# 29 B Index A Page American Dentifrice 8 Astringent Decoction 15 Ague Powders, Rumley’s 34 Antacid Mixture 44 Antidote for Arsenic 52 After – Pains 72 Ayer’s Chery Pectoral 75 Army Itch 86 Asthma Cure 93 B Page Balsam Traumatic 4 Bateman’s Drops 6 Balsam of Honey 7 Balls for Horses 11 Bitter Tincture 14 “ “ Weed’s 14 Bitters 43 & 20 Bathing Spirits, Kaighn’s 27 Brown Mixture 28 & 41 Bals. Copaib. Mixture 33 Blue Mass, Carpenter’s 37 Balsam of Honey, Hills 38 Black Salve 56 Burns – Cure for 89 ∙ 55 Burns “ “ 66 – 59 Basham’s Mixture 76 Bronchitis 88 ∙ 84 Blacking for Harness 90 Index C Page Carminative Mixture 12 Cough Drops, Church’s 13 Chalk Julep 15 Cough Mixtures 21 “ Drops, Physick’s 21 Caustic Ley, Physick’s 22 Cholic Drops, Kaighn’s 23 Coxe’s Hive Syrup 36 Cure for Cancer 36 Cerate, Kirklands 37 Cologne Water 39 Carminative, Dewees’ 40 Chlorine Tooth Wash 41 Carminative Mixture 42 Cold Cream 42 Chapman’s Prescriptions 44 Cider Mixture for Dropsy 88 ∙ 50 Comp. Chalk Mixture 51 Cough Lozenge’s, Jackson 52 Cough Mixture 54 Comp. Chalk Mixt. 57 Chorea 60 Curculio Mixture 68 Cleaning Silver ware 67 Carmenatives 74 Chalk Julep 79 Chelsea Pensioner 80 Corns 89 D Page Drops, Jesuits 5 “ “ Bateman’s 6 Dentrice, American 8 “ Charcoal 20 “ Pulv. 20 Durable Ink 25 Decoct. Sarsap. Physick’s 34 Dyspeptic Pills, & “ 36 “ Lye “ 38 Dewees' Carminative 40 Dumer Piles 45 Dropsy, - Purge for 47 Diuretic 88 ∙ 48 Dysentery 94 ∙ 69 & 64 Dysmenorrhea 92 C Index E Page Elixir Paregoric; Ten. & Fort. 1 Extr. Cathartic 1 Elixir Proprietatis 2 Emp. Diach. Simp. 2 “ “ cum Gum 2 “ Roborans 3 “ Refrigeratum, Physic 13 Eye Ointment 15 “ Water, Anodyne 16 “ Wash, Harris’ 16 “ Water, Thomas’ 16 “ Balsam 17 Epileptic Powder 26 Emp. Myrrhæ 27 “ Saturni Comp. 31 Elixir Fraunce’s 35 “ Clauderi 42 Ergot, Wine 52 Extract Grease 89 F Page Febrifuge Powder 9 Fever & Ague Powder 30 Fraunces’s Elixir 35 Frosted Limbs – Cure 55 89 Felon Cure 67 & 55 Index G Page Glentworth’s Golden Ointment 3 Gout Cordial, Warnir’s 4 Gowland’s Lotion 7 Godfrey’s Cordial 8 Ginger Powder 41 Gargles 77 Gout 80 Grease, to extract 89 H Page Huxham’s Tincture 1 Horse Balls 11 Hoffman’s Anodyne 32 Hemorrhoids, purge for 50 Hope’s mixture 50 & 5 Hydrated Perox. of Iron 52 Horse’s Sore Back 49 Horse taming 87 Horse Liniment 87 Hemoirhoids - cure 89 Hair Louce 91 D Index I Page Injection: 9 & 19 Ink, Red Printing 10 Injection, Mercurial, P. 12 “ “ 19 Itch Ointment, Leo’s 20 Ink Powder, Girards 23 “ “ 33 Issue Ointment, Physick’s 37 Injection for Preparations 51 Infallible Lotion 54 Itch Army 86 J Page Jesuit’s Drops 5 Jaundice Mixture 26 Jaundice Mixtures 49 Index K Page Kaighn’s Bathing spirits 27 L Page Lozenges of Tolu 5 “ Ching’s Worm 10 “ Brown 24 & 10 “ Hamilton’s 24 Lepra Remedy, Parrish’s 37 Lozenges, Alkal. Digest. 38 “ Wistar’s Cough 41 Laxative Pills 46. Liniments 73 E Index M Page Mixture for Salivation 10 Mecuriac Injection 13 Mist. Bals. Copait. 33 “ for Sprains, Ashford’s 33 “ Gum Amruo. 34 Mel Scillæ Comp. 36 Myrrh Mixture, Bond’s 43 Mixture, Antacid 44 Chapman’s “ Taraxacum 45 Chapman’s “ Oleaginous 45 Chapman’s “ Gout 47 Chapman’s “ Cholic in Children 48 Mania a Potu 73 Musquito Antidote 87 N Page Neutral Cerate, Kirkland 37 Nipples sore, cure for 59 Index O Page Ointment Golden, Glentworth 3 “ “ Wilson’s 19 “ Itch, Leo’s 20 “ for Tinea Capitis 47 “ “ “ 53 Oil Red 59 Ointment for Burns 66 Opodeldoc Liquid 67 Ointment 82 P Page Pills, Fothergill’s 3 “ Vansweeten’s 6 Purging Remedy for Piles 7 & 50 Pills, Rush’s Antibilious 7 “ Anderson’s 9 Powder Cathartic 5 “ Febrifuge 9 “ Cooling 9 Pills, Hooper’s 12 “ Lee’s 14 Powder, Weed’s 14 Piles, Fisher’s 22 “ Assafœtida 22 “ Rheumatic 17 & 26 Powder Epileptic 26 “ James’ 29 Pulv. Adstrumis 34 Pills, Dyspeptic, Physicks 36 Pulv. Saratoga 38 Pill’s Noble’s 40 Pulv. Zingiber 41 Peristaltic Persuadents 44 Pneumonia &c. 83 Pills H.J.O. 93 F Index Q Page R Page Remedy for Piles 7 Rheumatism Mixture 17 “ Pills 17 “ “ Griffith’s 26 Rumsey’s Fever & Ague Powd. 34 Rheumatism Receipt 57 Red Oil 59 Rheumatism 60 & 61 80 Index S Page Spir. Sal Volat. Amm. 2 Spir. Luvand. Comp. 3 Salivation Mixture 10 Spirits Varnish 11 Spir. Sal. Ammo. Dulc. 15 Shoe Blacking 17 Syrup, Pine Apple 27 “ Strawberry 27 “ Ginger 28 “ Apericut 29 “ Astringent, Physicks 29 Sarsap. Decoct. Physicks 34 Syrup Depurat. Cruisier 35 “ Lemon 36 Spice Plaister, Parrish’s 40 & 43 Saline Draught 46 Sore Back (Horses) 49 Sore Nipples – 59 St. Vitus’ Dance 60 Salivation Gargle 61 Sprains – remedy 87 ∙ 67 Syrup – Lemon 72 Scarlatina 94 ∙ 79 Scudamore’s Mixt. 81 Stomachic 82 Solent – Blister for 91 Silver Powder 92 “ Bath 93 T Page Tinct. Bals. Tolu 4 “ Gentiana vel. Amara 5 Theriaca Audromica 6 Tinct. Rei. Arom. 8. Tetter Lotion 18 “ Wash 18 & 19 “ Ointment 18 Tinct. Rhei Vin. 22 Tooth Powder, Roberjor’s 23 Tinct. Guaiac Dewees’ 26 “ Ferri Amara 30 Tooth Wash, Chlorine 41 Tonic Tincture 42 Tooth Ache Drops 53 Tetter Ointment 54 Tonic Mixtures 70 Tetanus 72 Taming Horses 87 Thrush – wash for 91 G Index U Page Ungt. Opthalmia 15 “ Æruginis, Physicks 30 Citriu. cum Tart. Ant. 30 “ Picis Comp. Physick’s 31 “ Hazelwood “ 32 “ Precip. Rub. “ 32 “ “ Alb. “ 32 V Page Vansweeten’s Pills 6 Vin. Secal Cormet. 52 Vin. Couii Comp. 66 Varnish (Black) 90 Index W Page Warner’s Gout Cordial 4 Worm Lozenges, Ching’s 10 Weed’s Syrup 13 “ Powder 14 “ Bitter Tincture 14 Wash for Boot Top 17 Worm Tea, Physick’s 24 Wine of Ergot 52 Whitewash 65 & 58 Warts cured 66 Wash for Silver Ware 67 X Page H Index Page Yellow Fever 92 Z Page  1 Elixir Paregoric Genius Flor. Benzoin ʒiv Gum Opii ʒvj Camphor ʒij et ℈ij Ol. Anisi ʒij Suc. Glycyrrh. ℥i Brandy 1 Gallon. Elixir Paregoric Fortis Gum Opii ℥ij Flor. Benzoin ʒvj Ol. Anisi ʒij Succ. Glycryrrh. ℥iss Mel Communis ℥viij Brandy 1 Gallon. Huxham’s Tinct. of Bark Cort. Peruvian ℥xij “ Aurant. ℥ix Rad. Serpent. Virg. ℥ij et ʒij Crocus Angel ℥i Ras. Sant. Rub. ℥ij Brandy 1 Gallon. Ext. Cathartic Ext. Coloc. Comp. - Pulv. Colocynth ʒvj Socot. Aloes ℥iss Scammony ℥ss Cardamom Seed. small. - ʒi 2 Elixir Proprietatis Gum Myrrh ℥xiiij Aloes Socot. ℥xii Crocus opt. ℥i Sp. Vin. Rect. ℔vij et ℥viij Aq. Fontana ℔ij Spiritus Sal Volat. Arom. Sal Ammoniac, Crude. ℔iss Salt of Tartar ℔ij et ℥viij Ol. Caryophyl. ʒij Mix. Moschat. ʒiv Ess. Limonis ℥i Sp. Vin. Rect. 3 Gall. Mft. et Distillat. - Emp. Diach. Simp. Axung Porcinæ ℔xii Litharge Alu. ℔vj Cerusa ℔j Emp. Diach. cum Gum Emp. Diach. Simp. ℔xvi Resin. Communis ℔j Terebinth. Alb. ℔ij Galbanum ℔j Gum Elemi ℥xii 3 Emplastrum Roborans. Emp. Diach. Simp. ℔xvi Terebinth. Alb. ℔iij Pulv. Sant Drag. ℔i Spiritus Lavand. Comp. Cassia ℥iv Cloves ℥iss Nutmeg ℥iss Ol. Lavand. ℥i Ras. Sant Rub., ℥iss. Brandy 1 Gallon. Fothergill’s Pills Ext. Cathartic [cross out] ʒiss Antim. Diaph. ʒss. Syr. Simp. q.s. ft. Pill N◦ 30 Glentworth’s Golden Ointment Flor. Sulphuris ʒi Merc. Precip. Alb. ʒss Pulv. Hellebor. Nig ℈ss Axung Porcinæ ℥ss. Ryan’s Sugar Plumbs. Calamel ℥ij et ʒiij Gum Arab. ℥iv Sacch. Alb. ℔j 4 Warner’s Gout Cordial Uva Passa ℔ss. Fol. Sennæ ʒij Sem. Coriand. “ Fœnic. Coccus Cacti Crocus opt. Rad. Glycyrrhiza āā ʒss. Rad. Rhei opt. ℥i Infuse in 2 Gallons of Brands for 10 days. – pour off the liquor, & add 1 ℔ more. – let it stand until the virtues of the ingredients are extracted, then mix the two tinctures together Balsam Traumatic Balsam Tolu ℔j Gum Styrax ℔iiij “ Benzoin ℔iij “ Myrrh “ Olibanum Rad. Angelica āā ℔ss Suc. Glycyrrh. ℔iss Sp. Vin. Rect. 4 ½ Gall. Tinct. Bals. Tolu Sp. Vin. Rectif ℥vi Bals. Tolu ℥ij 5 Lozenges of Tolu Sacch. Alb. ℔iiij Flor. Benzoin ℥i Succ. Limonis ℥ij Tinct. Bals. Tolu ℥vj Gum Arab. ℔ss. Mft. Lozenges. Tinct. Gentiana vel. Tinct. Amara Rad. Gentiana ℔ij Cort. Aurant. ℥xii Cort. Cinnam. ℥iv Sem. Coriander ℔ss. “ Cardamom. Major ℥ij Ras. Sant. Rub. ℥viij Brandy 4 Gallons. Jesuit’s Drops. Balsam Peru “ Copaiba āā ℥ij Sal Tartar ℥i Terebinth. Chio ℥iv Ras. Sant. Rub. ʒij Merc. Cor. Sublim. ʒij Sp. Vin. Rect. ℔ij Cathartic Powder Pulv. Jalap. grs X [cross out] Potass. Bitart. ʒss [cross out] Mft. One dose. - 6 Bateman’s Drops. Tinct. opii ƒ℥xii Spir. Camphor ℔ij Sal Tartar ʒi Ol. Fœnic. ʒi “ Anisi ʒss Pulv. Anisi ℥i Sp. Coloring ℥iv Brandy Ovj Dr. Vansweeten’s Pills Aloes ʒxviii Agaric ʒij Rad. Zedoar “ Gentian. “ Rhei Theriac Andromica Pulv. Myrrh. āā ℥ij Mft. Pills. – Theriaca Andromica Specie pro Theriac ℔viij Mel Communis ℔xxiv Pulv. Opii. ʒix Melt the Honey over a gentle heat, then sift in the Specie, with the opium intimately mixed 7 Purging Remedy for the Piles Pulv. Jalap ℥iij Sal nitre Potass. Bitart. Gum Arab. āā ℥iss Elect. Senitiv. (Confect. Senna) ℥ix Balsam of Honey Opium ℥ss Bals. Tolu ℥vi Flor. Benzoin ʒij Mel Communis ℥iv Sp. Vin. Rect. ℔iiij Gowland’s Lotion Amygdal. Dulc. ℥viij Aqua fluv. ℔xii Acet. Plumb. ℥ij Merc. Cor. Sublim ʒiss Sp. Vin. Rect. ℥ij Dissolve Sublim. In Sp. Vin. Rect. – Dr. Rush’s Antibilious Pills. Calomel ppt. ʒij Pulv. Jalap. ʒij Gum Gutta ʒss Sapo Castile ʒi Aq. font. q.s. ft. Pill N.