W 22 AN6 P5 1895 27311020R NLM 051073^ 5 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Y REVOLUTIONIZED. 0 BED TIRE. NO BED SORES. 'V Me ing the Sit the-lyii weeks Ilh standii elevate Be with bi A< ing or SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE § LIBRARY. r, Section, IV or chang- V er during ed to two .';. sitting or iting ; or ;e enamel Xo /<+. U°l Albany, 'or chang- ed, KB". "ST. NLM051073425 THE IDEAL PULMONARY INSPIRATOR. Sold only on Prescriptions from Physicians. A perfect apparatus for the treatment of dis- ases of the Respiratory Organs by the inhalation of antiseptic remedies in dry or moist heated air. Heated Oxygen Gas can be safely administered at any desired temp-rature, separately, or in combina- tion with medicated dry or moist heated air. The volume of medication set free in the heated current is under perfect con- trol of the operator. Remarkable results are bring realized by the use of this instrument in Tuberculosis, Bronchitis, Asthma, Em- physema, Catarrh, Laryngitis, Pharyn- gitis, and "La Grippe" — also, in all forms of chronic disease dependent in part, or in whole, on the want of oxygen in the vital fluids. In an average case of Phthisis, the tubercle bacilli usually disappear from the sputa in from three to six months. A complete list of formulae of anti- septic remedies is furnished —to the physician only—with the instrument. This apparatus is used and prescribed by eminent physicians, among whom are the following well known names : Prof. Clarence C. Rice, of the N. Y. Post-Graduate School and Bellevue Hospital, Out-Door Department. Prof. Geo. B. Flower, of the N. Y. Post-Graduate School and Bellevue Hospital. Prof. O. B. Douglass, of the N. Y. Post-Graduate School and Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital. Prof. J. OTonfort Schley, of the N. Y. Horn. Med. College and Hospital. Prof. St. Clair Smith, of the N. Y. Horn. Med. College and Hospital. Prof. H. M. Dearborne, of the N. Y. Horn. Med. College and Hospital. Prof. Henry C. Houghton, of the N. Y. Horn. Med. College and Hospital. Prof. Robert C. Myles, of the N. Y. Polyclinic and Hospital, the Epis..Ch. Dispensary and the New Amsterdam Eye and Ear Infirmary. •• -* Prof. K. C. ^1. Page, of the N. Y. Polyclinic and Hospital, ISt. Elizabeth Hospital and Northwestern Dispensary. Prof. J. E. Stillwell. CAUTION. Physicians are cautioned against the antiquated " Woodward Inhaler,'* recently advertised by implication as identical with "THE IDEAL PULMONARY INSPIRATOR," the cut in its advertisement, with the exception of the head, being a fra udulent reproduction of our own. G. B. Underwood did purchase a license, but never manufactured Inhalers under the Woodward patents, this Inhaler proving not only unsatisfactory, but dangerous in use. G. B. Underwood & Co. own fundamental titles of their own invention, and will protect all purchasers of their goods against disreputable pretenders, and all infringers and libelers will be vigorously prosecuted. Descriptive Pamphlet, with Price List, Sent on Application. G. B. UNDERWOOD & CO., 15 East 14tH St, HEW YORK CITY. V i i Compound Talcum" BABY POWDER.1 Dermal Powder INFANTS AND ADULTS. Originally investigated and its therapeu- tic i roperties discovered in the year 1868 by Dr. Febr, and Introduced to the Medical and Pharma- ceutical profession by Dr. Fehr, in the year 1873. COMPOSITION. Silicate of Magnesia with Carbolic and Salicylic Acids. PROPERTIES. Antiseptic, Antizymotic, and Disin- fectant. Useful as a General Sprinkling Powder, With positive Hjgienic, Prophylactic, and Therapeutic Properties. GOOD IN ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN. Sold by the Drug Generally. Per Box, Plain Per Dozen Per Box, Perfumed . Per Dozen, Trade $0.25 1.75 . .50 3.50 THE MANUFACTURER, JULIUS I^JEHDFt., M- ID., A -n oieao-ti Pliarm.acist, HoTjoken, nsr. o~. Only advertised in Medical and Pharmate.itical prints. 8521 RE-A.S03STS "Wli-ST MARKS' Artificial Linibs with Rubber Hands and Feet AB.B THE BEST. DCPAIICE___They are the most com- ULuAUoL fortable to wear. They are fitted upon scientific priuciples by competent and skilled fitters who are familiar with the anatomy of human stumps. Glen Springs, S. C, August 3,1894. A. A. MARKS, Dear Sir;— I received the artificial leg which you made for me and commenced using it on lice 13th of the same month. I must say that it fits the best of any artificial leg I have ever t id. s. S. Beardonv DCP|l||CC___They obviate concussions ULlinUuL to stumps. The sponge rubber foot affords a yielding medium to walk, run, jump or alight upon without jarring. Wasgaxui, New Zealand, June 12,1894. A.A.MARKS, Dear Sir:—On September, 1892, you forwarded to me an artificial leg for my son. It has given the greatest satisfaction. My son has worn it continu- ously, he can do all sorts of work, he can walk all day in a rough country and never becomes sore or lame. He has jumped ten flight of hurdles, 3 feet 3 inches high, in 120 yards. I have seen him jump a standard wire fence. C. M. Taylor. BECAUSE- abraiding. Ottawa, Ohio, July 30, 1894. A. A. MARKS, Dear Sir :—The leg which I purchased from you for my daughter about a year ago has been worn constantly. When she received the leg it was a per- fect fit. My daughter put it on and wore it to school the first day. The stump has never been chafed or sore. Respectfully, J. S. Cartwright, C. E. DCPAIICC___They are noiseless. The absence of complicated ankle articula- DLuHUoL tions removes absolutely the tell-tale thud, thump,ami flop which are the most objectionable leatures of all other artificial legs. " Mr. Marks makes absolutely the best artificial leg I have ever seen. The core of the foot is covered with India'rubber so that, from the instep to the toes and back to the heel the foot is simply solid spring rubber. The elasticity of the toes and heel com- pensates for the absence of ankle motion, and in walking there is none of the jarring, ' dot and go one ' walk so characteristic of the jointed foot. Dr. LEWIS A. SAYRE, Lecturer at Bellevue Hospital. A treatise of 430 pages with 300 illustrations sent free. Address ^..^ ^^'. im:-a.:rik:s, 701 Broadway, New York. The method of fitting and con- struction prevents chafing and Established 42 Years. Ejeneva Hijgieqic Institute. This Institution, having been in successful operation for forty years, is located ii Geneva, N. Y., adjoining a large park. The village, which is one of great beauty, n< situated on the banks of Seneca Lake, and is surrounded by a country unsurpassed in richness and beauty, affording delightful drives, walks, etc.; boating and fishing on the lake also furnishes pleasant and healthful exercise and recreation during the summer. THE BUILDING. Large additions have been made to the building, and the whole interior has been reconstructed and finished in natural woods; every apartment is heated with steam, and lighted with incandescent electric lights, and passenger elevator; thus fulfilling as far as possible, every modern Hygienic condition. Each floor has bath rooms, water closets, and hot and cold water. MODE OK TREATMENT. This comprehends an observance of every Hygienic condition, such as diet, clothing, proper care of the skin, exercise, sleep, ventilation of apartments, mental and moral in- fluences, etc. All letters should be addressed to DR. SMITH, OR DR. KNAPP, GENEVA, N. Y. D O C T O R — Do you want an Operating Chair, Table or Sofa ? We have some of the latest styles, made up in Oak or Black Walnut. You can have one on lx. Lecture Fees................. 75.00 Dr- A' P- SOUTHWICK, Sec y, Final Examinations.......... 30.00 No. 11 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. T. lr>R.IV^TID MATERNITY RETREAT, New York Avenue, Jamaica, L. I. A spacious and beautiful country mansion, surrounded by sunny piazzas and large, secluded grounds, affording means for recreation at all seasons—offers superior induce- ments for those who desire a secluded, quiet and highly respectable HOME during PREGNANCY and CONFINEMENT. THE LOCATION, house and surroundings, the nnrsing and attendance, are all that can bo desired, and physicians may retain charge of their patients if they so wish. Arrangements,can be made for BOARD or ADOPTION of Infants. IMrs- E. B_ "WIJLjSOISr, Proprietor. "A Drunkard is a Sick Man, Not a Criminal." THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, White Plains, Westchester County, N. Y. Victims of the Liquor, Morphine and kindred habits, and of nerve exhaustion surely and permanently cured by the LESLIE E. KEELEY REMEDIES. Indorsed by the United States Government and administered in the National Soldiers' and Sailors' Homes. The fact that the KEELEY remedies are a specific for the diseases and infirmities indicated above is attested by over 230,000 who have been successfully treated during the past fifteen years. Address, for full particulars, THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, WHITE PLAINS, N. Y, ALL. COMMUNICATIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HEW YORK POST-GRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL * HOSPITAL. Thirteenth Year. 1894-'95. The Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital is now permanently located in its new building, which has been erected to fill all the modern requirements of a hospital and medical school. It is an 8-story fire-proof structure, with accommodations for )00 patients. The babies' wards formerly in the adjacent building, are now an iniegral part of the institution under its own roof. The classes in the school have been so large in the last few years, and the facilities for attending them so cramped, that this building has been erected not only for the classes of practitioners, but also that more patients might be received, in order to form a great teaching hospital. This has now been accomplished, and every opportunity, both in the dispensary and hospital, is afforded in all the departments of medicine and surgery. The great major operations are performed in ihe amphitheatre of the institution, which is fitted up in the very best manner to secure best surgical results. Pathological and Histological Laboratories are also a part of the school. The Faculty are connected with most of the great hospitals and dis- pensaries in the city, where other clinics are held for the benefit of the matriculates of the Post-Graduate Medical School. Practitioners may enter at any time. PACTJIiTT. D. B. St. John Roosa, M.D., LL.D.; Charles L. Dana, M.D.; Andrew H. Smith, M. D.; William Oliver Moore, M.D.; Bache McE. Emmet, M.D.; Edward Kershner, M.D., U.S.N.; William H. Porter, M.D.: Stephen S. Burt, M.D.; Seneca D. Powell, M.D.; C. A. Von Ramdohr, M.D.: Horace T. Hanks, M.D.; Lewis S. Pilcher, M.D.; H. J. Gar- rigues, M.D.; Clarence C. Rice, M.D.; Graeme M. Hammond, M.D.; J. R. Nilsen, M. D.; George B. Fowler, M.D.; Robert Abbe, M.D.; A. M. Phelps, M.D.; Henry D. Cha- pin, M.D.; Peter A. Callan, M.D.; L. Bolton Bangs, M.D.; O. B. Douglas, M.D.; J. B. Emerson, M.D.; Frederick Bagoe, Ph.B.; Farquhar Ferguson, M.D.; Charles B. Kelsey, M.D.; Reynold W. Wilcox, M.D., LL.D.; C. H. Knight, M.D.; W. B. DeGarmo, M.D.; Daniel Lewis, M.D.; William J. Morton, M.D.; Hermann J. Boldt, M.D.; Augustus Caille, M.D.; Willy Meyer, M.D.; A. Palmer Dudley, M.D.; George M. Edebohls, M. D.; Francis Valk, M.D.; B. Farquhar Curtis, M.D.; Francis Foerster, M.D.; Ramon Guiteras, M.D. P, B. ST. JOHN ROOSA, M.D., LL.D., Pres't. JAMES L. SKILLIN, Sec, F.EUGENE FARRELL.Supt. Cor, Second Axe. and Mh Street, New York City, NATIONAL CODES OF ETHICS. CODE OF ETHICS OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, ADOPTED MAY, 1847. OF THE DUTIES OF PHYSICIANS TO THEIR PATIENTS AND OF THE OBLIGATIONS OF PATIENTS TO THEIR PHYSICIANS. Article I.—Duties of Physicians to their Patients. Section 1. A physician should not only be ever ready to obey the calls of the sick, but his mind ought also to be imbued with the greatness of his mission and the responsibility he habitually incurs in its discharge. These obligations are the more deep and enduring because there is no tribunal, other than his own con- science, to adjudge penalties for carelessness or neglect. Physicians should therefore minister to the sick with due impressions of the importance of their office ; reflecting that the ease, the health, and the lives of those committed to their charge depend on their skill, attention, and fidelity. They should study, also, in their deport- ment, so as to unite tenderness with firmness, and condescension with authority, so as to inspire the minds of their patients with gratitude, respect, and confidence. Sect. 2. Every case committed to the charg'e of a physician should be treated with attention, steadiness, and humanity. Rea- sonable indulgence should be granted to the mental imbecility and caprices of the sick. Secrecy and delicacy, when required by pecu- liar circumstances, should be strictly observed ; and the familiar and confidential intercourse to which physicians are admitted in their professional visits should be vised with discretion, and with the 101 102 NATIONAL CODES OF ETHICS. most scrupulous regard to fidelity and honor. The obligation of secrecy extends beyond the period of professional service ; none of the privacies of personal and domestic life, no infirmity of disposi- tion or flaw of character, observed during professional attendance, should ever be divulged by the physician, except when he is im- peratively required to do so. The force and necessity of this obli- gation are indeed so great that professional men have, under certain circumstances, been protected in their observance of secrecy by courts of justice. Sect. 3. Frequent visits to the sick are, in general, requisite, since they enable the physician to arrive at a more perfect knowl- edge of the disease, to meet promptly every change which may occur, and also to tend to preserve the confidence of the patient. But unnecessary visits are to be avoided, as they give useless anxiety to the patient, tend to diminish the authority of the physician, and render him liable to be suspected of interested mo- tives. Sect. 4. A physician should not be forward to make gloomy prognostications, because they savor of empiricism, by magnifying the importance of services in the treatment or cure of the disease. But he should not fail, on proper occasions, to give to the friends of the patient timely notice of danger, when it really occurs ; and even to the patient himself, if absolutely necessary. This office, however, is so peculiarly alarming, when executed by him, that it ought to be declined whenever it can be assigned to any other person of suf- ficient judgment and delicacy. For the physician should be the minister of hope and comfort to the sick ; that by such cordials to the drooping spirit he may smooth the bed of death, revive expiring life, and counteract the depressing influence of those maladies which often disturb the tranquillity of the most resigned in their last mo- ments. The life of a sick person can be shortened, not only by the acts, but also by the words or the manner of a physician. It is, therefore, a sacred duty to guard himself carefully in this respect, and to avoid all things which have a tendency to discourage the patient and depress the spirits. Sect. 5. A physician oug-ht not to abandon a patient because the case is deemed incurable; for his attendance may continue to be highly useful to the patient, and comforting to the relatives around him, even in the last period of fatal malady, by alleviating pain and other symptoms, and by soothing mental anguish. To decline at- tendance under such circumstances would be sacrificing to fanciful NATIONAL CODES OF ETHICS. 103 delicacy and mistaken liberality that moral duty which is indepen- dent of and far superior to all pecuniary considerations. Sect. 6. Consultations should be promoted in difficult or pro- tracted cases, as they give rise to confidence, energy, and more enlarged views in practice. Sect. 7. The opportunity which a physician not unfrequently enjoys of promoting and strengthening the good resolutions of his patients, suffering under the consequences of vicious conduct, ought never to be neglected. His counsels, or even remonstrances, will give satisfaction, not offense, if they be proffered with po- liteness, and evince a genuine love of virtue, accompanied by a sincere interest in the welfare of the person to whom they are addressed. Article II.— Obligations of Patients to their Physicians. Section 1. The members of the medical profession, upon whom is enjoined the performance of so many important and arduous duties toward the community, and who are required to make so many sacrifices of comfort, ease, and health for the welfare of those who avail themselves of their services, certainly have a right to expect and require that their patients should entertain a just sense of the duties which they owe to their medical attendants. Sect. 2. The first duty of a patient is to select, as his medical adviser, one who has received a regular professional education. In no trade or occupation do mankind rely on the skill of an untaught artist; and in medicine, confessedly the most difficult and intricate of the sciences, the world ought not to suppose that knowledge is intuitive. Sect. 3. Patients should faithfully and unreservedly communi- cate to their physician the supposed cause of their disease. This is the more important, as many diseases of a mental origin stimu- late those depending on external causes and yet are only to be cured by ministering to the mind diseased. A patient should never be afraid of thus making his physician his friend and adviser; he should always bear in mind that a medical man is under the strongest obligations of secrecy. Even the female sex should never allow feelings of shame or delicacy to prevent their disclosing the seat, symptoms, and causes of complaints peculiar to them. However commendable a modest reserve may be in the common occurrences of life, its strict observance in medicine is 104 national codes of ethics. often attended with the most serious consequences, and. a patient may sink under a painful and loathsome disease, which might have been readily prevented had timely intimation been given to the physician. OF THE DUTIES OF PHYSICIANS TO EACH OTHER AND TO THE PROFESSION AT LARGE. Article I.—Duties for the Support of Professional Character. Section 1. Every individual, on entering the profession, as he becomes thereby entitled to all its privileges and immunities, incurs an obligation to exert his best abilities to maintain its dignity and honor, to exalt its standing, and to extend the bounds of its use- fulness. He should, therefore, observe strictly such laws as are instituted for the government of its members ; should avoid all con- tumelious and sarcastic remarks relative to the faculty as a body ; and while, by unwearied diligence, he resorts to every honorable means of enriching the science, he should entertain a due respect for his seniors, who have, by their labors, brought it to the elevated condition in which he finds it. Sect. 2. It is not in accord with the interests of the public or the honor of the profession that any physician or medical teacher should examine or sign diplomas or certificates of proficiency for, or otherwise be specially concerned with, the graduation of persons whom they have good reasons to believe intend to support and practice any exclusive and irregular system of medicine. (Sect. 2 was adopted in Richmond, 1881.) Sect. 3. There is no profession from the members of which greater purity of character and a higher standard of moral excel- lence is required than the medical; and to attain such eminence is a duty every physician owes alike to his profession and to his pa- tients. It is due to the latter, as without it he cannot command their respect and confidence, and to both because no scientific at- tainments can compensate for the want of correct moral principles. It is also incumbent upon the faculty to be temperate in all things, for the practice of physics requires the unremitting exercise of a clear and vigorous understanding ; and in emergencies, for which no professional man should be unprepared, a steady hand, an acute eye, and an unclouded head may be essential to the well-being and even to the life of a fellow-creature. Sect. 4. It is derogatory to the dignity of the profession to national codes of ethics. 105 resort to public advertisements, or private cards, or handbills, inviting the attention of individuals affected with particular dis- eases, publicly offering advice and medicine to the poor gratis, or promising radical cures ; or to publish cases and operations in the daily prints, or to suffer such publications to be made; to invite laymen to be present at operations; to boast of cures and remedies ; to adduce certificates of skill and success ; or to perform any other similar acts. These are the ordinary practices of empirics, and are highly reprehensible in a regular physician. Sect. 5. Equally derogatory to professional character is it for a physician to hold a patent for any surgical instrument or medicine, or to dispense a secret nostrum, whether it be the composition or exclusive property of himself or others. For, if such nostrum be of real efficacy, any concealment regarding it is inconsistent with beneficence and professional liberality ; and if mystery alone give it value and importance, such craft implies either disgraceful ignor- ance or fraudulent avarice. It is also reprehensible for physicians to give certificates attesting the efficacy of patent or secret medicine, or in any way to promote the use of them. Art. II.—Professional Services of Physicians to each other. Section 1. All practitioners of medicine, their wives and their children, while under the parental care, are entitled to the gra- tuitous services of any one or more of the faculty residing near them, whose assistance may be required. A physician afflicted with disease is usually an incompetent judge of his own case ; and the natural anxiety and solicitude which he experiences at the sickness of a wife, a child, or any one who by the ties of con- sanguinity is rendered peculiarly dear to him, tend to obscure his judgment, and produce timidity and irresolution in his practice. Under such circumstances, medical men are peculiarly dependent upon each other, and kind offices and professional aid should always be cheerfully and gratuitously afforded. Visits oug'ht not, however, to be obtruded officiously, as such unasked civility may give rise to embarrassment, or interfere with that choice on which confidence depends. But if a distant member of the faculty, whose circumstances are affluent, requests attendance, and an honorarium be offered, it should not be declined, for no pecuniary obligation ought to be imposed which the party receiving- it would wish not to incur, 106 NATIONAL CODES OF ETHICS. Art. III.—Of the Duties of Physicians as respects Vicarious Offices. Section 1. The affairs of life, the pursuit of health, and the various accidents and contingencies to which a medical man is peculiarly exposed, sometimes require him temporarily to with- draw from his duties to his patients, and to request some of his professional brethren to officiate for him. Compliance with this request is an act of courtesy, which should always be performed with the utmost consideration for the interest and character of the family physician, and when exercised for a short period, all the pecuniary obligations for such service should be awarded to him. But if a member of the profession neglects his business, in quest of pleasure and amusement, he cannot be considered as entitled to the advantages of the frequent and long-continued exercise of this fraternal courtesy, without awarding to the physician who officiates the fees arising from the discharge of his professional duties. In obstetrical and important surgical cases, which give rise to unusual fatigue, anxiety, and responsibility, it is just that the fees accruing therefrom should be awarded to the physician who offi- ciates. Art. IV.—Of the Duties of Physicians in Regard to Consultation. Section 1. In consultations, no rivalship, or jealousy should be indulged ; candor, probity, and all due respect should be exercised toward the physician having charge of the case. Sect. 2. In consultation the attending physician should be the first to propose the necessary questions to the sick ; after which the consulting physician shall have the opportunity to make such further inquiries of the patient as may be necessary to satisfy him of the true character of the case. Both physicians should then retire to a private place for deliberation, and the one first in attendance should communicate the directions agreed upon to the patient or his friends, as well as any opinions which it may be thought proper to express. But no statement or discussion of it should take place before the patient or his friends, except in the presence of all the faculty attending, and by their common con- sent, and no opinions or prognostications should be delivered which are not the result of previous deliberation and concurrence. Sect. 3. In consultation, the physician in attendance should deliver his opinion first, and when there are several consulting, they should deliver their opinions in the order in which they have NATIONAL CODES OF ETHICS. 107 been called in. No decision, however, should restrain the attending physician from making such variations in the mode of treatment as any subsequent unexpected change in the character of the case may demand. But such variation, and the reason for it, ought to be carefully detailed at the next meeting in consultation. The same privilege belongs also to the consulting physician, if he is sent for in an emergency, when the regular attendant is out of the way, and similar explanations must be made at the next consultation. Sect. 4. The utmost punctuality should be observed in the visits of physicians when they are to hold consultation together, and this is generally practicable, for society has been considerate enough to allow the plea of a professional engagement to take precedence of all others, and to be an ample reason for the relinquishment of any present occupation. But, as professional engagements may some- times interfere, and delay one of the parties, the physician who first arrives should wait for his associate a reasonable period; after which, the consultation should be considered as postponed to a new appointment. If it be the attending physician who is present, he will, of course, see the patient and prescribe ; but if he be the con- sulting one, he should retire, except in case of emergency, or when he has been called from a considerable distance, in which latter case he may examine the patient, and give his opinion in writing and under seal, to be delivered to his associate. Sect. 5. In consultations, theoretical discussions should be avoid- ed, occasioning perplexity and loss of time; for there may be much diversity of opinion concerning speculative points, with perfect agreement in those modes of practice which are founded, not on hypothesis, but on experience and observation. Sect. 6. All discussion in consultation should be held as secret and confidential. Neither by words nor manner should any of the parties to a consultation assert or insinuate that any part of the treatment pursued did not receive his assent. The responsibility must be equally divided between the medical attendants; they must equally share the credit of success, as well as the blame of failure. Sect. 7. As circumstances sometimes occur to render a special consultation desirable when the continued attendance of two physi- cians might be objectionable to the patient, the member of the fac- ulty whose assistance is required in such cases should sedulously guard against all future unsolicited attendance. As such consulta- 108 NATIONAL CODES OF ETHICS. tions require an extraordinary portion both of time and attention, at least a double honorarium may be reasonably expected. Art. V.—Duties of Physicians in Cases of interference. Section 1. Medicine is a liberal profession, and those admitted into its ranks should found their expectations of practice upon the extent of their qualifications, not on intrigue or artifice. Sect. 2. A physician in his intercourse with a patient under the care of another practitioner should observe the strictest caution and reserve. No meddling inquiries should be made, no disingenuous hints given relative to the nature and treatment of his disorder; nor any course of conduct pursued that may directly or indirectly tend to diminish the trust reposed in the physician employed. Sect. 3. The same circumspection and reserve should be ob- served when, from motives of business or friendship, a physician is prompted to visit an individual who is under the direction of an- other practitioner. Indeed, such visits should be avoided, except under peculiar circumstances ; and when they are made, no particu- lar inquiries should be instituted relative to the nature of the disease or the remedies employed ; but the topics of conversation should be as foreign to the case as circumstances will admit. Sect. 4. A physician ought not to take charge of or prescribe for a patient who has recently been under the care of another member of the faculty in the same illness, except in cases of sudden emer- gency, or in consultation with the physician previously in attend- ance, or when the latter has relinquished the case, or been regularly notified that his services are no longer desired. Under such cir- cumstances no unjust or illiberal insinuations should be thrown out in relation to the conduct or practice previously pursued, which should be justified as far as candor and regard for truth and probity will permit; for it often happens that patients become dissatisfied when they do not experience immediate relief, and as many dis- eases are naturally protracted, the want of success in the first stage of treatment affords no evidence of a lack of professional knowledge and skill. Sect. 5. When a physician is called to an urgent case because the family attendant is not at hand, he ought, unless his assistance in consultation is desired, to resign the care of the patient to the latter immediately upon his arrival. Sect. 6. It often happens in cases of sudden illness or of recent ac- national codes of ethics. 109 cidents or injuries, owing to the alarm and anxiety of friends, that a number of physicians are simultaneously sent for. Under these circumstances, courtesy should assign the patient to the first who arrives, who should select from those present any additional assist- ance that he may deem necessary. In all such cases, however, the practitioner who officiates should request the family physician, if there be one, to be called, and, unless his further assistance be re- quested, should resign the case to the latter on his arrival. Sect. 7. "When a physician is called to the patient of another practitioner in consequence of the sickness or absence of the latter, he ought, on the return or recovery of the regular attendant, and with the consent of the patient, to surrender the case. (The expression " patient of another practitioner" is understood to mean a patient who may have been under the charge of another practitioner at the time of the attack of sickness, or departure from home of the latter, or who may have called for his attendance dur- ing his absence or sickness, or in any other manner given it to be understood that he regarded the said physician as his regular medi- cal attendant.) Art. VI.— Of Pecuniary Acknowledgments. Some general rules should be adopted by the faculty in every town or district relative to pecuniary acknowledgments from their pa- tients ; and it should be deemed a point of honor to adhere to these rules with as much uniformity as varying circumstances will admit. Art. VII.—Duties of the Profession to the Public. Section 1. As good citizens it is the duty of physicians to be ever vigilant for the welfare of the community, and to bear their part in sustaining its institutions and burdens ; they should also be ever ready to give counsel to the public in relation to matters espec- ially appertaining to their profession, as on subjects of medical police, public hygiene, and legal medicine. It is their province to enlighten the public in regard to quarantine regulations ; the loca- tion, arrangement, and dietaries of hospitals, asylums, schools, prisons, and similar institutions; in relation to the medical police of towns, as drainage, ventilation, etc.; and in regard to measures for the prevention of epidemic and contagious diseases; and when pestilence prevails it is their duty to face the danger, and to con- 110 NATIONAL CODES OF ETHICS. tinue their labors for the alleviation of suffering, even at the jeop- ardy of their own lives. Sect. 2. Medical men should also be always ready, when called on by the legally constituted authorities, to enlighten coroners' in- quests and courts of justice on subjects strictly medical—such as in- volve questions relating to sanity, legitimacy, murder by poison or other violent means, and in regard to various other subjects em- braced in the science of medical jurisprudence. But in these cases, and especially where they are required to make post mortem exam- ination, it is just, in consequence of the time, labor, and skill re- quired, and the responsibility and risk they incur, that the public should award them a proper honorarium. Sect. 3. There is no profession by the members of which elee- mosynary services are more liberally dispensed than the medical; but justice reqviires that some limit should be placed to the perform- ance of such good ffices. Poverty, professional brotherhood, and certain of the public duties referred to in the first section of this article, should always be recognized as presenting valid claims for gratuitous services; but neither institutions endowed by the public or by rich individuals, societies for mutual benefit, for the insurance of lives, or for analogous purposes, nor any profession or occupa- tion, can be admitted to possess such privilege. Nor can it be justly expected of physicians to furnish certificates of inability to serve on juries, to perform military duty, or to testify to the state of health of persons wishing to insure their lives, to obtain pensions, or the like, without a pecuniary acknowledgment. But to individuals in indigent circumstances such professional services should always be cheerfully and freely accorded. CODE OF ETHICS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF H0MCE0PATHY. SCOPE. The scope of a Code of Medical Ethics comprises the reciprocal duties and obligations of physicians and patients; the duties and obligations of physicians to each other; and the reciprocal duties and obligations of physicians and the public. NATIONAL CODES OF ETniCS. Ill FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES. The great principles upon which medical ethics are based are these:— 1. The great end and object of the physician's efforts should be " the greatest good to the patient." 2. The rule of conduct of physician and patient, and of physi- cians toward each other, should be the Golden Rule, " As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." The various articles of the code are only special applications of these great principles. PART I. Reciprocal Duties and Obligations of Physicians and Patients. Article I. Duties of Physicians to Patients. Article II. Duties of Patients to their Physicians. PART II. Duties and Obligations of Physicians to Each Other. Article I. Duties as Members of the Medical Profession. Article II. Professional Services to Each Other. Article III. Vicarious Services. Article IV. In Regard to Consultations. Article V. In Cases of Interference. Article VI. Differences between Physicians. Article VII. Concerning Pecuniary Obligations. part in. Reciprocal Duties and Obligations of Physicians and the Public. Article I. Duties of the Profession to the Public. • Article II. Obligations of the Public to Physicians. CODE OF ETHICS OF THE NATIONAL ECLECTIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Section 1. The members of this Association shall exercise to- ward each other, toward all physicians—eclectics especially—and toward all mankind that courtesy and just dealing to which every one in his legitimate sphere is entitled, and any departure there- 112 national codes of ethics. from shall be deemed unprofessional, undignified, and unworthy the honorable practitioner of a honorable profession. It shall be regarded as unbecoming to engage in any form of practice, or of advertising, which shall tend to lower the physician in the esteem of the community, or to reflect discredit upon his professional asso- ciates. Sect. 2. While it is the undoubted right of every physician, to present himself before the public in an honorable manner, and to state that he makes a specialty of any particular disease, no member of this Association shall advertise himself by handbills, circulars, pub- lication of certificates of cures, or any such means; nor associate himself in business professionally with any one so doing; nor ad- vertise himself as belonging to this Association, or any other auxil- iary medical society, or any medical college. Any member knowing of any violation of this provision by members of this Association, or of any person not a member of this Association, or any auxiliary medical society, advertising himself as such, shall inform the Execu- tive Committee of the matter, with all the facts in his possession ; and it shall be the duty of the Executive Committee thereupon to publish the facts in some public journal circulating in the region where such offense has been committed. Discipline of Members. Section 1. Any member may be officially censured, invited to withdraw, or expelled from membership for improper conduct, or a violation of professional comity. But it shall be necessary for a specific charge to be made in writing, and a copy to be presented to the person accused, or some person acting in his behalf, and another placed in the hands of the president or secretary one month before the time of holding a regular meeting. Sect. 2. All professors or officers of colleges voting and other- wise co-operating in the conferring of the degree of Doctor of Medicine on any person not duly entitled to the same, by the neces- sary attendance on medical lectures and thorough examination, shall be considered as liable to the penalties enumerated in this article. CODE OF DENTAL ETHICS. ADOPTED AT THE SIXTH ANNUAL SESSION OF THE AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION. Article I.—The Duties of the Profession to their Patients. Section 1. The dentist should be ever ready to respond to the wants of his patrons, and should fully recognize the obligations involved in the discharge of his duties toward them. As they are in most cases unable to correctly estimate the character of his oper- ations, his own sense of right must guarantee faithfulness in their performance. His manner should be firm, yet kind and sympathiz- ing, so as to gain the respect and confidence of his patients; and even the simplest case committed to his care should receive that atten- tion which is due to operations performed on living, sensitive tissue. Sect. 2. It is not to be expected that the patient will possess a very extended or a very accurate knowledge of professional matters. The dentist should make due allowance for this, patiently explain- ing many things which may seem quite clear to himself, thus endeavoring to educate the public mind so that it will properly appreciate the beneficent efforts of pur profession. He should encourage no false hopes by promising success, when, in the nature of the case, there is uncertainty. Sect. 3. The dentist should be temperate in all things, keeping both mind and body in the best possible health, that his patients may have the benefit of that clearness of judgment and skill which is their right. Art. II.—Maintaining Professional Character. Section 1. A member of the dental profession is bound to main- tain its honor, and to labor earnestly to extend its sphere of usefulness. He should avoid everything in language and conduct calculated to dishonor his profession, and should ever manifest a due respect for his brethren. The young should show special respect to their seniors ; the aged special encouragement to their juniors. Sect. 2. The person and office arrangements of the dentist should indicate that he is a gentleman ; and he should sustain a high-toned moral character. 113 114 code of dental ETHICS. Sect. 3. It is unprofessional to resort to public advertisements, cards, handbills, posters, or signs, calling attention to peculiar styles of work, lowness of prices, special modes of operating ; or to claim superiority over neighboring practitioners ; to publish reports of cases or certificates in the public prints ; to go from house to house to solicit or perform operations ; to circulate or recommend nostrums; or to perform any other similar acts. Sect. 4. When consulted by the patient of another practitioner, the dentist should guard against inquiries or hints disparaging to the family dentist, or calculated to weaken the patient's confidence in him ; and if the interests of the patient will not be endang-ered thereby, the case should be temporarily treated and referred back to the family dentist. Sect. 5. When general rules shall have been adopted by mem- bers of the profession practicing in the same localities in relation to fees, it is unprofessional and dishonorable to depart from those rules, except when variation of circumstances requires it. And it is ever to be regarded as unprofessional to warrant operations or work as an inducement to patronage. Art. III.—The Relative Duties of Dentists and Physicians. Dental surgery is a specialty in medical science. Physicians and dentists should both bear this in mind. The dentist is profession- ally limited to diseases of the dental organs and mouth. With these he should be more familiar than the general practitioner is expected to be ; and while he recognizes the superiority of the physician in regard to diseases of the general system, the latter is under equal obligations to respect his higher attainments in his specialty. When this principle governs, there can be no conflict or even diversity of professional interests. Art. IV.—The Mutual Duties of the Profession and the Public. Dentists are frequent witnesses, and, at the same time, the best judges of the impositions perpetrated by quacks, and it is their duty to enlighten and warn the public in regard to them. For this and the many other benefits conferred by the competent and honorable dentist, the profession is entitled to the confidence and respect of the public, who should always discriminate in favor of the true man of science and integrity against the empiric and impostor. The public has no right to tax the time and talents of the profession in examinations, prescriptions, or in any way without proper remuneration. MEDICAL FEE BILL Ordinary office prescription..........$0.50 to $2 Investigation in office requiring considerable time. . 2 to 10 Visits in city in regular attendance (day)..... 1 to 3 Visits in city in regular attendance, after 10 p. m . 2 5 Visits in the country, extra per mile....... 1 Opinion involving a question of law, or attendance at court as an expert (per day)....... 10 to 50 Examination for life insurance......... 3 Vaccination................0.50 to 1 Urinalysis by chemical tests......... 2 to 10 Microscopical examination of urine....... 2 to 10 Consultation visits............. 3 to 50 Visits in case of poisoning.......... 2 to 5 Administering anaesthetics.......... 2 to 5 OBSTETRICS. Ordinary cases of labor........... 10 to 30 Abortions same as labor........... 10 to 40 Delivery by forceps, additional......... 5 to 15 Delivery of placenta............ 5 to 10 Embryotomy............... 10 to 50 Consultation............... 5 to 15 Primary perineorrhaphy........... 10 to 30 GYNECOLOGICAL. Late perineorrhaphy.....•...... 10 to 100 Ovariotomy............... 25 to 200 Laparotomy............... 25 to 200 Hysterectomy...............150 to 500 Hysterorrhaphy..............100 to 250 Trachelorrhaphy.............. 25 to 100 115 116 MEDICAL fee bill. Amputation of cervix............$25 to $100 Colporrhaphy............... 25 to 75 Alexander's operation............ 25 to 125 Colpocleisis................ 25 to 125 Operations for atresia of vagina........ 25 to 150 Removal of tumors of labia.......... 10 to 50 Removal of urethral caruncle......... 10 to 100 Removal of polypi . ........' • • 10 to 50 Endocervicitis, operation for......... 10 to 50 Curetting................ 5 to 25 Vesico-vaginal fissure, operation for....... 25 to 100 Examination by speculum.......... 2 to 8 Dilatation of servix in stenosis........ 5 to 20 Intrauterine douche............ 2 to 15 Replacing of uterus............. 2 to 5 Fitting of pessary............. 2 to 5 SURGERY. OPERATIVE. Trephining cranium or spine......... 75 to 200 Staphylorrhaphy.............. 25 to 100 Operation for hare-lip............ 10 to 50 Extirpating mammary gland......... 50 to 100 Laparotomy............... 40 to 200 Extirpation of large or complicated tumors .... 50 to 300 Extirpation of small tumors......... 5 to 30 Nephrectomy or nephrotomy......... 50 to 250 Operation for internal hemorrhoids....... 5 to 25 Operation for external hemorrhoids....... 3 to 10 Removal of polypus of rectum......... 5 to 25 Operation for anal fissure........... 5 to 40 Operation for fistula in ano.......... 5 to 50 Warren's operation for hernia......... 10 to 50 Operation for radical cure of hernia....... 50 to 150 Reduction of strangulated hernia by taxis..... 15 to 25 Operation for strangulated hernia....... 50 to 200 Selecting and adjusting truss......... 1 to 5 Operation for radical cure of varicose veins .... 5 to 25 Aspirating joints.............. 5 to 10 Operation for necrosis of bone......... 10 to 50 MEDICAL fee bill. 117 LIGATIONS. Ligation of sublavian or iliac artery.......$50 to $200 Ligation of femoral, axillary, carotid, popliteal or posterior tibial artery.......... 25 to 100 Ligation of brachial artery.......... 10 to 50 Ligation of all other arteries......... 5 to 25 RESECTIONS. Resection or removal of maxilla........ 25 to 100 of shoulder............ 10 to 50 of elbow............. 20 to 50 " of ribs in empyema......... 15 to 25 of head of femur.......... 40 to 200 of knee............. 25 to 100 " of ankle-joint or foot........ 15 to 75 AMPUTATIONS. Amputation of shoulder-joint......... 25 to 150 of arm............. 30 to 100 " of forearm or hand........ 25 to 50 of finger............ 5 to 20 of hip-joint...........100 to 200 of thigh............ 25 to 150 of knee............ 20 to 200 « of leg............. 25 to 150 " of foot.....■....... 25 to 50 " of toes............. 5 to 20 FRACTURES. Fracture of nose.............. 5 to 10 " of superior or inferior maxilla..... 10 to 50 of clavicle............. 10 to 25 " of scapula............. 15 to 30 '' of coracoid or coronoid process..... 10 to 25 " of humerus............ 10 to 25 of elbow-joint........... 10 to 40 of radius or ulna.......... 10 to 40 of both bones of forearm....... 25 to 50 118 MEDICAL FEE BILL. Fracture of small bones........... $5 to $15 of ribs.............. 5 to 15 of femur............. 25 to 50 " of fibula............. 10 to 25 " of both bones of leg......... 25 to DISLOCATIONS. of hip 50 25 Dislocation of maxillary bones......... 10 to of shoulder........... 15 to 40 of arm............. 10 to 30 of wrist............. 10 to 30 of fingers............ 5 to 15 25 to 50 of knee............. 15 to 50 of ankle............ 20 to 40 of toes............. 5 to 15 GENITO-URINARY AND VENEREAL DISEASES. Syphilis, in advance............ 25 to 100 Gonorrhoea, in advance........... 10 to 50 Gonorrhoea, each subsequent prescription..... 2 to 5 Operation for removal of stone in the bladder ... 50 to 200 " " sounding for stone in the bladder . . 5 to 20 " " aspirating the bladder....... 5 to 25 " " perineal urinary fistula...... 25 to 100 " " internal urethrotomy....... 20 to 50 « " external urethrotomy with a guide . . 25 to 100 " " external urethrotomy without a guide . 50 to 250 " " phimosis, or paraphimosis..... 5 to 20 " " circumcision.......... 5 to 25 " " radical cure of hydrocele...... 10 to 50 " palliation of hydrocele (tapping) ... 2 to 10 " " varicocele........... 10 to 75 EYE. Operation for extraction of cataract....... 25 to 200 " " discission........... 10 to 75 " artificial pupil......... 15 to 100 Sclerotomy .....,..=,....... 25 to 50 MEDICAL FEE BILL. 119 Operation for strabismus (each eye).......$10 to $40 " " advancement of muscle...... 25 to 100 " on lid for trachoma (each eye)..... 10 to 50 " for pterygium (each eye)....... 50 to 60 Canthotomy (each eye)............ 10 to 40 Operation for tumor of lids.......... 3 to 25 " " opening of lachrymal duct..... 5 to 25 " " enucleation........... 25 to 150 Glass fitting, ordinary............ 2 to 10 Astigmatism............... 5 to 25 EAR. Opening of mastoid bone........... 25 to 150 Removal of polypus............. 10 to 40 Removal of foreign bodies.......... 2 to 25 THROAT AND CHEST. Critical examination of lungs......... 2 to 5 Tracheotomy............... 25 to 50 Intubation of larynx............ 10 to 50 Removal of larjmgeal tumors......... 25 to 200 Removal of adenoid vegetations........ 5 to 40 Excision of uvula.............. 2 to 15 " tonsil.............. 5 to 25 Removal of nasal tumors........... 5 to 50 Operation for deflected septum..... ... 25 to 50 DENTISTS' FEE BILL. Examination of the oral cavity.......$1 00 Treatment by pulp cavity (each application) . . 1 00 Treatment of prescription.......... 2 00 Killing and extracting nerve........ 2 00 Extraction of tooth........... 50 to $1 00 with anaesthetics........ 1 00 to 5 00 Filling (gold), minimum......... 2 00 (All fillings offering more than ordinary difficulty, or taking more than 35 minutes of time, to be charged at the rate of $5.00 per hour, value of gold added.) Fillings—Cement............ 1 00 to 2 00 Amalgam........... 1 00 to 3 00 " Porcelain........... 4 00 Professional visits ........... 3 00 Appointments missed.......... 2 00 All other services, such as filing or dressing of teeth, repairing fillings, or removal of tartar, at the rate of $5.00 per hour. Treatment pyorrhea alveolaris....... 5 00 to 50 00 Artificial teeth, upper or lower set—rubber ... 25 00 Entire upper and lower set}—rubber.....50 00 Set—Upper or lower—gold........90 00 " —Upper and lower..........160 00 " —Continuous gum—upper or lower .... 100 00 " —Continuous gum—upper and lower. . . . 200 00 Partial sets at comparative rates. Crown work, each............10 00 to 20 00 Bridge work (minimum), per tooth......20 00 Replanting teeth............25 00 Regulating teeth............25 00 to 500 00 Reduction of dislocated jaw........10 00 " fracture of the lower maxilla . ... 25 00 to 10000 Consultation.............. 5 00 to 25 00 120 UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF iff YORK [Incorporated May 1st, 1874.] Regents. Anson J. Upson, D.D., LL.D., . . . Chancellor. William Croswell Doane, D.D., LL.D., . . Vice-Chancellor. Levi P. Morton, Governor,..... Charles T. Saxton, Lieut.-Governor, . John Palmer, Secretary of State, ... \ Ex-Officio. James F. Crooker, Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. In order of election by tlie Martin I. Townsend, LL.D., 1873, Anson J. Upson, D.D., LL.D., 1874, William L. Bostwick, M.A., 1876, Chauncet M. Depew, LL.D,, 1877, Charles E. Fitch, M.A., 1877, Orris H. Warren, D.D , 1877, Whitelaw Reid, LL.D., 1878, William H. Watson, M.D., 1881, Henry E. Turner, 1881, St. Clair McKelway, LL.D., 1883 Hamilton Harris, LL.D., 1885, Daniel Beach, LL.D., 1885, Willard A. Cobb, M. A.. 1886, Carroll E. Smith, 1888, Pliny T. Sexton, LL.D., 1890, T. Guilford Smith, M.A., C.E., 1890, William C. Doane, D.D., LL.D., 1892, Lewis A. Stimson, M.D., 1893, Sylvester Malone, 1894, Melvil Dewey, M. A., Secretary, . 121 Legi filature. Troy. Glens Falls. Ithaca. New York. Rochester. Syracuse. New York. Utica. Lowville. Brooklyn. Albany. Watkins. Lockport. Syracuse. Palmyra. Buffalo. Albany. New York. Brooklyn. Albany. 122 university of The state of new yore. STATE BOARDS OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS representing the Medical Society of the State of New York : William C. Wey, M.D., President, . Physiology and Hygiene. Maurice J. Lewi, M.D., 78 W. 82d st., N. Y., Secretary, Chemistry. William S. Ely, M.D.,.......Anatomy. George Ryerson Fowler, M.D.,.....Surgery. William Warren Potter, M.D., .... Obstetrics. J. P. Creveling, M.D......Pathology and Diagnosis. Eugene Beach, M.D.,.......Therapeutics. Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York. Asa S. Couch, M.D., President, . . Pathology and Diagnosis. Horace M. Paine, M.D.. 105 State st., Albany, Secretary, Anatomy. A. R. Wright, M.D.,.....Physiology and Hygiene. John McE. Wetmore, M.D.,.....Chemistry. Edwin II. Wolcott, M.D.,......Surgery. William S. Searle, M.D.,......Obstetrics. William M. Butler, M.D...... . Therapeutics. Eclectic Medical Society of the State of New York. William L. Tuttle, M.D., President, .... Anatomy. Edwin S. Moore, M.D., Bay Shore, Secretary, . . . Surgery. E. M. Manwaren, M.D., . . . Physiology and Hygiene. Harry B. Smith, M.D.,.......Chemistry. L. O. Goetchius, M.D.,......Obstetrics. John P. Nolan, M.D., .... Pathology and Diagnosis. Lee II. Smith, M.D.,.......Therapeutics. MEDICAL STUDENT EXAMINATIONS. From Laws of 1893, ch. 661. To provide for the preliminary education of medical students. The degree of Jjachelor or doctor of medicine shall not be con- ferred in this State before the candidate has filed with the institu- tion conferring it the certificate of the regents that three years before the date of the degree, or before or during his first year of medical study in this State, he has either graduated from a reg- university of the state of NEW YORK. 123 istered college, or satisfactorily completed not less than a three years' academic course in a registered academy or high school; or had a preliminary education considered and accepted by the regents as fully equivalent; or had passed regents' examinations in arithmetic, elementary English, geography, spelling, United States history, English composition, and physics. Students who had matriculated in a New York medical school before June 5th, 1890, shall be exempt from this preliminary education require- ment, provided the degree be conferred before August 1st, 1895. Notes on the Law. 1. The medical student certificate must be obtained during or prior to the first year of medical study in this State. 2. The regents will accept as fully equivalent to the required academic course any one of the following : (a) A certificate of having successfully completed at least one full year's course of study in the collegiate department of any college or university registered by the regents as maintaining a satisfactory standard. (6) A certificate of having passed in a registered institution examinations equivalent to the full collegiate course of the fresh- man year or to a completed three years' academic course. (c) Regents' pass cards for any 50 counts. Note.—Students matriculated in a registered medical school before May 9th, 1893, may offer regents' pass cards for any 20 counts, not including reading and writing. (cf) A certificate of having passed the matriculation examina- tions of any university in Great Britain or Ireland, or of having completed a course of study recognized as an equivalent therefor. (e) A certificate of graduation from any registered gymnasium in Germany, Austria, or Russia. (/) A certificate of the successful completion of a course of five years in a registered Italian gimnasio and three years in a liceo. (g) The bachelor's degree in arts or science, or substantial equiva- lents from any registered institution in France or Spain. (h) Any credential from a registered institution or from the gov- ernment in any foreign State or country which represents the com- pletion of a course of study equivalent to graduation from a regis- tered New York high school or academy or from a registered Prussian gymnasium. 124 UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Extracts from Rules. Printed question papers will be issued from the regents' office for each examination. Answers must be written in ink on both sides of letter paper, and arranged and numbered in the same order as the questions. Candidates should bring pen and ink. Paper and blotters will be supplied. Seventy-five per cent, of correct answers is required in all subjects. Answer papers will be reviewed in the regents' office, and all papers below standard will be returned to the candidates. For those accepted, pass cards will be issued. Pass Cards.—A regents' pass card is not limited in time ; there- fore it is not necessary to pass any regents' examination a second time. Medical Student Certificate.—When all requirements are ful- filled the regents grant a medical student certificate. On receiving the certificate, the candidate must send it to the sec- retary or recording officer of the university or college at which he intends to study medicine. Candidates for medical student examinations should send notice at least ten days in advance, stating at what time and in what studies they wish to be examined, that required desk room may be provided at the most convenient place. Candidates who fail to send this advance notice will be admitted only so far as there are unoccupied seats. Certificates without Examinations—Candidates having creden- tials which can be accepted in place of an examination should send them to the Examination Department. They will be returned as soon as verified, and if accepted a medical student certificate will be sent with them. The certificate will be dated from receipt of cre- dentials, so that the candidate will lose no time. Communications.—All communications should be addressed to Examination Department, University of the State of New York, Albany N. Y. Calendar of Regents' Examinations. For the academic years 1894-1895. 1894. 1095. June 11-15 January 21-25 September 25-27 March 11-15 November 26-28 June 10-14 Note.—September examinations are for medical and law students only, and are held UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 125 in New York, Albany, Syracuse and Buffalo. Other examinations are held at different points throughout the State. Particulars concerning these examinations may be ob- tained by addressing Examination Department, University of the State of New York, Albany, N. Y. REQUIREMENTS FOR LICENSE TO PRACTICE MEDI- CINE IN NEW YORK STATE. All requirements for admission should be completed at least one week before examinations. They are as follows : 1. Evidence that applicant is more than 21 years of age. 2. Certificates of moral character from not less than two physi- cians in good standing. 3. Evidence that applicant has the general education required preliminary to receiving the degree of bachelor or doctor of medi- cine in this State (medical student certificate). First exemption: "Students who had matriculated in a New York medical school before June 5th, 1890, shall be exempt from this preliminary education requirement, provided the degree be conferred before August 1st, 1895." 4. Evidence that applicant "has studied medicine not less than three full years, including three satisfactory courses, in three differ- ent academic years, in a medical school registered as maintaining at the time a satisfactory standard." Second exemption : " The regents may in their discretion accept as the equivalent for any part of the 3d and 4th requirements evi- dence of five or more years' reputable practice of medicine, pro- vided that such substitution be specified in the license." 5. Evidence that applicant "has received the degree of bachelor or doctor of medicine from some registered medical school, or a diploma or license conferring full right to practice medicine in some foreign country." 6. The candidate must pass examinations in anatomy, physiolo- gy and hygiene, chemistry, surgery, obstetrics, pathology and diagnosis, and therapeutics, practice, and materia medica. The questions "shall be the same for all candidates, except that in therapeutics, practice, and materia medica all the questions sub- mitted to any candidate shall be chosen from those prepared by the board selected by that candidate and shall be in harmony with the tenets of that school as determined by its State board of medical examiners." 126 UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Third exemption : "Applicants examined and licensed by other State examining boards registered by the regents as maintaining standards not lower than those provided by this article, and appli- cants who matriculated in a New York State medical school before June 5th, 1890, and who receive the degree of M. D. from a reg- istered medical school before August 1st, 1895, may without further examination, on payment of $10 to the regents, and on submitting such evidence as they may require, receive from them an indorse- ment of their licenses or diplomas conferring all rights and privi- leges of a regent's license issued after the examination." 7. A fee of $25 payable in advance. Notes on the Law. 1. Seventy-five per cent, of correct answers is required in all sub- jects. 2. All subjects must be passed at the same examination. Note.—When a candidate for license has been rejected in but one topic and his total average is above 80, at subsequent examinations he shall be examined only in the topic in which he originally failed to receive the required (75) per cent. 3. All examinations shall be exclusively in writing and in En- glish. 4. Medical preparatory courses, as such courses are now taught in various scientific schools, and colleges, cannot be accepted for one year of the three years' medical study required by the law. Medical Examinations. Examinations for license to practice medicine in this State will be held as follows: Dates. 1894 1895 May 15-18 Jan. 22-25 June 18-21 June 19-22 Apr. 2-5 Sept. 24-27 Sept. 25-28 May 14-17 Nov. 25-27 Nov. 26-28 Places. New York, Albany, Syracuse, Buffalo. Each candidate is notified as to exact place. UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 127 Daily Programme. Morning. Afternoon. 9.15-12.15 1.15-4.15 Tuesday____Anatomy Physiology and hygiene. Wednesday__Chemistry Surgery. Thursday.....Obstetrics Pathology and diagnosis. Friday______Therapeutics. Thanksgiving week the subjects for Thursday and Friday are given on Monday: Obstetrics, Monday, 9.15 A.M.-12.15 p.m. Pathology and Diagnosis, Monday, 1.15-4.15 p.m. Therapeutics, Monday. 