Saml. Poultney Notes from A Course of Lectures on the Practice of Physic Delivered by Benjamin Rush. M:D: Professor of Chemistry in the University of Philadelphia by Samuel Poultney M.DCC.LXXXVI * Instanced in Plurey Cold is the Remote Cause Plethora the Predisposing, Violent exercise the Recreational and Spasm the Proximate Cause 1 The Practice of Physic Lectr. 1st By the Practice of Physic, I mean that branch of medicine which treats of distinguishing and curing diseases- A Disease is a condition of the body wherein the function is performed with difficulty or not performed at all- [crossed out] The causes of diseases are then Predisposing Remote the Occasional and the Procreate cause * a Symptom is an apparent dervia * Symptoms of the Cause † Symptoms of the disease ‡ Symptoms of Symptoms- 2 deviation from health- The Symptoms of diseases are 1st Symptomata Cause * Symptomata Morba † Symptomata Symptomatum ‡ - Diagnosis is all the Symptom taken together which disturbing wish a disease from all others Prognosis is a knowledge with regard to the termination of the disease this is to be taken 1st from the state of the skin 2 n/y decubitus 3rd. Countenance 4th much has been said with regard to the Pulse in the Prognosis of diseases but moderin Practitioners depend very little upon it- In [couter] Chronic diseases a Number of symptoms taken  3 taken together we may in some cases come very nigh the Termination by Prognosis- But in [Chronic] Acute diseases this is very different. We are in this case totally ignorant of the Termination Patients have died after a favourable Prognosis and have Recovered after sentence of death has been pronounced So I would advise you never to prognosticate but when you an importuned to say something, you should say that worse have lived and those those that appeared to be better have been earned off in living over a Patient should be the last thing you do but I would advise you  4 you never to give one over but dispute every inch of Ground wth the king of Terrors- Diseases are either Idiopathic or Sympathic the Idiopathic are what are called Primary and are those diseases that is neither in consequence of nor depending on any other diseases as Angina &c The sympathic or Secondary disease depend upon other diseases as the Gloubus Hysteriaes- Diseases are again divided into natural and artificial. Natural diseases are those that are in consequence of Old age the Ravages of War Thunder & Lightning &c. Artificial are all those that Doctor Cullen Treats off  5. Treats of under the head of Neurvous We are Apt to magnify the Powers of Nature In certain disease the powers of Nature is very great but as the artificial means of curing diseases occur their nature diminishes in Power By Nature, I mean Physical necessity which is truly a mechanical Action.-  6 Lectr: 2nd- The Arrangement of diseases are according [if] to their Cause or according to their Seat- The former I think in the most Natural and the one I mean to follow In immitation of Doctor Cullen. The Clases of diseases are first Pyrexia The Symptoms of this is frequent Pulse heat greater then Natural succeeding a Chill most of the Function disturbed Apetite bad Secretions disturbed Excretions also Function of the Brain not performed as in Natural diminished Strength of ye Limbs Pain and Weakness of the Back. The Remote cause of Fever  7 Fever may be reduced to a few 1st. Cold 2nd. Fear 3nd. Miasmata 4th. Contagion. That Cold will produce fever we all know as in Plurisey. Wether fear will produce fever or not we cannot be Certain it seems rather to act as an occational then a Remote Cause It produces a Cold fitt and a fever follows- Miasmata produces fever independent of contagion By contagion I mean a disease which is communicated from one person to another- Fevers are not only produced from contagion but in those persons who have fevers from Miasmata may have a contagious matter generated  8 generated within the Body It then becomes capable of communicating the disease to others- We shall now speak of Miasmata in particular- The Principle Source of Miasmata is from Manny Places these do not produce fever when entirely overflowd The Matter that constitute the Miasmata is probably of a Vegetable Nature or Vegetable and Animal combined- Disease From Miasmata is less frequent in Europe then they used to be this is owing to 1st. To the high State of Agriculture 2nd. Horticulture or Gardening 3rd. Cleanliness prevails more then formerly every kind of Vegetable is  9 is more used then formerly and particularly sugar. It has been observed by Docr. Pringle that the Plague has not appeared in any place where Sugar has been freely Used- The Epidemics are less frequent then formerly in Europe. They are more frequent here there formerly- The reason of this in the City is riding to the change produced by the British by breaking down the Dams and letting [in] the Water in upon the Medows, [crossed out] which generates the Putrid matter contained in ye Miasmata But what is the Reason of the more frequent appearance of Epidemics in the Country There  10 There may be reduced to there Causes 1st. The great Irregularity of our Seasons The Rivers and Creeks being reduced below the Natural standard and sometimes the River was too high & in this care it as hurtfull as when too low for by overflowing the Meadows and leaving them Damp by which a great quantity of this Miasmata is Produced 2nd. The Increase of mill Ponds it is allowed by all that in ye Neighborhood of Mill Ponds it is very unhealthy 3rd. Clearing of the Country There is no way of obviating this last Cause but by following the Clearing by Cultivation that is by sowing it wth grain  11. grain or grass sees and this will be as certain in its effects as an Effect will fallow a Cause The Town of Surrenam was very unhealthy until. it was cultivated. It then became healthy The inconvenientcy from Mill Ponds may be guarded against by planting a number of Trees aboute it and particularly the Willow as they will absorb the Miasmata that is generated by the Mill Pond, there is not a single instance of a family being unhealthy where there is a grove of Trees between the House and Pond in proportion as cultevation and Civilization takes place the Unhealthyness diminish  12 diminished But till we plant or make agriculture keep pace with clearing what shall we do In this case it is of the greatest to 1st. guard against Cold and moisture avoid evening Air and Sleeping with the Windows open for no miasmata opperates wth out the Assistance of Cold and moisture. 2d. Change your Clothes as soon as the cool evening begins which is about the Latter end of August at this time you should put off linnen and put on wooling Linnen I am apt to think favours the opperation of Miasmata while Woolen cloths is an antidote to all the Disease of Autumn, 3 as these Exhalations  13 Exhalation, are of a debilitating. Nature the Living ought to be more generous a Small Quantity of wine or what is still better a glass of Bitter in a draught of water or half a pint of bitter Tea is of the utmost Service in preventing the Miasmata from operating, Roasted meats should be Used in Autum Water Mellons was said to produce intermitting Fever but this is not the Case as the Correct ye. Bile 4 Fire contributes much to destroy the Miasmata Vinegar has a very great tendency to destroy it, Green Powder has also been made use of with Success and sulfur has also a Tenden  14 Tendency to destroy the effects of Marsh Miasmata-  15 Lectr. 3rd- These Miasmata appears to be simple in their Nature The Intermitting. Remitting & Bilious fever are all produced by the same Miasmata But wether ye. Dyssentery is produced by the same Miasmata as fever or produced by a Miasmata Sui Generis is a Doubt but I think the matter that produces dyssentery arises from higher ground then that that produces fever. The next Remote Cause is Contagion by contagion I mean a disease communicated from one person to anther through the intervenes on of the air this divided  16 divided into infection which is a disease communicated by contract as the Itch & Plague & Contagions as through the Intervention of the Air as in Small- Pox & Measel. Contagious diseases are not so frequent in some places as formerly which may be explained on the same principles as those from Miasmata. Sir observed that some Species of animals can Infect none but their own species. & it is further diversified by affecting particular ages as the Hooping Cough which affects Children & Seldom or ever Adults. They are further diversified by affecting those of articular [Ages] Colours in the Year 1762 there  17 there was a yellow fever Raged in South Carolina when there was not a negro affected There is another fact shews that the Colour of the skin influence the Habit In white Settlements among the indians the White people never had a diseas that affected the Indians an Visa Versa- Cold is a Remote Cause of fever when combined wth Moisture When ever the Reaction is equal to the Cause there is little danger of being affected by the Cold. Cold acting as a remote Cause ought to be alternated by heat as Uniform Cold will never produce fever and  18 and Uniform heat is as little liable to produce fever as Uniform Cold in certain highly cultivated places fevers are Unknown this the case [to] in St Kits Jamaica is the contrary Uniform Moist weather is not Unhealthy Uniform dry Weather is also health & it must be the Viscitudes of these that will produce diseases For the Predisposing & Occational Cause of fever I refer you Doctr. Cullen & I shall say but little upon the Proximate Cause Debility is the and Spasm is the Proximate Cause of fever & produces all the symptoms  19 Symptoms of the fever Fevers are varied from the different action of the Remote Causes or the Different Parts which it Effects according as it affects ye Arterial system the Nervous system or the fluids. Inflammatory fevers was said to be a disease of the Arterial system  20 System Nervous fever of the Nervous System Putrid affects the Fluids but they are all more or less affected at the same time But in inflammatory fever The Arterial System is Prime rally effected in the Nervous fever Nervous System as prime rally and principally effected. & the fluids is the chief seat of the Putrid fever- The Remote Causes are therefore, of a Stimulating sedative or septic and from their different action they produce the different kinds of fever Fevers are divided into Intermitting & Continued Contemned are again divided into Inflammatory Nervous & putrid. Intermitting  21 Intermitting is divided into Tertion Quotidian & Quarton- The Tertion is again divided into a great many Varieties 1st. Those fevers when there is Apirexia this is further divided with regard to the difference of the Fitts First where the fit does not last twelve hours 2 where it does last 12 hours They are again divided according to the time they come on sometimes intermittent returns every day but have two fitts in a day And sometimes two fills on day and others only one they are further diversified according as they are combined with other symptoms sometimes you will see an intermitting fever come on like Apoplexy sometimes  22 somtimes with Convulsions somtimes Efflorescence on the Skin somtimes with Inflammatory affection Somtimes complicated with Worms & other Diseases- Before we proceed to the Cure we will say something on Critical days they are the 3d, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 17th, 20th, there is a Variety in them in proportion as they are connected with Inflammatory diathesis.- There is I think but 2 kinds of fevers the Tertian & Quartan and they appear in other cases only under different forms. When they become continual is occationed by a stimulating or sedative cause either of the Inflam.  [crossed out] 23 Inflammatory or Septic kinds- There certainly is a use in attending to the Critical days in order to cooperate with Nature you are to Blister or give a Pahe or to give [crossed out] Bark (on the Critical days) according to the Nature of the fever, in some Cases a Blister will Bring on a Crisis on the 4 Day- Cure Intermittents Used to be a fatal disease when proper Remedies where not known James 1st. & Olivar Cromwal died of it. Cold Bath & riding on Horse Back has been made use of and may be made use of before the fitt but this is only a temporary Relief and only puts of the fit at the Preasant  24 preasant but there are other remedies which cure the Disease [fit] entirely Astringents of Various kind has been Used for the Cure of this disease with Success as metallic Astringents particularly the Vitriols but the action of there is confined to the Nervous system & Medicines should be given that would act on the Blood likewise these are an severed by Vegetable Astringents. [ Vegetable Astring:] Bitters. Astringents & Bitters Combined- opium has been given with success before the fit of an Intermittent it in this care act as a stimulus. But all those medicines has given way to the Peruvian Bark this ought to be give  25 given in substance and the dose should be in proportion to the state of the Patients stomach and should be administered just before the fit & it is of great consequence to continue the use of the Bark after the Paroxysm cease to returns to prevent a Relapse and particularly on the day the patient used to have it Tincture of Bark is a dangerous remedy as it leads many to dram drinking. There are some cases that Elude the Effects of Bark & in some it really is Injurious In these cases there is two remedies I would recommend the 1st. is Blisters sometimes they resist Blisters therin  26 in this case you must use Bleeding which has been put in practice with the greatest Success In Intermittent after Christmas I make it an invariable Rule to bleed before I give the Bark and the Blood is in some cases very Sizy. In some cases the Patient complains of a Pain in his breast his pulse is hard and full. I never in this Case saw bleeding fail to Remove the Disease-  27 Lectr. 4th Continual Fever there are Synocha, Typhus & Synochus Synocha heat greatly increased Pulse hard strong & Generally Quick Urine high coloured ye Function of the Brain little disturbed- Typhus Contagious fever Heat increased Pulse weak Small & Quick Urine little Changed function of the Brain Greatly disturbed Strength of the Body very much diminished- Synochus – a Contagious fever of an Intermediate water between Inflammatory and Nervous in the beginning Synocha at the end Typhus- Cure  28 Cure of Continual fever there must be adapted to this Inflam: Nervous & Putrid- And 1st. of Inflammatory. In this Case there is too much Action this must be moderates 2d to obviate the Effects of debility 3rd to correct the tendency of the Fluids to Putrefaction- The sent Indicated is to be answered 1st. By all thos which diminishes the Action of the heart & Arteries 2nd. by those means which take of the spasm of the extreme Vessels which we suppose suppose to be the chief cause of the Violence of Reaction. The Action of the heart may be diminished 1st. by Avoiding or moderating those Irritations which in one degree or  29 or other are allmost constantly applied to the Body as External heat &c. 2nd by certain sedative Powers as Acids. Neutrals &c. 3 by diminishing the Tension and Tone of the arterial system. This is done 1st by Bleeding of the necessity of bloodletting we judge of by the Pulse it will not be unecessary here to say somthing with regard to feelling of the Pulse. as it is by this that we judge of the state Pulse The different posture of the Body after the state of the Pulse if A person walk the Pulse will be quickened If standing it will be still less quickened lying down [worst] slowest of all, so that it is of the greatest consequence to consider  30 concider the situation of the Patient at the time that you are feeling the Pulse and should always be felt in both Arms as lying on one side will oppress the Pulse which on the other Side the Pulse remains free & it is also of Consequence in feeling the pulse that the arm be put in such a state that not one of ye muscles be in Action. It is also of consequence to concede the Influence of the Mind upon the Body you should not feel the pulse of a patient as soon as you go into the Rooms [ of the P] as the Sight of the Doctr. will in some cases quicken the Pulse of the Patient. It Should not be felt immediately  31 immediately after speaking as this quickens the Pulse, Besides waiting for a few minutes after you get in feel the Pulse two or three times and your fingers shd. be applied a conciderable time- With respect to Blood letting it is not to abstract Morbid matter from the System but to lessen the Tone of the heart and Arteries this Tension depends 1st, upon an original Stamina which dispose more to Inflammatory disorders then any other 2nd. 3rd it will depend upon the [and] Quality  32 quality & Quantity of the food it will sometimes depend upon the state of Alimentary Canal it also depends upon the state of the Uterus during Menstruation &c The desire then of Bleeding is to take of the Tone & Tension of the Arterial System bleeding is proper in all ages. [they] It may be made Use of freely in old age as in any other state and it is as proper to Bleeding ants in inflammatory cases and it has been observed that Infants bear bleeding better then Adults & I am of some opinion Bleeding is proper at all times Women during pregnancy bear bleading better than in any other State some cases of obstructions of  33 of the menses bleeding may be made Use of and when inflammatory disorders attach those women that labour under an obstruction of the mensis the obstruction is to be quite forgotten and the whole attention to be upon the Inflammation as it is mostly the Cause and not the Consequence of obstructed Mensis- You should allways bleed in the Arm when you can make it convenient 1st from the arm you get a greater Quantity of Blood in a short time 2d. you have an oportunity of examining the Blood as when a person is bled in the foot it is mostly in water 3d. if any Injuries  34 Injuries should happen to the part it had better be the Arm then the Log on foot- 4th. You should always bleed in a recumbent posture as the same quantity of Blood taken while the patient is in this posture will be more effectual then when taken in any other posture- A Large Crust on the Blood indicates an inflammatory diathesis Yellow Serum is also a Sign of Inflammation but this is not a certain criterion as the same thing takes place in putrid disorders when  35 When Synocha & Synochus is [to] combined there are several things to be taken in consideration wth. regard to the Cure 1st. the Nature of the Epidemic is to be considered if it should hapen in the season of the Year for Plurisy I would judge it to be of the Inflammatory nature and would bleed him 2 the nature of the Remote Cause if it comes on in consequence of contagion we should bleed with caution 3d the season of the year 4th the degree of Phlogistic diathesis presents 5th 6th. the Age Vigor and constitution of the Patient. 7th the former diseases  36 diseases and habit of Blood letting If I was called to a patient that says he is used to be bled I woud. not hesitate a minute but woud. bleed The Inflammatory disorders does not bare bleeding now as they used to do nor will they Bare bleeding in hospitals now as they will in other Plauses  37 Lectr. 5th: you will find at the season of the year when Intermittents makes their appearance various disorders of the intermitting nature occurs as Head Achs &c which will give way to the proper remedies for Intermittents as Bark &c. sometimes intermitting Toothache If it should come on in the Season of intermittent fevers Bark should be given. Sore Eyes Ear ach &c make their appearance in the Intermitting form wth is to be cured as Intermitting fevers There are in some Cases fith & Puking that comes on periodically which may also be called a species of Intermittent If  38 If a fever does not come to a regular intermittent proper evacuation Blisters should should be employed. If the Bark should fail after being properly employed Blisters there are attended with the Best Success If Blisters should fail and the fever is in an inflammatory season Bleeding should be employed signs of Great debility A Patient Lying on his back is a sign of great debility If he is able to support himself on his side ye debility is not so great if he lies straight on his back the signs of debility is not so great as when he draws his legs [?] feet drawn up Respiration  39 Respiration. if he breaths with his mouth open or if he makes use of his mouth the debility is great and it is likewise a sign of great debility when the Nostrils and Cheeks are alternately contracted and dilated when more muscles are employed in resperation then Natural it is a great sign of debility.- The Debility is great when the Hands tremble or the Tongue falter and trembles when the patient attempts to put it out of the mouth convulsion &c at the Close of fevers is the greatest signs of debility and I never saw a patient recover that was affected with convulsion towards the end of  40 of the fever- When the sight fails the patient catching at things that are not in being. When the speach falters the debility is very great, the debility is discovered to be great when the Cheeks falls away and the face Schrivels & the Patient resembles his Ancestors- Involuntary Stools & Urine are great signs of debility but when the mind has the Power over the different Sphinctieres the signs of debility is not so great and the debility is not so great when the discharge of Wind from the Rectum is attended with explosion- There is two symptoms that [ which] are certain which is sleep and appitite  41 appitite for when ever the Sleep Returns and is Refreshing it is a good Sign and when the Appetite returns it admits of a the Best Prognosis-  42 Lectr 6th Continued Fever is a fever without intercession [syno] they are divided in Synocha & Typhus this again divided into nervous and Putrid I- could you all Intermitting fevers were brought on by Marsh Miasma & that continual Fevers Generally by contagion. Synocha or inflammatory fever is seldom contagious but it is somtimes comunicated in this manner Typhus is allways contagious. & the synochus which is a compound of the Typhus & Synocha is also contagious- sometime a  43 a nervous fever is attended wth a chill which is a effort of nature to get rid of the Disease- there is another Circumstance they sometimes come on without a Chill & I mostly remarked that the less the chill in an Intermitting fever the greater the danger Cure of Synocha is to Moderate the Action of the heart and Arteries. There are to be done first by removing irritation such as external heat which ought to be avoided by removing all extra ordinary bed Cloths. The Exercise of the Body avoided he ought to be constantly in Bed the only way to Cure this-  44 this fever is to submit to it indulge it in every respect Some are not to be indulged but the patient to be aboute as much as posable – Exercise of the Mind ought to Removed such as intense shady disagreeable objects Irritations of all kinds to be avoided the Patients thirst ought to be removed currupted humors in the Stomach to be evacuated & medicines to be given that will obviate the natural Retention of fæces as there in an Irritation produced both fm. Quantity and Quality you very seldom see a patient in an Inflammatory fever that is not  45 not costive you should allways procure two or three stool it ought not only to be given when the patient is Costive but repeated every two or three days to keep the patient continually loose. The Acrimony of the Fluids to be avoided by detecting Drinks- 2nd Modls of moderating the Action of the heart and arteries is by the employments of sedatives 1 Cold is of service & by the use of all Refrigerating Medicines. as ye. Acid Neutral & metallic salt. Acids are sedatives Neutral salts are also sedatives ʒss of Sal Nitri taken at a dose will makes  46 make the pulse fall 8 or 9 stroke in a Minute Neutral Sts. of all kinds are sedative Metalic salts are generally Disused 3rd Means of diminishing the tone of the system is 1st by Blood letting 2 by those medicines that will take of the Spasm. This is done 1st. by Internel Means as Diluents Diuretics and Antispasmodics we are not only to direct Drinks to allay thirst but to contrive such as may be taken in the Largest Quantities A variety of Drink has been Recomended Such as herb Tea in a common fever made of Sage or Balm when the Breast is  47 is affected Hissop may be added some prefer Camomile Most Herb teas become Inspid after they have been Used for sometime Barley water makes an agreeable Drink as likewise does Tamrind water Current Gelly disolved in water makes a grateful Drink Availing ourselves of the fruits of the season any Give the Juices of them they are delight full Dhs. particularly Cherry Water Peaches form a good Drink- Neutral salts determine to ye Skin and prove Sudorific Emet. are also proper as Sudorific the Best Sudorific is the Antimonials those Sudorifics that stimulate  48 stimulate are improper in these cases such as Snake Root &c Tart Emet is the Best when combined with a neutral Salt as 1/6 of a grain of Emit Tart wth. 10gr of Sal Nitri every thing that can be done with James Power can be done with this Preparation it exites Nasea and Sweating Under the head [crossed out] of Sudorifics I shall inquire how far they are proper in Inflam Nervous and Putrid fever in Inflammatory disorders they act only as Antispasmodic those sweats that continue 24 hours Give Relief in fevers Sweat is only an Accidental Circumstance and the great objects is the Solution of  49 of spasm by diminishing the Action of the heart and arteries Sweat is the Consequence and not the Cause of the Cure of fever The Idea of Sweat being the Cure of fever took its Rise frm. morbific Matter But thir was a fever Epidemic in York Shire that went off without Sweating & the Solution was perfect Morgagni gives an Instance of fever that terminated with Sweating but terminated in death most of the People that die die in a Sweat then is always a solution of Spasm take place before Death- Antispasmodic under head of External Application are Blisters  50 Blisters and Warm Bathing Blisters appears to opperate as Antispasmodics and Evacuants in Synocha. They should not be applied too early in the disease When applied in proper time the Gently irritate the parts to which they are applied & Communicate their antispasmodic power over the Whol System- Warm Bathing ought to be Used with Caution & its warmth should be moderate when too hot it acts as a Stimulant- Typhus commonly called Nervous fever Docr. Huxham has treated this subject the Best of any that has yet Wrote. It is  51 is to be cured by increasing the tone of the system this is but done by Peruvian Bark after the fever has continued two or three days when there is no danger of synocha Bark may be given in decoction. Stimulants Wine Aromatics &c. may be given Snake Root is a good medicine in this Case- Synochus or Putrid fever the Indication here is to obviate or correct the tendency of the fluids to Putrefaction this is to be done. 1st By avoiding any new application of Putrid or putressent matter the Patent to be Removed from the port in which he received  52 received the Contagion 2 By correcting the air, from which he cannot be removed [Body], this is of Consequence the Cure the Modes of doing this by sprinkling Vinegar on the floor of the Chamber by burning Gunpowder & Sulphur & by strewing branches of Willow aboute the Floor the purepy the Air of the Chamber by throwing out dephlogisticated air Docr. Prengle has an other Method for Purifying y air in the Patient Chamber by decomposed common salt by mean of Vit Acid and sitting the Muriatic Acid of the salt float about in the Air of the Room  53 fres. air is of the Utmost concequences the Putrid fever spreads more during the Winter then Summer owing to the Men being pent up in small Appartments During the War we had no Putrid fevers in Summer but as soon as the Winter Come on the fever began to Rage the officers very Seldom died on account of their having Room provided for themselves fresh air is the Chief Tonic to be relied upon when the Patient cannot be removed- 3 by avoiding an accumulation of the Putrid Effluvia The Constant Ventilation of the Air is usefull  54 Usefull but this cannot always be done but we can allways have it in our power to change the Bed Cloths & Body linnen they ought to be changed every day or every other Day at furthest and they Cloths ought to be expound to the Sun The Bed shelf ought to be Aired- 4th Removing all Excrementitious Matter as soon as posable by Urine and Stools – stools ought be procured as soon as posable sugar ought to be Burnt to dissipate the smels it forms with the putrid effluvia a Serturm Quid: 5 by avoiding or correcting animate food 6 by evacuating Putrid matter  55 matter already presant in the Body both stomach and intestines should be a evacuated a [puhe] is a remedy of the first consequence when there are no circumstances that forbid it as Pregnancy &c. it is not only proper in fever from contagion but from Miasmata When given early they terminate the diseases frequently evacuating the Bowels not only opening it the first day but should be kept open a purge every 2 or 3 Day Crem Tart or Glaub salts are ye most proper some cautions may be necessary in the Advanced stage of the disease with regard to the Exhibition of Pulses violent  56 Violent Vomiting somtimes Produces great debility which when it happens Disagreeable concequences is produced the Vomiting may be checked by Snake root Tea or Columba Root Tea 7th by supporting the Secretions and excretion- 8th Correcting the Patriot or Putressent Matter Already in the Body the Best antiseptics yt are best in this case is Wine and bark Both should be Given in large Quantities You cannot give too much of there medicines you should allways begin with the Weak wines and advance till you get to the Strongest Some patients  57 patient require a small quantity of Brandy to be mixed with the Wine thos that have been habituated to Dram drinking Giving it in Whey or diluted in a Trifeling Practice. I have [four] cases of Putrid fever which lasted 11 days in which time 14 Bottles of Madeira Wine was drank A Patient whose Excitement is below the Standard as is the Case here. He will bear a much greater Quantity of Spt. Liquor without being intoxicated.