attached to the base of the scull. The tubular prolongations being then dragged upon, they become very distinct. Not unfrequently, the development of adventitious false membrane on the base of the brain also extends along these prolongations. The arachnoid does not enter into the interior of the ventricles, below the posterior border of the corpus callosum. The arachnoid canal, called the canal of Bichat, does not exist, but it is formed by the very experiment made to demonstrate it. The following is the statement of Bichat regarding this alleged canal ; “ The brain being exposed from behind and allowed to remain in its natural position,, the back part of each posterior lobe is to be raised, and drawn gently outward ; the ve- nae Galeni are then seen emerging from the canal by which they are embraced, and the oval orifice of which is now very apparent. Sometimes, however, the margin of this orifice embraces the veins so closely, that it can only be recognised by a small fissure on each side, and the parts, at first sight, would appear to be continuous. If a probe be- then glided from behind forward along these vessels, and when it has penetrated a short distance, if it be turned all round the veins it will destroy the adhesions, and the opening will become very evident. “ In order to be convinced that this opening leads into the middle ventricle of the brain, a grooved director must be introduced below the venae Galeni and pushed gently forward : it will enter the ventricle without difficulty. The corpus callosum and the for- nix are then to be removed, and the velum interpositum left untouched. Next, dividing the velum on the director, the membrane will be found to be smooth and polished in the whole of its course, and nowhere lacerated by the introduction of the director. Occa- sionally some resistance is experienced to the entrance of the director, which may even be com- pletely arrested: this depends upon the fact that the veins which enter the vena Galeni inter- lace in all directions within the canal, so as to form a. network, which arrests the instrument. If this be the case, it should be withdrawn, and, in order to demonstrate the communi- cation, some mercury should be poured into the external opening, and, by inclining the position of the head, this fluid will flow into the middle ventricle. Air blown into the canal will also enter that ventricle, and will pass from it into the lateral ventricles through the openings behind the anterior pillars of the fomix. If the fornix be removed, and the velum be exposed, the latter will be seen to be elevated each time that the air is. blown in. . * “ The internal orifice of this communicating canal is at the lower part of the velum interpositum; in order to see it, this membrane must be reflected backward, either with the fornix, the under surface of which it covers, or after it has been separated from that part of the brain. The pineal gland which adheres to the velum is also to be turned * As to the collections of blood which are said to have been met with between the arachnoid and the dura mater, M. Baillarget has clearly shown, in several preparations which he presented to the Anatomical Soci- ety, that the supposed laver of arachnoid is a newly-formed membrane, having all the appearances of a seroue> membrane. 690 NEUROLOGY. back ; below and in front of this gland is then seen a row of cerebral granulations, ar- ranged in the form of a triangle, having its point turned forward. The internal orifice oi the canal of the arachnoid is at the base of this triangle.” Now, if we make the dissection described by Bichat-, it is easy to see that there exists at the back part of the brain, below the corpus callosum, a circular or oval opening, lead- ing into a sort of cul-de-sac, which is of variable depth, and is formed by the reflection of the arachnoid around the venae Galeni: it is seen, also, that the bottom of this cul-de- sac may be -easily lacerated by a blunt probe, which may then be passed beneath the velum interpositum, as Bichat has pointed out; but it is through an artificial canal. Moreover, if a coloured liquid be injected into the ventricles, it can never be made to escape through this imagined canal of Bichat; and so, on the other hand, if a liquid be thrown into the orifice of this canal, it never enters the third ventricle : mercury enters only by lacerating the parts ; and the same is the case with air. Analogy, which has so often conducted Bichat to beautiful and grand discoveries, has, therefore, misled him in this particular. Since, then, the arachnoid canal of Bichat does not exist, it will be necessary to de- termine how the ventricles communicate with the external arachnoid cavity. This question we shall discuss presently.* The Spinal Portion of the Arachnoid. The spinal cord, besides its own proper investment, is covered by a transparent mem- brane ol extreme tenuity, and only to be demonstrated properly by raising it with the forceps, or by subjecting it to the mode of preparation above described : this is the vis- ceral layer of the spinal portion of the arachnoid. The visceral layer {h, fig. 266, A B) forms a membranous sheath, which is much larger Fig. 265. than the spinal cord (s); hence it is named the loose arachnoid. It is prolonged around the bundle of nerves called the cauda equina, and forms around each nerve a funnel-shaped sheath, which terminates in a cul- de-sac at the corresponding inter-vertebral foramen, by being reflected upon the inner surface of the fibrous sheath formed for the nerve by the dura mater (see fig. 266, B). There exists, then, between the spinal cord and the visceral portion of the arachnoid a considerable space (e, fig. 266, A B), which can be best displayed by inflating it, or injecting it with some liquid. This space, as we shall immediately show, contains a serous fluid. We have seen that, opposite the median excavation at the base of the brain, the arachnoid adheres to the cerebral pia mater only by means of long fibrous filaments. The spinal arachnoid also adheres to the proper covering of the cord by means of fibrous filaments ; but in no part does there exist any delicate sub- arachnoid cellular tissue, like that found beneath the cerebral arachnoid.f Another peculiarity in the visceral layer of the spinal portion of the arachnoid is this, that it adheres to the parietal layer in a number of points. The parietal'layer (a) of the spinal portion of the arachnoid is arranged precisely in the same manner as the parietal layer of arachnoid in the scull. It becomes continuous with the visceral layer opposite the sheaths which are formed by the latter around the spinal nerves. The Sub-arachnoid Fluid. There exists around the spinal cord a serous fluid, in quantity sufficient to occupy the interval left between the cord and the dura mater : this fluid is seated in the sub-arach- noid space (e). A similar fluid exists in the ventricles of the brain and in the sub-arach- noid cellular tissue, and fills the free spaces of the cranial cavity, f The existence of the sub-arachnoid fluid was pointed out by Haller (Elementa Physi- ologic, t. iv., 87), and most explicitly and completely demonstrated by Cotugno (De ischi- ade nervosa commentarium), but the fact was neglected by anatomists, and the fluid re- garded by some as the result of cadaveric exudation, and by others as that of a morbid action. The existence of this fluid has been again confirmed by M. Magendie, who, moreover, has clearly proved that it is seated in the sub-arachnoid tissue. In order to prove the existence of the sub-arachnoid fluid, or cephi o-iWniaiau fluid * [The existence of the canal of Bichat is admitted by Arnold, a recent authority. Perhaps the opposite statements of anatomists concerning' this canal may depend on the fact that the canal itself, though originally present, is sometimes closed subsequently, and at other times remains open.] , t [The spinal sub-arachnoid space is divided behind by a thin, and, in some parts, cribriform longitudinal septum, which extends from the loose arachnoid to the posterior median fissure of the cord. s space is probably lined throughout by a serous membrane, which contains the rachidian fluid, and w ic might be named the internal arachnoid. The septum just mentioned may be supposed to consist o wo ayers ot this membrane reflected from the loose arachnoid to the cord, and having the same relation os e mesentery has to the intestine ; and the membrane itself may be conceived prolonged throng_ , amen described by Magendie at the bottom of the fourth ventricle (see p. 718), so as to form the fining ® °i the fourth, third, and lateral ventricles ; and, farther, in case of the existence of the foramen oi uicnat, to become con- tinuous with the external or true arachnoid through that foramen.] of Magendie, it is necessary to open the lumbar region of the spinal canal in a certain number of subjects. If an incision be very carefully made through the dura mater, it will be seen that the serous fluid raises the visceral layer of the arachnoid, so as to make it protrude like a hernia through the incision : if this layer of arachnoid be then divided, the liquid will escape. Cotunni, who performed this experiment upon twenty subjects, collected from four to five ounces of fluid in each case. To the objection that this fluid is found after death, but does not necessarily exist in the living subject, we may answer thus : There is a space between the spinal cord and the dura mater, and the brain itself does not exactly fill the cranial cavity. Now in no part of the animal body does there exist any vacuum ; the spaces between the solids are always filled either with liquids or gaseous fluids. But if it be said that in this situation the space is filled by a serous vapour, the elasticity of which might establish an equilib- rium with the external air, it may be replied, that this vapour would not be sufficient to produce so large a quantity of fluid as is found in the spinal canal. Moreover, all these objections, and also the supposition that the brain and spinal cord may be smaller after death than during life, are overthrown by the following experiment. If the posterior cervical muscles be divided in a living dog, at their occipital attachments, the posterior occipito-atiantoid ligament will be exposed. The parts being well cleansed from blood, the ligament must be cut away, layer by layer, with a scalpel held flat against it. The ligaments will scarcely be cut through before a small hernial protrusion, con- taining a fluid, will be seen; this consists of the visceral arachnoid raised by the rush of fluid. If a crucial incision be then made in the occipito-atiantoid ligament, by the aid of a director,* a fluid as limpid as distilled water will be seen beneath the visceral layer of the arachnoid, which fluid is agitated by two kinds of motion, one of which is isochro- nous with the pulse, and the other with the respiratory movements. If the arachnoid be next punctured, the fluid will immediately escape in jets, and its quantity may be as- certained. THE SUB-ARACHNOID FLUID. The difficulty of not wounding the visceral layer of the arachnoid explains why, until recently, it was thought that the spinal fluid was contained within the arachnoid cavity (c,Jig. 266), i. e., between the two layers of the arachnoid membrane, although most ob- servers had noticed that the serous fluid in the cranium occupied the sub-arachnoid cel- lular tissue. It follows, therefore, that besides the fluid which is exhaled from the free surface, i. e., into the cavity of the arachnoid, a certain quantity of a similar fluid fills up the areolar tissue of the sub-arachnoid space: in this respect the arachnoid differs es- sentially from other serous membranes, all of which pour their secretions into their cav- ities, and not into the subjacent cellular tissue. This peculiarity depends simply upon the non-adhesion of the arachnoid to the spinal cord; it may be stated as a law, that serous membranes exhale almost indifferently from either their internal or their external surface, when the latter surface is not adhe- rent. The arachnoid exhales a fluid from both surfaces,; a certain quantity of fluid is rather frequently found between its two layers ; and although, in acute inflammations, the deposite of purulent matter or of false membranes most generally takes place in the sub-arachnoid cellular tissue, yet these morbid products are not unfrequently found in the cavity of the spinal arachnoid itself. The sub-arachnoid fluid exists not only in the vertebral canal, but also within the cra- nium, in which it fills up all the spaces between the brain and the dura mater. Now these spaces are subject to much variety in size in different individuals, or from age or from disease : thus, in atrophy of the brain and spinal cord, from old age or dis- ease, the interval between the dura mater and the cerebro-spinal axis is augmented, and the quantity of fluid increases in the same proportion. The quantity of the sub-arachnoid fluid is in a direct ratio with the progress of age ; in aged lunatics, in whom the convolutions of the brain are much atrophied, the quanti- ty of this fluid contained, within the cavity of the cranium is very great, f The sub-arachnoid fluid in the cranium is not distributed equally around the brain, but is chiefly seated at its base. In order to show this fluid, it is merely necessary to raise up the brain carefully from before backward, when it will be seen distending all the fun- nel-shaped prolongations formed by the arachnoid around the nerves, and it will escape as soon as the membrane is divided. As regards quantity, the sub-arachnoid fluid at the base of the brain and the fluid of the ventricles are always directly proportioned to each other, but are inversely propor- tioned to the sub-arachnoid fluid upon the convex surface of the brain. Upon opening the head of infants who have died from acute ventricular hydrocephalus, we sometimes * It is highly important to make the transverse incision very short, in order to avoid injuring the very large vertebral veins ; for if these vessels be cut, the hemorrhage will be so abundant as to prevent the continuation of the experiment. . t None of these facts escaped the notice ot Uotugno: <£ Nec tantum haec aqua complens ab occipite ad usque irnum os sacrum, tubum duros matris . . . sed et in ipso redundat calcarii© cavo omniaque complet intervalla qute inter ceiebrum et durae matris ambitum inven> untur .... quantum autem magnitudinis cerebrum in his perdit, tantum a contactu subtrahitur durae matris et quidquid loci decrescendo reliquit, aquosus vapor collectus lotum adimplet.'’—{Op. cit., p 11, 12 ) NEUROLOGY. find the convex surface of the brain dry, and, as it were, adhesive. It is of importance to determine whether the cavities containing the cephalic and the spinal fluids commu- nicate with each other. There can be no doubt that the sub-arachnoid spaces of the brain communicate with the sub-arachnoid space around the spinal cord; but do the cavities of the ventricles communicate with the sub-arachnoid space \ Haller admitted that the fluid could flow from the ventricles into the spinal canal, and he believed that this was effected by a communication between the ventricles and the cavity of the arachnoid itself.* Cotngno expresses the same opinion still more distinct- ly. Both Haller and Cotugnof thought that this communication occurred at the bottom of the fourth ventricle, but they neither indicated the exact situation, nor the mode in which it is effected. M. Magendie has pointed out that it occurs at this very spot, near the point of the calamus scriptorius. Bichat stated that the communication between the ventricles and the arachnoid cavity was at the so-called canal of Bichat. The mode in which the fourth ventricle communicates with the sub-arachnoid space will be much better understood if stated in our description of that ventricle.f Uses of the Arachnoid and of the Sub-arachnoid Fluid, Uses of the Arachnoid.—Like all serous membranes, the essential use of the arachnoid is to lubricate the surface of the brain and spinal cord, and thus facilitate their move- ments. No other membrane more completely fulfils such a use, for the arachnoid is moistened in both its external and internal surfaces. It would, in fact, be an error to suppose that the serous secretion is poured out solely by that surface of the arachnoid, which is turned towards the pia mater; the fluid is exhaled upon its internal surface also, as in all other serous membranes, so that we sometimes find serum, pus, and false membranes in the cavity of the arachnoid itself. Uses of the Sul-arachnoid Fluid.—The sub-arachnoid fluid forms a sort of bath around the spinal cord, which effectually protects it during the various motions of the vertebral column. It might be said that the spinal cord, being, in reference to its delicacy, in con- ditions somewhat analogous to those of the foetus in utero, requires a similar method of protection; and in this point of view the sub-arachnoid suid exactly represents the liquor of the amnios. As to the other uses which have been attributed to it, they are all more or less hypo- thetical. If we open the spinal canal of a dog, between the atlas and the occipital bone, some fluid will immediately gush out; air is drawn in, which is forced out in bubbles during expiration, and again enters during inspiration. If the animal be then left to himself, he will stagger like a drunken man; he will crouch into a corner, and remain in a drowsy state for some hours. On the next day he will walk about again perfectly well. I have repeated this operation several times upon the same dog, until at last he became accus- tomed to it, at least as far as regards the physiological effects resulting from the remo- val of the fluid, by which means the slight pressure usually exercised upon the spinal cord was removed. The pia mater is the innermost of the three membranes of the encephalon and spinal cord. It consists of an extremely delicate membrane, or, rather, of a vascular network, which immediately invests the nervous axis, and which may be regarded as the nutri- tious membrane of the parts that are covered by it. In fact, the arterial vessels divide into an infinite number of branches within this membrane before they enter the nervous substance, and so, also, the veins which pass out from the brain and spinal cord unite into small, and then into larger vessels, which form part of this same network. These vessels are supported by a very delicate serous cellular tissue : to this is added, in some regions, a certain amount of fibrous tissue, which converts the membrane into a very strong fibrous structure, having all the characters of the neurilemma, or proper invest- ment of the nerves. The Pia Matek. The characters of the spinal portion of the pia mater are so distinct from those of the cranial portion, that it will be better to postpone the description of the former until we are treating of the spinal cord, of which it constitutes the proper covering. The Cranial Portion of the Pia Mater. This portion, or the cerebral pia mater, does not merely enclose the brain like the arach- noid, hut dips into the sulci or anfractuosities on its external surface, and penetrates into the interior of the ventricles. That portion of the pia mater which invests the brain is * “ Qua prodit de ventriculo aqua, facili in inedull® spinalis circumjectum spatium etiam parat; earn aquam enim difficulter omnino in tertium ventriculum et ad infundibulum redderet, quoad perpendiculum oportet as- cenders (Haller, tom. iv., sect. 3, p. 77) . . . Non dubito quin collecta ex ventriculis cerebri aqua eo descen- dere possit.”—(lbid., sect. 3, p. 87.) , . t “His spirne aquis eas etiam subinde commisceri, quas, sive a majonbus cereun ventriculis per lacunar et Sylvii aqueductum, sive a propriis exhalantibus arteriis, cerehelli ventnculus acoipiat; cujus positio perpen- diculata et via ad spinas cavum satis patens defluxum humor is in spuiam manilesti persuadent.”—(Cotugno, V- 18, 19.) t See note, p. 960. THE EXTERNAL CEREBRAL PIA MATER, ETC. 693 called the external pia mater, and that which is continued into the ventiicles is denomi- nated the internal pin mater. The internal pia mater cannot be satisfactorily studied until the internal conformation of the brain is understood, and it will therefore be described together with the ventricles. The External Cerebral Pia Mater. Dissection.—At the base of the brain, the pia mater is naturally separated from the arachnoid by a considerable space, which is occupied by the sub-arachnoid fluid ; but it is easy to separate these two membranes everywhere by introducing air or water be- tween them. The arachnoid may be easily distinguished from the pia mater in cases of serous or purulent infiltration into the sub-arachnoid cellular tissue. The external pia mater is subjacent to the arachnoid, and is connected with it by a very delicate serous cellular tissue; it not only covers the free surface of each convolution, but also dips into the adjacent sulci; it passes down on one side of a sulcus, and then, being reflected upon the other, is continued over the free surface of the next convolu- tion, and so on. It follows, therefore, that this part of the pia mater is in contact with itself to a great extent; and also that its superficies is much larger than that of the arachnoid, so that if the brain could be unfolded, as Gall supposed, its surface would be entirely covered by the pia mater. These remarks apply equally to the pia mater of the cerebellum, for every one of the numerous laminae of that organ is covered on each side by a fold of the pia mater. The internal surface of the pia mater is in contact with the brain, and is united to it by innumerable vessels, which penetrate into the substance of that organ. This adhe- sion, however, is such, that the pia mater can generally be detached without injuring the surface of the brain. I do not think, however, with some pathologists, that the adhesion of this membrane to such a degree that it cannot be removed without injuring the substance of the brain is any evidence of disease.* For displaying the vessels which pass into the substance of the brain from the pia mater, an asphyxiated subject is very well adapted. But an injected condition of these vessels may be produced by allowing the head of the subject to hang down for some hours. The pia mater will then be not only black from its congested state, but it will be infiltrated with serum ; and if it be detached slowly, an immense number of vascular filaments, looking like hairs, will be seen emerging from the substance of the brain, re- markable for their extreme tenuity and length, and for having no anastomoses. Some drops of blood will indicate the points upon the surface of the brain from which the ves- sels escape, and which, when examined through a lens, prove to be foramina. The use of the pia mater is connected solely with the circulation of blood through the brain. This membrane affords to the vessels a very large surface, on which the arteries divide into their capillary branches, and the veins unite into their larger and larger trunks. According to my observations, five sixths of the vessels of the pia mater belong to the venous system. The pia mater is the nutritious membrane of the brain, and may thus be regarded as its neurilemma. It will afterward be seen that the internal pia mater is connected with the arteries and veins of the walls of the ventricles, mst as the external pia mater is with the ex ternal vessels. THE SPINAL CORD AND THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. General View of the Cord—its Limits and Situation—the Ligamcntum Dcnticulafum.—Size of the Spinal Cord Form, Directions, and Relations—the Cord in its proper Membrane— the proper Membrane, or Neurilemma of the Cord—the Cord deprived of its proper Mem- brane.—Internal Structure of the Cord—Sections—Examination by Means of Water—and when hardened in Alcohol the Cavities or Ventricles of the Cord.—The Medulla Oblonga- ta—Situation—External Conformation—Anterior Surface, the Anterior Pyramids, and the Olivary Bodies—the Posterior Surface—the Lateral Surfaces—the Internal Structure— Sections—Examination by Dissection, and under Water.—Development of the Spinai Cord.—Development of the Medulla Oblongata.—Comparative Anatomy of the Spina, Cord.—Comparative Anatomy of the Medulla Oblongata. The spinal cord (uve?ibr pdxiryc, medulla spinalis, a b c,fig. 208) is that white, round- ish, symmetrical, nervous trunk, which occupies the spinal canal; it is continuous with the encephalon, of which it has been alternately considered the origin and the termina- tion. It is called the medulla, in consequence of a rude analogy between it and the mar- row of the long bones, in regard to its situation and consistence. Chaussier has sub- * In some cases the membranes are so dry that the pia mater cannot be removed without tearing- the sub stance of the brain, even when that organ is perfectly healthy. NEUROLOGY. stituted for this term the title of rachidian prolongation, but the generally received name of spinal marrow, which can give rise to no error, might be retained.* The Extent and Situation of the Spinal Cord. Authors are not agreed as to the superior limit of the spinal cord. The natural limit is evidently at the groove, between the medulla oblongata {a, fig. 268) and the pons Yarolii (e), which groove, on account of the great size of the pons in man, is much more distinctly marked in him than in those vertebrated animals in which the pons is alsc found. The spinal cord is situated in the median line, at the back part of the trunk; it is be- hind the organs of digestion, circulation, and respiration.! The vertebral column, the dura mater, the arachnoid, and the pia mater form a fourfold sheath for the spinal cord ; the first being osseous ; the second, fibrous ; the third, serous ; and the fourth, or proper sheath, both fibrous and Vascular : this last-named membrane is accurately adapted to the cord, so as to support it, and gently compress it on all sides. The spinal cord is not suspended freely in the vertebral canal, but is attached on each side by a ligament called the ligamentum denticulatum. The ligamentum denticulatum (c c, fig. 267), so called from the toothlike prolongations Fig. 267. which proceed from its outer border, is an extremely slen- The Ligamentum Denticulatum. der, fibrous band, which runs along the side of the spinal cord, and adheres to the proper sheath of the cord by its inner border, which is very thin. The outer edge is free, thicker than the inner portion, and gives off certain tooth- like prolongations, which are attached to the dura mater in the intervals between the canals formed by that membrane for the spinal nerves; the first denticulation of this liga- ment, which may be regarded as its origin, is very long, and is found opposite the margin of the foramen magnum, be- tween the vertebral artery and the hypoglossal nerve ; the last, which is the twentieth or twenty-first, forms the ter- mination of the ligament, and corresponds very nearly to the lower extremity of the spinal cord. The form, thin- ness, and length of these toothlike processes are subject to much variety. The ligamentum denticulatum is evidently fibrous, and cannot be regarded, as Bonn imagined, as a prolongation of the arachnoid.% The ligamentum denticulatum appears to answer the twofold use of assisting in fixing the spinal cord, and of separating the anterior (a) from the posterior (b) roots of the spi- nal nerves. The length of the spinal cord in the adult is from fifteen to eighteen inches. Its cir- cumference is twelve lines at the thinnest part and eighteen at the thickest. But it is of much less importance to determine the actual dimensions of the spinal cord than to estimate its relative size as compared with that of the brain, or in reference to the ca- pacity of the vertebral canal, or than to examine the differences in size which it pre- sents at different parts of its extent. If the size of the spinal cord be compared with that of the whole body, throughout the series of vertebrated animals, we shall perceive that it always bears a direct ratio to the vital activity of the animal. Thus considered, the spinal cord is small in fishes and rep- tiles, and large in birds and the mammalia. Size and Weight of the Spinal Cord compared with the Size and Weight of the Brain.—It was while studying the spinal cord and the brain in serpents and fishes that Praxagoras, as quoted by Galen, originated the idea that the brain was a production of the spinal cord. All the old anatomists, on the other hand, who studied the brain and cord in man, in mammalia, and in birds, regarded the medulla spinalis as a prolongation or appendix of the brain (tanquam cerebri effusionem, Rufus); indeed, it was for a long time consid- The Dimensions of the Spinal Cord. * The first description of the spinal cord which is worthy of notice was given by Huber (J. Huber, He Me- dulld Spinali, Goettingse, 1741) ; it served as the basis for the works of Haller (Elem. Physiol., tom. iv., seel. ]) ; of Mayer, who published a beautiful plate of it in 1779 ; and perhaps of Alexander Monro, Secundus (Ob- servations on the Structure and Functions of the Nervous System, 1783). Soemmering’, Reil, and Gall, who so successfully studied the other parts of the nervous system, have noticed the spinal cord in a superficial man- ner. Chaussier (He VEncephale en general et en particulier) ; Keuffel, in his inaugural dissertation (He Me- dulld Spinali, 1810, dedicated to Reil, his preceptor) ; and Rolando (Richerche Anatomiche sulla Slruttura del Midollo Spinale, Torino, 1824), have supplied many of the deficiencies in our knowledge of this part. There ip a good description of the medulla in M. Ollivier’s work upon the diseases to which it is subject. t The position of the nervous axis behind the alimentary canal constitutes one of the great differences which exist between the nervous system of the vertebrated and the invertebrated animals ; in the latter, the nervous system lies below, i. e.., in front of the alimentary canal. t It is idle to inquire whether it should be considered a prolongation ot the dura mater, or an extension of the neurilemma, or a proper ligament. DIMENSIONS OF THE SPINAL OORD. 695 ered that the medulla was the principal nerve in the body, summus in corpoie humano ner- vus. In the present day, anatomists have returned to the opinion of Praxagoras, and the spinal marrow is generally regarded (Reil, Gall, Tiedemann) as the fundamental part of the nervous system, and that the brain is merely a production, an appendage, or an expansion of the cord. I shall not here enter into these purely speculative questions of production or emanation, origin, and relative importance, for the spinal cord no more produces the brain than the brain produces it. Soemmering has shown that, in man, the spinal cord is smaller in proportion to the size of the encephalon than in the lower animals ; and of this there can be no doubt; but it does not follow that the lower animals have a larger spinal cord than man in propor- tion to the size of their bodies : on the contrary, from actual observation, I should say that, if we except birds, man has a relatively larger .spinal cord than any other animal. Compare, indeed, the medulla of the horse, or of the ox, with that of man, and it will at once be found that the last is the largest and heaviest in proportion to the rest of the body. According to Chaussier, the weight of the spinal cord in the adult is from the nine- teenth to the twenty-fifth part of that of the brain, and in the newborn infant about the fortieth part. According to Meckel, this last is also the proportion in the adult. It must be remembered, however, that Meckel examined the cord when deprived of its proper membrane, and, therefore, after the roots of the nerves were detached from it. Size of the Spinal Cord compared with the Capacity of the Spinal Canal.—The spinal cord does not, by a great deal, fill up the vertebral canal, and a considerable interval oc- cupied by fluids exists between it and the sides of the canal. What is the object of this disproportion 1 and why is there any interval 1 We have already stated (see Osteol ogy) that the dimensions of the canal are in relation, not only with the size of the cord, but also with the extent of motion of the vertebral column. The opinion of Yieussens, that this space is intended to allow of certain movements of elevation and depression in the spinal cord analogous to those which have been observed in the brain, is sufficiently refuted by the fact that, although the latter organ is affected by movements synchronous with the respiration and with the pulse, it still fills the cavity of the cranium.* The length of the spinal cord does not correspond with that of the vertebral canal, for the cord terminates near the first lumbar vertebra (between 20 and 21 ,fig. 268), while the canal is prolonged into the sacrum. The position of the lower end of the spinal cord has not been determined with the pre- cision which so important a question demands. According to Winslow, it terminates opposite the first lumbar vertebra; Morgagni has seen it reach down to the second ; Keuffel has observed it to descend as low as the third lumbar vertebra in one subject, and to terminate opposite the eleventh dorsal vertebra in another. The discrepancy be- tween various authors upon this subject depends upon individual varieties in the point of termination of the cord, and upon the different acceptation of the term lower extremity of the spinal cord ; -some regarding the thick swollen part as the end of the cord, while others include in it the tapering portion also. From some experiments which I made upon this subject by thrusting a scalpel horizontally from before backward through the inter-vertebral substance between the first and second lumbar vertebrae, I ascertained that there are varieties in different subjects in regard to the point of termination of the spinal cord, and that it was influenced by the position of the body, and by the state of flexion or extension of the head and spine, but that, in general, the widest part or base of the cone in which the cord ends corresponds to the first lumbar vertebra, and the apex of the cone to the second. During the early periods of foetal life, the cord descends as low as the sacrum ; but in foetuses at the full time, I have never found so marked a difference as has been descri bed by some modern anatomists.! Differences in the Size of the Spinal Cord at different Points of its Extent.—The spinal cord is not of uniform dimensions throughout its whole extent; it is much enlarged at * From Several experiments which I have made upon this subject, it appeared that the spinal fluid seen (con- fined in its membranes) in the cervical region, between the occipital bone and the axis, was agitated by move- ments synchronous with the pulse anu the respiration ; but that, when this fluid had been evacuated, the spi- nal cord did not move at all. I have examined with the greatest care the tumours existing in the lumbar re- gion in infants afflicted with spina bifida ; I could never detect in them any movement corresponding with the pulse, but the movement of respiration exerted a, manifest influence upon them ; thus, when the sac was emp- tied by compression, the cries of the infant, excited by pain, were almost instantly followed by extreme ten- sion of the sac. As the spinal cord is not affected by the great arteries at the base of the brain, it cannot par- ticipate in the slightest degree in those movements which are observed in the spinal fluid at every pulse of the heart, and which are communicated to that fluid by the cerebral arteries. t The spinal cord is capable of elongation and retraction; it is elongated during flexion, and returns to its original condition during extension of the vertebral column ; the difference between the two states appears to me to be from an inch to fifteen lines. . In the body of an infant at the full time, which was affected with spina bifida in the sacral region, and died a short time after birth, the spinal marrow descended as low as the sacrum, and there was no cauda equina Malacarne had already observed a similar fact; this peculiarity depends not upon an arrest of development in the cord, but upon adhesions contracted by it at an early period of fcetal life. (See Anat. Pathol., liv. xvii., art Spina Bifida.) 696 NEUROLOGY. its upper part, opposite the basilar groove, where it constitutes the superior or occipital rachidian bulb, or the medulla oblongata (a); it becomes narrowed immediately after hav- ing emerged from the foramen magnum. This constriction, which is named the neck of the rachidian bulb, is regarded by many anatomists as the commencement of the spinal cord. Another oblong enlargement, extending over a much greater length than the prece- ding, and named the middle, cervical, or brachial rachidian bulb, or cervical enlargement (b), commences opposite the third cervical, and terminates opposite the third dorsal vertebra. The spinal cord again becomes considerably contracted from the first to the eleventh dorsal vertebra, and then presents a third enlargement of less extent than either of the other two, constituting the inferior lumbar or crural rachidian bulb, or lumbar enlargement (c); it then immediately tapers like a spindle, and terminates in an exceedingly slender semi-transparent cord, which has a fibrous, filiform aspect, is concealed among the nerves of the cauda equina {d), and is always accompanied by a vein. This cord may be distinguished from the surrounding nerves by its being situated in the median line, and by its thinness, its fibrous character, and its termination. It may be traced as far as the base of the sacrum, when it terminates in the dura mater. In some cases the narrow portion of the inferior rachidian bulb is bifurcated, but the two branches of the bifurcation terminate in a single fibrous cord. Huber, Haller, and Soemmering describe the spinal cord as terminating below by two small globular enlarge- ments, of which the superior is oval, and the inferior conical. They have evidently mis- taken an exception for the rule. These three enlargements of the spinal cord constitute a totally different structure from that admitted by Gall, who, comparing with Haller the spinal cord of man, and the vertebrata generally, to the double series of ganglia in annelida and insects, maintained that there are as many enlargements of the cord as there are pairs of nerves. A strict examination into facts is completely at variance with this opinion, for even in the foetus, the temporary conditions of which so frequently resemble the permanent state of the lower animals, we find no trace of this series of enlargements. An erroneous inference, together with the aspect of the cord when surrounded by its nerves, have misled this celebrated physiologist, who should have sought for the representatives of the ganglia of insects, not in the spinal cord itself, but in the series of ganglia on the spinal nerves.* The existence of the three enlargements of the spinal cord above described is in ac- cordance with two general laws relating to the nervous system, viz., 1. That the size of the spinal cord is in proportion to the size and number of the nerves which arise from and terminate in it, and to the functional activity of the organs to which those nerves are distributed ; and, 2. That the exercise of sensibility is connected with larger nerves than that of muscular contractility. Now the most numerous and the most important nervous communications take place opposite those three enlargements. The nerves of the lower extremities correspond with the inferior or lumbar enlargements ; those of the upper extremities, with the mid- dle one ; and the nerves of respiration, the nerves of the tongue, and a part, or perhaps the whole of the nerves of the face, with the superior enlargement. The cervical enlargement, which corresponds to the upper extremities, is certainly larger than the lumbar one, but this is because the upper extremities possess a greater degree of muscular activity than the lower, and also because they are the organs of touch. This explanation is completely justified by comparative anatomy, and is applicable also to the differences in the length of the spinal cord; thus, it is found that in the dif- ferent species of animals, the length of the spinal cord depends, not upon that of the vertebral canal, nor upon the presence or absence of a tail, but is proportionate to the muscular energy, and to the degree of sensibility. Desmoulins, a young anatomist, too soon lost to science, has established this fact by incontrovertible evidence.! The Form, Direction, and Relations of the Spinal Cord. The spinal cord has the form of a cylinder flattened in front and behind (D, fig. 269). * These supposed enlargements are not to be found even in the spinal cord of the calf, which Gall too* as offering the type of this structure. The committee of the institute likewise failed to discover them in the dog, the pig, the deer, the roe-buck, the ox, and the horse, in which Gall asserted that he had found them. The beautiful researches of Tiedemann into the development of the spinal cord have completely overthrown Gall’s opinion, which rested merely upon unsubstantiated analogies. _ . [lt may be remarked, that though Gall’s anatomical statement is not correct, his view as to the analogy is more in accordance with received doctrines than that of the author.] , , t The spinal cord of birds furnishes a striking proof of the law which presides over the development of this part of the nervous system. There are no movements performed by animals which require greater force and agility than those observed in the act of flying. It is therefore not astonishing to tmd that the spinal cord is enlarged opposite the nerves which go to the muscles of the wings. It would be supposed that the portion ot the cord which corresponds to the lower extremities should be much smaller an at corresponding to the upper, but yet the inferior enlargement is equal to the one for the wings, because, according to a more inge- nious than probable idea, the lower extremities are the organs of touch in ires. The spinal cord of the tortoise most clearly confirms the law which we have adopted from Desmoulins. Th« sort of calcareous and horny case in which the trunk of that animal is enclosed is destitute of all power of motion or sensation ; and it is found, the enlarged part of the spinal cord which corresponds to the upper ex iremities is united to that which corresponds to the lower by an extremely slender portion. It exactly corresponds in direction with the vertebral column, every deviation of which it closely follows ; and it is an interesting fact, that it escapes compression, even in an- gular curvatures of the spine. The right and left halves of the spinal cord are perfectly symmetrical. There is less symmetry between the anterior and posterior halves, and still less between the upper and lower halves of the cord. The spinal cord is divided by anatomists into a body and extremities. The body of the cord requires to be examined, both when covered by its proper sheath, and after the re- moval of that membrane. NEURILEMMA OF THE SPINAL CORD. 697 The surface of the cord everywhere presents certain transverse folds, united by oth- ers running obliquely, so as to form zigzag folds, which were compared by Huber to the rings of a silkworm, and regarded by Monro as so many small articulations ; these folds are situated in the sheath of the cord, and are precisely analogous to those which have been noticed in the tendons during relaxation of the muscles, and those which we shall hereafter have to describe as appearing in relaxed nerves; they are effaced by exten- sion of the spinal cord, and are reproduced when it resumes its original length. The existence’ of these folds prevents that stretching of the cord which would other- wise occur in the different movements of the vertebral column. They endow the cord with a certain degree of elasticity. The spinal marrow presents for consideration an anterior, posterior, and two latera. surfaces. The anterior surface presents in the median line a fibrous band, which runs along the entire length of the medulla, and conceals the anterior median groove. The posterior surface, at first sight, presents no trace of a median groove. Many anatomists, therefore, and especially Huber, have denied its existence ; but with a little care we may detect a very delicate line which indicates the situation of the posterior median groove, to which we shall presently advert. On each side of the median line, both on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the cord, are seen the roots of the spinal nerves (1 to 31, fig. 268), which are arranged in four regular lines down the cord, and are divided on either side into the anterior {a, fig. 267) and the posterior {h) roots. The dif- ferences which we shall hereafter describe as existing between these two sets of roots, both in their number, size, and mode of attachment, enable us, at first sight, to distin- guish between the anterior and posterior surfaces of the cord. If these roots be detached, it will be seen that their place of insertion is marked by a series of depressed points, which together constitute two furrows both upon the front and back of the cord, accurately described by Chaussier under the name of the collateral fur- rows of the spinal cord. We cannot deny the existence of the posterior collateral fur- rows, but I do not think that the anterior collateral furrows should be admitted. The sides of the spinal cord are rounded, and narrower than either the anterior or the posterior surface: there is no furrow upon these sides, as described by some authors. The two ligamenta denticulata are attached to them. We must next examine the proper membrane of the cord, or the rachidian pia mater, which we shall name the neurilemma of the cord, from its analogy to the neurilemma of the nerves; we shall then describe the cord itself. The Body of the Spinal Cord enveloped in its Proper Membrane. Neurilemma of the Spinal Cord, or Rachidian Pia Mater. Dissection.—lt is difficult to separate the rachidian pia mater from the cord, in the greater number of subjects, on account of the softness of the cord itself, and of the rapid changes which it undergoes after death. In order to succeed in doing so, it is advisable to select the body of a person who has died from an acute disease or from an accident. The spinal cord of new-born infants is more fitted for this purpose than that of adults, not only from its relatively greater density at that period of life, but also from its adhesion to the neurilemma being less firm. In the bodies of infants, after making a circular incision through the neurilemma op- posite the medulla oblongata, the sheath may be drawn downward, in the same manner as an eel is skinned, or a stocking drawn off by turning it inside out. When the sheath is more adherent to the cord, it must be very carefully divided along each side of the median furrows, and then detached by breaking down, with the handle of a scalpel, the cellular and vascular prolongations which connect it with the cord. Although the proper covering of the brain, or cerebral pia mater, consists essentially of an interlacement of vessels, the proper sheath of the spinal cord, or rachidian pia mater, is a fibrous, and, therefore, a strong membrane, which supports and protects that part of the cerebro-spinal axis, as the neurilemma does the nerves. The external surface of this membrane is surrounded with a network of remarkably tortuous bloodvessels; and vessels are also found in its substance. Ihe spinal cord is visible through this semi-transparent membrane, which is naturally of a pearly-white 4 T 698 NEUROLOGY. colour, but is sometimes dull, yellowish, blackish, or even covered with black spots, es- pecially in the cervical region.* This surface of the rachidian neurilemma is also rough, being covered with small cel- lular and fibrous filaments which float under water, and are the remains of small fibrous cords, which extended from the neurilemma to the arachnoid. The internal surface of the neurilemma adheres to the spinal cord by a great numbei of cellular and vascular prolongations, which form areola? or meshes in its interior, and which have been well described and figured by Keuffbl. Along the anterior median furrow, the neurilemma sends off a prolongation, which, en- tering that furrow, lines one of its walls, and is then reflected at its bottom, so as to line the other wall; within the substance of the duplicature thus formed, the bloodvessels penetrate. A simple prolongation of the neurilemma, of extreme tensity, also enters into the posterior median furrows, and forms a line of separation between the two pos- terior halves of the spinal cord. The neurilemma is prolonged below the lower extremity of the spinal cord qp a fibrous filament, very well described by Huber, which is inserted into the base of the coccyx. This filament the older anatomists regarded as a nerve, and named it the nervus impar; it is very strong considering its thinness ; it is always tense, and appears to be intended to fix the lower end of the spinal cord; in this respect serving a similar purpose with the ligamentum denticulatum. Its upper part is hollow, and is filled with a gray and ex- tremely soft substance. The ligamentum denticulatum, which has been considered as a prolongation of the prop- er membrane of the cord, is attached to the external surface of this membrane ; and the proper neurilemma of each nervous filament is also given off from this surface. Monro has stated that a soft layer of gray substance covers the white substance of the spinal cord, and separates it from its neurilemma, but such a layer does not exist, f While the other membranes of the spinal cord are much larger than the part which they have to invest, the neurilemma of the cord is exactly moulded upon it, and even exerts a certain degree of pressure upon it, as is evident from the manner in which the substance of the cord protrudes when this covering is punctured; this compression oc- casions the apparent consistence of the cord when it is enveloped in its sheath ; a con- dition which contrasts so strongly with its softness when that sheath has been removed. This compression, as well as the absolute inextensibility of the neurilemma, accounts for the rarity of effusions in the cord, and also for the fatal effects of even the slightest effusions within its substance when they do occur. Structure.—The proper membrane of the cord is essentially fibrous; nor has it any claim to be termed a vascular membrane {tunica vasculosa, Scemmering). Its component fibres interlace in every direction, but the majority of them are longitudinal. It is quite evident that the vessels which ramify upon its surface, and afterward penetrate it, do not belong to the membrane itself. Uses.—The neurilemma is essentially a protecting structure ; it constitutes the frame- work of the spinal cord, and serves, at the same time, as a support for the nutritious ves- sels of that organ; in this latter respect it has been compared to the pia mater of the brain. The transition from the spinal into the cerebral portion of the pia mater takes place gradually. The fibrous character of this tunic diminishes upon the medulla oblon- gata and tuber annulare, and is entirely lost opposite the peduncles of the brain; while its vascular character, on the contrary, becomes gradually more and more marked as it passes from the cord towards the brain. It has been stated that the neurilemma is the secreting organ of the spinal cord ; one might as well say that the testicle is secreted by the tunica albuginea, and the heart by the pericardium. The Body of the Spinal Cord deprived of its Neurilemma. When the neurilemma of the cord is removed, the spinal nerves are also taken away. We shall hereafter have to inquire whether this fact should lead us to conclude that the nerves do not enter into the substance of the cord, but merely come into contact with it. We would observe, however, in this place, that the posterior roots of the spinal nerves arise in a perfectly regular line, while the anterior roots come off irregularly from differ- ent points of the corresponding medullary column, t The Anterior Median Groove and the Commissure.—The anterior median groove, or fissure * These different shades of colour are much more common in certain animals, in the sheep, for example, than in man ; they result from the deposition of a colouring- matter, and are in no way connected with any recent or previous morbid action. , , ~ t In several subjects, I have most distinctly seen a very thin yellowish layer over tne meauua oblongata, which dipped between the pyramidal bodies, and filled up the shallow groove which separates Uie olivary from thf ¥ht™modebof'origin of the anterior roots is perfectly distinct in the spinal cord of the fetus or new-born infant; up to this period, the tract from which the anterior roots arise is still formed of gray substance. The roots, which are white, emerge from this gray tract, and when the neurilemma is removed, their small, wlute, ruptured ends which, remain may be traced into the substance of the cord. THE SPINAL CORD DEPRIVED OF ITS NEURILEMMA. {Jig. 26R ; f, jig. 269, D), penetrates to about one third of the thickness of the cord. At the bottom of the groove, which is occupied by a prolongation of the neurilemma and a great number of vessels, is seen an extremely thin white layer, perforated with foramina, which is named the anterior com- missure (commissure longitudinale, Chaussicr). The foramina in this structure are intended for the trans- mission of tufts of vessels, which enter the sub- stance of the cord. The alternate arrangement of these foramina greatly increases the difficulty of drawing out the vessels, and gives to the commis- sure the appearance of being formed by interlacing fibres, and, in fact, several anatomists have not only admitted such an interlacement, but have ex- pressly stated that it was produced by the spinal nerves themselves.* Fig. 26fi According to Gall and Spurzheim, the bundles of which this commissure consists are directed trans- versely, and are fitted into each other like the mo- lar teeth; but I repeat, that the most careful ex- amination demonstrates nothing in the commissure, besides a white lamella, perforated for the transmis- sion of bloodvessels. The Posterior Median Groove.—The posterior me- dian groove or fissure (a) not only exists, but is much deeper than the anterior one. Its narrow- ness, and the tenuity of the membranous prolon- gation which enters it, have alone concealed it from the observation of anatomists; there is no white band analogous to that of the anterior median fis- sure at the bottom of this fissure, but the gray sub- stance of the commissure is all that is seen. As there are two median furrows, it follows that there are really two distinct spinal cords, connected together by an extremely thin band or commissure. The Furrows opposite the Posterior Roots of the Nerves, or the Posterior Lateral Furrows.—lmmedi- ately to the outer side of the line of origin of the posterior roots of the spinal nerves, there is a gray- ish line or furrow (i), which extends the whole length of the cord. If a stream of water be allowed to fall upon this line, the continuity of the cord is soon destroyed, and the water penetrates tb the centre of the organ. But there are no true fissures in these situations analogous to the anterior and posterior median fur- rows. The separation is effected by the destruc- tion of the gray substance, a prolongation of which reaches to the surface of the cord opposite these points. We shall, nevertheless, suppose these fur- rows to exist in accordance with the views of Soem- mering and Rolando, who divided each half of the spinal cord into two columns ; a posterior column, consisting of that portion (e) which is comprised be- tween the posterior median furrow (a) and the posterior roots (i); and an antero-lateral column, including all that portion (d) which is situated between the anterior median fur- row (/) and the supposed posterior lateral furrow (i). We must also admit, with Haller, Chaussier, Gall, and Rolando, a third column on each side ; these may be called the pos- terior median columns, and are continuous with the projecting bundles which form the borders of the calamus scriptorius, and which are each limited externally by a slight groove. These small and exceedingly narrow columns, the existence of which is admit- ted by most anatomists in the cervical region only, are prolonged through the whole ex- tent of the spinal cord. Is there an anterior lateral furrow ? If the line on the outer side of the attachment of the anterior roots of the spinal nerves be closely examined, the appearance of a furrow is seen along the whole of the cord. But if water be allowed to fall upon that line, it is * There is no physiological or pathological fact which demonstrates the crossing effect of lesions of tl» Hal cord. " ‘ 700 NEUROLOGY. found that there is no fissure or furrow properly so called, and that the jet of water has no more effect upon this line than on the adjoining parts ; we are therefore led to reject, with Rolando, both these anterior lateral furrows and the lateral tracts described by Chaussier, which would be bounded in front by the furrow of the anterior roots, and be- hind by that of the posterior roots ; these lateral tracts have, nevertheless, become cele- brated, since so much importance has been attached to them by Sir C. Bell and Bellin- ger! as the lateral columns of the spinal cord. From what has been stated above, it follows that each half of the cord is composed of two columns, a posterior and an antero-lateral, and as an appendage to the posterior column, of a small column, which forms the border of the posterior median furrows. Internal Structure of the Spinal Cord. The following results regarding the structure of the cord have been obtained by va- rious modes of investigation: by making sections of it; by acting upon it with a stream of water; by hardening it in alcohol and dissecting it; by studying its development; and, lastly, by a reference to its comparative anatomy, which appears to be necessary to complete the knowledge acquired by the other means of investigation. 1 It appears, from an examination of the external structure of the spinal cord, that it consists of two white, juxtaposed cylinders; that the surfaces by which these cylinders correspond are flat, closely in contact, and united together by a median commissure; and that each of them may be divided into two columns, the one 'posterior and smaller, of which the posterior median column is only an appendage; the other, antero-latcral, which forms two thirds of the circumference of the cylinder. Horizontal Sections.—lf various horizontal sections be made through different carts of Sections of the Cord. the spinal cord, we see that each half consists of a cylinder of white substance, containing gray substance in its interior (see fig. 269, D); that the median commissure is composed of a white layer {white commis- sure) and a gray layer {gray commissure); and that in each section the gray matter has a tolerably close resemblance in form to the letter x, the two halves or curves of which are joined in the middle by a horizontal line, while the extremities of the curves are directed towards the ori- gins of the anterior and posterior roots of the nerves. The posterior extremities reach much nearer to the surface than the anterior. We perceive, also, in these different sections, that the circumference of the cord is not perfectly regular, but is somewhat sinuous, as we shall pres- ently mention. Fig. 269. The size of the central gray mass in each half of the spinal cord, the length and thickness of the prolongations or points, which it sends off towards the anterior and posterior roots, and, lastly, the thickness of the gray commissure, present many varieties, according to the place of section ;* and hence there is a discrepancy between different authors as to the appearances of this section. Thus, Huber compared the sec- tion of the gray matter to an os hyoides; Monro, to a cross; Keuffel, to four rays converging towards a central point. Rolando has given figures of sections of the cord at every part of its length. From sections of the cord the general fact is established, that the white substance en- closes the gray matter. The thin layer of gray matter on the surface of the cord ad- mitted by Monro has been justly rejected by all anatomists. The relative situation of the two substances in the cord, which is the reverse of what is observed in the brain, has attracted the attention of anatomists, and various explanations, of greater or less ingenuity, but all hypothetical, have been given of this fact. According to Rolando, there are two kinds of gray matter in the cord, one occupying the anterior, and the other the posterior half of the cylinder ; and these two halves are fitted into each other by a series-of indentations, like the bones of the cranium. I have never been able to convince myself of the existence of these two kinds of gray matter, but I have distinctly observed the denticulated appearance of the circumference of the gray matter, which indicates that the gray and white matter mutually penetrate into each other. . The colour of the gray substance varies considerably. In some subjects it is whitish, and can only be distinguished from the white matter by its softness, its vascularity, and its not having a fibrous structure. The younger the individual, the more marked is the difference in colour between the two substances. The two substances appear also to differ in their relative proportions in dmerent in- dividuals. Keuffel has ascertained that the gray matter is more abundant in roan than * I would recommend five sections of the cord, which appear to me to give a very;accurate notion of its in- ternal structure : the first should be immediately below the decussation of the pyramids the second through the middle of the brachial enlargement; the third through the dorsal constricted part, the fourth through the middle of the lumbai enlargement; and the fifth near the apex of the cone formed by the lumbar enlargement. INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE SPINAL CORD. 701 in the lower animals; and this fact would account for the pre-eminent sensibility of the human subject, in accordance with the view of Bellingeri, who considers that the gray matter is the seat of sensation. These horizontal sections enable us not only to determine the relative position and proportions of the white and gray substances, but also to distinguish the superficial fur- rows from those which really enter into the cord ; the existence of these columns in the spinal cord, which have already been described, is in this way fully established. Vertical Sections.—The most important of these is one made from before backward in the median line, so as to separate the two halves of the cord. Each of these halves may then be unfolded like a riband, on the inner surface of which the gray matter forms a thin layer. A transverse vertical section, through the centre of the cord, displays the mode of origin of the anterior and posterior roots of the nerves. Examination of the Spinal Cord, under a Stream of Water. The different sections above mentioned expose the general internal arrangements of the cord rather than its actual structure. Until lately, authors had regarded the spinal cord as consisting of a semi-fluid pulp, which oozed out when the neurilemma was divided. Several had said, incidentally, and without distinguishing between the white and the gray substance, that the cord had a fibrous structure, and that its fibres were directed longitudinally. Gall supposed the cord to consist of a series of ganglia, arranged one upon the other; but it is now gener- ally admitted that the white matter is fibrous, and that its fibres have a linear arrange- ment ; and this is clearly shown by examining this organ by means of a stream of water, the force and size of which may be varied at will. When directed upon the surface of a vertical section, made from before backward down the middle line, the stream of water penetrates the substance of the cord through the gray commissure, breaks down the central gray matter, and spreads the cord out like a riband, from which it is very difficult to wash off all the gray matter. When treated in this way, each half of the cord is almost immediately subdivided into two col- umns, and if the stream of water be now directed upon the internal surface of the col- umns themselves, they may be separated into a great number of wedge-shaped vertical lamellae, directed from the circumference to the centre, the thick external backs of which are turned towards the surface, and the thin internal edges towards the centre of the cord. Now, as all these lamellae are not of equal depth from back to edge, their internal edges reach to different distances from the centre; hence the denticulated appearance if the circumference of the gray matter in a section; and hence, also, the mistake of Rolando, in describing the white matter as formed by a medullary layer, folded a very great many times upon itself* According to my observations, each lamella is completely independent of the adjacent ones ; and pathological anatomy fully confirms this observation, by showing that one only may be altered or atrophied, while the others remain unaffected. If the action of the stream of water be continued, these medullary lamellae are decom- posed into very delicate juxtaposed filaments, which extend along the entire length of the cord ; they are all independent of each other, and are merely connected by cellular tissue and some vessels. The structure of the spinal cord is therefore filamentous or fasciculated ; its filaments are almost perfectly identical with those which constitute the proper substance of the nerves. Each filament in the cord traverses its entire length, as each nervous filament extends along the whole nerve. The very important inference to be drawn from these facts is the independence, not only of each lamella, but, I may venture to say, of each filament, f * Roiando has even counted these folds: he numbers fifty in the spinal cord of the ox, opposite the origin of the sixth pair of sacral nerves, and about thirty opposite the third pair of sacral nerves ; both of these ob- servations refer to the anterior columns only, for in the two figures which he gives of them the posterior col- umns appear to have no tolas. Rolando made his observations upon spinal cords which had been macerated ei;ber in pure water or m salt and water. t [The microscopic structure of_the white and gray substances ox the brain and spinal cord lias been inves- tigated by Fontana, Ehrenberg, Weber, Remak, Valentin, and others. The fibres of the white matter consist of coherent threads of a soft, semi-transparent, tenacious substance, enclosed in an extremely delicate homo- geneous or structureless sheath, which is very difficult of detection: these fibres are smaller than those of the nerves ; they differ much in size, but each of them is of uniform diameter throughout; when submitted to the slightest pressure during examination, they have a remarkable tendency to become varicose or beaded, a property which is peculiar to them and to the fibres of the olfactory, optic, and auditory nerves, which also re- semble the fibres of the brain in other respects. . The gray matter of the brain and spinal cord consists of large reddish gray globules, containing a nucleus and one or more nucleoli, and having spots of pigment upon them, in situations where the gray matter is dark- er than usual. Surrounding and attached to these globules there are minute jointed fibres, which are marked at intervals with granules (nuclei) ; by Ehrenberg these jointed fibres were considered to be of the same na- ture as the fibres of the white matter, differing from them only in size ; by Muller and Schwann they are re- garded as organic nervous fibres, resembling those found in such abundance in the sympathetic nerves and ganglia ; while by Valentin and others they are supposed, not only in the brain, but also in the ganglia and nerves, to be the filaments of a delicate cellular tissue. The mode in which the white fibres of the brain and spinal cord ehd in the gray substance is not well made 702 NEUROLOGY. When deprived of its humidity by alcohol, the spinal marrow becomes very firm, ex- tensible, and elastic. Its filamentous texture becomes very apparent, and the filaments themselves, which, from the contraction of the cord, are flexuous, may be separated from each other, either by the handle of the scalpel, or by slight traction. I have not seen that interlacement of the fibres of the cord which is figured in the beautiful plates of Herbert Mayo, and which, in my opinion, is only apparent, and is produced by drawing the parts under examination in different directions. Examination of the Spinal Cord hardened in Alcohol. The Cavities or Ventricles of the Spinal Cord. Several anatomists are of opinion that there is a canal in each half of the spinal cord.* Morgagni has slightly alluded to its existence, which he had not leisure to trace for a greater extent than about five fingers’ bj-eadth. f Gall relates that, in examining the body of an infant affected with spina bifida, he cut transversely through the cord, and found that it contained twm canals, which he traced into the substance of the medulla oblongata and tuber annulare, beneath the tubercula quadrigemina, and as far as the optic thalami, where they terminated in a pouch as large as an almond, t It is certain that, up to the fourth month of foetal life, each half of the spinal cord con- tains a canal precisely similar to that which exists in fishes; but after this time the gray matter takes the place of the gelatiniform fluid which had occupied the canal. However, in one case I found the canal persisting after birth. Situation.—The medulla oblongata, the rachidian bulb, or cranial enlargement, is that conoid enlargement {a, fig. 268) which forms the upper part of the spinal cord, crowning it like the capital of a column: it is situated upon the basilar groove of the occipital bone, and connects the spinal cord with the cerebrum and cerebellum. It was named medulla oblongata by Haller ; but it has also been called the cauda or tail of the medulla oblongata, this terra being derived from a comparison of the pons Yarolii, the four pe- duncles, and the medulla oblongata to an animal, the body of which was represented by the tuber, the arms by the anterior peduncles, the legs by the posterior peduncles, and the tail by the rachidian bulb. The Medulla Oblongata. External Conformation of the Medulla Oblongata. The medulla oblongata is received into the deep groove on the fore part of the cir- cumference of the cerebellum (see fig. 276), so that its anterior part only is exposed. In man and the mammalia the medulla oblongata is bounded above and in front by the tuber annulare or pons Yarolii {a, fig. 270); but above and behind its limits are quite arti- ficial, for it is prolonged upward beyond the pons, as we shall presently see. Its limits below are altogether arbitrary : the medulla oblongata, in fact, does not contract abrupt- ly, as the term neck of the bulb, applied to its lower extremity, would seem to imply, but it is very gradually narrowed, so as to become continuous with the spinal cord. A plane, which is a tangent of the lower surface of the condyles of the occipital bone, would correspond with the lower boundary of the medulla oblongata. § I think, however, that it is moi'e rational to fix this boundary according to the precise point where the me dulla undergoes some decided modifications; and this point is immediately below the decussation of the pyramids. The medulla oblongata is from fourteen to fifteen lines in length, nine lines in' out; according- to Valentin, they separate to admit the gray globules between them, and then unite with one another so as to form loops. The substance of the brain and spinal cord, according to Vauquelin, contains 80 per cent, of water ; its solid constituents consist of albumen, stearine and elaine, phosphorus (15 per cent.), osmazome, some acids and salts, and sulphur.] * It is unnecessary to say, that the existence of the single central canal admitted by some authors, is quite irreconcilable with the real structure of the cord. t Adversaria Anat., vol. i., p. 17. Morgagni.relates that, having separated the medulla oblongata from the rest of the spinal cord by a horizontal section, he saw in the substance of the cord, and for the space of about live fingers’ breadth (et fortasse etiam longius si quis tunc otium habuisset ulteriorum medullam e vertebns exi- mendi)°a. cavity which admitted the end of the finger ; everything appeared to be in a natural state, except- ing this cavity. He adds, that he had never met with so large a cavity; which seems to imply that he had seen cavities of this kind before.— Neque enim alias tantam aut quce huic accederet vidi. . t Spina bifida and hydrocephalus have no direct relation with the persistence of the canals of the spinal cord ; and on this point, I can remove all the doubts expressed by Keuffel (He Medulld Spinah, 02) concerning Morgagni’s observation. “ Forsan nos quoque,” says Keuffel, “earn (scilicet medulla; spinalis caveam) mve- nissemus, si medullam spinalem ex homine hydrocephalico aut spinft bifida laborante, inquirere potujsseiaus. TJtinam huiusmodi opportunitas, si occnrreret, a nemine negligatur, ut tandem de hac r®.cfr‘° es “amuS- In five infants affected with spina bifida, and two .who died of chronic hydrocephalus, for this purpose, the spinal marrow was perfectly normal. Tiedemann regards the canals y uaii as Prfl havebmiT®xap«iments upon several subjects, which show that the relations of the medulla oblongata to the foramen magnum vary according as the head is directly vertical, flexed, o , instrument thrust horizontally between the atlas and occipital bone divides the medulla oblongata at different parts u these various positions of the head. THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA, ETC. 703 breadth, and six in thickness ; it is therefore much broader and thicker than the spinal cord. The medulla oblongata is directed obliquely, like the inclined plane of the basilar groove, so that it forms with the spinal cord a very obtuse angle, which projects back- ward. . In shape it resembles a cone flattened in front and behind, and having its base turned upward and its apex downward ; it has, therefore, four surfaces, viz., an anterior, a pos- terior, and two lateral. Anterior Surface of the Medulla Oblongata. This surface {fig. 270) is directed downward, and is therefore named inferior by some anatomists ; it is convex, and is lodged in the basilar groove of the occipital bone; it can be properly examined only after its neurilemma has been dissected off, which is easily done, because its substance is denser than the spinal cord. On this surface we observe a median furrow (/), into which numerous vessels enter: this furrow, which is not nearly so deep as the anterior median furrow of the spinal cord, with which it is continuous, is interrupted by a decussation of fibres about ten lines below the pons Yarolii (below n), and terminates above in a tolerably deep fossa (le trou horgne, or foramen ccEcurn, of Vicq d’Azyr), at the point where the furrow meets the pons. Not un- frequently some transverse fibres occupy the place of this median furrow, in which case the anterior surface of the medulla ob- Fig- 270. longata resembles the pons Yarolii; sometimes these transverse fibres are found upon only a part of the medulla oblongata. On each side of this median furrow are seen two eminences, which seem as if mould ■ ed in relief upon the part, and which form twTo planes, succeeding one another like steps from within outward. The two internal eminences are called the anterior •pyramids; the two external are named, from their shape, the olivary bodies. The Anterior Pyramids. The anterior pyramids {Vieussens, b b), situated on each side of the median line, and to the inner side of the olivary bodies, are two white pyramidal bundles (bandes medul- laires, Malacarne), which extend through the entire length of the medulla oblongata; they project in relief upon the body of the medulla, and seem to emerge or originate near its narrow portion or neck, where they separate from each other the anterior col- umns of the spinal cord, from which columns they are quite distinct: at their point of emergence they are closely approximated and narrow, being about a line and a half in width; they pass somewhat obliquely upward and outward, become more prominent, and about three lines wide ; having reached the pons Yarolii, they become rounded and cylindrical, and are constricted before they enter the substance of the pons, in which we shall afterward trace them. When the two pyramids are gently held apart, it is said that some transverse fibres are seen passing from one to the other, along the bottom of the median furrow; and it is even stated that there is a decussation of their fibres ; this, however, is only apparent, and I cannot here too particularly caution the student against those illusive appearances, which depend either upon the existence of foramina for the passage of vessels, or may be produced by pulling about the scattered fibres in drawing the parts asunder. It will soon be shown that there are no transverse fibres here, and that there is no decussation of fibres at an acute angle along the whole length of the anterior pyramids, as was ad- mitted by Petit, Winslow, Santorini, and others. The two halves of the medulla oblongata are, in fact, merely applied to each other, and agglutinated together. There is no decussation excepting at the point where the pyramids emerge. The Olivary Bodies. Upon the anterior surface of the medulla oblongata, to the outer side of the anterioi pyramids, and upon a plane somewhat posterior to them, are found two white ovoid . odies (corpora ovata), sometimes projecting in relief; these are peculiar to the human subject, and are more prominent in the foetus and new-born infant than in the adult. They were first described by Eustachius, and afterward more accurately by Vieussens, who, on account of their shape, gave them the name of olivary bodies {corpora olivaria, c c); they are much shorter than the anterior pyramids, being not more than six lines in length ; they are directed obliquely downward and inward. The upper extremity of the olivary’body does not reach the pons Yarolii, but is separated from it by a deep furrow; the lower extremity, which is less prominent than the upper, is bound down by a bundle of arched fibres, the concave borders of which are directed upward {processus arciformes, e). The outer border of the anterior pyramids and the series of nervous filaments which unite to form the hypoglossal nerve {9,fg. 276) constitute the internal boundary of each 704 NEUROLOGY. olivary body; and a deep furrow, directed vertically, separates them on the outer side from the inferior peduncles of the cerebellum or the restiform bodies.* It is of importance to observe, that that portion of the olivary body which projects on the outer side of the pyramid is only the external half of the olivary body, its internal half being imbedded in the substance of the medulla oblongata, so as to reach behind the anterior pyramid.! This surface is partly concealed by the cerebellum, being received into a groove on The Posterior Surface of the Medulla Oblongata. Fig. 271. its under surface, and cannot be completely exposed unless the medulla oblongata be forcibly bent forward, or the middle part of the cerebellum be divided vertically. It is then seen that the cord appears to open out (t, fig. 271) opposite the upper part of this surface, and to be turned inside out, so that the gray sub- stance is exposed. In consequence of this separation of the posterior columns of the cord, there is left between them a shal- low, triangular, or V-shaped depression (p), the bottom of which is smooth, and forms the anterior wall of the fourth ventricle ; Herophilus named this depression, from its appearance, the cal- amus scriptorius. A vertical median groove corresponds to the shaft of the quill \ while its barbs are represented by certain white medullary lines, which vary exceedingly in number, and are not symmetrical; some of these lines are lost upon the walls of the ventricle, and others turn round the lateral surface of the medulla oblongata, and constitute, in part, the origin of the auditory nerves. The point of the pen is represented by the very acute inferior angle lormed by the sides of the depression, which terminates below in a cul-de-sac, the fos- sette of the fourth ventricle, also called the ventricle of Arantius. According to some au- thors, at the point of the calamus is situated the upper orifice of a canal, which runs through the whole length of the spinal cord ; such a canal, however, does not exist, but is, in fact, produced by the means employed to demonstrate it, for example, by insuffla tion, by the introduction of a probe, or by the weight of a column of mercury. A slight V - shaped deposite of corneous matter is constantly found inserted within the corresponding- ly-shaped bifurcation of the columns of the cord ; betw’een the branches of the V is found the prolongation of gray substance, which is continuous with the gray matter of the cord. The medullary columns which immediately bound the calamus on each side, and which result from the separation of the elements ov the cord, are formed by the posterior me- dian columns (e, fig. 269, B C, and fig. 271 already described, which become slightly enlarged where they separate from each other, so as to form a mammillary projection, and then terminate insensibly upon the back of the restiform bodies ; we shall call the upper part of these columns the mammillary enlargements of the posterior median columns, and not “ posterior pyramids.”f On the outer side of these mammillary enlargements are found the restiform bodies (d, fig. 269, C ; fig. 271), which, as we shajl afterward describe, pass to the cerebellum, and may be said to form its root; they are also called the inferior peduncles of the cerebellum, ox processus d cerehello ad medullam oblongatam. Ridley named them the restiform bodies, or cord-like processes ; and others, again, call them the posterior pyramids. Fig. 272. The Lateral Surface of the Medulla Oblongata. These present (fig. 272), in front, the olivary bodies (c), which we have already seen upon the anterior surface. Behind them are the restiform bodies (d); and, lastly, about three lines below the lower extremity of each olivary body, is found an oblong projection, the colour of which is intermediate between that of the white and that of the gray substance : this projection is continuous with the gray matter of the furrow, from which the posterior roots of the spinal nerves arise; and Rolando, who first directed attention to it, has named it the ash-coloured tubercle (tuberculo cinereo). The arched fibres, ox 'processus arciformes (e,fig. 270), pointed out by Santorini, and still better described by Rolando, are principally found upon the lateral surfaces of the medulla oblongata; they con- sist of filaments of medullary substance, which vary exceedingly in * I do not sav, with some authors, that the filaments of origin of the glosso-pharyngeal and pneumogastnc nerves (8, fig. 270) bound the olivary bodies behind, for these filaments arise from the I"t * eaf>b see that the pyramid was divided into two portions, the anterior of which op p on, while the posterior covered the posterior half of the olivary body. ~ «. * [The term posterior pyramids is, nevertheless, applied to these bodies by many modern anatomists.] INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. 705 number and arrangement; they appear to arise from the anterior median furrow of the medulla oblongata, to turn like a girdle around the pyramidal and olivary bodies, and, having reached the restiform bodies, to pass obliquely upward and outward to terminate upon the sides of the restiform bodies. These arched fibres sometimes seem to be en- tirely wanting; at other times they are collected on each side into two bundles ; one superior, which turns round the anterior pyramid, as that body is about to enter the pons; the other inferior, which covers and circumscribes the lower extremity of the olivary body. Lastly, the pyramidal and olivary bodies are not unfrequently found to be completely and regularly covered by a thin layer of circular fibres ; it will be presently shown that these fibres dip into the anterior median furrow of the medulla oblongata, and reach as far as the posterior median furrow.* Internal Structure of the Medulla Oblongata. The internal structure of the medulla oblongata should be examined by means of seo tions, by the ordinary method of dissection, by separating its elements by means of a jet of water, and by dissecting it after it has been hardened in alcohol or boiled in oil. Sections. Horizontal Sections.—Following the example of Rolando, we shall examine four sec- tions of the medulla oblongata. The first should be made immediately below the decussation of the pyramids; the second, opposite the middle of the decussation ; the third, through the middle of the oli- vary bodies ; and the fourth, immediately below the pons. The first section presents exactly the same appearances as a section of the spinal cord. The second presents a very different arrangement: the decussating bundles of the pyramids are of very considerable size, and occupy the anterior two thirds of the sub- stance of the medulla: their section represents a triangle having its base turned for- ward, and its truncated apex backward. The gray matter is not circumscribed, as in the first section, but appears to penetrate irregularly into the white substance of which the remaining part of the medulla consists. The white substance itself has not the pure whiteness of medullary substance ; nor does the gray matter resemble that of the rest of the spinal cord, but it is of a yellowish-gray colour, and is much denser. The third section through the middle of the olivary b.odies {Jig. 269, C) presents, be- sides the triangular section of the pyramidal bodies (/;), the serrated section of the corpus dentatum (c') of the olivary bodies (c); it enables us to form an accurate idea of the shape and size of these bodies, which extend to each side of the median line ; it shows that they are directed obliquely inward and backward, and that they consist of successive layers, viz., of an external white layer, of an interrupted yellowish layer, and of a sec- ond white layer, which lines the inner surface of the yellowish one. It is seen that the corpora dentata of the olivary bodies are interrupted, or, rather, open on the inner side towards the median line, so as to admit the white fibres with which their interior is filled. The waving gray line seen on these sections depends upon the yellow layer be- ing frequently folded inward and outward upon itself; and from this appearance the terms corpus dentatum, or corps festonn'e, have been applied to the gray substance of the olivary bodies. The remaining part {d) of the medulla oblongata consists of a substance which is of the colour of coffee mixed with milk, and which offers more resistance to the knife than other parts of the medulla, and consists neither wholly of white matter nor wholly of gray, but of a mixture of both. The fourth section, made immediately below the pons {fig. 269, B), presents a trian- gular surface, on which we remark, at each of the posterior angles, a thick white bun- dle, almost as large as the posterior pyramidal body, and which will be hereafter shown to constitute one of the roots of the fifth nerve : these bundles are also seen upon the third section made through the olivary bodies, but they are much smaller than in this section, dhe section of the two anterior pyramids {b) is circular at this point. The centre of this section of the medulla consists entirely of a grayish-white or coffee-col- oured substance {d c'), covered by a white layer. The grayish-white substance belongs specially to the medulla oblongata ; the surrounding white layer is the continuation of the columns of the spinal cord, f The oblique sections display appearances corresponding with those of the horizontal section. Vertical Section.—A very interesting section of the medulla oblongata is a vertical one, extending from before backward through the median line. I prefer the plan of forcibly separating the two halves of the medulla to that of dividing it with a scalpel. By this meaiTs it may be shown that there are in the median line of the medulla some an- * Ought we to regard as a part of this system of arched fibres a small, slender cord which surrounds the upper part of the anterior pyramids, and which in other respects has a similar arrangement to the arched fibres generally ? . , t The medulla oblongata of a child seven or eight years old is much better adapted for the examination of these sections than that of an adult or old subject, because the two substances are blended in the latter; a stream of water directed upon the sections will greatly assist the examination, by making the colours more iistinct 706 tero-posterior fibres, which appear to me to vary in number in different subjects : fliesc fibres (o, fig. 274) run from behind forward through the whole antero-posterior diameter of the medulla ; having reached the anterior median furrow, they pass horizontally out- ward to cover the pyramids and olivary bodies, and form the arched fibres already de- scribed. These antero-posterior fibres are limited below by the decussating fibres ot the pyramids. Examination of the Medulla Oblongata by Dissection under a Jet of Water, and. when hardened in Alcohol. NEUROLOGY. The anterior pyramids may be separated by ordinary dissection, and a tolerably accu- rate view obtained of their decussations ; and, moreover, the medulla oblongata may be divided into two lateral halves, and its principal parts may then be isolated. The ex- amination of the medulla when hardened in alcohol, or boiled in oil, or in a solution of salt, leads to important results, by enabling us to dissect it fibre by fibre, and to trace these fibres above and below their points of decussation. Together with these different modes of investigation I have employed another, viz., that of acting upon the medulla and its parts by a jet of water, the force and size of which is to be varied at pleasure, and the drops of which insinuate themselves between the fibres and separate them from each other.* If a stream of water be directed upon the anterior pyramids, the fasciculated ar- rangement of their component fibres, ail of which are parallel, will be clearly demonstra- ted ; and it will also be seen that these two bodies are not mere medullary bands, but are two three-sided bundles occupying an angular groove between and in front of the two olivary bodies {fig. 269, C). The decussation of the anterior pyramids demands attention, as one of the most impor- tant points in the anatomy of the cerebro-spinal axis. On examining the anterior median groove of the medulla oblongata (see figs. 270, 276), it will be found that, at a distance from the pons Varolii of about ten lines (Gall says an inch and some lines), the anterior pyramids divide into three or four bundles, which al- ternately interlace in a regular manner (below n), so as to form a plaited structure of from two to four lines in length. Is this decussation only apparent 1 and if so, does the ap- pearance result, as has been said, from the traction of parallel fibres in opposite direc- tions 1 or do the pyramids commence by alternate bundles arising from each side of the middle line, and does this alternate arrangement occasion the appearance of a decussa- tion 1 or, lastly, do the right and left pyramids actually cross like the limbs of the letter X 1 On consulting the various authorities on this subject, it is found that the decussation of the pyramids, first pointed out by Aretseus, renoticed by Fabricius Hildanus, and de- monstrated by Mistichellif and Pourfour iJupetit.f has been admitted by Santorini, Wins- low, Lieutaud, Duverney, Scarpa, and Soemmering; and that the opposite opinion has been maintained by Morgagni, Haller, Vic d’Azyr, Sabatier, Boyer, Cuvier, Chaussier, and Rolando.§ As to Gall and Spurzheim, they do not seem to have had a decided opinion upon this point; for, after having appeared to admit the decussation in some passages of their work, they say elsewhere that the small cords of the pyramids do not form a true decussation, but merely intersect and pass over each other obliquely. In order to settle the question of decussation, I submitted the medulla oblongata to the action of a jet of water upon both its anterior and posterior surlaces ; and by then examining it from behind forward, I was able to ascertain that the right and left pyram- idal bundles do most evidently decussate {a, fig. 273); that this decussation is effect- ed, not only from side to side, but also from before backward (h, fig. 274); that the left pyramidal bundle (b) passes downward to the right side and backward (w), traverses the gray matter of the cord, and becomes continuous with the right’lateral column of the cord, and vice versa ; and, lastly, that the anterior pyramids are not in the slightest de- gree continuous with the anterior columns of the spinal cord. The Olivary Bodies.—When the anterior pyramids are removed, it is seen that the olivary bodies {d, figs. 273, 274) do not consist merely of the prominent masses which project beyond and on the outer side of the anterior pyramids, but that they extend in- ward to the median line behind the pyramids, which are received in a slight concavity formed by the anterior surfaces of the olivary bodies {fig. 269, C). This arrangement is very evident, without any preparation, in anencephalous infants, or in such as are born * If we employ a stream of water in the examination of a fresh medulla oblongata, it may easily be con- ceived that the results will be much more conclusive than if we had thus examined one which had already been subjected to different modes of preparation that may have altered its structure. . t Trattato dell’ Apoplessia, 1709. f Letters d’un Mcddcin des Hopitaux, LIO. t) Of all who have denied the reality of the decussation, Rolando appears to me to have opposed the doctrine with the greatest force, lie examined the subject with the greatest attention ; he made horizontal sections of the medulla oblongata, but he could never see anything more than the alternate origin of the lascicuh which constitute the anterior pyramids ; he could never find that, the bundles of the right side passed over to the left, and vice versd. In reply to the objection, that without admitting the decussation it is impossible to ac- count for the cross effects of injuries or diseases of the brain, he states that these are explained by the inti- mate union between the optic thalami and tubercula quadrigemina of the two sides, and between the two halves of the pons Varolii and medulla oblongata. The error of Rolando evidently arose trora ms attaching such ex- clusive importance to sections, as a means of determining the structure of the medulla oblongata. INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. 707 with very imperfectly-developed brains ; the situation of the atrophied pyramids is then occupied by two tracts of gray matter, and the olivary bodies, more developed than usual, reach as far as the median line. When a jet of water is directed against the median line between the olivary bodies, it encounters a white and very dense tissue, upon which it produces little effect.* As soon as this tissue has been removed with the knife, the water insinuates itself into the substance of the olivary bodies, which, as we have seen, are open towards the inner side ; each olivary body is then spread out, its anterior half is turned outward, and assumes the appearance of a dense yellowish layer folded upon itself, like a leafwhile within its bud; after some white lamellae are removed by the action of the water, the posterior half is exposed, and displays a similar appearance to that of the anterior half. Rolando compares the arrangement of this yellow folded layer, or corpus dentatum of the olivary body, to a flattened purse (horsa appiattita), the neck of which is open, some- what constricted, and directed backward and towards the median line. Gall and Spurzheim regarded the olivary bodies as ganglia, but these anatomists ap- pear to me to have singularly misapplied the term ganglion, which they have given to such dissimilar parts as the olivary bodies, the corpora striata, and the tuber annulare. Lastly, by directing the stream of water against the median line, and by assisting its action by gently drawing the parts asundei the medulla oblongata becomes divided into two perfectly similar halves, excepting opposite the decussation. A beautiful prepara- tion may thus be made, exhibiting the separation of the two halves of the medualla ob- longata and spinal cord, and leaving the decussation of the anterior pyramids. It appears, then, on the one hand, that the anterior pyramids are not formed by the anterior columns of the spinal cord ; and, on the other hand, that the posterior columns of the cord become separated from each other behind when they have reached the me- dulla oblongata. What, then, becomes of the white bundles of the cord in the medulla ob- longata 1 Having arrived opposite the neck of the bulb, the white matter of the cord is divided into two bundles : one anterior, which forms the anterior pyramid (b. Jig. 273), and may be called the cerebral bundle, because it passes up (//) to the brain ; the other posterior, oi the restiform body (c e), which may be called the peduncle of the cerebellum, because it is exclusively intended (n) for that organ ; the former is composed of white bundles, which emerge from the interior of the spinal cord, and the latter of the anterior columns, and of the remaining white bundles of the cord. The olivary bodies (Vi) are situated between these two sets of white fibres. When, by means of the stream of water, the anterior pyramids and the restiform bodies have been removed, it is seen that each half of the medulla oblongata is formed principally of a very dense nucleus, consisting of a mixture of gray and white substances. This nucleus, or fasciculus of re-enforcement of the medulla oblongata, which we shall call the unnamed fasciculus (faisceau innomine) of the medulla, commences opposite the de- cussation of the pyramids by a narrow extremity, increases in size as it proceeds up- ward, passes above {I, fig- 274), i. e., deeper than the pons, and becomes continuous, as we shall afterward see, with the corresponding optic thalamus. Each half of the medul- la oblongata has its fasciculus of re-enforcement, of which the internal surface, viz., that turned towards the middle line, corresponds to the fasciculus of the opposite side, but is separated from it by the white fibres (o,fig. 274) already described (p. 706) as passing horizontally from before backward, in the median line of the medulla. The posterior surface of these fasciculi (p,fig. 271) constitutes the anterior wall of the fourth ventricle. The corresponding peduncles of the cerebellum, or the restiform bodies, embrace them on the outside, and form, as it were, grooves for them. On examining thoroughly the internal or median surface of each re-enforcing fascicu- lus of the bulb, it is found that there are two vertical bands upon that surface, one an- terior, the other posterior ; and that the fibres which pass horizontally from before back- ward in the median line of the medulla oblongata are situated between the bands of the right and left sides. Each fasciculus of re-enforcement is divided above into two parts, one of which forms the centre of the corresponding restiform body, while the other becomes continuous with the optic thalamus above the pons Varolii. I have not alluded to the olivary fasciculi admitted by some anatomists, for the white bundles so called do not even come from the olivary body, but form the continuation of the lateral columns of the spinal cord, which embrace the olivary bodies on the outer side, without being re-enforced by any bundles derived directly from them.f * i have frequently been led to regard the white medullary substance which is situated between the olivary bodies, and passes into each of them, as a transverse commissure, which might be called the commissure ol the olivary bodies. . t [The bundles named faisceaux innommines m the text (jascicuh teretes of some other authors), which M. Cruveilhier describes as taking their rise at the lower end of the medulla oblongata, are more generally con- sidered to be prolonged from the lateral columns of the cord ; and on comparing the statements of recent in- quirers concerning the anatomy of the medulla oblongata, the following appears to be the arrangement which the columns of the cord undergo in passing through it, viz., the posterior columns (including the posterior me dian fasciculi, which correspond with the posterior pyramids) separate laterally from one another (ejigs. 273, 708 NEUKOLoer. Development of the Spinal Cord. As soon as the spinal cord has passed through its original condition of an almost transparent pulp, it assumes the appearance of a lamina, the edges of which are rolled back upon themselves so as to enclose a canal, continuous with the cavity of the fourth ventricle, which might be regarded as the expanded extremity of the canal. This canal is narrowed along the middle by the reflection of the pia mater into it: it is thus con- verted into two canals, the walls of which are at first thin, but afterward increase in thickness, gradually encroach upon the caliber of the canals, which finally disappear be- tween the sixth and seventh month. At this period a thin, white, outer layer covers the whole medulla: the posterior median columns are very large, and of a white colour, while the antero-lateral columns are still semi-transparent, the gray matter is soft and diffluent, like a pulp ; and, by the slightest insufflation, a canal may be formed along the centre of each half of the cord. The spinal cord occupies the whole length of the vertebral canal until the third month; but after this time, its lower extremity becomes relatively higher up to the period of birth, when it corresponds to the second lumbar vertebra. The spinal cord is larger, in proportion to the brain, during the early periods of ftetal life, than afterward. The more rapid development of the brain, at later periods, gives that organ the advantage. From studying the development of the spinal cord, Tiedemann infers that the white substance exists before the gray, and therefore that the latter cannot be the nutritious organ or matrix of the white substance, as Gall had affirmed. It is quite certain that the white parietes of the medullary canal are developed pre- viously to the gray matter. Development of the Medulla Oblongata. During the first three months of intra-uterine life, the upper limit of the medulla ob- longata is not defined, because there is no pons Varolii. The festal brain, therefore, in this condition, resembles the brains of birds, reptiles, and fishes. The transverse fibres of the pons make their appearance during the fourth month, and the upper limit of the medulla oblongata is then established. , The two halves of the medulla oblongata are perfectly distinct, and each half is divi- ded into three columns : one for the brain properly so called, viz., the anterior pyramidal bundle ; another for the tubercula quadrigemina, which may be called, with Tiedemann, the olivary bundle, remembering, at the same time, that this term has a very different meaning from what was attached to it by Gall; and a third or cerebellar bundle, which is the restiform body. The anterior pyramidal bodies are at first flattened like those of mammalia, but during the latter months they acquire their characteristic size and prominence. In the medulla oblongata of a foetus, from the seventh to the ninth month, the anterior pyramids are of a reddish-gray colour, while the anterior columns of the spinal cord are as white as they appear afterward. Those pyramids, therefore, are not the continuation of the anterior columns of the cord. The decussation of the pyramids is perfectly distinct after the fourth week of fcetal existence.* The olivary bundles of Tiedemann, which are situated to the outer side of the anterior pyramids, and, like them-, traverse the pons, gain the sides of the tubercula quadrigemina, beneath which they form an arch, which constitutes the upper wall of the aqueduct of Sylvius. The olivary bodies, which are wanting in birds, reptiles, and fishes, do not ap- pear until the end of the sixth or the commencement of the seventh month of foetal life. The cerebellar bundles, or restiform bodies, are perfectly distinct from the preceding. The small mammillated bundles which bound the sides of the posterior longitudinal groove can also be distinguished in the foetus. Comparative Anatomy of the Spinal Cord. Mammalia.—The spinal cord of mammalia precisely resembles that of the human sub- 274), and enter the cerebellum, forming the principal part of its inferior peduncle (n). The fibres of the lat- eral columns are disposed of in three ways; 1. A part of them cross the median plane to the opposite side (w, fig. 273). and form the chief part of the pyramidal body (h) of that side. 2. Another set join the inferior pe- duncle of the cerebellum. 3. The remaining fibres are continued along the floor of the fourth ventricle (p,fig 271), as the fasciculi innominati or fasciculi teretes. The anterior columns {a, fig. 273) of the cord, on enter- ing the medulla oblongata, are thrown aside by the decussating fibres coming from the lateral columns, and then one portion of each anterior column forms the outer part of the corresponding pyramid (b) ; another por tion (c,fig. 274) passes partly behind and partly on the outer side of the olivary body, and is then chiefly con, tinned into the fillet (h) ; the remaining part passes into the cerebellum, joining its inferior peduncle (n) The connexion of the cerebellum with the anterior columns of the cord was pointed out by Mr. _aoily.—{Phil. Trans., 1836, p. 567.) Arnold describes the posterior pyramids (fasciculi graciles) as passing into the crura cerebri. For farther details on the anatomy of the medulla oblongata, the reader is referred to Arnold’s hemerkungen ilber den Bau des Hirns und Riickenmarks, Zurich, 1838; also his /cones Anatomica, fasc. i., and to a paper by Dr. .1. Reid in the Edm. Med and Surg. Journ. for January, * [The fourth or fifth month, accordino- to Tiedemann ; though in one part of his work week” has been, by an error, printed for “ month.”] COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OP THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. Ject: its length, its size, its enlargements, are exactly proportioned to the size and ac- tivity of the muscles, and to the sensibility of the organs with which it is connected by means of the nerves. Birds.—The spinal cord in birds is proportionally both longer and larger than in other animals ; and this has reference to the enormous muscular effort required in flying. It presents two great enlargements; one of these corresponds to the wings, and the other, which is larger, and contains a ventricle, corresponds to the lower extremities; this ventricle was known to Steno, who described it under the name of the rhoinboidal sinus. According to Nicolai (Dissertatia de Medulla Spinali Avium, Haile, 1811) and Tiede- mann, the spinal cord of birds contains a central canal, which is lined by a thin layer of gray matter, not only in the embryo, but also in the adult. Reptiles.—ln all reptiles the spinal cord contains a canal, which is lined, according to Tiedemann, by a thin, layer of gray substance. In the batrachian reptiles (the toad, frog, &c.), the spinal cord occupies only the anterior or upper part of the vertebral canal. M. Desmoulins says (t. i., p. 187) that the gray matter in these species surrounds the white substance. This opinion appears to me to be erroneous. In ophidian reptiles (serpents), the spinal cord occupies the whole length of the verte- bral canal; there is no gray matter,* but its piace is occupied by a fluid, so that each half of the medulla contains a canal In the saurians (crocodiles, lizards), the spinal cord is slender, of almost uniform size throughout, and occupies the whole length of the vertebral canal. The spinal cord of the chelonian (tortoises, &c.) is the most remarkable of all, as re- gards its shape, and is peculiarly illustrative of the law which regulates the dimensions of this organ. There are three fusiform enlargements separated from each other by two very narrow portions ; the middle enlargement corresponds to the upper extremities, and the inferior one to the lower extremities ; the first constriction corresponds to the neck, the second to the thorax. Fishes.—In all fishes the spinal cord occupies the entire length of the vertebral canal It is of uniform size in-its anterior five sixths, but diminishes like a cone in the posterior sixth. There is no gray matter,t so that the cord is hollow. According to Arsaky (Dissert. de Piscium Cerebro) and Tiedemann, the medullary canal is lined by a thin layer of gray matter. The lophius piscatorius and the male tetrodon present remarkable anatomical peculi- arities ; in the lophius, the spinal cord is diminished in size opposite the third cervical vertebra; all at once it becomes extremely slender, and then terminates in a point op- posite the eighth cervical vertebra. Twenty-six pairs of nerves arise from the enlarged portion, and only five or six pairs from the slender portion. In the tetrodon there is no spinal cord, properly so called, or, rather, this part of the cerebro-spinal axis is reduced to a medulla oblongata, from which arise thirty-two pairs of nerves. From these facts, it follows that the length and size of the spinal cord bear an exact proportion to the muscular power and sensibility of the parts supplied by it; and farther, that the gray matter of the cord is not nearly so important as the white substance, since it is absent in a.great number of species, t Comparative Anatomy of the Medulla Oblongata. In the mammalia the medulla oblongata is constructed upon the same plan as in the human subject, but the anterior pyramids are much smaller, and the olivary bodies ap- pear to be completely effaced. The tubercula cinerea of Rolando exist only in man ; in whom alone do we find those white streaks of medullary substance upon the anterior wall of the fourth ventricle, which are regarded as forming, at least in part, the origins of the auditory nerves. The medulla oblongata of birds and reptiles presents no striking peculiarities. In the different species its size is always in proportion to that of the fifth, and especially the eighth pair of nerves, which take their origin from this part. In fishes a peculiar pair of lobes correspond to the medulla oblongata; these lobes were for a long time erroneously supposed to be the lateral lobes of the cerebellum, and have thus led to much obscurity concerning the anatomy of the encephalon in these animals. Desmoulins calls them the lobes of the fourth ventricle ; we shall call them the lobes of the eighth pair of nerves. In the ray and sturgeon this lobe is so highly developed, that it forms half of the encephalic mass. In the carp, besides the lateral lobes which are traversed by some white fibres, there is also a median lobe. Moreover, as a general rule, whenever the spinal cord has to furnish any nerves, there is an. enlargement or a lobe'. In the torpedo, in which the eighth pair of nerves are of enormous size, and sup- ply the electrical organ, these lateral lobes are in an extraordinary degree developed. In the trigla there are certain small lobes behind the cerebellum, which correspond to the pe- culiar digitiform prolongations serving as organs of progression in the animals in question. * [The spinal cord of serpents forms no exception to the general rule ; gray matter has been recognised in it, as in the cord of other vertebrated animals. The same is true of lishes.—(See Leuret, Anatomic Com- pares du Systime Nerveux, §c., Paris, 1839.)] t See note, supra. f See note, supra. 710 NEUROLOGY. The olivary bodies are most highly developed in the human subject; they exist also, but are very small, in some mammalia; they disappear in birds, reptiles, and fishes. I consider the olivary bodies as lobes in a rudimentary state. THE ISTHMUS OF THE ENCEPHALON. General Description and Division.—The Pons Varolii and Middle Peduncles of the Cere- helium—the Peduncles of the Cerebrum—the Superior Peduncles of the Cerebellum and the Valve of Vieussens—the Corpora Quadrigemina.—lnternal Structure of the Isthmus, viz., of its Inferior, Middle, and Superior Strata.—Sections.—Development.—Comparative Anatomy. I shall, with Ridley, apply the term isthmus of the encephalon to that narrowed and constricted portion of the encephalic mass which is situated between the cerebrum, cere- bellum, and medulla oblongata, which corresponds to the free margin of the tentorium cerebelli, and comprises the pons Varolii and middle peduncles of the cerebellum, the peduncles of the cerebrum, the tubercula quadrigemina, the superior peduncles of the cerebellum, and the valve of Vieussens. The isthmus of the encephalon is the common point of union between the three great divisions of the cerebro-spinal axis, viz., the medulla spinalis, the cerebrum, and the cerebellum. It contains within it the media by which they all communicate, or, as it may be said, the elements of each reduced to their most simple expression. It is of a cuboid form, and therefore presents six surfaces for our consideration ; An inferior surface {fig. 276), on which we observe the pons Varolii, or tuber annulare {d), the middle peduncles of the cerebellum (m), and the peduncles of the cerebrum (//). A superior surface {fig. 271), which is covered by the superior vermiform process of the cerebellum, by the velum interpositum, and by the posterior border of the corpus cal- losum. In order to expose this surface, supposing the brain to be with its base upward, the cerebellum must be turned forward, and the pia mater should be separated, taking care to lift up with it the pineal gland. Proceeding from before backward, the following parts come into view: the tubercula quadrigemina {f g), resting upon them the pineal gland (c), the superior peduncles of the cerebellum (shown in cut at r; also r, fig. 272), and the valve of Vieussens {I, fig. 271). The lateral surfaces {fig. 272) are each divided into two distinct parts or stages, by a furrow which runs from before backward (the lateral furrow of the isthmus); the inferior stage consists of the pons Varolii {a) and the middle peduncles of the cerebellum (m), while the superior is narrower, lies closer to the median line than the preceding, and presents a triangular fasciculus {h), having its base directed downward, and its turn- ed upward, so as to reach the corresponding inferior quadrigeminous tubercle or testis {g). The anterior surface of the isthmus is continuous with the optic thalarni {s,fig. 272). The posterior surface is much narrower than the anterior, and is continuous with the base of the medulla oblongata. We shall examine the several parts of the isthmus in the following order: the pons Varolii and middle peduncles of the cerebellum, the peduncles of the cerebrum, the superior peduncles of the cerebellum, the valve of Vieussens, and the tubercula quadrigemina. The in- ferior peduncles of the cerebellum have been already described with the rest of the medulla oblongata, under the name of the restiform bodies. The pons Varolii, or tuber annulare,* is that wdiite cuboid eminence {d, fig. 276) situa- ted between the cerebrum and cerebellum, upon the base of the encephalon, and form- ing, as it were, its centre (mesocephale, Chauss.; nodus encephali, Soemm.). From this centre the several parts proceed as follows : backward, the medulla oblongata (e); for- ward, two thick white bundles, which pass into the brain, and form the anterior or cere- bral peduncles (//); laterally, two thick bundles, which enter the cerebellum, and are named the posterior peduncles, or middle cerebellar peduncles (m). The pons Varolii, the cerebral and cerebellar peduncles, and the medulla oblongata proper, are together called the medulla oblongata by some authors ; several of the older anatomists, in fact, compared the pons to the body of an animal, of which the anterior peduncles represented the arms; the posterior, the legs; and the medulla oblongata proper, the tail; and hence the terms still in use of the arms, legs, and tail of the so- called medulla oblongata. It was Varolius who compared this part to a bridge, under which the several branches of a stream, supposed to be represented by the peduncles and the medulla oblongata, joined each other; hence the terms pons Varolii and pons cerebelli. The pons is free below, but is blended above with the upper portion of the isthmus ; it is bounded in front by the peduncles of the cerebrum, and behind by the medulla ob- longata ; and it is continuous, laterally, with the middle peduncles of the cerebellum (m), The Pons Varolii and Middle Peduncles of the Cerebellum, * The term tuber annulare is derived from the fact that this part of the enccuhalon seems to embrace the several prolongations of the medulla oblongata like a ring. THE PEDUNCLES OF THE CEREBRUM, ETC. 711 forming with them but one system of fibres ; its lateral boundaries are, therefore, alto- gether artificial. The size of the pons, which is very considerable in the human subject, is always in relation with the development of the lateral lobes of the cerebellum; comparative anat- omy, embryology, and the study of malformations completely establish this fact.* Its inferior surface is covered by the pia mater, which can be easily stripped off; it rests upon the anterior part of the basilar groove, and slopes backward and downward like the inclined plane of that groove. It presents along the median line a slight furrow, which is broader in front than be- nind, and corresponds to the basilar artery : this groove appears as if it were caused by the presence of the artery; nevertheless, I must say, that not unfrequently the basilar artery is found to deviate to one side or the other, or to be more or less tortuous, and yet that the median groove is as distinctly marked as usual. I believe there is good ground for entertaining the opinion that this groove results from the prominence of the anterior pyramids, which raise up the surface of the pons on each side of the median line. The inferior surface of the pons presents certain transverse bundles or fibres, which appear to cross each other at very acute angles, and which, according to Rolando, may be divided into three sets : superior bundles, which turn upward, to constitute the upper part of the middle peduncles of the cerebellum; inferior bundles, which pass transversely outward; and middle bundles, which are directed obliquely downward and outward, pass in front of the inferior bundles, and then form the anterior border of the cerebellar pedun- cles. The origin of the fifth pair of nerves is between the superior and middle sets of fibres. Not unfrequently the middle bundles are not to be seen. It follows, therefore, that the middle peduncles of the cerebellum are merely the trans- verse fibres of the pons condensed and twisted upon themselves. The pons and these peduncles of the cerebellum constitute one and the same system of fibres. We might therefore, with Gall, designate the pons and the middle peduncles of the cerebellum as the commissure of the cerebellum, or corpus callosum of the cerebellum. The peduncles of the cerebrum (/f, fig. 276), sometimes regarded as prolongations of the cerebrum to the medulla oblongata (processus cerebri ad medullam oblongatam, ad pon- tem Varolii), sometimes as the arms, legs, or thighs of the cerebrum {brachia, crura, femo- ra, cerebri), and by others as prolongations of the medulla towards the cerebrum (proces- sus medullce oblongata ad cerebrum), are two thick, white, fasciculated columns, which arise from the anterior angles of the pons Varolii, and enter the substance of the cere- brum, after a course of about six lines. They are cylindrical, and in contact with each other as they emerge from the pons ; and they gradually increase in size, and become flattened as they advance forward, up- ward, and outward. The optic tracts {s 2, fig. 272) circumscribe and bound them in front. Their size corresponds to that of the cerebral hemispheres. They are of equal di- mensions in a well-formed brain, but they are liable to become atrophied with their cor- responding hemisphere, as I have had frequent occasion to observe. Each of them is free below, and on its outer and inner side, but is blended above with the upper portion {h if g, fig. 272) of the isthmus of the encephalon. Their white fasciculi are slightly divergent, and are often intersected at right angles by certain white tracts, some of which emerge from the testes and the valve of Yieus- sens, while others proceed from the internal surfaces of the peduncles themselves. This arrangement Gall and Spurzheim have named the transverse interlacement of the great fibrous bundles {see fig. 272). Owing to the oblique and diverging direction of the cere- bral peduncles, there is left between them a triangular inter-peduncular space (between r and t, fig. 276), which is occupied in front by the corpora mammillaria or albicantia («) and the tuber cmereum (»), and in which is observed behind two white triangular bun- dles, separated from the peduncles by a blackish line. We shall see that these inter-pe- duncular bundles are merely the under surface of the bundles of re-enforcement of the medulla oblongata, or the “ faisceaux innomines” {I, fig. 274). The Peduncles of the Cerebrum. The Superior Peduncles of the Cerebellum and the Valve of Vieussens. The superior peduncles of the cerebellum (r, figs. 271, 272, 280) are more commonly known as the processus cerebelli ad testes, a name given to them by Pourfour Dupetit. I should observe, however, that this name sanctions an anatomical error ; for the superior pedun- cles of the cerebellum do not go to the testes at all, but pass under them, and are cover- ed by the corresponding lateral triangular bundle of the isthmus ; they should rather be called processus cerebelli ad cerebrum (Drelincourt.) The inferior peduncles of the cerebellum consist of two lamellae, which arise from the * Animals which have no lateral lobe of the cerebellum have no pons Varolii, and this part is small in such as hive very small lateral cerebellar lobes. In a young girl ten years of age, who had no cerebellum I found tha. the pons was also wanting. 