$&■■• ■■-■ V;■A s- < *- rt /> r >; V *' u i O A * Mi ^ 0 i ft-rt»/4^M} I f11 1 1 « • If § 1 f^ i .'■'.rXx.V-V".--.:- .■ - .■•.',' V. '■ /,i.,j.: ; - ■ -.-'v:;->V- .:•■■•!'.■.*•■' ? i^^ ^^^ i W 22 AM8 M7 1893 27310850R NLfl D51Q7325 b NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE LIBRARY. Section No. 113, W. D.S.G.O. .$*-.#-.£-.:&■-■&£ /*& /vo. x/jr.y/^ NLM051073256 f*h*»J 9<**i " 3V -At7'/ 7* ? a 7 r » «<*•. MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. DEDICATED TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION OF MISSOURI. CONTAINING A CAREFULLY PREPARED LIST OF PHYSI- CIANS, DENTISTS AND DRUGGISTS, TOGETHER WITH * COLLEGES, HOSPITALS, MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES THROUGHOUT THE STATE. 1893. THE MEDICAL FORTNIGHTLY PRESS, ST. LOUIS—CHICAGO. w MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY PHYSIC I MN S. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Appendix............................................................................................. 99 Board of Health, Kansas City............................................................ 23 St. Louis................................................................. 8 St. Joseph................................................................ 36 Dentists............................................................................................. 87 Druggists............................................................................................ 73 Examining Surgeons, Roster of...........................................................105 Hospitals.............................................................................................101 Medical Colleges................................................................................103 " Journals............................................................................108 Laws......................................................................................107 Societies...........................................................'......................103 Physicians St. Louis........................................................................... 9 Kansas City..................................................................... 23 " St. Joseph........................................................................ 36 County List...................................................................... 39 St. Louis Board of Health, 1893. CYRUS P. WALBRIBGE, Mayor.................................................................") VKx-l'l ill AS. NAGEL. President Council...............................................................J GEORGE 11D.MAX, AI. D. OTTO E. FORSTER, AI. D. A. C. ROBINSON, >I. 1). I). W. CARCTH. HDD6NDH. Alle.yne, .1. S I'.., AI. 1)., removed to "014 Easton avc, SI. Louis. Baemler, Geo., AI. ])., 1ST.) Clinton st.. St. Louis. Hardawn.v, \V. A., AI. U., removed to 21122 Locust si., St Louis. Hersman, <'. F., AI. D., removed to 21122 Locust st., St. Louis. PHYSICIANS, SAINT LOUIS. A L Abeken F AV [R] 3531 S Broadway Abell R [R] 22 S 14th st Adams F J [R] 3D37 Washington ave Ady R L [H] 1422 Olive st Albin E R [R] si:, x Jefferson ave Albin It [R] 2301 Jefferson ave Ahlbrandt H E [R] 2614 Stoddard st AUKYNE JSB, LL 1) [R] 313! Wash- ington ave. Hrs until i» a in. 2 to 4 and (! to s p in. St Louis Alediral College 1*4*; Prof. Materia Medica, Therapeutics. Hygiene and Clinical Medicine Beau- mont Aledical College; member st Louis Medical society. A LT ADOLF [R] 3036 Locust st. His II to 12.20 a in, 2 to 3 p m. Heidelberg 1*75. Vice-Dean and Prof Opthalmology and Otology, Beaumont Medical College; member St Louis Aledical Society, and German Aledical Society. Alvord G E [R] Cool Chestnut st ' AMFISS F C [R] 2*04 Olive st. Hrs 7 to s a in, 1 to 4 and 6 to 7 p m. Tel. 1*59. .Missouri Aledical College 1**2. Alember St Louis Medical, St Louis Aled Chir., Obstet. and Gynaec. Societies. Andrus D P [E] 919 Olive Armstrong G AI [R] 1130 X Broadway Arzt F J [R] Lami and 12th sts Atkinson R C [R] 2X04 Lafayette ave Atkinson AI A [R] 013 Pine st ATWOOD LE GRAND [R] Res,55*1 Ca- " banne ave; Office 511 X oth. 9 to 11 a m, 12 to 1 p m, 3 to 6 p m. Mo Med Col 1*51. Alem AIo Med Society Auler H [R] 1*42 S 4th st B Bacon O S [R] M6V& Chestnut Babcock J L [It] 306 X Compton ave Badger Sophia F [H] 1449 E Grand ave. Bahrenburg J E [R] 1916 St Louis ave Bahrenburg W X [H] 1)19 Washington ave BangCG [R] X E cor 13th and Albnroe sts Bang G F [R] 1314 X Alarket Barbee A B [R] 1404 Old Alanchester road , . BARCH CHARLES [R] 141* Washing ton ave. Hrs 9 to 12 am, 4 to 6pm. Univ. Freiberg 1**0. Prof Opthal and Otol Alarion-Sims Aled Co; mem Alo Aled So- ciety \ BARCLAY ROBERT A M., M D. 3 11 Lucas ave. Tel 4436. (C F Seidlitz.) Hrs 9 to 12 am, 5 to 6-p m, and by appoint- ment. Col of P & S, N A'. Formerly of the Aural staff of X Y Eye and Ear In- firmary, N Y; Consulting I'tiy in Dis- eases of the Ear at the City Hosp; Aural li Surg, to St Mary's Hosp; Henrietta SI ; Hosp: House of the Good Shepherd; Aiissouri Baptist, Sanitarium ; «. onsult'g Aural Surg to Hosp Dept Mo Pac Rv s Co ; St L, I AI & S Ry Co; M K A- T Ry Co (leased, operated and independent ,( lines); Mater Boni Consilii Deaf Mute Institute; mem Amer Assn Advt Sci- j ence; mem Amer Otological Society; Natl Assn Ry Surg; Cong Amerl'hy and j Surg; St Louis Aled and St L Medico Chirurgical Societies I BARKER S J [R] Res 1914 Sullivan ave; 7 to * am, 1 to 2 and 6 to 7 pm; office, ) 907 North Alarket st, hrs !)to 10 a, m, 4 to 5 and 7:30 to 9 p in. Tel 3*41. AIo r Aled Col 1**3, Alem St Louis Aled Soc Barker AV S [R] 1103 Tyler St BARVE.S A S [R] 3013 Easton ave Hrs 7 to *:30 am, 12 to 1:31), and 6 to 7:30 p in. Tel 1971. Univ of Alo Aled Dep 1*55. Dean of St. Louis Col Phy and Sur; Alem St Louis Aled and Mo State Aled Societies » Barnes A S Jr [R] 3013 Easton ave Baron J LR] 12.'8 S Broadway Barrett R D [It] 2304J4 Washington Ave Barricelli L E [R] 1105 N 11 st Bartens H F 2328 Franklin ave Bartscher H AV [R] *29 Bremen ave BATES JULIA N [R] 2836 Lafayette ave Hrs 7 to 9 a m, 1 to 2 and 7to9 p m. Tel '.■395. Univ Penn 1*55 Bauduy J K [R] 2*0* Olive st Bauduy AV K [R] 2631 Dickson st Bauer C E [R] 2104 N 14th st BAUER J L [R] Ed The Journal of Ala,- teiia Medica; office Commercial Bldg 6th and Olive; res 3534 Olive st; Mo Aled Col 1*74 10 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. ST. LOT IS —Continued. BAUER LOUIS [R] 1400 Olive st; hrs 10 to 12 a m,4:30 to 6 p m. Tel 4107; res 3437 Chestnut st. Hrs before 9 am, after 6 p m. Tel 1752. Prof Surg St L Col Thy and Surg; mem R C S of Eng; cor mem Aled Society of London Eng Baumgarten G [R] 2643 Chestnut st Baurichter C H [R] 1014 Brooklyn st Beat LA [It] 7th and AY ash st Becker Alary L [H] 1218 Madison st BEGGS WN, A B [R] Res 2207 Sydney st; Office St Louis'Med Col. St Louis Med Col 1886; Instructor Histol and Path St Louis Aled Col; Consult Path- ologist to City and Female Hosp; mem St Louis Med Society BENKENDORF F [D] 1510 Gratiot st; Alo Aled Col 1*47; Univ Col Aled, Paris, 1*81; member Dosimetric Therapeutics, Paris Bennett E C [R] 2802 Frankliu ave . BERNAYS A C [R] 520 Olive st; Univ Heidelberg 1876. Hrs 11 to 1 p m; Prof Anat and Clin Surg Marion-Sims Col Med; Pres St Louis Polyclinic and Emer- gency Hosp Bewig H AV [R] 1530 Salisbury st BIEWKND E F [R] 1223 St Ange ave. Hrs 10 to 3. St Louis Col Phys and Surg 1**6 Blackmer R C [It] 6*24 Alanchester Road Blank C [R] 1321 S Broadway Blank T [R] 1607 Franklin ave Blickhahn W L [R] 4049 Olive st Bliss AI A [R] 4929 Lotus ave BOAS M L [R] 1025 S Ewing ave; hrs 8 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m; tel 1725; Cent Col, Ind, 1881 BOCK A F [R] 1100 Aladison st; hrs 9 to 10 a m, 3 to 4 p m. Univ Wurt 1*6*; mem St Louis and Am Aled Societies BOCK G AV [R] 1112 St Ange ave; hrs * to 10 a m, 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p in; tel 2341; St Louis Col T and S 1**6; Col of Aled Gautemala ].*92; mem Guatemala Aled Society Boemler G [R] 1922 St Louis ave Boisliniere L Ch [R] 2303 Chestnut st BOISLINIEBE L Ch Jr [R] 2303 Chestnut st; hrs 8 to 10 a in, 1 to 3 and 6 to S p in St Louis Med Col 1**2; mem St Louis Med Society Bond B X [R] 4151 Olive st Bond H Wheeler [R] 4114 Finney ave > BOND V H [R] Grand and Page aves; hrs 9 to 10 a in, 2:30 to 4:30 and 6 to 8 p m; tel 2902. Univ of Aled 1*67; Dean and Prof Dis of AVomen, Marion Sims Med Col; mem St Louis Med Society Booth T> S [R] 500 X Jefferson ave BOKCK FDW A M [It] 9th and Salis- bury sts. St Louis Aled Col 1*74 Borgett G B [It] 3606 S Jefferson ave BOYCE A L [H] 2606 Chouteau ave. Hrs until 9:30 a m, 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p m; tel 3141. AIo Horn Aled Col 1***; mem Horn Med Society Boyd F R [It] 810 Olive st Bowler AV AI [It] 1108 S 4th st Bradley B A [H] 3561 olive st Bremer L [It] 2311 Locust st Briggs C E [R] 2747 Olive st BRIGGS WAT.DO [R] 1405 Olive st. Hrs 9 to 11 a in, 1 to 2 and 7 to * p m. Tel 4193. Aled Dept Vanderbilt Univ 1*75. Prof Clin Surg Beaumont Med Col; mem St Louis Aled Society Born H H [R] City Hospital Bosse E L [R] 1923 St Louis ave Brennan \V N [R] 1314 X Jefferson ave Bribach B [It] 7605 .Michigan ave Briback E [It] 1915 Lasalle st Bridgford E AlacD [R] 1914 N 11th st ' BROKATV A A' L [It] 3147 AVashington ave. Hours S to 10 a in 2 to 4 and 7 to * p m. Tel 4481. Mo Aled Col 1**5. Prof Anat. AIo Aled Col; mem Alo Aled So- ciety. Brokaw F V L [It] 3200 Lucas ave Brookes H S [R] 1820 S Jefferson ave Broome G W [It] 520 Olive st Bryan J H [R] 520 Olive st Bruce W E [R] 4205 Easton ave. Hrs 9 to 11 a m and 2 to 5 p in. Ohio Aled Col 1**9. BRYSON J P [R] 209 Garrison ave. Hrs * to 10 a m and 2 to 5 p m. Humboldt Aled Col 1S6*; mem St Louis Aled So- ciety Buchanan J E [R] 2350 Clark ave Buck D E City Hospital Buck T E [R] 2610 S Jefferson ave Buel J J [It| Telephone Bldg » Burleigh W. J [H] 2305 Washington ave Burnett E C [It] Jefferson ave and Olive st. Hrs 8 to 10 a in. 7 to 8 p m. Tel 1**7. St Louis Aled Col 1**3; mem St Louis Aled Society Buse B E [R] 411 Gratiot st Butts H B [R] 822 Pine st MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 11 C Cuban me .1 S [It] *21 Locust st Cadwallader I H [R] *16 Pine st . CALF G \V Jr [R] 3603 Lin dell ave. Hrs 9 to 9:30 a m, 11 to 12, 3 to 5 p in : Tel 2546. St Louis Col Phvs and Surg 1**7. Secy Faculty St Louis Aled Col; mem St Louis Aled Society Campbell J A [R] 1729 Washington ave Campbell G [R] Taylor and Delmar aves Cn afield F D [R] 3725 Olive st Carriere C L [R] 212* St Louis ave Carson G W [R] 710 Olive st CARSON N B [R] 209 N Jefferson ave. Hrs 9 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 p m. Tel 1*50. St Louis Aled Col 186*. Alem St Louis Aled Society * Carpenter A AI [R] 904 Olive st Carter H It City Hospital Casb.y D B [HJ 431* N 20th st Cassily J L [R] 1325 Franklin ave , Chaddock C G [R] 320* Lucas ave Chambers W T [R] 113 X 8th st CHAMBLIN B [H] 3224 St Lonis ave. Hrs * to 10 a m, 1 to 3 and 6 to * p m. Tel 2936. St Louis Horn Aled Col 1**6 f CHANCELLOR EUsTATdlUS A AI [R] 515 Olive st. His 11 a m to 3 p m and 6 to 7 p m. Tel 1416. Aled Dept Univ of Va 1*76: Univ Maryland Sell of Aled 1*77: mem St Louis Aled Society; Am Aled Assn; MissVal Med Assn; Aled Chir Assn; State Aled Ex Royal Arca- num; Aled Director N G of AIo; Secy of Assn Military Surg of U S, '92-93 Chapman Annie D [H] 200S St Louis ave Chapman H X 1604 Park ave. Hrs 7 to 9 a m, 2 to 4 p m, 7 to * p in; Sunday * to 10 a in Charles J W [R] Beaumont and AVash- ington aves Chase F E [It] 4342 Clayton rd Clark F D [R] 8I6V2 Chestnut st ' CLOSE J A AI B [It] 2031 Olive st. Hrs 10:30 am to 12, and 2 to 4 pm. Toronto L'niv 1*73: Prof Trac Aled and .Micro- scopy St Louis Aled Col Cole E [R] 907 X A'andeventer ave. Coleman E E [R] 416* Manchester road Coffelt T A [RJ 803 Pine st COGAN PHIL [It] 4470 Easton ave. AIo .Med Col 1*90 , COMSTOCK T G [H] 3401 Washington ave. Hrs until 10 a in, 2 to 4 and 6 to 7 p m. St Louis Aled Col 1*49. Halm Med Col 1*53 Condon Eva G [H] 1516 Washington ave Connolly P D [R] 1309 X 14th st Conzleman T W |R] 1427 Carr st Coons H H [R] 1306 Clark ave Coryell J B [R] 504 S Broadway Coryell W It [R] 320 S 7th st Cosby V B [H] 2106 John ave Cottani G G.[R] Female Hospital Crossen H S [It] City Hospital Crosswhite J R [It] 1422 Taylor ave Cummings J C [H] 3514 Olive st Cummins W [It] 3060 Cass ave Currau W [H] 213 X 14th st Curtman C O [It] 371* X 9th st Curtis A N [It] 1520 Lafayette ave D --'DALTON H C [R] 3536 Easton ave. Hrs * to 10 a in, 2 to 4 and 7 to * p m. Tel 2925. AIo Aled Col 1*70; Prof Clin Surg Alarion-Sims Col Aled ; member St Louis Aled Society Davidson S [R] cor 23d and Olive sts DAUSAIAN H L [R] 1110 Chouteau ave. Hrs * to 10 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to * lim. Tel 3174. AVurtsberg 1*75; mem St L Med Society Day J L [R] 610 Olive st Dean D V [It] 3559 Olive st De Lorme H A [It] *23 Angelica st Delzell R A [R] 2743 Morgan st Dernier J [H] 935 Park ave Dennis G J [It] 2602 Locust st DEKIYAIX A [RJ 1500 Hickory st. Hrs 9 to 11 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to S p m. Tel 317*. Univ of France 1*76; Alem St Louis Med Society Deutsch AVm S [R] Jefferson ave and Locust st Devoe D [R] 110 S 14th st Dewees E AV [H] 1303 Washington ave DICKINSON W A AI [It] 1322 Olive St. Hrs 9am to 12 m and 1 to 4 p m. Harv- ard Aled School 1851. Prof Dis Eye and Ear, Barnes Aled Col, Prof Alental Nerv- ous Dis, Woman's Aled Col; mem St Louis Aled Society Dickson J A [R] 1602 Biddle st Dietz A [It] 2615 S Broadway Digges C H [R] 3654 Page ave Dinsbeer J [R] *14 Pine st Kisse R H [R] 1103 Aladison st DittlingerE V [H] 2920 Washington ave 12 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. ST. LOUIS —Continued. I Dixon C H i R] 603 N Jefferson ave Dodds AI [H] 2*26 Washington ave Dodds S W [H] 2*26 AVashington ave Dodds W R [R] 1813 Biddle st Dorsett W B [R] 1326 Washington ave Dossen Alargaret ,R] 1332 Chouteau ave Drake F O [R] 1302 Olive st Drescher F B [R] 3926 S Broadway Dreschler W H [R] 2201 Blair ave Dryden J L 2508 Taylor ave Dudley G F [R] 615 Locust st Dunnigan T F [R] 1423 N 16th st Dwelle H B Lit] 1014 Locust st E Edmonds AV A [H] 2924 AVashington ave Egbert .1 O 2816 Lucas ave EHRHARDT J G |R] 92* N Grand ave, Hrs 8 to 10 a m and 4 to 6 pm. Tel 2548. St Louis Med Col 1869. Prof Ophtal and Otol, Col Phy and Surg. Ehrlich L W [It] City Hospital Ehrman L P [H] 1223 AVashington ave Eiseman A 2 32 Clark ave Endris AV R [R] The Studio, Jefferson and Washington aves Engleman G J [It] 3003 Locust st Epperson E L [R] 1012 N 18th st Epstein J AI [It] City Hospital Epstein AI J [It] 2616 Pine st Etavard It T [R] 14th and Franklin ave EVERS E [R] 1*61 X Alarket st. Hrs 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p m. Tel 3380. St Louis Aled Col 1*72 Eversole F It [It] 702 Olive st Ewing A E [R] Beaumont and Washing- ton aves. EYERMANN C H [H] 1722 S Jefferson ave. His 7 to 10:30 am, 2 to 3 and 7 to 8:30 p m. Tel 2474. 3921 S Broadway. His 4 to 6 p m. Alo Horn Med Col 1**7 F Faber J E [R]2133 S Jefferson ave Falk .1 C [R] 1112 Franklin aye Fattie Z B [R] Alarine Hospital Feehan E L [It] 815 Garrison ave Fichtenkam H L [R] 1933 Lynch st Fick Otto [H] 7019 Alichigan ave FIELD H L [R] 704 Olive st. Hrs 12 to 2 pm; res 6825 Scanlan ave. Hrs 7 to 10 a m and 6 to 9 p m. Tel 497. Alarion Sims Aled Col 1891. Finle.v AV W [R] 1217 Lami st Finney S A [It] City Hall FISCHEL W E [R] 2647 AVashington ave. Hrs 11 to 12 m and 5 to 6 p m. St Louis Aled Col 1*71; mem St Louis Aled Society Fischer H [R] 2005 Alenard st Fischer J A [R] 408 Washington ave Fitzgerald H F [It] 2*24 Cass ave Fitzporter J L [R] 1516 Chestnut st Flanders J P [R] Hagan Opera House FLEMING A AV [R] 1000 Alanchester road. His 9 to 11 a m, 1 to 3 and 6 to 7:30 p in. Tel 1731. AIo Aled Col 1887. Prof Phy Diag, Barnes Med Col; mem St Louis Med Society Fletcher AI H 410 X Jefferson ave Floyd J S [R] 33 2 Alorgan st Ford AV H [R] 3501 Lindell ave FORSTER O E [It] 1515 Washington ave. Hrs 9 to 12 a m, 2 to 4:30 p m. Tel 1007. St. Louis Ared Col 1*81 ; mem St Louis Aled Society Foster G F [R] 613 Pine st Foy AI M [R] 219 Card nal ave Frank C A [It] 520 Olive st Frank J N [It] 1141 Park ave Franz H K [R] 2812 X 14th st Frankel C L [R] 2135 Eugenia st Freitag J H 4005 X Broadway FRENCH P [R|904 Olive st. Hrs9:30 to 12 m. Sec'y Raines Aled Col; mem St. Louis Med Society " Friedman J [R] 320 S 7th Frielingsdorf E H [R] 2202 S Broadway Frohne J P [H] 1504 AVashington ave FRIES W A [R] 1544 S Broadway. His 8 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 and 6 to * p in. Tel 3*99. St Louis Aled Col 1**3. -FRY F R [R] 2610 Locust st. Tel 1,**5. St Louis Sled Col 1879; mem St. Louis Aled Society Froelich H 3451 Laclede ave Fuchs W H [R] 2043 Sidney st Fuchs G [R] 4802 X Broadway Fuhrmann A [R] 2002 S Broadway .FULTON A [R] 2353 S Broadway Hrs 8 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p in. Tel 3894. St Louis Col Phy and Surg 1**3; mem St Louis Aled Society MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 13 Fults J C [R] 1230 Washington ave Funkhouser R [R] 2650 Olive st I'URNEY E E [It] 2905 Chestnut st. Hrs until 9:30 a in, 12 to 2 and after 4 p m. Tel 1727. AIo Aled Col 1*J5; ineni St. Louis Med Society G Gaebler A AI 6032 Cates ave Galloway W L [H] 3021 Easton ave ' Gamble D C [It] 2*20 Washington ave Garlock S E [It] 910 N Broadway Gehrung E C [It] 2215 Olive st Gerhart H Van [R] 1300 Washington aye Gerling L W [R] 2003 Salisbury st. Gibbs C A [E] 2242 Washington ave (iibson D AI [RJ 412 S Jefferson ave Gieren G [R] 1201 Chouteau ave Giers L J [R] 2*04 S Broadway Gill G F [It] 260* Locust st Gilwee J [R] 3135 Aleramec st Ginn.l C [E] sis X 11th st Glancies .1 B [R] 122) X Market st "^ GLASGO VV F A [R] 260* Locust st. His 9 to 10 a m, 3 to 5 and 7 to 8 p m. Tel 4422. St. Louis Aled Col 1*7*; mem St Louis Med Society Glasgow AV C [R] 2*47 Washington ave Glatfalter N AI [R] X 47CO 20th st Godfrey [R] 1011 N Leffingwell ave. Hrs 9 to 10:30 a m, 1:30 to 3 and 7 to * p in Univ of Louisville 1*90, Godron A [R] 1*21 S Broadway Goebel A [R] 350* Alanchester Road Goldsmith A [It] 1325 St Ange ave Golland M [It] 711 Carr st GOODMAN C H [H] 2728 Washington ave. Hrs until 9 am. 1:30 to 3 p in. Horn Aled Col, Penn, 1*9* Goodman H L [R] City Hospital GRANT J M [It] 4132 Easton ave. Hrs until 9 a in, 12 to 1:30 and 6 to 8 p in, Tel 2917. AIo Aled Col 1**9; mem Mo Med Society Gratiot r, B [R] 6101 Cheltenham ave GRAVES S C [It] 417 AV Grand ave. Hrs * to 10 a m, 1 to 3 and 5 to 6 p in. Tel 2607. Col Phy and Snrg, New York, 1**3 ; mem AIo Med Society GRAVES W W [R] 1943 X 11th st. Hrs 7 to 9:30 a m, 1 to 3 p m. St Louis Col Phy and Surg 1*8*; Prof Dis Children, Col Phy and Surg; mem St Louis Med Society Green Jno [It] Beaumont and AVashington aves Green T S [H] 3561 Olive st GREEN W C [R] Delmar and Vande- venter ave. Hrs 7 to 9 a m, 6 to 8 p m. Tel 3*98. St Louis Aled Col 1883; mem St Louis Med Society Gregory E H [R] 3525 Lucas ave Gregory E H Jr [R] 3525 Lucas ave. Hrs 8 to 10 a m, 3 to 4 p m. St Louis Med Col 1SS5; mem St Louis Aled Society Gregory W T [R] 710 Olive st Grimes W L C638 Lucas ave Grivaud E A [H] 2*16 Olive st GRIN DON J [It] 507 AVare ave. Hrs until 10:3(1 a in, 2:30 to 7:30 pm. St Louis Aled Col 1*71. St Louis Med Society GRUNDMANN K W [H] N E cor Jeff- erson and Washington aves. Hrs 7 to 9 a m, 2 to 3 and 6 to 8 p m. Tel 2900. Mo Horn Col 1*8*; St Louis Col Phy and Surg 1891. Guhman J O [R] 1127 N 16th st Guhman AI G [R] 1602 Biddle st Guhman N [R] 1533 Carr st Gully J W [R] 206 S Broadway Gundelach W G [R] 1510 Washington ave Gundelach C II [H] 1510 AVashington ave Gunn B W 1701 Franklin ave Gutherz L G [R] 3600 Olive st H Hasse AI E [R] 1105 S 7th st Habel E S [R] 1217 S Broadway Hadley D H [R] 810 Olive st Haeberle F 1100 Aladison st Hahn It [R] 1504 S 11th st Hall G W [R] 3615 X 9th st Hall W [R] 2332 Washington ave Hall G W [R] 1209 N Grand ave Hanser R [R] 2018 Salisbury st Hansheilmann M [R] 3536 S Broadway HARDA WAY' W A [It] 511 N Garrison ' ave. Hrs 9 to 12 m, 4:30 to 6 p in. AIo Med Col 1*70; mem AIo Aled Soc Harder, U [R] 1602 Park ave Hardy .1 [It] 1600 Olive st Harkins H C [R] 3654 Finney ave Harney T J [It] 1411 Boyle ave HARNISCH H ,T [R] 1023 Barton St. Hrs 9 to 10 a in, 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p in. St Louis Aled Col 1**1; mem St Louis Med Soc 14 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. ST. LOUIS —Continued. Harris AV J [R] 3107 Alorgan St HARTMANN A K [R] 1815 Lafayette Hve. St Louis Aled Col 1872; off 1633 S Broadway Hartmann H C [R] 1301 St Auge ave Uartwell II AV 2312 W Belle Pt Hart.wig O A [R] 10th and Market Sts Hatton T C [R] 729 Franklin ave Hauck E F [R] 1638 S Jefferson ave Hauck L [R] 905 Alorrison ave HAVVLEY T S [R] 3065 Eastonave. Hrs 7 to 9 a m, 12 to 2 and 6 to 7:30 p in. Tel 2977. St Louis Aled Col 1861; mem St Louis Med Soc Haywood A R [R] 517V2 Chestnut St Heidemann C [R] 3221 N 20th St Heidemann J N [R] 2302 N 18th St Heitzig F [It] 2820 N 23d st Heitzig J [R] 1316 Carr st Hellvveg F J 2804 Alanchester rd Henderson H L [E] 1316 Mississippi ave Hendrix II F [It] Jefferson ave and Carrst HKNNERICH J P [R] 2921 Sj Broad way. Hrs 8 to 10 a in, 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m. Tel 1944. St Louis Aled Col 1887; mem St Louis Med Soc HENSKE A A [R] 1504 St Louis ave. Hrs 8 to 9 a in, 1 to3 and 6 to 8 pm, Tel 3405. St Louis Med Col 1875; mem St Louis Med Soc Hereford J R [R] 816 Angelica st Hermann H AV [R] 327 N Jefferson ave Herman G J [R] 805 Morgan st Hermann G A [It] 2622 N 10th st HERSMAN C F [R] 511 NGarrison ave. Hrs * to 9 a m,2 to 3 and 7to * p m. AIo Aled Col 1883; mem AIo Aled Soc Heussey F [R] 2609 Second Carondelet ave HEYER C [R] 910 N 10th st. Hrs 8 to 9 a m, 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p m; mem Mo Aled Soc Hickman H [R] 3506 S Broadway HILL R J [R] 414 AVashington ave Hill R [h] 903 Taylor ave Hinchey AV D [R] 712 S 41 h st Hitt A VV [R] 2629 Chestnut st /Hochdoerfer D F [R] 1805 S Broadway . Hodgen H [R] 2604 Locust st Hoeberle F S [R] 11th and Madison st Hoeffel L [R] 913 Montgomery st Hoffman L [R] 1738 Chouteau ave Holtgrewe F [R] 1601 Blair ave Holke H J [It] 1812 Benton st Homan G [It] 919 Olive st Hoogen F [R] 318 Lafayette ave Hook N R [R] 2922 Morgan st Hornsby J A [R] 1417 N Grand ave Hornsby N L [R] 6028 S Broadway Horwitz Alax [R] 1610 Alorgan st Hosteller T [M] 2232 Washington ave Houts S B [R] 904 Olive st