- Bark ought to be given in large doses and in substance or it will be doing nothing. If the stomach Rejects  58 Rejects it is to be given in Glysters if it Purges Laudanum Should be added. When the Patient is costive during the Exhibition of the Bark it ought to be obviated by Glyster composed of Glauber salts. I had a case of synochas where it had gone so fare that there issu'd blood from the Nose and Uterus which was entirely Cured by the Bark.- Cold air as well as fresh air is of the greatest consequence at this stage of the disorder it has been asked wither throwing a Bucket of Cold water over ye. body of the Patient would not be attended with the best consequence  59 there are some cases where Wine has been rejected by the Patient in this Case porter has the desired effect. It can be produce good which is not allways the Case with Wine It may in some cases be used in Preference to wine the Wine. [crossed out] may not be rejected by the Patient- Blisters in the Nervous fever when there is a degree of Inflam. diathesis Are of Use [crossed out] in [con.] fever produced by [contagion] Miasmata but in Putrid fevers they are injurious by producing Mortification of the Part to [garnish]. They are applied an I have had cases where the Patient died  60 in consequence of the discharge from a Blister- Blisters are every apt to heal up & dry and when the Patient begins to Recover it mostly Breaks out Again which is a good Symptom as Is likewis a Blisters that looked pall befor begins to Inflame. In the applications of Blisters [in this case] the great benefit produced is by their Antispasmodic & simulant Properties. From the Tolea yt their effects was occasioned by the Evacuation is absurd for what can the evacuation of such a small quantity of water produce. If Blisters have an inclination to dry let them  61 them dry and put another in its place stimulating application should never be applied to a Blister upon this account Cabbage leaves are improper by not only stimulating but a disagreeable smell Arises they irritate the Part and produce great Pain. The Application that I make Use of is eaqual parts of Hugo Lard and Wax- Under ye head of Cleanlyness I should have mentioned keeping the Mouth and teeth Clean by Washing and Rubbing them frequently with a Brush & the hands ought to be washed with Vinegar- In ye  62 In the Nervous fever the Tongue is mostly dry in ye Putrid for the most Part Moist- In the Nervous fever the dryness mostly begin in the Middle of the Tongue and Gradually extends towards the Tides & when the fever goes of the tongue begin to grow moist at the edges first and extends gradually towards the Middle untill the tongue recovers its usual moisture for this Reason when you inspect the Tongue in a nervous fever you ought carefully to examines the sedes for when yo discover these to be growing mist, you may form a favorable Prognosis- There is another  63 another Remark with respects with regard to the tonge is it is mostly of a brown Colour which in some cases continues several days after the recovery of the Patient or in other words till all other symptoms disappear- The Convalessent state of a nervous and Putrid disease is supposed to be a disorder and ought not to be abandoned and care should be taken to prevent a Relaps In this state Elixer Vitriol & Bark should be made use off Huxhams Tincture is a excellent medicine in this case a Wine Glass full may be Given two or three times a day with the great  64 greatest success Porter has likewise been prescribed with Success in this Stage of yc. Disorder and may be very good as it affoards nourishment. Chocolate may be given as it lies on the Stomach and affoards nourishment- After sometime the Appetite becomes Violent and yc Patient would eat to access if he was not prevented in this case you ought to direct small Meals but frequent ones- Boiled food ought first be made use off and as he recovers he may be allowed Roasted Meats and it is of consequence to get your patient ought to excersise as soon as Posable as moderate exercise  65 exercise tends to strengthen the Patient. It is to be observed that soon after a recovery from ys disorder the Patients legs begins to swell which is not an unfavorable symptom. It may be Removed in a short time by moderate exercise- The success in the management of fevers within this two Years is without doubt may be allrebuted to Docr. Cullens new system of the Practice of Physis  66 Lectr. 7th. Phlegmasia or Inflammation, attend with topical affection accompanied with fever of the Synocha kind as ye Plurisy Thy symptoms are topical Pain structure of the Part Injured Blood puts one Buffy Coat. we shall first treat of the Phlogosus which is an Inflammation of any part of the Body. These are divided into two species the first is confined to particular parts of the Body and tend to produce abses the 2nd. is more differed and has a tendency to form into Blisters- The most frequent of the Perot kind  67 kind is the Paronychia commonly called fellon or Whittled which affects the joint sometime the joint is totally destroyed it is an Inflammation of the Periosteum- Cure dipping the finger into Boiling Vinegar never failed to cure it Hot water perhaps will answer as well but has not been made use off as yet therefore. I would Recommend the Use of Vinegar. It ought to be repeated often by this means the living principle is destroyed or it is lessoned Another cure is an Incision down to the Bone Some times you are called upon when it has began to suppurate In this sore some caustic is to the used  68 used a Poultice of soft soap will answer this purpose better yn any thing else it is the Caustic alkali combined with an animal oil If this should fail Blue Vitriol or some vegetable caustic may be used- Absess they occur in the legs arms &c they somtimes follow a small Pox they ought to be discussed if Posable the Best application for this is the Lee Poultice it acts by promoting absorption. It will either discus or bring on suppuration according to Circumstance a Variety of [the] Application have been made use of such as warm bathing bitter Bathing the Preparations of Lead such  69 such as Saccar: Saturn: Ag: Veg: mineralis has been applied wth. success Flaxseed poultices is preferable to any for bringing it to a head Cumphry has also been used with advantage in this Case as also has Roasted Onion- The 2nd species is more troublesome then the 1st. Burns are of this Nature some have applied spirits to a Burn this if it does good is its Great Stimulus being followed by Sedative but this is a Worthless Remedy Molasses has been also employed it acts chiefly by its Coldness- Scraped Potato has also been Used with Success there are Cold and the Contain  70 contain a Quantity of water to wth. this effects are owing their action is entirely like that of Cold Water Nothing is so effectual as the Aqua Vegeto Miner: if yc Inflammation is great a fotur composed of Bread Boiled in Ag Vegeto minerale: some small Quantity of oil has been added but it ought to be as little as Posable and of the Purest oils as they are injurious in the Inflammatory State of the Burk but will do no hurt when the Inflammation is gone off there is a species of phlogosis yt proceeds from Cold as frost Bitten Limbs &c In this case the Cold acts first as a stimulant but towards  71 towards the Last as a power full Sedative and Produces Gangrene The Remedies in this case is Cold applied in any form this does not opperate as it was supposed to do by some by extracting the frigorific Particles but by its stimulus increases the the action of the arteries But if a mortification has come on it should be scarified down to the sound flesh and stimulating applications should be made use off- Anthrax this comes on in every part of the Body but more particularly at the Back of yc. Neck and is preceded by pain It mostly when it opens it is in  72 in several small Places –It ought to be kept clean by common digestives & if it becomes Gangrenous a great part of it ought to be cut off but this is not the case often In some cases, Peruvian Bark is necessary to prevent Gangrene. When this swilling is produced by Acrimony it is to be destroy by diluents- Under this head of Inflammation. I Include all those Produced by the stings of Bees Wasps &c During the Inflammation Dilution answers a good purpose some have applied Vinegar wth. success in those cases. When the Inflammation is great the Preperations  73 Preparation of Lead are the Best application that can be made as the Aqua Veget Mineralis- Imposthume. I have but little to say here but You are never to open an Absess till it is soft all Round- And there are several modes of Doing this a Poultice made of flour Honey and the Yolk of an Egg wth. open it it if the Suppuration is complete another Method is by an Insician, when this is made use off it ought to be made in the most depending Part of the Absess as the contased matter has a better chance to make its Escape- Gang  74 Gangrene & sppaceous is of the same species only in different degrees the only way of preventing Gangrene spreading is innocuous and stimulating. Preparation when a Total absence of Inflommat: Diathesis Bark may be given with advantage somtimes, it is connected with Inflam Diathesis these the bark is injurious- The next Genus of Inflammaton is Ophthalmic this is a Pain and Redness of the Eye with an intolerance of light- They are of two kinds sociopathic & symptomatic. the Idiopathic various in proportion as it is situated in the Coats of the Eye or Eyelids symptoma  75 symptomatic opthalmia are those that are produced from disorders of other parts of the Body- The Cure of the Idiopathic is Bleeding Purging Topical applications and avoiding irritation of all kinds- Ophthalmia is sometimes not connected with Inflam Diathesis & in this case General Bleeding would be unecessary Topical Bleeding near the Port affected by Cupping Leeches &c an of the Greatest Consequence in this Case- Purging is attended with the Best effect in the Idiopathic Inflammation of this the Eyes Blisters as evacuants may be applied mear to the Port affected- A Variety-  76 Variety of Topical application have been made use off- Cold applications on to be prefered Ptn. of Lead are of the first consequence in some cases, Laudanum may be added with advantage when there is a secretion of Acrid matter Laced: with a solution Gum Arabic is the Best application that cord be made use off Solution of opium in Water has given great Relief in this case sometime. I have ordered Crumbs of Bread Moistened with Aq: Veg: Min: wth success It should always be Removed when it becomes dry It is also the utmost use to keeps your Patient in a dark Room some  77 some have tied a handkerchief over the Patients Eyes to Prevent the admittance of Light but this is not a good Practice for the Handkerchief will irritate the Eye as the sensibility is exquisitely increased these Directions may appear to be trifeling but the Patient will get will two or three days 1h sooner for it Docr. Cullen has recommended Electricity but this cure is but temporary and as soon as it is discontinued the disease returns with as much Violence as before so it is a Remedy yt is not to be depended upon Where the Preparation of Lead is inefectual you ore bye means of  78 of an Insician in the Eyelid, both above and below the Eye so as to promote the flow of Blood Symptomatic Apthalmia are to be cured by curing the disorder from which they originate as the Venereal Disease the Scrophula &c &c &c-  79 Lectr. 8th: Phrenitis this is divided into Idiopathic & Symptomatic- the former is a very Rare occurance the Latter very frequent I do not remember of seeing more then one case of Idiopathic Phrenitis that is from cold. But from contusion. I have frequently seen- Contusions is the most frequent occasional Cause of Phrensy falling on the Tea or from on horse back- Van sweeten gives a case of a More who received a stroke on the head by a tile falling from a hours the man felt no pain after the stroke but 8 or 10 day after was seized with Phrenetis- Docr.  80 Docr. Cullen very proper by distinguishes delirium into two specis Delirium Ferox and Delirium mite the Delirium Firox is a constant attendant of Phrenetis the Symptoms by which it may be most certainly known are a Vehement Pyrexia of the Synocha hind Violent deep seated headach Redness and lungessence of the face and eyes an Impatience of Sight and Noise, a constant watching and a Delirium impetuous and furious There is a delirium of an opiate nature attending the Nervous fever which is owing to Debility the other by increased excitement  81 Cure 1st. Copious Bloodletting the Quantity to be determined by the state of the Pulse the Quantity in this Case may be greater then in any other case of Inflammation that the Human body is subject to [?]3xx is ye smallest Quantity let the disease proceed from what it will It ought to be repeated several times as occasion Requires In all Violence done to the Brained. the Patent ought to sore blood in small Quantities to prevent a Phrenitis from appearing as a disease is allways better Prevented then cured in this case 10 or 12 ounces may be taken Next to Bloodletting opening the  82 the Bowels is of the greatest consequence the benefit derived fm. this is evident to every body & may be explained merely by mechanical means. When the Intestines is loaded with fæces it is evident that it compresses the descending aorta & a greater Quantity of Blood in consequence of it determined to the head which certainly increase the delirium so yt the Removal of this must be of the greatest advantage to ye Patint the Intestines ought nt. only be emptied but repeated Purges ought to be administered to divert the blood from the Supirior or into the inferior Ports and by  83 by this means Relieve the head & in order to prevent a determination to the head it ought to be kept high after General Bloodletting cupping on the head is of Great Use Blisters as an evacuate may be applied to the head and upon ye account the large the Betters as a few ounces of fluid is evacuated immediately from the part affected may be of the Utmost service & usual antiphlogistic Regimen to be Strictly anteceded to such as Repeated dosed of Nitre & Tart Emetic the Patient sd. allway be kept in a dark Room and all Passions of the mind  84 prevented Emolient Caleplasm applied to the soles of the feet Symptomat. Phrensy you will frequently meet with ye species of Phrensy in a Word every delirium that attends a fever that is not of the Nervous kind is a symptomatic Phrenitis. The Cure of this depends upon the Cure of the original Diseas and in proportion as it approaches to the Idiopathic the Remedies Mentioned are to be made use of- The next specis of inflammatory affection is Cynanche of these there are few specis and first of the Cynanche Tonsilaris this is an inflammation of the Mucus membrane  85 Membrane of the fauses especially that congeries of Mucus follicles which forms the Tonsils & from thence spreading along ye Velum & uvula so as frequently to affect every part of the membrane Symtoms swelling of the Tonsils Redness of the parts pain full Deglutition a frequent but difficult Excretion of Mucus & a fever of the Inflammatory kind- This is the Mildest species of the Cynanche it mostly occurs in the Winter and the Patient affected is able to go aboute the the swallowing in this case is somtimes more difficult then in any other Case and it mostly terminates in Absess and somtimes turns to an ulcer  86 Ulcer which has alarmed the Patients very much being suspicious of an Ulcerous soar throat but this is easily deseeded it may be determind by the Pulse if ye Pulse is full & hard you may Depend it is not of the Ulcerous Natures- Cure you are to bleed Purge and Blister the Blister should be applied around the Neck like a stalk, this is the best Place if the Patient will Submit to it & if this cannot be done, they may be applied behind the Ears- In some cases, when it has come to a suppuration neither evacuants nor motion will Brat it in this case it is to be opened by a Lancet  87 a Lancet gives imediate Relief a bit of coffee will sometimes produce a discharge and a bit of anything getting into the Trachea will exite Violent Coughing and produce a rupture of it may be made to burst by making a person Laugh- Cynanche Malygna for to give you an exact description of this disease I have not time and for the History of I refer you to Fothergill & Huxhom which has treated the subject with more accuracy then any that has yet been published it has been confounded wth. the Scarlatina anginosa Doctr. Cullen makes it a species of the some  88 some disease but in this Respect I cannot agree with him here for all that I have seen are Perfectly different Putrid sore throat prevails most in winter and spring the Scarletina not so Cynche Maligna in moist & warm Wether Scarletina not Women & Children more subject to Putrid sore throat which is not the Case with Scarlatina anginosa. In Maligna Voise flat & Rough in the Scarlatina not so in Malignant sore throat the Parts are Lax in Scarletina  89 Angenoas not so. The Typhus Grave or attends the Cynanche Maligna in Scarlatina Typhus Mition- Cure 1st. to consist in an Emetic and for this Case Turpith Mineral is to be prefered or calomel with Ippecaccuanha the Toncels in this Case are in a state of Laxity & Mercury by its Stimulus increases the tone of the Port and discharges the sloughs that are collected aboute the Posts affected you are not only to give a Mercurial Vomit but you are to give Repeated doses of Mercury we may say then that the Cure depend 1s.t upon a Vomit them upon  90 upon Mercury- 3rd. Bark you must give this in large Doses 4th. Snake root either in Decoction or Powder with the Bark or without 5th. Wine is Another Remedy that has been made use of with Success especially Madeira Wine it ought to be given in Large Quantities- The Throat [crossed out] ought not to be neglected but frequently Gargled and kept Clean by a mixture of Sage Tea honey and Vinegar or Current Gelly disolved in Water or Vitriolic Acid Diluted or diluted muriatic Acid But sometimes gargling is not different to remove the sloughs that  91 that collect aboute the Parts affected in this case you are to use a Rag fastened to the end of the stick and dipped into Honey alone or if this is not sufficient Mel. Egyptecum may be used in its stead and If this fails diluted muriatic acid has somtimes proved success full in Removing them Fumigations of Vinegar & water should be made use off but the most Power full Fumigation that can be made use is Myrrh Boiled in Vinegar and the Patient to receive the steems in his throat Doctr. Johnson speaks highly of purifying the air this ought to be  92 be done by sprinkling Vinegar and [trussing] Branches of vegetables on the floor &c what I have here delivered is from my own observation I never seen this disease Epidemic in this place but once which was in the year 1763 It prevailed at Salem which caried off near 500 Children in a very short time- Cynanche Trachealis Difficult Respiration & Rough Vain is the Characteristic symptom of this disease this disorder is what is common by called the Hyves. It is known by a Vorcity of names as Cynache Trachialic asthma Spasmodica  93 dica Croup Angina Membrenacia- &c. This disease mostly makes its appearance Suden tho sometime it makes its appearance gradually the Characteristic Symptom is not only difficult Breathing and a Rough Voice but a Rough disagreeable Cough attends it wch. makes a noise like the Barking of a dog there have been a Variety of dispute concerning the nature of this disease wether it was spasmodic Inflammatory or Humoral But I think it is necessary to make two species of it, the one spasmodic other Humoral Docr. Johnson also adops the Variety  94 the spasmodic comes on sudenlly and attended with intervals It mostly comes on in the Middle of the Night & goes off the next day but returns again at night these are the Principle Pathognomonic Symptoms of spasmodic Hives- That there is a species occasioned by spasm I proved by the desecti. of a child who died of that disease in which case there was not the least appearance of a membrane- the method of Cure also strengthens my arguments in favour of Spasmodic [airtime] Hyves we first begin with Bleeding which evidently acts as an Antispasmodic Pukes are antispasmodic  95 antispasmodic and should be made use of opium and asafætida may also be used- Humoral this comes on gradually the patient complains of Cold and is hoars for 2 or 3 days and the child being able to go aboute you are in the Humoral to Bleed and to puke but there is no remedy equal to Calomel- There is an increased secretion of mucus in the Bronchia which is hardened into a membranous substance by the action of the air You are to prevent this secretion by exiting a preternatural Excretion Els where as we know where Preparation Is in creased  96 increased the Secretion of Urine is diminished and Visa Versa you may in this case give from 10 15 grains of Calomel in day with advantage if it should Purge it is so much the Better for by this means at increases the secretion in all the Intestine & diverts the Humors from the Trachea. This 25 years ago was allways accounted a fatle disease but this is not the case now owing to this method of Treatment- Cynanche Pharynges this differs from the Tonularis in only being situated lower down in the throat and upon inspection we find the tonsil, Inflamed The  97 The method of treatment the [Lasme] as in the Tonsilaris- Cynanche Parotidius this is what is commonly known by ye. name of Mumps it is to be treated wth. Purges and confinement lenient application to the part affected They are apt in men to leave one of the Testicles swelled & in Women one of the Breasts But this in a short time will go off without the use of medicines. The next disease is the Scarlatina Anginosa a doubt seems to have arose with Dor. Cullen wither Scarlatina anginosa may not be brought in as a species of Cynanche his description is gust and accurate- When  98 when it made its first appearance hear. We only had an Eruption in most cases, but as the cold wether com on the Ulcers in the Throat began to appear- somtimes we had Eruptions and Ulcers Both and one symptom (when it made its appearance here two years ago) was a sickness at Stomach which never was absent in any case that fell under my observation & there was pretty generally a burning of the Ears now and then Coma but not often it often went off with Coma when the Coma come on 6 or 7 days after the attact. I always considered it as a fatle Symptom- some died before  99 before it was time for the Eruptions to make its appearance that is in the course of 2 or 3 days after the attact. the five attending this disorder is the Typhus Mition- Cure an Emetic is the first thing that is to be exheluted here more emetics may be given there in Cynanche Maligna they may be often Repeated without producing bad effects Calomel is also as use full here as in the Ulcerous Sore throat Blisters behind the case Injections Gargles are also of Use here but not so much as in Cynanche maligna in [crossed out] the symptoms  100 symptoms of Coma Wine when ye Pulse is slow is use full. I have seldom seen the Bark necessary befor the 9 or 10 day- wth. respect to bleeding I never see but one case where it was put in practice tho not by my orders the Blood was in a very disolved state, when symptoms of synocha appear Bleeding may be proper-  101 Lectr. 