712 NEUROLOGY. interior of the cerebellum, one on each side of the median line, pass upward and forward parallel to each other, and appear to be continuous with the testes. Their upper convex surface is covered by the cerebellum (see fig. 280), and is separated from it by a double layer of the pia mater. Their inferior surface is free, and assists in forming the upper wall of the aqueduct of Sylvius. Their external borders are each sep- arated from the pons by a furrow, which we have already described under the name of lateral furrow of the isthmus. Their internal borders are connected together by means of the valve of Vieussens, which is distinguished by its colour from the peduncles. Their inferior extremities pass deeply into the central white substance of the cerebellum. The valve of Vieussens (valvula magna cerebri, I, fig. 271; fig. 280 ;gto w, fig. 282) is a thin, semi-transparent lamina, which occupies the interval between the two superior peduncles of the cerebellum ; it is the velum medullare or velum interjectum of Haller. Its posterior surface is concave, and is in relation above with the superior vermiform process ; in its lower portion it adheres to the transversely-notched imperfect lamella (iinguetta laminosa, Malacarne), in which the superior vermis ends. The median line of this posterior surface is marked by a line {fig. 271), which Rolan- do considers as the trace of the line of junction between the two laminae, of which, ac- cording to him, the valve consists. The anterior surface is convex, and forms the posterior wall of the aqueduct of Sylvius (leading from v to I, fig. 282). The borders of the valve are not only in juxtaposition with the corresponding borders of the superior peduncles of the cerebellum, but appear to be continuous with them. The superior extremity is narrow, and presents a transverse band, which may be re- garded as the commissure of the superior peduncles of the cerebellum and of the fourth pair of nerves. The inferior extremity is broad, very thin, and continuous with the central portion ol the median lobe of the cerebellum {w). Dissection.—Place the brain with its base upward, turn the cerebellum forward, and remove the pia mater. The term tubercula quadrigemina or bigemina (corpora bigemina, Soemmering, optic lobes of the lower animals) is applied to four tubercles {f gf g, figs. 271, 272) situated regu- larly upon the upper surface of the isthmus, two on each side of the median line. They form two pairs : the anterior or superior (/) are the larger, and are called the nates {emi- nentice natiformes); the posterior or inferior (g) are the smaller, and are called the testes {eminentice testiformes). These tubercles are placed between the cerebrum and cerebellum, and are situated above the peduncles of the cerebrum, and, consequently, upon a plane anterior to that of the pons, and cannot consistently be named the tubercles of the mesocephalogi, as was done by Chaussier. The anterior part of the aqueduct of Sylvius passes beneath them {fg,fig. 282), and establishes a communication between the third (/) and fourth {v) ventricles. They are comparatively small, indeed merely rudimentary in the human subject, for their development in the animal series is inversely as that of the cerebrum and cerebel- lum. The space which they occupy is a parallelogram of ten lines by eight. The anterior tubercles are always larger than the posterior ;* they are of a gray col- our, oblong, ellipsoid, and diverging ; their longest diameter is directed obliquely forward and outward. The posterior tubercles are smaller, and more detached ; they are almost hemispherical, and of a white colour ; but not so white as the fasciculated medullary sub- stance. The Tubercula Quadrigemina. A furrow, curved like a parabola opening forward, separates the anterior from the pos- terior tubercles. The antero-posterior furrow along the median line separates the tu- bercles of the right from those of the left side. From this furrow, a small, grayish, and tolerably dense cord proceeds backward, and descends perpendicularly upon the valve of Vieussens, or, rather, upon the transverse commissure by which it is surmounted, and then divides into two or three branches. This cord might be named the pillar of the valve of Vieussens {columella frenulum). The lateral triangular bundle {h,figs. 271, 272) of the isthmus terminates in the poste- rior tubercle. This fasciculus, which was pointed out by Reil (“ schleife,” lemniscus, fdlet), Tiedemann, and Rolando, who described it as arising from the olivary bodies, pre- sents an anterior border, which is directed obliquely forward and outward, proceeds along the anterior tubercle, and terminates in a small body called the cm-pus geniculatum inter- num {i, figs. 271, 272). Its posterior border inclines downward, backward, and outward, and forms a slight prominence above the superior peduncle of the cerebellum, which is covered by it. Its base corresponds to the lateral groove of the isthmus, which separ- ates it from the pons and the peduncle of the cerebrum. Its apex extends .to the corre- * The relative size of the tubercula quadrigemina varies somewhat in different animals. e anterior tuber cles are much larger than the posterior in ruminants, solipeds, and rodentia ; they are smaller than the pos- terior in carnivora—in the dog, for example. INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE ISTHMUS OF THE ENCEPHALON. 713 spending posterior tubercle or testis. The anterior tubercles or nates are continuous with the optic thalami {a, fig. 271), being separated from them by a slight depression. Some white fibres proceed from the anterior extremity of these tubercles, and, as we shall afterward see, form a thin layer above the corresponding corpus geniculatum ex- ternum O'), and assist in the formation of the optic nerves. These white bands are gen- erally proportioned to the size of the nates.* Dissection.—By antero-posterior and transverse sections of the isthmus. The parts to be examined by laceration, by submitting them to the action of a stream of water, and also after they have been hardened in alcohol, or by being boiled in oil, or a solution of salt. The internal structure of the isthmus presents three very distinct strata placed one upon the other :an inferior, formed by the pons, the middle peduncles of the cerebellum, and the fasciculated portion of the peduncles of the cerebrum ; a middle stratum, form- ed by the prolongation of the bundles of re-enforcement of the medulla oblongata ; and a superior stratum, which consists of the triangular lateral bundles of the isthmus, the su- perior peduncles of the cerebellum, the valve of Vieussens, and the tubercula quadri- The Internal Structure of the Isthmus of the Encephalon. gemina. ft has been stated that the lower surface of the pons presents some white transverse Internal Structure of the Pons and the Peduncles of the Cerebellum. fibres (see left side, fig. 273), which twist upon each other to form the middle pedun- cles of the cerebellum. On making a very superficial incision into the pons, we find, beneath the external layer of white matter, which is very thin behind, and a little thick- er in front, a grayish-yellow substance, which is traversed by the transverse fibres of the pons, so that the part (m, fig. 274) has a striated appearance. If the handle of the scalpel be passed be- neath the anterior border of the pons, so as to remove all that part which projects be- yond the level of the peduncles of the cere- brum, it will be seen that the pons is trav- ersed longitudinally by certain white bun- Fig. 273. dles of fibres (b',figs. 273, 274); and if, moreover, the handle of the scalpel be insinuated beneath the posterior border of the pons, and all that part be removed which projects be- yond the pyramidal bodies of the medulla oblongata, these white longitudinal bundles which traverse the pons are found to be the prolongation of the pyramids (b), arid are themselves continuous with the peduncles of the cerebrum (n,fig. 282). By thus separ- ating the pons into very thin horizontal layers, it will be found "that the longitudinal (hj and transverse (m) fibres form several alternate layers, above which we arrive at the middle stratum of the isthmus. The peduncles of the cerebrum are continuous with the longitudinal fibres of the pons, and the middle cerebellar peduncles with the transverse fibres of the same part; the gray matter of the pons extends into the substance of the latter, and gives them a stria- ted appearance. At the boundary between the pons and the middle peduncles of the cerebellum there is on each side a very considerable longitudinal bundle, which forms the origin of the fifth nerve, and which, therefore, does not belong to the anterior pyram- idal bodies, f m The absolute continuity of the anterior pyramids with the peduncles of the cerebrum, through the pons, may be regarded as a type of the structure of the nervous centre. The two sets of fibres are intermixed in the pons, so as to intersect each other at right an- gles, but they maintain their individuality. % The pons presents neither a raphe nor a septum in the median line : the fibres of the right half are continuous with those of the left. The white fasciculated fibres {hj of the * They are very large in the sheep ; it appears that it was chiefly from the anatomy of the brain in this an- imal that Gall founded his opinions as to the optic nerves, which he regards as arising from the tubercula quadrigemina. This opinion is very doubtful as far as concerns the human subject. f The most anterior and the most posterior transverse fibres of the pons have a very peculiar arrangement : the anterior are inflected {o,fig■ 282) between the peduncles of the cerebrum, and completely occupy the in terval between them ; so that each of these peduncles is embraced by a distinct ring, formed by the fibres of the pons ; and, again, the most posterior fibres of the pons dip between the anterior pyramids, each of which is also embraced by a distinct ring. t The continuity of the pyramids with the peduncles of the cerebrum, through the inferior portion of the pons, was accurately described and figured by Varolius (De -Vo vis Opticis nonnullisque aliis, 1573), by Vieus- sens {Neurographia Universalis, tab. 16), by Morgagni (Adversaria Anatoinica. v.), and by Vicq d’Azyr. Vieus sens showed this continuity by lacerating the pons. Vicq d’Azyr showed it by successively removing the thin layers of the pons by means of a cutting instrument. The plates given by Gall surpass those of his predeces- sors in execution, but not in a scientific point of view. 4 X 714 NEUROLOGY. peduncles of the cerebrum, which are continuous with the anterior pyramids (i), form part of the inferior stratum of the isthmus; these fasciculated fibres are parallel and per- fectly white, without any intermixture of gray matter. Internal Structure of the Middle Stratum of the Isthmus. When the pons, or, in other words, the successive layers of the inferior portion or stratum of the isthmus, have been removed, the middle stratum is exposed. This may Fig. 274. be very easily displayed in a brain that has been well hardened in alcohol. It is then seen that this middle stratum is formed by a prolongation of the fasciculi of re-enforcement (faisceaux innomines) of the medulla oblongata, which becomes enlarged in passing above the pons, and still more so opposite the peduncles of the cerebrum, above which we shall trace them presently. This prolongation ([I, fig. 274) then passes through the pons at right an- gles. It was doubtless to illustrate this arrange- ment that Varolius described the medulla, when viewed from below, as passing beneath the pons like the water of a canal under a bridge. This re-enforcing bundle, pointed out by Ro- lando ( sur la Moellc Alongtc, 1822) under the appellation of the middle fasci- culus, has been correctly represented by Mr. Herbert Mayo. Those portions (c, fig. 269, A) of the bundles of re-enforcement which correspond to the peduncles of the cerebrum are separated from the superficial part of the peduncles themselves (a) by a layer of black or blackish matter (b): opposite the peduncles, these two bundles are intimately united,* but they soon diverge to enter the optic thalami. Are they simply in juxtaposition, or do they interlace at the point in which they appear to be blended 1 lam inclined to believe that they do interlace ; but I have not yet been able to demonstrate this clearly, because they do not consist of very distinct bundles. The Internal Structure of the Upper Stratum of the Isthmus. The superior peduncles of the cerebellum are fasciculated ; their lower extremities (r,jig. 274) assist in forming the central nucleus of the cerebellum ; their upper extremities (r') expand into a great number of fibres, some of which terminate upon the anterior wall of the fourth ventricle, on each side of the median line, while others form a loop below the tubercula quadrigemina. Structure of the Tubercula Quadrigemina.—Reil, who first examined the structure of the tubercula quadrigemina, considers them as consisting of four rounded masses of gray matter, placed upon the radiated fibres of a white bundle, which spreads out beneath them. This white bundle (forming part of the bundle h, fig. 274), which he calls the fil- let or loop, is derived (c), according to him, partly from the anterior pyramidal, and part- ly from the olivary body {d). It appears to me to be nothing more than the above-men- tioned loop formed by the superior peduncles of the cerebellum, below the tubercula quadrigemina. The tubercula quadrigemina themselves seem to me to be rather of a laminated than of a fasciculated structure. Mayo represents them as having a fasciculated texture. The triangular lateral fasciculus of the isthmus (h, fig. 272) passes in one direction be tween the upper and middle strata of the isthmus, and in another it may be traced (form- ing the other part of the bundle h, fig. 274) downward as far ay the olivary body. The anterior fibres extend from the testis (g) to the corpus geniculatum internum (v), pass beneath that body, and penetrate into the interior of the optic thalamus. This triangu- lar fasciculus forms a layer upon the superior peduncle of the cerebellum, from which it is perfectly distinct. A vertical section made from before backward through the median line of the istnmus will give an excellent view of its three portions or strata: the section should include the medulla oblongata (see fig. 274). Upon it are seen the white and gray striated mass (m h'm) which constitutes the pons, the re-enforcing fasciculus (/) of the medulla oblon- gata becoming much thicker opposite the peduncles of the cerebrum than in the pons. Transverse vertical sections will display the arrangement of the pyramidal bodies and the re-enforcing fasciculi as they pass from the medulla oblongata into the isthmus. In these sections a thick bundle belonging to the fifth nerve is always seen. Sections of the tubercula quadrigemina show that they are neither distinct from each other, nor from the external and internal corpora geniculata, nor from the re-enforcing fasciculi of the medulla oblongata ; but that these latter fasciculi and the tubercula qua- drigemina form a single system, surmounted by masses of nervous mattei, winch are the tubercles themselves. Sections of the Isthmus of the Encephalon. 1 [.They here constitute the so-called (c,fig. 269, A) : the black substance is called the locus mgcr (6), and the superficial part of the peduncle is named the crust or basis (a;.j 715 Development of the Isthmus Encephah. The development of the pons and of the peduncles of the cerebellum is in relation with that of the cerebellum ; and the development of the cerebral peduncles with that of the cerebrum THE CEREBELLUM. In the embryo of two months, the tubercula quadrigemina consist merely of two lam- inae, which curve upward and outward, and become united at the end of the third month. At this period the tubercula quadrigemina of the human subject are in the same con- dition as those of the lower animals. They are as yet, indeed, only two in number, one on each side of the middle lineand they are hollow, as in birds. At first they are com- pletely exposed, but are gradually covered by the hemispheres of the cerebrum, as those parts are prolonged backward. The transverse groove which divides the hitherto single pair of tubercles into an an terior and a posterior tubercle on each side does not appear until about the sixth month, at which time the cavity in their interior has been obliterated by the thickening of their parietes.* Comparative Anatomy of the Isthmus. The pons Varolii and middle peduncles of the cerebellum exist only in the human subject and in mammalia generally; these structures, which may be regarded as forming the com- missure of the cerebellum, are developed exactly in proportion to the size of the lateral lobes of that organ; so that they attain their utmost development in the human subject, and are smallest in rodentia. The pons and cerebellar peduncles do not exist in the re- maining three classes of vertebrata (birds, reptiles, and fishes), because those animals have no lateral lobes of the cerebellum. The tubercula quadrigemina are less developed in man than in the lower animals. It may even be said that the of these tubercles is inversely in proportion to that of the lateral lobes of the cerebellum and the hemispheres of the cerebrum. The anterior tubercles are a little larger than the posterior in the human subject; in the ruminants, solipeds, and rodentia, on the contrary, the anterior tubercles are twice or three times as large as the posterior. In the carnivora the posterior are somewhat larger than the anterior. They are- covered by the cerebrum in the human subject and the highest orders of mammalia, but are in a great measure exposed in the rodentia and cheiroptera. In birds, reptiles, and fishes, the tubercles are only two in number (the tubercula hige- mina), and attain their maximum development: sometimes they are even larger than the cerebral hemispheres ; they are hollow, and form true lobes, which are called the optic lobes, because, in fact, the optic nerves arise exclusively from them. In birds, the optic lobes are situated at each side of the base of the cerebrum. The optic lobes of birds are not the thalami optici, as was at first believed : in this class of animals the optic thalami are thrown forward. In reptiles, the tubercula quadrigemina consist, as in birds, of two large, ovoid, and contiguous lobes. In fishes, it is extremely difficult to determine what are the tubercula quadrigemina; so much so, indeed, that the lobes of which they are composed have been taken some- times for the cerebral hemispheres, and sometimes for the optic thalami. M. Arsaky (De Piscium Cerehro) has successfully refuted both of these errors. THE CEREBELLUM. General Description.—External Characters and Conformation—Furrows, Lobules, Lanwice, and Lamella. Internal Conformation—the Fourth Ventricle, its Fibrous Layers, its In- ferior Orifice, and its Choroid Plexus.—Sections of the Cerebellum, Vertical and Horizon- tal.—Examination by Means of Water, and of the Hardened Cerebellum.~General View of the Organ. Development.—Comparative Anatomy. The cerebellum (7rapeyKefiaTug, Aristotle, 11, fig. 276; h h,fig. 280), or little brain, is that part of the encephalon which occupies the right and left inferior occipital fossae. It exists in all animals which have a cerebrum and spinal cord, and, therefore, in all the vertebrata. Cases of congenital absence of the cerebellum are extremely rare.f Though for a long time neglected, the anatomical examination of the cerebellum was commenced with considerable talent by Petit, of Namur (Lettre d'un Medecin des Hbpi- tau-x du Roi, Namur, 1710), and Malacarne (Encephalotomia nuova Universale, Torino, 1780). Yicq d’Azyr and Chaussier have described its external conformation with ex- traordinary accuracy; and Reil, Gall, and Rolando, have more particularly investigated its structure. * In a foetus of seven months, I found the tubercula quadrigemina not yet divided into the nates and testes t Vide Anat. Pathol., avec fig., for a case of absence of tbe cerebellum. 716 NEUROLOGY. Situation.—The cerebellum is enclosed between the inferior occipital fossae and the process of the dura mater, called the tentorium cerebelli. It is placed (see Jig. 282) at the top of and behind the spinal cord, and the isthmus of the encephalon. It is covered by the cerebrum in the human subject only, whence the name cerebrum inferius. It is posterior to the brain in the lower animals, and is therefore called cerebrum posterius. The dura mater, the arachnoid, and the pia mater form a threefold investment around it, the arrangement of which has been already described. Size and Weight.—The cerebellum is larger in man than in any other species. It has been stated by Cuvier, that its size in the human subject is so exactly proportioned to that of the brain, that correct tables may be formed of their relative weights ; but it ap- pears to me that facts are opposed to this view. The mean weight of the cerebellum, including the pons Yarolii and medulla oblongata, is from four to five ounces ; the proportion between the cerebrum and cerebellum may be estimated approximately to be as 7 to I.* According to Gall and Cuvier, the cerebellum ol the female is proportionally larger than that of the male. Gall believes that its size is in a direct ratio with the energy of the generative function, and that this is indicated externally by the relative size of the inferior occipital protuberances.! The cerebellum is proportionally much smaller in the infant than in the adult; the relation between the cerebrum and cerebellum in the infant is as 20 to 1. The External Characters and Conformation of the Cerebellum. Density.—The consistence of the cerebellum has been much studied by anatomists, who are far from being agreed upon this subject. The great difficulty depends upon the want of accurate means of estimating its consistence. In fact, it maybe readily con- ceived that the conversion of its substance into a pulp, by letting weights fall upon it from a determinate height, is at once a most inconclusive and almost inapplicable meth- od of ascertaining the point. Another source of difficulty consists in the fact that the cerebellum is not homogeneous ; so that results obtained in reference to the gray matter do not apply to the white substance. Out of fifty cerebella which Malacarne compared with the corresponding brains, twenty-three were softer than the brains in both the me- dullary and cortical substances ; in thirteen the cortical substance was equally firm, but the medullary substance more consistent and elastic than that of the brain; ten were more dense in texture, and the remaining five were much harder than the corresponding brains. In some cerebella one of the hemispheres was much more firm than the other. The results of my observations are, that the medullary centre of the cerebellum is of a firmer consistence than that of the cerebrum ; that the gray substance of the cerebel- lum is softer than that of the cerebrum ; and that the gray substance of the former be- comes softened in the dead body with such extreme rapidity, that it is difficult to meet with a cerebellum in which this substance is in the normal state. Form.—The general outline of the cerebellum is that of an ellipsoid flattened from above downward ; its long diameter is transverse, and measures from three and a half to four inches ; its antero-posterior diameter is from two to two and a half inches, and its vertical diameter two inches in the thickest part, and about six lines in the thinnest part, that is, at its circumference. The figure of the cerebellum may also be compared to that of a heart on playing cards, the notch of which is directed backward, and the truncated apex forward; or, rather, as was done by the old anatomists, to two flattened spheroids, united together at their points of contact. The cerebellum is perfectly symmetrical, but yet a marked difference between the right and left half of this organ is not unfrequently observed.); The cerebellum presents for our consideration an upper and a lower surface, and a circumference. The upper surface (h h, fig. 280) presents along the median line an antero-posterior em- inence (d), which is rather prominent in front, but gradually disappears as it extends backward : it is named the superior vermiform process (vermis superior). This eminence, which covers the valve of Vieussens and the tubercula quadrigemina, should be regard- ed, as Malacarne states, as the upper part of the median lobe of the cerebellum. On each side (A h) the upper surface of the cerebellum forms an inclined plane. This surface is separated from the posterior lobe of the cerebrum by the tentorium cerebelli. * Chaussier says, “ In a considerable number of comparative experiments, we sometimes found that the adult cerebellum was th or and at other times, but rarely, or t*le we'ght of the cerebrum. In the infant, at birth, we found it to he -A-th, -~th, -p,th, —j-st, Agth, and, in one case, even g-\jd total weight of the brain.”—(De VEncephale, p. 77.) t In my opinion, this idea can only be regarded as an ingenious hypothesis. The aptitude for the generative act is not dependant upon the cerebellum, for all invertebrate animals are destitute of this organ , and in cer- tain vertebrata, where the generative orgasm is quite remarkable, the cerebellum is extremely small, borne observations, however, are quoted, which appear to show that diminution of the occipital protuberance has followed extirpation of the corresponding testicle : but it must first be proved that these observations are cor rect; for example, that the inequality of the occipital protuberances did not exist previously to the castration. 1 In four cases which have come under my own observation, atrophy of the right hemisphere of the cerebrum coexisted with atrophy of the left hemisphere of the cerebellum ; I am, therefore, led to conclude that there are certain intimate relations between the opposite hemispheres of these two portions of the encephalon. THE FURROWS, LOBULES, ETC., OF THE CEREBELLUM. 717 The lower surface of the cerebellum {figs. 275, 276) is received into the concavity oi the occipital fossae, to which it is exactly fitted: it is divided into two rounded, lateral halves (A, fig• 275), the lobes of the cerebellum, by an antero-posterior fissure {a to n), the great median fissure of the cerebellum (vallecula, Haller). The back part of the cerebellum is completely subdivided by this fissure (see fig. 282), which receives the falx cerebelli; in front, the fissure opens into a wide furrow, into which the medulla oblongata is received (see fig. 276); in the middle of the fissure is a lozenge-shaped interval, at the bottom of which is seen the base of a pyramidal emi- nence (a hc, fig. 275), divided transversely into rings like a silkworm, and named, ac- cordingly, by the older anatomists, the in- ferior vermiform process {vermis inferior, pyr- amid, of Malacarne). This eminence is de- veloped into four prolongations or branch- es, arranged in the form of a cross; the posterior prolongation (c) is tapering, and occupies the back part of the great median fissure; the two lateral processes dip (on each side of b) into the adjacent portion of the fourth ventricle ; and the anterior {b) tapers from behind forward, and terminates in a mammillary enlargement {a), which is Fig. 275. free, and projects into the fourth ventricle. It has been unnecessarily distinguished from the rest of the inferior vermiform process by Malacarne and Chaussier, under the name of the laminated tubercle of the fourth ventricle {tubercle lamineux du quatrieme ventricule).* The inferior vermiform process is merely the lower part of the median lobe of the cere- bellum, of which the superior vermis constitutes the upper part. The superior vermis is continuous, without any line of demarcation, with the two hemispheres of the cerebel- lum, so that the upper part of that organ appears undivided. The inferior vermis, which seems at first sight to be intended to separate the two hemispheres, nevertheless forms the means of connexion between them, as may be easily seen by drawing them apart from each other. The circumference of the cerebellum is somewhat elliptical, or, rather, resembles the heart upon playing cards; behind and in the middle line it presents a notch (w), between the convex margins of winch a triangular interval is left, into which the falx cerebelli and the internal occipital crest are received. At the bottom of this notch the surface of the cerebellum is transversely grooved ; this part unites the superior to the inferior vermiform process, and belongs to the median lobe of the cerebellum. The rounded margins of the notch are continuous with the circumference of the cere- bellum. In front, (Jie circumference of the cerebellum appears to be formed by the pons Varolii {d,fig. 276) and middle cerebellar peduncles (?n), which are in relation with the posterior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bones, and are therefore straight, and form a truncated angle, which projects forward, and corresponds to the pons Yarolii. All the bundles of fibres which connect the cerebellum with the cerebrum and spinal cord enter at the anterior part of its circumference ; thus, besides the middle peduncles of the cerebellum, we find in this situation its superior peduncles {r,fig. 272), or pro- cessus ad testes, and its inferior peduncles (cut at n), or processus ad medullam oblongatam, to which we shall presently return. The whole surface of the cerebellum is traversed by curved lines or furrows, which are, for the most part, concentric and horizontal, but not very regular. These furrows are not parallel, but are inflected towards each other, and intersect at very acute angles. They may be divided into four sets, according to their depth. The first set of farrows are the deepest: they reach as far as the central nucleus, and divide the cerebellum into segments or lobules {g, h, I, fig. 275). o.wj These segments are divided into secondary segments by the second set of furrow's. The secondary segments are again subdivided into lamince or folia, and these laminae into lamella, by two sets of yet smaller furrows. Pourfour du Petit, Malacarne, and Chaussier have studied the segments, laminae, and lamellae of the cerebellum with great care, and have even counted them. The differen- ces in their results! are not so much a proof of varieties in the structure of the organ as of the want of some uniform method of enumeration. The Furrows, Lobules, Lamina?, and Lamella, of the Cerebellum. * [The inferior vermiform process is usually described as consisting of three portions ; the pyramid (c,fig. 275), the uvula (5), and the nodulus (a).] t Winslow admitted 3 lobules, Collins 6, Pourfour du Petit 15, Malacarne 11, and Chaussier 16. Chaus- sier counted 60 lamina;, and from 600 to 700 lamellae ; Malacarne had previously counted from 700 to 800 la- mella;. It is a very curious fact that Malacarne only found 324 lamellae in an individual labouring under mental alienation 718 NEUROhOfiV The segments which occupy the circumference of the organ are the largest; they rep- resent segments of an ellipsoid, and are very broad in the middle, and narrowed at each extremity. The segments of the upper surface are concentric, and their curvature cor- responds to that of the entire cerebellum. The segments of the lower surface are also concentric in each half or lobe of the cerebellum, but the curves of one side are inde- pendent of those of the other. The laminae or folia of the cerebellum are applied to each other like the leaves of a book; they are separated from each other in their whole length, and are attached to the rest of the cerebellum by their adherent borders only. The lamellae, however, are ar- ranged in a different manner, for they pass from one lamina to another, and even from segment to segment. In fact, if the segments of the cerebellum be drawn asunder, the furrows between them are seen to be traversed obliquely by a great number of lamellae, which extend from one segment to another. The arrangement of the segments, laminae, and lamellae in the median line deserves particular attention. Opposite the superior vermiform process, they are not interrupted, but are merely bent slightly, so that the middle portion of each of the anterior segments is, as it were, drawn forward, so as to describe a curve, having its concavity turned backward. Upon this surface some slight peculiarities are observed in the arrangement of the parts. Along the median line there seems, indeed, to be an interchange of lam- inae and lamellae, some of each of which become thin, and end in points, from which oth- ers appear to originate. Opposite the inferior vermiform process the two hemispheres of the cerebellum are connected together by means of the lateral prolongations of that process. But in front, i. e., opposite the medulla oblongata, the two hemispheres of the cerebellum are perfect- ly distinct from each other (see fig. 275). From these facts we may estimate to what extent the comparison is correct which was drawn by Haller between the superior ver- miform process and the corpus callosum. At the back part of the cerebellum, opposite the notch in that situation, the two hem- ispheres are connected by means of certain small transverse rings, of which we have already spoken. The superior and inferior vermiform processes and the portion situated at the bottom of the notch constitute together the middle lobe of the cerebellum, which Gall and Spurz- heim named the primitive ox fundamental part of the cerebellum, because it exists in all vertebrata, and because, in a great number of them (as in birds, reptiles, and fishes), where the lateral lobes of this organ are altogether wanting, it constitutes the entire cerebellum. It is well to add, that the lateral lobes are relatively larger, and the medi- an lobe smaller in man than in other mammalia. A rudimentary median lobe, and very large lateral lobes, are the characteristics of the human cerebellum, while a very large median lobe, and rudimentary lateral lobes, form the characters of the cerebellum of the lower animals. All the segments of the cerebellum, of which there are from ten to twelve, might with propriety be distinguished by particular names. The following segments, however, re- quire special mention: the segment or lobule of the circumference {I, fig- 275), which is the largest; the lobules of the medulla oblongata (lobuli medullas oblongatae), which are situa- ted behind that part (see fig. 276), are concave on their internal surface, which is accu- rately adapted to the medulla, and convex on their external and posterior surface, which dips slightly into the foramen magnum. These lobules (removed from f,fig. 275), which have been noticed by all anatomists, are separated from one another by the inferior vermi- form process (the uvula, b), and each of them terminates in front and on the inner side by a mammillated extremity (called the amygdala or tonsil), which partially fills up the fourth ventricle. The other inferior segments of each lobe of the cerebellum describe concen- tric curves around this segment. The lobule of the pneumogastric nerve (d) is a sort of prominent tuft (flocculus), situated {u, fig. 276) behind the pneumogastric nerve (8), and below the facial and auditory nerves (7). The Internal Structure op the Cerebellum. It is convenient to include under this head the description of the fourth ventricle, as well as that of the substance of the cerebellum. The Fourth Ventricle. Dissection.—Divide the median lobe of the cerebellum vertically ; make a vertical section of the pons along the median line ; draw asunder the medulla oblongata from the cerebellum. By means of the first section the anterior wall of the fourth ventricle is exposed, and by the second its posterior wall; by drawing apart the medulla oblongata and cerebellum, the ventricle is reached by its inferior extremity, and its whole depth can be seen. It is important to examine the fourth ventricle in all its aspects. The fourth ventricle {v to y,fig. 282) is that rhomboidal cavity situated between the medulla oblongata and isthmus of the encephalon (q n), which forms its anterior wall, and the cerebellum (w), which constitutes its posterior wall, dhe old anatomists follow'- THE FOURTH VENTRICLE. 719 eu Galen in calling it the ventricle of the cerebellum. Tiedemann speaks of it as the first ventricle, because it is developed before the other ventricles, and is constant in all mam- malia. The fourth ventricle terminates in a point below, expands considerably in the middle, and is again contracted at its upper part, where it becomes continuous with the third ventricle. We shall consider separately its anterior and posterior walls. The anterior or inferior wall is formed by the posterior surface of the medulla oblonga- gata (see fig. 271) and that part of the upper surface of the isthmus of the encephalon which corresponds to the pons. In shape it resembles a lozenge or diamond, truncated at its upper point; the upper borders of the lozenge being represented by the superior peduncles of the cerebellum (r to g), and the lower by the restiform bodies (e): the poste- rior surface of the re-enforcing fasciculi (faisceaux innomines) of the medulla oblongata constitutes this anterior wall, which is lined by a dense and easily separable membrane. The posterior or superior wall represents a vaulted roof, which is formed above by the superior peduncles of the cerebellum (r to g) and the valve of Vieussens {I, fig. 271; I, fig, 275 ; g w, fig. 282), lower down by the cerebellum (ic), and below by a fibrous mem- brane, continuous with the neurilemma of the spinal cord. Opposite the middle, i. e., the broadest part of this posterior wall (see fig. 275), are sit- uated three mammillary projections—one median and two lateral: the first {b, the uvu- la) is the anterior segment of the median lobe of the cerebellum ; the other two (the amygdalas) are formed by the innermost laminae of the lobule of the medulla oblongata (cut away at/). These latter are not bathed in the fluid of the ventricle, but are sep- arated from it by the fibrous membrane lining that cavity. The median mammillary projection (i), named by Malacarne and Chaussier the lami- nated tubercle of the fourth ventricle, resembles a movable valve. It is attached to the cerebellum by two white pedicles, which pass outward and backward upon the lateral processes of the crucial eminence formed by the inferior vermis. Connected to its an- terior extremity (the nodulus, a) are seen two broad folds {semilunar folds, e), which arise from it, one on each side, and become continuous with the roots of the corresponding sub-peduncular lobules or flocculi (d). These folds, which are quite distinct from the valvula; Tarini, are extremely thin and semi-transparent; their convex borders adhere to the back part of the fourth ventricle ; the concave margins and their two surfaces are free.* The two semilunar folds and the intermediate projection, or the nodule, may be compared to the soft palate, the mam- millary projection representing the uvula, f Opposite the upper angle of its rhomboidal cavity, the fourth ventricle (v, fig. 282) be- comes continuous with the third {I), through a canal, named iter d tertio ad quartum ven- triculum, or the aqueduct of Sylvius, which, however, had been described by Galen : this aqueduct is formed beneath the tubercula quadrigemina (/g) and the valve ofYieus- sens {g w). The lateral angles of the fourth ventricle are much elongated, and reach as far as op- posite the inner extremity of the corpus dentatum of the cerebellum. At the inferior angle (y) of the fourth ventricle is situated a fibrous layer, which con- stitutes its floor, and also an orifice of communication between the ventricle and the sub-arachnoid space. The Fibrous Layers of the Fourth Ventricle. Floor of the Fourth Ventricle.—On carefully drawing the medulla oblongata away from the cerebellum, a fibrous layer is seen extending from one to the other, and forming, as it were, the floor of the fourth ventricle. This layer, which is continuous with the neu- rilemma of the medulla oblongata, consists of three very distinct parts ; of a median portion, shaped like a triangular tongue, which passes horizontally backward, and is ap- plied to the anterior extremity of the inferior vermis, to which it adheres ; and of two triangular lateral portions, which form the sides of the orifice of the fourth ventricle, and which were described by Tarin as the valves of the base of the fourth ventricle. Besides this fibrous layer, there is another on each side, situated behind the roots of the pneumogastric nerve : these layers adhere to those roots, and we shall therefore name them the fibrous layers of the pneumogastric nerves; they close the fourth ventricle upon the sides of the medulla oblongata, and when they are removed the ventricle is quite open. They extend from the restiform bodies to the lobules of the pneumogastric nerves, and are prolonged upward upon the auditory nerves. The Inferior Orifice of the Fourth Ventricle. If the medulla oblongata and cerebellum be drawn apart, there is seen in the median * [Those two folds constitute the posterior medullary velum of the cerebellum, the valve of Vieussens form- ing the anterior velum.] . t [The terms uvula and amygdalae, or tonsils, nave, as already noticed, been applied to another series of three bodies which are arranged behind the nodule, the flocculi and the posterior vela, and consist of the lam- inated tubercle of the fourth ventricle, and of the inner portions of the lobes of the medulla oblongata (see p. 718).] 720 NEUROLOGY. line, between the inferior cerebellar arteries, a lozenge-shaped opening (at y, fig. 282), bounded,‘in front, by the base of the calamus scriptorius ; behind, by the anterior pro- longation of the inferior vermiform process, which is covered by the median tongue of the fibrous layer ; and upon the sides, in front, by the ragged edges of the lateral por- tions of the fibrous layer, and by the internal surfaces of the lobules of the medulla ob- longata. This opening was pointed out by M. Magendie as establishing a communication be- tween the general ventricular cavity and the sub-arachnoid space. It has been asked, Is it a natural opening, or is it produced accidentally by the very means employed in its demonstration 1 The following are the arguments on both sides of the question ; In opposition to the existence of an opening in this situation, it is urged that the mar- gin of the orifice has none of the characters of that of a natural opening, the edges of which are generally smooth and rounded ; but in this orifice they are lacerated, and there is almost always some membranous shreds at the point of the calamus scriptorius. If the median triangular tongue of the fibrous layer, which is applied to the inferior vermis, be detached, it is seen to be merely a flap of that membrane, the size of which exactly corresponds to that of the opening, so as to close it completely. This point may be ren- dered still more evident by tracing the membrane from before backward, after having di- vided the pons and medulla oblongata. Again, the fibrous layer, which forms the floor of the fourth ventricle, is entire in the dog and sheep; I have found it in the same condition five or six times in the human subject; and if it be objected that, in this case, there might have been an accidental ob- literation of the opening, I could answer that there wras no trace of disease, either in the cerebro-spinal axis, or in the membranes. I may also mention that, in several cases of chronic hydrocephalus, several pounds of fluid were found in the ventricles, and none whatever in the sub-arachnoid space. Lastly, in the brains of several infants, who had died with all the symptoms of acute ventricular hydrocephalus, I have found the lateral ventricles very large, but empty; and in these cases, it has occurred to me that the fibrous layer might have been perforated opposite the inferior angle of the fourth ventricle, and have thus allowed the fluid to escape, which, in the greater number of cases, is retained by this layer Avithin the ven- tricular cavity. Such are the facts which appear to me to militate against the idea of the existence of an opening in the floor of the fourth ventricle ; but, on the other hand, if we consider that, in an immense majority of instances, whatever care may be taken in removing the brain from the cranium, we ahvays find this opening both in the foetus and in the adult; that in apoplectic effusions into the ventricles, we always find some bloody serum in the sub-arachnoid space ; and that if a coloured fluid be injected into the ventricles of the cerebrum, or into the sub-arachnoid space around the cord, it will in either case pass freely from one into the other, we shall be led to conclude that there is a regular com- munication between the cavity of the ventricles and the sub-arachnoid space, and that the orifice just described is the channel of communication between them.* The choroid plexuses of the fourth ventricle are twyo in number ; they commence one on each side, by a very slender extremity, upon the anterior surface of the sort of fibrous tongue which is attached to the inferior vermis ; from this point they pass in a diver- ging course upward, are then inclined outtvard, turn round the sides of the median emi- nence of the fourth ventricle, pass horizontally outAvard behind the restiform bodies, and then behind the fibrous layer of the corresponding pneumogastric nerve, where they be- come considerably enlarged, and at length terminate upon the sub-peduncular lobes. The inner surface of the fourth ventricle is smooth, in consequence of being lined by a membrane resembling a serous membrane, which is much stronger over the posterior surface of the medulla oblongata than at any other point. The Choroid Plexuses of the Fourth \ entricle. Sections of the Cerebellum. On cutting through the cerebellum, it is found to be composed (see figs. 273, 274) of two substances, an external cortical or gray substance, and a central or medullary substance, which is white; the gray substance is soft, and is almost always torn off with the mem- branes, however slightly the cerebellum may be altered by decomposition. rI he white substance is compact, and resists a tolerably firm pressure.! Between the gray and white substances there is seen, upon a section of the cerebellum, a narrow yellowish band or streak, which depends on the existence of a layer of a yellow substance, of much greater firmness than the gray matter, and strongly ac lerent to the white substance. By laceration the gray matter is destroyed, and this ye ow layer is exposed. There are, therefore, three substances in the cerebellum; the gray, the yellow, A See note on the sub-arachnoid space (p. 690). t For an account of the minute structure of these substances, see note,p. /01, SECTIONS OF THE CEREBELLUM. 721 and the white. I would compare the yellow layer of the cerebellum to the yellow folded membrane of the olivary bodies.* A Question here arises, What is the proportion between the gray and the white mat- ter 1 The most superficial examination of the cerebellum will show that the gray mat- ter predominates ; and this can be clearly demonstrated by macerating the cerebellum for several days. The gray matter, which is more easily decomposed, becomes con- verted into a pulp, and the remaining nucleus of white substance scarcely represents a third, either of the weight or bulk of the cerebellum. We shall now proceed to describe the appearance of vertical and horizontal sections of the cerebellum. Vertical Sections. Upon longitudinal vertical sections of the cerebellum, the gray and white substances present a very elegant arrangement, known by the picturesque name of the arbor vitae; a title derived either from the importance which has been attached to this structure, or Irora its resemblance in figure to the foliage of the tree so called. Upon a section made through the median line, the arbor vita of the middle lobe {w, fig. 282) is seen ; and upon one made on either side, the arbor vita of the lateral lobes. The arbor vitae of the median lobe consists of a central nucleus of white substance, of a triangular form, from which two principal branches proceed : one inferior, which is dis- tributed to the whole of the inferior vermis and the back part of the median lobe ; the other superior, which passes into the whole of the superior vermis. These two branches subdivide into six others, which vary in direction, length, and thickness, and are them- selves subdivided into still smaller branches, and these, again, into the smallest ramifica- tions. A slight enlargement of the white substance is always observed opposite the points of division. A very thin yellowish layer, and outside this a layer of gray matter, about a line in thickness, covers each of the ramifications of the white substance, and thus forms the lamellae, laminae, and segments of the median lobe. This section enables us to prove the existence of the middle lobe of the cerebellum and the continuity of the superior and inferior vermis ; it also shows the general form of the middle lobe, which is rotate or wheel-shaped (the anterior extremity of the in- ferior vermis, i. e., the nodule, comes into contact with the valve of Yieussens); the number and arrangement of the segments, laminae, and lamellae of the cerebellum; and, lastly, the nature of the valve of Yieussens, which is nothing more than the uppermost subdivision of the central nucleus, and may be regarded as one half of a lamella of the cerebellum. The Arbor Vita of the Lateral Lobes.—A vertical section from the middle peduncles of the cerebellum towards the circumference displays the arbor vitae of the lateral lobes. In the centre of each lobe is seen a white central nucleus, from which fifteen or six- teen principal branches are given off, to form the nuclei of a corresponding number of the segments These branches are subdivided into secondary branches, and those into the ultimate ramificat)> /s. A yellowish layer covers each of these successive divisions, and upon that a gray layer, about a line in thickness, is accurately moulded. Upon sections of this kind it is easily seen that the segments of the cerebellum are very unequal in size, in direction, and in their manner of division; that the superior segments are the smallest, the segments of the circumference the largest,! and the in- ferior segments of an intermediate size ; that there is no vacant space between the seg- ments, but that both laminae and lamellae occupy the intervals ; and, lastly, that all of these segments curve forward upon themselves, so as to form a series of horizontal wheels or circles, the plane of which is at right angles to that of the wheel-shaped mass of the middle lobe. In the centre of the white nucleus of each half of the cerebellum is the corpus rhom- boideuni, or corpus dentatum :+ these bodies are of an ovoid form; their yellowish invest- ing layer is dense, and folded backward and' forward upon itself, and exactly resembles that ol the olivary bodies ; and I have been accustomed to speak of these bodies as the olivary bodies of the cerebellum. Gall and Spurzheim regarded them as ganglions of re-enforcement, and called the’m the ganglions of the cerebellum. Their shortest or verti- cal diameter is about one third of their long or horizontal diameter; in one case, where the latter was fifteen lines, the former was five lines : moreover, the size of the corpora dentata of the cerebellum varies in different subjects, and is in proportion to the size of * Rolando (Osscrvazioni suV Cerveletio, p. 187, 1823) appears tome to have been the first to establish the fact of the existence of three substances : the medollare, the cinereu rossigna, and the cinerea esterna e corticate. t The segment of the circumference, which is the largest of all, immediately divides into two smaller seg ments; it has been incorrectly stated that there is a horizontal fissure along the circumference of the cere helium, extending from one of the middle peduncles to the other. t In order to divide the corpus dentatum, the section must be made opposite the corresponding inferior pe duncle of the cerebellum. I would recommend that one section he made to extend through the corpus denta- turn of the cerebellum, and also through the olivary body, so that some idea may bo formed of the analogy be tween these two parts. 4 Y 722 NEUROLOGY. the lateral lobes of that organ: they are, therefore, much less developed in the lower animals than in man. The peduncles of the cerebellum are six in number, three on each side, namely, a supe- rior, a middle, and an inferior; they all originate, or, it may be said, terminate in the cen- tral nucleus. The superior peduncles of the cerebellum are generally known as the processus cerehelh ad testes; they are seen (r, fig. 280) in front of the superior vermiform process, and seem to pass up to the tubercula quadrigemina. We shall afterward see that this is only ap- parent. The inferior peduncles {processus cercbelli ad medullam oblongatam) are, in fact, tHe resti- form bodies ; they establish a direct and intimate communication between the cerebel- lum and the spinal cord. Lastly, the middle peduncles {■m,fig• 276), which are anterior to the two preceding sets, occupy the fore part of the circumference of the cerebellum, and are continued into the pons Varolii without any line of demarcation. They are called also the cerebellar pedun- cles {processus cercbelli ad pontem), and the crura or legs of the medulla oblongata. Horizontal Sections. Horizontal sections of the cerebellum have been studied with very great care, and have been well figured by Vicq d’Azyr; they show that the dimensions of the central nucleus are much greater in the horizontal than in the vertical direction.* Upon these sections, which should be made parallel to the upper surface of the cere- bellum, is seen the relative disposition of the laminse, which are sometimes parallel and sometimes oblique' in reference to each other, and which either extend around the entire circumference of the organ, or terminate in tapering extremities and again commence, and pass from one segment to another. Lastly, these horizontal sections show the continuity of the right and left lobes of the cerebellum by means of the middle lobe. In this middle lobe the lamella? are more ir- regular than in the lateral lobes ; they intersect each other at various angles, and be- come again united into new combinations, so that several anatomists have admitted the existence of a true decussation in this middle portion of the cerebellum. The middle lobe also has its medullary centre, which connects the lateral medullary centre in such a manner that, by a successful section, a sort of cerebellar centrum ovale is obtained, analogous to the centrum ovale ofVieussens in the cerebrum. Examination of the Cerebellum by means of a Stream of Water, and Dissec- tion of the Hardened Cerebellum. A stream of water directed upon vertical sections of the cerebellum decomposes the white nucleus of each lateral lobe into a great number of extremely thin leaves, which constitute the different lamina; or lamellae of the cerebellum. All these lamina; and la- mellae terminate in the central nucleus of the corresponding lobe. Each lamella is fan- shaped, its adherent border being very narrow, concave, and applied to the central nu- cleus, with which it is evidently continuous, while its convex margin corresponds to the surface of the cerebellum. The arrangement of these lamellae is very beautiful and cu- rious : some of them ascend to form the segments, laminae, and lamellae of the upper surface of the cerebellum ; others descend to form the corresponding parts of the lower surface, and the intermediate ones pass horizontally to the circumference, and are dis- posed in a similar manner. Opposite each point of subdivision there seems to be an en- largement of the white substance, but this depends not upon an actual increase of that substance, but upon the divergence of the lamellae. The structure of the cerebellum, therefore, considered generally, is laminated. From the central white nucleus proceed innumerable laminae, which, though in juxtaposition, are never blended together, and which form groups, that are themselves subdivided again and again, like the branches of a tree, the ultimate lamella always containing at least two leaflets. Can anatomy teach us anything beyond this laminated arrangement"! In each lamella certain radiated striae are seen; .and it may be asked, Whether these prove the existence of a linear or fibrous structure I It is certainly true that the lamella; may be divided in the direction of these striae, but it is far from being evident that they con- sist of linear fibres. In the central nucleus, the laminae, being more firmly pressed together, are separated by the stream of water with greater difficulty than the laminae near the surface . the corpora dentata of the cerebellum are peculiarly firm. The stream of water insinuates itself into these bodies opposite their internal extremity, which appears to be na urally open, and divides them into two halves, a superior and an inferior. It is then seen that the dentated appearance of their section results from the reduplication of e ense yel- lowish layer in which they are enclosed ; also, that the white substance pene rates into the interior of these bodies at their internal surface, accompanied by a grea number of * In each lobe of the cerebellum there is a medullary centre, that i«, a spot in which the section of the white substance is larger than at other points. % GENERAL VIEW OF THE CEREBELLUM. 723 vessels; and that this white substance is arranged in lamella;, which terminate at three different points of the yellowish layer, so that each of the corpora dentata resembles a small cerebellum. Examination of the Hardened, Cerebellum.—The examination of the cerebellum, when hardened by alcohol, or by boiling in oil, or salt and water, or by maceration in a solu- tion of salt and bichloride of mercury, of the strength recommended by Rolando, confirms all the results which have been obtained by the preceding method of investigation. These modes of preparation, moreover, enable us to examine more completely than in any other way the relations of the central nuclei of the lobes to the peduncles of the cere- bellum. It is seen most distinctly that these peduncles (m n, Jig. 273; nr, Jig. 274) emerge from or terminate in the central nuclei (p p), but it is very difficult to ascertain their precise arrangement within the nuclei. All that we know is the fact that, as soon as they emerge from the central nuclei, they assume a fasciculated character, and that all the lamella; and lamina; of the cerebellum seem to terminate in the fibres of the mid- dle peduncles. General View of the Cerebellum. From the preceding statements we may draw the following conclusions : The cerebel- lum consists of two lateral lobes and a middle lobe ; the lobes are formed by a consider- able number of segments, which are subdivided into smaller segments, and these into lamina; and lamellae ; each lobe contains a central medullary nucleus, upon which all the segments rest, and which constitutes the termination or the origin of the several pedun- cles ; the substance of these peduncles is fibrous or fasciculated, and that of the central nucleus has a similar character, but not so well marked ; the medullary substance of each segment is formed by lamina; applied to each other, but not actually continuous ; each of these laminae is fan-shaped, and those which constitute the central nucleus of each segment become separated from each other to form the secondary segments, the laminae, and the lamellae ; the ultimate lamellae of the cerebellum consist of two leaflets of white matter covered externally by a very thin yellowish layer, which is itself cover- ed by a rather thick layer of gray matter ;* the corpora dentata, or olivary bodies of the cerebellum, consist of fibres or laminae of medullary substance, which are spread out so as to terminate at different points upon the inner surface of the dense yellow membra- nous layer which constitutes their external investment. A very ingenious explanation of the structure of the cerebellum has been proposed by Gall, and is now rather generally adopted. The opposite directions of the inferior and middle peduncles of the cerebellum sug- gested to him the idea of diverging and converging fasciculi, and to this he has added his theory regarding the ganglia, which he considered as apparatuses of re-enforcement, that is to say, as points of origin for new fasciculi. According to Gall, then, the inferior peduncles of the cerebellum or the restiferm bod- ies {n,fig. 274), which he calls the primitive fasciculi of the cerebellum, are the roots, or fasciculi of origin of the cerebellum. After they have penetrated a few lines into the substance of the organ, they meet with and join the corpus dentatum, which Gall regards as a true ganglion, or apparatus of origin and re-enforcement for a great part of the nervous mass of the cerebellum. According to him, a principal nervous fasciculus corresponds to each of the folds of the corpus dentatum, from which ganglion arise all those prolonga- tions of medullary substance which, together with the gray matter upon them, consti- tute the middle and lateral lobes of the cerebellum. Besides the preceding fasciculi, which are named by Gall the diverging fasciculi, and are said by him to constitute the formative system of fibres, there are certain converging fasciculi, which constitute the uniting system of fibres, or the commissures of the cerebellum. These are supposed to have no direct connexion either with the primitive fasciculi or the corpus dentatum, but to emanate from the gray matter upon the surface of the cere- bellum, and to pass in different directions (p q, fig. 273) between the diverging fasciculi, so as to enter into and constitute the middle peduncles of the cerebellum (m) and the pons Yarolii, which Gall regarded as forming together the commissure of the cerebellum. The superior peduncles of the cerebellum (?■', fig. 274) he considered as fasciculi o* communication between the middle median lobe of the cerebellum and the corpora quad rigemina, and the valve of Vieussens as the commissure of these peduncles. We can only regard Gall’s view concerning the structure of the cerebellum as an in- genious speculation. Why should the inferior fasciculi be the roots or primitive bundles of the cerebellum rather than the superior 1 Who has seen the re-enforcement of these primitive fasciculi in the corpus dentatum 1 Why should the corpus dentatum be regard- ed as a ganglion 1 Whence is this distinction between converging and diverging fasci- culi It and, finally, Why are figure and metaphor employed in reference to strictly ana- tomical questions 1 * [The white substance of the lamina is said to consist of two sets of fibres—one coming- from the central mass, and passing up the centre of the laminte, and the other set lying upon the first, and passing from one lamina to another.] + “* These converging fibres,” says Tiedemann (French translation by Jourdan, p. IG9], “ are merely chimer- NEUROLOGY Another theory regarding’ the structure of the cerebellum has been offered by Rolan- do, who, by combining the results derived from an examination of the human cerebellum, when hardened in a strong saline solution, with those famished by the anatomy of the brain of the shark, and those obtained by studying the development of the brain of the fowl, was led to regard the human cerebellum as formed by the folding and refolding upon themselves of the parietes of a large bladder or vesicle, so as to give rise to innumera- ble laminae.* The facts we have already stated sufficiently refute this hypothesis. It is quite cer- tain that the cerebellum is formed by the union of one middle and two lateral lobes : the lobes themselves are composed of a considerable number of segments, which are subdi- vided into smaller segments, laminae, and lamellae. The general structure of the cere- bellum i» laminated, and these laminae are striated ; each lamella contains two leaflets of white substance covered with gray matter. The cerebellum is connected with the medulla oblongata by the inferior peduncles, and with the brain by the superior pedun- cles ; the middle peduncles and the transverse fibres of the pons establish an intimate connexion between the two lobes of the cerebellum.! Development of the Cerebellum. The cerebellum does not appear until some time after the spinal cord : it consists, at first, of two laminae and plates prolonged from the cord, which approach each other to- wards the median line; these are the inferior peduncles of the cerebellum, or the resti- form bodies. The human cerebellum in this condition has a close resemblance to the same organ in fishes and reptiles. At the fourth month, the cerebellum forms a sort of uniform girdle, four lines in width, around the tubercula quadrigemina and the medulla oblongata; the pons Varolii is already visible ; there is a rudiment of the corpus denta- tion, and the surface of the cerebellum is entirely devoid of fissures. At the fifth month there are four transverse fissures; a vertical section of the cerebellum presents five branches; but there are as yet neither laminae nor lamellae, nor is there any distinction between the middle and lateral parts. At the sixth month, the cerebellum is divided by the posterior notch, the different orders of fissures are visible, and the corpus dentatum has acquired considerable size. During the last three months of intra-uterine existence, the lateral lobes generally acquire that predominance over the middle lobe which is found to hold after birth. As the development of the spinal cord precedes that of the cerebellum, and as the cer- ebellum appears to be formed by a prolongation of the posterior fasciculi of the cord, does it follow that that organ is a production or an expansion of the cord 1 Certainly not; all that we can conclude is, that they are developed in succession. Reil and Tiedemann have advanced the opinion that the cerebellum is secreted by the pia mater, and that the gray matter is deposited the last; but this is only an assertion without demonstration. The cortical substance is formed at the same time as the medullary, and neither of them can be considered as the product of the other. Comparative Jlnatomy of the Cerebellum. In fishes the cerebellum is generally small, but in the ray and shark it is large, subdi- vided into convolutions, and prolonged above the optic lobes in front, and above the lobe of the eighth pair of nerves behind. In the silures, as Weber has observed, the cere- bellum is relatively as large as the human cerebrum; for it covers the posterior half of the cerebral lobes, as the cerebrum in man covers the cerebellum. In all fishes the cer- ebellum contains a considerable cavity. In some of this class of animals it is subdivi- ded into segments, laminae, and lamellae.! Reptiles.—There is no cerebellum in the hatrachia (as in the frog, toad) and ophidia (serpents); most anatomists, however, admit its existence in a rudimentary state. It is very small, and shaped like a roof, or vaulted, in the chelonians (tortoise); it is very long in the saurians (lizard, crocodile). Birds.—The cerebellum is very large, and represents an ellipsoid, having its long di- ameter directed vertically. It is deeply and regularly traversed by horizontal fissures, which are curved downward on the upper half, and upward on the lower half of the or- ical; for the pons Varolii, and the medullary fibres of which it consists, are found in the fcetus at the fourth month, that is, at a period when there are no laminte nor lamella, nor even any leaflets covered with gray mat- ter. Gall, therefore, assumes these converging fibres to originate from parts which do not appear until alter those fibres themselves.” The refutation of Tiedemann appears to me to be itself founded on an assumption, for there is no proof that the gray matter is formed after the white. , , . , * Osservazioni sul’ Cerveletto, p. 187- In the shark, the cerebellum consists of a gray and a white layer united together and folded a great number of times upon themselves. . f It is not yet ascertained whether the lateral halves of the cerebellum act upon the same or pposite sides of the body : some cases, in which atrophy of one hemisphere of the cerebrum coexisted wi P y ol the op posite hemisphere of the cerebellum, would appear to show that the action of the a ® 1 crossed. The laminated structure of the cerebellum and its twofold composition suggested to no ai a ot comparing it to a voltaic pile, or electro-motive apparatus. X lit is divided into segments by deep transverse furrows in some cartilaginous fishes.! THE CEREBRUM. 725 gais. They all terminate opposite two small tubercles or appendages, situated one at each extremity of the transverse diameter. Upon a section of the cerebellum of birds /s seen an arbor vita;, composed of white substance covered with gray matter. Mammalia.—In the three classes already examined, the cerebellum has merely a mid- dle lobe ; in all mammalia there are also lateral lobes. They are at first small, like ap- pendages, as in the rodentia, in which the cerebellum differs but little from that of birds ; they gradually increase in size as we proceed upward in the scale, until they reach their highest state of perfection in man, the development of whose cerebrpra and cerebellum exceeds that of the same parts in all the lower animals. In mammalia the size of the lateral lobes of the cerebellum is directly proportioned to that of the olivary bodies, the existence of which in this class Vicq d’Azyr has erroneously denied. THE CEREBRUM, OR BRAIN PROPER. Definition—Situation—Size and Weight—General Form.—The Superior or Convex Surface. —The Inferior Surface or Base—its Median Region, containing the Inter-peduncular Space, the Corpora Albicantia, the Optic Tracts and Commissure, the Tuber Cinereum, Infundibu- lum, and Pituitary Body, the Anterior Part of the Floor of the Third Ventricle, the reflected Part of the Corpus Callosum, the Anterior Part of the Longitudinal Fissure, the Posterior Part of the Longitudinal Fissure, the Posterior Extremity of the Corpus Callosum a.nd Me- dian Portion of the Transverse Fissure, and the Transverse Fissure.—The Lateral Regions, including the Fissure of Sylvius and the Lobes of the Brain.—The Convolutions and Anfrac- tuosities of the Brain, upon its Inner Surface, its Base, and its Convex Surface—Uses of the Convolutions and Anfractuosities.—The Internal Structure of the Brain—Examination by Sections—Horizontal Sections showing the Corpus Callosum, the Septum Lucidum, the For- nix and Corpus Fimbriatum, the Velum Interpositum, the Middle or Third Ventricle, the Aqueduct of Sylvius, the Pineal Gland, the Lateral Ventricles, their Superior and Inferior Portions, the Choroid Plexus, and the Lining Membrane and the Fluid of the Ventricles— Median Vertical Section—Transverse Vertical Sections—Section of Willis.—General Re- marks on this Method of Examining the Brain.—Methods of Varolius, Vieussens, and Gall.—Gall and Spurzheim’s Views on the Structure of the Brain.—General Idea of the Brain.—Development.— Comparative Anatomy. The cerebrum or brain, strictly so called, is that portion of the encephalon which occu- pies the whole of the cavity of the cranium, except the inferior occipital fossas. It forms, as it were, the crown or summit of the spinal axis, surmounting it (cerebrum superius), and, at the same time, lying in front of (cerebrum anterius) the spinal cord, as the origin and termination of which it has been alternately regarded. By the pons Yarolii and the anterior or cerebral peduncles it is intimately connected with the cerebellum and the spinal cord. The tentorium cerebelli completes the cavity in which it is enclosed, and separates it from the cerebellum, which is situated below its posterior lobes. The cra- nium, the dura mater, the arachnoid, and the pia mater form a fourfold investment for it Size and Weight of the Cerebrum. The great size of the cerebrum is undoubtedly one of the most characteristic points in the structure of man: in several animals, the entire encephalon is relatively as large, and even larger (ex., the canary bird, the sapajou, the dolphin); but in reference to the size of the brain properly so called, i. e., of the cerebral hemispheres, even the most fa- voured animals are much inferior to man.* In the adult, the weight of the cerebrum, detached from the cerebellum and the pons by a section through its peduncles, varies from two to three pounds.! I believe it to be impossible to construct a table of the comparative size and weight of the brain and of the body. Is it not evident, indeed, that one element in the comparison, namely, the weight of the body, is subject to great variety 1 Haller has recorded the results of all the cal- culations which have been made upon this subject, and the diversity of those results Is the best comment that can be made upon this mode of comparison. These remarks do not apply to the relative proportions between the cerebrum and * The weight of the cerebrum of the horse and the ox is scarcely half that of the human cerebrum, t [From the statements given by Tiedemann (Him des Negers, &c., p. 6, Heidelb., 1837), it appears that the prevalent weight of the brain (entire encephalon) in the adult male is about from 44 to 48 oz. troy ; in the adult female, from 40 to 44 oz. The results deducible from Dr. Sims’s tables do not materially differ from males, varying in age from 22 to 80, Tiedemann found the minimum weight of the brain 38 oz. 20 gr., the maximum 59£ oz. . . In eleven females from 20 to 80 years of age, the minimum was 32 oz. 5 drs. 50 grs., the maximum 46 oz. 2 drs. The extremes, according to Dr. Sims’s observations, were in about seventy males from 20 to 91 years, lowestj 33 oz. 80 grs.; highest, 54 oz. 6 drs., troy weight. Tri ninety females, between the ages of 20 and 89, the low- est was 27 oz. 80 grs., the highest 51 oz. 6 drs.] 726 NEUROLOGY. cerebellum. According to my own observations, the weight of the cerebellum is from the twelfth to the eighth part of that of the cerebrum.* It is important to obtain some approximation to the relative size of the brain in differ- ent individuals in the two sexes, and at different ages. It results, from a great number of facts, that the size of the brain is independent of the stature of the individual; that the size of the brain is also independent of sex, although, since the time of Aristotle, it has been the custom to repeat that the female brain is smaller than the male ; that in the foetus and the infant the cerebellum is rela- tively much larger than the adult; and that in old age the brain is often atrophied like other organs, and then does not completely fill the cranial cavity. Can the size of the brain be increased by exercise, and diminished by inaction 1 It cannot be doubted that the brain must, in this respect, obey the laws which regulate all other organs ; but the bony parietes of the cranium must offer great obstruction to its development; indeed, examples have been recorded of compression of the brain, and even of death, produced by hypertrophy of this organ. If it be true that the power of an organ depends upon its size, it follows that the size of the brain, and, consequently, the capacity of the cranium, must have a tolerably close ralation to the development of the cerebral functions ; but the activity of these functions is connected with so many circumstances besides the size and quantity of brain, that any estimate of the intellectual powers founded exclusively upon these data is very often faulty and inexact.f The specific gravity of the brain, as compared with that of water, is, according to Mus- chenbroek, as 1030 to 1000. It would be interesting to determine whether its specific gravity varies according to age and in disease, and also whether it differs in different animals. According to Soemmering, the specific gravity of the brain in old persons is less than in those of middle age. General Form of the Cerebrum. The form of the cerebrum corresponds exactly to that of the cranial cavity, which is, as it were, moulded on it; it is, therefore, variable like that of the cavity itself, which, during early infancy, is capable of assuming all sorts of shapes from the application of external pressure. If the entire cranial cavity, exceping the posterior occipital fossas, be filled with plas- ter of Paris, an exact representation will be obtained of the general form of the brain which had been removed. The cerebrum, therefore, is like the cranium of an ovoid fig- ure, having its large end turned backward, and its small one forward. It is divided on its under surface into lobes, which occupy the different compartments in the base of the cranium. The entire surface is marked by deep tortuous furrows (see Jigs. 276, 282), called anfracluosities, which occasion an appearance like that of the convolutions of the small intestines, and hence the term convolutions is applied to the eminences resembling folds, by which the anfractuosities are bounded. A median vertical fissure running from before backward, called the longitudinal fissure, divides the cerebrum into two exactly similar lateral halves, which are improperly called cerebral hemispheres, for each of them resembles the fourth part of an ovoid ; but would be more correctly designated the right and left brain, as was done by Galen.t The lon- gitudinal fissure divides the cerebrum in its whole depth, both in front and behind (x y, fig. 277; also fig. 282); but in the middle it is interrupted by the corpus callosum {d d). There are two brains, as there are two spinal cords and two cerebella.i) The cerebrum is therefore symmetrical, but it is less completely so than the spinal cord ; I should even say that a decided disproportion is very commonly observed between the right and left hemispheres. It does not appear that this want of symmetry exerts that influence upon the intellectual faculties which was imagined by the ingenious Bichat, whose own unsyrametrical brain was in direct contradiction to his doctrine. It is, nev- ertheless, possible that a want of symmetry, when carried to a certain point, may affect the intellect; in the brains of several idiots, their want of symmetry has been very re- The Superior or Convex Surface of the Brain. * In three young- subjects I found as follows: lb. oz. I oz Cerebrum ... 2 2 Cerebellum ... 4h “ .... 2 8* “ . . . 3J “ .... 25 J “ ... 5 t Persons endowed with strong' memories have always appeared to me to have large brains ; ana me part which the memory performs in the exercise of mind is of such a nature that we cannot be surprised it the persons alluded to are frequently men of superior intellect. I have known many persons, having heads o considera- ble size, who had merely a good memory, but none of the characteristics of genius. Those »n whom the brain is large seem to me to resist the power of disease better than such as have small brains. .... t Chaussier applies the terra lobe to the hemispheres, reserving that of lobule for the secondary divisions. b Galen inquires why there should be two brains ; and replies, that it is to ensure a more perfect perform- ance of the cerebral functions. 1 have seen several hemiplegic individuals in whom the whole of one hemi- sphere was atrophied, but who, notwithstanding, possessed ordinary intellectual faculties THE BASE OF THE BRAIN. 727 markable. I have seen *,he longitudinal fissure of tne brain deviate to the right or left side at an angle of from 15° to 20° degrees from its usual direction. Each cerebral hemisphere presents three surfaces for our consideration : An internal surface {fig. 282), which is flat, vertical, and separated from that of the opposite hemisphere by the falx cerebri; but as the falx does not extend so low as the corpus callosum, it follows that the two hemispheres are in contact below, the pia mater, however, intervening between them. In those rare cases of absence of the falx cerebri, the corresponding faces of the two hemispheres are in contact with each other through out their whole extent. I have seen one case in which the falx was imperfect, and the two hemispheres were united. An external surface, wdiich is convex, and resembles the surface of the fourth part ot an ovoid, having its great end directed backward; it corresponds to the concavity formed by the frontal, parietal, and occipital bones. An inferior surface, which forms part of the base of the brain in general, and will be next described. The base of the brain {fig. 276), admirably described and correctly figured bv See mine* The Inferior Surface or the Base op the Brain. ing in a special treatise upon the subject,* presents a great number of objects for our consideration. In order to obtain a perfect knowledge of it, it is advisable to examine it while the brain is still enclosed in its membranes, and placed in the scull-cap, with its base uppermost; and also upon a brain from which the membranes have been remo- ved, and which is placed in the same position, but on a flat surface. In the former case, the parts form- ing the base of the brain are press- ed together, and may be studied as a whole ; and in the latter, they are separated, and may be examined in detail. Fig. 276. It is at its base that the brain is connected with the other parts of the cerebro-spinal axis by means of the right and left 'peduncles (//), which may be regarded as the roots of the two hemispheres. The Median Region.—ln the me- dian line, opposite the centre of the base of the brain, and in front of the pons Varolii {d), is situated an excavation, which maybe called the median excavation of the base of the brain. I his excavation has already been alluded to in the description of the arach- noid membrane and the sub-arachnoid fluid, with which this excavation is filled : it is formed by the brain being curved upon itself, and is partially effaced when that organ is placed with its base uppermost upon a flat surface : this excavation is of a pyram- idal form, the apex being directed upward and the base downward. The borders of the excavation form a hexagon, and contain the arterial hexagon of the base of the cra- nium, named the citclc of Willis. The posterior borders of the hexagon are formed by the peduncles of the brain, the lateral borders by the inner part of the posterior lobes [c, middle lobesf] of the cerebrum, and the anterior borders by the inner and back part of the anterior lobes {a) of the cerebrum. From the six angles of this hexagon, six furrows proceed in different directions ; from the anterior angle, the fissure which separates the anterior lobes, or the great longitudi- nal fissure (x) of the brain; from the two anterior lateral angles, the corresponding fis- sures of Sylvius {y y); from the posterior lateral angles, the two extremities (external to //) of the great cerebral fissure, or great transverse fissure of the brain ; and from the pos- terior angle (r), which corresponds to the interval between the cerebral peduncles, the longitudinal groove {d) upon the pons Varolii. * He basi Encephali (Ludwig, Scriptores Neurologici, t. ii.). t I. e., of the middle lobes of anatomists generally (c,fig. 276), which, it must be remembered, the author agreeing with Soemmering, does not regard as distinct from the posterior lobes (*), and to which, therefore’ he does not apply the term “middle lobes.” This term is, however, for the most part added [betweenbrack- et*] in the translation, as it is generally used in anatomical descriptions in this country.) 728 NEUROLOGY. In the area of this median excavation are seen the inter-peduncular space (above r), the mammillary tubercles Cz, corpora mammillaria vel cdbicantia), the optic tracts (s) and optic commissure (t), the posterior part of the floor of the third ventricle, or the tuber cinereum (pn the infundibulum (i), and the pituitary body* In front of the median excavation are situated, counting from behind forward, the an- terior part of the floor of the third ventricle (lamina cinerea, m, fig. 282), the under or reflect- ed portion of the corpus callosum (e), and the inferior part of the longitudinal fissure of the cerebrum {x,fig. 276). Behind the median excavation is the pons Varolii, and, behind that, the middle part (r, fig. 282) of the great transverse fissure, by which the pia mater enters (above p) the third ventricle, the thick posterior extremity (/) of the corpus callosum, and the posterior part of the longitudinal fissure of the cerebrum. The Lateral Regions of the Base of the Brain.—Upon each of these regions are seen the inferior surface of the corresponding anterior lobe (a) of the cerebrum, the fissure of Sylvius (//), by which this lobe is separated from the posterior lobe [middle lobe of others, c], and the inferior surface of the posterior lobe itself (c b). There is no distinct middle lobe.f I shall now describe, successively and in detail, the several parts just enumerated, with the exception of the cerebral peduncles and the pons Varolii, which have already been noticed as constituent parts of the isthmus of the encephalon. The Inter-peduncular Space. This space (above r) is of a gray colour, it is perforated by numerous openings for the transmission of vessels, and is termed the middle or posterior perforated spot (locus per- foratus); it contains the origin of the third pair of nerves (3). A longitudinal groove and two fasciculi, separated from the corresponding cerebral peduncle by a blackish line, are seen in this spot. These inter-peduncular fasciculi are formed by a prolongation of the fasciculi of re-enforcement (faisceaux innomines) of the medulla oblongata. The Median Region of the Base of the Brain. The mammillary tubercles (corpora albicantia vel mammillaria, z) are two small pisiform, or, rather, hemispherical globules, composed externally of white, and internally of gray substance, situated behind the tuber cinereum, which is accurately adapted to their an- terior surface, also behind the infundibulum, and between the peduncles of the brain. They are separated from each other by a deep fissure, excepting at their highest part, where they are connected by means of a thin layer of gray matter, which is very easily torn ; they correspond [z, fig. 282) to the floor of the third ventricle {I). It will be hereafter seen that the white covering of these small bodies is formed by the termination of the anterior pillars of the fornix, and hence the name given them by Cas- serius, the bulbs of the anterior pillars of the fornix (bulbi priorum crurum fornids), a name which should be preserved. The two corpora albicantia are generally of equal size. In several cases of atrophy of one of the hemispheres of the cerebrum, I have found the corresponding mammillary tubercles also atrophied. We are completely ignorant of the function of these bodies. In man and the carnivora only are there two mammillary tubercles, and in all the oth- er vertebrata there is but one. They attain their highest state of development in fishes, if, as stated by Vicq d’Azyr, they are represented by the two larger lobes, which occupy a corresponding situation in that class of animals. During the early periods of foetal life they are blended together into one tolerably large mass, and do not become distinct from each other until about the seventh month. The Corpora Albicantia. The Optic Tracts and Commissure. At the point where the peduncles of the cerebrum pass into the brain, each of them is surrounded by a white band, named the optic tract, or tract of the optic nerve. Each of those tracts commences, behind, at an eminence called the corpus geniculatum externum (j,fig. 271), which will be seen, hereafter, to be an appendage of that part of the brain named the optic thalamus. The corpus geniculatum internum (i,figs. 271, 272) of au- thors is merely a tubercle inserted into the bend or knee formed by the corpus genicula- tum,externum. The optic tract (2, fig. 272), then, is the continuation of the corpus ge- niculatum externum, from which it is distinguished by its whiteness, which contrasts strongly with the gray colour of that body: it is at first broad, flattened, and thin, and is applied to the corresponding cerebral peduncle, being distinguished from the peduncle only by the direction of its fibres. It then turns horizontally around the peduncle, is de- tached from it, and at the same time becomes narrower and thicker; haying reached the front of the peduncle, it changes its direction, passes forward and inward {s,fig. 276), and is united with its fellow of the opposite side, to form the commissure or chiasma (/) of the optic nerves (2). The optic tracts may be regarded as forming a commissure to the two optic thalarni. * [To avoid confusion in the drawing, the pituitary body is not represented in Jig. 2/6 ; its point of attach merit is to the infundibulum (i).] t See note, p. 727. THE BASE OF THE BRAIN. 729 These tracts and the cerebral peduncles of the two sides enclose a lozenge-shaped in- terval, in which are situated the posterior perforated spot, the corpora albicantia, the tu- ber cinereum, the infundibulum, and the pituitary body. The Tuher Cinereum, the Infundibulum, and the Pituitary Body. The term tuber cinereum (v) has been applied by Soemmering to the soft gray mass which occupies the triangular interval between the corpora albicantia and the optic tracts. It is also called the floor of the third ventricle, because it closes that cavity be- hind and below, and the base of the infundibulum, because that part is attached to it. The infundibulum (la tige pituitaire, Lieutaud; la tige sus-sphenoidale, Chauss.) is a reddish process (i), about two lines in length, directed very obliquely downward and for- ward (i, fig. 282), and applied to the lower surface of the tuber cinereum : it is broad at its upper extremity, but soon diminishes in diameter, and descends, to be inserted into, and become continuous with, the pituitary body. Is the infundibulum hollow, or is it a solid stem 1 The term infundibulum, or funnel, applied to this part by the older anatomists, and the following synonymes,y?eteis colatoria, scyphus, aquee ductus, encephali sentina, afford ample evidence of both their anatomical and physiological views regarding it. Galen and Yesalius, who are so often at variance, are perfectly agreed upon this subject, and describe the infundibulum with a minute ex- actness ; but since the communication supposed by Galen to exist between the nasal fossa} and the brain by means of passages through the ethmoid and sphenoid bones, and the equally hypothetical communication admitted by Vesalius, are known to have no ex- istence, anatomists have rejected the notion of the passage of a fluid from the brain in this direction, and they no longer regard the infundibulum as a funnel intended for its transmission. Haller has collected, in some learned notes, the contradictory opinions of his predecessors, but has left the question still in doubt. Nor has Soemmering him- self, after a long detail of investigation into the subject, arrived at a more satisfactory result.* A careful examination of the infundibulum has convinced me that there is, at least in a certain number of cases, a funnel-shaped canal, precisely similar to that which was described and figured by Yesalius; it is wide above, where it communicates with the third ventricle, and narrow below, where it reaches the pituitary body, a body which the ancients had not named, but which Vesalius called glans pituitam excipiens. In order to demonstrate this canal, the optic tract must be turned backward, and the semi-transpa- rent corneous lamina, which forms the anterior part of the floor of the third ventricle, must be divided; behind a white band, which is quite distinct from the anterior com- missure of the brain, there is then seen a circular opening sufficiently wide to admit the blunt end of a large probe, which may accordingly be passed through the entire length of the infundibulum as far as the pituitary body. Again : by cutting the infundibulum across, and then blowing upon it through a blowpipe, or letting some drops of water fall upon, it, a perfectly circular opening may be demonstrated, which cannot be produced by the means employed in the demonstration. Lastly, we may adopt the method of Yesalius, who filled the third ventricle with a coloured liquid, which soon reached the pituitary body. The same experiment succeeds still better with mercury. Nevertheless, I ought to state, that in two cases of dropsy of the third ventricle, no fluid escaped from the infundibulum when it was cut across. It is easy to show the structure of the infundibulum. A fibrous and vascular mem- brane, continuous with the pia mater, forms its external covering, and this is lined by a thin layer of gray matter, which is continuous with that of the floor of the third ven- tricle. This gray matter forms a solid cord when the infundibulum is not tubular. The pituitary bodyf is a small body, weighing from five to ten grains, which occupies the sella turcica, or supra-sphenoidal fossa (appendice sus-sphenoidale du cerveau, Chauss.; hypophysis, Stem.). The better to appreciate its size, it is convenient to break down, with a chisel, the quadrilateral plate which forms the posterior wall of the sella turcica or pituitary fossa, and which is itself hollowed in front, so as to increase the antero-posterior diameter of that cavity. % Enclosed in the sella turcica, the pituitary body is kept in that situation on each side by the fold of the dura mater, which constitutes the cavernous sinus, and above by a portion of the same membrane, which forms a circular orifice around the infundibulum. The coronary sinus, which is situated between the pituitary body and the margin of the sella turcica in front and behind, and the cavernous sinuses on each side, form a vascular circle around this body, but it is not bathed in the blood, as stated by some. * Ludwig, Script. Neurolog.; Summering, De basi Encephali, p. 41. “ Quibus omnibus absque partium studio rite mecum perpensis, non potui non complecti illorum yirorum sententiam, qui infundibulum, si non perfecte solidum oerte non adeo conspicuo, uti veteres opinati sunt, canali perforatum esse, censuerunt.” Hunter and Cruickshank say that the infundibulum is sometimes solid, and sometimes tubular, t Not shown in figs. 276, 282. t In order to obtain a perfect examination of the pituitary body and infundibulum, it is well to sacrifice a brain and the base of the cranium, and to remove, by a circular incision, the body of the sphenoid bone, to- gether with the corresponding part of the base of the brain. 730 NEUROLOGY The upper surface of the pituitary body is slightly excavated, still it is not unfreouem- ly convex, so as to project more or less above the level of its fossa. On removing the pituitary body, it is seen to be formed of two distinct lobes, of which the anterior is the larger, while the posterior occupies the small cavity in the quadrilat- eral plate. These two lobes have been very well described by the brothers Wenzel; they are not of the same colour, the posterior lobe being grayish white, like the gray substance of the brain, and the anterior yellowish gray. If the anterior lobe be pressed between the lingers, a yellowish-white pulp escapes from it, very nearly resembling mixed plaster of Paris. An antero-posterior section of the pituitary body shows, also, that the two lobes are perfectly distinct, being separated by a fibrous layer. They are provided with a great number of small vessels. It has been stated, but not proved, that the infundibulum contains two canals, one for the an- terior, and the other for the posterior lobe. It is extremely rare to find any hard con- cretions in the pituitary body like those met with in the pineal gland. It is, perhaps, not uninteresting to remark, that the pituitary body is most highly de- veloped in fishes, in which animals it forms a true lobe ; and that it is proportionally more developed in mammalia, birds, and reptiles, than in the human subject. It is hol- low in all the lower animals. It is larger at the fourth, fifth, and sixth months of foetal life than after birth, and con- tains a cavity which communicates with the third or middle ventricle. I once found a considerable cavity in the pituitary body of an adult. The functions of the pituitary body are enveloped in the greatest obscurity. Its con- stancy in all vertebrated animals and its great vascularity are sufficient evidence of its importance. It certainly communicates with the third ventricle, but for what purpose I Does it pour a peculiar fluid into that cavity, or does it absorb a portion of the ventricu- lar fluid 1 Whatever may be the use of the communication just alluded to, the pituitary body does not communicate directly with the venous sinuses around it: it is not a lym- phatic gland, as maintained by Monro ; nor is it a nervous ganglion of the great sympa- thetic, as some have recently conjectured, because they fancied thay saw some very fine nervous filaments anastomosing upon it. The branches of the fifth and sixth nerves, Litre and Lieutaud say they have seen penetrating this body, have not been de- monstrated. The Anterior Part of the Floor of the Third, Ventricle. The anterior part (m, fig. 282) of the floor of the third ventricle, which cannot be well seen until the commissure of the optic nerves is turned backward, forms an inclined plane directed downward and backward. It consists of a fibrous layer, which is contin- uous with the neurilemma of the optic nerves ; and of a very thin, semi-transparent, but very strong corneous layer (lamina cin-erea), from which prolongations are given off to the upper surface of the optic commissure, and continued upon the optic nerves : these prolongations might be called the gray roots of the optic nerves. On dividing this horny layer, the third ventricle (0 is laid open ; and it is seen that this layer forms a part of the general system of gray substance, which, on the one hand, is prolonged upon the lat- eral wall of the third ventricle, and surrounds the anterior pillars of the fornix, and, on the other, is continuous with the tuber cinereum, above the optic commissure. In front of the anterior part of the floor of the third ventricle is a transverse white mass, which is nothing more than the fore part (e to m) of the reflected corpus callosum. Terminating at this cross tract are two white fasciculi, which commence on each side at the point where the corresponding fissure of Sylvius meets the great transverse fis- sure of the brain; they then pass inward and forward, along the outside of the optic tracts, form the lateral boundaries of the anterior part of the floor of the third ventricle, and terminate by becoming applied to, but not blended with each other, behind the re- flected portion of the corpus callosum. Yicq d’Azyr has described these bands as the veduncles of the corpus callosum. The Reflected Portion of the Corpus Callosum.. The Anterior and Inferior Part of the Longitudinal Fissure. This (x, fig. 276) is situated in front of the reflected portion of the corpus callosum, and can only be seen in its entire extent after the removal of a very dense fibrous layer which connects, sometimes very firmly, the back part of the right and left anterior lobes of the cerebrum.- Not unfrequently one of these lobes is seen to encroach upon the oth- er : the falx cerebri, which is very narrow in front, occupies only a very small portion of this fissure. .. All the parts belonging to the median region of the base of the brain, which we have hitherto described, are situated in front of the pons Varolii; those which remain to be examined are placed behind it; they are, counting from behind forward, the back part of the longitudinal fissure, the posterior extremity of the corpus callosum, and the great horizontal or transverse fissure. THE BASE OF THE BEAIN. 731 The Bhck Part of the Longitudinal Fissure. This is bounded in front by the posterior extremity of the corpus callosum (/); and as that extremity is at a greater distance from the back of the cerebrum than the anterior extremity of the corpus callosum is from the front of the brain, it follows that the back part of the longitudinal fissure is of much greater extent than the fore part (see Jigs. 277, 282). Moreover, this part of the fissure is free throughout its whole extent, for it is en- tirely occupied by the base of the falx cerebri, while the fore part is only partially filled with the apex of the falx; it might even be said that the posterior lobes have a tenden- cy to separate from each other in this situation. The Posteriori- Extremity of the Corpus Callosum, and Middle Portion of the Great Trans- verse Fissure. The posterior extremity (/,fig. 282) of the corpus callosum is named the hourrelet,* in consequence of its being so much enlarged. This enlarged extremity, which we shall afterward find is continuous with the posterior pillars of the fornix, constitutes the up- per border of a fissure (r), the lower border of which is formed by the tubercula quadri- gemina (/g). The pia mater (r to near k) enters at this median fissure, and forms the velum interpositum, or tela chordidea: in this situation, also, is found the conarium or pi- neal gland; and it is here that Bichat described the orifice of his arachnoid canal. This median fissure becomes continuous with a lateral fissure on each side, so as to form the great transverse cerebral fissure. The Great Transverse Cerebral Fissure. The great cerebral fissure {Bichat), or the great transverse or horizontal fissure, follows a semicircular direction, having its concavity directed forward ; it commences at the fis- sure of Sylvius on one side (h,fig. 276 ; above 2, fig. 282), turns round the opposite cere- bral peduncle, and ends at the opposite Sylvian fissure. The peduncle of the cerebrum and the optic thalamus may be regarded as forming the root of each cerebral hemisphere. Now the lateral part of the great transverse fissure passes round the posterior half of this root, because it is in this situation that the cor- responding cerebral hemisphere is turned inward upon itself. It is this reflected and concave surface of the hemisphere that forms the outer border of the corresponding lat- eral portion of the transverse fissure, while the optic thalamus forms its inner border. This fissure communicates directly with the inferior cornua of the lateral ventricles, and through it the pia mater enters those ventricles, to form the internal pia mater of the brain. The Lateral Regions of the Base of the Cerebrum. The base of the cerebrum is divided on each side into two lobes, an anterior and a posterior, separated by the fissure of Sylvius, f The Fissure of Sylvius. This is a fissure of considerable size (grande scissure interlobulaire, Chauss.), which commences at the corresponding anterior extremity of the great transverse fissure, with which it forms an obtuse angle. At the point where they meet is found a white sub- stance,): perforated with large openings for bloodvessels ; this Yicq d’Azyr has named the anterior perforated substance ; it is the locus perforatus anterior {h). The fissure of Sylvius (y,fig. 276) is directed outward, and describes a slight.curve, having its convexity turned forward : it corresponds to the posterior border of the lesser wings of the sphenoid bone, which are received into it. The fissure of Sylvius cannot be properly examined until both the arachnoid and pia mater have been removed. It is then found to be very deep ; it is seen that the middle cerebral artery runs along the bottom of it, that the pia mater lines it throughout, and that it soon divides into two branches, of which the anterior is the smaller, and contin- ues in the original course of the fissure ; while the posterior, which is of much greater extent, passes upward and backward, along the convex surface of the hemisphere, and terminates after proceeding a variable distance ; the interval between these two second- ary furrows is occupied by a sort of island (insula, Reil), which might be called the lobule of the fissure of Sylvius, or the lobule of the corpus striatum. This lobule is of a triangular form, having its base directed upward and its apex down- ward ; it is marked by certain small superficial convolutions, which radiate from below upward. It will be found immediately that this lobule corresponds to and is moulded upon the corpus striatum, which is sometimes so large as to push the lobule beyond the fissure, so that it reaches the surface of the brain, and appears to belong to the ante- rior lobe. Several anatomists describe three lobes in each hemisphere upon the base of the brain, The Anterior and Posterior Lobes of the Cerebrum. * Cushion, thick border. t [Three, according to other anatomists; an anterior (a,fig. 276), a middle (c), and a posterior (6) ; the anterior separated from the middle by the fissure of Sylvius (y), the posterior resting on the cerebellum, oi, rather, on the tentorium.] t [Light gray.] ■ 732 NEUROLOGY nameiy, an anterior (a), a middle (c), and a posterior (5); but there are only two ; an ante- rior (a), which rests upon the orbital plate of the frontal bone, is moulded upon its irregu- larities, and is received into the concavity of that bone ; and a posterior (c b), which rests upon the corresponding spheno-temporal fossa and the tentorium cerebelli. The an- terior third of this posterior lobe, or the portion which corresponds to the spheno-tem- poral fossa, is convex, and projects from six to nine lines below the level of the inferior surface of the anterior lobe. The posterior two thirds are slightly concave ; they corre- spond to the tentorium cerebelli, and are placed upon the same level as the anterior lobe. The convex sphenoidal portion of the posterior lobe forms what is generally called the middle lobe, and the posterior, or cerebellar portion, what is then named the posterior lobe. I believe that it is useful, in many respects, to apply the terms frontal horn (cornu fron- tale) to the anterior extremity of the cerebrum, which is received into the concavity of the frontal bone, sphenoidal horn to the anterior extremity of the posterior lobe, and oc- cipital horn to the posterior extremity of the same lobe. The Convolutions and Anfractuosities of the Cerebrum. The entire surface of the cerebrum is marked by a great number of deep, winding fur- rows, which divide it into as many oblong eminences, turned in different directions, and themselves subdivided by secondary furrows. These eminences have some resemblance to the convolutions of the small intestine, and have been named, on this account, convo- lutions, gyri, meandri, processus enteroidei. The furrows by which they are separated are called anfractuosities or sulci. A more accurate notion of the general character of these convolutions and anfractu- osities may be obtained by supposing a bladder to be expanded round a compact central mass, at a certain distance from it, and in this condition too large to be contained with- in the cranium; and then, that by means of threads proceeding from different points of the centre, the corresponding parts of the bladder are drawn inward, so that it is folded upon itself, and can now be contained within the cranial cavity. The various winding folds and furrows produced in the walls of the bladder by drawing them from above and from all sides towards the centre, will give some idea of the arrangement of the surface of the cerebrum. Some of the convolutions and anfractuosities are constant, because their forms are de- termined by those of the central mass ; others are subject to variety, and seem to de- pend upon no determinate cause : these varieties occur not only in different brains, but also in the two hemispheres of the same brain. In this respect the human brain differs from that of the lower animals, in which the cerebral convolutions present much less variety, though they are not so constant as Vicq d’Azyr has stated. The human brain is distinguished from the brains of the lower animals, not only by its size and weight, but also by the number and size of its convolutions. Tiedemann has given excellent representations of the progressive diminution of the cerebral convo- lutions (which is accompanied by a diminution of the cerebellum) from the apes to the rodentia and edentata.* In the human subject, as in the series of lower animals, the development of the convolutions has always appeared to me to be directly proportioned to the development of the entire brain. In this point of view, as in many others, the human feetus presents a similar structure to that found in the lower animals. The furrows or anfractuosities in the brain of the human foetus at the fifth month are neither deeper nor more numerous than those in the brain of the rabbit; and it is important to study these primitive furrows, because they correspond to certain anfractuosities which ultimately regulate the whole system of con- volutions. Thus, at the fifth month, the great anfractuosity, which is called the fissure of Sylvius, exists, but its borders are apart from each other; the island of Reil, or the lobule of the corpus striatum, is found upon the surface of the brain, and there is a lon- gitudinal furrow at the lower and back part of the internal surface of each hemisphere , it corresponds to the occipital prolongation or posterior cornu of the lateral ventricle ; there is also a furrow above the corpus callosum ; and, lastly, the furrow of the olfactory nerve is visible. At birth, all the convolutions exist, but they are not completely devel- oped until about the age of six or seven years. It is impossible to determine the number of the convolutions, for they have no appre- ciable limits ; and although some of them end between two adjacent ones, it is easy to see that this termination is merely apparent, and that near the point where it seems to take place, the convolution is continued into another without any line of demarcation. The ancient comparison, therefore, between the convolutions of the brain and those of the intestines, not only applies to their direction, but also to their continuity. There.are several orders of convolutions. In fact, simple convolutions are seen to be divided, excavated, and furrowed, more or less deeply; but there are no regular and con secutive subdivisions, as in the lamina} of the cerebellum. Vertical sections made in * [See also Leuret’s figures in the work already referred to, in which will be found a comparative view of the number and arrangement of the convolutions of the brain in man and mammalia.] CONVOLUTIONS AND ANFRACTUOSITIES OF THE BRAIN. 733 different directions will show the arrangement of the convolutions much better than the most careful observations of the external surface of the brain. Each convolution presents to our notice two surfaces, a base or adherent border, and a free border. The surfaces of the corresponding convolutions are moulded upon each other, and separated by a duplicature of the pia mater. The base or adherent border of each convolution is continuous with the central portion of the hemisphere (see section, ./hf- 277). The free border is slightly rounded, so that between any two contiguous convolutions there is a small groove, which is very distinct in cases of purulent infiltrations or depo- sitions of lymph in the sub-arachnoid cellular tissue. At the points where these convolutions meet, a triangular depression is observed. These spaces are small in the natural state, but become very evident in cases of atrophy of the convolutions. The free border of some convolutions is frequently marked by an oblong depression or groove, varying in depth and extent, and following the direction of the convolutions ; these depressions are sometimes sharp, and radiate into three or four branches ; at other times they are superficial, or, lastly, deep and narrow. The arteries and veins which pass over the free borders of the convolutions form grooves upon them of various depths. The free borders of most of the convolutions generally reach the surface of the brain; but besides the secondary convolutions, several of which remain concealed throughout their whole length, between two adjacent convolutions, there are some principal convolu- tions, which descend at one of their extremities between two adjacent convolutions ; and there are others, again, which are depressed at one or at several points of their extent. The depth of the convolutions varies from ten to fourteen lines, but it is extremely variable in different individuals ; moreover, there are perhaps not two convolutions, nor two parts of the same convolution, which correspond in thickness in the same brain ; some are considerably swollen, while others are narrow ; there is almost always an en- largement at the point where two convolutions become continuous. Eustachius and Yieussens have erred, then, in representing all the convolutions as perfectly similar. It would be undoubtedly curious to describe minutely all the convolutions. Vesalius, who appears to have entertained the idea of so doing, likened the appearance of the sur- face of the brain to those irregular forms which are traced by unskilful painters in de- lineating clouds. Yicq d’Azyr made an unsuccessful attempt to elucidate this subject; Gall and Spurzheim, who were interested in giving a minute description of each convo- lution, abandoned the task ; I have myself attempted, and so has Rolando, to describe and name some of them. The description, however, to be understood, would require the assistance of figures ; I shall, therefore, content myself with noticing, in this place, the most important convolutions upon the internal surface, upon the inferior surface, and upon the external surface, or convexity of each hemisphere. The convolution of the corpus callos'im is one which predominates over all those of the internal surface of the hemisphere ; it is that which embraces the corpus callosum, and hence its name. It commences in front, below the reflected extremity of that body, to which it adheres, passes forward and upward, turns round its anterior extremity, then extends backward, and having reached beneath the posterior extremity of the corpus callosum, continues its course, and is arranged, in a manner to be presently described, upon the lower surface of the cerebrum. It is narrow at its anterior extremity, which Rolando regards as the principal root of the olfactory nerve ; it increases in size as it proceeds, and opposite the middle of the corpus callosum it is elevated like a crest, becomes much broader, and is marked by sev- eral furrows, of which some are superficial and others deep. The circumference of this broad crest is divided into several branches, which become continuous either with the superior convolutions of the convex surface, or with the posterior and superior convolu- tions of the internal surface of the hemisphere. Yicq d’Azyr first pointed out this crest of the convolution ol the corpus callosum, and it was named by Rolando processo enter- oido crislato. The internal convolution of the anterior lobe is eccentric in reference to the one just de- scribed, upon which it is moulded, a deep anfractuosity intervening between them. It is very large at its origin in front of the fissure of Sylvius ; it forms the internal part of the anterior lobe of the cerebrum, and having arrived in front of the crest of the convolution of the corpus callosum, it passes upward, and becomes continuous with the convolutions of the convex surface of the hemisphere. This convolution is divided throughout its entire extent by a secondary anfractuosity, which is at first straight, and then sinuous. Convolutions and Anfractuosities upon the Internal Surface. Convolutions and Anfractuosities of the Digital Cavity. A very deep longitudinal furrow, which corresponds to the digital cavity of the lateral ventricle, and, like it, constantly exists, extends from the convolution of the corpus cal- 734 NEUROLOGY. losum, near the posterior extremity of that body, directly backward along the postei ior lobe of the brain, which it divides into a superior and inferior portion. This anfractu- osity of the digital cavity forms a division between the internal and inferior sunaces of the hemisphere. The convolutions of the digital cavity are the two longitudinal and tortuous convolu- tions which bound this anfractuosity; the tipper convolution belongs to the internal sur- face of the hemisphere, while the lower one forms part of the inferior surface. Convolutions and Anfractuosities upon the Inferior Surface. The great anfractuosity, called the fissure of Sylvius, divides the convolutions of the inferior surface into those of the anterior and those of the middle and posterior lobe. The convolutions of the anterior lobe constantly found are, the two small, straight, longi- tudinal convolutions which bound the groove of the olfactcay nerve {I, fig. 276), and the flexuous convolution, which extends obliquely forward and outward, along the border of the fissure of Sylvius, and is continuous behind with the external straight convolution of the olfactory nerve. The small convolutions and intervening anfractuosities are very irregular, and differ in different individuals, and even on the two sides in the same individual; into the de- pressions formed between these convolutions are received the prominent ridges seen upon the orbital plate of the frontal bone. The Convolutions of the (Middle and) Posterior Lobe.—The convolution which runs along the great transverse fissure is the continuation of the convolution of the corpus callosum, and terminates in front by an unciform enlargement, which corresponds to the dilated extremity of the cornu Ammonis ; it forms the outer boundary of the great transverse fissure. The convolution of the corpus callosum and its continuation, viz., that of the transverse fissure, represent an ellipse, which is broken only at the fissure of Sylvius. On the outer side of this convolution is a longitudinal anfractuosity, which corresponds to the lower wall of the inferior cornu of the lateral ventricle. This anfractuosity is bounded by certain longitudinal convolutions, all of which pro- ceed from the convolution of the transverse fissure, and are remarkable for their size and windings. The most internal of these convolutions forms the lower boundary of t[ic anfractuosity which I have said corresponds to the posterior cornu of the lateral ventricle. From the anterior part of the convolution of the transverse fissure some extremely flexuous convolutions proceed from behind forward, assist in forming the sphenoidal horn (point of the middle lobe), and become continuous with the convolutions of the ex- ternal face of the hemisphere. The convolutions upon the convex surface of the hemisphere are, undoubtedly, the most complicated ; on separating the borders of the fissure of Sylvius, within which the island of Red is contained, it is seen that the fissure is triangular, and presents three sides ; an inferior border, formed by the external convolution of the anterior lobe of the cerebrum ; a posterior border, directed very obliquely upward and backward, which ap- pears to receive all the occipital convolutions, and consists of a very tortuous convolu- tion ; and a superior border, also consisting of a very winding convolution, in which the majority of the superior convolutions terminate. The convolutions upon the convex surface of the brain may be divided into the frontal, the parietal, and the occipital. The frontal convolutions are three or four in number, and are directed from before back- ward. The parietal convolutions are three in number ; they pass in a serpentine direction from within outward, and become continuous with the convolution which forms the su- perior border of the fissure of Sylvius. The occipital convolutions are directed from before backward, and proceed either from the posterior parietal convolution, or from the pos- terior border of the fissure of Sylvius. The occipital convolutions are the narrowest and the most sinuous of all, so that the sides of the sinuosities of each convolution are in mutual contact in the greatest part of their extent, and touch the adjacent convolutions only at the points at which they are bent.* The frontal convolutions are also very flexuous, and have similar characters to the occipital, but not so distinctly marked. They are larger than the occipital convolutions, but smaller than the parietal, which are, moreover, less tortuous than either of the others. The unusual details with which I have described the convolutions can only be justified by the importance which has recently been attached to them. In the preceding (lescrip- tion the following points have been noticed : Their general disposition, their windings, and their mutual adaptation ; their continuity, and the impossibility of drawing any pre- cise limits between them ; their general configuration, according to a common type, and the want of uniformity in their details, not only in different brains, but also in the oppo- Convolutions and Anfractuosities of the Convex Surface. * In senile atrophy, the occipital convolutions are chiefly affected. e'ONCTIONS OF THE CONVOLUTIONS AND ANFRACTUOSITIES. site hemispheres of the same brain ; their variable dimensions in different individuals, both in respect of depth and width, these being always directly proportioned to the size of the cerebral hemisphere : the individual differences both in the size of the brain and in that of the convolutions are very great.