warn mm m. uum" ussmm m nmemsssmnmms fcy Wmmin wm mmim Mo outline boo Imm wMm turn noto® tufessn durtise th® oom&m ftmi tsy &p# )M H* tfllaoa to the ©ad $©«*»£**$&& to ®M«at® at tb® Ite&fmitp of teUMftsau fb® flOLIte w&m* immm to the original® In Dr# $11o©e,0 file* map of til® boats In Mo witlats®* $he writer toka© raapcwuilbility for ®kqt mirtom or MMatorprototlosj® wfeloh lasy ba fount In thooo notaa# I If l> E X S*a&& Tgpm of Mattie*! *«««»«48 fitonfsV'to Ooosrt niofife* *#,*♦«#*♦#♦♦,.**###•♦♦♦••*♦•♦#»***♦•• #4® to AtamaA Xaagwila* Fomrstioa J&Kt©B 6Tf f?to!lor*# • •#***♦■♦*#*♦*#■##♦*♦#♦•♦*###♦#♦#••#♦• #,* * ♦•»••*»## #84 0<3S3tttX$U€3d Ffigl t^hpOoiGio**.♦ *#*• . *****«•» Gfi Qirotie &$*&)**«»•**•*•*«••**••*••'•••••••»•••«*•« 00 ®ts© IPOSEES Of tho HtottlfOOassIIjQQJNM#»• v••»*«•**« »«•»***«#• 3D1 €km? the Preccxpdial Loads in l$ooaEdiaI laforotioa* la Prscordiol Loads In Infarction*** 330 StetfOxiQ of Procordisl Loads In /interior Btyosordli&I *•**•••**♦»*•• • • •*« **■•*♦*•*•• £43 Leads end is! Leeds la Sanction*** •****.*•**•«»♦»*•* *351 IBberpIob of K®Q|&a9M& Leeds IStacsd Inf&nstiixi * of Bland Infarction** • * * ♦ ■*■• ♦** • «« •«*-■■# • * * * SOS 3&e Seasons for Matiple Precordlsl Leeds In Infarction#*** **•■»*••■■*••»•*#•**♦**•***# *•♦**♦* £30 OtwraSterlatlO Gbrngm in One Load ihst Freoordlal Leeds 3?sould he Taken* •*«#••**•*«••*•* Sbe la Itodlo Branch Block ar& Infarction* • • *«*»•***»*«• *.**•*•••••#••• SSO ■ rXho€a?©tlcaX CkassMcamtions*** # **♦•»♦♦<*»*♦•♦**•*••*••*• ssi of RigLt Bandies Branch Block b 8Hl! i&&erlor Iafsirction#*********«vj!S^V****»**«•♦*•••♦ SS6 jMcK fevatfirsard# J&smpl&n ot I&sadlc isranoa Blodr mH Vo&miav t^ocazdleX XRffcvstlofe*.«.*<»•«»•»••«••• 89B spies of loft fioeSSa Hp-ash Blook md XBravetSflo* m OXlniOfil Oal4os Fma the 3ileetroerirdiogms ia ♦♦••**•***♦**•*••*• rm of Gmngqr Air iMsoltei* r^5 ItM X* TOW OF imm$& 0/M 111 HUGE ARB OF ?«BUU 1# the Ml is used to deterwtn# auricular m& ventricular activity# £• Most arrhythmias or® eessccamod with 0 disturbance of tha mqnom® between auricular end ventricular contraction* 3# Ttm deotroecrd is the court of loot resort in the d Iff srentletie& of the various errhythialag* 4# St Is also imltttM# to ditfwwtktfcai tfao various types of tachycardias end bredfcrcardlc# B* Xt is useful Is oontrolltug isodiostion* U Miltollo any result In* for ffmylgi* {n) %*mm changes* (b) BigcsiBjN Co) tetrodetolcs* (0) &etrwss digitalis Intorieetlon m& ohm that typo of Isvoplovllf In a&ich there is m slooter auricular Stott then vootrlculiwr ret#* this occurs In entasis with 9t# of the lethal dose* B« QuiftMlri© result In T-wff# Mnei cud alterations la conduction* 0* It is at ttaMi useful in the detection of valvular lesions md the effects of hypertension* 1* alight a&ls deviation occurs in ttltrel stenosis* usually* however* only when there 1* an advanced lee left* mBm Bm Loft min deviation occurs la hypertension ead when cart©la accompanying change® ©re preooat, moh m Inverted la tod I md evidence ot ventricular hypertrophy, Indicate© that it is of eofao duration# 3# of aortic end pulmonic toiane, by th© pmmmm of loft or right ©ado deviation# respectively, my bo poodbto D# fhe <&octrocaraiogr«m la useful la the detection of disturbances la pot lento who ahem no other objective evltoioo of heart dlooaac# I# to cimnct, however# mkn m etiological aiognoelc from the oieotrocf.rd togreo* It omool be mid whether the pathologist will find f ibrocic# d«&*omtto of none type, too, rheumatic imolv&mmt or tothw ho will fto anything at all# a# Svl4«OMi of ayccavdlcl nlmmm ore seen la two groope of coooo# (&) Mate infect too I# Acute rteMtic tmr bo nolo evidence of fever# £« Uiphthm^Si £>♦ tide M&mm patients occasionally die of ©cate i^ocordltio* 4# Telto fever# . 5# Pneumonic# 6# Starlet fover—it Is unlikely that the eabeeauost valvu- lar lonlcac which often appear are to to the scarlet fever per no, but nether ore uotaclly due to the coneo-i** t©at tomrllc favor* <•» 3 *• 9* Changes of this typo or© umusUy tasapoiwpy mb tm& to oXeex»« 8* If o patient I«sb am aooto ffifoeovdllli, he mot be kept la be£ uftUl the acute womm ouboiteo* ©rtlon my monit in ImgHmiX* too^« (b) Artorloeileyatlo Com®* I* Thom my be aaySmio aim® so preront without phyei- ml oluftot It i* in peti gijto with eye*)torn and with* out ilfiM ilgM that the etotxoeeydiogrefn my bo of tool folaot S« %bo coronary crtolee do not have any effect on to ¥ou eonnot mko the diagnosis of wvom%f MtosQils cod no on# otold ever mko Hat fro® the oXeotsooayc iogrea alone* One my pooelbly tofett that It So preaeot from to eXeatoeerdlog**pfcla avitoeo of apMisvdl«l domgo* 5* the die&noaio of #yoeii*dtel Infarction oen be mto« IwwfaeiMP* 4# The amort ton to to wle tot to dlaosioaia of coronary toaaoaift oennot bo cede Ib that of too© eaaaa with engine peotoyld who oho?-; elteretlono In to eto toflorS iogyea mhm pa In io present* B» Tba my give uoafnl tafermtto In otto disoeae date** !•©♦!* 1, Hypocalcemia, wte?o a pyoXimoed %*T intowol Mf be necn* a# Parlatoitia, which my bo isoaoclato with btoem to ©to£o« and elevation of to to aenpont in all load** •» <& m 3# Myae&soa, which may b© ©ooorapaaiod by horn vol%am of tbo - though hum boon made of other Muriels, i«o# oilvor# (b) mm®tie field—*>cttppll©d by or pcwanant mo®act# (c) Current—to tiliftW elsin camatg, ©to# (d) Cenere with recording f 11® or paper noring at o conotant speed* (o) fiiaa*€3eiEiror indicating 0#0d mo« end 0*B ooe#—usually cormtently moving wheel with SI spares# it) Grid with space lino® to record m# cad on# distance© cm the paper# (g| liocns to throw 1 w* Into circuit for ot«ndardi»Qtlm# B# Boole for nm of atrlng galraiwraetcr* Bee elide # (a) Tho lino© of force about a wire In o magnet!* field ore- circular* {b| The string mvoc at right angle© to the lines of the ao&noiio ficM—»f0.lte?fii I&$c off loll; (Hasin®o toft Band Me) field Conductor 1# • direction of field t* Forefinger-* direction of current In atria® 3« Second finger*** direction ©trine will ito «• B m M Factors which assist mvmmt of the string# (1) Mr m9ietmm~*%be higher the Telocity, the higher the resistance# (B) Counter isicetmottve of moving a string cooSuetcr m%om n mm**ic field# C4> SfenoloB on the string vnrleo t he distcmcc it will SDTO* Thus the looser the string the greater the rawnomoBt# (#| Mofetamto of tlie string mot bo magnified since they ore vory ®mU-«origiiaeIly wmm *aoanificd 1000 time# if} UcmmmtB am recorded with the osmr®# (g) &eel«ti«oe of the string gaHmaewietoj* is the resistance of the striBff'xmsuelly 3,000 m 10,000 ohms# ISore recently strings of 6#000 * 3,000 dans resistance here boon m&& but they ore leas desirable# (li) fbe string suet bo standardised with the patient in the circuit for each 1m& ms&smately# (I) toll electrode each as needle electrodes ommt bo used with striae ®iltww*ft«r oince they arc polcrist&xc-*-' will giro weritootii^# (i) Foe* preparation of the skin with resultant high resistance will gtat oircrflbootlag# (k) If aa amplifier is placed In the circuit of m at ring dsleeMnetes* the resistance beeesee mofe b&'hcr--* 1,000,000 or acre ote©-~'thus a few thousand oto? difference m might .result from increased skin reolstanee, does not mtte* end does not have to etendaedlse with each lm&~~ (elthough one really should)* — 9 ~ 0* The m<tim apchin»~*oa8Ulos»8ph 3m suae© # 1# fboy aw> of tbo DoddeXI typo—tbst la a jaoving coil mo* pended In a magnetic field# & snail mirror attached to the coil reflects e boom of light into th© 0mam§ thus giving tho record# (©) arc placed in the circuit no that the force om bo ccpliflad to the point where It will mm the coll# lb) Coil is sucoeoded in cU of proper consistency to provide critical tapping# £# It Is a high rooiotonoe electrodes can bo used cad slight imrmm& In reeiatenee resulting from proper skin proposition ao not nette* oc in cose of low* reeiftteac* string ealvanOTOtor# la) Itoovor, poor preparation of skin will yt8ft.lt in more alternating current being picked up# » U* Artefacts in | 1# insole fmmam («} aoon as fin© irregular Jiggles (b) Bat lent mist reload occur especially if pat lost fields sactvonitise niftfftar# (d) 3oen In !gFpert%roldijw% itaxfeinsooim E# Stray Alternating Current (s) "Fui** is roller lb) Obscure* os**** mmmtimt m& mtkm interpretation difficult# (o) Oon toll when you ero cottiag it hoomm otrim shadow does not focus sharply# 10 (6) ttdi«Uy ecu be kept «t « minlsam by taking precautions r© AC apparatus or eleotrlool crjuipfaent ouch eo % tent* loops* ball cords# All such apparatus smot bo unplugged evea though mt on# Otto* ore fluorseope or X-ray apparatus la aora© nastby or name office# (o) Hurt stsplifylng typo, hove AC eltuslnotors# (1) Other eli&iaotiag my be grounding the rancMac to aooiby oto«® redlabor or plumbing, grounding tbo mmhim to the bod or grofonding it to the patient# 3# Overshooting {») Mokes deflections leader the© they should bo# fb) Soon acot fluently with airing type galvtflonotor with poor prepMsttofi of the &liw (o) Mi patients mre apt to ohm? it tbrx others— I# c# dry e&ia, it^osoteae# 4# iBCoestont, Irregular Jiggles mm nmwllf artefact to to ss« ebnormllty In tfee circuit c?r last nrswiK vt**1 •** i# o# batteries mn tom—in oppllfte# CMftteo m irre®ttlor Watifit in iit^Mas?disettoi s# macing tip UmI wires (a) If m pioaci m ha m& ha mM. t • - upside tern fjeoa else la dextrocardia II • ♦ boecoo® XII m - - boooros XI «* ** (b) If La. is placed cm IX and LL on LA I m m hommm II II ~ • bccosaeo I III - tootses upside desm 0# Short Circuit in Coble tai Seoul** in a Hat lead with no donation ©t ©13 IV* Afiatof of EviSf ABU fiaaftU whiofc Initiate end Conduct Electrical Activity# Bote: to Heart is a "Hdeaastlon CsolHsto** — $ucst like n Ceyoor# A# too—Is peculiar to to cftlft* ftalifti tort# X# It Is toft added hi#$i in to right auricle at to .iunotlon of the asperior vom &mm end the right auricle* E* Hoad of node is abovo, tail below* Xt la Bode im IS tan# In longth9 2~$ mm* ibldfe, 4W5 sKft# wlc^* Sino-auricular- node 3* l&xio is mve aodpleg* mmM fibres are lots© dis- tinctly stvlstifti mm muplm. in mUm&t pattern toft other part© of tort mottle# &t to laaMtour to fibres peso cttau&t* ly or into to etnrloite fibres# It Iso© o rich blood and nerve supply# 4# It I© hero that to tort tot or%totce*-glving rise to a rot© Mgber toft tot of mm ®tto? ©onto# Any pfttftt to to aode oon be to pesetoer* •» h? •» (a) The center which gives rise to the highest rate tends to dominate so long as the impulse can spread from that center. That center is called the "pacemaker*. (b) The Impulse from tie faster center destroys potential impulses arising at other points in the heart muscle. (c) All parts of the heart muscle probably have the ability to contract rhythmically in response to impulses which are generated rhythmically. 5. Vagal Stimulation—tends to drive the center or pacemaker downward In the node* It has a greater influence over tl» head of the node and thus depresses the head more, so that one of the lower centers takes up the "pacenaaklng”. (a) As the center goes down in t e node, the FMsraves tend to be cone flatter in Leads XI and III—thus with a wandering pacemaker, it is possible to estimate where in the node the impulse arose. 6. Syapat etio Stimulation — (this may be true, although we do not know for certain) —drives center upward in the node— tends to make IMwaves taller in Leads IX and XXX. 7* S-A node present in mammalian hearts but not in more primitive hearts - l.e*, frog sinus venoeue beats before the auricles* B« Auricle !• Mo special conduction pathways haw been demonstrated in auricle 2. Impulse spreads from S-A node to auricle and then in every direction through the auricle "just like a fir© in a field of grass** Generally speaking It spreads radically. - 15 « S* Bntm of Impulse tcenartssioii In mriolo Is 1000 s»u per second* 4« It Is the of the t*0ttl*» and not the meonln* oontrfjotlcn tshich Is responsible for the 0*. In reptile and acphibiaft, Isvxilso begins in sinus vcaocus, then tJwo Is a Interval, then auricular oontmotioo*- tons e ©operate ©harbor before auricle end also tftmouo arteriosus after the rontrlcIo--tJii© 4 iMm 0« ** tlode (Hod© of fMm) 1* Is InbeddeC at fees© of auricular septum, postorlorly, near tho coronary sinus where oovoctary wins eeptsr into right auricle* Only S5 ns* In disaster* S# It consists of the mm stmetnro as tho $*4 node but la soaowhot mUaf« It is © knob m top of Hi® MUi« 3# It iaoy hmmm tbs- $©ecn&er if the B*a nod© is depressed or tho activity of tho .MT nod© is enfesasod* 0* Ms Bundle and Its BrniM3bee--~3Xide« %, f^rt 1* It runs fro® tho Imer end of thm M0 node &MM9& through tho central fibrous portion of the heart until It corse© to ttm attflooler pert of the interventricular saptw at tho top of which. Just opposite the aortic velvee, It divides Into the right «od left bundle branches which then mm bo nmth the endocardium to reach tho 'foi&zinm twtomk* l» Its© right bundle branch is Sooner then tho loft before it the loft bundle broach bog lost to divide almost ismiietel^# •' 14 • 3* Xa dog and ««» thorn arc so Ifitumeailoai botooft the to todlo braaoto nor vtoto penetrating to mptm or walla* tM* la fftoblftr not to ear* la the beef heart vberr bronoto th» aoptof tor* ar© both aneteleal «»4 pl$r«lo~ IvcSorX wmumm for thinking m» 4# too© structure® are peotallar to to rsan alto tort# 5# tfe#o© otsuotoes are vetsr difficult to toemotot© in the tern tort* E» M:te MMNto** f&ia© ,4g —tote ami * JD Ifeil* te i&Jeetteo# tod sartoa In shoos* msoX©# t» wisr &*t%m9 tv tbe ox tort — ©©Kf teomg>lc©oua In the tossa tort# F# ftirtto mmtmA&tiX OomoMorattea# X* fb© logical appearance of the mvtm& ©imtaraa differ la mvlm® m%ml&* Highest aifforentiatloa cod 8M©t©©l ©coo of 1® la' stop# tor aM beef# (») In ftiskio@ofe aoooriptica tof tort woo tsood# S# 2n itolto i*otwifes«* (ft) In to M&bftp torn to fibriHao ®r© amrcr ilia pe£tp$u$sr of to coll, to aacloi mm central# to mHa me lm&m$ to fibrlllae are »li f«wf to ©scoot of ©aeroplatts is largo ena to otriottea are poor# • J5 - (b) Parking© fibres differ in that they contain mre glyo&ten* dsn be studied by giving o large doao of Cluoooo to e dog, killing it and staining the saiscle fibre© 3* differentially* In its tomm heart differentiation la mob loss sharp* Ono anat follow the bundle dor® from above* 4* fbare Is no His bundle in tbo prirsitiv© heert—frog sad tartlo~ only * tongue of tissue stamina ;lo® from the eurieles into tb© single ventricle* ' * ■ ■■ ' ’ mm or 0lyoogm Baft* or IftOgta of Fibre Oontoot 3^0tol© Mea X I X 4 4 VtmtTiiMl&P B M B 3 3 Mri&uXar 3 3 3 0 0 Bxxkimm 4 4 4 X 1 I m leuat 4 m mat BE&msm&m *lm of Oardiao ' Lewi® pg, 99 0, gpratsd of Ispaiae Through the Heart, 1* is ffcora aariale# apitlil receptors Into A*sr node~~Htoin etas of Hie lmdlo~*~ri$ht end left bundle of both ventricles* ttm TiMn Mm %w Mm m fsmMnim for e tap Id spread of tba lapelae wer the mhm&mrnt&iQl mmlo*~m % at all of It Is eotlvoteA @to>ot st the mm ttsse* S* tb® inside of both eerltiee hmoms active wm*y vapidly* • 16 ♦ 4* the &9«&e» tvsvele slowly In tlio iMT iioao-~reeaoa for the wa iMtmsm!• a* Cfees the ispile© pumam the &*# node, the spread is vasy vapid* 6# fins there 1® e vepld peeee&s of the in tbe file bundle ©ad tfe© whole lusts® of th© heart is etlmletod rapidly ts»d then the trowels ©ore slowly ttewJh tin© ogooerdlel tiasaeo to the opieordlum, 7# The fsproed 1© fra® the inoldo of the hftftPt«*ltt the aub~ aodoonvdiol tt«i»ioe*-to the outside* Urn® the thieSmos© of the hoevt well is ee Is&ovtant footer in determining tho Mai© it will ts&e the fteptloe to reeeh the e$ieev31sl oovfeeo* S# If Bundle BXook is ispiloe gpoe dkwo the unblocked aid©, thee through the ordinary mode In the states, to rotieh the Vtodciii®® aefcmfe of tho opposite aide. If both boodle teeaebee ere out tho remit 1© octets heart bloofe* 9, .All the foveoe which &Hm nmtmllz® ©eoh other esacoet those at the end at the best nmr the evtfieee* This in the retiooa that In the soma heart the rtesxi elootrlcol ozXb tends to be in tbs itveetlw of tbs cmetoiBifleX mis# Main Stem of His B. RB Br* %B Br. LV HV Mean Electrical Axis * 19 • H* Velocity of Xapalee 7ren«nleeioa tim Inpwise toes in in Varies type® of tori Sfeeele each timm 111 toaX BDO Mi |>er *12 • *20 $m* (S) Tentrienlar 400 as* per coo. *06 m *10 aoc. (3) Ms&oiilor aoo - 1000 vxs« per ooo« #0S nao* (4) i*u3Ekln@e 4000 i®* per ace. *0® coo* v* muiWM oompm es omani or mimiM, toces xh to ii&ot# A# Kloctrieel farces arise by* 3U ®adeottev«Hasi In a coil welsrtB& in a Usenetfte floM. E# At bcfeceu too flnMet too totals* etc.*— a ctOTosat arioso tore to to boundaries are not la cquUibrto, B* Potential X. Corroapoads to tmgmmtQT® in tot pmbXom* 2m J&eototolty flon ttm to point of hl®fe potential to to point of 1m potential* fl* *Pbe forces tibleb profess o ©went in e coil tire et to touted between to ootto and resting pe*t of the coll. 1» -ferrrst lo psofeood only ton to sell la $oto tom to aetto to resting or renting to aetto atoos* E« Bo current arises ton to fUXly active or folly feettet moole biit only in tot «feieh is oha&rin& ton one state to to other*. IS m D# the etotrioel tonge* with df*elopfl»t of « do not eorroap3®5a to to tortoise of the nnaeXe# 1* to dnrlcafeg of to tnugele 1» deleted by the need far evercoMng .Internal friction first# £* to electrical epreed ropreweits to preparation for contocticm# 5# This ie to reason for to etateoent tot It it to oproeA of to tepulee and not to contraction tdiich to roapcmsIMe for to electroeardfo^rtf*# B* to swr&soe of a dell is a boo«da«f* trio sell m the oatelde he® a different omipoaition tbsm m the Inside* toe the . coll id Msmded by e mrfeoi ooroaa which tore In e potential* 1* the ie auoh tot the inside. i« 'negative and tlie ootalde ie positive 00 that if cell 1® mt9 ftm will be from oataMc to Isolde* B* ton a doll pttma Into to active etete* the MfKl eeapoee the active pert la different tern tot ever the vesting port# d* With n coil in to mntism etate there Is cn egpiUteicMb Stare no would Iwee two bettsrloe felt ccaneeted so tot tlm oppose each other* Tnae «9 *urM% *pt*M flow m 1,9 «* If mo of thorn batteries la rorweO It will tore otm offeet ne roroving the othav and stiiiiSng tfeo Moving A oebi omo mmlt no rojwlag B and turning A nroemd* fhtis ao soil become aetiv&i At tbo boundary yoo tom la offset ohet you %imM tore if pm oooiddevod the ctos$e ffon active to tooting as Ineteatmeoae# I, US m OMIMAtmOMb 33U4#« wpwiflnoafi ElBttomafe orlfinol oorwe? k^t F& for acjrrsele eg to also of doflootima* 4* B«wm U mwar mwivUm* s* licit a meXX of tie tot { fA tfove) |aat tnstovo tofe©"*off tC %* fcat it it Ufi&saXlf' tMpft % tbe Cilta too aU6t itt&t In totplctt fttttt block* 3# IMtmt a»» tteiaelly ttaniift «3M*t isotohoa* to) aSUe$* notoMnt is not dmmsdU W msfetA xstMin# to e^5«®l* • £0 • 4* Bi&o of 2»B or* - 3*0 sn* la load In wMeh It to s largest to upper limit of normal* If larger sneUf eoeee gBrteel«r eeletreeinaet* 8# lBf«rsiei of f*Mm» (*) Xnvertoft f8 sot eternal* (h) liwr©rt*d f i or Pg Is eternal* C« Bm&ntim of Ptaev*** up to 0*10 see* Is noiml* B* CM OOCfhliQK 1* BsewNwets eprm& of lapels* over mmtvtm&m muolo ns© It . i® peseta*? isto the aetiv© stete* to) X® ©00© o® ©XX of it Is sailn them Ib is© earnout* (h) Thee ©o It peaces toefe to the routine state get the Torero* B# IMS he troctod &b a -roup or tmlt* 3* It 1® the melt of oXootrioel aetlrlr©tice of the Tsetrioloo and preeoios the actual omtmetim of the rwstriel©** 4 * 8I@* (a) Upper limit** S4 m*** if largest deflection in QlW Ib sn? lead I® move thou this, o&eplese* ©to pmhvhly sb~ normal* ststoBwat la Ms •Meoheelafa end Cto&o&io is prohohlr to© mil **1S «•) (h) %&m* limit**® If lushest deflect lees in aesr Iced ore 6 m%* or Xoaoi dofleetioe* arc tmmmtiMp mmlU Co) Biggest defleetUm occur whoa you lead off ptfiUel to diction 1e which i%%*3tXm la titling# - El - S* labeling of coa£Ua«'->ia ootiroly axtoltmir* to) 0. m 6mmm& deflection mt pmm&9& by s» upward deflection* tb) E » first upward deflection* |o) a • first GmmmsA deflection after first upward deflection* If m. “final ugm&rd deflection* or 8* often of moh em&Xcmm m eraoll Q S Mteomi oocelaKca* $14* is ifoetohod E aare* Bo oot call tbia m B*mvo unices it gooo bolm the bacolino* Jlot cm ftaM* u&looo it noo«r aboro tho feooolltto* othia la a sotohodi Q*^vo* |fI %*wm& mm ooiaolljr tflotlly mil* (1) So stout people ay got <1 of 4*a as* In Lead III* (g) nsro tban SO Ena, Oi} iNiOffo usually not ramaally loxgcnp then 6 an* I** 1* Itaprooeate mtzmt of t®mlm mm owmp of t«Wdo* toolts ao different fro %ES boocuoo it la ipsoed out (mv o lo&ger latowrai# £• os largo a# 6 an| often Ifti&Mr after ®teroiot to *» £& «► S« Direction % (n) Sot If upright the riot# {b> Imomim of % is not etaoxsaoiX# toj Xavoreioe of % or Tf or both is etoorml in m® laotmioee* (4) Zf *£*iratloa of %stoio yore evesguim* egue!** oouM bo usually iaverto&-~ it ie duo to local, variations in duration of that it Is uisselly upright# 4# fho IMranre is the m&t easily offcotea. of the teflootloac 2a the elstteoiegaiegswiii ©# Other tosns uooa in dossrlbiisa oicotroeord iograwe# *• wpe > 3hiof leportoiioe is that it ©taiM not bo sdetekeR foe aonsthtBij! Blm* U*mmm MR* no olloieel lapevtonoe m ft# m Immm* Occasionally or® larg© la ohout Ioe4o* s# ftgMP Junction 3# Mb*® 4# oesqpicac » QRS od4 T 5# Initial ?«trJU«lar Deflection • OPS 6« Fiml VoBtriatlor OoflootliR » t? ?# jftmriculcf CoaploK » iMwvs • m m S# Oofstrsat of MO 00a amiad trooftn*# HU4e bo* I# MO Into no Oftreet booting m ncohaaftoal oetlirity of bo&rl ( i»e* ©KbciEctio*i* not Cie&Boasfele turn i*)« (*) ffetos© c©» be- rco* fey lafarccfr* *Mh so mil mam^am aey norm esrftftca failure* (fe) fl*> MO ft© mrcly so electrical record end mat fee os mcbll a# First smna In ooirewS trseiEg occur© 00 <5©fle«ndt»o Ilab of S-^stro* (o) la «&* largely to clodur© of Efttrol ©s*i trftcacpftd t*avos# S» aocoi&a soueS ft* due to closure of eortfte *nft .putemorsr tElros# uaoollgr occur© »t and of 'JMaste*# II# Hat© A* Oftvftaftooa# I# Booh snail atTioion « 1/as ©00# or 0*04 too# Usoo pcs? aln*) I# 3Mh SlTisIoa m 1/5 aoo# or 0#BD 00©# (300 per bIe#) 3# IfiOO inkU dfttrloftosia » I nbtttn# B# If rtsrtfen fta regular* I# Umollgr sp*t p$m&met port of ***** cm toey 3.ino anfl oc*mt ti» tto line* to to* tmst plnm fit sliicla the mm thisg occurs# 1 £# tteo if 0 ctoile cycl© ft* W emll dMite 1500 * 88 per min# or 1EQQ » 60 per nUu ** a® 5* Oa* ea a*ato up * cfeart# e m mtfmtoi 10 * ISQ/isltt. W » 100/kIe etc# •» 84 <*■ 0* If rbptbtt is Irregular* X* Count severe! B*H Intervals end the number of 3/5 see# intervale they cover. x noo • »t» i*o# of 2/5 aoe* intervals A ..»gflp » rot* Bo* of S/£8 see* totowelii or I • Ij » 6 8 «1 tatoTWBlo. P X 300 . xsooo im por bib. ib ip 0* Set© is i£«xxrta&t In asking diagnosis* I* Auricular rate i* Auricular fitvllkltw** auricular pete 500*400 plus 3* teehyeerdie-* rate XSKMTO* usually 18M89 4# Soviets heart block— rate 50*35 5* alms teehyeaMle** somd mchnnim hut fast* i* 3ims bredyoerdim~~mw.ml mo'mnlmi hut sloe* XIX* Snt«rreXa is the Elm%mmv€ioimm* A* Bote 09 to mmmwmmt of latoamlai* X* Qon be mrnmm& In mf of the 5 leads* A 2* Cos take the lowest Interfax in any lead or the svemge of the interim Is in the tm Xeede In which tlmr om m®t SMflT alike* »• i*> not Me* the shortest toeoauae te that t«odif the ootael war bo $osp«»&i0ular to the booMaxy of activity and ttew sm got m looeleotrlo ourro at that point. <* 88 4» iMwesUf spooking* iron ere lees 11 ely to have !o6~ electric deflect ime in that lead in which the deflect Iona or© largest# S« One met that there ia a phase difference in. the different lead© so that the pmt of R ia not the game in all leads* B* JV*B Interval { or IM| interval if there is a ci~wav©) 1* Keesured from beginning of IMsava to first indication of the $RS g*eup«**th©t i® to beginning of o or beginning of i. if $ dees not ocw* It tMmmsmn ttm interval team the first ©vi3mm of aurioulor •ttitiritgr to first off vmtrlmlmr nativity* 3* &•& mML activity doaa not in Km tetwme th© eooimt of mml® Involved is not large (a) the boundaty botnoen rooting and acting mmlo mot tew sufficient eroa to Infineon© the potential© of the vactrcedtlaa* (1) Ms ia the reason that thaw ere no deflection* from the A-*f node or the Bin tmale or the bundle branch©©# (2) Tl*© mt of mscl© which mat fee involved In order to cans© © deflection in the ©bps© for mat individuals* the emmsnt of mool© in the auricle which mat he involved before tm begin to got a F-wav©# and the in the ventricle before m get a £83 oonpleK* MBt b© relatively coBstent* m JSS mm M We begin to get ttm V~mve when a certain &momt of moolo is involved# 4« Wev all practical purpose® the ©Is*.