9th Pneumonia very properly consider as one Genera by Doctr. Cullen and Pluresy and Perepneumony is only species symptoms Pyrexia Pain in some part of the Chest difficultly of Breathing & Cough therein some Measure attend Both Plurecy and Perepneumonia there is cases of Perepneumonia ending in plurecy and Plurecy in Perepneumonia. It is of concequence to extend our Idea of this disease when we meet with a pain in the side we pronounce Plurecy but there have been cases of Plurecy wch has come on by a pain in ye shoulder  102 Pain in the shoulder and in some cases pain in the Back for as the Plura surrounds every part of the Chest we may easily conceive that a pain may be felt in any part of the Thorax somtimes the Pain comes on very low down in the Back and resembling Lumbago somtimes the Pain is felt very low down on both sides these remark is of consequence as there are 3 or 4 diseases which may be mistaken for Plurecy as a Pain in the shoulder attend inflammation of the Liver in the Back Lumbago low down in the sides Colic &c. Perepneumonia  103 Perepneumonia the Pulse not always hard tho somtimes Obtuse Pain in the Chest Difficulty of Respiration both Standing and lying face Purple Cough with spitting somtimes Streaked with Blood when the Parenchematous Substance of the Lungs is affected the Pulse is Soft but when the membranous parts the Pulse is Hard and full Perepneumonia is Idiopathic & symptomatic Idiopathic is Symple & Complicated Symple is Catarrhal or Perepneumonia Notha. Catarhal is only is only Perepneumonia attend with a catarrh and you will often find it connected with Catarh  104 Cararrh is an inflammation of the Mucus membrane of the Trachea and Bronchia Perepneumonia Notha is yt species of Pere pneumonia that is allended with a soft Pulse occalloned by an obstruction of the Paranchemitous substance of the Lungs Symptom is difficult Respiration Anxiety Purple face Cough moist frequently tinged with Blood you will frequently meet this Species of the Pneumonia and it is thought to be the most fatle. It somtimes caries of the Patients in the course of 2 or 3 days after the first attact I have somtimes &  105 & I think with propriety called it an apoplexy of the Lungs as there is a congestion of Blood in Lungs constituting Perepneumonia Notha in the Same manner as a congestion in the head produces Apoplexy Perepneumonia is somtimes complicated with a Variety of other disorders it is somtimes combined with Typhus [Meteor] Gravior & Meteor to which it often tends hence Perepneu: Notha gets the name of Perip: Putradæ Doctr. Huxham give a History of an Epidemic Plurecy that would not bear bleeding and after one Bleeding there  106 there was a great Prostration of Strength took place this was a Plurecy combined with a Putrid Disease you’l [ofter] find it more frequently combined with Typhus Meteor & in this Case sal Vol becomes necessary- Symptomatic Perepneumonia you’l likewise meet with this often the Gout may produce this specis of the Disease. Eruptions on the skin as small Pox Measles & there are what is called Perepneumonia Exanthematica. It also affects Phthisical People and those affected with Hydrophobia most likely to be affected  107 affected with this Disease Plurecy Symptoms. Hard Pulse. Pain in the side mostly increase by inspiration Difficult & Painful cough first Dry then moist. It is divided into Idiopathic complicated & symptomatic [symptomatic] Complicated is that described by huxham under the total Pllura perepneumonia this is the Plurecy complicated with Perepneumonia it is distinguished from the Perepneumonia by the hard pulse & Pungent Pain in the Side it is somtimes  108 somtimes combined with Typhus & Catarrh as well as Perepneumony it is als either True or False- Cure the Plurecy requires the same method of Cure as the true perepneumonia that is 1st Bld. letting this of the utmost Consequence in Inflammation of ye Lungs & side as they are very apt to suppurate and in the side produce empema and in the Lungs a Vomica & it has said by some that half Cured Plurecies says the foundation for a most all Consumption Various directions has been given with regard to the Quantity of Blood to be taken Cloghorn  109 Cloghorn Bleeds Largely the mostly at one Bleeding takes ʒxx some have been timeous with regard to bleeding those Pluretic Patients that had an Intermitting fever the Preceding Spring those kind of People are More liable to be affected by Pleurecy & more Violint than any others owing to the great Irritability produced by the fever this Patients ought to be largely bled But as our diseases is not so violent as those that come under Clog horn notice I mostly Direct ℥16xys and two bleedings one  110 generally sufficient but in Pregnant Women affected with Plurecy I have bled 11 or 12 times your Judgment with regard to Bleeding is to be formed from the Pulse while ever the Breathing remains difficult and the Pulse Hard Bleeding is necessary you are to treat this as you would an Inflammation of the Lungs. People that have received wounds in their Lungs are to be treated exactly in the same Manner 25 Patient with Balls through their Lungs was brought to the Hospital at New York out of which 24 Recovered & soly by the free use of Blood letting- I have second a  111 a patient recover from a wound through his Lungs after Losing ℥CXL of Blood after Bleeding Nauseating Diaphoretics Neutral salts act Powerfully but they act more powerfully when combined with some diaphoretic as Seneca &c this Last is a good Medicine it induces sweat without Quickening the Circulation there has been several ways of giving this medicine but the mode in which I give it is ʒy Boiled in a Quart of water to a Pint and at a table spoonfull to be given at a dose Glysten are of the utmost service in this as when they are drove with four  112 source the Reach the greate Curvature of the Colon which Runs under the stomach and Relates all the Parts in the Neighbour hood of it merely by its warmth when its common warmth is only wanted to the Plura it may consist of nothing else but warm water But if it is wanted to purge Common salt may be added Blisters are off the Greatest consequence especially when applied to the Part affected it acts as an evacuant and antispasmodic there is no use of keeping the Blister Running if it has a tendency to dry up lit it dry and apply another after sufficient  113 sufficient evacuations have been made the Cough still Remains troublesome you are to compose it by gentle opiates these should be given at at Bed time somtimes it happens that the matter that is caried off from the Lungs abrades the part through which it passes Demulcent Drinks are of use but the first but and most easily procured is flaxseed Tea as it is very disagreeable you to direct the flaxseed to be washed that is pouring Boiling water on the seeds which whashes off all direst and impurities from them which renders shave more fit to be made  114 made use off but after these precautions have been observed the stomach somtimes Rejects it it ought in this case to be combined with Hysop which takes off its mocrphinish taste if this fails lime or lemon juice may be added another Tea is what is called Bran tea here Refinement is necessary it will not yield all its demulcent Qualities meanly by Pouring Boiling water upon it but it ought to be boild in water till one half is boiled away if his stomach is turned at there two Hysop tea alone may be alowd but if tired of all these Barley water with reasons boiled in it makes  115 most great full drink stimulating tear off all kinds to be avoided Wine Whey is improper unless symptoms of Typhus is preasent Expectorants likewise to be used such as oxymel of squils purpose it does not act entirely as an Expectorant Oils are expectorants and Demulcents in this disorder but they are apt to produce sickness at stomach so that they ought to be used with Caution- mucilage is to be preferred as a Demulcent but the first Expectorants is Vol: salts where the Inflammatory diathesis is entirely Subdued 5gr. of this medicine  116 Medicine is the Best that can be given as an expectorant in this Case somtimes when the expectoration is decreased the Pulse Moderate a Pulse may be given with advantage and for this purpose Oxymel scillitic is ye best beginning with small doses and Increasing them till they put warm water in this case is unnecessary as it is not the Contents of the stomach we want to evacuate but to promote Expectoration about the 7 or 8th day when you are looking for a crisis the pulse should become fuller Breathing difficult Bleeding should again be put into Practice cure  117 Cure of Perepneumonia Notha Bleed give antimonials Blister give Expectorants &c in short the treatment ought to be similar to the other species of Perepneumonia pay no regard to the small Pulse Perepneumonia Notha is one of those cases whening Boldness is Necessary- I myself have been relieved several times of this disease by bloodletting [which] I believe if this had not been put in practice. I should have expired- With Respect to symptomatic Perepneumonia those diseases of which they are a symptom should be Cured before- Vomica and emprema  118 emprema are the termination of those diseases namely Perepneumonia an Plurecy you are not to abandon on your patint when are a one of them happen as I have seen Recovries whose there has been both Vomica and Empiema -  119 Lectr: 10th feby. 1786 Carditis this is an Inflammation of the heart but it seldom occurs it is attended with Pain in the Region of the Heart difficult Resperation. it is divided into Idiopathic & symptomatic Peritonitis this you will meet with now and there In Books and seldom in Practice Child Bed fever comes the Nearest to it and youl find this Treated in Hulm White Day’s & writ well upon In warm Climates  120 mates it is combined with Typhus Metior or Gravior and is to be treated like those and in Cold climates it is mostly attended with Inflammatory fever and is to be treated with a synocha in the 1st. Case Pulse & Tonic as task and in the 2nd. Bleeding & the Antiphlogistic Regimen- the most part of those Cases that Happen in this city Require Bleeding and the Antiphlogistic Regimen at all times of the year- Gastritis this you will often meet with Symptoms is fever of the Typhus kind Pain in the Epigastric Region vomiting Regreting. all that is taken into  121 into the Stomach it is Idiopathic & symptomatic Idiopathic Proceeds from all Internal causes In consequence of Inflammation or from External Cause that is any thing Received into the stomach There is a species of Gastritis attend with Eruptions in the stomach in the case Pain not Violent fever moderate Exanthemata in the throat Vomiting this is a Chronic Gastritis In this case the Patient is able to walk aboute when Cold water is taken into the stomach it is immediately rejected but Warm water will remain on the stomach very sight victuals shd be  122 should be allowed spirit disagree with the stomach of the Patient Symptomatic Gastritis is from Morbific Matter in the stomach as from small Pox Incarcerated Hernia Gravel particularly when Lodged within the Kidney There is one cause of Trice Gastritis that I omitted mentioning which is that from Cold water taken into the Stomach In the Idiopathic occationd by the common causes of Inflammation the Cure the same as in other cases of Inflammation mannerly Bleeding Glysters and Tepid Bathing Avoiding irritation & If it proceeds from external Causes as taking Poison into the Stomach  123 stomach the first thing to be done is to exite Vomiting by the administration of an Emetic if it can be done [?] if not diluents to be made use off water is to be preferred oil has been used but this acts Chemically & cannot be given in sufficient quantity when a large quantity of an opiate is taken there is no other way there by pouring in large Quantities of warm water and in proportion as it is diluted its effects are destroyed but if it has already produced inflammation the treatment is to be the same as inflammation in Common large draught of Cold water not only  124 only inflames the stomach but in some cases, the Liver & Bladder but mostly the Stomach. It somtimes taken of the Exetiment of the whole Nervous system in a short time In order to produce this effect 1st the Body must be very warm 2nd the Water or Liquor very Cold & 3rd. A Large quantity of water is be [ Dra] Drank at first the patient feels a violent Pain in the stomach so violent as to produce. Fainting and if he does not die during this fit he comes too and Relieved of Pain but after a short time the Pains Returns as violent as ever the Patient faints again and in some cases 5 or 6 fits  125 6 fitts which succeed each other till it terminates in death or happy The Common Method employed for to Remove this Complaint is Vomiting but nothing can be so improper another remedy that has been made use of is bleeding this may in some cases do good when the brain reacts but generally the action of the water is sedative- You are to reject Puking and not to wait for Bleeding. The most power full antispasmodics should be made used the best of which is Laud: Liquid. I never lost a Patient yt could swallow Laudanum It is to be given when the Patient is  126 is clear of the fits that is between two of them The Terable effects of Cold Water [is to] may be prevented by 1T. waiting till the body is Cold 2nd. or untill the water gets Warm 3rd. by mixing spirits with the Water by receiving the shock of the water in some other part of the body and not immediately in the stomach, the reason why horses are not affected by drinking cold water is because they have their feet mostly in the water when they are a drinking. This species of Gastritis  127 Gastritis is cured radically by making use of a slender Diet of a vegetable kind Demulcents particularly flaxseed tea Camomil tea may be mixed wth. it to brace the Stomach and [hear] the Bowels ought to be kept Gently open. Moderate exercise is to be made use of The Symptomatic Gastritis is to be Cured by Curing the Original Disease Enteritis symptoms Nervous fever a pungent twisting pain aboute the Navil Vomiting the belly obstinately Bound they as Idiopathic or  128 a symptomatic. The Idiopathic are Phlegmonodea or Crasipilatosa this proceed from the usual causes of inflammation or from external causes as in the Gastritis The first species is to be treated the same as in the Gastritis by Lenient. Purges Demulcents Blisters &c The Erasepelatora is not so easily subdued but the manner of treatment in the same as in gastritis by demulcents &c. &c. Hepatitis Fever tension and pain of the Right Hypogastric Region sometimes pungent like a Pleuritic after obtuse a pain at  129 at the Clavicle [and] of the Right shoulder a pain on Lying on the left side Dyspnea Dry cough Vomiting Hiccup some have added a yellowness of the skin. It is sometime confounded with Plurecy & is to be distinguished from it by the pain all ways being on the right side and a pain in the shoulder on the same side the Pain in the Plurecy affects both sides Promiscuously. In the Hepatitis the Patient can only lay on the side affected in the Plurecy not there is a vomiting attends the Hepatitis in the Plurecy not Hepatitis sometimes come one with symptoms of Colic  130 Plurecy not so [illegible] Varieties in this disorder is Acute and Chronic Docr. Cullen gives a just account of the Acute Hepatitis, the Chronic is the same as the Acute only the symptoms are milder Eyes are more Yellow then in the Acute There is Inflammation without Pain or Heat Dissections have shewn that Suppurations & mortifications has been preasent in the kidneys without any pain previously attending it Cure Treatment of Acute Hepatitis is by 1st. Blooding letting very copious indeed as there is no inflammation so liable to suppurate as that of the Liver 2  131 2d. the Bowels to kept constantly open 3d. Blisters to the Part affected. 4 But our sheet Anch. or should be Calomel begin early and give considerable Quantities up to 20 or 30 or 60 grains untill it affects the Mouth- In this case it opperates as it does in the Croup by in creasing the Excretion in the Bowels and diminishing it in the Liver- somtimes in spite of of all [crossed out] the evacuations an abies well form after 10 or 12 bleedings. When the Abcess Points outwards an Insicion ought to be made in the Liver- Chronic Hepatitis is to be treated the same way varying the strength  132 strength of the medicines in proportion to the disorder- Next disease is the Splenitis but this disease seldom occurs- Symptoms Fever heat Pain & tension of the [Hy] left Hypochondriac Region increased by pressure without any signs of Nephritis- Cure is the same as in other Inflammations. Bleeding &c  133 Lectr. 11th. Nephritis symptoms Inflammatory fever pain in the Region of the kidneys shooting down along the course of the Ureter A retraction of the Testicle of the same side and a numbness of the thigh at the side affected & Vomiting urine somtimes bloody- it is either Idiopathic or Symptomatic the latter happens from Calculi & Gout. Idiopathic does not happen so often as the symptomatic, Cure 1st. Bleeding very Copiously 2d. keeping the Bowels gently open by Lenient Laxatives but this is best doses by glisters because there is frequently an an obstinate vomiting that prevents the exhibition of laxatives and from the Colon being directly on the kidneys the glyster answers the purpose of a warm fetus to the Inflamed part, anodine Linaments & Bladders of warm water applyed to the Region of the Kidneys are very serviceable, after the inflammation is removed anodines are serviceable to appease the [inflammation] irritation all irritating drinks and food are to be particularly [affected] avoided- The Mucus lining the pelvis & other parts in which the Calculous is 134 lodged is abraded wherefore demulcent drinks should be used as flax seed or Mallows Tea or barley water to supply its [place] you should forbid the patients lying on his back because of ye irritation from the prepuce of the intestines especially if felled with fœces Blisters are improper applied the part as the particles of Cantharides absorbed might prove too great a stimulus and there by increase the inflammation.- Cistetis  135 Cistitis, Fever pain & the tension of the Hypogastric Region Painfull to the touch Painfull pessing. & Tenesmus- It is either from Internal that is the common cause of Inflammation & External as from Calcula wounds &c in the Bladder- It must be treated 1st. by blood letting copious- the Cistitis does not communicate Inflammatory diathesis to the Whole System tho the size on the Blood is greater here these in any other case of Inflammation Pulse is very hard here & according to Docr. Bonds opinion if bleeding is not need it terminates in  136 in abscess Schirrhi or gangrene Antiphlogistic regimen ought to be made use of. The Appetite ought to be restrained as in this case the appetite still remains animal food ought to be forbidden all those should be directed that contain but little nourishment as Roasted apples &c Bowels to be kept open by Laxative Emolient Glysters as this will relieve the Tension of the Parts- In cases of Violent Iscuria the Catheter should be introduced to draw of the Water Hysteritis heat fever tension pain & Tumor of the Hypogastric Region the Region the os uteri Painful to the touch: Tenesmus. A * it is Acute & Chronic 137 It is either Idiopathic or symptomatic. It is seldom produced by Cold but mostly by Child bearing The treatment is the same as in other Inflammations. Viz Bleeding Purging &c when the Hypogastric Region is Swelled a fomentation of warm water to the part affected is of Great used. Rheumatism Pyrexia from external and for the most part from evident cause Pain of the large joints particularly the knee following the course of the muscles seldom affecting the small joints * It is symptomatic & Idiopathic. The Idiopathic Varies wth. regard to the fat affected  138 affected as hip Loins &c. [symptomatic] affects Knee Elbows Loins it somtimes effects the Bones below the Joints as Sacrum & it affects the Breast Producing false Plurecy. It is distinguished from the Gout in not affecting the small joints wch ye Gout does as the feet hand &c but ye Large joints Lumbagos is sometimes confounded with Nephritis and sometimes with Plurecy but it is to be distinguished by having no cough and painfull to the Touch the we sometime find Rheumatism and Plurecy allimate wth each other.- Symptomatic Rheumatism is very numerous- You have heard  139 heard of Foundering Horns and I take it to be nothing but Rheumatism the foundering of Horns is accompanied with Pain in the Back feet &c and the Cause that Produce the Rheumatism in the Human Body after being heated drinking large Quantities of Cold Water or Eating stimulating food produce foundering in horses. The Cure exactly the same as in human Person by Bleeding &c There is another Remedy to turn horses out to Grass & there is vegetable Diet Cure of Acute Rheumatism Copious Bloodletting. General & Topical, from the arm and by Leeches applied to the Port affected  140 affected Bowels ought to be kept open by Neutral salts as they are Sedative as well as aperient Blisters applied to the part affected by taking of the Spasm &c are of the greatest service- it is of consequence to alleviate the pain this may be done by Cabage leaves & molasses to ye Part. affected Diet as in other inflammatory diseases must be strictly all ended to. sometimes all that has been recomended fails the Blood remaining Sizy Mercury in this care has been of the greatest use it well in small doses act as a sedative and reduce inflammation but in Large doses it acts as a  141 a stimulus Mercury never produces inflammatory diathesis unless it salivates you are therefore to give mercury as an aperient which will in 4 cases out of 5 in 10 or 15 days cure or relieve the Rheumatism.- Chronic Rheumatism or arthrodenia is generally in consequence of acue rheumatism. Remedies for this disease is nearly the Reverse of acute Bleeding is necessary you should exite the action of the Sanguiferous system and determine to the Skin [flaxceed] tea should be drank- flannel shirt flannel Drawers and worsted stockings and Lastly warm Bath and where that  142 that fails or has not been Used Exite the action of the Extreme Vessels by volatile tincture of of Guiacum a table spoonfull three times a day it exites the action of the Extreme vessels and determines to the Skin mercury comes under this head It ought to be given sufficient to exite salisvation Cold Bath to exite the action of the system Hot Bath to act as a stimulus. It must be above the heat of the heat of the Body. Blisters have been recommended with advantage If they have any affect it is from their evacuant Quality It ought to be kept Running like an Issue where the Part loses its mobility  143 mobility Friction with the flesh Brush &c suspending weights to the Lime that has been reduced by chronic Rheumatism has been found of good effect- when everything else facts we must have recourse to chang of Climate and particularly to a warm one and he must not only take a tea Voyage but must remain at least 2 years- Odontalgia this is an Acute or Chroni Rheumatism occationed by a Canous Tooth- but it is somtimes without carious Teeth and I believe the Carious is produced by an inflamma of the Tooth and that this is the original and proxemate Cause and  144 and from there argument tooth we see that tooth act proceed Caries- Tooth mostly takes place in place in Variable Latitudes and in latitude that or not variable Tooth ach is a perfect stranger That is owing to inflammation is fur thus proved from its occurring in inflammatory [Diathesis] seasons and age of life. This is the Acute Tooth ach- But you will somtimes meet wit a Chroni tooth ach, which a most dreadful disease indeed Called asthrodened several specis of it. occasioned by the gotet. Catarrh Pregnancy &c.- Chronic like the Acute Rheumatism [ of the tooth] of the Toot is [attent] without Corse Bleed  145 Bleed Blisters and Purge. If it is Carious extract it, if this cannot be done the same treatment as the above will be proper Decayd. part kept Clean, If it is in Contact with other teeth they ought to be separate wit a file wth. respect to the mode of extracting I refer you to practicle writen Tho I have Remark to make upon this subject you should Never draw a tooth during the pain as the Inflammation is great during it but all prefer that time to extract the tooth when the patient is totally free from pain.- I will say a few words to on the Transplanting of teeth, the fix in  146 fix in the jaw mechanically just like a Nail does in a Board & the jaw fixes round it in a mechanical manner not as some has supposed by the Vessels & [Viner] of the Tooth uniting with those of the jaw Docr. Spence Drew ye Tooth of a Dog and introduced a piece of wood and found that it adhered as well as any tooth would have done but they never last more than 4 or 5 years and upon this Principl a dry tooth will last as long as fresh one.- Cure of the Chronic Toothache avoid Cold & use [ in general] the Remedies we have recommended above [it] To prevent it sleep with a wolen night Cap- Lectr:  147 Lectr: 12th. Gout hereditary disease preceded by disorders of the stomach Pains of the joints of the hands & feet particularly the big toe seldom or never affects the Large joints alternating with disorders of the stomach & Bowels.- It is not hereditary from Morbific Matter in the Habit kept by a certain texture of the Body Decent of the gouts is a little particular it somtimes decends from a grandfather to a grandson and somtimes escapes the father it appeared very early in when there is a hereditary predisposition somtimes so early as 7 or 8 , but 15 or 16 it frequently  148 frequently appears it is not only Hereditary with Regard to men but also in the female sex . If a mother is affected with the gout it is the Daughter that gets the disease & V.V. it often appears in females in the form of ye irregular Gout their constitution has not tone enough to throw it on the Extremities. The Goute is divided into 4 Species 1st. Toni. 2d. Atonic 3d. Retrocedent. 4 Misplaced.- The Regular or Tonic Gout is yt species which persons one of the Joints it comes on in the Night with Pain Kidneys swelling & goes off [in the] with itching and scaling of the feet.