Hueffell L [It] 913 Alontgomery st HUGHES C H [R] 503 N Jefferson ave. Hrs 10 to 12 m, 2 to 3 p m. Tel 2661, St Louis Med Col 1*59; Pres of Faculty and Prof Nerv Dis, Psychiatry and Electro- therapy; Barnes' Med Col, Pres of Sec of Neurology and Psychiatry; Pan-Amer Aled Col, Pres Medico-Legal Congress 1893. Editor Alienist and Neurologist; mem St Louis Aled Soc. HULBERT G F [R] Wainwright Bldg, room 220; hrs 12:30 to 1:30 p m; tel 3942. Res 3026 Pine st; hrs * to 10 a m. 3 to 5 p in; tel 1802. St Louis Aled Col 1880; Prof Prac Med Alarion Sims Aled Col; mem St Louis Aled Soc HUNICKE \V G [R] 1515 AVashington ave. Hrs 9 to 4. Tel 1007. St Louis Med Col 1879; mem St Louis Aled Soc Hunter Sarah A [It] 2655 Washington ave Hurt G [R] 1635 S Grand ave Hypes B AI [It] 2005 Victor st. Hrs 8 to 9 a m, 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p m. Tel 1990. St Louis Aled Col 1872; Prof Obstet Marion Sims' Aled Col; mem St Louis Aled Soc I Ingersoll C J 3519 Belle ave Ingram J L [E] 1333 N 10th st IRAVIN J D [R] 803 Pine st. Hrs 10 to 12 m, 2 to 3 p m. Tel 4157. Rush Aled Col 1880 J Jacobson H [R] 3101 Chestnut st Jacobson J [R] 3408 Laclede ave Jacques AV [R] 180* N 8th st .ladralla L S 6 2 Alorgan st James F L [R] 615 Locust st James .TAJ [R] 2327 Lafayette ave Jenkins J W [R] 1551 California ave Jennings AI D [R] 815 X l*th st MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 15 Jessup C A [R] 2*4* Cass ave Johnson F P [R] 3744 Finney ave JOHNSON H AIc-C [R] 209 N Garrison ave. His 8 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 and 7:30 to *:30 p m. Tel 1866. Aled Dept Tulane Univ 1*90 JOHNSON J B [It] 2:31 Lucas Place. Hrs 9 to 10 a m, 2 to 3 and 7 to * p in. Berkshire Aled Col 1*39: Prof Theory and Prac Aled St Louis Med Col; mem AIo Med Soc Johnson W [R] 26 N Compton ave Jones A [R] 1621 Olive st Jones C W [R] 13th and Arsenal sts Jones H A [R] Insane Asylum Jones J J [R] 1916^ N Grand ave Jones AI I) [It] 3103 Washington ave. Hrs * to 12 in,4 to 6 p m, Jefferson Med i. ol 1*71; Prof Otol Barnes' Med Col; mem St Louis Aled Soc Jones E S [R] 111* S Ewing ave Jordan A [R] 1511 Olive st Jordan R M [R] 1511 Olive st JOSEPHS [It] 2:100 Chestnut st. Hrs* to 9 a m, Ho 2 and 5 to 6 p m. Tel 1799. Beaumont Aled Col 1*92; mem St Louis Med Soc Judd, H L [R] 720 Chestnut st Junkin E A [It] S E Cor 16th and Pine sts K Kane J J [It] 1*0* Alorgan st Kanne A J [It] 2325 Carr st Karges C [R] Gravois and Arsenal sts Kaufman F O [It] 1015 N High st Kealhoffer RH Southern Hotel KKBKR J B [It] 911 Chestnut st. Hrs 10 to 12, 6 to 8 p m. St Louis Med Col 1**3; Prof Dis Skin, Beaumont Hosp Aled Col; mem AIo Aled Soc Keehu G A 2625 St Louis ave Keller AV [R] 2006 Hebert st Kelley P AI [R] 2001 Olive st Kelley C E [E] 1013 X Compton ave Kenner E B [R] 2900 Gamble st KERSHAW J AI [H] 3500 Laclede ave. Hrs 11 to 12 a m, 4 to 5 p m. Horn Aled Col 1*69. Tel 1701 Kerley R AI [It] Female Hospital Kessler E H [R] 2*38 South Broadway KIER \V I" [R] 309 S Broadway. Hrs *:30 to 9:30 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to * p m. St Louis Aled Col 1*71; mem St Louis Aled Soc Kimbrough J S [R] 2604 Locust st Kinder E B [It] 1112 X 22d st King H R [E] 2720 St Louis ave King J A [E] 20 S 15th st King R AI [It] 1125 X Grand ave. KINGSBURY AV V [It] 520Olivest. Hrs 11 to 1 p m; res 3303 a Chestnut st. Hrs until 9am and after 4 p m. St Louis Col Phy and Surg 1**7; mem St Louis Med Soc. KIN NEK H [R] 1103 Autumn st. Hrs until 9 a m, 2 to 4 p m. Univ Berlin 1*63; mem German Med Soc. Kinner Helmuth AI 1103 Autumn st Kirchner H A [R] 4476 Easton ave KIRCHNER H C A [R] 1907 X Grand ave. Hrs 7 to 9 a m, 1 to 3 and 6 to 9 p m. St. Louis Aled Col 1*6*; mem Ger Med Soc. Klein S [R] 1923 X Grand ave Kleinecke A [It] 948 Chouteau ave KLEAIAI H [It] 1*25 AVash st. His * to lo a m, 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p in. St Louis Col Phys and Surg 1**2 Kleykamp A [R] 2718 Glasgow ave Knapp L 3303 Meramec st KNEEDL.ER H D [It] Resident Phy Al- exian Bros Hosp; Beaumont Hosp Med Col 1*92 Knox F T [H] 3500 Laclede ave Kolbenheyer F [It] 120* Dillon st Kollme O [R] Cor Chouteau and Jefferson ave Ivrebs G [R] 2*16 Second Carondelet ave Kriege H AV [R] 1443 St Louis ave Krieger J A [R] 2902 Lucas ave Kuhn D [It] 1746 Chouteau ave L La Barge C L [It] 2544 X Grand ave Lacey J H [It] 4433 N 20th st Laidley L H [R] 353* Washington ave Lane P C [R] 2(125 Alarket st ^Langan L AV [It] 2609 X 22d st Langan W J [It] 2216 Carr st Lare H S P [R] 121* Olive st , Larew J T [It] 1505 Lernngwell ave Lavat S Ella [H] 4530 St Ferdinand ave Larsen G J [It] 3005 Gravois ave. Lawrence J J [It] 3*11 Pine st Leavell N AI [It] 320*a Lucas ave 16 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. ST. LOUIS —Continued. LEAVY J A [R] Hotel Baxnum. His 8 to 10 a m,2 to 4 and7 to 9 p m. St Louis Med Col 1851 LEBEAU I. A [It] 2*06 Olive st. Wash- ington Univ of Baltimore 1872. Special- ist in Opthalmology; mem St Louis Aled Soc LEBRECHT J C [R] n w cor Broadway and Market st. Hrs 12 to 3 and 7 to 9 p m. St Louis Med Col 18*2; mem St Louis Med Soc Lederle O [R] 4904 N Broadway Leete J AI [R] 2912 AVashington ave Lemen J R [R] 3217 Lucas ave Lemoine L L C [R] 410 N 15th st ' Lemoine E S [It] 1622 Washington ave Levy F J [It] 3510 Pine st Leonard It J [R] 219 X Eighth st LEUDEKING R[It] 1*37 Lafayette ave. Hrs until 9 a m, 2 to 3 p in after 6 p m. Univ of Strausburg 1876; mem St Louis Med Soc Lewis ('has J [It] 1402 Monroe st LEWIS BRANSFORD [R] 1006 Olive st. Hrs 10 a m to 3 pm. AIo Aled Col 1**4. Lecturer on Genito-Urinnry Sur- gery. Mo Aled Col; mem American Ass'n of Geuito-Urinary Surgeons, etc. Con- sultant in Geni to-Urinary Surgery to St Mary's Infirmary. AIo Pacific Hospital, City and Female Hospitals. Editor Medical Fortnightly. Lewis W C [R] 5236 N Broadway Lingenfelder P J [R] 319 Clark ave Lightner C R [It] The Studio, Jefferson and Washington ave LillieC W [R] 11 S 16th st Link J .1 [It] 2302 S Broadway ^Loeb H W [R] 303 N Grand ave Loeby A 2007 Cass ave Loftus W V [R] 3*31 Finney ave LOGAN H B [R] 3536 Easton ave. Hrs 7 to 9 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to * p in. AIo Med Col 1*49 Logan J B [R] 701 Olive st Long H E [R] Merchants' Hotel Loring C G [It] 4107 Belle ave Loring F L [R] 1827 Bacon st Love 1 N [R] cor Lindell and Grand ave. Ed Aledical Mirror Low C [E] 2342 Washington ave Lowry W N [R] 2524 Taylor ave LUDWIG V V F [R] 1509 Chouteau ave. Hrs * to 9 a m, 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p m. Tel 3170. St Louis Med Col 1*5S. Prof Ob- stet Woman's Aled Col; mem St Louis Aled Soc LUTZ E J [R] 1*05 S Broadway. Hrs 9 to lo a in, 3 to 4 p in. St Louis Med Col 1*76. Prof Surg Path and Clin Surg Beaumont Hosp Med Col. Surg-in-chief Alexian Bros' Hosp. Sec St Louis Surg Soc; mem AIo Med Soc Luyties C J [H] 2*14 Lafayette ave M Magoon E 4*05a ITorrissant ave Magoon F L 4*05 Florrissant ave Alack H P [R] 1220 Olive st Magoffin J [R] 704 Pine st Muk C W 1622 Pine st Mardorf W C [R] 1111 Chouteau ave MARKS HEINE [It] Supt and Surgeon City Hosp. Cincinnati Col of Med and Surg 1877; mem St. Louis Med Soc Marks H J [R] 1019 Russell ave Martin S C [R] 5*00 S Broadway Martin 1) B [R] 223 AV right st MARTIN T A [It] 803 Pinest. Hrs 10 to 12 m and 5 to 7 p in. Res 2943 Easton ave. Hrs till 8:30 a m. 1 to 2 p m. Bellevue Hosp Aled Col 1870; Clin Prof Dis of Chil- dren AIo Aled Col; mem AIo Aled Soc Mathiason T [H] 1411 Salisbury st May AV B [H] 2913 Dickson MAY'FIELD AV H [Itl 909 Taylor ave. Supt and Surgeon-in-chief Alo Baptist Sanitarium; mem AIo Aled Soc MAYGKR J [R] 1742 Chouteau ave. Hrs until 9 a in, 2 to 4 and 6 to 7 pm. St Louis Aled Col 1*67; mem AIo Med Soc McCabe L L [R] Grand ave and North Market st AI<< ANDLESS AV A [R] 2327 Lafayette ave. Hrs 8 to 10 a in, 2 to 3 and 7 t > 8 p m. St Louis Med Col 1*73; Prof Surg Anat Beaumont Hosp Aled Col; mem AIo Aled Soc AlcCann I) G [R] 531* Easton ave McClure J [R] 1000 Olive st McCosh G E [R] 2903 Chestnut st McElwee L (' [H] 215 S Jefferson ave MelNTYRE J H [It] 614 Olive st, Hrs 10 am to 2 p m. Jefferson Aled Col 1*64; mem AIo Aled Soc AIcKeage J AI [R] 1302 Olive st McLean Alary H [R] 3424 Washington ave McPheeters AV AI [It] 3452 Pine st MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 17 Ale William R [R] 906 N 11th St Medlin P A [R] 1401 S Broadway AlEISENBACH A H [R] 2229 S Broad- way. Hrs until 9 a in, 1 to 3 and 6:30 to 7:30 p m. St Louis Med Col 1876; Prof Clin Surg and (Tin Path Alarion-Sims Col Med; mem St Louis Med Soc Alellies C [H] 3246 X 19th st Alenestrina F [R] 913 Alorgan Alerrel Albert [E] 3814 Washington ave Met calf R L [It] 810 Olive st Meyer H [H] 2018 Salisbury st Meyer E G [It] 2734 Chouteau ave Aleyer F O [R] 2604 St Louis ave AIICHEL C E [R] 2925 Washington ave. His 9:30 am to 1:30 p m. Prof Opth AIo Med Col; mem St Louis Aled Soc Aliles E S [E] 615 Pine st Miller G S [R] 2808 Locust st .Miller J B City Hospital Miller J J [R] Kienlen, cor Cottage ave Moeckel T S [H] 712 S 4th st Miller J AI [E] 4415 St Ferdinand ave Monegan (' H [R] 1332 Chouteau ave Montgomery A [It] 113 West Blow st AIOONEY' F D [R] 2330 Washington ave. Hrs 12 to 3 pm. AIo Aled Col 1880; Clin Prof Dis Women AIo Aled Col; mem AIo Med Soc Moore R L [It] 1511 Olive st Moore F R [H] 71* X Garrison ave .Aloore AV G [R] Vandeventer I'lace and A'andeventer ave Alorgan W B [H] 2924 AVashington ave Morgner K [E] 2800 Chouteau ave , Alorrell AI P [R] 319 X Grand ave Alorrill G H [H] 2713 AVashington ave Morrow D B [H] 31* S Jefferson ave Alorris C (' 2444 Grand ave Moses S G [R] 5358 Cabanne Place Mudd H G [R] 2604 Locust st MIDI) H H [R] 2604 Locustst. Hrsllto 1. St Louis Med Col 1866; Dean St Louis Aled Col of Aled Dept Washington Univ: Prof Clin Surg, and Tract, and Disloc St Louis Aled Col; Dean Mo Dent Col; mem St Louis Med Soc Mueller A [R] 1100 Chouteau ave .Mueller A J 2901 Thomas st Alueller E [R] Supt Insane Asylum Alueller F. L [R] 1205 O'Fallon st MILHALL J C [It] 3609 Lindell Boule- vard. Hrs 8 to 12 m, 4 to 6pm. StLouis Med Col 1873; mem St Louis Aled Soc Murphy R B [R] 5753 Alanchester road Murray AI C [R] 2921 Chestnut st N Nelson E AI [R] Maple and Hamilton aves Xeubert A [R] 8 S 4th st Newland H [R] 2201 Olive st NEUHOFF F [R] 1231 Chouteau ave. Hrs 8 to 10 a m, 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 pm. St Louis Med Col 1887 Newell J AI [R] 1227 Washington ave Newman L E [R] 3024 Locust st Nichols A B [R] 2643 Pine st Nicholson C AI [R] 2930 Washington ave Nicks H G [R] 3657 Page ave. Ensworth Aled Col 1890 NIDELET J C [R] 2927 Washington ave. Mo Med Col i860 Nietert H L [R] 320 Cedar st Nifong F G [It] 4950 Easton ave Noll P E [R] 3330 Bell ave Xolte J H [E] 1245 N Eighth st Northelfer J J [It] 1215 Sidney st Nowlin D [R] Taylor and Finney aves Nitzchmann E [R] 3044 Thomas st o O'Donohue F J [R] Blair ave and O'Fal- lon st OHMANN'-I)l 'MESNIL A H [It] Broadway and Alarket st. St Louis Aled Col 1880. Hrs 11 to 3. O'Gallagher J [R] 823 N 11th st Olcott A AV [R] Grand and Easton ave O'Reilly C C [R] 3204 Olive st O'Reilly It [R] 602 N 17th st O'Reilly T W [R] 1643 AVashington ave O'REILLY P S [R] *17 N High st. Hrs 9 to 10 a m, 12 to 2 and 6 to 7 p m. St Louis .VI ed Col 1861 O'Reilly T [It] 1643 AVashington ave Orr (' J [R] 3009 Easton ave. Clin Lect on Dis Nose and Throat, St Louis Med Col; Grad St Louis Aled Col '91. Hrs 8 to 10, 1 to 2 and 7 to *. ORTH C [It] 1437 Penrose st. Hrs 7 to 10 a m, 12 to 3 and 6 to 8 p m. Univ Wurtzburg 1887; St Louis Col Phy and Surg 1890 Ostertag A [R] 2010 X 9th st Ottofy L AI 6713 Manchester rd Ottofy L 61* Alauchester rd 18 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. ST. LOUIS — Continued. Ol'TTEN AA' B [R] 3603 Lindell ave. Hrs * to 10 a m, 2:31) to 4 pm. St Louis Med Col 1866; Dean and Prof of Prac of Aled Beaumont Med Col; Chief Surg Mo Pac Ry System; mem St Louis Aled Soc Palmer L K [R] 3806 Finney ave , Papin T L [R] 319 N Grand ave , Papin J R [R] 319 N Grand ave Pardue J P [It] 4502 Easton ave PARKER J P [R] Garrison and Lucas aves. Hrs 9 a m to 6 p in. Jefferson Med Col 1**6. Editor Annals of Oph- thalmology and Otology Parker J J [R] 1912y2 N 11th st Pearson W B [R] 23d and Olive Peckham C T [R] 3d and Olive sts Peeler A F [R] 3300 Morgan st PARRISH J G [It] 3043 Easton ave. Hrs until 9, 1 to 3 and after 6. Mo Aled Col 1872 Parsons S B [H] 2246 Washington ave Pence Mrs E C [H] 3007 Easton ave Pendleton L [R] 3144 Franklin ave Pepenbrook D [R] 926 N 8th st Perkins G B Female Hospital Perkins L M [R] 500 N Jefferson ave Peters Charlotte [H] 1519 Warren st Resold C [R] 1522 Wagner Place Phelan R A [H] 2221 Olive st PIRTLE J T [R] 2714 Chouteau ave. His * to 9 am, 12 to 3 and 7 to 9 p m. St Louis Med Col 1*62; mem AIo Med Soc; Consulting Phy to Mo Pac It It Hosp Pitzer G C [E] 1110 Chambers st .Pohlman L P [R] 1424 AVrightst Pohrer W J [R] 2757 Groves ave vPollak S [R] 1129 x Grand ave ^ Pollock J T [It] 1744 Chouteau ave Pomeroy J It [R] Easton and Euclid aves PORTER AV [R] 520 Olive st. Hrs 11 tol. Jefferson Med Col 1*72; Prof Dis Throat and Chest; Col Phy and Surg; Ed St Louis ('Unique Porter AV T [It] St Louis Med Col Posert H [R] 1520 Lafayette ave . Post AI H ]R] Beaumont and Washington a yes Potter O F [It] 2556 N Grand ave POWELL C H [RJ Taylor and Finney aves. Hrs 8 to 10 a m, 3 to 5 p in. St Louis Med Col 1887; mem St Louis Med Soc Powers E AI [R] 115 S 4th st PRE WITT T F [R] 3101 Pine st. Hrs 8 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 p m and after 6 p in. St Louis Aled Col 1836. Prof Surg AIo Med Col; mem Alo Aled Soc Prichard J A [R] 4012 New Alanchester rd Prichard J B [R] 3209 Easton ave Priest AV G [R] City Dispensary Purkitt C S [R] 7815 S 6th st Quarles It A [It] 4149 Easton ave Raband E F [It] 1*01 S 10th st Randall L J [R] 2014 Olive st Randolph L L [E] 2641 olive st Ratte H F [R] 3113 X Grand ave Ramming .1 [It] 2001 E Grand ave R avoid A N [R] 2*06 A'organ st 'Read J S [H] 1518 Chouteau ave Iteber L S [R] 6921 S Broadway Reed W I, [R] 2*12 AVashington ave Reilly W [R] 1311 N 10th st Remme C T [It] 400 S 14th st Richardson AV C [H] 304 X sth st RICHTER (i [It] 1432 S Broadway. Hrs 9 to 10 a in, 7 to 8 p m. Univ Wurtzburg 1*74; mem St Louis Aled Soc RIESMEYER L T [R] 3030V, Locust st. Hrs 9 to 10:30 a in,2 to 3 and 6 to 7 p in. Mo Med Col RILEY V AI [It] 2301 Olive st. Hrs * to 12 a in, 2 to 5 i> in. Miami 1870. Prof Chem- istry Raines A ed Col; mein St Louis Med Soc Ring F [R] 6107 Plymouth ave Ringe J [R] 1833 S 7th st Robb AV H [It] 1502 Olive st KOI5INSON A < [R] 1401 Olive st. Hrs * to in a m, 12 to 2 and 6 to * p in. Mo Med Col 1*74; mem St Louis Med Sue ROBINSON I' G [It] 2710 Washington ave. Hrs 8 to 9:30 a m, 1 to 2:30 p m. Med Col of the State of S Carolina 1*56. Dean and Prof Prac of Med Mo Med Soc Roemmich J P [It] 914 Olive St. Rohlfing C G [R] 1721 AY ash st MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 19 Rohlfing HAL [It] 107 S Jefferson ave ^Rohlfing H T [R] 2000 Laclede ave Rohlfing L C [It] 1512 St Louis ave Rooch A [R] 1907 Bremen ave Ross W H [R] 1443 St Louis ave HUGE J A [R] S02 Salisbury st. Hrs* to 10 a m, 2 to 3 aud 7 to 8 p m. Hum- boldt Med Col 1*61; mem St Louis Med Soc Rumbold F M [R] 620 Olive st Runge E (' [R] Easton ave. cor Cora Place Hrs *:30 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 aud 7 to * p m, and at night, lnstiiirhys and Assl in Clin for Nerv Dis at St Louis Med Col, Med Dep of Wash Univ; St Louis Aled Col 1891. Russell C L [H] 271* V ills st RY'AN J F [It] 173* Chouteau ave. Hrs * a m to * p m. St Louis Aled Col 1890. Sanders AV E City Hospital Sargent E E [E] 3007 Easton ave Sargent F W [H] 3007 Easton ave Sargent M U [H] 3007 Easton ave Sauerman H [It] 405 Walnut st SAUNDERS E AV [R] 1526 Alississippi ave. Univ of \'a 1*75: mem AIo Aled Soc Sauter C E [H] 1006 Grattan st Schade F [It] 3*2* S Broadway Sehaffer G H [H] 2625 Mills st Scheele M H [It] 3702 Ohio ave Schiereek S L [H] 2020 X 9th st Schleiffarth (' AV [R] 1525 Chouteau ave Sehlossstein A [R] 2401 S Rroadway SCHAIIDT A [R] 2301 S Broadway. Hrs 7 to 9 a m, 1 to 3 and after 7 p m. M arion- Sims Col Aled 1*92 Schoenman AV [R] 2002 S 3d st Scholz P [It] 3332 X 14th st Schott A H [H] 2*4* Lafayette ave Schreiuer J G [E] 1209 Olive st Schultz H B [It] 2415 S Broadway Schuricht G S [H] 1015 St Ange ave Schiermnnn J H [R] 142* Mallinkrodt st Schwarz H [R] 1723 Chouteau ave . Schwarze A [It] 731 S Broadway y Schwartz H [R] 521 Pine st ,Scott J [M] It 703 Washington ave Sellner A [It] 7425 S Broadway SENSENEY E AI [R] 2*29 Washington ave SHAPLEIGH J B [R] 260* Locust st- Hrs 9 to 12 a in, 3 to 5 and 9 to 10 p in. St Louis Med Col 1**1. Clin Prof Dis of the Ear. St Louis Aled Col; mem Mo Med Soc SHAKPE N W [R]TheSlii(lio, Washing- ton and Jefferson aves. Hrs 9 to 11 a m, 6:30 to * p m. Beaumont Hosp Aled Col 1890; mem St Louis Med Soc Shattinger C [R] 2200 Sidney St Shaw A B [R] 2900 Chestnut st Shay E A [H] 3615 S Broadway Shomber H [E] 1119 Salisbury si Shore J [R] 1506 Olive st Siegel T E [H] 1332 Chouteau ave Silverwood W L [R] 2637 Pine st Simon J H [R] 524 Alanchester rd Simpson C AI [R] 2631 Dickson st SKRAINKA P [R] 822 X Charming ave. Hrs 1-0 am to 1 p m,3 to 6 p m. St Louis Med Col Sluder G [R] 2647 AVashington ave Smith E F [R] 116 X Grand ave S.MITH E S [R] 116 X Grand ave. His 10 to 12, 5 to 6 |> m. St Louis Med Col 1**7; mem St Louis Aled Soc S.MITH J AV [R] 2301 AVashington ave. Hrs * to 10 a in, 12 to 2 and 6 to * p in. AIo Aled Col 1890; mem St Louis Aled Soc Smith M Xey [E] 721 Olive st Sped F [R] 1436 Old Alanchester rd SPENCER 11 N [R] 2725 Washington ave. Hrs S to 12 in, 4 to 6 p m. N Y Col P and S 1*6*. Prof Dis of the Ear. Mo Med Col; mem St Louis Aled Soc SPIEGELH ALTER J [R] 2166 Lafay- ette ave. Hrs until 9 a m, 1 to 3 and 7 to * p in. Humboldt Med Col 1*62; mem St Louis Med Soc Spuezey F [R] 606 S 2d st Stack Jno C City Hospital Staelir E [R] 1708 Olive st Standlee E L [E] 1127 St Louis ave Standing W [R] 3627 N Grand ave Stapp AV [R] 1315 X Broadway ^tarkloff M C [It] 7620 S Broadway Stauf H D [It] 427* Finney ave Steedman Q G [R] 2*03 Pine st Steele A J [R] 2*25 Washington ave ■'«?U 3C ***": 20 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. ST. LOUIS —Continued. STEER J [R] 3126 AVashington ave. Hrs * to 9 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to * p m. Med Dept Univ City of N Y 1*76; Prof Mat Aled, and Ther and Clin Med Mo Med Col; mem St Louis Med Soc Steinmetz B V [R] 207 S 14 st Stelzleni G W [R] 3210 X Broadway STEVENS L T [R] 327 X Jefferson ave, Hrs 10 to 12 m, 7 to * p m. Harvard Med School 1**6. Stevens C D [It] 2106 Lafayette ave Stevens J M [H] 2610 Locust st Steiger W T [R] 818 Angelica st Stillman J D [R] 4446 McPherson ave STOFFEL R J [R] 1825 Pestalozzi st. Hrs 7 to * a m, 2 to 3 and 7 to * p m. St Louis .Ved Col 1**0; mem St Louis Med Soc Strasser F K [H] 2219 Cass ave Strasser N M [H] 2219 Cass ave STRAUS L [R] 407 X Grand aye. Hrs 10 to 12 m, 4 to 5 p m. Univ of Louisville 1**0; mem St Louis Med Soc Strothotte A [R] 2104 N 14th st Studhalter J E [R] 1310 Arsenal st Stuever F L [It] 2923 Morgan st Sturholm F O [R] 915 N 14th st Sullivan J E [R] 1920J4 Cass ave SUM MA H H [It] 3707 X 11th st. Hrs 7 to 9 a in, 2 to 3 and 6:30 to 7:30 p m. St Louis Med Col 1875; mem St Louis .Ved Soc SUM MA HUGO [R] 2247 St Louis ave. Hrs 7 to 9 a in, 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p m. Munich, tier, 1883; mem St Louis Aled Soc SITTER O [R] 1119 N Market st. Hrs 7 to9am,2 toland 7 to 9 p m. Beaumont Hosp Med Col 1*92 T Tandy L G [R] 2317 S Broadway Taylor T B [R] 303 X Grand ave TEMM F A [R] 907 X Jefferson ave. Hrs 8 to 9 a m, 1 to 3 and 6 to * p m. v o Med Col 1890; St Louis Col of Phar 1**7; mem St Louis Med Soc Thomas E B [H] 1114 Madison st Thomas J L [R] 3203 Chouteau ave Thomas G R [R] 1545 S 7th st Thompson E S Female Hospital Thompson G D [R] 1115 X 15th st THOMPSON G H [R] 1520 Lafayette ave. Hrs 8 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 and 6 to s p m. Alo Aled Col 1***; Bellevue Hosp Aled Col 1889; Prof -Mat Aled St LouisCol Phy and Surg Thompson H E [R] 2318 S Broadway Todd W W [R] 717 Lafayette ave Tournot L [H] 2842 2d Carondelet ave Thayer H [R] 11th and Aladison sts Trappen H [R] 2746 Aleramec st Treutler O E ] R] 1216 High st TUHOLSKE H [R] Jefferson ave and Locust st. Hrs 10 to 1, 8 to 9 p in. AIo Med Col 1870; mem St Louis Med Soc Tupper P Y [R] 822 Channing ave Turnbull L A [R] 600 Walnut st Tuthill B W [E] 918 S 4th st Tyree .II [R] 1122 Second Carondelet ave U Ude W [R] 2609 Second Carondelet ave Upshaw J W 5029 Shaw ave Upshaw T W 4212 Juniatta st Upshaw T J 2814 Adams st USTICK C M [H] 3001 Olive st, Hrs 10 to 12 in, 4 to 5 and 6:30 to 7:30 p in. Hahn Med Col 1890; Prof A list and Hist Horn Med Col V VALLK J F [R] 3303 AVashington ave. Hrs 8 to 10:30 am, 1 to 3:30 pin. St Louis Aled Co! 1**5; mem St Louis Med Soc Van Xort H [R] 3645 Cozzen ave Van Winkle H [R] 22d and Market sts VastineC [H] 3503 Lindell ave Vaughn J W [R] 515 Pine st Vaughn R A [R] 704 Olive st Vawter E S [R] *01 X 20th st Voerster E [R] 1128 St Ange ave Vogt J G [R] 523 Market st Vogt G AV [R] 1443 Blair ave Volker R C [R] 7027 S Broadway Vordick A H [E] 2572 Benton st Vonderan O K 2306 S 15th st w Wagner G AI [R] 520 olive st Waibel L F [R] 7631 S Broadway Wait W J [R] 211 S Jefferson ave MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 21 "Wall O A [R] 4532 Virginia ave Walton L A [R] 3219 Manchester road Ware C A [R] 1400 Olive st Washington X C [R] 1503 Warren st Watt J C [R] 2317 Clark ave Waterhouse E R [E] 1706 Chouteau ave Wear R A [R] 1703 Olive st AVebb AV [R] 3523 Olive st Webster E E [R] 107 Blow st Weinsberg J H [R] 10th and Lafayette ave AVells R 920 X 19th st Wells S F 920 X 19th st Wenger E [R] 2002 S Broadway Werner C E [R] 2631 Lafayette ave Wesseler W [R] 3023 S Broadway AVesseler W [R] 2031 S 13th st AVest T J [R] 2031 E Grand ave AVhelpley H AI [R] 2342 Albion Place AVhitaker J [R] cor 12th and Pine sts WHITTIER O I) [E] 617 St Charles st, Hrs 9 a m to 1 p in, 3 to * p m. Am Ec- lectic 1*75 AA'ichman H L [R] 1624 S Jefferson ave Wichman HLJr [R] 1419 S 7th st WILCOX AV A [11] 3899 Delmar ave. Hrs * to 9 a in. 1 to 3 and 6 to 7:30 p m. St. Louis Med Col 1*5*. Prof Neurology Horn Med Col Williams A D [R] 1407 Olive st AVilliams A F [E] 3600 X 11th st Williams F G [R] 1211 Poplar st Williamson E J [E] 809 N 9th st WILSON C A [i,] 506 X 14th st. Hrs II to 12 in. 2 to 4:30 and 6 to * p m. Har- vard Med Dept 1*69 Wilson