>$ftw$i\ wmmWmW m Ifi NLH D51D737b M LABORATORY, No. 531 North Street. ullock & Crenshaw No. 528 Urcm Street, Philadelphia, MANUFACTURERS OF Sugar CnateH _Pil1e_ji«i4_ri~«uleS) PERFI Surgeon General's Office ■ Q? /• if- &■ ^cw* fa <• :- C/ecctcn,^.'..^.....^^ *.■■.-■ -■+■*■ $ ^ 3LB §-r*~<-^ $y experiments made by disinterested Pharmacists, our Pills proved to be more readily dissolved than either ^Compressed or Gelatine=Coated Pills. We make also, a full line of Elixirs, Fluid Extracts, Medicinal Wines, Emulsions, etc. Our Preparations are not excelled by any in the Market, and if the Physicians of Philadelphia will prescribe llfh. &* C.'s" Preparations they will secure the full effects of the Remedies. Complete ^Priced Catalogue Furnished. NLM051073764 Strictly Pure Wines and Liquors. MS. TOLY, v Q 3OUTH 7™ 31. DMILfiDELPMIlL \IM1PZ>J1 iTJllM Wholesale and Retail Dealer. ELITE elite ;; >h> (Sec.) i Charles Joly, Philadelphia, Sole Agent for the U.S. -ALSO FOR— J. G. DUVERGIER k CO., Bordeaux, Clarets k Sauternes. THE BERGNER & ENGEL BREWING CO.'S EXPORT LAGER BEER. Importer of the hie/her grades of Fine Wines, Brandies, Ports, Sherries, Gins, Cordial?, Olive Oil, Mineral Waters, etc., etc. Pure Eye Whisky, " Domino" [SUCCESSOR TO DR. GLASS.) No 1413 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. The best and most con=- venient portable Faradic battery for physicians' use- Chemical batteries. A full- line of Electrodes and Elec=> trical Supplies. WE AIM TO PLEASE THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. PHIRMUCEUTICHL CHEMIST, N. W. Cor. Chestnut & Twelfth Sts,, Philadelphia, Pa. Importer, Manufacturer & Dispenser of Rare a nil Pure Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Preparations. A thoroughly organized, systematic prescription department, in charge of well known and experienced Pharmacists, under my immediate supervision, is conducted in accordance with princi- ples excluding the possibility of errors or mistakes. Rare Drugs, Chemicals or new preparations, and sick room utensils imported, manufactured or procured at the shortest possible period. Correspondence with the leading Drug Houses and Chemists in England, France and Germany, as well as this country. Chemical and Microscopical Urinary analysis made promptly at moderate rates. ESTABLISHED 1837. .MiDmmtPMZ) (Bo M<^miY9 MANUFACTURER OF Snrpal anA Dental Instruments, Trusses, Etc, Etc, 21 N. Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Agent for Mcintosh's Batteries and Uterine Supporters, The attention of the medical profession is' called to an extensive assortment of Fine French Bougies and Catheters, comprising every variety of form and size. Also superior Rubber Covered Trusses of every variety. Hypodermic Syringes, With Platinum Points which will not corrode. Special pains taken to the procuring of all novelties. Catalogues Furnished on Application. PRIZE MEDAL AWARDED TO HORATIO G. KERN, CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION, 1876 ESTABLISHED 18131. The Oldest Surgical Instrument Manu'acturing House in the United States MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OP KJ RGICAL INSTRUMENT! PHILADELPHIA. Requisites for the Nursery, Sick Room k Hospital: Trusses, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Fever Thermometers, Rubber Bandages, Crutches, Splints, Pocket Medicine Cases, Atomizers, Buo-o-y Cases, Electric Batteries. Ophthalmoscopes, Microscopes, Lenses, Etc. Snowden's Fenestrated Hypodermic Syringe; With two Needles, and Cap to prevent Evaporation, in neat Case, $3.00 Snowden's Solid Barrel Hypodermic Syringe, With Two Needles, and Cap to prevent Evaporation, in neat Case, $3.00 HPSRKE, DMIS ck CO..K- DETROIT, MICK., MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS. Fluid Extracts. We manufacture a full line of fluid extracts, both officinal and non-officinal, making a specialty of the n iwer editions to the mate- ria medical: By our proctss we, as fully as possible, exhaust the medicinal principles of the drug. By the strictest care taken in the selection of the crude material, and the most approved process of manufacture, operated by the highest skill, we succed in produ- cing fluid extracts which are un- excelled and rarely equaled for fullness and constancy of strength. Elixirs, Wines and Syrups. We desire to call the httention of pharma- cists to our preparations embraced under this head. Prepared with all the improvements which !ong practical experience and high medical authority can suggest, we offer them as com- bining with therapeutical value, agreeable- ness of taste, and elegance in appearance. We put them up in pounds, half gallons and demijohns. N. B.—When ordered simply in " bulk " these articles will be sent in half-gallon bot- tles. If desired in four ounce, one or five pound bottles, or in demijohns, please specify Medicated Lozenges. Lozenges are of use in pharyngeal troubles that yield to ordinary medication. By being .slowly dissolved, the medicament they con- tain is brought into contact with the diseased mucous membranes, and hence a beneficial influence, local as well as general, is exerted. In this respect they are of inestimable value to public speakers, teachers, singers, etc., as they are handy to carry about the person. In certain diseases of children, in worms, dyspepsia, and in cases where it is desirable to carry the remedy about the person (as with travellers), the lozenge is a usual form for a medicament. We manufacture 50 formulae. 'Special formula? made to order of any de- sired size, shape, color, or flavor, when or- dered in quantities of 3 lbs. or more. ---SUGAR--- Gelatine=Coated Pills, Oviform and Round. Our pills are made entirely by hand, from the purest materials, and are sugar-coated by a method avoiding the use of heat above 90° F., without impairing either their efficacy or solubility. For solubility, regularity of shape and beauty of finish they are excelled by none. They are coated while the mass is yet soft, and will remain in same condition for years. Special formulae made and coa- ted to order, when desired, in lots of 3,000 or upwards. SPECIALTIES AND SUNDRIES. Cascara Cordial. Sangunis, Bovinus Exsiccatus. Liquor Ergotae Purificatus. Chlor-Anodyne- Empty Capsules. Lactated Pepsine, Saccharated Pepsine. New Remedies. Berberina Hydrochlorate (Hydrastin Mur). Berberina Sulphate (Hydrastin Sulphate). Choleate Sodium. Chem. Pure Chloroform. Chaulmoogra Oil. Crude Petroleum Mass, Dialyzed Iron. Distilled Ext. Witch Hazel. Dr. Warburg's Tincture. Extract Malt. Glycerated Dialyzed Iron. Ghirjun Balsam. Hydrastia (White Alkaloid of Golden Seal). Menthol. Monobromated Camphor. Nitrate Amyl Pearls. Picrate Ammonium. Pepsine Liquid Concentrated. Pepsine and Lacto-Phos. Lime Lozenges. Pure Cold Refined White Nor- wegian Cod Liver Oil. Quinine Elixir. Solution Sclerotic Acid, Syrup Iodide Iron. Yerba Santa Lozenges. Etc., Etc., Etc. .....concentrations"..... Our list of Concentrations comprises the proximate medicinal principles of the several plants named, either combined in the form of a powder, consisting of two or more constituents, or isolated in the form of a powdered alkaloid or resinoid. These are a very eligible form in which to adminis- ter medicines, and are highly prized by many. Put up in ounce bottles and bulk. For Descriptive Circular and Price List of above, send to PARKE, DA VIS <5r» CO., Detroit, Mich. THE MEDICAL REGISTER AND H rr\ OF THE Practitioners of Medicine, IN THE , /■ ft ' ^jb <; r ■\ y CITY END COUNTY OFPHILflDELPHIflVx £4X1 ,v \ 7 L-'v SSfctr ^r COMPILED FROM THE OFFICIAL REGISTER IN THE OFFICE OF THE 0 PROTHONOTARY, OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. —BY— SAMUEL B. HOPPIN, M. D. PHILADELPHIA : A. S. VADAKIN, PRINTER. J 882. w DP4.I 188Z f>'/^/K?. 2cfio no.--4. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1882, by SAMUEL B. HOPPIN, M. D., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. Y AN ACT To provide for the registration of all practitioners of medicine and surgery. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the prothonotary of each county shall purchase a book of suitable size, to be known as the medical register of the county (if such book has not been purchased already), and shall set apart one full page for the registration of each practitioner, and when any practitioner shall depart this life, or remove from the county, he shall make a note of the same at the bottom of the page, and shall perform such other duties as are required by this act. Section 2, Every person who shall practice medicine or surgery, or any of the branches of medicine or surgery, for gain, or shall receive or accept for his or her services, as a practitioner of medicine or surgery, any fee or reward, directly or indirectly, shall be a graduate of a legally chartered medical college or university, having the authority to confer the degree of doctor of medicine (except as pro- vided for in section five of this act) and such person shall present to the prothono- tary of the county, in which he or she resides or sojourns, his or her medical diploma, as well as a true copy of the same, including any endorsements thereon, and shall make affidavit before him that the diploma and endorsements are genuine ; thereupon, the prothonotary shall enter the following in the register, to wit: The name in full of the practitioner, his or her place of nativity, his or her place of residence, the name of the college or university that lias conferred the degree of doctor of medicine, the year when such degree was conferred, and in like manner any other degree or degrees that the practitioner may desire to place on record, to all of which the practitioner shall likewise make affidavit before the prothonotary, and the prothonotary shall place the copy of such diploma, including the endorsements, on file in his office, for inspection by the public. Section 3. Any person, whose medical diploma has been destroyed or lost; shall present to the prothonotary of the county, in which he or she resides or sojourns, a duly certified copy of his or her diploma; but if the same is not obtain- able, a statement of this fact, together with the names of the professors whose lectures he or she attended, and the branches of study upon which each professor lectured, to all of which the practitioner shall make affidavit before the prothono- tary, after which the practitioner shall be allowed to register, in manner and form as indicatedin section two of this act, and the prothonotary shall place such certified statement on file in his office for inspection by the public. Section 4. Any person who may desire to commence the practice of medicine or surgery in this state after the passage of this act, having a medical diploma issued or purporting to have been issued by any college, university, society or 4 AN ACT FOR THE REGISTRY OF PHYSTCIANS. association in another state or foreign country, shall lay the same before the faculty of one of the medical colleges or universities of this commonwealth for inspection, and the faculty, being satisfied as to the qualifications of the applicant, and the genuineness of the diploma, shall direct the dean of the faculty to endorse the same, after which such person shall be allowed to register, as required by section two of this act. Section 5. Any person who has been in the continuous practice of medicine or surgery in this commonwealth since one thousand eight hundred and seventy- one, without the degree of doctor of medicine, shall be allowed to continue such practice; but such person siiall nevertheless appear before the prothonotary of the county, in which he or she resides, and shall present to him a written state- ment of these facts, to which the practitioner shall make affidavit. There- upon, the prothonotary shall enter the following in the register, to wit: The name in full of the practitioner, his or her place of nativity, his or her place of residence, the time of cominuous practice in this commonwealth, and the place or places where such practice was pursued, to all of which the practitioner shall likewise make affidavit, and the prothonotary shall place the certified state- ment on file in his office for inspection by the public. Section 6. Every practitioner who shall be admitted to registration, shall pay to the prothonotary one dollar, which shall be compensation in full for registration, and the prothonotary shall give a receipt for the same. Section 7. Any practitioner who shall present to the faculty of an institution for endorsement, or to a prothonotary, a diploma which has been obtained fraud- ulently, or is in whole or in part a forgery, or shall make affidavit to any fasle statement to be filed or registered, or shall practice medicine or surgrry with- out conforming to the requirements of this act, or shall otherwise violate or neglect to comply with any of the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall be punished, for each and every offence, by a fine of one hundred dollars, one-half to be paid to the prosecutor, and the other half to be paid to the county, or be imprisoned in the county jail, of the proper county, for a term not exceeding one year, or both, or either, at the discretion of the court. Section 8. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent any physician or surgeon, legally qualified to practice medicine or surgery in the state in which lie or she resides, from practicing in this commonwealth; but any person or persons opening an office or appointing any place where he or she may meet patients or receive calls, shall be deemed a sojourner, and shall conform to the requirements of this act. Section 9. This act shall take effect on the first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Section 10. That all acts or parts of acts, heretofore passed and inconsistent with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved—The 8th day of June, A. D. 1881. HENRY M. HOYT. PHYSICIANS. Abbott, Ilarvev X. 1858 X. 12th st., Until 9J a. m., 1-2, 6-7 p. m. Abbott, G- .E. 102 Queen's lane, F Schyl, Abel, Amaeey B. 226 X. 12th st., 9 a. m., 4 p. m., Sat'days 9-2 p. m. Addis, Simon D. Steamship Ohio, Adler, John M. 1028 Arch st., 8-9 a. m., 2J-4J, 8-10 p. m. Agnew, D. Hayes 1611 Chestnut st., 8-9J a. m., 2}-4 J p. in. Au'iiew, Erwin 1126 Arch St., Agnew, John 1508 Vine st., Before 9 a. m., 6-7J p. m. Aldrich, Olive D. 740 S. 8th st. Alexander, John I. 1235 X. 17th st., Before 10 a. in., 1-3, 6-9 p. m. Alison, Robt. II. 250 S. 17th st.. Until 9^ a. m., 2-4, 7 p. rn. Allan, Arthur C. 1513 Walnut st., 9-11 a. m., 3J-5 p. rn. Allaband, Samuel C. 1829 S. 2d st. 8-10 a. m., 13, 6 p. m. Allen, Harrison 117 S. 20th st., 8^-11 a. m. Allen, Joshua G. 1237 Spruce st., 9-10 a. m., 2-i--3£ p. m. Allen, Mary E. 1800 M~t. Vernon st., Allis, Oscar IT. 1604 Spruce st., 9-10 a. m., 3-4J, 7^8 p. ni. Allison, Edward A. 314 S. 16th st., Anders. James M. 1638 X. 8th st., 8-10 a. m., 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Univ. of Pa., 1878 Univ. of Pa., 1879 Jeff. Med. Col., is 75 Univ. of Pa., 1875 Cola. Col. \V,D.( E1S50 Univ. of Pa., 1838 Univ. of Pa., 1864 Jeff. Med. Co]., 1875 Women's Md. Co .1874 Univ. of Pa., 1880 Univ. of Pa., 1869 Univ. of Pa., 187s Univ. of Pa., 1865 Univ. of Pa., 1861 Univ. of Pa., 1856 Woman's Md.Col .1874 Jeff. Med. Col., L866 Univ. of Pa., 188<> Univ. of Pa., 1877 6 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Anderson, E. L. 63d st. above Vine, Jeff. Med. Col., IS-;; 7-9 a. m., 1-2, after 6 p. m. Andrews, T. Hollingsworth, 1117 Spruce, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1 :04 9-11 a. m., 2, 6 7 p. m. Angell, Edward B.Orhoepoedic Hospital, Univ. of Pa. 1881 Angney, John R. 5th and Spruce st., Phila. Med. Col., 1850 Angney, William M. 522 Spruce st., Jeff. Med. Col., 1-78 8-10 a. m., 1-3, 6-7A p. m. Apeldorn, Ernest F. 103 W. Xorris st., Jeff. Med. Col., 1881 Until 9 a.m., 1-3 and after 8 p. m. Armitage, A. W. 2377 Amber st., Univ. of Pa., 1869 Until 9 a.m., 1-3 and after 8 p. m. Armstrong, W. C. 1714 Columbia ave., Univ. of Pa., 1880 2-3, 6-7 p. m. Artis, Leopold L. 519 Pine st., Jeff. Med. CoL, 1881 Ash, IT. St Clair 1112 Vine st., Pa. Med. CoL, 1850 8-9 a. m., 2-3, 7 p. m. Ashbridge, fm. 112 S. 17th st., Univ. of Pa., 1867 Until 9-30 a. m., 3-30-5 p. m. Ashhurst, Jr., Jno. 2000 W. Delaney PL, Univ. of Pa., 1860 9-10 a. m., 3 p. m. Ashmead, fm, 4788 Germantown ave., Univ. of Pa., 1826 Ashmead, A. S. 24 S. 2d st,, Univ. of Pa., 1869 Ashton, Samuel K 222 S. 8th st,, Univ. of Pa., 1843 8-9 a m., 12-3, 6-8 p. m. Ashton, Wm. E. 222 S. 8th st., Univ. of Pa., 1881 8-9 a, m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Atkinson, Wm. B. 1400 Pine st., Jeff. Med. CoL, IE53 Until 9 a. m., 3-5, 7 p. m. Atlee, Lewis W. 210 S. 13th st., Jeff. Med. CoL, 1882 Atlee, Walter F. 210 S. 13th st., Univ. of Pa., 1850 1-3 p. m. Atlee, Washington L. 217 X\ 17th st., Jeff. Med. CoL, 1 :69 8-10 a. m., li-4, 6-8 p. m. Austin, John H. 1931 Xr. 7th st., Bachman, G. A. 2024 X. 2d st., 8-10 a. in., 12-2, 6 8 p. m. Baer, Benjamin F. 218 S. 20th st., Until 10 a. m., 3-7 p. m. Bahl, Charles H. 1002 X. 6th st., 7-9 a. m., 6-7 p. rn. Univ. of Pa., Jeff. Med. CoL, lv.