NEW ENGLAND, NEW YORK. Tabulated Statement of Industries Haring Priority Rating, Arranged According to COMMUNITIES together with Hospital and Medical Facilities of those Comnnnities. WAR INDUSTRIES BOARD., SECTION OP MEDICAL INDUSTRIES, IT. COL. F. F. SIMPSON, CHIEF. December 2f 1918* December 2, 1913. P R EFACS It became apparent that there would he a very marked shortage of doctors in most communities of the country because such a large number entered the Army, Raw, Public Health Service, or Red Cross activities and were taken from.their own communities* The shortage would be particularly acute where important war industries developed and brought in great flow of labor. It was further apparent that with shortage of facilities for caring for the sick and wounded of industry and of the civilian population, the time was fast approaching when a decision should be reached regarding the allocation of medical services and attention to" such purposes as were most irital to the one absorbing activity of winning the war* With the foregoing ideas in view, there has been assembled in the following rages for the states in Hew England, and for the state of Hew York, a comprehensive group picture showing the industries in those states which were accorded the highest rate of Priority and Preferential treatment because they were looked upon as being the indust ires most vital to winning the war* The arrangement is as follows: A* The industrial centers of each state are arranged alphabetically* B. The suburbs of these industrial centers are grouped in alphabetical order unler the respective industrial centers to which they are tributary* C. The individual plants are arranged alphabetically under the towns in which they are located. D* The next column shews the pre-war population and, where possible, the population as of October 1, 1913; thus showing in as many instances as possible the*influx of war workers* E* The next three columns show the number of hospitals, the name of each hospital and the number of beds in each hospital. F. The remaining two columns show the total number of doctors in a given community before war began and the number who entered one or another of the governmental services. f/e thus have a community picture of the industries vital to winning the war of the hospital situation in the several communities, and of the shortage of doctors. It was our purpose to make such survey of the entire United States in connection with industries having highest Priority rat 12x7; and next to make similar surveys for other industries of varying importance, so that it would be possible for the Public Health Service, or local health officers, to know which industries were considered most important in the war* program, with the idea that those industries should naturally receive the best medical attention as well as the preferential rating in matters ox fuel, transportation, raw materials, labor, etc. / KEY 6 Housing Congested. [3 Housing Ad to uatc a Hou sing Available. Housing Relief granted, by, W 11.5 Shipping. board. US u..S. Army.Cu S. Housing Corporation) si/ U S. Navy, (U.S Housing Corporation! improved fkssenjer. Tranfr par tat tori £3 Linder consideration and recommended. FI Appropriations made. Complied by Inter-Departmental Branch Division of Surveys And Statistics U S Housing Corporation EASTERN PA. i. f&l Tully Tb*#n j tU erist-ol 3 (fl Cornwall ft Tarony 9% S' £fl Philadelphia. b.d EssiAgton 7 Cft Eddysfone. 5 C hfciter INDIANA 31F f L rowN> Hammond I'o A Chef Indiana Harbor &ary W 1 nil JUB Copied by the,. !>spital Committee unci I of National Defense November-19,1313. xoi/ul. tior. 1.10 742,371 1016 772,409 Ifor&er of Ooiiatlos 1C Ifobber of lyolcions 1,179 {A... *19] l&fbevo of . tatc . Gars* 1917 065 Lroa ,;q. miles 29,095 a i H e . 1 City or Lawn Intc Populati :n 1916 bar 1910* Tines. no. nos i talc* A> 4. llano of Hoc ital. Ho. Bode. Doe Total tors. Hoc. for 1 . LUO • Ana over - ?rrr 1 Gloncllis Hoo ital 20 1 1 ' moron (?) Androcco .;in Aoun&iy Co., - mm - - - Antrim vnrctt’o Laurxljy, Ire. Huston Co., - 0* A. ittle -Klroooo cin ' at or auor Co. Panola* :♦ Tam r Oerter Jaliyirc con. 16,3. 3 2 Auburn Hone for \{xxl oner? Hos- ital - 22 1 '■ XUSTA PGuota ©toon I&tmAxp Co. . du me IXc* Co* Garnett, • IU ,: tib., Ire. I’ rvey Harv y ITc-odlocr 't * ibl i cl i:a C o • v Mto 01 itsl Lesmiry 14,170 2 Au/juota General Hoc ital iirpsta State Has ital 1, 60 >02' 37 7 & rdlner Hitaoriiao Lenrdiy Co. 6*311 1 House of V o Good Phe; bond - 12 *> *•- Ilalloaell {-tiller* o one, Gao. Iron 0 rantay : :c>. Co. Mto Honeo Xaumxy Co* 2,364 1 Paine Industrial School or Girls, mm 6 1 interop Hood 6 Gone, - II.H. irtbre ILillo Co. 2,114 - - 4 - BAr raoH . Bsucor i torsi Leiaslxy Co. Bass ablishin Co.,- . J* Jones* Sons, 1 If red. Jones Go.,— a. J>. V/ood B Bishop o. 26,63)9 6 Bancor CMldron*o Hone 40 ;:Iac torn. -Paine General Host ital 120 Eastern Maine Insane Hoc ital 600 Ho>~o for Afjod onon 20 IHno Hoc ital 1; vonatorlun of the 'nti-Tuberculosis Aeon. 66 10 Broker Bancor Bex Co. , £,667* 1 ifeissoll Hoc ital If 6 Botfbo rrj Tumor C; enter Crooooxyy 694* - - 1 - Old tarn Old town v. colon Co. Ctmofnn I ills 6.S17* 2 Gldrtorm 2 bo ital o. \amoy Hoc ital 6 11 - 3ar Harbor Bar Harbor Stoan LcoaAry 2,600* 1 Bar I arbor I edicnl & Bur leal Poe ital 20 1C - mm Hath Iron oi*Ho,J,t&. Heynoe,- Hariy £. (Bat?' Jauntily} Turtle PirPlanc o. Harnin- , : aar. *cll f ooro Her; HethoG Laundry Trolley Holler i-iaSbirv • or* a 1,3. 6* 2 Bath City Hoc ital l Stand Qrrtem eyltn 30 74 15 r* C? BranmS eh BrunsuieJr ‘o Co. CitIsons* Xoardiy i ,34-1* - - 14 2 nicHnoni 'Burner Center Bairyin Assn. 1,360* - - 2 - .1ocascot Burner Carter aalryirc .Assn. 1,207* - - 2 1 mi&AS? 11 cxl & Cons, H. P. , 4,610 1 Waldo County Goner 1 Hoc ital or 4M* 12 rv & Brooks Hood ; dona, H. P. 704* - - 2 1 Bachs- art (Blai;;ot Co.,- Goo. (Salmon oint Cannery 2,216* - - 4 1 Cast ire - 933* 1 Gobstor Hoc ital 6 4 - Jachcon Turner C r.tor Croanory 416* - - - - Soars- ort American Aerie Itrrr 1 Chemical Co. 1,444* - - 3 1 Borerich I/amOs !Iacle Loath r Co. 2,093* - - 4 - BI.UBAQPJ) Cfcajixsn’s Lanmxy Popnoroll Hills 17,665 2 Grail Hospital Bob or Hospital 30 14 24 4 EomcbarJr norrobu! Is. Lronlxy 2,09 * - p mm Saco 'for*' . o. c#: Or* ** ** 12 1 n a i E - • 2 City or Soon* riant g. Population 1 16 ViaJr 191 ' Gidos. Do. of Hoopi- Horn of Hoo ltd. talc. HO. Bods. Doc Gotal tore. Hoc. 'or • Doothbey Harbor {V.q- tnr.o acIdLnc Co. (Hoytime I&nt 2,021* 1 ft. alreW*G Hospital 14 r> - Drawer - Dane or 3rid,' ton forest Kills lon&ichoriy oolon Co* (2 plants) Stonier Center Cream ry ' alt cm Co.tire*■* f. 1,174* * a 2 DrooJcs - Coo .-dfast Brunswick - oo Bat?- Dacksport - og Hoifast Calr lo Xoetric Irani ry H rks, 0,116’ 1 Calais Hospital SO 9 - Ga llon - oo Koc'-l rc Caro Cotta 0 - Boo •rfcloril ■ Castino - Goo Boi act CTdlocton Si raor Contor Croanorj 964* - - 1 - Clina Ucyes Cosninr factory 1,297* - mm 1 mm Corod {?) Ctmor Contor Creamery 7 - - - - Ctanborland - Coo ■ ortlond ioxtor - nbarior Woolon I. ills Fay & Korrlson -o Ion Co. 0, £30* MB mm 7 1 JJOYOT Srotm Hills 2,091* mm - 4 - Eac lo Xa o Kills (P.O. laclo Xako? - 1,421* 1 northern Keino -oner 1 IIo a ltd 27 1 mm }ii d t Pars ons field - 0-1 o* 1 Konlo Greet Stscl tarltri sr 1 - easepqbs? Atl ntic CornInf Co. Dlcncl ad IT .4 Canning Co. Globe Connliic Co. Ho Loo a ac k Co.,-;. . ': c ickol lac i' r Co. Scaooost Cernin Co. 4,961* 7 1 Luhoc 11 Aj5ii:-«oy 1 lensioll 3,242* - «B> S - Hortl kubee Globe larrino Co* 190* - - - - DobhlnotOR Ilolnoo 691* - - 1 - lost ciibroIrQ Sunsot lactlix, Co. 40C * •» mm - - rair 'iold - coo datervillo - ft. -air laid - 1,620* 2 Fort Hair icld Hoc ital White front Koo ital 21 12 6 3 Foscro t *oscroft Hills 1,067* - - 4 2 Crone’ villo - 1,414* 1 St.Ayptha Hog ital 12 1 mm Gardiner - Geo Aucasta C-rceno -\?ite! oil Ckaeplin Co* 772* 1 - 2 - Hallo-roll - Goo ’tEftssta IlartL 3x1 H;rtlojxl 1.13 lo II. ■: C. Krirt Co. 1,170* - - 2 - 1 obron mm 6(2* 1 Kalno Dor I tor km ICO S 1 I ovlton Ho I on Hock ino Co. IIo It on ,/oolon Kill f,04' * O 4* Ar -ostook Hospital Kadi on Honorial Hoc Ital 15 12 O &» Ieland *11 lo {Hunt ; Co. #- frank • (Isi n.i Ha Is Garnery 1,626* - - 2 1 :: a i ii . . 3 1 emulation I 0. of no* o o Pi torn City or : lants 1016 B ar . lies i- llano 0‘** Hospital Beds. Yotal : a; * . r 1010* Yinoo talo. M.O.B.C. Jaclrson - Coo Belfast Jono port Uansfield act tine Co* 2,074v - - - - •CoiHlO'blll-ik — GO Jiudefora 1(2'ox County Lajostlc Carsnin. ? Co* Eff 1020® American Steam Xatmiry Co. 27,309 Central Heine General Hos ital Ilf 47 6 Amrosoo ; In Hill© { 2 rl: nts) Cirls’c Orfhana:o 110 von dpiimiiv; Mill Bates Ctroot Shirt Co. Bates Z'X • so. Continental Hills Cobbs woolen Co* J'dikinc d* Larrort (Jvd' ins X&vg&xy} St. Italy’s Gener 1 Hoc-ital 140 -’oily - Co*,- Shoe. {Columbia I ills} Lcv.-loton Journal . ibby Go* ,** lie bon Samowwffch Co. 4,116* - - - - Liner idk Limridr r ills 061 * - - 2 1 Lisbon - boo Lewiston Livoriore ” pner Cent or Crea mesy 1,100* - - 1 1 Luboc - ,qo Hast ort U&li&an Indian B ring Bill r;,<o o mm - 4 n lire Hill - i, ir 1 t ars Hill Ha ital 7 3 - Lons cm ortl «&#L&o m G0, 1,24:.* - - 2 i national -oldlore - - 1 national Soldiers* Ho e 350 7 o I-0130 imtlr re; - co Bongo* Ifer ort import Mills 1,747* mm - 4 - LorridecaoeL - 2,600* 1 liOrri&Gciiock Senitorltn 25 2 i ITorth Bcrrcici: north Bor ic: to. 1,777* . - - 3 - north Irobec - doo Mastnort north assalboro /assalboro Lillo ore* - - 2 - - doc Bqc' land Oldtotsm - oc Bancor Oxford P.obinson Ilf .Co. 473* - - 3 - laris - 3,436* 1 She Beeches 30 - I arsons iold do an Phils Woolen Co. 1,0!7* - - - - Pittsfield : ionoor Bill Ittofiold Yam Lobactacoob: nils Loverly Bills .■2,2251* 5 Plymouth. LVm v Contor Croaaory £>90* - - 1 K)a»XABB a uQroi’t 1- Martin Co. ,~Xl. I • 62,367* 19 Children’o Hos ital 62 169 44 Bonnett Contrasting Corn. City Hospital 70 Broun Co. Coxmollan Hospital — Bnrtifcan d Horrill Co* Penal© Orrh n Asyltaa - Caldorgoou. Co.t- .* II* Port McKinley lost Hoc ital 24 Casco Canning Co. Port roblo lost Hospital 10 > onant Co. ,-B. 0* Ic&lation Hos ital 40 Corsolldatod Borderin' r. ’in *o rivato :oo ital - Beals dot Lash Laundry dr.Loi * ton’s Maternity Host. 20 Boorin' Lillian A. Gordon Sanitarian - dvor in ■ Bxnrosa Inhlio? inn Co. ILiinc %o d Bar Infirmary*- 70 Globe Irani ry Maine General Hospital 160 i rooly laundry Heine Institution ■"'or Blind GO Lan LI In Co.,- *hos* tad no Cchool dor tho deaf 112 :: ‘in . 4 City or “OiTn I nto Gopulation 101G Gar 1910* Sines. ITo. o rospi' talc p - Bono of Hoc ital. Ho. Boas. DOC Hotel tors. Bee. for O.iD 0 . POHSXAHD (Corfu. } Libby,- .J. {Universal Laundry) lou Min Co.,- Hhon s, IXalne Bloc trie Co. Hi soon Baldn Co.,-John J. ortlund Co., Soutteorth l&ch.ino Co. -timor Center Daixyin ; esn* Universal laundry St. Barnabas Hospital st. Joseph’s Hog: ital • I one ’or Aged V. oncn State School for Boys Hon orary Hone for Sonon & Children • S. : urine Hoc ital 40 150 48 50 Capo Cottayo - 25* 1 Uni tod States Ar y Host !oot>. 30 Cumberland norlean Laundry 1,403* - mm - - Couth . ortland Broar Co.,- ** . Portland 1 roducts Co. 7,471* - - 11 2 \ octuroolr Dam u:r -ills Jordan, - Hufuc 1C. Snofulton IJochino Co. eotbrook Got - as?' Lemndiy 0,000 1 Barrett Hosital 12 G 1 pocmal ( i.a, .icrehal) - 625* 1 Stato School for Fooclo IG‘ndod - 1 - irooquo lelo - 2,030* 1 !rescue General Hoc. ital • 20 0 - Prospect Harbor . ixisooll G , Inc. ,-DLd.:. 5 0* - - 1 - lilchnonol - i co B&th V Bobbinston - coo act- ort Ilocbland Laroheo Canning Co. 0,186 1 Knox County General Hop; ital 25 17 2 Ccodon Cauon And or-BocMarsd Uaehino Co. Knox Gcolon Co. 3,015 - - 6 2 O-abloixl Cascade dlls Gteorson & to verts Hfg* Oo. OaMcnl Hills Sqythe & As© factory 117* 3 1 St.Goor? o Fort Clyde Cold Store,c® & Fisheries Co. 2,201* - - mm - Hhonaston Black 2 Gey Connors Co* 2,205* 1 Haiti© Ota o i ricon Hoc* 1 til 0 6 - XJcj. Ton Hood G Sons, H* G. Goor a Bivor rills 1,012* mm - 1 - Bnnfoid Clark Foundry Co* Itafond Hotel Co. burner Contor Dairy in ' son. 6,777* 2 Dr* cCar toy’s Toc ital Oxford County -ciorporcy Hot; , 15 14 1 Sabattus (Plant cl von ca Gobstor) 000* «M» - 3 - Saco - Coe Bid, oford St* v oor; o - t bo Bocklnni Sanford Chase & Co. Gocxlall orsted Co. Sanford Hills 10,916 - - 11 2 Scare ort - oc oil* cfc S<c€B3hocon Anderson Hills Arne Hills 8,341* 1 Soru rcet Hospital 15 7 2 uonfch Berwick ck Co. 2,or®* - mm 5 1 South Gould cboro Paine Couct Csrainc Co. 150* - - - - South Paris Humor Contor Dallying Assn* l,"G-2* - - 2 - South, X eland - 500* 1 ol rd Springs House - 1 1 South :.ortland - too Portland South Wiixthns \ indhoa !lf{> Co. 1,000* - - 3 1 U A OB • 5 City or Horan 6 Plant Population 1 16 ar 1010* Tines. I o. Of Hoopi- llano Of lies itel tale. I:"Oe ■jQuS. DOC Hotel JOB*. Hoc. for n.o.3.c. Stonin ton north Luboc R. c* Omnino Co. 2, 30* - mm 2 - ThO'TLifltOn - Too BOCj&i 2%1 TreoaHt Undoroood, Wn.# Co. HcKinloy 1,116* - - 1 - froy fvmcr Center Dairy ire Assn. 760* - «■» - - Jnion <•» X f u*0<Q 1 EonropatMc Danlfcorium - 2 i li Hood Cons,- *• r. Coibw Cantor Baiiyine Assn* 099* 1 3 2 vlnal Haven Laro-Hib-y fisheries Co. 2,324* • • 2 1 eldoboro Hood & > one, - U* 1. 2,656* • - 4 mm .'arren - doe itocl&aaL Wes- in ton International an Hood Go. 014* mm - 2 - Mmis Hathaway Co. 9 - G. . Wyandotte Worsted Co. 12,702 S Grey* s Hoc itel Bisters Hoc itel .aterville IIos; ital 25 29 2 fair iold 3 onobce Hills 2,010* 1 Centre,! Heine c® .toriun 22 12 1 l ost Denton Junior Center Assn. 120* - • - - v/olx tor . euotor colon Co. 1,2 IS* «• - - mm West - ->oc Wcfcorvillo Yostbrooh - --oo i wetland . West famiit ;ton tumor Center Dairying Aeon. 400* - - - - West oribrdko - coe -Cast; ort Wilton Wilton Woolen Hills 2,142* - mm 5 - Winslocra Hills Hood & cons ,E.P. mo* - - - - Winthrop - coo Artiste l /i see sect - oe Bath Yarnonth Royal Pivcr Wee* •in Co. 2,2' 0* - - 2 - Yor!- ¥illa c - 1,000* 1 Yorh Hospital 16 4 — la nation 1910 D:30, 72 1916 442, f 06 i -imbor of gauntioo 10 Ifunixjr of Dbyoici ns 666 Ilonbors of State ocioty r 02 Area, In on# rdles 9,031 11: . n a :: A I.- ii i ii e . 1 To ulation o • o 15 Ho. t) o o tore City or Vcnm Plants 1016 War as i- llano of Too ital* BOda. Total Hoc* for 10101* Tinea* tal g. r*o.B*f. As' Inn . » / o!'Ir,nl nit tin Irvd* rd Co-., - . 1,412* - - 2 i B: motor*! IT.!. Artistic Co. 1,021* - - - <•» . Belfenap (?) Bellmen -toeWinc o. - - - - - BoSrant Insol oh 1 ills 1,5 0* - - - Berlin Braun P Co*,- * xomxjf s laundry 1 St.Ixmis Too ital 5 11 2 - ristol Bout ;o-Bavi3 U£[ * Co. 1,470* - - 5 i Clarooont Claremont sitoon Laundry hoberto, John 7,620* 1 Claremont onoral Hospital 25 13 1 Colobrook - 1,905* - Whits Mountain Toalth Besort 9 5 - COUCGHD Darrin. Co.,- n* . 22,669 7 Hart.? rot l ills’buiy General Boon*GO- 4*1 13 * Poid 1 drfb&ll / Ii.H.Iioaaorial Too ital for Bold Co* Woraos T Children 12 Hanford ..rintiir: Co. n. H. State Hospital 1. ,200 Stratton « Co* II* H. ct&te rison 263 Or bans* Hons 45 lom'orofeo Ganitoritm for Tub* 40 Kolfo & Ku ord 7 sylun 21 ron cool’: Sweesm Hills Botin Island ' oolon Tills 2,500* - mm 5 - Harris, Wnery Co., (BustIn Is* oolon) Hoyt Electrical Inotraont ; orTss Hew JlDnpeMro Cpiimin Tills i tCTXlish 01*0tod Co* Guncoel: • uncock Tills 2,300* - - 2 - - erry Toed 2 *-0ns ,-lI.W* Hess WpcAand Wiuro Tills E.1S3* - - 9 1 DOWS Kidder Trass Co* 10,272 2 Hays Hospital 15 20 rr O Pacific Tills dontworth Hospital 50 Duifsen (Baj&an ?) - 323* 1 Br« Alice II. Chosioy*3 Too ital - 1 - Kaliinsford i cl non falls Tig. Co. 1,036* - - - - Salmon falls (Salmon ?} Sooorsworth feundty Co* 1,500 - - 2* - Geesyers (1.0* Hover) Aseriocn oolon Co. - ~ — «•» - Sensrsworth i rent falls To Ion Co* 6,704* 6 Gas each Gtcan Issandiy (A* Plant r Ions) Burton - Jog Dover Bast Jeffrey \ Tito Bros* (J ffroy:Tills) 1,200* - - 3 2 Enfield Anerican 1/oolon Co* 1,443* - - 2 - Baetor Taotor Brass Works Taotor life* Tills 4,397* 1 Txotor Hospital 25 0 1 fBTHKUE' Boaupre Bros* 6,1; 2* rs *m> . r rtWlin Hospital 20 10 r* PrcnKLlr team Laundry IT. II* Orphans* Hono 200 Gullcwry Tills fanl)om Tall Hospital 9 CrorrisT - 90* 1 Terr too'- County Vam - - - Korthf iold Carter, a* • Tin Tills Woolen Co. 1,474* m - - - Tilton Tilton Ton, - Coo* II* Tilton Tills 1,006* n X IT. II* Polders* Hone 125 tr Cf 1 Gorrisli - ; oo PraaTlln Glencliff mm 50* 1 U* II* State Banitartesa for 60 l (P.O. Barron fumit) Treatment Saborculoels IT IT V H A II H I It S . 2 City or 2o@2i Plants emulation 1916 War 1910* Since. IIO* of Hospi- tals* llano of lies' ital* Ho. Bods* Doe 2otal tors Bee* for L.O.E.C. Goffs italic - Gee' llncloetor - - CG Eb.nchostor • C roonville Colunbla Ilf • o. 1,S74* - - 1 - Grovoton J olnons, Inc* 1,4<D* - - 2 1 I mCOClt G-.12* 1 Hr* Brice*o -anitcrivn mm - Hanover - oe : fobonon Karrdsvillo ChonMro Hills 625* - - 1 m Hillsboro Contoocoofe aills,Corp. Hillsboro oolcn Hill Co. HcHluair, W.H. (Herrinac li nt} 2,163* — • mm 4 - HiaadG1© Hinsdale Woolen Wills (C* J. Ar.idont Won) 1,67s1* - - 3 mm llooksot Hindoo Hills 1,523* - mm 1 1 Intorvrlo - 500* 1 Uooorial Hos- ital - 1 - Jofforeon 2amor Center Baiisrinr; • os* 1.0C1* - - 1 - KSBSB Consolidated life* Co. feillaser 1 Coios-y J*fc« Co. Koeso Gas 2 ’loctric Co. Keono Stcan lEsnndxy 10,653 o Billot City Hospital HMtebrooh Lavcm 40 12 24 5 tlarlboro Blrnltot I ills Valley oolon Lille 1,473* - mm 4 - Hroy froy BlonJmt Hills 1,351* - - 2 1 Woefc Dwansoy Hood stood oolon Sills 650* Ml - 1 - IACG8IA Bollnjap Hills Corn. Del!nap - toePin;; Co. BuSlel 5: C0*t- J.V.. Clor; c; Con* - vftw Laconia Gar Co. Hood a *olsOm 11,520 2 Laconia Hospital IT. II. School for feeble llinlocl 25 200 14 2 Lalaeport Hood & Co.,- H. 11. 3,000* - - 4 - Wo ire ::orril- tv/oal leo o. 400* - - - - ,ort — i.-oo Laconia Lancaster Ilqyoe Co.,- I. J. 2hor:noon life* Co* 3,054* 1 Srith nos?•'ital 12 7 % U HiaAHOK /xiorlcan oolon Co* 5,710* 1 Lobenon Cotta o Hosv ital - 0 2 Hanover - 1,340* 1 Huiy Ultchcocl' Honor!rl Peep. 40 11 4 Lincoln - 1,279* 1 Lincoln Hospital 15 1 - Littleton Littloton Ctoan lotadxy 3,059* 1 Littloton. Hoc ital 00 Gm0 9 5 u&EEffisssasa CcmsolLatoci Hondo nine Co. Billot nee. Co. Hood & Done,— H* P. Plant Bros. H Co. otalfe Hills 70,205 10 J nosboac ■ nor^eney Ho a ital JSLsylun of Our Lady of Xorpetnal Help DO Beacon Hill Hospital 25 •11 lot Hospital 44 Galo Hood 40 Ilotr Hotro -jano do Lourdes 60 Industrial School 175 Isolation Ho spit el 50 I anehostor Children's Hone 65 Hacrod Heart Hospital 70 at* Join's Lorre for A od Hon 25 5t* Joseph's OrphonoGO for Beyc130 3t* Xatrick's Lorre for Apod Bonon 53 5t* .abricic's Or Xanaoo for Girls 135 Ct* Ho ter *0 Orphnaoo forBoyo 150 5t. Vincent do Paul Hono for Girls 100 ! onon's Aid Hoc© 35 uonon*G 0*B*J* .Drey Aiono 55 97 20 II J • II . . .. li 1 V: J . 3 I o;: ralation Co* of Ho. “> O G tors* City or Pa<» lasts 1916 >ar Hod; i- Cere of Hoe ital Bogs. So tal Hoc* for 1010 linos* talo. H.Q.B.C. EAIKJHBC2BH {Cont.) Goff’s Palls Devonshire Hills 210* mm • *** 1 - Grasnoro zoo* 1 nillsborofodh C ur-ty Hospital 90 1 1 Marlboro - oo 'ocno Uero&Ith Ilorodith Linen Mills 1* 36* - - 5 1 Illlford ConsGlld&tod Hfg* Co. 3,030* - • MB 9 2 Hilton Jills StosTRGond, - state of Jo-n H* 050* - ■» 2 1 (liltonia Hills} IfesTma lather 1 Co., Inc. 27,52/ 9 Anidrosis Ssnltariur: m, 41 12 Groiito Overall Co. Hii'iilani Gprinr; Ganltorim w Uaslu C -o omtivc Iron Jo. Mono for eod Conor 10 Basina life* Co. Join Hunt Hcoo for L{ od cnov; Cite Laundiy Co. Con loc - Conalcncoy Co* Bashua Isolation.Hod ■ ital 14 Ilachua Ilonorial Hog ital 65 Eashua rotestant Orrheau 0 30 • . Ft* Joog h*c Hoc- ital 05 Ct* tToso hfo or hena 0 100 ITou Host Mart®t Hfr* cq* 3,540* - - 5 1 IT \7p0rt DxtinptOR C41on Co. 3.7GC* 2 Barton Private Foe ital mm 6 1 Hichorus & Sons 0. Carrie _ • ri ht Conorlal Sairbarks orr Peerless Ilf • Co* Hospital 15 north CoiBRay 1,3! 0* 1 Honoriol lloo ital 25 3 1 IJort7:fiold - Coo Prart'lin Forth Kavorhlll cro* 3 Gr "ton Co. Pam Hoc* 15 1 «• Grafton Co* Ilos &tal 10 Corasvilie Collo e Hospital 22 Forth Btratfoid lamer Confer Palsying son. soo* - - 1 1 Ossipoo - i,3r4* 1 Carroll County Am - - - Pcnacooh - Coo Concord lotorshoroii h lotorshoroodh Stoon Lanndiy 2,277* - - 4 2 Pittsfield Msoter Ilf' • Fills 2,222* - Barcont Ikll 10 5 1 Plynouth 2,200* 1 Mnily Balch Gotta 0 Mono 10 6 1 Porto.aonth Atlantic Cor oration 11,666 7 Dr* Cosies Pc, arapoutic 24 6 Contra! Jcundry Co. Banit- rito 50 1-13® & Ganorsby (Hers? Method Isandiy} Boos for A od Conor.- 12 . ort aaonth Poimdxy Harts !I* ont* -ortli Mono for - Chronic Invalids 13 I ort onoit h Hoc pi tal Gidis l oychofhenajxrutic 35 Institute 20 •at* Luke ♦ s Hoe vital 9 U. G. Ifcval lloo ital 122 Hochostor Old Colors V/oolon Hills 9,119 - - 11 1 poll ins Cord - too -over CAiiri 2,117* 1 Galon Gar i tar inn - - - • Salon Dos Porches rs, 0. IT • 600* - - 2 - Bolon - opot — Coo Galen Calnon Calls - 00 Dover • Cavyers - Coo Dover Scsraenyjforth - Goo .Cowar BpriTT field oils, ?• C# 422* - - - - 5 j ii : r r o n i . 4 City or ionn Hoists >.0) dilation 1916 Bar 1910 Since. To* of Hospi- tals* Itao of Ilooylti.l* So* Doug* Doc *otal tors Boo* for Lu Oa Ul~ C * Li TJCOOlC - OO Concord Hilton - Boo * .•rriMln ipoy - . oc Koeno LOkOfiolti. Hard in 2rc. ss Oonpary, E* 9* lf 45* - - 1 - Voire - oo loeonla v cct LeLcaoa Will ions taafixy 600* - - 1 1 I ost GsslpCO - 200* 1 Dr* Lord's Bamtorinm 6 1 1 West Bwanscy - .. oc J'oono Whitefield Ir itofioid Immlry l.GSS* 1 Ilorrison Hospital 25 4 1 Ui tcfloH Coaniac Co* V ilton Hillobotoupli llilIs 1,400* 1 Lost Wilton Hod itrl - 4 - Winchestor Wlncihostor Cannery Conrcny 2,202* - - 4 - v 'olfbo^o - 2,224* 1 BoQpina Hospital 12 6 2 Woodcvillc - l.oro* 1 oodsvllic Cotta pc Hospital so 2 1 Voonsoc’kct - - 1 Voonsocfoot IIos Ital - «• m Population 1910 355,956 1916 563,699 liodbor of Counties 14 Rurrbor of physicians 653 Aonbero ctato Society 377 Area in sq* nilcs 9,124 V . 2 0 II 2 . 1 City or Hawn X lento . ovulation 1916 War 191C* Bines llo.of Hospi- tals* Ifono of Hoc?)ltd* Ho. Bods Boo Fofcal tors. *oc* for Li* - • B*C « Altmrc Bumball Co., J. G* (dlburc Plant) 1,311* - - 1 1 Eleanor (?) Ponrfyn Slate Co* - - - - - Barre - Deo Ilontpclicr Barton UOO& > O' S, 11. . 1,300 - — 3 - .orfoy 1 Ball I-ov.-oll & dobor ( 1 color laundry} Voroont Ban Haehin© Co nary 4,033 1 .. vOcldLn.$an Hospital — 9 1 Bostons diver Roberts, J©hn da:.tone diver Co parr 700* - - 2 1 .eat: :inctor - 1,327* - Kuril Hat tin Ilorso 03 - - Bonninerton BominRton Kooioiy Con any Bo*!: in “ton deal os Conmry lilacs Cat Hoatilos Coapony Bradford Co.,Inc., I". 1. Ho Id on-Loom xrd Co. 9,114 2 Hamsy • Bitrsan Lonorial l oo; • Vo nont oluioro Hone Roe ital 40 37 17 3 Bothel Jotfcol CT rono Fanrfci Co. 1,9 33 * - - 5- - Boltonvillo Hood & ons, H*i* 90* - - - - Brandon i ldon Bros* Co#(Bntlard C . r y.) 1,600* 1 Voroont Gtato ichool for Rooblo- Untied 100 6 2 iirnttloboro 6,517* 5 Anstino Institution for the Blind Brattloboro Horae for tho *od and 1cabled 23 Brattloboro Memorial Hoc ital 33 Brattloboro Hotroat 400 Ilclroco Hospital 22 4 BullOdfc rothoro Bullock estate, II. 1. Burlington .team Lasmdxy Consolidated Bonderir (Biirlin: ton Ron* Go.) Hawley’s St can laundry Horatio Rickok Co. 21,017 9 Austin Institution for o- foetivos dna J. Hun son. Hate mi ty IIosp. Hone for Friendless anon Isolation Hospital Lake View Iiaiy Rlotc' or Hospital Hood Genat riun SporlsaBfc eanatariUD t. Joseph’s Orlanar.© CO 14 2C 130 4 DC 390 07 27 .Mlon - 75* 1 U.B.Amy Hospital 50 - - ; iKOODld Anorlcan Roolon Go. * 6,:"20* 1 Fanny Alien Hospital 70 7 2 Ccstloton - So© Hntland Cavendish Bay Brothers Go. pony (C; vonuisb ivoolon Hills} 1,200 mm - 1 - Clurcnont Boberts, John {Should c Her/ Horipshir©} Forty Lino Butter iold & Co.,Inc* 390* - - 4 mm 1* Berhshiro iianson onor is Fhroobor Co. 400* - - 1 1 Em Airfield ldon Bros* Co. 300* «•» - 2 mm ino share Bello Hires C ondonsed * Hi lie Co. i,irs* «■» - 6 - Bairfiold Hood C: Rons, r. P* 1,775* - - 1 2 pairhavon Ponrhyn elate Co* o RRA* 1 - - mm 7 - dairies Hood 1 Rons, IX* I;. 430* - - - - BGrrisXmrf; Ghoffield Bams Co.,Inc. 1,453* mm - - - Ft* :thon /.lion - eo Burl in ton IT- xdwiek ldon. Bros. Co* (Hardwick •rorr;. -iy} 2,094* 1 Hardwick Hospital 11 7 C Hartford - oo Mto Bivor Junction V 3 & :: 0 IT 2 2 Poptil tion o g Ho# Doe tors City or Heran Plants 191G v or HOC i llaoo o * Hoc Ital Bode. Total Hoc. for 191o* Tines. talc# i G*H#C. Hi? Ligate r ood ”• done, "• l* 1,750* - - 2 - Hydovillo onrhyn S late Co, 6(0* - - - Lcico Dpuanor (?) Ponrhyn Plato Co. — - - - - Laho Vies; - 45* 1 r* Lev is Janat riun - - - Ludlow 31ael; Ivor oolen Co. Joaoll drool; oolun Co. Vo:xi—Port Hills Co# 1,601* *• - 5 2 mrniwsm Kimball Go# ,J. • (Ilontpol iorFlant) 7*056* 1 Hogton Hospital 59 20 11 Barre darro Stean Laurdiy 12,169* 1 Barre City Hoc Ital 26 16 4 Forth field Davis b Go#,Ch;ts» I # Vornont llooiory H Machinoiy Go* 1,910* - mm 6 1 H&torbutsr - 1.37?* £> ninard Sanitarian Vornont State Hoc- ital for 0 10 o 6 Insano GOO Horrlovillo • 1,-14* * 1 i&ihlor Demit: rinn - £ 2 Hosport ?rootl b cor, - r# P# Iconicf 3 Steen Lcrr&iy Turnbull Co*, -J* C# 2,140* — - 0 1 northr5old - soo Font oiler# llorth Troy Hood Sons,-? • P. 771* Vft - 2 - IToraich - . 00 .Li to diver L: action. ] ittsfora - 3oe : datlond# poultnoy « enr? yr Slate- Co# 1, .74* - - 3 - Proctor - go Jutl :rd. roetorevilie Hurdoe!: . colon Hills 500* - mm 1 - Bandolph Hood & . ons, - 1 . I # • ar cut, Os- -ood d RovnHy Co* 1,707* 1 Randolph iianitoritm 15 6 2 Hichi’oru - 1,940* 1 Hichford Demit rim G 6 - IlUCLAlfi) Holey Laundry 14, HI 3 Johnson Frivate Hoc ital 13 32 9 Lincoln Iron Vorhc Rutland Hospital ■ 55 Patch H ♦ Co.,- # U Vornont Fosse of Correction 14 Castle tern C: st a ton Daily o* Horriyn Plato Co* l.oor* - - 3 1 mtsfoid - 2,473* 1 Vomont Danit rim 44 A 1 Proctor - 2,75 * 1 roctor Hoc Ital 20 0 6 1 St* < Peon lit* Jachinc Co. 6,391* 4 Cottage Sarit rim 15 1G 2 Hood b Sons, - II# p* t* loans Hoc ital ' amor Fono for Little 25 «* Ponderers 40 v;onD»f3 Hospital - Dt.JothnabTiry Moos, - Q* • 0,7 1 2 Brightlock Hoc ital 24 10 5 Priori can Hoifc a Hoc Co* My WorLs) St*J’tihnsbuxy (?} ST. Johnclrdiy Foci ital 20 & 2±orfc Elver - See Bcllo-'s Hallo. Scotch Hill (?) PCnrhyn Slate Go. - mm - - - Dboluon Jtaction Hood & Done, — ’• P# 50* - - - <N» DprinrfieM dry. nt G ■ uc‘ -in Cpfcxior Co# 5,* 2 Sprint;field Hoy>1 fc 1 30 11 #) 4# Hellor/c Goar Ofesper Co* iprin field Brace Co.,Inc# vornont Luafch Co* Vbraont Storm Laundry Sumy side rim v is K :: o n s 3 City or ~om i 1 Imto Po illation 1016 bar 1 10 ffi sos. Ho* of Hos i- Harao of Il03 ital talo. : o* - vis* Doctors Hotel ioc* -'or t* n t> n *.-• U* Bv/anton Benin ton Arras UBC Co* , Inc* Bicli, - John P. Sornbtill Co*, - J* G. ( Croon Corners Plant) 1,2S»* - - 4 1 2hotfor& Etrabull Co., - <T. G. ( IT. Bhotfard lout) 1,102* - - - Vor onnes - l,'-33* 2 Vermont State Industrial School Cooler House Sanitarium 240 7 5 Vallin'^oixi l.atortxaiy - Westminster visas Bivsa /ixaericaa fori• f "oo Co., { Batchollor woxfts ) Goo Pont oil>.r. - £oo Bollavs falls. JUWT1QS 1,719* rr n 3 1 Veraont Bakinc Co* 2,000* - - 6 2 II rtfoiu Harris liaeiy Co., ( ueekoe mils ) Hartford Boolon Co* "Smith# Qti to of Bobert 2. 4,179* «•» • 1 Boxv/ich Hood & Core, - H. P* 1,262* - - 1 Ijcldoi’ inoochi - s Cooloy l riflit Hfo Co. national /-Coo Co. T/intlsor Stoan Xsonftrsr eo Berlin ton* 1,906* 1 Vermont St to Irison l ac ital 9 5 .oodstock Hood V ions, - r* r. 1,006* - 6 2 Population 19X0 3,366,416 1916 3,719,156 lumber of ''aunties 14 Ik&toor of Physicians 5,494 IJenbers State Sot* 3,403 Area Sq* lileo 8,039 MASSACHUSETTS 8,039 1 Population Bo* of No* Doe tors City or Sam slants 1916 War Hor.pi- Name of Hospital* Beds* Total Bee* for 1910* Times* t&s* M* 0*B*C* Abington - See Brockton Acton - Bee towel 1 Acuohnst - Hew ** Adams - North Adamsdale • Bee Attleboro Agawam - laid Aiaenvllle - *>ee Springfield AXlerton - Bee Boston Alston - Bee Boston Arnesbury - Bee Se^fcnryport Amhurct - See Northampton Andover - Bee Lawrence Arlington - Bee Boston Arlington Heists - *ee Boston AsKbnrnham - Bee Gardner Ashland - Bee i^sraingham Assonott - B©e Atlantic - Bee Boston AQHQL Athol Machine cq* 9,461 1 Memorial Hospital 20 12 h Union Twist Brill Co* Orange Leavitt Machine Co* 6,379* - - 7 2 Miwtft Tapico Co* (Plant #1) Monarch Steam Lmndry Sew Home Bering Co* Sew House Bering Machine c0* Union -tool Co* ATTISBORO American Machine Bo* H* & B# 19,282 3 Attleboro Home aniAAriun 10 25 7 Attleboro llaawf aeturin; Co* Campbell, Colin Attleboro Sanitarium « Hocp* 160 Sturdy iamorldl Hospital 16 Clegg Mjfg* & x<ool wo* Holfendsa & yoas, B* Interstate Consolidated Street By. Co* Moosberg Co*, *'raak Besington Co* Adams dalea Spencer lain Co* ISO* - - - mm Barrowsville Defiance Mfg* Co* 100* - - - - Ians fie Id Atlantic Chemical C0# 6,772* - - 6 2 Bay •'tate ±'ap & Jie So. - Card Kfg. Co., S. w. Chocolate Refiners, X«j* towney Co*, 'alter M* Sow toi .‘land Drawn Steel Co* D* ttleboro Bliss & Co*, a. il. 11,014 - • 12 3 Straker & vreomn Vebstor Co* Horton Lane thros* Co* 2,687* - • 1 - Horton tounton St Attleboro street Bailway to* Talbot <ool Caching Cq. , Xnc* Plainville Plains* ills horns '-ash C0. 1,408* mm - • - St. Attleboro Attleboro Braiding c0. 