NEW YORK STATE DEPT. OF HEALTH. HEALTH F1L N. NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH health v\lU catalog HOW TO SELECT FILMS By Subject Matter—Place your thumb on the visible tab on the right edge of the cover. Flutter the pages until your thumb covers a corresponding tab. The films in the library that pertain to the chosen subject will be described on that page or on pages imme- diately following. By Subject Index—Consult the subject index near the back of the catalog, where subject headings are listed. By Film Title—Refer to the title index at the back of the cata- log which lists film titles in alphabetical order. By Purpose—Read the descriptions. They often suggest special uses and limitations. NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH HERMAN E. HILLEBOE, M.D. Commissioner GENERAL INFORMATION CANCER Everybody in New York State can see good movies on health. School principals, women’s club presidents, business executives, health officers, farm and labor executives, veterans’ leaders, Parent-Teacher Association officers and program planners for any other audience may pick from this catalog of more than 175 titles offered by the New York State Department of Health. Films are free except for the nominal cost of one-way shipping charges. Audiences get a kick out of these films because they entertain as well as teach, often converting routine meetings into lively, memorable ones. Educational films used to be so dull they were funny in ways never intended by their producers. But this branch of the film industry has come a long way since the days of Thomas A. Edison and Pearl White. Many of the films listed have Hollywood casts. A safety pic- ture, One, Two, Three, Go, features Our Gang from MGM. Vaccination is portrayed in a Walt Disney color film. The story of the house fly is dramatized with photographs made through the lenses of a fly’s eye. Feeling, of Rejection, the story of a 23- year-old girl whose physical symptoms could not be explained until a psychiatrist was brought in, was acclaimed by newspaper reviewers. CHILD HEALTH COMMUNICABLE DISEASES DENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID SAFETY HEARING VISION NURSING NUTRITION The audience must act While most of the films listed do have definite entertainment value, they are of course not intended for entertainment alone. People who go to see Rita Hayworth and Cary Grant in com- mercial films demand action from the picture. The show is over when the audience leaves. With education the aim is to get the audience to act—to ask questions, to make changes in living habits, to make changes in the community. Showing an educational film is an important step. Keep in mind, however, that it is only a first step. Your showing will be successful only if your audience learns some- thing new and then makes use of it. Tests have shown that when a film is preceded by a short talk about the most difficult parts of the picture, the audience learns SANITATION MILK TUBERCULOSIS VENEREAL DISEASE MISCELLANEOUS 1 more than half again as much as when no explanation is given. And when there is a question period afterward the audience learns still more. Finding a speaker Naturally the speaker should be the most qualified person available and of course he must be given a chance to see the film in advance. Physicians, nurses, scientists and teachers are among those who can give the best explanations. Many films are very simple and require no lengthy explanation yet it is still important to have a competent discussion leader. It’s well to remember that the people who will ask what may strike you as foolish questions are the ones who have the biggest need for sound information. They deserve to be complimented for having the initiative to speak up. Making your choice The scope of subjects is so broad that any group can plan a series of movies to hold the attention of its entire membership. Make sure, however, that your selections really fit your audi- ence. One good way is to check possible choices with a small committee, or ask the entire group to vote on several likely titles. The Department of Health makes every effort to keep its film collection up to date. Trained personnel view all the new health films, purchasing only the pictures that meet the Department’s high standards. This new film list includes a number of recent pictures now available for New York State audiences. It omits others that are outdated or have been replaced by better films. You can use the index to find what you want but it would be a good idea to look through the entire list. More than 600 prints are kept on file but even with that num- ber it takes cooperation to make the distribution system click. You can lend a hand by following the rules, which have been made as short and simple as possible. Here are the rules Cost. Film are lent free for group showings only (any kind of group in New York State). They are shipped express collect, the borrower returning them collect so that the group pays trans- portation one way only. If requested, films will be sent by parcel post for return by parcel post. 2 Damage. The borrower is responsible for any damage beyond normal wear. Hence it is essential to use a projector in good condition and an experienced operator who is familiar with the projector. Sound films. These are ruined if run on silent projectors. If you are going to use a silent projector please tell us so that we may suggest suitable silent films. Projection service. Competent operators can usually be found locally; the county or city health department is a good place to ask. So are schools, chambers of commerce and service clubs. Practically all the county tuberculosis and health associations have projectors; also, colleges, churches. Boy Scouts and some of the larger commercial concerns. In the upstate area equip- ment can be obtained from the Department’s regional offices by recognized organizations, which are fairly sure of an attend- ance of 50 or more. Applications should be sent to the nearest regional office of the Department of Health. Addresses are: 22nd Floor State Office Building Albany 1, New York 374 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo 2, New York 615 Commerce Building, 119 East Main Street, Rochester 4, New York 505 McCarthy Building, 113 East Onondaga Street, Syracuse 2, New York 175 Main Street, White Plains, New York Dates. Films are booked for specific dates and applications well in advance will increase the chances of getting preferred titles. If possible, please list second choices and alternate dates. If you can name a period of 7 to 10 days in which you could use the film, better yet. 3 Quantity. The usual limit is 4 films on one application. Of course we are glad to have subsequent orders. Rewinding. Do not rewind the film after the last showing and don’t make any repairs unless necessary. Returns. Pictures must be returned immediately after the last showing. Delay may deprive other groups of seeing the films your group enjoyed. Notes on this catalog. Running time is shown for each pic- ture. Titles are indexed by subject matter and also in alpha- betical order. Key letters are used to identify producers or dis- tributors; the explanation of the key is in the back of the catalog. All applications for films should be addressed to: Robert M. Crist Film Library Supervisor State Department of Health 18 Dove Street Albany 6, New York 4 MOTION PICTURE FILMS CANCER Cancer Cancer Describes the early symptoms of cancer, modern methods of diag- nosis and treatment, and illustrates the present day scientific ad- vances regarding the causation and mode of spread of malignant tumors. This film is designed for showing to lay audiences. 16 mm. Sound 17 min. IOWA Choose to Live 16 mm. Sound 18 min. ACS Truths concerning cancer, making a special effort to abolish the fear of this disease existing among lay people. Also emphasizes the need for research and for prompt attention to any abnormal symp- toms in the body. Suitable for high school students, college students, and any other lay groups. Enemy X 16 mm. Sound 15 min. ACS Film opens with murder mystery technique, without mention of cancer, to obtain audience interest. Story then goes into subject of cancer with “surprise punch” to retain interest and get across the message forcefully. For high school and adult groups. Time Is Life 16 mm. Sound 19 min. ACS Emphasizes the importance of seeking early medical advice when a danger signal of cancer appears; a discussion of such danger signals, methods of treatment, and the hope of cure. The Traitor Within 16 mm. Sound — Color 11 min. ACS By means of animation, this highly constructive film in a light and entertaining manner makes possible the telling of the story of cancer, the cell growth, the lawless multiplication of gangster cells, the spreading of cancer by lymph nodes and the possibilities of curing the disease through the use of surgery, x-ray and radium. For all types of audiences such as high school groups, women’s clubs, PTA’s, men’s organizations and others. 