STATE of OREGON LAWS Governing the Practice of BARBERING QREGOR LAWS RF.niTT.ATTNn RARRFRTNn TITLE 49, Chapter 1 to 5, inclusive OREGON COMPILED LAWS ANNOTATED (Effective July 5, 1947) Sec. 49-101, “Practice” defined. 49-102. Practice of apprentices. 49-103. Persons exempted from operation of law. 49-201. Board of barber examiners—Appointment, func- tions and powers. 49-202. Officers: Bonds: Duties and compensation of secretary-treasurer: Disposition of fees: Board reports. 49-203. Authority of board: Rules and regulations: Shop and school inspection: Distribution of rules: Board proceeding records. 49-301. Requirements of registration and license. 49-302. Rights of students: Registration of persons practicing prior to July 1, 1927. 49-303. Qualifications for certificate of registration as registered barber. 49-304. Apprentices: Effect of failure to pass examina- tion: Admission of nonresidents. 49-305. Rights of nonresident barbers: Qualification for examinations: Effect of failure to pass. 49-306. Requisites for approval of barber schools: Course of instruction. 49-307. Application for examination: Fees. 49-308. Examinations. 49-309. Issuance of certificates. 49-310. Display of certificate. Renewal of certificates: Payment of fees; Ex- piration of certificate: Rights of retiring barber. &9-312. Fees payable. 49-401. Grounds for refusal, suspension or revocation of registration. 49-402. Hearings. 49-501. Barbering on Sunday. 49-502. Meaning of term “person," etc. 49-503. Penalty for barbering on Sunday. 49-504. Perjury. 49-505. Other unlawful acts. 49-506. Punishment: Separate offenses. 49-101. “Practice” defined.—Any one or any combination of the following practices (when done upon the upper part of the human body for cosmetic purposes and not for the treatment of disease or physical or mental ailments, and when done for payment, either directly or indirectly, or without payment, for the public generally) constitutes the practice of barbering: Shaving or trimming the beard or cutting the hair; Giving facial and scalp massages or treatments with oils, creams, lotions or other preparations either by hand or mechanical appliances; Singeing, shampooing or dyeing the hair or applying hair tonics; Applying cosmetic preparations, antiseptics, powders, oils, clays or lotions to scalp, face, neck or upper part of the body; and Removing superfluous hair, warts, moles or other blemishes from the scalp, face, neck or upper part of the body. [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 2, p. 499; O'. C. 1930, sec. 68-402.] 49-102. Practice of apprentices.—No reg- istered apprentice may independently practice barbering, but he may, as an apprentice, do any or all of the acts constituting the practice of barbering under the immediate personal super- vision of a registered barber, and only one such apprentice shall be employed in any licensed shop. [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 3, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-403.1 49-103. Persons exempted from operation of law.—The following persons are exempt from the provisions of this act while in the proper dis- charge of their professional duties: (1) Persons authorized by the law of this state to practice medicine and surgery; (2) Commissioned medical and surgical of- ficers of the United States army, navy or marine hospital service; (3) Registered nurses; (4) Persons authorized by the law of this state to practice cosmetic therapy. However, the provisions of this section shall not be construed to authorize any of the persons exempted to shave or trim the beard of any person for cos- metic purposes. [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 4, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-404.] 49-201. Board of barber examiners—Appoint- ment, functions and powers.—A board to be known as the board of barber examiners is established to consist of three members appointed by the governor, not more than one from any congressional district. Each member shall be a practical barber who has followed the occupation of barber in this state for at least five years im- mediately prior to his appointment. Each mem- ber of the board as now constituted shall remain in office until the expiration of the term for which he was appointed. The tenure of office of the said board members hereafter appointed shall be three years, except where the appoint- ment is made to fill a vacancy produced by death, resignation or other cause, when the appointment shall be made for the unexpired portion of said term. Any member of the board of barber ex- aminers may be removed at any time during his term of office by and at the discretion of the governor. Within 30 days after the taking effect of this act the said board shall meet and elect a president, vice president and secretary-treasurer. The board may, at its discretion, appoint one or more deputies, who shall exercise the powers granted by the board. Such deputies shall be paid a compensation to be fixed by the board, and shall execute an undertaking for the faithful performance of their duties to be approved by the board. The board shall have the authority to adopt a seal and, until otherwise provided, the seal heretofore adopted by the present board shall be the seal of the board. The secretary-treasurer shall be the keeper of the seal and shall affix it to all certificates issued by the board. [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 21, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-421; L. 1935, ch. 177, sec. 9, p. 261; L. 1943, ch. 10, sec. l,p. 17.] 