C L [R] 2330 Washington ave Wilson G H [R] 2601 X 9th st Wilson AV (' [R] 1833 Cass ave Wolfner H L [R] 2244 Washington ave Woodruff AI C [R] 1220 Olive st Wood W L [R] Beaumont and Washing- ton ave Wright F D [R] 904 Olive st Wroughton J AV [R] 2906 Olive st Wyman II P 623 N Leffingwell ave Y VARNA LL M [R] 1501 Washington ave. His until 9 a m, 2 to 7 p m. St Louis Med Col 1*67 Yarnell J C [R] *23 X 11th st Young C L [R] 5711 Alanchester rd Young G AV [R] U S Marine Hosp Younkin E [E] 3035 Lucas ave z Zeller F F [R] 7115 S Broadway 22 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. THE: SEVENTH AND WdSHINQTON STS., Kansas City, Missouri. FACULTY: S. S. TODD, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Dis- eases of Women. E. W. SCHAUFFLER, A. M., M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine. D. R. PORTER. M. D., Professor of the Principles and Pract'.ce of Medicine and Clinical Medicine. J. D GRIFFITH, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery. J. II. VAN E MAN, M. D., Professor of Diseases of Women.1 J. H. THOMPSON, M. D., Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology. THEO. S. CASE.M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Hygiene. W. C. TYREE, M. D., Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology. JOSEPH SHARP, M. D., Professor of Therapeutics and Clinical Medicine. ANDREW L. FULTON, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Clinical Sur- gery. CHARLES H. LESTER, M. D., Professor of Diseases of Children. II. O. HANAWALT, M. D., Professor of Physiology. S. G. BURNETT, A. M., AI. D., Professor of Diseases of the Nervous System. J. W. PERKINS, A. B., M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery and Operative Surgery. J. F. BINNIE, A. M., M. B., C. M., Professor of Surgical Pathology and Minor Surgery. T J. BEATTIE,M. D., Adjunct to the Chair of Diseases of Wo- men. F. W. RATHBONE, M. D., Lecturer on Chemistry. J. W. GAINES, B. S., M. D., Lecturer on Histology, J. B. CONNELL, B. S., LL. B.f M. D., Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence. C. E. CLARK. M. D., Lecturer on Materia Medica and Clinical Laryngology. R. T. SLOAN, A. M., M. D., Lecturer on Physiology. E. H. THRAILKILL, M. D., R C. LOWMAN.M.D, Demonstrators of Anatomy. G. E. BELLOWS, M. D., Instructor in Histology. G. M. GRAY, M. D., Lecturer on Anatomy. G. C. MOSHER, M. D., Adjunct to the Chair of Obstetrics. F. R. SMILEY, M. D., Prosector to the Chair of Anatomy. AMBROSE TALBOT, M. D., Instructor in Physical Diagnosis. Demonstrator of Chemistry. The Twenty-fifth Annual Session will begin the third Monday in September, 1893, and continue six full months to March 20, 1894. Three years graded course. Post- graduate Courses. For information address JOS. SHAEP.M. D.,Sec'y. 7885 MISSOURI BdmjT /dNlTdRWn 909 Taylor Avenue, ST. LOUIS, MO. The AHssonri Baptist Sanitarium is legally chartered and in the hands of fifty men and women, among the strongest and best that the Baptists of Missouri could select. It is founded on business and benevolent principles, and it is a combination of all that is good in a sweet christian home, hospital, health resort and medico-surgical institu- tion. While it is owned and controlled by the Baptists of Missouri (130,000 in number), it is non-sectarian in its benefits. It is one of the most complete and thoroughly equipped hospitals in the West. Its charges to patients are reasonable It is peculiarly the hospital for physicians in or out of the city. We are even more liberal toward the physicians, surgeons, and specialists in the city and out, in the practice of the Institution, than with our own staff, for we allow them to regulate their own prices, and give them equal rights in the Institution, while we require our own physicians to make only very moderate charges, and require one- fourth of said charges to be turned into the Sanitarium treasury to help defray its ex- penses. The hotel department meets with much favor among physicians who bring their patients here, as they can remain a number of days in the same building, near the pa- tient when they so desire, at the cost of $1.50 per day. The elegant dining room is a great attraction to convalescents and visitors. The bathing department, Turkish baths, &c, are of the most modern, and adds greatly to the usefulness of the Institution. A cordial invitation is extended to the profession to visit and inspect the Sanitarium. W. H MAYFIELD, M D„ Surg. Chief and Superintendent SIOH Taylor Ave., St Louis, Missouri. PHYSICIANS SUPPLY COMPANY. (J. D. PORTER, Prest.) 916 Walnut St., KANSAS CITY, MO. WHOLESALE DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Surgical Instruments, - AND bEFORfllTY APPARATUS. - CO O CO in. Tel ose. Col P and S N Y 7!t; Prof Dis of Women and Chil- dren Uni Med Col: Prof Materia Medica and Ther K (' Dental Col; Disp Staff Dis Women, Uni Free Disp; Surg German Hosp; Vis Ph.v Home Aged; Mem Am Med Assn, Mo State, K C Dist, Kansas State, Jackson Co, MoYalley and West- ern Obsand Gyn Soc, Mil Surg Nat Grds of U S, Hon Mem Atlantic and Pacific Surgical Assn Alexander W B [R] 3517 Independence ave Allen J J [R] K C Med and Surg Sanitar- ium Allen Jno M [R] 913 E 10th st AM)KK«ON SAM H [H] 101 W 9th st. 10 to 12, 5 to 7. Tel 79*. Res sth and Forrest. Homo Med Col of Mo St Louis 1875; Mem Western Acd of Homo, Mo State Inst of Homo, Kas State Inst of Homo Andrews N W [R] 903 Wyandotte Ayers Saml [R] 33 Times Bldg B Buchanan Fred [R] 2141 Holmes Bailey H Y [R] 915 Walnut Baird T C [R] 125 E 3d st [taker H f [H] 101 W 9th st Ball H P [R] 203 RialtoBldg Barber H A [H] 1659 Madison Barney Reuben [R] 209 Campbell Barrett G W [E] 509 Main Baum F [R] 1031 Main Beattie T J [R] Journal Bldg Beckman J J £509 Flora Bedford W C [R] 1 Times Bldg BKLLOWS <;k<> E [R] 1109 Broadway. 9 to 2, 3 to 5. Tel 020 Res 1810 Spring- field. Tel 1016. Col P and S, N Y 1885. N Y Post Grad 1886. N Y Poly 18*0. In- structor Histology, K ('Med Col; Opthal Surg, St Margaret Hosp, Union Pac Hos; Mem Mo State and Jackson Co Med Soc; Specialist, Oculist and Aurist Benjamin G A [R] 1212 Euclid Bennett J C [H] 414 E 31st st Bennett R S [R] 1525 Montgall 24 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. KANSAS CITY —Continued. Bennett T I, 2806 E 6th st Benton Win [R] 1803 E 18th st BKKGEK L A, A M IR] 1201 Grand ave. 8 to 1(1, 2 to 4. Tel 9*8. Res 1322 McGee. Tel 1*7::. St Louis Med Col 1870; Sec'C.v smd Prof Obst and Dis Women in Uni Med Col; Staff of Disp; Attending Phy German Hosp; Consulting Obstetrician City Hosp; Phy in charge Home Aged; Mem Mo State and Jackson Co, KC Dist Med Soc Biles J A [R] 515 Main Bingham C C 1521 Troost Bingley M A [R] 1504 Grand B1NNIE J K A M, M B, C M [R] Times I'.ldg. 12 to 1, 3 to 5. Tel 59*. Res Coates House. Aberdeen Uni Scotland 1886; I'rof Surg Pathology, KC Med Col; Prof Aural Surg, Western Dental Col; Surg Staff All Saints, German, and Children's Free Hosp; Mem Mo State Med.Jackson Co, E Kansas Dist, Acd of Med and Brit- ish Medico Med Societies Birchmore W H [R] 623 E 13th st BLOCK J [R] Journal Bldg. 1 to 4:30. Tel 986. Med Col ol Ohio 1879; V B and Por *89-'9(l; Surg German Hosp; Mem Mo State, Jackson Co, K C Dist Med Soc Bly Dr [R] Troost ave and 10th st BOGIE M A [R] Journal Bldg. 11 to 1, 4 to 6. Tel 028. Long Island Col Hosp 1*04; Bellevuel*70; N Y Med Col '71; Pres .Jackson Co Med Soc '93; Mem Am, Mo State and Jackson Co Med Soc Bond J A [R] 11th and Walnut Bosserman D AY 5 W 12th st Bovard W C [R] 2200 Park Bowers J F [R] 533-4 Rialto Bldg Bowker S D [R] 1730 Woodland Bowman J W [R] Nationfcl Bldg Bracking T J [R] 310 E 18th st Brady E T [H] 1315 Jefferson Brainard B F [R] 5th and Wyandotte Brenizer G AV [R] 14th and Crystal Brooks D T [EJ 709 E 31st st Brooks S H [E] 709 E 31st st Browning J B [R] 700 Brooklyn Brownlee J C [R] 401 W 5th st Bruehl Julius [R] 1036 Main Brumback A A 33 Jenkins Bldg Bryant Jno Jr [R] 77 Coml Bldg Burchard Easton [R] 213 Rialto Bldg HUKKE U W [R.] 10 to 12, 3 to 5. Tel 050. Rialto Bldg. Mo Med Col St Louis 1*92; Asst Dem Anatomy Univ Med Col; Gynecologist Staff of Disp, Uni Med Col Burnett S G [R] 42* Rialto Bldg Burrill C AV [R] 1216 E 19th st c Cadwell J W [R] 616 Main Callaghan Richard 1719 Locust Callahan W F [R] 203 E 12th st Camp L M [R] 16i/2 E 12th st Canfleld Mrs P E [H] 429 Rialto Bldg Carpenter J D [R] 1719 Grand ave Carson C H [V] 903 Broadway Carter 0 M [R] 1341 E 18th st CARTER N iVI [E] 13 SchuLte Bldg. Am Med Col '76; Eclectic Med Soc Casseday F F [H] Cathcart C P [R] 1103 Main Chamberlain MrsC P [R] 901 Penn Chamberlain O K 901 Penn Chapman A L [R] 1214 Main Chappell AV E [R] 1026 Union Chassagne E J [R] 47 Bunker Bldg Chastain C AV [R] 11th and AValnut Chittenden R H [R] 2217 Independence CLARK C E [R] 601 E 12th st. 10 to 1, 5 to 6:30. Tel 1593. Res 1224 Bales. Tel *78. Rush Med Col '86; Lecturer Materia Medica Clinical Laryng and K C Med Col; Laryngologist to Free Disp; mem .lackson Co Med Soc, Alumni K C Med Col (Hue Alice B [R] 1712 Prospect ('line Permelia A [R] 1712 Prospect Cockey M G [R] 209 Journal Bldg Coe C M [R] 11th and Broadway COFFIN GEO O [R]1102 Main. 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Tel 2030. Res 162 Troost. Tel 290. K C Med Col '91 Cohen F T [R] 701 Main Cohen M R [Eccl] 617 .Main Colburn S G [R] 1502 Grand ave Colt E S Miss [H] 416 Deardorff Bldg Combs Wm [R] 908 E 12th st Connell J B [R] 1233 Grand ave Conrad D B [R] 423 AValnut Conway Arthur [R] 39th and Pennsylvania Cookerly (' E [R] 724 AValnut Cooley Franklin [R] 12 cor Grand MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 25 Coover AVm H [L] Campbell S W 15th st CRAIG J V [R] 323 Rialto Bldg. 10 to 2. Tel 01*. Mo Med Col St Louis'79; U S Phy for K C; mem Jackson Co, Mo State aud K C Dist Med Soc Cordier A H [R] 1024 AValnut st Creal C E [R] 700 E 25th st Cresop R N [R] 2128 Pennsylvania Cross R O [R] ixth st and Troost Crosswhite S W [R] City Hall (Health Deptl C'ROSKEY HY [H] 11P2 Main. 9 to 12, 2 to 4. Res Coates House. Specialty Oculist and Aurist, Hann Aled Col, Phil CROW A M [R] 1330 (irand. 7 to 9 a m, 1 to 3 pm. Tel 1200. Res 14th and Oak. Bellevne '65; mem Am and Mo State Med Soc CROAVKLL H C [R] Y M C A Bldg, 9th cor Locust. 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Tel 13(iG. Med Dept Uni Vt '75; N Y Post Grad '88; Gynecologist to All Saints Hosp Cunningham G W [R] 901 Penn Cutler AV P [H] 1227 Michigan H. G. CROWELL, M. D. Y. M.C. A. Building, Ninth and Locust Streets. Kansas City, Mo. PRACTICE LIMITED TO DISEASES OF WOMEN Telephone 1366. Hours: 10-12; 2-4; and 7. D Dabney T S [R] 1016 E 15th st Dalgliesh G D [R] 505 Troost Dannaker C A [R] 1201 Grand ave Dargatz G E [R] 1201 Grand ave Dartt C N [R] 1320 Forrest DAYIS GEO AY [R] Journal Bldg. 9 to 11, 2 to 4. Tel 124. Res 720 Prospect. Med Pept Univ of N Y '70; Prof Genito Urinary and A'enereal Dis Uni Med Col; Treas Uni .Aled Col; A'isiting Surg All Saints Hosp G.W.Davis, M.D. PRACTICE LIMITED TO Genito^Orinapy, Venereal and Skin Diseases. Journal Building, 10th & Walnut, KANSAS CITY, MO. Office Hours: 9-11, 2-1, 8-9. Telephone 124. Dean G A [H] 1106 Main DELAP s C [H] 1106 Main st. Univer- sity of Iowa '80; N Y Ophthalmic Hosp S4-'S5; N Y P Grad '85; Philadelphia Poly '85; A\r ells' Eye and Ear Hosp Phil 'S0;-Prof Ophthalmology, Otology and Laryngology K C Horn Col; Mo State Inst of Horn Offick: Office Hocks: 1106 Main Street, 9 to 12 a M, 2 to 5 p m; Room 3-4. Sundays, 10 to 11 A M. St. €?. DE&AP; BflE. I3J- SPECIAL TREATMENT OF DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Kansas City, Mo. 26 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. University Medical College, OK KANSAS CITY, MO. ~»FACULTY.o~ J. M. ALLEN, M. D., President, Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine. Liberty, Mo. JAMES P. JACKSON, M. D., EUGENE R. LEWIS, A. M., M. D., Professors of the Principles and Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery. Journal Building. FLAVEL B. TIFFANY, M. D., l'rofessor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear and of Histology and Microscopy. 1235 Grand Avenue. CHAS. W. ADAMS, A. M., M. D., Dean, Professor of Diseases of AVomen and Children. 1201 Grand Avenue. G. AY. DAVIS, A. M., M. D., Treas., Professor of Genito-Urinary, Venereal and Skin Diseases. Journal Building. JAMES E. LOGAN, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Nose, Throat and Chest. Ninth and AYalnut. EMORY LANPHEAR, M. A., M.D..PH. I). Professor of Orthopa'dic Surgery 1309 East 8th Street. LYMAN A. BERGER, A. M., M. I)., Sec. Professor of Obstetrics. 1201 Grand Ave. ROBERT L. GREENE, M. P., Professed' of Anatomy, Eleventh and Walnut. JOHN H. DUNCAN, A. M., M. D. Professor of Physiology. Eleventh and AYalnut. RANDAL R. HUNTER, M. D., Ph. D., Professor of Chemistry. 1010 Grand Ave. GEORGE HALLEY, M. P., Professor of Clinical Surgery. 800 Lydia. WILLIAM F. Kl'HX, A. M., M. I)., Professor of Materia Medica and Thera- peutics. 312 East Twelfth, WILL S. COAYHERD, LL. B., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. CLAUDE C. HAMILTON, M. 1)., Ph. G., Professor of Analytical Chemistry. College Building. JOHN WILSON, M. D., Professor of Hygiene. N. Y. Life Bldg. CLAY S. MERRIMAN, M. D., Professor of Diseases of Children. 1116 Main Street. JOHN PONTON, M. D.. Professor of Diseases of the .Mind and Nervous System. Eleventh and Main. C. F. AVA1NF.IGHT, M. D., Professor of Clinical Medicine. 1116 Main. JABEZ N. JACKSON, A. M., M. P., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Journal Bldg. S GOODWIN GANT, A. M., M. D., Lecturer on Diseases of the Rectum. 1201 Grand Avenue. JULIUS (i. KIEFER, M. D., Ph. G., Demonstrator of Alicroscopy. Sixth and AValnut. S. C. JAMES, M. I).. Lecturer on Clinical Medicine and Physical Diagnosis. 1116 Main. ALBERT M. WILSON, A. M., M. D., Lecturer on Practice of Medicine. 1067 Union Avenue. Thirteenth 75nnounce7«vent. The Thirteenth Annual Session of the University Medical College of Kansas City will open about the middle of September, 1893, and continue twenty-six weeks. Instruction in this Institution is given by lectures, clinics, practical courses in the dissecting room and laboratories, and by repeated examinations covering three collegiate years. Clinical Lectures. It is the determination of the Faculty to furnish to students such information as will best fit them to meet the requirements of active professional life. To reach this end no effort has been spared to make the College essentially a practical and demonstrative school. Requirements for Admission. Every applicant for admission must be of good moral character, and possess the evidence of a good English education. He should also possess a sufficient knowledge of Latin to read and write current prescriptions. fttj For Catalogue, or further particulars, apply to CHAS. \V. ADAMS, M. I>., Dean, Twelfth and Grand Avenue. L. A. BERGER, M. D., Secretary, Twelfth and Grand Avenue. MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 27 Denham S H [R] 1116 E 16 st Dennis E J [R] 1813 Indiana Depp Egbert 1911 Holmes DeWalt F L [H] 421 E 6th st Dibble Mrs AI C [R] 1106 Main Dibble LeRoy [R] 1106 Main Dickerson D Estaing [R] 427 Delaware Diers Hy [R] 506 E 15th st Dix E H [R] 80!) E 18th st Doaue Miss H C [H] 1115 Main Doggett E E [R] 5th and Wyandotte Donaldson G H [R] 2220 Agnes Douglas H S [R] 22d and Cherry Dow AY A [R] 556 Cherry Doyle Theo [E] 800 E 15th st Drake N A [R] 1001 Harrison Drumond J O 400 E 4th st Duncan J H [R] Journal Bldg Dunham S A [R] Bayard Bldg Eberle H A [R] 9th and AVyandotte KDGAKTON MARK [H] 1106 Main. 11 to 3.. Tel 1205. Hann Med Col Phil '79; Dean and Prof .Materia Medica K C Homo Aled Col; mem Am Inst Homo; Mo State Inst Homo Eggers John T [R] 11th and AValnut Elder Geo K 524 Main Elliott Chas T [H] 1103 Alain Elston Jno W [R] 511 May Evans AV A [R] 434 Rialto Bldg Fackler J M [R] 1420 Michigan Falconer Alex [R] 1223 Independence Fee John [R] 1103 Alain Feld Jos [R] 518 Delaware Field Thos [R] 1013 Alain Ford L AV [RJ 2402 E 15th st Ford AVm T [R] 1305 Cherry FORSTER W A [H] 307-308 Rialto Bldg Tel 266. Res 703 Olive st. Tel 1527. Horn Col of AIo; St Louis '80; Horn Col of P and S '82; mem Mo Institute of Horn; Ass'n of Orificial Surgeons; Am Inst of Horn FOSTER HAL [R] 1116 Main st. Rms 1 and 2. Hrs 9 to 12 a m, 2 to 5 p m. Tel 2286. Dr. Hal Foster 1116 Main Street, Rooms 1 and 2, Kansas City, Mo. Practice Limited to Throat, Nose, Chest and Ear, Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Telephone 2286 Foster J W [R] 7 W 5th st FOSTER AVM D [H] 420 AV 11th st. 9 a m, 2 to 4 u m. Tel 1407. Homo Col of AIo '69; Prof Principle Surgery and Clin- ical and Operative Surgery Homo School of Med K C; mem Am Inst Horn Mo State Inst Homo Freeborn Grant 1600 Olive Freyman A A [R] 1201 Independence Freyman J [R] 1201 Independence Frick AVm [R] 1209 Grand ave Frick AV J [R] 901 Wyandotte FRYER B F [R] 9th and Cherry. 9 to 2. Tel 1989. Uni of Penn '59; Prof Pa- thology Uni Med Col K C; Oculist and Aurist to St Joseph's and All Saints Hosp Fuller L C [V] 1507 N 12th st FULTON ANDREW L [R] Deardorff Bldg, 8th and Wyandotte. 1 to 2 pm. Tel 1119. Victoria Uni Toronto '69; Belle- vue '70; Prof Anatomy and Clinical Snr K C Med Col; Staff All Saints Hosp; mem Am Aled, Mo State, Jackson Co Med Soc, Asst Surg Alo Pac Hosp. Ed- itor K C Med Record 28 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. KANSAS CITY— Continued. FULTON C AI [l!l N \V cor Troost and K 18th st. Tel 1188. 1-4 p m. Res Woodland Hotel. Tel 556. Ky School of Med '83; Jackson Co Med Soc; KC Academy of Med G GAINES J TV [R] N AV cor 9th and Lo- cust. 11 to 3. Tel 1366. Res 3230 Flora ave. Tel 1583. Med Col of Ohio '86; Dem Histology K C Aled Col; mem Jack- son Co Aled Soc, Acd of Aled GAM' S <; [R] 205 Rialto Bldg. 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Tel 515. Mo Med Col '85-'6; Post Grad N Y '88 ''.); Prof Dis of Rectum and Anus in Uni Med Col K C; Lecturer Rec- tal Dis Scarritt Training School, Rectal and Anal Surg All Saints Staff, East Side Disp, Scarritt Hosp,Children Home; mem Mo State, Alo Valley, N Y P Grad, K C Acd of Aled, Jackson Co, Dist and Ray Co Aled Societies DR.S.G.GANT, the Diseases of RECTUM iHSdNU/ No. 205 Rialto Building, Ninth St. and Grand Ave. KANSAS CITY, ■ MO. TELEPHONE 515. ( 10 TO 12 A. M. OFFICE HOURS < ( 2 TO 5 P. M. Correspondence Solicited. Prompt Attention Given to Same. Gardner J L [R] 2307 Independence Gardner H C [R] Gawley G C [R] 813 E lsth st (iayle V W [R] 548 Main Gibson A C [R] ;22.'S (irand Gill J F [R] 1209 (Irand GlosHcock S S [R] 11th and Walnut Goodhue W S [H] 307-8 Rialto Bldg Gowell S B [R] 806 Independence Graham G A [R] 5th and Holmes Granville EG [R] 909 E 17th st Graves Aliss H T [R] 2333 Belleview Green E A 517 E 3 st st Green Airs AI J [H] 8 9 E 18th st Greene J N Chadwiek Bldg (iKFFNF R L [R] 11th and Walnut. 9 tol. Tel old. Res 1114 Prospect. Uni Med Col K ("86; Bellevue '80; N Y Poly- clinic \ss; N V p Grad '92; Prof Descrip- tive and Surgical Auatomy Uni Aled Col; Prof Anatomy AVestern Dental Col Griffin Theo [R] 11th and AValnut GRIFFITH J D [R] 518 Rialto, 1 to 5. Tel 1970. Res Washington Hotel. Tel 872. Univ N Y City '71; Prof Principles and Practice Surf? K C Med Col; Vis Surg St. Joseph, All Saints'and German Hosp; mem Am Med, AIo State, AIo Val- ley, Aliss Valley Aled Societies; Surg Gen- eral State of AIo; Pres AIo State Board of Health Hearing Theo [R] 1339 E 18th st HALL C LESTER [R] 412 Rialto Bldg. 1 to 4 p m. Tel 1661. Res 2720 Troost ave. 8 to 9:30 a m, 6:30 to 7:30 p in. Tel 2592. Jeff Med Col '67; Gynecologist Scarritt Training School HALLFY GEO [It] sun Lydia st. 2 to 6. Tel 280. Victoria Toronto '69; Prof Clinical Surgery Univ Med Col; Asst Sure,- German Hosp; Vis Surg Scarritt Hosp; mem Jackson Co, AIo State, K C Acd of Aled. British Med Soc HAMFL GEO F [R] cor 8th and May. Tel 1750. Beaumont Med Hosp Col'88; Phar'80; First House Surn Alo Pac Ry Hosp K C Div; mem City Hosp Soc St Louis HAMILTON (LAI DF ( Ph G [Rl 911-913 E 10th St. Tel 2254. Hours (all day). No. 907 Harrison st. Uni Med Col '88, K C Col Phar ss. prof Anal Chem Uni Med Col and K C Col Phar, Prof ('hem AVestern Dental Col of K 0 and K C VetCol; mem AIo State Phar Assn. Hammond I, M [R] 1307 AValnut st HAN A WALT H O [R] Bavard Bldg 1 to 3. Tel 2193. Res 2916 Prospect Aled Col of Ohio '73; Prof Physiology K (' Aled Col; Vis Phy AJ1 Saints' liosp- mem Am Med, Mo State, Kas State, Eastern Dist aud Jackson Co Med Soc Practice Limited to H MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 29 CHEMICAL TELEPHONE LABORATORY. 2254—-^- Claude C. Hamilton, M. D.f Ph. Q., 911-913 E. TENTH ST., Analytical Chemist ^Assayer KANSAS CITY, MO. Special Attention Given to Examination of Urine, Toxicological Cases, Etc. Micro-Examination of Spu- tum, Tumors, Etc. Hanlin D W [R] 700 E 32d st Hardin C B [R] 1116 Main HARDMAN W S [ R] SI2 E 18th st. Tel 2493. Hrs 9 a m, 6 p m. Bellevue '69; N Y P Grad '92 Harrington J L [R] 1041 E 5th st Harrison Britle 922 E 13th st Haynes A C [R] 2027 E 18th st Heller Theo F [R] 2201E 15th st Henderson E L [Spec] 104 W 9th st Henderson G L [Spec] 104 AV 9th st Henderson J E [Spec] 104 \V 9th st Henry F G [R] 1316 E 9th st Ilerbst JE [R] 901 E12thst Hereford H F [R] Journal Bldg Herrold Maud AI [R] Rialto Bldg Hetherington E AI [R] E 8th and Camp- bell Hildebrand J L [R] 1116 Alain Himoe H C [R] 1336 Broadway HimoeSO [R] 16 AV 9th st Hixon C [E] 1604 Holmes Hodges AV H [R] 5th and Main Holt AT 1901 Vine Hooper Asa [E] 9 Alain Hopkins G S [R] Nelson Bldg Horigan J A [R] 1120 Alain Ilorton N N [R] 915 Troost Hudson T II [H] 1110 Locust Hunt A L [R] 1 Lockridge Hall Hunter R R [R] Health Dept City Hall HI TTON F L [R] 742 Locust st. Tel 1040. I'ntil 10 a in, 2 to 4 p m. Rush '84. Med Ex-State Mutual, AVoster, Mass., and Phoenix Afutual of Hartford, Conn; mem Am Med Ass'n: Jackson Co Aled Soc; K (' Acd of Aled I Iuen F J [R] 17 AV 5th st I lien AV C [R] 17 W 5th st J JACKSON I N [R] 209 Journal Bldg. 9 to 12, 4 to 5. Tel 344. Res 1433 Broad- way. Tel 982. Univ Med Col K C '91; Dem Anatomy Univ Aled Col, Surgical Staff E Side Disp; Prof Anatomy and Surgery Scarritt Training School; Prof Anat AA'estern Dental Col; mem Nat Assn Ry Surg; Asst Sec '92-'3; Jackson Co Aled Soc; Hon Chair in Section Ry Surg Pan-Am Aled Congress JACKSON J P [R] 209 Journal Bldg. 10 to 19, 3 to 5. Tel 341. Res 1506 E 8th st. Tel 155. St Louis Aled Col'68; Col P and S N Y City '73; Prof Principles and Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery 1'niv Med Col; Consult Surg All Saints Hosp; Local Surg AV abash R R; mem Nat Assn Ry Surg, Mo State and Jackson Co Med Soc Jackson .lohn AV [R] Times Bldg Jackson T B [R] 500 E 12th st .lackson Wingate [R] 321 AV 6th st Jacobs A II [Spec] 2 Barnab.y Jacobs C W [E] 1115 Alain JAMES S (' [R] Times Bldg. 