5 The Web of Life 16 mm. Sound — Color 25 min. MCCS Stresses known facts concerning cancer. Describes the early symp- toms, diagnosis and methods of treatment. Suitable for general audiences. You Are the Switchman Emphasizes the importance of seeking early competent medical advice in the treatment of cancer and the dangers in delay and resorting to quackery, proprietary medicine and any other unrecog- nized treatments. Also emphasizes the hope of cure, the three modes of treatment, and the importance of recognizing the early danger signals. 16 mm. Sound 15 min. ACS Child Health CARE Babies, Baths and Bubbles 16 and 35 mm. Silent and Sound 8 min. NYH Department nurses instruct other nurses and mothers how to bathe an infant. Adaptation of the methods to varied home conditions is shown with several mothers and their babies. Baby Care: Feeding First part depicts in detail the more accepted present day proce- dures in the art of infant feeding, including breast feeding; second part, a step-by-step picturization of the preparation of a day’s supply of the infant’s formula. 16 mm. Sound 23 min. PSC Care of the Newborn Baby 16 mm. Sound 30 min. CASF Produced by the U.S. Office of Education for the instruction of parents in the care and feeding of babies. Valuable as a teaching aid in the group instruction of mothers and as an illustration of skillful demonstration technique to the public health nurse who is beginning to teach mothers. Practical suggestions for student nurses in hospitals concerning teaching opportunities in the care of mater- nity patients. 6 Clocking a Champion 16 mm. Sound — Color 10 min. NYH The daily routine of a normal, healthy infant who is contented and happy. The photographs were taken in the home and show approved methods of baby care as adapted and practiced by an individual mother and father who cooperate to keep their son on schedule. Of general interest to all types of audiences. CHILD HEALTH Know Your Baby Illustrates approved methods of care of the new baby. A home situation is shown where other children are present. The considera- tion and understanding necessary until the family adjusts itself to the demands of the newcomer are noted. A few simple rules, a little patience and some common sense can mean the difference between a contented baby and a irritable young tyrant. This film states the rules and demonstrates how to apply them. 16 mm. Sound — Color 10 min. NFBC Meal Time Can Be a Happy Time 16 mm. Sound 27 min. WISC An outstanding film designed to educate parents and prospective parents in the establishment of correct and pleasant eating habits for children. Portrays the first experience of infants with solid food, then follows one child as he is introduced to various food experi- ences during his first year. Feeding schedules, spoon and fork tech- niques, dishes and surroundings are discussed and illustrated. Migrant Laborers and Their Children Comprehensive documentary film on New York State’s program for care of the health and safety of migrant farm laborers and their children. Covers, various angles of the program, including legal requirements for operating migrant labor camps, general living conditions, sanitation (toilets, food, water, waste disposal), medical and nursing care, tuberculosis and venereal disease control, health education and child care programs. 16 mm. Sound 18 min. NYH Problem Child Provides audio-visual aid to help parents supply the essentials of growth which all babies require during the first two years and em- phasizes the five fundamental needs of a child for normal mental health. Excellent for groups of parents of young children and for adults responsible for the care of young children. 16 mm. Sound 27 min. PMC 7 Starting Line Depicts public health program for the care of premature infants. Has emotional appeal and should be of value both in the promo- tion of new premature care programs and acceptance of those already developed. Of interest to parents, home study groups, P.T.A. and similar organizations. 16 mm. Sound 20 min. VSH Your Children's Sleep In everyday lives, children have their own particular problems to overcome. Insignificant to an adult, to a child they are important and even frightening and can cause sleeplessness or nightmares. Stresses the importance of sound healthy sleep and advises parents on the ways in which they can ensure it for their children. 16 mm. Sound 23 min. BIS STUDY Life Begins 16 mm. Sound 29 min. EBFI Scientific and authoritative study of infant behavior during the first year of life. For parent-teacher associations, women’s clubs, nurses, and parent education and study groups. Play's the Thing 16 mm. Silent 20 min. UW Film for adults on how to provide young children with simple, safe, homemade play facilities, with definite suggestions for the making of blocks, slide boards, drums, and swings, and emphasizing the wise choice of toys in building muscles and healthy bodies. Ideal for child-training, home economics and normal school classes, and P.T.A. groups. Your Children And You Charming psychologically correct presentation of parent-child rela- tionships dealing with children from early months through to school age. Covers variety of subjects: weaning, behavior, discipline, toys, early questions about sex, fear, discipline and other major problems. Suitable for adult groups. 16 mm. Sound 30 min. BIS 8 Communicable Diseases DIPHTHERIA Defeat Diphtheria 16 mm. Sound 11 min. BIS An urgent plea to parents to have their young children inoculated against diphtheria; shows by simple diagrams and microphoto- graphs how the disease causes blockage and blood poisoning, illus- trates how antitoxin works, explains the Schick test, describes von Behring’s discovery of toxoid, and shows how injections are given and how parents may avail themselves of this service. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Let's Keep the Killer Down 16 mm. Sound 10 min. NMPC Stresses the importance of immunization with toxoid and warns against the indifference which may arise as diphtheria incidence diminishes. Emphasizes the great danger in the type of diphtheria so mild that no one thinks of calling a physician, thereby delaying medical treatment. Good sickroom practice and the preparation of diphtheria antitoxin demonstrated. On Guard 16 and 35 mm, Sound 5 min. NYH Dramatic story of the application of medical science to the saving of human lives from the dread disease of childhood—diphtheria— and the subsequent development of toxoid as a preventive of the disease. May be booked for professional showings with a special local health trailer made by the State Department of Health. Infor- mation concerning the production of local trailers is obtainable from the Division of Public Health Education, Albany. IMMUNIZATION Passport to Health A dramatization of the importance of immunizing against childhood diseases. Approved by the United States Public Health Service. It presents a moving illustration of what happens to a child who hasn’t been protected. 16 mm. Sound 20 min. SD 9 PNEUMONIA A New Day A popular pneumonia film which, although it features the newest weapons that doctors now employ in fighting that disease, also carries a strong and satisfying emotional appeal and ends on a high note of success and conquest. 16 mm. Sound 9 min. Mil The Sneeze Demonstrates droplet production, distance of expulsion, and fall and evaporation of droplets to airborne micro-organisms in relation to transmission through air of respiratory diseases, by means of high speed pictures of sneezing, taken at 700 frames per second instead of the usual 24. 16 mm. Silent 3 min. MIT SMALLPOX Defense Against Invasion 16 mm. Sound 10 min. CIAA A Walt Disney color film, part in animation, which explains how vaccination immunizes the body against disease. Smallpox and Vaccination Smallpox cases as observed in 1939 outbreaks in New York State, including case of malignant smallpox (variola vera) ; also modem technic of vaccination and reactions. For professional groups only. 16 mm. Sound — Color 28 min. NYH Dental Health About Faces 16 mm. Sound 11 min. USPHS Presents the principles of good oral hygiene with clever, humorous sidelights. Entertaining as well as instructive and suited for adult audiences. Ask Your Dentist A dental hygiene film, partly animated, suitable for either adults or school groups. Plaster models used to show tooth construction. 16 mm. Silent 16 min. IBM 10 Our Teeth Shows the growth and structure of teeth with emphasis on their organic structure and gives reasons for oral hygiene. Suitable for school, college and adult groups. 16 mm. Sound 12 min. KB The Smiles Have It The visit of two children to the dentist, with lessons on the relation of well balanced food to their teeth and information on animals’ teeth. 