600* - - - - Home Bleach & Dya arte inborn - See Worcester aAdSAOHUSSSTS 2 Population City or Town Plante 1916 War 1910* Timas* So* of Bos pi- Same of hospital* tale* No. Beds* Doctors Total Bee* for M.O.R.G. Ayer - 3©e Fitchburg Baldeinsvill© - Gardner Ballard vaL© - Laurence , BARRE - 3,476* 1 film Hill 75 4 3* Barr© Wool ''oribing G©,t Ltd* 400* a* am 2 Barrowsville - 3©e Attleboro Bedford - ao© Boston Bellin jhasn - See Milford m B©2mont - *i©e Boston • Beverly - 3*© Salem Billerica - 3©© Lowell Blades tone — 3©© Milford Bondsvilie - 3©e Palmar BOHi'CH Mdten Bros* & C0# 766,476 Alden & G0- (Branch ) American American **lue G0* American Meter C©, (national Tafts Meter oxks) American Powder Mills American Lawidry, Ino* Aiaori can »team & Mfg, *o* American Sugar Refining American *ool & -Machine C©* Anderson, %idrew & C0. Andersen ifg* G0,# Albort & J« M* Bay Boltin? Go* Beacon ‘•’team Laundry B©nt, Co*, Bent, Jisaes 3* Berkley Laundry Co* Bloc* Plait Electric Light ue* Boamanno Lenndry Co*, Boston works Boston Li©7atod %• Boston Ice Co* Boston Insul ted wiro & Cable ®e* Boston Lead co. Boston Molasses Co* Boston B©vere Beach & Lynn Boston %naimi l4ofrigeratin?? Co* Lnandry Buldaa & co* Cabot, Ino*, CaMU, H* (Condit Mfg. C0,) Chadwlck-Bostan l«ad ®o* Chase & City Laundry Co* Cobb Bates A *eraa Co* (Paaeeil HdLl tore) Cobb Bates At Yerxa Co* (Friend St* utore) Cobb Bates & Yenm Co* Coffin *alve Co* Colonial Gan Co* Columbia Counter C0* Conmsnwealth Ice & °0ld Storage C©# Con*? recced Steel Shafting Creamer Hug Laundry 0to foot Cean \,orte Crosby Bteam ''age & Valve Co, Crowells Wet Wash Laindry Dean & C0jp# Dodge Ino*, H* c# Dow H,S, Itancan, William C0, Dwinell- right C0* Eastern lochias Co, Eastern Oil & Lendezim c0# (Forhush & c$) 146 Adar© Hervine SO Bates Hospital, &rl$iton - Bay State hospital IS Berkeley Infirmary Besoey Hospital 20 Beth Israel Hospital Boothb 'urgioal Hospital 60 Boston City hospital 1,060 Boston Bansuraptives9 Hosp* 260 Boston & %r Infirmary Boston floating Hospital 120 Boston Home for Homeless Bq^s Boston Home fbr incurables 60 Boston hospital & dispensary for Children 30 Boston Lying-In Hospital 62 Boston Worth End Mission 42 Boston Ilorsery for Blind Babies 26 Boston State Hospital 1,432 Boston State Hospital, Psychopathic Department 110 Boston ‘'tate Hospital for Men - Boston °tato Hospital for Women— Bumap Free Home for *ga& Woman 21 Buzrage Hospital - Carney Hospital 216 C banning llama 28 Cbnrdon Street Home Children*s Hospital 160 Church Home 76 Codman Private Hospital - Coll is P. Hutting tan Mem* Hosp* 26 Hospital 20 Convalescent Home of the Bos ton City Hospital 36 Corbin Hospital - Cruft Hospital 4 dispensary for the Home Hotel for Xaung women 10 Cullis Consumptives9 Home 40 Cushing Hospital 30 David H, Judd Hospital Deer Island Hospital 126 Des Brisay Hospital 23 Dispensary for women - Dorchester Cottage Hosp* 12 Douglas Sanatorium 20 fi* Boston H©ii©f Station 10 Eliot Private Hospital 26 Ellen ll» *ifford Sheltering , Home - Elm Hill Private Hospital 22 Faulkner 38 2,026 426 MASS A 0 HUS i£ T T 3 3 City or ■‘•own Population rlanta 1916 War 1910* Times* Lo* Of Hosjd- Horae of Hospital* tals* ho* Bedes Doctors Total Reo* for M*0*R*G* B06EOH (Cant'd. ) Eastern Hteara Xupndry Co* Fenway Hospital lb Eddy & C0.9 jj9 Florence Crittenden Maternity Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of Boston , Home 33 & Jrielerion c0. Follansbeo Hospital _ Everlastik, Inc* Forest Hills Hospital SO Fogg c0#9 Charles E* Free Home for Conmuaptires in Foss & C0#f inc. , H* i>* the City Of Boston 110 Jen oral Baking Go* (Foot Bakery op Charleston Plant) Germania Eye Infirmary _ Globe Optical Go* Glens ide Cani tar turn 7 Jordan & Boxmn Gordon Home for People & Gray & C0#t T, H* Incurables MS Chest Laundry Co* Grove Hall Polyclinic Hasp* - Hsllett & %iris Plano G0* (Factory* iieponset) Harrison Are* dispensary me Ifaja Co., t, il. Hart Private Hospital 40 Hawkriage Bros* Harvard Univ. Cental School & Hewes & Potter Hospital • Highland Laundry (S*B* or shall) Hebrew Ladies’ Home for Aged - Hinds Hand Sundry Co* Hillside Hospital 11 Holman & **o*, John Home for aged Colored v/oaen • Hood & , H* P* (Charlestown Home for %ed Couples 100 Hood & Bene, H* F. (Forest £dll Dls’t.) Hone for Aged Men 48 Howe & Homo for the Aged Poor 220 Howes Bros* Homs for Aged Roman • Itall Co., *4. ». Home for Destitute Roman Johnson, -o ;on uo* Catholic Children - Johnson yo*, L* 3* Homo for Friendless & Unfortunate Kill ion %bber *o* Women 8 Kin; & c0#t ino#t i*# F. Homo for Jewish Williron 200 Kni ht & Hons goxp** a* Home for Little Wanderers - knibt & ‘*homn* Ins* House of the *ood Lamari tan 43 Lamsan House of the Good Shepherd 2S0 Lascon & Mfjg* Co* House of Mercy IS Lawrence Mfg* Co* (Lawrence Mills) Infanta* Hospital 63 Linen 'thread Co* Industrial Hons • Lloyd* Aindrew C0. Infirm; ir la Italians - Loooe- ileo Biscuit Co* (Boston Bsfcery) John Indus trial Hone - MoCafforty Co** J* il* Klein Rye Hospital mt i&Cajm* A0 Leopold 'torso Home for Infirm McCallen Co* Hebrews & Orphanage 70 Manning Maxwell & i boro Lincoln House dispensary - Hasan Co** Perry Long Island Hospital 360 lias an Regulator co* Lord Sanitarium - Massachusetts *dc ing Co* (Banner Branch) Martin Lather orphans* Hosm mm Massachusetts Chocolate Co* Mass* Infant Asylum «» Moisei Press %* C0. Mass* Charitable Eye & -nar In- MeIlia’s F00a C0# firmary 216 Merriraao Chemical °o* Mass* Cooperation Capital 36 Mlddleby* Jr** Joseph Maos* -tenoral Hospital 441 Moore & -yarn Elevator & Machine Works Mass* Home & -kmgwood ‘toqp* 9S Murphy fJio & Machine Co* Mass* Homeopathic Korp* 436 Murray & %e? nrtha Co* Mass* -tate Prison Hospital - national Fireworks Distributing C0* Mass* Hospital 32 He Is on & Furnace Co* MoGrolght Lauitariisa 40 Bew Bn ’land C<>. MoDowell tal 7 Hew inland Confectioner;; Co. Mount Pleasant Home 46 Hevtosvllld & v*atertov/n Street Ry* c0* Mt* Sisal Hospital _ Met*/ York Mattress C0* Hftw 4i ;land Baptist Hospital SO Niagara Laundry Cq* Mew England Beacon ess Hospital 70 Oriental Bea A uoffee c0. ICoffee Roosting Plant) Hew Eqglsnd Rye E Lor Hospital • Parks Causage & *xo viol on Cq. Mew hagland Hospital for “omen Paul * Booth c0* (Berkeley Vundryj & Children 200 Peekham* h* *• Mew £Ug2ani Psychopathic Hone . Peerless Knitting mils C0* Morth End dispensary & Hoep* • Pilgrim Laundry Co* Perkins’ Instit* & Mass* ttehool Plant Bros* & Co* far tisa "lind 296 Plymouth Co* Peter Bent Hospitd. j>9fi Plymouth & cii Street Ry* Co* Plymouth Hospital 16 Poliak 'L'ool St Btaaping Co. Preodergast Ca^ 12 Potter right! ngton (Old Crist Mill) quarantine Station 600 Priscilla Publishing **e* Reede Hospital 16 yuiafcy & Cheney* Inc* Bald Hospital — Reece Button Hole Machine c0* Rest Haven Hospital • Regal Laundry Co* Reynolds Hospital - loyal Lamdry Co*, Inc* Rlverbank Hospital Royal textile c0* Robert Bent Hospital 160 Sane an otto Rodaury Cliarihable Soo* Hop. - Ehoenfeld C©., Herbert F* Roxbury Eye & Ear Infirm* - Simp son’s Patent -°ry Dock Co* Rorbury Home for Children & Standard Bhenaometer Co. Aged -omen 29 Star Brass Mfg* Co* Rokbury Horae ops thio bi c^finoary - Strathmore Worsted iills (Concord Jnct*) Ruooell annitarinra - Stronach, 0* M* Salvation l*rr$f Maternity Hoop. 36 MASSABHtfS&nS 4 City or Town Plants Population 1916 ‘ War 1910* Times. Ho* of Hospi- tals* ► > Home of Hospital* Ho. Beds. Doc • Total tors Bee. for M.O.R.C. BCB2GH (Coat9 d.) Star tenant Go., B# P# Talbot Co., {Clobo Optical Go.) Taylor Bros* Laundry, Inc* To?»r C0., A. j, Trimoant Mfg. C0. Tubular Bive* & &tud Co. Underwood,, William Co. Union Cesr A Machine Co, Union Laundry Co. United Indi go & Go. (Chelsea) U* S* Lachine Co. Wenz, iienry dtherell Bros, Wetraare-Savage \heelodfr-Lovejoy Co. Whltcont)-Blaisdoll Liachine forte l&itman & Pratt Bendering ®o. Woodley Mfg. Co. Bigler & Bong Co. * Scandinavian bailor’s & Imaigrants9 Mcoboy Private Hospital Shields Hospital Snallpox Hospital - Smith -anitorina m‘> S. Dept* of Boot* City Hosp* 340 South Bis|>, & Hospital St* Botolph Hospital St* iaospital 200 St* Joseph’s Pome for **^ed V/ooaa 100 3t* Take's Home for Convales- cents 26 St* *Jargorot#3 Maternity liosp* 50 St. Gary’s Infant Asylum $ Lying-In Hoqp ital 208 St* Monica’s Horae for Colored 1 onion & Children 20 St* Vincent’s Orphan Asylum 250 State Psychopathic Hospital 110 Sv*dlsh Home Sv/»diah .Lutheran Immigrant Home - Talitha Cumi -Maternity Home of the S# Thg, Reform Society 30 The %hige 20 lVilifit Hospital - U. Marine Hospital Vincent Memorial Hospital 24 Walter Bater Sanitarium 26 Washington Home 40 Tangier anitoMum 22 Winchester Home fbr %ed > omen 35 Home - illerton - 260* 1 Dr* C. P. Cyives tor’s Private Hospital 12 2 1 Alls ton Carton Go* - - - - 3 Arlington Arlington Laundry Hale Coianany 12,811 2 Syozaes Arlington Hospital Dr. Young9© Hospital 25 10 20 3 Arlington Helots - (Included in Bob ton) 1 Arlington Health Resort 60 10 1 Atlantic Atlantic >et -»af?h Laundry Go. - - - 3 1 Bedford Horton & C0#f 3, 1,365* - mr 18 1 Belmont - 8,081 1 CcswaLescent Hospital 36 10 3 Braintree Dow Mf .*> Co* £• ttsOuskor, Henry 9,376 • «* 7 1 Bri rpton Boston Presh •‘■ripe Co. Batchers’ & Melting Ass9n. 1 St. Elizabeth’s Hospital - - 6 Brookline Brookline 1'aster Dept. Creamer & i%s ign Sunshine Lamdry 32,730 8 Board of Health Hospital Bournewood Hospital Brooks Hospital Chennlng Sanitarium Coroy Hill Hospital Tlie Hospital Free Hospital fbr Women Summit Hospital 60 16 40 25 37 16 62 SO 187 22 • Cartridge Blenohsard feohine Go* Boston & Laundry Go. Brt&ara d Co,, 0* Broadway Iron foundry Co. Carriage Electric Light Go. Canferld e <*as Lifit C0, Cambridge Laundry 0 mb ridge fibber C0, Carr Pistonor C0, Coaaoawea 1th Laundry Co. S. & R. sundry Co. Cray & lad* Binfjaam Knitting C0, Kinn & »>ons, Ine., L, Lever Bros* c0. 112,981 19 Avon Home Baptist Home Cartridge & Ter Infirm. Cartridge Horae for Aged People Cambridge Hospital Cartridge l&mlalpal - Casfcrl&ge Belief Hoopital Carribridge Tuberculosis Hosp. Ciiarlecgate Hospital Goestor Hospital Cunningham Hospital Diphtheria Hospital Harvard College infirmary Holy Chost Hospital for Incur- Alls <0 e» mm 114 25 135 50 25 24 150 168 42 MASSA JHUSJSIT3 5 City or *om Plants Population 1916 War 1910* Pis»s. Ho* of Hospi- Homo of Hospital* tale* Ho. Beds* , Doc 2otal tor Boo* for 11* 0*R*C* G airbridge (Gont*d*) ulnon '-thread Mobk’s Laundry C0. , Payno Co** **• •** quality Laundry Reardon & ana Co.* Lohn Klvorsido dollar Lari© RugooII & °o*f Inc* £tal©x A Cable Co* sterling Knit ioodc Cq. A ®0** v * C* j%aares dons Co** Alden ard Baidas Co* beeloolfr-lovejoy Co* or thin stem Pt&ap fi riasMno Co* Dr* Linehaa’s Hospital Lovell Hospital Maroy CurgLeal Hospital Middlesex Hospital Stillmn Infirmary mm 20 12 62 Caj-bpidgeport national biscuit C0, - - - - - Canton Blue Hill Ct* Co, (Po or Station) Beponset Woolen Hills Smman Electric C0. Springfield Finishing °o# 5*623* 1 Mass* Ibsp* for Crippled & Deformed Children 300 10 3 Charlestown Boater Hill lamdry Charlestown Cos & ZLectrio C<>. Eastern Sit&l & -defining Co## Inc* Howard Mfg* Co, Palmer & P?*rker Co. Pile* C. R. Raid * Byan Stickney & Poor Cpioe Co* hit tenors Woodbury Co. mm 4 Cliolsoa Atlantic Carbonic C©* Bartels* £»f i Friedman* Lee U* Boston Core A ebb Hfg* Co* Cabot* -hoc*, Cfsauel Jjmiiro laundry Co* Brer las tile* Inc* (¥*Hartln & Bro* uf. treon C0,# Richard 2* Sri ffin %ael C0. Lovenel 1-iioraici Co* Traill leuaftry Co** Ino* Union Metal otfte;* Ino* Walter Bros* Dyeing A Co* 46*192 > Co*) 5 Lafayette Private Hospital Rufus 3* Frost Hospital Soldiers Home in Mass* (In Barracks) U*d, Marta* Hospital U*3* Haval Hospital 12 70 223 650 150 300 63 9 Concord American Powder Hills Moore A %gsss obbin ; C0* 6,681* 1 Deaconess Hospital 16 11 2 Concord Jnet* tear leas Ponder Hills 1*500* 1 Mass. Reform tory Hospital 50 3 - Deilw Dedham Later Co* P&tenande* l;. £• 10,433 - - 12 3 Do ic hooter Anchor laundry Co* (Included in Boston) Benson A John Hyland* Ansel C* Collegia Let ash Leo nary Jroeeru (; Cq, Russell Boiler vorKs* Co** Jsmes Bussell Boiler “oite* James v/alker B-ocer & Co. 22 £* *oston Boston *orge Co* Boston & Loukport CQ. Carson A Pitts (Orient Heights) General Co* Hodge Boil or v<orks Joh»eon laundry c©. Mo Intyre, B.* & Millar* B. j. H-nvcrick Mills Mend Morris on Hfg* Go* Morohant’s v*ool Cooaring Co. MidcUobrook Cc«3i>iii c0## Inc* Middlebbook wool Confcing C0* Picknrt x'lsh Co. Preble* Bdraord Standard Oil Cq* W*S. Ljactrlo eliin jCo. Wooloy A C0.f C. a* V/ooley’s laundry # - 7 MASSACHUSETTS 6 Popala tion No* of No* Boo tors Jity or Plants 1916 Var Honpi- liarae of Hospital* Beds* Fotal B©c* for 1910* i’lmec* talc* M* 0»H*G« BOSOTH (Cont'fU) & Old 'Colony *as Co* 1,100* 1 Abble Crafts Wad© Home far 1 Invalids & Aged People 14 S* Jambridg© Boston & Main Railroad iiaiit Jfosbridg© Hilling uo* - mm 1 - Liquid Carbonic Jo* Hovore %f iaery yo* River Sugar i*ef iaery Jo* Hoaley Jo* Lquiro & *o*, John P* C* J* I&&* Jo. (Parity Biv* ) B* Be&hara DedJjara Carpet nils 3,600* - . - 1 - £• So?? %gland Jo* - mm - - - B* 111 ton - 1,800* 1 Milton Joznral ©soeat Home & Hosp* 9 - - Em ‘ alpole 700* 1 Dr* Hrlan's Private iiospital 14 3 (Norwood) Li* ©ynouth IMon ..'alter & wildo Em Weymouth ool Jcourln; Jo* 3,300* - - 6 1 Bvorett Bailey * C©*, Csoar L* 39,233 6 Hrs* a# ij# Bates* *teiitarium m 30 6 Blount, J* C* Hverott Sisal Ipox hospital 44 • OhadtoUMB & iiooro, J* * M* Factory #2 New ’Some for J©af Aitec 16 Brarett Bronze & Aluminum Foundry SdberculosiB i4ospital 24 'loin Ctaeged Bteel Jo* iloodale ternary, Inc* Ho——t tewdry Sew i£te$Land Bolt Jo*, las* Whidden L©aaorial Jiospital 20 Hew Ragland *u©l & ion Jo. Shaunnt Iron & ir© orlos Shipley Lacfcin© J©*, • B* Slmlts-Gosdwin Jo* 1 - Ft* Strong . - 1 0*3* Army Post Hospital 28 P*Ow Boston Hall Ba*K»ifs Jons Jo*, L* 2,290* - - 1 • H$d© Parle daerlcaa t Jo* 16,607* 2 firs* Chapman *s iicprm for ZavaL ieto* 18 1 America! St Machine Jo* Hew %g* Peabody Home for < Crippled Children 30 Bay atat© *• • & Go* Jo* &eckar Hilling HacMne Jo* Bedhaa & %de Park aas <k Electric Light oo* Porches ter Braes St lomixnm f oundry Grey * **©•, ®* H* Lenox Motor Car Jo* M&ttapasn Square et Lash Laundry Stofcn, J* Stortevaat Jo*, B* F* Jamaica Plain Banda U-FaiolaMy Jo*, Inc* 1 &aerson Hospital m U Star tenant Areoplane Jo* (See Boston) Lexington - 6,638* 1 Tim Keeley Institute 30 10 1 Lincoln - 1,310* 1 Hdgerly private Hospital 6 6 - Malden Cochran© Go* 61,166 3 Contagious Hospital 30 64 10 Converse %bbcr Sjbo© Jo* Malden for Aged Persons 24 Haotew Metal & H©fining Jo*, Inc* Family teadry Jo* Hall, /inferos© u. Ma Mon Light Go* Malden & ;iolroge das Light Jo* Nsidner & fcon Jo., Charles Malden Hospital 80 • •/otter Bmg & Chemical Carp* tohurhan ternary Tala knitting Go* Mattapan Speedometer Part J©. 16,187 mm - 24 4 Medford Fallsway %bber Jo* 26,234 4 Dearborn Hospital 30 23 3 Gletnsood *orl© Hillside Private Lospital 6 Bedford v oolon ifg* Jo* iodford Lospital Pockaim Hospital 20 14 U A a 3 A U H U 3 is 2 I 3 7 City or Plants population 1916 War 1910* rimes. No* of Hospi- tals. Bane of Hospital. Do. Beds. Doctors Stotal Sec. for M. O.R.C* BOB* OK (Jont*0.) ioXros© Jtasry * to* Friond *roc#r *ntf. (Melrose 17,445 4 Isolation Hospital Melrose Ho capital Melrose Maternity Hospital- New hgland Banltariwi 42 8 100 50 6 Melrose Hl{ftla«&s - - 1 Dr. Reeves Nervine 15 7 Hilton m 0,600* 1 2he Milton Hospital 9 17 3 Needham Wye Goorgo 6,648* 1 Clover 'feme & Hospital *8 10 1 Sepoaset Colonial i?\iel Co. - - - - Newton Garden City Lawwfcry 43,715 U.5. ! ' orstod Co* (Baxony Worsted Mills) 1 Rebecca Pomroy Nowtan lbm fOr (fephan Ciria 20 158 9 Newton .Midlands - 1,700* 1 Hi Hall >%nifcnri«ai 10 (Bee Newton) l Rewton hotter Falls Cordingleef & Jon, w. s. Sullivan C0.t R. $. ellesley Underwear Co. 1,600* 1 Nekton hospital 165 " 1 Newton ypner ML Is fejo'aell *ire Alarra iol. uo. Byte i Oo., '-1111311 1,900* 1 tone Inst. & Newton Ham for Aged People 16 n , SpvtftSr ill© Silver Xefte C3# 5,330* - m * 4 Kerf oik Boms Couch Co., 3. H. - - - mm ee H. Cqj* ridge Be&sylth Box uo. - - - 1 lU Gjmmth Basrican jjrioul tsiral Cho jdeal Co* 1,000* - - 3 Harwood Brake Uho© & *orgin ? C0. illmpton * Co.# u. inolow Bros# & *%ith Co# 9,605 1 Norwood Hospital 30 18 5 vnincy Botiilohom Chip Bide* I4d* Bocson & lemm Norfolk iron °o* Odd Colony fewradry, ino. taui&oy dsytsm -at Wash Co. Wollaston foundry *o. 58,226 2 City Hosp. of nincy Fore Rivor Hospital 80 6 56 9 Randolph Bristol Norfolk C0# Royal Chao 4,734* e» - 5 2 Revere Collar, %nldl J. Revere Forgo co. tahiirbiw 3-as & Co. 23,136 — - 20 3 Ro^bary Oajdeol TwmOry Co. Carter** ot Wash Waundry Brake Bros. Co. Gramlar 7 fetal Co. Mechanics Apron <& ’npply Co. iMoreo & c0#ff Janes F. Pilgrim ■‘sundry Co. Ros&txry Carpet Co. Standard Biicrnonetor Co. Union utool Castings Co. 1 Beth Israel Hospital • Shirley - - 1 Industrial School fbr Boys 265 2 1 corner vi lie Gasriciai Lmndry Co* Contra! Laundry Co. CohrabJUi Mills Consent Bros. Co. Drawporb*Brarm Co. Fnsncworth lew Method Laundry Giimora & C0.# K. u. Hinckley fendering Co. Home sundry Co. Jjoos & Dons, ino., *ionry Sew Indiana -Crossed feat & wool Co. North Paoklii* & 1 revision Co. Pearo foundry Co. jooarvilie Iron Foundry Co. Standard Fibre Co. eitz, Cqj.! rThl f.AAmaa Tjtm«rlwr 87,059 5 Central Street Hospital Hosp. for Contagions Diseases Somerville 'feme for the Aged Comervilio Cottage hospital Somerville Hospital 18 17 52 80 12 MASSAC H W 8 3 » T S 8 City or Town Pllti Population 1916 War 1910* Times* Ho* of Hospi- tals* ifaoc of Hospital* So. Beds* Doctors Total Bac* for M* \3.0. BiJKDC® (Cunt’d.1 0* i^ostoa firaorlean 0o# Burn Battory & Ilfg* woite Caressed Stool Shafting G0# Condit WLoctrio G0* 2od# Xw3*t il» G# hunt-spill© r ’fa‘* f'orp* WLujln, -»© >• H* Maaldne C©#f J* V, Poalnaulsr fasaily Laundry Defining Go* Woods WaeMno G0#t 8. A, - 1 8* symouth Stetson :iK>e Go* syrnouth ®ater Works 3,000 «■» - 4 Spectacle Island (?) Internal tonal Go* CP - - - - Obertbaw Construction G0. - - - - Stoneham American Glue G0# 7,4«9* - - 8 Sudbury American fowler 1111s ttirlburl Dogws G©* 1,206* - - - Wabai ** - 1 Knollr/ood ‘Sanitarium 12 (See Bewton) - akofield Greecoit Laaslry G0* 12,733 dibby foundry Go* Lead Lined iron f tpe 0©# ri&2tll& 41110 •as»f ie Id laBo&vy Go* WLaship Booifc & '•'O. (Harvard Khi ttin; ill la) eat 19 1 Taipei® (Norwood) Gray Go*, ■ • Lewie G©* standard Woven fabric Go. White G©# 8,490* - - 3 althaza Bjuod if> Go* Boston Mfg* Go* Boston renal Pointer G©„ Guilds Bothers Clayton Ilf5* Go* CldEHttf L* David £ %rmu Hfg, Go* ■Jorb shiro, Hasp, John Motor Specialties G©« althsra Gial G0#> xnc* Hirer si tie Laundry Superior *h®ol Go. Thompson Mf:> ‘ e* , Judson L* Wainun Bleacher? & Cye Waltham foundry yo* Waltham Laundry Go* Waltham %toh Gq* 30,570 3 Teland «wk for #1ged Women VaLthara Bab Hospital Waltham Hospital wm 20 125 40 8 Water tom aetoa Mills Chase * G0#? L# o* Dolby Go#y aas Oliver, «. H* £ M» L, Siraono, Hatch <1 hittier Go* £ rratt Ifg* G©* Watortovja 34,067 4 Atmny Bank Hon* Door© Hospital V/alsh Memorial Hospital Wnterto n lie lief iSspital an 15 20 26 2 v/averley «* 1,000* 2 Itas* Gch&ol for feeblo-Mlndedl,500 McLean Hospital 220 21 4 ollesley 6,439* 4 Cedar lodge Convales. Home of Child* Roep< of Boston Stepson Hospital aliesley Earvin© 8 » 72 . IB 30 12 5 W, Medford a* 3,000* 1 Sarah fuller Hqkb 10 11 H A iJ 3 A C II U 3 iS T 4? 3 9 Population So. of Do. Boot ore City op 2arm Plants 1916 War Hospl- Sam* of Hospital. Aeh • Total Bee. for 1910* Times . talc. a. %tj.c. BBSOH (Orat'd.) W. ibwtoa U.s. Electric Sigsml wo. • 3 Sevrfcon iervino zs (Bee Bewtan) 3 Hewton 12 Woodlevn ''ani tarixrs 9 W. Ko^siPy Fraser, Donald W - - - - 4 17. SQiaerv ille Silttti Lilian D. - 1 Somerville Board of Health Contagious Bis. Hospital 80 23 3 eymouth .American Agricultural raieal 3. Custom Xenndry 13,882 - - 8 1 Winchester & yobb, %* & c0bb 10,603 2 Hose fbr Aged People 12 27 8 Tanning °o.) Winchester Hospital 20 Whitney Machin© V/hitt*n C0., J. C. Whittier Co., John Wiiithrop Twining# 1111*30 12,692 1 Metcalf Hospital 10 19 6 Woburn Bailey & BUmdlnger Co. 1B,969 2 Charier Choate Manorial ibsp. 20 16 3 Bookman & Kean Co. Woburn f or %ed *oam - (Hratnge leather c0#f e. Dorington Lea C0. Pgk & Inc., ••«'. p. Hopki'i in Leather C©. Kaplan, Morris & Co. Murray T&axing Co. * Sew ■oaglTndL -If > C0. Woburn Machine C0# Wollaston Ha 11 Company, -1111am tabular %©et & atnd Co. • 1 National Bailors# home 40 12 3 Wollaston Paindry Co. Braintree - ton Bridgewater - do© Brockton Brighton - °ee Boston * BROCKMI Barry T. D. Broolrton Cooperative Boot & hoe Co. 67,449 6 Belmont Private *bspital 14 84 25 Brockton Hospital 50 Brockton Cas Light Cq. Detention Hospital 12 Brockton &aad Co* Goddard Hospital 25 Brockton webMng Co. Safford Maternity Hospital 7 Edison XUacniftnt lag Elec. Co. of Brockton Wales ibme for %ged ®omen 18 TJv«rlastik. Inc. Farim, %ank 3. Field Co., F. Hazen-Bron Co. Independent Die co. Keith Shoe Co.t Preston B. Lnpworth ebbing Co. Low H# M# Mawhinney Last CQ. Sterling P*otor car Oo. Taylor Co*, E* E* Tuck Hfgb 'o. F. B. White Star Co. Abir^t^a Liberty Qrdneme Plnnt 5,656* - - 3 1 Bridgewater White Shoe Co., L. I. 9,381* Z St. Asylum for Insane Criminals960 9 1 St. Fam Hospital 150 Bryant*ille % Abln&ton A Aookl^eid, 260* - - - - Bupjrge Wheeler Co. - - «n - - £• Brid&ewatGfCflarrep Gotton C0. 3,689* 1 •illot Sanatorium 40 3 m . die on HLeo. Ulumimtiii; Co. of OQLd Colony foundry Co. Boston Belcher Malleable *ron Cq. 6,064* - - - - nanoon Burr age, A» 2. 1,796* - - - me u a s s a cny o n ur; . 10 City or Soiai Plants Postulation 1916 or 1910* Hines. X?b. Of Poa B- tals Bam of IIoc ital Ko. Boas J 0 c Hotal tors Hoc. for BBOCKRJ8 (Cont.) Ik>ntollo Cl need Choo Co* {Brockton 1*0*) - - - - - IT. AMn ton Oyossett Ire., be” is II* n '-'ftn * &#,OUU - - 5 3 lu liiston Pesos Shovel & Pool Co. (Oliver Aces & Pons Coar *} 3,000* - - 4 - Eocldcjil ooroon Shoe Co. Hs&lw Co. Hee a I&tteMns Inc. (Cnrtis P ctory} PocPl ml Poking Co. \i;bt & feo. , illC. j. • 7,074* 10 1 Sharon Jorr Faro, C.P. orr, Xlamcsr 2,460* 1 Sharon Bonafcoritm 23 5 1 B. lion son - 422* 2 Ifcncon Alns House Haqvtan camtor-jum 10 10 3 - P tour “ton Bolero r, Goo.H. Preneh l aid Woolen Hills HiHips, F.C. Wood -Elastic Wb Co., J* . 0,912* G *- • P. Bria enter * n,?4i* 1 Groyotono He.;o s Lana tor inn mm 3 1 W. Hanover national nrmotks Distributing °o. 600* - - - - WMtnoa Gurney Co., ;.3. Hall Union Stele Co. 7,020* mm «■» 10 4 Crooldine - Boo Boston Biyanvillo - Boo Brockton Bouse id o Court (?) Pass* Oillosc Boor in c Co. Burra- o «* Boo Brockton Byfiold - Poo Hov/buryvort Carabridjpo — voo Boo ton Corib'-’id; ’O) ort - Poo Boston Canton - poo Boston caiprville - Poo Hilford mm mm - a* - Cj«irlostOv?n - * oo Charlton — Peo Gcuthbrid; ,c Choioca - i go Boston Chorry valley - Boo Uorcoutor Chester Castor Electric Lifht Co. Chicopoo - Peo B- rinpPicld 1,344* - - 2 1 ifellc - Pee Urrincfield City Hills - Poo Hi If orci CLUTCH Clinton Foundry Co. Clinton Gas Li; ht Co. Eamsdole Wore od Co. Lancaster Pills Hoi? %glaai colon Yam Co. Bobbirtson, P./ • 13,075 O & Clinton Hospital Huboretdosis Csqp of the Clin- ton i sen.for Golioi* & Control of tVborculooic 77 7 12 2 lloubaix Hills, ire. t'loasondalo Gloasondals ’pooler Hills 600* - - - - Hudson Brott Co., C.P. ktrm Croon leather Co. Hulson COBbing Co. Hudson Worsted Co. 6,703* «■» 0 1 ?* » <•< o i p tt TT fi «* r» r» <8 -i I- Kt i\ U *i U U -J » A *J • 11 City or Tewa Plents lOrpolation 1916* Her 191C- Tinos. no# of Hospi- tal. s# Her® of Hoc ital HO. Bo r# Doc Total tors Hoc. for n.O.E.0. cliijtgb (cont.} Haiieon (Cont*) La Polnto Ihdhino Tool Co, Phonos Taylor & ; ons Universal Borin;; PacMr.o Co. Wottoqnotoc Torstod Co. lancactor Toni'’'in nillo 2,.r>E0* 1 Len castor Ind. School for Girls 39 2 1 Poymni Anori can 2 color I ills Anerloott Tool on Co# Of770* - 6 - Eorthboro Teylor Pfe* Co# ‘ O'oaioi. .0 Mils] . 7 ittrPor, Bacon. 1^707* - - 4 - a tori Inc StorI ire Cidor Co. 1,403* - - 2 - Color-in — Bo© Greenfield Concord - See Boo ton Concord Junction - too Boston Bril ton - Boo Pittsfield Danvers - dog Salem Bodhoo - Boo Boston • • -Omiis - Boo Kyannis DorcPostor - Boo B® ton Ifmeat - Boo Icnoll Dudley - . 00 South Bridr.o Bast Boston - Boo Boston Bast Braintree — Too ton act Brid; swator — Bo© l^rocPton East Brooltfiold - £00 war© East dadbrl&co - See Boston Sant Bodlioa — too Boston Dooclocs - Boo Pilfoid Bast Bvorott - too Be® ton East J ton ton - too Sortfi Itepton East Hilton - Boo Boston Boston — ' OO Byoclcton East Fo peroll — too ? 07oil Past Torantor — ~aitritor Bast Torrploton - too Gardner East Walpole - too S00ton Boot vaw*0B now Boifoid a Aomen PinisMne Co. ' Xu; t w'oyotx' — Boo Boo tor Evorott - too Boston Palrfcavor — Goo ITov/ Bod ■ 'Orel 300* «• BALL aivEB Airy t tiilino jjxjrtean -Tintire Co. ;xx>ricnn Turned Co. (dorr.Pills) Ancona Co. Amesen : ills, Ire. Ai&EnrlfSht Hills j. tStsforfSi Bros# Bam rd P££* Co. Borden Hip:. Co., diehard 128*366 14 Bey View Hospital Children's Hone of Fall J Ivor City Poe iral Pr# Clarice's riv# Sanitarian mettOoxA llos ltd Haas for Af‘cd iooplc ] oc it 1 tto# Anna Potho&ict Episcopal Deaconess Eons 60 64 126 15 SC- 25 160 2 251 so Hi ©UACHUSB 7 7 $ 12 City or Sossn I louts. Be elation 1916 War 1010* Bines. Ho. of Hospi- tals * Hobo of Hospital He. Bo a. Doctors Dotal Hoc. for r .o.-t.c * //,! l AIVBB (COflt*) Dora021 city life* Co. CpodoT’y & Co* , I' C. 11* Caiiioa, lose, Bbyor Co* Cijaco %llfl Goto Baton & Yerm Co. Collins 11asc Co. Coroiicrat Hills C one ol Ida tod -.aiucrin ’ Co. {Batchers Cornell 'tills (Bristol Co.) Bn vie Hills Brvol Hills Durfoo Hills %:st 'I& Wot Bash Ball %vor BloacHory {P.O.Box 1) Ball Kivor Bally Globe BtiblisMng Co« Ball mver -doctric Li fit Co. Ball Biver Gas WoaHrs Co. Bnvol Hills mnt unis c&obo ot Wadh Lanidiy Globe Barn Bills Granite r 'ills IfearcrcTOs Hills • ‘i l’r m. T A twain HaeMno Co. Einc GMlip Bills Lrarol Lrd® Hills Line" In life* Co. Author Hfr> Co. . asoefi it Lite. Co. {'•fldjr Hillo) Li.osco it ILT . Co. (.Jallo : flloJ Hochnics Bills Ito % ;lnmi Dorset Co. lies? I ot-od laundry Osborn Bills Puitser Bills P' lr;rin Bills OGCC scot BBC. Co* Sanford Bpinnircr °o. Gcott, moat aoaeomot Hills Shosnut mils Shove Hills Blcdo St. ■Jnion l ot Bash Standard Fabric Co. Stevens Bfr> Co. DoounsoL Hills Un'on Bolt Co. V/anpanoa;; Hills ainxrm Hfc* Co. ierdorln Go.) Bonsldo Bono St. JoGOphfs Orf n: :o- st. Vincent Or ban’s I one Vruoadalo Bosairol dnion ITospirui W anon’s union Fono 55 405 175 50 GO Asacmett Dr vis, Warner Ans Cora. 500* - - l Cooorsot So onset etovo B nrdry Co* 3,877* - mm 2 Swansea Swansea Dye Barits jonnsoo. V Goohorb Btroot %• Co. 2.590* mm — 2 Falmouth Cgp© Cod Bood Conserve Co. Bobbins Hol'd B-nrdry 2,917* mm •* 5 B nynr, — LOO Pittsfield DisMalc - Coo GoutWarfdgD FITCBB Bl Anorican Woolen Co. Broon Bee Billinc Haciinc o. 3rc® Biv ino & IkieMno Co. C or/droy * lac? ino orbs, • • Billon Steer. Boiler VoxSes* BitcLXtrf; Duel? tills BitchburC Gas G Electric Li lit Co. FltchburG fl±r&ir>c Ba.cTino Co. BiteHWi Stoaa talno Co. Bi tel bur; Yam Co. Brent Yarn o. ISiXdy & Gons, v&-* A* .* : axr/oll & Hoc re Hoody A Laras® Ilocbo- e Hills Orouoll Bills By&Mll Hff> do. Bonlhin Hills 41.701 5 Burbank Hospital Fite? bare ono for Old ledioc Bitchborr ’union Aid ono for Children 115 15 17 48 11 II A 2 S A C IT rJ U E S ? 0 . 13 City or foivn I lasts Bcr-'ulation 1916 .or 1910* fines. Ho* oi* Hoc i- tal s* Haz® of Hospital Ho. Bo^l. Doc Total torn. Bcc. Bor B.0.a*C. jimmm (cent.) SMrroffc ore tod 7111c Sinews 7Xo Co* St v -orotcxl Co* (Pitts 1111} Star ■or tod Co* Union Bacfeiiss Co* Dpivoroal CrinUuc H&ohine Co. Ayer Barry 2t Sons, iSocane I lm l otLod Lana!lay Bm * it trod bmndry ..cod rontiae Co* 2,779* 6- 4 Leoninetor Clrctt • oobodp 7 co.„ Ire. *7 n forth Chooical Go* I Vitclioon, ill ion Loooinotor Hoc* Li It & Posior Co. Locnir-stor Uorsted Co. locHvoll oolon Co* wrettasott Shirt Co* 20,339 1 Looninoter Hospital 19 5 Littleton Con nt Lton & Co*, Inc. *L 4p> i -j j * O - — 1 1 Lansnbnrc mm 1,010 1 Hillcro t SanatorIra 6 2 - 17♦ Pitchtrarc ooriccn oolon Co* ( - itc'ilnirc) «• - - - - Bloronee - > 00 Hortharipton Port utroncr - Boston P0KB03D Fosboro Co* Fonboro uiindry Co* S,7E6* 1 Bozboro state IIos ital 420 11 3 Lronthon ..Inter Broo, 2,414* 1 Unonthan Otato School 400 7 1 brati warn Boston u \Borcoster Btroot %l Co* IB,902 FroninChan Borpo Co. Brenin; ivia B onlrioa Branin lion Lonniiy Inc* Fxcnin ban cfcou Co* International Bn inoorinc Voltes, Inc* Levinstein, I* 7 o*t Inc Lone Co., B*I.I* Ilantsfectnrors liqiiljnent & engineers Co. ortor Bros* . Collins, Inc. Stand: vCL woven Be.bric Co. Lost Boston 7ac Co. 4 Brenin hen Hospital Brtiinin ham Ilervino Sanatorim union ■ venae Hospital Loodcido Cottacos 00 10 50 20 37 5 l Lombard Governor Co. 2,005* - - 2 - Harlboro 0,Tlocfe >Groo Co*, i •< * 15,187 Xarson BscMjjo Co. nice 7 BitcMns Ire., (CertIs rectory) Rice a Jlutebins Inc*. -I. Bectory - ■ r, rodoricb 7* focHor BfO Co.,Inc* 1 11 rlboro Ibopltal 40 84 4 Bodfiold - 3,640* 1 1-odficld wtatc . cylun for Insane l ,000 0 1 BatiOk Brennan Boot 5 moo Co* liurphy Shoo Co., J*-^* IfaticI: Bov;or Botx rtnent loo' los L aandry i ortor, Inc*, A*C • will > lo Co* 10,102 1 Leonard Bor so oovital 25 12 2 Shorborn - 1,096* 1 Rofomatory for Uonon mm 1 mm S* Uaticfc Bl'ot Bills, Ire. 700* - - 1 - Wootboro ’‘'coper, Janos B* Brascr 7 Co., 7error. B. tfc-.oon & >ons- J*L* ostboro Hat Co* Lri J*t Crete* Co. 6,920* 2 School for Boys Ucstboro Stato Hospital 1 440 ,260 22 C*A*j 10 BraiMin - Loo nil o' & g&hbksh Ga; o BB-;> Co* Gardner Co*,LIfht, 17,140 4 David*-or leap* for Con- trol bus disoascs _ O'? L/v 4 U /, I •: II J : 2 , . 14 City or Tom Hants To' illation 1916 war 1910* Since. Bo* of hospi- tals. Be* Hano of Hospital Bods. Doc Total tors. Iscc. for LL0.B.e. (yiirnim (cant.) Cerdiner Btoc© XcsBBby Gardror Tam Co. EcgTt/ood Bros. 2 af*o iold Co. nontinr temdiy Co. Snitfc uo., Frank . G rdner Tono for Bldorly 2 ooplo Gardner Gtato &asa Colony for 'ft: lot Chronic Insane Homy Boyt/ood lion. Ilosrital G 700 55 - Aobbarrihori Aiomi life* °o., 2,059* - - r> & 1 Baldwinsvillo «• 1,600* Boarital Cottayco for Children : Hr* lyllins* Hospital l ino Terraco 140 10 0 2 B« Sccxpletoa Bay State Hotel Whool Co* 700* - mm - - 2* Boyaloton Araorican Woolen Co* GOO* - - - - Uinc? onion Mto Gono, II.. • YiMtncy, Bettor , d Son Winetserslom *loc. LI bt & .-oc/or wins! onion Btocn Laanuiyn Inehenlon ator Be t*# kown of Viir-clcrslon Lesmndiy Co. Wyo Anittiny -Wills 5,900* 1 Billers liver Hospital 10 8 1 Boor ot&an - oo nvorMll Gleasordale « -eo Clinton GLoacBssna Colonial L i?ndiy 24,590 Cl oncost or Cold Btorace * WorShefcoei Co. worton Her Co. 5 Addison Gilbert Hospital Gilbert Mom for Apod & Xndiyont I arsons Gicmoostor Bos ital 1 amt rose Hons Hoi thfo -nor icmcy ."os- it: 1 55 6 15 15 12 27 4 LSanchostcr Carchoetor *1 go trie C o. 2,945* mm - 7 - ::oc'~ ort \ Ca o Arm Fool Co* Goolrport, Fosm of Boclsert Water -on rfcnert, '■‘•‘osm of 4,551 1 Leondor Haskins Hospital 14 5 — Grafton - Geo ore ctor - Goo Lonell ghsas? a' muiGFOH Groat ferrinfton Il’{> Co. at. nicy Insulating Co. 6,627* - - 11 2 Potisctonic Home ont **ills 1,300* - mm IT 1 LOO Clark Con Hadhiae " .C. Loo aicctric Co. 4,481* 1 Samtain YI&j Fa.m ConvalODCor.t Hobs 10 • 6 - Sheffield Sori&birG Hills Co. 1,362* - - 2 - V/* Stoc&bridoe Borders Fain rodnots Co., Ire. Gran ors Lino Co* 1,277* — - 1 1 G33SHFIHLD Conroe c t valley at. y. Co. Goaoll-irett Co. Greenfield Bloctric Li/fit A tovor Co. uroonfloll ®np Bio Co* northern I aooccTn-setts at root %. Bo ors, Lent A* Bcnvlon Co. 11,990 1 fitsn* lin Co. nblic Hospital 46 19 6 Colorain Gricw Idvillo ilf . liass&enet Tam Tills 1,029* mm - 2 mm Till lore F&llo Killers *allc Co. GOO* - - 2 - ont no Simcro Cotton rills 7,926* - - r* 55 1 lontayno City - soo* 1 Barren Bonorial Hospital 40 - - Sfcorbfmo FallsSl'erbomo Falls & Gohain -y* Co. 1,650* - - - 6 1 fismore fells Ittssell Cutloiy Co., Join 5,000* - - 5 1 Bad&an (?) Ccovil Inc*, * u* {•Coo JUcsgcansa, Connecticut: - - - - - LI A S 13 A C H U C 3 £23* 15 lorolati on Ho* of HO. 3 o -tors* City or Toon 3 lento 102G bar J .-•OCX i- ITano of Hoc ital* tods* Total Joe* for in * Tines. talc. H*u*J. » Banovor 03a p Jabber C©*, -3* • 2,GSG* •m 2 Hanover I'tubbor Go* Hamon - Boo Brocifton Hartford (?) Irlrtfostl ftjnijy Inc* - - - - - 1F-VBBFILL Or.rriOCS Cfcean Lanndiy 40,47? 7 Elisabeth Bees 35 70 14 -Jctfjymi©** visiter Co* Gaio tlonorial Hospital 50 Gale Shoo ltft> Go* Halo Hospital 02 ■ GrooBBE Co* , Chas*J Haverhill Bay itorsoxy 14 Haverhill Hiootric Co* Hat orh ill Eaoroancy Hospital 10 Ifcvorhill (*as Li lit Co* Haverhill Senator fun 25 Liberty Durcin Co* ncLaaffilin, Elisabeth Herrirrc LgRaliy lioulton Co., Stoin B* Old Ldioc* J’ono 25 Srareitoxy v? t W&sii Le*ndry Btovano a Sons Co* (Itmtucloot Hills) Woscst* XSacPoBald Co* I'incboll & Co*, Ire., 5*B* v/inobexy, Charles * Ooor otOv7r Gooroatcwn Boot & Shoe Go* £,©58* 1 Carloton Ban 4 5 1 5* Grovelani Grovoland Hills 400* - - - - I&yuonvillo - Coo Iteth-r^ton Holden - Goo Jorcenior HOLYOKE Abbott* t?