Health Code OF THE City of Tampa Florida NINETEEN HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE Health Code OF THE City of Tampa Florida Adopted By The Commission of The City of Tampa April 3rd, 1923 BY AUTHORITY OF ORDINANCE 104-A, DATED APRIL 3,1923, OF THE CITY OF TAMPA THE FOLLOWING HEALTH CODE IS HEREWITH PUBLISHED FOR THE INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE OF ALL CONCERNED. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A HEALTH DEPARTMENT IN THE CITY OF TAMPA; AND TO DEFINE ITS DUTIES AND TO AUTHORIZE HEALTH AND SANITARY REGULA- TIONS THEREFOR. CHAPTER I. ORDINANCE NO. 104-A, DATE APRIL 3, 1923 Section 1. There shall be a Health Depart- ment in the City of Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida, under the direction of a Health Officer who shall be a physician, residing within the corporate limits of the City of Tampa. He shall be appointed by the City Commission, and hold office at the pleasure thereof. He shall be suitable trained or experienced in public health administration. He shall devote his full time to the duties of his office. He shall execute and enforce all statutes, ordinances, and regu- lations of the State of Florida and of the City of Tampa for the protection and promotion of 1 health and shall take such other action as is necessary for public health and records. He shall have entire charge of all charity and welfare cases and work of the City. He shall publish a monthly report of the work done in his Department and of Vital Statistics. He shall publish all statutes, ordinances and regulations of the State of Florida, and of the City of Tampa which are pertinent to the public health, with such condensation, amplification, decisions and specific instructions concerning the same as are necessary for their understand- ing by the general public, in a Health Code of the City of Tampa. Sec. 2. The provisions, regulations and amendments of the Health Code, when approv- ed by the City Commission and by the State Health Officer, shall have the force and effect of law, and any violation of any portion thereof shall be a violation of this Ordinance. The Health Code may deal with any matters affect- ing the security of life or health or the preserva- tion and improvement of public health in the City of Tampa, and any matters in which jurisdiction is hereinafter placed upon the Health Department. Sec. 3. Amendments and additions to said Health Code when published by advertisement in a City Newspaper shall have equal force with the original Code and City Ordinances. Sec. 4. Any person violating any order, reg- ulation or ordinance of the City of Tampa relating to health and sanitation shall be fined not more than five hundred [$500.00] dollars, or imprisoned not more than six months, or both for each offense; and whenever the act com- 2 plained of is a continuous act or offense each day’s offense shall be considered a separate offense. Sec. 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Passed by the City Commission of the City of Tampa, Florida this third day of April, nineteen hundred and twenty-three. CHAS. H. BROWN, Mayor Commissioner Attest: Wm. E. Duncan, City Clerk. 3 CHAPTER II. SECTION. Definition of Words. Words used herein shall have for the purposes oc this Code the following meanings: CITY. The City of Tampa. OWNER. Any person, firm or corporation, or agent having the title to, possession of, or controlling property. PERSON. Any person, persons, firm or corporation. FOOD. Any substance, or concoction which is eaten or drunk by human beings for the purpose of nourishment or refreshment. GARBAGE. Any accumulation of either animal or vegetable matter, liquid or otherwise, which accumulates in the preparation of food, or any offal or refuse of meats, fish, fowls or vegetables or other refuse or waste liable to decay. STREET. Any street, public highway, side- walk, gutter or any unaccepted street or private way or sidewalk used by the public. PUBLIC PLACES. Any park, cemetery, school yard or open space adjacent thereto, any lake or stream. GENDER, NUMBER, TENSE. Words of the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter. WTords in the singular number include the plural and in the plural number include the singular. Words in the present tense include the future. DEFINITIONS 4 SANITARY NUISANCE. A sanitary nui- sance is hereby declared to be the Commission of any act, by an individual, municipality, organization or corporation, or the keeping, maintaining, propagation, existence or permis- sion of anything, by an individual, municipality, organization or corporation, by which the health or life of an individual or the health or lives of individuals, may be threatened or impaired, or by which or through which, directly or inditect- lv diseases mav be caused. CHAPTER III. NOTIFIABLE DISEASES Reg. 1. Communicable diseases designated as notifiable. For the purpose of this Code, the term communicable diseases shall be held to in- clude the following diseases, which are hereby declared to be communicable through the con- veyance of the infective organisms: Anthrax. Chancroid. Chickenpox. Cholera, Asiatic. Dengue Diphtheria, [membranous croup). Dysentery, amoebic and bacillary. Epidemic or cerebrospinal meningitis—men- ingococcic infection. Epidemic or streptococcus [septic] sorethroat Encephilitis epidemic—lethargica. Favus. German Measles. Glanders. Gonorrhoea. Hookworm Infection. 5 Influenza. Leprosy. Malaria. Measles. Mumps. Ophthalmia neonatorum [suppurative con- junctivitis of the newborn.] Para-typhoid fever. Plague. Pneumonia—all forms—differentiated. Poliomyelitis, acute anterior [infantile para- lysis]. Puerperal septicaemia. Rabies. Scarlet fever. Syphilis. Smallpox. Tetanus. Trachoma. Trichinosis. Tuberculosis. Typhoid Fever. Typhus Fever. Vincents angina. Whooping Cough. Yellow Fever. Cancer, Beriberi and Pellagra shall for the purpose of reporting be also included herein. Provided, that the commission may by resolu- tion require any other disease to be reported. Reg. 2. REPORTING COMMUNICABLE DISEASES. [2A.[ Every physician or other person hav- ing knowledge of any person affected or ap- 6 parently infected with any disease specified in Regulation II of this chapter shall report to the Health Officer the following data: Name of disease. Full name, age, sex, race and exact address of patient, exact occupation, place of employment, or school attended by patient. Name and address of person making report. Date of report. Such report shall be made within six [6] hours after the case comes under observation, prefer- ably upon the card furnished by the Health Department, if practicable; otherwise by tele- phone or other means. Provided that reports of Syphilis, Gonococcus Infection or Chancroid shall be made in sealed envelopes and shall be kept confidential as required by the laws of Florida. The term “Other Person’’ as used in the regulation shall mean in the absence of a physician, any parent, guardian, householder, keeper of a hotel or lodging house, midwife, nurse, school teacher, superintendent of an in- stution, master of a vessel, owner or manager of a dairy, person in charge of any lumber, con- struction, or work camp, or other person having under his care or observation a person affected or apparently affected with a communicable disease. [2B]. It shall be the duty of every physician to submit promptly to the laboratory of the State Department of Health or to that of the City or to other approved Laboratory such specimens for laboratory examination, as may aid in prompt diagnosis of Diptheria, Vincents Angina, Typhoid fever, Gonococcus Infection and Syphilis. 7 [2C], It shall be the duty of every physician to report to the He alth Officer the full name, age, and address of eve ry person who has been bitten by an animal afflicted or suspected of being afflicted with rabies, within twenty-four hours [24] from the time wfflen such fact comes to his knowledge. The Health Officer shall transmit such report promptly to the State Board of Health. Reg. 3. REPORTING CASES OF COM- MUNICABLE DISEASE ON DAIRY FARMS BY PHYSI- SICIANS. [3A]. When a case of asiatic cholera, diphtheria, amoebic or bacillary dysentery, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, epidemic or septic sorethroat, para-typhoid fever, poliomey- litis, acute anterior, scarlet fever, smallpox, tuberculosis or typhoid fever exists on any farm or at any dairy producing milk, cream, butter or other dairy products for sale in the City of Tampa it shall be the duty of the physician in attendance to report immediately to the local Health Officer the existence on such farm or dairy of such cases. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to report immediately to the State Health Officer the existence of such farm or dairy of such cases, together with all facts as to the isolation of such cases, and giving the names of the localities to which such dairy products are delivered. [3B]. REPORTING CASES OF DISEASE PRESUMABLY COMMUNICABLE ON DAIRY FARMS BY OWNER OR PER- SON IN CHARGE. When no physician is in attendance, it shall 8 be the duty of the owner or person in charge of any farm or dairy producing milk, cream, butter, cheese, or other food products likely to be con- sumed raw, to report forthwith to the local Health Officer the name and address and all facts relating to the illness and physical con- dition of any person, who is affected with any disease presumably communicable, and who is employed or resides on or in such farm or dairy, or comes in contact in any way therewith or with its products. Reg. 4. MEASURES OF CONTROL. [4A]. The Health Officer or his duly author- ized representative shall make such investigation as in his judgment may be necessary to deter- mine the presence or absence of any of the diseases named in Regulation l of this chapter, and if any such be found he shall adopt such measures as are authorized by law for the pre- vention of spread of such disease and for the relief of the patient; and to these ends he or his duly authorized representative may enter any premises where he suspects the presence of any such disease. Whenever in his judgment such procedure is necessary, he or his duly authorized representa- tive shall secure material for cultures, or speci- mens for bacteriological or other laboratory ex- amination, to assist in determining diagnosis, and any person when requested by him shall permit such specimen to be taken. (4B). CONTROL IN SCHOOLS The teacher of any school, college, or Sunday school being in charge of or having supervision over any pupil who appears to be affected by 9 any communicable diseases, shall promptly send such pupil home or effect isolation from other pupils until examined by a physician. The teacher shall report the case in accordance with Regulation II of this chapter. A pupil thus excluded shall not be permitted to return to school without a permit from the Health Officer, except in case of the following diseases whenthe pupil may be admitted as noted belowc Chicken-pox after all crusts or scabs have disappeared from the skin. German Measles (Rubella—Roetheln) seven (7) days from appearance of rash. Measles (Rubeola) seven (7) days from dis- appearance of rash provided all abnormal dis- charges from the ear, nose or mouth shall have ceased. Mumps two (2) weeks after beginning of attack, provided no extension has occurred into other glands. Whooping —Cough (pertussia) two (2) weeks after disappearance of the Whoop, but not less than six (6)weeks from the beginning of the the attack of the disease. All cases of the above diseases thus re-admitt- ed must be immediately reported by the teacher to the Health Officer, including therewith a statement or certificate by a physician or by parent or guardian showing diagnosis and dates of beginning and termination of the infectious stage thereof. The Health Officer may accept in lieu of ex- amination of cases presumably recovered from communicable diseases, other than diphtheria; the certificate of a physician that the full time 10 of isolation has been accomplished and that there are no residual lesions, and that in his opinion the case is fully recovered from the dis- ease. It shall be the duty of the teacher in charge of said school, Sunday school or college to ex- clude therefrom any child or person affected with a disease presumably communicable, until such