ꝶ yar 42 ꝶ. Plumbi. acetat - vja xxgr Aqua - ℥jj Acid acct - ℥ju jj Tinc opii ʒjj a tablespoonful tu quator in die ꝶ Mosphia grs ij G Acaica ʒi aq ℥ij A teaspoon 3-4 in die Rate of Mortality Between 20 and 30 - 30 " 40 - 40 " 50 50 " 60 - 60 " 70 - Lancet 12. 88 - 1 dies out of 95 annually 1 - 77 - " 1 - 40 - " - 1 - 22 - " - 1 - 10 - " - 70 " 80 - 1 - 5 - " - 80 " 90 - 1 - 2 - " - ꝶ Muriates Ammon. ʒiii Pulv. extr. glycyrr. ℥ss. Tart. [crossed out] Antimoi. gr j Aq font ℥vjii. ♏︎ - Seg. A teaspoon-ful every two hours. Measles measels Etc - Minus injection for ꝶ Aqua Ammon gtts xx Aqua Calicl ℥vjjj Morning & Evening Receipt book 156 Hysoancheparotid [crossed out] Mumps ꝶ Ammon Mur. ʒss Acet commun ℥j Aq. - ℥vj Spts Comp. ʒjt lotia compresses kept wet ꝶ Morphia murite gr ij Extr. Hyosciam gr vj. fm. in fil jv divide ꝶ vin Colchici ʒssi Toda Carbon ℈j ten in die. Rheumatism Lancet 13 . 410 Neuralgia & Rheumatism I Jan 12. 299 Extr. Stramonium. Cure for Deafness. Prescribed by Dr. Moore of N. York Take 1 oz vial of Sweet Oil. Put 10 Drops Spirits of Turpentine into it. - Dip Cotton in it spirit it into the Ear. Gonorrha Lancet [V. 1.] 771 ꝶ Peppermint water Orange flower water Syr. of Cinnmon Bals. Copaiba - āā ℥j Sulph. acid - ʒi Given trageanth g.r. f. Syrup. Dose a tea spoon full morning & evening - if it produce from givg 20 drops laudanum - to be added - To keep an action in the bowels ꝶ Magnu. Sulph - ʒjv Sol. Acetat Ammon. ℥i - Sol Tart: Antrmo. at potassa ʒss Aqua - ℥v a large table spoon full of this mixture to be taken every four hours. [illegible] Lan. 11-624 - Doctr. O Coierne of Dublin Says white swelling Diarrhœa Nomton 869 ꝶ Catechu pulv - grs xv Alumin. Sulph gr jji Conserv. Rosar - ʒss Syr papavoris grG fs bolu to be taken at Bed time ol. Ricini - ℥j - ptr. Ether Nitrosi ʒj Ol. Cinnimoni - gr j bac Vacin. - ℥vj lina opii p.r.n. - ꝶ. Creta pp. P. G. Acacica ../aa ℈jv. Spt vini Sacar Alle ../aa ʒij Ol. Cinnam gtts. vi Tinc opii - gtts xxx Aqua - ℥vss. To take a table spoon full after each loose evacuation Deafness Chevalis ꝶ. Humine Sulph ℈ji Aq. Hordia - ʒvj. Deafness Chevalis ꝶ. Humine Sulph ℈ji Aq. Hordia - ʒvj. Gorrorrhæ by Delpect Tronpeaur &c vol 1. 491 Rx Aqua Menth, " fol Amantior, Bals. Copaiba, Syr: Limonis c./aa ℥j Acid Sulph: - ʒi Gum Adraganth g-s f [crossed out] emulsio. de quarum capiaty un euilleree matin at soir - Copaiba given in injections commencing with ʒji & gradually augmenting the dose to ℥i. it may be suspended in the yolk of eggs - mucilage of gums &c &c - ib ♇ 492 - if the returns is it an irritable state one grain of opium may be addd in painful errection a few grs of Camphor R. Bals Copaiba ... ℥j do Tolic ... ℥j Bals Cauad ... ℥ss Spt. Terebinth .. ℥ss Tr. Cabur ... ℥ss Spt Nict Duld ... ʒij " Camphora ...ʒij R. Opii ... ℥ij Ol. Ciniamonii ... gtt ij Liq Use at directed - Gonorrhoæ Loca cS ee Catarr Johnson Med. Pol. ℔s ꝶ G. myrrh - ʒi G. Ammons - ʒss. P.R. Scill - grs x. Opii - grs vj. Syr. Simp. q.s.f. mapa in pil gr. vj dividends. dose 3 in diet increase to 6.7 - Peristaltic Persuaders ꝶ P. Rhai: - ʒij Syr. pond ʒi Ol. Carui. gtt x. Miners makes 40 pills of which each will contain 3 grs Rhei. 1 dilutrion. ꝶ Mur. Morphia grs iij Tart. Emet. grs xij Syr. Amonum ℥ij Aqua ℥jv Sumat ℥i 2 dir horis Delirium Tremors Mixturaæ Cardiacæ. M.d. Gar. Part 4. V2 Par 538 ꝶ Mist. Camphora ℥i Carbonatis Ammonia ʒi Spt. Ether Nitrici - ʒiij ♏︎ ꝶ. Mixturæ [crossed out] Cardiacæ. - ℥vj. Tart Emet. grs viij ♏︎ sumat ℥i 4 tis horis over ꝶ. Pulv. Sabina Ext. Anthimides ../aa ʒss. Oxyd foni Nigri Extra Aloes - ../aa gr xv, ♏︎. fm in pil xvjji divide To take one every night on giving to rest. 262 180 50 5/2300 46 Fever Ea. 1. 89 ꝶ Pulv. cinchon. condam. ℥j - Thei - ʒss. - Muriat Ammonia ʒj ♏︎. in Charta no jv dividendæ - one to be taken every hour or two. Epilepsy Eber. 2. 63 ꝶ nitrat. argent grs vj G. Opii grs x Extr. gention ʒi Extr. Aloes ℈j. ♏︎ fm Divide in 2 gr pills Dysmenorrhœa, Skriupilus, Diarrhœa Dysentry Choleara ꝶ Opii pulv. ʒss, Gumphora - ʒjj Sod sub, Carb - ℥j ♏︎ all separately Dose 10 grs - half tea spoon ful p.r.n. Beach 719 ꝶ. Pulv Rhei - ʒss " Ipecac. - grs jjj " Capsicum - ℈ss Ol. Caryophilli gtts iii Syr. g.s. fm in pil xii divide Hydrisdate of Potash in Cancer ʒj - ℥ij Lancet 7.8 - 346 ꝶ. Extr. Aconitum ℈jv, Vin Centimo - ℥jss ♏︎ Dose 15 to 20 drops every two hours. Rheumatism. 343 Chemical Garrett. Dyspepsia ꝶ Fellis Bov. grs xxx Suc. Apafœtiæ grs xx ♏︎. fm. divide in pil xij. Cap tres in die. Dysentry ꝶ Pulv. Rhei " Doveri. ../aa grs x quaque 2nd. hora until disclosed in diminished Bark or Berries of Sumach, white oak bark, white or common elm bark common blackberry root of each 2 parts or a handful of each: add black snake root of hanful make a strong Decoction state sweaten & [???od] alumt the Child of [?d] the first of [?els]. consequence of Alum & & apply to the parts. Sore throat 2 tablespoons ful of Cayenne pepper, Salt a tea spoon ful, boiling water & vinegar of each half a pint. Let it stand one hour & strain through fine linnen. - Beach 296 [crossed out] Malignant Sore Throat Syphillis Dr. Moore ꝶ. Corros. Sub: - grs jv. Extr. Cicutat ʒi ♏︎ fm in pil 4 X divides Astringent Pills Alum grs vj Extr. Opii gr j powered Catechu grs xx divid in 6 pills - One after each motion in diarrhœa Cooley 87 Pareira Brava root in substance grs xiis ʒss 23 to a 3 pint of water boiled to one to sweeten & strain & take a cup ful at a time Thornton 854 ꝶ Soda bi Carbon ʒji Tim Opii gtts xxx aq Cromom ℥vj. ♏︎ 1/4 part every hour until returned Strangury Gonorrhæ by Delpoch ꝶ. Aq: Menth px} ../aa ℥j " fol Auration} G. Copaiva} Syr: limonis a Acid Sulphur: - ʒi Gum A dragants q.s. femurio A tea spoon full morning & evening Glanders Farcy ꝶ Cantharides gr vj to xij * combines with Ginger. Pimento & other aromatic stimulants * per diem Lancet 1830-31. P 514 Alex Nervous debility & intermittents ꝶ Quinina Sulphat gr iij a xij Tarear, Alb - Dose Mirecet fiat pulvis in partis vj aquales dividendus. Son a powder morning & evening in nervous disability & intermittent fever Dunglison 388 Dysentery Dickerson 154 ꝶ Magnes: Sulph ℥j Tart Potapa et} gr j antimo.