*!T* GO,BOG 3 ItolyoT:© City Hoc ital 125 76 25 Ancricon Thread Co, (Holyoho -lent) Holyoho Sanatorium 50 Parr Affcpaca Co. Gomtnla Hi 11c Gloanon'o Lcumdry Coots ClUc Hft.* Go* House of iTOvidenoo Hospital 70 nippins a co. Holyoho line?'. Co* Jolly Ire., «T• :• . lynon ’ ills HaeSfintoob a Hons Co., G* 0*Ccmncrfo Lsrr&ry GkS2333©r a Gone, Onitb, Joseph U. {mtSoual leundxy) Burin pfiold Blaj#©t Co* ...vlch’s Bolyoico B.toan Boiler Wosits * Hunt in ton Hnutiserton Electric Li ht Go. 1,427* - - 2 - mmtliv-tOR Hff* Go* G*Haaiosr Hdlc "'' ‘ -ley Hills 3,000* - - 3 lynch*© Lannlxy Hopadalo - Geo nilford Boosetonic “ Goo G* BoswiflCtOE. Hudson — Coe Glint on Hull - Coo Boston Hunt in ton - Holy oh© HaarBos 1,000* 1 ifrcaapB Hoc* it: 1 6 f> 1 . jonnia Sooult Pi* toocsinr: Oo. 1,022* * - 1 - Hyde I-asis - • oo Boston. inUsn Oreta* - *«» Xpsaleh — Boo Bov/buryport Jemica I Iran- *~co Boston Kingston - Go© Plyn vth Le&ovillo - Boo -aunton lance 3 ter - Boo Clinton :: jssi; : n i; ... ; ? ? . . 16 Population u o • o i j Ho* o o n tore City or Sfton Hants 1916 Par Doc i- Dano of Hocnital Jods. Dotal Doc. for 1910* Einoc* talc* i—*0*A»C * LA .H2IFJB Acadia Hills 100, GO 11 Arlington ay Itarsory 6 99 10 Anorican .oolon Co* Childrens Dorr oxyiy Done 41 Anorican oolon Co* (tfood I ills) Children's Uono 50 Archibald Dhool Co* Cottaeo Hospital 04 Arlington Hills ornon Buth Society Done . 12 Boaoh Coap Co* La ronco Alno-Donco Hospital 04 Bent, Calvin 0* La ronco inoTaney Hospital • Bri 1 on Hfg* Co.t J.D* "arrronco General Hospital 150 Can bell, bn* 11# Lavrrcnco Hone for Acod Poople 25 Be.vis Foundry Co* La ronco Isolation Hospital G4 Doherty & Hill lavronco Municipal Hoop* for Cb . 80 Everett Hills Harwell Bleachoiy Hart H unity Co. Hood A Sons, IT. P* Kateiaa Hills Kidball Cfcoo Co., Alfred KrmhaMt Corn*, Coo* • Uxrronoo Duck Co* L:.v;ronco das Li; lit Co* Lav-renco lacl-ino Co* Las/roneo Purr; 8s Engine Co. LOG £i Co*, —* Low is, ,Dion& ;JcC& 0 _w o*, a* IlcCabo Df(> Co* DtoCartly <A Cone, 2* DoLenathan 6 eon, H • b* Danomc A Inninc Co* O’Connor A -Dolan Pacific Hills ..onborton Co* Plynouth I ills Ptixart A Co*, n* 1 rotoctoiy of Dory Irracvlato 270 U* B. dors tod Co., Inc., (lyeine A p. ♦ worsted Co. (Jaaooo Dills) Finishing Dopt•) ..alwort! Bros., Inc. Cobs tor Co*, il* II* dri-bt life* Co., Inc* Andover Andover Cfcoan laundry Co* 7,970* 5 Andover Hills Gonitanium 5 11 1 Cr.iith s Dovo llf;> Go* . r:m) Ishon Infinity 4C dtcvcnc dt Dons Co*, li* D* ( aryl rsl Sanborn’s Done for InboelleBoys G Ballard Vale Ballard Valo Hills Co. 570* - mm 1 - Dothuon .Arcadia Dills 10,921 2 Lorry C* Do vino "odo for Apod 15 ' 1 Bopfctoy Hair Co.,Joseph Incnrablo 65 Bolton V orstod ills, Inc. Gay's Ieundxy JOtfOtt, J* d* Klotis Inc*, Doray Dorr lose D" • Co* Uothuon "Pam Dill Dary i * Barr rivatc Hospital 1C Star laundry Co* XIort|i Andover Bri. Dtuood --fc* Co. 5,9,%* - - r? .» dtovons A Dons,Co*, . * ** {Os;jood a Dtovono A Cone o., (Stevens Dill) ill’ Button Dills loo - ■ oo ' TO t %rrInjton loicoctor - wco doroostor looninstor — Boo ~i tel-bare losinciton — too Boston Lincoln - Doc oston Littleton - -oo Ditchbnrc norlotm Dason Safety Abroad 113,245 150,000 7 Cholnsford Street Hospital 500 ID 26 American Cooler Co. ( Beaver Droo’• Dill) Coran IT on so Hospital 0 doer lea® doolon Co* Dai h T-ono for Chi Id non 14 Apploton Co* Lowell V"orporation Hospital 100 Avoiy CHcnlcal Co* looell General Hospital 70 Barber Df • Co* s’on) Old ladles * Hood 42 Day Dtato Cotton Corn-* floooll Divl Gatlin A Co. Cbali ou2i Co*, J. L* Dt• Jobr*s os pital 62 ual u ■ c n u l £ 2 2 a 17 City or *o\m 1 Xante -0 Tulation 1,16 War 1910* Since 2Jo* of ’ O' ol- Beano of Hospital talc* To* Bods. Doe Petal tors hoc* for Li* 0 • B» C« m ELL (cont.) Oolrebio textile Co* Courier^’it!sem IkRTsmpor Co* -orris 1 Tadh inc Co* , John Bod/e* C* B* Bracrat Waste Hill BntiTiotlo Co*, 2* C. -inn! Brrru, Inc. (Jtfaell BaJs&ry) G-illOoeio Co., 2. • Bordltor HA • o. International tool <6 Ordnance Co. larioon Co* Iovojcy *: C0», • 1,0,7011 BXoafiheiy 1.07011 Moctric Llpht Co. 2,012011 - ao 1 i; l't Co* .10,7011 Insula ted biro Co. 107611 Cop Byo & Paint onto tkcsachnsetts Cotton Hills Ibssaclusotto nohair PXtuSh Co* Layer .1 Co., J* C. IkUVSXXlO HT: - CO. I lerrinan ollon Corp* m&dlQB&z Co. (Brookfield V colon Co.) Lev/ Bunting Co. Xi®7 Hnglsjji Printing Co. Bo?/’'' OH Ilf; • Co. ..-ark oersted Mil iuikor Wilder & C0# {Belvedere oolon Co*) Parker Wilder & Co. (Boott Mil) pfiritoy Wilder B Co. (Ctorlin ; --ills) Pevoy Boardiy Co. Bobbins Iron B vislry, Cno. • taco 107011 ‘Mope Bcripttiror’o Lsusdiy Shear CtocMn, Co. Steed HenrirA; & OiPToly Co* in ion Brace B undiy Co* U. S. Banting Co. (Corby Stroot Mant) tj, ;j* Bunting Co* (i fish t ill) U* <.. CarfcridC® Co. U. # Worsted Co* Mils) ttanesit loser Co. Tatorhoad Hills, Ire. Wilder Co., Prank • Acton Anarieom lovdor Hills 2*161* «■» - 2 - Billerica Billerica Water Dept* 5,346* - mm 4 - Bracat Herrime W oolon Carp* 4*022* 2 Hva C* Blanchard's riv. loc • Hr* Biint's Ban&toritm 10 - - E« Popporcll Hadron Eivor Paper Co. 2,100* -* - - - Cranitovillo Abbott tors ted Co. 9(0* ~ • 1 1 21. Billorla Cons lidated Bordering Co. (107011 Bertilicon a Bordering o. ) Xlortli Billerica Co. 2ol ot Hills 500* 1 1 IT. Cfcolsofosd Loeoll Boxtile Co. ’ ooro Wool Soourtoc Hill, Coo* C. IU Cholrasford Hoflfcinc & Cup ly Co. Story Brook Carbonising 0* y. S* Worsted Co. (Silesia Milo 1*000* 2 tu Booditc - 1,292* 1 II. Hoadin .etc, to Aanatoriun 103 3 - IT. Minin''ton Ilarrirrn A Co*, C* 0* 3f 0* - mm - - £1* Acton Couth Acton Woolen Co. 700* - - 2 - Sesskaftaiy •» 6,2C5* 1 Ctrto Inflrnaiy 2 *500 12 4 tcstfowL .’MXrtt worsted Co. Irdlor; - Bee S- rim£5fl®2d lAuionb'-'r;'? * *00 Mtokburg 2*043* mm 2 1 1! r s ■- • o H u ■: " rJ s . 18 o nlati on 3o. of 1 0. Doc tors City or Poem Plants 191G ar . os i~. Harm of Hospital Bods. Petal Hoc. for 2910* Sines. talc. ::.Q. j;nm Allcrton I; undry Carp. 152,-25 ? '-jam one for Aged Hon 0 141 26 Bollsus c* Co., Androw Liam Hone for Agod Vonon . 20 Conpboll Pioctrie Co. Lynn Hospital 100 Choevor’s Isan&xy Lynn Hoo ital for Contaoioas Collier Cortridco Co. Bisoacoa 60 . onahre Bros. Lost! or Co. Xynn Lb. Lanitarlun 50 -air'oo, II# 3. lynri Lori-in Lion’s Hoc® 70 Bno, A. 0. >*># . ,:-xol Choc ite Co. Priond Bre .. Inc. {lyrm. Bavery) * cnorr.l Electric Co. Has tin o & Cone - tiMisCiTi Co. ISoffiSB® A wons, A. 3. Hood :** Boss, n. P, Lnion Hospital 65 I&gSmfe Pot Wash Laundry Kelly 3 Co., ?te£\s A. folly’s Lscelslor Laundry iCnox, Jos. LaCrols Inc., V.'* A Hi? V.. lymt Canine Lynn Groaso Bstraetins Co. Lfersh Co., Goo. I assachusotts lUectric ‘If . o* ILL-ant L lyrm Ltroot 3y. Co. * Octavo 7 Lilia, Ire., (3tar et Wash Plant Bros. L Co. Xamlxy) ftauey L ILrricI: * *hoc?noon ltop Lelder Co. •Bhoo son floe trie older Co. Lost Xym Lot Vco* Why to, Jro. 171Ison Bnil&lnc — Levins U. 3. Lorn tod Co. (Iroquois 1-ills} 9,910 - - O M 1 teinpsoott OKibom Co., ;.ocoivoro or, 7,545* 2 Board of Health Lanatorinn • 10 «. Florence Crittenden Hooo 8 Holdon - Boo Hanehostcr - Coo Clmicostor Pans field - bog Attleboro Parol oboad - Loo Lai on Parlboro - Boo ProninEbaa ILarohfi old Hills 200* 1 C* Chore Hospital 55 12 1 Hhttapan - Coo Boston Pat tar-o! oot t *•* Boo Lor? SfedCord Huynand — go Clinton Podficld - oo Pronin -ta" Lied lord - Boo Boston PedvToy - Loo llllford \ Lollvillc (?) - mun Con, Jorono 3. — * — - - Polroco - loo Boston Pol1*000 111; lllonds - 300 30C v-OJ! London - Boo r Ilford -lotiraon - aoc XauTOnco Piddloboro - oo L nr ton • TT ’o'std Gas II It Co. ■ A - BiA.-UXw "*■* , * ft- no. Lil oru L Ltbria o 14,110 1 Ail ford Ilocital 50 15 1 itorrison, Pood Chason* iHi—’ !■• * Boll in ten "oolon Co. «^in° ::illo! 1,9;c* - mm - - Stototono 'V°°1015 C°* 5,609* - - 1 - Caryvillo 5bC* °olon °* 4010* — - - - its a »,/. ■ a n r H p r» r> i.i i* ' £■> Vi V - - i - i, * 19 City or Jam. Flanto -ordation 1016 War 101 * 2inoe* I o, or HOS* I- tele# Ibne o ' Hospital IfO, Bods* DOC fetal tors, -cc* ‘or U*0*iUC • IIIlfuHJ (Cort* ) ' City Cilia Adorlcom Colt Co* (City I-ills Ft* /csorican Celt :o. $80* — - - - 3* Jpii:;laoc i chaster -oolon Co* 1,200* - - 1 - - m’lin African Colt Co* f norlean %olon o* CldBEv Cutior : ncDoxoott Co. orstod Hills Prcrfel'n Hills Corp* Franklin Hem Co. Jayv?and, c. 5?* Borfolk colon Co* Cry fabric Hills iB"ornDnfs Jarfidry >. to vans C Cano Co*, II* -* { ran din Un’on Mrht C Boner Co* XMfeinf, Coo. * G,<"-0* 11111) 5 1 Hom&al© . rarer Cor ♦ Copor & Co*, C* r* 2,663* - * 1 - Hotay Sfeiyan l oolcn Co* (Betey Hill 2} 2,8-16* - - 4 2 Hendon Mtinc* Coo. XU 935* mm - M» - nmis IIorEKSn Choc Co«, Jos* !.* 1,442* - - 1 1 Bar folic City -ills fooler Co. 1,260* 2 Barfoik Stato Hospital 2:0 - - Hart1 Beilin hem * colon Oo. 500* - mm - - Borfchbrid o WMtin IF *G- uo# v* it in Sf(> Co., itr-1 vfcituc UfB* Co-. Carl Whit ins villo SptxatfiC Blr Co* 0,920 1 north -sbridf’e Brldoaton Horated o- Pitir, Ire*, Jams 500* ** — — • HoelxLalo Xnorlean _colon c o* Bcaslsoy " Go.t u mm mm 2 — ifilonvillA frond in . ills i:o# 200* - - - - Hybrid; c Javis C colon Oo. dalalc-ill _ r’amon con, Jorooo B* Hoc la mu c* f- lit axil ay colon Co* fdtarlcy ill] Usbridi# 0 orstod Co* daueantudlc Hills 4,921* 4 2 fhitinnflllo »T it in Boro* 4,0 0* 1- fMtirrnvlllc Hospital - 0 1 Hilltoy - '.oo X.orcoetor * fillers rails - Coo OresrXiold Hims - ;.oo HllftsA till ton - oo Boston lloroon — oo cl tier nontocno - oo uroanfield City - Coo Greenfield Hontollo - <- 00 Brockton lantncket mm s,uc* 1 lantuekot Cotta e Iloo-ital - 10 1 Hafcich - i oo ?rsni&£?£& • lioo&-cn - Coe Boston - =0’ on.sot - ; oo Booton 11 A t. h A C If U ~ A & • 20 City or £otm . o- mlat ion Hants 1016 Aar 191* * Cinoc. Ko. of I ocpl- Kane of i os* itol tols* I 0. Bedfl* B 0 C fotal tore Hoc. for Il.O.B.l. & m morn Acnohnot Hill Corp* 110,150 5 Aeua&mot i-onlt- rian AcnaShnot Iron o. r. crby’s Prt Hospital Anfchoty A Lons, Ire., l>* !?• Ixxlforl AT; anatoriun Beacon lire;* Co. • t. ; la;.sent Hospital Boasoott I ill Kt* Buhe’s IIoopitc.1 Booth Kfg. 0o# Brie toil A . • Cor * City Kf£* Car • Itertnouth £tf; • Cor • davenport Bool Co* FairTaven -ilia Gilt 'Mm MEc Kills Cosnold I ills Co. Grime 11 lire* Co. H&thS533y Kfr;. Go. S&roon 6 Co., 2. Hill & Cutler Co. Heines LIT: > Co. Hanphroy, Jr., Jmos L* •'Poe! lor Bros. Ikmorxit Hills Horan C ns tract ion Co. Horoo Br/ict Brill A Machine Co. ifcaher/ona Hills national 5- an Bills Co* 1*011<1 life* Cor . Boer Bedford Boiler S MaeMno Co. Hcr7 Bedford Cotton. Kills Cor'. Bov/ Bod fold Extractor Co. Bov? Bedford Gas a 9dioon M ht Co* Has? Bedford Hater Bent* Hoc; Salford let UaSh Boor Boland Balxry Co. (11* 1 • Sion BePory) Ilonmiitt % limine Co* !yo, -lllian A. : a 0 XifGV Co. Pa cons Moan L ttndry Co. Xacsaic Cotton .Kills (lew B dford Spinning Co. Do t.) i-assaic Cotton Hills {Botch Kills Kept., enrod Kills Dept.) Kauldinc# Coin I. I-orfoction Xatafcqr Corp* Pioreo Bros., Btd. Fierce Kfe* Carp* Potcnslsa Kills cor « eissett Kill liobinoon A Go., Inc., W*A. lb~ r «-■ ? .,* Co* , 0‘dlc Kill Standard Hire traveler Co. 5tar lot lash. 3fo. S&bor Km Baanton-l’cru Bedford Copper Co. flnos Sstrapaper Co* drip , Bli helot A* Wall %ati Gil> Co. {Gneho Kills) V/anoutta 2 iliac Card Co. WMtnBs-i Mils toimi; Co*, Hranl: L* 14 *>rt 70 *- 'tj XiJKs 20 Aeiidha&t 2,587* 1 Pino lawn lanitorinn V3 - 1 fatifcron Atlas facie Co. 6,277* Bradley, A.G* A 0*1 * F&lrhaven later Co. 6 1 Kattapi.att r.,_ n m Faijtfhavcn K tor Co. *#o; * - - 5 - north aartnor ss 1 o o * 1 Craiy ' -oo ital «•» 1 - 'Warehar* Fremont Ball Co. ' - - — iimiBurrr os? fnorican Kir© Fabric Co* 15,2-1 Boy Ctatc Cotton Cor •! amor Biv.) Chase, Co. JoIissok Mneater 8ood uo. s,. klecac or Boj^oiy; Hoehory. ort Moan Icsr diy, Ire* front Bros* Co* Itisacll A » ons Co., Iberfc Season K erclry '"orp* Bhc mt, Cpeoo Co. fov/lo Kfr. Co. 5 .‘mn Jroqnos Hospital IIodq for l,yod Kcai Kooo for Bee titrate Children ort looeo. Kocnltal Old ladies Ken© 75 10 55 50 1G 2L' 4 r** a <'■ * r* tt " T'-n 'f r*- * . *J w --J • 21 City or Sown Plants io ulation Do# of 1916 Bar Ids- I- lane of Hospital 191 * Bloca* tola* HO* Boas* Doc <71 *otal tore* Hoc. for :: .o.d.c. m BUHT frn (Cont, ) • Anocfeury sbury Brass & Hoondry Co* Bola Body Co* Biddle B Bnart Co* Gray A Davis* Inc. (2 plants} Pifctobur; Crashed /tool Co* Co* 10,1 7 1 inesbaxy Salisbury liono for Apod 1 onon 12 12 2 Dyflold iiyficlc colon Co* 750* - - O 4# - Ipswlch La ronco Cq* 6,272* 1 Benjamin Gtichnoy Cablo Hon- oriul ids it 1 24 6 • Horton - - co doctor. XTcv/ton Hi Maude - ooq -'oaton Ho’vTton Loivor -"alls - -oo Boston Bcv/ion J per Palls - . oo Boston ITowtonvillo - Goo . Boston Eorfoli: - , oc UilfOKl HorfAlk i cuna - -oc Boa tern Horth AMiicton - -go Brooldion acstas ad/ho Arlin ton Hills Am&ld rint V/oxfts Clan: Biscuit Co*, *• • Groylocl: Hills Hall A Potter (Henry Loandxy co.) Hoocac Cotton Hills Hunter Hac'-ino Ho*, Canoe. Linclon Hills Lloyd, I!* :* A H. * Hodol Lsundorlnc? Co* Horth /dans Gas Lipht Co* Stronc liovat Co*, Inc* Vindsor - rint IVorfss 22,019 5 Boitel Iro Hill Umatoritsn IIortH Mans Hoouital r, Vroonar’s Barit- al 150 90 25 23 4 AdCUD BontSMro Cot tern Hf • Co* Blro'in Aon Co. oos c Valley Hirso Co*, Ire. Honf-TO H B Co, Au ./ * Co* 14,214 2 Mans /nti-Bb* sooeiutftor Groyloch Best 12 45 0 1 \ illiaustavm Croyloci: Hills 5,901 2 Hand Sprin ;s Conitr rium Will lass; Cftllo o Infirmary 24 0 5 imWJZ&ZGTt Belkin " Iaunlxy Haynard, . * Port! arn: ton Bloc trie Ll/h tine Co* Sanitary laundry Bnith Carr BaldLnc Co. G: ith col loro Lcnrtlxy 19,920 5 Claxfee School for tl o deaf Colic -g Infirmary Cooloy-Bidrliiaon Hospital Lathrop Pore for Boron Horthorpton State Hospital for the Inscno 1, 150 0 IOC 10 ,100 41 15 Micr t Ari erst Co-oporativ© laundry dhorot Gas Co* Hi'errt H.*o Co. Hills Co* Cundorland Aloe trie Lidht A Power ■ r ,H 8*' Co. 5 -ho Auhornt Cotta o I dap* i ratt Health Cot tape ff* o Borraeo *• 16 12 9 0 4> Besthorapton Colton HI otic uc‘:Inc oo.-* Basthaopton Gas Co-* lias than- ton Hubbor Cl: road Co* Glendale Elastic fabrics Co. Hampton Co* •7* Boy Is ton H'"t* Co. 1( ,560 9 R V Ploronco Corticolli Bilkiimo r; notucb Gill: G-o* .ortHri .on Gill: do* 2,500* mm 2 ** Hayuonvi Ho HcydonvlllG Co# 1,000* 1 anrsl iro Co* Sanatorium 40 2 - north ialofvr • Boo In t/reneo \ t: a , . A 3 il 22 City or rcrai Hosts m - Q-illation 1916 Car 1910* Pinos. Ho* Of Hoc i- talc* llano of Hospital Ho. Bods* Doc Eotel tore Hoc* for II.O.H. . north Attleboro - See Attleboro Hortl'i * 8oe Horth Billories - Coo Icooll ITorthhoro - roc Clinton *■ Borthbridg© - Sec Gilford llortl-'t Brookfield - oe -arc north » See Boston llorth Chclncfortl - too !o\/oll horth Bartaonth - lee Ha? Bo&fozd * Borth Bi; l-ton - Boo f%uator Borth Boston - See Brook.on north Oufori - “"oe Worcester north l!yrao*ut}* - oo lyaOuth north Bee Inc - laacll north Bruro - Boo i roTineotcp^m Ilorth Hybrid ;o - l oo nuford north Wcynanth - - oc Boo ton north Wiibrohan - Be© Holner north •BiirJn::‘ton - Boo l&voll Horton - ce Attleboro IJorr;ood - Coo ton Oak Bluffs - Coo 7i»qyand Haver Oxesice - Boo Athol Oxford - See Worcester - PAXIE-ia Boston Buck Co* Central Hass* Electric Co* Co* ri It iro Co. { rdnor - lent* 0,119 2 Horson Sta to Hospital Wine Eoaorlal Hospital 1,000 19 15 7 Bonlvillo Duck Co* 1,200* - -•a* 1 «* Eonson nilio A A*B* Bichette a 1$h&J 5,004* — «• . 5 mm I!. Bllbr&han Cutler Co. 500* - - - - Bhorrsiike 3. oral He Co* 1,500* - — - - Three Bivens Walnop uill Of tl-o Otis oonpoxy 1,200* - - 5 - Wales lordrcton Fill, Inc* 557* - — — - Peabody - See Salon Penl’-ooo Isl. rd A So© viny&rd aven Pl22S?mB Jonoc ‘ Sons, B.3. Kenney Hotel Inc :rovo ’Chittine Co. ittc Hold Electric Co. Pittsfield Ternary Co. Pittsfield Eachino A -oo Co. nice B Co., / • * Bobbins, Gaccoll £ Co. Hillotcon lid * o-., • • cndoll -Realty Co., Inc. 50,029 5 Jaiti-Wb* son. :.r*itoriu;; Boylan Honor!! Hospital ITillerest Hospital House or Herey Hospital Opr in side Sanatoria 20 25 57 155 12 66 14 Wi1con, Janes • I • Dalton LczTjor Becm :• c0. 5,353* - - 5 1 :: 23 City or 3ocm j lento 1 oiralation 1916“ Tar 1910* Pinos. Bo. Of Bospi- llano of Iloop!ted talc. Bo. Bods. Doe Total tors Bee. "or C.O.H.C. PifSriKid (cost*} ZtTELA.W :1am'.o ! oo" ire Lire Co. - - - - - Bicbnond 2Uc*n rd Iron C’oifes r64* - mm 1 - T/. Pittsfield - see* 1 Arodorlc Ghnrtloff CMlSd£$ Henorlal Heoe - : - i lainvillo - i oc / ttloboro PLinoim /mriccn "..goIon Co. domett A C#Brion Boston ovon I oso A Itebbor Co. Ktylo Go. Brdley uj Col BoBe on ire.xy Co., • labott ■• Gone Co., Goorc© lyncuth C tondxy Co. Puritan Gamine Co. 10*740 1 Jordon Hospital re 19 2 Eincston Cq*, C# H. oton Qoahine °o. Kingston Steen I* tndry 2*500* *» 4 0 IT. Ilj/na th TOyaouth Cordaco Co. 700* - - - mm Ba0& oro loir Car i: t> C0. 400* - - 2 - Gaw&ricli doe ton Clfflh Pior Co. l.roo* 1 Locust "rove As -rlvn 6 5 - PEOraCByOai? Colonial Cold Ctoracc Co. Consolidated -oir Co. Irovincotocm Gold Gtorarn •srltan iol froosiiv; Co. 4 *295* 1 Ocean Y5<w Semi tori’ -ri 10 0 1 Bert! Truro Borth -roro Cold Ctorono Co. 000* - - - - •itasy - Coo "goion licndolpb - go "oston Beodinc -loc Galon Howro - Goo Boo ton liicTnond - OO 1ittGiiOld Boc&dal© - coo Hilfoid Boclr ort - coo Gloucester $ocfcluo& - coo Broefeton iT02f:X 7TJ - oo Go© ton -Jutland - ; oo Worcester • ;/ OT0 - i 00 Hynaoth m SAIiHtl Armstrong Loatler Hart Atwood A Portill Bailey Pros. (ir.0r.len ot wagh) I) mcc "^o., cm~r • ftcltloy Go, A. ‘ . Cod’d Bates Terse Co. Cools ires. Ioat! or Co. Hood a cons, H.I. : y rod© ’cri. Co. . ; rro- oonsy i rt, wl» • Baurifroat; Gtesn Cotton Go. Hortboactera A ether Co. X'itoon " Breras Jo. ..alon Braes -oundry alor: -Toctric I i ’.tine Co. ,.tGLon Co. Tuttle fenniisj Co. 48,562 12 Bamstoad Ties- 5 tal Bertram 1 ;ono for A-nd - <m "oard of Health Hoc ital City Qrrh- r ‘Asylum odd for -iGOd destitute IVonen I oc • for i'ontapicrc -■ 5-souses Barth Ghoro Babi oc ♦ Ho a ital ‘ li'S House Galon Hospital talon Hoarsen* s r “an and !hlldrenfs . riond Hoc* Gmollpos; Host ital 17 GO 290 Oft «*>« ■ 0 on (<rc/ 90 50 li te 50 52 6 rr « ft .. . »■»> r* n c U i a w • 24 City or Bovm Plants opuiation 1916 war 1910* Fleas 1.0* Of Gao :d- talc* Ileno of hospital ho. oa_s. Doe Petal tore* loc* for 11.0.K.C* Iwu' i-X*. *. - {' 0‘ ’ 'v«- } Bevorly Beverly u*ac F £loctrie Co. Bovorly Gas LI :ht Co* Fels Broo. Co* 21*645 4 Loverly City Geos Loverly Hoc ital Lev; .inland Ini# school for Loaf -Vitos Old LouIon* Itoo 12 re 40 7 29 3 .. anvers Croon of Chocolate Co* Creoso F Cool: Co Fraroor Shoe Co. Hyltontor Co. V-idon lord Beamin': Co* 9*949 4 Boutello ‘ OT.iorial Hospital Bosivors itoo for the A od iV.nvors Gtato Hospital 1 Pho Kins ,000 s 9 tlarblohood Berness Co. 7*606* -: rlcor ~hoo Co. Bice & Bate? ins* Inc. (F. Factory) 2 Children’s Island Ccuitarim Lovoronx I ana ion 85 25 9 2 FoaToody Arrricer Lino Co. 10*360 Bewy* Beanes F* Budc:oll S Born, *J* Gofl& Brothers Leather Co* Creoloro F Co*, J.G* Bones Gol&tir-o Co* Bonos Cj. min; Co. Bunt Korkin Leather Co. India Leather Co* InCJfchari* «*r., J.F. Bom Leather Co* laiTroneo Leather Co., A.C. McCarthy F Conn, • Karri11 Leather Co* Stsan Cotton Co* Osborn© Co*, c. • Gsbr.m Co*, J.K* Peabody Lout* or Co* L’oabody Lteun I&mlxT Poarno L©afcl or Corn* Bico f EbtoMns* Inc* (Bssos ‘Pamiri; Co*) Co., 11.0* Coufclr/Iclc Co., L.B. Fheyor Foss Co* Bi it oil btatos J ic SS'ln Co* Voucher co*, Boor:,© ¥©xya Loctl or Co. innlov/ Bros* \- Udth Co* oo ’el ‘< bossin: * F Lccor&t in Co• Fir lit Leather Co** F#E* 3 diaries B* aver Kano for A od Hen Jooinb B# hona > Hoc ital Gtitton Lore for Ayou Fa'an 4 31 9 13 3 Bo; din dorher fibber •--£{> Co* -*e'.=dir • Later *%pt#*facm or 6* so* «*» - 7 n & ! • Kid&leton Cooper ■ rodnetior Co* nee:: niline or'a, Inc* 50* - ) - - - Seisterlc! - .. .oo Hynemth Oatif tec - ; oo ;ym Gandcrovi lo - Go© or cos tor Charon - ..oo Gloifiold - - oe Great Borriryton Bherbom Falls - Gee GLorboro - Goo *'rardn hen GMrioy - . oo Boston LODcrnot « Goo Fall Liver Gonerville - Goo Boston G. Acton - .oe Loeell Forth Attleboro - oo fctloboro FSuth Barro - -oo Barr© U A £ B A C 1! U O B : S 1 • 25 City or 2osm Hants 1-0; nlat ion 1016 ar 1910* Yiaoe. Ho* of Ilospi- llano of Hoc ital talc Ho. Boas* HOC Botol tore* Hoc* for 11*0.3.0. Couthboro Cor villo color o* Boerfoot Am Co* 1,390* - - 1 1 South ..Boo ton - 00 Boston m:mmiDC£ American -ptleal Co* Central -liils Co* Hoxr.ll tor '0 3 or. Co. Hyde iif:> Co. »outhbridye Hrirtiac Co* Beruthbridete Stocn fcxm&xy 14,20f : 15 r? Chari on Id rich IIft> o* Charlton colon Co* f> Ol« W f A**6*^. - • 1 - Dudley Merritt colon Co* lorry, Inc** ‘‘state of Josia? Stolons hiron Hoffes 4.C7S* ** mm 1 ** * ichurlo tf'lsMalo Finishing Co. Broil ::f:> Co* 1,000* - - 2 - hobster American • colon Co* SatCO 3 Co. , A* 'Jm CorMe & Bon Co*, 3. A* Delaney 3 Hernia Intervale Hills Many Yam %lls Iroccott r Son, J. 3. Slater Sons, S. 15,210 15 A *ar South Brovoland - OC HoVOThill Couth Hadloy -’alls - Coo IblyffeB Couth Hcaason - .00 Btroefcton li. KlncBtosm (?) Ilarovmoctt laundry - - - - - Couth Middleton - 00 Salon South Hatich - c go Fran invhon South iloyalstoR - oc Gc.idnor south h’oynouth - 3co Boston * Spectacle Island - So© Boston Spencer - coo Worcester smxxmmw Albec, Julian B* Bailor Bstraot Co* Beusoh Machine fool Co* Boloont laundry Sonic 3 Call Ilartearo 6 Yool Co Bosch Macneto Co* BO'sart ..lac Co* . alo Boro* laundry Inc* Baxter© * Bcfexy Bochnorfch Chain & Hff> Co* Eastern i Befricsratinc Co m lewood 3 Sons, SrarGr •uncoillaid 6 Sons* Frnrh Fisherman Cold ftorayo Go. FilJfc Hf{> Co* Hampden Brass Go* Htaapdon-Coronfcun ' hcol Co* dnt 3 Chenieal Co* Handy Co., H, I- Barley Co* Horde© I fy* Co* Internet i onal In© latIn: C orp* Jonoc, Tans on Machine Co. Hnon Motors Co* lorcloy 3 Son Cory., feo* Mia; Electric Mf ht Go* Metals Xreduction HqulTtaant Co* Milford Attleboro 3 woonoochot ; Miner Chocolate Co*, 17* H. Modem Hot aoh 1* undiy Mooro Drop f orpine Co* 10 ,942 • • Street ry* IS Buscallfs If rsine Hone City Jins House Hroc Bispanscry & Hospital Garland Sanitarium Haajpdon Ho© ital Health Bent* Zb. Hospital Mono of the Coal ; hop7 ord Mercy Hospital ITcnhci n Sen! t: ri xm XiQumn Sanitarian “prinffiold Mono for Apod Mon Springfield Mono for Mriondlo V onon f- Children Springfield Ho© ital Vo scon Maternity Mono Vi os con Manorial Hoc- ital 14 50 50 150 150 16 mm 5 GO 20 160 40 GO 206 21 7? « e» a f' ’> ’ TT r~-- r* " A... f.X tj ii, v V *-» A. «*i # 26 City or Form Hants 2 0 - tilat i on 1916 or 1110* Fines. Ho. Of HOS i- tals. Bono of Hospital Bo. Bear. Doc Fatal tors, doc. for . . d . C . . ) lie lor . lm arfcs, Inc* Ifclioml Co. lation l Fc et-. .-rio Co. Fen? <n: lam Ikdcery Co# Bom . Con at ruction Co. l;e; n-■Icrii. .OGtinfJhsotiso Co* . uclsa po Faehiroyy Co. Holm Pabll dhinc Co* 1 fillips, Inc*, A. . . letter -nittin; Co. Fo tfblia m Co. P-cynl family Co*, 1: c* cnitl* 11i> & A*ato Iletfil Co., Ire* fcj?3itii i Wesson Id Ircrrft Cor-* Spring}eld Foardry Co. %rSn field Cos 11- it Co. c-rin field Fo'llrr; Co. Fprir: Field • ot as! B unlxy Qait Brotl ors van liormn ifc.c! ino Fool Co* ©Be ter f* Bid ley ft root By. Co* 1 oils, P. If. Wire i’.oel Cor . of America oreos or Consolidetoa 0 root %• forcestor " lobster Ltrcot %* Co. 0. ‘ X Afar? n vVpsen Co. 4,,CSC* mm - - - Aldorvillo - 1 CMeopoo Isolation Hospital - - - C] lcopco Braes Coord Co. 21*519 Consoli .ofeod Iwondorinp Co. (Fprirv field oloniorinp Co.) lic.r? ilrplam f-'oetincrease Co* ; a o-fteare roe Fore® Co. 2; rir f iela revision Co. In mono Falls Print. 3 no f- Electric Co* 12 r» d CMeopoo Falls CMeopoo Frrsily I** naiiy lamb nit tint Hacfcin© Co. Co. 7,000* 1 Ci icopoe City Hospital • 0 l Imi-n Orchard C3%; taxjni Valve a* Podpos Fibre Carrot Co. Indian Orel; rd Co* l ,000* ■* ** 7 l ladles? imioer. >f£> Assn* 6,2m 1 India? Hoe vital society 25 2 ‘ 1 vcGtrioid eprinefiold 1 treot By* Co. Fosait© if; ■* Co. Fertile Ufa. Co. wetno Fbrood to&~&9 V* oat: 1old Icanxliy lost field, -am of 10,301 2 Poblo Hospital T.ostficld Ftato Caret v*xm Bt: 263 22 l Bgoantsss -foe Boston . Ctanfoxd (?) oocMorilnff lent - - - - - ctorlinc * -oc Clinton &$oncf£T* - oo Boc ton Iter. - Foe BrocMon GxilMry - See Boston 3$B£g2$GQtt - -CO lynsn. Joancoa - ' oo Fall Fiver 21UH2GH Blanoro Co*, Inc.,L* C. Cobb Be too a Toraa Co. Derby Inc*, B. 0. B#femton dtroot %. Co. Btna Co. Bv .ns Steapinc & . latino Co. Farodite FinisMrp Co. It:, boo yelot Co. Lincoln Frist Brill Co* 56,235 3 Botlloi c;: Ham Horton Hos it&l btato Kos ital 76 1,300 42 9 HAL). A C II V A S 5 A *. , 27 or -om Hants a o- nlation 1.1C l or 1310* tires. Ho* of Hoo I- talc. Bane of Hoc; ital. Bo• Bale Doe Fotnl tors Fee. for 11*0.2.0. mmm feast*) Hasan HaoMno “oihs I.*or tor Bros. LaiKlry Co. Hart* I Mon ctovo Co* G&hlsnd Bills Old -olo*v Bf;*. Cor * rood ’ Gone Co., Vd Ilian : o' or" s s Bleaed la o» Cos Tit on Hotel Co* *atmton Gao J4BM Co. Eatn ton Hnltfcisc Co. Saimton-Jfgc? Bedford torpor o. Bsnrton Oil Cloth Co. tointon divot erf® B union IJabber Co. Baanton Be. vine® Bea$? * anion -Is* fibre Co. Union Komi lasncLssr eh- I tovo Co. ostvillo Criming Co. Iii t ton ton Hocio r$ Co. hdttcnton Ilf; ■# Co. t intrror Cotton Xorn Co. * * * Bast -otmtcrn Cfcnniloy Oil Cloth 0 Brclrpon Co. Coil’ life* Co. - • - 1 - Lahovillo - 1,491* 1 LoJ<© vlllc state donate rinn (Boo -iddleboro) *9 1 - 1 idloboro Colonial Brass Co. hoGnsrd 0 Darrocr 9,040 1 Lahoville dtato Donator itm 277 16 1 1U : i jhtOR Haunt - -Opo FlnisMrvj Co. GOO* - - - mm 2acfk&l/a3® - aoo Aacroll Ihormiho - Boo lain r throo 4 vo re - oo X-aloor Siimors -alio - l og Groonfi Id Jniarvlllo - *-oo diford Uafcrldc© - Dec Ullfoaed ?I2r/HD HOT® : Hrtft *s Cold Ltorape a Ico Co. I,Of 0* 2 Um 8. Ifcrino l loca l tel ?ii$rard Haven Bonitaritn 26 14 G 1 Galt BltrTs Clairol, E. I. 1,S4B* - - - - Fenlhooe Island- - 1 } onlhoso Hospital 20 - - a oar. - Loo Boo toil v.o&efiold - Boo Boston ales - , oe Ifelaor Wslpole - Boo Boston Waltham - Boo , Otis Co. (H-nr-shlro Co.) etc vers 0 Co., Charles A* 9,094 1 Haro lies pit si Association ID 0 - E. BroOkfloId Thiels ifr> Co. 700* - - 1 * XT. BroohflcXcl - 2,946* 1 T/. Finos sanitarian D 5 2 Barron oxMns achino Co. . i=71: s I done!:c ’ A> C o. thorn,;To Co., Barron Cotton Hills 4,160* — 5 1 Barron - Boo Bare atortpTn - oo Bo: s tor IB vorly - t o Boston x-bstor - Boo otihbridco n a s a o ii u t : t •: l . 28 Den <nlatior Ifo* of ro. Doctors* City or Sera Hants 2916 or Focri- Bane of -es-.-ittl Bets* Dotal Koow '"or mo* Dlraos tels* 1.* 0. 11. C* ollosley - Geo Boston Bostboro - Goo Cronin;Trn • * oot BridnoBDtor - toe Brockton ‘ West ~ iicMnrv - oo FitoHr r. =eotfiol& - too %rln‘.;''-iel& WoGtfOfPd - mO© L0C7CI1 lost Ik novor - too Brockton West Bedford - too Boot on lest BcT/ton - Gog Boston ost • Ittsfiold - 800 itt; field lost Bosbusy - too Boston west Boland - too Worcester t ost Gonerville - too Boston ** v ost ttoc'tbrid/;o - 00 Great Benin ton West V/arehan - Boo Ito Bodfoi^ Voynov th - . 00 Boston liitinsviHo - 800 r.ilfonl -Mtmn - go Brockton V:il!dnoorvillQ - toe Vcr coster Willicr..iotoi7n - too 1 orffc .‘*Loess winchse&on - toe Gardner Winchester - te© Boston Wirllrop - Boo Boston Woburn - See Boston oil. ston - woo Boston. XJQW df -H iJearlcoxi Steel A wire Co* 165,816 IQ Abbott sanitarium • 165 58 . noriean Steel A 'Tiro Co. (Cental ' orlx} Belmont Hos} Ital 105 American Stool « Wire Co. (Berth ores) Herbert ' all Kos ital 50 Anoriean < tool B wire Co. (South orks) Horn for Av& Am 0 Albedo -eillo&blo Iron Co. laplo Bill - enitarlun 16 vutfsrarfch Bros* Inc* Hone for the Blind 14 aircraft Vont'le Go. Benorirl Hosi ital 17;' ait!' Co*9 Inc*, John rvnlci'rl 13:)* Ago Ital - ay State Lsondry Odfe lodfo Sard tar in - Boll Co. St* frrncls Asyltm :or A; o& Birlor : artford Coaret Co. (Clinton) . on A Ximm 161 ->i sT%Op Co* , J* t« St# Vincent Bos- it? 1 185 Boston 3 rosaoil -k>tol Co. Vashbam Bono for Aged V.orwn 27 Bradley orstod Co* octlcnd Ilos-ntta! - Brower Co., Inc. Worcester City Hospital 360 Co*, A* orceotor C-oanty Charitable Colvin, i. 3* ,jyo A Ker Infirmly - Consolidated -■oandorlrf’ C * - - woreostor Bteserconey Hospital 3€ Cook Lsnn&iy Co*, C. B. torsoster -ehaionaHn I!os- ital PA •rars!-r. - ? road Co* .om* ue I odom tarr&ry fore stor State Hospital 2,000 stem %icl; .0 3 Conatnfctlon Go. Bcona.dc VaeMnery Co. fo iro lavgairy Oo* Qngdnor --acfels© V/ojfe GaJttaril 1 Son, t. B* Genorcl S- rincs v tiro Oo* - Oessnor Co., Bark! -ni ht Iff • Oo* I’anblefc I ecMno Co. a ;i 051I - -oiu Co* 1 \ • /. 1 I- : . 2 £ . . 29 -o illation City or doun Haute 1916 War 1910* -lines. Wo* of Hospi- tals. Bod® of lanital Ho* Doctors* dotal doc. for a* 0. d* C. WQHJUSSna (Corfc.) 11: r.:r co.f h Ihrrineton & BieliarCson to Co. Harris Wtoon XeantLry Weald Ucutiino Co* Boyhood Boot a Shoo Co* ‘ Hobbs I-f; • Co* Holyo’-o liaeMn© Co. ' opcvillo ucp* Co* ;Iovoy Co* Wtmtinc Usmliy Co* j Ifcssoll !'G;> Co. Wolard Gi ford Co. Hr-.: Air rt&ncto Co* lorinc Coco 3 Co. Wajostic * ‘Cr> Co. Hanteroor Baktoc Co* Latthor/s life* Co. 1 ills oven C; rtrid; o Bolt Co. • norwar Cons motion Co. Hon an Sprite Co. 10”v7 AVirjajnfl, C0rc ,t Co. Horton Grind inr Co. Ospood Brdlep Car Co* I - I, • 1 a,-or Foundry Co. dftfeor Wire Goods Co. • . — • ‘.’1 c0. - ur, one- rtcr - -adine Co. GfafCnarm colon -t . Co., . . I-. hlllips I-Go. Co., B* B. Wnoonutor Wills* Inc* .nircij onord . me sod Steel Co. Wood orontico Co. -»ood irinco : -G, * Co. Holiable -ct i/ash Laundry FdcTmiVoon sif,;> Co. iioc'voood dprliflor Co. Of Hass* .zussol d Co., Inc* dr.vola G Co., C. :;• Slnplos Player etian Co. dinplos - rofit Co. d|oepor, artloy Co. Ire* d’Tyilor *3 don, J. 23* W oncor ire Co. (Sponsor lent) apcncor v iro Co. {Worcester I lent) Otiendand T <v: ;or levator Co* Standard Gourdry Co* otoclo Co. , . ; :* Stes&rt '■ ' on, ♦ Qolecren Woan spor Co. t&cbuoott Co* olker Co., 0. 0* ><oat, * ... oatem flee trie Co. WMtcon!>- Wlaisdoll ' acMno asks WMto f Dodey Co* White* - ovy a Hester Co* } It tall osocictca, IT. J. Gills ChKoiccl Bronsc T.oxfeo Giro Goods Co. Wood yoin: Co., 1‘otor Wools, W. J* WoofcaBSft 4 IcktoII laror Co. Worses tor Bolds*; co. Worcester Bleach d Dyo Worlds Co. Wore ster Bra s Co. Worcester Cold Otomo© d Warehouse Co. Worcester electric Li M Co. Worcester dlcctrie & War:. Co. • Worcester uas Li Tit Co. Worcester Gosetto Co* Worcester %cbino Seres? Co. ore atcr G ♦ Go* ere star - rosood Stool Co* Worcester Wbock bo or bo r C > * Worcester **te ' od Co* i oncost or Woolen Will Co* Wri, ?>t -iro Co. f ore stor lent) Wymn 6 Gordon ... a . 3 ii u i' j • 30 City or ?ov/n Ilento - o vila 19IG 1910* tion 1 o. of Car i -cg i- ?inos. talc. Itoo or Ilos ital do. Bods. Doe dotal to r o . doc. for n. o. b. c. ccucsrm (cort.) Atibum Borsolldatod ionderinc Co. (Ooreostor -tenlorinc Co.) Jonlvillo '.oolen mils 5,201* - am 2 - Clcory Valley Olnoy oolen Mils (V/orcestor) Valley colon Hills i,iro* - «m - - Grafton die? or I.If. • o* Ohoo Co. 6,2ro* 1 Grafton State dosital i,r?r> o i Holden Jeff croon df; . Co. 2,514* 1 rivate Hospital - 4 mm Leicester leicccter colon Co. S.BDC1’ - - n - UlUtazy Buck BrotMrs Cordis Mils dor&ic Mile colters Co.,Inc. AoIlbroCIr dills Co. dayo colon Co. dillbuiy dills illbtiry -tool doroir;: Co. darr.T-om dills dost & ShrooA Co. ost ;n& Otto d Co. Iindie Co., Am d. Windlo Co., V. • 5,295* 5 Ho it® Oxford Hold : ills Co. 400* mm - - - Oxford don-ins Co., Inc. ■ al. -o dolt C • dac/art? A Cor, Andre?