person shall have presented a certificate issued by the Health Officer, except as herein provided when the certificate of a physician may be accepted. In the event of the presence of any disease as specified in Regulation I the Health Officer may cause to be examined any pupils and any teachers or other person employed in the schools and may take any measures necessary to prevent the spread of disease. All school authorities and employees shall conform to all rules and regulations of the Health Officer for the accomplishment of this end. Reg. 5. ISOLATION AND INSTRUCTION OF CASES. (5A). Isolation of persons affected with communicable diseases. It shall be the duty of every physician, immediatly upon discovering a case of commumicable disease, to secure such isolation of the patient, or to take such other action, as is required by the special rules and regulations which from time to time may be issued by the Health Officer or by the state Board of Health. It shall be the duty of the physician in at tendance upon any case suspected by him to b' 11 diphtheria, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, septic sore throat, measles, polimoyelitis, scarlet fever, smallpox or whooping cough to give de- tailed instructions to the person in attendance as nurse, in regard to the disinfection and dis- posal of discharges from the mouth, nose and ears of the paitent; and as to disinfection of the alvine discharges from the cases of typhoid, para—typhoid, cholera and dysentery. Such instructions shall be given on the first visit and shall conform to the special rules and reg- ulations of the State Board of Health. It shall be the duty of the nurse or person in attendance to carry out the disinfection in de- tail until its discontinuance is permitted by the Health Officer. (5B). ADULTS NOT TO BE QUARANTIN- ED IN CERTAIN CASES. When a person affected with a communicable disease is properly isolated on the premises; adult members of the family or household, who do not come in contact with the patient or with his secretions, or excretions; may with the written consent of the Health Officer, continue their usual vocations, provided such vocations do not bring them in close contact with children, nor require that they shall handle food or food products intended for sale. (5C). QUARANTINE IN CERTAIN EMERGENCIES. When any case of diphtheria, epidemic cerebro- spinal meningitis, measles, scarlet fever, small- pox, (acute anterior poliomyelitis,) infantile para- lysis or typhus fever is not or cannot be pro- 12 perly isolated on the premises and cannot be removed to a suitable hospital, it shall be the duty of the local Health Officer to forbid any member of the household from leaving the pre- mises, except under such conditions as he may specify. (51)) DISTRIBUTION OF CIRCULARS. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer, as soon as a case of diphtheria, epidemic cerebro- spinal meningitis, epidemic or septic sorethroat measles, poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis) scarlet fever, smallpox, typhoid fever, typhus fever, whooping cough is reported to him, or as soon thereafter as possible, to give every family or individual living in the house or building, in which such case is, circulars of information and copies of any rules and regulations, printed in a language understood by such individual, con- cerning such disease; which may be issued by the State or City Health Department. Reg. 6. REMOVAL OF CASES (6A). Removal of cases of communicable dis- ease. No person, without permission from the Health Officer shall carry, remove, or cause or permit to be carried or removed from any room, building, or vessel any person affected with any communicable dsiease. [6B1. REMOVAL OF ARTICLES CONTAM- INATED WITH INFECTIVE MATERIALS. Without permission from the Health Officer no person shall carry, remove, or cause or permit to be carried or removed from any room, building or vessel, any article which has been subject to contamination with infective material through 13 contact with any person or with the secretions of any person affected with Asiatic cholera, diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever, smallpox, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, or typhus fever, and not until such articles have been disinfected or prepared according to the special rules and in- structions to be given in such case. Reg. 7. HANDLING OF GASES OF DIS- EASE. ISOLATION. (7A) Methods of Isolation in various dis- eases. Every person suffering from any of the disease mentioned in Reg. II. of this Chapter shall isolate himself, and every person in charge of such a person shall isolate the person of whom he is in charge in the following manner: When the disease is— Anthrax Cerebro-spinal Fever Cholera Chickenpox Diphtheria Glanders Measles Plague Poliomyelitis Scarlet Fever Septic Sorethroat Smallpox Typhus Fever The person affected shall be absolutely isolated. When the disease is— Chancroid Dysentery(Ameboic, bacillary) Gonococcus infection German Mesales Hookworm infection Leprosy Mumps Rabies Syphilis Trachoma Tuberculosis Typhoid Fever Para-typhoid Whooping Cough the person affected shall be so restricted in movement that the disease will not spread from his to others. 14 When the disease is— Dengue Yellow Fever Malaria the person affected shall be kept in a screened room free from mosquitoes, provided that this form of isolation will be enforced in the case of malaria only when practicable. No person other than the physician or person in charge of or in attendance on the patient shall enter any premises room or apartment quaran- tined for a communicable disease in violation of the terms of the quarantine. (7B). No person shall willfully or needlessly or neglectfully expose himself or another to a communicable disease directly or indirectly; or permit such exposure by any person under his charge. Nor shall any person expose himself to or visit or associate or come in contact with a case of any such diseases or the discharges therefrom, or in any manner cause or contribute to, pro- mote or render liable, the spread thereof. This regulation shall not be interpreted to prevent proper visit upon such cases or premises by physicians in charge, by attendants or by representatives of the Health Department in discharge of their duties. Reg. 8. HANDLING OF CONTACTS, CAR- RIERS AND EXPOSURES. (8A). The Health Officer or his represen- tative may isolate or restrict the movement of carriers of the infectious agent of cerebro- spinal fever, cholera, diptheria, dysentery, para- 15 typhoid fever, typhoid fever, or any other com- municable disease until their discharges are shown to be free from the specific organisms of the disease. (8B). METHOD OF CONTROL OF CON- TACTS. The Health Officer shall have the power to isolate or restrict the movement of any person who is known to have been exposed to any of the communicable diseases for a time equal to the maxium incubation period of the disease and in the manner prescribed in Reg. VII of this chapter. (8C). REMOVAL TO HOSPITAL OF CER- TAIN CASES. When in the opinion of the Health Officer proper isolation or quarantine of a person af- fected with, or a contact, or carrier of any of the diseases mentioned in Regulation II of this chapter, is not or cannot be properly carried out on the premises occupied by such person, the Health Officer may cause such person to be removed to a hospital or other proper place de- signated by the Health Officer. (8D). PRECAUTIONS BY ATTENDANTS. The physician or any other person permitted to visit a person with communicable disease shall practice all measures of personal cleansing, and al other precautions necessary, to prevent the spread of the disease to other. Reg. 9. PLACARDING. (9A). When there is a case of anthrax, cerebro-spinal fever, cholera, diphtheria, glan- 16 ders, leprosy, measles, plague, polimyelitis, scarlet fevers, typhus fever, whooping cough or yellow fever, the Health Officer shall post a suitable placard or placards in conspicious positions on the premises, apartment or room and near the entrance thereof, where the disease exists; provided, if the case is under suitable hospital care, the placarding be omitted. No person shall interfere with or obstruct the posting of any placard by any health authority, in or on any place or premises; nor shall any person conceal, mutilate or remove such placard, except the Health Officer, or by his order. In the event of such placard being concealed, mutilated or removed it shall be the duty of the occupant of the premises concerned immediate- ly to notify the Health Officer. (9B). It shall be the duty of the person in charge of any hospital or other institution or dispensary in which there is a person affected with any communicable disease, to take such steps as will so far as practicable prevent the spread of infection, and to trace its orginal source. Reg. 10. CONCURRENT AND TERMINAL DISINFECTION. (10A). DISINFECTION. When any person is affected with a communicable disease, ade- quate disinfection shall begin at its onset and continue until its termination. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to give specific in- structions to tile person attending a case or sus- pected case of communicable disease as to the methods of disinfection the discharges and 17 articles used by or on the patient, and it shall be the duty of the person in charge to carry out such instructions. No articles shall be removed from quarantined premises without a permit from the Health Officer. It shall be the duty of the patient upon recovery or convalescence from any communi- cable disease and of the persons in attendance throughout the whole course of the disease, suitably to cleanse and to disinfect their bodies and clothing in a manner approved by the Health Officer. When the case has terminated, the owner or occupant shall further disinfect, clean, or re- novate the premises as the Health Officer shall require. Any articles which in the opinion of the Health Officer or his representative cannot be properly cleansed or disinfected shall be de- stroyed. The owner of any premises, apartment, or rooms, which have been occupied by a person affected with a communicable disease, shall not rent the same or permit occupation by others until the premises have been cleansed to the satisfaction of the Health Officer. Disinfection as a terminal procedure, when so ordered, shall be at the expense of the City. Cleaning at the expense of its occupant of the premises involved, and renovation as directed at the expense of the property owner, unless the terms of lease hold specifically provided therefor. (10B). Methods and precautions in cleans- ing, renovation and disinfection. The following methods and precautions shall be observed in cleansing, renovation and disinfection: 18 (a) Cleansing shall be secured by the thorough removal of dust and other contaminat- ing material in such a way as to prevent the entry thereof, as far as may be possible; into other rooms or dwellings; washing with soap and water; and with germicidal solutions; scouring; airing; and exposure to sunlight; in accordance with the special rules and regulations of the Department of Health. (b) Renovation shall be secured by remov- ing old paper from walls and ceilings, and re- painting, recalcimining or repapering of walls, ceilings, and woodwork as may be ordered by the Health Officer in accordance with the special rules and regulations of the Department ofHealth. (c) Disinfection of rooms shall be secured by the use of such disinfecting agents in such quantities and in such manner and of such sterlizing procedures as may be ordered by the Health Officer; in accordance with the special rules and regulations of the Department of Health. When gaseous disinfectants are to be used, all cracks, crevices, and oenings into the rooms shall first be pasted over with paper. Thereafter all rugs, carpets, upholstered fur- niture, and such textile fabrics in the said rooms as cannot, in the opinion of the Health Officer, be washed or soaked in a disinfection solution, may be removed for disinfection by steam when ordered by the Health Officer, in accordance with the special rules and regulation of the State Board of Health. Thorough cleansing, the use of soap and water, and full exposure to fresh air and sunlight are most efficient means of removing infective material, not only from the walls and floors of rooms, but also from furniture and other articles. 