AUGUSTIN Monsieur BELLOSTE’s Hospital Surgeon, As far as if Treats of the BELLOSTE. GOUT, Rheumatism, Cholick, Dropsy, Stone, GRAVEL, and Venereal Complaints. GOUT Dedicated to the KING of Sardinia. To which are added Dr. Sydenham's Observations on the GOUT. With Proper NOTES on Each. THis Book is Given Gratis Up One Pair of Stairs, at the Sign of the Famous ANODYNE NECKLACE For Children’s TEETH, Fits, Fevers, Convulsions, &c. Over-against Devereux-Court, Without Temple-Bar, And at Mr. Bradshaw’s Stoughton’s, & Daffy’s Elixir Ware- House, Under the Back Piazza of the Royal Exchange. London: Printed by J. HUGHS, next the Star in GATE- STREET, between Great Turnstile, & Lincoln's-Inn-fields, 1737. Monsieur BELLOSTE’s Dedication. To the KING of Sardinia. SIRE. Having had the Honour to serve your MAJESTY Forty Years as Surgeon Major of your Royal Hospitals, and since that, Had the farther Honour to be First Surgeon to your ROYAL Mother of Glorious Memory, 'tis my Duty, to Lay this my Hospital Surgeon, at Your MAJESTY’s Feet. Whatever Good Reception my former Works have met with, This, my Hospital Surgeon, wants Your MAJESTY’S Protections, because it acquaints the World of a New Medicine, Viz: ONE Single Little PILL only, which notwith- standing its Usefulness, will not fail to have it’s Opponents. But SIRE, Altho’ Your MAJESTY has Honoured my Little PILL with your High Esteem, from your Conviction of the good Effects of it, yet I leave it entirely to the World to Receive, or Reject it: Contenting my self with having Obey'd Your MAJESTY’s Commands in That, which the Welfare of Afflicted Persons seem'd to exact of me, which is, That I should PUBLISH it, and not let lie hid so RARE a Remedy as my Little PILL is, and being likewise inclined so to do, by the Prodigious Experience I have had of it. My Little PILL then having had the Honour of your MAJESTY’S Approbation, You having seen the Success of it on several Occasions, and in Cases of the highest Importance, and which Success having surpassed even my own Ex- pectation, I here deliver it to Mankind, that by it they may be Rescued from many considerable Evils; The Invention of which Little PILL, having been the Long Labour of SIRE, Your MAJESTY’S most Obedient Servant, and Subject, AUGUSTIN BELLOSTE. Note. Monsieur BELLOSTE was First Surgeon to her ROYAL Highness the Late Duchess of Savoy. And Noted for his Peculiar Invention of a Specific Little PILL for the GOUT, & Venereal Complaints especially, And his Hos- pital Surgeon is now Published in most European Languages. (3) I May well enough be Excused (says our Au- thor) from a Preface to this Little Treatise, since the Reader will soon perceive it to be the Result of a Long Practice, joined with a sedulous Application. The PILL, whose Virtues I here publish, is a Miracle of Nature, and the greatest Gift of Providence in the whole Compass of Physick. And a long Experience has let me into a greater knowledge of its Excellency, than I ever could have expected, having become acquainted with its Virtues, thro’ a Long, and Constant use of it. So that the prodigious great Success I met with in its Administration, emboldens me to stick to it, and to add Authority to one Administration of it, by Another. That Numbers of Afflicted Persons may not be depri- ved of the Speedy Help they might obtain from it, ’till they have languished out their Lives under a Load of Diseases, and Fruitless, Tedious, Nauseous Remedies. My Employment of her Royal Highness’s First Surgeon, gave me frequent, and Favourable Opportunities of Trying its Efficacy in many Obstinate Cases, which were esteem’d Incurable, yet they entirely gave way to my Little PILL. Since then I know its Virtues thro’ a long successful use of it, I now assert it to be matter of Fact, that No ONE Thing in nature is capable of producing such Surprising Effects, especially in the GOUT, as my Pill does. And Experience being the strongest of all Proofs, I thought it proper to relate some Few Cures performed by My Pill. For, were I to publish ALL those Cures which I have done with it in 43 Years Practice, a large Volume would hardly contain them, Some of them shall here Suffice. NOte. Dr. Turner (of Devonshire-Square, by Bishopsgate-street, who is the most Protest Enemy of any Man Living, to the Publishing of Medicines, Nevertheless) In his Answer to Dr. Dover, pag. 256, says, That so very GOOD, and Useful a Remedy as Mr. Belloste’s Pill is, OUGHT to be MADE KNOWN to the World. And if the Pill was not Thus PUBLISH’D, Persons would never Know how to Come by it. (4) IN 1721, I was Commanded by her ROYAL Highness the Duchess of Savoy, to attend Madam La Comtesse Busquet, confined to her Bed with a Violent, Sciatica, or Hip GOUT. She could not Stir herself without Mortal Agonies. There was Danger that a Mortification might seize her, by Reason of her being so rigorously confined to her Bed. Wherefore without Delay, I proposed to Mr. Goffe her Physician, to give her my Little PILL, which he did. She had not taken above THREE of my Pills, be- fore the Violence of her Pain was over, and after Taking the FOURTH Pill, she felt no more of it. And after the SEVENTH Pill she left her Bed, and began to Walk. The Patient wondered at this Abatement of her Misery. And here it is to be Noted, that a SCIATICA, The GOUT, & Rheumatism, Being Distempers of the same Nature, as proceeding from One Cause, tho’ under different Names as they Affect different Parts of the Body, So will One Remedy (viz, my Little PILL) destroy them, as a Long successful Ex- perience has very well assured me on many Occasions. Monsieur Goffe the Countess's Physician, was at a loss to account for such Success, otherwise than by Enchantment, which occasioned him to Write me the Following Letter. SIR, I, should have done myself the Honour of Answering your Letter before now, but that I was first Desirous of observing the Effect of your PILL. I am to acquaint you then, the Lady is freed from those Cruel Pains, which Tormented her above 4 Months. She had not taken FOUR Pills, before her Pains entirely left her. She stirs herself freely, and that with the greater Pleasure, as she had been so long confined to her Bed, not having been able to move without help. And after only the SEVENTH PILL, she got out of her Bed, and now Walk's with a Little Help. The PILL gave her no Inconvenience, and withal she Voided an amazing Quantity of DROPSICAL Water. (5) At which she is so Surprised, that she is for con- tinuing them on, &c. Aug. 12, 1721. I am, &c. GOFFE. This Letter was Read to her ROYAL High- ness by Mr. Cicognini (who Then was her First Physician) And who was himself not a little Transported at the so Speedy Effect of so simple a Remedy, as my Little PILL is. The Next is Part of a Letter from Monsieur Mancheti Dr. of Physick, to Monsieur Cicognini. Sir. If you fancied that the GOUT obliged me to Walk with a Stick, you was much in the Right. But I am with Pleasure to Inform you, that I have felt Nothing of My GOUT for 35 Days past, This I attribute to Mr. Belloste's most ex- cellent PILL, which I took to my very great Satisfaction. On this account I have ordered 48 Livres for More of the PILLS, which I desire you to send to me. I am, Sir, &c. MANCHETI. The Following is some of a Letter which the same Monsieur