/ Oxford colon dills 5,476* l,3S|f* ) ( 5 1 aotlaai 5 Central Mn Samtorlm Crone Canatortai daplc Lod e donatorittn Urtland Got taros Butland dtate Ganatorin*?. *>*■> 14 11 75 sro 0 mm uecn&orsvi llo S X relcr. vfllo Cotton :1111c COO* / /I * am - - bpojacsr Bid ood colon Co. 5,094* “ - G am . Hutl* vd r> In* ton ills - A1 co Gasp v T5oc ital ICO - - v ilkinooiiville i-nco dills J. d. doyor ! o.) doyor 5 Co. ,J. ♦ GOO* - - - - ronthon - ; og dexboro To illation 1 20 642,610 101G 614*: IS Imr-bor of Counties 5 Ifcaafcer of 762 llenbors of State Acer?* 1017 40 G I.VQB. sq* Giles 1*067 a h o if i; i f : , h j * 2 City or Soon Hints i o«l£ition 1016 ..tap 1010* 2ij*o. iiO* Of Hoe 1— talc. llano 0 : Hoc jd tel Ho. Bale. Doe Hotel tors Bee* for I1.0.B.C* Anthony - ‘.go irovidorco Arctic - -Go i'oviuonco AxfErricht - -;oo Providence ‘ Arlington - oo irovidorco A Xteixso Ilfr • Co* Yoolon O&sancasp I olff Worsted Hills 72* mt 2 - Ashton - U>0 itn7ttiCl ot - ‘Ado Irovidorco Berrin- ton - Coo arron Bradfc; Bradford l£;oi»'-; /3ox* 452* - - 2 1 Arid, oton - * oc Halloo lalro Bristol Bristol 7aonl* Bristol & wfeirrcm Bator V/orhB Bristol Cranston Aon:tod Hills Wsxyq1]& Broti oro, ubl ichors Sodini 1 '•'hioti 9,009 1 Hhade Island Gold lore Bono (In .3: rracHs) 40 n nr At-*- 10 1 Burrillville OaldLond dors tod Oo* (Hail Harris- Orroll r ills, Inc* villo) ScA’loc Co. ,Xro& 1* \7* 7 K* Ootipangr 3,086* 1 Central Halls - Goo lartuobot Centerville Hont naaraCcictnrinc Con anj; (Hail Kenyon Ilf, « Co., Joim J* viHe) Hem Hf/ • Co. Baxv/lcB Hills aw • Confcordolo - Boo Irovideneo Hill A Son, Janos J* v idnicl?- li-dhan m. • Co. Shode Island rococo in; Co* 6,669* — •» - - Cranston -goo irovidorco Crcocton - soo Providence Ccmherlsad - ■ cc Boorooci'ot Bari in ton - See lasjtucfest Hast Groewsich - Coo i rovidcrcc Bast Xrovidonco - -00 I’rovidonco - 00 Xrovidonco Bsraond - Soo Xrovidonco Easter (P. 0* Siocnra) 904* 1 Hhodo IsP nu Gchool or the Pooblo-Hindod no - - Hi elds Point (?) Lord Construction Co. - - - - - Horostdalo - Geo BooncoC ot Port Groblo - 1 U. ; . - vr& lloo ital 16 - - Glcndclo - dec walPun Left) Greenville - Goo Providence Groyston© - Goo xrovidonco imilton Anchor Hobbinc Co. Hawaii ton ob Co* 210* — - - - Harris - ; 00 rovidcnco (Hail Xlienis} . 1 o i City or C-tron Hants Population 1916 Var 1010 fines* He* of Hospi- tals* llano of Hospital Ho* Bode* Doe fotal tore Hoc* for I i.O * *V.C- * Harrlsvlllo - goe rollrn LaJ^o IlillflCrow - -eo rovidonco Hope Valley Hope valley dvortiser national orino nrlno o«f-3tInc* Spcnccr, B&osr 2* Wood Kivor Iron oifrs, Inc. 1*D11* mm 1 HopMnton AsftESBuy Modern Go* u-olff o®roto& Wills 2,<190* - — mm *■* Itearl - Soo XrovidGtico HOxsic - oc rovldonee JcnootosTn Janactoim & Forry Go* 1,610* - mm - 1 Kenyan dactom Finishing WosSsb 225* mm - - - Kin ator Khodo Island state Collooo 510* 1 Allon Hospital - - - Ic Fayotto Betasn Iif{ • Co* cm* - - - - Lincoln - Fog lax/tvOkot Lonsdalo - t oo Pos /tnclfot lymnsvillo - So© providence Wanton - Coo rovidonco - linvillo - too V/ooasdclsot IlaT/lovillo goronot . orated Co* - - - 1 - IfcanrucjanBOtt Her Brovminc# C* J* Klee. Cot taco C or* oration 1,431* — mm mm 2 naoonvillo - * oo oonooclcot IfeupOrt fxshor* Horall fi Cord, it Co* Atlantic Coast Fisheries Go* dost in Co* Boy State street ialtaay Co* Bollovuo Iciaidiy Hrc&gf. on Woolen Go* Bally Bora Wavid Hoses Keeton V Vo* t :o* II* Her Id Omee Korc.ld .tfolicMn Co* Jtvr/onc, Ctrl Kind’s laundry Li ouy, ■-■• F* Uorenxy Office Hot Wnwland Waviest on Co* Her:; ort Bahory Hot? ort City Launliy Co* HOTport Gao Go* lie*:; ort 1 rovidonco Street *\iilvay HOT; ort Vat or «on x 1--octal -olG rarhi Co. octor, Sacool Spooner u son, L* U* t* ITavaf Hospital western Union *olor;rc. h Co. do, mo 4 Itoport Hospital St. Goor e’e Fc’ool In Vir . U* • • Arry Uosp* Ft* Maas- d* »-• Haval Hoc ital ISO 40 110 40 5 Portsmouth Boy State Street Hail®sy Co. 2,670* - - 2 1 north Kin ston Hodman I t'll* Go* (Hall Davlcvill©) 3*931* — mm north Providcnco-foo -rovidonco north Fcituato - toe Providone© Oakland - too Woonooclifit PasoQGG - Coo alltEd Laho h o ,, ;; 1,2. h i> . 5. rornlatlor IIO. Of lb. Boctors* City or Your Mcnto 1910 bar Hospi- Ifene of Hog ltd Bods. lotul Hoc. ’OF - 1910* Yino s talc. i-.O.ii.I • BL1SSDCBES 'noric: n HacMne Co., IT* 1- . 59,411 9 Dot! any Hood IToc ital C9 9 fnorlcan - Hi ply Co* Blades tone - os ital 05 Anoriern •blcri ono & 'leloorarih Co* B1 iso. both aifxincon eodon Trioric r wo:;tilo Co* ?7ono for Indiyent & Infirm rsehor ebbin' Co. FcrrJLos 7 Ararnr Co* Home for tho ; od loor 200 Blaclco tone Bor ital Lolonlo Hog Ital - Blockstone Valley/ Gas a loctric Co* ITooori: 1 Hospital 45 Blodyott & Or rr.Toll Co* Hai?t T laco Hospital^ 20 Bror.xi 3tract Fewer Co. 2nborcu3bools Ctato enp 20 Builders Iron § inxiry tturrjoss Tims * Carpenter, JonO Ii Cr rporstor Yap d 3jo C0. Champion Korso Co* Con.too o*,J* & P* CaHyor Insulated Lir© Co. Crosby Co., J* 3* Bari in: * Fortillsor Co., L.3# -arlln ton hostile Co* BloacHery & Byo ' orbs boater Yr.xv. b. rMn C i try I loc i tal 25 FaH© ye t'oflfco •acton t Bnitan Bvcrl- atilt Inc* -aloe 1 Jor0-c DocMbo Co. Gloncr.irn life* Co* Goff Con, . Greene '• Baniels Co*, lie* Culsti & .. e* ini Houston o. • bosfaoll life* Co., II* T brresboff Iffy* Co. f ire. Hood -cbMne? Co* ; ope o"Tbln"; Co. Howard Braid iny Co* Jewelers Urn ly Co. Jolnaon, E*c* bciyon life* Co., Join- J* La dsyotte berated Co. Lclonde nos ital Laludo Hospital Lavollo, Genes • Lebanon Hill Co* lo Bon Bleach Byo bor'a Lo Jem Box tlcto Lincoln ’ achino Co* • Lind Co., IV-• Lorr ino T b * Co* Limb * Tit! t tiny Co. Jyors, olenoy Co. Hadconn 1 o-» • cl ton Co. ISason ?: Cc, Robert D* Itaorial Hospital Ife BaHoiy 11*Y. If II. :1*B» Co. • gaxfe loco Hospital PrSTtiicIsot Bdtoxy InsTtucf’DOt Bjridod Lino Co. ItotucSteot, City of Itr; tucltot Dyeing - Bleaching laatiidoot Gas Co* la. tndeet Laundry PrOTtTXfeDt do. ItetnclEOt Cash & Blind Co. Irr/tnclsct a tor Supply IMlllpB wire Co. Hotter ‘ Johnson IS&eMno Co. Irovidonco Co. Rhode Island Crucible a tool Co* Bose G o., x «.T.-* Balisbur llff.-* Co. Bayloo Icirfiinc Hunts .ollov/ TaeMno Bool Co* a la tor Y: m u . * # Smith. Cc., • • Bnltb dobbinc co. Colvry a Hostile Cq. 1: Trul r ' oven fabric Co* Hobo Jiiblisbin; Co* ■2roy Laundry Co. Yatralar bo von Fabric Co* • E n 0 .. i; I S l : 13 „ 4< City or Yon Hearts Population 1916 Par 1910* Pinos. HO* OF Hosy.i- Hamo o A Hospital talc* I 0* Bo s* Doc Yotnl tors* Hoc. for li» 0. SLC« IVwPDOm: (Cent*} union ’-addin;: Co* united Ctnfcoo JinloMn; Go* what Chora* Chemical Co# .hito ot ash laundry (Public Ft Mlbor ft rimoy 2roy Laundry Co* oodlnun FIi isliinr; Co* Y/oo&lrxm : Pchino • crov/ Co* ilitioo) * AShton Ashton SEH1 2,107* - - 1 - Control Jails Aahewth Vet has" Pet icon* I bin Bengal Cilh Hills Blachntcmo Stoc“ Ire Co* Contra! Falls Hastor Lnn vision Gh&3£&CB0t homy City ot 1 ash Gcror'l Jlcctrlc o* Harley, Homy J. } rsrt*‘c!ict osiciy Co. Sptnrdac Hlny Co* :.a3--;5na lace Co. aloobior 1 Clay Hfr> Co. (Fortuna Benin; Shrecd Co. Stephen© Put a Jolt o. united cbates Cotton Ce* aisals, . Jo:ifchorS'-ocsd-Qjonrson Co* 'IMnson, eth 25,626 :-m! mm 21 1 .'ka&inct on n • Y. H.n* ft if. ruB* Co* (Hall ' a .tucket} • - - - - Lincoln Lonsdale Belfry Co* 10,000 - - * - IonockJo Ann A Hope Mile Lonsdale Bleachory Lonedalo Co.# 4 Hill 4,000 mm ** 4 - Mllipalalo n. 1© American Cotton Prod* Corp* Iloimabo Ohcaaieal Co* ft*Banner Cor oration Fiver Spliminr* Co*f Plant C T/ashbru® Y ire Co. 460* mm 1 Beylosvilie Feylos - inis’'in:; . louts (A—B} 1,202* - - 2 - /alloy Falls Fre'f: -: od I f: • Co* Thnsahoo -ft • Co* HarrmAoo Hf; • Co* Beilin ft s.choon, Inc. llivor dr limine Co* Gtewlrrd But ft Bolt Co* 5,318* 5 Peace alo loaeo fclo : ff> Go* 1,000* - - - - Phonic - Too : rovidoreo Hdllircdolo - .,'00 X-antuc!?ot Xertflrautfc - • -oo llcuort PSDVIBSaOE Allen Fire Jer t* Supply Co* Allied Fill- Amdire Oorp* Aliy c tor Fifoo Bailor Co. American A British Ilfo Co* American Cotton Oil Co. American Hoory .F ool worhs American File Co* -norlGu !r Hand Leundiy American Seres? Company American Sill? F- innin.; Co. American ono ft Solo jm h Co* Amoriem uoolon Co* (4 Plants) Aniorion Bros. 'Multan Bros. 264,960 PC Mans Saul taring - Bat os daniti rise Bothriy Homo of u.l. pc Butler Hos; ital 200 Canitol Hill Iriv* Hoe ital Dexter Asylum Hospital Home for A{;od Hen ft Anod Gem los4B Homo for Aped t.onon 40 Homeopathic Hosp* of •I* 25 Boro Hospital House of tho Good bhonhord 150 lieu Abcland Host Cotta o - Ito irovidcnco Hoc; .* for Bur; :• - ITonxssidy Hone ft Hoop* for Infants 20 • 450 95 -i H 0 .. 0 X ;; UIIJ. l:. I-0-. ulatlen City or Poor Hosts vl916 Way 1010* vtaes* Ho* of iioopi- Uotjo of Hes ital tolo* Ho* 30U.C. Doctors* So tel Bee* for :*a.H*c. P20V1M1CB (Cost#) Airaorr Co. aTk Hill Hoo- ital 10 Arnold, !Toffteo» A Go., Ire* Parade Street Hop-ital- 16 Atlantic Illls irovidonco Children* c Hr ionic Atlas Qbgfclno Cooioty 00 Austin Co. Irovidonco City Jlor/ ital 200 Bolssr, JH • . ro via once "Iraorycmcy Hospital Ballou 5s Co.t Inc., : *A* nrovidoncc lyir.o-In Hoe- ital 60 Ballon Co* j rovldenco Shelter for Golorod Borcrateh Bros. Children 20 Barra, in. tonic Providence Spepicrl Hocrdtal 55 Bar A tore Co. Hhotl© Island Catholic Orphan •iX. Vv..a U i* ,1 -■ 'ir * Acylun COO Bauspcc? Bros* ,hodo Island --cc' ital 460 Bcarxn 1 Smith Co. Hhode I* Inst* for -oaf 70 Bentley, K* . -o er B’illlaao Bye, Cor A throat BcrTgoloy Co. Infirmary - Blacixtoso Valley Gas A Bloc. Co. 1 & 2 salvation rry Industrial Home 4C Boston loctric Co. t* Uisabot' rs cno 55 Bourn Habber Co* St. JoncHh* s Ho® ital lor Boyden & son, oo* .« St* mry*o Or'la nr o 6C1 Bract on, „V • St* Vincent do . sylun iBd Brom* Co. , B.I* State Homo A School 2CO Broar. bar Hfp* Oo* Ha so Amors* oncy Hosp* - BrocTnoll 1 Field Co* Builders Iron Found iy Bur css mils w . Burrillville Laundry Co. . Bn tier loa ital •' Buto: xt A Sue* or Co* Capasso, Freni: Car .enter A i on, n. 0. Cate A Co., Coo. 3* ✓ Cavnlloiro A Co* . Controdalo ’ ore tea Hills City lion itol Slaflln Co*, Cco*L* , Cleveland orated Hills Co* {Has fo:*d Borstal Hills} Cleveland ore tod Hills Co. (Honchos sot odor Hills) Conor, ♦ Colvin FoimAxy Co, Col, ell X or steel Hills Continental let:..1c Co. Cooper, Coraid Corbett Bmcs FotatLzy • Cornell, n. V. Coventy Co. • Cronpton Co. Cro 7pton a Kna;les loon or* s 0 real avoid, C. . Crovr orotod Hills,.’tne. Curran, II. * I. . • n:in orlnc Co. 3* .5» . • • j-Xiao Co* Harlan Bahexy nil . Co., . Bcvol Bubbor Cq. Dol Hafcto, Pietro ae::tor Aoylun Hi limn %Hory, Inc. 3 too Ho soon or Co. Bonlo A uou, Charles 3* Hoxen, J.A. Dottc, Louis Dover, Inc*» Goo.'.. By or Wrensportation l-ino Hastom Belt A But Co. ir&ruorey Hoc ital Barilla Haas Uvoninc Havo. Tails Tam Tills Federal CciW Cor t. Focloy, ..J* Holds . olnt Hfn* Co. Ups A Co* x‘iVa3'liii I acMno Co* FrarMin * roccss Co. T-1 ’ord Oft . Co. Fuller Iron or* -s Ccsncral Bakinc Co. General Chonlecl Co. General Fire ■ ichor Co. S II 0 I) E I L /' II E . G i?o dilation City or Tom 1 Xante 1016 bar 19X0* PiLioc. Ho. of Hospitals Ifetxj of lies* ital no* Beds Doctors Petal Hoc* for PnoVXDEflCF.* (Cent* )CirJir: : o Pho mono Goddard Gros* Goshen ‘H\ • Co. {IMllips&nlo Ilaufc) {Glrr/ooi Hart) (G* 1 il st} Grey, A* E. Groavonx.lo Co* Gtalsti Bros* -Carrie Gorliss Gnyino Co. Idleric fcfcdne Co. Kc?moooey#s Lcxmlxy Co* Her lei AiblioMnc; Co. Hill III* • Co., Janos Hills G iliehols Uofftcr,, i mold St Go* Holbrook Bob Hide Co. :iorK>ovatMe Hospital of IUI. Fore . rivato Moo vital lioaand Barling Co. In oriel ot Mash Z4s>n&x$rv Pho Interlake Mils Ictwmtional Braid Co. Join-oa iGaitting Machine Co. Jocco I'o Calf 3Mf> Jor/clors 3 redacts Corp* Johnson, V . Joseph Jasio Joolir i: • Co. Joy, v-;* :. Kavlv.n, Cnzaaol Go m lift • Kealan lifit;* Co* :o?r*ac , Boborfc Kesclcr, r^ssn Korb, Fill Laobor, . illian Co* Ian "oiler LXg. Co. Lorre, Gheo UJco Gel m ode Isl nd liberty I rnch 14 pifct woolen Co. Lord's Bekoxy Leottit Goes .beard xy Co. Luigi Gieci Iyn no villa Co. F££* Jowolor Id rlvBL, Vittorio Mason !G'v* Co. Hathorsen ~ 1 • ulj: Corks Mechanical A brie Co. Merchants Cold Ctorage & Hanoh0ur>o Co. GaOSSlor Co. , A.C* Hotels Corp* Hotelo iro&tsets Cor . nidsoociFe tom Go*, • Hill Ft* Itsmlxy Millor Co. Modem ot ash IvursirH Ilonnfc l loosest tam&ry Marie, enact t loetrlc Li fit ins Go. Hurra unset t Mac!ino Co. Motional Biscuit Co. Ifeticiml X rovidemeo Worsted Co. mti _>nol Hire traveller Co. Hoy? Gn land Butt Co. ♦ Hoy? Cn land Cupnly Co. Ha? Enter rise tv- .laundry Bos? Mount Pleasant laundry ITa? ort Kosi ital H.Y. IJ.H. a II. ;MG. Co. Hi choir, on Pile Co* Cxici io ::f{> o* Outlay cs Barton Co* ifelocHPi Dcosnios X-tarode 31root Hog ital P: ra ;or worsted Mills p; rido oaU Pane Mill - rivafco hoc ital Ptamtclsot Befctes Go* ay ;* Co., Charles look iioulty Co. Bennacehie Gonato lervoar G Co* loeaoet worsted Go., Inc* (Thornton) % - h H o . : i i . ii* 7 Population li O. Of Ho* Poe tors City or Pawn Plants 1916 Par Hos i- iio&s Petal Kcc. for 191 * Sinn®* ts^*.s Wane of lios ital Ii* * IdOvXSSljRg (Cent.) Postal Pelocrafi Go. Preston ft Bon, J.H* Private I Log ital x rovidonco Ansoluer XroviGoneo . mold Bnftory I ro vie once Co. Irovidomo City Hoovital Porvidcnco .rossed Icat Co. • * roviloreo iv.;.* 'or • I roviaunco Pall ill vox- ft Here/ ort Btoanboat Pyovldorco fas Co* Xrovidereo Journal Co. Providence Xyl:y/-In Hosnita 1 rTOVldORGC 'ft., Pool uo. IrovidoncQ . ubldc Haslet Co. to l&onee dill: Hosiery Co. Iwsldonce Utoao Boat Co. {Cos? Boat) Providence ftupftical *1od ital Providence Pclophono Co. Inrity IteSswyv Inc. Bevoro haiihcr Co. ShouLe Island Go* Rhode Islnl Braiding l&chlro Co. Hiode IqI ill Gat colic Orphan /• sylnn IB odo Island Hospital ilftodo Islnd Volopr'ono ft rioctric Co. Rhode Island Pool Go. Rouleau Micids JlOS© Co. j . >•*. • Ikyal Landry iiodrano, Chcrlos Huofcrd GhocHoal ftaTho (2 - lento} BU JoGOi>hfc Ilos ital Ben-o-oot L. urdry, Inc. Centro 1 IPiiro Berov7 Ijscfiino Products Co* Bhielde, illl -,m short, Robert U? ovvra , Janes > loco?.!), t. f* 5 Go* Cnitli Bros. SBOOdon worn tod Hills, Inc. Borno- Pie I To a. '■ I tal Bta .pr-.s ft B tempos Btillrm -'Tito &mea Btodd-rt, - otor Uirdorl id, P.B. Butcli fc Bohoxy ov;oot ft Bon, Inc. U. « Gwift ft ‘;o. Bare Co*, Eho Pont lie ft‘niohinfi I£.c2hl»ery Co. Shore soil " P!--oqpso©, Inc* ' ool. n Wi» 3'.artel lot, . • ' ttHuno ftimsp Center .. air?'in: son. Onion Hand hound xy Co. U.B. ftinlcftlnc Go. U.G. Bin/’ Br avelor Co. Uni tod G iro " Supply Go. universal Uir&inc Co. Vesta nit tint; Hills vesta Usdereoar Co. Yiscenso Vicario Ualdord Lunch od B.I* '..ansrXiCk Co. harftfCeftoy Co* ‘ asiicsTsf i, 3. ft U« v/atclxriohot L vsdry Co. Western Electric Co. V/ostevn Union Pol. Co* V/oybosset inr© ft< od aaii«>t hat C-ic r Xeef Co. Xifmt Cheer Laundry Lillians ftyc, iftr ft Shroet Infimaiy, Bocor 9 ; * Wiybossot Pur© Pood Wonen’o Collet© of Brown University orlaxr fs Bofcoiy Orftrr.n’s Circle dec ary Anthony Coventry Go. 2,0C0* - mm 2 - r.idnicl--' Sfir&han Lift > Co. H H 0 U B I IS L A II a . 8 City or C&rsn Plant Population 1916 Gar 1910* fines Ho. of hospi- tals llano of Hospital Ho. Beds. I) 0 c fotal tors Hoc# for II.O.H.C. (Cont.} Arctic Boucher, Arthur rtsTfrsaot Bally *1 nos 2,100* mm - 6 - Ax?OTiC;flt Intorldho Hills G76* «« - - - Arl In ton iGwton & limine Co. 511* - - - «r Auburn (mil frovi- donee' Central ocl Co., Inc. Crythere, .C. General Fir© ’stin/uishor Co. XtiDdcren, H*H. Pratt & Son, C. . Bonerr reno Lind Standard HaeMnery Co. i, or mm r> 4m Controdale Centrolole Got Gash. Centred .lo word ted Hills 690* - - 3 - Crane ton llcnsor, Qco. Sarvartmsott Findshine Co. Standard Inch- inory Co. 'Universal dindlnc Co. 2f,937 3 l Cronpton Her? Syston Xeaandiy 1,052* - - 1 - East Groonrioh Boston ire Stretcher Co. E.Groorrich AeodOR$r Elisabeth Hills Cr.llaudot Aircraft Corn* IToch, Frederic?” S. Providence Jxysaltcro finploy, J.w. 5,604* 1 Crawford Allen "hjnorial Hoc i- tal or 2b# Childron 40 4 Bast Provldonco A or Give Hachine Tool Co# IMfcoon u GoTnon ITarrrFTnsott Hill Inc Co. irovldcnco Dry l)och h Barino 10,115 •*» 6 Edeowoed - - 1 Sophia Little Fono 22 - - I Isnond Gsnond Hills 37C* «■» - 2 i Crocnvillo IbBqrit worsted Co. 350* - - mm mm G roestone ■jorm f Bor , Josorh - mm - - - Harris International Braid Co. {--ail at Hheailx) - - - - - mile Grove Elisabeth tails hole Xsl nd Halloa lo iron Co. 410* 1 St# Francis Kano for Con- jr-r-ptivos 60 1 - noward 90* I Gal’llvxm School for Girls Bhodo Islarsl Et#Prieon Hoop. Foctenosset School for Boys Gtato . Ins nans© State Pam world'-onco a House of Correction State Hooital for Xnoano 1 Etato Hb# Hoc Ital 75 124 400 600 300 ,300 47 10 2 HoxbIo - 31* 1 fhinblo Club ire von tor inn CO - - Xynansvillo Iynansvillo Conmuy 014* - mm - - lion ton /norIcon doolon Co. - - - - - IT# . rovidcnco {Hail Provi- dence } I). II. Chord cal Go* Iyrmoville Co. mm - mm 1 — IT* Scituato '.dons :.'f • Co. COO* - mm *? o mm Fhonls: Bugral Chenier! Co. 2,104* - - *7 V 1 a n 0 D 5 ISL A f? D . 9 Ci ty or 'to 1 lento Pomlctlon 191C Tap 1910* Claes. Ho. of Hosni- feals. Hazao of Hoc pit A no. Bode. Doc Potal tors. Hoc. for U.O.3.C. PHQVlHdilCB (Cont.} • ** Diver Point Br yton Foundry Co.*!. Bnayton F rorslrjr Oo., . Croon 5 Lon* S.H. Liver Point K im xy Joolln life* Co. 2*000* 3 1 0* Bcltncto 54* - - - mm Chomton Priscilla Worsted Hills Victoria Hills 7*90* * 4 - • 1 mm LasMn ton Liv*npston V ore tod Go. Lonodolo Go ipengr GOO* - - 2 - • Vwi i Cliscnon* A. . ollol) c* <T .11. Womiolc Kills Worlfall* Frederick J. 29*960 (Includes W auricle) mm Hicta>nd Haotom L’niShinr; Works, Inc. 1,450* - - - - Hivor Point - -00 1 rovidonco Divcrsido - Poo Wairon Lokonnet Lakomot Sransporfcf tion Co. « - - - - Seylosvillo - Loo Pawtucket Shady I*OQ Bodbasn Hfp. Oo. - - - mm Llafcorcvillo - Loo Woonsocket Srdtlifiold - ; oo Woonsocket i • Kin: ton (Kail Kingston? Hills Co* 5,497* - mm - mm S. Lei - CO 1 rovidonco - Loo Woonsocket fronton - Loo 1 rovidonco • fiverton mim Hill Lkoro Hills 4,409* - mm 3 - VallGfc/ Palls - Leo losrtrcfcet ♦ l.lte Sold Barraganaotfc Laondry H&rz&oaissett Pinos Uokofiold Hills Co. 2,170* tm mm 0 3 mum urn - - 1 K o o Island Lt. wanltorlun SCO 3 - Bridroton Ironior Worsted Hills 560* 1 - mm - C-lonfl lo Grroll Hills, Xrc* GOG* - • - mm arricvillo Aaorlear Woolen Co* Ltlilsater Worsted Co.,Inc. 1,551* - - 1 - Paccoa ■ Paocoa: Herald P&seoop fetor Go* Boyles Go.,Prod 1. 2*010* “ 4 ** \7Aflssair i . rsorican Wcolon Co. renek Hfr * Co* Hat in Hello I t. I oro Him in Co. Hi Ho Warren Casotte Warren Hand Issands^/ Warren life* Bo. 7,241* 1 Hall’s ITS veto Hoe-ital 10 12 2 Jorrincton 0* Daemon Cor • HP ode Island loco works *932* - - 1 - Pdvox^ido Hiversido Wot W&sti 1,271* mm - 5 - . B rrin ton 6’lcnnon Cor • - - - - - R H 0 H HI L A IT D . 10 icr illation IgA 6 • 0 Hj HO# Doctors# City or Doan Hants 1016 War Hoc; i- llano of Hex; ital Bods* Dotal Roc. for 1910* Pinos. tala. u.O. R* C * WasMn ton - ..oo 1 rovidonco • Barrlm ton - oo .citor Westerly Clark - lant, Wh* 9 #422 - - 13 2 Podcr&l deltin Co# i Olclans C3iy Pension #A.J. V.i\'CV'Qrm9 V;‘ • Uooro9 v oo. C. Pat/t'icHot Woolen -ills wttu Co# {Westerly Baily Sc®} Woctorly Aatooatic del# Co. V: otorly Li ht a I'ovTor Oo. Westerly Boers Westerly Don Westerly hostile Co, w* Warwick - dec Provideneo VQOmmmQ Alsace 1 orfctod Go. 6 Ballon JFono.for the Agod - 59 9 Anorican D!hrec4 Co# Hospice St# Antoine - American Rinper Co* Honoried Hospital - Anchor WeWMn*; Go. i t# W inocr t do 1 anl ' .one 'IS Boxml Worsted Co. Woonsocket Boy Xforaory & Deli sic Bros* %faory Children's Hone - Drcsnahan# P.d • Brosnohsn Grocery Co. Brodccir# Lotiis Cnriborlsnt worsted Hills \. oonsocl-jot Hoc i tal 40 wosanlinor, G.L. i-h?rm Worsted Hills Barm worsted Hills %#e Hills Sfetldy Bros. dyo Hoiks Hmidy# Joseph Hvoninr Call Habllfililxv Co. Palroont %e Co# fells Ham Hills French - orstod Go# Glonark Hill Guerin By-Irvine: Go. Guerin Gpinninc Co. Iienlet ioxSrilo Co. G■ los comment worsted Co* Lafayette Worsted Co. Landlord Worsted Hills Lawton Byirsninc Co. Lebanon I'ill Go. Li; pitt Woolen Co. Li vines ton Wore tod Co. LarlendL Worsted Co. Umofactnrors 1 ocmv Co. llau I -odel Lanr&iy it.y. n.n. a n. b.r* co. Park Sprinr; Bye & Bleacher:/ Co# Perseverance Worsted Co. iicrco Hfc* Co. BatkLnrn Hnlttinc Co.. Che Bet* or. Knitting Co. Hivor Spiimin ; Co. Rocerxmt £$roiro Co. at. . ntonla 'oo Ital Scotia Worsted Hills • Sin lea Uf/> Co. Simples Pool Co. boa 5 Life# Co. Star Bloc trie Co* by Ivor. tor. Aldoro Waft** ioroo ~-f ;• Go. Uadahidco Worsted Co. Yorhcacclt* Francois w oonooc!ot Gall \ oorsooT'Ot -yein.; A Blo&chinr; Co. Woonsocket Hoc ital Woonsocket Hachlno & Press Woonsocket Ru’b'be? Co* Woonsocket S' imta: Co. oonooc?-ot a on Co# oonsoeWnt ater Do- : rfcncnt Woonsocket Worsted Wills II HODS I 1 / IT D • 11 City or Dorm 1 Xante : o station 1S1G Car 1010* Dims* Ho* of iloo i- tais* 2fcno of Hospital* Do* Bale* Doctors* Dotal Bee* for Ii*0.B*C. . OODCOC (Cort.) Crsnberlard DoxSreley Co. 10,040 - - 1 Boroot&al© Borort&ols Df£. Co. 564* - 1 Efcmvillo Boreal, J*3* Done Laxzndxy Dot ’ ■aoh 5,000* • - - O _ ty Ifc-oorvillo Holhofrn Dills . 5 K. Co. wanatastc Co* aterDoris© V,orated Co* 450* Oalrl' nl V/orstodOoJdLsijfi. Borstal Co* 743* - - - iilatorsTillG Cl torevilie Co* 1,147* - - 1 SoltHfleld Centro&ale Core tod l.illa 0,234* - • - - DaUdls S j-Wlln lit:. Go. 107* • ■ - _ — Population 1910 lt 114,756 1916 1,244,479 itoriber of bounties 6 Xtobor of Phj/sioians 1,701 oeafrers 5tate Aaau 1917 1,061 Area Sq* mllee 4,620 0 OOliMICU1!! 1 City or •'•own Plante Population 1916 War 1910* Simas* Ho* of Hospi- tals* Earn© of Hospital* Mb* Beds* Doc t o r 8 Petal Bee* for M* 0*B*C* Ansonia - See Darby Baltic - Bee Harwich * Berlin - Bee Hew Britain - Bethel - Bee Danbury Branford - See Hew Haven BRIMKSPQRg Adaras-Both Balding C0# Allis© C0*. U*S* American & British Mfg* C0# American uhain co. Antoraatic Machine Co, Bassick C0. Bolimaw Mfg* Co. Bias Borrow Fabric Co* Bilton Machine Bool Co* Bl&o & Johnson °o* Bine Bibb on Body Co* Bradbury co* # Bridgeport Boiler Works Co* Bridgeport Brass Co* Bridgeport Crucible C0. Bridgeport Bias tie fabric Co* Bridgeport iingineorinc C0# Bridgeport Hydraulic Co* Bridgeport Ho tor Co*. Inc* Bridgeport screw Go* Bryant Electric Co* Ballard Machine x>ool Co. Coe-3 tap loy ilfg* C<>ip* Columbia Bolt & Hut Co* Connecticut Electric iffg* C0. Coulter & UfeKonsi© Machine Co* Crone Co* Crawford Laundry C0* Curtis A *hxrtIs Co* Eastern Malleable Iron Co* Electric Coble Co* Fairchild A Shelton Co* Friable Fie Co* Caynor Mfg. Co* Harvey iUbbell. Inc* Hathemy Ufg* Co* Hawthorne Mfg* Heppenstall Forgo Co* Jennings Bros* Mfg* C0. Lam torpedo Boat Co* Lewis Oyster Go*, 11* J* Liberty Ordnance Plant Lincoln A C0*. Inc* . Charles £* Locke ateel Chain C0. Locomobile Co* of America Lowes Laundry Co* banning. Maxwell A bore Max Ames Machine C0. Model laundry bnumontal Bronse Co. Hi Is on Machine Co*. A* H* PoQuoraaok Foundry. Ixe* Porcupine C0. Post Publishing G0. Precision Conge A Valve Co* Baybeotos Co* Bailable Lain dry Balt's Soattile Mfg* C0* Singer Mfg* G0. fio Smith & Egg© Mfg* C0. Prague Hater Co* Standard Coupler Co* Standard Oil i&glno Co*. Inc* Stanley Buie & Level Co. (Fray ) Tamer Bros* Wolverine Motor Works 121.579 7 Bridgeport liospital Bridgeport Protestant Orphan Asylum City Isolation Hospital Phe Salsa Hospital Hill Side Home Hamlngton disc Co* Hosp* St* Vincent's Hospital 260 70 10 60 200 175 173 31 • Fairfield Kennel Food Sup* Co* 6,134* - mm 5 Stratford Bridgeport Safety Lfeery Wheel Co* Bridgeport steel Go* Stratford Steam Laundry Co* . 6.712* - — 6 2 G OIIUjSC 2 ICUT 2 City or Plant Population 1916 War 1910* Slats* 1*0 • of Hospi- tals* Hone of Hospital* Be. Beds* Doc Total tore Bee* for M.0.B.C* Bristol - Bee atorbury Backhand. - See Manchester Burnside - See Hartford Canaan - 3m V lifted Canton - Sea 1 ins tod Cneeter Jennings Bussell Mfg. Co* 1,419* - - 1 - Cronsell - See Middletown DAHBURY Cuff Hat Co. Is$erial Silk 9 Inc* & Jieirtm C0.t Inc* Darner Machine C0. %eodie Mill 0o. 23,556 1 Danbury Hospital ♦ 75 26 6 Bethel Shepard & Cone Co*y '%o* 4* 3,041* «a - 4 1 Mill Plain Bardw,s Farm Prod* Co*, Inc* 300* - - - - Sandy Hook Prosier Mfg, uo* 1,725* - - 1 - Danielson - See Putnam Darien * Bee iisormlk DERBY Eseeli&on Loundry Co*, Inc* General Ord* Co* Sterling c0# 9,655 1 Griffin Hospital 60 14 5 utsonia Aasonia Brass Branch Foundry Co* ansonia Mfg* Co* 4nsonia 0 & C Co* Farrol Foundry & Machine Co. Mr Syat&n Laundry Co* 16,704 17 2 Seymour Mathews Mf:?* tto*# H* a. Seymour Iron foundry Co* Seymour 24fg* Co* Pinnae Mfg* c0. 4,786* 7 She Iton OwK* Tool Co. - Badeliffe Bros* Shelton Looms Whitoonft) Metallic Bed CQ. 4,807* 1 Fairfield Co* St* Tb* San* 146 7 villa - Bee Williiaantle JS* Cgsaaan - See Winsted * * f £* Hampton * See Middletown JS. Hartford - See Hartford S* Killingly - See Putnam B* Lyme * See Hew Condon f ir Elmwood - Hartford Enfield Cordon Brothers Co* 11,618 1 Enfield Sanatorium 20 mm - Essex fiiey Pratt Co* 2,746* - - 2 1 Fairfield - See Bridgeport it Falls Village - See wineted Pores tri lie - See Hew Britain Gilderoleeve - See Middletown Glasgo - Bee Norwich Glastonbury - See Hartford Glonbrook — Bee Stamford jlcnville - yeo Greenwich 0 0 H B IS 0 2 I C 0 2 3 City or Tom Plants Population 1916 war 1910* Sloes* So. Of Hospi- tals* Nano of Hospital* Ho* Beds* Doc Total tore Bee* for H.0.3*0. y»eens Farms - See Horwalk GR3S&7ICH ' Maples Laundry 19,159 3 Bowman’s Sanatorium Crest Flew Sanatorium Greenwich Hospital Assfn* 20 40 100 23 5 vUanrllla American Felt Co# 980* - - - - Groton - 3«e llm London Qnilford Knowles, Lontoard Co. Spence’s Inc., 1.3. 1,608* 1 Dr* %ans’ Sanitarium 10 6 - Haddam - See Middletown Hallvill© - See Horwich Hamden - See lev ft — xiaV6K - See milimmUo HARTPCRD Abbott Ball Co. Arrow Electric C0, Beacon texmdrg Biatoefs Foundry, iSdwta Bryant & Chapmen C0# Case Bros#, Inc. Cools: Co,, Aea 3. Craig, I, 11, Cudahy racking C0# Otislman Chnok Billon & Douglas, Inc# Inspire steam Laundry Fen Mfg# co# FrcriRlin Electric llfg. Co* Hartford Conan t Co# Hartford Faience Co. Hartford Family Laundry Cq, , Inc# Hartford H# & B. Laundry Heroey & Mfg. Co. Hitchcock & Curtis Knitting C0# Howard Ce#, James L. Jacobs Mfg* co* co. Lincoln & C0.t Inc#, Charles C# Maxim silencer Co* Hew Laundry C©, H«w Method Laundry Sew Model Laundry Parser Shirt Co* FhllbriclxBooth Foundry Co* Pierce’s Hearn laundry Pratt & Oo*, Inc • Puritan Laundry of Hartford Rhodes Mfg. Co* Sanitary Laundry Co* Standard Foundry Co. Superior Laundry Cq. (Harry Miller) Saylor & $mn Co* Underwood Confuting Machine co* Walker 6 Barfcmn Itfg# Co. Whitlock Coil Pipe Co. V/iley-Bickford-Sweet C0. 110,900 20 American School for the Deaf Babies9 Hospital, Inc* Charter Oak Private Hospital ClnCh Hftrftft City Hospital Colt Memorial Mom Conn* Institute for Blind Hartford Co* Sanatorium Hartford Hospital Hartford % treat Homeopathic Institute Isolation Hospital Uaplehurst Sanitarium Niles Street Priv* Hospital St* -Agnes’ Home St* Francis’ Hospital St* Mary’s Home far Aged Walnut Lodge Hospital Watidneon Juvenile Asylum 1 Farm School WildsTOOd sanatorium 36 115 198 450 175 60 20 420 125 25 40 50 270 3 Horneia© Case Bros., Inc. (Woodland Mill) 750* - - 1 - I&at Hartford East Hartford wot wash Laundry C0. Ideal «et Wash Silver Umo Pic Rio Co# 9,225 “ • 5 1 KLnwood Abbott Ball Oo. 400* - - - - Glastonbury Glazier Mfg, c0. indhaa Mfg. °o. Bosor, iJerman & don Williams Co., J. D. 4,796* 3 Hartford C0. (?) Chamberlain 8. ». - - - - - fedLnf?ton - 1,689* 1 Hawington Bon» for ChilOron 125 - - C 0 JJ it Hi o n G U ;i 4 City or Varm Plants Population 1916 War 1919* fines# Ho* of Hospi- tals. Home of Hospital. DO, Mh Do C Petal tore Bee* for ii# 0»li*C# HAHSKHD (Cont'd.l PXaixnrill© Carter Brass foundry C0#1? $« Osborne Stephens on Mfg# Prun&ull i&ectrlc Mfg. Go* 2,882* • “ 3 1 Simsbury &isigi*-Sickfbrd Go* 2,637* mm - 2 - Unionville Broadbent *>ons, Inc#, J* Unionville wet & Bry family laundry 1,868* - - 5 - othersfieId - 3,148* 1 Connecticut Prison Hosp# 40 4 - Vindsor locks Horton & iSom9 Go*, B# Medicott °o# 3,716* - - 5 - Haverhill (?) Lenox & Byjggg Go* - - • - - - Higganum - Bee Middle tom Jemtt City - Berwlfth «Ul»’ly - 3m Putnam leftvriU* - 1,000* 1 Conn* School for irdbociles 300 3 1 Limo Borden*s Farm Product C0#t Inc* 760* - - - litahfl.ld - 903* 1 Spring Hill Home 25 9 4 Lo oil (?) Lincoln & C0#f ins*, ''has# P# - - mm - - MABHB32SR Carlyle Johnson Machine Go. Case V/iliard Co* * A* Case Bpof,#9 Inc# (Highland Mill) 15,651 1 Choaoy Hospital • 4 2 BocldaM Hillard C0.# M. Mu 400* - - - - S* Manchester Cheney Bros* Coots Bread Co# Sharp Bros* 7,000* mm — 10 3 * Galoot tville i’aloott Bros* Ge* 392* - - r - Vernoa -ftckerly, Peal 9,466* mm - - - bnsfiold - Bee til liman tie Masefield enter • See bus field Depot - Bee nillnmntlo Mechaniosville - Putnam W8LlX>m Aubrey, Mm* Hattie L* Basaick Company Bliss Company, s* A* Bradley & Hubbard Co* Connecticut 'Pol* & Electric Co* Domestic Laundry Company Foster Merlarn Company Hiller & Canary, iSdw* Parker Company, diaries 29,130 5 Connecticut School for Boys Curtis Home iariden Gity Hospital H* Hcven C0* Pb. Sanatorium Prinity Church Horae 450 mm 54 122 33 11 Plant svi lie Blaheslee Forging Go* Shons&scm Brop $orf$& Go* 1,500* - - m - (2raey Jennings & -Tiffin Hfg* C0* 200* - mm - - Xalesville Jennings & Criffln Mfg* Co* 1,200* - mm - - iJldcllaflold - 3ae Middle tom WDlSSOsiV Meach « Stoddard, Inc* Middle tom Loan dry Co* Quo Manufacturing Cos^aay Palmer Go*, H* I* Portland Company Rookfall woolen Company Bogers rnd Hubbard Company 13,273 3 Conn* for Insane Conn* industrial school fbr Cirls Middlesex Hospital 2,600 280 70 41 7 Cronwsll - 2,188* 2 Cromwell Hall Health School Swedish Christian C9pfcs»ag© 36 70 3 mm COBHJSCTIOUf 5 City or Tom Plant Population 1916 &ar 1910* Sines* Ho* of Hospi- tals* Ifcme of Hospital. So* Beds* Boo Potal tors Boa* for M*CLB*C, wmimwm (cont’a.) Bast Hang)toa Starr Bros* Boll Co* Suomi t thread Co* 1,200* - - 5 1 OtldmlMn Gildersleeve Ship Bldg* ';o* 1,200* mm - - - Scor11# 3* & H., Inc* 1,968* - mm - mm HlggpuMB Cutaway Harrow Co* 950* Scovll Iae*,B* &• H* (Shorn as Haddan, lass.) - - 2 1 Middle field Lyman v*im Si Jit Corporation 1,036* - - - - Portland Brainord Shall or & Hall Co* 5,425* - - 7 1 am i lain - OM Banbury lontville - ->eo Sew London •* Uoooup * See Harwich rustic - Sne Hew London Haystack - See vatorlary - » Mims American Hardware Corp* American Hosiery C0. B, & E. Mfg* Oo. Eastern Malleable Iron Fla mery, P* J* Cq. iienald Publishing Go. Malleable Iron Woxfcs Bow Britain Machine Co* Parser Shirt Co. Sigourney $ool Co. Stanley %xte Union ISfg* uo* 53,794 5 Hagl© Sanitaritsa S* Britain General Hospital Or* Style’s Sanatorium 125 25 44 5 Berlin Berlin Construction Co., Inc* 3,728* - - 1 - Porestvill© national Marine Lamp Co* Wallaoe-Barnes C0. 