} ♏︎ p. Laurtus statim [crossed out] sumendus Gout 1 grain of acetate of veratria, 1 gr of acetate of Morphia, 6 oz of clarifyed Syrup, mix & take a teaspoonful every hour or every 2 hours, until the pain abates, which it will do in the course of [2 hours] the night. This must be followed by a dose of epsom salt & senna in the morning Abernethy ꝶ. Copaibæ - ƒʒjj, Mucilaginis acacia ʒiv, Spts. anthesis nitrosici Spts Lavendulæ - āā ʒjj Olei cinnamomi tts vj Aqua - ℥ vm Sign A Table spoon ful 4 times a day ꝶ. Aluminos. Sulph: Tinci āā ʒi. aq: bulientæ - [illegible] j. Solve et Cola pro injected astringent. Cancer MD vb. 315 ꝶ Arsenic - grs ij Aqua - to ij Cintters a bouch every morning, after 5 days 2 M & Even ꝶ Hydroastate of Potass. ʒss Axringe - ℥ss. Plössl Instrument Vienna Itch Carenave & Schedel ꝶ Sulphur ℥v. Sub. Carbon: potass ℥ij Water ℥i Olive Oil ʒjv. Dissolve the potass add the oil & evaporate the other ingredients with the Soap. Itch Pomade & Helmerich Rx Sulphur Sublimed ℥ss Sub: carbo. potass ʒij Exange - ℥ij Use 1/4 Morning & evening 1 ꝶ Sulphur ʒss Mur: Ammoni: ʒij Axarnge - ℥ij ♏︎ - Cazenave & Schedel Rx. Argill purae - ʒss G. Arab. - ʒi Sac. Alb - ʒii Aq. fanel - ℥iii♏︎. A tea spoon to a Child 2 years old with Diarhœa Dysentery Lancet g, 525 ꝶ Opii gr i Cupri: Sulph - gr ss - bis in die ꝶ. Cupri Sulp. gr j opii - gr iss Dyspepsia. Hume Book 348 ꝶ Extr. Hyosciamus ℈i Pulv. Ipecac - ℈ii♏︎ b. pubveris equalis X. 1 or 2 in die Paris ꝶ Sodæ Subcarb ℥j Tinc Opii - ℥ss Sp. Myrist ℥ss Aq. Cimam o iij ♏︎ Dose a table spoon full every half hour Lancet 22. 595. ꝶ Plumbi super acetatis gr x opii duri - ʒss Aqua libram j. Hernia Humoralis ꝶ Ung: Hydrart. to every ℥ of which add. ʒi. of Camphoræ dissolved in a few drops of Spirits & a ʒi of oil or lard. - spread on lint & renewed night & morning Lancet 22. 47 Electuary for Gonorrhœ. ꝶ Lenitive electuary ℥iij. P. Jalap ʒij P. Rheubarb. ʒij - nitre ℥ss. Syrup simple q. s. f. elect: Dose, the sire of a nutmeg 2 or 3 times a day. nouvelle Medicine for Landrain 125 - Fluor Albus Beach 449 ꝶ Tinc Aloes - ℥i " Ferri. Muriat - ʒii♏︎ - 40 drops thru times a day in a little water Inject Plumbi Acetat ʒi Zinci Sulph ʒi Aqua - ℥xvj. erwell's Family M Hand Book for Inv lvinter. or Consumpt of all Seasons. On Ind pation and Huem . Bladder & Urinary e of the Urethra. ny of Melancholy. ous Debility of yo hy. thology. Scarlatina Chen 1 . 220 ꝶ. Carbonate of Ammon gr♏︎ 2 to 4 Distilled water 90 - Syr. Marsmallow 32 A coffe - spoon ful every one or two hours. Anurism of aorta ꝶ Acetate Plumbi gr j in a pill. 1 or 6 daily & more on Chemist 1. 31 - Guicous Chalybeate water. Chemist 1. 63 ꝶ Bicarb. of Soda 3 . 200 Tartaric acid - 3 . 616 Sulph. iron - 0 . 152 Sugar - 9 . 032 ꝶ Creta pp - ℈v. Pulv Gacacia - ℈ ꝶ: Syr. Rhei Aromat ℥jv Extr. lig. Cam pochiana ℥j - ♏︎ Diarrhœa. ꝶ Spt. Ammon: Aromat gtts xxx Aqua - ℥j♏︎. Jaundice Buckhannen 345 ꝶ. Pulv. Rhei ℈j Sapo Castil - ʒss Calomel - ℈ss. ♏︎ divide in pil 24 - 2 or 3 at Best time ꝶ Ung Sulph ℥ij Ol. Creosote gtt v ♏︎ ft. Itch Tetter ꝶ. Creta pp. P. G. Aceicia āā ℈jv Aqua - ℥vss, Spts vine} āā ʒii Sacur Alb.} Ol. Cinnamon gtts vj Tinc Opii tts xx ♏︎ To an Adult a table spoon ful after every liquid stool. - For A Child a tea spoon ful as above Ryan 236 Anti-dysmennorrhœal. Mixture ꝶ. Mixturæ Camphoræ ℥vss, Tinc Guaiaci Ammon: ʒvj Lig Ammon, Acetat ℥i Zinc Opii ʒi - iss Syrupi Aurantior ℥ ℥i Fiat Mistura, dequa unum coch lease amplum, mane vespereque exhibeatur Leucorrhæ Jan 23. 413 Liquid Styrax - Liquorice powder to a countenance to form pils of which 6 to 12 daily - Syrup Styrax 2℥ water 2 ℔s Sugar 4 ℔s - Leucorhæa Grun 3 bo ꝶ Tinc: Lyttæ ℥ss Mucilag: g. arab ℥iij ss ♏︎ A tea spoon full twice a day Lice to destroy Nux Vom: ʒi Ax ung - ℥i. ♏︎ f unguent Dissolve ʒi opii in a pint of boiling water & strain; then add, ʒij Acetate of lead. Injection in Leucorrhœa vollge. - 328 ꝶ: Bac: Capsici - ℈ii G: Accac: grs - x Syr: Alb - qs: ft pill xx quar. sum: iv. 2da quaq. hora dolore urgenti. Uterine Hæmorhagy. ꝶ Zince Sulph ʒij Aqua - oj. A scroll if linen wet introduced in the Vagin. Itch - ointment of Helmerich ꝶ. Sulphur ʒij Subcarbon: Potass ʒi Axunge - ʒviij. 8. Indigestion vilage Doctor 184 [ꝶ Extr Colocynth comper grs xxjv Map fils Hyshar: grs xij Cayenne pepper ℈j Opii grs iij f ♏︎. et divide in pill xij] 2 to 4 every 6 or 8 hours Itch ꝶ Hydriodate of Potap ʒss Axunge ℥j Scrophoclus Ulcers Elephamtiain - Eruption &c Cazenave & Schedel Indigestion. [ꝶ. Extr. Colocynth comper gr xxx grs xxjv. Map Pel Hydricor. grs xij Pepin Cayesri ℈j. Opii - grs iij f♏︎ in pil x ij divide] 2 to 4 every 6 or 8 hours ꝶ. Resinæ guaiaci ʒss. Calomel Sulph. Aurati. Antimorrii āā g ij Elæosachar Sœniculi ℈j♏︎ Veramu ʒ q Lugols formula for Iodine ꝶ Iodini grs v. Potassæ Hydriot. grs x - Aq. distill - ℥jv. Caput gutt vj bis in die don aucta gradatine ad gutt xi Boston M. Mag.. Lon. M. Gar: Decem 27. 