* We have also seen that the internal surface of the cranium is exactly moulded upon the surface of the brain, the digital impressions in the cranial bones corresponding to the convolutions, and the ridges or eminences to the small spaces intervening between the free borders of the convolutions. Functions of the Convolutions and Anfractuosities. The convolutions and anfractuosities render the surface of the brain of much greater extent than it would otherwise have been. According to Yesalius, they are of use in multiplying the surface, through which the bloodvessels carry nutritious matter into the interior of the organ, t The opinion that the anfractuosities and convolutions are intended to increase the surface has been lately revived ; but the supposed object of this increase is very differ- ent from that stated by Yesalius : thus, it has been agreed that, as there is an undoubt- ed-analogy between electrical phenomena and those manifested by the nervous system, and as electrical phenomena are developed, not in proportion to the quantity of matter concerned, but in proportion to the extent of surface, so the energy of the brain’s action may be in a direct ratio with the extent of its surface. In support of this opinion, the phenomena of arachnitis are quoted, in which disease delirium more frequently occurs than in inflammation of the cerebral substance itself. Allusion is also made to the folds observed in the retinae of birds, which greatly increase the intensity of vision : M. Des- moulins, who is a principal supporter of this theory regarding the use of the convolu- tions, states that he has observed these folds to disappear in birds which had been kept in the dark, in the same way that the cerebral convolutions become atrophied, either from the continued absence of all cerebral excitement, or from any other cause of intel- lectual weakness. The anatomists and philosophers of antiquity, considering that the convolutions were more highly developed in man than in the lower animals, concluded that the intellectual superiority of the former was owing to this circumstance. Such was the opinion of Erasistratus, facetiously refuted by Galen, t Gall and Spurzheim have recently revived this old opinion, and assuming, with some philosophers, the existence of a plurality of mental functions, they have arrived at the conclusion that there is also a plurality of material instruments or organs, by which those functions are performed. These material organs are supposed by them to be the convolutions, upon which they accordingly placed numbers corresponding to the differ- ent mental faculties admitted by their philosophy: the difficulty was to settle on the number of primitive mental faculties and their corresponding organs. According to Gall and Spurzheim, the highest intellectual faculties of man are seated in the anterior lobes of the cerebrum. On the other hand, from an examination of the brains of fifty insane patients, M. Neu- mann has been led to think that the occipital portion of the cerebrum is the seat of in- telligence ; this opinion derives some support from a fact which I have myself often ob- served, viz., that atrophy of the brain of old persons in insanity affects the occipital more than the frontal convolutions ; and also by the fact, that, as we descend in the ani- mal series, the posterior part of the brain is observed to be the flrst to diminish, and then entirely to disappear. It is unfortunate for the system of Gall that the convolutions form a continuous whole, and are not separated into distinct organs ; and it is also unfortunate that, upon the base of the cerebrum, and upon the internal surface of each hemisphere, there are convolu- tions as distinctly marked as those upon the convex surface ; and yet, in the system of Gall, the convolutions upon the base and internal surface of the hemispheres have been, so to speak, disinherited; for all the mental faculties have been located bv him in the convolutions of the convex surface. The Internal Structure of the Cerebrum. In order to make as complete an examination of the internal conformation of the brain as is possible in the actual state of science, it should be prosecuted by means of sections * Comparative anatomy fully confirms this fact; the convolutions of a small hemisphere are very slightly developed, and they do not exist at all when the hemispheres are very thin, as in birds. t The substance of the brain, says Vesalius, is not firm enough for the arteries and veins to traverse it with impunity ; on the other hand, it is so thick that bloodvessels distributed over its surface would not have been sufficient to nourish the entire mass ; and, therefore, nature has provided certain deep and winding furrows upon the brain, into which the pia mater can penetrate, so as to convey to the deep-seated parts the materials for their nutrition ; for the same 'eason, the cerebellum has been divided into lamina; and lamellae. Vesalius even states that the division of the cerebrum into two hemispheres is for no other purpose (lib. vii., cap. 4, P t “Quinn asini etiam admodum multiplicitcr cerebrum hahent complexum quod deceret, quantum ad mo- rum ruditatem attinet, omnifariam simplex et minime varium nancisi cerebrum.” If this theory be true says Galen, the ass ought to have a brain with a smooth surface, and no convolutions ; but it has numerous and deep convolutions ■. the intellectual faculties, therefore, are independent of the convolutions. The conclusion is not obviously contained in the premises. 736 NEUROLOGY. in different directions; by tearing the brain, and by acting upon it with streams of wa- ter ; and by dissecting brains that have been hardened by alcohol, or by being boiled in oil or in a strong solution of salt. Examination of the Internal Structure of the Brain by Sections. This mode of examining the brain was the one employed by Galen ; it was revived by Yicq d’Azyr, and is now generally adopted. By means of these different sections it is easy to study the internal conformation of the brain in its principal details. The other methods are more especially adapted for determining the connexions of the several parts of the cerebrum with each other, or with the other portions of the cerebro-spinal axis. I shall commence by an examina- tion of horizontal sections of the brain.* Horizontal Sections of the Brain. On making an incision into the brain, this organ is found to consist of two substances . a gray cineritious or cortical substance, and a white or medullary substance, which is sur- rounded on all sides by the gray.f First Section.—A horizontal section, made so as to remove the upper half of the supe- rior convolutions of the cerebrum, shows that each convolution consists of a central white portion, surrounded on all sides with a layer of gray substance ; that the gray substance is accurately moulded upon the white, the form of which determines that of the corre- sponding convolution; that the thickness of the gray matter varies from half a line to a line and a half; and that it is far from being uniform, either in the same or in different convolutions. In judging of the thickness, it is important to have regard to the direc- tion of the section ; for it is easy to understand that an oblique section of the gray mat- ter will give a very different result from one made perpendicularly. The section de- scribed above also shows that the convolutions are continuous with each other, and it enables us to comprehend their irregular, complex, and sinuous arrangement better than could be done without cutting into the brain. The relative proportion of the gray and white substances in each convolution may be determined approximately by macerating a brain for some days , the gray substance be- ing softer and more readily decomposed, is thus converted into pulp, and may be easily removed. The convolutions being thus reduced to the white substance only, appear like short, white lamella?, arising from different points of the surface of the central me- dullary mass. I estimate the gray matter at about five sixths of each convolution. Second Section.—A horizontal section made beneath the base of the convolutions of the convex surface of the hemispheres presents an appearance like that of a geographical Fig. 277. chart of a deeply and irregularly in- dented coast; an appearance which cannot be described without fig- ures. It consists of a central mass of medullary substance, which is narrowed like an isthmus behind; extending from this central mass are certain prolongations, which may be divided into several orders, and which are themselves subdivi- ded, so as to form the medullary centre of each convolution. Third Section.—A horizontal sec- tion, made on a level with, or, rath- er, just above, the corpus callosum, displays a great medullary centre in each hemisphere (centre medullaire hemispheral; centrum ovale minus; a c b, a c h, fig. 277). The two centres of the opposite sides, together with the corpus cal- losum (d d), form the centnm ovale of Vieussens. The centrum ovale of Vieussens is contracted in the middle line, where it is formed by the corpus callosum, but is much larger in each hemi- sphere. The anfractuosities by which the circumference of this section is indented are seen to be deeper on the outside and behind, than on the inside and in front. * The sections should be made with a very sharp instrument, a razor, for example See note, p. 701. THE CORPUS CALLOSUM. 737 By the three horizontal sections just described, it is shown that eacn convolution (/ f /) consists of a white, central portion, surrounded by a thick layer of gray substance, having a precisely similar shape ; that it is the gray matter which predominates in the convolutions ; that the central portions of all the convolutions are continuous with each other, and form the most complicated windings ; that they all rest upon a hemispherical central mass, which becomes larger and larger towards the corpus callosum, on a level with which it attains its greatest dimensions; that the centrum ovale of Vieussens, which, however, is not oval, represents the largest medullary surface of the brain, and might be regarded as a centre, from which all the radiations that enter the convolutions are given off in one direction, and, in the other, all those which establish connexions be- tween the brain and the other parts of the cerebro-spinal axis; lastly, that the centrum ovale and the convolutions are always developed in a corresponding ratio. The Corpus Callosum. If, when the brain is resting upon its base, the two hemispheres be drawn asunder, a transverse white band is seen at the bottom of the longitudinal fissure, extending from one hemisphere to the other, and connecting them together, and forming their commis- sure ; this band is the corpus callosum* (mesolobe, Chaussier; commissura cerebri mag- na, maxima, Rcil, Soemmering, d d). On removing the upper part of the two hemi- spheres by a horizontal section made about a line or two above the corpus callosum, it is seen that each hemisphere encroaches upon the corpus callosum, and overhangs it without adhering to it: the interval between the hemisphere and the corpus callosum has been improperly termed the ventricle of the corpus callosum. But there is no cavity here, nor is there a smooth exhalant and absorbing surface ; it is merely an anfractuos- ity, separating the corpus callosum from the convolutions, and lined by the pia mater, like all other anfractuosities. On continuing to remove successive portions of the hem- isphere, it is found that it can be separated without any laceration from the corpus cal- losum, much farther than the point at which the pia mater is reflected, and that the hemisphere and corpus callosum are simply in contact with each other; the fibres of the hemisphere are seen to be longitudinal, while those of the corpus callosum are transverse. From this observation, it follows that the middle or free portion of the corpus callo- sum (shown in fig. 277) is but a small part of that body. The corpus callosum reaches much nearer to the anterior (x) than to the posterior (y) extremity of the cerebrum, being an inch and some lines distant from the former, and from two to three inches from the latter. Its length is about three inches and a half; it is broader behind than in front; its breadth behind varies from eight to ten lines, if we include the part which is covered by the hem- ispheres : its thickness, which can be properly shown only upon a vertical section (see fig. 282), along the middle line, is not uniform throughout; its thickest part is at the posterior extremity (/), which is about three lines thick: in front of this extremity it diminishes abruptly, and is scarcely a line or a line and a half in thickness {d); it then gradually increases from behind forward, and is about two lines thick at its anterior ex- tremity, opposite the point of its reflection (e). Inform the corpus callosum resembles an arch or vault, so that it would deserve the- name of vault or fornix better than the part usually so called. Its vaulted form is distinctly shown upon a longitudinal vertical section {fig. 282), and at the same time it is seen that the posterior extremity of the corpus callosum is rolled up, as it were, so as to form an enlargement, while its anterior extremity is merely re- flected downward and backward, and after its reflection becomes gradually thinner as it descends, and terminates in a very delicate lamella. The corpus callosum presents for our consideration a superior and an inferior surface and two extremities. The superior surface is convex, and, as it were, arched from be- fore backward {medullaris arcus); it has no raphe along the median line, but presents in that situation a slight groove {e, fig. 277), depending on the existence of two white lon gitudinal tracts, one on each side the middle line, which were regarded by Lancisi as constituting a nerve, the longitudinal nerve of Lancisi. These tracts are subject to variations: thus, they are sometimes slightly flexuous, and contiguous to each other, and at other times they unite, and then separate. Duver- ney has described certain ash-coloured longitudinal tracts, but their existence has been denied by most anatomists. The white longitudinal tracts are intersected at right angles by transverse fasciculi, which constitute the corpus callosum. The upper surface of the corpus callosum corresponds to the hemispheres on each side ; it is free in the middle, where it corresponds to the arteries of the corpus callosum and to the free margin of the falx, which has appeared to me to approach very closely to * According to Haller, its name is derived from its whiteness, which has been compared to the colour of a cicatrix ; according to others, it was given on account of the consistence of this part, which has been errone- ttlv regarded as exceeding that of other parts of the brain 5 A II EUROLOGY. the posterior extremity of this body, but not to touch it, so that it could not occasion any depression upon it. The inferior surface of the corpus callosum is concave, and is free over a greater extent than the superior; it forms the upper wall or roof of the lateral ventricles (i i,fig■ 278, in which figure only the anterior and posterior extremities, e and d, of the corpus callo- sum are left).* This surface is covered by the serous membrane of the ventricles, and, like the superior surface, it is fasciculated. Along the median line it in front, to the septum lucidum {t, figs. 278, 282), and behind to the fornix (k), with which it even seems to be united at this point. In consequence of the somewhat regular arrangement of the fibres constituting the two posterior pillars of the fornix (rr,figs. 278, 279), which diverge in this situation, and also of that of the transverse fibres of the corpus callosum, the back part (s,fig. 279) of the inferior surface of the corpus callosum has received the names of lyra, corpus psal- loides, psalterium. The posterior extremity of the corpus callosum (bourrelet, Seil), which, as we have al- ready stated, is its thickest part, is slightly concave transversely, but presents no other notch, excepting the median depression, between the longitudinal tracts.! The anterior extremity of the corpus callosum does not terminate in an enlargement, like the posterior, but it is reflected, and embraces the anterior extremity of the corpus stri- atum : it then passes downward and backward {e,fig. 282), and terminates insensibly in front of the anterior portion (m) of the floor of the third ventricle. Ileil applies the term knee {genu) to the point of reflection, and that of beak {rostrum) to the posterior and thin extremity of the reflected portion. This reflected portion of the corpus callosum is seen upon the base of the brain, between the anterior lobes : the convolution of the corpus callosum also accompanies its reflected portion, and, instead of being merely in contact, becomes continuous with it, so that the gray matter rests immediately upon the corpus callosum. The longitudinal tracts arise from the reflected portion of the corpus callo- sum ; and the inferior peduncles of the corpus callosum {Vicq d'Azyr), already mention- ed, terminate upon this portion. The right and left borders of the corpus callosum enter deeply into the substance of the hemispheres. Beneath the corpus callosum are situated, in the median line, the septum lucidum {t t, fig. 278), the fornix (/:), the velum interpositum {v,fig. 279), and the median or third ven- tricle {c to x,fig. 280); and at the side, the lateral ventricles {i i,fig■ 278). We shall pro- ceed to examine these different parts in the above-mentioned order. To obtain a good klea of their form and relations, it is important to study them upon two brains, one rest- ig upon its convex surface, and the other upon its base. The Septum Lucidum. The septum lucidum, or transparent septum, so called because it separates the lateral gntricles from each other and is semi-transparent, is situated in the median line (sep- tum median, Chauss.). It is very well seen {t,fig. 282) when the corpus callosum has oeen divided longitudinally on each side of the middle line. It appears like a thin lami- na given off from the anterior and inferior part of the corpus callosum, and passing ver- tically downward in front of the fornix; it is of a triangular shape, broad in front and narrow behind ; its lateral surfaces constitute the internal walls of the lateral ventricles ; its upper border is continuous with the corpus callosum, its posterior with the fornix, and its inferior with tjie reflected portion of the corpus callosum in front, and with the inferior peduncles of that body farther back. Hence Vicq d’Azyr imagined that the sep- tum lucidum was a continuation of these peduncles. The septum lucidum is composed of two very delicate and completely distinct lamel- lae {t t, fig. 278), between which, in front, a cavity is enclosed, containing a few drops of a serous fluid ; this small cavity is called the ventricle of the septum, the first ventricle {Wenzel), the fifth ventricle {Cuvier), and the sinus of the median septum {Chauss.); it is not very unfrequently the seat of dropsical effusion. I have found it filled with blood in several subjects after death from apoplexy. As to whether this ventricle of the septum communicates with the other ventricles, opinions are divided. Tarin describes a small fissure opening between the anterior pil lars of the fornix, but the majority of anatomists have not been able to demonstrate it It appears to me that the absence of all communication is a well-ascertained fact. Each of these lamellae of the septum lucidum consists of a medullary layer, covered on the outside by the membrane of the corresponding lateral ventricle, and on the inside by the membrane of the fifth ventricle. The existence of this last-mentioned membrane is proved by the smooth appearance of the ventricle, and it may be demonstrated by re- * The best mode of examining- the lowjr surface of the corpus callosum is to view it by opening the ventri- cles from the base of the brain. . . - , t One is astonished to read, in Chaussier’s work, that the notch of the posterior ex remi V ot the corpus callosum is caused by the alternate movements of elevation and depression of the brain. At each elevation, according to him, this extremity of the corpus callosum strikes against the free margin or the talx cerebri al- though that margin is at some slight distance from it. THE FORNIX AND :ORPUS FIMBRIATUM. 739 moving, in succession, layers from the outer surface of the lamella. The gray matter of the third ventricle is prolonged upon the external surface of each lamella of the septum. The fornix (la voute a trois piliers, k, r r,fig. 278) is a medullary arch, situated (/:, The Fornix and Corpus Fimbriatum. Jig. 282) beneath the corpus callosum, with which it is continuous behind, but which it leaves in front, and then passes perpendicularly downward, de- scribing a curve within the curvature of the corpus callosum. The interval between the anterior part of the fornix and the corpus callosum is occupied by the septum lucidum. To the term fornix, used by the older writers, the epithet d trois piliers has been improp- erly added by Winslow, inasmuch as it expresses a mere appearance; for there are in reality four pillars, the two anterior of which are closely approxi- mated to each other, while the two posterior are widely apart. Fig. 278. The fornix resembles an isosceles triangle {trigone cerebral), having the anterior angle very much elongated and soon bifurcated ; its posterior an- gles suddenly diverge, pass downward and outward, and are prolonged (r r) into the inferior or reflected portions or descending cornua of the lateral ventricles, where they constitute the corpora firnhriata (.?); or, rather, the fornix may be said to be composed of two perfectly distinct medullary cords, which are applied closely to each other, become broader and flatter as they proceed backward and downward, and separate from each other opposite the reflected portions of the lateral ventricles, into which they enter. The fornix, therefore, resembles the letter X placed horizontally, the anterior limbs of which are close to each other (be- tween qq) and very short, while the posterior limbs (r r) are very long and widely apart. The term fornix is really applicable only to that portion which is applied to the corpus callosum. Reil, who has described and figured this part better than any of his prede- cessors, not even excepting Yicq d’Azyr and Soemmering, calls the fornix the twain-band. The superior surface of the fornix corresponds, in the median line, to the septum luci- dum in front, and to the corpus callosum behind : on each side it is free, and forms a part of the floor of the lateral ventricles. The choroid plexuses (p p) are sometimes reflect ed upon the surface of the fornix. In order to understand the relations of the fornix with the corpus callosum, it is ne- cessary to bear in mind that it is composed of two flat medullary bands. Now the inter- nal contiguous borders of these bands are turned upward, and adhere to the lower sur- face of the corpus callosum, so as to form a small vertical septum, which is continuous with the back part of the septum lucidum. The medullary fibres of the septum lucidum are therefore generally considered to be continuous with those of the fornix. The inferior surface of the fornix (r r, fig. 279) rests upon the velum interpositum (v), which separates it from the third ventricle (c bx, Jig. 280) and the optic thalami (11), the internal portion of which bodies is covered by the fornix (see fig. 278). It is upon the posterior portion of this inferior surface, where the two medullary bands of the fornix separate from each other to enter the descending cornua of the lateral ventricles, that we find that regular though variable arrangement of transverse fibres (s), abutting on certain longitudinal fibres (?• r), which has been named the lyra, corpus psallo'ides or psal- terium. I have already noticed this structure, which was erroneously regarded by Gall as composed of the uniting fibres of the fornix. The edtres of the fornix are thin and free, and are bordered by the choroid plexuses. The anterior pillars of the fornix {k, figs. 279, 280), which Yieussens, Tarin, and others described as arising almost indifferently either from the cerebral peduncles, or from the anterior commissure (c, fig. 280, situated in the third ventricle), can only be well seen in a longitudinal vertical section of the cerebrum made exactly in the median line. Each half of the cerebrum will contain the corresponding band of the fornix ; and it will then be seen, as was first described by Santorini, that each anterior pillar (seen below k and behind c, fig. 282) arises from the corpus albicans (z) of its own side : hence these bodies NEUROLOGY, have been called the hulls of the fornix. The whole of the white covering’ of each vt tbs corpora albicantia (/, fig. 283) appears to be formed into a thick white fasciculus or corn, which passes upward, and may be very easily traced with the handle of the scalpel through the soft gray matter which forms the inferior and anterior portion of the wall of the third ventricle. While passing through this gray matter the cord describes a carve, having its concavity turned backward, and is situated between the optic thalamus and the corpus striatum, and behind the anterior commissure (cTfig. 282; m, Jig. 283); having emerged from the gray matter, which is still prolonged along its anterior surface and thus reaches the septum lucidum (f), the anterior pillar is reflected backward (A, fig. 283} in front of the-optic thalamus, and becomes changed into a flat band {k,fig. 282), which is applied to the thalamus (/), and follows the contour of that body ; at the point where the anterior pillar of the fornix changes from an ascending to a horizontal direction, it forms half a ring (situated behind and below h, fig. 282), which is completed by the an- terior part of the optic thalamus. This is the opening of the foramen of Monro, by which a communication is established (opposite q q,fig. 278) between the third and the corre- sponding lateral ventricles. The Posterior Pillars.—Having arrived opposite the back part of the optic thalamus, each of the lateral bands of the fornix, which had already been directed somewhat ob- liquely outward, passes abruptly and very obliqely outward and downward (rr) into the descending cornu Qi) of the corresponding lateral ventricle, and is there divided into two parts, one of which forms the superficial medullary substance of the cornu ammonis, or hippocampus major (m), while the other follows the concave border of the hippocampus, and takes the name of corpus fomhriatum (,v), corps frangi, corps horde. We shall again al- lude to these parts in describing the lateral ventricle. I have said that the anterior pillars arise from the corpora albicantia, but they have a much deeper origin, which was figured by Vicq d’Azyr, and has been still better descri- bed by Red. According to that anatomist, they arise within the optic thalami. I have traced them much farther than Red, as far as the tania semicircularis on each side ; or, rather, each tania semicircularis (n, jig. 278), winch is situated in the lateral ventricle be- tween the corpus striatum if) and the optic thalamus (I), and which is continuous with the anterior corpus quadrigeminum or natis of its own side, becomes subdivided into two bands, which may be regarded as the roots of the corresponding anterior pillar of the for- nix. Of these two roots, one is superficial (w), and easily seen without dissection ; the other is deep-seated (■», fig. 283), enters into the substance of the optic thalamus, runs forward to the corpus albicanus (I), spreads out and forms the surface of that body, and then curves upward to constitute the anterior pillar of the fornix (h), at the point where it emerges from the gray matter. The two bands of the fornix also receive some other white fibres, which greatly mul- tiply its connexions. Thus, as they are traversing the gray matter, the anterior pillars receive additional medullary fibres, some arising from the gray matter itself, and others from the commissure of the optic nerves ; again, just as they emerge from the gray mat- ter to become horizontal, they receive a considerable cord, formed conjointly by the white fibres covering the optic thalamus (g, fig. 283) by a white band, which runs longitudinal- ly along the optic thalamus, and is continuous with the corresponding peduncle of the pineal gland, and by the superficial fibres of the taenia semicircularis, of which I have al- ready spoken. These three sets of fibres form a cord of considerable size, winch is bent abruptly backward, and becomes continuous with the fornix. Lastly,.the fornix receives or, perhaps, it gives origin to, the white radiated fibres of the septum lucidum. Fig. 279. The Velum Jnterpositum. Beneath the fornix is situated a vascu ar memorane, a pro- longation of the external pia mater ; this is the velum interposi- tum, or tela choroidea (v,fig. 279), so named byHerophilus from its tenuity, which he compared to? that of the foetal membrane called the chorion. It is thus formed: the external pia mater, having arrived be- low the enlarged posterior extremity of the corpus callosum, penetrates (at r,fig. 282) into the interior of the brain between that body and the tubercula quadrigemina, and forms a sort of triangular web (v, Jig. 279), the base of which is turned back- ward, and the truncated and bifurcated apex forward. rl he up- per surface of the velum is covered by the fornix (reflected at r r), to which it transmits a great number of vessels, its i?ije- rior surface forms the root of the third ventricle, and conesponds on each side to the upper and to a small part of the inner sur- face of the optic thalami (I I). The velum is also m relation with the venae Galeni and with the pineal gland ([p,fig■ adhering very closely to that body, and forming a nearly complete invest- ment for it, so that they are almost always removed together THE MIDDLE OR THIRD VENTRICLE. 741 Bichat described his so-called arachnoid canal as passing beneath the velum interposi- tum. Upon the lower surface of the velum, which can only be properly examined from below, are found two small trains of red granulations, precisely similar to the choroid plex- uses of the lateral ventricles, with which they are continuous in front; they may be call ed the choroid, plexuses of tke third ventricle. The lateral borders of the velum are continuous with the upper part of the choroid plex- uses ip p. Jigs. 278, 279) of the lateral ventricles. The anterior extremity, or apex of the velum, is bifid; each branch of the bifurcation passes from the third into the corresponding lateral ventricle (behind k, jig. 282, opposite q q,jig. 278), behind the anterior pillar of the fornix, and constitutes the anterior extrem- ity of the choroid plexus. The velum interpositura is formed by the pia mater, supported by a tolerably strong fibrous layer. When the fornix and the velum (as in fig. 280) are removed, we arrive at a cavity call- ed the middle or third ventricle. The Middle or Third Ventricle. Dissection.—ln order to expose the third ventricle from the base of the brain, the right peduncle of the cerebrum and the right corpus albicans should be separated from those of the left side by a longi- tudinal section in the median line. There is another section, which I rec- ommend as exceedingly well adapted to exhibit all the parts contained in the third ventricle ; it is made from before backward, and on either the right or left side of the median line, so as to leave both of the lateral walls of the third ventricle uninjured. Fig. 260. The third ventricle (c to x, Jigs. 280, 282) is situated in the median line, near the base of the brain, between the op- tic thalmi (I I, Jig. 280) and in front of the tubercula quadrigemina (_/>): it ap- pears like a very narrow cavity, oblong from before backward, and of greater extent below than above ; it is not so much a cavity as a fissure between the two optic thalami. Yesalius compared this ventricle to a valley, the hills on either side of which were very closely approximated to each other, and uni- ted by a sort of bridge, represented by the commissura mollis (i). The superior orifice of the third ven- tricle is surrounded by a white rim or border (s), which forms, behind and on either side, the peduncles of the pineal gland. The lateral walls (Z, jig. 282) are plane, smooth, and of a gray colour ; they are formed by two very distinct parts, viz., above and behind by the internal surface of the optic thalamus, and below and in front by the internal surface of a gray mass, which appears to me to deserve a particular description under the name of the gray mass of the third ventricle. . That part of the internal wall of the ventricle which is formed by the optic thalamus is marked off by a horizontal groove from the part formed by this gray mass. The internal surface of this gray mass is smooth, and lined by the membrane of the ventricle. The external surface is continuous with the rest of the brain ; below, it forms the tuber cinereum, or base of the infundibulum, passes around the corpora alhicantia, the anterior pillars of the fornix and their roots, is prolonged upward upon the sides of the septum lucidum, and downward as far as the upper surface of the optic commissure, the posterior border of which is imbedded in this gray mass, and receives from it a short white root on each side. The lateral walls of the third ventricle are united together, opposite the anterior part of the optic thalami, by a gray substance called the soft commissure, commissura mollis (b), the gray commissure, and also the vascular commissure of the optic thalami; it varies much in size, and is very easily torn ; but I have always found the remains of it in those cases 742 in which it appeared at first sight to be wanting.* I regard the soft commissure as a prolongation of the gray mass of the third ventricle, and this substance appears, to me to be of the same nature as the gray matter of the convolutions. The floor of the third ventricle is of greater extent than the walls of that cavity; it is concave upon its upper or ventricular surface, and convex below. We shall divide it into three portions ; the 'posterior portion of the floor (above n, fig. 282) is deeply grooved along the median line, forms an inclined plane sloping downward and forward, and cor- responds to the interval between the peduncles of the cerebrum ; its white colour, which is scarcely concealed by the thin layer of gray matter upon it, contrasts strongly with the distinct gray colour of the lateral walls. The middle portion of the floor is funnel- shaped, and corresponds to the corpora albicantia (z), and to the infundibulum (i); it leads to the canal in the infundibulum. The anterior portion of the floor (m) is inclined down- ward and backward, and is formed by a very thin, semi-transparent layer of gray sub- stance (lamina cinerea), which we may call, with Tarin, the pars pellucida, and which is supported by a fibrous layer derived from the pia mater. In front, the third ventricle presents the anterior pillars (k, fig. 280, below k, and be- hind c,fg. 282) of the fornix, in front of which is situated a white cylindrical cord (c), directed transversely, and visible only in its middle portion ; this is the anterior commis- sure, beneath which the ventricle extends as far as opposite the posterior border of the optic commissure. Behind the anterior pillars of the fornix, and somewhat above the anterior commissure, are the two openings by which the third ventricle communicates with the lateral ventricles (foramen Monroi); these openings (of which one is seen be- tween b and k, fig. 282) are of an oval shape, are sometimes of unequal size, and become much enlarged in chronic effusion into the ventricles. The two divisions of the ante- rior extremity of the velum interpositum pass through these openings, to become con- tinuous (at qq, fig. 278; with the choroid plexuses. Haller erroneously regarded them as accidental; an opinion that was founded upon several pathological observations, from which it appeared that the lateral ventricles were distented with a considerable quantity of fluid, while the third ventricle remained empty. At the back part of the third ventricle is seen the posterior commissure (x, jigs. 280, 282), a transverse cylindrical cord, situated in front of the tubercula quadrigemina, and below the commissure of the pineal gland, with wirich it is continuous. The posterior commissure is smaller than the anterior ; it may be regarded as a white commissure of the optic thalami, for its extremities are lost in their interior. It forms a sort of bridge above the anterior orifice of the aqueduct of Sylvius. NEUROLOGY. The aqueduct of Sylvius, or aqueduct of the corpora quadrigemina, which was descn- oed by both Galen and Vesalius, and by the latter quite as perfectly as by the anatomist after whom it was named, is a canal which establishes a communication between the third and fourth ventricles (I v,fig. 282)—iter a tertio ad quartern ventriculum; it passes through the isthmus of the encephalon, in the median line, below the tubercula quadri- gemina (/g). It is directed obliquely downward and backward. Its walls are dense, and lined by the membrane of the ventricles. This canal presents both on its upper and its lower wall a longitudinal groove or median furrow, bounded by two small longitudi- nal cords. The median furrow on the lower wall is continuous with the longitudinal groove of the calamus scriptorius. The brothers Wenzel have given a minute descrip- tion of these two furrows, and they have also noticed two lateral furrows. It was stated by Vieussens that the opening of the aqueduct into the fourth ventricle was provided with a valve. But his statement is at variance with the results of observation. It follows, therefore, from the preceding description, that the third ventricle has four openings, two of which communicate with the lateral ventricles, the third opens into the fourth ventricle, and the fourth (between b and x, 280) leads into the infundibulum. The third ventricle, moreover, has three commissures : one composed of gray matter, viz., the commissura mollis, or commissure of the optic thalami; the other two of white substance, one being anterior and the other posterior. The Aqueduct of Sylvius. The conarium, pineal gland, or pineal body, is a small grayish body (p, figs. 280, 282) situated in the median plane, behind the posterior commissure of the third ventricle, and between the nates, upon which it rests. It is retained in this situation by two small medullary cords, which are called its ped- uncles, and by the velum interpositum, below which it is placed, and by which it is almost completely invested as with a closely-adherent sheath : the adhesion between these parts is so intimate that they are almost always removed together; and hence some anato- mists have regarded the conarium as a dependance of that membrane, and others, who * Out of sixty-six brains of subjects of all ages examined by the brothers Wenzel, the soft commissure was found in fifty-six. It was, therefore, wanting in ten cases. The facility with which i is lacerated rnay have misled these industrious investigators into a belief that its absence was more ireQuent than it actually is. The Conarium, or Pineal Gland. THE CONARIUM. OR PINEAL GLAND. ,-iave not been careful in their examinations, have declared that it is sometimes want- ing in the human subject. This body, however, always exists in man and the mamma- lia. It is wanting in birds and fishes, and in reptiles, with the exception of the tortoise, in which it is so remarkably large forms by itself a kind of brain.—(Desmoulins, Anat. du Syst. Nerv., t. i., p. 211.) This body is shaped like a cone, having its adherer t base turned forward and its free apex backward; hence its name of conarium (Oribasius, Galen); it has also been com- pared to a pine cone, and has been named the pineal gland, or pineal body. Its form, however, is subject to some variety; it is sometimes spheroidal, and at other times cor- diform, from being notched at the base. The pineal body is small, being only about four lines in length, and from two to three lines wide at the base. Its size, in the animal series, does not appear to bear any pro- portion to the size of the cerebrum, or of the cerebellum, or of the tubercula quadrigem- ina, so that comparative anatomy throws no light upon this obscure subject. Neither age nor sex has any influence upon the development of this small body. Relations.—The conarium or pineal gland, enclosed in the pia mater, like the cere- brum and cerebellum, rests upon the slight triangular depression between the nates : the venae Galeni run along its sides. When stripped of the pia mater, it is free in all directions, excepting at its base, which is connected with the encephalon by a transverse commissure, situated above the posteri- or commissure of the cerebrum, and by four slender peduncles, two of which are superior and two inferior. The superior peduncles (s, figs. 280, 282), which are the only ones gen- erally described, form together a sort of loop, the two ends of which run along the tops of the optic thalami; they have been named the reins of the pineal body (habence). We have already seen that they are continuous with the fornix. The inferior peduncles, which are distinctly seen only upon a longitudinal vertical section through the middle of the cerebrum, arise from the base of the pineal body, pass vertically downward upon the back part of the internal wall of the third ventricle, and may be traced to the lower part of that cavity.* Colour and Consistence.—The reddish-gray colour of the pineal body contrasts strong- ly with the whiteness of its commissure and peduncles. The colour and consistence of this body exactly resemble those of the gray matter of the cerebral convolutions. If it be compressed between the fingers, a viscid juice exudes, and certain small concretions are found in it, which I shall notice after having described the structure of this organ. Structure.—At the base of the pineal body are seen some white or medullary fibres, which arise from the commissure and from the superior peduncles of that organ. These white fibres spread out into a tuft, and terminate abruptly. All the rest of the conarium consists of gray matter. On making a horizontal section of this body, it is sometimes found to be solid, and sometimes to be hollow, and to contain a transparent, viscid fluid. The cavity is lined by a vascular membrane, and, according to Meckel, by a layer of medul- lary substance, which I have never seen. It has been stated that it communicates with the third ventricle; but lam inclined to believe, with Santorini and Gerardi, that the communicating orifice admitted by some authors is the result of traction upon the base of the conarium in attempting to remove the pia mater. When the pineal body contains no distinct cavity, which is not unfrequently the case, the viscid fluid is distributed through it as through a sponge. As to the nature of this body, it appears to consist of a soft gray substance, traversed by a great number of bloodvessels, having a very close resemblance to the gray matter of the brain, but none whatever to glandular tissues. Concretions of the Conarium.—One of the most curious circumstances in regard to this body is the existence in it of certain hard concretions, which Ruysch and others regard- ed as small bones, an error which was successfully combated by Soemmering. The use of them is utterly unknown. Are these concretions constant! The brothers Wenzel found them wanting in six brains out of one hundred. Soemmering states that he found them in fifteen brains, among wrhich were some of very young infants, and he adds that they exist in the foetus before the full period. Meckel says they do not appear until the sixth or seventh year, beyond which age he always found them. These concretions sometimes form a single mass (acervulus, Soemmering), resembling a granular lump of salt; sometimes, and most commonly, there are a great number of them. They appear as aggregated granules, which the Wenzels believed to be connected by means of a proper membrane. Seat of the Concretions.—When the pineal body is hollow, they are found in its interi- or ; but when it is solid, they are situated upon the surface of this body. I have found them several times upon its peduncles. * Ridley describes certain white strite, arising- from the pineal body, and terminating in the testes. Gab eays that the inferior peduncles are directed backward, and somewhat downward, to become continuous with the snlnaeent white lamina. Plate xi., text, p. 223. 744 NEUROLOGY. They are of an opaline yellow colour in old subjects, and are whitish in the young. According to Pfatf, they consist of phosphate of lime, carbonate of lime, and an animal matter. They were incorrectly regarded as morbid deposites by Morgagni, who supposed, with- out proof, that they might produce cerebral affections of greater or less severity. Function of the Pineal Gland.—The hypothesis of Des Cartes concerning the function of this body, which was so completely refuted by Steno, is a striking example of the abuse of an imperfect knowledge of anatomy; according to Des Cartes, the soul is seated in the pineal gland, and it directs all the movements of the body by means of the pedun- cles, which he regarded as the gubernacula or reins of the soul. M. Magendie thinks that this body performs certain functions having reference to the cerebro-spinal fluid: lie has regarded it as a kind of plug, which would obstruct the orifice of communication between the third and fourth ventricles ; but, in the first place, it is completely fixed by the pia mater ; and in the second case, even if it were free, it could not in any case close the orifice alluded to. Morbid conditions of this body will perhaps throw some light upon its functions, but they have not yet been sufficiently studied. The existence of a cavity within the pineal gland, added to the fact that it is sometimes the seat of dropsy, would seem to indicate that its functions are connected with secretion. The Lateral Ventricles. Dissection.—The lateral ventricles are exposed by the same dissection as that which we have pointed out for the examination of the fornix and septum lucidum, that is to say, by removing the upper parts of the hemispheres and dividing the corpus callosum on each side of the median line (as in fig. 278, on the left side). In order to trace the reflected portion or descending cornu, it should be laid open by cutting through its outer wall from behind forward. There is also a great advantage in studying this part of the lateral ventricles from the base of the brain. The lateral ventricles (fig h, fig. 278) are two in number; they are much larger than the other ventricles; are placed symmetrically one on each side of the median line; they are separated from each other, but communicate through the medium of the third ventricle ; their upper part is nearer to the base of the brain than to its upper surface, and they approach still nearer to the base by their reflected portion or descending cornu. Each lateral ventricle commences (/) in the substance of the anterior lobe (a), a little in front of the third ventricle, and behind the anterior reflected extremity of the corpus callosum (e), by which it is hounded in front; from this point it passes vertically upward and backward, describing a curve with its convexity directed inward; having reached (r) opposite the posterior part of the third ventricle, it changes its direction, so as to turn downward and forward round the optic thalamus (I), and then terminates (A) in the substance of the sphenoidal portion of the posterior lobe [i. e., in the middle lobe] (c) be- hind the fissure of Sylvius, and, consequently, a little below and behind the point (/) at which it commences. At the point of its reflection it also sends a prolongation (g) backward into the occipital portion of the posterior lobe (A). From this it will be under- stood why each lateral ventricle has been compared to a capital italic X turned upside down, and why the cavity is said to have three cornua, viz., an anterior or frontal (/), an inferior, descending or sphenoidal (A), and a posterior or occipital cornu (g) ; on this ac- count the lateral ventricles are frequently denominated ventriculi tricornes. It is also seen that the ventricles are applied to each other at their anterior extremi- ties, but diverge behind like the limbs of the letter x. The general form of the lateral ventricles is very well shown upon a longitudinal sec- tion of the cerebrum through the median line ; each of these ventricles is then seen to be nothing more than an elliptical canal or passage, which runs around the large ellip- soid mass formed by the optic thalamus and corpus striatum. This elliptical canal is only interrupted below and in front opposite the fissure of Sylvius. Anatomists describe in each lateral ventricle a superior portion, an inferior portion, and a posterior portion or digital cavity. The Superior Portion of the Lateral Ventricle. This portion, called the body of the ventricle (i), is broader in front than behind, and presents for our consideration a superior, an inferior, and an internal wall. The superior wall, or the roof, is formed by the under surface of the corpus callosum. The inferior wall, or the floor, is formed by the ventricular surfaces of the corpus striatum (i) and optic thalamus (I); between these two bodies are found the lamina cornea and icenia semicircular is (n). The Corpus Striatum.—When examined from the lateral ventricle, each of the corpora striata (i i, figs. 278, 280) appears like a pear-shaped or conoidal eminence, having its larger end turned forward, and its other end, which is very narrow, prolonged backward, into the reflected portion of the ventricle. Its gray colour contrasts with the whiteness of the surrounding parts. Its free surface is covered by the lining membrane of the ven- tricles, and is very regularly marked by certain large veins which run across it. THE LATERAL VENTRICLE. 745 The ventricular surface of the corpus striatum forms only one portion of this body, which has received its name from the white bundles or strife which traverse the gray matter, of which it is principally composed. The corpus striatum, considered as a whole, is an ovoid gray mass, lodged in a deep excavation formed opposite the insula or island of Red, which is situated in the fissure of Sylvius, and which I propose to name the lobule of the corpus striatum. It will be seen, hereafter, that the corpus striatum is covered on the outer side by the convolutions of the insula, that it corresponds on the inner side with the optic thalamus and the gray matter of the third ventricle, and that it is exposed below, at the back part of the ante- rior lobes of the brain, behind the convolutions which form the sides of the furrow for the olfactory nerve. The optic thalami (Z Z, fig. 280), which, as we have already seen, constitute the lateral walls of the third ventricle, form also, by their upper surface, a part (Z, fig. 278) of the floor of the corresponding lateral ventricle ; this surface, which is oblong from before backward, commences about six lines from the anterior extremity of the lateral ventri- cle ;it is covered by the choroid plexus (p) and the fornix (k): the corresponding ante- rior pillar of the fornix turns round its anterior extremity, and the interval between the pillar and the thalamus forms the opening of communication between the third and the corresponding lateral ventricle. The brownish-white colour (couleur cafe au lait) of the optic thalamus distinguishes it.from the corpus striatum, which lies along its outer side, the lamina cornea and the taenia semicircularis marking the limits between these two bodies. The lamina cornea is a thick, semi-transparent band, of a horny aspect, which was com- pared by Tarin to a plate of horn, and which appears to be nothing more than a thick- ened portion of the lining membrane of the ventricle. Beneath and protected by it is found the vein of the corpus striatum, which receives the venous branches already de- scribed upon the surface of that body. Beneath the vein is seen a small, white, linear band (w), to which Willis first directed attention ns the limbus posterior, and which is now called the taenia semicircularis. I would observe, that the lamina cornea and the tsenia semicircularis are two very distinct structures, which most anatomists have erroneously confounded. More deeply, the limits between the corpus striatum and optic thalamus are marked by a white layer, described by Yieussens as the geminum centrum semicirculare, or double semicircular centre. The lateral portion of the fornix and the choroid plexus (see fig. 278) must also be re- garded as entering into the formation of the floor of the lateral ventricle. This lateral portion of the fornix resembles a band applied upon the optic thalamus, but separated from it by a fissure through which the choroid plexus becomes continuous with the ve- lum interpositum ;* the choroid plexus runs along the free edge of this band, and is some- times turned up on to its upper surface. The internal wall, or septum of the lateral ventricles, is much deeper in front, where it is formed by the septum lucidum, than behind, where it consists of a small vertical portior,', of the fornix, with which it terminates. We ought also to regard as forming a part of the septum of the lateral ventricles a prolongation on each side of the gray matter of the third ventricle, which passes round the corresponding anterior pillar of the fornix, and upon the lower part of the septum lucidum. The Inferior or Reflected Portion of the Lateral Ventricle. Dissection.—As the reflected portion or descending cornu belongs to the base of the brain, it is well to place the brain upon its convex surface, and then proceed to open it. This cornu may also be reached from the great transverse fissure, by first removing the pia mater which enters there, and then partially dividing the lower wall of the cornu from the fissure of Sylvius backward, and turning back the lower wall on itself. The descending cornu (h, fig. 278) of the lateral ventricle has two walls, a superior and an inferior. The superior wall (b,fig. 281) is concave, and, being moulded upon the pcs hippocampi or cornu ammonis (w), which forms the inferior wall, is named the sheath of the pes hippocampi. Upon the inferior wall are found the pes hippocampi or cornu ammonis, the corpus fim- briatum, the fascia dentata, the great cerebral fissure, and the reflected portion of the choroid plexus. The cornu ammonis or ram’s horn, pes hippocampi, f or foot of the sea-horse, is a conoidal eminence (m, fig■ 278)+ curved upon itself, and having its larger end turned forward, and * [A comparison of figs. 278 and 279 will facilitate the comprehension of this statement, in the \Merfig the fornix is reflected backward, and the continuity of the choroid plexus (p) with the velum (u) is shown.] t [The term pes hippocampi is generally applied to the anterior part only of this structure, the whole being usually called hippocampus major. t I have not found, like Treviranus, the medullary, substance of the anterior extremity of the cornu ammo- nis either continuous or communicating in any manner with the external root of the olfactory nerve , I cannot- therefore, admit that the functions of the cornu ammonis have any relation with those of the nerves in ques- tion. Treviranus believes that it assists in the remembrance of olfactory impressions. It is unfortunate for 5 B 746 NEUROLOGY. its small end backward. Its concave border, which is directed inward and forward, ia bounded by a narrow, thick, and dense band, which forms a continuation of the posterior pillar of the fornix; this is the taenia hippocampi, so improperly named the corpus fimbri- alum, or fringed body (s'). On raising up the taenia hippocampi (s,fig• 281), there is seen beneath it a band of Fig. 281. gray matter (d), which runs along the inner border of the cornu am- monia : this gray matter, which is, as it were, crenated by transverse furrows, has been well described by Vicq d’Azyr, under the name of corps godronne, or fascia dentata. To obtain an accurate idea of the cornu ammonis, it is necessary to examine vertical sections of it, as wras done by Vicq d’Azyr, who has given very good figures of such sections : it is then seen (as in fig. 281) that the hippocampus major (m) is formed by a reflection of the hemisphere inward upon itself, as the brothers Wenzel have very well shown ; and that it is composed of a convolution doubled or turned upon itself like a horn, so that the white convex part expands in the interior of the lateral ventricle, while the gray concave part is upon the surface of the cerebrum.* The surface of a vertical section of the hippocampus major also pre- sents a white spiral line (below m), which is the section of the white covering of this eminence, and a rather thick gray layer (a), which is subdivided into two smaller layers by a white streak (c); all these are arranged in a spiral manner. The white layer which forms the covering of the cornu ammonis is continuous, on the one hand, with that which lines the rest of the lateral ventricle, and on the other (by means of the corpus fimbriatum, s) with the corpus callosum and the fornix. Not un- frequently a second pes hippocampi is found on the outer side of the first, to which it is concentric ; it is called pes accessorius (emincntia collateralis). Meckel erroneously re- gards it as the result of an arrested development. The inferior wall of the descending portion of the lateral ventricle farther presents for our consideration, The reflected or descending portion ef the choroid plexus (see fig. 278); and also the great transverse fissure, through which the choroid plexus becomes continuous (opposite s,fig. 281) with the external pia mater: the lower border of this fissure is formed by the hip- pocampus major and corpus fimbriatum ; and the upper border by the lower surface of the optic thalamus, which presents in this situation the corpus geniculatum externum {j, fig. 271), an oblong eminence, which is continuous with the optic tract, and the corpus geniculatum internum, (i), a small rounded eminence, which is circumscribed by the corpus geniculatum externum. The Posterior Portion of the Lateral Ventricle. The digital or ancyroid cavity (uysvpa, a hook) is the occipital portion (g, fig. 278) of the lateral ventricle. The term digital cavity has arisen from its having been compared to the impression which the finger would leave if pushed backward into the substance of the brain. It commences at the point where the ventricle is reflected upon itself, passes horizontally backward, describing a curve with the convexity turned outward, and becomes gradually narrower, until it terminates in a point. The dimensions of this cavity are extremely variable, not only in different individuals, but even in the same sub- ject. Thus, a very large digital cavity is often found on the right side, while on the left there is only a trace of it. Acute ventricular hydrocephalus affects the digital cavity more than any other part of the vehtriclc.f In some cases the bottom of the digital cavity is not more than half a line from the surface of the brain. In the natural state, the upper wall of the digital cavity is exactly fitted to a conoidai eminence, which occupies the lower wall or the floor of that cavity, and which differs in its dimensions according to the size of the cavity itself. This eminence (n), which is variously named the unciform eminence, colliculus, calcar, unguis, was very well described by Morand,t under the name of the ergot, and is therefore generally called the ergot of Morand. In form it rather closely resembles the hippocampus major, so that we ought, perhaps, to prefer, with Vicq d’Azyr, the name of hippocampus minor. There is not only a cor- respondence in form, but also in structure, between the two hippocampi; and the broth- ers Wenzel appear to me to have clearly shown that the ergot of Morand, like the hip- this hypothesis, that the animal in which the cornu ammonis is most developed, viz., the hare, is precise’/ that in which there is least evidence of memory. . .. * I could never perfectly understand the structure of the cornu ammonis until I had examined it in rumf- nantia and rodentia, but especially in the latter, in which it is most developed. In the rodentia the reflected portion of the hemisphere is almost as large as the hemisphere itself, and the connexions ot the cornu ammo- nia with the fornix are seen most distinctly. It is quite evident that the fornix, the cornu ammonis, and the corpus fimbriatum, form only one system of fibres; and are continuous with each other. t It is probable that this is simply the mechanical effect of long-continued lying upon the back, t Mem. de PAcad. des Sciences, 1744. Observ. Anatomiques sur Quelques Parties du Cerveau THE CHOROID PLEXUSES, ETC. 747 pocampus major, is nothing more than a special convolution projecting into the ventri- cle. It, in fact, consists of a white layer, enclosing a thick mass of gray substance. A longitudinal anfractuosity, the depth of which depends on the prominence of the ergot, denotes on the surface of the brain the situation of the digital cavity : this anfractuosi- ty is constant, and I have already described it as the anfractuosity of the digital cavity. There is also another circumstance which favours the analogy between the ergot and the hippocampus major, and that is their continuity; for there is only a depression be- tween them, and the white layer which connects them is continuous in both cases with the fornix. Gredinsh as described several varieties of the ergot; not unfrequently it is double, and, as we have mentioned, so is the hippocampus major. The absence of the ergot is re- garded by Tiedemann as the result of defective development. The ergot and the digital cavity scarcely exist except in man, doubtless because he alone has the occipital portion of the brain greatly developed. The choroid plexuses of the hrain, which have already been noticed in the descriptions of the third and lateral ventricles, form a continuous system of vessels, as can be easily shown by examining the brain from the base upward. Upon the under surface of the velum interpositum, and on each side of the median line, are two small, red, granular bands, running from behind forward, bordered by the veins of the corpora striata, and terminating in front upon the convexity of an arch which forms the boundary of the ve- lum in that direction. This arch is formed by the junction of the anterior extremities of the choroid plexuses. It is situated behind the anterior pillars of the fornix, at the point where those pillars unite, and is crossed at right angles by the veins of the corpus striatum, which pass above it; after this junction, the choroid plexuses again separate and enter the lateral ventricles through the foramen (foramen of Monro) which leads from the third to the lateral ventricles ; within each of the lateral ventricles they de- scribe an elliptical curve {p, fig. 278), which is accurately moulded upon the optic thala- mus, and runs along the fornix in the upper part of the ventricle, and along the corpus fimbriatum in the descending cornu or reflected portion. The upper part of the choroid plexus is very narrow; the lower part is three or four times broader than the upper; its upper and under surfaces are free, and also its outer border, which contains a large vessel ; its inner border is continuous with the velum in- terpostum* in the upper part of the lateral ventricle, and in the descending cornu with the pia mater, at the base of the brain. The lining membrane of the ventricle adheres intimately to the inner border of each choroid plexus, so that the lateral ventricles are completely closed, and no fluid can es- cape through the semicircular fissure which extends along their entire course. The choroid plexuses are granular, or, rather, consist of vascular tufts, which are un- like any other structure in the body, and their uses are quite unknown. The Choroid Plexuses. The Lining Membrane and the Fluid of the Ventricles. The middle and lateral ventricles are lined by a transparent and tolerably strong mem- brane, of which the horny lamina between the corpus striatum and thalamus opticus is a part. On tracing this mcmbraqe from the third ventricle, it is seen to pass into the lateral ventricles through the foramen (of Monro), behind the anterior pillar of the for- nix. From the third ventricle it also descends into the fourth through the aqueduct of Sylvius. It is extremely easy to demonstrate this membrane, especially upon the septum luci- dum and corpora striata, and in the digital cavities. In order to separate it to any extent, it must be dissected from without, by gradually removing the layers of cerebral substance by which it is covered. This separation oc- curs in acute ventricular hydrocephalus, in consequence of the pultaceous softening of the surrounding tissue. In the fcetus and new-born infant, this membrane can be sep- arated with the greatest facility, on account of its density and the softness of the sur- rounding parts. Three questions present themselves regarding the ventricular membrane : Is it a se- rous membrane 1 Does it communicate with the arachnoid, so that it ought to be re- garded as a continuation of that membrane 1 How is it arranged along the fissure of each lateral ventricle 1 That the ventricular membrane is a serous membrane is shown by the nature of the fluid exhaled into the cavity of the ventricles ; by the structure of the membrane itself, which consists entirely of lymphatic cellular tissue ; and by the diseases of the ventricles, which are precisely similar to those of other serous cavities, t * Compare figs. 278 and 279. t The occurrence of acute and chrome serous effusions, of purulent formations, and of miliary granulation* in the ventricles, are proofs of the serous nature of their lining membrane. fThe ventricular membrane has a ciliated epithelium on its inner] 748 NEUROLOGY. The number of veins which are situated beneath the ventricular membrane has sug- gested the notion that it was a prolongation or continuation of the pia mater ; but these vessels do not belong to the membrane. The continuity of the ventricular membrane with the arachnoid on the surface of the brain has not been demonstrated. I have already said that the so-called canal of Bichat does not exist. It has been stated that each lateral ventricle is divided, both in its direct and reflected portions, by a circular fissure which turns round the optic thalamus, and through which the pia mater becomes continuous with the choroid plexus. This fissure is closed by blood- vessels, and some very dense cellular tissue, and in the interior of the ventricle by the li- ning membrane, which is firmly attached on both sides of the fissure to the adherent borders of the corresponding choroid plexus. It cannot be admitted that it passes from one side of the fissure to the other, so as to enclose the plexus. It is this membrane which prevents any fluid contained in the ventricles from infiltra- ting into the sub-arachnoid cellular tissue at the base of the brain. The very frequent coincidence of ventricular dropsy with the formation of false mem- brane in the cellular tissue at the base ol the brain shows the relation between that tis- sue and the lining membrane of the ventricles, but by no means establishes the exist- ence of any direct communication between the ventricular cavities and the cellular tis- sue at the base of the brain. The Ventricular Fluid,.—The existence of a serous fluid in the ventricles was general- ly admitted by the older anatomists, who named it pituita, and considered it to be an excrementitious fluid, which was evacuated through the nasal fossae. During the last century, anatomists were so convinced of its existence in all subjects, that they regard- ed those cases in which it was not found as exceptions ; a recentissimis cadaverilms alest nonnunquam, says Haller, in speaking of an observation made by Yerduc upon the brain after death by decapitation. But the anatomists of the last century differed from the ancients in regarding the existence of fluid in the ventricles as a post-mortem phenome- non, depending on the condensation, by cold, of a vapour which, in their opinion, alone exists in the ventricles during life. This vapour, the only use of which, according to the view stated, would be to prevent adhesion of the opposite walls of the ventricles, was compared by them to that which is found in the pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum of a living animal. The experiments of M. Magendie have proved the existence of a ventricular fluid du- ring life ; and farther, that it may flow backward and forward into the spinal sub-arach- noid space, through the opening {y, fig. 282) in the lower part of the fourth ventricle. The quantity of fluid in the several spaces found in the cranial cavity is extremely variable, for it increases or diminishes according to the relative bulk of the brain in ref- erence to the osseous case of the scull. Having thus examined the brain by horizontal sections, made at different heights from the convex surface towards the base, it is important, in order thoroughly to under- stand the parts we have described, to study them under different aspects, either by means of particular sections, or by the aid of the various methods adopted by different anato- mists. A Median Vertical Section qf the Brain, Upon this section {fig. 282), which divides the brain into two perfectly similar halves, Fig. 282. a great many objects are seen: and first, the optic thalamus and corpus striatum, which might be said to form the central nucleus or root of the cerebrum. The optic thalamus is now seen to be smooth and free on its inner surface, where it forms the lateral wall (0 of the third ventricle ; it is con- vex and free above, where it forms part of the floor of the lat- eral ventricle, and it is also free below, where it presents to our notice the corpora ge- niculata. Behind, it is continuous with the tubercula quadrigemma, ana in front with the corpus striatum; on the outer side it is blended with the corresponding cerebral VERTICAL SECTION OF THE BRAIN. hemisphere, and below it is deeply notched for the reception of the corresponding cere- bral peduncle. The corpus striatum forms a concentric curve along the outer side of the opic thala- mus ; it commences in front by a large pyriform extremity, diminishes in size as it pro- ceeds backward, and terminates in a very narrow gray band, which turns round the op- tic thalamus as far as the termination of the descending cornu of the lateral ventricle, i. e., as far as the large end of the cornu ammonis. The lateral ventricle forms a circular or elliptical trench around this central nucleus, formed by the thalamus opticus and corpus striatum (see fig. 278). It commences in the substance of the anterior lobe of the cerebrum (anterior or frontal cornu), mounts up upon the corpus striatum, passes horizontally backward, and, becoming widened, divides into two prolongations : one horizontal (digital cavity, occipital or posterior cornu), which dips into the substance of the posterior lobe, and terminates near the surface of the brain; the other reflected, which runs from behind forward, and terminates behind the fissure of Sylvius, so that the lateral ventricle would describe an almost complete ellipse if it were not for the layer of cerebral substance which forms the bottom of the fissure of Sylvius, and which separates the commencement (/) from the termination (h) of the ventricle. Upon the longitudinal section is also seen the regular curve of the corpus callosum (e df, ftg. 282), which runs around the central nucleus. The unequal thickness of the dif- ferent parts of the corpus callosum, its reflection in front so as to embrace the anterior extremity of the corpus striatum, its posterior enlarged extremity or protuberance, and its continuity with the fornix, are shown; and farther, it is seen that the space between the corpus callosum and the central nucleus of the brain constitutes the upper part of the lateral ventricle, and that the interval between the cornu ammonis and the nucleus con- stitutes its reflected portion. In this section we also notice the septum lucidum (t), the fornix (k), the mammillary tu- bercle {z), the tuber cinereum, the gray commissure fb) and gray mass of the third ven- tricle, the infundibulum (i), the optic nerve (2), the section of the anterior commissure (c), also that of the posterior commissure (i), and the peduncle (s) of the pineal gland (p). The longitudinal section also shows that the third ventricle is formed by the juxtapo- sition of the two central nuclei of the cerebral hemispheres; that these hemispheres are only connected to each other by the corpus callosum and the commissures, and there- fore that it is by studying these parts that the system of communicating fibres between the two hemispheres is displayed. It is moreover seen that each hemisphere may be regarded as composed of a white and gray covering which surrounds a central nucleus. And it is between the general central nucleus and the hemispheres, or, rather, between the fornix and its prolongations on the one hand, and the optic thalami on the other (as at s,fig. 281, for example), that the ventricles would communicate with the exterior if the ventricular membrane were not firmly attached to the choroid plexus : it is also in the same situation that the exter- nal pia mater passes into the internal. The Central Nucleus.—A very curious preparation may be very easily made upon this vertical median section, to show the central nucleus separated from the other parts. If the handle of a scalpel be introduced between the corpus striatum and the reflected por- tion of the corpus callosum, it will be found that the ventricular membrane is the only means of connexion between them, and that the corpus callosum forms, at this point, a sort of outer case of medullary substance for the corpus striatum, the entire anterior portion of which may be exposed without breaking through any connecting fibres. The anterior part of the corpus striatum may also be exposed from below, that is to say, by dissecting from the base of the anterior lobe of the cerebrum towards the lateral ventri- cle ; for this purpose, the handle of the scalpel must be inserted along a curved whitish line, the concavity of which is turned forward, and which limits the anterior lobe behind. The corpus striatum can be completely isolated only in front and opposite the fissure of Sylvius, in which situation it is covered by only a slight thickness of cerebral sub- stance, which is seen to consist of four very distinct layers, viz., the external gray layer of the convolutions; a very thin white layer; an equally thin gray layer; and, lastly, another layer of medullary substance. I am in the practice of making five transverse sections of the cerebrum : the first, im mediately in front of the corpus callosum; a second through the largest part of the cor- pora striata ; a third through the anterior part of the optic thalami; a fourth through the middle of the thalami; and a fifth through the occipital portion of the posterior lobes, I shall not here enter into a detailed description of these several sections, which appeal to me to convey a more correct idea of the structure of the brain than any other sec- tions, but which cannot be well understood without figures. They disclose, in fact, a medullary centre giving off three or four prolongations of white substance, which con- stitute, in their turn, the medullary centres of a certain number of convolutions to which thev are distributed ; this ramified disposition of the me.-.ullary substance warrants the Transverse Vertical Sections. 750 NEUROLOGY. application of the tern arbor vita, of Ike cerebrum to the appearances seen upon these dif- ferent sections. The most interesting of these sections is undoubtedly that which passes through the cerebral peduncles, and which discloses the following appearances ; Each hemisphere is formed by a medullary centre, which gives off three principal pro- longations, around which all the convolutions are arranged, and are thus collected into three groups, viz., a superior, an external, and an inferior group ; the last of these is con- nected with the medullary centre by a long narrow pedicle which corresponds to the white matter on the outside of the corpus striatum. The corpus striatum and optic thalamus are situated opposite to this pedicle or prolongation of the medullary centre. The medullary centres of the two hemispheres are connected together by the corpus callosum, which forms an arch with the concavity directed downward. Moreover, either the section of the septum lucidum, or of the fornix, is seen according to the point at which the knife has been carried through. The transverse section through the corpora striata and optic thalami deserves special attention. If the section be made through the anterior part of the corpus striatum, and therefore in front of the optic thalamus, the former body presents an oval gray surface, dotted with white points, which are sections of medullary fibres ; the middle of this oval surface is traversed by a series of small, parallel, white fasciculi, which are sections of the medullary bands that pass through the corpus striatum. On the outer side of the corpus striatum are seen distinctly the four layers formerly mentioned as corresponding to the island of Reil. The white layer which turns round the outer surface of the corpus striatum may be said to be reflected upward to form the septum lucidum. Several of these sections appear to me to show that certain white fibres, which arise in the interior of the corpora striata, pass to the circumference of the optic thalami; or it may be said that certain white fibres arise in the optic thalami, spread out, and are lost in the substance of the corpora striata, beyond which it is impossible to trace them. This beautiful section suggested to M. Foville* some ideas respecting the structure of the brain, to which I shall presently have occasion to refer. Previously to the time of Yarolius and Willis, anatomists were contented with making successive horizontal sections of the brain from the vertex towards the base, and study- ing minutely the parts thus exposed; and each anatomist believed that he had described different objects when chance presented him with some arrangement that had not been previously described. Willis insisted upon the necessity of carefully removing the mem- branes from the surface of the brain, and he objected to the usual method of examining this organ by making sections, which destroy the connexions between its different parts ; he considered the brain to be composed of parts folded upon themselves, collected into a globular form, and connected to each other by mutual prolongations. He also pointed out the importance of first examining the brains of animals, which are much more sim- ple than the brain of man, the size and complexity of which render its study one of great difficulty. After having made these judicious remarks, Willis proceeds to describe the following mode of making the section which he had contrived, for the purpose of unfolding the cerebrum and opening out this spheroidal mass into a flat surface :f Place the brain, completely stripped of its membranes, upon its convex surface ; turn forward the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata ; introduce the knife into the fissure of Sylvius, and carry it backward as far as the digital cavity ; a flap will thus be detached, comprising all the lower wall of the descending cornu of the lateral ventricle. Repeal this section on the opposite side; and, after having turned backward the flaps thus form- ed, another section must be made on each side of the brain, extending from behind for- ward along the corpus striatum, on a level with the outer border of the corpus callosum, and reaching to the anterior extremity of the lateral ventricle. Turn forward the inter- mediate flap, which will comprise the cerebellum, the pons Varolii and peduncles, the optic thalami, and the corpora striata. The whole of the interior of the ventricle is thus exposed, so that we can examine the lower surface of the corpus callosum, and its continuity with the centrum ovale of each hemisphere, or the centrum ovale of Vieussens seen from below'. The continuity of the fornix with the cornu ammonis is also well displayed.! The Section of Willis. * Note sur la Structure duCerveau, 24e Bulletin de la Socidtd Anatomique.—(Nouvclle Bibliolhegue Midi- eale.) , ~ t The brains of animals being much less complicated than that of man, are more convenient tor tnis purpose. The brain of a sheep thus unfolded is represented by Willis in his Cerebri Anatome, fig. vii. t This section, which, however, like all similar methods, is liable to the objection that it destroys the con- nexion of parts, suggested to M. Laurencet the idea of comparing the cerebral mass to a nervous loop, analo gous to the loops described by MM. Prevost and Dumas as forming the terminations of the nerves. According to this view, the nervous svstem would represent an elongated ellipse, one end of which would be represented bv the brain and the other by the extremities of all the nerves ; but both loops are equally inadmissible. GALL AND SPURZHEIM S VIEWS OF THE BRAIN. 751 General Remarks upon the Method of examining the Brain by successive Sections. The method of examining the brain by successive sections has been carried farthest by Vicq d’Azyr, whose beautiful plates are entirely devoted to the demonstration of the objects seen upon various sections of the brain made in succession either from below or from above. This method unfolds to us the relative disposition of the gray and white substances, shows the manner in which the ventricles are formed, and displays to us the real nature of parts which, in consequence of their projecting and being free at some part of their surface, have received particular names. But this mode of examining the brain can only be regarded as a preliminary means calculated to give an idea of this organ as a whole ; and it tends to perpetuate the er- roneous opinion that the brain is a pulpy mass, consisting of a semi-fluid substance, and displaying no more evidence of contrivance in its structure than a ball of wax. The method adopted by Yarolius and Yieussens, which fell into disuse after the pub- lication of the beautiful work of Vicq d’Azyr, and which consisted in determining the connexion of the different parts of the brain, has been revived and improved by Gall and Spurzheim, who have thus opened up the path which modern anatomists have so eagerly pursued. Methods of Varolius, of Vieussens, and of Gall, or the Examination of the Connexions of the Different Paris of the Brain. Yarolius was the first to perceive that the essential point in the study of the brain was to ascertain the connexion of its several parts. He was also the first who dissected the brain from below, and who specially examined its connexion with the spinal cord; he described the spinal cord as originating from the brain, not opposite the foramen mag- num, but from the lower part of the cerebral ventricles. Vieussens traced the bundles of the pyramids through the pons Varolii to the pedun- cles of the brain, and followed these peduncles through the optic thalami and the corpora striata into the centrum ovale, which is named after him. But there his inquiries ended, for, according to him, it was in this centre that the linear or radiated structure termina- ted ; and his preconceived notion of a nervous centre (centrum ovale), from which, with Varolius, he described all the fibres as proceeding downward, prevented him from carry- ing his researches farther. Gall followed up the investigations of Yarolius and Vieussens, but instead of dissect- ing the fibres from above downward, or from the brain towards the medulla, he traced them from below upward, or from the medulla towards the brain, and followed jhera through the centrum ovale as far as the convolutions. The method adopted by Gall in order to separate the fibres of the cerebrum and show their connexions was to scrape them with the handle of a scalpel. But, from the nature of this proceeding, only those white fibres can be conveniently traced which pass through gray matter, but the white fibres themselves can never be separated from each other. Hardening the brain in strong alcohol, in nitric or muriatic acid, or by boiling it in oil, or by macerating, or boiling it in a solution of salt, facilitates the separation of its fibres ; but, as the results obtained in these modes might be considered as purely artificial, the action of a stream of water is preferable to any of them. The results obtained by acting on the brain by streams of water fully confirm those which are arrived at by the examination of the hardened brain. Again, the anatomy of the foetal brain and comparative anatomy have also aided in throwing light upon the connexion between the different parts of the brain. As the works of Gall were the commencement, if not the foundation, of all that has since been done, I have thought it necessary to give a brief summary of his view's re- garding the structure of the brain ; and as a knowledge of its structure consists in a great measure in that of its connexions with the cerebellum and spinal cord, the examination of these two subjects cannot properly be separated. Gall and Spurzheim1 s Views of the Structure of the Brain. Gall and Spurzheim commence by stating, 1. That as the brain consists of several departments, the functions of which are totally different, there are several primitive fas- ciculi which, by their development, assist in the formation of that organ. 2. That these fasciculi are composed of medullary fibres arising successively from the gray matter, which, with Vicq d’Azyr, they regard as the matrix or generator of the white substance. 3. That there exist in the brain a formative system of fibres, or a formative apparatus, and systems of uniting fibres, called commissures. In the first, or formative system] Gall describes four primitive fasciculi; namely, the anterior pyramids, the posterior pyramids, the olivary fasciculi, the longitudinal fasciculi, which assist in forming the fourth ventricle, and some others which are yet imperfectly understood.* * It will be observed that Gall’s fundamental statements are hypothetical: that the brain is developed from certain primitive fasciculi, that there is a successive increase of these fasciculi from below upward, and that NEUROLOGY- Normative System of Fibres.—The anterior pyramidal fasciculi decussate at their origin, but the other fasciculi arise on the same side as the hemisphere to which they belong. The anterior pyramidal fasciculi (b',figs. 273, 274) are re-enforced as they pass through the pons Varolii (m), which is therefore, according to Gall’s view, a ganglion, named by him the ganglion of the anterior pyramidal fasciculi; these pyramidal fasciculi constitute the cerebral peduncles (x, fig. 283), and diverge (y y') so as to enter the inferior, ante- rior, and external (i and m, fig. 284) convolutions of the anterior and middle lobes. Gall, in his beautiful plate, No. V., shows the expansion of the fibres of the peduncles, their distribution, their unequal lengths, and the manner in which their expanded ex- tremities are covered with gray matter to form the convolutions. It still remains to determine how the superior convolutions and those of the posterior lobe are formed : the following are the statements of Gall on this point; The olivary bodies of the medulla oblongata are nothing more than ganglia, from each of which a very strong bundle, the olivary fasciculus (see p. 708), emerges and ascend- ing behind the pons, where it is considerably re-enforced, passes through the gray mat- ter which lies upon the white fibres of the cerebral peduncle, wheie it again receives some additional fibres ; this gray matter constitutes a rather firm ganglion on each side ; these are the optic thalami, which, according to Gall, do not assist in the formation of the optic nerves, and bear no proportion to them in size. The olivary fasciculi, which are divided into very delicate filaments in traversing the optic thalamus, are again collected together as they emerge from its upper border. They then pass through a thick mass of gray matter, the corpus striatum, half of which projects into the ventricular cavity, while the other half is surrounded by the convolu- tions of the island of Reil. The radiated fasciculi (k, fig. 284) are again re-enforced in traversing the corpus striatum, which is regarded by Gall as another ganglion, and are then sufficient to form all the posterior convolutions, and also those which are situated along the upper border of each hemisphere, in the median line (A h h). It therefore follows, according Gall, that the convolutions are nothing more than the Fig. 283. perfecting oi all the preceding structures, which should be regarded as preparatory systems of fibres destined to form a whole. Uniting System of Fibres or Commissures.—Even the oldest anatomists regarded the corpus callo- sum as the connecting medium between the two hemispheres ; Vicq d’Azyr, who described several other commissures besides the corpus callosum, regarded them as intended to establish sympathet- ic connexions between the different parts of the brain. Gall, taking a more comprehensive view of this subject, attempted to determine what parts of the brain were connected by this means, and to discover the general law which governs the ar- rangement of the commissures, which he believ- ed to be formed by a system of fibres and bundles, named by him faisceaux rentrans ou convergens. We have seen that Gall traces the pyramidal and olivary fasciculi to the gray matter of the con- volutions. According to him, all the extremities of the medullary fibres penetrate the gray matter, which is therefore whiter internally than on the surface. Gall acknowledges that he has not been able to determine their ultimate distribution; he does not know whether they terminate in the gray matter, or turn back again towards the interior. Nevertheless, he considers it very probable that new medullary filaments originate in this gray lay- er, and that there is thus produced a system of fibres which re-enforces the preceding one, and is connected with it internally.* the gray substance is the matrix of the white, are so many suppositions. Of the primitive fasciculi, the anterior pyramids alone are well defined ; the inaccuracy in the representation of the posterior pyrami 3 - ° * Nothing certain appears likely to arise from this proposition, and yet Gall immediately adds (P • )> h is certain that the existence of two systems of fibres in the brain can be distinctly demon * qJ seeking for converging system contains more fibres and stronger fasciculi than the radiating sys . ■ tion his proofs, we find that he infers that converging fibres must necessarily exist, bo 0( ori!>in. “The con- the white matter of the hemispheres and the fibres which come to them from the t divers-inn- fihm verging fibres,’- says he, “at the bottom of all the convolutions, are see“ *° SeU b and interlace with them.” It is very evident, from an examination of P nd ai mr'diur fibres k j of the existence of converging fibres, that the distinction between the coi \ S -- ® ° ° pure j hypothetical GENERAL IDEA OF THE BRAIN. 753 According to Gall, the commissures are, the corpus callosum, the fornix, and the ante- rior and posterior commissures. The corpus callosum (/d e,frg. 283) is intended to unite the convolutions of the two hemispheres. Its anterior reflected portion unites the inferior convolutions of the two anterior lobes {f p a a). The enlarged posterior extremity (e) receives the fibres (s s) of the posterior convolutions (b) and the middle portion of those of the middle convolu- tions (c). The anterior commissure, which can be so easily traced (m) through the corpus stria- tum into the convolution of the sphenoidal extremity of the posterior [middle] lobe, is regarded by Gall as the means of connecting certain corresponding convolutions in the sphenoidal portions of the two posterior [middle] lobes. The posterior commissure, which is lost in the substance of the optic thalami, and which is much smaller than the anterior, fulfils the same purpose for those bodies. The posterior pillars (k) of the fornix are regarded by Gall as forming a commissure for the posterior convolutions of the two middle lobes. The fornix appears to him to result from the connexion of these parts, and he considers the interlacement called the lyra to be composed of the connecting filaments. His error here is evident, for the for- nix results from the juxtaposition of two medullary cords. The fornix may be regarded as an antero-posterior (A A), but not as a transverse commissure. The Ventricles and Convolutions.—The formation of ventricles is considered by Gall to be the necessary result of the divergence of some fasciculi and the convergence of others. His description of the convolutions is entirely new, and one cannot but regret that it should be disfigured by the hypothesis of converging and diverging fibres. The follow- ing is his mode of describing these parts, which he regards as the completion and final object of the organization of the brain, and as performing the most elevated functions. Gall admits two layers in each convolution; and he finds that these two layers can always be readily separated, but only in the median line. He successfully proves, in op- position to the commission of the Institute, that the convolutions are not composed of a white, soft, and pulpy matter, resembling pomade or jelly, but that they have a fibrous or linear structure.* Unfolding of the Cerebrum.—The idea of unfolding the brain, which is nothing more than opening out the convolutions, was derived by Gall from his view of the structure ol the convolutions, which he regarded as formed of two layers united by very delicate cel- lular tissue. It was also suggested to him by the examination of hydrocephalic brains,, in which he conceived there was no disorganization, but merely an unfolding of the con- volutions. The following is his method of unfolding the brain ; after having very care- fully removed the meninges, he introduced his fingers into the great transverse fissure between the optic thalamus and the hippocampus major, and thus penetrated into the lateral ventricles : he then pressed gently against the outside of the ventricles ; he broke down the white matter of the hemispheres until he reached the base of the convolutions,, which then necessarily became unfolded, so as to be moulded upon the back of his hand the astonished spectators would have wondered less if they had seen the lacerations ne- cessary to produce this result. The unfolding of the brain is impossible if Gall’s views be correct; for, according to him, the white fibres of the brain are not all of equal length, and those which correspond to the anfractuosities are much shorter than those corresponding to the convolutions ; besides, I am convinced that, in hydrocephalus, the convolutions are not unfolded, but are atrophied, flattened, and compressed against each other. Such are the principal ideas of Gall regarding the structure of the brain, t His system undoubtedly contains numerous errors and imperfections; but, nevertheless, it has estab- lished a new era in the study of the anatomy of this organ. General Idea of the Brain. 1. The decussation of the pyramidal fasciculi of the medulla oblongata, their passage through the pons Yarolii, their continuity with the cerebral peduncles, of which they form the lower portion, their passage through the optic thalamus, and their expansion within the corpora striata (A, fig. 284), through which they may be traced (A A A) as far as the convolutions, are incontestable facts. 2. Again : it is no less certain that the fasciculi of re-enforcement of the medulla are * See note, p. 756. t The following is the completion of these ideas : 1. As the peripheral extremities of the nerves expand in all the organs of our body to form an immense surface (and of this expansion the retina is an excellent exam- ple) so do the primitive fasciculi of the brain, after being re-enforced in their passage through the different masses of gray substance, finally expand in the convolutions, and receive a covering of gray matter. 2. There are as many particular systems as there are different functions, but they are all connected together by anas- tomoses. 3. The nervous system is double, but is united into one whole by the commissures. 4. There is not, and there cannot be, any common centre of all the sensations, thoughts, and volitions. 5. Personal unity will always remain a mystery. Each of these propositions might form the subject of ample commentary. I will merely remark the incon- gruity between the acknowledged fact of personal unity, and the singular proposition that there neither la, nor can be, any common centre of all the sensations, thoughts, and volitions. 5 C 754 NEUROLOGY. prolonged above .e pons into the cerebral peduncles, of which they form the upper poi- tion (x,Jig. 283), and become continuous, without any line of demarcation, with the optic thalamus. Do these fasciculi decussate 1 They remain disti. let until they reach oppo- site the pons, behind the tubercula quadrigemina, where they unite ; they appear to me to decussate, but not so evidently as the anterior pyramids, and I cannot venture to state this positively. 3. Fasciculi of white fibres radiate in all directions (y y',fig. 283) from every part of Fig. 284. the surface of the optic thalamus {g g), excepting its inner side, which is free, and corresponds to the third ventricle; the an- terior of these fibres pass directly forward, the mid- dle fibres outward, and the posterior fibres backward, forming the radiating crown of Reil (£,_%. 284), As these radiating fibres emerge from the optic tha- lamus, they are bound down, as it were, by cer- tain white curved fibres, which constitute the taenia semicircularis. 4. All the white fasciculi of the corpora striata, excepting those which are continuous with the anterior pyramids, proceed from the optic thalami. Some of them appear to me to terminate in the corpora striata in the form of extremely delicate filaments, hut the greater number pass through the corpora striata without either increase or diminu- tion, and then pass into the hemispheres. The corpora striata of Willis arc, therefore, nothing more than gray pulpy masses, which are traversed both by the white fibres ra- diating from the circumference of the optic thalami, and by those which are derived from the anterior pyramids. The gray matter is not arranged in alternate linear striae with the Avhite substance. So far from thinking, with Reil, Gall, and Tiedemann, that the fibres which emerge from the corpora striata are much more numerous than those which enter it, I have been led to a precisely opposite conclusion, namely, that a certain num- ber of fibres, proceeding from the optic thalami, terminate in the interior of the corpora striata, the gray matter of which, in reference to these fibres, represents the gray sub- stance in the convolutions. 5. From the anatomical fact that a certain number of white fibres terminate in the corpora striata, and also from the size of those bodies being in some animals inversely proportioned to that of the hemispheres, it appears to me to follow that the corpora stri- ata may be regarded as internal convolutions, in which a certain number of medullary fibres terminate.* 6. It is extremely easy, by means of a stream of water, to separate, and, as it were, enucleate the corpus striatum from the sort of shell formed for it by the cerebrum oppo- site the fissure of Sylvius. The corpus striatum is only connected with the cerebrum by the radiating fibres which emerge from its upper circumference near the corpus ca losum. The optic thalamus and its fasciculus of origin present no trace of a linear structure Nor can we discover in it the concentric layers admitted by Herbert Mayo. With a lit- tle attention, certain extremely delicate white filaments are seen in the optic thalamus, which cannot be separated, on account of their tenuity and the adhesion of the surrounding tissue to them. If the term ganglion be applicable to any part of the cerebrum, it cer- tainly is so to the optic thalamus ; for a nervous ganglion is nothing more than a pecu- liar apparatus in which nervous filaments become separated and spread out, in order to enter into new combinations. WTe must agree with Reil and Tiedemann in regarding the optic thalami as appendages of the cerebral peduncles: Tiedemann calls them the enlargements of the cerebral peduncles. 7. The essential points to be made out in the structure of the cerebrum are the ulti- mate course of the fibres radiating from the optic thalami and corpora striata, and the relations of those fibres with the convolutions of the brain and the corpus callosum, i by no means agree with Reil in thinking that we must not attach so much importance o the continuity of fibres in the cerebrum, and that their contiguity is a sufficien gui e o its anatomy : on the contrary, I regard the determination of their continuity as ic ~ey to the structure of this organ. f . 8. There is no median raphe in the corpus callosum, the right halt ot i s lansverse fasciculi being continued into the left half, without any line of demarca ion. * In several cases of chronic h vdrocephalus, in which the hemispheres were reduced to a \et} thin lamina, I have found the optic thalami atrophied, and the corpora striata of enormous size. GENERAL IDEA OP THE BRAIW. 755 9. It appears, at first sight, that the fibres of the corpus callosum (ed/, fig. 284), and the white radiating fibres (k), which emerge from the optic thalami and corpora striata, decussate (as at g); but on separating the fibres of the cerebrum, either after it has been hardened in alcohol or by the action of a stream of water, it is most distinctly shown that these two sets of fibres are continuous. 10. Again: the continuity of the fibres of the corpus callosum with those of the hem- ispheres is no less evident; the middle fibres (s, fig. 283) of the hemispheres are seen to pass transversely inward, the anterior fibres (a p) backward, the posterior fibres (s) forward, and the inferior fibres to bend and turn upward, to become continuous with the corpus callosum. I have in vain endeavoured to determine by actual dissection whether there is a de- cussation of the fibres of the corpus callosum itself; I still entertain many doubts regard- ing this subject; we shall presently find, when speaking of the development of the brain, that the corpus callosum does not appear until after the hemispheres; and that compara- tive anatomy, by showing that the corpus callosum does not exist in the three lower classes of vertebrate animals, is opposed to the idea that the hemispheres are composed of certain fibres which decussate in the corpus callosum. 11. The doctrine of converging and diverging fibres, advanced by Gall and Reil,* can- not explain the continuity of the fibres of the corpus callosum with the radiating fibres of the corpora striata and optic thalami. Tiedemann, from his researches into the anatomy of the fetal brain, states that the corpus callosum is formed by the reunion of the fibres of the cerebral peduncles after they have expanded to form the hemispheres. He says that he has traced the fibres of the peduncles as far as the median line of the corpus callosum, where those of one side unite and are blended with those of the other; but a careful examination of the cere- brum, either by means of a stream of water, or by hardening it, shows that the fibres of the corpus callosum terminate in the convolutions, without presenting any sort of re flection, or forming any median raphe. 12. The dissections of M. Foviile seem to establish the continuity of the corpus callo- sum both with the radiating fibres of the corpora striata and with the fibres of the hem- ispheres. According to his dissections, which consist essentially in transverse vertical sections, the radiating fibres of the optic thalami and corpora striata divide immediately into three very distinct superimposed planes. The first or superior plane is reflected upward and then inward, so as to describe a curve with its convexity turned outward, passes horizontally inward to form the corpus callosum, and unites with the corresponding fibres of the opposite side. The second, or middle plane, the plane of the hemisphere, ascends parallel to the corpus callosum up to the point where the fibres of that body are reflected inward; it then con- tinues in an almost vertical direction, and thus reaches the gray matter. The third or inferior plane, much smaller than either of the preceding, is extremely thin, and follows a very different course: immediately after emerging from the common place of origin, it descends on the outer side of the corpus striatum, turns round its low- er part, approaches the median line, and then mounts upward, in contact with the cor- responding plane of the opposite side, through the middle of the ventricles, where the two juxtaposed planes form the septum lucidum. 13. Is the fornix an antero-posterior commissure 1 In support of this opinion, I may state, that I have seen the right half of the fornix atrophied in a case of destruction of the convolutions corresponding to the tentorium cerebelli. 14. The anterior commissure (m, fig. 283), which was regarded by Willis as the com- missure of the corpora striata, and by Reil as intended to connect the anterior convolu- tions of the middle lobe and some convolutions situated at the bottom of the fissure of Sylvius, belongs to the system of converging fibres, according to Gall, who describes them as commencing in the gray matter of the convolutions. According to Tiedemann, this commissure is a continuation of the cerebral peduncles, each of which, after having traversed the corpora striata, expands in the corresponding hemispheres, and gives off several radiating fasciculi which incline forward and inward, are collected together into a cord, and unite with those of the opposite side ; the anterior commissure, therefore according to this view, is a bond of union between the radiating fibres of the cerebra peduncles and those of the right and left middle lobes of the brain. Chaussier had al- ready derived the fibres of this commissure from the cerebral peduncles. All that is certainly known regarding it is, that the cord of which it consists passes through the an- terior portion of each corpus striatum, and expands in the anterior and inferior convolu- tions of the sphenoidal horn of the posterior [middle] lobes, behind the fissure of Sylvius. 15. The cornu ammonis is formed by the reflection of the lower part of the hemi- sphere ; the white lamina; which cover it, the corpus fimbriatum along its border, and the * The following is Reil’s statement on this subject: “ Both of these two systems of fibres spread out into rays and meet each other ; the cerebral peduncles ascend from below, and expand into the form of an invert- ed cone ; the system of the corpus callosum, on the contrary, comes from above, and its fibres insinuate them selves between the preceding ones (see g,fig• 284), and form, as it were, the lid of the cup.” 756 NEUROLOGY. fornix, constitute but one system, which evidently belongs to the antero-postenoT com- missures. 16. Each convolution is composed of two precisely similar semi-convolutions; the two halves, which can be readily separated by a stream of water, may be decomposed into a considerable number of striated lamellae, arranged like a fan, the margin of which would correspond to the free border of the convolution, and the narrow end to the ad- herent border ; these striated lamellae are separated from each other by vascular fila- ments ; their number seems to vary in different subjects ; they seem, moreover, to be altogether independent of each other. The stream of water detaches a corresponding layer of gray matter with each white lamella. This layer of gray matter is also striated, and appears to be composed of fibres implanted upon the white matter, as Mr. Herbert Mayo has very clearly pointed out. 17. It follows, therefore, that in the convolutions, a lamellar striated arrangement suc- ceeds to the fibrous or linear arrangement of the medullary centres and radiating fibres of each hemisphere.* These lamellae are evidently continuous with the radiating fibres of the corpus striatum and optic thalamus. Still, there is in each convolution a proper lamella, the continuity of which with the radiating system of the hemispheres I have not been able to trace. 18. We should not regard the convolutions as so many sinuous eminences separated by tire anfractuosities : on the contrary, the bottom of the anfractuosity forms the mid- dle part or fold of a layer of white and gray matter, half of which layer belongs to one convolution and half to the next convolution (n n, fig. 284). Now it is these white lamel- lae which line the gray matter that appear to be proper to each convolution; and be- tween these proper lamellae are situated the white striated plates that are continuous with the radiating fibres of the hemispheres,+ which fibres are not arranged in lamellae, but merely in lines. It follows from all that has been stated, that there are yet several deficiencies in o ir knowledge of the anatomy of the brain, which prevent us from forming a complete id* a of its structure. Development of the Cerebrum.% In the early periods of foetal life, about the end of the second month, the hemispheres are represented by a very thin membrane, which is turned backward and inward, so aa to cover the corpora striata. The optic thalami, which appear as enlargements of the cerebral peduncles, the tuber- cula quadrigemina, and the cerebellum, are completely exposed. The corpus callosum does not yet exist. The human brain may, then, be considered as resembling the brain of fishes. Towards the end of the third month, the membrane of the hemispheres has acquired a farther development, and covers not only the corpora striata, but also the optic thalami. The tubercula quadrigemina and the cerebellum are still exposed. The anterior lobes only of the cerebrum are formed. The posterior lobes seem to be merely appendages. The hemispheres, then, constitute at this period a membranous sac, which is open on the inner side and behind, and may be regarded as representing the brain of reptiles. The * M. Leuret lias been led to the same conclusion regarding’ the lamellar structure of the convolutions, by studying the brain hardened by boiling it in a solution of salt. t Mr. Herbert Mayo (f*scries of engravings intended to illustrate the structure of the brain and spinal cord in man, 1825), who has followed the example of Reil, in examining the brain with so much care after it has been hardened in alcohol, admits the existence of three sorts of fibres in each convolution, viz., fibres which pass from one convolution to the next (u u,fig. 283), and also to more distinct convolutions ; fibres which come from the commissures {s s p) ; and fibres derived from the spinal cord. According to this anatomist, the fibres which pass from one convolution to another constitute the principal part of each convolution ; the othei white fibres which form the centre of each convolution are derived partly from the commissures and partly from the optic thalami and corpora striata. According to him, the white fibres (y' q) which form the inferior layer of the cerebral peduncles radiate 1n the substance of the cerebrum, and constitute its anterior and middle fibres. The fibres proceeding from the optic thalami form the posterior cerebral fibres (y). There is, he affirms, one point in which the radiating fibres evidently decussate with the fibres from the great commissure of the brain or corpus callosum (as at g, fig. 284). The posterior radiating fibres do not present this decussation. The two most remarkable fasciculi of communication between the convolutions are the following; that which occupies the bottom of the fissure of Sylvius (I, fig. 283 ; m,fig. 284), and which unites the convolu- tions of the anterior and posterior lobes ; and that (p p, fig. 283 ; I, fig. 284) which runs above the corpus ca.- Josuir crossing at right angles the direction of its fibres, and connects the anterior and superior with the pos- terior and inferior convolutions. . Rolando has not been so successful in his researches into the structure of the cerebrum as in his investiga- tions into that of the cerebellum; the following are the results which he obtained by tearing the brain, and by examining this organ in the fostus. According to him, the brain is composed of fibres arranged in ayers m the following order, proceeding from without inward: 1. A white layer reaching into the y vius, and covered by gray matter ;2. A layer from which the fibres of the external convolutions arise A layer which is formed by the fibres of the peduncles, and supplies the convolutions of the inner or e e Hemi- sphere ;4. A plane which extends from the optic thalami to the parietes of the ' , onn the corpus callosum ;5. A system of longitudinal fibres which form the convolutions situa ei p e inner sur- face of the hemispheres: 6. A system of medullary fibres which constitute the fornix an cornu ammonis ; i. Internal and external corpora striata, to which must be added the anterior commissures, the perforated layer, and the fasciculus of the external corpus geniculatum. t Vide Tiedemann (translated by M. Jourdan COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF THE CEREBRUM. 757 corpus callosum begins to appear under the form of a narrow commissure, which unites the two hemispheres in front, they being completely separated behind. In the fourth and fifth months, the cerebrum covers the anterior part of the tubercula quadrigemina. The posterior lobe exists, the fissure of Sylvius, which is well-marked, separating it from the anterior lobe. We observe here and there some small depres- sions, the traces of anfractuosities. The olfactory nerves, which are very large, and are said to have been found hollow, as in the lower animals, appear to arise from the Sylvian fissure. The corpus callosum is still very small, so that the optic thalami and the third ventricle are exposed. At this period the human brain has some analogy with that of the rodentia. In the sixth month, the cerebrum covers the tubercula quadrigemina and the greater part of the cerebellum. The only traces of convolutions are found upon the internal surface of the hemispheres. The corpus callosum is prolonged backward with the hem- ispheres, and from being vertical, now becomes horizontal. At the seventh month, the corpora albicantia, which had hitherto formed a single mass, as in the lower animals, become separated. The convolutions are defined, and the cere- brum projects behind the cerebellum. The changes occurring in the eighth and ninth months appear to be the development of the convolutions and the perfection of the other parts of the brain. At this period the characters of the human brain are well-defined. It may not be impossible, perhaps, to recognise, in the rapid phases of this development, the characters of the brain in the different orders of mammalia, but it is necessary to observe greater caution in admit- ting these analogies than has been evinced by various naturalists. As the corpus callosum continues to be developed backward, it ends by reaching the anterior tubercula quadrigemina. The corpora striata do not exhibit their white, radiating fibres until near birth, or soon after it. The originating fasciculi of the fornix are not seen in the interior of the optic thalami until the latter months of intra-uterine life ; and until then, also, the transverse commissures and the white fibres of the optic commissure do not appear.* The lateral ventricles are formed by the turning backward and inward of the membrane which constitutes the hemispheres. And as this membrane is very thin until the end of the third month, it follows that at this period the lateral ventricles are proportionally much larger than they are afterward. The anterior cornua of these ventricles are developed before the descending cornua, and these before the posterior cornua. During all this pe- riod, the anterior cornua communicate with the cavities in the olfactory nerves. At the sixth month, the lateral ventricles are completely closed. The choroid plexuses, which exist in all animals provided with lateral ventricles, begin to appear as soon as these cavities. The distinction between the gray and white matter does not become evident until af- ter birth. Tiedemann is of opinion that the formation of the gray matter takes place after that of the white. This appears to me a pure hypothesis. The two substances are formed at the same time ; but, properly speaking, they are neither white nor gray, and they do not acquire their distinctive characters until some little time afterward. Comparative Anatomy of the Cerebrum. The Optic Thalami and Corpora Striata. In analyzing the brains of the lower animals, it is of the utmost importance clearly to distinguish the hemispheres, properly so called, from the optic thalami and corpora striata. The optic thalami are recognised by their having a ventricle (the third) between them, by being connected by an anterior and a posterior commissure, and, moreover, by being continuous with the cerebral peduncles. The size of the optic thalami is always proportioned to that of the hemispheres. In fishes, the cerebrum appears to be almost entirely formed by the optic thalami. There are no traces of corpora striata in fishes. Their existence in reptiles cannot be doubted. They are of enormous size in birds, in which they constitute almost the entire hemispheres. If it be true that, in the animal series, the size of the hemispheres is always directly proportioned to that of the optic thalami, such is not the case with the corpora striata, which, as I have already stated, are a kind of internal convolutions, and are often inversely proportioned, in size, to the hemispheres, properly so called. Thus, the corpora striata are very large in proportion to the hemispheres in the ro- dentia : in this respect, as in many others, the brain of this order of mammalia approach- es very near to that of birds. In the higher orders of mammalia, as the carnivora and quadrumana, the proportion between the corpora striata and the hemispheres is nearly the same as in the human subject. * [Tiedemann describes fibres as distinctly appearing- in the corpus striatum in the sixth mouth, though not so abundantly as afterward. He recognised the anterior and posterior commissures before the end of the third month ; at the same time, also, the anterior pillars of the fornix rising from the united mass of the cor- pora albicantia ; the fasciculi from the thalami to the corpora albicantia were quite distinct in the fifth month and could be recognised even somewhat earlier.] 758 NEUROLOGY. The Cerebral Hemispheres and Olfackrry Lobes. In Mammalia. —Man surpasses all the mammalia in regard to the size of the cerebral hemispheres and the number of their convolutions. The quadrumana stand next to man. The dolphin, perhaps, exceeds the ape in both respects, and this would tend to support the relations of travellers respecting the won- derful intelligence of this cetaceous animal. In the carnivora and ruminantia the hemispheres are smaller, the occipital lobe of the cerebrum does not exist, and the anterior part only of the cerebellum is covered. There is no fissure of Sylvius, and no lobe of the corpus striatum. In all these animals, the number of the convolutions and the depth of the anfractuosities have appeared to me to be as great as they are in man, in proportion to the size of the hemispheres. I have not observed that regularity of the convolutions which several anatomists have pointed out as contrasting with their irregularity in man. The lowest order of mammalia, namely, the rodentia, have the least complicated brain. It is shaped like the heart on playing cards, almost resembling the brain of birds. The cerebellum is completely exposed, and the tubercula quadrigemina are but partially cov- ered by the cerebrum. There are scarcely any traces of convolutions, and the hemi- spheres are reduced to a membrane folded upon itself. The corpus callosum is extremely small, but the cornu ammonis is very large. These two parts seem to be developed inversely to each other. Thus, the corpus callosum is larger and the cornu ammonis is smaller in man than in the lower animals. In the rodentia, the gray matter of the convolutions is reflected beneath the fornix.* In ail mammalia, excepting the dolphin, the olfactory nerves, which are so delicate in man, form two thick pedicles lying under the anterior lobes of the cerebrum, and termi- nating in front by large ovoid bulbs, corresponding in size to that of the ethmoidal fossae; these enlargements are named olfactory lobes. They are continuous with the innermost convolutions of the sphenoidal horn of the posterior lobe, which presents, above and be- low, certain white fibres or striae, that are continuous with the cerebral peduncles. The olfactory lobes have no relation with the corpora striata, as Cuvier was the first to observe. In the dolphin, as in man, the corpora striata are very much developed. The development of the olfactory lobe is inversely proportioned to that of the cornu ammonis. In Birds.-—The cerebral hemispheres in birds are shaped like a heart on playing cards, as in the rodentia ; there are no lobes and no convolutions, excepting a very superficial longitudinal furrow, situated on each side of the median line. The brain almost entire- ly consists of the corpora striata. The hemisphere is formed by a very thin gray lamina, upon which are observed certain white radiated fibres. This lamina commences at the inner part of the corpus striatum, turns outward round that body, and is continued to the upper part. The interval between this lamina and the corpus striatum forms the lateral ventricle. There is no trace of the corpus callosum, but there is evidently an anterior commissure, which expands in the corpora striata. In all birds of prey, two medullary bands arise in front of the commissure of the optic nerves, and, having reached the front of the hemispheres, are expanded to form the ol- factory lobes. In the other tribes, as in the gallinaceee, there are no olfactory lobes, but certain small cords, which are merely the tapered extremities of the hemispheres. In Reptiles.—The hemispheres are larger in the chelonians (tortoise) than in birds, though they are very similar in many respects : as in birds, there are no olfactory lobes, but merely two bands. In the saurians (crocodile, lizard) the olfactory lobe is continued into the tapering point of the cerebral lobe by a very long pedicle. The batrachians and ophidians have olfactory lobes in front of the hemispheres, from which they are separa- ted by a circular constriction. In Fishes.—Like reptiles, fishes have sometimes a single pair, sometimes two pairs of lobes in front of the optic lobes. When there is only one pair, it must not be conclu- ded that they represent the cerebral hemispheres; if that pair is continuous with the ol- factory nerves, they constitute the olfactory lobes. Whenever there is a pair of lobes between the- olfactory and the optic lobes, such pair belongs to the hemispheres. The olfactory lobes and the cerebral hemispheres are so independent of each other, that they are often inversely proportioned in regard to size, so that the cerebral hemi spheres are larger in man than in any of the lower animals, while the olfactory lobes are smaller. On the other hand, the olfactory lobes are the most highly developed in the ray; they are united together, are hollowed in the centre, grooved on the surface, ac- cording to the observation of Vicq d’Azyr, and present some traces of convolutions. Now, in the ray, there are no cerebral hemispheres, at least, unless we agree with 1 iede- man nin regarding the olfactory lobes as anologous to the corpora striata. In some fish- es the olfactory lobe is supported by a pedicle of variable length. As to the cerebral hemisphere, it is a mere tubercle, which appears to represent the optic tha amus. * [Mr. Owen has discovered that the brain of marsupial animals resembles that of birds, in wanting- the car- dus callosum (see his Memoir in Phil. TranslB37).] THE NERVES. 759 The corpus callosum, the fornix, and the septum lucidum do not exist either in birds, reptiles, or fishes. The corpora albicantia, which are wanting in birds and reptiles, are of enormous size in fishes, and constitute a true lobe, according to Vicq d’Azyr and Arsaky. The encephalon of fishes presents five pairs of lobes, which are, proceeding from be- hind forward, 1. The lobes of the pneumogastric nerve, or lobe of the medulla oblongata ; 2. The cerebellum ; 3. The optic lobes ; 4. The cerebral hemispheres ; 5. The olfactory lobes. If we now generalize, with M. de Blainville, the notions we have formed respecting the encephalon of vertebrate animals, we may regard the different pairs of lobes of the encephalon as so many pairs of ganglia situated upon the prolongation of the spinal cord ; these he names ganglions sans appareil exterieur. The first or the most anterior pair consists of the olfactory lobes, which are rudimentary in man. The second is the cere- brum, properly so called. The third is formed by the tubercula quadrigemina or optic lobes, which are rudimentary in man. The fourth is the cerebellum. The ganglia which constitute each pair communicate with each other; each ganglion communicates with that which precedes and that which follows it • and, lastly, they all communicate with the spinal cord.