3,000* mm • 3 1 Hew Canaan • See Lorwalk . HSW HiVSS Msms-Botfc Baldng C0. 149,585 Alois Setoib Co* Cleric an Mills C0# Atlas .ifg* Co. Beck, John *% Bigelow Co* Bronson Co., Homer B. (Beacon Falls) Del Chant Qniimipiac Laundry, Henry a. Billon & Douglas, Inc* Drlgrp Mfg* G0. Eos tom Machine Coip. Elm City Laundry Co* Federal Adding Machine Co*p. Flrch °o* W. & E.S. Forsyth Eyeing C0# Frank C©ets Bi®fy Co. Fritssell Draos Foundry (filbert °o*, (?• Calasbarg & Avon Graham & Co*, James Crelct Mfg» C0* Hawthorne Fastens Howard Co, Imperial Gramm Co, Kllborn A Bishop Co* Laaoraft Bros*, Inc* BbLagon Foundry °o* Madams Metal C0. Majestic Laundry Mansfield c0#f S, Model Laundry Monarch Laundry Co. Moran* 3 Laundry Mem Inland Machinery Co* Mew Haven Cold Storage uo* Mem Haven Forks Sew Haven Ideal Xmndry C0* Sew Haven Plant Donparlel Laundry Go* • 15 Dr* fi* a, Cheney’s Sanatorium Elm City Private Hospital Florence Crittenden Home Grace Hob pital- Hospital of Haphael Xsolation Hospital Leila %y Ifersery Sow Haven Hospital Sew Haven Tb* Gasp of the Visitin; Burses Ass’n* Sktaner’s Sanatorium Springslde Hoard Hospital 3t* Andrew’s Home for the Aged Poor St* Francis Orphan St* Peal’s Church Horae Yale Infirmary 15 37 89 150 70 40 250 mm 80 134 30 278 55 COHHiSOSIOUf 6 City or Tqvsi Plant Population 1916 War 1910* Jlmee. Bo* of Hospi- tals* Xferao of Hospital* Ho. Bods. Doc Botal tore Bee* for M*0*B*C« m$ HITS® (Chat'di) north & C0*# a* B. Pond Idly Co* Sanderson *ort* & Co* Ghepard & ‘-'on, H* C# Shoninger C0# B, Sparry & Btumoo uq. Standard Co* Sanli jit Laundry ®o« Jhorapson Co*, S* G* 2roy Laundry Co* We It ly* ‘'alter G* 'Varner Mf> Co*t 0* F* aterbury Bolling Mills, Inc* West Haven Mfo c0* Winchester Bepeattng Arms Co* *• Branford Malleable Iron Pitting C0# 2,860* - • 6 1 >&m Ansrlcan Mills Go* 5,880’’ - - 4 1 Gbran^e Avis .. * How Haven Ran Owing uo* astern tto*, Inc* 13*960 - *• 1 mm W. Haven Wine Bovelty Mfg* Co* 8,843* 1 West Haven tarluo 35 12 1 Woodmant - m* 1 Petit Gfcadtorium 14 - - Hewiagton - ooo Hartford H&v LOHDGH Brain erd & Ajrib toons yo* Carroll Laundry C0* Bay Puttidling C0# H*E*H* Silk C0# Jessett City textile Hovelty C0. Joseph, Jo dma & Hyde Lapoimtolo, J* N* Hew Method Laundry Pequot 3 teem Uivodry Boed* Prentice C9# uhaaes & Bleaching co* Jtaon Shipyard Jot or lot t Mfg* Co* (Includes Groton) 20*966 35*000 3 Jos* Lawrence Fro© Pub* Ilosp* Memorial Hospital Smith Memorial Home 65 100 41 7 ifest Lyra© Nlantto Hfg. Co. 1,916* - - - - Croton Ilya tic V&tLoy &er Co« Sow London *hip & %#n© °o* 1,896* - - 6 - Montville Massaooit Ufg* co* Robertson uo*, C* si* uxnasville Mfg* C0* 2,804* — * ' Kystlc Standard Machinery uo* Wilcox Fort* Co* 4,800* 1 0ml School for the Deaf - 10 - Bfuadr Grot mi Iron *voxie $©* 1,600* - - 3 - 8 toning ton Sillers a* #• Mystic Valley Water Co* Victor Laundry Westerly wet Wash Lamdry 9*539 6 1 UtacasvUle Unc as vino M°o. (H.H. nan MantviU*) 600* - * 2 — Uoank - See Hew London Boroton Heights - itorcmlk Xbrth Grocveroor Bale • ij,oo Putffici SCRMOK Arnold C0., ino* Dikcman Mfg* wo* iJoe'mr'a Union foundry 26,899 2 Koasett Sanitarium Bo walk Hospital 15 35 17 1 Darien - 3,946* 1 Vol* Home for Poor Children - 5 1 3roans Parras - 200* 1 Dr. D. . ioFarland’o oanlt. 100 2 - Hew Canaan Bed Canaan Laundry 1,672* 1 Dr* Bjoote* sanatorium 28 13 4 Horoton Heists - 300* 1 Fitch's Homo for Soldiers 500 2 1 Q OHHiiO'JIOOI 7 City or Plarito Population 1916 1910* times* 1304 Of Hon pi- tala* lisno of Hospital* 130* Beds* D o c Stotal tors Bee* for M* 9»B*C* B WA3K (Cont*&*) S* Norwalk Andre* Hadol Oyrtar Co* (Included in 23orwalk) Os® h ttd* , • & «I* Macbersou, Lounobervy A Co# Horwalk Iron yo* 1 Wadsworth* s 3amtar in, Weod*s Court 30 16 eotport DolgS 0o#, 0. ii# Keeper Oo*, Amides h« lews Hfj» Oo. 4,289* 1 23» Sani tar fern 100 6 1 Wilton 1,706* 1 St* i£Lisafeetfe9s House 30 - - N0R\vICH Ajrsriean rhamo3 Bottle &o* Attanmcsm Blissrill© Mills, Inc* Bolden, uhas* (New age* ®#t f/aA) But to tin Oo. Orescent *lre Arms Co* ilea **oolan Mills Hall Brothers Hall & i«s*, Joseph Harwich Steal Xeuadry Iforeich v/oolon Mills Beltane e Yarn Co. Soaon Woolen 3he tacks t 00* 2roy Laundry 3wner & Stanton 0©. United states finishing Co* Oo*, Xac* 21,274 4 □rand Yiocr Canltarinm 36 How lond* C0* -»tate SaatteriiBn 96 Norwich 3t* fiosp* for Insane Tam of Preston 1,300 She 'm* .v* Bacteis Hospital 84 46 10 Baltic Baltic mil® Co* 1,000* - - 2 - Glasgo Anar Ison fA*heead Co* BOO* - mm - - Hallvill© Hall Brotfcnrt i • ' 4 ire* - mm - - JoiTOtt **ity /£$0aad Cotton 3,023* M mm 6 - Mooesp Aldrich Broe* Floyd Crsuslsa Co* Moosup mil 2,200* — m 4 mm Plainfield fcarnsworth-Plypey uo* Lawton mils 0{»p, 6,719* - - 1 — 3pra$tt» Aiplie 'ail!, fe. 2,651* mm - - - Versailles Tere&illes Sanitary *ltr© Oo*, Inc • 166* - - - - folxtntwm Briggs Mfg* uo. (2Planta) 779* - - 2 • mm Cbfcrillo - 3m «atertmry Change * 3m Hew liar on Plainfield - See Norwich Plalnrille - 3©q Hortfcrd Plaatavill© - 3m Heridat* Portland - Middletown PU2NAM Dady OOj0# John a. H* K* K# Silfe C0# Putnam foundry & IlaoMno Co* Patels Mfgj* 0o, Putnam Sii& c0rp0mti on Pntaum oolon C©# Waterman Worsted Oo* 6,637* 1 Hospital 32 • 1 Sudelaoi Connecticut Mils uo* Brotiolsoa cott<sa uo* .ninebaug cd. Hirer oaring Qo*, lac* Mtea tore %rsted co. 2,934* 7 2 S. KllUnsly Aseptic i"xodacts 0©. 360* mm - 1 - Kiiilajly Coodyoar Cotton mils Killtagly Worsted mils V*i Ilians vi 11© Buff Mfg. co* 1,000* mm 2 C OSHSOJIGS! 8 City or T&m Plant Popnla tIon 1916 War 1910* Umoo* So* of Hospi- tals* Har® of Hospital* Ho* Beds* Doc Sbtal tors Bee* for M*0*R*8* FWBAlt (Coat'd.) Ftochsaicsvillo French River Co* a o- 500* mm - - B* Irosvemor Bala Grosvoraor Bale Co* 2,700* - m 2 - Shoopeon *'oolen c0* 4,804* - - 1 1 Rockville Hoefcaaoam Mills Co* Begs® 3f&» Co*# Jarres J* Rook Mfg* wo* 79977* 1 BottrtUa City Ha*> ltal *■ 8 2 Salisbury Banorct Richardson 39522* - - - - Sandy HoOR - C*® i> anbury • Seyswur - Bee Derby Sharon " Shelton - See Derby Simebory - See Hartford Bomerville - See Stafford Southington - c©e *'>terbtuy South Coventry - See death Manchester - See Manchester lf880* 1 Sharen Hospital 12 2 1 South Rorealk - See Norwalk * South llllngton - Soa llliisiwtio Sprague - See HorfTioh Springdale - see Staaford . 4 3TAFPCBD Individual concern* %» Park, Prop* Phoenix woolen yo* 500* 1 Cyril & Julia C# Johnson Memorial Hospital 20 - - Somerville Somersville Mfg# C0# 800* - • - - Stafford Springs Jehaeen fOolen yo*9 3^*11 Rhode Island worsted S«iith & Cooley v/aTerm Woolen Co* 3#©59* en 5 Stafford flings - See Stafford S2AMFC&D iimrioan Synthetic Color Co*9 inc* Arsenal) Atlantic ins* «ire & Cable Go* Blichnnederfer Mf$* c0> Celluloid Chorale*CL ;orhs of America Core Mills Davenport Jo*9 John Grilles#So Bros*9 ins* Stamford stesn laandry wo* Yale & 'i1ow Mfg. Co. 30f884 7 Dr* Barnes’ tar lam Dr* *iv<jns * Sanitarium Pecflfchea Institute Stamford Hall ta.rium Stanford Hospital Stamford Pavilion At* John’s c*uroh House 75 250 12 140 120 16 57 6 Jlonbrook Phillips Chemical yo*9 Chas* I* 300* - - 1 - %>rin ?dale British American Mfg. c0# Stanford Rolling Mills C0# u\ 450* - - 1 Sterile United Jtator. Finishing C0* l^ae* - - - - Stonington - See He*-" -London • Stratford - Be© Bridgeport ftaleottvllle - Be© Manoliester Sfcrryvill© - See Waterbary - See Pat nan C«met Co* (See next pag^T 5,500* 1 Dr* ball’s Banetosiuai 50 $ 1 COHNSOSJICUT 9 City or iso. a Plant Population 1916 War 1910* 5?imos. 36* of Hospi- tals* Base of Hospital* 36* Beds* Boo Total tors Bee* fbr 11* 0*lv*C. Jliomaomllla (Cent ’a*) liorthorn Coim• Light & Pover Co. standard Meta} Works C0. ufocxsTCOOTill© Water Co. * Arrington /k&rioan Brass C0. Fitzgerald Mfg* Co. Warner & Mfg* Co* Warrington -oolsn Co. 18.018 1 # Charlotte Itogarfcrd Hospital SO 20 3 Sfracy - i>©t? Meriden Onoaoville - Bee? London - Union? Ill© - c®© Hartford • * - Vernon - Bee inches tor Versa ill 66 - See I'forvdch VolimtovTn - c©e Harwich Wallingford Badger loan&ry Co., &• L. C02or c©*. lac* Ires Mff> C0#f w. A. K#Y. Inflated -ire C0. 9f917 1 Gaylord Sanatorium 86 16 6 Washington Borders Farm product Cq.# Ins* - - - - mm wAWtmm American Brass C0. 06f973 American ■t3raos Co* (Waterbary Braes Branch) American Mills C0#t £&* American Printing uo* Bridgeport Aibo Works Conn* & Mfg* Co* Conn. Brass & Mfg* Co. (pilling Bp.) Conn* Brass Foundry Co*. ino* Draher, John Eastern Brass & ingot Coip* of S*Y* Efcaach Mfg* Co. Kelly, Ins., %>mc MattatookKfg* Co. ilntloml uo* Perry & Boas Go., F*ZJ* c0. Boubettom Machine Go* Waterbary American Waterbary Battery Co* Waterbary Casting c0# Waterbary Clock C0. Waterbary parrel *o«ndry ao* Waterbary Foundry Co* Waterbary Inc* Waterbary polling ’ills. Inc* Waterbary Btoan l4misdry Waterbary Tool go* Waterbary >©t Wash Laundry Go* ©11s & *o*, A. H. 5 American Brass Co* liosp* Brooks! da Hood Sauthmyd Home, *iio St* Maryts Hospital Waterbary Hospital mm 7 120 99 26 Brin tol Barnes. Wallace C0. Bristol Bjpass Go* Bristol Mfg* Co. Ideal Laundry Co. Boot 0* J* Sirs© Cons Cq«. ij. P* 15,927 mm 20 3 I3aq^atuck Eastern Malleable Iron Co. lisdon %ol & Mach ins C©. 14,093 - • 14 1 Uikrille Aatoyro Go* 660* • mm 6 mm Southington Atwater Mfg. Co* 5,7X4* - - 8 1 Tsrryville Andrew %ny Co* l&gl© Lock C©. 2,000* - m 3 2 Water tom Hosdngftay & BiUc Co. H. K. H. Bilk Co* 3,850* 1 Ch-the-Hill Sanatorium 20 4 1 Water to vm - 3#© Waterbary Y/aaregat Wnsaregsw uo* 420* - - mm - 8 3J5HSC2I0U2 10 0i*y a* $mn Po^il^tXcm iJo* of Ho* Boo tors IUi» m& &K!)»i- 3aa» of fibrjltajU B*i&» 2otal 3»o*£»r 1910* S&aoB* tais* aim 3*E*»#* Enron - U&vm ootport - *#o SopmISi •tSiorsfieid • Hortfwd imi^no aortean Co* 12*670 2 vr* «s <jn#8 Eospltal SO 17 0 HbXX'Skd -if-.?* :ta JUic i»t* dMp&9& iroe jiital 64 «3a@larilld ii#»fiUt am* 4» mm - - &xs$ta& «Mta»|rlll« B03* - mm 1 2 8mMA kallm k *0#, &w** I4aa: x*m* «» - - d» Umfiold KJbeby *«>•# *• d* £00* - «* 2 1 atavfMA - 24J-* 1 EOftU* VoiOSty f0F ti» - 3 1 *J# tsrsoy Ino** *»4* 000* *» #* 1 - s« Hr 11 Jf*roi»«pt *r*# *o* 200* - - - - i ananas &s--nl*i*an dotstoa Msreriaic I*»drv do* ftasdarasK Ufa* £$• 14*104 *» o» 1 9 V indte&i 3o*(?) IfttMrml* Mills ** - • - - litem • m Bom4& 1 ta&m * »mm iUEiaUc lailM -o* (V) • *llllsimtle W|mimmt mdks - Hertford wumn* Sartor & «s&l*3 iacU* *o* 7,784* . 0 £r* **»toart*» m 10 3 ilfcort si* Idtolxfiold d®# 70 d#** 1 * * lasted i?a» vs* He% JMhtorftasi 12 tkiw&n 5sXM» *o* ftWIMI %*&& si0* m* - - 4 1 Qmtfcm Osilto 0< . 2*732* - - - - B;.rmta ‘iie3s&rd&>n do* 4B0* - - - - &iite «n* 1 dr* t rittia 00 2 mm loo&smwt - doo *fs»©2i YiJooville - <%» iierMss, lopolation 1010 9,113,614 - 1016 10,273,376 Bo* oi‘ Countloo 62 Bo* of If ,877 Uenboro St* Soc* 0,824 Area So. l iloc 47,654 SSI Y02K 1 City or xosa Plants iopnlction 1916 War 1910* Pirxic. Ho* of Iloopi- Ihno of Hospital talc • Ho. Bods. D 0 Octal c t 0 r c Hoc*for :v *A.c. Mens (?) Libby, AcUoil 6 Libby 1,071* - - 5 Addison - Boo Coming Affcon - Goo Binghamton Abron - •’**00 Batavia * Alabama - Goo Batavia Albany Albany Gar Uhool Co* Mbazy Clionical Co* Albany City Punning station Alboiy lallaiblo Iron Co# Axoour a Co* Bread oj Print in;; Co# Bsniibh 8t Cons, Irak# Clausen Architectural Iron Co#, Cool- laundry Co* Crescent Wot bash Latndjy Puld A Hatefc JCnittlnc Co# Gas Itetor Ihctoxy General Carbonic Co* Gxuv00 Co*, Pxenh B# Killip Laundering Co* Lib or Onion Laundry Co* Iyon Co*, J* 3* HcKiim&y & Con, James Hand10307! Corporation Hera Licit bod Wot Wash laundry Standard Oil Connary Sosas Gonreny Shadier & Co*, Goo# I* Scsmsenl furnace A Ladiinc Co* Ifiaeoun Latadiy Co., Ire# -oidrxm Ward & Co* will© Xaundiy Gilson & Co* Winp Bros* A Ilarfct 104,199 II* C* 20 Albany County /CLashouse a Hosp. 04 Albany Sardian Society & Hood for tao friendless 62 Albany Horn School for 0ml In- struction of the -oaf Albaiy Hocpital 490 Albany,s Hoc*)# for Incurable 00 Albany Hosp# *b* aanatoriun 00 Alboay Orphan Aoylun 200 A#11# Brady Hatomi ty Hosp# Control Bod. of Labor - b# Pav* 16 Child*s Hospital 40 francos Hlliott Austin Hatomity Hoes?* A Infant Hone 0 Ilona fbr the Aged 130= Hood £0 r Aged lion 40 Ilono ope. thic Ho op# of Albany 100 Hera 00 of the Wood Shothord Hanano C«oo* Shelter fbr Unfor- tunate Ca Cpininal Children 20 St# Lbroarot*o IIouso 60 St# Potor*a Hospital 130 St# Vinoant*s Orphan Aqylun for Boys St# Vincent's Orphan sylun for Girls 100 236 76 Cactioton Port Orongo Paper Co* 1,503* - - 4 2 Havana Havana Iron Co# 1,700* - - - 0 2 Bansoolaor Albany Southern Aallsey Co# Beyer Co#, Inc# Huyclc A aorta, 2* c, Kinenuns louadiy Bansoolaor Uator Co# 11,177 «■» 0 Gtopbontarn Sheffield Parns Co#, Ire# 236* - - - - ALBIOII Albion Water Wozfcs Orleans County Conning Co# UtfOOt Ob*, Shosas J# Wostom Her; Yoifc Utilities Co* 5,900* 3 Arnold Grogoiy Llonorial Hosp# Orloano County Almshouse Hoop# Stato Uostoxn IIouso of JoCacp for worm 30 260 14 3 Gainoo Bogle Harbor Canning Co* Guilo & Wisderogle 201* - - 1 mm Hod ire Cant ml foundry C0, a±&c Co#, n# J# Uodira Stunning & Aaehino Co# Winters 6 ProjJiot Conning Co* 6,079* mm 11 1 Sweden Biochport, Village of 63* - - mm - Alosnndor - Boo Batavia Alfred - Coo Uornoll Almond - *jOo Ilomoll idtirr - Boo Gcreogo - Altona - Bog PlattaburK Auonia Sheffield By Products Go* 967* - - 3 1 Anityvillo - Boo Babylon n 3 M Y 0 It E 2 Population He* Of Ho* D o c to re City or Vom Plante 1916 Aar lioepi- Hnoo of Hospital* Sods* Yotal Hoc*for 1910* Pines* tale* i.;*o*:uc* MEjT&imzi Araoriccn Pipe A Const* Co* 37,103 5 /metoidcn City Hospital 56 40 G Atlas Knitting Co* IJontgonocry Co, -b* Hospital 55 Chuctanunda -as Co* Saadi nor & 'iJaalno Co* St* Uary*o Hospital 45 narrower* L* s* Iamn Pfc* Co*, Inc* EqIIogo & Iiillor IJeCloeiy, Tallin A Crouse IlObcgftc Laundry Go* Ilorroll, Charles V* Schmidt Co*, Pteard L* JShuttlonorGh Brothers Go* Stowart & Sons, John 1C* on Knittlnc Eatll .BrodGLIn A Stover Co* Oonajoh&rie BoocSi-llot l&cMnB Co* 2,474* - - 4 - CranosvillQ 160* 1 Hontconaiy Co* Hoop* for Yb* 20 1 - Fonda Ford a Glove Lininc Co* 1,120* - - 4 2 Pultonvillo EfoteasAc Gill; Fabric Co* 955* - - 2 1 Sriboc Hill Srlboc Hill Booor IIouco 367* - - 1 - Aamsa Anerao Paper Hills 207* - - 2 - An! ©0 An!os Creamery Co* 405* - - 2 2 AaAovor - Uollsvillo Angelica - soo Aollcvillo • Angola - Coo Buffalo - Coo Wetortorm ■■iwjorr* Apulia - Coo syractzso Areado - Goo IJ&chias Arcadia - Goo Tyrone Ardeloy - Goo to Plains • Arrylo - ■ Soo Clone Palls • Arlington - Goo Ucra Yoilt City wil or Staton XoXaad Arvo mo - Geo Hew Yorh uni or Par iSagtesra^r Astoria - Doc Bo? Yosfe City under Lone* Island City Athens - ■ Goo CateldLll Atlanta - Soo Bath Attica - ■ Soo Batavia Aumm AUbuxn Converting Co* 57,505 9 Auburn City Hospital 100 60 14 /mam A Syracuse Aloe, i^~* auburn Orphan Aaytoa 226 Autosi Uoolon Co* Auburn State Prison Hose* 50 Cayuga Linen & Cotton Hills Cayuga Hone itor CMld*90 Clomp life* Co*« u* llano for tho -Mendless 55 Colunfoia Stop© Co* International Ilarvootor Co* Hoep*~ Itoiro Gas A Hiootrie Co* Pinos 32 Enterprise. Foundry Co* Sunry Croot Sanitarium 51 5o*f 11* 0* Henry A Allen Iloao Laundry International Harvest or Co* Harhond Woolen Co* Hye Ci Halt Kllmnaock Coin* Onboroo AY/inc Hill Aichaid Heelon Go* Bobinson-Dynon Shoo Co* dfionpoon-s -Mt noro Aomon’o state Prison Hospital 20 Prey law&iy Settle, Charles U* Yyto Sanitary laundry Yiesdsaortli & Son* Savid water Board of City of Auburn IT B W YORK 3 City or rStom riant Population 1926 Bar 1910* Hires. Ik)* of ilocrpi- talc* Hood of Hospital m. Bode* D o iOtal c t o r c joe* for L*0*.u.C • ADBUai (Cont'u. ) * Genoa Borden*c i-bm Irod* Co*, Inc* 457* - - 2 1 C&anoatolos Slsanoatoloo Paper Co* Proycofct Hill) 1,760* L&anoatolao lapor Co* (lalaocido LUllj SlsinoatGloc Papor Co* {Blanca teles Hill) 1 Pines GanitarPun 6 6 — Slsonoa teles aaio Glenoid© Woolen Hi .lie Saaor Paper Hills <173* *» - - - Good sport Bortoifs EhraPred# Co*, Inc* BtdTaoxy & Co*, d# B# Vulcan Knitting Hills 1,440* • *“ mm 4 1 Arista Hathaway & Aeynolds 139* - - - - Araablo Goto - Soo Ilattstfurc Avon w Cliaqpion Brill co* Hoaso Carmine Co* 2,430* 1 Dr* l©ny,s Houoo 10 7 1 Avrill (?) 2hith Knitting C-o. - - mm - - BASTHm Lana Island Li:%tine Go* 9®g*B&e» Water Wo to 3,100* 1 ScRJfch Dido Hospital 25 9 1 Anityvillo Lone Island Li htlna Go* 27,100 5 Ditmsi7lcH Ilom KhicfaSrbocJsor Hall Lone; Island Hoc© Loudon Hall, Cotta o Hone Ben. St* Inflrnary 500 56 114 75 8 Bey Bboro Groat Boutb Bay later Co* loner Island Llhfcina co* 3,<£5* - - 10 - Blue loinfc United Oil a GLcoical corp* 275* - - - - Bofedkoono Groat South Bey at or Co* Lon.; Island Lifting Co* IfetdiOGn© Blocfcric Lir;hfc Go. lutcLoaue Gas Co* PatcSioano life# co* 4,306* «• 10 1 OayvillG lone; Island Li; fiting co* 1,954* - • 5 1 Bainbridco Aroxtean Bagarator Co* Casein Hfa* Co* national H13Dte Sugar co* V/ilde Hv&pomtod Hilk Co*, Join 1,201* mm 5 1 BeJdv/incvillo - loo Byraeuse Balls ton Spa - Soo Saratoga Springs Barnard - Xtocheotor Barton - Soo Ooooo Balder Gun & HcxciBC Co* Batavia UaeMne Co* Batavia Stool Products Co* Boborto Bros* Iillls, Inc* Boss Hood Co*, Inc* V/iaid Ha? Co* 15,550 4 Here? York Dt* eh* for Blind Xrinrooo ’bspital St# Hospital Women's Hos* ital Association 130 20 50 25 8 Aferon Earibtircfr Canning Co* 1,056* 1 Alsou Banltoriun - 5 1 Alabcm Alabama Produce Co* 240* - - 1 - Alosanlor Ilaston £ Bon, G* 1* SUB* - - 1 - Attica Bordan’s Btoa 1 rod‘etc Co*, Ire* Y/ostinOhouse Co*, B* £ H* 2,015* - - 8 5 Borgon Gurtico Bros* Co* Gonoooo Valley Iliiiina Co* Hiller & Bon, 3, II* 659* ** *"* 2 1 Bari on Cent or Hiller, Coraid <1 Co* SCO151 - - 1 - 2. Bethany IUllor, A* *• a 2* It# 175* - - - - 3* Pcnbioijbt Bast BxfcroS© Qbmisne o* M0* _ mm 1 S B y YORK 4 City or 2am Plants Population 1D1G V/ar 1010* 21nos. Ho* of Hoc pi- tols* Har© of Iloopitd • Ho. Bode* D o Total c t o r o Hoc .for n*o*n.c* bmm. (ocmt'd.) SSlK Flcndcm Go* Grirmoll Co*, A* A* 459* - mm 1 - Lo itoy Bay Gtato Gotten Corp* Goto ogo rnro Pood Co* Lapp Insulator Go* Lo Jay Carmirr: Co. Lo Joy OoM Storage) Le Boy lydrouliD Sloe* Gas* Co* lo aoy Pics? Go* Bogorson Cold Storage Co* 4,004* mm 7 Llnlan Houlton Go*, Ins*, -• A. 200* - - - - Ltaford Gardner Payor Go*, L* H* 625* - - - - Oc’irfiGia Uacsoy, Harris, Ilarvostor Co*, Inc* fanner Brothers Go* 1,507* - • 4 - Staffera Pro3c, ."illor & Co. 209* - - - - BAS& Bath Harness Co* Borden’s Porn Products Go*, Inc* 4,175* 2 Bath Hospital H*Y* State So3diaro’ & Bailors’ Hone 480 14 2 Atlanta Atlanta Conning Go* 000* - * 1 - Oanpbell Borden’s Parn Prodreto Go*, Inc* 500* 4t» - 1 m !Icononl£T)ort Chaonlin, If# M* 1,560* - - 4 - Bay Bfioro - 3oo Batsylcm Boocon - Sqo Pi sjildll-on-* tal son 3oavor Sails — Poo L&jvIllo Bedford mils - Goo Henint Hioco Bolnont - Goo “Qllsvllle Belvidoro - Goo wellsvlllo Dcsma Joint - Goo Jcnastccm • Darelott (?) Villa-; Grava flouring -Pills «*■ - - - - Deroa - Boo 2iewbur$) Borcpn - Goo f | DojfefiirG - ; JOG CK7QQX) 31111*08 - Goo PoafJflDOepeic simaAimm Amri&zm foife & lloo Go* iDorlcan Hid© & Loothor Go* Baler Bros* Bates Prey lamHvy G0, Biniianfcon Gas Voite* Binyhanton %• Co* Blndrjnton Jt* %♦ Co, GonKlin & Co*, B, y, Crandall & Stone Davie 2 iXToonoy Bloc trie lidfet Plant PairhenH’ s Co* Globe Laundry Kilns r a Go*, Dr* lloon £ Co*, P3o* Q* B* A 0, soap & Supply Co. BjqynoMs V Ticrc/ley Dcsovillo BiUc Hills Co* flo3)on»r & Co*, 2* H* Arianglo BoXstac Co* Pmitt Dro there weed Co*, l* ii* 53,972 13 Bin£bar£on City Hospital 100 BinJionton Private Hospital 14 Bingterton State 2,400 BSn&m&m draining; “chool far Horvons & Jfeeteoid 25 Hood il> r ■ >god %atam 14 Hospital of the Broorao Go, /dnflihm:oo 3P House of tho §ood Shojfcord 8 Drs* lyon’s 10 llooro-Ovorton Hcnp ltd 17 Iloimtain Sanato rlim 19 2. Aid id Kilnor Sanitariun 20 St* IIaay’o Orphan Hood 200 Dneqnehaana Ifcllcy Hood A Ini* school for Orntsans & Indigent ChiLircm 150 100 33 II B y YORK 5 City or 2cot Plante Population 1916 war 1910* Pin?s. Bo. of Hospi- tals# llano of Hospital# Ho. Bods. D o Petal c t o r s woe# for *. #d #il#C # BHJOIK2QD (Cont’d. } Afton Arlan's it an Products Co., Inc# 754® - - 2 - Cantor Tillage Sheffield items Go#, Inc# 173* - mm - - Corlclin D-offield Feme Co., Inc# 13 E* - - - - DopOSit Borden* o Prod# G0., Inc# Deposit r.iiiinc: Co# 1,779* - - 4 1 B# -. 'inloor Diofflold Dams Co#, Ire# 75* - - - - Bndico tt Bnlicott Porcinr; & life* Go#, Inc# Dnlicott, Johnson & Co# Unlieott Uator Woffcs Co# 6,501* 1 Hondo Hospital mm 12 3 Jdteson City Dndicofct, Johnson 6 Co# Johnson City water UoiSas D,4C4* 1 Johnson Git?/ Hospital - 8 1 Loctordhlro "Wr- 5 Kin. £ Daughters* Hospital IocfcorsMno-BndicOtt Ofaion Hospital Lester Shire Hospital so 30 «■» Tort Crona Etaoy a Don, J# P# 200* - - - mm Stems 1. Bordoris %m rrodsctc Go#, Inc* 09* - - - - Hhitney Point Bonlorio Sam Products Co., Ire# 760* mm * 5 m Binlsor Sfapiro * ood Hills I&ipino Dtato Bo.ixy Co# 66D’ - <■» 3 mm Blade Grooic - Ooo Olocn Blade Divor - Boo V -atortovm Bladr Batik - Ooo Buffalo Blnsdell - Boo Buffalo Blauvolt - Ooo Blade 131 ini U2Sifa Grocsirc (?) Sheffield fame Co., Inc* mm - - V- - raise - Soo Vartmi Biooninc drove -Ooo Benftmrdi Bloonwillo - Deo Onoortta Blue Point - Doo Babylon BoonvlllG - Doo are© Durroteh Hall - Doo Um Yoxtr mlor Beaton Island Bovina Bovine Cantor Co# & Croasoiy Go. 51* - - - - Bovina Center say riiiir Co# 205* mm - 2 1 Broosoport - Doo Blr&ra BIEB2B0G© - 200* Z /seadG’x; of Dt# Joseph Hospital - Boss Health iiosort ■ 60 2 1 Central Iclip - 400* 1 Central IriLlp Dtato Hospital 5,000 22 6 Lai © Bo&aa&am - - 1 Gary de Vabro Aca&ccy 10 - - Bropstor - Doc lit* disco Briardiff Ilanor - Doo Osslninc B22IB£mUS?20H Bridcohropfc on %fcer -oxirc 1,594* mm - 3 1 Boot Hanpton %ot Harp ton Bloc trie Idftst Go# Hoed Pator Co# 1,400* - - 4 - See It^rbor Bliss Go#, D, i», (see next page) 3,34C* - - 3 1 n 13 ¥ TOEK 6 Population City or '2am Heists 1916 V/&r 1010* FIDOS* Ho* of Hospi- tal s* Ho* ■ Haro of Hbcpital. Bods. Doe Fotal tors Bee* for H.O.B.C. BPviDann/iiiOT.1 (ContM. ) Sac Harbor (Cent *d.} Lone Island Gas Carp* Sac Harbor 3Hoc* Ltpht Co* CaG Harbor Water V/Mto Southampton Souttaapfcon Water Woifes 5,092* 2 Gcuthgnpton Horn for Crippled 6 * Suffolk Li lit Ildat A Poser Co* Children 30 Southampton Hospital scfn* 20 Bri chton - Sgq Dedicator BMobon - ;ioo Borwidi Bxoafcolbln - Boo CIovorsvillG Bnoehport - Boo Dochostor Drocton - Goo DuHfcirfe Bronxvillo - Boo Uorj Yo& City Broolsfidld Ihoonls Choose Co* 400* - - 2 - Brooklyn - Boo llcfc? Yoife City Brcrrmvillo - Boo Watortoim Brachton - Geo lYilono mzmiD &cm Stool A I&lloablc Iron Loris, Inc. Alton 460,500 52 Asylum of our lady of Ibftoo 115 061 236 torlocB Gar A Fcunliy Go* Buffalo ColtEfcus Hospital 25 American Linseed Co* Buffalo Bloc* Sanitarium 10 Aiaarican 1-aloeo Steam leundxy Buffalo Eyo A Bar Infirmary # American -buiator Co* Buffalo General Ilos ital 365 Airsour Crain Co* Buffalo IIOLBOpatliic Hospital 193 A«©r, Arod G* Buffalo Homitol of Sisters of AuGiistlno Automatic gnrjinG Go. Charity 400 Bolaer A Go., Itoard II* Buffalo City Hospital 273 Bros© Oar Wfcool W©xSs, Inc* Buffalo Orphan Asylum 230 Buffalo Box Factory Buffalo Stato Hospital 1,065 Buffalo Dental life,* Go* Buffalo Honan* s Hospital 20 Buffalo Dry Bod?: Go* Burleson A Stone Sanitarium • Buffalo Envelop© Go* Charity %o, Bor A Siiroat Hospi 4 Buffalo 'leonine Uoc?g Children* s Hospital 100 Buffalo Potsndiy A Uadiino Co. City Hospital for -onm 35 Buffalo Ilotal Goals Go. Contagious Discos© Hos ital Buffalo St natural Stool Go. Cottaoo Hospital Buffalo Mon Ftxst&qq Go* Lborooncy Hospital of tho Sisters Buffalo oavinr; A Boltin Go. of Charity 33 Buffalo WhM Woite, Inc* Brio County Hospital 450 Cataract Bofinisc A life* Go* Brio County Batons'ty Hospital - Gcntrul Baric Laundry Brio County Penitentiary Hosr>* 25 Central Star Zts.mlT'j Ernest Land© lies:ital 150 Confcray Iron Co* Evangelical Lutheran St* John* a CharSyomas A Oipfchn Heno - Consurors1 Brooosy of Buffalo German Horn A Hoop* 75 Contact Process Go* Gorman Hospital 90 Curt inn rooplaao A liotor Coin. Goman Doman Oath* Orphan Asy* 450 Beianoy Porco & Iron G0#f inc* Hom for tho Frlcmlless 65 Bold Jacob Padrinc G0, Hospital of tho Stato Institute Double 'Brass Comice &rc3.m Go* for the Stilly of Llalionent Dntororlsa Oil Go. Diseases - Csndcior Stool Ball Co* Immaculate Heart of Dory Asylum 330 Farrar A Boftc, Inc* Industrial Iloro for Crippled teo, William A Fason Children Fenton Fibre Boz Go. Ingl aside Hone 40 Fillmore AIRS. Foundry A Iron WoxfeJ, to* Invalid’s Hotel 98 Postor-EIlburr Go* Juvoniid Dotonbion Homo Frontier Iron Boris lafayotto Conors! Bos pi ted 65 Oeroral Destine Ccepflay Luthom Church Hose for Ao©a A Ganonal Carbonic Co* Infirm 50 General Cliorxical Co* Dr* licAichaol*s Sana tori tan 15 Graphic Arte Go* Horcy Hospital 27 II—O Go. Open Air Carp of the Buffalo *Hall A Sons, Inc* /sQfn* for Foliof A Control Harris Soap Co* of Fuborculodic Harvey Laundry Co* Paris!do Sanitcriun 16 n b y y o a k 7 City or ±om. Plants I opulction 191G Bar 1910® Bites. Be* of Hospi- tals . Ii0. Ifec© of Hospital. Bods. 0 0 2ofcal c t 0 r 0 doc. for II*0*B*C* BOPPAID (Gout *&•) lic.onol'bac?: CHoosc Go. Heyos HthocraiMnC Go. Hoofhor Ci Gom9 A# Haamd Broc. Boiler Coxfcs Stas & Itatonoor SnfccMir. Larina International %• Co. Jctell Stool & Uaioobio Go. JorTctt Befricorator Co* JncnjUixT* o Paper Bck l/oxfes ICrteO & Bora, L# Krite Lamliy Co. ASirfcrrrnrt A Go., C, Stool Co. la Clair Bdroxy, Joseph late Brio Bailor -oris Zants Brso. 6 Co. IlofctlmTs Co., J. II# Eanooll Brothars Co. lioyyl & Sons Co., Goo. tf# Vodom tfmn&ry Co* Horurch Eiiitti«c*Go. Ho Tricon 6 Besocai Rational Biscuit C0. National rite in; 7/boal C0.t Inc. IIcw DncSafll Brccoad Host A .ool Co. I?*?* yoloriiono Co, SiaQDKi Had. ire & Pool -orlss 0*0011 Iron -oite, Ire. Ontario Biscuit Co. &&*&ill a Hart Peerless Itohor Co. lohlnajm foundry Go., J, w. Xratt & Irnbort, Inc# xx)on City Baijy Go. ii\3ston Purina Go. -*cr?dblid llotolwaro Co. dcboeltepf a Co, Shirton Xazafaqr Sisor *01330 Co. Boosts life. co. SrxuTCor Kollocc & Sons, Ire • BtaMcsrd Oil Co. of H#Y. Atoll Co., lie., B. 1X0 strootnan Mhos Co., John Norton a Sheet or Mil inf Co. £rout Go., II# G* Ifclmo Brass Pornliy Co., Inc. Urlxn Mllinc CQ., Goo. ifolcan ctoan Parkins G0. '.feat*a Ico Croao Go. tflcl&lro Stool Co. Uilliaxae & Co.t J. II* V/iiioon tamdiy, Inc. wiro Iiool Corn* of Aserican V/ood Prcduc ts Co* Adhn Ufa* Co. Providcnco tetreat 400 Hi’rorsido Hospital GO St* Cp-rios Horn - St# ‘Oils: Ilore for Polish Girls - ; St. Prsncic Aayltsa for &cod 272 St. J0soph Hoo ltd St. Haxy’s Infant Acylnn A Hatwnity Hoc ital 250 St. Host’s Institution for tho Inpiovod Condition of --^oaf Hatog - St. Vincent *o foralo Orphan -syl. 13G Salvation Arq/ Itocuo Kano 60 Sfcato Institnto U.O. Torino Hospital 60 Vloifeinc Boy*c Hood 100 Areola Bills Camille Co. Un&lon life;* Co* 1,191* - mm 2 mm BlacI: 3oc2r Aaoriaan -fed la tor Co* - - - 1 - Blaocloll Basses Iron d* Stool Go* V/ootom II*Y* -ator Co. 910* - - 2 • Golden •icon City Caiiy Go. 420* - - 1 - Dopers Anorlocm Gar & FausAxy Co. Boston* B*Y* Got or Co. 4,930* - •* 2 •* E. auto m 10015*3 Sore, G. II* noon Cite/ %isy Co. Mehardsen, Co. 3,445* — ** 15 2 Ebcnosor - B50* 1 Lhaaoscr Old Pooploc* Hone of tho Bvamolioal oooclation 50 1 - Gardonvlllo Philadelphia "torts Co. O f* St. frcieis Hono for tBo Apod a Inf im 142 St. JosOTfifo Tioqpital - 1 *» HEW YORK 8 City or Scran Slants Bepalntlen 1910 l&sr 1910* Sine®. Bo* of tels* Fere of Hoard tel* Be* Beds* Doc So tel tore iioc* for IVO.ibC* BUFFALO {Coni *d*} Iropuoio mm - 1 SJsoms Indian Gchool, Cetarerjac Iniian -bcorvution 252 mm - fcacfeasnima LecIxTwrmia Bride© Co* 15,907 5 CatHolic Hoc pi tel - ; 1 locos Saylor Hospital 25 Our Lady 01 Victory Infant1 g Ilam 200 - riveto IIounite! - Gt* Joseph* o Uilo Orphan * oylur. 300 15 6 laacaotor lalac Side laundry 0,094* - mm 6 2 l£fc7tOS£3 noon Gity Hairy Go* 225* - - - - Olson fctoraat ional /.arleultural Corp* 2,202* - - - - Ualos HddhaxtLoon, Boebo Co* 160* - - - - V’ilHaruvmo ClrCLnors Sots, Janos 1,272* 1 JooqnMnc Goodyear Hod* Sacs© for ConvtzleoeGnfc Cliildron 20 0 1 IXillvilZo - Go© IlicMlctor/n Bnmoido - Uoc Bseribmgh Dart - So© Loc&rort Bofl&lVlll© » Goc Libert^/ Oellicoosi - Geo Liberty Cebbrldoo Sheffield Conlonood mik Co* f Inc. 0,727* - - G - Genian - Goc Gcnillns - Gee Oyrecuso CarpbOXl - Goo Bath CastpbOll Fell - Goo IliddiotaTn Canaan - 290* 1 BoiScahir© Ini trial %m - - - Comjoherio - Soo Mmtow&m • G&WHAW& Cobb iTOBanring Co* i-teifcosrfaraS&nG ITa/ Yorlc State Ifeiilixys Bodhootcr ikllraay « T4c3bt Co* Grdth Co* 7,501* G Bricto Hell GG Can3sdals*ue Hoelth Hops 20 Camndelcua IIosp* of Ibyc* & Guroo<a» 50 SlazS£ lienor Houco Hrod# Hoaris Shoonnon Heap# 5G Ontario Orilien -sylun G2 24 4 B* BloonfioH mm 375* 1 O&z Ilotmfc Sanatorium for Sb* In* 10 2 m Bhortcvillo Papoc Seafeto co* 1,220* - - 2 1 Victor LgcIsd Insulator liif • Co* Victor xrooorvtiiQ Co. 1,050* - mm 4 - Gone s tot o - Goo Onoi&c Condor - See Ooo/p Coneadoe Hichardoon, Boobo Co* 425* - - - - Oanistoo - Goo Home 11 Canton - Geo Ondonoborc * Caiool - Geo 1 oolsMll GartSiaoo - Goo Jatorto m Caiyvlllc (?) Borden*d *ana I redacts Co.# Inc* - - 4 - V- - Cascodacp. - Gee BtnfettiE U I OH I 9 City or Tcrm Plants copulation 1916 ar 1910* Times. Ho. of Iiospi- IJamo of Hospital. tals. no. Beds Dog tons Total Boo. for Cantil© - tee arsaw Castloton - tee lbaay Castletea Comers - ;oe 3NK? York City under iaton Caohorland - tee Lovvill© Catatonic - tee Onego CASSKIUi Board of Water Comtaission Island 6,371* 1 Catskill Hospital ‘ 10 4 Cato kill Foundry & achin© orks Cat skill at or ■ orks onion "ills, me* Upper laid con doc trie & B* B. a. • thons thens textile Co., me. 1,925* •j* 2 Coxsaekie morican Waive Co. 2,309* • - 3 IJowbur * Iron orks, j. 1. Cattarsa ns - 'eo alamaca Cazonovia - tee teeida Center Village - 3©o B inborn ton Central Bridge - Joe 'chokarie Central Islip - see Brentwood Central V Hoy - tee Hovjtmr ti Centre Janssen, 3* W. > Chaffee- tee riachias Chanplain - tee plattsfcurg Jhappaqaa - tee i t. Kicco Charlotte - tee Rochester Charlton - tee chenectady Ckateaagay - tee alone Chatham - Se© l-iudson Chaumont - tee atortom Ohaonoey - tee Yonkers Cherry Crook - tee James to a Cherry Valley - See Cooperstorn Chester - tee tiddleto^n Chittenaago - See tee Ida Clmrubusco - See lalone Clark Mills - See Utica Clave rack - See ndoon Clayton - See 'atertom Olayvillo - tee Utica Clifton Springs * See Joneva Clinton - See Utica Clinton Ilills - See lalone Clyde - Seo f,yons • S £9 Y Q n K 10 City or Tom Plants Population 1916 tar 1910* Times. 30. of Koapi* Baa» of Hospital tals. St* Beds doc Total t o ro ec.for lit. >.u.G. Olviaer - 3e© Hayville Gobles kill - See cnohario ‘ Gochecton - l oo Liberty CCM0&>j Campbell & Oluto lachine do* Clarks St fiolsaoolo Mfg* Co* Cohoes umging station Cofcoes Boll in; Hill do* ijrio voolen Mills Fltmll hitting Oo. Gilbert Taper Co*, Prank HarGmy Hills Hope Knitting Co. CDo mil & do., G. H* mors mittine; 5#*, T«u loos© §s Turny, Inc. novelty knitting Co. ntnam fitting Co* * onsselaer Valve (Jo. Hoff underwear C o. Root so. Jtar Woolen So. 3met s Pyle Foundry & lachine So. Targett Jioneor Lmindry, A* 3* Tgx ile B. & L. Go. rihts under ear Go., Ins. ,211 1 Cohoes Ilos ital 60 m U aterford Gilbert paper Go., Prank Rimer Underwear Go. favanaugh knitting Go., ino. water Ceoadeettners Watorford nittin; Go. 3,047* 6 gatervllet eastern Malleable Iron Go. indium stool Co. Smicipal Gas Go. ( lectric Dept.) Unieipul Gas Go. (Office Bid;;.