19 Reg. 11. PERIODS OF INCUBATION AND ISOLATION. (A). For the purpose of these regulations maximum incubation periods shall be considered to be as follows: Anthrax—seven (7) days. Cerebro-Spinal Fever—ten (10) days, unless cultures from naso-pharynx fail to show menin- gococci.* Chicken-pox—three (3) weeks. Cholera, Asiatic—five (5) days. Diphtheria—seven (7) days, unless a culture from nose and throat fail to show the presence of the Klebs-Loeffler bacillus.* Dysentery (bacilliary)—-seven (7) days. German Measles—ten (10) to twenty-one (2D days. Gonococcus Infection—eight (8) days. Influenza—five (5) days. Measles—sixteen (16) days. Para-typhoid Fever—ten (10) days. Plague—seven (7) days. Poliomyelitis—-ten (10) days. Rock Mountain Spotted P'ever—ten (10) days. Scarlet Fever—seven (7) days. Septic Sorethroat—three (3) days. Syphilis—four (4) weeks. Smallpox—twenty (20) days. Typhoid Fever—twenty-one (21) days. Typhus Fever—twenty (20) days. Whooping Cough—twenty-one (21) days. *The carrier state may prolong the period in these diseases. (11B). The minimum periods of Isolation shall be as follows: Anthrax—Until all lesions have healed. 20 Cerebro-Spinal Fever Epidemic—Until two successive smears from the naso-pharynx or nose, taken not less than twenty-four (24) hours apart fail to show the presence of the specific microorganism. Chickenpox—Until all primary scabs have disappeared from the skin and mucous membrane Diphtheria—Until two successive cultures taken from the throat and two taken from the nose at least twenty-four (24) hours apart by an Officer of the Health Department show absence of the specific organism. Cholera, Dysentery (bacillary) typhoid, and Para-typhoid Fevers, Until the infective organism is shown to be absent from the excreta after not less than two examinations made at least twenty four (24) hours apart. Glanders-— During clinical course. Gonocococcus— Untill examination of the local discharges shows absent of the Gonococcus. Measeles—-Until seven (7) days from the dis- appearance of the rash and until all abnormal dis- charges from ear, nose or mouth have dis- appeared. Leprosy— During course of the disease. Plague— During course of the disease. Poliomyelitis— Until three (3) weeks from the day of report of the disease to the Health Officer. Scarlet Fever—- At least three (3) weeks after receipt of the report by the Health Officer and until all abnormal discharges from the ears, nose, mouth or suppurating glands have ceased. Septic Sore Throat During clinical course. Smallpox—Until all scabs have disappeared 21 and the lesions healed. Syphilis—Until open lesions of the skin and mucous membrane have healed. Tuberculosis—As long as the bacillus is dis- charged. Typhus Fever—During clinical course and in a vermin free room. Whooping Cough—Until six (6) weeks after onset. Yellow Fever—During the first days of the fever. CHAPTER IV. SPECIAL REGULATIONS Reg. 12. Right of entrance and inspection. No person shall interfere with or obstruct the entrance to any house, building or vessel by any inspector or officer of the Health Department, in the discharge of his official duties, nor shall any person interfere with or obstruct the in- spection or examination of any occupant of any such house, building, or vessel by any inspec- tor or officer of the Health Department in the discharge of his official duties. SPECIAL POWERS FOR EMERGENCIES Reg. 13. In an emergency, including the occurence of any rare or unusual disease or when any disease becomes unusually prevalent, the Health Officer shall have the power to em- ploy any measures necessary for the protection of the public health not inconsistent with law and 22 the regulations of the State Board of Health and make such expenditures as may be necessary for such purpose. This authority shall include by authority of the City Commission power to establish and administer hospitals for care and control of communicable diseases. Reg. 14. (A). The use of common drinking cups or of other drinking or eating utensils or of common towels, or of any other article for common use which might spread any com- municable disease is forbidden. The term “common” as used herein shall mean for use by more than one person without proper cleansing and disinfection under methods approved by the Health Officer. (14B). It shall be unlawful for any person to spit or expectorate upon any sidewalk, or upon the floor or seats of any street car, or upon the floors, walls or furniture of any public build- ing or public place or of any factory or shop within the corporate limits of the City of Tampa. VACCINATIONS AND TESTS (15A). Vaccination Against Smallpox. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to provide smallpox vaccine free of charge to all physicians and others desiring the same, and to provide officials of the Health Department to vaccinate against smallpox all persons in the City of Tampa who apply for such treatment. (15B). Any resident of the City of Tampa who has not been successfully vaccinated against smallpox within seven (7) years shall present himself or herself to the Health Officer and apply for such vaccination. Any person who has not been vaccinated against smallpox 23 as above provided shall not be permitted to attend any public, private, or parochiel school in the City of Tampa. Any resident of the City of Tampa over fifteen (15) years of age who has not been successfully vaccinated against smallpox within seven (7) years and who shall refuse or fail to be vaccinated within forty-eight (48) hours of notice properly given by the health Officer by legal notice, in the public press, or otherwise; or any parent or guardian, or other person having control of a child under fifteen (15) years of age who has not been suc- cessfully vaccinated against smallpox, and who fail to have the child vaccinated within forty- eight (48) hours after notice, shall be guilty of violation of this regulation and be subject to arrest. Persons who have had smallpox within fifteen (15) years shall be exempt from this regulation. Vaccination against smallpox is the introduction into the outer layers of the true skin of the virus of cowpox (the so called “smallpox vaccine”) fol- lowed by the characteristic reaction; or such repetitions of the introduction of the virus shall prove that the person being vaccinated has already physical resistance or protection against the virus. (15C). It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to provide free vaccination against Diphtheria, Typhoid and Para-typhoid fevers in all demonstrated cases of susceptibility to these diseases, and in case of danger or epidemic, also against cholera. (15D). It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to provide test of any person applying, to determine susceptibility to all communicable 24 diseases which have proven means of such determination, within ordinary limits of labora- tory error. Such tests shall be those known to be proper in the case of each disease. The diseases so determinable are declared to include: Diphtheria—Schick test. Tuberculosis—Reaction test. Typhoid—Agglutination test. Para-typhoid—Agglutination test. Cholera—Agglutination test. Dysentery (bacillary)—Agglutination test. Also tests to determine the presence or absence of certain diseases, where practicable means are known: Such diseases are: Diphtheria—Bacteriological. Malaria—Blood examination, etc. Tuberculosis—Reaction in early, microscopic in advanced stages. Syphilis—Wasserman examination and modi- fications thereof. And all diseases susceptible to the widal reaction. Reg. 16. SPECIAL RULES FOR TUBER- CULOSIS. (16A). Whenever there is a case of tuberculosis it shall be the duty of the Health Officer or his representative to take such proper precautions as he may deem necessary, and to give proper in- structions to the patient and all other persons occupying the same premises to prevent the spread of the disease. If a physician has con- trol of such case he shall, however, be permitted, upon written request to assume the sanitary 25 supervision of such case and shall there upon be held responsible for the sanitation of the case, until he requests release therefrom. Every person affected with tuberculosis in a communica- ble stage of the disease shall dispose of his sputum, saliva, or other discharge in a manner not dangerous to public health. Whenever a person so affected is, or is likely to be a menace to the health of others, the Health Department shall have the power to cause the removal of such person to an Isolation Hospital or other proper place, until the danger has been removed. Upon recover of a prson having tuberculosis it shall be the duty of his physician to notify the Health Officer. Reg. 17. FOR VENEREAL DISEASE. Reports of syphilis, gonococcus infection or chancroid made in accordance with Reg. II of this chapter, shall be considered confidential so far as consistent with public saftey. The pro- fessional attendant of any case of venereal dis- ease shall give the patient explicit instructions to prevent the spread of the disease to others. When such patient refuses or neglects to follow prescribed treatment, discontinues treatment or is discharged as cured, the professional at- tendant shall immediately report these facts to the Health Officer. When any person affected or presumably affected with venereal disease does, or is liable to menace the health of others the Health Officer shall have the power to cause the removal of such a person to an Isolation Hospital or other proper places for treatment and detention or to make any other measures authorized by law, which are necessary in his opinion to prevent the spread of the disease. 26 Reg. 18. RULES FOR FUNERALS. When a person has died of cerebro-spinal fever poliomyelitis, diphtheria, scarlet fever or small- pox, no person except the Undertaker and his assistants, the Clergy and such others as may be premitted by the Health Officer, shall enter the house or apartment until after the funeral, and until the warning placard has been removed If the funeral is held elsewhere than at the last residence of the deceased, the funeral may be public, provided that only those members of the immediate family may attend, who in the opinion of the Health Officer are free from infection, and to whom he has given permission so to do. pub- lic or church funeral shall not be held of any per- son dying of any of the above listed disease,un- less the body is enclosed in a properly and her- metically sealed casket and the consent of the Health Officer has been first obtained. Reg. 19. DISEASES OF ANIMALS. Any veterinary or other person in charge of an animal affected or presumably affected with any disease communicable to human beings shall immediatly notify the Health Officer. Whenever there is reason to belive that any animal has rabies, such animal and all others bitten by it shall be securly confined by the owner or person in charge for such time as is necessary to determine whether the disease exists. If any person has been bitten by a persumably rabid animal the brain of such animal shall be sent immediately after its death to an approved laboratory for examination, such animals shall not be killed without approval of the Health Officer. 