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Tel 2459. Res 2446 Tracy. Tel 2427. Rush Med Col Chicago '82; N Y Poly '88; Instructor General Medicine Scarritt Training School; Asst Prof Theory and Practice Aled K C Aled Col; mem Jackson Co Med Soc Jenney AV H [H] 318 AV 12th st JFSFKICH FAIOL [R] 601 E 12th st. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Tel 535. Royal Univ Berlin Gerl859; mem AmAIedAssn JONES J RKl AIAIELL [R] 1014 E 9th st. 12 to 3. Tel 445. St Louis Aled Col '68; Vis Phy German Hosp; Alem Alo State K C Dist and .lackson Co Aled Soc 30 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. KANSAS CITY—Continued. Jones K P [R] N E Cor 11th and Alain Jones 0 P [R] Journal building Jones O F [It] Independence and Prospect aves K Keith Airs J 1 [It] 2345 Baltimore Keith AI C [It] 2345 Baltimore Kelley J no Kelley A [R] 1519 Grand ave Keyes N A [R] 565 AValnut KIMBERLIN W H [ It] S E Cor 8th and Campbell. (All da v) Tel 380. KC Hosp Med Col '70; N Y K.\ e and Ear Inf '77; N A' Opthol and Aural Inst '79; Surg in-Chief K (' Eye and Ear Infirmary Kimmell Emma J [H] 18y2 AV 12th st Kimmell FA [II] 18i/2 W 12th st KING WILLIS P [R] N E Cor Nth and Alain. 8 to 10, 12 to 3. Tel 1750. Res 810 Harrison. Tel ]88|. st Louis Aled Col '66; Bellevue '71; N Y Poly '85; Ass't Chief Surg Mo Pac Ry Hosp; Surg Staff All Saints Hosp; mem Nat Ass'n Ry Surg; Am Aled Mo State; Am Obst and Gyn; Jackson Co Med Soc and K C Acd of Med; Hon Mem Kas Aled Soc Kistler J P [It] 601 S AV Boulevard KNOCHE J P [R] 16 Ridge Bid. 10 am to 1:30 p m. K C Med Col '81; Univ A i- enna 1884-5; mem State Aled Soc; Jack- son Co Med Soc; K C Dist Med Soc; K C Acd of Med: Hon Kas State Aled Ass'n office: office hours: 912 Walnut St. 10 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. 16 Ridge Bldg. J. PHILIP KNOCHE, M. D. Practice Limited to Diseases of the Skin. Hospital Service Furnished. Kansas City, - - Missouri. Krueger O AV [R] 401 AV 5th st KIHN W F [It] 409-10 Deardorff Bldg. 11 to 4 p m. Tel 2466. Res 713 E 14th st. Tel 2526. Jeff Med'84; Prof Alateria AledicaandTher Univ Aled Col; mem Mo State and Jackson Co Aled Soc Kyger J AV [R] L Lackey C L [R] 17 Times Bldg LANGSDAFE J M [It] 407-8 Rialto Bldg. 2 to 5. Tel 2083. Mo Med Col'78; Coroner K C '90-'93; mem AIo State, K C Dist and Jackson Co Aled Soc Langsworthy S B [R] 1209 Grand ave FANPHEAR EMORY [It] 1334 E 8th St. 11 to 2. Tel 703. Alo Aled Col '81: Prof; Orthopoedic Surg I'niv Aled Col K C. Pres K C Col Pharmacy; Surg All Saints' Hosp; Editor K C Med Index, Am Journal Surg Lawson Archibald [It] 1120 Alain Lengal Chas [R] 1414 AIcGee Lenard H O [R] Bayard Bldg LESTER (HAS H [R] N E cor 10th and Forrest. 12 to 2. Tel 336. Kas Med Col '79; Bellevue '80; Prof Dis Children K C Med Col; Prof Anatomy K C Dental Col; Attnd Phy All Saints' Hosp; mem Mo State, K C Dist, Jackson Co Med Soc and Acd of Med Lewers F K [R] Journal Bldg FEWIS E R [A AI] [R] Health Dept City Hall. Tel 2516. Res 2203 Troost ave. Tel 393. Office 209-10 Journal Bldg. Tel 344. 10 to 12 a m, 2 to 4 p m. Jefferson 1874; City Phy and Sanitary Inspector; Supt City Hosp, Surg Staff German Hosp; Sec Nat Assn Ry Surg; English Speaking Seclty Surg Pan-Am Congress; Surg to Wabash Ry; mem Am Med, Mo State, Am Pub Health Assn, Jackson Co and K C Dist Med Soc LILLY G W [R] 518i/2 AV 14th st. 12 to 4. Tel 530. Western Reserve Cleveland '86; K C Med Col '87; mem Eastern Dist and Jackson Co Med Soc Linberg B \V [EJ 4th and Broadway Lindeman E [R] Cor S AV Boulevard and Penn Loftus AV V [R] 901 AIcGee LOGAN JASE [R] 306 Keith * Perry Bldg 8 to 1?, 2 to 3. Tel 1698. Res 26 0 McGal ave. Univ Med Col '83; Bellevue '84; Prof Dis Nose, Throat and Chest, Uni Med Col; Lary to All Saints Hosp and Training School; mem Nat Ass'n Ry Surg; Am Med AIo State; Jackson Co Med Soc Acd of Med Logan J AI [R] 1303 E 8th st LOGAN W G [R] 306 K and P Bldg. 8 to 12, 2 to 5. Tel 1698. Res 2606 McGal ave. Tel 2099. Ky School Med '52 Long Douglas [It] 11th and Walnut MISSOURI STATE LONG AN H A [It] 406-7 Rialto Bldg. 12 to 2. Tel 5 5. Res 713 AV 10th st; Louisville Med Col '80; N Y Poly '91 mem Staff Clinic K C Aled Col; mem Brd Ex Sur Police Commissioners '92—4; Surg Grand ave Cable Co LordR AI C [R] 1615 Alain Lore G L [R] 604 AVestport Lore G W [R] AA'ashington and Myrtle Low Cornelius [E] 1331 E Nth st Luscher L \V [R] Ridge Bldg Mc McCammon S II [It] Cs Times Bldg McCLINTOCK T R [R] 1235 Grand ave. Res 1N3J Chestnut st. Med Col Ohio; ('inn '70; Attending Phy East Side Disp; mem Jackson Co Med Soc T. R, McCLINTOCK, M. D., LIMITS HIS PRACTICE TO Diseases of the Ear, Nose, Throat and Chest, Office 1235 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. Office Hours: 9-12 a. m ; 2-5 p. m. Telephone 566. AIcDonald C D [R] 527 Rialto Bldg AIcDonald Chett [R] 527 Rialto Bldg McDonald Park L [R] 527 Rialto Bldg Mcdonald & sons 527 Rialto Bldg DIRECTORY. 31 AIcKFE J AY [R] No 328 Rialto Bldg. Ites 2725 Cherry St. Hrs all day. Chi- cago Aled '84; X A' Eye and Ear Inf '85; Attnd Oculist and Aurist to Kas State Blind Institute and St Joseph Orphan Asylum M AI a bry W C [R] 600 AVestport ave Alarkham J N [H] 82(1 Walnut st Alassie J Mel) 1219 E Nth st Alather V AV [II] 506 Wabash ave Alathis C E [R] 1120 Main st Alears John [R] 30 Times Bldg Aleffert AV M [R] £704 E lNth st Mefford AV T [It] 14 8 E 17th st MERKIMAN C S [R] 2511 Forrest ave. Tel 2 48. Hrs 1 to 4 p in. Univ Aled Col '87; Prof of Diseases of Children Univer- sity Med Col; Staff ( liildren'sDept East Side Disp; Attending Phy Children's Home; Attending Phy to Foundling Home; Prof Dis Children Scarritt Train- ing School; mem AIo State, Jackson Co Med Soc, Academy of Aled. (Special at- tention given to diseases of children). Alicheals & Ritter [R] 428 Alain st Middlebrook Edwin [It] Clerk City Phy- sician. City Hall Alitchell Eliza Airs [It] 811 Troost ave Alitchell J T [It] 5 Commercial Block Alooney J H [R] 1724 E 18th st Alorrow C J [R] 902 AAryandotte st Alorrow W F [It] 22 Times Bldg Mosher G S [R] 220 Keith & Perry Bldg Alorris W C [R] 415 Keith & Perry Bldg AIoss O B [H] 217 AV 12th st Murphy F E [R] Deardorff Bldg 1103 Alain street Murphy G T [R] Summit N E cor 29th st Murphy J R [R] 415 AV 14th st Myers E AV [R] No 220 Keith & Perry Bldg N Neuiiieister A E [H] 13 Bayard Bldg N orris L [R] 900 E 12th st Northrup E S [H] 414 Garfield ave 0 O'CONNOR CORNELIUS [It] S W cor Forrest and Independence aves. 2 to 5 p m. Tel 4i0. Ky Sch of Med 1885 32 MLSSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. KANSAS CITY —Continued. OLIVER JOHN E [It] 208!) Journal Bldg. Tel 1645. Hrs 11 a m to 4 p m. Jefferson 1885; Surg Kansas City Fire Dept; Aled Ex Employers' Liability, .Mass Mutual Life Ins Cos; mem Mo State and Jackson Co Aled Societies Olmstead 0 E [H] 202 Deardorff Bldg Ormsby A P [R] 1617 Cherry st Osborn E AI Aliss [R] 823 Independence ave P Palmer P C [It] No 25 Times Bldg Payne II R [It] 1120 Alain st Pearse H E [It] 15th and Jackson ave Perkins Jno W [R] 1109 Broadway ave PETTI JOHN N J [R] 1 Times Bldg. Tel 1826. 9 to 5 p m. Kansas City Med Col '84; AttendingSurg All Saints Hosp; Chief Surg K C Ft S & M Ry; Chief Surg K C AVyandotte & X W Ry; mem Mo State, Jackson Co Aled Soc, Nat Assn Ry Surg, Mo Ark and Kas Assn Ry Surg; Pres '93 Philips E T [R] Washington Hotel PORTER D R [It] 10th and Washing- ton ave. Tel 111. 11 am to 2 pm. P & S Keokuk '05; Bellevue '72; Prof Prin and Prac of Aled and Clin Med K C Med Col; Am Aled. Mo State, Jackson Co, Eastern Kan Dist Aled Soc, K C Acade- my of Aled PUNTON JOHN [R] 333-334 Rialto. Tel 1437. 11 am to 3 pm. Res 1717 Pros- pect ave. Tel 337. Aliami 'S3; N Y P (irad and Poly '92; Univ of Alich (Special Course); Prof Nervous and .Mental Dis Univ Aled Col; Lect AVestern Dental Col; Late Phy Kas State Insane Asy '87; Neurologist All Saints Hosp; mem Alo State, Jackson Co, Howard Co, Eastern Kas, Dist Aled Soc, K C Academy of Aled R Rathbone F AV [R] 525 Rialto Bldg Rawlings J A [R] 220 Keith & Perry Bldg Records B F [R] 2124 E 18th st Rieger J H [It] 1066 Union ave Ritter C A [R] 4 26 Main st Robinson J L [R] 22 Times Bldg Rogers B F [It] ioor> Jefferson ave Rogers J C [R] 403 Rialto Bldg Roten Thompson [R] 906 Independence ave Rule John B [It] Mo Pac Hosp Runnels AI T [H] National Bldg Rupert L A [It] 2717 Rochester st JOHN PUNTON, ffl. D. Kansas City, Mo. Residence, 337. Office, 1437. Hrs. 11 a. m to 3 p. m. Special attention given to Nervous and Mental Diseases Will receive for treatment a limited number of patients. For particulars apply, ROOMS 333-334 RIALTO BUILDING, NINTH AND GRAND AVENUE. S SENTON M P [R] 1028 AValnut st. Tel 1346. 1 to 5 ]> in. Res 902 Park ave. I'niversity of Mo 'Ml Schaefer E Hand Theo W [It] l2()7i/2 Grand ave SCHAl I FFER F \V [R] 1103 Alain st. Il;30amto2p m. Res 1221 Washing- ton ave. Tel 873. P and S N Y '68. Prof Prac of Med and Clin Med; K C Aled Col SHARP JOS [It] :t)27 Cherry st. Tel 980. 8 to 9 a in, 1 to 2 p m, 7 to 8 p in. K C Col of P and S '73; Prof Therapeu- tics and Clinical Aled, K C Aled Col and Secty; Faculty Staff of Col Disp; A"is Phy German Hosp, All Saints and Scar- ritt Training School; mem Am Med, AIo State, Mo Valley; Jackson Co, K C Dist Aled Assns; Local Div Pan Am t ongress and Am Public Health Asso'n Shuck L I [R] 413 Rialto Bldg Singleton J AI [It] 2201 E 15th st Sloan A B and R T [R] 1335 Grand ave Smith A E Miss [R] 309 Journal Bldg Smith E () [R] 301 Deardorff Bldg Snell J R [R] 1116 Alain st MISSOURI STATE M EDICAL DIRECTORY. 33 StolteLC [R] 414 El 8 that Streett St Clair [It] ISOt Broadway Sturdevant Frank [R] '.026 Union ave T Talbot Ambrose [It] 203 Rialto Bldg Thomas W S [R] 1443 Madison ave Thompson J [R] 302 Journal Bldg Thompson J H [It] Times Bldg Thome & Alerwin [H] 914 Wyandotte st Thornton & Alinor [Spec] 30 Bunker Bldg Thrailkill E H [R] 501 Rialto Bldg Thrush T B [R] All Saints llosp Tiffany T B [R] 1233 (irand ave TODD S S [R] 331-2 Rialto Bldg. Tel 2142. 10 to 12 a m.2 to 4 p m. Res 51072 E 9th st. Ind Med Col '49; Emeritus Prof Obstet and Dis of Women K C Aled Col; mem Am Med, AIo State Aled Soc, Ex-Pres'73. (Practicelimited todis- eases of Women) '1'ye AV II [R] 1024 AValnut St Tyree AV C [R] 122 Rialto Bldg V VAN EM AN J H [It] Tel 2544. 9 a in to 2 p m. Res 1220 L.vdia st. Tel 377. Aled Col of Ohio '68; Prof Dis AVomen K C Med Col; mem Am Aled, AIo State Med, Alo A'alley Aled, Jackson Co Aled, East- ern Kas Dist Aled and AVestern Gyn Soc You Quast E 1110 Main st w WAIN RIGHT C F [R] 333 4 Rialto Bldg. Tel 1437. 10 to 11 a m, 3 to 5 p in. Res 1406 Troost. Tel 368. AIo Med Col'82; Bellevue'80; AIo Post-Grad '85; Prof Clin Aled aud Ph.vs Diagnosis Univ Aled Col; Prof Ph.vs Scarritt Training School; A'is Phy Scarritt, All Saints Hosp and Home Aged; mem Mo State Aled Soc; Cor Sec'93: Mo Valley and K C Dist Med Soc and K C Academy of Aled AVedding C V [It] 623 E 15th st Wheeler W S [It] U33 Grand ave AVhittaker Wm Lit] Journal Bldg Whittier H J [Spec] 10 AV 9th st Whittier J C [Spec] 215 W 9th st Williams G H [R] Rialto Bldg WILSON A M [R| Room 27 Union Depot. Tel 104. 9 a m to 1 p m. Uni- versity Med Col, K C '91; Adj Prof Prin and Prac of Aled in Uni Aled Col; Prof Materia Medica AVestern Dental Col; Prof Materia Aledica Scarritt Training School; Staff East Side Free Disp; mem Am Aled, Mo State, AVyandotte Co and Jackson Co Med Societies AVIFSON JNO [R] N Y Life Bldg; Res 1235 Harris. Tel 1506-11-1-2-4. St Louis Med Col '66: Prof Hygiene University Med Col: Phy to All Saints Hosp; mem Jackson Co Med Soc; Ex-Pres '90; K C Dist Med and Mo State Aled Soc WOLF I J [R] Schutte Rldg. Tel 2447, 11 to 1,4 to 6. Univ Germany '87. Prof Histology K C Vet Col; Prof I lastic Anatomy K C Art Assn; mem Jack- son Co Aled Soc Wood Hy B [R] 101 AV 9th st Wood Robt L [R] 101 AV 9th st z Zwort B H [R] 205 E 1 th st 'Y, KANSAS. KANSAS B BATTM F [R] 428 Minnesota ave. 8 am -■ to 1 p m. Koenigsberg, Ger 1876 Benson T C [R] 416 Stewart st Billing It A [H] 1504 Stewart st Bohl Otto [R] 33 N James st BROWNE G H [R] 1015 Freeman st. 7 to 8 a m, 1 to 2 p m, 7 to 9 p m. Howard Univ Med Col, Washington, D C 1882 Bye D M [R] 417 Portsmouth Bldg c Charles J AV [R] 515 Kansas ave Chrisman G AV [R] 64 S 5th st Cornell H AI [R] 607 Freeman D Diederich Peter [H] 518 .Minnesota ave Downs H AI [R] 534 Minnesota ave Doyle E M [R] 617 S 6th st E Elliott S C [H] 637 Kansas ave Elli tt & Elliott [H] 523 Minnesota ave Engle & Hanlin [It] 501 Minnesota ave F Fairchild C R [R] 451 Alinnesota ave Fitzhugh Thaddeus [R] 639 Kansas ave G Glascock S S [R] 530 Minnesota ave GRAY G iAI [It] 534 Minnesota ave. K (' Med Col 1879; Bellevue 1880 H HARRISON S I [R] 308V£ Kansas ave. Rush '87 Heath E It [R] 1121 Garfield HIFL RUSSFFF [R] 415 Kansas ave. Jefferson 1ns:j Hughes P D [R] 651 Minnesota ave. J JOHNSON C H [R] 500 Kansas ave. Buffalo Med Col, Buffalo, N Y 1872 Johnson T H [R] 318 Alinnesota ave K Koepsel It L [It] 600 Shawnee ave L LAMBERT AYIVI [It] 436 Minnesota ave. Keokuk, Iowa, 1884 Leland P K [R] 650 Everett st Lowman R C LR] 379 Colorado ave Lutz E J 436 Minnesota ave M AlcCallum Frank [It] AlcLeod A R Simpson Block .May J W [R] 216 Husted Bldg Miller J D [H] 645 Minnesota ave MIFNER J O [R] 415 Kansas ave; Uni Aled Col, K C, 1886 Aloore I [R] 10 9 N 3d st N Nason Zachariah [R] 641 Osage Newcomb E P [E] 47 N 1st st, o Otterman J L [R] 88 N James st P Parsons G W [E] 600 Shawnee st Powell J B R [R] 25 Wyandotte Nat Bank Bldg R Ramsey E S [R] 514 Alinnesota ave Reid C P [E] 1010 Osage ave Richards * Martin [R] 6 First Nat Bank Bldg Roberts R A 634 Minnesota ave MISSOURI STATE S Schuehart Ernest [R] S3 N James st Sheldon E I [Eccl] 562 S 3d st Shively S S [R] 616 S 3d st Speck Fred [R] 401 Nebraska ave Stemen C M [R] 8 N James st Swartz Eli [E] 610 Minnesota ave T Tenny A P [R] 540 Minnesota ave Thompson J AI [R] 548 Minnesota ave Todd V L [R] 13th st, Stewart ave Troutnian Jno [R] 5 Odd Fellows Buildin MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 35 W AVaggoner A H [H] 632 Minnesota ave AVaggoner (I J [H] 632 Minnesota ave Waite AV F [R] 608 Dugarro st Ward & AVard [R] 544 Minnesota ave AVashington AV H [R] 439 Arirginia ave Wilson J C [H] 416 Portsmouth Bldg AVherrell John [H] 40 S 7th st AVood J S [It] 15 N 1st st g AVood L AI [R] 645 Alinnesota ave ST. JOSEPH. St. Joseph Board of Health. THOS. K. SAAVYER, AI. D.................................................................Health Officer C. F. AIEYER.................................................................................................Alderman GEO. AI. COOD................................................................................................\LDERMAN THOS. R. BRETZ...........................................................................................Alderman FELIX DEFONDS............................................................................Hospital Steward Health Department. E. E. HUNTER, Ph. G..............................................................................City Chemist A\'. H. WILSON, AI. D...................................SUPERINTENDENT SANITARY DEPARTMENT SANITARY INSPECTORS: C. A. Tobbence, J. AV. Bolton, C. AV. Harvey, Wm. Kino, Wm. Devorss. F. C. JAGER.........................................................................................City Scavenger Allen Henry C [R] 902 Jule st Baker John S [E] 1907 Frederick ave Banes Artelius V [R] 221 N 5th st Bell Jno AI [R] 17th and Alessanie BFRGHOFF JOHN T [R] St Louis Med Col •55; mem Am Aled, Am Health, Mo Med and Northwestern Dist Med Assus; Prof of Surg North western Aled Col, Pres Hoard of U S Pension Kxain- iuers, 215 S 6th st Bishop Galen E [R] 305 N 3d st Boaz Noah [R] 2406 S 6th st Roteler Wm C [R] 524 Felix st Boyd Clarence AI [R] 2335 S 6th st Busey Alfred P [R] 314 Felix st CAMPBELL O BEVERLEY' [It] 820 Francis st CARPENTER STEPHEN F [It] 720 Edmond st Chesney Jesse P [R] 1521 Felix st CHRISTOPHER HIRAM [R] Med Dept Univ of Louisville, Kv, 1847; Dean Eusworth Aled Col, Editor ".Aledical Her- ald. Edmond sw cor 7th Cloud Selustias E [R] 1302 N 4th (liOSSI.lM) J R A [R] Res 633 Albe- marle st. Office 220 N 6th st. Hrs 10 to 12 a m, 2:30 to 6 p in, 7 to 9 pm. Office Tel 88, Res Tel 812 Cummins Kearan C [R] 7th and Felix st DAVIS W B [R] Office 621 S 8th st. Tel 495. Res Tel 287. DON ELAN F A [R] Ohio Aled Col, Cin- cinnati, O. 3d aud Edmond sts. Tel 552 Doyle Thomas H [It] 9th and Felix st EL AM AVM T[R] Northwestern Med Col, St. Joseph, Mo'90; mem Buchanan Co Aled Soc; Prof of Bacteriology and A'e- nereal Diseases Northwestern Aled Col, 1I2S 8tli st Fairgrieve George AV [R] 1015 Frederick ave Feltenstein David AV [R] Commercial bet 17th and 18th st Field John T [R] 311 S 5th st Fisk-Hickox Kate L [H] 616 Felix st MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 37 Fisk Redford W [E] 118Vi N 5th st Forsee Edgar B [R] 1317 Frederick ave France John AI D [R] 823 Francis st FRENCH JOHN A [II] Prof Clin Med, Dis Children, Dermatology N AV Aled Col, 402 S 8th st G Garner Edward S [R] 613 Francis st Gates Lewis W [R] 1610 St Joseph ave GF1GER CHARFFS G [It] 613 Francis st GEIGER JACOB [R] Univ Louisville, Ky 1872; Prof Prin and Prac Stir and Clin Sur Alarion-Sims Col Aled St Louis, and Eusworth Med Col, St Joseph; Pfac lim to Gen Sur and Consultations. Office N E cor 6th and Francis sts Hrs S:30 to 10:30 a in, 1:30 to 3:30 p in, 7:30 to 8:30 p m. Tel 78. Res 1033 Faraon St. Tel 502. Geiger AVm H [R] 406 Francis st Gore Joshua A [R] 501 S 6th st Groat Fannie A [It] 511 S 9th st Guin AVm 1, [E] 108 N 5th st H Hall AVm G [H] 411 N 3d HAVIFAND AGNES [R] 801 Francis HFDDENS JAMES AV [R] Jule ne cor 8th st, Jefferson Aled Col, Phila, Pa, 1879; Prof Gynaecology Eusworth Aled Col. Telephone 659 Heilmann Hans [E] 1701 Messanie st Heinz John F [H] 122 S 4th st High Charles V [R] cor 5th and Jule st Huffman John AI [R] Ballinger Bldg J Johnson Edward G [It] 34 Com'l Bankblk K Keener Henry N [II] 823 Francis st Kelley H S Jr [R] 614 N 6th st KFSSLFR SAMUEL, F [R] 5th nw cor Francis st Kirschiier Peter J [It] 310 Felix st Knight Charles F [R] 1208 Frederick ave L Lechtman Isaac [R] 810 S 9th Leonard John AV [R] Edmond sw cor 7th st Leonard P I [R] 215 S 6th st Lewis Arthur G [R] 1706 Frederick ave Lewis John R [R] 614 Francis st Long Augustus S [It] 712 Felix st Lovelady James AI [R] cor 6th and Ed- mond sts M McCranor Charles D [R] 823 Frederick ave AlcKeuny John A [R] 10th nw cor Olive Miller Isaac N [R] 8th and Edmond sts MORTON DANIEL [It] Univ Louis- ville, Med Dept, 1887. Post (irad P & S, N A"; Attending Phy Home Friendless; Sec Buchanan Co Aled Soc; mem Mo Val, Alo State, N Kan and N Missouri Med Societies. Felix uw cor 7th st. Tel 500 N Neenan Wm AI [R] 825 N 4th O O'Ferrall Charles [R] 215 S 6th st Orr R Austin [R] 6th and Edmond sta P Pitts Barton [R] 613 Francis st Potter George C [R] 32 Com'l Bank Blk Potter Thompson E [R] Edmond se cor 6th st Purcell Michael [It] 212 Francis st R RAVOFD H J [H] Horn Med Col of Alo, lSSo; mem and Gen'l Sec'y AIo Inst Horn. Res and office 518 Francis st; hrs s to 10 ;i m, 1 to 4 and 7 to 8 p in Redding Aaron J [E] 24 Ballinger Bldg Reynolds John B [R] 505 Francis st RICHMOND J M [R] Prof Obs and Genito-Urinary and Rec Dis, Ensworth Aled Col. 1308 Felix st. Tel 553 Richmond Spier [R] 1308 Felix st RIFFY J B [It] Northwestern Aled Col; Prof Physiology and Urinary Analysis in above Col. Opp Union Depot; Tel 895. Res 1712 S 10 th st; Tel 690. Ritchey James C [R] 711 Alain st s SAWYER TK [R] Office N E cor 6th & Felix; office Tel 508. Res Tel 692. Scott John R [It] 110 S 18th st 38 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. ST. JOSEPH —Continued. SENOR SAM UEF D [It] 1004 N 3d st Sharp C Luther [E] 217 N 6th st Sherman G L [It] 927 Olive st Sherwood David H [It] 1022 N 19th st Siemens Claus J [R] 702 Felix Simmons Francis A [R] Felix sw cor 7th st Smith Henry H [R] 902 S 18th st Smith James C [R] 2d asst ph.vs Insane Asylum Smith Joseph D [R] Edmond sw cor 7th st Stair John G [It] 1221 Faraon st Stephens Albert F [E] 313 S 6th st Stewart Robert [R] 1619 Buchanan ave Story John C [E] 2001 S 10th st Striiigfellow John H [It] 503 S 8th st Taylor James L [R] 324 Edmond Taylor Joseph R [H] Edmond sw cor 7th st Thompson Fred G [R] 72iy2 Felix st Townsend A M [It] 3d and Edmond sts V Vosteen Mrs C E 915 N 2d st w AValker John G [It] 2238 S 6th st WALLACE CHAKLFS H [R] Bellevue Aled Col N Y '83. 