} B* Y. Telephone Co. Reynolds-Ohulon Foundry Jo. Roy colon o. united Traction Go. Vatervliot Forge atervliet ater 1 orks ' ijst Aide Foundry Go. est Side struotural Oo. 15,546 1 St. Ool©man’s XncU chool & Orphan Asylum 210 16 1 Golden - See Buffalo Gold Spring Sold Spring Electric Lififtt co. Gold Spring Jarbor - See isemtington (?) 1 Loretta Rest for ioccsaa invalid Trieste - 5 2 Colemun Station Sheffield Farms Co., Inc. mm - - - - College o i$t - ;ee Flushing Concord 3 Gunning Go. (?) - mm - - Conewmgo - See James tom Oonewmgo Valley - see James tom • Conifer - See Tapper Lake Conklin - See Binnframton Constable — See 'alone coopgrfto :B Cooperstovm Affoatact Ass’a Grist & Go., \rthnr H. international nilk irodaots Go. 2,634* 1 Thanksgiving Hospital 30- 10 2 Cherry Valley Borden’s Farm products Go., Inc. 762* - - 3 - xoter j hoonix Cheese Go. 60* - - - - Hartwick iouth B. Y. Power & Ry. Go. 606* • mm 1 • S 3 W Y C JR IC 11 City or 2otl Hants emulation 1916 or 19 is* Times. BO. of Hospi- Haae of Hospital t In. Bo. Beds. Boo Total tors Hoc. for g.Q.R.C. COOPiSRSTOiFI (Con t'd) hoonix Ulls - l'T6* .1 >teogo Co. \Jj3shouse 100 - - Seward Sheffield Farms o., nc. 570* mm mm - - ; Sharon Springs Bordenfs Farm prod* Co., me. 531* 1 Shiran prings anitriura - 3 - Copal® - See Hudson Ooponh: /*on - Seo /atortovn Corbett -See liberty Corinth - See Saratoga 'nr Inga ommim 'vonIni-; Trader Coming printing Co* Hood Furnace & supply Co* 'li&sett, B. Standard Mfg* Co. Steuben Class orks 15,406 1 Coming Hospital 35 26 5 ddison - 1,754* 2 Addison Sanitarium Crane Sanitarium - 4 1 Savona Bordenfs Farm Prod* Co., Xno. 571* - mm 2 - 0ornr7all-on-the-fHudson - see Bcwburg#* Corona - See Her; York City under Flushing CCRELAIID Borden*c Farm rod. Co*, Inc. Cooper Bros. Sfcenborg Co. Homer & Cortland Gas Co* lalaoe Star Laundry ' reelCGld.ll City Laundry Co. Street Lifting & sloe trio Co. ickrdre Bros., Inc. 13,069 3 Cortland Comity ilos ital jr* Van Hovy's sanatorium Homer Hospital 54 8 mm 26 8 Honor Cortland County Traction Haim Canning Go., no., avid Kinney, Jeremiah L* Betvton % Co. 2,871* 5 "©Grow Central Paper Box Co. 807* - - 3 - fruxton Sheffield Farms Co., Inc. 609* - - 2 mm Tally each, . J. 559* - mm - - Coxsackie - See Catsklll Cranberry Take 3zt3oriura Forestry Co. 300* mm - - - Oranesville - See Amsterdam Oro iian - See Lov/vill© Juba - see Clean Cuba sinmit (?) Bordenfs Fara Prod. Co., Ine. - - mm - mm Oaylerville - So© nasville Dannflfaora - See Plattobur; D/iBSVILLB Blara Shoe Ifg* Co. Carso Paper Co. Gas & Electric Co. Otvon iublishing Co., F. a* 4,018* 2 Colonial Ian Hoc ital Jackson Health Bosort Z 00 14 3 Oaylerville Sterling Salt Go. 260* - mm - - Oeneneo Geneseo Gas Light Co. 2,253* - mm 6 2 Hemlock Stevens & C slcoy 5 00* - - - - riount Porris ount porris Canning o. llount Porris Illuminating Co. Sweet Violet Farms inters & prophet Canning Co. 3,884* 4 2 S S V ¥ 0 B K 12 City or 7omm plants _ opulation 1916 ar Tia©3. Bo. of Hospi- Sane of Hosoital tala. So* Beds Doe Total tors Bee* for H* 0* it, C* (Coat'd) Sianyea - 1 Craig Colony for Epileptics 1,416 22 4 ay land Wayland Canning Co, 1,699* 1 Barbour ianitarium 12 6 1 •irioa Center - See Batavia :venport Center - See jnoonta avid's Is Land - So© Haunt Vernon Defer let - See atertovM Dekalb - See '^uensbur^ okalb junction - See ngdensbMt * Delhi Delhi * rodueto Co., Ine. 1,743* - - 7 2 enloy - See Loville jepew - see Buffalo Deposit - See Binc&araton ** je ittville - See Hayvilie • ext r - See atertoun Pix - See Horae jobbs Forrry - See Parryton jon an Hills - See Sr# York City unaer taten Island Dover - See i oU 'bkoopsio Domsvill© - See Liberty Dr©f?evill© (?) Brockssoldt & Co., Julius - - - - - Dryden - Dee Ithaca undo© - See Doan Yan OTBCirJL laeriCiua Locomotive Co* Atlas Crucible Steel Jo. Board of V, ter Centals s loners Dunkirk Laundry Co. Laundry & Gleaning o. unkirk Lumber Co, iissox Class Jo, Homor Axe Co, South Chore Hatural Cas & fuel Co, 2%743 2 Brook's leiaorial Hospital Dunkirk Tb. Hospital 40 12 21 3 Brocton Brocton Fruit Products Co, Brocton Furniture Co, Naboth Vineyards 1,292* mm • 4 •* Gassadaga Cassadaga Ghees© Co. mm - - 1 1 Fredonia B. & L* S* fraction Co. Frost tjae Go, Liberty 5 Son, ?• B* Led in? Jo.# no. 6,328* 1 Did Ladies Dome 60 13 1 * Silver Creek Huntley Mfg* Go. Ian ;ano Bros. II* Y* Telephone Jo* Postal Telegraph Co. o? tern Union Tele sraph Go. 5f22D* mm 6 1 East urora - See Buffalo East Bethany - See Batavia hst Bloomf ield - See Conandai no Cast Branch - See Liberty N 3 E YORK 13 City or Town Plants population 1216 ar 1910* Times* So* of Hospi- tals. name of Hospital J 130. Beds* DOC Total tors ec.for •St* )* a*G* ;ast Chester Kraft & 3 ns -o., F. • - - - - - Qast Hampton - :>oo Briagehac^ton • ‘ Bast orabroke - See Batavia Bast port dies tor (?}Morts sons, George - - - - - ijast Hochester - See Rochester East lyracuoe - see nyracus© Bast View - see Tarrytown Kaet iliiniaoon • coo sodas East indsar - See JMn fumton Bast W orcester - See Oneonta a ton - Coo neida benesor - See Buffalo iximostoa - Bo© oneonta :lb& - See Batsvia llonbur h - See lattsbur; Ellicottvillo - See alamoMCa Ellington * See Jamestown Slliebnrg - see Vaterioe® E&SBU Booth, ilfrod I. Custard & Klstlor clips© :aohino Co. Jennings Yarn Cleaning Mach ne Co*, N* Y* State Reformatory orfoot Laundry neon City knitting mils Hoad & Lovatt llfg. Co. Telegram rinting Go* illys-lorrow Co. 38,120 K* t.7* 12 rnot-ogden Memorial Heap* 90 Chemung Co* Tb* Hospital - Detention Hospital 12 lmira City Tb. Sanatorium 25 Gleason Health Besort 60 U. Y. itate Reformatory 1,460 Its.Helen O’Connor’s friv. Hospital 8 Orphans* Home aradise Hos ital 15 rleasant View Hospital - Southern xlor Orphans* Home 53 St* Joseph’s Hospital 80 80 25 Br esoport - 489* 1 Chaining Co* Asylum 105 1 - glraira l ei ;hts moricsn Brid e Company Campbell knitting tills Oo. lraira Foundry Bo. Field Force Pump Go* 3,154* ■ 1 mm Borsehe&ds Her; York Transit Co. Poores Foundry Co* Wilde raporated ’ilk Co., John 1,949* • * mm 5 ■* Blmira Hei Hits - see Elmira film park - See Mew York City under tatun Island dra Valley - See ellsville niioott - Bee Blnghwton Pohota (?) Hooker Electrochemical o. • - - - - Bsseter - See Coopers tom Fabian — So© yracuse Fair Ma - So© oewog® Falconer - See James tom FarmorsTille station - see Machine N iS Y 0 B K 14 City or Town floats Bosnia t ion 1916 ar 1910* Times. BO. Of 10. Hospi- Base of Hospital Beds, tals. Boo tors Total Hog.for ii« 0. v.C. Farmir jdale BordGn’G Farm Prod* Co*, snc. ? rminffdalo Chemical orks, me. Far Hooteway - see Be York ity Fayette - See onsca Falls (?) Z Fayetteville - See yraouse • Felts "Ills - ?ee ’ atertoxm mrnwood - See Oewio Pishkill - See PiclildLll-on-IMdson nsma - 4 Hi plma. Hospital 25 Blattoavmn c-tate Hospital 800 jrphan’s Han» & sylura of H. Y* - Riverriew .sanatorium 14 4 Beacon Iroen mol ijoonomiser Co. Ht5S5 - - 21 6 Plahkill Borden’s Parra Products Co.. me. 531* - - - Fitch - geo Clean Fleniinpsvill© - See Om@o Florida - See Middle to n Plash in# • See York City Fonda - i?ee \mst rdara Barest - Bee plattsharg Fores tbur* - See liberty Fort im - See ileno palls Fort Oov ington - See ml one Fort & nrd - See lUens Foils Fort plain - >eo aoversvlli© Fort Slocum - So© Haunt Yarnon Fort Terry - See reen >ort Fort adswarth - See Me York City und r taten Island 'Frankfort - See Utica Franklinvillo - see Maohlae Predonia - See Dunkirk Preemont Sul liven Chemical Co* (?) - - - Frooville - See thaca Prev/sbuit; • See Jainestmm Friendship - See elisville frontier *• So© Malone • PULT YJ luminum Container Corp* msrican colon Co. ."uroica Paper Co. lies tie’s Pood Co* florth nd laper Co. Csi*?©:|0 Falls ixmj) & : aper Co. ?e*ieh, • J» Yiotoria Paper Mills Co. n#90o 2 Ibert Lindloy Lee Memorial Hosp.26 Pulton Hospital 25 17 4 Mexico )ry Milk Co. ollson Cannin ; Co. lt474* - - 4 » S I OH 15 City or Iowa ilanta population me ar 151 i* Times • PO. of Eos i- Ifesas of Hospital talr. fie. Beds. D 0 Q Total t o r 8 Roc.for .*• Otl t. J. TOL?0B (Coat'd) Minot, to Columbia Mills, Inc. ,25 a* - - 1 - ©nnellville national Milk ugar Co. Bosedale Creamery Co. 255 ♦ - - - - hoonix 3wrvn as }.{Oroscont Paper & Machine Co. ehrooppol) (Qrmsp River paper nulls Sweet ;;ro thorn $* *©r "%?:;. Co. 1,655* 6 • williams town Borden's Farm Products Jo. me. 13ew Hartford Canning Co., Ltd. Fultoiwillo - See lasterdan -abriols - See aranae Lake Caines - see lb ion ' jansevoort - Sco Saratoga ©rings harden City - See Mineola lardonville - See Buffalo Jnrdiaer - See las port - Roekport 520* mm 1 Sates Rochester ackin * •& Cold torage Oo. Rochester fallow Oo. jeneseo - See Psasvilie (?) 0 JTWA Catch ole Foundry Oo. rsplre Cobs So* roneva Boiler arks, no. Sonera preserving Go. llciaadon, B. G2 & F. J* Phillips & Clark tovo Go., nc. Ruvrait Foundry Oo. 13,711 2 Church Home Hospital oneva City Hos ital 5 27 6 Clifton iprinffs - 1,664* 1 Clifton Springs anit mium 275 19 6 Orleans Mather 7 negar Jo., . 1* 212* - - - - Grid crid Ti tt 9i power Oo. 591* - - 3 1 Phelps Crown "!fg. Oo. empire state pickling Co. 1,375* m - 6 on Runhville Colonial Canning Co., Inc. 459* - - 2 - Waterloo Patterson & Jroenouoh aterloo later Jo. Tenon - See Auburn Coerce town - Joe neida jerry - 3e© Janostorn jhont - See Hudson Ulbcrtsrille - see oneoata Mien Cove - See nine©la Clonficld - So© Lowville 4,343* 6 2 IT E V Y 0 H K 16 City or 2osm Plante Population 1916 war 1910* Pinos. no* of Hospi- tals* Bane of Hospital* ITo. Bods* Hoc Yotal tore =oc* for T A fi Gloimvillo - i?) 1 Clonridco Banitariun - mm •» SKIS &.LLS Burt bliir t Co* Cions Falls Cbo £ Bloc. Lifiit So* Hudson Pallet7 *eilaay C0, Inporial Color Worfeo, Inc* International Paper Go* ligOullon-Loavons Co. Standard Po:itile Co. 16,094 1 Globs Polls Hospital 70 37 7 Sheffield Fawas Co*, Inc* 223* mm - 2 - Ft* Arm Bordon's Fern Prod* C0#f Inc* - - - 1 - Ft* Jtoaid Intomat ior&L Paper Co* blioffloM Paros Co*, Inc* 3,662* - - 5 — Hudson Falls Saidy Hill Iron & Brass Borlso Union bqc &' Paper Corp* 5,335* - - 0 2 Lliddlo Gronvillo bboffioH Paine G0.# Inc* 036* - - - # Snitbs Bos in Sheffield Faros Co*, Inc* 129* - . - - mm V-Mtcball Borden's Fare : roductc C0*t Inc* Ghaapion Sill! Hills Whitehall %tor Poi*cs# of 4,666* 1 Bmreency Hasp*, Be; ilroad Young Hen's Christian iss'n* 2 0 1 Glcmocd neon City Boiiy Co. (?) - - 2 - GLQWmVILin A4h & mniTc F«o.r u -Mto Pulton Co* das & Bloc* Co* £ Co., Ire* Gioverallllo Knitting C0# Hell & JosiDD Hood Ponily LaujxLiy Kinney, L* II* Low? Cs Co*, Inc*, C* Lit tamer Bros* mils Brothers Xaifthnrst & Co*, Inc*, c* £• Bob ins on, J* -• -♦ it&jQTG £ Gurp&ss .Leather Co* & bone C0#f G©o* P. Wood & Iiyio Co* 22,002 2 XJaltoi Littauor Hocpitol Gtnxdtviow wanatcriun 00 26 35 6 Brocdclbln BrcodolMn Bloc* light £ Pa? or Cq* 060* - - 0 1 Ft* Plain Bailor Knitting mils Borden* s Condensed UiHt Co* Utibrs/k Iqnrovoncnt C0, 2,023* am 7 2 ITortlivlllo IM>boll, Boy & Co* 1,655* - - 4 - Col dan - Soo Lit* Klsea Oodicm - Pec Iliddlotov/n Gonvorneur - Cog Qfjlonabnrc; 11 B \! TO SI 17 City or ©sum Plants PculAtion 191G Par 1910* Tines. Ho, of Hospi- tals* Itae of Hospital, no. Bod a. Doe Total tore Poe* for 21,0. P* c. GoeroaSa - ibo Sedtamnoa Gross! brgo CHsmoM Parno Go*, Ire* iso* - - - - Grand vi llo - Goo Bor; Tori: Olty laalsr Gtaton Islend Gmsfgr Point - Goo llavorotrcx? Groat Bond - Goo Watertown Crooco - Goo Bochootcr Groom - Goo Hoiv/idh Groan Island - Goo Prey <&&&te0ZX£ X&s&olpal Bloc trie Hast 3,735* 1 Pastom lone; Island Hospital 25 3 1 Port Pont/ « 1 lost Hospital 30 - - Groan Pddoo - Goo IJow YosSt Qity uni or Staton Island Blandy Paper Go* Continental Paper Dae Go. nnHBfe: Paper Go. 2,515* 1 Groomrich Hospital ** 7 2 Galon Boruon#o %m Prod* Inc* 1,096* - - 5 1 SEsosihan Paclo villa v/oolen mils 762* - - 2 - Thooton Irocjuoio I* a ?, Co. 100* - - - - Groton - ‘3co Itiiaoa Guilford - Goo Sosrr/icfi _ nmcottsTiaio Sheffield Pams Go*, Inc* 119* - - - - llclo GBoffloH ta*ns Go*, Inc, 150* - - - - Ecodcn national Pill: Sugar Go* 300* - - 3 - Ilonll ton - Goo Oroide. IPrilln - Geo Gochootor Hasrol - Goo Par Be*8&£aa& • Hco3Dsdcpoi*t - Geo IfcttSi Harnoraficid • Coo Gcoonta Harrison - Coo Port Glootor IXartodolo - *xjo -hi to Plains IlartvTicI: - aco Coopers tovm Harvard - Goo Liberty Haotiscc-on-nuloon - ..oo Y&Q&vq mVBIBCHLU Bonnot & Gem, 13* G* Post Choi© Coe Go* 5,410* . 1 L, J, Kiemanfs Scasltarlua 12 8 2 Grassy Point 'Piles Go*, A* II* A -• : • 1,000* - - - - Stony Point Ilavcrstrra? Viator Supply Go* Post Shore Gog Go* 700* - - 5 2 2Ji2oH3 59* 1 LetcJ®rorth Village 610 3 2 y* Havers trea? Gamer WoxfcD & Bloachory 2,330* 1 BIT, Stato Hoop, for caro of Cripplod Ci Do ft> mod Children 75 2 - Xtotfcorno - Geo SSar^tocm Helena • Goo HPlone Hcsnlocl: - Goo Pancvillo Henrs toed - Goo Ilinoola H 3 U YO BE 18 City or -arm Plants Population 1016 Par 1910* Sines* no* of Hospi- tal s* Itere of Hospital* Ho. Bods* D o Sotel c t o r s ifce* for H*0*i: *0 • mmuznn Hollend 6 Connor w&m nine* inc* 0,577* 2 County Here Koiidnor Hospital 10 10 19 6 Illon -fcnircton Amo Co* 0,000* 1 Illon Hospital 20 16 5 LIMdlovlllo Intermtloml HiUt Products Co* IHilc leather Co* , B* C# 710* - - ; 2 1 ISata*1c duo fold HoaltTi tM* Go* Plastic Sprite Corp* 2,577* - - 7 1 Iloc/port Borden fo Pdlk Co* 697* - - 2 1 Hornon - Boo Ordanslmrc Hiclajviilo - Goo r IHnoola Highland - Boo p on^lroGpoIo Ilillxirn - Boo Bottom Hillsdale - Boo Hudson llilyon (?} Going Co*, H* J* « mm - - - HircJclay - Boo 0 tica Hobart - tioo Onoonta Holland Bichai&son, Boobo Co* (?) - mm 1 2 Holland Botonfc - - Boo Utica Hollo;/ - Geo Boclioctcr IloltsvIUo - Dog Ijodfbjfi Station Honor - Bee Cortland noooid: - Boo 2roy HoooieH: -dlls - Boo fnoy HOimLH Brmr;or, Vfci* II* ' Davis Pounlry Co*, Inc* Poor co*, Ire*, A* J* B&cpr Ire*, Jams 14,635 5 Jotheoda Hospital City ®b* liospitnl Dteulxai Co* lb* Ilosatbel Btcmbon ikmitarim Gt* Janos* Horcy -os itoi 60 mm mm 75 50 28 8 Alfral Boxdon*s *bra Prdsetc Co*, Inc* 677* Ml - 3 1 Alnond 1302*2*21*3 -hr:..i Prodtssfes Co*, Inc* 600 mm • 2 - CGBlStOO Pennine Co*, Ira* 2,214 1 Jr* Ctto 1C* Stcmrtf3 Hea p* 6 6 2 liorrisvillG - 502* 1 Dad loon County Hone - 1 1 Horsoboado - Boo Bjntea Iloxxi Cave - Goo Bdbofoario moral Hbore & Barber Van Deacon Co*, 0, -*-* 12,706 3 Pixonaa1 s llaao of Gt* of li*Y* Hudson City Hospital 1T*Y* State draining CeffcooX fOr ClrlB (In Institution) 90 50 25 360 IB 4 Cliatlion Borden1 o bm Prod# Co*, Inc* Cfcathon Bloctric Idcjhfc, Boat & Power Chathnn Phlrt Co* 2,300* — “ 6 ** Ql&mmtik Columbia 23bs3i Co* Ieaspnan & Co*, John 2* feipcan A* Co*, J* 2# SB1* 2 Proo Ind* for c rippled Children X&Su Iliorloy Pyon Ilono mr Cripplod & Delicate Children 55 Copdfeo Borticsi*o *om Prod* Go*, Ins* Columbia ELa? Co* 250- - - 2 - Ghost ChatQ&i Btoam tamdry 332* 1 Co* -taShouso Doer* for Col,d< ► • 1 - Hillsdale 11a; t/cHOi Bhoffiold Pams Co., Inc* 792* - - n 6# - h b y y o r k 19 Population So. of Ho. J> o c t o r d City or !2o\m 11 nts 1916 war Eospi- Ifcno of Hospital♦ Bods. Total Hoc. for 1910® Siroo. fcals. IFuDGOn (ContM.J KittLorhoofe Klmorliool!: BSnltting Co. 027* - mm 3 1 Philnont OolwMa liodK Knittlnc Co. Hayes 6 Go*, JeJm HicJi be!* Kx&tn nr: Go. 2,000* * *• 4 • Xtocsncn Hobol-on Paper Mill© 170* - mm • - Btctt villa Atlantic Hills 741* - - 2 1 Dtryvosamt ibllo Am G. H. A. Go* Albany Gout]'em %• Go. All able Co. 930* t Pi voli-on-tho-1 M son - • 1 Aatts do !oyster Indue trial 1 - none £ Gdhool for Girls • lalatio dcnsolanor & VbLatio Hills 1,410* 1 "fclatio Gtatc bra - 3 2 dichnonl, Aobort P. Gostilo Go* Valatio Yam Hill Hudson -bile - Goo Glens Galls HUBO • Goo WollSVlllG msmmm Hszntington Gao Co* Huntin'’ton Xaindiy Co. Hunt ire ton Licjht £ la? or Co. lAmtilYJton Gator Works Co. 5,000* 1 Iltmtinpton Hospital 50 ID 2 Gold Gprlnc HovMf Cold Spring Llfjht, Boat & Potsor Co* — — — — 1 — KlBCfs Bask «. S75* 4 Honard Colorod Otpheet Aoytaa 250 24 4 Horn flor Apod Wocm of the Clmich of the Holy Gomaanion 24 poxk State ros' j.A l 4, >622 Bocioty of St. Jolmlanti 300 It* Jefferson Aroneb Ctoan Xeunlxy 2,200* 1 Gt. Hotp. for Crippled 7 2 At. Jefferson Gator Co. Children £ Brooklyn Hot® for Blind A Defective Children 300 Hurley - Goo Kinixi ton HynUvillG - Goo Sdhdhario XIion - Goo nefletnar Industry - Goo Aoebostor Interlaken - Soo Xthaca Inpood - Goo Mm Yea®: City Iroruois - Goo Buffalo Irvinpton - Goo Y&rxytoun Ischna m Goo Glean nmoA Sra/n Parer Co. 10,040 4 Children's Haro * 20 56 16 Cayuca Poser Coro* Go moll Xnftoaiy 60 Driscoll Bros. £ Co. Ithaca City Hospital 70 Croton Bloc. Pcoor Co. Hi ice Cordcraod lilX Co. Tho Hono 30 Ithaca City Gesrjor Plant Ithaca Otar Tasindry, Inc. It acn Traction Corn. Lone,’ ;nrino A GorafSO Co., J. B, Home CM n Go. cma cioctric oo. Blinco JKunilS' Boaror, Jot®. {Prop. Hal om Hothod Laundry) billicESC Brothers ♦ Biydcn Atlmtie Uoclon Hi lie BordC5i,o Dam Prod. G0., Inc. 722* - - 4 - Froovillo - 307* 1 Aorbos Gator Hospital 12 1 - n 33 y r o rk 20 City or t2ovm Plants Population 1916 War 1910* Pinos. Ho* Of Hospi- tals* Ilacso of Hospital* lie* Pods* J> o Petal c t o r o be* for iz*o«a*c* raaos. (c0nt *<i.! Groton Groton 3sl doe Co* 1,445* - - 4 l Intorlalsn Yacor & Haletoed, Inc* 665* - - 4 l Luilov/ville International Walt Go* 590* - - 2 i Le niton Cofrb Preservin'; Co* ICO* - - - - 2a&gta»ix>c$c Palis - 71* 1 Fdward Horry Sanitarium 29 Ml l ost Daifty Boxdon,a Pam Pral* Co., Inc* 101* - - m - Jamaica - See Hotu 'fork City under Brec&Jyn juasscun Braodhoad £ Dons, \/n* Oalwoll-Vomon Cq* Ctaitcasqua fraction Co* Worsted Hills Co* City Tdcfrt & Savor co* Qlovolenl Worated mils Crescent Pool Co* Curtis Uachtno Corn* BbHLstroo Hotr. 211c Doan Co* Ifcire Worsted Lille Undress, fek ?* Pomeliff .oretod mils Industrial laundry Interior Petal Hfg* Co* ?• \7* 6 IT* V;* Bbilrey JarBctown, City of Janostown aloctric mils Jgeb storm Propeller Co* Janos torn Water Worlds Jesse storm Water Losses {PumnijggiJ Jamestown Worsted Hills at wans, D* -** Odsemia ’Worsted mils Walishuiy Wpoel & Hslo Co., Inc. v;ober4&app Co* 56,000 tation) 4 Contagious Pi sense Koerital Gusrtaf MoMme Hood 0* W* Jones Can* Leo* Hogt>* Wosxm's Christian Los1!** Hasp* 70 100 60 47 9 Besses Point BlXoiy Center facto xy KollOy, J* B* Steaoll, Pr nnP: 270* Ml mm 1 m Cheriy Creel: Cfcowy Crocs-: Coming Co* Stetson Ilf:;* Co*, W* p# 720* - mm 2 ‘ 1 ConaraanGO BetOGf B« H* Bicho Jersey Cronmxy Co* 250* - - 1 mm Ctmoasge VbXloy OonEoasgo Valley Hills Hich daisy Co*, lamifooturoro 245* - - - - Bllinton Dohorc# Lire* Lirsnio 700* - - Ml - Falconer Wmorican Lff> Concern Falconer PcatdI Hills 2,542* - z 1 PrOSSSlX3T£? LlGrrell-WouIo Co* 670* - - 2 1 Garry /Corson, rod 205* 1 deny no 1 - Kennedy Sheene a Ocas, Lb* 025* mm - 2 1 Ginclairvillo Borlon,s Condensed Hills Co* 002* - - 1 - South Dayton Hiroo Condoneod mils Co* £500* mm - 1 - Watts Plate W7iooonsin Coulonsod Hilk Co. 247* - - - - Janesville - Joe Wyracraso Java - Woo Warsaw Jefferson Who f field £axm Co*, Inc* 4C4* - - <> b* 1 Johnson City - Woo Bin Canton Jeflmstoem - woo Bufforn Eatorrh - Woo lit# 3 Cisco it s w y o a k 21 City or Poun Plants Population 1916 war 1910* Pinos. Bo* of Ho vi- tals* Haro of Hospital • Bo. Bods* D o Potel c t o r o Hoc* for 1-1*0 •- 4#v- * Kcmnody - Goo Jonestown Klixlorliool' - Coo Hudson lCincfs Paxfe - Goo lamtircton Kmmas Maas, U* G* 26,771 Aaorieem Clear Co* Jacobson & Cons, <?• Kington Brlcfc & Ico Co* Kingston Uilic Producers Crounsry, Inc* Lctstan Go*, 3» Lone Co*, B* &• Go** Inc* Uitro Potfor C0* Pdeo, Jacobs & lions Photn son’s Lcnnlxy U.B* Laco Curtain Pills Univoreal Bood Iiadiinoiy C0# 6 City of Kingston Hospital 30 Dr* KonblQ*s Canitariun Our lady of Victory Benedictine Senitariun & Hospital 45 ••* -• • toillK 150 Br* L. ,JC* Btolios Sanitarium Ulster County Pb* Hospital 25 46 12 • Hurley Hillor ci lions, J# 343* - mm 1 - Lbpenoch Ulstor Pisoue Hills, Inc* 833* 1 Uastom II*Y* Jolfcmafcoiy 14 1 mm Pt* Bwon 0*3011, 3, B», £s Holt, i. 0,, .©oolvoro 1,311* - - 2 - Bod IXoolc BcJot, Inc*, U* E* Bod Hoole Water Wea*» 023* - - 2 1 i&inoboeS: - 1,500 1 Phono oon House 14 4 2 ik> oondaio Gnylor Lino Life*, A* J* 004* - - 2 - Eroiochorvillo - Boo Xlcv? Yosfc City uni or Staten Island ladsawunna - Boo Buffalo Lulio & water (?) Ulnira \7ator Lil’bt A 2$r« Co* - - mm mm mm laze sum m - - 1 Stony wold donate xiun 106 2 mm iiainbo?7 LaHo - - 1 Ifeiifboe iianatorlun far Pb* 50 1 - Lalas ikaisBx£aQia& - So© Brentwood Labcvillo Bxwm & Bailey Conlonsod Hill: Co* (?) - - - - Lcaicaotor - Boo Buffalo - Boo Hi b* Vernon Laarol Hill - Bee Hew Poife tinier Lon; Island City Iav/rcnca - Boo Par BoclSHK$r • Lontons - Boo Buffalo Loonardcvl llo - woo Utica Lo Boy - Boo Batavia LostorsMxo - Boo Bin^ianton LIBB3PT 2,395* 10 Bue&loy Houoo 75 IlaUldqy Cottoco 12 Liberty Sanitarian Brass Sanatorium 190 Llotropolitan 10 Gunrysido Parra riouso Sanatoitan 20 tennonca Got tape 20 Pobin Cottoco 5 Wilidrson Honso 24 v/oxfCBEin’s Circle Cana to riun 84 12 Basil vl llo Bordon’s Pam I.rod* Co., Inc* 4» - - - - Callicoon Sullivan County Cvocnorj Co* 200* - - - - Codiocton Borden’s lam I rod* Co., Inc* 208* - - 1 2 Corbett Corbott & Stuart, IT* - - - - - IT S w TO a K 22 City or Pom Plants Population 1916 Tiar 1910* Blues. lib. of Hospi- tals* llano of Host it al. Ho* Bods* Doc !2otol tors Doc. for Jiim a* C* LIHCSEY (Cont'd.) DOEROVillO Broclvstoro Bros*, Inc* 516* - mm 3 1 Bast l>3^mdh Corbott £ Stuart, II* 310* - - 1 - Fores tbarg - 25* 1 St. <3gd ophfs SaritGrim 150; - - Harvard Corbott & Stuart, IT* 135* - - - - Donticollo Carg&el 1 £ Co*, John 2,132* - - 4 1 Pepae ton Brocks tone Bros*, Inc* <33* - - - - Shirfaepplo IlG.plov.aod Chonical C0, - - - - - 5 rout Brook Corbott £ Stuart, IT* 169* - - - - Lim - Ooo Dochostor Lire Xcl33 - Goo X&dhlas Linden - Goo Batavia Mnolamstllo - Soc Hew York City under Staton Island - Lisbon - See Ogdonsbui^ Liclo Hdsards & co*, H* High Ground Croaraory « - • 2 1 Litdhfiold Ilioonts Chodoo Go* (?) - - - - LICTSS SilLG Adirondack Pooler Go* Pindrwm, Goo* V* Burnot Leather Co* Burnell £ Co*, D* H* Gilbert Knitting Littlo -'alls Dairy Go*, Inc* Little Bails *oit Shoo Oo* Littlo Balls life* C0. Hfltar/k Valley Pauor Co., Inc* Phoenix Undoraoar C0* Ite Knitting Co* Sollor Cq*, Jacob 113,451 1 Littlo Halls Hoq>ita§ 25 14 3 Palatine bridge Uhlorrcood Silk Fabric!* co. 600* - - 2 - St* Johns vi lie Union Knitting Co. 2,700* - - 4 1 Llttlo Valley - Ooo Salamnca L0CKP0B2 Duro&ttlo Co* BDuiro Ilf C0, Federal Hilling c0. Lockporfc Gaming co. Loekport Boat, Light £ PovTor Cq. LlcKio Bofuadiy £ llacMno Co. IJorrit t Hfg* C0* UiaGGJKi Cotton Co*, Inc* IJJagara tomlry UJacjora Paper Hills Iliagara Bcirfcl le Co. Uostemai £ Co. 19,079 3 Homo for tho Friendless Lockgort City Hospital Hiagora Co. Inf irony 65 40 30 6 Burt Cavago £ Son, J* L* ooo* - 4W 1 Gosport Bacon £ Co* 9CQ* - * mm 3 - niddloport 2honr>son Hilling C0. 1,42?* - - 5 1 ITOcr Same Ion; Island City - IIe.7 G$vie Pen.or Co. Goo ITocr YoUt city 600* - - 3 - Loooio - (?) 1 Hary Lozris Hospital - 4 - LOiTVILLS Adirondack licplo Co* Fulton Hadhino £ Vino Co* Lot/villo Cold Storage Sheffield Bams Co*, Inc* 3,244* 8 2 Boaver Balls Boidcn,s Bam Products Co*, Inc* 507* - mm 1 - Castorland Borden*s Bam roductn Go*, Inc* SICS* - - 1 mm 11 aw yosk 23 City or 'Poem Plants Population 191G war 1910"* Eino a. So* of Moopi-j liar© of Ilos ital. tain. no. Bods* B o Potal c t o r c doc* fbr *a.c* mmm: (ContM*) c m&m Borden*s Farnt Products Co., Inc* 659* - - mm - Denloy Borden*g Mam Products G0#f ins* Ml - - mm - Ctafiold Sheffield Maras Co*, te* 315* • - ; - - lyons -alls Gould Pupor Co* 065* - - 1 - Ubrtinsbufg Sheffield Paras Co#, Inc* 49 * - - - - It, Leaden Gould Payor Co* 7K5* - - 2 • Ltdlar&llo - Soo Itbaea lyor Mountain - Soo h ■ «&» % mi At xsam Horaixyvay Co*, m* c* 4,7-42’ 2 GOv-ard J* Barber Hospital Jyono Hospital 15 0 i Areo&iE Good Mfy* Co. - - - - - C3ydo iianincauy Co., c. - - - 3 i Uacodon Macodon CrearBiy Co, 1,147* 1 Elite Hono Priv, %natorltm 10 2 - EeBaak Bloonor Bros* Co* {Folding Manor Bos) Ldrett-Bunlhan Co* 6,440* 1 St* Ctsotodial Asylm for Fooblc- Uindod Looon 050 12 4 laluyru lactam Bros* 2,460* Ml - 0 1 £Sp*inG3cls* Afford Cheese Co., Ire. 200* - mm - - Iyosa Malic - Soo Xorvi llo lyscn&or - Soo Syracuse HcGtcx? - Soo Cortland Itacodon - Soo Jyono xmix&s ~ 404’ 1 Cattaraugus County Hospital 40 1 1 Arcade Area&O MloctMrc Light Plant Barden* . xod. C0#f Ire Morroll-SotiP) Co. 1,560* “ ** 5 1 Cbaffoo Borden* s Pam Products C0,, Inc* GOO* - - 1 - Famprovillo station Horrcll~Gojilo Co# 225* - - - - Franidiny’illo PsesS&ljnrill© Gamine Co* Glean Sloe trie light 6 Honor Co* Sheffield -erne Co.t Im* 2,065* ** 5 Line Lclso neon City Co* 125* - * mm - Madrid - Soo OgSLcnstrarg mix® S&raar, Yhomo A Co., It©. Lawranoe-i.abetor Co. Hal or© light 6 Poser Co. Halos© Payor Co, Sheffield Fame Co., Ire, Aoylor, 0, C. y. 7,404 z Alice Hyde Mono rial Hospital northern IT*Y* Institution for Doof Hut os 29 100 10 1 Brush ton Bordan*.: Form Prod* co., Ire* 598* - - 2 - Gliatoaucpy lie Paper A Pulp Co. Sheffield Coni ora od Hill: Co., Ins, 1,106* - mm 3 3 Chnrobuseo SJoffioil “aros Co., Inc, 200* - mm 1 - Clinton Hills Boaedalo gaiiy Co* (Hail - Clraiubuoeo) - - - - • Constable Sheffield Faisac Gc,, Inc, 151* - - 1 mm Ft* Covington Griffith, *•* E, Qaffitt, W, A, Hi tan CotidGmod 11112? Co- * - - S - II E V YOU K 24 City or Faun Plants Population 1916 war 1910* Finos. lio. of Hospi- llano of Hospital* tals* lib. Bods* Doe Fotal tors Boc* fbr li*Q*&.C* SBXCKB (Cont'd.) frontior Shoffiold 4rns Co*, Ire* 10G* «• «• - *» Holona Griffith, E. 192* - - - - 11. Icoren.00 Griffith, S. 475* - - 1 - Gt* o la -'alio Brooklyn Gooperaoo Co. 1J323* - - 1 - Santa Clara - 200* 1 Hill Croat & Uplands Sanitarium 56 - - ITanaroneCk - dbe lit* Yemen Manlius - Coo %racmso Maras vt lie - Coo -at or tom Lhratfton - Coo Urn Yoi£ C ity tail or rlyn Marco litis - Gyraeuso Marey - Coo Utica Mariners Harbor - Coo 1'oj YoiSr City rmdor Ctat on Island Marion Hbeffbxd CMoso C0#> lie* •Vcyno County C&jmiac Co*, Lt,.* (7) - - 2 1 Uartinsbury - uoo Louvillo Maspcth - Uoo Pltufiiny ETVILIH /cm Worsted Mills Cbantautma Cabinet Co* Hchauk Gordon col Llilk Co. 1,201* ** 4 2 Ciyror Cordons od 1:131c Co* 600* - - 1 - BOfTittVillO 199* 1 OhsEtsorma Co* Hospital 00 - - Fredonio SannS^r •r* wm - - - Hiploy Hipioy water %pply Go* 1,100* - 0 1 3IK3TO Sbemsn Electric Slant 940* - - 4 Z Westfield Uolch uiupo Juico Go* Westfield utesan family 3,519* - • 0 S IIockoniccvIllQ - Ooe Caratoyn Springs UHDPQHD UYAYlCai 100* • 2 Medford Fb* uanatoriun Medical Uanitarinn for u orig- in;; i ooplo SO Iloltcvillo 142* 1 Suffolk County Sanatorium 00 1 - Yqphanfc - 1 Suffers County firehouse 160 - - Hailn': - boo Albion Horton (?) Horton Vexmtec ao* " - - - mm lloriico — Goo Pulton Middle Cronvillo - Goo Clone Palls Hiddloport - -oo bodkport IWX&3BXIBB Borden13 Condensed Milk Co* Claoson Bxoo*, Inc* Filter Plant Go* Middle toon laundry C0. Middleton ‘-Prouin:; Co*, Inc* HH&letom Uot Uaob MllXonrAiSmihoad Go* 0* A 77* LacMro dhow xomr Bern so Groms Co* Ptfblic mrvico C0rr*. faMdll Frans it C0. 15,010 5 Middleton Haiti toriun Middleton Ht, Homo* Ho si* Shrall Hospital 30 2,200 40 44 10 IT B u Y 0 UK 25 City or Stewn Plants Population ITO* Of Bo# Doe tors 1916 Gar llosni- Hone of Hospital* Bode* i'otul Bee# for 1910* SJlnos* trie* L. m 0 • d» * EIDDISSOT (Cont*d .) Dullvlllo Sheffield Faros Co#, Inc* ISO* - - - 4» O.xspbdll Hall Bonder's I reduets Co*, Inc* 275* - * 1 - CbGStOr Laurence 6 on, G* a, national Hi Hi Sugar Co# 1,200* - - 2 - Florida Borden's Fern Prod# Co*, Inc* GOO* - - 3 1 Godhon Boidon*s Farm Prod# Co#, Inc* 2,511* 3 Go chon Bnergency Hospital 9 8 2 KosTbory £ aon# Jey II# Infc orpines 35 Orango Connty 170 Hontconoiy Crabtroo £ Gone, %# on?* - - 3 - Hoc/ Ifcoptcm ;3©sdy, Ghoo# H# Uhoffiold Feans Co*, Inc* 000* - - 1 - Oticvlllo «R» 500* 1 Tb# of IT.Y* City 7 1 Dept# of Health 621 Gt# Joseph - - 1 St* Joseph Banitariun - • - Slato Kill Horos Cord creed mm Co* 176* - - 1 - Sugar .Loaf Borden's Fcrv.i i rod# Co., Inc# 152* - - - - TSazr/idfc Borden’s *c?r. :rod. Co*, Inc* Yaruicl: %lley Li? ht £ Ib-JOr co* 2,606* 1 H*y. City Fqbh - 13 2 Kionor Borden's Faro Prod# Co*, Inc# - - mm - mm Iliddloville - Geo Itoi&inor uillcnvillo (?) Lyorc, J* Van kron & Co* - - - - - niKKOLA Smith lamliy 2,210* 2 Children's Horn of llinoola 70 7 1 Sboona Hospital 75 &jxlcn City Berabloicy# Bags £ Co* BQ1* 1 House of Giles tibo Cripple 70 5 - Clan Covo leader/ Go., Inc#, Hit/# 3* 2,876* - - 11 2 HcBpataod • 6,075* 1 Horcy Hospital 15 16 4 lllcltcvillo Hote Go*, H# J* 1,650* - mm 5 1 Bodyn Eire £ Co*, J* B* 2,000* - - 2 mm Soc, Cliff ** 1,901* 1 Gaunt xy Hone for Convalescent 4 - Babies 44 Hinstto - Goo *i-l ton Uinevlllo - Ggg Ficordorogs Uota'.1" - Goo Korliiror Llonbyonoiy - Goo l :iddlotoin Honticollo m See Liberty Ilontour Falls - Goo V.'atltta Horriotwm - Goo Ogdoicbura IlorrioviHc - oo Horaell Hfe* KI2C0 i:t* Kioco laundry Co*, Inc* 2,902* 1 ITorfchom -osteinstor Hospital 16 0 3 Bedford Hills mm - a Font of loro Hood Count xy 200 10 *o Hit# state -lofomatoiy for woatm 11 Biwstcr Border's Fern Products Co*, Inc* 1,4,02* - - 5 , 1 Chappscma Ha; Castlo Wat or Co* TO 3* i ConvrloGCont IZono of the H*T# 3 - CMIdrGn,o 200 li a w YORK. 26 Gitir or Youn Plants Population 1916 Her 1910* 91000. Ho* of Hospi- tal 3* llano of Hospital* Ho. Bods* Doc Yotal tors Hoc* for i:*o.B.c. IS. KIB3Q (Confc'd.) Golden Sheffield Poms Go., Inc* - - - Katonah Ka touch Lighting Go* 950* 1 HlHbourm te 14 - 3 YosTners . Borden* s Prod* Go*, Inc, • 322* - - - - Hount Horris - See Hsnsvillo Eeunt Upton - oo Iloroieh IIQUITY VHHHOH Bums© Go* loams. laundry LotSz Joint : ipo Go. Hosier Ci Go., A* a. lit. "'oreen C0., Inc. {Uil'scroniths) H.Y. Intemrbm «ator Co* 37,009 6 Ilario Louie Hates Liaaorial Hone for Aged £ Infirm EG Uortha Gilson Homo 20 Ht* VcTrxm IToopital 33 !T*Y* Christian H®no for Xn- Ycmperufco Lien 125 Sayre Privuto Hospital 35 Y.-hr there Orphans* Ifeim school - 73 13 Band’s Island - - 1 ft* Slocum Hospital mm - - ft. Slocum - 1 U*s. unitary Hospital 120 - 11 Iardbrxmt Icrchmont -atcr Co* 2,060* mm - 5 1 ‘Uarjronoclr Hot; Y03& Intorurban l*ator Co* 7,290* 3 Sfc * John* o Home St* Lliclaol*o Hone V^aldOLXjro GO 12 13 2 Hot; Bchollo Hunoonot laundry Go., Inc* Knlchorbo©!©!* Press Hot- -bdhollo ator Co* 07,759 1 Hoc? Hoc Hollo Hoop* /oo*n* 60 65 10 Ynclmhoo Hodgnm -*ubbor Co. 2,753* 1 St* Uioanora*3 Horn for Convalooconto 44 3 - Y/oetdicotcr “ 1 11*Y. Catliolic Protectory 3,200 - - Ilunibrii * Soo Batavia Honrsvilie - Gee Oneida Hhnuot - Gee I^aclc Ilapcmoch - Goo Kin ;s ton llapoli - Geo Galamnca natural Gam - Goo O^ensbura BeponcitC?) * 1 Iloponsit Hospital mm - - ITooaris - a>co Xyons ITor/arli: valloy - Soo Ckjogo Hoc; Berlin - See HonvJch IT0V7 Bridge Kigblo Co., Robert w* Uaj Brighton - Goc Hot; Yoifc Gjty under 3 tat on I aland - - - - - mZfflTSZZI Alborpor Prop & Coid one or Go. Central Hudson Can £ Bloc. Co. Crada/Ich a Gone, Jos*, Agent s Cleveland £ Uhitohill Co. Crabtree & Gone, Gratrshav Carpet Co. Harrison & Curtis Johnson* s Llxrndry Oranpe County fraction Go. Strood- olt * -ills OiTcet Orr a Co., Ir.c* 29,605 4 Hydropathic Institute Hctfburch city / Inshoaso 0fDoll HaooTial Sanatorium St* Inho’s Ilos itcl , §88 rt H 41 5 Berea Borders Perm - rod. G0., Inc* - - - - - Bloanirc Grove Sheffield *'orm G0,# Inc* - a» - - - Brmciao Bordan'o lroa. C0.. tn<,. ion* IT E W YORK 27 City or 2am Plants Population 1916 war 1910* Pinos* Ho* of Ilcspi- Hans of Hospital* tads* Ifo. iJods* i) 0 fetal c t o r s Jog* for Lm»0.B*C* mmssm (cont*a.