-l VG : Univ. of Pa., 1876 Univ. of Pa., 1864 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Bailey, John A. 1138 Girard ave., CoL of Phys. Surg , Keokuk, Iowa. Baker, Chas. S. 1711 Warnock st., Baker, Washington II. 1610 Summer st., 8-9 a. m., 6-7 p. in. Baldwin, Lewis K. 1900 Wallace st,, Until 9 a. m.. 4-5, 7-8 p. in. Ballantine, C. IT. 754 S. 13th st., Barclay, Wm. II. 19 S. 16th st., Barr, David M. 1902 Spring Garden st, 9-11 a. m., 3|-4i p. m. Barr, John W. 210 S. 12th st., 8-9 a. m., 2J-4, 7 p. m. Barrett, Wm. C. 34 X. 39th st., Until 10 a. m., 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Bartholow, Rob'ts, ,1509 Walnut st, 2-5 p. m. Bartles, Wm. H. Insane Department, Pennsylvania Hospital. Barton, Amy S. 818 X. 8th st, 10-11 a. m., 5-6 p. m. Barton, Isaac, 128 S. 15th st, Until 11 a. m., 4-5 p. m. Barton, I. M. 1344 Spruce st., 8-101 a. m., 4_;>? 7_8 p. m. Bartram, Thos. S. 1613 Richmond st, Until 9 a. m., 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Bary Vera, 2107 Columbia ave, 1-3 p. m. Bauer, Lewis G» s. e. cor. 5th Fairmount a, 8-9 a. m., 2-3, 6±-7| p. m. Baum, Charles 630 X. Broad st, 8-91 a. m., 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Baxter, Harry F. 242 Catharine st, Until 9 a. m., 2-3, 6-7J p. m. Beale, Stephen T. 1116 Girard st, 9 a. m. 5 p. m. Bean, C, E. 1431 Walnut st., 9 a. m., 1, 4-6 p. m. Bean, Francis A. 1008 X. 6th st, 7-9 a m., 1-3, 6-9 p. m. 1879 Univ. of Pa., 1839 Univ. of Pa., 1875 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1862 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1882 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1880 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1864 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1874 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1874 Univ. of Md. 1852 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1874 Woman's Md.Col. 1874 Jeff. Med. Col, 1877 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1868 Pa. Med. CoL, 1859 Woman's Md.Col. 1878 Univ. of Pa., 1872 Univ. of Pa., 1877 Univ. of Pa., 1864 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1847 Univ. of Louis- ) -jo** ville, Ky. \ Metropolitan )1(ri- CoL of X. Y. f180^ 8 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Beary, Eli S. 3341 Ridge ave., Univ. of Pa., 1878 Before 9 a. m., after 1 p. m. Beates jr. Henry 445 X. 7th st., Univ, , of Pa., 1879 9 a. m., 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Beatty, Thomas I. 1215 Hancock st., Jeff. Med. Col., 1880 Beecher, A. C. W. 521 S. 9th st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1867 81-10 a. m., 2i-4, 7-8 p. m. Belden, Oliver S. 709 Sansom st.. Univ. . of Pa., 1858 Bell, Edward II. 322 S. 5th st., Jeff. Med. Col., 1875 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Bell, I. K. F. 1900 X. 11th st, LTni\ '. of Pa. 1869 Until 9^ a, m., 1 3, 5 7 p. m. Benner, Henrv D. 841 S. 3d st., Univ. , ol Pa., 1854 8-9 a. m., 3 4, 7-8 p. m. Bennett, Wm. IT. 332 S. 15th st,, Univ . of Pa., 1869 8-10a.in., 7-8 p. m.(exc't Tuesday) Berens, Bernard, 1507 Arch st., Univ . of Pa., 1880 8-9 a. m., 2-3J-, 8-9 p. m. Berlet, James F. 712 X. 20th st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1877 10 a. rn. 12 in., 3-5, 7-10 p. m. Bernardy, E. P. 221 S. 17th st, Univ . of Pa., 1868 Until 10 a, m., 2-4, after 7 p. m. Bethell, John P. 112 Brown st., Univ . of Pa., 1838 Until 9 a. in., 4 p. m. Betts, Thomas, Holmesburg, Univ . of Pa, 1866 Until 9 a. in. Beutel, Peter 1547 Spring Garden st, Jeff Med. Col, 1872 7-9 a. in., 12-2, 7-9 p. m. Biddle, Alex. W. 1624 Walnut st. Jeff Med. Col, 1879 9-10 a. m., 2-4 p. m. Bibby,Walter E.s.e cor. YorkcvTulipsts . Jeff Med. Col, 1881 Until 10 a. m., 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Bidlack, J. B. W. 1335 Arch st, Unix '. of Pa, 1869 8-10 a, m., 1 2, 5-7 p. m. Bircks, Jacob B. 855 X. 7th st, Unix -. of Pa, 1874 7-9 a. m., 2 3, 6-7 p. in. Bird, John F. X. E. cor. 11th & Green sts. ., Unix '. of Pa, 1843 Until 9 a. in., 2-3, and evening. Birkey, Thos. W. 245 s. 6th st., Unh -. of Pa, 1851 Bispham, John E. 1320 Jackson st., Unix '. of Pa., 1868 to 12 m, 6-8 p. in. 1874 REGISTR Y OF PHYSICIANS. 9 Bissy, IT. S. 1601 Columbia ave., Univ. of Pa, 1880 7-8| a. m, 1-3, 7J p. m. Bittinger, Jos. H. 708 X. 5th st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1878 Until 9 a. m, 1-2^, 6 7 p. m. Biver, Gustav 835 X. 16th st, Luxumbourg )-.o-o Until 9 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. State Exam'n. \ '* Blackwell, E. T. 1903 Master st, Univ. of Pa, 1869 Blackxx^ood, W. R, D. 246 X. 20th st, Univ. of Pa, 1862 7 9 a. m, 2-3, 5-7 p. m. Blair Samuel 0. 2901 Ridge ave, Univ. of Pa, 1878 Bland, Thomas T. 1628 Christian st, Bellevue Hos- Until 10 a. in, 3-5, 7-8 p. m. pital Col,X.Y Blehl, Marv E, IIP! Diamond st. Woman's Md.Col. 1878 8-10 a. m, 2-3, 7 p. m. Blomer, Augustus P. 301 Dickinson st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1873 9 a. m., 1-3, 6-7 p. m. Blunden, B. X. 415 X. 41st st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1879 7-9 a. m, 12 1, 7-8 p. in. Bochroch, Max II. 1210 X. 7th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1880 10 a. in., 3-4, 0 p. m. Boenning, Henry 0. 1208 Race st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1879 10 a. m, 3-5, 7-8 p. m. Boker, Charles S, 1622 Chestnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1852 Boiling, Robert, Chestnut Hill, Univ. of Pa, 1855 8-9 a. m, 3-4 p. m. Bond, Monroe, 1526 Race st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1879 9 a. m, 4-7 p. m. Boone, Emma V. Blockley Hospital, Woman'sMd.CoL 1882 Booth by, Orson A. 1232 X. 5th st. Harvard Md. CoL 1869 7!-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-7^ p. in. Bosset, W. C. 2205 Ridge ave, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1874 7-9 a. m, 2-3 p. m. Boumonville, Aug. C. 516 X. 6th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1847 Before 9 a. in, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Bowen, Geo. W. 4536 Paul st, Frankf d, Univ. of Pa, 1872 Until 9 a. m, 2-3. and 6-7 p. m. Boyd, John S. House of Refuge, Jeff. Med. Col, 1882 Boyer, Alonzo II. 3260 Richmond st, Univ. of Pa, 1868 Until 9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. Boyle, Philip 1432 X. 2d street, Univ. of Pa., 1864 9 a. m, 1-7 p. m. 10 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Bradford, T. Hewson, 1905 Pine st, 9-11 a. m, 3-4 p. m. Bradley, John 238 S. 5th st, Bradner, X. Roe, 2038 Race st, 7-10 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Bray, Daniel, Pittville, 23d ward, Bready, Conard R, 1921 X. 7th st. Until 9 a. m, 1-2, 6-8 p. m. Breitenbach, Sand. C, Roxborough, 7-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-8 p. m. Brinckle, Saml. C, 1131 Spruce st, 8-10 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Bringhurst Wm. 1505 N. 13th st, Brinton, Lewis, 1411 Arch st, Brinton, John H., 1423 Spuce st, 9-10 a. m, 3-5 p. m. Brous, H. A, 805 S. 5th st, 7-9 a. m, 12-1, 6-8 p. m. Browne, Alexander, 640 X. 11th st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Bromall, Anna E.CWoman's Hospital, Broxvn, W. W, n. w. cor. 9th & Locust, Brubaker, Albert P, 210 X. 12th st, Until 10 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Bruen, E. T, 1531 Chestnut st, 8-9 a. in., 3-4, 7J p. m. Brunet, John E, 1732 X. 15th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. ni. Buchanan, W. F, 2101 Columbia ave. Before 9 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. Buck, Frederick J, 770 S. 15th st, 8-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. Buck, W. Penn, 2010 Arch st, 8-10 a. m, 3i-8 p. m. Buckby, Wilson, 1652 X. 10th st, 8-9 a. m, 2-3,6-8 p. m. Bull, William H, 326 Mcllvaine st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Bunn, William IT, 1943 Vine st, 8-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Bunting, Ross R, Roxborough, Jeff. Med. (Pol, 1874 Jeff. Med. Col, 1863 Albany Med. I -,,,.., CoL, jN. l., \ Univ. of Pa, 1870 Jeff Med. Col, 1880 CoL of J'h vs. and 1848 Surg, X.Y. Univ. of Pa, 1859 Jeff. Med. Col, 1876 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1882 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1852 Jeff. Med. Col, 1878 Univ. of Pa, 1867 Woman'sMd.Col.1878 Jeff. Med. Col, 1881 Jeff. Med. Col, 1874 Univ. of Pa, 1873 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1873 Univ. of Pa., 1862 Univ. of Pa, 1856 Univ. of Pa, 1869 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1870 Univ. of Pa., 1877 Univ. of Pa, 1861 Jeff Med. Col, 1856 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 11 Burd, J. Patterson, 1207 Walnut st, Univ. of Pa., 1871 8|-10 a, m, 4-6 p. m. Burden, Andrew M, 1155 S. Eighth st, Phila. Med. Col, 1851 Burgess, Aharon H. 1008 X. 5th st. Pa. Med. Col, 1859 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Burgin, George II, 76 Chelten av, Gm'n, Univ. of Pa, 1876 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Burnett, Charles H. 127 S. Eighteenth st, Univ. of Pa, 1867 9-12 a. m. -Burns, R. Bruce, 4325 Frankford ave, Univ. of Pa, 1871 1-3, and 7-9 p. m. Burns, Robert, 4323 Frankford ave, Univ. of Pa, 1839 7-9 a. m., 1-3, 6-7 p. m. Burns, Wm. A. 1216 Spring Garden st, Univ. of Pa., 1869 Before 10 a. m., 12-3, 5 pm. Burpee, David 1332 Arch st, Pa. Med. CoL, 1851 Before 9 a. in,, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Burtt, John L, 1313 Filbert st, Univ. of Pa., 1842 Butcher, Benjamin F. 771 S. 10th st., Pa. Med. CoL, 1851 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Butcher Thos. S. 842 X. 19th st, Jeff Med. CoL, 1868 Until 9 a. m. Byers, George Bustleton, Univ. of Pa, 1863 Cadwalader. Charles E., 252 S. 4th st, Univ. of Pa, 1861 Cadwallader, I>. Willis, 110 S. 13th st, Univ. ot Pa, 1880 7-10 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Oahall, Wm. C. Falls of Schuylkill, Jeff. Med. Col, 1879 Caldwell, Alexander 1904 Christian st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1869 7-9 a. m, 12-2, 6-8 p. m. Caldwell, Sanil. W. 3819 Lancaster av., Georgetown ) -, 8R7 MedCol, D.C. \ i8D' Callman, Sallo, 854 X. 10th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1882 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Campbell, J. .Moore, 1534 S. 10th st, Jeff Med. CoL, 1878 8-9 a. m, 2-4 p. m. Cantrell, James H. 1000 S. 2d st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1856 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Carberry,P. I. L. 601 X. 10th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1874 8-10 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. Carncross, J. A. 1210 Spruce st, Jeff Med. CoL, 1876 7-9 a. m., 2J-3J, 6-8 p. m. 12 REGISTER OF PHYSICIANS. Carrier, Frederick, 19 S. 16th st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1878 Before 11 a. ni, 3A-5, 6-7J p. m. Carroll, Ed^ar, 617 S. 16th st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1880 9 a. m, 2|-3i, G J—7i p. m. Carroll, Wm. 617 S~ 16th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1863 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Cassadav, F. F. 4245 Paul st, Frankford, Jeff. Med. Col, 1867 8-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-9 p. in. Cassel, J. K. 4141 German town ave, 8-9 a. m, 12-2, 6-9 p. m. Castle, Franklin D, 419 S. 15th st, 10-12 a. m. Oaterson, W. H. 224 X. 12th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Caterson, W. M. 263 X. 9th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Cathcart, Thomas II. 326 S. 12th st. Chance, T. Mitchell, 2433 Fairmount ax 7-9 a. m, 12-1, 6-8 p. m. Chandler, W. A, 1945 X. 11th st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Chapman, Henry C, 1226 Walnut st, 10 a. m. Charlton, A. P. 1516 S. 6th st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. in. Chase, Abner F, 504 X. 40th st, 8-9 a. m, 12 m, 3-4, 6-7 p. m. Chestnut, John IT. W,1757 Frankford av,Univ. of Pa, 1871 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. in. Sundays until 10 a. m, only. Cheston, D. Murray, 1835 Chestnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1864 Until 9^ a, m, 3-4, 7 p. m. Child, Henry F. 634 Race st, Jeff Med. CoL, 1844 81 a. m, 1-2, 5 p. m. Christine, G. Maxwell 1105 Diamond st, Univ. of Pa, 1880 7-9 a. m, 4-5, 7-8 p. m. Claridge, Wm. R. 1033 Palmer st. Pa, Med. Col, 1860 8-9 a. m, 7-9 p. m. Clark, Chas. F, Jefferson Hospital, Jeff. Med. Col, 1881 Clark, Leonardo S, 1505 Girard ave, Univ. of Pa, 1867 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-7 p. ni. Pa. Med. Col, 1861 IT n. of W^urtzburg,187<> Jeff Med. CoL, 1880 Jeff. Med. Col, 1875 Univ. of Pa, 1879 Univ. of Pa, 1880 Michigan Univ. 1864 Jeff. .Med. Col, 1878 Jeff Med. Col, 1880 Jeff. Med. Col., 1874 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 13 Univ. of Pa, 1868 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1882 Univ. of Pa, 1882 Univ. of Pa, 1862 Univ. of Pa, Univ. of Pa, 1879 1860 Jeff. Med. Col, 1881 Woman's Md.Col .1879 (Mark, Thomas C. 2313 Master st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. Clausen, Joseph R. 136 X. 20th st, Until 9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Claxton, Charles, 1709 Summer st, 8-10 a. m, 2-4 p. m. Cleeman, Richard A. 340 S. 21st st. 9-10 a. m, 3-4, 7 p. m. Cohen, Esdaile P. 2219 St. James' Place, Univ. of Pa, Cohen, J. Solis, 1431 Walnut st, 9 a. m.-l p. m. Cohen, Morris S. 822 X. 8th st. Until 9 a. m, 6-8 p. m. Cohen, Sarah A. 822 X. 8th st, 7^-9h a. in, 1-2, 6-7J p. m. Cole, Rebecca L. 941 Lombard st, Woman's Md.Col. 1881 Collins, James 536 Marshall st, Univ. of Pa, 1860 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 7 p. m. Comly, Eliza'th H. 3720 Spring Garden st. Woman's Md.Col. 1880 Comly, Jr. Ezra, By berry, Univ. of Pa, 1862 Conard, T. Elwood, 728 X". 7th st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1878 10 a, m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Conner, D. X. 920 X. 15th st, Univ. of Pa, 1867 8-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-7 p. m. Conrad, Isaac H. 215 Vine st, Conrad, J Reed 1506 Arch st. Cook, Chas. X. 1637 X. 22d st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Cooper, Josiah C. 1103 Arch st, 8-9 a. m, 6-7 p. m. Cornell, G. W. 509 Vine st, Corson, Carroll 235 Pine st. Coulter, B. F. 1338 Poplar st, 8-9 a. m, 1-2, 7-8 p. m. Cox. William C. 118 S. 17th st, 9-11 a. m, 3-4}, after 7 p. m. Crandell, T. V. 1930 Spring Garden st, CoL of Phys. & ) 18fi, Until 9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Surg., X. Y. j xouu Croll, Mercer B. 1403 X. 17th st, Univ. of Pa, 1878 Croasdale, Hannah T. 1210 Race st, Woman'sMd.Col.,1880 8-10 a. in, 2-3 p. m. Pa. Med. Col, 1860 Univ. of Pa, 1879 Univ. of Pa, 1870 Jeff. Med. Col, 1852 Jeff. Med. Col, 1868 Univ. of Pa. 1881 Jeff. Med. CoL 1880 Univ. of Pa. 1870 14 REGISTER OF PHYSICIANS. Crooks, William C. 529 S. 13th st, Univ. of Pa., 1866 Until 9 a, m.. 3 and 7 p. in. Crowcll, Elisha 21 S. 29th st, Univ. of Pa., 1851 Until 9 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Crowlev T. Stanton 2029 Locust st, Jeff Med. CoL, 1849 8-10 a. m, 4-8 p. m. Cruice, Robert B. 731 X. 17th st, Univ. of Pa,, 1859 Until 8 a. m, 2-3, after 6 p. m. Cruice, William R. 2336 X. 6th st, Univ. of Pa., 1865 Until 9 a. in, after 7 p. m. Cryer, M. II. 1111 Girard st, Univ. of Pa, 1877 Cummings, M. John Cor. 13 & Race sts, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1878 8-10 a. m, 6-8 p. m. Cummings, Jos. J. 601 S. Front st, Jeff Med. CoL, 1874 Before 9 a, m, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. Cummiskey, James 2026 Vine st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1856 9 a. m., 12-3, 6-8 p. ni. Curran, John P. 1531 X. 8th st, Univ. of Pa., 1841 8-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Currie, Ohas. A. 4608 German town ave, Univ. of Pa., 1880 Curtin, Roland G. 22 S. 18th st, Univ. of Pa, 1866 9 a. m, 3-4, 7-8 p. m. Curtis, Levi 468 X 6th st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1847 7-9 a. in., 2-3, 6i-7£ p. m. DaCosta, Jacob M. 1700 Walnut st., Jeff. Med. CoL, 1852 81-10 a. m, 3-4| p. m< DaCosta, John C 139 X. 19th st, Jeff. Med. Col., 1878 8-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Daland, Judson 1811 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1882 9-10 a. m, 3-4 p. m. Dallam, John M. 1908 Tioga st, Univ. of Pa.. 1853 8-9 a. m, 2-3 p. m. Dalsen, C. M. 220 X 10th st, Jeff. Med. Col., 1880 8-10 a. m, 1-2, 6-8 p. m, Darrach, Jas. 5021 Green st, Germt'n, Pa. Med. CoL, 1852 8J-91 a. m. Davidison, C. C, 200 S. 12th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1880 8-12 a. m. Davidson, David 902 Walnut st, Univ. of Fa, 1871 2 until 5J p. m Davis, Arthur II. 126 X. 10th st, Univ, of I'a, 1865 8-10 a. m, 12-2, 6-7 p. m. REGISTR Y OF PHYSICL L NS. 15 Davis, Gwilym G. 1817 Mt. Vernon st, Univ. of Pa, 1879 Deakyne, A. Clark 832 Pirre st. Pa. Med. Col, 1854 1-3, 7-8 ]». m. Deal, Lemuel J 2140 Hancock st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1865 8-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-8 p. m. Deaver, John B. 1610 Vine st, Univ. of Pa, 1878 8-10 a. m, 2.}-4, 6-7J p. m. Deaver, R. Wr. 5057 Main st, Germt'n. Univ. of Pa, 1874 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Decker, W. Francis 343 X. 12th st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1878 7-10 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. DeBeust, Rcb't II. 700 South st, Univ. of Pa, 1866 PeCausse, Chas. 0. 