© of the auricle—that la the distance which the is&iXm met travel— to the mm for all individuals# 8* Hossml INS interval# (a) Adults—0#1£ - 0#S0 (Don*t usually pay too met attest tloa to 0«E1 m 0#2S)# (c) If prolongad * 1° heart blocfe (d) If abort • it 0*10 see# or less, norm! sinus rhytbra probably not present but here nodal rhythm# Cm Prolongation of P~a lateral —See elide # A^# (a) The path which tho irspulo© travel® from the B*A node to the -MT node 1© broad no that it may vary and it is unlikely for disease to involve n wide enough area to effect the time Interval# "like trying to block Atlantic Ocean#*' (b$ The A-V node is especially aasecptibla, hmm®r, bo- couse here- the path is narrow m3 the ingwlao has no way to go ©round oo it is hero that most lesion* caus- ing a pTOlo®r?cd Ml Interval occur* (e) A mall mister occur in the mein stem of the His bundle# (d) Once the ftflpulao p®®ma from the large branches of the Hie 'bundle tho path in a&srlii breed# * m • (el For practice! purposes, the path which la m®t irssporttmi is fro® the top of th© 4-V node to the bifurcation of the Mm bundle, except In bundle branch block whore the unaffected bundle branch behaves Ilk© e prolongation of tb© His bundle* Thus* hevlag bundle branch block on one side, you ©an prolong the interval by effecting the bundle branch on the other side* (f) 4 certain ©raount of ventricular mccle met be Involved before the <£HS deflection begins* (a) 2n tcohycardla not duo to loosened vegsl ton© the Ml interval is usually longer— i*o* perosysrsal auricular tachycardia# (h) If MR interval got® longer ©ad longer, dropped beats ' finally occur * Z° hcerfc block* (i) la noonanl people the MR interval tends to decreem m heart rate goes up and increase© cm heart slows, m long cm tills variation in rate io duo to the ortrlnslc cnrdloo nerves— l*e* doereoccd or lacreoeed vagal tee* a* om ®m elide % X« It® fvm first evMcmee of rm%riml®T activity to sar jimotioa# £• MormX limit®* (a) 0,05 - 0.00 see, (b) 0molly 0.06 - 0.08 000. $a) In aoocr.rlng It take lonreot ftilS In any lend or aronor# of two which are elonost. ~ m ~ 0# The QMS intorval ordinarily the to the end of ventricular activity* {e| 51s© vital area In the spread of the impulse I® the bundle branches* Lesions s*st bo In ttm tipper portion of the bundle branches to amm o demonstrable change, (b) Generally cpoafclas* then, the QHS iatertsl is a «eesure of the integrity of the bundle bxisiM}}me-*«scept la &&***& diffuse depression in the ftufeinge tissue ae fro® Qulnldinc or urossie* (e) then the ojts Intorvcl ie over, all of the ventricular mael© has passed fro® the resting to the active state* (d| After the iiqpulce roaches the ©rboriaatioa of the bundle branches Its path Is wide and not easily effected* (©) However, if there is e area of subendocardial sclerosis, it might effect the Parkings tissue enough to Influence the Interval* Is infection the Puxfeiag© tissue is mm resistant to anoxemia then other cordial tissue* Usually in infection the. $R8 is sot smloogsd unless there la bundle busA block* 4* The Q8S interval mmat be effected by increased vagal teas is as m/bh as the vagus does set effect the ventricle directly nor the bundl© brenohec. Therofpre, If it is prolosiged it is acre evideoee of organic difficulty than Is © pro,longed IMS interval* 5* The QSS Interval assy shorten as the rate goes up* This say be due to eeeeleretor tone* The accelerator serves do heto mm diroot affect cm the ventricles* m 2® «• 6* %pertrophy of the heart does tend to increase the QMS Interval but the effects are relatively insignificant* When the QMS Is over 0*10 doc* It Is probably not due to heart size alone (as ehown by Herrmann)* 7* Definitions* (a) Intraventricular block—defect in conduction below bifurcation of the His bundle* (b) Bundle branch block—a variety of intraventricular block* (c) Arborization block—defect in conduction in Parking© tissue* (d) We speak of a prolonged kUB interval as intraventricular block* If wo can toll from the M& that there is block of one or the other bundle branch, we apeak of right or Xeft bundle branch block* D« Q!f interval See slide # A^0 1* Ivoa eared from beginning of QMS group to ond of T-wave* (a) It represents the length of electrical systole. (b) It is highly variable depending on the heart rate- shortening a© the heart ©peed® up, levels off at high rotes, though. £• Bezett Index—Formula for measurement of Q-T interval. (a) K m Q~T Interval (b) Limits^ -0*42 Aver*' *e Standard deviation £ » 0.374 0*0129 p m 0*503 0*0166 ("Upper limit of normal* mecns, svorag© plus 2 to 5 times the standard deviation)* Standard deviation derived from squares of the individual differences from mem of the group* •» 30 3* Prslantmtim of €HP interval occurs in*~ (o) (b) Chronic urorde Co) OoKsplote boert Is o .'Tjpcmp of popple with oosa- plate heart block whp here dh eartrcsely long (MP Internal but its sjeisntng is not clear* The tosmlo probably does not hoM for erlrfefloly alow or csttroaely fast retoe but In those people with collet© heart block there 1c probably some Other reason# Cd) aoe» cocos of coronary occlusion hare a long Are eomreniocit* C* Iintto?cn#c law 1« am of deflections is heed t mi lead 111* at ejygl»m insteat* trill ensel deflection Is tend II9 but sines the peaks are sot oixmlimomot pis® % doss sot always equal %• eft* 1* It is of leee ®%aific®ae© thee tachycardia* People with brndyeerdla ore acid to lire longer* 5# It is of little irspoftance unless extras*©# 4* as a rule, it is lea® eonm. than sinus tachycardia* i xi* mm *Mmmu mum ah, a&$ A* Ifef i»ition—fluctuatIona In vagal teas© with respiration causing a waxing end mating of the heart rate# 1* On inaplratleft**#©*# mm up? cm eaplretlon it goes tom* Bm Often If sinus arrhythmic is not present on mwml breathing it will appear on forced, deep breathing* 5# At t&aee, if digitalis is given, it any bring out e sinus • «w HSf m B# Causes# X# Ctmmn in ehildwa*-"* aXnoot universal (a) If child torelopc rheumatic fever, aims fintrtmift umidly diMBP*M» renpposriag se the acute rheumatic citato doors up# S» Ommm whenever vagal ton© is MgWathXeticot in people with dear heart rates, in young people after infectious* with digitalis, which lucre©see regal tone, in old people with arteriosclerosis* 5# It la rarely mm with heart rotes above X00# If the rate la raised to that level, the arrhythmia ia usually abolished# 4# It la very eamm and very aasfesd in dogs# 5« OH people often heve sinus atgbptlwta which dose not mx md w with the mmUmtUmB but with deep respirations it usually faUc in step# H r®ro inarlaasce* however, in such people, it does not# this ia ©spec idly tamo In old people with severe arteriosclerosis# 6# It 1© mm in all conditions in which hr»dyc®Kila mey occur# B# Ohaago la P*mm>9 with Arrhythmia 1# .Driving tho paosonteer tonn In the M node tends to flat*m the rxwwree in Me XX and XXI*"-not so meh in load I# (a) this is pxofeably tho reason that patients with bredycaftI® have fiat iMama end those with tachycardia have hi&h s ore fasollor in 11 end inverted In HZ# (c| The vagus apparently eontrolo tho tipper port of tho 3-A node top® than the low port of It# Whotber the opposite :• : Is tsu* of the accelerator nerves is not kmm* 8* la slims corns with inspiration# slowing with aspiration# 1# v«pX tone—alow© amts* It op# 2# lucres,sad accelerator tooo-spacds rate* decrease-slows it up# sr* janr* mmwmM msmm { ** mxm* mmm). A# fhe ft**W aM® nay boocuus the it the B~A node is dew p&eeeed oa? if the activity of the nod© 1« enhanced# 1« XtmaXk? hoc © sloifcor set# than the allms nutto* B» Crm b© pve&ieed by tiffing etmptm* (aj XSmc-Xl& glT© 1/50 ipes> (b.) end etiniSote tenon by ttiiotM slim peeeenee IS Mmstsn inter# (b) Vhat 7m do la to the tegel ondinga that ge to tl'ie .V? nod© before theet at the 3*A node* m that by veenl sttoiintloaG the 8*A node lo without affecting the iwf node* thus when the atropine effeet lo Inoojaplet© i affecting mly %Jm h# tegel endings) tegel ettnilntie* eiU Blm almas node hut not the A*4T node, rmd time get la mtmX people# m m ts# Cm be produced by anything which disturb# tb© vegetative aorvous a© adrenalin* aconitine* mmthcmiat nicotine* digitalis* tosanlao, f«nwt 4* Has no serious $1 laical noro oorsnonly after txxm drug or toxenie* convalescence from Infections end forced reap tret iaa« B« Criteria for IHtarmsis of MT l&ytbsu 1* P*mmm* nmmlly inverted In IX end XIX end enell or laoeloetrlo in X* Ca) Seacm latawalott* Worm! (b) abortenlag be so slight os to b© und©tcotable ealees yon have mmmX ouvte for coKgHsrlmu 3# pr* fUUxan uses phrase only Asis (1) Both auricles and ventricles are responding to the Ipfulae arising in the MT node* because these ore the only oases whose you bxuwr Wtonm the center Ilea* (B) Rhythn is in mm&l fashion. «•» «» (i) Mt nodal Is erialag in the Mf cod© but la on acBoiwaA Cb) ttagr tort Mioreatrieulnr rhytha beginning in the A*4T node— as In ocelot© Mock# 4* foatrloular slid® (a) aingl© beets of tor lap «itt# origin Ml boot® of IdimtrMit rtgrtisa* (b) Occur tadam there is ttiBft slowing of olnuo rfegtta** oa In ragal atimlatloa, orjrotid pressure# 0# tfrfcoa of JMT HOdal abytfrj»>only slightly atortoto* IMl IlitafTol# Slide A&& 1# %p* X (e) Mmi ftaroFtod SMwwm if XX and III «f*3 shorter M* tntesftil* la this typ& tM topaXm is ©rising hinb In the iMT siasd® on the auricular old© and tli© P-& iatorvcl is of nearly usual langtb* (b) so® transition frw M artytbw to atoa rbytlsa# Cl) a®® slide k| Co} At the tMOflitlon la the tmm B*a nodal ftorttn to A*V nodal the Insula®# item each nod# nmtimllss© mch other la to- atoytoulaff m&$%» oo that you m7 ®ot bo m&hmieol euricalalf systole occurs# (1) Hoc siitle best# (£) tkm&t la which M node tatam over *p$Gmmk®& activities* ** 43. •* (1) tPho /«-¥ nod® le fcrrilng iRpjlsos nt *s ©lightly fester «*te than tiio 3*4 node so that it finally dischargee the M. sods before the letter gets e ehenoo to st&mlete the anrloles end thus eXX of tlm auricle is responding to the 4j*T node* £* tvp© XI £lid« Ml interval is 0. {») iMfefflM c*e suporinposod on complexes* «4»re cores out p& the other side* Here we hero 5 B-ewwree - 6 tup oonpleroc# (b) Hero# then, we here untoAlrcetionel block, the ventricles or© best tog factor than the auricles m& m hate asio cetre ventricular boat* It Is ©color for Inpulsoo to peso t vcmft the A»V node froo auricle to ventricle than from ventricle to auricle* B# It to theoretically lfit«itsll8g aince it prove© the occurrence ofttaHifeotlonal blocfe#* G« Bet* that eooo up clooor to rrroup ond finally cot-id out m the other oldo* But whm It coaoe out on the other oiyfchaia 1© eea§r« f* If Veit* i© oonflaiit ot otho* time, that with blocked be&t; It iO SMMRt* mmmjmmmimM imm ms s. I* Qm&ml A/ Bloch my occur at one of fee plceeo or both# $X> In ApT node# (4 In ruin etem of Ills bundle# 44 •» B# If it occurs in tfao 1* Mono likely to bo aue to 0 nodal aeproscioo** i*o*t 8« Utcf roimlt tvosi digitalis or vugpA sttmlotlon or ointlnr Offsets* 0* If it occurs is min atm of Hi© bundle it 1« rxsro apt to bo an ortcrlooolerotic process* XX* Xroloogftd Ml Intor^sl—first Ha@roo Ikmrt 4* Consists of Xmffibmim of ooa&3Ctiea tine — IMI interval S&id* Agg>* 1* Upper It*slt of mmmX is 0*00 ooc* (in adults) ho lorn than tlmt in Mi children and infanta* B« On© oamsm omm of gsliop xbgrtbos is 0 prolonged JMI interval ©specially in preome© of o rapid beerl ret©* 1* this is a ssRiast'on ©ftllop* C« Belief io that ©uricl© contacts just s© mo cey oar* to IWl iatonrol get# tortor ee to IWI latoawal get* longer becotsao to kmI of Ibotoooc in to JMt interval gate torn to loon* 5* to pfogroaotvo prolongation of to' F*»& interval tmr bo looked OBfiSfl SMltto Of fotigB© to mmmXfm (a) Ptotly to iM? %inm» mto mm to mm tn% into mid ton following the blocto Irspuloo, it mto o iTjreetor oppeetaettgr for recovery* to® Mt interval in meh abovto* iter fleet tm hmto again# Cb) iPBomxmW# lagxtlae t&ieh If? blotocl mo to with corfjlatoly %%&mm tfammm toe* with prolonto 3M* intervale saot with partially refracto®y tiemie to too gecaise 1ST' etcr tlm to poaa thrwh# Site fto iolatlmraipo In Boot# to to 3MI Interval? «* ymtriol® B# Bcntf? mf amp mt withoot pm*%mo of pmm&too® $**B ixttosnmle* although tiiio i& mom. mm* U©e glide Agg# 00 Wk?tm$ m&m of pextieX A-tf la for to blodc to aeon* ro^lorly# 47 1* Hay toe 8*1# 5*1# 4*1# ©t©« block# a©e slide A p# If patient with 8*1 block io rivm assy! nitrite# Sil block my be convert©! Into 1*1 reepa&a© with piolonto Mi |at@rvil« (o) Effect toe is due to part id pefdyele of fipi by ref to of foot due to louring of the blood proocnro# (b) »too?er you too partial tort block# the rmtrimlnv rhythm la irrc&tlor mloon you too Sil, S*l, or 4*1 bloc?:* aloe© 511 or 4*1 block an ran# If you to© tort block to am*, lev ftytlaa you too oithor £il bloat or corpiete boost block# 3# the feet that the block dl ©appear© or deem©©© in ©cm© ■ » with atropine or ©rpl nitrite tea no beertoa on the otlolory# 4# Eooptocol loud© my e©m to brln$ out SM©m© in then© eeooa# alia© A$i D# ftol too© ©eft (ilniri be reduced with ©tropin© m that the prdoneo* tion of &*& iotenrd ©#n bo nchieed with it# 1# Omanot tell# tower# to snob of proloomtion It flu© to orgeat© dim©© end tor mefe la flue to iacr a to! tone# 1# i© ao not ordiaorlly mo p&eoleta»t (hot\rc or deya) tort block to to Ittoroeocd ts®el too# t# feroiatoat block one bo produced ©Mi digitalis which tee a read ©otto but deo a direct action on toe to nduv© ©eaduotlvlty* 0# Thao in partial tort block# th© tort ie &Xm&t always toplar unices to to© fs*l block og of Collate Heart Block# X# Ocelot© heart block with »ml ocaaplcatee (-4BS loos than 09X£ ooe#)« (a) Hum that ispulao I© arising from e point abeto the bifurcation of the cnlo otoau of the HI® bundle end. coning doom to w&mm& into both bundle breach©® at the ecae tim# £« teJpXoto heart block with aba©*»al eoeplme (Breed « (a) CeaH mv whether lapaleo I© criaiag ©hove or just beta* bifurcation or in one of the bundle tomehee* (fe) In this typo of collate heart block you cannot sake the edettlml Ciagnooi® of bundle breach block* boeoune you do not too®’ ishethor the- ebaerwol ero ootuolly duo to 9IBI or to the abnormal location of the pMmrntemm (e) that is to sesv yoo do- not know whether the ie arising obwo the bifurcation end tec ©a cbsoMsl append or whether it is miaim below the bifurcation in am of the bondlo tmmohm thereby fitting the obnerml cpts 40 (d) Boaelbilltiac for the origin of obnorml 44m oooplesec In cosspleto heart Mods* (« Bose tor* la block in both to ifcar node and mo of the bundle tamohmi oo tot mm though the toulso Is erlalng in the min otois of to ills bundle to coalesces tdll bo In torn* Bore both the bundle brentoe oro blocked* The Itapula© erlalng in one of thorn thuo give® rise to ebnomtsl QH8 coople&co* (f) Bore to block is high is the min stem of to U%o bundle but the in s seising In one of the bundle brene:ibes end to IHS la thus ateornedU C3» (4) Som Q&mm of oosplot© heart block hove o rapid rote# (a) Ssp©clG.Uy true in tot duo to itgttiUsi I# m& dlgltolie to biotic la usually hlghor up* B* Mgltslle cnheaooo the Inherent rote of toso tissue® «nft In aovot® Intoxication one m& mm ventricular mtm faster t boa to auricular ire too* B* Mhm diognoala of oonpleto tort block tornado it should be amplified W ?m%m? toto* or not to $MI oonploxee ere mrsmX m abnowraal* See following elides: plcto hoort block A$3«~OCtf$let* heart blecfe tilth canons mine %l«~£oeiilM0«*l loodn-eoo eortoKilnx1 iWiwoo* 0# JBffoot of Atropine and to.rolea on Ooqplct© Hocrt Block* 1# la ©on© pat ients with oonploto hmvt block the rat© does Isdfeese with atropine ©score! so# This Is m otiwmtmm to the patient bosses* tbs heart can mot th© dcrende for SasMi blood flm by UMKpeMlae rpto end output per boot# (ol It 4a ounpoeted that thorn am the oo©« In which the IspjXooo or© aricine hlahor In the Ms bundle, 4# ©*t if the block 4c in the MT node, the center me® ho Just j tater tfeot level, still In the Mt nod© or hieh up la 4 the flic bundle# (b) these higher ©outer© arc mm opt to bo sftcctod by the castrlasio cordis c asms# £* In other pet lento there ie no ohes@e with ©tropin© or ©score ice# IJ# Voriatl©n la hoct of Ventricular Cospleas® in Collate Ooort Block* X# This 1© very apt to occur shea the block 4© mm to lesions In bo|h bundle bronchos because tbs iEimloo my bo ortclBB in various cantors, first in one bundle, thm in ths opposite bundle# £• AiirioaXor MyDMlIt in presence of Collet© ikmrt Block# X* Occurs ©areola Uy in young people who bets oosplsto tort blools# (rj It o$y bo ommimwm in children who fmm oonr*onital heart &t@mae with oonploto hmwt block* £# Ttm Pmt l&tsrvsl, vfelob cooloooo © ventricular hmtf ie shorter tbm that without om* 3# It I«t duo to variations in tt$©i tone, fbc voroI tons Inorcaood with oooh vcuMnUt boot so that the ouocooding 3M? interval is longer* 4* this variation Ml b© abolished with ©tropins* 5* Sbo ratoon io that with ©eels boot the vagal tons* duo to tho great ooritao OQlptt Is dooreoood end than daring tho pouoee it io laomoocd again* Offset tlTOOgb tho vagus* f# Diagnosis of Gm-plato B&ort modi# 1* Orltorio tot dlemlo and raodoe of rooo&iitiQn Co) If rootrielost is irregular than you or© not dealing with collate block* (b) If vcntrlolos arc bating eM relations botroen iMogfoo and Wi 0M9 arc changing then yaa met b© 4o«Uo$ t?lth oorgdete tesrt block* (c) Vonmio poise in nock to full ana coo 4 tiro* (4) tions In Sntmsity of first bsait sound can Iks hoard because of oheAglng relatione of auricular and vcatricnler pMN (o) $ho vantrlealer mto is aXm m& act emmatik? mt mail# Inf&ioncod by ©Kor-tlm* If) mz'imi&r sound© mm mmtitomm toirtwauli ttut* io) Bale© i« apt to be- high in block boaanso of talar *»to end mob iaoroeood oariioc output nor boot* a* Confusion of £*1 Block end Collate Heart Block (a) At tlacs there are cacao of Oil block which roocrfclo collate tesrt block end vt converse) • (b) fhio le especially tmo la then© cacao of complete block in tfhleb the ventricle mm® to bold the auricle in atop cither TOCbaaloally or by the influence of mml tmo* In tbom mmm vbarc the auricular rate is jfuot about tm ttema tbo vontricuXer rate* the apparent relation* iMp Ml n&tfilly be broken m md differentialIon m(m by wo© of etaM&n in partus*, orcrciao* atropine* etc* C* Afim»"aleftM Atteikji In OcqpM Heart 8Me« 3oo slide Agg* 34 tbe attack® occur elmi there in a transition oe nbotu* i&l There in cs cheapo ftoa partial to complete block* (b| there 1® e transition frees mzml xfcptlfti to complete block# (c| there la a period of tmte&mx&U* aUM etope* s* Attack® arc ebcraotcrisaA by fainting ofelch ii? wily dee t© ventricular afeeadatlUU they arc nmicllp mMm in ooemmmm# Wmm it la ow petlaota are usually not awm that earthing lias hevpenxsAm imi Heart block my rwSd&sly with m&&m thence txm rnmml twtel® to complete block* Have hod patients with aortic dattosla in who® this occurred* 5# wmtwtmlm? eteMetlll eemt (a) Mfttmlt to mjt mmttoum %tm alms to 8-40 p®& Situate, aomtimm thaf atop oltogether* (bj In mimln with bundle branch block, cutting tba other bundle la apt to podAlt la a period of ocwplote standstill* to) Ouatosay produced sscaplsts tart block In crstel© by at isolating the ventricle© ©rtifieielXy ond On ©topping tho Stintatta lis got a period of stadotill itass length do* psodoft on tho rats of artificial sttataMM end its duration# i&) SIMlnrly In patient© sitto oooploto block, theses ray occur a*period of tootlotO standstill# S* Warmly rapid heart rats# II# Qmmn ot tag&cts IIesrt Bloc&• typo© of tart block are rout dss to ©starts* eolcamsi©stags*# to) tart block 1© tsportat m pointing to tfm dl~mmm tout not in end of itoolf# oo for eo tbs M function la ttol Om mwmXsi treat the tallying dtssta not the heart blods itoslf# (c) fho higher degrees of tat oapocicily lifilatti that the paticmt probably toss taoordiol disssss In other regions tta the sMtattaa tlosus# @# Cooronitol aeptal Defect# to) iTossy voloTotlo cte« In the xo&ioa of the septal defect noy esctcnd to torolvo the Hie boodle* 3* Htaonctta Soar* Discs so—if Aschoff nodule* etc*, occurs at just the right place# 4# JLmo—if jpuM occurs involving t¥» Mb bundle* 3# Osloiflootion of aortic valve end rine*~ring lice very near ms bundle* 6* Htphthorto (o) Feticmte with diphtheria t3io develop mgOcto or pertiol bloc& aoaelly dio bocenoe of mtomtm wyo» e&tt<tl iwolveiaant* (b) fery rarely collet© boort blocfe begin with cod persist after diphtheria but ft io very rare to bavo chronic complete tort Mods: oe c recites of diphtheria# mmmmm tm so mm am mmm% mmrm* I# Hctrccyotolocu A* Qmmml 1* EosmX &3|mlcoc tlmtoomeMa tto&ftom) erim in the intect mmmX hscrt in taws apcetoliaMMI timmew* Ao ym m &mm in ttm levels of ttmm specialised tissue ttm tabo-root rota of the tUMBfe ic eloper# a# Alsnorsiel icspuloo* usey ©Moo often outside the spoeicllacd tirnmm uinm mil pert of the iwi»t mml® mm mpsMm of producing teulaeo# Co) ISrtrtocie stSixiii «a«qr Mbor&to & boot which io not ve&mSUA mXom tbe stlraulua %9 repeated, M Ttmm ateoapetolAo boats or© called boteroRonotic bo- tooao they «t iooot appear to crioo la on abaorml Co) Ifauallar thorn boet-s ®m iaolotod* Cd) thou those boo to occur rt&t£»&OQllsr tho vomit is o rapid fist* (ooo of the abMi dad sod aoddcoly* Co) ffeftse boots arc proante^o* if) tb*r ordtoepily, but not necessarily, orioo outside tls© aosn&X foetus end arc thus caliM ectopic# CgJ topic boots ore act mmm&Mp I# o*, Mf rhythm arises outside t&o mm3. focao but is not m aboomsl focus* Ch) time if tfeaoo ®rlm ini %0 Auriclo—ouricule-r i# mstr^o^otoloa* 5* A*& aodo or m$M &too of Hie boodle—*iWV ffictm^oystolci# 3, I'TQmtzzm boot® arc hmt® ttawwa in hof®m tho tmmt m&m%ed tos&alm cM nm usually followed b7 n pmm of acm v&teh me& or any wHt ho om&mmtosy« 4# 0mmm of mtom^stofam* (a) Occur Sr. way poop&o with rwml torto* (b) Sun be psoOoood esolir osporinoBfeii?* (c) m&t$m (&} Xnfeetlono^-m port of Mk*U* illzmm or with foot of tefoctios* (©) mm**~ U 0*t 6i6italla~*£«ar if tho pveaatoim boot occurs eearli et tte tlrao of t. © ncsst eaowetod boot, gse®r cot bo ooaoeiouc of it ct @11# (b) If the «9rtwe»w«tole io vozrj it way occur wten ► • *, boort tee oot ted mob cfeoe to fill altSi blood, and then bo foltaied br e Iobr p*VM of whleb pottrsxt my bo coercions* 1* During WM lie boooro dtM? or bev» the te* pulse to ta&o o Scop breathl# t# boat ftffcMP tho peuaw Is apt to bo a forceful one cine© the ho&rt tec ted o pood ©banco to fill vifb blood# (c) Bpmiimm arc variable— ®ay be ,*oar- of tecirt MBlag error,* "tSnqptbtf1 "otefelnr: in ttamV* (I) fbttcsts tfltb mat ftaqvmt mter#er stole# be Mfttsiftp mmrnm of thors* (o) fte?o io a preet ftvHotSon mom imivitiml® m to mmftftntor to «str®^iitolo«* if) Bern. tadiirldUBlc mp ooimlei» *oiy mob about tteci oral, maul MHftbtna clone i*sont ttem* M in &omm1, pozioM* tilth hoort dimuio ore iwt opt to term but Italy ymmm® wttbmt &s& otter oridenc© of teart aioooiso reono little* 6. Diagnosis of lixtre-Systoics (Clinical) (a) Dropped beats at the wrist my be duo to eerfcre-sy stoles which are no premature that not enough blood la put out to giro as at the wrist. (b) May get bizarre heart sounds* (1) If extra-systole is very premature, may get only a 1st heart sound (from closure of mitral and tri- cuspid valves) because there may bo no blood put out at all ©o that the semilunar valves ©re not opened . and there is time no second sound* la such beats there would be no fcapulsc at the wrist* of course* (S) Hey get 1st heart sounds which are louder then normal If ventricular extra-systole end normal auricular systole occur simultaneously* (o) The length of the ooaqponsatory pause may help* (1) Ventricular extra-systole usually followed by a fully compensatory pause Boreas auricular extra- i systoles are not* (2) To differentiate fibrillation of auricles and extra- systoles, if long pauses are preceded by quick boats, extra systoles, if long pauses are preceded by boats of apparently usual length » auricular fibrillation* (d) If the heart sounde are the seme m normal, that Is, if the first sound with the extra-systole is of the some intensity a® the normal sounds, you are probably dealing with auricular ©rtre-systoles; If they are not of the usual quality end intensity, probably ventricular extm-sy stoles* (e) foatrlcolar This occurs especially with coccoaslve digitalis and Is a serious toaclc Indication# ©rug should be stopped* (c) Xt occurs very rarely in mrmX people with cactra~systoles# (d# Xt indicates n greeter irritability of the ventriculer xaasculnture# 13# the Origin of Ventricular la determined from 8R0# (a) (Diether fyon right or loft ventricle# U) deflection up in Load X~~rlf>ht ventricle# (S) lor deflection dom In Load I—left ventricle# M Whether fro®* epical or basal portions* (XI If ©rising ot the base, averoge direction of Impulse will be dowmm:rd, giving upward deflections In Leeds II and III* (2) If arising near the epos* average direction of 1&» pulse will be upward, giving downward or negative deflect ions In Leeds IX m& III* 14. ftist-floctrQcorstdXlc Pulsus Altomoa®. 3lldO B|r,* C« Auricular Srtrfr*3rsteX*s* 3Xide B9. (1) I& those, tho ourlolea beet pveeaeturely sad the ventricles respond* (2) F«*wevos of auricular srt:m~systoloa* (a) Are usually different fro- those of mtml boats be- cause of nfenorraaX alto of origin and uhnemml screed over suriol®* {b) the shop© of the depends upon abort in the auricle the SspuXse arose. If it arises near the 3-A nod© it wlH bo Uko the norms! ]Mm* If It arise© near the JMf node the IMnme any ho inverted In Leeds II end III. (c) The pules tracing A and 7 nm superl£3)080d alia© BQ* Often cannot tell whet the P««rkv©» lock Ilk© because it is on the previous cycle* 3* The $$© Collar©® la Auricular isttrc-cystolco* (a) Uaoelly the QK3 cosaplox in the mm m that of the mrmX secueatlol boat© since the impulse hoe a oupre- ventrioular origin (above tbo bifurcation of the Hie bundle) mt1 its path over the ventricle 1© nosnol* (b) At time© the ourloular ispsilae m& oom very prematurely oo that ell the ventricular nuiole sacy not bo recovered and the QI&5 complex®® may be quite different due to eberraat conduction petlsmys, Tbeo© ere called eb- err© nt atoriculor cartro-ayatolce# 4* The MV Bod© lii Auricular B&tracystoles# M If the csrtrosyctole 1© rosy premtur© the oonduetiiig tiacuo may ©till he Inconmletely recovered from the previous norm! heat onQ them tba© bo ® prolonged JWI Interval# (b) B,lodged preoetore ouricuicr boot©—Slide* $40,50* (X) So© evidence of auricular premature boats without ventricular rooponoe# (t) Thcac occur beosmoe at time the pronuturo mriml&f te&akm Is unable to jmum through the MV node bo** mmm the MV node ho© not had tlm to recover from the preceding boot# 8* Tii© Fmm la Auricular iartro-gp*toloc 1© not folly eosfioaoeitory* (a) Ils© beats which follow © pp«toe mtrlculer beet do act occur at the mm place whore they would tor© occurred had there hem m prmmimm hmt* (b) fhi® ia hmmm auriculc*r eectreay stole® ®Xvmy® disturb tte© eiao-surloular paCMsker. (o) Wtoot happens la that the ectopic auricular impulse die- chargee the laspiXao which to© In the process of fonaine In tli© 34 node ao that now a now one mat ©tort forming# U) The pmiac than is equal to the normal internal plua the tin® It took the caetr© ay atoll© to got beck to the B*A node# (Hot always tite-ees below#) (o) Occasionally the extrn-ay atoll© iapol«© *wy disturb and depress the flNL nod© to a greater degree# (X) In mob imtmmo the «Ktr*»©y stole may bo follow by a longer pm a© which my be fully cmpmaetory# (B) There ««gr b© m mm mro profound depression of the Ml nod® after m auricular «Ktra-ay©tol© so tb&t there my be © ulngl© *W nodal beat# This i© then © "dialocatioa of the psesHtafeW#* (f| Blg«smiuy due to auricular metre-systoles does occur quit© frequently# HcRi«m?r, It doe© not Indicate digitalis UrtoaclCetiOD nor here the mm algnlflcaac© in that re- gard a© doe© bigoalny 0u© to ventricular e^rs-aystol©©# 0# Atrio-drwntfioalar artjji are of two types. 1# HI® bundle «tm-©y©tc1m (Br# Wilson doe® not cell tSmm h*& nod® oartra-oy stoics) (o) mitso tn MT node or In at®in ot«r of the Hi® bundle* Cb) Em® somm tom m other impolm arose above bifurcation# (e) Bo wldmso© of mrimlm contraction-- oro hidden In OBWP corbies* (&) Snrloular rhytlaa not dlotttrfcod- have fully cosixmootory pmao# Bast toro.feoth toortod tg sp4, % and #®feooM orlM* Interval to safes tfeo dttognpsio* 5# Thin typo in mm* B» ftoiftMl of IsstraaFstoIeo* 1* KLiataste pooaibi© cau©e&~~aleo&>Xt mcfaim9 oto* if they m to have a clone assoc lotion* not otherwise* E# ;:w boeosae lose oonoolouo of them* hm uuiMjltoo (a) About too only drug of value* (b) Out© torn irritability of heart mmXo* (c) Usual moo 0*2 m t* 1* d« 4* Giving the patients indication m& defeat four purposes It ney convince the patient that there la nothing wrom* 5* #«&«&& they disappear on eacartim bat in mm eeom thisy appear cm mortim* These may be of greeter fcgposrtonee* &* Mtfm<*WMM end eKtre-ofotolO# frea aoltiple foci# first appearing after digitalis# or© both indications to ©top the drug* H« Techfcordia* 4* General X, It is <3»o to a peragm of 4 mpM memmim of pmmturn boots* (a) It ia q condition la tmioh th© hmrt rate jm&o from a aonaal level to a higher level* (b) the tlr®t boat of the pgm&Mft ie joc?t life© a ©tel© mctomojrtttbii (o) Vasvx&m %b oftm followed Igr a s&ort pmw ordinarily Just iH:© poat-*02t'tooyotolie pottae* Cd) Hate I® rapid to regular udoally rmtoe botvjom I864S6 though oocatooally slower or faster* Xa children It my be oyer SSO* Hat® my %» cssytMag, theoretically# m lm& as it is above the rat® of the aim® node at the tim it starts* Fmrta®t rate® in adults up to £20* Fastest rate® 4a eMMm up to 280** (o) Onset to affect is absolutely of hetasogotot# s&yttoi* (f) Attacks last greatly varying length® of tte»fma a run of 3 * 4 premature boats to several dies on to# % fhreo Forsa® of tfarwytol Teebyotoia doptote!: oo eita of jwnolaQ fossaotl#a* la) «tocml®p~smt oc^taon# (b) . owmau (cl Ventrlcals#*..aaoh lens oosrm then. otootor tmt too EDSt SOTiOttG# 3# Clinical QmmM erstloas# (a) Hi#® ooDTJDTi la patients with heart &tmmm but boots of tachycardia m& bo the only witeo of heart dl.nceeo. (b) Ifcy ia chlMhto csv! oontlmx* for sko? years to then too* up la later Ilf#* (o) abort attacks of ttoyotoln, that is* a tort mn of toiteOrstolae, omm m mr® than a tool# SKtve$retolo« 4# usafimm li| Odessa vspm mot fmtom (l| tOtlOUt btGKOif# |S| Ckisuttloss ef hoailt-*««ti0tto os? rsot cmbosSo tsoost Sloooao io wmmmto* in) ffeto of tmtat tto «»tot in i©oo tffiftlaot tbo to«t isekS tte am?® agmotem of tfto otCcflk* (%l At oooot t&osfo iwir bo v%$&tmon* Co) Aftoe ettoflfe Ijoo tw ftoaoot fl*»»fefltlf to ooo boo* $«Hont n& Imm mmm m& tOBdtia#* (4) am pcrl&Mit* boiro Oftftos rhetorics# Hit wa tvotafely io tMoo laSIviAigl# «ho hm ocraoof^ sftier «bA latent m$0m pootcn© 00 t&ot t$am tt» WNBtff blood floa io totood totts$ t&o totfctooidlft* «£*> poft& HWtWfr Co) Itotf fitMl Ooaofibo gpoolol «t ooaot aoefc m 1 md tboss ottejSc* *1 o at offoot* CD fool s • 0 oHtfirtirwtolo© at cnoot* (i) At offset* w fool oiisito *tCMtp# m Ml Set beoflr to to «ctoiitr«tel«t* (f) tm$m ttteafet mm mm it tfcar loti 10 €teft os? mm* (I) tt? sot tsviiot fiilatottm, w&mm(f «oe^pK»*teif bopetlo irmm% odots»9 0io« (S) fbott shot to s«o& &otocd Htoi flow tOot sotolt frnxs wiipmo of 00 oastiwaitr* (3) After 0 ottodte tlio mil nsf bo obootml te porM of %m to t%mm l*we otasgon obSeli jmSil flat ttos# (s) Fotlonte who bier# tort Ottawa pmem,Uy have toss stem fluently to®oo© tone wbo havo lane attacks bate toe loco f-nqnantly* B» Parcayarsal fctoooraio of ®rb*liu 1« Of tBO %$€?