} Central volley Control Valley Poraer Lrxmlr # Inc* 425* 1 Jr* Ben go 24 2 mm - 2,240* O Cornell ULinitoriim Win tor Uaaiitorftnn 30 10 4 - Bosr Windsor C0I&70H- /iloox C0* (2 Plants) Hudson Bivor Woolen Hills 600* •• - - - WaltIon Intorstato Bap Co* 0,196* - - 7 1 « clltill Bo ideate Coni one olI Lilli Co* 700* «■ - o «# - Hasliin:iton7illo Borden's Prod# Co., Pro* 605* - - 3 liar; Boip - Coe Ito Tori: City under i'taton Island ITov? Arne - Boo lechport Uor/ Efeaffierc? - Boo Poe£$flcoepsSa Her; Harfton - Sgg Kiddlota.Tii Her:/ Hartford - Soo Utica Seaport - ~oe iJojfilnar Hoc; AoeJtollo - Boc tit* Sosat onfalls llo:.ton -bile Paper Co* 100* - - 1 - Ite Windsor - Boo Berbers HOP YOHC CIYY limn Ilf; . & Const* Co*, Inc. Anoricen X4thor;nrphic Co* /set*or, Binsji Co# AitonoMlo Club of Anorloa Ifclacnior Khittin;; Hills, B# II# 3ohorfs Utoan Laundry Bennett Biscuit C0#, A. it# Bishop Qotta-Perdha Co. Brocicctonc Bros*, Ine* Bronx ot WacSh C0, Bone, dan Corliss, Lamrt & Co* Com ca Bon, Inc*, Clias* iaccittfs Bone, W* II* A-enver Clonical life* uo. Prosed Boiluuy loop 'uo^,s5 Pluf: C: Co., P* J* Puppies Usmlopo Go., Ban • Aiolioo G0., CLas* s. 3. .• ciothine (;o. Bison A Brs&or, Ire. fries Brothers Pulton lonnljy of 92nl St*, Inc* C&oho Knittiit? Hilda Ilollmth, Inc*, Qbas. Hoyden Gh&f&sal Ilofolcr & Co*, Goo* IIg:.TD 1ICK7C Proca Hirofol* s eons, A* Ited a Co*, Goo* B* International Hot or Co. Joidis Iron Wolfs, Inc*, John KhlbfGisdh Corp* Kidds, bit or A Co., Inc* KniclDrbockcr GJ ocolato G0. Ixtsxlor Sc5f«?art* a Co*, Inc* Loo Knit Cloth tlfr> C0. lovrjtt, ■ L-X-'OT n*, Go# Id pid Carbonic Co* Loyd Co*, John IIcGclI Co. LcBour;dl £ Pot tor Co* Llano Ci Co., Ire*, A, • Larfcoy i rosn Lenihan C0. LIcrefe a Co. 5,602,04! 232 Ilics - Is ton* o llono for Private* 6,417 Patients 50 American -orxlo Guardian oc* & llono for tho Lriandlocs 247 Astor Sant tar inn 15 iisytaa of Bt. Vincent do Pad 195 Aululxm Saiitaritm 70 Ba les* JIosp* of City of IT.Y* 75 Bandcoor* e Canatorim Babt* llono for A-pod Cs In 'lm Bollovso Hospital 1,600 Both Bavia Boapitd 00 Doth IgudqI Hospital 140 Boyce Ccaiitarim 10 Brood ctroot Hospital 66 DroChrer Prlv. bnitarlisn 6 Drons %0 P -4ar Infirrnxy 12 Bnom Kocp* S Bicponcaiy Brorc: llatomity Hospital 3rom 17 Brov7n*s -cnatorim Cooilla L* liixssGShQiiTOr -anit * - Catholic Inst* Dr tl’O go Control a Aonro. Tlonp*, Blade- T/Oil’s lolrnd 766 - CIrs* B. fo&ss nosrdtal City Hosp* of Ptib* CisaritiGG - Colored 0rr3ian isylun 345 Colxr.mis Hospital 150 Conrad teriim 10 Corra?all Bajxitaiinn Co* Crperiod Childronfo Bast -lrco Beliool - OtBtodial Anitas, Aaniall’c Islanl Ifermdh for Cripplod Children 10 Aonver Uanit;:,riun Uoninicon Gonvont of Our Lady of the Aosaiy 1,100 Five Points House of Inlastry 357(; Float in ; Hasp* "Holer C. Jnlllir nl - 1103X5000 Crittenden Li sc ion 40" -lorcnee ITieJitinrilo Banitori'an 15 Flavor Hospital IOC Poxdhon Hoepit cl 247 Broo Horn for Yoin: Girls 1,021 IT B W YORK 28 City or form Population Plants . 1016 War 1910* £inoo. Ho# of Hecpi- tsls# Itoo of Hospital# Ho. Bods# Boo c t o r e Sotal doe# for LUC #H.C# m: iraa? ciar (Oont •a.) Hoy or & London, Inc# Free Industrial school for lioroDB Btom Launiiy Co* Crippled Ob&Mron 60 Hastsm Gooltinc & Bofinin:; -oris, Ltd# French Hoop# 125 national Loco H GLiwPoSdary Co# Galbraith’s Houso for Prieto licit ioml Ctocxi Larnixy laticmto - II# Y# Staats- oitiarj General Llcnorial Hospital 100 H#Y# Pinos Go* Goman Hoop# a Hicncnsary in the Hortli Bide IIor?o City of Haw Yoiii 319 Pictorial . OvIoy/ Go# Goman Odd -olia/c* J'ons Ct Omlian Pierco, But lor u Pierco Go# Asylum 125 Plant & Go# 9 I# Gonvcirnorr Hospital 405 Port Harris Oiior&ecl Go# Graco Hospital - Irenes, i:#, Steen Laundry Hahnomnn IIoai# of H#Y. IDO ifcynor& loikins Gnvol0?)o Co# Har Uoriah Hospital 44 Hirfby waterproof 6 Fini shine Co# Ilorlon %©, &or & threat Infirn - lipyal HnborS&oiy '^oa&n 10 ScsTyor BloKolt Co. Harlcci Hospital 100 Sc hire d1 Bjos#, Ire# Harlan Italian 40 Bhanlovz Bros*. Co# Hebrew Orphan asylum 1, ,200 Sheffield Pa2E» C0,, ino# Hebrew; .-hbltori JT ’ Hera so GO Silk -irichlac Co# lldbrow Gbeltarlnj Heuao £ Horn Standard Oil Co. of XI.Y* for tho Acod 50 Stooro, Inc#, Horsy Homan Knapp Honor ial %o Sullivan Con, John Hospital 40 Senior ForrtiXo life* co# Ilill Soar.torlisn 16 ferry Ilff> Go#, ddv7. F, Hooipon Institute for iSiotantisn - Hrllruno * -osoclcit ion Ilono for 1-cod & Infim Hebrews Prio ChcnicaL Co*, Ire# of Bo? Yo:dtr 350 Von Loon & Co# Hood for Hebrew Infants 4 m Urrnor & c0., Inc#, -ia# • •* IIoix* for tho -cod of the Little Hilson & Co., Inc# Bisfcors of tho Poor 625 IIooo of tho Ass’n# for tho Ho- liof of tho ospoctablo, A0&1, Indicont Fonalos in tho City of Host York - —->—- 121 Hone of tho Bougitars of Jacob 185 Hono for tho Friend loss 200 Horn for Incurables 300 Hesse Hospital - Hemp# for Contacioras %e Bio* 19 Hosp# for & Joint PisoasoD 70 Hospital & House of bnt for Con&inptlvos - Hospital for Incurables 150 Hospital for Hosrvous Bleeascs 250 Ilosoltal for tho *fcptnrod & > Crippled 225 Hoqn# of ‘-t. Fllsaboth of &mo&iy GO Hosp# of Ft#Giloo the Cripple 55 Hocp# for Fcarlot Fovor rid SlPhthoria Fat ion to 50 Heap# of the Herono of cGlvsjy 150 Ilonso of tho -nncmciation 30 House of tho Cood Shepherd 500 ilonso of t?o Holy Corefortor 60 Ilonso of tho Holy - Ilonso of Searcy - I tonne of oil of (Hudson Btroot Ilooplfel) 45 Kooard nisei on Bt Hodc for Littlo Faniororr. • Institnto - Institution for the Irrarovod iTistruction, of Goaf Hntos - - institution of Horcy - Isaac f# Hoprer Horn 40 Isabella Ilciixth liono for %od 17S Isolation Hospital 300 Italian Inst# & Hosp# 100 Jcrvvioli Hatomlty Hospital 85 Dr# KellOCXl’s HOUOO 7 HnlcIiorboCinr Hospital 50 Knolls - Lanm Frarldin Froo Hosp# for d^iidron 67 IT S W Y 0 32 29 Pcrrulation Ho. of Ho, Doctors City or Tam. Plants 1916 War Ilospl- IKnC Of IIOG-'-trl. doe s, Sots! Poe, for 1910* Ylnoc, td o. n.o^uc. mi ro;K CI2Y (Cont'd.) Lebanon Hospital 196 Loa&ncten rlim - Lincoln Hospital S iiono 450 Loot) Corral escort Hone - Lutheran Hoop, 42 si Iyln>ln Tiocr;ltrl of the City 40 of IIctj 'for?: 167 Uagdclon Horn • J, Hbltfic* a Prieto ISosritel - Ilarihattan %a, %r « Iloep. 150 Hccfcttsn Ustcmity Hocp. 4 Disnei»ary SC Qhaftattar? Bnmitcl 5,00c licLUllan Hospital lira. U. *>. IMllorJa - Eossiah IIooo far Little 75 II. 3. Church Iiono Lie tie poll tan 2 Hoot), in — the of Bm Y02Ik 14 :wtro, IIocp, of II.Y, City 1,897 Uotxopolitcn Yhroat Posnital 10 Jlidnljhfc Hission • Ilintum Hocrdtal, scarlet Povcr <9 Dijhtboria Patients 60 Hisericor&ia Hospital 450 Hisoion of tho Irraottlato Viroin 550 Ilontofioro Hone, noapital & Sanitarium 450 Hoont Hospital 500 Heir i&diun Institute* • Homeric Uniter inn 14 IJaccroth Anroa 330 neurological Instil to 00 n,Y, Asshn. far tho IT.Y, Cjty CM2fcLren*s *0ST&tGl3 • & schools 2,000 IT.Y, City Horn Her god £ Inf im 1,091 H.Y. City Hospital 1, IV~. City ~*ofbrmtosy of "is- ,000 danoanente 375 IT.Y, 6 Her Infimr.Ty n,Y, -bisxiiiirr Hocnitai 175 800 n,Y, Ho’c for Crip-clod Child ron mm IT.Y, Hons for Honclosc & rrphenod - II.Y, . on so of iefuGO. Mill1! Island . 1.000 IT.Y, Hospital H,Y. infixmry "or & 270 • CJiildron 125 II,Y, institution "or &7>o Biini 225 H.Y, Institution for tho In- street ion of tho 3©of & -Prib 100 II.Y, Uofcomity Hospital, 310X5^7013 * 3 lolani II.Y, IlodiOGl Collect & Hoop, - for ftonon 50 II,Y, Hnrsoiy & CfciMfs I osn* 256 II.Y, Ophthalmic Host), 00 II.Y, Orthopedic Dispensary £ • Hospital 100 H.Y, Pasteur Institute •» li,Y, Polyclinic Host), IT.Y, Poct-droduatn Hod. 3dhool 208 & Ho^itoi 405 IT.Y* bum & Ccjicqf *02)« 100 IT.Y. Yolothono Co, Hose* II.Y, Yhroat I loon. _ n.Y, Yfiroat, Hose, 6 Im; Hosp, , 50 Old Urn. Ci -'pod Cauploc’ Hood OrTltin Hone 2 - sylun of tho 60 Protontent Hniscopal Church ISO Paralytic Hasp., Biadfe&ell's Island I asi1: Hospital 64 Ilics I-ate)re,s Oanitariun - Poahedy for %od 6 Indicant W omen 35 IT E W Y02S 30 Population Ho* of Ho* Doctors City or r2csm Plants 1916 war Ilospi- Seine of Hospital* Bods* fotal -be* fdr 1910* Pinos* tel s* i.«*; j*d*C * im YOBl CI'fY (Cont'4.} People's Hospital 50 Hiilantliropin Hospital 24 Plaza Sanitarian - Presbyterian Hono for AQOdL Uonon- Pro sty tori an Hoop* in the City of U<*7 Yo*: 230 PrKlBfce Hospital fbr nodical and Snrcleal Cases - Protectant Half Grnhap sylun 210 Heboau Private Hospital - Fiver Croat SardtariTO - Idvordalo Sanitariiaa 20 dvorofcio Hospital HiverDido Uanatorixm for Pal- 300 nonaz*y Diseases 90 Borhefellor Institute for llodieal dosesreli - Seram Catholic Gretas sylraa lf000 Boosevolt Hospital 289 Callers * Ilono & Institute Soaoaritan llono for the Hyod of 200 the City of IT*Y* - Coni tori ura-Oatoral ty-Aid Hospital, Sxyten -Ayvil 14 Partway 250 Sevilla Hone for Children mm Ohoitorinc Anas 190 Sborvood Dye & Dar Sanitarium - Slocme Hosp* for wonon 273 Society for Holiof of Destitute Blind 100 Soeioty for Holiof of Half 0rtiho» and Destitute Children 210 Spxocuo Instituto (Card t*) - . St* /minors C on vaLo scent Focp, • 56 St* Arm's Paternity Hospital 50 St* Barnabas' iiouoo 05 St* BartHolOEJcr.T'a Clinic 23 St* diiunhoth*s Hospital 80 St* Ullaefboth's Ind* -clool St* -raneio' Horae for Chronic - & Incurable Invalids 609 St* -rrnoio Hospital 450 St* Coons's Abof Carp for Pb* 0 St* Join's Guild • St* John's Hospital - St* Joseph's Asylun in the Cjty of llcw Yos£ 050 St* Joseph's Hone for the Ao»d 360 St* Jo so* h'a Hoop* for Gon- G'unptlvos 525 St* Joseph's Industrial Hone ;*or -osti tuto Children - St* Josojii's Infirocxy St* Joggrii's Institute for the mm Icprovod Instruction of Deaf Hut os • St* Laurence Hoop* 50 St* Mae's Hone for • -pod wonon 04 St* life's Hospital 300 St* Harfe's - ospital 76 St* lory's P*ec Hoop* for Children 122 -st* -‘cso's Pro© Ifeno for In- curable Cancer 05 St* Vincent's ilospital 156 Stoma Private Hospital 30 StcKTart Iiouoo fbr Iriv* action to- Series volant Dacioty Hood 75 Sydodm Hospital 72 Prinity Chcpol Hone 16 Pb* Caro of f2io Bollcwo Settle- nent Houso 22 Pb* Infixmry, Blac&v/oll'o Icl< ,900 -b* irovontoritm for Children - Hr* H* A. Ball's Prlvato Heap* - Sanatoritja • ft/in Deles Sard tail an m Union Hospital 30 U*S* Iixdnrant 1 o%*)*,Hllio Isl 600 II E V YOBS 31 Population Ho. of Ho. Doctors City or Heron Plants 1916 Bar Itospi- Hcnc of Hospital, Beds. £otal fee. for 1910* Pinos. talc. , • . >icC . im root ci®r (Ocmt«e.) Vu»2 orblit Clinic Bey Canp 75 Volunteers * Hospital 50 Bachiugton HBidbto Hospital 55 wadhinctan a-. Hooo for Friendless Girle - Vashinefcan *%iaro Hospital 55 Betas Institute 6 walasoan west Dido Goman Hoop. & Dio- — ponsary 16 Hillard Bwfeor & Deception IIob pi tel s 671 Ha* II* Davie* -poo Industrial School £Cr Cripplod Children 50 Honan* s Hospital 224 Boifthoiaso Ho or)., Blacg<r/0ll,s I si. - Bright *s Oral School mm Broirrville tawonoo Farit Heat, Lifjht £ 2,340 2 Looronco HoepitaL 05 16 5 iwor C0# Vomon House 15 BHDGKISI? Molpfala Btoon Laundry 1,920 ,734 116 Anool Guardian Hono Mi 2,176 562 Allan C0., B, F. Baptist Horn of Brooldyn Mi .* 1X51*1 can -ioilnln; Co* Bay P4d/je Hono • Andhefr Laualjy, Inc*, of Brooklyn Boy Pddeo Hoop* A Bisn} 5 Al?53ll Bafoty Bog C0. By Hjdco danitarlun • Austin Uicfiolo £ Co., Ir». Bedford Dl qnonsaiy A Hoc p. - Barnet & Bon, D, Bethany Hoop* 55 Bartinis IIf0# C0. Bethany Hono for tho f^ud * Bliss Co.. B. um Botliooda Ganitarlun 40 Blythohoumo Bator Co. Bilmr Gholin Hochor Hospital 40 Shannon, ptisan, Inc* Bradford Btroct Hospital 6 Borland %rra Products, Go., Inc. Brooldyn Beptist Orptoiaco mm Brooklyn CooporoOG So* Jroolilyn Hastom trict > ration -ilk rills & Ilooplbdi 49 Cholooa Fibre Hills Broolalyn Dyo 6 %r Hoop. 80 Colonial i orSs Broolrlyn riofafwr Ilorao for tlie ColurSda llachlno %rfes Aged 50 Conroy °0*t B. p. Broo2:*n. Ilobrov/ Orpiian 800 Consuaere C0. Broo!:*n. Horn for Ar.od Colorod Continental Iron uorks People 32 Crano,o Co. Hfaoo. A* Brodk*n* Uolx) for f-gud Hon & Crystal Laundry C0. Couploc 150 Hiaaonl Bet uadbt laundry Donrolly C0 J. B* BrooI:*n. one for Conairtitivos 115 Brooldyn Hospital 265 . Dov/n, C. *<sMns, Ine*, J* d. & v»* -I* Brooklyn Ctato Hospital 025 Brooklyn no L'cTx>ol & Hcoo Boctoi*n District Picco Dyo for Youna 69 Hastorn laundry Co, BusIsTick Hospital 150 Brrnlrc Dtato Dog Co* Caledonian Hospital 20 Federal *epo Co*, Inc* Control Cenitariun - Fort or & Dfcewart Co., Inc* Church lloao for tho Blind 17 Gcmor & Go*, Inc*, Fionas Coney Island Hospital 120 General Laird rioc, Inc* Oisoborlcnd Ctroot Hospital 200 Croonfiold Cono, Hi Danrau Donato rlian • Grocery Glfc* **oif23, ■‘koncc Doaoonoss Hono of tho II, B. - Hell & Hurlburt, Inc* IXay-Buddon LIf/> *o* Denmne Hooo for tho A^od 16 FaitSi Hono for Incui^bloc 56 Holland leundiy Far Bochrmy Caiitariua Hopkins & co., J* L* Gaxdinor Gun£Shlno Bay nursery lull a Cocoa Hatties Ufa* co* Gormn Hono for tho International Folding Paper Bos Co. HGod 265 Jackson Co*, uh. II* Goman Hono for Conan & Ct^^. Jacobs £ u* Goman Hoop* of Drooldyn 175 JufJxiKlt, d. Grli on Hono tfor Old Lodioa 00 Eirecton laundry, Inc* GroanpoiHt Hono for tho Hfod 15 Kixtem & n Groenpoint Hospital 200 Loncastor Btoan Laundry Hons for the "Ajod of tlie Laitirock Bros* C0, Little Bisters of the Poor Lattomm Gpoo Ilfs* Hood for -ostitufco ChiH ron • hofferto & Co, Hono for -'riealloos & Ldhn £ Hinl:, Inc* Children • UcG-ibbon %;;lnoorlnc Co* Hospital of tho Holy -anily 50 HoHoctesa life* Co*, David llosp, of *wt.Giles tho lo 55 Lsanhattan Shoddy Hills House of the Good Shejfeord - Uartin, Ben Inasmicdi Hold - Has on & LbycKhoiner Coni'* Ufo Co* Ind* Hono for tlio Blinl 75 Hotel Paefcinc Coip* of II.Y. Jcsr/isli Hoop, of Brooklyn 205 Hiller A Van Him do, Inc* KaJlamd Scandinavian Onlianaco 91 Hurcot t £ Carjpboll Hines County Bam for tho Agod national Suljtear Co.9 Inc* and Infim r e u y o a k 32 City or 2ovai Hants Population 1916 war 1910* Sire g. Ho* cf Iloci- talc* Hano of Ho spit cl • Ho* Bode* Doctors Yotal Ifec* fsr 11*0. d.O * mi YOKE cm (Cont'a.) BBQCWBlS (Cottt'd*) • Hot; Stylo launlry, Col, Ire# Klncc County Hospital 1, 106 Ostorlxmt, Jones A. Kingston Avc* Hocp* 810 Patterson, ilobort Kinloch Sanitarian IS Co, , J• -. Little Italy ITcifjfcboxiiocxl House i •» Pfoiffor Color co. lost: Island Collooo Ifcsp* 520 ihoenis ‘Anbo C0. Lex? Ilatemity Ifoep* (Branch of Poison* Charles Brooifyn Hospital) - Irosorvalin© Ufr> C0# Lutheran Hoop. fso'n* of tlic City | a o « of liot7 Yod: 70 does c c0., Oftas. ISorioifsoin icty BO Boyol %clnc - ervaigi1 Co*, (2 Hants) nolle, fanitcriun - . ot Pash latndiy Inc* LIcoorial -dcvoncAry for -a.ion & Aushnoro Paper Go* Children - Cchaetslo -ill: Co.* Ire., D* A A. Hotfoot! 1st BplJDOpal Church. Haas Pchuylor & Qaddoll a3il Hospital SS5 Sicilian / sphalt Pavin'; co* Uid\7ood l ani tar inn • Sni th 6 Xcnpholn Horton Sanitarian - Upony A Beale Co. Uuncio Sanitarian 25 Spicer, Inc*, John Hutual Hospital 20 Jtato A C0., woo. II* Y* fjn&xiccM Bab, Hospital 15 A Cone, John 11*Y* City Hono for Acod & Infim Saylor & C0,, Inc* 1,555 Soser Ufa* & novelty Co. S*Y* Conprofjational Hone for the Prornor Bvortjrcen Drotvoiy, 2he Jno* A. /iCOd 100 Sumor A founoord 9 Inc* ITon/ordan Christian Her e for the tfrfim Ct V* 4* Aood 15 Via He. co - Hoxivocian Lutheran Horn Pole & Sorwoefc 6 Hospital 175 V/landa A Co*, John C, Orphan Aoyltan of the City of Yourc °o., Hi<fcard BrodSOyn 00 Orphan Bono 02 the Sorrowful Lloffoor dm Orphan liouoo of the Church Clarity Foundation of Lone Io2 .* ** * Osanen Hone for Friendless !-omi - She Pilcher Private Hoop* no Pratt Institute at Hoaso m Prospect lloiditd Hospital & Brooldyn Hatomity 50 BJ&OOweod Sanitarium • Ibmi C-tholic Orphan Asyltaa mm S&mritan Hosn* of -rooh^n 40 Scandinavian -cdlor's Seerp* Bono- Scandinavian Yearn;; Aomen's IJoed - Sea Brecse Hospital 45 SesgaXe Hospital - Seaside Hone for Crippled Child Bocond Hood for tho Aged of tho Little Bisters of tho Xoor 260 Sheltering -103 Inirsoiy 86 Silver Cross Hooe - SJasm Canitoriun 55 St* Catharino,o Hospital 225 St* Christopher's Hoep* for IfcMos 75 St* -oninic's Ilono of tho ~orrov,lrc Hotlior mm St* John's Hone for Boys mm St* JbJm's Ilooidtcl 04 St* JoJm'o Ococn Ilono OTft St* Joseph's ~e nlo Oxpfian - St* Jocoph's Institute for tho Irpiovod Instruction of Hoof lultCD 115 st* iPdachy's Hone for Cjiildron 01 Ot* Haasr'o Hospital 270 St* lea. I's Pernio Ordian * cyltan - St* Pot or'□ llooo - St* Potor's Hosnltdl 750 St* dneent's Hone for Boys - Sunshine Bono for %Mec mm Swedish Auoostan . Bono - Swedish Hospital 40 trinity Homdtal • H*i>* ak'.vt'H os^dtal 390 UtrecOlit Hoop* A Dispensaxy « Hood for {jod A Infim 80 IT B v; Y 0 JX K 33 City or 3ym Plants PoToiatlon 1916 War 1910* Airies. Ho. of Hospi- tals. Bane of Hospital. llo. Beds. Hoc Sotal tors Bsc. for U.G.JUC. hl'7 you' ciaf {Cent**.’ BUDOKEm (Cont'd.) ..illirncbordfi Hospital Lillis Sanitarium Young 1. oncm * o -Man i sli Lutheran I too Sion Hoa'ital 65 25 40 * Jcmica Perl: Laundry Co. of L.I., Inc. Standard Lot lash Laundry Liberty launtixy mm 6 Chapin Homo &>r the Asad ft Infim Jamica Hospital ilary Iixncuiofco iloep. Ottilio OrShan -%■ Inn Ilosp. < uomisboron&i Hcnp* for Con- tagious -iotroat Hospital 55 75 26 40 10 Uaratfoor nart;t!*m Uarmirr; Coip* - - Mi 2 - Osono Pas?c Bmdbsinan, L. ft Co. - - - 4 1 Union Gonroo i-’rodt 6 Co., 2. - - - - - Uoodhavon - 1 st« iinthony,s Hospital 400 24 3 FA& BO0E&RX Sheffield &mo Go., Inc. . - 2 Boa Beach ik> cpitrl St. Joseph*s Hospital 133 66 11 - Avomo -ot V/aoh lenndiy mm - - 1 - Hansel - 1 JSOG&Hoay Beach Ihospital 40 - - LcA/ronoo ft Go., Inc., n. 1,070* «* - 3 - Bocbaway Beach Blief field iAanno Go., Inc. mm — 7 2 Bodtenoy Paste - mm 2 Sanitarium for Hob res-/ Children of the City of Herr Yorfl: St. Ualachy*s Horio 420 500 3 l&llcy Stream - 1,100* 1 V/oyel&e Horan 20 2 - FIZTUniUG FliioMnr; Stoan Icunixy Ifoird or Ifotor C0jp# - 2 Fl*adh iit£ Hospital ft Biop. Sanfoxd Hall 126 44 42 9 Collor.'o Foist American liana, Itotfocr Co. * 1 BothMion Orphan ft Half- Ornfto Arylun 100 6 1 Corona - 1 i)r. Qoriboftft Sardtarltaa 46 15 - X&cpetfe Bidicer, Bronn ft Donald, Inc. - - - 4 - lort inpton - 2,000* 1 Qhontoclor Hospital - 10 mm VJhi too tons Utica Heater Co. baloott ft Spinning Go. - - — — 6 1 as Fhitostov/n) Ir&vood 2,000* 1 St. Saviour*o Sanitarium - 2 ** TjDHG I5L&ED CITY /nsricoji Syndicate Astoria Veneer Hills ft Bod: C0. Atlontic Uaoaroni Go. 0olnr5>ia Sapor Ibfi Co. Holliday Horp Go., Inc. Hoptimc HctorCCo. itao Ilotallic Bod stood Co. Bosojtuacoor Bros., Inc. Sheffield Sams Co., Ire. Stoitmcr, £. L* 2boraa«m Irocs Co., <Jc$m V/illinnccn ft Co., Inc., ■u. D, 2 St. John’s ioopital St. Jocopfc*s Orphan -'-syXan I 225 mm 01 6 -storia - 1 Liver Crest i£i (COO L.I. city) 5 Laurel Hill Hichols Copper Cora .any — - mm «• - 11 E W Y 0 a K 34 Population Ho* of IIo* Hoc tors City or r2oxsi Plants 1016 War IIosp I- llano of ‘Oopitel * i3odc* 20fe-l Hoc* for 1910" Sines, tain* l;,0*ii*C, hetj Yorr cm: (Coat'd,) PcBsan H,Y* Xf&or-Urtan -ator Go* 7CC* mm mm 7 1 WoGtchosfcGF Go* • mmm isl&id 110 11 Arlington Boscsy Shipbuilding co* mm mm mm 1 • Staton Island .hlplmlldin: r Boronph Hall City »ator -orlss - “ * — mm Gastieton Comoro - • 1 U,Y, City Pam Colony £ Boa- • • via? Hospital 2,100 Ikm&m Hills * Pain, Henry J# • mm “ mm • H2n Paife Stanford vhraish Woxfla* - - - - - Ft* liftulagp rtfc - - 1 Post Hospital 3d - - Granville Borden* s Bam Prod* C0.# Inc* m - - 7 - uroGn Aidfjo - mm 1 St, nicPaolfG Boos for Bet titrate - mm Children 200 KreischorvillG Eroiodhor Bride Ufa* Go* - - — — *■ LinooltinsrlllQ Paoriean Linooltm Ilfo Co* “ mm - *■ • Harinors Harbor ?roctor & Bonblo U£q* Co* Staton Island Chip Building co* mm wm mm Hon Brighton * (Soe XiicSinsml Li ivc A H* Co* - 1 Sailors* Bans Harbor 200 6 Staton Island) Sen? Borp - 1 Soaside IIosp* for Cliildron SYS » - Pleasant Plains - mm 1 Asylum for Girl; of the 1 mm (1*0* Btoatsburc) mission of tho Inaacolato Virgin m Port Wichnond {boo Arorlcaa Linseed Co* m. - - 1 Btaton Island) Bosotxnlr. Cioclo Co*, 6» - - - »„ S * vt* Jioorao IXanicij.xil Foray - mm - 1 - Stapleton II,Y* a .lidinond '-•as Co* • 2 Bor inflow1 fcmily -qylm 00 (SOG 2 \ U«S, Harine Hospital Staton Island) Yonpldnovi lie • it -jewotor Seay Hills Co* “ 1 Staten Island Hospital ISO 2 \7, lion Britton - - 2 Hons fer c0cnonfG Children St, Vincent's Hoan, of tho 2*50 n S BorouJi* of Bictoonl 136 Hen Yoxfc Hills - Boo Utica fiiaoara Falls - chocon Graphite Go* 37tCS3 2 Lit, St* Gary's IIosp* ISO 50 9 Carborundum Go* Cataract Hilling °o* Defiance Paper Co* Bobbie Poundiy A Uaclilno Go, Bi&garo Palls a loo. Hospital 00 Hydraulic lonor co* InternetioixCL Pa; or Co* Icco Ghoedcal Co.f Inc* national Wioctrolytic Go* Hiagara AUaali Co* Hlafi&ra Illoctro Chonical G0# IT E W YOH 35 City or 2am Plante Population 1916 war 1920" Since* Ho* of Hospi- tals* Xfeao of Hospital* Bo. Bode* Doe Petal tors Hoc* for M*P* ..»• 0* ITiagara Palls (Cont'd*} liiajara Falls Hair Cloth \.-o:i© ITiacora dalle Pooer Cc. Gldhurr; Mlaotro C0# lottOIxsae-Catamot Paper Co* Phosphorus Coiwonds $o* Bompo Iron %*te HoGors, htci* , <'n* A# Shroddod Co* fitoniun Alloy Ilfg* Co* Union Carbide A Hloctro Lot* C0. Walker, • J* * Horth IxxTonco - Boo Malone north -<>gg - sog dodiio • mim sraaiim& Araorfean Bistrict Stoan Co* Buffalo - t *■$ Co. Oilcan & C0#, S* HorsdiGll-Opillmn Co* BiaOT® -iddlator & Boiler Co* 15,760 1 Bo draff lienorial Hospital 50 15 5 doPiSTersda Buffalo stool Co* Sfcnseonda Viator -'oftai G.S36* - - 11 1 Horth wM to Plains - Boo «M to Phil!® BortSvillc - Coo Gloversvilie BOH7K2I Borden's Condensed Milk Cc# Horr/icli %s A Hoctrid Co* ITomicIi B&tor UoiSdb ITcrv/Sch Hnlttiao Co* BowrSch fha meal Co* 0,342* 1 Ilorv/id: Hospital 10 16 6 Bricbon Bordon'a am * iodnctc C0#f inc# 101* mm - 1 - &VOCRQ Groono Hoc trie Llrjit Plant lyon Iron *,272* - - 5 - Ouilfbrd BocMalo Co* Sheffield i’amG Co*, Ino* 300* - - O u - lit* Upton Border* a Gondonsod Milk Co* 575* - mm 1 1 Bsc; Sort In Borden's Condonood Milk Co* 1,131* - - 6 - Shor&urno ol'orbumo knitting Com* Shorhumo Municipal Pleat 1,016* - mm 6 2 Sidney Phoenix Choose Co* Standard I&cjbt* Moat A Poser Co* 2fG£l* - — 4 2 dnyrna Sheffield Paros C0*, Inc* 247* mm mm 2 - South Phoenix CHeoeo Co* 206* mm - - - South Boer Berlin Borden*o -am rai* t Inc* 568* - - 2 - South Oxford Borden*o Pam Prod* Co*, Inc* 102* - - - - iTon/ood Loroood Hoc* Lie! it1 s Poser Co* (?) - - 5 2 U2ACK African - nilino Prodiicts, Inc* Horth di'sor Pony Co* Horth Pdvor Stood Boat Co* dockland A Honor Co. 4,291* 2 ityacE; Hospital Dutchess Co* Alnshonoo 25 110 11 1 Blauvolt - 175* 1 Asylum of the Bi store of St* Dominic 790 - - BDKUSt - 400* 1 St* A^tha#s Mono dor Child* 625 1 • - Qtn&gebaxg fibre Conduit Co* 250* - - - - Boarl Bivor Poster Polder Co* 1,200* Palk3Bib02n* Ofearloc {Spring Valley Hast) Lodcrlo Antitoxin Laboratories — Wft 2 mm HBO Y 0 B K 36 Puliation ITo* Of Ho. Doe tors City or Tom Hants 1916 Bar Horx'i- Hans of Hosnital* Bale* Petal Hoc. ror 1910* Stems. talc. I—#0«. '• C . EYiCH $0ont ’cl*) Piomont Biomont lizrar Co* 1,481* - - - - BparldLll - 016* 1 St. Convent mm 2 - 2apixm - 505* O 1# Boor of Hope & Uatomity IIoob Germn tlosanic Ilono 20 - - U* ll^ncSt I&acfc a tor woxfes «ocfeland Lieftt & Power Gq* 201* - - 5 - Otlrfiold - Boo Batavia OGDEK5BUI& Bailor, L. 0. 16,710 2 City Htapltal 65 55 4 City u ator Woifes miliar; Co* Oglcnsbarc Bator Poraar Co. at* Icx/ronco Ug&fclno Ifcd luy Co* St. Lxaranco State Hospital 2, ,017 Centos Cart on Wator Woifes 2,624* - - 8 9 Dofelb Brocm A Bailey Condensed Hill-: Co* 121* - mm - - Junction Borders Prod* C0-f i£c# 425* mm - 1 - Cfoiivomour Borden’s Bam •• 'rod* C0.t jiio* International loco Co. Internet! oral 111 Ur Prod* Go. 416* • ** 10 1 Ilornon Bairfcroc&s 6 Son, B* J* Hires Conrlcnood UiUr Co* 607* - - 5 - Li ebon .■.aoffioM B ms Co*, Inc* Bbod & uayrso 450* - - mm - Uodrid Undrid Bloctric Liciit C0* 800* - - 1 - norrlotossn Iliroo Condensed I.111I: Co* 479* - - 1 - natural Ban AJdricH Inner Co. 250* mm mm - - XOtodan I&niciml Bloc* Li{Jh.t u atop Co* Ibcrgnetto H*vor Paper Co, Utility Bapar Bills, Inc* 4,157* 8 2 Pyrites Boonaoso Paper Co* 170* - - 1 - -lonccclaor Falls -ionscolaor .Ulc Lipht 1 Pernor Co* Sheffield Barns Co, Inc* 574* " 5 Qt&W Bene Claes Co. 16,624 5 Qioan General Hospital 60 36 8 Arctic Ico Co* Oloan K^nitarian 20 Oloen Palace Laimory & Cioonin/? co*, Hnplro Bamiir; Co* Bn fiend, Walton A Co*, Inc* Inc. Hoc Croat Senaterinn 40 U*Y* %ai»it Co* Pure Ico Go* Union Banning Co* Vactmn Oil Co* Bladi CpoCJr Borden’s Bam Products Co., Inc* ICC* - - - - Ciib a Borden’s -‘am irodixstc Jo., Inc* Phelps Ci Jib lay Go* 1,645* 1 Hvano Sanitarium 8 7 O Bitefc Bhoffield Bams Co*, Inc* - - - mm - Ischua ui'offiolcl Ban® Co., Inc* 290* - - - - Portvilie Horth V/octam Loathor Co* 765* - - 5 1 Vandal ia Vardalia OHoaieal Co* 100* - - - - omm. MirOBdaefe Aloe* Poser Coxp* 0,005 2 Broad St* Hospital 50 16 5 Burt Clnoy lamina co* Bodflo Stool Inllesr Go* Oneida City Hospital ** II.Y* Btato ifiailtcys Uoofccott Glruclr C©. - B2u YOBS 37 City or Boon Plants Population 1916 har 1010* 2ir»c. Iso* of IIocT/i- xtejjo of Hospital* tel s* So. Bods* Doc Yotal tors Hoc* for a* v * _*.» C* OmiM (Cont*d*) Ganaotota / lart 6 I-lcGuiro Go* Control IT*Y* Pac?cr Co. 3tDS9* Z Canastota Privato Hasp* Canestota Public Homo* 10 a 4 Gcsonovia Caacno via -doc* Co* V* H* 1,920* - •• 4 1 CMttonongo Uhoffbrd CSbeoso Co*, Inc* 1,074* - - B - Baton Baton & I orrisvllle -.doc* oaor C0* Uboffield i'arag C0.# Inc. 750* 1 I tills on County hlixhonoo - 1 - Seafrg’otcwn Borden* o -am ' rod* Inc* 520* - - 1 - Ilaailton Boa id of gator & IlgM CcoaiD si oners drisbio £ Gtcnc Moll Knitting co. Ilar&lten Go. Loo Conning Co* 1,506* 4 2 Ilunncvillo Burnsville ..loo Go* 425* - - 1 - South Doy Alart & 1-cOuiro Co* 163* - mm - - S&lmm. Beadi - 196* 1 Oneida Private Hospital 52 Z 1 Yemen Bros* G0* 532* - - 5 1 cmcmh Bauer Clenial Co., Inc* Buchlcgr Bros* Co* Onoonta Light & Pocmr Cc* 10,962 1 Aurelia Osborn Box Itnoria! Keep* 25 20 0 Bloonvillo Bboffield Go*, Inc* 305’ - - - Mi B&vcnporfc 0 outer Sheffield ~bmo Co*, Inc* 129* - • - mm - £* uoscooter Groat Bar* Zd&t 6 famr co* Sheffield Bams co., Inc* 450* - * • - - - Sdaeston Bordon*a Born Products G0,9 Inc • 749* - wm O - Gilbertsvilla Borden*a Bam Products Co., Inc* 451* - - 5 - Barporsflold Dzrj 1 ‘11$ Co. 1<B* - - - - Hobart Chef field % Products Co* 596* - - 2 - BdhQnOVGQ Border *o Pam Prod* Co., Inc. 557* - - 1 - Hindi 11a Unodilla Village hater V/eate Bold Bvapcsated hill: Co*, J&m 1,125* - ** 4 • Wells Bridge Borden*c Bam - redacts Co*, Inc* 165* Mi mm - “ w* liar or afield hboffield toe Co*, Inc* - - - - - ,oxcoator Boidon*c - d* co*,‘ Ire* V/o rooster Bloc trie Lifl-t Co* 1,G20* mm “ 3 1 Yeungs Borden*s Bam Prod* G0.t Inc* G7* - - 2 1 Onondaga - Coo Syraciiso Onoviile - Lico dalancnca Ontajlo - -eo ikfikm Onangobvre ~ goc Qrcrootosm (?) Jtoch Water box!©, village of Stair L * w ** Oriolzaay “ Coo Utica m Orleans - Coo Genova Oxwoll - 314* 1 Ctoogo Co* hl>* Hospital 50 1 - HEW Y 0 H K 38 City or Bovm Plants Population 1916 war 1910 4 Ho. of Hospi- tals. IJo. Haras of Hospital. Bods. Hoc 2otal tors &>c. for U.O.E.C. GSSI1TIHG Hudson . ire Co. Borth ostefcostor Lifting Co* 13,705* 3 C-roonnoimt Gcnltarim 6 Oosinirc Hospital 00 SSmS Sine Prison Hospital 60 10 0 Brlareliff liaaar Staffoxd Coi, Arod P* 1,221* - 1 •» QSiZSGO -fines lion Woifes Coe Bros., latndsy Condo, Prod Com Predicts eofirdj\ • Co. Farrell, 5. 0. Fitsgtbbons Boiler Go* FJcisctaim I&Xiiac Co. Friable & Btcnsfiold Jrnittinr:; Co. PrisMo S G tans field Ecittiny Co* Ilayoa tinr; Co. KlCSsford Aotsrslxy A Haiti ine oiin Paction; Hhderoecr Go. Lanai Chocolate V/oxte Omoo Candy l/ods Oswego KaeMno i.oifcc OCRTC'D epodo Cloth C0* OsHPOrp cool Co. Poet & Henderson Co. Stoddard on Go. of H.Y. 24,101 (Standard Bent.) (stand, s- irmin'; ©opt 3 .) Dr. Kidder’s House HI OwiQCP Hospital 75 0t. Prone! s Hono 100 20 5 A1trar Borden’s Bern Prod* co., Inc. 390* - - 2 - Paiifraven Borden*e Faro Prod. c0#f Inc. 624* - - 1 - Bomaood Borden*o Pars Prod. Co.t Ino. 160* - - - - .cidba ih,t icfml I-IiUt Ducar Co. (Shorn, as ‘-crib:. Cantor) 199* - - - - Otl cvillo - Soc Kiddle t am Ovid - coo Genova 0(1580 Ottogo Bridge Corn. 0ooyo Gas Go. CK/QiP Li bt o Por/or Cq. Palncr & Sono, Press®: 4,070* mm n 4 Barton Borden* c Pare Prod. C0,f Inc. BOO* - - - - Borlstfiiio Borden*s Psrr. Prod. C0., Ijtc. 4E0* - - i - Candor Borden*s Sfcjsa Prod. C0*, Inc. 749* - - - CatatoiU: Beider’s Pam Prod. Co.f Inc. ~ - - - - ALo nine's vi 11 o Borden*o Pawn Prod. co., Inc. 90* - - - - Howrrffc Valley & Po’aor C©. 000* - - 3 - Snitliboro Borden*3 Porn Prod. Co., Inc. 252* mm - - mm %ctncor Hired Condensed faille Co. Gaeloy Electric Li'iit Coancay 653* - mm 3 Z Oxford - (?) 1 IT.Y. State W anon *8 Pali of Corns Hone 30 (In Barrae&D) 230 7 mm Crane State - Gee Hoar Yosfc City tinier BroolOyn t ir latino (?) Hota’xrl: Irc-rovoncnt Co. - - - - - Palatine 3r3dcc - See Little Bells lalryra - Boo Iyons lain: - Goo Ho dice tor Patefoocuo - coo Babylon Pattorcon Shoffield Pome Co., Inc. 400* - - 2 - n B W YORK 39 City or Uotji Pleats Population 1916 V/ar 1910* Sir*®* no* of Ilospi- Homo of Hospital* tcls* Ho* Bods* 2 0 c Eotr.l tors ifcc* for 1.1*0 *.f*C* Pearl -liver - Soo I&ntfe vnmmut una. c0. flGisdimnn Co* Hsylor Dros, loolxldll viro Brick "Oidx, Inc* 1 GdteoId.lI Light 6 Mlroad Co* Southard ftfoortcon Co* Union Stove v/orts 10*030 6 Holpinu Head Hospital Loewy Hospital Hoyos Hamortol Home 20 loolxidil Hospital 50 St* . nnfs Horae for Destitute Child ron 3t* Josephs Itae for Destitute Children 1,250 ; 10 5 Camel Uavlor uicctric Idfiit Plant 588* - - 3 - Pelham - Coo to? Tori: City Ponfiold - Coo Hoebestor Pennellvillo - Coe Pul tea HSST X'JT Andrews A Co*, Ire*, Adhn U* Dlrtaott Hills Pos & • 11* Penn Yao a Leix Shore Alee* C0. Yates Co* Ccaninc co. Yates Bloc* &i£ht & lessor Co* 4,725* 1 ilatnalxr Private Hospital 7 15 0 Dundee Dundee Bloc trie Llirht Co* 1,236* mm - 6 - pqpacton - Uoo Liberty Horsy - Sec % Porcyaburc 250* 2 J* IT* Man Ikncvicl Hospital ixnynTmrc Sard tar is© 125 4 - Foraten - See itTcea (Steam as forint or) Phelps - Coo Somm li'ilnant - Soo Hudson Phoenix - -oc Pulton Phoenix Hills - Coo Cooporotovm fierce Yield - Coo Ur-cher La!?© Plornont - Coe Hyadc lit fee ford - cog Mdtea®tor PMSSSBBaG Soodbauor Crocoiy Co*, Inc* Claris -telle Co* Loire Checg&a&B Pulp A Paper Co* fTortTioxr, Iren Co* PlattclUiTf; PgbiS. 