* THE NERVES, OR THE PERIPHERAL PORTION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. General Remarks.—History and Classification.—Origin, or Central Extremity.—Different Kinds.—Course, Plexuses, anil Anastomoses.—Direction, Relations, and Mode of Divis- ion.—Termination.—Nervous Ganglia, and the Great Sympathetic System.—Connexions of the Ganglia with each other, and with the Spinal Nerves.—Structure of Nerves.—Struc tare of Ganglia.—Preparation of Nerves. The nerves, which are concerned in the transmission of sensations and of motor influ- ence, are white cords, attached to the cerebro-spinal axis by one extremity (the centra! extremity), and distributed to the different organs by the other, or peripheral extremity. They have a pearly-white aspect, like the tendons, with which they were for some time confounded. Their surface is smooth, and presents a number of folds or zigzag marks, which are effaced by extension.! Lastly, if a nerve be cut across, it is seen to be com- posed of a certain number of cords, the divided ends of which project beyond the cut surface. By these characters it will always be easy to distinguish a nerve from any other white tissue in the body. All the nerves are arranged in pairs : they differ from each other in their point of junction with the central portion of the nervous system ; in their consistence ; in the place at which they emerge from the cranio-vertebral cavity; in their distribution ; and in their functions. These points of difference have served as the foundations of the dif- ferent classifications of the nerves proposed at various periods. General Remarks. The nerves, which had been at first confounded with the tendons and ligaments under the name of white tissues, were distinguished from those parts by Herophiius and Galen. The subdivision of the nerves into the cerebral or cranial nerves, which pass out of the foramina in the base of the scull, and the spinal or rachidian nerves, which emerge from the inter-vertebral foramina, was so natural, that it suggested itself to the earliest anat- omists who directed their attention to this system. The cranial nerves alone have pre- sented some difficulties in their study and their classification. Marinus, whose work has been long regarded as classical, admitted only seven pairs of cranial nerves, among which neither the olfactory nor the pathetic were included. Achillini was the first who described the latter as a special nerve ; and it was Massa who classed the olfactory rib- and among the nerves. Willis divided the cranial nerves (and his division is still adopt- ed) into ten pairs, including the sub-occipital nerve. He also, like his predecessors, ad- mitted thirty pairs of spinal nerves, and regarded the great sympathetic as forming the forty-first pair. According to Willis, the olfactory nerves form the first cranial pair; the optic nerves, the second ; the common motor nerves of the eyes, the third ; the pa- thetic nerves, the fourth; the trigeminal nerves, the fifth ; the external motor nerves, the sixth; the facial and auditory nerves together, the seventh; the pneumogastric, glosso-pharyngeal, and spinal accessory, the eighth ; the hypoglossal nerves, the ninth ; and the sub-occipital nerves, the tenth. This last pair, which was with so much reason * [There is still considerable uncertainty as to the parts of the encephalon which correspond in the higher and lower vertebrata. For farther information on this point, as well as on the comparative anatomy of the brain generally, see Leuret, Anatomic Compares du Systems Nerveux, Paris, 1839.] t [These zigzag folds led some anatomists to believe that the nerves have a sinuous arrangement. Monro has even commemorated this anatomical error by a figure. The sinuous appearance common to the nerves and tendons disappears in both by stretching.] History and Classification of the Nerves. 760 NEUROLOGY. classed by Haller among the spinal nerves, has been alternately and arbitrarily removed from one to the other class of nerves. Soemmering divided the seventh pair ' f Willis into two distinct pairs : the seventh, or the facial nerves ; and the eighth, or the audi- tory nerves : he subdivided the .eighth pair of Willis into three pairs, namely, the ninth, or the glosso-pharyngeal; the tenth, or the pneumogastric; and the eleventh, or the spinal accessory nerves of Willis. But Soemmering’s modification, as well as Mala- carne’s, who admitted fifteen pairs of cranial nerves, and also Paletta’s, who described as a particular nerve that branch of the fifth pair which is distributed to the temporal and buccinator muscles, appear to me to be faulty, because they cause a confusion of ideas without leading to any advantage. We shall, therefore, adhere to the classifica- tion of Willis, which is most generally adopted. Nevertheless, with Vicq d’Azyr, we shall prefer a nomenclature founded upon the distribution of the nerves to one which is purely numerical. Willis conceived the grand idea of separating the nerves of voluntary from those oi involuntary motion. Bichat seized upon this idea, which had already been rendered fruitful by Winslow and Reil; he unfolded it even to the minutest details, and appropri- ated to himself, in some measure, the distinction of the nerves into those of organic and those of animal life. The cerebro-spinal nerves constitute the nervous system of ani- mal life ; the great sympathetic nerve forms by itself the nervous system of organic life. This last-named nerve consists of a series of ganglia, or small nervous centres, distinct from each other and from the brain. Bichat, moreover, anticipating all the importance of the origin of the nerves, endeavoured to class them, not according to the points at which they emerged from the cranium, but according to their origin, viz., into the nerves of the cerebrum, which are ten in number; the nerves of the pons Varolii, six in num- ber ; and the nerves of the spinal marrow, thirty-four in number ; the only disadvantage of this classification consists in its having been premature. Other less important, and, in general, rather physiological than anatomical subdivis- ions of the nerves, have been established. Thus, in reference to their consistence, the nerves have been divided into the hard, which are motor nerves, and the soft, which are sensory; the former are said to come from the spinal cord, the latter from the brain. The old distinction of the nerves into nerves of sensation and nerves of motion has been lately revived ; and we shall have occasion to recur to it, as well as to Sir Charles Bell’s classification of the nerves into the symmetrical or primitive, and the superadded or respi- ratory system. The nerves might also be classified according to their size, but this mode of distinc- tion would be completely useless. Every nerve presents for our consideration a central extremity, a course, and a peripheral extremity. The Central Extremity of the Nerves. The central extremity of the nerves is that part by which they communicate or are connected with the cerebro-spinal axis. It is .generally called the origin of the nerves. The use of such metaphorical expressions as origin, production, and efflorescence, has not been without disadvantage to science; for by the majority of anatomists they are employed not in a figurative, but in a literal sense.* The examination of the central extremity of the nerves is, perhaps, the most impor- tant part of their study, because the properties of the nerves depend in a great measure upon their point of connexion with the central part of the nervous system. This point is, in reference to each nerve, constant and invariable, not only in man, but throughout the animal kingdom, so that its exact determination enables us to establish what are the analogous parts of the encephalon in different species. Each nerve has an apparent and a real central extremity or origin. The apparent ori- gin is the exact point at which the nerve is given off from the surface of the cerebro- spinal axis; but, as several nerves can be traced into the substance of the cerebro-spinal axis to a variable depth, it is probable that all of them have a much deeper real origin. The older anatomists proceeded on this supposition, when they described all the nerves as originating from the cerebrum, and more particularly from the corpus callosum, or, rather, from the optic thalami and corpora striata. We are still ignorant of any central point, or sensorium commune, forming the point of termination or of origin to all the nerves of the body, In respect of their origin, we might regard all the nerves as proceeding from the spi- nal cord ; the nerves of the face, and those of the organs of respiration and deglutition, arise from the medulla oblongata and its cranial prolongations ; the nerves of the upper extremity proceed from the cervico-dorsal enlargement of the cord ; and the nerves of the lower extremity from the lumbar enlargement: the nerves of the trunk arise from the spinal cord, between its three enlargements. The optic and olfactory nerves alone appear to form exceptions to this rule. All the spinal nerves present the greatest uniformity in reference to their origin, * Comparative anatomy, and the anatomy of the feetus, prove the independent formation of the different parts of the nervous system. DIFFERENT KINDS OF NERVES. 761 course, and termination. The arrangement of the cranial nerves, which appears at first sight tw oe uninfluenced by the laws which regulate the distribution of the spinal nerves, may yet be referred to those laws to a certain extent, notwithstanding its apparent ir- regularity and complexity. The general remarks which follow apply more particularly to the spinal nerves. The spinal nerves arise by two sets of roots, the anterior (a, Jig. 267) and the poste- rior (b). Gall advanced the notion that the posterior roots of the spinal nerves preside over ex- tension, and the anterior roots over flexion of the trunk and limbs, and he explained the predominance of extension over flexion by the greater size of the former roots.* Al- though the fact of this predominance appears to me indisputable, Gall’s explanation is nevertheless rendered void, for it supposes a separation of the fibres of the anterior and posterior roots in reference to their distribution, and no such a separation exists. Sir Charles Bell, having proved by experiments that the facial nerve and the fifth cerebral nerve had different properties, the former being devoted to motion and the lat- ter to sensation, was led to examine whether there did not exist something analogous in the other parts of the body ; and the double roots of the spinal nerves must have natural- ly suggested themselves to his mind. Might not the object of this double origin be to concentrate a double property in each pair of nerves'! Experiments were instituted, and they confirmed the preconceived ideas of this ingenious physiologist. They were soon followed by the perfectly confirmatory experiments made by Magendie, who, by also adducing facts in pathological anatomy, threw so much light upon this subject, that most modern physiologists have admitted that the posterior roots belong to sensation, and the anterior to motion. Now, notwithstanding the imposing authorities which I have quoted, I must say that I am by no means convinced of the reality of this distinction, and that, in repeating both Bell’s and Magendie’s experiments, the section of the anterior and that of the posterior roots appeared to me to produce precisely the same effects.f I have also endeavoured to determine the question anatomically. Some anatomists have thought that, after emerging from the ganglion, the filaments from the two roots become so intimately mingled that the smallest nervous cord would contain filaments from both the anterior and the posterior roots ; as far as I have been able to ascertain, the filaments are interlaced, but never enter into a regular combination. Again, in order to render the dissection more easy and conclusive, having macerated a portion of a body in water containing nitric acid, and having thus destroyed the neuri- lemma or fibrous covering of the nerves, I endeavoured to trace some nervous filaments, both cutaneous and muscular, to their origin ; but I never could succeed in this, so nu- merous are the combinations into which the filaments enter. However, having directed my attention more particularly to certain filaments given off from the cervical nerves to be distributed to the scaleni muscles, I succeeded in tracing them into the correspond- ing spinal gangli. Now the filaments which proceed directly from the spinal ganglia are, according to the theory just alluded to, exclusively connected with sensation, and, con- sequently, should not be distributed to the muscles. The question of the anterior and posterior roots is connected with another more gen- eral question, viz., Are there different kinds of nerves I Different Kinds of jYerves. The natural distinction of the nerves into those of sensation and of motion dates as far back as Erasistratus, who described the sensory nerves as arising from the meninges, and the motor from the cerebrum and cerebellum. This opinion was often revived and always abandoned, and it was only when direct experiment appeared to confirm the an- ticipations of theory that it became generally adopted. Bichat, after the example ot Winslow and Reil, divided the nervous system into two great sections, one of which belongs to animal and the other to organic life. The spinal cord and encephalon form the common centre of the nervous system of animal life ; the organs of the senses and the muscles are under its influence. All the organs supplied by it are subject to volition and consciousness. The nervous system of organic life is formed by the ganglia of the great sympathetic, which Bichat agrees with Winslow ir. regarding as so many little brains. The organs of digestion, respiration, circulation, and secretion are under its influence. All of the organs which it supplies are withdrawn from the control of the will and of consciousness. The subdivision adopted by Reil and Bichat prevailed in the science until Sir Charles Bell was led back to the opinion of the ancients by some highly interesting observations and experiments ; he associated with that opinion the ideas of Bichat, and also estab- * In this matter Gall has caught sight of a truth which I believe I have established upon incontestable evi dence, in describing the apparatus of locomotion ; namely, that in ail parts of the body, excepting in the mus- cles of the fingers, the extensors are more powerful than the flexors. t [The accuracy of the experiments has now been amply confirmed; and there is no doubt that the ante- rior are the motor, and the posterior the sensory roots ; no difference of structure has been detected between them.J 762 NEUROLOGY. lished an entirely new class of nerves, which he named nerves of expression or respiratory nerves. According to this view, there are five kinds of nerves : nerves intended for special sensations, as the nerves of smell, of vision, and of hearing ; nerves of common sensation; nerves of voluntary motion; nerves of the respiratory movements ; and sympathetic nerves, which appear to unite the body into a whole in relation to its nutrition, its growth, and its decay. By a still wider generalization, Sir Charles Bell admits two systems of nerves, viz., the the primitive or symmetrical nerves, which exist in all animals, and by the aid of which they feel and move ; and, secondly, the superadded, irregular, or respi- ratory nerves, the number of which is proportioned to the perfection of the general organ- • ization. It is the latter system of nerves that regulates the partly voluntary and partly involuntary act of respiration, and also the several movements connected with it, such as those of speaking, laughing, sighing, and sneezing. According to Bell, these nerves arise from a special tract in the cord, and sometimes proceed separately or distinct from he other nerves, and are sometimes blended with them, this occurring in such a man- ner that neither their union nor their separation in any way impedes their functions. This theory of superadded or respiratory nerves is very ingenious, but altogether hy- pothetical. Besides, it is only strictly applicable to the case of four nerves, viz., the pneumogastric, the glosso-pharyngeal, the spinal-accessory, and the facial. Sir C. Bell’s opinion concerning the existence of a column situated between the anterior and poste- rior roots of the nerves, along the whole extent of the spinal cord, and giving origin to certain filaments which combine with those coming from the two roots so as to cause them to participate in the great phenomenon of respiration, is quite gratuitous. , On endeavouring to decide whether there are several kinds of nerves, by anatomical investigation, it is found that, excepting the olfactory, optic, and acoustic nerves, which have altogether a peculiar arrangement, and the ganglionic nerves, which are generally grayer and more slender, there is no difference in the character and structure of the nerves of different parts of the body. The cutaneous nervous filaments are exactly sim- ilar to the muscular nervous filaments. From the law of organization, that identity of structure is always connected with iden- tity of function, I have been led to admit that the nerves are homogeneous; that the dif- ferent properties attributed to them belong to the organs to which they are distributed ; and that they perform no other office in the economy than that of conductors—conductors of sensation when they are distributed to a sensory organ, and conductors of motor influence when they enter a motor organ.* This view of the homogeneous structure of the nerves explains much more readily than the opposite one all the phenomena of innervation, and, in particular, the unity of all parts of the nervous system. Moreover, if we admit the existence of special nerves to preside over some special phenomena, and to be distributed to particular organs, why not admit them for all special actions and for all organs 1 There would then have to be digestive nerves, generative nerves, and secreting nerves of different kinds. Course, Plexuses, and Anastomoses of the Nerves. The course of the nerves must be examined both while they are within and while they are outside the cranio-vertebral cavity. Within this cavity the extent of their course is variable ; and their distribution, after they have emerged from it, is more or less com- plicated. All, or nearly all, the cerebro-spinal nerves communicate with the great sym- pathetic system. When the parts to which they are destined are not complicated, their distribution is very simple, as, for example, the nerves of the thoracic and abdominal parietes ; but when those parts are complicated, the arrangement of the nerves is pro- portionally intricate; and they then unite so as to form certain interlacements called plexuses, as, for example, the thoracic and abdominal plexuses. The nervous plexuses, which Bichat regarded as so many centres in which the branch- es of origin of the nerves ended, and from which their terminal branches commen ced, are formed by the division and subdivision of a certain number of nerves, which enter into new combinations, and form an almost inextricable interlacement. Within these plexuses there is generally so intimate a combination of the different elements of which they are composed, that it is almost impossible to determine exactly what branches of origin are concerned in the formation of any particular terminal branch. A branch of a nerve issuing from a plexus belongs, therefore, to all the nerves which en- ter into the composition of that plexus. The plexuses do not consist of actual anastomoses of the nervous cords ; nor do they, as Monro believed, contain any gray matter : they do not afford origin to any new ner- vous filaments, but they merely give off those which they have received. The most careful examination reveals nothing more than an interchange of nervous cords, which, although they enter into new combinations, still remain independent of each other. * The homogeneous structure of the different nerves is proved by the anatomical fact, that the same nerve is distributed to a great number of organs having very different functions, as, for example, tne eighth pair; and also hy a fact in comparative anatomy, namely, that the same pair of nerves may, m dinerent species, pre- side over totally different functions ; for example, the fifth pair. The term nervous anastomoses is applied to the communications by loops, or at more or less acute angles, which take place between the nervous filaments. The older anat- omists, governed by the idea that there existed a fluid circulating in the nerves, sup- posed that in the anastomoses of nerves there was a mixture of nervous fluids, nearly similar to that which takes place in vascular anastomoses, where two different columns of blood are intermixed. They regarded the nervous anastomoses as the most active source of sympathies. Bichat also admits the existence of these anastomoses, in which, he says, there is not only a contiguity, but also a continuity of nervous filaments. Be- dard* defends the use of the term anastomosis, and endeavours to define its meaning thus : “ There is not merely an application of nervous filaments in the anastomoses, but a true communication, a junction (abouchemenl) of their canals, which, in truth, contain a fixed substance, not a circulating fluid, as was formerly believed.” But, on examining the structure of the nervous anastomoses, it is seen that there is simply a juxtaposition of filaments derived from two different sources. The examina- tion also proves most distinctly that the anastomoses are merely small plexuses, so that the only difference between them is, that in the -plexuses there is an interchange of nervous cords, while in the anastomoses there is an interchange of nervous filaments or of primitive fibres. The anastomoses, like the plexuses, are intended to concentrate the action of several nerves upon any given point, as on a centre, from which their action may ex- tend to certain parts necessarily connected in function- The nervous loops described by Bichat upon all points of the median line of the body, and by the existence of which he supposed that he could explain the return of sensation and voluntary motion to paralytic parts of the body, do not exist. The only anastomoses' in the middle line with which I am acquainted are those of the two pneumogastric nerves behind the lower extremity of the trachea, that of the two solar plexuses, and that of the cardiac nerves. DIRECTION OP THE NERVES. 763 The Direction, Relations, and Mode of Division of the Nerves. The nerves are very deeply situated at their egress from the cranio-vertebral cavity. Thus, the brachial plexus is protected by the osseous girdle of the shoulders, and the sacral plexus by the pelvic bones. The nerves then pass into the great cellular inter- vals, which we have already described as existing in the limbs for the reception of the principal vessels and nerves, and for the preservation of those parts from pressure. The direction of the nerves is generally straight, and their length corresponds exact- ly with the distance from their point of origin to that of their termination, so that, if the movements of the limbs exceed their ordinary extent, the nerves may suffer severe in- jury by being stretched. This straight direction is, in general, an essential character of a nerve. Nevertheless, a considerable number of nerves deviate from their primitive direction,! so as to describe a portion of a circle, or are seen reflected upon themselves in a direction precisely opposite to their original one. Others describe a zigzag course, like the arteries ; but these flexuosities are effaced in certain positions of the body, or during the distension of particular organs. Although there is but one arterial trunk for each limb, there are always several nerves, the number of these being variable. As the arteries often deviate from their original direction, they describe certain turns, so as to occupy alternately the opposite sides of a limb. Now, as the nerves pass in a straight direction, and the arteries describe cer- tain curves, it follows that the same nerves cannot accompany the same arteries during the whole of their course. Thus, when an artery deviates from its primitive direction, it has two satellite nerves, one during the first, and the other during the second part of its course. For instance, the crural nerve accompanies the femoral artery, and the sciatic nerve the popliteal artery. When an artery bifurcates or otherwise divides, there is often a particular nerve for each subdivision: thus, the median nerve is the satellite of the brachial artery, the radial nerve accompanies the radial artery, and the ulnar nerve the ulnar artery. It follows, also, from what has been said, that the nerves have no accompanying ves- sel for a more or less considerable portion of their course ; such is the case with the great sciatic and the pneumogastric nerves. The relations of the arteries with the nerves are constant, so that modern surgeons attach great importance to these relations ; in fact, as a nerve, on account of its white- ness, is more easily recognised than an artery, as soon as the former is exposed the latter is immediately met with. It is important, moreover, to determine with the great- est accuracy what nerves are contained within, and what nerves are situated without, the sheath of their corresponding artery. Besides its principal nervous trunk, an artery is also accompanied by certain nervous filaments, which are closely applied to the ves- sels, which are very difficult to separate from it, and which often escape observation * Anat. Generate, p. C 59. .... , . . t I do not think that a straight direction is necessary tor the transmission of the nervous influence, for this takes place in a flexed limb along a curved nerve, as well as in an extended limb along a straight nerve but it is probable that it shortens the duration of this transmission. 764 NEUROLOGY. from their tenuity. These are the filaments which render ligature of the arteries so painful. Division of the Nerves.—During their course, the nerves do not divide, like the vessels, by ramifying into smaller and smaller branches ; but they give off in succession, as they proceed, branches to the different parts through which they are passing, and thus be- come gradually exhausted, until, reduced to mere filaments themselves, they terminate in the same manner as their branches. The subdivision of nerves, therefore, does not con- sist in a ramification, hut in a process of separation or emission. There is one circumstance which has attracted the attention of all anatomists, viz., that the nerves do not diminish in size in proportion to the number of filaments given off from them: some of them even appear to increase in size after having given off several filaments. This apparent singularity is explained, not by the fact that new filaments are added, but by the flatten- ing of the nerve, the separation of its filaments, the addition of a certain quantity of adi- pose tissue, or the thickening of the neurilemma. Termination of Nerves. The distribution of the nerves is perfectly determinate : each nerve, indeed, has its own distinctly limited department; an arrangement which, connected with what has al- ready been said regarding the anastomoses, explains why the nerves cannot supply the place of each other. When the principal arterial trunk of a limb is tied, the circulation is re-established by the collateral vessels ; but when a nerve is cut across, all the parts to which it is distributed are paralyzed. The termination of the nerves is, undoubtedly, one of the most important points in their anatomy. In the skin, the nerves terminate in the papillee, not one of which is destitute of them ; in the muscles, they terminate in extremely delicate filaments, which pursue a very long course in the substance of these organs, before they become invisible to the naked eye or to the eye aided by a lens : it has appeared to me that each nervous filament was so arranged as to be in contact with a very great number of muscular fibres, situated either in the same or in different planes. It is probable that there is not a single muscular fibre which is not thus lightly touched by a nervous filament; this anatomical fact may suggest, instead of Red’s ingenious hypothesis of an atmosphere of activity around each nervous filament, the important conclusion that the nerves act upon the muscular fibre by the effect of contact.* MM. Prevost and Dumas believe that the nervous filaments terminate by loops in the substance of muscles ; and upon their incomplete observations they have founded a theory of muscular contraction. Nervous loops may certainly be observed in the substance of the recti muscles, which they selected as examples ; but these loops are not the termina- tion of the nerves, for a number of filaments are seen to issue from them, and to be dis- tributed in the manner just pointed out.f The different organs vary much in regard to the number of nerves which they receive ; the organs of the senses—the eyes, the ears, the nasal fossae, the tongue, and the skin— stand first in this respect. Next to these rank the muscles, which receive nerves in proportion to the number of their fibres and to their activity. The organs of nutritive life are far removed from the preceding in regard to the quantity of nerves distributed to them. No proper nerves have yet been discovered in cellular tissue, serous mem- branes, tendons, aponeuroses, and articular cartilages. All the articulations are provided with nerves, called articular, which may be traced into the ligaments, and even upon the synovial membranes. The long bones, in addition to their central or medullary nerve, have certain periosteal nerves which are lost in the periosteum, and also proper nerves of the spongy tissue, which enter the foramina at the extremities of these bones. The Nervous Ganglia and the Great Sympathetic System. The nervous ganglia are certain grayish knots or swellings situated along the course of the nerves, and having a rather close resemblance to the lymphatic glands or ganglia. Considered generally, the ganglia are a kind of nervous centres, towards which a certain number of filaments converge, and from which they again pass out under new combina- tions. Hence arose the ingenious idea of Winslow, who compared the ganglia to little * This hypothesis of a nervous atmosphere was suggested to Reil by the theory of a nervous fluid, which he regarded as analogous to and almost identical with the electric fluid ; and also by the fact that the nervous ap- paratus is not able to supply filaments to all the muscular fibres. , t [The loops described by Prevost and Dumas seem to have consisted of small nervous cords ; but Valentin, Emmert, and Burdach have observed that the ultimate filaments (primitive fibres of Muller) have a loop-HKe termination in the muscles. In reference to the nerves of sensation, it has been observed by Valentin and Burdach, that in the frog’s skin the primitive fibres end in loops ; this mode of termination has also been seen by Schwann in the tail of the larva of the toad, and in the frog’s mesentery. Schwann farther states, that in both these cases the nervous fibres gave off exceedingly small fibrils, on which minute swellings (ganglia) were placed, and which in some situations formed a network. In the papillse of the human skin, Brescnet thought he saw the nerves ending in loops ; and Gherber believes that he has seen these terminal loops in the skin of quadrupeds. Observers differ in their account of the mode of termination of the optic and auditory nerves (seo Organs of Sight and Hearing).] CONNEXIONS OF THE GANGLIA. 765 orams ; an idea which was revived under a modified form by Bichat, who made it the basis of his admirable chapter upon the nervous system of organic life. The nervous system of invertebrate animals is reduced to a series of ganglia and gan- glionic nerves; Swammerdam, Haller, and the older anatomists regarded this series of ganglia as a spinal cord enlarged at intervals. But there is no point of comparison be- tween these two parts ; in a word, the enlargements of the spinal cord and brain cannot be likened in any respect to the ganglionic enlargements. There are three series, or, as some say, three kinds of ganglia: viz., the spinal or rachidian ganglia; the intercostal ganglia; and the splanchnic ganglia; these last are situ- ated near the viscera for which they are intended. The first series, or the spinal ganglia, belong to the organs of relation. They are con- stant, regular, and symmetrical, like the nerves upon which they are placed. The other twro series are destined for the apparatus of nutritive life, and constitute the great sym- pathetic system, improperly called the ganglionic system. The identity in nature between the spinal ganglia and the ganglia of the great sympa- thetic, and also between the cerebro-spinal and the ganglionic system of nerves, is de- monstrated by the fact that in a great number of animals the ganglia are blended, or, as it were, fused together. M. Weber (Anat. Compares du Nerf Sympathique, 1817) has ob- served, that in animals the development of the great sympathetic is always inversely pro- portioned to that of the spinal cord. He has established a similar relation between the great sympathetic and the pneumogastric nerve ; and, indeed, in certain species the latter nerve entirely replaces the former. The experiments of M. Legallois upon the spinal cord led him to admit that the vis- ceral nerves are under the infiuence of the spinal cord, and that the roots of the great sympathetic are in the cord. There are as many spinal ganglia on each side as there are spinal nerves. The gan- glia of the great sympathetic in the sacral, lumbar, and dorsal regions, are as numerous as the spinal ganglia; in the cervical region, there are only two or three sympathetic ganglia to correspond to the eight spinal ganglia. The superior cervical ganglion may be supposed to represent several ganglia. In the cranium it is difficult to find any ganglia corresponding to the spinal; still, the Gasserian ganglion, and the ganglion of the eighth pair, may be regarded as analogous to them. On the other hand, we may regard the ophthalmic ganglion, the spheno-palatine or Meckel’s ganglion, the otic ganglion, and even the upper part of the superior cervical ganglion, as forming the cranial ganglia of the sympathetic system. Nevertheless, it would, perhaps, be more rational to regard the ophthalmic and otic ganglia as quite independent of the three above-mentioned series of ganglia, and as con- nected with certain local functions. There are a considerable number of these local ganglia, which have received no particular names, and which I shall hereafter point out. Connexions of the Ganglia with each other, and with the Cerebrospinal Nerves. The spinal ganglia belong specially to the posterior roots of the spinal nerves ; but it will presently be seen that the anterior roots are not altogether unconnected with them. From the spinal ganglia proceed three branches, viz., a middle branch, forming the continuation of the spinal nerve ; an anterior or ganglionic branch, proceeding to the cor- responding ganglion of the great sympathetic ; and g, posterior branch, which is distribu- ted to the muscles and skin on the posterior region of the trunk. Each of the ganglia of the great sympathetic receive one or several filaments from the spinal ganglia, and also a connecting cord from the sympathetic ganglion immediately above it ; and each of them gives off a connecting cord to the ganglion next below it, and also certain visceral branches, which sometimes terminate directly in the viscera, and sometimes, when their distribution is complicated, proceed to the splanchnic ganglia. Not unfrequently the communicating cords between some of the ganglia of the sym- pathetic are wanting, and the continuity of this nerve is then interrupted. Bichat relies chiefly upon this interruption in support of his opinion, that the great sympathetic is not a nerve properly so called, but that each of its ganglia is the centre of a small special ner- vous system, equally distinct from the cerebro-spinal system and from the other ganglia. The splanchnic ganglia are the centres or points of convergence of a great number of nerves, of which some are derived directly from the cerebro-spinal system, and others from the ganglia of the great sympathetic. In those splanchnic ganglia which approach the median line, the nerves of the right side become blended with those of the left by a great number of plexiform branches, which have a ganglionic aspect, surround the vis- ceral arteries, and are subdivided with them to enter the substance of the viscera. It follows, then, from what has been just stated, that the great sympathetic is neither a continuous nerve, differing from other nerves only by having enlargements, as was be- .ieved by the older anatomists, who described the right and left sympathetic as const.- 766 NEUROLOGY. rating a special pair; nor is it, as Bichat conceived, a linear series of small nervous centres or little brains, which give off in all directions connecting filaments, both to the spinal and to the visceral nerves ; it is a series of ganglia connected with one another in their action, and originating from each of the spinal nerves given off from the cerebro- spinal axis. It does not arise from the sixth cerebral nerve, nor from the vidian or carotid filaments, more than from any other spinal nerve ; but it takes its origin from the whole spinal cord ; and if it does not diminish in size as it recedes from the brain, but even increases at some points, this is because it receives new filaments of origin during its course. According to an ingenious hypothesis, which is fully confirmed by anatomical facts, the viscera, which receive their nerves from the ganglia of the great sympathetic, derive their principle of action from the whole spinal cord, so that an affection of one nerve, or of one visceral ganglion, must affect the whole ganglionic system, in consequence of the intimate connexions between all the ganglia ; and also the cerebro-spinal system, from the connexions between the sympathetic ganglia and the spinal cord. It would follow from this, that the sympathetic and the splanchnic ganglia together constitute one vast plexus, which connects, in an intimate manner, the several viscera with each other and with the rest of the body. This mutual dependance and sympathy is the chief charac- teristic of the organs of nutritive life, that is to say, of the organs which receive their nervous filaments from the splanchnic and sympathetic ganglia. Structure of the Nerves. Prochaska was the first to throw any light upon the obvious structure of the nervous cords, and to prove that they consisted of true plexuses. Reil, not being contented with noticing the plexiform arrangement of the nervous cords, endeavoured especially to de- termine their structure ; and he failed only because he selected the optic nerve as the type of the other nerves, whereas its structure happens to be exceptional. Each nerve consists of a plexus enveloped in a common fibrous sheath. If this sheath be opened, and the small nervous cords contained within it are spread out by tearing the cellular tissue, it is found that these small cords, which at first seem to be parallel and in juxtaposition, anastomose in a great number .of ways, so as to form an extremely complicated plexus. It is also seen that the cords are of unequal size, not only in the same nerve, but also in different nerves ; they are smallest in the branches of the great sympathetic and pneumogastric, and are largest in the nerves of the arm and in the great sciatic nerves. On spreading out a nerve, with its component cords separated from each other, upon a plate of wax, and keeping those cords asunder by pins stuck at intervals, the absolute impossibility of following them through their successive subdivisions, and the multiplicity of their combinations, will become quite apparent. The nerves consist essentially of two parts, viz., the nervous matter properly so called, and its envelope or fibrous sheath, which has been called the neurilemmd. There is a common neurilemma or common fibrous sheath for each nerve. Besides this, each small nervous cord and each fibre is provided with a proper sheath or neuri- lemma. The neurilemmatic canals divide, subdivide, and anastomose like the small nervous cords themselves! The neurilemmatic canals are composed of fibrous tissue ; their shining aspect (which has caused them to be frequently mistaken for tendons), their strength, their inextensi- bility, their low degree of vitality, in fact, all their characters, clearly prove their fibrous nature and exclusively protective function.* The neurilemma of the nerves is continuous with the neurilemma of the spinal cord. Nervous Matter.—lf, as was shown by Reil, a nerve be immersed in diluted nitric acid, its neurilemma will be dissolved (rendered transparent), while its nervous matter will become remarkably dense and opaque. We shall hereafter see how valuable is this double property of acids in their action upon nerves for determining the true character of fibres supposed to be nervous. In a nerve thus prepared, it is seen most clearly, that the nervous filaments of which it is composed are continually anastomosing by loops or at certain angles; and that the addition of one set of filaments to the trunk of the nerve, or the separation of others from it, necessarily interrupts the chain of their relations at the very point where it seemed possible to ascertain them, so that, after every few inches, the component parts of a nerve are completely changed. What is the structure of the nervous matter I It is not a pulp, but is composed oi pencils of exceedingly fine filaments, which may be compared to the fibres of raw silk . these filaments are parallel and in juxtaposition; they are free throughout the whole length of the nerve, and may be distinctly separated from each other; when not sti etched, they are flexuous like a waved line. Each nervous filament reaches the entue ength of the nerve. In each nerve, the filaments of which the fibres are composed pass con- * It may be said that the neurilemma owes its fitness as a protecting- organ as aS t0 its strength. This low degree of vitality of the neurilemma is the cause why nerves y een oass ing through inflamed or degenerated parts without being affected themselves. STRUCTURE OF THE NERVES. f'nually from one fibre to another, and enter into an immense number of combinations, without ever becoming blended together. This structure, which is so evident in a nerve hardened by nitric acid, is not less dis- tinct in nerves which have undergone no preparation.* On puncturing the neurilemma, the nervous matter protrudes through the opening, precisely in the same way as the substance of the spinal cord protrudes under similar circumstances. On dividing the neurilemma along the whole length of the nerve, the nervous matter appears like long, parallel filaments, of, a milk-white colour, which float in water if the nerve be immersed in that fluid. Every nervous filament (and this is a fundamental point in their anatomy) has its central extremity in the cerebro-spinal axis, and its peripheral extremity at its point of termination. During the whole of its long course, it only enters into new combinations, without ever being interrupted. Continuity is a law of the structure of the nervous filaments. 1 Can the nerves be injected 1 The doctrine of a nervous fluid, which so long prevailed in the schools, led physiolo- gists to admit the existence of canals for the circulation of this fluid. Several experi- mentalists stated that they had collected the nervous fluid, and they even described its properties; and anatomists instituted no researches to confirm or refute these asser- tions. Malpighi himself, who, in reference to the study of anatomy, carried to such an extent that system of philosophical skepticism which has completely revolutionized all science, believed that he saw the nervous fluid escape from the cut end of a nerve, like a glutinous juice, which he compared to spirits of turpentine. $ licii and some others have injected the neurilemma. Reil describes a very ingenious method of injecting the optic nerve, which consists in opening the transparent cornea, and injecting mercury into the globe of the eye : the mercury passes through the fora- mina, which transmit the filaments of the optic nerve at the point where these become continuous witli the retina. Such was the state of our knowledge when Bogros, prosector to the Faculty, having accidentally punctured a nerve with the tube of a mercurial injecting apparatus, observ- ed that the mercury ran along the punctured nervous fibre, and also into the adjacent nervous fibres; he repeated and varied his experiments in a great number of ways, and soon published a memoir, in which he formally announced as a demonstrated fact that, in each nervous fibre, there was a central canal capable of being injected ; and, in his enthusiasm at lus discovery, he thought that he had realized the desire of Ruysch,t and that he could henceforth trace the nerves to their very finest terminations. The work of Bogros was in general received with little favour, and, I think, has not been estimated at its real worth. Having renewed his experiments, I have arrived at the following result: If, with a pair of blunt pincers, a nervous fibre be raised from the centre of the nerve to which it belongs (from the middle of the median nerve, for exam- ple), and if the tube of the lymphatic injecting apparatus be inserted accurately into its centre, the mercury will be seen to run by jerks, either downward or upward, along the centre of the nervous fibre, and to pass into a variable number of the adjacent fibres ; if the injection be a successful one, the greater number of the fibres of the nerve will be injected throughout their whole length. Gentle pressure with the finger, or with the handle of the scalpel, greatly facilitates the progress of the mercury ; but it often hap- pens that the parietes of the canal through which the mercury is passing yield at some point, a rupture ensues, and the fluid is extravasated. When the nervous fibre has not been punctured in the centre, the mercury is seen to run along the injected fibre, and even into some of those near it; but the mercurial col- umn is never regular ; it does not occupy the centre of the fibre, but only one side of it; and it is soon extravasated into the neurilemmatic sheath, which in a short time bursts. This second kind of injection, which may be made at will by puncturing the fibre su- * I have also examined this structure in living- animals, while endeavouring to determine the insensibility of the neurilemma and the sensibility of the nervous filaments. t [The nervous filaments (primitive fibres of Muller) are simple tubes, containing a thread of a soft, semi- transparent substance ; they are continuous with the white fibres of the brain and spinal cord at the apparent origin of the nerves. The primitive fibres of the nerves resemble those of the brain and cord in the nature of their contents, but they are larger, and their tubular, homogeneous sheath is much more distinct, and is firmer, so that they do not become varicose. The olfactory, optic, and auditory nerves, however, are exceptions to this rule ; their fibres resembling those of the brain and cord, in their size, delicacy, and liability to become varicose. No differences have been observed between the fibres of the other cranial and spinal nerves, nor yet between those of the motor and sensory roots. The sympathetic nerve, and all which receive fibres from it, contain, besides the ordinary nervous fibres, a greater or less number of jointed fibres (gray fibres, Muller ; organic nervous fibres, Schwann ; cellular tissue, Valentin), exactly like those found in the ganglia and in the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord.] t But as Haller remarks, Malpighi only saw this upon cutting through the cauda equina, and never ob- served it in the section of any other nerves ; now, it is extremely probable that he saw merely the serous fluid which is most commonly found in the lower infundibuliform portion of the spinal dura mater: “ Quam vehe- menter suspicor eum clarum virum humorem vidisse viscidum.quo infundibulum dura membrana;spinalis fre- quentissime plenum est, et qui idem in spinam bifidam auctus abit.”— (Haller, Elem. Physiol, t. iv., p. 197 ) t, Ruysch said that he should have nothing to desire if he could succeed in injecting the nerves as he had done the vessels. 768 NEUROLOGY. perficially, differs essentially from the former one, obtained by introducing the pipe into the centre of the iibre. In the latter case, the small column of mercury is uniform and regular, and its metallic lustre is, as it were, observed ; the fluid runs rapidly ; the ner- vous canal is less easily ruptured; and, when this does happen, it is preceded by a pro- trusion of the nervous matter ; then the mercury is extravasated into the neurilemmatic sheath, and it pursues the same course as it would have taken if the nervous fibre had been punctured superficially in the first instance. Where do the injections pass in these two cases 1 In the second method, that is to say, when the nerve is punctured superficially, it is the neurilemma that is injected. But in the method of central injection, is the nervous matter itself injected 1 Bogros be- lieved that it was, and he even asserted that he had seen a central canal with the naked eye ; but no such canal exists ; and the one which he showed after desiccation of an in- jected nerve was artificially made, as we shall immediately find. How, indeed, can we admit the existence of a canal in nervous matter, which we have shown to consist of a pencil of parallel and juxtaposed filaments 1 If, therefore, in the central injection, the mercury neither enters into the nervous mat- ter, nor is contained in the neurilemma, where is it situated 1 Is it in lymphatic ves- sels 1 We do not know; for lymphatics have not been shown by any one. Are they arteries or nerves 1 To this it may be answered, that the bloodvessels do not follow the direction of the nerves. All this is explained by the following fact: each nervous fibre, besides its common neurilemmatic sheath, has also a proper sheath, in contact with the neurilemma by its outer surface, and with the bundle of nervous filaments by its inner surface, which is smooth and moist. This sheath may be demonstrated by cutting a nerve across, and seizing one of the tufts which project beyond the retracted neurilemma ; a nervous fibre can then generally without effort be drawn out several inches, having a smooth surface, and being completely freed from its common neurilemma. Now this fibre consists not only of nervous matter, but also of a proper sheath perfectly distinct, from the neurilem- ma. It may now be injected, and will then present all the characters of the central in- jection already mentioned ; and, upon examining it with a lens, it will be seen that the nervous filaments of which it is composed are regularly distributed around the column of mercury. It follows, then, that, in the central injection of a nerve, it is neither the neurilemma, nor the nervous matter, nor the vessels that are injected, but the proper sheath of each nervous fibre; and that the passage of the injection from one fibre to a great number of others depends on the canals formed by the proper sheaths anastomosing with each other. I shall farther remark, that in this injection the mercury evidently penetrates into a regular canal, and not into one produced by its own weight, for a column of a few lines is sufficient for the purpose. Again, the mercury runs more easily from the peripheral towards the central extrem- ity of a nerve than in the opposite direction, and when the injection is successful, the spinal ganglia are filled with the mercury, which is then either extravasated into the cav- ity of the dura mater, or escapes by the veins. If it be asked why the mercury does not pass into the anterior and posterior roots of the nerves '! I should answer, that it is not certain that the fibres of these roots have any proper sheaths ; or, if so, they are very readily lacerated. As to the passage of the mercury from the nervous ganglia into the veins, it is probable that the proper sheaths terminate in the ganglia, so that the mercu- ry is extravasated into the tissue of which the ganglia consist. Injections afford a good means of tracing the nervous filaments into the substance ol organs. An injection thrown into the lingual branch of the fifth nerve penetrates as far as the papillae of the tongue. Structure of the Ganglia. Meckel, in his excellent monograph upon the fifth pair, advanced the opinion that the nerves divided in the ganglia into a multitude of fibres which are intended for a great number of parts. Zinn (Acad. Berlin, 1755) said that the nerves not only divided within the ganglia into a great number of fibres, and were directed by them from the centre to the circumference, but that they were also mingled and combined in the ganglia in such a manner that a great number of fine fibres united into a smaller number of fibres of greater diameter. But this doctrine, however specious it may be, not resting upon any anatomical fact, was rejected by Haller. Scarpa undertook a series of researches in order to render our knowledge more complete regarding this subject. Instead of boiling the ganglia or ma- cerating them in vinegar, urine, and other liquids, Scarpa was contented with macera- ting them in pure water frequently renewed—a method practised by Ruysch in Ins del- icate investigations ; by means of this simple proceeding, he was able to demonstrate that the ganglia are formed by a number of nervous filaments surrounded by cellular tis- sue, and by a gray matter which is destroyed by maceration.* * [The gray matter of the ganglia consists, like that of the brain and spinal cord, of reddish nucleated glob- DESCRIPTION OP THE NERVES. 769 He carried his researches not only into the anatomy of the spinal, but also into that of the visceral ganglia, and he discovered a wonderful uniformity in the structure of the one and the other. He compared their structure to that of the plexuses ; both of them receive nerves from all sides, which nerves are then intermixed without becoming uni- ted ; and both generally give off a greater number of nerves than have assisted in their formation. The injection of the nervous ganglia from the nerves has enabled me to discover that these ganglia have a precisely similar structure to that of the lymphatic glands; they are composed of cells communicating with each other, and among which the nervous fibres are scattered. In attempting to draw a comparison between the nervous plexuses, anastomoses, and ganglia, it might be said that in the plexuses there was an exchange of nervous cords, in the anastomoses, an exchange of nervous fibres, and in the ganglia, an exchange of nervous filaments. Preparation of the Nerves. For dissecting the nerves, a very emaciated subject, either young or old, should be chosen. Old wasted subjects appear to me at least as favourable as young subjects. The dissection of the spinal nerves is easy. Such is not the case with the cranial nerves, the dissection of which is undoubtedly the most difficult part of practical anat- omy. In order to facilitate the study of these nerves, and to aid in the distinction of the nervous filaments from small vessels and portions of fibrous tissue with which they are often confounded, I am in the habit of submitting the head to the action of dilute nitric acid. After having macerated it for some time in this acidulated fluid, I immerse the preparation in pure water, which I renew from time to time : the tissues generally, as well as the neurilemma, become perfectly transparent, and like jelly; the nervous mat- ter alone remains whiter and more consistent, and then all error becomes impossible. Besides, the bones, when thus deprived of their phosphate of lime, may be cut like the soft parts. In this way I have succeeded in separating the entire cerebro-spinal nervous system from the other organs, retaining the great sympathetic in connexion with the rest of the nervous system. DESCRIPTION OF THE NERVES. The nerves are divided into two very distinct sets: the cerebro-spinal nerves, whicn have their origin or central extremity in the spinal cord or its cranial prolongations; these are the nerves of relation or of animal life ; and the ganglionic nerves, or nerves of the great sympathetic, which end in or emanate from certain ganglia: these belong to the system of nutrition or of organic life. The cerebro-spinal nerves are divided into the spinal or rachidian, and the cranial nerves; the first consist of all those which emerge from the inter-vertebral foramina ■* the second, so improperly termed the cerebral or encephalic nerves, emerge from the foramina at the base of the cranium. General Remarks.—Division into Spinal, Cranial, and, Sympathetic Nerves. As the line of demarcation, which seems, at first sight, to separate the cranium front the spinal column, disappears on an analytical study of the scull and on a comparison of it with the vertebra;, so it will be found that the cranial nerves, notwithstanding their apparent irregularity, approach, in many respects, to the simplicity and regularity of the spinal nerves. From such a comparison of the cranial with the spinal nerves we shall derive the general principle, that the situation at which the nerves emerge from their osseous cavities is altogether of secondary importance, while the fundamental points in their anatomy are the exact situation of their central extremity, and their mode of distri- bution to their peripheral extremity ; we shall also find that the only rational basis of a good classification of the nerves must be derived from the consideration of their origin. In my opinion, the only difference between the cranial and spinal nerves is, that the former arise from the medulla oblongata and its cranial prolongations, while the latter arise from the spinal cord below the medulla oblongata. Just as in the osteological di- vision of this work I have described the vertebra before the cranium, so I shall now de- scribe the spinal before the cranial nerves; this slight modification in the order gener- ally adopted will enable the student to pass from the simple to the complex, and to defer the study of the very complicated nerves of the cranium until he has been accustomed to the dissection and examination of other nerves. The following is, therefore, the order I shall adopt in describing the nerves: the spi- nal nerves,A,he cranial nerves, the ganglionic or visceral nerves. ules, and of gray, jointed fibres, which surround and adhere to the globules, and which are most abundant in the ganglia of the sympathetic. The white fibres in the ganglia are like those of the nerves with which they are continuous ; they interlace among the globules, but do not anastomose ; it has been supposed that some white fibres may originate or terminate in the ganglia, but this is not established.] * Jt will be recollected that we have included the sacral foramina among the invertebral. 5 E 770 THE SPINAL NERVES. NEUROLOGY. Enumeration and Classification.—The Central Extremities or Origins of the Spinal Nerves —Apparent Origins —Deep or Real Origins. The Posterior Branches of the Spinal Nerves—Common Characters—the Posterior Branches of the Cervical Nerves, their Com- mon and Proper Characters—the Posterior Branches of the Dorsal, Lumbar, and Sacral Nerves.—The Anterior Branches of the Spinal Nerves—their General Arrangement. The number of the spinal nerves, that is to say, of the nerves which pass through the inter-vertebral foramina, including the sacral foramina, is entirely dependant on the number of the vertebrae.* There are eight pairs (1 to 8, fig. 268) of cervical nerves, including the sub-occipital; twelve of dorsal (9 to 20); five of lumbar (21 to 25); and six of sacral nerves (26 to 31); in all, thirty-one pairs. They all have certain characters in common ; and there are also characters proper to certain regions, and, lastly, characters proper to each nerve. We shall proceed to examine, under these three points of view, the central extrem- ity, the course, and the termination of the spinal nerves. The Central Extremities or Origins of the Spinal Nerves. Dissection.—The same as that of the spinal cord. The Apparent Origins of the Spinal Nerves. There are very close analogies, and only slight differences, between the different spi- nal nerves, in regard to their origin and course within the spinal canal. This circum- stance, added to the fact that the same dissection is required to expose the origins of the whole series of spinal nerves, has appeared to me a sufficient reason for including them all in one common description. Such a plan, the object of which is to study anal- ogous parts by comparison, is infinitely preferable to one in which the origin of each pair of nerves is separately described. The spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord by a double row of filaments, or by two series of roots. These roots are distinguished into the anterior {a a, fig. 267), which come off from each side of the anterior surface of the cord, and the posterior (b b), whicli come off also from each side of the posterior surface. The latter are also named the ganglionic roots, because they are more particularly connected with the spinal nervous ganglia (h b). The ligamentum denticulatum (c c) is situated between these two series of roots. Immediately after leaving the cord, both the anterior and posterior roots are collected into a number of groups corresponding to the number of the spinal nerves ; the nervous cords of which each group consists converge towards each other, the superior cords de- scending to meet the inferior, which is soon accomplished from the latter being less ob- lique in their direction. It follows, therefore, that the filaments of each root, situated one above the other, widely separated from each other on the inside, and approximated on the outside, represent a triangle, the general inclination of which to the axis of the cord varies in each particular region. Not unfrequently the filaments, especially those of the anterior roots, form two secondary groups. As they are about to enter the separate fibrous canal formed for them by the dura mater, the fibres of each of the anterior roots, and also those of each posterior root, are collected into a flattened cord. There is one fibrous canal for each cord of the anterior roots, and another for each cord of the posterior roots. The arachnoid membrane, which forms a common funnel-shaped sheath for both roots of each spinal nerve, is re- flected from them at the points where they enter the fibrous canals of the dura mater, to which the nervous cords are rather firmly attached. Although the corresponding groups of anterior and posterior roots approach each other to pass through the fibrous canals of the dura mater, there is never the slightest com- munication between them. It is curious to see the long and numerous cords or fila- ments which constitute the cauda aquina running parallel to each other without any an- astomoses, while, as soon as they emerge from the spinal canal, their communications are almost continual. Common Characters. Communications between the filaments of the same series, whether anterior or pos- terior, are not rare; they take place in several different ways: thus, sometimes two filaments belonging to the same nerve unite, sometimes the filaments of two different nerves are combined, and at others, again, a filament intermediate to two nerves bifur- cates and is divided between them. Moreover, the oblique direction of the roots of the spinal nerves, and the variable length of their course within the spinal canal, are the necessary consequences of the * This relation between the number of the spinal nerves and the number of the vertebras prevails through- out the whole series of vertebrate animals; and, accordingly, there are about sixty spinal nerves in certain mammalia, and several hundred in some serpents. APPARENT ORIGINS OF THE NERVES. relative shortness of the cord, which, as it terminates opposite the first lumbar vertebra, cannot give origin to all the nerves opposite the inter-vertebral foramina, through which they have to pass.* The differences between the anterior and posterior roots may be collected under the following heads : The anterior roots arise nearer to the median line than the posterior ; they approach nearer and nearer to that line, towards the lower part of the cord, so tha in this situa- tion they arise from each side of the median fissure. While all the posterior roots are given off from a longitudinal furrow of gray sub- stance, from which they never deviate, the anterior roots arise somewhat irregularly, and, as it were, confusedly, from a small white column about half a line in breadth. In regard to size, the posterior roots, taken separately, are much larger than their corresponding anterior roots ; besides this, the filaments of the posterior roots are more numerous, so that the posterior roots, taken together, are larger than the anterior, as Soemmering, Chaussier, and Gall have very well established. It is difficult to conceive how some authors should have entertained the opinion that the proportion between them is just the reverse, at least in some regions ; this error has, doubtless, arisen from the varieties which exist in different regions of the medulla, in the relative sizes of the an- terior and posterior roots, but which are never such as to give the advantage in point of size to the anterior roots: opposite the inter-vertebral foramina, the series of cords formed by the anterior roots have a different arrangement from those formed by the pos- terior roots. The cord formed by each of the posterior roots immediately swells out and forms an olive-shaped ganglion, which is called a vertebral or spinal ganglion (b b, fig. 267). Haase, and then Scarpa, clearly proved that, in general, the posterior roots alone passed into the spinal ganglia, and hence they are often denominated the ganglionic roots.- the spinal ganglia are situated in the inter-vertebral foramina, those of the sacral region are en- closed in the sacral canal. Though it is generally to the nervous cord which emerges from this ganglion that the cord of the anterior root is applied and united, yet I would hasten to observe, that the anterior root is not so completely unconnected with the ganglion as is commonly stated ; thus, not unfrequently the fibres of the anterior root are united either to the outer end, or to the middle of the ganglion; and, moreover, in the lumbar and sacral regions there is half a ganglion on each ’.oot. There are thirty paiis of spinal ganglia, and occasionally thirty-one, when the first pair of cervical nerves or the sub-occipital nerves are provided with them ; the size of the ganglia bears no proportion to the diameter of the inter-vertebral foramina, but de- pends on the number and size of the filaments of origin which pass into them, and of the nerves which are given off from them. The cord which emerges from the ganglion is cylindrical, has a plexiform structure, and a furrowed aspect; it is impossible to ascertain what part of it belongs to the ante- rior and what to the posterior root; it gives off three sets of branches : the posterior spinal branches, which supply the muscles and integuments of the posterior spinal region ; the anterior spinal branches (see fig. 268), the true continuation of the nerve, which are distributed to the lateral and anterior parts of the trunk, and to the upper and lower ex- tremities ; and the ganglionic spinal branches, which pass to the ganglia of the great sympathetic (/ i u). The ganglionic branches will be described with the ganglia of the great sympathetic. As the posterior branches have a close analogy in their mode of distribution, and may be exposed in the same dissection, they will be described under one head. The anterior branches being destined for dissimilar parts, their individual distribution is exceedingly varied and complicated, so that a particular description is requisite, if not of the anterior branches of each nerve, at least of those of the several sets of nerves. Such are the characters common to all the spinal nerves at their central extremities, during their course within the vertebral canal, and at their exit from the inter-vertebral foramina. Let us next examine the characters proper to the nerves of each region. Proper Characters of the Apparent Origins of the Nerves. Proper Characters of the Cervical Nerves.—The roots of these nerves (1 to B,jig. 268) are much less oblique than those of the other spinal nerves. The first cervical nerve slopes a little upward and outward, like the cranial veins, which it resembles in this re- spect. The second nerve is transverse; the succeeding nerves slope downward and outward the lowest being the most oblique ; but their obliquity never exceeds the depth of a single vertebra. The proportion between the size of the posterior and anterior roots is as 3to I; and * Gall believed that he had solved this question, by saying that the length and obliquity of the course of he spinal nerves is a necessary result of the erect position of man. It is certain that the nerves are less oh jijuc and have a shorter course within the vertebral canal in the lower animals 5 but this difference is ex- plained by the greater length of the spinal cord in them, and has nothing to do with the attitude. 772 NEUROLOGY. this difference, which is ranch greater than is observed in any other region, obtains not only in reference to the filaments taken altogether, but also to each particular filament. The cervical nerves increase rapidly in size from the first to the fifth, and then main- tain the same size to the eighth. The first cervical nerve, so well described by Asch, has some peculiarities ; its pos- terior filaments of origin are much less numerous than the anterior, the spinal accessor/ of Willis appearingto supply this deficiency; it is also frequently without a ganglion.* Proper Characters of the Dorsal Nerves.—Excepting the first, which has all the charac- ters of the cervical nerves, the roots of the dorsal pairs of nerves (& to 20) present the following peculiarities: A small number of filaments or roots; so that, with the exception of the sacral, the dorsal are the smallest of all the spinal nerves. Uniformity in the number of the filaments, i. e., in the size of their roots. The dorsal nerves are almost of equal size, the twelfth nerve alone being somewhat longer than the rest. A considerable interval between their roots, and a want of regularity in this interval. Frequently a portion of the spinal cord, from eight to ten lines in length, gives origin to only a small pair of nerves- A more marked slenderness of the filaments of origin than in any other region. The slight disproportion between their anterior and posterior roots when compared filament for filament. The direction of their roots, which remain in contact with the cord for some distance, and then leave it; this circumstance is calculated to give rise to errors concerning the precise situation of their origin. The length of their course within the spinal canal; this length is equal to the height of at least two vertebrae. Proper Characters of the Lumbar and Sacral Nerves.—The roots of these nerves form the cauda equina; their characters are, the great number of their filaments of origin, which exceeds those of the dorsal, and even those of the cervical nerves. The extreme closeness of these filaments, which form an uninterrupted series. The proportion between the filaments of the anterior and those of the posterior roots, which is as 2 to 1. The uniformity in point of size between the two sets of filaments, the anterior fila- ments, taken individually, being as large as the posterior. The continuance of the origin of the posterior roots to take place at the groove, while the anterior approach nearer and nearer to the median line towards the lower part of the cord, and almost touch those of the opposite side. The concurrence of both the anterior and posterior roots in the formation of the spi- nal ganglia. The almost vertical direction of the roots, a character common to both the lumbar and sacral pairs of nerves. The singular length of their course before they emerge from the spinal canal, t The Real Origins of the Spinal Nerves. The apparent central extremity or origin of the spinal nerves is very different from their real central extremity or real origin. On examining the spinal cord of an adult, for the purpose of determining this important point, one is inclined to admit that the point of contact between any nerve and the cord is the real origin of the nerve, so readily can the latter be separated from the cord without leaving any trace of the separation. It has even been stated by some that the nerves arise from the neurilemma of the spinal cord. Chaussier believed that the two series of roots arose from two lateral furrows, one anterior and the other posterior; but Gall has with reason regarded these furrows as formed by pulling off the roots. Others agree with the older anatomists in regarding the spinal cord as a large nerve formed by the junction of all the nervous filaments which are given off from it. But this idea is refuted by the fact that the cord does not progressively diminish in size from above downward, as it must have done if formed by the junction of the roots of the spi- nal nerves. The ingenious and correct observation made by Vicq d’Azyr, that the gray matter is always found in large quantity at those parts from which a great number of nerves ori- ginate, and that it bears a proportion to the number of these nerves, and the confirma- tory observations of Gall and Spurzheim, seem to prove that the nerves originate Irom the gray matter. This presumption is also strengthened by the consideration, that the * According- to the principles of classification -which I have already stated, I should ral’=° 1 e .sP'jial acces- sory nerve among the cervical nerves, because it originates from the cervical portion o e spmai cord: m classing it among the cranial nerves, I yield to general usage. , , f , t [Lastly, the situation of the ganglia of the sacral nerves within the sacral canal, ana ot the lowest of them within the cavity of the dura mater.] POSTERIOR BRANCHES OF THE CERVICAL NERVES 773 central gray substance of the cord is more abundant opposite the posterior roots, which are the larger, than opposite the anterior roots, which are the smaller. On examining the spinal cord of an adult by means of a stream of water, it is seen that, after tearing away the filaments of the nerves, a small conical depression remains where each fila- ment had been attached, and that the real origin of the filaments is not in this depression, but is much more deeply seated. This is all that can be discovered from an examina- tion of the spinal cord of the adult; but in the fcetus, at the seventh or eighth month, a considerable part of the cord is semi-transparent, so that the already white filaments by which the nerves arise can be traced into its interior. On making a vertical section transversely through the spinal cord of the fcetus, just level with the commissure, and then directing a strong light on the surface of the section, it will be seen that the great number of very delicate filaments of which the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves are composed traverse the central gray matter, are arranged like the teeth of a comb, and may be traced into the posterior median columns ; these small filaments are, moreover, all parallel. The white commissure might almost be regarded as the com- missure of these nerves. This view is very different from that of Bellingeri, who, entertaining certain physio- logical ideas, supposes that the anterior as well as the posterior roots of the spinal nerves consist of three sets of filaments, some of which come from the surface of the cord, others from the interior of the white matter, while the third set traverse the white matter, so as to reach the extremities of the cornua of the gray substance. Lastly, some anatomists agree with Santorini in believing that the nerves decussate at their origin ; but they have not attempted to demonstrate this. Dissection.—Divide the integuments from the external occipital protuberance down to the coccyx. Dissect off the skin over the spinous processes with great care, especially opposite the trapezius. Be particularly cautious opposite the cellular interval between the sacro-lumbalis and the longissimus dorsi. The Posterior Branches of the Spinal Nerves. Common Characters. The posterior branches of the spinal nerves, which are generally smaller than tne ante- rior branches, emanate from the plexiform cords which form the continuation of the cor- responding spinal ganglia, are directed backward, and immediately pass through the fora- mina, which I may regard as posterior inter-vertebral foramina .* These branches sub- divide into several twigs, which enter the great cellular intervals between the long mus- cles of the back, and are distributed to the muscles of the integuments. The greatest uniformity prevails among such of these nerves as are distributed to the same kinds of organs, and their differences depend on peculiarities in the parts to which they belong. We shall now study in succession the posterior branches of the cervical, dorsal, and lumbar spinal nerves. The Posterior Branches of the Cervical Nerves. Common Characters. All the posterior branches of the cervical nerves (i to o', fig. 300) pass transversely inward between the complexus and the semi-spinalis colli, having first given off some very small twigs : having reached the sides of the posterior cervical ligament, they per- forate the aponeurotic attachments of the trapezius from before backward, lie close be- neath the skin, and are directed transversely outward. The course of these branches, therefore, is at first inward, and then outward. The posterior branch of the first cervi- cal nerve is the only one which presents any exception to these general characters. Proper Characters. The Posterior Branch of the First Cervical Nerve. The posterior branch of the first cervical or sub-occipital nerve, larger than the anterior branch, escapes between the occipital bone and the posterior arch of the atlas, on the inner side of the vertebral artery, with which it is in contact, below the rectus capitis posticus major, and in the area of the equilateral triang’e formed by that with the two oblique muscles ; in this situation (i, fig. 300) it is concealed by a large quantity of fatty tissue, which renders it rather difficult of dissection; and it immediately divides into several branches, which may be arranged into the internal, which go to the great and small recti muscles; external, which supply the great and small oblique muscles; and inferior or anastomotic, which, by uniting with the second cervical nerve, assist in the formation of the posterior cervical plexus. The branch to the rectus minor passes at first between the rectus major and the com- plexus, and then reaches the rectus minor. * Vide Osteology (vertebral column in general). These foramina are situated between the transvers* processes, and in the dorsal region are completed on the outside by the superior costo-transverse ligament. 774 NEUROLOGY. The prin sipal branch for the inferior oblique, before ramifying in that muscle, lorras an arch or loop, which has been well described by Bichat. It follows, therefore, that both of the recti and both of the oblique muscles are supplied by the first cervical nerve, which gives no filament to the complexus,* and none to the skin This is the largest of all the posterior branches of the cervical nerves, and is three or four times larger than the anterior branch of the same nerve ; it emerges (g, fig. 300) from the spine, between the posterior arch of the atlas and the corresponding lamina of the axis, in the same line as the posterior branch of the first nerve, immediately below the lower border of the obliquus major, and is reflected upward between the hairy scalp on the one hand, and the occipitalis muscle and epicranial aponeurosis on the other; it passes horizontally inward between the obliquus major and the complexus, perforates this last muscle in the outer side of its digastric portion (the biventer cervicis), then changes its direction, and turns outward between the complexus and the trapezius, through which latter it passes to become sub-cutaneous and accompany the occipital ar- tery ; it is here called the great occipital nerve (occipitalis major, a, fig. 285). Hither- to cylindrical, this nerve, on becoming sub-cutaneous, is flattened, and increased in width, and then, passing upward, spreads out into a considerable number of diverging branches, internal, middle, and external, which cover the occipital region with their ramifications, and may be traced even to the parietal region : the internal branches are the shortest, and are successively lost in the skin of the occipital region. It supplies several branches, as follows ; Some anastomotic branches to the first and third cervical nerves. The Posterior Branch of the Second Cervical Nerve. Opposite the lower border of the obliquus major, it gives off a considerable muscular branch (w, fig. 300), which is distributed to that muscle, to the complexus, and especial- ly to the splenius (w, fig. 298); the branches to the splenius are of great size, and spread upon its deep surface into diverging twigs, which anastomose both with each other and with branches derived from the third cervical nerve. During its passage between the obliquus major and the complexus, and between the last-named muscle and the trapezius, the posterior branch of the second cervical nerve supplies these different muscles with a rather large number of nervous twigs. Its sub-cutaneous portion is distributed exclusively to the hairy scalp. The occipi- talis muscle, upon which it ramifies, does not receive any branch from it; as we shall elsewhere show, this muscle is supplied by the auricular branch of the facial nerve. The subdivisions of the sub-cutaneous portion of the second cervical nerve may be tra- ced into the hair follicles, and several of its external branches anastomose with the mas- toid branch of the anterior cervical plexus. The Posterior Branch of the Third Cervical Nerve. The posterior branch of the third cervical nerve, smaller than that of the second, but much larger than that of the fourth nerve, and partially intended for the occipital region, emerges between the transverse process of the atlas and that of the third cervical ver- tebra, and, consequently, farther outward than the posterior branches of the first and sec- ond nerves; it is immediately curved, and passes transversely inward (t,fig. 300) be- tween the complexus and the semi-spinalis colli. Having reached the inner border of the complexus, it divides into two cutaneous branches ; an ascending or occipital, which perforates the innermost fibres of the complexus, passes vertically upward upon one side of the median line, applied to the under surface of the skin, and ramifies upon the occip- ital region, near the median line, and to the inner side of the branch from the second cervical nerve ; and a horizontal or cervical branch, which perforates the aponeurosis of the trapezius between the complexus and the posterior cervical ligament, and passes horizontally outward beneath the skin, to which it adheres, and in the substance of which it terminates. As the posterior branch of the third cervical nerve emerges from the posterior inter- vertebral foramen, it gives off an ascending branch, which forms an anastomotic arch with the descending branch of the second nerve ; the succession of arches formed by the anastomoses of the first, second, and third nerves, and the very numerous branches which arise from their convexities, constitute a plexus, which may be called the posterior cervical plexus: it is situated beneath the complexus, near its external attachments, and it supplies both that muscle and the splenius. The direct anastomoses between the pos- terior branches of the three superior cervical nerves appear to me to be sometimes want- ing ; but then the branches given off from them still exist, and form a plexus between the splenius and the complexus. The Posterior Branches of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Cervical Nerves. The posterior branches of the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth cervical nerves are much smaller than the preceding, and diminish in size successively from the fourth to the * [Ascii saw and has described a twig (m,fig. 300) proceeding from the posterior bran'h of the first ce»w- -*B-1 nerve to the complexus muscle ; Swan and Arnold Iso observed it.] POSTERIOR BRANCHES OF THE DORSAL NERVES. 775 seventh. Immediately after their exit from the posterior inter-vertebral foramina, they are reflected inward and downward in the following manner; the fourth and fifth (o') in- cline downward upon the semi-spinalis colli, between it and the complexus ; the sixth, seventh, and eighth descend almost vertically beneath the lowest fasciculi of the semi- spinalis colli, supply that muscle and the multifidus spin*, and having reached the side of the median line, perforate the aponeuroses of the splenius and trapezius, become ap- plied to the skin, and ramify in it. The Posterior Branches of the Dorsal, Lumbar, and Sacral Nerve. The Posterior Branches of the Dorsal Nerves.—These are intended for the dorsal region of the trunk, and resemble each other closely in their distribution, presenting only a few dif- ferences connected with the arrangement of the particular muscular layers of each region. The ■posterior branch of the first dorsal nerve has the same muscular and cutaneous re- lations as the corresponding branches of the lower cervical nerves; it is of the same size, and is distributed in precisely the same manner. The posterior branches of the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth dorsal nerves are destined for the thorax, properly so called, and present the greatest uniformity in their size and distribution. They all emerge from the posterior inter-vertebral foramina, immediately on the outer side of the semi-spinalis dorsi and multifidus spin*, and divide into two branches. The external or muscular branch is directed towards the cellular interval between the sacro- lumbalis and longissimus dorsi, and subdivides into a great number of twigs, which are distributed to these two muscles [and to the levatores costarum]. The internal or mus- culo-cutaneous branch has a very remarkable course. It is reflected inward over the semi- spinalis dorsi, embracing the outer border of that muscle, and supplying it with nervous twigs; having reached the side of the spinous process, it is reflected backward along that process, perforates the spinal attachments of the latissimus dorsi, and thus gains the under surface of the trapezius ; in this situation it is reflected outward between the latissimus dorsi and the trapezius, perforates the latter muscle very obliquely, and be- comes sub-cutaneous ; it then passes horizontally outward in the form of a small nervous riband, the distinct fibres of which do not disunite and spread out in the substance of the skin until they have arrived at the scapular region. The cutaneous branch, which belongs to the second dorsal nerve, always corresponds to the triangular surface on the spine of the scapula, over which the aponeurosis of the trapezius glides. In one subject which I examined, the musculo-cutaneous divisions of the posterior branches of the third, fourth, and fifth dorsal nerves presented two ganglia at the point where they bifurcated into their muscular and cutaneous branches; in another, the ganglia were situated upon the cutaneous branches belonging to the first and third dor- sal nerves. All these cutaneous branches are horizontal, parallel, and separated from each other by an interval corresponding to the height of one vertebra. Such of the pos- terior branches of the dorsal nerves as are in relation with the trapezius always present the preceding arrangement. But the branches lower down than that muscle are dis- tributed in the following manner : The posterior branches of the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dorsal nerves are distribu- ted in precisely the same way as the posterior branches of the lumbar nerves, and, like them, are intended for the abdominal parietes. There is no longer any internal or musculo-cutaneous branch, the external branch representing both the muscular and the cutaneous branch.* Immediately after emerging from the inter-vertebral foramina, these posterior branches pass very obliquely downward and outward, gain the cellular interval between the sacro- lumbalis and the longissimus dorsi, or, rather, pass very obliquely through the common mass formed by the union of the sacro-lumbalis and longissimus dorsi, and almost al- ways communicate with each other during their long course through the fleshy fibres : having arrived opposite the outer border of the latissimus dorsi, or of the common mass, these branches, diminished fully one third in consequence of having supplied the poste- rior spinal muscles, perforate very obliquely the aponeurotic layer formed by the union of the aponeuroses of the Iqtissimus dorsi and serratus posticus inferior, with those from the internal, oblique, and transverse muscles of the abdomen, and become sub-cutaneous ; they then divide into some very small internal cutaneous filaments, which are directed inward upon the side of the spinous processes, and some large external cutaneous fila- ments, which descend to terminate in the skin of the gluteal region. I would especially notice several large nerves, which, either joined together, or only in contact, descend vertically, cross perpendicularly over the crest of the ilium in front of the outer border of the common mass of the lumbar muscles, and become applied to the integuments of the gluteal region, upon which they may be traced as far as the great trochanter. * [The internal branches of the four lower nerves are not absent, but are much reduced in size, do not reach the surface, and are distributed principally to the multifidus spince ; the external branches give the cutaneous twigs. (Demonstrations of Anatomy, by G. V. Ellis, of whose labours in reference to the anatonu uf the nerves, fi-je use has been made in this and many of the succeeding notes.)] 776 NEUROLOGY. The Posterior Branches of the Lumbar Nerves.—These resemble in their distribution ths corresponding branches of the four lower dorsal nerves ; they gradually diminish in size from above downward; the fifth is extremely small, and is entirely expended in the common mass of the lumbar muscles. The Posterior Branches of the Sacral Nerves.-—These branches emerge from the poste- rior sacral inter-vertebral foramina. It is difficult to dissect them, because they are extremely small, and penetrate immediately into the muscular mass which occupies the sacral groove ; they moreover decrease in size from above downward, and are uniformly arranged in the following manner : immediately after their exit from the posterior inter- vertebral foramina, they form anastomotic arches with each other, from which muscular and cutaneous filaments are given off. The former are distributed to the common mass and the glutseus maximus, and the latter are intended for the skin of the sacral region.* The Anterior Branches of the Spinal Nerves. The anterior branches of the spinal nerves, which are generally larger than the posterior, are the true continuations of these nerves, and supply the lateral and anterior parts of the trunk, and also the upper and lower extremities. Such of these branches as are intended for the trunk of the body have an extremely uniform and very simple mode of distribution ; to this class belong the intercostal nerves : those, on the other hand, which are intended for the upper and lower extremi- ties, present, in their distribution, a degree of complexity which depends on that of the parts which they supply. To this class belong the anterior cervical, anterior lumbar, and anterior sacral branches. The three last-named sets of branches, almost immediately after their exit from the spinal canal, communicate with each other, so as to form interlacements or plexuses, from which are given off the nerves, that ultimately ramify in all parts of the body. There are four great plexuses ; two for the region of the neck and the upper extrem- ity, viz., the cervical plexus (x,fg. 268) and the brachial plexus (A), which might be re- garded as a single plexus, the cervico-brachial; and two for the lumbar region and the low- er extremity, viz., the lumbar (I) and the sacral or crural plexus (s), which also might be regarded as one, the lumbosacral plexus. After these preliminary observations, I shall now describe, in succession, the anterior branches of the cervical, dorsal, lumbar, and sacral nerves. THE ANTERIOR BRANCHES OF THE CERVICAL NERVES. Dissection.—Anterior Branch of the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Cervical Nerves.— The Cervical Plexus Its Anterior Branch, the Superficial Cervical Its Ascending Branches, the Great Auricular and the External or Lesser Occipital—lts Superficial De- scending Branches, the Supra-clavicular—lts Deep Descending Branches, the Nerve to the Descendins Noni and the Phrenic—lts Deep Posterior Branches.—The Anterior Branches of the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Cervical, and First Dorsal Nerves.—The Brach- ial Plexus.—lts Collateral Branches above the Clavicle—Its Muscular Branches, Poste- rior Thoracic, Suprascapular, opposite to the Clavicle, the Thoracic, below the Clavicle, the Circumflex—Its Terminal Branches, the Internal Cutaneous and its Accessory, the .Mus- culo-cutaneous, the Median, the Ulnar, the Musculo-spiral or Radial.—Summary of the Distribution of the Branches of the Brachial Plexus. Dissection.—lt is convenient to dissect the sub-cutaneous branches which emerge from the cervical plexus before examining the anterior branches of the cervical nerves ; one side of the neck may be reserved for the superficial, and the other for the deep branches. The Anterior Branches of the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Cervical Nerves. The Anterior Branch of the First Cervical Nerve.—This branch (u, fig. 300) emerges from between the occipital bone and the posterior arch of the atlas in the groove for the vertebral artery, and beneath that vessel; opposite the foramen in the transverse pro- cess of the atlas, it leaves the artery, passes in front of the base of that process, is re- flected downward, and descends to form an anastomotic arch with the anterior branch of the second nerve. As all the branches belonging to the first nerve come off from this anastomotic arch, they will be described with the second nerve. The Anterior Branch of the Second Cervical Nerve.—This is much smaller than the pos- terior branch of the same nerve ; it passes horizontally forward between the transverse processes of the atlas and axis, is reflected in front of the axis, and divides into an as- cending and a descending branch. * Among the cutaneous filaments •which proceed from the arch formed by the posterior and second sacral nerves, there is one which passes below the posterior and inferior spine* I 01 the ilium, is directed vertically downward between the glutseus maximus and the lesser sa c ig ament, oerforates the glutseus maximus, and is then reflected outward in contact with the sK.m. THE CERVICAL PLEXUS. 777 The ascending branch curves upward in front of the transverse process >f tha atlas, and anastomoses in an arch with the anterior branch of the first nerve. The descending branch (z, Jig. 298) subdivides into two others of almost equal size ; the one internal (see also Jig. 300), which constitutes the internal descending cervical nerve (before s, Jig. 298); the other external (behind s), which anastomoses with the third nerve (above s), to form the superficial cervical nerve (jc) and the great auricular nerve (q). Several large filaments for the rectus capitis anticus major are given off from the angle of bifurcation of the ascending and descending branches. The anastomotic arch formed by the anterior branches of the first and second cervi- cal nerves gives off three or four very large grayish branches and several small white filaments, which go to the superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic ; above these it gives a short gray filament, which almost immediately swells into a ganglion, from which a long, slender, descending filament proceeds to join the internal descending nerve; lastly, it furnishes two ascending filaments, the lower one of which joins the pneumogastric nerve, and the upper one the hypoglossal or ninth nerve. The Anterior Branch of the Third Cervical Nerve.—This (above s, Jig. 298) is twice as large as the preceding; it at first passes forward to emerge from the inter-transverse space, then downward and outward, and having gained the under surface of the sterno- mastoid muscle, it expands into a great number of branches, which constitute the cervi- cal plexus properly so called, and may be divided into a superior and an inferior portion. The superior division passes outward and backward beneath the sterno-mastoid mus- cle, and bifurcates upon its posterior borders. One of the branches of the bifurcation as- cends, and is called the mastoid nerve (y); the other, which is reflected over the posterior border of the muscle, anastomoses by one or two filaments with the anterior branch of the second cervical nerve, and subdivides into the superficial cervical nerve (k) and the auricular nerve (q): both of the branches of the bifurcation anastomose with the second cervical nerve. This superior division, moreover, gives off a small nerve, which as- cends between the auricular and mastoid nerves ; also a communicating branch to the superior cervical ganglion; and, lastly, a series of branches (v), which anastomose with the spinal accessory nerve of Willis (t), some immediately, and others while within the substance of the sterno-mastoid muscle. This superior division of the third nerve some- times joins the lowest branch of the second nerve. The inferior or descending portion passes vertically downward in front of the scalenus anticus, gives off a long slender filament to the internal descending cervical nerve, and ter- minates partly by anastomosing with the fourth cervical nerve (below s), and partly by becoming continuous with the clavicular nerves (m). A considerable branch which enters the levator anguli scapulae may be regarded as be- longing to this inferior portion. This branch for the angularis sometimes arises at the point of bifurcation of the anterior branch of the third nerve. The Anterior Branch of the Fourth Cervical Nerve.—This branch (below s) is of the same size as the preceding; it gives off the phrenic nerve {I), which sometimes arises in the inter-transverse space; it then passes downward and outward in contact with the scalenus anticus for about ten lines, and 'divides into two terminal branches, the one in- ternal, the other external, which soon subdivide and cover the supra-clavicular triangle with their diverging ramifications : these branches constitute the supra-clavicular and acromial nerves (u). Just opposite its division the anterior branch of the fourth cervi- cal nerve receives a branch from the third, which appears to be shared between its tw'o terminal divisions. The fourth cervical generally sends off a small communicating branch to the fifth cer- vical nerve. The term cervical plexus is applied to the series of anastomoses (z s) formed by the an terior branches of the first, second, third, and fourth cervical nerves. Some anatomists call it the deep cervical plexus, in contradistinction to the superficial branches given off from it, which, according to this view, constitute the superficial cervi cal plexus. This plexus, which occupies the anterior and lateral aspect of the four superior cer- vical vertebrae, is situated beneath the posterior border of the sterno-cleido-mastoid mus- cle, to the outer side of the internal jugular vein, between the rectus capitis anticus ma- jor and the cervical attachments of the splenius and levator anguli scapulae; it is con- cealed by a considerable quantity of fat, and by a great number of lymphatic glands ; it is also covered by an aponeurotic lamina, which adheres to it intimately, and is prolong- ed upon the nerves which emanate from it. After the example of Bichat, this plexus may be regarded as a centre in which the anterior branches of the four superior cervical nerves terminate, and from which a great number of branches proceed. This plexus is by no means inextricable ; it is always easy to determine the origin of the branches which come from it. These branches consist of one anterior branch, the superficial cervical (k) ; of ascending 5 F The Cervical Plexus. 778 NEUROLOGY. branches, viz., the great mastoid (y), the small mastoid, and the great auricular (q); and of descending branches, subdivided into the deep and the superficial; the deep ones, consisting of the internal descending branch (before s), the phrenic nerve (Z), and the branch- es for the trapezius, levator anguli scapula, and rhombaideus; the superficial descending branches are the supra-clavicular and the acromial {m). According to their distribution, they may also be divided into muscular and cutaneous branches ; the muscular consist of the internal descending, the phrenic, the branches for the trapezius, the levator anguli, and the rhomboideus ; all the others are cutaneous, and are flattened like ribands. The Anterior Branch. The superficial cervical nerve (superficialis colli, s, fig. 285), which is often double, The Superficial Cervical Nerve. Fig. 285. in consequence of dividing earlier than usual, is des- tined exclusively for the skin of the neck and lower part of the face (sous-mentonniere, Chauss.), and is formed by the anastomoses of the second and third cervical nerves ; it emerges from the plexus opposite the middle of the neck, beneath the.posterior border of the sterno-mastoid, around which it turns in the form of a loop, and then passes horizontally forward between that muscle and the platysma, runs at right angles beneath the external jugular vein, and divides into two branches—one ascending and larger, the oth- er descending; these two branches often form two distinct nerves. The descending branch passes downward and in- wrard between the sterno-mastoid and the platysma, is reflected upward so as to form a loop, having its con- cavity turned upward, perforates the platysma, and then lies in contact with the skin, beneath which it may be traced as far as opposite the os hyoides. One of its twigs, which appears to me to be constant, having reached the side of the median line, is reflected upward in front of the anterior jugular vein, ascends vertical- ly, and may be traced into the skin of the supra-hyoid region. The ascending branch, which sometimes arises by a common trunk with the auricular nerve, immediately divides into four or five very slender and slightly waving filaments, which, situated at first between the sterno-mastoid and the platysma, generally perfo- rate the last-named muscle, to become sub-cutaneous ; two of these diverging filaments, which remain subjacent to the platysma, are very slender, and run along the external jugular vein, one in front of and the other behind that vessel. All the other filaments pass upward and inward in contact wfith the skin, and subdi- vide into a great number of filaments, which may be traced as far as the skin of the chin and lower part of the cheek; I have seen two of these filaments anastomose with the facial nerve. It is important to observe, that the cervical filaments of the facial nerve occupy a deeper plane than those of the superficial cervical nerve, and are separated from these latter in front by the platysma. The Ascending Branches. The Auricular Nerve. The auricular nerve (auricularis magnus, d,fig. 285), the ascending anterior branch of the cervical plexus, arises from the second and third cervical nerves by a trunk which is common to it and to the superficial cervical; it emanates from the plexus immediate- ly above the last-named nerve, like which it embraces the posterior border of the sterno- mastoid so as to form a loop with the convexity turned backward, and then passes up- ward and a little forward between the platysma and the sterno-mastoid, and reaches the anterior border of that muscle opposite the angle of the lower jaw. In this situation it gives off several facial or parotid filaments, and terminates by dividing into a superficial and a deep branch. The facial or parotid branches are very slender; some of them pass between the parot- id and the skin, with which they are in contact; the others pass through the parotid gland from behind forward, and from below upward, to be distributed to the skin of the cheek ; I have traced them as far as the skin which covers the malar bone ; it has not been shown that some of them terminate in the substance of the parotid, as has been stated.* The superficial auricular branch ascends vertically, in the substance ot the very dense * I have seen two of these parotid filaments terminate in, a small abnormal ganglion, from which other fi] aments were given off and distributed in the manner above described THE SUPRA-CLAVICULAR NERVES. 779 fibrous tissue which connects the parotid to the skin; it gains the lower part of the concha opposite to the anti-tragus, and then divides into several filaments, the distribu- tion of which is remarkable : the largest passes above the lobule in the fissure between the concha and the caudal extremity of the helix, and is distributed to the skin on the concave surface of the auricle, and especially to the skin of the concha; another fila- ment turns round the margin of the auricle, and gains the groove of the helix, which it follows even to its upper part. The deep auricular branch, which may be called the anterior mastoid, perforates the substance of the parotid gland, and gains the front of the mastoid process ; here it crosses at an acute angle over the auricular branch of the facial nerve, which is more deep- ly seated, and with which it anastomoses by a rather large branch ; it then passes be- hind the posterior auricular muscle, and divides into two secondary branches ; a poste- rior, which passes upward and backward, and may be traced as far as the outer border of the occipitalis muscle, where it anastomoses with a very delicate filament of the ex- ternal occipital nerve ; and an anterior, which runs upon the upper part of the cranial surface of the auricle. The superior filaments are reflected over the upper margin of the auricle, and are distributed to the skin which covers its external or concave surface. From what has been just stated, it follows that the auricularis magnus gives off no muscular filament. The posterior auricular and occipitalis muscles are supplied entire- ly from the auricular branch (v) of the facial nerve. The Mastoid or External Occipital Nerve. The mastoid or external occipital nerve (occipitalis minor, b), the posterior ascending branch of the cervical plexus, rises from the second cervical nerve ; it comes off" from the plexus above the preceding nerve, describes a loop with the convexity turned up- ward upon the posterior border of the sterno-mastoid, ascends almost vertically, parallel to the great occipital nerve and to the posterior border of the sterno-mastoid, crosses the posterior occipital attachments of that muscle, continues to ascend upon the occipi- tal region, and then upon the parietal region, and may be traced as far as opposite the anterior border of the parietal bone. During this course it is situated between the sple- nius and occipitalis muscles and epicranial aponeurosis on the one hand, and the skin on the other. This nerve gives off in the occipital region some external branches, which are distrib- uted to the skin, and anastomose with a filament of the auricular nerve, but none of them pass to the auricle. The term occipito-auricular (Chauss.) is, therefore, not applicable to it; it should rather be called the external occipital (occipitalis minor, b),* to distinguish it from the internal occipital (occipitalis major, a), given off by the posterior branch of the second cervical nerve. It also supplies some internal branches, which anastomose several times with the in- ternal occipital nerve, and are distributed to the skin. It gives no filament to the occipitalis muscle, nor does it anastomose with the facial nerve. The mastoid or external occipital nerve is essentially a cutaneous nerve. We sometimes find a small supplementary branch between the great auricular and external occipital nerves, which runs parallel to them, and may be called the small mas- toid nerve (c). The Supra-clavicular Nerves. The Supra-clavicular Nerves (e, fig. 285 ; u, fig. 298).—The terminating branches of the cervical plexus are two in number : one internal, or the supra-clavicular nerve, properly so called; the other external, or the acromial nerve; they come off from the plexus at the posterior border of the sterno mastoid, descend perpendicularly towards the clavicle, and divide into several branches, which again subdivide before reaching that bone, so that they cover the supra-clavicular triangle with their diverging filaments. All these branches cross over the clavicle at almost regular intervals, and are lost upon the upper and anterior part of the thorax. The innermost or sternal branches cross very obliquely over the external jugular vein, then over the clavicular and sternal attachments of the sterno-mastoid, and ramify in the skin, where they may be traced as far as the median line. The external or acromial branches pass obliquely over the external surface of the tra- pezius, cross the outer end of the clavicle, and are distributed to the skin over the acro- mion and the spine of the scapula. I have followed some filaments over the top of the shoulder as far as the lower borders of the pectoralis major. The intermediate or clavicular branches cross the clavicle at right angles, are in con- tact with the skin upon the upper part of the thorax, and may be traced to within a short distance of the nipple, f The Superficial Descending Branches. * The name mastoid branch is bad, for this branch has no relation with the mastoid process, t Not unfrequently the supra-clavicular nerve passes through a foramen in the clavicle, at the junction of the external third with the internal two thirds of that bone ; sometimes, instead of a bony canal there is a 780 NEUROLOGY. All these branches lie at first beneath the platysma, and then become sub-cutaneous. A layer of fascia and the omo-hyoid muscle are interposed between them and the scaleni muscles and brachial plexus. Some loose cellular tissue separates them from the clav- icle, upon which they glide with the greatest freedom. The Deep Descending Branches. The internal descending cervical nerve (before s, Jig. 298), which is destined exclusively for the muscles of the sub-hyoid region, may be considered as the inferior branch of the bifurcation of the second cervical nerve, although the first and third nerves each give to it a small re-enforcing filament. It passes vertically downward, cn the outer side of the internal jugular vein, along which it runs, is joined on its inner side by a filament from the first cervical nerve, and having reached a little below the middle of the neck, is reflected inward in front of the internal jugular vein, and forms an anastomotic loop, which is sometimes plexiform, with the descending branch (descendens noni, h) of the hypoglossal nerve ; this is a remark- able anastomosis, and presents many varieties in its arrangement. The convexity of this loop is turned downward, and from it arises a branch, which sometimes scarcely ex- ceeds in size either of the formative branches of the loop, and which expands into sev- eral filaments (g). One of these ascends and supplies the superior attachments of the sterno-hyoid and omo-hyoid ; a transverse filament proceeds to the bodies of the sterno- hyoid and sterno-thyroid muscles. Several filaments can be traced as far as the lower part of the latter muscle, that is to say, down to opposite the second rib. The inferior fleshy belly of the omo-hyoid is supplied by some twigs derived from the filaments which enter its superior belly. The Internal Descending Cervical Nerve. The Phrenic or Diaphragmatic Nerve. The phrenic nerve (I, jigs. 298, 302) is a branch derived from the fourth cervical nerve, sometimes re-enforced by a very small filament from the third nerve, and almost al- ways by a larger branch from the fifth.* Not unfrequently one of the formative branch- es of the loop of the hypoglossal nerve just described joins the phrenic nerve. The right and left phrenics are rarely of the same size. After its origin, the phrenic nerve descends vertically in front of the inner border of the scalenus anticus, with which it is held in contact by a fascia. It is round at first, but becomes flattened as it passes between the sub-clavian vein and artery (I have seen it pass in front of the vein), and is then inclined slightly inward, to enter the superior orifice of the thorax. In the thorax (I, Jig. 302) it continues its vertical direction, runs along the brachio-cephalic vein on the left side, and along the vena cava superior on the right side, is then applied against the pericardium, to which it is bound down by the pleura, and, having reached the diaphragm, ramifies in that muscle. It is accompanied by the superior phrenic artery, which is a branch of the internal mammary, and the su- perior phrenic vein. The phrenic nerve gives off no branches in the thorax : at a short distance from its origin, it anastomoses with the great sympathetic by a transverse branch: at the lower part of the neck, it sometimes gives off a filament, which forms ah anastomotic arch with a branch derived from the fifth and sixth cervical nerves. I have never seen it com- municate with the inferior cervical ganglion. The distribution of this nerve in the diaphragm is curious. Some of its expanded, di- verging, and generally very long filaments, run between the pleura and the diaphragm, and enter the muscle from its upper surface; others pass through the diaphragm, run between it and the peritoneum, and enter the fleshy fibres from below ; they may be traced as far as the costal attachments of the muscle. The right phrenic nerve termi- nates by a transverse branch which passes behind the vena cava, and anastomoses with certain transverse branches of the left phrenic, before it enters the pillars of the dia- phragm, in which it terminates. I have never seen any filament of the phrenic nerve pass either to the oesophagus or to the solar plexus. These are, an anastomotic branch (v, fig. 298) from the cervical plexus to the spinal ac- cessory nerve of Willis (t); it is of considerable size ;it comes off from the second nerve at the same point as the external occipital nerve, and anastomoses at an acute angle tendinous arch upon the posterior border of the bone. In this case the clavicular branches are not scattered, but closely aggregated together ; the internal branches then pass horizontally inward between the clavicle and the skin as far as the sternum ; and I have even seen a small twig enter the attachments of the pec ora is ma jor. The external branches proceed horizontally outward upon the anterior border of the clavicle as ar as the * The communication between the phrenic nerve and the fifth cervical nerve occurs in n)°des. Sometimes the phrenic supplies the communicating filament, instead of receiving’i ■> ni nmonly the phrenic branch of the fifth arises by a common trunk with the nerve for the sub-cavius muse e, crosses in front of the sub-clavian vein, between it and the cartilage of the first rib, with w ic ? 18 ln contact, and passes behind the internal mammary artery, to join the phrenic nerve at a very acute angle. The Posterior Deep Cervical Branches. THE BRACHIAL PLEXUS. 781 with the spinal accessory, between the cervical fasciculi of the splenius and the sterno- mastoid. Also, a branch for the trapezius, which arises from the third nerve, passes obliquely downward and backward to the deep surface of the muscle, and anastomoses with the spinal accessory of Willis, which it re-enforces, and with which it may be traced as far as the lower angle of the muscle. Lastly, the branches for the levator anguli scapulae and the rhomboideus; these are rath- er small branches, which arise from the back part of the third and fourth cervical nerves, as they emerge from between the transverse processes of the vertebrae, pass obliquely downward and backward, turn round the scalenus posticus in contact with it, and are distributed to the levator anguli scapulae and the upper part of the rhomboideus. The same branches appear to supply both muscles. The Anterior Branches of the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Cervical and First Dorsal Nerves. These branches are remarkable for their size, in which respect they surpass the pre- ceding, and are almost all equal. On emerging from the inter-vertebral foramina, they come into relation with the two scaleni muscles, which are separated from each other, and sometimes are perforated by them; they give off some very slender filaments to these muscles, and, converging, anastomose together so as to form the brachial plexus, from which all the nerves of the upper extremity are derived. The Brachial Plexus. The brachial plexus {h, fig. 368) extends obliquely from the lateral and inferior part ot the neck to the cavity of the axilla, or, rather, to the inner side of the head of the hume- rus, where it terminates by dividing into the nerves of the upper extremity; it is formed in the following manner: The fifth and sixth cervical nerves (5, 6, fig. 286) unite at a short distance from the scaleni, and the cord thus formed passes very obliquely downward and outward, and then bifurcates. Again, the eighth cervical (8) and the first dorsal (1) nerves unite immediately after converging from the scaleni, and som'1 times even between those muscles ; and the com- mon cord passes almost horizontally outward, and bifurcates near the head of the humerus. Between these two anastomotic cords is the seventh cervical nerve (7), which pur- sues a much longer course than the others, and bifurcates on a level with the clavicle ; the upper branch of its bifurcation joins the lower branch of the bifurcation of the first- named cord, and its lower branch unites with the upper branch of the second-named cord. From these several bifurcations and subsequent anastomoses, all of which take place at very acute angles, results the interlacement known as the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus is broad at its upper part, contracted in the middle, and broad again at its lower part, on account of the divergence of its terminating branches; it com- municates with the cervical plexus by a considerable branch, which it receives from the fourth cervical nerve, and also by the filament which it gives to the phrenic nerve ; it is not so complicated but that the origins of the branches which emanate from it may be traced; I shall take care to do this for each nerve. Relations.—At its origin it is situated between the scaleni, which cover it for a great- er extent below than above. A very strong aponeurosis, which extends over it and the scaleni also, completely isolates it from the surrounding parts. Lower down, it is situated between the clavicle and sub-clavius muscle on the one hand, and the first rib and upper part of the serratus magnus on the other. Still lower, it is contained in the cavity of the axilla, separated from the pectoral- is major in front by the costo-clayicular aponeurosis, and resting upon the scapulo-hu- meral articulation behind, from which it is separated by the tendon of the sub-scapularis. The following are its relations with the axillary artery: Between the scaleni and be- low them, the artery is situated upon the same plane as the brachial plexus, and lies be- tween the plexus and the first rib. Lower down it is placed on the anterior part of the plexus ; at the lower extremity of the plexus it passes under the angle of union of the two roots of the median nerve, by which it is embraced ; the axillary vein always lies in front of the artery, and therefore has less direct rela- tions with the plexus. The branches of the brachial plexus may be divided into the collateral and the terminal. The terminal branches are five in number, namely, the internal cutaneous {g, fig- 286) and its accessory, the mus- culo-cutaneous (6), the median (c), the radial or musculo- spiral (/), and the ulnar (d) nerves.* The collateral branches may be divided into those giv- Fig. 266. * I think it right to class the circumflex nerve among the collateral branches, and not, like most authors among the terminal branches of the plexus. 782 NEUROLOGY. en off above the clavicle, namely, the nerve for the sub-clavius, those for the .evator angu li scapula and rhomboideus, the posterior thoracic or nerve for the scrratus magnus, the su- prascapular nerve (a) or nerve for the supra- and infra-spinati muscles, and the superior sub- scapular nerve; those given off opposite the clavicle, namely, the thoracic branches; and those given off in the axilla, namely, the circumflex iterve (e) and the sub-scapular branches, which comprehend the nerve for the latissimus dor si, the nerve for the teres major, and the inferior scapular nerve. One branch only, namely, the nerve for the sub-clavius muscle, arises from the front part of the brachial plexus : all the other collateral branches are given off from the back of the plexus. The Collateral Branches of the Brachial Plexus. The Branches given off below the Clavicle. The Nerve for the Sub-clavius Muscle.—This is a small but constant branch, which comes off from the fifth cervical nerve, immediately before its junction with the sixth, passes vertically downward in front of the sub-clavian artery, and then enters perpendic- ularly into the middle of the sub-clavius muscle. This small nerve, before reaching the sub-clavius, always gives off a phrenic branch, which passes obliquely inward in front of the sub-clavian vein, and anastomoses with the phrenic nerve. The Nerve for the Levator Anguli Scapulce.—This branch arises as frequently from the cervical as from the brachial plexus; in the former case, it arises from the fourth cervi- cal nerve, in the latter from the fifth. It arises from the nerve immediately after its exit from the canal of the transverse processes, turns round the scalenus posticus to gain the deep surface of the levator anguli scapulae, enters the muscle, supplies it with a great number of filaments, and perforates it to reach the rhomboideus, under which it passes. One of its terminating filaments anastomoses with a filament from the proper nerve for the rhomboideus. The Nerve for the Rhomboideus.