30 X. 46th st, Univ. of Pa, 1880 DeGrandchamp, F. P. 224 S. 16th st, Jeff. Med. Col., 1881 DeLanney, C. AV. 258 S 10th st, Jeff. Med. (Col, 1881 Dennis, David X. 612 S. 10th st, Jeff Med. Col, 1881 Dercurn, F. X. 63] X. 8th st, Univ. of Pa, 1877 Until 10 a. m, 1-3J, after 7 p. m. De Schweinitz, G. IT, Children's IIosp. Univ. of Pa, 1881 De Youinr, A. IT. S. 242 X. 5th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1880 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Dick, John W. 2119 Carpenter st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1866 Dickey, Rachel R. 248 E. Girard ave. Woman's Md.Col. 1867 Dillon, John D. 323 South st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1878 Dix, Levin A. 799 S. 22d st, Univ. of Pa, 1868 Dixon, M. T. S. 1603 Girard ave, Woman'sMd.Col. 1857 Dixon. William C. 4039 Baltimore ave, Univ. of Pa, 1860 2-3, 7-8 p. in. Dock, Clifford 904 X. Broad st. Jeff. Med. Col, 1880 Dodson, Caroline M. 1834 X. 11th st. Woman's Md.Col. 1874 9-10 a. m, 2-4 p. m. Doerr, Theodore 1139 X. 4th st, ( Univ.of Erlangen 187G 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. Donnelly, John F. 1216 Christian st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1866 7-9 a. in, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. Downs, Robert X. 5010 Green st, Gemt'n,Univ. of Pa. 1856 8-9J a. m. Downs, Thos. A. 209 X. 41st st, Univ. of Pa, 1864 Doyle, W. J. 1718 Columbia ave, Jeff. Med. Col, 1881 Until 10 a, m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Drake, Chas. M. 1100 Walnut st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1875 16 REGISTR Y OF PHYSICIA NS. Dripps, John IT. 1818 X. 6th st, Jeff. Med. Col, .1878 Drysdale, W. Atlee 1531 Arch st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1882 Drvsdale, Thomas M. 1531 Arch st. Pa. Med. Col, 1852 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. Dubois, Emily B. 1409 Thompson st, Woman's Md.Col. 1878 Duer, Edward L. 1704 Arch st, Univ. of Pa, 1860 Until 10 a. m, 2-4 p. m. Duffield, Harrison 2601 X. 6th st, Jeff. Med. Col., 1874 Until 9| a. m, 2-4 p. m. Duhring, Louis A. 1416 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1867 9-101 a. m. Dulles, Charles W. 114 S. 40th st, Univ. of Pa, 1875 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Dunglison, Rich. J. 814 X. 16th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1856 8-9 a. m, 6-7 p. m. Dunn, John ^,Y. 1909 S. 13 st, ai^ash D^' 11880 Dunmire, G. B. 1116 Arch st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1865 7-9J a. m, 1-3J, 6-8 p. m. Dunton, William R. 5059 G'rm'nt'n ave, Univ. of Pa. 1853 8-9 a. m. Duvall, A. W. 346 Christian st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1879 Dwight, Henry E. 336 S. 15th st, Univ. of Pa, 1867 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. Dyott, John B. 909 Walnut st, Jeff. Med. CoL 1845 Earecksen, Edwin 1948 Mervine st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1882 Ebaugh, W. C. 711 S. Fifth st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1867 7-9 a. m. 12-3, 7-9 p. m. Eberhard, John O, X. W. Cor. Law- ) T „ ™ i ^ ^ -.n*-,, rence and Dauphin sts, | Jeff' MecL Coh' 18 '* Eckfeldt, John W. 6320 Vine st, Univ. of Pa, 1872 Until 9 a. m, 12 m, after 5 p. m. Edwards, Joseph F. 115 S. 7th st, Univ. of Pa, 1874 EkAvurzel, William 4629 Frankford av, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1868 Until 9. a. m, after 6 p.m. Elder, Frank H. 3629 Powelton ave, Univ. of Pa, 1881 Ellershaw, William 206 Brown st, Univ. of Pa, 1866 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Ellinger, Theoph. J. 4505 Lancaster ave, Univ. of Pa, 1879 Elliott, James L. 1719 Pine st, Univ. of Pa, 1843 Engel, Hugo 507 Franklin st, Jeff. Mecl. CoL, 1874 9 a. m, 2-4, after 7 p. m. REGISTRY OF PHI Fugleman, E. J. 116 X. 11th st, 7-8 a. m, 1-2, 0-7 p. m. Erney, Albert S. 18th and Reed sts, 7-9 a, m, 1-2, 6-7 p. m. Erskine, Sterling 1513 French st, 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 0-8 p. m. Eshelman, Emery F. 18th & Girard av 7-9 a. m,' 2-3, 0-7 p. m. Eskridge, J. T. 1622 X. 16th st. Until 9| a. m, 2-4, GA-8 p. m. Evans, Edwin L. 1700 Pine st, 8-10 a. m, 3-4, 6|-8 p. m. Evans, Horace 635 Walnut st, Evans Horace Y. 1631 Green st, 9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. Evans, Howard 1939 Columbia ave, Evans, J. Hoxvard S. E. cor. 6th & Venango sts, Evans,.Joshua R. Mill st, Brancht'n, 7-8 a. in., 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Exton, Henrietta P. 1709 X 22d st, Fassitt, Theodore, 2017 Pine st, Faught, G. Granville 1220 X. 18th st Feldstein, Adolph 827 X. 6th st. Until 9 a. m, 1-3, 6-7 p. m. Fell, Edxvcl. R. 1906 AVallace st, Fenton, Thomas H. 1335 Arch st, 8J-10 a. m, 7 p. m. Fergurson, AVm. X. 128 AV. York st, Finck, Anthony R. 1120 Girard st, 10-12 a. m, 6-8 p. m. Finn, WilLam IT. 627 X. 10th st, 3-4, 7-8 p. m. Fischer, Emil 729 X. 6th st, 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p.m. Fisher, Frank 2015 Cherry st. Until 11 a. m, 6-7 p. m. Fisher, Henry M. 919 Walnut st, Fisher, John F. 1043 Fairmount ave, 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-7J p. m. Fitch, Geo. D. 3726 Baring st, 9-12 a. m, 2-5, 7-9 p. m. \SICIANS. 17 Jeff Med. Col, 1839 Jeff. Med. Col, 1877 Univ. of Pa., 1873 e,Jeff. Med. CoL, 1870 Jeff. Med. Col, 1875 Univ. of Pa, 1870 Univ. of Pa, 1831 Univ. of Pa., 1858 Univ. of Pa, 1872 Univ. of Pa., 1871 Jeff Med. Col, 1851 Women's Md.Col. 1879 Univ. of Pa, 1869 ., Univ. of Pa, 1879 Univ. of Prague. , 1864 Univ. of Pa, 1864 Univ. of Pa, 1877 Univ. of Pa, 1879 Univ. of Pa, 1871 Harvard Med.Col. 1863 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1855 Jeff. Med. Col, 1875 Univ. of Pa, 1875 Jeff. Med. Col, 1872 Univ. of X. Y. 1860 18 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Fleming, AV. J. 2048 Vine st, Univ. of Pa, 1850 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p.m. Flick, L. F. 519 Pine st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1879 Forbes, AVilliam S. 1409 Locust st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1852 Until 9 a. m, 2-2|, 4-5 p. m. Ford, AVilliam IT. 1622 Summer st, Jeff Med. Col, 1863 8-9 a. m, 3-4 p. m. Formad, Henry F. 3535 Locust st, Univ. of Pa, 1877 Forrest, Molten IT. 2007 Chestnut st, BeUevne Hosp. ) m2 Med. Col, \ Foster, David L. 1001 S. 20th st, Howard UV.D.C. 1880 Foulkrod, John K. 1620 Richmond st, Univ. of Pa, 1878 Until 9 a. m, 12-2, 6-8 p. m. Fox, Charles AV. 1411 Walnut st, L. I. Hosp. Col. 1865 9-12 a. m, 2]-4 p. m. Fox, Jos. M. 338 S. 15th st, Univ. of Pa, 1877 9| a. m, 2J—4 p. in. Fox, L. AVebster 1322 Spring Garden st, Jeff Aled. Col, 1878 Frank, Adam 2773 Kensington ave, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1867 7-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-8 p. m. Franklin, Chas. M. Friends Asylum ) TT • ^ P„ iaQ1 Frankford, f Univ. of la, 1881 Franklin, Alarcus 1601 Columbia ave, Jeff. A red. Col, 1870 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-9 p. m. Freeman, W. IT. 652 X. 11th st, Univ. of Pa, 1857 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. French, AI. Stroud 1423 Walnut st, Jeff Aled. Col, 1876 9-11 a. m, 2-4 p. rn, Sunday, 8J-11 a, m. Freund, IT. II. 1337 S. 5th st ~ Jeff. Aled. Col, 1880 9-10 a. rn, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Friek, AV. S. 821 X. 8th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1848 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Fricke, Albert 235 X. 6th st, Univ. of Berlin, 1839 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Friebis, George 1505 X. 8th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1879 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7 p. m. Fritzinger, Richard J. X.E. cor. 10th & ) T „. Ar , ~ , -,n-^ Arch sts, 10-12 a.m, 8-10 p.m. \ J^-Med. Col, 1870 Frowert, Charles G. X.E. cor. 12th & ) -~ . , _ .,__, Catharine sts. f Lniv-ot Pa, 18/4 Fulton, Alexander 1504 Frankford ave. Univ. of Pa., 1875 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 5-7 p. m. 1868 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 19 Fulton,T. (Tialmers 1504 Frankford ave, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1880 Gardette, E. B. 910 AValnut st, Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1838 Gardner, William 901 Franklin st, Pa. Med. CoL, 1842 7-9 a. m, 3-4, 7 p. m. Gardner, Chas. H. 963 X. 10th st., Bellevue Aled. 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-7 p. m. Col. X. Y. Garrett, E. F. 5043 Alain st, Germant'n, Jeff Aled. CoL, 1876 8-9 a. m, 2-4, 7J-9 p. im Garrettson, Jas, E. 1537 Chestnut st, Unix^. of Pa., 1859 Until 11 a. m, 2-4 p. m. Gaston, William F. 3500 Haverford st, Jeff Aled. Col., 1881 Gayley, James F. 133 S 18th st, Univ. of Pa, 1848 8-9 a. m., 2-3, 7-8 p. in. Gerhard, A. S. 731 X. 16th st, Univ. of Pa., 1866 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9. p. m. Gerhard, A. Yost 2251 Germantoxvn ave, Univ. of Pa, 1876 7-9 a. ni, 12-2, 6-8 p. m. Getchell, Frank H. 1432 Spruce st, Jeff Med. Col., 1871 8-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-7 p. m. Gibb, Joseph S. 841 X. 6th st, Univ. of Pa., 1880 10 a. m, 1—3, 6-7| p. in. Gilbert, J. 0. Chestnut Hill, Pa, Aled. CoL, 1853 Gillespie John Jr. 1332 S. Broad st, Univ. of Pa, 1880 Girvin, E. R. 714 X. 19th st, Univ. of Pa, 1875 Until 9J a. m, 1-2, 6.!-7i p. m. Girvin, Robert AI. 3906 AValnut"st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1862 8-9 a. m, 7-8 p. m. Githens, W. IT. H. 2033 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1866 Before 9| a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Gittings, J. B. H. 3341 AValnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1863 Glasgow, Rob't B. 2015 Oxford st, Univ. of Pa., 1878 Glentworth, AV. AV. 817 Race st, Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1847 Gleason, Chas. AV. 1007 Arch st, Univ. of Pa, 1844 Gloninger, D. Stanley 259 X. 6th st, Univ. of Pa, 1849 8-10 a. m, 12-2, 6-7 p. m. Gloninger, E. S. 145 X.' 5th st, Univ. of Pa, 1877 8-11 a. m. Goddard, Kingston 239 S. 13th st, Univ. of Pa, 1860 Gold, Hiram 411 Pine st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1867 8-10 a, m., 2-4, 7-9 p. in. Univ. of Aid, 1880 Pa Aled. Co, 1848 Jeff. Aled. Col, •1854 Univ. of Pa, 1859 Jeff. Aled. Col, 1867 Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1867 Univ. of Pa, 1852 Jeff. Med. Col, 1862 Jeff. Aled. Col, 1877 Univ. of Pa, 1881 Univ. of Pa, 1872 20 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Gomez, P. B. 600 Spruce st, 7-9 a. in, 5-8 p. m. Gominger, AV. H. 1252 X. 11th st. Until 9 a. m, 1-3, 6-7 p. m. Goodell, William, 500 N. 20th st, 8-111 a. m. Goodman, II. E. 1427 Chestnut st. Until 11 a. m, 4-7 p. m. Graham, James 1528 Spruce st, 8|-9i a. m, 2-4, 6-7! P- m- Graham, John 326 S..15th st, 8-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. Granger, W. H. 929 Spruce st, 9-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-7| p. m. Grant, John 1109 Brown st, Graydon, Andrew 1605 X. 17th st, Grayson, Chas. M. P. 122 S. 42d st. Green, G. Dillwyn 1335 X. 7th st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Green, Alarv J. 3905 Silverton ave., AVoman'sMed.Col.1878 8-9 a. m, 1-2, 7-8 p. m. Green, Moses IT. 3905 Silverton ave., Jeff. Aled. Col, 1882 Green, AVm. H. 3225 Sansom st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1873 4-5 p. m. Grier, Matthew J. 1531 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1863 9-12 a. m. Griffin, Edwin 1235 Shackamaxon st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1837 Griffin, F. IT. 1723 Walnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1880 Griffiths, Amos AV. 256 X. 12th st, Univ. of Pa, 1838 Before 9 a. m, 2, 7, p. m. Groff, Chas. A. 215 X. 13th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1875 Until 9| a. m. 2-4, 6-7J p. m. Gross, Ferd. IT. 931 'X. Broad st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1855 8-9 a. m, 2J-31, 7-8 p. m. Gross, Henry S. 1334 S Broad st,' Univ. of Pa, 1862 8-9 a. rn, 4-6 p. m. Gross,SamuelD. S.E. cor. 11th & AValnut, Jeff. Med. Col, 1828 8J-10^ a. m, 4-5 p. m. Gross, Samuel AV. 1112 AValnut st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1857 81-10! a. m, 3i-5 p. m. Grove, John H. 1330 Arch st, Univ. of Pa, 1849 Until 9 a. m, 3-5, 7-8 p. m. REGIS TR Y OF PHYSIC I A NS. 21 Gruel, Louis 903 X. 5th st, 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. Gruel, Theo. IT. F. 612 Spruce st, 8-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-7 p. m. Univ. of Tur-bingen, Jeff. Aled. Col., 11868 1867 Guth, Edward F. 1201 S. 9th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Univ. of Pa, 1862 Gunter, G. IT. 2015 South st, 9-11 a. m, 2-4i, 7-9 p. m. Univ. of Pa, 1881 Hale, Jr., George 45241 >aul st, Frankfd Until 9 a. m, 4-7 p. m. , Univ. of Pa, 1870 Hale, William II. 1339 Arch st, 7-9 a, m, 1-3, 6-7 p. m. Jeff. Med. Col, 1882 Hall, A. Douglass 1623 Spruce st. 9-12 a, m. Jeff. Aled. Col, 1854 Hall, John C. Friend's Asylum, F'k'd, Univ. of Pa, 1868 Hall, John V. 23 X. Juniper st. 8-9 a. in, 1-3, 6-7 p. in. Pa. Med. Col, 1854 Hall, L. Brexver 17 S. 16th st, 8-11 a. m, 3, 7 p. m. Univ. of Pa, 1873 Hallman, J. S. 243 S. 9th st, 8-10 a. in, 3-5, 7-9 p. in. Jeff. Aled. Col, 1882 Hallowell, Rebecca 708 X. 19th st, 8-10 a. m, 3-4 p. m. Women's Md.Col , 1878 Hamell, B. F. 3400 Spruce st. Until 11 a. in, after 3 p. m. Univ. of Pa, 1863 Hamill, R. IT. 1812 Christian st, Univ. of Pa, 1878 Hamilton, George 1600 Summer st. Until 9J a. m, 4-6 p. in. Univ. of Pa, 1831 Hampton, J. T. 802 X. Broad st, 8-10 a. m, 2£-4, 6±-8 p. m. Jeff Aled Col, 1879 Hanly, Michael A. 1206 Race st, 9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Jeff. Aled. Col, 1855 Hansell, IT. F. 254 S. 16th st. Jeff. Aled. Col, 1879 9 a. m.-l p. m. Harlan, Geo. C. 1806 (Chestnut st, 9-12 a. m, 4 5 p. m. Univ. of Pa, 1858 Ilarloxv, Louis D. 112 ]S. 17th st, 8-9 a. m., 3-4 ]>. in. Univ. of Pa, 1845 Harris, Charles M. 420 S. 15th st, 8-10 a. m, 3-5, 7-8 p. m. Univ.-of Pa, 1870 Harris, James S. 1517 X. 10th st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. in. Univ. of Pa, 1846 22 REGISTR Y OF PHYSICIANS. Harris, Robert P. 329 S. 12th st, 'Univ. of Pa, 1844 8-9 a. m, 3-4 p. m. Harshberger, A. 4000 Girard ave, Univ. of Pa, 1868 Hart, Alexander C. 1920 X. 12th st, Univ. of Pa, 1836 8 9 a. m, 2-3 ]>. m. Harte, Richard II. 324 S. 19th st, Univ. of Pa, 1878 Harrington, Edwin J. Jewish Hospital, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1881 Hartshorn, Edward 331 S. Broad st. Univ. of Pa, 1840 9-10 a. m, 3|-4, 7£-8?, p. m. Hartzell, Al. B. 3721 Spring Garden st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1877 Until 10 a, m, 2-4, 6-7 p. m. Harvey, Henry D. 4629 Germt'n ave, Univ. of Pa, 1878 Ilasenplug, J.'ll. 611 X. 16th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1851 8-12 a. m, 3-6 p. in. Ilasenplug, G. K. House of Correction, Jeff. Med. Col, 1879 Haslmger, John 3825 Frankfd ave,. ™v> Aof ^uda_ '- 1874 ° Pest Austria, \ Hastings, W. J. 754 Erie st., Jeff Aled. Col, 1882 Hatfield, ENathan X. E. cor. Franklin & / T ,,. ., . f. , -,,,.- 9a.m.3-4,71,m.[Buttonxvoodsts. ) Jett' Mc(L C°U 1Hb!> Hatfield, Xathan L. 501 Franklin st., Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1826 Hay, Thomas 1127 Arch st, Univ. of Pa, 1861 Hayhurst, Susan Woman's Hospital, Woman's Md.Col. 1857 Hays, J. Minis 266 S. 21st st, Univ. of Pa, 1868 8-9 a. m, 2-3 p. m. IIaynes,FrancisL. 