- Next species is Atonic which never falls  149 Falls upon the extremities but Seizer on some of the Vicera Retroceedent where it first appears on the Extremities and then flies to the Internal Parts. Misplaced The regular gout is as much curable by proper, Management as the intermitting especially when acquired by high living The Radical cure of the Gout is to be affected by diet and exercise. The Reason why so few radical cures is performed is because the Patient who acquire it is so easy in life that you  150 you cannot deter them from high living low diet and labour or Exercise. Milk is of the Utmost consequence the Kind of Labour or exercise to be prefered is walking & working with the hands but moderate exercise with the feet is to be prefered.- Red wines is improper Cyder is improper where a moderate Quantity of Wine is required old Maderia is the Best besides Labour and diet, there is another Direction there is another direction to be taken notes of which is keeping up the perspiration The Gout never attacks in the Sommer but always in the Inflammatory seasons and more  151 more frequently in damp Cold Climate then in Moderate one. The Perspiration to be kept up by wearing a flannl shirt. a shirt in this case is to be preferred to a Waist Coat as it covers best part of the body but when the breast is only affected the waist coat will answer the shirt ought to be frequently changed and will obstructs Perspiration rather there keep it up in so much, then for the radical cure of the Gouts But it is imposable to procure a medicine that will Eradicate the Gout.- During the fill it is to be treated as an inflammatory disorder Every fit that Runs its course atom what imparts  152 imparts the Habit and renders it more liable to be attacked by ye next and more deplorable species of it.- The Remedies proper for this is Bleeding Laxatives Blisters & certain topical topical applications.- Bleeding in the inflammatory stage is as effectual as in the Plurecy but in the atonic Gout it is attended with bad consequences- And after the Patient is 40 or 45 years of age bleeding is to used with Caution. But in the early and inflammatory stage. I would bleed plentifully as the Blood is covered wth. an inflammatory crust & one bleeding is generally sufficient Laxatives  153 Laxatives must be used of the most lenient kind as sulphur &c if it should not yield to Bleeding or the Patient will not submit to it or you have doubts concerning the Necessity of it use Laxatives and Blisters. Blisters may be used later in life then Bleeding. if their stimulus should prevail they are improper but if they are antispasmodic they are the most Proper in avoide stimulating application of all kind such as camphor &c I have known application of Liquid Laced: mad with success soft flannel in order to promote [Infla-] Preparation is of service and was thought to be the only application  154 that made use of with safety Dr. Small throws it out as a conjection wither Cold applied would not be attended with advantage and he allways made it a practice to walk as soon as posable which prevents Lameness this Should be confined to the Tonic Gout so much then for The Tonic Gout all the Remedies above are to be confined to persons under 36 years of Age there are very few beyond 40 that will bare the Change of Diet the constitution becomes so habituated to high living Atonic Gout Should you yt gout alternate with affections of the Stomach and in proportion  155 proportion as the atonic prevails the stomach is more or less affected. Mr. Small directs a puke in every fit of the Gout which shortened it and Caried it off sooner than common. This I think may be of service- In this state of the goute the first thing to be done is to make it regular if you can by bathing the feet or Cataplasms applied as bread Milk & Onions but if the attack on the bowels is violent Stimulating Poultices ought be applied as flower of Mustard it ought to be applied to the instep of the feet as the Poultices gives Pain take them off But you in  156 in this case are not to neglect internals The tone of the Stomach is is to be supported by Wine Whey Wine & Even Spirits Besides those drinks recommended there are other medicine which is of the utmost service, Volatile alkali deserves to be first mentioned, this is one of the Best medicines that can be made use of in these cases- Misplaced & Retrocedent Gout. they are to be treated as the atonic with difference only if it should happen to fall upon the Lungs so as to produce inflammation a small degree of Bleeding will be necessary, this is a disease yt can counterfeit any disease that the  157 the human body is subject to It mostly affects the kidneys, the Bladder &c in the Bladder it produces Catarrhus Viscæ it somtimes Alternate with the Hæmorhoids. Its somtimes seizes the throat the Jaw and they Ear. I once mentioned to Mr. James Jay that. I have known the gout to counter fit every disease of the human Body but [the gout] a salivation but he told me that he had seen a Copious salivation Produced by yt Gout, Besides the Remedies above recommended opium may be used. There is a remedy that has been made use of with Success in the Gout of the Stomach which acts as a Cordial and Tonic this is  158 is London Porter wth would lay upon the stomach when every thing else is cast out. There is one symptom which is always a fatle one, this is a diarrhæa & If he has got a diarrhea that he is able to go aboute with you may give him over for Lost [in this gout]. The Radical Cure of the Gout is never to be attempted you are to indulge him in animal food of a Weak Nature & Boiled when he is below 40 but when he arives to the age of 40 his meats cannot be seasoned enough Beef and mutton should be their Chief meets you are not to forbid the use of Wine but you are to Regulate  159 Regulate them Red Wines and Cyder are to be Rejected a little good old materia taken every day is of Use Gentle Exercise should be made use of such as walking and Riding on horseback. Issues has also been of the Utmost Service But joind with moderate diet exercise and Issues keep up ye Perspiration by wearing flannel which is of the of the Utmost Consequence in the atonic Gouts Arthropeuosis Pains of the joints or muscular parts often after Contusion being deep obtuse tedious either no term our or if any very small & diffused no inflamn. fever first mild at length hectic & & finally an abces of ye Part Vegetable diet mercury antimonial & Bark keeping the sores clean by digestive med  160 medicines sometimes I find it Necessary to make use of more acrid medicines as Docr. Martins Powder- The Next order of Pyrexia are the Exanthemata which we we will go on consider at our Next Lecture-  161 Lectr. 13th. Exanthemata Contagious diseases affecting persons for the most Part but once in their Lives- Small Pox Symptoms Contagious inflamatory fever comming on on a certain day of the disorder vomiting Pain upon pressing the Epigastric Region a pain in the Back more acute then in any other disease Peculiar smell of the breath nearly like burnt Sulphur but this last Symptom is a certain Criterion of the small Pox as it happens in some other diseases where there is no small Pox on the 3d. day an Eruption  162 Eruption begins & finishes on the 5th. on the 8th. begins to dry and fall of in Scales. This definition is general and has many Exceptions for there are instances of a Second Crop on the 8th day this happens somtimes in the Natural way but mostly to Inoculation, but I [will] is Generally confined to 8 days and will dry away when there are few in number but when they are confluent they continue Longer- The Eruption somtime begins on the first day and somtimes in a few hours but this is a dangerous. Phenomena. 12 or 14 days are necessary for the matter in the small Pox in the Natural way  163 way to produce its effects it sometimes taken 20 days to produce its effects.- The Species of small Pox are distinct and confluent- For particular I refer you to Sydenham Synocha attends the distinct & Typhus attends the confluent Small Pox- It has been an opinion among Physicians that it was possable to extirpate to extirpate the small pox entirely out of ye habit this was the opinion of Hellery & Mead. I think myself that this may be done in some degree but not so much as these Gentlemen think. If the fever be Synocha Bleed Largly &  164 & if this is plentifully done Vomit & Purge vomiting to be began in ye Morning & kept up untill 12 oClock in the day purging untill 12 oClock at Night the Purge ought to consist of Jalap and Calomel But if the fever be a typhus ye method will not answer Pneumonia often comes on at the turn of the small pox and is to be treated by bleeding & like that from Cold- aboute the turn of the Pock there is a Ptialism frequently comes on which being checked or obstructed togeather with a stoppage of the evacuation of Mucus in the Bronchia often occasion a speedy suffocation nut it may be prevented by a timely use of expectorants of which oxymel sullit is the Best  165 as the pock after the Eruption is very painfull the patient ought to be kept easy- Aboute the 7th or 8th day the Swelling of the face falls into the hands & Feet but it sometimes happens That is falls upon the throat & Lungs to prevent its falling on the Lungs Squills & Bleeding on the Throat Calomel you are to promote ye swelling of the hands and feet by soaking them in warm water frequently and in some cases large Poultices of Bread & Milk should be applyed to the hands & feet, the Bowels to be kept open a stool to be promoted every day as soon as the swelling  166 Swelling of the face begins to subside the Bowels ought all way to be kept open by sulphur. The Patient ought to be kept Clean in every stage of the diseas but particularly when the Pock is a drying to prevent marking opening them ought to be put into practice and the matter washed off the Part after Patient Recovers it is just to give two or 3 Purges as there is a great conection between the Skin and Bowels- Confluent, you are to consider this as a Typhus Gravies or Metion, The Afrecano make use of an ointment in this Case composed of Kian Pepper with Great success and Relieve the Patient in  167 in two or three days after the Ointment has been rubbed on the Patient to be dipped into Cold Water But this appears to me to be a Doubt full Remedy- Where the damages is great. I make use of Bark, Wine & Cordials of all kinds which ought to be given in Large Quantities I cannot recommend there from the good Success. I have had from the administering them in my own Practice But I have seen them used with success in cases where there has been a small degree of mortification Chicken Pox. Symptoms [Breaking out] Inflammatory fever Pustules breaking out after  368 after a short slight fever like those of the small Pox but scarcely suppurating after a few days ending in scales without marks. It has been confounded with the small Pox but this disease may be distinguished from the small Pox by the fever in this disease being not so violent the Pock is whites that matter more resembling milk there is no circumscribed inflammation- Nothing need be done in this disease except after it is gone a Purge or two.- Measels Contagious inflammatory Fever with sneezing & hoarse & Weeping of the Eyes a dry Cough  169 cough fourth day or later small confluent Eruption hardly above the skin breaking out after three days ending in very small branny sacless For the history of the descores I refer you to practice writen The disease is apt to affect the throat & Lungs  170 Lectr. 14th. Scarlalina Anginosa Of this disease we have treated somewhere else.- Plague I have nothing to say up on this subject but what you will find in Sydenham Cullen &c. from all That I have read upon the disease it appears to me not to be contagious but in an intermediate degree between infection and contagion this I think is proved by many facts there have been instances of people living in a room above when the Plague was and never received the Infection. A Person dead of the Plague never infects any  171 anybody the people in Marsalis strip the Cloths of People with a hook, they then handle the corpes without the least Danger or concern if it does infect its is not so much as when alive this is owing to the loss of the heat of the Body which when present rendering the infection Volatile which is not the Case when dead.- It is less frequent now in every part of the World then it Used to be owing to free use of Vegetable & Particularly Sugar.- And it has never been in America upon this account. It has been said that is may be avoided in Turkey if it ware not that the avoide doing  172 doing anything to prevent its appearance & spreading there is another thing tends to keep it up in constantinoble is that the struts is very narrow and very much Crouded the Plague on ye account spreads rapidly and caries of thousands of people on ye attack this thins the streats for a short time and the Plague does not return untill the the streets again become Crouded Erysepilas Inflamy. fever of two or three days [only] generally With drowsiness often with delirium in some part of the Skin most frequently the face an [ In] Erracepelatous inflamn. appears Shecies Vecien forum terminating in large vessicles or  173 Shingles several inflammatory pimple seizing principally the trick of the Body terminating in phytoene or small seaules- some say that if the Eruption gets entirely Round the Body it proves fatle but this is not the case. it is likewise said that Black Cats Blood will cure it but this is also false This disease is to be treated by lenient Purges the Parts bathed by Ag Veg. Min Miliaria this is well described by docr. Cullen it depends upon a hot Regimes - Urticarial Nettle Rask Doc, Heberden has described this Accurately.- Pemphigus. it is attended with Typhus [illegible] Docr. Cullen  174 Apthæ a Contagious disease the Tongue somewhat swelled ye Tongue & fauces of a purple Colour whitish crusts sometimes, distinct sometimes confluent appeasing upon the fauses and margin of the Tongue- it much more frequent in holand then in any other part of Europe It occurs in the last stage of many other diseases it is a bad Symptom in Phthisis Pulmonalis & in the Hypochondriac disease it is a fatle symptom and indeed it is a fatal sign in a most every chronic disease.- In this disease you are to make use of the bark exercise & Cold Bath the sores ought to be kept Clean by blue Vitriol either in solution or Powder Docr. Marting Cancer powder has in some coos been  175 been used with success therefore when Blue Vitriol fails I would recommend mortices Gouder.- Infants are subject to apthæ and particularly in the first month [If its] It has been said by nurses that if the Child escapes the first month that is will have no sore throat during life It mostly comes on in sleep with a little fever attended with some degree of Eruptions on the Skins called the Red Gum Ulcers appears in the Throat- this disease will mostly go off of steely Molass is as effectual remedy to deterge the ulcers as there is and if the Infants swallow it it acts as a gentle Laxative if this fails Borax may be  176 be used after the disease has continued 2 or 3 days the Patient ought to be purged with [ by] Bhai. It sometime appears about the Anus somtimes it leaves the throat entirely and goes to the Anus I do not think that is passes through the whole alimentery canal to get to the Anus but I suppose the anus & mouth affect at the sometime I am apt to think that the Cause of this disease is the meconium regurgitates and is pushed up by the Child and stimulates the Throat. Ord 3d Hæmorrhages Pyrexia with a flowing of Blood without External Cause to Bring it out and the Blood when sit at rest has an inflammatory court. Hæmorrhages  177 Hæmorrhages that occur under 36 are called Active Hæmorrhages and are from an Arterial Plethora But beyond 36 they are called Passive this is occasioned by Vinous Plethora is from 36 to 40 the Body is stationary and there is a contest between the solids & fluids & the arteries & Veins & in this stage of life, the Body is more subject to disease. If a person with a Phthisical habit of Body passes the Age of 40 there is little danger of the disorder getting ground and this the Care also with diarrhea &c you will somtimes meet with a head ach in this Period of Life which is very distressing this is be Relieved  178 Relieved by occasional Bleeding Abstinence &c this disease goes of wth. the arterial Plethora which is about 40 the diseases of this time of life are all to be mitigated with Remedies according to their diseases There is more people dies between 40 & 57 then in any 7 years of man Life.- Doctr. Pheneus Bond was consumptives which left him at the age of 40.- Cure of Hæmorrhages in General In the 1st. place as it depends on Plethora the Cure is to be began by abstinence. Your are to direct Vegetable & Reject animal food these Vegetables shd be of the Least Nourishing Quality that is those that contain the  179 the least sugar & oil such food is potatoes which is very Mucilaginous and affoard little Nourishment- first all kinds affoard but little Nourishment and shd. be made use of particularly Roasted apples- next to these Roasted Potatoes, sallads of all kinds fill the Stomach and affoard little Nourishment. Fluids dispose more to Plethora then solids they relax the Vess and Favous the comming on of Plethora- Next to abstinence Laxatives are use full those of the most Lenient kind such as ol. Ricini creem tart and the dict should be laxative as Roasted apples & To- these medicines Exercise must be added  180 added it gives Vigour & Tone to the system and prevent the arteries swelling Riding on horseback is to be preferred Cold in likewise a Remedy of great consequence in the Cure of Hæmorrhages.- Epistaxis A pain or weight of the head redness of the face flowing of blood from the Nostrils- It is Idiopathic. & Symptomatic The Idiopathic varies with the Age in young people it is arterial & old Vinous, symptomatic is occasioned by injuries done To the Part, the Bleeding of young People continues to discharge Blood till the age of Puberty and then ceases and does not return till old age owing to the determination of  181 of Blood to the head.- Cure in young Men by Cold if Signs of Plethora open a Vein if it has continued any time without Plethora Cold may may be applied so as to produce a Chill which will constringe the Vessels in ye Nose avoids applying cold to the Nose for if it fails to stop it at the first application it never fails its increase it by its stimulus Cold water applied to the scrotum has been attended with Success, but if every thing else fails Pluggs thrust up the Nose ought to be put in Practice it ought to be thirst up as high as posable and as quick as Posable for it the plugg becomes wet with blood it will not answer as  182 as the Blood will drop from the Plug it ought therefore to be thirst up as dry as posable all that was said before of abstinence is necessary here the Bowels ought to be kept open it is not safe to Cure its old age without substituting some other discharge in rooms of it.-  183 Lectr: 15th. Hæmoptysis spelling of Blood Symptoms. Redness of the Cheeks Since of Pain and fullness of the Breast tickling at the upper end of the Larynx and a discharg of Blood.- It is Idiopathic & symptomatic. Idiopathic is 1st. from without obvious Causes 2d. Wounds and Bruises 3d. Phthisis from Tubercles 4th. Calculosa which is known by a discharge of Calcula from is Lungs Next Hemolisis Vacaria as from hæmorrhoid or Menstrual Flux obstructed, for a Particular history refer to particle Writen Cure the 1st. Remedy is Bleeding when accompanied with Inflammatory  184 Inflammatory diathesis Laxatives, as antiphlogistics may be given Milk and a Vegetable diet is to be made use of. Nitric has been made use of with great advantage. All Irritations must be avoided speaking ought not to be put in practice as it tends to bring on hæmorrhages singing is also very Hurtfull not only singes & speak? ought to be avoided but avoid Lifting Heavy Weights as this is often known to bring Hæmoptisis Violent Exertive to be avoided Running or Riding a trotting horse is very Bad but a horse pacing or Walking is [to be] preferred of service. Extreme heat or Extreme Cold is to be avoided particularly the Cold Bath where there  185 there is or has been a predisposition to an hæmopts Wine and Spirituous Liquors to be avoided as causing irritation. Common salt is a Moderin Remedy and a good one and is now universally mode use of the Manner in which it is to be used is beginning with a teaspoonfull and increasing it to a table spoonfull 3 or 4 times a day. It may be given during the interval or in the Bleeding I heard of its being used in other hæmorrhages with success.- But In what manner does it operate this is a difficult Question. I have have sometimes supposed that it acted by producing Thirst and wither may not the Water taken in  186 in such Large Quantities and by its diluting quality diminish. Inflammatory Diathesis or may it act as a Sedative stimulant of all kinds act as Stimulants first but afterwards prove sedative.- A determination to the then ought to be kept up as well in this as in the Phthisis.- In that occasioned by obstructed evacuation these Evacuation ought to be restored: Connected with Hemoptysis is Consumption symptoms & emaciation of the Whole Body with Cough hectic fever and for the most part with purulent Expectoration They are insipient Consumptions  187 consumptions & Confirmed. The Incipient is where all the Symptoms are present but not a discharge of Matter. Confermata where there is a discharge of Pus attending it. It varies further. The Causes of Convention are 5, 1st. Hæmopts 2, abses 3 Asthma 4. Catarrh Tubercles. 1st. The Consumption from Hæmopts is wth. in the Reach of our art 2d. from abuses there are within the Leach of our Art 3 Catarrh, this may be cured but with more difficulty then the above two species Asthma is still less Curable. The Consumption  188 consumption from Tubercles is entirely incurable. This last species comes on from Causes Deplorable and for the most part from scrophula, the scrofula begins to make its appearance first in the Neck and is entirely transferd to the Lungs sometimes Pus is discharged somtimes sanies, sometimes Steatoma Meliciris & if these are left to stagnate, they corrode all the adjacent part Measles and Laces sometime terminates in consumption. This disease is more frequent in Great Breton then used to be for the Bills of mortality say there is 22000 dies every year of Consumtion Colds  189 Colds are more frequent now then formerly Plurecys and Perepneumony, are less frequent then formerly and Pleurisies used to be Catarrhs takes there place. & the same Remote Causes that used to produce Plurecy in our ancesters produced in, a Catarrh, this disease being trefiling is neglected and a consumtion Silently steels on For the History of consumption I refer you to Docr. Fothergill who has given the best account of any Writer that has as Yet published This disease is never incurable only when it produced from scrophula measels [as ] Venereal Disease In the First stage there is a fever  190 fever Pain in the Breast without Expectoration. Second Stage all the above symptom with Chill & Night sweats & an Expectoration of Purulent Matter. Third and lastly where all the above symptoms, Recur together with a diarrhæa which last symptom is ye Beginning of Death.- Cure of Consumption 1st. Bleeding In the first and second stage there is always are inflammatory Diathesis The Circumstances that Indicate repeated Bleeding are 1st ye degrees of Pain 2d hard Pulse Sizy Blood. In a Confirmed Consumption I have in the Course of 6 weeks bled 16 times with the greatest success  191 success 2d Milk and Vegetable Diet but in some there is the Hypochondriasis attends the Phthisis Pulmonalis in this case the delt ought to be of a middle nature & mixed with equal Quantities of Water If his stomach should Reject this, he must be allowed animal Food. But in the true Consumption the Diet should be totally Vegetable Morgagni used a medicine which is made of Barley Meal & Milk & I myself has used this with advantage 3rd. the use of Medicine Vit: Acid has been used with Success but the Vegetable Acids appear to be more agreeable to the Stomach & I have recommended the sewing of a Lemon or  192 sour Orange with success. 4 Avoid Irritations from all Causes as in Hæmopla. 5th. Cold is to be avoided particularly Cold feet 6 Ditermination to the Skin ought to kept up we ought therefore to wear a flannel Shirt Issues and blisters are of the Greatest benefit particularly Issues in when one in made in the Arm it is attended with the greatest benefit.- Blisters to the sides perpetual Blisters are pain full, but as soon as a blister is dried up another ought to be repeated somtimes on one side somtimes on the other and somtimes on the Breast. I send your patient to an equable Climate West  193 West Indian in Particular and of this Barbadoes is to be prefered and if you Expect any advantage from a Change of Climate, you must Recomend it to your Patient to remain there 2 or 3 years besides the Change of Climate Sea Voyges is of the greatest Consequence as it increases perspiration but if he cannot make it convenient to improse this opertunity we must make an artificial Change of Climate, this is to be done by keeping your patient in a stove Room moderate exercise on horseback this must be used with Caution where then is an inflammatory diathesis it is hurt full a Journey is  194 is to be preferred to a short stage as there is always changes of object which takes of the Palunts attension from the disease and a new association of Ideas are of the greatest service. It has been said that Mariage is life to a consumptive Woman but Death to a consumptive Man this assertion appears trifling but it is of the Greatest Consequence as in women which bears Children the determination is to the uterus which takes it of from the Lungs succing the Breasts is also of the Greatest Consequence A Remedy that has been Celebrated lately and not without Grounds is a decoction of Bark from ye Wild  195 Wild Cherry & Water Beeches- With regard to Bark and Mercury I have never seen them of Service and the bark is hurtfull during the inflammatory state of the Disease Mercurials have been used to remove obstruction in the Lungs. But this stimulus makes them hurtfull Mineral Waters have never been attended with Success The Caught ought to be Relieved by by demulunt Medicines as the Various find of Tea Syrup then is medicine Composed of Sulphur Elecampane Burnt Sugar &c to abate Irritation and tickling Cough Liquoris sugar Candy &c but above all Paliative Remedies Opium is to be preferred and they ought  196 ought to be begun with as soon as possable. That consumption in this Country is contagious I have no doubt, Portingale the Persons who dies of this disease has his Clothes stripped of and Burnt to prevent the Contagion Spreading.  