° 75. - 8 American Dentifrice Creta Præpurata ℥iv Oss. Sepiæ ℥viij Potass. Bitart. ℥xii Gum Myrrh ℥iv Tartar Vitriolated ℥viij Pulv. Iridis ℔j Rose Pink ℥ij Ess. Limonis ʒi Mft. & fill 9 Doz. Boxes. Godfrey’s Cordial Aqua Fontis 4.2 qts. Tinct. Opii ℔vij Molasses 3 Galls. Sacch. Communis ℔xviii Sal Tartar ℥iv Ol. Sassafras ℥i Succ. Glycyrrh. ℔j Sp. Communis ℔xiv Mst. Cordial Tinct. Rhei Arom. Rad. Rhei Cont. ℥viij Cinnamon ℥iss Cloves ℥i Sem. Cardam. Min: ℥i vel ℥ss vel ℥iss Brandy 1 Gallon. 9 Anderson’s Pills. Aloes Socot. ℔iiij Pulv. Zingiber Sapi Castile āā ℥xij Ol. Anisi ℥iss. Pulv. Eborus Nig. ℔ss. Gum Gutta ℥iv Aqua q.s. ft. Pill. āā grs iiiss. Febrifuge Powders. Sal Nitre ʒij Tartar Emetic grs ij Vermilion q.s. ft. pulv. 27. or 2 grains a dose for an adult. Cooling Powders Pulv. Sal Nitre ℥i Pulv. Gum Arab. ℥ij Mft. Chart N° XXIV Injection: Vitriol Alb. Calomel ppt. āā ʒss. Sacch. Saturni ʒi Pulv. Gum Arab. ʒij Aq. Font. ℥viij 10 Ching’s Worm Lozenges Calomel ℥ij Sacch. Alb. ℥iv Gum Arabic ʒij Gum Gutta grs X Aqua q.s. Brown Lozenges Scammony ℥i Pulv. Jalap. ℥ij Sacch. Alb. ℥i Gum Arab. ʒij Aqua q.s. ft. Lozenges Red Printing Ink. Vermilion ℥i Sal Martis ℥i Ol. Lini qs. ft. proper consistence. The Sal Martis must be well levigated. Mixture for Salivation Acid. Nitricum ℥i Mucil. G. Arab. ℥viij Molasses ℥iiij Aqua Mentha ℥iij Aq. Font. ℔j One tablespoonful every two hours for curing Salivation. 11 (Pectoral Balls for a Horse. Figs, Liquorice Balls, Aniseed, Liquorice Powder each, - ℥iiij Sem. Carcic. – Rad. Enul. Camp. Bals. Sulphur – each. - ℥ij Zingiber. et Ol. Anis. aa ʒvj Honey q.s. ft. balls N. ° XII S. One to be taken every morning.) Purging Balls. Aloes Barbadoes ℥i Sapo Castile Pulv. Jalap āā ʒij Ol. Anisi stt. XL Syrup q.s. ft. Ball Balls for the Botts. Aloes ℥i Pulv. Jalap. ℥ij Calomel ppt. ʒij Sapo Castile Gingiber āā ʒi Ol. Anisi ʒi Syrup q.s. ft. Ball.) Spts. Varnish ) Gum Juniper ℔iij “ Shellac ℔j et ℥viij Sp. Vin. Rect. 2 Galls. 12 Carminative Mixture Magnes. Alb. ℥x Tinct. Opii ℥vj Sal Tartar ℥i Sacch. Alb. ℔ij Creta Præp. ℥iv Ol. Mouth. Pip. ℥ij Aq. Fontana ℔ix Brandy Oss. Fills 8 ½ Doz. Bottles. F Cooper’s Pills Aloes Barbadoes ℔ij ℥ss Ext. Hellebor. Nig. ℥viij ʒj “ Sabinæ ℥iv ʒss Gum Guaiac Sapo Castile āā ℥viij ʒj Pulv. Cavella Alba Rad. Zedoar. flav Eborus Nig. āā ℥iv ʒss Syrup q.s. ft. mass in pills grs iiss. dividend. Mercurial Injection Calomel ppt. ℈i Gum Arab. ʒiij Tinct. Opii ℥ss Aqua Fontana ℥vj M.ft. Dr. Physick 13 Emp. Refrigeratum Ol. Olivæ ℥viij Emp. Simplex ℥iij Cera flava ℥ij Cerusa ʒiss. Lapis Calam. ℥iij Mft. Ungt. Dr. Physicks. Church’s Cough Drops. Bals. Traumatic ℔iiij Tinct. Opii ℔ij Tint. op. for the above consists of Opium ℥iss Sp. Vin. Rect. ℔ij Weed’s Syrup Coltsfoot ℥i Molasses ½ Gall. Ol. Pulegii ʒij Brandy Oss. Elixir Paregoric ℥ij Ginger ℥i Ess. Menth. Pip. ʒij Extract the strength of the Coltsfoot & Ginger by boiling in a little Water. Strain off this and boil it with the Molasses till it is supposed, most of the water is evaporated. – One lemon is to be sliced, and put into 14 the mixture, before the boiling is completed. – Take out the lemon and add the other ingredients. Weed’s Powder Pulv. Rhei ℥i “ Potass. Bitart. ℥ss. “ Jalap. ℈ij Mft. 40 grs. for a dose. Weed’s Bitter Tincture. Spt. Communis Oij Aloes ℥iv Gum Benzoin “ Styrax āā ℥ss. Pulv. Zingiber ℥iv. Lee’s Pills Gum Gamboge ℥ij Aloes Hep. ℥iv. Sapo Castile ℥ss. Sal Nitre ℥ij Elixir Proprietatis q.s. ft. Pill. – Bitter Tincture Aloes Socot. ℥i Hiera Picra (Aloe & Canella) Sem. Anisi āā ℥i Saffron ʒss Brandy Oij 15 Ungt. Opthalmia Axung Porcinæ ℥ss. Cera Alba ʒij Merc. Precip. Rub. ʒss. Lapis Calam. ʒss Camphor grs X Dr. Physick. Chalk Julep. Creta ppt. ʒi. Gum Arab. ʒij Spt. Lav. Comp. ʒiss Tinct. Opii gtt. XL Aqua Font. ℥ij Mft. – S. – A desertspoonful after every evacuation. Astringent Decoction Pulv. Gall ℥ss. Aqua Pura ℥xii Boil together 15 minutes, then add of best French Brandy, - one gill Sacch. Alb. ℥ij Cort. Cinnam. ʒij Boil again for 15 minutes, & then strain. Dr. Physick Sp. Sal Amm. Dulc. Sal Amm. Crude ℥vj Potash ℥viij Brandy ℔v. 16 Anodyne Eye Water Sacch. Saturni grs v. Vitriol. Alb. grs. iij Tinct. opii ʒij Aq. fluvial ℥ij Eye Wash Lugol’s Tihnct. of Iodine gtt XXX Tinct. opii gtt. XXXV Aqua Pura ƒ℥iiij Used at Penn. Hospital by Harris. – 1834 Thomas’s Infallible Eye Water White Vitriol Rock Salt āā ℥i Aq. Distill. Oj Boil down to Oss. in a new earthern vessel. Strain it thro’ a fine linen cloth. – It may be diluted 80 as not to smart the eye too severely. – Directions. Wash the Eyes affected, with the Eye Water, with a clean linen rag, for several minutes 2 or 3 times a day as occasion may require. 17 Eye Balsam Lapis Tuttia grs. iij Sacch. Saturni Coral Rub. Gum Camphor. Flor. Tinci. āā gr. ss. Butter ʒss. Shoe Blacking Ivory Black ℥iv Ol. Vitriol ℥ij Vinegar Oij Imperial Wash for cleaning Boot Tops. Ol. Vitriol ʒi Sp. Lavand. Simp. ℥i Pulv. Gum Arab. ʒij Lac. Bovicum oss. Mixture for Rheumatism Ol. Olivæ ℥iss. “ Terabinth. ℥i “ Vitriol gt. XL Rheumatism Pills Sal Nitre. – Roll Sulphur. – Gum Guaiac, & Pulv. Rhei āā ʒij Mix & make, into Pills of suitable size. - 18 Lotion for Tetter Cupric Ammon. ℈ss. Lac. Sulphuris Sacch. Saturni āā ℈i Merc. Cor. Sublim. grs vj Ess. Limonis gtt. vj Aq. Fontana ℥viij Tetter Wash Sulph: Ferri “ Alum. Mur. Soda aa/∙∙ ℥i To be separately burnt, and put to a pint of strong vinegar. Tetter Wash Vinegar ℥iv Cayenne Pepper ʒi et ℈i Roll Sulphur ℥ss. Rub the Cayenne Pepper & Sulphur very fine together & add the vinegar. Tetter Ointment. Vitriol Alb. Flor. Sulph. Pulv. Cassicum aa/∙∙ ʒi Sinnul tere bene, et adde Axung Porcinæ ℥ss. M. Rub part affected at bed-time. 19 Tetter Wash Merc. Cor. Sublim. Murias Ammon aa/∙∙ grs. v. Aq. fluvialis ℥i Injection Creta ʒij Calomel ʒij Gum Arab. ℥ss. Laudanum ƒʒij Aqua ƒ℥viij A small quantity of Sugar of Lead may be added as occasion may require. Mercurial Injection Vitriol. Alb. Calomel aa/∙∙ grs. X Sacch. Saturni grs. XV Pulv. G. Arab. ʒi Aqua fluvialis ℥vj Dr. Wilson’s Golden Ointment. Flor. Sulphur Pulv. Sal Nitre aa/∙∙ ʒi Merc. Precip. Alb. ʒss “ Corr. Sublim. grs. ij M. et adde Ungt. Simp. ℥ij 20 Leo’s Itch Ointment Pulv. Hellebor. Alb. ℥iij “ Sal Ammo. ℥i Axunng Porcinæ ℥xiv Mft. Fills 8 boxes. - Charcoal Dentifrice Charcoal ℥ij Chalk Pulv. Rad. Irides āā ℥ss. “ Gum Myrrh ʒij Charcoal Dentifrice Pulv. Barbar ℥viij “ Cinchow. ℥iiij Myrrh ℥i Irid. Flor. ℥ij Pulv. Dentifrice Creta ppt. ℥viij Myrrh ℥i Irid. Flor. ℥ij Rose Pink ʒij Bitters Columbo ℥ij Rad. Valerian Flor. Cham. “ Lavander āā ℥i 21 Cough Mixture Elix. Paregoric Vin. Antimonii Syr. Scilla āā ℥i Take a teaspoonful every night on going to bed, - for a person from twelve to fourteen years old. Cough Mixture Tinct. Thebaic “ Digitalis “ Bals. Tolu āā ʒij Cough Mixture Sol. Morph. Sulph. ƒ℥i Tr. opii Camph. ƒ℥ss. Pulv. Gum Arab. “ Sacch. Alb. āā ℥ss Bals. Turlington ʒij Aqua ƒ℥ij Mst. S. Dose a teaspoonful. Dr. C. Noole Cough Drops Tinct. Digitalis Sat. “ opii “ Bals. Tolu āā ʒij Mft. Take 10 drops occasionally Dr Physick. 