Mancheti Writ to Mr. Belloste himself. SIR, I (for my GOUT) and my Brother have experienced an equal Effect from your Wonderful PILL. Worth a Louis d’Or a Grain, if we regard its Surprising Qualities. Oct. 9, 1733. I am, &c. MANCHETI. An Extract of Another Letter from the same Mr. Mancheti, to Monsieur Cicognini, of the Wonder- ful Effect in the GOUT, of Mr. Belloste’s Pill. I Must acquaint you, Dear Sir, that some Days since I felt in my Feet, with great Pain, a Fresh Attack of the GOUT, My legs being somewhat Stiff, and my Feet in Pain. I took forthwith of Mr. BELLOSTE’s Pill. And to my great Surprise, the Operation of the PILL was not over, before my GOUTY Symptoms were gone. (6) I cannot give too great a Character of the PILL, whose Author I beg you to Salute in my name, not having Power to express the Esteem I have for his PILL, &c. Jan. 14, 1724. MANCHETI. HE also in Another Letter of Feb. 24, says that he seems to flatter himself that he is now Cured, and shall No more have the GOUT, which afflicted him so much, and confined him to his Cham- ber for Months together, before he took My Little PILL. Adding, that since he Took my PILL, he has had but only One Little Small Fit of the GOUT. And that he should be glad to know if the PILL will Cure other Swellings, as well as GOUTY Swellings. I Returned him Answer, that the Pill would Cure not only GOUTY Swellings, but also other Tumors, and Swellings: Telling him that within a Month past, I had under my Care a Person of Quality well known to Mr. Cicognini, Who had a Swelling of his Scrotum, (perhaps Venereal) with a hard Swelling, and Soreness of his Tongue. Yet both these Complaints were Cured with great Ex- pedition by my Little PILL, without any other Remedy. And that Mr. Bouillon, Professor of Physick here at Turin, had sent this Person to be Cured by my PILL. And also that the same very Learned Physician Mon- sieur Bouillon, had long since made Trial of my Little Pill in other very difficult Cases, to his entire Satisfaction. THE Count d'Argue a Bavarian Gentleman, as he was Returning from France, where he had been for his Health, was seized at Turin with most Violent RHEUMATICK pains: And had also at the same time a large Parcel of ugly Red Pimples, Pustules, and Breakings-out, which covered his whole Face, and rendered it extremely deformed. He immediately sent for the Learned Monsieur Cicognini (the only great physician in Vogue) to advise with him. Mr. Cicognini ordered him to take my PILL, which he thought fully sufficient to Free him from his Ailments. (7) After TWICE only Taking the PILL, he found his PAINS were Abated, and his Pustules shrunk up. And after Taking only TWO Pills more, the Red Pimples, and Breakings-out in his Face ALL Disappeared to his Astonishment, who though it no less than a Prodigy. And this Bavarian Gentleman had such an Opinion of my PILL, being thus Cured by it, that he Carried a large Quantity of them along with him to Bavaria. The Encomiums which Monsieur Mancheti, and Mr. Cicognini have here given of my PILL, cannot be sus- pected, They being skilLful, and Judicious Physicians. Here then it particularly deserves our Regard, that Person who had most Violently The GOUT, Monsieur Bellloste, with the greatest EASE, Cured with 3, 4, or 5 of his Little PILLS, as their Painful GOUTY Symptoms were More or Less Troublesome. As appears in his Cures of the GOUT, Above Related. Whereas, They would have been a LONG WHILE a Curing by the Common Methods used in Curing the GOUT. So that, What a deal of Trouble, and Taking of Nauseous Physick, did those Persons Afflicted with the GOUT Avoid, In being so very Easily Cured (notwithstanding the Severity of their GOUTY Symptoms) by only 3, 4, 5, or perhaps ONE, or TWO more of his Little PILLS. Witness these Persons, Who had the GOUT most SADLY upon them, & who Applied to Mr. Bellloste to be Cured of their Gout, expressly by HIS Little Pill, and they took nothing but his Little PILL, and were entirely Cured of their Gout, without Farther Trouble. ALSO the GRAVEL, and STONE (often con- comitants with the GOUT) and the STRAN- GURY, Retention of Urine, & Difficulty of Making Water, Mr. Belloste himself was so Cured of, by his own Pill, That he declares, that after having taken of them, he never felt anymore the least touch of Stone, or GRAVEL. (8) SO that the GOUT has never been more Cleared from the Charge of being the Opprobrium Medi- corum, than by Mr. Belloste's admirable Little PILL. TWO, 3, or 4 only of which, have been found to take away That GOUT, which no other Remedies could remove. This Messieurs Cicognini, and Mancheti above- mentioned (the two Greatest Physicians in Savoy) found so experimentally true, that they thought they could not Re- commend the Pill enough to Persons in the GOUT. DR. TURNER abovementioned, who is the most Loath of any Man Living, to Speak Well, Or even with a tolerable Calmness of Temper, of Any Medicines that are PUBLISH’D, & made Known to the World by the Channel of Advertising in News-Papers, Yet (in his Answer to Dr. Dover, pag. 156) he thinks him- self obliged to Confess Mr. Belloste's PILL to be a Very Good One, and that he never Could find any Fault with it. And Declares himself fully convinced that Mr. Belloste's Account of his Cures, is both HONEST, and JUST. A Great Character from such a Prejudiced Physician! And the Reason Dr. Turner gives, Why he so esteems this Pill, is, Because he says, that after this Pill is dissolved in the Stomach, the particular Nature of it is Such, that It is immediately conveyed along with the Chyle (which is that Juice in the Stomach, which our Food is turned into by Digestion) into the Blood, and there Rectifies it. And so Cures the GOUT particularly, and Other Obsti- nate Distempers, which an Ill State of the Blood causes. And after Dr. Turner has Declared it his Opinion, that Mr. BELLOSTE has given us a very JUST, and HONEST Account of his cures by his Little PILL, says, that the More such a Good Remedy is PUBLISHED, and made KNOWN, the more Good will Accrue from it. BUT, as every Person in the Gout is willing to be informed of the Nature of their Distemper, Therefore, The Famous Dr. Sydenham's Observations on the Gout, shall be our Next Consideration, before we pro- ceed to Mr. Belloste's Cures of Other Distempers by his Pill. Dr. Sydenham's Observations On the GOUT. With NOTES. GOUT WHich Observations the Doctor made after he had not only Read, but also FELT as much of the GOUT as any Man, having had it himself 34 Years, which gave him the greatest Opportunity of making the Justest Observations on That Distemper. So that thinking himself as Remarkable an Instance of the GOUT, as any one Living, He Writ down these Observations from his OWN Experience, for the Infor- mation of Others, under the same Affliction of the GOUT, as He Himself, for near one Half of his Life had been. DR. THOMAS SYDENHAM (the Author of these Observations) was Son of a Gentleman in Dorset- shire, of good Reputation, and a very plentiful Estate. He was Dr. of Physick in Cambridge, and a Member of the College of Physicians in London, & enter'd on Practice in 1650, He was the Chief Practising Physician in London of his Time, till 1689, in which he Died in the 68th Year of his Age, After having been closely Besieged