1834 P 446 Cream Tart Jalap - āā ℥i Elec. Senna - ℥ii Sulph - ℥ss Nitrate potash - ℥ss. ♏︎ Syr - q. - s. Beach Tinc: Opii - ʒss. " Cavand: ʒi: Sela Carbon: ʒj. Aq. Menth. ℥jss ♏︎ f haust station sumind: Gastric irritation N. M - Head seatd Favers Dispherous Siniment ꝶ Potassa Sulphuaret ʒiij Sopon mollis ℥i - Aq. Oalcis - ℥viij Spts. vini rect. ʒij ♏︎ Palpitation of the Heart Memoir 15 drops Spt Harts horn 960 240 5|1246 240 480 5|1440 288 Hæmorhoric ꝶ Sup Tart. Potassæ Pulv. Nit Potassæ Pulv: Cal - āā ℥ss Lenitive Electuary ℥i Molasses - q. s. to make a mass - ꝶ P. Rhei - grs ij P. Ipecac: gr j Sapo - grs i. f♏︎ pil i ter in die Graham 59. Indigestion Inflamation in Children ꝶ Hydrus. cum. creta gr j Pulv. Rhubarb. gr jjj drops . 39 Indigestion Ere. 2. 291 ꝶ Tart. ferri ʒi P. ipecac grs v♏︎ divide in 3 equal parts 1 morning noon & evening. Itch ꝶ. Fol Sulph ppe - ʒi [crossed out] Sapo. Niger ʒjj Aqua q s. f lotion to be applied twice a day Indigestion ꝶ Tini opii - ꝶss " lavance - ꝶi Soda Carbon - ꝶi Ag. menth - ℥jss ♏︎ Gastric irritation ꝶ Sulphate of Zinc ℈ji Powdered opiium ʒi " Galls - ʒi Mercurial ointment ℥j ♏︎ Piles Uwell 280 S. Amenorrhæa ꝶ. Pulv. G. Guiac. - ℥jv Soda Cabonat - ʒss. Caryophil, pulv ℥j Alcohol - ℥xvj digest for few days then add 1 or 2 ʒ of Carb Ammon to every 4℥ of the timeline Dewus Beach 457 Dr. Culve or Domestic 1st. Diseases of 2nd. Diseases 3th" On Consti 4th" On Stomach 5th. On Strictu 6th The Anato 7th On this Nere 8th Hydropa 9 Porneia pa Lancet 11. 447. Itch: ꝶ Potassa sub-carb: ʒij Aqua - ℥i Ol. Olive - ʒjv Flor. Sulph - ℥v Dissolve the sub-carbonate is warm water, & add gradually the oil to form a soap, then add the Sulph & mix the whole carefully [& add] ʒii camphor Itch - Grem 67 - ꝶ Potassæ sub-carb ʒi Sulph. Subl: ʒiij Adeps to j - or fresh butter - rub in the whole before the firm at once Required the sum of the different permutations of 893. 1x2x3 = 2; 3 (8+9+3)2= 40; 40 40 40 4440 893 839 983 938 389 398 4440 Nindoo Rule Chilblains when the skin is unbroken ꝶ Tinc Iodinii ƒʒiij Linamentum saponis Comp: - ƒʒ v. ♏︎ Sacpe applicadum Scarlatina Rayer 1. 121 . Callomellanos 1/16 or 1/18 Golden Sulph. Antimo. āā Sacar Albsus Magnesia q.s. 3. vel. 4 in die. in 217 ꝶ Pulv Antimo Callomel: āā jj or jjj & cold lotions - Night sweats in Consumptions [Foy. For. 215 ꝶ Plomb, Actat Germ Actecia āā ʒi ♏︎ ƒʒi f mass in pil xxx vj divid - 4ea 5w die] 11 120 144 130 Bi Chromate of Potash grs x Sulph: of Copper - " xx water - ℥i Sol. Nitrate of Silve in the dark - when exposed to the light the object will appear Aperient for Children ꝶ. P. Rhei grs vj + Potassa bi Sulph gr vjjj ♏︎ p divis War drop Lancet 24. 591. Dyspepsia Gonorrhæ. Scelecki 370 ꝶ. Electuaire lenit of ℥ss Creme de tartœ} 1/2 [℥jss] ss P. Rhei -} āā Bals. Copaiba ℥ss Syr q. s. f Electuar ℥iss dose a tea spoon ful morning & night - esent appearances tore No. 43 South w or next day which enience you, as you ately. pecfully &c D. Winebrener 15 gtts Tinc Opii, 30 gtts Spts Ammonia taken on the accepion of the Chilly fit, is said never to fail curing T Regins Will Mr. Prutzman have the goodness to Lancet v 23. 23 ꝶ. Creta pp - ʒiifs Soda carb. ʒij Ammon: Carb. gr xv Tinc Opii ♏︎ 4 aq. Cinnam ℥jss aq. distelat ℥jvss ♏︎ p Locust. after every dejection ℈jv ℈jv [℈iij] ʒi xx xxx gtts iij ℥v Creta pp ℈jv Soda Carb. ʒij Ammon. Carb gr xv Fine Opii gtt xxx Ol. cinnan gtts v Sacar alle} ʒi Spt vine} Aq - ℥vss Styrax v23 492 474 448 16 Dyspepsia ꝶ. Pulv. Dovers ʒss " Capsici ℈ss Divide in x powders. take 1 every 3 or 4 hours ꝶ Iodine gr j Aqua - ∴ pint Mur: Soda ʒij Dyspepsia Brechan ꝶ P. Rhei G. Alors Fearri Sulph aa - ƒ pil fond gr v. 2 est night rt horn Dysmenorrhæ 558 Buck ꝶ Camphoræ ℈j Alcohol - gtts x. Rub together until Camphor is powdered, then add G. Acacia pulv ʒi Sacai ʒji Aq. Cinnamo ℥j ♏︎ dose 1/2 & repeat p r n ꝶ. Opii pulv ʒss Camphora - ʒji Pulv Ipecac ʒj Bi Carb. Soda ℥j dose 10 grs - prn Dyspepsia Oil Dect 187 ꝶ. Pulv. Ipecac: grs jv " Rhei: - " Jalapa: - āā grs x [crossed out] Syr: qs ƒ mas in pill vj divide the whole for a dose Dyspepsia Abercrombie ꝶ. Sulph. fini grs jj. - grs xxjv Pulv. aromat grs v. - ʒj Aloe - gr j - grs xjj. Sys q:s - ƒ pil 12 Mayo: 224 grs i grs ii ꝶ. Extr laitere. powdre de ipecac. - Sulph precipite d'antimoin gr j. Ramadge Nectic fever Intermittent Foy 2. 36 ꝶ. Acid Anenicon gr j Sacar grs 20 ♏︎. & divide in 20 powders one 4 or 5 minutes before the access Typhus Lancet 18. 504 ꝶ Sub. ♏︎. hydras gs vj Pulv. Jalap. grs vjii Statim ꝶ Potass. Sub. Carbon ʒjj Aqua menth p ℥vj ♏︎. ƒ Misture cuja capt quart. part 6th q. hora ꝶ Sub. carb. soda ʒjj Spts Ehes Mitros ℥ss Aq Menth pqs ft haust ♏︎ ƒ mist cujas cap coch jj 4 quadue hora ꝶ Soda sub. Carb. ℥jjj P. Rhei - grs vj ♏︎. ƒ. pulv. in chart vj divid statim 1. 3d vdl 4 aq hora ꝶ. Sweat: Sp: of Nitre: 1/2 ounce Bals: of Copaiva: 1 ounce Laudanum: 50 drops Mix - To prevent erections in Gonorrhœa ꝶ Camphoræ Plumb: Decetal āā grs j. Opii pulv - grs p ♏︎ ƒ pill. statim sumendu st. repet p.r.n. Dysmenorrhoæ Doy 232 v ꝶ G. Opii gr j. grs. v ʒss. Camphoræ vj ♏︎ in ʒss pil ij divide one morning & evening Dropsey ꝶ Confect: Sennæ ℥ij ℥ P. Jalapæ - ʒi Potassæ Sartras ℥ss Syr Zingibar - ℥j ♏︎ a tea spoon ful 2 or 2 time in die Itch. by Dr Rol. ꝶ Ol. Amiy. ℥i. Cera. Alb. ʒij. melt the wax & oil in a moderate heat & allow the mixture to cool. Then incorporate with it in a marble - mortars Protochloruret of mercury finely powdered. ʒij - The above will almost always cure. It in divided into 10 or 12 parts & one rubbed on the past affected every night. The ointment is devoid of smell & may be scented with Ol. Bergam. &c &c Bulletin Gen. de Therapeut May 1838. Hays J. 45. 