22 Fisher’s Pills Gum Aloes ℔xx Gamboge Sapo Castile āā ℔ij Pulv. Jalap ℔iiij “ Zingiber ℔j Mft. Pill aa/∙∙ grs iiij Assafœtida Pills Gum Assafœtid. ℥ij “ Aloes Socot. Pulv. Jalap āā ℥i Sapo Castile ℥ss. Mft. Pice N° 420 – āā grs iiij Caustic Ley Potassa Calx vivum āā ℥iiij Aqua fluvial. ℔viij Potassa ℔j et ℥ix Caustic Ley ℔viij Gum Arab ℥iv Dr Physick Tinct. Rhei Vin. Rad. Rhei ℥ij Sem. Cardam. Minor Crocus Angelic āā ℥ss Vinum Oij 23 Dr Kaighn’s Cholic Drops. Sp. Vin. Rect ℔j Ol. Tænie. ℥i Cansphor ℥i Tinct. Opii ƒʒij Dose. for a child one week old, one drop, & older ones in proportion. – A teaspoonful for a grown person. Roberjot’s Tooth Powder Oss. Sepiæ: - Cream Tartar, - Rad. Iridis, - Ocul. Cane. ppt. – Catechu āā ℥ss. Gum Myrrh ʒiiss. Alum Ust. ʒss. Coccinella ʒiij Mft. – To make Paste, add Mel Rosarum ℥vj Ol. Caryophyl. gtt X Mft. Elect. Ink Powder for S. Girard Gall. Aleppo ℔ij Ferri Sulphas Gum Senegal āā ℥ix Log wood ℥viij Vinegar ℔ix Aqua Fontana 1 Gallon 24 Worm Tea Rad. Spigelia ℥i Fol. Sennæ. ʒij Manna Opt. ℥ss. Pulv. Rhei ℈ij Sem. Fænic ʒi M. - Pour one quart of boiling Water on this portion, - strain & sweeten; - For a child ten years old, one tablespoonful in the morning, at noon & evening for three days. Dr. Physick. Hamilton’s Lozenges Calomel ppt. ℥ij Sacch. Alb. ℥vj Pulv. G. Arab. ʒiv Pulv. Curcum q.s. to colour it. Aq. Font. q.s. ft. Losenges. - Brown’s Lozenges. Scammony ℥ss. Ext. Jalap. Sacch. Alb. āā ℥iij Aq. Font. q.s. Gum Arab. ℥iiij 25 Durable Ink Nitras Argenti ʒss gr 17/6 Aqua ℥i ʒss Lamp – black killed with Brandy to colour it, & add a little Gum Arabic. Solution. - Soda ¼ ℔. ℥ss Aqua Oij ℥ij Add a little Gum Arabic to stiffen the linen. Durable Ink Argent. Nitras ʒvi Gum Arab. ʒi Aq. distillat. ℥iv Atrament. Indie. q.s. Dissolve the Indian Ink in a small quantity of Water & add solution of Nitrate of Silver previously made. Presented by F. R. Smith Durable Ink Argent. Nitras ʒij Gum Arab ʒss. Lamp black killed with Sp. Vin. Rect. q.s. to make paste & add Aq. distil. ℥i Wash for the above. – Ichthyoes. – Gum Arab. – Soda āā ʒi Aqua Pura ℥ij 26 Dr Griffith’s Rheumatic Pills. Gum Guaiac ʒij “ Camphor Pulv. Rad. Seneka Sapo Venit. āā ʒss. Mft. Pill āā grs iij. Epileptic Powder Pulv. Fol. Salva “ Zingiberis Sem. Sinap. Nig. āā ℥ij Mft. – Two teaspoonfuls to be given twice a day Dr. Otto. Dewee’s Tinct. Guaiac. Pulv. Gum Guaiac. ℔ss. Carb. Potass ʒiij Pulv. Pimento ℥ij Alc. Dilutum ℔ij For the Jaundice Sapo Castile Sal. Tartar Pulv. Gum Arab. āā ℥ss. Aq. Fontan. ℔ij A wineglassful to be taken for three mornings, - or two tablespoonfuls twice a day. 27 Dr Kaighn’s Bathing Spirits Sp. Vin. Rect. ℔j Ol. Succini Rect. Ol. Pulegii āā ℥ss. Spts. Cornu Cervi Tinct. Opii āā ƒ℥i Emp. Myrrhæ. Pulv. Gum Myrrh ℥iv Bals. Peru ℥ij Camphor ℥vj Emp. Saponis ℔iij Pix Burgund vel Terlb. Alb. ℔ss. Melt the Plaister and Pitch, - stir in the Myrrh, - add Bals. Peru & Camphor, - taking care not to heat it so as to drive off the Camphor. Pine Apple Syrup. Pine Apples small N° XII Pare and cut them small, boil in 1 ½ Gallons of Water for an hour. Press & add 2 ℔ of Sugar to 1 ℔, of juice & boil to a Syrup. Strawberry Syrup Strawberry juice ℔j Sacch. Alb. ℔ij Boil to a syrup. 28 Ginger Syrup Fresh Ginger Sliced ℥ij Boiling Water ℔j Refined Sugar ℔ij Macerate the Ginger in Water 24 hrs. -strain, add sugar & boil to a Syrup. Brown Mixture Pulv. Gum Arab. ʒij Sacch. Purif. Succ. Glycyrrh. āā ℥ss. Elix. Paregoric ƒ℥i Vin. Antimon ƒʒss. Aq. Pura ƒ℥vj Mft. Mist. – A tablespoonful a dose for a grown person on going to bed, and occasionally through the day. Brown Mixture Succ. Glycyrrh. Gum Arabic Sacch. Alb. āā ℥i Paregoric Elixir Vin. Antimon. āā ƒ℥i Aqua fluvialis Oj 29 James’s Powders. Phosphate of Lime Oxide of Antimon āā grs. 257 Tart. Antim. grs. 25 ¾ Mft. 20 grs. for a dose. Aperient Syrup. Brandy ℔xii Scammony ℥iv Turpeth Root ℥ij Jalap. ℔j All in a powder to be macerated in a sand bath 12 hours. – Filter when cool & add the following syrup. - Senna ℔j Water ℔iiiss Sugar ℔iss. To be boiled to a Syrup. Astringent Syrup. Pulv. Gall Aleppe ℥ss. Spir. Galic. ℔j Infuse the Galls for 12 hours & then filter. – Warm the liquor & set fire to it, holding, during the burning, Loaf Sugar over the flame; - during the operation, frequently stirring, which increases the flame, while any Spirit remains. Dr Physick. 30 Fever and Ague Powders. Pulv. Cort. Lime. ℥i “ Bitart. Potass. ℥ss “ Caryophyl. ʒss Sal Tartar ʒi A teaspoon to be taken after each meal. Tinct. Ferri Amara Cort. Aurant. Cont. ℥iij Rad. Gentian. Cont ℥viij Limat. Ferri ℥iv Pulv. Colombo ℥i Cider 1 Gallon M. Shake it repeatedly. – Dose 30 drops. Dr Physick. Ungt. Æruginis Pulv. Æruginis ppt. Calomel āā ʒi Ungt. Basilicon ℥i Terebinth Venet. ℥ss. Mft. Ungt Dr Physick Ungt. Citrin. cum Tart. Ant. Nitras Hydrarg ʒij Antim. Tart. ℈ij Ol. Olivar. Adeps Siullae āā ʒij -Dr Physick. - 31 Ungt. Picis Comp. Uxung. Porcinæ ℔ss. Ovi. Avis ℥iv Picis. Comp. ℥i Flor. Sulphur ʒiij Sp. Terebinth ℥i Cera flava ʒij Creta prep. ʒij Resin flav. ℥ss. Sambucis Nig. Princes Verticillat. Sullendine Mallard Root. āā ʒij Boil the four last articles in the Lard and Suet, - then strain them & add the other articles. – Dr Physick Emp. Saturnie Comp. Emp. Communis ℥viij Ol. Olivæ ℥ij Cera Alba ℥iij Acot. Commun. ƒ℥iij Melt the Common Plaister, - then add the vinegar, - let it boil, then add the Sweet Oil & Wax – Dr Physick 32 Ungt. Hazelwood Flor. Sulphuor ℥i Sal Nitre ʒij Merc. Precip. Alb. Gum Benzoin āā ʒi Ol. Bergamot Elix Vitriol āā ƒʒi Axung Porcinæ ℔ss. Dr Physick. Ungt. Hydrarg. Precip. Rub. Hydrarg. Precip. Rub. ʒij Merc. Corr. Sublim. grs X Butter ℥iv Aqua ƒ℥i Terebinth Venet. ℥ss Dr Physick. - Ungt. Hydrarg. Precip. Alb. Hydrarg. Precip. Alb. ℈i Merc. Cor. Sublim. grs X Sacch. Saturni ʒss. Axung Porcinæ ℥i Sp. Vin. Rect. ƒ℥ss. Dr Physick Hoffman’s Anondyne Æther Sulph. ℔j Alcohol ℔ij Ol. Vini ƒʒij 33 Mist. Bals. Copaib. Bals. Copaib. ℥i Sp. Nitre Dulc. “ Lavand. Comp. āā ℥ss. Tr. Guaiac. ƒʒij “ Cantharides gtt X Gum Acacia ʒss Sacch. Alb. ℥i Aqua Fontana. ℥vj Mft. A tablepoonful to be taken three times a day in water. Ashford’s Mixture for Sprains: See p. 54 Sp. Vin. Rectif. ƒ℥viij Camphor Spt. Terebinth. Sal. Vol. Ammon. āā ℥i Ol. Origanum ℥ss. Tinct. Opii ƒ℥i Ink Powder Gall. Aleppo ℥xii Gum Arab. ℥iv Copperas Logwood āā ℥iv Roach Alum ℥ij Aqua Pura 1 Gallon. 34 Mist. Gum Ammon. Gum Ammon. ʒij Syr. Scill. ℥i Tinct. opii gtt LX Aqua fluvialis ƒ℥vj Pulv. Adstrumis Spongi ℔j et ℥viij Pip. Nigrum Pulv. Zingib. Sal Glauber āā ℥xii Decoctio Sarsaparillæ Rad. Sarsaparilla Ras. Lig. Guaiac āā ℥iv Pulv. Sabina ʒij Rad Glycyrrh. ℥ij Cort. Sassafras ℥i Sal Tartar ʒij Aqua ℔iij To be boiled over a slow fire down to 2 ℔s. S. A wineglassful to be taken every hour until ½ of this decoction is taken per diem. Dr Physick. Rumsey’s Ague Powders. Pulv. Cinchona ʒvj “ Carb Soda ʒi “ Nux Moschat ℈ij 35 Syrup Depurat. of Cruisier Sarsaparilla sliced ℔ij Fol. Rosar. “ Sennæ Sem. Anisi āā ℥ij Sacch. Alb. Mel Despum. āā ℔ij Liq. Anondyn. Hoff. ƒʒij Aq. bulliente 3 Galls. – Macerate the Sarsap. in a covered vessel for 4 hours, then take it out and bruise it, & return it to the liquor; - Again macerate 4 hours, - add the Rose Leaves. Senna & Aniseed, - boil for ½ hour, strain & evaporate to 1 ½ Gallons; - then add the Sugar & Honey, - simmer, & when cold add the Hoffman’s Anodyne. To each quart add grs ij Cor. Sublimate dissolved in Alcohol. Dr. Physick. France’s Elixir Bals. Canada “ Tolutan. āā ℥ij Gum Oliban. ʒv. Flor. Bensoin. ʒiij Camphor ʒij Tinct. Opii ƒ℥viij Bals. Copaib. ℥ij Sp. Vin. Rect. Oij 36 Mel Scillæ Comp. Rad. Polygal. Senega Scill. Maritim āā ℔ss. Aqua ℔viij Boil until the water is ½ consumed, then add Mel Despum. ℔iiij & boil down to ℔vj. – then add to every pound, - Tart. Antim. – grs XVI – Dose from 10 drops to one or more teaspoonsfuls; - it operates by purging, vomiting & sweating – Dr Coxes. – Cure for Cancer Take ½ Cord of Spanish Oak bark, and burn it to ashes. Boil them in water till the strength is exhausted. Evaporate the water to two Gills. – Appy it 3 times in 2 hours - Dyspeptic Pills Pulv. Gum Mastich "" Aloes āā ʒi Mft. Pill. of grsiij each. S. One after each meal. Dr Physick Lemon Syrup Acid. Tart. ʒij ℥ss Ess. Lemon gtt vj gtt X Syr. Simp Oij 37 Parrish’s Remedy for Lepra Calomel ʒij Cerat Goulard “ Simplex āā ℥i Mft. – Also drink Beer made of Chimaphila Umbellata G.W. Carpenter’s Blue Mass Hydrargyrum Purum Manna āā ℥iss. Mel Despum. ℥ss. Pulv. Amyli ℥i Physick’s Issue Ointment Lytta Vesicat ℥ss. Tart. Antimon. grs XV Aqua ℥ij Boil sufficiently, then strain and add Ol. Olivar. ℥iij Cera Alba ℥iss Spermaceti ℥i Boil till all the water is evaporated, then strain. Kirkland’s Neutral Cerate. Lead Plaster ℥viij Crete prep. Acetic Acid Acet. Plumbi āā ℥iv 38 Pulv. Saratoga Mur. Soda grs XL or ℥i Carb. Soda Sup. carb. Sod. āā grs XX or āā ℥ss Tinct. Ferri Mur. gtt ij gtt. XXIV Mft. Pulv. – in Blue Paper. - Acid. Tart. grs XX Pulv. in white paper Alkaline Digestive Lozenges Sod. Bicarb. ʒi or grs. XVII Sacch. Alb. ℥iij et grs. XXvj Vol. Ol. Mint gtt iij Muc. Gum. Tragacanth. q.s. – fr. Lozenges 15 51/2 grs. – to be kept dry. Dyspeptic Lye Hickory Ashes Oij Soot ℥vj Aqua bullisecti 1 Gall. mix and let them stand 24 hours, frequently stirring the ingredients. Dr. Physick Hill’s Balsam of Honey Tinct. Bals. Tolu ℥xii “ opii ℥iij Flor. Benzoin. ʒss. Mel Despum. ℥i Mft. et cola. 39 Cologne Water Ol. Lavender ʒvj “ Rorismar. ʒi Ess. Limonis ʒvj Ol. Cinnam. gtt X Spt. Vin. Rect. ℔iij Cologne Water best. Ol. Lavender ʒiss or gtt 90 Ol. Limonis ʒi or " 60 Ol. Bergamot ʒi " " 60 Ol. Rorismar. ʒss. " " 30 Ol. Cinnam. gtt X " " 10 Ol. Flor Aurant. gtt viij " " 8 Pulv. Moschat grs vj " grs vj Mft. et adde Sp. Vin. Rect. – 1 Gallon. Cologne Water, Stites {M. Kean {double the {strength Ol. Lavender ʒi Ol. Limonis ʒij Ol. Cinnam. gtt viij Ol. Bergamot. ʒi Ol. Rorisamar. ʒij Ol. Caryoph. gtt viij Tinct. Mosch. gtt X Spt. Vin. Rect. Oij 40 Spice Plaster. Pulv. Caryophyl. “ Cinnam. “ Capsicum āā ℥ss. Mft. et adde Farina & Brandy āā q.s. Ft. Cataplasm. – Let the Plaster be thus made and applied to the epigastric region. Dr. Parrish. Dr Dewees’ Carminative Magnes. Ust. ʒss. Tinct. Assafæt. gtt. LX “ Opii gtt. XX Sacch. Alb. ʒi Aqua fluvial. ℥i Mft. S. Twenty five drops may be given to an infant from 2 to 4 weeks old, in flatulent cholic, - diarrhea &c. – Noble’s Pills Pulv. Aloes “ Rhei “ Jalap āā ʒi “ Ipecac Sape Calomel ppt. āā ʒss Ol. Cinnam. gtt X Aqua q.s. ft. Pill N° 60. 