about Half his Life, and frequently entirely Laid up, with the Tyranny of the GOUT, He was Noted not so much for a Speculative, as a Practical Physician, for which he was Famous, being an exact Observer of Diseases, & their Symptoms, His Accounts of which, are looked upon the most Candid, & Sincere of any Author, A particular Vein of Justness, and Sincerity running thro' all his Works. His Observations on the GOUT, are as Follows. Of the GOUT. SYDENHAM. THIS Disease invades the sick (says our Au- thor) about the Spring Time, and near the Morning Watch, with a Pain possessing the Great Toe in many, but sometimes the Heel, the Ankles, or the Leg. Presently after follows a Chillyness, with a Shivering, and some little Fever. The Shivering soon goes off, after which, the Pain increases every Hour, till the Day approaches. Sometimes the Pain is as if Dogs were gnawing the Part, and sometimes, as it were with a great Pressing, & Squeezing. Hence, by Reason of the exquisite Pain, the Patient is scarcely able to endure, either the Weight of the Bed-Cloths, or the shaking of the Bed, by Persons walking in the Room. And towards Morning, the Part affected begins to Swell. The following Day, and it may be for 2 or 3 Days, the Pain comes on again in the Place affected, more vehemently towards Night, and then in the Morning about 3 o’Clock the Sick has Ease again, and in a few Days after, the other Foot may possibly be affected also in the same manner. Afterwards the Pain afflicts both Feet, and the Fits become Irregular, and from a Series of these little Fits, the princi- pal Fit, or Duration of the Disease is made up, and which is longer, or shorter, according to the Age of the Sick. NOTES. THE DOCTOR has given here the Signs, and Symptoms of the GOUT, doubtless as he had ex- perienced them in Himself, and as the GOUT for many Years had acted with HIS Own Constitution in particular. But it does not happen to ALL People alike, nor only in the Spring time, but comes in many Persons, at the Fall of the Leaf. Nor does it begin at any set Hour of Night, or Day, nor First in the Great Toe of Many Patients: There having been Many, who have been vehemently affected with the GOUT for several Years, and yet never had it in their Toe, nor always in their Feet: But in some Patients it begins first in One Part, as in the Hands, In Another, it begins in Another Part, And in a Third, in a Part different from either. (11) Sometimes it is in the Stomach, and Bowels, but when it comes there, it many times kills the Patient, Unless the proper thing (such as, Mr. Belloste’s Little PILL) to keep it out of the Stomach, be taken. But nevertheless, in the Progress of the Disease, it may be diverted, or carried to several other Parts, as the predo- minant Cause may lead it, which is a Sharp Foul Humor, thrust forth into those Parts, from out of the Blood, Where it thickens the Jelly of the Joints, as is explain’d in the Hereafter Plain Account of the Cause of the GOUT. The GOUT is known in its first Approaches, by the Pain in the Part, or Joint, which soon Swells. If the GOUT comes in either of the Hands, it com- monly begins in one of the Thumbs, or Little Fingers. And if both Hands are affected, it then comes first in both the Thumbs: And if the Arms are affected, it then begins in the Wrists, but if it begins in the Feet, —Then Usually the great Toe of the left Foot is first affected, But if both Feet are affected, it then seizes both the Great Toes, First the Left for the most Part, and then the Right. If it seizes the Legs, then it begins in the Ankle, and where the Pain is, it either causes a Numbness in the Part, or so exquisite a Pain, as to cause a small Fever. Sometimes when it begins in the Great Toe, and Foot, it creeps up to the Ankle, and Swells the whole Foot: in Others it misses the Ankle, and gets up to the Knee, which gives to the Part it affects, an Inability of Motion. In some, the Dwelling is with Redness, and Inflamma- tion, and yet in many others there is no Inflammation, nor Redness, but the Swelling has the natural Colour of the Skin. When the Pain comes in the Hip, and Side, it is then called the SCIATICA, or Hip-Gout, and begins with a Coldness, and Heaviness, and the Pain increases till the Person cannot stir the Leg on That side. But when the Pains are not in any one Place, they are then called the RHEUMATISM, from the Greek Word Fluo, because they Wander, and, as it were, Flow, and Shift about the Body, not being fix’d in any One Part of the Body, as they are in the GOUT. SYDENHAM. IN such who are more Young, and Strong, and seldom have the GOUT, the Fit may last about 14 Days, but in Elderly People, and such as are often afflicted therewith, it scarcely goes off under 2 Months. And in such as are Broken, or much Weakened either by their Years, or by Fast Living, or Intemperance, or long Con- tinuance of the Disease, it often continues till Summer. For the First 14 Days, the Urine is of a higher Colour, with a Red Settling at the Bottom, and abounding with small Sand, and the Belly almost bound up, the Appetite also is much dejected, and a Coldness seizes the whole Body about Evening, which lasts out the whole Fit. And in the going off of the Fit, an Itching (so great as scarcely to be born) comes where the Gout has been. The Back, and other Parts extremely Itch, chiefly about Bed time. And after many, and cruel Torments, the following Fits makes the Patient weak, tho’ the Pain be more gentle. And instead of the usual Pain, there overtakes the Pati- ent a certain Sickness at Stomach, with a Pain of the Bel- ly, a Feebleness, and sometimes a Propension to a Looseness, which Symptoms vanish, as the Pain returns into the Joints. And thus sometimes by the Pain being in the Joints, and sometimes by being in the Stomach, taking its Course as it were by turns, the Patient becomes so Weakened, that the Fit upon its return, makes a much longer Stay. NOTES. OUR Author has here run thro' the several Approaches of the GOUT, as he had experienced himself for many Years to have been attacked with it, But has not at all mentioned any thing of the Cause, and Nature of the Distemper, without the Knowledge of which, a Right Notion of its Cure can never be truly formed: For as that Great Physician Celsus, says of the GOUT, Recte Curaturum, Quem prima Origo CAUSÆ non sesellerit. Therefore, since the Best Way of Curing any Disease, is best drawn from a true Knowledge of the Cause of it. We will examine How, & in What manner the GOUT is Caused, which by the Following Account will plainly appear, and from which will naturally follow a Right Notion of its only TRUE Method of Cure. The Cause of the GOUT. As our Joints are Parts peculiarly Designed for MOTION, so they are fram’d by Nature in a manner the most Conducive to this End. For which Reason, all Motion of our Joints being per- formed by means of the Joining together of the Ends of TWO bones that compose every Joint, It is manifest in Anatomy, that this Conjunction is all covered with a cer- tain Membrane, or thickish Skin, that serves to Wrap up, & thereby hold the Ends of these TWO Bones together. Now these Membranes that thus hold together our Joints, abound with a vast Number of certain small Glan- dules, or little Bags, whose Use is to furnish into the Pan in