©• (a) $*ien9m& anrietiiov tolyeepSlo* (I) Pmm&mmX to&yccrdle* 2m Qm&xeX oo&oitocticm©# (©) wai|^i^?cmtri tov© the bifurcation of tbo Hi© loaSU but do not toasr for ocr- to in totor to otto lo in tho ourloic or in the JMT nod© or Hio todlo min ©tors# This omtolon ia to to tho dif- ficulty in eafclng out the 0u© mot be ©bio to &m tbo IMeme «i Ml mmmxm tho JMl interval In osdor to oeak© to differentiation. ton vm cm me to P*woc mo ofton easset toll to t*hle& cycle toy belong* (b) If odo can rooord to becianlac or end of os attack it lo of oo&e Imlp is Mklfflft to different iatiosu . not (c) bousaliy to veateteeXer ©toJtoc© eve/vesy different free toco ton soastaal vfcgrto Is peasant# (d> Eto tbom&h to mm&temm cm easy dlffmat fMi to rnmml carpics£oof to differ®©© In toa bdsdoe to to fat too of MIPRMtovtetor «rteSaf the xoopooae* bolrg ebeetto* to tachycardia racy ©till b© of aajtfwostriciilar ovtfgfttt# {©) If to rate is bto* to paldk toeing my tow Mgb A wres to to elmUftaitecM eosrtkwlar- to ventricular contact im* 3# ABrioslo* (a} WR internal la alsont ctlvNQro Coo to fotl&ao of to oonttetiac tismo-lt So port idly ■oil tlm ttne* The dogroo of polmptiett oorioo gtoot]? fw» potlont to patient# (fe) ttflWWSTO my one! ofttfe a bloc&od earlctilor boot or not# (o) In those Peso© In wlsleh Itowro* can bo taade cot, they arc often linrortcaS,—-but is the mjwity of mmm of auricular tajftyecgftla mo mmot safete* cut the IHto# 1# 91m typScol coo©-*rato l£0»TO0t no ifcMf»m» acwl * r' >. iniJiLil'iiUffL #*■ it-kam i ■j-iiL At ttr_-L_ infUiU-ij'-rn it -—*■—- - v”k —— » ., . ■ JL tmiS mi ..m OCPplMeOf OQwuCBS OflOOt » -^pro^Ofit1?S€!Ul.oF M m.M0 % |X) Mv msMm ms® of «orl~-not imooa son In riiCUBotlo heart die**** with mitral ctanoclo— If ao lacy well bo lorloua* (c) Slay occur in say miring* motive or at rent# (&) UsueUy no iloftaito pxmipiteting factor though in ocao pet loots there my bo om mdh m oacecoolvc alcohol In- take, infections# flacking, oto# (o) Boas pettenie my oho* m& be able to detect isolated pmmtoxm boot© before m attack begin* or after it is over# If tisey On» detoot tliara before the attach It m& bo mi&mhiM to git* proi^“l?ettcfHy* (f) If ottceko ore froguent they a? sometime be pvavanMI If elTtng oginiAlne or digital!® psoybflftetlaRllir* If they are there Is so point is giving thesis drags* &« of twatyms&im* M tt «tte«(E« oro of etanrt famtim %\mm I# ao point in using siMmi ooeauros* (b) teumi used ore mot of then Intended to increase *a«al tone* C2.) TOko e deep fcsmt&* |8| Mni a deep breath «w5 the* «trois> spinet a ciocod glottis italmlm or boM over end strain (3) Carotid elms sm89&xtH«*Mfcftblsr not wi«© to uoe bilcteal carotid oimis (4) Coaler prosaire* (o) IpocoOft 4 *6 oe* freshly prepared ©stop of Speend, repeated in SO stouten If noeosasxy* (a) Aposoxplto** (1> If ettsate* ere prolonged it my bo unwise to give esastlCG stone the pet lasts my bo unable to withstand ****** vonittog to their already vmokmo& condition* (o) Digitalis* (Or* Wttosci .baa had. mro momno with It then with fBt8ite)« {1) Qtvm only to those patient© to wtaa you era aortato no digital to 2ms boon givesa to the prosed tog 10 • 14 days# {S) ®aml doco 0*0 gfoffla X*V* or large dose© 0«MU0 pong hr/ aootlu (3) If not of festive to osMtelf hour, try earotid elms ettetottoxi age to hmmm it my be nore effective after digitalis* (f) ItoebolyX » (|| Gif© It X* K»«~dose 10*40 «v$3* depending on etas end eg** (r.) If not off cot iv© my be foilomd by eerotldt ©tons protsmx* or by m.%mm of tojaetlan site# (S) should Iwm Btvopim stsfUM* to turn m ©utiaot© if pottont bee reaction# (4) l&sy be repented In OKMMmlf hour if not affective* (g) Sodotlveei mwti m toatoi&KKUm or optotes bo helpful* (h) laid© %?93$* U) abftcm various sttsqpts st tfsstap& of o bout of taehyeeidto* (2) &mm ©lowing of n*to before actual suMon return to assml. mmii 6# BodoX Toot&oidNSUi* fc) mao (X) tow* larorto JMnivae* (S) Could -nao temm polaDtions is nod: Tmintoo ton ©tods began* (b) alideo 8jggt Bg$# %$ {VmmdL flta bdvefilft) &ro about a fettot on ton Or* Alnmtor operated m& •Kpoeod m& ©ttaiXated to tar 1 without affect* One of to mrme tone point at which atianXatloc wo© given* fncbOpatoia finally ©toped only often Xar®a dtoo of digitalis# 0* fototonlar alldo %g# It OoaedmX M It Id a encototei of tricolor c^toa^stoloa* (b) It IS Of t¥;0 (1) la auricles continue to boot at a amnA r«te m at least a ante different £m tot of to vmtri&Xoe* fa) It la in this %po tot tore is eerietSon in Istmtl? of to firat tat 3ound# it being teodor «tm the auricular and tontrtolor toot* arc tSno bedelde ateposl© poeolble {Imimi* i*\) fme&ymx&lm in which auricles respond to faMoleei lil# Slit ©to fc) In WN»id© differentiation of above tppo (I) tottotor tttoetola to! pooml aorlaolar to to latter the vsjytha ccntor is in to ratrielo so tot tore ie a mmmtinl maponm m& first beers nooode nm all of fleet Inteaoity* (d) Qfllego vou eon tell abet ..the arc out JMweo in aa3-~y«s cannot mfec the dlceneeia of ventricular toqbyecrgiii* (o) On© oa&oot deponA w almorml c>a© alee© to isoho the fttegflAiito*'*1*flee olid© %. X« ForoaytsooX msrimlnT toelgpesiAtfl with ©barveat ventrleolnr W Give obnorrnl Q!B> ccsb^Xcxkoo* £# ibxawer, if an©’ bee p?et* coaly recorded slcde mntricuXejp CHCtftsfiQfvtQios on the am potiowt which s?o lll*o in fom to those peasant with tho toolyeartlfl* the dicanoois of toaMtan* lor «©» thee be node* 5* 3Xldo %$ abm-m both veBMealn* cbwS mMmiXar tmtzmtmlM in tbo sops fetleet* 4# Mftent Might )m tattdle hv®mh block with nocnaX »fcytMe~*flO be will hove atom©! oor&Xoocfl* durlag the prawesyora of mAenlev ifletfqjflftvdla* a* It £9s)f be mommxf to kern who* the ©oaplraos loci: like between parcwyeo© to be certain of the dioGBoele# is) If ©beoscnl during tosml m well May be bimdie bmeb bleefe* Cb) If noifmX with nomsl tffcgrthB end ofenosssoX with ptma&m, my bo ventricular mmonmm m ventricular teebfeeHte# if) If ttmm tp pogt^swayaw1 vmm wbm tise attaok stops and Is roeordei* it sxwsno that we wave dmlim with vmt&imlm tmHtonv&ia md that the etoaa node wee to elagt off not bevies boon aiotustwdi by vmtrimMr activity* (1) If there ia « peum* lwmr» It my men that cither mmim&m or vmtriml&r tecfcycsmiia ws present* (!) Aboonco of a pause to the Important thing* B# Jhstlante to tto-i Occur©* (o) Hem* after nyooon&iol tel -rcticax—«lth infarct la In no condition te t?lthoteiid a mpiC Heart fate or tho mmltmt tocuffielont mmmaxf blood floe md qutototoc eftonXC bo fttcn vtteont laoltotlOD If ante a tacHfOorfla occurs* (Co&noa in tmfmX mzmrimz&ti]« (b) Hoy occur in absence of tocerfc Ctoosne esad trlthoot obviate esuno* Co) May occur In pat lent a t/itli ircXf# gteteraHtfh&tc syndromic- (@oo bote? «o4 ©loo tm$mp fm Heart £#* aopter-ber 1MU) CO) fhoro Is a cobII m?mp of toliviPusin ufcc &m cattwayirtole# an?! abort or te pmo&mm of vrastrloolar MfMilk on ceearticQ* Cl) ftey a®y tor© no other mMmm of heart &i®mm m& ho quite incapacitate* by moh ottec&e# ( ) qutoMlno often is vary bslpfttl to pemnttog tee ©itoefes* Bf of VmMmUsr fa&jyo«*itto. (a) 3&tei6toc In the only occsuro of value* U) (X4*tttt • 0*3 00 0#G # 0*4 Of 0*5 0f Ote* at 4 hr# Intel* irate f&tiX otteofc stops*) |E) o»0 0 or 0*0 0 at X hr# toterolo for 5*6 dooos — until ttttocfe stops#) (3) (atm another msr cscoollcat »tw, la to ctro o*3 0 «nre«7 X lap* for 4*5 aosao, than o*6 0 oro*y X hr* for 4*0 'iosoa, teoa 0*9 0* max? I Hr* ote* until techy* ©top©-* acteod of P* D* Tofcaotao) * E* Mey to given X* ¥* ia ccstrcm ©CMMMNt Ca) 0*0 G suiaidi&» mlptmtm my bo dimlmrt in no cc* of «e» aIntilled valor to vAlcb &*B gtte* of cone. Ml la ftidei* Vfcls is given os£ temt&mtily over course of KM riautou* (b) QolaSdlae oeor a3U» be used orally or ia 0*0 0 aococ 2* V* (c) &km«Iw ttdfetato 1# IV—£*0 oc# of OQl cols.itim htm hom ailwocotod by aooe* (d) tfc&oe WMBre« aot wi%:mt hamxI but sttoefet soar * be very cortex© ijecc*cafttat* wit treatowit* 0* a&B&romt atari MR intern*.! «mS ter. Interim! witfa smawer to have poraeiyam! teofcp«©raiii* X* Cr^rriCtariotios* (e) MS interval Is abort 0*06 - 0*10 sec* or loos* (bj $Hg latoml in loan 0*31 ~ 0*!£f sec* or esdto* Co) First part of 3M natplm rlm& or foils steely era io thlckonod* (a) naa nmplm 1© eftea notohod* Vaml* tM armarono fhicfeesiad boro* (o) If five®, atrc$lne th* Ml end <$£$ iatwreln bco?»€f ncarac!** tmt MS totoswal is tb# sera© after etsopia© m it ie buffer©# MMm atfopim M*ter ntso^lm (?) Stay Iwo no othrsr ofitaMft of hoccrt dlaoowu ■ (g) foni* to Iwvo yttcdfed of irootftaslo? toebyeiisdlt be« boon scpoptcd (l«arlB«t Aa* Usov* *#t tot# 19CU (h) fUioR toabycsf?!le. occuro tho 3MI Intorsrrl 1$ nomnl* (i) Tbo H£Ofa $d not ©proof USso tbooo of mtftimTj bunaio br«*teh block# i* to) Msy cxplvrJttim mmit eeoc&mt ffcr ©11 the* stw© IMnmt* Abort P«fi# Imci OBa#. o&saca with tmZmcrj to tashpoax'dia* (h) Hoy bo cwicaital of the Els bunJla or A4 aoae« (e) Xfcgxiloe semi to est Into tbo *oati?icXa onrlioa? tbea it gtoold* (d) Buadlc of Eat* (X) Is prosoat &i lm»? f*ou pS^ht aoslolo to iCgM vmtriclo* (s) Hsus rirrht vmtrlolo miM bo etsudetod by ** short oirouit** to it# (3) Hweiw \?o oocoeloaolly ao© a • W - P- r aywdroeio 'with tfm chlrf aoflsetfoa &m la X*a©A X# tlsus To crplein this ta& aoulft heflw> to poatuleto a short 0ip0o.it from loft «0fM« to loft rmtrlclo~- os in dor!0, t*ero a htsndlo of Host on opposite eMo# Col ftomm tm vom’W# bo dtoot oHocts-icol mtiwtim tsm aivMU> to Tontrlclo- m la 4o0ot tfaem trm anarlsI© oc»3 dom osw ti# restricts* Possibly in ds»ae people $bm mm ed‘mai) Wtom you Ml goo they lock like tho aorntel F*nm««"> only rarely ere they inverted or abneamBl* Ce| auricular rate in these patients ie mch %®m oonstoat then in auricular toofcyeerdia of the ortUmsy typo* ia| sJuet rule out otaao with block la the mm» of eloper ouriculor rates X® por the F*mvm are aorael in torn* p 9 I e| AT© act of footed by carotid, sinus pressure# If) Aosiatlor flutter with mim of MO miM bohmm the ««5r clinically but yets would estpeot to convert son* of tl:m to fibrillation with dt^ttuXio*.yot this does not liappon wtas dlgfttoiis I# aivon to them petlmte# W W»e It is probably neither nlm m&lmtm flutter or the usual teebyecrdle# B* QMMiml Oharuoteri oties* i®} **W lwt« 0 ato? rate wta at test whloh (Soubtleea Min oft or m*$loe« ffeoy eoo6 In oosplainlag of palpitation or* OKoroioo# tW Attoflfee last imioh I® weeks# (o| Are rmcli $oro end fatally* S* fmstMit# te) Am often My refectory It) Diftitolle la probably tho beat aoeaare to use# (If yoa ore goto® to h®m o rapid auricular rote* the boat thing to &ivf is a hfcgh os* oo; time bettor to lam® fibrillation than flutter and hotter to hmo flatter than this type of blotic)# 4# Choao cosoo are vary ampins 'bmmm flAight changes la v®&sX ton© omm mfeeft changes in ventricular or rapid# 8* SGUde&s rapid mrimlor Hid* taoeh mm ills© flutter# mm effective titan other usee ooroo^aXiMne ventricular rote m that they got along oil right# E momim my gat 1*1 mmonm* in# immu~ nm m& mmmim mmm. A* OflOorol* III fibrillation t® by far the »?s mmu (a) It mws in « ratio of 120*1 on ooopertft i?tth auricular flatter* (b) ft la tho mm-smmt the pm&ent teo^ulerltlea# Col Other items it ha® feecm given ex® *«4taml p&o## MoIMmi oov£Uf # P« I* S*#' (pulmia ImpleflB 0« liistory# la) darieulor fibrillation w*« first moomtzml in mimln in mpmXamSM. wwfe* the oorielee (or ventricles) ©ro mm to atop boating coord la®tely and one aaoa ?mvm mos* the auricles# Those mm& aro at flint eegyu mtl Is tor beoom finer* Xfi the curio ion there ere ot@ iradntloaa* aom of the were* ogpeer oo&mm than others# Xn ftMUJUittoft eesmamt* fibre teslas appeal* to bo acting Inaopontetly# |b| &tHC0lsr flbrUktlW hnbH* la is pronounced vo&trloulnr Irregoloritar bat this m® not MBegatMA m o clinical entity until recent foeam# V9 for a tliac bo called it •aodsl rtgrttn**’ Cl) not until wwle of louts and tnwtm* and MfcW&mm? end i?|ntgffees& did tbo tro© aaalWBlMi stead repealed# file Bature of Cterua %♦ 31 wg start of oiroua rhythm with tofmloo bXec&ed te 000 direction and oblo to pooc in the other ao that circus thus begins and koepe (&im* a* Factors which ore lEjportent 1n ootntliohinr; and oontinu- tor, 0 oiroue rfcarfchn* (X) l/mrth of path—-or ©to© of flag# (a) If the path ie lengthened it cipfcoe the wider 00 that by tlm togfttlae rate beds to ©torttog point tho Ttneole will hero pcsaacd mt of thcrofractory period and this teed# to perpetuate tho elrdteta vlflli$» (b) If path is abort©nod the gc$ become narrower 00 that when the izpalm Me basis to the starting point tho sauaeXe will ©till be eefroetoesr thee tending to end the oircua rhytlaa* {B% Velocity of of the of eewdeotiocu (o) If rot© of crnmotim lo slowed, moolo «UI taf* p®mod mt of retTeetory ©tone ix&xlm note battle to starting point oad eiroue Hqrttn So perpetuated# (b) If rote of eonduetien So speeded up, Mr node nsmnar 00 that iwjmlae pate badk <30 mm that mmt® is atill refractory, trnAtxm to end the circus ttortln* (3) laagth of refractory period* (a) If it I© flfaartoaod, -op ftfii wider 00 that mettle no looser when Isgxsloe gets bock to starting point—elrouo ecmtlmioo# (b) If refractory period lengthened, gap nerrot?cr cud mode still refractory when iapsUi gets beds to otarttog tendc to and# (0) 5*he length of the rofveetoxy period rssot be ouch that tho tim it t$km torn m to got mmmA the ring raoot be longer than the rofraotosy period at o given point la order fox* a circus yfeytta to bo oatobliohod# (d) The mfttolofy period of a ansel* exma shorter ao the period of rest swg shorter up to 0 cortoia point, than the refractory period rooeboo o plcteca beyond which it will not shorten# (c) fho refractory period for various nteeb fibres le siot identical 00 that a point may when one pert is only partially refractory ©ad another oorplotoly refractory# Tfcn© A Bey be refractory whm 5 io oolf partially or not nt ©11 refractory* from ouch 0 bools, a circus rhythm ms& start# 4* It is believed thet thorn is eone "mthoHmf in tho surlclo Mud the vena ©ova orifices froea which temlaeo are sent out to the rest of tho auricle# 5* fho Circus Rbythra of Auricular Flat tor* Is) It is believed that the Hog Involved 1© larger, end whenever the 1 polo© corns oreund It Is traveling la msclo which hsa ooaple tely recovered from tho refractory period* Tin© eo&cct to got a constat nste~ftiiA w© do, 300 per Minute* (b) Tho £p$ between the two ends of reeponeftve tissue 1© wide* (c) Tho mto is thu© rolativoly flower end coapletoly rermlsr# (d) The irgmlao io traveling 1b e bigger circle end in tho «tt»9 pethtwsy each tii9e*-*cmd get essie M& pittas ftt» ttae to tiiao# (o) Thus in flu tea?—tho conduction is alMf, tho refractory period Is itortcr or the ring in Terror* 6* the Circus Rhytlg* of jmHouXar in) It Is believed that the ring involved Is roller, the mp In m& the taeniae* traveling in only pert tally recovered tiamo* (b) the ixssMm is picking its vaay, the pntfcthun vette* tvm cpola to cycle, every circuit betm mmmtrnt different** thus a&G pat tom verlod from time to tine* (e) xftartltt le fMtaamtally id) Thm mt* tend* to ho mr® r&pM 400*800 per mimto* to) The path tbc immlm travel* tends to be charter* |f| Tims & flbriXletion—tte conduction is foster, the refeeiotoisr period longer or the ring to aeaaller# 0* Tbo MiQ in Circus Wbytte* (n) Bo not ooc ordinary JMwvoo* (b) the circus rhythm destroys nay irisulses being fsmad In the S-A node* which for ell Intents end purposes is Inoperative* (c) Wo do oaa oscillations due to the circus tsfiulees* Ttelr fom depends on whether flutter or fibrillation is present* (1) Flutters get oscillation© with definite pattern* perfectly regular end alike* (J3) Fibrillations got highly variable* Irregular oacil* 1st Ions which ere nakedly eacllcr then tteso of flutter* 9# Venous puloo tracings my chow flutter or fibrillary wevee in aooa cnooot is otters they do noWolld© (%>* 10* Oonvereicn of Fibrillation into flutter* If t?o do oomthinf? to shorten refractory period the rise: spy booone sailor time* Thio might bo rnetice By all porsietant mrloulnr fibrillation is young people to duo to this nmm9 (b) IbyretOKlc heart diaQsoa~»i8 mmm&y eeoeeictcd with mmUmim fibrillation, fibrillation often trtmmimt9 my ho- pgevmt when otter toxic uontfaatattee ore slight* (a) Ifepesdeaeftni heart when associated with ohoE&oe# id) Artorio solera tIc heart ti&marn* to) Aouto infections end tCBonioo”-* !•&•» smsuamio, rheeaatic fmm$ diphtheric, poisoning 1%S# Alcohol!# (f) Oonotrlctivo pertoardltie# tsJ m occur without any other evidence of heart diaoaoo-* peroKycenl auricular fibrillation in aorrsol haort# Va) Vmmemm int iX) luetic heart dinooso— 1* e», luetic aortic Insufficiency# (2) tfebacut© bacterid endocarditis esscept In torsimX str'-oo# (J5j timixm Pectoris is) Patients who start oat with online, rarely hors auricular fibrillation# lb) Patients with auricular fibrillation rarely have angina pectoris# lc) Must mm that typo of arteriosclerosis causing mttimXm fibriHatton oust be different fm that em&im «glM pectoris# Ul transient fibrillation or flutter not tmoonrasoa after coat© coronary tbror&oaio# £• Cherccterldlea ©f mxriml&t fibrillation# (e) X© IK0 ifm fibrillary mmm very greatly in ©is© and shape* tending to It seller, irregular and mro rapid thm In flutter# (b> mm it stops it atops mMmls* (c) The thing which sate it off is likely to bo mi tejrlmkr (H&RMyelo&t ditch foil© close to the end of the ro~ factory period* flUdo C& tftldoa* 9l c&owo auricular fibrillation with BimXtmmae vmmul polss treeing with large fibrillary (f| wms>* 0|r5 fibrillation with lento tmn&m which mm not constant* hcmevor* fSs> JW« Is possible *tapm Huttos*5# iMaavcB In thaf5D curve© era- move prostoont m& rogttlor thou you ooo to ««>0t petlcatn# fibrillation with loro© f-ouroe (labeled 0 to slide) which are not ooastent* aaoh large fvwos aoc& to occur to patients who have been flbrllloting only e very short tlm* om also to mrim.lor fibrillation# auricular HbrillotiOB botoc oat off by 0 pmaotur© igurlciitor boot aeeurrtog st just the right point# It to believed t&ot both flutter m& flbfillQtto® ore set off by such prwaoturo tot© which occur st Just the right tine end with the auricular rsiaolo all ready for it* caveat*! Mtsess of fHNMtwni auricular beets setting off g&roa&cukl auricular ftMlXetlm* XmCa igtomim the f-cwes of flutter m& fibrillation: Flatter*«»gee Ihhbo l#«ktieftl Hutton t»voe which ere torg© bocnuoe 0 Irmm mm of mm&m 1© involved, £HKIUsSlGft •aw yatUM aft on emmrntm of Hutton to fibrillation by raaen© of digitalis# Fibrillary vmm result which ere mil or tbm flatter wnveo and hot* toolbar* -'bom that the isspuloe io dodging around trying to find aiv® mode m that the mm total of mmlo mm mapmdi&ct is ©stall* (a) to aurioutor fIMISatlaa there to m of fmHtm a regular ventricular rets hmmm aotiilng regalar Is gotm os in the veatrtaliMt mmpt t has the fete become mmlvr you lemr that the ventricle* ore 00 laagor r**® ending to the cnrtolci>-» i«o*9 ooefiloto heart bloefe: to to digitalis* (8o« bolwii 8Udo |al onHoito fibrillation with o rapid irmtrieoler rate* (b) and (c) MOfimXxet fibrillation with a ruch slower ventricular mto os& very orsnll fibrillary wares# C» Mriculor Hotter 1# Character! sties# (a) durioulor rat© is £40*380 in uatrectcd eapea, Oneillntlono arc perfectly regular end alike with no variation# fho mmm or© eontlsuemo go that you cannot tell th© n$m nor and boxy Cecily# Cl) In flutter treated with quiRldinc you can get flutter with *Mte» ten to 150 or tecs* duo to effect on eon&kotiea* (b) She ventricles respond to a certain wk? of those Irpilooe* Cl) Usually In adult, isvfcreetod hunsons* there in a 2*1 roqpaaoe with ventricular rote of db 150 per etoato* S’ (2) She vtmtrieiee say reload rerulorly or Irregularly in fhsHih Tins the ventricular rate nay he ena-half or loss oorronly ©na»third to oae~fourth the auricular rate* (3) If- the degree of block Is variable lohm&m ftwn 3*1 to 4*1 to 2*1, ate#) will have a gfeeely irmtilar vantrlcu- lar rfcartbB which aey bo difficult to diarnooo* <4) If the degree of block is ecaletant will hare ronuler ventricular CS) Occasionally do ?*et 111 ron&O&m in auricular flutter with ventricles aoeopting MU tBirlculer rate to :D0 per nlnnte hut vary tort end nrobably only In presence of wmh daermeed vn4 to# (e) Tim mritlm is flutter ore ell the mmlo roi$eedlsg o®cb rapidly# Tima In . the vououo pulso tmcte ini em ooe definite oorro) In both fibrillation m& flutter digital!© le effective io) At h$#k rata© tb» teeyt la wositla® very laofflclmtlgw It la act filling util and la tmtiag a lot of «a*cgF« {£) Dlritelio can to umA to ©caveat flatter to fibrillation and thMl ©topped and as Its effect «ar» off on© anr . / not a aowaaX (a* tadtootoft aWrc?)* S# &Mm* of oachela oa wicalar fibrlll&tloa* 49fS*HP©pid fibrillation aOOO—nte?or teatriaala* ret© ttwwflioMkir after ouabola* 0€XK>«*oao bom?' later vontrimlar rat© ©till atom* Uoto3 1 «$• Ouabain » 10 cat uatt© of digitalis %H ***•! of Ouaboia os auricular ftNsillatlCR Eat© reduced fro® 119 to 93 In 53 ufasistoa* QrQ Mfoot of Ouabain* ©tropia© aafi digitalis cm auricular fiWUUatiiMU affect obtained la two houre* Mwitt*»* 1/19 gr* gtvciwnito letfuegMi 99 par fftin* la ft min# but thig we© not a greet laereeise pawing that the itodtog vMoh noma with digitalis 1© not entirely a 9s®sl thing* gradual slaslag coos* course of SO hours* Bffeet of digitalis and ouabain cm ourtoXor fibrillation associated with It trkm tm&h mm digitalla to cot tiho Coairod affect and often era coimot rotoft© the rate tom to where taou want It cma with full Cocoa# 6* lleert Block with fUrtUfttian and other points ro@83Kilii@ ftlQttdllo Intoxication* (a) Oomirs not because of abolition of mrimlor fibrillation but because of Independent ventricular rtqrtlm# (b) fantrioulrir rate Is footer them the usual corploto blocfe ( 60 ) to) le In port duo to Mumqt of ai&itolic to enhance and to spood tip the Inherent rats of tow nodal or htrsh ventricular cantors# (1) dftcitelio toed© to enhance the toMciwr of ventricular cantor® to oonft out Inp&ooo* (2) Mciltolic will minmm the tendency to hallucination© and Callsixm in people who already have core such of teapensive tiaauo end to perpetuate tho eivooa rhytira* It tend® to slow tho rote a® well# (b> It iBcrcaeee tho XcwetHi of the retectory period-* Thle topics to obortem the gogp of recpo&atfe tlaeee and thu® to tesi£txiett the olvms tferttas* 2# fho effect of plattoi tfcm# will depend upm vtoitih of thorn too effect# will prcdoaj&oto* to) It mm atop tho otMSM oatlraly in mwtmloT ffibvllletior* $b) It my comrcrt the ffbtUktSl® Into flatter* til It mm&rtn tho oIrene to © letter ring* r ($) file petiemt nay then ste? © atop in tho flutter or the Hotter ms centime end It m*r ho found noommvy to give digital!© to eewert the flutter back to IttMfftUatkMM M tham two of foots, them, wox& ©$atot each other la port* S# fhe effect ©blob it hoc cm the Btc dojwade rsore or lee© on the original rote* The blj?her the original ret© the greater it© off act. fins wore liholy to «oxt la fibrillation them in flutter# (©} Thee is ourlcular fibrillation which tuxiellgr -has a rate of 400* 000 par nimitc, It al-wo redueeo the rut©# (b) In eurloolctr flatter which hoc a rot© of MNS90 per ndtaute the efftaei on the imrlcrular ret© 1© each lane pronounced# mutter la tbao probably harder to ©top them fibrillation# 4# attaet of ■Qulnidln© on the iWT Hodo# (a) It deg&Basee conduction in tbo'sede directly by its actios cm the no£ol t learn# ft I Xto indirect effect in to eloer the auricular rate oM tlsue lamne* t © vnMesiar sate* 5* ©jo efttoet of quintain© cm the ventricle to to t&olese tbo refractory period, Length of Path Velocity of ! Conduction Hofrectory Period ' *S3 ' 11 ' m . ===== - 3 Vegcl St inaction ~ - - -fc. Digitalis Vagsl Elfect _ ■,mm r r | , -r MM |_ | Direct Effect on Heart Duccio t , n, r. •A* Direct Effect on Heart lluocle —— + - -g, -1 Indirect Effect by Paralysis of Vogue + . + -f. £ Increase r" 1—" ' —• a* decree no Reference: Leeds, Hochonical and Graphic Registration pp* 361-2 I* The IMS Of THE iSU-^IXJ^IODCim A# Tho fom of the oloc&roonidio&rnB Oopondo to a extent upon tho order of ootlvotion* X* If you tote© a strip of mode and stiaolato It at ono end yen will get one fora of curve; if you otimlnto it at tho other end you will get tho reverse; if you stlmlnte It at the rdddX© you will gat very little because there trill be nsro or lom neutralisation* BXoatrodO £• la the dioeusoioa of tom hero It will be e ©mired that tho irpiloo io being tmnmitted in the mmml imy# a* Before nay can bo ascribed to tho £bm of the you mst Imcm that tho iqpulao 1 a arising in tho alnuo node end io ©prondlnc over the auricle in the norml w*-or, as In the mm of tho tao, ono mot that tho feimlsoo arc oo&lag tom froa above in the oorsaol woy« b* Also In tho discuaolm it i@ mmsm& in oil mom that tho iapula© ia casing fm above the bifurcation of tho Hie bundle* 3# In dlaoucolon of tho tom of tho veotrloular ooorjXcfiw j one mot lam that the irpulao lo ecaalng ton f*wi tho auriolo* 4* In diomosiag tho fom of the miriculnr oooplat* one mot laws? that tho iopKilao la ooniag tom aosenlly fvoa tho oino*auriouler node# ©• Thao in SlsQfieslag bundle breach block one met knm t!v:t the isochrmlm Is mam! end tljot the aproad over the ventricles in nornel except for the defect In conduction below the bifurcation of the His bundle* 6* In doolin& with ©loci record ioerano In which the cite of SapoXon foration In etakcnsnol* mo does not know whether the differences are duo to the abnoxml site of fomitlen or to an ebnomol spread over the heart. Co) Thus in tiuriculcr catrnr"stolon or ventricular ortro* systoles the cbnorssol for® of the V*mmn or oor>* pler:oGt reject ivoly* nry be due to (ftoorml sites of insulae forest Ion or to otnerasel agreed over the heart# B* The Potential Variations of the SctrailtAeel the central tnmlnol* 1* If we te&e "direct loedfiP with one electrode directly on the heart Cor precordial leads with one electrode on the cheat) and the other electrode on a point quite distant frosa the beartf !•«•, the beeftt or the leg* m will not curves stenting the potential mrletteui of the electrode on the heart because of the nature of solid conductors* c* The curve will be dosinrtaA by the variations at the heart1 a surface and any effects produced by the Ice trill be only 1/40 as 'root* b# Compared with the potential variations of a single estmnlty9 them at the heart*e surf see ere 40 time m large* o* la taklar each direct loads the sensitivity mist he re- duced to X/m n (arapi}« d# Thu® w© have a sort of uai-polsr curve, for although m arc rm&orim th© difference in potential of tuo point®, on© of those point© la for oil practical Intents and purpose© constant* e# In general* the eartrcs&ty will display the potential variation® of the pert of the heart facing that ertrorclty* 2* In order to ©liistoate the effect of tbo distant electrode, tower, vm nay create a contra! point or central terminal to which ©11 three ©gtrcnitios eve connected through equal resietanee® (5000 elm coeh)# This will give then an in- dHTeront point whoso potential ie 0 end by using this point together with cm exploring electrode, w© e@& deternino ttm variations of potential at any single point# % « potential vrrlntlona of Hh VL « potential variations of IA Vy » potential vorietloni? of IX Vij* *» p oteailcl variation© of oontrel terminal » 0# + 2 » current - % # % x S Koa&off'a law » sun of ♦ currents meting at © E « roslctono© -A?i, - % » %i % M single point is 0* I % » % * B If taeoe tlire© are added • % • Wfe ♦ % 4 f*) • 0 OT ?T * % * % * % Therefore % * 0 {by low—mi of %t Tl gM % • for reference seel- ftilnon, Mr cLood and Darkor, An# Heart J* Vol# V, !■&>* 2f pp# fiOMU, Deo. 1931# Lced I negativity of arm » upward novonont Positivity of Left em a upward aovencnt LLood II » V - Hogativlti of right am » upward osroMit Positivity of left log » vegmutii wav«p«*it Lead III » V • negativity of loft am » upward lambent Positivity of left lag a upward novonent Lend I a + Vj. upcidc dOM& Lead 11 a % + upside tom Loud III a % -f upside tom V. + V. + ?j, a 0 from alnthoven,e Lew Vv a •» V|.k • Vj, V - 7h a II Vy • VL » III Hina maa mi i 2 % - % - m g Vr + (-?. - VL) a ZZ + III 8 % + (%) » ii + m 3 % »IU III Therefor© V} » XI + III ~~r~~ upward mam nont upward novonont Similarly it can be obmm that! % “jL- JS 3 ▼t -i=-£tt 3 C# The extremity Potentials la Right and Left Axle Deviation la Stomal Itotlonts# 3oe SIM© BgQ* !