41 Wistar’s Cough Lozenges. Improved Ext. Glycyrrh. ℥ij ℥ij et ʒvi Sacch. Alb. ℥ij et ʒvj Gum Arab āā ℥ij ʒijij Opium grs XLviij grs XLviij Ol. Anisi gtt XXXij gtt XX Mft. Lozenges N° 480. Pulv. Zingiber Sup. Carb. Soda ℥v Ginger ℥ij Sacch. Alb. ℥xxxv In blue Paper ʒiiss In White Paper grs. XX Acid. Chlorine Tooth Wash Pulv. Irid. Flor. ℥ss Huxham’s Tincture Tinct. Myrrh. āā ƒ℥ij Sol. Chlor. Soda ƒ℥iss Aq. Rosar. Oj Brown Mixture Succ. Glyrcyrrh. Gum Arabic Sacch. Alb. āā ℥i Paregoric Elixir Vin. Antim. āā ƒ℥i Aqua fluvialis Oj 42 Elixir Clauderi Potass. Carbon. (Sal Tartar) ℥i Dissolve in Aqua ƒ℥xviij Then add of Aloes Gum Myrrh. “ Guaiac. Rad Rhei “ Croc. Sativ. āā ʒij Carminative Mixture Magnes Carb. Creta prep. āā ℥ss. Ess. Peppermint Tinct. opii āā ƒ℥i Sacch. Alb. ℥ij Salt of Tartar ʒi Aqua Oij Cold Cream Ol. Amygdalæ ℥ij Spermaceti Cera Alba āā ʒi Aqua Rosarum ƒ℥i Tonic Tincture Rad. Rhei Cont Sem. Carui “ Cort. Aurant “ āā ℥iv Brandy One Gallon Dr C. Noble 43 Dr Bond’s Myrhh Mixture Myrhh ʒiss Ol. Gaultheriæ gtt vj “ Myristic gtt ij Carb. Potass. ℈ij Sacch. Alb. ℥i Ferri Sulphas. ʒss Aqua ƒ℥vij Bitters. Quassia ℥iv Gentian ℥ij Sem. Carui ℥iij Coriand. ℥iv “ Cinnam. Red Saunders āā ℥ij Proof Spirit 1 Gallon. Spice Plaster Take 2 Tablespoonfuls of Cinnam or Black Pepper, - of Cloves 2 Cinnamon, or Allspice, or Ginger, [illegible] 2 spoonfuls each the same quantity, and mix them [illegible] Meal, - Brandy & Honey, sufficient to form a good consistence for [illegible] plaster. ~ This [illegible] over the tumor is well adopted to sooth its [illegible]. ~ [illegible] Parrish 44 Peristaltic Persuadents Rhubarb ʒij Ipecac ℈i Ol. Carui. gtt XX Syr. Simp. q.s. - Mft. Pill. N ° XL. - Chapman. – Antacid Mixtures. Sod. vel Pot. Carb. ʒi Acac. Gum. ʒij Spt. Lav. Comp. ƒʒi Tinct. Opii gtt XX to XXX Aqua Pura ƒ℥iv mft. Or, Aq. Ammon. ʒi Magnes. Calc. ʒij Aq. Cinnam. ƒ℥ij Aq. Pura. ƒ℥viij Mft. If the Acid in the stomach be the Muriatic, - we must substitute Liq. Potas. Pur. – for Aq. Ammon. in the preceding, lest a Mur. Ammo. be formed, which is poisonous Chapman A solution of Common Salt ℥ss Vinegar ℥iij Tablespoonful every hour, often proves serviceable in Dysentery. – Chapman. 45 Dinner Pills Mastich. Aloes āā ʒi Ipecac grs. X Ol. Carui gtt. X Syr. Simple q.s. Mft. Pill N°. XX – S. Take one or two, one hour before or after dinner. – Chapman – Taraxacum Mixture Infus. Taraxac. ƒ℥iv Ext. Tarax. ʒij Sod. Bicarb. ʒss. Potas. Tart. ℥iij Tinct. Rhei ƒʒiij Mft. – Dose. – wineglassful in the morning proves an excellent laxative to purge off a mercurial. Chapman. – Oleagmous Mixture Ol. Ricini ℥i Aca. Gum. Sacch. Alb. āā ʒi Tinct. opii gtt XL Aq. Menth. vel Cinnam. ƒ℥iij or iv Mft. S. Dose, Tablespoonful. – This will often relieve Tormina &c. in Dysentery. - Or, - it may be made in another form, better adapted to some cases, by 46 taking Ol. Ricini ℥i Sacch. Alb. ʒi Rub together with the White of an Egg & add Tinct. op. gtt. XL Aq. Calcis ƒ℥iij or ƒ℥iv. Chapman Laxative Pills Rhubarb ʒi Aloes ʒss Ipecac. ℈i Ol. Carui gtt. X Mft. Pill. N°. XL. – S. One or two per day Chapman Or – Aloes ʒi Rhubarb ʒss. Calomel Comp. Ext. Coloc. āā grs. XV Sapo q.s. Mft. Pill. N° XL. S. One or two per day Chapman – Saline Draught Succ. Limon. vel Vinegar ƒ℥ij Pot. Carb. q.s. ad saturand. Aqua Pura ƒ℥ij Mft. S. Tablespoonful every hour or two. Chapman 47 Purge for Dropsy Elaterium gr j Spt. Æther, Nitros. ƒ℥ij Tr. Scill. Oxym. Colchic. āā ℥ss Syr. Rhamni, vel Simp. ƒ℥i Mft. S. Teaspoonful every 2 or 3 hours for hydropic effusion, especially Hydrothorax. Ferrier. – Or. Gamboge grs. iv Elatin gr. ss. Spt. Ether. Nitros. ƒ℥ss Aqua Pena ƒ℥iv Mft. S. Tablespoonful every 2 hours. – Chapman. - Gout Mixture. Magnes Calc. ʒi Magnes. Sulph. ʒi Tinct. Colchic. ƒ℥ss. Aqua Pura ƒ℥i Mft. – Give it at night, & repeat it in the morning, unless it purges. – Chapman. – Ointment for Tinea Capitis Sulphur Hog’s Lard āā ℥i Sal. Ammoniac ʒij or ʒiij Shave the head, apply a poultice for 2 or 3 days, then use the ointment. Chapman - 48 For Cholic in Children Magnes. Calc. ʒss Rhubarb. grs vi Sacch. Alb. ʒss Ol. Anis. gtt. iv Aqua Pura ƒ℥iss. Mft. S. Teaspoonful pro re nata. If the pains be very violent add 1 or 2 drops of Lard, or 10 drops Tinct. Assafet. – Chapman Diuretic for Dropsey. – by Ferrier. – Oxymel Scill. “ Colchic. Tinct. Tabac. Swet. Spt. Nitre āā ℥i Mft. – Dose ʒi – 4 times in 24 hours & thro’ the day, drink solution of Cream of Tartar. – Chapman For the same, as above. – Infus. Digitalis ℥ss Tartic Acid ℈i Carb. Sod. grs. XXIV Swt. Spt. Nitre ʒi Tr. Scill. gtt iv Aq. Menth. vel Cinnam ƒ℥ij Mft. One Draught & repeat it 2 or 3 times in 24 hours. Chapman 49 Jaundice Mixture Potas. Carb. Acac. Gum āā ʒi Tinct. Opii gtt XXX Ol. Menth. gtt X Aqua Pura ƒ℥iv The following popular nostrum, has often proved very serviceable in the practice of Dr Chapman. Potas. Carb. ℥i Sapo Castil. Acac. Gum. āā ℥ss Brandy Oj or if these be much inflammatory action, substitute Water for Brandy: - mix them together, & allow them to remain for 3 or 4 days, occasionally shaking, so as to dissolve thoroughly: - Dose is a Wineglassful, to be taken three mornings in succession while fasting, - then omit one morning, & afterwards repeat the same dose. – Chapman For Sore Backs on Horses as Cupri Sulph. ℥ss Aquæ Oj m. Wash 4 or 5 times a day Am. Farmer 50 Cider Mixture for Dropsy Garlic Mustard Seed Horse Radish Centaury āā ℥i Carb. Potas. Iron Filings āā ℥ss Good Cider Ovj Mft. – Boil for 15 or 20 minutes. Dose. – Wineglassful every 1, 2 or hours. Chapman Purge for Hemorrhoids Hydrarg. Chlor. mit. gr vi Ext. Coloc. Comp. Pulv. Aloe Pulv. Jalap Sapo Venet āā ℈i Ant et fot Tart gr. ij Mft. pill. XXIV – One ʒƒ. d. - T Lancoast. Hope’s Mixture Acid. Nitros. gtt iv Aq. Camph, - ƒ℥iv Tinct. opii gtt LX m - ƒ℥ss _ q. 2 h – Macerate a subject by injecting it at intervals of about 24 hrs. – with [illegible] of Corr. Sublim. lbij, - in Alcohol, 1 Gal. – -it will keep for months. - 51 Compound Chalk Mixture Calc. Carb. Prep. ʒiss Tinct. Catechic ƒʒiij Tr. Cinnam. Comp. ƒʒij Tinct. opii ƒʒi Aquæ Quenth. q.s. ft. ℥ivj m – Dose. - ℥ss. q. 2 h. – W.W.U. Cold Injection For Arteries. – Boiled Oil – Oiss Venice Turpent. Oiss White Lead (ground in Oil) Red Lead (sifted) āā ℔j Vermilion ℥iv Mix ½ the oil with the Terp. in one vessel, - & the remainder of the oil & the other ingredients in another -then pour them together & inject immediately, before it hardens. For Veins. Boiled Oil Venice Terpent. āā Oiss White Lead ℔iss Red Lead ℔ss. Chrome Yellow ℥iv. mix in the same way as the above for the Arteries. 52 Jackson’s Cough Lozenges ♃ Kermes Mineral gr. 1/8 Morph. Sulph. gr. 1/16 Ext. Glycyrrh. gr. V Bals. Tolut. gr. V Acac. Gum. gr. iv Sacch. Alb. q.s. Ft. Troch. āā gr. V. Wine of Ergot Pulv. Secal. Cormet. ℥iv Vini Oj To form Hydrated Perox. of Iron, - which when recent, is said to be an Antidote for Arsenic, - take, - Iron Filings ℥i Ac. Nitric. Ac. Muriah āā ℥iv Aqua Oj – then precipitate with Aq. Ammo. ℥ij or iij. – or, - another, - Boil the cuptallized Sulphate of Iron in 6 times its weight of water in a platina or porcelain vessel, to the boiling solution, - Add Nitric Acid gradually so long as ruddy fumes are disengaged, - 53 disengaged, - so as to bring it to maximum of oxygenation, - then dilute with water, & add Ammonia to precipitate the Perox. - which must be so repeatedly washed to remove all tinces of the Ammoniacal Salt. – One part of Sulphate yields 1/3 its cut, of Hydrat. Perox. – The quantity of Sulphate used must be 36 times the quantity of the poison. – (See Med. Chir. Rev. No. 66. p. 520) Ointment for Tinea Capitis ♃ Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit. Ol. Terebinth āā ʒi Alum. Exsiccat. Plum. Carb āā ʒij Cer. Simp. ℥i m- Apply to head every night, in morning, & dust the head after washing, with Lapis Calaminalls. – Tooth Ache Drops Alum ʒij Spt. Aeth. Nitros. ʒvij