1838 Itch - Brown soap. ℥ij. common salt - ℥ss. Sulphur - ʒi. Spts wine - ʒi. Vinegar - ʒij. Chloride of lime - ʒss. Essence of Bergamot, ʒi. Mix & put in pots for use. Cures in 4 days Med Pocketbook 260 - Itch - ꝶ. Sulph. loti ℥ss Soda boracis Ammon. mur. āā ʒss Hydrar. precip. alb. ℈j Unguent simpl. ℥j ♏︎ Used in India for cure of Scabies - Grem. 358 To the above ʒij to ℥iii of ol. terebinth may as not be added at pleasure ꝶ. Ol. Cubæ - ʒjss Tinc. Canthar. ʒji " Vino - ℥ss Bals. Copaiba ʒjjj Ol. Menth gtts ℥ vj ♏︎. Syr. To take gtts xx ter in die Druit 199 Gonorrhœa ꝶ. Sulph Alumina " Zinci - āā ℈j. ♏︎ ss injection ꝶ Copailbæ - ʒji ā jv Mucilaginis G. Acacia - ʒji Spts. Aetheris Nitrici} āā ʒji Druit Spts. Lavendula -} 575 Ol. Cinnamomi gtts. vj. Aqua - ℥vj ♏︎. A Table spoon ful 3 in die Zaynet 24. 77. Neuralgia & amenorrhœa grs/8 🜹 - of the extract to gr 1/2 twice a day - In chronic [spinal disease where the object is to cabin the suffering of the patient gr 1/12 twice a day in hysteria where it is desirous to rouse the patient, I order 1/4 gr three times a] day at the commencement 🜹 Strichnine Pneumonia young person ꝶ white oxide of} 20 grs Antimony} cold persons. ꝶ do - 30 grs dose increased next day Lancet 26. 86 Gonorrhoea ꝶ Argent Nitral g jj Aqua - ℥j Gastric irritation ꝶ Tinc Opii - ʒss " lavend Soda carbon āā ʒi Aq. Menth - ℥jss ♏︎ ƒ. haustus [Stone & Gravel ♏︎. et. Phys. Jout. voc 15. P35. ꝶ. Tinc. Opii ℥ss Aq. Kali pur. Spts. terebinth āā ʒji ♏︎. Syr 20. 30. gtts in Milk ter in die.] Gout. Chemist vi. P. 385 Spts. Ammon: Aromat rubbed on the affected part. Extr. Cicutæ - grs jj Pulv. Ipecac. g 1/2 ♏︎ ƒ pil T Conrad Musk. Sulph: Ether & ammonia to stand 14 days: droopt in the ear B1 B ꝶ Lime water} āā ℥ jv oil of almonds} laudanum ʒj. ♏︎ by stirring, then apply cotton dipt in the Solution to the part A saturated solution of Alum. 4 oz to a quart of water 608 Collyrism Lancet 23 ꝶ. Aluminis grs xx Aqua - ℥xvjii fiat colyrium to be droped in the eye three times a day Curminative ꝶ. Œther - ʒii Spts Ammo. foetid ʒiss Tinc Carton - ʒiij laudan - ʒss. Aq. Camphor - ℥vj Indigo in Epilepsy L ♏︎ Gar. Murch 1838 Neuralgia Troupeaux & Pidaux v 1. 220 Neuralgia ꝶ Extr. Belladonna grs 1/4 ƒ pil - dose once every hour until vertigo is produced. (ib) Epilepsy. Fatuity. Corea 234 [Sal] Santi viti. ꝶ Extr. Stramon grs 1/2 Morning & evening Hydrar. C. Creta. ꝶ Sodæ Sulphas [Magnes. Sulphar āā ʒiij Tinc. Antimo. gts = XL, Tinc. Fol. Sennæ - ʒiij Aq: Menth ℥jss] ♏︎. ƒ. Dosis To each ounce of Olive oil, add one drachm of Camphor, broken into scroll fisses, & expose it to a gentle heat, in a bottle, till all the camphor disapears. To each ounce of the oil so prepared, add one drachm of Spts. of harts horn Fox - 56. - Swelling underneath the Skin Syphilis in Children Lan. 26 479 ꝶ. Proto. ivdor. Hydrarg. gr 1/8 Extr. Opii Eummas - gr 1/10 Extr. Guiac gr j Fridacæ gr 1/2 M ƒ. pil unam. for Children up to 6 month old after that you may give 1/6 1/4, or 1/2 gr. according to the age Mr Ricorce - Acquital des venariens, Pains Dr Holland says, "That if persons are always supposing that they are liable to a certain disease distemper, the nerves will so act on the part that it is very likely to come on them Unguentum Belladona ʒjj Camphora rasaret redacta grs xji Tinc Opii Camphorate gr xji ℥ss ʒss ʒss [ʒv:] ʒjv grs grs xv grs āā grs xv Fulness, distention acidity, evucation &c after good ꝶ Pil. hydrarg. grs ij Pulv. Rhei gr iij - Ipecac: comp. gr j Mucilag. acaric q. s. ut ft. pill ij. teisterve in die sumend: Medico [Surg] Crisurgical Reviews July 1838. 57 framer on the Ear: ꝶ acetate of lead - grs jv Aqua - ℥ij thrice daily then ꝶ pyrolig. Acid ℈ij Aqua - ℥ij ꝶ Liquor Potassæ gtts xv Bals, Copapæ gtts v Mist, Camphora ℥jxx ♏︎. Druid. Diseased Prostrate Piles. Cycleposdia of Prac: Receipts ꝶ Spermaceti ointment. 80 parts Powdered Opium 11" " Galls - 16" Acetate of Lead - 2" ♏︎ ꝶ: Cerat. Plumbi Sub Acetain ℥i Extr. Stramonium - ʒss. ♏︎ ƒ Cerat Consumption Beach 321 Take a table-spoon ful of common tar, three spoons ful of honey, three yolks of eggs, half a pint of wine, mix together in a dish with a kniff or spoon, then bottle for use. dose A tea spoon ful morning, noon & night Cancer - Magendie gives from one to three drachms of the solution of Hydriodate of potash in cancers of the tongue. Croup Lan 17 - 162 ꝶ P. valeriance - ʒij Oxymel Scillæ - ℥i Tinc Opii - grs xx Aqua - ℥i a tea spoon every hour to a Child 2 to 5 - 5 to 8 every 45'. Sulphuric ether. Compound Spirits of lavender each 1 oz. Wine of Opium 2 drachms. Oil of Cloves 10 drops. A teaspoon full to an Adult after every stool. proportionably less to a Child D Meredith Rus ꝶ Powder ss Opium grs xji Camphor - ʒss Capricum grs vjjjj Spts Wine Com. Rosar. q.s ♏︎ Divide in xjj pills ꝶ Chloric Ether Arom: spts Ammon Camphorated Spirits Tinc Oppi, - āā ʒj Cinnan. Water ℥ii ♏︎. Hawthorn on Cholera Enquirer Thursday June 14, 1849 Scitt. Halfords Aperient Pills. ꝶ. Mass Hydrar grs xx Ext. Colloc. Camphor gr xxx ♏︎. d. 12 pills 1 or 2. every 2nd. or 3d Night G. 107 ꝶ Bals. Copaiba " Tolu - ℥i Spts. Ether Nitross - ℥ss " Camphor Tinc Opii āā ʒi Aq. Rosar - ℥vj Collyrium Lan. 9. 813 lotion. ꝶ Alum gr [iij] vj. Aqua ℥jv. Ammenohoea - Trousseau vi. 625 ꝶ [Aq] Ammon ʒij [crossed out] ʒjv Lac vaccin - vj - Ulceration of the Larynx. [ꝶ Spts. etheris nitrosi ʒi Tinc. Hyosciam: ʒss Spts Minderevi - ʒiij Syr. oratior - ʒi Mist Camphora ʒvj. ♏︎ ƒ. h. et repet. quaque sertis horis - Lancet - 9. 720. Tart. emet. Oint.] Cartwright's Remedy 20 grs Hydrar. cum Creta. 20 grs Cayane Pepper. 10 grs Camphore. 15 grs Calcined Charcoal. 