27 CHAPTER V. Reg. 20. DAIRY CODE. Section 1. For the purpose and within the meaning of this Code the followering definitions shall obtain: (a) The term “MILK” shall be eontrued to include all milk products whenever such con- struction of the term is applicable. (b) “Cream” is that portion of the milk rich in butter fat which rises to the surface of the milk on standing or is separated from it by cent- rifugal force. (c) “Person” shall include masculine and feminine and any firm or corporation and any agent, servant, assistant, employee or represent- ative thereof. (d) “DEALER” shall mean any person who sells milk or is agent, servant, assistant, employee or representative and shall include masculine and feminine, singular and plural. (e) “TO SELL” shall mean the selling ex- changing or delivering or having in possession, care, control or custody7 with intent to sell, ex- change or deliver; or to offer or to expose for sale (f) “HANDLING MILK” shall mean any of the processes, operation or transfers through which milk is passed from the time it is drawn from the cow, until it is delivered to the consumer (g) “PASTEURIZED MILK” is milk which has been heated to a temperature of 145 degrees and so held for thirty (30) minutes, and then cooled as rapidly as possible to a temperature not to exceed 50 degrees F. 28 (h) The term “COW” where ever and when- ever used in this Ordinance shall be construed to include the male, female, and offspring of the bovine species. (i) “RAW MILK’ is milk which has not been heated. (j) “SKIMMED MILK” is milk from which substantially all the milk fat has been removed. (k) “UNSTERILIZED CONTAINERS” are containers which have not been subjected to moist heat, or moist heat and chemical treatment as may be necessary to effect to a practical degree the destruction of bacteria and other micro- organisms therein. (m) “A DAIRY” as used in this Code is any place where milk or milk products are handled for sale, sold or given away. (l) “BACTERIAL COLONIES PER CUBIC CENTIMETER” shall be those obtain- ed according to the standard methods of milk analysis as recommended by the American Public Health Association. (n) Milk to pass requirements of this Code shall be fresh, clean, lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows properly fed and kept, excluding that ob- tained within fifteen (15) days before and ten (10) days after calving, and contains not less than eight and three-quarters (8%) per cent solids, not fat, and not less than three and one half percent of milk fat. SEC. 2. The City Health Officer shall ap- point, subject to confirmation by the city Com- mission one or more Dairy Inspectors whose duty it shall be to examine and inspect all 29 dairies and distributing depots,selling or offering for sale, milk in the City of Tampa, reporting his findings to the City Health Officer. The compensation for the Dairy Inspectors shall be fixed by the City Commission. SEC. 3. No milk shall be handled in the City of Tampa without a permit issued by the Health Department or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of said permit and with the reg- ulations of the said Health Department. The provision in this section shall not apply to milk when sold in hotels, restaurants and retail stores when such milk has been obtained from one al- ready in lawful possession of a permit for the de- livery of milk within the City of Tampa. Each person desiring permits from the Health Depart- ment for handling milk shall make application therefor on a printed form to be furnished by said Health Department. Each permit for hand- ling milk shall be valid for one (1) year from the first day of October. The Health Department shall not issue a permit for handling milk de- livered to the consumer until after an exami- nation has been made by the Dairy Inspector of the Health Department as to the sanitary con- dition of the place where the milk is to be sold, and of the place where the milk is to be handled in any way and of the dairy farm where said milk is produced, and the Health Department is satisfied that the care and treatment of said milk shall be in accordance with the terms of this code and the regulations of said Health Department. The Health Department shall not issue a permit for handling milk delivered past- uerized to the consumer, until an examination has been made by the City Dairy Inspector of the Health Department as to the sanitary con- 30 dition of the place where the milk is to be sold and the place where the milk is to be received or handled in any way after delivery from the dairy farm, and the Health Department is satisfied that the care and treatment of such milk will be in accordance with the terms of this code and the regulations of said Health Department. There shall be no charge for issuing permits. SEC. 4. For the purpose of establishing and determining the sanitary condition and rating of Dairy Farms, Dairies, Milk Depots, Milk Plants or other places where milk is produced, handled or sold, all such places, equipment and methods in use in connection therewith shall be scored from time to time by the Health Officer or the Dairy Inspector, who shall use a score card approved for such purposes by the Health Officer SEC. 5. No person shall sell: (a) Skimmed milk unless container is plainly labeled “Skimmed Milk” (b) Milk, the container of which is labeled or branded so as to to mislead or deceive the pur- chaser. (c) Milk produced from diseased cows or from cows during a period of fifteen (15) days preced- ing parturition or within such time thereafter as the milk is abnormal, or from cows which have been fed on unwholesome food or have had access to contaminated water. (d) Milk in unsterilized containers. (e) Homogenized milk or emulsified milk, unless it is plainly and conspicuously labeled as homogenized or emulsified milk as the case may be. (f) Milk stored or kept for sale in any stable, 31 or in any room which is poorly ventilated or dirty or in which rubbish or waste material is allowed to accumulate. (g) Milk from vessels not protected by suitable covers or so placed that they can be contaminated by dust, dirt or flies. (h) Milk or cream in bottles, or offer for sale in bottles, unless the bottling is done under clean and sanitary conditions at the place of product- ion or the collecting or distributing station. Each bottle shall be capped and no dealer shall offer for sale milk held in a bottle or container stamped with the name of another dealer, and it shall be unlawful for junk dealers or other per- sons to buy or sell stamped milk bottles. (i) Pasteurized milk for which a true record of pasteurization as given by a recording ther- mometer approved by the Health Department is not on file and ready for inspection at the place where the milk is pasteurized. The record on file shall be correctly dated and cover the six (6) months previous to the date of in- spection. (j) Milk containing a bacterial count of more than 350,000 per cubic centimeter. (k) Milk re-pasteurized unless by special permit from the Health Department. (l) Any milk which contains more than eighty- seven and five tenths percent of water, or less than three and five tenths percent of butter fat and the specific gravity of which at sixty degrees F. is below 1.029 or above 1.033 specific gravity. All milk of lower grade in quality than that specified by this section shall be taken and con- demned as adultered and impure by the Health 32 Department. (m) Cream which contains less than eighteen percent of butter fat. (n) Any milk that is not free from all chem- icals and adulterations. (o) Skimmed milk which contains less than nine percent of milk solids exclusive of butter fat. (p) Buttermilk which contains less than eight percent of milk solids is exclusive of butter fat. (q) Milk drawn from cows not tested within one (1) year for the presence of Tuberculosis therein. Sec. 6. (1). Any dealer selling milk to con- sumers from a conveyance shall have attached to the side of said conveyance in a conspicuous place the City license tag and permit. Said permit shall be in plain block figures at least three (3) inches high, and letters at least two (2) inches high as follows: HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT NO. 000 displayed on both sides of said conveyance and in color giving full contrast with the color of the conveyance. (2) Any person having the possession or custody of bottles, cans or other receptacles used to sell milk shall cause all such bottles, cans or receptacles to be cleaned immediately upon emptying the same, and no person shall use a milk vessel as a container for any other substance than milk. (3) No dealer or other person shall remove from any dwelling in which exists any com- municable disease, any bottle or receptacle 33 which has been or which is to be used for con- taining or storing milk, except with the per- mission of the Health Department. Sec. 7. All dairy barns shall be floored with cement or sound heart boards, which flooring or cement or sound heart boards shall be water tight and maintained in a sanitary condition, all such barns and the sheds and stalls in which cows are fed and milked shall be properly ventilated, lighted, drained and cleaned, the interior of every barn shall be given a coat of white wash in the months of May and Novem- ber of each year. Sec. 8. Each dairy shall be provided with a properly constructed milk house having wire screens of a mesh containing not less than six- teen (16) wires to the inch, for doors and win- dows, and ample arrangement for heating water. Each milk house shall be constructed in such manner that the floors and walls may be easily cleaned and shall be kept neat and clean and shall not be used for anyother purpose than handling milk. Said milk house shall have a properly constructed sink at which bottles, cans and other utensils used in handling milk may be washed, and shall be provided with a drain pipe carrying all waste at least one hundred feet from the milk house, water sup- ply and barn. Said milk house shall be not less than ten (10) feet from any cow stall or stable. No child less than eleven (11) years of age shall be permitted to enter any milkhouse. Sec. 9. There shall be racks for cans and bottles so built that when these utensils are inverted on them their mouths shall be open to the air. All milk rooms shall be washed out 34 frequently with water containing chlorine base disinfectant of adequate strength. Sec. 10. Every dairyman shall be required to keep all cows at least five (5) feet from the milk house, said prevention to be by fence or wire and to keep the lot adjacent to his barn and milkhouse free from manure. Droppings shall be gathered once daily, placed in galvaniz ed iron can with cover, and removed at least every second day to a place approved by the Health Department, or be piled in an enclosure not closer than two hundred (200) feet to the dairy barn, milkhouse or source of water sup- ply, and said lot shall also be kept free from stagnant water and all other objectionable material. All fresh manure placed on the com- post heap shall be properly limed. All wells, springs or cisterns supplying water shall be so constructed or situated as to .satisfy the Health Officer that they are reasonably free from any source of possible infection. All privies shall be those recommended and approved by the City Health Officer, and it shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale or to distribute any milk produced or any manner prepared or hand- led on any premises having thereon, or within a radius of two hundred (200) feet therefrom an insanitary closet or privy. There shall not be any hog pens, quarters or runaways for other animals or fowls closer than one hundred (100) feet from such barn or milk house or place where milk is handled or sold, provided that this shall not apply to stalls for horses and mules where the same are separated from dairy barns to the satisfaction of the Inspector and kept in a clean condition. Sec. 11. Any person conducting a dairy 35 depot, or restaurant, or other place in which milk is sold or otherwise disposed of in the City shall report within twenty-four (24) hours to the City Health Officer any illness of any kind whatsoever in his family or among his employees or any person connected with his business in anyway giving name and address of attending physician. The City Health Officer shall have the power to suspend temporarily the business of any place if he deems such action necessary to protect the public health. Sec. 12. All metal dairy utensils shall be in first class condition and the seams filled flush with solder. Immediately after use all utensds shall be rinsed in lukewarm or cold water. They shall then be washed in hot water containing an alkaline wash powder after which they shall be sterilized either with live steam, or boiling water. The strainer cloths shall always be boiled before use and dried quickly. When not in use all utensils shall be kept inverted and they together with strainers cloths shall be protected from flies and dust. All milking shall be done with clean, dry hands into a fish mouth pail having an opening not to exceed eight by four and three fourths inches. No other types are approved. All milk bottles shall be sterilized as above required and kept inverted until immediate ly before filling. Sec. 13. All milk bottle caps shall be kept in a clean, dry and sanitary container, which shall be covered at all times. The caps for each filling shall be removed carefully and no caps shall be returned to the container after being removed therefrom. 