197 Hæmorrhoids Lectr. 16th, Weight & Pain of the head Vertigo Pains of the Loins and Anus painfull livid Tubercles aboute the Anus from which flows Blood which somtimes even drops from the Anus without any apparent tumor.- It somtimes comes on from procedentic Aric in this case the intestine must be returned immediately for somtimes when neglected it inflames Mortifies and the Patient Dies fomentation and Emolient Cataplasms are very proper to relax the parts and Cure the disorder the should be treated with great caution in the Evening of Life in  198 in old people subject to apoplexies and Palsy’s also in Women at the Sessation of the Menses as they then frequently occur & prove very servesable in persons of a Cancerous diathesis I would not stop them as cancers mostly come on late in Life & Women are more subject to cancers of the Womb after the Cessation of the Menses. I would not stop them in old persons who [nerves] have had an Hæmoptoæ for fear of bringing it on again they occur much oftener during Vinous then Arterial Plethora Costiveness is the Predisposing cause of this disease and must be by all Means avoided, Post & Sea faring People are alway subject to Costiveness from are in  199 insensibility of the Rectum induced by the habitual stimmulus of the focus.- The Bowels must be frequently opened by lenient Laxatives as Caster oil Sulphur & By opening fruits as Pruins Tamarinds &c. & Bread made of equal parts of Indian Riptheal aloes is the Wont of mediums this disorder and as an habitual purge it may bring on the Piles and increase them when on its action is confined to the Rectum and dont begin like other at the Stomach, going to stool every day at a particular hour especially in the morning is pauper to obviate Costiveness opening the Bowels is the first thing to be done  200 lenient applications are very proper to obviate Costiveness [opening] as a Cataplasm of Bread & Milk with a Solution of opium in water make a very good application white lead and oil is very good an ointment of equal parts of Tar and Mutton suit is very good in the Piles a stiptic applications a saccariene saturni in oil is very good. Port wine & Bark internally are also proper -  201  202  203 Menorrhagia Pain of the Back Loins & Belly like those of Women in Labour a more copious flow of the Menses or of Blood Preternatural from the Vagina it comes on during the Arterial Plethora & the Menses cease flowing when the Venous Plethora comes on. When more then ℥4 of Blood is discharged at a time or when it occurs more then once in a month it may be called Menorrhagia some women menstruate all the while during pregnancy. Bleeding and opening the Bowels will Cure it if this does not answers and irritation is suspected to continue the flow an  204 Anodines may be properly given Rest must above all things enjoind the patient who should lie still in on position so 3, 4 or 5 days togeather Anodines are the first remedies in Menorrhagia threatening abortion if all these fail a Chill must be brought on the Patient by exposing her to a strem of very cold air when this cannot be used Cold water applied to the abdomen is very good its preferable to Cold Vinegar as it can be made Colder. When Cold fails a pan full of flower applied to the Vagina so that some of it may be insinuated into the Vagina often stop it, when nothing Else will. Dr. Young  205 Dr. Young never knew a Menorrhagia during pregnancy prove fettle unless proceeded by abortion or till after parturition after all the above Remedies have failed Blisters are very proper & often Cure it they must be applied high up the thighs perhaps their effects are owing to the stimulus of the Blisters giving tone to the Relaxed parts and also a derivation to the Evacuation but may be improper somtimes by reason of the stimulus on the Neck of the Bladder being communicated to and affecting the uterus, so far for Active menorrhagia from arterial Plethora to prevent this disease  206 disease the Remedies above Recomended are proper with abstinence exercise Laxative and occasional Bleeding. I cured a lady subject to many miscarriages (who had lost many children) by ordering bleeding once every month which entirely prevented a further miscarriages and she brot. fourt a live Child, immediately after she found, she was pregnant she got Bled for the last 7 months of her Pregnancy once every month Every kind of imitation must be avoided Cold Bath Exercise Bark and Steel are they best means to prevent restrain and Cure Passive Menorrhagia but bark and Steel are  207 are improper in active Menorrhagia you will never find hard Labouring women. Affected with Menorrhagia sence Labour & Exercise are very Proper to prevent it.- Hematemesis is suspended by vinegar & Water but your remedies must be continued after the Vomiting has Ceased for you are to Conceder the Veins are still Pouring out Blood. -  208 Lectr. 17th: Ordr 4th, The Next order of Pyrexia is the Profluvia Pyrexia increased secretion Naturally not Bloody.- Catarrh Pyrexia somtimes from contagion with an increased secretion of Mucus from the Mucus Membrane of the Nose and Bronchia the species are 1st. from Cold 2d. from contagion. This disease is commonly known by the Name of a Cold In the Infancy of Society Plurecy was ye most frequent disease but now Catarrh is the most frequent. Cold or Catarrh is not to be considered as trifelling disorder it is somtimes attended with Serious Consequences. It has been asserted by some  209 some of the ablest Physicians the most of the Consumptions is produced by half Cured Catarrh Pluresys & Perepneumonia.- There are Various ways that Catarrh is produced by Cold as Cold feet, sleeping between Wet Sheets & Dampness in a small degree will produce Catarrh but when the patient is wet to the skin he will not be injured Gentle moisture debilitates and produces no reaction but in a great degree Reaction is produced & obviates the effects of debility. Violent Exercise produces sweat and a cold succeeded from the dampness occasioned by the sweat. Young people bear Cold better  210 better then the aged or Middle aged- That the [Contagion] Catarrh is contagious is certain. The disease which is known by the name of influensa is nothing but a Catarrh from contagion. I recolect a Catarrh in 1761 that spread from one end of the Continent of America to the other. This contagion is from a Human Origin Savages are unacquainted with it but is peculiar Sivilized Nation there is a catarrh that attacks Adults & not infants and that attacks Brutes and Not Human species Cure Never call a Cold Ire felling the First thing to be done is Blood letting & if there is an inflammatory Diathesis prevails it shd. be  211 be repeated Next abstinence from Animal Food & if this is indulged it must be in the state of Broth but you must recommend Gruel Panada Coffee Tea Bead & Milk &c Next diluting drink the must also be demulcent as Flaxseed Tea Barley Water Decoction of Reasons Liquorish Ball sugar Candy but your whole stress is to be laid upon diluents as Large quantity of diluent drink no matter what it is will Cure a Cold as Tea or Coffee simple or Barley Water hot or Cold Gentle or Laxatives all that we have said upon Consumptions applies here after what has been recommended above Fails as keeping up Perspiration by means of a Flannel shirt.- Catarrh from  212 from sommer Cold is worse then show from winter owing [th] to them being Neglected. - Dysentery Contagions fever frequent Mucus and Bloody stools the natural faces for the most part Retained Griping Tenesmus. It varies as it is attended with a discharge of Worms or with bets of a Membrane.- At certain seasons of the Year it is accompanied with an Inflammatory diathesis & at other seasons with Typhus Meteor at others Typhus Gravies and at other seasons with the Intermitting Fever.- It is seldom that it occurs with inflammatory diathesis and few cases Required Bleeding- I think that there is an original Idiopathic  213 Idiopathic dissentery but it is not a frequent disease in this City- High situations dispose to the dissentery. There are Mountain in this Country at the Bottom there is a continual fever at the Middle Intermittent & at the Top dissentery In all cases of dissentery there is a constriction of the intestines & a Pulse action & Retention of the Alvine fæces. Cure to be begun by gentle Laxatives as salts. Manna crem. Tart & Caster Oil, a little Crem Tart  214 Tarter makes salts lay better on the stomach & Cremer Tartar is a good. medicine in all disease of the Bowels. Borax to about the 1/20 makes salts so soluble that it will devolve in half the Quant. of then it otherwise goould After giving Purges which should be in the Mornd Anodines m- not be given at Night you are to continue to purge every day while the stools remain Mixed with a great Quantity of Mucus & Blood.- Emetics are good in dessentery when combined with a Bilious Fever and Nauseating Doses of Emetics ought to be first made use of Ippecacuanna has been made use of for this purpose but Tart: Emit answers better Demulcent drinks are of service flaxseed  215 flaxseed tea Broths of all kinds Mallows Tea Bran Tea Mutton Suet & Milk, this Last is demulcent & Emolient to a very great degree by giving moist Glystem with a little Lard added to them Blisters are of Great consequence in this disease here they act as antispasmodics especially when applied to the Abdomen but blisters to the Wrists will also answers- This treatment is proper in every Case of symptomatic dyssentery another Remedy is the Bark in all Cases in which the above Remedies fail and where it is worse every other day [It] I then conceive it to pertake of the intermitting fever In  216 In this as well as every disease I keep the Epidemic of the Season in View. Where you are doubtfull of the Nature of the disease you may have a suspicion of its pertaking of the Nature of the Epidemic Dysentery affecting Children from 3 to 4 years old is more obstinate then in grown Persons.- It Varies as it is attended with worms, without Blood you will often see it & in this cases it is to be treated as above.- With this then we finish the Class of Pyrexia & Proceed next to treat of the 2 class or Neurosis Class IId Perhaps it may be thought improper to call any class of disease Nervous as every disease to which the human  217 human body is subject affects ye Nerves more or less but in [by] this Class I comprehend all those diseases in which the since and motion is injured without any Primary Fever. - Ordr. 1st. Coma a diminution or Lessoning of the Volentery motions Stupidity wth. absence of the Sences.- Gen 42d. Apoplexy allmost all the Volentery Motion Suspended a more then common inclination to sleep Vital Motion Remaining perfect.- The Idiopathic are first the Sanguineous & serous occurring in old People. Species Apop: Hydrocephalus. Apop: Atrabiliaria Apoplexy from Worms Apoplexy  218 Apoplexy from Poison. Apoplexy from Poison. Apoplex. Cataleptica Symptomatic Apoplexies are from Intermittent. & Continual fever & from scurvy &. 1st. Idiopathic The treatment of it during the fitt, the sanguineous is either from Extravasation & Intravasasation 1st. Bleeding very copiously you are to take in some case ℥30 and from both arms at the same time. Next inquire into the state of the Bowels. They are to be opened by a Clyster. A Large Blister should be applied to the Neck Cataplasms to the feet Stimmulating or not Stimmulating according to the state of the Patient Pulse full: Emolient Poultices  219 Poulices should be made use of If the Pulse is weak they ought to be stimulating, there is a Remedy which has been made use of wth success wth is burning with a hot Iron the Crown of the Head & sole of the feet.- Preventatives A man with a short neck. Plethoric head complains of Giddiness Eye sight affected Deafness &c. Preventatives are first moderate exercise as walking 2d Moderate diet particularly vegetables as they will fill the stomach without affoarding much. Nourishment this will obviate Plethora when Animal food is allowed it should be of the Least. Nourishing kind and but one Meal a day. Milk and Bread should  224 faculty is perfect and the external Senses absent.- Apoplexies from suffocation as Drowning & Hanging is of this Species these are occationed by suffocation. The Treatment is friction and every means to produce heat & Exite circulation by blowing into the Lungs by which Means the Action of the Lungs is Restored Injecting Acrid Glysters or even inflating the bowels with Air has suddently restored persons seemingly dead to life when there are appearances of life Salt of Hearts Horn &c applied to the Nose are of service.-  225 Lectr. 18th Symptomatic Apoplexies 1st. from the intermitting I have seen apoplexies occationed by the Intermitting fever when this is the Care a Blisters to the Neck and Stimmulating cataplasm to the feet are of Service.- 2d. Continual fever somtimes comes on in this manner that is with symptoms of Apoplexy the treatment the same as the above 3d. The Inflammatory fever comes on somtimes with symptom of Apoplexy in this Case Bleed &c &c She Exanthemata somtimes comes on with symptoms of Apoplexy Blisters and Stimulating application will somtimes should  220 should be allowed. Roasted apples Bowels to be kept open constantly by the administering of Laxatives if the Person is habituated to piles they should be brought on if posable the determination to the surface should be kept up but if all those fails and some symptoms of apoplexy appears Bleeding in small quantities should be practiced.- The Posision of the Body is of some consequence the Patient ought to sleep with his head high, Recomend never to sleep upon the Back as there is a very great Sessation of Muscular Motion wth. is extended to the Arteries. They ought not to be confined to one side but may change the Position. & lastly  221 lastly Seatons or Issues in the Arm or Neck is of use. If they have been habituated to smoaking snuffing or Chewing Tobacco and have left it off they should Return to the use of it as it has been the occation of preventing many apoplexys that would have otherwise come on. Suppressed issues shd. be restored to their usual & is charge Apoples: Atrabil, no peculiar Treatment is from Wounds the part should be examined where the head is injured the scalp should be laid open & Traupan applied if Necessary. Apoples: from Narcotic Substances of all kind as fired Air &c Cold Drink. From a Drunken fitt or Apoplexy from Drinking  222 Drinking cold water thrown upon ye Body will Relieve them, there is another Remedy in Apoplexy [Simulenta] which fear or the effect of Surprise. I have seen instance of Punishment Cure drunkenness.- From Fixed Air the Remedies are the same as in drunkenness. Particularly Cold You are constantly to detest ye Use of Charcoal as this has destroyed Many by the Mefitic Air separated from it, Apoplexy from Insolation Cold & stimulants and Particularly friction. Ap: from Cold 1st. by the Stimulus of Cold. from snow from Cold water, if these fail recourse must be had to friction  223 friction he must be rubbed for hours Apoplexy from Cold has been cured by swallowing tobacco Juice Apoplexy Mentalis this is an apoplexy from the sudden taking off of the Exetement of ye Brain by Violent fitts of joy that Anger will produce Apoplexy without a doubt several Cases happened in this City Sear will produce Apoplexy, apoplex. is Cataleptics, this is an inferior species of apoplexy the Patient setting motionless in the Chair his eyes fixed and insensible of every thing around them.- I think we may explain Drums and Trances in this Manner where the internal or thinking fa  226 succeed sometimes Hysteria comes on with symptom of apoplexy the treatment as above and wth. the Patient can swallow Hyster: Mid: will be propor. Epilepsy has in some cases, been attended with symptoms of Apoplexy- Gout may produce apoplexy by sudden transition to the Brain wn. The powers that throw it on the Extremities is too weak in this Case blisters stimulat: Cataplasms Aplied to different. Parts Vol. Salt. &c taken into the stomach. Cataplasms in this case ought to be made of Mustard. Worms like hysteria produces. Various diseases in the system in this Case begin with Blisters Cataplasms &  227 & when they can swallow Worm Medicine should be given.- Gen 48d a Palsy, diminution of Volentery Motion somtimes with sleepiness. The species are Idiopathic & symptomatic. The Idiopathic 1st. Partial 2d. hemiplegia this last is an affection of one side of the Body and is the most frequent species of Palsy it varies in proportion as it is attended wth. Plethora or inflammatory diathesis 3d. Paraplegia a Palsy of the Lower half of the Body on Certain [fumes] destroy the mobility of ye system and Produce Palsy in some cases it is taken into the stomach by drink this I think is most frequently the Case.- Symp.  228 Symptoms of Palsy are Numerous tremor docr. Cullen has brought in as a symptom of Palsy 3d. species made by him is Tremor: or symptomatic Paralisis In our Cure we are to attend to Two Proximate Causes 1st. from distension or Effusion 2d or ye mobility of the Brain destroyed The Effusion is from Blood or Water this is either Extravasation or Intravastation. If I am called to a patient with a Paralesis attended with Plethora the Presumption is an Intra or Extravasation of Blood but if in a Luclosp legimatic habit the presumption is an Effusion of Water Where it has proceeded form  229 from Effusion either Blood or Water & Particularly Blood Bleeding is to be put in practice this may be used in effusion of Serum if the Pulse is full but if the disease is attended with a weak Pulse and Lucophlegmatic habit bleeding must be hurtfull and ought not to be used- Next to bleeding Purges of the drastic kind and particularly Aloeties as these is a great connection between the brain and Bowels and by evacuating the Bowels the Blood is determined from the Heat Blisters are likewise of service in this disorder applied near to or on the head Restoring all Evacuations as Menses Issues  230 Issues Saliva &c the defect of the Last is owing to Living of tobacco to them that is habituated to it If it rises from want of Excitement this may be known by its not being Liable to Change as from any other Cause.- if after 2 or 3 months the above Medicines fails you must make use of Rubefacientia Nettles mustard x Electricity has been used in this species of Palsy with success you never ought to use Electricity in any other case but this and never when it is owing to Effusion you are to use it as a Moderate stimulus by gentle Shock continued for two hours Hot and Cold Water have frequently produced Excitement  231 Exitement in the Nervous System Hot Water particularly which will not Answer when only warm but must be hot Cold Water has been used with success Lifting Weights may be found of use. The Palsy may be prevented by all the Preventatives that was recommended in Apoplexy. - Ordr: 2d Adinamia In voluntary Motions either Vital and Natural Diminished.- Syncope Diminished motion or total stoppage of the Action of the heart & Arteria & Lungs. Cardiaca without any manifest Cause that is when the Cause exists in the heart itself 2d. Occationalis from a Manifest Caus occationed  232 occationed by an affection of the whole system when it arises from an affection of the heart it is beyond our art, when from Causes Main fit or connected with the Whole system it becomes a subject of our art.- When a certain Tone of The Brain is destroyed which is constantly kept up in health fainting is the Consequence which is produced by sudden evacuation of either Blood or Water &c this acts in part but the tension of the Nervous system is taken off in Tapping as well as it is in the Arterial system and in suddently letting the matter out of a bile will produce fainting which is certainly taking off the tension  233 tension of the Brain. A large discharge, By Urine or Stool has produced fainting fatigue Produces fainting passions of the Mind in some Ceases produce Syncope. All Causes that takes of the tension of the Brain produces syncope as Certain 0 doses here there is a sedative applied to the Brain Certain disagreeable sight produce this disease as the sight of Blood.- Cure as it a disease of the Whole System the Remedies should be applied to the whole System as Cold Bath Tonic Medicines these have been Used wth. success from 0 doses it may be Cured by Resolution & Habit The mode  234 mode of managing under a fitt is by laying him in a horizontal postures throwing Cold water in his face smiling volatile salt: Pubbing should not be neglected with Lavender Symptomtic you will often meet with this in fever the Treatment the same as Recommended above -  235 Lectr, 19th. Dyspepsia of this disease I shall not very much as I shall Put into your hands a small pamphlet which will make it Unnecessary. The Symptoms are. Anorexia Nausea Vomiting Flatulence Eructations Rumination Heart brush & Pain of ye Stomach with Costiveness and without any other disorder of the stomach or other Parts. It is divided into Idiopathic & Symptomatic of the Idiopathic there are a great many thecies as from foreign matter from [ flam] Phlegm from Affections of the stomach itself and other parts of the System one of  236 of the Most frequent Cause is from spirituous Liquor which is not taken Notice of by docr. Cullen Cure of this disease in General in every case of dispepsia these are two things to be observed wch are medicine & Diet. It is common to begin with Emetics wn. oppressed with Sabusa but it is of More consequence to brace up ye Stomach and this may be done by tonics of all kinds Betters & Aromatics some of the Metalic Tonics May be made use of Particularly Chalibeates from ʒss to ℥ss you may nice with them bitters or Aromatics of all kinds besides these Elixir Vitriol may be given tho the stomach is troubled  237 troubled with an Acid, it is of a Vegetable Nature & a Mineral Acid Destroys it Costiveness to be obviated by drastic Purgatives as Aloes Rhæi &c whose good affects is assisted by their Better a composition Gention Juniper Berries, Orange, Peal: & Aloes may be made Use of with Success In the intervals of taking medicine drink quantities of Cold Commit or Columbo Root Sea.- But diet in this Case is of more use then Medicine abstinence from Vegetables of all kinds Roasted meets particularly Beef & Mutton with Bread toasted Should be given young meets are more improper here there  238 there midle Aged, you may make Use of the Yolks of Eggs and throw away the White part as the Yolk being more Aromatized then the White somtimes it goes to such a degree that they cannot retain their Aliment when the use it with Drink in this Case Liquids is to be forbidden, fermented Drink off all kind but one is to be abandoned this is Porter which will somtimes lay upon the Stomach when everything else fails if this should be Rejected [?] Madeira Wine may be made Use of if this is Ryceted Toast & Water Neither Diet Nor Medicine will do anything without exercise  239 Exercises particularly on horseback, Some of the most Pressing Symptoms ought to be removed as heart burn this may be paliated Magnesia and Pepermint Water Gastrodinea, by opiates Docr. Cullen in this Case Uses Muriatic acid mixed with salt & water this he makes use of Paliate every symptom There are one or two symptom in dispepsia. 1st. Vomiting Gravidarum or Nasea Gravidarum but how for it is to Cure is Uncertain but many begin the Cure by vomits of the Ipecacuanna and drink Columbo Root Tea & Chees that Root.- AN  [240] AN ENQUIRY INTO THE EFFECTS OF SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS UPON THE HUMAN BODY, And their INFLUENCE upon the HAPPINESS of SOCIETY. By BENJAMIN RUSH, M.D. Professor of CHEMISTRY in the University of Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA: Printed by Thomas BRADFORD, in Front-street, four Doors from the Coffee House. [241] 242 An ENQUIRY into the EFFECTS of SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS Upon the HUMAN BODY, &c. By spirits I mean all those liquors which are obtained by distillation from the fermented juices or substances of any kind. These liquors were formerly used only in medicine.- They now constitute a principal part of the drinks of many countries. Since the introduction of spirituous liquors into such general use, physicians have remarked that a number of new diseases have appeared among us, and have described many new symptoms as common to old diseases. Spirits in their first operation are stimulating upon the system. They quicken the circulation of the blood, and produce some heat in the body. Soon afterwards they become what is called sedative; that is, they diminish the action of the vital powers, and thereby produce languor and weakness. The effects of spirituous liquors upon the human body in producing diseases are sometimes gradual. A strong constitution, especially if it be assisted with constant and hard labour, will counteract the destructive effects of spirits for many years, but in general they produce the following diseases: 1. A sickness at the stomach, and vomiting in the morning. This disorder is generally accompanied with a want of appetite for breakfast. It is known by tremors in the hands, insomuch that persons who labour under it are hardly able to lift a teacup to their heads ’till they have taken a dose of some cordial liquor. In this disorder, a peculiar paleness, with small red streaks appear in the cheeks. The flesh of the face at the same time has a peculiar fulness and flabbiness which are very different from found and healthy fat. 2. An [ 243] 2. An universal dropsy. This disorder begins first in the lower limbs, and gradually extends itself throughout the whole body. I have been told that the merchants in Charleston, in South-Carolina, never trust the planters when spirits have produced the first symptom of this second disorder upon them. It is very natural to suppose, that industry and virtue have become extinct in that man whole legs and feet are swelled from the use of spirituous liquors. 3. Obstruction of the liver. This disorder produces other diseases such as an inflammation, which sometimes proves suddenly fatal- the jaundice – and a dropsy of the belly. 