which the Knuckle lies, a certain Slimy Moisture, of a Smooth Oily Nature, like to the White of an Egg, Or rather to that Slimy Liquor, or Moisture, which we see run out of Calves Feet, just after they are killed: The use of which Smooth, Slimy Liquor is to Moisten, and Lubricate the Ends of the Two Bones where they meet together, that the Joint may be Slippery, and the Part moved with greater Ease. Just as the Wheels of a Jack, or Clock, unless they are Oiled, will not move. As long therefore as this Slimy, Smooth, Oily Moisture continues in its natural State of Slipperiness, all the Mo- tions of the Joints will be performed with Ease. And to make this Matter more clear, We may observe something of this kind in the Practice of every Car, and Coachman (as well as in the Movements of Jacks, & Clocks) Who in imitation of Nature, besmear with a certain Smooth Slippery Mixture of Grease and Tar, the Insides of the Naves of their Wheels, and the Axis upon which they move, without which, the Rotation of one about the other, would not be near so Easy, and Swift. What therefore Grease is to the Wheels of a Coach, or Cart, and Oil to the Movements of a Clock, or Jack. The very same proportionally, is the Slippery Moisture we now speak of, to the Joints in a Human Body: For As those Wheels will not go unless they are Greased, and Oiled, So our Joints cannot move, unless they are moistened with the Slimy liquor just now mentioned. (14) According now to these Principles, All the MOTION of our Joints being more or less Easy, as the abovementioned Slimy Liquor which Lubricates, and Moi- stens them, is more or less Slippery, and Smooth: By consequence, If any Heterogeneous Matter, or Ac- cident happens (for Example, if any Sharp, Foul Humor should be mixed with it) that in any Wise Thickens this Moisture, and thereby perverts its natural State of Slipperiness, the Motion of the Joint will be more or less Hinder'd, as this Moisture is more or less Thickened. Just as in the Wheels of a Jack, or Clock, if the Oil which is to make'em Slippery, be grown thick, they will not move. So that 'tis impossible that this Moisture should be any ways thickened, but it must hinder the Motion of the Joint. This is also visible in the Example abovementioned from Car, and Coachmen, whose Wheels turn with a sensible Heavyness, and Difficulty, if the Grease, or Coom, that lu- bricates them be grown any ways Dry, Thick, and Sizy. And to shew that the Mixture of a Sharp Humor with this Moisture, will Thicken it, One Experiment which that Great Anatomist, Dr. Havers, made upon this Slimy Liquor, which he took out of the Joint of an Ox just Killed, proves. For, having taken a Quantity of that Slimy Liquor Warm, as it flow'd out of the Creature's Joint, he mixed some Drops of Vinegar with it, which soon made a considerable Coa- gulation of it with a Serum, Just as Vinegar, or Rennet will Thicken, & Curdle Milk. Which Experiment shews, That by a Mixture of Sharp Humors with the Above- mentioned Moisture in our Joints, it will, from a Slippery Smooth Jelly, become a Thick hard Inspissated Curd; Which, according to these above-established Principles, must necessarily produce the several Symptoms of that Distemper called the GOUT, in the Following Manner. Foul Humors Breeding in the Body (from Irregu- gularities of Living, Eating, Drinking, &c.) and mixing themselves with the Blood, are carried by it, in its Circula- tion, to the Gouty Joints, where they Thicken, and Coagulate the Slimy Moisture abovementioned, which they contain, just as Vinegar, or Rennet will Thicken, and Curdle Milk. And that this is Matter of Fact, viz. That the Moi- sture in our Joints is thus Thickened in the Distemper here Treated of, several Experiments confirm even to our Eye. (15) For Example, If you lay a Blister Plaster on a Gounty joint, when you take it off, and the Blister is raised, there will appear under the Scarf Skin a perfect Tough Jelly. But there is one Example, that much more undeniably proves the Truth of this System, which is contained in the Lectures of Dr. Drelincourt at Leyden, Where he says, That he himself, in a Person that Died of the GOUT, found a Jelly stagnated all round the Joints, of the thick- ness of near a Quarter of an Inch. And Dr. Havers mentions two other Persons, who had large Gouty Swellings, which he opened, from whence ran out several Ounces of Thickened Mat- ter, plainly like Milk turned into a Posset, consisting of a great many Pieces of Greyish Curd, mixed with a Serum. Which Observations clearly prove what has been here said. The Cause then of the GOUT consisting in Foul Sharp Humors being mixed with the Jelly in our Joints, The only True, and Rational Cure must consist, in such Medicines as are capable to free the Joints from this Sharp Foul Humor, and carry it out of the Body. Which Intention of Cure, Monsieur BELLOSTE has surprisingly found to be performed by his Little PILL, Which being mixed with the Blood as (Dr. Turner has above observed) soon makes its Way along with the Blood to the Gouty Joint, where it separates the Gouty Humor from it, And then Carries it off by an Easy Stool or Two, without any Disturbance at all to Nature. Upon which The Swelling, and Inflammation abates, the Pain ceases, the Motion of the Joint Returns, and Ease and Rest, which for many Nights had not been had, is with Pleasure obtained. So that from the Time of Taking (commonly) A Second pill, the Person will find themselves Easier every Hour. And by taking 3, 4, or 5 of them, Persons have been FREED from the GOUT, and Gone Abroad, as usual. And our present Author Dr. SYDENHAM (who thought himself as Notable an Instance of the Gout, as any Man Living, having had it himself most Grievously 34 Years) gives the Reason for this, when he says, that Whatever Assists the Blood in discharging out of it the Foul Humors that are Mixed with it, cannot fail of Curing the GOUT, be a Method, or Medicine what it will. (16) THese (Mr. Belloste’s) Pills, are at the Same Price they have, since His Time, been Sold at, Which is, 20s. A Box. & 10s. the Half Box. With the Following Directions put up with them. But in Mr. Belloste's time, Persons purchased them at Any Rate, and thought NO Price too Dear for them. This appears by that Letter Above in the 5th Page, which Mr. Mancheti, Dr. of Physick, Writ to Mr. Cicog- nini, another Eminent Physician. In which, after Mr. Mancheti had acquainted Mr. Cicognini, that by Mr. Bel- loste's PILL He Himself was Cured of the Gout. He desired him to send him More of the Pills, for which, says he in the Letter, I send you 48 (French) Livres, which is about Forty-Three Shillings, English Money. And Mr. Mancheti did not think this at all DEAR for Mr. Belloste’s Rare Pills, having, as he freely owns, been himself Cured so very Easily of the GOUT by them. And therefore in the other Letter Above in the 5th Page, concerning His own Cure so very Easily of the Gout by Mr. Belloste's Little Pill (bearing Date Oct. 9, 1723) After owning his Cure of the Gout to His Pills, he says, that they are so Wonderful, and so Excellent, that the Price, and Value of them is worth a Louis d'Or a Grain, if (says he) we regard their Qualities, &c. Now what a deal of Trouble, Fatigue, and Quantities of Nauseous Physick, did Monsieur Belloste's