16 mm. Sound 11 min. BFI The Student Flyer DENTAL HEALTH 16 mm. Sound 18 min. ADA Emphasizes the importance of the dental phase of physical fitness programs and encourages the correction of incipient dental lesions before serious tooth loss occurs. Presentation of the American Dental Association and the High School Victory Corps. Contents should prove educational and interesting to both young and old. FIRST AID SAFETY The Value of a Smile 16 mm. Sound 10 min. BFI Two children are assigned to make a study of mouth health and learn much about such subjects as straightening teeth, foods for building strong teeth, and proper method of brushing teeth. First Aid — Safety FIRST AID Artificial Respiration The Schafer prone pressure method and its application in cases of electric shock, drowning, and carbon monoxide poisoning. Simple directions should be of great value to garage men, public service employees. Boy Scouts, and others in case of emergencies requiring a knowledge of first aid. 16 mm. Silent 16 min. LN Before the Doctor Comes 16 mm. Sound 34 min. GANZ Official Red Cross first aid training film, illustrating the control of bleeding, artificial respiration, care of burns, application of splints, transportation of patients, and other procedures. 11 First Aid Stresses the importance of immediate care for even the slightest wound. Demonstrates proper method of applying sterile dressings. Shows, with photography and animated diagrams, accepted methods of control of arterial and venous hemorrhages. 16 mm. Silent 16 min. EBFI First Aid Prepared in collaboration with the American Red Cross. Shows what a first aider should do in caring for an injured person from the time of injury until the arrival of medical aid on the scene. Methods of applying pressure at different parts of the body for stopping arterial bleeding are demonstrated, and technics to be used in handling bone fractures. Includes animated drawings. (Different from FIRST AID silent film listed immediately above.) 16 mm. Sound 10 min. EBFI Help Wanted Excellent for stimulating interest in first aid training. Includes ele- mentary first aid methods. 16 mm. Sound 29 min. JJ Life Saving and Resuscitation 16 mm. Silent 16 min. EBFI Demonstrations in water and, in slow motion photography, out of water, of various approaches and holds used in rescuing the en- dangered swimmer. Methods of resuscitation shown include use of the inhalator. Blasting Cap SAFETY 16 mm. Sound 15 min. IME Produced by the Institute of Makers of Explosives for use in school safety programs to inform boys and girls of the dangers hidden in the apparently harmless blasting cap. It is intended primarily for pupils of intermediate grades and junior high schools inclusive but is suitable also for meetings of civic organizations and other groups. It portrays dynamite in action in field, quarry, and mine, and the dangers of playing with blasting caps, and gives practical suggestions for overcoming hazards and avoiding accidents from this source. 12 Crimes of Carelessness 16 mm. Sound 11 min. API Depicts the appalling loss of life and property which results from preventable fires. The principal unsafe practices which cause fires are illustrated—then the safe ways of doing the same things are shown. For Safety's Sake An instructional film which shows the safe handling of portable power tools. Produced in cooperation with the National Safety Council. It is particularly suited for industrial plant employees. 16 mm. Sound 15 min. SARRA Four Point Safety Home Describes the four points of a safe home — Maintenance, Good Housekeeping, Protection of Children, Cultivation of Safe Habits. This film was given the Liberty Mutual Award of the National Safety Council as the best nontheatrical film of the year on home safety. 16 and 35 mm. Sound 16 min. NYH Heads Up 16 mm. Sound 23 min. GANZ Official American Red Cross film, demonstrating ways to avoid common swimming hazards, simple means of “rescue without risks,” tests for candidates for Red Cross lifesaving courses, swimming techniques adapted to lifesaving, ways to approach a drowning person, parries, grip releases, and carries. Hit and Run Driver 16 mm. Sound 20 min. MGM Offers an opportunity to do effective street and highway safety work among pupils and also adults by showing them this powerful dramatization of the consequences of reckless driving. Home Safe Home 16 mm. Sound 15 min. NATSC Shows a typical family living a typically busy day . . . and meeting the typical home hazards. For clubs and general groups. It's Wanton Murder A postwar highway safety film showing that careless driving is the cause of most accidents. In particular, it dramatizes the story of a young American father who came safely through the war only to be 16 mm. Sound 10 min. ATC 13 killed by an automobile driver who tried to “beat the light.” Recom- mended in connection with driving instruction courses in schools and colleges and general traffic safety work. Miracle in Paradise Valley 16 mm. Sound 35 min. SRC In a dramatic and entertaining manner this up-to-date safety film with a Hollywood cast shows how farm accidents can be overcome. Of vital interest to all who farm. My Model Farm 16 mm. Sound 11 min. IH Humorous treatment of hazards often found around the farm. Oars and Paddles 16 mm. Sound 24 min. GANZ Official American Red Cross film. Demonstrates skills needed to prevent accidents in boats and canoes: Proper techniques in han- dling boats and canoes and methods of boat rescues. Once Upon a Time 16 mm. Sound 9 min. Mil Animated cartoon. Well known fairy tale and Mother Goose charac- ters become involved in the present day types of street and highway accidents through the machinations of two bad goblins. The film ends with emphasis on safe driving methods, following the banish- ment of these goblins by the good fairies. One, Two, Three, Go 16 mm. Sound 11 min. TFC Effective street and highway safety education picture featuring the familiar members of “Our Gang.” Produced at the request of and in cooperation with national safety councils. Preventing Fires Through Electrical Safety 16 mm. Silent 34 min. PRC Deals with the proper handling and maintenance of electrical equip- ment in preventing fires. Home and public fire prevention. Safe Swimming Urges swimming in supervised places where there is lifeguard pro- tection and shows various methods of lifesaving techniques. 16 mm. Sound — Color 10 min. GPP 14 Safety in the Home Presents graphically the rate and annual toll of home accident injuries, with attention to the most common sources of accidents in and about a typical home, and suggestions for their elimination. 16 mm. Sound 10 min. EBFI Sentinels of Safety Deals with accidents in the home and suggests precautions which should be taken to avoid the more common types. 16 mm. Sound 9 min. AC! A Stitch in Time 16 mm. Sound 25 min. VC A Sears-Roebuck Foundation production, featuring home and farm safety, with emphasis on carelessness as a cause of accidents in the home, farm and in the immediate outdoor work area. Trigger Happy Harry 16 mm. Sound —Color 22 min. FPI By means of the humorous character “Harry” who has no con- ception of safety in hunting, this film stresses the essentials: point the muzzle in a safe direction, make sure the gun is not loaded until the appropriate time, be sure of the target and what is behind it, and know the gun and the ammunition. HEARING VISION What Price Happiness Points out the usual home hazards, such as throw rugs, poisons in medicine chests, and many others. 16 mm. Sound 9 min. NSC Hearing —Vision HEARING How the Ear Functions 16 mm. Sound 11 min. KB Shows structure of the ear and the working of its mechanisms; partly animated. Suitable for high school, college and adult groups. Life Begins Again Story of a girl who is making unsatisfactory progress in school be- cause of defective hearing, and the resultant improvement after she 16 mm. Sound 15 min. WEM 15 is fitted with a hearing aid. Animation and narration explain con- struction and functioning of the human ear and use of audiometer to test hearing in classroom. Recalled to Life Portrays in graphic manner the need for good hearing in social and business life. Beset by the handicap of poor hearing, Mr. Smith tries one aid after another and finally discovers a satisfactory one. A historical portion tells us how, in earlier times, limited by less knowledge and technical skill, men tried unsuccessfully to overcome deafness. In an interesting sequence the audience hears, for the first time in a motion picture, how speech and music sound to a person with a certain kind of deafness. 16 mm. Sound 28 min. SC Triumph Over Deafness A presentation of methods by which deaf children are taught to speak. Two-year-olds are accepted by the special schools and may stay until they are twenty. Their classroom progress is slower than that of other children, but when they leave school they are fully qualified to take their place in the world. 