• It oca bo seen that in nil cdx eases % is osoontlaJUy the son©# o« It is negative during the greater pert of the It nay bo positive for a short tltao at the beginning or the end but It lo native throughout most of the period# b# this ic because the right nra lo opposite the great orifices at the base of the heart and the potential variations of the ventricular cavities ere thus re- flected to the arm# There lo no nusclo being activated betv ocn the eovltlco end the right shoulder# Dm On the other hand 7L and Vj. undergo aeny variations# 3# In H# A# 0# in nomol people—upper re*—■ #30374 Vx, looks like direct loads froo the right ventricle or the boss of the heart# % looks like direct leads fron the loft ventricle# This is because the heart la vortical and rotated about lie long axis oo that the Hf feces the lA aM the W feces the LL# 4. In the next pot lent —# 59S7S Vjt looks small end indoterrdnoto# looks like direct leads fro® the loft ventricle# Iloro the heart is again vortical and rotated so that the Vf * rt 1 *n tJio previous patient, faces tho IX but not so/m 1 * 3* In tho Xcy 09X record # J59S73* YL looks Ilk© direct leads from t!ie LT (also llko % In # 39374)* % now look© 111?© direct lor ds fro. the K7 (r loo like VL in # 39374)• Hero the heart 4s transverse so thot the LV faces tho end the 37 faces tho IX# Yet 4a oil thee© patients the procordial leads t-ould bo th© none# Tho changes seen in tit© standard lead© ere duo solely to shift© in the position, of the heart rethor thou ebonies in tho heart itself* Korsrml Prooordlal Loads* A* With tho Tfoxfe on bundle branch block, tho need to take preoor'ial loads developed In order to got further ervi; caco bearing on this problem# 1* la th© tew5let© neighborhood of the heart tho currants which flow or© ouch larger then those at the shoulders or at tho junction of the log with tho trunk* £• The currents generated by tho heart aro 1 ted by tli© body tissue* a* It in just os If you were to put e battery in e both-tub filled with water* b* However, mm current flows In ovary port of tho tub or ©very part of th© body, mm though it diminishes rapidly ns you got ewny from th© battery or th© heart* 3# If on© olootrode io pin cod do no to the tort and the other ffcr cucy, It dooan't ranch natter whore you put the distant electrode boom?so tho near one dominates tho curve 06 mch* o# The difference in potential botnoon tho HA and LA la usually I • fiar* b# Tito difference in Twjtontlcl between the heart*a surface ond the LA is usually 40 rrsv* c# The situation is not Quite the nan© when tho electrode is pieced on tho prooorcUum because there the difference In not as $roat* However, tho procordlol eloctrodc under- $oeo variations which are 3*4 tiisos as greet os those of the distent electrode* $ Various Indifferent Points hove boon used* 1* So© nlldo H49* o*It can b-.-> seen that there are istaor V? riations in tho preoordial electrocardiogram duo to the distant ©lestrode* b« It Is thoraforo wisest to uoc that distant electrode whoso potential is lor all practical purpose© sero* c» It cm he ©ton (am pmm 103) that Vt]. is scro and for that reason all precordial loads in tho laboratory are taken with the centre! terminal as tho indifferent or distant electrode* d# By using tho c -ntrol terminal we neko tho precordial leads ao oonparable as possible to direct leads where near electrode plays DO time m groat a role* o# With one m&T electrodo and one a intent electrode, the near r electrode le -f when the Inpulce lo approaching It end - tdion it ie 150'log «&<&# If electrode les cm lot point to bo activated It wiH bo —froci onoot; if on Inert point to bo ectlvetod It will bo-/-iron outlet* 0* Iloraa Vlf VSf V5> r4, v5t Vg—000 Clide %5* 1* Hormer of talcing pmoor-Hal leode* ft 4th Intoroor.tol HIM Vo ft 4th « • Im m Vs <» midway between Vjj ond »B Kg* at love! of GpOE % « IaaL ot level of cpox V.j » XHAL ct level of epcac 8* . Over tho right procord im gaell end early J?«*mvoo and lorn© 3* 5* and Tg do not normally two C~mveo# 6» la normls the Thieves cro upright escoept for Vx» which my bo Inverted* 7* In children, however, Inverted nay bo soon In Tg V3 ond even V4* 8* end Vg look like direct loads from the sight ventricle the* they or© probably aonewNat effected by the left ventricle* 9* end Vg look like direct loads too the loft ventricle— thoo© loads era therefore nowl-diroct lead a* 10# The point of ton alt ion varies a good dor-1 from patient to patient# It my be in 7g or in others ?4# This 1© the rcjseoa It In dootoblo to take nsiltiplo curves In order to get on both sides of the transition* 0* It isras by using such curves in patients «tH bundle branch blod: that It ms hoped to bo able to detect which part of the heart bece&o set toted first* stlantos applied at X Z to none in which there ie a boundary between ootlvo and resting mode; this io where the effective •forces arc* fcapulao la traveling ton A to B* (ol With electrode at (1) m impulse is ©1v«ya traveling away, time this electrode ie always negative and record, from this point will bos , r " (b) With electrode at (3) ~~ irpulsa Ip always traveling toward it, thus this electrode is always positive and TVCOVH Cvor. thiB point nil b« „/v (o) With electrode ot (£) —•icpulse ie first traveling toward it then as soon ec it passes tho electrode It io traveling rjwcy* There will thug b© © sadder, shift whew the lapuloa arrives beneath the electrodes- This sudden dowmierd aonrorwot (Ml novonont) I© celled the intrinsic deflection* It represents th© tine of arrive! of tho Ingmlo© beneath the electrode* 2% Bight ventricle is thin etui the Sisgmlae arrives at lie oar- fee© earlier; time the peak of the h-wave oc&xx*o early find tho H-wovo Is ©soil in end ?g* furthornoro nost of the nuncio is being activated ©ms? frori the electrode, therefor© the big S«wsv©© occur over the right precord turn* 5* heft ventricle Is thicker and the arrives st its ©orfcCG later (* 0*0£ mo»)m Therefor© the pock of the B*w©v© over the loft procord to * D* Occasionally e direct Iced or precordial lend In the nomel heart will rliow a mil ie*ww^ 1# Thin noons that the endocardial aurfec® beneath the electrode is being activated later then that of other oroos* £* Before the ferula* reaches Bf both A m& B «UJL bo ap- affected equally by wimteoca on nt X and Y* Ttnc if the ondocrrdtoi at £ m& Y or® activated c riior than ct Bt thcro isny be for a short tine c force directed away from A* thus accounting for the initial tire deflection* ftmfev» when the endocardium et B becomes active, then A will become positive to B and the curve will rise rapidly* In thin figure will therefore represent the instant nt which the endocardial mvfncc et B is activated and Xz will represent the instant nt which the Isgft&s* reached A, «Imb the cpioa»diisl ourfr-co wee activated* 3# Wo ra;jy 0X00 show tills with tm stripe of modes- s# The effect of atrip (X) on the electrode Is b* Tho effect of strip (IB) on the electrode Is — *— V n—for© (1) c# If atrip S is stimulated sllchtly before strip (1) them will bo first a foco of the heart directly under tho electrode* ii* mm& oi* im mvws xk BOR&ut Bunion bukeu At In right BBD1# X« Bar® tlsokc©vity nt X will bo pooitIWot tbo bof'lanino bocouoo th© 000turn la being activated toward tl«? ©loctrodo* S« Thua ao the S&puXgo travels tron B to A# tho oXcotrode at A boconas positive o cooond tine* 3« XSaio breaking dam tbs record obtained at in Rt* HBls (X)—doe to activation of oqptua fam left to right* (E)—duo to activation of lateral tmXX of loft ventricle* (3)--duo to activation of right ventricular wall* B. In loft BIBX* 1* I {arc the cavity at Y (left ventricular orvity) Ic pooitlv© at the Ionianbocouoo tho entire eeptm# io being activated toward the cXcotrodo* mmm mmm mtm* X# Historical Am Tho bundle branches wore first doooribod by ftmm9 working la Aschoff*® laboratory# B# Aaoag early attempts to cut tlie bundle bronchos wave those of XXewollys Baikar* 1* 3?2» bundle branches mm out in ea&mla and raochealccl records wore and©# S# Bo woo unable to te motmt© any delay In activation on the side of dnnoge# 0* In 19X0 and Hothborr-or studied the effect of cutting tho bundle bronchos In dons with the MG# 1« fboy uood m lead which Is on csiol load, laoro or loco parallel to tho long axis of tho heart and ooqpcrsbl* to Load II or load HI in iaan# £# Ttaay found that cutting erne of the bundle bronchos pro- duced which wore more or lose opposite thorn produced by cutting tho opposite bundle branch# D* loom thereafter Ifcplneer and atoesk reported siller S3# changes In patients# 1# They distinguished right and left bundle branch block by comparing the curves with those they had produced in dogs* S# In the two oases they studied, at outoncy tho pathological changes wore found on tho expected side# fhey took that ns conclusive proof of their classification of right bundle branch block end left bundle branch block# mnm mmm mm* X* Mstorloal Am Tho bundle branches vmre first described by Vemara§ working in Aschoff1© laboratory# B* Assam early attests to cut tho bundle branches m tbooo of Ilewollys Barker# 3U bundle branch©o war© cut in oalraoXe and laoehoaie&l record© « nad©# S# Eo uaoblo to doioaotrnt© any delay In activation on the ©Id© of dosjoge# G# In 1910 %p lager and Eothborgor studied the off cot of cutting tho bundle branches In doe© with the J3£$* 1# X*boy ucod on gaowtoopbegcel load which la an axial loodt I3DP0 or loco parallel to tbo Icaar: axis of the heart and oorparabl© to Load XX or load XXX in mn# 0* fhey found that cutting one of the bundle bronchos pro- duced changes which wore wore or loss opposite those produced by (jutting tbo opposite bundle branch# Dm Bom thereafter and stoerk reported ibaUar SK& changes In patients# 1, They right and left bundle branch block by cosgparlng the curves with those they bad produced in logo# £« In tho two or><»o they studied, at autopsy tbo ptiholottenl change© war© found on the ©sspootod side# fhey took that as conclusive proof of their oicoclflcotloa of right bundle branch block ansi left bundle branch block# <1) This is, then, concordant bundle branch brlocfr—»the mein dofloctlons ore in tho mm direction In ell thro© lends* This is usually t|*o c go in doge* f* Tho i'JU couple:: consists of a single phase or tiny early phosa end second larger phase* w rdnglc phase m very emll early pheoo 3# After injury to the Right Bundle Branch* o* Interval bounce two times nomol length* b« QBS becomes notched or slurred* o« Chief deflections oro all dcmmvd but In mam direction ' in oil leMs* (1) Here, too, thero is concordant bundle branch block, tho no in deflection being in the sane direction in all leads, but it should bo noted that the direction is opposite that la loft bundle branch block* d« T-ufavo Is again opposite the chief deflect ions* o* The QES coli>1coc is bjpheaic* (1) Thoro is usually a snail, thin Wmmnm preceding the deeper, notched or slurred S-wsvo* 4* See olide Dg* o* Hero tiq sec left bundle branch block followed by recovery and right bundle branch block follot/od by recovery* b« 3uoh curves can be obtained If tho bundle broach Is pressed upon and injured temporarily rather then cut across* III* Sequence of Activation of the lioort* A# Howanl fiewrl* 1* normally the too aides of the heart are activated slmult neourly* 2* Forts of the Ilonrt are active tod through the right tundlo branch and the root of the heart thro\igh the loft bundle brunch and the olectrooardlogrem I© in port a result of the spread of tho lagmlo® from tho sight bundle branch raid In port a result of the spread from tho left buedlo branch* B* In Bundle Branch Bloch* 1* If one bundle branch la cut, tho impulse will travel down the . opposite uninjured bundle branch end then reach the made on tho old© of the Injury only by going through the centum* 8* Thun If wo mt the loft bundle branch w® prevent the spread of the Impale* into the loft lustring* ay atom and th© curve will represent only right ventricular effects* Them after corse of a second the Impulse will peso from the right ventricular fjuacle through the septum to the Busking* network of tho loft ventricle and tho curve trill be the result of the spread of the impulse from right ventricle to left ventricle* b# Korsally the septum ie activate*! pert from the right and part of It from tho loft* c* In bundle branch block, however, the septum la ell activated in one direction* r» The first part of the qBB gro«p in BIBI thus represents tho normal ventricle—that which la activated at th© normal time; earlier than tn© opposite aide* 3* The second pert of the RQ rrowp in WBl reprommts the- activa- tion of the abaorrml ventricle—the delayed ventricle* 4* It lo beeouee ia man end dog there are no Interconnect ions between the to Pmfclcse system© that this delay in active" Ion on the injured cldc occure* It is not the ooac in the ox whore interconnecting fibres do occur* 5* Latin pointed oat that? a# If the loft handle branch In cut, the early port of tho Q$S oo&plcac will then represent the right ventricle end he called it dcactroeord legion* b# If the right bundle branch la cut* the early port of the Q&3 conplox will then represent tho left ventricle end it was celled the Icvoocrdloggcm* This la true* of course, only for the first few hundredths of a second; after that \m got effects which arc duo to tho ebnomsi spread over the other ventricle* c* Tho nom&l QM colics in c bloerdiogrnru (1) It 1© the algebraic aim of tho left ventricular effects by activation through the left bundle braaofe cad right ventricular effects by cctlveti.cn through tho right bundle branch* (£) Tho fact that the mmeX OicotrooovtSognMi tc a bloo.rdlo- iKfm is not m valuable a thing bq one might suspect, however, because one cannot Hsm that loft ventricular effects will be axogpretoi by loft ventricular hyper- trophy without other W& change®, or that right ventricular effects will be eJEcggermtcd without other changes by right ventricular hypertrophy* 6* T c reason that bundle branch block Is oo Interesting end significant io booouiMl it permits us to isolate in tho oerly port of the -its the contribution of either ventricle. It tbror/o a good ted of light on tho factors which determine tho farm of tho »tO. 7* If in e dog with right bundle branch block sticuli ore applied to the right ventricle at the base of tho anterior peplUary lauscle, the impulse will pose throng tho musolo to tho right bundle branch st Its point of arborisation end sprood through the right Pushing# no ti axel: then through the septum to the left ventricle* so that here in a dog with right bxmdlo branch block you cm still get the right tevtrlculcr effects first by properly applied stimuli at tho right instant in diastole# (Slid© 0$) a* This is true boceus© the right bundle breach is on the cep tun close to the anterior vontriculer surface and nmr tho base of the anterior papillary mad# tho right bundle branch breaks up Into Its niboriantioa* Tl-us if # stimulus is applied her# at the bee# of tho anterior papillary muscle* it will get through th# thin nuscle wall end reach the right bundle branch at the point whore tho Impulse normally arrives when It comas tern from above. b. In slid© % —in dog with rt. B«B*B1* let. beat—result of tepulae from above—early part of CBS Is tovocordlogras* 5th* beet—result of stimulation to right vmtr icle—ecrly part of qH3 is Bo^troeardlogna* End* boat—re cult of stimulation to right ventricle is added to loft ventricle « Bicardlogrem# S* Slide D V a* In this c*xp«ri»fisit right bundle branch block we® produced In the dog oad thou stimuli were applied to the right ventricle ot n rate slightly slower than the aoveal heart rate# b# Tho first boot shown »howo that the stimulus induced a pure ronponne, than an the sttmlotor gradually ftella behind tho 6C# 1* It has bocal found that In the coif, cutting one of the bundle branches aafcee little difference# doraotlnoa there arc nlnor alteration* in the form of the curve b»t the Q;R3 is not spread# fU This I® apparently because there are interconaoctlone between the two Burkina aotsposiico# a* The ox he a n highly developed Furklnfro system# b# Apparently the fibres actually penetrate the septtua so that the impulse om $p rlfht through to the other side# c# This is really to be expected when me renonfeere the greet also of the os? heart end yet notes that the fyt8 coalesces or© 230 lonyer then in man# Tim Fuxfcinrc network actually penetrates the veil «f the heart# tv# QowL&xk* m maomum mmm mmmi bukk m the dog# 3oc elide 2X>—nornr-?!, loft bundle breech block; oosgplote left# ilp«ooxssol, Ivoowplete rt« bundle brooch block; complete right# Am Bomtisms if tVj bundle brooch is prtoaed upon we ct first complete them a Taduel return with the first Incomplete B# B# B1 oM finally aorfii&X QKS eesQpleKee* B* Complete end Incomplete B# B* BX# look alike in the cerly pheoao because in those phases of the Q88 the early ventricle In re a??onslble; but when the late ventricle ooaee in they ore different# 1* The chi of difference is that the $B8 is not no brood end the notching la not os ooncpiolous# ®# 1'bc reason for this change Is that the interval, begins with the effectc of the subendocardial isiccle on the on- injured side# fho second or lots ventricle I© the on© which is activetod abixmneily—t.hua collate ond Incccplcte B# B* 01* ere the secae as far os initial deflect lens ore concerned and up to the instant tliet the second (obnern**!) ventricle oojscc in# C* Slide control* then rt# B# B* Bl. with complete recovery* 1* It ci%n ho mm. in this oSKpe-rSanont thrst all the initial de- flections ore the mm because they arc due to the left ventricle* E* In cotasplete end Incomplete B, B* BX* the initial deflections mot bo the mvm in the now Individual* XV. The Order of Cut of Active State in B# B* 31#—fbc T*»mvc# A* In a geaerol way the In .hich c suede passes into the active {refractory ) state end that In which it passes out of the: active state are substantially the mm$ although not identical* 1# Thuc, if the dursstl.cn of ny stole locally rector ins the setae after one of the bundle branches Is cut# every ehrnge In order of activation will cce(»$e&i«A by o change la the order of passing out of the active state# S« flats you cannot codify the group without modifying the f«w<3Ve* See did© %♦ £hcn one ooaplex-~the <$H0— Is largo, th; Stomve toads to be ■ in the opposite direction* *'• ¥o» ° n the X-S.W0, f»;.«vur, without iwnfv1r„ th_ aa 6T09 by swUtying th© length of systole locally# (a) If wo cool an urea on the serfcos of the heart v?o do not change the? order of active ties (do not change the t,:as rroup) but we do prolong the refractory period—change the t«wtfree thus prolonging the local duration of systole# B* Slice with rU B# B* Bl* with atloalue applied to HV, then LV, then both ventricles* 1* Upper wore applied to right ventricle at a tat© slightly slower then the heart rr.to# It eon be seen thet the first rertpons / occurred whan the stirailuo fell at the end of the IVvflisvo and the form of the oospXcz is thet oooh no wo got in left B* B* Bl* £• Middle record---otimill wore applied to the left ventricle at o rate slightly slower than the heart rate* Here? wo enn me that tho first to*jponoo occvr® jponor* when the- stimulus fell ©t the pos2c of the T-wro end the rooponoo ha® the form of thet mm In tho other beats* 3# Lender record-'HTtlavll were applied to both ventricles at c rot© ©lightly slower than the normal heart reto* Hero we can Boo thet egaia the first response occurs nt the peak of the T-wavo end its fom Indicates that the response wee due to ootlvotioa of the left ventricle; in the later beets, however, when the lopuXoo falls later, at the md of the frwrtva (at the; end of the right ventricular refractory period!, wo then get note-1 cult complexes (bioerdlogio&o} because both ventricles arc. now responding slml tenuously to tho two ottaai* 4* Hero, than, we can see thet tho surface of tho left ventricle peases out of the refractory period before the surface of tho right ventricle in rt* B* B* El* In other words, the order of rtKSovery is tho mm m t'm order of activation* C* 81 Ido £v>— stlsuletlcn cf both ventricles la novml Cor, heart* 1# Tho point of crborisotion of the right bundle branch le opposite the* hvm of the enteric* peplllary awscXe* Thus m electrode placed on the oploordlnl surface nee* this point will hr mr.r this erbortentlon* itorthoTRsor© the nuoole is thin at thin point* &• In this (BparittOKt two et Isolators rerc applied, one at each taitvicle eirmletciieouoly* 3trlp (I)--Here the right ventricle electrode mm pieced on this control ureo and tiso L¥ electrode on tho surface of tho Vf* Hoto that tho reaponoe is © right ventricular response becauee tho iapulfj© had only a short distance to travel through tho thin made end reach the arborisation of the lit* B* B* Strip (:*)- Sere the W electrode wnn kept In the mne piece but that or the W wee thrust dowi Into the ayoeerASiim so that now It wee much closer to tho Pttrtclnge nettriork* The response now is o loft ventricular reapanee because the Impulse of the (stimulus had ouch loss dlistener to taml than it had previously* I). Mean iiicotrioel Axis In B* B* Bl* / Monaol Bight Bundle Branch Loft Block VI# Development of Uodaxst Concept of Eight end Left Bundle Breach Block* “ A* In 19B0 #*hr on the basis of theoretical considerations ettra© to the oonclualon thr.t the old concept wo* wrong# B# In 19f.l Opnanhoincor mid Eoxde© hod t«o o***« in which tho lesions at poat saortesa cxsrdination vam not on the espeotod side# C# 8a s* of Boxfcor, KCLaod and Aloocoadcr—3oc slides %pf D^* 1# This pet lent developed a purulent pericarditis after pneu- monia* requiring open drrinr.ro* The heart was exposed and with the pfttl’.srfcfs conoeat records mm obtelnot! when various pert© of the heart rerc *t imitated* Subsequently the pat!cent died of recurrence of the paeuiaoaifi end at autop sy it vmc possible to locnte the points raw© accurately. S# It %ec found that vehmover ttm right ventricle was sttmletod the chief deflection in lend I 1© upright# (a) Tide is tho order of active tim In loft bundle brrnch block* (b) Xtotat 6 in their studies oorroopondo boot to the point nearest tho anterior yeplUctxy msclo and near broaching of right bundle branch* and when stimulated it produced coalesce* like those of left bundle bmnoh block la tho dog* 5* Whenever the left ventricle m& atinuletod tho chief deflect Ion in Lead X wa« dam* In other mvda9 the order is the warn© a* in aright bundle branch block end tho tmrvos those of t* B* B* Bl* in the dog* 4* furthermore* stimulation of point* aoesr the bn so gevo upward deflect ion* in Iced III wheraac ntimilation of point* aonr tho opex gave doamazA dofloctloae in Lord XII* l>* Koirnts. later revived hmm hearts and with her*rUlun/; prenorot Iona he cut the bundle branotooo end obtained sir liar results* He also placed basting do& heerte In huaon chests and after cutting tho bundle brunches obtained similar results* I* Clinical liotog Beecrdiag Bundle Branch Block* A* Btiolojy* 1* It lo corrion In ertorlosclerotic heart diocese* B* Occasionally it occurs os a part of scut© rhouMctio fever* 3* Corronly occurs after coronary occlusion end at ouch ttaoe 1® often transient* 4* ifey be present in association with congenital heart dleeooo* eor»eo icily if there 1® « defect In tlvo ventricular '?octua* 5* Oc0f2t»lcjn#HlX> occuro in luctlc heart discs®* If e carws hits one of the bundle breaches* 6* ircnslsnt right B* B* BX/ jury occur following a pulmonary embolus* 9* Occasionally «| sec; B* B* Bl* without other evidence of heart disease* e, Thee© arc apt to bo young or *3441# mM Individuals* b* It is dallied tfast this Is we apt to be rt* B* B* BX* o# statistics regarding such points or© inaccurate because they are la people do not cotao unless they or© HI* B* aigcifiottteo. 1* nm. the clinical. standpoint It vmmly points out tfec-t tmm ayooerdlal oImm® is prosrnt which involves tho specialized tissue end probably the ordinary meole eo well# r* If there in o lesion transecting one of the bundle branch®® it mona that there arc probably an*y other similar lesions* b* It thus usually ammo widespread dogcncmtlvc proooeaos* £• It if! of especial Importance is elect rocnrdior-wphy becouae hero is an instance where the SKG can give infornatlon which would not othemi so he obte Suable* 5* £lio rrrerage Ilf® (npeotemoy after B* B* Bl* is found is sold to b© S - 3 years* 4* Occasionally B* B* Bl. is seen nhero it apparently me*au» nothing so far os the heart is concerned♦ Sqm vm harc B* B* Bl* without other evidence of heart disease* a*ch instances m>j bo ok~ plained as duo to on isolated lesion which just happened to hit one of the bundle branches* 5* B* B* Bl* does not disturb cardiac function* 6* There is e little evidence to chow that left B. B* Bl. carries e graver prognosis than rt* B. B* Bl* c* The right bundle branch Is longer cad travels farther be- fore dividing* b* Therefore tlscro is greeter livelihood for single Isolated lesions to hit the right bundle breach than the left* ?• from q practical point of view we do not know whether right B* B* Bl# is less serious than left B« B* Bl* a* ttoct of previous studies ere not useful boor,use the die* tin/ ill shins feature of right ond left B* B* Bl* were not known* 3* If the B* B* Bl* rcproccntc en old seer them it has no .greet significance but if it represents something which is gotm on actively it means mob aor»* This cannot bo determined fron the eloctrooerdiogmm, however* end met be inferred from cliniool nenifestetlMN 0# Diagnosis* 1* The .HC0 is to only way to to din of the eases* a* When tore Is a % pros ant In « patient with loft 3* B* D3.# «c«sr of these pctlentc trill hove rn Infarction, c spec lolly opt to be coptnl in loos-Ion* G* Procordial loads my f$ww lots activetIon of the left ventricle* 6* XWwevoo usually oppositely directed from ms gmsp* B« night B* B# Bl* 1* QjRS Interval 0*12 see* or more* E* Prominent S-wavoa in teed 1 which arc usually broad and notched,# 3* Procordiol loads oboe late activation of the right twitrlol©* C. Typos 01' Left Bundle Branch Block* !• lf$t Bundle Breach Block, Is mnt con on in nan* Slide ’ o* In there eases the chief deflection is up la hoed I and tern in Lend 111 with the TMwaves In the opposite direction# b* There la no *V»ct n einablo la present only in about Sfr of these arses* c# It can be soon that Load III in this type of huaaa left B* B* Bl# does not look ct ell like that in the doc* Further Mro, in atony patients In fype - Slide? cu In this wo ham eithw s awnaoX relation botvroea the ventricles or right mntriclo tiype-rtroplqr; ty;w of which v.o tioG wtooa vinht B* B* BJU is on axis •iovistlon* 3* Very mm type Soe elide Hof* atu Heart 1* 9« 47H, Apr* 1934. 4* olid.® yisMt B* B# r,i* a* Four mmapleo of right B* B* Bl* ell hev© large 3*wevos in lend 1* 5* Slid© %• e* Four eocanplee of right B* B* 31* b* All dm* conspicuous 3^* o* Sole that in those load® where tho $KS corplos lo largo It 1 b blphaoic or trlphnolc* (1) the imam tor this io that in Loft B* B* Bl. you hove only tho thin well of tho 89 being activated oppositely to tho ?»tui3 end tho left ventricular well* (B) In right B* B* Bl* you hnvo the thick well of tho W being eCttVatod opposite to the direction of activation of the oeptun end the thin well of the H7* (5) Thuc the dlfforcnco In thickness of the two ventricular mils lo responsible* 6* Slid® K|0* a* Before and after right B# B* Bl* 7* &Lido B^* e* of right end loft B* B# Bl* £• Tho tom of tho Q.flS donpionoo in Bundle Br noh Block cm bo Btodiflcd by Changes in position of the Heart* 1* Slide 0 —is® coowsplo of changes in Itoxa of the standard lends wore noxnal# The procordial loads on the mm date show inverted Treves In Vi c nd Vg# This in abnormal but tho (ills coalesces ore noivsol In form# b* On 10*TiB-*36 tho standard loads mm siw concordant loft ) B# B# El# This is the uncommon type* Tho precordlel loads confirm the pro nonce of loft B* B# Bl# c# Hot® in the precordial loads that after the occurrence of loft B# B# Bl# the H-*mveo over tho right side * On «e so© thet loft B* B# Bl* has oppecreft and the prooordicl leads token nt that tin© couflrr the diei*oaosis# o* Hot© that In the coctrorlty potentials Tj, locks liko V- end also like lead I, whereas loofco likes end like Load III. (1) Thio Indicate* that the hoort la In © tmamwm posJtim end that the Df potential© ©re being tmnssalttod to t!