Patients avoid, who laboured under the GOUT, or Venereal Complaints, as hereafter will appear, by only Taking 2, 3, or 4, or perhaps 5 of his PILLS, And surprising indeed it is, to see a Person laid up with the GOUT, or most wretchedly harass’d with Ve- nereal Disorders, and never the better, notwithstanding loads of Medicines they Take, to be, as it were, on a sudden Well, and Cured by so Easy a thing, as this PILL. This to those who know Nothing of this Pill, will rather seem Fabulous, than otherwise, but their own Trial of it will soon convince them, that there is ONE Certain Little thing in Physick (and which is Mr. Belloste's Pill) that is able to do that in especially the GOUT, and Vene- real Complaints, which no other Medicine possibly CAN. DIRECTIONS For Monsieur Belloste's PILL. Monsieur BELLOSTE'S PILL. Take only One of these Little PILLS Every Other Night, for 2, 3, or 4 Nights at going to Bed, after a light Supper. Swallow it either Alone, or in a Spoonful of Any Liquor, and so it will SLIP down, it having neither Smell, nor Taste. It will give you no Inconvenience in the Night time. And the Next Morning, Drink any sort of Tea, or Coffee, or Chocolate for your Breakfast, as you used to do, or Water Gruel, Broth, Purl, or Common Ale. And afterwards, You may expect an Easy Stool, or 2. You may Go freely Abroad about your Affairs, after having taken this PILL, as you used to do. Or go A JOURNEY, if you can but have any Con- venience in case of a Stool or 2 On the Road, which any Person on HORSEBACK at least, may Easily have. It requires no manner of Alteration in your usual Way of Living, or Diet, Only do not be too Free with Salt Meats, Hard Wine, or Stale Drinks. And Those Nights you Take a Pill, Eat but a small Supper. If you had rather take your PILL in a Morning, let it be Two or Three hours before you Breakfast. AND here it is worthy of Observation, that throughout the Course of Monsieur Belloste's Cures, Those Distempers which Physicians are Long a Curing, such as the GOUT, and Venereal Complaints especially, Harassing their Patients with Nauseous Medicines: These Distempers Monsieur Belloste generally Cured with 3, 4, 5, or 6 (oftentimes at most) of his Little PILLS. And this more Remarkably in those Obstinate Cases the GOUT, and Venereal Disorders, of which, with 3 only, or 4 of his Pills, he generally performed a Cure, when other Medicines could not Cure at all. What Fatigue then, What Trouble does his Pill save? Gout IF you Take this PILL for The GOUT, For which Mr. Belloste esteemed his PILL a Full Match, nay even A Complete master-piece: Or for the Rheumatism, Sciatica; or other Pains which are Obstinate, If you do not find your Pains quite gone by Taking about 3, or 4, or 5 of the Pills (Altho’ usually 2 PILLS very sensibly give Ease, and take away the GOUTY, or other miserable Pains). Then, You must continue on, till you have Taken 6, 7, or 8 of them, which fail not in Common Cases. But in Slight Fits of the GOUT, Rheumatism, or Scia- tica, about Two Pills make a sensible Amendment, by giv- ing almost present Ease, and 4 or 5 have performed a Cure. So that a Pill more or less is to be taken, as a Person finds their GOUTY, or other Pains more or less to Abate, and be gone, which usually has been upon taking 4, 5, or 6 of Mr. Belloste's Wonderful PILLS. To Hasten the Cure of the GOUT. TO make the Cure of the GOUT as soon again, Lay on the Painful Gouty Joint, A Raw BEEF STEAK, Cut Thin, off the Coarsest piece of Beef you can get. Binding it gently on with a large piece of Thin Brown Paper over it, and then a Linen Cloth over That. And Renew this Application as often as it grows Offensive. Which it will the Sooner do by Smelling Strong, the more it Draws the Gouty Humor to itself out of the GOUTY Joint, and Imbibes itself with the Foul Gouty Humor. And which, without any manner of Comparison, ex- ceeds other Outward Applications for the GOUT: when the Beef Steak is taken off, it will Smell so very Bad, and Strong, from the Foul GOUTY Humor it has Drawn, and Suck’d into itself, and imbibed itself with, out of the Gouty Joint, that it will be even Surprising. (19) So that here it is to be Noted. That such a Raw Beef Steak, Cut thus very Thin, and as Large as you can: or Lay on several Thin Slices of the Beef, if one Steak is not large enough to Cover where the Pain, and Swelling is, off from any Coarse piece of Beef, is the very BEST Outward Application, of any that is, for the GOUT. And the Reason is, Because This Application does not in the least Drive, or Repel back the Gout into the Body, but Strongly DRAWS it Out, thro’ the Pores of the Joint: Whilst the PILL taken Inwardly, Carries the Gouty Humor off by Stool, and Urine, gently other Ways, Being thus 2 Strings to the Bow, according to a Maxim in Physick, that Quæ non Prosunt Singula, SIMUL juvent. By which means, the Person is effectually Secured from the GOUT’s getting into the Stomach, or other Parts. If Coarse Beef happens not readily to be had, then instead of it, Lay on Slices of Calves, or Sheep's Lights, Cut Thin. And besure Renew them as they Smell Strong, and Offensive with the Foul Gouty Humor suck’d into them. For, When the STEAK (together with the Pill taken Inwardly) gives Ease, and takes a Fit of the Gout Away, the Steak will, when taken off, look perfectly Coddled, Parboiled, and Sodden, and, as it were, like a Half Broiled Common Steak, & will Smell very Strong, & Offensive. Whereas, if the Person finds no good by it at all, It will, when taken off, look as Raw, and as Fresh as when it was first Put on, and have no Smell at all, and their Pain will be much the Same, as it was before. But this so very rarely happens, that not ONE in 20 have it laid on, but when it is taken off, it is at least in some Degree changed both in Colour, and Smell. Which evidently shews, that there is not ONE in 20 in the GOUT, but surprisingly receives Benefit by it, and always observed, that the More the Steak, when taken off, Stinks, and is Offensive, the More of the GOUTY Hu- mor it has Drawn out, and the Easier the Person always is. So that as to this Article, every one, without Excep- tion, may so entirely depend on the Truth of it, that If they Speak as they Really find, they will, with a great deal of Joy, by being Eased of their GOUT, confirm it. (20) PAtrons of Sympathetic Cures by Trans- plantation of Distempers (such as Sir Kenelm Digby, that great Naturalist the Hon. Mr. Boyle, &c.) Affirm, That if you can Coaks, and Wheedle some very Poor Hungry, Half Starv'd, Good for Nothing Dog to Eat such a Beef Steak, after it is taken off from a GOUTY Joint, thus Imbibed, and Impregnated with the Gouty Humor, The Dog will have the Gout, the Person will be Freed. But as to this, Any Person may very Easily make the Experiment, and then let them Speak as they find. There is full as much Reason for a Beef STEAK Sod- den, Soaked, Imbibed, and Impregnated with the Foul Gouty Sweat, and Humors out of a Gouty Joint, to Shift and Transplant the GOUT from one Body, to Another, As for Bread, and Bits of Meat Soaked in the Urine of a Person in an AGUE, and Eat by a Hungry Dog, to give the Dog the Ague, and Free the Person from it. And this latter has been found True in numbers of Trials, But the Following Observation may be