16 mm. Sound 20 min. BIS VISION Eyes for Tomorrow Stresses good general health as a prerequisite for good eyesight. Also deals with the importance of prenatal care as a means of reducing the amount of blindness caused by syphilis and gonorrhea; the conservation of vision among school children; the use of sight saving glasses for children with seriously defective vision; the necessity for regular eye examinations; methods of treating glau- coma and trachoma; and the eye hazards of industry. 16 mm. Sound 18 min. NSPB How the Eye Functions 16 mm. Sound 15 min. KB Diagrams show the functions of the various parts of the eye. Good for teaching because of explanatory notes. For adult groups. Your Eyes 16 mm. Sound 10 min. YAF Construction and function of human eye shown by means of anima- tion and live photography. Explains methods of correcting near and farsightedness and proper care of the eyes. 16 Nursing Home Nursing in Pneumonia (Revised version of two reel film PNEUMONIA NURSING—HALF THE BATTLE.) Shows how a public health nurse instructs a housewife in the care of a pneumonia patient, featuring such essen- tials as feeding the patient, back rub, bedpan, turning the patient in bed, changing linen, etc. This picture is strictly educational and is intended primarily for women’s organizations, nursing classes, etc. Should not be shown to mixed classroom groups. 16 mm. Sound 9 min. NYH The Role of the Public Health Nurse in the Home Care of Tuberculosis Film planned primarily for the public health nurse who helps find tuberculosis and who assists the medical profession in the education of patient and family. Recognizing that, for the duration, adequate beds may be unavailable in many areas, the picture shows how certain standard hospital nursing technics can be adapted to home treatment. Major emphasis is given to often neglected phases of the treatment and control. Such details as absolute bed rest, disposal of sputum, and meal preparations are featured. For student nurses and professional groups only. 16 mm. Sound 20 min. NIB NURSING Your Public Health Nurse 16 and 35 mm. Sound 10 min. NYH NUTRITION Rural public health nursing in New York State; flashes of the nurse’s activities in family and community health services, under routine and emergency situations. For lay groups and student nurses. Nutrition And So They Learn A recording of actual day-by-day experiences in a nutrition educa- tion workshop conducted for elementary grade teachers. How nutri- tion information can be integrated into regular classroom studies is demonstrated by laboratory school activities which include chil- dren’s participation in planting a garden, designing and painting a mural, planning picnic menus, and conducting animal experi- ments in relation to balanced diets. 16 mm. Sound 13 min. GMI 17 Dinner at School 16 mm. Sound 10 min. BIS Shows how dinners are served to thousands of children in English schools. Good for group considering a school lunch program in a rural area. Shows use of ingenuity with little equipment. Foods and Nutrition 16 mm. Sound 11 min. EBFI A somewhat technical review of the process of human nutrition, including a discussion of the utilization of the various food nutri- ents in the body, illustrated by animal deficiency experiments and animated graphs and diagrams. The use of oxygen in the body is demonstrated by measurements of metabolism, both basal and during activity. The film is highly recommended for professional groups or college classes, but not for elementary schools. For Health and Happiness Shows a series of lively, joyous children, who from birth have had the right food, exercise, sunshine, affection, companionship and intelligent care. Illustrates positive signs of good growth and nutri- tion. Suitable for high school and adult groups. 16 mm. Sound — Color 11 min. USDA Fundamentals of Diet 16 mm. Sound 11 min. EBFI Good for summarizing nutrition class work. Shows how plants are transformed by animals into food for human beings, and by animal experiments what happens in diet deficiencies. Magic Food Designed for elementary school youngsters. The continuity is built around Larry, a magician, who uses basic food groups to do his magic. After each food group is discussed, correct meals are depicted. 16 mm. Sound — Color 10 min. GPP Making Ends Meet 16 mm. Sound — Color 11 min. DCSL Gives helpful suggestions on such details as planning menus ahead, buying in season, and budget-extending meat dishes to assist in making food money go as far as possible. Succeeds in demonstrating that inexpensive meals when attractively prepared and served can do much to improve our health and standard of living. 18 Meat and Romance Dramatized film designed to extend program of education on selec- tion, cooking, carving, and nutritive value of meat. Useful only for cooking classes. 16 mm. Sound 38 min. CASF Something You Didn't Eat Emphasizes the importance of a well-balanced diet containing the basic seven groups of foods and the relation of diet to the mainten- ance of health and efficiency. A Walt Disney, good for any group. 16 mm. Sound — Color 9 min. USDA Two Little Rats and How They Grew An entertaining film of a rat-feeding demonstration conducted as a nutrition education experiment by boys and girls. Also shows properly prepared school lunches as well as home meals for the entire family. 16 mm. Sound — Color 15 min. DCSL What Makes Us Grow? 16 mm. Sound 11 min. PICF Produced by the National Film Board of Canada. Shows proper foods and explains why they should be eaten. Results of vitamin deficiencies depicted by experiments with rats. Suitable for elemen- tary and high school groups. World of Plenty 16 mm. Sound 45 min. BIS Depicts the production, distribution and consumption of food, in three parts: the first dealing with prewar problems of overproduc- tion; the second with controls exercised during the war; and the third with plans for the postwar era to control food production and distribution in accordance with world needs. Recommended for audiences with knowledge of economics or planned agriculture. Sanitation and Milk HOUSE FLY AND MOSQUITO The Mosquito 16 mm. Sound 10 min. EBFI Shows the whole life cycle of the mosquito as well as methods of combating this dangerous insect. Includes breeding place, egg, larva, pupa and finally the adult mosquito. 19 Mosquito — Public Enemy 16 mm. Sound 11 min. CASF Depicts the life history of the mosquito showing the development of larvae and pupae into full-grown mosquitoes. Well done and scientifically correct. Of especial interest in mosquito control. Our Common Enemy —The Fly 16 mm. Silent 16 min, ICS Microscopic motion picture study of the house fly in which every stage of development from the egg to maturity is shown greatly magnified. A feature is the detailed study of the fly’s marvelous eyes with their thousands of tiny lenses. Objects actually photo- graphed through hundreds of these lenses are shown on the screen. Swat the Fly 16 mm. Sound 9 min. EPS Reveals the common house fly as a dangerous carrier of disease whose offspring, in a single season, number in the millions; microscopic studies of its physical construction show how suited it is to carry out its deadly work. Keep 'Em Out RAT 16 mm. Sound 10 min. USPHS How rats spoil food, destroy buildings, spread disease. Demonstrates control measures by poison, trapping and ratproof construction of buildings. Vandals of the Night 16 mm. Sound — Color 11 min. WLS Shows the great damage and destruction of food and buildings by the common rat and effective measures for controlling them in rural areas. The Danger Point RESTAURANT 16 mm. Sound—Color 12 min. CCI Shows the health department’s role as the guardian of community health and the year-round efforts to control colds and respiratory diseases. A special sequence dramatizes the way infected eating utensils may serve as a channel of infection. Methods ©f preventing this in public eating and drinking places and at home are shown. 20 Dishwashing Dividends 16 mm. Sound 19 min. ELI This film is designed to clarify and create an interest in better sanitation facilities and procedures in public eating places. Dish- washing operations are shown in detail. An animated sequence shows a cross-section of a dishwashing machine in action. While intended primarily for groups having a professional interest in commercial dishwashing, it is available for any institution main- taining cafeterias or public eating places. 'Twixt the Cup and the Lip 16 and 35 mm. Sound 22 min. NYH 35 mm. Theater version 13 min. NYH An epidemic of colds brings to light unsatisfactory conditions in the handling of cooking, eating and drinking utensils in the city of Midvale; the health officials go into action, and the town “goes to town” on clean dishes and glasses. Includes detailed information on approved methods and means of complying with State Sanitary Code regulations on cleansing utensils. WATER SUPPLY Clean Waters Emphasizes the importance of clean waters as an essential natural resource with pictorial scenes. The effects of water pollution are shown; destruction of wild life and recreational facilities; deterio- ration of waterfront property, typhoid fever, cholera, and dysen- tery. Methods of sewage treatment developed to prevent pollution are shown by animated drawings and pictures of modern sewage treatment plants in operation. 