K%^ )JJ i ^y * \\x ^y| r<à ^P t ~ if y. H h Jn V J\ 1 ;*« H ^) '7 ) • «7 "■U > * J .7 ^ *4 i> £?lv ^^v,r^ UiS&v-ï m * i\ \ i)V. •yc 'W ^ ^ iS Rides to be attended lst. NO matter how soon the bit of silk paper falls off the arm—the sooner the better. 2nd. The diet should not differ from the usual diet of the Patient before inoculation. 3rd. Be careful not to rub or scratch the arm, or shove up tight sleeves. 4th. Persons who are not compé- tent judges of the Vaccine Matter, should not attempt to inoculate themselves, as they would not feel safe afterwards from the Small Pox, and because it would be setting a snare for one's own life. 5th. Women who do house-work, should avoid washing and baking, or any other laborious work, on the seventh or eighth days, the usual time for the symptoms. 6th. Ail in a family should be inoculated at the same time for fear of accidents. 7th. Daily expérience teaches that women may be vaccinated with safety in ail circumstances, and chil- dren at the period of teething. 8th. Parents, Schoolmasters and Mistresses, Nurses and Servants, to during Vaccination. \ who handle Children, should keep \ it in mind not to hold or lift them \ by their arms, or even to take hold < under their arms would not be safe. £ Vaccinated infants should always s be lifted by putting one hand un- \ derneath them, and the other round \ the body. 5 9th. No danger of washing the \ hands and face in cold water. > lOth. The vaccinated arm should s never hâve a bandage on it, but be \ kept cool and sleeves loose. \ llth. The finger nail of infants \ should be pared close while under \ Vaccination, in order to prevent ^ their doing mischief.* i 12th. Every person that is inoc- £ ulated is particularly requested to ^ attend on the 8th and 15th days af- 5 ter inoculation, unies s the weather § be stormy, for the purpose of being s examined. \ 13th. In particular cases oftly a ^ dose of physic is groper after Vac- s cination. \ SYLVANUS FANSHER, ^ Inoculator to the United States' Troops, s * Small Children and Infants hâve, by their fii> S ger nails, communicated the virus to the faces of ^ their Mothers and Nurses. \^J) I \ u y v O ^ À 7êrt.W-:> '/'•\x , -^- .> y u \J fe9 "> J':V ; V '>? 7 7V ><