36 Sec. 14. No cattle shall be stabled, or milk- ed at a distance neared than fifty (50) feet or, confined or kept in an enclosure nearer than thirty (30) feet from a dwelling place (except that of the owner of said cattle which may be not less than twenty-five (25) feet distant), or from a place where food for human consumption is served and sold. This shall not be construed as preventing the use of fields as pastures. Sec. 15. Each cow used for the production of milk for sale or disposal in the City of Tampa shall be allowed free movement in the open air at least six (6) hours each day. Sec. 16. Every cow in possession of owners of dairies furnishing milk for the City of Tampa, and every cow privately ownd and kept within the City limits of the City of Tampa shall be registered with the City Health Department giving the location of each such cow. Sec. 17. No male of the bovine species shall be kept or manitained within the City limits of the City of Tampa without written permission from the City Health Officer. Sec. 18. All cows from which milk is obtain- ed for consumption within the City of Tampa shall be tuberculin tested by Federal, State or other recognized Veterinarian annually, or as often as deemed necessary. All cows either used for dairy or family purposes and kept within the limits of the City of Tampa shall be tuberculin tested annually, or as often as deemed advisable by the City Health Officer; and re- cords of tuberculin tests shall be on file in the office of the City Health Department. All cattle reacting to a tuberculin test either sup- plying milk to the City of Tampa, or privately 37 owned, kept in the City limits of the City of Tampa, shall be slaughtered not latter than seven (7) days after date of reaction unless written permission is obtained from the City Health Officer for delay. Reacting cattle shall be kept in strict quarantine until slaughtered, and no milk shall be used for human consumpt- ion from said reactors. All barns, stalls, feed and water troughs shall be immediately tho- roughly disinfected after removal of reactors. No reactor shall be removed from quarantine for Slaughter or for other purpose without per- mission from the City Health Department. SEC. 19. Dairy cows producing milk for the City market shall not be fed distiller’s waste, swill or any substance in the state of put- refaction or rottenness or anyother substance that is unwholesome, or that will in any w'ay af- fect the healthfulness of the milk, any person who sells milk in the City of Tampa, produced from cows that are fed from distillery waste or any substance in the state of putrefaction or containing any substance that is unwholesome or that will in any way affect the healthfulness of the milk, shall be punished as herein pro- vided. The water supply used in the dairy and for washing utensils shall be sufficiently abun- ant for all purposes, easy of access and free from any contamination. Dairy cattle shall be pro- hibited from running on pastures where are streams, ponds or other wTater that shall be found to be contaminated wdth sewage. SEC. 20. No person having a communicable disease or caring for or coming in contact with any person so afflicted, or wfflo is a carrier of a communicable disease shall handle milk. The 38 Health Department shall cause all persons em- ployed in or about dairies and milkhouses who in any manner come in contact with milk, or ex- posed or placed in position to come in contact with milk, to be examined for communicable dis- ease at least semi-annually, and at any other time that the Health Department may direct. Those found free from communicable disease shall be furnished a health certificate in accord- ance with the regulations of the Health Depart- ment. SEC. 21. The outer clothing of milk hand- lers shall consist of clean garments of some light colored washable material. The hands of the milkers and milk handlers shall be washed clean with soap and water immediately prior to, and kept cleaa-during ,milking and the handling of milk. The hands shall be kept dry while milking. All persons handling milk for consumption in the City of Tampa shall be vaccinated against Typ- hoid fever. SEC. 22. All cows shall be kept clean. The flanks, udders and teats shall be washed and dried with a clean cloth before milking. SEC. 23. The milk as soon as drawn shall be removed to the milkhouse and cooled in an area- tor or by placing utensils containing milk in ice water, but no milk containers shall be completely immersed in water or covered with ice. This shall not apply to milk to be delivered to dealers for separation or processing. SEC. 24. All milk shall be delivered to con- sumers in bottles or proper milk receptacles and be bottled or canned before leaving the dairy and shall be delivered in the bottle or can in which it was originally placed at the dairy, and 39 at not exceeding 50 degrees F. SEC. 25. The Health Officer and the dairy Inspector of the City of Tampa shall have the right and authority to enter and have full access to any building, structure, or farm where any milk is stored or kept and shall have the right of access to all wagons, railroad cars or any other vehicles of any kind used for the con- vevance or delivery of milk and to any building structure or farm where he believes or has reason to believe milk is stored or kept for sale, and upon payment therefor at the usual market rates when payment is demanded, shall have the right to take samples therefrom; any one sample not to exceed one quart, for the purpose of inspecting, testing or analyzing the same. Every sample of milk taken the Health Officer or Dairy In- spector of the City of Tampa shall have a label attached to the vessel containing the sample showing the name of the person from whom col- lected and indentifying data. The Health Of- ficer or Dairy Inspector of the City of Tampa collecting the sample shall offer to the person from whom possession of the sample is taken, the information contained in the memorandum. PROTECTION OF FOODS. CHAPTER VI. (22A) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, give or offer as a gift, food or food material for human consumption at any meat or butcher shop, market, grocery store, bakery, fruit stand or anyother place where food is exposed, handled or offered for sale, without having such food securely protected against flies or anyother contamination or infection or source 40 therof. All fruits and vegetables displayed in or about any such place shall be raised at least eighteen (18) inches above the floor or sidewalk. The closing of all doors, windows and other openings of buildings, rooms, vehicles or compart- ments where food material for huamn consumpt- ion is stored, prepared or handled; by metal screens having a mesh not coarser than sixteen (16) wires to the inch together with such actions and precautions on the part of the proprietor or person in charge as will so far as possible keep out of such places all flies and other sources of of contamination shall be considered secure pro- tection against the same. All doors shall open outward only, and shall have spring or weight attachments to cause them to close promptly when released. (22B). All places where food is prepared, served or sold shall be adequately screened and protected against entrance and presence of flies and all other sources of contamination. No room where food is prepared, served, sold or otherwise disposed of, shall be used as domicile or sleeping room. FOOD STUFFS. (23A). It shall be unlawful foranv person to sell, offer for sale, give or offer as a gift or have in his possession for the purpose of sale or gift as as food for human consumption any carcass, meat, fish, game or poultry, or any vegetable or product, which is unsound, unwholesome or con- taminated. (23B). It shall be lawful for the Health Of- ficer to condemn, take and destroy or cause to be taken and destroyed, any food product, which in 41 his opinion, is unwholesome or unfit for human consumption by reason of unsoundness, contami- nation, adulteration or sophistication. (23C). The Health Officer is authorized to take a fair sample of any suspected food sub- stance for examination or test. (23D). All vehicles used for transportation of meats, bread or any food products shall be so equipped and used as to protect the same from all contamination and sources of infection. (23E). No person shall sell or offer for sale or have on hand for purpose of sale within the City of Tampa, any meat or meat product, unless the same has been inspected and approved by the Inspector of Meats of the Health Depratment, who shall stamp all meats or meat products pass- ed for sale and destroy any found unfit for human consumption, Meats already stamped by Gover- ment or other recogized Inspectors shall be ex- amined as to their condition on arrival in Tampa provided that these requirements shall not apply to meats and meat products preserved by salt, smoke, or other acceptable adequate process ot preservation; and previously inspected and pass- ed by a recognized inspector before such prepara- tion. CARE OF EQUIPMENT. (24A) All butcher blocks, knives, saws and all other tools or equipment, and all vessels, measures containers and apparatus used in hand- ling, preparing or serving of foods or food mater- ials for human consumption shall be kept clean and free from corrosion and insanitary conditions (24B). All ice boxes and refrigerators shall 42 be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and shall be properly connected with sanitary means of drainage. (24C) .All dishes, glasses, cups, tableware or utensils used to contain or convey foods, drinks or confections, shall be kept in a sanitary con- dit’on at all times, and after use shall be immed- iately cleaned by washing with hot water and soap; and sterilized in water having a temper- ature of at least 150 degrees F., or by steam. Sterilization may be accomplished, if desired, by the use of a disinfectant approved by the City Health Officer, but only upon his written per- mission. SUPERVISION OF FOOD HANDLERS. (25A). No person infected with any com- municable diseases; or who resides, boards or lodges in a household where a communicable disease exists shall handle food or food products intended for others, in any manner whatsoever. The Health Officer may require examination of any suspected person at any time. (25B). It shall be unlawful for the owner, manager or person in charge of any establish- ment handling food or food products to employ in any capacity any person infected with any communicable disease. SPECIAL FOOD REGULATIONS. (26A). Ice Cream to be sold in the City of Tampa shall contain not less than eight percent butter fat. Frozen products to be sold shall be so labeled as to character and constituents as shall meet with the approval of the Health 43 Officer. Placards describing the material to be sold shall be conspiciously displayed in or upon all places where frozen or iced products are handled or offered for retail sale. No ice cream, frozen, or iced products, prepared to be eaten without further cooking, shall be sold upon the streets from vehicles, or otherwise, ex- cept in individual packets, wrappers or con- tainers of paraffin paper or material affording the same protection; and such ice cream, frozen or iced products shall be so wrapped or enclosed before being taken upon the streets to be offered for sale. (26B). BREAD PROTECTION. All bread, pastry, cake and other bakery products made, offered for sale or sold in the City of Tampa shall be made of good and whole- some material, in a clean and sanitary place; and handled in a clean and sariitary manner; and shall be protected against dirt, flies, vermin and other contamination by being wrapped or enclosed in suoh container as shall give efficient protection against such contamination. (26C). All persons engaged in the production of food and food products shall dress, act, and care for their bodies in such manner that said- food products shall be securely protected against contamination, and insanitary conditions.' (27). ABATTOIRS AND BUTCHERING. The construction, arrangement, and processes of Abattoirs and butchering, are under the pervue of Ordinance 758 City of Tampa as revised, which is hereby affirmed as being con- sistent with the terms of this Code. Note—This Ordinance not being of general 44 interest, is not printed in this Code, but is not, by such exclusion, made invalid. CHAPTER VII. Reg. 28. GARBAGE AND WASTES (28A). Garbage to be KEPT SEPARATE. No person within the City of Tampa shall mingle garbage with ashes, store sweepings, rubbish or other waste, but such garbage shall be kept wholly separate and apart from such other waste matter and in galvanized iron cans, with proper fitting galvanized iron covers which covers shall be water tight, and placed over said cans at all times. The cans herein mentioned shall be such as are known to the trade as galvanized iron garbage cans. The garbage so deposited in said cans as herein provided, shall be removed under the direction of the City Cleaning Department, in water tight receptacles or carts, under such rules and regulations as the Commission may from time to time establish. The Commission shall make such provisions for the removal, disposition or destruction of such garbage as shall be as inoffensive to the people of the City and as little prejudicial to the public health as possible. (28B). The occupant of every house, apart- ment or tenement; or proprietor of every public eating place of food handling establishment shall provide galvanized iron cans with proper well fitting galvanized iron covers, adequate to contain the garbage accumulating in said establishment, and shall place all such garbage therein. The owner of each garbage can will be held responsible for the cleanliness and 45 sanitary condition of the same. Note.