16 mm. Sound — Color 27 min. GE Every Drop a Safe One 16 mm. Sound 10 min. NMPC Deals with the subject of safe potable water, illustrating the danger of drinking water from streams exposed to pollution, and revealing various steps taken at a modern water treatment plant in the puri- fication of water and the laboratory control of the quality of the water delivered to the public. Health and the Cycle of Water 16 mm. Sound 20 min. CIPR Water in its cycle is shown at the source, is routed through a filtra- tion plant for purification, enters the home through pipes to the 21 faucet, leaves the home through waste pipes to sewer mains and thence, through sewage treatment plant and outfall, to the sea where it is again evaporated and condensed, and the cycle repeated, endlessly. Dramatic interest is supplied by the trials and tribulations of the citizens of a hypothetical small town in the 1890’s when stream pollution was more the rule than the exception. Safe Drinking Water from Small Water Supplies 16 mm. Sound 11 min. DM The unsafe features of bored, driven, and drilled wells illustrated diagrammatically and in pictures, together with the correct and safe methods of installation and design. Intended primarily for rural areas. Water, Friend or Enemy 16 mm. Sound 10 min. CIAA A Walt Disney color film in animation. Shows the dangers of con- tamination from water exposed to waste. Especially recommended for rural groups as means for safeguarding springs and wells are effectively shown. Water Supply Traces progress in the development of safe and adequate public water supplies. It shows how water is obtained by means of springs, artesian wells, bucket wells, windmills, hand and electric pumps; how water soaks into the ground and is stored; how shallow and deep wells are dug; and how large cities derive their water supplies from rivers and lakes. Scientific testing and purification of water in filtration plant and research laboratory are also illustrated. Par- ticularly adapted for instruction of upper grades and junior high school science classes, this film is also good for showings before general audiences. 16 mm. Sound — Color 10 min. WVS MILK Cleaning Equipment and Containers 16 mm. Sound 27 min. USPHS A training film demonstrating in detail satisfactory methods for the cleaning and bactericidal treatment of cans, bottles, piping and other equipment, following the accepted routine of flush, scrub, rinse, “sterilize.” Cans are washed by hand, bottles both by hand and in a mechanical washer. The importance of the operations showing the production of a safe milk is emphasized. 22 Here's Health Presents an intimate picture of the milk industry and tells the story of milk. Shows how up-to-date dairy science safeguards health. Suitable for high schools and all types of educational groups. 16 mm. Sound — Color 30 min. DDC Life With Elsie A comprehensive picture of milk production, special care given the cattle, mechanics of milking, sterilizing cans, pasteurizing and bottling milk, transporting milk, cleaning the equipment, and rigid inspection in the laboratory. Preparation of new recipes utilizing milk conclude the story. 16 mm. Sound — Color 25 min. BFP Milk As You Like It 16 mm. Sound — Color 12 min. DCSL Dairying as an industry; requirements for fresh, pasteurized, evap- orated and dry milk, cheese, butter and ice cream. For high school and adult groups. Milk Processing 16 mm. Sound 18 min. USPHS A training film which explains the handling and pasteurization of milk by the holding process, from the time the raw milk is received until the pasteurized milk is bottled and loaded on a truck for delivery. The construction and operation of a vat-type pasteurizer with its necessary appurtenances are shown in animation. The importance of proper methods in guaranteeing a safe milk is stressed. Miracle of Milk 16 mm. Sound 11 min. NYAM This official film of the New York State Bureau of Milk Publicity traces milk through history. It shows how milk helped shape the course of civilization, brought man out of the caves, down from the cliffs into a more ordered society. Today elaborate machinery of the twentieth century epitomizes man’s age-old respect for milk; modern science is shown applied to the instinctive practices of eras long past. Our Milky Way Official film of New York State Bureau of Milk Publicity. The story of how dairying has come to be the greatest industry in New York 16 mm. Sound — Color 10 min. NYAM 23 State, traces the manner in which milk gets to the ultimate con- sumer, and shows how milk has come to be known as man’s “most nearly perfect food.” Tip Tops in Peppyland 16 mm. Silent 16 min. NYAM Illustrates the importance of milk as a principal source of food elements essential to proper growth and development of the human body. Partly animated. WASTE DISPOSAL Sanitary Land Fills Shows approved method of waste disposal by the land fill operation method. Of particular interest to city and village health officials and sanitary engineers where such problems exist. 16 mm. Sound — Color 18 min. USPHS Tuberculosis Another to Conquer Story of how the American Indian is fighting a new enemy—tubercu- losis—with a foreshadowing of victory; the facts about tubercu- losis are necessary parts of the story, not merely information thrown into an otherwise romantic tale. Suitable for high school and adult groups. 16 mm. Sound 15 min. NIB Artificial Pneumothorax in the Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Discussion and demonstration of the use of pneumothorax in all its phases, with special stress on the various complications that may attend the induction and maintenance of collapse therapy. For pro- fessional groups only. 16 mm. Sound 33 min. CF Cloud in the Sky Story of modern diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis in novel setting. Produced for the Spanish population of this country, it shows, in addition, some typical scenes of the customs, dances, and songs of that race. Suitable for upper school grades and adult audiences. 16 mm. Sound 19 min. NIB 24 Diagnostic Procedure in Tuberculosis Prominent medical authorities emphasize correct diagnosis by the general practitioner as an essential factor in the fight against tuber- culosis. The procedures illustrated are: simple technic of sputum examination, the making and reading of the tuberculin test, the x-ray as a means of diagnosing tuberculosis, and the fundamental facts of x-ray interpretation. Intended primarily for medical groups. 16 mm. Sound 18 min. NIB Lease on Life A general health film with minor emphasis on tuberculosis. The message of disease prevention through good health habits covers many other subjects in every age group from infant care through cancer and heart disease. The approach to each disease is not too obvious and is skillfully woven into a dramatic story. 16 mm. Sound 22 min. NTB Let My People Live 16 mm. Sound 13 min. NIB Primarily for Negro audiences, but its quality and scientific facts appeal and apply equally to white audiences. Features the 100 voice Tuskegee Choir and an all Negro cast. Mass Radiography 16 mm. Sound 10 min. NIB Shows mass x-ray surveys in British industrial plants. Produced in England by the National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. A Message from Dorothy Maynor 16 mm. Sound 10 min. NTB In this film, Dorothy Maynor, concert soprano, narrates a health message and makes an appeal to everyone to get a chest x-ray. Important for all audiences, it is especially suitable for publicity purposes prior to mass x-ray surveys of Negro groups and also for migrant Negro laborers. TUBERCULOSIS On the Firing Line A travel tour in which different sections of the United States are visited, showing present day activities in the control of tuberculosis and actual existing conditions in the sections visited. Suitable for high school students and adult audiences. 16 mm. Sound 19 min. NTB 25 Peter Borik This film dramatizes the serious consequences to the family of a man who ran away from a TB sanatorium and the painstaking effort of the local TB worker to return him to treatment. Suitable particu- larly for social workers, nursing groups and also adult audiences. 