49-202. Officers: Bonds: Duties and compen- sation of secretary-treasurer: Disposition of fees: Board reports.—The board shall elect a presi- dent, vice president and secretary-treasurer, each of whom shall execute in the name of the state of Oregon an undertaking in the sum of five hun- dred dollars ($500), except the secretary- treasurer, whose bond shall be for two thousand dollars ($2,000); said bonds shall be executed by a surety company and the expenses thereof shall be paid out of the funds of the board. The secretary-treasurer shall maintain an office in Portland, Oregon, and devote his entire time to the duties of the office, for which he shall receive three hundred dollars ($300) per month and ex- penses incurred, traveling and otherwise. The board shall have power to prescribe the duties to be performed by each of its members and em- ployees. Each member of said board, excepting the secretary-treasurer thereof, shall receive ten dollars ($10) per day for each day actually en- gaged in the performance of his duties under this act, and shall also receive his actual traveling expenses while performing the duties of his office, and all other necessary expenses incurred by him while in the exercise of his said duties. Ten per centum of all the fees received by the board under the provisions of this act shall be set aside and paid into the state treasury and placed to the credit of the general fund and become and is hereby made available for the payment of the general governmental expenses as are other moneys in the general fund. Said expenses of said board shall be paid from the remaining 90 per centum of the fees received by the board under the provisions of this act and no part of the salary or other expenses of the board shall be paid out of the state treasury. The board shall render a quarterly itemized account of the work it has done to the governor and render a report of all moneys received and disbursed by it pur- suant to this act, and the records of said board shall at all times be open to inspection by the public. [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 22, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-422; L. 1935, ch. 177, sec. 10, p. 262; L. 1947, ch. 222, sec. 1, p. 279.] 49-203. Authority of board: Rules and regu- lations: Shop and school inspection: Distribution of rules: Board proceeding records.—The board shall have authority to make reasonable rules and regulations for the administration of the pro- visions of this act and prescribe sanitary require- ments for barber shops and barber schools, sub- ject to the approval of the state board of health. Any member of the board or its agents or assist- ants shall have authority to enter upon and to inspect any barber shop or barber school at any time during business hours. A copy of the rules and regulations adopted by the board shall be furnished by the board to the owner or manager of each barber shop and barber school, and such copy shall be posted in a conspicuous place in such barber shop or barber school. The board shall keep a record of its proceed- ings relating to the issuance, refusal, renewal, suspension and revocation of certificates of reg- istration. This record shall also contain the name, place of business, and registered apprentice and the date and manner of his certificate of registra- tion. This record shall be open to public inspec- tion at all reasonable times. IX. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 23, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-423.] 49-301. Requirement of registration and li- cense.—No person shall practice or attempt to practice barbering without a certificate of regis- tration as a registered barber, issued pursuant to the provisions of this act, by the board of barber examiners hereinafter established. No person shall serve or attempt to serve as an apprentice under a registered barber without a certificate of registration as a registered appren- tice issued by the board. It shall be unlawful to operate a barber shop unless it is at all times under the direct super- vision and management of a registered barber or to operate a barber school or be a teacher or instructor in such school unless he be a registered barber. It shall be unlawful to operate a barber shop, barber school or college unless the same has been duly licensed by the state board of barber examiners as herein provided, which license shall expire on July 1 of each year. [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 1, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-401; L. 1935, ch. 177, sec. 1, p. 256.] 49-302. Rights of students: Registration of persons practicing prior to July 1, 1927.—All barbers registered in Oregon for 1927 shall be granted a certificate as a registered barber under this law on July 1, 1927, upon paying the required fee. Any person who, on and prior to the first of July, 1927, was practicing barbering as an ap- prentice under the supervision of a practicing barber in this state, shall be granted a certificate of registration to practice as an apprentice by making application to the board on or before July 1, 1927, and paying the requii'ed fee, and shall be given credit for the time previously spent in such practice. Any person who, on and prior to July 1, 1927, was a student in a school of barbering, is quali- fied, upon graduation from such school, to take examination for a certificate of registration to practice as an apprentice, with regard to whether such a school complied with the standards for approval specified in section 49-306 O. C. L. A. LL. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 13, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-413.1 49-303. Qualifications for certificate of regis- tration as registered barber.—A person is quali- fied to receive a certificate of registration to prac- tice barbering; (1) Who is qualified under the provisions of section 49-304 Oregon Compiled Laws Annotated. (2) Who is at least 18 years of age; (3) Who is of good moral character and tem- perate habits; (4) Who has practiced as a registered appren- tice for a period of eighteen months under the immediate personal supervision of a registered barber; (5) Who has passed a satisfactory examina- tion conducted by the board to determine his fitness to practice barbering; (6) Who produces a certificate from a reg- istered physician that he is free from contagious or infectious disease. An applicant for a certificate of registration to practice as a registered barber who fails to pass a satisfactory examination conducted by the board, must continue to practice as an apprentice for an additional six months before he is again entitled to take the examination for a registered barber. [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 5, p, 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-405; L. 1935, ch. 177, sec. 2, p. 257.1 49-304.—Apprentices: Effect of failure to pass examination: Admission of nonresidents.—A per- son is qualified to receive a certificate of regis- tration as a registered apprentice, or to receive his license as a licensed apprentice: (1) Who has a diploma showing graduation from an eighth grade grammar school or an equivalent education as determined by an ex- amination conducted by the board; (2) Who is at least sixteen and one-half years of age; (3) Who is of good moral character and tem- perate habits; (4) Who has been graduated from a school of bartering approved by the board; (5) Who has passed a satisfactory examina- tion conducted by the board to determine his fitness to practice as a registered apprentice; (6) Who produces a certificate from a regis- tered physician that he is free from contagious or infectious disease. An applicant for a certificate of registration to practice as an apprentice who fails to pass a satisfactory examination is required to complete a further course of study of not less than 500 hours, to be completed within three months, of not more than eight hours in any one working day, in a school of barbering approved by the board. A person who has practiced as an appren- tice in another state may be admitted to prac- tice within this state under the rules and regu- lations to be determined by the board, [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 6, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-406; L. 1935, ch. 177, sec. 3, p. 257.] 49-305.—Rights of nonresident barbers: Quali- fications for examinations: Effect of failure to pass.—A person who is at least 18 years of age and of good moral character and temperate habits, and has a diploma showing graduation from an eighth grade grammar school, or its equivalent as determined by the board, and either: 1. Has a license or certificate of registra- tion as a practicing barber from another state or country, which has substantially the same re- quirements for licensing or registering barbers as required by this act; or 2. Who can prove by sworn affidavits that he has practiced as a barber in another state or country for at least two years immediately prior to making application in this state, shall, upon payment of the required fee, be granted per- mission to take an examination to determine his fitness to receive a certificate of registration to practice barbering. Should he fail to pass the examination, he may file a new application, ac- companied by the required fee, and take another examination if he desires. In no event will he be permitted to practice barbering until such time as he has passed a satisfactory examination and has received a certificate of registration as a regis- tered barber. [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 11, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-411; L. 1939. ch. 540, sec. 1, p. 1183.] 49-306.—Requisites for approval of barber schools: Course of instruction.—No school of bar- bering shall be approved by the board unless it requires, as a prerequisite to admission thereto, graduation from the eighth grade of a grammar school or its equivalent as determined by an ex- amination conducted by the board, and unless it requires as a prerequisite to graduation a course of instruction of not less than 1,000 hours, to be completed within six months, of not more than eight hours in any one working day; such course of instruction to include the following subjects: Scientific fundamentals for barbering, hygiene, bacteriology, histology of the hair, skin, nails, muscles and nerves, structure of the head, face and neck, elementary chemistry relating to ster- ilization and antiseptics, diseases of the skin, hair, glands and nails, massaging and manipulation of the muscles of the upper body, hair cutting, shaving and arranging, dressing, coloring, bleach- ing and tinting the hair, [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 7, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-407; L. 1947, ch. 222, sec. 2, p. 279.] 49-307. Application for examination: Fees.