MISSISSIPPI LAWS AND EXTRACTS OF LAWS DEALING WITH PUBLIC HEALTH AND CERTAIN LAWS RELATING TO MEDICAL EDUCATION LICENSURE AND HOSPITALS NURSING EDUCATION AND RELATED LAWS SUPPLEMENT NUMBER ONE July 15, 1948 Mississippi State Board of Health Jackson, Mississippi House Biel No. 164 AN ACT to amend section 6 of chapter 363, laws of 1946, to include non-profit hospitals and facilities. WHEREAS, the public necessity requires that not only public, but other non-profit hospitals, nurses homes, health centers, clinics and related facilities shall be established and maintained in this state on as broad a basis as possible so as to adequately and proper- ly provide for the indigent sick and to encourage and promote the health and general public 'welfare of the people of the State of Mississippi: NOW, THEREFORE : Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi: Section 1. That section 6 of chapter 363, laws of 1946, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 6. Grants of aid, as specified in the preceding section, shall be made to the following hospitals, nurses homes, health cen- ters, clinics’and related facilities to-wit: (a) those which are publicly owned and operated by the state or by a political subdivision of the state, including a portion of a supervisor’s district in counties having two court districts, acting either jointly or severally, includ- ing- specifically all hospitals established under the provisions of chapter 277, laws of 1944, as now or hereafter amended; (b) those non-profit institutions owned and operated by a corporation or as- sociation no part of the net earnings of which inures, or may law- fully inure, to the benefit of any private shareholder, group or in- dividual. Such public and non-profit institutions shall be subject to and governed by all the provisions of this chapter in all functions which are a part of the state hospital plan, and no hospital which has changed its operation in management to a non-profit institution sineb December 31, 1946 shall be eligible for those benefits. Grants shall be made only when the commission shall find and determine that such hospital or other facility is reasonably necessary as a part of the long range state-wide hospital plan, that there exists in the area to be served by same a need for the hospital or other facility, that the proposed hospital or other facility will be located at a place' where it will best serve the needs of said area, that the funds available for the construction, erection and equipping of such hospital or other facility, including a site therefor, will be ade- quate for such purpose, that the hospital or other facility will be erected, equipped, and operated in accordance with the standards prescribed by the commission, and that sucji institution will be con- tinually publicly owned, operated and controlled, or privately own- ed, operated and controlled on a strictly non-profit basis, as defined by the commission. If any hospital or institution to which funds have been paid under this chapter shall, at any time within 20 years after-the date of such grant, (a) be sold or transferred to any person, agency, or organ- ization, (1) which is not qualified to receive a grant in aid under this chapter, or (2) which is not approved as a.transferee by the commission, or (b) cease to be a non-profit institution, a lien in favor of the state shall attach to the property thereof and the state 1 shall be entitled to recover from either the transferer or the trans- feree (or, in the case of an institution which has ceased to be a non-profit organization, from the owners thereof), the amount of money advanced by the state to such institution less reasonable de- preciation as determined by agreement of the parties'or the chancery court of the county in wdiich such hospital or facility is located; subject, however; to any contractual relations such institution made prior to April 4, 1946, and which contractual relations shall be ap- proved bv the commission before such institution shall receive any benefits under this act. No payment of money shall be made by the commission unless and until the site, plans and specifications for the location, construction, and equipping of such hospital or related facility or the improve- ment, enlargement or expansion of an existing facility, shall have been approved by the commission. The commission shall satisfy itself completely that the sources of funds for the permanent maintenance of the hospital is adequate to insure the hospital’s continued efficient maintenance and operation on the basis of reasonable charges before a grant of aid from the state is made, and shall have the right to inspect the books of local hospitals and to counsel with local management in order to assist in maintaining sound accounting principals, efficient management, and a high standard of service, and in order to satisfy itself that such institutions are entitled to receive the benefits of this act. The commission shall require said hospitals to maintain at least ten per cent (10%) of its bed capacity if needed for charity patients who are eligible and qualify under the per capita fund for charity hospitalization. Section 2. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 18th, 1948. House Bill No. 3 AN ACT to provide that the state building commission shall provide accom- modations for those suffering from senile dementia apart from idiots, fools, and other known incurables at the institution selected by the board of trustees of mental institutions and for those suffering from alcoholism and the use of narcotic drugs at the Mississippi State Hos- pital; and to repeal chapter 426, laws of 1946. Be it enacted hy the Legislature of the State of Mississippi: Section 1. That the state building commission is hereby author- ized, empowered and directed to provide suitable accommodations at such institution under the control and management of the board of trustees of mental institutions as shall be selected and designated by said board of trustees to care for those suffering from senile dementia, which accommodations shall be separate and apart from the accommodations provided for idiots, fools, and other incurables. When such accommodations have been completed, all persons suffer- ing from senile dementia now or hereafter confined in any institu- tion of the state shall be transferred thereto. 