16 mm. Sound —Color 28 min. CFP Sand in the Gears 16 mm. Sound 17 min. NIB Shows how tuberculosis delays production and slows the war ma- chine; why the Army, the Navy, the millions of workers in actual war production as well as the civilian population must be guarded against it; some of the things that are being done to meet the prob- lems of congestion, housing, nutrition, recreation, and medical care. The Story of My Life by Tee Bee 16 and 35 mm. Sound 5 min. NYH Produced by National Tuberculosis Association. Animated cartoon on tuberculosis. A tuberculosis germ tells its life history. Target, TB 16 mm. Sound 10 min. GEXC Prepared in conjunction with the National Tuberculosis Association and U.S. Public Health Service. Designed for use as “advance pub- licity” in connection with mass chest x-ray projects. Tells how tuber- culosis selects the majority of its victims between 15 and 45, the most productive years of life, and the story of the progress which has been made by medical science in the reduction of tuberculosis mortality in the past forty years. Describes the simplicity and effec- tiveness of modern case-finding procedures and answers many ques- tions the average person asks about mass survey methods. They Do Come Back 16 mm. Sound 16 min. NIB Designed especially to visualize the relationship between rehabilita- tion and the rest of the tuberculosis program, and to inform the public regarding the need and nature of rehabilitation service. Suit- able for high schools, colleges, and any adult audience. This Is TB 16 mm. Sound 10 min. NTB Outlines the cause, spread, cure and prevention of tuberculosis, pre- senting the problem clearly and what should be done about it. 26 Time Out The story of an average young man and tuberculosis. His problem from the time X-ray led to the discovery of his disease up to his ultimate discharge from the hospital make a human, moving story. Rehabilitation is shown as a vital factor in “cure.” Prepared pri- marily for patients in sanatoria. 16 mm. Sound 20 min. NTB Tuberculosis 16 mm. Sound 10 min. EBFI Designed to develop a general understanding and appreciation of the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Venereal Disease Fight Syphilis 16 mm. Sound 10 or 20 min. USPHS Expository film, how to combat syphilis. Ten minute version empha- sizes the individual’s role, blood tests, avoiding exposure, proper treatment, the danger of quacks. Twenty minute version includes the community’s job, education, providing clinics, follow-up workers, the drain on the nation’s manpower, cost of supporting the blind, the insane, the unemployables crippled by syphilis. Both versions are suitable for adult mixed audiences. Health Is a Victory Facts about gonorrhea—its diagnosis, treatment and cure—told in simplified language, featuring several animations and diagrammatic sketches showing the prevalence of the disease, how it spreads and how it affects the human organisms, and information concerning modern methods of drug treatment and the danger of self medica- tion. Better suited for adult audiences. 16 mm. Sound 13 min. ASH In Defense of the Nation The problem of prostitution in the mobilization of the military, naval or industrial manpower. There is nothing in the film which requires that it be restricted in showing; however, it is recommended espe- cially for camps, industries, social workers, and citizens interested in law enforcement. (For those interested in the health problems re- lated to syphilis and gonorrhea, the film WITH THESE WEAPONS is preferable.) 16 mm. Sound 11 min. ASH VENEREAL DISEASE 27 Know for Sure Produced in Hollywood by the Research Council of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the United States Public Health Service. Tells men what they need to know about syphilis, why a blood test is important, why it doesn’t pay to take a chance, and guides potential patients to private physicians and to health officers. For men only and for use through official health or other authorized professional agencies. A physician should be on hand at each showing to answer specific questions and factual leaflets on venereal disease and its prevention should be distributed to the audience. 16 mm. Sound 23 min. USPHS Know for Sure (Revised Version) 16 mm. Sound 20 min. USPHS Suitable for showing to mixed audiences and for instruction of high school students. Identical with original version except sections of prophylaxis and other scenes omitted. Magic Bullets 16 mm. Sound 30 min. USPHS Based on the story of the life of Dr. Paul Ehrlich, scientist, who discovered the cure for syphilis, and features Edward G. Robinson. Condensation of Dr. Ehrlich’s Magic Bullets (Warner Brothers). A Message to Women 16 mm. Sound 20 min. USPHS Facts about syphilis and gonorrhea are presented in a way that physicians generally would choose. Shows with clear and simple charts how the disease can affect women’s organic structure and how individuals can assist in the solution of the problem by cooperating with local health departments. For high school, college and adult women’s groups. Plain Facts Shows how syphilis and gonorrhea cripple and destroy human health, how infection spreads, how the diseases may be diagnosed, treated and cured. Suitable for high school and adult groups. 16 mm. Sound 9 min. ASH Syphilis A teaching film on early diagnosis of syphilis, late and latent syphilis, and management of syphilis, with scenes from the U.S. Public Health 16 mm. Sound — Color 49 min. USPHS 28 Service clinics at Hot Springs, Ark., and narration dealing with various aspects of syphilis control. For professional groups only. To the People of the United States 16 mm. Sound 20 min. USPHS Syphilis film starring Jean Hersholt. How a germ can ground a bomber, the prevalence of syphilis and the cost to the nation, and the present day means of combatting this disease. Contains direct appeal for individual blood tests and urges public discussion of the problem. With These Weapons Opening with scenes illustrating the work of Schaudinn, Wasser- mann, Ehrlich, and present day scientists, the story of syphilis progresses through the principles of diagnosis and treatment and depicts the disease in its relation to the individual. Illustrates by animated diagrams, method of spread and explains how treatment stops infectiousness. Suitable for schools, colleges, women’s clubs, churches, and virtually any audience. 16 mm. Sound 11 min. ASH Miscellaneous BIOLOGY Heart and Circulation of the Blood 16 mm. Sound 10 min. EBFI The mechanics of the pulmonary and circulatory systems detailed, with delineation of the heart action by technical animation and natural photography. Amplified heart beat sounds. Microscopic scenes of capillary action. Blood pressure and its relation to health. Mechanisms of Breathing Animated drawings describe the mechanisms of breathing. The Shafer method of artificial respiration also is demonstrated. The relation of the breathing rate to the carbon dioxide content of air is portrayed with the emphasis on the danger from carbon monoxide when running automobile engine in closed garage. 16 mm. Sound 11 min. EBFI MISCELLANEOUS 29 FOOD PRESERVATION 40 Billion Enemies Describes first the improvemet of general health brought about by mechanical refrigeration and quick transportation of foods. Explains relation between temperature and food spoilage; demonstrates stor- ing of foods in an electric refrigerator, and advises as to its purchase and care. Graphic presentation of how to use a refrigerator, con- sidering only the influence of temperature on perishable foods and omitting health hazards caused by contamination. 16 mm. Sound 25 min. WEM Freezing Fruits and Vegetables Shows how to freeze corn, broccoli, strawberries and peaches, includ- ing selection and preparation of the product and packing and sealing the containers. Excellent and enjoyable teaching film. 16 mm. Sound — Color 16 min. CASF How To Get the Most Out of Your Refrigerator 16 mm. Sound 30 min. GMC Excellent film on the care and use of the home electric refrigerator. Shows proper storage of various types of food. You Can, Too Produced by Ball Brothers Company, describes the entire procedure of canning vegetables and fruits in the home by both pressure-cooker and hot-water-bath methods, with the common types of containers. Dramatizes the story of three high school girls and their home- canning problems. 16 mm, Sound 30 min. CASF HYGIENE Body Care and Grooming Designed to be used with a college text on health, emphasizes throughout that good grooming is based on good health habits and personal care of the skin, the hair, the nails and the teeth, and shows the changes which can be effected by developing a good routine. Presents simplified, non-technical descriptions of the nature and functions of various parts of the body, using animated drawings and photomicrographs. 