— Each applicant for an examination shall: (1) Make application to the board on blank forms prepared and furnished by the board, such application to contain proof under the ap- plicant’s oath of the particular qualifications of the applicant; (2) Furnish to the board two 21/2"x3" signed photographs of the applicant, one to accompany the application and one to be returned to the applicant, to be presented to the board when the applicant appears for examination; (3) Pay to the board the required fee. [L. 1927, ch. 365, § 8, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-408.] 49-308. Examinations.—The board shall con- duct examinations of applicants for certificates of registration to practice as registered barbers and of applicants for certificates of registration to practice as registered apprentices and appli- cants to enter barber schools to determine their educational fitness, not less than four times each year at such times and places as the board may determine. The examinations of applicants for certificates of registration as registered barbers and regis- tered apprentices shall include both a practical demonstration and a written and oral test, and shall embrace the subjects usually taught in schools of barbering approved by the board. [L. 1917, ch. 365, sec. 9, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-409.] 49-309. Issuance of certificates.—Whenever the provisions of this act have been complied with, the board shall issue a certificate of regis- tration as a registered barber or as a registered apprentice. [L. 1927, ch. 365, § 10, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-410.] 49-310. Display of certificate.—Every holder of a certificate of registration shall display it in a conspicuous place adjacent to or near his work chair. [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 14, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-414.] 49-311. Renewal of certificates; Payment of fee: Expiration of certificate; Rights of retiring barber.—Every registered barber and every regis- tered apprentice who continues in active prac- tice or service shall, annually, on or before the first day of July of each year, renew his certifi- cate of registration and pay the required fee. Every certificate of registration which has not been renewed prior to the month of July in any year shall expire on the first day of September in that year. No registered apprentice shall be allowed to barber for more than three years on an apprentice license. A registered barber who retires from the practice of barbering for not more than five years may renew his certificate of registration upon payment of the required res- toration fee. After five years he must take the regular examination and pay the required fee. [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 15, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-415; L. 1935, ch. 177, sec. 4, p. 258; L. 1947, ch. 222, sec. 3, p. 280.] 49-312. Fees payable.—The fee to be paid by an applicant for an examination to determine his fitness to receive a certificate of registration to practice barbering shall be twenty-five dollars ($25), and for issuance of the certificate shall be five dollars ($5). The fee to be paid by an applicant for an examination to determine his fitness to receive a certificate of registration to practice as an ap- prentice shall be fifteen dollars ($15), and the issuance of the certificate shall be three dollars ($3). The fee to be paid by an applicant for an ex- amination to determine his preliminary educa- tion shall be three dollars ($3). The fee to be paid for the renewal of a cer- tificate of registration to practice barbering shall be five dollars ($5), and for the restoration of an expired certificate shall be ten dollars ($10), The fee to be paid for the renewal of a cer- tificate of registration to practice as an apprentice shall be three dollars ($3), and for the restora- tion of an expired certificate shall be five dollars ($5). The annual license fee to be paid by an ap- plicant for a license to conduct a barber shop shall be five dollars ($5). A license to conduct a barber shop may be revoked at any time for any of the violations of this act. No original li- cense to conduct a barber shop shall be granted for at least a reasonable time after the application therefor. The annual fee to be paid by an applicant for a license to conduct a barber school or college shall be one hundred dollars ($100). [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 18, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-418; L. 1935, ch, 177, sec. 7; p. 260; L. 1939, ch. 540, sec. 2, p. 1183; L. 1947, ch. 222, sec. 4, p. 280.] 49-401. Grounds for refusal, suspension or re- vocation of registration.—The board may either refuse to issue or may suspend or revoke any cer- tificate of registration for any one or combination of the following causes: (1) Conviction of a felony; (2) Gross malpractice or gross incompetency; (3) Continued practice by a person knowingly having a communicable disease; (4) Advertising by means of deceptive state- ments; (5) Habitual drunkenness or habitual addic- tion to the use of morphine, cocaine or other habit-forming drugs; (6) Immoral or unprofessional conduct; and (7) The violations of any of the provisions of of this act. [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 16, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-416; L. 1935, ch. 177, sec. 5, p. 258.] 49-402. Hearings.