—A satisfactory sanitary condition will be obtained by thorough scalding with boiling water of the entire interior of said can, promptly after it is emptied by the collectors. (28C). Any mixture of garbage or putrescible material with other waste material will be con- sidered garbage and come under the require- ments concerning the same. No person shall intermingle, mix or permit to be mixed any waste articles or rubbish with garbage. All household or other wastes, as tin cans, broken glass, bottles, utensils, metal, rags, paper or any waste material or refuse matter shall be placed in a suitable covered receptacle, barrel, box or can for removal by the City Collectors. (28D). No owner, or agent of any premises or lot if vacant or unimproved; or tenant or occupant of any premises if occupied, or any other person shall cause or permit thereon the accumulation of, or place upon any street or sidewalk or in any building, out-house, yard or enclosure; or into any pond, stream, ditch, or body of water; any dung, filth, stable bedding, offal, decaying vegetables, meat or fish, animal matter, dead animal, loose or waste paper, dirty water, brine or rubbish of any kind which is, or may become unwholesome or offensive to any person. (28F). All rubbish, refuse matter, household waste, trash, and wastage of manufacture or handling of merchandise, shall be placed by the occupant of any property or owner of unoccu- pied land or lots, in well made cans or receptacles with covers both for cleanliness and sanitation 46 and to facilitate removal of the same, and no person shall deposit or leave any rubbish, leaves, tree trimmings or other dry refuse on the streets or sidewalks in the City of Tampa. Reg. 29. HANDLING OF WASTE MATERIALS. (29A). All garbage cans; rubbish and waste receptacles; shall be kept in a place convenient and accessible for removal by the City Col- lectors. Such convenient location shall be ap- proximately at the street level, but not upon or in any public street or sidewalk. (29B). The City Cleaning Department shall collect and remove all household wastes, in- cluding garbage, rubbish, cans, bottles, ar.d general filth which accumulate in and about residence, apartments, tenements or other dwell- ings within the City; as frequently as possible with due consideration to good sanitation, and at least twice a week. The garbage from kitchens of public eating houses shall be col- lected at least three (3) times a week. Garbage and matter liable to decay shall be collected from grocery and other stores, or sales rooms to the extent of not over one can e ich day, provided that such cans when filled d} not weigh more than one hundred (100) pounds e ich. Garbage and rubbish cans will be removed from and returned to the designated place at all dwelling houses, tenements, etc., especially in those districts of the City where some irregu- larity in time of collection is inevitable; and at locations where the placing of cans at the street side in anticipation of arrival of the collectors would result in public inconvenience. 47 (29C). Every person operating a business from which trash, rubbish or other waste material developes shall be entitled to removal daily of such waste to the extent of the contents of one can as heretofore provided. He shall place such can upon the street side at the curb line at such time daily as shall be found convenient for handling by the City Collectors, removing said can promptly after it has been emptied. Any trash or waste material which by reason of its bulk or shape cannot be placed within said trash can will be disposed of as promptly as the Cleaning Department can handle it, after notification. No garbage will be placed in such rubbish can. Rubbish and waste material caused by construction or repairs of buildings will not be removed by the City. Reg. 30. PRIVIES, TOILETS AND NIGHT SOIL. (30A). It shall be unlawful for any person to throw out, deposit or bury within the City limits of Tampa, any excreta, solid or liquid, from human bodies, or to dispose of any such sub- stance in any manner other than in a properly sewered water closet or properly constructed sanitary privy. (30B). Every dwelling, building or other place in the City where human beings live, are employed, or congregated, shall be provided with at least one (1) properly sewered water closet, or with a sanitary privy, for the catch- ment or receiving of human discharges. (30C). A sanitary privy is one so built, con- 48 structed and arranged that the excretion, or discharge deposited therein will not fall upon the ground, but into a water tight receptacle, in a compartment, provided with such protec- tion that the contents of the receptacle shall not be accessible to flies, fowl or small animals at any time. In districts where an adequate scavenger system is installed the receptacle may be a bucket removable for scavenging of the contents and for cleaning. In districts or location where a scavanger system is impracticable, the receptacle shall be a septic tank of accepted design and capacity, or an approved chemical or antiseptic container. (30D). Permission to install or to maintain a bucket privy must be obtained in writing from the Chief of the City Cleaning Department and the compartment containing the bucket must be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, flv-proof and with ventilation, as directed and approved by the Health Officer. The duty of maintainance of sanitation shall develop upon the responsible occupant of any premises. (30E). The owner of any premises or lot in the City of Tampa any part of which lot or premises is within two hundred (200) feet of public sewer and water mains or adequate and available extension thereof, shall make proper sewer and water connections for the sanitary service of said property. (30F). All closets, privies, privy vaults, cess- pools and other arrangements for reception of human excreta and discharges, other than those approved by the City Health Officer; or kept 49 and maintained in other than a clean and sanitary condition, are hereby declared to be nuisances and may be abated and destroyed by the Health Officer of the City of Tampa. Upon service of an order or direction by the Health Officer pursuant to above authority, the owner of any cess-pool, privy, privy vault or other arrangement for reception of sewage, excreta or drainage, shall within the time set by the Health Officer or his authorized represent- atvie, correct any nuisance; and within thirty (30) days comply with all legal regulations as to replacement by approved and sanitary equip- ment. (30G). No person, firm or corporation, own- ing, leasing, using or occupying any premises in which a water closet or other receptacle for sew- age is installed and used, shall deposit or allow' to be deposited in such water closet or other recept- acle for sewage under his or its control, any rags, paper or other refuse other than toilet paper, or any substance other than excreta and fluid. The finding of any paper, rags or other pro- hibited material in such closet, shall be prima facie evidence of violation of the provisions of this regulation. CHAPTER VIII. Reg. 31. GENERAL SANITATION. (31 A). It shall be the duty of any officer or employee of the City of Tampa to report to the Health Officer any insanitary or unhealthful con- dition which may come to his knowledge or observation. (3IB) Any hole, low-lying grtmnd, pit or ex- cavation, likely to be or become prejudicial to the health of the community shall upon order of 50 the Health Officer be filled, drained or otherwise placed in a sanitary or salubrious condition by the owner or owners thereof. (31C) All land lots and premises in the City of Tampa shall be kept free from weeds and rank vegetable growth and rubbish which may harbor noxious or dangerous animals, reptiles, or insects and from anyother nuisance or insanitary con- dition. Where premises are occupied or controll- ed by a tenant or lease holder, he shall in absence of specific agreement, be held responsible for the sanitation thereof. (31D). The Health Officer is hereby empow- ered to summarily abate any nuisance, insan- itary or insalubrious condition; or cause the a same to be abated by the owner, the occupant or the person in charge of the premises whereon said condition is created or exists, within the time designated by the Health Officer. (31E) Whenever the number of persons occuping any tenement or building is so great as to be a cause of sickness or disease, and whenever apartments that are used for lodging are damp insanitary or not properly supplied with water, sanitary toilet, and sewer facilities, the Health Officer shall give notice at once to the owner or or responsible agent for immediate abatement of such condition of nuisance. In case of non-com- pliance the Health Officer shall cause the arrest of the offender. (31F). No person, firm or corporation shall create, maintain, or contribute to a nuisance, or to a condition which in the opinion of the Health Officer is prejudicial to public health. (31G) The Health Officer may require any complaint to be written and to bear the signature 51 of the complainant. Reg. 32. MAINTENANCE OF ANIMALS. (32A). No person shall keep, harbor or maintain any domestic animals or fowl in any premises within the City of Tampa in any manner which will cause insanitary, insalubrious or offensive conditions to arise therefrom. (32B). All droppings, dung, excreta, or void- ings of any such animals or fowl; and any sand, bedding, shavings or the like, contaminated therewith, must be cleaned up at least once each day and placed in a receptcles which shall be well made, ventilated and covered with tight fitting covers. Such receptacles shall be fly and vermin proof and maintained in a condition satis- factory to the Health Officer. The accumulations of such discharges and material must be carried at intervals no greater than seven (7) days to compost heaps or other place of disposal, which shall be not less than two hundred (200) feet from any dwelling, or place where food for human beings is kept, prepared or sold. Such final disposal of said mixtures, com- monly called manure, shall be accompanied by treatment with lime or other material to lessen or prevent breeding of flies or other noxious insects. (32 C). Stables, stalls, tie-ups, enclosures, coops or pens wherein domestic animals or fowls, are kept are prohibited within dwellings or places where food is kept, prepared or sold. (32D). No animals or fowl except dogs shall be premitted to run or range in or upon streets, public places or open fields, but must be kept within enclosures properly and adequately fenced, unless tied by line and halter for grazing. 