« 14 wberoea the potential verlatioce at the oorfneo of the Idf cro bcia** tronoDittod to tho IX* (2) Since the potential variations of the 14 are largest, the standard lecdo char? discordant left B. B* Bl« d* It ©an also be soon that V7 (loft posterior ex* lino et level of apex), % (line of loft eoopiiXer angle ot level of apaz) m& V® (loft scapular m&Lo) ell look like tg, mid the ooxfhoo of the W» 5* aim e« Ones of concordant left B* B« looks like mid the 33Tf locks &jrllt % locks liko the beet of tho heart or the SV* b* flu* tho hoert la vertical end beemoe tg is mm11, the curveo arc eoneordntxt* 6. Old* %3# o« In this curve .Load 1 t$mm & hmm &**&** mid only a retry tiry TMsove# Ttsie it lode like rlght B« B# Bl* €c:eopt that the curve in nearly nonophofilc* b* Honerar, tho procordial lead© era typical of left B* B. B3U o* ftto MMnB M» b© W took# Sift* «&&§ life© T| «snA to toos*fe«e Iteft «» OMWHaUf WtftOBl fcftOVt* 6* *%b® MM lead* to tola mm mxM mt pm&t 0m to diatlagateli betosswo B# B# Ift «e& loft &• B# &3U ©* 9too to mmm with Mt B# B* oi« to ottMt too of the fl¥ «*e tototoAtoto to tin© &4 (toftfttoil toarto) fm. vlXi tom iiffloultgr to distto&itoft&r «*• 8* 5# as* and left a# l« El* twm toe etooAani Itods elm* a* ixmlifil iiMio to tom hob tog l» &• Hi* 1# to toe otoiitovA toodg toe ec*$»e»fcle eutvoe took iHee t*4ei<» loft 8# B* Bi# It# B« B# 10# t# to v1oxos. b* Broadening of tljo Q&B conploxea* c* irenounced sotohlag of the UH3 ccc^lexos* B* Slidoo end &ets?plo0 of /oborlsetlon Block os well os B* B* Bl* previously dicgnoaod m arborisetion block* 1* Slide previously called arborizatioa block* g* Coo© #1334—•oese of congenital heart disease with septal defect* The i.H3 Is 0*12 ooc* and there In a Ian];© %f This is probably rt* B* B* 131* but the pattern in unusual and chest loads would really b© required to bo certain* b* Case # end cooondcxy anornlc* The cone Is definite right B« B* Bl* Q&5 » 0.14; big %. o* Cose # 902—mourym gnfi luotic sortie insufficiency* QBS » 0*12 sec* and lore© %* Definite x*t. B* E* Bl* £i d* Co so # li^CS—Chronic nephritis utokIo* tiHS • 0*18 see* and large but pooullcr pattern* This Is probable rt* B* B* Bl* o* Cose #£150—*cnne of Luetic Aortic Insufficiency. a&S » 0*11 soc* end is This should thus bo classed os introvontricuier block* f* Case # SSa^-orterlooolorosis* • 0*11 30C* and there is n prominent brosd This met bo considered, therefore* cs ft questionable rt# B* B* Bl* g* Coco # 493—aortic apogur^lteticaa—'? luotlc* <*Ha » 0*10 occ* and hHS complexes notched* But sinco is not far beyond normal limits la its breath, thin mat bo cdlod questionable Intraventricular block* 2* Slide K.r>* a* In period from 6-2£~£2 to kIM ©ad Inter fro© to B-B3-B4 (tine of death), this pet lent had loft B* B* Bl* However, during the period MUMS to 6-S6-&8 tho qHB through broadened with mzkod notching end slurring, tins loos then o.l£ eoc* b* Tims oo tore bore aoro then ono conduction defect* Stocn tho loft bundle breach block cleared the other defect was so- vealod* ¥rm its nature, it »« probably lavolvod th© sub- divisions of tho conducting system cad met be called intro** ventricular block* $• Slid® .■two Wpkfi of tthat was previously celled block #•* q* In the first cap© the OHS is 0*11 me* and there Is a snail but definite Sj# Because of this lest, this mot be celled probable rt# B* B#B1« but precordiel loads would hove to bo token to be certain# b# In the second can® the QM3 to 0#lf- doc* end tliero is no S^,# The Qfs ooiploecoo ore none of then larger then 5 rm« la hoi lit# This is loft bundle brcaoh block# 4# Slide ISr£# a# This is picture of cnee (a) in slid© and shows nctfloslfo aycoardiel lesions with necrosis and e less* intraventricular thfQK&OS# 5# Slide &$• c* This Is ti picture of eoao (b) la elide q nd chows e hugo area of liquefaction necrosis and c larg© intraventricular thrombus# e# Slide On !MMS standard loads not definitely ©booms!# U«1MT standard loads now havo definite l*kD rlth inverted T-j# lab# is not? ** 11- 1-2S aims teohyoofdlii with broadening of $H8 interval* UUM-CB CRB now increased from 0*06 to 0*10 noe* end T-wevoa shelly inverted In Lead I* 7-20-;?5 After tijorapy* 7-wreg now upright but still slightly widened over that prior to treatment* o* Th© QBS changes represent minor conduction defects* b* The fMsgvg changes arc duo to local vorlotIons cad ore not or only la pert secondary to the ,.fl3 ohangoo In this case* XI* Localised Conduction slide I Hq* iU The defect iaey Involve only e snail part of the J plcecuo* B* la this ease soro loads show It, soesc do not# X* Lead I ttoom mesXl poefe In between R and Kwvoit 2* la prooordicl leaaa very little of this pooh on tm mode out* 3# In the coopbagoel load© wo oon anally so© the long t.HS internal* 4* Thug v?hm the electrode t»s close to the heart la the region of the de) active conduction, w© mo the long of oil cases will fall* o. It gives « kind of sprood, m averog© of ell the deviations fi'cm th* nssn# d* Th© U£aial Jaethod of taking o large nunbor of Gesso* end dotorsTiintng th© cmttgl and the end naxlrwr. for th© whole recoup for any single factor depends to a largo oEtcnt on to; many oases you have to begin with. * The use of the standard deviation afcoids this fault end oil statistic©! studies should bo saodo on this basis* A 2&3S... This is the / , limn These vo&retxmt Xt2 end 5 * tinea the standard deviation. 2* 8k«m&sos* o. This factor Is bused on ths cube of the deviations from the itssa* b. Sons© curves rasy be ippsldad, that la deviations above tho mm of n certain nocgiitodo my be rx>ro co ■ n thna thbso below the oeea* Smsum jssiei sl -mkM- If nvoi'r.m v;t • la 14C# standard deviation * 30, 140 / 3{S0) » 890 i This would not bo too unsoomnu 1*10 - 3(30) « SO# c» Sk&sn&BB 1b e mniraro ot this lopoidodnosa# This would be very rare. 0* One cm Hco snob as tljo.se in slide to detffCt nb- norssnlitles* 1* ItovfWUT, it xmtrt be reweedbered that those fiewes \;orc de- temSaeS from s spec lei close of people* They do not in- dicate whet they sl|M have had a group of individuals haem used* S* Thun if wo found mo MB with % » 56 m*, w® r-ould know that if ho is a nowaal Individual he mat ho a vo:ry unusual one* 5# Actually the value of any particular mesure&ent in ar&lng c die Thesis io detornlnod by its rarity in mmrJL people and its frequently in atmoawml people* |x* Smll Deflec t ions In the hRS Corploxeo in the Standard Z^oAa—low Tolies©* A* Crltorios- 1* Xortest deflection irony lead swot he under 5* m* B* 0J88 ooEpleKes lany be assail yot nomrl in forrw-those we do not boliev© to be so ir^ortmt* 3* QH3 cooplcsea m& be mmXX and bizarre in fom—these oro believed to be much noro aimlflernt* B* 3i$aifionnce* 1* The of low voltage is uncertain because do find cmiron of this typo in normal Individuals* S* It is ufisosISy unimportant, relatively, unices the curve la unusual in other rejects# 3« IT one inoreasos the bulk of the body, there la rare tissue to ah0rt-oiw.lt the currents* dovalopod by the heart and one will (tot crwll potential©—l*e** If the liman heart war® put into on elephant*3 body# 4# If the hoort is oncr.ecd In « hotter conductor or in s mrwjonduotor one will get mmll potentials* 5* Ono raaf get mil deflection® in tho standard lends but nonanl slnod deflection® in the procordiol leads* Tills may mm that tho hor-rt Is in o sore plane then in the usual frontal plane* 0* Occurrence of Low Volt-nga—uanally cssoolotod with chcnqos in Tom r.s mil* 1# fflsry frequent In artorloaelcrosis- ®rtcrlo«el with big ft»WT0«i b# In RaD, the ere son ce of inverted Itamvoa show Q,**?ovoq in Load© H Indicate* that you nr© dealing with on abnormal henrt* V* QBS interval U Ofe*®el# B* In RAD, n learee percenter of the cooes will abow in loads XI nafl III* o* In r*noreX, the larger the the larger the Q.^vo# b* In general* the larger the B*®«fVof the smeller the SM?ave* B* Oocurronco of Eight Asia jPovintion* 1* Ur«ol2y got BaD in right ventricular hypertrophy hut tho of the heart ploys e larr*e role so that in popple ®o 000 00m degree of BAD resulting from a vertical coition of tho heart* 2# Curves with lore© % and anall or© oomon In nlcodor people* a* Stoch curves show slight rlrht axis deviation, the nonn electrical osis being lifted to tho right* b* auoh curios are cooaan in yoonr. people of slender build with vertically placed hearts* o* Be© slide IV# (1) Kero the arcs© in Load I is poetically 0. Bx and aro about equal sis© both m to ofUioic m& width* (1) In th© otto too leads, K is lasg* and S is smell* (3) Boro tho mom electrical axis is nearly vortical ♦90°* 0* Iteqplos of MmomtX Eight Asia Oevtatioa* 1* Slid© %• # 10126—Asia deviation lades Is (6 ♦ 4) • (10 ♦ 21) « -23 # 9236 Asia deviation index ia (1 ♦ 1) - { 6 ♦ 17) * -21 a* In both of thorn cases tho mi& deviation index la beyond tlio noron! limit of -20# b* la both oases tho mm olccti»icol axis la ebcwt *lTiCP. o* la both caoeo the T*wovos qto Inserted ia loads XI and III* d* Hot© that tho B-*mv©« am broad and notcheds such JMwrve© macost mitral stenosis* o* Tho 'B*mvcB ctofto together with tho ssic deviation ham congest mitral stenosis* £♦ Slid© — Case of Pulnonery 0t ononis* o* Axis deviation lades?: heix> Is *70 b* Bare the T*wvos are slightly inverted la Load 1 and upright In XI end III—this is unuauel* 0* R6te that the U-ouvos occur in those loads where the E vmvoo oro largoat* ‘d# These curves oro ebnorsBl then for several ronoono:** (1) The greet also of (2) The repeat sla© of %• (3) The p coition of the noon electrical axis (♦120°) • (4) Tho inverted Tx» o« Each curves ere soon in saorScod rlrht ventricular hyportronhy. t* The P-*mvos her© or© very tell (S m*) but act so very brood—thus ournoetiac conrcnitel heert diocese* 3* SPlld$ Fjo# o* Mean eloctrlcel oxis hero in ♦ ISCP# b# IMwvos in toed XI arc momma here « 7 m*t but not vesy broad—such B-smvos eixg&eat conrxsnltol heart dloeeoo* o* % Is large* and there ore inverted In IX and III* d* These curves strongly surest connmital heart dleeose* X)* aii’Blficonoe of Rlht Aada Deviation in Mltrel 3tonoe4o, 1* Fronounoed HAD is of less diabetic velue theft, urn'noetic vdtio* 2* Ptonmmccja SAD noro oomoaly occurs with nerkod adtml valve lesions afl rlrht ventricular Import ophy. f* left fixiQ Deviation* A* Bloctroer rdiorraphlc Findings* 1* Utmn olootricel cstla is loos then 0°—that io—*30°t or Icon# C* Is larger then It.* 3# Q§ la larger than Rj* 4# Axis deviation iaclcoc la positive ♦ no or Inrgur, when obnomal* 5* Is larger then vhcn prosoat* a# Zn X*i£) about 80$ of the ceoos show a %«wevt cornice: Is largest* 6* XWuevos ere often inverted In lead X ©M oonetlmos la Load XX* a* Xa X»d>, the presence of inverted f-wavoe In Lord I indicates thot you ore decline with on ebaorml rt* 7* fho OJrfiS interval tends to be slightly longer (0*10 mo or slightly saoro) than the «vorsr»o* i xx 111 4 B* Occurrence of Left fcsto Deviation* 1* LAD occurs in loft ventricular hypertrophy but boro too the p coition of the heart plays a ham rolo* tbus in norrsal people m my aoo LaD qb c result of a transverse heart, the rsoon electrical aslo being shifted to tie loft* i g. It nay often be difficult to clotcrolao whether the position of the heart 1c responsible or Mother It io duo to hypertrophy* 3* Ourvoa showing largo % md soslX % oro wasson la short, stocky pooplo because they have e oUght loft tad.a deviation, the tionn aria having been shifted to tho left* o# Such curves ore eomoa in middlo-oncd .people end in yatmg stout individuals# b# fbolr hearts ore raor© transferee# c# Bee Slide F^# (1) Ikon the area of the QRS in Lor d OX is practically 09 II3 end beftar: of «ppxaste*t©ly equal amplitude end rrldth# (2) la both loads 1 and XZt R id lorn© end 3 is mil* (3) Uote that there Is a a«wm in 1 where R io lorgoct# (4) Mem electrical axis hero Is ©boot (Pm 4# Olden* people era apt to gst tronavorso hearts boom a© as the aorta gats tortuous end sclerotic it tends to push the boo© of tho heart tom# a# fl&rnplos of Jftnsmi Loft Aria Deviation# 1# Slid© 87 • # 6413**o# Mean electrical axis tots io -3CP# b# Axis deviation index io ©3G# e# there io © snail Q.«*?ov0 in Leod X, v?hor© the B#eaivc lo lorrjoot# a. Ix la fcMM o« This patient bod aortic Insufficiency# #12013 e# Moan electrical axis hero is -30° • b# iteio deviation into is ♦ 21 c# There lo o mil %x chore S io tho dm tonamm arc flat in XI and invited in III# o# This patient m& 75 years of am and bod Cl) ortori* scleretlft hma/t dtmmmt (0) layocardlol inmffic looey# osd (3) cm&njVkBQd arteriosclerosis# Hie blood prcj>» ©are taoo 130/00# VI# factors which Dotcrnino tho Position of tho Moan Electrical Axis# A# Tho Motive Weights of the two ventricle©# 1# At one tinop Xop?1o bolievod that tbe relative weights of the right and loft ventricle© v*bb one of tho chief or even oole factor in detcmlnirtf’ the ele ctrical axis# 0# lewis found that infant© showed right axis deviation# ©• At age of 4 rxmth® this changed to aonacl rode# b# Be found thot the right ventricular lausole weighed relatively mam during tho first four rrmtha* S# lmi& not up tho fallowing criteria:- a. BensaeH g. ytTy-ff .uor g.o it# Bight Ventricle b# Ratio above 2#0 Dcant left Axis Deviation# o# Katio bold? 1#4 noant right axis dcvlc ton# 4# Fvm this work of Lewis* tho phresee left ventricular preponderance i end .right ventricular preponderance wore derived# 0* Subsequent wcwfc of Hmm mxd Wilson showed that the relative t weights of tho two ventricles ami tho foiti of tho elcotrocordio- ♦ Gras staged fairly good cowrolntion when tho heart weo large r (over 000 O# total weight) • j 6# Data froa woife of Borxmm m& Wilson (Heart ITol* 9# p*91p 1900#} * a# Glide F^; (1) A social method woo used to asperate the right end loft vmtrioular Muscle# (2) Hovmllv the VW mmole weighcAjPioO end the loft ventricle 4 75 Ot tho mriml ratio being JUS to 8#0# (3) Cnee I. (e) W wt, * S35 Cl| BT wt, « 14$ G, , Ratio » 0,605 (b) tg end f3 aro Inverted, ZMeavee ©re broad end dofomod. (4) Oao© II (a child) (a) Wf wt, » 70 O; I3T wt, « 00 0* lfc*tio * 0,640 (b) Kean electrical axis is elDCP - ©IT#0, lo) iMasvca ©re broad and tall, (5) Case HZ. (a) W wt. » 146 0} IAT wt. » 91 0, Hotlo * 0*906 (b) Mcym elootrleel ©ado is elSOP, ♦ ■ * - - , (c) fMaeves ©re brood and notched. All three of those case© bed mitral stenosis, la each r the ltf/&r ratio was below 1,8 so that they fitted Lewis1 crlterio satisfactorily. b. Slide {X) au&nexy of the 50 oc ®m reported by Wilson end Hermnm, (B) It ©da be soon that there ma © sstch hotter correlation hotvmm the relative vcaatrlculor weight© and the mm dootrloel axis ebon the total ventricular weight exceeded S50 0* o, aua« (1) This alia© shot?© four mm&loe which did not ©rro© with Leeds* work. {B) Coco A 1/H ratio is 3*59 yet £J£D is not &tmormX css&ept for the inverted $*wovoo and tho axis is at ♦30°• (3) Oaa© B—V& is 2.05 yet cede is at ♦90P« (4) Case ratio is 1.65 yet axis la at -300. (5) Coae &~~l/R ratio Is 1.45 yet axis is at OP and into ♦ 27. d* The ©aoos used by Hermann end Wilson did not ell have heart disease* (1) fhe cases used by Lewis ell fmd big hearts* (2) fhis no doubt accounts for the discrepancies# (8) Thio msk proved that ttoe oust bo otto factors besides relative vontriculsr might® in the dot Graduation of the men olootrlcel axis* 2># Position of the heart eject play o largo role in the mom electrical axis* 1* This Is ahovm by changes with rosplr«tioa~~ooo slides Fgg and *«• B# Posture S* Body habitue a* If the tort la there tends to bo IAD* b* If the heart la vertical the tcesdoncy la to IUD# 4* Importrophy of tho heart itself may tend to change the position of the heart# 5# As tho heart shifts from tho mro vertical to the more tranevoroi position, it also rotates about its long csdc ao that tho JUT la moved not only up bat also rotated about its long taels so that it feces the loft nm store then usual* Xeft Axi& Deviation 6* As tho tart shift* fror. tho move to the nor© vortical position it ©Iso rot©too so that the loft ventricle oama to Ho hotair the right ventricle tx>ro than it usually does and fee* the loft lar tta tsttcX* Kernel Hl~ht .Aria Owlet ion* 7* The epox of the heart is formed by tbo left ventricle md this is another reason whey item the h&ert becomes u»re vortical the cptst taco© the l®p« C* Minor Conduction Defects my chines the Axis# X# Incomplete B« B* Bl* $• In doe cscporlBoeta the product5on of tseonplete B. B* BI« cmised largo ohnnros In tho direction of tbo spread of the b* 3o too In Bern* minor oban&es resulting In alteration® in tbo agreed of the iiptl# nay remit in chsniw in the moon ©lodtrioaX axis not at ell duo to B* Slid© cu Hoc* in a potlont with Static A* !♦, prior to treatrzmt the noon electrical axis to® ♦30°# After treatment ehloh resulted In broodonino of tho <$8$ ooa®lmBa and o temporary period of tacreoo® In sycvtong, the o::is chocrod to -30°, b* Bor© tba ehorve occurred, not dw© to hypertrophy# but because of the dwolqptnent of minor conduction disturbances* D# Infarction laay alter the sxle by destroying the mnolo in on© region thus greatly changing the spread of the impulse and thora~ fore the position of the electrical axis* VIH ProooT&f.-il Leads In Aasin Dwrritirm raid Eight and left Tontrlculcr T&pnrtaopiqr* A* Prooardlnl Leeds in Axis Deviation in normals# 1* In norncl people, the procordial leodc ere essentially tho mm la 0 series of individual© nhetbor the standard leads fltor fight axis deviation, left axis deviation, or no axis deviation# 2# Proeustibly, therefore, tho onus© of minor deviations in tho standard loads ' .oos not rest in the heart itself but rathe* In tho p ositlon of the heart and its relation to the three eactamdttes# 3# Because tho procordial leads ere net nearly 00 nuoh influenced by the position of the heart, they to a mch hotter correlation with clinical findings than do the usual standard lends* 4# Because of those facts one w find patleato with rtrht axis deviation in the standerd loads who actually hove left axis deviation in tho procordial leads# r>* For noratel procordial loads am Slides %?, end for do ousaioa mo pages 103, 103, 110, 111* B* Freeovftfte& Iin left Fentriculc* abaoraal left aacte Deviation* I* v%m them la laaauesticnebl© hype;?*xt>phy# either rlsht or left, j . ” tho rmms&leX in dofinotly abnormal# B* Wtat is am in left ventricular hypertrophy in cm mgiratl«i of the m&anX differences in the lead* froo tho right procordtum end those frews tins left praonMIia** hoomm BMnsUy the I# is thicker than the H?# • 1HfU m 8. AU tho deflections are usually larger then normal, racing it uoooaooiy to toko the records at »/£ sensitlrlty* a# IMc In true of loth procr adlnl and standard Seeds# b# This i« tho roc eon thet the aacia deviation Index is e rx>r® reliable guide than that the noun electrlccl cocls la JUS# P'3 lends 4# fho on the rt;;ht side { in and becoeie ovon asaeller then usual nhereee those on the loft eld® (T„ end V ) becano mch larger tlion usual# 8* intrinsic deflection (th© peak of the Hhmbvos and the mxMm UmS shift which la the Intrinsic deflect Ion) occurs at the usual tine over the right cldc but become present mch Inter then umt-X evor the loft cldc ( in end V^)# a* lriie usual difference Mnm sad left le plus or nlisua 0#o£ sec# b* 2n loft ventricular hypertrophy this difference my bo incroneed to 0#04 to 0#05 000# c# 'She pock of the B»«»ve aver th« ©id® mr be e little ««rUir then amend# d# $h© po«& of the &4jarves In Vg and Tg Bey be plus or nlnus 0#0G gqo#» Instead of 0*035 oec* o* In other words, the difference in the pooka of the H-wreo f vmicU occurs gasMcHy* booouoa f« fhlo difference in due to the difference In tte» of errlvnl of the lapaloe at tho surface© of the right end left voatriol® respectively, end as the left ventricular wall toeonit thicker# St tokos longer for the irgulee to resell tho mrfee# of the loft ventricle# 6# The T-wrc© sro likely to bo inverted in the lead® froa the loft precorfilaa (V^f and Vg)* 9* lm$la of left Ventricular —-3ee Slide *8*. Coco B« a* ora aboaat In Vn, Tg ,.«d TS* b* E-wqvos aro laxfte in V5 slid V$* c * The deflections ere all large mm though td£«B nt H/S sensitivity* d# The intrinsic deflection in Vj la at 0*018 and in Vs at 0*003, whexmto in ?g end V$ it ia at 0*063 coo* ©* The blew are Inverted la Vg* f* S-vavea get ©seller m om ©oa« to the left* 8# Otto? o»£$Xes of Loft Ventricular importrophy* a* slide F-fj (X) Hot® that dams disappear entirely in ?« end V$. (8) Bote that aonll appear in Vq end Vg* (3) there are inverts $»e«ves In V« end b* Slide (1) Thor® ere small %*tmvae In V$ end Vg* (2) %*mmt Inverted in v$ and 7g« (3) Beak of R in Vg and Vg occur® at 0*068 soc* C» Rreoordlcl leads in Ri$ht Ventricular i^r»^rt3«5p>^—th® eiwo/rea from CO«:il oret* 1* The &-«r$vo8 an tbo right side become liipr than usual* 2* The peak of the BMmvse cm the aright aide occurs Ictus? than usual* 3* Tho cm tho left a|fle become ana11or than usual* 4* The peak of the framas on the loft cldc occur q little earlier then boiqbI or at the aoxaal time* 0. fShare le thus © reveres! of the norrsol ocr on© rjooe fros right to left* o» In cf#t ventricular !$pcrtrophy f| nad fg easy d&or abet normally occurs In ?s nod %t ©Isoroac % end 1T$ ere apt to aboif abet norraclly occur© in end ?g* b« She right ventricular mool© m? even baccm thicker thm tfco left ventricular mode* 6* Tb® Mffmmmm between th© intrinolo deflection© mm the risbt ventricle end over the loft vitriol© in rlr&t ventricular bypertroptay am not apt to be no &roat bo t*w oro In left ventricular boerwao there i© JMsoeUy a difference la favor of tho loft Mo. ?# mm&Um of M# Vcmti&eular a * Slide Oam* a. il) Item® ere hmm 8*mvm in cad ?g# (a) Me of t In V* end % to at 0«06C m& 0*062 mo. {3} iioiKMl in Vg sM era jflwjwfuit grilles* tlMft nornrA sod occur at aoml tine 0*006 doc# (4) fmtfivm §m towled la Vfc and oil to % but not In %• b* ma&owm (i) Hot© largo in m& %f end the peek© of ti»ai »*wovo« occur at 0*006 coo* (S) fbero *12*0 mtm tiny end m Q*smm mm tho rlfM Mo. (3) tte load© ) Sxtreaity potentials were not taken but they om easily be colonicted frosa the standard loads* a* % • jyutia 3 b* Tims since both II and III show lem© Itaamo and very tiny or no d-novoo* tie Isnosr that ff also wtmM 'hove tfmm. toll Beeves with saeil Or ofeadJt c* Thus It can bo seen that % looked like % and the loft ventricular potent laic aolnn to to loft log* (6) Similarly since « I - XU it ecu be shorn that % 5 looked like and fight ventricular potentials being tronaraltteA to the loft am* (?) It s*y bo therefor# oonolndod tfeot hero boeeuo© tro are doollar with a very vortical heart, the standard lead© tibm rt?bt axis devSotion in opito of the prceonoe of left ventricular hypertrophy* b* lima the absence of left eala deviation in tho pmmmm of aortic disease does not mmeoevUgr asestt tbsit tho pot lent does sot have left ventricular Iypwt«^ty» S* Left vontrlemler hypertrophy associated with a hoert. o. The standard loede on ouch potlento will show lairto IMnsvee in oil throe leads. 4. ventricular hypertrophy aoooointcd with a Imsvem heart, a# Slide (upper oet—lhith Hardy | 48M6) (1) This patient .had questionable pelrmnxy hyportonslon and a proeyotolic r»llof>~-cacnct ecme undetominod. ? imlawery ortorinl disease. (2) the standard Mis dhow rlsht satis deviation with a acdB electrical axis of ♦ IBCP* (3) The preoordirl leads ore reversed tsm the noraol, the Umobww bote tall and Into o© the right aide and pbU end acroal on the loft aide. (4) la the eaetrenity lends it eon bo oocn that \ looks like ?r* mtl V where©!* % looks like m& %; the left ven- tricular potentials ere Oruj bote tranenitted to the left am and the right ventricular potentials to the loft log* (0) Therefor© the heart lo fteamroe end the right axle deviation In this case is duo to rl-ht ventricular hy 'ortrophy# (o) If the heart wore nofisal or there wore loft ventricu- lar hypertrophy, tfilo position would moult la loft ratio deviation in the standard teds. 8. Hlrtht too tricolor hypertrophy name latod with a mli*9iesrtieai heart, a* Boo Olid*. (lo@@r o^t—Hanicgr Cartwright # 46263ft)* (1) %le patient had rhouaotlo heart dices®© with ciitval stenosis and aortic insufficiency. (S) The ottoto lends ore unadacl since they ©to Ins*m Sewvee in all leads# The neon electrical axis is • 150# (4) Tho B*wmm are brto to note to# (5) ffeo prooordlol lends ere tho roveroe of naroal to oto definite evidence of rl/dit ventricular hypertrophy# (6) 1n. tho extrooity Itos, % looks ll&o Tg to the left procordlm, Boreas % looks like to fg# (7) too not look like either tho ririst or loft procord id leads but is mm of on Intertointo typo# (B) Thus bore the tort m& bo cold to bo scrtl-vcrtioal In position because the loft ventricular potentials are OOlnrt to the loft lee to the rl-ht ventricular potentials or© not &ola& to the loft tsm m tmiM he tho mm if tho tort nom vortical# b# In tho pro noose of ripht ventricular hypertrophy to a east* vertical heart, the standard londc eto losno is oil. throe lento . . ■ 0# It is eeeeoivable that you might v&t left axis deviation in the presence of ventricular fepportroptsy, but this met be roro# aiofe vmM be tho cose in ventricular hyportiophy with a very vortical tort# ?# Thus, the reason that the relative ventricular weights to the vx>m electrical m%B correspond bettor vtom dealing with Me torto I® hoomm vtimx tho tort is toLarto it ie mm opt to he in tbo tmmamtm position* On tho other hto# vihm tolls** with onell torts, tho mis to mam apt to bo clot©mined by the position of tho heart nether them fey the relative xmlrM® of tho tvo ven* trlcloo, tho tort frequently being in the vertical or s«csl~ vortical position. wmnm m tug I* There are tm foetore which datoirlnc whether the T-wdvoo shall bo up or tom# A# The nroo of tho t-BH coqplo* (the fom of the Q.H3 cockles:) # 1# The area in the con bo raonaurod but it in no yet a todlown, pQiaatnfeto? procedure# For all poetical purponoa they am bo eetiaatod# 2* As a direct consequence of chaniM in the feR3 coqplos, the T- wsv© may beeoeso altered# In B# B# Bl«# tf there nve larr*) pod- tivc Oils defleetions, the T-wovos nro olmoert certain to be Inverted# B# local Variations in the Esccitetoiy Prooosc# 1# As lav; oo the local variations in the duration of the excitatory procooe remia the mm* the area ..of the corplereo will datomine the area of the JMmvoe# 2# The area of the Q83 carplcx end the ere© of the T-rmvo# if added should be r.oro# If they do not# it aeone that there nro local variations in activation end deactivation which have caused independent alterations In the Itemveo# II, The esad Boternlaation of Arena# nor# t*ix son ot# olj a&# Heart J#f ?oi# io# p# 46# oot* 1984# A# 3oo elide 1# Xn thin enm of loft B# B# 31#, Lend II won tniton, frith aimltmcous Icon I, and the® lead III with dmlt# Lord I# 8# The original curves wore thee esaJkm*oA epproedteietoly olac dlcnotoro by projection m& then traced on thin paper* The croon were them mettirtd by moo of a pta&lsaoto** Cere hod to be token to first determine tho ioocloctrio lino; then ©11 the trot Above tho lino too considered positlv© end all that below the lino, native# 3# In order that the erne could be expressed in unite t?Moh w»U not very with the film speed or with me atriar sensitivity or$loyod in record In# IndiTldual curves, n roetmvrlc mn sani&od off o 0,5 m* deflect ion, 0*£ second in durst 1cm, or to 100 nicrovolt seconds* £ho tree of thin rootsnglo Is them deteminod. In this instance £903 on# m#, and that ia orvunl to 100 microvolt seconds, our standard for that pcrttmlcsr curve* 4* la this 00®© it wro found the AMI Of $HS in I » ♦ 0056 no# m. or 63*0 iw* aoo* * * • • m an* m, f* ».UOO*S ny« gap, • 960 eq* ns*' 50#3 nr« oee* • w * * XX • - 998 aim mu w 55,0 !W* eoo* >• ®tilo ia a Tory laborious end rather fepmotleal procedure* It ib poooitilt that & nothod of ttttagftBttas the elect roc?torron vbile it io h®im token will soon anise it seoh m&Mf to assure the oleotroor i*a ionrephle smis# B. the Vlmomtlcnl 3ffoots pro :uo<*S i.y ...a do FlbTo Sospotfoa la Ms** flOLluo 3Vs* laoo next terel 1* Here m here c oinrlo cardiac .uu-do fibre. In contact with it or© two aoa»poleriacd electrodes, at a m& t, connected to the terminals of a gsdiioaooctor* F* "The elect rone tivo force In the circuit will bo proportional to the difference between the intensity of polarisation boaor.th the electrode at R mid the Intensity of polarisation bo nor th tho electrode at L* If tJie latcnnlty of poldrlsetlcm ie the sens© beneath those two point© this BS will- bo zero; if it ia loan beneath one of then, thot electrode will bo relatively aogetivo with roqpoct to tho other," 5* "There is an elcotroootlve fore© ©cross every boundary that do flats c difference In tho Intensity of polarise lion. If for asm* pi©i a plane through t& tin la* the mad© mmtrmo into porta, ono of vMch la polorlaed to on Intensity end the other to on intone!ty of Pg# the 2MS* in oil loads froB the oartomel tfuntooa will b© the ear© on if c surface coinciding with that portion of the specified plan© lyiar, inni o the fibre mro polarisad to m intensity Pg • Whore thoro la e radiant in the intensity of polarisation orar e given portion of the fibre, the effect ia the gams so If that portion of the fibre ware polarfeed in a dlroo- tion parallel to the oacio of the fibre.” 