depended on to be True, which is, That after the Steak is laid on, Proportionably as it Draws out, Sucks into itself, and has Imbibed itself with the GOUTY Humor, so proportionably the Person finds Ease in their GOUT. Now, As the Taking of Monsieur Belloste's Little PILL, in the manner Above Directed, is so very Easy, And this Application of a Beef-Steak is so entirely SAFE, being entirely Attractive, and not in the least Repelling, or Sending the GOUT into the Body, are Both toge- ther so Reasonable a Way of Cure of the GOUT, There is no Room for Any Objection against it. And till Persons have Tried it, let them not give altogether Credit to that common Saying of Ovid, Tollere Nodosam Nescit Medicina PODAGRAM. For in all Appearance, had Ovid lived in Mr. Belloste’s Time, and seen but the Effect of his PILL, he would have entirely changed his Note, and rather said that Tollere Nodosam Jam Scit Medicina PODAGRAM. As, ’tis reasonably to be expected, Whoever does but Try this Pill, and Beef STEAK, will surprisingly find. (21) AND, If Any Person will but be so Obliging, & KIND, as to send an Account, in a Letter Directed To Where this Book is Given Away, in London, as Directed to Hereafter. Of the Benefit they have Received, it will,- with Abun- dance of Thanks, be most gratefully Acknowledged. And for the Immediate Conveniency of Persons Distant from London, These Pills will be Readily Sent by the POST to any Part of England, Scotland, or Ireland, If you Direct a Letter as Above ordered. And the Postage will be Paid in London, so as to come FREE of all Carriage to the Buyer. So that all Postage of Letters to London, and Carriage To You, will be always Paid in Lon- don, to Put you to no Expense of Carriage, or Postage. NOte. The Common POST will Carry these PILLS (they being a very small Little Parcel) as well as any Letter, and they will come as SAFE. But the Post-Office will not Charge themselves with any Letter, or Parcel that has Money in it. And therefore, The Money must be sent by any Carrier, Stage Coach, or Shipping, Or ordered to be Paid In LONDON. SO that Any Person by Writing to London, may have These Pills Sent to them as SAFE as any Letter, to Any County of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, &c. And their Postage (or Carriage, if sent by any Carrier or Stage Coach) is always Paid in London, so as to Come entirely Carriage, or Postage FREE to the Buyer. PErsons from very Distant Countries Writ to Mr. Belloste to send his Pills to them, and they Cured themselves as well with them, as if they had had them of himself. For their Taking is so very Easy, their Way of Curing a Distemper is so very Safe, and their Operation so vastly commodious, requiring no manner of Confinement, Hindrance of Business, or Aeration of Diet, That the Cures by them (to use the Expression of Mr. Goffe, the Countess of Busquets’s Physician, above in the 4th Page) seem to be rather by Enchantment, than otherwise. (22) MOnsieur Le Chevalier de Morete had a most Violent STRANGURY, that for five Days together he could Make NO Water, without the Assistance of what Monsieur Cicognini, and Two Other Physicians of great Note, prescribed for him. He took my Little PILL, and made Water Freely, and Plentifully that very Same Day, and with a deal of Ease. MAdam Campagnole, Mistress of the House At the Sign of The Woman without a Head, a great House of Entertainment in Turin, has been subject to A Cruel CHOLICK. This Disease had reduced her to the last Extremity for Three Years past. In 1722 She was seized with this Malady in the middle of the Night. I living in the Neighbourhood she sent for me. I found her in a de- plorable Condition, and gave her ONE of My Pills. Soon after, her Tormenting Pains ceased, and before Morning she Voided almost a PAIL FULL of Water. And so was not only entirely freed from her Cholick, but, was also, by my Little PILL, perfectly Freed from A DROPSICAL Humor. She was most grievously Tortured, yet My Little Pill only, made All Quiet in a Few Minutes after it was taken. IF the Pills are Taken for any Venereal Complaints, Altho’ Mr. Belloste with 3 or 4, but generally about 7, or 8 of his Pills Cured Venereal Patients so deplorable, that Other Medicines would have been a Long While a Curing. As appears in His Following VENEREAL Cures. Yet for more Security, & surer Dispatch of the Distemper, On those Days when a PILL is not taken the Night before, The Person should take in a Glass of Wine, Either at Home, or Abroad, Carrying the Bottle in their Pocket) as they would any Cordial Stomach Drops) a Few Drops of the Following Cleanser, & Strengthener of the Reins, &c. The Great DIURETICK Cleanser, and Strengthener of the Urinary Parts, Reins, and Loins. To Bring Away Effectually BY URINE the Pernicious Relicks, and Remains that may Lurk in the Body, of either a Former Venereal Distemper, Or of Pernicious Mercurial Medicines, taken for a Cure. Now the Signs of Relicks of a Former Venereal Distemper to be Lurking in the Body, Are, A Foul Matter Dripping from the Urinary Part. The URINE’s being Foul, and Smelling Strong, and kind of Little Skins, Hairs, or Threads flying about in it, With a Grayish Scum at the Top, or a Settling at Bottom. A Sharpness, Heat, Pain, Scalding, or Difficulty in Mak- ing Water, or too frequent Provocations to Make It. A Weakness in the Reins, Loins, and Small of the Back. A Dizziness, Giddiness, or Pains in the Head, and a kind of Weariness over the Body, Hot Palms of the Hands, &c. To Bring therefore Away BY URINE such Pernicious Venereal Relicks out of the Body, of a Former Venereal Distemper, which always hinders a Cure. And to make the Urine to Come Easily, Freely, & FULL STREAM’D away, which before could not be made but with Difficulty, Pain, Dribbling, and by Drops. This Noble Specific is a most Effectual Thing: As also to Cure a Venereal Running, Scalding, & Smarting of Urine. And a Troublesome GLEET, to Take it quite Away. It also Visibly Brings Away Sand, GRAVEL, & little Stones, which give such Tormenting, and Violent Pains in Making Water, having Brought Away Large Quantities of GRAVEL, & little Gritty Stones from many Persons. In a Word, ’tis a Medicine Never enough to be Valued in the Above Cases of Making Water, Or to Cure a Venereal Running, Scalding of Urine, or a Troublesome GLEET. Price 5s. the Bottle. With Directions. (24) In any present Fit of the Gravel, or Difficulty of URINE, You may Take these Drops Any Hour of the Day. Their Working is BY URINE, causing you to make Water Easily, and Freely, tho' before in a Violent STRANGURY, and Gravel: Having Brought Away Whole OUNCES of Gravel, And Little gritty STONES from Some Persons. And for a GLEET, or other such Weakness, (the Bane of Manhood, in One Sex, and of Fertility in the Other) either in the Reins, or Urinary, or Seminal Vessels. Whether it has been caused by any Venereal Taint Re- maining in the Body, Or from any Accidental Strain, Fall, Blow, or Bruise, these Noble Specific Drops perform a Cure, when perhaps No other Medicine besides, CAN. Which could All who stand in need of it, be but made as sensible of, as Numbers are who have Tried it, They would Quickly have recourse to it, to take away a GLEET, and Venereal Relics out of their Body. It likewise Cures the STRANGURY, and DIABETES, making such, whose Water comes away In- voluntarily, or Painfully by Drops, to URINE freely. And As this Medicine requires no Staying At Home, and its Operation is BY URINE, So These Drops may be Taken on a JOURNEY, and so Cure yourself. Take Notice that Counterfeits At the Royal Exchange Being Sold of the Remedies belonging to the Books that are GIVEN Away Gratis, No Shop, but Mr. Bradshaw, and the Anodyne Necklace without Temple-Bar, has the Right.