16 mm. Sound 20 min. MGH 30 The Story of Menstruation 16 mm. Sound 10 min. ICPC Intended for showing to groups of adolescent girls to explain the physiology of menstruation. The vocabulary, examples and over-all concept of the picture are slanted toward this group. MARIHUANA Story of Marihuana — A Dangerous Narcotic 16 mm. Silent 15 min. NYH Prepared especially as an aid to narcotic control agents in the identification of cannabis plants. Shows in detail the structure of the leaf and plant; containers commonly employed for concealing and transporting marihuana; articles used by drug addicts. For police, health, and other law enforcement officials only. MEDICINE Louis Pasteur, the Benefactor A presentation of some of the highlights of the career and work of this great scientist, including the first rabies treatment of a boy bitten by a rabid dog. May be used as a visual aid in the study of great personalities or in conjunction with science courses. 16 mm. Sound 15 min. PICF Man Against Microbe 16 mm. Sound 10 min. Mil 16 mm. Silent 15 min. Mil Story of the highlights in the fight of science against preventable disease from the days of the London Plague to the present. Men of Medicine 16 mm. Sound 15 min. BFI Exceptional because of its vocational guidance values for young people who consider going into medicine or nursing. Follows a young physician through some of the problems facing doctors today. New Frontiers of Medicine The newest medical miracles—the discoveries of men who are work- ing to make life longer and better. Also shows progress made in study 16 mm. Sound 17 min. BFI 31 of heart disease, cancer, rheumatic fever, etc. The specialist, the research scientist and the family doctor are shown working to give man new hopes of relief from sickness and pain. Pasteur's Legacy 16 mm. Sound 23 min. MFC The story of Pasteur’s scientific career is presented and many of his experiments in various fields of bacteriology and their impor- tance are demonstrated. Pasteur Institute was founded in his honor to carry on the work he had started. The work of the Institute and many of the experiments conducted there are shown in great detail. MENTAL HEALTH Emotional Health 16 mm. Sound 20 min. MGH Presents the problem of a college student who has become worried about his health. Because no physical cause can be found physician recommends psychiatrist who through repeated conversations dis- cover unsuspected fear with resultant improvement of patient. Feeling of Rejection 16 mm. Sound 23 min. NFBC Shows how childhood incidents can affect behavior throughout life and the importance of mental health. A psychiatric case history of a young girl which has a happy ending. POSTURE Care of the Feet 16 mm. Sound 11 min. EBFI Presents structural elements of the foot in relation to walking and weight support. It shows causes of and remedies for structural and other foot ailments, how shoes should be fitted and the X-ray in diagnosis and treatment. Suitable for all adult groups. Posture 16 mm. Silent 14 min. EBFI The importance of good posture, both standing and sitting—the part played by the muscles in determining whether it shall be good or bad; how to correct poor posture—and the importance of good pos- ture to physical well-being. 32 PUBLIC HEALTH Defending the City's Health 16 mm. Sound 10 min. EBFI Summarizes public health services in a modern community. Shows advances made in the control of communicable diseases and how a health department functions. War Where You Live 16 mm. Sound 8 min. YMCA Advocates better housing for the general welfare and health of the people. Suitable for colleges and adult groups. Your Health Department in Action 16 mm. Sound 20 min. SPO Shows the integrated program of a health department in such activi- ties as child care, various phases of sanitation including water supplies, inspection of dairies, restaurants and soda fountains, the campaign against venereal diseases and a community mobile trailer X-ray laboratory in action in the fight against tuberculosis. It indi- cates in general the health protection needs of any community and how they are met. RHEUMATIC FEVER We See Them Through 16 mm. Sound 20 min. VSH Presents a comprehensive picture of a public health rheumatic fever program and should be of value for developing programs in locali- ties with facilities for diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic fever. SEX EDUCATION Human Growth 16 mm. Sound — Color 19 min. ECBT An educational film which creates an instructional atmosphere that permits the facts of human sex to be discussed without embarrass- ment or tension. Intended primarily for school classes in life science, health, homemaking and related courses—grades 6 to 9 and for adult classes in child psychology, family life education, mental and social hygiene. 33 Human Reproduction 16 mm. Sound 21 min. MGH A factual film on the human reproduction systems and on the process of normal human birth. Stresses the biological normalcy of reproduction, and the importance of clear, objective familiarity with these facts for the success of marriage and parenthood. Restricted to colleges, adults, and professional groups. TEACHING Teaching Crutch Walking 16 mm. Sound 13 min. CASF Produced by the U.S. Office of Education and shows how the physi- cal therapist teaches the bed patient exercises and methods of walk- ing on crutches. Tips for Teachers 16 mm. Sound 20 min. JH Presents the three “P’s” of good teaching. Explains the place and value of the teacher’s Personality, dramatizes the importance of Preparation, and gives a living example of how the Presentation of the material is done best. Photography is in the classroom. Anal- ogies are introduced to show how the teacher must use showman- ship, salesmanship and the ability of an actor to help in shortening the learning process. Recommended for use in teachers’ colleges, schools of education, and training sections for vocational teachers. Moving X-Rays X-RAY 16 mm. Sound 11 min. UFA X-ray motion picture showing the functioning of various organs of the body. May be used to excellent advantage for teaching purposes. Suitable for high school students, adults, and medical groups. WAR REFERENCE The films listed below have been withdrawn from the Libra- ry’s regular listings. They are, however, still available. Infor- mation concerning them can be obtained from the Health Film Librarian. Fighters in White Local Health Problems in War Industry Areas Middletown Goes to War Quit Worrying What of Your Child? 34 SOURCE INDEX ACI Aetna Casualty & Insurance Co. Hartford, Connecticut CCI Public Health Committee of the Cup and Container In- stitute 1790 Broadway New York 19, N. Y. ADA American Dental Assn. 222 East Superior Street Chicago 11, Illinois CF Capitol Films 11 West 42nd Street New York, N. Y. ACS American Cancer Society 47 Beaver Street New York, N. Y. CFP Capitol Film Productions 224 Abbott Road East Lansing, Michigan API Audio Productions, Inc. Film Center Bldg. 630 Ninth Ave. New York 19, N. Y. CIAA Coordinator of Inter- American Affairs 444 Madison Avenue New York 22, N. Y. ASH American Social Hygiene Assn. 1790 Broadway New York 19, N. Y. CIPR Cast Iron Pipe Research Assn. 122 So. Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois ATC American Transit Assn. 292 Madison Avenue New York 17, N. Y. BFI Brandon Films, Inc. 1600 Broadway New York 19, N. Y. DCSL Dairy Council of St. Louis 4030 Chouteau Avenue St. Louis, Missouri DDC Dellwood Dairy Co., Inc. 170 Sawmill River Road Yonkers, N. Y. BFP Borden’s Farm Products 110 Hudson Street New York 13, N. Y. EBFI Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Inc. 20 No. Wacker Drive Chicago 6, Illinois BIS British Information Services 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York 20, N. Y. ECBT E. C. Brown Trust University of Oregon Portland, Oregon CASF Castle Distributors Corp. 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York 20, N. Y. 35 ELI Economics Laboratory, Inc. Guardian Bldg. St. Paul 1, Minnesota IH International Harvester Co. 180 No. Michigan Avenue Chicago 1, Illinois EPS Edited Pictures System, Inc. 330 West 42nd Street New York, N. Y. IME Institute of Makers of Explosives 343 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. Y. FPI Film Publishers, Inc. 25 Broad Street New York 4, N. Y. IOWA State Dept, of Health Div. of Cancer Control Des Moines, Iowa GANZ William J. Ganz Co. 40 East 49th Street New York, N. Y. JH Jam Handy Organization 2900 E. Grand Blvd. Detroit, Michigan GE General Electric Co. Publicity Dept. 1 River Road Schenectady 5, N. Y. JJ Johnson & Johnson New Brunswick, New Jersey KB Knowledge Builders 625 Madison Avenue New York 22, N. Y. GEXC General Electric X-Ray Corp. 2012 Jackson Blvd. Chicago 12, Illinois LN Loucks & Norling Studios 245 West 55th Street New York, N. Y. GMC General Motors Corp. Broadway at 57th Street New York 19, N. Y. MCCS Monroe County Branch American Cancer Society 1304 Temple Bldg. Rochester, N. Y. GMI General Mills, Inc. 400 Second Avenue So. Minneapolis 1, Minnesota MFC Modern Film Corp. 729 Seventh Avenue New York. N. Y. GPP General Picture Productions 621 Sixth Avenue Des Moines 9, Iowa ICPC International Cellucotton Products Co. 919 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago 11, Illinois MGH McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc. McGraw Hill Building 330 West 42nd Street New York 18, N. Y. ICS Institutional Cinema Service 1560 Broadway New York, N. Y. MGM Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures 1540 Broadway New York. N. Y. 36 MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dept, of Biology and Public Health Cambridge, Massachusetts PICF Pictorial Films, Inc. R. K. 0. Bldg.—Radio City New York 20, N. Y. PMC Pet Milk Co. St. Louis 1, Missouri MLI Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. 1 Madison Avenue New York, N. Y. PRC Public Relations Committee 85 John Street New York, N. Y. NATSC National Safety Council 20 N. Wacker Drive Chicago 6, Illinois PSC Pennsylvania State College Central Extension Office State College, Pennsylvania NFBC National Film Board of Canada 84 East Randolph Street Chicago, Illinois SARRA Sana, Inc. 16 E. Ontario Street Chicago 11, Illinois NMPC National Motion Pictures Co, Mooresville, Indiana SC Sonotone Corporation 570 Fifth Avenue New York 19, N. Y. NSC Newark Safety Council 24 Branford Place Newark 2, New Jersey SD Sharp and Dohme, Inc. Philadelphia 1, Pennsylvania SPO Sara Orleans & Associates 211 W. Cumberland Avenue Knoxville 15, Tennessee NSPB National Society for the Pre- vention of Blindness, Inc. 1790 Broadway New York 19, N. Y. SRC Sinclair Refining Co. 10 West 51st Street New York 20, N. Y. NTB National Tuberculosis Assn. 1790 Broadway New York 19, N. Y. TBM Dr. Thomas B. McCrum 4144 Cherlotto Street Kansas City, Missouri NYAM N. Y. State Dept, of Agricul- ture & Markets State Office Bldg. Albany 1, N. Y. TFC Teaching Film Custodians, Inc. 25 West 43rd Street New York 18, N. Y. NYH N. Y. State Dept, of Health Office of Public Health Education 18 Dove Street Albany 6, N. Y. UFA U.F.A. Films R.K.O. Building Rockefeller Center New York, N. Y. 37 UM University of Minnesota Visual Education Service Minneapolis, Minnesota WEM Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. 246 East 4th Street Mansfield, Ohio USDA U. S. Dept, of Agriculture Office of Motion Pictures Washington, D. C. WLS Fish and Wildlife Service Section of Visual Informa- tion Washington 25, D. C. USPHS The Surgeon General U. S. Public Health Service Washington 14, D. C. UW University of Wisconsin Photographic Laboratory 1208 W. Johnson Street Madison, Wisconsin WVS Wilber Visual Service 119 State Street Albany, N. Y. YAF Young America Films 18 East 41st Street New York 17, N. Y. VC The Venard Corp. Peoria, Illinois VSH Virginia State Dept, of Health Richmond, Virginia YMCA YMCA Motion Picture Bureau 347 Madison Avenue New York 17, N. Y. SUBJECT INDEX PAGE Cancer 5 Child Health 6 Communicable Diseases 9 Diphtheria 9 Immunization 9 Pneumonia 10 Smallpox 10 Dental Health 10 First Aid—Safety 11 Hearing—Vision 15 Nursing 17 Nutrition 17 Sanitation and Milk 19 House Fly and Mosquito 19 Rat 20 Restaurant 20 Water Supply 21 Milk 22 Waste Disposal 24 Tuberculosis 24 Venereal Disease 27 Miscellaneous 29 Biology 29 Food Preservation 30 Hygiene 30 Marihuana 31 Medicine 31 Mental Health 32 Posture 32 Public Health 33 Rheumatic Fever 33 Sex Education 33 Teaching 34 X-ray 34 War Reference 34 PAGE 38 TITLE INDEX PAGE PAGE About Faces 10 And So They Learn 17 Another to Conquer 24 Artificial Pneumothorax in the Treat- ment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis... 24 Artificial Respiration 11 Ask Your Dentist 10 Babies, Baths and Bubbles 6 Baby Care: Feeding 6 Before the Doctor Comes 11 Blasting Cap 12 Body Care and Grooming 30 Cancer 5 Care of the Feet 32 Care of the Newborn Baby 6 Choose to Live 5 Clean Waters 21 Cleaning Equipment and Containers.. 22 Clocking a Champion 7 Cloud in the Sky 24 Crimes of Carelessness 13 Danger Point, The 20 Defeat Diphtheria 9 Defending the City’s Health 33 Defense Against Invasion 10 Diagnostic Procedure in Tuberculosis.. 25 Dinner at School 18 Dishwashing Dividends 21 Emotional Health 32 Enemy X 5 Every Drop a Safe One 21 Eyes for Tomorrow 16 Feeling of Rejection 32 Fight Syphilis 27 First Aid (Silent) 12 First Aid (Sound) 12 Foods and Nutrition 18 For Health and Happiness 18 For Safety’s Sake 13 40 Billion Enemies 30 Four Point Safety Home 13 Freezing Fruits and Vegetables 30 Fundamentals of Diet 18 Heads Up 13 Health and the Cycle of Water 21 Health Is a Victory 27 Heart and Circulation of the Blood... 29 Help Wanted 12 Here’s Health 23 Hit and Run Driver 13 Home Nursing in Pneumonia 17 Home Safe Home 13 How the Ear Functions 15 How the Eye Functions 16 How To Get the Most Out of Your Refrigerator 30 Human Growth 33 Human Reproduction 34 In Defense of the Nation 27 It’s Wanton Murder 13 Keep ’Em Out 20 Know for Sure 28 Know for Sure (Revised Version).... 28 Know Your Baby 7 Lease on Life 25 Let My People Live 25 Let’s Keep the Killer Down 9 Life Begins 8 Life Begins Again 15 Life Saving and Resuscitation 12 Life With Elsie 23 Louis Pasteur, the Benefactor 31 Magic Bullets 28 Magic Food 18 Making Ends Meet 18 Man Against Microbe 31 Mass Radiography 25 Meal Time Can Be a Happy Time.... 7 Meat and Romance 19 Mechanisms of Breathing 29 Men of Medicine 31 Message from Dorothy Maynor, A.... 25 Message to Women, A 28 Migrant Laborers and Their Children.. 7 Milk As You Like It 23 Milk Processing 23 Miracle in Paradise Valley 14 Miracle of Milk 23 Mosquito, The 19 Mosquito—Public Enemy 20 Moving X-Rays 34 My Model Farm 14 New Day, A 10 New Frontiers of Medicine 31 Oars and Paddles 14 On Guard 9 On the Firing Line 25 Once Upon a Time 14 One, Two, Three, Go 14 Our Common Enemy—The Fly 20 Our Milky Way 23 Our Teeth 11 39 Passport to Health 9 Pasteur’s Legacy 32 Peter Borik 26 Plain Facts 28 Play’s the Thing 8 Posture 32 Preventing Fires Through Electrical Safety 14 Problem Child 7 Recalled to Life 16 Role of the Public Health Nurse in the Home Care of Tuberculosis, The.... 17 Safe Drinking Water from Small Water Supplies 22 Safe Swimming 14 Safety in the Home 15 Sand in the Gears 26 Sanitary Land Fills 24 Sentinels of Safety 15 Smallpox and Vaccination 10 Smiles Have It, The 11 Sneeze, The 10 Something You Didn’t Eat 19 Starting Line 8 Stitch In Time, A 15 Story of Marihuana — A Dangerous Narcotic 31 Story of Menstruation, The 31 Story of My Life by Tee Bee, The.... 26 Student Flyer, The 11 Swat the Fly 20 Syphilis 28 PAGE Target, TB 26 Teaching Crutch Walking 34 They Do Come Back 26 This Is TB 26 Time Is Life 5 Time Out 27 Tip Tops in Peppyland 24 Tips for Teachers 34 To the People of the United States... 29 Traitor Within, The 5 Trigger Happy Harry 15 Triumph Over Deafness 16 Tuberculosis 27 ’Twixt the Cup and the Lip 21 Two Little Rats and How They Grew.. 19 Value of a Smile, The 11 Vandals of the Night 20 War Where You Live 33 Water, Friend or Enemy 22 Water Supply 22 We See Them Through 33 Web of Life, The 6 What Makes Us Grow 19 What Price Happiness 15 With These Weapons 29 World of Plenty 19 You Are the Switchman 6 You Can, Too 30 Your Children and You 8 Your Children’s Sleep 8 Your Eyes 16 Your Health Department in Action... 33 Your Public Health Nurse 17 PAGE 9-8-48-11 M (8H2-42) SUPPLEMENTARY LISTS Attach descriptions of new films below and to the following blank pages. 40 SUGGESTIONS FOR EFFECTIVE USE OF FILMS* 1. Darkening facilities. Be sure your dark shades or draperies cover all edges of window panes. Always have a flashlight handy. 2. Ventilation. Open only windows as far from the screen as possible where shades will not blow. 3. Acoustics. Choose a room with as few outside noises as possible. Floor coverings, drapes and your audience will absorb sound. 4. Electrical connections. The outlet for the projector must be on a separate circuit from the room lights, so that when the latter are switched off, the projector is not cut off. Check whether current is AC or DC and whether a con- verter is necessary. Keep all wires out of aisles. Tie all connections together with ord to prevent accidental sepa- ration, Fasten projector connection to a table leg to keep the projector from being detached. 5. Location of projector. Place the machine in back of the audience rather than in the aisle. The exact position de- pends on the size of the room, audience, screen, lens and lamp. 6. Screen. This should be placed high enough for all to see it. A plain white wall will do if there is no screen. 7. Loud-speaker. Place the loud-speaker a foot above the floor near the screen, with no obstructions in front of it. 8. Film. The person to introduce the film and lead the dis- cussion should preview it. 9. Seats. Arrange the seats so that the screen can be seen comfortably from all parts of the room. 10. Supplementary materials. Posters, exhibits, books, leaflets, clinic lists, or other local services and facilities on the sub- ject to be presented, should be on display. 11. BEFORE your meeting. Insert the film, set it on the first frame; adjust the focus and try out the sound. The volume of the sound must be regulated during the showing. 12. Return. Do not rewind. * Adapted from Channels, April-May 1945, p. 11.