280E.Cumberland st, 'Univ. of Pa, 1871 8-9 a. m, 7-9 p. m. Haynes, .John R. 1342 Richmond st, Univ. of Pa, 1874 Before 9 a. m, 2-3, after 7 p. m. Hazel, F. B. 855 X. 11th st, Univ. of Pa, 1869 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Hazlehurst, S. F. 1808. Pine st, Univ. of Pa, 1876 8-10 a. m, 3-5, 6-7| p. m. Healy, John J. 404 S. 22d st, Univ. of Pa, 1872 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-7 p. m. Ilearn, W. Joseph 312 Catharine st, Jeff. Ared. CoL, 1867 Until 10 a. m, 3, 8p. m. Heck, W. IT. 1364 Hanover st, Univ. of Pa., 1875 Heilman, Israel G. 1511 X. 20th st, Univ. of Pa, 1873 7-9i a. m, 1-2, 5-7 p. m. Helfenstein, A. E. 1008 Shaek'xon st, Univ. of Pa, 1880 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 23 Hellyer, Edwin 816 Otis st. Long Island ) „„„ 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Hospital Col, f1864 Hendry, Bowman 2003 Walnut st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1861 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-7, p. m. Henry, Frederick P. 721 Pine st. Col. of Phys. & ) ,ona 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Surg, X. Y. f1868 Ilenszey, Samuel C. 3320 Hamilton st, Univ. of Pa, 1870 Hess, Robert J. 610 Fairmount ave, Univ. of Pa. 1871 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Hetzil, D. G. cor. 40th & Haverford av, Jeff. Med. Col , 1861 7-9 a.m., 1-2, 6-7, p. m. Hewitt, Geo. A. 804 S. 10th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1877 Until 10 a. m, 2-4, G-8 p. m. Hexvson Jr., Adinell cor. 15 & Spruce sts, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1879 91-11 a. m, 3J-41 p. m. Hewson, Adinell cor. 15 & Spruce sts, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1850 Heyl, Albert G. 1535 Pine st, Univ. of Pa, 1870 8-11 a. m, 4-5, 7-8. Hickman, Xapoleon 326 S. 16th st, Univ. of Pa, 1862 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Hicks, Thos. H. 1610 Cherry st, Med. Chi. Col, 1882 Hickman, W. IT. 336 S. 2d st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1881 7-9 a. m, 3-4, 7-8 p. m. Highly, Geo. X. Roxboro, Univ. of Pa, 1881 Hildenbrand, L. W. 900 E. York st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1874 9-10 a. m, 2-3, 7J-9 p. m. Hill, (Charles H. 1311 Jefferson st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1835 Hillegas, E. Z. 1550 X. 7th st, Jeff Med. Col, 1880 ITimmelwright, F. E. 2002 X. 8th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1878 Until 9 a. m, 1-2, 6-7 p. in. Hine, Elmore C. 1834 Green st, Yale Med. Col, 1861 12-1, 7-8 p. in. Ilinkle, A. G. B. 1300 Spring Garden st, Univ. of Pa, 1857 Until 9 a. m, 6J-71 p. m. Hinsdale, Guy 723 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1881 Hinton, Rufus K. 1406 S. 8th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1852 8-9 a.m., 2-3, 5-7 p.m. Hoch, W. R. 1413 X. 20th st, Univ. of Pa, 1880 Holbert, Walter W. 2330 Master st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1882 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6i-8 p. m. 24 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Hollingsworth, AV. W. 260 S. 21st st, .Univ. of Pa, 1881 8-10 a. m. Hollopeter. Wm. C 1404 X. 15th st, Univ. of Pa, 1877 Until 10 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Holmes, Edmund AV. 649 X. 16th st, Univ. of Pa, 1880 Until 9 a, m, 1J-21, 6J-71 p. m. Holt, Jacob F. 1927 Poplar st, Univ. of Pa, 1859 7-8 a.m., 2J-3', 7-8 p.m. Hooper, William H. 112 S. 13th st, Univ. of Pa, 1848 9-10 a. m, 3-4, 7-8 p. m. Hopkins, W. Barton 2018 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1874 8-10 a. m, 2-4 p. m. Hopkins, Har. C. L. 207 S. 9th st. Women's Md.Col. 1869 8-10 a. m, 1-3 p. m. Hoppin, Samuel B. 2003 Walnut st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1852 Until 9 a. in, after 3 p. m, Horn, Geo. H. 874 X. 4th st, Univ. of Pa, 1861 9 a, m, 3-5, 8 p. m. Horner, G. R. B, U. S. X. 410 S. 11th st,Univ. of Pa, 1826 Horner, C. W. cor. 17th &Walnut sts, Jeff. Med. Col, 1849 9-10 a. in., 3-4, 7-8 p. m. Horwitz, Lloyd W. 1919 Walnut st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1882 Hottenstein, C. D. 3306 Lancaster ave, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1848 7-9 a. ni, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Houghton, Chas. W. 1528 X. 7th st. Pa. Aled. Col, 1859 Until Vil a. m. 2-3, after 7 p. in. Howard, E. C, 508 S. 10th st. Harvard Md.Col, 1869 Until 10 a. m, 3-5, 7-8 p. m. Howell, Samuel B. 1513 Green st, Univ. of Pa, 1858 Until 10 a. m. 5^-7 p. m. Hudders, Clarence 1019 Race st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1880 Hudders, George W. 2111 X. 8th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1856 7-9 a. m, 1-2, 7-9 p. m. Hughes, Daniel E. 813 X. 10th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1878 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. in. Hughes, Donnel 3945 Chestnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1879 2-3, 6-7 p. m. Hughes, Isaac W. 3945 Chestnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1853 2-3 p. m, 6-8 p. m. Hughes, Levi B. 1316 X. 18th st, Univ. of Pa, 1878 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 25 Hulshizer, A. II. 1419 Otis st, Jeff. Aled., CoL, 1878 7-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-8 p. m. Hunt, J. Gibbons 1802 Wallace st, Univ. of Pa, 1850 Until 9 a. m, 3-4, 8 p. m. Hunt, Rebecca S. 1802 Wallace st, Woman'sAld.Col,1881 Hunt, William, 1300 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1849 Until 10 a. m, 2-4 p. m. Hunter, Chas. T. 1915 Walnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1868 9| a. m, 2-4J p. m# Hunter, John A. 748 S. 10th st, Univ. of Pa, 1866 Until 9 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Hunter, SamT W. 722 S. 22d st, Univ. of Pa, 1868 Hunter, T. cor. 15th & Wharton sts, Univ. of Pa, 1872 8-9 a. m., 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Hurlock, Francis J. 1012 Federal st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1881 Hutchinson, James H. 2019 Walnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1858 Before 9 a.m., 2^-3J, 7 p. m. Hutt, Wm. H. 923 Race st, Univ. of Pa, 1870 7-9 a. m, 12-2, 6-7 p. m. Ingham, James V. 1342 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa., 1866 9-10 a. in, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Isett, Frederick S. 525 X. 6th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1876 8-9| a. m.5 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Ivison, John 2213 Spring Garden st, Univ. of Pa, 1874 7-9| a . m, 1-2, 6-7| p. m. Jackson, Alex. AV. 1331 X. Front st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1878 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. Janney, Wm. S. coronor, 1535 X. Broad st. Pa. Med. CoL. 1854 Janney, W. S. 1535 Broad, st, Jeff Med. CoL, 1880 Until 9 a. m, 3-6 p. m. Jeffries, Edgar P. 2029 Pine st, Univ. of Pa, 1878 Until 9 a. m, 1-2, 6-8 p. m. Jeffries, T. Xorval 4408 Frankford ave, Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1876 Before 9 a. m, after 6 p. m. Johnson, Russel IT. 2109 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1871 8-10 a. m, 1-2 p. m. Johnston, A. W. 1838 Columbia ave, Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1875 8-10 a. m, 3-5, 7-8 p. m. Johnston, J. K. S. W. cor. 21 & CoL ave, Univ. of Alich. 1866 Until 9 a. m, 12-2, after 6 p. m. Johnston, Samuel 1808 Christian st, Univ. of Pa, 1874 Until 10 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. 26 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Jones, Alfred 1129 Spruce st, Pa. Aled. Col, 1854 8 Oi a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Jones, Edward 1945 Richmond st, Georgef n Aled. ) 18r70 7-10 a. m, 4-10 p. m. Col, D. C, f i0'U Jones, James 1145 S. 10th st, Jeff Med. Col, 1864 8-10 a. m, 1-4 p. ni. Jones, Geo. H. 304 X. 18th st, Univ. of X. Y, 1870 8-10 a. m, 1-3, 5-8 p. m. Jones, John W. 209 Washington ave. Royal Col. of ) \w\ Before 9 a. m, after 6 p. m. Surg, Eng, ( Jones, Roland D. 2228 Green st, Univ. of Pa, 1881 Jones, S. Preston Pa. Hosp. for Insane, Univ. of Pa, 1855 Judd, Leonard D 3603 Powelton ave, Jeff. Med. Col, 1877 10 a. m, 3-4, 7-8 p. m. Judson, Oliver A. 243 S. 18th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1851 Jurist, Louis 250 X. 11th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1880 Before 10 a. m, 2-4, 7-8! p. m. Kahn, Alexander 837 Marshall st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1881 Until 9 a. m, 2-4, 6-7 p. m. Karsner, Chas. W. 1541 Ellsworth st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1878 7-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Karnerly, C. E. 501 Carpenter st, Pa. Med. Col, 1847 8-9 a. m, 3-4, 7-9 p. in. Keating, Jno M.cor. 22d & Locust sts, Univ. of Pa, 1873 8-10 a. m, 4-5, 7-8 p. m. Keating, AV. V. 1604 Locust st, Univ. of Pa, 1844 9-10 a. m, 4-5 J p. m. Keen, Wm. AV. 1729 Chestnut st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1862 81-10! a. m, 31-5 p. in. Keeler, J. P. 911 Tasker st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1880 Keichline, Cnas. P. 502 X. 4th st, Univ. of Pa, 1835 7-9 a. m, 2-3 p. m. Keim, Henry 4417 Alain st, Manayunk, Univ. of Pa, 1841 Keim, Milton 2047 Arch st, Univ. of Pa, 1872 Keir, AVm. G. 28 X. 38th st, Pa. Med. Col, 1860 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. , Keith, William 1414 Lombard st, Univ. of Pa, 1830 Keller, Albert P. 107 Race st, Univ. of Pa., 1879 7-9! a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Kellv, Hoxvard A. 323 S. 13th st, Univ. of Pa, 1882 1869 1853 1864 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 27 Kelly, Jos. V. 4257 Alain st, Manayunk, Jeff. Med. Col, 1868 8-9 a. m, 0-7 p. m. Kelly, Lou. A. 4331 Alain st, Alany'k, Jeff. Med. Col, 1868 10 a. m, 5-7 p. m. Kelly, Patrick AI. 1131 S. 20th st, Univ. of Pa, 1881 Telly, Robert J. 1422 Richmond st. Royal Col. of 7-9 a. m, 2-3, after 7 p. m. Scotland. Kempton, Aug. F. 2016 Bainbridge st. Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1880 8-10 a.^m, 3-4, 7-8 p. m. *" Kencerdine, Robt, S. 1523 Green st, Univ. of Pa, 1853 Kern,William Al. 2203 Thompson st, Univ. of Pa, 1847 Kerr, Ceo. 711 S. 19th st, Univ. of Pa, 1864 V-9 a. m, l-2i, 6-7 p. m. Kerr, ATrk G. 640 X. 15th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1838 Kevs, Rogers 324 S. 12th st, Albany Med. '/ 8-(. a. m, 1-4, 7-9 p. m. Col, X. Y. \ Keyser, Peer D. 1630 Arch st, Univ. of Jena, / 9 a. Ti. 1 p. m. Germany. ) Kilduffe, R212 Green st, Univ. of Pa, 1874 8-11 a. m. -5 p. m. Kirkbride, Thos. ^ pa. Hos. for Insane, Univ. of Pa, 1832 Kirkpatrick, Al. P>515 Broxvn st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1879 Klapp, Joseph 622 pmce st, Univ. of Pa, 1839 8-10 a. m, 35, 7-10 p. m. Klapp, AV. TI. 2132 iue st, Univ. of Pa, 1876 3!-5 p. m, afir 7 p. in. Kline, W. O. 1215 Gemaritown ave, Univ. of Pa, 1854 7! 8i a. m, 2- 7-8 p.m. Knight, Sam'l R. Episopal Hospital, Univ. of Pa, 1869 Before 9 a. m, fter 3 p. m. 28 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Knorr, John K. 999 X. 5th st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3 p. m. Knorr, Alathias K. 910 X. Front st, 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6 p.m. Kobler, Geo. II. 305 Pine st, 8-10 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Koder, Chas. A. 1520 Fairmount ave. Until X\ a. m, 1-3, 6-7 p. m. Koerper, Jos. F. 471 X. 6th st, 8-9 a. in, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Kreitzer, Al. C. 1519 Franklin st, 8-10 a, m, 2-3, 7-9 p. m. Ladd, A. G. 1420 Chestnut st, 9-10 a. m, 3-6 p. m. Ladd, Horace 1201 Arch st, Lalanne, P. E. T. 488 X. 5th st. Lamb, Wm. W. 1249 Hanover st, 7-9 a. m, 6-9 p. m. Lambert, C. H. 176 Bridge st, Brid'g, 7-9 a. m. 2-3, 7-9 p. m. Lamking, Wm. 2431 Kensington ave, Lampen, Alich. 3601 Spring Garden st, 7-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-7 p. in. Lampater, Eugene 17th & Reed sts, 8-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-8 p. m. Landesburg, Max. 1912 Arch st, 10 a. m-1 p. m. Landis, Isaac R. 3522 Germantoxvn ave Lane, Dudley Al. 2004 X. 12th st, Langrehr, Hiram 2709 X. 11th st. Before 9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Latta, Samuel W. 3618 Powelton ave, Lautenbach, L. J. 427 X. 4th st. Leach, Alonzo L. 2211 Spruce st, 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Leake, Ephraim F. 4433 Frankford av. 7-8 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. Leaman, Henry 1033 A^ine st, 9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Leaman, Rosh 1033 Vine st, Univ. of Pa, 1835 Jeff Med. Col., 1859 Jeff. Aled. Col, 1877 Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1832 Phila. Aled. Col., "852 Jeff. Aled. Col,/ 1850 / BowdoinCol.EVe. 1878 Jeff. Aled. CiL, 1848 X. Y. Med.Col., 1858 Long Islant ) lg63 Hosp. CoL ) AberdeenMed. |184() Col, Scoland, j Jeff. Me*. Col, 1881 Pa. Mei Col, 1859 Univ. £ Pa, 1882 Univ of Berlin, 1865 , JeffMed. Col, 1865 Jeff Aled. Col, 1882 Jet Aled. CoL, 1869 Urv. of Pa, 1868 ITiv. of Pa, 1881 Jff. Aled. Col, 1868 , iiiv. of Pa, 1845 I Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1864 Jeff. Aled. Col, 1882 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 29 LeConte, John L. 1625 Spruce st, [i()l of™>> * '. 1846 iMrrg, P\. \ , j Lee, Benjamin 1106 Walnut st, X. V. Med. (CoL, 1856 10 a. in. 1 p. m. Lee, J. G, coronor phys. 129 S 13th st, Jeff Aled. CoL, 1878 4?,-6 p. m. Leedom, J. Al. Pulaski av, Gerniant'n, Univ. of Pa, 1859 8-10 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. in. Leedom, Oscar 133 X. 16th st, Univ. of Pa, 1872 Leffman, Henry 715 Walnut st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1869 9-11 a. m, 2-4 p. ni. Leidy, Philip 526 Afarshall st, Univ. of Pa, 1859 9 a. m, 3-4 p. m. Levan, Jeremiah R. 507 X. 31st st, Univ. of Pa, 1861 10 a. m, 5-7 p. ni. Levick, James J. 1200 Arch st, Univ. of Pa, 1847 Until 9 a. m, 3-4 p. m. Levis, Rich. J. cor. 16 & AValnut st, Jeff Aled. Col, 1848 8-11 a. in.. 4-6 p. m. Lewis, Alorris J. 1216 Walnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1874 Liggitt, SaniT J. 2024 Callowhill st, Jeff Aled. Col, 1878 Linton, Herman B. 548 X. 10th st, Univ. of Pa, 1858 8-10 a, m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Litch, Wilbur F. 1627 Chestnut st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1865 10 a. m. 3 p. m. Little, S 1623 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1824 9 a. m. 1 p. m. Little, George 2130 X. 3d st, Unix-, of Pa., 1878 Little, Wm. S. 219 S. 17th st, ( Bellevue, 1873 9 a. m. 1 p. m. "j Jeff. Med. Col, 1877 Livzey, J. Pilxvorth 931 Arch st, Univ. of Pa., 1871 Livingston, Alfred T. 1305 Locust st, Univ.of Buf,X.Y,1873 10 a. m. 2 p. in, during summer 11! a- m- Lloyd, Jas. Hendrie 40th & AValnut sts, Univ. of Pa, 1878 9-10 a. m, 3-4, 7-8 p. m. Loder, Perceival L. 517 S. 8th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1875 Until 10 a. m, 3-4, 6J-7J p. m. Loeling, Gerhard 1607 X. 8th st, Jeff Aled. Col, 1874 8-9 a. m., 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Loman, Matthew F. 1900 S. 12th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1880 9-11 a. m, 3-5, 7-10 p. m. 30 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Long, William S. 315 E. Cumberland st, Univ. of Pa, 1878 Longaker, D. cor. 5th & Buttonxvocd st,Univ. of Pa, 1881 Until 9 a. m, li-3, 7-8 p. m. Longnecker, J. 3011 Spring Garden st, Univ. of Pa, 1872 Longstroth, Al. F. 412 S. 22d st, Univ. of Pa, 1856 Longstroth, Morris 333 S. 12th st, Univ. of Pa, 1869 Until 10 a. m, 2-3^, 6 p. m. Lopez, J. H. 1724 Race st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1876 9 a. m, 7-8 p. m. Loughlin, Dennis J. 1136 S. 11th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1881 Loughlin, James E. 3027 Dauphin st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1868 Love, Louis F. 704 Pine st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1881 Ludlow, John L. 1931 Chestnut, Unix*, of Pa, 1841 8i-9! a, m, 3i-4!, 6-7 p. m. Luedeke, Fred. A. 231 Green st, Univ. ofGottin- ) ls ., 7-10 a. m, 12-3 p. m. gen, Germany, \ Lyons, AVilliam 1312 X. Front st. Pa. Aled. Col, 1856 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. MacBride, Isaac 1761 Frankford ave, Univ. of Pa, 1854 6-7 p. m. MacAvoy, John 1353 S. 2d st. Pa. Med. Col, 1841 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. MacBride, Geo. V. 1635 X. 15th st, Univ. of Pa, 1877 Macomber, X. G. 4673 Germant'n av, Univ. of Pa, 1871 MacConnell, Wm. G. 250 S. 10th st, Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1876 8-10| a. m, 3-5, 7-8 p. m. Macpherson, AVm. 349 AVharton st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1866 Until 10 a. m.. 2 and 7 p. in. Maddox, AV. R. cor. 17 st. & Delancy pi, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1876 Marcx-, Jr. Alex. 3501 Hamilton st, Univ. of Pa, 1881 Riverton, X. A". Maris, Edward 1106 Pine st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1855 Markoe, J. C. 2117 Pine st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1882 Markoe, James 2217 St. James Place, Univ. of Pa, 1866 9 a. m, 3, 7 p. m. Alarquadt, C. H. 1600 X. 8th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1881 Marshall, Clara 1624 Alt. Vernon st, Woman's Md.Ool.1875 Marshall, Edw. W. 3735 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1881 Marhall, Sanil D. 433 Reed st, Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1859 8-10 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 31 Martin, Joseph 2217 Columbia ave. Jeff. Aled. Col, 1878 Until 9 a. m, 1J-3, 7 p. m. Alassey, G. Betton 1718 X. 15th st. Univ. of Pa, 1876 Until 10 a. m, 5-7 p. m. Alathews, Charles 1302 Franklin st. Pa. Aled. Col, 1843 7-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-7 p. m. Alathews, AVashington 1722 Park ave. Jeff. Med. Col, 1834 7-9 a. m, li-3, 6-7! P- m- Alatthews, Franklin 1801 X. 22d st. Jeff. Aled. Col, 1872 Matthews, AV. L. 2454 Christian st. Univ. of Pa., 1871 Alattern, W. K 2540 Germantown ave. , Jeff. Aled. Col, 1882 Matthias. Abel 316 X. 11th st. Univ. of Pa, 1865 9 a. m. 2, 6-9 p. m. Maxwell, David P. 338 S. 15th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1881 8-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Mays, George 1937 Ridge ave. Univ. of Pa, 1861 7-9 a. jn, 1-3 p. m. and evening Alears. J. Exving, 1429 Walnut st. Jeff Aled. Col, 1865 8-10 a. m, 3-5 p. m. Alears, J. II. York Road, Brancht'n, Univ. of Pa, 1859 Mecaskey, J. W. 4726 Frankford ave. Univ. of Pa, 1881 Aleeser. Geo. F. 1512 S. 13th st. Univ. of Pa, 1870 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Aleigs, Arthur AG 1322 AValnut st. Univ. of Pa, 1871 8!-9 a. m, 3-4 p. in. Aleigs, J. Forsythe 1208 AValnut st. Univ. of Pa, 1838 8! a. m, 3! p. m. Alercur, John D. 123 S. 13th st. Jeff. Aled. Col, 1878 8-10 a. m, 3-5, 6!-7 p. m. Alerritt, David 2032 Bainbridge st. Pa. Aled. Col, 1851 8-9 a.m., 2-3, 6-8 p.m. Aliller, Adolph AV. 860 X. 5th st. Univ. of Pa, 1871 Aliller, Christopher 11. 