m - Apply to tooth. (Paper) 54 Receipt for a Cough ♃ Tinct. opii Camph Vin. Antimonii āā ƒ℥ij Pulv. Ext. Glycyrrh “ Acac. Gum āā ℥ij Put the two last ingredients into 3 pints of the water, boil down ½, when cool, add the 2 others & mix. Dose - Tablespoonful 3 times a day. (Paper) Tetters Ointment ♃ Hydrage Chlor. Corros. gr. j Sulph. Sublim. ℥ss. Axung Porcin. ʒj m W.E. Infallible Lotion – See p. 33. ♃ Alcohol ƒ℥viij in which dissolve Camphor ℥j - then add Ol. Terebinth ℥j Alc. Ammoniat ℥j Ol. Origani ℥ss Tinct. opii ℥ss m. – Rub well in with the hand for a quarter of an hour, four times a day. – Cures all bruises, blans, & gentle strains. - (Jm. Johnston from Am. Farmer) 55 Cure for Frosted Limbs Dissolve ℔ss of Alum in 1 Gallon of drawn Water, Soak the frosted parts, before going to bed, for ten or 15 minutes. – Repeat it for Several Successive nights. (Paper) Also – goose grease applied every night For Burns or Scalds Mix together a tablespoonful of Soot, & 3 tablespoonfulls of Lard, - spread on a rag, & apply to the part. For a Felon Bathe the part affected in ashes & water. Take the yolk of an egg. – 6 drops Spts. Turpentine, - a few beet leaves cut fine, -a small quantity of hard soap, - one teaspoonful of snuff or fine tobacco, - then add one tablespoonful, of burnt salt, & one of Indian Meal: it never fails to effect a cure, if applied in Season. – So says a newspaper 56 Black Salve Red Lead ℥iv} Plumb. Acet. ℥j} pulv. & sifted [fr??] Axung. Porc. ℥xii Resin. Heat the red Lead & Lard together until it begins to turn black, - remove from fire, & stir constantly till it begins to cool & thicken -then add Plumb. Acet. & Resin, & continue stirring until cool. Black Salve Axung. Porcinæ. ℔ss Red Lead ℥iv finely powdered, Cerce Flavæ ℥j Let the lard & wax be melted, then add Red Lead gradually, & keep stirring the whole till it is mixed: let it boil gently till it acquire a black colour, stirring all the time. – Dr. C. Pierson Hope’s Mixture (by Migs) ♃ Acidi Nitrosi ƒʒj Mist. Camph ƒʒiij Misc, et adde Tinct. Opii gtt XL. S. One fourth part to be taken every 3 or 4 hours. Med. Exam. Vol. 1. p. 286 57 Compound Chalk Mixture ♃ Calæ. Carb. Prep ʒiss Tinct. Catechic ʒiij Tr. Cinnam. Comp. ʒij Tinct. Opii ʒj Aqua q.s. ft. ƒ℥iv m – S. Dose tablespoonful every 2 hours. – N.W. Gickard Receipt for Rheumatism ♃ Ol. Origan. ℥ss Ol. Terebinth ℥iij Ol. Sassafras ℥ss Mur. Ammon. ℥ss. Alcohol ℥iv. m. Let these be dissolved together in a bottle, then take 4 Eggs, whites & Yolks, beat them together a little, & pour into the mixture. – Bathe the affected part. Cure for Asthma ♃ Spermaceti Senna Sulphur āā ℥j Potas. Bitart. ℥ij Sem. Anis. ℥ss. m. – Powder fine, & put it through a hairsieve, then take a teaspoonful every night before going to bed. - 58 Durable Whitewash Take one bushel of unslacked lime; slack it with cold water; when well slacked add 20 ℔s Spanish Whiting, 17 ℔ Salt, & 12 ℔ Sugar, Strain this mixture through a wine sieve, & after thinning with Cold water, it will be fit v. use – For Straw Colour, add Yellow Ochre, for Lemon, add Ochre & Chrome Yellow; for Slate & lead colour, - add Lampblack; for blue, add indigo, – for green, add Chrome Green, in each case diminishing the quantity of whiting in proportion. for Portland stone – add Yellow ochre & span. Brown. Stucco Whitewash. at President’s house – Wash. – Take ½ bushel of unslacked lime; slack it with boiling water, covering it during the process to keep in the Steam, Strain the liquor through a fine sieve or Strainer, & add to it a peck of clean salt, previously well dissolved in warm water, 3 lbs of ground rice, ground to a thin paste & stirred & boiled hot, - ½ lb of powdered Spanish Whiting, - 1 lb of clean Glue previously dissolved. – Add 5 Gallons of hot water to the whole mixture Stir it well & let it stand a few days covered from the dirt - 59 For Burns & Scalds &c. – Take Plantain, Dandelion, & young shoots of Elder, bruise them, & boil them in water for about ¾ hour, till the virtues are extracted, - then strain off & add 1 pt. Castor Oil & 1 ℔, Lard to every gallon & boil down. – Geo. R. Gilken For Sore Nipples. Take the flowers of St. John’s Wort & put in a bottle of Sweet Oil, - hang it up in the Sun, until the Colour of the Oil becomes yellow then it will be ready for use. – For burns, - as well as Nipples &c. For bruises &c – Called Red Oil Tonic Mixture – used at Town Lunatic Asylum – Blockley ♃ Ext Conie ℥iij Ter. Protocarb. ℥j Wine Water Molasses āā Oj - m – Give a [cross out] tablespoonful 3 times a day. Dr. Curwen. – For Sore Nipples see “Meigs Letters” p. 657 ~ 60. Anodyne Liniment ([Illegible]) ♃ Linim. Sapon ƒ℥j Spt. Ammon. Spt. Terebinth. āā ƒ℥ss. Vin. Antimon. ƒ℥j Tinct. Opii ƒ℥ss m – For St. Vitus’ Dance Take of Root of Burdock, Spikenard, Comfrey, Great Broke, Sarsaparilla & Solomon’s Seal, each a handful, of Castor & Ginglass each ½ an ounce - Best Raisins 1 ℔ & 3 Tablespoonfuls of Rasped Hartshorn. Put the whole in 3 quarts of Water & boil down to 3 pints. – Give 3 Tablespoonfuls 3 or 4 times a day. – For Rheumatism 1 Tablespoonful of Common Salt ½ teacup of Vinegar ½ pint of Soft Soap mix & add meal to make consistence of Poultice. – Apply to part affected. ~ 61 For Rheumatism – Take 6 Bulbs of English Garlic, bruise in a mortar so as to preserve the juice, till perfectly soft, - 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of fine salt, & a small sprinkle of flour to make a paste. – Spread the plaster on a piece of silk oil cloth, & sprinkle a small quantity of mustard, not sufficient to blister, but just to irritate the Skin; & apply to the affected part. – Marin Thn. To clean Busts &c of White Marble. Mix two ounces Carb. Soda with one quart Cold Water & wash with a stiff clean paint brush. When the dirt it entirely removed, rinse off with pure Water -- For Salivation Comp. Tinct. Iodine ʒij Aqua pura ƒ℥viij mft. Gargle – S. N Chevers Am. Med Journal p. 528. – October 1854 - 62 - Cough Syrup - Take of Hoarhound, Catnip, Tansy Hyssop, Virginia Snake Root & Sarsaparilla – each - 1 oz - Wild Cherry Bark & Elecampane, each – 2 oz Stops 2 dr. = One Beet root, sliced. Boil these in two quarts of Water for half an hour, & strain off the liquor, - to which add Molasses, a pint & a half, Gum Arabic and Liquorice, each 1 oz. – Boil again a few minutes & add Brandy, half a pint, & Juice of 3 lemons. – Dose. – A wineglassful three or four times a day. – The boiling is directed to be done in a new earthen vessel – The above recipe sent me by Ellwood Harvey M. D. of Phil. – June 1856 - 63 - Counter irritants - - without vesication - ♃ - No 1 - Ol. Amygdal. Ess. gtt iij Ol. Caryophyl. ʒij Spt. Vin. Rectif ℥ij ♏︎ ft. Embro. quotidie appl: ♃. - No 2 - Ol. Punent. ʒij Ol. Caryophyll ʒj Ol. Rutæ Graveol. ʒj Spt. Vin. Rectif ℥ij ♏︎ ft. Embro. quotidie appl. When the embrocation has dried off the skin, - moisten the part with cold water to renew the impression. – The above prescriptions were used by Dr. Turnbull, aurist & ocular from England, - & were sent me by Wm M. B. Cooper of N. Castle, who had been under his care for Disease of Eyes &c. 64 - For Dysentery - ♃ Pulv. Rhei gr. XVI Potas. Carb. (sal Tartar) gr. XXXII Cret. Prepar. Gr XL VIII Ol. Menth. Vind gtt IV Tinct. opii gtt XX Aq. puræ ƒ℥ij m. – in phial & shake before using. S. Teaspoonful 3 or 4 times a day – - Keep in a cool place to prevent scurvy. & sweeten with loaf sugar when used. – - July 1856. – “Newspaper.” – “Omne bonum” Pills ♃ Camphor Pulv. opii āā gr. X Pulv. Ipecac. ℈j Mft pill No. XL. – Dr. Hampton - Also - ♃ Camphor Ext. Hyoscy. āā gr X Pulv. Ipecac ℈i Mft. pill XL W.E. To be used where opium in contraindicated - 65 For Asthma ♃ Spermaceti ℥i Senna ℥j Sulphur ℥j Potas. Bitart ℥ij Sem. Anis. ℥ss. Pulverise & pass thro a sieve – 3. Teaspoonful every eight. “Paper.” Whitewash – cheap & good Slack 1 Bush. of freshly burned Lime in a cork barrel, by covering the Lime with boiling water, - then add cold water enough to bring it to consistency of good Whitewash, - then dissolve in water & add 1 ℔ of White Vitriol, (Sul. Tinc) & one quart of fine Salt. – To give this a cream color, add ½ ℔. Yellow Ochre (in powder) – - a fawn – 1 ℔ Gel. Ochre & ¼ ℔ Indian Red. - - a handsome gray stone color, ½ ℔ French Blue & ¼ ℔ Indian Red, - & a drab, ½ ℔. Burnt Sienna & ¼ ℔. Venetian Red. – For Brick or Stone, instead of 1 Bush. Lime, - use ½ Bush Lime & ½ Bush. Hydraulic Cement.