—This arises from the fifth cervical nerve, immediately below the preceding; I have seen it arise by a common trunk with the superior branch of origin of the nerve for the serratus magnus ; it passes downward and backward be- tween the scalenus posticus and the levator anguli scapulse, and then beneath the last- mentioned muscle, nearly as far as its scapular attachments, in order to get between the rhomboideus and the ribs ; it may be traced as far as the lower part of that muscle. One of its filaments perforates the rhomboideus, and anastomoses in the trapezius with the posterior spinal nerves. The Nerve for the Serratus Magnus (Posterior Thoracic Nerve of authors ; External Res- piratory Nerve, Sir C. Bell).—This branch, which is very remarkable for the length of its course, is derived from the fifth and sixth cervical nerves, immediately after their exit from the canal of the transverse processes ; it arises by two roots, which are sometimes equal and sometimes unequal in size ; it passes vertically downward behind the brachial plexus and the axillary vessels, in front of the scalenus posticus, reaches the side of the thorax {e',fig. 287), between the sub-scapularis and the serratus magnus, runs the whole length of the last-named muscle, and ramifies in its lower portion. During this course, it gives off a great number of filaments to the muscle: the lowest of these may be traced as far as the lowest digitation. The branch which it gives to the upper part of the muscle is remarkable for its size. I have seen a branch from the seventh cervical nerve join the external thoracic nerve upon the upper part of the serratus magnus, so that this nerve would then be derived from the fifth, sixth, and seventh cervical nerves. The Suprascapular Nerve, or Nerve for the Supra- and Infra-spinati Muscles.—This branch {a, fig. 286) is given off from the back part of the fifth cervical nerve at its junc- tion with the sixth ; it passes obliquely backward, outward, and downward, dips beneath the trapezius, and then under the omo-hyoid, the direction of which it nearly follows, and gradually increases in size as it approaches the coracoid notch of the scapula, and passes by itself under the ligament which converts this notch into a foramen; the supra- scapular artery and vein, which had hitherto been in contact with the nerve, leave it op- posite this notch to pass above the ligament, and then join it again in the supra-spinous fossa. The nerve then runs from before backward in the supra-spinous fossa, protected by a thick fibrous lamella, reaches the free concave border of the spine of the scapula, against which it is held by a fibrous band, is then reflected inward and downward over this con- cave border to gain the infra-spinous fossa, and immediately divides into two branches, one of which spreads out in the upper part, and the other in the lower part ot the infra- spinatus muscle. During its course through the supra-spinous fossa, the supra-scapular nerve gives off two supra-spinous branches, one of which is detached opposite the coracoid notch, and the other upon the spine of the scapula. They both enter the supra-spinetus muscle. BRANCHES BELOW THE CLAVICLE. 783 The supra-scapular nerve is exclusively destined for the supra- and infra-spinati mus- cles. It gives no filament to the sub-scapularis. The Superior Sub-scapular Nerve.—This is a very small branch which arises imme- diately above the clavicle, and passes downward and forward to reach the upper border of the sub-scapularis, and then enters that muscle. The Branches given off opposite to the Clavicle. These, which are named the thoracic branches,* are generally two in number, one an- terior, the other posterior: they arise from the anterior part of the brachial plexus, oppo- site the sub-clavius muscle. The anterior branch, or nerve for the pectoralis major, which is the larger, passes downward and forward between the sub-clavius muscle and the sub- clavian vein, and divides into two branches: an external, or anastomotic, which some- times arises directly from the brachial plexus, and forms a loop around the axillary ar- tery, by anastomosing with the posterior thoracic branch ; and an internal, which runs along the deep surface of the pectoralis major, and expands into a great number of re- markably long and slender filaments, which enter the muscle very obliquely, and may be traced as far ad its sternal attachments. A very slender filament is constantly found running along the clavicle. The posterior thoracic branch, or nerve for the pectoralis miner, passes behind the axillary artery, below which it curves forward, to form, with the external branch of the anterior thoracic, the anastomotic loop of which I have already spoken. From this loop or arch, in forming which the nervous filaments are separated from each other, two sets of branches proceed: the one set runs between the pectoralis major and minor, closely applied to the former muscle, which they then enter, diverging to its lowest part; the others pass beneath the pectoralis minor, and penetrate its deep surface ; some of them pass obliquely through this muscle and join the anterior thoracic branches in the pecto- ralis major. The Branches given off below the Clavicle. The Axillary or Circumflex Nerve.—This is no less remarkable for its great size, which has led some anatomists to regard it as a terminal branch of the brachial plexus, than for its reflected course : it comes off from the back of the plexus, behind the musculo- spiral nerve, or, rather, the circumflex and musculo-spiral nerves (e and f fig. 286) ap- pear to be the two divisions of a trunk formed by filaments from the five branches of the brachial plexus. Immediately after its origin, the circumflex nerve passes downward and outward {g, fig. 288) in front of the sub-scapularis, which separates it from the shoulder-joint, turns obliquely round the lower border of that muscle, round the back part of the articulation, and, lastly, round the surgical neck of the humerus, is then reflected upward, so as to de- scribe a curve with the concavity turned in the same direction, and terminates by ram- ifying in the deltoid. During this curved course, the circumflex nerve, accompanied by the posterior cir- cumflex vessels, passes at first between the sub-scapularis and the teres major, then be- low the teres minor, on the outer side of the long head of the triceps (i. e., next to the bone), and then lies in contact with the deep surface of the deltoid, against which it is held by a very dense layer of fascia. The relation of the circumflex nerve to the articulation explains the possible occur- rence of laceration of this nerve in luxations of the humerus downward. The collateral branches of the circumflex nerve are three in number. One branch almost always goes to the sub-scapularis. I have already said that the sub-scapular nerves might be regarded as branches of the circumflex. As it turns round the lower border of the sub-scapularis, the. circumflex gives off a branch for the teres minor and the cutaneous branch of the shoulder. Th& nerve for the teres minor enters that muscle by its lower border ; it almost always arises by a common trunk with a deltoid branch, which runs upward and backward to supply the back part of the deltoid muscle. The cutaneous nerve of the shoulder frequently arises by a common trunk with the two preceding, and, in this case, the circumflex nerve appears to bifurcate ; it passes under the posterior border of the deltoid, then lies in contact with the skin covering the back part of the top of the shoulder, and divides into diverging branches, some ascending, oth- ers descending, and others running horizontally. A second, and sometimes a third cu- taneous branch perforates the fleshy fibres of the deltoid, and is distributed to the corre- sponding skin. The terminal or deltoid branches of the circumflex nerve are given off as that nerve is turn - ing round the neck of the humerus, in which situation it divides into several diverging branches, the superior of which ascends, and appears like the continuation of the nerve, while the others descend, and may be traced as far as the insertion of the muscle into the humerus. * The anterior thoracic nerves of those who name the nerve for the serratus rnagnus the posterior thoracic. 784 The Sul-scapular Nerves.—The nerve for the latissimns dor si is the largest of the nerves generally described as the sub-scapular; it comes off at an acute angle from the inside of the circumflex nerve, and descends vertically in the midst of the cellular tissue of the axilla, between the sub-scapularis and serratus magnus, parallel to the external thoracic nerve, which it greatly resembles in size and direction as well as in its length; it then passes in front of the latissimus dorsi, reaches its outer border, and may be traced down to the lower part of that muscle. The nerve for the teres major arises at a very acute angle from the preceding nerve, to the inner side of which it runs; it passes to the sub-scapularis, turns round its outer bor- der, and enters the anterior surface of the teres major by a great number of filaments. The inferior sub-scapular nerve (I, fig■ 288) is sometimes multiple, and presents many varieties in its origin and number. Thus, it sometimes curves directly from the brachial plexus ; sometimes from a common trunk with the circumflex nerve. Again, it often arises by a common trunk with the nerve for the teres major. Whatever be its origin, and whether it be single or multiple, it enters immediately into the sub-scapularis, and terminates there. We have seen that a small branch given off from the brachial plexus'above the clavi cle, the superior sub-scapular nerve, enters the same muscle at its upper border. NEUROLOGY. The Terminal Branches of the Brachial Plexus. The Internal Cutaneous Nerve and its Accessory Fig. 287 The internal cutaneous nerve (g, fig. 286), the most internal and the smallest of the terminal branches of the brachial plex- us, arises by a common trunk with the ulnar nerve (d) and the internal root of the median (c): concealed at first by the axillary artery, it descends vertically {a, fig. 288) to the inner side of the median nerve, and in front of the basilic vein : at the upper part of its course it lies beneath the fascia, but it becomes sub-cutaneous at the same time as the basilic vein {b, fig. 287), and is then separated from the median nerve by the brachial aponeurosis ; at the middle of the arm, it divides into two terminal branches, an external, anterior or ulnar, and an internal, posterior or epitrochlear. The internal cutaneous gives off only one branch during its course along the arm, namely, a cutaneous branch, which varies in size as well as in the situation at which it is given off; this cutaneous branch arises in the cavity of the axilla, often anastomoses with an intercostal nerve, is applied against the skin on the inner as- pect of the arm, and may be traced as far as the elbow.* Terminal Branches.—The anterior, external or ulnar branch, which is the larger, continues in the vertical direction of the trunk of the nerve, and divides into two branches, which de- scend in front of the elbow-joint, sometimes before, and some- times behind the median basilic vein (e), and again subdivide into a great number of filaments which diverge, and are ar- ranged in the following manner ; the internal filaments pass obliquely downward, inward, and backward, crossing the ul- nar vein (m), and then the ulna, and supply the skin covering the inner and back part of the forearm ; they can be traced nearly as far as the region of the carpus : the external fila- ment, which might be called median, because it follows the median vein, descends vertically, and may be traced as far as the upper part of the palm of the hand; one of these filaments always anastomoses with a twig from the ulnar nerve at the lower part of the forearm. The posterior, internal or epitrochlear branch (g), descends ver- tically behind the median basilic vein, in front of the epitroch- lea, and then below it, so as to embrace it in a sort of loop; it then passes very obliquely downward and backward, cross- es the ulna below the olecranon, gains the dorsal aspect of the forearm, and runs vertically (a, jig. 289) down to the wrist. Around the epitrochlea, this internal branch gives off several branches, which ramify upon the skin that covers the inner side of the elbow-joint: one of these branches 4s reflected up- ward between the epitrochlea and the olecranon, an anasto- moses with the accessory nerve of the interna cutaneous. * I have always found a remarkably long and slender filament arising from the fif rn at the upper pan of the arm ;it runs along that nerve, passes beneath the hasihc vem,!u d enJ“®s with the fascia, which it perforates near the epitrochlea, and is lost upon the synovial membrane of the elbow-jomt. THE MUSCULOCUTANEOUS NERVE. 785 Frequently, before reaching the epitrochlea, this branch has already given off a twig which anastomoses with the same nerve. Summary.—The internal cutaneous nerve, then, is exclusively intended for the skin. It only gives one small branch to the arm: its other divisions are intended for the forearm. One of them belongs to the dorsal, and the other to the internal aspect. The Accessory Nerve of the Internal Cutaneous.—l have applied this term to a small branch (cutaneus minor internus, Wrisberg), which it is difficult to discover, and which would be more properly classed among the collateral than the terminal branches of the brachial plexus : it arises above and sometimes below the clavicle, from the back part of the nervous cord formed by the junction of the eighth cervical and first dorsal nerves : it passes downward upon the sides of the thorax, and divides into two branches, an ex- ternal and an internal. The external branch {a', fig. 287), which is the smaller one, passes vertically downward, and crosses the conjoined tendons of the teres major and latissimus dorsi at right an- gles ; it lies in contact with the skin covering the inner and back part of the arm, and may be traced as low as the elbow. The internal branch (c) anastomoses with the second intercostal nerve, descends ver- tically, crossing the conjoined tendons of the latissimus dorsi and teres major, becomes applied to the skin, and divides into several very slender filaments, which correspond to the internal, anterior, and posterior regions of the arm, and may be traced as far as the region of the elbow ; one of these filaments anastomoses with the internal cutaneous.* The Musculo-cutaneous Nerve. The musculo-cutaneous nerve (h, fig. 286), the most external of the terminal branches of the brachial plexus, and, with the exception of the internal cutaneous, the smallest, arises by a common trunk with the external root of the median nerve (c), passes down- ward and outward, in front of the humeral insertion of the sub-scapularis, and on the inner side of the coraco-brachialis, which is perforated by it, and is therefore called the perforated muscle of Casserius. t After emerging from the muscle, through which it passes very obliquely,! the musculo-cutaneous nerve {h,fig. 288) is situated between the biceps and the braehialis anticus, continues its oblique course, escapes from beneath the outer border of the tendon of the biceps, and then becomes sub-cutaneous. During its course along the arm it gives off the following branches The branches for the coraco-brachialis are two in number; one superior, which enters the upper part of this muscle, and is then lost in the short head of the biceps ; the other in- ferior, which, in some subjects, after having furnished a certain number of filaments to the coraco-brachialis, becomes applied to the trunk of the musculo-cutaneous nerve itself. The branches for the biceps are very numerous : not uncommonly they arise by a com- mon trunk, which then appears to result from the bifurcation of th« musculo-cutaneous. One of these branches perforates the biceps, and passes transversely outward to reach the elbow-joint, to which it is distributed. The branches for the braehialis anticus almost always arise by a large common trunk which appears to result from a farther bifurcation of the nerve, already diminished one half, after it has supplied the branches for the biceps. While these last-named branches enter the posterior surface of the corresponding muscle, the branches for the braehialis anticus penetrate that muscle by its anterior surface. After having given off all these muscular branches, the musculo-cutaneous nerve, re- duced to a fourth or a fifth of its original size, is distributed entirely to the skin ; it passes vertically downward in front of the elbow-joint, behind the median cephalic vein (a, fig. 287), and divides into two terminal branches, of which the internal (h) runs along the inner, and the external along the outer side of the radial vein. These two branches, during their course along the forearm, lie between the fascia of the forearm and the superficial fascia; they gradually diminish in size as they give off their filaments to the skin, and terminate in the following manner : The external branch passes to the dorsal surface of the forearm, and may be traced as far as the skin which covers the carpus. The internal branch has a more extensive distribution ; it anastomoses with a branch of the radial nerve at the lower part of the forearm, and gives off a deep or articular branch, wffiich divides into several twigs that surround the radial artery. One of these twigs expands into a number of filaments which enter the fore part of the radio-carpal articulation; the others accompany the radial artery in its oblique course upon the outer side of the carpus, and then spread out to terminate on the back part of the synovial membrane of the wrist-joint. After having given off this very remarkable articular branch,§ the internal terminal division of the musculo-cutaneous nerve passes in front * [And with the internal cutaneous branch of the musculo-spiral nerve.] t [The nerve is also called perforaJis Casserii.] X Not nnfrequently the nerve does not perforate the coraco-brachialis. [lt sometimes has an anastomosis vith the median nerve after emerging from the coraco-brachialis.] i) In one subject, the articular filaments had some gangliform enlargements on their sides precisely similal 5 G- 786 NEUROLOGY. of the tendons of the extensor brevis pollicis and abductor longus pollicis, in front of and more superficially than the corresponding branch of the radial nerve, and then divides into several twigs, which are intended for the skin of the thenar eminence. One of these branches, which runs along the outer side of that eminence, may be traced into the skin upon the first phalanx of the thumb. Summary.—The mnsculo-cutaneous nerve, then, supplies certain muscular branches, which belong exclusively to the coraco-brachialis, the biceps, and tile brachialis anticus ; the section of this nerve would, therefore, destroy the power of flexing the forearm : certain cutaneous branches to the skin on the outer side of the forearm and hand; and, lastly, some articular branches to the elbow and to the wrist. The median nerve (c, jig. 286), one of the terminal branches of the brachial plexus, arises from the plexus by two very distinct roots between the musculo-cutaneous {b) on the outer side, and the ulnar nerve (d) on the inner.* The internal root arises from a nervous cord which is common to it, to the ulnar, and to the internal cutaneous (g). The external root arises from a cord common to it and to the musculo-cutaneous. The axillary artery passes between these two roots. The trunk resulting from the union of these two roots is situated on the inner side of the axillary artery; it is at first grooved to receive the inner half of the artery, but it soon forms a rounded cord, proceeds vertically downward (c, Jig. 288), gains the middle and fore part of the elbow-joint, dips between the muscles on the anterior region of the forearm (d), and passes behind the annular ligament to enter the palm of the hand (r), where it terminates by dividing into six branches. We shall examine it in the arm, the forearm, and the hand. The Median JVerve. Fig. 288. In the Arm. The median nerve (c), which is straight and vertical, and the satellite nerve of the brachial artery, passes some- what obliquely downward, forward, and outward, to the middle and fore part of the elbow-joint. Relations.—On the inner side it is sub-aponeurotic, so that when the arm is held away from the side, and the forearm is extended upon the arm, it projects below the skin like a tense cord, which is very distinctly seen in emaciated subjects. On the outside, it corresponds at first to the brachialis anticus, and is then received in the sort of groove formed between the inner border of the biceps and the brachialis anticus. In front, it is covered by the inner border of the biceps, excepting in emaciated subjects. Behind, it is in relation with the ulnar nerve (/), and then with the brachialis anticus. Its relations with the brachial artery are of the greatest importance, in reference to the application of a ligature to that vessel. The nerve is at first situated to the outer or radial side of the axillary artery, but soon passes in front of the vessel, and then it crosses over slightly, so that at the bend of the elbow it is situated about two lines to the inner or ulnar side of the artery. This last relation is not con- stant : I have seen the nerve on the outer side of tbs artery at the bend of the elbow. The following are its relations with the other nerves : the internal cutaneous nerve runs along its inner side, at first immediately in contact with it, and then separated from it by the fascia of the arm. The ulnar nerve runs behind it in the upper third of the arm, and is then separated from it, so that the two nerves bound the sides of a triangular interval, the base of which is below and the apex above. . The median nerve does not give any branch in ie arm.f to those which are met with on the cutaneous nerves inthe hand ; the articular filaments, moreover, have almost always the grayish aspect of the nerves of organic life. , tothe * These two roots of the median nerve, whenmmted to tne umscuio-cu taneoue and the ulnar, represent very nearly a capUaWV!. «ot unfre to the musculo-cutana ous, after the latter has emerged from the coraco brachialis.] THE MEDIAN NERVE IN THE FOREARM AND HAND. 787 The median nerve, like the brachial artery, to the inner side of which it is generally situated, passes beneath the tendinous expansion of the biceps, and is separated from the elbow-joint by the brachialis anticus. It almost always perforates the pronator teres in such a manner as to leave only a very small tongue of fleshy fibres behind it ;* it then passes (d, fig. 288) between the flexor sublimis and flexor profundus digitorum, opposite the cellular interval between the latter muscle and the flexor longus pollicis : at the lower part of the forearm it runs along the outer border of the flexor sublimis, where it might be easily exposed between the tendon of the palmaris longus on the inside, and of the flexor carpi radialis on the outside. I have seen this nerve perforate the upper part of the flexor sublimis, which formed a sheath for it. In the Forearm. Branches.—These are muscular, excepting the palmar cutaneous, which arises at the lower part of the forearm: they supply all the muscles of the anterior region of the fore- arm except a part of the flexor profundus, and the whole of the flexor carpi ulnaris, which receive branches from the ulnar nerve. Lastly, with the exception of the palmar cutaneous, the branches arise near the bend of the elbow. The branch for the pronator teres comes off from the anterior part of the median nerve, a little above the elbow-joint, and passes downward to enter the substance of the mus- cle. It gives off several articular filaments, which dip from before backward, around the termination of the brachial artery and the commencement of the radial and ulnar arter- ies, form loops with their concavities turned upward in the angle of bifurcation of the brachial, and then enter the articulation. The other collateral branches of the median in the forearm arise from its posterior aspect: they are the branch for the superficial layer of muscles, which arises opposite the elbow-joint, and then divides successively into several others, which enter the pronator teres, the flexor carpi radialis, the palmaris longus, and the flexor sublimis. The filaments for the flexor sublimis are remarkably slender, and are reflected upward below the epi- trochlea: they belong to the upper part only of this muscle, which is also supplied by two or three other branches, given off in succession from the median, a little below the bend of the elbow. The branch for the deep layer of muscles is a large trunk, which soon divides into sev- eral branches, viz., one external, for the flexor longus pollicis, the upper extremity of which it enters ; two internal, which enter the flexor profundus, but only supply its inner half, the other half receiving its nerves from the ulnar ;f and a middle branch, the inter- osseous nerve (e), which requires a particular description. It passes vertically downward, in front of the interosseous ligament, between the flexor profundus and the flexor lon- gus pollicis, to both of which it gives several filaments ; having reached the upper bor- ders of the pronator quadratus, it passes behind that muscle and divides into a great number of filaments, some of which penetrate the muscle from behind, while others de scend to gain the lower part of the muscle. I have seen the interosseous' nerve per- forate the interosseous ligament, run a very short distance upon its posterior surface, then pass through it again, and ramify in the pronator muscle. The palmar cutaneous branch (i, fig. 287) comes off from the median nerve opposite the junction of the three upper fourths with the lower fourth of the forearm, runs along the median nerve, and divides into two branches, which perforate the fascia of the forearm immediately above the annular ligament. The external branch is the smaller, and cross- es obliquely over the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis, and terminates in the skin upon the ball of the thumb ;t the internal branch, which is larger, descends vertically in front of the annular ligament and beneath the skin, from which it is separated by a layer of adipose tissue, and is lost in the palm of the hand, much sooner than might be expected from its size it can scarcely be traced as far as the middle of the palm. The median nerve, while passing behind the annular ligament of the carpus, becomes considerably wider and flattened; it might even be said to increase gradually in size. Immediately after it has passed below the ligament, still flattened out, it divides (r) into two branches, one internal, the other external, which are themselves subdivided ; the in- ternal into two, and the external into four branches, so that in all there are six terminal branches. In the Hand. * In one case, in which the humeral attachments of the pronator teres were as high as those of the supina- tor longus, the median nerve passed through the highest attachments of the pronator teres, and was situated between the brachialis anticus and that muscle, which also covered it at the bend of the elbow; in this same case the brachial artery divided into the radial and ulnar at the middle of the arm ; and the ulnar artery ap- plied against the nerve had the same relations as the brachial artery in ordinary cases. t All the deep branches may be traced as far as the periosteum of the bones of the forearm. [Some of them have been seen to communicate with filaments of the ulnar nerve.] t [This branch anastomoses with the terminal cutaneous division of the musculo-spiral or radial nerve.] t This sudden mode of termination is common to all nerves of sensation, which are often lost almost imme- diately in the skin ; the nerves of motion, on the other hand, run a very long course as filaments before thev terminate in the muscles. 788 NEUROLOGY. The terminal branches of the median nerve. Of these one only is muscular, and oe- longs to the muscles of the ball of the thumb ; the other five are intended for the integ- uments of the fingers, of which they form the palmar collateral nerves. The branch for the muscles of the hall of the thumb is a recurrent nerve ; it arises from the front of the median, passes upward and outward, forming a horizontal curve with the concavity turned upward, perforates the superficial layers of the flexor brevis, im- mediately gives off a descending branch to that muscle, and, continuing to ascend itself, is divided almost equally between the abductor brevis and the opponens pollicis. The External Collateral Branch of the Thumb .*—This nerve passes "obliquely down- ward and outward, on the inner side of the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis, crosses the metacarpo-phalangal articulation, to gain the external border of the anterior surface of the thumb, and, running along the outer side of the tendon of the long flexor, arrives at the ungual phalanx. On this phalanx, it divides into two branches, a dorsal or ungual, properly so called, which turns round the side of the phalanx, anastomoses with the dor- sal collateral branches of the radial nerve, and is distributed to the dermis beneath the nail; and a palmar, which is lost in the skin covering the pulp of the thumb. Some of these latter filaments turn round the tip of the phalanx, and are distributed to the skin beneath the nail. None of the filaments of the external collateral branch anastomose with those of the internal collateral. The internal collateral branch for the thumb is less oblique in its course and larger than the preceding; it runs along the first interosseous space in front of the adductor pollicis, and reaches the inner side of the anterior surface of the thumb, along the tendon of the long flexor, and terminates like the preceding branch. This branch gives off a twig to the adductor pollicis. The external collateral branch for the index finger sometimes arises by a common trunk with the preceding; it runs along the first interosseous space in front of the adductor pollicis, on the outer border of the first lumbricalis muscle, to which it gives a filament, and then divides into two branches, a dorsal and a palmar : the dorsal branch, which is the smaller, passes backward and downward, along the outer border of the first phalanx, unites with the dorsal collateral branch derived from the radial nerve, gains the poste- rior surface of the second phalanx, and terminates upon the third, near the nail. The palmar branch, which forms the true continuation of the trunk of the nerve, is arranged like the corresponding nerve of the thumb, and does not anastomose with the internal collateral branch. The common trunk of the internal collateral branch of the index finger, and external collat- eral branch of the middle finger, passes vertically downward, in front of the second inter- osseous space, at the middle of which it divides into two branches, one of which forms the internal collateral branch of the index finger, and the other the external collateral branch of the middle finger. These collateral nerves, like the preceding, divide into a dorsal and a palmar branch, the latter of which again subdivides into a sub-ungual branch and a branch for the pulp of the finger. The common trunk of these two collateral nerves, before bifurcating, gives off a twig to the second lumbricalis. The common trunk of the internal collateral branch of the middle finger, and external col- lateral branch of the ring finger, passes somewhat obliquely inward, in front of the third interosseous space, and is distributed in the same way as the preceding branches ; be- fore bifurcating, it sometimes gives a twig to the third lumbricalis ; it receives an anas- tomotic filament from the ulnar nerve. The bifurcation of this sixth branch takes place a little below the metacarpo-phalangal articulations. Relations.—The following are the relations of the palmar and digital portions of the median nerve: Behind the anterior annular ligament of the carpus, the median nerve is situated on the outer side of the tendons of the flexor sublimis and in front of those of the flexor pro- fundus ; like the tendons among which it is placed, it is at first covered by the synovial membrane in front and behind. In the palm of the hand, the median nerve is covered by the palmar fascia, and is situ- ated in front of all the flexor tendons. The superficial palmar arch lies in front of it, and crosses at right angles over its three internal branches. The collateral nerves of the fingers accompany the collateral vessels, and pass with them from the palm of the hand opposite the intervals between the metacarpo-phalangal ar- ticulations. Like the vessels which run along their outer side, these nerves occupy the borders of the palmar aspect of the fingers, one on each side of the tendinous groove. Summary.—From what has been stated, it follows, then, that the median nerve gives off no branch in the arm ;f that, in the forearm, it gives no nerve to the skin, but sup- plies all the muscles of the anterior region, excepting the flexor carpi ulnaris and the inner half of the flexor profundus, which we shall see are supplied by the ulnar ; and, lastly, that, in the hand, it supplies the cutaneous nerves of the palm, the external and * I have seen it arise after the third branch, and npon a plane anterior to that branch, the origin of which it then crossed. t See note, p. 766 THE ULNAR NERVE IN THE ARM AND FOREARM. internal collateral nerves of the thumb, index finger, and middle fingers, and the exter- nal collateral nerve of the ring finger, and also the muscular nerves of the ball of the thumb and the nerves of the two outer lumbricales, and sometimes that of the third lumbriealis. The ulnar nerve (d,jig. 286), a little smaller than the preceding, behind which it is situated, arises by a trunk which is common to it, to the internal root of the median nerve (c), and to the internal cutaneous nerve (g); it passes vertically downward be- hind, and at first in contact with the median, but soon leaves that nerve, and runs some- what backward {f, fig. 288), while the median is directed forward and outward ; it per- forates the upper fibres of the internal head of the triceps, and enters the sheath of that muscle, behind the internal inter-muscular septum. It thus gains the groove between the inner condyle of the humerus and the olecranon, passes between the two origins of the flexor carpi ulnaris, and is reflected from behind forward in this groove, and then upon the inner side of the coronoid process : having thus reached the anterior aspect of the forearm, it passes vertically downward (/) between the flexor carpi ulnaris and the flexor profundus, and gains the palm of the hand (.v), where it divides into its terminal branches. As with the median nerve, we shall examine the ulnar in succession in the arm, the forearm, and the hand. The. Ulnar Nerve. The most important relation of this nerve (/) in the arm is that at its upper part with the median nerve and brachial artery. It runs along the inner side of the artery, while the median nerve is situated in front of the vessel, or, rather, the artery is situated be- tween the median and ulnar nerves, so that it may be exposed immediately below the axilla, by separating these two nerves. The ulnar nerve gives off no branch in the arm ; the error of those who have stated the contrary has arisen from the fact that the branch given from the musculo-spiral nerve to the internal portion of the triceps lies in contact with the ulnar nerve for a great part of its extent, so that it would seem at first sight to come off from it. In the Arm. The Forearm. The ulnar nerve in the forearm (/) is at first covered by the fleshy belly of the flexor carpi ulnaris, which separates it fro a the skin ; it becomes sub-aponeurotic below, where the fleshy fibres of that muscle cea 3, and is found between the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris on its inner side, and those of the flexor sublimis on its outer side. Its relation with the ulnar artery is remarkable. This vessel describes a curve so as to reach the outer or radial side of the nerve ; but the nerve and artery are in contact in the lower third only of the forearm. The branches of this nerve in the forearm are somewhat numerous. Between the in- ternah condyle and the olecranon, the ulnar nerve gives several very delicate articular filaments, which pass into the elbow-joint; it also gives off branches for the flexor carpi ulnaris ; one of which is very large, and may be traced as far as the lower part of the fleshy belly of the muscle. After its reflection, the ulnar nerve gives a branch to the flexor profundus digitorum, subdivides, and enters the substance of that muscle. Its divisions run upon the anterior surface of the muscle before penetrating it. This branch is intended for the two inner portions of the flexor profundus, the two outer portions receiving their filaments from the median nerve.* At the middle of the forearm, a small, long, and slender branch is given off from the anterior part of the ulnar nerve, and divides into two filaments, one of which follows the ulnar artery {filament of the ulnar artery), while the other perforates the fascia of the fore- arm, and anastomoses with the internal cutaneous nerve {anastomotic filament). The internal dorsal nerve of the hand (x) is the largest of the branches of the ulnar nerve, so that it might be regarded as a terminal branch of that nerve ; it is exclusively intended for the skin of the dorsal region of the hand. It comes off opposite the junc- tion of the two upper thirds with the lower third of the forearm, passes obliquely down- ward, backward, and inward between the ulna, over which it crosses, and the flexor car- pi ulnaris, and emerges {x, fig. 289) from below the tendon of that muscle, a very short distance above the lower end of the ulna. It then descends vertically between the skin and that part of the bone, runs along the inner side of the carpus, and divides into two dorsal branches, an internal and an external. The internal dorsal branch is the smaller; it runs along the ulnar border of the fifth metacarpal bone, and along the internal or ulnar side of the dorsal region of the little finger, of which it forms the internal collateral dorsal nerve. The external dorsal branch is much larger ; it first gives off a small anastomotic twig which crosses obliquely over the metacarpal bone, and anastomoses with a correspond- * [The dnarmay communicate in this position with filaments of the anterior interosseous.] 790 NEUROLOGY. ingly oblique branch from the radial nerve, opposite the lower part of the second interos seous space. It then descends vertically along the fourth interosseous space, and di vides into two secondary branches, which again subdivide to form the dorsal collateral nerves, in the following manner: one forms the external collateral nerve of the little finger, and the internal collateral nerve of the ring finger; and the other the external collateral nerve of the ring finger, and the internal collateral nerve of the middle finger * The ulnar nerve enters the palm of the hand (s,fig. 288), not by passing behind the an- terior annular ligament, but in a special sheath, which is common to it and to the ulna*- artery, is situated on the inner side of the annular ligament, and has the pisiform bone to its inner side, and unciform bone to its outer side. This sheath is completed behind by the ligament which extends from the pisiform to the unciform bone, and in front by a sort of annular ligament. The nerve is covered by a synovial membrane during its passage through this sheath. As soon as it leaves this sheath, the ulnar nerve divides into two terminal branches, the one superficial, and the other deep. The superficial terminal branch, or trunk of the palmar collateral nerves of the fingers, im- mediately gives off a branch which passes beneath the flexor brevis digiti minimi, pene- trates the deep surface of that muscle, and immediately divides into two other branches, an internal and an external. The internal is the smaller branch; it crosses over the muscles of the ball of the little finger, beneath the palmaris brevis, when it exists, gains the inner side of the anterior surface of the little finger, and forms its internal palmar col- lateral nerve.\ The external is larger ; it sends a communicating twig to the median nerve, and bifurcates to form the external palmar collateral nerve of the little finger, and the internal palmar collateral nerve of the ring finger. The deep terminal or muscular branch is somewhat larger than the superficial branch. Immediately after its origin, it is reflected outward below the unciform bone, perforates the flexor brevis digiti minimi, and passes deeply into the palm of the hand, so that it cannot be exposed without dividing all the tendons of the palmar region. This branch describes a transverse curve or arch with the concavity directed upward, in front of the metacarpal bones, corresponding to and situated within the curve de scribed by the deep palmar arterial arch, which crosses it at an acute angle. No branch arises from the concavity of this nerve, but from its convexity a great num her are given off, in the following order ; During the passage of the nerve between the pisiform and unciform bones, three branch- es for the three muscles of the hypothenar eminence. Two very remarkable descending filaments, which supply the palmar interossei of the third and fourth spaces, and end in the third and fourth lumbricales. The first and sec- ond lumbricales, and frequently the third also, are supplied by the median nerve. Three perforating branches pass backward between the upper ends of the metacarpal bones, give some branches to the palmar interossei, proceed along the cellular interval between the palmar and dorsal interossei, supply the last-mentioned muscles, and termi- nate by anastomosing with the dorsal collateral branches of the ulnar and radial nerves. We may regard as terminal divisions of the deep branch, two branches, which are given to the two portions of the adductor pollicis,t aijd a branch for the first dorsal inter- osseous muscle, from which a filament is given off that enters the adductor pollicis near its lower border. Summary.—From what has been stated, it appears that the ulnar nerve gives off no branch in the arm; that in the forearm it supplies some articular branches to the elbow- joint, certain muscular branches for the flexor carpi ulnaris, and the inner half of the flexor profundus, and a cutaneous filament which anastomoses with the internal cu- taneous nerve ; that it gives off to the hand a dorsal cutaneous branch, from wrhich the dorsal collateral nerves of the little and ring fingers, and the internal dorsal collateral of the middle finger, proceed; a palmar cutaneous division, which supplies the palmar collateral nerves of the little finger, and the internal palmar collateral nerve of the ring finger ; and a muscular division, which is distributed to the three muscles of the hypothenar emi- nence, to all the interossei, among which we may include the adductor pollicis,§ and to the two internal lumbricales. In the Hand. * [This latter branch often anastomoses with the dorsal cutaneous branch of the radial nerve.] t I have observed that it supplies the palmaris brevis, when that muscle exists. + The reader must here be reminded, that 1 have regarded all that portion of the flexor brevis pollicis (ot authors) which is situated to the inner side of the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis, or, in other words, all that portion which is attached to the internal sesamoid bone, as belonging to the adductor polncis. (bee Myology, p- 190.) The distribution of the nerves favours this view; for the flexor brevis is supplied by the median nerve, while the two portions of the adductor receive their nerves from u r' _ [T-p® £e]}era‘ statement is not quite correct; the outer portion of the adductor (the inner_head of the Ilex vis ot au thors generally) also receives a small branch from the median nerve (see p. 787; also »vvani,, “i WN, „ lt is perfectly rational to consider the adductor pollicis as the first palmar ■ mterosseo 6, which, foT fhe, sake of increased power of adduction, is attached to the third metacarpal bone. MUSCULO-SPIRAL NERVE. The musculo-spiral or radial nerve, which is the largest of the terminal divisions of the brachial plexus, is intended for the triceps extensor cubiti, for the muscles of the pos- terior and external region of the forearm, and for the skin of the arm, the forearm, and dorsal region of the hand. It arises (ffig■ 286) from all the five nerves of which the brachial plexus is composed, by a trunk which is common to it and to the circumflex nerve, and it issues from the plexus behind the ulnar nerve, to which it is closely applied. Immediately after its ori- gin, it passes downward, backward, and outward [b,fig. 288), in front of the conjoined tendons of the latissimus dorsi and teres major, to gain the groove of torsion or spiral groove of the humerus, into which it enters, passing between the long head of the tri- ceps and the bone, then between the external head and the bone; it traverses the whole extent of this groove, and is in relation with the profunda humeri artery and vein. Leaving this groove, opposite the junction of the two upper thirds with the lower third of the humerus, it lies on the external and anterior aspect of the arm, descends vertical- ly between the supinator longus and brachialis anticus, and next between the brachialis anticus and extensor carpi radialis longior, crosses the elbow-joint (at b), passing in front of the outer condyle of the humerus and the upper extremity of the radius, and then di- vides into two terminal branches. Musculo-spiral Nerve. Collateral Branches of the Musculo-spiral Nerve. During its winding and spiral course along the arm, this nerve gives off a great num- ber of collateral branches in the following order; Branches given off by the Musculo-spiral Nerve before it enters the Spiral Groove.—-The first is the internal cutaneous branch (f,fig■ 287) of the musculo-spiral, which is sub- aponeurotic at its commencement, but perforates the fascia, becomes applied to the skin, and divides into two filaments, which pass obliquely backward, and may be traced as far as the olecranon.* There are several considerable branches to the long head of the triceps ; the highest of which is recurrent, and may be traced as far as the scapular attachments of the muscle A very large descending branch may be traced to the olecranon. There is a branch for the internal head of the triceps, one division of which is rather large, and runs along the inner border of the humerus in front of the muscle, which it does not enter until it approaches the elbow. Branches given off by the Musculo-spiral after leaving the Spiral Groove.—These are the external cutaneous branch of the musculo-spiral, a very large branch which perforates the muscular fibres of the triceps and the brachial aponeurosis, then lies in immediate con- tact with the skin of the external region of the arm, passes obliquely backward, and di- vides into a great number of filaments, which supply the skin of the posterior region of the forearm, and may be traced down to the carpus. The branch for the external head of the triceps and for the anconeus, which is remarkable for its length, descends vertically between the external and long heads of the triceps, supplies the former of these, enters the anconeus, and may be traced as far as the lower part of that muscle. All these branches are remarkable for being given off at nearly the same height; that is to say, near the shoulder-joint, and for accompanying the trunk of the musculo-spiral nerve. Branches given off by the Musculo-spiral Nerve in the Forearm.—These are the branches for the supinator longus, and those for the extensor carpi radialis longior, which enter the inner surface of the upper part of those muscles. Reduced to one half, or less, of its original size, by the successive emission of the pre- ceding branches, the musculo-spiral or radial nerve divides in front of the elbow (b,fig. 288) into two unequal branches, the one deep or muscular, the other superficial or digital. The deep or muscular division of the musculo-spiral nerve, or the posterior interosseous, is larger than the superficial division ; it immediately gives off a branch which passes vertically in front of the extensor carpi radialis brevior, and soon dips into that muscle ; the nerve then becomes flattened, perforates the supinator brevis, and pursues a very oblique and spiral course around the radius and within that muscle, to which it gives branches (branches for the supinator brevis); it then emerges from the posterior aspect of this muscle, and immediately divides into a great number of diverging branches, some of which are intended for the superficial, and the others for the deep layer of muscles on the posterior region of the forearm. The branches given to the superficial layer are, those for the extensor communis digi- torum, which are very numerous and diverging, the superior being also recurrent; tne branch for the extensor proprius digiti minimi; and the branch for the extensor carpi u*- Terminal Branches of the Musculo-spiral Nerve. * [Anastomosing with the accessory of the internal cutaneous.3 792 NEUROLOGY. naris: all these branches arise by a common trunk, and enter the deep surface of the muscles. The branches for the deep layer also arise by a common trunk (i, fig-. 289), which may be Fig. 289. regarded as the continuation of the muscular division of the mus- culo-spiral, considerably diminished in size. This common trunk passes vertically downward between the superficial and deep lay- ers of muscles, gives off a branch, which enters the superficial as- pect of the extensor longus polhcis, then passes between the adduc- tor longus and extensor brevis pollicis on the one hand, and the extensor longus pollicis on the other, runs in contact with the inter- osseous ligament, and gives off a first branch to the extensor lon- gus pollicis, a second which enters the deep surface of the same muscle, and a small branch which enters the outer border of the entensor proprius indicts. Reduced at length to a very small branch, the muscular division of the musculo-spiral nerve enters the groove (at s) for the tendons of the extensor communis digitorum, lying beneath them in con- tact with the periosteum ; it runs over the carpus, and expands into a number of articular filaments, which enter the radio- carpal, carpal, and carpo-metacarpal articulations; in this latter portion of its course, the nerve is of a grayish colour, swollen, and, as it were, knotted; a condition which is observed in all articular nerves. The superficial, cutaneous, or digital division of the musculo-spiral nerve, or the radial nerve properly so called, forms the external dor sal nerve of the hand, and is about half the size of the muscular di- vision. It passes vertically downward, between the supinator lon- gus and the extensor carpi radialis longior, along the outer side of the radial artery : having reached the middle of the forearm, it es- capes from beneath the tendon of the supinator longus, and runs along the outer border of that tendon. Situated at first beneath the fascia, it soon perforates it, becomes sub-cutaneous, runs vertically downward, and, about an inch and a half above the styloid process of the radius, divides into an external and an internal branch. The external branch (o, figs. 288, 289), which is the smaller, runs along the outer side of the styloid process of the radius, and then along the outer border of the carpus,* of the first metacarpal bone, and of the first and second phalanges of the thumb, and termi- nates in the skin beneath the nail; it is the external dorsal collateral branch of the thumb. The internal branch (e, fig. 289), which is much larger, passes obliquely behind the ra- dius, crosses the tendons of the adductor longus and extensor brevis pollicis, and divides into three secondary branches, namely, counting from without inward, the internal dor- sal collateral nerve of the thumb, and the external and internal dorsal collateral nerves of the index finger, f Summary.—The musculo-spiral nerve gives off, in the arm, two cutaneous branches, one internal, the other external, the latter of which is much the larger, and may be tra- ced as far as the carpus ; and also muscular branches to the three portions of the triceps and to the anconeus; to the forearm, it supplies muscular branches to all the muscles of the deep and superficial layers of the posterior and external regions; and to the hand, certain cutaneous branches, namely, the dorsal collateral nerves of the thumb and index finger. General Summary of the Distribution of the Nerves of the Brachial Plexus. The preceding description shows that the brachial plexus supplies the skin, the mus- cles, and the articulations of the upper extremity, including the shoulder. We shall briefly recapitulate, first the muscular and then the cutaneous branches. The Muscular Branches.—By its collateral branches, the brachial plexus supplies the scaleni and all the muscles which move the shoulder, excepting the trapezius, which receives its nerves from the brachial plexus and from the spinal accessory nerve of Wil- lis ; by its terminal branches it supplies all the muscles of the arm, the forearm, and the hand. Each of the muscles which move the shoulder receive a special nerve ; thus, besides the nervous filaments for the scaleni, there is the nerve for the sub-clavius ; the nerve for the levator anguli scapulae ; the nerves for the rhomboideus ; the nerve for the serratus magnus, which is better known as the external thoracic nerve ; the nerve for the latis- simus dorsi, which is generally described as a branch of the sub-scapular; and the nerves for the pectoralis major and minor. The muscles which move the arm upon the shoulder also receive their nerves from the * [Where it sends an anastomotic filament to the palmar cutaneous branch of the median.] t [lt also supplies the external dorsal collateral of the middle finger, and often unites with the ulnar cuti* necus, to form the dorsal collaterals for the contiguous sides of the middle and ring fingers,] brachial plexus : sometimes there is a separate nerve for each muscle, sometimes the same nerve supplies two muscles. The nerve for the deltoid, or the circumflex nerve, also supplies the teres minor. The supra-spinatus and infra-spinatus receive their fila- ments from the same branch, viz., the supra-scapulum nerve. The teres major receives a branch from the sub-scapular nerve.* Of the muscles which move the forearm upon the arm. Those of the anterior region, 01 the flexors, viz., the biceps, coraco-brachialis, and brachialis anticus, receive their fila- ments from the musculo-cutaneous nerve ; the muscle of the posterior region, the tri- ceps, is supplied entijely by the musculo-spiral nerve. The ulnar nerve gives no branch in the arm. THE NERVES OF THE BRACHIAL PLEXUS. 793 The muscles which move the radius upon the ulna, and those which move the hand and the fingers, are thus supplied. The interosseous division of the musculo-spiral nerve sup- plies the muscles of the posterior region of the forearm, viz., in the superficial layer, the common extensor, the extensor proprius digiti minimi, and the extensor carpi ulnaris; in the deep layer, the supinator brevis, the adductor longus, extensor brevis, and extensor longus pollicis, and the extensor proprius indicis. The muscles of the exterior region of the forearm, namely, the two supinators, and the two radial extensors of the carpus, also receive their branches from the musculo-spiral nerve. The muscles of the anterior region of the forearm receive their filaments from the median nerve, excepting the flexor carpi ulnaris and the internal half of the flexor profundus, which are supplied by the ulnar nerve. The flexor profundus, then, by a peculiarity which not unfrequently occurs in regard to compound muscles, receives its nerves from two different sources. The intrinsic muscles of the hand are supplied in the following manner : Those of the ball of the thumb by the median nerve ; those of the ball of the little finger by the ulnar nerve ; the two external lumbricales by the median nerve ; the two internal lumbricales by the ulnar nerve ; all the interossei, including the adductor pollicis, by the ulnar nerve. The Cutaneous Branches A—The skin which covers the shoulder on the outer side re- ceives its nerves from the cervical plexus. The skin of the external surface of the arm receives its nerves from the cutaneous branches of the circumflex nerve, and from the external cutaneous branch of the mus- culo-spiral. The skin of the anterior and internal regions of the arm receives its nerves from the internal cutaneous branch of the musculo-spiral, from the accessory nerve of the internal cutaneous, which anastomoses with the second intercostal, from a small branch of the internal cutaneous, and from the humeral branch of the third intercostal. The skin of the forearm receives its filaments from the internal cutaneous, which anastomoses with the cutaneous filaments of the musculo-spiral, ulnar, and musculo-cu- taneous nerves. The skin of the dorsal region of the hand and of the fingers receives its filaments from the dorsal branches of the radial nerve, in the two external thirds of that region, and from the dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve in the internal third. The skin of the palmar region of the hand and fingers receives its filaments from the median nerve in the two external thirds, and from the ulnar in the internal third, or, to speak more precisely, the median nerve supplies the external and internal collateral branches of the thumb, the index, and the middle fingers, and the external collateral nerve of the ring finger; the ulnar nerve supplies the external and internal collateral nerves of the little finger, and the internal collateral branch of the ring finger. Some of the terminal branches of the median nerve, and the terminal divisions of the internal cutaneous and musculo-cutaneous, are lost in the skin of the upper part of the palm of the hand. The palmar collateral nerves of the fingers offer the following peculiarities: the branches which they give to the skin are placed either opposite to each other, or alter- nately ; each of these branches terminates separately in a pencil of filaments ; the twigs from the internal branches do not anastomose with those from the external; lastly, the terminal extremities of the external and internal collateral branches do not anastomose with each other in the pulp of the finger, but expand separately, and are distributed to the skin of the pulp and to the skin under the nail. The branches which supply the palmar aspect of the fingers present a very remark- able condition,f consisting in the presence of small, grayish, gangliform bodies, always of a crescentic form. These bodies are very numerous ; they are sometimes separate, * The teres minor and the infra-spinatus are, therefore, supplied by two different branches, which would induce us to describe these muscles separately, did we not see that compound, and sometimes even sanplc muscles receive two or more distinct nerves. t A beautiful preparation of the cutaneous nerves of the upper extremity may be made by removing 1 hi skin, either by turning it inside out, in the same way as an eel is skinned, or by making a longitudinal incision along the outer side of the limb. In both cases the fascia should be removed with the skin. In the first meth- od, by which a very fine preparation may be made, the everted skin represents a kind of glove, the inner sur- face of which is formed by the epidermis, and the outer by the deep surface of the skin t This was pointed out in one of the last concours of the assistants (aides) of the Faculty, by MM. A.ndral Camus, ant Lacroix, who had to dissect the cutaneous nerves of the hand. ' * ' 5 H 794 and sometimes arranged in groups ; they do not essentially belong to the nerves, but are applied to them, and may be separated from them by slight force. They are, therefore, not ganglia. If we consider that these gangliform bodies occupy the palmar region only, and are never found in the dorsal region, that they exist in the sole of the foot as well as in the palm of the hand, that they have been found upon the nerves which surround the artic- ulations, and, consequently, upon nerves which are subject to constant pressure, that I have even found them upon an intercostal nerve which was reflected over the side of the sternum, and, lastly, that they do not exist in the infant at birth, and are more numer- ous in proportion as the palm of the hand is more callous we shall be warranted in con- cluding that they are the result of external pressure. NEUROLOGY. THE ANTERIOR BRANCHES OF THE DORSAL NERVES, OR THE INTER- COSTAL NERVES. Dissection.—Enumeration.—Common Characters.— Characters proper to each. Dissection.—Search carefully for the cutaneous branches, some of which are to be found opposite the sides of the sternum, and others about the middle of the intercostal spaces. Saw through the sternum in the median line, and open the abdomen through the linea alba. Sacrifice one half of the thorax, or, rather, break the ribs through the middle, so as to trace the nerves from within outward. The anterior branches of the dorsal nerves, twelve in number, are intended for the parietes of the thorax and abdomen.* These branches offer at once a great uniformity, and a great simplicity in their distri- bution. I shall first explain their common characters, and shall then notice the pecu- liarities nresented by each. Common Characters. The anterior branches of the dorsal nerves, or the intercostal nerves, separated from the posterior branches by the superior costo-transverse ligament, appear like flattened cords, which pass to the middle of the corresponding intercostal space (see fig. 268); there they are situated between the pleura and the aponeurosis, which is continuous with the in- ternal intercostal muscle. After proceeding for a certain distance, they pass between the external and internal intercostal muscles, and approach the groove of the rib above, but they are not lodged in it, for they always lie below the intercostal vessels. At about the same situation in each space, that is to say, about half way between the vertebral column and the sternum, the intercostal nerves divide into two branches, the one intercostal, and the other perforating or cutaneous. The intercostal branch is the continuation of the trunk of the nerve, and is distinguish- ed from it only by its smaller size. It runs along the lower border of the rib above, and then that of the corresponding costal cartilage; it is sometimes situated on the internal surface of the cartilage, and having reached the forepart of the intercostal space, it per- forates this space from behind forward, runs along the sternum, is inclined somewhat inward over that bone, and is then reflected outward, between the pectoralis major and the skin, to which latter it is distributed. These small filaments may be called the an- terior perforating filaments. During its course, the intercostal nerve and its continua- tion give off a great number of nervous filaments. Not unfrequently the intercostal nerve gives off, in the back part of the space, a small branch, which reaches the upper border of the rib below. When this branch does not exist, its place is supplied by sev- eral twigs which have a similar distribution, some of which even pass to the intercostal space below, crossing obliquely over the internal surface of the rib. In like manner, we sometimes find some small twigs proceeding from the upper side of the nerve over the internal surface of the rib above, and reaching the next intercostal space. Lastly, from the lower side of the intercostal nerve and its continuation a series of twigs are given off, which divide into filaments that curve towards each other so as to form arches or loops, from which the terminal filaments proceed. In no part of the body are there found longer or more delicate nervous filaments ; some of them run through half the length of an intercostal space without diminishing in size, and several evidently belong to the periosteum. The perforating or cutaneous branches are often larger than the intercostal branches ; they pass very obliquely through the external intercostal muscles, and after running tor a certain distance between those muscles and the serratus magnus, each of them divides into two smaller branches, the one anterior, and the other posterior or reflected: the an- terior branches run horizontally forward, become sub-cutaneous by escaping between the digitations of the serratus magnus in the eight superior intercostal spaces, and between the digitations of the obliquus externus abdominis in the four lower spaces, and then, * Haller only admits eleven dorsal nerves, because he considers, and not without reason, the twelfth as a lumbar nerve ANTERIOR BRANCHES OF THE DORSAL NERVES. becoming applied to the skin, spread into a number of filaments, which almost always anastomose with the adjacent filaments of the nerves above and below. The posterior or reflected branches immediately perforate the serratus magnus and the obliquus externus abdominis, are reflected upon themselves, pass backward between the latissimus dorsi and the skin, and after running horizontally for a distance of one or two inches, are again reflected forward, and are then lost in the skin. Proper Characters of each of the Anterior Branches of the Dorsal JVcrves. The First Dorsal Nerve.—This nerve belongs to the brachial plexus, into which it en- ters immediately after its escape from the inter-vertebral foramen, crossing over the neck of the first rib at an acute angle. From its size, it resembles the lower cervical nerves, and differs widely from the remaining dorsal nerves. It becomes intercostal only by giving off a small intercostal twig at its exit from the inter-vertebral foramen. This in- tercostal branch is applied to the under surface of the first rib, which it crosses obliquely from behind forward, so that it does not reach the first intercostal space until opposite the junction of the rib with its cartilage ; it gains the middle of this space near the ster- num, at which point it passes forward through the space, like the other intercostal nerves, and ramifies in the muscles and the skin. The Second Dorsal Nerve.—This nerve crosses obliquely over the second rib, on the outer side of its neck, to reach the first intercostal space, and then recrosses the same rib, about its middle, to gain the second intercostal space, where it divides into two branches : the intercostal, which follows the lower border of the second rib, and presents nothing remarkable; and the perforating or cutaneous branch, which requires a special description. The perforating or cutaneous branch, which is destined exclusively for the skin of the arm, is much larger than the other branches of the same kind. It emerges from the thorax at the middle of the second intercostal space, immediately below the second rib, passes directly through that space, is reflected at right angles over an aponeurotic arch, runs outward, and immediately subdivides into two branches of equal size, the one ex- ternal and the other internal. The external or intercostn-humeral branch (to the left of d, Jig. 287) traverses the axilla, receives an anastomotic twig from the accessory nerve (c) of the internal cutaneous of the arm, reaches and crosses over the outer border of the latissimus dorsi, and divides into two cutaneous filaments, one of which is distributed to the skin of the posterior re- gion of the arm, while the other lies in contact with the skin of the internal region of the arm, runs parallel to the accessory nerve of the internal cutaneous, and may be traced as low down as the elbow. The internal branch crosses the outer border of the latissimus dorsi, lower down than the preceding branch, becomes applied to the skin, and divides into internal and posterior filaments, which are lost in the skin of the arm. The perforating branch, therefore, of the second dorsal nerve completes the system of cutaneous nerves of the arm. The third dorsal nerve is precisely similar to the others, excepting in its perforating, cutaneous, or intercosto-humeral branch, which is distributed to the integuments both of the thorax and arm. It is much smaller than the preceding; it emerges {d, fig. 287) from between the digitations of the serratus magnus, is reflected backward upon itself, gives a small branch to the mamma, crosses the outer border of the latissimus dorsi, below the perforating branch of the preceding nerve, and having reached the upper part of the shoulder, is reflected upon itself, describing a curve with the concavity turned upward, and terminates in the skin of the inner and upper part of the arm. The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh dorsal nerves agree exactly with the general descrip- tion. The intercostal muscles, the triangularis sterni, the serratus magnus, the obli- quus externus abdominis, the upper part of the recti abdominis, and the integuments of the thorax, are supplied with nerves from these branches, in the order and manner al- ready pointed out. I would direct attention to the considerable number of filaments dis- tributed to the skin of the mamma in the female. The perforating branches of the fourth and fifth dorsal nerves each give a branch to the mamma, and a posterior branch, which crosses the latissimus dorsi, and is distributed to the skin over the scapula; the skin of the mamma receives nerves from the third, fourth, and fifth dorsal nerves. The eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh dorsal nerves belong to the intercostal spaces form- ed by the false ribs: they leave those spaces at the point where the costal cartilages change their direction to bend upward ; they perforate the costal attachments of the di- aphragm, without giving that muscle any filaments, continue their oblique course in the substance of the parietes of the abdomen, for which they are destined, and are distribu- ted to these parts, in the same way as the nerves in the intercostal spaces, with some slight modifications. Thus, the perforating branches perforate the external intercostals and the obliquus externus abdominis in the same line as the perforating branches of the preceding nerves; the intercostal branches, properly so called, having thus become ab- dominal, run between the external and internal oblique muscles, just as, in the upper spa- 796 NEUROLOGY. ces, they ran between the external and internal intercostals. Having reached the rec- tus abdominis, they give off a cutaneous or perforating branch, and then enter the sheath of that muscle, through certain openings at its outer border, and proceed between the muscle and the posterior layer of the sheath : at the junction of the two external thirds with the internal third of the rectus, these branches pass through it very obliquely to- wards the middle line, and divide into muscular filaments, which are lost in the muscle, and the lowest of which pass vertically downward, and cutaneous filaments, which per- forate the anterior layer of the sheath of the rectus, on each side of the linea alba, but not always at the same distance from it, and are reflected horizontally outward in the sub-cutaneous cellular tissue lying immediately in contact with the skin. The twelfth dorsal nerve {d, fig. 290) might, according to the opinion of Haller, be re- garded as the first lumbar nerve. It is larger than the other dorsal nerves ; it emerges from the vertebral canal between the last rib and the first lumbar vertebra, passes in front of the costal attachments of the quadratus lumborum, runs along the lower border of the twelfth rib, proceeds very obliquely downward, like that rib, perforates the apo- neurosis of the transversalis muscle, and, like the preceding nerves, divides almost im- mediately into two branches. The abdominal branch, which corresponds to the inter- costal branch of the other nerves, passes horizontally forward between the transversalis and obliquus internus, supplying those muscles, and almost always gives off, below, an anastomotic branch to the abdominal or ilio-inguinal branch of the lumbar plexus, and then penetrates the sheath of the rectus, where it is arranged like the preceding nerves. The perforating or cutaneous branch is remarkable for being larger than the abdominal branch, and for its distribution ; it perforates very obliquely, and at the same time gives branches to the external and internal oblique muscles, becomes sub-cutaneous, passes vertically downward, crosses at right angles over the crest of the ilium, and divides into anterior, posterior, and middle branches, which are distributed to the skin of the gluteal region. Not unfrequently this gluteal cutaneous branch is given off by the first lumbar nerve, and then the cutaneous branch of the twelfth dorsal nerve is arranged like those of the preceding nerves, and ramifies in the skin between the last rib and the crest of the ili- um. There is a mutual relationship between the twelfth dorsal and the first lumbar nerves, so that they are often inversely developed ; they always communicate with each other by a branch called the dorsi-lumhar, but the mode and place of communication are subject to many varieties: thus, it is sometimes effected by a winding branch which runs along the outer border of the quadratus lumborum, at other times it takes place in the substance of the abdominal muscles.* Summary of the Dorsal or Intercostal Nerves. These nerves are distributed to the parietes both of the thorax and the abdomen, which in all respects may be regarded as constituting a single cavity, the thoracico-abdominal. The muscular and cutaneous thoracic branches from the brachial plexus, some small branches derived from the lumbar plexus, and the posterior spinal branches of the dorsal nerves, complete the nervous system of the thoracic and abdominal parietes. The dorsal nerves are divided into muscular nerves, for the muscles of the thoracico- abdominal parietes, and for the muscles which lie upon them, and into cutaneous nerves. To obtain a good idea of the latter, they should all be displayed in the same preparation. Several rows of parallel cutaneous filaments will then be seen, in the following order, proceeding from before backward. The anterior perforating or cutaneous nerves, which are extremely small, emerge at the sides of the sternum and of the linea alba, and are reflected forward. The perforating or cutaneous nerves, which might be called middle, divide into one set of branches, which run parallel to each other forward, towards the sternum, and another set, also parallel, which run backward, towards the vertebral column. We have elsewhere stated that other posterior cutaneous branches are giren off from the posterior branches of the dorsal nerves. They are parallel, and run outward, and may be traced as far as on a level with the axilla. Enumeration.—The Lumbar Plexus—Collateral Branches, Abdominal and Inguinal.—Ter- minal Branches—the Obturator Nerve—the Crural Nerve and its Brandts, viz., the Mus- culo-cutaneous—the Accessory of the Internal Saphenous—the Branch to the Sheath of the Vessels—the Muscular Branches—the Internal Saphenous. Dissection.—In order to see these nerves at their exit from the inter-vertebral forami- na, and also to obtain a view of the lumbar plexus, it is necessary carefully to divide the * In a subject which had a thirteenth or lumbar rib, there was a thirteenth dorsal nerve, of large size, which crossed the supernumerary rib, and which corresponded in its distribution with both the twelfth dorsal and the first lumbar nerves ; it only communicated with the first lumbar nerve by a very small filament; it gave off a deep perforating or cutaneous branch to the gluteal region, and also an mo-scrotal branch. In thi* subject there were only four lumbar nerves. THE ANTERIOR BRANCHES OF THE LUMBAR NERVES. THE LUMBAR PLEXUS. psoas muscle, in which they are situated; the branches which emerge from the plexus must be dissected with the greatest care as they are passing under the femoral arch, and then to their final distribution. The anterior branches of the lumbar nerves (21 to 25, fig. 268) are five in number, and are distinguished as the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth : they gradually increase in size from the first to the fifth, and form a continuation of the series of anterior branches of the dorsal nerves : after having given off one or two branches to the lumbar ganglia (m) of the sympathetic, and some branches to the psoas muscle, they end by anastomo- sing so as to form the lumbar plexus (/). The anterior branch of the first lumbar nerve (1 I, fig. 290) is the smallest of all, and is almost equal in size to the anterior branch of the twelfth dorsal nerve ; immediately after emerging from the inter-vertebral foramen, it divides into three unequal branches ; two of these (a and above b) are external and oblique, and constitute the ab- dominal branches (ilio-scrotal nerves of some authors); the third is internal, vertical, and often very small; it is the anastomotic branch which joins the second nerve. Fig. 290. The anterior branch of the second lumbar nerve is at least twice as large as the preceding; it passes al- most vertically downward, and gives off an anterior branch, the internal inguinal (genito-crural of Bichat, b), and an external branch, the external inguinal (in- guino-cutaneous of Chaussier, c). It is scarcely di- minished in size by giving off these nerves, but be- comes flattened, plexiform, and riband-shaped, fur- nishes some large branches to the psoas, and anas- tomoses with the third nerve. The anterior branch of the third lumbar nerve is twice as large as the preceding, passes obliquely downward and outward, and is joined >y the branch from the second nerve, which greatly increases its size. The large trunk thus formed, after a short course divides into two unequal branch- es, which diverge at a very acute angle, and anastomose with two branches derived from the fourth nerve, to constitute the crural (g) and the obturator (A) nerves. The anterior branch of the fourth lumbar nerve is a little larger than the third ; it divides after a short course into three branches; an external, which unites with the external bifurcation of the third to form the crural nerve; a middle, which unites with the internal bifurcation of the same nerve to form the obturator nerve; and an internal, vertical, an- astomotic branch, which joins the fifth nerve. The anterior branch of the fifth lumbar nerve (5 Z) is somewhat larger than the fourth ; it receives the internal branch of that nerve, and with it forms a large trunk, which enters the sacral plexus, and was named by Bichat the lumbosacral nerve (if The Lumbar Plexus. The lumbar plexus {fig. 290) (lumbo-abdominal, Bichat) is a rather complicated inter- lacement, formed by the anastomoses of the anterior branches of the lumbar nerves. It is narrow above, where it consists of the sometimes slender communicating cord be- tween the first and second lumbar nerves, and it becomes wider towards its lower part, so as to have a triangular form; it is situated upon the sides of the lumbar vertebrae, be- tween the transverse processes and the fasciculi of the psoas muscle. Ihe branches which emanate from the lumbar plexus are divided into terminal branch- es, namely, the crural (g), obtui alor (A), and lumbosacral nerves (i); and collateral branches, improperly named luusculo-cutcuieous; these are four in number; they run between the psoas and iliacus and the peritoneum, and reach the femoral arch. I shall divide these collateral branches into two sets; an abdominal set, subdivided into the great {a) and small (above b); and an inguinal set, subdivided into the internal (A) and external (c).* Of these collateral branches, the abdominal only run in the sub-peritoneal adipose tis sue, the inguinal branches being covered by a layer of fascia, which keeps them in con tact with the psoas iliac muscle. Collateral Branches of the Lumbar Plexus. Abdominal Branches. The abdominal branches of the lumbar plexus are intended for the parietes of the abdo- * A change in the nomenclature of the collateral branches of the lumbar plexus appeared to me to be ne- cessary. Bichat, who first distinguished them by special names, divides them into external or musculo-cuta- neous branches, and an internal or genito-crural branch. Of the three external branches, Chaussier named the external the iho-scrnlnl. and the internal the inguino-culaneous ; the intermediate one, to which he gave no particular name, - m; its old appellation of the middle branch. 798 NEUROLOGY. men, and form a continuous series with the dorsal nerves, to which they are very anal- ogous as regards their distribution.* The great abdominal nerve {a, Jig. 270) is the most external, or, rather, the highest of the branches which come from the lumbar plexus (it is the superior musculo-cutaneous nerve of Bichat); the terms ilio-inguinal and ilio-scrotal, which are generally applied to it, are derived from the fact of its giving a small cutaneous branch to the pubic region, t It arises from the first lumbar nerve, of which it may be regarded as a continuation ; it immediately perforates the psoas, becomes sub-peritoneal, runs in front of the quad- ratus lumborum obliquely downward and outward, through the sub-peritoneal adipose tissue, parallel to the twelfth dorsal nerve, and thus reaches the crest of the ilium to the outer side of the quadratus lumborum. It next passes obliquely through the aponeu- rotic attachments of the transversalis, runs along the crest of the ilium between that muscle and the obliquus internus, and divides into two branches, the abdominal branch, properly so called, and the pubic branch. The abdominal branch, properly so called, runs inward between the transversalis and the internal oblique, parallel to the abdominal branch of the twelfth dorsal nerve, with which it almost always anastomoses, and soon divides, like the lower intercostal nerves, into two filaments, one of which perforates the rectus, while the other, after having en- tered the sheath of that muscle, perforates it and ramifies upon the skin. The pubic branch {a, Jig. 292) continues in the original course of the nerve ; opposite the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium, and often much beyond that point, it receives an anastomotic twig from the small abdominal nerve (h'), and sometimes even the whole of that nerve, runs parallel to the femoral arch, at a variable distance above it, meets with the spermatic cord in the male, and the round ligament in the female, emerges from the anterior orifice of the inguinal canal {a, Jig. 291), is reflected outward upon the superior angle of that orifice, and then expands into internal or pubic filaments, which are distributed to the skin of the pubes, and external Jdaments, which supply the skin of the fold of the groin ; this pubic branch sometimes divides behind the femoral arch into two filaments, which escape separately from the inguinal ring. At the point where the great abdominal nerve reaches the crest of the ilium, it very frequently divides into two branches, a gluteal cutaneous, which crosses obliquely over the crest of the ilium, and an abdominal, properly so called, which is distributed in the manner just described ; in this case, the great abdominal nerve has an analogous distri- bution to that of the dorsal nerves. The small abdominal or small musculo-cutaneous nerve (above b, fig. 290), the second branch derived from the lumbar plexus, counting from without inward (the middle muscu- lo-cutaneous of Bichat), is merely an accessory of the great abdominal nerve, sometimes arising from it, often applied to it, and always anastomosing with it. It crosses oblique- ly over the anterior surface of the quadratus lumborum, and then over the iliacus, and is sometimes directed obliquely outward towards the anterior superior spine of the ilium, to join the pubic branch of the great abdominal nerve, with which it is blended; it some- times runs alone between the transversalis and internal oblique: haying reached the middle of the femoral arch, it anastomoses (b',fig. 291) by a single twig with the pubic branch of the great abdominal nerve, runs along the femoral arch below and parallel to that branch, and terminates in the same manner, that is to say, in the skin of the pubes and groin. I have seen it give off a small branch to the lower part of the rectus ab- dominis. The small abdominal nerve deserves the name of ilio-scrotal as much as the great abdominal. If this denomination is to be preserved, it might be called the small ilio-scrotal. The Inguinal Branches. The external inguinal, or external cutaneous nerve (c, fig. 290), the third branch of the lumbar plexus, counting from without inward (inguino-cutaneous, Chauss.; inferior mus- culo-cutaneous, Bichat), is intended exclusively for the integuments of the external and posterior regions of the thigh. It generally comes off from the second lumbar nerve : I have seen it arise by a common trunk from the second and third lumbar nerves, and I have also seen it come off from the outer side of the crural nerve. It arises by one and often by two cords, which unite as they emerge from the psoas, or within the substance of that muscle. In either case, the nerve passes obliquely through the back part of the psoas, crosses the iliacus, being bound down by a layer of fascia, and then gains the an- terior superior spinous process of the ilium, below which it emerges (c Jig. 291) from the abdomen, passing behind the femoral arch, and apparently increasing in size during its passage. , Below the femoral arch the nerve is sub-aponeurotic, or, rather, is situated in a sheath * The varieties which they present as to their number, origin, and divisions, render their description diffi- cult ; I shall point out the most important varieties as we proceed. ... 1 I have frequently found the great abdominal branch .divided into two distinct branches, wnichanastomosed upon the crest of the ilium, and then had a common distribution. I have seen the uppermost division lying so close to the twelfth dorsal nerve that it might have been taken for a branen oi that nerve. THE INGUINAL BRANCHES, ETC. 799 formed by the deepest layers of the fascia lata, and divides into two cutaneous branches (c c, fig. 292), a posterior or gluteal* and an anterior or femoral. The posterior or gluteal branch turns very obliquely outward, downward, and backward, crosses the tensor vaginas femoris, and is distributed to the skin of the posterior region of the thigh. It is sometimes derived from the internal inguinal nerve, and then emerges from the abdomen on the outer side of the external inguinal nerve, crossing obliquely in front of it. When the great abdominal nerve (ilio-scrotal of authors) gives off a cuta- neous gluteal branch, there is only a trace of this posterior branch of the external ingui- nal nerve. The anterior or cutaneous branch divides into two others, which diverge at an acute angle ; one is external, the other internal; the external branch gives off a series of fila- ments, which pass backward and downward, forming loops with their concavities turned upward, and is then lost towards the lower third of the thigh ; its place is then supplied by the internal branch, which had at first descended vertically, but now turns outward and backward, and is distributed over the outer and fore part of the knee. These several divisions of the external inguinal nerve lie in contact with the femoral fascia, and their ultimate filaments are applied to the skin. The internal inguinal nerve (branche genito-crurale, Bichat; rameau sous-pubien, Chauss., b, fig. 290) arises from the second lumbar nerve, passes directly forward through the psoas, from which it emerges at the side of the bodies of the lumbar verte- bra, runs vertically downward upon the anterior surface of the muscle covered by a very thin layer of fascia, and having arrived within a greater or less distance from the femo- ral arch, divides into two branches, an internal or scrotal, and an external ox femoral cuta- neous branch (e). Not unfrequently this division takes place as the nerve emerges from the psoas. Sometimes, indeed, the genito-crural nerve is double, but this arises merely from its early subdivision. During its course, the internal inguinal nerve is crossed by the ureter and covered by the spermatic vessels.! The internal or scrotal branch (e, fig. 290) crosses over the front of the femoral artery, gains the internal orifice of the inguinal canal, crosses the epigastric artery, and, before entering the inguinal canal, gives off several filaments, which are reflected upward, and dip into the substance of the internal oblique and transversalis; the scrotal branch is placed below the spermatic cord, from which it is perfectly distinct, runs with it through the whole length of the inguinal canal (b,fig. 291), rests upon the reflected portion of the femoral arch or Gimbernat’s ligament, and emerges from the external orifice of the in- guinal canal, opposite the lower end of the external pillar : at this point it is reflected, passes vertically downward behind the cord, and ramifies in the skin of the scrotum of the male, and of the labia majora in the female. The femoral cutaneous branch gains the crural ring; but before entering the ring, it gives off a great number of very delicate filaments, which are reflected upward behind the arch, to be distributed to the lower part of the psoas-iliac and transverse muscles : it then passes through the crural ring, in contact with its outer angle, and crosses the circumflex ilii artery at its origin, just as we have shown that the scrotal nerve crosses the epigastric artery ; after leaving the crural ring (e, figs. 291, 292), it lies beneath the fascia, but soon becomes sub-cutaneous, anastomoses with a Cutaneous branch of the crural nerve, and may be traced beyond the middle of the thigh.! I have already stated, in describing the external inguinal nerve, that the posterior or gluteal cutaneous branch of the external inguinal nerve is often given off by the internal inguinal nerve. In that case, this branch runs Outward, crosses the external nerve at a very acute angle under the femoral arch, and escapes from below the arch on the outer side of that nerve to turn round the tensor vaginae femoris. Not unfrequently the fila- ments for the lower part of the internal oblique and transverse muscles arise by one or more distinct branches. These are three in number, viz., the obturator nerve, the crural nerve, and the great communicating branch between the lumbar and sacral plexus, called the lumbosacral trunk or nerve, which I regard as a dependance of the sacral plexus. The Terminal Branches of the Lumbar Plexus. The Obturator Nerve. * Not unfrequently the external inguinal nerve gives off a third and very small internal branch, which lies immediately iu contact with the skin of the anterior region of the thigh, and may be traced as far as the lower third of that region. This branch always anastomoses with a cutaneous branch of the crural nerve. t Sometimes a small filament comes off from the genito-crural nerve while it is still within the substance of the psoas descends vertically on the inner side of this nerve, gives off a filament which is lost upon the ex- ternal iliac artery, and then again becomes united with the nerve from which it had been given off. t In order to assist the memory, by connecting these nerves with important parts, I am in the habit of call- ing the femoral cutaneous branch of the internal inguinal nerve the branch of the crural ring, and the scrotal branch, the branch of the inguinal canal. The scrotal branch may be cut, in relieving the stricture in inguinal hernia, by the division of Gimhernat’s ligament; and the femoral cutaneous branch may be wounded when the external angle of the crural ring is divided for the relief of femoral hernia. The obturator nerve (h,fig. 290), which is distributed exclusively to the external obtu- 800 NEUROLOGY. rator muscle, to the three adductors of the thigh, and to the gracilis, is the smallest of Fig. 291 the terminal branches of the lumbar plexus; it arises from the third and fourth lumbar nerves by two equal branches, which unite at an acute angle ; it perforates the psoas, passes under the angle of bifurcation of the common iliac artery and vein, runs along the inner surface of the psoas, crosses very obliquely over the sides of the brim of the pelvis, and is then placed below the external iliac vessels, with which it forms an acute angle, and above the obturator artery: throughout the whole of this course, it is enveloped in the sub-peritoneal cellular tissue of that region, and, thus flattened and enlarged, reaches the internal ori- fice of the obturator or sub-pubic canal, on emerging from which it expands into diverging branches {h, fig. 291) for the adductors and the gracilis muscle of the thigh. Collateral Branch.—The obturator nerve gives off' no branch in the pelvis : during its passage through the obturator or sub-pubic canal, it gives two filaments to the obturator externus; one of these penetrates the upper border of the muscle, and the other enters at its anterior surface.* The obturator internus receives no fila- ment from the obturator nerve. Terminal Branches.—These are four in number ;t three of them, constituting a superficial set, pass under the pectineus, and are dis- tributed as follows : the internal to the gracilis, the external to the adductor longus, and the middle to the adductor brevis ; the fourth, which is more deeply seated, belongs to the adductor magnus. The branch for the gracilis expands, as it enters the muscle, into several filaments, the largest of which (r, fig. 291) runs for some distance upon the internal surface of the muscle before termi- nating in it. The branch for the adductor longus enters the upper border and deep surface of the muscle: a rather large division {q) of this branch, taking a different course, passes sometimes in front of and sometimes behind the muscle, which is crossed by the nerve in the first case, and perforated by it in the second; the nerve then divides into several filaments, some of which anastomose with the accessory branch (at m) of the internal saphenous nerve, while another anastomoses with the saphenous nerve itself, and a third terminates in the synovial membrane of the knee-joint; this is an articular nerve ; it may unite with the articular branch of the nerve for the vastus internus. The anastomotic division of the branch for the adductor longus is sometimes as large as the muscular branch itself, if The branch far the adductor brevis crosses the upper border of that muscle, expands upon it, but does not enter it until it reaches the middle; there is almost always an anastomotic twig, which joins the internal saphenous branch ol the crural nerve. The fourth branch, or branch for the adductor magnus, is the deep- est ; it passes between the adductor brevis and magnus, and ram- ifies in the last-mentioned * [lt also gives off, in this situation, articular filaments to the hip-joint; these are small or absent when the articular branches of the accessory to the obturator are large.] t [Before dividing' into its terminal branches, the obturator is joined by its ac- cessory nerve (see notes, infra); it supplies a separate branch to the pectineus when that from the accessory nerve is wanting.] 1 See note, infra. tf in a great number of subjects I have found a small nervous cord, which sometimes came off from the third lumbar nerve, sometimes from the obturator itself, and which may be called the accessory of the obturator nerve or the nerve of the coxo-femoral articulation ; it perforates the psoas to reach its inner surface, runs par- allel to and above the obturator nerve, gains the pubes, which it crosses on the inner side of the ilio-pectineal eminence with which it is in contact, dips beneath the pectineus, and anastomoses with the internal saphenous nerve, passing into the angle of bifurcation of the femoral artery, where it gives off the profunda. Opposite the pubes it gives off several branches, which perforate the fibrous capsule of the coxo-femoral articulation, and are distributed to the synovial membranes. [This small accessory nerve was first described by As it passes under the pectineus it partially supplies that muscle ; its anastomotic brancli is descr’“e" ting'with the obturator nerve beneath the pectineus, and not with the internal saphenous (see also notes p infra, et 803). The articular branch was believed by Schmidt to end in the iat near the acetabu uni. nen the accessory nerve is small, the articular filaments and the branch to the pectineus are r^fcer“ rs 1m the trunk of the obturator itself. In the pelvis the nerve has been seen to give filaments to tne " u.- (Schmidt, Ve Nervis Lumbalibus eorumque Plexu, 1794; Dr. Alex. Thomson, Land. Med. ana S rg. Journal, Nos. 95, 96 ; Ellis, Demonstrations of Anatomy).) <• , II [ln the dissections of Schmidt, Thomson, and Ellis, the branches of the W®,re found to have a much more extensive distribution than that described in the text. According; t heir observations, one of the superficial branches, which is named the long cutaneous nerve (q.fig- aim which corresponds THE CRURAL NERVE. 801 The crural nerve {g, fig. 290) is the external terminal branch of the lumbar plexus; the third and fourth lumbar nerves are almost entirely devoted to the formation of this large branch, which supplies all the muscles of the anterior region of the thigh, and the integuments of the anterior regions of the thigh, leg, and foot. After emerging from the psoas, the crural nerve is lodged in the groove between the psoas and iliacus ; it escapes from the pelvis with this muscle, in the sheath of which it is contained ; having arrived below the femoral arch (g,fig■ 291), it turns slightly out- ward, becomes flattened and widened, and immediately divides into a great number of diverging branches. The nerve sometimes bifurcates, and then gives off these different branches. The Crural Nerve. Relations.—In the iliac fossa, the crural nerve is covered by the iliac fascia, and is separated by the psoas from the external iliac artery and vein. Opposite the femoral arch it always occupies the groove between the psoas and iliacus, and is situated on the outer side of the femoral artery, being separated from the vessel by the psoas, which is very narrow at that point. It is of importance to remark, that the crural nerve is not contained in the sheath of the femoral vessels, but is separated from them by the iliac fascia (see fig. 136). Collateral Branches.—ln the pelvis, the crural nerve gives off from its outer side a great number of small branches {iliac branches), which enter separately into the iliacus muscle, after having run for some distance obliquely downward and outward upon the surface of that muscle. Only one branch enters the psoas. One of the branches for the iliacus is very long, and descends vertically in front of that muscle, into which it enters, after having turned round its outer border. I have already said that the external ingui- nal nerve (inguino-cutaneous of authors) not unfrequently arises from the crural nerve. Of the terminal branches of the crural nerve there are two which arise in front of the others: these are, the musculo-cutaneous nerve, and the small nerve for the sheath of the femoral vessels.* The other branches are, proceeding from without inward, the branch for the rectus, the branches for the vastus externus, the branches for the vastus internus, and the cutaneous branch, called the internal saphenous nerve. The Musculo-cutaneous Crural Nerve. This nerve passes obliquely downward and outward between the sartorius and the psoas and iliacus, and immediately expands into muscular branches, distributed exclu- sively to the sartorius, and cutaneous branches. The muscular branches may be divided into the short, which enter the upper part of the sartorius, and the long, which run for some distance upon the deep surface of that mus- cle, before passing into it. The cutaneous branches are three in number; two of them perforate the sartorius at different points, and may be called perforating branches. I shall call the third the acces- sory branch of the internal saphenous nerve. The superior perforating cutaneous or middle cutaneous nerve {fifig. 291) passes, very obliquely, through the upper part of the sartorius, and often, as it emerges from that muscle, anastomoses with a branch from the internal inguinal (genito-crural) nerve ; it then passes vertically downward, parallel to and on the inner side of the external ingui- nal (external cutaneous) nerve; it lies in contact with the femoral fascia (/, fig. 292), or, rather, is contained in a proper fibrous sheath. During its course, the superior per- forating cutaneous nerve gives off internal and external cutaneous filaments, and bifur- cates. opposite the middle of the thigh, into two branches of equal size, which run par- allel to each other, gradually diminishing in size, and may be traced down to the skin over the patella. io the anastomotic division of the branch for the adductor long-vis, gives off cutaneous branches 292), which perforate the fascia to the inner side of the sartorius muscle, and supply the skin on the inner part of the thigh ; it also gives anastomotic branches to the plexus (m,fig. 291) formed in the middle of the thigh, and sometimes an articular filament to the knee (these anastomotic and articular branches are described in the text, p. 800) ; it then ends in a. descending cutaneous branch, which perforates the fascia near the knee (r,fig 292), communicates with the internal cutaneous and internal saphenous nerves, and is distributed to the skin on the inner and back part of the two upper thirds of the leg. The deep branch of the obturator gives off within the upper part of the adductor magnus an articular filament destined for the knee-joint ; this filament descends in the substance of the adductor near the linea aspera, and enters the popliteal space, either by per- forating the tendinous insertion of the muscle about its lower third, or by coming forward on the front of that insertion, and then passing backward through the opening for the femoral artery : having reached the popli teal space, it surrounds the artery with small filaments, and enters the back part of the knee-joint. The cutaneous branches just stated to be given off by the superficial part of the obturator to the thigh ani leg, and the articular filament given by the deep branch of the obturator to the knee-joint, correspond, in their distribution, with the three collateral branches described by M. Cruveilhier (p. 803) as arising from the in ternal saphenous nerve after it has received a remarkable branch of origin from the obturator nerve, opposite ft. the commencement of the profunda artery; these collateral branches of the internal saphenous were never met with in Mr. Ellis’s dissections. In some cases, then, it seems that part of the obturator joins the internal saphenous, which afterward gives off cutaneous branches to the thigh and leg, and an articular filament to the knee ; in other cases, again, the obturator does not join the internal saphenous, the above-mentioned branches arise directly from the obturator, and the internal saphenous gives no collateral branches.] * (The crural nerve also gives some small branches (s,ftg. 292), which pass inward behind the femoral vessels, enter the nectineus muscle, aoj sometimes the psoas also.] 5 I 802 NEUROLOGY. The inferior perforating cutaneous or internal cutaneous nerve {I, fig. 291) run along the inner border of the sartorius, enclosed in its sheath, passes obliquely through the muscle at the middle of the thigh, but perforates the femoral fascia much lower down (I, fig. 292); it descends vertically, in contact with that fascia, and having arrived opposite the internal condyle of the femur, is reflected forward upon itself, describing a loop with the concavity turned upward ; it thus gains the patella, runs between the skin and the sub-cutaneous bursa, and expands into a number of diverging filaments, which anasto- mose with the reflected branch {I I) of the internal saphenous nerve on the inner side of the patella. A small filament often remains in the sheath of the sartorius, anastomoses upon that muscle with a branch from the accessory of the internal saphenous nerve, per- forates the sheath of the sartorius opposite the knee, and anastomoses, on the inner side of the joint, with the reflected branch of the internal saphenous. The accessory cutaneous branch of the internal saphenous nerve arises from the must Ulo- cutaneous nerve on the inner side of the perforating branches, descends vertically, and divides into two branches. The smaller of these is superficial {n,fig. 291); it enters the sheath of the sartorius, runs along the inner border of the muscle, escapes from the sheath below the middle of the thigh, crosses the adductor and the gracilis, and is in contact with the internal saphenous vein until it reaches the inner side of the knee, where it anastomoses with the internal saphenous nerve. The other branch, the satel- lite nerve of the femoral artery, crosses obliquely over the nerve for the vastus internus and the internal saphenous nerve, and is situated in front of the latter, runs- along the femoral artery, covering the lower fourth of that vessel, and crosses very obliquely over it, then passes over the tendon of the adductor magnus, and, having reached the fibrous ring through which the femoral artery passes, it expands into a great number of fila- ments, of which one anastomoses with the preceding branch (w), another joins the obtu- rator nerve (at m), and a third unites with the internal saphenous nerve ; a sort of plex- us is thus formed which gives origin to several nerves that cross obliquely over the gra- cilis, to be distributed to the skin upon the posterior region of the leg. This branch, which often comes off separately from the lumbar plexus, is situated, like the musculo-cutaneous, in front of the other branches of the crural nerve ; it then expands into a great number of very slender filaments, which surround the femoral ar- tery and vein. Two of these filaments, of which one passes in front of and the other behind the femoral artery, unite to form a small nerve Ip, figs. 291, 292), that escapes by the opening (p) for the internal saphenous vein, and accompanies the vein for a great part of its course. Not unfrequently, the filaments which have passed between the ar- tery and vein perforate a lymphatic ganglion. Two other filaments are distributed to the adductor brevis and adductor longus ; several of them turn round the deep femoral artery and vein, to become sub-cutaneous, and anastomose with other accompanying branches of the femoral vessels, and more particularly with the internal saphenous nerve. This small branch presents many varieties. I have seen it arise separately from the fourth lumbar nerve, and it then runs along the anterior surface of the crural nerve. The Small Nerve for the Sheath of the Femoral Vessels. The Nerve for the Rectus Femoris. The nerve for the rectus femoris arises on the inner side of the preceding, enters the upper part of the deep surface of the muscle, and divides into a superior or short branch, which passes horizontally outward in the substance of the muscle, and an inferior or long branch, which lies in contact with its inner border, and enters the muscle at the middle of the thigh. The nerve for the vastus externus sometimes arises by a common trunk with the pre- ceding, passes obliquely downward and outward beneath the rectus, to which it gives a filament, and then divides into two branches; one of these immediately enters the upper part of the vastus externus, and gives off, before penetrating it, a cutaneous branch, which perforates the fascia lata and lies in contact with the skin of the external region of the thigh; the other is longer, dips between the vastus externus and internus, and enters the middle of the former muscle. This last branch almost always gives off a small twig to the vastus internus. The Nerve for the Vastus Externus. The Nerves for the Vastus Internus.* These are two in number ; the one is external, and descending vertically, enters that portion of the vastus internus which corresponds to the anterior surface of the lemur (the erureus of authors), and may be traced as far as the lower part of the muscle : this nerve furnishes several periosteal and articular filaments; the other is internal, and much larger; it often arises by a common trunk with the internal saphenous nerve, runs ver- tically downward in front of the vastus internus, parallel to and on the outer side of the * It will be remembered that, according to my views, the portion of the triceps which is called the crureuj is not distinct from the vastus internus (see Myology). THE INTERNAL SAPHENOUS NERVE. 803 femoral artery, being in contact with that vessel above, but separated from it below, where it enters the vastus internus. Before penetrating it, it gives off a very remark- able articular and periosteal branch, which runs along the surface of the muscle, to the aponeurosis of which it is applied :* opposite to the knee-joint it is reflected forward, perforates the thick fibrous layer which invests the inner side of the joint, and divides into- two filaments, of which one, the articular, is lost behind the ligamentum patella; in the quantity of adipose tissue which is found there ; while the other, or the periosteal, gains the anterior surface of the patella, and is lost in the periosteum. This last filament is re-enforced upon the inner border of the patella by another which passes out from the substance of the vastus internus. The Internal Saphenous Nerve. The internal saphenous nerve (t t',fig. 291), the satellite nerve of the femoral artery in the thigh, and of the internal saphenous vein in the leg, is at first situated on the outer side of the ar- tery, but soon passes in front of that vessel, and is contained in the same fibrous sheath; when the artery passes through the tendon of the adductor magnus to enter the popliteal space, the nerve continues its vertical course in front of that tendon, and crossing it very obliquely from before backward, gains the back of the internal condyle of the femur, situated in front of the ten- don of the gracilis, and separated from the skin by the sartorius ; it then divides into two terminal branches {u, t',figs. 291, 292). This division often takes place as the nerve is crossing the ten- don of the adductor magnus. Collateral Branches.—At its upper part, the internal saphenous nerve receives from the obturator nerve a remarkable branch of Fig. 292. origin, which passes from behind forward in the angle formed by the femoral artery and the profunda, t It then gives off from its inner side, at the middle of the thigh, a cutaneous femoral branch, which passes between the sartorius and the gracilis, runs back- ward and downward, and is distributed to the skin of the poste- rior and internal region of the thigh. Several filaments continue their course to the inner and back part of the knee, anastomose with some branches given off from the saphenous nerve in the leg, and are distributed to the skin of the internal and posterior region of the leg. At the point where the femoral artery perforates the adduc- tor magnus, the internal saphenous nerve gives off a second or tibial cutaneous branch, which passes between the sartorius and gracilis, turns round the inner border of the latter muscle, pass- es vertically downward parallel to the saphenous nerve, and di- vides into several filaments, some of which anastomose with that nerve, while the others are distributed to the skin upon the internal and posterior region of the leg. In the sheath of the adductor magnus the saphenous nerve gives off an articular filament, which passes vertically downward in the substance of the internal inter-muscular septum, gains the knee-joint, perforates the fibrous layer, and may be traced into the synovial adipose tissue.f Terminal Branches.— The anterior, reflected, ox •patellar branch (uj fig - 291, 292) perforates the opposite to the back of the internal condyle, is reflected forward and downward in a flattened form upon the inner side ot the knee-joint, parallel to and above the tendon of the sartorius, and expands widely into ascending filaments, which pass in front of the ligamentum patellee, and turn round the lower and then the outer borders of the patella; into descending filaments, which cross obliquely over the crest of the tibia, and ramify in the skin which covers the external region of the leg ; and into middle filaments, which oc- cupy the space between the two preceding sets ; they are all dis- tributed to the skin, and several of them anastomose with the cu- taneous filaments upon the external region of the patella. * [ln tbis situation it sometimes receives the articular filament of the anasto- motic or long cutaneous branch of the obturator nerve.] t [This junction of part of the obturator with the internal saphenous nerve was never seen in the dissec- tions of Mr. Ellis, nor did the saphenous give any collateral branch in the thigh ; but branches correspond- ing in their distribution to the three collateral branches described in the text arose from the obturator itself (see also note, p. 800.)] f See note, p. 800. t The sartorius is, therefore, perforated in succession by three cutaneous branches, namely, two perfora ting branches from the musculo-cutaneous nerve, and one from the .internal saphenous. 804 NEUROLOGY- The posterior or straight branch (t') is larger than the preceding, and continues in the original course of the nerve ; it almost always receives an anastomotic branch from the obturator nerve, passes in front of the tendon of the gracilis, then between the sartorius and that tendon, which it crosses very obliquely, to meet the internal saphenous vein (s), whose direction it then follows ; having arrived opposite the junctior of the three upper fourths with the lower fourth of the leg, it divides into two branches ; the one, posterior and smaller, passes vertically downward in front of the internal malleolus, upon which it ramifies, some of the filaments reaching as far as the skin upon the inner side of the sole of the foot; the other branch, which is anterior and larger, runs along the internal saphenous vein, like it, is situated in front of the internal surface of the tibia, then in front of the internal malleolus, and expands into articular branches, which enter the tib- io-tarsal articulation, and into cutaneous filaments, which ramify in the skin upon the inner side of the tarsus. The following are the relations of the saphenous nerve with the internal saphenous vein : the.nerve is at first placed in front of the vein, then crosses obliquely under it to get behind it, and, lastly, it again returns to its position in front of the vessel. During its course along the leg, the posterior branch of the saphenous nerve gives off some internal and some external branches ; the internal branches are very small; the up- per ones anastomose with the tibial cutaneous branch of the trunk of the internal saphenous nerve, and concur with it in supplying filaments to the skin of the back of the leg. The external branches, three or four in number, are large, and, in this respect, diminish from above downward ; their direction is obliquely downward and outward, in front of the tibia, which they cross ; their course is a long one, and they are distributed extensively to dif- ferent portions of the skin of the leg. All these divisions are parallel to each other, and to the anterior reflected or patellar branch of the saphenous nerve. THE ANTERIOR BRANCHES OF THE SACRAL NERVE. Dissection.—Enumeration.—-The Sacral Plexus.— Collateral Branches, viz., the Visceral Nerves—the Muscular Nerves the Inferior Hemorrhoidal—the Internal Pudic and its Branches—the Superior Gluteal Nerve—the Inferior Gluteal, or Lesser Sciatic Nerve— the Nerves for the Pyramidalis, Quadratus Femoris, and Gemelli.—Terminal Branch of the Sacral Plexus, or the Great Sciatic Nerve.—The External Popliteal and its Branches —the Peroneal Saphenous, Cutaneous, and Muscular Branches—the Musculo-cutaneous— the Anterior Tibial.—The Internal Popliteal and its Branches—the Tibial or External Saphenous—Muscular and Articular Branches—the Internal Plantar—the External Plan- tar.—Summary of the Nerves of the Lower Extremity.—Comparison of the Nerves of tht Upper with those of the Lower Extremity. Dissection.—Make an antero-posterior section of the pelvis, as in dissecting the inter- nal iliac artery. The anterior branches of the sacral nerves (26 to 31, fig. 268), which are six in number, communicate with the sacral ganglia of the sympathetic, after they have emerged from the sacral foramina, and present the following arrangement: The first nerve if, fig. 290), which is very large, passes obliquely downward and out- ward, in front of the pyriformis, and is joined at a very acute angle by the lumbo-sacral nerve {%), to assist in the formation of the sacral plexus. The second nerve, which is as large as the preceding, passes much more obliquely downward and outward, and immediately enters the sacral plexus. The third nerve (3), which is scarcely one fourth as large as the second, passes more horizontally outward to enter the sacral plexus. A considerable interval, in which is a large part of the pyriformis, separates it from the second nerve. A filament stretched in front of this muscle passes from the second to the third sacral nerve. The fourth nerve (4), which is only one third the size of the third, is divided and dis- tributed in the following manner: One of its divisions assists in forming the sacral plexus ; it gives off several visceral branches, which enter the hypogastric plexus ; it communicates with the fifth sacral nerve by another division ; it gives off one or two branches to the coccygeus muscle ; and, lastly, it gives a cutaneous coccygeal branch, which runs along the border of the sacrum, penetrates the great sacro-sciatic ligament, crosses that ligament very obliquely, and turns round its lower edge, perforates the coc- cygeal attachments of the glutseus maximus, passes very obliquely through the muscle, gives branches to it, and then ends in the integuments. The fifth and sixth nerves, which have no connexion with the sacral plexus, are ex- tremely small; the fifth is not more than half the size of the fourth ; the sixth is so very slender a filament, that it has often escaped the notice of anatomists, and hence the in- correct but prevalent opinion that there frequently exist only five sacral nerves. The fifth nerve, at its exit from the anterior sacral foramen, divides into an ascending branch, which communicates with the fourth, and a descending branch, which passes di- COLLATERAL BRANCHES OF THE SACRAL PLEXUS. 805 rectly downward to anastomose with the sixth, of which it appears to form the ascend- ing branch. , The sixth nerve consists of a mere filament, which divides, while still contained within the sacral foramen, into an ascending or anastomotic branch, which is merely the de- scending branch of the fifth; a descending or inferior coccygeal branch, which passes ver- tically downward along the coccyx in the substance of the sacro-sciatic ligament, and is distributed to the skin ; and certain external branches, which perforate the sacro-sciatic ligament, and terminate in the glutaeus maximus. The sacral plexus (fig. 290) is formed by the four upper sacral nerves (1 to 4) and the lumbo-sacral nerve (i) from the lumbar plexus ; the three superior sacral nerves pass entirely into this plexus ; the fourth nerve only sends one of its divisions to it. The lumbo-sacral trunk or nerve, which emanates from the lumbar plexus, is formed by the whole of the fifth lumbar nerve added to a branch from the fourth. This great nervous trunk establishes a free connexion between the lumbar and sacral plexuses, which, in fact, constitute only one plexus, which may be called the lumbo-sacral. T would here recall to mind- that there is a precisely similar arrangement with regard to the cervical and brachial plexuses, to which the lumbar and sacral plexuses have an undoubted an- alogy. The sacral plexus is distinguished by its simplicity from most other plexuses, which are always more or less complicated. It is formed by the convergence of five cords to- wards the sciatic notch. As the lumbo-sacral cord is vertical, and the third and fourth sacral nerves are horizontal, it follows that the form of the sacral plexus resembles a triangle, the base of which measures the entire length of the sacrum, while its apex corresponds to that portion of the sciatic notch which is situated above the spine of the ischium. The great sciatic nerve (.s) is the continuation of this plexus, which, as Bichat judiciously remarked, is merely the sciatic nerve itself flattened from before backward, the intricacy of arrangement so evident in the plexus representing that which exists in all nervous cords. The Sacral Plexus. The following are the relations of the sacral plexus ; It rests behind upon the pyri- formis, and it corresponds in front to the internal iliac vessels, from which it is separa- ted by a layer of fascia: these vessels also separate the plexus from the rectum and peritoneum. Of the collateral branches, some are anterior, namely, the visceral nerves, which enter the hypogastric plexus ; the nerve for the levator ani; the nerve for the obturator inter- nus ; the internal pudic nerve ; the other collateral branches are posterior, namely, the superior gluteal nerve; the inferior gluteal or lesser sciatic nerve ; the nerve for the pyriformis ; the nerve for the gemelli; and the nerve for the quadratus femoris. The great sciatic nerve is the only terminal branch of the sacral plexus. The Collateral Branches of the Sacral Plexus. The Visceral Nerves. Dissection.—After having made a section of the pelvis at one side of the symphysis, turn the bladder and the rectum over to the same side ; carefully detach the peritoneum, which is reflected from the pelvis upon these viscera; lacerate the cellular tissue to reach the branches given off from the fourth nerve ; and then trace the rectal and vis- ceral nerves, following the annexed description. It is advantageous to empty the large veins of the pelvis, and to soak it in water for some time previously to dissecting these nerves. The visceral nerves do not, properly speaking, come from the sacral plexus, but rather directly from the fourth and fifth sacral nerves; they are three or four in number, and pass upward upon the sides of the rectum and bladder in the male, and of the rectum, vagina, and bladder in the female ; some of them are distributed directly to those organs, but the greater number {y, fig. 302) enter the hypogastric plexus (m), which will be de- scribed with the sympathetic system. The Nerves for the Levator Ani. Besides several rectal and vesical filaments which go to the levator ani, this muscle receives two filaments directly from the fourth sacral nerve (4, fig. 290); the larger of these filaments enters the middle of the muscle ; the other, which is smaller, passes upon the sides of the prostate in the male, and of the vagina in the female, and termi- nates in the anterior portion of the muscle. It arises from the anterior part of the sacral plexus, and more particularly from that portion which belongs to the lumbo-sacral cord and the first sacral nerve ; it passes im- mediately behind the spine of the ischium, is reflected forward thrtmgh the small sciatic The Nerve for the Obturator Internus. 