7.30-10.30 p.m. Powers and Duties of County Clerks in Registering Licenses to Practice Medicine in New York State. The laws relating to registration of physicians by county clerks were repealed May 9th, 1893, when the new law took effect. This law forbids the registration of any authority to practice medicine, except a license or diploma, issued or indorsed as a license under seal by the University of the State of New York, or (in case of removal to another county of a physician already licensed) a certifi- cate clearly showing that the original registration was of an author- ity issued or indorsed under seal by the regents. To provide against penalties for illegal registration all other cases should be referred to the University of the State of New York, the only authority by which licenses can be issued after September 1st, 1891. Address all communications, Examination Department, Univer- sity of the State of New York, Albany. CONNECTICUT MEDICAL LAW. Be it enacted.by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Gen- eral Assembly convened : Section 1. No person after the first day of October, 1893, shall, in this State, for compensation, gain or reward, received or expected, treat, operate or prescribe for any injury, deformity, ailment or dis- ease, actual or imaginary, of another person, nor practice surgery or midwifery, unless or until he has obtained a certificate of regis- tration as hereinafter provided, and then only in the kind or branch of practice as stated in said certificate ; but this act shall not apply to dentists while practicing dentistry only ; nor to any person in the employ of the United States government while acting in the scope of his employment; nor to any person who shall furnish medical or sur- gical assistance in cases of sudden emergency ; nor to any person re- siding out of this State who shall be employed to come into the State to assist or consult with any physician or surgeon who has been registered in conformity with the provisions of this act; nor to any physician or surgeon then actually residing out of this State who shall be employed to come into this State to treat, operate or pre- scribe for any injury, deformity, ailment or disease from which any person is suffering at the time when such non-resident physician or surgeon is so employed; nor to any actual resident of this State recommending by advertisement or otherwise, the use of proprietary remedies sold under trade-marks issued by the United States gov- ernment ; nor to any chiropodist or clairvoyant who does not use in his practice any drugs, medicines or poison ; nor to any person prac- ticing the massage method, or Swedish movement cure, sun cure, mind cure, magnetic healing or Christian Science ; nor to any other person who does not use or prescribe in his treatment of mankind, drugs, poisons, medicine, chemicals or nostrums. Sect. 2. Any resident of this State who at the time of the pas- sage of this act shall be, or previously thereto has been, actually engaged in this State in the practice of medicine, surgery, mid- wifery, or any alleged practice of healing, may, before the first day of October, 1893, file with the State Board of Health duplicate state- 128 CONNECTICUT MEDICAL LAW. 129 ments subscribed and sworn to by him upon blanks furnished by said board, giving his name, age, and place of birth, and present residence, stating whether he is a graduate of any medical college or not, and if so, of what college, and the date of such graduation, and, if practicing under a license from any of the medical societies of this State, stating which society and the date when said license was obtained, and also stating the length of time during which said person has been engaged in practice in this State and how long in practice elsewhere ; and he shall also state whether he has been en- gaged in general practice, or only in some special branch of medi- cine or surgery, and, if so, what branch. Upon the receipt of such statements, as aforesaid, the state board of health shall issue upon the receipt of two dollars, to the person filing the same, a certificate of registration which shall state the kind or branch of practice in which the person named therein is engaged. Sect. 3. Any person who shall, subsequent to said first day of October, 1893, file with said state board of health duplicate statements in the form pi escribed in the preceding section, showing that he is a graduate of a medical college which is recognized as reputable by any one of the chartered medical societies of the State, shall receive from said state board of health, upon the payment of two dollars, a certificate of registration, which shall state the kind or branch of practice in which the person named therein is engaged or is to be engaged. Sect. 4. Any person residing in any town in another State which adjoins the boundary line of Connecticut, who, at the time of the passage of this act shall be actually engaged in such town in the practice of medicine, surgery or midwifery, or any branch of prac- tice, may, before the first day of October, 1893, obtain from the state board of health of this State a like certificate of registration, upon the payment of two dollars and upon filing duplicate state- ments in the form prescribed in section two, which statements shall also show that he is entitled to receive such certificate under the provisions of this section. Sect. 5. Except as provided in sections two, three, and four, of this act, no person shall, after the first day of October, 1893, obtain or receive a certificate of registration, as required by the provisions of section one, until he has passed a satisfactory examination before a committee to be appointed for the purpose by the state board of health, as hereinafter provided, nor until he has filed with said board of health duplicate certificates as aforesaid, together with 130 CONNECTICUT MEDICAL LAW. duplicate certificates signed by a majority of one of said examin- ing committee, stating that they have found him qualified to prac- tice either medicine, surgery or midwifery, and any person filing- said certificates shall receive from said state board of health, upon the payment of two dollars, a certificate of registration which shall state that the person named has been found qualified so to prac- tice. Sect. 6. During the month of December, 1893, the Connecticut Medical Society, the Connecticut Homeopathic Medical Society, and the Connecticut Eclectic Medical Association, shall each file with the state board of health the names of five physicians, and annually in the month of December thereafter the name of one physician practicing in this state, who shall have been recommend- ed by tht respective medical societies as persons competent to serve upon the examining committees to be appointed by the state board of health as hereinafter provided ; and from time to time, in case any vacancy occurs upon any of said examining committees the president of the respective society shall nominate and the state board of health shall appoint such person to fill said vacancy. Sect. 8. The state board of health shall designate when and where said committees shall hold said examinations, but shall call a meeting of a committee within thirty days after receipt of appli- cation for examination by it. Applicants to practice medicine or surgery shall be examined in anatomy, physiology, medical chem- istry, obstetrics, hygiene, surgery, pathology, diagnosis and therapeutics, including practice and materia medica. Each com- mittee shall frame its own questions and conduct its examinations in writing, and both questions and answers shall be placed on file with the state board of health. Each applicant shall have the right to choose which of the three committees shall be the one by whom he shall be examined; but before taking such an examina- tion he shall pay to the committee their expenses, not exceeding, however, the sum of ten dollars. An applicant, after having been rejected by any of said examining committees, shall not be eligible to examination by another committee of examination until after the expiration of twelve months. Sect. 9. Upon the receipt of any duplicate statements as here- inbefore provided, the state board of health shall transmit one of said duplicate statements, together with a duplicate of the certifi- cate of registration in each case, to the town clerk of the town wherein the person so filing said statement resides; and in case CONNECTICUT MEDICAL LAW. 131 such person does not reside in the state of Connecticut, then the state board of health shall transmit said statement and certificate to the town clerk of the town in the state nearest to the place of residence of such person; and said town clerks shall record the same in books to be provided for that purpose by the state board of health, and shall then return the same to the person who filed the, same with the board of health; and said town clerk shall receive for such recording a fee of twenty-five cents, to be paid by the state board of health out of the amount so paid to it as aforesaid. Sect. 10. The secretary of each of said medical societies shall file with the secretary of the state board of health a list of medical colleges or institutions recognized as legal and reputable by his society ; or all of such secretaries may agree upon a single list; and such list or lists may be corrected from time to time as may be necessary. Sect. 11. Every person violating any of the provisions of section one of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than three hundred dollars for the first offense, and for each subsequent offense by a fine not less than two hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty nor more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment; the fine when collected, shall be paid one-half to the person or corporation making the complaint, and the other half to the state board of health. Sect. 12. Any person who shall swear to any false statement contained in any statement required by this act to be filed with the state board of health, shall be deemed guilty of perjury and be punished accordingly. Sect. 14. Sections 3006, 3007 and 3008 of the general statutes are hereby repealed, but nothing herein shall be construed to repeal or affect any of the provisions of any private charter. Sect. 15. The provisions of this bill shall not apply to licensed pharmacists. Sect. 16. All physicians or surgeons practicing under the pro- visions of this act shall, when requested, write a duplicate of their prescriptions in the English language. Any person who shall violate the requirements of this section shall pay a fine of not less than ten dollars for each and every offense. Approved, May 25, 1893. DENTAL LAWS OF NEW YORK. (Chapter 528.) Approved by the Governor May 12, 1892. The People of the State of New York, Represented in Senate and Assembly, do Enact as follows : Section 1. No person shall practice dentistry either as principal, agent, assistant or employe, in the State of New York, or advertise or hold himself out to the public as so practicing dentistry, who shall not be licensed and registered as prescribed by this Act. Any person who shall practice dentistry or advertise or hold himself out to the public as practicing dentistry in violation of this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon a first conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ; and for every con- viction of said misdemeanor subsequent to the first, the person con- victed shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, or imprisonment, or by both fine and imprisonment. Sect. 2. A person only shall be deemed to be licensed to practice dentistry in this State who shall have attained the full age of twenty- one years, shall have had properly granted to him or her either by the Dental Society of the State of New York or by an incorporated medical or dental school or college, approved by the Dental Society of New York, a proper diploma conferring a recognized medical or dental degree, and shall have made the registration required by sec- tion three of this Act : Provided, further, That no diploma shall be deemed valid within the provisions of this Act if conferred ir- regularly, through fraud or false representation or without sub- stantial compliance by the person to whom it may have been granted or the corporation conferring it with the general statutory requirements of this State as to course and duration of preparatory and professional study, and also with the regulations of said State Society, and of the corporation conferring the diploma as to study, attendance, examination and character, or if conferred by a school or college not recognized by said State Society as reputable and pro- 132 DENTAL LAWS OF NEW YORK. 133 viding an adequate course of instruction and maintaining a proper standard of attainment, character and attendance : Provided, also, That all persons lawfully licensed and registered at the time this Act shall take effect shall be deemed lawfully licensed and registered hereunder, subject only to the provisions of section three of this Act as to removal of practice. Sect. 3. Every person practicing dentistry in this State shall register in the office of the clerk of the county where his place of business is located and the office of the clerk of any county into which he shall remove or in which he shall carry on his business, in a book to be prepared and kept by the clerk for that purpose, his name, age, office and postoffice address, legal authority for practicing dentistry in this State, and the date of such registration, which he shall be entitled to make only upon presenting to the county clerk a certificate from the member of the State Board of Censors ap- pointed by the State Dental Society for the judicial district in which said county is situated, to the effect that said applicant for registra- tion has received a proper diploma, as provided in section two of this Act, and upon the making by said applicant of an a affidavit stating his name, age and legal authority to practice dentistry within this State. Every such certificate of a censor shall be filed by the county clerk receiving it, and every person admitted to reg- istration under the provisions of this Act shall be entitled upon the payment of a fee of fifty cents to the county clerk to receive from that official a certified transcript of his registration. All the affi - davits made in pursuance of the provisions of this act shall be pre- served in a bound volume by the county clerk in whose office they are made : Provided, however, That all registrations lawfully made prior to the taking effect of this Act shall continue to be as valid and of the same effect as when made: Provided, also, That any registration procured by fraud or false statement of any kind shall be deemed null and void; and that the county clerk upon the pre- sentation to him of a certified copy of the judgment convicting any person of a violation of the provisions of the dental law shall note the fact and date of such conviction upon the registration. If any affadavit made pursuant of the provisions of this Act be willfully false in any material regard, the affiant shall be deemed guilty of perjury and punishable by imprisonment for not less than two nor more than ten years. Any person who shall sell or barter, or offer, either orally, by writing or by printed advertisements, to sell or barter, or who shall by purchase, barter, fraud, false statements, 134 DENTAL LAWS OF NEW YORK. bribe or promise to bribe, and without compliance with all provisions of law any diploma purporting to confer a medical or dental degree, or any certificate, transcript, or registration provided to be given under this Act or the statutes regulating the practice of medicine ; or who shall substitute on any such diploma, certificate, or tran- script for the same of the person to whom the same was given or granted the name of a different person, or shall fraudulently alter diploma, certificate, transcript or registration in any material regard, and any person who shall use or offer to use any such diploma, cer- tificate or transcript as a license or color of license or means of obtaining license or registration as a practitioner of medicine or dentistry shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not less than six months or by both fine and imprisonment; any person who without a proper diploma conferring the same shall as- sume the title of doctor of dental surgery or master of dental surgery, or shall append to his or her name the letters D. D. S., or the letters M. D. S., or any other letters specifically used by any medical or dental colleg-e, school board or society to indicate that the person to whose name they are appended holds a recognized medical or dental degree shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than two hundred and fifty dollars or by imprisonment for not less than three months, or by both fine and imprisonment; all fines and for- feitures of bail imposed and collected in consequence of violations of this Act shall be paid to the Dental Society of the State of New York : Provided, That if at the annual meetings of said society the treasurer shall report an excess of the sums so paid over the ex- penses of the society in enforcing this Act, such excess shall be paid over by him to the treasurer of the State and become part of the common school fund: Provided, also, That any such fine or for- feiture imposed in an action brought by an incorporated county medical society for violations of the provisions of this Act relating to medical diplomas shall be paid to said prosecuting society. Sect. 5. Sections eight, nine and ten of chapter one hundred and fifty-two of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, shall read respectively as follows : Sect. 8. The State Dental Society, organized as aforesaid, having already at its first meeting appointed eight censors, one from each of the said district societies, to constitute a State Board of Censors, DENTAL LAWS OF NEW YORK. 135 divided into four classes, to serve one, two, three and four years, re- spectively, shall at each annual meeting appoint two censors, to serve each four years, and until their succesors shall be chosen, and fill all vacancies that may have occurred in the Board by death or otherwise. Each district society shall be entitled to one, and only one, member of said Board of Censors. Said Board of Censors shall meet at least once in each year, at such time and place as they shall designate, and, being thus met, they, or a majority of them, shall carefully and impar- tially examine all persons who are entitled to examination under the provisions of this Act, and who shall present themselves for that purpose, and report their opinion in writing to said State Dental Society, and on the recommendation of the said Board it shall be the duty of the president aforesaid to issue a diploma to such per- son or persons, signed by the president, the secretary and said censors, and bearing the seal of said society, conferring upon him the degree of "master of dental surgery" (M. D. S.), and it shall not be lawful for any other society, college or corporation to grant to any person the said degree of "master of dental surgery." Sect. 9. The State Dental Society shall have the power to deter- mine what medical and dental colleges maintain a course of educa- tion and training adequate in duration and standard to entitle their diplomas to be approved and certified by the censors as qualifying their holders to be licensed to practice dentistry in this State, and so registered. Said society shall admit to its examinations, provided for in section eight of this Act, only the following classes of per- sons, upon satisfactory proof of good moral characters : 1. All duly licensed and registered dentists of this State. 2. All persons coming from other States or countries who shall present to said society satisfactory proof of having been lawfully engaged in the practice of dentistry without the State for the term of six years. 3. All such persons as shall have studied dentistry for a term of four years in the office or offices of some reputable and duly licensed and registered dentist or dentists of this State, and shall have in other respects conformed to the regulations governing such exam- inations, which regulations not inconsistent with this Act said society may make and must publish at least twice in each calendar year in a leading dental journal. Every person actually engaged at the time this Act takes effect in studying dentistry under private preceptorship, as aforesaid, must, within three months from the 136 DENTAL LAWS OF NEW YORK. passage of this Act, file with the secretary of the State Dental Soci- ety a statement of his or her age, present address, commencement of terms of study and the name of his or her preceptors, who shall also certify that said statement, so far as it relates to himself, is true. Any person beginning such a course of study after the Act takes ef- fect shall file a similar certificate, and until it shall be made the term of four years required by the statute shall not be deemed to be com- menced. No such student shall be eligible for examination for its diploma by said society who shall not have filed one of said certifi- cates, all of which shall be preserved, bound and indexed by said secretary. Any willfully false statement in any such certificates shall preclude the person making it from the privilege of examina- tion. The censor for each judicial district of said State society shall be empowered to examine any applicant for the examination or certification of diploma granted under this Act as to his or her age, identity, course of study, and if a diploma is offered for certifi- cation as to the time, place and circumstance of its conferment. In so doing the censors are empowered to reduce the applicant's state- ments to the form of an affidavit and administer the usual oath in respect thereto taken by affiants as to the truth of depositions in legal proceedings. Sect. 10. Every student, before filing the certificate called for by this Act, shall pay to the secretary of the said State society a fee of five dollars. Every applicant for a censor's certificate, that his or her diploma is approved by said society as entitling the holder to registration, shall pay to the secretary of said society, at the time of his application, a fee of ten dollars. Every applicant for examina- tion by the censors of said society shall pay to said secretary, at the time of his application, a fee of thirty dollars. None of these fees shall be returned to the applicant, but shall be paid into the treas- ury of said society. But any applicant for examination before said censors, who may have failed to obtain his diploma, may, for good cause shown, be allowed thereafter to present himself for examina- tion without payment of a further fee. Sect. 6. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to punish any person for performing merely mechanical work upon inert matter in a dental office or laboratory; or a registered student who, for purposes of clinical instruction, in the presence and under the imme- diate supervision of his preceptor, may assist the latter in dental operation, providing that such student shall not, under the pretense of so assisting a preceptor, practice dentistry by performing opera- HOSPITALS. 137 tions independently ; or a duly licensed and registered physician or surgeon for his lawful acts in the practice of his profession. Noth- ing in this Act shall be construed to suspend or discontinue any prosecution already commenced under the laws in force prior to the taking effect of this Act, and any violation of the provisions of this Act forbidding the practice of dentistry without lawful authority, committed by a person who shall have been previously convicted under the laws of which this Act is a codification, in any court within this State as the misdemeanor of practicing dentistry with- out license or registration, shall be deemed a second offense within the meaning of this Act; such laws being to that extent kept in force. HOSPITALS. NEW YORK. Babies' Hospital of the City of New York (1887), 657 Lexing- ton ave., corner 55th st. For the care of poor sick children under two years of age. Children must be presented for examination at the hospital between 9 a. m. and 12 M. No mothers received. Ac- commodation for 24. Maintains the Country Branch Hospital at Oceanic, N. J.; open during the summer. Bellevue Hospital (1826), foot of East 26th st., Capacity, 1,200 beds. For the destitute sick, who are received from 10 a. m. to 3 p. M. Those able to pay are charged not exceeding $3.50 per week. The cases for all the hospitals in charge of the Department of Pub- lic Charities and Correction are first sent here, the diagnosis of the disease is made by the examining physician, and the patient is as- signed to the proper hospital. Ambulances, provided with a sur- geon, instruments, bandages, and restoratives, are attached to the hospital. Chambers Street Hospital, 160 Chambers st. For immediate care of emergency cases occurring in the lower part of the city, both for indoor and outdoor patients. Apply at any hour. City (Charity) Hospital (Pub. Char, and Cor.), Blackwell's Island, loot of 52d st., E. R. Receives patients suffering from all varieties% 138 HOSPITALS. of disease. Capacity 1,000 beds. Has one surgical, three medical, three venereal, an ophthalmic, a dermatological, and a uterine divi- sion, comprising thirty-five wards. The hospital departments of the Penitentiary are under the supervision of the Medical Board, and the members of the house staff perform medical service in this and maternity hospitals. Colored Home and Hospital (1839), 65th st. and First ave. A relief for all classes of colored people. Consists of an almshouse and hospital, and a lying-in department. Applicants must be residents of the county of New York, unless they pay board. Emergency Hospital for Women (Pub. Char, and Cor.), 223 East 26th st. For the reception and care of those taken in labor in the street or on their way to the Island. Flower Surgical Hospital (1890), Eastern Boulevard. For surgi- cal cases only. Maintained by the New York Homoeopathic Medi- cal College. French Hospital (1881), 320 West 34th st. Under the auspices of the French Benevolent Society of New York. Number of beds, 90. For the care of the French poor of the city, and foreigners able to pay. Single beds in wards, $7 per week; private rooms from $20 to $30 per week. German Hospital (1861), Park ave. and 77th st. Open for all nationalities, religions, and colors; 120 free beds. Application for admission to the hospital to be made there. (xouverneur Hospital (Pub. Char, and Cor.), Gouverneur Slip, corner Front st. A reception hospital for accidents, and medical indoor and outdoor patients, in that part of the city. Patients are transferred from it to Bellevue. Hahnemann Hospital (1875), Fourth ave., between 67th and 68th sts. For homoeopathic treatment of patients. Pay patients, from $7 to $40 a week, are admitted by the Resident Physician daily. Free patients are admitted by the Executive Committee on application through the Resident Physician, which may be made daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 100 beds. Hospital for Women (homoeopathic), connected with the Medical College for Women (1863), 213 W. 54th st. For the medical educa- tion of women. The hospital is open to any sick woman or child, irrespective of creed or nationality, excepting those with contagious diseases. Refined, sensitive women may receive skilled treatment from women physicians. Capacity, 24 beds. Patients may pay ac- cording to ability ; ward prices $7 per week, but received free when HOSPITALS. 139 necessary. Supported by board of patients and voluntary contribu- tions of the public. Idiot Hospital (Pub. Char, and Cor.), Randall's Island. For the care of destitute idiotic and feeble-minded children. Apply to Superintendent of Outdoor Poor, northwest corner llth st. and Third ave. Infants' Hospital (Pub. Char, and Cor.), Randall's Island. For the care and treatment of orphan and foundling children under two years of age, and of destitute mothers with babes of less than two years old. Apply to Superintendent of Outdoor Poor, northwest corner llth st. and Third ave. Laura Franklin Free Hospital for Children (1886), 17 E. 111th st. Under charge of the Sisters of Mary (P. E.), and for sick and injured children whose parents or friends are unable to pay. The treatment is homoeopathic. Lebanon Hospital, 150th st. and Westchester ave. 200 beds. Poor patients free. Manhattan Hospital (1885), 131st st. and Tenth ave. Accom- modations for 42 patients. Indigent residents of New York City are treated free; for others $1 a day is charged for ward accom- modations and $15 to $25 a week for private rooms. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital (1869), 103 Park ave., corner 41st st. Open daily at 2 p.m. for the gratuitous treatment of dis- eases of the eye, ear, throat, and nervous system. Also indoor patients. Maternity Hospital (Pub. Char, and Cor.), Blackwell's Island, branch of City Hospital, is for the reception, care and treatment of indigent women, married or unmarried, during confinement. Apply to Superintendent of Outdoor Poor, northwest corner llth st. and Third ave. Metropolitan Throat Hospital (1874), 351 West 34th st. For the treatment of diseases of the throat and nose. Accommodates 25 patients. Mount Sinai Hospital (1852), Lexington ave., corner 66th st. A general hospital for patients of all creeds and classes. Board for those able to pay, $7 a week. Cases of accidents admitted gratuit- ously. Private rooms, $12 to $40 per week. Capacity for 214 patients. Apply to the Superintendent at the hospital at any hour. New Amsterdam Eye and Ear Hospital (1888), 212 West 38th st. For the treatment of eye and ear diseases. Has also nose and throat departments. Capacity, 24. No free indoor patients. 140 HOSPITALS. New York Hospital, 7 to 21 West 15th st. A general hospital for medical and surgical treatment of patients. Ward patients are charged $1 a day; those in private rooms from $15 to $35 a week. Apply to the Superintendent at any time. New York Cancer Hospital (1884), Eighth ave., and 106th st. For the treatment of all sufferers from cancer whose condition ad- mits of cure or relief, on approval of the medical examiner, at a charge of $7 per week in the wards and from §15 to $25 for private rooms. Those unable to pay are treated free. Capacity, 130 beds. Apply for admission in person daily from 12 to 1 p.m., or by letter accompanied by certificate from some responsible physician. New York Eye and Ear Infirmary (1820), Second ave., corner 13th st. Open week days, for eye diseases, 12 M. to 2 p.m. ; ear, 2 to 3 P.M. ; throat, 2.30 P.M. The poor from all parts of the State are entitled to its privileges. For the gratuitous treatment of indigent persons suffering from diseases of the eye, ear, nose, and throat. Open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 12.30 to 3 P.M. for the registering of patients. New York Infirmary for Women and Children (1854). Hos- pital, 5 Livingston pi. For surgical treatment, confinement, and non-contagious diseases. Those able to pay, $7 per week; others free. Women physicians in charge. Capacity, 60 beds. New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute (1869), 46 E. 12th st. A hospital and dispensary for diseases of the eye and ear. Free to the poor. The hospital accommodates 30. New York Ophthalmic Hospital (homoeopathic) (1852), 201 E. 23d st. Treats all diseases of the eye, ear, and throat gratuitously for the poor, both in the hospital and the dispensary. There are 8 free beds. Usual charge to those able to pay, 85 per week and up- ward. Hospital accommodates 40. Apply week days between 2 and 4 p.m. New York Orthopaedic Dispensary and Hospital (1867), 126 E. 59th st. Furnishes treatment to the poor, with special reference to diseases and deformities of spine and hip-joint, and other serious diseases of bones requiring surgical and mechanical treatment. Ad- vice free. Those who can afford to do so are expected to reimburse the institution for the actual cost of necessary apparatus. No worthy person rejected. New York Post-Graduate Hospital (1884), 20th st. and Second ave. For the treatment of general diseases. Has a ward for wo- men, one for men, and an orthopaedic ward for children, and babies' HOSPITALS. 141 wards. Those able to pay charged moderate board ; babies received free. Private rooms for pay patients. Contagious and chronic cases not admitted. Capacity, 85 beds. New York Polyclinic Hospital (1888), 218 E. 34th st. For free medical and surgical treatment and care of the sick poor suffering from all non-contagious diseases. Private rooms for pay patients. Capacity, 60 beds. New York Skin and Cancer Hospital (1883), 243 E. 34 st. For the free treatment and care of the poor afflicted with cancer and skin diseases. 100 beds daily. Hospital of the New York Society for the Relief of the Rup- tured and Crippled (1863), 42d st., corner Lexington ave. Free to indigent residents of New York City and vicinity and crippled United States soldiers ; a moderate charge is made to other parties. Appliances and bandages are furnished to the indigent. Accommo- dations for 200 patients. Nursery and Child's Hospital (1854), 51st st. and Lexington ave. Maintains and cares for destitute children under four years of age and boards the children of wet-nurses. Children are received to board at $10 per month. Women of good character, free from con- tagious diseases, are also admitted to the lying-in department on the payment of $25 or agreeing to remain three months after con- finement to nurse two infants, and must come provided with cloth- ing. Has a Country Branch at Staten Island for the elder children. Presbyterian Hospital (1868), Madison ave. and 70th st. Gives medical and surgical aid to sick and disabled persons. Accommo- dation, 330 beds. There are several free beds subject to the orders of certain members who have made large donations for them. Other patients are charged $7 per week if able to pay. Randall's Island School (Pub. Char, and Cor.), Randall's Island. For the care and treatment of sick and crippled children ever two and under sixteen years old. Apply to Superintendent of Outdoor Poor, northwest corner llth st. and Third ave. Riverside Hospital (1885), North Brother's Island, where cases of small-pox and other contagious diseases that cannot be safely iso- lated at home are received and treated; also, all cases of small-pox, typhus, and relapsing fevers from quarantine. Roosevelt Hospital (1871), 59th st. and Ninth ave. For the recep- tion and relief of the sick and disabled. All the beds are free to those who have very limited or no means. No beds are set apart especially for pay patients. Capacity, 170 beds. Is built chiefly on 142 HOSPITALS. the pavilion plan. Apply to the Superintendent at the hospital at any time. St. Ann's Maternity Hospital, 69th st. and Lexington ave. Destitute married women are received ; unmarried women, preg- nant for the first time, are sheltered ; and strangers, who can afford to pay, but do not wish to remain at a hotel or boarding house dur- ing confinement, may be cared for. The charge for the latter class varies from $6 to $20 a week for board and $50 reception fee. Patients in the wards pay $3 per week and $25 reception fee; these must remain for at least three months as wet-nurses or pay an extra fee of $25. St. Francis' Hospital (1865), 609 5th st. Under charge of the Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis. A general hospital, where the sick and injured poor are cared for free and without distinction as to religion or nation. Pay patients received at moderate rates. Capacity, 230 beds. St. John's Guild Free Hospital for Children, 157 W. 61st st. Only children between three and fifteen years admitted. Number of beds, 30. St. Joseph's Hospital (1882), E. 143d st. For consumptives and a limited number of other chronic and incurable diseases which can- not be cared for in ordinary hospitals. Free to poor irrespective of nationality, raee or religion. Capacity, 250 beds. St. Luke's Hospital (P. E.) (1850), 54th st, corner Fifth ave. For medical and surgical treatment of those ill with acute, curable and non-contagious diseases, without distinction of race or creed. Board, $7 per week for adults; $4 per week children. None refused on ac- count of poverty. St. Mark's Hospital of the City of New York (1890). Re- ceives charity and paying cases. Terms, $7 per week in the general wards; private rooms, from $15 to $50 per week. St. Mary's Free Hospital for Children (1870), 405 W. 34th st. In charge of Sisters of St. Mary (P. E.). For care of sick and injured. Children between two and fourteen years old received. Accommodation for 70 patients. St. Yincent's Hospital (1857), 195 W. llth st. Under charge of Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. Patients of all religious denominations admitted. Board, for those able to pay, $7 per week and upward. Capacity, 150 beds. The Sloane Maternity Hospital (1887), corner 59th st. and Am- sterdam ave. This is a lying-in hospital of 45 beds, given by Will- iam D. Sloane, Esq., whose wife, a daughter of the late William H. HOSPITALS. 143 Vanderbilt, endowed the institution by making all of its beds free in perpetuity. The service here is under the exclusive direction of the Professor of Obstetrics at the College of Physicians and Sur- geons. United States Marine Hospital Service (1798). Office at the Battery, east of Barge Office. For the care of sick and injured sailors of merchant vessels sailing under the U. S. registry and of the Revenue Cutter Service. Ward's Island Hospital (Pub. Char, and Cor.), Ward's Island. For the treatment of all classes of diseases, both male and female. Willard Parker Hospital, foot of E. 16th st. For children suf- fering from scarlet fever, and children and adults suffering from diphtheria. Patients suffering from infectious and contagious dis- eases and needing to be removed may be reported to this hospital. Woman's Hospital (1857), 49 and 50th sts., between Lexington and Fourth aves. For the treatment of diseases peculiar to women. Twenty-five free beds; others, £6 to $23 per week. Total accom- modation, 120 beds. "THE BEST" NURSER Prevents Wind-Colic and Bowel-Trouble. FOR PARTICULARS, SEE INSIDE BACK COVER THIS BOOK. THE GOTHAM CO., Room 5, No. 82 Warren Street. New York. Superior Qirality Our Specialty. Established 1873. GENEVA OPTICAL CO., GENEVA, N. Y. Headquarters for Optical Goods, Trial Lens Cases g Ophthalmoscopes. OCULISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED PROMPTLY AND ACCURATELY. GENEVA OPTICAL CO., GENEVA, N. Y. ORGANIZED 1855. INCORPORATED 1859. BRIGHAM HALL, CANANDAIGUA, NEW YORK. A PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, WITH ACCOMMODATIONS FOR SEVENTY PATIENTS. Board and treatment from $12 to $50 per week, payable quarterly. For the admis- sion of patients and inquiry address the Resident Physician, E. J. GILLETTE, Assistant Physician. D. R. BUERELL. 144 NEW YORK LIST OF PHYSICIANS. Arranged Alphabetically by Post-offices. ACCORD (Ulster) 550. KEATOR, T. O. (R). Dartmouth, 74. ADAMS (Jefferson) 1,360. GOSS, A. (R). Uni. Vt., 83. Johnson, P. H. (R). Coll. P & S., N. Y., 65. NICKELSON, W. H. (H). Hahn. Chi. 81. Pierce, John (R). Castleton Vt. 47. ADAMS CENTRE (Jefferson) 600. Bailey, F. C .(R). Uni. Mich. 83. BAILEY, W. C. (R). Berkshire, 48. HALE, A. K. (R). Uni. Mich. 74. POTTER, C. D. (R). N. Y. Univ. 50. ADDISON (Steuben) 2,166. Ainsworth, H. R. (R). K Y. Uni. 60. ALDRICH, A. A. (R). Syracuse, 83. CHITTENDEN, D. J. (R\ N. Y. Uni. 59. HUBBS, M. B. (R). Col. P. and S. Bait. 83. SEELEY, D. E. (E). Syracuse Eel. 50. AFTON (Chenango) 683. HAYES, P. A. (R). Geneva, 70. AKRON (Erie) 1,492. McPherson, J. D. (R). Uni. Mich. 83. PARKER, F. D. (R). Uni. Buff. 74. PARKER, L. P. (R). Uni. Buff. 54. ALBANY (Albany) 94,923. ACKERT, WM. S. (R). 382 Broadway, E. Albany. 8 to 9, 1 to 2.30, 6 to 7.30. Alb. Med. Col. 91. Alexander, O. C. (R). 252 Hudson Ave. Alb. Med. Col. ALEXANDER, W. A. (R). 147 Clinton. Alb. Med. Col. 90. ALLEN, C. S. (R). 36 2d Ave., Greenbush. Until 9, 12 to 2, after 6 p. m. Woodstock, Vt. 49. Mem. Am Med. Assn. and N. Y. State Soc. and Assn., etc. 145 146 Physicians. ALLEN, W. L. (R). 36 2d Ave., Greenbush. Until 9, 12 to 2, after 6 P. M. Alb. Med. Col. 81. E. Lond. and Westminster Hosps. Lond. 82. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn., etc. BABCOCK, R. (R). 59 Eagle. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 84. A. B. Uni. Roch. 81. Surg. Staff, Alb. Hosp. Dispy. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Bailey, T. P. (R). 95 Eagle. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 80. Bailey, W. H. (R). 1 Wash'g. Alb. Med. Col. 53. BALCH, LEWIS (R). 14 Wash'g. 2 to 4 Col. P. and S. N. Y. 70. Ph. D. Union, Col. Emeritus Prof. Anat. and Prof. Med. Juris- prudence Alb. Med. Col. Con'g Surg. St. Peter and Alb. Homo. Hosps. Surg Child's. Hosp. Surg. 10th Bat. N. Y. N. G. City Health Officer. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. Ball, O. D.(R). 671 Broadway. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 67. BARKER, JAMES F. (R). 54 Clinton Ave. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 6 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 77. A. B. and A. M. Union Col. 74. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. BARTLETT, E. A. (R). 20 S. Hawk. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 6 to 7. Alb. Med. Col. 79. A. B. Uni. Roch. 70. Lect. Electro-Therap. Alb. Med. Col. Staff Alb. Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Historian Alumni Assn. Alb. Med. Col. BAYARD, A. H. (R). 844 Madison Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 89. N. Y. Polyclinic 89. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. BECKETT, THOS. (R). 276 Wash'g Ave. Alb. Med. Col. 61. BENDELL, HERMAN (R). 178 State. 1 to 5. Alb. Med. Col. 63. Lect. Otal. Alb. Med. Col. Ophthal and Aural Surg. Alb. Hosp. Mem. Ophthal Assn. of Heidelberg, Ger. V.-Pres. Assn. Med. Officers. Nat'l Guard and Naval Militia State N. Y. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. Surg. 3d Brig. N. G. S. N. Y. BETTS, J. B. (R). Alb. Hosp. Alb. Med. Col. 94. BIGELOW, JOHN M. (R). 54 Eagle. 8.30 to 9.30, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 69. Hon. Alb. Med. Col. 69. A.M. Williams Col. Ph. D. Rutgers Col. Prof. Mat. Med. and Therap. and Dis. Nose and Throat Alb. Med. Col. Att'g Phys. Dis. Nose and Throat Alb. and St. Peter's Hosps. Mem. Am. BLAIR, L. E. (R). 204 State. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 6 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 81. A.B. and A.M. Dartmouth 79. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Delegate Mem. State. Soc. Med. Ex. Equitable and Mut. Life Ins. Cos. Prac. Lim. Dis. Nose, Throat and Ear. BLATNER, J. H. (R). 132 Hudson Ave. Alb. Med. Col. 73. BLESSING, A. J. (R), 114 Grand. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, G to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 86. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. BLESSING E. A. (H). 93 Hudson Ave. Uni. Vt. 85. BOYD, JAMES P. (R). 152 Washington Ave. 8.30 to 9.30, 2 to 4 p. m. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 71. A.B. and A.M. Princeton 67. Prof. Obstet. Dis. Women and Chil. Alb. Med. Col. Gyn. Alb. Hosp. Con'g Obstet. St. Peter's Hosp. Mem. Brit. Gyn. Soc. and Am. Assn. Obstet and Gyn. and Am. Med. Assn. etc. BRENNAN, J. E. (R). 45 Myrtle Ave. Alb. Med. Col. 89. BRIERLEY, W. P. (R). 228 Central Ave. 9 to 10, 1 to 2.30, 6 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 86. Clin. Asst. Gyn. Alb. Med. Col. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. PHYSICIANS. 147 BROWN, J. C. (R). 13 Jay. Alb. Med. Col. 92. CAFRON, A. J. (R). 255 Elm. Alb. Med. Col. 94. CAPRON, A. S. (R). 66 Westerlo. 8 to 9.30, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 86. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Carroll, S. H. (H). 234 State. N. Y. Homo. Col. 70. Carroll, T. L. (R). 296 Lark. Alb. Med. Col. 85. CASE, H. S. (R). 136 Madison Ave. Alb. Med. Col. 53. CLASSEN, FREDERICK L. (R). 34 Trinity Place. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 81. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Delegate Mem. N. Y. State Soc. COLBERT, EDWARD V. (R). 64 Hudson Ave. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Alb. Med. Col. 90. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Instr. Therap. Alb. Med. Col. Coroner's Phys. COOK, D. H. (R). 264 Clinton Ave. Alb. Med. Col. 74. COOPER, JOHN L. (R). 86 Clinton Ave. 1 to 3, 6 to 8 p. m. Uni. Pa. 77. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. COX, E. G. (H). 109 State. Until 9.30 a. m. and 1 p. m. Alb. Med. Col. 93. Surg, and Obstet. Staff Alb. Homo. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. Chm. Obstet. Bureau and Mem. Legislative Com. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. COX, F. J. (H). 109 State. 9 to 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Alb. Med. Col. 92. A.B. Williams Col. 89. Vis. Phys. Alb. Homo. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo., etc. COX, GEO. A. (H). 80 S. Swan. 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 68. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc, etc. COX, J. W. (H). 109 State. Until 9.30 a. m. and 3 p. m. Alb. Med. Col. 55. Con'g Staff Alb. Homo. Hosp. Mem. Am Inst, of Homo., etc. CRAIG, J. D. (R). 12 Ten Broeck. Alb. Med. Col. 84. CRAWFORD, C. H. (R). 216 Hudson Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 81. A.B. Uni. Md. 74. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Culver, C. M. (R). 36 Eagle. Alb. Med. Col. 81. Curtis, F. C. (R). 17 Wash'g. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 70. DAVIS, C. E. (R). 91 Hudson Ave. 8 to 9, 1.30 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 91. Instr. Physiol. Alb. Med. Col. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Sec. U. S. Pension Bd DECK, O. H. (R). Alb. Hosp. Alb. Med. Col. 94. DORAN, ROBT. (R). Alb. Hosp. Alb. Med. Col. 93. DUBOIS, MARY (R). 192 Hamilton. Woman's Col. Pa. 71. DUNCAN, RICHARD F. (R). 332 Hamilton. 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 89. B.S. Amherst and Boston Uni. 86. DWYER, M. J. (R). 268 Hamilton. Alb. Med. Col. 83. EARLEY, J. F. (R). 106 Chestnut. 7 to 9,1 to 2, 6 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 90. Eastman, N. L. (R). 427 Clinton Ave. Alb. Med. Col. 86. EVANS, C. N. S. (H). 238 Lark. N. Y. Homo. Col. 93. FISK, F. H. (R). 1 Clinton Square. 8 to 9.30, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Alb. Med. Col. 81. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. FOWLER, A. (R). 29 2d. Uni. N. Y, 46. FREEMAN, S. H. (R). 77 Columbia. Uni. N. Y. 46. GEORGE, A. L. (R). 769 Broadway, 8 to 9.30, 1 to 2.30, 6 to 8 P. M. Bait. Med. Col. 90. 148 PHYSICIANS. GEORGE, W. H. (R). 510 Elk. Alb. Med. Col. 94. GOEWE Y, W. IRVING (R). 225 Hamilton. 8 to 9.30,1 to 3, 7 to 9. Alb. Med. Col. 92. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. GORHAM, GEO. E. (H). 160 Hamilton. 8 to 10, 3 to 4, 7 to 8. Hahn. Chi. 74. Vis. Phy. Alb. Homo. Hosp. V.-Pres. Alb. Co. Homo. Med. Soc. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. GRAVELINE, LOUIS C. (R). 181 Madison Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 9. Alb. Med. Col. 62. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. GREENE, F. R. (R). 543 Central Ave. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 84. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. GUINAN, JOHN S. (R). 97 Lark. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 93. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. HAILES, W. (R). 197 Hamilton. Alb. Med. Col. 70. Hale, L. (R). 214 Clinton Ave. Alb. Med. Col. 68. HALE, W. S. (R). St. Peter's Hosp. Alb. Med. Col. 93. HAPPEL, W. H. (R). 322 S. Pearl. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 90. Treas. Co. Med. Soc. HEENAN, R. A. (R). 242 Central Ave. 8.30 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8.30. 8 Trinity Place. 7 to 8, 12.30 to 1.30, 5.30 to 6.30. Alb. Med. Col. 92. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Hennessy, J. V. (R). 139 N. Pearl. Alb. Med. Col. 84. Houghton, G. H. (R). 61 Eagle. Alb. Med. Col. 82. HUMPHREY, E. H. (H). Greenbush. Uni. N. Y. 82. Hun, H. (R). 149 Washington Ave. Harvard, 79. HUN, T. (R). 33 Elk. Uni. Pa. 30. Dean Alb. Med. Col. HUNTING, N. (H). 155 Hamilton. N. Y. Homo. Col. 69. JENKINS, T. W. (R). 55 Eagle. Until 9, 1 to 2, 6 to 7.30. Alb. Med. Col. 93. Instr. Pathol, and Histol. Alb. Med. Col. Surg. Alb. Hosp. Dispy. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. JONES, CHAS. E. (H). 140 State. 9 to 10, 3 to 4, 6 45 to 7.45 Alb. Med. Col. 72. N. Y. Homo. Col. 73. Staff Alb. Homo. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. KEEGAN, P. J. (R). 48 Clinton Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 75. Alb. Med. Col. 83. Surg. St. Peter's Hosp. and Little Sisters of the Poor and Alb. Indus. Sch. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. KENNAH, J. B. (R). ^95 Central Ave. Alb. Med. Col. 89. KERNAN, WM. J. (R). 92 Columbia. 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 91. Att'g Phys. House Good Shepherd. Police Surg. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. LA MOURE, CHAS. T. (R). Alb. Med. Col. 94. LA MOURE, U. B. (R). 131 Eagle. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 9 Alb. Med. Col. 78. Mem Co. Med. Soc. LEAVY, MARK S. (R). 217 Madison Ave. and 9 Watervliet Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. Wooster, Clevl'd, O. 88. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. LE BRUN, L. (R). 71 S. Ferry. 8 to 9.30, 1.30 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb Med. Col. 91. Ph. G. N. Y. Col. Phar. 87. Clin. Asst. Surg Alb. Med. Col. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. LEFEVRE, S. (R). 710 Madison Ave. Alb. Med. Col. 91. LEMPE, GEO. G. (R). 42 Eagle. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 88. Att'g. Surg. Alb. Homo. Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Mem. Bd. Examrs. for Health Officers, State N. Y. Civil Service Com. PHYSICIANS. 149 LEWI, JOS. (R). 94 Westerlo. 2 to 3, 6 to 8. Vienna 47. Con'g Phys. Alb. Hosp. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. LEWI, WM. G. (R). 94 Westerlo. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 92. Ph. G. Alb. 89. Phys. Alb. Hosp. Dispy. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. LILLIENTHAL, H. (R). 27 Grand. Alb. Med. Col. 78. LOCHNER, G. EMORY (R). 1 S. Hawk. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8 Alb. Med. Col. 88. Instr Obstet. and Dis. Women and Chil. Alb. Med. Col. Staff Alb. Hosp. Dispy. Surg. City Fire Dept. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. LOSEE, A. G. (R). 207^ N. Pearl. Alb. Med. Col. 89. MCALLISTER, JOHN (R). 78 Hudson Ave. 8 to 9, 12 to 3, 6 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 79. F. S. A. Eng. Mem. Brit. Gyn. Soc. and Alb. Co. Med. Soc. McAVENUE, O. F. (R). 87 Hamilton. Alb. Med. Col. 87. McCULLOUGH, C. C. (R). 351 S. Pearl. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 89. Dist. Phys. Mem. Alb. and Broome Cos. Med. Socs. McHARG, M. (R). 787 Madison Ave. Alb. Med. Col. 85. McFARLANE, A. (R). 239 Hamilton. Alb. Med. Col. 87. McKOWN, WM. J. (H). 335 Hamilton. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 7.30. Alb. Med. Col. 94. Staff Alb. Homo. Hosp. Dispy. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. MACDONALD, W. G. (R). 27 Eagle. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 87. A. B. Cornell 81. Lect. Operat. Surg, and Instr. Surg. Alb. Med. Col. Surg. Staff Alb. Hosp. Mem. Am. Assn. Obstet. and Gyn. and N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. MERENESS, HENRY E. (R). 184 State. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 6 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 74. A. M. Union Col. Acting Asst. Surg. U. S. Marine Hosp. Service Port of Alb. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Delegate Mem. State Soc. MERRILL, C. S. (R). 23 Wash'g Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 71. MILBANK, W. E. (H). Ill State. 8 to 9, at 2 and 7 Alb. Med. Col. 72. Sr. Surg. Alb. Homo. Hosp. Commissioner N. Y. State Bd. of Health. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. MILLER, H. C. (H). 32 Broadway, Greenbush. 8 to 9,1 to 2, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 74. MOORE, C. H. (R). 23 Wash'g Ave. Alb. Med. Col. 87. MOORE, J. M. (R). 7 Congress. Alb. Med. Col. 94. MORRILL, F. D. (R). 74 Westerlo. Alb. Med. Col. 81. MORROW, S. R. (R). 29 S. Hawk. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 78. A. B. Yale 70. A. M. 74. Prof. Anat. and Orthopedic Surg. Alb. Med. Col. Vis. Surg. Alb. and St. Peter's and Child's Hosps. Mem, N. Y. State. Med. Soc. etc. MOSTON, GEORGE T. (R). 611 Central Ave. 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 6 to 7.30. Alb. Med. Col. 90. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. MUNSON, G. S. (R). 30 Eagle. 2 to 4. Alb. Med. Col. 80. N. Y. Ophthal. and Aural Inst. 81. A. M. Princeton. Oculist and Aurist St. Peter's Hosp. and Ellis Hosp., Schenectady. MURRAY, WM. H. (R). 269 Lark. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 7.30. Alb. Med. Col. 69. A. M. Union Col. 67. Pres. Hosp. for Incurables. Me;n. Co. Med. Foe. 150 PHYSICIANS. NEAD, W. M. (II). 210 State. 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Clevel'd Homo. Hosp. Col. 84. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. Staff Alb. Homo. Hosp. NELLIS, T. W. (R). Pearl, cor. State. Alb. Med. Col. 81. NELLIS, W. J. (R). 44 Eagle. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 79. N. Y. Polyclinic 92. N. Y. Post Grad. 92. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. NEUMAN, LEO H. (R). 159 Hudson Ave. 8.30 to 9.30, 2 to 3, 6.30 to 7.30. Alb. Med. Col. 92. Instr. Theory and Prac. of Med. Alb. Med. Col. Att'g Phys. Alb. Hosp. Dispy. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. NEWCOMB, G. H. (R). 106 Chestnut. 7 to 9, 1 to 2, 6 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 55. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. O'LEARY, V. O. (R). 10 Ash Grove PI. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 6 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 66. Con'g Staff St. Peter's Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. PAINE, H. M. (H). 105 State. 2 to 4. Uni. N. Y. 49. A. M. Hamilton Col. Sec. Natl. Assn. Supts. and Mgrs. of Hosps. for the Insane. Ex. Mem. N. Y. State Bd. Homo. Med. Exmrs. Sec. Collins Farm State Homo Hosp. for the Insane. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. Ex. Pres. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. Pres. Alb. Co. Homo. Med. Soc. Hon. Mem. Pa. and Mass. State Homo. Socs. etc. Con'g Phys. Alb. Homo. Hosp. and Alb. House of Shelter. PAPEN, G. W. (R). 268 Madison Ave. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 8 to 9. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 74. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. PARIS, R. C. (R). Regents Uni. N. Y. State 83. PERRY, T. K (R). 174 2d. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 75. Staff St. Peter's Hosp. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. Porter, C. H. (R). 103 Lancaster. Alb. Med Col. 61. PURPLE, W. L. (R). 46 2d. Alb. Med. Col. 75. Reilly, J. F. (R). East Alb. Alb. Med. Col. 83. Reynolds, W. H. T. (R). 66 S. Hawk. P. and S. N. Y. 70. ROBERTS, A. O. (R). Bath. Alb. Med. Col. 82. Robinson, W. F. (R). 59 Wash'g. Alb. Med. Col. 84. ROOT, ARTHUR G. (R). 46 Eagle. 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 90. Instr. Histol. and Pathol. Anat. and Dis. Nose and Throat Alb. Med. Col. Laryngol. and Rhinol. Dispy. Alb. City Hosp. Fel. Brit. Laryngol. and Rhinol. Assn. and Med. Soc. of London, Eng. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. ROSSMAN, WALTER B. (R). 101 Madison Ave. 8 to 9.30, 1 to 3 6 to 7.30. Alb. Med. Col. 92. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. House Surg. Springfield, Mass., City Hosp. 92-94. RYAN, THOMAS A. (R). 47 Eagle. 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Alb Med. Col. 93. Surg. Staff Alb. Hosp. Dispy. Mem. Co Med Soc. SAUTTER, ARTHUR (R). 86 Hudson Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 3 6 30 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 94. Ph. G. Alb. 89. SCHILL, GUSTAV B. (R). 116 Central Ave. Until 9, 2 to 3.30 6 30 to 8.30. Uni. State N. Y., 91. Mem. City Bd. of Health ' SCHUTTER, W. L. (R). 279 Clinton Ave. 8 to 9, 1.' 0 to 3, 6 to 9 Alb. Med. Col. bo. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. PHYSICIANS. 151 SHANKS, S. G. (R). 547 Clinton Ave. Alb. Med. Col 75 SHEPPEY, JNO. V. (R). 54 Division. Until 10, 1 to '3, 6 to 8 Jefferson 85. Mem. Del. State and Alb. Co. Med Socs Skillicorn, J. H. (R). 324 Hudson Ave. Alb. Med. Col 83 SMITH, C. H. (R). 246 Wash'g Ave. Alb. Med. Col. 54. Mem. Co Med. Soc. SMITH, JAS. E. (R). 246 Wash'g Ave. Alb. Med. Col. 89. Mem Co Med. Soc. SMITH, RENSSELAER J., PH. G. (R). 114 Jay. 8 to 9,1 to 3, 6 to 8 Uni. N. Y. 84. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Dis. Women and Genito- urinary Organs a specialty. SOUTHWORTH, J. B. (R). 47 Eagle. Uni. Vt. 82. STEENBERG, B. U. (R). 1 Ten Broeck. Alb. Med. Col 70 STEVENSON, M. D. (R). 51 S. Ferry. Alb. Med. Col. 84. ' STILLMAN, W. O. (R). 287 State. Alb. Med. Col. 78 STONEHOUSE, JNO. BEN. (R). 5 High. Until 10, 12 to 2, 6 to 8 Alb. Med. Col. 71. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Ex. Phys Sand- ford Hall and Brigham Hall. Swett, J. B. (R). 290 Hamilton. Alb. Med. Col. 93. THOMPSON, J. (R). 5 Canal. Uni. N. Y. 68. TIMMERS, J. H. (R). 383 Madison Ave. Alb. Med. Col. 91 TOWNSEND, F. (R). 2 Park PI. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 76 TREGO, THOS. M. (R). 32 Clinton Ave. 9 to 10, 2.30 to 3.30, 7 to 9 Col. P. and S. N. Y. 74. A. B. and A. M. Rutgers Col 70 Asst. Clinician Alb. Med. Col. Att'g Phys. Child's Hosp and Alb. Orph. Asy. and St. Margaret Home and Home for Aged Men and St. Agnes Sch. TUCKER, WILLIS G (R). 4 Lancaster. Alb. Med. Col. 70 Ph G. and Ph. D. Union Col. Prof. Inorganic and Analytical Chem. and Toxicol, and Registrar Alb. Med. Col. Fel Chem Soc. Eng. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. ULLMAN, G. L. (R). 92 Central Ave. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 6 to 7. Alb Med. Col. 71. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Van Allen, T. C. Refused Information. VAN £EI* VEERuA' 2 to 3. Columbian Col. Wash'g, D. C. 62. Alb. Med. Col. 63. A. M. Williams Col. Ph. G. Union Col. Prof. Didactic, abdom. and clin Surg. Alb. Med. Col. Mem. Am. Surg. Assn. and Am. Assn Obstet. and Gyn. and So. Surg, and Gyn. Assn. and Brit. Gyn Soc. and Am. Med. Assn. etc. VAN LOON A. B. (H). 134 Hudson Ave. 8.30 to 10, 1.30 to 3, 6 30 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 91. N. Y. Homo. Col. 92. Interne Wards Island Hosp. N. Y. 92-93. Staff Alb. Homo. Hosp. Mem N Y. State Homo. Soc. etc. VAN RENSSELAER HOWARD (R). 94 Columbia. 9 to 10, 2 to 3 Col. P. and S. N. Y. 84. Ph. B. Yale 81. Asso. Prof. Mat. Med. and Lect. Dis. Chest Alb. Med. Col. Att'g Phys St Peter's and Alb. Hosps. and Hosp. for Incurables and Home for friend- less and Child's Hosp. Dispy. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Ed. Med. Annals. Van Slyke, E. (R). 91 Westerlo. Alb. Med. Col 71 Vescelius, W. I. Refused Information. 152 PI1VSICIANS. WARD, S. B. (R). 135 N. Pearl. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 6 to 7. Colum- bian Uni. Wash'g, D. C. 64. A. B. and A. M. Columbia Col. N. Y. Ph. D. Union Col. Prof. Theory and Prac. of Med. Alb. Med. Col. Att'g Phys. Alb. Hosp. Con'g Phys. St. Peter's Hosp. etc. Mem. Assn. Am. Phys. etc. Ex. Pres. N. Y. State Med. Soc. WILLIAMS, G. A. (R). 6 Kenmore PI. 10 to 12, 1 to 3, 6 to 7.30. Alb. Med. Col. 90. Instr. Mat. Med. and Dis. Chest. Alb. Med. Col. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. WILTSE, J. W. (R). 1203 Broadway. Alb. Med. Col. 91. Winne, L. B. (R). 72 Livingston Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 78. WOOD, WYLLIS F. (R). 393 Broadway. East Alb. 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 9. Alb. Med. Col. 74. WOODWARD, HARRIET (R). 42 Chestnut. Syracuse Uni. 75. ALBION (Orleans) 4,600. BRENNAN, DANIEL H. (R). 9 to 11, 2 to 4 and 7. Uni. Buff. 85. Mem. Orleans Co. Soc. Co. Coroner and Health Officer. Caverly, M. L. (R). Trinity Uni. Tor. 90. COCHRANE, S. R. (R). Uni. Buff. 67. Cole, D. D. (H). Hahn. Chi. 81. DOLLEY, J. G. (R). Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. O. 54. HOY, S. ULLYETTE (H). 8 to 9, 1 to 3. Col. P. and S. Buff. 82. NORTON, F. R. (H). Until 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Hahn. Phila. 72. SQUIER, ELIZABETH M. (R). 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Uni. Buff. 93. Mem. Orleans Co. Soc. SUTTON, J. E. (R). 8 to 10, 1 to 2, 7 to 9. Uni. Buff. 83. Mem. Orleans Co. Soc. Health Officer. WATSON, HARRIET N. (R). 7 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. 78. Mem. Orleans Co. Soc. Phys. toW. N. Y. Refuge for Women. ALCOVE (Albany) 125. Elmendorf, G. E. Albany 75. ALDEN (Erie) 533. BOWMAN, C. E. Uni. Buffalo 83. JENNINGS, C. R. School of Med. Bait. 90. ALEXANDER (Genesee) 300. MILLER, J. B. Uni. Buff. 66. Mullen, John R. Uni. Buff. 77. ALEXANDRIA BAY (Jefferson) 123. CAMPBELL, E. E. (H). Chi. Homo. Col. 85. COLE, J. D. (H). Hahn. Chi. 82. WATSON, L. C. Geneva, N. Y. 66. ALFRED CENTRE (Allegany) 1,000. COON, H. C. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 72. SAUNDERS, H. P. N. Y. Uni. 52. SHEPPARD, M. N. Y. Uni. 78. TRUMAN, I. P. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 70. PITYSICIANS. 153 ALLEGANY (Cattaraugus) 1,400. Blair, F. P. Albany Col. 77. DUTCHER, E. W. Albany 70. McCLURE, S. B. Cin. Col., Med. and Surg. 74. TORREY, E. P. and S. N. Y. 69. ALMOND (Allegany) 800. BENJAMIN, WM. C. N. Y. Uni. 87. Bowen, C. R. Uni. Buff. 82. FARNUM, L. D. (H). Castleton, Vt. 52. ALPINE (Schuyler) 230. ROPER, P. B. . P. and S. Bait. 82. ALTAMONT (Albany) 550. CROUNSE, F. Albany. 90. CROUNSE, J. Albany 77. ALTON (Wayne) 300. Seaman, H. F. Geneva, N. Y. 71. AMENIA (Dutchess) 700. CODDING, G. H. P. and S. N. Y. 81. MEAD, I. N. P. and S. N. Y. 66. ROCKWELL, L. E. N. Y. Uni. 73. AMITYVILLE (Suffolk) 2,293. JONES, E. B. P. and S. N. Y. 91. Luce, C. A. Bell N. Y. 1890. PRESTON, E. F. N. Y. Uni. 71. WILSEY, O. J. "L. I. Home." N. Y. Uni. 78. AMSTERDAM (Montgomery) 17,336. Akin, L. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. BROKE, E. F. (R). Albany Med. Col. 84. FAIRBANKS, J. R. (R). Berkshire Med. Col. 66. FRAZIER, L. A. (H). Albany Med. Col. 81. FRENCH, S. H. (R). 40 Church. 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 9. Albany Med. Col. 59. Con'g. Phys. City Hosp. Mem. Am. Microp. Soc. and Am. Med. Assn. etc. GRAVES, E. (R). Uni. Buff. 65. Hicks, H. M. (H). Chi. Homo. Col. 85. HYLAND, T. G. (R). Bellevue 79. JOHNSON, R. G. (R). 35 Division. 7.30 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Uni. Pa. 83. Staff City Hosp. Health Officer. Co. Coroner. Mem. State Med. Assn. etc. Kniskern, J. W. (R). Albany Med. Col. 90. Lewis G. G. (R). Albany Med. Col. 91. LEWIS, S. D. (R). Albany Med. Col. 66. McMartin, D. M. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 78. MILLER, J. J. (R). 17 Market. 7 to 9,12 to 2, 6 to 8. Albany Med. Col. 71. Staff City Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. 154 PHYSICIANS. MILLER, W. T. (R). 24 Division. 8 to 9, 12 to 3, 7 to 8. Albany Med. Col. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Staff Bethany Home. NEFF, D. D. (R). Bellevue 94. O'BRIEN, J. C. (R). Uni. Vt. 87. PIERCE, W. R. (R). Uni. Pa. 84. ROBB, WM. H. (R). Albany Med. Col. 65. RULLISON, E. T. (R). Albany Med. Col. 75. RULLISON, E. E. (R). Albany Med. Col. 81. Smyth, A. V. H. (R). Albany Med. Col. 75. .,„„,„„„ STEADMAN, AUGUSTA A. (R). 51 Division. 1 to 3, 6.30 to 7.3U p. m. Woman's Col. N. Y. Infy. 81. Mem. Mass. State and Montgomery Co. Med. Socs. etc. Staff City Hosp. , STOVER, CHAS. (R). 31 Division. 8 to 9, 12.30 to 2, 6 to 8. Uni. Pa 80 Mem. Am. Assn. Obstet. and Gyn. and N. \ . State Med. Soc. etc. Mem. Pan-Am. Med. Cong. Staff City Hosp. S WE ATM AN, N. F. (R). Albany Med. Col. 72. TAYLOR, D. M. (R). Long Island Col. Hosp. 84. TIMMERiVIAN, C. F. (R). Albany Med. Col. 84. WHITE, W. M. (H). Albany Med. Col. 86. ANDES (Delaware) 416. CRAWFORD, WILLIAM H. Uni. State N. Y. 52. GLADSTONE, J. A. P. and S. N. Y. 72. WIGHT, T. P. and S. N. Y. 64. ANDOVER (Allegany) 800. COMSTOCK, F. E. N. Y. Uni. 83. O'DONNELL, C. W. N. Y. Uni. 84. ANGELICA (Allegany) 953. GUILE, E. B. (H). Ciev'd Homo. Col. 88. Spencer C. R. Uni. Buff. 91. ANGOLA (Erie) 650. Stocker, Geo. B. Albany 92. SWEETLAND, F. W. Albany 78. THOMPSON, J. G. Uni. Mich. 61. ANTWERP (Jefferson) 912. ABELL, I. H. Vi. Med. Col. 44. WOOD, G. H. I*. I. Col. Hos. 77. APALACHIN (Tioga) 475. BEACH, G. W. Yale 64. LEWIS, I. W. Castleton Vt. 48. ARGYLE (Washington) 330. PIERCE, D. T. (R). Uni. Buff. 75. Sill, J. C. N Y. Uni. 48. ARKPORT (Steuben). SYLVESTER, F. E. N. Y. Uni. 88. PHYSICIANS. 155 ATHENS (Greene) 2,024. SANFORD, W. F. (H). Boston Uni. 78. Wheeler, F. A. P. and S. N. Y. 70. ATTICA (Wyoming) 2,000. Barross, F. R. (R). Uni. Mich. 53. DAVIS, ORIN (E). Main, cor. Exchange. Eel. Med. Inst. Cin 46 Mem. N. Y. State Eel. Soc. ELLINWOOD, A. G. (R). 9 to 10, 1 to 2, 7 to 9. Uni. Buf 48 Mem. Am. Med. Assn. etc. Mem. Bd. Curators Uni Buff Surg Erie R.R. Mem. Nat'l Assn. R.R. Surgs. GIFFORD, W. B. (H). 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8.30. Uni. Buff. 76 Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. 2d V.-Pres. N. Y. State Homo Soc. Staff Hosp. Buff. Hos. Co. NICHOLS, H. F. (P. M). Physio-Med. Col. Ind. 82. Seeley, C. R. (R). Uni. Buff. 73. WARREN, S. G. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 65. AUBURN (Cayuga) 25,858. AUSTIN, S. E. (R). 36 E. Genesee. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. Pa. 93. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Sanitary Meat and Milk Inspector BAKER, ALLEN E. (H). 55 Franklin. Until 9, 12.30 to 2, 6.30 to 8. N. Y. Homo. Col. 88. Mem. Co. Homo. Med. Soc. BAKER, C. O. (R). 65 E. Genesee. Until 9, 12 to 2. Syracuse Uni 74. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. Mem. 9th and 10th Intern'l Med. Congress at Wash'g., D. C. and Berlin Ger. BOYCE, C. W. (H). 19 South. N. Y. Homo. Col. 62. BROWN, A. H. (R). 7 William. 9 to 12, 2 to 5, 7 to 8. Long Island Col. Hosp. 82. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat a Specialty. CHEESMAN, WM. S. (R). 22 William. Col. P. and S. N. Y 79 COE, W. H. (Rj. 13 Morris. Dartmouth 66. CONWAY, M. P. (R). 112 Genesee. 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Col. P. and S. Bait. 83. N. Y. Polyclinic 87. Mem. 10th Intern'l Med Cong, at Berlin. Mem. Cent. N. Y. Med. Soc. etc. CREVELING, J. P., A. M. (R). 22 South. 8 to 9, 1 to 4, 7 to 8.30 Uni. Mich. 70. State Med. Exam'r. Surg. City Hosp Surg Erie R.R. Mem. Nat'l Assn. R.R. Surgs. Mem. Am. Med. A oori ptp FORMAN, E. S. (R). Uni. Buffalo, 70. FRYE, M. M. (H). 167 Genesee. Until 9, 12 to 2, 5 to 8. Hahn Phila. 70. Staff City Hosp. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. etc. GERIN, JOHN (R). 68 North. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Royal Col. P. and S. Kingston, Can. 72. N.Y. Polyclinic 94. N. Y. P G 94. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. Health Commissioner. Chief Med. Examr. C. R. and B. A. Greene, G. W. (R). 45 E. Genesee. Uni. N. Y. 87. GROOT, C. A. (R). Albany Med. Col. 64. GWYNN, CHAS. A. (H). 13 Grover. 7 to 9, 3 to 5, 7 to 8. N. Y Homo. Col. 88. Mem. Co. Homo. Soc. etc. GWYNN, WM. M. (H). 3 William. 2 to 4. Res. Throopville. Hahn. Phila., 67. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. 156 PHYSICIANS. Heartwell, W. B. (H). 13 South. N. Y. Homo. Col. 76. HICKEY, AMANDA SANFORD (R). 28 South. Mon., Tues., Thurs. and Fri., 10 to 2. Wed. and Sat., 1 to 4. Uni. Mich. 71. Staff City Hosp. and Orph. Asy. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. HODGMAN, ALFRED F. (R). The Wheeler. 8 to 9.30, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Albany Med. Col. 88. Surg. 2d Separate Co. N. G. N. Y. Phys. Co. Orp. Asy. and Auburn Free Dispy. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. HOUSE, C. W. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 87. Hyatt, F. M. (H). 49 E. Genesee. Hahn. Phila. 73. JENKINS, J. M. (R). 162 Genesee. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9-. Syracuse Uni. 75. Staff City Hosp. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. Mem. N Y State Med Soc etc. JENKINS, NETTIE E. (R). 162 Genesee. 8 to 9, 1 to 4, 7 to 9. Syracuse Uni. 77. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. etc. LAIRD, WM. R. (R). Uni. Buffalo, 80. LEWIS, LE ROY (R). 14 Washington. 8 to 9,12 to 3, 6 to8. Jeffer- son, 78. Pres. Cayuga Co. Med. Soc. Mem. Cent. N. Y. Med. LUCE, W.O. (R). 25 William. Western Reserve Clevel'd. 47. MAINE, F. E. (R). 31 and 33 Grover. 11 to 1, 3 to 5. Uni. Pa. 78. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. OSBORN, B. E. (R). 38 Fulton. Albany Med. Col. 54. OTIS, SUSAN G. (R). 40 South. 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Woman's Med. Col. Pa. 84. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Phys. in charge Otis Private Hosp. PARKER, FRED'K H. (R). 156 Genesee. Until 9, 1 to 4, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 81. Surg. City Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. PRICE, L. G. (R). 164 Genesee. Until 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Uni. Pa. 90. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. PUTNAM, F. (R). Bellevue, 75. ROBINSON, R. W. (II). 27 William. 9 to 10, 1 to 3. Long Island Col. Hosp. 84. Sec. U. S. Pension Bd. Staff City Hosp. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. etc. SAWYER, CONANT (R). 52 E. Genesee. Albany Med. Col. 65. Phys. to Auburn and Woman's Prisons. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. SEFTON, F. (R\ Yale, 84. SMITH, T. K. (H). 173 Genesee. 12 to 2, 6 to 8. N. Y. Homo Col 70. Hahn. Phila. 72. TRIPP, J. D. (R). 163 Genesee. Long Island Col. 65. VOORHEES, SHELDON (R). 88 North. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 6 to 8 Albany Med. Col. 79. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 81. Staff City Hosp Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Whitbeck, J. D. Whitney, G. W. (R). 72 Genesee. Bellevue, 86. AURORA (Cayuga) 555. STROHMENGER, W. A. (R). Syracuse 90. VAN BUSKIRK, M. B. (R). Uni. Pa. 66. PHYSICIANS. AU SABLE FORKS (Essex) 757. D'AVIGNON, F. J. (R). Louisville 74. Howe, E. S. (R). Uni. Vt. 80. AVA (Oneida). FRASER, J. C. (R). Bell. N. Y. 76. RUSSELL, S. P. (R). AVERILL PARK (Rensselaer) 450. Boyce, E. B. (R). Albany 58. WRIGHT, I. N. (R). Uni. Buff. 79. AVOCA (Steuben) 953. HORTON, L. E. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 91. Patterson, C. (R). Geneva 48. SMITH, W. W. (R). Bell. 71. AVON (Livingston) 1,653. ALLEN, C. (H). Berkshire Med. Col. 65. NISBET, WILLIAM (R). Wurzburg 49. PERRY, E. C. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 93. PRESTON, J. C. (R). Uni. Buff. 92. BABYLON (Suffolk) 2,500. HEWLETT, W. W. (R). 1 to 3. Bell. N. Y. 69. LEGGETT, A. B. (R). Lie. Orange Co. Med. Soc. 76. Woodruff, A. J. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 85. BAINBRIDGE (Chenango) 1,049. Copley, H. D. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 75. EVANS R. D. L. (R). Berkshire 59. TAYLOR, D. L. (R). Albany 92. BALDWINS 7ILLE (Onondaga) 3.040. Burch, J. H. (H). Clevl'd Homo. Col. 84. HEATON, C. E. (R). Uni. Buff. 77. Kendall, J. V. (R). MANWAREN, G. W. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 90. Mem. N. Eel. Soc. etc. MARTIN, LESLIE (H). 22 Genessee. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Med. Col. 64. Mem. Intern'l Hahn Soc. etc. Taylor. WASSE, G. M. (R). Syracuse Uni. 90. BALLSTON (Saratoga) 508. Burger, A. B. (R). Albany 66. Coyle, E. S. (R). Albany 82. DOOLITTLE, J. F. (H). Berkshire Med. Col. 52. ROYAL, T. C. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 83. Sherman, F. J. (R). Castleton, Vt. 50. SWEETMAN, J. T., Jr. Howard Uni. 86. 158 PHYSICIANS. BANGOR (Franklin) 800. JOHNSON, J. R. (R). N. Y. Uni. 87. BARNES' CORNERS (Lewis). FAWDREY, DAVID (R). Uni. Mich. 64. BARTON (Tioga) 225. GRISWOLD, CHAS. F. (R). Uni. Vt. 89. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. BATAVIA (Genesee) 7,221. BAKER, J. F. (H). 5 Bank. Geneva Med. Col. 40. Mem. W. N. Y. Homo. Soc. BAKER JOHN W. (H). 58 Main. 2.30 to 4.30, 7 to 9. Pulte. Med. Col. 87. Mem. W. N. Y. Homo. Soc. BARRINGER, H. R. (R). Uni. N. Y. 94. BOLTON, W. T. (R). 310 E. Main. 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Jefferson 82. Sec. Co. Med. Soc. Hamilton, D. (R). Kingston, Can. 62. HORTON, D. B. (R). 88 Main. 9.30 to 11, 1.30 to 4, 7 to 9. Uni. Buff. 74. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. etc. HUTCHINS, H. S. (H). Main, cor. Jackson. 9 to 10.30, 3 to 4.30, 8 to 10. N. Y. Homo. Col. 61. A. B. & A. M. Colgate Uni. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo, etc. LE SEUR, J. W. (H). 207 E. Main. 11 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Hahn Phila. 86. B. S. Uni. Roch. 81. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. Pres. W. N. Y. Homo. Soc. City Health Officer. Co. Phys. MCCARTHY, C. F. (R). 106 Main. 11 to 1, 4 to 6, 7 to 9. Uni. Vt. 90. Phys. in charge N. Y. State Institution for the blind. MANCHESTER, H. B. (R). 200 E. Main. 8.30 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Uni. Vt. 80. Mem. W. N. Y. Med. Soc. MORSE, H. A. (R). Over 1st Nat'l Bk. 2 to 6. Uni. Mich. 66. Mem. W. N. Y. Med. Soc. Treas. U. S. Pension Bd. PARMELE, L. B. (R). Uni. Buff. 67. SHOWERMAN, B. F. (R). 119 Main. 2 to 5, 7 to 9. Uni. N. Y. 86. Sec. U. S. Pension Bd. TOZIER, L. L. (R). 94 Main. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6.30 to 8. Bellevue 64. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. etc. WHITCOMB, WARD B. (R). 406 E. Main. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 84. Mem. W. N. Y. Med. Soc. BATH (Steuben) 3,261. ALDRICH, J. O. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. 83. Burleson, T. O. (R). Uni. Buff. 80. DUNN, JEREMIAH. (R). Geneva 48. KASSON, A. (R). Uni. Buff. 73. McNETT, G. C. (R). N. Y. Uni. 81. Pawling, T. H. (R). Uni. Buff. 84. PIXLEY, E. C. (R). Uni. Buff. 90. SEELEY, A. (R). Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. Inf y 76. SMITH, I. P. (R). Albany 59. Stewart, C. T. (It). Col. P. and S. Bait. 82. SUTTON, O. W. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 91. PHYSICIANS. BAY SHORE (Suffolk) 2,290. FOSTER, W. E. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 91. Hulse, W. A. (R). Bell. N. Y. 83. MOORE, E. S. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. 76. TALMAGE,T. G.(R). N. Y. Uni. 80. BEACH RIDGE (Niagara) 25. GORMAN, J. W. (R). Uni. Toronto 74. BEEKMANTOWN (Clinton). HYDE, R. E. (R.) Albany 68. BELFAST (Allegany) 600. CHAMBERLAIN, J. H. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 78. Cooley, H. E. (R.) Uni. Buff. 91. Todd, W. S. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 76. BELLEVILLE (Jefferson) 452. CHAPMAN, E. A. (R). Uni. Buff. 62. FRAME, S. W. (R). Bell. N. Y. 75. BELMONT (Allegany) 950. BARNEY, H. A. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 88. Norton, Benjamin (R). Lie. Allegany Co. Med. Soc. 75. PAUL, W. K. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 84. BEMUS POINT (Chautauqua). LENHART, J. J. (R). Uni. Buff. 78. SCHOFIELD, E. A. (R). Uni. Buff. 87. BERGEN (Genesee). SAWYER, W. P. (R). Jeff. Pa. 91. TOWN8END, E. (R). Buff. 85. Townsend, M. W. (R). Jeff. 53. BERLIN (Rensselaer) 718. Geel, C. W. (R). Albany 85. SANDS, A. E. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 82. BERNE (Albany) 1,500. DEITZ, W. E. (R). Albany 82. BETHANY (Genesee) 100. CROFF, G. W. (R). Uni. Buff. 67. BETHEL (Sullivan) 200. PAINE, R. C. (R). Uni. Mich. 84. BETHLEHEM CENTRE (Albany) 125. HALLENBECK, 12. C. (R). Bell. N. Y. 81. BIG FLATS (Chemung) 500. WAKELEE, E. H. (R). Uni, Md, 84. 160 PHYSICIANS. BINGHAMTON (Broome) 35,005. ADAMS. C. W. (H). 24 Myrtle Ave. Pulte. Cin. 90. Bailey, D. P. (H). 41 Court. Uni. N. Y. 89. BARNES, N. R. (R). 140 Oak. Uni. N. Y. 58. BEARDSLEY, H. F. (R). 494 Chenango. Licentiate Time Act. Bennett, E. L. (R). 273 Chenango. P. and S. N. Y. 88. BLAIR, LIZZIE C. (H). 6 Webster PI. Ferry. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. BURR, DAN. S. (R). 143 Court. 8 to 10, 12 to 3, 6 to 8. Geneva Med. Col. 68. City Health Officer. Surg. D. &H. R. R. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. CARR, H. A. (R). 229 Chenango. Uni. N. Y. 79. CARPENTER, C. W. (R). 74 Court. 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 6 to 8. Bellevue 80. CHITTENDEN, J. H. (R). 51 Main. 8 to 9, 1 to 4, 7 to 8. Bellevue 64. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. etc. Mem. 10th Intern'l Med. Cong. at Berlin. COBB, J. H. (R). 21 Court. Albany Med. Col. 91. COBB, J. W. (R). 21 Court. Albany Med. Col. 58. Comstock, J. C. (R). Henry, cor. Prospect Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 84. CORWIN, ELIZABETH (H). 104 Main. Until 10, 12 to 2 and after 7. N. Y. Col. for Women 86. P. G. Chi. Homo. Col. 91. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. etc. CUNNINGHAM, M. G. (R). 136 Court. 9 to 11, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 82. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. DAWLEY, L. B. (E). North, cor. Mather. Eel. Med. Inst. 81. DILDINE, IDA L. (H). 21 Mather. N. Y. Col. for Women 87. Dodge, G. W. (R). 145 Wash'g. EDWARDS, C. O. (R). 32 Henry. Jefferson 75. ELY, HENRY OLIVER (R). 62 Front. 12 to 3. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 67. A. B. and A. M. Williams Col. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. FARNHAM, LE ROY D. (R). 42 Main. 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 78. Con'g Phys. City Hosp. Pres. Co. Med. Soc. Mem. Am IWpfi Asmi pfo FARRINGTON, J. M. (R). 11 Jay. N. Y. Med. Col. 57. FISKE, KATE C. (H). 314 Chenango. Boston Uni. 78. Forker, F. L. (R). 31 Fayette. Uni. N. Y. 85. Greene, C. W. (R). 172 Court. Bellevue 73. GRIDLEY, F. D. (E). 120 State. 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 6 to 8. Phila. Uni. 66. Mem. Nat'l Eel. Med. Assn. etc. HAINES, CHARLES T. (H). . Main, cor. Oak. 8 to 10, 1.30 to 3.30 and evenings. Pulte. Cin. 87. Exam'r in Lunacy. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. etc. HALL, GEO. N. (R). 294 Chenango. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Syracuse Uni. 83. Licentiate Uni. Pa. 84. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. Mem. Nat'l Assn. R. R. Surgs. etc. Surg. N. Y. L. E. and W. R. R. Surg. Brotherhood Locomotive Engineers. HAND, G. F. (H). 75 Court. N. Y. Homo. Col. 65. Heermann, V. Z. (H). 219 Court. Hahn. Phila. 82. HILLS L. H. (R). Dwight Blk. Uni. N. Y. 63. Hix, I. A. (R). 144 Court. Uni. N. Y. 83. HOUGH, F. P. (R). 87 Oak. Jefferson 84. PHYSICIANS. 161 INGRAKAM, C. W. (R). Ross Bldg. Uni. N. Y. 92. JACKSON, D. P. (R). 123 Front. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 65 JENKINS, G. H. (H). 139 Main. N. Y. Homo. Col. 89. KILLEN, JACK (R). 76 Front. Uni. Va. 86. Bellevue 87. Res. Surg. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp. 83-90 and New Amsterdam Eye and Ear Hosp. 93-94. Mem. Ala. State and Co. Med. Socs. etc. Knapp, W. H. (R). 52 Exchange. Long Island 74. Leverett, J. (R). 41 Lewis. Col. P. andS. N. Y. 91. McFARLAND, SOLOMON F. (R). 76 Front. Uni. Mich. 57. Expert U. S. Pension Exam'r. Late U. S. Army Surg. Mem. Am. Ophthal. Assn. and N. Y. State Med. Assn. etc. Mem. Pan. Am. Med. Con'g. McGRAW D. H. (H). Hagaman Blk. 8.30 to 10, 1.30 to 3, 7 to 8 N. Y. Homo. Col. 88. A. B. Cornell 83. Staff City Hosp. Mem. Interstate Homo. Soc. etc McNamara, D. L. (R). 82 Front. Uni. N. Y. 80. MAGORIS A. E. (R). 103 Court. 8 to 12, 1 to 6, 7 to 8. Long Island Col. Hosp. 80. Specialty Eye, Ear, Throat and Chronic Dis. MANDEVILLE, F. L. (H). 38 Henry. Albany Med. Col. 77. MARTIN, L. A. (H). 91 Collier. N. Y. Homo. Col. 86. Meacham, I. D. (R). 102 Court. Licentiate Time Act. MICHAEL, F. M. (R). 250 Wash'g. Bellevue 91. MILLS, MRS. ALICE FRENCH (H). 19 Main. 10 to 4. Boston Uni. 80. Gyn. Glenmary Home, Owego. Att'g. Phys. Old Ladies' Home. Mem. Co. Homo. Med. Soc. MOORE, W. A. (R). 220 Wash'g. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 85. MULHERON, E. (R). 78 Front. 1 to 2.30, 7 to 8. Uni. Buff. 72. Phys. St. Mary's Orph. Asy. Mem. Co. Soc. etc. ORTON, J. G. (R). Henry cor. Prospect Ave. 11 to 3. Uni. N. Y. 53. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. etc. Mem. Internl. Med. Con'g. OSBORN, A. J. (R). 77 Court. Long Island Col. 78. PD3RCE, E. A. (R). 259 Chenango. Until 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 9. Uni. N. Y. 85, Asst. Surg. 6th Battery N. G. S. N. Y. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. etc. Place, J. F. (R). 134 Court. Uni. Mich. 74. Pratt, J. F. (R). 41 Main. Uni. Buff. 78. PROCTOR, W. H. (H). 8 Main. Hahn. Phila. 80. PUTMAN, F. W. (R). 210 Vestal Ave. Uni. N. Y. 80. QUACKENBUSH, L. H. (R). 26 Arthur. Uni. N. Y. 89. Richards, C. B. (R). 86 Front. Western Reserve, Clevel'd. 52. Ruch, Flora (H). 13 Main. SEYMOUR, C. R. (R). 8 Court. Alb. Med. Col. 92. SITLER, W. R. (R). 13 Main. Uni. Pa, 75. SLATER, F. E. (R). 2 Lydia. Uni. N. Y. 89. SMITH, EDWARD L. (R). 29 Myrtle Ave. Until 9, 12 to 3, 6 to 8. Bellevue 89. B. S. Cornell 86. House Surg. N. Y. City Hosp. 89-90. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. SNYDER, EDWARD E. (H). 27 Main. 8 to 10, 1.30 to 3.30 and evenings. Hahn. Phila. 72. Con'g. Phys. Glenmary Home, Owego. Pres. Interstate Homo. Med. Soc. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo, etc 162 PHYSICIANS. SPENCER, C. D. (R). 101 Court. Berkshire Med. Col. 49. Stone, L. D. (E). 20 Centenary. 40 years practice. TIFFANY, C. W. (R). 1 Wall. Uni. N. Y. 81. VAN ALSTYNE, J. L. (R). 100 Hawley. Alb. Med. Col. 62. VAN ALSTYNE, T. B. (R). 324 Chenango. Albany Med. Col.79. Ward, C. A. (H). 33 Court. N. Y. Homo. Col. 87. WEBSTER, C. E. (R). 73 Chenango. Harvard 83. WELLS, EMILY H. (R). 92 Chenango. 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Woman's Col. N. Y. Infy. 73. Med. Staff City Hosp. Treas. Co. Med. Soc. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. etc. West, G. J. (R). 141 Water. Bellevue 80. WINTERS, CHAS. S. (H). 122 Court. 8 to 10, 12 to 3, 7.30 to 9. N. Y. Homo. Med. Col. 90. A. B. Cornell 88. Staff City Hosp. Sec. Interstate Homo. Med. Assn. WOODLEY, A. C. (R). 127 Chenango. 11 to 3, 6 to 8. Trinity Uni. 86. Mem. Western N. Y. Med. Soc. Yelvington, A. P. (E). 45 Court. N. Y. Eel. Col. 77. Yelvington, C. H. (E). 45 Court. N. Y. Eel. 80. BLACK CREEK (Allegany) 200. Thomas, T. S. (R). Uni. Buff. 82. BLACK RIVER (Jefferson) 200. SABIN, G. G. (R). Uni. Mich. 68. SYLVESTER, G. F. (R). Bell. N. Y. 89. BLOOMINGDALE (Essex) 600. CHURCH, C. A. (R). Uni. Vt. 84. RICE, I. (R). Uni. Vt. 72. BLOOMVILLE (Delaware) 350. Leonard, R. R. (R). N. Y. Uni. 90. BOLIVAR (Allegany) 1,500. CUTLER, D. (R). Lie. Allegany Co. Soc. 75. CUTLER, J. L. (R). N. Y. Uni. 81. Latham, O. N. (R). Uni. Md. 82. BOONVILLE (Oneida) 1,613. DOUGLASS, J. W. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 78. ENGLISH, G P. (R). Bell. N. Y. 81. GUILLAUME, C. T. (E). Ed. Med. Inst. 80. RINKLE, LA F. (R). Uni. Mich. 74. L. I. Col. Hosp. 74. BORODINO (Onondaga) 160. REYNOLDS, E. V. (R). Burlington, 81. BOSTON (Erie) 300. JENNINGS, W. E. (R). Uni. Buff. 82. BOVINA (Delaware) 200. PHINNEY, L. (R). N. Y. Med. Uni. 79, PHYSICIANS. 163 BOWMANSVILLE, (Erie) 150. GIPPLE, F. M. (R). Uni. Buff. 80. BRANCHPORT (Yates) 273. Babcock, M. E. (R). Uni. Buff. 84. BRASHER FALLS (St. Lawrence) 570. DOWSEY, G. H. (R). N. Y. Uni. 91. Smith, W. C. (R). N. Y. Uni. 81. BREESPORT (Chemung) 500. JAKWAY, O. A. (R). Uni. Buff. 75. BREWERTON (Onondaga) 336. GREENLEAF, C. T. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 75 PLATTS, F. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. 70. STRONG, F. A. (R). Castleton, Vt. 57. BREWSTER (Putnam) 1.500. STRUNK, E. P. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 74. Wood, J. G. N. Y. Uni. 61. BRIDGEHAMPTON (Suffolk) 1,394. CORWITH, S. R. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 84. HALSEY, L. D. W. (R). P. and S. Bait., Md. 83. MULFORD, E. B. (R). Bell. N. Y. 78. BRIDGEWATER (Oneida) 224. DOOLITTLE, C. V. J. (R). Syracuse, 91. WH1TFORD, H. P. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. 60. BRIER HILL (St. Lawrence) 200. GRAVES, F. E. (H). Hahn. Chi. 88. POOLE, H. E. (R). McGill Uni. Montreal, 80. BRIGHTON (Monroe) 705. BROWN, T. A. (R). Geneva, N. Y. 45. Brown, W. M. (R). N. Y. Uni. 89. Wheeler, J. P. (H). Alb. 55. BRISTOL (Ontario) 400. HICKS, W. S. (R). Uni. Buff. 51. BROADALBIN (Fulton). DRURY, M. F. (R). Alb. 87. Finch, H. C. (R). Alb. 82. BROCKPORT (Monroe) 3,745. COLEMAN, B. S. (R). 8 to 10, 3 to 5, 8 to 10. Uni. Buff. 83. Health Officer. COOK, W. C. (R). 8 to 10, 1 to 2, 7 to 9. Toledo Med. Col. 86. GLEASON, S. W. (E). MANN, H. J. (R). Until 10, 5 to 10. Uni. Buff. 88. Mem. Monroe Co. and Roch. Pathol. Socs. 164 PHYSICIANS. MANN, WM. B. (R). Uni. Buff. 61. Mem. Co. Soc. Miller. SILLIMAN, W. A. (R). Uni. N. Y. 86. WINNE, F. A. (H). Hahn. Phila. 78. BROKTON (Chautauqua) 812. DEAN, H. J. (R). Ohio Med. Col. 57. ELLIS, GEO. E. (R). Uni. Buff. 91. TAYLOR, H. C. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. 49. BRONXVILLE (Westchester). GRANGER, W. D. (R). Bell. N. Y. 79. BROOKFIELD (Madison) 561. BROWN H. CLINTON (R). Syracuse, 81. BURHYTE, O. W. (R). N. Y. Univ. 70. IRONS F. (H). N. Y. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 88. BROOKLYN (Kings) 853,945. (AND COUNTY OP KINGS). ALDERTON, H. A. (R). 147Remsen. Col. P. and S., N. Y. 85. ALDRIDGE, BELLE. (R). Caton Ave., Flatbush. Woman's Med. Col. of Pa. 86. ALLEMAN, L. A. W. (R). 64 Montague. Jefferson 86. ALLEN, EMMA. (II). 262 Ryerson. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women. ANDERSON, S. F. (R). 751 Union. L. I. Col. Hosp. 90. APPLEGATE, W. S. (R). 931 Flatbush Ave. Jefferson. Arbana, Antonio. (R). 417 E. New York Ave. L. I Col. Hosp. 87. ARMGARDT, H. H. (E). 317 Leonard. N. Y. Eel. Col. 79. ARMSTRONG, H. L. (R). 135 Clinton. Ohio Med. Col. 81. ARROWSMITH, H. H. (R). 28 Schermerhorn. L. I. Col. Hosp. 86. ASHWIN, E. H. (H). 125 Milton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 82. ATEN, W. H. (H). 143 St. Felix. L. I. Col. Hosp. 83. Atkinson, J. G. (R). 287 Clermont Ave. 8 to 10, 2 to 3. Uni. City N. Y. 76. ATWOOD, J. F. (H). 149 Greene Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 79. AVERY, E. W. (H). 16 Hancock. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 65. AYRES, BENJ. (R). 213 Jefferson Ave. Univ. City N. Y. 72. AYRES, H. MESSENGER. (R). 91 Lafayette Ave. BABCOCK, E. HOWARD. (R). 144 Lawrence. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. BAILEY, FRED. D. (R). 260 Hancock Until 12. Uni. City N. Y. 82. Baldwin, Frank. (R). 691 Willoughby Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 77. BALDWIN, L. GRANT. (R.) 28 Schermerhorn. L. I. Col. Hosp. 86. BAKER, JENNIE. (H). 512 Bedford Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women. Barber, Calvin F. (R). 36 Lafayette Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 82. BARBER, ISAAC H. (R). 36 Lafayette Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 51. BARNEY, GEO. D. (R). 101 Hancock. Until 10, 1 to 2, 6 to 8. L. I. Col. Hosp. 89. PHYSICIANS. 165 BARKELOO, HARRIET (H). 915 3d Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women. BARKER, W. (E). 122 Adelphi. N. Y. Eel. Col. 70. BARTLETT, H. L. (R). Flatbush. Col. P. and S. 55. BARTLEY, ELIAS H. (R). 21 Lafayette Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 79. Bates, Wm. H. (R). 173 Remsen. Uni. City N. Y. 63. BAYLIES, B. L. B. (H). 418 Putnam Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 52. Bayles, Havens B. (R). 442 9th. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 79. BEACH, A. (H). 262 McDonough. N. Y. Homo. Col. 75. BEASLEY, CRANFORD D. (R). 706 Greene Ave.. L. I. Col. Hosp. 79. BEDFORD, E. R. (H). 46 Concord. N. Y. Homo. Col. 94. Belcher, Wm. Nathan (R). 25 S. Portland Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 84. BELL, HARRY KENT (R). 1270 Bergen. L. I. Col. Hosp. 84. BELL, L. T. (R). 595 Marcy Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 80. BELLOWS, CHARLES M. (R). 440 Nostrand Ave. Bell. N. Y., 80. BENDER, H. P. (R). 683 Bushwick Ave. Univ. Freiburg, 79. BENNETT, N. K. (H). 624 Macon. N. Y. Homo. Col. 77. Bennett, Wm. H. (R). 839 President. Uni. City N. Y. 70. BERENSOHN, W. A. (R). 142 Bergen. L. I. Col. Hosp. 89. BERLENBACH, PHILIP H. (R). 9 Stuyvesant Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. BERNAUER, E. C. (R). 687 Bushwick Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 91. BIERBAUER, B. W. (H). 85 Pierpont. N. Y. Homo. Col. 91. BIRD, JAS. R. (R). 122 Putnam Ave. Col P. and S. N. Y. 58. BIRDSALL, A. H. (H). 1036 Bedford Ave. Hahn. Phila. 73. BISHOP, E. S. (R). 818 Bedford Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 92. BISHOP, GERTRUDE (H). 475 Madison. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women. BLACKMAN, MRS. LORA (H). 519 Clinton Ave. Boston Uni. 80. BLACKMAN, W. W. (H). 519 Clinton Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 77. Blaisdell, S. C. (R). 225 Roebling. Uni. N. Y. 82. BLAKE, B. F. M. (R). 35 Schermerhorn. 9 to 1. Bell. N. Y. 90. BLAKE, JAMES A. (R), 194 Putnam Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 79. BLANCHARD, J. A. (R). Med. Supt. Inebriates Home, Ft. Hamil- ton, L. L: Col. P. and S. N. Y. 67. BLEECKER, W. H. (H). Essex near Belmont. N. Y. Homo. Col. 87. Bliss, Henry Dwight (R). 23 Halsey. Bedford Uni. Pa. 82. BODKIN, D. G. (R). 259 De Kalb Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 66. Phys. IVTnt Aifi A ssn BOLAN, L. W. (H).' 679 Greene. N. Y. Homo. Col. 85. BOGERT, J. B. (R). 57 Putnam Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 84. Boggs, Seth D. (R). 343 Tompkins Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Bell. N. Y. 86. BONNELL, C. L. (H). 3 Hanson PI. Hahn. Phila. 71. Boucher, G. (R). 229 Union. Uni. Naples, 64. BOWLSBY, W. H. (E). 170 Van Sicklen Ave. N. Y. Eel. 68. BOWRON, FRANCIS W. (R). 259 Tompkins Ave. Uni. N. Y. 70. BOWSER, W. P. (R). 506 9th. Uni. N. Y. 77. BOYDEN, FRANK EDWARD (R). 622 Marcy Ave. 8 to 10, 6 to 7. Harvard, 85. BRAISLIN, W. C. (R). 515 Clinton Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. 166 PHYSICIANS. Brandt, Washington J. (R). 379 Union. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 80. BREWSTER, R. C. (R). 126 Lefferts PI. L. I. Col. Hosp. 90. BRIGGS, BENJ. M. (R). 106 Willoughby. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 68. BRINKMAN ALBERT (R). 176 Bergen. Uni. N. Y. 83. BRISTOW, ALGERNON THOMAS (R). 234 Clinton. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 76. Brooks, Frank Terry (R). Greenwich, Conn. BROUGHTON, L. D. (H). 426 Greene Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 82. BROWN, ANNA M. (R). 976 Bedford Ave. Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. Infirmary, 80. BROWN, D. ROLLINS (R). 57 Putnam Ave. Bell. N. Y. 81. BROWN, LUCY HALL (R). 158 Montague. Uni. Mich. 78. Brown, G. S. (R). 844 Lafayette Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 88. BROWN, ANNIE M. (H). 976 Bedford Ave. Woman's Col. N. Y. Infy. 80. BROWN, C. E. (H). 440 Franklin Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 91. BROWN, HARRIET E. (H). 440 Franklin Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 72. BROWNING, WM. (R). 54 Lefferts PI. Uni. Leip. 81. BROWNING, WM. W. (R). 155 Reid A v. Bell., N. Y. 84. BRUNDAGE, ALBERT H. (R). 1153 Gates Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 85. Brunner, C. W. (R). 103 Wilson. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. BRUSH, ARTHUR C.(R). 339 Lafayette Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 84. BRUSH, GEO. W. (R). 2 Spencer PI. L. I. Col. Hosp. 76. BUCHACA, EMILIO (R). 253 Reid Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 81. Buckley, Thos. M. (R). 37 Hicks. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. BULMER, G. W. (H). 1210 Bushwick Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. BULL WINKLE, HENRY (R). 433 Franklin Ave. Bell., N. Y. 88. BUNKER,EDWARD S. (R). 178 St. John's PI. Bell., N. Y. 71. BUNN, ALBERT C. (R). 464 Herkimer. Uni. Buff. 67. BURD, EMMA DE L. (H). 174 Livingston. N. Y\ Homo. Col. 89. BURGE, J. H. H. (R). 132 Montague. Uni. City N. Y. 48. BURNETTE, KATHARINE (H). 486 Bedford Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 92. BURNHAM, C. (H). 182 Clinton. Hahn. Phila. 81. Burnett, P. V. (R). 274 Driggs Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 76. BURROUGHS, BENJ. (R). 428 Franklin Ave. BUTLER, G. R. (R). 229 Gates Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 80. BUTLER, W. M. (H). 507 Clinton Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 73. BUTLER, WM. E. (R). 29 Monroe. L. I. Col. Hosp. 90. BYRNE, JOHN (R). 314 Clinton. Edinburgh, 46. BYRNE, S. J. (R). 146 Schermerhorn. L. I. Col. Hosp. 90. CALDWELL, F. E. (H). 151 Henry. Hahn. Phila. 80. CAMPBELL, ALICE. B.(H). 114 S. 3d. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 67. CAMERON, H. DE HAVEN (R). 23 Seventh Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 79. CAMPBELL, J. (H). 105 S. 3d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 88. CANDIDUS, P. (R). 228 S. 9th. Col. P. and S., N. Y. 72. Cardozo, J. C. (H). 287 Hoyt. Med. Col. State So. Carolina, 78. CARLEY, W. R. A. (R). 1120 Bushwick Ave. Bell. N. Y. 88. PHYSICIANS. 167 Carman, G. P. (E). 142 Prince. U. S. Eel. Col. 79. CARNEY, JAS. L. (R). 243 Sixth Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 88. CAROLAN, E. J. (R). 946 Bedford Ave. Bell. N. Y. 78 Carr, H. L. (H). 856 Lafayette Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 87. CARROLL, A. F. (R). 165 Washington Pk. L. I. Col. Hosp. 88 CASStDY, GEORGIA A. (H). 703 Nostrand Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 80. Chaffee, Geo. (R). 201 47th. Uni. Mich. 81. CHAPIN, E. (H). 21 Schermerhorn. N. Y. Homo. Col. 78. CHASE, WALTER B. (R). 645 Marcy Ave. Bowdoin, 67. CHILDS, SAML. B. (R). 498 Classon Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 69. CLAPP, HERBERT M. (R). 110 Clymer. Uni. Vt. 90. CLARK, ELIZABETH (H). 8 Lafayette Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 81. CLARK, FRANK H. (R). 690 Greene Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 87 Clark, Joseph E. (R). 184 Clinton. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 49 CLARKE, STANLEY G. (R). 694 Halsey. Uni. City N. Y. 68. CLAYLAND, J. M. (R). 449 Pulaski. Ohio Med. Col. 84. Close, S. (H). 641 Willoughby Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 85. Clowminzer, Wm. (R). 768 Halsey. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. COCHRAN, A. (R). 127 Seventh Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 55. COCHRAN, HENRY L. (R). 141 Clinton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 79. Cochran, John A. (R). 127 Seventh Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 81. COFFIN, LAWRENCE (R). 473 Bedford Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 89. Colton, F. H. (R). 136 Montague. L. I. Col. Hosp. 64. CONKLING, HENRY (R). 143 Remsen. L. I. Col. Hosp. 86. Conkling, J. T. (R). 143 Remsen. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 55. CONRAD, LOUIS (R). 136 S. 9th. Uni. City N. Y. 77. CORCORAN, WALTER J. (R). 301 Clinton. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 82. CORNELL, G. B. (H). 137 7th Ave. Uni. N. Y. 64. CORNELL, JAS. L. (R). 33 Monroe PI. L. I. Col. Hosp. 89. Cornwall, E. E. (R). 146 Herkimer. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. CORT, LOTTIE (H). 89 Division. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 83. COVERLY, J. H. (R). 191 Wash'g Park. Uni. Glasgow, 65. COVILLE, L. (R). 107 Sixth Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. COX, CHAS. N. (R). 168 Halsey. Uni. Pa. 83.. CRIADO, LOUIS (R). 147 Fort Green PI. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 79. Cruikshank, W. J. (R). 102 Fort Green PI. Uni. City N. Y. 80. CURRY, A. M. (R). 493 Classon Ave. Uni. Pa. 75. DAVIS, WM. H. (R). 372 Stuyvesant Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 61. DAY, EDGAR A. (R). 306 Sumner Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 87. DE CASTRO, JOSEPH F. (R). 553 Henry. Bell. N. Y. 85. DEERING, A. J. (E). U. S. Eel. Col. 80. De Latour, H. Beekman (R). 53 Eighth Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 87. DE LONG, WILLIAM A. (R). 285 S. 2d. Uni. City N. Y. 63. DEMUND, F. C. (R). New Utrecht. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 55. DENNISON, R. N. (H). 170 6th Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 78. DeWaltoff, D. (R). 270a 9th. Alb. 91. •Deyo, J. T. (H). 364 9th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 70. DICKINSON, ROBERT L. (R). 145 Clinton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 82. DIEHL, W. (H). 36 McKibben. N, Y. Homo. Col. 91. 168 PHYSICIANS. Dirkes, George J. (R). 186 S. 2d. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. DIXON, THOMAS (R). 92 Sands. Rush Med. Col. 89. DOTY, G. H. (H). 245 Cumberland. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. Dominguez, Geo. (R). 97 2d PI. Uni. City N. Y. 86. DORITY, CHAS. E. (R). 411 Union. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 83. DOWER, A. J. (R). 380 Union. Bell. N. Y. 78. DROGE, J. H. (R). 8 Stuyvesant Ave. Bell. N. Y. 84. Drury, George (R). 115 Johnson. L. I. Col. Hosp. 78. DUDLEY, W. F. (R). 303 Henry. L. I. Col. Hosp. 78. DUNNING, Z. F. (R). 238 Arlington Ave. Alb. 88. Duryea, Jesse T. (R). Supt. Kingston Ave. Hosp. Flatbush. Bell. N. Y. 89. ECCLES, R. G. (R). 191 Dean. L. I. Col. Hosp. 81. EDEN, S. (H). 1340 Bushwick Ave. Hahn. Phila. 76. EDSON, BENJ. (R). 83 St. Mark's Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 73. Elliott, A. H. (H). 480 Munroe. N. Y. Homo. Col. 88. Eltinge, Edgar (R). 2 Verona PI. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 52. EMBDEN, OSCAR (R). 184 State. Heidelberg, 88. EMERY, Z. T. (R). 481 Washington Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 74. ERMENTROUT, H. (H). 466 Hart. N. Y. Homo. Col. 82. EVANS, G. A. (R). 909 Bedford Ave. Bell. N. Y. 73. Fairbairn, Henry A. (R). 249 McDonough. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 78. FAIRCHILD, P. H. (R). Nostrand Ave. Bell. N. Y. 90. FAWDREY, J. W. (H). 196 Clermont Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 92. FERRIS, G. N. (R). 910 Flatbush Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 79. FIGUERA, M. (R). 12 Stuyvesant. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 72. FISKE, WM. M. L. (H). 486 Bedford Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 64. FIRTH, ELIZABETH (E). 71 Harman. N. Y. Eel. Col. 71. Fitzsimmons, J. C. (R). 453 Gold. L. I. Col. Hosp. 88. FLEMING, JAS. W. (R). 471 Bedford Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 80. FLEMMING, L. M. (R). 834 Jay. L. I. Col. Hosp. 87. FOGARTY, THOS. L. (R). 167 Union. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. FOREST, H. P. DE (R). 582 Throop Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. FOWLER, C. B. (R). 752 Carroll. L. I. Col. Hosp. 78. FOWLER, GEO. R. (R). 301 De Kalb Ave. Bell. N. Y. 71. Frazer, H. E. (R). 29 Lafayette Ave. Bell. N. Y. 91. FRENCH, T. R. (R). 150 Joralemon. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 71. FRICKENSTEIN, THEO. (R). 110 Union Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. 64. Friend, W. M. (R). 404 Clinton. Harvard, 84. Fries, Wm. A. (R). 184 47th. Uni. Pa. 72. FUHS, J. (R). 286 Jefferson Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 75. FULLER, F. V. C. (R). 110 St. James' pi. Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. Infirmary, 84. FULLER, S. E. (R). 77 Hanson pi. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 58. Gardiner, W. F. (R). 175 Sixth Ave. Albany, 83. GARDNER, W. C. (R). 407 Clinton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 92. GERRIE, JAS. (H). 357 Halsey. N. Y. Homo. Col. 68. GILFILLAN, WM. (R). 98 Remsen. Edinburgh, 55. GILFILLAN, WM. J. (R). 79 Main. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 62, GILLETTE, F. B. (R). 195 Calyer. Uni. Pa. 56. GIROUX, T. C. (R). 152 S. 4th. Uni. City N. Y. 69. GISSLER, C F. (E). 23 Kossuth pi. N. Y. Eel. Col. 84. PHYSICIANS. 169 Gomez, S. (R). 51 Seventh Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. GORDON, O. A. (R). 666 Greene Ave. Dartmcuth, 84. GRADY, MARY E. (H). 152 Henry. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 86. GRETHER, E. (R). 184 Meserole. Wurzburg, 69. GRIPPING, G. P. (R). 597 Lorimer. Bell. N. Y. 73. GRIFFITH, WM. A. (R). 669 Willoughby Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 89. Grover, H. L. (R). 847 Quincy. Uni. City. N. Y. 86. GUNTHER, C. E. (R). 151 Clinton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 80. HADLEY, C. H. (H). 55th, cor. 13th Ave. Boston Uni. 81. Hall, G. R. (R). 26 Schermerhorn. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 80. HALLAM, A. C. (R). 524 Bedford Ave. Yale 66. HAMILTON, A. M. (R). 435^ Classon Ave. Nat. Med. Col. D. C. 88. Hancock, J. C. (R). 43 Cambridge pi. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. HANFORD, MARIA U. (H). 178 S. 5th. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 90. HANFORD, S. C. (H). 178 S. 5th. Uni. N. Y. 46. HARCOURT, JOS. M. (R). 305 Clinton. Uni. City. N. Y. 73. HARRIGAN, J. (R). 401 Clinton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 74. HARRIS, A. R. (R). 74 Sands. L. I. Col. Hosp. 92. Hasbrouck, E. (H). 369 9th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 65. Haslett, A. (R). 115 Clinton. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 67. HATCH, E. A. (R). 201 Hart. L. I. Col. Hosp. 81. HAYWARD, MARY (E). U. S. Eel. Col. 83. HEGEMAN, T. B. (R). 485 Halsey. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. HENDRICKSON, S. (R). 636 St. Mark's Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 66. HENRY, CHAS. C. (R). 56 Clark. L. I. Col. Hosp. 83. Henry, J. W. (R). 232 Macon. Georgetown, D. C. 66. HEWETT, WM. B. (R). 80 St. Mark's Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 77. HICKOK, P. (R). 114 Pennsylvania Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 90. HOBBY, ADA T. (H). 417 Lafayette Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women 86. Hill, Helen (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 81. HOLLO WAY, J. M. (H). 502 3d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 93. HOLSTEN, GEO. D. (R). 340 Lafayette Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 82. HOLTON, D. C. (R). 601 Leonard. Bell. N. Y. 86. HOOPLE, HEBER N. (R). 35 Kingston Ave. Bell. N. Y. 85. HOPKINS, GEO. G. (R). 350 Wash'g Ave. Uni. Pa. 68. HOPPER, M. T. (H). 1164 Dean. N. Y. Homo. Col. 91. HOTCHKISS, H. T. (R). 520 Gates Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. HOXSIE, E. H. (R). 1 Hart. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 84. HUDSON, W. T. (H). 218 Livingston. N. Y. Homo. Col. 86. Hufnagel H. M. (R). 208 Park Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. HUNT, JOS. H. (R). 1085 Bedford Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 73. HUNTER, WM. L. (R). 462 Adelphi. Uni. Buffalo, 90. Hutchins, Alex. (R). 796 De Kalb. N. Y. Med. Col. 60. HUTCHINSON, WM. M. (R). 205 Clinton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 81. HYDE, B. (R). 282 McDonough. Uni. City N. Y. 83. HYDE, JOEL W. (R). 215 Schermerliorn. Yale, 61. ILER, G. H. (H). 455 Halsey. N. Y. Homo. Med. Col. INGALLS, J. W. (R). 131 Lewis Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 84. IRISH, L. B. (R). 276 9th. Bell, N. Y. 61. 170 PHYSICIANS. JEFFERY, G. C. (H). 343 Jefferson. Pulte. Med. Col. 75. Jeffery, R. (R). 87 S. 9th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 85. JELLIFFE, S. E. (R). 196 Sixth Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Jewett, Chas. (R). 330 Clinton Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 71. JEWETT, F. A. (R). 282 Hancock. L. I. Col. Hosp. 83. JOERG, O. (R). 12 Schermerhorn. Leipzig, 70. JOHNSON, CHAS. H. (R). 209 Greene Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 80. JOHNSON, JOHN G. (R). 153 Joralemon. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 57. JOHNSTON, C. L. (H). 467 Vanderbilt Ave. Uni. Mich. 84. Jones, A. F. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 75. JONES, CHAS. H. (R). 434a 9th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 89. Joyce, T. U. (R). 700 Union. L. I. Col. Hosp. 81. KEEP. J. L. (H). 460 Clinton Ave. Hahn. Phila. 60. KENE, JOS. A. (R). 169 Willoughby Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 78. KENNEDY, J. C. (R). 762 Willoughby Ave. Bell. N. Y. 82. KENNY, E. J. (R). 468 Vanderbilt Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 89. KEVIN, C. D. (R). 771 Monroe. L. I. Col. Hosp. 93. KEVIN, J. RICHARD (R). 968 Bedford Ave. Bell. N. Y. 88. KEYES, F. P. (R). 83 Hanson PI. L. I. Col. Hosp. 88. Keyes, James J. (R). 26 17th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 85. KIDD, P. E. (R). 173 Willoughby. Queen's Uni. Can. 78. KING, JAS. S. (R). 823 De Kalb Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 78. KINNE, W. (R). 46 Fourth Ave. Bell. N. Y. 91. KNAPP, H. J. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 92. KNAPP, H. J. (H). 287 S. 5th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. Knight, E. H. (R). Willoughby, cor. Washington Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 82. KNOTT, HARRIET A. (H). 1445 Pacific. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 94. KOEHLER, C. (R). 313 S. 5th. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 82. KOERNER, W. F. (R). 831 Driggs. L. I. Col. Hosp. 90. Kortright, J. L. (R). 252 Rodney. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 81. KUHN, GEO. R. (R). 122 Clinton Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 72. LAMADRID, J. J. (R). 412 Greene Ave. Uni. Pa. 71. LANE, W. B. (R). 367 Greene Ave. Bell. N. Y. 64. LANGSTAFF, J. E. (R). 19 Seventh Ave. Col. P. and S. Ont. 78. LASSEN, HELEN S. (H). 152 Henry. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 71. Latimer, W. C. (H). 410 Clinton. N. Y. Homo. Col. 81. LAW, GEO. E. (R). 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Jefferson, 83. LAWRENCE, A. W. (R). 203 Bedford Ave. Uni. City N. Y 85 LAWRENCE, J. B. (H). 289 9th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 85. LAWRENCE, J. H. (R). 88 Sands. Uni. City N. Y. 81. LEE, L. J. W. (E). 94 Clermont Ave. Phila. Uni. Eel. 65 LEITER, J. G. (R). 68 Penn. Bell. N. Y. 88. LENOX, R. (R). 23 Schermerhorn. Col. P. and S. N. Y 82 LEONARD, A. S. (R). 131 McDonough. Col. P. and S. N. Y 06 Leonard, F. I. (R). 1544 Atlantic Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91 LESTER, J. C. (R). 225 Schermerhorn. L. I. Col. Hosp. 79 LEWIS, E. A. (R). 102 Pierrepont. Bell. N. Y. 73. LEWIS, ELIZABETH (H). 370 Putnam Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 91, PHYSICIANS. 171 LEWIS, H. M. (H). 171 Remsen. Hahn. Phila. 71. LITTLE, F. (R). 114 Montague. Wooster, Ohio, 81. LITTLE, WM. A. (R). 923 Bedford Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 78. LIVINGSTON, JOS. A. (R). 192 Wyona. L. I. Col. Hosp. 90. LLOYD, T. M. (R). 125 Pierrepont. Uni. Pa. 76. LOEWENSTEIN, H. (R). 882 Bushwick Ave. Giessen, 57. LOURIA, L. (R). 255 Hewes. Moscow, 88. LUCAS^DAVID F. (R). 552 Pacific. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 80. LUTZE, F. H. (H). 232 Ross. N. Y. Homo. Col. 82. McClelland, L. A. (R). 167 Hull. L. I. Col. Hosp. 85. McCORKLE, J. A. (R). 149 Clinton. Uni. Mich. 73. McGUIRE, C. F. (R). 503 Clinton. Bell. N. Y. 82. McKINNEY, SUSAN S. (H). 205 DeKalb Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 70. McLEAN, H. C. (R). 101 Sixth Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 73. McNAUGHTON, G. (R). 1 Cambridge PI. Bell. N. Y. 78. McPhail, L. C. (R). 127 Pierrepont. Uni. City N. Y. 76/ MADDREN, WM. (R). 1 Hanson PI. Bell. N. Y. 73. Magilligan, F, J. (R). 135 Bergen. Bell. N. Y. 90. MAGILLIGAN, L. P. A. (R). 56 Berkeley PI. Bell. N. Y. 90. MAHONEY, WM. (R). 348a 4th. Col. P. and S. N. Y, 91. Maine, H. R. (R). 24 Seventh Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 88. MALLETT, G. H. (R). 104 First PI. Uni. Va. 85. MALONE, J. W. (R). 22d, cor. Cropsey Ave. Col. P. and S. Balti- more, 88. MANSFIELD, F. (R). 19 Arlington Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 93. MARSHALL, J. H. (R). 556 Monroe. Uni. City N. Y. 87. MARTIN, ELLA M. (H). 461 Halsey. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 90. MARTINEAU, CATHERINE (H). 309 Clinton. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 84. Mason, D. D. (R). 171 Joralemon. L. I. Col. Hosp. 66. MATHERSON, SERAPHINE E. (E). N. Y. Eel, Col. 72. MATHESON, A. ROSS (R). 37 Seventh Ave. Uni. Mich. 70. MATHEWSON, A. (R). 139 Montague. Uni. City N. Y. 61. MATSON, N. (R). 415 Greene Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 64. MATTHEWS, H. C. (R). 894 Quincy. Uni. Vt. 69. MATTISON, J. B. (R). 185 Brooklyn Ave. Bell. N. Y. 67. Mead, R. M. (R). 337 Union. L. I. Col. Hosp. 82. MEARA, J. A. (R). 4 Lafayette Ave. Dartmouth, 89. MEEKER, L. E. (R). 962 Gates Ave. Dartmouth, 72. MERRITT, JOHN (R). 842 President. L. I. Col. Hosp. 75. MERTZBACH, J. (R). 446 Pacific. L. I. Col. Hosp 83. Milbury, F. S. (R). 215 Jefferson Ave. Cincinnati, 88. MILLER, F. H. (R). 64 Penn Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 79. MILLER, F. P. (R). 282 Stuyvesant Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 76. Miller, L. H. 14 Spencer PI. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 80. MILLINGTON, WM. F. (R). 356 9th. Uni. City N. Y. 77. MINARD, ELIZA J. CHAPIN (R). 243 Quincy. Woman's Med. Col. Pa. 66. MINTON, H. A. (H). 165 Joralemon. Hahn. Phila. 53. MINTON, H. B. (H). 165 Joralemon. N. Y. Homo. Col. 87. 172 PHYSICIANS. MOFFAT, J. S. (H). 17 Schermerhorn. N. Y. Homo. Col. 77. Moitrier, Wm. (R). 46 Stagg. L. I. Col. Hosp. 81. MOORE, J. W. (R). 444 Pacific. L. I. Col. Hosp. 92. MOREHOUSE, C. L. (E). 236 Putnam. N. Y. Eel. Col. 81. Morrison, R. J. (R). 354 Tompkins Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. MORTON, H. H. (R). 40 Schermerhorn. L. I. Col. Hosp. 82. MORTON, W. A. (R). 395 Gold. Dartmouth, 90. MOSHER, B. B. (R). 202 Schermerhorn. L. I. Col. Hosp. 90. Mosher, Eliza M. (R). 196 Joralemon. Uni. Mich. 75. MUNCIE, E. H. (H). 363 Tompkins Ave. N. Y. Eel. Col. 78. MUNCIE. LD3BIE (H). 363 Tompkins Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 91. MYERLE, D. (R). 135 Rodney. L. I. Col. Hosp. 82. NAPIER, C. D. (R). 473 Franklin Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. NEUSS, W. (R). 248 Central Ave. Bell. N. Y. 89. NEWMAN, F. R. (R). 167 Hancock. Bell. N. Y. 87. NICHOLS, GEO. (H). 306 Monroe. Hahn. Phila. 61. NICHOLS, H. (R). 289 Baltic. L. I. Col. Hosp. 83. NICHOLS, L. L. (R). 340 Stuyvesant Ave. L. I. NORTH, N. L. (R). 627 Bedford Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 54. NORTH, N. L., JR. (R). 118 Hooper. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 86. NORTHRIDGE, T. H. (R). 320 Cumberland. L. I. Col. Hosp. 76. NORTHRIDGE, WM. (R). 21 Hanson PI. L. I. Col. Hosp. 82. NOSS, H. (R). 328 Jay. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. O'BRIEN, W. (R). 304 Clinton. Uni. City N. Y. 90. O'CONNELL, J. F. (R). 159 Remsen. Bell. N. Y. 78. O'GRADY, J. (R). 130 Sands. Bell. N. Y. 83. O'SULLIVAN, G. B. (R). 126 William. L. I. Col. Hosp. 87. OLCOTT, C. A. (R). 572 Bedford Ave. Bell. N. Y. 76. ONDERDONK, EMMA (H). 104 S. Elliott. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 74. Ormiston, R. (R). 117 S. Elliott PI. Uni. Pa. 58. OSTRANDER, GEO. A. (R). 61 Greene Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 58. Otterson, Wm. C. (R). 144 Pierrepont. Col. P. and S. 52. OWEN, MAY R. (R). 118 S. 5th. Woman's Med. Col. Baltimore, 83. PAINE, A. R. (R). 99 Lafayette Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 74. PALMER, E. (R). 155 Clinton. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 79. PALMER, G. H. (H). 90 Hancock. Uni. N. Y. 84. PALMETIER, ADELE (E). 1401 Broadway. N. Y. Eel. Col. 89. PARDEE, W. C. (H). 86 Monroe. Hahn. Phila. 60. Parrott, M. E. (R). 379 Jefferson Ave. Jefferson, 83. PARSHALL, G. H. (R). 173 53d. L. I. Col. Hosp. 84. Patterson, Phoebe C. (H). 260 Rutledge. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 73. Paulson, John J. (R). 335 15th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. PEACOCKE, J. M. (R). 257a Madison. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 83. PEARCE, E. F. (R). 95 Henry. L. I. Col. Hosp. 83. PEARSON, L. W. (R). 45 Third PI. Bell. N. Y. 88. PEELE, F. (R). 220 Schermerhorn. Uni. Mich. 88. PERINE, O. A. (E). 654 DeKalb Ave. N. Y. Eel. Col. 88. PETERMAN, C. P. (R). 826 Lafayette Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 83. PIERCE, G. H. (R). 76 St. James PI. Yale 86. PHYSICIANS. 173 PIERRON, H. J. (H). 438 Greene Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. PIERRON, W. H. (H). 101 McDonough. N. Y. Horn. Col. 83. PILCHER, L. S. (R). 386 Grand Ave. Uni. Mich. 66. POMEROY, R. H. (R). 60 Hanson PI. L. I. Col. Hosp. 89. PRAEGER, H. F. (R). 180a Vernon Ave. Jefferson, Pa. 78. Pratt, A. M. (R). 54 Arlington Ave. Bell. N. Y. 92. PRATT, WM. H. B. (R). 94 Sixth Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 67. PRAY, SUSAN R. (R). 523 Bedford Ave. Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. Infirmary, 82. Prendergast, P. J. (R). 531 Henry. Jefferson, 73. PRICE, H. R. (R). 485 Franklin Ave. Uni. Pa. 80. PROUT, J. S. (R). 26 Schermerhorn. National, Wash. 56. PYLES, M. (R). 427 Nostrand Ave. Howard Uni. Wash. 88. QUINN, J. R. (R). 445 Lafayette Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 72. RAE, A. (R). 117 Henry. L. I. Col. Hosp. 85. Rand, H. W. (R). 172 Clinton. Bell. N. Y. 77. RANDOLPH, J. C, JR. (R). 978 Madison. Uni. City N. Y. 90. RANKIN, JOHN (R). 302 Sumner Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 82. RANKINE, ISABELLE M. (H). 626 Willoughby Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 82. Rappold, J. C. (R). 750 Flushing Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 61. RAUB, J. M. (R). 295 Clinton. Uni. Pa. 74. RAYMOND, J. H. (R). 173 Joralemon. L. I. Col. Hosp. 68. READ, H. N. (R). 339 Clinton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 70. Reed, George E. (R). 585 Madison. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 88. REED, H. B. (R). 10 and 12 Verona PI. Uni. Pa. 73. REESE, W. W. (R). 176 Hicks. 8 toll, 3to6. Uni. Pa. 44. Mem. Kings Co. Soc. Phys. Mut. Aid Ass'n. RENDELL, JOHN (R). 635 Bedford Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 85. REYNOLDS, E. (R). 129 Lafayette Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 78. RICHARDSON, B. M. (H). 161 Halsey. N. Y. Homo. Col. 65. RICHARDSON, B. H. (R). 284 Stuyvesant Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 93. RICHARDSON, J. E. (R). 127 S. Oxford. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 77. RICKARD, W. L. (R). 651 Hancock. L. I. Col. Hosp. 89. RIEGELMAN, LAURIE M. LONG. (H). 172 S. 3d. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 90. RINK, W. S. (H). 272 Halsey. Hahn. Phila. 85. Risch, H. F. (R). 521 3d. Bell. N. Y. 79. Risch, O. E. F. (R). 521 3d. L. I. Col. Hosp. 87. RISLEY, F. E. (H). 355 Jefferson Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 89. RITCH, O. S. (H). 314 Macon. N. Y. Homo. Col. 78. RITTER, A. H. (R). 262 Hewes. L. I. Col. Hosp. 83. ROACHE, J. A. (R.) 970 Bedford Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. ROBBINS, W. S. (R). 60th St. L. I. Col. Hosp. 89. ROBERTSON, V. A. (R). 777a Union. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 83. Robinson, N. (H). Nostrand Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 85. Roby, J. W. E. (R). 516 Bedford Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 87. ROCKEFELLER, H. O. (H). 152 Jerome. Chi. Homo. Col. 87. ROE, S. (E). 615 De Kalb Ave. N. Y. Elec. Col. 69. ROGERS, H. C. (R). 377 Gates Ave. Bell. N. Y. 78. Rooney, Alex. J. (R). 226 17th. Bell. N. Y. 67. ROSS, F. H. (R). 128 Sands. Bell. N. Y. 80. 174 PHYSICIANS. ROWE, ANNA FORREST (R). 16 Spencer PI. Woman's Med. Col. N. Y.Infirmary, 80. ROYCE, R. S. (R). 207 Greene Ave. Uni. Vt. 89. RUSSELL, J. E. (H). 1032 Bedford Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 80. SAND, J. H. E. (R). 703 Fourth Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 86. SANTOIRE, R. S. (R). 148 Clinton. Victoria, Canada, 69. Sauer, C. T. (R). 387 10th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 85. SCHAPPS, J. C. (R). 498 Bedford Ave. Bell. N. Y. 80. SCHAUF, A. (R). 198 Vernon Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 87. Schelling, H. L. (R). 841 Willoughby Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 90. SCHENCK, H. D. (H). 241 McDonough. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. SCHENCK, P. L. (R). 60 St. Mark's Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 65. SCHENCK, T. (R). Col. P. and S.* N. Y. 65. SCHIRMER, WM. C. (R\ 606 Franklin Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 89. SCHLEGEL, LOUISE (H). 472 Willoughby Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 89. SCHLITZ, F. A. (R). 28 Jefferson. Uni. City N. Y. 78. SCHMETZER, G. (R). 734 Flushing Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 76. SCHROEDER, WM. (R). 339 President. L. I. Col. Hosp. 81. SCOTT, PETER (R). 128 Reid Ave. Uni. Glasgow, 86. SCRIMGEOUR, R. (R). 752 Carroll. L. I. Col. Hosp. 81. SEYMOUR, W. H. (R). 270 Clinton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 92. SHARPE, F. M. (R). 100 Hanson PI. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 87. SHAW, F. W. (R). 327 Greene. Uni. City N. Y. 85. SHAW, JOHN C. (R). 226 Henry. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 74. SHAWE, J. H. (R). 280 Clinton. L. 1. Col. Hosp. 93. SHELDON, C. W. (R). 860 St. Mark's Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 87. SHEPARD, A. W. (R). 126 Willoughby Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 66. SHEPARD, C. H. (R). 83 Columbia Heights. N. Y. Med. Col. 59. Sheppard, J. E. (R). 147 Remsen. Uni. Pa. 82. SHERMAN, W. (R). 336 9th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 76. SHERWELL, S. (R). 33 Schermerhorn. Bell. N. Y. 68. Shoop, F. J. (R). 91 Macon. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 83. SHREWSBURY, W. J. (H). 208 Marcy Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 81. SIMMONS, D. (H). 97 Lee Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 73. SIMMONS, W. S. (R). 338 Lafayette Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 92. SIMMONS, W. (R). 147 Remsen. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. SKENE, A. J. C. (R). 167 Clinton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 63. Skene, Wm. H. S. (R). 167 Clinton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 88. SLADE, H. (H). 316 Jefferson Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 90. SMITH, E. F. (R). 177 Putnam Ave. National Col. D. C. 77. Smith, H. B. (E). 131 Ft. Greene PI. U. S. Eel. Col. 82. SMITH, H. M. (H). 78 Orange. N. Y. Homo. Col. 76. SMITH, J. E. (R). 92 Lee Ave. Jefferson, 75. Smith, J. W. (R). 1120 Herkimer. L. I. Col. Hosp. 85. SMITH, S. E, (H). 77 Arlington. N. Y. Homo. Col. 92. SMYLIE, A. E. (R). 124 Penn. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 83. SNYDER, W. H. (R). 139 Montague. L. I. Col. Hosp. 88. Sparks, Agnes (R). 180 S. Portland Ave. Uni. California, 79. SPEER, H. B. (R). 728 Carroll. L. I. Col. Hosp. 93. SPEIR, S. F. (R). 162 Montague. N. Y. Uni. 60. SPENCER, WM. E. (R). 293 De Kalb Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 81 PHYSICIANS. 175 STEERS, WM. H. (R). 213 Spencer. Bell. N. Y. 90. STEINKE, H. C. O. (R). 222 17th. Bell. N. Y. 82. Sterling, J. H. (R). 227 Schermerhorn. Uni. City N. Y. 69. STEWARD, W. (R). 38 Schermerhorn. Bell. N. Y. 86. STEWART, J. A. (H). 1030 Bedford Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 85. STOLZ, ROSALIE H. (H). 778 Putnam. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 85. STONE, R. H. (R). .178 Jay. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 66. STRALEY, M. W. (H). 282 Halsey. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 84. Stratton, Wm. E. (R). 71 Seventh Ave. Harvard, 86. STRAUB, A. H. (R). 31 Starr and 324 S. 5th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 89. STREET, H. E. (H). 98 Brooklyn. N. Y. Homo. Col. 92. STUART, F. H. (R). 123 Joralemon. L. I. Col. Hosp. 73. STUB, A. (R). 84 Sixth Ave. Geneva, N. Y. 72. STURGES, P. H. (R). 440 9th. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 87. SULLIVAN, J. D. (R). 74 McDonough. N. Y. Uni. 67. SULLF7AN, W. E. (R). 528 Henry. L. I. Col. Hosp. 89. SUTTON, J. J. (H). 164 Tompkins Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 78. SWALM, W. F. (R). 118 Lafayette Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 54. TALMAGE, J. F. (H). 157 Joralemon. Uni. N. Y. 59. Terhune, J. J. (R). 169 Adelphi. L. I. Col. Hosp. 75. TERRY, C. H. 540 Washington Ave. Albany, 64. THOMAS, J. B. (R). 185 Joralemon. L. I. Col. Hosp. 92. THOMSON, L. O. (R). 374 Franklin Ave. Dartmouth, 92. Thomson, R. P. (R). 828 Lafayette Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 86. THOMS, J. C. (R). 1280 Herkimer. L. I. Col. Hosp. 90. TOMES, WM. A. (R). 500 Classon Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 91. Tompkins, G. W. (E). 78 Cumberland. N. Y. Eel. Col. 83. Topham, T. W. (R). 354 Schermerhorn. Col. P. and S. Indianapolis, 80. TORREY, W. S. (R). 81 Reid Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 84. TOWNSEND, P. (R). 535 Greene Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 90. TREADWELL, GEO. H. (R). 463 Gates Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 85. TRUEX, S. P. (R). 283 Franklin Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. TUCKER, H. A. (R). 393 Clinton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 88. TURNER, H. C. (R). 412^ Clinton. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 67. Turner, Wm. J. (R). 105 Clinton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 86. TURTON, m. LOUISE (H). 31 Pulaski. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 94. TUTHILL, J. Y. (R). 100 Ft. Greene pi. Bell. N. Y. 64. VALENTINE, R. K. (H). 25 8th Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 75. VAN COTT, J. M. (R). 122 Joralemon. L. I. Col. Hosp. 85. VAN DEUSEN, J. W. (R). 901 Bedford Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 84. VAN GLAHN, J. (R). 49 Sands. Berlin, 88. VAN KLEEK, R. L. (R). Gravesend. Uni. City. N. Y. 62. VONDERLUHE, AMELIA (H). 801 Driggs. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 89. Vonderluhe, A. (H). 245 Hooper. Uni. N. Y. 72. VONDERLUHE, MARGARET (H). 801 Driggs. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 82. Wackerhagen, G. (R). 326 Schermerhorn. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 69. WADE, J. D. (R). 252 S. 9th. Uni. City. N. Y. 66. 176 Physicians. WADE, JOHN E. (R). 908 Greene Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 71. WALLACE, H. (R). 183 Congress. L. I. Col. Hosp. 90. WALLACE, WM. (R). 183 Congress. Edinburgh, 55. WALSH, J. E. (R). 489 17th. Bell. N. Y. 86. WARBASSE, J. P. (R). 109 Gates Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. WARD, G. G. (R). 146 Montague. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. WARDEN, J. B. (R). 254 Carlton Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. WARNER, A. G. (H). 194 Schermerhorn. N. Y. Homo. Col. 83. WARNER, HORACE S. (R). 372 Lewis Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 84. WATERMAN, J. S. (R). 520 Nostrand Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. WATSON, J. L. (H). 257 Schermerhorn. Eel. Col. Pa. 57. WAUGH, D. W. (R). 388 Clinton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 86. WEBBER, A. A. (R). 168 N. 6th. Uni. City N. Y. 88. WEED, R. M. (H). 375 Macon. N. Y. Homo. Col. 80. Weisbrod, F. (R). 9 Lewis Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 90. WELLS, J. H. (R). 945 St. Mark's Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 93. WELLS, J. (R). 410 Clinton. Jefferson, 87. Wells, T. L. (R). 945 St. Mark's Ave. Bell. N. Y. 83. WELTY, G. W. (R). 500 Clinton. Bell. N. Y. 70. WEST, F. E. (R). 29 Schermerhorn. L. I. Col. Hosp. 76. WESTBROOK, R. W. (R). 1265 Bedford Ave. Yale, 91. WESTBROOKE, B. F. (R). 174 Clinton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 74. WESTBROOKE, GEO.R.(R). 175 Schermerhorn. L. I. Col. Hosp. 78. WEYGANDT, F. (R). 645 Bedford Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 75. WIGGINS, T. C. (H). 79 Macon. N. Y. Homo. Col. 78. WIGHT, J. S. (R). 30 Schermerhorn. L. I. Col. Hosp. 64. WILBUR, J. G. (R). 544 Washington Ave. Harvard, 62. WILDE, T. (R). 121 Seventh Ave. Bell. N. Y. 66. WILLIAMS, F. B. (H). 583 Bedford Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. Williams, Geo. A. (R). 449 Hancock. Uni. City N. Y. 79. WILLIAMS, GEO. S. (R). 141 Logan. Uni. City N. Y. 90. WILLIAMS, H. F. (R). 363 Grand Ave. Uni. City N. Y. 73. WILLIS, H. (H). 695 Lafayette Ave. Clevel'd Homo. Col. 65. WILLIS, H., Jr. (H). 1423 Dean. N. Y. Homo. Col. 91. WILSON, E. H. (R). 194 Keap. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 82. Winchell, W. B. (H). 137 Berkeley PI. N. Y. Homo. Col. 86. WINFIELD, J. M. (R). 1255 Pacific. Bel!. N. Y. 82. WINTER, F. G. (R). 18 Patchen Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 82. WOOD, F. J. J. (R). 150 Washington Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Wood, J. (R). 162 St. John's PI. Bell. N. Y. 91 WOOD, W. C. (R). 28 Herkimer. Col. P. and S. N. Y 89 WOOD, W. I. (R). 207 Hart. Bell. N. Y. 90. WOOLLEY, D. M. (R). 310 Sumner Ave. Uni. City N. Y 85 YORK, T. A. (R). 409 Bergen. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. ZABRISKIE, J. L. (R). Flatbush. Uni. City N. Y. 53 ZELLHOEFER, C. (R). 175 S. 4th. Uni. City N. Y. 73. BUFFALO (Erie) 255,664. Abbott, F. W. (R). 523 Franklin. Uni. Buff. 66. ALBERTSON, CHAS. S. (H). 358 Richmond Ave. Until 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Telephone. Clevel'd Homo. Hosp. Col. 82. Obstet! Wilcox Hosp. Con'g Phys. Black Rock Hosp. Mem. N. Y. Homo. Med. Soc. etc. PHYSICIANS. 177 ALLEN, A. B. (R). 962 Fillmore Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, and 7. Tele- phone. State Uni. la. 86. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. ALLEN, THOMAS G. (R). 439 Elk. At 8, 2 and 7. Telephone. State Uni. la. 86. Mem. Buff. A.cad. of Med. etc. ANDERSON, M. E. (R). 716 Main. Uni. N. Y. 80. ANGUS, A. C. (R). 442 Main. 9 to 11.30, 2 to 5, 7 to 8.30. Col. P. and S. Bait. 82. ARMSTRONG, J. STONE (R). 195 14th. Until 10, 2 to 4, 6 to 8. Telephone. Jefferson, 71. A. B. Hamilton, 68. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. AUEL, C. H. W. (R). 277 High. 8.30 to 9.30, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. Seneca 1378 I. Uni. Buff. 86. Vis. Pbys. Co. Almshouse. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. Babcock, C. W. (H). 151 Allen. Licentiate. BAETHIG, HENRY (H). 350 Penna., Cor. 13th. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Tupper 89. Hahn. Phila. 71. Staff Buff. Homo. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. BAGLEY, THOS. (R). 1344 West Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, and 7. Tel. 137 I. Uni. Buff. 89. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. etc. BAKER, B. D. (E). 223 Pearl. 10.30 to 12, 2 to 4, 7.30 to 9. Bell. Med. Col. Boston, 81. BANTA, R. L. (R). 358 S. Division. 1 to 3. Telephone. Uni. Buff. 71. Prof. Mat. Med. and Therap. Niagara Uni. Con'g Gyn. Sisters of Charity Hosp. Obstet. Erie Co. Hosp. Mem. Am. Assn. Obstet. and Gyn. etc. BARNES, E. R. (R). 1258 West Ave. L. I. Col. 56. BARNUM, FREDERIC LEE (H). 285 15th. 1 to 4, 6 to 8. Tel. Bryant 354 D. N. Y Homo. Col. 85. Staff Black Rock Hosp. Mem. Pa. and N. Y. State Homo. Socs. BARTLETT, F. W. (R). 523 Delaware Ave. 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Telephone. N. Y. Med Col. (Bell.) 54. V.-Pres. Erie Co. Med. Soc. Pres. Buff. Phys. Protective Assn. BARTOW, B. (R). 481 Delaware Ave. 9 to 10, 2 to 3. Telephone. Uni. Buff. 74. Prof. Orthopedic Surg. Uni. Buff. Orthopedic Surg. Chil. and Erie Co. Hosps. Mem. Am. Orthopedic Assn. Baxter, R. J. (R). 16 West Seneca. Niagara Uni. 94. Bayliss, A. W. (R). 378 Genesee. Niagara Uni. 89. BEALS, H. (H). 176 Franklin. N. Y. Homo. Col. 78. BELL, WM. (P.-M). 202 Laurel. 7 to 9,1 to 3, 6 to 8. P.-M. Col. Ind. 86. Mem. Am. Assn. P.-M. Phys. and Surgs. BELL, W. F. (P.-M). 172 Swan. P.-M. Col. Ind. 89. Benedict, A. L. (R). 174 Franklin. Uni. Buff. 88. BENNETT, ARTHUR G. (R). 213 Franklin. 9 to 1, and 4. Uni. Buff. 91. Asst. Surg. Charity Eye and Ear Hosp. Mem. Co. and Buff. Acad. Socs. BENTZ, HENRY G. (R). 894 Michigan. 7.30 to 9.30, 1 to 2, 6 to 7. Tel. E. J. Smith. Uni. Buff. 88. Ph. G. Uni. Buff. 89. City Phys. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. Bidaman, W. D. (R). 325 Connecticut. Uni. Buff. 78. Bingham, H. H. (R). 2393 Main. Uni. Buff. 84. BIRMINGHAM, J. J. (R). 123 Pratt. Uni. Buff. 81. BISSELL, E. L. (R). 2793 Main. 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 9. Uni. Mich. 61. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. Late U. S. Army Surg. 178 PHYSICIANS. BISSELL, WILLIAM G. (R). 186 Allen. 8 to 10,1 to 3 and 7. Uni. Buff. 92. Bacteriol. Health Dept. Buff. Phys. in charge Rochester City Hosp. 92 and 93. Interne. Infants' Summer Hosp. Charlotte, N. Y. 91-92. BOARDMAN, JOHN (R). 210 Delaware Ave. Uni. Pa. 53. Bode, H. W. (R). 6 Maple. Wuerzburg, Ger. 80. Bodenbender, N. W. (H). 804 Jefferson. Clevel'd. Homo. Col. 87. BOIES, LOREN F. (R). 286 Norwood Ave. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Tel. Uni. Buff. 68. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. BONNAR, JOHN D. (R). 144 W. Jewett Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 7. Tel. Trinity Uni. Tor. 78. Uni. Tor. 78. Col. P. and S. Ont. 78. C. M. Trinity Uni. 82. Starr Gold Medal Uni. Tor. Trinity Uni. and Uni. Tor. and Trinity Med. Col. Silver Medals. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. BOWEN, CLARA E. (R). 1087 Lovejoy. 8 to 9, 1 to 4. Uni. Buff. 92. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. Bower, S. W. (R). 1129 Seneca. BOYLE, FREDERICK M. (R). 756 Elk. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. G. H. Paddock. Niagara Uni. 93. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. BOYSEN, C. A. (R). 155 Genesee. Uni. Buff. 86. BRADLEY, H. HOBART (R). 205 Masten. 8 to 9, 1 to 3 and 7. Tel. Bryant 371i. Albany Med. Col. 92. Brecht, F. E. L. (R). 361 William. Uni. Buff. 72. BRIGGS, A. H. (R). 267 Hudson, cor. West Ave. 1 to 3. Tel. Uni. Buff. 71. Mem. Bd. Examrs. Med. Dept. Niagara Uni. Mem. Am. Pub. Health Assn. and Am. and N. Y. State Med. Assns. and Assn. Military Surgs. of U. S. BRIGGS, E. E. (R). 881 Clinton. 8 to 10, 1 to 3 and 7 to 8. Tel. J. W. Rosendale. Uni. Buff. 89. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. Broardt, P. (Specialist). 394 Adams. 10 years practice. BROWN, G. L. (R). 121 Franklin. 9 to 11, 1 to 4. Res. 204 High- land Ave. Harvard 70. Mem. Am. and N. Y. State and Buff. Acad, and Co. Socs. BROWN, IRA C. (R). 435 14th. Uni. Buff. 88. BROWN, M. M. (R). 861 Niagara. Geneva 65. BRUSO, C. FRANK (R). 203 Amherst. 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Bryant 288m. Uni. Buff. 87. Uni. Pa. 90. Surg. West Shore R.R. Staff City Hosp. Mem. Nat'l. Assn. R.R. Surgs. and Erie Co. Soc. BULL, ALEX. T. (H). 184 Franklin. 8 to 9, 2 to 3 and 7. . Tel. Uni. N. Y. 47. Mem. Col. P. and S. Ont. Con'g. and V. Pres. Staff Homo. Hosp. BULL, LOUIS A. The Arcade, 617 Main. 9 to 4. Res. 665 W. Ferry. Tel. Uni. Buff. 79. N. Y. Homo. Med. Col. 81. Laryngol. Erie Co. Hosp. and to Hosps. of the Buff. Hosp. Co. Sec. and Treas. W. IN. Y. Homo. Med. Soc. Med. Officer Civil Service Commission. Practice Limited to Dis. of the Nose, Throat and Chest. Bussman, P. F. (R). 637 Broadway. Uni. Buff. 82. BUSWELL, H. C. (R). 358 S. Division. Niagara Uni. 88. Adj. Prof. Prin. and Prac. of Med. Niagara Uni. Mem. Co. Soc. CALABRESE, BERNARDINO (R). 47 Scott. 7 to 9, 2 to 3, 6 to 8 Naples, Italy, 61. PHYSICIANS. 179 CALKINS, GEO.H. (R). 716 Main. Uni. Buff. 93. CALLANAN, W. C. (R). 51 W. Seneca. Uni. Buff. 84. CAMPBELL, R. E. (R). Uni. Mich. 66. CAREY, E. C. (P.-M). 568 William. Tel. Howard 52-A. P-M. Col. Indpls. 83. Mem. Am. Assn. P.-M. Phys. and Surgs. CAREY, MILTON H. (P.-M). 568 William. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7^to 9. Tel. Howard 52a. P.-M. Col. Indpls. 77. Mem. Am. Assn. P.-M. Phys. and Surgs. etc. CARROLL, J. (R). 285 Ashland Ave. Uni. Buff. 91. CARTER, HENRY T. (R). 210 Hoyt. 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. Bryant 68. Uni. N. Y. 83. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. etc. CARTER, P. L. (H). 1122 West Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. Bryant 122. Pulte Med. Col. Cin. 86. Ex-House Phys. Wards Island, N. Y. Staff Hosp. Buff. Hosp. Co. Mem Erie Co. Homo. Soc. etc. Cary, C. (R). 340 Delaware. Uni. Buff. 75 Caul, Martha (R). 936 West Ave. Uni. Buff. 91. CHACE, W. H. (R). 558 Breckenridge. 8 to 10, 1 to 3 and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 87. A. B. Hobart, 84. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. CHAMPLIN, J. S. (R). 1872 Niagara. 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Tel. Bryant 137a. Uni. Buff. 85. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. CHAPIN, CHAS. P. (R). 68 Hampshire. 8 to 10, 2 to 3 and 7. Tel. Bryant 335d. Uni. Buff. 91. Col. P. and S. Buff. 82. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. OHAPPELL, N. VICTORIA (R). 