—The board may neither re- fuse to issue nor refuse to renew nor suspend or revoke any certificate of registration, however, for any of these causes unless the person accused shall have been given a notice in writing of the charge against him and a public hearing by the board. Upon the hearing of any such proceeding the board may administer oath and may procure by its subpena the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers. Any circuit court, or any judge of the circuit court, either in term time, or in vacation, upon application either of the accused or of the board may, by order duly entered, require the attend- ance of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers before the board in any hear- ing relating to the refusal, suspension or revo- cation of certificates of registration. In case the board shall either refuse to is- sue, suspend or revoke any certificate of regis- tration for any of the causes hereinabove men- tioned, the board shall, before taking such action, however, give written notice thereof to such per- son, stating the specific reason for its adverse ac- tion, and such person shall be granted the oppor- tunity to appear before said board for a public hearing within not less than 10 days from the date of said notice. At such hearing the defend- ant may be represented by counsel. The said board shall have the power to summon witnesses and to require the production of books, records, and papers for the purpose of such hearing. Sub- penas shall be issued by the secretary of the board, directed to the sheriff of the proper county, to be served and returned in the same manner as subpenas in criminal cases. Fees and mileage of the sheriff and of witnesses shall be paid from the fund of said board as other expenses of said board are paid. If the defendant prevail at such hearing the board shall grant him the proper relief without delay. Any investigation, inquiry or hearing thus authorized may be undertaken or held by or before any member or members of said board, and the finding or order of such member or members, when approved and con- firmed by the board, shall be deemed the finding or order of the board. In case of the refusal, sus- pension or revocation of a license by the said board the licentiate whose license shall have been refused, suspended or revoked by the said board shall have the right to appeal from said refusal, or revocation within thirty days of the cancella- tion of said license. Such appeal shall be to the circuit court in and for the county in which was held the meeting of the board in which such refusal, suspension or revocation was made. In case a person desires to take such appeal he shall serve, or cause to be served, upon the secretary of said board a written notice of such appeal, which shall contain a statement of the grounds of such appeal and shall file in the office of such secretary an appeal bond with good and sufficient surety, to be approved by such secretary, to the state of Oregon, conditioned for the speedy prose- cution of such appeal and the payment of such costs as may be charged against him upon such appeal. Said secretary, within ten (10) days after the service of said notice of appeal, and the filing and approval of said bond, shall transmit to the clerk of the circuit court to which said appeal is taken a certified copy, under the seal of said board, of accusations on which the re- vocation was based, the ground for appeal, to- gether with the notice and bond of appeal. The clerk of such court shall thereupon docket such appeal causes and they shall be tried in all re- spects as ordinary civil actions, and like pro- ceedings shall be had thereon. Upon such appeal said causes shall be tried de novo. Either party may appeal from the judgment of the circuit court to the supreme court in the manner as civil actions may be appealed thereto. [L. 1927, ch. 365, § 17, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-417; L. 1935, ch. 177, sec. 6, p. 258.] 49-501. Barbering On Sunday.—It shall be a misdemeanor for any person or persons to carry on the business of barbering on Sunday in Ore- gon. [L. 1901, sec. 1, p. 17; B. & C. sec. 2097; L. O. L. sec 2126; O. L. sec. 2126; O. C. 1930, sec. 14-810.] 49-502. Meaning of term “person,” etc.—The term “person” or “persons” used in this act, shall be deemed to include partnerships and corpora- tions. [L. 1901, sec. 3, p. 17; B. & C. sec. 2099; L. O. L. sec. 2128; O. L. sec. 2128; O. C. 1930, sec. 14-812.] 49-503. Penalty for barbering on Sunday.— Any person or persons found guilty of violat- ing this act shall be punished by a fine of $10 or by imprisonment in the county jail for five days for the first offense, and by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $50 or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 10 days nor more than 25 days for the second offense, and for each subsequent offense. [L. 1901, sec. 2, p. 17; B. & C. sec. 2098; L. O. L. sec. 2127; O. L. sec. 2127; O. C. 1930, sec. 14-1811.] 49-504. Perjury.—The wilful making of any false statement as to a material matter in any oath or affidavit which is required by the provi- sions of this act is perjury and punishable as such. [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 20, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-420.] 49-505. Other unlawful acts.