806 NEUROLOGY. notch, and expands into three diverging branches, which are distributed within the mus- cle. In order to expose this nerve, the lesser sacro-sciatic ligament may be divided. The Inferior Hemorrhoidal Nerve. This nerve, which is intended for the sphincter ani and the adjacent skin, arises (from 4,fig. 290) on the inner side of the internal pudic nerve, of which it is sometimes a branch, passes, like that nerve, behind the spine of the ischium, and then between the two sacro-sciatic ligaments, reaches the front of that portion of the glutaeus maximus which projects below the great sacro-sciatic ligament, communicates with the superfi- cial nerve of the perineum, gains the side of the rectum, and opposite the upper border of the sphincter expands into a great number of branches ; of these, some are anterior, and often anastomose with one of the divisions of the superficial perineal nerve ; others are median, and pass upon the sides of the sphincter ani as far as the skin, in which they terminate; lastly, others are posterior, and proceed to the back part of the sphincter. The hemorrhoidal or anal nerve is sometimes distributed exclusively to the skin round the anus ; it may then be named the anal cutaneous nerve. The Internal Pudic Nerve. Dissection.—It is convenient to commence the dissection of this nerve from within outward, by dividing the lesser sacro-sciatic ligament, and separating the obturator fas- cia from the obturator internus muscle. The superior branch of the nerve upon the dor- sum of the penis may then be traced without taking it away. The perineal branches must then be very carefully dissected, and the continuity of these branches with those already dissected within the pelvis should be made out. The internal pudic nerve (d, fig. 293) arises from the lower border of the flattened band formed by the nerves of the sacral plexus opposite to their junction ; it passes be- hind the spine of the ischium, and then enters the ischio-rectal fossa through the lesser sciatic notch, that is, between the two sacro-sciatic ligaments, on the inner side of the internal pudic artery, and divides into two branches {I, fig. 290), the inferior branch, or •perineal nerve, and the superior or deep branch, or the dorsal nerve of the penis. The Perineal Nerve. The inferior branch or perineal nerve corresponds to the trunk of the internal pudic ar- tery, and to all its divisions, excepting the dorsal artery of the penis. It is the true con- tinuation of the nerve, and accompanies the ti'unk of the internal pudic artery, being sit- uated below that vessel; it runs forward and then upward between the obturator inter- nus and the obturator fascia, describes a curve having its concavity directed upward, and placed on the inner side of the tuberosity of the ischium, perforates the obturator fascia, opposite to the junction of the tuberosity with the ascending ramus of the ischium, and immediately divides into two branches : an inferior or anterior superficial perineal, which corresponds to the superficial artery of the perineum ; and a superior, which corresponds to the artery of the bulb, but which has a much more extensive distribution; I shall call it the bulbo-urethral nerve. The Collateral Branches of the Perineal Nerve.—During its course, the perineal nerve gives off a branch which might be called the external perineal (posterior superficial perin eal); this branch perforates the great sacro-sciatic ligament, passes by the internal sur face of the tuberosity of the ischium, turns inward and downward, and then beneath the tuberosity, runs along the crus of the corpus cavernosum, and is lost in the dartos and scrotum in the male, and in the substance of the labia majora in the female. I have seen this nerve give a branch to the coccygeus, and two branches to the sphincter. This external perineal branch, moreover, presents many varieties. In some cases it terminates by anastomosing with the superficial branch of the perineum. In one case, in which the external perineal branch was very small, it was re-enforced by a branch from the inferior gluteal or lesser sciatic nerve, which crossed the outer side of the tuberosity of the ischium, and united, in front of that tuberosity, with the external perineal branch. The Terminal Branches of the Perineal Nerve.—The superficial (anterior superficial) pe- rineal nerve follows the superficial artery of the perineum, passes, like it, obliquely in- ward and forward, through the cellular interval between the ischio-cavernosus, and bulbo-cavernosus, receives a rather large filament from the external perineal branch, and almost always divides into several remarkably long filaments, which pass through the dartos, some reaching the bottom of the scrotum, while others, running along the lower surface of the penis, are distributed to the skin of that organ, and may be traced as far as the prepuce. The bulbo-urethral nerve, the second terminal branch of the perineal nerve, passes above and sometimes through the fibres of the transversus perinei muscle, supplies some small branches to the anterior part of the compressor urethrae and the posterior part of the bulbo-cavernosus, furnishes a bulbar branch which dips into the substance of tin bulb, and then expands into very delicate filaments on the corpus spongiosum. The Deep Branch of the Internal Pudic, or the Dorsal Nerve of the Penis. DEEP BRANCH OF THE INTERNAL PUDIC, ETC. This is the highest of the terminal divisions of the internal pudic nerve, and corre- sponds to the deep branch of the internal pudic artery. It is at first applied, togethei with that vessel, against the internal surface of the tuberosity of the ischium, and pass- ing upward between the levator ani and obturator internus, gains the arch of the pubes ; it then runs forward among the sub-pubic veins through the several ligamentous struc- tures below the arch, and reaches the dorsum of the penis, where it is situated at the side of the suspensory ligament. Having now become the dorsal nerve of the penis, it runs along that organ in the median line, like the dorsal artery, but superficially to that vessel, and divides into an internal and an external branch. The internal branch, or branch for the glans penis, continues in the original course of the nerve upon one side of the median line, becomes more deeply seated as it runs for- ward, but without entering the corpus cavernosum, and thus arrives at the corona glan- dis; at this point it expands and passes deeply between the base of the glans and the corpus cavernosum, gives no filament to the latter, but is entirely distributed to the glans, penetrating that part by extremely delicate filaments, which traverse the spongy tissue, and may be traced, at least in a great measure, to the papillae on the surface of the glans. The external or cutaneous branch, which is more superficial, comes off from the prece- ding at a very acute angle, passes obliquely upon the sides of the penis, and expands into a number of very long and slender filaments, some of which lie in contact with the corpus cavernosum, and supply it with very slender filaments, while others run into the sub-cutaneous cellular tissue, and are distributed to the skin of the penis ; a considera- ble number terminate in the prepuce. The external branch of the dorsal nerve of the penis supplies the skin upon the three upper fourths of the circumference of the penis. The perineal branches supply that of the lower fourth. I have not found any branch of the internal pudic nerve corresponding to the artery of the corpus cavernosum. In the female, when this nerve reaches the clitoris, it becomes very small; it passes under the arch of the pubes, between it and the crus of the clitoris ; it runs along that crus, becomes curved like the clitoris itself, upon the side of which it expands into fila- ments, and then ramifies in the substance of that organ ; several of the filaments run forward to the skin of the anterior part of the labia majora. The superficial perineal branch passes between the constrictor muscle and the bulb of the vagina, and then terminates in these parts. The internal pudic nerve in the female does not appear to me to be half the size of the internal pudic nerve of the male. In one case I found that it consisted only of the branch for the clitoris, the superficial branch being supplied by the inferior gluteal nerve. The Superior Gluteal Nerve. The superior gluteal nerve, which is intended for the glutaeus medius and minimus, and the tensor vaginae feraoris, arises from the back-of the lumbo-sacral trunk, before its junction with the first sacral nerve. I have seen it arising by two roots, of which one came from the lumbo-sacral nerve and the other from the posterior surface of the plex- us : it emerges from the pelvis {a, fig. 293) by the upper and fore part of the great sci- atic notch, in front of the pyriformis, is reflected upon this notch to pass between the glutaeus medius and minimus, and divides into two branches: the one ascending, which en- circles the origin of the glutaeus minimus, like the corresponding branch of the gluteal ar- tery ; and the other descending, which passes obliquely downward and outward, between the glutaeus medius and minimus, to which it gives off numerous filaments, and thus, grad- ually diminished in size, it embraces, as it were, the posterior surface of the glutaeus min- imus, and having reached the external border of that muscle, it passes downward, and enters the sheath of the tensor vaginae femoris, in which it terminates. Before entering the sheath of the tensor vaginae it gives off a remarkable branch, which turns round the anterior border of the glutaeus minimus, and ramifies in that muscle. The Nerve for the Pyriformis. This little nerve arises separately from the posterior surface of the sacral plexus, and more particularly from the third sacral nerve ; it divides into two branches, which im- mediately enter the anterior surface of the muscle. The inferior gluteal nerve {Bichat), or the lesser sciatic nerve {Boyer), is intended for the glutaeus maximus, the integuments of the posterior region of the thigh, and for a part of the skin of the leg. It arises from the back of the sacral plexus, sometimes by one cord, sometimes by several very distinct cords. It emerges from the pelvis (near c, fig. 293)' below the pyriformis, together with and on the inner side of the great sciatic nerve, to which it may be regarded as an accessory ; it passes behind that nerve, and divides into two sets of branches, viz., muscular and cutaneous. The muscular branches (c) are numerous, although exclusively intended for the glutaeus maximus ; they divide into ascending and external branches, which run along the ante- The Inferior Gluteal Nerve. 808 NEUROLOGY. rior surface of the muscle, spread out upon it, and may be traced as far a s its upper oor- der, and descending and internal branches, which pass between the tuberosity of the is- chium and the muscle, and then enter the latter. The cutaneous branch (I) continues in the original course of the nerve, behind the great sciatic, and in front of the glutaeus maximus; it crosses obliquely, downward and in- ward, over the tuberosity of the ischium and the origins of the biceps and semi-tendi- nosus muscles ; considerably reduced in size, from having given off several branches, it assumes the name of lesser sciatic (/), runs vertically downward, becoming smaller and smaller, and' may be traced down to the posterior region of the leg. The cutaneous branch, as it emerges from the glutaeus maximus, gives off a consid- erable recurrent branch (e), which might be regarded as a terminal branch of the nerve. This branch is reflected upward so as to describe a curve having its concavity turned upward, and subdivides into two secondary branches, an internal and an external: the external branch is the larger, and ramifies in the skin of the gluteal region ; the internal or scrotal branch (pudendalis longus inferior, Soemmering) is a very remarkable one ; it is reflected forward upon the under surface of the tuberosity of the ischium, runs along at some distance from the ascending ramus of the ischium and the descending ramus o. the os pubis, anastomoses with the superficial perineal nerve, reaches the scrotum above the testis, and divides into two branches—an external, which passes on the outer side, and an internal, which runs on the inner side of the testis; having embraced this organ, they are distributed to the skin of the anterior part of the scrotum and the lower part of the penis. In the female, this branch belongs to the labia raajora. All along the thigh, the cutaneous branch of the inferior gluteal nerve gives off some very small external branches, and some larger internal branches, which are reflected forward, describing curves having, the concavity turned upward, and supply the skin of the internal region of the thigh. In the popliteal space, the cutaneous branch divides into two filaments, one sub-cuta- neous, which may be traced, notwithstanding its extreme tenuity, as far as the middle of the posterior region of the leg ; and the other sub-aponeurotic, which perforates the fas- cia of the leg, runs along the external saphenous vein, and anostomoses with the exter- nal saphenous nerve. The Nerves for the Quadraius Femoris and the Gemelli. The superior gemellus receives a special nerve from the anterior part of the sacral plexus. The nerve for the inferior gemellus is a branch of the nerve for the quadratus femoris. The nerve for the quadratus femoris is remarkable. It arises from the front of the sa- cral plexus, or, rather, from the limit between this plexus and the great sciatic nerve, passes vertically downward in front of the gemelli and obturator internus, by which it is separated from the great sciatic nerve, and it is placed in contact with the os innomi- natum, to the outer side of the tuberosity of the ischium. It gives off some external pe- riosteal and osseous branches, which enter the foramina in the tuberosity of the ischium ; some internal or articular branches, which perforate the fibrous capsule of the hip-joint; a branch for the inferior gemellus ; and then terminates in the quadratus femoris, which it enters by its anterior surface. The Terminal Branch of the Sacral Plexus, or the Great Sciatic Nerve. The great sciatic nerve (grand femoro-poplite, Chauss.) is intended for the muscles of the posterior region of the thigh, and for the muscles and integuments of the leg and foot: it is the termination (s, fig. 290) of the sacral plexus, or, rather, it is the sacral plexus itself condensed into a nervous cord. The fifth lumbar nerve, a branch of the fourth lumbar, the three superior sacral nerves, and a branch from the fourth, form the origins of this great nerve, which is the largest in the body. It emerges from the pelvis, through the great sciatic notch, below the pyriformis im- mediately above the spine of the ischium, passes vertically downward (s, fig. 293) be- tween the tuberosity of the ischium and the great trochanter, both of which project so as to separate it from the skin, or, more exactly, it runs along the outer side of the tu- berosity of the ischium, in a very deep groove between that process and the margin of the cotyloid cavity. At its exit from the pelvis, it is a flat, riband-shaped nerve, six lines in breadth, but it soon becomes rounded, runs vertically downward along the back of the thigh, sloping, however, a little outward ; having arrived about three or four fin- gers’ breadth above the knee-joint, it divides into two branches, which are called the external popliteal sciatic or the peroneal nerve (i), and the internal popliteal sciatic or tihial nerve (A). The sciatic nerve sometimes divides at its exit from the pelvis, but it may do so at any other point between that and the popliteal space. This premature division is oi no importance; in fact, it always exists ; for when there is apparently only one trunk, the two branches of the bifurcation are perfectly distinct through the whole length oi the thigh, and are merely in contact with each other.* * When the great sciatic nerve divides within the pelvis, the upper division perforates the pyriformis, while ‘he lower emerges from below that muscle. THE GREAT SCIATIC NERVE, ETC. 809 Relations.—Behind,, the great sciatic nerve is covered by the glutaeus maximus, and then by the long head of the biceps and the semi-tendinosus; lower down it occupies the cellular inter- val between these two last-named muscles, and when they sep- arate from each other to form the borders of the popliteal space, it becomes sub-aponeurotic. In front, it corresponds to the gemelli and obturator internus, by which it is separated from the os coxa?, to the quadratus femo- ris and the adductor magnus. During its course it is surround- ed by a large quantity of adipose cellular tissue, but has no ac- companying vessel.* Collateral Branches of the Great Sciatic.—The great sciatic nerve gives off in the thigh five muscular and three articular branches; they sometimes arise separately, sometimes by a common trunk. They are the following : The nerve for the long head of the biceps, which divides into two ascending branches for the origin of that muscle from the ischium, and descending branches, which run for a long time in front of the muscle, and then enter it by a series of filaments. The nerve for the semi-tendinosus, which runs upon the anterior surface of the muscle, and does not enter it until it reaches the lower third of the thigh. The nerves for the semi-membranosus are two in number ; they almost always anastomose and enter the internal surface of the muscle at two different points. A nerve for the adductor magnus, which runs forward and then inward, and enters near the inner border of the muscle. We have seen that the adductor magnus receives most of its nerves from the obturator nerve. All the preceding branches arise from the upper part of the sciatic nerve, opposite to the quadratus femo- ris, and often by a common trunk. A nerve for the short head of the biceps sometimes arises at the same height as the preceding, but is most commonly given off from the sciatic nerve at the middle of the thigh. When the sci- atic nerve divides prematurely, the branch we are now descri- bing comes from the external popliteal. This nerve enters the upper extremity of the muscle, expanding into diverging fila- ments. Fig. 293. An articular nerve of the knee, which often arises by a common trunk with the preceding, and is not unfrequently given off from the external popliteal; it passes vertically downward in front of the great sciatic nerve, through some adipose tissue, to gain the outer side of the joint; having arrived above the external con- dyle, it turns and divides into several filaments, which perforate the fibrous tissue of the joint, and are distributed to the articular adipose tissue, where they are scattered, some above, others be- low, and others on the outer side of the patella, t The External Popliteal Sciatic or Peroneal Nerve. The external popliteal sciatic, external popliteal, or peroneal nerve (i, fig- 293), the external terminal branch of the great sciatic, is intended for all the muscles of the anterior and external region of the leg, and for the skin on the leg and on the dorsum of the foot. It is scarcely half the size of the internal popliteal; it runs obliquely downward and out- ward, behind the external condyle of the femur through the popliteal space, and is pla- ced nearer to the surface than the internal popliteal nerve, which is lodged in the inter- condyloid fossa; it then crosses obliquely over the origin of the outer head of the gas- trocnemius, passes behind the head of the fibula, from which it is separated by the ori- gin of the soleus, turns horizontally upon the neck of that bone (at v), between it and the peroneus longus, and expands into four branches, two superior or recurrent, for the tib- ialis anticus, and two inferior and larger, which form the true terminations of the nerve. Collateral Branches. During this course, the external popliteal nerve gives off two superficial collateral * In three instances I have found the great sciatic accompanied by a large vein, -which was continuous with the popliteal vein, and perforated the upper part of the adductor magnus, like the profunda artery. In two of these cases the sciatio nerve divided at its exit from the pelvis. I did not note the arrangement of the nerve in the third case. It was a remarkable circumstance that there was another popliteal vein accompanying the artery : in one of the cases the vein was in front instead of behind the artery. f See note, p. sl2. 5 K 810 NEUROLOGY. nerves : a saphenous nerve, which we shall call the peroneal saphenous, to distinguish it from the tibial saphenous, and the peroneal cutaneous branch. The Peroneal Saphenous Nerve. The peroneal saphenous nerve (w) presents many varieties in different subjects, both in regard to its size and origin. It is generally smaller than the tibial saphenous (/), of which it may be regarded as an accessory; it arises in the popliteal space, descends vertically beneath the fascia, between the external and internal popliteal nerves, perfo- rates the fascia opposite the middle of the leg, to join the external saphenous vein, with which it runs along the tendo Achillis, and terminates upon the outer side of the os calcis. During this course, it gives off several cutaneous filaments and a communi- cating branch to the tibial saphenous nerve; this branch is of considerable size, and comes off while the nerve is still beneath the fascia. Having become very slender after giving these branches, the peroneal saphenous nerve subdivides opposite the lower part of the tendo Achillis, and upon the outer side of the os calcis, into several calcaneal branches, one of which turns obliquely round the posterior surface of the os calcis, while the others descend vertically, are reflected upon the under surface of that bone, and are distributed to the skin of the heel. Not unfrequently the peroneal saphenous nerve gives off a malleolar branch, which passes between the external malleolus and the skin, and anastomoses in front of the ankle-joint {y, fig. 291) with a twig from the musculo-cuta- neous nerve. This malleolar branch, which often comes from the last-mentioned nerve, is, moreover, remarkable, like all nerves which are subjected to strong pressure, for its thickness, its grayish colour, and, lastly, for its knotted, and, as it were, ganglionated appearance. The peroneal saphenous nerve is often very small, and is lost in the skin upon the middle of the leg ; its place is then supplied in the lower two thirds of the leg by the tib- ial saphenous nerve, the size of which is always in an inverse ratio to that of the pero- neal saphenous. No nerve presents more varieties than the peroneal saphenous ; they relate to its size and to the point at which it anastomoses with the tibial saphenous. One of the most remarkable varieties is that in which the peroneal and tibial saphenous nerves, those call- ed communicating saphenous branches {communicans fibula, n; communicans tibice, I) unite in the popliteal space into a single trunk, the external saphenous {p), the distribution of which corresponds to the ordinary distribution of the two nerves. The Peroneal Cutaneous Branch. This comes off from the external popliteal nerve, behind the outer condyle of the fe- mur, passes vertically downward along the fibula, in contact with the skin, and divides into ascending and descending branches, the latter of which may be traced as far as the lower part of the leg. The Terminal Branches of the External Popliteal Nerve. The Branches for the Tibialis Anticus. The two superior or recurrent branches, resulting from the subdivision of the external popliteal, pass horizontally inward, behind the extensor communis digitorum, and are distributed to the tibialis anticus ; one of these branches supplies the peroneo-tibial ar- ticulation. The Musculo-cutancous Branch, or External Peroneal Nerve The musculo-cutaneous branch (x,fig. 291), the lowest of the terminal branches of the external popliteal, is intended for the muscles of the external region of the leg, and foi the skin upon the dorsum of the foot (pretibio-digital, Chauss.; peroneus externus, Scemm.)- It passes at first obliquely, then vertically downward in the substance of the peroneus longus, turns forward to enter between the extensor longus digitorum and the peroneus longus and brevis, and perforates the fascia of the leg, above the ankle-joint: having thus become sub-cutaneous, it passes obliquely downward and inward, following the di- rection of the extensor longus digitorum, becomes flattened and widened, and divides a little below the tibio-tarsal articulation into an internal and an external branch ; the lat- ter subdivides into three other branches, so that there are in all four terminal branches, which form the dorsal collateral nerves of the toes. Not unfrequently the musculo-cutaneous nerve bifurcates as it escapes from beneath the fascia of the leg, and its two branches reunite opposite to the tibio-tarsal articula- tion, so as to describe an elongated ellipse. Collateral Branches.—There are two branches for the peroneus longus, of which one comes off from the nerve immediately after its origin, while the other arises lower down, and runs a very long course in the substance of the muscle ; there is also a branch for the peroneus brevis, which often arises by a common trunk with the preceding. In its sub-cutaneous portion, the musculo-cutaneous nerve supplies several filaments to the skin, among which we should distinguish an external malleolar filament, which passes between the external malleolus and the skin, increases considerably in size, and becomes THE ANTERIOR TIBIAE NERVE, ETC. 811 grayish and knotted, like all nerves subjected to pressure. This filament often anastomo- ses with the malleolar branch of the peroneal saphenous nerve, and sometimes supplies the place of that malleolar branch. Terminal Branches.—There are four terminal branches of the musculo-cutaneous nerve, distinguished numerically as the first, second, third, and fourth {see Jig. 291). The Jirst or internal branch passes very obliquely forward and inward, to form the internal dorsal collateral nerve of the great toe; this nerve, like all nerves subjected to pressure, increas- es in size and becomes grayish, and, as it were, knotted opposite the metatarso-phalan- gal articulation. The second branch, which often arises by a common trunk with the first, supplies the external dorsal collateral nerve of the great toe, and the internal collateral nerve of the second toe. The third branch supplies the external collateral nerve of the sec ond, and the internal collateral nerve of the third toe. These two large branches are often replaced by one (v) from the anterior tibial nerve, with which they anastomose. The fourth terminal branch or internal hranch supplies the external dorsal collateral nerve of the third, and the internal dorsal collateral nerve of the fourth toe. All the filaments from these branches are distributed to the skin upon the dorsal re- gion of the foot and digital phalanges. In a great number of subjects, the tibial or external saphenous nerve supplies the in- ternal collateral nerve of the little toe, and the external collateral nerve of the fourth toe ; but in others, these nerves are furnished by an additional terminal branch of the musculo-cutaneous nerve ; in all cases the nerves anastomose with each other. The Anterior Tibial, or Interosseous Nerve. The anterior tibial or interosseous nerve {v v,fig. 291), intended for the muscles on the anterior region of the leg, for the extensor brevis digitorum, and for the interosseous muscles in the foot, is as large as the musculo-cutaneous nerve just described; it runs to the inner side of that nerve, beneath the extensor communis digitorum, and passes along the interosseous ligament, together with the anterior tibial artery lying in front of that vessel. It is placed, like the artery, between the tibialis anticus and the extensor communis digitorum, from which it is separated below by the extensor proprius pollicis pedis ; it supplies a great number of filaments to all these muscles, passes with the ar- tery under the annular ligament of the tarsus, in the sheath of the extensor proprius pol- licis, and divides into two branches : The internal deep branch of the dorsum of the foot (v), which is the true continuation of the nerve, passes horizontally forward, under the arteria dorsalis pedis, over the first in- terosseous space, gives off a small twig to the muscles of that space, and divides into two branches, which form the deep external dorsal collateral nerve of the great toe, and the internal dorsal collateral nerve of the second toe. These branches communicate with the superficial dorsal branches of the musculo-cutaneous nerve, and sometimes supply their place. The external and deep nerve of the dorsum of the foot runs outward between the tarsus and the extensor brevis digitorum, in which it terminates ; it gives off in front, opposite the interosseous spaces, a series of very delicate filaments, which enter the posterior extremities of those spaces. The filaments for the fourth and fifth spaces often arise by a common trunk. They are extremely delicate, and are closely applied to the tarsus. The Internal Popliteal Sciatic, or Tibial JVerve. The internal popliteal sciatic, internal popliteal, or tibial nerve (h, fig. 293), is intended for all the muscles of the back of the leg, and for the skin of the sole of the foot; both in direction and size it appears to be the continuation of the great sciatic nerve. It pass- es vertically downward in the inter-condyloid fossa of the femur; it is at first placed be- tween the heads of the gastrocnemius, it then passes under that muscle and under the arch formed by the soleus, descends, under the name of the posterior tibial nerve (/:), be- tween the soleus and the deep layer of muscles, inclines a little inward, and, having reached the termination of the fleshy belly of the soleus, gains the inner side of the ten- do Achillis ; lower down, it passes behind the internal malleolus, against which it is flat- tened and widened, and divides into the internal and external plantar nerves {a, b, and c, fig. 294). In the popliteal space it is sub-aponeurotic, in the fleshy portion of the leg it is sep- arated from the fascia by the double layer formed by the gastrocnemius and the soleus, and it again becomes sub-aponeurotic along the tendo Achillis. It is in relation, in front, with the popliteal and posterior tibial vessels, which separate it, above, from the knee-joint and popliteus muscle, and lower down, from the deep layer of muscles in the leg.* Behind the internal malleolus, and under the groove upon the os calcis, it is en- closed in a common fibrous sheath with the posterior tibial vessels, which are placed in front of it; this sheath is behind that for the tendons of the tibialis posticus and flexor communis digitorum. * [The nerve is at first at a short distance to the onter side of the artery ; lower down it lies immediately behind the vessel, and still lower crosses to the inner side of the artery, anil is separated from it by the vein-1 812 NEUROLOGY. Its collateral branches are very numerous. I shall div'de them into those given off op- posite the knee-joint, and those supplied along the leg. The Collateral Branches of the Internal Popliteal Nerve, behind the Knee-Joint. These are six in number, namely, two anterior, which are very small, one for the plantaris longus, and one for the knee-joint; two internal, namely, the tibial saphenous nerve, and the nerve for the inner head of the gastrocnemius ; two external, namely, the nerve for the outer head of the gastrocnemius, and the nerve for the soleus. The Tibial Saphenous Nerve. This is generally known as the external saphenous. It is much larger than tne pero- neal saphenous, which always anastomoses with it. I have already said that the mode and situation of this anastomosis present many varieties. The tibial saphenous nerve {communicans tibia, I, fig. 293) arises in the popliteal space, passes vertically downward between the two heads of the gastrocnemius, and then upon their posterior surface, along their fibrous septum, between them ; it is here situated in a small fibrous canal common to it and to a small artery and vein ; it receives, at a variable height in the leg, a more or less considerable filament from the peroneal saphenous nerve (or communicans fibulae, n); it then becomes sub-cutaneous, forming the external saphenous nerve (p), runs along the outer side of the tendo Achillis, just as the posterior tibial runs along its inner side; it now accompanies the external saphenous vein, which is accompanied above this point by the peroneal saphenous nerve; it is reflected behind the external malleolus, in the same manner as the tibial nerve is reflected upon the internal malleolus, then runs forward and downward (y, fig. 291) upon the outer side of the os calcis, where it gives off several very large external calcaneal nerves, and terminates differently in va- rious subjects. In some it terminates by forming the dorsal collateral nerve of the fifth toe ; in others it is larger, and divides into two branches, of which the external forms the external collateral nerve of the fifth toe, while the internal, which receives an anasto- motic branch from the musculo-cutaneous nerve (x), passes horizontally forward, crosses the extensor brevis digitorum, and the tendons of the long extensors, and divides into two secondary branches, of which one constitutes the internal dorsal collateral nerve of the little toe, and the other the external dorsal collateral nerve of the fourth toe. I may point out the thickening, the gray colour, and the knotted, and, as it were, ganglionated structure of the external collateral nerve of the little toe opposite to the articulations. The external calcaneal nerves, which may be regarded as forming the termination of the tibial saphenous, are very remarkable ; they pass vertically along the outer side of the os calcis, expand into several filaments, which are reflected upon the ridge which separates the external from the inferior surface of that bone, and are distributed to the skin upon the heel. During its course along the leg, the tibial saphenous gives off scarcely a single fila- ment, but along the outer border of the foot it supplies a great number, which run down- ward and forward, and terminate in the skin covering the external plantar region. The size of the tibial saphenous nerve is inversely proportioned to that of the pero- neal saphenous and musculo-cutaneous nerves. Thus, when the peroneal saphenous nerve is large, it furnishes most of the external calcaneal branches ; and when the mus- culo-cutaneous nerve is large, it supplies, besides the external calcaneal, the internal dorsal collateral nerve of the little toe, and the external dorsal collateral nerve of the fourth toe. The Nerves for the two Heads of the Gastrocnemius and for the Soleus. The nerve for the inner head of the gastrocnemius often arises by a common trunk with the tibial saphenous; again, the nerves for the outer head of the gastrocnemius and for the soleus often arise by a common trunk : the nerves for the gastrocnemius en- ter the anterior surface of the head of that muscle, and immediately ramify. The nerve for the soleus is the largest, and enters the muscle at its upper arch ; all these nerves ramify as soon as they enter the muscles which they supply. The posterior articular nerve of the knee runs forward to enter the posterior ligament of the articulation: one of its filaments follows the direction of the internal articular ar- tery, and is lost in the popliteus.* The Articular Nerve and Nerve for the Plantaris Longus. * [From the dissections of Mr. Ellis, it appears that there is an articular nerve to the knee-joint with each articular artery. The superior external articular nerve is the one described at p. 809; it most commonly arises from the external popliteal. The inferior external articular also arises.from the external popliteal, and sometimes from the sciatic nerve ; it is a long branch which descends towards the external condyle, passes be- low it on the outer side of the joint, and perforates the capsule. The superior internal articular is very small, and is not constant; it arises from the internal popliteal nerve, and passes on the outer side, and then in front of (i. e., deeper than) the popliteal vessels, and reaches with its artery the inner side of the joint. ■‘■be infe- rior internal articular is the largest of all: it arises from the internal popliteal above the joint, descends on the outer side, and then in front of the popliteal vessels, is applied to the corresponding artery upon the popliteus muscle, passes beneath the internal lateral ligament, and enters the inner side of the joint, the posterior ar ticular, or azygos, is given off opposite the joint from the internal popliteal, or from the interior internal ai ticular ; it perforates the posterior ligament.—{Ellis's Demonstrations of Anatomy, p. o/O, D/b.)J THE INTERNAL PLANTAR NERVE. 813 The nerve for the plantaris longus always arises separately from the posterior tibia- nerve, and immediately dips into the substance of the muscle. There are three sets of collateral branches given off by the posterior tibial nerve in the leg: namely, the nerve for the popliteus ; the nerves for the deep layer of muscles ; the internal calcaneal nerve. Lastly, several very small filaments come off from the nerve, run along the posterior tibial artery, and, after a course of variable length, perfo- rate the aponeurosis and ramify in the skin. The nerve for the popliteus arises opposite the knee-joint, runs forward on the outer side of the popliteal vessels to gain the lower border of the muscle, around which it turns ; before entering the muscle, the nerve expands into several branches, all of which pass horizontally forward opposite to the interosseous ligament, which they ap- pear to perforate. But with a little care it is seen that almost all of these filaments are lost in the muscle. I have, however, seen one of them perforate the interosseous liga- ment together with the anterior tibial artery, and then, leaving that vessel, return through the substance of the ligament, and terminate in the tibialis posticus; several filaments of the popliteal nerve are also evidently distributed to the peroneo-tibial artic- ulation, and to the periosteum of the tibia and fibula. The nerves for the deep layer of muscles of the leg consist of two sets. The nerve for the tibialis posticus almost always arises by a common trunk with the preceding, runs down- ward and forward, is applied to the posterior surface of the muscle, to which it gives a series of filaments from its anterior aspect; the continuation of the nerve enters the muscle about its middle, and may be traced in it as far as its lower part. The nerves for the flexor longus pollicis and for the flexor communis arise by a common trunk a little be- low the preceding; the nerve for the flexor longus pollicis, which is larger than those for the flexor communis and tibialis posticus, accompanies the peroneal artery as far as the lower part of the leg. The Internal Calcaneal Nerve.—This is a large branch which comes off from the inner side of the posterior tibial nerve, and which, in cases of premature bifurcation of that nerve into the internal and external plantar, comes from the external plantar; it passes vertically downward, on the inner sale of the os calcis, and divides into two diverging branches, which are applied to the inner side of the bone, are reflected upon its lower surface, and are distributed to the skin of the heel, one in front, and the other behind. Collateral Branches of the Internal Popliteal Nerve in the Leg. The Terminal Branches of the Internal Popliteal Nerve. The Internal Plantar Nerve. The internal plantar nerve, which is intended for the muscles and skin of the sole ot the foot, is larger than the external plantar ; at its origin it is situated behind the inter- nal malleolus, in front of the posterior tibial vessels, which cross it at an acute angle, and occupies a groove which is common to it and to those vessels, and which is quite distinct from and lies behind the groove for the tendons. It is reflected beneath the in- ternal malleolus, becomes horizontal, reaches the calcaneal groove, perforates the pos- terior extremity of the flexor brevis digitorum, and during this passage through the groove is protected by a fibrous canal, which is subjacent to the grooves for the tendons. At its exit from this fibrous canal, the internal plantar nerve is situated upon the boundary, between the internal and middle plantar regions, between the flexor brevis pollicis on the inside, and the flexor brevis digi- torum on the outside ; having given off a considerable branch {a, Jig. 294), which becomes the internal plantar collateral nerve of the great toe, it perforates the aponeurosis of the flexor brevis digitorum to enter the same sheath as that muscle, and runs (b) along its in- ner border. Haying reached the posterior extremity of the meta- tarsal bones, it divides into three branches, which form the collateral nerves of the toes. Sometimes there is a fourth branch {d), which passes outward, to anastomose with the external plantar nerve. The collateral branches are very numerous. Some of them are cutaneous, and perforate the plantar fascia to ramify in the skin. The most remarkable are, a small calcaneal cutaneous nerve, which crosses the posterior tibial vessels, to supply the skin upon the in- ner side of the os calcis; and a plantar cutaneous nerve, which emerges between the flexor brevis pollicis and the flexor brevis digitorum, and divides into two small cutaneous branches, one of which pro- ceeds forward, while the other runs backward, like a recurrent nerve. There are also some muscular collateral branches, namely, for the flexor brevis pollicis, the abductor pollicis, and the flexor brevis digitorum. Lastly, the internal plantar collateral nerve of the great toe (a), which is so large that it might be regarded as a terminal branch of the internal plantar nerve; it comes off from the last- Fig. 294. 814 NEUROLOGY. named nerve, at its exit from the covered canal formed for it by the flexor brevis pollicis, passes forward along the outer side of the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis, below, i. c., superficial to the inner portion of the adductor pollicis (oblique adducteur, Cruveilhier), and gains the inner and under surface of the metatarso-phalangal articulation of the great toe; in this place it is situated in the furrow between the internal and external sesamoid bones of that articulation ; it runs forward below the inner border of the former, and then of the second phalanx of the great toe, and, having arrived below that bone, it divides, like the collateral nerves of the fingers, into two branches, the one dorsal or un- gual, and the other plantar. The terminal branches of the internal plantar nerve are three in number, and are distin- guished as the first, second, and third, counting from within outward. The first terminal branch, which is the largest, runs along the outer side of the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis, gives filaments to that muscle, passes between the meta- tarso-phalangal articulations of the first and second toes, under an arch which is com- mon to it and the corresponding vessels, and divides into two secondary branches, wdiich form the external collateral nerve of the great toe, and the internal collateral nerve of the second toe. Not unfrequently this branch gives an anastomotic filament to the internal collateral nerve of the great toe, which passes beneath the metatarso-phalangal articu- lation of that toe. The first terminal branch of the internal plantar nerve gives off the filament for the first lumbricalis; it then supplies several articular twigs to the metatarso-phalangal artic- ulation of the great toe, and a very numerous series of cutaneous filaments. The second terminal branch, much smaller than the preceding, passes somewhat out- ward, crossing below, i. e., superficial to the flexor tendon of the second toe, and then forward, and bifurcates opposite the metatarso-phalangal articulations, to constitute the external plantar collateral nerve of the second toe, and the internal plantar collateral nerve of the third. During its course, this branch supplies filaments to the second lumbricalis, to the meta- tarso-phalangal articulation of the second toe, and also to the integuments. The third terminal branch.passes very obliquely outward, crosses below the flexor tendon of the third toe, and bifurcates to form the external collateral nerve of the third and the internal collateral nerve of the fourth toe. This branch supplies the metatarso-phalangal articulations of the third and fourth toes, and the corresponding integuments. Summary.—The internal plantar nerve, therefore, supplies branches to the skin on the inner part of the sole of the foot, also the plantar collateral nerves of the first, second, and third toes, and the internal collateral nerve of the fourth toe, all of which are cu- taneous branches. It gives muscular branches to the flexor brevis pollicis, the abductor pollicis, the flexor brevis digitorum, and to the two internal lumbricales. Lastly, it gives off a great number of articular filaments to the tarsal, tarso-metatarsal, metatarso-phalangal, and phalangal articulations. The External Plantar Nerve. The external plantar nerve (c, fig. 294), which is smaller than the internal, is placed with it in the groove of the os calcis, and perforates the flexor brevis, under an arch dis- tinct from that for the internal plantar, and which is common to it and the external plantar vessels; it then runs downward and outward, between the flexor brevis and flexor accessorius, is reflected forward, and divides into two branches, a superficial and a deep. Collateral Branches.—During its course, the external plantar nerve gives oft', immedi- ately after its origin, one large branch, which runs horizontally outward, in front of the tuberosities of the os calcis, passes under the flexor accessorius, and is reflected for- ward to enter the abductor minimi digiti. At the point of its reflection, it gives off a transverse branch, which is lost in the posterior attachment of the muscle. The exter- nal plantar also supplies the nerve or nerves for the flexor accessorius. Terminal Branches.—The superficial terminal branch (c,fig. 294), which is the continu- ation of the trunk of the nerve, divides into two others, one external, the other internal. The external branch passes very obliquely outward, below the flexor brevis digiti min- imi, crosses the tendon of the abductor brevis obliquely, then runs along the outer side of the fifth metatarso-phalangal articulation, and forms the external collateral nerve of the little toe. It supplies a great number of cutaneous nerves, also the nerves for the flexor brevis digiti minimi, those for the interosseous muscles of the fourth space, and, lastly, some articular filaments. The internal branch passes forward, below the flexor tendon, following the original di- rection of the superficial branch of the external plantar, and, after a rather long course, bifurcates to form the internal collateral nerve of the little toe, and the external collateral nerve of the fourth toe; like the external branch, it also gives off some cutaneous and ar- ticular nerves. The deep terminal branch ol the external plantar passes above, i. e., deeper than the THE EXTERNAL PLANTAR NERVE. 815 flexor accessorius, changes its direction, so as to describe an arch, having its concavity turned inward and backward, and the convexity outward and forward, enters, together with the external plantar artery, above which it is situated, between the adductor polli cis and the interossei, and is lost in the former muscle. Before reaching the adductor pollicis it gives off some articular filaments to the meta tarsal and tarso-metatarsal articulations, and also a filament for the fourth lumbricalis. Beyond the adductor pollicis the nerve gives off the filament for the third lumbricalis; this filament, which is remarkable for the length of its course, passes horizontally forward, opposite to the third interosseous space, and passes through the fibres of the transversus pedis, to reach its destination; it then gives off the filaments for the transversus, and those for the interosseous muscles of the third, second, and first spaces. Summary of the External Plantar Nerve.—The external plantar nerve, therefore, sup plies cutaneous filaments to the outer side of the sole of the foot, to the fifth toe, of which it forms both collateral nerves, and to the fourth toe, of which it forms the external col- lateral nerve. It also gives off muscular nerves to the flexor accessorius, the flexor bre- vis, and abductor digiti minimi, to the adductor pollicis, and transversus pedis, to all the interossei, and to the two external lumbricales. Lastly, it furnishes some articular filaments. Summary of the Nerves of the Lower Extremity.—The lower extremity is supplied with nerves from the lumbar and sacral plexuses. The Lumbar Plexus.—The lumbar plexus gives almost all its branches to the lower extremity, viz., the external and internal inguinal nerves, the obturator nerve, and the crural nerve ; the lumbo-sacral cord is also distributed to the lower extremity through the medium of the sacral plexus. The external and internal inguinal nerves are the principal cutaneous nerves of the anterior and external regions of the thigh ; the obturator nerve is a muscular nerve in- tended for the obturator externus, the three adductors, and the gracilis.* The crural nerve is a musculo-cutaneous nerve which supplies the following parts: its cutaneous portion is distributed to the skin upon the anterior region of the thigh, upon the internal region of the leg, and internal dorsal region of the foot; its muscular portion supplies all the muscles of the anterior region of the thigh ;f it also gives several articular nerves to the hip and knee joints. The Sacral Plexus.—The sacral plexus is entirely distributed to the lower extremity, excepting the internal pudic nerve and certain rectal and vesico-prostatic branches in the male, and rectal, vaginal, and uterine branches in the female. The obturator internus, the pyriformis, the gemelli, and the quadratus femoris, are each provided with a special nerve from the sacral plexus ; the glutams medius and min- imus, and the tensor vaginae femoris, are especially supplied by the superior gluteal nerve, and the glutams maximus by the inferior gluteal or lesser sciatic nerve. The last-named nerve also furnishes the cutaneous nerves of the posterior region of the thigh. The great sciatic is the nerve of the posterior region of the thigh, and of the entire leg and foot. It supplies all the muscles of the posterior region of the thigh ; thus, its external popliteal or peroneal division supplies the muscles of the external region of the leg by its musculo-cutaneous branch, and the muscles of the anterior region by its in- terosseous branch ; it also supplies the external region of the leg, and the dorsal region of the foot. Its internal popliteal or tibial division supplies all the muscles of the posterior region of the leg, the skin upon the internal and external calcaneal regions, and that upon the external dorsal region of the foot. Of its terminal branches, the internal plantar nerve is distributed to the muscles of the internal plantar region of the foot, to the flexor brevis digitorum, to the two internal lumbricales, and to the skin of the internal plantar region ; lastly, it gives off tire col- lateral branches of the toes, excepting the two for the fifth toe, and the external collat- eral branch of the fourth. The external plantar nerve is distributed to the muscles of the external plantar region, to the flexor accessorius, to all the interossei, to the two external lumbricales, to the adductor pollicis and transversus pedis, and to the skin of the external plantar region ; it also gives the internal and external collateral nerves of the fifth toe, and the externa, collateral nerve of the fourth. The lumbo-sacral plexus, which supplies the whole of the lower extremity, precisely corresponds to the cervico-brachial, which supplies the upper extremity. • The lumbar corresponds to the cervical, and the sacral to the brachial plexus. The connexion, or sort of fusion of the cervical with the brachial plexus, and of the lumbar with the sacral plexus, explains why it is found, on comparing the nerves of the upper and lower extrem- Comparison of the Nerves of the Upper and Lower Extremities. * [The obturator also supplies part of the pectineus, and sometimes gives cutaneous branches to the thigh »nd leg, and an articular filament to the knee (see note 11, p. 800).] [And also a few filaments to the il.«C'«w, psoas, and pectineus.] 816 NEUROLOGY. ity, that several of the nerves arising from the brachial plexus are represented by nerves from the sacral plexus, and that several of those from the cervical plexus have their representatives in nerves derived from the lumbar plexus. It will be seen, moreover, that this analogy ought not to be carried too far, and that it is necessary, in making the comparison, to exclude all nerves which belong to peculiar organs in both regions. Thus, the phrenic, occipital, and auricular nerves, branches of the cervical plexus, have no representatives in the lower extremity, nor is there any nerve in the upper extremity corresponding to the internal pudic. On the other hand, there is no objection to admitting that the external and internal inguinal nerves in the lower extremity are represented by the clavicular nerves in the upper extremity. The crural nerve, a branch of the lumbar plexus, has no corresponding branch in those of the cervical plexus, but its muscular branches are represented by the brachial portion of the musculo-spiral nerve, and its cutaneous branches by the internal brachial cutane- ous. The crural nerve, in fact, supplies the muscles which extend the leg upon the thigh, in the same way that the musculo-spiral nerve supplies the muscles which ex- tend the forearm upon the arm ; the internal saphenous nerve supplies the skin of the leg, just as the internal brachial cutaneous is distributed to the skin of the forearm. The obturator nerve, which supplies the adductors of the thigh, is represented by the thoracic nerves and the nerve for the latissimus dorsi, which supply the pectoralis ma- jor and latissimus dorsi, the adductor muscles of the arm. The gluteal nerves are analogous to the supra-scapular and circumflex nerves. The superior gluteal, which is distributed to the glutseus medius and minimus, corresponds to the supra-scapular, which belongs to the supra- and infra-spinatus ; and the inferior gluteal or lesser sciatic nerve, which supplies the glutseus maximus and the skin of the thigh, corresponds to the circumflex nerve, which is distributed to the deltoid, and the skin of the arm. The trunk of the great sciatic nerve represents by itself the musculo-cutaneous, the ulnar, and the median nerves, and the musculo-spiral in the forearm. The muscles of the anterior region of the arm, that is to say, the muscles that flex the forearm upon the arm, receive their branches from the musculo-cutaneous nerve, just as the muscles of the posterior region of the thigh, or the flexors of the leg upon the thigh, receive theirs from the great sciatic. The external popliteal nerve represents the musculo-spiral in the forearm : the former supplies the muscles of the anterior and external regions of the leg, while the latter is distributed to the muscles of the posterior and external regions of the forearm ; the for- mer gives off- the dorsal cutaneous nerves of the foot, and the latter furnishes the dorsal cutaneous nerves of the hand. The internal popliteal nerve represents the median and ulnar nerves together. The muscles of the posterior region of the leg are supplied by the internal popliteal, as the muscles of the anterior region of the forearm are supplied by the median and the ulnar. The internal popliteal nerve completes the series of dorsal cutaneous nerves of the foot, just as the ulnar nerve completes the dorsal nerves of the hand. Lastly, the internal plantar nerve gives off all the plantar collateral nerves of the toes, excepting those for the little toe, and the external plantar collateral of the fourth toe ; it therefore represents the palmar portion of the median nerve ; and so the external plan- tar represents the palmar portion of the ulnar nerve, and completes the series of plantar collateral nerves. Definition and Classification.—The Central Extremities of the Cranial Nerves—viz., of the Olfactory—of the Optic—of the Common Motor Oculi—of the Pathetic—of the Tn- geminal—of the External Motor Oculi—of the Portia Dura and Portia Mollis of the Sev- enth—of the Glosso-pharyngeal, Pneumo-gastric, and Spinal Accessory Divisions of the Eighth—and of the Ninth Nerves. .The cranial nerves are those which pass through the foramina in the base of the cra- nium, not those which arise from the brain, as the rather generally adopted terras cere- bral nerves and encephalic nerves would seem to indicate. We shall follow Willis and the majority of anatomists in admitting nine pairs of cra- nial nerves, which are almost indifferently named, either numerically, from the order oi their origin, counting from before backward, or they are named from their distribution and uses. The following exhibits their nomenclature upon both principles : First pair, or olfactory nerves. Second pair, or optic nerves. Third pair, or common motor nerves of the eyes. Founh pair, or pathetic nerves, nervi trochleares. Fifth pair, or trifacial nerves, nervi trigemini. THE CRANIAL NERVES. CENTRAL EXTREMITY OF THE OLFACTORY NERVE. 817 Sixth pair, or external motor nerves of the eyes, nervi abducentes. Seventh pair, divided into \ Porf° “ollis’ °r aUd,itory nei'Ve’ " f ) u ) portio dura, or facial nerve. i pneumogastric nerve, or par vagum, Eighth pair, divided into < giosso-pharyngeal nerve, ( spinal accessory nerve of Willis. Ninth pair, or hypoglossal nerve. Soemmering has introduced the following modification of this nomenclature. He has divided the seventh pair into two, viz., the facial nerves, which form his seventh pair, and the auditory nerves, which he calls the eighth ; and then he has divided the eighth pair into three others, namely, a ninth pair formed by the giosso-pharyngeal nerves, a tenth formed by the pneumogastric nerves, an eleventh by the spinal accessory nerves ; the hypoglossal nerves, therefore, constitute his twelfth pair. This modification is founded on the separation of nerves so completely distinct as the facial and the auditory, which have only been described together because they enter the same canal in the base of the cranium, namely, the internal auditory meatus. Still, this modification is a useless one, and it has the greater inconvenience of render- ing the language employed obscure, from giving a double acceptation to the same terms. It would be more philosophical to name and describe the cranial nerves from behind forward, so that the hypoglossal nerves would constitute the first pair, and the olfactorv the last. The indisputable analogy which exists between the posterior cranial and the spinal nerves, and, moreover, the example of J. F. Meckel, would fully warrant this innovation. Nevertheless, I think it right to retain the old usage, and to proceed from before back- ward, in the enumeration as well as in the description of the nerves. As the origins or central extremities of all the cranial nerves and their course within the cranium can be studied upon the same brain, I have thought it right to describe, in one article, all these origins or central extremities, which will mutually illustrate each other by their differences and their analogies : the experience of the dissecting-room proves, moreover, that, from want of a sufficient number of brains to study the origin of each nerve in particular, this part of anatomy is generally neglected. The Central Extremities of the Cranial Nerves. Dissection.—Two preparations are required, namely, a brain removed from the crani- um, together with the origins of the nerves perfectly preserved ; and the base of a crani- um, together with those parts of the brain which are near the origin of the nerves. The first will serve for the examination of the central extremities of the nerves ; and the sec- ond for tracing their course within the cranium. While the origin of all the spinal nerves is uniform and regular, that of the cranial nerves appears to be subject to no rule ; so that the cranial nerves differ as much from each other in regard to their origin as they differ collectively from the spinal nerves in the same particular. We shall see presently, however, that the origins of all but the special nerves of the head may, to a certain extent, be referred to the same law of double roots (one of which is ganglionic) which presides over the origin of the spinal nerves The Central Extremity of the Olfactory Nerve. The olfactory nerves, or the first pair of cranial nerves (nerfs ethmoidaux, Chauss., 1, fig. 276) are two bands, composed of white and gray substance, which arise from the hindermost convolution of the anterior lobe of the brain, run forward in the anfractuosity already described as the anfractuosity of the olfactory nerves, and expand in the ethmoidal groove into a sort of ganglion or bulb, from which filaments are given off to be distribu- ted to the pituitary membrane. In regard to their central extremity and their course within the cavity of the cranium, the olfactory nerves are singular, and their peculiarities justify the uncertainty which has for a long time prevailed, and still prevails, concerning their true character. The old anatomists did not regard them as nerves, but as prolongations of the brain, named by them carunculce or processus maxillares, and believed to be intended to drain off the mucosity of that organ : it was Massa, according to Sprengel, and Zerbi, according to Haller, who first connected them with the other cranial nerves as the first pair. Com- parative anatomy, which probably suggested to the older anatomists the opinion which they held concerning these nerves, has now caused some doubts as to the propriety of considering them as nerves, and has given rise to the opinion that they are the repre- sentatives of the olfactory lobes of the lower animals.* Without entering here into dis- cussions which belong to philosophical anatomy, let us examine the most remarkable circumstances connected with the origin and cranial course of this nerve. Apparent Origin.—The olfactory nerves arise from the cerebrum, and this is a char- * When speaking of the comparative anatomy of the brain, it was mentioned that in a great number of ani- mals there existed,°in front of the cerebral lobes or hemispheres, a pair of lobes (olfactory lobes), which were continuous with the nerves distributed to the pituitary membrane, and the development of which corresponded to the size of those nerves, and to the relative state of perfection of the sense of smell 5 L NEUROLOGY. acter which belongs exclusively to them ; they are the only cerebral nerves, properly so called. They arise from the hindermost convolution of the anterior lobe, in front of the ante- rior locus perforatus (h,fig. 276), which is situated behind that convolution. This origin consists of a mammilla or pyramidal enlargement, gray 'pyramid, which is regarded as the gray root of the nerve. This grayish enlargement, which can be very well seen by re- flecting the nerve backward, is prolonged as a linear tract of gray substance upon the upper surface of the nerve. Besides this gray enlargement or origin, which was so well described by Scarpa, there are two or three white roots, or, rather, certain white striae, very accurately represent- ed by Vicq d’Azyr ; these are the external or long root, which is concealed in the fissure of Sylvius, and appears to me to arise from the posterior lobe [middle lobe] of the cere- brum, or, more exactly, from the posterior lip of the fissure of Sylvius ; and the internal or short root, which arises from the innermost convolution of the anterior lobe and joins the long root at an acute angle ; between these roots we often see one, two, or even three stria;, which come from the back part of the anterior lobe. It would be both use- less and tedious to describe all the varieties of this origin. Real Origin.—Anatomists have not confined themselves to the investigation of the apparent origin of the olfactory nerves, but have also endeavoured to ascertain their deep or real origin. Willis described them as arising from the medulla oblongata, Rid- ley from the corpus callosum, Vieussens, Monro from the corpora striata.* If, after the example of Scarpa, a transverse perpendicular section of the brain be made opposite the junction of the gray and white roots of the olfactory nerves, or if a stream of water be directed upon the pyramidal mammilla above described, or, lastly, if Herbert Mayo’s method be adopted, and thfe origin of this nerve be examined in a brain hardened in alcohol, it will be seen that, besides the white superficial strise, there are a great number of deep and diverging white roots, which appear to me to come from the anterior commissure, and not from the corpus striatum.t It would follow, therefore, that the olfactory nerves arise by a commissure like the optic nerves. Cranial Course.—Having arisen in this manner by a sort of bulb or gray enlargement {enlargement or bulb of origin), the olfactory nerve immediately tapers, and is received into the antero-posterior sulcus intended for it, which conducts it as far as the ethmoidal groove or fossa (1 ,fig. 296), where it forms an enlargement or bulb, named the ethmoidal bulb, which is analogous in many respects to its bulb of origin. When seen from below, the olfactory nerve has the appearance of a soft, smooth band, grooved longitudinally along the middle.]: But, on reflecting the nerve backward, it is found to be prismatic and triangular, that its two lateral surfaces are concave and correspond to the convolutions which bound the antero-posterior sulcus for the nerve, and that its upper ridge is formed by a linear tract of gray matter which connects the gray substance of its bulb of origin with that of the ethmoidal bulb. The arachnoid has a peculiar arrangement in relation to this nerve ; instead of im- mediately forming a sheath for it, the arachnoid passes below it, and maintains it in contact with its protecting sulcus; while the pia mater passes above it, and lines the sulcus. The nerve is not entirely separated from the brain until about a few lines from the ethmoidal bulb. In the human subject the olfactory nerve is not hollow in its centre, as in the mam- malia •, when hardened by alcohol, it may be decomposed into white parallel fibres, ex- actly similar to the fibres of the white substance of the brain. The Ethmoidal Bulb or Enlargements.—The olfactory nerves, converging towards each other, reach the ethmoidal fossae, where each immediately expands into an olive-shaped, ash-coloured, and extremely soft bulb (the ethmoidal bulb, I, fig. 276), to which Mala- carne first applied the term ganglion, and which is formed in the following manner: The white filaments of which the olfactory band or prism is composed spread out like a palm branch as they are about to enter the bulb, and dip into the gray or ash-coloured substance, which occupies the intervals between them : this substance is precisely anal- ogous to the gray matter of the brain, but is less consistent; it also resembles the sub- stance of the nervous ganglia, so that Scarpa does not hesitate to regard the ethmoid bulb as a ganglion. From this enlargement are given off the olfactory nerves properly so called, which seem as if they were pressed through the foramina of the cribriform * Chaussier, who adopted the latter opinion, called the corpora striata the olfactory lobes, in contradistinc- tion to the optic thalami, which he terms the optic lobes. But comparative anatomy shows that there is no relation in point of development between the corpora striata and the olfactory nerves. t Scarpa says that the deep roots come from a white cord placed in front and below the corpora striata. Herbert Mayo, in his beautiful plates, has represented these roots as coming from the corpora striata. t Willis and Santorini have noticed this groove. Scarpa has observed three grooves, which he regards as corresponding to as many lines of gray substance. M. Hippolyte Cloquet (Anat. Descript., t. n., p. b8) goes still farther than Scarpa, and describes seven longitudinal striie, three of which are gray, ana tour white. Scarpa has very justly remarked, that the proportion of ash-coloured or gray substance is much more consid- 'nble in the'foetus, that it diminishes in the adult, and that it scarcely, if at all, exists in the old subject CENTRAL EXTREMITY OF THE OPTIC NERVE. 819 plate of the ethmoid bone. It is said that the gray matter sends prolongations through these foramina, but this has not been demonstrated. The Central Extremity of the Optic Nerve. The optic nerves, or second pair (2, fig. 276), present certain peculiarities in their tex ture, and in their cranial course, which distinguish them from all other nerves. They have this peculiar character, that they arise by a commissure (the optic com- missure), or, rather, the two optic nerves unite before they pass to their respective des- tinations. On turning the cerebellum forward, it is seen that the optic tracts (2, jig. 295) are continuous with the corpora geniculata externa (b), and, consequently, take their origin from the optic thalami (a), of which these bodies are a dependance. In some cases, the white riband-like band, or optic tract, which constitutes the origin of the optic nerve, is also continuous with the corpus geniculatum internum (c). In the human subject, the optic nerves never arise, either entirely or in part, from the anterior tubercula quadri- gemina (nates); it is only by induction that this mode of origin has been admitted in the human subject.* The optic tract (2, jig. 272), having arisen from the corpus geniculatum externum (above i), with which it is continuous, without any other line of demarcation excepting the difference of colour, assumes the appearance of a thin and broad riband, which turns round the cerebral peduncle (r), parallel to and on the inner side of the great transverse fissure of the brain. During this course, it lies in contact with the peduncle of the cere- brum, from which it may be separated without laceration, excepting at its outer border, by which it adheres so intimately that the peduncle has been supposed to supply it with several roots. As soon as it gets beyond the peduncle, the optic tract (s, fig. 276) is condensed into a flat cord, which leaves the peduncle, passes inward and forward, and unites with its fellow of the opposite side to form the chiasma (square space of Zinn, t), or, rather, to form, with the optic tract of the opposite side, a commissure which is convex in front and concave behind. On leaving the commissure, it completely changes its direction (2), passing forward and outward, to enter almost immediately into the optic foramen (2, jig. 296). During its course in front of the peduncle of the cerebrum, it is in relation with the following parts ; behind, with the tuber cinereum (»), from the interior of which some white fibres arise, and pass to the chiasma ; in front, with the membrane which forms the anterior portion of the floor of the third ventricle, and which is prolonged upon the upper surface of the chiasma. An important question here presents itself, viz., Is there a complete or partial decus- sation of the optic nerves in the commissure 1 Do these two nerves interlace without decussating, or, rather, is there an intimate mixture of their fibres 1 Are the nerves placed in simple juxtaposition and united by a transverse band 1 Lastly, does the chi- asma constitute a commissure in which the two optic tracts terminate, or, rather, which serves as a point of origin for the optic nerves 1 All these opinions have found sup- porters, and facts have been quoted in favour of each ; a circumstance which proves, not that there are anatomical varieties in the structure of the chiasma, but that its struc- ture is of a complex nature. Comparative anatomy proves that the optic nerves decussate in the commissure : in fishes, the two nerves cross without uniting : it is also proved by pathological facts ; in a great number of cases of atrophy of one eye, atrophy of the nerve extended, beyond the commissure, to the opposite optic tract. On the other hand, in an equally large number of cases of atrophy of one eye, the dis- ease affected the optic tract of the same side, so that this would seem to show that there was no decussation. Lastly, in all cases of atrophy of one eye, the disease affects one of the optic nerves in particular, but the other has always appeared to me to be evidently reduced in size. On attempting to determine the point, either by the dissection of optic nerves harden- ed in alcohol, or unravelled by means of a stream of water, it is seen that these nerves present the following threefold arrangement at the commissure : The external fibres of * The origin of the optic nerves varies in the different classes of animals. In birds, in which these nerves are at their maximum development, they arise entirely from the tubercula quadrigemina, which are the optic lobes in these animals, and are transposed from the side to the base of the brain. The optic thalami do not assist in forming these nerves. In rodentia, a small number of fibres from the optic thalami join the mass of those which are derived from the nates. In carnivora, the number of filaments from the tubercula quadri- gemina and from the optic thalami are almost equal. Moreover, if it be remembered that the tubercula quad- rigemina, the corpora geniculata externa and interna, and the optic thalami themselves, belong to the same system of organs, and form a continuation of the re-enforcing fasciculi (faisceux innomines) of the medulla ob- longata • and if other facts confirmatory of the preceding also be taken into consideration, namely, that a white band proceeds on each side from the natis to the corpus geniculatum externum, and another from the testis to the corpus geniculatum internum, it will be easy to account for these varieties of origin, which can all be re- duced to the same type. It is of some importance in regard to this question, that in a great number of cases of atrophy of the optic nerve, which 1 have had occasion to examine in the human subject, the corpus genicu- 'stum was affected, and not the natis. 820 NEUROLOGY. the commissure do not decussate ; the internal fibres (and these are the most nrmteroas) do decussate ; and the posterior fibres are continued from one side to the other like a commissure. Structure.—The optic nerve has a peculiar structure. It does not commence by fila- ments of origin or distinct cords, like the other nerves, but the optic tracts and the optic commissure are composed of two medullary bands, the fibres of which are parallel and in immediate contact with each other, precisely as in the olfactory nerves, and in the cerebral substance ;* after leaving the commissure, the optic nerves are enveloped in a neurilemmatic sheath, from the internal surface of which certain prolongations or septa are given off, which divide the interior of the nerve into longitudinal canals, in which the medullary substance is contained. The optic nerve, therefore, does not consist, like other nerves, of a plexiform group of nervous filaments or cords, but of a collection of canals closely applied to each other, so that it has the appearance of the pith of the rush ; hence, doubtless, the opinion of Eustachius and some other authors who conceived that the optic nerve was traversed by canals ; and hence, also, the error of Reil, who, having taken the structure of the op- tic nerve as the type of that of all nerves, regarded each nervous cord as containing a central canal, t The apparent origin of the motor nerves of the eyes (3, jig. 276), raotores oculorum, com- mon oculo-muscular nerve, or third pair, have a penicillate character; these origins con- sist of a linear series of very delicate filaments proceeding from the fasciculi found be tween the peduncles of the cerebrum, in the depression between the pons Varolii and the corpora albicantia. Some filaments converge from the cerebral peduncles them- selves.;): This origin extends about a line and a half, in a direction obliquely inward and forward. The internal filaments of origin reach the middle line, so that Varolius and Vieussens believed that the nerves of the right and left sides are continuous, and xplained the simultaneous action of the two eyes by this anatomical arrangement. Real Origin.—ln a brain hardened by alcohol, or, still better, in the brain of a fcetus, The Central Extremity of the Common Motor Nerve of the Eye. Fig. 295. the filaments of origin of the nerve (3, jig. 295) can be easily traced into the substance of the median fasciculi (d) found between the peduncles of the cerebrum, and which have already been shown to be prolongations Of the fasciculi of re-enforcement (faiscemx innomines) of the medulla oblongata. The filaments of the nerves traverse these fasciculi in a diverging manner, and descend to a level with the pons, beyond which I have not been able to trace them, on account of their slenderness and divergence. I have never observed any of them running towards the corpora albican- tia, and reaching the walls of the third ventricle or the anterior commissure, as has been stated by some. Nor have I found that they are re-enforced, as Gall believed, in the blackish substance (locus niger) which separates the peduncles of the cerebrum, prop- erly so called, from the prolongations of the re-enforcing fasciculi of the medulla oblongata. Cranial Course.—Having arisen in this manner, the fibres of the motor oculi nerve converge into a flat bundle, which passes be- tween the posterior cerebral and the superior cerebellar arteries, upon which latter it is reflected; on emerging from the interval between these two vessels it becomes rounded, and then passing upward, outward, and forward, enters the reticular sub-arachnoid cellular tissue at the base of the brain, and gains the side of the sella turcica (3,fig. 296), where it enters a proper sheath formed for it by the dura mater. The nervi pathetici (4, fig. 276), nerves of the superior oblique. muscle of the eyes, nervi trochleares, the internal and superior oculo-muscular nerves, or the fourth pair, as they are variously called, are the smallest of the cranial nerves, and are as remarkable for being The Central Extremity of the Pathetic Nerve. * See note, p. 767. t In most fishes, whose faculty of vision is exercised in a less transparent medium than air, the optic nerve is forme.' iby a membrane folded upon itself. In birds of prey, the membrane is sometimes folded like a fan, sometimes like the leaves of a book. These folds are intended to increase the extent of surface, and to aug- ment the power of vision. Malpighi first made this observation upon the optic nerve of some fishes. Ues- moulins, who has studied the point more carefully, has shown that it is in relation with the perfection ot the sense of sight. The same thing is also observed in the retina; thus, in the eagle, the retina presents two, three, or four superimposed folds, so that each luminous ray acts upon sixteen surfaces instead of upon two. t In fact, the external filaments often arise from the inner border, and even from the lower surface ot the cerebral peduncle, at a certain distance from the inner border ; in this case, they do not arise from the Pedun- cles, but merely pass through them. The same is doubtless the ease with the filaments ofT1??!11 . . "Id- ley and Molinelli state that they have seen coming from the pons. I have never met with this origin from the pons, nor with that accessory nerve which Malaoarne has described as proceeding from the upper part ot the peduncle of the cerebellum, turning round the border of the pons, and joining the motor oculi nerve CENTRAL EXTREMITY OF THE TRIGEMINAL NERVE. 821 exclusively distributed to the superior oblique muscle of the eyes, as for their origin and for the length of their course within the cranium. The term patheticus is derived from the opinion that the superior oblique muscle is especially concerned in the expression of love and of compassion. According to Bell, this nerve is the respiratory nerve of the eye The apparent origin of this (4, fig. 280) nerve is below the tubercula quadrigemina, on each side of the valve of Vieussens, sometimes by one, sometimes by two, and even by three or four roots. Occasionally there are several roots on one side, and only a single root on the other. The nerves of the two sides are often united by some white streaks, which form a transverse commissure; at other times they do not arise at the same level. Real Origin.—lt has been supposed that some fibres come from the testes, others from the cerebellum, and that others commence much lower down than the apparent origin: all that can be seen is, that these nerves (4,fig. 295) arise from the valve of Vieussens, to which they adhere so slightly that the least force is sufficient to detach them. Cranial Course.—lmmediately after its origin, the pathetic nerve turns forward anu downward, around the isthmus of the encephalon, in front of the anterior border of the cerebellum, and thus reaches the base of the cranium (4, fig. 276), accompanied by the superior cerebellar artery, between the fifth and third cranial nerve, but much nearer to the fifth; it then passes directly forward upon the side of the sella turcica (4, fig. 296), and perforates the dura mater, considerably below the third nerve. During its whole course, it is situated between the arachnoid and the pia mater, in the reticular cellular tis- sue found in this region. Wrisberg says that the right pathetic nerve is larger than the left. Ruysch states that he found this nerve double, which it is difficult to believe, unless he meant to say that it bifurcated at its origin. Vesalius regarded this nerve as a root of the third cra- nial nerve ; other anatomists have considered it as a dependance of the fifth. The Central Extremity of the Trigeminal Nerve. Apparent Origin.—The trigeminal or trifacial nerves (5, fig. 276), the middle sympathet- ic, or the fifth pair, are the largest of the cranial nerves, excepting the optic: they arise at the sides of the pons Yarolii, at the point where the pons becomes continuous with the corresponding peduncles of the cerebellum, and exactly where the middle fibres of the pons cross in front of the inferior, to form that peduncle, so that the fasciculi of ori- gin appear to converge from a narrow slit in the pons itself. This origin (5, fig. 295) consists of two roots, the large and the small root, which have a small prominence be- tween them. The large or ganglionic root is a thick, fasciculated mass, which is, as it were, constricted at its point of emergence, but immediately expands into a thick, flat bundle, in which we may count about 100 fibres. On tearing off this bundle, all the fibres do not give way opposite the same place, and a sort of mammillary prominence is left, which Bichat regarded as belonging to the pons, as intended for the nerve to arise from, and as having the effect of multiplying the surfaces of origin, in consequence of its con- vexity. The small root, which is non-ganglionic, is composed of small and very distinct bun- dles, which arise from the pons, above and behind the great root, by several cords; it emerges from the pons through a fissure distinct from that for the great root, and gains the upper border of that root. It will hereafter be seen that the small root has no share in the formation of the gan- gliform plexus known by the name of the semilunar or Gasserian ganglion, and that it goes exclusively to assist in forming the inferior maxillary division of the fifth nerve. Real Origin—Until modern times, the origin of the fifth nerve had not been traced be- yond the point of its emergence. Late authors have described its real origin with so much detail that little remains to be desired. Gall, while examining the fifth nerve, first in mammalia and then in the human subject, saw that in many the origin of the nerve is concealed by certain transverse fibres of the pons which do not exist in the lower ani- mals. Having traced the nerve by clearing off the fibres of the pons, he thought he ob- served that the great root divided into three principal fasciculi, which he conceived arose in succession from the gray matter of the pons, and which he succeeded in tracing as far as to the outer side of the olivary body.* Rolando, by successive sections made through the pons towards the medulla oblongata, has clearly shown that the great root of the fifth nerve consists of only one fasciculus, which runs downward and backward, under the form of a thick cord {see fig. 295), in the substance of the pons, or, rather, at the boundary between the pons and the middle ped- uncle of the cerebellum, parallel to the fasciculi of the anterior pyramid, and that it pro- gressively diminishes in size, until it disappears opposite to the inferior angle of the fourth ventricle. The examination of this origin in a brain hardened by alcohol, or, still better, in the foetal brain, confirms Rolando’s observations, and proves that the great root of the * la the human subject, the origin of the fifth nerve is extremely deep-seated; it is not so deep in the car- nivora, and still more superficial in ruminantia. In oviparous animals, which have neither a pons Varolii. nor lateral lobes of the cerebellum, nor pyramids, nor olivary bodies, the origin of the fifth pair is seen without any dissection NEUROLOGY. Fig, 296. fifth nerve comes from the back part of the medulla ob- longata, from the interior of its fasciculi of re-enforce- ment (faisceaux innomines).* As to the'small root, it cannot be traced beyond the surface of the pons.f Cranial Course.—After emerging from the pons, the fifth nerve passes upward, outward, and forward, under the form of a flattened bundle, gains the upper border of the petrous portion of the temporal bone (s,fig. 296), on which there is a depression that is converted into a canal for the nerve by a fold of the dura mater; the nerve is reflected upon this border, and proceeds as will presently be described. The Central Extremity of the External Motor Nerve of the Eye. The external motor nerves of the eye (6, figs. 276, 295), external oculo-muscular nerves, nervi abducentes, or the sixth pair, which are distributed exclusively to the external rectus or abductor muscle of each eye, and which are so re- markable for their communications with the sympathetic system, are smaller than all the cranial nerves, excepting the pathetic. Apparent Origin.—The statements of authors regarding the apparent origin of this nerve have been singularly various ; some, with Morgagni, describe it as arising both from the pons and the anterior pyramids; others, with Yieussens, from the pons alone; and others, with Lieutaud, from the anterior pyramids only. Winslow states that it arises between the pons Yarolii and the olivary body, and Haller, that it proceeds from the furrow be- tween the anterior pyramid and the pons. The fact is that this nerve, among some varieties of origin, presents two Very distinct roots (see fig. 276); one internal and smaller, which arises from the pons, either at or near its lower border; the other external and larger, which appears to emerge on the outer side of the upper part of the anterior pyramid. These two roots are fasciculated : not unfrequently some fibres are seen arising from the olivary body, or from the furrow between the two pyramids. Real Origin.—This is more easily seen in mammalia generally than in man. In the former, Gall has traced it along the side of the pyramids. Mayo believes that the fibres traverse the pons, and pass to the back part of the medulla oblongata. From the tenu- ity and whiteness of the fibres of this nerve, I have not been able to trace their course in the substance of the medulla. Cranial Course.—This nerve runs upward and a little outward, on the side of the basi lar groove, and perforates the dura mater (6, fig. 296) opposite to and above the apex of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, to enter the cavernous sinus : the two roots of the nerve often unite before perforating the dura mater, but they usually pass separately through it and unite within the sinus. The Central Extremity of the Seventh Nerve. The central extremity of the facial nerve, or portio dura of the seventh nerve if, fig. 270, 276). The facial nerve (on the inner side of 7) arises in the deep depression between the middle peduncle of the cerebellum and the pons in front of the auditory nerve (on the outer side of 7): it emerges from the front of the restiform body, under the form of a fasciculated band, some fibres of which are at first situated at a distance from the gen- eral mass, but soon join it; it then turns round the lower borders of the peduncle of the cerebellum, against which it is closely applied, and then becoming free, passes outward and upward. It has no neurilemma up to the point where it becomes free. The real origin of this nerve (7, fig. 295) is much deeper ; it may be traced through the restiform body into the fasciculus of re-enforcement, near the median furrow of the calamus scriptorius. The Central Extremity of the Auditory Nerve.—The auditory nerve, or portio mollis of the seventh (on the outer side oil, fig. 275), is riband-shaped, and non-fasciculated at its origin; it arises if', fig. 295) in the same depression as the facial nerve, but behind that nerve, and opposite to the restiform body: it presents two very distinct roots; an anterior, which is arranged like the facial nerve; and a posterior, which turns horizontally round the back part of the restiform body, appears upon the posterior surface of the medulla ob- longata (see fig. 271), and separates into fibres, which may be traced as far as the me- * Vicq d’Azyr says that, the roots of this nerve extend as far as the cerebellum, but this assertion has not been verified. The same anatomist declares that he has often seen the fifth nerve of the right side larger than that of the left. t According to Dr. Alcock, there is a slight enlargement at the origin of the large root ol the tilth nerve, in the lower part of the floor of the fourth ventricle ; he has also traced the small root to this enlargement, from which he states that two cords descend, one to the anterior, the other to the posterior column ol the cord.— (Cyclop. of Anat. and Phys.t art. Fifth Pair of Nerves.) CENTRAL EXTREMITY OF THE EIGHTH NERVE. 823 dian furrow of the calamus scriptorius, and which represent some of the barbs of the quill. It is very generally admitted that the auditory nerves have a tranverse commis- sure, but this does not appear to me to be clearly demonstrated. The portio dura and the portio mollis of the seventh nerve, which arise so near to each other, follow the same cranial course : they arise at the same height from the medulla oblongata, pass outward and upward in front of the pneumogastric or sub-peduncular lobule of the cerebellum, and enter the internal auditory meatus (7, fig. 296). During this course, the portio dura always lies in front of the portio mollis. The auditory nerve is the softest of all the cranial nerves; the difference between it and the facial nerve, in this respect, has led, in a great measure, to the subdivision of the nerves into the soft or sensory, and the hard or motor. The Central Extremity of the Eighth Nerve. Of the three nerves on each side which together constitute the eighth nerve {B, figs. 270, 276, 295), the glossopharyngeal is the highest, the 'pneumogastric is the next, and the spinal accessory is the lowest. The Central Extremity of the Glosso-pharyngeal and Pneumogastric Nerves.—The glosso- pharyngeal and pneumogastric nerves have a common origin. They arise, like the spinal nerves, by a linear series of funiculi {see fig. 270), which come off, not from the furrows between the olivary and restiform bodies, but from the restiform body itself, on a line with the auditory nerves. Sogmmering states that he has seen some of these funiculi arise from the anterior wall of the fourth ventricle. Moreover, as in the spinal nerves, each funiculus of origin is formed by the union of two or three converging filaments ; the funiculi of the glosso-pharyngeal nerve, which are the highest, and which come off immediately below the auditory nerve, are not dis- tinct at their origin from those of the pneumogastric ; nor, as will presently be stated, are the funiculi of origin of the pneumogastric distinct from those of the spinal acces- sory. The division into the three nerves cannot be made until after the funiculi are finally grouped. It has been stated, but without proof, that the fibres of the glosso-pharyngeal and pneumogastric nerves might be traced through the restiform body as far as the back of the medulla oblongata. The funiculi of origin of these nerves, which are enveloped by the neurilemma at the point where they emerge from the medulla, are so small that, when torn off, scarcely any trace of their points of attachment can be detected even by the aid of a lens. The Central Extremity of the Spinal Accessory Nerve of Willis.—The origin of the spinal accessory nerve (s, fig. 295) is quite peculiar, and has obtained much notice from modern anatomists. It arises from the sides of the cervical region of the spinal cord, between the anterior and posterior roots of the cervical nerves, and behind the ligamentum denticulatum. Sir C. Bell, who classes it among the respiratory nerves, strongly insists upon its ori- gin from that column of the cord which is situated between the anterior and posterior columns, in a line with the pneuraogastric and facial nerves, which column (the respira- tory tract) he assumes to give origin solely to the respiratory nerves. The funiculi of origin of the spinal accessory vary much both in number and size, and are widely separ- ated from each other: the lowest as well as the highest funiculi appear to me to be con- tinuous with the posterior roots of the spinal nerves; and, again, the -highest are con- tinuous above with those of the pneumogastric nerve, and appear to me to establish a transition between the origin of that nerve and the posterior roots of the spinal nerves. The lowest funiculus of the spinal accessory is generally situated not lower than the fifth cervical nerve ; it has been seen to arise opposite the sixth, and even the seventh cervical nerve; the latter is the normal condition in the ox. It is of importance to remark the connexion which exists between the spinal acces- sory nerve and the first cervical or sub-occipital nerve. Almost always one or two, and frequently all of the posterior funiculi of the sub-occipital, join the spinal accessory. Not unfrequently a small funiculus joins the spinal accessory from the second cervical nerve. Opposite its connexion with the sub-occipital nerve, the spinal accessory sometimes pre- sents a gangliform enlargement, which was well described by Huber (in ganglion viz hordeaceum intumescit nervus accessorius). In some cases a filament proceeds from this ganglion and joins the anterior roots of the sub-occipital nerve. Winslow believed that the funiculi of origin of the spinal accessory communicated with the hypoglossal: this is an error. The greater number and even the whole of the funiculi of the sub-occipital nerve have been seen to join the spinal accessory, in which case, filaments from the latter nerve always supply the place of those which are usually furnished by the first cervical.* The Cranial Course of the Glosso-pharyngeal and Pneumogastric Nerves.—They pass horizontally outward, in contact with the lateral fibrous layer of the fourth ventricle forming two groups having a very small interval between them. The two, three, or four small bundles which constitute the glosso-pharyngeal nerve pass through a special * Lobstein, De Ntrvo Spinali. Vide Scriptor. Neurol., Minor de Ludwig., t. ii. 824 NEUROLOGY. opening m the upper part of the foramen lacerum posterius (8, fig. 296). The bundles which form the pneumogastric nerve are collected together and pass through the same foramen, but by a distinct opening from the preceding one. The cranial, or, rather, the vertebral course of the spinal accessory nerve of Willis, is re- markable. This nerve, which is very small below, where it is formed by one or two funiculi, ascends vertically upon the side of the cervical region of the spinal cord, to which it is closely applied below, just behind the ligamentum denticulatum, and from which it is separated above, where it is immediately in front of the posterior roots of the cervical nerves; it goes on increasing in size as it receives additional funiculi, which are blended with it; having arrived a few lines below the posterior lacerated foramen, it passes upward and outw-ard to enter the same opening as the pneumogastric, being situ- ated below that nerve, and emerging with it from the cranium. The Central Extremity of the Hypoglossal Nerve. The hypoglossal nerves (9, figs. 276, 295), or ninth pair, arise on each side, from the fur- row between the olivary and pyramidal bodies, in the same manner as the spinal nerves, i. e., by a linear series of funiculi placed one above the other. The furrow from which the funiculi ol the ninth nerve arise is continuous with the line formed by the origins of the anterior roots of the spinal nerves; no funiculus arises from the line formed by the posterior roots.* The relation of the origin of the ninth nerve with the vertebral artery in front, and the vascular ramifications which surround the funiculi of this origin, require to be mentioned. The real origin of the ninth nerve cannot be traced beyond its apparent origin. It is certain that no fibres come from the pyramids ; it has appeared to me that the fibres en- tered the substance of the olivary bodies, in which they could not be traced to any depth. Cranial Course.—All the funiculi of origin of the hypoglossal nerve commence by two or three filaments, which are immediately covered by the neurilemma; they are then grouped into two or three bundles, which pass horizontally outward to the anterior con- dyloid foramen, through which (9, fig. 296) they almost always pass separately. Thus the dura mater forms two and sometimes three distinct canals for the hypoglossal nerve. DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRANIAL NERVES. The First Pair or Olfactory Nerves.—The Second or Optic Nerves.—The Third or Common Motor Nerves.—The Fourth or Pathetic Nerves.— The Fifth dr Trigeminal Nerves—the Ophthalmic Division of the Fifth, and its Lachrymal, Frontal, and Nasal Branches—the Ophthalmic Ganglion—the Superior Maxillary Division of the Fifth, and its Orbital Branch —the Spheno-palatine Ganglion, and its Palatine, Spheno-palatine, and Vidian Branches— the Posterior and Anterior Dental, and the Terminal Branches of the Superior Maxillary Nerve—the Inferior Maxillary Division of the Fifth—Us Collateral Branches, viz., the Deep Temporal, the Masseteric, Buccal, and Internal Pterygoid, and Auriculo-temporal— its Terminal Branches, viz., the Lingual and Inferior Dental—the Otic Ganglion.—The Sixth Pair or External Motor Nerves.—The Seventh Pair—the Portia Dura or the Facial Nerve—its Collateral Branches—its Terminal Branches viz., the Temporo-facial and Cervico-fascial—the Portio Mollis or Auditory Nerve.—The Eighth Pair—its First Por- tion of the Glosso-pharyngeal Nerve—its Second Portion or the Pneumogastric Nerve, di- vided into a Cranial, Cervical Thoracic, and Abdominal Part—its Third Portion, or the Spinal Accessory Nerve.—The Ninth Pair or the Hypoglossal Nerves.—General View of the Cranial Nerves. Dissection.—Harden the nerve in dilute nitric acid. Examine the pituitary membrane, not from its free surface, but from the surface which adheres to the periosteum. The nerve ramifies between the periosteum and the pituitary membrane. Before the time of Scarpa, the olfactory pedicles or bands and the ethmoidal bulb were the only parts well known; the passage of the olfactory nerves through the foramina of the cribriform plate, and their distribution in the pituitary membrane, were scarcely noticed. Passage of the Olfactoy Nerves through the Cribriform Plate.—l must here remind the student that the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone is perforated by foramina, or, rather, by different sets of canals which ramify in its substance ; that some of these canals ter- minate directly upon the roof or upper wall of the nasal fossae, and that the others are divided into an internal set, which pass along the septum and end by becoming grooves, and an external set, which descend on the superior and middle turbinated bones, and on the rough quadrilateral surface in front of them. The olfactory nerves arise from the ethmoidal bulb (1, figs. 296, 297) by a considera- The First Pair, or the Olfactory Nerves. ♦ [ln the ox and dog Mayer discovered a small posterior root with a ganglion for this nerve , and he states that he once found a small posterior root on one side in the human subject.] THE OPTIC NERVES. 825 Fig. 297. ble number of white bundles, which immediately pass through the cribriform plate, and divide and ramify (d,fig. 297) in the same way as the bony canals themselves; the dura mater forms a sheath for each of the subdivisions of the nerve, and supports their soft substance. All these nervous filaments are distributed upon the septum (d) and upon all the external wall (a, fig. 299) of each nasal fossa; the anterior run forward, the middle vertically downward, and the posterior backward. Some of them only in- terlace as they leave the cribriform plate. They all expand into very delicate pencils. They are situated between the periosteum and the pituitary membrane, and none of them reach either the inferior turbinated bone, or the maxillary, sphenoidal, or ethmoidal sinuses ; on the inner wall of each fossa they do not pass lower than the middle of the septum; and on the outer wall they do not descend below the middle turbinated bone.* With regard to the ultimate termination of-the fibres of the olfactory nerve, there has been a difference of opinion; some believe that they terminate in papillae like those of the skin; and others imagine that they expand into a membrane, like the optic nerve in the retina and the auditory nerve in the membranous labyrinth. I have never seen them terminate otherwise than by pencils of extremely delicate filaments very closely applied to each other. Function.—The olfactory nerves are the essential organs of smell. Their distribution proves that the sense of smell resides essentially and exclusively in the roof of the nasal fossae and the immediately adjacent parts. The Second Pair, or the Optic Nerves. The optic nerves have already been described from their origin to the optic commis sure, and from the commissure to the optic foramina (2, fig. 296); they pass through these foramina together with the ophthalmic arteries which are below them ; they are also accompanied by a sheath formed by the dura mater and by a prolongation of the arachnoid, the latter being immediately reflected from them. The optic nerve, which is flattened up to this point, becomes rounded on emerging from the optic foramen, and is received in a fibrous ring formed by the origins of the muscles of the eye ; it here, also, changes its direction slightly, for, instead of passing obliquely forward and outward, it runs almost directly forward to the globe of the eye, which it enters behind, and somewhat below, and to the inner side (see o, Jigs. 237, 238, 240). There is a very evident circular constriction at the point where the optic nerve enters the eye.f During its course in the orbit, the optic nerve is surrounded by a great quantity of adipose tissue, which separates it from the muscles and nerves. The ophthalmic gan- glion and the ciliary nerves and vessels are in immediate contact with it. It is accom- panied, as far as the sclerotic, by a fibrous sheath given off from the dura mater, so that this nerve differs from all others, in being provided with two protecting sheaths, name- ly, a proper neurilemma, and a sheath formed by the dura mater. A section of the optic nerve also presents throughout its course that peculiar appearance resembling the pith of the rush, which we have already described as commencing at the commissure (see Central Extremity of the Optic Nerve). As it enters the ball of the eye the nerve loses its two sheaths, which appear to be- come continuous with the sclerotic, and is thus reduced to its pulp, which spreads out to form the retina. In some subjects the retina presents a distinctly radiated appear- ance around the abrupt termination of the nerve (see Globe of the Eye—Retina). Function.—The optic nerves are the nerves of vision ; their continuity with the retina leaves no doubt of this being their function. The Third Pair, or the Common Motor Nerves of the Eyes. Dissection.—All the nerves of the orbit should be studied together. The frontal and lachrymal branches of the ophthalmic nerve and the fourth nerve may be first examined ; then the orbital portion of the nasal branch of the ophthalmic, which will afterward be traced into the nasal fossa;; next, the common and external motor nerves , and, lastly, the ophthalmic ganglion and the optic nerve. The common motor nerve has already been traced (3, figs. 298, 301) from its origin with- in the peduncles of the cerebrum to the side of the quadrilateral plate of the sphenoid bone, below and to the outer side of the posterior clinoid process ; in this situation (3, fig. 296) it is received into a groove formed for it by the dura mater; it then perforates that membrane, enters the cavernous sinus, passes through it from behind forward and * In mammalia, and particularly in the horse, a cord arises from the olfactory nerve, runs downward and forward along- the septum, parallel to and in front of the naso-palatine nerve, and terminates in the small in- cisory cavity which exists in the arch of the palate in the lower animals, and is thought by M. Jacobson to he the seat of a sixth sense. t M. Arnold, in his beautiful plates of the nerves of the head, has represented two very delicate filament* as establishing- a communication between the sunerior maxillary and the optic nerves. 5 M 826 a little outward, and before entering the orbit divides into two branches of unequal size, of which one is superior and the other inferior. The following are its relations in the cavernous sinus : it is situated in the substance of the external wall of the sinus, to the outer side of the internal carotid artery, above the external! motor nerve, and to the inner side of the fourth nerve and of the ophthalmic branch of .he fifth; it enters the orbit at the innermost, and, consequently, the widest part of the sphenoidal fissure. It has no immediate relations with the other nerves that pass through the cavernous sinus, until it is about to enter the orbit; at this point it receives some very delicate fil- aments, from the cavernous plexus of the sympathetic, and an equally small filament from the ophthalmic branch of the fifth nerve ; after which, the external motor nerve* becomes situated below the common motor, while the.frontal and pathetic nerves cross above it; the nasal branch of the ophthalmic is in contact with its outer side, and then between its two divisions. As the common motor nerve passes through the sphenoidal fissure, the tendon of the external rectus forms a fibrous ring around it, which is quite distinct from the ring be- longing to the optic nerve; this fibrous ring also surrounds the external motor nerve ('and the nasal branch of the ophthalmic. The superior terminal division of the third nerve is much smaller than the inferior; it passes below the superior rectus of the eye, and immediately expands into a great num- ber of filaments, one of which is very large, and runs along the outer border of that mus- cle. Almost all these filaments are intended for the superior rectus, which they enter by its under surface. Several of them are very small, and run along the inner border of the superior rectus, to be distributed to the levator palpebrae superioris. The fila- ments for this last muscle are proportionally much smaller and less numerous than those for the superior rectus. The inferior terminal division is the true continuation of the nerve both as regards its size and direction; it runs between the optic nerve and the external motor nerve, which is in contact with it, and which lies between it and the external rectus muscle, and al- most immediately subdivides into three branches; an internal, which, passing beneath the optic nerve, gains the internal surface of the internal rectus, and ramifies in that muscle ; a median, which penetrates the inferior rectus ; and an external branch, which is the smallest, and runs along the outer side of the inferior rectus as far as the inferior oblique, and enters that muscle at its posterior border, and almost at right angles. The short, thick filament which enters the ophthalmic ganglion proceeds from the branch for the inferior oblique muscle. This filament for the ganglion sometimes arises separately, and appears to be a fourth branch of the inferior division of the third nerve, f Function.—The common motor nerve supplies all the muscles of the eye, excepting the superior oblique and the external rectus. It is remarkably large, and is proportion- ed to the activity and frequency of contraction in these muscles. That the muscular nerves do not terminate in loops or arches may be well seen in these muscles. NEUROLOGY. The pathetic nerve (4, figs. 298, 301) is remarkable for its extreme slenderness, for its origin upon the side of the valve of Yieussens, for the length of its cranial portion, and for its winding course around the peduncle of the cerebrum ; it enters (4, fig. 296) an opening in the dura mater upon the anterior extremity of the inner or concave border of the tentorium cerebelli, on the outer side of the common motor nerve ; it runs in the sub- stance of the external wall of the cavernous sinus, to the outer side and a little behnv the level of the common motor nerve (3), and directly above the ophthalmic division (a) of the fifth, to which it sends off a filament, and then, running along the upper surface of that nerve, communicates with it by several twigs ; it then enters the orbit together with the frontal nerve, the principal branch of the ophthalmic, through the widest part of the sphenoidal fissure, passes inward and forward, leaves the frontal nerve, crosses obliquely over the superior branch of the common motor nerve and the back part of the levator palpebrae superioris and superior rectus of the eye, to reach the superior oblique, and, having previously ramified, enters the upper border of that muscle. During its course in the orbit, this nerve, like the frontal branch of the ophthalmic, is in contact with the periosteum. The union of the ophthalmic branch and the pathetic nerve is so intimate that it has been imagined that the lachrymal nerve is always derived entirely from the pathetic, and not from the ophthalmic itself. But a careful dissection shows that this is generally in- correct. However, I have found the pathetic nerve in several subjects giving off a branch, The Fourth Pair, or the Pathetic Nerves. * It appears to me that there is a communication between the common and external motor nerves m the cavernous sinus. _ 1 f . t I have seen the branch for the inferior rectus arise by two roots, one from the branch tor le internal rectus, and the other from the branch for the inferior oblique. I have seen the branch for the in erior oblique give off a supernumerary branch to the inferior rectus. Lastly, sometimes the branc cs or the interior oblique and inferior rectus are united, so that the inferior division of the third nerve was suuaivuJed into twt branches only THE TRIGEMINAL NERVES. 827 which united witn another from the ophthalmic nerve to constitute the lachrymal nerve. This anastomosis took place at the bottom of the orbit. Another and well-founded view re- gards the pathetic nerve and the ophthalmic branch of Willis as forming a single nerve ; in fact, in certain subjects they interlace so intimately that it is impossible to separate them. The Branch for the Tentorium Cerebelli.—The pathetic nerve, while still contained in the substance of the external wall of the cavernous sinus, gives off a branch which runs backward in the substance of the tentorium cerebelli, and may be traced as far as the lateral sinus, near which it divides into two or three filaments. In several subjects I found that the branch for the tentorium was formed by a twig which arose from the oph- thalmic nerve, became applied to the pathetic nerve, then diverged from it, and passed backward in the substance of the tentorium. It appears, then, that the nerve of the ten- torium has a retrograde course.* Function.—The fourth pair of nerves is intended for the superior oblique muscle only of the eye. It has been supposed that this muscle has a special nerve to enable it to ex- press certain mental emotions, and especially love and pity ; but, as Soemmering remarks, it exists in all mammalia, in birds, and even in fishes. Camper states that the vital functions of the pathetic survive those of the other nerves, and that this circumstance influences the direction of the eyes in dying persons. According to Sir C. Bell, the pathetic is the respiratory nerve of the eye. Its origin is situated at the highest part of the respiratory tract. According to the same physi- ologist, it is the nerve of expression ; it associates the muscles of the eye, and estab- lishes certain relations between the eye and the respiratory system. The nervus trigeminus (trifacial, Chauss., 5, fig. 296), which, as already stated, arises from the side of the pons Varolii by two distinct roots, gains the upper border of the pe- trous portion of the temporal bone, over which it is reflected, and near the apex of which there is a depression for the reception of the nerve: a bridge-like fold of the dura ma- ter converts this depression into a canal. The nerve, which increases in width as it passes over the upper border of the petrous bone, continues to get wider while upon the upper surface of the same bone, and runs downward, forward, and outward ; its fibres immediately spread out and interlace to enter the concave surface of a grayish semilu- nar enlargement called the semilunar or Gasserian ganglion. All the fibres of origin of the fifth nerve do not assist in the formation of this ganglion; for, on reflecting the nerve from within outward, a flat cord (b,fig. 299) is seen below the ganglion, and giving no fibre to it; and, on tracing this cord upon the side of the pons Yarolii, it is found to con- sist of the small root of the fifth nerve, which is at first placed on the inner side of this nerve, and then turns round it to gain its under surface. This very remarkable disposition establishes a complete analogy between the fifth cra- nial nerve and the spinal nerves, which, as we have seen, have ganglionic roots (the posterior roots) and non-ganglionic roots (the anterior). The Gasserian ganglion (behind a b c,fig. 298 ;c, fig. 299) is lodged in a special de- pression in the petrous portion of the temporal bone {fig. 296), and it adheres so closely to the dura mater that it is impossible to separate the ganglion without tearing it. From its convex surface, which is directed forward and outward, proceed three plexiform ner- vous trunks, which diverge like the toes of a bird ; these are, proceeding from before backward, the ophthalmic nerve of Willis (a, figs. 296,298, &c), the superior maxillary nerve (6), and the inferior maxillary nerve (c); the non-ganglionic root {b, fig. 299) of the fifth nerve goes directly to the inferior maxillary division (c) of the nerve : the ophthalmic and the superior maxillary divisions often arise by a common trunk. Several scattered fila- The Fifth Pair, or the Trigeminal Nerves. ments are given off from the three divisions of the nerve, but soon join them again. Communicating filaments are sometimes seen between the superi- or and inferior maxillary divisions as these latter enter their respective foramina. The ganglionic nature of the Gasserian gangli- on cannot be doubted; for, like all ganglia, it con- sists of a grayish, pulpy matter, in which the ner- vous fibres are spread out, and, as it were, entan- gled, to enter into new combinations. The Gasserian ganglionf gives off several fila- ments for the dura mater, which may be traced into the substance of the tentorium cerebelli: a certain number of filaments appear to be destined Fig. 298. * Arnold has described the branch If,fig. 296) for the ten- torium cerebelli, which is derived from the fifth nerve, and not that which comes from the pathetic. t The Gasserian gang-lion might serve as a type for demon- strating the structure of all ganglia, so easy is the separation of the gray matter and white fibres. 828 NEUROLOGY. for that part of the dura mater which covers the petrous portion of the temporal bonP and the sphenoid bone. In order to demonstrate these twigs, the dura mater must be previously rendered transparent by maceration in diluted nitric acid. The ophthalmic nerve of Willis, or ophthalmic division of the fifth nerve (nerf orbitaire, Winslow; orbito-frontal, Chauss., a, fig. 296, &c.), is the highest and smallest of the three divisions : it passes forward, outward, and upward, in the substance of the exter- nal wall of the cavernous sinus, in which situation it has a plexiform structure. It is there divided into an external branch, called the lachrymal nerve (e, fig. 296), a middle branch, the frontal nerve (continuation of a), and an internal branch, or the nasal nerve; these three branches enter the orbit through different parts of the sphenoidal fissure. Before this division, the ophthalmic nerve gives off a retrograde filament (nervus recur rens inter laminas tentorii, Arnold, f,fig■ 296), which passes backward, closely applied to the twig furnished by the pathetic nerve to the tentorium cerebelli, and running paral- lel to that twig, enters the tentorium. The Ophthalmic Division of the Fifth Nterve. The Lachrymal or Lachrymo-palpebral Nerve. Dissection.—First expose the nerve in the orbit, and then trace it backward to its ori- gin. This dissection is difficult, unless the parts have been macerated in diluted nitric acid. The nerve is then to be traced into the substance of the upper eyelid. The lachrymal nerve (e, fig. 296), the smallest of the three branches of the ophthalmic, comes off from the outer side of that nerve, in the substance of the external wall of the cavernous sinus, where it is difficult fo discover its origin and course, on account of its intimate adhesion to the dura mater; it enters the orbit through the narrowest part of the sphenoidal fissure, runs along (below s,fig. 300) the upper border of the external rec- tus, passes through the lachrymal gland, to which it gives several filaments, pierces the fibrous layer of the upper eyelid, descends vertically within that eyelid, between its fibrous layer and the orbicularis muscle, and divides into two principal cutaneous fila- ments : a palpebral, which runs along the lower border of the tarsal cartilage ; and an as- cending temporal, which is lost in the integuments upon the anterior temporal region. During its course, the lachrymal nerve gives off a malar branch, which may be regarded as resulting from a bifurcation of the nerve. This branch perforates the malar bone, and anastomoses with the facial nerve upon the cheek.* The lachrymal branches, properly so called, are extremely small. The real termination of the lachrymal nerve is in the upper eyelid, and hence the term lachrymo-palpebral has been given it. I have already said that the lachrymal nerve not unfrequently arises by two filaments, one of which is derived from the ophthalmic of the fifth, and the other from the pathetic nerve (Mr. Swan describes this as the usual condition). In a specimen which I have now before me, there are two lachrymal nerves, one of which arises in the ordinary manner, that is to say, from the ophthalmic division of the fifth, while the other, which is external and smaller, arises both from the pathetic and the frontal nerve. These two lachrymal nerves anastomose with each other. The Frontal Nerve. The frontal nerve (fronto-palpebral, Chauss.) may be regarded as the continuation of the ophthalmic {a, fig. 296) both in size and direction; it enters the orbit at the highest and broadest part of the sphenoidal fissure, together with the pathetic nerve.f It passes horizontally forward, between the periosteum and the levator palpebral su- perioris, crossing that muscle at an acute angle, and divides at the bottom of the orbit into two unequal branches, which do not diverge until they reach the front of that cavity; these are the internal frontal and the external frontal.% The External Frontal or Supra-orbital Nerve (r, figs. 296, &c.).—This is larger than the internal branch; it passes out of the orbit through the supra-orbital foramen, and ex- pands into ascending or frontal, and descending or palpebral branches. The palpebral branches are very numerous, and descend vertically in the substance of the upper eye- * Authors speak of a filament from the lachrymal nerve which anastomoses with the superior maxillary nerve near the anterior extremity of the infra-orbital fissure. I have never seen this filament. [Before reaching- the lachrymal gland, the lachrymal nerve may give off one or two communicating filaments, to join the temporal filaments of the orbital branch (t,fig. 300) of the superior maxillary nerve, before these latter perforate the outer wall of the orbit.] _ t The orbital nerves which enter the sphenoidal fissure are divided into two sets : those which pass through the fibrous ring of the external rectus, namely, the common motor nerve, the nasal branch of the ophthalmic, and the external motor nerve ; and those which pass above and to the outer side of the preceding, immediately below the lesser ring of the sphenoid bone, between the periosteum and the superior rectus, namely, the tron- tal branch of the ophthalmic, the pathetic, and the lachrymal branch of the ophthalmic; the latter nerve pass- es separately through the sphenoidal fissure. . ... ~ , t Not unfrequently a third branch arises from the inner side of the frontal nerve ; this mignt e called the fronto-nasal; it passes obliquely inward and forward, crosses over the superior oblique, anastom ses with the external nasal nerve, emerges from the orbit below the pulley for the tendon of the superior o ique, and ter- minates with the external nasal nerve in the upper eyelid. [This fronto-nasal branch may arise from the in- ternal frontal nerve.] THE NASAL NERVE. 