029 X. 11th st. Phila. Aled. Col, , 1850 Aliller, D. J. AL 130 S. 15th st. Univ. of Pa, 1878 Aliller, John P. 915 Arch st. CoL of Phys. & Surg, Bait, 11875 Aliller, John S. cor. 26th cV Parish st. Jeff. Aled. Col, ' 1882 Aliller, Jas. R. Angora, Univ. of Pa, 1878 Aliller, Miles AL 122 S. 40th st. Univ. of Pa, 1881 Alillick, John AV. 819 X. 12th st. Univ. of Pa, 1868 8-10 a. m, 2 4, 6-8 p. m. Univ. of Pa, 1879 Univ. of Pa, 1869 Univ. of Pa, 1867 Univ. of Pa, 1860 32 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Millikin, F. II. 3614 Walnut st. Until 9 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Mills, (Chas. K. 1502 Columbia ave, 8-9 a. m, 3-4, 6-8 p. m. Milner, Jas. F. 700 Catharine st, Milton, J. H. F. 65th & Vine sts, Minster, Chas. H. 1907 X. 12th st, Phila.Col.of Aled.,1858 Until 9 a. m, 2-3 p. m. Mindil, Harry W. 2739 Girard ave, Jeff. Aled. CoL. 1873 8-10 a. m, 4-6, 7-8 p. m. Minnich, And. K. 145 Susquehanna av, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1870 8-9 a. m, 1-2, 6J-8 p. m. Mitchell, C. L. 839 Race st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1880 9-11 a. m. Mitchell, S. Weir 1524 Walnut st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1850 9 a. m. 12! p. m. Mixsell, Joseph 3727 Locust st, Univ. of Pa, 1868 Moffett,D. cor. Turner & Venango sts, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1881 Moffett, Wm. 1239 X. 2d st, Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1875 Montgomery, E. E. cor. 20 & Jefferson sts,Jeff Aled. Col, 1874 Until 10 a. m, 2-4, 7 p. m. Moon, Wm. P. Pa. Hosp. for Insane, Phila. Aled. Col, 1859 Moore, Jacob H. B. 3002 Dauphin st, Univ. of Pa, 1872 Moore, Jacob 2334 Afontrose st. Pa, Aled. Col, 1856 Moorhead, W. W. 818 Arch st, Univ. of Pa, 1882 9 a. m. 3 p. m. Morehouse, Geo. R. 227 S. 9th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1850 8-11 a. m. Morris, Casper 1033 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1826 Morris, Jr., Casper 240 S. 21st, Univ. of Pa, 1878 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Morris, J. Cheston 1514 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1854 9-10 a. m, 3-4! P- m- Morris, Henry 313 S. 16th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1878 10 a. m, 3-4, 6-7! P- ™. Morrison, W. IT. Holmesburg, Univ. of Pa, 1880 Morse, Geo. Byron 3715 Chestnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1882 Morton, F. Knox 524 X. 6th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1832 Morton, Thos. G. 1421 Chestnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1856 8-11 a. m, 3-6, 7 p. m. REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 33 AIoss, William Chestnut Hill, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1855 8-9 a. m, 1-2, 7-8 p. m. Mosquera, Bernardino 807 N. 7th st, Uliiv. of Pa, 1878 Muhlenberg, Frank 1909 Chestnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1867 9! a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Mullen, Henry 100 X. 40th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1864 Until 9 a. m, 2-3, 7-9 p. m. Aluller, Aug F. 4753 Green st, G't'n, Univ. of Pa, 1868 8-9 a. m, 2-3 p. m. Alusser, J. II. 3745 Powelton ave, Univ. of Pa, 1877 8-9 a. m, 3-4, 7-8 p. m. Alusser, Alilton B. 2295 40th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1868 H-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. in. Alvers, James S. cor. 18th & Master sts, Univ. of Pa, 1863 8-9 a. in, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. Myers, Seth F. 1536 Master st. Pa. Aled. Col, 1860 7-9 a. m, 5-8 p. m. AleAdams, Alex. H. 727 X. 5th st, Univ. of Pa, 1863 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m MeAlerney, AV. X. 1104 Vine st, Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1870 8-10 a. m, 2-5, 6-8 p. m. McAllister, Anna Al. 2045 Chestnut st, AVoman'sAld.Col. 1873 8-10 a. m, 2-4 p. in. McArthur, John A. 406 S. Broad st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1864 8-10 a. ra, 2-4 p. m. AlcAuley, Jas. Al. 2623 Frankford av, Univ. of Pa, 1873 AlcCall, Chas. A. 3941 Chestnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1858 8-9 a. m, 3—t, 7-8 p. ni. AlcCamy, R. H. 118 E. Huntingdon st, Univ. of Pa., 1879 AlcCandless, AV. L. 2001 Arch st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1877 x. ,,, . T, f. -io«- a i Loris; Island ) -,o-n MeOlain, Liberty C. 134, Arch st, ^^ c< j-18,9 AlcOlellan, G. cor. Broad k Spruce sts, Jeff. Med. Col, 1870 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. in. AlcClellan, R. Al. 72d cv Woodland av, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1879 8-10 a. m, 1-2, after 7 p. m. McClelland, Cochran 316 S. 11th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1873 8-10 a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. AlcClure, Samuel C. 21 S. 16th st, Jeff. Med. Col., 1*78 McClure, William Al. 21 S. 16th st, Jeff. Aled. Col., 1864 9-11 a. m, 7 p. m. 34 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. McCollin, S. Mason 1128 Arch st. Before 10 a. m, 2-4 p. m. McCombs, R. S. 648 X. 11th st. Until 9 a, m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. McCo}r, Alex. W. 1715 Spruce st, McCracken, Geo. Y. 532 X. 12th st, McDowell, F. Buck 1858 X. 21st st. Until 10 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. McDowell, S. B. 1128 A^ine st. Until 9 a, m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. McElree, Geo. A. 6023 Vine st, McElroy, B. F. 2016 Christian st, 8-10 a. m, 12-2, 5-8 p. m. McEwen, Joseph \Y. 937 Spruce st, 8-9 a. m., 2-4, 7-8 p. m. McFadden, Jas. 404 Fairmount ave, McFadden, Jr., Wm. 435 W. York st, 8-9 a. in, 2-4, 6-9 p.m. MeFarran, Joseph A. 1924 Green st, 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. McGuigan, Jas. A. 1601 X. 12th st. Until 10 a. m. and evenings. Alcllvaine, (lias. H. Ill X. 16th st, 8-11 a. m, after 4 p. m. Mcllvaine, E. S. 4025 Chestnut st, McLaughlin, D. J. 2010 Wood st, McLean, Hugh D. 1331 Pine st, 8-10 a, m, 2-4 p. in. McLean, John 1809 Al aster st, 2t-4, 6-7 p. m. McMonagle, J. IT. 1744 Park ave, McAIurrav, A. S. 1810 Christian st, 8-9 a. m, 2-3!, 7"8 P- m. AlcXutt, J. S. 1705 Christian st, McRean, Thos. A. 625 X. 7th st, 8-9 a. m. 2-3 p. m. McVicker, Al. cor. Xorris &. Memphis str Xagle, F. O. 2004 Germantown axe. Until 9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Jeff Aled. (Col, 1878 Univ. of Pa, 1868 Univ. of Pa, Univ. of Pa, Jeff Aled. Col, Univ. of Pa, Univ. of Pa, Unix', of Pa, 1876 1866 1876 1879 1880 1877 Jeff. Med. Col, 1859 Pa. Med. CoL, 1854 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1876 Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1847 Jeff Med. CoL, 1862 Univ. of Pa, 1877 Univ. of Pa„ 1881 Univ. of Pa, 1880 Jeff Aled. Col, 1854 Jeff. Med. Col., 1881 Jeff. Med. Col, 1878 Jeff. Aled. Col, 1842 Cincinnati Med. I 1Q,,, Col., Ohio. t 18b1 Phila. Aled. CoL, 1850 , Queen's Col. Ire, 1880 Univ. of Pa, 1879 REGISTRY OF PHYSKIANS. 3S Xancrede, Chas. B. 2109 Pine st, Univ of Pa, 1869 Until 9! a. m, 3-6\ p. m. Xash, Joseph D. 1316 X. 11th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1865 7-0 a. m, 1-3, 6-7 p. m. Xebinger, Andrew 1018 S. 2d st, Univ. of Pa, 1850 9J-10! a. m. Xetf, Joseph S. 214 S. 15th st, Jeff. Aled.. Col, 1875 Until 9 a. m, 3-4 p. m. Xeill, Hollingsworth 258 S. 18th st, Univ. of Pa, 1874 9-10 a. in. Xielson, J. W. Pa. Hospital for Insane, Univ. of Pa, 187(5 Xielson, Alex. Old Front st, Univ. of X. Y, 1881 Xeilson, Thos. R, 325 S. 12th st, Univ. of Pa, 1880 Xevins, Wm. cor. 22d & Cherry sts, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1882 Xewcomet, Henry W. 1327 Girard av, Univ. of Pa, 1865/ Until 9 a. m, 2-4, 7 p. m. Xewsham, S. P. 501 Aforris st, Univ. of Pa, 1869 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Nice, Curtis J. 2483 Frankford ave, Jeff. Aled. Col., 1854 7-9 a. in, 12-1, 7-9 p. m. Xicholls, B. F. 606 Spruce st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1875 Until 10 a. m, 3-5, 7-9, p. m. Nightengale, Henry B. 1000 S. 2d st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1876 Xoble, Milton A. 2611 X. 6th st, Syracuse Md.Col.,1881 UTitil 10 a. m, 12-2, 0-8 p. m. Nolan, E. J. 141s X. 18th st, Univ. of Pa, 1867 Xorris, Edward 1106 Pine st, Jeff Aled. Col, 1855 Xorris, Herbert 313 S. 18th st, Univ. of Pa, 1866 Until 10 a. m, 2^-4 p. m. Xorris, Jr. I fenry L. Chestnut Hill, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1881 Xorris, Jr. Isaac 1424 AValnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1855 9-10 a. m, 2-4 p. m. Xorris, J. C. 1437 X. 16th st, Jeff Aled. Co], 1862 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7! P- m- Xorris, AVm. F. 1526 Locust st, Univ. of Pa, 1861 9-12 a. m. Xotson, AVilliam 318 Bainbridge st, Jeff Aled. Col, 1846 Xunemacher,H. B. Pa. Hosp. for Insane, Univ. of Pa, 1867 O'Brien, Bryan, 1600 S. 10th st, Univ. of Pa, 1881 0< allahan, Daniel 948 E. York st, Jeff. Aled. C«»LT 1882. 8-9 a. m, 6-8 p. m. Univ. of Pa, 1859 Univ. of Pa, 1876 UEniv. of Pa, 1877 Univ. of Pa, 1871 Jeff. Aled. Col., 1865 Jeff. Aled. Col., 1846 36 REGIS TR Y OF PH YSICIA NS. Oddv, John 1503 Lawrence st, Jeff. Med. Col., 1869 O'Farrell, G. D. 716 E. Cumberland st, Univ. of Pa, 1862 7-9 a. m, 4-6 p. m. Ogderi, James A. 7101 AVoodland ave, Univ. of Pa, 1874 OTIara, Michael 31 S. 16th st, Univ. of Pa, 1852 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 0-7 p. m. Oliver, Charles A. 1507 Locust st, Univ. of Pa, 1876 9 a. m, 1, 6-7 p. m. Olsen, Charlotte Y. 1958 X. 11th st. Woman's Md.Col. 1873 Oliver, George P. 936 X. 5th st, Phila. Aled. Col, 1851 Until 9 a. ni, 4-8 p. m. O'Neill, Francis X. 323 X. 6th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-9 p. in, O'Xiell, J. AVilks 38 S. 19th st. Before 9 a. m, 5-7 p. m. O'Neill, J. J. 1907 A^ine st, 8-9 a. m, 7-8 p. m. Opperman, R, F. W. 902 X. 8th st. Osier, Owen 874 X. 6th st, 8-9 a. m, 1-3,''6-7 p. m. Ott, Lambert, 1001 Columbia ave, Jeff Aled. Col., 1878 7-9 a, in, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Otxvay, David B. 1510 Callowhill st, Owen, John T. 519 Pine st, Packard, John IT. 1926 Spruce st. Before 10 a. m, 3-4, 7-8 p. in. Paist, Henry 0. 623 X. 6th st, Palethorp, J. H, 1931 Arch st, Pancoast, William IT. 1100 Walnut st, Jeff Med. Col. 9! a. m, U, 3-4 p. in. Parish, AVilliam IT. 1612 Pine st, Jeff. Aled. CoL. 1870 9-12 a. ni, 3-4 p. m. on AVed- nesdays . 1136 X. 3d st, 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-9 p. m. Roberts, Isaac E. 1344 X. 13th st, Roberts, Jacob 2033 Green st. Until 9 a, m, l!-3!, 6-8 p. m. Roberts, John B. 1118 Arch st, ) 9-11 n. m., 1601 Arch st, t 8 a. ni, 6 p. m, 1118 Arch st, j Robins, Rob't P. Episcopal Hospital, Robinson, AV. D. 2100 Mt, Vernon st. Before 9 a. ni, 3, 5!~7!p. m. Roche, Alartin 2338 Montgomery ave, 1-2 p. m. Univ. of Pa, 1876 Univ. of Pa, 18#2 /ft/1. Univ. of Pa, 1878 Jeff Aled. Col, 1878 Univ. of Pa, 1871 Univ. of Pa, 1867 AV Oman's Md.Col. 1879 Univ. of Pa, 1862 Jeff. Aled. Col, 1852 Univ. of Pa, 1843 Jeff. Aled. Col, 1866 Jeff. Med. Col, 1849 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1856 Univ. of Pa, 1870 Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1882 Univ. of Pa, 1879 Univ. of Pa, 1834 Univ. of Pa, 186T Univ. of Pa, 1862 Jeff. Med. Col, 1874 Univ. of Pa, 1880 Univ. of Pa, 1880 Univ. of Pa, 1852. REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 41 Rockwell, Henry B. 3813 Baring st, Univ. of Pa, 1881 Rockwood, E. C, AV. 1840 Columbia av. Woman's Ald.Col. 1866 8-10 a. m, 1-3 p. m. Rodman, Lewis 2008 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1827 9 a. m, 4 p. m. Ronaldson, W. D. Holmesburg, Jeff. Med. Col, 1873 8-9! a- m-> 2~3> 6~72 P- m- Rosenberger, Simon 1722 X. 7th st, Phila. Aled. CoL, 1852 8-9 a. m, 12-2, 5-6 p. m. Rosenthal, Edwin 517 Pine st, Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1880' 3-4, 7-8 p. m. Rudderow, B. J. 527 X. 19th st, Univ. of Pa, 1874 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-7 p. m. Runkle, AV. A". 2003 Christian st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1874 8-9 a.m., 2-3, 7-8 p.m. Ruschenberger, AV. S .AV, U.S. Xavy, Univ. of Pa, 1830 1932tChestnut st. Sailer, Thomas, 1845 X. 13th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1830 7-9 a. m, 12-2. 7-9 p. m. Sajous, Chas. E. L. 1630 Chestnut st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1878 8-10 a. m, 2-3, 7 p. m. Santee, Eugene L. 532 X. 6th st/, Univ. of Pa, 1866 8-9 a. m, 2-3!, 7I P- m- Sargeant, John H. 504 S. 11th st, Jeff Med. Col, 1876 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Schaffer, Charles 1309 Arch st, Univ. of Pa, 1859 Until 9 a. m, 1-2, 6-7 p. m. Schapringer, A. Jewish Hospital, Univ. of Alenna, 1872 Schenck, Jos. H. Arch & 6th sts, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1869 Schell, Henry S. 1802 Chestnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1857 Before 12 a. m, after 4 p. m. Schiedt, Philip Al. 1708 X. 7th st, Univ. of Pa, 1877 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7! p. m. • Schively, Geo. S. 1503 Gratz st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1851 Schmidt, Henry 1729 S. 2d st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1874 7-9 a. m, 1-2, 7-8 p. m. Schneider, Louisa 629 Diamond st. Woman's Ald.Col. 1879 8-9 a. m, 2-3 p. m. Schoales, Jos. D. 1428 N. 11th st, Univ. of Pa, 1857 7-9 a. m, 3-7 p. m. 42 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Schott, Arnold 936 N. 6th st, 8-9 a. m, 7-9 p. m. Schrotz, Julius 808 N. 8th st, 8-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-7 p. in. Schwarz, Louis, 1324 Franklin st, Schwenk, P. N. K. 606 Marshall st, 7-9 a. m, 4-5, 7-8 p. m. Scott, Arminta A". 329 S. 12th st, 8-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-7! P- m- Seiler, Carl 1346 Spruce st, 9-11 a. m. 5-6 p. m. Seltzer, Chas. Al. 1530 Fairmount ave, Serfass, John J. 1851 N. 12th st. Service, L. Al. Belmont ave, Seybert, F. T. 1518 Lombard st, Seyfert, Theo. H. 1709 Mt. Vernon st, 8-9! a. m, 3-4, 7-8 p. m. Shaffner, Charles 23 S. 16th st, 8-9 a. m, 3-4, 7-8 p. m. Shain, Francis AV. 253 S. 10th st, Shakespeare, Edw. O. 1336 Spruce st. Until 12 m. Shapleigh, Elisha B. 658 N. 8th st, 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Sharp, Francis A. 721 S. 9th st. Until 10 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Shattuck, George F. 1232 S. 10th st, 8-9 a. m. 1-2, 8 p. m. Sheets, John 209 N. 13th st. Shea, John G, S. S. Lord Gough, Shallenberger, J. R. 4783 Ger't'n ave, Shelmerdine, R. S. 648 N. 11th st, Shellv, Aaron F. 839 N. 5th st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p.m. Shell, J. Kinzier 538 N. 13th st, 7-9 a. m, 1^-3, 7 p. m. Sheppard, F. C. 121 S. 18th st, 9!-10! a. m, 3-4, 6-8 p. m. Sherwood, T. H. cor. Broad & Butler sts. 7-9 a. m, 1-3 after 7 p. m. Jeff Aled. Col, 1868 Univ. of ) \S54i Wertzberg, ) Jeff. Aled. Col, 1881 Univ. of Pa, 1882 AVoman's Md.Col. 1875 Univ. of Pa, 1871 Univ. of Pa, 1878 Univ. of Pa, 1879 Jeff. Med. Col, 1848 Jeff. Med. Col, 1881 Univ. of Pa, 1867 Univ. of Pa, 1870 Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1882 Univ. of Pa, 1869 Univ. of Pa, 1849 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1872 Harvard Md.Col, 1862 Univ. of Pa, 1880 Royal CoL of )-. n™ Surg, Ireland, j Univ. of Pa, 1867 Univ. of Pa, 1868 Jeff. Med. Col, 1850 Univ. of Pa, 1881 Univ. of Pa, 1879 ,Univ. of Pa, 1858 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 43 Shimer, J. S. cor. Franklin & Parish sts,Univ. of Pa, 1857 Shimmin, James, Phila. Hospital, Jeff. Med. Col, 1881 Shimwell, Benj. T. 1235 S. 17th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1875 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Shippen, Jos. 927 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1853 Shoemaker, D. BE 725 Montgomery av, Univ. of Pa, 1845 Shoemaker, G. E. 3318 AVoodland av, Univ. of Pa, 1882 Shoemaker, John V. 1031 Walnut st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1874 2-4, 7-8 p. in. Shoemaker, Jos. T. 2407 Christian st, Univ. of Pa, 1860 8-10 a, m, 6-8 p. m. Shriner, Thomas, 2204 Frankford av, Jeff. Med. Col, 1869 Until 9 a. m, 1-2, 6-8 p. m. Sibbald, John Fox Chase, 23d Ward, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1875 Sibbald, James Wissahicken, Jeff. Med. Col, 1881 Siddall, Hugh A. 646 XT. 40th st, Univ. of Pa, 1847 Silliman, Henry R. 1623 Pine st, Univ. of Pa, 1855 8-10 a. m, 2-4 p. m. Simes, J. H. C. 2033 Chestnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1870 8-10 a, m., 3-5 p. m. Simon, T. Wallace 1330 Spruce st, Jeff Med. Col, 1877 8-10 a. m, 2!-4, 7-8 p. m. Simpers, Chas. T. 1937 N. 22d st, Columbia Med. ) 18fiq Col.Wash,D.C. fi8by Simpson, James 338 S 5th st, Jeff Med. Col, 1865 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Simpson, Robert 1100 Brown st, Univ. of Pa, 1874 Simshon, Joseph S 835 N. 8th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1874 Until 9 a. m, 2-4, 6-7 p. m. Sinkler, Wharton 1534 Pine st, Univ. of Pa, 1868 9! a. m, 3-4 p. m. Skillern, P. G. 427 S. Broad st, Univ. of Pa, 1877 Skillern, S. F. 3416 Baring st, Univ. of Pa, 1824 Until 9 a.m., 1-2, 6-7 p. m. Skilling, M. J. 1702 Christian st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1873 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Slifer, Levi K. cor. 10th & York sts, Univ. of Pa, 1872 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Slocum, Alfred M. 1611 Columbia ave, Univ. of Pa, 1847 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. 44 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Slocum, Harry A. 803 X. 17th st, Univ. of Pa, 1879 7-9 a. m, 12-2, 7 p. m. Small, AY. B. 2232 Green st, Univ. of Pa, 1833 7-9 a. m, 2-6 p. m. Smaltz, J. Henry 801 N. 6th st, Univ. of Pa, 1850 Smiley, Edwin R. 5504 A^ine st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1881 Smith, Alexis D. 5236 Alain st, G't'n, Univ. of Pa, 1882 8!