326 W. Ferry. 8 to 9, 1.30 to 4 and 7. Tel. Bryant 361a. Uni. Buff. 92. Rec. Sec. Uni. Buff. Al. Assn. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med, etc. CHESTER, C. O. (R). 201 Franklin. 9 to 12 and 7. Uni. Buff. 76. Staff Buff. Eye and Ear Infy. CLARK, C. P. (R). 236 E. Eagle. 8 to 9, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. Tel. Seneca 311. Uni. Tor. 89. A. B. 86. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. Clark, E. (R). 271 Franklin. Uni. Euff. 80. CLOTHIER, W. P. (R). 252 E. Ferry. Uni. Buff. 75. Coakley, J. B. (R). 330 Delaware Ave. Med. Col. Va. 61. Cohen, B. (R). 477 Niagara. Uni. Buff. 87. COLE, J. (R). 321 14th. Uni. Buff. 62. COLLINS, A. E. (R). 278 Dearborn. Victoria Uni. Tor. 87. COLTON, ALBERT J. (R). 151 E. Ferry. Until 9, 1 to 3 and 7. Tel. Niagara Uni. 90. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. Congdon, C. E. (R). Niagara Uni. 87. CONSTANTINE, D. J. (R). 387 Fargo Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Uni. Buff. 86. Ten. House Insp. Mem. Buff. Acad. Med. COOK, JOSEPH T. (H). 636 Delaware Ave. 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. Clevel'd Homo. Hosp. Col. 81. Staff Buff. Homo. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. COOK, M. B. (R). 1528 Main. Western Reserve, 77. CORNELL, PETER C. (R). 174 Mariner. 8 to 9.30, 1.30 to 3, 6.30 to 7.30. Tel. Uni. Buff. 88. COTT, GEO. F. (R). 43 W. Huron. 10 to 1. Tel. Res. 560 Michi- gan. Uni. Buff. 84. Instr. Laryngol. Dispy. Dept. Uni. Buff. City Phys. V. Pres. Roswell Park Med. Club. CRAM, F. C. (R). 460 Glenwood Ave. Niagara Uni. 80. 180 PHYSICIANS. Crandall, G. B. (R). 255 Woodlawn av. Uni. Buff. 87. Crawford, A. H. (R). 274 Swan. Uni. Buff. 65. CREGO, FLOYD S. (R). 469 Delaware Ave. 8 to 10, 2 to 3 and 7. Tel. Med. Col. O. 79. Prof. Nervous and Mental Dis. Niagara Uni. Attg. Phys. Providence Retreat. Neurologist Buff. Med. and Surg. Dispy. Con'g. Phys. Buff. Eye and Ear Dispy. Per- manent Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. Mem. Am. Psycolog. Assn. CROCKETT, M. A. (R). 452 Franklin. 1 to 3. Tel. Bellevue, 85. A. B. Harv. 82. Instr. Gyn. and Obstet. Uni. Buff. Dispy. Staff Dis. Women Uni. Buff. Pres. Sec. Gyn. and Obstet. Buff. Acad, of Med. Asst. Gyn. Buff. Genl. Hosp. Con'g Gyn. Riverside Hosp. CRONIN, JAMES (R). 336 Dearborn. 10 to 12, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Al- bany Med. Col. 88. Mem. Seneca Co. Soc. CRONYN, JOHN (R). 55 W. Swan. 1 to 4. Tel. Uni. Tor. 50. A. B. and M. B. Uni. Tor. LL.D. Niagara Uni. Prof. Prin. and Prac. of Med. and Clin. Med. and Pres. of Fac. Niagara Uni. Attg. Phys. Buff. Hosp. Sisters Charity. Pres. Bd. Mgrs. State Hosp. for Insane. CRONYN, J. L. C. (R). Franklin, cor. Swan. 9 to 11. Tele. Uni. Buff. 76. Crowe, T. M. (R). 703 Elk. Uni. Buff. 84. Culbert, J. E. (R). 755 Seneca. Niagara Uni. 91. CULLINANE, JOHN J. (R). 180 Seneca. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. Seneca 820. Uni. Buff. 93. Curtiss, A. M. (H). 309 Elmwood Ave. Puite. Cin. 77. DAGENAIS, A. (R). 348 Eagle. 3 to 5. Res. 473 Virginia. 1 to 3. 6 to 8. Victoria Uni. Tor. 67. Vis. Phys. Home Good Shep- herd. Permanent Mem. Am. Med. Assn. DAGGETT, B. H. (R). 258 Franklin. Uni. Buff. 67. DAMBACH, J. (R). 415 Michigan. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 68. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. Late U. S. Army Surg. DANIELS, C. M. (R). 315 Jersey. 2 to 4. Tel. Uni. Buff. 80. Ad eundem Niagara Uni. 86. Chief Surg. Emergency Hosp. Surg, and Gyn. Staff Sisters of Charity Hosp. Chief Surg. W. N. Y. and P. R. R. Surg. Erie and B. R. and P., and N. Y. C. and St. L. and B. C. Rds. Pres. W. N. Y. and P. R. R. Surg. Assn. Ex. Pres. Assn. Erie R. R. Surgs. Mem. Am. Microscop. Soc. and Am. Med. Assn. and Natl. Assn. R. R. Surgs. Danser, E. G. (R). 592 Walden Ave. Uni. Buff. 84. DAY, ALFRED (R). 287 Michigan. 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 6 to 8. Tel. 820. M. D. Uni. Buff. DAYTON, L. P. (R). 325 Bryant. Geneva Med. Col. 45. DEAN, D. A. (H). 89 Riley. Pulte. Cin. 78. DECOURLANDER, L. E. Electro and Mechano-Therapeutist 585 Main. Attd. Uni. Pa. 86, 87, 88. Med. Electrician, Wil- cox Private Hosp. Denton, L. A. (R). 445 Franklin. Long Island, 76. Denton, Mary (R). 445 Franklin. Uni. Buff. 90. DIEHL, ALFRED E. (R). 361 Pearl. 9 to 1. Tel. Uni. Pa, 92 A. B. Hobart 89. PHYSICIANS. 181 DIEHL, C. (R). 32 W. Genesee. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Uni. Buff. 66. Con'g. Phys. Buff. Genl. Hosp. Chm. Bd. Sch. Exmrs. DIGNEN, W. E. (R). 285 Amherst. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Bryant 291i. Uni. Buff. 91. Dispy. Phys. Uni. Buff. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. DOOLEY, E. M. (R). 406 Louisiana, cor. Fulton. 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Tel. Niagara Uni. 90. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. Surg. Erie and Nickel Plate and W. N. Y. and P. R. Rds. DORLAND, E. T. (R). 388 Elmwood Ave. Uni. Mich. 54. DORR, LUCIUS BRADLEY (R). 300 Jefferson. 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Tel. Uni. Md. 90. A. B. Johns Hopkins. Lect. Bacteriol. Niagara Uni. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. etc. DORR, SAMUEL G. (R). 300 Jefferson. 8 to 9, 12 to 2. Tel. Uni. Buff. 75. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. DOWD, J. HENRY (R). 166 Broadway. 8.30 to 10, 1 to 3, and 6. Tel. 1250. Res. 306 Franklin. Niagara Uni. 90. Surg. Niag- ara Uni. Dispy. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. DRAKE, ARCHIE I. (R). 945 West Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Uni. Buff. 92. Ph. G. Uni. Buff. 94. Staff Buff. Eye and Ear Infy. Eye and Ear a specialty. DRAKE, F. A. (R). 409 Connecticut. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Trinity Uni. Tor. 90. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. DRAKE, J. J. (R). 292 Herkimer. 8 to 10, 1 to 3 and 7. Tel. Bry- ant 251. Uni. Buff. 89. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. Dunham, S. A. (R). 72 W. Chippewa. Niagara Uni. 88. DUNIGAN, J. H. (R). 1177 Seneca. 11 to 12, 3.30 to 4. Res. 820 Elk, cor. Smith. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, and 7. Tel. 1041i. Niagara Uni. 92. DWYER, T. F. (R). 892 West Ave. Uni. Buff. 85. DYE, JOHN H. (E). 511 Main. 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. N. Y. Eel. Col. 73. EADIE, A. B. (H). 99 Plymouth Ave. Uni. Tor. 86. EARL, W. C. (R). 1541 Niagara. Until 9,1 to 2, and 7. Tel. Belle- vue, 64. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. EDWARDS, F. E. (R). 716 Main. Uni. Buff. 93. Eisbein, D. C. (R). 399 Broadway. Uni. Buff. 74. ELLER, C. P. (R). 1440 Jefferson. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Bryant, 369 M. Uni. Buff. 86. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. ELLWOOD, H. S. (R). 9 W. Mohawk. Uni. Buff. 68. ELMENDORF, WM. F. (R). 716 Main. Uni. Buff. 90. Erb, P. (H). 109 E. Genesee. Uni. Mich. 79. Ernest, C. E. (R). 282 W. Ferry. Uni. Buff. 88. EWING, A. MELVILLE (R). 145 Allen. 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. Uni. Tor. 86. Royal Col. Surg. Eng. 88. Farrington, E. H. (R). 454 Pearl. Uni. Buff. 67. Fell, G. E. (R). 72 Niagara. Uni. Buff. 82. FINERTY, J. J. (R\ 179 Franklin. 9 to 1 and 7. Niagara Uni. 88. Phila. Polyclinic 93. Surg. N. G. P. Ex Pres. Erie Co., Pa., Med. Soc. Practice limited to Dis. Eye and Ear. Fisher, E. A. (H). 1038 Fillmore Ave. Uni. Mich. 81. 182 PHYSICIANS. FLAGG, JOHN D. (R). 322 Penna., cor. Plymouth Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Tupper 428. McGill, 87. L. R. C. P. and S.. Edinburgh, 87. Prof. Physiol. Niagara Uni. Surg. St. Francis Hosp. FOLWELL, BAINBRIDGE (R). 713 Delaware Ave. 8 to 9, 2 to 3. Tel. Uni. Buff. 67. A. M. Hobart Col. Prof. Dis. Chil. Uni. Buff. Con'g Staff Buff. Genl. Hosp. and Orph. Asy. Phys. Chil. Hosp. Mem. Buff. Med. Club etc. FOOTE, E. J. (R). 1207 Genesee. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, and at 7. Uni. Buff. 85. Foster, H. A. (H). 3 St. John PI. Harvard, 71. Fowler, J. (R). 31 Church. Uni. Buff. 73. FREDERICK, C. C. (R). 64 Richmond Ave. 8 to 9, 2 to 3. Tel. Uni. Buff. 81. B. S. Uni. Mich. 77. Adj. Prof. Obstet. Niagara Uni. Gyn. Buff. Woman's and Erie Co. Hosps. Obstet. and Gyn. St. Mary's Widows' and Infants' Asy. Mem. Am. Assn. Obstet. and Gyn. FRITZ, WM. C. (R). 235 E. North. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, and 7. Tel. Seneca, 1378—1. Uni. Buff. 92. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. Frost, E. L. (R). 489 Plymouth Ave. Uni. Buff. 92. FROST, H. C. (H). 212 Delaware Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 4, 7 to 8. Cleveld. Homo. Hosp. Col. 73. Surg. Homo. Hosp. Con'g Surg. Oph- thal. Hosp. and Home for the Friendless. Frye, Maud (R). 224 Allen. Uni. Buff. 92. GIBSON, JAMES A. (R). 302 Niagara. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Tupper, 67. Western Uni. London Ont. 90. Col. P. and S. O nt. 90. Asst. Uni. Dispy. GILRAY, E. J. (R). 160 Franklin. 9, 3 and 7. Uni. Buff. 91. Tel. Surg. Charity Eye, Ear and Throat Hosp. Goldberg, J. (R). 145 Cedar. Uni. Buff. 85. Goldberg, S. (R). 584 N. Division. Uni. Buff. 84. GOLTRA, J. N. (R). 441 Elmwood Ave. 8 to 9.30, 1 to 4, and 7.30. Tel. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 87. A. M. Uni. Oregon. Surg. Har- bor Dispy. GRANT, H. J. (R). 302 Bouck Ave. 8 to 10, 2 to 3, and 7. Tel. Bryant, 68. Albany Med. Col. 92. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. etc. GRANT, H. Y. (R). 414 Delaware Ave. 9 to 1, 3.30 to 4.30. Tel. McGill, 86. Col. P. and S. Ont. 86. Lect. Dis. Ear Uni. Buff. Clin. Instr. Eye and Ear Dept. Uni. Buff. Dispy. Eye and Ear Surg. Chil. Hosp. and Eye and Ear Infy. Gray, J.R. (R). 246 7th. Uni. Buff. 89. GREEN, S. S. (R). 326 Niagara. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Uni N. Y. 65. Ex-U. S. Navy Surg. Mem. 9th Int'l Med. Cong. GREENE, D. C. (R). 1125 Main. Uni. Buff. 85. Greene, J. C. (R). 1125 Main. Albany Med. Col. 55. GREENE, WALTER D. (R). 385 Jersey. Until 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Uni. Buff. 76. Prof. Hygiene, Niagara Uni. Mem. Am. TVTpfl A s^jn pto Groess, E. L. (R). 1034 West Ave. Uni. Buff. 93 GROSVENOR, J. W. (R). 118 Plymouth Ave. 8 to 10, 2 to 4 and 7. Tel. Uni. N. i. 66. A. B. Dartmouth, 59 Physicians. 183 GROVE, B. H. (R). 334 Pearl. 9 to 1, Wed. and Fri., 6.30 to 7.30. Tel. Uni. Buff. 80. A. B. Cornell, 77. Staff Charity Eye, Ear and Throat Hosp. GUESS, C. H. (R). 10 South Division. 11 to 1, 4 to 6. Peckham, cor. Detroit. 8 to 10, 2 to 4. Uni. Buff. 80. GUMAER, A. G. (R). 802 Bailey Ave. 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Uni. Penna. 83. B. S. Uni. Mich. 75. Surg. Lake Shore R. R. Mem. Nat'l Assn. R. R. Surg, and Erie Co. Soc. HADLEY, W. A. M. (H). 188 Franklin. 9 to 1,5 to 7. Tel. Clevel'd Homo. Hosp. Col. 89. Staff Buff. Ophthal. Hosp. HALBERT, J. S. 389 Pearl. 9, 1 and 3 and evenings. Tel. Uni. Buff. 72. Vis. Phys. Buff. Homo. Hosp. HAMBLETON, R. S. (R). Swan cor. Spring. 9 to 12, 7 to 9. Res. Delaware cor. Sessions. 1 to 4. Hosp. Col. Lou. 78. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. HANLEY, L. G. (R). 693 Seneca, at 1 and 7. Tel. Niagara Uni. 87. A. M. 86. Curator Med. Dept. Niagara Uni. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. HARPER, J. G., M. D. and C. M. (R). 190 Niagara. 9.30, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Seneca 122. Trinity Uni. Tor. 85. Ex. House Surg. Woman's Hosp. N. Y. and N. Y. Lying-in Asy. Mem. N. Y. Co. and Buff. Acad. Socs. HARRINGTON, D. W. (R). 1430 Main. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. Uni. Buff. 71. Prof. Genito-Urinary and Venereal Dis. Uni. Buff. Con'g Surg. Buff. Gen'l Hosp. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. etc. HARRINGTON, F. A. (R). 31 Franklin. 8 to 10.30, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. Harvard 87. A. M. 87. Hartwig, M. (R). 34 E. Huron. Berlin 73. HAUENSTEIN, J. (R). 499 Washington. Geneva, 44. Hayd, H. E. (R). 78 Niagara. McGill, 81. HAYES, FREDERICK A. (R). 91 Broadway. 10 to 11, 1 to 2, and 7. Tel. Seneca 1121. Res. Landon, cor. Wholers Ave. 8 to 9, 3 to 4, and 7. Tel. Niagara Uni. 91. Dem. Anat. Niagara Uni. Staff Buff. Med and Surg. Dispy. HAYES, F. M. (R). 716 Main. 9 to 12. Uni. N. Y. 77. HAYES, HARROLD A. (R). 716 Main. Uni. Buff. 89. HEARNE, GEORGE J. (R). 197 Auburn Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 92. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. Ex House Surg. Buff. Gen'l Hosp. HEATH, W. H. (R). 33 Allen. 9, 2 to 4 and 7. Tel. Uni. Pa. 77. Prof. Genito-Urinary Dis. Uni. Buff. Surg. Genito-Urinary Dept. Sisters of Charity and Erie Co. Hosps. Mem. Am. and N. Y. State Med. Socs. etc. HEBENSTREIT, R. (R). 430 Broadway. 8 to 10, 7 to 8. Tel. How- ard 41 O. Uni. Buff. 72. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. etc. HEFFNER, ALICE (R). Fillmore Ave. Woman's Col. Bait. 91. HEINEMANN, J. D. (H). 77 E. Eagle. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Tel. Seneca 1245. Clevel'd Homo. Hosp. Col. 75. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. etc. Hepp, G. B. (R). Tonawanda. 184 PHYSICIANS. HEWITT, J. M. (R). Franklin, cor. Mohawk. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Niagara Uni. 89. A. M. Alleghany N. Y. 88. Pres. Niagara Uni. Alumni Assn. Post Mortem Examr. Supreme Med. Ex. L. C. B. A. Mem. Buff. Acad, and Erie Co. Socs. Coroner's Phys. HILL, C. L. (R). 321 Franklin. Uni. Buff. 64. HILL, F. E. (R). 537 Swan. Western Reserve, Cleve'd 81. HILL, JULIAN P. (R). 424 W. Ferry. 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 5 to 7. Tel. Bryant, 58. Uni. Vermont, 84. HINKEL, FRANK WHITEHILL (R). 274 Delaware Ave. 9 to 2. Uni. Pa. 82. A. B. Lafayette, 79. Prof. Laryngal. Uni. Buff. Mem. Am. Laryngal Assn. HINKLEY, A. S. (H). 78 W. Huron. Clevel'd Homo. Col. 56. Himmelsbach, G. A. (R). 137 W. Tupper. Uni. Buff. 91. HITZEL, GUSTAVE A. (R). 29 Walden Ave. 8 to 10,1 to 2 and 7. Tel. Seneca 929i. Uni. Buff. 92. Interne Buff. Genl. Hosp. 92-93. Asst. Surg. Buff. Eye and Ear Infy. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. HOBBIE, G. S. (R). 716 Main. Uni. Buff. 92. HODDICK, WM. (R). 618 Main. 9 to 11, 2 to 4 and 8. Res. 241 Georgia. Tel. Tupper 271. Uni. Buff. 86. City Phys. HOFFMEYER, J. A. (R). 150 East. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. Bryant 288m. Uni. Buff. 80. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. HOPKINS HENRY REED (R). 433 Franklin. 8 to 9,1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Uni. Buff. 67. Prof. Hygiene Uni. Buff. Attg. Phys. Buff. Genl. Hosp. HOWARD, C. F. (R). 1458 Main. 8 to 9, 1 to 3 and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 78. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. HOWE, C. W. (R). 1018 Fillmore Ave. Uni. Buff. 60. HOWE, LUCIEN (R). 183 Delaware Ave. 9 to 1. Tel. L. I. Col. Hosp. 71. Bellevue,72. Royal Col. Surg. Eng.73. A. M. Bowdoin, 70. Prof. Ophthal. Uni. Buff. Surg, in charge Buff. Eye and Ear Infy. Fel. Royal Microscopical Soc. Mem. Soc. Ger. Phys. and Naturalists and Ophthal. Soc. of the United Kingdom. HOWELL STEPHEN Y. (R). 164 Franklin. 8 to 10, 2 to 3 and 7. Tel. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 80. Hahn. Phila. 82. A. M. Colum- bia Col. 77. Gyn. Erie Co. Hosp. Mem. Royal Col. Surg. Eng. HOWLAND, J. D. (R). 313 William. Niagara Uni. 91. HOYER, B. P. (R). 216 N. Division. Uni. Buff. 82. Hubbard, A. E. (R). 50 W. Tupper. Uni. Buff. 94. Hubbell, A. A. (R). 212 Franklin. Uni. Buff. 76. HUSSEY, E. P. (H). 493 Porter Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Bryant 253. Boston Uni. 76. Pres. Erie Co. Homo. Soc. Mem. Int'l Hahn. Assn. INGRAHAM, H. D. (R). 405 Franklin. 1 to 3 and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 66. Prof. Dis. Women and Chil. Niagara Uni. Con'g Gyn. Providence Hosp. Gyn. Sisters' Hosp. Phys. Ger. Orph. Asy. JEWETT, C. R. (R). 305 Pearl. 10 to 11, 3 to 5. Res. 1299 Main. 9, 2 and 7. Tel. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 81. A. B. Yale 78. JEWETT, CHAS. SHERMAN (R). 153 Woodlawn Ave. 8 to 10 2 to 3 and 7. Tel. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Ph. B. Yale 87. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. Physicians. 185 JOHNSON, BURT C. (R). 1315 Jefferson. 8 to 9, 1 to 3 and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 90. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. etc. Johnson, R. H. (R). 180 N. Division. Uni. Buff. 92. JOHNSON, THOS.M. (R). 161 E. Ferry. Uni. Buff. 61. Mem. Am. l\Tpd A ^^ti f*tf* JONES, ALLEN, A. (R). 436 Franklin. 12 to 3, Uni. Buff. 89. Clin. Instr. in Med. and Instr. in Practice, Uni. Buff. Attg. Phjs. Uni. Buff. Dispy. JONES, CHAS. S. (R). 564 Delaware Ave. 8 to 10, 2 to 3. Uni. Buff. 89. JORDAN, O. J. (H). 660 Walden Ave. 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Tel. Hahn, Phila. 90. Staff. Hosp. Buff. Hosp. Co. and Ingleside Home. Mem. Erie Co. Homo. Soc. etc. KAMERLING, A. (R). 171 Bryant. Uni. Buff. 66. KANE, JOSEPH J. (R). 320 Elk. 9 to 10, 2 to 4 and 7. Tel. Uni. Niagara, 92. A. M. Manhattan Col. 89. Dem. Anat. Niagara Uni. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. KENDALL, H. A. (R). 786 Elmwood Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 3 and at 7. Tel. Bryant 62. Uni. Buff. 91. Ph. G. Uni. Buff. 94. Mem. Buff. Clin. Club. Ex-House Phys. Erie Co. Hosp. Kenyon, W. B. (H). 86 W. Mohawk. Hahn, Phila. 74. KETCHUM, J. (R). 302 Hampshire, Uni. Buff. 85. KNISLEY, A. B. (R). 356 Swan. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Seneca, 470. M. D. C. M. Uni. Victoria, 85. Mem. Col. P. and S. Ont. M. B. Uni. Tor. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. KNOLL, JOHN G. W. (R). 482 William. 8 to 9, 2 to 3 and 7. Tel. Uni. Pa. 88. A. B. Princeton, 83. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. KOEHLER, EDWARD E. (R). 381 William. 9 to 10.30, 7 to 9. Res. 118 Pratt. Niagara Uni. 94. KOEHLER, F. W. (R). 559 Broadway. 8 to 10, 3 to 4 and 7. Tel. 898—0. Uni. Buff. 89. Mem. E. Co. Med. Soc. Kraus, J. M. (R). 891 Mich. Uni. Buff. 89. KRAUSS, WM. C. (R). 382 Virginia. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. Bellevue, 86. Berlin, Ger. 88. B. S. Cornell, 84. Prof. Pathol. Niagara'Uni. Neurol. Erie Co. Hosp. Vis. Phys. St. Francis Hosp. Fel. Royal Microscop. Soc. London. Mem. Am. Neurol, and Am. Microscop. and N. Y. State Socs. etc. Asso. Editor Buff. Med. and Surg. Journal and Neurologisches Central Blatt, Ber- lin and Revue Internationale de Bibliographic Medicale, Paris. KROMBEIN, L. E. (R). 246 Elm. Uni. Buff. 60. KRUG, J. F. (R). 1066 Broadway. Ind. Med. Col. 79. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. LANGLEY, W. (R). 925 Niagara. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Tel. Bryant 335. Uni. Wooster, 89. LATHAM, ADA C. (R). 174 Dodge. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 6.30 to 7.30. Tel. Bryant, 388a. Uni. Buff. 92. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. 6tC. LEHMAN, J. S. (R). 180 Seneca. Uni. Buff. 93 LE VAN, C. B. (R). 1223 Jefferson. 8 to 9, 1 to 3 and 7. Tel Ni- agara Uni. 88. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. etc. LEWIS, F. D. (H). 188 Franklin. 9 to 1, 5 to 7. Tel. N. Y Homo Col. 92. Staff Ophthal. Hosp. 186 Physicians. LEWIS, F. PARK (H). 188 Franklin. 9 to 1. Tel. Pulte Med. Col. 76. Ex. Pres N. Y. State and W. N.Y. Homo. Med. Socs. Pros. Staff Homo. Hosp. Surg, in charge Ophthal. Hosp. LEWIS, GEO. W. (H). 311 Delaware Ave. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Uni. N. Y. 51. LEWIS, GEO. W., Jr. (R). 381 William. 9 to 10.30, 7 to 9. Res. 311 Delaware Ave. 2 to 3. Tel. Uni. Berlin, 84. N. Y. Homo. Col. 86. Lewis, G. W. T. (R). 318 Ashland Ave. Niagara Uni. 86. LINGUIST, MAURICE F. (H). 206 Lexington Ave. Until 10.30, 2 to 4, 6 to 8. Tel. N. Y. Homo. Med. Col. 91. Staff Buff. Homo. Hosp. Surg, in charge Y. M. C. A. Hosp. Surg. West Shore R. R. Mem. Erie Co. Homo. Med. Soc. etc. LITTLE, E. (R). 161 Main. Uni. Buff. 61. Little, W. R. (R). 161 Main. Uni. Buff. 93. LONG, B. G. (R). 520 Elmwood Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 2 and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 83. Mem. Erie Co. and Buff. Acad. Socs. LONG, C. E. (R). 192 Richmond Ave. Uni. Buff. 91. LONG, ELI H. (R). 1335 Main. 8 to 9, 1 to 3 and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 82. Mem. N. Y. State Soc. LOTHROP, B. L. (R). 81 Breckinridge. Bellevue, 72. LOTHROP, EARL P. (R). 153 Delaware Ave. Niagara Uni. 94. A. B. Johns Hopkins Uni. Bait. LOTHROP, THOS. (R). 153 Delaware Ave. 8 and 2. Tel. Uni. Mich. 58. Niagara Uni. Ad. 86. Ph. D. Niagara Uni. Prof. Obstet. Niagara Uni. Att'g. Phys. Buff. Woman's and St. Francis Hosps. Con'g Phys. Sisters of Charity Hosp. and Providence Retreat. Mg'r. Buff. State Hosp. for the Insane. Sr. Ed. Buff. Med. and Surg. Journal. Pres. Buff. Acad, of Med. Fel. Am. Assn. Obstet. and Gyn. LOUNSBERRY, R. L. (R). 735 Elmwood Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 3 and 7. Tel. Uni. N. Y. 89. Staff Dispy. Niagara Uni. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. and Tioga Co. Soc. LUKE, FRANK EDMUND (R). 234 Richmond Ave. 8 to 9,1 to 3. Tel. Uni. Trinity Tor. 85. Rush 85. Western Pa. Col. 86. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. LUSTIG, EMIL (R). 644 William. 7 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Tel. Uni. N. Y. 83. Ph. G. Phila. Col. Phar. 77. Sec. Buff. Phys. Protective Assn LYNDE, S. H. (R). 1294 Fillmore Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Tel. Seneca 1177 M. Uni. Buff. 89. Ex. Interne Buff. Gen'l Hosp. LYNDE, U. C. (R). 194 N. Division. Uni. Buff. 59. LYTLE, ALBERT T. (R). 260 Lexington Ave. 8 to 12.30 and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 93. Instr. Chem. Uni. Buff. Prof. Metal- lurgy, Dent. Dept. Uni. Buff. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. etc. McADAM, L. J.(R). 108 Austin. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 7.30. Tel. Niagara Uni. 90. Surg. Erie R. R. Mem. Erie R. R. Surg's Assn. McCLELLAN, I. A. (E). 112 Morgan. Am. Eel. Col. Cin. 80. McCrea, P. A. (H). 134 Morris Ave. Uni. Buff. 76. McCULLOUGH, JOHN J. (R). 157 Goodell. 8 to 10, 12 to 2 and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 89. Phys. to Erie Co. Penitentiary. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. physicians. 187 McFADDEN, JAMES J. (R). 139 Auburn Ave. 8 to 10, 2 to 4 and 7. Tel. Bryant 401. Rush, 75. Mem. Niagara Co. Soc. McGill, W. D. (H.) 294 S. Division. Clevel'd Homo. 80. McINTYRE, HUGH (R). 1328 West Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Bryant 137 I. Western Uni., London, Ont, 91. McMICHAEL, GEO. H. (R). 75 W. Tupper. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 7.30. Tel. Niagara Uni. 88. Maloy, J. D. (R.) 763 Elk. Uni. Buff. 75. MANGES, MONROE (H). 568 Delaware Ave. 9 to 10, 4 to 6. Tel. Clevl'd Med. Col. 92. Asst. Surg. Wilcox Hosp. MANN, MATTHEW D. (R). 37 Allen. 12.30 to 3. Tel. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 71. A. M.Yale, 70. Prof. Obstet. Gyn. and Dean of Faculty Med. Dept. Uni. Buff. Obstet. and Gyn. Buff. Genl. Hosp. Mem. Bd. Examrs. in Midwifery. Mem. Am. Gyn. and N. Y. Acad, of Med. and N. Y. Obstet. Socs. etc. MANSPERGER, WM. H. (R). 66 W. Chippewa. 9 to 10, 2 to 4 and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 87. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. MARCLEY, J. I. (R). 6 E. Huron. Col. P. and S., N. Y. 73. MARCY, W. H. (H). 1148 Main. Until 9.30, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 289 Bryant. N. Y. Homo. Col. 93. Surg. West Shore R. R. and R. R. Men's Hosp. Asst. Surg. Buff. Homo. Hosp. MARTIN, EUGENE EDWARD (R). 753 Michigan. 8 to 9, 2 to 3 and 7. Niagara Uni. 88. Curator Pathol. Museum Niagara Uni. Treas. Niagara Uni. Al. Assn. Mem. Buff. Phys. Pro- tective Assn. and Anglo. Am. Vienna Med. Assn. MARTIN, T. J. (H). 143 Bryant. Until 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. Bry- ant 197. Uni. Pa. 77. N. Y. Homo. Med. Col. 79. Staff Buff. Homo. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. MAYCOCK, BURT J. (H). 166 Franklin. 8 to 9.30, 4 to 5, 7 to 8. Tel. Hahn. Chicago, 86- Staff Buff. Homo. Hosp. Attg. Phys. Erie Co. Hosp. MEAD, H. (R). 758 Elmwood Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Uni. Buff. 91. MEAHL, C. S. (R). 104 William. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Tel. Sen- eca 444a. Uni. Buff. 90. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. MED3ENBAUER, J. G. (R). 204 High. 7 to 8, 1 to 2, 6 to 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 86. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. State Med.Ex. in Lunacy. Metcalfe, F. T. (R). 329 Franklin. McGill, 88. MEYER, EDWARD J. (R). 1312 Main. At 8, 1.30 to 2.30, 6 to 8. Tel. Uni. Buff. 91. Clin. Instr. Surg. Uni. Buff. Surg. Staff Fitch Hosp. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. etc. MEYER, J. F. (R). 191 William. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, and 7. Tel. Sen- eca 444i. Niagara Uni. 91. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. MICKLE, HERBERT (R). 26 Linwood Ave. 8 to 9, 2 to 4, and 7. Tel. Bryant 429. Trinity Uni. Tor. 81. Royal Col. Surg. Eng. 83. Royal Col. Phys. Eng. 83. Prof. Prin. and Prac. Surg. Niagara Uni. Attg. Surg. Sisters of Charity and Emergency and St. Francis Hosps. and to Church Home. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. MDDDLETON, JOHN (R). 695 West Ave. 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Bryant 355a. Royal Col. Phys. Edinburgh, 79. Licentiate Faculty of Phys. and Surg. Glasgow, 79. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. 188 PHYSICIANS. MILLER, JOHN (H). 48 St. John PI. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Chicago Homo. Med. Col. 83. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. MILLER, J. (R). 1115 Genesee. Uni. Buff. 91. Millring, E. A. (R). 148 Chenango. Niagara Uni. 90. MOEHLAU, F. G. (R). 1266 Jefferson. 7 to 9, 12 to 3 and 6. Tel. Bryant 171a. Uni. Buff. 92. Instr. Genito-Urinary Dis. and in Physiol. Uni. Buff. Clin. Instr. Genito-Urinary Dept. Uni. Buff. Dispy. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. MOONEY, JAMES J. (R). 443 Niagara. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, and 7. Tel. Tupper 384. Niagara Uni. 90. Morris, Sarah (H). 159 Franklin. MORRISON, D. A. (R). 509 Virginia. 9 to 10, 2 to 4, and 7. Tel. Tupper 375. Iowa State Uni. 82. Rush, 81. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. MOSELEY, G. T. (H). 202 Delaware Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 85. Mulford, H. J. (R). 56 Allen. Uni. Buff. 89. MYNTER, HERMAN (R). 566 Delaware Ave. 8 to 10, 2 to 3. Tel. Copenhagen, Denmark, 71. Prof. Surg. Niagara Uni. Surg. Sisters of Charity Hosp. Con'g Surg. Erie Co. and Woman's Hosps. Hon. Mem. Natl. Assn. R. R. Surg. Niemands, C. (R). 554 Mich. Leipsig, 76. NORRISH, W. H. (R). 625 Howard. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, and 7. Tel. Crandall House. Niagara Uni. 90. O'BRIEN, EDWARD C. W. (R). 439 Delaware Ave. 8 to 10 ; other hours by special appt. Tel. Uni. Buf. 67. Curator Uni. Buff. Surg. Buff. Fire Dept. Certified Examiner in Lunacy. Con'g. Phys. Providence Asy. Buff, for the Insane. Phys. S*t. Vincents Orph. Asy. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. and Buff. Acad, of Med. Ex. Pres. Erie Co. Med. Soc. Ex. Pres. Uni. Buff. Alumni Assn. Ex. Health Phys. City of Buff. Ex. Chief Med. Exam. C. M. B. A. N. Y. Ex. Surg. 4th Reg. N. G. S. N. Y. OLSEN, MARY (P. M.). 25 Fox. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 9 P. M. Col. Ind. 86. Mem. W. N. Y. Soc. of P. M. Phys. and Surg. O'NEILL JAMES M. (R). 852 Seneca. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, and 7 to 8. Tel. Dublin, Ireland, 74. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. etc. Osborne, N. (H). 316 Summer. Uni. Buff. 63. Outwater, S. (R). 520 Main. Uni. N. Y. 79. PACKWOOD, WM. J. (R). 1280 Michigan. 8 to 10, 1 to 2, 6 to 8. Tel. Perkins & Co. Uni. Buff. 76. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. PALMER, G. S. (R). 316 Franklin. 8 to 9,2 to 3, and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 86. PARK, ROSWELL (R). 510 Delaware Ave. 8 to 10, 1.30 to 2.30. Tel. Chicago Med. Col. 76. Hon. Rush 92. A. M. Racine Col. Prof. Surg. Uni. Buff. Surg. Buff. Gen'l Hosp. Con'g. Surg. Fitch Hosp. Mem. Am. Surg Assn. and Congress Ger. Surgs. and Am. Orthopedic Assn. and Assn. Am. Genito-Urinary Surgs. PARMENTER, JOHN (R). 116 North Pearl. 8 to 10, 2 to 3. Tel. Uni. Buff. 83. Prof. Anat. and Clin. Surg, and Sec. of Faculty Uni. Buff. Surg. Fitch and Erie Co. and Chil. Hosps. Asst. Surg. Buff. Gen'l Hosp. Fel. Am. Surg. Assn. and Assn. Am. Anat. etc. Con'g Surg. Riverside Hosp. and Buff. City Dispy. PHYSICIANS. 189 Parmenter, W. L. (H). 931 Prospect. Clevel'd Homo. Col. 72. PATTERSON, C. J. (R). 250 Niagara. 9, 2 to 3, and 7. Tel. Tup- per, 67. Col. P. and S. ont, 90. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. PATTESON, R. LANGFORD (R). 537 Franklin. 9 to 10, 2 to 4, and 7. Tel. Queens Uni. Kingston, 84. Licentiate Col. P. and S. Kingston 84. Licentiate Med. and Surg. Dublin Uni. 87. Mem. Col. P. and S. Ont. Late Instr. Surg. Uni. Buff. Sr. Med. Examr. U. S. Life N. Y. Pattison. G. W. (R). 17 Court. Uni. Buff. 69. PETSCH, C. F. (H). 333 Genesee. Clevel'd Homo. 71. PFANDHOEFER, L. (R). 1023 Genesee. 8.30 to 9.30, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. 1177 D. Uni. Buff. 86. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. PFOHL, E. N. (R). Main cor. Genesee. 8.30, 2, and 7. Res. 173 7th. Tel. Seneca 1119. Uni. Niagara 88. Phelps, W. C. (R). 146 Allen. Uni. Buff. 66. PHILLIPS, L. (E). Kensington Ave. cor. Liberty. Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 56. Pierce, R. V. (E). 663 Main. Eel. Med. Inst. 65. PITKIN, J. (R). 315 Main. Yale 61. Pitkin J. T. (R). 525 Main. Uni. Buff. 84. PLEUTHNER, WILLARD H. (R). 231 N. Division. 8 to 10,1 to 3, 6 to 8. Tel. Uni. Buff. 90. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. etc. POHL, GUSTAV A. (R). 96 Lemon. 8.30 to 9.30, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. Seneca 1056. Uni. Buff. 86. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. etc. POHLMAN, JULIUS (R). 367 Franklin. 9 to 1, 4 to 5. Uni. Buff. 83. Prof. Physiol. Uni. Buff. Prof. Physiol. Dent. Dept. Uni. Buff. PORTER, JAS. S. (R). 289 Cedar. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Tel. 40. Uni. Buff. 84. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. Delegate to Constitu- tional Convention 94. POTTER, IRVING W. (R). 743 Broadway. 8 to 10, 2 to 3 and 7. Res. 751 Fillmore Ave. Tel. Uni. Buff. 91. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. POTTER, J. H. (R). 177 Dearborn. 9, 1 to 2, and 7. Tel. Belle- vue, 81. Curator Niagara Uni. Surg. Grand Trunk R. R. Mem. Natl. Assn. R. R. Surg, and Buff. Acad, of Med. POTTER, WM. WARREN (R). 284 Franklin. 11 to 2. Uni. Buff. 59. Ed. Buff. Med. and Surg. Journal. POYNTON, ROBERT A. (R). 572 West Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6.30 to 7.30. Tel. Bryant 399. Niagara Uni. 91. Mem. Buff. Pathol. Soc. PREISS, FREDERICK (R). 115 Franklin. 8 to 10, 1.3.0 to 3.30, and 7. Tel. Trinity Uni. Tor. 90. Victoria Coburg, 89. Trinity Med. Col. 90. Adj. Prof. Surg. Niagara Uni. Surg. Staff Buff. Med. and Surg. Dispy. Sec. and Treas. Buff. Med. Union. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. etc. PRYOR, JOHN H. (R). 253 Allen. 9, 2 to 3, 6 to 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 82. Vis. Phys. Erie Co. and Fitch Hosps. Mem. Bd. Examrs. in Midwifery. Delegate N.Y. State Med. Soc. PUTNAM, J. W. (R). 388 Franklin. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. Uni. Buff. 82. Prof. Nerv. Dis. Uni. Buff. Con'g Neurol. Buff. Hosp. Neurol. Erie Co. Hosp. Phys. in Charge Nerv. Dis. Uni. Buff. Dispy. Con'g Neurol. Charity Eye, Ear and Throat Hosp. Mem. Am. Neurol. Assn. and N. Y. Med. Assn. 190 PHYSICIANS. RANDALL, LILLIAN CRAIG (R). 41 Otis Place. At 10 and 2. Tel. Bryant, 211. At Riverside Hosp. 4 to 6. Uni. Buff. 91. Phys. in charge Riverside Hosp. Sec. Obstet. Section Buff. Acad, of Med. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. Redmond, D. L. (R). 323 Porter Ave. Uni. Buff. 87. Reinhardt, H. M. (R). 857 Jefferson. Kansas City Hosp. Col. 84. RENNER, W. SCOTT (R). 361 Pearl. 9 to 1. Tel. McGill, 84. Prof. Laryngol. Niagara Uni. Surg, in Charge Throat Dept. Buff. Eye and Ear Infy. Laryngol. Erie Co. Hosp. RETEL, G. A. (R). 247 Broadway. 10 to 11, 2 to 3, 8 to 9. Uni. Buff. 93. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. RETEL, M. (R). 247 Broadway. 8 to 10, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Batavia Thurs. 10 to 7. Tonawanda Mon. 3 to 7. Bellevue, 83. Uni. Buff. 85. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. REYNOLDS, CHAS. J. (R). 322 Fox, cor. High. 8 to 9, 1 to 3 and 7. Tel. Niagara Uni. 90. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. REYNOLDS, W. S. (R). 580% William. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Tel. Howard 52a. Uni. N. Y. 92. Interne N. Y. City Hosp. 92 and 93. RICH, F. M. (R). 284 Richmond Ave. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. N. Y. Eel. Col. 72. Bellevue, 85. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. Riehl, W. J. (R). 158 Swan. Niagara Uni. 89. RING, W. G. (R). 364 Niagara. 9 to 10, 1 to 2 and 7. Tel. 1522. Uni. Buff. 84. Mem. Buff. Acad, and Erie Co. Socs. ROBERTS, W. Z. (R). 481 Broadway. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 898 I. Uni. Buff. 92. Mem. Buff. Phys. Protective Assn. Rochester, D. (R). 469 Franklin. Uni. Buff. 84. ROGERS, BENJ. F. (R). 221 Franklin. 9 to 1, and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 79. N. Y. Post Grad. 94. Asst. Surg. Charity Eye and Ear Hosp. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. etc. Practice Limited to Dis. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. ROGERS, L. (R). 271 Fillmore Ave. Reports Uni. Tor. 60. College records do not verify information given. ROOT, R. M. (H). 40 Kretner. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 83. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. etc. ROOTH, H. C. (R). Buff. Genl. Hosp. Uni. Buff. 94. ROSS, R. R. (R). Supt. Buff. Genl. Hosp. P. and S. N. Y. 91. ROSS, T. HAVEN (R). 344 Ashland Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Bryant, 62. Uni. Penna. 88. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. 6tC Rowe, G. A. (Specialist). 195 Franklin. E. M. Inst. Cin. O. 79. SAGE, C. A. (R). 213 W. Ferry. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, and 7. Uni. Buff. 74. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. Tel. SALTER, A. E. (H). 939 Ellicott. 8 to 9,1 to 2, 6 to 8. Hahn. Chi- cago, 91. SALTSMAN,W. B. (R). 332 Purdy, cor Puffer. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Bryant, 386A. Albany Med. Col. 91. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. SANDFORD, MARY E. RUNNER (R). 186 Franklin. 9 and 2. Uni. Buff. 81. SAYLES, GEO. W. (R). 282 Amherst, 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. Bryant, 291. Uni. Buff. 94. PHYSICIANS. 191 SCHADE, L. (R). 244 Goodell. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, and 7. Tel. 1056 Greifswalde Ger. 70. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. Schladermundt, C. A. (R). 510 William. Niagara Uni. 88. SCHROETER, L. (R). 529 Fillmore Ave. Berne Switzerland, 89 SCHWARTZ, E. B. (R). 1376 Fillmore Ave. Uni. Buff. 91 Sell, J. F. (E). 18 S. Division. Bennett Chi. 82. SEYMOUR, ABBY J. (H). 791 Front Ave. 9 to 1. Tel. Hahn. Chicago, 75. Ex-Pres. Erie Co. Homo. Soc. Mem. Am. Inst. of Homo etc. SHELDON, HARRIOTT E. (R). 433 Breckenridge. 2 to 4. Tel. Woman's Col. of the N. Y. Infirmary, 80. Mem. Erie Co. Soc SHEPARD, JESSIE (H). 636 Delaware Ave. 11 to 1. Tel. Bos- ton Uni. 88. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. SHERMAN, DE WITT H. (R). 666 Main. Until 9.30, 2 to 3. Tel. Uni. Penna. 90. Uni. Buff. 91. A. B. Williams Col. 86. Instr. Therapeutics Uni. Buff. Dispy. Staff. Uni. Buff. Phys. in Charge to Fitch Med. Dispy. Attg. Phys. Fresh Air Hosp. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. etc. SIEGFRIED, CYRUS S. (R). 280 Franklin. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Tel. Jefferson, 90. Mem. Buff. Acad, and Co. Socs. Sisson, G. H. (R). 187 Plymouth Ave. Uni. Buff. 87. SLACER, W. H. (R). 11 Niagara. 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Res. 202 Niagara. Tel. Uni. Buff. 73. SMITH, C. M. (R). 154 Chenango. Uni. Buff. 88. SMITH, EUGENE A. (R). 771 Ellicott. 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Uni. Buff. 87. Prof. Descrip. and Surg. Anat. Niagara Uni. Att'g. Surg. Emergency and Erie Co. Hosps. Vis. Phys. Widows' and Infants' Asy. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. Smith, E. T. (R). 189 14th. Uni. N. Y. 81. SMITH, J. S. (R). 66 High. Uni. Buff. 62. SMITH, LEWIS G. (R). 300 Elk. 8 to 10. 1 to 3, and 7. Tel. H. B. Hayes. M. D., C. M. Uni. Victoria, Cobourg, 85. Fel. Tor. Sch. Med. 85. Mem. Col. P. and S. Ont. 86. Ont. Col. Phar. 85. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. SMITH, R. L. (R). 188 E. Eagle. 10 to 12, 1 to 4, 6 to 8. Long Island Col. Hosp. 77. Mem. Tompkins Co. Soc. Snow, I. M. (R). 476 Franklin. Uni. Buff. 81. SPENCER, S. J. (R). 411 14th. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, and 8. Tel. Uni. Buff. 85. SQUIRE, WM. J. (R). 716 Main. Uni. Buff. 93. STAPLES, LOREN H. (R). 179 E. Ferry. 8 to 10,1 to 3, and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 91. Clin. Instr. Genito-Urinary Surg, and Prosector Chair. Anat. Uni. Buff. Asst. Surg. Chil. Hosp. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. STARR, ELMER (R). 412 Franklin. 9 to 1. Tel. Uni. Buff. 84. Lect. Ophthal. Uni. Buff. Oculist Erie Co. Hosp. Associate Surg. Charity Eye and Ear Hosp. and Col. Dispy. STEARNS, GEORGE R. (H). 201 Linwood Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 7. Tel. N. Y. Homo. Med. Col. and Hosp. 78. A. B. Rochester, 75. A. M. 78. Staff Buff. Homo. Hosp. Med. Director Ingleside Home. Mem. N. Y. Homo. Soc. etc. STEVENS, E. T. (Specialist). Uni. Buff. 86. 192 PHYSICIANS. STEWART, CHESTER T. (R). 412 Ashland Ave. 12 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Bryant 241. Col. P. and S. Bait. 82. Sec. and Treas. Steuben Co. Med. Soc. Mem. U. S. Ex. Surg. Bd. for Pensions of Steuben Co. Stewart, T. S. (R). 105 William. Uni. Mich. 83. STOCKTON, CHAS. G. (R). 436 Franklin. 12 to 3. Uni. Buff. 78. Prof. Prin. and Prac. and Clin. Med. Uni. Buff. Att'g. Phys. Buff. Gen'l. Hosp. Con'g. Phys. Erie Co. Hosp. Mem. Assn. Am. Phys. etc. STODDART, JAMES (R). 90 York. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Bryant 248. Uni. Edinburgh, 92. Faculty Phys. and Surg. Glasgow, 88. Licentiate Royal Col. P. and S. Edinburgh, 88. B. A. Uni. Tor. 83. Mem. Buff. Acad, of Med. STORCK, E. (R). 220 E. Eagle. Uni. Mich. 54. Storck, E. E. (R). 220 E. Eagle. Uni. Buff. 78. STRONG, C. E. (H). Albany, cor. West Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 92 STUMPF, D. B. (H). 631 Ellicott. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. Clevel'd Homo. Hosp. Col. 76. Staff Hosp. Buff. Hosp. Co. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. TANNER, WM. T. (R). 387 Breckenridge. At 9, 4 and 7. Tel. 1695. Uni. Buff. 84. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. TAYLOR, W. G. (R). 199 Franklin. 1 to 3, 7. Tel. Niagara Uni. 93. Clin. Asst. Obstet. Niagara Uni. Staff Buff. Woman's Hosp. THOMA, FRIDOLIN (R). 1072 Lovejoy. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 6 to 8. Uni. Buff. 87. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. etc. THOMA, L. O. (R). 560 Carlton. Uni. Buff. 70. THOMPSON, J. C. (R). 243 Dearborn. Jefferson, 80. THORNBURY, FRANK J. (R). 469 Delaware Ave. 4 to 6. Tel. Tupper 161. Med. Col. O. 89. Lect. Bacteriol. Uni. Buff. Supervising Microscopist Bureau of Animal Industry U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Mem. Am. and Buff. Microscop. Socs. and Buff. Soc. of Nat. Sci. etc. THORNTON, WM. H. (R). 572 Niagara. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 7.30. Tel. Uni. Buff. 83. A. B. Uni. Rochester, 79. A. M. 83. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. etc. TOBIE, E. S. (R). 14 Mohawk. Paris, 89. TOWNSEND, H. S. (R). 454 Pearl. Uni. Mich. 89. TREMAINE, W. S. (R). 410 Elmwood Ave. 10 to 12, 7 to 8. Tel. Uni. Penna. 59. Emeritus Prof. Surg. Niagara Uni. Att'g. Surg. Erie Co. Hosp. Con'g. Surg. Sisters of Charity and Woman's and Emergency and St. Francis Hosps. Fel. Am. Surg. Assn. etc. TROTTER, J. S. (R). 569 Walden Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, and 7. Tel. Uni. Buff. 91. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. TWEEDY, E. H. (R). 172 15th. 1 to 3 and at 7. Tel. Bryant 354d. Uni. Buff. 88. Res. Surg. Buff. Genl. Hosp. 88 and 89. Surg. in charge Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, Bath, N. Y. 89 and 90. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. TWITTY, WM. T. (R). 629 Clinton. Tel. 396. Uni. Buff. 89. TWOHEY, JOHN J. (R). 170 E. Utica. 8, 1 to 3, and 7. Tel. Bryant ;)71f. Niagara Uni. 88. Mem. N. Y. Stale Med. Soc. etc PHYSICIANS. 193 VANPEYMA,P.W.(R). 445 William. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8 rnTTUm- BAUff; 7L AdJ-Prof- Obrtet. Uni. Buff. Obstet. Erie ?^SK*Asst4 0bstet Buff- Genl- Hosp. Pres. Buff Acad Ex^Mid^er?'^ Bd- ** ^ for P«- *^& ?A?J£- I,MA' W> ^ 940 Broadway. Uni. Buff. 66. VOGHT, FRANK B.(R). 503 Sycamore. 11 to 12.30. 1099 Genesee Co°Med Soc m9291- Niagara Uni. 89. Mem. Erie VOLKBuff A-" J. (*R). 333 Ellicott. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. WAGE" JOHN F. (H). 414 Seneca. Until 9, 1 to 2.30 and 6 to 7. Tel. Detroit Homo. Col. 74. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. WALDURFF, E. C. (R). 496 Porter Ave. Tel. Uni. Buff 80 Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. etc. Wall, C. A. (R). 306 Hudson. Uni. Buff 79 Walsh, J. J. (R). 480 Ellicott. Uni. Buff. 7l' WARREN, S.H.(R). 431 Michigan. 10 to 12, 3 to 4, 7 to 9 Tel Uni. Buff. 80 Mem. Erie Co. Soc. etc. Ex. Post-mortem Examr. City Buff. WATKINS, FRANK L (R) 404 Michigan. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 TeL Seneca 311. Uni. Buff. 91. B. S. State Uni. Ala. 85. Mem. Erie. Co. Soc. Weil, C. (R). 561 Genessee. Uni. Buff. 82 WENDE, ERNEST (R). 471 Delaware Ave. 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 8 S6^ S111^84- B:& C. Uni. Pa. Prof. Dis. Skin Uni.' Buff. Prof. Botany and Microscop. Phar. Dept. Uni Buff Der- matol Uni. Buff. Dispy. City Health Comr. Fel. Am. Electro- ther. Assn. and Am. Microscop. Assn. WENDE, GROVER WM. (R). 471 Delaware Ave. 9 to 12 1 to 3.30, 7 to 8. Tel. Uni. Buff. 89. Clin. Instr. Skin Dis! Uni Buff. Dept. Skin Erie Co. Hosp. and Uni. Buff. Dispy and Eye and Ear Infy. J WESTINGHOUSE,G.H.(R). 541 Eagle. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, and 7. Tel Uni. Buff. 86. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. WETMORE, MARY (R). Uni. Buff. 80. WETMORE, S. W. (R). Uni. Mich. 58. WETZEL, C. H. (R). 967 Jefferson. Uni. Buff. 76 WHEELER. J. C. (R). 1139 Bailey Ave. Uni. Buff 85 WHIPPLE, ELECTA (R). 491 Porter Ave. Syracuse,'84 WHITWELL, J. F. (R). 368 Swan. 8 to 9, 2 to 3 and 7. Tel Uni. Buff. 90. Clin. Instr. Surg, and Instr. Pathol. Uni Buff Mem. Erie Co. Soc. WILCOX, DE WITT G. (H). 568 Delaware Ave. 8 to 9, 2 to 4 7 to 8. At Wilcox Private Hosp* 173 Lexington Ave. 12 to 1. 'Tel Clevel'd. Homo. Hosp. Col. 80. Attg. Surg. Erie Co. Hosp Surg in charge Wilcox Private Hosp. Mem. Buff. Soc. Natural Sci and Buff. Microscop. Club. Wilder, Rose (11). 273 W. Ferry. Uni. Mich 84 Willard, F. B. (R). 359 Potomac Ave. Uni. Buff 90 WILLIAMS, H. J. (U). 368 Herkimer. Niagara Uni 94 194 PHYSICIANS. WILLIAMS, H. U. (R). In Europe. Uni. Buff. 89. Biologist Uni. Buff. WILLOUGHBY, MATTHEW (R). 39 Franklin. 2 to 5. Res. 204 E. Utica. Uni. Buff. 67. Phys. to Sisters of Charity Hosp. WILSON, A. B. (R). 345 Virginia. Uni. Buff. 83. WILSON, J. P. (R). 838 Niagara. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Tel. Uni. N. Y. 89. Disp'y Staff Niagara Uni. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. Wolsey, C. T. (R). 12 S. Division. Howard Uni. D. C. 85. WOOD, HARRY A. (R). 2200 Main. 9, 1 and 7. Tel. Uni. Mich. 86. Adj. Prof. Mat. Med. and Lect. Insanity Niagara Uni. Phys. in charge Providence Retreat. Mem. Am. Assn. Adv. Sci. and Buff. Acad, of Med. WOODARD, CHAS. H. (R). 850 West Ave. 12 to 3, 6 to 8. Uni. ' Buff. 79. Vienna, 92. Phila. Col. Phar. 76. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. WOODBURY, W. H. (R). 991 William. 8 to 10, 5 to 6, 7 to 8. Tel. Crandall House. Uni. Buff. 88. A. B. Wesleyan, 86. A. M. 89. Interne Seney Hosp. Brooklyn, 88-89-90. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. WOODRUFF, JOHN V. (R). 17 Unger Ave. near Seneca. 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Uni. Buff. 92. Interne Buff. Gen'l Hosp. 92 and 93. Mem. Erie Co. Soc. WRIGHT, A. R. (H). 416 Elmwood Ave. 1 to 3, 6 to 7. Tel. Clevel'd Homo. Hosp. Col. 58. Con'g Phys. Buff. Homo. Hosp. WYCKOFF, C. C. (R). 482 Delaware Ave. Uni. Buff. 48. York, G. W. (R). 190 Franklin. Jefferson, 80. YOUNG, E. H. (R). 444 Elk. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, and 7. Tel. Uni. Vt. 84. Mem. Erie Co. Med. Soc. BURDETT (Schuyler) 400. ALLEN, S. B. (R). Syracuse, 78. NIVISON, N. (R). N. Y. Uni. 79. STILL WELL, H. P. (R). Uni. Buff. 79. BUSKIRK'S BRIDGE (Waahington) 300. MYERS, A. Y. (R). Alb. 82. BYRON (Genesee) 300. Andrews, L. B. (R). Uni. Buff. 85. GILBERT, G. B. (R). Uni. Buff. 68. PRINCE, A. L. (R). Uni. Buff. 83. CAIRO (Greene) 573. GRIFFIN, H. J. (R). P. and S., Bait. 80. GRIFFIN, N. H. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 75. NOBLE, G. H. (R). Alb. 52. CALEDONIA (Livingston) 1,100. BORDEN, G. T. (H). Hahn, Phila., 76. Menzie, R. J. (R). Uni. Buff. 66. CALLICOON (Sullivan) 400. Kemp, S. A. (R). Uni. Pa. 66. PnYSICIANS. 195 CAMBRIDGE (Washington) 1,518. CHASE, D. A. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 78. CLARK, L. A. (H). N. Y. Homo. Med. Col. 69. LERVIR, F. E. (H). Clevl'd Homo. Col. 86. NIVER, J. F. (H). Berkshire Med. Col. 64. Wallace, T. C. (R). Geneva, N. Y. 50. WARD, T. L. (R). Dartmouth, 91. CAMDEN (Oneida) 1,902. BACON, C. J. (R). Alb. 74. DUBOIS, H. G. (R). Uni. Buff. 66. JONES, M. B. (E). Harvard, 70. LEONARD, A. M. (R). Alb. 83. SMITH, A. H. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 76. TOWSLEY, W. D. (R). N. Y. Uni. 81. CAMERON (Steuben) 300. Jackson, C. O. (R). P. and S. Bait. 87. CAMILLUS (Onondaga) 487. SLOCUM, F. W. (R). Syracuse, 82. CAMPBELL (Steuben) 400. HAMILTON, C. H. (R). Bell. N. Y. 69. RUTHERFORD, M. C. (R). McGill Uni., Canada, 79. SMITH, CHARLES S. (R). Uni. Buff. 90. CAMPBELL HALL (Orange) 275. LIPPINCOTT, D. G. (R). Jeff. Pa. 83. CANAAN FOUR CORNERS (Columbia) 400. BATES, M. L. (R). Berkshire, 67. Secy. Columbia Co. Med. Soc. CANAJOHARIE (Montgomery) 2,500. SIMONS, F. E. (R). Alb. 79. TAYLOR, D. M. (R). L. I. Coll. Hosp. 74. Wessels, S. A. (R). Uni. Mich. 78. CANANDAIGUA (Ontario) 5,868. BEAHAN, A. L. (R). Bell. 79. Buell, H. C. (R). Med. Col. O. 91. BURRELL, DWIGHT R. (R). Uni. Mich. 68. A. B. and A. M. Oberlin. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. and Am. Medico-Psycholog. Assn. and Roch. Pathol, and Hornellsville Med. and Co. Med. Soc. etc. Res. Phys. and Phys. in charge Brigham Hall. CARSON, M. R. (R). 343 Main. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6.30 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 57. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. etc. Sec. U. S. Pension Bd. GILLETTE, EDWIN G. (R). Uni. Pa. 91. A. B. Williams Col. Asst. Phys. Brigham Hall. HAWLEY, IRA F. (E). 15 Center. Pa. Eel. Med. Col. Mem. Genesee Val. Eel. Med. Soc. HAWLEY, J. A. (E). 15 Center. 9 to 12, 2 to 4. Pa. Eel. Med. Col. 62. Mem. Genesee Val. Eel. Med. Soc. 196 PHYSICIANS. Hollenbeck, O. J. (R). Alb. Med. Col. 79. JEWETT, J. H. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 79. . McCLELLAN, F. E. (R). 323^ Main. 9 to 12, 3 to 6, 7 to 8. Uni. Buff. 90. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. TT . McCLELLAN, G. W. (R). 323^ Main. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. McDOWELL, B. T. (R). Main, cor. Bristol. 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Uni. Buff. 92. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Mitchel, C. T. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 75. WARNER, F. P. (H). Uni. N. Y. 81. CANASTOTA (Madison) 2,724. COLEGROVE, C. M. (R). 121 Centre. 1 to 2. Col. P. and S. Bait. 83. Mem. Chenango Co. Med. Soc. EDGERTON, M. G. (H). 12 to 2. Clevel'd Homo. Hosp. Col. 81. Mem. Col. Homo. Med. Soc. Knapp, J. W. (R). Syr. Uni. 81. HALBERT, H. (R). Uni. Buff. 51. TAYLOR, WM. (R). 8 to 10, 12 to 2, 7 to 9. Uni. N. Y. 62. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. Late U. S. Army Surg. CANDOR (Tioga) 1.500. DIXON, J. C. (R). Alb. 54. HARRIS, H. J. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 83. ST. CLAIR, R. W. (R). Bell. 74. CANISTEO (Steuben) 2,071. Riddell, L. N. Y. Med. Uni. 63. WILLIAMSON, S. C. (R). P. and S. Bait. 85. CANNONSVILLE (Delaware) 400. PALMERTON, R. K. (R). P. and S. Bait. 81. CANTON (St. Lawrence) 2,580. BASSETT, J. N., Jr. (R). N. Y. Uni. 82. DRURY, A. C. (R). N. Y. Uni. 82. HEATON, L. E. (R). Women's Med. Coll. N. Y. Infy 92. Preston, J. C. (R). Castleton, Vt. 50. RUSSELL, G. A. (H). Hahn. Chicago, 82. WILLIAMS, F. F. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 83. CAPE VINCENT (Jefferson) 1.500. DAWSON, H. G. (R). Kingston, Ont. 85. MASON, THOMAS (R). Kingston, Ont. 75. CARLISLE (Schoharie) 350. MERENESS, S. A. (R). Albany, 90. ROSCOE, R. J. (R). Vt. Med. Col. 52. WHITTIER, E. (R). Uni. Buff. 89. CARMEL (Putnam). LA MONTE, AUSTIN (R). Uni. Mich. 61. REED, J. E. (R). Syracuse, 76. PHYSICIANS. CARTHAGE (Jefferson) 2,278. BINGLE, H. D. (R). Dartmouth, 81. BROWN, H. E. (R). N. Y. Med. Uni. 82. BRUCE, F. W. (R.) N. Y. Uni. 82. FERGUSON, N. D. (R). Geneva. HUBBARD, L. C. (R). Albany, 82. MERRILL, S. L. (R). Uni. Nashville, 65. SIMONDS, E. A. (H). Hahn. Chi. 84. Stevens, R. A. (R). P. and S. Keokuk, 79. CASTILE (Wyoming) 1,146. MILLER, R. W. (R). Bell. N. Y. 70. SMITH, S. C. (R). N. Y. Uni. 60. CASTLETON (Rensselaer) 1,400. ABBOTT, GEO. M. (R). Albany, 79. Waldradt, Wm. D. (R). Albany, 78. WELCH, C. D. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 77. CATSKILL (Greene) 4,920. Clark, F. C. (R). Uni. Buff. 73. DEANE, J. ALFRED (R). Bell. 65. ELLIOTT, E. E. (R). Bell. N. Y. 87. LAMONT, W. F. (R). Albany, 89. McLAURY, W. PLATT (R). P. and S. N. Y. 75. Selden, R. (R). West Reserve Uni. 69. Vincent, S. H. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 79. WILLARD, C. E. (R). 276 Main. P. and S. N. Y. 69. CATTARAUGUS (Cattaraugus) 878. LATTIN, GEORGE (R>. Bell. N. Y. 75. CAYUGA (Cayuga). WHITBECK, J. H. (R). Albany, 58. CAYUTAVILLE (Schuyler) 100. SHERWOOD, O. B. (R). Uni. Buff. 68. CAZENOVIA (Madison) 1,987. BASS, E. C. (R). Bell. 88. Goff, Isaac N. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 58. SALSBURY, J. E. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. 83. WHITE, A. N. (R.) P. and S. Kingston, Ont. 86. CEDARHURST (Queens). HOGEBOOM, C. L. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 51. CEDARVILLE (Herkimer) 450. BROWN, M. W. (R). Albany, 91. BROWN, W. H. (R). Albany, 66. CENTRAL BRIDGE (Schoharie) 350. McCulloch, C. (R). Albany, 77. ROACH, P. (R). N. Y. Uni. 75. 198 PHYSTCIANS. CENTRAL SQUARE (Oswego) 550. BATES, N. W. (R). N. Y. Uni. 64. WILCOX, H. P. (R). N. Y. Uni. 89. CENTRAL VALLEY (Orange). CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD (R). Falkirk. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 71. FERGUSON, JAMES. F. (R). Falkirk. N. Y. Uni. 60. Bell. N. Y. 61. New York City, 168 Lexington Ave. LEONARD, A. D. (R). Uni. Pa. 78. CENTRE BRUNSWICK (Rensselaer) 200. ST. JOHN, T. L. (R). Albany, 78. CENTRE MORICHES (Suffolk) 500. Cole, Fred S. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 90. WARNER, D. S. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 88. CHAMPLAIN (Clinton) 1,275. BRIGGS, M. D. (R). N. Y. Uni. 80. HACKETT, J. M. (R). Uni. Vt. 88. CHARLOTTE (Monroe) 930. OTTWAY, J. E. (R). Uni. Mich. 86. CHATEAUGAY (Franklin) 1,172. GRAY, F. F. (R). Chi. Med. Coll. 88. VAN VECHTEN, J. S. (R). Uni. Mich. 83. WHITEHEAD, F. D. (R). Bell. N. Y. 89. CHATHAM (Columbia) 1,082. Washburne, I. C. (R). Albany, 82. WHEELER, J. T. (R). Bell. N. Y. 75. CHAZY (Clinton) 1,000. Fairbank, A. W. (R). Albany, 74. CHEMUNG (Chemung) 375. GERE, C. S. (R). Uni. Buff. 79. GERE, E. (R). Geneva, N. Y. 48. CHENANGO FORKS (Broome) 450. HARRINGTON, S. H. (R). Albany, 56. ROOS, WELLER (R). Bell, N. Y. 83. CHERRY VALLEY (Otsego) 685. Clyde, J. D. P. and S. N. Y. 67. MERRITT, GEORGE L. (R). Alb. 74. CHESHIRE (Ontario) 250. BENTLEY, F. R. (R). Geneva, N. Y. 40. HUTCHINS, JOHN (R). Uni. Buff. 71. CHESTER (Orange) 800. Pierce, L. R. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 89. SMITH, C. P. Castleton, Vt. 51. PHYSICIANS. 199 CHEVIOT (Columbia). CLUM, F. A. (R). Yale, 75. CHILI (Monroe) 100. GANDY, L. T. (R). Jefferson, 69. CHITTENANGO (Madison) 792. Billington, M. (R). Castleton, Vt. 50. DEUEL, W. E. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 76. EATON, J. R. (R). Syracuse, 75. CICERO (Onondaga) 275. Vanhorn, M. (R). Med. Chir. Col. Pa. 91. CINCINNATUS (Cortland) 650. HALBERT, M. L. (R). Geneva, N. Y. 72. KENYON, B. (R). Uni. Mich. 79. CLARENCE (Erie) 500. LAPP, H. (R). Uni. Buff. 65. MARTIN, A. J. (R). Uni. Buff. 87. CLAYTON (Jefferson) 1,748. McCOMBS, G. M. (R). Bell. N. Y. 77. McILLMOYLE, H. A. (R). McGill Uni. Montreal, 76. VEBBER, F. M. (E). N. Y. Eel. Med. Col. 84. CLAYVILLE (Oneida) 843. Barnum, D. A. (R). Alb. 65. DEWING, W. H. (H). Hahn. Phila. 82. JONES, J. E. (R). Alb. 55. CLEVELAND (Oswego) 1001. BABCOCK, W. G. (R). Syracuse, 84. COUTERMAN, W. H. (R). Burlington, Vt. 86. CLIFTON SPRINGS (Ontario) 1297. ADAMS, MARY (H). N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 68. CROSSMAN, E. O. (R). Uni. Vt. 87. Cruttenden, A. G. (R). Starling, O. 40. FOSTER, H. (H). Western Reserve, 48. LOVELAND, B. C. (R). Uni. Mich. 88. SMITH, JOHN C. (R). Uni. Md. Bait. 84. THAYER. C. C. (R). Rush, 78. WILCOX, F. P. (H). Hahn. Phila. 86. CLINTON (Oneida) 1269. Dever, I. (H). Hahn. Phila. 66. FROST, C. A. (R). Bell. N. Y. 90. HUGHES, H. R. (R). Bell. N. Y. 76. PECK, F. H. (R). N. Y. Uni. 81. 200 PHYSICIANS. CLYDE (Wayne) 2,638. ARNOLD, J. N. (R). Alb. Med. Col. 62. BARRETT, G. D. (R). Dartmouth, 77. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Health Officer. BARTON, FRANK S. (R). Uni. N. Y. 88. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Health Officer. BENNINGHOFF, M. R. (R). Col. P. and S. Bait. 83. Childs, G. C. COLVIN, D. (R). Geneva Med. Col. 44. Mem. Am. and N. Y. State Assns. Perm. Mem. State Soc. etc. HARTMAN, W. LOUIS (H). Hahn. Chi. 87. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. etc. Eye and Ear a specialty. SMITH, J. E. (R). Col. P and S. N. Y. 54. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. OLYMER (Chautauqua) 225. ROSS, A. (R). Uni. Pa. 71. COBLESKILL (Schoharie) 1,822. BEARD, F. P. (R). Lie. Alb. Co. Med. Soc. 75. DART, G. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 76. Cross, L. (R). Alb. 56. FRAZIER, C. K. (R). Alb. 74. LAWYER, E. (R). Castleton, Vt. 54. COEYMAN'S (Albany) 1,200. JOHNSON, H. N. (R). Alb. 81. MOSHER, F. G. (R). Alb. 48. POWELL, A. T. (R). Alb. 89. COHOCTON (Steuben) 1,200. FOWLER, T. B. (R). Ohio Med. Col. 1880. GOFF, IRA L. (R). N. Y. Uni. 70. Wygant, F. A. (R). Ann Arbor, 82. OOHOES (Albany) 22,509. ALDRICH A. C. (R). Bellevue, 88. ARCHAMBEAULT, JOHN L. (R). Laval Uni. 68. ARCHIBOLD, J. (R). 148 Main. 7 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Alb. Med. Col. 88. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. City Health Officer. BELL, E. M. (R). 97 Ontario. 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Alb. Med. Col. 93. CAMPBELL, W. M. (H). Alb. 89. CARRUTH, C. E. (R). Uni. Vt. 80. DAUNAIS, J. C. E. (R). 5 Summit. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Laval Uni. 90. Egan, B. L. (R). Alb. 82. FEATHERSTONHAUGH, J. D. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 70. Gervais, R. (R). Laval Uni. 92. HAYNES, JOHN U. (R). 103 Mohawk. Until 9,12 to 2, 6.30 to 8.30. Alb. 72. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. etc. Coroner's Phys. McGARRAHAN, JOHN F. (R). 72 Vliet- 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 6 to 8, Alb. 94, PHYSICIANS. 201 MITCHELL, J. H. (R). Remsen, cor. Schuyler. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Alb. 81. Coroner's Phys. Surg. Dept. City Police. Mem. Pan- Am. Med. Congress and Am. Med. Assn. etc. MONTMARQUET, J. D. (R). 40 White. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 9. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. MOTT, A. (H). 105 Mohawk. At 8.30, 1 to 2, 6 to 8. Long Island Col. Hosp. 73. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. etc. PARKER, T. S. (R). Victoria, Can. 62. PELTIER, G. UPTON (R). 74 Congress. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Bishops' Col. Montreal, 73. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. PETERS, S. (R). 7 Seneca. 8 to 9, 12.30 to 3, 6 to 8.30. Castleton, Vt. 46. Late U. S. Army Surg. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. 6tC ROSS, J.W. (R). McGill, 81. Smith, A. E. (R). Uni. Vt. 91. WITBECK, C. E. (R). 9 Seneca. 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Alb. 66. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. COLD SPRING (Putnam) 350. GILES, R. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 82. MURDOCK, G. W. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 67. WINSLOW, J. M. (H). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 73. COLDEN, (Erie) 300. STRONG, O. C. (R). Uni. Buff. 71. COLLEGE POINT (Queens) 6,127. MACPHERSON, JOHN D. (R). N. Y. Uni. 87. STEFFEN, F. (R). 2d Ave. Greifswald, 82. COLUMBUS (Chenango) 200. VAN WAGNER, L. C. (R). N. Y. Uni. 91. CONKLINGVILLE (Saratoga) 300. INLAY, E. G. (R). Dartmouth, 78. CONSTABLE (Franklin) 1,489. STICKNEY, C. E. (R). Bell, N. Y. 88. CONSTABLEVILLE (Lewis) 800. NELSON, W. W. (R). N. Y. Uni. 87. COOPERS PLAINS (Steuben) 300. BUTLER, M. C. (R). Uni. Buff. 87. COOPERSTOWN (Otsego) 2,657. BABBITT, O. H. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 82. LATHROP, H. (R). Jefferson, 52. LEANING, J. K. (R). Castleton, Vt., 48. PECK, GEO. (R). Cal. P. and S. N. Y 47. THAYER, G. C. (R). P. and S. Md. Bait. 90. 202 PHYSICIANS. COPAKE (Columbia) 300. GORDON, W. I. (R). Albany, 85. SWAIN, W. D. (R). Albany, 67. CORFU (Genesee) 398. CRANE, F. W. (R). Uni. Buff. 68. Smith, E. C. (R). Uni. Buff. 82. CORNING (Steuben) 8,550. ARGUE, HENRY A. (R). 32 E. Market. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Uni. N. Y. 81. Surg. Erie R. R, Mem. Natl. Assn. R. R. Surg. etc. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. BOURNE, H. M. (R). 115 Pine. 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 75. Pres. Corning Acad, of Med. Mem. Co. Soc. etc. BRYAN, E. W. (H). 23 W. Erie Ave. 8 to 9,1 to 2, 7 to 9. Cleve'd Homo. Col. 68, Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. CAMPBELL, C. E. (H). 19 E. Market. 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. Mem. So. Tier. Homo. Soc. CARPENTER, E. J. (R). 4 W. Pultney. 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Uni. Buff. 91. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Co. Coroner. COBB, WILLIS S. (R). 116 Pine. 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Albany Med. Col. 90. City Health Officer. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Sec. Corning Acad, of Med. DEUERLEIN, FRANKLIN E. (R). 47 E. Market. 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Albany Med. Col. 91. City Phys. Mem. Corning Acad, of Med. Town Health Officer. GOFF, G. S. (R). Heerman Blk. 9 to 12, 2 to 5, 7 to 9. Uni. N. Y. 77. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. HAWLEY, GEO. T. (H). Opera House Blk. 8.30 to 10, 1.30 to 2.30, 6.30 to 8. N. Y. Homo. Col. 86. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. HAYT, CHARLES W. (R). 144 E. First. 8.30 to 10, 2 to 3, 5 to 7. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. HEDDEN, J. W. (R). 13 E. Market. 10 to 12, 3 to 5, 7 to 9. Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 75. Mem. Corning Acad, of Med. HOARE, J. D. (R). 103 Pine. 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 87. Mem. Co. Soc. etc. KENDALL, A. A. (R). Uni. Buff. 79. LANE, G. W. (R). 1 E. Pultney. 7 to 9, 12 to 2, and after 7. Uni. Buff. 86. Mem. Co. Soc. etc. McNamara, T. A. (R). Uni. N. Y. 82. MILLER, J. L. (R). 49 Bridge. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 9. Uni. Buff. 94. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Purdy, M. S. (H). Chicago Homo. Col. 84. ROBBINS, A. D. (R). Uni. Buff. 72. STEPHENS, EMMA H. (R). 50 E. First. 10 to 12, 3 to 5, 7 to 8. Woman's Col. N. Y. Infy. 93. Mem. Corning Acad, of Med. Tillotson, D. J. (R). Uni. Buff. 90. CORNWALL (Orange) 1,000. Bergen, A. W. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 87. BUTLER, CHARLES W. (H). N. Y. Uni. 85, PhYsictans. 203 CORNWALL-ON-THE-HUDSON (Orange) 760. BROWN, A. L. (R). Albany, 86. CORONA (Queens) 2,362. Wickham, F. (R). Bell, N. Y. 75. CORTLAND (Cortland) 8,590. ANGEL, JEROME (R). 13^ R. R. St. 8 to 9,1 to 2, 7 to 8. Geneva Med. Col. 58. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. BALL, J. (H). Uni. N. Y. 48. Bennett, C. E. (R). Syracuse, 80. BOLLES, H. A. (E). Licentiate Time Prac. Act. Carpenter, P. T. (H). No Report. DANA, H. T. (R). 51 Main. 2 to 4. Albany Med. Col. 63. Pres. Co. Med. Soc. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. Edson, H. S. (R). Albany MeJ. Col. 77. GAZLAY, H. C. (E). Syracuse Eel. Col. 50. Henry, A. G. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 73. HIGGINS, F. W. (R). Wallace Bldg. 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Uni. N. Y. 81. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. HOWLAND, F. P. (E). Main, cor. Maple Ave. 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 74. Mem. N. Y. State Eel. Med. Soc. HUGHES, J. W. (R). Uni. N. Y. 64. JEWETT, H. O. (R). Uni. N. Y. 43. Johnson, H. P. (H). Hahn. Phila. 81. MARKLEY, S. C. Licentiate Time Prac. Act. MOORE, W. J. (R). 1 Clinton Ave. 2 to 4, 7 to 8.30. Uni. N. Y. 80. Mem. Cent. N. Y. Med. Soc. etc. Health Officer. NASH, E. B. (H). 28 Clinton Ave. 7 to 9, 1 to 4, 7 to 9. Clevel'd. Homo. Hosp. Col. 74. Mem. Intern'l. Hahn. and N. Y. Cent. Homo. Soc. etc. REESE, FRANK DE WITT (R). 16 Tompkins. 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Long Island Col. Hos. 85. Mem. N. Y. State Assn. etc. SANTEE, E. M. (H). 22 Groton Ave. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Homo. Med. Col of Mo. 90. Sec. Interstate and Co. Homo. Socs. SPAULDING, MRS. J. H. (H). Chi. Homo. Col. 77. STROWBRIDGE, LYDIA A. (E). 20 Monroe Heights. 12 to 3. Hygeo-Therapeutic Col. N. Y. 61. WHITE, A. J. (R). Uni. Buff. 63. COVENTRY (Chenango) 150. GUY, J. D. (R). Geneva, N. Y. 68. COWLESVILLE (Wyoming). MARTIN, W. N. (R). Uni. Buff. 67. COXSACKIE (Greene) 1611. BEACH, A. (R). Bell. N. Y. 79. MERRIAM, E. H. (R). N. Y. Uni. 80. VAN SLYKE, A. W. (R). Albany, 69. CREEK LOCKS, (Ulster) 150. PRESTON, J. (R). Bell. N. Y. 86. 204 PHYSICIANS. CROGHAN (Lewis) 445. KILBORN, H. F. (E). Col. P. and S. Buff. 81. Murray, D. L. (R). N. Y. Uni. 80. ROUCHELLE, L. (R). Uni. Buff. 81. Simonet, S. E. (R). Uni. Buff. 85. SPENCER, I. D. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 89. VON ZIEROLSHOFEN, P. H. (R). N. Y. Uni. 87. CROSS RIVER (Westchester) 250. OLMSTEAD, C. O. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 74. CROTON FALLS (Westchester) 300. HITCHCOCK, P. L. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 81. CROTON LANDING (Westchester) 700. ACKER, T. J. (R). Bell. N. Y. 65. BYINGTON, C. P. (R). Albany, 82. CROWN POINT (Essex) 1,000. EATON, E. R. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 82. KENT, E. W. (R). Uni. Vt. 65. SHERMAN, W. T. (R) Bell. N. Y. 90. WARNER, J. (R). Castleton, Vt. 53. CUBA (Allegany) 1,386. ALLEN, O. (R). Buff. Med. Col. 71. GILLETT, H. F. (R). C. P. and S. Buff. 81. DANSVILLE (Livingston) 3,758. ANDREWS, B. P. (Hj. 1 to 3. N. Y. Homo. Col. 77. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. etc. CRISFIELD J. E. (R). 1 to 4. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 73. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. DICKINSON, MARY E. (R). Uni. Buff. 90. Sanatorium. DRIESBACH, F. R. (R). 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Mem. Co. Soc. etc. GOFF, H. N. (R). McGill, 93. Sanatorium. GREGORY, W. E. (R). Uni. Buff. 89. Sanatorium. JACKSON, JAS. H. (R). Phys. In Charge Dansville Sanatorium. Bellevue, 76. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. JACKSON, KATE J. (R). Asso. Man'g. Phys. Sanatorium. N. Y. Infy. for Women, 77. PATCHIN, C. V. (R). Bellevue, 81. PERINE, F. M. (R). Uni. Buff. 55. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. PRESTON, W. B. 44 Elisbeth. 12 to 2. Eel. Med. Inst. 67. PRESTON, FLORENCE ELLA 44 Elisbeth. N. Y. Eel. Col. 82. VANDERBURGH, B. P. (R). Uni. Buff. 83. Sanatorium. WOOD, E. L. (R). Uni. Buff. 88. Sanatorium. DELHI (Delaware) 1,564. BELL, H. (R). N. Y. Uni. 84. CLARK, G. J. (R). N. Y. Uni. 88. Gates, H. A. (R). Bell. N. Y. 77. PHYSICIANS. 205 ORMISTON, W. (R). N. Y. Uni. 89. SMITH, G. O. (R). 2 to 4. Jefferson, Pa. 76. DELMAR (Albany) 300. WASHBURNE, J. B. (R). Alb. 82. DELPHI (Onondaga) 230. POTTER, J. D. (R). Buff. 66. DELTA (Oneida) 186. PILLMORE, J. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 72. DEPEYSTER (St. Lawrence) 250. FOSS, D. M. (R). Uni. Vt. 86. MILLER, W. J. L. (R). Buff. Col. 84. DEPOSIT (Broome) 1,800. BUNDAY, O. T. (R). Phila. Col. Med. 59. KELLY, W. B. (R). Col. P. and S., Baltimore, Md. 82. LEONARD, H. K. (H). Hahn. Phila. 61. Radeker, B. E. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 74. DOBBS FERRY (Westchester) 2,083. HASBROUCK, JOSEPH (fl). 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 7. Uni. N. Y 69. Health Officer. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. JUDSON, C. H. (R). Until 9, 1 to 2, 6 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 71. Att'g. Phys. Dobbs Ferry Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. and N. Y. Acad, of Med. TODD, W. H. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. DOLGEVILLE (Herkimer) 800. BARNEY, F. M. (R). Alb. 88. ONUF, B. (R). Reg. Uni. State N. Y. 90. STROBEL, C. G. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 88. DOVER PLAINS (Dutchess) 662. HAMMOND, T. (R). N. Y. Uni. 45. WELLMAN, G. M. (R). Dist. Col. Med. Col. 68. DOWNSVILLE (Delaware) 550. Bassett, G. Pierce (R). P. and S. N. Y. 62. DUANESBURGH (Schenectady) 150. McDOUGALL, R. A. (R). Alb. 85. DUNDEE (Yates) 1,225. HARVEY, C. C. (R). Uni. Buff. 77. OTIS, A. R. (R). Jefferson, 67. MALONEY, JOHN M. (R). Georgetown Med. Col. 70. DUNKIRK (Chautauqua) BENJAMIN, M. N. (R). Uni. Vt. 65. Blackham, George E. (R). Uni. Buff. 70. CURTIS, C. C. (H). Hahn. Chicago, 74. 206 PHYSICIANS. JACKSON, F. S. (R). N. Y. Uni. 82. ROGERS, H. R. (R). Jefferson, 51. DURHAM (Greene) 300. CONKLING, G. (R). Alb. 71. DURHAMVILLE (Oneida) 730. BOWMAN, J. E. (R). Bell. N. Y. 90. EAGLE MILLS (Rensselaer) 406. WINSHIF, F. A. (R). Alb. 88. EAGLE VILLAGE (Wyoming) WOODWORTH, ELI D. (R). N. Y. Uni. 62. EARLVILLE (Madison) 539. WHITE, HOMER H. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 77. EAST AURORA (Erie) 200. Gail, W. H. (R). Uni. Buff. 64. MITCHELL, A. L. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 83. SEARLES, M. B. (R). Uni. Buff. 69. EAST BLOOMFIELD (Ontario) 1,000. PARTRIDGE, B. S. (H). Pulte Med. Col. Cin. 83. WHEELER, S. R. (R). Uni. Buffalo, 86. WILLIAMS, DE VER O. (R). Uni. N. Y. 85. 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. EAST CHATHAM (Columbia) 400. BELL, G. P. (R). Bell. N. Y. 86. EAST DURHAM (Greene) 200. SAFFORD, L. (R). N. Y. Uni. 83. EAST FISHKILL (Dutchess). Sutton, Leslie Allen (R). N. Y. Uni. 89. EAST HAMBURGH (Erie). BOIES, L. F. (R). Uni. Buff. 68. EAST HAMPTON (Suffolk) 500. BELL, J. F. (R). N Y. Uni. 83. OSBORNE, EDW. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 86. EAST HENRIETTA (Monroe). MASON, DANIEL G. (R). N. Y. Uni. 79. EAST MORICHES (Suffolk) 375. Skidmore, Melville (R). Bell. N. Y. 79. BATER, J. W. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 75. EAST PEMBROKE (Genesee) 300. SMITH, AUSTIN D. (R). Genesee, 69. PlTYSICIANS. 207 EAST RANDOLPH (Cattaraugus) 700. HAWLEY, M. C. (R). Uni. Buff. 81. Sackrider, J. (R.) Uni. Buff. 78. TOMPKINS, O. A. (R). Uni. Buff. 65. EAST SPRINGFIELD.(Otsego) 300. MOON, J. H. (R). Albany, 72. EAST SYRACUSE (Onandaga) 2,231. CHASE, B. F. (R). Syracuse, 81. MARSH, A. W. (R). Uni. Vt. 82. Richardson, H. E. (R). SKINNER, EDGAR C. (R). N. Y. Uni. 75. EAST WORCESTER (Otsego) 500. Davis, David H. (R). Uni. Vt. 91. Hix, Ira. (R). N. Y. Uni. 83. Smith, F. M. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. EATON (Madison) 750. Galloway, E. H. (R). Syracuse, 83. MILLER, EDGAR L. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 77. EDMESTON, (Otsego) 500. CHAMBERLAIN, W. B. (R). Albany, 58. LOUGH, W. R. (R). N. Y. Uni. 82. EDWARDS (St. Lawrence) 345. Goodenough, A. B. (R). Lie. St. Lawrence Co. Med. Soc. 74. Murray, C. (E). Eel. Col. Pa. 64. TAYLOR, D. M. (R). Jeff. Pa. 84. ELBA (Genesee) 600. LEWIS, J. M. (R). Uni. Buff. 80. WARNER, ISRAEL. W. (R). Western Reserve Col. 51. ELBRIDGE (Onondaga) 693. Cone, A. (R). Detroit, 90. Warren, E. B. (H). Hahn. Phila. 60. ELLENBURGH (Clinton) 500. ROBINSON, J. J. (R). Uni. Vt. 85. WOODWARD, D. B. (R). Harvard, 65. ELLENVILLE (Ulster) 2,881. EASTGATE, J. F. S. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 80. Finch, P. F. JAMES, C. P. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. WARD, JOHN J. (R). Albany, 69. ELLICOTTVILLE (Cattaraugus). JOHNSTON, W. B. (R). Uni. Buff. 81. Smallman, A. W. (R). Uni. Buff. 88. 208 PHYSICIANS. ELMIRA (Chemung) 30,893. ADRIANCE, FRANK W. (H). 306 Lake. 1.30 to 3, 7 to 8. Hahn. Phila. 77. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. etc. ANNABEL, CHAS. E. (R). Uni. N. Y. 70. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. ANNABEL, FREDERIC C. (R). 139 Hudson. Uni. N. Y. 89. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. BAKER, ASBURY H. (R). 1013 Lake. 1 to 2.30, 6 to 8. Uni. Buff. 85. Mem. Elmira Acad, of Med. BREWSTER, J. H. (R). 311 Grove. Until 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Jeffer- son, 92. Mem. Co. Soc. etc. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. Mem. Bd. of Censors Medico-Chirurgical Col. Phila. Brown, C. W. M. (R). 311 Baldwin. Harvard, 76. CAREY, CHAUNCEY S. (R). Opera House Blk. 10 to 4, 7 to 8. U. S. Med. Col. N. Y. 80. N. Y. Eye and Ear Infy. 92. CAREY, DANIEL G. (E). 134 E. Water. 10 to 12, 2 to 5, 7 to 8. Eel. Med. Col. Phila. 70. CAREY, J. M. (E). 420 E. Gray. 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Eel. Med. Inst. 56. Case, G. M. (R). 122 Main. Jefferson, 84. CHILSON, R. R. (R). 610 W. Church. 1 to 2.30, 7 to 8. Uni. Vt. 76. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. DAVIS, E. H. (R). 202 E. Water. Albany Med. Col. 54. DRAKE, EMERY G. (R). 312 W. Church. 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Long Island Col. Hosp. 74. Staff Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hosp. Surg. D. L. and W. R. R. Mem. Co. Med Soc. etc. Dundas, T. A. (R). 257 Baldwin. Uni. N. Y. 78. EASTON, J. D. (H). 1006 tLake. Until 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 8. Clevel'd Homo. Col. 76. Mem. So. Tier Homo. Soc. etc. EDDY, ERMINA C. (H). 500 William. 8 to 9, 3 to 5. Clevel'd Homo. Col. 80. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. etc. ELDRED, H. C. (R). 210 S. Main. Uni. Pa. 61. FISHER, W. H. (R). 408 So. Main. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Bellevue, 76. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. FLOOD, FRANK H. (R). 128 Main. 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Uni. N. Y. 73. A. B. Hobart, 70. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. FLOOD, HENRY (R). Lake, cor. 2d. 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Bellevue, 74. Con'g Staff Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hosp. Surg. Erie R. R. Perm. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. FORD, HARRY HALE (R). 422 Church. Until 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Bowdoin, 84. P. G. Jefferson, 86. Interne Me. Gen'l Hosp. Portland, 84-85. Staff Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hosp. Med. Examr. Pa. R. R. Co. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. FUDGE, H. W. (R). 504 Penna. Ave. 8 to 10, 3 to 5. Niagara Uni. 93. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. GREEN, F. B. (R). 921 Lake. 8 to 9, 1.30 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. Buff. 94. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. GREENMAN, O. S. (R). 148 W. Water. Uni. N. Y. 52. HOOPER, ELIZABETH M. MERRITT (R). 467 W. 2d. 2 to 4. Woman's Col. Pa. 83. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Interne Woman's Hosp. Phila. 83-84. JACOBS, JONAS (R). Col. P. and S. Bait. 86. JENKS, R. B. (H). 300 Church. 12 to 2, 5 to 7. N. Y. Homo. Col. 68. Mem. So. Tier Homo. Soc. etc. Phys. in Charge So. Tier Orph. Home. PHYSICIANS. 209 JENNINGS, CHARLES G.R.(R). Baldwin, cor. Church. 2 to 3. L 8i Co1^- and S' N" Y- 85- A B- Harvard, 82. Uni Vt t r- ~lt^Tg' Erie R- R Mem- Co- Med. Soc. etc. LE FEVRE A. I. (R). 558 E. Church. Until 9, 5 to 7.30. Col P t n x-Si?™8^- 85> Mem- Bd- of Censors Co. Med. Soc. ' " ?9Rm'E^MA^(R)- 558 E. Church. 12 to 4. Uni. Buff. 92. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. SSSSJ;^- 215Mt.Zoar. N. Y. Eel. Col. MERCHANT, L. H. (R). Uni. Buff. 83. ™™£L' GEO- V" (R)- Co1- p- and S. N. Y. 63. MERRITT E..PRE SCOTT (R). 313 W. Clinton. 1 to 3, 7 to 8.30 McGill, 84. A. B. McGill, 64. Mem. Co. Med. Soc Messenger, N. S. (R). 555 E. Church. Uni. Buff 81 Moroney, J. (R). 328 Baldwin. Long Island Col. 74* MORSE, B.W.(R). 370 W. Church. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 60. Mem Co. Med. Soc. O'BRIEN, J C. (R) 504 Penna. Ave. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Western Re- serve Urn. 88. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. 2RT?iiJ?"^-(E)" 104 W- Water- Bennett Eel. Col. Chi. 77 PALMER, S.E (R). 116 So. Main. Uni. Mich. 72. Mem. Elmira Acad, of Med. PARKE, F. B. (R). 333 Water. Uni. Buff. 79 PARKHURST L. D. (H). 332 E. Water. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 Geneva Med. Col. 65. N. Y. Homo Col. 67. Mem. So. Tier Homo. Soc. etc. POTTS, MARY (E) 616 Columbia. 1.30 to3, 7 to 8. Eel. Med. Inst. Cm. 86. Mem. Nat'l Eel. Med. Ass'n etc PRATT, H. DeV. Jr. (R). Main, cor. Market. 2 to 3. 7 to 8. Col P a?MS^N' l^V i- B< and A M- Amherst. Mem. Am. Acad! of Med. and N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc Pratt, R. B. (R). 201 Baldwin. P. and S N Y 87 Reardon, D. H. (R). 53 So. Main. Western Reserve 83 REILLY, E. A. (R). 518 Lake. 8 to 9, 12 to 3, 6 to 8. ' Western Re- serve Lni. 81. City Health Officer. Member U. S. Pension Bd Mem. Am. Public Health Ass'n. Mem. Co Med Soc etc RITTER, F-HORACE S. (R). 301 E. Church. 9 to 12 i So, 6 to 8. Jefferson 87 P. G. Uni. Pa. 88. Phila. Polyclinic, 88. Ass t Surg 30th Separate Co. N. G. S. N. Y. Mem. Co. Med Pftee81C- ^- Plac;r|™- t0 Dis- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. ROSS, FRANK W. (R). 164 Lake. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. N Y 83 Lect. Electro-Therap. Niagara Uni. Buff. Mem. Bd. Examrs' Niagara Uni. Surg. Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hosp. Mem Am Med Assn. etc. Mem. Intern'l Med. Congress. Mem. Elmira Acad, of Science. SMITH, MARSHALL E. (R). College Ave., cor. 14th. 11 to 12 3 to 4, 6.30 to 7.30. Res., 520 W. Clinton. 8 to 10 1 to 2 8 to 9 Dartmouth 90. A. B. Williams Col. 86. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. SOBLE, N. H. (R). 505 E. Water. 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Sec. Co. Med. Soc. SQUIRE, C. L. (R). 409 E. Church. Col. P. and S N Y 74 "j, S. F. (R). 151 W. 3d. Howard Uni. D. C. 78.' 210 PHYSICIANS. WALES, THERON A. (R). 403 William. 7 to 8, 1 to 3. Uni. Pa. 73. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n and N. Y. State Assn. etc. WALES, ZIPPIE BROOKS (R). 403 William. 2 to 5. Woman's Med. Col. Pa. 73. WEY, HAMILTON D. (R). 359 Main. 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 78. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. WEY, WM. C. (R). 359 Main. 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Albany Med. Col. 49. Chm. Bd. Med. Examrs. Representing Med. Soc. State N. Y. WILLIAMSON, O. S. (R). 306 S. Main. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 6 to 7.30. Uni. N. Y. 74. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. ERIEVILLE (Madison) 200. RANSOM, C. H. (R). N. Y. Uni. 74. ESSEX (Essex) 600. CHASE, E. R. (H). Albany. Med. Col. 54. Sweatt, F. E. (R). N. Y. Uni. 81. ETNA (Tompkins) 400. BEACH, J. (R). Uni. Mich. 74. ROOD, G. L. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 83. EUCLID (Onondaga) 300. BROWN, GARRISON L. (R). Syracuse, 78. FAIRFIELD (Herkimer) 300. NICHOLS, C. W. (R). Albany, 89. FAIR HAVEN (Cayuga) 738. Hall, A. L. (R). Syracuse, 79. FAIRPORT (Monroe) 2,552. BRIGGS, C. M. (R). Uni. Buff. 80. CLAPP, W. F. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 72. COWLES, J. B. (R). Lie. Monroe Co. Med. Soc. MAGILL, J. W. (R). Uni. Buff. 87. PRATT, EZRA B. (R). N. Y. Uni. 69. TUBBS, J. F. (H). Hahn. Chicago, 86. FARMER (Seneca). Gould, L. A. (R). Detroit Med. Col. 80. HILL, A. R. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. 79. PADGHAM, R. W. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 89. FARMINGDALE (Queens) 575. HEYEN, J. P. (R). N. Y. Uni. 83. FAR ROCKAWAY (Queens) 2,288. CALDWELL, M. S. (R). N. Y. Uni. 79. FRANCE, H. A. (R). Albany, 64. Schmuck, J. C. (R). N. Y. Uni. 82. FAYETTE (Seneca) 400. BROWN, H. E. (R). Uni. Buff. 87. CARLTON, J. F. (R). Uni. Buff. 86. PHYSICIANS. 211 FAYETTEVILLE (Onondaga) 1,410. BADGLEY, C. (H). Chicago Homo. Col. 85. HICKSON, C. S. (E.) Syracuse Eel. Col. 50. SLINGERLAND ISRAEL M. (R). Albany, 83. WILBUR N. (R). Uni. Buff. 70. FILLMORE (Allegany) 500. LYMAN, A. H. (R). Uni. Buff. 84. LYMAN, H. H. (R). Uni. Buff. 60. FISHKILL (Dutchess) 745. CONKLIN, W. J. (R). N. Y. Uni. 70. THOMPSON, C. H. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 68. WHITE, HOWELL (R). Bell. N. Y. 79. FISHKILL-ON-HUDSON (Dutchess) 3,617. ENGLISH, J. R. (R). 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Long Island Col. Hosp. 92. Interne Long Island Col. Hosp. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. KITTREDGE, C. M. (R\ Col. P. and S. N. Y. 63. Mem. Co. Med. Soc, etc. MOITH, J. E. (R). Col. P. and S. 79. O'Reilly, M. J. (E). Albany Med. Col. 74. STRONG, D. O. K. (H). Uni. Buff. 49. WATSON, W. S. (R). Bellevue, 70. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. and N. Y. Medico-Legal and Co. Med. Socs. and Am. Electro-Therap. Soc. and Soc. for Study and Cure of Inebriety, etc. WILLIAMS, G. H. (R). 1 to 2, 7.30 to 8. Yale, 91. M. R. C. S. Eng. 84. L. R. C. P. Edin. 83. Surg. Highland Hosp. Mattea- wan. FLUSHING (Queens) 8,463. ALLEN, W. A. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 70. BARSTOW, J. W. (R). Dartmouth, 52. BLOODGOOD, JOSEPH F. (R). Until 9.30, 1 to 3, 6 to 7.30. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 84. Staff. Flushing Hosp. Interne St. Catha- rine Hosp. Brooklyn, 84-86. Mem. N. Y. Co. Med. Soc. Fox, J. J. (H). Boston Uni. 76. Gilll J. W. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 87. GOODRIDGE, E. A. (R). Until 10, 3 to 4, except Wed. 7 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 71. A. M. Princeton. Staff Flushing Hosp. Mem. Queens Co. Med. Soc. HICKS, J. L. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 60. KILLILEA, T. R. (R). Bellevue, 89. LAWRENCE, ENOCH P. (R). Until 10, 5 to 7. Uni. N. Y. 79. Staff Flushing Hosp. LEVER, J. H. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 69. MAYNARD, F. J. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 69. Health Officer Col- lege Point. PEER, WM. H. (R). 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 6 to 7.30. Uni. N. Y. 88. In- terne St. Catherine Hosp. Brooklyn, 88-89. FLY CREEK (Otsego) 400. DYE, E. E. N. Y. Uni. 89. 212 PHYSICIANS. FONDA (Montgomery) 1,300. BUCKBEE, ISRAEL I. (R). Albany, 41. DE BAUM, C. W. (R). Albany, 87. FOSTER, A. B. (H). N. Y. Homo. Med. Col. 88. FORDHAM (See N. Y. City List). FOREST PORT (Oneida) 350. Duke, C. (R). Ky. School of Med. 88. FORT ANN (Washington) 600. FINCH, S. J. (R). Women's Med. Col. Chicago, 80. GIBBS, T. Z. (R). Castleton, Vt. 53. MOTT, O. H. (H). Albany. 47. FORT COVINGTON (Franklin) 870. GILLIS, W. (R). Lie. Franklin Co. Med. Soc. 51. MACFIE, J. (R). McGill Col. Montreal, 69. SMART, J. A. (R). N. Y. Uni. 82. FORT EDWARD (Washington) 3,000. BANKER, S. J. (R). Uni. Vt. 78. Quackenbush, E. M. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 89. VANDENBERG, M. W. (R). N. Y. Med. Uni. 79. FORT PLAIN (Montgomery) 3,500. Ayres. D. (R). Albany, 65. BURT, A. M. (R). Albany, 89. CONGDON, C. E. (R). L. I. Col. 90. DUNCKEL, W. A. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Zoller, W. (H). Hahn. Phila. 78. FRANKFORT (Herkimer) 2,291. HAYES, W. E. (R). Uni. N. Y. 91. Lehr, G. N. (R). Uni. N. Y. 80. RICHARDS, S. S. (R). Uni. N. Y. 83. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Co. Coroner. SKIFF, PERRIN A. (R). Albany Med. Col. 51. Surg. West Shore R. R. Mem. Nat'l Assn. R. R. Surgs. etc. Mem. Co.Med. Soc. FREDONIA (Chautauqua) 3,999. Couch, A. S. (H). Hahn. Phila. 55. DODDS, A. W. (H). Hahn. Chicago, 78. EVANS, A. J. (H). Hahn. Phila. 71. FENNER, M. M. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. 60. LANDON, ELIZABETH (H). N. E. Female Med. Col. 59. RICKETT, D. G. (R). Uni. Buff. 74. Richmond, N. G. (R). Bell. N. Y. 80. ROLPH, R. T. (R). Uni. Buff, 73. SMITH, A. H. (R). Uni. Buff. 65. FREEDOM PLAINS (Dutchess) 100. FINK, A. T. (R). N. Y. Uni. 69. PHYSICIANS. 213 FREEPORT (Queens) 1,300. HAMMOND, G. H. (R). N. Y. Uni. 72. FRIENDSHIP (Allegany). Hewitt, W. I. (R). Niagara, 89. RITTER, JAS. (E). Cin. O. 49. WILLARD, A. E. (R). Buff. 64 . WILLIAMSON, B. (H). Clevel'd, 76. FULTON (Oswego) 4,214. BACON, C. G. (R). Albany Med. Col. 74. 8*^SlOII P-ARi A8to9-2to3,7to9. Col. P. and S. Bait. 8b. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. etc. gaviland, N. H. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 73. T^c^ ■£» W' ' '° *' ' <° 8- C°>- P- »* S. Bait. Lake, H. L. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 82. J-AKE, D. E. (E). Prac. under Time Act. LEE, C. M. (R). Geneva Med. Col. 50. LEE, C. R. (R). Uni. N. Y. 75. ""SfflS IS* 8to9'lto3'7to9. Uni.N.Y91. METCALF, J. W. (H). Hahn. Phila. 75. RUSSELL, N. G. (R). Uni. Buff. 95. FULTONVILLE (Montgomery) 1,400. PARSONS, W. W. D. (R). Albany, 78. Peddle, W. J. (R). Albany, 82. POST, H. W. (R). Uni. Vt. 76. GAINES (Orleans) 200. BARNUM, E. E. (R). Uni. Buff. 87. EAMAN, W. F. (R). Bell. N. Y. 77. GAINESVILLE (Wyoming) 500. PUTTON, F. A. (R). Med. Uni. Buff. 75. SKIFF, G. S. (R). Uni. Buff. 87. GALLUPVILLE (Schoharie) 250 Hotaling, J. (R). Albany, 63. SNYDER, O. A. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 79. GARRETSVILLE (Otsego) 200 BISHOP, W. B. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 86. GASPORT (Niagara) 500. FALING, P. (R). Albany, 54. 214 PHYSICIANS. GENESEO (Livingston) 2,286. % CRAIG, J. W. (R). Jefferson, 51. GREEN, R. W. (R). Uni. Buff. 89. Lauderdale, W. E., Jr. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 74. ROWLAND, M. C. (R). N. Y. Uni. 62. SOUTHALL, E. W. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. Phila. 79. VENABLE, S. C. Uni. Buff. 87. West, J. A. (H). Hahn. Phila. 68. GENEVA (Ontario) 7,557. Blaine, M. D. (R). Det. Col. Med. 83. CLARK, F. L. (R). Oculist andAurist, Fairfax Blk. 9 to 4. Boston Uni. 88. N. Y. Ophthal. Hosp. 90. COVERT, N. B. (H). 415 Main. Until 10, 1 to 4. Clevel'd Homo. Hosp. Col. 62. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. Phys. to Geneva Church Home and Hosp. DAKE, ADDIE (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 86. DE LANEY, J. POPE (R). 12 Park PI. 8 to 9,12 to 2, 7 to 9. Belle- vue, 85. B. S. Hobart Col. 76. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. etc. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. Staff Geneva Church Home. EDDY, H. M. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 70. HOPKINS, WILLIAM W. (H). 114 N. Main. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. N. Y. Homo. Col. 93. Interne Wards Island Hosp. 93-94. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. etc. ' KNAPP, J. C. (H). 40 Park Place. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Med. Soc. etc. McCarthy C. D. (R). Uni. Buff. 88. McCAW, W. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 88. McKENZIE, J. E. (H). 7 to 9.30, 1 to 3, 6.30 to 8. N. Y. Homo. Col. 92. PICOT, M. H. (R). Jefferson, 61. RUPERT, T. D. (R). 47 Seneca. 8 to 9,1 to 3, 7 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 80. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. Staff Geneva Church Home. Health Officer. SMITH, A. B. (H). 40 Park Place. Geneva Med. Col. 45. P. G. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 46. Mem. Co. Homo. Med. Soc. STEBBINS, F. LANSING (R). 385 Maine. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 91. B. S. Hobart Col. 88. Mem. Roch. Pathol, and Monroe and Ontario Co. Socs. STEBBINS, J. H. (R). 385 Maine. Med. Col. Ohio, 54. STRONG, H. B. (R). Linden Blk. 8 to 10, 12 to 2, 6 to 9. Det. Col. Med. 92. Mem. N. Y. and Mich. State Socs. etc. WEYBURN, H. D. (R). 100 Seneca. Reports Med. Col. Ohio, 72. Records of this Institution do not show name. Practices under Time Act. GENOA (Cayuga) 437. SLOCUM, G. (R). Uni. Mich. 89. GEORGETOWN (Madison) 300. LAMB, E, F. (R). Dartmouth, 83. PERKINS, A. T. (R). Uni. Buff. 91, PHYSICIANS. 215 GERMANTOWN (Columbia) 400. PLATNER, W. B. (R). Albany, 82. SMITH, W. O. (R). Berkshire, 63. GHENT (Columbia) 600. Kittle, M. M. (R). N. Y. Uni. 91. MULL, P. W. (H). Albany, 52. GILBERTSVILLE (Otsego) 520. FOX, C. T. (R). Uni. Mich. 80. WINANS, FRED. NEWTON (R). P. and S. N. Y. 74. GILBOA (Schoharie) 300. BILLINGS, ERNEST E. (R). N. Y. Uni. 84. HAGADORN, W. (R). N. Y. Uni. 72. GLENCO MILLS (Columbia). Mesick, Nelson H. (R). Albany, 68. GLEN COVE (Queens) 3,000. COOLEY, J. S. (R). N. Y. Uni. 77. HALL, C. J.(R). Bell. N. Y. 82. Watson, H. B. (H). L. I. Col. Hosp. 68. WRIGHT, F. A. (R). Until 9, 12 to 1, 6 to 8. Bell. N. Y. 71. ZABRISKIE, W. H. (R). C. P. & S. N. Y. 85. GLENS FALLS (Warren) 9,509. BIRDSALL, S. T. (H). Hahn. Phila. 68. COFFIN, H. W. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 81. Eddy, R. J. (R). Uni. Vt. 68. FERGUSON, J. (R). Castleton, Vt. 48. FITZ GERALD, D. J. (R). Albany, 84. FOSTER, C. A. (R). Louisville, Ky. 78. Hall, D. M. (R). Uni. Md. 86. LITTLE, G. W. (H). Albany, 59. McMURRAY, G. H. (R). Albany, 87. Martine, G. R. (R). Uni. Vt. '62. PAINE, HOWARD (H). Albany Med. Col. 81. PHELPS, A. H. (R). Uni. Vt. 84. STREETER, B. G. (R). Castleton, Vt. 53. STREETER, F. B. (R.) Albany, 79. WARNER, F. G. (R). Albany, 92. GLOVERSVILLE (Fulton) 13,864. BEACH EUGENE (R). 86 N. Main. 12 to 2, 6 to 7.30. Long Island Col. Hosp. 66. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. Staff Littauer Hosp. Mem. State Bd. Med. Exafhrs. BISSELL, D. A. (H). 65 E. Fulton. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 0 to 8. Hahn Chi. 83. Cullings, Helen (R). Uni. Mich. 86. Dailey, L. J. (R). Uni. N. Y. 82. DAVIS, WM. (R). Albany Med. Col. 83. 216 PHYSICIANS. DEZOUCHE, I. (R). Albany Med. Col. 69. EDWARDS, JOHN (R). 28 E. Fulton. 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Col. P. & S. N Y. 69. Mem. N. Y. State Soc. and Assn. etc. Mem. 9th Intern'l Med. Cong. Staff Littauer Hosp. City Health Officer. State Com. of Health. EISENBREY, E. H. (H). Hahn. Phila. 69. FURBECK, P. R. (R). Long Island, 65. GARNSEY, W. S. (H). 93 N. Main. N. Y. Homo. Col. 80. HAGAR JOHN A. (R). 114 Bleecker. 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Albany Med. Col. 90. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. HAGEDORN, A. C. (R). 13 Elm. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Albany Med. Col. 92. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. INGALLS, G. (H). Long Island Col. Hosp. 72. JOHNSON, A. L. (R). Albany Med. Col. 85. LEFLER, C. M. (R). 27 Elm. Albany Med. Col. 70. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. Staff Littauer Hosp. McCULLOCH, C. (R). 161 Bleecker. 8 to 10, 1.30 to 3, 7 to 8. Albany Med. Col. 77. N. Y. Polyclinic and N. Y. Post Grad. 93. Mem. State Med. Assn. etc. Staff Littauer Hosp. MEAD, F. A. (R). Albany Med. Col. 92. MURRAY, J. F. (R). Albany Med. Col. 67. OATMAN, L. R. (R). 312 N. Main. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Albany Med. Col. 91. Interne Ward's Island Hosp. N. Y. 91-92. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. City Phys. PALMER, R. J. (R). 158 W. Fulton. 7 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Albany Med. Col. 87. Mem Co. Med. Soc. Mem. City Bd of Health. PHILLIPS, J. S. (R). 67 S. Main. 7.30 to 9.30,12.30 to 2.30,6.30to 8. Albany Med. Col. 87. Ph. G. Albany, 82. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Co. Coroner. Mem. Bd. of Health. ROWE, GEO. (R). Albany Med. Col. 65. SHERMAN, C. F. (R). 16 Bleecker. 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Uni. Vt. 90. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Sternberg, C. A. (R). Bellevue, 84. THORNE, J. K. (R). Albany Med. Col. 71. TUCK, A. E. (H). Bost. Uni. 72. Wood, W. C. (R). Albany Med. Col. 80. GORHAM (Ontario) 300. ALLEN, A. D. (R). Syracuse, 80. ALLEN, J. H. (R). Albany, 53. Van Deusen, G. H. (R). Uni. Vt. 61. GOSHEN (Orange) 3,500. CONDICT, DANIEL T. (R). Alb. Med. Col. 74. Mem. Co. Soc. McGEOCH, R. L. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 94. ROBINSON, HEMAN H. (R). Uni. N. Y. 60. Surg. N. Y. L. E. and W. R. R. Mem. Tri-State and Co. Med. Socs. SEWARD, FREDERICK W. Uni. Vt. 66. N. Y. Homo. Col. 77. Pres. Orange Co. Homo. Med. Soc. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Med. Soc. Proprietor of Interpines. WARD, J. M. (R). Bell. 89. A. M. Lake Forest Col. Health Officer. PHYSICIANS. 217 GOUVERNEUR (St. Lawrence) 3,458. ALLEN, A. H. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 79. CLOSE, S. W. (R). N. Y. Uni. 85. DRURY, B. F. (R). Uni. Vt. 59. DRURY, F. F. (R). Bell. N. Y. 91. FLINT, W. J. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 90. Hawley, C. B. (R). Col. Med. and Surg. Cin. 71. HOSSIE, T. R. (R). Queen's Uni. Kingston, Ont. 78. REGA, J. A. (E). N. Y. Metropolitan Col. 62. GOWANDA (Cattaraugus) 2,000. Babcock, H. (R). Uni. Buff. 51. JOHNSON, C. C. (E). Eel. Col. Pa. 64. LAKE, A. D. (R). Cleveland Med. Col. 68. MOSS, R. E. (R), Uni. Buff. 80. RUGG, J. G. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 75. GRAND GORGE (Delaware) 160. WRIGHT, J. N. (R). Albany, 68. GRANVILLE (Washington) 2,500. Lee, Ira J. (R). N. Y. Uni. 86. MOSHER, B. D. (H). Hahn. Phila. 79. MUNROE, I. T. (R). Albany, 76. TENNY, W. A. (R). Uni. Vt. 77. GREECE (Monroe) 100. CARPENTER, A. M. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 57. Hillman, L. L. F. (R). Uni. Buff. 50. GREENE (Chenango) 1,067. JOHNSON, G. D. (R). N. Y. Uni. 85. JOHNSON, L. M. (R). Albany, 55. SMITH, M. E. (R). Uni. Vt. 78. WILLIAMS, G. O. (R). Albany, 66. WOOD, M. M. (R). Jefferson, 57. GREENFORT (Suffolk) 2,500. Miles, C. C. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 76. SKINNER, B. D. (R). Bell. N. Y. 69. GREENVILLE (Greene) 300. McCABE, B. S. (R). Albany, 50. McCABE, C. P. (R). Albany, 83. GREENWICH (Washington) 1,663. Gray, H. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 67. HULST, P. H. (H). Albany, 66. MURRAY, G. B. (R). Albany, 73. RICH, J. A. (R). Albany, 84. WHITCOMB, G. H. (R). N. Y. Uni. 76. * GRD?FIN'S CORNERS (Delaware) 300 Decker, S. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 67. 218 Physicians. GROTON (Tompkins) 1,280. BALDWIN, A. M. (H). Hahn. Phila. 80. Beckwith, G. M. (R). N. Y. Uni. 78. GOODYEAR, M. D. (R). Uni. Mich. 68. HAND, E. A. (R). Uni. N. Y. 89. GUILDERLAND (Albany) 350. DE GRAFF, A. (R). Albany, 58. GUILFORD (Chenango) 300. CLARK, R. M. (R). Bell. N. Y. 68. SPENCER, M. D. (R). Lie. Broome Co. Med. Soc. 59. HAGEMAN'S MILLS (Montgomery) 596. CALDWELL, N. A. (R). Albany, 81. YOUNG, C. H. (R). Albany, 87. HALSEY VALLEY (Tioga) 350. HOLLENBECK, C. E. (R). Bell. N. Y. 74. VOSBURGH, H. P. (R). Albany, 64. HAMBURG (Erie) 1,331. Abbott, G. (R). Uni. Buff. 52. BOURNE, B. S. (R). Niagara Uni. 90. BOBBINS, W. E. (R). Uni. Buff. 85. HAMILTON (Madison) 1,744. Beebe, F. D. (R). N. Y. Uni. 54. FLINT, C. B. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 90. FURMAN, C. L. (R). Bell. N. Y. 77. Gardiner, H. S. (R). Bell. N. Y. 68. GIFFORD, G. L. (H). Hahn. Phila. 83. LANGWORTHY, O. S.(R). N. Y. Uni. 91. LLOYD, F. O. (R). N. Y. Uni. 85. TOMPKINS, A. (R). Woman's Med. Col. Pa. 64. PEASE, J. (R). N. Y. Uni. 76. HAMMONDSPORT (Steuben) 934. ALDEN, P. L. (R). Uni. Buff. 87. BABCOCK, M. T. (R). Geneva, 52. HANCOCK (Delaware) 1,279. ALLEN, G. A. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 78. Drake, J. B. (R). Col. P. and S. Bait. Md. 82. HANNIBAL (Oswego) 600. ACKER, D. F. (R). Uni. Buff. 69. BOYD, E. H. (R). Castleton. Vt. 52. HAVEN, C. (R). Bell. N. Y. 71. HARTSDALE (Westchester) 250. BANKS, G. B. (R). C. P. and S. N. Y. 60. CLIFT, G. D. (R). " Scarsdale Sanitarium." N. Y. Uni. 77. PHYSICIANS. HASTINGS (Oswego) 200. DIMON, R. J. (R). Albany, 83. HAVANA (Schuyler) 1,751. HILLS, E. D. (R). Uni. Buff. 67. Post, G. M. (R). Miami Med. Col. 75. SCUTT, D. W. (R). Western Reserve, O. 81. Smelzer, B. T. (R). Bell. N. Y. 74. HAVERSTRAW (Rockland) 4,500. Appleton, G. F. (R). Bell. 77. WOOD, T. C. (R). Uni. N. Y. 79. LAIRD, EUGENE BERARD (R). P. and S., N. Y. 77. HECTOR (Schuyler). Birge, D. W. (R). Cleveland Med. Col. 48. HEMPSTEAD (Queens). FINN, C. G. J. (R). 24 Washington. Bell. N. Y. 76. LANEHART, L. N. (R). Albany, 83. LUDLUM, CHARLES H. (R). N. Y. Uni. 65. HENDERSON (Jefferson). Terry, W. G. (R). Bell. N. Y. 76. HERKIMER (Herkimer) 3,375. GRAVES, G. (R). Uni. Buff. 70. HARTER, W. H. (R). Uni. Buff. 52. Kay, C. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 80. Kern E. G. (H). Hahm. Phila. 81. NELLIS, mVING O. (R). Uni. Vt. 82. Mem. Co. Health Officer. SHAFER, J. H. (R). Uni. Mich. 91. SUSTER, A. W. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 71. HICKSVILLE (Queen) 900. Rave, E. G. (R). N. Y. Uni. 77. Taliaferro, F. N. (R). N. Y. Univ. 89. HIGHLAND (Ulster) 1,000. Dart, I. S. (R). Uni. Vt. 64. La Moree, G. S. (R). Albany, 72. HIGHLAND MILLS (Orange). Russell, W. S. (R). 12 to 2. N. Y. Uni. 93. HILLSDALE (Columbia) 350. Cornell, H. (R). Albany, 54. Niver, E. (R). Albany, 89. Westlake, H. G. (R). N. Y. Uni. 50. HOBART (Delaware) 561. MACE, H. M. (R). Uni. N. Y. 90. McNAUGHT, J. S. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 46. 220 PHYSICIANS. HOGANSBURGH (Franklin) 250. FARRINGTON, C. H. (R). Uni. Buff. 88. Farrington, D. A. (R). Uni. Buff. 63. McConnell, C. (R). N. Y. Uni. 81. HOLLAND (Oneida). ANDREWS, C. H. (R). Uni. Buff. 88. HOLLAND PATENT (Oneida). HUNT, M. W. (R). Uni. Vt. 82. HOLLEY (Orleans) 1,381. ARMSTRONG, E. R. (R). Uni. Buff. 65. STORER, F. B. (R). Uni. Buff. 88. Taylor, J. H.'(R). Uni. Buff. 69. HOMER (Cortland) 2,775. BRADFORD, GEO. D. (R). Brockway Blk. 10 to 12, 4 to 6, 7 to 9. Uni. Buff. 75. P. G. Bellevue, 80. Co. Coroner. Mem. N. Y. Stfttfi IVTpd Assn GOODELL, R. A. (H)'. 129 N. Main. Clevel'd Homo. Hosp. Col. 77. Mem. Co. Homo. Soc. etc. Surg. Commercial Travelers' Assn. GREENE, F. H. (R). Syracuse Uni. 82. POTTER, L. W. (H). 10 S. Main. Until 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 9. Att'd. N. Y. Homo. Col. 80. Mem. Co. Homo. Med. Soc. Robinson, J. H. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 82. WEBB, S. C. (R). Albany Med. Col. 54. WHITE, L. T. (R). Uni. Buff. 69. WHITNEY, J. W. (R). Long Island, 84. HONEOYE (Ontario) 300. Greene, L. E. (R). Col. Med. and Surg. Cin. 74. WIBUR, L. F. (R). Harvard, 54. HONEOYE FALLS (Monroe) 1,128. FLICK, J. W. (R). Bell. N. Y. 79 OTIS, C. F. (II). Hahn. Chicago, 82. HOOSICK FALLS (Rensselaer) 7,014. Cahill, J. T. (R). Bell. N. Y. 92. HANNON, J. C. (R). N. Y. Uni. 73. HANNON, T. H. (R). Bell. Hosp. 91. Hewit, C. (R). N. Y. Uni. 79. HUDSON, F. R. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 82. Lamb, G. M. (H). Hahn. Phila. 79. McLEAN, H. K. (R). Albany, 50. Mayberry, F. E. (R). Albany, 85. PUTNAM, W. B. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 79. SHAW, J. C. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 81. SKINNER, S. A. (R). Uni. Vt. 54. PHYSICIANS. 221 HORNELLSVILLE (Steuben) 10,996. BRASTED, C. M. (R). 11 Church. 1 to 3. Uni. Buff. 81. Staff Steuben Sanitarium. Surg. Erie R. R. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. Mem. Erie R. R. System Surgs. Assn. CONDERMAN, GEO. (R). 25 E. Main. 7 to 9, 12 to 3, 6 to 8. Uni. Vt. 89. Sec. Hornellsville Med. and Surg. Assn. Mem. Co. Soc. and Erie R. R. Surg. Assn. Surg. Erie R. R. DOLSON, MRS. A. A. (R). 20 Hakes Ave. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. DUNHAM. GILBERT, H. (R). 54 Main. 12 to 3, 7 to 9. Albany Med. Col. 68. Mem. Am. and N. Y. State Med. Assns. etc. GREEN, C. O. (R). 82 Main. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Bellevue, 90. Surg. Erie R. R. Co. Surg. Staff St. James' Mercy Hosp. Asst. Surg. 47th Separate Co. N. G. S. N. Y. Mem. Hornellsville Med. and Surg. Assn. and Erie R. R. Surg. Assn. HATHAWAY, JANETTE S. (H). 145 Main. 1 to 3.30, 7.30 to 9. Clevel'd Homo. Col. 88. HATHAWAY, W. E. (II). 145 Main. 1 to 3.30, 7.30 to 9. Hahn. Phila. 76. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. etc. HUBBARD, C. G. (R). 97 Main. Uni. N. Y. 71. Sec. City Bd. of Health. Surg. Erie R. R. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. etc. JAMISON, JOHN S. (R). 8 Center. Uni. Mich. 52. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. etc. Pres. U. S. Pension Bd. KELLY, J. G. (R). 86 Broad. 8 to 9, 1 to 4, 6 to 8. Uni. Buff. 84. Pres. Staff St. James' Mercy Hosp. Mem. Hornellsville Med. and Surg. Assn. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. Surg. Erie R. R. McNETT, J. H. (R). 18 Hakes Ave. 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Uni. N. Y. 80. Ph. B. Alfred Uni. 77. City Health Officer. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. MITCHELL, JOHN D. (R). Res. Phys. Steuben Sanitarium. Uni. N. Y. 76. MITCHELL, S. (R). 63 Main. 10 to 12, 1 to 4, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 79. Oculist and Aurist St. James' Mercy Hosp. and Steuben Sanitarium. Mem. Co. Soc. etc. Prac. lim. to dis. Eye, Ear, !N"rmp And Tliroftt NOBLE, W. A. (H). 22 Center. Until 10, 6 to 8. Pulte. 88. Mem. W. N. Y. Homo. Soc. etc. PALMER, W. E. (R). 202 Main. 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 82. Mem. Co. Soc. etc. PARKHILL, C. S. (R). 9 Center. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Alb. Med. Col. 66. Con'g Surg. Steuben Sanitarium. Surg. Staff St. James' Mercy Hosp. Surg, at Hornellsville, Erie R. R. Perm. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. Mem. N. Y. State Assn. R. R. Surgs. etc. R. R. Section N. Y. Medico- Legal Soc. PERRY, AMELIA A. C. (R). 9 Park. 7 to 9, 12 to 4. Woman's Med. Col. Pa. 72. State Normal Sch. Alb. 55. Mem. Co. Soc. etc. PHILLIPS, CHARLES R. (R). 36 Main. 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Surg. Steuben Sanitarium and St. James' Mercy Hosp. Surg. Erie R. R. Co. Mem. Co. Soc. etc. Mem. Erie R. R. Surg. Assn. 000 physicians. RUDGERS, DENTON W. (R). 73 Main. 10 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. Buff. 79. Oculist and Aurist St. James' Mercy Hosp. and Steuben Sanitarium. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. etc. Prac. lim. to dis. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. SMITH, L. B. (R). 100 Main. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 75. Staff St. James' Mercy Hosp. Mem. Hornellsville Med. and Surg. Assn. STARR, CLARENCE L. (R). Res. Surg. Steuben Sanitarium. Bell. 91. Tor. Uni. 88. Mem. Col. P. and S. Ont. SWEENEY, JAMES M. (R). 181 Canisteo. 8 to 10, 1 to 3 and 7. Niagara Uni. 92. Mem. Hornellsville Med. and Surg. Assn. TRUMBULL, J. H. (R). Uni. Buff. 71. WAKELY, B. C. (R). 75 Main. 1 to 4, 7 to 9. Uni. Buff. 76. City Phys. Mem. Hornellsville Med. and Surg. Assn. WAKEMAN, BERTIS RUPERT (R). 73 Main. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. L. I. Col. 93. B. S. Cornell, 89. Surg. Steuben Sanitarium and St. James' Mercy Hosp. Surg. Erie R. R. House Surg. L. I. Col. Hosp. 93-94. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. Mem. Erie R. R. Surg. Assn. WEBSTER, E. E. (R). 2 Hakes Ave. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8.30. Col. P. and S. Bait. 82. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. HORSEHEADS (Chemung) 1,716. BUSH, R. P. (R). Uni. Buff. 74. COLGROVE, W. E. (R). P. and S. Bait., Md. 82. NOBLE, E. H. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 90. Olmstead, W. H. (R). Uni. Buff. 87. HOWARD (Steuben) 500. Case, D. L. (R). Uni. Buff. 65. PARKHILL, M. H. (R). Uni. Buff. 86. PARKHILL, R. F. (R). Albany, 59. HOWELLS (Orange) 250. DAVIS, J. O. (R). Albany, 75. HUDSON (Columbia) 9,970. Benson, G. E. (R). Albany, 53. COCHRAN, F. T. (R). Jefferson, 72. COOK, C. P. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 68. Doland, T. D. (H). Chi. Homo. Col. 82. FRITTS, C. E. (R). 8 to 10, 1.30 to 3, 6.30 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 75. JOHNSON, H. W. (R). Albany, 91. SMITH, H. L. (R). 94 Warren. P. and S. N. Y. 64. SWIFT, G. E. (R). Albany, 83. TRACY, A. M. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 83. HUNTER (Greene) 699. DEYOE, F. S. (R). Albany, 69. MEAD, JOEL H. (R). Albany, 61. HUNTER'S LAND (Schoharie) 300. Jackson, George (R). N.Y. Uni. 71. physicians. 223 HUNTINGTON (Suffolk) 3,028. BANKS, G. B. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 60. CARTER, G. H. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 92. Lindsay, W. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 66. SWORDS, G. P. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 81. HURON (Wayne) 200. YORK, G. D. (R). Uni. Buff. 81. HYDE PARK (Dutchess) 700. BIRD, JOHN STERLING (R). P. and S. N. Y. 63. ILION (Herkimer) 4,057. Comstock, F. F. (R). Bellevue, 73. DOUGLASS, A. J. (R). Long Island, 72. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. DRAPER, E. M. (R). Alb. Med. Col. 74. RASBACH, J. I. (R). Bellevue, 76. WALKER, D. E. (R). Uni. N. Y. 85. WARNER, R. W. (R). Alb. Med. Col. 80. IRVINGTON (Westchester) 2,299. Fulton, J. B. (R). Harvard, 69. ISCHUA (Cattaraugus) 200. Terry, R. (R). Uni. Buff. 74. ITHACA (Tompkins) 11,079. BAKER. EUGENE (R). 10 W. Seneca. 8. to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Uni. Mich. 82. B. S. Cornell, 78. Mem. N. ^. State Soc. etc. Beaman, C. P. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 82. BESEMER H. B. (H). 33 E. State. 8 to 12, 4 to 6, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 91. Clevel'd Med. Col. 92. Ph. B. Cornell 89. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. BESEMER, MARTIN (H). 33 E. State. 1 to 4, 7 to 8. Clevel'd Homo. Hosp. Col. 75. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. BIGGS, CHAUNCEY P. (R). 14 E. Seneca. 8 to 10, 4 to 6. Bell. 88. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. etc. Mem. 10th Intern'l Med. Cong, at Berlin. Interne Bell. Hosp. 88-89. Bishop, A. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 63. BRADER, W. B. (R). 14 N. Aurora. 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Uni. Penna. 85. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. BROWN, J. W. (R). Uni. Buff. 79. FAHEY, J. P. (R). Uni. Buff. 91. FISH, WILBER G. (H). 49 E. State. 1 to 4, 7 to 8. Clevel'd Med. Col. 93. Vis. Phys. City Hosp. and Old Ladies' Home. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. Town Health Officer. GRIGGS, ELMA (H). 9 E. Seneca. Hahn. Chi. 88. KIRKENDALL, JOHN S. 57 N. Aurora. 9 to 5. Clevel'd Homo. Hosp. Col. 80. Fel. N. Y. Acad, of Med. Practice lim. to Dis. Eye and Ear. KYLE, E. H. (R). 24 N. Geneva. 9, 2 to 4, 6 to 8. Uni. Pa. 76, Mem. Co. Soc, 224 physicians. LOCKERBY, W. H. (R). 26 E. Seneca. 10 to 12, 1 to 4, 7 to 8. Uni. Buff. 81. Sec. Co. Med. Soc. Co. Coroner. MEANY, E. (R). Uni. Buff. 87. MORGAN, E. J., JR. (H). 2 E. State. N. Y. Homo. Col. 78. PARKER, S. J. (H). N. Y. Med. Col. 59. PECK, S. H. (R). 14 E. Seneca. Uni. N. Y. 62. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. Townsley, M. A. (R). Uni. Buff. 89. VAN CLEEF, C. E. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 74. WHITE, ARTHUR D. (R). 56 E. State. 10 to 12, 3.30 to 5. Uni. Buff. 93. WHITE, DAVID (E). 56 E. State. 1.30 to 3, 7 to 8. Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 59. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. WINSLOW, J. (R). Bellevue, 66. JAMAICA (Queen's Co). BELDEN, C. A. (H). Pa. Med. Uni. 54. BELDEN, C. K. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 78. FLYNN, T. J. (R). Uni. N. Y. 91. HARDENBROOK, I. L. (R). Uni. N. Y. 83. HENDRICKSON, SAMUEL (R). P. and S. N. Y. 75. MEYNEN. G. K. (R). N. Y. Uni. 85. WOOD, P. M. (R). Bellevue, 76. Staff. Jamaica Hosp. Mem. Co. Soc. WOOD, W. D. (R). Castleton, Vt. 54. Mem. Co. Soc. JAMESPORT (Suffolk Co). Cornwall, R. G. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 75. JAMESTOWN (Chautauqua) 20,000. ALBERT, CORNELIA (H). Clevel'd Med. Col. 92. ARMSTRONG, MRS. M. A. (R). Uni. Mich. 79. BEMUS, M. N. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 89. BEMUS, W. M. (R). Uni. Pa. 78. BLANCHARD, R. N. (R). Uni. Buff. 81. BOWERS, A. H. (R). Uni. Wooster, Clevel'd, O. 86. Fisher, S. Z. (R). Miami Med. Col. 78. GRAY, H. (R). Dartmouth, 47. HALL, H. P. (R). Uni. Buff. 68. HAZELTINE, L. (R). Uni. Bait. Md. 80. Livingston, A. T. (R). Uni. Buff. 73. NEVILLE, H. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 72. Ormes, F. D. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Med. Col. 63. PHILLIPS, C. J. (E). Bennett, Chicago, 84. RICE, A. B. (H). Bell. 67. SCHOFIELD, E. M. (R). Uni. Buff. 84. COTT, J. W. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 66. TOWLE, J. J. (R). Berkshire, 62. WIGGINS, J. H. (R). Uni. Buff. 79. JASPER (Steuben) 350. HUNTER, N. P. (R). Uni. Pa. 84. SHEFFIELD, W. H. (R). physicians. 22 £T WALLACE, E. E. (R). N. Y. Uni. 79. Ward, A. F. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 60. WELLMAN, W. D. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 81. JEDDO (Orleans) 150. CURTIS, D. (R). Uni. Buff. 74. JEFFERSON (Schoharie) 225. Havens, R. G. (R). Albany. 74. Hubbell, R. (E). Phila. Eel. Col. 66. JEFFERSONVILLE (Sullivan). BENNETT, T. W. (R). N. Y. Uni. 63. BRAND, WM. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 70. RICE, G. F. (R). N. Y. Uni. 85. JERICHO (Queens) 450. MANN, JOHN (R). N. Y. Uni. 84. JOHNSTOWN (Fultcn) 8,205. Beebee, F. (R). Albany Med. Col. 81. BURDICK, J. E. (R). Albany Med. Col. 63. DRAKE, D. D. (R). Albany Med. Col. 64. GIDLEY, FENTON I. (R). Uni. Vt. 87. N. Y. Post. Grad. 88-90. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Oculist andAurist. JOHNSON, W. L. (R). Albany Med. Col. 65. JOSLIN, J. W. (R). Albany Med. Col. 91. LEFLER, J. (R). Albany Med. Col. 64. Smith, T. D. (R). SOMERS, M. (E). U. S. Med. Col. N. Y. 82. STILL, D. V. (R). Bell. 76. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Walrad, C. B. (H). Hahn. Phila. 71. YOUNG, J. K. (R). Albany Med. Col. 75. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. JORDAN (Onondaga) 693. Carr, J. E. (R). Castleton, Vt. 45. WARREN, S. C. (H). Hahn. Phila. 55. WEED, H. A. (R). N. Y. Uni. 57. KATONAH (Westchester) 524. CARPENTER, W. J. (R). N. Y. Uni. 77. CHAPMAN, J. F. FRANCIS (R). P. and S. N. Y. 69. KEESEVILLE (Essex) 2,103. BARBER, C. B. (R). Albany, 66. HAMBLETON, R. S. (R). Louisville, Ky. 78. POPE, W. G. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 70. SEVERANCE, K. J. (H). Hahn. Chicago, 89. KENDALL (Orleans) 350. Bamber, R. W. (R). Uni. Buff. 83. KENMORE (Erie). DRAKE, JOHN (R). Uni. Buff. 89. 226 PHYSICIANS. KENNEDY (Chautauqua) 514. RICH, E. S. (R). N. Y. Uni. 86. SHAW, O. C. (R). Uni. Buff. 73. KINDERHOOK (Columbia) 963. GARNSEY, N. D. (R). Albany, 91. WOODWORTH, T. F. (R). Uni. Wooster, 69. KING'S FERRY (Cayuga) 400. Dudley, F. A. (R). Yale, 62. KING'S PARK (Suffolk). Cox, L. L. (R). DEWING, O. M. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 87. NEHRBAS, F. M. (R). L. I. C. H. 91. Selling, L. M. (R). TRICE, D. M. (R). Louisville, Ky. 90. KINGSTON (Ulster) 21,261. BASTEN, G. C. (R). Bellevue, 71. CHAMBERS, JACOB (R). Pearl, cor. Clinton Ave. 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 6 to 8. Uni. Buff. 75. Staff Kingston Hosp. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. etc. City Health officer. CONNELLY, D. (R). Syracuse Uni. 88. CONNELLY, W. H. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 85. Decker, W. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 79. GALLAGHER, E. J. (R). Bellevue, 87. Hillis, C. J. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. LOUGHRAN, E. H. (R). Bellevue, 73. Loughran, R. (R). Albany, 57. MABEN, HAMBLIN B. (R). 66 John. 1 to 4, 7 to 8. Albany Med. Col. 57. Pres. Kingston Med. Soc. Dis. of Women a specialty. MUNN, C. A. (R). Uni. N. Y. 83. MYER, J. (R). Uni. N. Y. 45. NORWOOD, E. E. (R). Berkshire, 64. Preston, J. L. (R). SAHLER, C. O. (R). 322 Wall. 11 to 4, 7 to 9. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 78. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. Mem. Kingston Med. Soc. Pri vate Retreat for Mental and Nerv. Dis. and Surg. Dis. of Women and Chil. VAN HOEVENBERGH, H. (R). Bellevue, 72. KIRK WOOD (Broome) 157. PIERSON, G. E. (R). Geneva, 71. KNOWLESV1LLE (Orleans) 400. FITCH, W. (R). N. Y. Uni. 51. TOMPKINS, E. M. (R). Uni. Buff. 78. TOMPKINS, H. C. (R). Uni. Vt. 53. KNOXBORO (Oneida) 280, Munger, C. (R). Bell. N. Y. 71. Physicians. 227 LAGRANGEVILLE (Dutchess) 200. HUNTINGTON, G. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 71. LAKE GEORGE (Warren). ADAMSON, W. R. (R). Bell. N. Y. 73. HUNT, W. J. (R). p. and S. Bait. Md. 91. LANCASTER (Erie). McPHERSON, G. W. (R). Uni. Mich. 66. MILLER, J. G. (R). Uni. Buff. 76. WENZ, J. (R). Uni. Buff. 65. LANSINGBURGH (Rensselaer) 10,550. BALLOU, N. H. (R). Jefferson, 39. Bradbury, G. A. (R). Albany, 83. CAPRON, E. W. (R). 518 2d Ave. 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 9. Albany, 55. A. B. Union Col. 50. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. City Health officer. DONNELLY, J. M. (R). 51 5th Ave. 8 to 9.30, 12.30 to 2, 6.30 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 76. Mem. Troy and Vicinity Med. Soc. Holmes, H. P. (H). Albany, 75. IVES, H. L. (R). Albany, 84. LYONS, J. H. (R). Albany, 90. MAGEE, JOHN (R). 575 2d Ave. 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Col. P. and S. Bait. 80. N. Y. Post Grad. 90. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. SALMON, T. H. (E). 620 2d Ave. Until 9, 1 to 3, and after 7. Licentiate R. C. S. Eng. 57. Licentiate Eel. Med. Soc. of Alb. Co. Life Mem. N. Y. State Phar. Assn. TOMPKINS, F. J. (R). 112 2d Ave. 1 to 2, 6 to 7. Albany, 85. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. etc. LASELLSVILLE (Fulton) 400. WALRATH, ADAM (R). Albany, 79. LAURENS (Otsego) 255. HARRIS, H. T. (R). N. Y. Uni. 49. STRONG, P. K. (R). Bell. N. Y. 88. LEE CENTRE (Oneida) 320. COX, T. H. (R). Cincinnati Col. Med. and Surg. 75. ROBINSON, K. H. (R). Uni. N. Y. 67. LEEDS (Greene) 400. ERWAY, D. D. (R). Syracuse, 83. ROUSE, J. B. (R). Albany, 67. LE ROY (Genese:-) 2,743. CLEVELAND, J. F. (R). Bellevue, 65. MACPHERSON, W. A. (R). Myrtle. 7.30 to 9.30,1.30 to 3, 7 to 8. Trinity, Tor. 91. Fel. Trinity Med. Col. SKINNER, S. W. (H). 12 Myrtle. 6 to 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 9. Hahn. Phila. 68. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo, etc. 228 PHYSICIANS. STONE, F. L. (R). Bell. 65. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. etc. Surg. B. R. and P. R. R. Health Officer. Co. Coroner. TAYLOR STELLA M. (R). Woolcott, cor. Main. 9 to 11, 1 to 3, 6 to 8.30. Woman's Med. Col. Pa. 88. Trinity Lni. Tor, 89. L. R. C. P. and S. Edinburgh, 90. L. F. P. and S. Glasgow, 90. Res. Phys. Blockley Hosp. Phila. 90-91. WILLIAMS, R. (R). Albany Med. Col. 48. LESTERSHIRE (Broome) 1,000. WILSON, W. H. (R). Bell. N. Y. 88. LEWISTON (Niagara) 633. Eddy, G. P. (R). Uni. Buff. 65. KERR, T. A. (R). Uni. Vt. 85. LIBERTY (Sullivan) 800. PAYNE, C. S. (R). Uni. Buff. 84. SHERWOOD, W. F. (R). Bell. N. Y. 69. Webster, W. S. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 56. WHITCOMB, J. L. C. (R). N. Y. Uni. 90. LISLE (Broome) 421. FRENCH, K. C. (R). Bell. N. Y. 87. Teed, E. L. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 86. LITTLE FALLS (Herkimer) 8,783. BRADY, W. J. (R). Until 10, 1 to 4, 7 to 9. Uni. N. Y. 92. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Brainard, L. L. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 74. BUSHNELL, K. A. (R). Albany Med. Col. 79. DOUGLAS, EDGAR H. (R). 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Dartmouth, 89. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Co. Coroner. City Phys. DOUGLASS, A. O. (R). Long Island, 76. Eveleth, G. S. (R). Bell. 88. GARLOCK, W. D.(R). 8 to 9, 3 to 4, 7.30 to 8.30. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 81. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. etc. Glidden, C. H. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 81 „,„.„„ c+ - HUNT, W. E. (R). 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Albany Med. Col. 93. Staff Little Falls Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. . Ingham, S. A. (R). Albany Med. Col. 71. SHARER, J. P. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 48. LITTLE VALLEY (Cattaraugus) 698. BEDIENT, S. S. (R). Uni. Buff. 78. LIVERPOOL (Onondaga) 1,284. Whitney, R. A. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 84. YOUNG, J. R. (H). Hahn. Chicago, 72. LOCKPORT (Niagara) 16,038. BAKER, F. J. (R). 94 Walnut. 11 to 12, 1 to 3, and 7. Uni. N. Y. 67. Post Grad. Uni. Pa. 82. Perm. Mem. N. Y. State Soc. Pres. Niagara Co. Soc. PHYSICIANS. 229 BICKFORD, J. W. (R). 82 Ontario. 8 to 9, 12 to 1, 5 to 6. Uni. Buff. 81. Mem. Niagara Co. Soc. BUCK, CHAMPLIN F. (II). 27 Pine. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. N. Y. Homo. Col. 85. Mem. AY. N. Y. Homo. Soc. COSFORD, T. B. (R). Trinity, Tor. 76. Durand, C. F. (R). Uni. Tor. 87. FOOT, J. (R). Uni. Buff. 51. HARTWELL, J. P. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 86. HILL, H. C. (R). Uni. Mich. 59. Hodson, W. H. (R). Bell. 82. HURD, S. WRIGHT (H). 78 Main. Until 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Hahn. Phila. 80. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. Phys. Home for the Friendless. Staff Hosp. Buff. Hosp. Co. JOHNSON, A. H. (R). Kingston, Can. 62. KITTINGER, M. S. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 53. LOOMIS, W. H. (R). 30 Main. 9 to 11, 2 to 5, 7 to 9. Long Island Col. Hosp. 79. Mem. Niagara Co. Soc. McNamara, A. (R). Uni. Buff. 87. MAYNE, H. H. (R). 56^ Main. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Uni. Buff. 92. Mem. Niagara Co. Soc. Phys. in charge Co. Alms House. MOORE, A. N. (R). 33 Niagara. 11 to 12, 1.30 to 3. Uni. Mich. 78. Mem. Niagara Co. Soc. Phys. to Co. Jail. PALMER, C. N. (R). Uni. N. Y. 65. PETTIT, W. N. (II). 29 Main. N. Y. Homo. Col. 79. Ransom, W. J. (R). Uni. N. Y. 76. RICE, W. B. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 63. R1NGUEBERG, E. N. S. (R). Main, cor. Cottage. 9 to 12. Uni. Buff. 86. Mem. Niagara Co. Soc. and Am. Assn. for Adv. of Sci. and Am. Geolog. Soc. Prac. Lim. to Dis. Eye and Ear. WATTERS, F. A. (H). 29 Main. 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Hahn. Phila. 92. WOOD, W. C. (R). Geneva Med. Col. 66. ZURHORST, A. F. G. (R). Western Reserve, 69. LODI (Seneca) 600. Carman, J. S. (R). Harvard, 85. LONG ISLAND CITY (Queens) 31,506. ANDERSEN, A. J. (R). 26 Steven. Until 9.30, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Surg. Astoria Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. Phys. in charge Conn. State Soldiers Home, 90-93. Barry, J. L. (R). 126 9th. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. BUMSTER, P. H. (R). 143 5th. Uni. N. Y. 93. BURNETT, W. J. (R). 127 3d. Detroit Col. Med. 69. BURNS, J. F. (R). 426 Jackson Ave. Uni. N. Y. 89. FITCH, NEIL O. (R). Woolsey, cor. Franklin. Until 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 86. Vis. Phys. Astoria Hosp. Mem. Queens Co. and N. Y. Medico-Leg. Socs. FORBES, GEO. (R). Uni. N. Y. 90. FREY, WALTER G. (R). 116 3d. 8 to 9.30, 1.30 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 88. Ph. G. N. Y. Col. Phar. 83. Interne. N. Y. Infants Asy. Mt. Vernon, 88-89. Kings Co. Hosp. 89-90. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. 2:!0 PIIYSTCTANS. HERRIMAN, MENZO W. (R). 330 Steinway Ave. 8 to 9.30, 12.30 to 2, 6 to 9. Syracuse Uni. 81. Vis. Phys. St. John's Hosp. Surg. Dept. City Police. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. HINKSON, J. R. (R). 544 Hunters Point Ave. 8 to 9, 7 to 8. L. M. Dublin, 83. Bell. 89. Staff St. John's Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. Kennedy, J. B. (R). 139 5th. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 86. McKEOWN, P. J. (R). 145 5th. 8 to 9, 12 to 1, 6 to 7. Bellevue, 90. Vis. Surg. St. John's Hosp. Phys. in Charge to Contagious Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. MacFarlane, R. F. (R). 429 Jackson Ave. Albany, 88. MEYER, PAUL OSCAR (R). 307 Steinway Ave. 7 to 9, 2 to 3, 6 to 7. Uni. Berlin, Ger. 82. L. I. C. Med. Soc. MULOT, L. (R). 8 Henry. Uni. N. Y. 52. MULOT, O. L. (R). 8 Henry. Uni. N. Y. 89. PLATT, C. N. (H). 152 Franklin. N. Y. Homo. Col. 88. PRENTISS, R. S! (R). 285 Jamaica Ave. 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 6 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 70. STRONG, BENJAMIN, G. (R). 434 Jackson Ave. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Uni. Mich. 84. Staff Astoria Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. Co. Coroner. TAYLOR, W. REMSEN (R). Franklin, cor. Remsen. Until 9, 7 to 8. Long Island Col. Hosp. 64. A. B. and A. M. Rutgers Col. Staff Astoria Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. TRASK, J. D. (R). 164 Franklin. Uni. N. Y. 76. VOEGTLE, A. (R). 537 Broadway. Uni. Berne, 88. LORRAINE (Jefferson) 140. OVERTON, M. L. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 65. LOWVILLE (Lewis) 2,511. BRONSON, M. H. (H). Hahn. Phila. 61. CRANE, F. A. (R). Bell. N. Y. 66. Crosby, M. P. (R). Uni. Buff. 91. DOUGLASS, C. E. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 73. HUBBARD, W. O. (R). Uni. Buff. 82. HUNT, J. Z. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 87. KELLY, J. D. (R). N. Y. Uni. 80. Kirley, C. P. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 75. LUDLOWVILLE (Tompkins) 400. BARR, D. T. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 52. BARR, W. H. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 76. LUZERNE (Warren) 868. HOLLIDAY, H. (R). Albany, 84. MONTGOMERY, J. J. (R). Uni. Vt. 87. LYCOMING (Oswego). COE, C. M.' (R). Albany, 84. LYONS (Wayne) 4,475. CARMER, M. E. (R). 8 to 9.30, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Uni. Vt. 85. A. B and A. M. Hamilton Col. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. PHYSICIANS. 231 PUTNAM, J. W. (R\ Dartmouth Med. Col. 77. READ, J. S. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Hosp. Col. 88. ROBINSON, J. W. (R). Col. P. and S. 67. SHELDON, A. F. (R). 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 52. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. etc. Late U. S. Army Surg. SHELDON, RALPH (R). 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Albany Med. Col. 94. Sisson (H). No Report. TOWLERTON, CHAS. H. (R). 8 to 9.30, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 89. Interne Bellevue Hosp. 89-92. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Co. Jail Phys. TURNER, JENNIE M. (R). Uni. Mich. 79. VEEDER, M. A. (R). 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Uni. Buff. 83. A. B. and A. M. Union Col. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. McDONOUGH (Chenango). BLAIR, L. P. (R). Ky. School of Med. 77. Weaver, G. S. (R). Syracuse, 82. McGRAWVILLE (Cortland). FORSHEE, F. H. (R). N. Y. Uni. 92. HENDRICK, H. C. (R). Uni. Mich. 53. SMITH, M. R. (R). Albany, 88. McKNOWNVILLE (Albany). Helme, T., Jr. (R). Albany, 90. MACEDON (Wayne) 533. FINLEY, F. D. (R). Syracuse, 85. MACHIAS (Cattaraugus) 500. ASHLEY, H. J. (R). Uni. Buff. 75. KING, CLARENCE (R). Uni. Buff. 85. MAHOPAC (Putnam) 500. CARD, E., JR. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 82. MAINE (Broome) 400. Dudley, D. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 64. GUY, C. V. (H). Hahn. Chicago, 83. Pellette, A. H. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 80. MALONE (Franklin) 4,986. BEAUPRE, J. O. A. (R). Victoria Col. Montreal, 82. BELDING, D. R. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 69. ERWIN, R. (R). Uni. Vt. 61. FURNESS, H. (R). N. Y. Uni. 75. Grant, J. A. (R). N. Y. Uni. 88. GUYOTT, E. J. (H). Hahn. Chicago, 82. Harwood, W. H. (R). Uni. Vt. 80. WILDING, A. G. (R). Albany, 92. WILDING, R. J. (R). Apoth. Hall, London, C6. 232 PHYSICIANS. MAMARONECK (Westchester) 2,000. BOND, HUNTER A. (R). Bellevue, 91. Asst. Phys. Waldemere- on-the-Sound. CARPENTER, ELON N. (R). Uni. N. Y. 84. Con'g Neurol. New Rochelle Hosp. Mem. N. Y. Co. Med. Soc. and N. Y. Neurol. Soc. andN. Y. Medico-Legal and N. Y. Acad, of Med. Phys. in charge Waldemere-on-the-Sound. CLARK, EDWARD M. (R). 8 to 10, 1 to 2, 6 to 8. Bell. 85. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Hall, M. J. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col 85. HUNTER, J. F. (R). 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 6 to 8. Bell. 89. MIXSELL, A. J. (R). 7 to 9, 5 to 7. Bell. 71. Interne Bell. Hosp. 71-72. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. MANCHESTER (Ontario) 300. HUNTER, JOHN F. (R). Bell. 89. PRATT, F. R. (R). Bell. 91. PRATT, J. H. (R). Bell. 90. PRATT, J. R. (R). Jeff. 51. MANCHESTER BRIDGE (Dutchess) 400. VAN WYCK, D. B. (R). Bell. N. Y. 89. MANLIUS STATION (Onondaga) 200. Rood, A. B. (R). Syracuse, 89. MARATHON (Cortland) 2,000. Ayers, F. D. Bradford, W. H. Miles, W. A. Smith, R. L. TRAFFORD, C. D. (R). Col. P. and S. Bait. 83. MARCELLUS (Onondaga) 563. PARSONS, I. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 48. WEIDMAN, C. E. (R). Albany, 80. MARILLA (Erie) 400. HOLCOMB, A. R. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 84. Wheeler, I. G. (R). Albany, 74. MARION (Wayne). Atwood, J. W. (R). Jeff. Pa. 88. HALSTED, A. R. (H). Uni. Mich. 81. Richards, D. (E). Eel. Col. Pa. 65. MASONVILLE (Delaware) 400. BOURNE, I. C. (R). N. Y. Med. Col. 52. PATTISON, C. A. (R). Albany, 92. MASPETH (Queens) 500. Judson, V. E. (R). N. Y. Uni. 90, PHYSICIANS. 233 MASSENA (St. Lawrence) 1,049. ANDERSON, F. A. (R). Bell. N. Y. 87. DODGE, S. W. (R). Uni. Vt. Burlington, 75. McFadden, O. (R). Albany, 65. STEARNS, M. J. (H). Uni. N. Y. 80. MATTEAWAN (Duchess) 4,278. DAWSON, J. G. (H). 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Hahn. Chi. 80. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. DOUGHTY, JOHN H. (R). Until 9, 12 to 2, after 5. Uni. Mich. 63. A. B. and A. M. Williams Col. Pres. Duchess Co. Med. Soc. Sr. Surg. Highland Hosp. Health Officer. SCHENCK, J. P. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 62. TIEL, ARTHUR R. (E). 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. N. Y. Eel. Col. 78. Mem. N. Y. State Eel. Med. Soc. etc. Mem. Bd. Censors N. Y. Eel. Med. Col. MECHANICSVILLE (Saratoga) 2,679. CROMBIE, W. C. (R). Albany, 79. KNISKERN, A. C. (R). Albany, 90. Keefer, C. W. (R). P. and S. Bait. Md. 77. La Dow, J. C. (H). Albany, 83. PALMER, F. A. (R). Albany, 82. Rice, G. (R). Albany, 72. MEDINA (Orleans) 4,500. CHAPMAN, JAS. (R). Uni. N. Y. 52. Chapman. GILLETTE, MYRA (H). Hahn. Chi. 87. James, J. T. (R). Uni. Buff. 89. Lund, G. L. (R). Rush, 82. Munson, E. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 81. SCOTT, F. W. (H). Hahn. Phila. 80. Stokes, J. T. (R). SWETT, EMILY F. (H). Hahn. Chi. 85. Mem. Am. Inst of Homo. etc. TURNER, C. H. (R). Bell. 72. MELROSE (Rensselaer) 300. CROUNSE, A. C. (R). Albany, 85. MERIDIAN (Cayuga) 600. Carroll, W. B. (R). Uni. Mich. 80. LANG, C. L. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 84. MEXICO (Oswego) 1,315. BECKER, D. D. (R). Licentiate, 65. BENNETT, S. M. (R). Uni. Mich. 80. GREEN, T. J. (R). Regent's Uni. N. Y. 71. HUNTINGTON, J. W. (R). Uni, Buff. 77. Johnson, G. P. (R). Albany, 67. RADWAY, C. W. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 76. Stowe, T. D. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 54, 234 PHYSICIANS. MIDDLEBURGH (Schoharie) 1,028. BEST, C. S. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 76. RIVENBURGH, W. T. (R). Uni Buff. 86. SINPKINS, E. S. (R). Albany, 90. WELLS, H. D. (R). Albany, 57. MIDDLEPORT (Niagara) 1.217. HOYER, J. B. (R). Uni. Buff. 81. Wilmot, H. A. (R). Uni. Buff. 77. MIDDLETOWN (Orange) 11,977. BRADNER, JULIA (H). Med. Col. for Women, N. Y. 78. Burke, W. H (R). Bellevue, 82. COLLIN, CHARLES (E). 110 North. 7 to 9, 12 to 1, 5 to 9. Utrecht, Holland, 62. Mem. N. Y. State and Hudson River Dist. Eel. Socs. CONNER, M. C. (R). Main, cor. South. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y, 83. Mem. Am. and N. Y. State Med. Assns. etc. DOUGLAS. WM. E. (R). 38 South, 12 to 2, 6.30 to 7.30. Bellevue, 76. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. etc. Staff Thrall Hosp. EMORY, G. A. (E). Licentiate. Fancher, E. (H). Boston Uni. 83. GILLSON, THOMAS L. (R). 10 King. 8 to 9,1 to 3. 6 to 8. Long Island Col. Hosp. 91. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. HANMER, J. L. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col, 74. HARDENBERGH, DANIEL B. (R). 17 North. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 91. A. B. Yale, 88. Interne Bellevue Hosp. N. Y. 91-93. Asst. Ed. Am. Medico-Surg. Bulletin N. Y. Mem. N, Y. and Orange Co. Med. Socs. HULETT, J. B. (R). 20 Orchard. Until 9, 1.30 to 3, 7 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 87. Interne Manhattan Hosp. N. Y. 87-88. Surg. N.Y. Ont. and W. R. R. Surg. Thrall Hosp. Mem. Natl. and. State Assns. R. R. Surgs. Mem. State Assn. Military Surgs. Mem N. Y. State and Co. Med. Socs. LEEMON, J. E. (R). 4 Smith. Uni. N. Y. 94. MILLS, THEO. D. (R). 60 W. Main. 8.30 to 9, 1 to 2, 6.30 to 7.30. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 76. A. B. Rutger's Col. 74. A. M. 77. Interne Bellevue Hosp. 76-77. Surg. N. Y. Ont. and W. R. R. Mem. N. Y. State and Co. Med. Socs. and Natl, and State Assns. R. R. Surgs. NELSON, W. J. (R). 66 E. Main. 8.30 to 9.30, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Uni. Md. 83. Interne Uni. Md. Hosp. 82-84. City Phys. Mem. City Bd. of Health. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. PILLSBURY, BURKE (R). 36 South. 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Har- vard, 72. Pres. Co. Med. Soc. Mem. N. Y. State Soc. and N. Y. Acad, of Med. Mem. Tuberculosis. Intern'l Con'g. at Paris. PURDY, WILLIS I. (It). 105 North. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 5 to 6. Uni. N. Y. 82. Surg. L. E. and W. R. R. Staff Thrall Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. and State Assn. R. R. Surgs. Smiley, D. B. (R), Col. P. and S. N. Y. 81. SPIEGEL, J. C. (R). Uni. Buff. 78. PHYSICIANS. 235 SPRAGUE, DAVID H. (R). 56 North. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 86. Interne Charity Hosp. N. Y. 86-87. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. STRUBLE, H. McD. (R). 8 William. Until 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. Pa. 75. Con'g. Surg. Thrall Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. MIDDLEVILLE (Herkimer) 900. EDSALL, I. S. (R). Albany, 85. HAMLIN, C. W. (R). Bell. N. Y. 66. MILFORD (Otsego) 800. BARNEY, C. S. (R). Albany, 83. BLAKELY, A. D. (R). N, Y. Uni. 80. SEEBER, A. S. (R). Castleton, Vt. 58. SEEBER, W. R. (R). Albany, 89. MILLBROOK (Dutchess) 693. JACOBUS, S. I. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 87. Pingry, J. O. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 68. MILLERTON (Dutchess) 638. Dumond, D. W, (R). Bell. N. Y. 86. HOAG, A. F. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 79. MILLPORT (Chemung). Bailey, L. W. (R). Castleton, Vt. 52. BEARD, G. M. (R). Uni. Buff, 66. MILTON (Ulster) 531. CARHART, E. W. (R). Albany, 78. SNOW, W. BENHAM. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 86. MOHAWK (Herkimer) 1,806. CASEY, F. B. (R). Albany Med. Col. 92. CASEY, J. E. (R). Albany Med. Col. 52. FITCH, J. D. (R). Uni. N. Y. 72. Landt, W. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 58. RASBACH, G. P. (R). Bellevue, 76. VANCOURT, D. P. (R). Albany Med. Col. 75. MONROE (Orange) 630. Vanderveer, J. C. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 85. MONTEZUMA (Cayuga) 307. WHITE, D. A. (R). P. and S. Bait. Md. 87. MONTGOMERY (Orange) 2,000. Cooley, C. G. (R). Albany, 74. ELLIOTT, E. R. (R). N. Y. Uni. 74. KEARNS, ROBERT. (R). P. .ind S. N. Y. 88. WALLACE, W. I. (H). Uni. Mich. 84. 236 PHYSICIANS. MOOERS (Clinton) 1,000. CHANDLER, J. (R). Castleton, Vt. 50. TAYLOR, W. U. (R). Uni. Vt. 80. MORAVIA (Cayuga) 1,486. Atwood, C. (R). Uni. Iowa, 81. COOK, W. C. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 72. Cox, W. T. (R). Dartmouth, 65. EDMONDS, G. A. (R). N. Y. Uni. 85. KENYON, M. (R). Uni. Mich. 74. HORTON, J. H. (R). Lie. Cayuga Co. Med. Soc. 74. Ryan, F. (R). N. Y. Uni. 74. MORRIS (Otsego) 601. HALL, W. H. (R). N. Y. Uni. 59 STEBBINS, C. E. (R). Uni. Buff. 64. MORRISVILLE (Madison) 726. BRESEE, C. H. (H). Hahn. Chicago, 91. Chase, D. D. (R). Bell. N. Y. 69. MEAD, H. P. (R). N. Y. Med. Col. 58. MOSCOW (Livingston) 275. MOYER, F. H. (R). Uni. Buff. 72. MOTTVILLE (Onondaga) 551. BROWN, J. W. (R). Uni. Mich. 73. MOUNT KISCO (Westchester) 1,095. AUGER, F. A. (R). C. P. and S. Bait. 86. MILLER, C. J. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 74. Chapman, C. F. (R). C. P. and S. N. Y. 90. MOUNT MORRIS (Livingston) 2,286. CAMPBELL, A. L. D. (R). Queen's Uni. 88. Dodge, F. B. (R). Col. P. and S. Bait. 79. EARLE, J. C. (R). Uni. Buff. 87, HAGEY, J. M. (R). Rush Col. Chi. 62. MOUNT UPTON (Chenango) 350. JACOBS, J. V. (R). N. Y. Uni, 87, Smith, B. F. (R). Albany, 57. MOUNT VERNON (Westchester) 10,830. BANNING, ARCH. T. (R). 224 S. 4th Ave. Until 10, 6 to 8. Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 73. Co. Coroner. City Health Officer. Surg. Dept. City Police. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. Bedell, W. A. (R). Uni. N. Y. 78. Bertine, L. E. (R). Bellvue, 81. BREMNER, S. K. (R). N. Y. Infant Asy. Harvard, 89. Bullock, E. S. BRUSH, E. F. (R). 320 S. 5th Ave. Bellevue, 75. Con'g Staff Dis. Chil. Mt. Vernon Hosp. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. and N. Y. Soc. of Med. Jurisprudence, etc. PHYSICIANS. 237 CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD M. (R). 36 1st Ave. 8 to 9, 1.30 to 2.30. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 73. A.B. and A.M. Columbia Col. 65. Phys. Home for Incurables, N. Y. and N. Y. Infant Asy Staff Mt. Vernon Hosp. Mem. State Med. Soc. and N. Y. Acad of Med. etc. CARLISLE, STUART B. (R). 240 5th Ave. South. 8 to 10, 1.30 to 3. Bellevue, 81. Vis. Surg. Mt. Vernon Hosp. Mem. N. Y. Acad, of Med. etc. Pres. Westchester Co. Med. Soc. CARTER, THEO. R. (R). 8 to 10, 1 to 2, 6 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. A.B. Yale, 86. Asst. Nerv. Dept. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp. Clin. Asst. West Side Ger. Dispy. Vis. Phys. Mt. Vernon Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc, DINEGAR, ROBERT H. (R). 7th Ave. cor. 2d. 8.30 to 10.30, 1 to 3, 5 to 7. Uni. N. Y. 92. Interne Col'd Home and Hosp. N. Y. 94. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Ferris, I. W. (H). Uni. N. Y. 67. Granger, W. D. (R). Bellevue, 79. FLEMING, WALTER S. (R). 141 Rich Ave. 8 to 10, 5 to 7. Uni. N. Y. 83. Mem. Kings and Westchester Cos. Med. Socs. and N. Y. Medico-Legal Soc. GLOVER.. F. R. (R). 117 S. 5th Ave. Until 10 and after 7. Uni. N. Y. 85. Mem. Co. Soc. GOODWIN, THOS. F. (R). 142 S. 3d Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 2, 6 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 79. Staff Mt. Vernon Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. v-Pres Jenkins Assn GREENE, W. F. (R). 25 S. 1st Ave. Until 10, 1 to 2, 6 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 78. A.B. Col. City N. Y. 75. Staff Mt. Vernon Hosp. Vis. Phys. N. Y. Infant Asy. Mem. Co. and N. Y. Acad, of Med. Socs. etc. HOLLISTER, Q. A. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. O. 68. HOUSE, JOSEPH A. (H). 151 Cottage Ave. 8 to 10, 5 to 7. N. Y. Eel. Col. 80. Mem. Am. Obstet. Soc. and Co. Homo. Med. Soc. HOWE, ROBERT T. (R). 29 S. 1st Ave. 8 to 11, 6 to 7.30. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 79. Con'g Oculist and Aurist Mt. Vernon Hosp. Ophthal. and Aural Surg. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp. Mem. N. Y. Acad, of Med. and Co. Med. Soc. etc. JESCHINSKY, L. (R). Uni. Halle, Ger. 69. JONES, H. C. H. (Licentiate). KIMBALL, CLARENCE E. (R). 64 Valentine. 8 to 9.30, 12.30 to 2, 6.30 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 86. A.B. Dartmouth, 81. Interne Col'd Home and Hosp. N. Y. £-6-87. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. KNAPP, JOHN A. (R). 1 E. 4th. Bellevue, 88. Staff Mt. Vernon Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc. MERRIAM, FRANCES (R). Woman's Col. N. Y. Infy. 92. Myers, S. O. (R). Albany Med. Col. 74. NEWELL, EDWARD S. (R). 149 Prospect Ave. Until 9.30, 1 to 2, 6 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 91. Surg. Staff Mt. Vernon Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. NUTTING, N. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 83. PARKER, I. T. (R). Uni. Vt. 63. 238 PHYSICIANS. PECK, G. A. (R). N. Y. Infant Asy. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 91. SCHNEIDER, C. J. (A) (R). 23 N. 10th Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 2, 6 to 7. Uni. N. Y. 84. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Slade, Elizabeth. Smith. Tupper. WEISS, G. C. (R). 35 N. Bleeker. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 6.30 to 8. Bellevue, 82. A.B. N. Y. City Col. 79. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. MUNNSVILLE (Madison) 400. GRIFFITHS, W. H. (H). Hahn. Phila. 72. Moore, S. P. (R). Uni. Buff. 71. NANUET (Rockland) 1,500. BOGERT, ALB' T OSBORN (R). P. and S. N. Y. 75. NAPLES (Ontario) 1,266. BELL, F. P. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 89. Conley, D. H. (H). Clevel'd Homo. Col. 68. GALLAGHER, G. S. (R). N. Y. Uni. 72. WETTLING, THEO. BENJ. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 73. NEWARK (Wayne) 2,824. KELLEY, A. E. (R). Uni. N. Y. 91. LANDON, N. E. (R). 1 to 3. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 76. Mem. Am. Med. Assn., etc. Mem. Nat. Assn. R. R. Surgs. Surg. West Shore & N. C. R. R. Con'g Surg. State Custodial Asy. NUTTEN, WILBUR F. (R). 1 to 3. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 63. TWptyi Atti JvTpo Assn ptc* PARSONS', O. C. (H).' Untii 10,1 to 2, 4 to 9. Eel. Col. Syracuse, 53. Mem. Co. Homo. Med. Soc. REED,vj. A. (H). 1 to 3, 7 to 9. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. B. S. Cor- nell, 82. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Soc. Pres. Co. Homo. Med. Soc. Seigrist, A. (R). No report. THATCHER, EDWARD P. (H). 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Uni. Mich. 81. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Med. Soc, etc. Health Officer. YOUNG, A. A. (R). 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Syracuse Uni. 79. B. S. Syracuse Uni. 76. Mem. Am. Microscop. Soc. and N. Y. State Med. Assn., etc. NEWARK VALLEY (Tioga) 875. BISHOP, F. M. (H). Hahn. Phila. 84. Knapp, H. L. (R). Uni. Buff. 88. ROGERS, C. R. (R). Geneva, N. Y. 67. NEW BERLIN (Chenango) 976. DYE, H. S. (R). Nat. Med. Col. Washington, D. C. 76. HAZARD, A. C. (R). Lie. Chenange Co. Med. Soc. 66. NOYES, J. B. (R). Bellvue, N. Y. 75. NEW BRIGHTON (Richmond). Donovan, Fanny (H). GRANT, FRANK S. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 75. JOHNSTON, HENRY C. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 90. PHYSICIANS. 239 Joy, II. D. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 1866. SCALES, J. (R). 93 Tompkins Ave. Jefferson, 67. SYMONDS, BRANDRETH (R). 1 Tompkins Ave. also 32 Nassau, N. Y. city. P. and S. N. Y. 84. TOWNSEND, C. W. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 90. VAN RENSSELAER, J. J. (R). Albany, 59. Walser, Theodore (R). Jeff. Pa. 51. NEWBURGH (Orange) 23,087. ADAMS, A.E. (R). 44 Grand. Mon. Wed. and Fri. 12.30 to 4. Tues. Thurs. and Sat. until 9.30 a. m. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 79. Instr. Dis. Eye and Ear, N. Y. Post Grad. Med. Sch. Interne Charity Hosp. N. Y. 79-80. Asst. Surg. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp. Con'g Ophthal. Home of the Friendless, Newburgh. Mem. Am. Otolog. Soc. and N. Y. Acad, of Med. V. Pres. Co. Med. Soc. BARCLAY, P. M. (R). 93 South. 2 to 3. Uni. N. Y. 54. BEATTIE, MARY E. (H). 73 Grand. 8.30 to 10, 1.30to 3. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 91. Res. Phys. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Woman, 91-92. BIRCH, J. G. (R). Harvard, 66. BOR5T, ELMANH. (R). 301 Liberty. 7.30 to 9, 1.30'to 3, 6.30 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Mem. Natl. Assn. R. R. Surgs. and Co. Med. Soc. Surg. W. Shore R. R. Vis. Surg. St. Luke's Hosp. BURKE, T. J. (R). 130 1st. 8 to 10, 1 to 3 and 7. Niagara Uni. 91. A. B. Niagara Uni. 88. Mem. Kings and Erie Cos. Med. Socs. Res. Phys. Sisters of Charity Hosp. Buffalo, 91-92. Deyo, J. (R). Bellevue, 77. ELY, S. (R). Grand, cor. 1st. Vt. Med. Col. 52. GARTZMANN, GUST AVE (R). 116 Grand. 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Bellevue, 73. Mem. Co. Med Soc. GLEASON, W. STANTON (R). 143 Grand. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 86. Mem. Co. Med Soc. etc. GORDON, JAMES (R). 182 Liberty. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Jeffer son, 67. City Health Officer. Hanmore, L. E. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 84. HARRIS, L. A. (R). Albany Med. Col. 84. HOWELL, JOHN T. (R). 205 Grand. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Col P. and S- N. Y. 84 Interne Bellevue Hosp. 84-86. Att'g Surg. St. Luke's Hosp. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Soc. and N. Y JACOBSON, FRANK A. (H). 269 Grand. 8 to 9.30, 2 to 3, 6 to 8 N. Y. Homo. Col. 88. Mem. N. Y. State Homo. Med. Soc. etc JOVA, ANDREW V. (R). Farrington, cor. Liberty. 9 to 10, 2 to 3 6.30 to 7.30. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 83. A. B. St. John's Col. 80 Staff St. Luke's Hosp. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Interne St Vincent's Hosp. N. Y. 82-83. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. KINGSTON, ROBT. J. (R). 168 Broadway. 3 to 5, 7 to 9. Res 185 Grand. Uni. Mich. 76. Uni. N. Y. 77. Col. P. and S. N Y. 77. Ph. G. N. Y. Col. Phar. 77. Mem. N. Y. State Military Surgs. Assn. Surg. 5th Sep. Co. N. G. N. Y. MAUBEY, J. A. (H). Licentiate. 240 PHYSICIANS. MITCHELL," EDGAR O. (R). 98 Grand. 8.30 to 10, 12 to 1. Harvard, 92. Vis. Surg. St. Luke's Hosp. MITCHELL, GEO. B. I. (H). 116 Liberty. 8 to 9.30, 1 to 3. N. Y Homo. Med. Col. 65. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. MITCHELL, JOHN. J. (R). 242 Montgomery. 8 to 10, 1 to 2. N. Y. Med. Col. 57. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. O'MALLEY, J. E. (R). 107 First. Until 10, 1 to 3, 6.30 to 8.30. Uni. N. Y. 88. A. B. Niagara Uni. 81. Interne Bellevue Hosp. 88-89. Staff St. Luke's Hosp. 91-94. Med. Exam. C. B. L. and Foresters and Hibernians, etc. MONTFORT, R. V. K. (R). Albany Med. Col. 56. PHILLIPS, F. M. (R). 70 Ann. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 93. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. ROBERTS, L. G. (R). 300 Liberty. Uni. N. Y. 82. STONE, M. C. (R). 267 Liberty. 1 to 3, 6.30 to 7.30. Uni. N. Y. 68. A. B. Bowdoin, 65. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. SWEENEY, S. L. (R). 74 Grand. Uni. N. Y. 90. TOWNSEND, CHAS. E. (R). 231 Liberty. 9 to 10, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Bell. 92. Interne Bell. Hosp. 92-93. Staff St. Luke's Hosp. Mem. N. Y. State Med. Assn. Willson, H. (R). 81 Liberty. WINANS, H. E. (H). 206 Liberty. N. Y. Homo. Col. 88. WOOLLEY, C. N. (R). 137 3d. 1 to 3. L. I. Col. Hosp. 68. A. B. Uni. Mich. 66. Mem. Am. Acad, of Med. NEWFANE (Niagara) 500. Cole, M. H. (R). Uni. Buff. 74. SYMONS, W. H. (R). Bell. 85. NEWFIELD (Tompkins). DUDLEY, G. F. (R). Bell. 75. OSTERHOUT, E. R. (R). Bell. N. Y. 84. NEW HACKENSACK (Dutchess) 200. SEGER, C. B. (R). Albany, 63. NEW HARTFORD (Oneida) 912. Downs, W. B. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. 89. FORBES, B. E. (E). Eel. Col. Pa. 68. HART, C. R. (R). N. Y. Uni. 90. Russell, W. D. (R). N. Y. Uni. 87. NEW HAVEN (Oswego) 200. HIGHRITER, D. C. (R). Col. P. and S. Bait. Md. 87. NEWPORT (Herkimer) 659. DEXTER, L. C. (R). Uni. Mich. 79. HOLCOMB, J. B. (R). Albany, 55. HOLT, W. D. (R). Uni. Mich. 79. NEW ROCHELLE (Westchester) 8,217. 0|-v4- + p-CTrr A A DALRYMPLE, F. (R). Bell. 89. EDDY, R. C. (R). Uni. N. Y. 84. FINCH, E. W. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 68. PHYSICIANS. 241 Huntington, H. K. (R). Uni. N. Y. 71. Kellogg, Fannie (H). N. Y. Col. for Women, 82. LEWIS, Z. E. (R). Uni. N. Y. 66. LITTLEWOOD, FRANK B. (R). Main, cor. Centre Ave. Until 10 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Bell. 93. Interne St. Joseph's Hosp. Yonkers' 93-94. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Lowenstein. LYONS, G. A. (R). 23 Beauchamp Ave. 8 to 10, 6 to 8. Bell 77 Prof. Histol. and Pathol. N. Y. Vet. Col. Mem. N. Y. State Med. -A.ssn etc NEILSON, WM. H.'(R). 115 Centre Ave. 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Bell 91 Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Mem. Bd. of Health. OHLMEYER, MARIE (H). N. Y. Col. for Women, 92. Raymond, C. N. (R). Queen's Uni. Canada, 91. ROBERTS, D. J. (H). 280 Main. 8 to 10, 5.30 to 7.30. N. Y. Homo Col. 86. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo, and Am. Electro-Therap. SOC. 6tC TEFFT, EDWIN B. (R). 169 Centre Ave. Until 8, 1 to 2 7 to 8 Uni. Buffalo, 64. A. B. Union Col. 60. Mem. Co Med Soc etc. Mem. Bd. of Health. TYLER, N. P. (R). Centre, cor. Davis Aves. Until 9, 12.30 to 2 6 30 to 7.45. Yale, 79. A. B. Yale, 76. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. etc Health Officer. WELLS, W. L. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 52. NEW YORK (New York) 1,710,715. ABBE, ROBERT (R). 11 W. 50th. P. and S. N Y. 74 ABBOTT, FRANK, Jr., (R). 49 W. 57th. N. Y. Uni 90 ABBOTT, G. E. (R). 125 W. 82d. Harvard, 72. ABRAHAMS, R. (R). 156 Clinton. P. and S. N. Y 91 Abrams, A. F. (R). 134 E. 87th. Woman's Med. Col. Bait 92 ABRAMSON, M. (E). 54 Eldridge. N. Y. Eel. Col 92 ABRUZZO, O. (R). 95 Park. P. and S. N. Y. 82 Acheson, John C. (R). 220 E. 17th. P. and S. N Y 59 ACKEN, J. B. (R). 307 W. 43d. N. Y. Uni. 84. ACKERMAN, C. W. (H). 204 W. 133d. N. Y. Homo Col 91 Adams, C. F. (R). 17 W. 45th. P. and S. N. Y. 90. ADAMS, CALVIN THAYER (R). 13 W. 33d. P. and S. N Y 84 Adams, John L. (R). 17 W. 45th. P. and S. N Y 86 Adams, R. S. (R). 24 W. 25th. P. and S. N. Y. 91 ADAMSON, L. C. (R). Asst. Med. Supt. N. Y. Co. Asylum Uni 85 ADAMSON, W. R. (R). 911 Seventh Ave. Bell. N. Y 73 Adler, H. B. (R). 212 E. Broadway. N. W. Med. Col. Mo 84 Adler, Isaac (B). 12 E. 60th. Heidelberg, 71. ADLERMAN, T. D. (E). 64 Columbia. N. Y. Eel. Col. 92 AGAN, D. H. (R). 363 Broome. Bell. N. Y. 79. AGRAMONTE, A. (R). 144 W. 97th. P. and S. N. Y. 92. AGRAMONTE, E. V. (R). 132 W. 98th. Bell. N Y 72 Ahlstrom, C. P. (R). 155 E. 22d. Uni. Buff. 84, AITKIN, J. F. (R). 220 E. 35th. Bell. N. Y. 83. Alexander, I. H. (R). 335 E. 120th. N. Y. Uni. 92. ALEXANDER, S. (R). 5 W. 58th. Bell. N. Y. 82. 242 PHYSICIANS. Alexander, W. T. (R). 940 St. Nicholas Ave. Bell. N. Y. 70. ALLABEN, ANNA (H). 213 W. 54th. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 94. ALLAN, A. G. (H). 46 W. 36th. Uni. Pa. 78. ALLEN, P. (H). 10 E. 36th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 89. ALLEN, C. W. (R). 610 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 78. ALLEN, IRA A. (R). 360 W. 42d. N. Y. Uni. 88. ALLEN, J. E. (R). 470 W. 144th. Bell. N. Y. 75. ALLEN, T.F. (II). 10 E. 30th. Uni. N. Y. 61. Allen, S. B. (R). 1364 Lexington Ave. Bell. N. Y. 79. ALLEN, T. H. (R). 52 W. 45th. P. and S. N. Y. 75. Allen, Wm. L. (R). 255 W. 123d. N. Y. Uni. 85. Altshul, 11. (R). 153 W. 76th. P. and S. N. Y. 87. ALVAREZ, J. R. (R). 1350 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 85. AMABILE, F. (R). 1672 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 84. ANDERSON, H. A. C. (R). 118 E. 86th. Bell. N. Y. 70. ANDERSON, H. G. (R). 234 W. 123d. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Anderson, J. H. (R). 30 University pi. N. Y. Uni. 60. Anderson, J. (R). 363 W. 56th. N. Y. Uni. 79. Anderson, R. H. (R). 260 W. 21st. Bell. N. Y. 91. ANDERSON, R. J. (R). 356 W. 30th. Ky. School of Med. 86. ANDERTON, W. B. (R). 34 W. 47th. Bell. N. Y. 79. ANDREW, R. M. (H). 1777 Bathgate Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 91. Andrews, J. L. (R). 307 E. 86th, P. and S. N. Y. 89. ANDREWS, J. A. (R). 9 W. 22d. P. and S. N. Y. 76. ANTHON, EMILY (R). 13 W. 35th. Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. Infy. 72. ARCULARIUS, L. (R). 121 E. 25th. Giessen, 67. ARCULARIUS, P. E. (H). 104 W. 44th. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 67. Armstrong, R. J. (R). 204 E. 105th. P. and S. N. Y. 36. ARMSTRONG, S. (R). 166 W. 54th. St. Louis Med. Col. 79. ARNOLD, G. C. (R). 115 E. 30th. Bell. N. Y. 73. ARONSON, A. J. (R). 205 Henry. 236 E. 49th. Jena, 79. ARSCHAGOUNI, J. (H). 248 E. Broadway. Hahn. Phila. 91. Asch, Jacob H. (R). 770 Lexington Ave. Berlin, 64. ASCH, M. J. (R). 5 W. 30th. Jefferson, 55. Aspell, E. J. (R). 357 W. 56th. Bell. N. Y. 81. ASPELL, JOHN (R). 357 W. 56th. Bell. N. Y. 85. ASPINWALL, J. D. (R). 48 W. 35th. 9 to 1. Bell. N. Y. 83. Assenheimer, A. (R). 323 E. 51st. N. Y. Uni. 68. Attarian, Meyerdich A. (R). 402 E. 9th. N. Y. Uni. 83. Co. Soc. AUGSBURGER, M. (E). 669 9th Ave. N. Y. Eel. Col. 80. AUSTIN, D. P. (R). 251 W. 25th. P. and S. N. Y. 66. AVERY, C. H. (R). 238 E. 18th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 65. Ayers, E. A. (R). 8 E. 34th. N. Y. Uni. 80. AYME. E. L. E. (R). 947 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 85. AYVAZIAN, A. (R). 424 W. 57th. N. Y. Uni. 87. Bache, J. H. (R). 256 W. 45th. Uni. Mich. 81. BACHMANN, E. O. (R). 306 W. 33d. Freiburg, 83. Bacon, G. (R). 63 W. 54th. Bell. N. Y. 78. Bahan, T. S. (R). 257 W. 14th. N. Y. Uni. 56. Bailey, B. A. (R). 261 Alexander Ave. Dartmouth, 89. PHYSICIANS. 243 BAILEY, JAMES L. (R). 206 E. 105th. N. Y. Uni. 83. BAILEY, P. (R). 50 E. 31st. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Bailey, T. H. (R). 1 E. 30th. Bell. N. Y. 69. BAKER, C. M. (H). 143 W. 4th. Uni. Mich. 63. BAKER, C. R. (H). 968 St. Nicholas Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 93. Baker, M. N. (R). 303 E, 18th. Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. Inf. 72. Balcolm, I. S. (R). 587 Highbridge road. N. Y. Uni. 87. BALDWIN, F. A. (R). 329 W. 23d. Bell. N. Y. 81. Baldwin, J. G. (H). 8 E. 41st. Uni. N. Y. 53. BALDWIN, MARY (H). 274 3d Ave. N. Y Eel. Col. 78. Ball, A. B. (R). 42. W. 36th. P. and S. N. Y. 63. BALL, H. J. (H). 126 W. 129th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 90. BALSER, H. (R). 606 E. 9th. N. YT. Uni. 66. BALSER, W. (R). 218 E. 13th. N. Y. Med. Col. 92. Baner, Wm. L. (R). 38 W. 40th. P. and S. N. Y. 85. BANG, R. T. (R). 139 W. llth. P. and S. N. Y. 79. Bangs, L. B. (R). 31 E. 44th. P. and S. N. Y. 72. BANKS, E. A. (R). 70th W. 35th. Uni. La. 68. Banta, F. M. (R). 50 Jane. N. Y. Uni. 80. Baran, J. (R). 223 E. 72d. Med. Col. of Ohio, 78. BARBER, ADELLA (H). 66 W. 71st. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 83. BARBER, GEO. H. (R). N. Y. Harbor, U. S. N. P. and S. N. Y. 88. BARNES, JUSTIN L. (R). 3 E. 41st. N. Y. Uni. 85. Barnett, Amelia (H). 261 W. 23d. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 75. Barnett, S. (R). 365 W. 30th. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 87. BARRETT, A. L. (R). 166 W. 122d. P. and S. N. Y. 86. Barrows, C. C. (R). 7 E. 36th. Uni. Va. 79. Barry, D. E. (R). 447 Lexington Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 74. BARTELS, CHAS. (R). 226 E. 114th. P. and S. N. Y. 88. Co. Jvipfi A smi Bartlett, Frank Hewitt (R). 36 W. 65th. Bartlett, Ida R. (R). 402 W. 22d. Woman's Col. N. Y. Inf. 80. BARTON, J. L. (R). 57 E. 55th. P. and S. N. Y. 81. BARUCH, E. (H). 183 Lexington Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. BARUCH, S. (R). 51 W. 70th Med. Col. Va. 62. Baruch, S. (H). 109 2d Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 76. Barwis, F. T. (R). 231 W. 4th. P. and S. N. Y. 85. BASS, J. A. (E). 131 W. 30th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 83. Bates, E. S. (R). 158 E. 34th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 65. BATES, JOHN (R). 440 W. 23d. P. and S. N. Y. 90. BATES, W. H. (R). 64 E. 58th. P. and S. N. Y. 85. Battey, S. B. (R). 154 W. 34th. Uni. Georgia, 84. BAUER, FRED. E. (R). 2378 2d Ave. N. Y. Uni. 88. BAUER, FRED. M. (R). 225 E, 86th. N. Y. Uni. 86. BAYLEY, R. (R). 148 E. 56th. St. Louis Med. Col. 77. BEACH, F. (R). 201 W. 44th. Yale, 64. BEALS, M. B. (H). 168 E. 72d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 92. Beattie, M. (R). 251 W. 54th. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 84. BECK, A. W. (R). 27 7th. N. Y. Uni. 91. BECK, CARL (R). 37 E. 31st. Jena, 79. Becker. A. W. (R). 323 W. 36th. N. Y. Uni. 85. 244 PHYSICIANS. BECKER, J. H. (R). 313 W. 32d. N. Y. Uni. 89. Beebe, C. E. (H). 23 W. 33d. Uni. N. Y. 73. BEEKMAN, JOHN N. (R). 10 E. 12th. P. and S. N. Y. 68. BEERS, GEO. W. (R). 24 E. 11th. N. Y. Uni. 91. BEERS, H. S. (R). 218 W. 128th. Bell. N. Y. 87. BEGEN, JAS. (E). 19 W. 60th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 77. Behrman, M. (R). 58 Rmngton. Uni. Vt. 92. BELL, J. H. (E). 251 E. 32d. N. Y. Eel. Col. 92. BELL, W. D. (R). 160 W. 83d. Bell. N. Y. 88. BENEDICT, C. S. (R). 339 W. 19th. N. Y. Uni. 83. BENING, H. (E). 240 E. 34th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 80. BENNETT, J. A. (H). 4 Irving PI. N. V. Homo. Col. 71. Bennett, H. H. (R). 232 W. 43d. P. and S. N. Y. 81. Bensel, Walter (R). 226 W. 75th. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Berens, T. P. (R). 4 E. 43d. Uni. Pa. 87. Berg, H. W. (R). 245 7th. P. and S. N. Y. 81. Berghaus, A. (H). 138 E. 65th. Uni. N. Y. 70. BERLE, A. W. (R). 145 Ave. B. N. Y. Uni. 85. BERLINGER, R. (R). 141 Broome. L. I. Col. Hosp. 84. BERMINGHAM, E. J. (R). 7 W. 45th. P. and S. N. Y. 73. BEUERMANN, J. A. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 84. Beyea, J. L. (H). 217 2d Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 70. Bickerton, Thos. W. (R). 556 West End Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 81. BIENENFELD, H. L. (R). 118 E. 110th. N. Y. Uni. 84. BIENENSTOCK, A. S. (R>. 150 Stanton. N. Y. Uni. 91. Bierhoff, F. (R). 170 W. 126th. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Bieser, A. E. (R). 256 W. 54th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. BIESER, G. (R). 256 W. 54th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. BIGELOW, A. J. (H). 163 E. 106th. Uni. Buff. 51. BIGELOW, F. A. (H). 124 E. 123d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 86. BIGGS, GEO. P. (R). 5 W. 58th. Bell. N. Y. 89. BIGGS, H. M. (R). 5 W. 58th. Bell. N. Y. 83. Bilhoefer, A. J. (R). 153 E. 116th. N. Y. Uni. 85. BILLINGS, J. H. (R). 249 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 78. BILLINGTON, C. E. (R). 85 Madison Ave. N. Y. Uni. 63. Bird, A. (R). 36 E. 31st. P. and S. N. Y. 76. Bird, J. T. J. (R). 308 W. 123d. N. Y. Uni, 86. BISCHOF, LOUIS F. (R). 92 2d Ave. N. Y. Uni. 85. Bishop, L. F. (R). 36 W. 35th. P. and S. N. Y. 85. Bishop, W. H. (H). 47th, cor. Lexington Ave. Hahn. Phila. 89. BISSELL, J. D. (R). 139 2d Ave. Uni. Md. 88. BISSELL, J. B. (R). 37 W. 50th. P. and S. N. Y. 83. Bissell, Mary T. (R). 142 W. 44th. Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. Infy. 81. BISSELL, SARAH (H). 51 E. 20. N. Y. Homo. Col. 67. Blackwell, Emily (R). 53 E. 20th. Clevel'd Med. Col. 54. Blake, J. A. (R). 1 E. 33d. P. and S. N. Y. 89. BLAUVELT, A. (R). 338 W. 12th. P. and S. N. Y. 76. BLEYER, J. MOUNT (R). 460 Lexington Ave. 9 to 1. Bell. 83. B. A. Heidelberg, Ger. 78. Mem. Royal Acad, of Italy. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. and Intern'l Med. Congress at Rome and Berlin and Am. Electro-Therapeutic Assn. etc. Med. Editor Electrical Review. Vis. Surg. N. Y. Nose and Throat Hosp. and West Side Ger. Clinic. PHYSICIANS. 245 BLEYTHING, G. D. (R). 1008 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 71 BLOCK, M. H. (EX 155 E. 117th. U. S. Eel. Col. 81. BLODGETT, F. J. (R). 140 W. 72d. Uni. Vt. 81. BLUE STONE, J. I. (R). 10 Pike. N. Y. Uni. 90. BLUMENTHAL, M. (R). 19 W. 43d. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 52. Bogart, G. W. (R). 151 E. 51st. N. Y. Uni. 90. BOGERT, S. S. (R). 219 E. 17th. P. and S. N. Y. 65. BOHMFALK, C. W. (R). 222 E. 53d. P. and S. N. Y. 84. Boldt, H. J. (R). 54 W. 51st. N. Y. Uni. 79. BOND, G. M. (R). 163 W. 45th. Bell N. Y. 85. BOND, MARY E. (H). 122 Lexington Ave. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 75. Booth, C. F. (R). 117 E. 83d. P. and S. N. Y. 83. BOOTH, J. A. (R). 419 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 82. BOOTH, J. A. (R). 250 W. 131st. N. Y. Uni. 89. Born, R. O. (R). 163 W. 34th. P. and S. N. Y. 77. BOSKOWITZ, GEO. W. (E). 40 E. 41st. 11 to 1, 6.30 to 8. NY. Eel. Col. 77. Prof. Surg, and Dean of faculty, N. Y. Eel. Col. Surg. Staff Woodstock Hosp. Mem. Nat'l and N. Y. State and N. Y. Co. Eel. Med. Socs. Hon. Mem. Mass. and Vt. State Eel. Med. Socs. BOTTOME, F. A. (R). 41 W. 126th. P. and S. N. Y. 89. BOTTUM, G. H. (R). 17 E. 46th. P. and S. N. Y. 87. BOWDEN, J. W. (R). 309 Broadway. Bell. N. Y. 69. Bowles, F. J. (R). 146 W. 93d. N. Y. Uni. 84. BOWNE, ROBERT (R). 267 5th Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 82. BOYER, A. A. (R). 33 W. 33d. P. and S. N. Y. 87. BOYLE, C. C. (H). 66 W. 46th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 77. BOYNTON, F. H. (H). 36 W. 50th. 8.30 to 1. N. Y. Horn. Med. Col. 74. N. Y. Ophthal. Hosp. Col. 75. Mem. Horn. Co. Soc. N. Y. State Horn. Soc. Amer. Inst. Jahr Club. N. Y. Med. Club. Prof. Ophthal. N. Y. Ophthal. Hosp. Col. Prof. Oph- thal. N. Y. Horn. Med. Col. and Hosp. Prof. Ophthal. N Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. Gov. Surg, and Director N. Y. Ophthal. Hosp. Bozeman, N. G. (R). 9 W. 31st. P. and S. N. Y. 85. Bracker, M. H. (R). 97 2d Ave. Wurzburg, 72. BRADBURY, S. J. (R). 110 E. 22d. Bell. N. Y. 80. Bradford, O. E. (E). 514 3d. Ave. N. Y. Eel. Col. 76. Bradley, C. C. (R). 55 W. 33d. P. and S. N. Y. 85. Bradley, 8. C. (R). Marion Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 86. BRADSHAW, L. L. (R). 41 E. 72d. Bell. N. Y. 80. BRAILLY, A. V. (R). 275 W. 118th. P. and S. N. Y. 75. Brandegee, Wm. P. (R). 36 W. 33d. P. and S. N. Y. 89. BRANDENBERG, C. W. (E). 239 E. 14th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 91. BRANNAN, J. W. (R). 54 W. llth. Harvard, 78. Branth, J. H. (R). 420 W. 51st. Miami. Med. Ohio, 75. BRAUNSTEIN, JOS. (R). 61 Rivington. Vienna, 78. BREAKELL, J. A. (R). 249 W. 52d. N. Y. P. and S. N. Y. 73. Breitenfeld, S. (R). 180 E. 75th. Prague, 82. BHEKE3,1). (R). 319 E. 51st. N. Y. Med. Col. 64. Brendon, E. V. (K). N. Y. Uni. 86. 246 PHYSICIANS. BRENNAN, F. E. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 94. BRENNAN, J. W. (R). 143 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 62. Brennan, T. (R). 174 E. 96th. N. Y. Uni. 77. Brewer, G. E. (R). 48 E. 31st. Harvard, 84. BREWER, MARY (H). 213 W. 54th. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 94. Brickelmaier, W. J. (R). 41 W. 49th. P. and S. N. Y. 79. BRIDDON, C. K. (R.) 13 E. 33d. P. and S. N. Y 57. BRIDGES, A. C. (R). 363 W. 28th. Bell. N. Y. 84. Brill, N. E. (R). 805 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 80. BRINKMANN, M. W. (R). 1443 Lexington Ave. Uni. Pa. 84. Brinsmade, Wm. P. (R). 357 W. 59th. P. and S. N. Y. 92. Bristol, E. L. M. (R). 220 Madison Ave. Jeff. Pa. 74. BROCKWAY, A. N. (R). 50 E. 120th. P. and S. N. Y. 61. BROCKWAY, F. J. (R). 105 W. 74th. P. and S. N. Y. 87. Brodhead, G. L. (R). 140 W. 85th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. BRODMAN, F. W. (E). 214 E. 73d, N. Y. Eel. Col. 80. Brodnax, R. F. (R). 19 Jumel PI. N. Y. Uni. 87. Brodrick, W. P. (R). 164 W. 121st. Bell. N. Y. 84. Brodski, B. (R). 129 Broome. Wtirzburg, 87. BROUNER, W. B. (R). 49 W. 57th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. Bronson, E. B. (R). 123 W. 34th. P. and S. N. Y. 69. BROOKS, G. F. (R). 38 W. 32d. N. Y. Uni. 80. Brooks, H. T. (R). 78 W. 94th. Albany, 87. BROQUET, E. (R). 625 E. 145th. P. and S. N. Y. 86. Bross, Wm. R. (R). 120 Broadway. P. and S. N. Y. 81. BROTHERS, A. (R). 162 Madison. P. and S. N. Y. 84. Brothers, S. (R). 93 Madison. P. and S N. Y. 90. Broughton, L. D. (E). 70 S. Washington Sq. Eel. Pa. 63. BROUGHTON, L. D., Jr. (E). 70 S. Washington Sq. N. Y. Eel. Col. 81. Broughton, Wm. R. (R). 156 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 90. BROUN, L. (R). 1 W. 81st. Vanderbilt Uni. 87. Browd, E. K. (R). 257 E. B'way. N. Y. Uni. 86. BROWN, C. H. (R). 25 W. 45th. N. Y. Uni. 79. BROWN, D. (R). 85 E. 10th. Bell. N. Y. 74. Brown, D. (R). 40 E. 57th. Harvard, 84. BROWN. ETHEL D. (R). 210 E. 16th. Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. Inf. 90. Brown, F. T. (R). 40 E. 31st. P. and S. N. Y. 80. BROWN, J. M. (R). 322 E. 58th. Q. U. Ire. 68. BROWN, G. C. (H). 56 W. 45th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 63. BROWN, M. BELLE (H). 135 W. 34th. 10 to 1, 7 to 8. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 79. Prof. Dis. Women and Sec. of Fac. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women. Con'g- Staff. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women and Memorial Hosp. of Brooklyn. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo, and Nat'l. Electro-Therap. Soc. and N. Y. State and N. Y. Co. Homo, and N. Y. Obstet. Socs. Brown, Thos. E. (R). 307 E. Broadway. N. Y. Uni. 90. BROWN, W. B. (R). 14 W. 33d. Jeff. Pa. 89. BRUCE, C. E. (R). 456 Lexington Ave. Bell. N. Y. 73. PHYSICIANS. 247 BRUGMAN, A. F. (R). 588 E. 141st. P. and S. N. Y. 83. Brunner, W. J. (R). 220 E. 36th. N. Y. Uni. 79. BRUSH, E. F. (R). 2063 7th Ave. Bell. 75. Brunner, Wm. J. (R). 220 E. 36th. N. Y. Uni. 79. Bryan, J. C. (R). 367 W. 48th. N. Y. Uni. 87. BRYANT, J. D. (R). 54 W. 36th. Bell. N. Y. 68. BUCHANAN, A. (R). 358 W. 30th. Glasgow, 60. Buchanan, T. F. (R). 431 W. 51st. Uni. Glasgow, 73. BUCKHOLTZ, LOUISE Z. (H). 75 E. 8th. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 86. BUCHLER, AUG. F. (R). 251 W. 45th. P. and S. N. Y. 76 Buck, A. H. (R). 14 E. 45th. P. and S. N. Y. 67. BUCK, F. D. (R). 158 W. 48th. P. and S. N. Y. 76. BUCKLIN, C. A. (R). 208 W. 42d. Bell. N. Y. 75 Buckmaster, A. H. (R). 52 E. 31st. L. I.Col. Hosp. 83. BULKLEY, L. D. (R). 4 E. 37th. P. and S. N. Y. 69. BULL, C. S. (R). 47 W. 36th, P. and S. N. Y. 68. BULL, W. T. (R). 35 W. 35th. P. and S. N. Y. 72. Bullard, W. E. (R). 117 E. 40th. Dartmouth, 72. BULLARD, W. L. (R). 302 Madison Ave. Gottingen, 67. BULLMAN, WM. F. (R). 202 W. 132d. N. Y. Uni. 91. Burch, T. H. (R). 41 W. 34th. N. Y. Uni. 80. Burchard, T. H. (R). 7 E. 48th. Bell. N. Y. 72. BURDICK, ALICE A. (H). 341 W. 34th. N. Y. E. CI. Col. 72. BURGHEIM, L. (R). 176 E. 79th.. P. and S. N. Y. 79. Burke, J. A. (R). 152 W. llth. P. and S. N. Y. 78. BURKE, M. (R). 147 Lexington Ave. Bell. N. Y. 76 Burke, M. J. (R). 164 Hester. N. Y. Uni. 75. Burke, R. F. (R). 653 Lexington Ave. BURKE, U. W. C. (R). 283 Henry. Bell. N. Y 80. BURKELMAN, A. (R). 3 Charlton. Bell. N. Y. 91. BURNETTE, E. W. (R). 104 W. 34th. P. and S. N. Y. 69. Burnham, H. D. (R). 315 Lenox Ave. N. Y. Uni. 89. Burns, H. M. (R). 328 W. 45th. P. and S. N. Y. 76. Burrall, F. (R). 48 W. 17th. P. and S. N. Y. 57. BURT, S. S. (R). 37 W. 32d. P. and S. N. Y. 75. BURTENSHAW, J. H. (R). 284 Amsterdam Ave. Uni. Pa. 91. BURTON, R. B. (R). 223 E. 48th. Albany, 55. Busche, T. W. (R). 129 2d Ave. N. Y. Uni. 77. Bush, Pine E. (R). 45 Charlton. Uni. Buff. 85. Bushnell, W. (R). 339 W. 23d. P. and S. N. Y. 92. BUSHONG, CHAS. H. (R). 59 W. 19th. P. and S. N. Y. 85. BUTLER, G. H. (R). 42 E. 66th. Bell. N. Y. 69. BUTLER, J. N. (R). 42 E. 30th. Bell. N. Y. 88. Butts, H. H. (R). 313 Madison Ave. N. Y. Uni. 85. BYRNE, J. H. (R). 345 W. 51st. P. and S. N. Y. 85. Byrne, W. P. (R). 309 W. 52d. Uni. Vt. 89. Byron, J. M. (R). 222 E. 15th. Naples, 87. BYSTROM, ELIZABETH (R). 132 W. 58th. Paris, 87. CABOT, CAROLINE A. W. (R). 168 W. 48th. Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. Inf. 87. Cabot, John (R). 168 W. 48th. P. and S. N. Y. 86. 248 Physicians. Cady, Harriet E. (E). 436 4th Ave. N. Y. Eel. Col. 71. CADY, H. W. F. (R). 121 E. 40th. N. Y. Uni. 90. Cahen, S. P. (R). 227 W. 44th. Leipsic, 77. CAILLE, AUG. (R). 185 2d Ave. Wiirzburg, 77. Caldwell, Geo. W. (R). 45 E. 41st. Uni. Denver, Col. 91. CALLAN, P. A. (R). 35 W. 38th. N. Y. Uni. 67. CALVO, JOSE E. (R). 179 2d Ave. Bell. N. Y. 91. CAMERON, E. M. (R). 22 W. 47th. P. and S. N. Y. 53. Cammann, D. M. (R). 19 E. 33d. P. and S. N. Y. 79. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD (R). 168 Lexington Ave. 11.30 to 12.30. Res. Falkirk, Central Valley, N. Y. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 71. CAMPBELL, ANNIE S. (H). 165th, cor. Jerome Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 82. CAMPBELL, A. D. (R). 135 W. 15th. P. and S. Ont. 78. CAMPBELL, C. E. (H). 314 E. 18th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 64. CAMPBELL, C. G. (R). 68 W. 35th. Bell. N. Y. 90. Campbell, J. A. (R). 320 W. 22d. It. C. S. Ireland, 89. CAMPBELL, J. B. (R). 121 E. 121st. P. and S. N. Y. 65. CAMPBELL, R. (R). 239 W. 135th. Queen's Uni. Ire. 72. CAMPBELL, W. C. (R). 259 W. 42d. P. and S. N. Y. 80. Cannon, M. (H). 147 W. 28th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 76. Cardner, I. G. (R). 69 W. 105th. N. Y. Uni. 64. CAREY, G. F. (R). 142 E. 19th. P. and S. N. Y. 72. CAREY, J. M. (E). 62 Charlton. Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 82. CARHART, WM. MERLE (R). 147 W. 44th. 10.30 to 12.30. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. A. B. Yale, 85. Interne Presbyterian Hosp. 89-91. Instr. Dis. Eye and Ear Post Grad. Med. Sch. Asst. Surg. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp. Ophthal. and Aural Surg. Helping Hand Hosp. Peekskill. Carlisle, R. J. (R). 26 W. 47th. Bell. N. Y. 84. CARLETON, B. G. (H). 173 W. 47th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 76. CARLETON, E. (H). 53 W. 45th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 71. Carmalt, C. C. (R). 40 E. 58th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. CARMAN, A. R. (R). 27 W. 127th. N. Y. Uni. 79. Carmichael, R. B. (R). 38 W. 19th. Jeff. Pa. 89. CARNEY, S. H. (R). 201 W. 55th. Harvard, 61. CARNEY, S. H., JR. (R). 201 W. 55th. Dartmouth, 88. CARPENTER, A. C. (R). 219 E. 19th. N. Y. Uni. 89. CARPENTER, ELON N. (R). 138 Madison Ave. 9 to 11. and by appointment. Uni. N. Y. 84. Con'g Neurol. New Rochelle Hosp. Mem. N. Y. Co. Med. Soc. and Medico-Legal and N. Y. Acad, of Med. and N. Y. Neurol. Soc. Phys. in charge Walde- mere-on-the-Sound, Mamaroneck. Carpenter, F. B. (R). 17 E. 38th. N. Y. Uni. 81. Carr, D. C. (R). 69 W. 126th. Bell. N. Y. 68. CARR, JAMES (R). 98 William. Alb. Med. Col. 86. Carr, L. (R). 204 W. 38th. Jeff. Pa. 76. CARR, W. L. (R). 6 E. 58th. N. Y. Uni. 82. CARREAU, J. S. (R). 18 W. 21st. N. Y. Uni. 74. CARROLL, M. T. (R). 214 E. 12th. Bell. N. Y. 84. Carter, D. (R). 1034 Park Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 81. PHYSICIANS. 249 CARTER, H. S. (R). 130 E. 24th. P. and S. N. Y. 72. Carver, J. II. (R). 41 E. 33d. P. and S. N. Y. 90. CASPE, M. (R). 216 E. Broadway. N. Y. Uni. 86. CASSELL, JAS. W. (R). 148 W. 132d. Bell. N. Y. 89. CASSELLA, D. (E). 159 Worth. N. Y. Eel. Col. 85. CASSELLA, D. A. (E). 159 Worth. Uni. N. Y. 90. Castle, F. A. (R). 51 W. 58th. Br-11. N. Y. 66. CAULDWELL, C. M. (R). 75 W. 55th. P. and S. N. Y. 79 CHADBOURNE, E. R. (R). 31 W. 25th. P. and S. N. Y. 79 CHALMERS, M. (R). 24 W. 16th. P. and S. N. Y. 61. Chambers, P. F. (R). 26 W. 47th. Bell. N. Y. 76. CHAPIN, F. W. (R). 122 W. 58th. Bell. N. Y. 79. CHAPIN, H. D. (R). 27 W. 51st. P. and S. N. Y. 81. CHAPIN, W. B. (R). 148 W. 103d. N. Y. Uni. 88. Chapman, A. E. (H). 234 W. 43d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 81. Chapman, R. F. (R). 167 E. 116th. Uni. Md. 65. Chappell, W. F. (R). 22 E. 42d. M. R. C. S. Eng. 81. CHARLES, EMILY (H). 213 W. 54th. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 94. Chase, Geo. T. (R). 256 W. 127th. Harv. 85. CHASE, J. O. (H). 214 E. 53d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 87. Chase, W. E. (R). 50 E. 126th. N. Y. Uni. 89. CHAUVEAU, J. F. (R). 31 W. 60th. Geneva, N. Y. 53. Chauveau, Jean F., Jr. (R). 31 W. 60th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. CHEESMAN, H. (R). 328 W. 57th. N. Y. Uni. 78. Cheesman, T. M. (R). 46 E. 29th. P. and S. N. Y. 78 CHERBURG, L. (E). 52 Eldridge. N. Y Eel. Col. 89. Cherry, G. A. (R). 59 Gouverneur. N. Y. Uni. 91. CHETWOOD, C. H. (R). 120 E. 34th. Bell. N. Y. 87. CHEYNE, W. (R). 158 W. 48th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. CHRYSTIE, T. M. (R). 216 W. 46th. Bell. N. Y 67. CHURCH, ELOISE I. (H). 41 W. 94th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 86. CHURCHILL, F. (R). 317 E. 86th. N. Y. Uni. 87. Cisin, M. (R). 121 Rivington. N. Y. Uni. 88. CLOESSON, A. (E). 15 St. Marks PI. N. Y. Eel. Col. 83. Claiborne, J. H. (R). 10 E. 28th. Uni. Va. 83. CLARK, B. G. (H). 162 W. 122d. Dartmouth, 77. Clark, Byron (E). 107 W. 98th. Col. P. and S. Bait. 81. Clark, D. B. (R). 216 W. 34th. P. and S. N. Y. 76. Clark, H. S. (R). 422 E. 84th. Jeff. Pa. 83. CLARK, H. L. (E). 107 W. 98th. Uni. Md. 95. Clark, J. (R). 217 E. 49th. N. Y. Uni. 88. CLARK, S. J. (R). 66 W. 10th. N/Y. Uni. 61. CLARK, W. J. (R). 129 W. 103d. P. and S. N. Y. 89. CLARKE, W. J. (R). 232 W. 135th. P. and S. N. Y. 89. CLARKSON, J. BOOTH (R). 214 W. 14th. 9 to 12, 3 to 5. L. R. C. Edin. 81. Clason, S. W. (R). 1937 Madison Ave. N. Y. Uni. 67. CLEAVELAND, T. W. (R). 242 W. 43. N. Y. Uni. 84. CLEAVES, M. A. (R). 63 Madison Ave. Iowa Uni. 73. CLELAND, T. (E). 252 W. 52d. U. S. Med. Col. 80. CLERIHEW, E. M. (R). 104 W. 61st. P. and S. Ont. 89. 250 PHYSICIANS. CLEVELAND, C. (R). 59 W. 38th. P. and S. N. Y. 71.' Clift, G. D. (R). 39 E. 50th. N. Y. Uni. 77. CLINTON, CHAS. A. (R). 144 W. 129th. P. and S. N. Y. 87. Clock, Sarah A. (H). 233 W. 51st. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 82. CLOSE, S. D. (R). 636 E. 143d. P. and S. N. Y. 76. Coakley, C. G. (R). 126 E. 45th. N. Y. Uni. 87. COAN, T. M. (R). 70 5th Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 61. COBB, GEO. H. (R). 46 E. 31st. P. and S. N. Y. 88. Cocks, E. L. (R). 179 E. 116th. Bell. N. Y. 85. Cocks, G. H. (R). 1986 Madison Ave. Bell. N. Y. 82. COE, H. C. (R). 27 E. 64th. Harvard, 81. Coffey, J. G. (R). 151 W. 96th. L. R. C. S. Ire. 83. Coffin, I. F. (R). 147 E. 117th. N. Y. Uni. 85. COFFIN, L. A. (R). 145 W. 12th. N. Y. Uni. 86. COGGESHALL, H. (R). 102 E. 57. Harv. 83. COHN, FELIX (R). 38 E. 60th. Heidelberg, 84. Cohn, Salo (R). 443 E. 86th. Berne, 89. Cohn, S. (R). 241 E. 7th. Leipsic, 88. COLE, C. S. (R). Boulevard and W. 71st. Uni. Va. 87. COLE, FRANCIS H. (R). 69 W. 12th. Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. Inf. 89. Cole, P. C. (R). 254 W. 42d. Harvard, 58. Coll, A. P. (R). 157 Lexington ave. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Colles. C. J. (R). 30 W. 33d. Heidelberg, 82. COLLINS, C. F. (R). 27 W. 36th. P. and S. N. Y. 86. COLLINS, J. (R). 43 W. 39th. N. Y. Uni. 88. Collyer, H. L. (R). 109 E. 54th. Bell. N. Y. 81. COLUMBIA, T. B. (R). 351 W. 48th. P. and S. N. Y. 81. COMBES, F. C. (R). 220 E. 112th. Bell. N. Y. 83. CORNIN3, J. M. (E). 13 W. 122d. N. Y. Eel. Col. 68. Conant, G. S. (R). 148 E. 18th. Bell. N. Y. 77. Concanon, J. J. (R). 372 W. 32d. P. and S. N. Y. 90. CONNER, L. A. (R). 18 W. 16th. P. and S. N. Y. 90. CONOVER, W. S. (R). 237 W. 132d. N. Y. Uni. 77. CONRAD, H. B. (R). 102 E. 74th. N. Y. Uni. 77. Conrad, L. (R). 24 E. 61st. Giessen, 61. CONSTABLE, H. L. (R). 26 W. 34th. N. Y. Uni. 89. Conway, J. R. (R). 130 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y, 83. Cook, D. (R). 125 E. 10th. N. Y. Uni. 67. COOK, E. H. (R). 104 Lexington Ave. Bell. N. Y. 93. COOK, S. G. (R). Ill W. 12th. N. Y. Uni. 57. Cooke, Harriet N. F. (H). 21 W. 65th. Med. Col. and Hosp. foi Worn. 68. Cooke, B. G. (R). 73 E. 111th. P. and S. N. Y. 78. Cooke, J. B. (R). 269 W. 138th. P. and S. N. Y. 90. COOKE, L. (R). 66 W. 126th. P. and S. N. Y. 93. Corde, D. T. (R). 240 W. 4th. Bell. N. Y. 90. CORNELL. C. W. (H). 354 W. 58th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 77. CORNING,'J. L. (R). 53 W. 38th. Wiirtzburg, 78. COSBY, J. B. (R). 1492 Broadway. Bell. N. Y. 76. Cossaart, A. B. (H). 1378 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 69. COUGHLIN, J. H. (R). 296 E. Broadway. N. Y. Uni. 89. PHYSICIANS. 251 COURTNEY, T. (R). 204 W. 39th. N. Y. Uni. 82. COVERT, A. E. (R). 358 W. 51st. N. Y. Uni. 92. COWEN, W. (R). 35 E. 60th. P. and S. N. Y. 83. COWLES, E. O. (R). 629 Lexington Ave. Yale, 62. COYLE, J. G. (R). 317 Henry. N. Y. Uni. 91. CRAGIN, E. B. (R). 62 W. 50th. P. and S. N. Y. 86. Cramer, R. M. (R). Ill W. 34th. P. and S. N. Y. 81. CRAMPTON, H. E. (R). 256 W. 121st. N. Y. Med. Col. 57. Crandall, F. M. (R). 113 W. 95th. N. Y. Uni. 81. CRANE, J. J. (R). 43 W. 71st. P. and S. N. Y. 76. CRARY, G. W. (R). 152 W. 57th. P. and S. N. Y. 85. Cremin, P. W. (R). 848 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 66. CROMPTON, C. W. (H). 1884 Boston Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 91. CRONSON, R. (R). 238 E. 119th. P. and S. N. Y. 88. Crook, J. K. (R). 36 E. 29th. N. Y. Uni. 80. CRONK, H. R. (R). 54 W. 9th. Chicago, 89. Crosbie, Dixi (R). 218 5th Ave. Dartmouth, 90. CROSS, EMMA SMITH (R). 62 W. 101st. Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. Infy. 79. Culbert, W. L. (R), 108 W. 34th. P. and S. N. Y. 88. CULVER, E. M. (R). 36 W. 35th. P. and S. N"Y. 81. Cunningham, W. P. (R). 688 Hudson. Bell. N. Y. 87. CURRAN, F. W. (R). 331 W. 20th. 5 to 7. N. Y. Uni. 89. Currier, A. F. (R). 138 Madison Ave. Yale, 80. CURRIER, C. G. (R). 75 W. 55th. Harvard, 80. Curtis, B. F. (R). 307 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 81. CURTIS, E. (R). 27 Washington pi. Uni. Pa. 64. CURTIS, H. H. (R). 118 Madison Ave. Yale, 80. CURTIS, J. G. (R). 327 W. 58th. P. and S. N. Y. 70. CUSHIER, ELIZABETH M. (R). 53 E. 20th. Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. Infy. 72. Cushman, Wm. Floyd (R). 325 W. 22d. P. and S. N. Y. 63. CUTLER, C. W. (R). 260 W. 57th. P. and S. N. Y. 82. DADIRRIAN, M. G. (R). 73 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 71. DAKE, D. C. (E). 231 W. 42d. U. S. Eel. Col. 82. Dallas, Alex. (R). 65 W. 36th. N. Y. Uni. 78. DALY, J. P. (R). 563 E. 150th. Bell. N. Y. 86. DANA, A. S. (R). 109 W. 132d. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 74. Dana, C. L. (R). 50 W, 46th. P. and S. N. Y. 77. Dana, Mrs. E. D. (H). 154 W. 103d. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Worn. 78. Dana, S. W. (R). 313 W. 33d. P. and S. N. Y. 58. DANFORTH, L. L. (H). 35 W. 51st. 10 to 12, 6 to 7.30. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 74. Prof. Obstet. N. Y. Homo. Col. Prof. Gyn. Metropolitan Post. Grad. Sch. of Med. Cong. Obstet. Woman's Hosp. Phys. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo, and N. Y. State and Co. Homo. Med. Socs. DANIEL, ANNIE S. (R). 2 Livingston pi. Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. Infy. 79. Daniels, F. II. (R). 140 W. 126th. Harvard, 84. DANIELS, J. L. (H). 51 W. 127th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 82. DANN, L. (R). 59 Rivington. N. Y. Uni. 85. 252 PHYSICIANS. Darlington, T. (R). Kingsbridge. P. and S. N. Y. 80. DARLINGTON, W. L. (R). 587 Hudson. Jefferson, 75. Davin, J. P. (R). 371 W. 56th. P. and S. N. Y. 85. Davis, A. Edward, (R). 7 E. 41st. Uni. Louis. Ky. 89. DAVIS, A. A. (R). 119 E. 62. P. and S. N. Y. 64. DAVIS, E. W. (R). 153 W. 44th N. Y. Uni. 84. Davis, F. W. (R). 150 W. llth. N. Y. Uni. 93. DAVIS, J. E. L. (H). 4 E. 63d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 77. DAVIS, JOSEPHINE (R). 200 W. 14th. Wom. Med. Col. Pa. 77. Davis, R. C. (R). 150 E. 128th. N. Y. Uni. 80. DAVIS, VIRGINIA M. (R). Amsterdam Ave. Wom. Med. Col. N. Y. Infy. 86. DAVISON, D. H. (R). 171 E. 78th. P. and S. N. Y. 76. DAWBARN, R. H. M. (R). 105 W. 74th. P. and S. N. Y. 81. Day, E. G. (R). 27 W. 128th. P. and S. N. Y. 88. DAYTON, W. A. (R). 127 W. 45th. P. and S. N. Y 79. DEADY, CHAS. (H). 110 W. 48th. 10 to 1. N. Y. Homo. Col. 76. Col. N. Y. Ophthal. Hosp. 78. Prof. Dis. Eye and Sec. Fac- ulty Col. N. Y. Ophthal. Hosp. and Metropolitan Post Grad. Sch. of Med. 1st V.-Pres. Alumni Assn. N. Y. Homo. Med. Col. Treas, N. Y. State Homo. Med. Soc. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo, and N. Y. Co. Homo. Med. Soc. Editor Journal Oph- thal. Otol. and Laryngol. Deady, H. B. (R). City Hosp. P. and S. N. Y. 94. DEANE, F. G. (R). 67 Bank. Wom. Med. Col. N. Y. Infy. 91. DEAN, GEO. R. (E). 203 E. Broadway, Metrop. Med. Col. 72. DEAN, GEO. W. (E). 227 E. 123d. Metrop. Med. Col. 62. DEANE, W. C. (R). 860 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 84. Dearborn, H. M. (H). 146 W. 7th. Bowdoin, 69. DEARDEN, J. E. (R). 221 E. 87th. N. Y. Uni. 91. Dees, W. W. (R). 352 W. 22d. P. and S. N. Y. 85. De Foulk, I. P. (E). 222 E. 17th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 83. DE GARMO, W. B. (R). 56 W. 36th. N. Y. Uni. 75. DE KRAFT, H. (E). 119 W. 49th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 82. DELABARRE, W. E. (H). 223 W. 57th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 91. DELAFIELD, F. (R). 12 W. 32d. P. and S. N. Y. 63. DE LATOUR, A. (E). 574 5th Ave. U. S. Eel. Col. 82. DELAVAN, D. B. (R). 1 E. 33d. P. and S. N. Y. 75. N. Y. Can- cer and St. Barthol's Hosps. Delphy, E. V. (R). 358 W. 58th. P. and S. N. Y. 89. DEMAREST, J. H. (H). 259 126th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 65. DENCH, E. B. (R). 17 W. 46th. P. and S. N. Y. 85. DENHARD, C. E. (R). 90 Madison. 197 Edgecomb Ave. N. Y. Uni. 74. Denison, Chas. E. (R). 113 W. 12th. Bell. N. Y. 82. DENISON, E. (R). 113 W. 12th. N. Y. Uni. 53. DENNETT, W. S. (R). 59 W. 45th, Harvard, 74. DENNIS, F. S. (R). 542 Madison Ave. Bell. N. Y. 74. M. R. C. S. Eng. 77. Dent, Emmet C. (R). Supt. N. Y. C. Lunatic Asy. Ward's Island Female Dept. Bell. N. Y. 79. DENTON, M. P. (R). 33 E. 33d. Harv. 87. PHYSICIANS. 253 DERBY, R. H. (R). 9 W. 35th. Harvard, 67. DESCHERE, M. (H). 334 W. 58th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 75 DE88AR, L. A. (R). 58 W. 49th. Indiana Med. Col. 84. Dessau, S. H. (R). 47 W. 56th. Jefferson, 68. DEVLIN, R. J. (R). 156 W. 13th. P. and S. N. Y. 81. De Voursney, H. P. (R). 254 W. 135th. N. Y. Uni. 84. Dew, J. H. (R). 252 W. 54th. Uni. Va. 67. DEWEY, W. A. (H). 170 W. 54th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 80. Deymier, P. (R). 38 Downing. Strasburg, 79. DEYNARD, A. B. (R). 333 W. 51st. Queens Uni. Ont. 75. DILLINGHAM, FREDERICK H. (R). 636 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 80. DILLINGHAM, T. M. (H). 46 W. 36th. Boston Uni. 74. DILLOW, G. M. (H). 57th, cor. Broadway. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 75. Dinkeelspiel, Leo. (R). 104 W. 87th. P. and S. N. Y. 83. DISBROW, R. N. (R). 117 E. 83d. Bell. N. Y. 77. Dixon, G. A. (R). 15 W. 49th. P. and S. N. Y. 78. DIXON, GEO. S. (R). 124 Lexington Ave. Bell. N. Y. 85 Dlugach, S. D. (R). 182 Henry. N. Y. Uni. 91. DOCKSTADER, C. H. (R). 281 W. 118th. Bell. N. Y. 91. DODIN, H. A. (R). 1194 Washington Ave. Bell. N. Y. 82. D'Oench, F. E. (R). 12 E. 28th. Strasburg, 79. DOLD, WM. E. (R). Bloomingdale Asy. N. Y. Uni. 80. Donlin, E. J. (R). 129 W. Houston. N. Y. Uni. 76. DONOVAN, D. J. (R). 46 E. 126th. P. and S. N. Y. 87. Dooley, J. J. (R). 340 W. 55th. P. and S. N. Y. 90. DORFMANN, W. (R). 124 Rivington. Uni. Berne, 82. DORN, J. H. (R). 51 W. 9th. Albany, 64. Doming, John (R). 252 W. 25th. N. Y. Uni. 82. DOTY, A. H. (R). 59 W. 35th. Bell. N. Y. 78. DOTY, PAULINE (E). 209 W. 44th. U. S. Eel. Col. 83. Dougherty, D. S. (R). 354 W. 42d. N. Y. Uni. 84. DOUGHTY, F. E. (H). 512 Madison Ave. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 69. DOUGLAS, O. B. (R). 123 E. 36th. N. Y. Uni. 77. DOUGLAS, S. (R). 35 W. 36th. Uni. Va. 86. DOUGLASS, H. B. (R). 171 W. 81st. P. and S. N. Y. 86. Dowd, C. N. (R). 135 W. 73d. P. and S. N. Y. 86. Dowe, F. L. (H). Boulevard and Briggs Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 89. Dowkontt, G. D. (R). 121 E. 45th. Jeff. Pa. 81. DOWLING, J. W. (H). 41 W. 45th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 86. DOYLE, JOHN W. (R). 146 E. 45th. Bell. N. Y. 84. Drain, John S. (R). 150 E. 40th. N. Y. Uni. 84. DRAPER, W. H. (R). 19 E. 47th. P. and S. N. Y. 55. DRAPER. W. K. (R). 42 W. 37th. P. and S. N. Y. 88. DRESSEL, FRIEDA (E). 314 E. 42d. N. Y. Eel. Col. 82. Drucklieb, L. (R). 147 E. 60th. P. and S. N. Y. 86. DRUMM, T. (R). 24 State. P. and S. Bait. 79. DUANE, A. (R). 25 E. 31st. P. and S. N. Y. 81. DUBOIS, ROBERT O. (R). 113 E. 19th. Yale, 86. DUDLEY, A. P. (R). 640 Madison Ave. Dartmouth, 77. DUGGAN, J. A. (R). 224 E. 32d. N. Y. Uni. 67. Dumond, C. J. (R). 358 W. 42d. Albany, 65. 254 PHYSICIANS. DUNHAM, ELIZA (H). 19 W. 81st. N. Y. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 78. DUNHAM, E. K. (R). 338 E. 26th. Harvard, 80. Dunham, T. (R). 133 W. 34th. Harvard, 88. DUNLEVY, RITA (H). 172 W. 54th. N. Y. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 88. DUNN, J. E. (R). 61 W. 99th. N. Y. Uni. 87. DUNTON, M. M. (R). 37 7th. Bell. N. Y. 72. DURKEE, JEANETTE (H). 141 W. 43d. N. Y. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 90. DURRIE, G. B. (H). 79 E. 55th. Yale, 65. Dustman, W. H. (R). 358 W. 32d. Bell. N. Y. 86. DWYER, J. (R). 182 E. 111th. N. Y. Med. Col. 61. Dyer, C. L. (H). 63 W. 52d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 85. Early, M. B. (R). 84 Macdougal. N. Y. Uni. 69. ECHEVERRIA, M. J. (R). 44 W. 75th. P. and S. N. Y. 90. EDEBOHLS, G. M. (R). 198 2d Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 75. EDGAR, J. C. (R). 54 E. 34th. N. Y. Uni. 85. Edson, C. (R). 9 W. 49th. P. and S. N. Y. 81. EDWARDS, MARY L. (H). 16 W. 45th. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 90. Egan, J. M. F. (R). 149 E. 116th. N. Y. Uni. 82. Egan, J. W. (E). 448 W. 48th. U. S. Eel. Col. 81. Egan, R. J. (R). 72 E. 124th. N. Y. Uni. 86. EGGERSMAN, F. A. (E). 170 E. 89th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 87. EHRHART, P. (R). 313 W. 30th. N. Y. Uni. 78. EHRMANN, H. A. (R). 29 E. 62d. P. and S. N. Y. 86. Eife, A. F. (H). 175 W. 10th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 81. Eife, F. (E). 335 E. 18th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 74. Einhorn, Max (R). 107 E. 65th. Berlin, 84. ELEBASH, C. P. (H). 228 E. 19th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. ELEBASH, C. S.(H). 228 E. 19th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 91. Eliot, Ellsworth (R). 48 W. 33th. P. and S. N. Y. 52. ELIOT, ELLSWORTH, JR. (R). 48 West 36th. P. and S N Y. 87. ELLIOT, GEORGE T. (R). 14 W. 33d. Uni. La. 81. Elliot, H. T. (R). 153 W. 14th. P. and S. N. Y. 71. Elliott, G. R. (R). 48 E. 26th. P. and S. N. Y. 81. ELLIOTT, S. R. (R). 32 Waverley PI. N. Y. Med. Col. 56. ELLISON, C. R. (R). 206 E. 116th. Bell. N. Y. 73. ELMORE, W. T. (R). 78 W. 94th. Dartmouth, 88. ELSNER, C. (R). 166 E. 96th. Halle, Ger. 74. Ely, A. H. (R). 19 W. 46th, P. and S. N. Y. 88. Ely, J. S. (R). 107 W. 74th. P. and S. N. Y. 86. EMERSON. J. B. (R). 20 E. 30th. Uni. Va. 76. EMERSON, J. H. (R). 81 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 61. EMERY, MARY (H). 21 E. 21st. Boston Uni. 82. Emmet, B. M. (R). 18 E. 30th. P. and S. N. Y. 67. EMMET, J. D. (R). 91 Madison Ave. Uni. Va. 80. EMMET, T. A. (R). 89 Madison Ave. Jefferson, 50. Engelsman, B. (R). 161 E. 115th. Bell. N. Y. 75. ERDMANN, J. F. (R). 141 W. 34th, Bell. N. Y. 87. PHYSICIANS. 255 Erlwein. M. (R). 16 W. Manhaltan. N. Y. Uni. 81. Ermentrant, J. P. (H). 261 E. 4th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 63. ESCOBAR, J. A. (E). 500 Manhattan Ave. N. Y. Eel. Col. 91. ESSON, F. G. (R). 139 W. 34th. Ettinger, H. (R). 2150 5th Ave. Bell. N. Y. 90. ETTINGER, L. (R). 204 E. 72d. P. and S. N. Y. 84. EURICH, C. (H). 209 E. 87th. Eel. Med. Col. N. Y. 76. Evans, G. A. (R). 337 W. 15th. P. and S. N. Y. 74. EVERSFIELD, F. J. (R). 158 W. 20th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 91. EWING, W. A. (R). 134 W. 58th. Bell. N. Y. 69. EYNON, W. G. (R). 170 Willis Ave. Bell. N. Y. 87 Fabricius, J. R. (R). 23 W. llth. Bell. N. Y. 92. FAIRBANKS, C. O. (R). 25 W. 45th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. FALES, H. P. (R). 590 E. 141st. Bell. N. Y. 88. Fanning, A. M. (R). 259 W. 121st. P. and S. N. Y. 86. FANNING, W. A. (R). 115 W. 63d. N. Y. Uni. 76. Farrell, Jennie G. (R). 22 E. 20th. Wom's Med. Col. Pa. 85. Farrell, J. J. (R). 205 W. 31st. Mo. Med. Col. 78. FARRELL, W. F. (R). 101 E. 122d. N. Y. Uni. 85. Fames, R. (R). 1105 Lexington Ave. L. I. Col. Hosp. 65. FARRINGTON, J. O. (R). 1991 Madison Ave. N. Y. Uni. 57. FARRINGTON, WM. H. (R). Astor House. Bell. N. Y. 72. Farwell, G. D. (R). 108 E. 28th. N. Y. Uni. 88. Feeney, M. B. (R). 32 E. 3d. N. Y. Uni. 80. FEIGENBLATT, L. (R). 356 E. 79th. N. Y. Uni. 72. Feinberg, S. (R). 148. E. 81st. Erlangen, 71. FELDMAN, B. M. (R). 170 E. 79th. P. and S. N. Y. 77. Ferdinand, J. E. (R). 220 W. 127th. N. Y. Uni. 68. FERGUSON, F. (R). 20 W. 38th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 80. Ferguson, J. A. (R). 34 Lind Ave. Bell. N. Y. 81. FERGUSON, JAMES FRANCIS (R). 168 Lexington Ave. Tues. and Fri. 11.30 to 12.30. Res. Falkirk, Cenral A'allcy N. Y. Uni. N. Y. 60. Con'g Surg. Charity Hosp. Vis. Phys. Hosp. for Nerv. Dis. Mem. N. Y. Acad, of Med. and Co. Soc. and N. Y. Nuerol. Soc. Ferguson, Jas. G. (R). 318 E. 58th. Bell. N. Y. 81. FERGUSON. J. S. (R). 252 W. 22d. N. Y. Uni. 93. FERNANDEZ-YBARRA, A. M. (R). 194 W, 10th. N. Y. Uni. 81. Ferrer, J. M. (R). 35 E. 31st. P. and S. N. Y. 79. FERRIER, J. (H). 166 E. 111th. Trinity Col. Tor. 81. FERRIS, A.W. (R). 12 E. 47th. P. and S. N. Y. 82. FIELD, M. D. (R). 115 E. 40th. Bell. N. Y. 79. Fielder, F. S. (R). 33 W. 93d. P. and S. N. Y. 92. FIELDS, WM. J. (R). 176 W. 81st. P. and S. N. Y. 80. FINCH, J. (H). 106 W. 44th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 66. Finnell, T. C. (R). 119 Leroy. N. Y. Uni. 80. FISCHER, C. S.. JR. (R). 201 W. 118th. P. and S. N. Y. 81. FISCHER, L. (R). 187 2d Ave. N. Y. Uni. 84. FISCHER, S. (R). 314 E. 15th. Zurich, 79. Fischlowit/, G. G. (R). Park Ave. and 77th. P. and S. N. Y. 92, Fisher, E. D. (R). 42 W. 45th. N. Y. Uni. 78. FISK, A. L. (R). 13 W. 50th. Harv, 88, 256 PHYSICIANS. Fiske, Jas. P. (R). 328 W. 57th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. FITCH, A. (R). 152 W. 34th. Albany, 79. Fitzgerald, A. J. (R). 1668 Madison Ave. Bell. N. Y. 89. FITZGERALD, J. S. (R). 1969 7th Ave. Georgetown, D. C. 70. FITZ-HUGH, P. H. (R). 151 E. 34th. Alabama Med Col. 91. Fivey, R. E. (R). 155 E. 72d. Albany, 87. FLEMING, E. (R). 1982 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 82. FLEMING, LAURA (H). 129 W. 56th Wom. Col. of N. J. FLEMING, M. J. (R). 132 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 72. FLEMING, W. L. (H). 129 W. 56th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 73. Fleming, W. M. (R). 240 5th Ave. Albany, 62. FLINT, A. (R). 69 E. 34th. Jefferson, 57. FLINT, AUSTIN, JR. (R). 252 Madison Ave. Bell. N. Y. 89. Flint, Wm. H. (R). 37 E. 33d. Bell. N. Y. 77. FLUHRER, W. F. (R). 479 5th Ave. Bell. N. Y. 70. Flynn, J. W. (R). 116 E. 81st. Bell. N. Y. 76. FOERSTER, F. (R). 39 W. 52d. P. and S. N. Y. 83. Foland, J. P. (R). 511 Hudson. N. Y. Uni. 84. FONTAINE, L. P. (R). 109^ E. 40th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 71. FOOTE, H. T. (E). 120 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Eel. Col. 81. Forbes, H. H. (R). 24 W. 25th. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Ford, C. M. (R). 242 W. 135th. N. Y. Uni. 88. FORD, J. C. (R). 233 E. 104th. Uni. Louisville, Ky. 78. FORDYCE, J. A. (R). 66 Park Ave. Chic. Med. Col. 81. FOREST, W. E. (R). 101 Waverley PI. N. Y. Uni. 76. Forman, J. H. (R). 135 E. 116th. N. Y. Uni. 77. FOSTER, F. P. (R). 16 E. 31st. P. and S. N. Y. 62. FOSTER, G. V. (R). 109 E. 18th. Dartmouth. 81. FOSTER, M. L. (R). 7 E. 41st. P. and S. N. Y. 85. FOUNTAIN, MRS. E. J. (H). 153 E. 62d. N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 67. FOWLER, G. B. (R). 56 W. 50th. P. and S. N. Y. 71. Fox, G. H. (R). 18 E. 31st. Uni. Pa. 69. FRALICK, W. G. (H). 745 Madison Ave. Col. P. and S. Can. 87. FRANK, J. (R). Ill Rivington. P. and S. N. Y. 80. FRANKEL, E. (R). 217 E. 17th. P. and S. N. Y. 68. FRANKENBERG, J. H. (R). 142 E. 74th. P. and S. N. Y. 83. Franklin, D. (R). 17 E. 129th. N. Y. Uni. 78. Franklin, E. D. (H). 331 W. 14th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 79. FRANZ, H. (E). 145 E. 38th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 81. FRAUENSTEIN, G. (R). 508 W. 57th. P. and S. N. Y. 68. Frauenthal, H. W. (R). 241 E. 50th. Bell. N. Y. 90. FRAZER, F. M. (H). 223 W. 57th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 91. FRAZER, G. (R). 321 W. 35th. Bell. N. Y. 64. FRECH, A. F. (E). 223 E. 23d. N. Y. Eel. Col. 87. Freeborn, G. C. (R). 215 W. 70th. P. and S. N. Y. 73. FREEMAN, A. (R). 123 E. 74th. P. and S. N. Y. 82. FREEMAN, H. (R). 29 Jefferson. Bell. N. Y. 84. FREEMAN, R. G. (R). 201 W. 57th. P. and S. N. Y. 86. French, J. H. (R). 43 W. 51st. N. Y. Uni. 82. FRENCH, S. A. (R). 345 W. 45th. Woman s Med. Col. N. Y. Inf. 87. FREUDENTHAL, W. (R). 943 Madison Ave. Freiburg, 84. PHYSICIANS. 257 Fridenberg, A. H. (R). 60 E. 61st. P. and S. N. Y. 77. FRIDENBERG, E. (R). 2019 5th Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 78. FRIEDMAN, A. (R). 862 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 76. Friedman, B. (R). 315 E. 3d. Col. Hosp. 90. Friedman, David (R). 332 E. 116th. N. Y. Uni. 91. FRIEDRICH, J. J. (R). 131 E. 52d. P. and S. N. Y. 71. Froehlich, D. (R). 117 E. 80th. Berlin, 72. FROTHINGHAM, R. (R). 19 E. 38th. Harvard, 92. Fruitnight, J. H. (R). 161 W. 57th. Bell. N. Y. 75. FUCHS, F. L. (E). 10 St. Marks PI. N. Y. Eel. Col. 81. FUCHIUS, J. H. (R). 14 E. 120th. Bell. N. Y. 89. Fuller, E. (R). 109 E. 34th. Harvard, 84. FULLER, R. M. (R). 136 W. 42d. Albany, 65. FULTON, A. J. (R). 3026 B'way. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Furman, G. (R). 107 W. 85th. N. Y. Uni. 50. GAEDEKE, J. G. (E). 320 2d Ave. N. Y. Eel. Col. 81. GAGE, MARY E. (H). 28 W. 45th. N. Y. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 86. GAILLARD, D. A. (E). 418 W. 43d. N. Y. Eel. <3ol. 73. Galbraith, Anna M. (R). 68 W. 50th. Wom. Med. Col. Pa. 84. GALLAGHER, E. (R). 302 W. 12th. Bell. N. Y. 87. Gallagher, Wm. C. (R). 302 W. 12th. Bell. N. Y. 86. GALLANT, A. E. (R). 35 W. 53d. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Co. Med. A qsti Aoflfi TM"p(i GALLAUDET, B. B. (R). 102 W. 85th. P. and S. N. Y. 84. Gardner, A. W. (R). 59 W. 54th. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Gardner, W. S. (R). 415 West End Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 89. GARMANY, J. J. (R). 40 W. 40th. Bell. N. Y. 82. GARRIGUES, H. J. (R). 155 Lexington Ave. Copenhagen, 69. GARRIGUES, L. F. (R). 155 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 91. Garrison, C. M. (R). 107 W. 38th. P. and S. N. Y. 84. GARRISON, J. B. (H). Ill E. 70th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 82. Gaudineer, W. J. (R). 131 E. 116th. N. Y. Uni. 78. GAUNT, T. T. (R). 32 W. 33d. P. and S. N. Y. 81. GEN, A. (E). 150 Henry. N. Y. Eel. Col. 93. GEOGHAN, WM. (R). 116 W. 63d. Albany, 74. Gerber, M. (R). 1673 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 91. Gerrard, Louise (H). 149 W. 41st. N. Y. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 76. GERSTER, A. G. (R). 56 E. 25th. Vienna, 72. GIBB, W. T. (R). 365 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 86. GIBBS, J. W. (E). 80 E. 79th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 78. GIBBS, S. E. (R). 22 E. 126th. Uni. Denv. Col. 83. GIBIER, P. (R). Central Park W., cor. 97th. Paris, 84. GIBNEY, V. P. (R). 16 Park Ave. Bell. N. Y. 71. GIBSON, C. L. (R). 46 W. 33d. Harvard, 89. Gibson, J. B. (R). 59 W. 45th. McGill, 86. GIBSON, L. M. (R). 168 W. 81st. P. and S. N. Y. 89. GILES, J. E. (R). 127 E. 16th. N. Y. Uni. 84. Gilfillan, W. W. (R). 275 Lexington Ave. P. and S. 90. Gillespie, J. R. (R). 319 E. 55th. N. Y. Uni. 81. GILLESPIE, LIZZIE (H). 207 E. 14th. N. Y. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 85. 258 PHYSICIANS. GILLETTE, W. R. (R). 24 W. 40th. P. and S. N. Y. 64. Gilley, W. C. (R). 59 Bank. P. and S. N. Y. 85. GILLIAM, W. C. (R). 12 W. 53d. Uni. Va. 76. GIRDNER, J. H. (R). 31 W. 38th. N. Y. Uni. 79. GLASSFORD, R. W. (R). 350 W. 46th. P. and S. N. Y. 78. Gleises, J. (R). 302 E. 57th. Bell. N. Y. 77. GLEITSMANN, J, W. (R). 46 E. 25th. Wurzburg, 65. GLUCK, S. (R). 167 E. 60th. Vienna, 70. Gnichtel, A. L. (R). 437 W. 44th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. Goelet, A. H. (R). 351 W. 57th. Bell. N. Y. 74. GOETZ, W. (R). 732 St. Nicholas Ave. Bell. N. Y. 79. GOFFE, J. R. (R). 22 E. 85th. Bell. N. Y. 81. Goldenberg, H. (R). 22 E. 63d. Munich, 86. GOLDENKRANZ, S. (R). 177 Rivington. N. Y. Uni. 88. GOLDSMITH, M. K. (R). 1704 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 85. Goldstein, D. D. (R). 79 2d Ave. N. Y. Uni. 90. GOLDSTEIN, P. (R). 204 Henry. N. Y. Uni. 91. Goldstein; S. (R). 166 E. 93d. IS. Y. Uni. 92. GOLDTHWAITE, H. (R). Fifth Avenue Hotel. Bell. N. Y. 76. GOODALL, W. A. (R). 663 E. 158th. Victoria Uni. 84. GOODRICH, S. W. (H) 458 143d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 71. GOODWILLIE, D. H. (R). 154 W. 34th. Uni. Vt. 68. Gordon, B. (R). 109 Henry. Uni. N. Y. 85. GORDON, MARY (R). 349 W. 34th. Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. Inf. 91. GORDON, WILLIAM (R). 144 E. 36th. P. and S. N. Y. 86. GORE, JENNIE (H). 1145 Park Ave. N. Y. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 85. Gorman, G. J. (R). 233 E. 86th. N. Y. Uni. 9!. GOTTHEIL, W. S. (R). 25 W. 53d. P. and S. N. Y. 81. Gould, D. B. (R). 139 Hester. Bell. N. Y. 82. GOULEY, J. W. S. (R). 324 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 53. GRABER, S. S. (R). 185 E. 71st. N. Y. Uni. 88. GRAHAM, N. C. (H). 261 W. 34th. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 78. Grandin, E. H. (R). 36 E. 58th. Harv. 80. Grant, F. H. (R). 257 W. 52d. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Grant, Mariette (E). 990 6th Ave. N. Y. Eel. Col. 91. Grauer F. (R). 323 W. 45th. Bell. N. Y. GRAY, J. F. (R). 326 W. 31st. P. and S. N. Y. 82. GRAY, L. C. (R). 6 E. 49th. Bell. N. Y. 75. Green, John V. B. (R). 172 E. 74th. Bell. N. Y. 79. GREENBAUM, S. (R). 183 Stanton. Bell. N. Y. 88. GREENE, F. E. (E). 35 W. 14th. Eel. Inst. Cin. 75. Greene, J. A. (E). 35 W. 14th. Eel. Inst. Cin. 68. GREENE, R. H. (R). 14 W. 32d. Harv. 86. GREENOUGH, C. H. (R). 307 E. 57th. Bell. N. Y. 72. GREY, A. D. (E). 120 E. 17th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 82. GRIFFIN, E. H. (R). 112 W. 45th. Bell. N. Y. 82. Griffin, H. A. (R). 44 W. 48th. P. and S. N. Y. 89. GRIFFITHS, J. J. (R). 31 E. 74th. P. and S. N. Y. 83. GRIMM, A. C. (H). 1812 Lex. Ave. N, Y. Homo. Col. 86, PnYsiciANS. GRISWOLD, H. (R). 42 W. 35th. Uni. Louisville, Ivy. 64. Gross, M. (R). 1042 Lexington Ave. Vienna, 87. GROVESTEEN. C. E. (R). 253 W. 43d. N. Y. Uni. 79. GRUBE, C. H. (R). 200 W. 83d. N. Y. Uni. 78. GRUENING, E. (R). 109 E. 23d. P. and S. N. Y. 67. Guck, A. J. (R). 236 E. 31st. N. Y. Uni. 90. GUERNSEY, E. (H). 528 5th Ave. Uni. N. Y. 46. GUERNSEY, W. N. (H). 27 W. 52d. Uni. N. Y. 70. GUILFOY, W. H. (R). 122 W. 84th. Bell. N. Y. 89. GUITERAS, R. (R). 23 W. 53d. Harv. 83. GULEKE, H. F. (R). 106 W. 38th. N. Y. Med. Crl. 58. GULICK, A. R. (R). 726 Broadway. Bell. N. Y. 88. GUNNING, J. H. (R). 640 Madison Ave. N. Y. Uni. 73. GUNTZER, J. (R). 327 E. 89th. Bell-. N. Y. 89. Guth, W. C. (R). 253 E. 71st. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Guttmann, F. (R). 44 W. 126th. Vienna, 1878. GWYER, F. W. (R). 332 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 83. Haase, C. F. W. (R). 794 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 57. HABERSACK, C. A. (R). 832 E. 161st. N. Y. Uni. 91. HACKELING, H. A. (R). 49 7th. Gottingen, 73. HACKLEY, C. E. (R). 144 W. 44th. Uni. Pa. 10. Haddad, A. F. (R). h. 10 Stone, office 89 Broad. N. Y. Uni. 89. HADDEN, A. (R). 155 E. 51st. 'P. and S. N. Y. 59. HAGAN, H. H. (R). 41 W. 50th. N. Y. Uni. 86. Hahn, L. (R). 220 E. 46th. N. Y. Uni. 92. Hall, W. H. (R). 129 E. 54th. Uni. N. Y. 58. HALLETT, G. D. (H). 107 W. 82d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 89. Hallock, L. R. (R). 155 W. 129th. N. Y. Uni. 88. HALLOCK, L. (H). 34 E. 39th. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 26. HALLOCK, S. F. (R) 136 E. 39th. Western Reserve, 85. HALLWOOD, J. B. (R). 242 E. 82d. Howard Uni. D. C. 83. HALSEY, F. S. (R). 123 W. 69th. N. Y. Uni. 85. Halstead, John C. (R). 233 W. 4th. N. Y. Uni. 83. HALSTED, C. F. (R;. 1586 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 90. HAMILTON, A. M. (R). 44 E. 29th. P. and S. N. Y. 70. HAMLIN, F. W. (H). 103 W. 48th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 88. HAMMOND, F. P. (R). 143 E. 117th. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Hammond, G. M. (R). 58 W. 45th. N. Y Uni. 80. HANCHETT, H. G. (H). 148 5th Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. Hancock, J. C. (R). 143 W. 21st. P. and S. N. Y. 89. HANDS, WM. C. (R). 324 E. 120th. P. and S. N. Y. 81. Haney, J. P. (R). 1907 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 92. Hanford, H. W. (H). 57th, cor. B'way. N. Y. Homo. Col. 90. Hanker, G. F. (R), 239 W. 21st. N. Y. Uni. 92. HANKS, H. T. (R). 766 Madison Ave. Albany, 61. HANN, G. V. (R). 313 W. 51st. N. Y. Uni. 81. Hardenbergh, D. B. (R). 52 W. 35th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. HARDING, J. M. (E). 70 W. 93d. N. Y. Eel. Col. 90. HARDING W. L. (R). 252 W. llth. N. Y. Uni. 60. HARDY, S. A. (E). 574 2d Ave. N. Y. Eel. Col. 88. HARDY, S. O. (H). 251 W. 104th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. HARPER, J. G. (R). 49th and Park Ave. Toronto, 85. 260 PHYSICIANS. Harper, W. F. (R). 322 St. Nicholas Ave. Cin. Col. Med. nnd Surg. 79. Harrigan, Joseph D. (R). 606 Lexington Ave. Bell. N. Y. 83. HARRIS, E. E. (R). 33 W. 93d. N. Y. Uni. 80. Harris, J. W. (H). 2414 2d Ave. U. S. Eel. Col. 82. Harris, R. (H). 2145 7th Ave. N. Y. Eel. Col. 76. HARRIS, SALLIE (H). 2145 7th Ave. N. Y. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 78. Harris, T. J. (R). 117 E. 40th. Uni. Pa. 89. Harrison, C. L. (R). 80 Washington Sq. P. and S. N. Y. 87. HARRISON, G. T. (R). 221 W. 23d. Uni. Va. 56. Harrison, G. (R). 221 W. 23d. Uni. Va. 89. HARRISON. J. T. (R). 182 W. 10th. P. and S. N. Y. 79. Hart, A. H. (H). 136 W. 48th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. HARTLEY, F. (R). 46 E. 34th. P. and S. N. Y. 80. HARTLEY, W. G. (H). 335 W. 34th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 75. HARTMANN, J. (R). 254 W. 3;th. St. Louis Med. Col. 75. Hassloch, W. (R). 932 2d Ave. Wiesbaden, 59. HATHAWAY, H. S. (H). 140 W. 92d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 91. HAUBOLD, H. A. (R). 225 E. 72d. Bell. N. Y. 89. HAUPT, L. (R). 63 Rivington. N. Y. Uni. 77. Haven, F. S. (R). 143 W. 61st. P. and S. N. Y. 86. HAVILAND, F. W. (R). 210 W. 123d. L. I. Col. Hosp. 81. HAWKES, J. M. (R). 1343 Lexington Ave. 9 to 1; Mon. and Fri. 7 to 9. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Mem. N. Y. Co. Med. Assn. HAWKES, R. H. (R). 1343 Lexington Ave. 9 to 1; Tues. and Thurs. 