829 lid ; one of these branches runs horizontally outward under the orbicularis palpebrarum, to anastomose with the branches of the facial nerve. The frontal branches are generally two in number, an external and an internal. They form the true continuation of the ex- ternal frontal nerve, which almost always bifurcates as it passes through the supra-orbi- tal foramen; they are reflected upward ; the external, which is the larger, passes between the frontal muscle and the periosteum; the internal (h, fig. 285) lies between the muscle and the skin ; they both run somewhat obliquely upward and outward, spread out into ramifications, which diverge from each other at acute angles, and may be traced as far as the lambdoidal suture. Almost all these ramifications are distributed to the skin. Some of them are periosteal, and these require for their proper demonstration that the parts should be macerated in diluted nitric acid : it is doubtful whether any of them ter- minate in the frontal portion of the occipito-frontalis muscle. In some subjects there is a very remarkable osseous frontal branch, which enters an opening in the supra-orbital fo- ramen, and passes along a canal formed in the substance of the frontal bone; it as- cends vertically like the canal, gives off a succession of small periosteal filaments, and at length, emerging from the canal opposite to the frontal eminence, becomes sub-cutaneous. The Internal Frontal or Supra-trochlear Nerve (s,figs. 296, 301).—This is almost always smaller, but is sometimes as large as the external frontal; its size appears to me to be inversely proportioned to that of the external nasal and external frontal nerves togeth- er; it is often divided into two branches ; it passes out of the orbit between the supra- orbital foramen and the pulley of the superior oblique (hence it is called the supra-troch- lear nerve), and divides into ascending or frontal filaments, which ramify in all that portion of the integuments of the forehead which lies between the branches of the right and left external frontal nerves, and into descending or palpebral and nasal filaments, which de- scend vertically ; the former set in the upper eyelid, and the latter upon the dorsum of the nose, where they anastomose with the branches of the nasal nerve.* When there are two internal frontal nerves, the inner one of them enters a fibrous ring formed in the upper part of the pulley for the superior oblique, and divides into pal- pebral and nasal twigs, while the outer one supplies the frontal filaments. This outer nerve sometimes perforates the orbital arch from behind forward in a special canal: I have seen it pass from without inward to enter the frontal sinus, then run along the an- terior wall of the sinus, and finally emerge through a special foramen at the side of the nasal eminence. This nerve gave no branch in the sinus, although it was situated be- tween its anterior wall and the lining membrane. I have seen the frontal nerve divided, from its entrance into the orbit, into four branch- es, of which the two outer ones corresponded to the external frontal, and the two inner ones to the internal frontal nerve. Dissection.—The orbital portion of this nerve is easily exposed between the optic nerve and the superior rectus. The external nasal branch can also be easily traced upon the frontal region. In order to see the internal nasal branch in the corresponding nasal fos- sa, an antero-posterior vertical section of the head must be made on one side of the sep- tum nasi; this section will also serve for the demonstration of all the deep nerves of the face. The Nasal Nerve. The nasal nerve (above t, fig. 301), which is intermediate in size between the other two branches of the ophthalmic, viz., the frontal and lachrymal nerves, arises from the inner side of the ophthalmic, sometimes even as that nerve is entering the cavernous si- nus ; it is at first applied to the inner side of the ophthalmic nerve, and then to the outer side of the common motor nerve, together with which it enters the orbit, passing be- tween the superior and inferior branches of that nerve. It then runs inward and for- ward, crosses obliquely over the optic nerve, passes below the superior rectus, then be- low the superior oblique, gains the internal wall of the orbit, and divides, near the upper border of the internal rectus, into two branches, named the internal and the external na- sal nerve. Before its entrance into the orbit, the nasal nerve gives off a long and slender filament (sometimes two), which enters the ophthalmic ganglion ; it also furnishes one or more ciliary nerves, which run on the inner side of the optic nerve, and are distributed like the ciliary nerves derived from the ophthalmic ganglion. The external nasal nerve (palpebral, Chauss.). This branch (t,figs. 296, 301) runs for- ward, following the original direction of the nerve below the superior oblique, and emer- ges from the orbit by passing under the cartilaginous pulley for the tendon of that mus- cle (infra-trochlearis nerve, Arnold); it is sometimes joined by that division of the fron- tal nerve which I have named the fronto-nasal (note, p. 828),+ and divides into the fol- lowing branches : palpebral filaments, which run downward and outward in the orbicu- laris palpebrarum, and form anastomotic arches at the free margin of the upper eyelid • a great number of nasal twigs, which pass upon the dorsum of the nose, and anastomose * [The supra-trochlear nerve supplies filaments to the corrugator supercilii, and to the orbicularis 1 t I have seen the external nasal nerve give off a branch which ran inward, anastomosed with the fronto-na- sal, perforated the roof of the orbit, ran for about an inch beneath the dura mater, perforated the frontal bone qbwe ami to the oute.r side of.the frontal sinus, and was distributed to the skin Upon the forehead with the filaments of the facial nerve, which accompany the angular vein; and frontal twigs, which anastomose with those of the internal frontal nerve.* The Internal Nasal or Ethmoidal Nerve (u,fig. 296).—The course of this nerve is very remarkable. It enters the anterior internal orbital canal, which conducts it into the eth- moidal groove, on the internal surface of the basis cranii ;t it is then reflected forward upon the side of the crista galli, passes through the ethmoidal fissure into the corre- sponding nasal fossa, becomes sensibly increased in size, and divides into two filaments, an internal, or nerve for the septum, and an external, or naso-lobar nerve. The internal filament, or anterior nerve of the septum nasi {a, fig. 297), enters the fibro- mucous membrane upon the anterior part of the septum, and divides into several very slender filaments, which may be traced below the middle of the septum. The external filament, or nerve of the external wall of the nasal fossa (u, fig. 299), runs along the anterior border of the septum, and divides into two terminal filaments, one of which passes upon the fore part of the external wall of the nasal fossa, and ramifies upon the turbinated bones ; while the other and larger filament (e, naso-lobaire, Chauss.) fol- lows the original course of the nerve, and passes behind the nasal bone, which is mark- ed with a groove, and frequently even by a canal for the reception of the nerve ; from this latter filament several twigs proceed, which perforate the nasal bone more or less obliquely, and are distributed to the skin of the nose ; having reached the lower border of the nasal bone, it passes forward, increasing in size, through the fibrous tissue which unites the bone to the lateral cartilage of the nose, and then ramifies in the skin cover- ing the ala and lobe of the nose, where I have seen it anastomose writh the facial nerve. While within the cavity of the cranium, the internal nasal nerve lies beneath the dura mater, and is perfectly distinct from the olfactory nerve, with which it never anastomoses. NEUROLOGY. The Ophthalmic Ganglion and its Branchcs.% Dissection.—The ophthalmic ganglion may be exposed in several ways: for example, either in dissecting the branch given by the common motor nerve to the inferior oblique muscle, or directly by removing the adipose tissue between the external rectus and the >ptic nerve. The long branch from the nasal nerve to the ophthalmic ganglion and the aliary nerves can also be exposed with the greatest ease. The ophthalmic or ciliary ganglion (behind i, fig. 298) is a small, grayish, and flattened enlargement, of a lenticular form (the lenticular ganglion), applied to the outer side of the optic nerve, and situated about two or three lines from the optic foramen, in the midst of a great quantity of adipose tissue, which renders its dissection difficult. It varies much in size, and sometimes consists of a simple miliary enlargement, which forms a point of origin and termination for a certain number of nerves. For the convenience of description, this ganglion is said to have four angles, two posterior and two anterior ; by its posterior and superior angle it receives a long slender branch (its long root), given off from the nasal nerve while still contained within the cavernous sinus. Not unfre- quently a second long, but extremely slender root, is furnished by the nasal nerve to the ophthalmic ganglion. By its posterior and inferior angle it receives a short, thick branch, which comes from the inferior division of the common motor nerve (its short root). From its two anterior angles it gives off two small bundles of nerves, named the ciliary nerves (i, fig. 298 ;x, fig. 301). Lastly, the ophthalmic ganglion has a ganglionic or soft root, or, rather, a communicating filament, between this ganglion and the superior cervical gan- glion of the sympathetic ; this soft root arises from the cavernous plexus, and passes sometimes to the long or nasal root of the ophthalmic ganglion, and sometimes to the ophthalmic ganglion itself. The ciliary nerves are remarkable for their tortuous course, in which respect they re- semble the ciliary arteries ; and also for being collected into two bundles, the one supe- rior, which is generally composed of four filaments, and the other inferior, composed of five or six. The ciliary nerves do not anastomose before they reach the globe of the eye, with the exception, however, of the ciliary nerve, which is derived directly from the nasal nerve, and which anastomoses with an inferior ciliary nerve from the ophthal- mic ganglion. Having reached the sclerotic, the ciliary nerves perforate the coat more or less obliquely, around the entrance of the optic nerve, excepting two or three, wdiich enter the globe of the eye near the attachment of the muscle; after having perforated the sclerotic, they become flattened or riband-shaped, and run forward (a, fig. 242) par- allel to each other, between the sclerotic and the choroid coats, slightly adhering to the former of these membranes, on which grooves exist for their reception ; on approaching the ciliary circle or ligament (b), they bifurcate, and divide into filaments, which anasto- mose with the neighbouring filaments, and appear to be lost in the ciliary circle, which * [lt also supplies branches to the lachrymal sac and caruncula, and to the parts of the inner canthus.] + Not unfrequently the internal nasal nerve, while within the ethmoidal groove, gives off a recurrent ner- vous twig, which enters the orbit by a small canal, in front of the anterior internal orbital canal, ana anasto- moses with the external nasal or infra-trochlear nerve. I have seen this small nerve )vlt l ,'le ironto-nasal branch, which I have already described (note, p. 828) as an unusual branch o e r a nerve. + The connexions of the ophthalmic ganglion with the nasal nerve, as well as with the comm n motor nerve, have induced me to describe it here. SUPERIOR MAXILLARY DIVISION OF THE FIFTH NERVE. 831 has been, and not without some reason, considered by modern anatomists as a nervous ganglion, ganglion annulare (annulus gangliformis seu ganglion annulare, Soemmering). I have seen some of these ciliary nerves pass through the ciliary circle and enter the iris ; they are not distinctly seen to enter the ciliary processes.* Dissection.—Saw through the zygomatic arch, turn down the masseteric muscle, and remove the roof of the orbit; first dissect the lachrymal, malar, and temporal twigs of the orbital branch of the nerve ; then clean out the orbital cavity, remove the upper wall of the zygomatic fossa to reach the spheno-maxillary fossa by means of two cuts joined at an acute angle in the foramen rotundum. Detach the origins of the pterygoid mus- cles ; lastly, trace the nerve into the infra-orhital canal and on the face. The superior maxillary nerve (Jb, figs. 298, 300, 301), the second or middle division of the fifth nerve, both in position and size, runs forward to enter, after a very short course, the foramen rotundum, by which it is conducted into the spheno-maxillary fossa ; from thence it passes into and traverses the whole length of the infra-orbital canal, where it is named the infra-orbital nerve (/); having reached the fore part of that canal, it bends downward, and ramifies in the cheek. It is plexiform at its origin and in the foramen rotundum, but is fasciculated throughout the rest of its course. Its collateral branches, taken in the order of their origin, are the orbital nerve ; certain nerves which are given off from the enlargement called Meckel’s ganglion, namely, the palatine, spheno-palatine, and vidian or pterygoid nerves; the posterior dental nerves, and the anterior dental nerve ; lastly, several small filaments come off either from the ganglion of Meckel or from the superior maxillary nerve itself, and, surrounding the in- ternal maxillary artery, assist in the formation of its plexus. The Superior Maxillary Division of the Fifth Nerve. This branch («, fig. 300) comes off immediately in front of the foramen rotundum, from the upper side of the superior maxillary nerve, passes through the spheno-maxillary fis- sure, along which it proceeds to enter the orbit; it then runs along the floor of the orbit, and divides into two branches: the one ascending, the lachrymal branch of the orbita. nerve, which enters the lower surface of the lachrymal gland, anastomoses with the lachrymal branch (s) of the ophthalmic nerve (a), and sends off some branches to the upper eyelid, near its external angle ; the other branch is the tempero-malar, which pass- es horizontally forward, enters a small canal in the malar bone, and subdivides into a malar filament, which perforates the bone, and is distributed to the skin upon the malar region,! and a temporal filament, which perforates the orbital portion of the malar bone, and dips into the anterior part of the temporal muscle, in which it anastomoses with the anterior deep temporal nerve, a branch of the inferior maxillary. I have sometimes seen two temporal filaments pass through the malar bone at two different points.! The Orbital Nerve. The Spheno-palatine Ganglion and its Branches. After having given off the orbital nerve, and while it is still contained in the spheno- maxillary fossa, the superior maxillary nerve gives off from its lower side a thick branch, frequently two, and occasionally several branches, from which a great number of diver- ging nerves immediately proceed; these are the three palatine nerves, the spheno-pala- tine nerves, and the vidian nerve ; at the point where these nerves diverge is found an enlargement which the elder Meckel,§ whose name is connected with the description of the fifth pair, regarded as a ganglion, and which is, therefore, called Meckel’s ganglion, or the spheno-palatine ganglion (situated before s, fig. 299 ; below b,fig. 301). •In a certain number of cases, I have sought in vain for the ganglionic structure in this enlargement, i. c., for gray matter with white filaments scattered through it. It appear- ed then to be nothing more than the common trunk or starting-point of a great number of nerves ; in the majority of cases, however, a quantity of gray matter certainly exists, but is so arranged that the nerves may generally be traced quite through the enlarge- ment. so that they clearly are not given off from the ganglion itself, but come directly from the superior maxillary nerve. II * Tiedemann, from the results of observations in comparative anatomy, believes that the arteries which ram- ify in the retina are accompanied by very delicate nervous filaments, derived from the ophthalmic ganglion and the ciliary nerves : he has seen a nervous filament penetrate the optic nerve with the arteria centralis retime ; and he states that the ciliary arteries are accompanied by very delicate nervous filaments, which he has tra- ced into the retina as far as the zone of Zinn. Tiedemann also says that he has seen, only once, it is true, a rather large nervous filament proceed from Meckel’s ganglion, and join the thick and short branch which is given off from the third pair to assist in the formation of the ophthalmic ganglion. t It is said that this twig anastomoses with the facial nerve in the malar region ; I have never been fortu- nate enough to discover this anastomosis. f [Doth of these temporal filaments may be joined by communicating twigs from the lachrymal nerve within the orbit; one of them anastomoses with the anterior deep temporal nerve, as above mentioned ; the other having entered the temporal fossa through the malar bone, ascends on the temporal surface of that bone turns outward, perforates the temporal fascia about an inch above the zygoma, anastomoses with filaments of the facial nerve, and of the auriculo-ternporal branch of the inferior maxillary nerve, and is lost in the skin on the temple.] <) Mem. de I’Acad. de Berlin, 1749 II In one case the ganglion of Meckel was in contact with the internal surface of the superior maxillary nerve In the same case a filament proceeded from the upper part of the ganglion, and joined the branch 832 NEUROLOGY. I shall now describe, in succession, the branches which proceed from Meckel’s ganglion. These nerves {g g, jig. 299; g, fig. 301) are three in number; an anterior palatine, which is the largest, a posterior palatine [the middle of some authors], which is the next in size, and an intermediate nerve [the posterior of some authors], which is the smallest; these nerves are continuous with Meckel’s ganglion ; it is most evident that, in the greater number of cases, they arise directly from the lower part of the superior maxil- lary nerve. The anterior or great palatine nerve immediately enters the posterior palatine canal, through the whole length of which it passes, and, having reached the lower orifice of that canal, is reflected forward, and terminates by bifurcating on the hard palate. During its course, it gives off an inferior nasal branch (lower /, fig. 299), which is dis- The Palatine Nerves. tributed over the middle meatus and the middle and inferior turbinated bones: the twig for the inferior turbinated bone may be traced to the fore part of that bone; it also gives off the anterior palatine, and several small twigs, which perfo- rate the inner wall of the maxillary sinus, and are distributed to the last molar teeth ; lastly, at its exit from the posterior palatine canal, and even sometimes while yet within that canal, it sends off a staphyline branch, which spreads into several filaments, all of which run backward in the soft pal- ate, and divide into superior filaments distributed to the mu Fig. 299. cous membrane on the nasal surface; and inferior, which run beneath the mucous mem- brane on the buccal surface of the soft palate. Of the two terminal branches of the an- terior palatine nerve, both of which occupy the hard palate, the external runs near the alveolar border, and the internal near the median line ; they enter into the midst of the glandular layer of the palate, and are ultimately distributed to the glands, to the mucous membrane of the hard palate, and to the gums. The posterior [middle] palatine nerve, the next in size, enters a special canal: on es- caping from which it passes backward, beneath the mucous membrane of the nasal sur- face of the soft palate, to which it is distributed. The same is the case with the intermediate [posterior] or small palatine nerve, which is extremely slender. I have seen a palatine nerve enter the maxillary sinus, run beneath its lining mem- brane, pass vertically through the maxillary tuberosity behind the last molar tooth, and ramify upon the hard palate. Dissection.—Make a vertical section of a head, previously macerated in dilute nitric acid, strip off the pituitary membrane lying upon the septum and the turbinated bones, and examine the nerves from the internal or deep surface of that membrane. The spheno-palatine nerves are very slender; they enter the corresponding nasal fossae through the spheno-palatine foramen, and have been traced by Scarpa with his customary exactness. They are all situated in the pituitary membrane, or, rather, be- tween the periosteum and the mucous membrane, and cannot be readily seen until this fibro-mucous membrane has been removed from the bones which it covers; the nervous filaments are then seen through the semi-transparent fibrous layer. For this purpose, preparations macerated in diluted nitric acid are indispensable. The spheno-palatine nerves are distributed to the septum nasi and the external wall of the corresponding na- sal fossa; they are divided into internal and external. There is only one internal spheno-palatine nerve, viz., the nerve of the septum nasi, or me naso-palatine of Scarpa (b,fig. 297); it passes inward, in front of the sphenoidal si- nus, and below the orifice of that sinus, to gain the septum nasi; it is then directed at first almost vertically downward, but afterward almost horizontally forward, as far as the superior orifice of the anterior palatine canal, which it enters, and then passes into a special canal, quite distinct from the anterior palatine canal, and parallel to the one for the naso-palatine nerve of the opposite side. According to M. Hippolyte Cloquet, the two naso-palatine nerves terminate in the upper part of a ganglion, which he calls the naso-palatine, and do not reach the mouth; but in some researches which I have made on the subject, I have failed in detecting this ganglion.! The nerves can be distinctly seen to enter the mucous membrane of the hard palate behind the incisor teeth, and upon that prominence of the mucous membrane against which the point of the tongue is so often applied. I have never seen any anastomoses either between the two naso-palatine nerves, or between these and the anterior palatine nerves. The Spheno-palatine or Posterior Nasal Nerves. given by the external motor nerve to the sympathetic. I have not been able to discover the filaments which are said to establish a communication between MeckePs ganglion and the optic nerve. t I find that it is stated by Arnold, whom I have so often quoted, because his works are above all praise for their rigorous accuracy, that the spheno-palatine ganglion does not exist; and he observes, with reason, that the subjoined description of M. Hippolyte Cloquet is very imperfe-ct. 4t It consists of a small, reddish, fungous mass, rather hard, as if fibro-cartilaginous, and surrounded by adipose cellular tissue THE PTERYGOID NERVE, ETC, 833 Anatomists are not agreed as to whether the naso-palatine nerve gives off any fila- ments upon the septum. I have failed in detecting any ramification of the nerve in a great number of preparations, in which the pituitary membrane had been rendered trans- parent by long maceration in diluted nitric acid. Rather frequently a filament was given off from the upper part of the nerve, and then joined it again. Three times only did I observe a twig running upward from the anterior part of the nerve. The external spheno-palatine, or superior nasal nerves (upper /, fig. 299), so called to distinguish them from the inferior nasal branch of the anterior palatine nerve, are three or four in number; they are directed vertically along the back part of the outer wall of the corresponding nasal fossa, and spread out into filaments, which extend over the tur- binated bones and the meatus; these filaments can only be seen from the deep surface of the pituitary membrane.* I have never been able to find the anastomoses between the internal and external spheno-palatine nerves and the divisions of the olfactory nerve, which are admitted by some anatomists. The vidian nerve (v,figs. 300, 301) arises from the back part of Meckel’s ganglion, and enters the vidian or pterygoid canal, after emerging from which it perforates the carti- laginous plate of the foramen lacerum anticus, and divides into a superior cranial branch, the great superficial petrosal nerve, and an inferior, deep, or carotid branch. The subdivis- ion of the pterygoid nerve often occurs at its origin from Meckel’s ganglion. The inferior or carotid branch, which is much larger than the superior, forms the con- tinuation of the nerve ; it enters the carotid canal, and is applied to the outer side of the carotid artery, where it anastomoses with the nerves which establish a communica- tion between the superior cervical ganglion and the external motor nerve of the eye, and assists in the formation of the carotid plexus ; a flattened gangliform enlargement is seen at the point of anastomosis. I have sometimes seen two carotid branches, one of which was very small. The superior or cranial branch, the great superficial petrosal nerve, enters the cranium between the temporal and sphenoid bones, .runs backward and outward (v, fig. 296) be- neath the dura mater, in a groove on the upper surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, passes through the hiatus Fallopii into the aqueductus Fallopii or canal for the facial nerve (part of 7), and anastomoses With that nerve.f I say that it anasto- moses, because there is a sort of fusion of the two nerves, and not a simple juxtaposi- tion. The branch called the chorda tympani, which comes off from the facial nerve at some distance from the point of fusion, should not be regarded as a prolongation of the superficial petrosal nerve, supposed in that case to be merely applied to the facial nerve.+ The Vidian or Pterygoid Nerve. Dissection.—These nerves can be readily seen without any dissection through the bone, when this is rendered transparent by nitric acid. They must be examined both from the external surface of the bone, and from the interior of the sinus. The posterior dental or alveolo-dental nerves (e, figs. 298, 300, 301) are two in number;, a superior and an inferior; sometimes there are three; they arise from the superior maxillary nerve, sometimes by a common trunk, sometimes separately, just as that nerve is about to enter the infra-orbital canal; they run forward and downward, at first in contact with the maxillary tuberosity, and give off some filaments to the buccinator muscle, and to the gums, and some which are distinctly distributed to the mass of fat in the cheek ; they then enter certain canals in the substance of the maxillary tuberosity, and become flattened or riband-shaped. The posterior and superior dental nerve passes from behind forward, through the base The Posterior Dental Nerves. * Bock, and Arnold after him, have described, under the name of the pharyngeal branch, a rather large branch, which may be regarded as belonging to the external spheno-palatine nerves; it enters into the ptery- go-palatine canal, formed between the under surface of the sphenoid and the sphenoidal process of the palate bone, passes backward and inward, and divides into several filaments, which are distributed to the upper part of the pharynx. [Some of these superior nasal branches are said to supply the lining membrane of the poste- rior ethmoidal and the sphenoidal sinuses.] f I have seen the superior branch of the vidian formed by three very distinct filaments: anatomists are still undecided as to whether the inferior or carotid branch is derived from the ganglion of Meckel, or from the su perior cervical ganglion. According to Arnold, it resembles the organic system of nerves in its colour, soft- ness, and structure. I cannot coincide in this opinion, for it appears to me that the cranial and carotid branch- es of the vidian are analogous in every respect. f Arnold, who regards this opinion of Hippolyte Cloquet, which is adapted by Hirsel, as erroneous, states that at the junction of the cranial branch of the vidian with the facial nerve, there is a gangliform swelling, in which he finds some analogy to the inter-vertebral ganglia, and which he considers to be a transition be- tween a gangliform stalk and a true ganglion. According to Arnold, the superficial or cranial branch, and the deep or carotid branch of the vidian, do not come from a common trunk, but are merely juxtaposed, and are distinct throughout their entire extent. The carotid branch is soft and reddish, presents all the characteristics of the ganglionic nerves, and is intended to establish a communication between the superior cervical and the spheno-palatine ganglion. The cranial or su- perficial petrosal branch, on the contrary, presents all the characters o£ the ceiebro-spinal nerves ■ it is of a white colour and firm consistence. 5 N 834 NEUROLOGY. of the malar eminence of the superior maxillary bone, and anastomoses on a level with the canine fossa with a filament from the anterior dental nerve. The posterior and inferior dental nerve, which is larger than the preceding, runs in a curved direction below the malar eminence, the concavity of the curve being directed upward, and anastomoses with the posterior and superior dental nerve, on a level with the canine fossa. No filament is given off from the upper side of these nerves, but they give oft’ a great number of filaments downward, which anastomose, and form a series of very remarkable meshes or areolae ; these meshes, and the dental nerve which come from them, are situated within the substance of the bone, but are much nearer to the sinus than to the outer surface of the bone. It is from these meshes that the extremely delicate filaments arise which form the dental nerves of the molars and bicuspids ; their number corresponds to that of the fangs of these teeth.* Some filaments evidently tenninate in the substance of the superior maxillary bone ; no other bone in the body has so large a number of proper filaments. The Anterior Dental Nerve. The anterior dental or alveolo-dental nerve (j.fig■ 298) is the only branch given off by the superior maxillary nerve while within the infra-orbital canal ;f it arises about five or six lines from the anterior orifice of that passage. It is so large that it may be regarded as resulting from the bifurcation of the infra-orbital nerve. It soon enters a special ca- nal formed for it in the superior maxillary bone, gives off on the outer side a small branch which anastomoses with the posterior and superior dental nerve, passes at first horizontally inward, and then vertically downward, turning round the margin of the an- terior opening of the corresponding nasal fossa, and is reflected upon the floor of that fossa; during the whole of this course, it is situated within the substance of the superior maxillary bone; its horizontal portion is superficial, and its vertical portion is deep- seated, having merely a thin bony lamella between it and the pituitary membrane. Having arrived on a level with the floor of the nasal fossa, about two lines from its an- terior opening, it expands into a great number of ascending and descending filaments; the ascending filaments are reflected upward within the anterior nasal spine, where they ter- minate. They appear to me to send off a small ramification to the pituitary membrane. The descending filaments terminate by supplying the dental nerves for the incisor, canine, and first bicuspid teeth. A great number of filaments are also lost in the substance of the bone. I have never seen any filaments from the dental nerves entering the membrane of the maxillary sinus. Having reached the anterior orifice of the infra-orbital canal, the superior maxillary nerve, the component bundles of which had been merely in juxtaposition, immediately expands (i, fig. 301) into a pencil of diverging filaments beneath the levator labii supe- rioris. These filaments (i, fig. 285) may be divided into ascending or palpebral, which pass upward and outward beneath the orbicularis palpebrarum, and are distributed to the skin and conjunctiva of the lower eyelid ; a great number of internal or nasal filaments, which run upon the side of the nose, and are distributed to the skin of that organ ; one of them runs along beneath the septum ; and, lastly, into descending or labial filaments, which are the most numerous, and which enter the substance of the upper lip, and are distributed to the skin and the mucous membrane : all these filaments, and especially the labial, interlace and anastomose with the facial nerve, so as to form a plexus, named the infra-orbital, to which we shall return in describing the facial nerve. I have seen the nasal and the palpebral filaments arise together from the superior max- illary nerve, before it had given off the anterior dental, enter a special canal situated on the inner side of the infra-orbital canal, emerge opposite the line of demarcation between the cheek and the nose, and then expand into their nasal and palpebral divisions ; while the labial filaments had their usual arrangement. The Terminal Branches of the Superior Maxillary Nerve. Dissection.—As this nerve must be examined both upon its internal and its external aspect, it must be dissected in both directions. An antero-posterior section of the head in the median line will enable us to see, on the internal surface of the nerve, the chorda tympani, the otic ganglion, and the origins of all the other branches which come from the inner side of the inferior maxillary nerve, viz., the nerve of the internal pterygoid, the lingual nerve, and the dental nerve. In order to see the distribution of the deep temporal, the masseteric, the buccal, the internal pterygoid, and the auriculo-temporal nerves, the inferior maxillary nerve must be exposed from its outer side, by breaking down the zygomatic arch, reflecting down the masseter, which is to be detached as far The Inferior Maxillary Division of the Fifth Nerve. * In those molar teeth which have two or three roots, the nervous filaments subdivide and anastomose with each other in the substance of the dental pulp. . ~ . , . T Sometimes, however, I have seen the posterior and superior dental nerve arise witnm the infra-orbital canal. THE DEEP TEMPORAL NERVE, ETC. 835 back as the sigmoid notch, by sawing through the base of the coronoid process, and turning the temporal muscle upward, and then by carefully dividing the external ptery goid muscle, through which the buccal nerve passes. The inferior maxillary nerve (c, figs. 296, &c.), the most posterior and the largest di vision of the fifth nerve, passes outward and a little forward, and, after a very short course within the cranium, escapes through the foramen ovale into the zygomatic fossa, where it divides successively into seven branches. The non-ganglionic root {b, fig. 299) of the fifth nerve is connected exclusively with the inferior maxillary division (c) of its other root, beneath which it lies, from which it can be distinguished by not having a plexiform structure, with which it is not blended until it emerges from the foramen ovale. Of the seven branches of the inferior maxillary nerve, three are external, namely, the an- terior and posterior deep temporal, the masseteric, and the buccal; one is posterior, name- ly, the auriculo-temporal; one is internal, the internal pterygoid ; and two are inferior, the lingual or gustatory, and the inferior dental. These nerves may 11so be divided into col- lateral branches, including the first five, and the terminal branches, namely, the lingual and the inferior dental; the otic ganglion, described by Arnold, is connected with this nerve.* The Collateral Branches of the Inferior Maxillary Nerve. The Deep Temporal Nerve. The first external branch, or the deep temporal nerve, arises from the outer side of the inferior maxillary nerve, passes horizontally outward and forward between the roof of the zygomatic fossa, with which it is in contact, and the eternal pterygoid muscle. Having arrived at the ridge which separates the temporal from the zygomatic fossa, it anasto- moses with several temporal branches derived from the buccal and masseteric nerves, and forms a sort of plexus with them. The branches which emerge from this plexus ascend vertically in the deep layers of the temporal muscle, in which most of them ter- minate. Some twigs anastomose with the temporal filaments derived from the lachrymal branch of the ophthalmic nerve, and from the orbital branch of the superior maxillary nerve, t One and sometimes two filaments perforate the temporal fascia, about a finger’s breadth above the zygomatic arch, and then ascend beneath the skin, to anastomose with the auriculo-temporal and the facial nerves.t The Masseteric Nerve. The second external branch, or the masseteric nerve, arises from the same point as the last nerve, and greatly exceeds it in size ; it comes off at an acute angle, passes horizon- tally backward and outward in contact with the roof of the zygomatic fossa, between it and the external pterygoid muscle ; it is then reflected downward over the upper part of that muscle to gain the sigmoid notch of the lower jaw, upon which it is again reflected, and then descends vertically, between the ramus of the jaw and the masseter, or, rather, in the substance of the deep layers of that muscle, down to the insertion of which it may be traced. During its course along the upper wall of the zygomatic fossa, the masse- teric nerve gives off a small, deep temporal branch, which runs along the periosteum, passes into the temporal fossa, and sends off an articular branch to the temporo-max- illary articulation. The Buccal or Bucco-labial Nerve. The third external branch {g, fig. 300), the buccal, or, rather, the bucco-labial nerve (Chauss.), is very remarkable on account of its size and the extent of its distribution, which gives it some resemblance to the corresponding portion of the facial nerve. It arises from the outer side of the inferior maxillary nerve, by one, two, and sometimes three roots, which perforate the external pterygoid, and join together as they emerge from that muscle ; from thence it runs downward between the coronoid process of the lower jaw and the tuberosity of the upper jaw, gives several twigs to the external pterygoid muscle, and also some branches to the temporal muscle, of which one ascends and an- astomoses with the deep temporal nerve, while another descends and is distributed to the same muscle, near its insertion into the coronoid process ; the buccal nerve itself sometimes perforates the lowest part of the insertion of the temporal muscle, and having reached the back part of the buccinator, it expands into a great number of diverging branches, like the facial nerve. The ascending branches are distributed to the skin of the malar and buccal regions; one of them forms an anastomic arch with the facial nerve behind the duct of Steno. This anastomosis is very remarkable. The middle branches pass horizontally forward on a level with the commissure of the lips, and terminate in the skin ; several of them form a sort of plexus around the inferior coronary artery of the lip. The lowest of the descending branches pass vertically downward, and even a little backward, upon the outer surface of the buccinator, also beneath the deep surface and upon the outer surface of * We sometimes find a communicating- filament between the superior and inferior maxillary nerves imme- diately before they enter their respective foramina, f [There is hence a communication between the branches of the three divisions of the fifth nerve.l i [This cutaneous filament is one of the temporal filaments of the orbital branch of the superior maxillary nerve.—CEllis’s Demonstrations ; see note, p. 831.)] neur’ology. the triangularis oris, and are entirely lost either in the skin or in the mucous membrane. It is doubtful whether the buccal nerve partially terminates in the orbicularis oris, the triangularis oris, and the zygomaticus major. All the filaments which enter these mus- cles, and which appear at first sight to terminate in their substance, pass through them to supply the mucous membrane ; their branches anastomose with the mental nerve be- neath the triangularis oris; several filaments are lost in the buccinator. The Internal Pterygoid Nerve. The internal collateral branch (t, Jig. 299), or nerve for the internal pterygoid muscle, which is very slender, comes off from the inner side of the inferior maxillary nerve in contact with a grayish body, named the otic ganglion, runs downward and inward along the inner surface of the internal pterygoid muscle, and ramifies in it. The Auriculo-temporal Nerve. The posterior collateral branch, or the auriculo-temporal nerve (the auricular or superfi- cial temporal nerve of authors), is very large, flattened, and plesiform at its origin (be- hind c, fig. 298 ; r,Jg. 299); it sometimes arises by a great number of distinct roots ; it passes backward and a little downward behind the neck of the condyle of the lower jaw, and divides into two branches, a superior or ascending, and an inferior or descending branch. The superior or ascending branch, the superficial temporal nerve, turns round the back of the neck of the condyle, and ascends vertically between the articulation and the ex- ternal auditory meatus; having become sub-cutaneous, it divides into several filaments (r, fig 285), which may be traced up to the highest part of the temporal fassa. During its course this nerve gives off -a very remarkable anastomotic branch, which arises behind the neck of the condyle, and is reflected upon it so as to run forward be- neath the facial nerve, with which it is blended opposite to the posterior border of the masseter. This anastomotic branch is sometimes double. It may be regarded as one of the origins of the facial nerve, which increases considerably in size after having re- ceived it. This branch is one of the principal communications between the facial nerve and the fifth nerve, and modern physiologists have justly attached great importance to it. The ascending branch also gives off some plexiform branches to the temporo-max- illary articulation, and several filaments to the auditory meatus and the auricle. In the temporal region it anastomoses with a very small filament, which is derived from the deep temporal nerve, and which perforates the temporal fascia.* It accompanies the temporal artery, for which it forms a sort of plexus, and then di- vides into cutaneous filaments, which reach the crown of the head. The inferior, descending, or auricular branch is as large as the preceding ; it forms a plexus around the internal maxillary artery, behind the condyle, and sometimes presents small ganglia ; it divides into several branches, some of which pass through the parotid gland and are distributed to the lobe of the ear, while the others anastomose with some filaments of the auricularis magnus nerve derived from the cervical plexus. One of these branches joins the dental nerve, before that nerve enters the dental canal; an- other branch terminates in the temporo-maxillary articulation. The Terminal Branches of the Inferior Maxillary Nerve. The Lingual Nerve. The lingual or gustatory nerve {n, figs. 298, 300; n n',fig. 301) passes downward and forward: it is at first situated between the exter- nal pterygoid muscle and the pharynx, but it soon passes between the two pterygoids {fig. 300), then between the internal pterygoid and the ramus of the lower jaw {fig. 298), and then runs forward along the upper border of the sub-maxillary gland, between it and the buccal mucous membrane, and above the mylo-hyoid muscle; it then passes be- neath the sub-lingual gland, which it crosses, to pass to its inner side, and, accompanied by the Warthonian duct, which lies to its inner side and crosses it at a very acute angle, it gains the corre- sponding border of the tongue, and ramifies in the substance of that organ. During its passage between the two pterygoids the lingual nerve is joined by that branch of the fa- cial nerve which is known as the chorda tympani (x, fig. 298), and which unites to it behind, forming a very acute angle opening upward; this bi anch of the facial, which may be regarded as one of the roots Fig. 300. * tThis perforating cutaneous filament is one of the temporal filaments of the orbital branch of the superior maxillary nerve (see notes, p. 831,835J.1 THE INFERIOR DENTAL NERVE, ETC. 837 of the Ungual, remains in contact with that nerve for some time, and is at last blended with it. The lingual nerve also receives, sometimes before, and sometimes after being joined by the chorda tympani, a very considerable anastomotic branch from the inferior dental: this branch is rarely wanting. After receiving these two branches, the lingual nerve becomes considerably increased in size, and during its course gives off several filaments to the tonsils, the mucous mem- brane of the cheeks and the gums. Opposite the sub-maxillary gland, the lingual nerve presents a very remarkable gan glion, generally described as the sub-maxillary ganglion (situated behind x, Jig. 300); the trunk of the nerve does not enter into its formation, but it appears to be formed only by its inferior filaments. It has been gratuitously supposed that this ganglion is formed exclusively by the chorda tympani, which, according to such a view, after running in mere contact with the lingual nerve, becomes detached from it (opposite n) to enter the ganglion (x): we have stated that there was equally little reason to suppose that the chorda tympani was the continuation of the cranial branch of the vidian. The sub-max- illary ganglion, the size of which is very variable, gives off a great number of filaments, most of which are distributed to the sub-maxillary gland; one of these filaments accom- panies the Warthonian duet. Having reached the sub-lingual gland, the lingual nerve supplies that gland with a great number of filaments, which dip into it and form a plexus of very delicate meshes. In the tongue, the lingual nerve is situated at the lateral border of that organ, and on a plane above that of the hypoglossal nerve, with which it communicates by an anasto- motic branch, forming a loop. It becomes gradually diminished in size by giving off a very numerous series of filaments In', fig. 301), which turn round the border of the tongue, pass forward and upward, perforate the muscles of that organ, and spread out into pen- cils, the filaments of which may be traced into the papillae of the mucous membrane. The nerve, reduced to a single filament, terminates at the point of the tongue The Inferior Dental Nerve. The inferior dental nerve (m, fig. 298), larger* than the lingual, descends with it, at first between the two pterygoid muscles, and then between the internal pterygoid and the ra- mus of the lower jaw : in this situation it is kept in contact with the bone by a layer of fibrous tissue, which is improperly called the internal ligament of the temporo-maxillary articulation, and which separates the nerve from the lingual nerve and the internal pter- ygoid muscle; it soon enters the dental canal, which it traverses (m) throughout its entire extent, accompanied by the inferior dental artery, and protected by a fibrous ca- nal ; during its course it supplies the molar and the bicuspid teeth, giving a twig to each prong, and having reached the mental foramen, divides into a mental and an incisor branch. The Myloid Branch.—As it enters the inferior dental canal, the nerve gives off a small branch, the myloid branch iz, Jig. 300), which arises from its posterior border, opposite the corresponding artery, is received into a furrow upon the inner surface of the ramus of the jaw, against which it is retained by a layer of fibrous tissue, and then, emerging from this furrow, passes upon the upper surface of the mylo-hyoid muscle, in which it ramifies. A great number of filaments from the myloid nerve enter the anterior belly of the digastric muscle.f The mental branch (f, fig. 285), the continuation of the inferior dental nerve, as far as size is concerned, passes through the mental foramen, and expands into diverging fila- ments, which a,re distributed, in reference to the lower lip, in the same way as the infra- orbital branch is to the upper lip. These filaments interlace with the facial nerve, and lorm with it a sort of mental plexus; they are intended for the skin and the mucous membrane of the lower lip : most of them pass to the free border of that lip. The incisor dental branch, which is extremely small, continues in the original course of the inferior dental nerve, and subdivides to supply the canine and two corresponding incisor teeth. The inferior dental nerve represents in the lower jaw the infra-orbital portion of the superior maxillary nerve in the upper jaw. The Otic Ganglion. I cannot terminate the description of the inferior maxillary nerve without noticing a ganglion recently described by Arnold, under the name of the otic ganglion, which lie compares to the ophthalmic ganglion, and which has served him as the basis of an inge- nious theory respecting the nerves of the head. The following is the position of the ganglion, as indicated by Arnold : “The otic ganglion is situated (behind I,jig. 299) im. mediately below the foramen ovale, on the inner side of the third or inferior maxillary * I have observed that this nerve was much smaller in old than in young- subjects. t [Filaments are also given to the sub-maxillary gland; according to Ellis, some branches pass through the mylo-hyoid muscle and enter the genio-hyoid; and it is stated by Alcock that a branch reaches the de- lessor labii inferioris.] NEUROLOGY. division (c) of the fifth nerve, a little above the origin of the superficial temporal or au- ricular nerve (auriculo-temporal), at the spot where the inferior maxillary nerve gives off from its external surface the deep temporal and buccal nerves, and where the small root of the fifth unites intimately with the large root. On the inner side, this ganglion is covered by the cartilaginous portion of the Eustachian tube, and by the origin of the ex- ternal peristaphyline (circumflexus palati) muscle ; behind, it is in contact with the mid- dle meningeal artery. Its external surface rests upon the inner side of the inferior max- illary nerve.” There can be no doubt that in the situation indicated by Arnold, there is a thin and not very well-defined layer of reddish, pulpy tissue, placed upon the inner side of the in- ternal pterygoid nerve, and which presents the chief characters of ganglionic tissue ; for it is traversed by nervous filaments, which proceed from it as from a centre, and run in various directions. Its connexions with the inferior maxillary nerve are effected by its direct adhesion to that nerve, which adhesion, according to Arnold, takes place by means of several very short, nervous filaments (short root), which appear to come from the small root of the fifth pair, and also by its adhesion to the internal pterygoid nerve ; so that, at first sight, the ganglion would appear to originate from that nerve, or the nerve from the ganglion. The otic ganglion is also connected with the glossopharyngeal by means of a filament, which Arnold describes under the name of the small superficial petrosal nerve, to distin- guish it from the great superficial petrosal, or cranial branch of the vidian. This fila- ment, which proceeds from the nerve of Jacobs on, or tympanic branch of the glosso-pha- ryngeal, is compared by Arnold to the long root of the ophthalmic ganglion; it passes out of the cavity of the tympanum by a special canal, in front of the hiatus Fallopii, runs forward and outward (from 7 towards c,fig. 296), emerges from the cranium through a special foramen, between the petrous portion of the temporal bone and the spinous pro- cess of the sphenoid, and proceeds (above I, Jig. 300) to enter the otic ganglion.* Ar- nold admits a third root for the otic ganglion, namely, a soft root, which he traces from the nervous plexus that surrounds the middle meningeal artery, and is derived from the great sympathetic. The preceding filaments may be regarded as the filaments of origin of the otic gan- glion.! « The Branches which proceed from the Otic Ganglion.—The principal filament from the otic ganglion runs backward and upward towards the canal which contains the internal muscle of the malleus, and is lost in that muscle. This twig must be carefully distin- guished from the small superficial petrosal nerve, which is placed above it. Some other filaments join the auriculo-temporal nerve, which generally arises by two roots. Lastly, the otic ganglion sends off a twig to the circumflexus palati muscle. The very simple distribution of the external motor nerve of the eye, or sixth cranial nerve, contrasts strongly with that of the fifth nerve ; it arises from the furrow between the pons Varolii and the medulla oblongata, immediately forms two fasciculi or roots, a large and a small, which unite in the cavernous sinus ; they pass vertically upward, per- forate the dura mater {b, fig. 296) at the side of the basilar groove by one or two open- ings, to the inner side of and below the fifth nerve, gain the apex of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, over which they turn, and then pass horizontally forward to enter the cavernous sinus. During the course of the nerve through that sinus, it rests upon its lower wall, crosses (above 6, fig. 301) on the outer side of the vertical portion of the internal carotid artery, around which it turns, and then runs along its horizontal portion. The sixth nerve forms a most important anastomosis, on account of which it was for a long time regarded as the origin of the great sympathetic. As it crosses the internal carotid in the cavernous sinus, it communicates by one or two filaments with the supe- rior cervical ganglion. It also communicates, at the same point, with the ophthalmic division of the fifth nerve. The Sixth Pair, or External Motor Nerves of the Eyes. Lastly, it enters the orbit through the widest part of the sphenoidal fissure, passes through the fibrous ring which is common to it and to the inferior division of the com- mon motor nerve, crosses, at an acute angle, beneath the ophthalmic nerve, and gains the inner surface of the external rectus, and penetrates that muscle, after having ex- panded into a pencil of very delicate filaments. We shall again advert to the communication between this nerve and the superior cer- vical ganglion. * This small superficial petrosal nerve is very distinct from the great superficial petrosal nerve, being situ ated in front of and parallel to that nerve. In a subject which I dissected in 1826, I found this small nerve presenting the following peculiarity : it had a well-marked nodule or ganglion, which gave off a filament to the middle meningeal artery, and some small twigs, which appeared to me to be lost in the substance of the sphenoid bone ; but I did not discover the connexions of this nerve. + Arnold admits an indirect communication between the otic ganglion and the acoustic nerve through the intervention of the facial nerve. The existence of this communication appears to me very doubtful, as well as the communication of the otic ganglion with the great sympathetic, by means of the twigs on the middle meningeal artery. THE FACIAL NERVE, 839 The Portio Dura, or the Facial Nerve. The Seventh Pair of Nerves We have already traced the facial nerve, or the ■portio dura of the seventh, from its on gin to the internal auditory meatus, which it enters together with the auditory nerve (7, fig. 296), which nerve lies below and behind the facial, and forms a groove for its recep- tion. Having reached the bottom of the internal auditory meatus, this nerve follows the long course of the facial canal,* or aqueduct of Fallopius, a winding passage which is formed in the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and which opens by one end into the internal auditory meatus, and, by the other, upon the lower surface of the pars petrosa at the stylo-mastoid foramen. The facial nerve traverses this canal, which is exclusively appropriated to it; it is at first directed outward (n, fig. 296), and, after proceeding for about a line, bends sudden- ly, and runs backward, in the substance of the internal wall of the cavity of the tympa- num, above the fenestra ovalis. Having reached the back of the tympanum, it fornv- another bend, and passes vertically downward (o, figs. 298, 300) to the stylo-mastoid fo- ramen. It follows, therefore, that the facial nerve describes two curves, like the aque- duct of Fallopius, and is horizontal in its first two portions and vertical in the third. On emerging from the stylo-mastoid foramen, the facial nerve runs forward in the substance of the parotid gland, and, after a course of about five or six lines, divides into two terminal branches, the temporo-facial (g, fig. 285) and the cervico-facial (/), which expand into a great number of diverging filaments, and cover the temples, the whole of the face, and the upper part of the neck, with their radiations and anastomoses. The facial nerve gives off and receives certain collateral branches before and others after its exit from the stylo-mastoid foramen. The Collateral Branches of the Facial Nerve, before its Exit from the Stylo-mastoid Foramen. In the internal auditory meatus the facial nerve receives some twigs from the auditory, a remarkable anastomosis, which deserves the attention of physiologists. Opposite to the hiatus Fallopii, i. e., at the first bend formed by the Fallopian aque- duct, the facial nerve is joined by the cranial branch of the vidian, or the great super- ficial petrosal nerve (v, figs. 296, 300). According to MM. Ribes, Hippolyte Cloquet, and Hirzel, this branch is applied to the facial nerve, but does not anastomose with it, and is detached from it lower down to constitute the chorda tympani nerve ; and as the cranial branch of the vidian arises from the spheno-palatine ganglion, and the chorda tympani is supposed to enter the sub-maxillary ganglion, it is seen that, according to this view, the cranial branch of the vidian and the chorda tympani, which is regarded as its prolongation, would establish a communication between the spheno-palatine and sub-maxillary ganglia. It is by no means proved, however, that the chorda tympani en- ters the sub-maxillary ganglion ; and, again, the supposed connexion between the cra- nial branch of the vidian and the chorda tympani is opposed to facts. The cranial branch of the vidian and the facial nerves, indeed, are not in mere juxtaposition, but anastomose and are blended with each other, and the chorda tympani has no sort of re- lation to the former of these nerves. This independence of the branch of the vidian nerve and the chorda tympani can be most clearly seen when the parts have been ma- cerated in diluted nitric acid.f If an explanation must be given of this remarkable anastomosis between the vidian and facial nerves, I would say that the cranial branch of the vidian may be regarded as a remote origin or a re-enforcing branch of the facial nerve. The facial nerve, according to Soemmering and those who have followed him, gives off a twig to the internal muscle of the malleus, and another to the small muscle of the stapes ; but, in the first place, the existence of a stapedius muscle is doubtful, and, con- sequently, the existence of a corresponding nervous twig must also be so, and, in the second place, the internal muscle of the malleus is not supplied from the facial nerve, but from the inferior maxillary division of the fifth nerve, and more especially from that pulpy, reddish tissue, named by Arnold the otic ganglion. Before leaving the aqueduct of Fallopius, the facial nerve In, fig. 296) gives a remark- able filament, named the chorda tympani, which pursues a recurrent course (?/) from be- low upward in a peculiar canal, parallel to the aqueduct of Fallopius, enters the cavity of the tympanum through an opening to the inner side of and behind the attachment of the membrana tympani, passes downward and forward through the cavity of the tym- * For what purpose is this long- course within the petrous portion of the temporal bone 1 Those gists who believe the facial nerve to be of a mixed nature, that is, both sensory and motor, have laid great stress upon this point; which they conceive to be favourable to their views; but there is not the slightest shadow of a proof that the facial nerve possesses these two properties. t Arnold has pointed out, at the junction of the cranial branch of the vidian with the facial nerve, a ses with the superior cardiac nerve, between the arch of the aorta and the trachea. NEUROLOGY. anastomose with the left cardiac nerves, and are arranged as we shall soon describe. In some rare cases, the right superior cardiac nerve goes directly to the cardiac plexus, without anastomosing with the middle and inferior cardiac nerves. During its course along the neck, the right superior cardiac nerve receives the small superior cardiac branches of the pneumogastric, and gives off several filaments, some to the pharynx, others to the trachea and the thyroid body, while several assist in forming the plexus of the inferior thyroid artery; it often gives off three or four branches which mastomose with the recurrent nerve. In the thorax, the superior cardiac nerve is joined by the cardiac branch given off by the pneumogastric in the lower part of the neck, and which is sometimes of very consid- erable size, and evidently re-enforces the cardiac nerve ; this branch of the pneumogas- tric sometimes terminates directly in the cardiac plexus. The Middle Cardiac Nerve.—This nerve arises from the middle cervical ganglion, or, when that is absent, from the trunk of the sympathetic, at a variable distance from the inferior cervical ganglion. It is rather frequently the largest of the cardiac nerves, and has, therefore, been called by Scarpa the great cardiac nerve (magnus, profundus). At other times it is in a rudimentary state, and is replaced either by the superior or the in- ferior cardiac nerve, or by branches from the recurrent: it frequently divides into sev- eral twigs, between which the sub-clavian passes ; it almost always anastomoses with the superior and inferior cardiac nerves of the same side, runs along the recurrent nerve, for which it might be mistaken, and with which it is always connected, and then terminates in the cardiac plexus. The Inferior Cardiac Nerve.—This is generally smaller (cardiacus minor) than the pre- ceding nerve, though it is sometimes larger; it usually arises from the inferior cervical ganglion, but rather fequently from the first thoracic ; it accompanies the middle cardi- ac nerve, anastomoses with that nerve, and, like it, descends vertically in front of the trachea, and terminates in the cardiac plexus. The connexion of the middle and inferior cardiac nerves with the recurrent nerve de- mands especial attention. Sometimes the recurrent sends off certain large branches which join the cardiac nerves, and form their principal origin. I have seen the middle and inferior cardiac nerves united together, crossing over the recurrent nerve at right angles, and adhering intimately to it without presenting that admixture of filaments which constitutes an anastomosis.* The Left Cardiac Nerves. The peculiarities of the left cardiac nerves maybe stated in a few words :f in the neck, they are situated in front of the oesophagus, on account of the position of that canal. The connexions between the cardiac nerves and the recurrent on the left side appear to me more numerous than those on the right. In one case, the superior and inferior car- diac nerves gave off a series of four rather large filaments, which ran along the recur- rent, left that nerve opposite to its point of reflection, and then terminated in the usual manner. I ascertained that, in this case, the two nerves were merely in contact, and did not anastomose. In the thorax, the superior and middle cardiac nerves of the left side descend between the'carotid and sub-clavian, and then run upon the concavity of the arch of the aorta ; the inferior cardiac nerve, which is the largest of all the cardiac nerves in a subject which I have now before me, passes to the left of the trunk of the pulmonary artery, turns round its back part, and embraces it in a loop, so as to enter that portion of the cardiac plexus which is situated between the aorta and the right division of the pulmo- nary artery. Lastly, on the left side, more commonly than on the right, the anterior uulmonary plexus sends off some filaments to this same part of the cardiac plexus. The Cardiac Ganglion and Plexuses. We have seen that the cardiac nerves of the same side anastomose with eacn other on the sides or in front of the trachea. Besides this, the right cardiac nerves anasto- mose with the left upon the concavity of the arch of the aorta ; also in front of the tra- chea, above the right pulmonary artery ; and, lastly, in the anterior and posterior coro- nary plexuses. Wrisberg was the first to describe a ganglion in the situation of the first-named anas- tomosis, that is to say, upon the concavity of the arch of the aorta, between that vessel and the pulmonary artery, to the right of the remains of the ductus arteriosus. This ganglion, which is by no means constant, is named the cardiac ganglion ; it is joined [so as to form the superficial cardiac plexus] by the superior cardiac nerve of the right side, * It is especially in these anastomoses between the cardiac and recurrent nerves that I have been able, from the different aspect of the filaments of each, to ascertain that the anastomoses of nerves are often mere ly apparent, and consist of a simple juxtaposition of two nerves without any communication of their component fasciculi, which can be traced uninterruptedly from their entrance to their emergence. The same observa- tion applies also to some of the anastomoses between nerves of the same kind. . t In one subject, three filaments arose from the left superior cervical ganglion, and united in a sma.l gan- glionic nodule, which also received a twig from the laryngeal nerve. This ganglionic nodule gave oflf several pharyngeal twigs, and also the superior cardiac nerve THORACIC PORTION OF THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. by the same nerve of the left side, and sometimes also by the right and left cardiac branches given off from the pneumogastric nerves in the lower part of the neck. The second anastomosis, or that which takes place in front of the trachea, above the right pulmonary artery, and behind the arch of the aorta, has been known, since the time of Haller, as the great cardiac plexus (magnus, profundus plexus cardiacus, Scarpa). A ganglionic enlargement is not unfrequently found at the junction of the principal branch- es. This great cardiac plexus is chiefly formed by the middle and inferior cardiac nerves of both sides: [it also receives part of the right superficial nerves.] Lastly, all the car- diac nerves end in the third set of anastomoses, namely, those upon the anterior and posterior coronary arteries around the root of the aorta. Great as the variety may be in the course and size of the cardiac nerves up to the origin of the great vessels from the heart, there is as constant a uniformity in their ar- rangement around those vessels, and in their ultimate distribution to the heart. Upon the origin of the great vessels, the cardiac nerves are arranged in three layers or sets. The superficial layer of nerves is the smallest; it occupies the anterior surface of the arch of the aorta, and especially its right side ; the nerves are visible without any dis- section through the transparent pericardium ; they all pass (v) to the anterior coronary artery, to the right side of the infundibulum of the right ventricle. In this superficial layer, the superficial cardiac plexus, may be included the ganglion of Wrisberg, when it exists, and its several branches, which in a great measure assist in forming the anterior coronary plexus. The middle layer of nerves is composed of two very distinct parts, viz., of the great or deep cardiac plexus of Haller, which is situated between the trachea and the arch of the aorta, above the right pulmonary artery ; and of a much smaller part, situated below the great cardiac plexus, from which it is derived, and between the right pulmonary artery and the arch of the aorta. In order to obtain a good view of this layer, the arch of the aorta must be cut through. The deep layer of nerves is situated between the right pulmonary artery and the bifur- cation of the trachea. The trunk of the pulmonary artery must be divided in order to expose it. The Anterior and Posterior Coronary Plexuses.—The whole of the superficial cardiac plexus or superficial layer of nerves ends in the anterior coronary plexus (») which sur- rounds the right coronary artery. The middle and posterior layers unite below the right pulmonary artery, in front of the auricles, to form a plexus, which might more properly be named the great or deep cardiac plexus than the interlacement so called by Haller. From this plexus, into which the left inferior cardiac nerve enters directly, the follow- ing branches proceed: anterior auricular branches, which are very numerous ; certain branches which pass between the aorta and the pulmonary artery to gain the right side of the infundibulum, and join the anterior coronary plexus, which, as we have seen al- ready, is derived from the superficial cardiac plexus ; lastly, the branches for the poste- rior coronary plexus, which surrounds the origin of the left coronary artery, and divides, like that vessel, into two secondary plexuses, one of which runs round the left auriculo- ventricular furrow, while the other (V) enters the anterior ventricular furrow. The nervous filaments from these plexuses soon leave the ramifications of the arter- ies ; they proceed separately; they are all equally small, and can be seen without any dissection, like white lines, extending from the base towards the apex of the heart. They all belong to the ventricular portion of the heart; a few of them, however, ascend on the posterior surface of the auricles, which are much more abundantly supplied upon their anterior surface. The cardiac nerves are not entirely distributed to the heart; several of them are lost in the coats of the aorta, some join the anterior pulmonary plexus, and some ramify in the pericardium. The Thoracic Portion of the Sympathetic System. In the thorax, the trunk of the sympathetic (i t, fig. 302) consists, on each side, of a grayish cord, having as many nodules or ganglia upon it as there are vertebrae. This cord is situated, not in front of the dorsal vertebral, but in front of the heads of the ribs, to which the ganglia for the most part correspond: the two superior thoracic ganglia are the largest, and are almost always united; the succeeding ganglia are almost of equal size, the twelfth being next in size to the first and second. The ganglionic struc- ture is observed throughout the whole extent of this part of the sympathetic, so that the cords of communication between the ganglia may be said to be merely prolongations of the ganglia. In some subjects the ganglia cannot be distinguished from the portions of the sympathetic trunk above and below them, except by the branches which enter and converge from those points; it would, therefore, be a serious anatomical error to regard the portions of the trunk between the ganglia as mere filaments of communica- tion. In some subjects the cords between the ganglia are divided into two or three fila- ments. The varieties observed in the number of the thoracic ganglia are rather appa- 864 NEUROLOGY. rent than real; they depend, some upon fusion of the first thoracic ganglion with the inferior cervical ganglion, or of the first and second thoracic ganglia; others upon fusion of two central ganglia, or upon that, which is more common, of the last thoracic with the first lumbar ganglion; upon a transposition of the last thoracic ganglion, which is then found upon the first lumbar vertebra; and, lastly, upon the two inferior thoracic ganglia being situated in the last intercostal space. Besides this, the three lowest tho- racic ganglia are subject to much variety, both in situation and in shape; and the same may be said of the mode of connexion between the twelfth thoracic and the first lumbar ganglion. The thoracic portion of the sympathetic liqs beneath the pleura and the very thin fibrous layer by which that membrane is strengthened. It can be distinctly seen with- out any dissection, in consequence of the transparency of these layers. The intercos- tal arteries and veins pass behind it; on the right side, the vena azygos runs along it. The thoracic portion of the sympathetic gives off external branches, or branches of communication with the dorsal nerves ; and the internal branches, which are intended for the aorta and the abdominal viscera. The External or Spinal Branches. There are at least two spinal branches from each ganglion, one superficial and larger, which is connected to the outer angle of the ganglion ; the other deep and smaller, which is attached to its posterior surface : there is sometimes a third filament of com- munication. Not unfrequently these branches unite into a single trunk, before reaching the ganglion. I regard these anastomotic branches (e e), between the spinal nerves and the ganglia of the sympathetic, not as branches furnished by the ganglia to the spinal nerves, nor simply as means of communication between one and the other, but rather as branches of origin of the sympathetic: this, indeed, is clearly demonstrated by the arrangement of these spinal branches of the sympathetic, which are always proportioned to the size of the ganglia from which they arise. In general, each ganglion communicates only with the corresponding spinal nerve; not unfrequently, however, a ganglion receives a twig from the intercostal nerve immediately below it.* The branches of communication from the dorsal nerves to the thoracic ganglia of the sympathetic are horizontal, or, rather, they are inclined obliquely downward and inward, excepting those which ascend to the first thoracic ganglion, and those which descend to join the last thoracic ganglion. These branches are white, like the nerves of the cere- bro-spinal system, and not gray, like the ganglionic nerves. On examining their ulti- mate distribution in the sympathetic ganglia, and their connexions with the dorsal and intercostal nerves, after the parts have been macerated, first in diluted nitric acid and then in water, it is seen that these branches are evidently reflected funiculi of the spi- nal nerves ; and that the nerves, immediately after having given off these branches, are proportionally diminished in size ; that, having reached the ganglia, the communicating branches divide into filaments, of which some ascend, and may be traced upon the trunk of the sympathetic above the ganglion, and appear to be continuous with the descending filaments derived from the spinal nerve above, while the others descend to pass upon the portion of the sympathetic trunk below the ganglion ; and, lastly, that these white fila- ments run upon the surface of the sympathetic, and contrast with the gray colour of the central portion of that nerve. The internal branches of the first five or six thoracic ganglia are exclusively intended fir the aorta; some of them appear to enter the pulmonary plexus. Some of the internal branches of the last six thoracic ganglia are intended for the aorta, and the remainder, which are the principal, unite to form the splanchnic nerves or nerves of the abdominal viscera. I have never seen any of them pass to the oesophagus. The Aortic Branches.—'The aortic branches consist of very small filaments, of which two or three proceed from each ganglion. They accompany the intercostal arteries, around which they form small plexuses. These filaments are much longer on the right than on the left side, on account of the position of the aorta; they pass, some in front and others behind that vessel, upon which it soon becomes impossible to follow them- The aortic branch from the fourth thoracic ganglion is the only one of any considerable size; it appears to be shared between the aorta and the pulmonary plexus. A number of these aortic filaments sometimes converge towards certain small knots or ganglia, which are arranged in front or along the sides of the aorta, and give off a number of fiJ aments. The Internal, or Aortic and Splanchnic Branches. The first thoracic ganglion sends some twigs to the cardiac plexuses ; and not unfre- * In one subject I found a very remarkable disposition of the branches for the four inferior thoracic ganglia. Some small twigs from these four ganglia terminated in a minute gangliform structure, which gave off the branches to the spinal nerves. It will be seen that the same arrangement frequently occurs m the lumbal region. THE SPLANCHNIC NERVES. 865 quently the inferior cardiac nerve proceeds from this ganglion. Some filaments from the same ganglion are distributed to the lower part of the longus colli muscle. Lobstein {Be Nervo Magno Sympathetica, p. 19) describes a very delicate filament from this ganglion, which perforates the anterior common vertebral ligament, and criers the substance of one of the vertebrae. A similar filament appears to me to be given off by all the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral sympathetic ganglia. The vertebrae, like the other bones, are provided with nerves, which are overlooked in a hasty examination, from their excessive tenuity. The Splanchnic Branches.—These constitute the splanchnic nerves, which require a separate description. The splanchnic nerves are divided into the great splanchnic and the small splanchnic, or renal. The Splanchnic Nerves. The Great Splanchnic Nerve.—The great splanchnic is a white nerve, and has no re- semblance to the ganglionic nerves. It is formed in the following manner: a thick branch derived from the sixth and seventh thoracic ganglia, sometimes also from the fifth, and even from the fourth ganglion (see fig. 302), passes downward and inward upon the side of the dorsal vertebrae : this branch is joined by a series of three or four smaller branches given off not only from the succeeding thoracic ganglia, but also from the com- municating cords between them ; these branches (g g) are parallel to each other, and pass obliquely downward and inward. The eleventh and twelfth thoracic ganglia never assist in the formation of the great splanchnic nerve. The branches just mentioned unite on each side to constitute the great splanchnic nerves, which have the same relation to the thoracic ganglia that the cardiac nerves have to the cervical ganglia : it is important to remark that the ganglionic nerves of the thoracic viscera are derived from the cervical ganglia of the sympathetic, and that the ganglionic nerves of the abdominal viscera are given off from the thoracic ganglia. In general, the great splanchnic nerve arises by four roots; but not unfrequently it arises only by two, which then represent the four origins. If, after having macerated the parts in diluted nitric acid, an attempt be made to de- termine exactly the highest point from which the great splanchnic nerve originates, it will be seen that the white filaments of which this nerve is composed are already dis- tinct opposite the third thoracic ganglion, and, moreover, that they are merely in contact with the trunk of the sympathetic and with the ganglia, and are continuous with the communicating branches from the spinal nerves. Anatomy, therefore, most clearly proves that the splanchnic nerve is continuous with the spinal nerves. Thus formed and completed opposite to the eleventh rib, the great splanchnic nerve passes downward and inward in front of the vertebral column ; it becomes flattened and widened, perforates the diaphragm, the fibres of which separate to allow it to pass through, and immediately terminates in the semilunar ganglion (z). An olive-shaped ganglion is not unfrequently found upon the great splanchnic, at a short distance before the nerve passes through the diaphragm.* The Small Splanchnic, or Renal Nerves.—l think it proper to include in the same de- scription the lesser splanchnic nerve of authors, and the posterior renal nerves of Walter the distinction between these nerves appearing to me to be quite arbitrary. They are two, and sometimes three in number. The highest is named the small splanchnic (A); it arises from the eleventh thoracic ganglion, and sometimes from both the tenth and the eleventh. The lowest, which is the renal nerve of authors, is larger than the preceding, and is derived from the twelfth thoracic ganglion (t); it often gives off a small filament to the first lumbar ganglion, and in a great number of cases this is the only means of communication between the thoracic and the lumbar ganglia of the sympathetic. In such a case, the series of ganglia is said to be interrupted ; but a complete interruption never exists. The small splanchnic or renal nerves exactly resemble the separate or single origins of the great splanchnic, with which they form a continuous series. They arise in the same manner, from the two or three inferior thoracic ganglia. They pass inward and downward, parallel to and on the outer side of the great splanchnic, perforate the crus of the diaphragm either to the outer side of or at the same point as the great nerve, and enter the renal and aortic plexuses; they are often shared between these two plexuses and the great splanchnic nerve. The highest of the small splanchnic nerves rather fre- quently anastomoses with the great splanchnic, or even becomes entirely blended with it.f * Lobstein has recorded a case (p. 2) in -which this unusual ganglion on the great splanchnic was of a semi- lunar shape, and gave off, from its convex side, seven or eight slender filaments, which accompanied the aorta and were all lost in the diaphragm; he has also mentioned another case, in which three filaments arose from this ganglion two going to the solar plexus, and the third to the mesenteric plexus. t Amono- the numerous varieties which I have observed in the formation of the small splanchnic nerves, I would especially notice the following: a twig from the eleventh thoracic ganglion, and one from the great splanchnic nerve, terminated in a small ganglion; from this ganglion were given off several filaments that were lost upon the aorta, and also a small cord which joined with a twig from the twelfth thoracic ganglion, and was distributed in the ordinary manner. 5 R NEUROLOGY. The Visceral Ganglia and Plexuses in the Abdomen. As the semilunar ganglia and the visceral plexuses in the abdomen form the continuation of the splanchnic nerves, it is not only theoretically, but practically convenient to enter upon their description now. The central point, of all these ganglia and plexuses is situated at the epigastrium, and is formed by a ganglionic plexus, named the solar or epigastric plexus. The Solar or Epigastric Plexus. The solar plexus (opposite x,Jig. 302) is formed by an uninterrupted series of ganglia, extending from the great splanchnic nerve of the one side to its fellow of the opposite side. From this point as from a centre proceed a great number of branches, which have been compared to the rays of the sun, and hence the term solar plexus. This solar plexus, which is regarded by physiologists as the centre of the nervous sys- tem of nutritive life, is deeply seated in the epigastric region, and might therefore be called the epigastric nervous centre; it is situated in the median line, in front of the aorta, around the cceliac axis, and above the pancreas ; it is bounded on each side by the supra- renal capsules, and is of too irregular a shape to be clearly defined. The ganglia of which it is composed, the solar ganglia, are as irregular and variable as the plexus it- self. They consist of thick and swollen cords, or ganglionic arches or circles, arranged in a network, in the meshes of which are found some lymphatic glands easily distin- guishable from the nervous ganglia and cords. Anatomists, in general, describe only the two extreme ganglia of the solar plexus, in which the great splanchnic nerves terminate ; these are the semilunar ganglia (x), so called from their shape, but which are subject to much variety both in form and size. Their convex border, which is turned downward, is divided into several teeth, from each of which a pencil of nerves is given off; a great number of filaments are also given off from their concave border, which is directed up- ward. These ganglia are situated close to the supra-renal capsules ; they are often without any regular form, and, as it were, divided into fragments. A single glance at the solar plexus will suffice to convince us of the impossibility of extirpating it, as some experimenters pretend to have done, in living animals. The great splanchnic nerve of each side (g), a part of the small splanchnic nerves (h), and the right pneumogastric nerve (p'), end in the solar plexus. I have also seen the right phrenic enter this plexus. From it, as from a centre, plexuses are given off for all the arteries arising from the fore part of the aorta, and also for the renal and spermatic arteries. The plexuses for the renal arteries and the inferior mesenteric artery are completed by the visceral nerves derived directly from the lumbar ganglia. There are two diaphragmatic plexuses, a cceliac plexus, a superior and an inferior mesenteric plexus, renal plexuses, spermatic or ova- rian plexuses, and supra-renal plexuses. All the nerves given off from the solar ganglia are gray, and very small; they are al- ways plexiform, and are generally strong on account of the thickness of their neurilemma. The Diaphragmatic and Supra-renal Plexuses. The diaphragmatic or phrenic plexuses are small; they are given off from the upper part of the solar plexus, and reach the phrenic arteries, with which they enter the diaphragm; they at first lie beneath the peritoneum, but afterward dip into the substance of the fleshy fibres of the muscle, and do not exactly follow the course of the vessels. In some cases I have been able to ascertain that they anastomose with the filaments of the phrenic nerve : they always run in nearly the same direction. The diaphragmatic plexus of the right side is larger than that of the left. I have seen two ganglia, upon the right crus of the diaphragm, which formed the origin of the right diaphragmatic plexus and of some hepatic nerves. I arrange the plexuses of the supra-renal bodies with the preceding, because they have so many relations with them. They arise directly from the semilunar ganglia, by two very delicate pencils of nerves, which reach the back of the supra-renal arteries, and are lost in the substance of the supra-renal bodies. Several filaments from the diaphrag- matic plexuses join them, passing in front of the arteries. The supra-renal plexuses are large in proportion to the size of the organs they supply. The cceliac plexus is one of the principal divisions of the solar plexus, of which it is the immediate prolongation, so that it is almost impossible to distinguish one from the other ; it surrounds the cceliac axis, and immediately divides, like it, into three plexuses, the coronary of the stomach, the hepatic, and the splenic. The Coronary Plexus of the Stomach.—This is given off from the upper part of the solar plexus; it receives some filaments from the right pneumogastric, before that nerve joins the solar plexus ; of these filaments, some ramify upon the cardia, while the remainder follow the coronary artery along the lesser curvature of the stomach, and anastomose with the pyloric filaments of the hepatic plexus. It follows, therefore, that the stomach The Cceliac Plexus. THE SUPERIOR MESENTERIC PLEXUS. 867 is principally supplied by the pneuraogastric nerve. The filaments from the coronary plexus of the stomach, as well as those of the pneumogastric nerve, after having run for some distance beneath the peritoneum, perforate the muscular coat of the stomach, and appear to be partly lost in it and partly in the mucous membrane. The hepatic plexus is of very considerable size, and might be divided, after the example of Lobstein, into an anterior and a posterior plexus. The anterior accompanies the hepat ic artery, and is formed by some twigs from the right pneumogastric, and by seven or eight large gray, cylindrical filaments from the left semilunar ganglion, which are joined by two or three branches from the right semilunar ganglion. The posterior hepatic plexus accompanies the vena porta;, and is derived almost entirely from the right semilunar ganglion; it is also composed of grayish, thick, cylindrical cords. I would especially notice one cord, which is remarkable both from its size and its course ; it arises directly from the solar ganglion of the right side, passes in a horizontal and curved direction to reach the gastro-hepatic omentum, and continues horizontally be- tween the layers of that omentum, in front of the lobulus Spigelii; it then ascends to the transverse fissure of the liver, becomes situated beneath the vena porta;, and may be traced along that vein into the interior of the liver. I have seen this great he- patic branch come directly from two ganglia situated upon the right crus of the dia- phragm. Before reaching the liver, the hepatic plexus gives off a secondary plexus of consider- able size, around the right gastro-epiploic artery, the right gastro-epiploic plexus; it is considerably augmented by filaments which are derived immediately from the solar plexus, and perforate the pancreas. The hepatic plexus also furnishes branches to the pylorus and the lesser curvature of the stomach, to the pancreas, to the great curvature of the stomach, and to the great omentum. The pylorus, therefore, and the great curvature of the stomach, are supplied almost exclusively by the hepatic plexus.* The hepatic plexus likewise gives off a small cystic plexus, which is easily seen beneath the peritoneum, surrounding the cystic artery as far as the gall-bladder. Diminished in size, from having given off a series of branches and plexuses, the he- patic plexus gains the transverse fissure of the liver, divides like the hepatic artery and vena portae, and may be traced for some distance in the capsule of Glisson. All the nerves of the liver are gray, but very strong. The Splenic and Pancreatic Plexuses.—The splenic plexus is not so remarkable for the number as for the size of the filaments of which it is composed ; it surrounds the splenic artery, furnishes some twigs to the pancreas, and it also gives off the left gastro-epiploic plexus, which is smaller than the right, is situated upon the great curvature of the stom- ach, and supplies that organ and the great omentum. The splenic plexus also gives off nervous filaments to the great cul-de-sac of the stomach, and being thus very much di- minished in size, reaches the hilus of the spleen, within which organ it can be easily tra- ced in man, and still more easily in the larger animals, along the ramifications of the bloodvessels. These nerves are gray, and very strong. The numerous filaments which pass to the pancreas, and form a plexus around its arteries, constitute the pancreatic plexus, which may be regarded as a dependance of the splenic plexus. The superior mesenteric plexus, which may be regarded as the lower division of the bi- furcation of the epigastric plexus, is the largest of all the abdominal plexuses ; it sur- rounds the superior mesenteric artery, forming an extremely thick plexiform sheath for it; it passes below the pancreas, enters the substance of the mesentery (w) with the artery, and divides, like that vessel, into a great number of secondary plexuses, which are distributed to all the parts supplied by the artery, namely, to the whole of the small intestine, excepting the duodenum, and to the right portion of the great intestine. Without entering into tedious and useless details, I shall content myself with a few remarks upon the'general distribution of these nerves. The mesenteric nerves are remarkable for their length, their number, and their strength. lam certain that their neurilemmatic sheath is proportionally much thicker than that of other nerves. They are placed at variable distances from the vessels, and proceed in a straight line in the substance of the mesentery towards the intestine, with- out giving off any filaments : at a short distance from the concave border of the intes- tine, they either pass directly to the bowel, or else they anastomose at an angle or in an arch ; from the convexity of these anastomotic arches the filaments for the intestine are given off. There is never more than one series of anastomotic nervous arches in the mesentery, whatever may be the number of rows of vascular arches ; the single nervous arch al- The Superior Mesenteric Plexus. * The cardia and the lesser curvature of the stomach are the parts which are the most abundantly provided with nerves. The pylorus, to which wo attribute such great sensibility, has incomparably fewer. 868 NEUROLOGY. ways corresponds to the vascular arch nearest to the intestine: the filaments which proceed from it are exceedingly minute.* The nervous filaments pc netrate the intestine by its adherent border, run for some time between the serous a> ,d muscular coats, perforate the latter, to which they give some twigs, then spread out in the fibrous coat, and finally terminate in the mucous mem- brane The Inferior Mesenteric Plexus. The inferior mesenteri'- pie ms {n) is formed by some twigs from the epigastric plexus, cr, rather, from the supt rioi mesenteric plexus, with which it is continuous on the front uf the abdominal aorta; ai a, secondly, by some branches from the lumbar sympathetic ganglia, which, as hereafter stated, constitute the lumbo-aortic plexus. The meshes of the inferior mesenteric plexus are by no means so close as those of the superior mesen- teric plexus. The inferior mesenteric plexus, like the artery by which it is supported, supplies the left half of the transverse arch of the colon, the descending colon, the sigmoid flexure, and the rectum : of its filaments, those which accompany the left colic arteries are re- markable for their tenuity, their length, and for giving no branches in their course to the intestine. I would particularly notice the twig which accompanies the left superior colic artery. It is not uninteresting to remark, that these nerves are more numerous in the iliac meso-colon, which supports the sigmoid flexure, than at any other point. The inferior mesenteric plexus, thus diminished by having given off other smaller plexuses, terminates, like the inferior mesenteric artery, by bifurcating; the two divis- ions of this bifurcation are called the hemorrhoidal plexuses; they surround the two divis- ions of the artery, viz., the superior hemorrhoidal arteries, and terminate partly in the hypo-gastric plexus and partly in the rectum. The renal plexuses are extremely complicated; they are formed by branches from the solar plexus, and by the two or three small splanchnic or renal nerves, and terminate almost exclusively by surrounding the renal artery. The two spermatic plexuses in the male, and ovarian plexuses in the female, are derived principally from the renal plexuses. The spermatic plexuses are destined exclusively for the testicles; the ovarian plexuses, like the arteries of the same name, are distributed both to the ovaries and the uterus. The intimate connexions between the nerves of the kidneys and testicles in the male, and those of the kidneys, ovaries, and uterus in the female, deserve the most particular attention of anatomists. The Renal and Spermatic, or Ovarian Plexuses. The Lumbar Portion of the Sympathetic System. The lumbar portion of the trunk of the sympathetic (11, fig. 302) is situated in front of the vertebral column, along the inner border of the psoas muscle. The ganglia of this re- gion are therefore nearer the median line than the thoracic ganglia; but the inferior lum- bar ganglia not unfrequently deviate from their ordinary position, and approach the lum- bar nerves as these emerge from the spinal canal: in this case, they are concealed by the psoas muscle. The lumbar ganglia of the sympathetic vary much in size ; some of them are so small that they would escape notice, if their grayish colour did not distinguish them from the rest of the trunk of the sympathetic. The number of these ganglia is also variable; there are rarely more than four. Two or three ganglia are often blended into a gangliform cord; this fusion may be easily recognised by the arrangement of the communicating filaments between it and the lum- bar spinal nerves. In one subject, the twelfth thoracic ganglion on the right side was blended with the first lumbar ganglion : a small filament, corresponding in length to the thickness of two vertebrae, established a communication between this ganglion and a large gangliform cord, which represented by itself the four inferior lumbar ganglia. On the left side, the second and third lumbar ganglia were united, and the fifth was blended with the first sacral. This fusion of the lumbar ganglia almost constantly exists, and it establishes a close analogy between the lumbar portion of the sympathetic and the cervical portion, which, as we have already seen, has only three, and frequently only two ganglia. It proves that the superior cervical ganglion may be regarded as representing five superior cervical ganglia and the ganglia corresponding to the two sets of cranial nerves, and that the inferior cervical ganglion may be viewed as the representative of two lower cer- vical ganglia, when the middle ganglion is wanting. Moreover, the trunk of the sympathetic is not unfrequently interrupted either between the twelfth thoracic and the first lumbar ganglion, or between the last lumbar and the * In one case I found a very remarkable anastomosis. Four filaments, proceeding- from four opposite points, converged towards a common centre ; but, as they were about to cross, they diverged from one another so as to intercept a lozenge-shaped space. Two of these might he regarded as filaments of origin, and the other two as terminating filaments LUMBAR PORTION OP THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. first sacral ganglion; this interruption is, however, more apparent than real, for. as i have already stated, the continuity between the twelfth thoracic and the first lumbar ganglion is always established by means of a small twig from the renal nerve. The branches of the lumbar ganglia may be divided into the branches of communi- cation between the ganglia ; the external branches, and the internal branches : besides these, there are some small and very delicate filaments, which enter the bodies of the vertebrae. These communicating branches consist of one or more white cords extending between every two ganglia; they scarcely ever have the gray appearance and ganglionic struc- ture usually found in similar branches of communication : the communicating filament between the fourth and fifth lumbar ganglion is often wanting. The Communicating Branches between the Ganglia. The External Branches. These are the branches (at d) which communicate with the lumbar nerves. I con- ceive that they are furnished by the lumbar spinal nerves to the lumbar ganglia of the sympathetic. There are generally two, but sometimes three for each ganglion; they arise from the anterior branches of the several lumbar nerves, as they emerge from the inter-vertebral foramina ;* they accompany the lumbar arteries, along the grooves upon the bodies of the lumbar vertebrae, and terminate in the corresponding ganglia; they are usually directed obliquely downward. In general, each ganglion receives branches not only from the corresponding lumbar nerve, but also from the nerve next above it. Thus, two branches end in the second lumbar ganglion, one from the first, and another from the second lumbar nerve; the third ganglion receives filaments from the second and third lumbar nerves ; when one ganglion is wanting, its place is supplied by the next, which receives its own proper branches, and also those belonging to the absent ganglion. One ganglion not uufrequent ly communicates with three lumbar nerves. When several ganglia are united into one, it is easy to conceive that this single gan- glion must receive all the filaments corresponding to those ganglia. It is also easy to understand that these filaments must be directed more or less obliquely either upward or downward, and that they will correspond in length to the distance between the lum- bar nerves and the single ganglion, the superior filaments being directed downward, and the inferior filaments upward. A very remarkable condition of the branches of communication between the lumbar nerves and the sympathetic ganglia consists in the existence of certain ganglia or swell- ings upon them; and the almost indefinite anomalies observed in this particular are no less remarkable. I have found as many as three ganglionic nodules upon the same communicating branch; sometimes, when the two or three communicating branches reach the side of a vertebra, they unite in a ganglion, from which two or three other branches are given off to the proper sympathetic ganglion.! Moreover, these ganglia, like all the irregular ganglia, rarely present that peculiar character which is common to the regular ganglia, namely, that of forming a centre in which a certain number of filaments end, and from which others are given off. The Internal, or Aortic and Splanchnic Branches. The internal branches from the lumbar ganglia are the aortic and the lumbar splanchnic branches, and form a continuous and uninterrupted series with the aortic and splanchnic branches from the thoracic ganglia; so that the internal branches from the first (I) and sometimes from the second lumbar ganglion join the branches from the eleventh and twelfth thoracic ganglia, to form a small splanchnic nerve, which is shared between the solar and the renal plexus. Some small gangliforra nodules are occasionally found upon the course of these branches, among which are some very delicate filaments, which evi- dently pass into the bodies of the lumbar vertebras. All these internal branches assist in the formation of the lumbar splanchnic, or pelvic visceral nerves. The lumbar splanchnic nerves (at k) pass inward in front of the aorta, below the su- perior mesenteric artery, and anastomose with each other and with those of the opposite side to form a very complicated plexus, which is completed by a very considerable pro- longation from the superior mesenteric plexus. This plexus {n), which may be called the lumbo-aortic plexus, surrounds all that por- tion of the aorta which is included between the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries; in the intervals between the nervous filaments are found lymphatic glands, which should be carefully distinguished from some nervous ganglia which form part of the plexus. The lumbo-aortic plexus is bifurcated below; one portion of it passes upon the infe- The Lumbar Splanchnic Nerves and the Visceral Plexuses in the Pelvis. * These communicating branches frequently arise in the substance of the psoas muscle from twigs derived .from the lumbar plexus. t This disposition is well seen in the beautiful plate of the sympathetic published by M. Manec. 870 NEUROLOGf. rior mesenteric artery to constitute the greater part of the inferior mesenteric plexus (below n); while the other portion descends upon the aorta, and even a little below the bifurcation of that vessel, and ends between the common iliac arteries, in front of the sacro-vertebral angle, from which it is separated by the common iliac veins. Some fila- ments are prolonged around the common iliac and the external and internal iliac arter- ies and their branches. The aortic portion of the lumbo-aortic plexus bifurcates below into two secondary plex iform cords, one right and the other left, which pass downward unon the sides of the rec turn and bladder, and eider the right and left hypogastric plexuses, which are almost entirely formed by these cords. The hypogastric plexuses (m) are among the great plexuses of the body; they supply the rectum and the bladder in both sexes, and also the prostate and testicle in the male, and the vagina, uterus, and Fallopian tubes in the female. There are two hypogastric plexuses, one on the right, the other on the left side. They are situated upon the lateral and inferior surfaces of the rectum and bladder in the male, and of the rectum, vagina, and bladder in the female ; they are’ distinct from each other, and are connected not by median anastomoses, which I have never been able to detect, but through the lumbo-aortic plexus, by the bifurcation and spreading out of which they may be said to be formed. The hypogastric plexuses, from the enlargement and areolar disposition of their component cords, very closely resemble the solar plexus. Each plexus is formed essentially by one of the two divisions of the lumbo-aortic plexus; it is also joined by some filaments from the inferior mesenteric plexus, by some very small twigs from the sacral ganglia, among which those derived from the third sa- cral ganglion are especially remarkable; and, lastly, by some twigs from the anterior branches of the sacral nerves (see Sacral Nerves). Formed by a combination of filaments from these different sources, each hypogastric plexus gives off a hemorrhoidal, a vescical, a vaginal, a uterine, and a spermatic or ova- rian plexus ; all of these plexuses, like the hypogastric plexus itself, are found on each side of the body. The inferior hemorrhoidal plexuses are blended with the superior hemorrhoidal plex- uses, which, as already stated, are the terminations of the inferior mesenteric plexus ; they pass behind and in front of the rectum. The filaments belonging to the anterior branches of the sacral nerves may be distinguished from those belonging to the sympa- thetic system by the difference in the colour of the two kinds of nerves. The vesical plexuses are composed of a great number of exceedingly small filaments. They are situated upon the sides of the posterior fundus (bas-fond) of the bladder, on the outer side of the ureters, and are divided into two sets, viz., ascending vesical nerves, which pass upward upon the sides of the bladder, embrace the outer and inner surfaces of the ureters, and ramify upon the anterior and posterior surfaces of the bladder; and horizontal vesical nerves, which run forward upon the sides of the fundus of the bladder, externally to the large plexus of veins found in that situation, and spread out into ex- tremely delicate filaments, of which some enter the substance of the bladder, especially at its neck, while the others, in considerable numbers, turn round the prostate gland, and are distributed within it; one of the prostatic filaments may be traced into the mem- branous portion of the urethra. The Plexuses for the Vesiculce Seminales, and Vasa Dcferentia, and Testicles.—Some ot the filaments situated on the inner side of the ureters surround the vesiculae seminales, and are lost in them; these are very small; two or three remarkably large filaments run upward along each vas deferens ; having reached the inguinal ring, they unite with the corresponding spermatic plexus, which is a production of the renal plexus, and descend to the testicle. The Hypogastric Plexuses. The branches for the prostate, vesicular seminales, vasa deferentia, and testicles, are represented in the female by the utero-vaginal, ovarian, and tubal nerves. The Uterine Nerves.—Notwithstanding the figures of the sympathetic published by Walter, in which the nerves of the uterus are well represented, and notwithstanding the still more explicit description given of them by Hunter, most anatomists continue to en- tertain doubts regarding the existence of the uterine nerves. Lobstein, in his work on the Sympathetic, published in 1822, even denied them altogether; but Tiedemann, in the same year, published two beautiful figures, representing the nerves of the gravid uterus.* The uterine nerves are derived from several sources. I have already stated that the plexuses surrounding the ovarian arteries, which are productions of the renal plexuses, are distributed, like the vessels by which they are supported, both to the uterus and the ovaries. It appears to me that the ovarian nerves and vessels have a similar arrangement, that is to say, that the uterine branches derived from the ovarian plexuses are larger than the ovarian nerves properly so called. * Tabulae Nervorum t/teri, Heidelberg, 1822, folio. GENERAL VIEW OF THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. The tubal nerves are also derived from the ovarian plexuses. The uterine nerves derived from the hypogastric plexuses are divided into ascending branches, which run upward along the lateral borders of the uterus, pass forward and backward upon the surfaces of that organ, and terminate in its substance ; and into de- scending branches, which run along the sides of the vagina, and terminate in it. These vaginal nerves appear to be inseparably blended with the vesical and hemorrhoidal nerves.* Such are the divisions of the hypogastric plexuses ; analogy, rather than direct obser- vation, has led to the admission of the existence of gluteal, ischiatic, and internal pudic plexuses ; in fact, of plexuses around all the branches of the internal iliac arteries. The sacral portion of the sympathetic (s s, fig. 302) is formed on each side by a cord en- larged at intervals, and situated on the inner side of, and along the anterior sacral fo- ramina. The Sacral Portion of the Sympathetic System. It forms a continuation of the lumbar portion of the sympathetic ; but sometimes there appears to be an interruption in the ganglionic chain, between the fifth lumbar ganglion and the first sacral. This interruption is merely apparent; it is never complete. The sacral trunks of the sympathetic of the right and left sides gradually approach each other as they descend, corresponding in this respect to the anterior sacral foramina. The sacral ganglia, which are rarely five, more commonly four, and sometimes three in number, are occasionally collected into a small gangliform enlargement, situated be- tween the first and second anterior sacral foramen; the first sacral ganglion is some times double, and at other times it rather resembles a gangliform cord than a true gan- glion. The mode of connexion between the first sacral and the last lumbar ganglion is sub- ject to much variety.! The manner in which the sacral portion of the sympathetic ter- minates is also somewhat variable. The following is the arrangement most generally admitted: a filament proceeds from the last sacral ganglion, which is usually the fourth, and forms an anastomotic arch with its fellow of the opposite side, in front of the base of the coccyx. At their point of junction is often found a small ganglion (ganglion im- par, c), from which certain terminal filaments are given off. Sometimes there is neither a coccygeal ganglion nor any anastomosis, properly so called, but the terminal filaments are distributed in the usual way. I have not been able to trace these filaments beyond the periosteum of the coccyx and the sacro-sciatic ligaments. Like the other ganglia of the sympathetic, the sacral ganglia present communicating branches with each other; rather large external branches derived from the corresponding sacral nerves; internal branches, which anastomose with those of the opposite side, in front of the sacrum, and surround the middle sacral artery. Some of these filaments I have distinctly seen entering the substance of the sacrum ; and, lastly, very small ante- rior branches (y), some of which join the hypogastric plexuses, while the others termi nate directly upon the rectum. The following dissection is necessary, in order to present a correct general idea of the sympathetic system. Take a spinal column which has been macerated in diluted nitric acid, remove the bodies of the vertebrae, leaving, if it be wished, the inter-vertebral substances; be very careful to preserve the branches of communication between the sympathetic and the cra- nial and spinal nerves. It is then clearly seen that the two gangliated trunks of the sympathetic are connect- ed with the cerebro-spinal axis by as many roots, or small groups of roots,t as there are cranial and spinal nerves; it is, moreover, no less evident that the communicating branches between the ganglionic chain and the spinal nerves do not proceed from the ganglia, but from the spinal nerves ; so that it may be stated as a demonstrated ana- tomical fact, that the sympathetic system has its origin in the cerebrospinal system § General View of the Sympathetic System. * [Dr. Lee has recently examined minutely the distribution of the nerves of the unimpregnated and gravid nterus. He has described (Anatomy of the Nerves of the Uterus, with plates, 1841, and Proceedings of the Royal Society, No. 49) several large uterine plexuses ; also, several “ large ganglia on the uterine nerves, and on those of the'vagina and bladderand, farther, two great ganglia situated on the sides of the neck of tha Utfrin'one case, the continuation of the lumbar portion of the sympathetic deviated outward, and joined tha fifth lumbar nerve ; a very small filament only formed the communication between the last lumbar ganglion and the first sacral. In another case, these two filaments proceeded from the last lumbar ganglion of the right side the inner of which joined the first sacral ganglion of the opposite side, crossing over the sacro-vertebral angle. reniembered that there are always two, and sometimes three communicating branches between the sympathetic and each of the spinal nerves. . , , , . . t) These facts in human anatomy are in perfect accordance with the observations in comparative anatomy made by Meckel and Weber, namely, that the development of the sympathetic system is in direct ratio with that of the cerebro-spinal system ; that the former is more developed in man than in any other animal, and is pronortionally larger in the fostus than in the adult. NEUROLOGY. The sympathetic trunks of the right and left side generally anastomose below in Ironl of the coccyx; it has been somewhat hastily affirmed that they anastomose above, either upon the pituitary body, or upon the anterior communicating artery of the brain; the true anastomoses of the two halves of the sympathetic system are in the central and median plexuses. If, after having acquired this general idea of the trunks of the sympathetic, its neun lemma be removed by continued maceration in water, the connexions of the branches given from the spinal nerves to the ganglia, with the branches given from the ganglia to „fte viscera, may then be ascertained : it then becomes evident, that the greater number of the branches from the spinal nerves do not penetrate to the centre of the ganglia, but expand, as it were, upon their surface, and divide into two sets of filaments ; of these, some are applied to the surface of a ganglion, and proceed directly to form the internal or visceral branches ;* while the others assist in forming the cords of communication between one ganglion and another, and divide into ascending and descending filaments, of which the latter are the more numerous. They all run along the outer side of the cords of communication, and afterward become visceral branches themselves ; it is doubtful whether any filament arises in the interior of a ganglion ; the continuity of them all can be traced completely through these bodies. It follows, therefore, that it is anatomically shown that the visceral nerves given off from the sympathetic are connected or belong to a very great number of spinal nerves at once, and always to spinal nerves much higher than that portion of the sympathetic from which the visceral branches are immediately given off; and again, that the vis- ceral or splanchnic nerves, the actual origins of which we have seen to be so complica- ted and so remote from their apparent origins, always run a very long course before reaching their destination. Thus, the splanchnic nerves of the thorax or the cardiac nerves are derived from the cervical ganglia ; the splanchnic nerves of the abdomen are given off, for the most part, by the thoracic ganglia ; and most of the splanchnic nerves of the pelvis proceed from the lumbar ganglia. Nevertheless, the proper ganglia of each splanchnic cavity complete the visceral nerves belonging to that cavity. Thus, the first thoracic ganglion assists in the formation of the cardiac nerves ; the superior lumbar ganglia in that of the visceral nerves of the abdomen ; and the sacral ganglia in that of the pelvic nerves. The visceral nerves sometimes pass directly to the viscera from the ganglia of the sympathetic, and sometimes indirectly, after being mingled and combined in plexuses. There is no relation between the branches which enter and those which pass out of the several visceral plexuses, so that the branches which proceed from the ganglia and trunk of the sympathetic to those plexuses must be regarded, not as branches of forma- tion, but as branches of communication. The visceral plexuses are also formed in a very peculiar manner, not only by inter- laced nerves, but by nerves and ganglia, and these nerves themselves present a gangli- onic structure altogether different from the fasciculated and plexiform structure of other nerves. There are four great visceral plexuses : the pharyngeal plexus, the cardiac plexus, the solar plexus, and the hypogastric plexus ; the largest of all these is the solar plexus, which, both in an anatomical and in a physiological point of view, deserves the title of the abdominal brain, which was given to it by Wrisberg. These four great plexuses may also be very properly regarded as nervous centres, to which all the physiological and pathological phenomena of the nutritive system are singly or collectively referred. These visceral plexuses differ as much from the ganglionic chain formed by the two trunks of the sympathetic as these trunks differ from the spinal cord itself; in these plexuses a sort of fusion is effected between the cerebro-spinal and the sympathetic sys- tems, and also between the trunks of the sympathetic belonging to the two sides of the body. The pneumogastric assists in the formation of three of these plexuses; namely, the pharyngeal, the cardiac, and the solar plexus. In man there is a tendency to fusion of the pneumogastric with the sympathetic, and in the lower animals this fusion is still more complete ; it is in those animals in which the sympathetic is the least developed that the par vagum acquires its greatest development, and supplies the place of the for- mer in reference to the intestinal canal. The glosso-pharyngeal nerve also assists in the formation of the pharyngeal plexus, and the sacral nerves contribute to that of the hypogastric plexus. The visceral plexuses differ essentially from those formed by the cerebro-spinal nerves. In the latter, the branches which emerge from the plexus are precisely the same branch- es that entered it, only combined in a different manner. However inextricable they may be, the plexuses of the spinal nerves are merely points in which a number of affe- rent branches converge and combine together. In the visceral plexuses, on the contra- ry, there is no relation, either in size or structure, between the afferent branches and the plexuses themselves. * Some filaments from the spinal nerves are seen to cross at right angles over the anterior surface of th© ganglia, and then to join the visceral nerves directly. GENERAL VIEW OF THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. 873 The nerves derived from the sympathetic system ditfer also in their mode of distribu- tion from the nerves of the cerebro-spinal system. In general, they form a plexiform sheath around the vessels, and enter with them into the substance of organs. This ar- rangement has induced some anatomists to believe that the sympathetic nerves belong essentially and exclusively to the vascular system, and are lost upon the coats of the arteries ; others hold an opposite opinion, and deny altogether that the sympathetic nerves enter the coats of those vessels. From some researches which I have made on this subject, I believe that there are proper filaments for the coats of the vessels, but that these are very few in number, and that by far the larger number of the nervous fila- ments are intended for the several organs. It is not uninteresting to remark, that the sympathetic nerves always accompany the arteries, and never the veins; the trunk of the vena portae forming the only exception to this rule. A gray colour and a soft texture are not, as is generally stated, the peculiar character- istics of the nerves of the sympathetic system ; the gray colour is observed only in a portion of this system ; and the softness, which only very rarely accompanies the gray colour, is confined to a very minute portion of it indeed. There are gray cords, which are nothing more than prolonged ganglia, and are not nerves, properly so called ; when examined they present no nervous structure, that is to say, they contain no white funiculi which can be decomposed into primitive filaments as fine as the silk fibre. Almost all the sympathetic nerves are of a white colour, which is sometimes concealed by an unusually thick neurilemma. The structure of the white nerves of the sympathetic system does not differ from that of the cerebro-spinal nerves ; except that the funiculi of the former are smaller, and their arrangement is more deci- dedly plexiform.* Lastly, there are some mixed nerves, partly gray and partly white, which partake of the structural characters of both the gray and the white nerves, t * See note, p. 840. t I am much indebted to M. C. Bonamy, my private prosector, for the zeal and ability with which he has assisted me in the numerous dissections required for the compilation of this work. SOURCES FROM WHICH THE ILLUSTRATIVE ENGRAVINGS HAVE BEEN TAKEN. Figs. 1 to 7, Bt, 9 to 20, 24, 25, 28 to 30, 33, 34, 36, 38, 41 to 45, 47, 48t, 49 to 53, 57 (Sue). Figs. 21 to 23, 37 (Gordon). Figs. 26, 27, 35, 58t to 60t, 61 to 70, 71+, 72 to 84, 106 to 110, lilt, 112, 113,114t, 115, 116t to 123f, 124 to 126, 127t, 128 to 133, 141t, 147t, 155, 161, 163t, 169t, 170, 171t, 191t, 192, 194, 195 (Bourgery). Figs. 39, 40, 46t, 54 to 56 ( Figs. 85 to 94 (Hunter). Fig. 95 (d.) (Retzius). Fig. 97 (d.) (Goodsir). Fig. 98 (Serves). Figs. 99, 101, 102 (Blake). Fig. 100 (T. Bell). Figs. 103 (d.) to 105 (d.), 286 (Cloquet). Figs. 136t, 138, 181 (Morton). Fig. 140t (Watts). Figs. 142, 173 to 175, 178, 231, 233, 234, 257 (Scem- mtring). Figs. 145, 160,162,187, 189,220, 221,223t (Weher). Figs. 152, 153 (Boyd). Figs. 154t, 198 to 206, 208 to 218 (Tiedemann). Fig. 156 (No. 2) (Krause). Fig. 156 (No. 3) (Ballinger), Figs. 157 to 159, 162 (Boehm). Figs. 165 to 168 (Kiernan). Fig. 172 (Reisseissen). Fig. 180 (d.) {Wagner). Fig-. 