15 grs Gum Arab.. ♏︎ pro doris given in 2 table spoons full of water: Cholera Apiatri Called to See Mr. Hembel gain at 1/4 before 2 o Clock ady. ꝶ. Creta pp ʒjjss Soda Carbon: ʒjj Ammon: Carb: gr xv Tinc Opii gtts xxx. Sacar Alb. Spts vini āā ʒjj Aqua Cinnamomi ℥ v. ♏︎ To an Adult A table spoon afer every loose stool ... to A Child a tea spoons ꝶ. ol. Tigli - gtt j. Extr. colocynth compos ʒi ♏︎ ƒ. pil xij - Mitte ꝶ. Pil. Gallum compos. xij one of the purgative pils & two of the Gum pills to be taken on going to Bed. Dropsy, Spts. & Etheris Nitre ʒi. is a good diuretic A pil containing one grain of powdered Squill terrain opii Johnsons called Pol 181. [Tart antimo. ♏︎. divid into xjj pils - I. take one every night as second night according to the state of the bowels.] ꝶ. Magnes. Sulph ʒvj. Manges. Calcini ʒiss. Mana Opt. ℥ss. Aq. Menth. visid vss. ♏︎ A wine glass ful every morning Swelling & Schirrhur of the Prostate ꝶ Pulv. Carbon: Annimal grs jjj Ammon: Muriat: pulv: ℈ij Extr. Coni. maculat: grs ij - glycyrrhize qs. fiat volus one of those to be taken ter in die Durylenior 117 Dry ellortification in Cattle is occasioned by ergot of the (poa viridis) green grass - Gibson 1st. P 35 Mease To Remove flatulency after Eating Take a spoon ful of the following mixture. in a little water as soon after eating as convenient - Magnesia 3 drachms; - Carbonate of Soda ʒjj; sal volatile 4 ʒ; rose water of ʒj Mix and well shake bottle before rising. uns. Pract. Encyclopedia of practical receipts Heartburn during Pregnancy Sol. of Ammon ʒi Calcined Magnesia ʒj Cinnamon water ℥jj common water ℥vj ♏︎ Dose a table spoon ful as often at required 234 Ammerican Encyclopedia Nigella. Fragaria. Cainca. Caladium. Gargle Chlormet of lime 15 grs water 1 pen ♏︎ G. April 1830 P 78 ꝶ Sul. Zince ʒi Spts. lavend. ℥ss Spts. Rorisma. ℥ii Aqua - ℥xxx Fiat lotio ulceri applicanda. Discharge from Nostrils Hooper ꝶ. R. Aloes - ℥i ʒi Ferri Sulph - ʒ grs xx Extr. Helleboia - Myrrhe - . Saponis - āā ʒii gr xx Extr. Gent. - ʒi grs xiij Zingiber - ʒi. grs xiij 480 480 120 5|1080 216. [25 pills/ 480 120 480 120 1|400 100 240 200 /480 pills] 5|106 pills. 22 Purgin Draught ꝶ. Magnep.. Sulph ℥ Soda: Sulph. aa ʒijj Aq. menth - ℥jss Vin Antimo gtts. L Zinc Senna - ʒijj ♏︎. for a Draught Graham 25. 8 x TP THE SULPHUR REMEDY. - Dr. Terry of Detroit has written a second letter reiterating in statement that Dr. Bird's sulphur and carbon pills contained morphine. However, Dr. Bird, not to be outdone in the way of letters, writes to the editor of the Chicago Journal, acknowledging that narcotic effects have been produced by sulphur pills, but denying that the pills prepared by him contained morphine, or anything but four parts of sulphur and one part of charcoal. His letter has appended to it a certificate, signed by seven of the apothecaries of Chicago, that the pill prepared and sold them as Dr. Bird's Sulphur Pill, has never contained any other active ingreident than the sulphur and charcoal, in the proportions, as mentioned in Dr. Herrick's letter, published in the Chicago Journal for May 29. "Who shall decide, when Doctors disagree?' mar13 tmy23r* 190 South Third street AN ACROSTIC. Pieria's daughters ne'er a theme have snug, In breathing numbers from the golden lyre, Like this for which my harp all rudely strug, Essays to pour its trembling notes along - Science our theme! Her works our thoughts [inspire! Compared with her, when to the healing art United - where is the power on earth Remaining, which yields or can impart Ease to the writhing pain, joy to the heart? Disease by her alone is driven forth! Far through the earth her generous power is [known, O'er every land her ever conquering touch Roots up disease, and hurls it from its throne! Long has she battled with that scourge the Piles, In vain, but now with Upham's magic art, Fierce racking pains give place to cheerfu. [smiles; Each former sufferer owns a grateful heart. Dr. Upham's VEGETABLE ELECTUARY, or internal remedy for the Piles, prepared by A. Upham, M.D., a regularly educated physician, is a certain cure for the Piles, whether Bleeding or Blind, Internal or External, and also for other diseases of a similar nature, which are frequently found in conjunction with Piles - such as INFLAMMATORY DISEASES. Although the ELECTUARY was originally prepared for the cure of PILES, yet it has proved itself to be a medicine far superior to all others, in all diseases of an Inflammatory character, with a determination of blood to any particular part or organ. - In Inflammation and Congestion of the Liver and Spleen; Inflammation, Soreness and Ulceration of the Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys and Bladder; in Inflammatory and Mercurial Rheumatism, it is the best medicine ever discovered. TO MARRIED LADIES Married Ladies are almost [illegible] that painful and injurious [illegible] consequent [illegible] ꝶ. Plumbi Acostas Pulv. Ipecac: āā grs vj opii grs j ♏︎ [Syr] divide in partes quatore. - one evry three hours until hæmorhage ceases Menorhagia ꝶ. Plumbi Acetatat grs x Acct. Acetat Aqua - āā ℥jj Tinc Opii ʒjj lig. A table spoonful ter in die Ryan. 42 Menstural discharge Lancet 25. 789 ꝶ Tr. Lytta - ʒjss Tr. Aloes. Comp. ʒjjj Spts Ether nitros ʒii Aq. Cinnamon. ℥vjjj ♏︎. Capt. coch. mag. jj ter in die. ꝶ. G. Galbanum Pi - Hydrarg. G. Myrrhae āā ʒss [crossed out] ƒt. pil xv jjj. Capt. jj h.s. ♏︎. nocte Menorhagia. Medical Gazette New Series May 1840 vol 1st part 8. P 266 ꝶ. Liq. Arsenic ʒjjj Spts. Lav [and] Com. ʒj ♏︎ Cap. gtt vjj ter quotidie ex aqua in destruction of Menses Dewus prescribes A spoon ful of starch tea spoon laudanum 30 grs Camphor & 2 or 3 tea spoon fuls of tincture of assafœtida. - Ols in 1/2 oz doses of tincture of Aloes & Myrrh - Ryan. 36. 