52 Any person who owns, is custodian of, or keeps any animal within the limits of the City of Tampa shall and is hereby declared to be directly responsible for any damage or injury caused, or inflicted by said animal; and for costs of any pro- phylactic or curative treatments necessitated by such damage or injury. No person shall harbor in any premises in the City of Tampa any animal or vermin whose natural actions and presence are, or may be deleterious or harmful to the pub- lic Health. (32E) All dogs must be adequately muzzled when allowed at liberty upon the streets or pub- lic places of the City of Tampa. Upon appear- ance of any suspicious symptoms, any dog must be promptly restrained, confined and guarded until any possibility of the presence of “Rabies” is removed. The Health Officer shall be prompt- ly notified of the existence or the suspicion of rabies in any dog or other animal by theowner or the person in charge of such animal. Provided, that any dog which has been vaccinated against rabies during any calender year, shall during the month of May of said year, be furnished by the Health Officer, with a distinctive tag, which when worn on the collar, shall exempt said dog from the obligation of muzzling as a safeguard against rabies. The owner of each vaccinated dog shall pay for a certificate of exemption and the distinctive tag above provided, a fee of twenty- five ($.25) cents for each such dog. The Health Officer is further authorized to vaccinate dogs against rabies, when requested by the owner, charging for each such vaccination a fee of not more than four dollars ($4.00). 53 The expense to the Health Department of compliance with this section shall be paid from the fees collected. (32F) Any animal infected with rabies, or acting in a suspicious manner, or found at large without evident ownership and domicile, is de- clared to be a nuisance; and the Health Officer shall report same to the Police Department for destruction under police rules. (32G) Whenever an animal shall die in the City of Tampa the owner or the person in charge thereof shall report such fact immediately to the City Cleaning Department and arrange for it’s removal and disposal; or within six (6) hours he shall remove the carcass at least one (1) mile from the City limits and dispose of it in com- pliance with the sanitary laws of the State of Florida. Reg. 33. CONTROL OF MOSQUITOES (33A) It shall be unlawful for any person to have, keep, maintain, cause or permit within the corporate limits of the City of Tampa any col- lection of standing or flowing water in which mos- quitoes breed or are likely to breed, unless such collection of water is treated so as effectually to prevent such breeding. (33B) Collections of water in which mos- quitoes breed or are likely to breed are those contained in ditches, ponds, pools, excavation, holes, depressions, open cesspools, privy vaults, fountains, cisterns, tanks, shallow wells, barrels, troughs (except horse troughs in frequent use), urns, cans, boxes, bottles, tubs, buckets, defective house roof gutters, tanks of flush closets, or other similar water containers. 54 (33C) The natural presence of Mosquito larvae in standing or running water shall be evidence that mosquitoes are breeding there. (33D) Collection of water in which mos- quitoes breed or are likely to breed shall be treated by such one or more of the following methods as shall be approved be the Health Officer. (Sub. 1.) Screening with wire netting of at least sixteen (16) meshes to the inch each way or any other material which will effectually pre- vent the ingress or egress of mosquitoes. (Sub. 2.) Complete emptying every seven (7) days of unscreened containers, together with their thorough drying or cleaning. (Sub. 3.) Using a larvicide approved and ap- plied under the direction of the Health Officer. (Sub. 4.) Covering completely the surface of the water with kerosene, petroleum, or paraffin oil once every seven (7) days. (Sub. 5.) Cleaning and keeping sufficiently free of vegetable growth and other obstructions and stocking with mosquito-destroying fish. (Sub. 6) Filling or draining to the satis- faction of the Health Officer. (Sub. 7.) Proper disposal, by removal or de- struction, of tin cans, tin boxes, broken or empty bottles, and any articles likely to hold water. Reg. 34. MANUFACTURING AND BUSI- NESS SUPERVISION. CHAPTER IX. (34A). No owner, proprietor or person in charge of any store, store house, place of manu- 55 facture or of processing or preparation of art- icles of use or commerce shall permit the same to become nauseous, offensive or insanitary, or cause or permit wastes therefrom to accu- mulate in the premises in such manner as may become a nuisance; or cause or permit any liquid wastes, foul, offensive solution, or brine, to flow in the streets, open drains or gutters or upon the property of another in the City of Tampa. (34B.) Before the operation of a factory, shop or store, or of a hotel or a rooming house or boarding house is begun in any building in the City of Tampa, said building must be ispected and approved for such use by the City Health Officer or his inspector and the person respon- sible shall notify the Health Officer of such pro- posed action. The requirements of the Health Department shall include that the building shall be situated in a dry location, be adequately lighted and vent- tilated, and be in a good hygienic condition, and be made rat proof. The Health Officer shall be guided by the recommendations of the United States Public Health Service in his acceptance of rat proof construction. (34C). Working shops shall have air space of not less than ten (10) cubic yards and floor space of at least two square yards to the worker. Factory grounds or vicinity or such rooms or areas, as are used for purpose of rest and refesh- ment, shall be supplied with galvanized iron gar- bage cans with covers adequate to contain refuse and rubbish remaining after lunch eaten in said locations. All refuse or rubbish shall be deposit- ed in said cans; and said grounds, rooms, etc., kept clean and sanitary. 56 Drinking water and sanitary facilities shall be adequate and convenient for operatives. (34D). A factory or shop where articles of food or refeshment including cigars and cigarettes are manufactured, shall be furnished with an ade- quate number of cuspidors, which shall be pro- perly placed for the covenience of the operatives during all working hours and which shall be cleaned and be rinsed with disinfectant solution daily. (34E). Factories, or shops using machinery or dangerous materials or manufacturing danger- ous substance or articles, shall be supplied with emergency dressings, appliances and medicines for First Aid. (34F). It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct or operate a factory or shop handling, preparing or manufacturing foods, refeshments, including tobacco; drugs or medicines; or to conduct or operate any store, establishment, conveyance or market for the sale or gift of any foods, refeshments, tobacco, drugs or medicines; or to conduct or operate any barber shop, man- icure or hair dressing parlor without first obtain- ing from the Health Officer a permit so to do. The Health Officer shall issue such permit when he is satisfied that the applicant there-for has provided means, equipment and facilities for the fulfillment of the requirements of these reg- ulations, and compliance with Health Laws. The Health Officer shall revoke any permit when in his opinion, violations of Health Laws or reg- ulations warrant such action. Any permit shall be valid only within the fiscal year issued. The City Treasurer shall issue license to do business in the case of manufacturers and mer- 57 chants in food, refreshments, tobacco, drugs or medicines, barber shops and the like, only when the applicant presents a valid permit from the Health Officer to operate such business. (34G). The Health Officer shall print and issue special working rules of sanitation and hygiene, based upon these regulations, and health laws; for each industry whose operation or product has a bearing on public health. When an establishment of any such industry fully complies with said regulations and working rules, the Health Officer shall, at his discretion issue to said establishment a certificate to that effect for the period of time affected. Reg. 35. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. (35A). The City shall institute and maintain inspection and supervision over weights and measures, to insure accuracy thereof. The super- vision shall be a duty of the Health Officer wdio shall appoint an inspector of his department for performance of the duties of his office, these shall include careful testing and comparison of all Weights, Scales and Measures in the City of Tampa with accurate and sealed standard test Weights and measures and accurate, adequate, records of all inspections made. (35B). Every person, firm or corporation doing business in the City of Tampa or selling or offering for sale any article of merchandise which is sold by weight or measure shall sell the same by proper weights and measures. The weights, scales and measures used in selling as above specified shall be reported to the inspector of Weights and Measures for testing, correction and sealing. All weights, scales and measures used for sale 58 of merchandise shall conform to the standards set by the laws of the United States of America. Any Weights, Scales or Measures found to be in- correct according to the above standards shall be seized by the Inspectors and withheld from use until corrected or repaired. If it be found upon examination of such seized articles that correct- ion is impracticable the same shall be destroyed. Users of incorrect, inaccurate or altered Weights, Scales or Measures shall be subject to prosecut- ion for violation of these provisions. (35C). It shall be the duty of each person, firm or corporation using Weights or Measures in sales or computations to produce the same for examination upon demand of the Inspector. CHAPTER X. SUPERVISION OF PERSONAL SERVICES Reg. 36. PRACTICE OF MIDWIFERY. (36A). That no person who is not a duly licensed physician shall be permitted to practice midwifery in the City of Tampa without com- plying with provisions of these Regulations. (36B). Every midwife desiring to practice midwifery in the City of Tampa shall before so doing apply to the Registrar of Vital Statistics of said City for registration and sign a pledge card agreeing to carry out all of the rules relating to the practice of midwifery which may be pre- scribed by the City Health Officer, and filed with the said Registrar of Vital Statistics. (36C). Every midwife must report each birth she attends within twenty-four (24) hours on the blanks adoped by the State of Florida and furnished to the Registrar of Vital Statistics of 59 said City. (36D). Every midwife is required to attend a class of instruction held or conducted under direction of the Health Officer when notice re- quiring the same shall be given to such midwife by the Registrar of Vital Statistics and after con- cluding a course of ten (10) lessons, each mid- wife will be presented with a registration certi- ficate permitting such midwife to practice mid- wifery as long as such person conforms to the regulations prescribed by the Health Department of the City of Tampa, in conformity with those of the State of Florida. (36E). All midwives practicting midwifery in the City of Tampa are subject to the con- ditions and the Regulations adoped by th Health Department of the City of Tampa. (35F). The Registrar of Vital Statistics shall make and keep a Register of all persons practic- ■ lng midwifery in Tampa and a record of any facts pertinent to compliance of each said midwife with instructions, regulations and the art of mid- wifery. Reg. 37. Each barber shop, manicure, or hair dressing establishment in the City of Tampa shall use such procedure and apparatus as shall protect all persons entering the shop or being served therein, against any communicable dis- ease. Each chair of such barber shop, manicure, or hair dressing establishment shall be provided with adequate disinfectant aparatus and mater- ial and a sufficient number of each utensil to in- sure sterile utensils for each customer. The equipment and usages of each barber, manicure or hair dresser shall be such as meet the approval 60 of the Health Officer. Any operative shall before employment in any barber, manicure, or hair dressing shop present a certificate of freedom from commumicable disease signed by a phy- sician of Tampa and vised by the Health Officer. No person may work as a barber, manicure, or hair dresser who has any communicable disease. Reg. 38. VITAL STATISTICS AND SUP- ERVISION. (38A). The Health Officer shall be Reg- istrar of Vital Statistics for the City of Tampa, or shall recommend a member of his staff for apointment to such office. Said Registrar may accept appointment from the State of Florida to continguous territory as well, and shall have necessary assistance for the maintenance of office and duty. (38B) The Registrar of Vital Statistics shall supply to all physicians, midwives, undertakers and others requiring to use them, blank cert- ificates for the registration of births and deaths, which shall be of the standard form approved by the State Board of Health, receive and make copies of such certificates and transmit the originals to the State Board of Health on the 10th day of each month, and to issue burial, removal and other permits upon receipt of com- plete, satisfactory and properly executed certi- ficates of death; and no dead body of a human being whose death occurs or whose body is found in the City, shall be interred or otherwise dis- posed of, removed from the City, or held more than seventy-two hours after death, without burial, removal or other permit issued by the Registrar of births and deaths in advance of such interment, other disposition or removal. 