-10 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Smith, Albert H. 1419 Walnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1856 8-9 a. m. 3-4 p. m. Smith, Alfred H. 1800 N. 21st st, Univ. of Pa, 1874 Until 9 a. m, 3-4 p. m. Smith, H. A. 1319 X. 15th st, Univ. of Pa, 1875 Until 10 a. m, 2-4 p. m. Smith, Henry H. 1800 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1837 9-10 a. m, 2 p. m. Smith, H. Yale 726 S. 10th st, Franklin Aid. Col, 1847 9-10 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Smith, Mark L. 320 S. 4th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1870 8-9 a. m, 1-3, 5-7 p. m. Smith, Robert Meade 332 S. 21st st, Univ. of Pa., 1876 Until 9! a. m, 3-4 p. in. Smock, L. P. 3119 Pine st, Univ. of Pa, 1882 Snoddy, Lot J. 506 S/Oth st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1880 Snowden, Benjamin C. 700 X. 20th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1845 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Sommerville, James Al. 1714 Race st, Univ. of Pa, 1857 Souwers, Geo. F. 4431 Germant'n av, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1877 8-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-7! P- ra- Sowerby, Joseph J. Holmesburg, Univ. of Pa, 1861 Sozinsky, Thos. S. 2210 Fairmount av, Univ. of Pa, 1872 Sparks, Geo. W. 635 Spruce st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1865 Until 10 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Spooner, Edward A. 1430 Spruce st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1851 3-4, 7-8 p. m. Univ. of Pa, 1866 Starr, Louis 1417 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1871 9-10 a. m, 3-4 p. m. Steinbach, L. AV. 863 X. 8th st, Jeff Med. Col, 1880 8-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-7 p. m. Stellwagon, IT. W. 1525 Chestnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1875 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 45 Stellwagen, Thos. C, 1627 Chestnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1868 9-11 a, m, 2-3 p. m, except Saturday afternoon. Sterling, John 700 S. 9th st, Univ. of Pa, 1856 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Stetler, John G. 1218 Fairmount ave. Pa. Med. Col, 1849 Until 10 a.m., 2-4 p.m., & evenings. Stevenson, J. R. cor. 12 & Callowhill sts, Univ. of Pa, 1863 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-9 p. m. Stexvart, David D. 3929 Pine st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1879 Stexvart, Reuel 1840 Green st, Univ. of Pa, 1870 Stexvart, Robert, R. 1300 Fitzwater st, Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1882 Until 9i a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Stewart, Wm. F. 1527 X. 22d st, Jeff Med. Col, 1881 Stewart, AY. H. Wyoming av. E. of 2d st, Univ. of Pa, 1882 Stewart, Wm. S. cor. 17th & Filbert sts, Jeff. Med. Col, 1863 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7! P- m- Stidham, J. P. 4001 Chestnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1851 Until 8 a. m, 2-3, 6-7! P- m- Stille, Alfred 3900 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1836 Until 9| a. m, 2-4, p. m. Stilwell, Walter, C. 1236 S. 8th st, Univ. of Pa, 1873 Until 9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7! P- m. Stine, Luther K 1502 X. 4th st, Univ. of Pa, 1860 Until 9! a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. Sterling, Samuel R. 2300 Emerald st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1880 11 a. m. 1, 3,-6 p. m. Stocker, A. E. 2212 Fitzwater st, Univ. of Pa, 1840 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Stockton, J. Clark, 527 N. 43d st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1864 8-10 a. m. Stokes, Charles, 602 X. 22d st, CoL of Phys. & ) 1ccn 7-9 a. m., 2-3 p. m. Surg, N. Y. f 18by Stone, Edward R. 1539 N. 19th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1872 8-9 a. m, 1-3, 7 p. m. Stone, James F. 1922 Mt. ATernon st, ( -r, ,, TT Before 9 a.m., 7 p. m. cTTV 1866 133 S. 4th st, 12-3 p. m. ( uoL' *v Y' ' Stone, L. P. 425 S. 13th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1880 Stratton, Albert G. 1026 Pine st, Univ. of Pa, 1875 Until 9 a. m, 12-3, 7-8 p. m. 46 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Univ. of Pa, 1866 Univ. of Pa, 1869 Jeff. Med. Col, 1881 Jeff. Med. Col, 1880 Jeff. Med. Col, 186T Univ. of Pa, 1866 Strawbridge, George 1500 Walnut st, 8-10 a. m, 3-5 p. m. Stretch, Richard G. 1419 N. 18th st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Stritmatter, J. P. German Hospital, Strobel, Jr., John 1134 X. 3d st, 7-9! a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Strock, Daniel, 1067 X. Front st, 7-9 a. m, 5-7 p. m. Stryker, SamT S. 3709 Walnut st, 8-9 a. m, 3-4, 6£-7£ p. m. Stubbs, G. E, cor. 17th & Jefferson sts. Harvard Md.CoL, 1873' Until 9 a. ni. 2-4, after 6 p. m. Styer, Charles 1522 N. 19th st, Univ. of Pa, 1862 Until 9 a. m, 1-3, 7 p. m. Sundberg, John 0. 115 S. 7th st, Chicago Md.Col, 1874 Sutton, John W. 1824 N. 7th st, Columbia Md. > 1QW Col,X. Y, f1877 Swayze, G. B. H. 1828 Columbia ave., Jeff Med. Col, 1859 7-9 a. m, 12-2, p. m. Taylor, Edw. W. Germantown, Jeff. Med. Col, 1881 Taylor, J. Howard 1133 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1852 9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Taylor, J. Maddison 2201 St 41ban pi, Univ. of Pa, 1878 8-9! a. m, 2, 6-8 p. m. Taylor, Robert R. 2129 Pine st, 8-9! a- m-> 3~4> 7-8 p. m. Taylor, Wm. J. 2201 St. Alban pi, Taylor, Wm. L. 1219 N. 13th st., 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Taylor, Wm. T. 1324 X. 15th st, 7 9 a. m, 2-3, 7-9 p. m. Thies, Wilhelm 1315 S 4th st. Until 9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Thomas, Chas. H. 1807 Chestnut st, 8!-9! a. m, 3-4, 7-7! P- m. Thomas, Edwin R. 4830 G'town ave, Thomas, Frank W. 5681 G'town ave, Thomason, H. D. 1347 Arch st, Thomas, G. L. 2626 Frankford ave, 7!-9| a. m, 7-8 p. m. Univ. of Pa, 1849 Univ. of Pa, 1882 Univ. of Pa, 1876 Univ. of Pa, 1848 Jeff. Med. Col, 1877 Univ. of Pa, 1865 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1881 Univ. of* Pa, 1880 Univ. of Pa, 1882 Jeff. Med. Col, 1869 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 47 Thomson, Wm. 1502 Locust st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1855 9-12 a. m. Thompson, Jas. T. cor. 2d & Pine sts, Univ. of Pa, 1867 Thorington, Jr., James Bridesburg, Jeff. Med. Col, 1881 Tiedemann, Heinrich 721 Alarshall st, Univ.of Wurtzb'g,1842 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Toboldt, A. L. A. cor. 6th & Green sts, Univ. of Pa, 1873 8-9 a. m, 12-2, 6-8 p. m. Todd, William C. Roxborough, Jeff. Med. Col, 1855 Tolson, Benj. F. 922 S. 8th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1876 7-10 a. m. 12-2 p. m. Tomlinson P. W. 1800 Mt. Vernon st, Jeff Med Col, 1878 Tomlinson, Thomas 0. 1304 S. 5th st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1879 8-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. in. Townsend, W. W. Bridesburg, Jeff. Med. Col, 1844 8-10 a. m, 1-3 p. m. Trau, Adam 984 X. 5th st, Univ. of Pa, 1861 Until 9 a. m, l!-3, 6-7 p. m. Trau, John Philip 984 N. 5th st, Med. Chi. Col, 1857 Trautman, B. 474 N. 4th st, Georget'n D. C. \ ,Rrj, 7-9 a. m. 3-5 p. m. Med. Col, ( XO(* Treacy, Dennis J. 1621 Christian st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1867 Before 9 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Trenchard, John F. 1037 Richmond st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1847 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Troth, Samuel N. 1335 Franklin st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1849 7-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-7 p. m. Turnbull, Charles S. 1702 Chestnut st, Univ. of Pa, 1871 9-11 a. m, 3!-5!,p. m. Turnbull, Laurence, 1502 Walnut st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1845 9-11 a. m, 3-5 p. m. Turner, Albert L. Bingham House, Berkshire Ald.Col.1866 Turner, J. B. cor 17th & Carpenter sts, Jeff. Med. Col, 1882 8-10 a. m, 2^-4, 6-7! P- m- Turner, Charles P. 1506 Walnut st, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Tyson, James 1506 Spruce st. Until 9 a. m, 3-4 p. m. Uhler, Harry N. Manayunk, 7-8 a. m. Jeff. Med. Col, 1851 Univ. of Pa, 1863 Univ. of Pa, 1864 48 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Updegrove, Silas 804 Alarshall st, Univ. of Pa, 1854 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Urquhart, David C. 235 Pine st, Univ. of Pa, 1879 8-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-8 p. m. Usilton, 0. A. 1305 Dickerson st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1882 VanArsdalen, F. Y. 1600 Tioga st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1857 VanBuskirk, James 2301 X. 2d st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1868 7-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-8 p. m. Vanderslice, Edxv. S. 127 S. 5th st, Univ. of Pa, 1864 9 a, m, 5 p. m. VanHarlingen, A. C, 129 S. 15th st, Univ. of Pa, 1867 9-1 Oh a. m, 4-5 p. m, July & Aug. 9-12 m. A^anPelt, Jos. K. T. 1719 Chestnut st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1854 7-9 a. m, 3-4, 7-9 p. m. A^anA^alzah, W. AV. 1704 Arch st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1876 8-9 a. m, 4-0 p. m. Vinton, Charles H. 1617 Race st, Univ. of Pa, 1868 9-12 m. Vogdes, Edxvard W. Roxborough, Univ. of Pa, 1851 Angler, Geo. W. 563 X. 5th st, Univ. of Pa, 1876 Until 10 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Vollmer, Ulrich AV. 1126 Wallace st, Univ. of Pa, 1875 8-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-7! P- m- Wade, Francis IT. 116 X. 9th st, Univ. of Pa, 1877 Wade, S. Herbert 2400 Oxford st, Dartmouth ) i«79 Until 10 a. m, 1-3, 7-9, p. m. Aled. CoL, \10U Wadsworth, Henry 1735 Frankford av, Phila. Med. Col, 1850 7-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-7 p. m Walk, James AV. 748 X. 20th st, Univ. of Pa, 1878 7-9 a, m, 6-8 p. m. Walker, James B. 1617 Green st, Univ. of Pa, 1872 9 a. m, 1-2!, 6-7 p. m. Walker, John T. 1606 X. 8th st, Univ. of Pa, 1873 Until 9 a. m, 1, 6 p. m. Walker, S. E. cor. 9th & Catharine sts, Jeff. Med. Col, 1882 Wallace, Ellerslie 1130 Spruce st, Jeff Med. Col, 1843 9 a. m, 2-3 p. m. Wallace, James, 2107 Xorris st, Univ. of Pa, 1878 9 a. m, 8 p. m. Wallace, Wm. H. 103 X. 35th st, Univ. of Pa, 1864 8-9 a. m, 7-8 p. m. REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 49 Wallace, Win. S. 4202 Lancaster ave, Jeff. Med. Col, 1881 Wallen, Seeley 2327 X. 6th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1879 Wallis, James Al. 1029 Lehigh ave, Univ. of Pa, 1847, 7-9 a. m, 3-6, p. m, Walsh, Samuel 1003 S. 7th st, Phila. Aled. CoL, 1851 8-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. Ward, Edward IT. 232 X. 16th st, Univ. of Pa, 1842 9 a. m, 3-6 p. m. Ward, George Al. 926 Spruce st, Univ. of Pa, 1863 Until 10 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Ward, J. S. cor. 11th & Calloxvhill sts, Jeff Aled. Col, 1881 7-9 a. m, 6-8 p. m. Warder, AVm. H. 1212 X. Broad st, Jeff Aled. Col, 1871 7-9! a. m, 2-3!, "{ P- m- Watson, Arthur AV. 162 X. 20th st, Univ. of Pa, 1880 8-9 a.'m, 7-8 p. m. Watson, Edw. W. 201 X. 20th st, Univ. of Pa, 1865, 8-9 a. m, 7-8 p. m. Watt, James, S. 523 AVharton st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1881 Before 9! a. m, 2-4, after 7 p. m. AYaugh, William F. 878 X. 6th st, Jeff Med. CoL, 1871 " Until 9 a, m, 1-2, 7-8 p. m. Weatheriy, T. 0. 2316 Spring Garden st, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1880 Before 9 a. m, 5-7 p. m. Weaver, Elijah 468 Dillwyn st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1873 AVebb, AVm. H. 556 X. 16th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1866 7-9! a. in, 2-3, 7 p. m. AVeber, Jacob 417 S. 10th st, Univ. of Pa, 1858 Until 9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. AVeber, Louis, 1328 S. 9th st, Univ. of X. Y, 1880 Until 9! a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Weber, Reinhart H 854 X. 5th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1866 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Weeks, Albert, Phila. Hospital, Jeff. Aled. CoL, 1880 Weeks, Carlisle B. Phila. Hospital, Jeff. Med. Col, 1880 Webner, Jacob II. 156 AVistar st, GYn,Pa. Med. Col.r 1861 8-9 a. m, 3-4 p. m. Weir, Alexander H. 130 S. 15th stT Univ. of Va.r 1867 Until 10 a. m, 2-3, 5-6!p. m. AVeir, Frank L. 860 E. Thompson st, Jeff. Med. CoL. 1876 7-9 a. in, 1-3, after 7 p. m. 50 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Welch, Win. M. 1214 Fairmount ave. Until 9 a. m, 1-3, 7 p. m. AVells, J. Ralston 5134 Lancaster ave, 7-9 a, m, 4-7 p. m. Wells, P. Frailey 5134 Lancaster ave, 7-9 a. m,' 4-7 p. m. Wells, AV. Lehman 216 S. 9th st. Before 10 a. m, 1-2, 6-7 p. m. Werner, Marie B. 1128 S. 11th st, Wert, John M. 701 X. 12th st. Until 10 a. m, 1-2|, 6-8 p. m. Westbrook, Henrietta P.1707 Oxford st. AVetherill, H. At. Pa. Hospital, Wevill, R. II. 1014 S. 3d st, 9-11 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Wharton, Henry R. 1407 Locust st, 8-10 a. m, 3-4 p. m. Wharton, R. S. 310 S. 10th st, Until 10 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. in. AVheeler, Edwin B. 1940 X. 8th st, 8-10 a. m, 5-7 p. m. Wrhelen, Alfred 123 S. 20th st, 8-9! a. m, 2-4, 6-7 p. m. White, C. A. 1751 Francis st, 9-12 m, 2-5 p. m. White, Francis E. 1715 Master st, 12 m. 1 p. m. White, Horace Al. 1614 Chestnut st, 8 a. m. 2i p. m. White, James W. 2012 Green st. White J. Wm. 222 S. 16th st, 81-10 a. m, 4-5 p. m, Sundays 9-10! a. m. Whiteside, J. E. 0600 Haverford ave, Whitney, W. X. 1314 Arch st, Weidemann, C. A. 541 X. 22d st. Until 9 a. m, 1-2, 6-7 p. m. Wiehle, C. A. Al. 319 X. 32d st, AVightman, John G. 1639 Race st, 8-9 a. m, 2-3!, 7 P- m- Wiley, Caroline V. 730 X. 17th st, Univ. of Pa, 1859 Jeff. Med. Col, 1855 Jeff Aled. Col, 1881 Univ. of Pa, 1856 Women's Md.Col. 1880 Jeff. Med. Col, 1880 .Women's Md.CoL 1880 Univ. of Pa, 1877 Jeff Med. Col, 1853 Univ. of Pa, 1876 Jeff Aled. Col, 1876 Bellevue Med. Col, N. Y, 11873 Univ. of Pa, 1874 Univ. of Pa, 1871 Women'sMd.Col. 1872 Jeff. Aled. Col, 1861 Univ. of Pa, 1873 Univ. of Pa, 1871 Pa. Aled. Col, 1847 Univ. of Pa, 1881 Univ. of Pa, 1880 Univ. of Pa, 1871 Jeff. Aled. Col, 1882 Women's Ald.Col. 1878 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 51 Wiley, Eugene 330 Reed st, 8-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Williard, DeForest 1818 Chestnut st, 8-10 a. m, 3-4, 7 p. m. Williams, Horace 1717 Pine st. Until 9! a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Williams, John T. 1000 S. 19th st, 8-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Williamson, Jesse 1711 Pine st, 9-10 a. m, 4-5, 7-8 p. m. Willits, Chas. H. 117 X. 16th st, 8-9! a. in, 3-4, 7-7! P- m. Willits, J. Pearson Holmesburg, Willits, Alary AVilson, Arthur Al. 1903 Chestnut st, Wilson, Benjamin B. 1903 Chestnut st 8-10 a. m, 3-4 p. m. Wilson, Chas. Aleigs 212 S. 15th st, Wilson, Ellxvood 212 S. 15th st. Until 9 a. m, 3-5 p. m. Wilson IT. Augustus 331 S. 12th st. Until 9 a. m, 5-7 p. m. Wilson, James C. 1437 AValnut st, 8-10 a. m, 3-5 p. m, except Su AVilson, James F. 1010 Race st. Until 9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Wilson, Joseph C. S. Xavv, 1940 X. 13th st, Wilson, Xeedham Al. 1708 S. 10th st, , 7-9 a. m. AYills, J. H. 1701 Summer st, Wirgman, Charles 2005 Pine st, 8-10 a. m, 3-4, 6-8 p. m. AVise, George G. 527 S. Broad st, 9-1 (fa. m, 2-4 p. m. Wistar, Thomas 113 S. 16th st, Wister, Casper 1303 Arch st, Wister, Owen J. Branchtown, AVitherstine, C. S. 42 Queen st, G't'n, 8-10 a. m, 12-2, 7-8 p. m. Jeff. Med. Col, 1869 Univ. of Pa, 1867 Univ. of Pa, 1865 Phila. Med. Col, 1852 Jeff. Med. Col, 1873 Univ. of Pa, 1879 Univ. of Pa, 1880 Women's Md.Col. 1882 Univ. of Pa, 1882 , Univ. of Pa, 1850 Jeff. Aled. Col, 1882 Jeff. Aled. Col, 1845 Jeff. Aled. Col, 1879 Jeff. Aled. CoL, 186!) ndays. Univ. of Pa, 1864 Univ. of Pa, 1837 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1866 Univ. of Pa, 1880 Jeff. Aled. Col, 1877 Univ. of Pa, 1866 Univ. of Pa, 1863 Univ. of Pa, 1846 Univ. of Pa, 1847 CoL, of Phys, ) 1Q7Q & Surg, X. Y, f187H 52 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Jeff. Aled. Col, 1876 Jeff. Med. Col, 1880 Jeff. Med. CoL, 1873 Univ. of Pa, 1862 Univ. of Pa, 1874 Jeff. Med. Col., 1873 Jeff. Aled. CoL, -1879 Wittig, Charles F. 480 X. 4th st, Univ.ofGottingenl865 8-10 a, m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Wittkamp, A. L. V. 117 Green st, Wolff, Laurence 1201 Chestnut st, Wolford, W. Scott, 133 S. 13th st, 8-10 a. m, 3!