7. 8 - ꝶ Creta pp ℈jv Pulv. Catechu grs xx Spts vini Tacar. Alb āā ℥iii Aqua Cinnam ℥vss. Tinc Opii gtts xxx A table spoon ful after every loose stool for an Adult. A tea spoon ful to A Child as above ꝶ. Sel Epsom " Glauberi āā ʒiss Potapæ Carbon. ʒss. dissolve whe. in a tumber - In another tumbler dissolve 30 grs Acid Tart, & drink during the Effervescence Graham 400 ꝶ. Ammon. Carb - ʒj x 6 Spts. Ethers Nitros - ʒv[j] Tinc Digital - ʒjj [Cam] Aq. Camphor ℥ v[jss] ♏︎ Dropsy Graham 316 dose a table spoon ful bis in die Scrofulous ophthalmia ꝶ. Quinie Sulphat. grs j - ij. Soda Carbonat. - grs iv - v. Saccar. Allb - ℈i misce fiat pulvis Dose morning & evening Ten grains of Carbonate of potash, given with one grain of opium, prevents the distressing effects of the Opium. Armstrong 357 - ꝶ Mass Hydrar: [grs iij] Extr: [Hyoscian] Colyconith: āā - iij to be taken at bed-time Lancet V 10. 540 ꝶ Soda subcarb: grs xv Infus: Gentian x ℥ij to be take three times a day x ℥jss Lynn's pills for scrofula ꝶ Extr. Color: Comp gr ij Pil. Recfi grs ij Calomel grs j fiat pilula Lancet 24. 643 Scrofulous ophthalmia Chemist 1.256 ꝶ. Extr. Coni. Maculation ꝶ liquor potassa gtts xv Bals. Copaiba gtts v. Mist. Capnphor ℥jss. ︎ ƒ dosis - prostate Dr Clark. Piles. Ipecac. bruised root ʒiij water 1 quart boiled to a pint, strained & given as a lavement - ꝶ Liquor potassa gtts xv - ʒj Bals. Copaiba gtts v. - ℈j Mistura Camphor ℥jss ℥vj. ♏︎ A table spoon full ter in die Prostate Gland enlargement of Pleurisy ♏︎c. N 264 ꝶ Ammon. Acetat ʒiii Mist. Camph. ʒx wine Ipecac - gtts xxxx Syr. Soluton. ʒss. ♏︎. ƒ. dosis & repet quque 4 tis hosis if necessary - Swelling of the Prostate Magendi - Bolus, Carbonis Anemalis ꝶ Pulv. carbon: Animal grs iij. Ammon: Mur: pulv. ℈ij Extr. Conii macul. grs ij - glycyrhiz q s ƒ. bolus one to be taken 3 times in the day - in swelling of the Prostrate & scirrhous, of the mucous membrane of the urethra Dunglinson 117 ꝶ Blue Ointment ℥j Camphor ʒi Hydriodate of Potass ʒi to be used evey night along the Perinæum for retention of Urin Culverwell Vomiting During Pregnancy ꝶ. Potass bitartratis [crossed out] ʒiv Sulphuris lat - ℥j Melass - ℥jjj ♏︎ ƒ electuary - dose a tea spoon ful one or twice in the day in pills ꝶ. Potasa bi tratis ʒjvi Sulphuris - ℥ji Sacar alb ℥jj ♏︎ p. [doris call], ƒ electuary 1 or 2 tea spoon ful in die Rheumatism Savoy 96 ꝶ Tin. Colchic. gtts xxv Magnes. Carbon ℈j Ag. Piment Aqua dostil āā ℥ss. ♏︎. ƒ. h: hora somni Menorrhagia Excessive Amenorrhoic suspension vauable Rheumatism Lancet 2 or 11 Page 94 [ꝶ Vini Revelicis Colchicii} ♏︎. - xx} Magnesiæ Carbonatis} - ℈j} Aq. Menth diperitis ℥jss ♏︎. fiat haustus ter in die sumendus - 1/4 grs morphine to relieve pain] Chemist ꝶ. Extr Aconitum ℈jv vin Antimo - ℥jss ♏︎ Lig 15g t0 every 4 hours Menorrhagia Chemist 482 ꝶ Acid Tannic 10 or 20 grs made in pils per day Piles. M P. 903. 324 ꝶ. Tinc. Ferri. Muriati ʒji " Opii ʒjj Decoct Bordei ℥vj & enema. bis in die ingicends Lancet v 1 18423 233 Purigo. Lis frane uses a sol of iodide of potassium. & in a cancerous sores Hydrocel Serre uses tinc. iode 41 parts water 4 parts Armstrong - Astringent injection Purulent opthalmia &c ꝶ. Muer. Oxymur. gr j. Vin. Opii - ʒi Aqua - ℥vj ♏︎. [opena. Foy Formulaine 123 ꝶ. Chlorate of lime ʒii Aqua - ℥v Dr Chapman says the result of his experience is that Savin Junipines Sebina is the most successful in Chronic Rheumatism in dose of 12 to 15 grs 3 times a day Adæsive Plaster of Andrea De La Croix ꝶ Resin - ℥xvj G. Elemi - ℥jv Terbin thin Ol. Cauro cerat āā ℥ij Prostate enlargement of castel 262 [ꝶ. Liquor potass gtts xv Bals. Ceopaiba gtt v Mixtura Camph ℥jss] ꝶ. Morphia grs ij P.G. Acacia ʒi Aq. - ℥ij tea spoon evey 3 - 4 in die ꝶ. Quinia - ℈j Alcohol ℥ss So 20 & 40 gtts every 2 hours - Ointment for Piles ꝶ: Ung: Hydrarg: mits: ℥j Pulv: opii fine - ʒss Goulard Ext: Saturni: tt xxv ♏︎. ƒt ung P - Torrige Decalvans. Bald - head ꝶ Tint. of tobaco citron oint āā Lancet 25. 443 White mustard Lancer 25. 669 ꝶ Aloe Sod ʒii Gamborgia - Sapo Cart āā ʒiss ♏︎ Syr q s - in pil [crossed out] 4 jv 54 one at bed time. Pill Ruffi Lau 24 ꝶ Aloes pulv. ℥ij G. Myrrh " ℥i Crocus Sativ: ℥ss. Syr. qs. ƒ. ♏︎ in 480 pill divides - ꝶ Extr colvc. comp. gr ij Pil Ruffi gr ij Calomel. gr j fiat Pilula. L24 643. Crete pp - ℈jv ij ƒ garal - ℈jv ij Aqua - ℥vss - iii Spt vine} āā ʒij - j Sac all} Ol Cimmon. gtt viij - ji lug Cand - tt xxx . x. [crossed out] alternative Et. 2. 82 ꝶ Massa hydrarg. ʒj G Aloes ʒss Tart. Antimo grs jj in 20 pils - one evey night For the Piles 1/2 oz Crem Tartar 1/2 oz Sal. Nitre 1/2 oz Jallup 8 oz Lenitive Electuary mixt with a small Quantity of Molasses sufficient to make it up into Pills 2 take for a dose the size of a common marble - it is best to take it in the morning farting to prevent being disturb'd in the night take it twice or thrice a week till a Cure is effected. ꝶ. Magnesiæ Calcin. - ʒss P. Rhei - rs vj Saccahari alb - ʒj Ol. menthæ piperitæ gt j Aqua - ℥ji Syr. A tea Spoon ful every two or three hours until it apperates  [Look to the stomach I say] Look to the digestive organ for the origin, & for the constant provocative of all diseases. The stomach I say in the root of man, & if you would eradicate any evil you must look to the root of it Lancet 24. 