8thand Jule st. Tel 659 Weber Clemens L E [R] 1322 N 6th st Welsh John [R] 2125 S 11th st Wertenberger AVm A\r [It] \\ estover Henry AV [H] 624 Edmond st W FY MANN MORITZ F [R] Central Col of I'livs and Sings Indianapolis, hid, 1887 id-ole de Aledecine Paris 1888 Prof of ophthalmology and Physiology Ellsworth Aled Col, St Joseph Alo; Practice Limited to Diseases of Eye and Ear. Felix nw cor 7th st Whittington AVm L [It] 712 Felix st AViles Lawson (i [It] 101 N 7th. Ens worth Med Col 1892 WILSON WILLI A SI II [R] Univ of Pa. Dem Anat Ellsworth Med Col. 103 N 6th st. Tel 508. AVittkowsky AVilhelm [R] 415 S 15th st WOODSON CHARLES R [R] suptlu- sane Asylum No 2 PROGRESSIVE DOCTORS Dr, Richer. Dr. Blanche; Duiardin-Beaumetz, Pead the Judical Jlerald, f*&#pS£*»iIiei ST. JOSEPH, 7VJYO. $2.00 Per Year. SeiAcJ for Specimen Gopvj. PHYSICIANS. CLASSIFIED COUNTY LIST. Adair County Brashear Hanks J [It] Wiseman T P [It] Gil.lis Barnes F M Kirksville Avery () AV [It] Bascow T H [R Burton John [R] Goben G A [R] Hall AV S [It] Alartin J AV [It] Rice J F [R] Sparling G A [E] Strickland H S [R] AVillard A P Liiulersville Guffey B Millard Snyder J F [R] AVilcox CMC [R] Novinger Herrell J \V [R] Andrew Co. Amazonia (larlichs F E [It] Avenue City Scott J R [It] Bolckow Bennett E C [R] Riley F Dam our F [It] Dodds A S [It] Cosby GngerF.1 [It] Fillmore Burch AV E Hodgins J H Hodgins G AV [H] Parks D C [R] Spicer C AV [R] Spicer C AV .1 [R] Helena Fair J F [HJ Nodaway Beerer S S Rochester AIcBath B Farber AI J [Rl Gager F J Sa vamiali Bryant AV H and D B [R] Howard T S Jeffries C () [It] Alartin & Kerr [It] Laney T AI [It] Sutherland J C [It] Wakefield AI F [It] Whitesville Drown M \\' Jeffries E C [R] Larrabee J A Pollard Dr Atchison Co. Dotliam Abbott J S Davis A M Fairfax Gray J G Hunter J A [R] Small J F [It] Taylor Eugene Thornton M N [R] Phelps Cily Elder A Chamberlin G \V E Itockport Chamberlain G AV E [It] Hedgepeth J H [It] Luja C F [It] Hughes J H [R] Taylor E P AIcMichael A AVithmire David [It] Tarkio Andis S It [It] Davis J H [It] Gray A L Lewis A [It] Alarlin J L Postlewait J A [R] Safford AV G [It] Willis C I! [H] Will son Johnson A Jones I B Westboro Hamlin J AI [E] Lott G W [R] Williams S S [R] York McClymonds S E [R] Audrain Co. Benton City Halley J J [R] Farber May Wm Laddonia Roberts F B [R] Welch D S [It] Marl insbm g Douglas E It [R] Taylor AV F Mexico Adams S C [It] Baskett T J [R] Brown It W [R] Brown 11 J [R] Bynes R W Cave E S [It] ■ Crawford M E [Rl 40 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DI RECTORY. Mexico — Continued. Fritts J R [R] Halley A- Toalson [It] AIcFall H C [It] Nichols G 11 [R] Patterson A M [It] Ragan C \V Rodes L O [R] Rothwell T P [ It] Varnon T (' [R] Watts C AV [R] Winans T II [R] Molino AVilson J J [R] Itowena Kirkland J I [It] Thompson Berry R AV [R] AVilson Dr Vandal ia Bland D L S [R] Alauning T S [It] Robinson A AV [R] Parrish J C [R] Terrell J O [R] Young's Creek Blankenship AV It [R] Settle J W [R] Barry Co. Cassvillc Hawskins A S [It] Alitchell D L [R] Speece AA'ashington [R] Exeter Abbott III' [It] Jt likins Periman Isaac [It] Wheeler G P Monette Bean E P [H] Dusenbury (' T [R] Hood H C [R] Jeffries T H [R'j Alorgan J AI [P M] Overton J J [It] Powers E [E] Russell J AI [It] Sparkman J AI [R] Pnrdy Ambrose H L [It] Archibald R B [It] Dunkerson AV L [R] Gladden R B [It] Seholten Covin Dr Dobson & Perkins Seligman Foster J S [R] Barton Co. Fort Lyon (livens G W [R] Gray J AV [It] Golden City Durboraw J [R] nankins C C [E] Reran A A [R] Alardick A E [It] Thompson G T [R] Trout A R [R] AVilson B F [E] Lamar Blakely S H [R] Bozarth C AV [M] Cole J K [It] DitzlerR H [It] Drake AV iAl [It] Dye A A [It] Griffin W L [R] Swank AV G [It] Liberal Clark J W [It] Gish J E |R] 31 il ford Browning J AA' [R] Duckett T H [R] Hale G V [It] Nashville Johnson R F [It] Wibur S S [It] Pedro Merrell ( E Bates Co. Adrian Bates S I, [It] Gilmore E E [R] Hall AV 1' [R] Tuttle II AV [E] Burdett Cox F AI Butler BaulmareT C [R] Boyd J R [R] Christy J AI [H] Everingham Jos [E] Frizell J H [It] Heath J C [R] Patten AI T [It] Itenick S F [R] Rice EL [E] AV in sett B F [H] Hume Chastain E N [R] Herndon E F AVilliams AV A [R] Johnstown Choate J AV [R] AIcAninch AV C Aloxey S AV Lone Oak Lee I) P [It] Mayesburgh Miller J AI [R] Nyliai t Patterson J A [R] Papiiisvillc Thompson A (' Pleasant Gap Donnohue J 1) [R] Whipple N L [It] Rich Hill Allen W H [R] Black AV 11 [R] Haddock David. MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Heylmun AA'm [It] Hulett & Long [It] Loosin J B [It] Pyle C \V [H] Smalley D E [H] AVinchell H R [H] Youngs AV [R] Rockville Cooper II A [It] Fields H It Sprague Lyle A E [R] AVarren J F Witter AI G Virginia Alitchell J J [R] Benton Co. Lincoln Rhodes E L [R] Ho.vnes E F [It] Alt. View Logan James N [R] Snow Geo AV [R] Warsaw Crawford S K [R] Davis Sam'l 0 [R] Bollinger Co. LaRin Finney J AI Lnt esvi lie Jaques A R [R] Sanford H D Marble Hill Beach I D [It] Saunders August Talley W C [R] WitmerC M [R] Patlon 0'Kelly F [R] O'Kelly T K [It] Smith ville Stafford E J [E] Boone Co. Ashland Bradford Geo A [R] Drake AVm [E] LeAIaster AV alter A Alartin Abuer [It] Alartin Robt S [It] Sitton F G [It] Smith AV K [R] Tuttle G B Centralia Dunlap A J Fret well AV J [R] Hampton Z AI [R] Head .las H [It] AlcCallister AVm A Hulen J C [It] Stephens Jas H AVallace E J [RJ AVhite John A [R] Claysville Coonce G AV [R] Columbia Banks Jno AV [R] Campbell A L [R] Chambers Geo [E] Henderson David [R] Hopper Robt L [R] Jones C AA" Lenoir AV alter T [It] Lewis AI D [It] AIcAIester A AV [R] AlcClnne (' T [E] Moss AV [R] Morris AV A [It] Thomas J L [E] Watson B A [E] Hallsville Austin Benj [R] Connell G AV [It] Harrisburgh Dougherty AV AV [R] Haller J G [R] HallerE C [It] Middletown Ford B AV [R] Davidson J T RiggChas R[R] Aluns (i E [It] Rogers J AAeems Albert Midway Shock L E [R] Roeheport Chin E E [R] Sturgeon Davis B S Gentry E N [R] Keith J F [R] MeComas J M [R] Mattenlee J AlcC [R] Woodlandville Shock J AI [R] Trunble 0 S [It] Buchanan Co. Agency Dowell G AV [R] Dowell Robt F [R] Reynolds S D [R] DeKalb Alartin C II [R] Moore E T [R] Ramsey Preston [R] Sampson B F Sampson Jno H [R] Easton Marshall AI [R] Talbot I S [R] Frazer Johnson G AV Halleck Robinson L D [R] Rushville Culver B AV [R] Morrison AV Scott [R] St. Joseph [See page 36] Butler Co. Harviell Glass E V 42 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Neelysville Bennie AV D [R] Graves Jas E [R] AIcGarvey Jno [E] Poplar Blnfi Adams Geo [R] Adams J E [R] Bartlett Geo T [R] Carter J [It] Conrad J A [H] Eskew DeAVitt [It] Davidson A AV [E] Davidson H C [R] Garretson Edwin [R] Glass E V [R] Hall J AV [It] Ham J D [R] Ham D G [R] Johnson Alex [R] Jones B C [R] Kendall AV A [It] Alac.v Levi [E] McSarvey J [E] Potillo J D [R] Taylor AV F S [R] AVilliamson G AV [R] Caldwell Co. Bonanza Strope E Bray me r Dorsey G B [R] Dorsey J G [R] Leeper (' (' Pollard D S [R] Woolsey N B [R] Cowgill Cowley Geo B [R] Cramer J F [R] Gant Jno D [It] Hamilton Ackley F E [It] Aplin Win H [H] Brown T[R] Donaldson J M [R] Engle A L [It] Lindley AVm T [R] St oiler S D [E] Story Jno C [E] Tiffin Clayton [R] Van Note Edwin [R] Nettleton AVilliamson G B [R] Polo Carr Benj F [R] Grimes R H [R] Meredith S (i Tiffin J AV Callaway Co. Auxvasse Hamilton G [It] Huddleston AI AI [R] Lemon AV T [R] Bachelor Hamilton Geo [R] Calwood Lawrence T AI [R] Cedar City Tarleton ('has L [It] Fulton Baker Jno S[R] Baker N F [It] Davis S S [R] Hall L T [It] Hoge A\' W [R] Howard Jno H [R] McCall AVm S [R] Hemberton J K [R] Scott E T [It] Simcoe Chas B [It] Tichnor AVm A [It] AVilkerson A [It] AVilson R S [It] Yates Martin [RJ Young David H [It] Guthrie Brookes (' Davidson C () [E] Hatlon Ellis AVm B [H] Gibbs It T [R] Hord Rooies Geo F [R] Kidder Cannon J AI AV [H] Greenwold J H [It] Smith (' E [It] Kingston Gartside Jas E [R] Jabe L A Johns John [R] Johnson T W Jones C K [It] Aleff D [R] Smith X M Millersbm-g Hulen F P [R] Hulen Jno C R] Miller Geo D [R] AVhite T J Mi labile Mount R L [R] Preston A G [E] New Bloomfield Bryan E VI [R] Christian C H [It] Christian AV C [R] Portland Waters J W [R] Reform Waters J W [R] St. Auberts Collier G S Willimnsbiirg Bolton J J [E] Camden Co. Climax Springs Feaster T J [R] Cape Girardeau County. Allenville Alarkel F S [R] MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 43 Applelon (iowin O (1 [E] Phillips J G [R] AVilson Alex L [It] Taylor George C [R] Robertson P D Uurfordville (aii oil Ion Walden G W Van Amburgh .1 A Austin Chas S [R] Wakenda Cape Girardeau Austin Peter [R] Cunningham J B Blomeyer A D [It] Austin P E [It] Evans L W [R] Harris S S [R] Cooper Jno (' [R] Lindley T B [R] Howard AV N [It] Craton AI AV [It] Pat ton AV C [R] Harris R O [H] Carter Co. Peironnet Alfred [It] Heidel Chas [R] Peters E [R] Highsmith Geo R [R] Grand in Potterfleld John D [R] AlcCorkle Alfred L [R] Graves T G [R] Rider Jas H [R] Tull H [R] Johnson A [R] Rolston AVm T [H] Tull Littleton [R] Williamson Chas AV [R] Schulz Fred [R] Tull Wm A [It] Van liliren ScnulzG B [R] AA'illiams C S Cotton L W [R] AVilson AVm B [R] Coloma Egypt Mills Beall Henry C [It] Cass Co. Hemstead B R [It] DeWitt Archie Adair T W [It] Jackson Cabell R B [It] Baldridge Jno AI [It] Dewey J T [R] Alexander AA7 B Brase F [H] Logan John P [R] Cook Joel D [R] Henderson Robt T [R] Spencer X A [R] Tout Wm AI [R] Kiehue Wm [R] Squires J AV [R] AU-Combs AV AV [R] Hale Austin Miller AVm J [E] Dill James P [R] Smith Ira Vinyard G W [R] Herrington Sain'l B [It] Belton Millersviile Johnson F G [R] Clark Sam'l [R] Horn John A [R] Alontgomery Ulysses [R] Moad E S [R] Talley J R [R] Mandeville Moad G L [R] Slaughter R M [It] New Wells Cramer John H [R] Spruill .1 AV [R] Henderson It F [H] Mile's Point Strother Jas Oak Ridge Lowrey E [It] AValker It P [It] Ellis J I [It] Norborne Day ton Futrell H B [R] Anderson C B [It] Itamey It D [R] Alalone R W [R] Bailey AV H Fast Lyline Tarlton Geo AV [It] Crutchly G (' Farrow Geo W [It] Walker J H [It] Dean C B [E] AIcGinnis It AV [It] Pocahontas Hynds A J [K] Freeman Sample G H [R] Jarvis AVm AI [R] Colburn John W [It] Thompson R J [R] Goforth Ed G [It] Carroll Co. Sugar Tree Hamilton John Boswortli Samuels Lynn [R] Jenkins W R Ault R T Tina Golden City Brown Henry G [E] Baird AV C [R] Durboraw J W [R] Flanagan J F [R] Dice AVm H [E] Hankins Chas C [E] 44 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. (iolden City—Continued. Keran A A [It] Mardick A E [It] Thompson George T [It] Trout A R [R] AVilsou B F [E] Guun City Brierl.v J B [It] Alorrison K J llarrisouville Abraham 1 AI Amerman C E [It] Beattie Thos Berry B F [R] Elder A F [It] Hill It T [R] Overholser AI P [R] Schooley Win T Peculiar Dawes G A [It] Halloway T P [It] Pleasant Hill Buckner F T [It] Cundiff W H H [R] Grant T A Jerard H [R] Rowe (i AV Smith J W [It] Smith R AI \\ arden J L [It] Young AV H [R] West Line Elley Geo E [R] Cedar Co. Fl Dorado Springs Dawson AV E [R] Edgar C A [R] Hill K [R] Phillips Jno B Roberts Edmuud [E] Smith W T [R] Spurgeon W P [It] Steele N [R] Watkins G T [It] Younger H H Filley Liston G AI [It] Jerico Brasher J P [It] Blake J Lebcck Marquis Isaac [It] Smith P B [E] Virgil City Carpenter S T Cochran J AV Chariton Co. Brunswick Cunningham J F [R] Edwards G W [It] Hoffman Chas [R] Hunne J H [It] Martin T F [It] Prosser L S [R] Bynumville Billeter Wm J [It] Van Deveuter J [R] Daltou Hughes B Hamden Brooks E AI [R] Indian Grove Zilman A W [It] Keylesville Aldridge Jno T [It] Dewey G AI [It] Garnet! H F [R] Hawkins AV R [It] Perkins L R [It] Rucker AI J [R] Me ndon Lucas Win B [It] Muscle Fork Hayes J Prairie Hill Fansler W D [R] McAdams J D [R] RothvMIe Bryan C P Bryan R 10 Stratton C D [R] Salisbury Baker .1 II P [R] Banning T J [R] Brummall J D [It] Clements F AI [R] Crews VV K [R] Jennings (' A [R] Philpott F B [h] Welch J F [R] AA ilson B F [R] Shannondale AlcEwen O [R] Sumner Crawford E M Hardy J AV Roberts B F Null A C [E] Triplett AIcLeod Wm O [E] Smith E B Weslville Knott I Christian Co. Billings Appleby T R [R] Brown Eli B [R] Brown GPS [It] Holderby R S Alanes J AI [R] Aleacham C C [R] Scott J Z [R] York J VV [R] Highlandville Collins Jno D [R] Nixa Brown GPS [R] SmalleA' J Ozark Elkins C B [R] Fulbright J W MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 45 Sparta Donoven A C [R] Beatie AV It [It] Dowling L H [II] Fulbright J H Eversoll C [R] Hedgepeth D F [R] Fraker Geo AV [R] Tracy D N Keith S It [R] Kelly J J [E] Clark Co. King H AV Pfeiffer T P F [It] Alexandria Yassmer H () Hogan Chas J [R] Holt Ochiltree V B [R] Stowers J P [It] Athens Kearney Schee J M [R] Denham S N [It] Kahoka Alajors A ( Bridges J R [R] Nortleet A L [It] Crawford B S [R] Rowell H [R] Goodman Lee HillerH AI [R] McKee It S [R] Alartin W H [R] Aleyers Job [It] Xeeper Sam'l [R] Luray Stafford AI L [R] Tinsman A S [It] Peakesville Buckner J A Way land Reese H S [R] Winchester Black A R [It] Harris H W Lewellyn G E [It] Wyaconda Doss S E [R] McReynolds AV C [R] Peckstein Jno W [It] Clay Co. Birmingham Heeson H 0 [it] Nelson VV F [It] Excelsior Springs Bauserman AI P [E] Beattie Thos It [R] Liberty Allen J AI [R] Marsh J T [It] Meffert J F [R] Aliller EH [It] Rothwell J H [It] Sevier R E [R] Missouri Cily Covin Wm Lincoln B S [R] Aiorton D K [R] Posey J A [R] Ralph A B Paradise Rice J T [It] Rupe J F [R] Clinton Co. Cameron Adams D B [R] Donaldson J AI [R] Franklin Benj [R] Franklin J A [It] Hamer J R [It] King Jno F [R] Leibra.nt (' A AIcDonald E S [It] Risley A O [It] Sawyer AI D Shaw E E [H] Snyder Jos H [E] Watkins Z E [H] Gower Bland AV AV [It] Hill E C [E] Hutchinson J W [It] Starks Win F [R] Stewart L F [It] Grayson Gant AV F [It] Lathrop Hamilton C L [R] Hamilton H B [R] Martin Z T [R] Robinson A AV [R] Perriu Siurgis Jno [It] Phittsburgh Chastain C AV [R] Des Aloud H E [R] Grant J (J K [R] Hill Win H [E] Johnson J VV [It] Rea It A\' [R] Spencer C W [R] Cole Co. Brazito Tompkiu W AI Cent re Town Dunlap AI A [R] Vows J M Flston Anthony J N Elston Jas A [R] Jefferson City Davison Alex C [R] DeAV.vle Nicholas [It] Elston Addison [It] Kerr Jas A [It] Forth Jos P [R] Simcoe C B [R] Thompson Charles A [R] Thorpe Jefferson L [R] 46 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Russellville Hatter W C Martin J B [R] Son J F [E] Cooper Co. Blackwater Holman J B [R] Long H AV Quigg H D [E] Boonville Boorman Chas S [R] Burger C J [H] Cooper VV H [R] Evans It L [R] Evans AVm E [R] Holman R S [It] Hurt P I, [R] AlcClaiiahan J T [E] Mason C AV Allies D D [H] Potts J D [It] Steele W L [H] Bunceton Harwood AV T [R] Miller H H [R] Williams P E Gooch's Mill Cochran () W [R] Hagan J W [R] New Lebanon Hooper VV [It] Otterville Howlett It E [R] Overton AVinterbower T H [It] Pilot Grove Barnes H T [It] Cox J H [R] Jones (i AI [R] McClanahan G W [R] Ross J W H [R] Pisgah Atkinson J N Thatcher J P [R] Pleasant Green Hart G C Parrish J S Prairie Home Pondexter John VV [R] 'I eel S AI [R] Crawford Co. Bourbon Ashley W A [It] Rennaux L D [E] Thurber T P Cuba Cox AV S [It] Hardesty N H [It] Alartin T P [R] Seigenthaler G AI [It] Dry Creek Conway R H Parker W J Jr [R] Leasburgh Pinnell A J [It] Oak Hill Meinecke S VV [H] Steelville Coffee J T [It] -AUrtin J H [R] Gibson A [R] Aletcalf Arthur Metcalf W A Pinell A J [It] Robinson F (: [R] Wilson Mills Bowen J P Baughan It F [E] Dade Co. Areola Crutrher R AI [R] Russell D Cedai ville Duckett Thos H [It] Dadeville Allder Geo N [R] Daugherty J S Hemhree Orin Fverton Oarlock W I [It] Games John I) [R] Aloore C A [R] Robeneau Win J [R] Greenfield Jopes W H [R] Lyngar J F [R] Alartin Z T [R] Morris L [R] Sharp G N [E] Lockvvood Adams F P [E] Fischer Ferd [E] Lynch D A [R] Terry AVm [R] Rutledge Crump W A [R] Mason W H [R] Petty J W [R] South Greenfield Brackney E E [E] Bryant T AI [It] Turnback Bryant T AI Dallas Co. Buffalo Armstrong Geo B [R] Gatewood V B [E] Johnson B F Jones A M [R] Knight W H Randies F W [E] Slavens J L Young RobtC [R] Charity Jones J E [R] White AV AI MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 47 Lead M ine Edmundston H [R] Phillips Irwin [R] Louisbnrgh Atchley M L [It] AI at hews J (.' I'rbana Andrews J Blair J F [E] Coon J AV [P AI] Reser J H [R] Vaughan E P [R] Woodhill Gregg W R AlcCall J Daviess Co. Bancroft Green L R [R] Swim AV Civil Bend Hardinger S L [It] Wagner E H [R] Coffeysburgh Dorsey Frank B [R] Thompson E A B [It] Thompson O N [R] Gallatin Allen J T [R] Black AV E [R] Brosius G VV [E] Brosius Wm L [R] Folinsbee Wm H [It] Frazier J C Givens Wm AI [R] Hanna D F [R] Lawrence J AI [R] McFarland A F [R] Jameson Brown AV S Howell Sain'l T [R] Pipkin Charles [R] Jamesport Barnes A B [R] Hutchinson G W [R] Keener Wm R [R] McKinley C G Say lor E [R] Thompson Robt V [R] Lockspring Lierly G A AVingo Jas G [R] Paltnnsburgh Cavanagh J W Galbreath J AV [It] Alerrifield J W Venable F E Winigan Callison E E [It] Holliday M J AIcLaughlin A J [It] Winston Clagett D M [R] Eastman F C [R] DeKalb Co. Box ford Kimberlin J T ClarkMlale Roberts John AV [R] Fair port Harman Jos AI [It] Maysville Brown J Dent Philip A [R] AIcKinnon John A [R] Mitchell Jas A [E] Weatherby L H Osborn Blair Sam'] T [R] Aletcnlfe AVm A [R] Stewartsville By rum J C [R] Culbertson A J [R] Hamilton AV C [R] Hatch P B [It] Union Star Hudson VV M [R] Varner A O [R] Weatherby . Phelps J Q [R] Robinson C N Winslow Perkins 0 L [R] Dent Co. Lenox Cuminings W P [E] Salem Arthur Edwin Cummings VV P [E] Edwards J [R] Godbey Milton [R] Love A H [R] AIcAlurtrey J N [R] Stone Hill Crandall E D [R] Douglas Co. Ara Halley J T [E] Murray J II [E] Bryant Wallace J AV Smallet Osborn G Small J [E] Dunklin Co. Campbell Brown CW [R] Hughes Wm R [R] Van Alater J H [R] Caruth Harvill AI M [It] (larkton Caldwell J F [R] Harrison V H [R] Holeomb Hughes W G Irwin G W Powell I AV [R] Hornersville Anderson E T Kinsoling F 48 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Kennel t Cartwright J AI Canthon F P Kelly N F [R] Alabley A B Rosenthal AI Maiden Mays FA [R] Shivers John A [R] A'an Cleve G T [R] AVeather J VVilkins F M [r] Winn J D [R] Senalh Hale It A [R] Valley Ridge Snider Jacob Vi licit Brown J L [R] AIcGhee J L [R] White J W Franklin Co. Anaconda Davy A N Beemont Byersdorf F Beaufort Butler Louis P [R] Berger Brockhausen C H [It] Spreckelmeyer F Boeuf Creek Heidemann A C [It] Boles Henderson Alex'der [R] Casco Butler I, P [R] Catawissa Smith AV E [E] Dundee Jones J P [R] Viedt Edw J [R] Gray Summit Hamlin AI AV [E] Labaddie Cavannes G AA' [It] Granthan S A [R] Lone Dell Fisher AV A [R] Powers AV H Moselle Fisher AVm A [R] Hull James New Haven Bridges A D [R] Eimbeck A F [R] Goodrich C F [R] Griswold S C [R] Hiatt J S Pacific Booth H A [R] Calkins J B [R] Spring Bluff Burnes AV F [R] Sullivan Alleyne A Dunnigan J P [R] Union Bridgford E McD [R] Alartin J G [It] Miller 1/ G [Rj Schlagenhauf J [R] AVashington Butler P N Jr [R] Fowler J J [H] Isbell J [R] Aluench 0 L [It] Nasse E [R] ltuge J P [R] Werth A [H] Fremont Co. Anderson Bergin S R [R] Gasconade Co. Bay Brinkmein F Canaan Alathews N G Winsel T Cleavesville (rider J C Faris A C Sicht F Stockton F A Drake Gross Henry A [R] Hermann Ettuweeller G [It] Feldmann John Hoffner Julius [R] Nasse Edmund [R] Schmidt August Lange Store Spreckelmeyer G A [R] Le Due Grace T J Morrison Campbell D AI [R] Caughell T H [R] Owens ville Terrell J J [R] AVielaud G Red Bird Grace F J [R] Alathews N G Woodlawn Aiellies Ernest [R] Gentry Co. Alanthus Grove Coffee Jas L [R] Farr J C [R] Lynch J D [R] Albany Ball AVm M [R] Barnett J Z [R] Burgiss F H [E] Campbell AI AI [It] Crockett G R Peery Geo F Smith F G [R] Smith Jno C [R] MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 49 Stapleton G AV [R] AVhiteley Geo W [It] Yeater H P [R] Berlin Weller Geo R [R] Darlington Curry Silas F [E] Dyke S H [It] Quigley B T [R] Fnyart Haas A L [It] (ientryville Barbour G H [It] Can a way A AI [R] Robertson C H (R] Rowe E J Gara Antrobus J D Stenreide J J King City Boone Geo F [R] if cCaslin C H Spence Wm E [R] McFall Chandler H A Hunt T H [E] Patton Chas O [R] Grantham CBF [R] Stanberry Brooks AV W [E] Chilton I, AI [R] Hinkley S B [R] Houston E [It] Aliller L E [R] Van Cleve C Green Co. Ash Grove Doolin Thos [R] Hawkins Hy L [E] Kerr Jno [R] Aliller T C [It] Moore E H Watts D S [R] Wyatt Geo AV [It] Wyatt AI Grant [It] Fairgrove Cowden AV H [R] Strafford Brown AI Hughes H O Woodbine C [It] Bois IV A re Roberts H L [R] Ross LC [R] Cave Springs Coltrane T AV [R] Wadlow Wm C Ebenezer Gray T J [R] Galloway Watts J T [R] Nicholas Evans James Keeney J C [RJ Republic Dorrall G B [R] Beal Edw L [R] Patterson G W [R] Springfield Allen H C Alve.v N R [R] Baker H D [R] Barnes G W Barrett J R [It] Beal E L Bissett Wm [R] Camp AV P [R] Camp AV A [R] Clements C C Cox L [R] Coon L [P M] Dunklin D [R] Echelberry J Evans A P [H] Farnsworth D B [R] Forden AV B Gammell S [H] Clifford A H [H] Gifford AV H [H] Glascock S S [R] Goodwin A S Goslin J A [R] Hill H S [It] Hedgepeth J [R] Henshaw C E [R] Hensley G [H] H ogan J [It] Jackson J L [R] Johnson S A [R] King C L [H] Lane IR[R] Love J AV [R] McBride E H [R] McClaim C S [R] McClaren T M [R] McDowell AV C [H] Alarsh R [E] Mellinger H P Miller T D [R] Alitchell S E [R] Aloreland S AV [E] Newton J S [R] Northrup B F [It] Northrup J W Ralston J P [E] Reed J Reenhoff AV [R] Roberts E A [R] Ross F E [R] Seall L C [R] Shirley S A Sidman W D [R] Smith AV M [R] Smith W B [H] Spohn J C [It] Taylor T 0 [R] Tefft J E [R] Toombs AV F [It] Valentine It [H] Van Horn AI [E] AVier J AV [R] Wilkerson J AI [E] Williams W J [It] AVilliams A C [H] AVoodward J H [E] Wyatt AI C [It] AV right J H [R] 50 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Walnut Grove I ox J P [R] Den by Win H olden F B [R] Perry J K [R] Sloan A C Willard Greves Jas I [E] Grundy Co. Dunlap Herbert T B [It] Edinburgh McDougall J H AVilliams Titus V Gait Elder A L [It] Long G A [R] Moses J H [R] Laredo Stone J AI [R] Thomas J P [R] Spickardsville Cash R B M iller R Pittman AV T [R] Travis K W [E] Wright J B Trenton Asher John A [R] Barnes A B [It] Berry Wm It [R] Connor Earle [R] Cooper J Dilley C F [R] Dillman A F [R] Fulkerson AV D Harris S E Hendrickson P J [H] Krinlin Thomas [R] Leeper J E [R] Madden J H [R] Patton Jas H [R] Shirley J AV Short It T [R] Smith Ben H [It] Stewart Solomon [R] AVilson H H [It] Harrison Co. Bethany Allen Stephen C Ellis T B [R] Lewis Jonathan Martin I) AV [R] McConkey VV F B [R] Skinner H J Smith F G [It] Vandivert A H [R] AValker Jackson Blue Ridge Scot! L F [It] Blythedale Mitchell C A [R] Bolton Wiley J AV Brooklyn AVeary F G [E] AVinningham F AI [E] Gainesville Logan S D [R] Nally Harvey [R] Eaglevillc Bohannon AV T [R] Downing JasL [It] Hatfield Allen J G [R] Reynolds AI S [R] Martinsville Reynolds A C [R] Rucker AV L [R] Mt. Moriah Bushong C P [R] Sellers G VV [It] I New Hampton Fades AI H [R] Willey A AI Kidgeway Bragg T N [It] Jewett G C [R] Robertson C VV Wiley VV H [It] Williams A VV Henry Co. Blairstown Carney I [It] Howard T S K nigh ten T A Brovvnington Gorden G R [It] McGlad John L [E] Russell J J Seevers C T [R] Taylor M B Calhoun Bronaugh Jas II [R] Gray Jas W [R] Trevey Robt [R] Clinton Butts John H [R] Douglas F M [R] Gibbs AVm H [It] Holcomb Geo VV [R] Jennings Perez S [R] Johnson Jas T [R] Jones Sain'l N Lamb B H [R] Land Jas It F [H] Menees Geo AV [R] Netherton F F [H] Nichols Edw Y [R] Noble Jos [R] Stephens J J [R] Vance VV H [R] Williams (' ^' Deep Water Bur^esser VV H Gilliland H D [R] Howard C F [E] Jones Sain'l H [R] Williams Jno A [R] Huntingdale Beatt.v J G [R] Royston E C T [R] MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. LaDue Balton R AI Miller J M Wallis J R [It] Lewis' Station Foster T AV [R] Jenings AV T [It] Shawnee Mound Brouaugh J AV [It] Leesville Gray C P [It] Hill N T Montrose Barr B B [R] Davis J H [R] Fahnestock AV S [E] Fewell R B [R] Hart G C [R] Wade J VV [R] Wallis J R [R] Nor ris Smith L L Frieh Noble J [R] Powers John [It] Windsor Bradley AI E [R] Peoster Jas F [It] Griffith C E [R] Head (has W [R] Shadburne T G [It] Hickory Co. Cross Timbers Curl A C [R] Graves Win White Geo N [E] White John AV [E] Pittsburgh Cox BF Alillican J Ouincy Childers Josiah Miles VV E [E] Sheldon T J [R] Weaubleau Helton [R] Viles (i B [R] Wheatland BrookshireH C [R] Fisher Arthur L [E] Mendenhall J N Newman John H [E] Holt Co. Corning Anderson J H [R] Green