4. Madness. It is unnecessary to describe this disease with all its terrors and consequences. It is well known in every township where spirituous liquors are used. 5. The Palsy and 6. The Apoplexy compleat the group of disease produced by spirituous liquors. I do not assert that these two disorders are never produced by any other causes, but I maintain that spirituous liquors are the most frequent causes of them, and that when a predisposition to them is produced by other cause, they are rendered more certain and more dangerous by the intemperate use of spirits. I have only named a few of the principal disorders produced by spirituous liquors. It would take up a volume to describe how much other disorders natural to the human body are increased and complicated by them. Every species of inflammatory and putrid fever is rendered more frequent and more obstinate by the use of spirituous liquors. The danger to life from the diseases which have been mentioned is well known. I do not think it extravagant therefore to repeat here what has been often said, that spirituous liquors destroy more lives than the swords. War has its intervals of destruction – but spirits operate at all time and seasons upon human life. The ravages of war are confined to but one part of the human species, viz. to men, but spirits act too often upon persons who are exempted from the dangers of war by age of sex; and lastly, war destroys only those persons who allow the use of arm to be lawful, whereas spirits insinuate their fatal effects among people whole principles are opposed to the effusion of human blood. Let us next turn our eyes from the effects of spirits upon health and life to their effects upon property; and here fresh scenes of misery open to our view. Among the inhabitants of cities, they produce debts – disgrace and bankruptcy. Among farmers they produce idleness with its usual consequences, such as houses without windows – barns without roofs – gardens without [244] without enclosures –fields without fences – hogs without yokes -sheep without wool- meagre cattle – feeble horses – and half clad dirty children without principles, morals or manners -. This picture is not exaggerated. I appeal to the observations of every man in Pennsylvania, whether such scenes of wretchedness do not follow the tracks of spirituous liquors in every part of the state. If we advance one step further and examine the effects of spirituous liquors upon the moral faculty, the prospect will be still more distressing and terrible. The first effects of spirits upon the mind shew themselves in the temper. I have constantly observed men who are intoxicated in any degree with spirits to be peevish and quarrelsome; after a while they lose by degree the moral sense. They violate promises and engagements without shame or remorse. From these deficiencies in veracity and integrity, they pass on to crimes of a more heinous nature. - It would be to dishonour human nature only to name them. Thus have I in a few words pointed out the effects of spirituous liquors upon the lives, estates and souls of my fellow- creatures – Their mischiefs may be summed up in a few words. They fill our church yards with premature graves- they fill the Sheriff‘s docket with executions, they croud our jails, and lastly they people the regions, but it belongs to another profession to shew their terrible consequence in the future world. I shall now proceed to combat some prejudices in favor of the use of spirituous liquors. There are tire occasions in which spirits have been thought to be necessary and useful. 1. In very cold weather 2. In very warm weather. And 3. In times of hard labour. 1. There cannot be a greater error than to suppose that spirituous liquor lessen the effects of cold upon the body. On the contrary, I maintain that they always render the body more liable to be affected and injured by cold. The temporary warmth they produce is always succeeded by chilliness. If anything besides warm cloathing and exercise is necessary to warm the body in cold weather, a plentiful meal of wholesome food is at all times sufficient for that purpose. This by giving a tone to the stomach invigorates the whole system, while the gentle fever created by digestion adds considerably to the natural and ordinary heat of the body, and thus renders it less sensible of the cold. 2. It [245] 2. It is equally absurd to suppose that spirituous liquors lessen the effects of heat upon the body. So far from it, they rather encrease them. They add an internal heat to the external heat of the sun; they dispose to fevers and inflammations of the most dangerous kind; they produce preternatural sweats which weaken, instead of a uniform and gentle perspiration which exhilarates the body. Half the diseases which are said to be produced by warm weather, I am persuaded are produced by the spirits which are swallowed to lessen its effects upon the system. 3. I maintain with equal confidence, that spirituous liquors do not lessen the effects of hard labour upon the body. Look at the horse – with every muscle of his body swelled from morning till night in the plough or the team, does he make signs for spirits to enable him to cleave the earth, or to climb a hill? -No.- He requires nothing but cool water and substantial food. There is neither strength nor nourishment in spirituous liquors. If they produce vigour in labour, it is of a transient nature, and is always succeeded with a sense of weakness and fatigue. These facts are founded in observation; for I have repeatedly seen those men perform the greatest exploits in work both as their degrees and duration, who never tasted spirituous liquors. But are there no conditions of the human body in which spirituous liquors are required? Yes, there are; 1st. In those cases where the body has been exhausted by any causes, and faintness, or a stoppage in the circulation of the blood has been produced, the sudden stimulus of spirits may be necessary. In this case we comply strictly with the advice of Solomon, who confines the use of “strong drink” only to him “that is ready to perish!” And 2dly. When the body has been long exposed to wet weather, and more especially if cold be joined with it, a moderate quantity of spirits is not only proper but highly useful to obviate debility, and thus to prevent a fever. I take these to be the only two cases that can occur in which spirituous liquors are innocent or necessary. But if we reject spirits from being part of our drinks, what liquors shall we substitute in the room of them? For custom- the experience of all ages and countries, and even nature herself all seem to demand drinks more grateful and more cordial than simple water. To this I shall reply, by recommending in the room of spirits in the first place 1. CYDER. This excellent liquor contains a small quantity of spirit, but so diluted and blunted, by being combined with as acid [246] acid and large quantity of sacharine matter and water, as to be perfectly inoffensive and wholesome. It disagrees only with persons subject to the rheumatism, but it may be rendered inoffensive to such people by extinguishing red hot iron in it, or by diluting it with water. It is to be lamented that the late frosts in the spring often deprive us of the fruit which affords this liquor. But the effects of these frosts have been in some measure obviated by giving an orchard north-west exposure, so as to check too early vegetation, and by kindling two or three large fires of brush and straw to windward of the orchard the evening before we expect a night of frost. This last expedient has in many instances within the compass of my knowledge, preserved the fruit of an orchard, to the great joy, and emolument of the ingenious husbandman. 2. BEER is a wholesome liquor compared with spirits. The grain from which it is obtained is not liable, like the apple, to be affected with frost, and therefore it can always be procured at moderate expence. It abounds with nourishment - hence we find many of the common people in Great-Britain endure hard labour, with no other food than a quart or three pints of this liquor, with few pounds of bread a day. I have heard with great pleasure of breweries being set up in several of the principal county towns of Pennsylvania, and esteem it a sign of the progress of our state in wealth and happiness, that single brewer in Chester county fold above 1000 barrels of beer last year. While I wish to see a law imposing the heaviest taxes on whisky distilleries, I should be glad to see breweries (at least for some years) wholly exempted from taxation. 3. WINE is likewise wholesome liquor compared with spirits. The low wines of France I believe could be drank at less expence than spirits in this country. The peasants in France who drink these liquors in large quantities, are healthy and sober body of people. Wines of all kinds yield by chemical analysis the fame principles as cyder, but in different proportions, hence they are both cordial and nourishing. It is remarked that few men ever become habitual drunkards upon wine. It derives its relish principally from company, and is seldom like spirituous liquors drank in chimney corner or in closet. The effects of wine upon the temper are likewise in most cases directly opposite to those that were mentioned of spirituous liquors. It much be a bad heart indeed that is not rendered more chearful and more generous by a few glasses of wine. 4. VINEGAR [247] 4. VINEGAR and WATER sweetened with sugar or molasses is the best drink that can be contrived in warm weather. I beg leave to recommend this wholesome mixture to reapers in a particular manner. It is pleasant and cooling. It promotes perspiration, and resists putrefaction. Vinegar and water constituted the only drink of the soldiers of the Roman republic, and it is well known that they marched, and fought in a warm climate, and beneath load of arms that weighed sixty pounds. Boaz, wealthy farmer in Palestine, we find treated his reapers with nothing but bread dipped in vinegar. Say not that—spirits have become necessary in harvest from habit and the custom of the country. The custom of swallowing this liquid fire is bad one, and the habit of it may be broken. Let half a dozen farmers in a neighborhood combine to allow higher wages to their reapers than are common, and a sufficient quantity of any of the liquors I have recommended; and they may soon abolish the practice of giving them spirits. They will in little while be delighted with the good effects of their association. Their grain will be sooner and more carefully gathered into their barns, and an hundred disagreeable scenes of sickness and contention will be avoided, which always follow in greater or less degree the use of spirituous liquors. Under this head, should not neglect to recommend butter-milk and water, or sour milk (commonly called bonneclabber) and water. It will be rendered more grateful by the addition of little sugar. PUNCH is likewise calculated to lessen the effects of heat, and hard labour upon the body. The spirit in this liquor is blunted by its union with the vegetable acid. Hence it possesses not only the constituent parts, but most of the qualities of cyder, and wine. To render this liquor perfectly innocent and wholesome, it must be drank weak —in moderate quantities—and only in warm weather. There are certain classes of people to whom I beg leave to suggest a caution or two upon the use of spirituous liquors. 1. Valetudinarians, especially those who labour under disorders of the stomach and bowels, are very apt to fly to spirits for relief. Let such people be cautious how they repeat this dangerous remedy. I have known many men and women, of excellent characters and principles, who have been betrayed by occasional doses of gin or brandy to ease the cholic, into a love of spirituous liquors, insomuch that they have afterwards fallen sacrifices to their fatal effects. The different preparations of opium are thousand times more safe and innocent than spirituous liquors in all spasmodic affections of the stomach and bowels. So apprehensive am I of the danger of contracting [248] contracting love for spirituous liquors, by accustoming the stomach to their stimulus, that think the fewer medicines we exhibit in spirituous vehicles the better. 2. Some people from living in countries subject to the intermitting fever, endeavour to fortify themselves against it by two or three glasses of bitters made with spirits every day. - There is great danger of men becoming sots from this practice. Besides, this mode of preventing intermittents is by no means certain one. A much better security against them is to be found in the Jesuits bark. A tea-spoonful of this excellent medicine, taken every morning during the sickly season, has in many instances preserved whole families in the beighborhood of rivers and mill-ponds from fevers of all kinds. Those who live in sickly part of the country, and who cannot procure the bark, or who object to taking it, would advise to avoid the morning and evening air in the sickly months—to kindle fires in their houses on damp days, and in cool evenings throughout the whole summer, and to put on woollen cloathing about the first week in September. The last part of this direction applies only to the inhabitants of the middle states. These cautions I am persuaded will be more effectual in preventing autumnal fevers than the best preparations can be made from bitters in spirits. 3. Men who follow professions that require constant exercise of the mind or body, or perhaps of both, are very apt to seek relief from fatigue in spirituous liquors. To such persons I would beg leave to recommend the use of TEA instead of spirits. Fatigue is occasioned by the obstruction of perspiration. Tea, by restoring perspiration, removes fatigue, and thus invigorates the system. I am no advocate for the general or excessive use of tea.- When drank too strong it is hurtful, especially to the female constitution; but when drank of a moderate degree of strength, and in moderate quantities with sugar and cream or milk, believe it is in general innocent, and at all times to be preferred to spirituous liquors. One of the most industrious schoolmasters I ever knew, told me that he had been preserved from the love of spirituous liquors by contracting a love for tea in early life. Three or four dishes drank in an afternoon, carried off the fatigue of whole day’s labour in his school. This gentleman lived to be 71 years of age, and afterwards died of an acute disease in the full exercise of all the faculties of his mind. To every class of my readers, I beg leave to suggest caution against the use of TODDY. I acknowledge that I have known some men who by limiting its strength constantly by measuring [249] measuring the spirit and water, and who by drinking it only with their meals, have drank toddy for many years without suffering in any degree from it; but have known many more who have been insensibly led from drinking toddy for their constant drink, to take drams in the morning, and have afterwards paid their lives as the price of their folly. I shall select one case from among many that have come within the compass of my knowledge, to shew the ordinary progress of intemperance in the use of spirituous liquors. A gentleman, once of fair and sober character, in the city of Philadelphia, for many years drank toddy as his constant drink. From this he proceeded to drink grog- after while nothing would satisfy him but slings, made of equal parts of rum and water, with a little sugar. From slings he advanced to raw rum- and and from common rum to Jamaica spirits. Here he rested for few months; but at last he found even Jamaica spirits were not strong enough to warm his stomach, and he made it a constant practice to throw table-spoonful of ground pepper into each glass of his spirits, in order (to use his own expressions) “to take off their coldness.” it is hardly necessary to add, that he soon afterwards died martyr to his intemperance, I shall conclude what has been said of the effects of spirituous liquors with two observations.- 1. A people corrupted by strong drink cannot long be free people. The rulers of such a community will soon partake of the vices of that mass from which they are secreted, and all our laws and governments will sooner or later bear the same marks of the effects of spirituous liquors which were described formerly upon inviduals. I submit it therefore to the consideration of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, whether more laws should not be made to increase the expense and lessen the consumption of spirituous liquors, and whether some mark of public infamy should not be infected by law upon every man convicted before a common magistrate of drunkenness. The second and last observation I shall offer is of a serious nature. It has been remarked that the Indians have diminished every where in America since their connection with the Europeans. This has been justly ascribed to the Europeans having introduced spirituous liquors among them. Let those men who are every day turning their backs upon all the benefits of cultivated society, to seek habitations in the neighborhood of Indians, consider how far this wandering mode of life is produced by the same cause which has scattered and annihilated so many Indian tribes.- Long life, and the secure profession of property, in the land of their ancestors, was looked upon as [250] as blessing among the ancient Jews.- For a son to mingle his dust with the dust of his father, was to act worthy of his inheritance; and the prospect of this honour often afforded consolation even in death.- However, exalted my countrymen, your ideas of liberty may be, while you expose yourselves by the use of spirituous liquors to this consequence, of them, you are nothing more than the pioneers, or in more slavish terms, the, “hewers of wood” of your more industrious neighbours. If the facts that have been slated, have produced in any of my readers who have suffered from the use of spirituous liquors a revolution to abstain from them hereafter, must beg leave to inform them that they must leave them off suddenly and entirely. No man was ever gradually reformed from drinking spirits. He must not only avoid tailing, but even smelling them, until long habits of abstinence have subdued his affection for them. To prevent his feeling any inconveniences from the sudden loss of their stimulus upon his stomach, he should drink plentifully of camomile or of any other bitter tea, or few glasses of found old wine every day, have great pleasure in adding, that have seen a number of people who have been effectually restored to health- to character- and to usefulness to their families and to society by following this advice. [251] 252 Seasickness this disease has engaged the attention of many Physicians some say that the Peristallic Motion of y Intestines is inverted this accounts For the Vomiting but not for the Costiveness, but for my part I think the Cause is seated in the Brain it is chiefly felt when the skep descends but how the brain is affected is hard to tell there is a fact that makes this mode of Reasoning more probable is that laying the head lower there the feet which prevents the disease. To ty anything round the bowels will prevent it another Remedy which is taking a purge before you go to sea Bloodletting has been used, Keeping the stomach  253 Stomach constantly full of solid food is the Best preventative that I know, Porter will also prevent it. I have never known it prove fatle but it is a very distressing disease. Where the Pain is very Acute opiates may be administered with Success - Lectr. 20th Hypochondriasis dyspepsia with Languor sadness and fear from unequall causes in the Melancholic Temperament it is either Idiopathic or Symptomatic - Idiopathic Men are affected with hypochondriac disease more then Women tho the latter is sometime Lectr. 20 sometimes affected with Hypochondriac disease and the former with Hysteria the Hypochod. disease is distinguished from ye Hysteria by the latter being attended with the Globus Hysterics wch is never the care in the Hypoch irritability & sensibility constitutes disease and a complication of them makes mobility which allways occur in Hysteria Torpor is a defect of irritatecly & stupor of sensibility they occur in Hyps The Primæ Viæ loose their sensibility & Irritability in Hypochondriasis hence the dyspepsia & Costiveness in Hysteria the stomach intestines & Uterus are accompanied with Mobility & are exactly the Reverse of what occurs in Hypochondriasis the Hysteria and Hypochondriasis are 254 [Lectr. 20 th] [Hypochondriasis Dyspepsia] for greatly combined together [altho] generally separate this combination is known from the persons being affected with slight impressions thus if an Hypochondriac is startled with the Shutting of a doore he may be considered to have the Hysteria . The Hypochonds. & Hysteria are further distinguished in the former theres an antipathy sovereign to all kinds of Motion on variety & Pleasure & a desire for solitude & in the latter a desire for Variety Pleasures & company, In hypochond there may be an aversion for food & in other an [esateable] desire the inordinate apatite is owing to the depraved state of the gastric Guise which evidently under goes a a Change and becomes Acrid since all the humours & all ye exertions are remarkably & more Acrimonious in old then in young Nature kindly in the evening of life renders the gas tree Guise more acrid hence the greater apetite to counter ballance the falling out of the teeth and the inibility to exercise old people in general eat more food & of a more gross and apparently indigestible kind then young people. Nature has given us two pleasures in a very great degree Viz the desire of knowledge which is the food of the mind and a great appetite or the Pleasure of eating which old people enjoy in a very great degree 255 degree. When there is no Costiveness there is generally a derhœa this Doctor Cullen takes no Notice off. Symptomatic as in Hysteria Phthisis. Dispepsea &c somtimes you will find it a symptom of Hysteric disease other times of Consumption which is very difficult to remove the Diet in this case should be of a Mixed nature.- I have taken the Liberty of adding another species of of the Hypochondriasis called Hypochond: Revolutionum it is known is south Carolina by the name of Protection fever in New York the Independent  256 Independent fever. I have known many Cases of this species of the disease Brought on by the Revolution which was principally occationed by the depreciation of the Mony & the loss of Property. I had a patient under my care that of this disease ( in consequence of having continental money paid him instead of hard money) who Died Cure must be attempted by bitters gentle Aromatics Bark & steel are not so proper as Aromatics & Bitters warm drinks to be preferred to Cold ones & warm Climate to Cold ones, Exercise is of the Utmost Consequence as it takes of the attention from his affairs Change of objects too is of the Utmost consequence. The Exercise to be prefered is riding a large Journey and a road that he has never travelled before and with a companion  257 companion that he has never seen before his Cloths ought to be changed there is no one Medicine to be compared to Calomel in this disease by promoting the secretion and Excretions it stimulates gentely you ought to begin with small doses and Repeat it till a salivation is produced. The diet the same as in dispepsia. - Chlorosis symptoms dispepsia a a longing for things not eatable a paleness or discoloration of the skin the Veins Less full then common soft tumour of the Body Asthenia palpitation and a Retention of the Menses This disease has been known by ye Name of green sickness & There is an Apetite for things that has no  258 no nourishment as lime Coats ashes &c this may be accounted for by corrosiveness of the Gastric Guise which cannot be destroyed by ye common food but must have something more power full this disease is often connected with Hychondr: disease the cause is mostly a disappointed Love or some other secret Cause as far as it is connected wth- Passion of the Mind the same Regimen as Medicines as in the Hypochondriac disease are proper as Bitter Cold Bath: flesh Brush &c.- The next order is spasms which we shall go on to conceder at our next Lecture. - 259 Lectr. 21st. Ordr. 3d Spasms Irregular Motions of the Muscles or Muscular fiber. - 1st. Tetanus spasmodic Rigidity off all most the Whole Body it varies with regard to the parts affected as opisthotinos & Empristhotinor there are other species as Trimus or Lock jaw, There are two causes which produce trismus 1st. from Wounds 2d are from birth there are many species of symptomatic Treania as in Hypochond: Hysteria & arthritis is sometime attend with Lock jaw.- Observations on the Cause and Cure of Telanexs by Dery Rush Md. During my attendance in the Military hospitle in the Course of the late 260 late was I met with several Cases of Tetanus. I have frequently met with this disorder in Private Practice and am sorry to say that I never succeeded with the ordinary remedy of opium in any one case that come under my care. I found it equally Ineffectual in the Army.- Baffled in my expectations from a remedy that has been so much Celebrated. I began to investigate more Particular on the nature of the disorder-. I found it to be a disorder of warm Climates and warm seasons and that it occurd most frequently in habits that had been debilitated by Labour long marches watching and the take this led me to ascribe it to relaxation & I resolved to allempt ye cure by another set of Medicines in some 161 some measure opposite to most of the Remedies that has been employed in that disorder soon after I had adopted this Resolution. I was called to Colonel John Stone who was wounded through the foot at the battle of German Town in Octobr. 1777 he was on the third day afterwards affected with this disorder his spasms where Violent and his pains so exquisit that his Cries was heard 100 Yards from his Quarters his head was thrown a little Backwards his Jaw began to be stiff and contracted he was under the care of a skillfull surgeon who was pouring down opium in very Large Quantities without Effect.- Duty and Friendship both led me to do my utmost to 162 to save the life of this Valuable officer I immediately dismissed the Opium and gave him Large quantities of Wine and Bark in a few hours. I was delited with their affects his spasms and Pains were less Pungent and less violent and he slept for several Hours wch he had not done for several days & Nights before with the same indication I applied a Blister between his Shoulders and Rubbed in two or three Ounces of Mercurial Ointment upon the outside of his throat he continued to mend Gradually under the opperation of those medicines so that in ten days he was out of danger altho. the spasms continued in his wounded foot for several Weeks after In the summer 1782. I was called to visit a servant girl of Mr. Alexr. Todds 263 Todds of this City who had brought on a tetanus by sleeping in the evening on a damp brick Pavement after a day when the Mercury in farenheit Thermometer stood at 90° the Case was nearly as violent and alarming as that I have gust mentioned. I treated her in the same manner and with ye same success to the above named medicines. I added only the Oil of amber which she took in Large doses after I suspected the stimulus of the Wine began to lose its effects the good effects of the oil was very obvious she recovered gradually and since continued in good health.