156 Mr Lynn's Lectures. Half-brand with calf back beaten Traite ate Coinc Consumption Lan 24 187 ꝶ. Tart Potassa et Antimo grs iij Infus. Tol. Samluci ℥v Syr. simp. ℥i Morning & evening a spoonfull Diarhæ ꝶ Pulv. Digital grs x Ipeac grs x ♏︎ make 10 pills. take one every hour or after every evacuation (ib) ꝶ Potassae Nitrat ℈j Tart antimo et Potass gr ƒ. 4 Syr. Pavot - ℥i Barly water ℥j ƒ . every 5 or 6 hours Nirtic Fever - Ramadge 1466 8956 /525 saturn Sixteen ꝶ. Tinc Aloes " Castor āā ʒjjj " Cort. Aurantior ʒjv Dose 15 droops in a Cup of weak infusion of fennel seed Hufelands anti vomitive Mixt. Chemist page 387 v 1. P 387 Hæmorhois ꝶ Extr. Belladonna ʒii Axunge ℥j ♏︎ ʒ 2 12 grs 12 Unguenturn Belladonna ꝶ Extr. Belladona ʒji - P222 Axunge - ℥j ♏︎. Hæmorhois ꝶ Unguent Belladon ℥jj Camphor & rarest} - ʒi - P424 Redactæ} Tinc Opii Camp horata ʒi ♏︎ Hydrocephalus Chem. 1. 218 ꝶ Hydrarg. submar grs vjjj Iodine - gr j Sacari alb - grs lxxx ♏︎. ƒ. pulv divid. in xvj partes equales. Herpes Squamous ꝶ. White preatule gr xv Axunge - ℥j ♏︎ ƒ unguent alibert V 2. 58 - Magnesia Aperient Calcined Magnesia 3 parts Bicar: of Soda 3 " Tart: acid - 4 " ♏︎ pro haust. Encyclopedia 147 ꝶ. Vin: Antimo: ʒvj. Tinc: Opii ʒjss. ♏︎ To take ten drops every four hours. Catarrh. Consumption Armstrong ꝶ. Potassa Sulphat ℈jj vol. Carbo. ℈i Pulv. Colchic grs v. Aqua - ℥jss in a state of effervescence with Citric Acid Cholina Morbus ꝶ. [crossed out] Ether [crossed out] Min x 4 Tinc Opii min xxx Ol. Cinnam gtts. j ♏︎. Johnson on Fever 53 Liquor Aluminis compositus. ꝶ Aluminis Zinic Sulphatic āā ℥ss. Aqua ferventis oct. jj Alumen zinci in aqua simul liquid dein per chartare Cola. Cholera Morbus. Dr Ayre says 1/2 or 1/3 of Calomel every half hour is almost a specific in arresting its progress Johnson 53 Hooping Cough ꝶ Tinc opii gt j - vjii Win Ipecac gtt v. ʒj grs x Sod Carbon - grs jjj - ℈j hr jv Aqua - ʒi. ♏︎ - ℥j. dose 1 teaspoon par doris A repet quaque tertiæ horæ Hooping Cough 6 ꝶ. Magnes: Ust grs v. - ʒj P. Ipecac. - grs 1/4 - gr [crossed out] j ƒ Extr. Belladon grs 1/6 ♏︎. grs j ♏︎ divid for A child 1 or 2 years old - in pul. vj. ꝶ. Ferri. Sulphatis Soda sub. carbonatis Saccari - āā grs xv Pullveris Myrrhe ʒss. ♏︎ ƒ min pil xv divide Emarragogue 90 16 5|150 30 45 30 75 15 ꝶ. Aqua distillatæ ℥vjj Aluminis et potassa sulph ℈jj Mellis Rosarum ℥j ♏︎. ƒt garg: Convulsion of Children 9 34 Assafœtida ʒi Gubert 296 Soot of wood ʒii Alcohol ℥jjj digest for 6 days in sugared water a few droops ꝶ. Bals. Copaiba ℥ij " Cannadens ℥ss Spts. Nitri Dulce ℥ss Prolapsus Ani. ꝶ. Sacchar. Satur grs v Tinc Thebiac gtts x vel xv Aq. Frig - ℥j ♏︎ prs Injection for a Child 3 years old - Piles lyclo. of Receipts ꝶ Compound Sol: of Alum 1 ℥ Laudanum - " " Rose Water - 8 " ♏︎ Supression of Urine ꝶ. Aq. Ammo. Ol: terebinth āā ℥i. ♏︎ Prolass Westbery Supression of Urine Tinc Nicotiana gtts. xx in a cup of linseed two every hour Westbery Lancet 1. 609 ꝶ Liquor Potassæ gtts xx. Bals. Copaiba gtts v. Mistura Camphor ℥jss, ƒ haust. Prostate Cooper ꝶ Tinc Rhei - ℥j " Opii gtts - xx ♏︎ P haustus in Diarhoea Culver Oil In Spasmodic Cholera Dr R J. Graves of Dublin gives ꝶ. Acetatis Plumbi ℈j. - Opii gr j. ♏︎ fiat secundum artem massa, in pilul. xij dividenda - The most convenient way to make these pills is to add 5 or 6 grs of powdered liquorice to the ℈j of acetate of lead, forming the mass by mucilage. - British & Foreign Medical Review of Practical Med: & Surgery - No 9. 1838 [Consumption Buchan 192 ꝶ. Cuprum Sulph - grs xjj G. Ammoniucum ʒj ♏︎ ♏︎ in pil xjj divide one every 3 or 4 hours] Cutaneous Diseases Med. J. Jan 1 1834. P 360 ꝶ. Iodinii ℈ss. Potassæ Hydriod. ʒss. tere simul: adde stdipis ℥i - ƒt Ungt. Night & morning Cough. Buck. 249 ꝶ. Extr. Glycirrhize ʒjjj aqua - ℥jv Effect Solution in a mortar then add Spts Nitri Dulce ʒjj vin. Antimo. ʒi laudanum gtts x 4. ♏︎ A table spoon every 2 or 3 hours Fol. Senna ʒij aq: ℥jv Thea Bohea gs Savory 79 - Croton oil gtts ij ƒ pil 3. cap. j every hour. Lavr. eg. 380 Periostitis Lancet 21. 166 ꝶ. Pulv. cort. rad. mezeri gr jv divide in pil x is quarum sumat j ter in die. Gastric irritation (eb) 300 ꝶ Carbo. Sodæ ʒi amon Haematemesis Haemorrhage & c ꝶ Plumbi Acetatis grs jvaxx Aq. Distil - ℥jjj Acid Acet - ʒjj Zinc Opii - ʒss Syr. Simp ℥vj iv Doses coch ampt. second - vel tertia hora las Ryan 50 ꝶ Pulv sabinæ Extr. anthimides āā ʒjss Oxyd. Ferri nigri Extr. Aloes - āā grs xv. ♏ ƒ♏ in pil 262 Acoustic Injection ꝶ Fellis bovis ʒjjj Balsam Peruv, ʒj in fetid purulent discharges from the ear Ryan 191 ꝶ. Plumbi Acetates ʒ Zinci Sulph - ʒi Aqua - ℥xvj. Tinc Aloes - ℥i. " Ferri murita ʒii ♏ 40 gtts ter in die ꝶ. P.Rhei - grs x 4 vjjj Morphia grs - j ♏ ƒ ♏. in pil x jj divide flatulence Ecates Piles Ency: 44 ꝶ Catechu powder 4 oz Alum 1 " Simple Ointment 14" Mix the Catechu & alum with a little warm water to a proper consistance, then add the ointment. ꝶ Magnes. Ust ʒj Aqua - ℥vss. Aqua Ammon. Puræ ʒi Ol. Cinnam. gtts - v ♏ sig. 2 or 3 tea spoons full occasionally Prostate enlarged ꝶ. Liquor Potassæ gtts xv Copaiba - gtts v Mixture Camp. ℥j ♏ ƒ dosis Cartel 262 Infusion of quassice 1 pint Brown sugar - 4 oz Ground Pepper - 2 " well mixed & placed in shallow dishes ꝶ. Tinc Opii - gtts xv Spts. Ammon, gtts - xxx No 3 - ꝶ Iodine - gr 1/2 - jj - jv Iod: Potass: gr j - jv - viii aq. Distil. ℥jss - vj - xii. No 2 ꝶ Iodine - grs 1/4 - ij - jv. Iod. Potass grs 1/2 - iv - viii. aq. Distil. ʒiii - ℥iii - vj. No 1 - ꝶ. Iodine grs 1/8 - j - ij. Iod. Potass gr 1/4 - ij - iv. aq. Distill ʒiii - ℥iii - vj. Gonorrhoe Leucorhoe, ꝶ Argent Nitrat grs xxjx Ag. ℥viij ♏︎ ft. injectio ter in die atind Hydrarg. cum creta grs x bis quotidie Lancet 117 - [Ear discharge from ꝶ Fellis bovis ʒiij Bals ami peruvi uni ʒi ♏︎ total occasionally droped in the Ear. Cherurglans Pharma P. 18 -] ꝶ. Copaibæ - ʒjv G. Acaciæ - ʒjjj Spts athesis nitrosci Spts. Lavendula - āā