6 IJacMno Co* Proprosoivo aiilp & ibpor C0, Understood Paper Hills* Inc* 12*037 5 Arcy Hospital Crcnnlaln Vrl 3ay Hospital llano for tJie Friendless of northern to/ Ycrlc cions * Hospital S,F* Bilas Her© for the Caro of Aged & Irfim -onon 50 75 35 56 25 25 6 Alton?, Dcrion's Am Prod* Co*, Ire* ICO* - - 1 1 Aocablo Fosfx IbvosOR Process Co* 1*200* - - 4 o M* Sheffield ~amo Co*, Inc* Sheridan Iron Carls 1,279* - - 2 . 1 Jteraeneir. 069° 2 Clinton Prison Keep* Darnooorc State Hospital 172 400 0 1 . lloriburji Stoffiold -bras Co., Inc* 152* - - 1 - Forest Sheffield Pairs 0o., Inc* (34* - - - - Zyon Hountain Chatosugua Ore a Iron Co* 200* - - 1 *■» xjtiooo Point Bouses Point Hunicipol Hater -oifx 1,705* - mm 3 - Stand ish Hortliom Iron Co* £9* ~ 2 2 it e y loan 40 City or Sean Plants Population 1916 War 1910* Pinos# Ho, of Hospi- tals# Hat® of Hospital# Ho. Bods* Soc Sotlil tors Dee* for i*-*S..- i.G# Pleasant Plains - Soc Ha? Yosi: City unior Staton Island Pocantico Hills - Poe Carcytovan * Ponfrot - So© I Jay vi 11c POHZ GnEG2Sli /.bond rota Pros. WIlford Hall Icbomtorioc 16,100 1 Uni tod Hospital 58 21 5 Harrison mm 1,000* O Grbomo "onorlal liono Pt* Vircent’o ibtroai 175 6 1 ** 5,509* 2 Hi scion of the Imaculato Ylrin Osborn Ilenorial Hono Ass’n* 200 100 0 1 Port Opono - Poo BisiisGEfcon Port ifcron - Soo Kingston lort Homy - Soc • Part Jefferson - Doc I&Hfcinctcn Tort Jcrvio Billirdor Bros*, Inc* Oraryo (Jaunty Pi1># Pomrico Coxp* l ort Jtorvis Steam Icssaadry Port <1 or vie Paction G0# 9,076 4 Doer Parte Sanitarium People’s Sanitoritn Port Jervis Hofpltal St# Haryfs Orribsn -sylum 0 25 155 18 2 lort loyden - Goo Uxrvlllo Port Hietaonsi - Soo TVi# Cfty ml or Stater, Is Sand Portvillo - “oo Glean Port Washington - Poe Dow Yosfe City tmOos* Pot o&an - Soo Ogdenslixrc pomamaeic Drool® £ Co# DolajJieEiha £ Co* , i<# J# Do Java! Poramtor Co* Dutchess llfg# Co# ita&osctl Bearings Co*, Inc* Hudson ulvor Hotmlry Co. Idola linen XSMh do# lease Dree* Co# Po6$&oepeSo, city of Potsmllcnlfh Corn* H o idiom’o Xr.undjy 50,590 15 City Hono 20 Du toEhoso County Inocaie Psylun Hono for the Brland!oes 60 Hudson Bjvor State Hospital 5,000 Old ladies * Hone 50 OH Hoi’s llooc 20 Dr# Poudbor’o lice pi tal 15 PrSngLe Itoorial Pore Sadlior’o Hospital 17 Samol W* Detmo Lon* Ifocp# 100 St# Prancis Hospital ¥assar Brothers Hospital 04 fecoar College Infirmary 50 76 25 Billings Gloffioid %ms Co., Inc# 65* - mm 1 - Davor *Vjmcoo ;'"affield Pastas Co*, Inc* 56* - - - - Gardiner Borden*s -a® Prod* Co,, Inc# SSI* - - 1 - Boland Pel' Lie’;; Xus© Srao Jvdeo Co*, Inc* 1,570* - - 4 1 How HoB&faxg Stuart, P* II* ,obort J* 575* - - - - Galt Point damore Milt Co*, Inc* 116* - - 1 - btanfonlvillc Borden’s Bam Prod# Co*, Inc* 546* - - 1 1 stor^ville Borden’s Beam Prod# Co., Inc* 175* - - - • Woic PboffidM %ims Co*, Inc# 147* 1 Hope Hono - - - W&pplfsgor’o P; idle Sweot Orr . Co*, Inc# 0,742* 1 Ballaulot Hono - 7 1 %osalc Borden*s Barn Prod# C0#t Inc* 535? - - - - V/oot X,aate«<'qp"4>iO*4Iulson - 75* 1 Sacral Heart Oipten -*sylt® 250 1 mm V/inodaio Borden’s Bam Prod* C0* , Inc • 156* mm - - - XI E w YORK 41 City or ton Plante Pontile 1916 1310* ition Har Giro c ♦ iio. of Hospi- tal G « HacD of Hospital* Ho* Bods# Doctors ffotcl %c. for LI. . AC. Prattcville rmttsriilo Bvocmvz Go. 500* - - — Xyritos - 5 go OfjaonoUirc; *' aioraio uaituck k&ter V/ojrtss 271* - - - llaMKRr Lai© - soo Hoi© Kuchacjaa Rempo - to Suffem Baadolph - •Too Solamnoa Havana - Goo Aloary Boy Brook - ■ Goo Samoa© LoJ© Bod Crook - Soo Godno Bod Hook - Goo Kincstoa BonecGlaar - goo illmap aons3Gla.Gr -’alls - Gog OgloiBlmrg HfclnObQGfc - Goo Klncstcn Rid aaonlvillc - >jqo ilc&Okari© BioIMllG Horton Ico Ore an Go., J. I;* 31G* - - 1 Biplay - sgc lloyvillo PdfOI^TO.od iiTOitsoad Slootrio HicJit Co* Gels & . ortok 2,000* - - 4 2 immtMm idler Bros* & Oq,, 1. 250,417 Allan Pooler. Hlllo ikaoriecn lanadxy liacSfeinaacy Co. Ancrioan • oal -otlcin;; l&cfoHoory G0, An&say Befell** Go# Axuotxen ■ Go., Inc*, J# Ai&lq/ 3^iinB:R7osS& Atkincan 0q, Aabum Ball Bocalnc co# BoodHBPat PaefeSnc Go# Bridgofted lfc.<f:£no ffasfes Brovn A Co#, G, k. Buffalo, Backport & H&hoster %• Go. Croccont laniard llnterprlae Lrmndjy co, Ciiptio Bro tkorc Co* tots c0., 3• a, Baric liaeMno 2ool Gc, Ins# Brie Poimlry co# klCMPr Git-y SSA8U6 kills Go* Prtaloridh Bros# R-oalty Go# General Go* too coo Pack Go# Hinds A Cq., 5* , Hood Xcraniry KopooLn Bros# JtetoGi* Go* Hoiacdliolu Icpaiiy liungarfoid Ssith. Go. liXJlo AadiinD Go. Khav/iton C0., :;. C, Levy Bros# Clothinc %ci»G Go. Dae rthvr Bjoo* Go., Y; lo oca.on Gq. aad£ A Go. lloor ®orp#, JcSm C. uoooiy a iiotioy nixiine co# National Gar kissel Go# Hortaiimst Potudriec, *ne# Gcloy & Back, Inc# l oot ir rocs Print in:; Co# Boot! -2aso Go#, k. Xfediostor Cold storapo A icc Go. -4xv oetor koldins Boat Go. Bodhoctor Duciiino Gq. Bochostor Hotor Go., Ire# Xiodiootor Goilvmy & Mriit Go, 22 Cfcourcb Hono of tho I rotoctonfc Episcopal cktircli Ip.vts Private Hospital 6 Goman Ilooo for tke -uod 50 rdinxm Hospital 154 lola Banatoritn 250 Infant o* toner Hospital • JotTidh Orifcon of »octom. licr;; Port: SI loo Primte Hocpitnl 55 Iionroo Go# Alrsdioroo Hospital 250 Paxfe Avomo koqpital 58 fsodioGtor Cksiarr l Hospital 500 Ibclicctor norsooriatMc Hoop# 140 Bockoctor limicipal Hospital 70 Orrkan -sylim Bochoctor loalth /cc’h# itodiootor State Hospital 1,456 kodKJDtor at# kaiyfs •-osp# 225 St# Ate’s Homo 150 St. Joseph9s Asyltn 140 St# Uaiy#s Boys* OrpTicn -15-lim 215 St# X at rick* a Orrtjcn Girlsf Aoyli© 142 V/ootem ll#Y# Inct# for Uutoc 170 4G6 ISO > HEW X 0 dK 42 City or Boon Plants Population. 1016 Par 1910* Pinos. Ho* Of Hoqpi- llano of Hospital* tdls. Ilo. Bods. .Doc 9ote.i tors Poe. Lbr II.C.B.C. HDCHD3YBR {Cont*d*} Boehostor atoms Zctmliy C©# dodhostor »»v7igg Laundry Go. Unitary laundry Go. Goldon He tor Vehicle Go. Shwwood Ghoo Co. Stsn3&rd Gil Gq. of Il.Y. u Gtor Bye Carrier 6 Prey il£j> Go. Oetlodh Bros., Inc. 2roueh G0., Vacnan Oil Co. Vogt lift;, & Coacti Lace Co. 'tmor’c Bsnodieo Go. .omjr H Gone, Inc*, John Barnard - SOD* 1 St* inn’s 3 one - - 1 Britton Brldgaford Sfcchino Pool Cortes 1,250* - - 2 - Broclrnorfc Board of Cat or Comics! oners Brochport 3as Li. fit Go. Bailey tHoll Co., Inc* Hooro-Bhafor GIioo ICf(> C0, 5,360* 0 2 Charlotte - p OA^>* 1 Infants1 Samir Hospital - - mm G* BocSioster - Clcrte Hardi7aro Ufa* Go. drmlro Heaving & Boi tine Co. LcstIgco Bros* Paper Hills Piorco Co. 3,671* m 2 C-rooco ( Bodhostor) Claite Pspor & life# Go. Ciochostor c; IeI:o Ontario /ator Co. - - - 1 - Hhnlin Her? Hartford Gaming Co., Ltd. 400* mm - 1 - Ilolloy Holley fetor wsites Hudson & Co* 1,700* - - 4 1 Industry 750* 1 Boats’ Industrial school 750 1 - Lina loeteo Insulator Ufa* Go* Hurray, 1 • • - - 3 - Poms iulo & Pratt, Inc. 159* - - 1 - Pcnfiold Igk?1osg Caper Co., B, p. $29* - - 1 - Pittsford - 1,376* 1 Priordly Hood - 3 - ohstor >iyinr; cyst one Inc* iteiro Qypam Co* lobster Carniin: £ Presortin'; Go* 1,439* mm mm 5 2 Bodconoy Booch - Coe liar? TorSt City uni or Star I&dsasxy BocScaasy Paste - Goo llov? Yoite City under Par Hoctooay • Bocte Clan - See v/arsocr BOHS Columbia Knitting Hills Pt* OtciETis Canedne Co* Pony & nucucnnfs aom Bloc trie Co* Bran© Gas a Bloctric Co, Bono Iron Hills, Inc* Bono Llfy. Co* Bone doop Life* Go. llono Pontile Co* Bodg Jiro Co. PM to Laundry G0. •• ill lass Bros* afg* Co. 25,737 6 Control II*Y. Institution 3>r Deaf ILatoo Dr* W*J* Hines ley’s Cancer Sanitarium Oneida County Hospital Lions Hospital Bono Infixmxgr Boro State Custodial Hsyltaa 1 95 50 150 30 50 ,200 36 9 Boonvillo Boonvilic Croonoiy & Gold Ctorago Co. Gallup, ..'rani: B* . 1,909* 1 Guillaume • s Beni tariwn — 5 — Cardan Borden’s Psm Products C0., Inc. 2,101* - - 5 1 Bin JatldLn© Galt Co. 52* _ • - - M 3 fJ YGliK 43 City or Stovaa Plants Population 1916 Bar 1910* 2iD03. Ho* of Hospi- llano of Hospital, taL G* He. Bode, Boo Potal tore Hoc* for ia*0* •0* 3QLS {Cont'd.} l.GGtorKVillo Olney & Ployl (Sfccran ao Scoters) an* - - 8 5 Soatooroland Borden’s Pona Products Co*, Im* Wostnoroland Ilallcablo Iron Co*, ltd* 508* - - 1 mm Boooh&xflc - Coo IJcpj Xoife City tailor Staton Island Ik) ocndalc - Coo I’incxsfc on Boclyn - Coo Lllnoola Boosms - Soo .‘^idccm Iior.300 Point - 3oo PlattsUirc Ptebmy Co2d Sprinc Cooperative Cnoorery Shoffiold Pam Co*, Ira, 413* - - 2 - Bunsen (?) Brown & Son, B, k. “ - - - mm Buslivillo - Boo Genova - Coo Port Choc tor Sac Harbor - go Bridco Hampton St* -Gorco - Soo Ilcrw Pori: ©ity under 0 tat an Island St. Jotawillo - uoo Little Jails St* Joseph - -00 i;iddIota7n St* GQic Calls - Soo L&lono SAiAn&HC/i Zkmx&i Sons Co*, C, Salamnca Viator a Lipjit Dept# Union famine 0,370 2 Dr* J6hs Hinnm ’ o Priv# Sojsit* 10 12 4 Cattaraugus /*norican Panel Co* Cekos & Bnrcor Co* Cattamuoas Sloe* light 8 Pa?or C0, BvtUB, B. H. Ulroc Condensed IliHc Co* 1,876* mm Z Borden’s Condon cal liiHc Co* HHicottviiac Hater Co* Lander 6 -atcon rocory Co, 301* • • 5 - Gounnda Bactcra Phrnarc Cites Co* Hoo!xsrfs Icvnliy I-bcndi Sons Co*, C, 2,534* 1 Oceania State Honoo* Hosp, 1,140 9 3 Littlo Valley Lnrroll-Scmlo o* 1,007* - mm 2 1 Hapoli Ha poll Cpocso actCry 80* - - - - Quo villa Ono villa Croozaoxy Co, ICO* mm - - - Randolph Borden’s Condonsoci 1211k Go* Irdqtiois Utilitioc, Inc, ifeaadolxti Barrel Co* 1,541* 1 Bog tom 1T,Y, Soc* for the Iro- toction of Hoaolosc & Destitute CMHron 135 4 • Stoedbnrc Ciovordale CIigooo %ctoxy £74* - 1 - Salem - soo Groanaieh • Salt Point - soo PorcJhkeqnGlc Bandlals) - Soo Prop Sandy Credit - Soo Hatortotm Santa Clara - Soo Hakno BBU YOKE 44 City or Plants lamia 1016 1910* tion war Tines. IIo. of Ilocpi - lane of Hospital* talo* Bo. Bede* D o c Total tors Boo* for r*o.2.c* amauac l&ee Saranac Lake uas Co* 4,910* 9 MironSLaefo Got taco sanitarian Collins Cottacc PvorGTocn Lodoe Con* IIosp* of Saranac Lake Harem is Cottajo Hod Gottapo eception Hospital doowiapp Cottars St* tlaryfs of the lefeo 123 f> 20 12 8 7 10 22 19 24 6 Cabriole - £00* 1 Bonitariun -*abriols 75 1 - Buff Drool: 47* 3 Hountcin PiOL7 B.Y* State IIosp* for the Treat* nont of Incipient* X-mlnonory Tuberculosis Beff Brook Pam 20 320 30 4 1 aizusocr spiunos Be&flor Ilf ;* Coip* Jdaaoral Carbonic Go* Corotoja of P&oiapODii Icundxy Co*t Irse* 10*021 6 County Th* Hospital UcCarty Hospital Saratoga Cttro & Infirmry Saratoga Hospital St* Christina*o Hospital Br* Btranp1 s Saratoga 5? • rlnpo Wan! toriun 45 25 50 60 150 35 9 Balstan. wpa Bavin on Hassock Foundry Co* 4*544* 2 Caroonfcier Infirmly Cm Sanitarium 20 14 7 - Corinth International Paper Co* 2,410* mm mm 3 - uG31DOVDOlt Bonlonfc Bern Prod# @o*, Inc* 125’ - - 1 - • nocr^jaicovillo Hcdhomicsvillo IMttinc Co* best 7a* Pulp & Warper Co* 0,200* «■» mm IS 4 Schuyler Junction ( Cora- Bordanfc -bm I rod# Co*, Im* tors Springe) - - - victor Hills -noriecsn naistfactarinc Co* 607* ** - - - wilton mm 158* 1 rfb* Wanatoriun of tho Metro- politan Life Ins* C0. - 2 - Oauouoit - Boo Ulica Savona - woo Coming woyvillc - woo Babylon sanm®2tBx Lmvtom Loo ono tiro Co* Internet land Hill: . rod* Co* Ilcfcony & Co*, Cj-ao, lllca Insulator Co* Horris Laundry wobor 111oc* Co* b oot injhorso Co* 99tSl9 3 County House Hospital Hills Hospital Wchonoctady C0* 7b* Bespit al 160 75 126 39 Charlton - 102* 1 Charlton ind* %e school - 1 - wchonevus - Woo Onoonta Pam Pral* Co*, Inc* 1,124* - 5 - Control Bri&oo heffield %«as Co*, Inc* 406* - - 1 - GobblODld.ll Prance Hi 11 in.; Co* Shoffiold Paros Co*, Inc* 2*062* - - 9 3 IlOE/o Cavo Sheffield Bams Co*, Inc* 1G9* mm - - - II^BlDVillO Cheffield Paros Co*, Inc* 134* - - 1 - 3ichnonlvillo Sheffield Paros Co*, Inc* 067* - mm 2 1 Sloansvillo Sheffield Pams Go*, Inc* 210* - mm €» mm II B U YORK 45 Clt;r or Doan Xlcntc Population 1316 V;ar 1910* Finoo* 116# of Iloopi- llano of Hospital# talc* Bo. Bods# Doe Dotal tors iioc# for U#0*iBC# Sduyler Junction - Doe GaratoGa Springs Bcio - Doc Belleville Scribo - Doo Oswooo Goa Cliff - Doo Uinoola SEHSBA FALLS Bcnoca Fella life# C0if Inc# 7,010* 1 Broun Hospital 22 11 3 Gonoca V/ator Co# Fagotto 262* 1 Don oca County Ilono 60 1 • Uillar& • 010* 1 Dillard Dtato Host.* for Insane 15 2 CocTard - Coo CGonerstoun Sharon S trills - Coo Coopers town Sherburne - Coo llorarldh - Coo Lhjrvlllo Ghirihepplo - Dee Libort; Shootcxm (?) Could Co# mm 2,359 DhortsvillG - Coe Ccmonlaicua Diroo&an - Coo UroensTitih Sidney - coo Horoich Silvor Croolr - Coo DaxUdifk. Silver Splines - ,00 Warns? Dinolairvillo - coo Jam storm DBraaocitalos - Coo Alter® Dtenaatolec Folic - coo Auburn Ola to Hill - -Joe Hiddlotcren Cloon ~ Doe Buffalo Sloensvillo - Deo Gchohario DnitTboro - Doc Qmijo tilths Basin - Doe Clone Falls — Doo Foiv/ich UO.DUS Xlorfdrc Dose, 3# A# 4,000* 1 Hospital 25 6 Godus Pacfoin:; co« £* GiUianoon Fruit Bolt Xronorvo C0, ISO* _ - mm - Berth Foso Oaltor Carmine Co# soo* mm - l mm Ontario Alart & FcCairo Co# £543* - - 2 - Conova 1-reserving Co. Bod erode Bod Credr beaming Cq* 020* MB - 5 1 Dilliarxon Baines Co*, Inc#, 11# 21# 1,700* mm - 6 - Wolcott Mtxiboll-Choriplin Coi (Portland, 1,346* - - 4 1 llo#) DolGVillo - Doo Utica aolvay - See Byracuo© oqtsjou - Doo an 0vi llo Dotithanpton - Doo Bridcohannton U 3 U YORK 46 City or Yowsi Plants Population 1916 Wot 1910 5?ioosw ITo* of Hospi- tals* Tknao of Hospital* lib. Beds* Doe Yotal tore Bsc. for IX.0.B.C. Soufli Bey - vice Oneida South 4aytor. - Goo JasiestOEm >;onth -Unoston - Goo Boivich Gotitfofield Hal© S Cons, %m0c A* {Hail Potorlx>ro} - - - - - Gotith Cilboa Sheffield Pams Co., Inc* a* - mm - - South Kortrllit Sheffield Sams Co*, Inc* 65* - mm - - Couth U«7 Gorlin - Goo Ilorv/lcfo Couth Osford - Goo noxc?Ich. Spartsill - Coe UyacSc Spencer - Goo (motjo Springlcfc© - Goo lyono Sprite '/alloy - goo Guffom CprirpTVille Bordon#G Conlmsod Hill; Go* (?) - - 0 1 Stafford - Goo Batavia Stanford Sheffield Pams Co*, Ire* 1,060* - - 4 - Stand ich - Goo Plattstag Otanfordvill© - goo Poq&tl&epsle Stapleton - -oc no\7 city under Staten Island Dteanburc - iJOG Halamnea Storf-ontoun - Goo Albary Sterlington - log Guffom S tori ingvi lie - Goo Stittsllo - Geo utica Stoelr ©rt litpiro Yam Hills Ilovor Knit tire Hill Yob HoCarr, c* Pi* (?) ** ‘ Stony Point - Goo Ha verst ns7 Stomvillo - Goo Poipiiloopsio Stottvillo - Goe Hudson ctuyvosont Palls - So© Hudson SUPPEOT Sitffem Co* Buffom Gator V/odfcs 2,701* 1 Coed Uanaritan Hospital 40 6 1 JUllburn . tafipo Iron Goriss Bedfiand Xdgit 6 Poaor co* 1,017* mm - - • Jolmctovm Csyodutta Leather Crossing Co* Orom Naming Go* Bodaor & Gone, J* II* Diana Knit tine Go* Bess & Gono, Kiclnrd Johnston Khittin:; Hill co* 10,646 1 Old lediec* Hoed 17 15 4 Johnstown Hodia Hills co* Kurc Brothers Khoz Gelatine Co*, Inc*, Chas* B* UalanGor Bios* A Co* Koyal Knitting Co* utocliicoio Leather Co*, Inc*, «• JI* Strootor, Ilaefeney & Co* Vbelxurdh, BdtTin u 3 v; y o a.s 47 City or Population Plaits 1916 War 1910* linos. Ho* of Bosni- Ham of Hospital* tcls* Ho* Bods* i) o c 2ofcil tors Bee* £fcr U*Q*il*C* SUOBUm {Cort’d.l itorpo Ifcanpo foundry & V/hool Wort® 400* - - - mm Sprite Valley Ihchianl light & Bormr Co* 2,004* □princ Sivor 'fetor V/orfcs 6 Supply Co* line Vail:-: |p *O0Bi A Ripply Co* * 5 Storlinpton Stcrlinc; Iron & %/• Co* 12V* - - - - $028(10 (Ptsmlo Poate) Hoctric Li.t'-t Co* 1,215* SfaBOdo Parle Assoc lotion • 1 Puaa&o Hospital 16 2 1 Viola « IS 1 1 Aocitlsnd Co* lnchouso - - - □tear loaf - See Hiddletorm □sedan - see Albion sylvan Beach - See Oneida sm&m Archbold-Brody Co* 155,624 Bradley/ & ‘-ore, Ire*, C. G, Brora Co* Brown-Lipo-Chqiiii Co* Brora a fburn Bunllclr & Heart But lor life* Co* Chase rotor Pruel- Go* ' Contimrtal Can Co*, Inc* Gotouold Confortablo Co* Crcoor#c Otrpply Lcurdiy Croc ibis Bteoi oo* of -noricr Bavidsen, J* v;, Byuoto :2octric Corn* Htoordo Co., Inc*, 0* ii* Iteirc Poondaqr Co* Sbpixo B, H* foundation Bncolborc Hullor Co. Jfcgcle-ifc?© Btecd Co, Shilirr; & Wilson i-mifiain r-f;:* Co., II* H* -Model laror Bex Co., J* P* Friebte & Stans field Khittln" co* (Bocal Heat*) IMsblc & Ifcittinc °o. (aogO, Hill) Conarcl Conical C0# tesy’e Sons, H* H* Holcaafc Stool Co* Hasingeay C0., B* C, Hellnron 6 Baton -Irhadh *o laundry Ibtiotcl Biscuit Co. Hattie ton Jo.* • 2* lies;/ Process Goar Corn* II* Y, State IfcUKTys Onondaga stool Co., Ino* Palace Xctaiday Pool: ■» '“'0*, • *“J. lorfocr ion Xaanlxy Co*, Ino* lost Standard Co* Irooporlty Co,, ins* Haitey Mlor Bearing Co* Clifford CI gogo Co*, Inc* Shopir© Co*, 5* Snith & Caffrcn Co* kfeiitsh w.«oi, Inc* Steams A Co* • s# c* Syracuse Chilled User 6o* •■Jymcuso Journal °o. V&tQ0QBQ Icundry Syracuse Lirhtirc Co* A A hurbem %• Vtexncr Ebcaroni Co*, Ire* l oolcyan Ifetho&ist R&I Idling • osfn* (2 Plants} Pill & Boanan Co* Yale Xrunday Co* 18 City IIoDpital 1, County Hono Cixmoo-Irrinc Hospital Qonoooo Hospital Hospital of tho Coed Shetiberd IIcuso of Irovidonco Onondaca County Orphan Agylun Onondapa County Pb* Sana tor iuo Gnonlaca Hospital iooplo o Hospital X-oychopatftlc Hospital of tho City of Syracu30 Shelter for Unprotected Cirlc St* Joseph’s Hoot* St* Holy’s Hatemity A Infants Hospitcl- St* Viyjcont’s Gfrfcsn Xs7/lT83 Symcuso Homo* "e»j> practise Hoop, for »on<m & Clilll ron Syracuse Btato Institution for Poohlo-Hinlod Children ,280 30 150 195 200 18 7 130 90 220 52 151 600 338 69 Apulia Borden*o Pam Products Go., Iric* ICC* - - - - B2U YORK 48 City or ton Plants Population 1910~ Vfer 1910* PtoQS. Ho* of Hoopi- Hddo of Hospital* t^ils* Bb. Bods, Doc total tors Hoc* for L»G + £ , SysftCDSE (Confc'ci.) BaHwinsvillo .’anriccn Icaaxliy Morris Machine l/oifts Pena String uoi?rs# Inc* 3,220* *■ — 7 1 CanUluc Middle3Q& Knitting Hills, Xns* 040* 1 IIlll Croat Hospital 12 5 - B, Dyraaiso Groiror Go*, Motor 5,053* 1 Peofcfs Ganitarlsn 12 6 1 £tiblv83 Bordenfs Pam - rod* $0,, Inc* Hat loir1 IliUr Sugar Go* 340* - Mi 3 - Fryofctavillo MoJuiya Bros* Paner Go*, Inc* uhoody, Fionas 1,779* - - 7 - Jiujca'slllo - 405* 1 Go* Ponit *y* Host* - 1 1 lysandor, ichcrd D* 305* - - 2 - Hualiuo Jcovillo Go., n# J# 1,304* - - 5 1 Miroell’us Onondaga ItporCo, 991* - - 3 - Onondacp. Dunrhorot, ro o. V, * 213* 1 Onondaga G©, Hospital 100 1 «M Bolvuy flaser & Jones Co* Hasoon! Btocl G0.# Inc * 5,094* - - 3 - femn - *'Oo Hyadlc SAEi^fTOVH Consolidated Viator Go* Viator %ap& of Coix'dGs loners 5,752* 4 Institution of Percy IbMnfs Host Bt* Pai t£i*s House Eanytmm Hospital 25 55 15 2 Dobbs ftarry MO 4,000* 2 Dobbs Pony Hospital St* Christo-ahsr’a I:ono 3>r Children 25 140 4 1 Boot Vlasy 100* # o Dotty Loob Hon* Bono for Convalescents 100 Wostchostor County Hospital 153 Hostdiostor Go. Isolation Hasp* 30 Postcflbostor G0, Mb, : capital 135 1 • Baarthome Mi 010* 3 Blytho&alo Houoe Jewish Protectory Bosaiy Hill Hood 06 240 50 • * Irvington Irvington, Village of lord V; Brxrhan Go, 2,579* - • 5 - Poccntloo Hills Consolidate*! water Go, of Situ H,y, 110* - - - - valhalla «*» 450* 2 Broilcy Ctroot Contagious Dig- oaso Hospital Jessie Clarhson Horn for Child ran 50 2 1 fcAiitainocfe Balls - Boo Ithaca Shoresa - Coo Uutortavn lolls - boo Haver stnw -laaneon - Bee '-togbt;/Mi i t&asEaKfe Interact iorr,l Paper Go* TiQQT&&EQg& lulp & Paper Co* 2,754* 1 Hoses Hospital 14 5 - Uineville Port Hensy Iron Ore Go. 1,844* - - #*# - Port Henry northern Iron Go* 2,554* - - - Hirillcmshuro Bo.xiot VcHey Croanssy 171* - - - - rf i ’JDli-ofe-tho-- III son - dee Hudson IT £ W YORK 49 City or 2o*» Pirnsts Population 1910 War 1910* SiDBB. He . of Iloopi-* tels. laao of Hospital • Ho. Bods. Doc 2otal tors Hoc. for LI.O.HJ . Socii&nsvl lio - Goo Hoc? Yoiit Git y uni or Gtaton Island Gonaaarida - Goo north *2ono$oi&a -OfTTiOrG - Goo lit# Kisco Gown of House £with Cinnical Co., A, B. • • - - - *Vibon Hill - Goo Gnst ordoa *roat - uoo Liberty Seout Crodfc -if/ 11113c Co. 215* - - 1 - zim Buccon £ Go. Goattio1 s -roy laundry Burden Iron Co. lari & wilaon 3fet - -olting & CalfGMn A8G*n* iorpison Collar Co.. G. w. Puller 6 %r*eii Go. Ball « rfcvTell 6 Co. Harriott. H* -• Ido A C0.9 oo • 1* Kmvloon f Kelley Co. Judies? valve life* Co. lie Leal a Horny Co. 3Toctx)g Brothers Harlr Xataniryiiig Go. . ail Joint C0. Hob . qtr Hosiasy Cc. Hoes %lvo IllSoj. Co., Inc. 'Jo&oirse HaeMno 2r<y Beiior -orte *2roy ollar co. Groy Gas G0. £roy Glnoc \VhoGlw Bros. Brass Hcrondrlos, Inc. rich to Hrdorwoar Go., Inc* G;,ri£2its!dll L±f{> Co* 77,916 10 City Hoop* for Infectious Bis. 40 Doborrh, Povvoro lone for Old Irxlios 30 Episcopal fyr&vch Hone 14 Guardian %r.oi Kono 6 Ini.GcTi* 1130 Horn for the Aged 130 LalDVier? Gcnatorloa 50 Leonard Hospital 50 Hardball ~anifcarit3n 90 lit* iiagdalcm School of Inlustiy dt Hoforratory of tit) Good G/tjfficitl 150 Probtytertan Hoed 11 Honsoelaer co. Msgshcmso 350 Gamriten Hospital 150 Gt. Joseph*o Infant Hone 535 Gt. Josephfe Hafccrrity ::osp. 50 Gt. Vincent fo -cuxLc Orphan Asylto 165 Trey Catholic Halo Grphrm ~cy. 305 IVoy Hospital 550 2roy Orjian Asytssa 307 113 30 Croon Xoiasd ILiffirortan Boiler ■•ofirs (IHil I’roy) 4*853* «■ - 1 - nooeich .alloonsac Paper Qo* Good. 11. a H. 11* Co., G'altor A. 240* - 3 5 Iloocick *aHo Hoasieh: Balls Gtroot G0f iloosieflfe Galls Viator -cite Sob 3$ & Good HacMno Go. &7in Gtato C. a A* Go. <*> 5*406* ** 7 ** Gcndlako XbXarcBi Knittinu Co. 701* - • - - - valley -alio Aiorauloo Booftor Go. 2feorr«m Cs Co., Janes 705* - - 4 - VfrnantcScill Vynnrfcflfeill Hydro Hioctric Co. 190* «• a* - Craston - See Cortland rfuc3teJ?.oo - See lit . Vernon Sully - Goo Cortland 2urao 1 - Geo IHnchnnton SSPiffi LAKH Broolrlfm Cooporaco Co. Oval Viced BIsh Co. 3,910* 1 Utr-por Lol» Gone, to riun 20 5 1 Conifer Ebporiun Gorootiy Co. - - - - - Ilorcofield International Itv or Co. 406* - - 1 - £uscdo - Geo Gufforn Utaadilla - Goo Oneonta Unadilia Forlss - Goo Utica II B y Y 0 H K 50 City or Aosn riant s Population 191G war 1910* Pinos• Uo* Of Hospi- tals* Heoo of Hospital* lk>• Bods* D o doted c t o r s Doe* for n*o. r-.c* Union Bloctric Li Jit I lent union Foictoxg G0, (?) - mm 4 l Union Course - Aoo Hoc? Yorffc City undor Brooklyn UnionvilXo Horoo Condensed Hi Ik Go. (?) - - 1 - UYICA Adirondack Pov?or Co* 05*G92 Wed ri can Woolen co. Augpsta Knitting Co. j mien KfcHwoar Co* Bossick Co* Bossort Corp* Canfctay Cabinet Co. Oonlq; Lire A food Co., ~. Bm’oM Loser Co* At. -chnylor laiittina* Co* Poster Bros* life* Co. Arisbio A Itans field Shit tine Go* (Byin;fcon Hill) ArieMo A %ittirc Co. (Candon -Opt.) Arisbio A Stans field Ehittin:; Co. (Gaud on Hill) Arisbio A StansfioM ISnittln; Co. (Kendall -opt*) Arisbio A Gtansflold Knitting C0. {Konlall Hill) Arisbio A •. tansfiold Knit tine Co* {Hi diolivo Dept* 1) Arisbio A Ctanofiold Khittinc: Co* (Hicholitio -uopt. 2) Arisbio A Btansflold Knittinc Co* (Bicbolluo Hill 1) International Hoator Co* Italian Ikicoroni Co* Hanson* U. «* Haaent Khlttina Hill* Inc* Hobarts ickE C0* Saturday WLobo Skcnrndoa Cotton co* Staiporibock A Sons, H* Star Ponily Lcun&iy* Inc* Utica Carmine Co* Utica Daily Irons Co* Utica Drop Aerco A A0ol Co* utica co* Utica Gee A Aloe. Co. Utica Spinning Co*9 Inc* Utica L toon ilngtao A Boilor »oi?cs Utica Stoan A ZkStwfo Valley Cotton Hills Utica Sunday Aribimo Go* Utica. Valvo A JPiaturo Co* Walcott Knitting Co* -oldone I(sundry Go* Westcott’c Lamlsy* Inc* Woolen A orated Hills* Inc., c/o Worican "oolan co* Bros* Co* 12 Aarrton Hospital 71 Ileuso of the Good 150 Uaoonic Hero 100 Privato Canitariun At • IHisabGth*s Keep. A iotas 41 St* Jolm’s Catholic Orphan ay *230 St. Joseph*o Infant Horae 190 LuId *s Hone A Hospital 05 Utica den ore. 1 Hospital GO Utica HonoopstMc Hospital 60 fftica Orphan i sylm “ 155 Utica Atato Hospital 1*600 100 21 Clark Hills Hinl A Harrison Hash C0* 390* - * 1 1 Glcyvlllo Gl-yvillo Paper Hills Co*, Inc* 972* - - 2 - Clinton Borden’s Arm Prod* Co** Inc* 1,204* 1 BeBilso’s Banitariun 20 6 3 Arankfort Boxdon’o Cordons cd Hill!: Go* - - * u - Hinckley Hinckley -abric Co. 006* . - - - - Holland latent Sminolo Gordonsed Hill: Co* 339* - - 1 - LoonordsvIXlo Babcock H£)f> Co* Utica Carmine Co* 329* - - - - Haney Atuood A Byaii 112* - - - - Uos7 Hartford Hoc? Hart fo id Creasing Co*, Ltd* 1*459^ Hoehector A Pitt shore Cool A Iron Co* Aanpuoit -p>i3minw Co* Utica wllloovnlo BloacMnp co* 1 Carp Jloolttaoro 20 4 1 Bca Yoife Hills Oneida Bloaodioxy, Inc* 2,502* - - 3 - Oriskony Aatorbety A doss Co*, H* 1,010* 1 Dastom Btar Infirm iy - 1 1 i^qaqnoit Uouquoit Conning Go* 030* • 1 U E y YORK 51 Gity or Som Han to iopulofcion 1916 Bar 1910s* Pinos. Ao* of Hospi- tal s* Baas of Hospital* Bo* Bcxis* 2 0 c (total to r s 143c* for u«0«iUC« 02ICA (Confc'd.) » GolsviXle Bor&on*o fibrin Prod* G0,f Inc* 1SB* mm - mm - Gtittvillo Bora on* o 4mPn&* Go*, Inc* Gtittvillo Carmine Go* SSI* - - 1 mm Tfoa&CUs Poxfes IHoonin Qheeco Go, K12* - - 1 - Patorvillo Boidcn's £am Prod* # Inc* Wotcrvlllo Goa & Bloc trio Go, 1,564* - - 5 3 GMtosboro Ablott & Go*, Ire*, *abort 2,490* 1 VJiitoobono Banitarinn SO 4 - VfLatlo - Goo Hudson Valhalla - Soo tony teem Volley Rills - Boo Pnoy * Valley Btrocsa - • oo Bar Yoife Gity uni or 2hr todtoway vbndalia - Soo Clocn Vorbaifc - ioxr^hkoopsio Vernon - Soo Oneida Victor - Boo Conandaicna Victory Hills - Boo Gamtcea Springs Viola - Soo Buffo in Ballon - Boo Itobiarh. ••aloe - Boo Buffalo BolHdlll - Soo liGtfburJi Waltos Bouion’s Condensed Llill: Go* Broal’nfcano Bros*, Inc* 3,606* - - 10 1 Wagppingsra Voile - Boo ixmcfrlmms io WABSAW Brovm splitting Co* Hr&tsxy Go* Percy Klaciric Go* w'arocsw— illdnscn Go* WyvnSxc Valley lorcrdry 3,434* 1 Parses? Hospital 40 10 3 Bliss I3oidon,s Bam Prod* G0*, Inc* 000® - - 1 1 Castilo Border* c torn Prod* Go., Ire* Gastilo Bloc trie Llrfit Plont 962* 1 Castilo tonitaritaa 50 6 2 Java Hi chard non, Boobo Go* 104* - - - - lercy Pony loctiie Go* Perry Knitting Go* lorry Viator \7oi%s Percy* s Stoam launder Lbnlinson Bon, Goo 2^0 5,009* 1 Castlo Banitariun 60 10 5 Itoch: Glen Hoefe Glen Galt Go* 261* - - - - Silver Springs Silver B-nrings Iloctric Xddit 095* - - 2 mm V/ondefe - Goo lliidloto’ssn • Uadiin’;tonvillo - Goo UanbLirfJi Uasccie - Boo Pou&l&opslo Uatorfo id - See Cohoos Waterloo - Goo Banova 8 s w io as 52 City or Tom. Plants PcmalGtion 1916 Tsar 1910* Pinos# Ho# of Hospi- tals# Ifcno of Hospital# IJo# Bcxls* Doc Sotal tors J3oc* 3>r ::.o.d.G. mwsxxm Continental Paper Bag Go* Gibson I no#, H# Blade P BsoCfe Paper Go* Iteration B*Y* Air Brofio Go* Ilill C: Jose Go. £&ooart Bros* Go. Viator, Xdgit & Borer Board -iso Ins#, J* B* flood ' 7’oclucts Co*, Inc* 29,094 6 Jefferson County Alisshousa Jofforcon County OriSm • sylmi Jefferson G0* *b* os; ital St* Joachim's Hospital at# Patrick’s OrjfcanaGO Gutortawn City IIcc pital 95 06 40 65 105 60 S3 15 Antworp Sauce rt A- G0,# 1,0157* - - mm Blocfc diver St* .0 ic la* or Go* Sheffield Fame Co*, Inc* aw* - - 2 mm Broranvlllc Boston*s *fc»n Products Co*, Inc* ifcrnon Shpesr Go* International taper Go* Barron Parohasnt G©* 365* mm 2 Carthace Boadon’s -crn 1 rod, C0#9 Inc* Carthage Uadi ins Go# Carthace Gulphifco Palp & lap or Co* Cterr-ion Sapor Go* national Pa* or 1 rodl Go* Ifrthor 6 Pringie Co. fleet 53rd Paper Co# 0,371* mm mm 10 1 CSbaunont Berdan’s Fern I*rod# Go*, Inc# aaa» - - 3 - Clayton Borden’s Pom Prod• C0„f inC* Clapton, Viiiare of 1,079* - - 6 1 CopQfrihaccn Bnovn £ Bailey Condensed I-ill: Go. 695* - - r* 4> - dofo riot St* . opis .Vapor Co# - - - - - Booster Better ulpMto Pulp & Vapor Go. 1,140* - - 5 2 illlio'bura Jefferson Go* Crooraery Go. 316* - •> - 1 - Felts 1-ills Sacoart Paper Go* 441* - - - - Groat Bond BhoffioM Soraa Co*, Inc# Sfeogart X-Upor Go* 270* - - 1 1 Stans vl lie Jefferson County Crecraory G0# 617* - - 2 1 Aan&y Crock Pooch, w* J# 669* - - 1 - Storlinovillo Bold on* a -ten Trod# Go*, Ins* 106* mm - mm - Morose. Bo id an* s Prod# Go*, Inc# 1,054* - - 6 - Woo&villo Jefferson County Craanory Co# 123* - - - - AatorviXlc - Seo Jtica Y.atcrvllot - Soo Cohoos \7AG5miS International Galt Go# 2,760* 2 Glen sprint® Canitarim IToirrsft irivato Hospital 150 9 0 Uontctar Falls CrcffSr & Carrier VSn» Co# Shepard Hoc trie Crane V Hoist Co* 1,281’ 1 Botleada Ganitariun 55 2 - Y/atts Flats - 3oe Janostcrsm V/avorly "ioya Hill & elevator Co. •Got Barmin;; Co*. 'II* IT# - - 12 2 Gay land - Boo Jcnsville . abater - Gog Rochester -ootlcport - Soo . iibum -oils Bridco - * qq Qneonta U 23 w Y 0 ii K 53 City or Boan Plont s I-opulation 1916 Bar 1010' Pirns* Ho* of Hospi- tals* Itro of Ilocpitel. HO. Bods* Doe Cotal tors UK* for L#0 *. .«u# imSTlLEE & Horton life* Go* Halstead A- Davis Dorr, <irI)ino Co* Sairo Carbon Co* WctllovillG nd nine; Co* <1,595* 2 Belleville Genoral Hospital V/ollsvillo Bard tar inn 10 20 9 3 Andover Brer/n A Dollop Condensed Llilk Co* 1,154* mm - 5 - Ancolica Bor Ion’s Parr.i Prod* Co*, Inc* 1,150* - - 5 - Bolnont Borden’s Bam Prod* Co., Inc* 1,031* - - 5 2 Bolvicioro Borlcn’s Pom Prod* Co*, Inc* 194* mm - - - Bln Valley Boiuon’s Aarr. Prod* Co., Inc* 49* - - - - Prionddhip Bar dan’s Barn Arod* Co., Inc* 1,199* 1 Priondfillip Sanitarium IS 5 1 Hoc© Hie hard son* Beebe Co* 404* - - 2 - Bcio Borden’s Asm Prod* Co., Inc* 625* mm - 1 - Uiitcovillo Berdan*s Porn lied* Co*, Ine* 523* - - 2 mm Uestcfcoster - Coo At* Lemon Boot itoaaby - Boe : Ithaca Host field - BOO IbtfViUo BostcrnvUlo - coo Bono woot Ilarporsflo Id - bog Onoonta Loot Zlavorstrs.'? - Boo Havoretrasy Lost Horoland - Coo itas Lost Boer Britton - leo Poe Yosts City tador A tat on Island Best - Coo Ityoefli West Par^fe-on-t?©-!Moon - So© Bcuf^dasepsio * Lost Point 1,250* 1 U*S* Ililltary Hospital 96 1 1 Bbollansfrurg - coo ilcordorooa white Hell - Coo c -lone Balls WII5E PM me Bi-bnrbar. leundry Co* 22*466 11 Bothoo&a Boula Cliff Beat 18 Bloontn0dalo Hospital 400 Caarboll Gonmloocont Cottages 60 Country Brandi & Iisl* -cliool of the W*7* Orthopedic -ispon- sor*/ & Hospital 150 nr* Ivor’s Iriv. Hospital Oct fear Con- valescents - 2ho -ost for Convalescents Bt* &&0BQ Hospital BID Whito Heine Hosp* Association 50 Winifred liastorson Bux3& Aonndation Horae for Con- valoscouts 500 59 1? Axdsley Consolidated water Co* of Sidrartai B .1. 442* - - 1 - Ilartsdalo - 330* 1 Caroline Best Hooo 90 4 - north White Plains Oottilo Hoirjito Water Go* - - • • - LMtosboro * Coo utica BMtcofcono - Coo Hessr YoJk xmlor Pitch inf; nsu YORK 54 0 ity or Tasn Plants Popula Hon 1916 War 10%0* Tims* Do* of Hospi- Bboe of Hospital* tulS* So* feds* D o Total c t o r s Ifec* tor LI-O.K.C* Mtocvillo - Goo Voile Vi lie Vfoitnoy Point - Uoo Birrfenton T/Hlard - Goo Seneca Polls ill 10210051 - UOO Sodao V.illii-JDtovm - See Pulton iillicnovillo - Soo Buffalo Wilton - Uoo Uoratoca SpxiuoB Windsor - uoo Bingsarton Wlng&o£o - Geo l ot^a^opsio Wlflosr - Soo IlicMlotom Wolcott - Uoo Uodtis VJoo&havon - u*oo lk& Yoifc City tuilcr BroolfLyn Woodlaun Jams life* co* (?) X&smiscr ~ Bessaher Loodvillo - Uoo tor toon Uorcector - ueo Qneonta CynantSHlll - Uoo Troy Ysxtadfc - Uoo ItocUOrd Station YOMBUS Alien, David B. 99,888 10 Dr* Uonlfo Hon oo 0 105 26 Doane Hast or Go* Pries a Price Tuition. ! Ouoc.iT toffsing Qo* of If*J* 1J1Y* Piiamooai Association Uhefflold Pamj Go*, Inc* UialtSi & Gore Carpot Co., Alesnndor Channcey City Hoct> for Contagious Dis- oaeoc 58 Dorcas Hood 5 Hono to r *£god £ Infirn 100 leefto a watte Qrrpam Ilono 200 l&micipal ,*1b# Hospital 44 Sjaing Aidco Hoard tel 24 Gfc* JOhnfo ui voro ilo’ csp 1 tal 70 Ht* Hospital 75 Ytnfi?ors ilonDO* A Ibtom ty Hosp* 69 1 11*Y* Jirvonilo Asyltsa 615 Has tin:;o-on-Iiiii son national B*eas Copper Ttibo Oo*, Inc Pinsscr C: Co*, Inc* Yoisacs - Uoo Croontc r>,4G»* 1 Orr-jhmi --syTun of f£>o City of H*Y* one tvt-U 0 2