61 (38C). The Health Officer shall make and print regulations for the practice of midwifery in the City of Tampa, examine all midwives as to their qualifications and ability to practice this art. Issue permits to such midwives as are found competent and have authority to prohibit such as are found unworthy and incompetent from prac- ticing the art of Midwifery in the CityofTampa. Reg. 39. CARE OF THE SICK. (39A). There shall be in the Health Depart- ment a City Physician appointed by the City Manager subject to approval of the commission. (39B). The City Physician shall treat, care and prescribe for indigent and such sick and infirm persons as are unable to make payment for such services, and for employees of the City of Tampa who are injured or become ill incident to duty in the service of the City and attend, treat and prescribe for, sick and injured City prisoners. He shall also attend emergency calls made on account of accident or sudden illness in the streets of Tampa when so notified. He shall have charge of the City clinics, acting as Chief thereof under advisement and control of the Health Officer. He shall take active charge of such and any clinic as seems advisable to the Health Officer, and shall collect all fees paid to any clinics. All fees or payments for treatment collected shall be deposited in a City Depository and the receipt with accountings presented to the Health Officer for proper action and credit. (39C). There shall be appointed by the 62 Health Officer such nurses as may be found expedient to care for the city clinics, the instruction of the inhabitants in health matters, care of the sick poor, and investigations of cases of illness and its causes. The nurses shall be under such supersion and organization as is advisable. (39D) There may be appointed by the Health Officer subject to approval by the City Commission, assistant City Physician, City Dentists and Hygienests, as the Health work of the City may require. Reg. 40. MANAGEMENT OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT. (40A). The Health Officer and all profession- al assistants of the Health Department shall be allowed after twelve (12) months of continuous service, a vacation of one (1) month each year, and all other employees a vacation of two weeks, provided that absence from duty on account of sickness for less than ten (10) days shall not be charged against the vacation allowance. (40B). The Inspectors and all non-pro- fessional employees shall be required to have such experience and traning as shall fit them for efficient service in the Health Department. 63 RESOLUTION NO. 563 A. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE HEALTH CODE OF THE CITY OF TAMPA WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 104A— of the City[of Tampa requires the Health Officer to pub- lish a Health Code for jthe City of Tampa, and WHEREAS, the Health Officer has sub- mitted to the Commission for its approval the Health Code, which has been studied in detail by the Ordinance Committee, by the City Attor- ney and by the State Health Department, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Health Code herein submitted is approved, as being the required Health Code of the City of Tampa. W. J. BARRETT, Mayor Commissioner Protem ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION this 24th day of April A.D. 1923. Attest: Wm. E. Duncan, City Clerk. 64 CONTENTS Ehapter 1. Ordinance .establishing the Health Depart- ment, and defining its duties and authority, hapter 2. Definitions. Chapter 3. Communicable Disease. Chapter 4. Special Regulations about disease conditions Chapter 5. Dairy Code. Chapter 6. Foods and protection of same. Chapter 7. Garbage and Wastes. Chapter 8. General Sanitation. Chapter 9. Manufacturing Business; supervision of Chapter 10. Supervision of Personal Services. 65 INDEX A Abattoirs, etc 44 Adequate garbage cans 45 Adults, not to be quarantined etc.- . .... 12 Animals, Diseases 27 Animals, Keeping of 52 Animals, at large 52 Animals, with rabies 54 Animals, Dead . .. 54 Articles to be destroyed 18 Areators 39 Arrest of nuisance, Responsibles .51 Attendants, take precaution 16 Asst. City Physician .... . 63 Air, space t 56 B 9 ' ■ -■ - ' d | Baker, products protected..,.. 44 Barbershop . . . - 57 Barber shop, sanitation - . . 60 Barber, Physical examinations...,.,.....,, .61 Barber, communicable disease........-.— _. 61 Brain of rabid animal for test.,.—.:—..: 27 Bread, made sanitarily, wrapepd etc . 44 Bulls.. -..;.. 37 Buildings, approved for use ., —: :...... . 56 Business, superv ision.. ...... ., ,.. 55 Business, places sanitary - ... 55 Business.. --.n; 55 Butcher, blocks care... 42 Carriers of disease, restricted i...., .... t- k-.. 15 Cake, wrapped 44 Certificates of Physicians ... 10 Charity 2 Communicable disease. .. .'.... 5 Control of disease... 9 Control, in schools 9 Circulars, of instruction in disease 13 Contact, with disease cases 15 Contacts, restricted 15 Concurrent, disinfection cleansing after disease 18 Common, drinking cups 23 Common, towels 23 66 Church funerals, attendance 27 Coffins, in communicable disease : 27 Cows, see Dairy Code 28 Communicable disease, in Dairies 38 Cess-pools, nuisance 49 Complaint, in writing .. . 52 Chickens, keeping ..... 52 Cuspidors. ' ...: 57 Cigars& Cigaretts 57 Certificates, of sanitation C:’:'. 58 Condemned, weights & measures 59 City Physician 62 City, clinics. .... 62 Definitions 1 Disease, communicable 5 Dairy farm, disease, reports., 8 Disinfection . 17 Disinfection, duty of patient etc— 18 Disinfection, at cost of City 18 Disinfection, methods .. 19 Drinking cups, common.. 23 Diphtheria, vaccination 24 Dairy Code - — - 28 Dairy, construction 34 Distillery or other bad foods not for cows..... 38 Dairies, methods etc. ' . 38 Doors, screen - - 41 Destroy, bad food stuff 41 Dishes, clean etc . : 43 Diseased not to handle food 43 Disposal, of garbage ’ 45 Dwellings, and water closet 48 Dogs, muzzled 53 Dogs, vaccinated against rabies 53 Dead, animals... 54 Drinking, water : 57 Dentist... 1—- - - 63 E Exposure, of self to disease 15 Entry, by unauthorized persons forbid 15 Exposure, to disease, Health Officer to isolate 16 Entry, right of .:. - , 22 Emergency, powers 22 Expectoration, in public 23 Examination, of food handlers 43 67 Eating, house garbage 47 Excreta, sanitation 48 Employers, of city to report 50 Emergency calls, City Physician . 62 F Free, vaccination.. 24 Funerals, rule for in communicable disease 27 Foods, protection of.. 40 Flies 41-44-49-52 Food, stuffs unwholesome 41 Frozen, foods 43 Fowl, at large 52 Fowl, insanitary 52 Fowl, solutions 56 Floor, space 56 First, Aid outfit 57 Fees, clinic 62 G Glasses, to be kept sanitary 43 Garbage 45 Garbage, kept separate 45 Garbage, cans placed 47 Garbage, mixtures 46 Garbage, cans 56 Grounds, kept sanitary 56 H Health, Department 1 Health, Officer 1 Handling, isolation, methods 22 Hospital, Cases to be removed 22 Hospital, power to establish 22 Health, Officer to vaccinate 23 Household, wastes 47 Handling, of garbage and rubbish 47 Holes, to be filled etc 50 Harmful, animals prohibited 52 Hair, dressing 57-60 Hygiene, working rules of 58 I Isolation, of cases of disease 11 Instruction, of cases by Physician 11 Isolation, methods : 14 Isolation impossible, Hospital authority 16 Interference ,with placards 17 Incubation, periods ‘ 20 Inspectors, Dairy...., 29 68 Inspection, of meats 42 Ice cream, special rules... 43 Insanitary privies nuisance 49 Inline, of duty sick. 62 L Low, lying land filled etc 50 Location, of business buildings.. 56 Lighting, of buisness buildings 56 Licenses, after permit 57 M Maximum, Incubation periods 20 Milk._ 28 Milk, from T.B. reactors. 38 Milk, bottles etc 39 Mesh, of screens 41 Meats, inspection of 42 Measures, kept sanitary 42 Measures, correct 43 Mixtures, of garbage 45 Maintainance, of prejudicial conditions 51 Manure to be put in cans 52 Mosquitoes, control 54 Machinery, & 1st. Aid 57 Manicure 57-60 Midwifery 59-61 N Nuisance, Definition 5 Notification of disease 5 Nuisance, power to abate 51 Nuisance, maintainance of 51 Nuisance, animals at large 52-54 O Open air exercise for cows 37 Owners not to employ diseased 43 Occupants provide garbage cans 45 Owners to destroy cess-pools 50 Owners responsible for animals 53 Owners to get buiness permit 56 P Penalty for violations 2 Persons to report disease „.... 6 Persons not to create nuisance 51 Physician to secure isolation 11 Permission of Health Officer to move cases of disease.. infected article precautions by attendants 13-16 Placarding of diseases 16 69 Prevention of spread of infections 17 Placards not to be disturbed 17 Premises not to be rented till disinfected ’. 18 Powers in emergencies 22 Para-typhoid vaccination. 24 Physician to report Venereal disease cases 26 Permits, Milk 30 Places where food sold 41 Persons not to handle food 43 Pastry 44 Protection of Bread etc 44 0 Quarantine of adults. .. .... 12 Quarantine of entire family ... 12 R Reporting diseases 6 Removal of cases of disease 13 Removal of infected material 13 Removal of placards 17 Rental forbid till disinfected 18 Renovation after disease ..." 18 Right of entry V'.; 22 40 Rabies ;.. 27-53-54 Removal of garbage 45 Requirements of Buildings " 56 Rat, proofing 56 Revoke permits .... 57 Reporting weights to inspector 58 Registrar Vital Statistics 2 39 Rules for midwives. ....’. 59 Resolution of printing 64 S Schools diseases in. 9 Spread of disease forbid 15 Spitting in Public 23 Smallpox 23 Schools and vaccination 1.....Q..! . 24 Schick Test . ...L 25 Sell milk _ s 40 Stabling of cows _ .’ 37 Slaughter of T.B. cows ZZ'Z'ZZ M Screen, foods 40 Sleeping in food rooms... ! 41 Springs to doors 41 Samples to be taken 42 Sterilizing of dishes, glasses 43 70 Steam „ - 36-43 Sanitary Privy 48 Scavenger system — ... 49 Septic tank - 48 Sewer connections 49 Stables not near food 52 Space, air and floor 56 Standard weights and measures .58 T Teachers, duty of with diseases ... 11 Trace source of disease ...... 17 Terminal disinfection 17 Towels, common 23 Typhoid, vaccination 24 Tests as to susceptibility 2+ Tuberculosis rules. — 25 Tuberculin testing 37 Toilet paper only 50 Tenements over crowded 51 Treasurer issue licenses .57 Testing weights and measures .... 58 U Utensils, Dairy 36 Utensils, sterilizing ... 43 Unlawful, bury excreta .. 48 Unlawful to operate. .. 57 V Vaccination smallpox 23 Vaccination against Typhoid, Diphtheria etc. 24 Vaccination against Typhoid, Diphtheria etc 24 Vidal tests 25 Veneral disease rules 26 Vegetables, 18 inches above floor 41 Vehicles to protect food. .. 42 Vital Statistics 59-61 Vacations 63 W Wasserman test 25 Wrapped, Bread 44 Water closet 48 Water connections ... 49 Water closets toilet paper only 50 Weeds, all premises ... . 51 Working, rules and regulations 58 Weights and measures ... ... 58 71