183 (A. Cooper). Fig. 185 {Haller). Figs. 207, 232t, 235 to 240, 242 to 246, 248, 249 2511, 252 to 256, 258 to 265, 266, 269 to 275, 284, 285 296f to 301t (Arnold). Fig. 2191 (Walter). Fig. 222t (Caldani). Fig. 226 (Harvey). Figs. 227, 228 (Gurlt) Fig. 250 (Brewster). Fig. 268 (Cruveilhier). Figs. 281+, 283, 295 (Mayo). Figs. 289t, 290+ (Swan). Fig. 302f (Manec). Figs. 143 (d.), 144 (d.), 164* (d ), 179 (d.), 193t, 197, 241 (d.), 276 to 280, 282 (Models, Casts, and Di agramsinthe Museum of Anatomy, University College). Figs. 31, 32, 96,98* (d.), 134 (d.), 135 (d.), 137 (d.), 139 (d.), 146 (d.), 148 (cl.), 149 (d.) to 151 (d.), 156 (No. 1, d.), 164, 176 (d.) to 178 (d.), 184 (d.), 186 (d.), 190 (d.), 196 (d.), 218* (d.), 224 (d.), 225 (d.), 229 (d.), 230 (d.), 247 (d.), 267 (d.), 287 (d.), 288 (d.l, 291 (d.) to 293 (d.) (Original). The mark (t), affixed to the number of a figure, indicates that such figure differs in some respects from the orio-inal- The letter (d.), siirt larly affixed, signifies that the figure is intended as a diagram or plan. The asterisk (*), used occasional*; serves to distinguish between two figures bearing the same number 5 S INDEX. Abdomen, aponeurosis of, anterior, 300. posterior, 305. superficial, 297. regions of, 352. Abducens, nerve. See Nerve, Motor Ocul. Abductor muscles. See Muscles. Accessory ligaments. See Ligaments. nerves. See Nerves. Acetabulum, 88. Acini of glands. See those glands. Acromion process, 76. Adductor muscles. See Muscles. Adipose tissue, 175. • Alee of sphenoid bone, lesser, 37. — greater, 37. vespertilionis, 475. Alimentary canal, 322. appendages of, 384. coats of/ 322. direction and situation of, 323. divisions of, 322. dimensions of, 323. form of, 323. membranes of, 323. muscular fibres of, 323. structure of, 323. Alveoli, 53, 58. Amphiarthroses, 113. — characters, ligaments, and motions, 113. Ampullae of semicircular canals, 677. Amygdalae, 333. See Tonsils. Amygdaloid fossa, 331. Anastomoses of arteries, 496. lymphatics, 614. nerves, 762. veins, 574. Anastomotic artery, brachial, 544. — femoral, 565. Anatomy, objects and divisions of, 1, 2. —descriptive, 1. general, I, 2. Anfraciuosities. See Cerebrum. Angeiology, 479. Angle, sacro-vertebral, 26. of the femur, 93. facial, of Camper, 45. occipital, of Daubenton, 45. of the jaw, 58. changes during growth, 59. of the pubes, 89. Angles of bones, 9. Ankle joint, 168. ligaments of, 169. Ankle. See Tarsus. Annular ligaments. See Ligaments. Anti-helix, and its fossa, 666. tragus, 666. Antrum Highmori, 52. pylori, 355. Anus, 380. muscles of, 380. structure of, 380 Aorta. See Arteries. Aponeurnlogy, 294. Aponeuroses in general, 294. classification of, 294. containing, 294. definition of, 294. functions of, 296. insertion of, 294. structure of, 296. tensor muscles of, 295- Aponeuroses in particular, 297. . abdominal anterior, 300. layers of, 301. posterior, 305. . superficial, 297. brachial, 316. buccinator, 298. buccinato-pbaryngeal, 235. cervical, deep, 299. Aponeuroses, cervical, superficial, 299. — cephalo-pharyngeal, 346. costo-clavicular, 137. of the cranium, 299. cremasteric, 302. cribriform, 309. deltoid, 315. dorsal of the foot, 314. metacarpus, 318. interosseous, of foot, 314. hand, 318. epicranial, 298. external oblique, 301 of the eyelids, 647. —— face, 299. femoral, 309. septa of, 310. sheath for vessels, 310. muscles, 311. of the fore-arm, 316. gluteal, 311. hypothenar, 319. iliac, 306. infra-spinous, 315. intercostal, 360. inter-muscular of thigh, 310. of internal oblique, 304. —— of the leg, 312. lower extremity, 309. superficial, 297. lumbar, or posterior abdominal, 306. lumbo-iliac, 306. masseteric, 298. of the neck, 299. obturator, 309. occipito-frontal, 298. occipito-pharyngeal, 346. —— palmar, 319. parotid, 298. pedal, 314. pelvic lateral, 308. superior, 308. of the pelvis, 306. —— proper, 307. perinssal, deep, 307. _____ superficial, 306. petro-pharyngeal, 346. of the pharynx, 346. plantar, external, 314. internal, 314. interosseous, 315. middle, 314. prsevertebral, 299. of the quadratus lumbornm, 306. recto-vesical, 308. of the serratus posticus, 300. shoulder, 315. spermatic cord, 304. sub-peritoneal, 305. sub-scapular, 315. superficial, 297. —— of abdomen, 297. supra-clavicular, 299. supra-spinous, 315. temporal, 298. thenar, 319. of the thorax, 300. of transversalis, 305. of the upper extremity, 316. superficial, 297. of velum palati, 346. vertebral, 205. vesical, 309. Aponeurotic sheaths for muscles, 296. —: - tendons, 296. —- vessels, 296. Apparatus, hyoid, 109. Apparatuses of human body, general view of 3 4. Appendices epiploicae, 372. Appendix, ensiform, or xiphoid, 65. vermiformis, 373 876 Appendix, vermiformis, development of, 384. structure of, 373. Aqueductus Fallopii, 43, 839. vestibuli, 44. cochle®, 44. Sylvii, 719, 742 Aqueous humour, 655. — membrane of, 655. Arachnoid, 687. canal (of Bichat), 687. cranial portion of, 687. internal, 691. loose, 690. membrane of eye, 656 (note). spinal portion of, 690. uses of, 692. Arbor vit® uterina, 465. Arch, aortic, 502. of colon, 374. crural, 302. femoral, 302. gluteal, 311. —r orbital, 36. palatine, 329. pubic, 89. sub-pubic, 307. — zygomatic, 61. Arches, alveolar, 174. dental, 174. 9 zygomatic, 61. Arm, bone of, 78. compared with thigh bone, 107. Arteries in general, 496. anastomoses of, 496. branches of, 497. coat of, external or cellular, 498. — internal, 498. middle, proper, or elastic, 498, course or direction of, 496. definition of, 496 division of, 496. form of, 496. nerves of, 497. nomenclature of, 495. origin of, 496. preparation of, 497. relations with other parts, 497. retia mirabilia of, 496. satellite muscles of, 497. sheaths for, 499. structure of, 499. termination of, 498. varieties of, 496. vasa vasorum of, 499. ven® comites of, 497. vessels of, 499. Artery or Arteries in particular, 497. of particular organs or tissues. See those or- gans, &c. acromial, descending, 542. supra-scapular, 538. transverse, 542. acromio-thoracic, 542. of ala nasi, 518. alar thoracic, 542. alveolar, 524. anastomotic, brachial, 544. great, of thigh, 564. angular, of face, 517, 529. aorta, 501. abdominal, 503. ■ arch of, 502. ascending, 503. branches of, 503 descending, 502. sinuses of, 501. thoracic, 503. valves of, 486. arising from abdominal aorta, 506. — arch of aorta, 513. varieties of, 513. . origin of aorta, 504. • termination of aorta, 552. • thoracic aorta, 505. articular, of hip, 564. knee, inferior, 565. middle, or azyg*s, 565. superior, 565. ascending cervical, 538. pharyngeal, 520. INDEX Art err, auricular, anterior, 521. posterior, 519. axiliary, 531, 542. axis, coeliac, 507. thyroid, 635. — azygos, or middle articular of knee 565. basilar, 534. brachial, 543. brachio-oephalic, 531. bronchial, 505. distribution of, 421. buccal, 524. of bulb, 558. calcaneal, external, 570. inferior, 571. capsular, inferior, 513. middle, 513. superior, 513. cardiac, 503. carotid, common, left and right, 514. general distribution of, 530, external or facial, 515. internal, 525. superficial, 515. carpal, radial, anterior, 546. posterior dorsal, 546. ulnar, anterior, 549. posterior dorsal, 549. central of retina, 527, 665. cerebellar, inferior, anterior, 534. posterior, 534. superior, 535. cerebral, anterior, 529. communicating anterior, 529. posterior, 529. middle, 530. posterior, 537. — cervical, ascending, 538. deep, 540. princeps, 519. superficial, 539. cervico-spinal, 638. choroid, anterior, 530. posterior, 536. ciliary, anterior, 527. middle, or long, 528. posterior, or short, 528, 665. circle of Willis, 536. circumflex, femoral, external, 564. interna], 563. iliac, 560. humeral, anterior, 543. posterior, 543. of clitoris, 558. coccygeal, 552. coeliac (axis), 507. colic, left, 511. right, 510. collateral, of fingers, radial, 547. — ulnar, 549. humeral, external, 543. interna], 543. of knee. See Articular. of toes, from external plantar, 57 internal plantar, 572 comites. See Satellite. communicating, cerebral, anterior, 529. posterior, 529, 535 palmar, 548. plantar, 572. of Willis, 529. coronary of heart, left or anterior, 504. right or posterior, 504. lips, inferior, 517. superior, 518. stomach, 507. of corpus callosum, 529. cavernosum, 558. cremasteric, 560. crural, 560. cystic, 508. deep, brachial or humeral, 544. cervical, 540. femoral, 563. temporal, 522. deferential, 452. dental, anterior, 524. inferior, 523. superior, 524. diaphragmatic, inferior, 506, INDEX. 877 Artery, diaphragmatic, superior, 539. . digital, collateral, radial, 547 ulnar, 549. of foot, 572. dorsal, carpal, radial, 547. ulnar, 549. of foot, 568. index finger, 548. metacarpal, radial, 547. ulnar, 549. metatarsal, 569. of nose, 529. penis, 558. scapula, 538. tarsus, 572. thumb, 548. toe, great, 5-72. tongue, 518. dorsi-spinal, of inferior intercostals, 507. superior intercostals, 540 emulgent, 512. epigastric, 559. superficial, 562. epiploic, 510. ethmoidal, anterior, 528. posterior, 528. facial, 517. femoral, 559. deep, 563. of fissure of Sylvius, 529. of fr;enura linguae, 519. frontal, 523. of temporal, 520. gastric, inferior, 509. superior, 509. gastro-duodenal, 508. epiploic, left, 509. right, 508. —■—■ hepatic, 5(18. gluteal, inferior, 556. superior, 556. hemorrhoidal, 557. inferior, 557. —middle, 554. superior, 511. • helicine, 456. hepatic, 508. ■ in the liver, 391, 392. humeral, 543. deep, inferior, 544. deep, superior, 544. hyoid, of lingual, 518. superior thyroid, 515 (note). hypogastric, 553. iliac, common, 552. external, 559. internal, 553. general distribution of, 558. ileo-colic, 511. ilio-lumbar, 555. — incisory, inferior, 523. superior, 524. infra-orbital, 524. or sub-scapular, 542. spinous, 542. innominate, 531. intercostals, anterior, 540. — aortic or inferior, 505. — superior, 540. interlobular, of liver, 391. interosseous, dorsal, of foot, 569. hand, 547. of forearm, anterior, 548. posterior, 549. — palmar, 547 plantar, 572. recurrent, of forearm, 549. of the intestines, great, 511. —- small, 510. — intra-spinal, 534. ischiatic, 556. of labia pudendi, 558. labial, inferior, 517. superior, 517. lachrymal, 626. —-— laryngeal, inferior, 516. superior, 516. lingual, 518. lumbar, 506. magna pollicis, of foot, 572. Artery, magna pollicis, of hand, 547. malar cutaneous, 521. malleolar, externa], 567. internal, 567. mammary, external, 542. — internal, 539. masseteric, 521, 523. mastoid, 520. — posterior, 519. maxillary, external, 517. internal, 522. _ general distribution of, 525. of median nerve, 549. mediastinal, 540. medullary, 506. meningeal, anterior, 528. middle or great, 522. _____ of ascending pharyngeal, 520. posterior, 519, 534. small, 523. mental, 523. mesenteric, inferior, 511. superior, 510. metacarpal, radial, 546. ulnar, 549. metatarsal, 569. muscular, of orbit, 528. thigh, 562. musculo-phrenic, 540. for mylo-hyoideus, 523. nasal, 528. dorsal, 529. lateral, 518. of pterygo-palatine, 524. of septum, 518. nutritious, of femur, 542. fibula, 570. humerus, 545. 1 tibia, 569. obturator, 554. occipital, 519. oesophageal, 505. omphalo-mesenteric, 511. ophthalmic, 525. orbital, of temporal, 521. ovarian, 512. palatine, inferior, 517. superior, 524. palmar, deep, 546. palmar, interosseous, 548. superficial, 547. recurrent, 547. palpebral, inferior, 528’. superior, 528. pancreatic, great (from splenic), 509. small (from mesenteric), 510. pancreatico-duodenal, 508. parietal, 519, 521. parotid, 520. of penis, 558. dorsal, 558. perforating, of forearm, 549 palmar, 548. peroneal, 570. plantar, anterior and posterior, 566. of thigh, 564. pericardiac, 495. perimnal, superficial, 557. transverse, 557. peroneal, 570. anterior, 570. perforating, 570. pharyngeal, ascending or inferior, 620. pharyngo-meningeal, 520. phrenic, inferior, 507. superior, 539. for phrenic nerve, 539. plantar, external, 571. internal, 571. popliteal, 564 prarvertebral, 520. princeps cervicis, 519. pollicis, 547. profunda cervicis, 549. femoris, 563. humeri, inferior, 545. superior, 544. pterygoid, of facial, 517. internal maxillary, 523. 878 INDEX, Artery, pterygo-palatine, 524. pudic, external inferior, 562. ■ superior, s<’‘l.5<’‘l. internal, 557. in the female, 558. pulmonary, 500. left branch of, 501. right branch of, 501. — distribution of, 421. pyloric, inferior, 508. superior, 508. radial, 546. i collateral of fingers, 547. — recurrent, 540. radialis indicis, 548. radio-cubital, 549. : palmar, 547. ranine, 518. of receptaculum, 525. recurrent interosseous, of forearm, 549. palmar, 547. radial, 546. tibial, anterior, 568. internal, 569. ulnar, anterior, 549. posterior, 549. renal, 512. distribution of, 439. of retina, central, 527. sacral, lateral inferior, 556. superior, 556. middle or anterior, 552. satellite of median nerve, 549- phrenic, 540. sciatic, 556. ulnar, 548. scapular, inferior, 542. posterior, 538. superior, 538. sciatic, 556. for sciatic nerve, 556. scrota], 557. of septum of nose, 518. ventricles of heart, 504. short, of stomach, 511. sigmoid, 5) 1. spermatic, 511. spheno-palatine, 524. spinous, 522. —— spinal, 534, 609. anterior,. 534. general distribution of, 609. posterior, 534. re-enforcing, cervical, 534. ——— lumbar, 504. ——— thoracic, 504. ■ of spinal cord, 504, 534. splenic, 509. in spleen, 405. for storno-mastoid, 516, 519. stylo-mastoid, 519. sub-clavian, left and right, 531. suh-diaphragmatic, 504. sub-lingual, 518. for sub-maxillary gland, 517. sub-mental, 517. sub-scapular, 542. superciliary, 527. superficial, of neck, 546. - palm, 547. perineum, 550. superficialis volte, 547. supra-orbital, 527. renal, inferior, 512. . middle, 512. superior, 512. scapular, 538. ■ spinous, 538. sural, 565. tarsal, dorsal, or external, 568. internal, 568. temporal, 521. deep anterior, 524. ■ middle, 521. posterior, 523. superficial, 521. testicular, 511. distribution of, 536. thoracic acromial, 542.. alar, 542 (note). Artery, thoracic humeral, or deltoid, ol'acrom o-tbor* cic, 542. inferior, 542. long', 542. thymic, 540. thyroid axis, 537. inferior, 537. . middle, 515. of Neubauer, 537. superior, 516. tibial, anterior, 567. posterior, 570. recurrent, 567. tibio-peroneal, 569. tonsillar, 521. transverse, of perineum, 556. neck, 539. face, 521. shoulder, 538. tympanic, 522. ulnar, 548. collateral, 543. — of fingers, 549. recurrent, anterior, 549. posterior, 549. umbilical, 553. uterine, 554. vaginal, 554. of liver, 392. vasa brevia, of stomach, 509. for vertebrae, 504. vertebral, 533. vesical, 553. vidian, 524. Arthrodia, 114. characters, ligaments, and motions, 115 Arthrology, 111. Articular surfaces, in general, 111. of particular articulations, Sea those articulations. borders, 112. structure of, 177. cartilages, 111. structure of, 177. cavities, 10. supplementary, 128. processes, or eminences, 10- of vertebra, 20, 22. —— union of, 116. Articular arteries. See Arteries. nerves. See Nerves. Articulations in general, 111-116. amphiarthroses, 113. arthrodia, 114. - classification of, 113. condylarthrosis, 114. definition of, 111. diarthroses, 113. enarthrosis, 114. - ginglymus, 114. gomphosis, 114. harmonia, 114. —immovable, 113. —; meningoses, 113 —mixed, 113. movable, 113. movements of, 113. by mutual reception, 113. schindylesis, 114. sutures, 114. symphyses, 114. synarthroses, 114. synchondroses, 113. syneuroses, 113. syssarcoses, 113. trochlear, 114. trochoid, 114. Articulations in particular, 113. acromio-clavicular, 135. mechanism of, 116 of ankle. See Tibio-tarsal. astragalo-scaphoid, 171. of astragalus with os calcis, 170. movements of, 153. atlanto-axoid, 117. — mechanism of, 124. odontoid, 117. ■ of atlas and axis, 117. articular processes of, 118 INDEX, Articulations, calcaneo-cuboid, 173. . carpal, in general, 147. _—— mechanism of, 148. of each row, 147. ; : of two rows together, 147. pisiform and cuneiform, 147. ——— carpo-metacarpal, in general, 149. mechanism of, 150. first, 149. mechanism of, 150. fifth, 150. mechanism of, 150. second, third, & fourth, 150. carpo-metacarpal, of the thumb, 150. mechanism of, 150. chondro-costal, 132. — sternal, in general, 131. in particular, 131. movements of, 133. coccygeal, 120. condyloid, of occiput and atlas, 116. coraco-ciavicular, 135. mechanism of, 136. of the costal cartilages, 132. — movements of, 132. costo-clavicular, 138. mechanism of, 138. costo-transverse, 131. —vertebral, 131, —: in general, 131. — in particular, 131. movements of, 131. proper, 131. of first rib, 131. of eleventh and twelfth ribs, 131. coxo-femoral, 159. movements of, 161. cranial, 124. mechanism of, 125. cranio-vertebral, 120.- mechanism of, 123. crico-arytenoid, 426. thyroid 426. of the elbow, 143. of the extremities, upper, 135. • lower, 153. of the face, 126. of the fingers, in general, 151. of the head, with vertebral column. See Cranio-vertebral. of the hip. See Coxo-femoral. — hurnero-cubital, 141. - movements of, 142. .—__ 0f jaw, lower. See Temporo-maxillary, 128. upper, 126. with cranium, 126. of the knee, 162. mechanism of, 166. of larynx, 425. of me tacarpal bones, carpal ends of, 148. digital ends of, 149. with carpus, 149. metacarpo-phalangal, 151. movements of, 152. of metacarpus in general, 148. of metatarsal bones, tarsal ends of, 175. —— digital ends of, 175. mechanism of, 175. metatarso-phalangal, 175. movements of, 177. occipito-atlantoid, 116. —— mechanism of, 122. ; axoid, 117. peroneo-tibial, inferior, 167. middle, 168. — superior, 168. mechanism of, 168. of the pelvis, 154. mechanism of, 156. phalangal, of fingers, 153. movements of, 153. toes, 177. . movements of, 177. pubic, 155. radio-carpal, 145. movements of, 145. cubital, 142. Articulations, radio-cubital, mechanism of, 144. — inferior, 142, — movements of, 144. middle, 143. movements of, 143. superior, 142. movements of, 144 sacro-coccygeal, 120. iliac, 154. sciatic, 155. vertebral, 120. ' scapulo-humeral, 138. , movements of, 139. of the shoulder, 135. sterno-clavicular, 136. mechanism of, 137. syndesmo-odontoid, 117. tarsal, in general, 170. mechanism of, 173. of first row, 171. of second row, 171. movements of, 173. of two rows together, 172. — movements of, 173. tarso-metatarsal, in general, 174. • —— movements of, 173. in particular, 173. : temporo-maxillary, 128. mechanism of, 129. of the thorax, 130. mechanism of, 132. movements of, 134. thyro-hyoid, 425. —— tibio-tarsal, 168. — mechanism of, 169, 170. i tracheo-cricoid, 426. of the vertebral column, 115. —— mechanism 01, 121-123. movements of, 122. of the vertebra with each other, 115. bodies of, 115. —— articular processes of, 116 laminae of, 116. spinous processes of, 116. peculiar, 116. of the wrist, 145. See Radio-carval Astragalus, 100. Atlas, 23. 3 Auditory process, 44. meatus, internal, 44. external, 44. nerve. See Nerve, portio mollis. Auricle or auricula of ear, 666. See Ear, ', Auricles of heart. See Heart. Auricular surface of os coxae, 91. Axis (vertebra), 24. Basilar process, 34. groove, 35. Bicipital groove, 78. tuberosity, 81. . Bi-parietal suture, 46. Biventer cervicis, 205. maxill* inferioris, 245. :. Bladder, 440. bas-fond of, 442. coats of, 442. development of, 443. ~ functions of, 444. fundus, inferior, 442. superior, or summit, 442. — ligaments of, anterior, 441. — posterior, 441. sacculated and fasciculated, 444. sphincter of, 443. structure of, 443. trigone of, 443. I. uvula of, 443. vessels and nerves, 444. Bones in general, 5-18. arteries of, three kinds, 14, 15. , asymmetrical, 8. broad or flat, 9. diploe of, 13. ossification of, 17. structure, internal, 13. tables of, 13. vitreous, 35. 880 INDEX Bones, cavities of, 9, 10. articular, 10. alveolar, 10. — cotyloid, 10. glenoid, 10. ■ trochlete, 10- non-articular, 10. canals or conduits, iO. fossae, 10. furrows, grooves, or chan- nels, 10. notches, 10. sinuses or cells, 10. ossification of, 17. changes in, after maturity, 18. chemical composition of, 14. description of, mode of, 11. development of, 15. cartilaginous stage, 15. —— mucous stage, 15. — osseous stage, 16. —— symmetry of, 17. direction of, absolute and relative, 7. eminences of, 9. articular, 9. condyles, 9 heads and necks, 9. non-articular, 9. apophyses, 9. — epiphyses, 9. marginal, 18. lines and crests, 9. ■ mammillary process- es, 9. . processes, 10. prominences, 9. spines or spinous pro- cesses, 9. tuberosities, 9. ossification of, 16. foramina of, 11. growth, mode of, 18. long, 8. extremities and shafts of, 9. —— marrow or medulla of, 10. medullary canal of, 10. membrane of, 13. structure of, internal, 10, ossification of, 16. nerves of, 14. nomenclature of, 6. number of, 6. nutrition of, 18. ossific points of, 16. ossification of, 16, 17. • eminences and cavities of, 17. three kinds of, 17. regions of, 9. shape and symmetry of, 8. short, 9. ossification of, 18. structure, internal, of, 13. situation of, general, 6. — size, weight, and density of, 7. structure of, internal, 13. ’microscopic, 11. substance of, areolar, 11. cancellated, or spongy, 11. — compact, 11. -reticulated, I], 13. surfaces, angles, and borders of, 8. symmetrical, 8. torsion of, 99. — veins and lymphatics of, 14. Bones in particular, 18-111. of arm, 78. astragalus, 100. atlas, 23. development of, 31. axis, 24. development of, 31. calcaneum, 100. • of carpus or wrist, 82. development of, 84. first row of, 83. second row of, 83. clavicle, 74. ' development of, 75. coccyx, 20. development of, 31. Bones, coronal, 35. costas. See Ribs. of cranium, 33. cubital, 79. cuboid, 101. cuneiform, carpal, 83. tarsal, external, 102. internal, 102, middle, 102. ■ of ear, 673. epactal, 50. ■ ethmoid, 40. development of, 41. of face, 51. femur, 93. development of, 95 fibula, 98. development of, 99. of fingers. _ See Phalanges. of foot, 99. of forearm, 79, 80. frontal, 35. —■ development of, 36. of hand, 82. of haunch, 89. humerus, 78. development of, 79. hyoid, 109. development of, 111. ilium, 89. . incus, 674. ischium, 89. of jaw, lower, 57. —— upper, 51. — jugal, 54. lachrymal, 56. development of, 56. of leg, 96. lenticular, 674. malar, 54. development of, 55. malleus, 673. maxillary, inferior, 57. development of, 68 superior, 51. — development of, 53, of metacarpus, 84. — development of, 85. —— first, 85. second, third, and fourth, 85, fifth, 85, of metatarsus, 103. development of, 104. first, 103. second, third, and fourth, 103. fifth, 103. — nasal, 55. development of, 56. navicular, of carpus, 83. — tarsus, 101. - occipital, 33. development of, 34. orbicular, 674. os calcis, 100. carince, 33. hyoides, 110. ' innominatum, 89. development of, 90. magnum, 83. planum, 40. prone, and os puppis, 33. quadrature, 53 unguis, 55 ossa triquetra, or Wormiana, 50 ossicula auditfls, 673. palate, 53. development of, 54. parietal, 41. development of, 42. patella, 95. development of, 96. of pelvis, 87. perone. See Fibula. phalanges of fingers, 85. development of, 81 toes, 104. development ot, 104 pisiform, 63. of pubes, 90. radius, 81. Bones, radius, development of, 82. . ribs, 67. development of, 68. false and true, 67. rotula, 95. sacrum, 26. development of, 32. scaphoid of carpus, 83. tarsus, 101. scapula, 75. development of, 75. . semilunar, 83. sesamoid, 96. of foot, 176. — of gastrocnemius, 165. of hand, 152. —■ of knee or patella, 96. of shoulder, 73. sphenoid, 36. — development of, 38. spheno-ocoipital, 36. spongy. See Turbinated. sternum, 64. ' development of, 65. styloid, 43. of tarsus, 99. • —• development of, 102. first row of, 100. second row of, 101. temporal, 42. development of, 44. mastoid portion of, 43. petrous portion of, 43. squamous portion of, 43. of thigh, 93. of thorax, 64. tibia, 96. development of, 98 of toes. See Phalanges. trapezium, 83. trapezoid, 83. turbinated, ethmoidal, 41. inferior, 56. : development of, 56. middle, 41. sphenoidal, 37. superior, 41. tympanic, 45. ulna, 79, development of, 81. unciform, 83. of vertebral column. See Vertebra, Vertebrce, and Vertebral Column. vomer or ploughshare, 57. development of, 57. Wormian, 50. zygomatic, 54. Borsa appiattita, 706. Brain. See Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Isthmus, and Me- dulla Oblongata. Bronchi, 417. structure of, 420. Bronchia or bronchial tubes, 418. relations of, with lobules, 418. structure of, 420. Bronchial arteries, 420. ultimate distribution, 420 glands (lymphatic), 420. tubes, 418. veins, 420. ultimate distribution, 420 mucous membrane, 342. — characters of, 342. Bucco-labial furrow, 326. Bulbs of fornix, or corpora albicantia, 728. Bulbus arteriosus, 494. Bursa synovial of tendo Achillis, 283. "of ligamentum patellae, 164. over patella, 311. Bursae mucosae (so called), 175. synovial, 175. around eyeball, 649. near shoulder joint, 142. hip joint, 161. knee joint, 164. sub-cutaneous, 630. Calamus scriptorius, 703. Calcaneum, 100. Calcar, 736. Canal, alimentary See Alimentary Canal. Canal, for anterior muscle of malleus, 672. arachnoid, of Bichat, 978 carotid, 43. for chorda tympani, 672. crural, 310. dental, inferior, 59 of Fontana, 656. godronnd, 661. hyaloid, 661. incisive, 52. infra-orbital, ,51. inguinal, 300. for internal muscle of malleus, 43, 672. of Jacobson, 671. maxillary, superior, 51. inferior, 60. medullary of long bones, 13 nasal, 653. of Nuck, 465. palatine, anterior, 52. posterior, 54. of Petit, 661. pterygo-palatine, 38. pterygoid, 38. sacral, 27. for tensor tympani muscle, 43, 671. tympanic, 673. vertebral, 30. vidian, 38. of Wirsung, 401. zygomatic, 55. Canals of bones, 12. dental, superior, 51. lachrymal, 652. palatine, accessory, 54. — semicircular, 576. See Semicircular Canals. Canine fossa, 51. Canthi of eyelids, 647. Capitula laryngis, 426. Capitulum cost®, 68. ligaments. See Ligament Capsule of Glisson, 478. lens, 663. Capsules, synovial, 114. of particular joints. See those joints. supra-renal, 445. See Supra-renal Capsules atrabiliary, 445. Caput coecum coli, 371. gallinaginis, 464. Cardia, 442. nerves. See Nerves. Carotid arteries. See Arteries. 'nerves. See Nerves. Carpal arteries. See Arteries. Carpus, bones of, 82. bones of first row of, 83. compared with first row of tarsus, 108. second row of, 83. compared with second row of tarsus, 108. compared with tarsus, 107. -. sheaths for tendons on, 316. Cartilage, chemical composition of, 174. cricoid, 423. of ear, 666. ensiform, 65. structure of, 174. thyroid, 423. xiphoid, 65. Cartilages, articular, 111. characters of, 111. structure of, 174. chemical composition of, 174, arytenoid, 424. costal, 69. articulations of, 133. falciform, of knee, 162. inter-articular, 112. structure of, 174. temporo-maxillary, 128. acromio-clavioular, 136 ■ stemo-clavicular, 137. of wrist, 143. of knee joint, 162. inter-osseous, 112. structure of, 174. of larynx, 423. ossification of, 435. of nose See Nose. 882 INDEX Cartilages, semilunar, of knee, 162. C —— tarsal, of eyelids, 647. Caruncula lachrymalis, 647. Caruncula: myrtiformes, 468. - Cauda equina, 770. - Caudal extremity of helix and antihelix, 667. - Cavernous body. See Corpus Cavernosum. - Cavity, coronoid, 80. - cotyloid, 88. digital or ancyroid, 947. glenoid, of scapula, 76. temporal bone, 43. - olecranoid, 80. of omentum, 478. - sigmoid, great and lesser, 81. - supplementary, of temporo-maxillary articula- - tion, 128. - of shoulder joint, 139. trochanteric, 95. Cavities, articular, 10. supplementary, 128. orbital, 62. glenoid, of tibia, 97. non-articular, 11. Cells of bones, 11. ethmoidal, 42. frontal, 36. sphenoidal, 39. Cellular tissue, 298. lymphatics of, 613. Central foramen of retina, 661. Centrum ovale minus, 736. of Vieussens, 736, 752. • semicirculare geminum, 746. Cerebellar arteries. See Arteries. veins. See Veins. Cerebellum, 715. arbor vitse, lateral and median, 721. commissures of, 723. comparative anatomy. 724. corpus callosum of, 711. ' dentatum or rhomboideum, 721. development of, 724. falx of, 684. fasciculi, converging and diverging, 724. fibres of, formative and uniting, 724. fissure of, median, 717. furrows of, 717. Gall’s views of, 724. ganglia of, 721. general view of, 724. internal structure of, 718. —— examined by hardening, 722. • sections, 721. water, 722. laminse and lamellae of, 717. structure of, 722 (note). lobe, sub-peduncular, 718. lobes, lateral and median, 717. i lobule of circumference, 718. medulla oblongata, 718. pneurnogastric nerve, 718. lobules or segments, 717. medullary centre of, 722. 1 • peduncles of inferior, 704 722. 1 middle, 710, 722. superior, 711, 722. : sections of, 720. horizontal, 722. ■ vertical, 721. size and weight of, 716. substances, gray, white, and yellow, 721. surface, upper, 716. lower, 717. • tentorium of, 684. ventricle of. See Ventricle, fourth. Certlr J. arteries. See Arteries. nerves. See Nerves, cranial. peduncles, substance, &c. See Cerebrum. veins. See Veins. Ccrefiro-spinal axis, 681. • divisions of, 682. membranes of, 682. See Arachnoid, Dura Mater, and Pia Mater. Cerebrum, 725. anfractuosities or sulci, 732. of digital cavity, 733. inferior surface, 733. internal surface, 734. “ superior surface, 731 Cerebrum, anfractuosities, of, 735. arbor vita; of, 750. base of, 727. lateral regions, 731. media* excavation of, 727. region, 727. commissures, 753. See Commissure comparative anatomy of, 757. convolutions or gyri, 732. of digital cavity, 733. inferior surface, 733. superior surface, 734, internal surface, 733. structure of, 755. uses o', 734. ■ Gall’s views of, 754 crura of, 723. development of, 756. falx of, 684. fibres of, formative or diverging, 752 radiating, 754. uniting or converging, 752. general idea of, 754. fissure, longitudinal, 726. Sylvian, 727. transverse, great, 727. ganglia of, 752. hemispheres of, 726. nucleus of, 749 internal structure of, 735. examined by hardening, 750 : sections of, 736. ; water, 750 Foville’s views of, 755. Gall’s views of, 751. general idea of, 753. Mayo’s views of, 754 — Rolando’s views of, 755. — lobes of, 731 (note), 735. medullary centres of, 737. peduncles of, 710. transverse fibres of, 731 course of, in brain, 753. structure of, 713. section, vertical median, 748. — Willis’s, 750. sections of horizontal, 736. vertical, transverse, 750. general remarks on, 751 size and weight, 725. compared to that of cere- bellum, 725. substance, gray or cortical, 702 (note). white or medullary, 702 (note' surface, inferior, or base, 727. superior, or convex, 727. unfolding of, by Gall, 753. ventricles of, 753. See Ventricle. Cervical arteries. See Arteries ganglia. See Ganglion. nerves. See Nerves. plexuses. See Plexuses. vertebra;. See Vertebra and Vertebra Cervix uteri, 465. Cheeks, 328. development of, 328. muscles of, 328. structure of, 328. vessels of, 328. Chemical composi'. a of tissues, &c. See those tit sues, &c. Chiasma, optic, 728, 819. Chorda tympani nerve, 836. —- canal for, 672. Chorda tendineie, 483. vocalcs, 426. inferior or true, 427. superior or false, 427. Chorion, 631. Choroid coat of eye, 657. structure of, 657. pigment, 659. I, plexuses, 747. See Plexuses. veins of brain, 586. eye, 657. Ciliary body, crown, or disc, 656. canal, 656. circle, ligament, or ring, 656. processes of the choroid coat, 656. zone of Zinn, 657. INDEX 883 Circle of Willis, 727. Circular sinus of Ridley, 587. Circumflex arteries. See Arteries. veins. See Veins. Clavicle, 74. Clitoris, 471. — artery of, 558. crura, glans and prepuce of, 471. ligaments and muscles of, 471. nerve of, 807. Cochlea, 677. aqueduct of, 679. axis, columella, or modiolus of, 678. lamina gyrorum, or tube of, 678. spiralis of, membranous and osseous, 678. nerves of, 681. scala; of, tympanic and vestibular, 677. Cochleariform process, 44. Coccygeal vertebrae, 18, 27. Coccyx, 27. Ccecal appendix, 373. Ccecum, 371. appendix vermiformis of, 373. development of, 383. internal surface, 373. structure, 378. Collateral arteries. See Arteries. nerves. See Nerves. Colon, 373. arch of, 374. ascending, 374. descending, 374. development of, 384. flexures of, iliac and sigmoid, 371. internal surface of, 376. longitudinal bands of, 374. — lumbar, left and right, 374. structure of, 378. transverse, 375. Columella of cochlea, 708. valve of Vieussens, 712. Columrue carneae, 483. of rectum, 377. Columns, fronto-nasal, 127. zygomato-jugal, 127. jugal, 127. pterygoid, 127. of face, 127. of vagina, 469. of spinal cord. See Spinal Cord. Comiles, arteriae. See Arteries, satellite. nervi. See Nerves, satellite. venae, 572. Commissura mollis, 740. Commissure, anterior, of brain, 741. antero-posterior, 753. external and internal, of eyelids, 647. great transverse, of brain, 735. of lips, 326. longitudinal, of brain, or fornix, 737. optic, 729. of pineal body, 742. posterior, of brain, 742. soft or gray, 741. of spinal cord, anterior, 698. gray and white, 699. at Sylvian fissure, 746. Commissures of brain, 742. See Commissure. Common mass of posterior spinal muscles, 201. Communicating arteries. See Arteries. — nerves. See Nerves. Comparison of arm-bone with thigh-bone, 105. arteries of upper and lower extremities, 572. bones of upper and lower extremities, 105. . carpus and tarsus, 107. development of upper and lower extrem- ities, 109. enamel and ivory of teeth, 183. first rows of carpus and tarsus, 108. hand and foot, 107. leg with forearm, 105. lower parts of radius and tibia, 107. metacarpus and metatarsus, 108. . nerves of upper and lower extremities, 815. permanent and temporary teeth, 187. phalanges of fingers and toes, 109. Comparison of second rows of carpus and tarsus, 108, shoulder with pelvis, 105. teeth and bones, 177. — epidermoid appendages, 177 upper and lower molar teeth, 181 *• upper parts of ulna and tibia, 107. Compressor muscles See Muscles. Conarium, 742. Concha of ear, 666. tragic fossa of, 668. nose, inferior, 56. middle, 41. superior, 41. Conchce, ethmoidal, 41. Condylarthrosis, characters, &c., 114. Condyle, 10. —— humeral, 78. Condyles, occipital, 34. of lower jaw, 58. femur, 95. tibia, 97. Condyloid foramen, anterior, 34. posterior, 34. fossae, 34. Confluences of the sinuses, 588. Coni vasculosi testis, 452. Conjunctiva, 648. Constrictor muscles. See Muscles. Conus arteriosus, 481. Convolutions of brain. See Cerebrum. small intestines, 364. Coracoid process, 76. Cordiform tendon of diaphragm, 212. Cornea, opaque, 655. transparent, 655. Cornicula laryngis, 424. Cornu Ammonis, 745. Cornua of hyoid bone, 109. lateral ventricle. See Ventricle —— styloid, 109. thyroid cartilage, 424. Corona ciliaris, 656. radians of Reil, 755. of glans penis, 461. Coronal bone, 35. Coronary arteries. See Arteries. ligaments. See Ligaments. veins. See Veins. Coronoid cavity, 80. process of lower jaw, 58. ulna, 60. Corpora albicantia, 728. structure of, 738. Arantii, 486. bigemina, 712. lutea, 462. mammillaria, 728. olivaria, or ovata, 706. quadrigemina, 712. restiformia, 707. Corpus bulbosum, 461. artery of, 558. nerve of, 806. callosum, artery of, 529. bourrelet or cushion of, 731 of cerebellum, 711. extremity, anterior, 737. posterior, 731. genu or knee, 737. — peduncles of, 730. reflected portion, anterior, 730. rostrum or beak, 737. convolution of, 733. ventricle of, 737. longitudinal tracts of, 7 37 fibres of, 753. cavernosum penis, 455. . crura of, 455. nerves, 456. structure, 455. vessels, 456. dentatum cerebelli, 721. medulla:, 705. fimbriatum, 739. uteri, 464. geniculatum externum, 728. internum, 712. Highmori, 450. luteum, 462. mucosum of skin, 635- 884 INDEX Corpus papillare of skin, 632. psalloides, 738. reticulare of skin, 635. — spongiosum urethra, 460. striatum, 744. fibres of, 753. lobule of, 731. vein of, 745. Costal cartilages, 69. Costa, 67. See Ribs. of scapula, 76. Cotyloid cavity, 88. cavities in general, 11. Crania, national, 44. Cranial nerves, in general. See Nerves. in particular. See Nerves. ganglia. See Ganglia. ; arachnoid. See Arachnoid. dura mater. See Dura Mater. Cranium, aponeuroses of, 299. area of, 45. articulations of, 125. base of, exterior of, 45, interior of, 46. bones of, 34. circulation of, arterial, 531. venous, 562. development of, 50. —— external surface of, 45. lymphatic system of, 627. in general, 45. internal surface of, 46. mechanism of, 126. regions of, 45. -sutures of, in general, 154. — particular. See Sutures. varieties of, 45. vault of, 45. Crest of ilium, 89. pubes, 89. tibia, 97. urethra, 459. Crests, occipital, 35. Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone, 40. Crista galli, 40. ilii, 89. vestibuli, 676. Crura of clitoris, 471. corpus cavernosum, 455. ■ diaphragm, 212. — cerebri, 711. Crural arch, 309. ring, 310. septum, 310. Crust of cerebral peduncles, 713 (note). Crusta petrosa, 182. Crypts of Lieberkuhn, 369. Cuneiform bone of carpus, 83. Cutaneous nerves. See Nerves. Cuticle, 633. Cutis, or cutis vera, 631. anserina, 630. Cystic duct, 397. Cystis fellea, 396. Oartos, 446. tissue of, 446 (note). Deltoid impression, 78. Dental arteries. See Arteries. canal, inferior, 57. canals, superior, 51. nerves. See Nerves. veins. See Veins. Dentata (vertebra), 24. Dentes. See Teeth. Depressor muscles. See Muscles. Development of particular bones, organs, or parts of body. See those bones, organs, &c. Diaphragm, 212. Diarthroses, 114. Digastric fossa, 43. groove, 43. Digestive apparatus, general view of, 3. Digital arteries. See Arteries. nerves. See Nerves. Diploe, 14. Diploic canals, 591. —; veins, 585, 591. Dissection of different parts. See those parts. Dorsal arteries. See Arteries. Dorsal ligaments. See Ligaments. nerves. See Nerves. veins. See Veins. vertebra. See Vertebra and Vertebra, Dorsum ilii, or external iliac fossa, 88. -linguae, 337. manus, 82. nasi, 641. -pedis, 99. Duct, common biliary, 398. — internal surface, 399. structure, 399. cystic, 397. structure, 399. ejaculatory, 452. hepatic, 395. internal surface, 399. structure, 399. lymphatic, right, 619. nasal, 653. pancreatic, 402. parotid, 341. Stenonian, 341. thoracic, 618. — right, 619. Warthonian, 342. Ducts, biliary, 398. lactiferous or galactophorous, 473, prostatic, 458. ofßivinus, 342. Ductus arteriosus, 500. communis choledochus, 398. ejaculatorius, 452. venosus, 600. Duodenum, 361. curvatures of, 362. glands of, 370. lymphatic glands of, 625. structure of. See Small Intestine. Dura mater, 682. cranial portion of, 683. cranial nerves of, 686. sinuses of, 584. structure of, 685 uses of, 686. vessels of, 686. dissection of, 682. spinal portion of, 686. vessels of, 687. Ear, auricle of, 666. cartilage of, 666. ligaments of, 667. muscles of, extrinsic. See Muscles, auricular. intrinsic, 668. skin of, 668. vessels and nerves, 668. drum of. See Tympanum. external. See auricle and meatus of. general view of, 666. internal, or labyrinth of. See Labyrinth. meatus of external, 668. cartilaginous and fibrous portion of, 668 — glands of, 669. osseous portion of, 44. skin of, 6. internal, 44. —— bottom of, 680. middle. See rr,ampanum. ossicula of, 670. movements of, 674. muscles belonging to, 674. tympanum of. See Tympanum. —— vessels of, 680. Eighth cranial nerve. See Nerves, glosso-pharyngeaJ, pneumogastric, and spinal accessory. Ejaculatory duct, 452. Elastic tissue, structure of, 174. chemical composition of, 174. ligaments, general characters of. 112. of vertebra, 115. Elbow-joint, 143. Eminence, jugular, 34. nasal, 35. frontal, 35. ilio-pectineal, 89. hypothenar, 261. thenar, 260. unciform of lateral ventricle, ' 30 INDEX Eminnitia collaterals, 746, Eminentice natiformes, 712. testiformes, 712. Enamel of teeth. See Teeth. Enarthroses, 114. Encephalic nerves. See Nerves, cranial. Encephalon, arteries of, in general, 535. isthmus of. See Isthmus. JSredo-cardium, 488. lymph, 680. Ensiform process, cartilage or appendix, 65. Epactal bones, 50. Epicondyle, 79. Epidermis, 633. Epididymis, 451. globus major, 451. minor, 451. structure, 451. Epigastric region, 352. Epiglottis, 425. Epiploon, 478. See Omentum. Epithelium ciliated, 323. columnar, 323. squamous, 323. of particular membranes. See those mem- branes. Epitrocklea, 80. Erectores muscles. See Muscles. Ergot, 736. Ethmoid bone, 40. Ethmoidal bulb, 818. cells or sinuses, 40. fossa, 48. groove, 40. labyrinth, 40. Eustachian tube, or trumpet, 672. cartilaginous and fibrous portion, 672. mucous membrane, 673 (note). osseous portion, 44, 672. Extensores muscles. See Muscles. Extremities, lower, aponeuroses of, 306. articulations of, 153. arteries of, 557. bones of, 87. development of, 104. lymphatic system of, 619. nerves of, 797. veins of, 603. upper, aponeuroses of, 315. arteries of, 531. articulations of, 135. bones of, 74. development of, 87. lymphatic system of, 628. nerves of, 781. veins of, 593. upper and lower, arteries of, compared, 572. bones of, compared, 105. development of, compa- red, 109. nerves of, compared, 815. Eyey 645. appendages of, 646. brows, 646. chamber of, anterior, 658. :— posterior, 658. globe of, 654. humours of, aqueous, 664. crystalline, 662. — vitreous, 661. lashes, 646. lids, 646. cartilages of, 647. commissures or canthi, 647. glands, 648. mucous membrane, 647. muscles of, 647. uses of, 647. vessels and nerves, 648. membranes of, 654. of aqueous humour, 655. arachnoid of, 656 (note). _____— capsule of lens, 662. choroid coat, 656. cornea, 655. hyaloid, 661. — iris, 657. — Jacob’s, 661. pupillary, 659. retina, 680. Eye, membrane, Ruysclrs, 659. sclerotic coat, 654. of vitreous humour, 661. muscles of, oblique, 651. — recti, or straight, 651. action of, 651 nerve of. See Nerve, optic pigment of, 660. vessels of, 665. Face, area of, 46. bones of, 51. —- cavities of, 62. circulation of, arterial, 530. venous, 593. development of, general, 63. regions of, 63, 64. in general, 60. lymphatic system of, 626. movements of, 238. muscles of, 231. regions of, 60. Facial angle of Camper, 45. nerve. See Nerve, portio dura. - Fallopian aqueduct, 43. hiatus, 44. ligament, 302, tubes, 463. fimbriae of, 463. structure and uses of, 463. Falx of umbilical vein, 475. cerebelli, 684. cerebri, 684. Fascia. See Aponeurosis. cervical, 209. cremasteric, 302. . cribriform, 309, 621. dentata, 476. iliac, 302. infundibuliform, of cord, 302. —: intercoluranar, of inguinal ring, 301. lata, 309. iliac portion, 310. pubic portion, 311. structure, 311. obturator, 308. propria (sub-peritoneal fascia), 303-305 recto-vesical, 308. spermatic, 304. superficial, 297, 630. tensor muscles of, 294. transversalis, 305. Fasciculi, muscular, 193. of medulla. See Medulla. Fauces, arches of, 330. — isthmus of, 330. . pillars of, 330. Femur, 93. - Fenestra ovalis, 670. ►—rotunda, and its fossa, 671. Fibres, muscular, involuntary, 324. voluntary, 193. nervous, 767. Fibrous tissue, 298. Fibro-cartilage of epiglottis, 425. cartilages, 177. of particular joints. See those joint! Fibula, 98. Fifth cranial nerve. See Nerve, trifacial Filaments, muscular, 193. nervous, 767. Fillet, 712. Fimbria: of Fallopian tubes, 463. Fingers, 86. phalanges of, 86. — and toes, phalanges of, compared, 120. First cranial nerve. See Nerve, olfactory. Fissure, Glasserian, 43. glenoidal, 43. incisive, 53. orbital, 53. pterygo-maxillary, 55. spheno-maxillary, 39, 52, 55. —- sphenoidal, 39. Sylvian, 730. Fissures of brain, liver, &c. See those organs. Flexor muscles. See Muscles. Flocculus, 718. Fluid, ventricular, 744. of Scarpa, 680 886 INDEX Fluid, sub-arachnoid, 144. Folds, aryteno-epiglottid, 433. glosso-epiglottid, 336. pharyngeo-epiglottid, 426. Follicles, dental, 184. of Goodsir, 183. intestinal. See Intestines, Lieberkuhn’s, 379. sebaceous, 635. solitary, 370. — of stomach, 360. tubular, 360. uterine, 471. Fontanelles of scull, 49. Foot, bones of, 99. compared with hand, 108. Foramen, of Bichat, 688. of Botal, 486. centrale of retina, 660. csecum of frontal bone, 36. Morgagni (in tongue), 333. medulla oblongata, tO3. —— condyloid, anterior, 34. posterior, 34. infra-orbitary, 59. lacerum superius, 39. —-—— posterius, 44, 47, 49. anterius, 47. magnum, 34. mastoid, 43. mental, 57- of Monro, 740. nutritious of humerus, 78. — ulna, 79. radius, 81. femur, 93. tibia, 96. fibula, 99. obturator, 88. occipital, 34. optic, 37. orbital, internal anterior, 36. posterior, 36. ovale of heart, 487. sphenoid bone, 38. parietal, 42. rotundum, 38. spheno-palatine, 54. spheno-spinosum or spinosum, 38. stylo-mastoid, 43. superciliary, 36. supra-orbitary, 36. vertebral, 20, 21. —— of Winslow, 476. Foramina Thebesii, 488. malar, 54. of bones, 11. inter-vertebral, 20, 30. posterior, 775 (note). sacral, 27. Forearm, bones of, 79. compared with leg, 105. Fornix, 739. bulbs of, 740. pillars of anterior, 739. posterior, 740. Fossa, amygdaloid, 331. canine, 51. digastric, 43. ethmoidal, 48. iliac, external, 88. internal, 88. infra-spinous, 76. ischio-rectal, 309. jugular, 43. lachrymal, 36. mental, 58. myrtiform, 49. navicularis of urethra, 461, vulva, 470. ear, 670. ovalis of heart, 488. parietal, 43. perineal, 309. pituitary, 37, 48. pterygoid, 38. scaphoid. See Navicularis. spheno-maxillary, 60. sub-lingual, 57, 60. sub-maxillary, 57, 60. Fossa, sub-pyramidal, 671. sub-scapular, 75. supra-spheuoidal, 37. supra-spinous, 76. temporal, 47. zygomatic, 60. Fossa of bones, 11. — condyloid, 34. frontal, 36. internal iliac, 91. nasal, 62. middle lateral, or spheno-temporal, 48 occipital, 35. Fourchette of sternum, 65. vulva, 470. Fourth cranial nerve. See Nerve, pathetic. Fovea hemispherica, 676. semi-elliptica, 676. Frcenum labii, 324. lingua;, 336. prteputii, 455. Frontal bone, 35. cells or sinuses, 37. eminence, 35. fossae, 36. Fronto-jugal suture, 48. maxillary suture, 59. nasal suture, 59. columns, 127. parietal suture, 45, 47. sphenoidal suture, 48. Fundus of stomach, bladder, &c. See those organs. Furrow, mylo-hyoidean, 57. mento-labial, 326. bucco-labial, 326. Furrows of heart and spinal cord. See those organs. Galaclophorous ducts, 473. Galea capitis, 208. Gall-bladder, 396. structure of, 397. use of, 400. Ganglia, lymphatic. See Lymphatic Glands. Ganglia, nervous, in general. See Nerves, ganglia o) Ganglia, nervous, in particular, 765. abdominal, 865. of brain, 753. cervical, sympathetic. See Ganglion. cranial, 765. sympathetic, 854. intercostal, 765. lumbar, sympathetic, 868. external and internal branches of, 869. spinal or rachidian, 765. splanchnic, 765. sympathetic, 765. connexions of, 766. structure of, 768. thoracic, 864. external branches, 864. internal branches, 864. vertebral, 761. Ganglion of Andersh, 843. annulare (of eye), 831. cardiac, 862. carotid, 856. of cerebellum, 722. cervical, ferior, 859. middle, 859. superior, 855. branches of, anterior, 857. external, 858. inferior, 858. internal, 858. * superior, 856. ciliary, 830. Gasserian, 827. of glosso-pharyngeal, 843. impar, 871. inter-carotid, 858. lenticular, 830. Meckel’s, 831. naso-palatine, 831. ophthalmic, and branches, 830. otic, and branches, 837. petrosal, 843. of pneumogastric, 845. of Ribes, 857. of root of hypoglossal, 823 (note,. INDEX 887 Ganglion of root of spinal accessory, 823. semilunar abdominal, 866. of fifth nerve, 827. — solar, 866. spheno-palatine, and branches, 831. sub-maxillary, 837. thoracic, first, 859. thyroid, 859. Gasserian ganglion, 827. Genial processes, 58. Ginglymus, angular and lateral, 114. Glabella, 35. Gland, accessory, of parotid, 341. epiglottid (so called), 430. lachrymal, 652. • parotid, 340. See Parotid Gland. pineal. See Pineal Gland. pituitary, 729. prostate, 459. structure, 459. sub-lingual. See Sub-lingual Glana. ■ sub-maxillary, 342. See Sub-maxillary Gland. thymus, 415. — thyroid, 433. Glands, agminated, 370. arytenoid, 433. Brunner’s, 370. buccal, 329. ceruminous, 669. conglobate (lymphatic), 614. Cowper’s, 460. duodenal, 370. —-— epiglottid, 430. of Havers, 113.. in knee, 163. intestinal. See Intestines. ■— labial, 328. laryngeal, 432. lingual, 337. lymphatic, in general, 616. particular. See Lymphatic Glands. mammary, 472. Meibomian, 648. • molar, 329. odoriferous, of prepuce, 453. oesophageal, 352. of Pacchioni, 585, 685. palatine, 329. Peyer’s, 370. salivary, 840. See Salivary Glands. solitary, 370. sudoriferous, 633. synovial (so called), 113. ■ —of trachea, 416. tubular, 360, 370. Tyson’s, 454. of uterus, 467. of Vesalius (bronchial), 625. Glandula socia parotidis, 341. Gians clitoridis, 471. l— penis, 460. corona of, 460. structure of, 461. Glasserian fissure, 43. Globuli Arantii, 486. Globus major, 451. minor, 451. Glomeruli, 437. (JZosso-epiglottid folds or ligaments, 430. pharyngeal nerve. See Nerve. Glenoid cavities in general, 11. ligaments. See Ligaments. Glottis, 430. differences in size of, 435. Gomphosis, 114. Groove, basilar, 34. bicipital, 78. cuboid, 100. dental primitive, 184. _ secondary, 184. digastric, 43, 47. — ethmoidal, 40. inferior petrosal, 49. lachrymo-nasal, 51. longitudinal, of cranium, 47 mylo-hyoidean, 50. obturator, 88. optic, 37. sub-pubic, 88. Groove, superior petrosal, 44. of torsion, of humerus, 78. Grooves of bones, 12. calcaneal, 100. carotid, 37. cavernous, 37. for lateral sinuses, 34. on back of radius, 81. sacral, 92. of spinal cord. See Spinal Cord. vertebral, 29. Gubernaculum dentis, 189. testis, 446. Gula, 344. Gulf of the internal jugular, 583. Gums, 329. Habence of pineal body, 742. Hamular process of sphenoid bone, 37. cochlea, 678. Hand, bones of, 82. compared with foot, 107. Hairs, description of, general, 638. follicles of, 638. structure and growth, 638 (note). Harmonia, 114. Harmonic sutures, 114. Haunch bone, 89. Heads of bones, 9. particular. See those bones. Heart, 479. auricles of, external surface, 482. interior of, 486. muscular fibres of, 490. —— musculi pectinati, 404. orifices of, 484. auricula! of, 482. interior of, 487. bone in, 489. cellular tissue, 493. chords tendineae, 483. columns carnese, 483. conformation of, external, 480. internal, 482. development of, 492. fibrous framework of, 488. foramen of Eotal, 486. ovale, 486. — remains of, 486. foramina Thebesii, 487. fossa ovalis, 486. function, 492. furrow, auriculo-ventricular, 481. inter-auricular,'4B2. ventricular, anterior and post* rior, 481.. muscular fibres of, 488. structure of, 488. nerves of, 492. separation of, into right and left hearts, 490. septum, inter-auricular, 482. — ventricular, 481. serous coat, external, 487. internal, 487. sounds of, 493. structure of, 487. tubercle of Lower, 486. valve, Eustachian, 486. mitral, 484, of Thebesius, 486. tricuspid or triglochin, 484. valves of, auriculo-ventricular left, 484. . right, 485. semilunar. See Sigmoid. ■——— sigmoid, aortic, 484. — pulmonary, 484. ventricles of, external surface, 480. interior of, 483. muscular fibres of, 488. musculi papillares, 484. orifices of, 483. vessels of, 491. zones, fibrous, of, 488. Heel, bone of, 100. Helicotrema, 679. Helix, and its furrow or groove, 666. — cartilaginous process of, 667. Hemorrhoidal arteries. See Arteries. nerves. See Nerves. [Hepatic artery, in the liver, 394, 395. 888 INDEX Uepatic duct, 395. — in the liver, 394, 395. Hiatus Fallopii, 44. Hilus of spleen, &c. See those organs. //ip-joint, 159. ligaments of, 160. Horizontal plate of palate bone, 53. Human body, general view of, 1-4. Humerus, 78. Humours of eye. See Eye. Hymen, 469. • Hyoid bone or apparatus, 109. F/ypo-glossal nerve. See Nerve. Leo-coecal valve, 372. development of, 384. ——— structure of, 373. ■ uses of, 373. • colic valve, 372. Ileum, 362. • structure of. See Intestine, small. Iliac arteries. See Arteries. flexure, 371. fossa, external, 88. internal, 88. —— region, 352. veins. See Veins. ilio-pectineal eminence, 89. Ilium, 89. Impression, deltoid, 78. Incisive canal, 52. fissure, 53. Incisura tragica, 666. Incus, 674. Indented sutures, 115. /n/ra-orbital canal, 51. foramen, 59. nerves. See Nerves. spinous fossa, 76. , Infundibula of kidneys, 439. Infundibulum of base of brain, 729. cochlea, 678. nasal fossa, 41, 62. • ■ right ventricle of heart, 481 Inguinal canal, 304. ■ ring, 303. Insula of Reil, 745. Integumentum, 713 (note). Inter-articular cartilages. See Cartilages. auricular furrow, 482. septum, 482. columnar fascia, 301. condyloid notch, 95. costal arteries. S'ee Arteries. nerves. See Nerves. spaces, 71. lobular fissures, spaces, and vessels of liver, 301. of lungs, 414. osseous arteries. See Arteries. cartilages, 112. ligaments. See Ligaments. - muscles, See Muscles. nerves. See Nerves. spaces of hand, 84. foot, 106. peduncular space, 711, 728. spinous ligaments, 119. trochanteric line, 94. ventricular furrow, 480. septum, 480. vertebral foramina, 20, 30. • substance or disc, 115. • ligaments, 115. Intestine, large, 370. • coats of, 378, 379. development of, 383t divisions of, 371. follicles of, 379. functions of, 382. lymphatic glands and vessels, 379. structure of, 378. tubuli of, 379. vessels and nerves of, 379. Intestine, small, 361. coats of, 366. convolutions of, 364. crypts of, 370. development of, 383. -— divisions of, 361. follicles of, agminated, 369. Intestine, small, follicles of, Lieberkuhn’s, 370 solitary, 369. . functions of, 370. glands of, 366. lymphatic glands of, 624. lymphatics of, 624. papillte of, 367. properly so called, 363 structure of, 365. tubuli of, 370. valves of, 366. vessels and nerves of, 370. — villi of, 367. Intestines in general, 361. development of, 383. fatra-lobular veins of liver, 395 (note). spinal veins. See Veins. Iris, 657. layers of, 659. muscular fibres of, 658 (note). structure, 658. uses of, 659. vessels and nerves of. 659. Ischiadic notch, 89. Ischio rectal fossas, 308. Ischium, 89. Island of Reil, 745. Isthmus faucium, 325. ovalis (heart), 486. of the encephalon, 710. comparative anatomy, 715. development of, 715. divisions of, 710. — fasciculus of, triangular, 710-712. furrow, lateral, of, 710. internal structure of, 713. lower stratum, 713. middle stratum, 713. upper stratum, 713. sections of, 713. Iter dentis, 188. Ivory of teeth. See Teeth. Jacob’s membrane, 660. structure of, 661. Jaw, lower, 57. articulations of, 128. upper, bones of, 51. articulations of, 126. Jejunum, 362. structure of. See Small Intestine Joints. See Articulations. Jugal columns, 127. bone, 54. Jugular eminence, 34. fossa, 43. . veins. See Veins. internal, sinus of, 583. Kidneys, 436. acini, 438. adipose capsule of, 437 calyces of, 439. coat of, 437. cortical substance of, 438. development of, 440. functions of, 440. glomeruli, 437. hilus or fit -ure, 436. papilhe, 40.. pelvis of, 440. . pyramids of, Ferrein’s, 437. — Malpighi’s, 437. tubes of, convoluted, 437. straight, 437. tubular portion, 438. structure of, 438, vessels and nerves, 438. Knee-joint, arteries, ligaments, and nerves. See those parts. Labia pudendi, 470. Labyrinth, ethmoidal, 40. fluids of, 679. lining membrane of, 680. membranous, 679. , . • osseous, 675. See Cochlea, Semi-circular Canals, and Vestibule. Lacerated, foramen anterior, 47. posterior, 44 INDEX 889 Lacerated, foramen superior, 39. Lacerti teretes of heart, 483. Lachrymal bone, 56. canals, 651. caruncula, 647. gland, 651. groove, or fossa, 36, 651. • papillae, or tubercles, 645. passages, 651. mucous coat of, 654. puncta, 652. sac, 653. Lachry mo -nasal groove, 51. canal, 652. Lacteals, 611. of intestines, 612. Lactiferous ducts, 473. Lacuna magna, 460 (note). Lacunce of urethra, 460. Lacus lachrymalis, 647. Lambdoidal suture, 46. Lamina cinerea, 730. of cornea, 745. cribrosa of ethmoid, 40. ——of internal auditory meatus, 678, 680. gyror.urn, 677. papyracea, 41. spiralis, membranous and osseous, 671. Laryngeal nerves. See Nerves. Larynx, 422. articulations of, 426. ■ cartilages of, 423. ossification of, 435. development of, 435 functions of, 435. glottis, 430. in general, 429. ligaments of, 425. mucous membrane and glands of, 475. muscles of, 427. sinus of, 434. surface, external, 429. internal, 430. ventricle of, 427. — vessels and nerves, 435. Leg, articulations of, 168. bones of, 96. compared with forearm, 105. fascia of, 311. Lemniscus, 711. Lens. See Crystalline Lens. Levator muscles. , See Muscles. Levers, three orders of, in body, 199. Ligamenta-lata of uterus, 475. subflava, general characters, 112. of vertebral column, 115. Ligaments in general, 112. articular, 112. capsular, 112. interosseous, 112. membranous, 112. structure of, 174. yellow or elastic, 112. Ligaments in particular, 113. accessory, of shoulder-joint, 139. hip-joint, 160. — knee-joint, 165. !— Weitbrecht, 144. alar, of axis (or odontoid), 119. of knee, 165. . of ankle-joint, lateral, anterior external, 169. — external proper, 169. internal, 169. ■ posterior, 169. — annular, of radius, 142. atlas, 117. carpus, anterior, 318. dorsal, 318. _ tarsus, dorsal and lateral, 313. aryteno-epiglottid, 426. _ astragalo-calcaneal, interosseous, 171. external, 171. posterior, 171. scaphoid, superior, 172. atlanto-axoid, anterior, 117. posterior, 117. . capsular, 117. odontoid, transverse or annular, 117. - . crucial, 117. of auricle, anterior and posterior, 667. Ligaments of auricle, intrinsic, 667. of bladder, anterior, 308, 440. posterior, 440, 475. — broad, of liver, 386. uterus, 465. calcaneo-cuboid, inferior, 173. — internal, 173. superior, 172. scaphoid, inferior, 172. superior, 172. of canthus, external, 647. capsular, acromio-clavicular, 135. — atlanto-axoid, 119. — carpo-metacarpal of thumb, 150. of little finger, 150. —— hip-joint, 160. knee-joint, 166. ■——— occipito-atlantoid, 118. axoid, 119. scapulo-humeral, 137. sterno-clavicular, 136. of each row of carpal bones, 147. two rows of carpal bones, 147. carpo-metacarpal, dorsal, 150. palmar, 150. interosseous, with os mag nurn, 150. — of little finger, 150. — thumb, 150. cervical, posterior, of quadrupeds, 117. check, of axis (or odontoid), 119. chondro-sternal, anterior, 131. interosseous, 131. posterior, 131. — superior and inferior, 131 ; xiphoid, 131. ciliary, 656. conoid, 135. coraco-acromial, 140. —- clavicular, anterior, or trapezoid, 136 —- posterior, or conoid, 136 —— coraco-huraeral, 139. —coracoid, 139. costo-clavicular, 138. coracoid, 139. —-—: transverse, interosseous, 131 —— posterior, 131. superior, 131. vertebral, anterior, 131. inferior, 131. interosseous, 131. stellate, 131. — superior, 131. cotyloid, of hip-joint, 159. crico-arytenoid, 426. thyroid, middle and lateral, 426 —— crucial, of atlas, 117. knee-joint, 164. of cuneiform bones of tarsus, 170. and scaphoid, 171 third and cuboid, 171 deltoid, 169. dorsal, annular, of carpus, 318. tarsus, 313. carpo-metacarpal, 149. of carpus, 149. metacarpus, 149. metatarsus, 175. • tarso-metatarsal, 175. of tarsus, 171. elbow-joint, external lateral, 141. internal lateral, 141. anterior, 141. : posterior, 142. falciform, 303. Fallopius’s, 302 of Ferrein, 427. Gimbernat’s, 303. glenoid, carpal anterior, 148. posterior, 148. motacarpo-phalangal, 152. metatarso-phalangal, 175. phalangal, of fingers, 153. toes, 176. scapulo-humeral, 138. glosso-epiglottid, 425. of hip-joint, anterior superior, 160. accessory. 160. cotyloid, 160. inter-articular, 161. 890 INDEX Ligaments, plantar of tarsus, 172 Poupart’s, 302. proper, of scapula, anterior, 140. posterior, 140. pterygo-maxillary, 235. pubic anterior, 155. inferior, 155. interosseous, 155. posterior, 155. superior, 155. triangular, 155. radiated chondro-sternal, 133. of radio-carpal articulation, 145. cubital articulations, 144. recto-uterine, 467. round, of forearm, 144. hip-joint, 161. uterus, 466. sacro-coccygeal, anterior, 120. posterior, 120. iliac, anterior, 154. interosseous, 154. * posterior vertical, 155. superior, 154. sciatic, great, 155. small, 155. vertebral, 120. scaphoid and cuboid, 172. of shoulder-joint, 136. spheno-maxillary, 129. stellate, costo-vertebral, 130. or radiated, chondro-sternal, 131. stylo-maxillary, 129. —— mylo-hyoid, 129. sub-pubic, or inferior pubic, 156. supra-spinous, 119. suspensory of clitoris, 471. penis, 456. liver, 386, 475. of first row of tarsal bones, 171. second row of tarsal bones, 171. tarso-metatarsal, dorsal, 174. interosseous, 174. oblique of fifth toe, 175. plantar, 174. of temporo-maxillary articulation, later3u external, 128. internal, 129. thyro-arytenoid, or chord® vocales, 427. epiglottid, 425. hyoid, middle and lateral, 425. tibio-tarsal, anterior, 169. internal, 169. posterior, 169. of tragus, 667. transverse of atlas, 117. knee, 163. metacarpus, 149. trapezoid, 136. triangular of perineum, 307. — penis, 455. symphysis pubis, 156. urethra, 307. — vwrist, 143. of two rows of tarsal bones, 171. vertebra], anterior common, 116. interosseous, 116. ■ posterior, 116. yellow elastic, 117. vesico-uterine, 467. of Weitbrecht, 144. V .nslow, 164. wrist-joint, external anterior, 146. internal anterior, 146. middle anterior, 146. external lateral, 146. internal lateral, 146. posterior, 146. of Zinn, 650. Ligamentum arcuatum of diaphragm, 213 denticulatum, 694. fibuhe anterius, 170. medium, 170. perpendiculare, 170. posterius, 170. gastro-phrenicum, 354. laturn pulmonis, 413. longum plant*, 173. — mucosum of knee-joint, 164. nucha, 202. Ligaments of hip-joint, round, 161. capsular, 160. of humero-cubital, 141. hyo-epiglottid, 425. ilio-lnmbar, 156. inter-articular, acromio-clavicular, 135. of hip-joint, 160. of shoulder-joint, 137. sterno-clavicular, 136. temporo-jTiaxillary, 128. of wrist, 143. osseous, astragalo-calcaneal, 171. of carpal bones, 147. ■ carpo-metacarpal, 149. costo-transverse, 131. vertebral, 131. of forearm, 144. — knee-joint, 164. leg, 169. os magnum and metacar- pus, 149. metacarpal, 149. metatarsal, 175. ——— peroneo-tibial, 168. pubic, 156. radio-cubital, 143. sacro-iliac, 155. tarsal, of first row, 171. second row, 171. tarso-mctatarsal, 175. vertebral, 115. clavicular, 137. spinous, 116. vertebral, 115; of knee-joint, 163. accessory, 166. adipose (so called), 166. alar, 166. anterior, 163. capsular, 163. —— crucial anterior, 164. posterior, 163. inter-articular, 163. osseous, 164. lateral, external, 163. internal, 163. mucous (so called), 166. posterior, 163. transverse, 163. of larynx, 425. malleus, 673. metacarpo-phalangal, glenoid, 152. lateral, 152. of thumb, 152. of metacarpus, 148. metatarso-phalangal, glenoid, 176. lateral, 176. of metatarsus, 175. occipito-atlantal anterior, superficial, 116. deep, 116. capsular, 117. lateral, 117. posterior, 116. ■ axoid, lateral, 120. • middle, 120. odontoid, lateral, 120. middle, 120. orbicular, of acromio-clavicular articula- tion, 137. of hip-joint, 158. scapulo-humeral, 139. sterno-clavicular, 137. palmar of carpo-metacarpal joints, 149. —— carpus, 147. ———- metacarpus, 148. • of patella, 164. perinseal, 307. • peroneo-tarsal, anterior external, 170. ■ ! external, 170. ■ posterior, 170. ■ of peroneo-tibial articulations, 167, 168. • perpendicular, 170. • phalangal of fingers, glenoid, 153. lateral, 153. • toes, glenoid, 177. lateral, 177. of pisiform and cuneiform bones, 147. plantar inferior, 174. of metatarsus, 176. — tarso-metatarsal, 176. INDEX. Ligamentum patellse, 164. phrenioo-lienale, 403. proprium anterius scapulae, 140. posterius scapula, 140. teres of forearm, 144. hip-joint, 161. Limbs. See Extremities. Limbus luteus, 660. Line, inter-trochanteric, 94. mylo-hyoidean, 57. naso-labial, 327. Lines, semicircular of occipital bone, 33. os coxae, 88. Linea alba, 301. cervical, 300. aspera, 94. Lips, 325. development of, 326. movements of, 238 muscles of, 326. structure of, 326. uses of, 327. vessels of, 327. L'quor Cotunni, 680. Morgagni, 663. of Scarpa, 680. Liver, 385. acini of, 390. . circumference of, 389. coats of, 390. colour and fragility, 389. development of, 399. ducts of, 391 (notes). excretory apparatus of, 395. figure, 386. fissures, 387. functions, 400. groove for vena cava, 389 hilus of, 388. ligament, broad or suspensory, 386. coronary, 390. falciform, 386, triangular,.left and right, 390 lobes, 387. lobules or granules, 388. arrangement of, 391. structure of, 394 (note). lymphatics of, 393. nerves of, 393. porta ot, 388. proper tissue, 390 (note). situation, 385. size, 385. structure of, 390. surface, inferior or plane, 386. superior, 386. vessels of, 392. arrangement of, 393. Lobes and lobules of organs. See those organs. Lobule of ear, 666. Lobulus caudatus, 389. • —— quadratus, 389. Spigelii, 389. Locus niger, 751. perforates anterior, 731. middle or posterior, 727. Lrmgissimus dorsi. See Muscles. Longitudinal fissures of liver, &c. See those organs. vein of spine. See Veins. Luette of bladder, 459. Lumbar nerves. See Nerves. region of abdomen, 352. veins. See Veins. - vertebrae. See Vertebra and Vertcbrtz. _ Lungs, 409. air-cells of, 415. air-tubes of, 416. cellular tissue of, inter-lobular, 415. development of, 421. external conformation of, 411. — fissures of, inter-lobular, 411. — foetal, 421. . functions, 422. lobes of, 411. lobules of, 415. structure of, 419. lymphatic system of, 421. root of, 412. size of, 409. • structure of, 413. Lungs, vessels and nerves of, 421. weight of, absolute and specific, 410. Lymphatic duct, right, 619. glands in general, 616. preparation of, 617. structure of, 617. in particular, 619. axillary, 628. bronchial, 625. Cervical, deep, 628. superficial, 627. of cranium, 626. duodenal, 624. of face, 626. ileo-colic, 624. iliac, external, 622. internal, 622. inguinal, 619. intercostal, 625. of intestine, great, 624. — small, 624. of liver, 623. of lower extremity, 620. lumbar, 621. mammary, 625. mediastinal, 625. — mesenteric, 625. — meso-colio, 624. of pancreas, 624. parotid, 627. of pelvis, 621. popliteal, 619. pulmonary, 625. sacral, 621. of spleen, 624. of stomach, 624. .sub-maxillary, 627. sub-sternal, 625. tibial anterior, 619. tracheal, 627. 0f upper extremity, 628. part of trunk, 628. hearts of lower animals, 617. :— networks, superficial and deep, 612. plexuses, 612. system, 611. vessels in general, 611. afferent, 614. anastomoses of, 614. branches of, 614. coat of external, 616. internal, 616. course and direction, 614. deep aad superficial sets of, 612. efferent, 614. origin of, in different tissues, 612. preparation of, 617. structure of, 616. terminations of, 614. valves of, 617. vessels of, 616. in particular, 618. of bones, 16. of brain, 628. of cellular tissue, 612. cervical, 628. — posterior, 629. of cranium, 627. dorsal, 629. of dura mater, 627. epigastric, 622. of external genitals, male and fe* male, 620. of face, 627. gluteal, 620. of heart, 626. ilio-lurnbar, 622. intercostal, 626. of intestines, great, 625. small, 625. of kidneys, 622. of lining membrane of bloodvessels, 613. of liver, deep, 623. superficial, 623. of lower extremity, deep and suner. ficial, 619. lumbar, lateral, 622. superficial, 620. of lungs, deep and superficial, 626 892 INDEX. Lymphatic vessels, mammary, internal, 626. meningeal, 627. of mucous membranes, 612. occipital, 627. of pelvis, 621. pericardiac, 626. perinasal, 620. peroneal, 620. of serous and synovial tissues, 613. of skin, 613. - of spleen, 624. of stomach, 624. —— sub-sternal, 626 supra-renal, 622. ■ temporal, 626. of testicles, 622. thorax, 625. thymic, 626. thyroid, 627. tibial, anterior and posterior, 620. of upper extremity, 628. — part of trunk, 628. ■ uterine 622. Lyra, 738. Macula cribrosa, 676. Malar foramina, 54. process, 51. bone, 54. Malleolus, external, 97. internal, 98. Malleus, and ligament of, 673. muscles of, 673. Mamma, 471. adipose tissue of, 473. development of, 474. fibrous tissue of, 473. glandular tissue of, 473 lactiferous ducts of, 473 of the male, 473. vessels and nerves of, 474. Mammary gland. See Mamma. Mammillai. See Nipples. Mammillary enlargements of posterior median columns of spinal cord, 704. .of inferior vermis, 716, 718. —— tubercles, 426. Manubrium of malleus, 673. of sternum, 65. Marrow of bones, 12. Massa carnea Jacobi Sylvii, 291. Mastoid foramen, 43. portion of temporal bone, 43. process, 43. Maxillary arteries. See Arteries. bone, inferior, 57. superior, 51. canal, superior, 51. inferior, 58. nerves. See Nerves. tuberosity, 51. il/argo-dentatus, 660. Meatus of nose, inferior, 54. middle, 41. superior, 41. auditorius externus, 44. See Ear. iuternus, 44. See Ear. urinarius, female, 471. . male, 461. Mechanism of particular joints. See those joints. Mediastinum, anterior, 414. posterior, 413. Medulla oblongata, 702. comparative anatomy of, 709. development of, 708. external conformation of, 702. anterior surface, 703. lateral surfaces, 704. posterior surface, 704. faisceaux innomines of, 706. at base of brain, 706. in isthmus, 715. fasciculi graciles, 708 (note). olivary, 708 (note). re-enforcing, 708. — teretes, 708 (note). pyramidal, 702, 704, 708. fibres of, antero-posterior, 707. ■ —— arched, 704. —— decussation of, 706. Medulla oblongata, foramen caecum of, 703. furrow of median, anterior, 703. posterior, 704. internal structure of, 705. examined by hardening, 706. ——— sections, 705. water, 706. neck of, 702. ■ sections of, 705. of long bones, 12. spinalis. See Spinal Cord. Medullary canal of long bones, 13. ; membrane, 14. Meibomian glands, 648, Membrana nictitans, 648. pupillaris, 659. Ruyschiana, 657. sacciformis, 143. tympani, 669. secundaria, 670. — uvea, 659. Membrane, hyaloid, 661. obturator, or sub-pubic, 155. Membranes of cerebro-spinal axis. See Arachnoid Dura Mater, and Pia Mater. of eye. See Eye. fibro-mucous See Fibro-mucous Mem branes. fibro-serous. See Fihro-serous Membranes mucous. See Mucous Membranes. serous. See Serous Membranes. ■ synovial. See Synovial Membranes Membranous labyrinth, 679. part of urethra, 458. Meningeal arteries. See Arteries. Meninges, 681. Meningoses, 113. Meniscus, 113. Mental fossa, 57. foramen, 57. process, 56. Mesentery, 364, 477. left layer, 475. i right layer, 475. ilfcso-crecum, 471. -colon, iliac, 475. left and right, 475. -transverse, 375. layer, inferior, 476. superior, 477 gastrium, 478. rectum, 475. Metacarpus, bones of, 84. differential characters, 83. •— general characters, 85. compared with metatarsus, 109. Metatarsus, bones of, 103. characters, general, 103. differential, 102. compared with metacarpus, 109. Milk teeth. See Teeth. Modiolus of cochlea, 678. Mans Veneris, 470. Morsus diaboli, and fimbriaj of Fallopian tube, 463. Motores oculi nerves. See Nerves. Mouth, component parts of, 422. situation, dimensions, &c., 422. Movements of joints. See Articulations. in general, 148. lips and face, 238. Mucous burs® (so called), 175. membranes, in general, 421. chemical composition, 421. epithelium, 421. of particular organs. See tho« organs. structure, 421. Macro, 65. Mullifidus spin®. See Muscles. Muscles in general, 190. action of, 194. angle of incidence on bones, 195. antagonist, 196. aponeuroses of, 193. arrangement, physiological, of, 291. ——— attachments of, 192. fixed, 193. movable, 193. broad, 190. congenerous. 197. INDEX 893 Muscles, direction of, 191. figure of, 191. insertion of, into other parts, 192. long, 191. momentum of, 195. nerves of, 763. nomenclature of, 190. number of, 190. orde1- of description of, 197. origin and termination of, 193. preparation of, 197. relations of, to other parts, 191 satellite, 192. sheaths for, 296. short, 191. structure of, 193. tendons of, 193. uses of, 194. volume of, 190. in particular, 196-291. of particular organs, parts, or regions. See those organs, parts, or regions. abductor brevis pollicis, 260. digiti minimi, 262. pedis, 289. indicis, 264. longus pollicis, 258. oculi, 650. pollicis, 287. pedis, 277. accelerator urimc, 456. accessorious pedis, 280. ad sacro-lumbalem, 277. adductor brevis femoris, 276. digiti minimi (opponens), 281. longus femoris, 276. magnus femoris, 276. ' oculi, 650. — pollicis mantis, 288. pedis, 288. anconeus, 258. anterior auricula;, 230. antitragicus, 667. articulo-spinalis, 201. arytenoideus, 429. obliquus, 429. transversus, 430. aryteno-epiglottideus, 430. attollens auriculam. 231. oculurn, 650. attrahens auriculam, 231. auricularis anterior, 231. — posterior, 231. superior, 231. azygos uvula;, 332. basio-glossus, 338. biceps cruris vel femoris, 269. flexor cubiti, 245. biventer cervicis, 201. brachialis anticus, 246. buccinator, 235. bulbo-cavernosus, 456. caninus, 236. cerato-glossus, 338. chondro-glossus, 338. ciliaris, 232. ■ circumflexes palati, 332. coccygeus, 381. complexus, 205. minor, 205. compressor narium, 233. urethra, 460. —— in the female, 470. vena; dorsalis penis, 460. constrictor inferior, 346. medius, 347. superior, 347. vaginae, 469. coraco-brachialis, 246. corrugator supercilii, 232. cremaster, 210, 450. crico-arytenoideus lateralis, 428. 1 posticus, 428. — oesophageus, 352. thyroideus, 421. crotaphyte_, 240. — crureus, 273. cutanei, 294. deltoideus, 241. depresssor alae nasi, 234. Muscles, depressor anguli oris, 237. labii inferioris, 237. superioris alseque nasi, 234. ocali, 650. urethra (Santorini), 460. in the female, 470. diaphragma, 212. digastrious, 228. elevatores urethrae (Santorini), 460. erector clitoridis, 471. penis, 456. spinae, 202. extensor brevis digitorum pedis, 286. — pollicis, 259. carpi radialis brevior, 255. longior, 255. ulnaris, 258. communis digitorum, 256. digiti minimi, 257. indicis, 259. . longus digitorum pedis, 278. pollicis, 259. ossis metacarpi pollicis, 258. primi internodii pollicis, 258. : proprius aurioularis, 256. indicis, 259. pollicis pedis, 279. secundi internodii pollicis, 258, flexor accessorius, 290. brevis digiti minimi, 262. minimi pedis, 289 digitorum pedis, 289 pollicis, 262. pedis, 287. carpi radialis, 250. ulnaris, 250. longus digitorum pedis, 285. pollicis, 253. pedis, 285. perforans, 251. pedis, 285. perforates, 252. pedis, 290. profundus digitorum, 252. —— sublimis digitorum 251. frontalis, 230. — gastrocnemius, 281. gemellus inferior, 267. superior, 267. genio-hyoglossus, 338. hyoideus, 229. — glosso-staphylinus, 332. glutaeus maximus, 264. medius, 265. minimus, 266. gracilis, 275. helicis major, 667. minor, 667. Homer’s, 653. Houston’s, 457. hyo-glossus, 338. iliaous, 215. indicator, 260. infra-costales, 222. ———- spinatus, 243. inter-costales externi, 222. intend, 222. ossei mauds, 262. dorsales, 264. palmares, 264. pedis dorsales, 290. plantares, 290. spinales colli, 286. transversales colli, 217. lumborum, 218 ischio-bulbosus, 457. jn the female, 470. cavernosus, 456. in the female, 471. coccygeus, 380. latissimus dorsi, 198. laxator tympani, 675. levator anguli oris, 236. scapulae, 201. ani, 380. labii inferioris, 237. superioris, 236. ala;que nasi, 233 menti, 237. 0cu1i,649. 894 INDEX Muscles, levator palati, 332. palpebrse superions, 233, 648. prostata;, 382. uvulae, 337. levatores costarum breviores, 222. longiores, 222. lingualis (Albinus and Douglas), 337. inferior, 337. — superficialis, 337. longissimus dorsi in the loins, 202. —— neck, 203. thorax, 203. • accessory fibres to, 203, 204. longus colli, 218. lumbricales rnanus, 253. pedis, 290. mallei externus magnus, 673. parvus, 673. internus, 674. masseter, 239. multifidus spinae in the loins, 202, (note). back, 203. . neck, 204. mylo-hyoideus, 229. myrtiformis, 234. naso-labialis, 234. obliquus abdominis externus, 208. internus, 209. — capitis inferior, 206. superior, 206. oculi inferior, 651. superior, 651. obturator externus, 268. internus, 267. occipitalis, 230. occipito-frontalis, 230. pharyngeus, 338. omo-hyoideus, 226. opponens digiti minimi, 262. pollicis, 260. • orbicularis oris, 235. palpebrarum, 231. palato-glossus, 332. — pharyngeus, 332. staphylinus, 332. palmaris brevis, 261. longus, 260. palpebralis, 231. patheticus, 651. pectineus, 275. pectoralis major, 220. — minor, 221. perforatus Casserii, 253. peri-staphylinus externus, 332. internus, 332. peroneus brevis, 280. longus, 280. tertius, vel anticus, 279. petro-pharyngeus, 348. pharyngo-staphylinus, 332. plantaris, 282. platysma myoides, 224. popliteus, 283. pronator quadratus, 253. — radii teres, 249. r rotundus, 249. psoas-iliacus, 214. magnus, 215. parvus, 216. pterygoideus externus, 241 1 internus, 240. —- pterygo-pharyngeus, 347. l— pubio-urethralis, 457. pyramidalis abdominis, 212. • nasi, 233. pyriformis, 266. quadratus femoris, 268. lumborum, 216. menti, 237. rectus abdominis, 210. capitis anticus major, 218. minor, 218. — lateralis, 217. ■ posticus major, 206. ~ minor, 206. femoris, 270. — internus, 272. oculi externus, 650. internus, 650. inferjorj 650. Muscles, rectus oculi superior, 649. retrahens auriculam, 230. rhomboideus major, 200. minor, 200. risorius Santorini, 284. sacro-lumbalis, in the loins, 203. in the thorax, 204. on the chest, 204. salpingo-pharyngeus, 338. sartorius, 272. scalenus anticus, 217. posticus, 218. , —sculptor ani, 275. scapulo-hyoideus, 226. semi-spinalis colli, 204 (note) dorsi, 204 (note) membranosus, 270. tendinosus, 270. serratus anticus, 223. parvus, 223. magnus, 221. posticus inferior, 201. superior, 201. soleus, 282. spheno-pharyngeus, 338. sphincter ani externus, 380. internus, 380. oesophagi, 350. vaginae, 470. vesic®, 442. spinales posteriores, 201. action of, 203. general view of, 203. : in the loins, 201. neck, 204. thorax, 204. spinalis dorsi, 204. — cervicis, 204. spleuins capitis, 202. colli. 202. stapedius, 671. sterno-cleido-mastoideus, 224. hyoideus, 226. thyroideus, 227. stylo-glossus, 337. hyoideus, 229. alter, 230. pharyngeus, 346. sub-clavius, 221. scapularis, 244. super-ciliaris, 232. supinator radii brevis, 256. longus, 254. supra-costales, 221. spinatus, 243. suralis, 281. temporalis, 239, tensor palati, 332. tarsi, or Horner’s, 653. tympani, 671. vagina; femoris, 271. tensors of fasciee, 296. teres major, 198. minor, 243. thyro-arytenoideus, 428. epiglottideus, 428. hyoideus, 227. tibialis anticus, 278. posticus, 284. • trachelo-mastoideus, 204. tragicus, 667. transversalis abdominis, 210. cervicis, 205. • colli, 204. nasi, 234. transverso-spinalis, 202. in the loins, 202. in the neck, 204. in the thorax, 204 transversus auricula;, 667. nasi, 234. pedis, 290. perinsei, 381. alter, 457. pollicis pedis, 290. trapezius, 198. triangularis nasi, 234. oiis, 237 sterni, 223. triceps adductor femoris, 274. INDEX 895 Muscles, triceps extensor cruris, 272. i cubiti, 247. femoralis, 272. —femoris (auotor), 272. suralis, 281. trochlearis, 651. of the ureters, 445. vastus externus, 273. — internus, 273. Wilson’s, 457. which move the arm upon the shoulder, 292. - fingers, 293. — foot upon the leg, 293. forearm upon the arm, 293. hand upon the forearm, 293. - leg upon the thigh, 292. lower jaw, 292. • —: os hyoides, 292. pelvis, 292. • radius upon the ulna, 293. ribs, 292. ■ shoulder, 292. • ; skin, 293. ’■— thigh upon the pelvis, 292. toes, 293. vertebro-cranial column, 292. - walls of thorax and abdomen, - 292. zygomaticus major, 236. minor, 236. Muscular fibres, filaments, and fasciculi, 198 (note). fibres of particular organs. See those organs. - sheaths, 296. tissue, involuntary, 198. structure, 322. voluntary, 198. • chemical composition, 199. - structure, 198. Musculi pectinati, 486’. papillares, 484. .Ifwxcalo-cutaneous nerves. See Nerves. Myology, 190. Nails, 636. lunule of, 636. matrix, 636. structure and growth of, 637. Nares, anterior, 60. posterior, 60. Nasal arteries. See Arteries. hone, 55. cartilages. See Nose. duct and canal, 653. eminence, 35. —:— foss.e, 62. meatuses, 41. nerves. See Nerves. process, 51. spine, anterior and posterior, 52, 54. Nates (of brain), 712. Navicular fossa:. See Fossa. Necks of bones, 10. particular. See those bones. Nerves in general, 759. anastomoses of, 762. of animal life, 761, central extremity of, 760. classification of, 759. course of, 762. cranial, 759. different kinds of, 761. direction of, 763. division of into sets, 769. fibres and filaments of, 767. ganglia of, 765. connexions of, 765. -— different kinds of, 765. structure of, 768. ganglionic, 764. mode of division of, 764. motor, 759. neurilemma of, 766. of organic life, 761. origin of, apparent and real, 758. plexuses of, 762. See Plexuses preparation of, 769. relations of, 763, respiratory, 760, /62. roots of, anterior or motor, 762. posterior or sensory, 762. Nerves, sensory, common, 759, 762. special, 762. spinal, 759. . structure of, 766. —-— symmetrical, 760. sympathetic, 762, 764. structure of, 767. termination of, 764. in particular, 769. abdominal, great, 798. small, 799. abducens oculi. See Motor Oculi, external accessory, of internal cutaneous, 785. saphenous, 801. obturator, 801 (note). spinal, distribution of, 849. function of, 851. ganglion of, 824. origin of, 823. vertebral course, 824. acromial, 778. alveolo-dental, anterior, 834. posterior, 834. anal cutaneous, 806. aortic, sympathetic, 863. articular of ankle, 812. of elbow, 785, 786. hip-joint, 800. of knee, anterior, 802. external, 808. internal, 812. from obturator, 801. recurrent, 809. posterior, or azygos, 81S. of wrist, 785. ——— auditory. See Portia Mollis. auricular, anterior, 836. great, 778. ot' pneumogastric, 845. posterior, 840. auriculo-occipital, 840. temporal, 836. axillary, or circumflex, 783. azygos, of knee-joint, 813. buccal, 835. of facial, 841. bucco-labial, 835. bulbo-urethral, 806. calcaneal, external, 812. internal, 813. cardiac, great, 861. inferior, left, 861. — right, 861. lesser, 861. middle, left, 862. right, 861. of pneumogastric, in neck, 847. in thorax, 837. of recurrent laryngeal, 837. superficial, 861. superior, left, 861. right, 860. of sympathetic, 860. carotid branch of vidian, 833. of sympathetic, 765. cerebral. See Cranial. cervical, branches of, anterior, 776, 781. posterior, 773. number of, 771. roots of, 771. cervical, first, anterior branch of, 776. posterior branch of, 773. second, anterior branch, 776. posterior branch, 774. third, anterior branch, 777. posterior branch, 774. — fourth, anterior branch, 777. posterior branch, 774. fifth to eighth, anterior branches, 781 — posterior branches, 774 of facial, 841. internal descending, 780. superficial, 778. cervico-facial, 839, 841. choraa tympani, 836. canal for, 672. ciliary, 659, 830. nasal, 830. ———— ophthalmic, 830. circumflex, 782. 896 INDEX Nerves, clavicular, 783. of clitoris, 807. • for cochlea, 842. collateral dorsal of fingers, 790. • of thumb, 792. of toes, 811. palmar of fingers, 788, 790. thumb, 788. communicating fibular, 811. tibial, 811. for complexus, 773. for cuxo-femoral articulation, 800 (note). • cranial, in general, 816. central, extremities of, 817. ——- classification of, 816. distribution of, 832. general view of, 853. nomenclature of, 817. cranial, in particular, 832. first. See Olfactory. second. See Optic. ■ third. See Motor Oculi, common. fourth. See Pathetic. fifth. See Trifacial. ■ sixth. See Motor Oculi, external. seventh. See Portia Dura and Portia Mollis. eighth. See Pneumogaslric, Glosso- pharyngeal, and Spinal Accessory. ninth. See Hypo-glossal. crural, 801. for crureus, 802. cutaneous, accessory of saphenous, 801. anal, 806. external, of arm, 785. of rausculo-spiral, 791. of thigh, 799. of intercostal, 794. internal, of arm, 784. accessory of, 785. of musculo-spiral, 791. of thigh, 801. of Wrisberg, 785. long, of obturator, 801 (note). middle, of thigh, 801. of musculo-cutaneous of arm, 785. — palmar, 787. perforating, of intercostal, 794. of thigh, 802. plantar, 813. radial, 792. • of shoulder, 784. • of Soemmering, 807. tibial, 803. ulnar, dorsal, 789. • deep palmar, 789. • plantar, 814. temporal, 835. dental, anterior, 634. inferior, 837. ■ posterior, 833. descendens noni, 853. descending cervical, 779. internal, 777. diaphragmatic, 780. digastric, 840. digital, of median, 788 of radial, 792. of ulnar, 789. dorsal, branches of, anterior, 794. posterior, 775 number of, 771. —— roots of, 772. • collateral of fingers, 790, 792. of foot, deep external, 811. internal, 811. of hand, external, 792. internal, 790. intercostal. See Intercostal. of penis, 806. dorsi-lumbar, 796. to dura mater, 835. encephalic. See Cranial. ethmoidal, 830. facial. See Portia Dura. branches, collateral, 839. summary of, 842. ■ to femoral artery, 802. frontal, 828. Nerves, frontal, external, 829. internal, 829 osseous, 829 fronto-nasal, 829 (nolej. for gastrocnemius, 812. for gemelli, 808. genito-crural, 799 glosso-pharyngeal, distribution of, 843. function of, 845. ganglion of, 844. origin and cranial course, 823. gluteal, inferior, 807. superior, 807. gustatory, 836. hemorrhoidal, inferior, 806. to hip-joint, 800 (note). hypo-glossal, distribution, 851. function, 853. ganglion, 823. origin and cranial course, 824 ilio inguinal, 798. scrotal, 798. — small, 798.' incisor, 837. infra-hyoid, of hypo-glossal, 852. orbital, 831, 841. of facial, 841. trochlear, 830. inguinal, external, 797. — internal, 797. inguino-cutaneous, 797. intercostal, 794. muscular, 794. perforating, 794. summary of, 796. costo-humeral, 795. osseous, anterior, of forearm, /95. of leg, 811. posterior, of forearm, 790 ischiadic, 802. lesser, 802. of Jacobson, 838. lachrymal, 828. of orbital, 831. lachrymo-palpebral, 828. laryngeal, anastomotic, 847. —-— external, 846. inferior, or recurrent, 847 superior, 846. of sympathetic, 859. to latissimus dorsi, 784. ■ levator angul i scapula, 782. ani, 805. lingual, 836. of glosso-pharyngeal, 844. longitudinal, of Lancisi, 737. lumbar, branches of, anterior, 796. posterior, 776. number of, 772. roots of, 772. lumho-sacral, 797. malar, 831. of facial, 840 masseteric, 835. mastoid, great, 779. small, 780. • maxillary, inferior, 834. superior, 831. terminal branches of 834. median, 786. in arm, 786. in forearm, 787. in hand, 787. mental, 837. of facial, 841. motor oculi, common, distribution of, 825. function of, 826. origin and cranial course, 820. external, distribution, 838. originand cranial course. 822. musculo-cutaneous, brachial, 786. crural, 801. dorsal, 775. of leg, 810. lumbar, inferior, /98. middle, 798. superior, 798 INDEX, 897 Nerves, musculo-spiral, 786, 791. myloid, 837. nasal, 829. external, 829. internal, 830. posterior, 832. superior, 833. of nasal fossa, external, 830. naso-lobar, 830. palatine, 832. obturator, 799. accessory of, 800 (note). . articular of, to hip, 800. knee, 801 (note). —— long cutaneous, 801 (note). • to obturator internus, 805. occipital, external, 779. great, 777. —small, 780. ooulo-muscular. See Motor Oculi and Pathetic. • oesophageal, 847. olfactory, bulb of, 817. distribution of, 824. function of, 825. ’ origin and cranial course, 818. structure of, 818. ophthalmic, 827. optic, ohiasma or commissure of, 819. distribution of, 825. function. 825. origin and cranial course, 819. roots of, gray, 608. ■ structure, 820. terminations of, 671. tracts of, 819. orbital, 831. of facial, 840. palatine, anterior, 832. middle, 832. posterior, 832. palmar collateral, 769, 790. cutaneous, 768. palpebral, inferior, 840. superior, 840. • of particular organs, parts, or tissues. See those organs, &c. par vagum. See Pneumagastric. pathetic, distribution, 826. function, 826. origin and cranial course, 820. to pectineus, 801 (note), 802 (note). pectoralis major, 783. minor, 783. perforans Casserii, 786. perforating, of hand, 790. cutaneous, of inter-costals, thigh, 802. perineal, 806. superficial, anterior, 806. posterior, 806. peroneal, 808. • cutaneous, 810. • external, 810. saphenous, 810. petrosal, superficial, great, 833. — small, 838. pharyngeal, of glosso-pharyngeal, 844. :— pneumogastric, 846. • small, 846, 850. of spheno-palatine, 833 (note). sympathetic, 859. phrenic, 780. plantar, collateral, 813, 814. • external, 814. deep, 814. internal, 813. ■ for plantaris longus, 812. pneumogastric, in abdomen, 848. anastomoses of, 845. cranial course, 823. fibrous layers of, 719. in foramen lacerum, 845. . functions of, 849. ganglion of, 845. in neck, 845. origin of, 823. . summary of, 849. ■ in thorax, 847. popliteal, external, 808. internal, 812. Nerves, popliteal, sciatic, external, 808. internal, 811. portio dura, distribution, 839. — function, 843. origin and cranial course. 822. mollis, distribution, 681, 842. function, 842. origin and cranial course, 822. structure, 768. pterygoid, 833. internal, 836. pudendal, long, 808. pudic, internal, 806. in female, 607 pulmonary, anterior and posterior, 848. to pyriforrais, 807. for quadratus femoris, 808. radial, or musculo-spiral, 790. proper, 791. . to rectus femoris, 802. recurrent, of knee, 810. laryngeal, 848. lessor sciatic, 808. renal, 865. respiratory, external, 782. of eye, 821. — superior, of trunk, 850. to rhomboideus, 782 sacral, branches of, anterior, 804. posterior, 777. number of, 772. Toots of, 772. saphenous, external, 812. —— internal, 803. accessory, of, 802 —:— peroneal, 810. satellite, of femoral artery, 802. ulnar artery, 790. sciatic, great, 808. lesser, 801. of septum nasi, anterior, 830. posterior, 832. to serratus, 782. of sheath of femoral vessels, 802. : soft (nervi molles), 845. spheno-palatine, external, 833. — internal, 832. spinal, 770. accessory of Willis. See Access }ry. branches of, in general, 771. posterior, 773. classification of, 770. — number of, 770. —! origin of, apparent, 770. real, 772. — plexuses of, 776. — roots of, anterior, or non-ganglionic, 771, roots of, posterior, or ganglionic, 771 splanchnic, great, 865. lesser, 865. lumbar, 869. splbnic, 867. to splenius, 843. : sternal cutaneous, 780. styloid, 840. to sub-clavius, 782. sub-occipital, anterior branch, 778. posterior, 776. — scapular, inferior, 784. —~— superior, 783. of sub-septum, 841. superficial cardiac, 862. cervical, 776. — petrosal, great, 833. lesser, 837. temporal, 835. supra-clavicular, 779. orbital, 828. scapular, 782. trochlear, 829. to supra and infra-spmati, 782. sympathetic, in general, 761. characters of, 871. structure of, 766.‘ in particular, 854, abdominal, 851. cervical, 855. lumbar, 848. INDEX Nerves, sympathetic, sacral, 871. thoracic, 868. -— temporal, deep, 835. of facial, 839. superficial, 836. temporo-facial, 839. malar, 831. to tensor tympani, 837. — vaginae femoris, 807. tentorium cerebelli, 827. teres major, 874. minor, 783. — thoracic, 783. anterior, 783. posterior,7B2. tibial, 811. anterior, 811. cutaneous, 802. posterior, 811. saphenous, 812. to trapezius, 781. trifacial, distribution of. 827. divisions of, 827. ganglion of, 821. origin and cranial course, 821. root of, large, 821. small, 821. trigeminal. See Trifacial. trochlear. See Pathetic. tympanic, of Jacobson, 838. ulnar, 789. in the arm and forearm, 789. hand, 790. for ulnar artery, 790. uterine, 870. vaginal, 870. for vasti femoris, 802. vertebral (sympathetic), 860. vesical, 870. vestibular, 843. vidian, 833. —- visceral, abdominal, 866. cervical, 845. pelvic, 869 sacral, 805 Nervi molles, 845. Nervous system, central portion, 681. peripheral portion, 759. Nervus impar, 698. Neurilemma of nerves, 766. spinal cord, 697. Neurology, 629. Ninth nerve. See Nerve, hypoglossal. Nipples, 472. glands and papillae of, 473. Noduli Arantii, 479. Nodulus of cerebellum, 716 (note). Nodus encephali (Soemmering), 844. Nwud de I’encephale, 844. Nose, general description, 641. bones 01, 55, 641. cartilages of, 641. mucous membrane of, 642. muscles of, 643. septum of, 56, 642. skin of, 643. Nostrils, 641. cartilages of, 641. Notch, inter-condyloid, 91. ischiatic, 89. sacro-sciatic, 89. —— great, 155. small, 155. -—— sciatic, 89. sigmoid, 57. Notches, vertebral, 20, 21. Nutritious arteries. See Arteries. foramina of bones. See Foramen. Nymphee, 471. Oblique muscles. See Muscles. Obturator foramen and groove, 88. nerve. See Nerves. Occipital angle of Daubenton, 45. ——- bone, 33. condyles, 33. crests, 34. foramen, 34. • fossae, 34. * nerves. See Nerves. Occipital protuberances, 34. veins. See Veins. Occipifo-atlantoid articulations, 118 - ligaments, 118. —— axoid articulations, 119. ligaments, 120. parietal suture, 46. Ocwlo-muscular nerves. See Nerves, Motor Oculi and Pathetic. Odontoid process, 26. Odontogeny, 184. Odontology, 177. (Esophagus, 350. glands of, 352. mucous membrane, 352, muscular coat, 351. — structure of, 351. uses, 352. vessels and nerves, 352. Olecranoid cavity, 80. Olecranon process, 80. Olfactory nerve. See Nerve. — lobes, 758. Olivary process, 37. bodies, 703. corpus dentatum of, 704. sections of, 704. structure of, 705. fasciculi, 705. Omentum, colic, 478 (note). gastro-colio, 478. hepatic, 476. — splenic, 403. great, 476. layers of, anterior, 476. posterior, 476. sac of, 477. vessels and nerves of, 478. —- lesser, 476. layer of, anterior, 476. — posterior, 476. Operculum laryngis, 426. Ophthalmic nerve, 828. Optic thalami, 727, 745. fibres of, 746. tracts, 820. Orbicular ligaments of joints. See Ligaments. Orbital arch, 36. cavities, 6 fissure, 53. foramina, internal, 36. process of palate bone, 55. processes of frontal bone, 30. plate, 36. Orbits, 62. Organ of bearing, 665. See Ear. sight, 615. See Eye. smell, 641. See Nose, and Pituitary Membrane. taste, 639. See Longue. touch, 629. See Skin. the voice, 422. See Larynx. Organs, anatomical elements of, 320. — colour and consistence of, 321. development of, 321. of digestion, 322. direction and relations of, 321. dissection of, 322. functions of, 322. *• of generation, female, 461. male, 446. genito-urinary, 435. nomenclature, 320. number, 320. of respiration, 409. of the senses, 629. situation, 320. size and figure, 321. structure of, 321. urinary, 435. Os, bone. See Bone, os. tincae, 465. uteri, 465. Ossa pisiformia, or lingualia, 111. triquetra, or Wormiana, 50. ; Ossicula auditds, 669. movements of, 675. —muscles belonging to, 674. Ossification of bones. See those bones Osteology, 5. 1 Osteogeny, 16 INDEX 899 Ostia of Fallopian tube, 463. Ostium internum of uterus, 465. Otoconia and otolithes, 843. Ova of Naboth, 466. Ovarian vesicles, 463. Ovaries, 461. ligaments of, 461. structure, 462. Ovum, 462. * Palate, bone, 53. hard, 330. development, 330, structure, 330. uses, 330. soft, 330. aponeurosis of, 331. ■ development of, 333. j glands of, 333. •—l mucous membrane of, 333. • muscles of, 331. pillars of, 331. structure of, 331 uses of, 331. vessels, &c., of, 333. Palatine aponeurosis, 331 arch, 329. canals, 52, 54. accessory, 52, 54. glands, 330. process, 52. Palm of hand, 83. Palmar arteries. See Arteries. ligaments. See Ligaments. ; nerves. See Nerves. Pancreas, 400. development of, 402. duct of, 402. function of, 402. lesser, 402. —— structure of, 401. • vessels and nerves of, 402. Panniculus adiposus, 629. carnosus, 629. Papillae, conjunctival, 648. dental, 181. — (Goodsir), 183. of kidney, 437. lachrymal, 646. of skin, 630. of small intestine, 367. of stomach, 361. of tongue, 333. Par vagum. See Nerve, pneumogastric. Parietal bone, 41. foramen, 41. • fossa, 41. protuberance, 41. Parotid duct, 341. gland, 340. development of, 340 (note). structure of, 340. Pars mastoidea of temporal bone, 43. petrosa of temporal bone, 43. squamosa of temporal bone, 43. Patella, 95. ligament of, 97. Pathetic nerve. See Nerves. Palte d’oie, 270, 271. Peduncles of cerebellum and cerebrum. See those or- gans. Pelvis, aponeuroses of, 306. articulations of, 154. . axes of, 90. . circumferences of, 92. . compared with shoulder, 105. development of, general, 93. . in general, 90. . great or false, 90. of the kidney, 439. ___—. structure of, 439. . little or true, 90. brim of, 92. strait, superior, 92. inferior, 92. . excavation or cavity of, 122. outlet of, 92. mechanism of, 158-159. regions of, 90. varieties of, sexual, 90 Penis, 454. corpus cavernosurA of, 455. glans of, 461. ligament, suspensory or triangular, 454 muscles of, 457. Perforated spot, anterior, 734. posterior, 730. Perforating arteries. See Arteries. nerves. See Nerves. Fen-cardium, 494. structure, 494. vessels, 495, glottis, 640. lymph, 679. osteum, 296. alveolo-dental, 338. Peritoneum-, 474. folds of, 478. , _ general description of, 478. portion of, parietal, 478. — sub-umbilical, 474. supra-umbilical, 475 visceral, 477. structure of, 479. Permanent teeth. See Teeth. Perone, 98. Peroneal arteries. See Arteries. nerve. See Nerves. Pes accessorius, 746. hippocampi, 745. Petrosal nerves. See Nerves. Petrous portion of temporal bone, 43. process, 43. Pharyngeal nerves. See Nerves. Pharynx, 344. aponeuroses of, 346. development of, 349. mucous membrane of, 349. muscles of, 346. extrinsic, 346. intrinsic, 346. supernumerary, 346. uses, 349. vessels and nerves, 349. Pia mater, 692. cerebral, 692. spinal, or rachidian, 697. Pigmentum of skin, 632 (note). eye, 659. Pillar of valve of Vieussens, 712. Pillars of diaphragm, 212. fauces, or palate, 331. fornix, 740. Pineal gland or body, 742. commissure and peduncles of, 743. concretions, 743. function of, 744. Pisiform bone, 83. Pituita, 749. Pituitary body or gland, 729. fossa, 37. membrane, 643. follicles of, 645. nerves et, 645. structure, 644. vessels of, 645. Plantar ligaments. See Ligaments. nerves. See Nerves. Plaques gaufrdes, 366. • Plate, cribriform, of ethmoid bone, 40. horizontal, of palate bone, 53. orbital, 35. — perpendicular, of ethmoid bone, 41. Pleura, costal, diaphragmatic, mediastinal, and pulmo nary, 413. structure and uses of, 413. Pleura:, 413. Plexuses of lymphatics, 614. of nerve, 762, et infra. auricular, 658. brachial, 781. general view of nerves of, 792. bronchial, 848. cardiac, deep, 860. great, 863. superficial, 862. carotid, 856. cavernous, 856. cervical, 777. deep, 777. Plexuses, cervical, posterior, 774. —— superficial, 777. cervico-brachial, 776. ■ coeliac, 866. coronary, of heart, anterior and posterior, 863. of stomach, 865. — diaphragmatic, 866. epigastric, 866. facial (sympathetic), 858. gastro-epiploic, left, 868. right, 867. hemorrhoidal, inferior, 890. ■ superior, 868. hepatic, 867. ■ hypogastric, 870. • infra-orbital, 841. laryngeal, 846. lingual, 858. lymphatic, Sl2. — lumbar, 797. ■ lumbo-aortic, 868, 869. sacral, 776. mental, 837. mesenteric, inferior, 868. ; superior, 867. nervous, 762. occipital, 859. ovarian, 868. pharyngeal, 846, 869. phrenic, 866. pulmonary, anterior and posterior, 848, renal, 868. 1 sacral, 805. solar, 866. — spermatic, 868. splenic, 867. supra-renal, 866. thyroid, 858. — tympanic, 843. uterine, 870. vertebral, 860. vesical, 870. visceral of abdomen, 866. pelvis, 805, 869 — of veins, 575, et infra. - alveolar, 589. choroid, of brain, 747. fourth ventricle, 720. third ventricle, 741. reflected portion of, 746. • hemorrhoidal, 601. intra-spinal, 609. lingual, 590. masseteric, 590. • pampiniform, 598. pharyngeal, 591. • pterygoid, 590. spermatic, 598. spinal, deep, 609. longitudinal, 609. transverse, 609. tonsillar, 333. — uterine, 602. vaginal, 602. — vesico-prostatic, 601. urethral, 602. Plica semilunaris, 648. Pneumo-gastric nerve. See Nerve, Pomum Adami, 424. Pons Varolii, or cerebelli, 710. internal structure of, 713. Porta, 388. Portia dura nerve. See Nerve. mollis nerve. See Nerve. Prepuce, 454. 'of clitoris, 471. frcenum of, 454. Process, acromion, 78. auditory, 44. — basilar, 34. cochleariform, 44, 672. ■ coracoid, 76. — coronoid, of lower jaw, 58. •—— of ulna, 80. ensiform, 65. of fifth metatarsal bone, 104. — genial, 58. gracilis of Raw, 673. ■ hamular, of sphenoid bone, 37. ——- of cochlea. 678 INDEX Process, of helix, 657. malar, 51. mastoid, 49. mental, 58. . nasal, 51. odontoid, 26. olecranon, 80. olivary, 37. orbitai,«external, 36. internal, 36. of palate bone, 54. palatine, 52. petrous, 43. pyramidal, 54. scaphoid, 105. styloid, of temporal bone, 4S, ulna, 80. radius, 81. fibula, 99. vaginal, of temporal bone, 44, vermiform, inferior, 716. superior, 716. zygomatic, of temporal bone, 42. of malar bone, 55. Processes of bones, 9. ciliary, of choroid coat, 656. vitreous humour, 661 calcaneal, 101. clinoid, 37. pterygoid, 37. spinous, of ilium, 89. spinous, of vertebrae, 21. Processus a cerebello ad medullam, 704. pontem, 721. testes, 711. a cerebro ad medullam, 710. arciformes, 703. gracilis of Raw, 673. Profunda artery. See Arteries, vein. See Veins. Promontory of sacrum, 26, 92. tympanum, 671. Pronator muscles. See filuscles ■ Protuberances, occipital, 34. parietal, 42, Psalterium, 738. Pterygoid canal, 37. columns, 126. fossa, 37. processes, 37. Plerygo-maxillary fissure, 52. palatine canal, 38, 52. Pubes, 90. Pubic arch, 89. Pudic arteries. See Arteries. Pulmonary arteries. See Arteries, veins. See Veins. Puncta lachrymalia, 647. Pupil of eye, 657. Pupillary membrane, 659, Pyloric valve, 355. Pylorus, 354. antrum of, 354. Pyramid of cerebellum, or of Malacarne, 717. —of tympanum, and its canal, 671. Pyramids, anterior, 703. decussation of, 706. sections of, 706. of kidney, 437. posterior, 704. sections of, 706. Quadrati muscles. See Muscles. Rachis. See Vertebral Column. Rachidian bulb, proper. See Medulla Oblongata. bulbs, 697. veins. See Veins, spinal. Radial nerve. See Nerve. Radiating crown of Reil, 744. Radius, 81. and tibia, lower parts of, compared, 107. Rami of lower jaw, 57. Ramus of pubes, 90. ischium, 91. Receptaculi arterue, 525. Receptaculum chyli, 618. ganglii petrosi, 843. Recess of tympanum, 672. Reccssus sulciformis, 676. INDEX. 901 Recti muscles. See Muscles. Rectum, 376. column® of, 377. curves of, 377. internal surface, 378. muscular coat of, 377. structure of, 377. Recurrent arteries. See Arteries, — nerves. See Nerves. • Renes- See Kidneys. succenturiati. See Supra-rcnal Capsules. Respiratory apparatus, 409. nerves, in particular. See Nerves. Resiiform bodies, 704. Rete of Malpighi, 640. mucosum, 640. of tongue, 646, vasculosum testis, 451. Retia mirabilia, 496. Retina, 660. artery of, 66f1. folds of, 660. foramen centrale, and limbus lute us of, 660. margo dentatus, 660. structure of, 660 (note). termination of, 660 (note). Ribs, angles of, 68. characters of, general, 67. special, 66. false, 67. movements of, 134. • supernumerary, 32. true, 67. torsion of, 67. tubercle of, 68. Rima glottidis, 434. palpebrarum, 646. Ring, crural, 310. inguinal, 310. umbilical, 308. Rostrum of cochlea, 678. of corpus callosum, 737. Rotula, 95. Ruga, vaginal, 468. Sac, lachrymal, 652. Sacculus vestibuli, 680. or sinus laryngis, 434. Sacral arteries. See Arteries. canal, 27. foramina, 27. nerves. See Nerves. vertebra. See Vertebra and Vertebra. Sacro-coccygeal vertebra, 26. sciatic notch, 92. vertebral angle, or promontory, 26. Sacrum, 26. promontory of, 26. small cornua of, 27. Saliva, 396. Salivary glands, 340. Saphenous nerves. See Nerves. Satellite arteries. See Arteries. nerves. See Nerves. Scaphoid bone of carpus, 83. • of tarsus, 101. process, 101. Scapula, 75. Scapular arteries. See Arteries. Schindylesis, 114. Sciatic notch, 89. spine, 89. Scrobiculis cordis, 354, 482. Scrotum, 447. Second cranial nerve. See Nerve, aptic. _Sella turcica, 37. Semen, 453. Semi-circular canals, and their ampulla, 677. membranous, 680. lines of occipital bone, 33. os cox®, 69. lunar bone, 83. ganglion, of fifth nerve, 843. Seminiferous tubes, 454. Septa, inter-muscular, 294. of arm, 315. of thigh, 306. Septum crurale, 303. of dartos, 416. inter-auricular, 482. Septum, inter-ventricular (of brain), 518, (of heart), 481 lucidum, 738. layers of, 738. ventricle of, 738. nasal, artery of, 518. cartilaginous, 642. osseous, 56, 62. pectiniforme, 454. Serrati muscles. See Muscles. Sesamoid bones, 96. of hand, 153. of foot, 177. of gastrocnemius, 164. Seventh cranial nerve. See Nerve, Poriio Dura, ang Portia Mollis. Sheath of brachial vessels, 316. femoral vessels, 310. for muscles, 296. of arm, 316. thigh, 311. synovial, 178. for tendons, 397. around carpus, 313. tarsus, 314. structure of, 397. for vessels, 396. Shoulder, aponeuroses of, 315, bones of, 73. compared with pelvis, 105. :— development of, general, 77. in general, 77. Sigmoid cavities, great and small, 80. flexure, 371. notch, 57. valves, 484. Sinus, or sinuses, aortic 498. basilar, 587. of bones, 11. of bulb of urethra, 459, cavernous, 587. circular, of Ridley, 588. common, of vestibule, 680. confluences of, 588. — coronary, of heart, 577. of Ridley, 587. of dura mater, 583. ethmoidal, 43. frontal, 36. of internal jugular, 583 lateral, or transverse, 584. of larynx, ~r sinus' of Morgagni, 584 —>— longitudinal, inferior, 586. superior, 584. maxillary, 52. — of Morgagni, 461. occipital, anterior, 567. posterior, 587. ophthalmic, 587. petrosal, inferior, 586. superior, 586. prostatic, 459. sphenoidal, 40. straight, 585. transverse, or lateral, 584. — of urethra, 459. uterine, 602. — of Valsalva, 498. of veins, 575. of vena portae, 599. — venosus (heart), 492. Sixth cranial nerve. See Nerve. Skeleton, general view of, 5. natural, 5. artificial, 5. Skin, 629. appendages of, 635. characters, external, 629. Spine, cutis or dermis of, 630. epidermis of, 632 (note). follicles, sebaceous, 627. functions of, 627. glands, sudoriferous, 632. lymphatics of, 631. papillae of, 639. pigmentum of, 631, 632 (note). pores of, 632. rete mucosum, 633 (note). structure of, 630-634. true, 630. 902 Skull, 33 See Cranium and Face, Soda parotidis, 341. Sole of foot, 102. Solitary glands. See Glands. Space, inter-peduncular, 711, 728. Spaces, inter-costal, 71. osseous, hand, 84. foot, 106. sub-arachnoid, 688. Sphenoidal cells, or sinnses, 39. fissure, 39 Sphenoid bone, 37. Sp/ieno-frontal suture, 47. jugal suture, 47. maxillary fissure, 39, 55. fossa, 60. occipital bone, 36. suture, 47. palatine foramen, 54> parietal suture, 47. spinous foramen, 39. temporal fossae, 48. snture, 47. Sphincter muscles. See Muscles. Spinal accessory nerve. See Nerve, accessory. arteries. See Arteries. cord, 693. arachnoid of, 690. enlargements of, cervical, lumbar, and oc- cipital, 697. • enveloped in its proper membrane, 697. extent and situation of, 694. form, direction, and relations of, 696. furrows or grooves, 698. membrane proper, or neurilemma of, 697. pia mater of, 697. • sections of, 700. structure of, internal, 700. examined by hardening, 702. sections, 700. ■ water, 701. substance, gray and white, 702. minute structure, 702 (note). ventricles of, 702. muscles, posterior. See Muscles. nerves. See Nerves. veins and plexuses. See Veins. Spine, nasal, anterior, 52. posterior, 54- of ischium, 89. of pubes, 89. of scapula, 75. sciatic, 89. nr spinal column, 18. See Vertebral Column. -——of tibia, 97. Spinous foramen of sphenoid, 39. • processes of ilium, 89. : of vertebras, 19, 21. Splanchnic nerves. See Nerves, Splanchnology, 320. Spleen, 403. cells of, 405. coats of, 405. corpuscules of, 407. development of, 407. fissure, or hilus, 405. functions, 408. lymphatics of, 407. size of, differences in, 403. structure of, 405. vessels and nerves, 405, 408. Spleens, supernumerary, 403, Splenic artery, 406. 'Omentum, 405. veins, 406. Spongy bones. See Bones. Stapes, 674. Stenonian duct, 341. Sternum, 64. Stomach, 352. alveoli of, 361. coat of, cellular or fibrous, 357. mucous, 356. muscular, 356. — nervous (so called), 356. serous, or peritoneal, 357. culs-de-sac of, 354. curvatures of, 354. development of, 361. . extremities of, 354. INDEX Stomach, follicles of, 360 function, 301. glands of, 360. granular appearance of, 357. lymphatic system of, 360. orifices of, 355. papillae or villi, 359. structure of, 356. surface of, external, 353. internal, 355., tuberosity of, 355. tubuli of, 360. vessels and nerves of, 360. Structure of tissues and organs. See those organs and tissues. Styloid bone, 43. process of temporal bone, 43. fibula, 99. —- radius, 81. ulna, 80. Sui-arachnoid fluid, 690. « ——— uses of, 692. space, cranial, anterior, 688. posterior, 688. spinal, 689 (note). lingual fossa, 58. gland, 343. ducts of, 343. ■ maxillary fossa. 58. gland, 342. duct of, 342. synovial adipose tissue, 113. Sulci. See Cerebrum, anfracluosities of. Super-ciliary foramen, 36. — ridge, 35. Superficial petrosal nerves. See Nerves. Supplementary cavity of shoulder-joint, 139. of temporo-maxillary joint, 128, Supra-orbitary foramen, 36, 59. ———— renal capsules, development of, 445. structure, 446. sphenoidal fossa, 37. spinous fossa, 76. Sustentaculum tali, 101. Suture, coronal, or fronto-parietal, 45, 47. ethmoido-frontal, 48. ethmo-sphenoidal, 48. fronto-jugal, 48, 59. maxillary, 59. nasal, 59. sphenoidal, 48. lambdoidal, or occipito-parietal, 46. maxillary, 59. palatine, 60. petro-occipital, 47. sphenoidal, 48. sagittal or bi-parietal, 46. 'spheno-frontal, 47. jugal, 47. parietal, 47. temporal, 48. squamous, 47. temporo-parietal, 47. transverse or spheno-occipital, 46, 49. Sutures, 114. indented, squamous, and harmonic, 114. cranial, in general, 154. Sympathetic ganglia in particular. See Ganglia. nerves. See Nerves. plexuses, in particular. See Plexuses. system, in particular. See Ganglia and Nerves. Symphyses, characters of, 114. Symphysis menti, 57. pubis, 89, 155. sacro-iliac, 155. Synarthroses, 114. characters, ligaments, and motions, 115. Synchondroses, 113. Syndesmology, IIJ. Syneuroses, 113. Synovia, 1)2. Synovial burs®, 178. capsules, 112. of particular joints. See those joints. fringes, 112. — in the knee, 164. glands (so-called), 112. membranes, articular, general characters of, 112. INDEX 903 Synovial membranes, bursal, 178, 298. • minute structure of, 178. ■ vaginal, 178, 299. sheaths for tendons, 178, 298. Syssarcoses, 114. Tania hippocampi, 746. -—— semiciroularis, 740, 745. Tarsus, bones of, 99. • first row of, 100. • compared with first row of carpus, 107. ■ second row of, 101. compared with second row of carpus, 107. compared with carpus, 108. sheaths for tendons on, 313. Teeth, 177. arteries of, 182. bicuspid, 179. • bulbs of, 181. canine, 180. cement of, 162. changes in, after eruption, 190. characters of, general, 179. differential, 179. classification of, 178. compared with bones, 183 (note). epidermoid appendages, 177. ■ compound, 182. conformation of, external, 179. internal, 181. ;— cortical portion of, 181. substance of, proper, 182. crowns of, 179. crusta petrosa of, 182, and note. cuspid, 179. development of, 183. ■;— different stag.,' of, 184. distinguished from bones, 177. enamel of, 182. chemical composition of, 182. development of, 186. structure of, 183 (note). ■ fangs of, 178. formation of, 186. follicles of, 185. (Goodsir), 183 (note). general idea of, 190. incisor, 179 ivory of, 183. •» chemical composition of, 182. development of, 185. structure of, 182 (note). milk. See Temporary. • molar, 180. • great and small, 180. ■ upper and lower compared, 181. • multi-cuspid, 181. • nerves of, 181. number of, 177. permanent, 177. decadence of, 190. development of, 190. differences of, from temporary, 190. eruption of, 189. • follicular stage of, 184. origin of pulps and sacs of, 184. papillary stage of, 184. saccular stage of, 185. provisional. See Temporary. pulps of, 181. origin of, 184. quadri-cuspid, 181. sacs of, 186. origin of, 184. • simple, 183. • structure, general, 181. minute, 183. • supernumerary, 187. , tartar of, 183. temporary, 177. development of, 183. differences of, from permanent, 190. - eruption of, 183. — follicular stage of, 180. ■ origin of pulps and sacs of, 184. papillary stage of, 184. 1 saccular stage of, 184. shedding of, 188. ( Teeth, wisdom, 181. uses of, 189. two sets of, 189. Tela choroidea, 731. Temporal arteries. See Arteries. bone, 42. fossa, 47. nerves. See Nerves. Temporo-parietal suture, 47. Tendo Achillis, 283. v Tendon of Zinn, 650. straight of orbicularis palpebrarum, 653 Tendons of muscles, 193. 1 structure of, 299. Tensor muscles. See Muscles. Tentorium cerebelli, 684. Testes (of brain), 712. Testicles, 446. coverings of, 446. excretory duct of, 452. proper coat of, 449. structure of, 449. tubuli of, 450. tunica albuginea, 449. erythroides, 447. — propria, 449. —--- vaginalis, 447. vessels and nerves of, 451. Testis, coni vasculosi of, 452. mediastinum, 450. rete vasculosum, 451. tubuli, 450. Testicular artery, 451. Thalumi optic, 742. structure of, 744. Thigh bone 93. compared with arm bone, 105. Third cranial nerve. See Nerve. Thoracic arteries. See Arteries. Thorax, aponeuroses of, 300. articulations of, 130. bones of, 64. development of, general, 72. general description of, 70. mechanism of, 132. movements of, in general, 134. — one rib of, 132. Thyro-arytenoid ligaments. See Chordae Vocales Thyroid arteries. See Arteries. —— veins. See Veins. Tibia, 96. — and ulna, upper parts of, compared, 107. radius, lower parts of, compared, 107. Tibial arteries. See Arteries. - nerves. See Nerves. Tissue, adipose, 175. -—-— bony, 12, 13. cartilaginous, 174. cellular, 298. elastic, 174. tibro-cartilaginous, 174. cellular, 298. fibrous, 298. ligamentous, 174. muscular, 198. nervous, 757. tendinous, 289. Toes, articulations of, 174. bones of, 104. —— phalanges of, 104. Tongue, 332. bone of, 333. development of, 336. dorsum of, 332. frsenum of, 333. lymphatics of, 646. median cartilage of, 333. mucous membrane of, 646. muscles of, 333. extrinsic, 334. intrinsic, 334. nerves of, 646. — papillae of, 333. rete mucosum of, 646. structure of, 334. — uses of, 339. vessels, 339. Tonsils, 333. of cerebellum, 718. Torcular Herophili, 588. 904 INDEX Trabeculae of corpus cavernosum, 455. spleen, 405. Trachea, 416. cervical portion, 416. glands of, 416. structure of, 416. thoracic portion, 416. vessels and nerves, 416. Tractus spiralis foraminulentus, 678. Tragic fossa, 668. Tragus, 666. ■ ligament of, 666. Transversales muscles. See Muscles. Transverse arteries. See Arteries. muscles. See Muscles. suture, 46, 47. veins. See Veins. Trtinsverso-spinalis muscle. See Muscle. Trapezium, 83. Trapezoid bone, 83. ligament, 136. Triangulares muscles. See Muscles. Triceps muscles. See Muscles. Trifacial, or trigeminal nerve. See Nerve. Trochanteric cavity, or fossa, 95. Trochanters of femur, 95, of humerus, 79. Trochlea, femoral, 95. humeral, 79. of orbit, 651. Trochlear articulations, characters of, &c., 114. nerve. See Nerve, pathetic. Trochoid articulations, characters of, &c., 114. Tube, Eustachian. See Eustachian Tube. Fallopian, 463. Tuber annulare. See Pons Varolii. cinercum, 729. Tubercle, ash-coloured, of Rolando, 703. lachrymal, 645. laminated, 717. of Lower, 488. Tubercles of Santorini, in larynx, 424. in nose, 640. Tubercula quadrigemina, or bigeraina, 712. structure of, 714. Tuberosities, calcanea], 102. of femur, 95. of humerus, 79. ■ of tibia, 97. Tuberosity, bicipital, 81. of ischium, 89. maxillary, 51. Tubes of Bellini, 437. Tubuli of intestine. See Intestine. recti, of kidney, 437. of testicle, 452. seminiferi, 452. ■ of stomach, 361. uriniferi, convoluted, 437. straight, 437. Tubulus centralis modioli, 679. I'unica adnata, 648. albuginea testis, 449. conjunctiva, 648. erythroides, 448. propria testis, 449. Ruyschiana, 657. sclerotica, 654. vaginalis testis, 448. vasculosa testis, 449 (note). Tunics of eye. See Eye. Turbinated bone, inferior, 56. middle, 41. superior, or ethmoidal, 41. sphenoidal, 38. Tympanic bone, circle, or ring, 45 Tympanum, bones in, 674. circumference of, 672. lining membrane of, 670. membrane of, 675. secondary, 671. orifice of, cochlear, 671. vestibular, 670. recess of, 672. wall of, external, 669. internal, 670. 79. ind tibia, upper parts of, compared, 107. •us, 308. Unciform bone, 83. eminence, 730. Unguis, 730. Urachus, 443. Ureter, 440. structure of, 441. orifices of, 444. muscles of, 445. valve of, 444. Urethra, female, 469. muscles of, 470. male, 457. bulb of, 459. dilatations, or sinuses, 459. internal surface, 459. lacunae, 460. membranous portion, 459. muscles of, 457. prostatic portion of, 457. spongy portion of, 459. structure of, 480. Urinary apparatus, 435. Uterine veins, 467. Uterus, 464. cavity and mouth of, 465. cervix or neck of, 465. : coat, mucous, 467. serous, 467. development, 468. follicles of, 466. functions of, 468. fundus of, 466. glands, tubular, of, 468 (note). gravid, fibres of, 467. sinuses of, 467. vessels and nerves of, 464. ligaments of, broad, 466. round, 466. nerves of, 468. structure of, 466. vessels of, 408. Ulriculus vestibuli, 681. Uvea, 670. Uvula, 332. vesicae, 459. cerebelli, 715 (note). Vagina, 468. bulb of, 469. columns and rugae of, 468. development of, 469. mucous membrane of, 469. muscles of, 469. structure of, 468. Vaginal process of temporal bone, 44. Valve of Bauhin, 372. Eustachian, 486. ileo-cmcal, 372. colic, 372. mitral, 484. pyloric, 352. of Thebesius, 486. . tricuspid, 484. of Vieussens, 711. columella of, 712. Valves of Kerkringius, 365. of heart. See Heart. of intestines. See Intestine of lymphatics, 617. semilunar, or sigmoid, 484. of Tarin, 720. of veins, 575. Valvulai conniventes, 365. Vas aberrans, 452. deferens, 452. structure, 452. Vasa alferentia, lymphatic, 614. brevia, arterial, 509. venous, 599. efferentia of epididymis, 451. lymphatic, 614. sudatoria, 634. vasorum of arteries, 520. of veins, 576. vorticosa, 587. 665. Veins, in general, 573. anastomoses of, 574. branches of, 575. coats of, 576. I Ml EX 905 Veins, deep, 574. method of description of, 577 nerves of, 576. origin of, 574. plexuses of, 574. preparation of, 576. relations of, with arteries, 575. satellite, 574. sinuses of, 575. structure of, 576. sub-cutaneous, 574. superficial, 574. termination of, 575. valves of, 575. varieties of, 575. vasa vasorum of, 575. vessels of, 575. in particular, 577. abdominal sub-cutaneous, 604. of ala of nose, 588. alveolar, 589. angular, 588. of the arm, superficial, 594. • articular, of knee, 603. ascending cervical, 580. lumbar, 606. auricular anterior, 590. posterior, 590. axillary, 593. azygos, general remarks on, 601 great, 605. lesser, 606. lumbar, 607. basilic, 595. brachial, 597. brachio-eephalic, left and right, ' bronchial, left, 420. right, 420, 606. distribution of, 421. buccal, 589. calcaneal, internal, 604. capsular, inferior and middle, 597 cardiac, great, 578. small, 578. cava, ascending or inferior, 596. —t descending or superior, 578 cephalic, 595. —— of thumb, 594. cerebral, inferior, anterior, 587. lateral, 684. 1 median, 586. internal, 585. superior, 585. median, 58fc cerebellar, anterior lateral, 58*1 inferior lateral, 58a cervical, ascending, 580. deep, 580. choroid, 586. of eye, 658. ciliary, 587. circumflex, brachial, 598. • femoral, 603. iliac, 603. colic, left and right, 599. coronary of the heart, anterior, 578. great, 578. lips, inferior, 589. superior, 589. stomach, 362. of the corpus cavernosum, 601. striatum, 586. deep cervical, 580. femoral, 603. dental, anterior, 589 inferior, 590. superior, 589 diaphragmatic, 601. diploic, 585, 591. dorsal of the foot, deep, 602. external, 603. — internal, 603. nose, 588. penis, 601. — dorsi-spinal, 608. of the dura mater, 583. • at the elbow, 595. en ulgent, 598. • epigastric, deep, 603. superficial, 603 Veins, facial, 588. posterior, 589. of the falx cerebri, 586. femoral, 603. deep, 603. frontal, 587. of Galen in brain, 584. heart, 577. gastro-epiploic, 361. gluteal, 601. of hand, superficial, 594. hemorrhoidal, inferior, 601. r—- middle, 601. superior, 501. head, general remarks on, 592. hepatic, 600. in the liver, 391, 392. hypo-gastric, 601. iliac, common, 600. external, 603. ———-—— internal, 601. ilio-lumbar, 607. infra-orbital, 589. innominate of Meckel, 579. —— of Vieussens, 578. inter-costal, 607. superior, left, 606. right, 606. lobular, of liver, 391 (note). of intestines, 599. intra-lobular, of liver, 393 (note). spinal, 609. anterior, longitudinal, 609. transverse, 609. lateral, 610. posterior, longitudinal, 610. transverse, 610. compared with cranial, 610. jugular, 581. anterior, 582. external, 581. internal, or deep, 583. posterior, 607. laryngeal, inferior, 580. superior, 582. lingual, 590. longitudinal of scull, inferior, 586. spine. St' Intra-spinal ■ of lower extremity, deep, 692. — superficial, 603. lumbar, or vertebro-lumbar, 5°7. ascending, 606. azygos, 607. mammary, internal, 580. masseteric, anterior, 5§9. posterior, 590. mastoid, 584, 590. maxillary, external, 588. internal, 589. median of the arm, 595. basilic, 595. cephalic, 595. mediastinal, 580, 606. medullary, 610. meningeal, 591. —- middle, 590. mesaraio, 599. — mesenteric, inferior or sraal., s’'S' superior or gre. t, 590 nasal, 588. obturator, 601. occipital, deep, 590. superficial, 589. oesophageal, 606. omphalo-mesenteric, 599. ophthalmic, 587. orbital, external, 589 ovarian, 698. palatine, inferior, 589. superior, 589. palmar, 593. palpebral, external, 589. inferior, 588. pancreatic, 402. parotid, 590. of particular organs or tissues. See those or gans or tissues. of pelvis, in female, 602. male, 601. of penis, 601. Y 906 INDEX, Veins, pericardiac, 580. peroneal, 602. pharyngeal, 591. phrenic, inferior, 598. • superior, 580. plantar, 602. popliteal, 602. portal, or vena ports, 597, 599. branches of origin of, 598. in the liver, 390. sinus of, 599. profunda cervicis, 580. femoris, 603. 7— pterygoid, 590. pudic, external, 604. internal, 601. pulmonary, 577. — distribution of, 421. rachidian. See Spinal. radial cutaneous, 595. deep, 594. ranine, 590. renal, 597. sacral, lateral, 607. middle, 607. salvatella, 594. of Santorini, 585. -—— saphenous, external, 605. internal, 603. second, 604. satellite, of lingual nerve, 590. scapular, superior, 582. posterior, 582. sciatic, 601. scrotal, 601. semi-azygos, 606. short, of stomach, 599. spermatic, left and right, 598. spheno-palatine, 589, 591. spinal, 605. deep. See Intra-spinal. general remarks on, 611. posterior, deep. See Intra-spinal. — superficial, 608. superficial, 605. in neck, 608. ————— posterior, 608. of spinal cord, 610. splenic, 599. — distribution of, 406. stylo-mastoid, 590. sub-clavian, left and right, 593. mental, 589. supra-orbital, 588. —— renal, inferior and middle, 598 scapular, 581. sural, 603. temporal, 589. deep, 590. middle, 589. — superficial, 589. temporo-maxiilary, 589. of Thebesius, 578. thymic, 580. thyroid, inferior, 580. middle, 591. superior, 591. tibial, anterior, 602. posterior, 602. tibio-peroneal, 602. tonsillar, 333. transverse, cervical, 582. facia], 590. humeral, 582. — ulnar cutaneous, anterior, 595. • posterior, 595. deep, 592. umbilical, 600. of upper extremity, deep, 592. superficial, 593. uterine, 467, 601, 602. vaginal, 602. vasa brevia, 599. ■ vorticosa, 587. ventricular, cerebral, 586. of vertebra;, 610. ■ vertebral, 581. vertebro-costal, inferior, 606. superior, left, 606. ' * right, 605 Veins, vertebro-lumbar, 607. —— vesical, female, 602. male, 601. vidian, 589. Velum interposition, 731, 740. medullare, anterior, 713. posterior, 718 (note). palati, 331. See Palate, soft. pendulum palati, 331. Vena cava inferior, or ascending, 596. superior, or descending, 578. Venae oomites, 572. mini rate, 508. Venous plexuses. See Plexuses. system generally, 572. Venter ilii, or internal iliac fossa, 88. Ventricle of Arautius, 704. of corpus callosum, 737. fifth, 738. fourth, 718. choroid plexuses of, 720. fibrous layers of, 719. fossette of, 704. laminated tubercle of, 717 ; orifice, inferior, 719. semilunar fold of, 719. —— valves of base of, 719. of larynx, 424. lateral, 744. body of, 744. cornu anterior, 744. descending, 744. posterior, 744. of septum lucidum, 738. third, 729, 741. — choroid plexuses of, 741. commissure of, anterior, 742. — posterior, 742. — soft or gray, 729, 74j, floor of, anterior part of, 729. middle and posterior part of, 729. —— openings of, 742. Ventricles, cerebral, fluid of, 744. lining membrane of, 747. Gall’s views regarding, 750. of heart. See Heart. — of spinal cord, 701. Ventriculus, 352. succenturiatus, 362. Vermiform appendix, 373. process, inferior, 716. superior, 716. Vertebra, cervical, first, 23. second, 24. seventh, 25. dentata, 24. dorsal, first, 25. — eleventh and twelfth, 25. general description of, 19. lumbar, fifth, 26. prominens, 25. Vertebra:, articular processes of, indifferent regions, 22, articulations of. See Articulations. bodies of, in different regions, 20. cervical, 19. characters of, general, 19. distinctive, 20. proper, 22. coccygeal, 19. development of, 31. dorsal, 19. false, 19. foramen of, in different regions, 19. internal structure of, 31. laminae of, in different regions, 20. ligaments of. See Ligaments. lumbar, 19. notches of, in different regions, 20. number of, 19. sacral, 19. —— sacro-coccygeal, 26. union of, 32. spinous processes of, in different regions, 22. transverse processes of, in different region* 23. true, 19. Vertebral canal, 30. column, 19. articulations of, 115-123. INDEX 907 v.-rtehral column, curvatures of, 28. development of, 32. ■ dimensions of, 28. ~ figure and aspects of, 29. ■ movements of entire, 121-123. grooves, 29. ligaments. See Ligaments. Vcrtebron:ostal veins. See Veins. Verumontanum, 461. Vesica fellea, 394. urinaria, 440. Vesicles, Graafian, 461. Vesiculce seminales, 453. — efferent duct of, 454. 7 structure, 454. ° Vestibule of ear, 676. aqueduct of, 676. calcareous matter of, 681. crista of, 676. ' 1—• foveie and reeessus sulciformis, 676. membranous, 680. openings into, 676. sacculus of, 680. ~ sinus, common, or utricle of, 680. Visceral nerves. See Nerves. V itreous table of cranial bones, 35. Vocal cords, 426. Vomer, 57. Vulva, 470. j development of, 471. fourchette, 470. I mucous membrane, 471. | parts of, 470. j Wings of sphenoid bone, lesser, 37. i great, 38. j Ingrassius, 37. I Womb. See Uterus. \ Wormian bones, 50. Wrist. See Carpus. !Xiphoid cartilage, or appendix, 65. j Zinn, zone of, 655. ! Zonula Zinni, 655. \ Zygoma, 61. I Zygomatic arch, 61. ! bone, 54. j canal, 55. | fossa, 61. j process of temporal bone, 42. malar bone, 55. THE END.