7 to 9. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 93. Mem. N. Y. Co. Med. Assn. Hawkes, W. A. (R). 745 Lexington Ave. Uni. Va. 66. HAWKER, B. W. (E.) 510 3d Ave. N. Y. Eel. Col. 75. Hawkes, F. (R). 41 E. 70th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. HAWKES, J. M. (R). 1343 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 90. HAWKES, R. H. (R). 1343 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 93. Hawlik, H. W. (R). 104 E. 8th. N. Y. Uni. 90. HAYDEN, J. R. (R). 107 W. 55th. P. and S. N. Y. 84. HAYES, R. H. (R). 317 E. 65th. N. Y. Uni. 82. Hayman, A. (R). 147 Clinton. N. Y. Uni. 90. HAYNES, I. S. (R). 131 E. 86th. N. Y. Uni. 87. HAYNES, W. H. (R). 230 E. 86th. N. Y. Uni. 79. Hays, B. E. (R). 2080 Lexington Ave. Bell. N. Y. 70. Hayunga, G. A. (R). 70 W. 97th. N. Y. Uni. 63. Hazen, Henry C. (R). 734 Lexington Ave. P. & S. N. Y. 91. HEACOCK, W. A. (R). 139 W. 85th. P. and S. N. Y. 92. HEALEY, J. R. (R). 226E. 116th. Bell. N. Y. 70. Healey, M. L. (R). 220 E. 36th. N. Y. Uni. 87. HEALY, J. S. (R). 2886 Bailey Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 90. HEDDEN, J. W. (R). 147 E. 21st. N. Y. Uni. 87. HEFFTER, G. O. (E). 403 Pleasant Ave. N. Y. Eel. Col. 87. Heineman, H. N. (R). 60 W. 56th. P. and S. N. Y. 74. HEITZMAN, C. (R). 39 W. 45th. Vienna, 59. HEITZMANN, L. (R). 110 F. 58th. P. and S. N. Y. 85. Helbig, F. M. (R). 319 W. 37th. Bell. N. Y. 90. HELFRICH, C. H. (H). 136 W. 48th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. PHYSICIANS. 261 HELLENSTEIN, H. (B). 710 E. 5th. Uni. Buff. 90. Heller, T. F. (R). 117 Waverley PI. P. and S. N. Y. 83. HELMUTH, WM. TOD (H). 299 Madison Ave. 10 to 12.30. Hel- muth House, 465 Lexington Ave. 2. Homo. Med. Col. of Pa. 53. LL.D. Yale; Regent's Degree Uni. State N. Y. Hon. Hahn. Med. Col. San Francisco. Prof. Surg, and Dean of Fac. N. Y. Homo. Med. Col. Prof. Surg. Metropolitan Post Grad. Sch. of Med. Surg, and Med. Supt. Flowers Surg. Hosp. Con'g Surg. Hahn. Hosp. and Laura Franklin Hosp. for Chil. and N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women and N. Y. Homo. Med. Col. Dispy. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo, and N. Y. State and N. Y. Co. Homo. Socs. and N. Y. Acad, of Pathol. Sci. and N. Y. Pedeaological Soc. and N. Y. Homo. Mat. Med. Soc. Hon. Mem. Society Medicale Homeopathique de France and Mass. and R. I. and Conn. States Homo. Socs. HELMUTH, WM. T., JR. (H). 465 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 87. HEMINGWAY, S. (R). 51 Market. Bell. N. Y. 74. HEMINGWAY, W. H. (R). 51 Market. N. Y. Uni. 86. HENNA, J. J. (R). 8 W. 40th. P. and S. N. Y. 72. HENNESSY, M. E. (R). 17 E. 31st. Wom. Med. Col. Pa. 85. HENRY, J. N. (R). 1448 Broadway. Uni. Vt. 83. Henry, J. P. (R). 314 W. 59th. N. Y. Uni. 86. Henry, N. H. (R). 14 E. 10th. P. and S. N. Y. 79. Henry, M. H. (R). 581 5th Ave. Uni. Vt. 60. HENWOOD, H. (E). 1242 Washington Ave. Eel. Col. Pa. 68. HEPBURN, N. J. (R). 369 West 23d. P. and S. N. Y. 68. HERB, J. A. (R). 49 St, Mark's PI. P. and S. N. Y. 85. Herman, H. (R). 627 Lexington Ave. Bell. N. Y. 83. HEROLD, J. (R). 73 7th. Bell. N. Y. 82. HERR, HARRIET (E) 331 E. 83d. N. Y. Eel. Col. 89. HERR, T. J. (E). 331 E. 83d. N. Y. Eel. Col. 82. HERRICK, E. (R). 126 Madison Ave. Jefferson, 54. Herrick, M. E. (R). 132 W. 44th. Wom. Med. Col. Inf. 84. HERSKOVITZ, S. (R). 338 E. 4th. N. Y. Uni. 89. HERTER, C. A. (R). 819 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 85. HERZOG, A. W. (R). 208 E. 14th. Uni. N. Y. 87. HEUEL, E. (R). 352 Willis Ave. N, Y, Univ 83. Heuel, F. (R). 306 2d Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. 57. HEUEL, FRANK, JR. (R). 26 Irving PI. N. Y. Uni. 75. HEYWOOD, GEO. (R). 143 W. 34th. Harv. 87. Hibbard, W. E. (R). 590 7th Ave. N. Y. Uni. 89. Hibbe, L. H. R. (R). 235 6th. N. Y. Uni. 89. HICKOK,GEORGE B. (R). 167 W. 78th and 309 E. 14th. P. andS. N. Y. 69. HILKE, ANNA G. (R). 330 E. 14th. Wom. Med. Col. Inf. 84. HILLER, J. L. (H). 110 W. 82d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 86. HILLIS, T. J. (R). 51 Charlton. P. and S. N. Y. 82. HILLS, J. ERNESTINE (R). Asst. Phys. N. Y. City Asy. for In- sane, Hart's Island. Woman's Med. Col. Pa. 93. Himowich, A. A. (R). 136 Henry. N. Y. Uni. 87. HIMOWICH, ROSE (R). 136 Henry. Wom. Med. Col. N.Y. Inf. 89. 262 PHYSICIANS. HINTON, J. H. (R). 41 W. 32d. Until 10. P. and S. N. Y. 52. Hirons, G. (R). 152 W. 49th. Med. Col. Ohio, 82. HITCHCOCK, C. (R). 57 W. 36th. P. and S. N. Y. 72. HITCHCOCK, U. G. (R). 51 W. 29th. P. and S. N. Y. 69. Hoag, W. B. (R). 117 W. 95th. Bell. N. Y. 92. Hobbs, A. B. (R). 66 W. 38th. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Hochheimer, E. (R). 224 E. 72d. N. Y. Uni. 77. HODENPYL, E. (R). 36 W. 56th. P. and S. N. Y. 85. HODGMAN, A. (R). 141 E. 38th. N. Y. Uni. 58. Hodgson, J. H. P. (R). 29 Wash. Sq. Virginia, 88. HOEBER, E. W. (R). 612 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 76. HOEFLING, H. C. (R). 171 Rivington. P. and S. 85. Hoelger, R. L. (R). 313 2d. P. and S. N. Y. 76. HOFFMANN, C. (R). 243 E. 86th. N. Y. Uni. 82. HOFFMANN, JULIUS (R). Ill 2d Ave. Berlin, 76. Hofheimer, J. A. (R). 323 W. 126th. Bell. N. Y. 85. HOGAN, E. J. (R). 308 Madison. P. and S. N. Y. 67. HOGAN, J. K. (R). 140 Henry. L. I. Col. Hosp. 88. HOLBROOK, M. L. (H). 46 E. 21st. N. Y. Hygeio.-Therap. Col. 64. HOLDEN, T. N. (R). 294 E. Broadway. N. Y. Uni. 80. HOLDEN, W. A. (R). 37 W. 39th. Ohio Med. Col. 87. Holden, W. B. (R). 107 W. 63d. P. and S. N. Y. 91. HOLGATE, T. H. (R). 206 W. 14th. Bell. N. Y. 69. HOLLIS, A. W. (R). 20 W. 43d. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Hollister, F. (R). 226 W. 75th. Bell. 90. HOLMAN, C. H. (R). 327 W. 145th. N. Y. Uni. 86. HOLMAN, D. E. (R). 330 W. 57th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 80. Holmes, John F. (R). 844 E. 165th. N. Y. Uni. 75. HOLMES, M. C. (R). 75 W. 126th. Women's Med. Col. Pa. 86. Holt, L. E. (R). 15 E. 54th. P. and S. N. Y. 80. Holthusen, E. T. (R). 319 E. 86th. Missouri Med. Col! 85. HONAN, W. F. (H). 104 W. 64th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 89. HONEGGER, O. P. (R). 171 E. 71st. Heidelberg, 79. Hoover, Franklin P. (R). 262 W. 34th. Uni. Med. 90. HOPE, G. B. (R). 34 W. 51st. Bell N. Y. 75. HOPKINS, F. E. (R). 226 E. 15th. N. Y. Uni. 84. Hopkins, J. L. (R). 233 W. 54th. N. Y. Uni. 87. HOPKINS, J. S. (R). 52. W. 84th. Uni. N. Y. 82. HORN, CHAS. F. W. 356 W. 124th. N. Y. Uni. 90. HORN, JOHN (R). 225 E. Broadway. N. Y. Uni. 85. HORNICK, F. W. (R). 103 E. 111th. P. and S. N. Y. 93. HORTON, L. S. (R). 149 W. 22d. P. and S. N. Y. 62. Hotchkiss, L. W. (R). 49 W. 40th. P. and S. N. Y. 84. HOUGHTON, H. C. (H). 7 W. 39th. N. Y. Uni. 67. HOUGHTON, H. S. (R). 301 W. 88th. Bell. N. Y. 86. HOWARD, C. C. (H). 57 W. 51st. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. HOWE, J. M. (H). 58 W. 47th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 79. Howley, W. E. (R). 199 Alexander Ave. N. Y. Uni. 91. HOWSER, F. P. (R). 149 W. 66th. Bell. N. Y. 91. Hubbard, D. L. (R). 344 W. 33d. 117 W. 93d. Uni. Vt. 83. HUBBARD, L. W. (R). 161 W. 23d. N. Y. Uni. 83. HUBBARD, W. N. (R). 17 E. 38th. P. and S. N. Y. 86, PHYSICIANS. Hubbell, M. D. (R). 236 W. 136th. Bell. N. Y 90 S£5™' F- (R)- 113 E- Broadway. P. and S.' N.' Y. 76. HUBER, J. B. (R). 139 W. 45th. Bell. N. Y. 89 5u,bJ^ J- - SSVarick. N. Y. Uni. 91. Sffin^SJWS-Jl1 ConveQt Ave- L- L Col- Hosp. 64. KEH,IVPR°4LmE {£l J08 W- 36th> N- Y- Homo. Col. 69. 5??^«•£-ffi)7™189 W- 104th" P- and S- N. Y. 87. ?5i SG?' ?■ ,™(H)- 123 E-19th- N- Y- Med- Col. 52. S?/t S^"1^,^- 17 W- llth- Wom- Med. Col. N. Y. Inf 84 55H1!' H- J- R • 895 E- 1?th- P- and S. N Y 80 ^LLY,J.R(R). 16 E. 29th. Ireland, 68 ?ELLY^T-(R)- 357 W. 57th. N. Y. Uni. 84. Kelsey. Chas. B. (R). 25 Madison Ave. P. and S N Y 73 Kemp, J. T. (R). 225 E. 72d. Bel. N. Y 89 £22&\£L(R)- 168W" 54th- P-and S. N. Y. 89. S£M£' WM" M" r „„„ ~* ™ ■"" '10'?fh P- and S. N. Y. 69. McMICHAEL A r a ,, 6-30 to 7.30. 'n'AI^,1"'9 Madison Ave « «mw , Med p«i «_j J Homo Med. Col. 83 prnf w ♦ \f J° 10> McNicholl, T. A. (R). 321 E. outn. McNUTT, JULIA (R). 265 Lexington Ave. Wom. Med. Col. is. x. Inf. 83. McNUTT, SARAH (R). 265 Lexington Ave. Worn. Med. Col. N. Y. Inf. 77. McPARLAN, J. P. (R). 1039 Madison Ave. Bell. N. Y. 91. McParlan, T. F. (R). 1039 Madison Ave. Bell. N. Y. 91. McPHEE, J. J. (R). 73 Manhattan. Uni. Vt. 90. McSWEENY, D. E. (R). 129 E. 29th. P. and S. N. Y. 64. 270 PHYSICIANS. MABBOTT, J. M. (R). 19 5th Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 84. MacAuliffe, D. A. (R). 213 E. 57th. 8 to 10, 1 to 2, 5 to 7. N. Y. Uni. 93. Co. Med. Assn. MACBRIDE, N. L. (H). 138 W. 43d. 9 to 1. Hahn. Chi. 78. Prof. Ophthal. and Dean of Fac. Col. of the N. Y. Ophthal. Hosp. and Mem. of Governing Fac. Mem. N. Y. Co. Homo. Soc. MACDONALD, A. E. (R). Gen. Supt. N. Y. City Asylums for the Insane. N. Y. Uni. 70. MacDONALD, C. F. (R). 334 5th Ave. Bell. N. Y. 69. Macdonald, G. A. (R). 31 E. 67th. N. Y. Uni. 78. MACDONALD, J. H. (R). 273 E. 7th. N. Y. Uni. 86. MacEttrick, J. F. (R). 427 W. 24th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 81. MacGREGOR, J. R. (R). 1118 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 53. MacGUIRE, C. J. (R). 120 E. 60th. Ire. 69. MacHale, F. S. (R). 218 E. 87th. N. Y. Uni. 88. MacINTYRE, B. C. (R). 221 W. 4th. P. and S. N. Y. 74. MacIVOR, ABBIE (H). 2151 7th Ave. N. Y. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 86. Mackenzie, J. C. (R). 432 W. 22d. N. Y. Uni. 80. Maclellan, K. F. (R). 836 7th Ave. Glasgow, 67. MACY, C. S. (H). 117 W. 12th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 81. Macy, Wm. A. (R). N. Y. C. Insane Asy. P. and S. N. Y. 85. MALDER, J. G. (H). 304 E. 120th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 85. MAGIE, D. (R). 32 W. 48th. P. and S. N. Y. 64. MAGUIRE, P. J. (R). 156 E. 48th. P. and S. N. Y. 71. Maguire, T. F. (R). 251 W. 139th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. MAHER, J. J. E. (R). 213 W. 23d. McGill, 83. Maier, O. (R). 321 E. 18th. Bell. N. Y. 91. MAISCH, C. O. (R). 90 Madison. Bell. N. Y. 91. MAJOR, G. M. (R). 142 E. 111th. N. Y. Uni. 90. MALLESON, P. A. (R). 2014 5th Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 84. MALLETT, G. H. (R). 222 W. 59th. Uni. Va. 85. MANDL, N. M. (R). 746 5th. Vienna, 91. Mandlebaum, F. S. (R). 216 E. 60th. Bell. N. Y. 89. MANGES, M. (R). 941 Madison Ave. P. and. S. N. Y. 87. Mangold, W. G. (R). 70 7th. P. and S. N. Y. 89. MANLEY, T. H. (R). 302 W. 53d. N. Y. Uni. 75. MANN, EDWARD C. (R). 305 W. 86th. Consultation hours until 1 daily. L. I. Col. Hosp. 71. F. S. S. Lond. Mem. N. Y. Co. and Brooklyn Pathol, and N. Y. Medico-Leg. Socs. Hon. Mem. Med. Section Imperial Uni. Kharkof, Russia. Medical Supt. Sunny side Private Hosp. for Dis. of the Nerv. System and Mind, Inebriety and the Opium Habit. MANN, MARY (H). 359 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 72. MANNING, F. A. (R). 203 W. 103d. P. and S. N. Y. 84. MANNING, F. O. (R). 144 E. 74th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 83. Manning, J. S. J. (R). 75 Madison. P. and S. N. Y. 90. MANNING, T. (R). 244 Madison. Bell. N. Y. 90. MARCUSE, A. (R). 156 E. 92d. Wiirzburg, 80. MARKIEWICZ, M. (R). 95 Stanton. L. I. Col. Hosp. 84. MARKOE, F. H. (R). 15 E. 49th. P. and S. N. Y. 79. PHYSICIANS. 271 MARKOE, J. W. (R). 20 W. 30th. P. and S. N. Y. 85. MARKOE, T. M. (R). 7 W. 15th. P. and S. N. Y. 42. MARPLE, W. B. (R). 29 W. 31st. Starling Med. Col. 81. Marsh, E. T. T. (R). Ill Madison Ave. Bell. N. Y. 64. MARSHALL, F. F. (R). 56 W. 56th. P. and S. N. Y. 86. Martin, J. (R). 437 W. 47th. N. Y. Uni. 80. Martin, T. W. (R). Albany and Bailey Aves. Uni. 88. MARTIN, W. F. (R). 1976 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 87. MARTINE, JENNIE (H). 16 W. 61st. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 87. MARTUS, S. (R). 184 E. 104th. N. Y. Uni. 89. MARVIN, D. M. (R). 2099 5th Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 87. MARX, S. (R). 1111 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 84. MASON, E. G. (R). 338 W. 56th. Bell. N. Y. 87. MASON, L. I. (R). 108 W. 75th. P. and S. N Y. 91. Mason, R. O. (R). 348 W. 58th. P. and S. N. Y. 59. MASON, S. A. (R). 128 W. 127th. Uni. Pa. 68. MASSECAR, F. H. (R). 66 E. 116th. N. Y. Uni. 84. MATHEWS, F. (R). 114 Ave. C. P. and S. N. Y. 82. MAUCH, J. B. (R). 242 W. 38th. P. and S. N. Y. 86. MAUPIN, E. G. (R). 151 E. 127th. Uni. Va. 77. MAY, C. H. (R). 692 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 83. MAYER, A. (R). 40 E. 60th. P. and S. N. Y. 76. MAYER, E. (R). 238 E. 116th. N. Y. Uni. 77. Mayer, H. F. (R). 240 E. 105th. P. and S. N. Y. 80. MAYNARD, A. W. (R). 264 W. 42d. P. and S. N. Y. 72. Medina, J. L. (R). 316 W. 34th. N. Y. Uni. 91. Meding C. B. (R). 132 W. 126th. P. and S. N. Y. 87. MEEK, JAMES ALBERT (R). 107 E. 23d. 11 to 1 daily except Sunday. 5 to 7, Mon. Wed. and Fri. Advocate Bid g. Stamford. Conn. 3 to 6 Tues. Thurs. and Sat. McGill Uni. 75. Mem. N. Y. Co. Assn. and Conn. State Med. Soc. etc. Asst. Surg. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp. Ophthal. and Aural Surg. West Side Ger. Clinic. Con'g Ophthal. and Aural Surg. St. John's Church House Hosp. Stamford, Conn. MEIER, G. C. H. (R). 126 E. 58th. N. Y. Uni. 80. Meirowitz, P. (R). 336 E. 4th. P. and S. N. Y. 90. MELTZER, S. J. (R). 66 E. 124th. Berlin, 82. MENDBLSON, W. (R). 159 W. 74th. P. and S. N. Y. 79. MENNEN, J. H. (R). 150 W. 22d. N. Y. Uni. 81. Menzies, W. (R). 149 W. 85th. P. and S. N. Y. 90. MERENNA, G. (R). 1 Charlton. P. and S. N. Y. 92. MERRES, WM. P. (R). 456 W. 47th. Berlin, 67. Merriam, F. W. (R). 11 Charlton. N. Y. Uni. 80. MERRIGAN, T. D. (R). 1987 Amsterdam Ave. N. Y. Uni. 87. Merrill, E. C. (R). 25 Madison Ave. Wom. Col. N. Y. Inf. 91. MERRITT, ADELAIDE (H). 247 W. 21st. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 78. MESSEMER, E. J. (R). 144 2d Ave. N. Y. Uni. 71. MESSENGER, J. E. (R). 235 Spring. Bell. N. Y. 79. METZ, H. L. M. (R). 317 W. 18th. P. and S. N. Y. 89. METZGER, J. I. (R). 133 E. 60th. P. and S. N. Y. 82. 272 PHYSICIANS. MEYER, A. (R). 749 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 77. MEYER, F. H. (R). 45 Morton. N. Y. Uni. 81. MEYER, F. W. (R). 157 W. 104th. Bell. N. Y. 84. MEYER, W. (R). 700 Madison Ave. Bonn, 80. Meyers, G. (R). 238 E. 60th. P. and S. N. Y. 86. MICHAELIS, LUDWIG M. (R). 1090 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 88. MICHON, G. L. (R). 1192 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 87. MILBANK, R. (R). 154 W. 48th. N. Y. Uni. 78. MILLEG, A. (R). 66 2d Ave. N. Y. Uni. 89. MILLER, E. A. (R). 242 E. 86th. N. Y. Uni. 86. MILLER, F. E. (R). 121 W. 34th. P. and S. N. Y. 84. Miller, J. C. (R). 358 W. 42d. N. Y. Uni. 78. MILLER, MARTHA (H). 157 W. 44th. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 92. MILLER, T. D. C. (R). 102 E. 124th. Bell. N. Y. 66. MILLDXEN, S. E. (R). 36 W. 59th. Uni. Louisville, Ky. 87. MILLS, J. M. (R). 168 E. 61st. Nashville & Vanderbilt Uni. 84. MILNE, C. (R). 124 E. 45th. N. Y. Uni. 73. MINER, W. S. (H). 337 Alexander Ave. Homo. Col. 84. MINSKI, D. S. (E). 222 E. B'way. N. Y. Eel. Col. 75. MIRANDA, R. L. (R). 349 W. 46th. Paris, 61. MITCHELL, H. W. (R). 747 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 66. Mitchell, W. D. (R). 71 E. 54th. Bell. 87. MITTENDORF, WM. F. (R). 140 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 73. MOAK, C. H. (R). 2432 2d Ave. N. Y. Uni. 84. MOELLER, H. (R). 240 W. 38th. P. and S. N. Y. 71. MOLLENHAUER, R. (R). 246 E. 53d. Bell. N. Y. 80. MOLNER, N. (R). 56 Eldridge. L. I. Col. Hosp. 86. MOLONEY, M. F. (R). 173 E. 90th. Harv. 86. MOLONY, A. A. (R). 238 W. 42d. P. and S. N. Y. 69. MONELL, S. H. (R). 44 W. 46th. Bell. N. Y. 90. MOONEY, C. J. (R). 706 Madison Ave. N. Y. Uni. 89. MOONEY, H. W. (R). 18 W. 129th. N. Y. Uni. 91. MOOR, W. (R). 355 Boulevard, W. P. and S. N. Y. 89. MOORE, J. F. (R). 136 W. 94th. Bell. N. Y. 88. Moore, W. O. (R). 83 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 72. MORAN, J. (R). 333 W. 51st. Bell. N. Y. 88. MORCOM, C. F. (R). 252 W. 15th. N. Y. Uni. 89. MORE, H. C. (R). 130 W. 104th. Paris, 90. MOREHOUSE, C. W. (E). 689 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Eel. Col. 89. MORJE, B. (R). 181 E. 71st. Bell. N. Y. 76. MORRILL, J. LEE (R). 77 E. 79th. P. and S. N. Y. 69. Morris, G. F. (R). 161 W. 87th. Albany, 78. MORRIS, L. (R). 228 W. 22d. Bell. N. Y. 90. MORRIS, L. R. (R). 35 W. 36th. Bell. N. Y. 81. Morris, L. (R). 77 Orchard. P. and S. N. Y. 89. MORRIS, R. S. (R). 146 E. 71st. P. and S. N. Y. 77. MORRIS, R. T. (R). 49 W. 39th. P. and S. N. Y. 82. MORRIS, S. F. (R.) 16 E. 30th. P. and S. N. Y. 66. MORRISON, W. H. (R). 45 W. 20th. P. and S. N. Y. Morrow, B. R. (R). 199 2d Ave. N. Y. Uni. 79. PHYSICIANS. 273 Morrow, P. A. (R). 66 W. 40th. N. Y. Uni. 73. MORSE, W. H. (R). 153 E. 77th. Bell. N. Y. 71. Mortimer, W. G. (R). 612 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 85. MORTIMORE, F. (E). 241 W. 122d. N. Y. Eel. Col. 78. MORTIMORE, S. E. (E). 241 W. 122d. N. Y. Eel. Col. 73. MORTON, W. J. (R). 19 E. 28th. Harvard, 72. MOSCHOWITZ, A. V. (R). 364 W. 55th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. MOSER, G. J. (R). 359 E. 10th. N. Y. Uni. 78. MOSES, M. A. (R). 123 W. 132d. P. and S. N. Y. 91. Mossman, N. A. (H). 10 E. 47th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 61. Moeschenbacher, C. (E). 552 W. 46th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 90. MOTT, V. (R). 62 Madison Ave. Bell. N. Y. 78. MOUNT, MARGARET (H). 574 Lexington Ave. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 78. MO WRY, E. C. (R). 355 W. 42d. Uni. Vt. 89. MUELLENBACH, R. P. (R). 232 E. 10th. N. Y. Uni. 87. MULFORD, S. S. (R). 56 W. 36th. P. and S. N. Y. 56. MULLER, A. (R). 347 E. 84th. N. Y. Uni. 90. MULLER, C. W. (H). 225 E. 83d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 87. MULLER, R. W. (R). 123 E. 10th. N. Y. Uni. 76. MUND, C. (R). 308 E. 62d. P. and S. N. Y. 92. MUNDE, P. F. (R). 20 W. 45th. Harvard, 66. MUNN, J. P. (R). 18 W. 58th. Bell. N. Y. 76. Munroe, G. E. (R). 43 E. 33d. P. & S. N. Y. 77. MURPHY, J. (R). 249 E. 35th. Bell. N. Y. 78. Murphy, R. F. (R). 241 E. 81st. N. Y. Uni. 89. Murphy, T. J. F. (R). 139 W. 30th. Bell. N. Y. 88. MURRAY, C. B. (R). 327 E. 79th. Bell. N. Y. 87. MURRAY, F. W. (R). 38 W. 36th. P. and S. N. Y. 80. MURRAY, G. P. (R). 25 Madison Ave. Wom. Col. N. Y. Inf. 82. Murray, R. A. (R). 235 W. 23d. N. Y. Uni. 73. Murray, S. J. (R). 133 W. 87th. Uni. Vt. 78. MUSGRAVE, C. J. (R). 65 Monroe. N. Y. Uni. 87. MUSITS, H. (H). 47 E. 83d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 78. MUZZY, A. T. (R). 100 E. 57th. P. and S. N. Y. 79. Myers, H. G. (R). 303 Amsterdam Ave. Bell. N. Y. 87. MYERS, T. H. (R). 24 W. 50th. P. and S. N. Y. 85. MYLES, R. C. (R). 25 W. 36th. Uni. La. 74. Nagel, J. D. (R). 61 W. 35th. P. & S. N. Y. 89. Nagle, J. T. (R). 47 E. 21st. N. Y. Med. Col. 64. NAMMACK, C. E. (R). 273 Madison. Bell. N. Y. 81. NAMMACK, WM. H. (R). 273 Madison. Bell. N. Y. 86. NAUGHTON, JOHN A. (R). 48 Henry. N. Y. Uni. 93. NEEDHAM, G. G. (R). 218 E. 19th. Bell. N. Y. 65. NEFF, L. K. (R). 1213 Park Ave. Bell. N. Y. 86. NELSON, J. D. (R). 368 W. 55th. P. and S. N. Y. 75. Nelson, J. O. (R). 314 W. 51st. P. and S. N. Y. 90. NELSON, W. (R). Astor House. McGill, 72. NESBITT, J. H. (R). 208 W. 42d. P. and S. N. Y. 75. NEUFIELD, A. W. (R). Ill E. 116th. P. and S. N. Y. 82. Neuhaus, G. E. (R). 171 W. 95th. Bell. N. Y. 91. NEUMANN, I. (R). 277 E. 3d. Vienna, 88. 374 PHYSICIANS. Neumann, W. F. (R). Mt. Hope PI. P. and S. N. Y. 92. Newcomb, A. S. (R). 206 W. 71st. Albany, 66. NEWCOMB, J. E. (R). 118 W. 69th. P. and S. N. Y. 83. NEWGEON, MARY (E). 6 E. 128th. U. S. Eel. Col. 81. NEWLAND, T. H. (R). 326 E. 14th. Missouri Med. Col. 73. NEWMAN, A. M. (R). 102 W. 69th. Bell. N. Y. 89. NEWMAN, R. (R). 64 W. 36th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 63. NEWTON ELEANOR (R). 711 Lexington Ave. Woman's Med. Col. Pa. 90. Nichols, J. A. (R). 143 W. 34th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 83. NICHOLS, J. E. H. (R). 4 E. 43d. P. and S. N. Y. 85. NICHOLS, T. (R). 267 E. Broadway. N. Y. Med. Col. 52. NICOLAI, C. E. H. (R). 229 E. 119th. Leipzig, 81. Nicoll, H. D. (R) 51 E. 57th. P. and S. N. Y. 66. NILSEN, J. R. (R). 9 E. 53d. P. and S. N. Y. 80. NOBLE, J. G. (R). 222 W. 34th. P. and S. N. Y. 87. Nolan, J. (R). 256 Henry. P. and S. N. Y. 68. NOLAN, J. P. (E). 41 Charlton. U. S. Eel. Col. 80. Noll, J. J. (R). 459 W. 47th. P. and S.N. Y. 68. NORDEMAN, H. F. (R). 1309 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 84. NORRIE, V. H. (R). 21 W. 37th. P. and S. N. Y. 88. Norris, H. S. (R). 123 W. 24th. N. Y. Uni. 76. NORTHRUP, WM. P. (R). 57 E. 79th. P. and S. N. Y. 78. NORTON, A. B. (H). 16 W. 45th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 81. NOTT, F. J. .(H). 554 Madison Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 77. NOYES, H. D. (R). 233 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 55. NUTTER, MARY (H). 144 Lexington Ave. Boston Uni. 84. Nye, F. A. (R). 2089 Lexington Ave. N. E. F. Fern. Med. Col. 71. O'Brien, E. C. (H). 226 E. 87th. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 91. O'BRIEN, F. W, (R). 115th and 5th Ave. Bell. N. Y. 79. O'BRIEN, J. A. (R). 185 E. 116th. Ireland, 67. O'BRIEN, J. M. (R). 354 W. 35th. Uni. Buff. 89. O'BRIEN, M. C. .(R). 161 W. 122d. Bell: N. Y. 81. O'Byrne, W. J. (R). 323 Alexander Ave. Bell. N. Y. 70. O'CONNELL, R. J. (R). 183 E. 79th. Bell. N. Y. 79. O'CONNOR, HELEN COX (H). 18 W. 43d. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Women, 87. O'CONNOR, J. H. (R). 310 W. 55th. N. Y. Uni. 91. O'Connor, J. T. (H). 18 W. 43d. Georgetown Uni. 67. O'Donnell, AY. M. (R). 64 E. 129th. Bell. N. Y. 67. O'DONOHUE, JAS. T. (R). 324 W. 48th. N. Y. Uni. 86. O'Donovan, M. E. (R). 475 Hudson. P. and S. N. Y. 91. O'DWYER, J. (R). 967 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 66. OERTEL, G. F. (H). 404 W. 22d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 74. O'Hanlon, P. F. (R). 335 E. 20th. N. Y. Uni. 86. O'HARE, F. J. (R). 213 E. 78th. P. and S. N. Y. 80. O'LEARY, A. J. (R). 1094 Washington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 89. O'LEARY, C. M. (R). 555 W. 129th. N. Y. Uni. 64. O'Neil, D. E. (R). 471 Hudson. N. Y. Uni. 69. O'Niel, S. J. (R). 249 E. 86th. N. Y. Uni. 87. O'NEILL, R. P. (R). 910 St. Nicholas Ave. Jeff. Pa. 83. PHYSICIANS. 275 OBARIUS, H. (R). 110 2d. N. Y. Uni. 83. OBERNDORFER, I. P. (R). 1037 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 74. OCHS, B. F. (R). 773 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 86. OFFENBACH, R. (R). 46 E. 60th. N. Y. Uni. 79. OGDEN, J. P. (R). 146 E. 115th. Trinity, Canada, 88. Oppenheim, N. (R). 43 W. 46th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. OPPENHEIMER, H. S. (R). 49 E. 23d. P. and S. N. Y. 76. OPPENHEIMER, I. (R). 60 E. 67th. P. and S. N. Y. 76. Oppenheimer, S. (R). 533 E. 120th. N. Y. Uni. 92. ORMSBY, R. (R). 153 W. 10th. N. Y. Uni. 76. OSBORN, C. C. (R). 117 W. 81st. P. and S. N. Y. 85. OSTROM, H. I. (H). 42 W. 48th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 73. OTIS, F. N. (R). 5 W. 50th. N. Y. Med. Col. 52. Otis, W. K. (R). 5 W. 50th. P. and S. N. Y. 85. OTTIWELL, R. A. (R). 166 E. 96th. N. Y. Uni. 85. OUTERBRDDGE, P. E. (R). 35 W. 53d. Uni. Vt. 84. Outlaw, P. R. (R). 243 E. 34th. Bell. N. Y. 93. OYLER, W. H. (R). 216 W. 124th. N. Y. Uni. 82. PACKARD, CHARLES W. (R). 447 Park Ave. N. Y. Med. Col. 55. PADDOCK, H. C. (R). 2655 Marion Aye. Uni. Mich. 79. Page, C. C. (R). 117 Cedar. Uni. Va. 86. PAGE, K. B. (R). 70 E. 120th. Uni. Vt. 87. PAGE, R. C. M. (R). 31 W. 33d. Uni. Va. 67. PAIGE, H. W. (H). 146 W. 57th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. Painter, H. M. (R). 600 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 88. PALMER, A. W. (H). 101 W. 31st. N. Y. Homo. Col. 83. PALMER, E. J. (R). 1342 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 81. Palmer, M. W. (H). 235 E. 18th. N. Y. Uni. 48. PARDEE, CHAS. INSLEE (R). 6 E. 43d. 9 to 12. Uni. N. Y 60. A. B. and A. M. Uni. N. Y. Prof. Otol. and Dean of faculty Uni. N. Y. Mem. Am. and N. Y. Ophthal Soc's and N. Y. Acad, of Med. and N. Y. Co. Soc. Director Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp. Pardee, E. L. (R). 120 W. 97th. N. Y. Uni. 70. PARDEE, E. D. (H). 218 W. 34th. Uni. N. Y. 75. PARK, ANNA (E). 517 AY. 23d. Eel. Col. Pa. 60. Park, C. C. (R). 303 W. 86th. Bell. N. Y. 88. PARK, W. H. (R). 128 W. llth. P. and S. N Y. 86. Parker, C. T. (R). 46 E. 34th. P. and S. N. Y. 87. PARKER, J. T. (R). 43 W. 45th. Uni. Vt. 62. PARKER, W. (R). 55 5th Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 70. PARSONS, J. (R). Kingsbridge, N. Y. Keokuk, Iowa, 64. PARTRDDGE, E. L. (R). 19 5th. P. and S. N. Y. 75. Pasternak, I. E. (R). 76 Lewis. N. Y. Uni. 91. PATCHEN, G. H. (R). 71 E. 59th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 68. PATON, S. (R). 596 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 89. PATTERSON, F. N. (R). 126 E. 34th. N. Y. Uni. 85. Paulding, E. (R). 245 W. 42d. Bell. N. Y. 90. Payne, S. M. (R). 327 Madison Ave. Vanderbilt Uni. 75. PEABODY, G. L. (R). 57 W. 38th. P. and S. N. Y. 73. PEARSALL, S. J. (H). 128 W. 78th. Hahn. Phila. 58. 276 PHYSICIANS. Pearsall, W. S. (H). 128 W. 78th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 85. PEASE, C. G. (H). 101 W. 72d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 91. PEASE, D. P. (R). 12 W. 25th. Bell. N. Y. 82. PEASLEE, E. H. (R). 29 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 75. Peck, E. S. (R). 53 W. 50th. Uni. Vt. 68. PECK, M. R. (R). 126 W. 81st. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Peddie, T. (R). 333 E. 13th. Bell. N. Y. 75. Pedersen, J. (R). 350 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Peet, A. J. (R). 381 6th Ave. Albany, 77. PEET, E. W. (R). 20 W. 43d. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Peet, Wm. T. (R). 337 W. 23d. Albany, 88. PEIRCE, H. T. (R). 272 Lenox Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 70. PEISER, L. (R). 141 E. 83d. Erlangen, 86. PERKINS, J. F. (R). St. James Hotel. Bell. N. Y. 79. PERRY, C. C. (R). 149 W. 16th. P. and S. N. Y. 76. PERRY, J. L. (R). 79 W. 47th. Bell. N. Y. 72. Perry, J. G. (R). 48 E. 34th. Harvard, 63. PETERSON, F. (R). 60 W. 50th. Uni. Buff. 79. Peterson, J. S. (R). 107 E. 85th. Uni. Niagara, 91. PETTET, MRS. E. (H). 308 E. 15th. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 81. PETTINGILL, H. B. (R). 123 W. 39th. Detroit Med. Col. 87. Pettus, J. T. (R). 106 W. 128th. P. and S. N. Y. 84. PFEIFFER, A. G. (R). 236 E. 53d. N. Y. Uni. 85. Pfeiffer, C. W. (R). 230 E. 32d. Bell. N. Y. 78. PFEIFFER, F. (R). 103 E. 10th, 130 E. 62d. P. and S. N. Y. 85. PHELPS, A. M. (R). 40 W. 34th. Uni. Mich. 73. PHELPS, C. (R). 34 W. 37th. P. and S. N. Y. 58. Phelps, O. S. (R). 143 W. 131st. Uni. Mich. 72. PHILLIPS, C. E. (R). 51 E. 120th. N. Y.Uni. 84. Phillips, S. H. (R). 170 E. 96th. L. I. C. H. 83. PHILLIPS, W. C. (R). 350 Madison Ave. N. Y. Uni. 82. PIERCE, W. I. (H). 64 W. 126th. N. Y Homo. Col. 91. PIERSON, A. M. (H). 24 E. 127th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 68. PIFFARD, H. G. (R). 10 W. 35th. P. and S. N. Y. 64. Pisko, E. (R). 151 E. 70th. Vienna, 88. PLASSE, L. (R). 27 E. 27th. Louvain, Belg. 66. PLIMPTON, W. O. (R). 40 W. 34th. P. and S. N. Y. 88. Plunkett, J. (R). 1785 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 92. Pohly, A. G. (R). 1379 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 91. POLK, WM. M. (R). 7 E. 36th. P. and S. N. Y. 69. POLAK, M. S. (E). 216 E. 104th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 92. Pollitzer, S. (R). 32 E. 60th. P. and S. N. Y. 84. POMROY, T. W. (E). 29 Stuyvesant. N. Y. Eel. Col. 89. POMEROY, O. D. (R). 316 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 60. Pooler, H. A. (R). 34 Gramercy Park. Bell. 65. POOLEY, T. R. (R). 107 Madison Ave. Bell. N. Y. 64. POORE, C. T. (R). 43 W. 53d. P. and S. N. Y. 66. POPE, A. B. (R). 129 W. 45th. P. and S. N. Y. 84. PORTER, E. H. (H). 181 W. 73d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 85. Porter, P. B. (R). 8 W. 35th. Uni. Pa. 69. PORTER, W. E. (R). 50 W. 33d. P. and S. N. Y. 88. PHYSICIANS. 277 PORTER, W. H. (R). 1674 B'way. P. and S. N. Y. 77 PORTUONDO, B. H. (R). 340 E. 116th. P. and S. N. Y. 89 POST, SARAH E. (R). 159 W. 31st. Wom. Med. Col. N. Y. Inf. 82. POTTER, E. S. (R). 239 W. 21st N. Y. Uni. 91. Potter, L. C. (R). 327 W. 28th. P. and S. N. Y. 77. POWELL, S. D. (R). 12 W. 40th. Uni. of Va. 69. POWER, H. (R). W. 83d. P. and S. N. Y. 91. POWERS, C. A. (R). 35 W. 35th. P. and S. N. Y. 83 Pramann, A. (R). 251 E. 86th. Wurtzburg, 56. PRATT, E. J. (H). 7 W. 39th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 81. PRATT, H. Z. (R). 302 W. 116th. Albany, 87. Pray, I. F. (R). 115 W. 34th. N. Y. Uni. 74. PRE SB Y, O. H. (R). 1376 Lexington Ave. Bell. N. Y. 80 PRITCHARD, R. L. (R). 71 W. 49th. M. R. C. S. Eng. 83. PROBEN, C. I. (R). 970 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Procter, J. W. (R). 117 Cedar. N. Y. Uni. 88. PRUDDEN, T. M. (R). 160 W. 59th. Yale, 75. PRYOR, WM. R. (R). 15 Park Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 81. PURCELL, WM. J. (R). 102 W. 84th. Bell. N. Y. 67. PURDY, A. E. M. (R). 304 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 61. Purdy, H. L. (R). 180 E. 72d. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Purdy, H. R. (R). 151 E. 29th. Bell. N. Y. 90. PURDY, SARAH (E). 26 7th Ave. N. Y. Eel. Col. 81. Putney, A. L. (R). 206 W. 39th. Bell. N. Y. 70. PUTZEL, L. (R). 13 E. 57th. Bell. N. Y. 75. QUACKENBOS, J. D. (R). 331 W. 28th. P. and S. N. Y. 71. QUEEN, LOUIS APGAR (H). 8 W. 38th. 9 to 10, 4 to 6. N. Y. Homo. Col. 88. Mem. Co. Homo. Med. Soc. QUESADA, G. J. (R). 213 W. 127th. Bell. N. Y. 82. Quigley, J. J. (R). 318 W. 125th. N. Y. Uni. 86. QUIMBY, C. E. (R). 44 W. 36th. N. Y. Uni. 78. Quinlan, E. F. (R). 308 W. 20th. Albany, 68. QUINLAN, F. J. (R). 54 W. 17th. P. and S. N. Y. 78. Quinn, E. H. (R). 238 W. 34th. P. and S. N. Y. 85. QUINTARD, E. (R). 58 W. 36th. P. and S. N. Y. 87. RABE, F. E. (H). 227 W. 42d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 83. RACHEL, G. W. (R). 325 E. 19th. P. and S. N. Y. 74. RAEFLE, M. G. (R). 158 E. 64th. Humboldt Col. St. Louis, 61. RAMSDELL, E. B. (R). 581 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 78. RANDALL, L. (E). 106 E. 31st. N. Y. Eel. Col. 90. RANKIN, E. G. (H). 528 5th Ave. N. Y. Uni. 79. RANNEFELD, A. H. (H). 85 7th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. RANNEY, A. L. (R). 156 Madison Ave. N. Y. Uni. 70. RANNEY, F. M. (R). 317 W. 29th. Bell. N. Y. 85. RANNEY, M. I. (E). 317 W. 29th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 75. RANSOM, C. C. (R). 152 W. 48th. Uni. Buff. 83. RANSOM, G. M. (R). 30 E. 3d. L. I. Col. Hosp. 75. Rapp, Samuel (R). 350 E. 50th. Bell. 75. RASSMAN, W. H. (R). 416 W. 44th. Uni. N. Y. 83. RAU L- S. (R). 72 AY 55th. Bell. N. Y. 85. Rauch, D. L. (R). 1031 Lexington Ave. Bell. N. Y 89. RAUTENBERG, G. W. (R). 335 E. 87th. N. Y. Uni. 86. 278 PHYSICIANS. Raynor, E. M. (R). 182 Willis Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 81. READ, I. B. (R). 2074 5th Ave. Uni. Mich. 67. Redmond, M. C. (R). 209 E. 105th. N. Y. Uni. 81. Reich, A. (R). 341 W. 23d. N. Y. Uni. 91. REID, A. Y. (R). 104 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 80. REID, J. J. (R). 853 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 69. Reiley, I. H. (R). 168 W. 23d. P. and S. Chicago, 84. REINHARD, H. (R). 154 E. 28th. Ohio Med. Col. 76. REMER, J. (R). 1574 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 90. Reyling, F. T. (R). 139 E. 44th. Uni. N. Y. 84. REYNOLDS, W. U. (H). 224 2d Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 86. Rice, Charles O. (R). 406 W. 57th. P. and S. N. Y. 89. RICE, CLARENCE C. (R). 123 E. 19th. P. and S. N. Y. 77. RICE, J. M. (R). 1486 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 81. RICHARD, M. R. (R). 77 E. 116th. P. and S. N. Y. 77. Richards, G. A. (R). 30 W. 33d. P. and S. N. Y. 86. Richardson, Al. A. (R). 82 E. 92d. P. and S. N. Y. 85. RICHARDSON, A. J. (H). 39 E. 83d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 70. RICHARDSON, C. H. (R). 427 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 84. RICHARDSON, G. W. (H). 138 E. 79th. N. Y. Homo. Col. 73. RICHARDSON, J. S. (R). 174 W. 95th. P. and S. 93. Richardson, W. H. (R). 79 Washington PI. P. and S. N. Y. 78. RICHTER, W. (R). 303 E. 19th. N. Y. Uni. 86. RICHTMYER, G. H. (R). 240 W. 34th. Uni. Vt. 90. RICHY, HENRY, A. (R). 162 E. 46th. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. RILEY, F. C. (R). 38 E. 26th. Uni. N. Y. 78. RING, F. W. (R). 101 Park Ave. Bowdoin, 78. RIPLEY, J. H. (R). 605 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 66. RITCHIE, F. G. (H). 201 E. 23d. N. Y. Homo. Col. 82. Ritter, J. C. (R). 116 Macdougal. Dartmouth, 91. Roarke, F. K. (R). 304 Madison Ave. Albany Med. Col. 91. ROBB, S. W. (R.) 236 E. 83d. Bell. N. Y. 85. ROBBINS, JANE (R). 95 Rivington. Wom. Col. N. Y. luf. 90. ROBERTS, G. W. (H), 137 W. 34th. N. Y. Homo.Col. 89. ROBERTS, N. S. (R). 804 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 67. ROBERTSON, T. S. (R). 28 E. 20th. Uni. Vt. 79. ROBINSON, A. R. (R). 248 W. 42d. Bell. 68. ROBINSON, B. (R). 37 W. 35th. Paris, 72. ROBINSON, F. C. (R). 221 W. llth. N. Y. Uni. 75. ROBINSON, H. F. (R). 352 W. 58th. R. C. P. Dublin, 83. ROBINSON, J. B. (H). 720 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 69. Robinson, W. G. (R). 102 E. 26th. Uni. Vt. 78. Rockwell, A. D. (R). 113 W. 34th. Bell. N. Y. 64. ROCKWELL, M. J. (R). 1368 Lexington Ave. Bell. N. Y. 85. Rockwell, W. H., Jr. (R). 7 W. 15th. P. and S. N. Y. 92. RODENSTEIN, L. A. (R). 908 St, Nicholas Ave. Uni. Pa. 58. Rodgers, H. C. (R). 4 W. 125th. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Roediger, T. F. M. (R). 312 W. 35th. Bell. N. Y. 75. ROETH, A. G. (R). 317 Henry. N. Y. Uni. 90. Rogers, O. H. (R). 346 B'way. P. and S. N. Y. 83. ROGERS, W. H. (R). 225 W. 22d. Jeff. Pa. 76. PHYSICIANS. 279 R0MAINE, D. C. (R). 473 Hudson. P. and S. N Y 81 Roof, R. H. (R). 159 W. 93d. Bell. N. Y. 78. ROOF, S. W. (R). 223 W. 23d. P. and S. N. Y 64 ROOME, S. I. (R). 53 W. 105th. N. Y. Uni. 89. ROOSA, D. B. ST. JOHN (R). 20 E. 30th. N. Y. Uni. 60 Roosevelt, J. W. (R). 32 E. 31st. P. and S. N. Y 80. Root, F. F. (R). 141 Lexington Ave. P. and S. N Y 88 Rosahnsky, H. (E). 95 Henry. N. Y. Eel. Col. 93 ROSE, A. (R). 215 2d Ave. P. and S. N. Y 72 ROSENBERG, J. (R). 109 E. 71st. P. and S. N. Y 90 ROSENBERG, L. (R). 250 E. 61st. Bell. N. Y. 92. ROSENBERG, L. (R). 210 E. 112th. Bell. N. Y. 87 ROSENBLUETH, J. C. (E). 348 E. 72d. Col. P, and S. N Y 92 ROSENBLUETH, M. (E). 348 E. 72d. N, Y. Eel. Col. 83 ROSENHEIM, M. (E). 336 W. 15th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 77 ROSENHEIM, P. J. (R). 206 E. 46th. Until 11, 5 to 8. Col P and S. N. Y. 83. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Editor Intern'l Journal of Surg. Rosenthal, A. (R). 325 E. 84th. P. and S. N. Y 90 ROSENTHAL, M. (R). 130 E. 82d. Leipsic, 87. ROSS, W. H. (R). Ill W. 121st. Georgetown, D. C. 69 ROTH, M. N. (R). 214 E. 57th. P. and S. N. Y. 66. ROTH, F. C. (R). 214 E. 57th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. Roth, J. A. (R). 308 E. 79th. Bell. N. Y. 82. ROTTENBERG, I. M. (R). 280 2d. Buda-Pesth, 81. ROUNDS, WM. E. (H). 154 W. 47th. 11 to 1, 6 to 7.30, N Y Homo. Col. 74. Prof. Ophthal. and Otol. Col. N.Y. Ophthal. Hosp. and Mem. of Governing Fac. Cong. Surg. Baptist Home. Oculist and Aurist Five Points House of Industry. Mem. N. Y. State and N. Y. Co. Homo. Socs. Rowan, J. F. (R). 119 E. 23d. Uni. Va. 79. Rudisch, J. (R). 121 E. 60th. Heidelberg, 74. . Ruggles, A. D. (R). 239 W. 14th. Uni. Pa. 62. RUHL, H. (R). 842 E. 164th. Bell. N. Y. 73. RULAND, FREDERICK D. (R). 979 Lexington Ave. Wed. 10 30 to 12.30. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Mem. Fairfield Co. Conn. Med. Soc. Med. Supt. Westport Sanitarium. RUPP, A. (R). 406 W. 34th. N. Y. Uni. 77. RUPPE, E. F. (R). 413 W. 47th. Bell. N. Y. 83. Russell, E. W. (R). 92 W. 89th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. Russell, H. E. (H). 981 Madison Ave. N. Y. Homo. Col. 86. RUSSELL, J. F. (R). 21 W. llth. P. and S. N. Y. 80. Russell, W. L. (R). 101 W. 93d. N. Y. Uni. 85. SACHS, B. (R). 21 E. 65th. Strasburg, 82. Sachs, J. (R). 223 E. Broadway. Berlin, 85. SACHS, N. (R). 205 E. Broadway. Jena, 81. SALADINO, D. (E). 370 Broome. N. Y. Eel. Col. 87. SALMON, H. A. (R). 574 Broome. Bell. 88. Samuel, M. (R). 239 E. 86th. Berlin, 82. Sanborn, E. B. (R). 240 W. 44th. P. and S. N. Y. 67. SANDERS, C. W. (R). 53 E. 53d. P. and S. N. Y. 78. SANDERS, E. (R). 126 E. 82d. N. Y. Uni. 76. 280 PHYSICIANS. Sanders, J. A. (R). 310 W. 45th. N. Y. Uni. 81. Sands, R. A. (R). 3 E. 33d. P. and S. N. Y. 88. SARGOOD, T. D. (E). 226 W. 40th. N. Y. Eel. Col. 92. SARLABOUS, E. J. (R). 106 Waverly PL N. Y. Uni. 83. SASS, L. F. (R). 56 W. 39th. N. Y. Med. Col. 58. SATTERLEE, F. L. (R). 8 W. 18th. N. Y. Uni. 68. SATTERTHWAITE, T. E. (R). 531 5th Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 67. Sauer, J. G. (R). 250 Willis Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 87. SAUNDERS, R. H. (R). 791 Madison Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 74. SAUVALLE, J. S. (R). 227 W. 22d. P. and S. N. Y. 89. SAVAGE, T. R. (R). 181 E. 116th. P. and S. N. Y. 74. SAVAGE, WATSON L. (R). Medical Director and Mgr. of Dr. Savage Physical Development Institute, 308 and 310 W. 59th. 10 to 12, 3 to 6. Mon. and Tues. 8 to 10 P. M. Long Island Col. Hosp. 85. A. B. Amherst, 82. A. M. 85. Res. Phys. and Surg. St. Peter's Hosp, Brooklyn, 85-87. Med Director of the Berkeley Athletic Club, Lyceum and School, 87-90. Mem. British Med. Soc. Lond. and N. Y. Co. Med. Soc. SAVIDGE, E. C. (R). 28 W. 59th. N. Y. Uni. 90. SAYRE, L. A. (R). 285 5th Ave. P. and S. N. Y. 42. Sayre, R. H. (R). 285 5th Ave. Bell. N. Y. 84. Schaie, S. (R). 210 E. 79th. Berlin, 75. SCHALCK, E.(R). 157 W. 103d. Wilrzburg, 82. SCHAPRINGER, A. (R). 165 E. 60th. Vienna, 72. SCHARLAU, B. (R). 66 W. 35th. Berlin, 64. SCHEIDER, J. (R). 187 E. 64th. Vienna, 72. Schelpert, J. W. (R). 64 W. 96th. Bell. N. Y. 89. SCHEU, P. (R). 440 E. 16th. P. and S. N, Y. 84. Schevcik, E. J. (R). 242 E. 74th. N. Y. Uni. 83. SCHIERGE, E. E. (R). 28 W. 133d. Bell. N. Y. 90. SCHIFF, H. J. (R). 235 E. 78th. P. and S. N. Y. 84. SCHLEGEL, G. (R). 315 W. 31st. P. and S. N. Y. 83. SCHLERETH, G. (R). 56 St. Mark's PI. P. and S. N. Y. 75. Schlereth, Wm. (R). 56 St. Mark's PL N. Y. Uni. 91. Schlesinger, A. (R). 240 E. 116th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 80. SCHLEY, J. M. (H). 1 E. 42d. Savannah, Ga. 71. SCHMINKE, J. C. (R). 347 W. 48th. L. I. Col. Hosp. 82. SCHMITT, J. (R). 125 2d Ave. Giessen, 75. SCHMITZ, J. (R). 145 Stanton. Wilrzburg, 78. Schneider, L. H. A. (R) 344 W. 22d. P. and S. N. Y. 90. SCHOENEMANN, C. P. (R). 324 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 75. SCHOEPS, G. (R). 1883 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Uni. 91. SCHOLER, G. (R). 311 W. 48th. N. Y. Uni. 85. Schoney, L. (R). 68 E. 104th. Uni. Pa. 63. SGHOONMAKER, P. (R). 109 W. 126th. Uni. Mich. 80. SCHOONOVER, W. (R). 115 E. 59th. P. and S. N. Y. 67. Schottky, E. (R). 151 W. 43d. P. and S. N. Y. 80. SCHRAM, C. (R). 1074 Madison Ave. Harv. 86. Schroeder, A. R. (R). 230 W. 135th. Wom. Col. N. Y. Inf. 89. SCHROEDER, H. H. (R). 230 W. 135th. P. and S. N. Y. 86. SCHULTZE, L. W. (R). 228 W. 132d. P. and S. N. Y. 80. SCHWARZSCHILD, H. D. (R). 30 W. 35th. P. and S. N. Y. 91. PHYSICIANS. 281 Schweig, G. M. (R). 221 E. 18th. Bell. N. Y. 72. «CH^E^DV M" J- (R>- 58 E- 112th- p- and S. N. Y. 86. Scofield, R. J. (R). 351 W. 14th. N. Y. Uni 90 SCOTT, G. (R). 102 W. 75th. Bell. N. Y 71 ^STSJ'7- Hl ■>■} CALEF, J. FRANCIS (R). 171 Broad. Until 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Yale, 80. A. B. and A. M. Wesleyan, 77. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. etc. CAMPBELL, A. J. (R). 412 Main. 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Col. P. and S. Bait. 85. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. CLEVELAND, D. A. (R). 149 Broad. Until 9, 1 to 2.30, 7 to 8. Bowdoin, 57. Mem. State Med. Soc. Med. Examr. to Co. Coroner. EDGERTON, F. D. (R). 115 Broad. Until 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Col, P. and S. N. Y. 64. A. B. and A. M. Wesleyan, 61. Interne Bellevue Hosp. N. Y. 64-66. Vis. Phys. Conn. Industrial Sch. for Girls. Mem. and Ex-Pres. State Med. Soc. Griffin, Louise (H). Boston Uni. 89. KOPLITZ, JOHN (R). Munich, Ger. 47. Lawrence, Elizabeth (H). Boston Uni. 93. LOOK, FRANK B. (R). 149 Broad. Until 9,1 to 2.30, 7 to 8. Bow- doin, 85. Med. Examr. to Co. Coroner. Town Health Officer. Mem. State Med. Soc. LOVELAND, J. E. (R). Harvard, 93. McDOUGALL, J. H. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 77. MEAD, KATE CAMPBELL (R). 99 Broad. 2 to 3. Woman's Med. Col. Pa. 88. Interne N. E. Hosp. for Women and Chil. 88-90. Mem. Mass. and Conn. Med. Socs. Murphy, M. D. (R). Bellevue, 84. SAGE, F. H. (H). 64 Main. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. N. Y. Homo. Med. Col. 84. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. MILFORD (New Haven) 3,810. BEACH, EDWARD C. (R). 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 9. Yale, 88. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. HEADY, E. BUEL (R). Cherry. 2 to 3, 6.30 to 7.30. Yale, 72. Town Health Officer. Coroner's Phys. Mem. State Med. Soc. 6tC Putney, W. S. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 82. NAUGATUCK (New Haven) 6,219. Bull, T. M. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 87. JOHNSON, E. H. (R). Uni. Vt. 87, Moore, H. D. (H). Hahn. Phila. 93. Delaney, W. J. (R). McGill, 89. ROBBINS, J. W. (R). Bellevue, 80. SPRING, FREDERIC (R). Uni. N. Y. 84. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. TUTTLE, F. B. (R). Yale, 63. NEW BRITAIN (Hartford) 19,007. BROWN, R. F. (R). 200 Brook. 8 to 10. 2 to 4. 7 to 9. Yale, 92. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. . BUNNELL, W. P. (R). Booth Blk. 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Uni. N. Y. 84. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. Town Health Officer. City Phys. t m n TT . CLARK, ROBERT M. (R). 210 Main. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Urn, Pa. 91. Mem. Mo. Val. Med. Soc. 356 CONNECTICUT LIST OF PHYSICIANS. CLARY, G. (R). Vale, 57. Coholan, M. J. (R). Uni. N. Y. 65. COMINGS, B. N. (R). Castleton, Vt. 43. Cooke, C. B. (E). Phila. Uni. Eel. 67. COOLEY, G. P. (H). Hahn. Phila. 65. CREMIN, L. M. (R). Uni. N. Y. 81. DONAHUE, J. F. (R). 381 Main. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Uni. Vt. 92. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. DOUTTEIL, H. (R). 210 Main. 8.30 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Yale, 80. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. etc. ENLIND, K. ARVID (R). Booth Blk. 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Col. P. and S. Bait. 93. Holmes, G. J. (R). Albany, N. Y. 82. " IRVING, S. W. (R). Yale, 91. LUDINGTON, L. S. (E). Ga. Eel. Col. 82. LYON, E. B. (R). 31 Main. 8 to 9, 12 to 1, 6 to 7. Berkshire Med. Col. 63. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. etc. Martin, J. E. (R). Uni. N. Y. 92. MULLIGAN, T. (E). Licentiate. 2 years' practice. Poyer, J. A. (R). Dartmouth, 86. STONE, J. S. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 65. STROSSER, H. (R). 26 Walnut. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 9. Berlin, Ger. 85. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. STYLES, E. L. (H). 242 Main. 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Clevel'd Homo. Hosp. Col. 72. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. etc. WASEY, E. P. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 69. THOREN, A. G. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 90. NEW CANAAN (Fairfield) 2,680. BROWNSON, W. C. (R). N. Y. Uni. 78. KEELER, C. (H). Hahn. Chi. 88. NEW HAVEN (New Haven) 81,298. ADAMS, C. B. (H). Hahn. Phila. 72. Anderson, W. D. (H). Yale, 65. BACON, FRANCIS (R). Yale, 53. BACON, L. W. (R). Yale, 92. Baker, J. F. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 89. BALDWIN, W. P. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 91. Barribault, A. O. (R). Victoria, Can. 90. BECKWITH, F. E. (R). 139 Church. P. and S. N. Y. 71. BELLOSA, F. (R). Yale, 72. Bishop, L. B. (R). Yale, 88. BISHOP, T. H. (R). Yale, 60. BISSELL, EVELYN L. (R). Yale, 60. Bradley, W. L. (R). Yale, 61. BROCKETT, C. H. (R). Yale, 86. CAHILL, T. M. (R). Yale, 88. CARMALT, W. H. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 61. CECIL, T. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 91. CHAPMAN, S. H. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 69. Cheney, B. A. (R). Yale, 90. CONNECTICUT LIST OF PHYSICIANS. CHENEY, B. H. (H). Uni. La. 61. CONVERSE, G. F. (R). Yale, 87. CREED, C. V. R. (R). Yale, 57. CREMIN, M. A. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 75. DAGGETT, W. G. (R). Uni. Pa. 84. De Forest, L. S. (R). Jena, 85. ELCOCK, H. A. (R). Yale, 91. ELIOT, G. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 80. Evans, A. W. (R). Yale, 92. FERRIS, H. B. (R). Yale, 90. FITCH, C. L. (R). Dartmouth, 81. FLEISCHNER, H. (R). Yale, 78. FOOTE, C. J. (R). Harvard, 86. FOSTER, J. P. C. (R). Yale, 75. FULLER, A. B. (R). Yale, 92. Gaynor, L. J. (R). N. Y. Uni. 91. GILBERT, S. D. (R). Yale, 71. GOODRICH, E. P. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 77. GOODRICH, MRS. L. A. (H). N. Y. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. HALL, E. C. (H). Yale, 80. Hawkes, W. W. (R). Yale, 81. HOTCHKISS, N. R. (R). Uni. Md. 91. HUBBARD, S. G. (R). Dartmouth, 43. HUSINSKY, M. J. (R). Yale, 92. Ives, R. S. (R). Yale, 66. JUDSON, W. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 70. Kelly, J. D. (R). Uni. N. Y. 80. Klenke, H. F. (R). N. Y. Uni. 91. LAMBERT, ADELAIDE (H). Boston Uni. 84. LAMBERT, B. L. (R). N. Y. Uni. 83. LEAVENWORTH, D. C. (R). Yale, 65. Leighton, A. W. (R). Yale, 79. LEWIS, B. S. (R). Harvard, 75. LINDSLEY, C. A. (R). Yale, 52. LINDSLEY, C. P. (R). Yale, 78. LUBY, J. F. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 78. McCabe, E. M. (R). Yale, 87. McDonnell, r. a. (R). Yale, 92. McNair, R. B. (R). Jeff. Pa. 90. McNEIL, R. (R). Yale, 62. MADDEN, E. G. (R). Yale, 85. MAHER, S. J. (R). Yale, 87. Mailhouse, M. (R). Yale, 78. MILLER, I. S. (E). Eel. Col. N. Y. 69. MURRAY, C. N. (R). Bait. Med. Col. 91. MURRAY, ISADORA (H). N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. Wom. 78. Nicoll, John (R). Yale, 54. Nichols, G. L. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 93. O'CONNOR, M. C. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 73. OSBORNE, O. T. (R). Yale, 84. PARK, O. E. (R). Yale, 81. 358 CONNECTICUT LIST OF THYSICIAN8. Peckham, Lucy C. (R). Wom. Col. Pa. 85. RING H. W. (R). Bowdoin, 87. ROBERTS, E. K. (R). Yale, 80. RUICKOLDT, ARTHUR (R). Jena, 65. Russell, T. H. (R). Yale, 75. SAGE, H. P. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 91. SANFORD, L. J. (R). Jeff. Pa. 54. SEAVER, J. W. (R). Yale, 85. SKIFF, W. C. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 83. SKINNER, C. E.(R). Yale, 91. SMITH, HERBERT E. (R). 150 York. Uni. Pa. 82. Ph. B. Yale, 79. Prof. Chem. and Dean of Fac. Yale Med. Sch. Chem. for State Bd. of Health. SMITH, M. (R). N. Y. Uni. 83. STETSON, J. E. (R). Yale, 81. Swain, H. L. (R). Yale, 84. TALMAGE, A. L. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. THOMSON, E. S. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 92. TOWNSEND, JOS. H. (R). Yale, 85. TUTTLE, C. A. (R). Yale, 90. VISHNO, CHAS. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 66. Vishno, Chas. H. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 85. Walker, E. J. (H). Hahn. Chi. 68. Welch, W. C. (R). Yale, 77. WHEELER, F. H. (R). Yale, 82. WHITE, C. S. F. (R). Yale, 81. WHITE, F. O. (R). Yale, 73. White, M. C. (R). Yale, 54. WHITTEMORE, FRANK H. (R). Bell. N. Y. 74. WHITTEN, G. E. (R.) Dartmouth, 88. Winchell, A. E. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 55. WOODWARD, G. S. (R). Uni. Pa. 91. WRIGHT, F. W. (R). Bell. N. Y. 80. NEW LONDON (New London) 13,757. ALLEN, A. H. (H). Boston Uni. 75. Beck with, F. J. (R). Harvard, 82. BRADFORD, G. E. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 79. BRAMAN, F. N. (R). Bell. N. Y. 66. CROFTON, J. R. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. CRONIN, J. F. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 83. DIMON, J. N. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 83. FERGUSON, M. S. (R). Uni. Vt. 75. GRAVES, C. B. (R). Harvard, 86. MORGAN, G. S. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 79. MUNGER, E. (R). Yale, 75. NELSON, A. W. (R). Harvard, 61. SHELLEY, H. J. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 89. SMITH, F. K. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 79. Stanton, J. G. (R). Wilrzburg, 73. THOMSON, H. B. (R). 2 N. Main. Until 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Trin. Uni. Tor. 88. CONNECTICUT LIST OP PHYSICIANS. 359 NORWALK (Fairfield) 8,500. BALDWIN, A. H. (H). 83 Wall. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Hahn. Chi. 81. Mem. State Homo. Soc. GREGORY, J. G. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 68. HIGGINS, R. L. (R). Bellevue, 67. HITCHCOCK, DEXTER (H). 7 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. N. Y. Homo. Col. 73. A. B. Yale, 71. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo. Hitchcock, W. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 83. HUNTINGTON, S. H. (R). Yale, 76. LOCKWOOD, W. A. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 75. McGONEGAL, G. R. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 82. McLEAN, J. W. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 59. PHINNEY, L. N. (R). Geneva, N. Y. 64. TRACEY, W. J. (R). Uni. N. Y. 89. NORWICH (New London) 16,156. ALLEN, J. H. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 88. Almy, L. B. (R). Bell. N. Y. 76. ATCHISON, F. A. (E). Eel. Med. Inst. Cin. 84. BREWER, E. P. (R). Dartmouth, 79. BROWNE, W. T. (R). Harvard, 82. CASSIDY, PATRICK (R). Uni. Vt. 65. HARRIMAN, P. H. (R). N. Y. Uni. 84. HARRIS, G. R. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 85. KIMBALL, R. W. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 90. Korn, W. A. (R). Yale, 92 LA PIERRE, JULIAN (R). 220 Central Ave. Bell. N. Y. 71. LINNELL, E. H. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 76. PADDOCK, LEWIS S. (R). N. Y. Med. Col. 54. PECK, A. (R). N. Y. Uni. 75. Perkins, C. H. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 91. PERKINS, W. S. C. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 60. SMITH, N. P. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 82. STARK, C. E. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 78. TINGLEY, W. K. (R). Bell. N. Y. 86. WITTER, W. (R). Yale, 65. PLAINVILLE (Hartford) 1,996. BUELL, V. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 71. Bull, J. N. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 78. Moody, C. W. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. WRIGHT, T. G. (R). Uni. N. Y. 65. PORTLAND (Middlesex) 3,000. GRISWOLD, J. E. (R). Uni. N. Y. 80. POTTER, F. E. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. SEARS, C. A. (R). N. Y. Uni. 62. PUTNAM (Windham) 6,503. FOSTER, W. W. (R). Harvard, 82. KENT, JOHN B. (R). Harvard, 69. LA RUE OMER (R). Victoria, Montreal, 71, 360 CONNECTICUT LIST OP PHYSICIANS. Morasse, L. O. (R). Victoria, Montreal, 84. MORRELL, F. A. (R). L. I. Col. Hosp. 85. RUSSELL, J. J. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 87. , SHERMAN, H. A. (R). Jeff. Pa. 88. RIDGEFIELD (Fairfield) 2,335. Lowe, R. W. (R). N. Y. Uni. 89. WEED, W. E. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 84. ROCKVILLE (Tolland) 8,000. Flint, E. P. (R). Yale, 79. GILNACK FRED. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 67. LAWLER, T. C. A. (R). Bell. N. Y. 92. LEONARD, E. K. (R). Ct. Med. Soc. 66. ROCKWELL, T. F. (R). N. Y. Uni. 81. WALSH, F. W. (R). Col. P. and S. Bait. 84. SANDY HOOK (Fairfield) 1,000. BURKE, W. P. J. (R). Yale, 90. Richardson, D. P. (R). Harvard, 82. SEYMOUR (New Haven) 3,291. BENEDICT, FRANK A. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 87. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. Town Health Officer. DAVIS, E. W. (R). Yale, 92. PULFORD, C. H. (H). Hahn. Chicago, 88. STRAPP, P. F. (R). Bellevue, 92. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. SHARON (Litchfield) 1,500. BASSETT, C. W. (R). Until 10, after 6. N. Y. Uni. 82. DEMMING, R. (R). Yale, 57. KNIGHT, W. W. (R). Berkshire, 68. Munson, B. W. (R). Yale, 69. SHELTON, (New Haven). RICHARDSON, D. A. (R). Until 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 8. Yale, 81. Mem. State. Soc. SHELTON, G. A. (R). 40 White. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Yale, 69. Hon. A. M. Yale, 91. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. etc. Med. Examr. to Co. Coroner. Town Health Officer. SOUTHINGTON (Hartford) 3,500. FISKE, I. P. (R). N. Y. Uni. 75. STEADMAN, G. W. (R). Bell. N. Y. 75. SOUTH MANCHESTER (Hartford) 4,300. KIMBALL, E. D. (R). C. P. and S. Bait. 86. PARKER, J. N. (R). Yale, 67. TINKER, W. R. (R). N. Y. Uni. 80. Weldon, T. H. (R). N. Y. Uni. 83, CONNECTICUT LIST OP PHYSICIANS. 361 SOUTH NORWALK (Fairfield) 8,628. Allen, L. M. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 80. BOHANNAN, C. G. (R). Uni. N. Y. 78. BOHANNON, J. G. (R). Licentiate. BURKE, W. C, JR. (R). 78 Washington. 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Long Island Col. Hosp. 75. Med. Examr. to Co. Coroner. Staff Norwalk Hosp. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. etc. CLARK, ARTHUR N. (R). 59 S. Main. 8 to 9, 1 to 2,6 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 83. Interne Charity Hosp. N. Y. 83-84. Mem. State Med. Soc. COBURN, J. MILTON (H). 51 So. Main. Until 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Boston Uni. 74. KENNEDY, J. T. (R). 5 Railroad PL 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Uni. N. Y. 94. McCULLOUGH, R. G. (R). Detroit Col. Med. 94. PARTREE, H. T. (R). 35 N. Main. Until 9, 2 to 3, 6 to 8. Yale, 92. A. B. Yale, 87. SOUTH WILTON (Fairfield). SMITH EDWIN EVERETT (R). Long Island Col. Hosp. 71. A. B. and A. M. Dartmouth. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Phys.-in- Charge Kensett. STAMFORD (Fairfield) 15,800. BIRCH, GEO. W. (R). Broad, cor. Summer. 8 to 9.30, 1 to 2.30, 7 to 9 Yale, 58. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Mem. City Bd. of Health. BOHANNAN, B. W. (R). 71 Atlantic. Until 10, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 90. BOHANNAN, R. L. (R). 71 Atlantic. Until 10, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 74. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. Phys. St. John's Church House. ^ BUCKLEY, L. S. (R). 8 Atlantic. Until 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Dart- mouth, 90. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. DARLING, MAY C. (H). 3 Spring. Reports N. Y. Med. Col. and Hosp. for Wom. 83. CoUege records do not show name. GEIB, H. P. (R). Bellevue, 69. GIVENS, AMOS J. Stamford Hall For Mental and Nervous Dis- eases. Mem. Mass. Conn, and N. Y. State Socs. and Am. Psy- chological Assn. HEXAMER, C. R. (R). 104 Atlantic. Until 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 85. B. S. Uni. N. Y. 81. Mem. Conn. Med. Soc and N. Y. Pathol. Soc. etc. City Health Officer. HURLBUTT, A. M. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 79. HURLBUTT, L. R. (R). Yale, 50. MEEK, JAMES ALBERT (R). Advocate Bldg. 3 to 6 Tues. Thurs. and Sat. 107 E. 23d, N. Y. 11 to 1, daily, except Sunday. 5 to 7 Mon. Wed. and Fri. McGill Uni. 75. Mem. Conn. State and N. Y. Co. Med. Socs. etc. Con'g Ophthal. and Aurai Surg. St. John's Church House Hosp. Ophthal. and Aural Surg. West Side Ger. Clinic, N. Y. Asst. Surg. Manhat- tan Eye and Ear Hosp. N. Y. 362 CONNECTICUT LIST OP PHYSICIANS. MEEKS, E. J. (R). 105 Atlantic. Until 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 8. Bellevue, 90. A.B. Harvard, 87. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. MILLS, WALTER SANDS (H). 7 Bedford. Until 11, 5 to 8. N. Y. Homo. Col. 89. Mem. Conn. State and N. Y. Co. Homo. Med. Socs. Interne Ward's Island Homo. Hosp. 89-90. Brook- lyn Homo. Hosp. 90-91. PHILIP, ROSAVELLE G. (R). 11 Summer. 9 to 10, 3 to 5, 6 to 7. Woman's Col. N. Y. Infy. 75. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. PIERSON, S. (R). Col. P. and S. N'. Y. 81. PRIOR, I. (R). Bellevue, 64. RICE, W. E. (R). 8 Summer. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. Mich. 72. Phys. to Sons St. George. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. ROGERS, FRANCIS J. (R). Atlantic, cor. Cottage. 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Uni. Pa. 73. A.B. and A.M. Holy Cross, 70. Town Health Officer. Director Soldiers' Home. Mem. Am. Pub. Health Assn. and Co. Med. Soc. etc. ROWELL, CHAS. E. (H). 95 Atlantic. Until 9.30, 7 to 8. N. Y. Homo. Col. 75. Coroner's Phys. ROWELL, EDWARD E. (H). 89 Atlantic. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. N. Y. Homo. Col. 77. ROWELL, JAMES F. (H). 95 Atlantic. Until 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 7. Hahn. Phila. 95. SCH A VOIR, F. (R). Advocate Bldg. 11 to 1. Col. P. and S. Bait. 87. Lect. Gyn. West Side German Clinic, N. Y. Mem. Am. and N. Y. Electro-Therapeutic Socs. and Conn. State Med. Soc. etc. Phys. in charge Richmond Hill Sanitarium. TREADWAY, WM. A. B. (R). 253 Main, 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. Mich. 83. Mem. State. Med. Soc. etc. VAN VLEET, P. P. (R). 3 Summer. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Belle- vue, 69. Mem. State Soc. etc. WASHBURN, N. P. (R). Advocate Bldg. 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 91. Ph.B. Yale, 87. Interne Bellevue Hosp. 91-93. Mem. Bellevue Hosp. Alumni Assn. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. STRATFORD (Fairfield) 2,598. COGSWELL, W. B. (R). Bell. N. Y. 81. LEWIS, G. FRED. (R). Yale, 84. THOMASTON (Litchfield) 3,271. FERGUSON, G. D. (R). N. Y. Uni. 79. Goodwin. Ralph S. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 66. PEASE, B. W. (R). Bellevue, 76. ST. JOHN, T. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 81. Smith, C. P. (H). N. Y. Homo. Col. 84. TORRINGTON (Litchfield) 6,054. FLEMING, W. J. (R). Uni. N. Y. 91. HANCHETT, T. S. (R). Bell. N. Y. 64. PLATT, W. L. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 81. Pratt, Elias (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 87. ST JOHN, J. B. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 82, CONNECTICUT LIST OP PHYSICIANS. 363 WALLINGFORD (New Haven) 6,562. Andrews, Geo. (E). Worcester, Mass. 50. Baldwin, V. L. (Bot). Licentiate. COUDERT, FRANCOIS E. (R). Uni. N. Y. 90. Ph. D. Heidelberg, Ger. 87. Mem. Conn. State and N. Y. Co. Med. Socs. Hon. - Mem. Ga. State Soc. Town Health Officer. Corresponding Hygienic Reporter to LL S. Government. McGAUGHEY, JAMES D. (R). Jefferson, 70. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. Med. Examn'r to Co. Coroner. Post Surg, for Examn'r for Exemption from Military Taxes. QUILL, J. D. (H). N. Y. Homo. Med. Col. 76. Mem. State Homo. Med. Soc. RUSSELL, WM. S. (R). Yale, 80. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. and State Med. Soc. etc. WILSON, W. P. (R). Col. P. and S. Bait. 90. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. WATERBURY (New Haven) 28,646. AXTELLE, T. L. (R). 65 Bank. 8 to 10,2 to 3, 8 to 9. Bellevue. 81. B. S. State Normal Col. Med. Examn'r to Co. Coroner, Surg. City Hosp. Surg. N. Y. and N. E. and N. Y.N. H. and H. fids. Mem. State Med Soc. etc. Barber, W. L. (R). Bellevue, 73. BENEDICT, JOHN M. (R). 81 N. Main. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 82. B. S. Mass. Agricultural Col. 74. Mem. Assn. Military Surgs. of the U. S. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. BROWN, C. H. (R). 112 N. Main. 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 92. Ph. G. N. Y. Col. Phar. 90. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. CASTLE, F. E. (R). 77 N. Main. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Yale, 70. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. etc, Staff City Hosp. CONKEY, CAROLINE (R). Woman's Med. Col. N. Y. Infy. 81. CRANE, A. A. (R). Yale, 87. DONOHUE, M. J. (R). Uni. Vt. 86. Dubuc, G. (R). Bishop's Col. Can. 73. FABER, GEO. A. (E). 87 Bank. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6.30 to 8.30. Ben- nett, Chicago, 88. Mem. Natl. Eel. Med. Assn. etc. FRENEY, JOHN D. (R). 337 E. Main. Until 10, 1 to 4, 6 to 9. Long Island Col. Hosp. 93. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. FROST, C. W. S. (R). 171 Bank. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 80. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. Sec. Waterbury Soc. Gay, G. C. GRIGGS, E. L. (R). Victoria, Can. 64. GOODENOUGH, E. W. (R). 125 Bank. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 8 to 9. Yale, 93. A. B. Yale, 87. Mem. Conn. State and Adams Co. 111. Med. Socs. HAMILTON,C. A. (R). Uni. Vt. 86. HAYES, J. F. (R). Uni. N. Y. 79. HINCKLEY, W. F. (H). 24 Abbott Ave. 8 to 9, 2.30 to 5, 7 to 8. Jefferson, 77. V.-Pres. State. Homo. Med. Soc. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo, and The Hahn. Assn. KELLEY, A. V. (R). Bait. Uni. 92. Lafontaine, C. H. 364 CONNECTICUT LIST OP PHYSICIANS. LOPEZ, R. (R). Harvard, 77. LUSCOMB, A. (H). N. Y. Homo. Med. Col. 83. McAvoy, J. J. (R). Niagara Uni. Buffalo, 92. McDONALD, E. W. (R). Uni. N. Y. 71. McFARLAND, D. W. (R). Uni. N. Y. 85. MORGAN, A. R. (H). Homo. Med. Col. of Pa. 52. MUNGER, CARL E. (R). 81 N. Main. 9 to 11,1 to 3, 7 to 8. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 83. Asst. Surg. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp. N. Y. Mem. State Soc. etc. MUNN, S. B. (E). 35 Leavenworth. 8 to9, 1 to 3, 6.30 to 8. Practi- tioner under Laws of N. Y. 58. Georgia Eel. Med. Col. 77. U. S. Med. Col. N. Y. 80. Bennett, Chicago, 88. Ex-Pres. Natl. and Conn. State Eel. Med. Socs. Hon. Mem. Chicago and Mich. and Ga. and Pa. Eel. Med. Socs. O'CONNOR, P. T. (R). 151 Bank. 8 to 10,1 to 3.30, 7 to 9. Bellevue, 92. Mem. State Med. Soc. etc. O'HARA, B. A. (R). Bellevue, 82. Robbins, G. O. (R). Yale, 79. RODMAN, C. S. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 68. TONKS, J. T. (E). 275 S. Main. 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. N. Y. Eel. Med. Col. 92. V.-Pres. State Eel. Med. Soc. UPSON, C. R. (R). 19 S. Main. 9 to 11, 2 to 5, 7 to 8. Long Island Col. Hosp. 70. Prac. Lim. to Dis. Nose, Throat, Ear and Lungs. WERNER, J. (R). Wuerzburg, 84. WATERTOWN (Litchfield). FRENCH, E. A. (R). Uni. Mich. 82. MUNGER, W. S. (R). Yale, 55. WEST HAVEN (New Haven) 2,500. BARNETT, J. F. (R). Yale, 69. SHEPHARD, D. (R). Yale, 64. Wilson, W. V. (R). Yale, 67. WESTPORT (Fairfield) 3,674. DAY, L. T. (R). Yale, 80. FYFE, J. W. (E). N. Y. Eel. Col. 87. MORGAN, D. H. (R). Uni. Md. 92. Asst. Phys. Westport Sani- tarium. POWERS, F. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 70. RULAND, FRED'K D. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 89. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Med. Supt. Westport Sanitarium. WESTVILLE (New Haven) 1,500. Barker, J. W. (R). Yale, 60. MARSH, A. W. (R). Uni. Vt. 82. WETHERSFIELD (Hartford) 2,265. FOX, E. G. (R). N. Y. Uni. 83. FOX, R. (R). N. Y. Uni. 47. Howard, A. W. (R). N. Y. Uni. 90. WARNER, A. S. (R). Dartmouth, 47. CONNECTICUT LIST OP PHYSICIANS. 365 WILLIMANTIC (Windham) 8,648. BENNETT, F. O. (R). Berkshire, 55. Card, E. D. (R). Clark Uni. 81. COLGROVE, C. H. (H). Det. Homo. Col. DAVID, A. D. (R). Dartmouth, 89. FOX, C. J. (R). N. Y. Uni. 76. GIRARD, C. H. (R). Victoria, Can. 90. Griggs, O. B. (R). N. Y. Uni. 47. HILLS, T. M, (R). Yale, 63. PARKER, T. R. (R). N. Y. Uni. 80. Rogers, F. (R). N. Y. Uni. 63. SMITH, J. J. (R). Col. P. and S. Bait. 88. WELDON, JOHN (R). N. Y. Uni. 83. White, R. C. (R). Uni. Vt. 89. WELCOX, F. E. (H). N. Y. Horn. Col. 84. WILTON (Fairfield) 1,000. GORHAM, A. B. (R). Yale, 79. WINDSOR (Hartford) 1,700. BELL, NEWTON S. (R). Uni. Vt. 64. Coogan, J. A. (R). Bell. N. Y. 76. WILSON, S. A. (R). Yale, 52. NEW YORK LIST OF DENTISTS. Arranged Alphabetically by Post-offices. MANRILLE, G. P., D.D.S.............Adams. MANRILLE, M.D.........._______ " HART, C. F............................Addison. HOUCK, J.C.....................___ DAILEY, M. H___..................Akron. ALBANY. ALLEN, CHAS. E. 8 Central Ave. N. Y. Col. Dent. 91. Ames, F. L. 63 Washington Ave. APPLETON, G. N. 91 N. Pearl. N. Y. Col. Dent. 93. APPLETON, J. L. 89 Columbia. Mem. 3d Dist. Dent. Soc. BARKER, W. S. 170 Washington Av. Kansas City Dent. Col. 90. BAXTER, EDWIN C. 160 State. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 65. Mem. N. Y. State Bd. Dent. Examinrs. Mem. State and 3d Dist. Dent. Socs. etc.; Mem. Bd. Curators Dent. Dept. Uni. Buff. CADY, FRANK W. 30 N. Pearl. Chicago Col. Dent. Surg. 88. CANA DAY, J. W. 283 State. CARMICHAEL, P. C. 83 Clinton Ave. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 89. CARNELL, J. Asst. to Dr. F. Ouimet. HAWKESWORTH, F. E. 104 Hudson Ave. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 94. HILL & HOOSE. 34 N. Pearl. HOOSE, CHAS. S. 34 North Pearl. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 93. Hine, J. W. 42 N. Pearl. Hoag, H. B. 95 N. Pearl. McDONALD, J. M. 99 N. Pearl. MICHEL, FRED. G., MD. S. 54 Pearl. Mickel, A., D.D.S. 58 Columbia. OUIMET, F. 94 S. Pearl. McGill 67. Mem. 3d Dist. Dent. Soc. ROWE, M. L. 14 N. Pearl. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 85. Mem. 3d Dist. Dent. Soc. Delegate Mem. State Soc. Rugg, D. E. 777 Broadway. Sullivan, G. A., D.D.S. 50 N. Pearl. VERPLANCK, ROBERT I. 4 Kenmore PL Mem. 3d Dist. Dent. Soc. Wheeler, C. F. 110 N. Pearl. WHITBECK. THEO. H. 24 N. Pearl. Uni. Penna. 91. 366 NEW YORK LIST OP DENTISTS. 367 WHITNEY, S. W., D.D.S. 343 State. WILLETT, E. M. 22 Clinton Ave. Winne, W. F. 222 Lark. ALBION. CUSHING, ENOS L. DOOLITTLE, H. B. Mem. 8th Dist. Dent. Soc. DOOLITTLE, GEO. P. Northwestern Uni. Chicago, 95. HARTMAN, J. A. Phila. Dent. Col. 82. Mem. Odon. Soc. Phila. and of Niagara and Orleans Cos. Northrop, J. L. NICHOLS, H. S., D.D.S...............Amenia. HURD, W. W..............._______Amityville. Longenecker, S. W..........________ " AMSTERDAM. LEWIS, H, M. MERWIN, NELSON L. 76^ E. Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 88. REYNOLDS, W. T. SNYDER, W. E. Thresher, J. B., D.D.S. WOODWARD, C. H. KEELER, W. A.......................Attica. RYKERT, R. R. 20 Market st......... " AUBURN. AVERY, R. B., D.D.S. BARBER, C. J. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 80. Emens, W. J. HUDSON, R. N. 76 Genesee. Hon. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 60. HUGHES, WM. 139 Genesee. LAMB, E. M. LEE, FRED'K H. 20 William. N. Y. Col. Dent. 76. Mem. Bd. Curators Uni. Buff. Dent. Dept. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. Cor'g Mem. 1st Dist. Dent. Soc. and Cent. Dent. Assn., N. J. QUIGLEY, A. H. Tripp, H. C. WRIGHT, G. B. & SON. Booth, W. H...........................Avon. Bradley, M. C.......................... " Spencer, C. W........................Bainbridge. BALDWINSVILLE. PERKINS, W. W. Mem. N. Y. State and 5th Dist. Dent. Socs. etc. WILLARD, C. A. BATAVIA. BURKHART, H. J. 92 Main. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 90. V.-Pres. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. Mem. Am. and 8th Dist. Dent. Socs. Houghton & Dewey. RICHARDSON, W. E. 101 Main. Mem. 8th Dist. Dent. Soc. 368 NEW YORK LIST OP DENTISTS. WILLIAMSON, B. B. 117 E. Main. Penna. Col. Dent. Surg. 94. Mem. C. N. Pierce Dent. Soc. Phila. Land, ---............................Bath. OSGOOD, A_______................. " Phillips,----........___________________ " ST. JOHN, T. M., D.D.S__________ " BINGHAMTON. Aldrich, M. B. 90 Carroll. BEARDSLEY, E. V. 69 Court. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 89. Bishop, G. A. 248 Chenango. BRONSON, W. G. Ackerman Bld'g. DENIKE, G. A. Perry Blk. Mem. 6th Dist. Dent. Soc. Dolan, B., D.D.S. Ross Bldg. EDWARDS, F. M. 36 Court. Phila. Dent. Col. 81. FULLER, T. B. Hagaman Blk. Uni. Pa. 88. Mem. 6th Dist. Dent. Soc. HALL, WM. H. 28 Fayette. Mem. 6th Dist. Dent. Soc. Hill, W. L. 47 Court. KNAPP, F. C. 99 Main. Uni. Pa. 85. McCall, C. W. 82 Chenango. N. Y. Col. Dent. 76. McCALL, FREDERIC W. 36 Henry. Uni. Pa. 91. Sec. 6th Dist. Dent. Soc. PULLEN, H. G. 118 State. Phila. Dent. Col. 86. ROOT, REUBEN T. 120 Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 94. Rounds, L. J. 34 Court. SHARP, W. M. 112 Main. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 91. SKILLMAN, E. H. 118 State. Uni. Pa. 92. TURNER, A. D. 80 Court. WHITBECK, H. L. Ackerman Bld'g. WHITMARSH, H. D. 13 Main. Uni. Pa. 90. Mem. 6th Dist. Dent. Soc. BROCKPORT. CLARK, C. M. Cook, B. W. HIGH, C. B. Phila. Dent. Col. 92. LOCKE, G. E. Phila. Dent. Col. 90. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. BROOKLYN. ABBOTT, FRANK P., D .D. S. 124 S. Oxford. Allen, C. C, M.D.S. 28 Schermerhorn. BARKER, D. W., M.D.S. 87 Lafayette Ave. BREWSTER, R. C, M.D.S. 136 Lefferts PL BROCKWAY, A. L., M.D.S. 13 Greene Ave. Brockway, Geo. 146 5th Ave. Brown, J. B. 80 Lafayette Ave. BUSH, CHAS. A., D.D. S. 488 Nostrand Ave. BUSH, W. N., D.D.S. 136 Hewes. Campbell, W. A., M.D.S. 436 Gold. CHAPMAN, A. N. 173 Atlantic Ave. COOK, C. D., M.D. 133 Pacific. NEW YORK LIST OP DENTISTS. 369 Coombs, E. B. 514 Nostrand Ave. Dickey, E. H. 365 Bedford Ave. DOLBEARE, F. W. 349 Tompkins Ave. EAGLETON, C. H., D.D.S. 201 McDonough. ELMENDORF, M. E. 368 Adelphi. FRAZER, W. N., M.D.S. 78 McDonough. FULLER, D. A., M.D. 162 Clinton. Fuller, D. J., M.D.S. 162 Clinton. GERAN, J. P. 65 Greene Ave. GIBBS, F. W. Ill Reid Ave. Grover, C. B. 34 Clarkson. GRAVES, C. F. 51 Hoyt. Harreys, C. W. 632 Bedford Ave. HILL, O. E., M.D.S. 160 Clinton. Holly, R. T. 155 Montague. HOUGHTON, O. E., D.D.S. 126 S. Oxford. HUBBARD, C. 191 6th Ave. HUTCHINSON, R. G., JR., D.D.S. 444 Putnam Ave. JARVIE, WM. JR., M. D. S. 105 Clinton. KRAMER, F. O., M.D.S., D.D.S. 225 Schermerhorn. LANCHANTEM, E. F., D.D.S. 360a 9th. MARVIN, C. A., D.D.S. 168 Clinton. Meara, J. A. 4 Lafayette Ave. MENSCH, C. E., M.D.S. 168 Clinton. MIRICK, H. G., M.D.S. 62 Montague. Monroe, I. C. 35 St. Felix. MOORE, F. W., M.D.S. 408 Clinton. O'BRIEN, H. L., D.D.S. 217 9th. PARKER, C. B., D. D. S. 167 Remsen. PARKER, V. F., D.D.S. 167 Remsen. Perrin, T. L. 352 Clinton. RACE, J. H. 366 Clinton. RAMSDELL, W. M.,.D.D.S. 129 S. Oxford. Read, B. T., D.D.S. 307 Clinton. RIPPIER, E. T. 352 9th. Robinson, L. H. 242 St. James PL SHANNON, W. T., D.D.S. 94 Greene Ave. SHAW, LOUIS, D.D.S. 133 Pacific. SIQUELAND, THEO., D.D.S. 260 President. Skinner, D. S. 124 Montague. SMITH, W. W. 449 Myrtle Ave. SPOONER, W. C, D.D.S. 461 State. THOMPSON, M. L. 382 Adelphi. VAN ORDEN, C. S., D.D.S. 144 Lawrence. VAN WOERT, F. T., M. D.S. 612 Bedford Ave. WADSWORTH, E. C, D.D.S. 511 Bedford Ave. WALKER, F. C, M.D.S. 41 Schermerhorn. WARDEN, F. E. 242 McDonough. WHITE, G. W. 309 13th. Wilder, L. G., M.D.S. 52 Ft. Greene PL WOOLLEY, U. G., D.D.S. 156 Clinton. 370 NEW YORK LIST OF DENTISTS. BUFFALO. ALLEN, CYRUS A. 31 W. Eagle. Uni. Penna. Dent. Dept. 80. Prof. Prosthetic Dent. Uni. Buff. Dent. Dept. Mem. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. etc. ALLGEIER, C. E. 334 Dearborn. Branch office, 109 Bird Ave. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 92. BALCOM, H. J. 244 E. Genesee. BARBER, L. A. Genesee, Mohawk and Pearl. Phila. Dent. Col. 70. BARRETT, W. C. 208 Franklin. Penna. Col. Dent. Surg. 70. M. D. Uni. Buff. 69. Prof. Prin. and Prac. of Dent, and Dent. Pathol, and Dean of Faculty Dent. Dept. Uni. Buff. Prof. Oral Pathol. Med. Dept. Uni. Buff. Prof. Dent. Anat. and Pathol. Chicago Col. Dent. Surg. Editor Dent. Practitioner and Ad- vertiser. Barrows, C. L. 520 Main. Barrows, W. A., D.D.S. 617 Main. BEACH, J. W. Asst. to Dr. Fred Sauer. Uni. Buff. 94. BELDEN, T. S. 14 W. Mohawk. O. Col. Dent. Surg. 89. BISCHOF, H. E. 355 William. N. Y. Col. Dent. 92. BOSWELL, HENRY H. 322 Franklin. Uni. Md. Dent. Dept. 84. Pres. Buff. Dent. Soc. Mem. Am. and N. Y. State and 8th Dist. Dent. Socs. BULLOCK, ARTHUR. Asst. to Dr. W. W. Terry. Uni. Buff. 94. BURKE, JAMES M. 272 Main. Penna. Col. Dent. Surg. 87. BUTLER, CHARLES S. 680 Main. Phila. Dent. Col. 76. Sec. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. CLARK, B. F. 331 14th, cor. Rhode Island. N. Y. State Certificate Registration 79. COGAN, M. J. 469 14th. Phila. Dent. Col. 94. COLLINS, R. W. 1902 Niagara. Phila. Dent. Col. 94. Mem. 8th Dist. Dent. Soc. COOK, M. F. 327 Main. Penna. Col. Dent. Surg. 61. COVEY, LEVERETT C. 263 Main. Mem. Buff. Dent. Soc. CRAWFORD, W. J. Eagle, cor. Michigan. Uni. Buff. 93. CUMMINGS, RAY P. 496 Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 92. DUNBAR, G. W. 445 W. Ferry. Penna. Col. Dent. Surg. 91. Mem. 8th Dist. Dent. Soc. etc. DUNBAR, G. W., SR. 445 Franklin. ECKERT, J. K. 213 Franklin. Ellis, C. J. 353 Main. Uni. Pa. 81. Ernsmere, J. B. 288 W. Ferry. Uni. Pa. 92. ESCHELMAN, S. 421 Franklin. Phila. Dent. Col. 75. Royal Col. Dent. Surg. Ont. 75. M. D. Uni. Vt. 79. Librarian 8th Dist. Dent. Soc. Fay, M. L., D.D.S. Allen St. FREEMAN, S. A. 641 Main. Mem. Am. Dent. Assn. etc. FREY, GEORGE J. 680 Main. Uni. Penna. 91. Dem. Operat. Dent. Uni. Buff. GALE & LAMPORT. 500 Main. GALE, L. J. 500 Main. Penna. Col. Dent. Surg. 89. Garrett, F. S. 416 Main. Penna. Col. Dent. Surg. 87. NEW YORK LIST OF DENTISTS. 371 GROVE, W. V. 844 Main, cor. Virginia. O. Col. Dent. Surg. 81. Pres. 8th Dist. Dent. Soc. HAMMERSMITH, P. C. 779 Seneca. Uni. Buff. Dent. Dept. HAUSLE, E. J. 551 Franklin. Penna. Col. Dent. Surg. 88. Treas. Buff. Dent. Soc. HAYES, W. CARLOS, M.D.S. 462 Main. Mem. 8th Dist. Dent. Soc. HAYNES, F. L. Asst. to Dr. Fred Sauer. Uni. Buff. HOWARD, F. E. 331 Franklin. Prof. Operat. Dent. Uni. Buff. Dent. Dept. HUSSONG, G. L. Asst. to Dr. Fred Sauer. Uni. Buff. JOHNSON, E. R. 10 W. Chippewa. Uni. Mich. 89. Chief Dem. Operative Dent. Uni. Buff. Secy. Buff. Post. Graduate Sch. of Prosthetic Dent. Mem. 8th Dist. Dent. Soc. JOYCE, D. S. 1277 Niagara. KENDALL, CHARLES A. Vermont, cor. West Ave. Phila. Dent. Col 92 Kessel, R.', D.D.S. 46 W. Huron. KOESTER, C. G. 533 Main. Penna. Col. Dent. Surg. 91. LAMPORT, E. H. 500 Main. Uni. Buff. 93. LODGE, L. S. 261 Mass. Phila. Dent. Col. 88. Buff. Dent. Soc. Longnecker, E. C. 85 E. Genesee. LONGNECKER, W. S. 85 E. Genesee. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 91. LOW, FRANK W. 680 Main. LUCE, F. Asst. to Dr. O. Luce. LUCE, O. 317 Main. McMICHAEL, H. R. 13 Oxford Place, cor. W. Ferry. Phila. Dent. Col. 88. Mem. Buff. Dent. Assn. McNames, A. W., D.D.S. 888 Main. McPHEE, J. F. Vermont, cor. West Ave. Dent. Dept. Uni. Buff. MAC DOUGALL, S. E. 232 Richmond Ave. Uni. Buff. 94. Dem. Mech. Dent. Uni. Buff. Ex-Pres. 5th Dist. Dent. Soc. Mem. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. MARSHALL, W. E. 336 Connecticut. Phila. Dent. Col. 92. Mem. 8th Dist. Dent. Soc., etc. MEADE, H. B. 10 W. Chippewa. Chicago Col. Dent. Surg. 92. Instr. Crown and Bridge Work, Dent. Dept. Uni. Buff. Pres. Buff. Post-Graduate Sch. of Prosthetic Dent. Mem. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. MEISBURGER, L. 43 W. Huron. Uni. Penna. 88. Ex-Pres. Buff. "DptiI" A ssn Miller, A. B., D.D.S. Court, cor. Pearl. MILLIARD, A. 14 W. Mohawk. M. D. Uni. Tor. 60. MIMMACK, A. E. 35 Seneca. Uni. Buf. 95. Payne, R. G., D.D.S. 394 Main. PHILLIPS, T. DE FOREST. 66 W. Chippewa. Uni. Buff. 93. PHILLIPS, T. S. 333 Franklin. Poole, P. A. 14 S. Division. Povall, J. L , D.D.S. 563 William. PURDUM, U. C. Asst. to Dr. James M. Burke. O. Col. Dent. Surg. 93. ROBINSON, L. W. 119 Elmwood Ave. Phila. Dent. Col. 83. Mem. 8th Dist. and Buff. Dent. Socs. 372 NEW YORK LIST OP DENTISTS. ROGERS, E. G. 1364 Michigan. Penna. Col. Dent. Surg. 93. Mem. 8th Dist. Dent. Soc. SAUER, FRED. 71 Genesee, cor. Ellicott. Seal, J. 88 W. Huron. SCOTT, G. B. 525 Main. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 75. SNIDER, W. H. 400 Genesee. Uni. Buff. 94. Instr. Operat. Dent. Uni. Buff. Mem. 8th Dist. Dent. Soc. SOUTHWICK, A. P., M.D.S. 11 Niagara. Uni. Buff. Dent. Dept. 92. Prof. Operative Technics, Dent. Dept. Uni. Buff. Chm. State Bd. Censors N. Y. Dent. Soc. SQUIRE, D. H. Asst. to Dr. W. C. Barrett. 208 Franklin. Uni. Buff. 93. Adj. Prof. Reginal Anat. Uni. Buff. Dent. Dept. Stackhouse, J. A., D.D.S. 234 Allen. STACKHOUSE, J. HENRY. 1408 Main. Phila. Dent. Col. 92. Mem. Buff. Dent. Assn. Stadlinger, C. H. 14 S. Division. Phila. Dent. Col. 89. STAINTON, C. W. 47 N. Pearl. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 72. Mem. Am. Dent. Soc. etc. STRAIGHT, M. B. 80 W. Huron. TELLER, F. S. 505 Main. Mem. Buff. Dent. Soc. TERRY, W. W. 488 Main. Phila. Dent. Col. 83. Thorner, W. H. 227 Delaware Ave. TRIPP, H. G. Asst. to Dr. L. A. Barber. VAN DUSEN, E. C. Main, cor. Genesee. M. D. Uni. N. Y. 85. WETHERILL, J. R. 300 Main. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 62. Wetherton, G. E. 384 Main. Wilson, D. M. 868 Niagara. Bait. Col. 91. YOUNG, L. H. 55 E. Genesee. DOTON, J. O______....._______ .Camden. MILLER, F. P., D.D.S___________ '* VAN ALLEN, W. J., D.D.S________ " CALLICOON DEPOT. BARR, F. A. Uni. Md. 91. CANANDAIGUA. ANDRUSS, C. J. Phila. Dent. Col. 77. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. Booth, C. F., D.D.S. HOLMES, H. N., D.D.S. SUTHERLAND, LOT D. 253 Main. Phila. Dent. Col. 87. CANASTOTA. HEWETT, F. B. Phila Dent. Col. 92. SMITH, C. A. Van, A. T. Sweet, E___________ ABBOTT, G. M____ BULLARD, C. W___ LORD, F. R., D.D.S .. Englert, G. A., D.D.S . GULICK, G.C., D.D.S LONGENDYKE, J. B DUNTON, C. E____ Phelps, J. F.......... Canisteo. Carthage. Catskill. Cazenovia, NEW YORK LIST OF DENTISTS. 373 EDWARDS, D. L. Phila. Dent. Col. 92.Clyde. Ruf, J. P., D.D.S............._______ " VROOMAN, W. R., D.D.S_________ " COHOES. AMYOT, B. E. 67 Remsen. N. Y. Col. Dent. 91. BOUDRIAS, L., D.D.S. Crane, J. S. SCHERMERHORN, FRANK. Remsen, cor. Oneida. Delegate Mem. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. Mem. 3d Dist. Soc. SCHERMERHORN, VAN DYCK. Remsen, cor. Oneida. Mem. 3d Dist. Dent. Soc. LONGNECKER, C______________Cold Spring. BUTLER, A. S-..........._________Cooperstown. CAMPBELL, C. F............._____ SIVER,D. E......_____.......___ Wadsworth, C. I______.......------- CORNING. FENDERSON, F. A. 36 E. Market. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. McGeorge, F. H. SUNDERLIN, R. E. Heerman Blk. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 85. WILBUR, W. CUTTINO. 7 Market. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 81. M.D. Med. Col. State S. C. 82. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. WILLIS, F. M. 7 Market. Uni. Md. 88. CORTLAND. DEFOREST, CLAY, asst. to Dr. M. B. Ingalls. Hull, G. W. INGALLS, C. E. 1 Main. Mem. 6th Dist. Dent. Soc. NGALLS, LLOYD S. 1 Main. Uni. Buff. Dent. Dept. 95. INGALLS, M. B. Wickwire Bldg. Mem. 6th Dist. Dent. Soc. SMITH, GEORGE H. Wallace Bldg. Mem. 6th Dist. Dent. Soc. TOMPKINS, G. A. WHITE, L. T. 8 Main. Mem. 6th Dist. Dent. Soc. DANSVILLE. BURKHART, A. P., M.D.S. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. LA BOYTEAUX, A. 123 Main. LA BOYTEAUX, C. J. Uni. Buff. 95. Hewett, F.B., D.D.S____............--Deansville. CARPENTER, W. B..............---Deposit. KNAPP, L. E-----...........---- " Minor, W. B., D.D.S----.....------ " WAGER, J. L_.......------------ DE RUYTER. LORD, D. S. Mem. N. Y. State and 6th Dist. Socs. HOLLISTER, G. E---------------Dunkirk. Howe, H. I------------------..... " RATHBUN, B------......------ AGARD, H. L.........-----.....---East Aurora. BORDEN, J. G-----................. 374 NEW YOBK LIST OP DENTISTS. ELMIRA. BECK, U. G. 407 E. Church. Uni. Pa. 83. CROUL, F. C, & MITCHELL. 128 W. Water. DARBY, FRANK B. 316 E. Church. Penna. Col. Dent. Surg. 67. Prof. Orthodontia and Dent. Deformities Uni. Buff. Mem. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. etc. ELLIOTT, W. V. 103 E. Water. Uni. Pa. 87. Mem. 6th Dist. Dent. Soc. FOSTER, C. M. 134 E. Water. FIRMAN, C. H., & MOORE. 300 E. Water. GODDARD & FOX. 310 E. Water. MITCHELL, H. B. 128 W. Water. Uni. Md. 92. MOORE, H. A. 300 E. Water. Phila. Dent. Col. 90. RICHARDS, G. A. 54 S. Main. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 72. ROOT, J. S. 328 E. Water. TERRY, E. C. 100 W. Water. WHITLOCK, C. H. 300 E. Water. Uni. Penna. 92. WILBUR, R. A. 313 E. Water. Uni. Md. 88. Mem. 6th Dist. Dent. Soc. BURNS & REEVES..................Fairport. COWLES, E.._.......................Fishkill-on-Hudson. Moith, F.......____................... FLUSHING. DICKEY, G. H., D.D.S. KING, A. FOSTER. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 79. Md. Dent. Col. 79. MASTER, C. M. N. Y. Col. Dent. 95. WILLIAMS, W. HART. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 78. HOOLSEY, G..........____.........Fonda. KLOCK, L..............____........ " Bartlett, W. A., D.D.S________......Fort Edward. ELMORE,C.A___.................. " YATES, G. H., D.D.S_____.....___ " Ayres, A_____.....____......._____Fort Plain. BURNETT, J. K...................._. KELLOGG, D. S.................___ MERRILL, S.D......__________ FRANKFORT. JOY, FRED. D. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 93. Parkhurst, F., D.D.S. HARRIS, G.L.................._____Fredonia. PARK, W.............___________ Rathburn, C. M., D.D.S...........____ FULTON. CURTIS, I. C. EMENS, G. V. Mem. 5th Dist. Dent. Soc. Guile, G. A., D.D.S Chase, J. A________________........Geneseo. Cowan, J. W., D.D.S_________....... Windell, W. A., D.D.S______......... NEW YORK LIST OF DENTISTS. 375 GENEVA. ADAMY, W. LYNN. Smith Blk. Uni. Pa. 91. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. GREENE, F. A. 399 So. Main. Mem. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. etc. Mem. Bd. Censors 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. Mem. World's Colum- bian Dent. Congress. Lect. Mech. and Prosthet. Dent. N. Y. Dent. Sch. KNAPP, J. F. Linden Blk. N. Y. Col. Dent. 91. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. REYNOLDS, R. T. 110 Seneca. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. SLOCUM, C. A. Prouty Bldg. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 82. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. STETSON, E. C. BOWMAN, S.J..... ____________Glens Falls. CHEESEBROUGH, H. E............. Fielding, F. A., D.D.S.................. FOULDS, T. H., D.D.S................ GARRETT, J. S..............______ GRAVES, L.H........................ McCann, A. H., D.D.S.................. GLOVERSVILLE. Am. Dent. Co. BUSH, F. J. Main, cor. Fulton. Phila. Dent. Col. 92. CLARK, G. M. 5 W. Fulton. Penna. Col. Dent. Surg. 89. CROMWELL, H. E. DUIGNAN, R. E. 83 S. Main. Phila. Dent. Col. 92. FORSYTHE, HARRY H. 25 S. Main. Phila. Dent. Col. 94. HALL, H. A. 49 Bleecker. Mem. State Dent. Soc. Lansing, W. E. SHAW, E. D. 17 W. Fulton. Uni. Md. 92. YOUNGS & BELLOWS. 13 W. Fulton. YOUNGS, A. D. 13 W. Fulton. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 90. GOSHEN. PARKER, E. G. Uni. Pa. 85. Mem. 2d Dist. Dent. Soc. VARCOE, E. R. Phila. Dent. Col. 80. Mem. 2d Dist. Dent. Soc. BARNES, G. B.,D.D.S................Gouverneur. SPENCER, B......................... Spencer, J. M____.................--- " COLLINS, J. H................_____Granville. Gray, F. E.............................Greene. SCOTT, H. R., D.D.S.................. " WALKER, E. S., D.D.S................ " Emerson, E. M.........................Hamburgh. LEACH, L. R......................... PAXON, H. N_._.____........ ..... Marquez, E., D.D.S___................Haverstraw. NICKERSON,I.L_____............. LONGSTAFF, H. H., D.D.S...........Herkimer. SMITH, FRED A. Uni. Pa. 91........ THOMPSON, F. R. Phila. Dent. Col. 89. Mem. 6th Dist. Dent. Soc.....Homer. 376 NEW YORK LIST OF DENTISTS. Boynton, C. H____........_________Hoosick Falls. POTTER, L. E., D.D.S____.......... REARDON, J.J., D.D.S............... BARNEY, R. W.......................Hornellsville. COTTRELL H/l B " HALL, ALEX. ' 126'Main." O. Coi." Dent. Surg. 92. Wiggins, B. F. & C. S. Cox, C. W..................________Horseheads. DEAN, G.W............___......... DEAN S. R " ALDCROFT,"J~. ~d",~D.D.S".""""'.".Hudson COLTON, A_____........._______. " GARVEY,P. S___.................... " HART, R. C, D.D.S................... " HART, W. H____________........ " Van Vleck, C. R., D.D.S......________ " KITTAMS, J., D.D.S............_____Ilion. OLMSTED, F. A., D.D.S........_____ " SMITH, C. C_____............._____ " ITHACA. CRAWFORD, J. R. 39 E. State. N. Y. Col. Dent. 87. FOWLER, A. H. HAMILTON, H. B. 73 E. State. Uni. Pa. 92. Mem. Delta Sigma Delta Soc. Hawkins, C. F., D.D.S. Asst. to Dr. Hoysradt. House, W. E. HOWE, F. B. 18 Aurora. Uni. Pa. 91. Mem. Delta Sigma Delta Soc. HOWE, J. B. 18 Aurora. Uni. Pa. 87. Mem. 6th Dist. Dent. Soc. Hoysradt, G. W. MELOTTE, GEO. W., M.D.S. Wilgus Blk. Delegate Mem. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. Hon. Mem. O. State Dent. Soc. Mem. 6th Dist. Dent. Soc. SHARP, C. M., D.D.S. HAMLET, W. H.,D.D.S...............Jamaica. HALL, P. L., D.D.S.................... " Stevens, C. H.......................... " ALMY, J. E............____.........Jamestown. ANDERSON, C. E., D.D.S............ BROOKINS, J. S....................... Danforth, E. H........................ KNAPP,F.A.. ...................... Rawson, C. H., D.D.S.................. RAWSON, J. B........____.....___ SMITH, A. E., D.D.S......._________ SWEATLAND.E.J.........________ West,E. L______............_______ ALEXANDER, W. H......________Johnstown. Allen, H........___________________ COLGROVE, W.H. Phila. Dent. Col. 79 NEW YORK LIST OF DENTISTS. 877 WALRAD, CHARLES. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 84......_................. .Johnstown. CRAGIN, C.B. 31 Broadway. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 88................___Kingston. HILL, A. L. 24 Wall. Phila. Dent. Col. 91 HILL, N. F. 24 Wall____________ HOLMES, F. F.......___ .......... MEINHARDT, D. H. F., D.D.S_____ NORTON, J. C........................ Ostrander, T. P___________________ ROOSA,H____________________ VARY, E. M.......................... KIRKLAND, R. T., D.D.S___.........Lansingburgh. POULSON, F. M., D.D.S.............. BLOOD, F. T______..........______LeRoy. GOODING, M. S. Phila. Dent. Col. 84.. " HAIGHT, P. L.~ D.D's"."-"-"."-" .""""" Little Falls. Richards, M. A., D.D.S................. " SMITH, FLETCHER W. Mem. 5th Dist. Dent. Soc...............--- " SULLIVAN, J. C. Phila. Dent. Col. 93. " LOCKPORT. ALLEN, A. J., D.D.S. BEMENT, B. la. State Uni. 90. BRISTOL, L. W. CLEVELAND, H. L. Gaskell, J. LEAKE, W. J. 53 Main. Uni. Penna. 89. Mem. 8th Dist, Dent. Soc. MOYER, F. J. 66 Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 74. PEARSON, A. L. 66 Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 94. Sharp, C. H. Lou. Col. Dent. 91. TABER, S. LONG ISLAND CITY. BATTERMAN, F. H. 42 and 44 Jackson Ave. N. Y. Col. Dent. 83. Dent. Surg. Astoria and St. John's Hosps. Sec. City Bd. of Health. Meyer, L. M., D.D.S. SILL, B. F. 116 Main. STEBBINS, JULIUS M. 23 Stevens. N. Y. Col. Dent. 78. LYONS. ANDREWS, G. A., D.D.S. FORRESTER, H. E. Phila. Dent. Col. 86. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. McOMBER, F. H. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 87. COLLINS, C, D.D.S.............----Malone. COLLINS,L_____.....-......----- " HICKOK, H. D., D.D.S.....-.......--- " Perrine L. W.....................____Matteawan. STANSBROUGH, L. P.....------- " Gilson, C. D., D.D.S...........-------Mechanicsville. 378 NEW YORK LIST OP DENTISTS. MEDINA. AGNEW. T. H. Phila. Dent. Col. 91. Baker, E. M. Phila. Dent. Col. 77. BOWEN, A. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 60. MIDDLETOWN. Friend, F. N. McBRAIR, HENRY C. Main, cor. South. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 90. Mem. 2d Dist. Dent. Soc. Robinson, W. B. ROYCE, FREDERICK C. Main, cor. South. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 91. Mem. 2d Dist. Dent. Soc. Delegate Mem. State Soc. ROYCE, THOMAS C. Main, cor. South. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 53. Mem. State and 2d Dist. Dent. Socs. SWEEZY, A. W. Lyke, J. H., D.D.S..-..................Millerton. DEYO, E. W..........................Montgomery. FROST, F.............._..............Moravia. HORTON, J.J____................... " Dalton. U. A., D.D.S...................Morrisville. HOLMES, A. M., D.D.S__________ DUNN, F. M., D.D.S..................Mt. Kisco. HORTON, I. D., D.D.S................ BROWN, F.D........................Mt. Morris. LOVEJOY, M. E...................... MILLS, C.J......................... Povall,W. H., D.D.S................... MT. VERNON. COSTALES, E. D., D.D.S. PAGE, MELLVILLE S. 150 S. 2d Ave. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 87. SAGEMAN, L. W. 43 E. 2d. N. Y. Col. Dent. 81. SEAMAN, E. J. 27 S. 2d Ave. Smith, E. A. TRABAND, W. H., D.D.S. McDONALD, N. L....................Newark. MILLS, W. R., D.D.S. NEW BRIGHTON. SEARS, EDWARD H. 390 Richmond Terrace. N. Y. Col. Dent. 89. Mem. 2d Dist. Dent. Soc. NEWBURGH. ALLAN, CHAS. F. 43 Montgomery. Mem. N. Y. Odon. and 2d Dist. Dent. Socs. BAILEY, C. I., D.D.S. 93 Water. Barratt, W. C. CONOVER, C. A. 2d, cor. Water. Phila. Dent. Col. 90. Crandell, G. W. HILL, A. L. 32 Water. Phila. Dent. Col. 91. Kidd, W. RANDALL. W. V., D.D.S. NEW YORK LIST OP DENTISTS. 379 STRAW, L. S. Water, cor. 2d. Mem. N. Y. State and N. Y. Odon. and 2d Dist. Dent. Socs. STANBROUGH, W. M., D.D.S. WAIT, W., D.D.S. WALCH, J. WHITE, J. R. NEW ROCHELLE. Butler, E. S., D.D.S. HEPBURN, W. C. 2 Prospect. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 82. Mem. 2d Dist. Dent. Soc. NEW YORK. ABBOTT, F. 22 W. 40th. ALBERT, H. 142 W. 34th. Allen, G. S., 51 W. 37th. ALLEN, H. D. 155 W. 47. ATKINSON, C. B. 41 E. 9th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 86. BARNUM, W. H. 119 W. 21st. N. Y. Col. 76. BISHOP, J. A. 30 W. 48th. BUCHANAN, J. M. 31 Union Square. CHAIM, M. L. 18 cooper umuu. CLOSE, MONTIETH E. 503 5th Ave., cor. 42d. N. Y. Col. Dent. 76 Mem. N. Y. Dist. Dent. Soc. . CLOSE, S. L. 503 5th Ave., cor. 42d. M. D. Med. Col. Ohio, 49. CONVERSE, J. S. 42 W. 40th. Ohio Col. Dent. Surg. DABOLL, L. B. 257 W. 23d. DAVENPORT, S. E. 51 W. 47th. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 78. DAVIS, S. E. 31 W. 32d. DEANE, W. C. 860 Lexington Ave. N. Y. Col. Dent. 80. De Vries H. 134 W. 44th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 76. DIXON, E. H. 27 W. 36th. Harvard, 90. DODGE, J. S. 15 W. 20th. DOWNS W. R. J. 47 W. 33d. Dubar, C. L. 251 W. 22d. N. Y. Col Dent. 75 DUBOIS, C. A. 30 W. 35th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 82. Dwinelle W. H. 41 W. 34th. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 47. EVANS,' G. E. 49 W. 39th. FARRAR, J. N. 1271 Broadway. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 65. FINLEY, S. H. 175 Lexington Ave FLETCHER, C. R. 154 W. 93d. Uni. Pa. 88. FLETCHER T. A. 67 W. 54th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 79. FOURNIER, G. A. 307 E. 19th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 90. FOURNIER, J. 60 E. 58th. Uni. Md. 85. FRANCIS, C. E. 33 W. 47th. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 67. FRANCIS, W. E. 45 E. 22d. FREEMAN, S. 1109 Lexington Ave. Uni. Pa. 82. Gibson, K. C. 41 W. 45th. 380 NEW YORK LIST OF DENTISTS. GOLDSMITH, S. L. 129 E. 6th. Uni. Pa. 89. GOODWILLIE, JAS. 73 W. 46th. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 61. GOTTSCHALDT, M. C. 13 E. 46th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 82. HART, J. I. 47 W. 56th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 86. HARVITT, J. 216 E. Broadway. HATCH, H. D. 261 W. 34th. HILLER, W. G. 149 W. 92d. HILLS, W. B. 307 E. 18th. HOAG, W. E. 8 E. 43d. Hodson, J. F. P. 19 W. 39th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 67. HOME, J. W. 58 W. 47th. Howells, E. W. 108 W. 34th. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 78. HOWLAND, S. F. 41 W. 42d. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 70. HOYT, E. P. 17 W. 39th. HULL, H. J. 156 W. 45th. IVES, C. F. 62 W. 35th. N. W. Dent. Col. Chi. 91. JACKSON, V. H. 240 Lex. Ave. Uni. Mich. 77. Kidder, A. S. 104 W. 34th. Pa. Col. Dent. 62. KIMBALL, C. O. 49 W. 33d. LAMBERT, H. 240 E. 19th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 80. LE ROY, L. C. 6 Lex. Ave. N. Y. Col. Dent. 87. LINTON, C. C. 116 W. 123d. N. Y. Col. Dent. 90. LITTIG, J. B. 113 W. 47th. LORD, B. 34 W. 28th. McLaren, F. J. 201 W. 48th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 87. McNAUGHTON, S. H. 63 W. 49th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 76. MARSHALL, H. G. 144 W. 126th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 79. MASON, GEO. L. 34 W. 36th. Harvard, 74. MEINER, E. E. 106 W. 13th. MELONEY, C. W. 54 W. 48th. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 70. MERRITT, C. 39 W. 42d. MERSEREAU, G. B. 32 E. 28th. MEYER, J. H. 159 W. 34th. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 83. MILLER, A. B. 33 W. 47th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 76. MILLER, C. W. 85 E. 56th. Morse, D. E. 135 E. 79th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 75. MORSE, J. W. 102 W. 41st. NASH, B. C. 113 W. 78th. Nisley, J. C. 35 W. 46th. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 77. NORTHROP, A. L. 57 W. 49th. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 67. PALMER, D. 134 W. 45th. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 83. PALMER, E. 134 W. 45th. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 83. Palmer, J. G. 18 W. 35th. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 81. PEASE, C. G. 101 W. 72d. Phila. Dent. Col. 90. PERRY, B. J. 311 Madison Ave. PERRY, S. G. 46 W. 37th. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 63. Peters, A. L. 58 2d Ave. N Y. Col. Dent. 80. PHILLIPS, C. E. H. 33 W. 47th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 82. PRESSLER, V. 105 E. 6th. RAYMOND, E. H. 35 W. 53d. N. Y. Col. Dent. 70. REED, J. H. 120 W. 87th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 80. REINHOLD, A. J. 116 W. 123d. NEW YORK LIST OF DENTISTS. 381 REMINGTON, F. A. 57 W. 49th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 77. RETTICH, H. 118 W. 5th. Phila. Dent. Col. 78. RHEIN, M. L. 104 E. 58th. Uni. Pa. 81. RICH, G. H. 21 E. 75th. RICHARDSON, C. C. 1190 Madison Ave. SABATER, D. W. 107 E. 30th. N. Y. Col, Dent. 79. Sailer, Z. T. 40 W. 33d. N. Y. Col. Dent, 80. SANFORD & SNIFFEN. 1305 B'way. SANFORD, EDWARD A. 1305 B'way. N. Y. Col. Dent. 94. SCOTT, C. F. 105 E. 24th. SHIELDS, N. T. 154 Madison Ave. Uni. Md. 84. SICHEL, M. 743 Lex. Ave. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 84. Sisson, H. H. 04 W. 49th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 81. SISSON, S. 222 E. 13th. SMITH, D. 3 E. 47th. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 84. SMITH, F. B. 32 W. 31st. Smith, F. M. 141 W. 122d. N. Y. Col. Dent. 79. SNIFFEN, D. AUSTIN. 1305 B'way. N. Y. Col. Dent. 94. Direc- tor Chem. Laboratory N. Y. Col. Dent. Mem. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. STARR, A. R. 164 E. 91st. N. Y. Col. Dent. 80. STROHMEYER, J. J. 231 Lex. Ave. N. Y. Col. Dent. 84. TAYLOR, J. W. 108 E. 75th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 84. Toledo, M. V. 113 E. 18th. TURNER, F. C. 58 W. 50th. VALENTINE, D. W. 8 E. 43d. WADSWORTH, T. A. 159 W. 34th. N. Y. Col. Dent. 69. WALKER, W. W. 58 W. 50th. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 84. WARDWELL, C. S. 35 W. 38th. Phila. Dent. Col. 77. Wardwell, I. F. 35 W. 38th. Phila. Dent. Col. 76. WARNER, L. M. 119th W. 34th. WILLIAMS, D. W. 121 W. 21st. WILSON, G. A. 51 W. 37th. WOODWARD, C. A. 12 W. 53d. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 61. WOODWARD, W. A. 46 W. 37th. NIAGARA FALLS. BENTLEY, D. F. Dent. Dept. Vanderbilt Uni. 90. Mem. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. etc. ^ COOLEY, M. O. 58 Gluck Bld'g. Phila. Dent. Col. 87. Mem. Am. Dent. Assn. etc. CREASE, H. C. Allen Blk. Phila. Dent. Col. 93. CRYSLER, A. C. Allen Blk. McEWEN, WM. D. Lang's Blk. 2001 Main. LYALL, ANTHONY, Asst. to Dr. Wm. D. McEwen. PRINGLE, G. W. Gluck Bld'g. Louisville Col. Dent. 92. Mem. Niagara and Orleans Cos. Socs. REDPATH, P. E. 3 Falls. Uni. Penn. 84. Shirley, NORTH TONAWANDA. PURDY, J. W. Phila. Dent. Col. 92. Richardson, L. G., D.D.S. 382 NEW YORK LIST OF DENTISTS. Wright R G. ....Norwich. Allen, E. J----------------------- << RHODES, L. A........-.....------ SUMNER, C. G..-------.......----- SUMNER, F. I., D.D.S........----- TWINER, H. S......-..........----- . Coltrim, C. W. - - - - - - - - --z------------****?,*• GILCHRIST, H. C, D.D.S........--- ADAIR, G. H., D.D.S..................Ogdensburg. Austin, J. B..........-................. BLODGETT, S. S..................... DICKSON, J. R., D.D.S................ " NEWELL, J. T...................--- Scobie, D. A., D.D.S..............____ " BURROWS, D.E.........__________Olean. JACKSON, E. S.,D.D.S................ LEWIS, S. E...................... NOYES, W. P............... WHIPPLE, E. O., D.D.S ... CHERRY, A.E..........'._________Oneida. NEEDHAM, A. V. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 89........... 8 «. RICE, L. H........ Smith, C. A......... ...... Barnes, A. S., D.D.S........™I"""_Oneonta. GOLDSMITH, G. W., D.D.S LE SUER, W. J., D.D.S MORGAN, E.J. ... ........." PETERS, G.B____ Pollard, G. F., D.D.S..................".Oriskany Falls. OSWEGO. HITCHCOCK, T. S. JACOBS, M. LEWIS, W. D. U. S. Life Ins. Bld'g. Phila. Dent. Col. 91. MILLIKEN, F. E. 7 and 8 Arcade Blk. Slocum, S., D.D.S. SMITH, A. S. SULLIVAN, A. A. West 1st, cor. Bridge. OWEGO. DOWNS, E. D. Phila. Dent. Col. 83. Mem. Bd. Curators Dent' Dept. Uni Buff. Mem. Dent. Soc. 9th Intern'l Med. Cong- rr ♦• Mer5LN- Y. State Dent. Soc. etc. Hastings, W. A., D.D.S MAYOR & SON., D.D.S HILL, H.H. ' ECOLESTON, O. H r> e a THOMPSON, C. b7dds.......- — -Oxford. AYERS, F. c, DDS "-"■.....""™ , BROWN, F. o .............. -Palmyra. NORTH, E. cl~.~_~_~_~.~_~_....."".......... NEW YORK LIST OF DENTISTS. 383 Furman, C. L., D.D.S______________ Suffolk. LONGNECKER, S. W . REEVE, W. A., D.D.S_______...... " PEEKSKILL. BEALE, J. M. FULLER, E. D. M.D. Uni. N. Y. 78. Mem. 2d Dist. Dent. Soc. LOCKWOOD, F. L. N. Y. Col. Dent. 92. WYGANT, EMMA C. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 91. WYGANT, H. B. PENN YAN. ELMENDORF, C. PHILLIPS, H. R. Chronicle Bldg. Reynolds, R. W. SLEEPER, C. M. SMITH, W. W. 13 Arcade. Mem. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. Pres. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. WREAN, R. S. Chronicle Bldg. Calkins, C. R., D.D.S...................Perry. COLE, F. H., D.D.S................... " SCRANTON, H. M..........__...... " SNOW. J. R............_______.....Phelps. WHITE, W. A., D.D.S................ " BAILEY, J. F---....................Plattsburgh. Brenan, W. I., D.D.S.........._______ PATTINSON, F. A., D.D.S________ SENECOL, E. G., D.D.S___.....___ WILKINSON, R. C, D.D.S............ Mack, G. A., D.D.S........____.......Ploasantville. PORT CHESTER. FERRIS, C. W. N. Y. Col. Dent. 81. SEAMAN, J. W. TOOKER, W. F. N. Y. Col. Dent. 88. Barrett, V_____................___Port Jervis. ELLIOTT, W. S., D.D.S............... " LUDLAM, F. W., D.D.S.............. " NOLL, J. A., D.D.S.................... " SWEEZY, F. W., D.D.S.. ............ " POUGHKEEPSIE. BARLOW, C. K. 306 Main. BEDELL, W. H. 326 Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 89. CLARK, R. J. Asst. to Dr. Stephen Palmer. DOWNING, M. DU BOIS, T. W. 347 Main. Foote, P. L., D.D.S. MILLER, C. D. 293 Main. MILLS, JOHN J. 348 Main. NEWKIRK, D. M. PALMER, STEPHEN. 310 Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 90. 384 NEW YORK LIST OF DENTISTS. ROCHESTER. ARNOLD, W. F. 30 Scio. BANTON, E. 120 N. Clinton. Pa Col. Dent. Surg. 92. BARR, W. H. 426 West Ave. Uni. Md. Dent. Dept. 93. BARRY, J. B. 528 Granite Bldg. BEEBEE, J. H. 912 Wilder Bldg. A. B. & A. M. Colgate Urn. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. BELDING, E. W. 522 N. St. Paul. BELDING, HOMER. 110 and 112 E. Main. BELDING, F. S. 110 and 112 E. Main. BUCHANAN, J. M. BURNS & REEVES. 801 Granite Bldg. BURNS, A. J. 801 Granite Bldg. Mem. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. M.D.S. 88. Cady, C. S. 27 E. Main. Decker, R. J. 86 State. DONSTON, E. P. 187 E. Main. M. R. C. S. Guys Hosp. London, 87. Harvard, 90. Edington, I. C, D.D.S. 62 State. ELLSWORTH, C. H. 152 E. Main. ERLER, R. 24 Cleveland. FENN, H. J. 138 E. Main. Uni. Md. 90. FRENCH, FRANK, M.D.S. 62 State. Sec. N. Y. State Bd. Dent. Examrs. Mem. X. Y. State Dent. Soc. etc. GILBERT, LEWIS H. 614 E. and B. Bldg. Uni. Pa. 92. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. GOBLE, L. S., D.D.S. 360 E. Main. Graves, J. W., D.D.S. 204 E. Main. GRISWOLD, H. P. 102 Weld. HENDRICKSON, F. E. Lyell Ave. cor. State. Penna. Col. Dent. Surg. 87. Mem. Central Dent. Assn. of N. J. HERT, B. S. 528 Powers Blk. Uni. Penna. 84. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. HLLL, C. C. 196 E. Main. HILL, P. K. 142 E. Main. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 84. HOGARTH, L. N. 110 and 112 E. Main. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 92. HOFHEINZ, R. H. 138 E. Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 79. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. HOWELL, C. F. 522 Powers Blk. Mem. X. Y. State Dent. Soc. etc. M.D.S. HULME, MORGAN L. 170 Plymouth Ave. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 91. Lasalle, B. F. Granite Bldg. LINE, J. EDW. 39 State. Pa. Col. Dent. Surtr. 71. Prof. Dent. Anat. and Histol. Uni. Buff. Mem. X. Y. State and Am. Dent. Socs. LINK, EDWARD G. 146 E. Main. Uni. Pa. 88. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. McMullen, M. F. 170 E. Main. Miller, H. S. 614 E. and B. Bldg. NICHOLSON, C. H. 934 Granite Bldg. Uni. Md. 93. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. REEVES, H. C. 801 Granite Bldg. Dent. Dept. la. State Uni. 91. NEW YORK LIST OF DENTISTS. 385 Requa, J. 903 Wilder Bldg. Requa, L. 903 Wilder Bldg. Uni. Pa. 89. Rood, F. M. 513 Powers Blk. Salter, R. 94 State. SANFORD, F. H. 222 E. Main. SANFORD, J. E. 35 and 36 Elwood Blk. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. SAUNDERS, BOYD G. 63 East Ave. Uni. Penna. 81. Clin. Lect. Operat. Dent. N. Y. Col. Dent. Mem. Am. Dent. Assn. etc. Schuyler, B. F. 612 Granite Bldg. SCRANTON, E. M. 702 and 704 Granite Bldg. SIBLEY, FRANK L. 95 Lake Ave. Uni. Buff. Dent. Dept. 94. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. SMITH & HOWELL, 522 Powers Bldg. SMITH, PORTER H. 522 Powers Blk. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. SOUTHWICK, F. S. 16 State. THOMPSON, L. I. 257 West Ave. Uni. Penna. 88. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. Dent. Surg. Roch. City Hosp. Vincent, O. N. 65 State. WALTER & BEEBEE, 912 Wilder Bldg. WALTER, L. D. 912 Wilder Bldg. O. Col. Dent. Surg. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. WAUGH, D. H. 19 S. Clinton. Phila. Dent. Col. 89. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. etc. WELLER, J. L. 18 Elwood Bldg. WHITE DENTAL PARLORS, THE. 187 E. Main. WOODWORTH, F. J. 26 E. Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 92. Mem. 7th Dist. Dent. Soc. Sec. and Treas. Roch. Dent. Soc. ROME. COWLES, A. B. 124 W. Dominick. Mem. 5th Dist. Dent. Soc. LLOYD, G. H. 113 N. Washington. Attd. Phila. Dent. Col. 76. ROBERTS, A. S. TREMAIN, S. F. & SON. 203 W. Dominick. TREMAIN, W. F. 203 W. Dominick. Phila. Dent. Col. 89. Mem. 5th Dist. Dent. Soc. VAN VLECK, C. H. SARATOGA. Doolittle, E. MONROE, E. A. PEARSALL, E. S. RICH, A. C. 9, 11 and 13 Arcade. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 75. Sec. 4th Dist. Dent. Soc. Delegate Mem. State Soc. RICH, C. F. 9, 11 and 13 Arcade. Mem. N. Y. State and 4th Dist. Dent. Socs. ROSSITER, A. A. Weed, P. W. Hotaling, G., D.D.S---------........Saugerties. WYGANT, M. H----------........ BUTTON, H. G__________________Schaghticoke. Hornbrooke, J--------------------- THOMPSON, F. G.....__________ 386 NEW YORK LIST OP DENTISTS. CARMICHAEL, B. F____.....____Schenectady. GROSS, A. J., D.D.S.................. HALL. J.B........................... SANDERS, G.C......____.......... Smith,D. R.............._______..... SENECA FALLS. BELCHER, WM. W. 70 Fall. Phila. Dent. Col. 89. Mem. N. Y. State and 7th Dist. Dent. Socs. GOULD, M. C. Sahler, J. H., D.D.S. SING SING. FANCHER, WM. M. 141 Main. PROVOST, D. E. SHERWOOD, E. B. TWIGGAR, ALBERT W. 164 Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 94. Dem- onstrator N. Y. Col. Dent. Fisher, F. W., D.D.S...................Skaneateles. INGERSON, A. P........._____..... ALLING, E. D........................Sodus. LEE, W. S............___........... " VAUGHAN, A. L.................___Springville. Wait, C............................... SYRACUSE. BARNES, CHAS. H. 115 E. Jefferson. Uni. Pa. 91. Mem. Co. Dent. Soc. Dem. Operat. Dent. Uni. Pa. 92 and 93. BARNES, W. L. 532 N. Salina. N. W. Uni. Dent. Dept. 92. Mem. Syr. Dent. Soc. Beach, A. H. 208 W. Fayette. BENZ, F. W. 1309 N. Salina. Phila. Dent. Col. 92. Mem. Syr. Dent. Soc. Billington, B. H. The Bastable. BILLHARDT, HARRY T. Syracuse House Blk. Uni. Buff. 95. BUTLER, G. H. 320 Montgomery. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 82. Mem. 5th Dist. Dent. Soc. etc. CHANDLER, C. L. 619 E. Fayette. Cherry, C. E. 129 W. Fayette. CHURCH, C. A. Asst. to Dr. J. R, Comins. Uni. Mich. 93. COMINS, J. R. 322 Montgomery. Bost. Dent. Col. 79. COOKE, A. R. 120 E. Jefferson. Phila. Dent. Col. 84. Mem. 5th Dist. Dent. Soc. COURTNEY, A. G. Hendricks Blk. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 91. Mem. 5th Dist. Dent. Soc. CUMMINGS, J. E., D.D.S. 317 S. Warren. CUNNINGHAM, J. M. The Bastable. O. Col. Dent. Surg. 89. CUSH, JOHN. Snow Bldg. Uni. Pa. 94. Dallas, A. J., D.D.S. 118 E. Fayette. Dayan, S. C, D.D.S. 600 E. Genesee. EICHOLTZ, R. W. 600 E. Genesee. Uni. Md. 92. ELLIOTT, GEO. L. 116 E. Genesee. ELLIS, C. G. Syracuse House Blk, NEW YORK LIST OP DENTISTS. 387 ENSIGN, CHAS. L. 42 and 43 Snow Bldg. Uni. Pa. 86. Mem. 5th Dist. Dent. Soc. FENNER, F. Washington, cor. Clinton. GLIDDEN, O. A. 521 Warren. Cer. Ex. 111. State Bd. Dent. Exmrs. 82 GRAY, M. E. 61 Wieting Blk. Pbila. Dent. Col. 84. Mem. 5th Dist. Dent. Soc. HARDISTY, G. H. 236 W. Genesee. Phila. Dent. Col. 83. Hitchcock, T. E. Pike Blk. KLOCK, W. F. 7 Greyhound Blk. N. Y. Post. Grad. Dent. Sch. 80. Mem. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. LANDON, W. N. 406 Warren. LORD, DAVID S. 39 and 40 Nottingham Bldg. Mem. N. Y. State and 6th Dist. Dent. Socs. MATSON, A. H. Larned Bldg. NEARING, GEO. EDWD. 601 Warren. N. Y. Col. Dent. 87. Mem. 5th Dist. Dent. Soc. V.-Pres. Onondaga Soc. Delegate N. Y. State Soc. NEARING, L. A. 601 Warren. Mem. 5th Dist. Dent. Soc. etc. NELLIS. F. D. 1 Hendricks Blk. Mem. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. etc. PALMER, STEWART B., M.D.S. 225 Warren. Mem. Am. Dent. Assn. and N. Y. State and N. Y. Odontological and 5th Dist. Dent. Socs. etc. Mem. N. Y. State Bd. Dent. Examrs. Mem. Bd. Curators Uni. Buff. Dent. Dept. PECK, M. A. Crouse Bldg. Peters, C. J., D.D.S. 302 S. Salina. SMITH, A. F. The Bastable. Uni. Pa. 92. STILLMAN, A. A. 509 S. Salina. N. Y. Col. Dent. 82. Mem. 5th Dist. Dent. Soc. STOKES, W. H. 116 S. Salina. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 91. SWIFT, G. H. 310 Kirk Blk. TALLEY, S. W. Fayette, cor. Salina. Vanderbilt Uni. 83. WEEKS, LEON J. 118 E. Jefferson. N. Y. Col. Dent. 92. Mem. Co. Dent. Soc. WICKS, PARKE W. 6 Joy Bldg. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 86. WILLIAMSON, W. W. 113 E. Jefferson. WRIGHT, GEO. L. 220 S. Salina. N. Y. Col. Dent. 93. REYNOLDS, HORACE. N. Y. Col. Dent. 86____...................Tarrytown. Rowe, T. V. &E. P.............-..... TONAWANDA. DIXON, M. J. N. Y. Col. Dent. 90. Chicago Col. Prosthetic Dent. 92. Hall, G. W., D.D.S. TROY. BARRETT, M. J., D.D.S. Carmichael, J. S. ,..,,■,«, CADY DENTAL CO., F. E. Blakeslee, Mgr. Uni. Md. 94. GABELER, C. H. 32 4th. HAWKINS, F. F. 61 4th. Perm. Mem. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. Ex. Pres. 3d Dist. Dent. Soc. JENKINS, C. H. 79 Congress. 388 NEW YORK LIST OF DENTISTS. Knauf, E. J. 49 3d. LYMAN, H. D. 4 Keenan Bld'g. McCARTY, W. E. 351 Broadway. MYERS, C. G. 92 4th. NELSON, H. G. 2007 5th Ave. STIMPSON, C. P. 57 4th. Valdez, P. 45 Hall Bld'g. WRIGHT, A. M. 38 3d. YOUNG, E. J. 108 3d. YOUNG, G. B. 78 4th. UTICA. BRADISH, T. L. BROWN, J. 196 Genesee. Cook, A. A., D.D.S. 230 Genesee. COOLEY, D. B. 73 John. EVANS, M. J. 196 Genesee. GRAYSTONE, H. W. HITCHCOCK, C. M. 230 Genesee. Horsey, G. F. 221 Genesee. JONES, DAVID G. 223 Genesee. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 89. Jones, R. F., D.D.S. 230 Genesee. Jones, S. H., D.D.S. 161 Genesee. KLINCK, E. J. 207 Genesee. Lee, A. H. Arcade Bld'g. PARRY, I. W. 11 Fayette. PRENTICE, W. A. 226 Genesee. PRIEST, A. N., M.D.S. 236 Genesee. Mem. Am. Dent. Soc. etc. Mem. Bd. Curators Uni. Buff. PRIEST, J. A. 236 Genesee. RETTER, A., D.D.S. 155 Genesee. Rowlands, W. A., D.D.S. 180 Genesee. SHOTTHAFER, E., D.D.S. 156 Genesee. STEBER, H. A. 133 Columbia. SWARTWOUT, E. L. 134 Park Ave. Thomas & Ulrey, D.D.S. 191 Genesee. TOMPKINS, H. H., D.D.S. 134 Park Ave. WARNE S, T. F., D. D. S. 343 Genesee. ROUNDS, L.J........................Vestal. BLAUVELT, D. B.....___________Walden. Varcoe, C. W., D.D.S____.........____ GREENWOOD, E. D............___Walton. HARRIS, E. W., D.D.S................ WOOD, C. J___........... ____.....Wappinger's Falls. BARTLETT, C.G.............______Warsaw. BARTLETT, W. B. Uni. Buff. 95..... Gardiner________________......____ " GATES J B " LEWIS,' s! A."" Mem 8th Dist.'Dent". Soc. EDRALL, A. W., D.D.S___________Warwick. HOLLY, J. W.....______________ WOOD, H.,D. D. S.-_................- NEW YORK LIST OP DENTISTS. 389 Hawley, A. T., D.D.S___..............Waterford. BACHMAN, CO.,D.D.S____........Waterloo. DENNISON, J. S. Uni. Pa. 86. Mem. 7th Dist. Soc................ ARMSTRONG, D. B., D. D. S...........Watertown. Budling, W. A............... DENNY, F. P., D.D.S.......... HARRINGTON, E. E., D.D.S......... HARRINGTON, M. C, D.D. S......... Howard, C. W., D.D.S____............ SEAREN, G. H., D.D.S............... BENNETT, C. H......................Waterville. Damon, W. A________................ EDWARDS. D. L., D.D.S.............. JONES, W........................___ FIRMAN, C. H.......................Watkins. DAVIS, E. M. N. Y. Col. Dent. 84-...Waverly. Nelson, E. SNOOK, F. M. Mem. 6th Dist. Dent. Soc. SPRAGUE, A. J___..................Weedsport. Conrad, T..............................West Chester. McClelland, j. a............___ QUILAN, G. B., D.D.S................West Troy. WHITE PLAINS. PLATT, G. G. Sniffen Bldg. 8 to 5. SNIFFEN, D. AUSTIN. Hopper Bldg. N. Y. Col. Dent. 94. Director Chem. Laboratory N. Y. Col. Dent. Mem. N. Y. State Dent. Soc. White, F. W. YONKERS. BERTHOLF, H. WINTHROP. 86 Warburton Ave. Phila. Dent. Col. 89. CARMAN, R. C. Asst. to Dr. R. A. Fones. N. Y. Col. Dent. 93. DAVIS, E. STANTON. 6 Main. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 92. FONES, R. A. 14 S. Broadway. N. Y. Col. Dent. 75. Mem. Conn. Val. Dent. Soc. GARRATT, W. H. 36 N. Broadway. N. Y. Col. Dent. 92. HOAG, J. H. 86 Warburton Ave. N. Y. Col. Dent. 77. Lovejoy, S. C. 38 Warburton Ave. RIVINIUS, J. W. N. Y. Col. Dent, 85 Underhill, T. I., D.D.S. CONNECTICUT DENTISTS. Arranged Alphabetically by Post-offices. ANSONIA. DUGAN, H. J. 72 Main. HITCHCOCK, M. C. 105 Main. Penna. Col. Dent. Surg. 77. Mem. State and Ct. Val. Dent. Socs. RUSSELL, R. G. BRIDGEPORT. ADAMS, CARROLL B. 403 Main. Att'd N. Y. Col. Dent. 79-SO. Baker, C. B. BARDEN, G. F. 61 Fairfield Ave. Phila. Dent. Col. 88. BARKER. GARDINER H. 305 State. la. State Uni. Dent. Dept. 91. BAULIEU, WM. J. 91 John. Mem. State Dent. Soc. Dental Laboratory. BEEBE, D. R. 239 Noble Ave. CAIROLI, J. S., D.D.S. 398 Main. Eighme, G. C, D.D.S. 422 Main. Ferris, W. L., D.D.S. 354 Main. FONES, ALFRED C. 337 Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 91. Mem. State Dent. Soc. FONES, CIVILION. 337 Main. Bait Col. Dent. Surg. 77. Uni. Md. 77. Pres. State Bd. Dent. Commissioners. Mem. State and Ct. Val. Dent. Socs. FONES, A. E. 179 East Washington Ave. GERRISH, WM. F. 163 E. Washington Ave. N. Y. Col. Dent. 80. Gibbs, C. F., D.D.S. 407 Main. GRIFFITH, E. B. 416 Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 88. Mem. State Dent. Soc. HINDSLEY, F. Main, cor. Elm. Mem. Am. and State Dent. Socs. JACKMAN, F. H. Asst, to Dr. Strang. Bait. Col. Dent, Surg. 92. Merritt, C. G. & J. P. Rector & Uhle. 388 Main. SAGE, L. E., D.D.S. SPALDING, C. E. 139 Fairfield Ave. STRANG, C. W. 407 Main. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 67. Mem. State and Ct. Val. Dent. Socs. 390 CONNECTICUT DENTISTS. 391 Van Yorx, W. T. WARNES, EDWARD S. 420 Main. Att'd Phila. Dent. Col. 83. WILLIAMS, G. F. 327 Main. Uni. Pa. 90. Mem. State Dent. Soc. BRISTOL. BEACH, LOUIS L. Phila. Dent. Col. 91. Mem. State Dent. Soc. TYLER, I. WARNES, H. W. WILSON, J. S. DANBURY. BEARDSLEY, J. E. 205 Main. CHAPMAN, S. W. Asst. to Dr. J. C. Whaley. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 90. Mem. State Dent. Soc. DOWNS, J. C. 187 Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 87. Mem. State Dent. Soc. HADLEY, W. E. HAWLEY, G. KETTELL. Main, cor. West. Atlanta Dent. Col. 92. MEAD, A. S. 301^ Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 92. RIDER, J., & SON. Thornton, C. H. WHALE V, J. C. 242 Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 86. Mem. State Dent. Soc. DERBY. LEACH, B. F. NETTLETON, C. B. NETTLETON, H. A. TILEY, C. B. Phila. Dent. Col. 88. Mem. State and Ct. Val. Dent. Socs. GREENWICH. CROOKER, C. L. HOWGATE, C. W. JUDD, E. N. Mead, B. E. & E. I. HARTFORD. BARRETT, GEO. F., D.D.S. 321 Main. Bullock, H. C. 346 Main. CARMICHAEL, J. K. 435 Main. CARNEY, J. W. 346 Main. CHAPMAN, L. G. 36 Pratt. Crane, S. L. G. 8 State. DOEBLER, J. F. 405 Main. DUNHAM, F. W. 377 Main. E BE RLE, EDWARD., D.D.S. 309 Main. 392 CONNECTICUT DENTISTS. ERICHSON, CHARLES B. 3 Asylum. FISK, H. J., D.D.S. 223 Asylum. GRISWOLD, M. 193^ Pratt. GRISWOLD, M. R. 368 Main. HARPER, J. W. 253 Main. Holt, C. H. 265 Main. LAW, W. H., D.D.S. 382 Main. McMANUS, C, D.D.S. 32 Pratt. McMANUS, H., D.D.S. 32 Pratt. McManus, J., D.D.S. 32 Pratt. McNEARY, WM. H., D.D.S. 435 Main. MIX, F. E. 53 Pratt. PARMELE, G. L., D.D.S. 25 Pratt. STARR, T. K. 382 Main. TAYLOR, L. C. 26 Pratt. WHITFORD, E. R. 212 Asylum. MERIDEN. BARKER, C. C. 16 W. Main. Pres. Ct. Val. Dent. Soc. Ex-Pres. State Dent. Soc. Brown, A. L,, D.D.S. DOOLITTLE, L. T. 42 W. Main. Eager, F. L. FLANAGAN, J. J., D.D.S. 69 E. Main. McMahon, D. C, D.D.S. MAC VEAN, R. K. Asst. to Dr. T. S. Rust. Mem. State Dent. Soc. MURDOCK, F. L., D.D.S. 1 Wilcox Bld'g. PATZOLD, H. L. 66 W. Main. N. Y. Col. Dent. 88. Pember, C. POWERS, P. A., D.D.S. RUST, T. S. 3 Palace Blk. Mem. State Dent. Soc. MIDDLETOWN. BABCOCK, W. E. Asst. to Dr. Chas. P. Graham. FAGAN A. H. FRENCH, ALVAN P. 267 Main. Mem. State and Ct. Val. Dent. Socs. GAFFEY, E. F. 414 Main. Uni. Wash. 90. GRAHAM, CHAS. P. 260 Main. Pres. State Dent. Soc. Mem. State Bd. Dent. Examrs. HOLMES, A. E. Hutchins, D. A. Lambertson, H. WATROUS, O. S. 267 Main. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 84. Mem. State Dent. Soc. NAUGATUCK. GERRISH, W. E. N. Y. Col. Dent. 88. Mem. Am. Dent. Protective Assn. Gorton, H. H. CONNECTICUT DENTISTS. 393 NEW BRITAIN. ABBEY, ELMER B. 140 Main. Phila. Dent. Col. 84. Mem. State and Ct, Val. Dent. Socs. DUNHAM, R. C. ERICHSON, C. B. Johnson, A. B., D.D.S. MACDONALD, P. J. 277 Main. Phila. Dent. Col. 91. VAN NATTEN, J. E. 218 Main. WALES, A. E. 259 Main. Phila. Dent. Col. 87. Mem. State and Ct. Val. Dent. Socs. NEW HAVEN. BRADLEY, W. V., D.D.S. 775 Chapel. BUR WELL, R. F. 38 Grand Ave. Bushnell, John H. 89 Grand Ave. DAVIS, W. S. 793 Chapel. EHNI, R. F., D.D.S. 774 Chapel. EHNI, WM. 774 Chapel. Fuller, Austin B. 6 Elm. HILDEBRANDT, WM. B. Whitney Ave. JONES, DANIEL A., D.D.S. 746 Chapel. LAWTON, G. A., D.D.S. 128 Olive. Mayer, Wm. J„ D.D.S. 1028 Chapel. MINOR, W. H., D.D.S. 818 Chapel. Nettleton, G. E. 46 College. PETERSON, GEORGE F. 26 Elm. RICE, ARTHUR M., D.D.S. 101 Orange. Ross, J. B., D.D.S. 868 Chapel. SPANG, H. A., D.D.S. 817 Chapel. SPROAT, T. A., D.D.S. 749 Chapel. STEARNS, GEORGE O. 489 State. STEVENS, HENRY J. 916 Chapel. Stiles, Isaac W. 746 Chapel. TDLEY, CURTIS B., D.D.S. 225 Crown. WHITNEY, SUMNER C. 121 Church. WILMOT, F. G. 6 Elm. WILSON, ELWOOD. 138 Orange. NEW LONDON. Blood, C. F. E. BROWN, R. W., D.D.S. GAFFEY, E. F., D.D.S. HOTCHKISS, F. C. Keeney, W. B. MORRIS, C. H., D.D.S. PRENTIS, E. NEW MILFORD. ALLEN, C.H., D.D.S. BATTAM, W. E. KNOWLES, D. W. Tappen, C. A. 394 CONNECTICUT DENTISTS. NORWALK. BALDWIN, W. H., D.D.S. Hyatt, F. T. MANY, C. W. NEWKIRK, J. C. WOODWARD, H. A. N. Y. Col. Dent. 90. NORWICH. BID WELL, F. BUTLER, B. W. ELDRED. J. H. GEER, S. L. Perkins, A. H. ROCKVILLE. ALLEN, G. W. HALT, C. H. IDE, E. T. LOOMIS, W. H. Roberts, R. N. SEYMOUR. SMITH, CHAS. C. Bank St. Seymour, R. SOUTH NORWALK. BOUTWELL, C. F. Main St. BENNT, G. W. Asst. to Dr. Boutwell. DARMER, F. W. Kendall, G. S., D.D.S. WEED, W. L. 79 E. Washington. N. Y. Col. Dent. 90. STAMFORD. Brown, P. H. N. Y. Col. Dent. 74. COOK, W. R. 20 Atlantic. HERTZ, J. D. 57 Atlantic. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 93. Ketcham, T. V. Hanaway, J. M. PHILLIPS, G. A. 101 Main. Att'd. Phila. Dent. Col. 87. Prior, P. W. N. Y. Col. Dent. 93. WEED, ALBERT G. 57 Atlantic. Uni. Pa. 82. TORRINGTON. BELDEN, C. A. HUBBEL, G. C, D.D.S. Marvin, C. A. WALLINGFORD. BARKER, J. T. Phila. Dent. Col. 84. Mem. State Dent. Soc. etc. CRAIG, G. H. Kimberley, J. T. CONNECTICUT DENTISTS. 395 WATERBURY. Brown, F. J. CHIPMAN, S. W., D.D.S. Cook, F. F. FROST, M. L. 171 Bank. GATES, C. E. 109 Bank. Phila. Dent. Col. 80. Mem. State Dent. Soc. LANCASTER, W. H. Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 92. Mahony, J. W. MOYER, E. W. 65 Bank. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 87. PATZOLD, E. R. 90 Bank. Quigley, C. V. J. RUSSELL, I. N. RYDER, FRANK L. 138 Bank. Att'd. Uni. Mich. 86. Mem. Am. Protective Dent. Assn. WATERS, G. H. Weiss, C. X. Walters, G. H. WILLIMANTIC. BENTLEY, J. B. Bishop, H. C. SEGAR, A. V., D.D.S. WILCOX, G. E., D.D.S. DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS. BUFFALO. BAUER, THEO. V. 437 Genesee. Tel. Ph. G. Uni. Buff. 92. Mem. Co. Phar. Soc. BISCHOF BROS. 666 Clinton. Mem. Co. Phar. Soc. Chas. T. N. Y. Col. Phar. 90. COULSON, WM. 180 Seneca. Mem. N. Y. State Phar. Soc. etc. Ont. Col. Phar. 70. Tel. DAMBACH, W. C. 598 Main, cor. Chippewa, and 290 Seneca, cor. Chicago. Mem. State and Erie Co. Phar. Socs. DARLINGTON, JAMES A. 132 William, and 181 William, and 553 Clinton. Mem. N. Y. State Phar. Soc. etc. Tel. DWYER, EDWARD. 346 N. Division. Mem. Co. Phar. Soc. Tel. GRILLS,' R. W. 1425 Main. Mem. Co. Phar. Soc. HAMBLETON, R. S. Swan, cor. Spring, and Delaware, cor. Sessions Ave. Mem. Co. Phar. Soc. HOFF, W. B. 120 Chenango, cor. Mass. Tel. Bryant 31. Mem. N. Y. Phar. Soc. etc. HORTON, J. M.' 163 E. Utica. Tel. N. Y. Col. Phar. 88. JEFFREY & GOTSHALL. 311 Main. Tel. Jeffrey. Tor. Col. Phar. 86. Mem. N. Y. State Phar. Soc. etc. Gotshall, Md. Col. Phar. 76. JOHNSON, THOS. M. 161 E. Ferry. Mem. Co. Phar. Soc. KELLER &DEUCHLER. 718 and 757 Seneca. Mem. N. Y. State Phar. Soc. Tel. KENDALL, WM. A. 720 Elmwood Ave. Tel. Uni. Buff. 91. KINGSTON, E. A. 1540 Main. Tel. Mem. N. Y. State Phar. Soc. KRUG, J. F. 1066 Broadway. Mem. N. Y. State Phar. Soc. etc. LOCKIE, P. M. 1872 Niagara. Ont. Col. Phar. 89. Mem. Co. Phar. Soc. Tel. LUSTIG, EMIL. 644 William. Ph. G. Phila. Col. Phar. 77. Mem. Co. Phar. Soc. PERKINS, JAS. L. & CO. 1233 Michigan. Tel. Mem. N. Y. State Phar. Soc. etc. RETEL'S PHARMACY. 247 Broadway. RIDER, H. S. Ashland Ave. cor. Lexington. Tel. SAYLES, GEO. W. 282 Amherst. Mem. Co. Phar. Soc. SCHWABE, EDWARD L. A. 474 Ellicott. Tel. Ph. G. Bruns- wick 73. Mem. Co. Phar. Soc. 396 DRUGGISTS AND PHYSICIANS. 397 SMITH, J. EDWARD. 834 Michigan. Tel. Ph. G. Buff. Col. Phar. 88. Mem. Co. Phar. Soc. TROTTER, R. W. 569 Walden Ave. Tel. WOHRLE, O. E. 1223 Jefferson, cor. Kingsley. Tel. Mem. Co. Phar. Soc. WOLFE, WARREN E. 186 Vermont. Tel. Mem. N. Y. State Phar. Soc. NEW YORK. CASWELL, MASSEY & CO. 1121 Broadway and 578 5th Ave., and Newport, R. I. LATHAM, THOMAS. 1309 3d Ave. NIAGARA FALLS. COLE, EDWIN J. Ont. Col. Phar. 83. NORTH TONAWANDA. STANLEY, L. G. Hotel Sheldon. And also Main, cor. Canal, Tonawanda. SYRACUSE. BROWN & DAWSON. 125 S. Salina. Edw. S. Dawson, Phila. Col. Phar. Sec. State Bd. Phar. Mem. N. Y. State Phar. Soc. DALTON, THOS. W. 133 James. Mem. N. Y. State Phar. Soc. and Syr. Drug. Assn. DWIGHT & REED. Washington, cor. Warren. Herbert E. Reed, X. Y. Col. Phar. 87. KEMPTER, T. H. 227 N. Salina. MUENCH, WM. 608 N. Salina. Mem. N. Y. State Phar. Soc. and Syr. Drug. Assn. SNOW, CHAS. W. & CO. 61 and 63 Warren. Mem. Natl. W'hole sale Drug. Assn. and Am. and State Phar. Socs. and Syr. Drug. BRIDGEPO RT. BOOTH, F. D. 616 Main. HALL, M. W. 224 E. Main. Ont. Col. Phar. 62. LEVERTY, J. A. & BRO. Main St. N. Y. Col. Phar. 89. Mem. State Phar. Soc. SHELTON, C. E. GREENWICH. HOOPER. HAYWARD. Phila. Col. Phar. 87. MERIDEN. BABB, A. 14 W. Main. KIBBE, F. M. & CO. 40 W. Main. Mem. State. Phar. Soc. PARKER, J. H. 68 W. Main. PINKS, C. H. 21 and 216 W. Main. Mem. State Phar Soc. STAMFORD. COLLINS, THOMAS F. Atlantic, cor. Bell. LAWRENCE, J. K. & CO. Atlantic Sq. VETERINARY SURGEONS. BUFFALO. ARTMANN, R. 430 Broadway. Hanover, Ger. 86. CLARIS, JOHN T. 625-629 Clinton. Ont. Vet. Col. 82. ANDERSON, E. W. 625-629 Clinton. HINKLEY, NELSON P. 395 Ellicott. Vet. Dept. McGill Uni. 80. U. S. Vet. Inspector for Ports of Buff, and Niagara. Sec. N. Y. State Vet. Assn. Mem. of U. S. and Erie Co. Vet. Socs. McLEOD, E. J. 674-684 Clinton. Chi. Vet. Col. 92. Mem. U. S. Vet. Soc. Treas. Erie Co. Soc. PARKER, F. 625-629 Clinton. Ont. Vet. Col. 89. TWITTY, WM. T. 625-629 Clinton. M. D. Uni. Buff. 89. WIELAND, EDW. A. 395 Ellicott. Vet. Dept. McGill Uni. 89. Mem. N. Y. Vet. Soc. WILLYOUNG, L. E. 395 Ellicott. Vet. Dept. McGill Uni. 90. Mem. N. Y. State Vet. Soc. ROCHESTER. GRUNDALL, EDWARD. 3 Park Ave. M.R.C.V.S. Lond. Eng. TEGG, J. J. 429 State. Mem. N. Y. State Vet. Soc. NIAGARA FALLS. THOMSON, J. P. Miller & Brundage Coach Co. Barn. Ont. Vet. Col. 91. Mem. N. Y. State Vet. Soc. TONAWANDA. WEBB, H. S. 25 and 27 Adams. Ont. Vet. Col. 88. Mem. Tor. Vet. Soc. WENDE, H. S. Adams. Ont. Vet. Col. 86. Mem. K Y. State Vet. Soc. etc. NORTH TONAWANDA. FITCH, A. H. Sweeney. Ont. Vet. Col. 90. BROCKPORT. PLANK, M. W. Ont. Vet. Col. 83. Mem. Ont. Vet, Soc. 398 MISS ALSTON'S HOUSE, 106 East 38th Street, New York City. Miss A. L. Alston, for nearly eight years Superintendent of Mount Sinai Training School for Nurses, has opened a house for the reception of private patients. All classes of cases will be received (including maternity cases), except patients suffering from contagious diseases or insanity. Open the entire year. For further particulars, or for circulars, send to above address. EEFEEENOES = Dr. John A. Wyeth, Dr. Arpad G. Gerster, Dr. W. F. Fluhrer, Dr. Florian Krug, Dr. E. G. Janeway, Dr. Daniel M. Stimson, Dr. Wm. T. Lusk, Dr. Isaac Adler, Dr. Joseph O'Dwyer, Dr. Willy Meyer, Dr. Paul F. Munde, Dr. L. L. Danforth. , GEORGE MOORE, \ MANUFACTURER iL* Legs and Arms. \^ EXPERT TRUSS FITTER. C FREE CATALOGUE. 333 3TORTH CLINTON ST., Rear N. Y. C. Depot, Rochester. Have no connection with any other firm in same business. JU JLl JLl X <} i U L_d CTex-voua Invalids. 305 WEST 86th STREET, NEW YORK, 2d door from West End Ave. (Established 1875.) Eeceives a limited number of either sex, of Mental and Nervous Diseases, Inebriety and the Morphine Habit, and offers to such patients all the comforts of an elegant home, together with medical care and treatment. Applications may be made either by mail or personally. EDWARD C. MANN, M. D., Medical Sup't. Xa. Xj. AIIPTCEn, - 3VXfS- Optician. A scientific and practical optician always present to fill the prescription of any oculist. The latest styles in frames kept in stock. All work done with neatness and dispatch. Over No. 37 33. Main St., ROCHXiSTEiR, IV. Y. 399 B^reizep £>diooI of JVEidWifery, 242 WEST 33d STREET, NEW YORK. Women Receive a Thorough Obstetrical Training. TERMS REASONABLE. CIRCULARS MAILED. MERCAURO A SPECIFIC IN SYPHILIS. THE TONIC ALTERATIVE. APQPXIAI IPO ARRESTS FIBROID AND /vrVOCiN/\LJfV U CALCAREOUS DEGENERATION. SEE PAGES 1 1 and 12. 400 fcfc INTERP1NES, 99 Dr. SEWARD'S Home for Invalids, GOSIIE]\r. INT. Y. A Beautiful, Quiet, Restful HOME Devoted to the Care and Medical Treatment of the Nervous Invalid, Mansion ample ; situated in a park of grand old forest trees, Vaepine predominat- ing Perfect sanitation, high altitude, pure air and water, abundant sunshine, elegant drives rooms light and airy, suites of rooms with bath for special cases. These condi- tions combined with the most advanced and snccessfnl methods of treatment—such as the S Weir Mitchell, Electric, Electro-Thermal, Ilydro-Tlietapeutic, Swedish Move- ment Massage, Inunctions, etc., under the immediate supervision of the resident physicians, assisted by carefully selected, refined nurses, render it an establishment where physicians may send such of th ir patients as require thorough treatment, under environment, with the full assurance they will receive conscientious and continuous care. VOLUNTARY AND COMMITTED CASES RECEIVED, New York City Office : DR. F. W. SEWARD, Mondays and Thursdays - From 1 to 3 P. M. DR. J. PERRY SEWARD, - Daily. Frederick W. Seward, M. ij mi uif Resident Physician. # FALKIRK. # 1. The Stanleigh. 2. Falkirk. JAMES FRANCIS FERGUSON, M. D. ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, M. D. Dr. Ferguson and Dr. Campbell may be consulted at their office, 168 Lexington Ave., New York City, Tuesdays and Fridays, between 11:30 A. M. and 12:30 P. M., and by appointment, or may be addressed at Central Valley, Orange Co., New York. & FALKIRK. # Fifty miles from New York City on the eastern slope of the Hudson Highlands, on the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad. A home for treatment of Nervous and Mental Diseases and the Alcohol and Opium Habits. The Stanlbigh Looking South. Two hundred acres of land, shaded and commanding a view of fifty square miles from an elevation of 800 feet above the level of the sea. Buildings constructed on the cottage system, new, steam-heated, lighted by gas, and supplied with pure spring water, living rooms facing the southwest, scientific sewerage, sun rooms, steam-heated in winter. WALDEMERE E. N. CARPENTER, M.D. FOR THE PRIVATE CARE AND TREATMENT OF MENTAL AND NERVOUS DISORDERS. Selected Oases of Alcoholic and Narcotic Habitues Eeceived by Special Arrangement, Waldemere is situated at Orienta, one mile from Mamaroneck, Westchester County, N. Y., one and one-half miles from Larchmont Manor, five miles from Connecticut State Line and thirty-five minutes from Grand Central Station, New York, via New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad. Trains every hour. The building faces a natural grove of old forest trees, covering about two hundred acres ; in tbe rear is a fine view of Long Island Sound, Mamavoneck Harbor and Oakhurst Park. There are heautiful drives and walks in the vicinity. The building contains all modern improvements—hot water heat, electric Hght, an abundant supply of pure spring water, and has natural drainage. All the living rooms have a southern exposure, are large, cheerful and well ventilated. DR. CARPENTER may be consulted at his office, 138Madison Avenue, New York City—hours 9 to 11 A. m.—and by appointment, or may be addressed at Mamaroneck, Westchester Co., N. Y. 3 > r D w w «— GLENMARY. equipment are of the very best in every respect. While it receives those cases which are avowedly incurable, the aim of the management is to cure the patients committed to their care, and so far they have been able to restore to health over 50 per cent, of those entrusted to them. The most modern methods are adopted and no pains are spared to employ every agency promising recovery. Terms very moderate. Both voluntary and committed cases are received. Send for circular or write for special information to Drawer 127, Owego, N. Y. MEDICAL STAFF. EDWARD E. SNYDER, M.D., Consulting Physician. JOHN T. GREENLEAF, M.D., Physician in Charge. LOUIS D. HYDE, M.D., Assis- tant. EUGENIA A. J. VAN NAMEE, M.D., Second Assistant. ALICE FRENCH MILLS, M.D., Gynecologist. H. WORTHINGTON PAIGE, M.D., 246 W. 57th St., Associate Physician for New York City. (Established in 1870.) ONE HOUR AND A HALF FROM NEW YORK. A Sanitarium for the treatment of Nervous and Mental Diseases, Opium, Chloral, Morphia and Select Alcoholic Cases, either sex. Every possible inovision is made to make our Insitution home like. Our Equipment is complete for the scientific treatment of cases entrusted to us. Electric devices of all kinds have been installed. Hydraulic apparatus is complete. We have the Turkish, Russian and Electric baths; the douche, shower, and needle baths; give hot and cold packs. Building is heated with steam; hot and cold water on all floors. Beautiful shady grounds in Summer ;*about*200 ft. covered piazza. Prices moderate. For further particulars, address P. O. Box 604. DRS. KITTRIDGE & WATSON. Is This Not Worthy Your Recommendation, Doctor? it THE BEST" NURSER See How Easily Cleansed ! See the "AIR INLET!" It is practically a solid rubber stopper with a simple, perfect automatic valve. Easily adjusted —cannot leak— NOR BE PULLED OUT BY BABY. Admits air back of food as fast as food is sucked out; renders Suction Easy; makes it Impossible for Nipple to Collapse, and ^1, PREVENTS WIND-COLIC. New York Infant Asylum says:~ '"The BEST'Nurser has been tried at the Asylum and is recommended most warmly, especially for the facility with which it can be kept perfectly clean." New York Lying-in Asylum says: "We have used 'The Best'Nurser and find it superior to any we have seen as having combined all essential qualities. We there- fore heartily recommend it." New York Medical College and Hospital for Women say: "Are pleased with ' The Best ' Nurser; it does all you claim for it." Western New York Society, the Children's Home, Randolph, N Y., say: "After giving 'The Best ' Nurser a thorough trial are greatly pleased with it and have discarded all other bottles. ' The Best ' Nurser has been a wonderful aid in the healthfulness of our babies." From a French Medical Paper: "' The Best ' Nurser was exhibited at the Academy of Medicine June 21st, by the eminent accoucheur Prof. Budin, who had no trouble in making his colleagues of the learned assembly comprehend the incomparable advantages of this precious nursing bottle." E. M. Johnson, of Johnson & Johnson, New York, says: " [ am prepared to say I think ' The Best ' Nurser is perfection. I predict great success for it." J. A. Cranston. Supt. Public Schools, Elk River, Mirn., says: " One of 'The Best' Nursers is worth a car-load of any or all other kinds." Insist on seeing "THE BEST" at Drugstores, price, 25c, a "Clingfast" Nipple with eacli Nurser; or by mail frontalis, postpaid, 35c. Safe delivery guaranteed. "Clingfast" nipples, warranted pure gum, 50c. doz., postpaid. THE GOTHAM CO., - 82 Warren St., NEW YORK. W 22 AN6 P5 1895 NLH OBlt^^ 5 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLM051073425