2 Section 2. The state building commission is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to provide suitable accommodations at such institution under the control and management of the board of trustees of mental institutions as shall be selected and designated by said board of* trustees to care for idiots, fools, and other known in- curables, which accommodations shall be separate from those pro- vided for persons suffering from senile dementia. When such ac- commodations have been completed, all idiots, fools, and other in- curables now or hereafter confined in any institution of the state shall be transferred thereto. Section 3. That the state building commission is hereby author- ized, empowered, and directed to provide suitable accommodations at the State Insane Hospital, or the East Mississippi State Hospital for the Insane, for all persons committed or transferred thereto suffering from alcoholism and the use of narcotic drugs. Section 4. That chapter 426, laws of 1946 be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 5. That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 23rd, 1948. AN ACT to amend sections 1, 2, 3 and 6 of chapter 277 of the laws of 1944, as amended by sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of chapter 412 of the laws of 1946, to authorize political subdivisions of the state to acquire real estate for and construct, add to, equip and operate health centers or health depart- ments and to issue and sell bonds for such purposes; to change the limitations upon the issuance of bonds by counties and other local au- thorities for such purposes; to modify the method of appointment and the tenure of office of hospital trustees provided for in said act as amended: to provide for a president and vice-president of such a board of trustees, and for other purposes. House Bill No. 533 Be it enacted hy the Legislature of the State of Mississippi: Section 1, That section 1 of chapter 277 of the laws of 1944, as amended by section 1 of chapter 412 of the laws of 1946, be and the Same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. Any county, city, town, supervisors district, or election dis- trict of a county, separately or jointly with one or more other counties, cities, towns, supervisors districts or election districts of the same or other counties, may acquire and hold real estate for hospital, health center, health department, and related purposes and thereon estab- lish, erect, build, construct, remodel, add to, equip, operate and main- tain community hospitals, nurses’ homes, health centers, health de- partments, and related facilities within the limits of any such political subdivision or parts thereof. Any such political subdivision, or parts thereof, acting hereunder may contract and otherwise cooperate with any department or agency of the United States government or of the state of Mississippi, or any other county, city, town or supervisors district or election district of the same or other counties in carrying out of any of the powers herein conferred or otherwise effectuating the 3 purposes of this act and in so doing accept or contribute from or to the other, gifts, money, real properties, existing hospital, health cen- ter, health department or related facilities, or any other suitable prop- erty. In acting jointly hereunder the board of supervisors of any county, acting for the county, supervisors district or election district of a county, and the mayor and board of aldermen, or city council, or other like governing body of any city or town, acting for the city or town, are hereby authorized and empowered to contract with each other for and on behalf of the political subdivision or part thereof which each represents with respect to any and all things related to the matters and things herein authorized and particularly to appor- tion and prorate the ownership of the property acquired or to be ac- quired in such a joint undertaking; to determine the proportionate part of the cost of maintenance, support and operation to be assumed, contributed and paid by each, and the amount of money therefor each will raise from taxation; and to determine the amount of bonds to be issued by each in carrying out the joint undertaking and also the amount each will contribute in such undertaking. If an election dis- trict of a county, less than a supervisor’s district, is obligated here- under, the boundaries of such district shall not be altered in such a manner as to relieve any portion thereof of its obligation hereunder. Hospital, health center, or health department districts or areas may be formed under the provisions of this act which shall include a coun- ty, or one or more supervisors districts of a county, or > one or more election districts of a county, or a portion of a supervisors district jying within one court district in a county having two court dis- tricts, or any combination thereof; and bonds may be issued as pro- vided in this act and for the purposes stated in this act for any such district or area, whether such district or area be made up of a county, or one or more supervisors districts of the county, or one or more election districts of a county, or a portion of a supervisors district lying within one court district in a county having two court districts, or any combination thereof. Section 2. That section 2 of chapter 277 of the laws of 1944,