F AI [R] Alarity Airs AI A Craig Bain Jas AV [R] Johnston John L Kaltenliach Ernst [R] Bigelovv Davis T () [R] Elm Grove Carson R A [R] Maitland Downey T F [E] Gleaves W L [R] Hall H E [It] Maxwell H B [R] Wyman It C [R] Mound City Haken G AV [R] Aleek B [R] Saville AI [It] Tracy J AI [E] Tracy J C [E] New Point Findlay AV J [R] Kelley P D [R] Oregon Butler J T [R] Evans C L[R] Gaslin Asher [R] Kearney J It [R] King Reuben [R] Thatcher J T [H] Howard Co. Armstrong Asbury B B [R] Hume J Y [R] Preston J S [R] Spotts B AI [R] Thompson AA' S Boonesboro Blackwell E E [R] Wood J T [R] Burton Scott J B [R] Fayette Bailey J T [R] Bramlitt E T [R] Conway C AI [R] Lewis C 0 [E] Moore A AV [R] Payne T J Jr [R] Watts J J [R] Wright AV S [R] Glasgow Collins Alay B [R] Hawkins J AV [R] Pritchett VV M [R] Savage H B [R] VaughanIP[R] New Franklin Bonham N M [R] Bonham V Q [R] Fleet J B [E] Roanoke Bagby R J [R] Harvey AV C [It] Hawkinson AV O [R] Howell Co. Huttoii Valley Davidson D L [It] Paine J W [It] Moody McElvey G W [R] McElvey W L B [R] Sigler J A [It] 52 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Mountain View- Sherwood Reese Pottersville Alitchell E H [R] Siloam Springs Alorgan F D Norman I A Rawlison J J [E] West Plains Barnett J Z [R] Berry N C Contraell AV G Chandler AI B [It] Dixon J C B [R] Edwards W T [It] Shutter H C [R] Simon A AVinkler F L [It] AVood P AI Willow Springs Hollenbeck A G [R] Johnson A B [R] Alorris A B [R] Mullinix A [It] Renfrew J H [R] Rowe H J [R] Iron Co. Annapolis Cloonan M [H] Copeland J G [R] Belleview Kerlogan C C [R] Ironton Farrar Geo AV [R] Farrar G VV Jr [R] Gaulding T R [R] Hall G AV [R] Marshall Ira Nifoiitf J D Patton W C Pilot Knob Farrar G AV Jr [R] Strong S E [R] Jackson Co. Blue Mills Ravenscraft N D [R] Trayman L W [R] Blue Springs Frick C C [It] Afock David [It] Smith Z [It] Wood N P [R] Buckner James J S LR] Kenyon J AV Ccntropolis Lewers Shirely A H [R] Dallas Spremill A B [It] Grain Valley Bullock E It [It] Johnston Wm B [It] Greenwood Gardner AV J [R] AlcClellan J P [It] Hickman Mills Bryant D A [It] Independence Bedford T D [It] Berg S R [E] Bryant John [R] Bryant John Jr [R] Ewin Chas E Henry J P [R] Jackson Craven [It] Lewis J R [R] O Daniel B F [It] Peck J W [It] Sheley 0 C [It] Stafford I A [H] Stafford Aides A [H] Troyman Geo T [It] AVherritt H P [Rl Kansas City [Seepage23] Lee's Summit Douglas J B Ellis S [It] Lee J C [R] St rat her AV D [11] Thornton T It [It] Lone Jack KoonsR P [It] Rogsdale E [It] Martin City H olt A T [It] Oak Grove Henderson J L Locke John Mann A W [R] Itaylown Smith H H [R] Smith AI T Sheffield Shirely A H [R] Sibley Angell J L [It] Sni Mills Horn L AI AVestport Hunter D W [R] Longan H A [It] Love Geo L [It] Love Geo VV [It] Alabry Wm E [R] Parker J AV Sandburn LC [R] Jasper Co. Alba Chapman Jos [R] Green John P [It] A villa Alonett S C [It] Taylor AI [It] Walton C C [It] Carl Junction Bruton Jesse T [E] Fleming J H Isherwood H L [R] Smith C i' [R] MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 53 Carthage Berry T J [It] Brooks It F [R] Burch E J [II] Carter J A [R] Coe Geo 1) [It] Fowler F AV [H] Fulton I, AV [It] Galbreath R L [E] Hill Geo R [R] Hollingsworth H C [R] King AVm H K [R] Matthews L J [It] Aloore S H Rhoads August [R] Thomas J B [It] Whitney I, E LH] AVolf B F AVooldrige J AV [R] Citra Alaness AV G [R] Jasper Callahan D C Cannon J H Foster H T [R] Gooding B A [R] AVale D Y [R] Joplin Austin T R [E] Balsley AI T [R] Blackwell J [R] Clay comb F P [R] Cline VV B [R] Cole AA' A Cornell G AV [R] Doty E T [R] Evans O C [H] Fleming J H [It] Freeman A B [R] Kelso R S [It] Kincheloe Ai B [R] Leutz N L Lisbon E B [P AI] Aliller G W [R] Moorehead J F [R] j Myers J F [It] Owens F D Price S C [R] Salmon E Y [R] Salmon VV T [It] Squire ECH [It] Snyder A R [R] Steinberger H Taylor A [It] Taylor H H [RJ Tyler It B [R] A'oerhees S H [R] AVillim AV J [It] AVolf G [H] Yates J It [It] Yockey W M [It] Oronogo Meyers () P [R] Aleyers Wm [It] Sarcoxie Goodner S [R] Hopkins S W [It] Monett S C [R] Rossen AV H [E] Smith It It [E] Webb City Chenoweth LC [R] Cooper E Cornell G AV [R] Craig C H [R] Furth C [R] Hammock H 1) [R] McBride E E [R] Miller T D [R] Marsher E [E] Shelten G AV [R] AVhiteley VV M [H] AVhitworth D AI [R] AVillet J B [R] AVills E A [R] AVoodard J H Jefterson Co. Cedar Hill Tobisky J E [R] Crystal City Pickle J W [It] De Soto Auerswold G A [R] Brickley F A [It] Deaderick J S [R] Farrar W H [R] Hamel AH [It] Higginbotham M F [R] James T A [It] Keaney J [H] Festus Brooks C[R] Bruce T R [R] Cristoffe C H [R] Aliller 1) H Prichard J H [It] Stradder E J [R] Menial ite Elder G AV N [R] Hillshoro Brewster T S Aliller J E [RJ Alockbee G AI [E] House's Springs Guibor F E [R] AVilliamsC [R] Kimmswiek Kirk AV J [It] Lohmann L [It] Maxville Sappington VV L L [R] Victoria Jones J E [It] Ware Cornell B VV Johnson Co. Centre Yiew Barr D D [R] King R M [R] Kinyoun John H [It] Chilhowee Acheson Sam'l [it] Stark Galen T [It] Sweeny C T [It] Columbus Black It D Colbern John Fishback AI L [It] Alorrow B E [R] 54 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Fayetteville Fishback E P [R] Aliller E H 11 o hi. 11 Bolton Rufus L [E] Chambers J R Day Sam'l [E] Jones C A [H] Murray L F [R] Simpson Jas T [R] Sims C [R] Kingsville Bennett G AV [R] Carpenter AV H Knobnoster Deeker C M [R] Kernadle 0 P [R] Aliller L C [R] Warren J H [R] Montseiial Cornelius J AI [R] Davis J A Scruggs E J [R] Valley City Cole A W [R] Iliff E AI Warrensburgh Adams Z T [It] Adcock JAB [E] Anderson Jas I [R] Carter C L [R] Case Z [R] Cutler S P [R] Gilbert E II [R] Gilkerson H P [H] Hedges Wm [H] Houston J A [R] Hunt G It Ozias C O [R] Pinkston VV S [RJ Towers J AI Reese A AV [R] Reutch Daniel Schofleld Linn J [It] Smith F C [R] Smith VV V [R] Snoddy W D [R] Knox Co. Baring Risk Dr Colony Armstrong J AI [R] Wright AI F Fdina Brown G S [It] Brown L S [It] Campbell T A O'Brien Cornelius [R] Saunders S W [E] Greensburgh Hereford Hy Myers Jas Hurdland Crawford M F [R] Howerton D [R] Knox City McReynolds R [R] Magee Alex J [It] Northcutt J R [R] Novelty Arnett Andrew [R] McWilliams J A [RJ Plevna Bailey AV L Hall Wm H Laclede Co. Competition Wright E B [EJ Conway Gourley T N Lockwood Thomas F [R] Pave E Y Delta Gwynn E B Gw.vnn G V AVilson T A Dry Glaize Titterington J L [R] Fldridge I'oy liter C L Richey R [R] Lebanon Achenbock J G [H] Avery Daniel [It] Barker J C Barr T A [E] Billings J AI [R] Edwin T A McComb James [R] Perkins J M [R] Reid F A [E] Tayman A A [R] Nebo Casey T H [RJ Oakland Barker J C Or la Dugan AV L LaFayette Co. Alma Horner J W [R] Aullville Hartman AI T [RJ Bates City Hitchcock I D [RJ Kingan J A' Chapel Hill Dean H Ragsdale Joseph Shore F AI [R] Concord ia Becker Hy F [R] Braecklin Frank Lieser F D [RJ Reed P P Corder Carlhtoe Lewis E [It] Alartin Ed F [R] Dover Corker J L [It] Meng Edwin It [It] Higginsville Braecklin AVm A [It] Carter R C [R] Fulkerson J J [R] MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 55 Hamisfar C VV [H] Seeber C W [It] Webb VV C [R] Lexington Chambers P H Christ J C [R] Dameron W T [R] Fain S AV [It] Fredendall G VV [It] Fulkerson P S [R] Gosewisch W R [R] Gosewith VV It [R] Hamiswar F N [H] Hamisfar FN [H] Osborn John F [RJ Payne N B Smith S F Straughn J H [RJ Tucker J E [R] Mayview Bradley D H Clarkson It W Day C R [Ft] Ferguson J G [RJ Perrie John [R] Napoleon Lightner John W [Rj Odessa Barclay AV I) [R] Goodwin AV C [R] Hewes R S [EJ Ladd N AV [RJ Lee E Spore S [RJ Williams H [RJ Waver I y Crosswhite J H [RJ Flourney AI W [R] Warren J M [R] Wellington Alann F W [It] Mann J A [R] Raglan d B L [R] Schaller R [RJ Lawrence Co. Aurora Allen J [EJ Cottingham I R [EJ DeVVolf J G [It] Herding D E [R] Kennedy J AI AicManigle S H [R] Melton J A Riley F [R] Sowder L L [E] Stevenson F S Bower's Mills Harvey AI D Chesapeake Hope J A [It] Forest Home Sams H C [R] Freistatt Rutledge AV J [R] Lawrenceburgh Paris P AV [It] Aliller C P [R] Wilkerson W C Marionville Bruck D T [It] Clevenger N T [H] AlcCord T J [RJ Aleans AV H AVoodruff C P [RJ Titterington J M Mt Vernon Bradford H H Denney Z C [R] Harris J F [R] Hinchman C N [E] Hocker N B [RJ Knapp G L Newman G W [RJ Newman S A [RJ Sloan D W Smith J H Phelps Hicks C D Pierce City Anderson A S M [R] Bell J E [RJ Hansen E P [RJ Hicks S K [R] Kimball J H [H] Quigley J M [R] Richardson W F [E] Rodman VV W [R] Worley H V [R] Worley H B [R] Verona Browning E Greggs E D Young J B Lewis Co. Benjamin Knight G P [It] Canton Blinckhau A J [R] Burk B AV [RJ Hawkins John J [It] Tompkins Junius [R] Turner Robert B [R] Van Syckel D V [R] Gilead Frame J P [It] Labelle Breedlove John [R] Johnson AV S D [RJ AIcKim H W [RJ Alurrey J G AIusfj;rove J K Sullivan G AI Thompson A AI LaGrange Ellery Wm [R] Fayette L T [R] Lewiston Brown Joel C [RJ Glasson Thomas [R] Maywood Custer D M [E] Nunn G G [R] Raines J D [It] 56 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Monticello Brainard Z [It] Morchand J B [It] Steffenville Haycraft S E [R] Simpson VV B [R] AVilliamstown Ford John [RJ Risk Robert C [It] Lincoln Co. Argentville Diggs J [R] Harlow J [R] Wise AV II Auburn Knox J A Chain of Rocks Heitman F AIcElwee J J [R] Elsberry Bailey Samuel AI [RJ Dickinson AV T Hemphill AVm A [R] Kerr S H [RJ Lee It J Parsons A AA' Louisville Prewitt R C [It] Mackville Williams J J [R] Millwood Aludd J T [R] AVommack H B [It] Moscow Mills Ala son C AI Pringle .1 E [R] New Hope AIcKinstry C Taylor A AI [It] Welch J W [It] Old Monroe Campbell D B [It] Olney Alosely C G [ItJ Northcutt AV L Silex Brown J A [R] Smiley G P [R] Troy Avery C D [ItJ Kemper H W McKay S It [R] Robinson R L [R] Tice D VV [R] AVord J A Truxton Dremert N L [R] Perkins B Winfield Hewitt D E [R] Talbott R H J [R] AVise J H Whiteside Stuckhurt O Linn Co. Brookfiehl Aylesworth AA7 H Evans J S [It] Haley Robert [It] Huffaker J R [HJ Johnson AV E Lance G N [It] AlcChesney H A Oven T P [R] Pettijohn A C [It] Pratt, H H [R] Wenger E S [R] Browning Chenoweth Ai S [It] Alairs J A A'an AVye (has. Bucklin Bowers J C [R] Cantwell E J [RJ Howard 1) A" [E] Putnam B B [RJ Scott W B Shook Hy [RJ Fversonville Alexander G VV [R] AI orris It AI [R] Laclede Burke J L [R] Poison John Spurgeon W P [It] Standly Z T [R] Van Deventer A AI [It] Linneus Asbury It Lane J W [R] Perkins E F [R] Perkins P H [R] Stevenson D I [R] Marceline Cater J S [EJ Cater AVm A [It] Davis A J [R] Howe L 0 Perrin I H [R] Shelton Wm A [RJ Smith J A [R] Thompson J D [R] Meadville Ridings O H [R] Rogers L H [It] Sheperd John 1) [It] Thompson J AI [R] New Boston Barckley A [E] Lawkins E F [R] Linville P [RJ Alitchell H [H] Livingston Co. Avalon Blakeley T G [It] Marshall Andrew Piatt K S [R] Bedford Allins C W [It] Chillicothc Barney Reuben [R] Barney It Jr [RJ Beeman S M [R] MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 57 Chi llicot he—Continued. Cooper Joel S [H] Crellin AV K [R] Davis F AI [R] Gordon David [It] Henderson AVm A [It] Pursley G A [E] Simpson AVm R [R] Stevens B N [RJ Tracey L E [RJ Weaver John S [R] Wilson D G [RJ Chula Alexander G AA' [R] Cabell R H [RJ Cream Ridge Foster T AV [RJ Dawn Davis AVm M Alurray R AV [RJ Farmersville Batdoff F P [R] Houf AV AI [It] Ludlow Dewey C O [RJ Robertson J B Mooresville Fish T Havens E S [E] Hudgins AV AI Spring Hill Patton C AV [RJ Sturgis Newberry E F [RJ Ulica Dice T It [E] Waters J C [It] Wheeling Swope AVm A [RJ Trimble J VV Macon Co. Anabel Bishop C S [It] A rd more Owens S P [It] Atlanta Branham G H [It] Larvack B F [R] Naylor O [R] Barry ville Allen F AV Bevier Edwards J M R[R] Frederick I Rowland D D [R] Rowland AV P [R] Watson T S [R] Bloomington Owen H AV Callao Campbell J F [It] Stevenson J T [It] Yates VV Y [R] College Mound Long T A [It] Powell R Y [R] Economy Thompson L AI [R] Flirier AI orris C B [It] Ettle Drew F AV [It] Fxcello Aloody B E [It] Goldsherry Gross J F [EJ Harris J F [E] Kaseyville Freeman A J [R] La Plata Cunningham H K [R] Ellis S L [It] Flagg T AV Gates J [E] Gillaspy R [R] Lyons J R AIcDavittBC [R] Shores It L [It] Lyda Eagle T A Macon City Atterbury C [R] Butman W C P [It] Clements E B [It] Merrifleld E A [R] Alilan B J [It] Aliller A B [R] Aliller AV H [It] Pickett J AV [R] Richardson N S [R] Ruby AV C [R] Still E C [RJ Thompson A C [It] AVebb AV E [R] AVinn J B [RJ New Cambria Jones E [R] Peyton J A [R] Redman Alexander J AI [It] Sue City Garrison L AV Alitchell R C [R] Ten 3Iile Norris A J [R] Walnut Bulkley J T Woodville Brewington G F [R] Madison Co. Frederick town Anthony C A [It] Goff AV [R] Haley O [R] Newberry F R [R] Nifong W [RJ Villors L J [R] Marquand Carr G AI [RJ Farrar J C [R] Hull L [R] 58 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Mine La Alotle Ferguson J H [R] Nifong W [RJ Maries Co. Vichy Clark J H [It] Ferrel AV R [It] AIoreheadAA' H Vienna Bowles E B [It] Greenup S A [R] Jones I J Weldon Bumpass B F [R] Marion Co. Cheny Dell Rhodes H F [It] Redtop Lyttle J A [It] Emerson AlcPike J B [R] Pence C N [RJ Rains A AI [It] Hannibal Allen A L [R] Ayres A It [It] Banks H L [It] Baskett J N [It] Bishop F H [HJ Brittingham LT [R] Rush F W [It] Christopher S Dakin D F Ebarts J A [It] Gloss Z B [H T] Gleason J L [RJ Goodier R H [It] Gordon AV A [It] HaysE C [RJ Hickman JG [It] Hornback E F [It] Howell J S [It] KablerPL [It] Lamb C L [R] Primm John N [H] Queen 0 C [R] Schmidt Richard [R] Shields D H [RJ Smith S G [R] Torrey AVm O [R] Tutt L H [R] Yernette Fred [E] Yancey Charles H [It] Palmyra Clark J D [It] Coons James N [R] Early J H [It] Jandon Benj A [R] Norris J AV [RJ Sanford Silas [It] White D [R] McDonald Co. Bethpage Wembs Plumley Indian Springs Plumber C [It] Plumber C [It] Jane Horner J T Underwood A AI Lanagan Coffman J A [It] Pinevillc Duval \V C Edalen J E [R] Farmer John C [R] Rocky Comfort Dobbs D N [RJ AlcCall T I) S [It] Santa Fe Drake J S [R] A'aughan H C Southwest Cily Christian G B Johnson C Nichols JF (Juarles T R [R] Smith B F [RJ Splitlog Bena S Tiff' City Chase A AV [RJ McKinley A J [RJ Mercer Co. Cleopatra Calbreath T F [It] Calbreath AV II Half Rock Buhr J L [R] Mill Grove Brunke Samuel Houser C E [R] Modena Alonnett AV I) [It] Rhea A L [It] Princeton Blackley E Bristow Geo AI [R] Buren VV F [RJ Fullerton T AI AIcKiddy JC Scott J G Smith K G Thompson G R [R] Ravanna Callaway J E [EJ Lupere AI Shipley John L [R] Miller Co. Aurora Springs Allen Daniel H [R] Bandy G AI Stephens Jas E [RJ Bagnall Aliller VV S [E] A'aughan J S [RJ Eldon Brockman H H [E] Temple J AV [It] MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Iberia Harrison It L Mace G R [It] Aloore J H Mary's Home Norwood J B [It] Olean Allee VV S [It] Dove J D F [R] Pleasant Farm Nixdorf A P [R] Pleasant Mount AValker G D [E] St Elizabeth Nixdorf P T [It] Spring Garden Devilbiss F [It] Tuscumbia Kountz D H [RJ Mnn-ea J B Ulman's Ridge Norwood VV AV [R] Parker T C Mississippi Co. Bertrand Corbett J C Tomason B J Conrad A It [It] AA'orten L Bird's Point Corbett G C [It] Hammer M D [R] Charleston Barker A [It] Bondurant A A [It] Bridewell I H [RJ Chapman A W [R] Lusk AVm H Patterson T L [R] Rowe John AI [It] Simpson A E [R] \rernon Frank S East Prairie Coleman T J Dibrell J B Martin A 1' AlcClnin J D James' Bayou Coffman S P [R] Lee H A Wolf Island Wilson G AI [R] Moniteau Co. California Alee E AI [It] Burke .1 P [R] By bee AV J [E] Campbell T C [R] Gray J 1' H [It] Houser F W [R] Klueber II (' Prentiss AI AI [E] Russell J J [RJ Clarksburgh Atkinson AV J [E] Stewart J B [RJ Fortuna Scroggs P G [It] AVilliams () A [EJ Yarnell D A [RJ High Point Dunlap.I AI [R] Popejoy H It [R] Jamestown Christian J H Lemcke L H [H] Morrison J L [It] Smith J T Thorpe A V [E] Tineper (' It [H] Latham Latham II VV [It] Robertson J AI Met; irk Bramel H AV [It] Tipton AlcClauahan F [E] Marsh J VV Miles AV F Patterson VV It [It] Redmon S H [R] Itedmon AV Yarnell 1) A Monroe Co. Florida Foster E L [R] Granville AIcGee D VV [R] Read N AI [It] Holliday Dysart VV P Jr [R] Johnson 1) Indian Creek Corley J B [It] Madison Forrest I F [RJ Hulen AV A [RJ Todd F B [RJ Middle Grove Cuppidge G O [ItJ Quisenberry J B [R] Monroe City Brown S M [It] Godier J [It] AI ay field .1 AI [RJ Norton J J [It] Turner G L [It] Pai'is Chilton J C [It] Dysart I! G [It] Gore A E [RJ Lloyd T B [It] Moss F AI [It] Stoutsville Bell VV T [R] Griffith A S Welch J F [It] Slrolher Parringtou (' P [RJ 60 MISSOQRI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Tulip Morgan Co. Portageville Johnson E W [R] Forsyth J B [R] Aikinsville Hollenbeck T S Woodlawn Bridges T It Tucker B S [RJ Scroggs It G [RJ Newton Co. Bamett Diamond Montgomery Co. Baudy VV L [E] Filler J W [R] Hatter VV L [R] Keyes C S Aniericus Boyler's Mill Leathers AV P [E] Bush B F Bradeu J A Granby High Hill Cape Galena Cowan A L [RJ Evans J A [RJ Calfee J VV [It] Langley J VV Jonesburgh Excelsior McDaniels J [R] Ball E A Blackiston H Wood H [R] Foreman J AI [It] Hunter VV B [R] Kent Alanness W G Jones J L [RJ Florence Neosho Pittman II VV [RJ Bales J VV Benton A VV [R] Middletown Carr E AI Lanson J W [RJ Ford B AV [It] Cline R A Alaas A [RJ Davidson J T Syracuse Oaks J Itigg C H [It] Allen .1 T [It] Smith J R [P AI] Alims G E [R] Crawford S G [R] Snevely J [R] Rogers J Culp A H [R] Wills It L [It] Weems A Hubbard W T Yates PC [RJ Minneola Versailles New ton ia Huddleston D B [E] Beale J T [R] Brown W D [R] Montgomery City Babling H [R] Chapman AI R [R] Adams VV B [It] Buck H [R] Chapman VV S [It] Caldwell AV Gunn G AI Hancock J B [It] Graves J S [R] Hubbard J D [R] Harrison G W [It] Hudson D 0 [RJ Sterner R B Seneca Spreckelmeyer G It [RJ Williams 0 [R] Barnett J Z [R] Stephens G AV [RJ Campbell W AI [RJ Tucker It H [RJ New Madrid Co. Greene R 0 New Florence Laidley J S [R] Kalmeyer F [R] New Madrid Porter H L [H] Waddill Rhineland Dawson Geo [It] Russell S A [It] Burch S J [R] O'Bannon VV [R] Wanda Wellsville Watson C W [RJ AVeems D L [It] Abrahams A F Ogden AVeems G A [R] Blackburn J A [RJ Buck S T [RJ Bogan G C Peeples B W [R] Nodaway Co. Finley T A [E] Point Pleasant Barnard J ohnson J AV Evans W E Allen A B Rogers J N [R] Williams J J [R] Davis 0 W [R] Shepherd A E [R] Williams R L [It] | AleAdow J S [R] MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Bedison Harris A H [R] Burlington Junction Black S [R] Carter AI Evans J G [R] May G AV [R] Watkins AA' J Chester Aszman AI [H] Clearmont Biggs ZH [R] Cleveland J D [R] Gaugh M A [It J Clyde Hobbs G AV [It] Kelso M A [R] Conception Biskett J A Elmo Aikin S W [R] Pollings S [R] Gaj nor City Allen S A [RJ Street AI H [R] Graham Barron P J [R] Davis T J [R] Rhoades M AI [R] Guilford Everhart J AV [E] Gleaves J S [RJ McClanahan J AI [R] Oatman P H Hopkins Gerard S AV Goodson B F [R] Sargent D A [It] Maryville Bradbury It AI [R] Campbell S V [R] Dean J W [RJ Goodson J N [It] Koch R Larabee J AI Martin F AI [H] Aloore AV P [It] Morrison J B [It] Nash G [RJ Stice .1 M [It] Todd J II [It] AVilson D C [E] AVilson G AV [RJ AVilson AI H Parnell Humphrey I) VV Alills O P AI [RJ Pickering Crowson E L[R] AVallis AV AI [It] Ravenwood Kessler O C [R] Skidmore Hutt J AI [R] Shepard J E [It] Wilcox H ereford AV B [R] Oregon Co. Alton Aloseley J E [It] Shaver AV T Taylor J L [R] Garfield Belcher G W Forrest E A Myrtle Forrest E H Hall J T Kirkpatrick J N Nixon AI C [EJ Piles T C [R] Thayer Cryder J 0 W [R] Frisbie AV T Powell D T [It] AVinston R F Osage Co. And I Jett J [R] Belle Jones N B [R] Boerger's Store AVaters D A Chamois Mahan W T [It] Townley K AV Townley AV D [It] Turner It AI [R] Feuersville Tubbs A[E] Kcellztown Curt-man G AV [R] Linn Davis C [R] JenckeP [R] Jones A E [R] Jones J F [It] Lamb J F [E] Loose Creek Nolte J H [E] Walconie Waters S A [R] Ozark Co. A mbrose Carter VV J Bakersfield Beale R H [E] Sullivan VV A Tyree S AV Dlt Simpson H Dora Spear J D [RJ Gainesville Arnold J T [R] Bashford A ( Beach C H [R] Clayton J F Elrite G VV [R] Small R S Grabeal Bishop J C Steely N 62 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Isabella Elliott A Rockbridge Garton L K Scott A Stacy J Udall Alexander W F Pemiscot Co. Caruthersville Byars H T [It] Steele S H [R] Tinsley J D Cooter Cooper T S H oily M A Cottonwood Gardener J [It] Tipton Q A [R] Perry Co. Belgique Bayer H [R] Brazeau Hatcher VV H [R] Brewer Shirley J AI [R] Frohna ClineO W [R] itoberts H Zilliken P N [H] Perryville Feltz F [It] Morton 1) F [R] Waters It C [It] Yount Clark J P Pettis Co. Beaman Schwabe G AV [R] Dresden Brown D F [It] Dunksburgh ParkH Tyler R S [It] Georgetown Bell R H [R] Green Ridge Flesher AV H [EJ Trim in D A LeolaC VV [R] Houstonia Brown J T [It] Riley W C Smith T A Hughesville Hemlock E It [R] Mills G AV Jr [RJ Ionia City Carter R G Hall H 0 Lainont Conway S [It] Penquite AV [R] Walker J P [RJ Longwood Ezell F [It] Kennedy J M Lantz J L Prowell J D Spears H C [RJ Sedalia Abell D T [H] Bronson I T [It] Carr R W [HJ Carter J [RJ Collins AI T [R] Conkright A H [R] Crocker C C Dressel A F [R] Dunlap W 0 [RJ Evans E C [R] Evans W H [It] Ferguson D Fesler F D [E] Gresham E F [R] Grimes J A [RJ Grimes W I? [It] McCluney T P [It] AlcNeil G E [It] Miller R T Mills G W [R] Alorey Crawford Muehl A Neal Isaac R [R] Overstreet John AI [RJ Overstreet Walter 0 [R] Russell G A [HJ Scales AV B [It] Scott Geo H [It] Shadburne It L [It] Simons VV T [R] Small A V [It] Steckman P AI [R] Trader John W [RJ Walden Chas S [It] Yancey Edwin F [R] Smithton Angle J VV [It] Page AV B [H] Ranis Newton J [It] Phelps Co. Macedonia Appley AV [It] Frost J S Newburg Burns D D Hutcheson AVm T Rodman W T Relfe Cowan R B [R] Rolla Appley Wm R Carpenter John D [RJ Frost John S[RJ Johnson R L [RJ Jones T J [It] Rowe Sam'l B [R] Short John L [R] Short AI J [R] MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 63 Fulbright C H [R] Headlee Sam'l H [R] AicComb C A [R] Pike Co. Ashburn AlcCullen It AV [It] Ashley Nichols P G [It] Sherman Geo H [R] Bowling Green Biggs AI A [R] Campbell R AV [R] Hetherlin T Guy [R] Kincaid J J [RJ Lee Geo A Lucas J R Reynolds S J [R] Tinsley G N [R] Wilkes Benj A [It] Clarksville Bankhead Everett Bartlett J N Cord AVillis E [R] Davis J D [HJ Pharr Caleb AV [R] Story J H [EJ Curry ville Gibbs Hy C [R] Lewis H P [RJ Cyrene AViatt AV E [RJ Fstes Tinsley E VV [R] Farmer McElwee J H A'annoy R AI Frankfort Bradley J S [R] Henry John E [It] Kirtley VV T [RJ Pryor C L [R] Gazette Hollingsworth J E [R] New Harmony Alathews J W Tarker S AI [It] New Hartford Shelton J C [It] Paynesville Bankhead C R [R] Scott Jas T [RJ Prairieville Clark VV M Pollard AV Spencerburgh AVicks F AI [RJ Platte Co. Camden Point Herndon A S [RJ Hern don J A Jliddleton AV H [RJ Dearborn Brooks T [RJ Johnson It P C [It] Watson J AI Fdgerton Cantwell J S [It] Lewis AV H [R] Shafer L A Shafer AVm AV [It] Hampton Cockey AI G [It] Hammond H New Market Bryant J AV [R] Hall J M Parkville Coffee AV H [RJ Moore F B [R] RutledgeG O [R] Platte City Baldwin J A [R] Coffee E AIcC [R] Hammond T C [R] Overback AV J [E] Redman Spence [R] Walker A J [E] Kidgeley Robertson J AI [R] Sullivan R I, [RJ Sullivan It L [It] Tracy Davis R P Esmond J J [It] Feagan R [R] Jones S B [R] Weston Coots S AV [R] Porr J C [R] Simpson VV J [R] Polk Co. Bolivar Bowen B [R] Drake AVm G [R] Farmer J VV [R] Mitchell A P [R] Odor E S [EJ Odor AVm S [E] Roberts J F [R] Snow G VV Dunnegan Holmes A F [RJ Stovall D VV [R] Fairplay Brewer M D [R] Griffin Geo VV [RJ Hopkins AV S [R] Goodson AVrinkle T D [R] Halfway Barnes Benj F [R] Clark J Coy J VV Coy VV A [R] Alyers G A Hiimansville Griffin S H [R] Lyon J J [RJ Mitchell Alfred VV [RJ Short VV S AVann J B [It] 64 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Morrisville Cossins D S VV Hagler VV P [It] Aliller J AV Pleasant Hope Cochran AI H [It] Pendergrast AV C Pike C J [R] Polk AVarren AV F [R] Rondo Allison J AV [EJ Schofield Barnet G C [It] Pulaski Co. Bailey Tatham M Welsh AV J [Rl Bald ridge Estes T C [It] Dixon Rolens AIcL [It] Von Gremp H J [RJ Hancock Anderson T AI [R] Aloore A J Richland Murphy H C [R] Rogan AV L Titterington A AV [R] Murphy J T Waynesville Love M M [R] Mace G Tice La V [R] Putnam Co. Central City Bunker S Gray L L [It] Lasey A J [R] Martinstown Grimm E A [R] Timmons A H Mendota Ross I) Powersville Calbreath C C [It] Carleton L AV [R] Cozad F E [RJ St. John Gray L D [R] Unionville Berry A C [R] Geisinger E J [R] McGee C H Alairs H T [R] Pickenpaugh G J [RJ Noel I F [E] Williams AV Kails Co. Centre Foster N A Graves C H [RJ Hawkins J B Keithley J A Tredway AV AV [RJ New London Downing J T Hendrick AV G [R] Hicklin 0 B [RJ Perry Armstrong E S [It] Bledsoe J [H] Catron M L [It] Moore F AI [R] White J T [R] AV alter F Rensselaer Ayers E AV [It] Brown S AI [R] Randolph Co. Cairo Bagby B H [R] Boucher D P [RJ Riding J C [R] Clark Mangus AV F Foalson T B [R] Clifton Hill Baker P S [It] Bradsher A J [11] AVilliams N C Darksville Terrell R R [EJ Tellile W P [It] Higbee Brown A J Campbell G B [R] Dryborough J VV [RJ Huntsville Bragg G G [R] Fort J T [R] Kiernan R E Taylor J W [It] Taylor VV H [R] Levick's 31 ill Levick G G [It] Aliller G A Yates Woods R A [It] Jacksonville Halliburton W D [It] Moberly Adams Chester [It] Austin VV S Baskett N M [It] Brennan M P [R] Brown H C [R] Clapp C B [R] Clarkson J R L [RJ ' Cottingham It C [It] Cox John T [R] Faulk Win L [R] Hale AI E [It] Hickerson E It [R] Holt S VV Irwin T R [R] Kelly S T [H] Ma gee .1 AV Quinu F A [RJ Roth well Wm A [RJ Tedford J C [R] MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Yasse VV m AV [R] AVeems George W [R] Yewell AI R [V] Renick Christian R T Forrest S AI [It] Hamilton F L Kay Co. Camden Gassett E VV Guthrie E C [R] Crab Orchard Hamilton J T [R] Fox Carpenter AV B [R] Gant AVillard E [RJ Hardin AlcCowan J S [R] AIcGrew VV M [R] Woodward Wm G [R] Knoxville Clark A S Dodge R K Lawson Bacon C B [R] Estill W G [R] Fulton F H [R] Grace H N [R] James G VV [R] Palmer C AI Millville Etherton VV C [R] Hyder I Morton Stapp Jas H [RJ Yates AV F [R] Orrick Campbell VV H ('alley J A AIcLean Geo [RJ Sheetz AVm Sheetz R C [RJ Raysville Cook T B [It] Richmond Barrett A N [R] Bassett S T [RJ Buchanan G VV [It] Greene L I [It] HamilH E Hamilton It L [It] Jacobs H P [It] Jacobs M C [E] Mosby C A [R] Mosby AV AV [It] Alosby AV AV Jr [R] Quarles AI AI [RJ Shotwell Chas B [It] Smith Jas VV [R] Taylor J D Warriner AV AV Tinney's Grove Cramer AV H [R] Smallwood P C [R] Yibbard Pumphrey G W [RJ Tiffin AA' VV Keynolds Co. Doe Run Hinch Frank E [R] Keith Frank L [It] Lesterville Alinor R T [R] Logan's Creek Copeland AV A [RJ Ripley Co. Doniphan Dennis Enoch [R] Aliller Chas AV [R] Proctor Sam'l A [R] Fair Dealing Page J G [RJ Gatewood Hudson R C Schmeltger H A [R] Varner Byrd AV AI [R] John A H Saline Co. A rrow Rock Herald G VV [R] AlcClelland R M [It] Neff Abram [It] Blackburn Bridges Thos AI [R] Field T Halley H J [It] Elmwood Hereford T P [R] Richart G A [R] Fairville Talbot E AI [R] Gilliam Benbow J H [R] Benton AV II [R] King S It [EJ Osborne Jas H Wilson Robt H Grand Pass Martin Geo S [RJ Herndon AValker F J C [It] AVheeler Jas F [It] Malta Bend Bown J R [R] Cox M E [R] Howard F A [RJ Locke J F Wilson F AI [R] Yancey T C [It] Marshall Alexander Lee M [It] Bell D F [R] Chastain AI F [It] Davis J B [R] Gore D C [RJ Hall J R Hall T B [R] Harrison Wm [R] Holland AV S [E] McDaniel A S [R] Manning D F [R] Spotts B AI [R] AVood T B [R] 66 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Aliami Dunlap J N [R] Edmunds A R [RJ Grady Hy S [It] Sullivan A H W [R] Wheeler A A [R] Mt. Leonard Roberts J 0 [It] Nelson Alegee J AV [R] Sandiger P E [RJ Shuck L I [R] Smith J D Staples T E [It] Ridge Prairie Dougherty T S [R] Shackleford Wingfield AV B [R] Sharon Morris W H [R] Slater Brenizer N O [HJ Edwards N AV [RJ Glenn J A [RJ Howard F A [It] Mead L S [It] Reid D VV [R] Smith E AV [It] Snoddy A H [E] Wilson B F [It] Sweet Springs Ferguson F E Hart B F-[RJ Jarvis J F [R] Kuntz L Lackey C S Parsons D J [E] Schuyler Co. Coatesville Dalmey T H [R] Edison A J [R] Padlock J F [R] Downing Bondurant VV E [RJ Bridges J B [It] In man J T [R] Smith AV B [R] Energy Dunn J H [It] Glenwood Hale It AV Jones J T [It] Ramboo J H [R] Green Top Gordon J S Shirley G A [R] Wilson J A [It] Lancaster Justice AV F [R] Kratzer J D [RJ Mitchell AV F [It] Potter B B [R] Potter W A [RJ Queen City- Coffee J O [It] Parrish A AV Potter W A [It] Scotland Co, Arbela Given G [R] Sawyer A AV [It] A/en Crawford J [R] Gorin Crawford J [It] Edelen B H [R] Skirven H C [E] Granger Davis 1 L [It] Hitt KingG [R] Killwinning Gristy J C [R] Memphis Foster G S Givens F [R] Alurphy G AV [It] Parrish J E [R] Pile A F [It] Skidmore J D [R] Stone H AI [R] Raselaas AV [It] Pleasant Retreat Risk J Scott Co. Benton Butler G H [R] Freeling J S [It] Harris C 0 [E] Blodgett Bradley J II [EJ Sparks J S [It] Sparks It A [R] Commerce Bright G F Coffman J [R] Frazer T F [RJ Porterfield J D [R] Kelso Williams P R [R] Morley Curd JL [R] Gupton A J [R] Aliller W J Ours B F P [E] Tomlinson T E [R] O ran Harris VV E [RJ Howie VV P [R] Radcliffe () AI sikeston Folsom J E [It] Kendall L [HJ Kendall O E [R] Shumate J L [RJ Wyatt F [RJ Shannon Co. Bartlett Jamieson A J [E] Birch Tree Courtney J J [R] AicMurtrey AT [EJ MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 67 Eminence Duncan Erasmus A [R] Winona Crandell AV H [R] Hassler C R [RJ Shelhy Co. Bethel Alusgrove A K [R] Smith John L Smoot J J [It] Cherry Box AlcCully TM [It] Clarence Bayliss AVm AI [R] Hanger Cornelius [R] Alagoon Ephraim [RJ Magoon F L [R] Hunnewell Davis Eli C [R] Yancey A L [RJ Lakenan Dobson D A [It] Sprinkle AV C [It] Lentner Wood A G [R] Leonard Chenorant G P [RJ Hall AV P Horn E P [RJ Smith G L Maud Pollard II AI [R] Shelbina Franklin L Gentry J H [It] Gerard E N [R] Giles G T [R] Kennedy S Lydia G C [R] AlcOully J N Smith J D Shelbyville Corson AArm [It] Dweiss W Dimitt P Alahaffey J N Priest AG [R] St. Charles Co. Augusta Clay H S [RJ Gesling C L [R] Rembe E [RJ Coppeln Brandt Edward H [R] Brandt Henry [R] Griffith O S [RJ Hedemann C J [RJ New Melle Carter D M Talley H O'Fallon Lindsey H C [R] Schwaerer Geo Talley VV P [R] St Charles Bruere J E [RJ Edwards J C Geret B E [R] Johnson ('has AI [RJ Alorguer Oneer [R] Mudd J R [RJ Shore J Steinrauf AVm [H] Stumberg John [H] Vinke H H [RJ St Peters Dyer D A [RJ Gossow Gustav [R] Afarheineke E Wentzville Evans J T Lewis R B [R] Talley H A [It] Talley John A [R] St. Clair Co. Appleton Cily Anderson F L [It] Harvey A [E] Cline AVilburne [R] Alason c VV Riley C A Smith J H [It] Talbott D S [E] Collins Follin Elijah D [RJ Marquin A 0 [EJ Selridge L B [R] Sitton W E [E] Icoiiium Dogleisch G D [RJ Johnson City- Smith R J [R] Fowry Cily Wright J P [It] Wright N P [R] Ohio Gathright J B [It] Osceola Bell AVm E [R] Hamlin (' AIcKeil D C Aloore T B [RJ Pingrey Wm B Seevers John [R] Whaley J C Roseoe Anderson Thos Greene J P [EJ Aliles E D [R] Taberville Davidson A C [E] Vista Baumgarfner J Cunningham T [It] St. Francois Co. Bisinark Norwine J J [It] O'Brien AVm A Bonne Terre Cunningham H L [P] Keith A W [R] Kendall James [It] 68 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Bonne Terre—Continued Poston Chas P [It] Turley L [R] Farmington English J H [R] Haw J S Horn A J [R] McCormick E C [It] McCormick J R Parkhurst A [R] Perkins G B Smith A J [It] Williams Geo VV [RJ Williams Wm [RJ Iron Mountain Lowry F W [R] Liberlyville Aladison AV AI [R] Presnell W E [R] Ste.Genevieve Co. Bloom sdale Estes W M [R] Hertich C J [It] Hertich C S [RJ Launing R F [R] Coal Hadsell C A [R] Ste. Genevieve Andre M [R] Bernoys Joseph [R] Corscow C F [RJ Cox J B [RJ Launing It J [RJ St. Mary's Moore Christ [It] Roberts W VV [It] Rosemann Hy [R] St. Louis Co. Ballwin Zeinert C B Zuppan Chas [R] Bellefon taine De Foe J L [RJ Black Jack Block E I) [R] DeCassy A G Bonfils Bonfils J Bridgeton Heidorn W H [R] Clayton Caster AI W [RJ Des Beres Dionysius H J [H] Eureka Alonroe Lee E [R] Fenton Brossord Peter [RJ Thurman E J [RJ Ferguson Case Geo S [R] Douglass J T [R] Shafer AV VV [R] Florisant Jensen N N [R] Houllier Geo [It] Rives T L Jr [R] Forrest City Bullock T E [RJ Wilson Hy AI Hollow Walton P E [R] Jefferson Barracks Caldwell D G Fin ley----- Purviance AV E [It] Jennings Middleton J H [R] Kirkwood Drummond C A P [R] Gerould Alartin L [It] Hitman John [R] Tutt S J [RJ Mehville Will S J [R] Oakville Spalding AI F [RJ Old Orchard Miles H [RJ Pattonville Payne AVm E [RJ Smith Thomas A [R] Spanish Fake Block J AI [It] DeCossey A G [It] Valley Park G randy A [R] Webster Groves Baker Alarshall [R] Berry J AI [R] Bristol B J [RJ Cowan AV G [RJ Higgins R AI [It] Wells ton lies AV G [R] Miller J J [R] Pardeau L St. Louis [See page 9] Stoddard Co. Acorn Ridge Johnson J C [It] Ardeola Edwards T J Phillips E Richman J B Willet L Asherville Dodson J AV [It] Page J M N Bernie Hubbard J H Sherry R E [It] Blooinfield Jackson Robt J [R] Tribble J AV [RJ Turnbaugh T B [R] Buffi ngton Koons C [E] Dexter Cook A Y [R] Glosscock L O [EJ MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Hill A D [R] Simmons J H [RJ Sisler J A [It] Sloyden John L [R] Idalia West S [ItJ Leora Briney E A P [R] Tanner J 11 Puxico Bilprey B F Burris L [H] Smith J AV Stone Co. Crane AVasson AV R [R] Galena Henson L [R] Jones T II [EJ Henry Osborn J F [R] Robertsons 31 ill Bader E T [RJ Viola Roser J H [H] Sullivan Co. Boy lit on Halliday S J [R] Cora Hort G 11 Green Castle Ferrell 0 H LE] MageeRS [RJ Roberts 1 AI Shibley J Webb J C Harris Robinson J B [R] Humphreys Reid Fremont [R] Stringer D K [RJ Sullivan Jas AI [R] Judson Busick 1 N Roberts A A Roberts J P S Milan Kissenger Jno C [R] Ivissenger Jno B [R] Ward J B [R] Witter Wm Waters It G [It] Newtown Brown C F Alairs W J [R] Alartin J Siicklerville Bunch B F [E] Cawyer J AV AA'ever J Wintersville Jones T Taney Co. Cedar Creek Williams E Bradleyville Staisey A Williams C Forsyth Davis J L Johnson Braxton [It] Kirbyville Anderson E T Gloyd G AV Hillman J. Smith G VV It [R] Protein Brown E AlcCurry L E [It] Owen C C Sullivan It W Texas Co. Cabool Farris John H [R] Hubbard It P [ItJ Hubbard S AI Alures James W [R] Patton .1 VV [It] Elk Creek Harmon G VV Hughes J C Houston Bradley AV A Lupton Geo H [R] Phemister J W [R] Ross C AI [RJ Licking Barnes J E Craven B F [RJ Maier F Mitchell S L [ItJ Plato Foote S K [E] Lynch R B [It] Pleasant Ridge Evans J J[R] Vernon Co. Bellamy Keithly John AV [It] Bi;oiiaugh Donivan J H [R] Holmes B F Carbon Centre Bryan J A Deerfield Finley R H [RJ Hannon J VV Hiller F B [R] Fair Haven Trotter \Y (' (' [R] Hoover Steele C L [It] Horton AI click W [It] Metz Berry A J [R] Petty J W [It] Montevallo AlcCulloch J Popplewell S C [R] 70 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Moundville Han an J W [It] Robinson VV D Nevada Ammerman I AA' [R] Atkinson E J [RJ Bennett A S [HJ Bennett G P [H] Buchanan J R [R] Callaway Larkin H [R] Churchill A [P AI] Cummings C A' Dimmitt F AV [It] Dixon L AI [RJ Dulin Edgar A [R] Gordon James [It] Hull John A Kelso Z C [It] McAdams J AI [R] Alarmaduke J AI Norris J AI [It] Priest E L [It] Rockwood C A [It] Stanhope L E True G P [R] AVorth E I [R] AVillson Geo C [R] Young Robert E [R]» Richards Adams W T [ItJ Todd J D Vcve Bills J T [EJ Schell City Haire R 1) [R] Jarvis H C [E] Lunsford J N [R] Potter VV II [E] Thompson G W [EJ Sheldon Boone J L [It] Floyd Sam'l T [It] Pope P VV [R] Walker Kincannan A N Alayse G Nelson Eugene L [It] Washington Co; A plus Johnson U H Belgrade Eaton J A Caledonia Eversole Geo H [R] Goodykoontz Wm R [R] Irondale Donnell S AI Eaton J L [R] Miller D H [R] Shepherd A T Potosi Bell John B [It] Hall J H Jr [It] Jackson C C [It] James L [R] Warren Co. Bridgeport Pitzer James Dut/.ow Lavender C L [It] Holstein Brashear J P [It] Graham A AV [RJ Hunfeld AVm A [11] Martbasville Alexander AV J Warrenton Brandt Julius [It] Dittmann Airs J Foreman C 0 Kamleh AVarner AliddlekanipJI H [R] Wayne Co. Brunot Farr N A Chaonia Wilson N G [EJ Cold water Ward A A [It] Greenville Atkins F R [It] Leeper Sheets C [E] Lowndes Gains VV S [it] Alill Spring Owens It J [It] Patterson Sebastian J P [R] Piedmont Bates S A [E] Holmes J N [ItJ AIcFairland J P [R] Pettit L AI [ItJ Toney G AV [R] Williamsville Davidson N S [E] Jenkins (' N [R] Warren W L [It] Wehster Co. Duncan Alassey T J [R] Elk Land Brown J VV Fordland Hampden J E Williams J H Henderson Delzell AV D [R] Marshfield Ballinger W H [R] Florence Thos S [R] Highfield AI [R] James AV H Jolly John Muzzy Charles R [H] VVatters T T Maligna Tickle S VV [It] Williams D A [R] Itogersville Fulbright J H [R] Rogers I N [RJ MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Seymour Bailey L M A Jackson AV It [R] Sabin G VV Tunnell W B Watts A J [RJ AVhite Stephen L [R] Worth Co. Athelstan Benedorn J AV Childers A G T [RJ Denver Garrison I B [R] Osborn J M [RJ Grant City Andrews J Earley J [R] Houser J A [R] Hunt C It [EJ Johnson VV [It] McKinley AV E Richardson VV H Smith T J [R] Sheridan Dale VV S Shidler S [R] Wright Co. Astoria Evans J J Hartville Farmer A J [R] Hanson It H AVebb J E [It] Manes Harmon G AV [RJ Mansfield Fuson F B [R] Rogers R AI [It] Mountain Grove Benson D L [E] DaUKherty H AV [R] Hubbard J AI [RJ Lane Thomas Jr [It] Alusick Lewis E [EJ Empire AlcClellan J 72 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. J. FEHR'S "Compound Talcum Baby Powder," The "Hygienic Dermal Powder" for INFANTS 9 ADULTS Originally investigated and its therapeutic properties discovered in the year 1868, by Dr. Fehr, and introduced to the Medical and the Pharmaceutical Professions in the year 1873. ________ COMPOSITION.—Silicate of Magnesia with Carbolic and Sali- cylic Acids. PROPERTIES.—Antiseptic, Antizymotic, and Disinfectant. Useful as a GENERAL SPRINKLING POWDER. with positive Hygienic, Prophy- latic and Therapeutic Properties. Good in All Affections of the Skin. Sold by the Drug Trade generally. Per box, plain. 25c; perfumed, 50c. Per dozen, plain, $1.75; perfumed, $3.50. Tine Manufacturer, Julius Fehr, M.D., rht?*EU Hoboken, N Only advertised in Medical and Pharmaceutical prints. J. MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY DRUGGISTS The Oldest Medical College "West of the Mississippi River. MISSOURI MEDICAL COLLEGE And St. Louis Post-Graduate School of Medicine, COR. LUCAS AVE. AND TWENTY-SECOND ST., and COR. LUCAS AND JEFFERSON AVES. The regular session of the Alissouri Aledical College (for under-graduates) will be- gin on the last Tuesday in September, and continue six months for the Senior class, and eight months for the Junior and middle classes. Lectures and Clinics in the Post-Graduate School will begin on the First Tuesday in April and continue six weeks. IF'.A.OTTIjT-Z" P. GKKYAIS KOIDN'SOA, M. D., LL.I),, Professor of Practice of Aledicine, Clinical Aledicine and Hygiene, and Dean of the Faculty. 2710 Washington Ave. J. K. 1JALDFY, 31. D., LL. I)., Professor of Psychological Medicine and Diseases of the Nervous System. 2sos Olive St. ('HAS. E. 3IICHEL, M. D., Professor of Ophthalmology. 2925 Washington Ave. II. TUHOLSK I-:, M. D., Professor of Clinical Surgery and Surgical Pathology. N. E. Cor. Jefferson Ave. and Locust St. T. F. PR K WITT, 31. D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery and Clin- ical Surgery. 31st and Pine Sts. C O. t'l'RTMAN, 31. D., I'rofessor oi Chemistry and Director of the Chemical Laboratory. 371S North Ninth St. JUSTIN STKKK, Ph. 15., M. D., I'rofessor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Clinical Aledicine. 3120 AVashington Ave. W. A. HAKDAAVA Y, A. AI., 31. D., Professor of Diseases of the Skin. 511 N. Garrison Ave. H. N. SPENCER, A. M., M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Ear. 2725 Washington Ave. (1EO. .1. EXGELAI.W'N, A.M., 31. D., Professor of Diseases of Women and Opera- tive .Midwifery. Cor. Garrison Ave. and Locust St. AVM. C. GLASGOW, A. "B., M. I)., Professor of the Practice of Aledicine, Diseases of the Chest and Laryngology. 2*47 Washington Ave. H. AI. WHELPLEV, Ph.G., M. D., F. K. 31. S., Professor of Physiology and His- tology, and Director of the Histological Laboratory, and Secretary. 2342 Albion Place. A. J. STKELE, AI. D., Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, and Treasurer of the Faculty. 2*25 Washington Ave. W. HITSON FORD, A. 31., M. D., Professor of Obstetrics. 3501 Lindell Ave. A. V. L. 1JROKAAV, 31. D., Professor of General and Descriptive Anatomy, and Demonstrator of Anatomy and Operative Surgery. 3147 Washington Ave. 10. AV. SAl NDERS, 31. D., Professor of Diseases of Children and Clinical Midwifery. _______________ 1520 Alississippi Ave. T. A. MARTIN, 31. D., Clinical Professor of Diseases of Children. II. W. HERMANN, 31.D., Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Nervous System, and Electro-Therapeutics. F. D. MOONEY, M. D., Clinical Professor of Gynecology. D. C. GAMBLE, M. I)., Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Ear. C. F. IIFRSMAN, A. 31., 31. D., Adjunct Professor of Diseases of the Skin, and First Assistant to Clinic tor Diseases of the Chest, at the Polyclinic. P.RANSI ORD LEWIS, M. D., Lecturer on Venereal Diseases. H. A. L. ROHLFING, 31. D., Lecturer on Bacteriology and Pathology, and Cura- tor of the Museum. F. A. TEM3I, Ph. G., 31. I)., Lecturer on Materia Aledica and Pharmacy, and As- sistant to the Gynecological Clinic at the Polyclinic. For further information, address P. G. ROBINSON M D Dean Or, H. M. AVHELPLEY, M. D.. Secretary, 2342 Albion Place DRUGGISTS SAINT LOUIS. Aschenbach II C 1701 Alarket ALEXANDER 31 AV 518 Olive st Allen J H 700 Olive st AmelingT II 1*05 S Broadway Andreas CHJ 1937 Park ave Anti-Monopoly Drug Co (ith and Alarket sts B Bachmann C W G 4S30 N Broadway Bang C 1331 Franklin ave Banisher Aled Co 31s s Broadway Barkhoeffer II W 4201 X 11th st Bartmer A H 2S01 Easton ave Baseler J B 3342 Franklin ave Bendel (' A 235s Menard Behrens E C 3601 S Jefferson ave Bentz A P 2502 S Broadway Billerth G 211!) Arsenal st Biltz A Aleramet and Virginia aves Blank A 1323 S Broadway Blomeier H H 2127 S Jefferson ave Boehm S 800 Alorgan st Bohannan C A 625 Biddle st Bolin W 517 S Jefferson ave Borton J AI 2001 Washington ave Bowman S 2N37 Dickson st Brandan G R 400 S 14th st Braun A 2G31 Gamble st Braun H 700 Chouteau ave Bredemeyer C 3N2G S Broadway Brenner H C 3750 Page ave Bribach B 7001 .Michigan ave Brinkman E 2100 Olive st Brockman C G 2500 Salisbury st Brockmiller C A 1001 Pine st Buenger II AV 2101 Franklin ave Bunage C R 10 N 4th st Byrne D A 3575 Lindell ave Carey Bros 2858 St Louis ave Chapline Bros 1300 N 7th st Claus O 2025 N 0th st Clauser H W 3G24 S Broadway Coelin C V 2401 S Broadway Connor J F 205!t Sheridan ave Cox C H 3300 Alorgan st Craemer W F G 4048 N Grand ave Crawley's Pharmacy 2138 Carr st Cummings J F Compton and Clark avi Cummins W 3062 Cass ave D'Artmour () 2001 N Broadway liaiinerhnns H F 1500 Lafayette ave De Lassus .1 R 2740 Alorgan st Diesing V 000 S 2d st Doering H I, 1000 Cass ave Enderle A (1 1027 N 9th st Fahlen iv Kleinschmidt 101 S 4th Feagher J F 1501 S Jefferson ave Fernon J A AV 1 N Broadway Fiquet P E 3X37 Finney ave Fischer H 1918 Gravois ave Fischer H 4101 Easton ave Fleming AV S 1700 Lucas ave Francis & Bro 931 N 4th st Friedberg A H & Co 1000 Biddle st FRIEDAVALD 31 F 2738 Chouteau ave Frielingsdorf II 2200 S Broadway Friesz J 112.x S 4th st Frost L E 3574 Olive st Fuller H 2247 Clark ave Funke A & Co 1021 Hussell ave Punch O J 3133 S 7th st 76 MISSOURI STATE M EDICAL DIRECTORY. G Gaertner R H 1400 St Ange ave Gatewood & Haagen 40G9 Finney ave Geisler E 2513 S Broadway Gempp H C Drug and Paint Co 1434 S Broadway Gieren Gunther 1201 Chouteau ave Gietner C 303 S 7th st Gissy C E ixoi Morgan st GLENN T S 2338 AVashington ave God ion E W 3337 Chestnut st Goehring Bros 0743 Manchester rd Good J AI 23ix Olive st Grandjean E & C 2830 N 14th st (iraut \V K 3720 Olive st Griesbach H F 3301 Easton ave GUERDAN J & CO 3000 Olive st Guhman N Jr 1129 St Louis ave H Habel E S 12.7 N Broadway Haeberle C .1 20th st N E cor Hebert st Hagenow T F 1500 Chouteau ave Halpin T 3000 Olive st Harris E N 4101 Olive st Hartwig O A 927 Market and 935 N 7th st Hassebrock H F 1901 Wright st Hassebrock J F C 1000 High st Havlin's Pharmacy 000 Walnut st Hecker F H 1227 S Compton ave Ileinig F W 1000 Geyer ave Heitmeyer O F 1800 S Broadway Helwig H J 2804 Manchester rd H el wig H V 2200 Chouteau ave Helwig W 2X04 Manchester rd Hemm V 3907 S Broadway Hennerich .1 P 2919 S Broadway Herman B .1 3870 Easton ave Heyer O W 501 Franklin ave Hilby J E 3901 Washington ave Hirsch C VV 204 S 20th st Hoelke H E 2001 Park ave Hoelscher AV A Cass ave S E cor Jefferson ave Hoenny A J 3631 N Grand ave Holscher W A 251X Cass ave Homburg H C 1400 Alonroe st Hoyer O 2301 Franklin ave Huber J B 1524 Hebert st I lies N G St Charles Rock rd nr Kienlen ave J Jost B 2946 Gravois ave Judge & Dolph Pharmaceutical Co 2 S 4th street K KALTWASSER DRUG CO. Pesta- lozzie S E cor Salena st Kattelman H A 1737 Franklin ave Kaut P 1800 Lafayette ave Klanenberg E AI 5X119 Maple ave Klie G H C 5100 N Broadway Klipstein C 1600 Franklin ave Knecht C 1036 Autumn st Knou II 7018 S Broadway Koch G 1948 St Louis ave Koch .1 E 1532 S Broadway Koch dc Kempff 1218 Biddle st and 1501 Benton st Koeberlin E J 2000 S Broadway Koeneke & Co 320 S 7th st Kohler \V W 1800 S 7th st Kohrumel AV J A 4101 N Broadway Kring E C 318 S Broadway Kring G 2844 S 7th st Kring R 2732 S 13th st Krueger H M 2X37 Chouteau ave and Clif- ton ave N E cor Wilson ave Kuenster E 1800 Sidney st Kuhlmey W 2200 N Alarket st L Land A A 1027 Cass ave Lang F 1000 Olive st Ln.vton Drug Co 2745 X Grand ave and 4229A Natural Bridge rd Lees & Bandel 2201 Market st Lion Drug Store Co 1328 Carr st Littlefield M L 1016 Garrison ave Lohrmann & Mynders 1100 Hickory st Ludwig B J 1751 N Broadway Luecking G A 2822 Lafayette ave Lutz F .1 1805 S Broadway Lay ties H R 218 Pine st Luyties Honnepathie Pharmacy Co 30ii N Broadway DRUGGISTS —ST. LOUIS. 