- 66 Vin. Comp. Conii Ext. Conii ℥iss Fer. Protocarb ℥ss See p. 59 – Wine Oss Molasses ƒ℥iv Water ƒ℥xii Dose – Tablespoonful 3 times a day Ointment for Burns Take half a pint of white manure from under the henroost, & simmer it in fresh lard ten minutes, then strain it off into a tin box & it is ready for use. Will heal a burn quicker than any other ever invented. – Wm. M. A. Rice Rowe, Mass. – (From Rural N. Yorker – Dec. 10 1859) To remove Warts on a horse’s nose &c. – Take the inside of an old Shoe sole recently worn - & burn to coal, - then powder it & mix with Salt Grease to make a Salve, with which the warts are to be smeared over for 2 or 3 days, - 3/16 1860 - T. S. Holmes - (Sal Ammoniac [illegible]: Water - also) 67 Cure for a Felon Take a half gill of strong vinegar, dissolve in it, a Tablespoonfull of Sal Eratus, - heat as hot as flesh can bear, - soak the felon therein, & repeat as often as the pain returns. – Feb. 4. 1860 – Rural New Yorker Liquid Opodeldoc 1 quart Alcohol 2 oz. Castile Soap 1 oz. Camphor Ol. Orijam. & ol. Rosemary each ʒj - dissolve soap in all, then all the others. - for sprains, chilblains &c – Hemlock oil for sprains, well soaked in 3 times a day To Cure Chilblains 2 quarts of Lard 1 Pint of the Turpentine ¼ ℔ camphor - M - For cleaning Silver Trace (cash). – Add 3 Gallons of Water to 1 ℔ Cyanide of Potash – dip the article in & stir it round quickly & immediately remove it & hold under a hydrant to wash off – dry it in Saw Dust – (Caldwell & Co. Inc) 68 Curculio Mixture To one pound of Whale oil Soap add four ounces of Sulphur. mix thoroughly & dissolve in twelve gallons of Water. Take one [cross out] half peck of quick lime, & when well slacked add your gallons of water, & stir well together. When settled & clear, pour off the transparent part & add to the soap & sulphur mixture. – To this mixture, add four gallons of strong tobacco water. Apply this compound when thus incorporated, with a garden syringe to your plum or other fruit trees, so as to drench all part of the foliage. If no rains succeed for three weeks, one application will be sufficient. If washed by rains, it should be renewed. – “N. York observer” Requires to be applied every 2 or 3 days from the time the fruit is first formed: - (& even then doubtful) W.E. 69 For Dysentery Take of Saturated Solution of Sulphate magnesia - ƒ℥vij – Arom. Sulph. acid ƒ℥j – mix. (Saturate sol. is prepared by dissolving Salts in a equal quantity of water, (by weight) at 60° Fahrenheit – It will be ready for use in 8 or 10 hours, by shaking occasionally.) medium dose for an adult, - tablespoonful, with 2 or 3 ounces of Water, every 4 or 6 hrs till it moves the bowels. If much pain, add opiates -morph, - or Paregoric &c. – Very highly commended in med. Reporter Vol. 8. No 17. – July 26. 1862 p. 403. – as originally from Doct D.B. Dorsey of Cincinnatti 70 Tonics ꝶ Pil. Seni Carb ʒj Ext. Belladonna gr IV Quiniac Sulph. gr XXX Ext Ignat. Am. gr VIII ♏︎ ft. massa et in pil. XVI dev S. One t.d. Dr Pepper ꝶ Queniac Sulph. gr j Tr Ferri Chlor. gtt v Aquae ƒ℥ss ♏︎ S. Take t.d. Dr P. ꝶ Tr. Ferri Chlor. gtt xv Tr. Opii gtt ij Aquae ƒ℥ss. ♏︎ D.P. S. Take q.s.h. in Typhoid fevr ꝶ Tr. Necis Tomicae gtt XV Tr. Gent. Comp. ƒʒj ♏︎ S. Take t.d. a.c Dr. J.F. Meigs 71 ꝶ Ac. Muriat Oil. gtt XX Syrupi ƒʒj Aquae ƒ℥iij ♏︎ S. Take t.d. a.c. J.F.M. ꝶ Strychniac gr 1/40 Ext. Gent. Fl. ƒʒss Sympi ƒʒj Spt. Lavand C. ƒʒss Alcohol. Oil ƒʒij ♏︎ S t.d.a.c. J.F.M ꝶ Quin. Sulph. āā gr j Ferri Redach Ac. Arseniosi gr 1/60 ♏︎. et ft. pil S t.d. Dr. F. G. Smith – Inanaemia &c ꝶ Ichei Pulv āā ʒj Ext. Gent. Ext. Ipeat. Am. gr VIII ♏︎ Ft. massa et in pil XXX div. S. Two at bed time Tonic laxative Dr. Pepper 72 “Mistura Ferrata” ꝶ Ferri Ammon. Atrat gr. VII Spt. Lavande Comp. ƒʒss Ext. Gent. Fl. ƒʒss Alcohol ƒʒj Aquae ƒʒij ♏︎ S. t.d. p.c. J. F.M. For Lemonade ꝶ Ac. Citrici ℥j Ol. Limonis gtt. VI Aquae Oj ♏︎ Dilute - & sweeten to taste. For After pains. ꝶ Morph. Acetat gr ss. Aq. Camph. ƒ℥ij ♏︎ S ƒ℥ss. p.r.n. J. Ca[???] For Tetanus Hypodermic injection of a saturated solution of Atropiae Sulph. gtt XII in post median line of [illegible] H.H. Smith. 73 Liniments St. Johns Long’s Liniment ꝶ Ol. Terebinth ƒ℥ij Aceti ƒ℥j Vitelli vin ovi ♏︎ ꝶ Ol. Terebinth ƒ℥j Lin. Saponis ƒ℥ij Acidi Acetici ƒ℥s ♏︎ J.M. Da Costa ꝶ Chloroformi āā ƒ℥j Ol Olivae Camphorae ℥ss Aq. Ammon ƒ℥ss Tr Opii āā ƒ℥j Tr. Aconiti ♏︎ In Rheumatism etc. For Mania a Potu Tinct. Digitalis ƒ℥ss every half hour until cessation of violent symptoms H.H.S. 74 Carminatives ꝶ Tr. Card. Comp. ƒʒj Tr. Zingiberis ƒʒj Tr. Opii gtt XL Aq. Cinnamoni ƒ℥vi ♏︎ S ƒ℥ss. q.h. Dr. Pepper In Bilious Colic. ꝶ Spt. Ammon Arom. ƒʒij Tr. Opii gtt XL Tr. Card Comp. ƒ℥ss Aq. Menth Pip. ƒ℥iijss Sacchari ʒij ♏︎ ft. sol. S. ƒ℥ss p.r.n. J.J. Sevick ꝶ Magnesiae Sodae et Potass Tart āā ʒj Sp. Ammon. Ar. ƒʒj Aq. Menth Pip. ƒ℥vi ♏︎ ft. sol. S. ƒ℥ss. q.h. E. Hartshorne 75 Cough Mixtures ꝶ Morph. Acet. gr j Vin Ipecac ƒʒj Aquae ƒ℥iij ♏︎ S. ƒʒj q.s.h. ꝶ Potass. Cyanidi gr iij Morph. Acetat. gr ij Aceti Deshllati ƒʒij Syr. Tolutani ƒ℥iij ♏︎ F.G.S. S. ƒʒj q.s.h. or q.t.h ꝶ Ac Hydrocyan. Oil gtt XII Syr Tolutan. ƒ℥j Morph. Sulph. gr ss ♏︎ S. ƒ℥j q.t.h. p.r.n. F.G.S. Ayer’s Chery Pectoral ꝶ Tr. Hyoscyami ƒʒj Tr Sanfrimanai ƒ℥ss Syr. Prun.Ving ƒ℥iv ♏︎ S. ƒʒj q.t.h. 76 Cough Mixtures. ꝶ Syr Ipecac. ƒ℥j. Morph. Sulph. gr j Aquae ƒ℥iij ♏︎ S. ƒ℥j q.t.h. ꝶ Syr. Senegae ƒ℥j Ammon. Carb. ʒj Aquae ƒ℥iij ♏︎ S ƒʒ q.t.h. Stimulating Expectorat ꝶ Ammon Muriat ʒij Mist. Glycrr. C. ƒ℥iv ♏︎ S ƒʒij t.d. add. Vin Ipecac ƒʒij if necess Basham’s Mixture ꝶ Tr. Ferri Chloride gtt XX Ac. Acet. Dilut ƒʒss Elixir Curacoa āā ƒʒss Syrupi Liq Ammon Acet. ƒ℥ijss ♏︎ S Take t.d. Meigs In various forms of Bright’s disease tonic diaphoretic. 77 Gargles. ꝶ Plumbi Acet. gr VIII Morph. Acet. gr ij Aquae ƒ℥j ♏︎ Dr Pr In mercurial stomatitis. ꝶ Ac. Muriate. Oil ƒʒj Aquae ƒ℥j Metis q.s. ♏︎ In malignant diptheria. Singer’s Gargle – Physick ꝶ Cinchonae Pulv. ℥j Cupri Sulphat. gr X Mel. Rosae - ƒ℥j Aq. Bullientis ƒ℥viii. ♏︎ Capsicum Gargle ꝶ Capsici ʒj Salis ʒij Aceti ƒ℥ss Aquae ƒ℥vii ♏︎ 78 Sedatives ꝶ Chloraforme ƒʒj Camphorae ʒj Aquae ƒ℥vi ♏︎ S. ƒ℥ss q.t.h. Dr Pepper ꝶ Potass Cyanide gr j Aquae ƒ℥j ♏︎ Fl. sol. ƒʒj t.d. Dr P. ꝶ Ac. Sulph. Oil ƒʒj Aquae ƒʒvi Curosoae ƒ℥ss ♏︎ S. ƒ℥ss t.d. Dr P. ꝶ Camphorae gr XX Ethers ƒ℥ss ♏︎ ft. sol. S ƒʒj every ½ hour ꝶ Tr. Aconiti gtt ij Aquae ƒ℥ss ♏︎ S. p.r.n. 79 ꝶ Camphorae ʒss Chloraformi ƒʒj Aq. Cinnam. āā ƒ℥j Syr. Acaciae ♏︎ S. ƒʒ every 15 minutes Sedative in gout &c Dr P. Chalk Julep ꝶ Cretae Praep. ʒij Tr. Catechu ƒʒij Tr. Opii gtt XL Sacchari ʒij Sp. Menth. Pep. ƒ℥vi ♏︎ S. ƒ℥ss t.d. For Scarlatina ꝶ Ext. Belladonnae gr iij Aq. Cinnam. ƒ℥j ♏︎ S. gtt j for children one year old One additional drop for each additional year. (Homeopathic) 80 Chelsea Pensioner [Grow] ꝶ Cinchonae Pulv. ʒj Guaici “ ʒj Potass. Bitart [cross out] ℥j Zingiberis ʒj Sulphuris Praecip ʒss Syrupi q.s. ut elect. fiat. ♏︎ S. ƒʒ t.d. or q.d. Rhematsm ꝶ Sodae Bicarb ʒij Aq. Cinnam ƒ℥vi Tr Card Comp. ƒ℥j ♏︎ S ƒ℥ss q.d. – gout &c ꝶ Creasoti gtt X Tr. Zingiberis ƒʒj Tr. Card. Comp. ƒ℥j Sodae Bicarb ʒij Sacchari gr ss. Aq. Cinnam ƒ℥vi ♏︎ S ƒ℥j q.d. Rheumatism &c 81 ꝶ Rhei Pulv. āā ʒj Ext. Gent. Ext. Ifu. Am. gr XXX ♏︎ - ft pil XXX – S. 2 at bedtime Laxative in gout. ꝶ Ac. Benzoici gr ijss Potass. Bicarb gr xv Sympi q.s. Aq. Menth Pep. ƒ℥ss. ♏︎ S. t.d. J.F. Meigs Diuretic in chr. rheumatism – albuminemia &c ꝶ Vin Colch. Rad. ƒʒj Magnesiae ʒj Magnes. Sulph. ℥ss Aq. Cinnamonn ƒ℥iv ♏︎ S ƒ℥ij t.d. Scudanious Mixture ꝶ Potass. Nitratis ʒj Acetet Potass Tart. gr j Aquae ƒ℥viii ♏︎ S ƒ℥ t.d. or q.d. 82 ꝶ Vin Colch. Rad. ƒʒss. Magnesiae ʒj Aq. Cinnam. ƒ℥iv ♏︎ S. ƒ℥ss q.t.h. ꝶ Rhei Pulv. gr ij Capsici gr ij Ipecac Pulv. gr ¼ ♏︎ in pil S. At night. Stomachic Laxative - Ointments ꝶ Ol. Olivae āā eq. pts. Liq Calcis ♏︎ In acute eczema cases from “poison vine” J.J. Levicte Benzoated Tinc Ointment ꝶ Benzoini. (pulv) gr X Tinci Oxidi ʒj Adipis ʒviii ♏︎ Meigs & Smith in skin diseases 83 Pneumonia – Pleurisy &c. ꝶ Antimon. Sulphuret. grss Pulv. Ipecac. Comp. grijss ♏︎ or ꝶ Ant. Sulpharet. gr ½ Pulv. Ipec. Comp. āā grij Potass Nitrat ♏︎ S. q.s.h. or q.t.h. meigs or add Hydrag Chlor Nat grss ꝶ Ammon Muriat. grijss Morph. Muriate gr 1/24 Syr. Senegae gtt X Aquae ƒʒij ♏︎ S. q.s.h. FG.S When lung clearing up in pneumonia ꝶ Tr. Cinch Comp. āā ƒ℥ij Syr Prun Trig Ac Sulph. Arom ƒʒij Morph. Sulph. gr ¼ ♏︎ S. ƒ℥ss t.d. in aqua. J.M. Da Costa 84 ꝶ Liq Ammon Acet. ƒ℥ij Potass Acetat ʒiij Syr Tolutani ƒ℥iss Tr. Opii Camph. ƒ℥ss ♏︎ J.M. DaC S. ƒʒij q.d. Pleurisy ꝶ Vin Ipecac ƒʒj Sp. Eth. Nitrose ƒ℥j Mist. Glyrr. C. ƒ℥iij Potass. Carb. ʒiss ♏︎ S. ƒʒij q.q.h. J.M. DaC Bronchitis &c. ꝶ Acet. Et. Potass. Tart grj Morph. Acetat. grj. Potass. Nitrat. ʒj Aquae ƒ℥iv ♏︎ DaC. S. ƒʒ t.d. acute br. ꝶ Hydracs