4* If the electrode© li end L are sufficiently cloco tomthm mX & etlwulue la applied at point A, the curve recorded will $jow n sharp Initial deflection (I) oamapondlifte to the <4&S corniest end a *',r°''jd deflection (F) coryr ©ponding to the T-wsvc, a# This curve Is the algebraic sun of shod and of :h (two none- phoelo curves)• b* Curve shod roprooentc the curve which would be obtained if tho psamm of excitation nerve produced no change in tbo intenoity of polarisation beneath tbo edeetrodo at B* Tide curve would actually bo recorded If the eroitotory process wore begta* nldc at A and blocked between K and L* o* Curve offh represent© the curve which would be obtained if the poeae o of the excitation wo produced no chrnco in the intonnlty of polarisation beneath the electrode at H* It mild actually be recorded if the excitatory wave were blocked between t and B and tho electrode H wcue transferred to B* £* $o laegr sun up tho tm rmcpht'aiv curves sd&obrelcelly by Wising the elrjci Of tho second (cfnh) and subtract In- tho MU&otoc of t o rooultlsv* carve {of*g e) from tho first (abod)* TIi© nree of tho initial deflection (I) of the dl~ « phasic mu’vo will, than be reprocentod by the tvm ebf © mid the area of the fined deflection (F) by tho croc eg ltd* If « the curve et> end tho curve of aro clBco in fasts, tho first of theoo oroee Is &?uol to that of a roctenrde of which as1 is ono olelo and no in tho other? if od and gfh ere alike In fora* tho eooond area is egual to that of « rect-iv,Xo of which an* la one old© and dh is tho other* It la therefore door that provided it does not chance from point to point* tho fom of the curve thet represents the senaor in which depolarisation tehee place cannot affect the area of the initial deflection I* If the for® of the curve that represents depolarization does not vary* it emanot effect the area of tho final deflection l\ 5# "The mm of the areas of tho initial and final deflections, I end F, of tho diphasic curve mot bo o mil to the so of tho arose of tho two ruonophesic curves (©bod ©nd ©fill) • Xr the arose of the latter are alike in absolute ao#aitudaf the «tn of F met bo cruel In nagnituda but opposite in aim to tho area of X, and tho mm of these two areas mot be aero* This gum mat o Iveys vsmm*T9 the difference in absolute between tho two noaopheaio curves; If it le not sero, m may conclude that the curve shod cmd tho curve of,gfh differ in fossa* There is then © difference batmm the changes In tho intensity of polarisation produced by the excitatory prowess at R and those produced by his process at L* Such a difference in tho behavior of tho moolo beneath the two contents mot depend chiefly. If not entirely, upon foe- tors that do not affect the suoelo an e whole but act upon it locally** 6# Thus* *if nil tho ventricular mode psccod through tho period of excitation in tho mem %%m can la tho csdo way, tho «m of iet (B9.1) ♦ $B$r$ <5*$) « QR‘%(3£*6). B* Old* OL. — Left B* B# Bl. II e* H ro tbo area of t*«vet wherenn with syocMardleX inferetim the inversion. bmina at the end of the f«w«ve end nro&reeeos toward the MP junction* -rot ion c. Usually with digitalis, inverted T-weves appear la all three leads, though usually affecting III, II and then I in that order* d* T-woves inversion due to digitalis may lest ©s long as 2-5 weeks if e single lew:© dose has been given* e« See slide G^* A K Control* B a* Changes in INwos due to digitalis* Hot© that fLead I shows depression of the segment tencdletciy following the S-T junction* 0 m Control* 3) « Changes in T-wnvee due to digitalis* litre again it can be soon that the part depressed is that Iramed lately after the junction. The lust port to be Inverted by digitalis is the end of the iVwnre* 2* larerted T-'-'eveo associated with small QBS in all leads* a« Soe dido F41 (1) Here the T-xmvos are flat in I anu inverted in II ond III* {?) fho QHS complexes are of low voltage and bjUarr© fom in oil leads* b* Such curves are rom in marked congestive failure with extensive peripheral edema, pericardial effusion, constx’ictivo pericarditis, and similar states. They woy occur In BQCtedeoa although usually the QJxS coalesces are moi’o nors.nl in forsa* 3* Styxedcma* a# Scso Slide (1) Bote that filth fall btom qyawdoro ( # 11X2X5) ell the deflections in ell loads are smell, end the T-r*?voo ere flat In Mfl 1 end II end Inverted In Load 1X1* (£) It can also be seen that when the evidence a of ryacodon© wore present, the line deflect lone duo to mnalo tremor ore absent* (5) After twmtmn* (11037) the deflections ore moh larger in ell leads* the ttanrai nro lorror end upright In Leads X end II, inverted in III, and evidence of mselo tronor is rxm present* b* 306 Slide sm* (1) In curves # 9190 the f*wevoa ere Inverted In I end H, the deflections ere goraos&at onellor then uou-nl in oil leads and evidence of moclo brataor la eboont* (E) In curves # 9341, the T-*;nvea or© now qprlgbt in Lfr do I and II and the deflections cro larger end evidence of made tromr is now present* 4* fenperotnro ohmtm r«y alter the form of the T-vmvos* a* Seo Olido oxporlriont* Cl) The first sot of curves are a control* fhoo© or© the standard lends token with the cheat open end the heart «spoood| this my nccount for the inverted f-drives in ell leads* (&) The left lateral vmtrlculor mxtece m$ then spreyod with ethyl chloride and th® second net of standard leads woo token* (3) After the ventricular surface wee cooled wo om so© very strife inr. changes In the T**mvoo~-deep inversion, without eoeeejpeaying am chojsros* These twweve changes are therefore Independent of chcnr.oo In the oonplexos. b# Boo Slide F49 Busicm Bqparlaeot# (1) Curves labelled A ore a normal control# (S) Curves labelled B wore taken after the subject had taken throe fleece© of loo enter# (a) It cm bo neon that T*> booonoc flatter end ©nailer, end % bocano inverted# (b) Her®, too, the team change© occurred Independently ■ of any QW changes* 5# Biphthcrle* e# The T-wave change© with diphtheric are nmolly only t orrery and only vary rarely 1© there ony permanent b# Changes in the occur only in thoco cnees with very cover© and serious isanifeete ttans of the discooo# c# See- Slitlo (1) Carve #ia&record mo token when the pet lent woo very seriously ill end shewed evidence of diphtheritic pejmlyeis* The T-woo ost Inverted in oil three lends# At this ttrac there were me physical sign® hop flgrapttim of sgoccrdlol Involvcvicnt# (2) Curve # SC3S—1The Smmsvwi ere new aorranl. This record was token B~3 wooha Inter after clinical tas&BWmmt occurred# 6* Hhoumotlo fever* c* The changes which occur during rtiounatic fever are usually temporary but they my be pesnsnent* b* Sco Slide 1^* (1) This patient had bed rtiaowrfelo fever which subsided with- out ovldonee of valvular damgo* (£) Here wo aoc T-vmves which arc flat in Lead I and inverted In Leads 21 and HI* Those were peraonent T-wevo changes due to permanent local alterations in tho excitatory process* 7* Insulin* tt» This drug nay cause •mrsvo changes ©von though t#hm It Is ** covered** with glucose* 8* Variations in the ft-ion ecooentretion result in &mem changeo* a* Those changehk may oppocr in acidosis or alkalosis* b* The tMsavee can bo Changed at tiwo by ovco»broetking* 9* Triohininolo may cause T*ncnre changes which are usually transient but bo permanent* 10* day type of heart disease say couc© Itaave alterations which may bo permanent or not* £• of iheogroaelve T~wave dhnagoe over a period of tlrao* I* auoh changes suggest that ao&othlng active Is going on la the E$ooerdiucu 8* Patients should bo kept at rest under two eirmmtmmB la the presence of heart dlsocuoi- (cl then activity cause® 4pnptoras« (b) fflioa an active, acute process im going on In the heart, whether the pot lent is having or not* S* If the elootrocardiogrea indicator* that $mm acute, active process is going on in the heart, it mans that the patient should be kept at rest* fhc Vcctox*cnrdlo?-:it5ja (Hof* Am* Hens* J#, Vol* 16, p. 14, July 1950 Wilson and Joimoton} I* Prinolpl&fj or Method and ’locni uo Hood* A* *Thc Inner surface of the lens© cod of the oethodo-roy tube is coated with fluorescent notarial* Where the boom of electrons generated by the tube strikes the screen e brilliant hmlnous spot la produced* % varying tho voltages on the different electrodes, the been of electrons nay b© focused, the velocity of the electrons constituting tho boon nny be varied end the been current my bo controlled* The tube in provided with two cote of deflecting pint mi o dlftorenco In potential between tho pic too of tho first sot shifts the boon, end homo the lurdnous spot, in tho vertical direction, end c difference In potential between the pistes of the second sot shift© the hom la tho horlnontcl direction* Vithla wide Uslto the displacement of tho been in cither direct ion is strictly proportional to the voltage applied to tho corresponding set of plate :*" "®b# right am and loft am electrodes ore connected through a suitable amplifier to the deflecting plates which shift tho spot In tho horisontcl direction*** 1* Tho tsmmam* of this spot. If recorded an © novlng filn will record lord I* f‘. Tb obtain tho vortical conponont, the control terminal to used* The control terminal and the loft lm electrode arc ttm con- nected through m ©rsplifter to the deflecting plates which afeift tho ©pot in the vortical direction* a. It hoo bcon shown that V « XX ♦ III V b* Thus wo dfttosnliui the vertical ronponent really by teSdtag XI end III slftatonooualy. o* Wo will m* an equivalent force aero or? the vertical plates if this second amplifier is adjusted to isrive o deflection 1*7 tines a® front aa the horizontal one for the carso input* U) jELtm •> • r inc 0, tbs vortical oonneaeat of the 3 ccrclifvc vector divi og by Vj^. ( «« 1*?5 ) 5* ®io direction in which the spot novas can be observed and , the loops inscribed con bo |&etocrephedu is* Here then wo have a, aeons of deteasalalng the cloctrict.il esio from instant to instant and also by photo twiphlnr: tIm loop, the mm oleotrioal axle for the oorploto cycle. It does show whr.t is raeant by doctrleol mi& m& how it from instant to Inctnnt, C* 3oo Slide %* 1* This die rm represents the sat-up urod In toting vectored !o'z?oms* E* Load I is pit on the .plates which mlm up the horizontal oonponcat and Vp is put on the plates which ar#e up the vertical eoaponant* II. 4* See Slide Kr " IK X* Here we con oee the different positions the electrical axis ames during the various phases of the cardiac cycle* 0* By dropping perpendiculars frora tho loop inscribed upon the lino of sech load, the curve which would be written in each of the standard three leads em bo determined* 5* Hero wo om mo shy tho petto of the leaves in tho standard loads (m for coooqplc, E. end above) ore not clultaneouo* 4* Hero we here nil three lead® Inscribed In a alagle curve* B, Slide !%• 1* Korrjal curve with standard leads ehcreau S# fhc inside loop reproaento the m* mmm& wammmmmmm* A* Slide loft code deviation* I* lloto that the different loops, each representing e different boot, oil look ollhe* 8m In LAB, the qx»t—*the aris—<»vcg cx&mt ereloo toicm• B* Slide E 34 RipM ml© (legistloxu 1. Hero the spot rwod in a clocltoise diroot ion* 2. The tine mitclng —the dotted, loops—wore obtr inod by the apparatus every l/doo see* C. Slide Very complicated intricate loop end standard lead# showing i»tchlnp* IV* JftsGdvoatc&os of the &otbod* A* the tnritmii types of loops are vary difficult to clasoify* B* Wo do not know what odfeator© to Ik* obtained by thio technique, the experience with it being teMTSelont as yet# vm nsmmc.. mimmm m/mm m imo&aaM* I* Tho Cheapen or© of throe types? Cl) 'Those of acute injury, aenely, K3-ff eogneat displacement* (2) Changes in. the ajis complexes, chiefly the devoloprieat of (3) Chen'oo in the fom of the XI* T 01 <3^1cement* A* It is an amt* injury effect# 1* It is due to the sudden cutting off of the blood isupply to e portion of the heart isusole so thet that eepnoat of the ryocor- dins suffers ecu to Injury* £* la aniBole ouch cent© Injury affects enn be obtained with miy ecu to tram* ouch os produced by boot, choniodo, wire®, ©to* 3* It persist a so lone os there is injured living susclo* 4* c* In ryecnrdlol infarction It lasts on long. no the active Injury loots, that let go lour ft® there Is meolo which in dyian but 1® not ooraplctcly dftead, or nuncio which is re- covering but not corplctoly reoororad* It assy last sem rol days* b. la fiyoecrdlal Inf erotica it assy aimppmv only to reappear* If this occurs it mm& that ffcrthc* auscle da: lags has occurred# c* T?aio the H3*flP dlsplaftemout to, m © rule, treasient* 4# XT nyocerdiol nmxmin in produced in dona by or XI :$tlag an eatery, %m isnsdietoly not BW? diftpleoftfieat* a# If wt imediatoly reroOvo the clous*, the mocl© recovers end the so®nmt disappears* b* If leave the clerp on Xoasn enough* the music boconoe irreperobly dnraftod end it dooo not recover* b# In patients with angina pectoris we mey so© is no? altered and now beglaa before the Qi0 ends* o* Steiaa of those cases, though they ere IniPenucmt, ore. pending* It sany be that such per si ©tent DM dicplocosscnt following infarction is a bod siem but this is not definitely proven# 0* theoretical ConaldorotlOBs recording HS-T Displace cut* |X» (2) X* If A-03 in a olir>lo ©trip of meole, under renting conditions * It will ho charged m shown with pocitivc and negative chm. os distributed on cither side of it a nwabrone ne indicated* £• If the nooolo is injured at B, a current will flor* no stovn ' beesaae the oteigee nt the injured end hsve been neutralised* di Ton get the name effect so if there «m now * boundary lotvoon active end renting nurcle at B* b* ffae injured ausole in new the active anode* c* Ta$ uninjured rurdc is the reetlng nuncio* d* 1M@ boundary bot.'ooa active (injured) and rooting (uninjured) moolo will perelrt, end the current of injury will therefor© flow, until the injured iwsele dies, end the end io coaled off, thereupon reentnbliahicg the situation present in A* o* This la the reason that H3-T if? temporary boocuao vfom the oolle die, there is desmrostiaa and a nasn mastonm is forracd, m that thou wa have the sm* situation rm trore dealing with before the In,fury, c&copt that m have loci a certain mat of mode which in aw deed* e* If electrodes nr© pieced on on injured mode fibre ouch no A-B cad OQBMotdd through » ipkXvamnstev, m we switch In th© gslvcnotaetor, the Injury current will fore© the string in the negative direction on atan et (1), b* We mat therefore neutralise this current of injury juct no wo neutralize £fi:ln currents* fhcroforo wo throw in comaa* ooting or current from the battery by neons of trio control bos and force the string bed; to the resting 'position oa Ml it (£)• o* If the mmlo in thou etlmlatod at point A, the te?uXne will travel from A to B end* in so Golan# it will dcpol#u*i5se the nuoclo fibre and there will be no injury current flowing* (1) She current of injury flows only during diastole, bsc~uoo dorian dfn stole the uninjured end of trie mad© (which mo rooting) hoc become active end therefor© dopolorlsod* (2) Tho effect is such so to rash© the injured nuccio pool- tivo throw-out systole* The effect 1c os it the boundary of activity were issoved tan to the injured region but not into it* end stayed thore throughout systole (as in (2) below)* (X) {2} d. The string shadow moves in the positive direction shown above at (3) because with the muscle fibre depolarised and the injury current no longer flowing, the compensating current is now unopposed. This is then the R3-T displacement which wo actually record. e. The RS-T segment remains displaced because of the unopposed compensating current until the imiscle returns to its resting state, becoming polarized once more and as it does so the current of injury flows once more. As it does, the string shadow returns to the resting position once more, as shown at (4)t f. Thus the compensating current serves to give an effect opposite that of the current of injury so long as the cell is in the act5,ve state. 4. Another way of presenting the same thing is thus:- (1) If A-B is a simple muscle strip ivith two electrodes R ahd L connected through a galvanometer, and if the muscle is stimulated at A, the voltage which will develop will he the result of the changes at R plus the changes at L. (a) Tho curve abed » changes ot H* (b) Tho curve afgh » ohengoo at L* (o) sofb *5 ohongfro during activation « td) dhgc « ahsngos during recovery » (S) Of Mam« vjhcoQi dealing with the tort re are derltag with o KJodtei and c& c rule the electrodes arc not on the surface of tho lauoolo so that tho altnaiim is mmm&mt different* b# IT we out mo aid of tho made, ve will got a constant la July current# (11 an injury will interfere with the integrity of tho colls md cbi.am&& ia &<& in tho uvm which Might be clue to the smeaaoe of an ixapulsc will bo diminished* {it ) 'ms if tho meclo wore to be injured at B$ and tho rnoclo in tHm ctlmlotod at A, m will got tho Changes ot B but not those ot I** {3) Xa such a cent, t»c would .eat only the curve rbod, a raonophcelc response* (4) Hero, then, the v;is end !Mnmsc beoom fused into a nosrophasio VMgoiiM* c# Xn the heart «bm only part of tho i.ntnolc is lujuaped, tho (*RS and f bocoio only portly fused, thus 8* the electrical field produced by m injured section of tho ventricular well. A & healthy aioclo* B » inured nicolc* C m deed moolo* a* will be positive throughout just eo the injured oiid of the simple, Injured nuoclo fibre is positive through- out agrotoie# 2bo also of the aagli a: trill dotomiri© the dogroo of positivity of the latfjor tho (i»glo# the greater tlio positivity* b* 3Pr> «m bo negative throughout qy stole end its da too of negativity «HI bo detePEilnod by the ©iso of the nrvsX© 7# The larger this angle, that la, the closer i;g is to the area of injury, the greater its negativity* c« If the coloring electrode mro placed at tho 1M displacement would be upward* A* If the exploring electrode were placed at ?,,, the Ha-f dla&leoonont would bo dotHorard* 6* aqpolfanatfi were carried out on turtle heart to dcrenstamte thee* potato* a* See Slide % (Hot© old polarity need* 2ta the exploring electrode)* (1) In thin cecpcriracTit two electrodes were placed In contact with the turtle heart by trephining the plustron, the indifferent oloetroco betas pieced within the trephine opening eboit £ on* ftwis the heart and the cjsplorlnn electrode being wick electrode© directly on the heart* The tipper curve repronenta the electrode which wns placed near the loft mewglsx of the heart at the bane mid the lower record ip that taken with the electrode which mo placed aonr the right snrrcin of the hoort ot Its apical portion* (2) Curve A raprcaonts the oontrol* (3) A acsaU area beneath tlio left bo ami electrode vm then burned and reoord B ms tafeaft* Hot© that the electrode over the injured ere® etovod n loir?® looaophaclo response* The electrode which we« oppoatto showed e alight SMf dimiflfti (4) The floftoeedlng rooord* OF show a general recovery iMoh occurred over a period of on© hour* tlio Boaophaole vessMmm disappearing and the 83«9 elevation aleering* b# SOO Slide Xr;* (1) In this tha deotrodao wore pieced on the ventral surfcoo of t’o heart* The heart me lifted and Immod on its darea! surface mid the electrode then replaced an the teatml surface* tthea this wan done, mf.pant dopreeelon occurred (Sato In the slides tbla loeka like 3»T elevation beonuoe the old polarity ms uood) * o* Thcco CKporlsieato thuc indicate that there is positivity throughout systole over the injured. em« The electrode pieced over the injured nvm will civ© curve© tftmrin® RS-dli#lneorasnt Is s positive direction iupwcrd HS<*T diflpIdMirl according to the now polarity)* d* These cagporisuents further Indio©to that there Is negativity throughout systole in the area of tho heart opposite to the Injured ereo* Tho HMT dlsplnoomcat obtained frm this aro© opposite tu© injured region is in a negative direct lem* o* In cold-bloodod antaols ouch cs turtles, this injury effect woo found to lost ©lout oao-imlf hour* although there mB aooo eaoooietod bum change la oorso of the eaporlaantc of the nature of that which occur© in tsmm coronary occlusion, it io doubtful ?dicthor it lied o, similar origin* f • Slide I34 • (1) In this esporfcaent on 0 dog we 000 the dorelopmnt of B8*$ disploocnont upon libation of tho anterior descending coronary artery# (E) It ecu bo ocen that this diqpleooncnt appear# trswediotolyw- First curve ot 90 00c* shone It clearly# (3) In dogs this effect gradually disappear# and it con be soon to gradually diminish over the courro of W sin, hero* It usually le gone in three or four hours in the dog* g* Those H.VT segment chougoo enn bo cosily related to thoet uhloh occur in buses ryocordial infarction in which vo m$ coo Upward displacement in proeordlol lead© in onterior Infarction, end. dmaawcrd in procordlal leads in poctorlor liiforation# D* Changes la to Intrinsic Deflection with m*® JM.^Xaacmxt» 1* fho intrinsic deflection, the sudden shift from positivity to negativity 00m in direct or prccordlal loads, indicates to proooncc of living nasals# S# Ac H3»T ocg&oat diaplsecrv-nt occurs, the intrinsic deflection boooiaos amUnr, if to displacement is upward, torsos it becomes larger if to displacement is downward* 3# displace ent comes fyor*, the central part of the infarct* II* to Bator* of to Ghmnm in Myoosxdi«& Infarct loo* A* Origin of the tongas# X# fbe qSS chongog arc the re cult of the death of the taacelo in the region of to infarct* £• Iho *p$ tongas oodic fron the control part of the infarct# 3* In direct lands over on infarct tot coco completely tooucb the ventricular mill, m act exactly to care thins tot ss would got from to ventricular cavity booms* tor# is no electro** motive force being developed in tot arc®, all of to susols being deed* It night bo acid tot in this nrm of dead muscle tore is no tottery** between to codocerdinl end eploordlal snrfoeos# 4« If to mode is deed, to 488 changes 3* If to undo in not killed but only *lcnotod out'* and it recovers, the $H8 changes ore toH*o»o*y# 6* The big <,..-ocvoo which oro ehnrsotcrlstio of curves In ryoenrdial infarct ion ore therefor© 0 reflect tem of sovity potent ids end represent dead made which cannot be active tod* 7# These Q-wnvos which occur over cm infarct will occur only If tho ventricle its activated in the normal way* If there io bundle breach block on the side of tho inforot, you will not got largo • t,Mwe« over tine infer©tod region. This is bcomec during the early pbwaos of tho Q8S interval tlio cavity will bo pooltlvo, ell of tho septum being activated toward the dd© of tho block imU% tho aide oft c infarct)* S* In direct loads in Infarction, the changes in those leads tr&flc over tho infarct will bo choree tori otic and. the cam© whether tho inforet la in the right or loft ventricle* B* Chnrrctor of Curve© from various pert a of on inf ere ted cron* 1* Tho distribution of on Infarction tends to bo in the ohspo i Of a con© with its bead toward tho endocardium Bploerdium SBdooisrdlum If direct Xomta were teke© from point A In this diagram, using a sherp electrode, the records would bo exactly the mm m you would get with a ooft*tipp©a electrode because In this region the media la completely dead# Furthermore, if the electrode mm thrust through this mm into the cavity G, tho record obtained within the cavity could be tho mm ec that obtained et A* This is within the. ervity* There ie jgg, tWP displacement in such curves* 3» Occasionally there my bo ialaode of muscle which or© still dive In on info voted. ©r«e which will be r©presented by notches in the uhB ooqplestoe In lends te&en from ouch areoc, time making the curve© that meh different from the eevity curves* Curves fSNB areas with Isles of llvtac i-usolo Omlt& Curves 4* If one potsfi to tho merlin of ouch an ssfen, so at point B, wimre there ie subendocardial Infarction but living angola (in a line perpendicular to the well) between the electrode and the cavity, wo will mt different euzwe with soft end sharp- elect redes. a* <h a aoft-tlpoofi elected© vm will b» aith a sharp-tipped electrode vm will *ot5~ (1) Tho IJi-Kr aiaplaecront scon in such curves ueSn£ shoitv tipped electrodes is due to acute injury from the electrode* (2) Such B3-T displacement tells us that there is still llvinc nuncio present# c* Iloto her© that in thmm two cuwoo, one with o soft electrode and one with e sharp electrode, tho Initial doflootioao are the mm tor both* (% end % era alike) • (I) This io boomm the curve for both are oataotly the mm op until the ttm at which the lapilse reached the Injured a,roc# (0) An injury can mdlfy the eloctrecordiornm only after tho teniae reaches the injured ereoj it cannot effect tho curve which is inscribed up to tho tiims at which it reaches tho injured area# d* Ourvoo from croon whore eabcndeoordicl infarct ion in present ere frequently »v~shepod* (X) Mo cell them W shaped rather then to any the B-wave in absent bcoouse wo hme each e coraplcx in which *■** there in an IMaeve* moh no W * which hca the a S enae dpUieeMb KO CbancGc in Aa&iaa Pretoria# Hofomnceos iilaon and 'ohnotoa, Tr* Ataerioon Association Fbys** 96i838f 1939. An. Heart I. 88* G4t 10*11 A. aide Ox —iuglan icoterie on ««tion. 1. In this o©o» m soft depression of tho SWT oor»nt ccsorcloe and the appearance of angina pectoris. &• Portion to 5ef as* with the aaoociatod increase in !vaert Into mojr nodify the electro©ardtoTO& in noawol people; there may oti bo niaor obento In the SWP junction. 0.# la this ooo©# the change in the SMF is stIU prolint in # 0141 whoro the rate la very near tho rate in tho control curve# the ebrnpos dtenpenr after wtfk nitrite with tho re to ininn tho earn* These ehoncec nofco tbio oories of wrvoi nore significant. B. Slide nlo, ego 36, with luetic aortic Insufficiency and. angina pectoris, on exertion for about ol *ht maths* 1# A—ahemo slight left nr.is devotion with rote of 80 per minute, end fairly largo Slaves in H end III. This curve in not outside norrrl Units. S. Series B~~this mtfe ms token after SKcrtloa efficient to produce ntld anginal pain# e. The heart rote Is now npproxlmtcly 150 per minute. b* fliers is pronounced downward 113*0 dlsplsocment In XI end 111 *■ (Had slight similar displacement in Lo d I* c« The in 1 have bacons flat or slightly Inverted, d* There Is striking increase in simo of the S**ssvs in II cad III* 3. The pet lent received 8 Injections ( 1. r.) of biamth mllcylnto (2 gr.} over 3 weeks end soon after t ey two bergm there m® n slight increase In his synptona. 