- In the summer of the Insuring year. I was called to a joiner who had run 264 run a Nail in his foot. I found him the day after in extreme Pain with small convulsions and now and then a twinge in the Jaw the wound in his foot was without swelling or inflammation. I dilated the Wound and filled it with the Spirit of Turpentine this in a little while produced a good deal of Inflammation and great Pain in his foot while I was preparing to treat him in the same manner I had treated ye former cases his pains and spasms suddenly left him and in 24 hours after I seen him he complained of Nothing but the pain and swelling of his Foot which continued for several weaks and did not leave him till it ended in suppuration From the History of these three Cases I beg leave to make the following Remark 265 marks 1st. that the Predisposition to Tetanus depends, upon Relaxation this Relaxation is generally produced by heat excessive Labour wachings marches or fatigue from any cause all produce it Likewise, & hence we find it more frequent from wounds Received in Battles then from similar wounds received in any other way these wounds more certainly produce the Tetanus if they have been preceded by warm weather. Docr. shift Physician to the Anspach troops that served at the seize of York in 1781 informed me of a singular fact upon this subject upon conversing with the French surgeons after the capitulation he was informed by them that the 266 the troops who arived just before the surge from the West indies wth the Count be grass were the only troops belonging to their Nation yt suffered from the Tetanus there was not a single instance of that disorder among the troops who spent the winter on Rhode Island 2d. as the Tetanus seems to be occasioned by Relaxation the Medicine ideated to cure it are such only as are calculated to remove this Relaxation and restore tone to the system the Bark and Wine appears to act in this way the operations of the Blisters is of a more complicated Nature.- That they are sedative and antispasmodic in fever is Universally acknowledged but in this particular state of Irritability which occurs in the Tetanus perhaps their effects are more 267 more simply Stimulating but I will go one step further in order to cure this disorder, it is not only necessary to produce the ordinary Tone in the System but something like Inflammatory diathesis. The absence of this diathesis is taken notice of by by all Authurs Particularly by Docr. Cullen Mercury appears to act only by promoting this diathesis hence it never does any service unless it be given in time to produce a salivation The Irritation and Inflammation exited in the mouth and Thro at seldom fails of producing that inflammatory Diathesis which the Blood drawn during a salivation has repeatedly shewn. I apprehend that the Oil of amber acts as 268 as a stimulant chiefly in this disorder. I have heard of the Tetanus being Cured in the Island of Granada by large doses of Mustard Docr. Roturts of the Island of Dominicqua says that s Physician in one of the West india Island had performed many cures of the Tetanus by the Cold Bath Both these remedies certainly act as Stimmulants & Tonics it is to be lamented that the Season of the year in which this disorder usually occurs Deprives us of the aids of Electricity by reasoning a priori I conceive it would be found to be a Powerfull Remedy.- 3rd As a general inflammatory diatheses dispose to topical. Inflammations so topical Inflammation disposes to general Inflammatory 269 Inflammatory diathesis wound upon this account are less apt to inflame in Summer then in winter. In the Tetanus. I have Uniformly observed an absence of all inflammation in the wound or injured Part a splinter under the Nail Produces no convulsion if Pain inflammation and suppuration attends it or fallows the Accident. It is by exiting Pain and inflammation that I apprehend the spirits of Turpentine acts in all wounds & Punctures of Tendinous Parts I have never known a single Instance of Tetanus where this remedy has been employed in time was to exite an inflammation on the foot of the Joiner that I dilated the wound and filled it with Spt. 270 spt of Turpentine. I was not surprised at its good effects in this Case for I was prepared to expect them if the facts tat have stated be true & the inference that has been drawn from the just how shall we account for the action of opium in curing this disorder- I do not deny its good effects in many cases but I believe it has failed in 4 Cases out of 5 in the hands of most Practitioners.- It is remarkable that it succeeds only when given in very large doses in these cases. I would suppose that its sedative Powers were last in its stimulating It is upon a footing therefore in one respect with the Stimulating Medicine that have been mentioned but from its being combined with a sedative 271 sedative quality it is probably inferior to many of them. I am the more inclined to adopt this oppinion from an account. I once Received from Dr. Roberts who informed me that after having cured a negro man [woman] of the Tetanus, he was afterwards seized with a disorder of his stomach of which he died in a few days upon opening him he found his stomach inflamed and Mortified. I do not forbid the use of opium all together in this disorder I think small doses may be given to ease pain as in all other spasmodic disorder but as its Qualities are complicated and its effects doubtfull. I think it may yield to more simple & more Powerfull Remedies.- To this account of the Tetanus I beg lieve to subjoin a few words upon a disorder called the jaw fall in 272 in Infants which is nothing but a Tetanus. I have met with three cases of it in this City all of which proved fatal. The stage of the disorder in which I was called and ye age and weakness of the Infants all forbade to attempt any thing for their Relief. I have introduced the subject of this disorder in children only for the sake of mentioning a fact communicated to me by the late Docr. Cadwalider Evans of this City the Gentlen. Practiced Physic in Jamaica where he had frequent opportunities of seeing ye Tetanus in the black Children he found it in every case in curable he supposed it to be occasioned by a Retension of Meconium in the Bowels this led him invariably to purge every Child that was born upon the Estate committed to his care 273 Care after he had addopted this practice he never met with a single instance of tetanus among the Children.- Perhaps it may lend to enlarge our Ideas of the Tetanus to promote a spirit of Enquiry and Experiment to add that this disorder is not confined to the human Species. I have known two instances of it in horses from nails running in their feet and one from a sore under his taile occasioned by a tite crupper in each of these cases the disorder proved fatal.- From Mr. Jno. Hunter Lectures on Surgery when a person is affected with a lock Jaw the first symptom is a stiffness in 274 in the lower Jaw and the patient generally, immagines he has taken Cold and does not for two or three days suspect the Disease the contraction increases & after sometime the Masseter Muscles feels hard the Muscles of the Neck and cycleds afterwards become affected the external Muscles of the head become contracted as the disease comes on and the head is drawn backwards which contraction extends to the back & the whole becomes a Concave arch the Abdominal Muscles then also become affected feel hard and a pain in the Sternum which probably arises from a Contraction of the deaphragma the Pain is like that which attends Cramp & 275 & spasms occur in allmost every Muscle the patient is uneasy cannot largon his back but in other Cure opium to aleviate symptoms Cold Remedies with those that restore strength but if the disorder arises from weakness or heat put the patient into an Ice house or remove him to a Cold Climate counteracts the contraction by mechanical fourse. Sacc: Saturn has been given with a view to diminish the power of acting and its success deserves a furthers Trial.- Mr. Hunter relates several cases where opium Bark and Red Port Wine has been given some of the Patient died others Recovered tho he does not sappose this was affected 276 affected by the Medicine-. Convulsions a Clonic Irregular contraction of the Muscles without sleep. In order to understand convulsions there is a certain state and tension of the Nervous and arterial System & many things are necessary to keep up this tone as a certain quantity of blood in the Blood vessels Diminish this convulsions Issue atonia disposes to convulsions The Cure consists in restoring tone to the System. during the Paroxism opium is to be given and is the most Powerfull after this Cold Bath may be made use of.- Chorea Children of both Sexes Especially before the Tenth or Fourteenth Year of their Age are Seized 277 seized with convulsive motions partly volentery for the most past of one side or the other resembling stage Players in the Motion of the hands & Arms in thus walk rather dragging then raising one foot after the other. It is very often connected with Worms in this case begin with worm medicines as steel and if it should not happen to be occationed by worms Steel will be proper. In most cases Cold Bath and Steel has succeeded. Cramp a disease that is apt to come on in the Night & affects the Lower more then the Upper extremities. The reason yt it comes on in the night is from the great relaxation produced during Sleep. When no Muscles is 278 is in action It mostly comes on in those place where the Muscles are most Relaxed as the Calf of the Legg &c.- Cure 1st. Grasping a role of sulphure in the hand this acts not by attracting the cramp but to the tone that is given to the system by pressing a body with the hand but any other hard body will answer as well [?] Skins have been made use of those act by obstructing the reflux of the Blood from the Extreme parts When a person is seized with the cramp in Bed Jumping out and walking about never fails to remove it how far the fleet brush is necessary. I am uncertain.- Epilepsy  278 Epilepsy Convulsion of the Muscles with Sleep it is Idiopathic & symptomatic The person attacted is suddenly deprived of since & Motion he is agitated with violent convulsions variously moving the Limbs and trunk of the Body It occurs very often & when it depends upon a particular organisation of the Brain it is very difficult to cure and palliatives ought to be given but when it is symptomatic it may be cured. Cure Tonics in the first place these are either Vegetable or Mineral Vegetable very little effect in curing. Mineral is of service as Cuprum Ammoni  280 ammonium Zinc. Iron &c Cold Bath. Setons has sometimes suspended this disorder this must be administred with great caution. The next remedies is Change of Climate wither from Cold to hot or from hot to Cold, they Change ought to be for 2 or 3 years nature sometimes cures this disorder There are some instances of Children having had Epilepsy which went off at the age of Puberty this ought to be assisted by all the Artificial Remedies that have been Recommended above as Zinc Cold Bath &c sometimes it is a companied with plethora & inflammatory diathesis in this case you must Bleed and the low diet particularly vegetables  281 vegetables sometimes there is a preternatural Relaxation here generous diet is to be preferred and a Vegetable Diet would be hurtfull where it comes on from worms ye Are to be destroyed when from the Itch the disorder is to be eradicated and in the same manner with other eruptions. From Cruditerin ye stomach a Vomit will cure it Terror will somtimes produce Epilepsy in this case the forms remedies are proper [in this care] as cold Bath Line &c.- With Respect to palpitation of the heart I refer you to docr. Cullen when Idiopathic it is incurable when symptomatic it may in some cases, be Removed.- Lectr  282 Lectr: 22d: Asthma Difficulty of Breathing coming on at intervals with a since of [Wages] straightness aboute ye Breast and sonorous wheezing respiration difficult Cough at the Beginning of the Paroxisms and more free towards the ends often wth a copious Mucus spitting. there are three species 1st. spontaneous wth. comes on without any evident cause 2d cranthematica coming on from diseased of the shew 3d Plethoricum. They are distinguished into. Spasmodic Humoral.- Cure If accompanied with Plethora Bleeding & there is seldom a case that is not accompanied with Plethora in the Lungs Next to bleedg. vomiting  283 Vomiting the Common Vomit made use of is oxymel sullits Anodines and Antispasmodic to be used after a puke. Antispasmodi. are Opii Assafœtida, Oxymel sull. may be given as an Expectorant But as a Radical Cure sea tons are of the Utmost use.- In Humid Asthma Moist Air is Hurtfull But in spasmodic it is absolutely necessary th dry air Caries off all the Moisture from the Lungs and produces a cough In the Island of Providence a Gentleman affected with Asthma has slept a great deal better in a damp cave then he did in his own house for 4 years before and of the flight in that cave every Night.  284 Pregnancy sometimes cures the asthma by taking off the determination from the Lungs - Dyspnæa a perpetual difficulty of breathing without a sense of straightness or rather of Repletion of the breast Frequent Cough through the whole Course of the disease species 1st. from Catarrh 2d the Dry Dyspnea 3d. from Certain states of the atmosphere 4th Dysp. Serra 5th Dysp: from fat. 6th Dysp. Exanthemata. 7th Dysp: Thoraces they are all to be treated like asthma or Consumption according which they resemble most.- Hooping Cough it is a contagious disease it spreads like The small Pox and Measles it is confined chiefly  285 chiefly to children but somtimes it affects Adults.- It is a spasmodic disease where this spasmodic affection is is doubtfull But I suppose it to be seated in the Trachea and Bronchia it differs from Hyves in not being of the Tonic Nature but Clonic & not attended with fever it mostly continues 6 Weaks it somtimes produces Convulsion- Cure has not as yet been discovered, but the disease may be render milder and of shorter duration by the Use of proper Remedies and there is no disease that has so many Remedies as the hooping cough is supposed to have excepting the Tooth ach.- Fear proves a Remedy in some  286 some cases. But the best Remedies are bleeding. [ Purging & Vomits] vomits & Purges as Rheubarb Calomel &c. Antispasmodics as Asafœtida. Ol: Sucein: &c. Tonics has been found use full in this disease especially in the last stage when there is no inflammatory diathesis under this head comes cold Bath. Sedatives has been used as opium Under this head. Fear may be in numerated, Stimmulants may be used with success a Pitch Plaster applied to the Shoulders has been used with advantage Exercise is of the Greatest Consequence in this disease Particularly Riding on horse back Chang of air from town to Countrys V:V: is of the great Benefit. Pyrosis  287 Pyrosis accompanied with heart Burn & flowing a Quantity of aqueous (somtimes Acrid but mostly insipid) humor from the Stomach it come on suddenlly and is connected with a debility of the Stomach.- Cure I have often removed this disease with Bitters but if the Patient is Costive a few Grains of Aloes ought to be given it is best on account of its bitterness- Colic is a spasmodic disease the symptoms is pain felt in the lower belly it is seldom fixed and pungent in one Part with a sence of twitching [in a part] about the Navid the Integuments of the Belly is drawn in and often the Muscle of the Belly is Spasm  288 spasmodically affected.- Women are more subject this disease then Men probably from their making Use of so many slops & leading a sedentary Life.- Cure must be begun by bleeding as it is frequently connected with plethora next Anodynes are proper & & Repeated Laxatived Medicine must be given and these of the most lenient kind as Crem. Tart. Ol Recini and Glauber salts Glysters must not be neglected particularly that of Tobacco Smoak Warm Bath Bliters to the Belly as thighs are of the Utmost service When applied to the thighs they answer as well as to any part of ye Body- is Preventative first Regulate the diet. Acids as injurious Diet  289 Diet animal food and Dry Bread Bitten must be recommended the Bowels must be kept open by Lenient. Purges Preparation must be kept up omit in diet poark this is improper when fresh. Perspiration to be promoted by wearing flannel. Cold Bath: Exercise particularly on horseback, for species see Docr. Cullen and from the Remedies above described Relief must be given.- Cholera the Cure is symple I never New are instance of a Person Dying with it tho it is a violent disease. Diluting drinks to be given untill the Bowels are empty then Laud. Liquid is to be made use of Toast and water to be Drank  290 Anodine Plasters applied to the stomach and Glyster with Liquid Laudanum to be administered. - Diarhæa Scares people of all ages when it attacts it is of long duration sometimes continues two or three years. It mostly occurs between the age of 30 & 40 during the struggle between the Arterial & Venous System.- Symptom A frequent going to stool not contagious no Primary fever.- Cure must be 1st. Purging the best of which is Rhai it is Laxative and astringent. Toasted Rhubarb is to be preserved to the common Rhai Next Vomits particularly Ipecacuanna Astringents are use full Particularly white oak Bark. Demulcents  291 Demulcents are use full as White Decoction flax seed tea Gum: Arabic &c Diluents are also Use full attention must be paid to diet. If the stools are Black Vegetable Diet is proper when green animal food must be made Use off - Exercise is of use in ye disease seavoyge is necessary for spicier I refer you to Docr: Cullen- diabetes I have nothing to say of this disease but what you will find in Authors. It is a disease that seldom occurs Next.- Hysteria symptoms Rumbling of the Belly sensation of a Ball Baling aboute in the abdomen tow as do the [power] stomach & fauces the strangling sleep convulsions profuse Quantity of Urine the Mind in  292 involuntery subject to vipetuated The Remedies the same as in Epilepsy There is on fact Relating to this that is worth mentioning that is the stableness of the mind During the Rebelion of Scotland there was note a Hysterias case known so that. If the Mind can be fixed in a Hysterical Patient there is little danger of a Fitt.- Hydrophobia this is certainly a Spasmodic disease. & Would not the same remedies that are used in the Tetanus be of service in this disease yt is by dilating the Wound and keeping it open for 40 or 50 Days and in this case there ought not only a Running to be produced a degree of Inflammation ought to be Exited.- Lectr.  293 Lectr. 23d Ordr. 4th Vesania this is a disease in which the Intelects are impaired without Pyrexia or coma & is one of the difficultest at of diseases the human species is subject to. - Amentia weakness of the Intelectual Power in which the patients either do not conceive or remember the Relation or connection of things. There is a certain concistantcy in the Brain that is lower in the Amentia then in ye Natural state but in Mdness it is raised dissections have shewn the Brain to harder & somtimes softer then in the Natural state species are 1st congenita continued from  294 from birth 2d. senilis judgment and memory imppaired from old age Acquiseta seizing people of sound [constitution] Faculties from extremal Evident Causes - 1st. of Congenita children is Born In this state of Amitea 2 of senilis I think that whatever is Lodged the human Mend is never lost & in proof of this A woman related by the Phylosophical Transactions who was succled by a welsh women in her younger days & had learned to talk welsh but forgot it as she grew up so entirely that she could not speak a word of it it happened one day that she was very ill and during her illness she talked nothing else  295 else but welsh which she again forgot as soon as she Recovered - Another Instance is of a Person who spoke french his father learned him french when he was young which he had forgotten when he had grown up but one Night as I was walking with him when he was intoxicated with Liquor he spoke the Language very fluently which he forgot wn he was sober The Inference from these arguments are of the greatest consequence 1st. how encouraging it is to fill our mind with use full knowledge which is never to be forgotten and the danger of filling the mind with evil thoughts 2 there is another inference from this if the Ideas gottin early life occurs to us in old  296 old Age of what service must be of to us. 3d. Acquanetta fatuity is somtimes acquired from a blow [in this case] It is within the Power of [Nature] Medicine ye Congenita in particular, but the Senitis is beyond our art in some degree Acquisita is still more in the power of our art. It is somtimes cured by nature, which is a proof that it may be cured by [nature] Art Cure tonics cold Bath Exercise & Cold Air.- In Children of Rusetty habits the faculties advance very slowly you increase their progress by brasing up the system by tonic medicines Milton could never Rite Poetry in the Summer -  297 Melancholia partial Insanity without dyspepsia. It is a false perception of any one subject It varies 1st. there in a false perception concerning his own Body or affairs this you will frequently meet with a man supposes he has a stone in his bladder or Labouring under a disease that he has not or he thinks his affairs are worse then they Really are Next is a false perception wth regard to pleasers a man thinks he is a king. Next is Love if a young man Maries before he Arrives at Puberty or Maries an old Women or an Ugly Woman or an expectation of more hapiness then his mistress is able to give him this  298 this is certainly a species of Madness These diseases are certainly under the powers of Medicines as many have been cured by a disease after the proper remedies for this disease have failed.- Cure Journey absence and all the Remedys that has been recommended in the Hypochondriac disease and consumption. When from Love Ovid Recommends another mistress.- You will often meet with Melancholia from superstitious or Religious Melancholia this species you will find frequently more so then most other this species is either accompanied with distress or joy. There is no conception that man can have of the deity that is contrary to scripture  299 scripture is to be conceded as a disease as a Man entertains a notion that he has sinned against the holy ghost he is to be treated as deranged in his mind in This disease is to be cured by Bleeding in some cases Purging Blistering Exercises is of the Utmost consequence Industrious persons never are seized with this disease & the Indolent and inactive where seized with it a Variety of Company and Journeys all way Cures this disease as in that Arising from Love. Next is a disinclination to motion which is to be cured like the [of] Before mentioned species. Next Melancholia Erratum from change of situation as frequently moving from one  300 from one country to another in this Case Bleeding blistering and Labour will Cure him some Men have it with Respect to their occupation Next Species is the Melancholia Tedium Vitæ that is a person being tired of Life some way that it is in some cases caused by other diseases. Next is a Mistake concerning a Mans own species conceiving himself to be a cock or a crow &c &c the cure the same as for the other species. The next disease is The Mania which shall be the subject of our next Lecture.  301 Lectr: 24th Mania Insanity false Judgment upon all Subjects as a man Mistaking his friends for his Enemies Species 1st. Mentalis 2d Corposea 3d Obscura certain passions of the Mind produces Mania as anger & and all those Passions that produce Melancholia produces Madness as Religion Love &c not only passions of distress but great gay produces it intense study as to Music Mathematics &c but Mathematics most seldom in this disease as in Melancholia it is seated in the judgment sometimes the Moral faulty is required & somtimes not Madness sometimes happens from blows on the head five Particularly puerperal Fever the General Cause is a more moderate flux of ye  302 ye Lochia then Natural- Cure there is a Delirium that attends Some cases of Mania which depends upon debility and another upon exitement. The treatment in each is very different in Mania Mitis the Pulse is feeble attended wth debility in Mania Teros these is a strong Pulse & in that species that is attended with high Tone the Remedies proper are 1st. Bleeding 2d Blisters 3d Purges of the Drastic kind 4 th Violent Exercises in this species the tone is very high & if Bleeding Blistering & Purging wont do you must make use of Violent Exercise as it is very fatiguing and fatigue is a sedative Docr. Gregory mention a farmer at Alasdair threat used  303 Used to Cure Maniac Patients by working them in places in the same manner as one would do Horses. They ought to be separated from their own friend But I cannot conceive that the Cell in wth those Creatures are confined are of any use. In Mania Mite. Stimulants Blisters to be used Purging to be avoided Vol. Salt. Oil of Amber & should be used. The facts in support of this disease being Here daisy are Numerous the Next disease is - Oncirodinia a More vehement and troublesome Immagination in sleep. It is owing to a want of curies Heavy suppers: Plethora disorders of stomach: Worms & Irritation of any kind - but distressing and troublesome Drams  304 Drams are to be considered as disease for there are some people that has never Dreamed at all the Country people Dram Little as is likewise the Case with the Indians. Walking in the sleep is the effect of a Partial Colaps of the Brain troublesome drams is also the Effect of Imperfect sleep.- For sound sleep two things are necessary & fatigue Produces sound sleep. Eating supper acts as a stimmulus & prevent [ this] sleep. Abstaing from supper then must be a means of producing sound sleep - I have taken the Liberty to add two more species of Vesania to Dr. Cullers Number wth. Macronomia & Anomia 1st. one is a partial Exercise  205 Exercise of the Moral Faculty 2d. or Anomia the Total want of the Moral faculty.