Chlor. Mit. grij Potass Nitrat ʒiss Pulv. Ipecac Comp. gr XII ♏︎ In chart, NI dividend [cross out] S. Two t.d. Dr. P. 85 ꝶ Potassii Iodidi ʒij Tr Cinch Comp. ƒ℥ij Syr. Senegae ƒ℥j ♏︎ S. ƒʒj t.d. or q.d. ~ DaC. ꝶ Syr Scillae Comp. ƒ℥ss Syr. Senegae ƒ℥iiss Tr Opii Camph. ƒ℥j ♏︎ S. ƒ℥j q.d. DoC. ꝶ Potass. Acetat. ℥ss Vin. Ipecac. ƒʒj Spt. Eth. Nitrosi ƒ℥j Syr. Simplicis ƒ℥iiss Tr Opii Camph. ƒʒiij ♏︎ S. ƒʒ q.s.h. in aqua. 86 “Army Itch” ♃ Syr. Sarsap. Comfe. ƒ℥iv Sud. [Arsenial] gr iv-viij Dose teaspoonful 21 . d. ♃ Pix Bburgund ʒiv Hydrarg [Dx] Rub. [Rhumb]. Or mb. Terebinth. Tinct. āā ℥j [Bat?ri] [secutus] ℥xii ([illegible] will not answer) The first 3 ingredients to be finely peel [illegible] before being mixed with the last ten, then stirred over a slow heat, then place the dish on ice or Cold Water & Stir till cool. “Med & Surg Ref.: Feb. 11 1861.” ♃ Sulph. Sublim ℥vj Hyd. Ammon. Chlorid. ʒij Hyde. Sulphurete Chlor Simple ʒij Adipis ℥x Creasat[???] ♏︎xx 11 - apply to the oil spots Every Eve (or [illegible] & Eve) [illegible] – to be well [illegible] in – "Med & Surg Ref. Feb. 11 1861" 87 For Taming Horses a powder composed of equal parts of Horse wart & Castor Bean – Dose – 10 grs. put in each nostril, produces a languid feeling - & submission to kindness – after the powder give 3 or 4 drops of the Oil of Rhodium & Cinnam, equal parts, mixed, - apply with a feather. – Recipe sold by travelling jockeys for $5 – Rural New Yorker - Use Rosey one third after the dose if necessary Liniments for Stimulatting absorbents in sprains, spasms etc O. Origan ℥j, Camphor Gum British oil, Castile Soap, Aq. Ammon, & Laudanum each ℥j – 1 Gill Spts Turpentine, 1 Gill Sweet oil, 1 pint alcohol – Hypo[??] inject of 150 gr – 2 [illegible] in [illegible] Antidote to Mosquitoes Glycerine 4 oz Ol. Peppermint 2½ drams Oil of Turpentine 4 drams The face, neck, hands & all parts exposed, to be rubbed with the mixture – a certain preventive says “a newspaper” 88 Stimulating Diuretic ♃ Juniper berries} mustard seed} Ginger Root} each ℥j [bruised] Horse Radish} each ℥j Parsley Root} Hard Cider 2 quarts – m A kind glassful 4 times a day. - Dr. Parish For Bronchitis ♃ Essence of Sassafras} “ Anise} “ Hemlock} “ Fie} Each Oj Number Six} Tr. Sang. Canadenses} Tr. Lobel Inflata} each mix & add 2 quarts of molasses & 2 quarts of Soft Water ~ Ohio from Dr. N. Much used by Dr. N. Hare For Dyspepsia ♃ Rad Gentian ℥ss Ginger or Sem Focine ʒij Sulph. Magnes ℥j Aq. bullient – Oj M Dose Tablespoonful 89 To extract Grease from Cloth Rectified Alcohol Oj Carb. Potas (pure) gr X Ol. Bergamot ℥ss. Acette Sulph. ℥j mix & keep in a glass Stopped bottle & apply with a sponge. Soak the cloth tho nightly when the grease is not recent For Hemorrhoids ♃ Fer Persulph. ʒss. Cerat. Simp ℥j m apply to parts – For Corns Tinct Iodin ʒj Iodid Ferri gr iij Chloride Antt ʒj m apply to corns after paining - For Burns or Frozen Flesh Indian wheat poultice covd. over with Young Hyson Tea, softened with warm water, & laid over burns or frozen flesh as hot as can be borne, will relieve the pain & prevent blistering, if there are no blisters before its application - 90 Black Tarnish for Leather Put half a [pound] of gum shellac in a quart bottle cover it with Alcohol cork tight place it in a warm place to dissolve. add a piece of gum camphor as large as a [illegible] & one ounce of comp black. Apply with brush. Add alcohol [?] too thick (Hall’s Journal of “4” [illegible] For [phrase illegible] [illegible] [illegible] wood Pulv. [?] ℥j [illegible] gr V [illegible] O IV [illegible] [illegible] in warm [illegible] the above with a brush. The [illegible] the [illegible] [illegible] with [illegible] [illegible] 2 parts Castor Oil, one part [illegible] before using Bark for Thrush. Sulphate of Copper 6 oz Alum 4 oz [Illegible] ½ oz New Ammonia ¼ oz 91 [illegible] water [illegible] in a [illegible] [illegible] to cool [illegible] [illegible] sufficient to cure Blister [illegible] [?] [Ben??ded] [illegible] [illegible] m [illegible] Hair Tonic [illegible] (Fox Horses Tail) Glycerine ℥j Tumeric N [illegible] Tanin [?] Rose Water [?] ʒj [??] Apply with sponge all brushing combing &c. Should be avoided. 92 For Dysemenorrhea [Rheuch???ea] Crea vela ʒj [illegible] 156 [illegible] 61 Bowery NY For Yellow Fever Ol Ricine [illegible] Then [S???] Sulphur gr XX gr [?] Paper [illegible] Dr. [illegible] – James[??] Silver [??]ing Powder ꝶ [illegible] Nitrate āā XXX [S???] Chloride Potass. Bicarb ʒiij. M S [M????] and rub in the [illegible] [Lyc???]’s Silver Paste Nitrate of Silver 1 part Potass Cyanide 3 parts Water of s[???] makes thick paste. Apply with rag 93 Silver Bath Sulphate of Soda 100 parts Nitrate of Silver 15 “ [illegible] in water and dry the article - Cure for Asthma ♃ Spermaceti Senna Sulphur Sub Potas. Bitart āā ℥ss Sem. Anisi ʒij Pulverize pill – 1 min Take a teaspoonful going to bed – mixed in molasses – Pil H.I.O. ꝶ Massa Hydrarg gr XII Ipecac pulv gr III Opii pulv āā gr III M et in pil No xii Div - 94 For poison – ♃ Tinct. Iodin ℥ss Potas Irdid gr. X Mix together & take 10 drops & if in 30 minutes, it does not have the desired effect, take 10 drops more. – Cut the wound with a knife & drop 1 drop into the wound. (Ansel Irelan says that the use of the above saved the life of his nephew after being bitten by a Tarantula in Mansanillo, Mex.) Scarlet Fever – Treatment in N. York Med - Journal for Sept. 1873 p. 225. - q.v. [illegible] Potas Tart gr Ss. Potas Nitrat. ʒss Pulv Ipecac gr viss mft pulv. No. XII The [sentence illegible] Chronic Dysentery in Same as above – p. 265. Potas. Chlorat ʒss Glycerine ℥ss Aqua tupid ℥iv. mft Injection - 95 For Epithelial Cancer ♃ Chlor. Tinci gr iij Bloodroot gr V Starch gr viij make a paste with honey. See Phil. Medical Times for Sept. 27 . 1873 . p. 819 -  96    97  98  99  100  101  102           Elmer. Vol. 1 National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD Condition on Receipt: The half leather and decorated paper binding was extremely dirty, worn, abraded, deteriorated and powdery, particularly at the corners, edges, endcaps and joints. The joints and internal hinges were partially broken. The sewing was loose. The pages were dirty, discolored, acidic, weak and brittle. There were several loose enclosures at the beginning of the volume. The manuscript inks present were acidic and varied in intensity. Treatment: The volume was collated and disbound. The inks were tested for solubility. The head, tail and pages were dry cleaned and washed and then buffered (deacidified) with magnesium bicarbonate solution. Tears were mended and folds guarded where necessary with Japanese paper and rice starch paste. The volume was sewn on linen tapes with linen thread. Windsor handmade paper ends with a linen hinge were attached. The volume was case bound in full cloth. A pocket was attached to the back cover to house the loose enclosures. Title information and lines were stamped in gold foil onto the spine. Northeast Document Conservation Center April 1986 So: SO/JN/MW   Bals. Tolu vel Peru ℥iij Gum Benzoin vel Storax ℥iij Aloe Socot Myrrh āā ℥ss Saffron Anglica āā ℥ss Flor. Hyssinthu ℥j Spt. Vin. Rect. Oij Digest 3 months in turn Sweet Flur boiled in new milk, thickened with Rye Flour to make poultice for poison - #29 Vol 1 ꝶ: Pulv. Carb: ferri ℥j – - Aloes – Comp: ʒij - Rad Gentian: ʒj m/ S: boil a teaspoonful twice a day in Ginger Syrup [illegible] Dr. Geo. McClellan #29 Vol 1 Sp. Ammo Arom ʒj Hoff Anod ℥ss Tr. Lobel ʒj Tr. of Camph. ʒss Aq. Menth. ℥iss Aq. Camph. ʒiss #29 Vol. 1 No 1 ꝶ Ol: Amygdal: Ess. gtt iij Ol: Caryoph: ʒij Spt: Vin: Rectif: ℥ij ♏︎. fl Embro: quotidio appl: No 2 ꝶ Ol: Piment: ʒij Ol: Caryophyll: ʒi Ol. Rutæ Graveol: ʒi Spt: Vin: Rectif: ℥ij ♏︎. Fl. Embro: quotidio appl: - When the embrocation has dried off from the Skin, moisten the part with cold water to [round] the impression. - #29 Vol 1 #29 Vol 1 Pagets Mixture Sulph Tinci ℈ij P.G. Acaciæ ʒij Tinct S Tino velo Car: ʒij Aq Rosar ℥ij Aq Puræ ℥iv 10/12 = 34 Wash for Outbuildings. I WANT to know how to make a good, permanent whitewash for outside building and board fences. – A. LAING, Simcoe, C. W. 1859. Wishing to know how to make a whitewash that is both durable and good, I thought the inquiry would perhaps be answered by you or your numerous correspondents. I have a fence inclosing about an acre of ground, a poultry house, and a small barn to whitewash, and I would like to have them appear well, and also the whitewash to last some time. – D. GETHART, Williamsport, Pa., 1859. Take a barrel and slake in it carefully, with boiling water, half a bushel of fresh