4# Throo maths after these curves were taken the patient went to thr cool stones of o tonsa who hod fallen end broken her lac* This effort won foUorsd by a ooverc attack of chest pain with drepnoe. He died c foe hours later. f>. It was believed that in this Once the capias pectoris wan due to Hcriwwlne of the tenths of the eoronrxy arteries* 0* Slide &r,~~£%n, cro 53, with Igportcaaioa end mnmtmt ©typical onptea pectoris* 1. Series C—Those curves show tiHSgh% loft dele dsvist ion, not outside aorarl Units; hsert ret© 94 per ala. T-«ve« are noSteel* B* Series D—these curves wore taken following exerttoB sufficient to Induce mild aubatemal distress; heart rate Is 130 per min* a* There Is acm pronounced dlspleceeacnt of ESwT In Leeds II and III* b* Tim T-rovce in X are now larger than in the control* o# The 8-wcves to II and 111 or© much larger* d* The P-H interval has become longer* ©* Hstrecystoloc were noted after the oserelm toot but wore not recorded* • About one-half hour later tbe patient was found unconscious to a dressing room to the 1-roy Dept* after he hod hod an ortho- dlsgreaw Ho could not be revived# 4* Because the changes to aeries A*© and series C-B ore similar to those t**> patients It seens likely that the anno artery was involved in both patlonto—probably the loft anterior descending coronary artery* l>* Dangers of Induced Attack® of Angina Pectoris# 1* Any patient with angina poetorla may die during an attack* 8# Any time you induce an attack tho patient is therefore endangered hut usually the patient to not being a dead to do ssor© then ho la doing oveacy day* Um Slide mm 66 with m&im pectoris of two montho duration* Ho had pain cm exertion and alao on excitement or emotion* B*P* was 160/90* X* Upper curve • control, show© slight loft axis deviation m& prrfc tally inverted T-«mvee in Lend X end slight flattening of the eognfmt in leads II ana XU* £* Second curvo—*tuk«n at the height of e spontaneous ottaCk; chowo pronounced downward diopl/scomont of the H3*£ ©cgjuant in IX end III, end appearance of large 8«wtffee in II md III* Heart ret© roe® from ?0 per rsln* to 100 per min* (In a oubsocpiont attack B*P roc© from 100 to 100 mm* of i%* eyotolic during attack) • 3* Third curve—taken 5 min* later efter administration of 1/100 gr. of altrogiyceriaei curve now returning to original form, f<* sheiply inverted* tm 4* Fourth €nrve-*-taken ten min* after 3rd curve5 now very moh like control* 5* Hero, as in the two ocaco on slid© Ggt tho artery Involved is probably the anterior deaoending breach of the left coronary* E» Slide Orison, eg© 4K, angina pectoris for 1 yp* It had become IxMHPs&riasXar sever© so that it incapacitated him# lie was using 40- 50 nitroglycerine tablets daily* B* P* 165/110* Slightly obese* •*T Booked plus or stimte £0 cigarettes dally* On stopping! evoking hi© angina pectoris stopped* 1* Upper curv©~~controI curves show inverted T~wcvoe in II and III end slight dmmwerd H3*T displaceraeot in ell loads* g* tour days after control curve and after ho discontinued awaking patient was brought back to Heart Station end curves wor© token during m attack induced by ©racking* Uurtreo taken during the attach ©hem pronounced dewmevd BMP displacement which persisted oven after the pain was relieved with nitroglrcc-'lno, although it eventually ©leered* 5* It 1® tme enough that here ssokinp; brought on the attach: but it C«n be uostioned whether It did so backus© ho nnticlpctod that ho would haw m attack, or poaolbly b©c«u«i it waa pro* cipitetod by the norc rapid heart rate which appeared cm snofclng or whether it we© actually duo to the choking ttodf# F* Slide 0.age ho, with atypical engine1 pain for nine months usually occurring sere comonly in the evening or while at rest, man awakening him from his sleep, rarely on oxortioa# (Victor Um) B# ?* X60/100# 1# Bppor curve w twrmalj MDtvoU 2# 2nd row** curve at onset of an attack, epontaneoua, seven days later# These show abort attack of ventricular tocbycrdlc# 8# 3rd row « at height of mm attack, QBS ha© boc w broadened to 0#16 oeo«» B-wavet cm taller in II and III and there is striking 8a*T elevation in II and III, and depression of RS-C segment In I# 4# 4th row » also at height of attack, showing two vcntriculfiT ortre ay stole© which or® practically nonophaslc responses# 5# These alterations closely roooc&lo those tmm in the early stages of acute posterior infarction and It may therefore bo concluded that the vessel Involved was the posterior descending coronary artery* Curves bocemo neraal again very shortly after nitmglyoorlne# C* Slid© <%—som© patient oa slide %• 1* Thom &!&& later the patlcdt returned et mm ami before lunch# Tho effoot of catsoklng was determined# 8# Ourvo in 1st rcw al»**c control » nomil# 3« Curves in fiaaci Mr were taken after he had smoked two cigarettes (Ph*&*s)# a, After he had smoked the puls© had changed only from 86 per £*5Uu to 94 per mini the B#P# from 150/88 to 140/80* Ko was corn- plaining of slight burning .pain along -tne lateral eopeet of the left am# b# The curvet show alight diaplseewoot of the FMP downward in I but pronounced upmr& dlopiscomnt of the MMF In II mAI III# c« Ten minute3 later tho com was normal* 4* A heavy luncheon did not affect these curves* 5* He ms then connected to the cathode ray oceiUogriiph end the MS ms observed continuously* Xt woo found that the pronounced i;s»T diflg&oeengnt corse and went at frequent intervals while he was snoklng, a® if the defective erteiy vioro contracting* relax* im> contracting and relaxing* etc* m lam xh mmarbsal w&mmm. 2. The standard leads in anterior infarction T3 typo) A* R94! dlaplctmeat* X* The M sepait lT orient Is doubtful} it may mean continuing Injury with failure for dcmereatlon to occur* It may be possible that it indicate® a peer preened** but this Is not at all definite* 5. The BS-f dloplnccrxsit in I In interior infarction is usually 1 m» striking thm that in XIX in posterior infarction* h* >-MS Oli- -m;Giu I* a prominent appears In hood X* H# ilia nay actaaUy fen «mU in wm only l-£ m»t but its ecnoeiatioa with mmXl i-r/wee in what mafeoe it significant* n. A CHmave of the alt© usually aeon would moan nothing alma# fe* the pT*!3ant)9 of of some sir.e together with H-wnvecs #M are mil* fMRMtly less than 5 ssa*# i® the peculiar su”ul Important sign hare# c* Usually $*e*ve* ere mm In those hHS ocs&pX&x&a which show % largo R-wavoe, m in Ml I in 1aD« auch ty-wwveo or© not important In this consideration# 3# The entire <|B5 cwwfrl** In Lead I is usually awwll# frequently no- deflection In It will be larger than 5 m# 7 4* Usually prominent S-wevcs will eppoer in heeds II and tit but this Is not necessarily true# S# Occasionally a ft-abepwd will appear in load X* If it does* the vmmtm of It# cm coraplcK appears is Load XIX# 6# In Q$a changes have their origin fress the control portion of tJsc infarct# 7# The $MS coqplos: in Lead II nay look like that in I or that in III# 8# The QBd changes ere the &cre ptmost changes# They ere usually a** all that reswina ultiiactoly# They ssoy persist for army years# 0# TM?avo chance© in Anterior Infarction# 1# Inversion of the T**tavea oocuss In Lead X, in that load which originally showed upward HB~T segment dleplecerm^t. S* the Inverted ore of a very character!at 1c type* a* They arc cherp end T-shaped* b* the initial domverfi trace of the $**«** has a shoulder on it# This is why they iievo been called cove-piano lam They have also boon called "Pardoe" or e# The inversion na it develops begins at the end of the f"mint end progresses toward the cornier# In Inversion of the tar«9 due to digitalis, the inversion batons Irnodi- atoly after the ti&»T Junction and proceed* towerd the end of the T-’vove* S* The XWmve ehfejrigoe ere peegreeelre reaching their mximl cine in 10 days to 3 eet&o* 4* The fueeve changes usually disappear gradually over the course of S«6 rmtha# However, they swy porcist for *sony years but o® e rule they became loss iherceterlnilo over the came of timo» ©• The T«wre chan?*®#* here their origin fm.i the eergiae of the ia> feret* They therefore ere not aoct prominent la the ee leede in ehieh the QM &m most pwawmflt 0* Tho Ohra®** seen in VL~~ the loft era 1« The change* in th® vcrloticmc of this MttveoKy cro votf frequently quite characteristic in anterior infcrotlon, because Inforcts of' the nnterlor Mvf&ce of the left msntrlclo calmly fm® til* left ®si%m This is ©specially true whm the isfovot is cm the loft # Therefore* tb» Stomvoa m& mt ho mat mMmt vtoam the sm*W i&spIneeKwnt mm mot 0tfStlog« I# The ha*® th© mm ©harootarlsties so tijooo described in anterior infarction m regards their shape, the progress of their dmreiagssent, md their doration# 3# fvust as with the BSMP th© changes core fjon the eotttvel portion of the Snf&ret and the Spares or© therata* not necessarily z&zl characteristically altered in those loads whore the vtfdl or® m&t mssfced* 9, Ohassgeo in ?/r —> the loft leg potontiel# 1* t&M* pootfjrlcr Infarcts are on tho diaphrogntis mxrfmm eM tiweitsro are fnelftg the loft leg* 1L will usually ohm lb© very otommeteviatics - the soma variations of the Infsrctmi mm %dth ISSNf aapamt atomtlm* iarg® md Inverted luw* 2» It is bocouao % dhows the potential vpjrtaticno of the infarctcd none which faces it that leede III md XX rtoi tho characteristics ' of postforior infarction# I* of Characteristic Chonscs is Xcntorior Infz rot im is the AMflli Loadsn~ Amite (Fresh) MNMMit© (Moceot) Chronic (oia) i n m % III. BtafSJOsio frm Blcctwocrtflorsywa Mono—the of ®C Gbanron Id whtc& there in n surest ion of Infarction# A# The cloctroeexti la&mi Is cnljr eioryioatlc In the cento and subacuto ategoof whan both <0ts end f#*w5Vt oihmmmI aw present# B# In coder to neke the OiaftmUi of nyccerdlel lafteratlo® fwa the r&cmc without knowing about the patient wo mist Isew eitbm* 1* Both <41 !S mid T#*wvo which arc typical# £• Curves in sequence showing the definite progressive character-* lotle ohp.tmm of infarction# 0# The diagnosis mmot be mdo with, certainty fwm the mn alone if t or© ir only one of the three possible Datt|Ml| that ie* QMS Changes, lisJf mrvwnt aieplceaneots or tt-awre dtao&a* alone# D# Whm there ere only Q*wfe* elm© present without ©©©Delated titmvm* one can only ©napeot the dieftBcmia* SV# teniae of Anterior Infarction oh&m In the Standard Leads# Am Skid® (So© Fig* 1, Heart, Vol* IS, p# 17?, 19 3, fftlaea ot ©!♦) 1# First m% Of curve© dbcm standard loads In anterior infarction*— curve taken on© racosth cftor Infarction end © for hour© before death# E# Vtmpo is upward diqplaecnmt of U&& in 1 cad slight upward die* platMMtt* la II# la IH there is very little change in th© E3-€ sogr«mt# 3# 4a nearly & ns# in ©ire# Ordinarily It would have no greet oignificeno© but her© it 1© assoelatod with m 9*mow* of only 4 ms* and it in therefor© mch oor© Irjportant# 4# Thor© 4© beginning Inversion of th© terminal portion of th© T*mmo In lord I# 0# fhio patient had an ooelueioa of th© left anterior descending coronary artery end had an anterior Infarct which cactondod to th© lateral wall# 6# (So© oooeod oet of curve© on this slide for contract with pootortor infarct©#) B# flOLido Gjf> (See fig# St Progrea® of Moctrocardiography*- Anooc# hit® Irm» Directors, p# 12, Wilson, 1059#) 1# Bore arc five of anterior Infarction# E# Set A—this mat be e *Mf early infarction b©er*ud© there i© ©till striking elevation of BMP in I mtI depression of BMP la m# 3# Sot B~~‘this 1© © later ©teg© beemieo no®? the M dcvntion he© cleared# 4* Sot D—note that the <|B0 In II loots© like the QkS in in, but the Sm mom in H ©re inverted m they are in I* a# Load XI aay look Ills© I or III In anterior infarction# b# flu© %mgnm arc not necoamrlly com in the mm load© oc th® QBS ©him'-?©©* ©ft All too© msroa tow prowiaeat ©ad tm*H 8^* 6ft Bote tot ants A, B and B tow long* SMngves la II to m« Oft SUOo 0j4— ( Boo n#ft 5, Bosrtft Vol* IS, p, M# 1WI9 VUUOH ot «&*) I, Ito eemrqptloa of satorior iaforetlon with initial Oefleetio© of to % t^pOft E# In to first sot in m mm® 1© with % of a mu, hut Cij la 4 on*, to to toenrwi ©r© tomotorlotio in ton# 5* first sot—6 rooks after ©onto ottotie* aooont oot**3 aonth® after ©onto ©tto«fe« third sot— {do not fit mtrros la ortlole in Boto}« ihsarth aot—T fim mrv mrlimH mam wM ohow SB-® without Qm oht'tmm* 3* Coat Mm *m mMmm of &3*f fttqAooeaaat feei* pswotiioll? olosrod* fm Curves ere tnvorloft la those load® tdtere wo® pvmmt la Omm A* This la not the mm hmmm the BOt diaplneenoat ban its origin In the of tha lafvret* thnsoan the luOMCfO thnngei erla© f*o» the nanglMl of the iafarot* Thu© the any bo r»et erl'Jnttt .in other lm$m then thee® stating the met ©tricing IfiWf tl^Xaocr*mt, 6# SLL& %| continued# 4# Cm® S**to tbere Is no m*% dipla—n«M st all# 3# Onm mm in mm mm tometoriotle then cose C* beoaneo tom tlmm $m Imin $•# rravm in H and XIX to m Ut*mvm at ell* 0# SUuO %« (tort Ui 389* 1933, YUm ©t al Ft#* U) X# Ogpro* tofcro and after posterior Inferetioav-oSsereetorletle of S3 tQfpo* i* Qw*m 3 yens* beftave the ottols $mm very tiny i4to»0» in. XXX to upright T*rnmm In HI# 3# dean# Button B mntm after on attack of coronary ttorfcoslc, atom lem® &mmm in XX, lore® notched «*-6 wows In XXX to l»*C0te6 ftmNM Is XI to XXX# 0# mm q%$ mm* Mi m$ vm, *it&m ©t *u nm at# Ousfcoc before to after posterior inf oration* 2# Ml 188SBMfceiw Dec# K* 1931, etort sso ftMF aiecaLeMracat ha© now nmv%& ©leered and fNw©*©© are b©MRl©g inverted# 4# At 35 w4tt**wsmm tom m rwtetol their aostanei invemiea end the JUMP he© Cleared* Thom ©t® tmm &*mmn in IX ml XIX# 227 $« ©dta fctt&nt o r*mm mm$ as# who hod olasmio ,aoplsrl%la* Hio Mte’ciica oogurrot vbilo tm m* la tb» leXMag yototiay he yotsnmod ham hat © short tt*» later rotupnod In aamm non ’©stive folltir# fsos vMeh bo did not procure** At pootEortom tho*# w.s © nee* la tbo posterior left *s®t*tdl*9 the pailerlo* vftfM voatrici# aod the posterior half of the sonfenu *« siM# m*? m?* ***** tovy, o*8>« xe§ p* sis, *n«m m I* S&ts series of cutvoo «m oo a ana, r?r*o<$ M, «gf» dr/olopod typioal ftpqptani of cowwiy occlusion oa hm& xm# E« Owm 14063—-taSam 18 hou«e after OMlv etsoe® IM fttamtioft la IX ®ss€ III iMH 4«IWIi ih II «ttft III an£ iat# 3# Qarm 4 d*ys oftoy Oftoet* M OQMplet* a# Moos:# 4, Curve UMMatm IS 4«pa after &wot9 cOaenre return of mmml fStrti* with #«a Mtorval 0#S0 aee# 5# ©so QES m& &4R8V* oheagoo la this oopI#« »*o typlonX of pootaffior Mw^s« I# Omot oftor *900**3 lei tahem tm^mlmt partial honrt blotf:9 ooapXate heart block9 tetvoTontsl&ila* bXoel:t op boMi© UoSr* llgfeurcatol* oaXoP block ia psartimXap lo opt to mm» foXtotag pootaiteP laffiPOtlocu 0* Hide (lla« Oor* Art*, iwy Ghnpt* 13, p« 30?» Fin 60) 3.# fhom os’© tho aerial alaeftgoeefdlaiifii, e on & mu «ha bad e spHterdlal Infarct on at the a@a of 50 end «itao> lived fw® 3W8 f» toes 5X0, Doc# 08, HH, eorvee toifon S e«&® after typical attaefe of aomexy ocolneion* Oa&rm ©re cheractoaplo- tie of posterior infarction* 3# Oorreo 9338, Oct* HI, 1939, the chaaeaa in tfeo via eoapleaceo two pemisted tat the $*asva ehsnrce two nc*? dtaappmred end fie ore now rxn&ol* 4* Ousvcg 10549, march 3?, 1903, tlx? $8S ohoftpa are ©till proaoot, though fiosKWstint notified by the devolopnent of a olirbt Satoo* ventricular conduction defeat, m0m years after tho OHronasy accident* I* fie patient died m ftesefc 81, 1933 fMi easdiae failure and wmda* 6* ©aooo dwrea dectoaetseito that the torsos induced by riyooasdiol iofferottea. in the initial ventricular deflection® ore usually pomfmmt and them in&icod la the final dafleotleoe or© troutalt* Vhte also dwe hoe It rA'iht bo po«rf%li for tbo ohnshto to ea old laforot to be caMxno& nlth EM* die* plaoemit or etamnl T*defloetlmo to to a recent infarct, thereby giving idea to very ooqpllcatad aloatimavdiogiane* a# $Li&& (i>ic* mr* jypt#, levy, chop* la, p* 304, lin* 64) I# Tmm mmm mm tehee m n xx&*>n9 63, who had m&im poctosto end arterial byjxneteaeloa (8*1* SOO/l&Ol* 229 E* (tore a* te&fflR Ott tkom «Nm *#*y aoftetion© with EM lloplaoeawst of tb© pc«sir!JH«it tyy© in Xmdta I mi III* £m& IW ilmlae<«M»st io likely to bo omooi&toi with um emytomme whloh two p 3l oroo# The iimlmrnoot 1© opposite in Stesetloa to the img© Q$s ©too* than bos*© in Xoni I* Mi in « las*?© peo&Btwr o»o® mi tho WMP i&s$laommt ia ten* 5« Mi B* t&km m IMMM» %hn mm® mm $mm l&rm in III with mmH U*mmm bat In the ahooooo of in II* them 4taX* s* Oto# A Mflktftoftm daft bairn t a infarct iwaves free? laspr as os© goes from right tc left over the preoerdttsa* X* rfhas the H-c&ves sre snail or absent la Yj bat eppeer la % and Ys and reach their matimm Haight in V4 or T^# usually henriag mi B-wre which is aoiaowhct smller than t ct in Y4 or B« Bottanlly the grossr mullet? ss one r?oes fro® the right to the left pmc&tftixmm 0* Hormlly there ere no la Yg to Yg which ©re of w& sig- nificant sis© is relation to the slae of the StoRlSy tlagr arc elsaost never lessor than 3 as* 1* There my bo a largo Q«©rgfc la if there la no initial tiny upemrd deflectlaa* 0* Tho fkesmo nay bo inverted la but aorraally they arc upright to T£ to V IX* fho General of the Changes la the Frooordlsl Leads is pfoear&lcl Infarction* Am Ghragos Is the S94 3egs»at* X* Bpsard fiflMf dlsplaeoiacnt occurs is the prccordicl leads 1b exterior infarction* s* It Is ft central effect ©ad therefore Is likely to ho mot mrfeefi In those leads which ahosr or wiH loots’ the mot striking QilS chonges* b* lust os In the atendard teds, it is m very transient manifestation of eeut© injury and Indicates a fresh Infarct* c* Th& load® nrhieh shoe? end the maabor of lof’ds ehe©isag it will depend to m large ccctont epos* tbo sis© and tent ion of the infarct* 2* Boeasmrd M fltepT Hfiernnmt often occurs la the preeordtel teds in posterior infarction in the veiy early It is n temporary thing* ‘fhic, i© the only period. when procor*" ici teds ere of help ordinarily in posterior infarction* B* In tho QB8 Ooraplcses ia anterior laforeviou I* fbe dwwwes ImM of gmwiifriB leader an the t&Qttanda Is £* 4/iK> ieaas will show? only Q3 m Xaxgft or 3* TS» tede which show the ohongee will depend os the ste sad Xocfit ion of the infarct* o* If the infarct is very largo, the epical change© Mgr he soen In fill the precordisl teds from to V^* b* If the infarct Is esaoll the e&ee&e© tss& be in only one of the teds* such os ¥3 or ¥4, or in only tao of the leads such as ¥g and ¥3, % attd ¥^t ¥4 and ¥3 or ¥3 end ¥g* c. Chawoea ere usually not soon In ¥3 micas the infarct ©stands or la located quit© far laterally* 240 4* In B&ey cases the preeordiel leads show choices characteristic of infarction when the standard leads do not* this fact is directly rotated to the question of the position of the Infarct sad the procordis! leads which show the character* idle changes* g* intorior infarcts ore cemoaly located soweehat laterally so that they fee© the left cm* Thus Vx. trill shoe? the chr-rrcteristie changes as will teed 1* In such canes* T^# sad aorsottos sto? the choree t eristic changes* b# If tower, the infarction la located nearer to the scgHtasa and is quit© anterior in position* it asy sot face the loft sra st ell and nsd Lead I will fall to ste? the chuaa* terlstic change* la snob cases, T£# and V4. will usually sto? the erldeacos of infarction* o* Tims tho sis® of the infarct does not determine whether or not the standard leads will after It bet rather its position Is the determining factor* 5* Occasionally the procordial leads will stor W~&mpe& cotp tocos# 0* Ifhose occur wftsre the infarct is SE&sndoscrd 1-1 in location with Itfisr sc sol® on the outside of the infarct* b* Stoeh fflean that there met be sosse islands or strands of mode between the weetricuta* cavity end the surface* 241 The ch#mces arc due tc death of the heart cuscle# a* The preoordlcl loads show eho&gos when the ©lectrodo is over the infsreted erec because at such tto one Is leading fro® the cevlty# b« The lnrga represent the potential variations of the loft vostrlcular cavity boia$ transmitted through tli® deed motile which does sot produce electromotive force of its cm; these potential vsr tot ions ere trees- Bitted to those ports of the body vr&ieh are adjacent to the infaretod region# C# Gtom&m in T-ewvos in PrecorSisl heeds# 1# Th© T*iwe ehaaees ore duo to sorsc disturbouc© in the order of recovery in those regions et the sargiss of the iafaxet whore the stisolo is mt deed but uhoee integrity has been interfered with by the circulatory disturbance* 2# Those ehmvm in the TMam* are usually tosgorrjqr and olear in tire# a* In dote they are very transient lusting only 1-2 days# b# In rwa they progress for tern a eye to three wsofcs and oftm do mt raech their height for SW5 ac&tba* They aey eoo- p lately diaepnoer after a fee saeaths or they any persist for years* e# If the $*«mve*9 do per-; let for a long period of tlm, they beoone aoro end rsore non~deccript and not nearly so olierso** teristio# d* Bo eyaehd significance can bo attached to the ret© at *??hieh the %mm ohsages disappear or return to normal* 3. Heesllar the as ere preeettt it? those loads tee the tfJRB sro present Iwt since they cone from differ- ant yrrts of t e heart* tho tee my bo dleeoeifiteft* thet is* the CH*£V*e any be m&xtoml in Mi free one pi«ee whereas the SMsotto* aay be smsim! in other loede, 4* Xbo %mmo changes neel3y cactend over s eider area then the '&mxvm9 tlvst is* ere present in aore leads tha» tbs %ES Chal^vOfW 0* In order is Mfce e 4tsg**$ele of infarction ftces the proeowSial leadt* rjjone without kneeing anything -bout the patient, one gii vt Isms (1) Cfesxeeteeriwtte ebeages* Cherscterlstle SMewee ebstep&e* -either sloe* is net scfflelest to perm It the diAntosls free the oleeiroesraiograiB clone* 1« Occasionally enrvoe la sequence a&oriag progressive ebasgee rsBjr pewit the diartaoeie fross only ehsnses or T-we ebongos* £* Occasionally curves storing gbs change* or f-were changes of characteristic fore* if taken together with the dlslcol history and finding** will s©ka possible a diagnosis or loud support to a dialed diagnosis* £43 HI* of the Proeortllal loadc in Anterior lafnrctioa* A* Slid© Bjny— (Cyclop* Mod*# Bsrle, p# 0S7, Fig* 17 from BSC, Villoon) X* Cases A and B« a* Tnero er© lar.0© Q.B imns& in all load© fron Yg to V5 tael* b* Thor© is psoummcod upward HSU® aergsmt displacement in ©11 lend© fro® Yg to T5 indicating that these ere cases of faeoob infarct Ion# c* In Gsse B, the taversiOBt of the $4*m* I© tigfmtnc to appear* d« fact that tho ebonies arc present in so aeaqr of the precordial lead© indicate© that these infarcts aro large* 2m Gam Gm a* In this case the changes ©re present la characteristic fsoxsa la tbo qua eoEplexos in Ys a»d?4. wbcroeo the T*mmm nr© torertod la Ygf V*4 end T§« b* Because the changes arc aberacterist Ic is t«o s£ the lamia m ecjr that twi the Infereted are# is sml leaf# c* It is noted hero that the are altered in & larger ms&toaf of tl*e iced© than ©re the QH3 co^pleaees© 3* Cano *)* a* Hero the nearer do disappear oraplataly c£ the electrode is md across the- chest* the B-wrea do not grow larger n» asm goon from to as is mmaH& the cm so* b« The $*«m iavorcloa ta this mm in quite charcctacrlotic* 844 4* Case B* e# There Is pronounced toward H3-T aagsaot displacement in all the procardia! lends hero, especially V2 and b# Those chan toe or© very suggestive of racest, fresh posterior infarction# c. this Is the only period tihen procordlsl lends uso helpful In posterior infarction, that is, during the phase whoa H3-T depression Is present# It Is usually of only e foe ’ hours to a few days in durst ion# B* glide %7# 1# Curve of 8-7-34—slight LAB with nmnal Bot definitely ebmrml# 2# Curves of 4-20-40# a# la. the standard lesds the tUnwres are flatter in I end H# while In III they are flat vSmnmmi they were previously inverted# b* la the procord iol Leeds there ere only %*mim changes present in ell loads free Tg to There ere no e!.jeroo- teristic Q88 chassis# {!) Frwa tho T-*3nvo ehango© alone one could not make the dlapyUi of infarction in this oos© although it night be strongly suspected# (2) Ikm&cr, la this ooae the patient had the classical and the T-*??ivo changes appeared at tho espocted tine# 3* Stores Of 0-1:3-40 s* Those precordial Ms sto? slight $-wafe inverion in v and Vrr but it is such loss ehomcterictlc* t b* The Ismh tore stem s tendency to return to the wore nossaal fona* c* There are so QES changes* 4« Garros of 18-13-40* a* The standard loads look essentially life© those of 4-25-40* b* The procord I©1 leads or© mm quit© norml In eppeamneof ©IX alt orations having dlosppoared* c* Tims the ©ear of this Infarction iitell enough to escape the electrocard iogrm altogether* 5# As a rule, oases Mb only shonr changes do not tor© serious syocGidial damage end the pat leasts got along quit© satisfactorily* C* Slide %$• 1* Curves cm 5-21-30 taken two hours after the onset of a* Standard leads 306X4 ©to? no definite changes Indicative of infarction ©Except that the %S8 complex I is smll* b* Chest lead© 30615 show striking npsmrd ®S-T segment displeoeirient in ?2# end % but no QHS changes* 2* Caries cm 5-E4-38* a* There era aavr no &mmm in lg 0T % the E-*ctqs In T4 hay© bocooe mch assaller* b* The H3-T is still present but is less naifeod* c* The T**mm ere beccssiag invert ad in Vn# y3f y, y £46 3m ©SOTOS m &-S-88* a* 1&© QE3 changes eon still be seen bat aorr there mm tingr B-wsveo In Vgf aM T4* b* fteo are nos? quite ©herply inserted in ?$, VT4 end Vg« «• There is atill alight 83M? displac^mst* 4* Curve® on &-10-39* a* The lMw*«e as?© atonal* b. Ttm only abiwmlitlfip ate In the Qgs oamlamB* W we 1bsb» OS iwros to VB snfl Ts aafl mU notebod Iteaanroo is T4* (S) These tepi alone without oeeaqpeispin# T«»ie©e change© ere not enough to sr&e possible the dlarsoolif of infarction fran th© elocrKeoeardl grsss alone* (3) Such changes is the $R8 coaplsaos najr occur Is loft hypertrophy* (4) la addition. Is ibis ease, there are so &*wmoe Is % either* If there were as fi-weve la oM It disappeared Is Tg and T^# fie would then hesm mam sellable inform! id X* b. Th© prooordtai loads ©to? characteristic %S-*&nfaa is V , ?3*T4 sad T5 torothar with terertcd is ¥3, ¥4, t5 V c- algo ato?s deep $«wn»& ©nd Inverted T-wsroa. 3* Curves of 2-6-37# a# Thero oro still ateffeetcrlstic QBS oheiyflw la Tg, % sad V*. b. Tba T-wre inversion has bok cleared. 4# Carres taken m 5-17-41 cm the soj?e patient, ©evesi yaOT after the acuta episode, still stored dharncterlst ic <$UI change© hut jKxmal (soc slide) • B. said© Hjg* 1* Cows© cm 10-7-36# m» The standard leads are not diagnostic. They show coaUL deflections sod flat Is lend I. b. In tho praoordlaX loads it eon be seem that the R-racvos %sm mailor as the electrode is ?CTad across the chest, finally disappearing la Thee?© is slight H8-T dlaplacasaeat and the T*ws*as mm upright. S48 3* Curves on ll-a-36 &» fiho fofwnroe hove now returned msd sow ear* quite b* flWMr* sharp characteristic fUogv* inversion fees aocr ggspearcd* 3* Tisia is e V8*y uaasuol css© ta as m«h as It is mm 3or such striking retrogression of to <|BS changes to occur* f. siiao* X* Curves cm 7-1-41 shoe? norssel standard leads but largo wsvas is ?i» Vg and % sad Q-wr©* in end ?g* tor© are no T-aave changes* The patient, m ml® e&ed 59, bod had of a taferctio* about oae south prior to this ©lectroeardiognsa* S* Curves on l^MS a* file standard leads are eaeoatially as they were sevcm maths- before* b. The precordiol leads ore sen? quit© norml* 3* la t&ls umistiel case, also, there nos striking retrogression of the CIES dumps* 0. 3Ud© %0* Xm Those are thro® different oases la oech of tihioh all the pre- cordial loads ebm characteristic WB except possibly Vx» E. Is all of these mm® the infarct mat have hmn ln%m in order for to charges to bo present over m wide m area* 3« la caa© 3X094*31994, to tort at ©atopey stood necrosis of the Xosaatr third of the apes mcclo* Z49 IU 5H jdo 1m Carves 35604 and 35615 on 11-30-30* a* Sho standard leads j?im* so characteristic changes* b* Only ¥g 8»d Tg show $88 ehsagea* whereas T3, T4 and V5 sbor? f-wero toreralcn* e# This infarct is tbas very anterior and user the ceptel side of tho left ventricle* 2* (tores 31370 and 31580 Da 9-43-3B* a* The slanted leads a&ocar only slight left axis dovieti bocmiso the left leg electrode ic etteebed to the mam polo of tbs galrnwrlftr to taking both of these toads* B* The precordial loads to most eases of posterior Infarct lea ore aossaol* Iloucver* to q few instances they usay show changes* 1* la very recent Infarctions* that Is, within the first tm tairo or days* the procordlal loads any show ISS-C soesaent ©meats to&to ore transient* 2* In Gem to t&toh the toferct extends ©round to the letorol ejects of the left ventricle, toot is* to posterolateral infarcts* toeds fw» the axillary Unas (T§* % or Ty— tstos to the left posterior axillary line ot to© level of the ©pax) aeor show Oboraetoristio or suggestive changes* C* Ssophnsosl Leads* 1* Such toads ore not easy to toko booms© the patient murt mmUm the electrode* 2* On© difficulty with esophageal toads is the fact that whan the oloetrode to close to the ©artools, to© ventricular lock very rsich life© those of tof©section* ©* The reason for this Is that at the curlcutor torsi too electrode la opposite too aitral orifice* The isitral orifice acts like a gap to toe ventricular mscle just life© as infarct amt os e result the electrode delivers savlty potentials* ES3 b* fbos lands from the eaQpita&fts ftt this love1 am sot satisfactory in tho diagnosis of a posterior infarct* o« 2b® earicalar level iaust b© located sad tbm leads, tstem 3*45 cm* boles* this level, ’..ill be opposite the loft ventricle* 3* Saopbsgaal iejisde fUtt the ventricular level in posterior in~ ferotiae will show the typical choices in the C|?tS conplosos end fiinWHib Such leads which ere tdm fro® the ventricular levels win show In posterior infarction the mm change seen In precordlel loads In anterior infarction* These lesda will also look U&o %« XX* of BsnphaQftfll Loads* a* auao fafixm*** slide) 1* In bo»j1 individuals the esophagi loads fro® the saatHiinliiir levels lock Ilk© the precordial loads in tsaal people* £• 2a aorml Individuals leads fro® the «urlou1nr levels show longs with intrinsic deflections end large 0. ea? Q.