- Class 3d. Cacheay. - A depraved habit of the Whole or great part of the Body without a Primary or Nervous fever.- ordr. 1st. Marcores a general Waste of the Whole Body from scrophula &c too great evacuation scarcity of food wither with fever or without treatment is the same. Country Air Exercise Tonics & Nourishing Diet Ord. 2d. Intermescentiæ all or great part of the Body swelled outwardly they are divided into swelling by fat. Air water or a preternatural Enlargement of the Substance of the Part itself. Polysarcia in the early part of life before 30 years age is a  206 real disease for those people are either short lived or very unhealthy unless they avert it by constant moderate Exercises & Great temperance. A certain degree of fat is necessary for health fat after 40 is very beneficial keeps the body warm Nourishes it and adds greatly to its beauty and prevents the appearance of age by filling up ye wrinckles and giving a full plump appearance to the whole body. The Causes of it as a disease are fevers which relax the system very much Intemperance in eating and drinking as of great Quantities of Animal food and drinking plentifully of Porter & Madera Wine sedentary life intense application to study and a sudden sessation of accustomed evacuation fat on the same principal both defends  207 from external heat & adds to the Warmth of the Body. Cure by altering all the Causes that have been commonly applied Remedies is as thought to be of [the utmost] soak in great quantities Vinegar is of the utmost consequence but docr. Cullen says that there are combined with Temperance never cured the disease & I think they are hurt full.- Tho the symptoms Resist Long it will not always resist but be overcome somtime ☿ has been recommended but I have never seen this cure. Exercise on horseback is of the utmost consequence Rising early is of great service that is laying in bed as small a time as possable- On flatulent swelling nothing to say but what you will find in Anther. Water a case of spina Bifida that fell under the inspection of Doctor Say, for particulars see note Book Nomr 6 page 9 [illustration] 208 Watery Disorders I have little to say her Mercury is the best Remedies that I have ever made use of I have seen a Case of Ascites that was cured by drinking Quantities of Nitric disolved in water There is a publication out Lately that Recommends tobacco. To do any thing with mercury it must be used until it salivates and that Profusely. It must be used internally & Externally.- With Respect to Hydrocephy I refer you to Dor. Whyte Fothergill &c Spina Bifida a soft Tumour above the Vertebra of the Loins. It is born with the Children I have known a case that was cured by taking it out with a courtied. Drop  209 Dropsy of ye Womb this I have seen once which was cured by spt. of Turpentine.- I have nothing to say concerning the Hydrocele. I have allways used the Caustic. - Physconea a tumour occupying particularly some part of ye Abdomen neith: Sonorous nor fluctuating increasing by Degrees Mercury is the Best Remedy cold Bath &c- Rickets a large head swelled before especialy Depressed Ribs swelled Belly the other parts wasted - it is a frequent disease in Scotland but is Seldom to be met with in this Country - Common Remedies are steel cold Bath * ꝶ Ung: Mere ℈ij Muc: G: Aral: ℈i Yolk of an Egg M disol in Aqua q: s: f Inject † Bals Copive } Steel Pills } Internal Bark Peruv } Cold Bath. - ‡ Gentle Astringents are best such as an Infusion of white oak Bark. Saccharium saturnic is Pernicious port Wine diluted is a very good injection in there Cases 310 Bath generous Diet Bathing the body with hags or oil is of the utmost consequence in this disease Gonorrhea is certainly a distinct disease from sciphelus there are three modes in which it may be taken 1st. Coition 2 Contact without Coition 3d. from Bruises from the difficult or Exceptive use of venery Cure a weak solution of the Caustic Alkali to be injected which is a powerfull dissolver of Mucus Mercurial Injections is usefull and preferable these are madly dissolving Mere. Oint made without turpentine [mixed with] in the Yolk of an Egg * Lenient Purges. Glut must be removed by Internal astringent † or astringent Injections ‡  311 the best is Caret & Water - If the Gleet is occasioned by ulcers in the urethra nothing but the use of Calomel Internally will answer.- Lectr. 25- Class 4th Locales Ordr. Dyspaenia Diseases of the Eyes for the Particulars of these diseases I refer you to practical Writers. - Deafness when it is owing to Wax that is to be extracted by injections of warm water mixed with a Quantity of Milk.- Tenias aurum yields to purging bleeding. & a Blister  312 Blister applied to the Ear when it is Idiopathic.- Defect of Smell the sensation of smell is formed by the Mixture of different Odores with the Mucus of the Nose when this Mucus is defective the smelling injured & fluid Injection ought to be made Use of.- Defect of Taste Taste is owing to the mater dissolving [to] in the Saliva which renders it more Capable of Being Applied to the Extremities of the Nerves when this is defective these taste Vanishes and is to be restored by any Aqueous or Mucilaginous fluid Ordr. Dyspraxia The Appetite defective or Wrong.- Bulemia  313 Bulemia an Apetite for a greater quantity of Esculent substances than is necessary or then can be digested, There are scarcely any disease where the Patient has a good Apetite for his Breakfast species 1st Ileluonum 2d. Syncopalis a person fainting when his stomach is empty. When the Stomach is Toned the whole System is in the same state. The Best way of managing this disease is to eat a little frequently as constantly Chewing Biscuit & Bread and perhaps it is better to make many meals a day then few If one Meal a day is eaten only it is best to Eat it  314 it in the Evening as rest a Erect Posture favours digestion more yn Labour & fatigues & I would advise the Patient to sleep in an Arm Chair.- 3 Bulimia Emetica Remedies in dispepsia is proper here. - Polydipsia Inordinate Thirst Cure a Very Large Quantity of Comsalt has Cured it - Pica a longing after improper food or that that is not nourishing owing to the Corroding Quality of the Genres of the Stomach ache.  315 Lectr. 26th For the order of Dyssienesia I refer you to practical Writers Ordr. 4 Apocenoies a flux either blood or other human more than usually Plentifull without fever or an increased impetuous of ye Fluids of this order. I shall say little Ptialismus a flux of saliva sometime brought on by other Diseases Nausea produces it it somtimes produced by hypochond. Diseas. and somtimes takes place in Pregnant Women. Cure by purging with Sulphure & sucking Orangioes Catarrh Veciea (of Lute) This Disease is a very distinct disease from Gonorrhea. It affects the Neck of ye Bladder with the Urethra the Matter discharged  316 discharged in this disease is Winter these that from a Gonorrhea Cure Tonics as Bitters steels &c Cantharides may be given in small doses these act by giving tone to the Bladder &c- Seminal Weakness When this is occationed by an intemperate Use of Venery it is cured by abstinence from Women: Tonics as Betters cold Bath &c.- Ordr. 5. Epischesis a suppression of Exertion & Evacuation costiveness is a Retention of fæces for more then 24 hours. There are a Variety of Causes that bring on this disease as Astringent Drinks as port Wine &c Pregnancy Produces it. The diseases Caused by  317 by Costiveness is head ach Pales &c Cure the first thing to be done in costiveness is to desire your patient to go to the Necessary every Day Diet should be Vegetable summer fruits. Indian Meal.- Medicines are first aloctris these are not the best as they are apt to produce Piles. Lenative Electuary is ye Best medicine in this disease that can be used.- Ordr. B. Tumoris. The Magnitude of the part increased without inflammation.- Schirrups a hard tumor of a part mostly Glandules without pain and unkindly suppurating Cure Mercurial Ointment External friction & the Caustic- Can  318 Cancer a schirrhous Tumour pain full & ending in a bad conditioned ulcer. Arsenic is the most efficacious of all applications. - Bubo a suppurating Tumour of a conglobate Gland. Cure Rub Mercurial ointment above & Below Lupia a soft immovable indolent Tumour under the shire feeling like a piece of cloth without any Inflammation somtimes it suppurates wth that is the Case it should be opened by the Caustic- Hydasthras or white swelling, swell in of the Joint oftener the knee then any other at first a little Elevated in colours like the skin of the healthy parts very pain full & Diminishing the Motion of the joints. It depends  319 depends upon a preternatural Enlargement of the Capsular Ligament and often with Corruption of the Ligament and from the Ligament extended to the bone.- Cure. (Do. Akensides) a variety of Remedies have been applied as a perpetual Blister all Round the part to be kept Running 3 Months I am not sure wither the pain is not the Remedy and not the discharge for blisters stimulate & give Tone to the Relaxed fibres If you can not apply a Blister with Convenience apply a Caustic to the diseased Part.- of the order 7 of Ectopia a part removed from its proper salutation making a Tumour  320 Ordr. 8. Dialyses a solution of continuity manifest to the sight and Touch. Ulcer a Purulent or Ichorous solution of a soft part. These are very troublesome things, they are to be Cured by obstinacies [ and] a Gentle Escarotic & Tight Bandage. You are to heal up the Ulcer with caution and Previous to this Reduce the Pletora of the system- Cuticular Eruptions a great many small pimples or Ulcers collected together in Cluster & Craping. They are to be Cured by total abstinance from Animal food abstain from butter. Diet to consist entirely of vegetables. Medicines. Mercury and Antimony to be used internally Topical  321 Topical application Mercury, Lime Water Martins Powders solution of Arsenic Tenia Capetis, upon the skin at the roots of the hairs very small Ulcer exuding a humour that terminates in a white Brittle Crust the cure may sometime be obtained by a Mercurial Wash and a little Medicine internally if this fails cut of ye hair and use tan ointment this last never fails.- Heh pustules & small ulcers Hehing & Infections sorely affecting the hands. Cure Bathing the Body with sulp mixed with Haggs Lard. - Vomiting & Purging This disease is peculiar in some Measure to the United States It seldom  322 seldom makes its appearance before may and continues untill July.- It begins with Bilious & Green Vomiting & Purging which for The most part begins in the Evening Cause, Dentition has been supposed the cause of this disorder But that this is not the Cause is evident from its making its appearance before dentition and after dentition but is much exasperated by it worms some say is the Cause but they are not but the disease is much exasperated by them. As for my part I take this disease to be nothing but a Bilious Remitting Fever of the same nature that affects adults but make its appearance in Children 2 month [before] before the Usual times of its appearance  223 appearance in adults Cure the same as bilious Remitting fever 1st. the Bile must be discharge by an Emetic & a single one is not sufficient but must be repeated untill the Bile is all Evacuated 2d. Purges must be administered to evacuate Bile Down wards Ol. Ricini. Manna &c is the Best for this purpose when the Bile Is all evacuated and a Remission has taken Place some gentle Astringent Tonic & Antispasmodics must be given as Huxhams Tincture if this is a prevailing Acid in the stomach absorbents a decoction of Blackberry roots may be given as it is Emolient & Astringent Glysters of starch with a little Venis Treakle. or Laudanum. Blisters when the  324 when the Typhus Diathesis prevails Cold bath Country air the Best Remedies from the City to the Country. Convulsion is thought to be a sure sign of Death but I have seen them recover that was affected with convulsions by the country air. In order to prevent the disease Country Air is necessary Cleanlyness is of the Utmost service wash them often in cold water. The country people are very little affected with disease owing to fresh air and salt Provisions. Wine is a good preservative against this Disease  325 [Wor] Lectr. 27th, Worms: there is scarcely a disease the Human Body is subject but what may be counterfeited by Worms.- They may be in the Habit a long time without Producing disease the Disease the Produce is mostly of the Nervous kind such as Colic &c but they never produce a fever. - Medicines all medicines that is used for the Expulsion of Worms may be Reduced to two heads those which act Mechanically and those which act Chemically.- Mechanical, Vomit, Purges Particularly Jallap Powder of Tin & steel. Cow itch. Bark. Rhoi Bitters of all kinds.- Chemical  326 Chemical 1 salts. These are Acids Alkali Neutral & Metallic Salts Particularly common salt a Teaspoonfull given at a dose 2d. saccharine substance as all times are of service & juice of Black Cherries a quantity of this will kill Worms in five minutes. 3d. Narcotics, prick Root &c but in to large Doses it is injurious ʒy injured in water and given at several Draughts Cabage Tree Bark ℥i Boild in a Quart of water to a Pint a table spoonfull of this may be taken every morning.- 4th Fœtid substances as asafetida in this a Worm will live 25 minutes. & but 3½ minutes in onion Guise. 5th. Oils in sweat oils the worm will liven an hour but Essential oil kills in a very short time a worm will live in a solution of Arsenic Three hours 327 after giving the Medicines a Purge ought to be administered to discharge the Worms- Valedictory I shall conclude this short and imperfect course of Lectures with a few directions to assist you in [gather] establishing yourselves in business and conducting yourselves properly to your Patients There are three methods of getting into business 1st by opposing every Prejudice of Mankind by proclaiming war against the Laws and Religion of our country by avoiding decencey in behavour and conversation and saying nothing like other People above all Ridiculing the Christian Religion and prostituting the sacred Writings to purposes of Wit & Impiety this species of character will often succeed with the weak and Vulgar minds Parceleus was the original of it 328 he has had many immitators in every part of the World such as Doctr. Radcliff of London Dor. Piteam of Eden bought Docr. Frenchen of Geneva & Docr. Macgrace of this Country These men commanded respect only from their abillities but was of the same nature with the Homage the Indians paid to the Devil such Physicians are a disgrace to our profusion to sosuity & Human Nature. a second mode of getting into Business is to assume as much Gravity as posable let the heart be kept Closely confined within its ordinary Limits bit it should be lost in Sympathy and Grief The Dress and behaviour of such a Physician must be solemn & formal a smile would degrade the dignity of 329 such a character for ever is some countries a Wigg and a Cain will add greatly to the importance of such a character a Physician of this discription is esteemed only for his skill and is valued by his patient like a usefull family dog or horse for the services he is capable of Rendering.- The Third made of getting into Practice is to engraft the Physician into the man to feel the Obligations and practice the duties of Humanity and Religion upon all occations and to concider the Profession as agreeable as it enables us to make our follow creatures Happy toast in the capacity agrarian angles to our patients to make not only their sickness but wants our own to 330 to act in every respect to our patients as we would wish them in like Circumstanced to act towards us such Characters have existed in the World Doctr. Slahl Docr. Hoffman, Dr. Boar haave, Dr. Sydenhan. Docr. Fothergill, Sir In Pringes. Dcr. Rullerfobe. Dr. Cullen & Dr. Letsem where all friend to Religion & instead of being distinguished from the Last kind in dress and Manners where known only from their Amiable manner & Extensive Benevolence. These are the men I wod. recomend to your immitation they are all Benefaction of Mankind & they have justly been placed by the gratitude of their respective Countrymen among those Illustrious who have rescued & dig 331 dignified Human Nature- In order to assist you in getting into Business as well as rendering you more extensively usefull. I beg Leave to recomend to you to Exempt the following discretion of People from charges 1st. Physicians and Physician Families 2d. The Clergy of all denominations with all that has been said of them, they are a usefull body of men and as by the nature of their Profession they are precluded from all opportunities of improving their fortunes it would be cruel to tax them wth. their Docr Bill the favours confir'd or rather the debt Paid to this Body of men produce ample. Returns no body of Men have half the Influence in Sosciety & I know of no [other] more speedy or effectual method 332 method [ of getting] for a young man to get into busyness then by Receiving the friendship of the Clergy 3d Schoolmaster from the self denial as well as the Utility of their profession have a Large. Claim upon the Benevolence of a Physician they should therefore be exempt from charges 4th Hired Maids servents of all kinds in familys that rewards us generously have a large claim likewise upon our charity from the Extremes of heat & Cold & Labour to which they are exposed are subject to many more diseases then people in easy Circumstances how cruel then to exact from them their little Prittence they earn at expense of their health Remember Gentlemen wn you climb to cold & Dreary Garrets 333 Garrets in which these Poor Creatures are thrown in sickness the Relation they bear to you a fellow creature. The poor Coachman who rises his hand with difficulty to offer you his pulse, he is your Brother & the Kitchen maid whose fever and Pains have been brought on by damps and Colds at unseasonable hours is your sister for man kind you know are of a family 5th. Midwives & Wet Nurses- The poor of every class & description are the objects of our Care Doc. Boarhaave Used to say that they were his best Patients because god was their Pay Master. The first Physicians I have ever known have found the Poor the Scaling ladder on which the have 334 have ascended to business eminence & Reputation. Disease among the lower class of men are generally Symple here they Exhibit to Physicians The Best cases of all Epidemics which cannot fail of adding to his abilities of investigating and curing the more complicated disease of the Rich and indolent there is an inseparable conection between a mans duty & Interest whenever you are called to visit a poor patient therefore imagine you have these Words of our saviour sounding in your Ears take care of him I will repay this & because those hast been faithfull unto few I will make the rules over Many I now shall give you some directions with respect to changing when we consider the expense of a Medical 335 medical Education the sacrifices a Physician is obliged to make of ease company and even health to his profession and especially the Anxiety that it is imposable for a patient sufficiently & justly to reward his Physician But it becomes us to consider on the other hand that sickness deprives men of means of acquiring money that it increases all the Expenses of Living & high charges drives Patients from Regular Bred Physician to Quacks these considerations should lead us to make charges as moderate as possible and to conform to the following state of things avoid measuring your services by scruples Drachms or Ounces it is an illiterate mode of Charging on the Contrary let the 336 the number of times of your Visits and the Nature of your Patients disease Diamine the figures in your Bill it is certainly Just to charge more for curing an apoplexy then an intermitting fever you have a great regret to be paid too for risqueing your own life in visiting a Patient in a contagious Disease therefore charge higher for curing a Putrid fever then an Apoplexy even where the number of Medicines & Visits are the same you have a Right likewise to be paid for your anxiety charge the same services therefore higher to the Master or mistress of a family or to an only son or Daughter who call for all your feeling & industry then to a 337 to a Slave whose life is of much less consequence to a family or community If a Rich Man demands more constant and Punctual attendance which is both common and natural then a poor man if he imposes the Restraint of keeping you to hours by calling in another Physician to consult with you make him pay accordingly for it. I have only to add to this head that the sooner you send in your Bill after his Recovery the Better there is nothing thought of with so much gratitude as the services of a Physician in sickness these is nothing remembered with less after the Recovery of your Patient I will here let you into 338 into a secret with respect to the description of your patients 1st wn a Man calls for you to go immediately to a case which requires no such expedition 2dly when he tells you the Patient will have no other Docr. But you and above all 3dly when he tells you you shall be will Paid for your Trouble depend upon it such persons mean to impose upon you. Indeed I have mostly found them the most Troublesome Patients & the most backward in paying the accounts. A man who really intends to pay his physician wisely chuses to have as few unnecessary visits as possable- as the Best Mode of improving yourselves in the Practice of Physic 339 Physic. I believe to recomend to you to open all the dead Bodies you can without doing violence to the feeling of your Patients or the Prejudice of the common [People] Preserve a Register of the Weather and above all Record the Epidemics of the season their time of appearance disappearance and the Connection of the weather with them both these should be done as regular at the Close of the Month as you Post your Books keep a Book likewise for Chronic diseases Record the name age and occupation of your patient in it describe the disease and every change in it and mention particularly the doses of every medicine you give it is imposable to tell you how 340 how much improvement and facility in practice you will derive from following this Practice. In the conduct to your patient make it a rule never to give a patient over in an acute disease where life end & Death Begins dispute every Inch of Ground with the king of Terrors Hundreds of Patients have recovered that have been pronounced incurable to the great disgrace of our profession make it a rule never to be angry with a Patient or to resent anything a sick man can do or say to you some divines consider them as half [man] Beast & Half devil Polititions consider them as Pecus Humanum as Human Cattle 341 Cattle it is the busyness of Physicians to consider them under more delicate & human is characters of Madmen sickness often adds to the degree of madness we are therefore to bear with all the Reproaches and insults of our patients with meakness and Silence it’s a folly to resent injuries at any time but is cowardice in the full to resent an Injury from a sick man for he is not in a situation from his weakness & dependence on you to contend with you on equal terms you will find you well find it difficult to tie your patients to you by the Obligations of friendship 342 friendship you will often find those families most disposed to leave you in which you have displayed the highest degree of skill & Humanity these acts of neglect & Ingratiated should never exert from you the least mark of dispute or resentment by taking no notice of such injuries you will often find ye same caprice that led them off from you will bring them back again to you.- I have now Gentlemen only to thank you for the great attention wth wch you have been pleased to honour these Lectures and to asure that I shall ever esteem myself happy in rendering you all the services 343 that lay in my Power in any way you are pleased to command me accept of my best wishes for your hapyness and may the blessings of hundreds and Thousands yt is ready to perish be your portion in life your Comfort in Death and reward in the world to come - Finis. Index A Page Anthrax ... 71 Arthropeceosis ... 159 Apthæ ... 174 Apoplexies ... 217 Adinamia ... 231 Asthma ... 282 Amentia ... 293 Aquosæ ... 308 B Bulimia ... 313 C Cynanche ... 84 -Tonularis ... ibid -Malygna ... 87 -Trachealis ... 92 -Pharynges ... 96 Cynanche Index Page Cynanche Parotideus .. 97 Carditis ... 119 Cistitis ... 135 Chicken Pox ... 167 Catarrh ... 208 Coma ... 217 Chlorosis ... 257 Convulsions ... 276 Chorea ... ibid Cramp ... 277 Colic ... 287 Colesa ... 289 Cachexy ... 305 Costiveness ... 316 Cancer ... 318 Culicular Eruptions ... 320 D Disease (what) ... 1 - Cause (what - ibid - Symptom (what ibid Page Disease the diagnosis … 2 - Prognosis … ibid - Division … 4 - Arrangement … 6 Debility signs of … 38 Dysentery … 212 Dyspepsia … 235 Dyspnea … 284 Diarrhea … 290 Diabetes … 291 Dysorexia … 312 Deafness … 311 Dialysis … 320 E Enteritis … 127 Exanthemata … 161 Erysipelas … 172 Epistaxis … 180 Epilepsy … 278 Eyes diseasesis of … 311 Epischesis … 316 Ectopic … 319 F Page G Gangrene … 74 Gastritis … 120 Gout … 147 Gonorrhæa … 310 H Hepatitis … 128 Hysteretic … 96 Hæmorhages … 176 Hæmoptesis … 183 Hæmorrhoid … 197 Hypochondriasis … 258 Hooping Cough … 284 Hysteria … 291 Hydrophobia … 292 Hydarthros … 318 Hemalimesis … 207 I Imposthume … 73 Inlumesentia … 305 L Locales … 311 Lupia … 318 M Page Miliaria … 173 Menorrhagia … 203 Melancholia … 297 Mania … 301 Marcores … 305 N Nephritis … 133 Neurosis … 216 O Ophthalmia … 74 Odontalgia … 143 Oncirodinea … 303 P Practice of Physis (what) 1 Pyrexia … 6 [fever] Remote Cause of fever 7 Predisposing … 18 Varieties … 19 Division … 20 Intermitting … 21 Continuel … 27 Synocho … 42 Typhus … 50 Synochus … 51 Page Polysarcia … 105 Phlegmasia ... 66 Phlogosis … 66 Phrenitis … 79 Pneumonia … 101 Perepneumonia … 103 Plurecy … 107 Peritonitis … 119 Plague … 170 Pemphigus … 173 Phthisis … 186 Proflubia … 208 Palsy … 227 Palpitation … 281 Pyrosis … 287 Polydipsia … 314 Pica … ibid Psara … 321 R Rheumatism … 137 S Sphacelous … 74 Searlatina Anginora … 97 Splenitis … 132 Small Pox … 161 Shingles … 172 Syncope … 231 Spirits (an Enquiry into) … 240 Sea Sickness … 252 Spasms … 259 Smell defective … 212 Scherries … 317 Spines Bifida … 308 T Tetanus … 259 Taste defective … 312 Teneus Aurum … 311 Tenia Capotes … 321 U Urticaria … 173 Vesania … 293 Ulcer … 320 Vomiting & Purging … 321 Valedictory … 327 W Worms … 325          [illustration]