-5, 6-7 p. in. Wood, Horatio C. 1925 Chestnut st. Until 10 a. m, 2 p. m. Wood, Al. A. 165 Susquehanna ave. Until 9 a. m, 12-3, 6 p. m. Woodbury, Frank 218 S. 16th st, Until 9 a, m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Woodruff, George 240 Catharine st, 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Woods, D. Flavel cor. 15th k Spruce st,Univ. of Pa, 1864 Until 10 a. m, 5-7 p. m. Woods, Matthew 1305 S. 6th st, 8-10 a, m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Wooley, Geo. W. 11 X. 10th st, Worthington, David J. 1106 Vine st. Until 9 a, m, 2-4, 6-7 p. m. Wroth, James IT. Queen's Lane, G't'n, Wright, John L. Jeff. Col. Hospital, Wurts, Chas. Stewart 1701 Walnut st, Wynkoop, Francis 626 Marshall st. Yard, John L. 1624 Diamond st. Yarrow, Thos. J. 1335 X. Broad st, 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7 p. m. Yeoman, George 1959 X. 13th st. Young, J. G. 1000 Shackamaxon st. Until 9 a. m, 2-3!, 6-7 p. m. Zieber, E. S 1734 Columbia ave, Ziegler, Geo. J. 132 Richmond st. Until 10 a. m, after 3 p. m. Ziegler, AVilliam II. 1833 Richmond st, Jeff Aled. Col, 1880 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-9 p. m. Ziegler, AV. Al. L. 2007 Columbia ave, Univ. of Pa, 1874 8-10 a. m, 6-7 p. m. Zimmermann, Eliza T. 1622 Vine st. Women's Md.CoL 1860 Zook, Ellen E. 3620 Baring st, Women's Ald.Col. 1873 8-10 a. m, 6-7 p. m. Univ. of Pa, 1873 Med. CoL of Ohio,1838 Jeff. Aled. Col, 1866 Univ. of Pa, 1878 Jeff. Med. Col, 1881 Jeff Aled. CoL, 1854 Phila. Aled. CoL ,1857 Jeff Aled. CoL, 1879 Univ. of Pa, 1861 Jeff. Med. Col, 1860 Univ. of Pa, 1862 • Jeff. Aled. Col., 1860 Univ. of Pa, 1850 APPENDIX OF PHYSICIANS REGISTERD TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. Bland, Thos. T. 1628 Columbia ave, Beltz, T. M. 2206 X. 11th st. Bower, John H. 4243 N. 20th st. Carter, Rob't 1805 Pine st. Cox, John Lehigh ave. bel. 4th st, Hughes, AV. E. 3726 Baring st, Hanna, Benj. M. 807 X. 7th st, Hirsh, A. B. 1518 Marshall st, Kervin, R. A. 622 S. Wash'n square, Lawrence, J. R. 1325 Spruce st, McCombs, W. 648 X. 11th st. Reeves, J. Howard 4001 Oregon st. \ Bellevue Hos. | Col, X. Y, Univ. of Pa, Jeff. Med. Col, Franklin Ald.Col Univ. of Pa, Univ. of Pa, Jeff Aled. Col, Jeff. Med. Col, Jeff. Med. CoL, Jeff. Aled. (Col, Jeff. Aled. CoL, Univ. of Pa, 1874 1881 1884 ,1847 1882 1880 1871 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 rur: HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Allen, Joshua 529 E. Cumberland st, 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Allen, John V. 10 Sellers st, Frankfd, Allen, R. C. 32 E. Orthodox st, Frankfd, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Ashton, A. H. 730 S. 10th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Baker, Alfred E. 623 X. 18th st. Until 9 a. m, 6-7 p. m. Baker, C. H. 34 X. 40th st. Until 9 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. Banks, J. 0. H. 526 X. 40th st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Barden, D. R. 129 X. 40th st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Barnes, A. M. 3241 York ave, 7-8 a. m, 12-2, 5-8 p. m. Barr, Benjamin 643 X. 13th st, 7-9, 12-3, 7-9 p. m. Bartholemew,G. R. 32 E. Orthodox st, ) Frankford, i Until 9 a.m,3!-4!,after6 p.m. ) Bartine, D. W. 1539 X. 20th st, Bartlett, Clarence 623 X. 16th st, 7-9 a. m., 3-5, 6-7 p. m. Beebe, C. H. 169 W. Cumberland st, Berens, J. cor. Broad & Green sts, 8-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Betts, B. Franklin 1609 Girard ave, 7-9 a. m., 2-4, 8-9 p. m. Hahn. Med. Col, 1878 Hahn. Med. Col, 1881 Hahn. Aled. Col, 1868 Homeop.Md.Col,1852 Hahn. Aled. Col, 1880 Homeop. Aid.Col, 1868 Hahn. Med. Col, 1873 Univ. of X. Y. ) lg48 City., ) Pa." Med. Col., 1858 Homoep.Md.Col, 1855 Univ. of Pa, 1853 Homoep.Md.Col, 1872 Hahn. Med. Col, 1879 Hahn. Med. Col, 1879 Pa, Med. Col, 1841 Hahn. Med. Col, 1868 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 55 Bigler, AV. H. 118 X. 12th st, Hahn. Med. Col, 1871 8-10 a. m, 3-5, 8-9 p. m. Birch, John P. 3724 Spring Garden st, Hahn. Aled. Col, 1870 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7! P- m- Bradford, Thos. L. 720 E. Dauphin st, Homeop.Ald.Col, 1869 9-12 a. m, 6-8 p. m. Branson, Mary 141 X. 15th st, 8-10 a."ra., 2-4 p. m. Brooks, C. Al. 1613 X. 10th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Broxvn, Samuel 651 X. 10th st, 7-9 a. m, 1-4 p. in. Brown, S. Hastings 1408 X. 12th st, 7-9, a. m.,"l-3, 6-8 p. m. Brunner, E. P. 1030 Given st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Buckman, Francis 1410 S. 5th st. Until 9 a. ni, 2 4, 7-9 p. m. Burnham, X. Clark 1116 Outhbert st. Until 9! a. in, 6-7! P- m- Burr, Richard 1906 X. 12th st. Before 10 a. m, after 3 p. m, Caldwell, Frank E. 1411 Jefferson st. Campbell, H. S. 310 X. 6th st. Until 10 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Capen, John L. 510 Dickinson st. Until 9 a. in, 6-7! P- m- Castle, David M. 2007 Arch st, 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. in. Clark, G. H. 1433 X. 19th st, Cleveland, S. Al. 252 S. 21st st, 8-10! a. m, 3-5 p. m. Conover, (Chas. H. 500 X. 18th st, 8-10 a. rn, 2-4, 6-7 ]». in. Conover, T. IT. 1721 Jefferson st, 8-9 a. m. 1-2, 6-7 p. rn. Cornelius, R. W. B. Holmesburg. 7-9 a, m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Crumbaugh, J. W. 100 X. 15th st, 8-9 a, m, 3-5, 7-8 p. in. Curry, Geo. 11. 302 Spruce st. Women's Md.Col. 1873 Hahn. Aled. Col, 1878 Homeop.Md.Col,1858 Honieop. Md.Col, 1869 Hahn. Aled. CoL, 1869 Hahn. Med. Col, 1879 Halm. Med. Col., 1879 Univ. of Pa, 1846 Hahn. Med. Col, 1880 Univ. of Pa, 1867 Hahn. Med. Col., 1870 Hahn. Med. Col, 1873 Hahn. Med. Col, 1872 Hahn. Med. Col, 1875 Hahn. Med. Col., 1880 Hahn. Med. Col, 1879 Hahn. Aled. CoL, 1874 Cniv. of Pa. 1878 Halm. Med. Col, 1880 56 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Davis, E. E. cor. 43d & Oregon st, Dudley, P. cor. 15th & Master sts, 3-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7! P- m- Dunning, T. S. 1328 X. 15th st. Until 9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Earhart, J. R. 1839 Arch st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Earhart, W. J. 1839 Arch st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 a. m. Egee, J. B. S. 1938 X. 8th st, 8-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Engle, David F. 1729 Franklin st, Farrington, E. A. 1738 Green st, 7-9 a, m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Fellger, Adolph 154 X. 11th st, Until 10 a. m, 2-4, after 7 p. m. Finch, L. E. 2406 Oxford st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Fornias, Ed ward o 511 S. 8th st, 8-10 a, m, 6-8 p. m. Freedley, S. Marshall & Green sts, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. French, Harriet S. 712 X. 8th st. Until 9 a. m, 1-3 p. m. Frismuth, J. 651 X. 11th st, 7-9 a, m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Gardiner, Dav. E. 1607 Mt, Vernon st, 8-9, a. m, 3-4, 6-7 p. m. Gardiner, Geo. W. 1713 Columbia ave. Until 9 a, m, 1-3, 6-7 p. m. Gardiner, W. H. 1631 X. 15th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Garvin, John J. 1546 X. 11th st, Gause, 0. B. 1519 Arch st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Gause, P. O. B. 1519 Arch st, Gessler, C. W. 1332 S. 5th st. Until 10 a, m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Gilbert, Irvin B. 1618 X. 20th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 h p. m. Gilbert, Sam'l T. 729 X. 19th st, 7-9 a. m, 6-8 p. m. Hahn. Med. CoL, 1871 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1861 Hahn. Med. Col, 1870 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1855 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1855 Hahn. Med. Col, 1875 Hahn. Med. CoL, 1881 Hahn. Med. Col, 1868 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1869 Hahn. Med. Col, 1879 Hahn. Med. Col, 1880 Univ. of Pa, 1821 Penn. Med. Col, 1865 Pa, Med. Col, 1861 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1857 Hahn. Med. Col, 1876 Hahn. Med. CoL, 1879 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1864 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1857 Hahn. Aled. CoL, 1881 Univ. of Pa, 1867 Hahn. Med. Col, 1882 Hahn. Med. CoL, 1879 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 57 Gillman, W. B. 806 S. 3d st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Goodno, C. E. 5039 Lancaster ave, ' Until 9 a. m, 12-1, 6-7 p. m. Goodno, W. C. 4003 Chestnut st, 8-9 a. m, 6-7 p. m. Gonzales, M. J. G. 1915 Harland st, Gramm, E. M. 774 S. 18th st, 8-10 a. m, 5-7 p. m, Sundays 8-10 a. m, 1-3 p. m. Gramm, G. E. 1656 Vienna st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. Gramm, T. J. 1656 Vienna st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. Griffith, J. J. 173 Green Lane, 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-9 p. m. Griffith, Lewis B. 809 X. 10th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Griffith, Silas 1431 Girard ave, 8-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-7 p. m. Griffith, W. M. 2035 Ridge ave, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Griggs, W. A. 716 Buttonwood st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Gross, Francis O. 1235 X. 4th st, 8-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Groth, H. H. 875 X". 5th st, 7-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-9 p. in. Guernsey, H. X. 1423 Chestnut st. Until 10 a. m, 3-5, after 7 p. m. Guernsey, J. C. 1923 Chestnut st. Until 10 a. m, 3, after 7 p. m. Guernsey, W. J. 4430 Frankford ave, 8-9 a. m, 1-4, 7-9 p. m. Gumpert, B. B. 840 Franklin st, Haines, Oliver S. 1116 Cuthbert st. Until 10 a. m, 6-7! P- m- Hambright, E. A. 1831 Columbia ave, 8-9 a. m, 3-4, 6-8 p. m. Hamilton, W. C. 1700 Franklin st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-7 p. m. Hahn. Med. Col, 1869 Jeff. Med. Col, 1878 Hahn. Med. Col, 1870 Hahn. Med. Col, 1878 Hahn. Med. Col, 1880 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1867 Hahn. Med. Col, 1881 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1856 Hahn. Med. CoL, 1880 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1866 Hahn. Med. Col, 1872 Jeff. Med. Col, 1866 Hahn. Med. Col, 1880 Hahn. Med. Col, 1872 Univ. of X. Y, 1844 Hahn. Med. CoL, 1872 Hahn. Med. CoL, 1875 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1853 Hahn. Med. Col, 1882 Hahn. Med. Col, 1874 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1861 58 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Hancock, Joseph 161S X. 20th st, 7-9 a. m, 3-4, 7-8 p. m. Heintze, C. A. 1418 X. 6th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Heysinger, J. W. 1433 Girard ave, 7!-10 a. m, 5J-10 p. m. Hickman, L. Al. 1319 Arch st, 8-10 a. m, 2-4 p. m. Hitchins, Peter S. 941 X. 12th st, 7-9 a. in, 1-3, 7-9 p. in. Holcomb, J. R. 925 X. 12th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. Holman, Geo. At. 2424 Oxford st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 8-9 p. m. Homer, Horace 5009 Green st, G't'n, 8-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-7 p. m. Hosfield, George 1229 S. 8th st, 7-9| a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Houard, J. E. 623 S. 16th st, Hutchinson, T. C. 809 X. 26th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 7-9 p. m. Ivins, Horace, F. 1313 Arch st, 8-9 a. m, 2-3 p. m. Ingersoll, W. K. cor. 41st & Aspen sts. Until 11 a. m, 5-6 p. m. Jackson, E. Boylston 1702 X. 8th st, 8-12 m. Jackson, Lora C. 1712 Oxford st, 10-12 a, m, 2-4 p. m. James, B. W. cor. 18th k Green sts, 18th & Green sts., 8-9 a.m., 4-6 p.m. 1408 Arch st, 12* p. m., daily, except Sunday. James, John E. cor. 10th 4-5!, 7~8 P- m-> Sundays 8-9 a. m. only. McGill, Edward K 1807 Girard ave, 7-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. McLeod, G, J. 3905 Locust st, 7-8 a. m, 2-3, 7-8 p. m. Homeop.Md.CoL, 1851 Hahn. Med. Col, 1875 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1861 Allent'n Md.Col, 1877 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1841 Hahn. Med. CoL, 1880 Hahn. Med. Col, 1875 Med Depart. ) lg65 Yale CoL, j Hahn. Med. Col, 1882 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1858 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1880 , Hahn. Med. Col, 1879 Hahn. Med. Col, 1876 Boston Univ, 1879 Hahn. Med. Col, 1878 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1865 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1879 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1865 Univ. of Pa, 1831 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1856 Hahn. Med. Col, 1880 Univ. of Pa, 1857 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 61 Middleton, Caleb S. 646 X. 10th st. Until 9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Middleton, W. H. 1704 Girard ave, Mitchell, J. X. 1222 Walnut st, 8-10 a. m, 2-4? 6-7! P- m. Moat, W. S. 1603 Mt'Vernon st, 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7! P- m- Mohr, Charles, 555 X. 16th st, 8-9 a. m, 4-7 p. m. Monell, J. F. 538 X. 10th st, 8-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Moore, Thomas Germantown, Morgan, John C. 1706 Green st, 9-10 a. m, 4-5, 7-8 p. m. Mount, Fredrick D.1300 Walnut st, 7J-9 a. m, 6!-7| p. m. Alullin, AV. P. Cheltenham, Xeidhard, Charles 1511 Arch st, Xeville, W. H. H. 19th & Fairm't ave. Norton, O. R. 532 X. 40th st, 01ds,E. F. 2819 X. 12th st, Owen, Reuben cor. 12th & Parish sts, Palen, G. E. 1109 k 1111 Girard ave, 9 a. m. till 4. p. m. Pancoast, Seth 917 Arch st, 7-10 a. m,2-4, 6-8 p. m. Parke, Geo. T. 38 X. 16th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Parker, George W. 1404 S. 6th st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Peacock, Thos. II. 1860 Frankford ave, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Peacock, Wm. 2217 X. 6th st, 7-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-8 p. m. Pettingill, Eliza F. 300 X. 10th st, 7-10 a, in, 2-4, p. m. Pierce, W. A. D. 1817 X. 11th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Powell, W. C. Bustleton, Homeop.Md.CoL, 1862 Hahn. Med. Col, 1882 Hahn. Med. Col, 1873 Hahn. Med. Col, 1876 Hahn. Aled. Col, 1875 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1862 Univ. of Pa, 1848 Pa. Aled. Col, 1852 Hahn. Med. Col, 1879 Hahn. Aled. Col, 1881 Univ. of Jena, 1854 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1865 Homeop. Med. )1ft7g Col, X. Y, \l*u Cot1ZoMed' }1856 Hahn. Med. CoL, 1875 Albany Md. Col, 1855 Univ. of Pa, 1852 Hahn. Med. Col, 1876 Hahn. Med. Col, 1870 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1868 Hahn. Med. Col, 1879 Women's Md.Col. 1864 Hahn. Med. Col, 1869 Pa. Med. Col, 1857 62 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Hahn. Med. Col, 1879 Hahn. Med. Col, 1871 Phila. Aled. Col, 1850 Pratt, H. C. 325 Bridge st, Bridesburg,Homeop.Md.CoL, 1863 Until 8 a. m, 12-2, 6-8 p. m. Price, Ferris T. 1123 Spruce st, 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Pusey, J. E. 3845 Baring st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. Raue, C. G. 121 X. 10th st, 8-9 a. m, 3-5, 7-8 p. m. Reading, J. Herb. Somerton, 23d ward, Hahn. Med. Col., 1878 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7 p. m. Reading J. R. Somerton 23d ward, Jeff. Med. CoL, 1847 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 7 p. m. Reed, W. A. 1529 Arch st, Homeop.Md.CoL, 1852 8-10 a. m, 3-5 p. m. Reeves, Jos. Al. 1619 Mt. Amnion st, Hahn. Med. Col, 1877 8-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-7 p. m. Rembaugh, A. C. cor. 15th & Poplar sts, Hahn. Med. CoL, 1869 7-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. Reynolds, Herbert Bridesburg, 7-8 a. m, 12J-2, 6-9 p. m. Richardson, A. J. 1227 Otis st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-7! P- m- Ridge, J. F. cor. 8th & Poplar sts, Ridgwav, Ella M. 1408 Richmond st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Robinson, W. L. 1323 Fairmount ave, 7-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Sargeant, Rufus 1609 Mt, Vernon st, 8-9 a. m, 3-4, 6-7 p. m. Sartain, Harriet J. 210 Franklin st, 9-10 a. m, 2-4 p. m. Savage, W. J. 906 S. 12th st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Saylor, Geo. W. 117 S. 34th st, 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Schreiner, Emma T. cor. 18th k Poplar sts, Univ. of Mich. 1880 Scott, Wm. R. 562 E. Dauphin^st, Homeop.Md.CoL, 1869 Seip, Charles L. 1824 X. K*ontfst., 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Senderling, M. L. 223 Richmond st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3 p. m. Homeop.Md.CoL, 1865 Hahn. Med. Col, 1882 Hahn. Med. Col, 1882 Women's Md.Col,1874 Pa. Med. CoL, 1849 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1852 Eclectic Med. ) 18y Col, Cin'ti,0. f1804 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1864 Univ. of Pa, 1864 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1876 Hahn. Med. Col., 1882 Jeff. Med. Col, 1847 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 63 Senderiing, W. II. 323 Susquehanna ave, 7-9 a. in, 7-9 p. m. Shaffer, G. W. 15th & Fairmount ave, 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Sharkey, AV. Penn 2109 Master st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Sharp, J. G. 1906 Christian st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Sharpless, Edw. S. 926 X. 8th st, 8-9! »• m, 2-4, 6-7 p. m. Shaw, Alex. R, 1915 Columbia ave. Until 10 a. in, 5-8 p. m. Shellenberger, C. X. 1831 Wallace st, 8-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Sundays, 1-2 p. m. Shemp, Park D. 2121 Bainbridge st, 7-9 a, m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Sheppard, H. C. 1520 Ridge ave, Shinkle, Horace J. Ridge ave. below Green lane, Roxborough, 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Shoemaker, D. W. 1725 X. 22d st. Until 9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. Simmer, Edwin 3822 Haverford st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Small, E. P. 108 X. 16th st, 8-10 a, m, 6-8 p. m. Smedley, Isaac G. 34 X. 19th st, 7-9 a. m, 3-4, 6-7 p. m. Smiley, I. F. 923 Arch st. Until 10 a. m, 2-4. 