lime. Then fill the barrel two-third full of water, and add 1 bushel of hydraulic lime or water cement. Dissolve in water and add 3 pounds of sulphate of zinc, (white vitriol,) stirring the whole to incorporate it thoroughly. The wash should be of the consistency of thin paint, and may be laid on with a whitewash or other brush. The color is pale stone color – nearly white. If you wish it to be straw color add yellow ochre, 2 pounds in powder; if drab, add 4 pounds raw umber. Another good wash is made as follows: - Slake lime with the hot water, in a tub to keep in the steam. When dissolved, and in a half fluid state, pass it through a fine seive. Take six quarts of this lime and one quart of clean rock salt for each gallon of water – the salt to be dissolved by boiling, and the impurities to be skimmed off. To five gallons of this mixture, (salt and lime,) add one pound of alum, half a pound of copperas, three-fourths of a pound of potash, (the last to be added gradually,) four quarts of fine sand, or hard wood ashes. Add coloring matter to suite the fancy. A correspondent of the Country Gentleman gives the following: - One bushel unslaked lime; half a gallon salt; three pounds alum, powdered; three pounds saleratus. Mix and put in a tight barrel with one head out. If the lime is quite fresh, cold water – if not, then use hot water. Keep stirring while slaking, adding water as required, so as not to become dry at any time. If it heats dry it becomes lumpy, and must not be overflowed with water so as to prevent the slaking going on. Stir up well from the bottom. When finished it may be thick as mush. When to be applied by a brush, make the mixture the consistency of whitewash – about the thickness of cream. Apply the first coat very thoroughly, filling every crack or interstice between the bricks or in the boards. For wooden fences a second coat of the same material is all that is required. Those who desire to have some other color than white, can add coloring matter to taste. For BRICK HOUSES. – For the second coat, add to the first named materials 12 pounds melted tallow, and mix as before. This coat is impervious to water – is brighter, looking clean longer than paint, and preserve the cement between the brick better the paint. Two quarts skimmed milk; 2 oz. fresh slaked lime; 5 lbs. whiting. Put the lime into a stoneware vessel, pour upon it a sufficient quantity of milk to make a mixture resembling cream, the balance of the milk is then to be added; and lastly the whiting is then to be crumbled and spread on the surface of the fluid, in which it gradually sinks. At this period it must be well stirred in, or ground, as you would other paint, and it is fit for use. There may be added any coloring matter that suits the fancy. It is to be applied in the same manner as other paints, and in a few hours it will become perfectly dry. Another coat may then be added, and so on, until the work is completed. This paint is of great tenacity, and possesses a slight elasticity, which enables it to be bear rubbing even with a coarse woolen cloth, without being in the least injured. It has little or no smell, even when wet, and when dry is perfectly inordorous. It is not subject to be blackened by sulphurous or animal vapors, and is not injurious to health. The quantity above mentioned, is sufficient for covering 57 yards with one coat. Take a barrel and slake in it carefully, with boiling water, half a bushel of fresh lime. Then fill the barrel two-thirds full of water, and add one bushel of hydraulic lime or water cement. Dissolve in water and add three pounds of sulphate of zinc, (white vitriol,) stirring the whole to incorporate it thoroughly. The wash should be of the consistency of thin paint, and may be laid on with a whitewash or other brush. The color is pale stone color, nearly white. If you wish it to be straw color, add yellow ochre, two pounds in powder; if drab, add four pounds raw umber. Another good wash is made as follows: - Slake lime with hot water, in a tub, to keep in the steam. When dissolved, and in a half fluid state, pass it through a fine seive. Take six quarts of this lime and one quart of clean rock salt for each gallon of water – the salt to be dissolved by boiling, and the impurities to be skimmed off. To five gallons of this mixture, (salt and lime,) add one pound of alum, half a pound of copperas, three-fourth of a pound of potash, (the last to be added gradually,) four quarts of fine sand, or hard wood ashes. Add coloring matter to suit the fancy. A correspondent of the Country Gentleman gives the following: - One bushel unslaked lime; half a gallon salt; three pounds alum, powdered; three pounds saleratus. Mix and put in a tight barrel with one head out. If the lime is quite fresh, cold water, - if not then, use hot water. Keep stirring while slaking, adding water as required, so as not to become dry at any time. If it heats dry, it becomes lumpy, and must not be overflowed with water so as to prevent the slaking going on. Stir up well from the bottom. When finished, it must be thick as mush. When to be applied by a brush, make the mixture the consistency of whitewash, - about the thickness of cream. Apply the first coat very thoroughly, filling every crack or interstice between the bricks or in the boards. For wooden fences a second coat of the same materials is all that is required. Those who desire to have some other color than white, can add coloring matters to taste. For Brick Houses. – For the second coat, add to the first-named materials, twelve pounds melted tallow and mix as before. This coat is impervious to water, - is brighter, looking clean longer than paint, and preserves the cement between the bricks better than paint. Take of Horehound, Catnip, Tansy, Hyssop, Virginia Snake-root, and Sarsaparilla, each 1 oz. Wild-cherry bark, and Elecampand, each 2 oz. Hops 2 dr. One Beet-root, sliced Boil these in two quarts of water for half-an-hour and strain off the liquor, to which add, Molasses, a pint & half, Gum Arabic, and Liquorice, each 1 oz. Boil again a few minutes and add Brandy, half a pint and Juice of three lemons. Dose, a wineglassful three or four times a-day. The boiling is directed to be done in a new earthen vessel. Hoping some of your patients may be as much benefited by the curious recipe as one of mine appears to have been I am Yours Respectfully. Ellwood Harvey. With one Bottle Wm Elmer M.D. Bridgeton Byfarm N.J. Mess. L.L. & R.I. Lithian “Cherry Pectoral.” ꝶ Morph. Acet. gr. iij Tinct. Sang. Can. ʒij Vin. Ant. et Pot. Tart. “ Ipecacuanha āā ʒiij † Syr. Pruni Virg. ℥iij M. The equivalent ulcerate principles are here combined in their purity viz: Morphine, Sanguinerine, Tart. Ox. Ant et Pot. Emetine, Hydrocyanic Acid. Saccharum Spts. et Aqua *Braithwaite. #29 Vol 1 Dear Sir, Herewith allow me to lay before you an Article of my preparation, which aspires to general favor of medical men. Its distinguishing characteristics will be seen to be, that it is prepared from the ultimate alkaloids, in purity, and contains free, permanent Hydrocyanic Acid, a desideratum in Medicines, not hitherto obtained. The components are chemically united so as perfectly to resist the action of time, and it is bilieved, such is the accuracy and purity of the preparation, as to afford any energy, certainty and uniformity of remedial affects, surpassing any other in uses. My purpose has been to afford to Practitioners, an Anodyne Expectorant, of such intrinsic superiority and worth, as should commend itself to their attention and favor. Allow me to request, you will give it a trial, and if you find it worthy, yours in fluency. Very respectfully yrs. James C. Ayer. To take black Salve. Take ½ pound hog’s lards, ¼ pounds red lead finely powdered, one ounce bees wax; let the lard & wax be melted, then add red lead by degrees, & keep stirring the whole till it is mixed; let it boil gently till it acquire a black color, stirring it all the time. – You wished directions for making black salve, & here it is, if you never occasion to use it so much the better. Your affectionate, & Dutiful Son Mrs. Phebe Pierson. Danl A. Pierson S cise, & [cross out] This opinion may [illegible] soon as he quitted the school in the spring & went to work. – We have a fair prospect of getting through with our work sooner than we did last fall, & then Jeremiah & Daniel will go to the same school with George, & if Azel’s health should be good. I propose to continue him at school all next summer. We should be glad to send Phebe to her former teacher the ensueing six months, but her mother cannot spare her this winter.