—It shall be un- lawful; (1) To permit any person in one’s employ, supervision or control, to practice as an appren- tice or as a barber, unless that person has a cer- tificate of registration as a registered apprentice or as a barber, as the case may be; (2) To obtain or attempt to obtain a cer- tificate of registration for money other than the required fee, or any other thing of value, or by fraudulent misrepresentations; (3) To fail wilfully to display a certificate of registration; (4) To use any room or place for barbering which is also used for residential or business purposes (except the sale of hair tonics, lotions, creams, cutlery, toilet articles, cigars, tobacco and such commodities as are used and sold in barber shops), unless a substantial solid partition of ceiling height separates the portion used for residential or business purposes; (5) To use upon a patron a towel that has been used upon another person until the towel has been relaundered; (6) To use a chair without a relaundered towel or sheet of clean paper upon the headrest for the patron; (7) To work upon a patron without an unused strip of cotton neck band or towel being placed so that the hair cloth does not come in contact with the neck or skin of the patron; (8) To use on any patron tools or instruments which are not sanitary and which are not kept, when not in use, in a cabinet sterilizer; (9) To work as a barber while having an in- fectious, contagious or communicable disease. (10) To operate a barber shop or college un- less continuous hot and cold running water be provided where practicable; (11) To operate a barber school or college wherein the practice of barbering is carried on unless displaying at all entrances to the place where the barbering is done a sign indicating that the work done therein is done exclusively by students; (12) To operate a barber shop which is un- clean, untidy or unsanitary; (13) Or, to operate a barber shop the floor of which is not covered with impervious cover- ing. [L. 1927, ch. 365, sec. 19, p. 499; O. C. 1930, sec. 68-419; L. 1935, ch. 177, sec. 8, p. 260; L. 1947, ch. 222, sec. 5, p. 281.] 49-506. Punishment: Separate offenses.—In addition to the other penalties provided herein, any person who violates any of the provisions of title 49, other than sections 49-501-49-503, in- clusive, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or shall be imprisoned for not more than ninety (90) days, or shall be punished by both such fine and im- prisonment. Each day’s violation of any of the aforesaid provisions shall constitute a separate offense thereunder. [L. 1935, ch. 177, sec. 11, p. 262; O. C. 1935 Supp. sec. 68-426.] Rules and Regulations Governing BARBERING in the State of Oregon 1. No person shall attempt to practice barber- ing either as a barber or as an apprentice unless he has been duly licensed by the State Board of Barber Examiners. 2. No person shall attempt to open or operate a new barber shop or barber school until same has been duly inspected and licensed by the State Board of Barber Examiners. 3. No Shop will be licensed in the State of Oregon unless all of the requirements of the State Fire Marshal are met. 4. Shop licenses are not transferable from person to person or location; 5. Every shop must have adequate lighting and ventilation. 6. No room or place shall be used for barter- ing that is also used for residential or business purposes; unless a substantial solid partition of ceiling height separates the portion used for residential or business purposes. 7. Floors must have an impervious covering from wall to wall and be kept clean at all times. Disposal of hair must be made in closed metal containers. 8. No barter shall use on any patron any razor, scissors, tweezers, comb, hairbrush, or rubber disc used on another person unless such articles or instruments have first been sterilized by immersing the same in a solution containing 1 part formalin to 8 parts water, or 1 one- thousandths cyanide mercury, or 10 per cent lysol solution, or any chemical approved by the State Board of Health or boiled in water for at least 20 minutes. 9. All tools must be kept in cabinet sterilizer when not in use. Cabinet sterilizers must be full of gas fumes of formalin gas—50 per cent forma- lin—50 per cent water which is changed daily. 10. All shops must supply each chair in op- eration with an individual dip sterilizer which has depth enough to entirely submerge the combs and also supply each chair with an individual cabinet sterilizer. 11. All barber shops and barber schools are required by law to use clean relaundered TOWELS, on EACH PATRON and an unused strip of cotton or paper neck band or a towel placed so that the hair cloth does not come in contact with the neck or skin of the patron; and all used linen disposed of in a closed metal container immediately after being used and must not be laid on the basin or stand. Used linen so placed may be used as evidence toward the con- viction of the operator charged with breaking the rules and regulations. 12. All clean linen must be kept in an air- tight container. 13. The use of powder puffs, sponges, styptic pencils and lump alum is forbidden. 14. Creams and other semi-solid substances must be dipped from the container with a sterile article or spatula. Removing such substances with the finger is prohibited. 15. No person having a communicable, con- tagious or infectious disease shall work as a barber or as an apprentice. 16. All barber shops must have adequate hand washing facilities of hot and cold running water in the shop and must be kept in a clean and sanitary condition at all times, subject to inspection by the State Board of Barber Ex- aminers at any time. 17. Your shop license can be revoked at any time for failure to comply with all laws, rules and regulations contained in Title 49, chapters 1 to 5, inclusive, Oregon Compiled Laws Annotated. 18. ALL LICENSES, RULES and REGULA- TIONS MUST BE POSTED IN A CONSPICU- OUS PLACE IN THE SHOP, AT ALL TIMES. “Cleanliness Pays” Adopted, signed and sealed by: STATE BOARD OF BARBER EXAMINERS, Clyde C. Haase, Secretary-Treasurer Sanitary measures approved by: STATE BOARD OF HEALTH, HAROLD M. ERICKSON. 23 STATE PRINTING DEPT.