6-8 p. m. Smith, Chas C. 875 X. 20th st, 8-10 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Smith, Chas. H. 2804 Frankford ave, 7-9 a. m, 1-2, 7-8 p. m. Smith, Edw. M. 842 X. 8th st, 7-9 a. m, 3-4, 7-9 p. m. Smith, Geo. W. 1302 Spruce st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Smith, L. A. cor. 38th & Baring sts, Until 9 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Jeff Med. CoL, • 1869 Hahn. Med. CoL, 1877 Hahn. Med. CoL, 1875 Hahn. Med. Col, 1875 Hahn. Med. Col, 1880 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1857 Pulte Aled. (Col. ) -1070 of Ohio, j Hahn. Me^. Col, 1879 Hahn. Med. Col, 1878 Hahn. Med. Col, 1880 Hahn. Med. Col, 1881 Hahn. Med. Col, 1872 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1866 Hahn. Med. Col, 1880 Hahn. Med. Col, 1875 Homeop. Med. ) lg6L, ( ol. of X. 1, f Hahn. Med. Col, 1876 Jeff. Med. Col, 1846 Hahn. Med. Col, 1876 Hahn. Med. Col, 1876 64 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Smith, Ralph C. 1434 Poplar st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Smith, T. Hart 1317 Girard ave, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. Snyder, D. Lafayette 1800 Wylie st, 7-9 a m, 2-4, 6-7! P- m- Somerville, W. H. 1547 Vienna st, Spencer, J. H. 1306 X. 7th st, 8-9 a. m, 4-5, 7-8 p. m. Stambach, H. I. 702 X. 19th st, 8-9 a, m, 3-4, 6-7 p. m. Starkey, D. T. 2809 Poplar st, 7-9 a. m, 7-9 p. m. Starkey, G. R. 1638 Green st, Stenger, C. F. cor. 9th & Diamond sts. Until 9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Stewart, H. Knox 128 X. 5th st, 4628 Poplar st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 6-8 p. m. Stiles, Jr., W. 1931 Fairmount ave, 8-10 a. m, 2-3, 8-9 p. m. Stiles, W. 640 X. 8th st, 7-9 a. m, 3-4, 7-9 p. m. Straube, Rudolph 2822 Girard ave, 8-9 a. m, 2-3, 6-7 p. m. Strickler, David A. 1116 Cuthbert st. Until 10 a. m, 6-7! P- m- Strong, J. Wilmer 2049 X. 13th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Tait, A. Lehigh ave. & 11th sts. Until 9" a. m, 2-4, 6-7! P- m- Thatcher, Jesse W. 3500 Hamilton st. Until 9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Thomas, A. R. 1733 Chestnut st, 8-9! a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Thomas, Chas. M. 1313 4rch st, 8-10 a. m, 3-4! P- m- Thomas, J. Sperry 2022 X. 22d st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Thompson, W. Al. 292 E. CumbT'd st, 7-9 a. m, 1-2, 6-8 p. m. Homeop.Md.Col,1869 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1862 Hahn. Med. CoL, 1878 Hahn. Med. Col, 1881 Phila. Med. Col, 1847 Hahn. Med. CoL, 1879 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1863 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1865 Hahn. Med. Col, 1881 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1869 Hahn. Med. Col, 1875 Phila. Med. Col, 1851 Hahn. Med. CoL, 1878 Hahn. Med. Col, 1881 Hahn. Med. Col, 1879 Hahn. Med. Col, 1875 Hahn. Med. Col, 1871 Syracuse Med. ) -.o-^ Col, X. Y, f i8°4 Hahn. Med. CoL, 1871 Hahn. Med. Col, 1879 Hahn. Med. Col, 1877 REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. 65 Pa. Med. CoL, 1841 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1864 Tindall, D. M. 205 Catharine st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Tindall, A^an R. 240 Federal st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Tomlinson, AVm. H. 2 E. School lane, Hahn. Med. CoL, 1875 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9, p. m. [G't'n, Toothacker, 0. E. 1717 Francis st, Homeop.Md.CoL, 1851 7-9 a. in, 3-4, 7-8 p. m. Trinkle, SamT Al. 1641 X. 11th st, Hahn. Aled. Col, 1872 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Trites, David T. 4323 Main st. Many'k, Jeff. Med. Col, 1842 Until 9 a. m, 2-4, 6-9 p. m. * Trites, W. B. 4500 Baker st, Man'unk, Hahn. Med. Col, 1869 Until 9 a. m, 2-3, 6-8 p. m. Umstead, D. B. Tacony, Hahn. Aled. Col, 1878 VanBaun, AV. W. 1608 X. 18th st, Hahn. Med. Col, 1880 Until 9 a. ni, 2-4, 6-7! P- m- VanDusen, Josephine 21st & Tioga sts. Women's Md.Col,1873 8-10 a. m, 2-4 p. m. VanLennep,AV.B. cor. 18th& Green sts, Hahn. Med. Col, 1880 8-9 a. m, 4-6 p. m. Yansant, Al. L. 37 E. Harrison st, 12-2 p. m. Vinal, L. G. 958 X. 10th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Walker, Al. Al. 12 W. AValnut lane, 8-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-8 p. m. Wandell, James 917 X. 3d st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Waters. Geo. II. 465 X. 6th st, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-8 p. m. Weaver, Chandler Fox Chase, 7-9 a. m, 1-2, 7-8 p. in. Webb, L. W. 1712 Girard ave, 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 6-7! p. m. Weeks, Robert I). 1178 S. 10th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Wilcox, II. T. 1511 Arch st, AVilliams, T. 0. 567 X. 5th st, 7-9 a. in, 2-3, 6-N p. m. Williams, W. K. 1330 S. 4th st, 7-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Homeop.AId.Col, 1857 Phila. Med. CoL, 1858 Homeop.Md.CoL, 1867 Hahn. Aled. Col, 1873 Jeff. Aled. Col, 1845 Hahn. Med. Col, 1879 Hahn. Aled. Col., 1878 Homeop.AId.Col, 1861 Hahn. Aled. Col, 1881 Homeop. Aid. Col, 1853 Hahn. Aled. CoL, 1871 r\{\ REGISTRY OF PHYSICIANS. Williamson, M. S. 29 X. 11th st, Hahn. Med. Col, 1872 8-10 a. m, 2-4. 6-7 p. m. Wilson, A, J. 1525 S. 13th at, Homeop.Md.CoL, 1865 8-9 a. m, 2-4, 7-9 p. m. Wood, Theo. F. 1754 X. 8th st, Hahn. Med. Col.; 1872 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Wright, Albert S. 1420 S. 6th st, Hahn. Aled. Col, 1874 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Wright, J. E. 1529 Ellsworth st, Jeff. Med. Col, 1879 7-9 a. im, 1-3, 7-9 p. m. Wright, Jas. J. 1336 S. 4th st, Jeff. Aled. Col, 1852 7-9 a- m, 12-2, 6-9 p. m. Wrisley, J. A, 555 X. Pith st, Hahn. Med. Col, 1881 9-10 a. m. Wurtz, J. B. 2103 Howard st, Hahn. Med. Col, 1876 Until 9 a. m, 1-2, 7-8 p. m. Wurtz, C. B. 727 E. Cumberland st, Hahn. Med. CoL, 1880 Until 9 a. m, 1-2, 7-8 p. m. A^earsley, AV. 938 X. 10th st, Hahn. Med. Col, 1881 Until 9 a. m, 1-4, 7-8 p. m. Young, J. II. 1910 Pine st, Homeop. Aled. I -tana 7-9 a. in., 1-3, 6-7 p. m. Col, Ohio, f i8'* Zerns, Wm. M. 1207 Wallace st, Hahn. Med. Col, 1872 7-9 a. m, 1-3, 7-8 p. m. Ziegenfuss, A. F. 1231 Fairmount ave, Hahn. Med. Col, 1879 8-9 a. m., 2-3, 6-8 p. m. ECLECTIC. Backus, B. P. 1202 Chestnut st. Eclectic Md.Col.X.Y. 1881 Buckman, E. D. 1030 Sp'g Garden st,Univ. of Pa, 1848 Evans, Judson M. 1106 Arch st, Sterling Ald.Col.Ohio.,1864 Eondey, John 647 X. 10th st, Univ. of Pa, 1837 Hartley, F. Al. 243 S. 8th st. Metropolitan Col.X.Y.1861 Hoben'sack, J. B. 206 X. 2d st. Eclectic Col, Ohio, 1878 Jordan, Rob't J. 1625 Filbert st. Eclectic CoL, X. Y, 1881 Kimball, H. A. 621 X. 12th st. Eclectic Col, Chicago,1880 LaGrange, Rob't J. 1625 Filbert st,Eclectic Col, X. Y., 1878 Park, Anna E. 925 Green st. Eclectic Col, X. Y, 1881 Paine, AVm. 250 S. 9th st, Eclectic Col, Ohio, 1851 Stauffer, Annie AV. 207 S. 10th st. Eclectic Col, X. Y, 1881 Stevens, J. S. 913 E. Cumberl'd st, Eelectic Col, Ohio, 1870 Schmoele, AV. 1426 Spruce st, Univ. of Konigsberg, 1846 AVardle, Thos, 125 X. 10th st, Phila. CoL of Med," 1853 Longshore,Hannah E. 1328 Arch st,Female Med. Col, 1851 PENN MEDICAL COLLEGE. Bradfield, G. M. 1002 AV. Huntingdon st. , Penn Aled. CoL 1864 Barnes, A. L. 3241 York ave. Perm Med. Col. 1858 Buckley, W. 0. 1834 X. 8th st. Penn Med. Col. 1861 Buck waiter, Sarah M. 606 X. 11th st. Penn Med. CoL Frame, C. A. 128 Gay st, Manayunk, Penm Aled. CoL. 1876 Kline, Robert H. 931 Arch st. Penn Aled. Col. 1859 Lessay, Justus 333 X". 9th st. Penn Med. CoL 1861 Lounsberry, Anne R. 839 X. 11th st. Perm Aled. Col. 1880 Michener, Julia A. 206 Franklin st. Penn Aled. Col. 1861 Lynch, X. R. 248 Fairmount ave. Penn Aled. Col. 1859 Porter, C. H. 1522 Callowhill st. Perm Aled. Col. 1879 Buckwalter, Sarah Al. 606 X. 11th st,r Perm Aled. Col. 1877 Myers, Jane F. 1328 Arch st. Perm Aled. Col. 1853 Morgan, Edw. 1241 X. 17th st. Penn Med. CoL 1879 Rasch, William 1532 AVood st. I'enn Aled. CoL 1863 Tobias, Susan W. 923 Parish st. Penn Med. CoL ,1878 MacBride, Ida 022 X. Front st. Penn Aled. CoL ,1880 Powell, AV. C, Bustleton, Penn Aled. CoL ,1857 Plush, SamT At. 319 S. 10th st. Penn Med. Col. , 1876 Rice, Daniel E. 625 S. 16th st. Penn Aled. CoL ,1875 Remick, Eliza J. 924 X. 2d st. Penn Aled. Col. ,1878 Wagner, Alagdalena 1238 X. Front st. Penn Aled. Col. ,1869 Graduates of Philadelphia University of Medicine and Surgery, and Eclectic Medical College, Alburger, Abram 1249 X. 2d st, Alcott, W. C. 1504 X. 11th st, Barnes, Thos. B. 2304 Oxford st, Butterfield, Thos. 302 S. 12th st. Bates, C. S. 1230 X. Front st, Brown, AV. K. 1419 Hanover st. Brown, T. D. 29th k Park ave, Boiles, C. C. 1002 AValnut st, Darmon, Emma O. 1824 Camac st, Darmon, AVm. H. 1824 Camac st, Davis, Rob't II. 445 X. 11th st, Doucet, H. J. 1203 Green st, Diekel, John C. 545 Arimingo st, Down, Edward 315 Richmond st, Furey, Enos F. 16 X. Front st, Galloway, AL J. 1.230 AValnut st, Hargraves, T. AV. 2725 X. Front st Hargraves, AV. 2723 X Front st, Hauptle, Barbara G. 765 S. 6th st, Isaacs, Judah 1799 A^ineyard st, Jones, John J. 1342 Arch st, Jones, AV. Beatty 625 Dickinson st. Kernahan, Thos. C. 11 Silva st, Liebert, II. 529 E. Cumberland st, A! ills, Thos. L. 1205 Arch st, Aliller, T. B. 2434 Kensington ave, Alitchell, Isabella Al. 419 Arch st, AlcClintock, J. R. B. 233 S. 9th st, McCormick, H. C. 336 S. 4th st. Eclectic Aled. Col, 1865 Phila.Univ.AId.&Sur.l877 Phila.Univ.Ald.&Sur.l870 Eclectic Aled. Col, 1871 Eelectic Aled. Col, 1871 Phila,Univ.Ald.cvSur.l872 Phila.Univ.Ald.cvSur.1879 Phila.Univ.AId.cvSur.1878 Phila.Univ.AId.&Sur.l879 Phila.Univ.Afd.&Sur.l876 Phila.Univ.Md.&Sur.l879 Eclectic Aled. Col, 1863 Eclectic Aled. Col, 1869 Eclectic Aled. Col, 1865 Phila,Univ.M.l.cvSur.l865 Phila.Univ.Ald &Sur.l870 , Phila.Univ.Ald.cvSur.1879 Eclectic Aled. Col, 1866 Eclectic Aled. Col, 1880 Eelectic Aled. Col, 1863 Eclectic Aled. Col, 1871 , Eclectic Aled. Col, 1861 Phila.Univ.AId.&Sur.l878 Phila.Univ.Ald.cVSur.1871 Phila.Univ.AId.ctSur.1876 Phila.Univ.AId.cvSur.1864 Phila. Univ.AId.&Sur.l878 Phila.Univ. Ald.&Sur.l 862 Phila.Univ.Ald.&Sur.l878 70 UNIV. OF MED. :iE:3L.jF»3BtXA. PA. THE ADAPTABLE TOKOtTS SPLINTS, invented and improved by TV. H. Johnstose. have been tested extensively in both Civil and military practice for n number of years, and have been endorsed and recommended in the most unqualified manner by the celebrated and distinguished Surgeons of America. Their porosity is n peculiar and a valuable property. "While the material is firm and insoluble, it permits readily the passage of air and fluids, so that, on one hand, the heat from the inflamed surface, the perspiration, and the morbid exhalations, are not confined, to the detriment of the patient, as is t/ie case in every other kind of splint, but pass off freely; and on the other hand, lotions of cold or warm water, medicated or not with weak alcohol, carbolic acid, arnica, tincture, solutions of the sulphites, etc., can bo constantly applied without disturbing the dressings. This, it will readily be 6een, is a most invaluable property when the parts aro bruised, lacerated, filled with extravasatcd blood, or erysipelatous, and give these splints a conspicuous advantage over all others. From FRANK H. HAMILTON, M. D., Professor of Fractures and Dislocations in the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, author of "A Treatise on Fractures and Dislocations." etc Having examined carefully JOHNSTONE'S IMPROVED ADAPTABLE POROUS FELT SPLINTS, I feel warranted in recommending them to the Profession as superior to all other manufactured splints now in use. They possess all the essential qualities of a good splint, haying firmness, pliability and lightness. FRANK H HAMILTON M. D Prof. Military Surgery and Fractures and Dislocations, Bellevue Hospital Col. Jfrotn Foof. D. HAYES AGNEW, Prof. Surgery, University of Penna. 1G11 Cuestkot Street, Philadelphia, February G(h, 1879. Hie Adaptable Felt Splints, formerly known as those of Dr. Ahl, with the improvement now made by TV. H. Johnstone, which lenders them. in. every way superior to the former, I. regard as very excellent appliances in tho treatment of fractures. D. HAYES AGNEW, , . , Prof. Surgzryi University of Pennsylvania. Cuts illustrating the different Splints constituting a Complete Set; Superior Forearm Radius. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION AND TRADE. Our policy heretofore in tho introduction of JOHNSTONE'S IMPROVED ADAPTABLE POROUS FELT SPLINTS, has befn to confine the sales and business negotiations directly to the Doctors themselves, declining in every case to sell oar goods through, Dealers; we having assured the Profession generally, both through our agents and catalogues, that JOHNSTONE'S IMPROVED SPLINTS could only bo obtained by subscription. We wish to announce, that owing to the large demand for our goods and the constant importunity on the part of Surgccnt everywhere to place our Splints on sale with their Instrument Dealer or Druggist, to afford thein greater convenience and facility in obtaining the pieces in duplicate, wo have at list acceded to that request, and hereafter JOHNSTONE'S CELEBRATED FELT SPLINTS can be obtained at moat dealers In Instruments and Drugs throughout the United States, at the same piica Which they were heretofore sold, viz: A complete set, embracing fifty (SO) pieces-twenty-five for adults ana twenty-five far children—is thirty ($30) dnOare. .Extra or duplicate pieces can always be obtained from your VBAI.KS, at on« dollar each. JOHNSTONE'S CELEBRATED SPINAL JACKET, for Curvatures and Deformities, have met with unparalleled success, »;u] from their merit, sccui-cd the unqualified endorsement and approbation of onr celebrated orthopaidio specialists, and particular expression of gratitude front the patients who are 'Hearing them. For full information, send for Descriptive Circulars. Should your Instrument dealer Jail to have a, supply pX qui Splints, and decline to tatrj them in stock, orders sent to as is 2) Q*be prompt attention. Flemming's Electro-Medical Batteries. STATIONARY OFFICE AND Clinic Batteries, From $100 to $300 PORTABLE Constant Galvanic Current Batteries, From $15 to $100 Flemming's 30 Cell Galvanic Continuous Current Battery. Flemming's well known Faradic (Batteries for rapid and slow inter= rupted induced Currents From §12 to $30. CanterxBatleries. Electrolytic Needles, Faradic Apparatus for Office use. DU B0IS-RAYM0ND INDUCTION COILS. All forms of Electrodes to suit special cases In Electro-therapeutics. Pocket Battery. Flemming's No. 3 Far. Current Battery. Repairing all makes of Dilapidated Batteries. POCKET BUTTERIES FROffl $5 TO $15. Catalogues sent on application. 0TT0 FLEMMING, 1009 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. • kv r i MALTO-COCOA." I o < X w H < Q W h Z < a We here present to Physicians what we consider the " Ne Plus Ultra" of Chocolate Preparations; made from carefully selected Caraccas Cocoa Beans (deprived of their Oil) and Granulated Ex- tract of Malt, both finely powdered and intimately combined. It makes in a few minutes a delicious breakfast drink, to be used in the place of Tea and Coffee, and is nutritious and refreshing, without having any of their deleterious effects Is especially recom- mended for dyspeptics whose unpleasant symptoms are aggravated by Tea and Coffee. As a nourishing beverage during sickness or conva- lescence, it is unsurpassed by any of the various preparations of Malt, Cocoa or Chocolate combining in itself all the valuable pro- perties of their separate preparations. The value of the Extract of Malt as a nutritive and restorative agent is well known to the medical profession, forming fat and mus- cle and promoting the solution of farinaceous foods, and allowing by its presence in this preparation the use of Cocoa by those having delicate stomachs who find ordinary Cocoa and Chocolate too rich and heavy. GRANULATED ^MULTS EXTRACTS CONCENTRATED & IMPROVED. In connection with our "Malto-Cocoa" we are now prepared to offer to Physicians our dry Malt Extract and would call your atten- tion to its superiority over the various Malt preparations of the market. _ . 1st. ■ Being in a dry powder it is more economical than the sticky molasses like Malt Extracts. Your patient does not have to pay for water. 2d. Containing no water, it does not need any Hops to prevent fermentation, is not bitter, but pleasantly sweet. 3d. Being dry, it is readily emptied without any loss by ad- hering to the sides of the bottle. 4tli. Does not disgust the patient by its sweetness and sticki- ness .md willnol interfere with digestion nor disarrange the stomach. oth. Being in a dry granular state its freedom from Glucose and like adulterations is apparent. 6th. Is four limes the malt strength of the Malt Extracts of the market. 7th. Contains no starch and is perfectly soluble in Milk, Wine and Water. 8th. Containing no alcohol it is superior to Beer and all other Malt Liquors and Malt Preparations. 9th. Can be given with impunity to nursing children dissolved in cow's milk or condensed milk. Prepared only by MALTO-COCOA MANF'G CO., Philadelphia Wholesale and Retail Agency, 123 North Seventh St. CT-^SAMPLES SENT ON APPLICATION.^-^ "MALTO-COCOA.'' W 22 AP4.1 P5m 1882 27311360R NLrl 0510737b M NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE IBS wj#$w| M JjK-JIjjIm* mi!® mm .iWuH^wSSi |g§«j •iinHflSSS Wt^.iW-y\'-■'■■ ■'.'■>, SPJfE-!^ J: i. ;. . ■■ ■ -..■ ■ :'::''■,•'■■'■.;■ i.';: \'