--Therefore, Beware of Buying At the Counterfeit Shops at the Royal Exchange. HOSPITAL SURGEON Continued. IN 1681, A Young Gentleman informed me, that after an Impure Commerce, he had some Venereal Complaints, which had been negligently taken but bad Care of. That For Some Months after he received the Injury, he had been afflicted with great Pains, especially in the Night Times, with an Ulcer in his Nose, & Other Venereal Symptoms, All which he shewed me. He told me that the Posture of his Affairs, and the Season of the Year would not permit him to enter upon a strict Course of Physick. And yet it was of the highest Consequence to him, that his Disorder should be kept in PRIVACY, desiring me to contrive him something, which might hinder its Progress, and in the Spring, he would undergo a Regular Cure. I made him up, according to my usual manner in such Venereal Complaints, some of my Little PILLS, And ordered him to Take only ONE Single PILL of them, Every Other Night at going to Bed, He had not Taken above FIVE Pills, before he told me his Pains were diminished, and the Ulcer in his Nose, and his other Venereal Symptoms become much better. And after a Few more of the Pills, he found himself Cured, and Well, to his great Surprise, as well as mine: For he imagin’d I was administering to him no more than a Palliative Remedy, I advised him however to con- tinue the Pills a little longer, for Security sake, and ’tis certain, that he never after felt the least Venereal Symptoms. NOW when I consider that This Little PILL is the ONLY Remedy Capable of Destroying A Venereal Infection, It will be no way Surprising that it made such a Cure of the Venereal Distemper in this Young Gentleman, And that it should act in so Salutary a manner, with- out giving the Young Gentleman the least Trouble. (26) He having all the Time of his Taking about 7 or 8 Pills, (and which was ALL that he Took for his WHOLE Cure, Unless he followed the Advice of continuing a Few more for Security sake) never been Incommoded. Nor was he ever Confined to his Chamber, Or any ways Altered his usual way of Living, so as to give any one the least Suspicion that he had Ailed any thing. Thus his Cure was performed, without giving him any Inconvenience. NOTE. What a deal of Trouble, and Fatigue, and what Loads of Medicines, add Slip Slops of Physick, did this Young Gentleman Avoid, by being so Easily Cured, with only a Few of Mr. Belloste's Pills? Whereas otherwise, He might have lain a Long while under Cure, if perhaps ever Cured at all, Since his Affairs (as the Young Gentleman expresly says) was such, as would not permit him to undergo the Common Mesthods of Cure in time, and before his Distemper was gone too far. AFter this Cure of this Young Gentleman (of a very Sad State of the Venereal Distemper) I being Sur- geon Major of the Hospital of Briançon, I gave the Same Pill to the Venereal Patients There, with the same Success. IN 1694, Monsieur Le Mareschal de Catinat sent me several Subaltern Officers, who had All of them the Venereal Disease. They took No thing Little PILL, and Returned to the Army Brisk, and Sound, without farther Trouble. I Omit relating many Particulars in my Cures, for the sake of avoiding an offensive Prolixity, And therefore I have only given a Few Instances of Cures of each kind, unless extraordinary Circumstances induce to the contrary. NOW, It is left to every one to Judge (goes on Mr. Belloste) of what MAY be done, especially in Venereal Cases, & the Gout, by my Little PILL, from what HAS been already DONE. For altho' any ONE Single Cure only of a Venereal Case, or the GOUT, might be imputed to Chance, Yet a great number of SUCH Cures very justly Carry with them the real Merit of Persuading. (27) And, according to the Opinion of very Learned Men, my Little Pill has at all Times been acknowledged to be the True, and Real SPECIFICK in Venereal Cases, & the GOUT, since it first Discovered, & Administered. It having a most Certain, and Absolute Power over a Venereal Ferment, Taint, Venom, and Infection, as it has also over the Foul Sharp Humor that causes the GOUT. MY Little PILL (goes on Mr: Belloste, Hospital Surgeon, Page 91.) will be found Commodious for such Persons as desire a Cure to be Wrought with the Utmost PRIVACY, without any Confinement, or Change of their Way of Living. Because It answers these Ends, and the Cure is Effected, without the Least Danger, in a most Easy manner. And for want of such a Remedy, do a great number of Persons Languish with Venereal Complaints between their Disease, and Remedies, and become Incurable in the End. Amongst which are Unhappily great Numbers of Innocently Injured Persons, Who (as Mr. Belloste says, Page 103) without any Viola- tion of Chastity, Labour under an Ill Disease, and con- sequently are greater Objects of Companion in their Cure. Others, Take a great Number of Remedies which may Restrain, and Palliate the Venereal Symptoms, but Nothing but My Pill will REALLY Eradicate the Principle from which they Arise, as I can Aver from 43 Years use of it. Insomuch that My Pill, will, sometime or other, have the Preference beyond almost ALL the Venereal Remedies that are in use, for the Good, and Benefit of Mankind. NOte. Monsieur Belloste's thus so Easily Curing. Venereal Patients, By their Taking only 3, 4, or 5 of his Little Pills, Shews them to be the Easiest, and Speediest, as well as Privatest Cure of the Venereal, or Foul Disease, and its Train of Vexatious Symptoms, that IS, or CAN he. It entirety Destroying that Wretched Disease, when Nothing else CAN. (28) IT is the Particular Nature of all Venereal In- fection, to have in it a certain Malignity, and Taint Peculiar only to it self, which no Time (unless it is very well Cured indeed) is able to Destroy, but whole Im- pressions are communicated from Generation, to Generation. Insomuch, that a Venereal Infection ONCE Received, may very often descend a great Length to Posterity. Which makes it difficult to meet with a Family, which has not derived from their Ancestors, Some of this Evil. Hence it is, that this Pernicious Venereal Leven, which lies disguised under a great Variety of Forms, may Lie Quiet, and be Worn out in all Appearance, but that some Particles of its Coagulative, and Infecting Substance still Runs in the BLOOD, even to a late Posterity. And this in so Peculiar, and almost Unaccountable a manner, that it may spare the Father, and Afflict the Son, or Grandson. That it may be fix’d to the Glan- dular Parts, and continue There a long time in Repose. That certain Dispositions may Rowze, and put this Lurking, and Hidden Venereal Taint in Motion, produ- cing GOUTS in the Joints, RHEUMATISMS in the Muscular Parts, GRAVEL in the Kidnies, King’s-Evilly Humors in the Glands, Scurf's, Itches, Ulcers, Leprosies, &c. The far Greater Part of