-3 w?ivos and inverted T«wvs8» B« Slide tPostsrlor Infarction (Oo^or)* 1* In the standard Iss&s IX sad Ill graves arc seen associated with typical inverted tww» Tf also aherra tbe characteristic alterations of infarction* E* The precorulal leads ere normal escort that the f«im ore rathar tall* 3* loads that msm %$km mt the vtaitriculaar levels ( IB an* ms& 9 m* below the Leeds ©hish shaded P-weves with larK© Intrinsic dsfloot lena) also show the cheracterlatlc changes ©f infer©t ion* > £54 C* Slide posterior infarction (Fetches) 1* Ourves of 8-*£0-40 and 3-21-40* e. ateatievd leads shoe? characteristic ehea&eet HSMT displacement is still present and. f-c/svo inversion is lust appearing* b* Pveeott&Utl lead* sre aof&sl* Zm Ouvre® of 10-T8-40 a« loads 12 eaft 111 shoe characteristic lame $*mf*e and inerted t wem a©d the SSWC dleplaMMat bes aor cleared, l>» Bests thast % shoes the classical abasias# 3# Oarvee of ll-ls-40 e» fha precoratsl leads arc aossael* b* % rsid % slscsf? ebonies* possibly because tb© infarct SKlasdod up onto the ©pex of the heart freza the IfalhHapdto Mfteee so that thus shove the ehesgee* Cm %5—an iwplHiftil lead tafeefi fraa the ventricular levels s&ows the chants (fe indicates- an SecaahaaeeX Xagjd tetaoL ©t e point 53 eat* hetaer the nostril*) D» Slide Minn 41770. X« This patient, s Ml seed 72, led had 0pfM dtorecterlatic of infarction three Ml previous to thee© records* S* The esophageal leads fress the ventrlnolav levels eh»r caaploxee over e l&rge region, suggesting mhendocardlel infarction, Ho inverted tMi ere ©sen# £♦ SIittoa (m&cmkt 41576-41599) 1* IMs ptUttti s i&m sged hod had of m&tm pectoris for three aonths* Pour ssoeks ana aooSn three tsooks previously lie had feed pmto-oa attache of pals* Since that tino Isa had continued to hear© angina on occertlon* B* *he standard tods 41576 on II4M and precord iol tods 41599# @* tods 21 ma 211 oto? large $HWW whereas tod® I and 11 ate* Ism’ilaa of the f % aM % and this la they esse toor-ted is tosd £• 3» 5ho mesial ppecordisi tods t&kaa is the left posterior aElUary Ito and at % {in the lino of the left seapolar •assle and at the tool of the apess taken with the patient lying prone) rise shew ehsrcietcristic Changes «lth large %-wwsse and inrorted T-szarss. 4# Isophogecl toes the voatricuto tools shoe the ehajtoetsilstie QBS chrngcs ar.d ton inversion of reoent myocardial infarction# b« Is this ease the Infarction mat fee post«xo*4stoitI is location hmmm the ehcn®ea appear sot only in the eeophsgoal tods hot also Is fg» gae Mtotad afid Posterior Infarction in the mm pattest X* Occasionally It i« possible fsosc gtiBdai and prccordiel leads to detcntdao that the pot lest has had tro infcretlonn, ouo anterior end the other posterior In location, XI« tousles of disced InfisretfOR- 1, Slid©. {Robert Bswn) 1* Curros of S-15-39* a# The stand aid leads ©hour QSS chatr*©© In. H and III with trsirira RS-T soagestlag that this patient has a postsrloi* infarct iso* b* The |WflgflM lead* at t' s mm tirm indicate that the tofaret i« anterior, sinea those or© changes is both the QES eonplaxac aafl tbs T-wetes in % T4» ©ad TiWtffS Isrersioa In % and Tg as trail. £♦ Curses of 5-9-59 a« la theso precord iel lands there hm been sane sstoogresstoiB of the Thoms and they era mm upright to, T- and % and lens deeply inverted In Vg end b» The %E3 cfcaa&e© are still present in Vg and T4* 3* Curses of 10-14-40 a. On 8-50-40, the petimt had a smisnfl sttsd: Epical of acuta coronary thrombosis* He observed by mass of the card Icecaps’ sM at that tlaa there wes pronounced up- ward 33-T ssgsmt in Leeds XI m& III and domwari $Mf QXs&X&QmBOkt in a single cheat lead taken at a point bet&eoa % and ?|« b« In the standard loads on 10-14-40, the curves or© raore or lass as they were previously except for slight Increase in the Q83 Interval* c* *!5m* precordial loads ote? quits striking changes,* fhc BHffaflWd have sow re turned la m& trhorc they were prorlously ebatert end grows larger In snfi la 7$ whore there was* no fytmmm* a snail on© hoe nm appeared and the E-wves which wore previously apsight hove new boeorsc Inverted* •" d* He, DttwHa»i had had a postextwlstarsX tafsret so that leads fro® the axilla wore from tfee Bea&timl rcglcms of the Inferot* 4* In this patient* the oc©irrcnco of s posterior infarct following m anterior infarct caused the abnormal procardia! leads previously present to return to a wore aomsal 0* In the hasrt we are always dealing with opposed forces in taking olcctiuccrdiasraas* If one group of forces is reduced, * the other group will get the upper braid* Reducing one &txx& of forces or increasing the second group of forces will yield results which are essentially the sane* B* aiido {Frank Scott 0520 and 0529 taken 11-17-41) X* This petiant wen a rsaa aged 52 at the tisss those records wore ti&acu In 1956 he hod the onset of angina pectoris* end after it hnd been presort for S months he had s iypleel attack of ayo- cardial infarction in October 1930. VhereaftcEr he had no further pain nor difficulty until .February 1941 when he Ml « second Infarction, following which he was amla free from distress whs© he baeaa© sabulotory after the umcl period of convnl&mener** 2m The standard I cods shew Q-woves and Inverted T-weves In leads II end III and in %• 3* The preeordial loads show typical e changes In T5, V* and Vg* There are srsall in T4, Vg and 7^. 4* In additional ©hast leads, those from the easifom shoe/ lorge QB-wavos and terminal Inversion of tbs T-wo. 5* Curve3 at Y and ghow aofttll Q-tmves and inverted or flat T~wav»e, These changes are last of sufficient degree to fee diagnostic in these leads* 6* It would appear from these records that this mn also h#sd bed m anterior and a posterior infarction* IBS EIMDHS Hi#? WKSWLB 3mO&&tA1 UW59 t» ISOCAHOIAL nnrjtWTPMI* I* The chief reason for mltiplc precordial loads is that there is apparently a • silent cron” between the rt-*ht sterr.nl border and the left sdd-clsvlenlcr line* A* Inf arete which are located on the side of the anterior left vent ride ere those which are saosrt rpt to escape attention* 1* Since they do not face the left are end since Undoes not show the characteristic changes in tbea© eosos, the standard leads era usually not altered significantly# 2m If a single precord lei land such as Iff is taken, the infarct will be to the right of the electrode and the chest lead thee taken will sot show the characteristic changes. B* Abnormalities which ore confined to prcoordlal lends t^9 Vg and % ere the onus which ere not apt to appear in the standard lends* 259 II* There ere instances of Infarction when the characteristic change arc in only one of the precordial loads, and that particular lead rxsy ha any one of the usual slat prccordlel leads* A* tet .*>Io in aaloh STg was the inly diagnostic lead* 1* Slide (Hoy £aywocd— 4BS035) o* This patient, aged 50, had a definite history of syooardiel infarction throe Boaths provlcmsly* Had «aglna or. escrtion for tiso wooks, then a rslld attack of infarction with pain off and on for 30 ?iours* Ho pain thereafter* b* The standard leads (40300) show no definite changes aad V j*ews only small Q-mrmi with Inverted Tavares* 1# c* In the precordial leads, however, Tg shows e prominent *-wave with saall and sharp term&tel inversion of the leaves* a* There arc no 4~wavss in or in ©ay other prccorfiiel lends besides ?g* e* this infarct auat here been aaall and located near the septal side of the left ventricle. B* Bxoqplo in which was the only load showing 11.*-gnostic changes# 1« Slide # {»m* Taylor 495422) a* This patient, aged 53, had g definite history of ryoeordisl infarction three days prior to first 2S3Q, He had had hypertension for two years previously* b« The standard loads sOam? ahnreo tor 1st ic changes in Bead* UsMIIIsM %* o» The longer strip of jLcsrd I indicates that thm patient had complete A*¥ heart block* This was gone sis days Is or* 2m . |hc usaol six procordlsl leads are Borsael except for Y which eto?c inverted o e. th© msitom leads, hoover, shmr clecricsl OSS ?M SWmvo changes of infarction* The©© sot present la either or Tg, Ms which T* usoslly resells, f. This infr ret rwy h«V€» extended eronnd to ap t for enough to b© rofiected In V- or th© heart my haw basn in such e position 8« to sake this th© caeo. III* What i.;roeoidial lead© should bo Icikw* A* If et oil possible, th© six precordial loads Ik, Ts? Y^9 Vg and V?r should b© tmtm* B. OecoeSoaolly there 'Hll be- indications for additions! chert le*jds mob ©a ft., or Ty (loft posterior axillary tine at lomril of spex), or % (itac of loft aotptslcr at level of ©pax), cec loods* 0* If only two ehoot lead© pro token they should bo tV «md or fg* D« If only three ©hast lends are token they should bo h. V *5- E* If only four chest leads ore tsksa they stolid be ▼i. V V V «uk MGaB*U'.:,>iooa«t jw aamusc bh«ws bwok amd arociHswt. mr.wctiai. Heferoncos: Wilson ©t als Ass* Heart 3T* St 506, Jtmo 1984 Hill; 1* Physiol. Bit 70, 19S4* flUson In Levy's Masses of th© toonary Arteries p 315-320. Soo. Johnston at sl» Abstract of Paper Aau/Cii&ical Investigation, 1939. Srlengsr at alt Abstrect of paper by title, Ast* Boo. Clinical invest Ration, 1941. 261 I* Theoretical Considerations —See Slide * Am Items! Activation# 1* Shea both bundle brunches are intact, the oeptm la activated in pert fro© the right side and la part from tho left side* Tims* the right half of the septum Is activated from right to left, end the left half of the septum is activated from left to right* Bm The impulse in traveling sway from both the right ventricle md the left ventricle moves so that on electrode placed in- side either ventricular cavity would show largo QS-wavos# 3* An electrode placed over tho thin right ventricle will show a asaell S-wvo and then as soon as the reaches the epicsrdial surface* tho electromotive force across the wall disappears and the curve will then reflect the cavity poten- tials, which at that sosent arc native due to the thick left ventricular wall which Is being activated ewey fro© tho right ventricle# B# Right Bundle Branch Block* 1. Whm the right bundle branch la blocked* the septum Is all activated from left to right, all of it being activated by the left bundle branch block# 2# Thus, the cavity of the loft ventricle will show largo QS- weves just ©s it docs nornally, except that they are broader and eomevhet notched# nm 3* fh© cavity of the right ventricle, hroovor, will show initial positivity during the period is rlilch the Is conics toward it through the septum* The cavity tilll becorsc negative after the (nsdoocrdiuii has been activated and whthe impulse Is passing out through the right ventricular wall* 4* tm&m freest the surface of the right ventricle show a aesU Initial B*wav© ishlch Is of the sarao origin a© the initial positivity of the cavity, then e large S-wavc due to passage of the impulse am& fro© the electrode as the wall of the left bsntriolo is activated, and then a second late B-wavo a du© to the delayed activation of the right ventricular mill. 5* Load© froa the surface of the loft ventricle ohm? large S-«svee go usual but also broad S-waves due to late activation of the right ventricle* 0* left Bftndlo Branch Block* 1* &hon the left bundle branch is blocked, the septum io all activated from right to left* 2m The cavity of the right ventricle shows large QS waves as it does normally except that they are tatmemimt broader* 5* The cavity of the loft ventricle store initial positivity because during that period the impulse is coming toward it through the septua* itoring the later phases of ventricular activation the left caVity does hmam negative, when the irpulso is passing out through the left ventricular well* ms 4* Leads from the surface of the right ventricle show tiny S-wsrrea and deep brood 3*swos, the latter duo to the large amount of muscle being activated Into sad spmy from the electrode# 5* Leeds from the surface of the left ventricle show broad which ere notched or slurred, the initial part being due to the activation of oil tho aeptttm toward the electrode end the later phases of tho Qiis com lex being due to tho activation of the well of the left ventricle toward the electrode# XL Eight Bundle Breach Block and Infarction of the Left Tentriclo# 1# with this combination of iecloas, tho potential variation* of the cavities ere the emm as In right bundle branch block alone and leads froa the right ventricular eovity show HS type of coiaplcses whereas those fro© the loft ventrieftiar cavity show broad Q.3 complexes# E# Loads from the right preoorditm or from tho surface of tho right ventricle show complexes of the typo or rs3£## a# cva type t b# r2K typ< c# Thor© is evidence to indieste that the left ventricle plays some part in the emU initial vihich occur over the right praoordteu In loft ventricular hype rtrophy those armlX nay dlaeppocr# It Is also possible that the rate of development of ©ctivctlea In the lateral wall of the ventricle my be different than it is in the septim, and if this difference is such that tho lateral wall is activated first or mere rapidly there my be larger initial then v-'onld be the cm m if the rates the nano or if the septum wore act Its ted wore rapidly# £64 It may also be that la some eases of right bundle branch block and infarct ion* the septum nay also be infcrrctod* la which ease the force one to estivation of the septet from left to right (the force which is believed to be responsible for the small initial E-weves over the rl$ht ventricle in this condition) is diminished or absent* i d \ *-j ,, \ In mch a case the smell initial fi-wave would be absent \ X and leads from the right precord lain or surface of the right ventricle will have the QU form* 3* loads from the left procordium or surface of the left ventricle in right bundle branch block and infarction will reflect tho potential Variations of the left ventricular cavity* a* 'This will be true because the muscle of the anterior well of the left ventricle is now deed and there will bo no living muscle between the ventricular cavity and the electrode* !• The records thus obtained will show broad* notched QS waves* o* These curves will fee very mch like those obtained in pro- cordial leads fro®, the left precord turn in anterior in- farction* uncomplicated by bundle branch block* 4. Tims It ia possible to make the diagnosis of anterior infarc- tion in the presence of right bundle breach block because the precordial leads will shows a* From the right precordium there will bo large la to H or H# waves due to late activation of the right ventricle* b* From the left procord lum there will be initial dosn- ward deflections due to the reflect ton of the cavity poten- tials? through the ares, of infarctcd muscle* end these QHS ooeplexe* will have the character!stlea of those obtained la syooardlal infarction of the anterior wall of the left ventricle* c* The QH3 coqplexo© will, of corn*?©, he broad (0*12 soc or hngct), d# The standard lends will usually show the characteristic breed 3-wcvos in Leed I but occasionally they will be absent* It Is In Just such cases that the criterion of the broad occasionally falls* E* Loft Bundle Branch Block and Anterior Myocardial Infarction. 1* With this ccasblnation of lesions* the potential variations of the two ventricular cavities ere the sane as in left bundle branch block clone, the right ventricle showing brood QS waves and the left ventricle showing HS consplojcoo. Z* Leeds frofa the right ventricular surface or right procordiun show sniall E-wovcs due to early activation of the lateral wall of the right ventricle end deep broad Stare ces du© to the 1st© activation of the loft ventricle* 3* Leads fross too left ventricular surface or the left precordiusi will fall to show the characteristic changes of anterior ayo- cardial infarction* a* Bore again* beeeus© the mode interposed batseca the left boatrlcular cavity and the electrode is dead* the electrode will reflect the cavity potentials* b* Inst ead of obto Inins s record such as is usually recorded la ant rior isyocordid infarction* with characteristic deco Q-wavee, there will sow be no t-*wsves at all in the precordisl leads because the left ventricular cavity is actually positive during the initial phrse of ventricular activation* e* Furthermore, the large T-waves which remit fro* the bundle brench block will Qbaeore the fernm chenrcn which result tron the Infarct lem* 4. ‘Thus, it Is that the presence of left bundle branch block sskos it to ask© the diagnosis of anterior infarction# 5* Barely, if the infarct is extensive enough to Involve the septum, the fore© which mkea the positivity of the left ventricular cavity any thuc bo abolished end if ouch is the eroe, precordIrI leads from the left side say them reflect cevlty potentials with Initial negativity and large choroo- toristic Such crises arc apparently unconron, So /over. 6* There is sense evidence to indicate that in standard loads In loft branch block which show prootnent $-wav«s in Lead I, anterior Inf r ret Ion is apt to be present* &• Such %-*mves occur in only about 5P of ordinary eases of left bundle branch block# XX* of Eight Bundle Branch Block end Anterior Infarction# A# Slid© X* Curves on 7-23-38 and 7-29-38. a. The standard loads show snail, bisorre coalesce in ell loads, with a brood QHS Interval and broad S-wwves la X. b# The procordiel leads show deep In Tg, and $4 with pronounced upward BS»f segment dlspleceicnt* These changes arc characteristic of enter lor Infarction# o* shows a tiny initial and a very large late H# wr-vo; tlxe lottor is fiagnostlc of right bundle branch block in the presence of the #13 Interval of 0*12 see* Zm Curves 8-10-38* a* The curves are mm essentially as they were 11 days previously • b* The R3-T segment displacement Is Jm imich less erocdassit* c* Y5 also sherds deep now* d« The Treves are no?? chartsctort stieslly inverted. 5* Curves on 8-20-38 sad 8-22-38* a. The standard leads no?? show a normal q23 Interval indicating that the conduction defect has cleared* Furthermore, they ore such aore characteristic of infarction than when right B* B* El. was present, showing smll complexes in hoed 1 with form* b* The procorilol leads also indicate that the bundle branch block bos clem red. (1) &ad 75 show the typical change* of anterior infarct ion* (2) The «w£l Iwm have returned to leads 7g end 75* The reason for this is not clear* B* Slide 1* The first set of standard loads were token on 11-7-54 «t which time the patient was 56 years of age end was conplain- of angina pectoris. B* The nor5 set of standard lends were taken on 11-20-38, four years later after he had had cryrpioas of coronary oeclurlon* 258 e* It cm be seen thet mm there are deepj broad In Lead X which were not previously present# b* Snell <&*mwms here appeared la Lead I bat they or© not specially preasinont* S. The prccordicl leads • ere token on 12*1-38. a# There ere coop Q.-v?avcs in 7±, t8. y3 «* v4. b« The T-waves are inverted in all the precordial loads from to T$ and hav the characteristic form of the $-*jav©s In Infarction, c. There ©re largo, late H-wavos in and V... dm Thee© signs are definitely diagnostic of right bundle branch block and infarction. C* Other Slides Shoeing B. B* Bl* end Infarction. !• *%5» *%S* » » %*• 2. mid** 043 and see Lory, Dlsessos of the Coronary Art erics p. 313 and 319). a. The standard leads in 843* (1) Curve A. a. The patient wss e w, egod 31 who had ggnptofaft typical of coronary occlusion on March 7t 1935* b« Thee© curves wore taken on 3-10*35, and show alternation is the length of the interval end is the fora of the C„‘.H3 ecraplccces {partial B. B. Bl.)# (2) Curves B a. fftMM* curves token on 4-2-1935 oho® so bundle branch block. b. Load I shows characteristic large end ssaall IMsaves srith inverted in I and II# nm (3) Curves d# a# Ihrr the bundle branch hitKit has returned# b* It oas b® «m that the bundle branch block does not cosapietely obscure the signs of infarction of the lateral mil of the left ventricle# o» So far so the nr® concerned, however, it abolished the inverted in lead XI In which the ofeoorBscl initial ventricular deflections induced by the conduction defect had a large net arms* but not In Lead I, In which the not ares of these deflections are small# b# ffea ?rocordiai Leeds —Slides Hgg • (1) those records were taken on 3-18-S6 vhen the patient was having alternation in the for® of the ventricular ccsap loses* (2) tlse conduction defect can be scon to have had little effect upon tbs general outline of the ventricular cobles: in leads fron the left side of the peroorcUuri (7$, V4, 7*5 and 7g) end did not obliterate the characteristic signs of infarction of the anterior well of the heart# (3) The conduction defect did alter the fora of the vm~ tricular coaplox in the leads from the right side of the procordtma bbe tom of the altered coKplestos indicates that the conduction defect involved the right branch of the His bundle# £70 III# *3Bbm$iIo8 of Right Bundle Branch Block end Posterior Infarction# A# 3eo slide (Quinn) X# Th© standard lends show breed QBS complexes (015 sec*) nnd docp in Lead I# In addition there are deep Q-waves in II and IXX end sharply inverted T-rcvefi in III# 2# % choirs deep Q-we?es# snail H-wsveg end sharply inverted T-waves# 3# Thus the standard sad extremity leads Indies © in this instance that the patient has Right B# B# Bl# mid a posterior infarction# 4* In the prc-cord id leads, has the characteristic tom. seen in right B« B# Bl. and leads fraa the left precordlast (T* end It shows deep, broad Slaves# 5# Bone of the procordial leads show changes suggestive of infarction# &• Other chest loads token from the bock {» ) did show rather pror.’dnent mid flat to slightly invested T~mtrt0a but wore not absolutely diagnostic# 17* of l#oft Bundle Branch Block and Infarct Ion. 4* Slide &£, (Bevy, Disc?,cos of the Coronaiy Arteries, p 330, Wilson) Fig. 82 1# These curves were taken on a man ego 62, sixteen smiths after he had h&d symptoms typical of a coronary occlusion# 2# The standard leads aro characteristic of left B# B# Bl# 3# In the precord iol loads: a# The first four presort lot leads Vg» %* V4) or© of the typical fora reea in loft B« B* Bl# b# The ventricular em&Xamm of V5 and shop/ (polarity reversed In t lose figures) indicating Infarction of the anterior r'tjonrdiuri, but not associated with inverted T-wcvoo# tfl 4* At necropsy e very large Infarct involving the anterior, posterior and septal walls of the left ventricle sea found* 5# It la probably because of the extensive infarct ion of the septum toai the usual findings of ont&rior infarction In the pracaralol loads were seen here «rl wears act obscured by the Loft &• 3* Bl« B* Slides am (Levy, fi@* 7d, p. 316-Oil eon} (patient Louis Barrett) 1* This *&, aged 56, had systems typical of coronary occlusion on $ov* 14, 1933* 2, Oorves on 12-5-23 showed changes typical of recent posterior infarction. 3* Frecordicl loads or 32-6-32 showed Inverted T-wavos in end. at the emsiforsu A lead fro® tho right costal we&gim. in the nipple line showed QB waves end inverted *-waves» 4* atenderd leads token cm 12-16-S5 showed intraventricular block with proninont 3-waves in Lead X* The changes of infarction wore obliterated by the block but the T-wre chanson persisted. So procord lei lends were taken (the block disappeared before they could be done)* 5* Procardlel leads on 12-3B-3S were 0<—nttelly ns cm 12-6-33* 6* Standard lead* on 18-19-53 end 13-21-33 wore such like thr»i?e of 12-5-33 except thet the T-wsves were deeply end sharply inverted* ?♦ Standard leads on J6-SO-34 show %*wsr«t in XX end III end sharply inverted ‘f-amveo in IX and III* 8* Standard lends on 3-11-34 were essentially as ob 2-30-34* Z72 Standard loads on 10-&-37 (the second set on slid© H shot? '5*5 iutruvontTlculcr blotik Tilth QPS interval of 0*17 uoc* &&d de«p* brooft S-wcves in M I* The Q£S changes of infarction* previously present in XI and III, hrrvo now becoise obscured* 10* S&t&d&rd loads on 3-17-*'$ eg?* in sbcrrad oulnr block with vary brood* bisswm §HS ooiplazzQ and doe© broad S»t?sm* in I* IX* leads on 3*17-33, show* Instead of the right B* b* hi. iduch night be «s*pecied fro» the stoaderd loads* the 3h&rD«toaPt*» tic obssgse of loft bundle brsneb bloc - * cubical mim® mm $m mjmmom&m&m m ;&i?m mocm oM. nwx^mu Z* Th© ordinary jwsectiee is to keep tho patient who has fe.?d m Infarction In bod until the healing of the infarct Is collate* A* Tbo ratom of the oodiacmtatlon rate to aortml is on© such indication although It is quit© variable in its return to sorrasl from patient to patient* B* the collet© subsidence end absence of symptoms my mlso be used as a clinical soldo* 0* The usual practice, is* of course* to keep the patient in bod for five tme!co* XI* fros the SSG which nsy be of value la amplest of the patient* A* The IWfRgres 1. It is questionable whether it is advisable or not to keep the patient at rest until tho TtemNtm have bocccso stationery* It ssay take a tis© for this to occur* 278 Z* *« cio sot know the differefcoo it* in thoa* whom retrogress# repldly a»& those vfhcso rertro- saorft slowly, E, The 83*3? HSBsamt diaploctsaent. I* in© of return of the ES-T sega#r*t to ao&nftl && be v.m& Gis ft cll&ioal guide, £♦ As Ifwg cs» olsv&tion of the &XT oagsent persists w icould usually that doeorc»t io& ic not collet#* 3. Sisco the EiWf aagttesxt diopIocwiBt fil3e|>££ are, case of1 two thiBTtB i&sy &C$pQCL} si, ‘fbo injure*! aaaole m& die end tescdrestScai scocrc. fc, She injured Basel# msy recover* 4. la & tea on# aon rmintrAn tlio Tf3~t hy ocottejea injury by aoejir of contlnn-od proasuro «*lt& s dhaap pointed elootrclo* 5. If the 33-1 dlsepposrc eaft reftema, it a»sn« that further injury has occurred# a* ‘xh® significance of peroJUatoat dlspl&esrmt otcs? lew psaiods of tloo, loatg otUar all other orldeBeoe of the acute period of infarction hore subsided, is t&d qusstioasblo, Or 1X8 ( Dorest, A*S4* 1st* »-«cd, Si Juste 1935)* X» S&g slxdo A* Tale patient, *g$4 A4, easerod the OMpital with left s^loel tuberculosis and hlgtoxy of Xeftfcuge of hoert* V.:1CKl turns* Curve? 3—l—3£ was token soon aft or 'viniooion and ghowoiS definite right c2ctr> deviation* C* Curve M^S« 1* ftae h©ui"f? «u*d 55 mimitos before this curve was taken as* at 101431 to Induce left jssoui;SDtbor?*s: wssc »de# the needle had just been introduced srhsa the patient of faint# Ibe needle was withdraw but a ge©omUsed convulsion lasted thirty seconds# Circulatory celtepae and respiratory depression then occurred but cleared after adrenalin sad oaffiene were given subcutaneously• On recovering consciousness the patient ccrmteteed of sub- starsfil pete and nee Sheet X-ray should no pneumothorax# 2* Shea* curves shon terse <*-wwvos in I with’ &5-ll; etevsttea te I and daspreenten In XU* B# Curves of 8-HWOS and 8-fS-5S aim typical projspsacsive chores of anterior infarction* £» Curves of 9-2X-S3 s&mr rotussi of f-w*rvea to ao&aeX te both I cad. XI and reappeereiace of mill iMra os te I* "raft.* •Tm y /P J L~_T ITZzT