ʒji Olei Cinnamomi gtts vj aqua - ℥vj ♏ Sig. 4 table spoon ful in the course of the Day ꝶ. Spts. Etheris Nitrosi Ol. Amegdalina āā ℥jj Bals. Copaiba Spts. Terebinth āā ℥j ♏︎ Camphor a pulv - ℈j ♏︎ A small teaspoon ful given 3 or 4 in dose Gravel ꝶ Cartit Soap 8 parts Caustic Soda 4" Oil of Tartar to mix Divid in 3 grs pills; one to be taken every 2 hours ꝶ Zinci Sulph. grs x Plumbi Acetat. grs xv. Pulv G. Acacia ʒii Aqua - ℥vjj♏︎ ♏︎ƒ injec ter in die Gonorrhoea. Mr Hembel 17 [N Fout] ꝶ Bals Copaiba Tinc. Cubæ āā ℥j Spts Nitri Dulce ℥ss Tinc Opii - ʒi Saccar. Alb - ℥j P. G Arab. ʒj Aq font: - ℥vjii Sing et Tablespoon ful 4 in die G. Acacia 4 ℥. Sugar refined) 1 ℔ water 1 pint ꝶ Gacia ℥i Sacar ℥jv Aqua ℥iv Electuary for the Gonorrha when the inflamation has subsided. ꝶ lenitive electuary ℥ij Bals. Copaiva ℥i G. Guiac - ʒij Rhubarb pow; ʒij Sy. q. s. ƒ electuary the size of a Nutmeg 2 3 times a day Lan dram 126 - No. 210 Market, corner of Decatur street. ꝶ. Mass Hydrar - grs v. in one hour after taking the above ꝶ Magnes: Sulph ℥j Vin Antimo ʒj. Aqua - ℥ viij To take a wine glass full every 1/2 hour until it operates. Gonorrhoa Troupeaux V 1. 491 ꝶ Aq. Menth. " Orantor. B. Copaiva Syr limon. āā ℥j Acid. Sulph - ʒj Gum A draganth q. s. ƒ emulsio Dose A tea spoon full ter in die if dicuha add T. Opii ʒi. Gonorhœa. Troupeaux at Pidoux Tom. 2. 2d partie 47 ꝶ. Pulv. Coloquinth ℥iss Cloves no - vj. anniseed - ʒi Saffran - grs xjj terra foliated tart. ℥i. Digest 1 months in 20 ℥ of alcohol. Dose 2 ʒ in a glass of wine, emitt the 4 day as commence for 3 days. rest the 4th &c &c The last Will & Testament of Juliana Baker Mip. Gray. ꝶ. Spt. Nitre Ocele Vin Antimo āā ℥ss Tinct: Scilla ʒiij th C Philada D P W Dick Received Jany Wm Hembel - Dick. June Gonorrhœa Troupeaux et Pidoux V 1st - 491 ꝶ. Aq: Menth . " fol. oran tier: B. Copaiba: Syr. Limon: āā ℥i. Acid. Sulph. ʒi. G. Adraganth q. s. ƒ emulsion To take a duart spoon full Morning & evening laudanum hrn Recei Elliot g Hoben a Morty from one of b os of Mr Hembel - in too late for his Sir A Carlile: purge for Erysipelas called by the Students Sac from. S. A. C. K. ꝶ P. Jalap - ʒi Potass Sup. tant.} ℈ij Sub: carb. sodæ.} Infus. Sennæ - ℥vj. ♏︎ dose 2 ℥. Lancet 24. 644 [Retention of Urine from enlarged Prostate 15 drops of the liquor potassæ 5 drops bals. copaiba, 1 1/2 oz mixture Camphoræ 2 ʒ mucilage Gacacia. lancet 1826. 244 sloughing Sores] Sir A Cooper 137 ꝶ. Ammon. Carbon grs v Murc - 4 hours g x every Cholera Landunum 16th 25 gtts Paugorsi 40 to 100 gtts Essence of peppermint 10 to 30. gtts Spts Camphora 10 to 20 Tinc Ginger 20 to 40, Comptine Myn 10 to 30 gtts occasionally 1 is more spoons ful of Spiced Rhubarb with a few drops tone of kino or catechur Mustard 1 spoon (table) for a vomit Engines May 23/49 Cox Cholera - Dr. Meigs Augt. 8. /49 Sulph: Morphia grs. 5 Camphor - grs 20 Cajeput Oil drops 10 Tragacanth, & extract of gentian sufficient quantity. Make smalest possible mass & divide in 100 pills & keep in a well stoppered bottle 5 to 20 pre dosis A mild aperient McN. 270 ꝶ. Magnes. Sulph ℥j Aqua menth. ℥v. Tart. Antimo gr j. Tinc. Sennæ - ℥ss. ♏︎ two or three table spoon ful to be taken every six hours or as often as is necessary Magnesian Aperient ꝶ Calcined Magnesia 3 parts Bi carbonate of Soda 3 " Tartaric Acid dried 4 " Mix by clo. of Prac. Medecin 147 ꝶ. Ol. Cubæ - ʒjss Tinc. Canthar. ʒjjj " Vieno - ℥ss. Bals. Cobaiba ʒjii Ol. Menth gtts. vj. ♏︎ Sig. To take 20 drop ter in die - Bronchitis. Sherwood ꝶ Gum Ammoniac ʒss Honey A wine glass vinegar a table spoon ful Not water half a pint A tea to a table spoon ful every 2 - 3 hours according to the age of the person B1 Iodide of Starch ꝶ. Iodini - grs xx jv Amyli in pulverem} ℥j tennipimum tribi} Tere Iodinum cum pauxillo aquæ et Amylum paulatim immiscere. Servetur pulvis leni pimo calore exscicatus, in vase bene obturando. [crossed out] Dose grs x & encrease p.r.n. to ʒj - Diarhaea ꝶ Aromatic Confec: ℈i opiate Confec ℈ss. P. Rhubarb gr. vj Cretatious powder ℈j Aq. Cinnam ʒx Sal. volatile ʒss Syr. Zingiba ʒi ♏︎ powder. Savory 140 Acthura Cynap. 40 48 60 70 80 73 1811 70 60 45 36 28 30 640 53.34 38. 45. 50. 70. 60. 1812 54. 40. 30. 30. 32. 597 49.21 47. 55. 62. 75. 78. 75. 70. 55. 48. 1819 40. 30. 35. 670 55. 8+ 42. 50 60 75 79 70 65 65 1818 50 30 1818 35 40 661 55. + 40 48 60 70 80 1811 73 70 60 45 36 28 30 640 53.3 + 1811 38 45 50 70 72 70. 45. 60 54 30 30 32 8 A Arasarca Eb. 2. 449 ꝶ. P.Crem. tart ℥jss P. Sulph. Potassae ℥ss. P.Scillae Murtime ʒji Tart. Antimo. grs jj ♏︎ A Table spoon ful to be taken 5 times daily. Anurism of aorta. Chemist v 1. ʒ1 ꝶ. Plumbi Acetat gs j. in a pit 1 to 6 times daily. Amenorrhosa. ꝶ Hydriodate Fini - ℈ji Crocus Satis. ʒss Saccar Alb - ʒss G Acaciea q s. ƒ ♏ in pil x 4 divide Ague. M.P.J. V [crossed out] 11th. 1804 ꝶ. Cupri Ammoniac ℈j. Mica panis - ʒii Syr. Cort. Aurantior q s ƒ ♏ in pil xx jv divide - Capt. j vel jj - jjj sensim du gente dosis horae Menbitus quotidie Alterative. ꝶ Hydrargrysi cum Creta grs ji Pulv. Rhei - gr v ♏︎ omni nocte Acidity of the Stomach Carbonate - ʒjj Pulv Rhei - grs vjj P. Cinnamon " jv. for 2 doses during the day Tincture Iodini Lancet 9; 347 ꝶ odini - ʒi Spiritus Rectificat ℥jjss Solve. terendo in vase vitreo. Liquor Iodini ꝶ. Potassæ Hydriodatis grs xxx vj Iodini - grs x Aquæ Disillatæ - ℥x Solves terendo in vase vitreo Solutio Iodini ꝶ Potassæ Hydiiodatis grs xx jv aquæ Distillatæ - ℥i Solve terendo in vase vitreo Linimen tum Iodini ꝶ. Linimentum Saponis Comp. ℥i [crossed out] Tinctura Iodini - ʒjv Misce Unguentum Iodini ꝶ. Potassæ Hydriodatis ʒss. Adips Preparatæ - ℥j Misce -