which Diseases, are the Real Offspring of some Former Venereal Taint, or other. Hence it is, that a Great many Persons in the World pass under the Notion of having the Scurvy, King's-Evil, Gout, Rheumatism, and many other Distempers, Which At the bottom, were they but Traced up to their Origin, are all frequently nothing else but Chips of the old Block, Proceeding from some Lurking Remains of A Venereal Disorder, Which either They themselves have Formerly had, and were not well Cured of, Or Transmitted to them from their Ancestors, Whose Sins Children are oftentimes Visited with, even to the Third, and Fourth Generations. All which might Easily have been Prevented, if Venereal Complaints had but been Rightly managed in the Beginning. Hence it appears of what Consequence it is, both to one’s Self, and Posterity, to Remedy such Evils in time. (29) Nor does even the Celebrated Reputed Virtue of Some Ancestors, put any Obstacle at all to this Doctrine, This being so much the Weak Side of almost the whole World (Maxima Pars horminum, Morbo jactatur eodem, says Horace) that, as Tertullian observes, even Those whom the Strength of Torments could not Conquer, have ne- vertheless become Victims to Frailty, and Weakness. And do we not daily see that even your Apparent, Starch'd, Demure, Canting, Censuring Saints in all other Respects, will nevertheless in Private Hug this Darling Sin, & Secretly have a Miss in a Corner. And as Hudibras says. Damn Those Sins they have no Mind to, But Compound with Those, they are Inclin’d to. Now, When a Person has any of the above Ailments, a Physician will find it no Easy Task to persuade his Patient to a Down right Venereal Medicine, when the Patient is assured that his Ailment is not the fruit of his Own Irregularities. And so is deprived of a Certain Relief, and must be content to put up with a mere Palliative Remedy. A too fatal Experience among Patients, authorises this manner of Reasoning, and at the same Time convinces That this Little Pill being, beyond all Contradiction, such a Peculiar Specifick Preparation, & Remedy, in the Cure of Venereal Complaints, It must likewise remove all other Complaints, that de- pend upon the SAME Cause. Insomuch, that if the Cause of such Complaints is but capable of being Destroyed, Above 43 Years Experience emboldens to Aver, that it is This Pill ONLY, that has sufficient Power to do it, and from such Experience it is, that This is so Positively said of it. A Great number of Remedies may Restrain, and Pal- liate Venereal Symptoms, and procure a Truce, But Nothing but This Pill will Really, Effectually, Thoroughly, and Substantially Eradicate, and Root out the Venereal Taint, and Principle from which they arise. For which Reason, In any of these Cases, Root tho- roughly a Venereal Taint, and Infection out of the Body, Mr. Belloste affirms his Pill the ONLY thing, its Operation being (as he expressly says, Page 54) Divine, & Surprising. (30) WHen our Court attended the Queen of Spain to Coigny in 1702, I was my self seized with A Fit of the GRAVEL, so very Violent, that I imagined it would Cut me off. I Voided small STONES, & Gravel with inconceive- able Torture, & what I Voided, was Blood instead of Urine. I was then brought to Turin, where Monsieur Fousage (at that time First Physician to her Royal Highness) ordered me Medicines for Three Months, at the end of which, I Relapsed into my former Condition, Voiding Little Stones, and GRAVEL with most excessive Pain. At length I began to take my PILL into Considera- tion, imagining that the STONES were formed by a thick Lymph, which, if it could but be rendered Fluid, would prevent any farther Concretions of this sort. And to this End I my self took my Own PILL. The Consequence was, that all my Symptoms ceased, hav- ing from that time to this, not felt the least touch of the Stone, or GRAVEL. 'Tis true indeed that now and then I take a PILL, or TWO, which I believe secures me against a Relapse. And I have given My PILL to many Persons for the Stone, and GRAVEL, and always with Success. My Little PILL is also not less Efficacious in a STRANGURY, and Retention of URINE. MOnsieur le Baron de Chainaye Nisar has Expe- rienced it. For 4 Years (with Stone, & Gravel) He Could not MAKE WATER without the most exquisite Pain, and great Striving. He took My Little PILL, and (to his great Surprise) URINED with a full Stream, without any Pain at all. He looked upon the good Success of the Pill as a Prodigy, having tried a great Number of other Medicines to no manner of Purpose. He returned home overjoyed, and took a Stock of the PILLS with him last Autumn 1723. The Famous Anodyne Necklace, WHich (from the Great Dr. Chamberlen’s extraordinary Recommendation of it to the World, and its own Constant Success Has gained such a vast Reputation for Many Years it has been Published, without any Interruption, That the Children of not only the Greatest Nobility in England, and Foreign Countries, but even of KINGS, and Princes have Wore It, and thought not Safe without it. The ROYAL Children of England, France, Denmark, & other Courts have Wore it, & Cut their Teeth Safely with it. And his ROYAL Highness PRINCE William, And the Young DAUPHIN of FRANCE, and Their ROYAL Sisters, Cut all their Teeth Admirably well with it. Which has given it such a Vast Reputation Abroad, that Many Dozens are Constantly Writ for, to be Sent over Sea. And indeed it is now so generally Esteem’d, that A Mother w’d Never Forgive Her Self, Whose Child should DIE for want of so Easy a Remedy. Infants on the Brink of the Grave with their TEETH, Fits, Fevers, Convulsions, Hooping, and other Violent Coughs, Gripes, Looseness's, &c. and from their Teeth, Have almost miraculously Recovered, after having Wore this Celebrated Anodyne Necklace but One single Night's time. Nay, Many have Visibly grown Better, and Better, after it has been only Put about their Necks.--Price only 5s. Shop-Keepers to Sell again, Have the Anodyne Necklaces for 48s. a Dozen. Or Half a Dozen for 24 Shillings. With a Large Printed Sheet to Hang Out at their Shop. And what Necklaces do not Sell, are Returned any Time. So that SHOP-KEEPER need be any Looser by them. Given Gratis the Following Treatises. THE Travels of a SHILLING, With its Various Adventures, and Turns, and Changes of Fortune in those many Different Hands it Passed thro’, from Elizabeth's Reign, down to King George the Ild's Time. Of the Use of TOBACCO, & Snuff. Of a BROKEN Constitution, by Fast Living, Former Ill Cures, Salivations, Mercury, &c. A QUICK WAY for Persons Privately to Cure themselves on a JOURNEY, of the Secret Disease, & a GLEET, without Taking Physick, by The Famous Specific LOTION, Which has of Late Years Cured such great Numbers. Price only THREE Shillings, and Six-Pence, With Directions, Which is Nothing to the Value of a Cure. And the Treatise on the Celebrated Anodyne Necklace, Recommended by the Great Dr. Chamberlen for Children’s TEETH, Shewing, how a Teeth Cutting Necklace Opens the Gums, and Lets their Teeth Out. To be had Up One Pair of Stairs, at the Sign of this Anodyne Necklace, against Devreux-Court, Without Temple-Bar; And at Mr. Bradshaw's Dassy's, and Stoughton's Elixir Ware-House, the Golden Key, under the Back Piazza, Behind the Royal Exchange in London. FINIS.