77 M AlacDonald C E S Alorgan N W cor Van- deventer ave Marion-Sims Pharmacy Grand ave S E cor Caroline st Alarten E R 922 Alanchester rd Alartin S C Jr 5800 S Broadway Alastbrook A 109 S Broadway and 3100 Olive st Alay C C 3341 Lucas ave McAuliffe F T 1001 O'Fallon st Medlin P A 1401 S Broadway Menestrina F & Son 707 N 11th st Menkhaus J B 4584 Easton ave Methndy J P Russell ave N E cor Califor- nia ave Aleyer F C 3601 S Jefferson ave Aleyer F C & Co 275!) Lafayette ave MILLER LELAND 6th and Locust sts Morgner K 901 Olive st Aloxter E D xo:» Market st Alueller C 831 Chambers st Mueller A' J 1100 Brooklyn st Alulhall G P 49G6 Easton ave N Xake P M 1659 S Jefferson ave Nay A 201 X 8th st Neubert C E 3574 Olive st Newland E H 3342 Olive st Niemann B C 2711 Gravois ave Nitzschmann L 1800 X 9th st o Oschner C P 1961 Arsenal st (ddham G AI cor Vernon and Clara aves Overstreet R S Drug Co Pendleton ave and Suburban Railroad P Pauley F C Easton and Compton aves Peeler A F 3300 Morgan st PEN XV C G 2100 Alarket st Plunder J A 3727 Easton ave Pickett S L 2000 Chestnut st Pirner E AI 4491 Delvvar ave Pockels H 2344 Gravois ave Pohle A 1400 Elliott ave Polston G W 1301 N Broadway Poole C AV 1232 Washington ave POPP L & CO S E cor 11th and Russell ave. F W Neu manager Proctor J S 2001 Olive st R Raboteau & Co 714 N Broadway Rail A C 3501 Alanchester rd Reber F L 6339 Alichigan ave Reber G 2138 Carr st Reber Van B S 6901 S Broadway Rem me H J 4900 Easton ave Reukert L W O 3903 Kossuth ave Renner C 231 x s Broadway Ilicker E 900 S 4th st Riley R 1400 Olive st Rinkle J P 4252 Easton ave Ritchie H L 2x40 Manchester rd Roepke L 1101 Aladison st Roepper F A 1400 Pine st Rohlfing C <; 1200 N 8th st Rohlfing H T 2600 Laclede ave Roth A B 3500 Olive st Royston J L 2soo Olive st Rueckersfeldt L 3095 Laclede ave Ruget & Co 1118 Arsenal st s Saenger B 1401 Olive st Sassmann R C W 722 S 4th st Schaefer C 2351 Chouteau ave SCHAEFER C& SOX 1520 Chouteau ave Scaefer W F 2100 N 14th st Scheel G H 300 S 14th st Schettler W R 5216 N Broadway Schober E F 4801 Florissant ave Schoenthaler .1 P 1001 N Grand ave Seholz-P 3332 N 14th st Schrader E 1401 Morgan st Schreirer C A 4500 Easton ave Schroeder (' 1401 Market st Schuh E B 3021 S Broadway Schulte A H 300 S Jefferson ave Schurk L3201 Olive st Seidlitz C F 3300 Washington ave Seidlitz G C F 4300 St, Ferdinand ave Sennewald E A & Co 800 Hickory st Sewing J H 2349 St Louis ave 78 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Shehan M J 1100 Franklin ave Sieving J II 1331 X Market st Sippy A H 3819 Finney ave Smith C W 3 S Jefferson ave Smith S K 900 Franklin ave Sohn F & Co 1400 N Grand ave Spilker II F A 1801 Choutean ave Stelzlein A L 3210 N Broadway Stoenner & Timmermann 5238 N COth st Strathmann II W 225s Cass ave Stuart AV A 1328 Washington ave Sum F 2x47 Clark ave Swift V H 3201 Chestnut st Temm A .1 2001 Biddle st Teinm G J X025 X Broadway Temm H H 1901 and 2005 Franklin ave Temm W I) 1926 N Grand ave Thiessen H (i 1301 Chestnut st Thompson F 1' 1401 O'Fallon st Thornton W W .719 Wash st Tierney J P 524 Chestnut st Tieize R J Boyle ave aud Old Manchester road Tomfohrde C W 1827 Cass ave Tomfohrde J W 2500 N 22d st Trittermann F 2000 S 9th st u IDF G 3012 N 11th st Ude O 3000 S (irand ave Uhlich F A 2001 Salisbury st Union Depot Drug Store 120!) Poplar st V Vogt F13 2248 Dodier st Vogt 11 II 1434 Cass ave Vollberg R 3359 S Jefferson ave W Wagner G II 1827 Taylor ave AVaibel L F 7631 S Broadway Waldeck W C 3025 N Broadway Werner J 2800 AVashington ave Weinsberg (i 1434 Alenard st Weinsberg J 10th and Lafayette ave AVellnieyer A G 2032 St Louis ave Westmann F 11 2744 Cass ave Woehrlin S 7031 S Broadway Wolff-Wilson Drug Co 6th and AA'ashing- ton ave Wurmb T II 1923 E (irand ave Zahn C H 1956 Sidney st Zahn C H Drug Co 311 S 2d st Zeller G 7119 S Broadway Zwartz Horn Phar Co 320 X 4th st A. P. ERKER & BROTHER, PRACTICAL 0PTICMN5. 017 Olive Street, - - ST. LOUIS, MO SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES. Our latest improved straight Bar Spring Eyeglasses set firm and comfortable. FIELD GLASSES, TELESCOPES, BAROMETERS, COMPASSES, SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS, PHOTOGRAPHIC CAMERAS, Etc. Large assortment of Artificial Human Eyes of the best make. MISSOURI'STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 79 Holekamp, Grady & Moore Instrument Co. Successor: to A. M. LESLIE SURGICAL INSTRUMENT CO. We manufacture and adjust apparatus For Deformities, Abdominal Supports, Elastic Stockings, And Trusses, And are prepared to give your patients PROPER ATTENTION. A Competent Lady Attendant for your lady patients. 915 Olive Street, OT. L.OUIS, IVIO. A. S. ALOE & CO. 415 N. BROADWAY, ST. LOUIS, MO. THE LiL/RGi-EST Surgical * Instrument * House IN THE COUNTRY. Our Magnificent l OOO Page Cata- logue will be ready for distribution Aug. I, 1893. 80 MLSSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. R. J. HOLMES PHHRMKCY, N. W. Cor. 11th and Walnut Sts., Kansas City, Mo. Agent for Excelsior Springs, Mo., Waters KANSAS CITY COLLEGE I PHARMACY Nos. 911 and 913 East Tenth Street. Faculty EMORY LANPHEAR, M. A., M.D., Ph. D., Professor of Materia Medica. 1334 East Nth. R. R. HUNTER, M. D., (C'itv chemist), Professor of Chemistry, College building. JULIUS G KIEFER, M. 1) , Ph. G., Professor of Botany, 13th and Grand Ave, WILLIAM T. FORI). Ph. G., Professor of Pharmacy, 1305 Cherry Street. CLAUDE C. HAMILTON, M D., Ph. G., Demonstrator of Practical Chemistry. HARVEY W. MALONKY, Ph. G., Demonstrator of Practical Pharmacy. The Eighth Annual course of lectures will begin on the second Wednesday of October, 1S!)3, and continue five Months. 10very facility for practical instruction. Graded two years' course. All lectures at night. Fees: Matriculation, paid but once....................................$ 5 00 Lecture Tickets,.................................................................. 50.00 Graduation Examination.................................................... 20.00 Laboratory Tickets.......................................................FREE For catalogue or further particulars address EMORY LANPHEAR, M. D., Ph. D., President, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI FRIEDEWALD'S PHARMACY 2738 and 2740 Chouteau Ave. Telephone 3113. • ST. LOUIS, MO. ABSOLUTELY PURE DRUQS. DOCTORS INVITED TO INSPECT. DRUGGISTS —KANSAS CITY, MO. 81 CITY, MO. KANSAS A Abel Wm 1419 E isth st Adams & Co (B W & T G Fleischmann) 2301 Lexington Allison J F 5is E 31 st st Anderson C T 9th and Woodland Arnold H C 42s Main st Arnold II J 9th and Grove sts B Ball S S '.'849 S W Boulevard Bandy J T 2117 Indiana ave Beck & Swearinger (A B i J H) 315 E 16th st Berry G F 521 W 16th st Boarman J A 2402 E 15 st Brattin Drug Co 14th and Campbell sts Brueuert August 1335 Grand ave Brinkley M J 2104 Vine st Brink man Edw 1903 Grand ave Brown & Smith (Caldwell --;ngfiel07 A S Jefferson ave Ball Samuel E 7111 S Broadway Bartlett C H 231 S Jefferson ave ISAKTLETT WALTER M 1403 Olive Bass, Ignatius A 3002 Olive Beal Geo E 323 Montgomery st Bedell Jno E ir,44 A Lafayette ave Bond Erank H 1004 Olive Boston Steam Dental Co J H Case Propr 1610 Olive Bowman Geo A 2602 Locust Brackett Sam'l J 2936 Clark ave C Campbell Jessie M 719 Olive Campbell A- Son 1002 Olive Case Jas H 615 Olive Cassel Herman E 21102 Locust Cassel Julius C 2705 Shenandoah st Casselly Jno P 1307 Franklin Centennial Dental Kooms 825 Locust Chambers Edith H 1420 Washington ChaseEdwC room 1 EmileBld'g 904 Olive Chase Emma E 2602 Locust Chase Henry S 904 Olive I Colton Dental Abs'n W A Roddy Mrg919 Olive st Conrad Win 321 N Grand Cord Win J 1324 Washington Cotton AVilson H 1012y2 Olive D Dunning Chas II 600 Olive E Eames AVm H 2602 Locust Ehmann Edw 1411 S Broadway EISLOEFFEL P H 1102 Chouteau F Ferguson Jno G 1109 Washington Fisher Jos A 41G AVashington Fisher Henry 321 N Grand FLAXMGAX EDW 1115 Olive Fletcher Erank F 701 N Chanuing ave Elickinger Adam 1113 Pine Foster Chas M 200S N 13th st FRIES JNO A 1550^4 S Broadway FULLER ALBERT H 2602 Locust G GROSHEIDER JFSsI F F 2602 Locust H Hammond Edw C 3001 Olive HARPER JNO G 803 Pine st Harrington Thos N 903 Olive HFLLMUTH PHIL F 1400 Olive, en- trance 219 N. 14th st Hickman Chas L 3012 Easton ave Hill Jas 1458% Cass ave I Holmes Geo P 407 N Broadway 90 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. J Jacob Dan'l 1000 Olive Jacob Louis, 925 Olive Jacob.v S 1512 Olive st Johnson Elmas V 2423 Biddle Jury J Osbourne 2901 Gamble K Keith Henry H 3140 Olive Kennerly Jno H 7129 S Broadway Kiess Henry AV 1210 Olive L LINDSLFV DeCOURCEV B 321 N Grand M Mallinchrodt Otto, 1703 Olive Manhard Ormond H 2608 Locust Martin Bertha 2612 Thomas McKellaps Henry J 2630 AVashington McNainara Martin C 9th and Franklin S \V cor Morrison Bros 1401 AVashington ave Morrison Peter H 1401 AVashington ave Murray Alexander 1006 Olive N New York Dental Rooms K T Sunders 1001 Olive Newby Jas B 2610 AVashington o Ottofy Louisa 61S Manchester rd P Pepperling Theodore L 2003 Salisbury st Pfaff Jos G 3136 Olive Prince Leland F 407 N Broadway Prosser Abel J 3i09 Olive Pruett Walter L 3109 Olive R Itadomsky Julius 410 N 9th Reese David F 606 Olive Robitory Geo 2304 AVashington Rowdy Willard A 919 Olive Roemmich Jno P 914 Olive s Saxenmeyer Herman, 1 N Broadway Schumacher Carl E 1300 Chouteau Scott Wm H 721 Olive Shelf Bridge Tooth Crown Co 612 Olive Shelf Edw 2915 Morgan Shober Jno A Albany Dentist 7th and Olive S W cor Smith Christopher 2238 Madison St Smith Montana E 3005 Easton ave Spalding Jno H s.'«55 A Olive Stanldinger L Berthold 1703 Olive Steinmetz Jno II 803 Pine Summa Chas 1009 Salisbury st Summa Richard 1918 St Louis ave T Thayer II anford 2013 N 11th V VFRNON JAS R 2608 Loclist w AVear Robert A 227 N Compton ave WHIPPFF .JAN W 3030'/; Locust Wickersham Drs 825 Locust AVindhorst Martin R 2741 N Grand Wright * Muth 618 Olive AVulze Edw A F 2304 Chestnut Y Young Luther A 1005 Glasgow DENTISTS—KANSAS CITY. 91 KANSAS CITY, MO. Abbott C L 1120 Main st Aiken J AV 1032 Main st Allen L C 1115 Main st Allen W C 1019 Main st Alhmam F G 725 Main st Anderson R A' 718 Main Anderson S H 71s Main st Arnold T AV 901 Main Atkinson Bros 719 Main Austermell J J 1127 Independence ave Ayers I, S 20 Bornaby Bld'g B Brown R AV Sheidley Bld'g Buchanan R R 1120 Main st Buchanan AV C K 205 Deardorff bldg Campbell \V L 101 AV 9th st Carr E D 1214 Main st Cheeseinan S E 1209 Grand ave Coleman Sam'l 1435 E lsth st Cross G M 916 Alain st Cunningham T 11 1115 Main st Deadman \V S 727 Main st Detrick A M •&% \V 12th st Dunn E F 701 Main st Gaines F P 1103 Main st Gerrald J E 618 Main st Givens P F 809 E 9th st Greenlee R P 1115 Main st Gross J M 200 Deardorff bldg H Hammond W Af 1307 Walnut st Hardman J F Journal bldg Heckler J W 11th and Walnut st. Hewitt C B 71s Troost ave Hollingsworth J G 402 Rialto bldg Hungerford C L 306 Rialto bldg Lane D C 28 Times bldg Larmer & Son 1116 Main st LaA'eine E N 1216 Main st Lebord J S 548 Main st Lindley F R & Co 7 Times bldg Lowry H S 1106 Main st M McCallum Bros (Alex & W AV) 1011 Mainst McDonald A J 203 E I2th st McDonald W S 209 E 1 ;th st McMillian D J 11th and AValnut sts Millett S S 506 Rialto bldg Morser C G & G S 701 Main St Mundy II L 204 Deardorff bldg N Xorton AV alter 204 Deardorff bldg Null C E 529 Rialto bldg Patterson J D K & P bldg Pearce ID 1115 Main st Provost S B 303 Rialto bldg Price W G Deardorff bldg Ridgway Leon 12th and Grand ave Roy JD 203 E 12th st Sanford G B 721 Main st Shattuck E E 1100 Main st Smith Elliott 509 Rialto bldg Stanley Theo 1204 Broadway Stirk AV T 503 Rialto bldg Stewart J M 312 Rialto bldg Thompson II S 1000 Main st Thompson Jos Journal bldg TincLll G W 110S Main st w Wheat SC 1120 Alain st 92 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. DENTISTS—KANSAS CITY, KAN. Baum Anna 428 Minnesota, avo Chapman J R 90s n Sth st Denning W M 113 Kansas ave Hostetter E C 501 Minnesota ave Hughs B T 451 Minnesota ave Lennalm Herman 302 N 7th st Root J P 548 Minnesota ave ST. JOSEPH. Atkinson H D 101 N Sth AISTIX & DARBY 301 Ger-Americnn bank bldg Blake J. AV 520 Francis CRONKITE F P., I) D S., M D Suite 3 Hughes bldg Faust W F 6th s w cor Edmond Good Eli 4th n w cor Felix Good J B 409 Edmond GRANT & HFRRON (C S Grant D DS J (' Herron D D S., AI D) office over Schroer's drug store 8th and Felix Hewlett J E 1123 S 10th Kessler C J 5th and Francis Landon L L 426 Francis Leavel J L Sth and Edmond MANN F D (Penn Dental Col) Newell J J 30 Commercial block Pitts II S 411 Francis Rose J H 31 Ballinger bldg Steiner M W 518 Francis STATE AT LARGE. Aurora—Gaither M L Booneville—Gibson AV T " —Swap Frankin " —Varney J C Brookfield—Kelley J C —Scott \V E Brunswick—AVorley J B Butler— Risley G M " —Tucker AV E t alifornia—Bowman O A —Crane E B " —Morrison G Cameron—Brown G G " —Stevens Carthage—Hardaway E T —llussey C B —Lindsey —McClurg M J — Ward E J — Wilson .1 S Chillicothe—Ambrose G F " —Greene J W — Wilcox M II — Worley J I! Clinton—Milton & Co " - Milton S A " —Neill S T " — Rubey S C A Fayette—Nicholson T M Gallatin-AVorley & llamshaw Hannibal—Bland J H —Ireland E D " —Smith & Neeper " —Stevens B Q —Taliaferro J AA' Harrisonville—Neill S T & Co Holden— Herbert T Y —Johnson M V Independence—Gaines N H —McCallum A —Peck G Jefferson City—Ellis E G —Hannon A E —Miller P T —Morris W D —Schmuck Joplin—Black well J " —Feazel W T DENTISTS—STATE AT LARGE. 93 Joplin—Lutman D " —Yeager A J Lamar—McLesky L L '• —Wells H T Louisiana—Birkhead AV AV " —Robinson A C Alacon City—Reed G W Marionville—AVest T L " —Y'oung R Moberly—Christian J K Monett—AVebb AV D Mt. A'ernon—Fen ton Bros Neosho—Davis C E " —Young L A Nevada—Day L E —Harrison M E —Heuston S A —Lindsey J T Pierce City—Fenton \Y T Pleasant Hill—AVare G T If you are an Advanced Physician or Progressive Lawyer you cannot do without the Alienist and Neuroloqist. The ablest men in Neurology and Legal Medicine subscribe and write for it. The morbid movements of the Mind, Brain and Nervous System are mirrored in its pages by master minds in Medicine. It constantly Rains and seldom loses subscribers except through death. C. H. HUGHES, M. D., Editor anil Publisher, No. 500 Jefferson Ave. r>. f. K-A-ariE, First Premium Awarded Wherever Exhibited. Rich Hill—Smally S H Sedalia—Carter A\' M " —Depp H E " —Gray J P " —Hurst AI V " —Major TT " —Shepard G I. " —AVilson T II Springfield—Clyde J M " —Eversole & Smith —Hovey R H —Alorrow D E —Smith 4 S —AVest P W —Wright C F & Bro Tipton—Ely C (1 Warrensburg— Griggs & Cress —MockGL Webb City—Johnson AV P 94 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. THE GASCONADE, - Lebanon, Mo. /fi\ Delightful New Sanitarium and Health Resort Hotel for /ni the entertainment and the physiological and surgical treatment of Chronic Invalids. A thoroughly scientific institution dedicated to the physicians and intended lor the chronic cases they may desire to send away for treatment. Fully equipped for "massage," "Swedish movement" "gymnastics," "physical training," "rest cure," "dieting," electrical treatment in all its forms; hydropathy in every department. Prepared to give Russian baths; Turkish baths; shower baths; water electric baths; shampoo baths; salt glow baths; medicated vapor baths (lor lung troubles). Elevation of Lebanon, 1,280 feet; dry, pure atmosphere; exceedingly pure water; medicinal springs. The most successful resort tor rheumatism. Trained nurses employed. Endorsed and sustained by the leading physicians of Missouri. Send for illustrated prospectus. Address, PAUL PAQUIN. M. D., Supt., Lebanon, Missouri. ir. f uholske's frivate iurgical J» EgnsGologiGal iospital. Hi Hi! This Hospital has been specially designed and built for the care of patients requiring surgical or gyn" logical treatment, and it is believed that so far as sanitary conditions, ventilation, light and heating ■ re concerned, this Institution will compare favorably with the best in the land. The rooms are nicely nd cosily .furnished, the cuisine equals that of first-class hotels, the nurses are thoroughly trained, com- ietent and required to be affable, gentle and attentive. Patients will rind in this institution thecomforts, nd if desired, the luxuries of a home combined with the quiet, seclusion and trained uursing such as one nds in hospitals only, and the security which comes from the knowledge of being under the direct and ersonal care of the Surgeon. The Hospital has been in successful operation for two years, during which ime 237 patients have been received and operated upon. The Institution is centrally located on E. Cor. Jefferson Ave. and Locust Street, t. Louis, Mo. l(ryi^£<>-&^e. - 96 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. ST. LOUIS College of Midwifery, 2601 N. TENTH STREET. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, 1892. ' COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. The course of instruction in this institution includes two regular terms, three months each. THE FALL TERM Begins September 1st and ends November 30th. THE SPRING TERM Begins March 1st and ends May 31st. FEES. Ticket for the first course of lectures.................. Ticket for the second course of lectures.............. This includes graduation For further information address MRS. ELIZA KENGELBACH, Dean, No. 2601 North Tenth Street. $75 , 50 Ensworth Medical College and Hospital ST. JOSEPH, TOO. T^rSo^t™^ Octobers. 1893, and continues five months. I held The Ifo^rmi wfth ■ Lw'tl,rp.'; a,'e, delivered daily, and clinics are regularly students \rtl2 » la capacity of 250 beds, is of the greatest advantage to "intraLLlS I, ',a ,'^d I)'8P«""»'.v » operated in connection with the College road Hospitata ' add,tlou *° these- *™ the State Asylum, City, County and itSt Women are admitted on thesame terms asmen and haveaseparate dissecting room. FACULTY JACOB GEIGER, M. D„ Prof. Principles and Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery. C. R. WOODSOX, M. D., Superintendent Asylum No. 2. Prof. Principles and Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine. JAMES W. HEDDEXS, M. D., Prof, of Operative Surgery, Clinical Sur- gery and Gynecology. J. B. REYNOLDS, M. D., Prof. Materia Medica and Therapeutics, and Clinical Medicine. J. M. RICHMOND, A. M., M. D., Prof of Obstetrics and Oenito-Urinary and Rectal Diseases. HIRAM CHRISTOPHER, M. D. Dean, Prof of Chemistry, Toxicology and Urinalysis, and Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence. M. F. WEYMANN, M. D., Prof, of Physiology and Hygiene and Lec- turer on Ophthalmology and Otology. E. A. DON'ELAN, M. D., I'rofessor of Pediatrics. S. F. KESSLER, M. I)., Prof, of General and Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy. CHARLES G. GEIGER, M. D., Prof, of Dermatology and adjunct to Pro- fessor of Principles and Practice of Surgery. SPEIR RICHMOND, M. D., Adjunct to the Professor of Obstetrics and Geuito-Uriiiii.ry and Rectal Diseases. T. K. SAWYER, M. D., Lecturer on Clinical Medicine at City Hospital. WM. II. WILSON, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. FEES FOR REGULAR COURSE: Tuition, 1st term............................................................... «;-,0 on " 2d - ................................................................................................;;;;;"45 ,„, 3d •• .................................................................................................... 4500 Examination and Diploma Fee............................................................................... 25 00 For announcement and other information, address: HIRAM CHRISTOPHER, M. D., Dean, St. Joseph, Mo. Is prepared not from the commercial, but from the chemically Pure Salts. FORMULK: Each fluid drachm contains Arsenici Iodidum 1-125 grain, Ferri Todidum 1-12 grain, Hydrargyri Iodidum 1-125 grain, Manganesii Iodidum 1-10 grain, Potassii Iodidum one grain, Sodii Iodidum one grain, with Aromatics. MEDICKL PROPERTIES: The greatest value of this combination is it relieves those obscure and chronie obstructions to gland action,—the kidney, liver, pancreas as well as the lymphatic system, which may exert so great an influence for evil on the economy. It enjoys the confidence of the Medical profession, as its use is Indicated in a wide range of diseases, particularly so in pernicious anaemia, skin diseases both scaly aud papular; has remarkable curative effects in specific dis- eases and other manifestations of systemic infection; chronie uterine and pjlvio diseases, and in complaints where an alterative and tonic is indicated. This combination proves that the united action of remedies is often requisite when either, alone, is insufficient. Physicians when prescribing will please write: Elixir Six Iodides—Walker-Green's—One Bottlo. The druggist will please write directions on his own label. ELIXIR SIX IODIDES is always sold in eight oz. oval bottles, and never in bulk. THIS ELIXIR is kept in stock by Wholesale Druggist* generally, to whom all or- ders for less than gross lots should be sent. Wholesale price $8.00 per doz. bottles. Send for circular. The AValker-Gveen Pharmaceutical Company, (INCORPORATED.) No 180 WEST REGENT STREET, GLASGOW. SCOTLAND, AND KANSAS CITY, MO., U. S. A. A full size bottle will be sent to any physician, prepaid, on receipt of $1.00, THE YETERAN AND RAILROAD MEN'S sjir-iifkial &-eg Jitanufactur-wo €o. M. CLEARY, Manager. N. W. Corner Broadway and Pine Streets, ENTRANCE 511 PINE STREET. ^ gj. LOUIS, MO. UNITED STATES SOLDIERS FURNISHED LIMBS AND TRANSPORTATION, FREE. Descriptive Circular sent free on application. Satisfaction in Every Case or No Sale. APPENDIX. KPPeNDIX, Hospitals, Etc. Alexian Brothers' Hospital and Insane Asvliim -3933 S. Broadway, St. Louis. Established, 1S70. Capacity, 200. Physicians-in-rli'ar^e, F.J. Lutz and Harrv Dome Kneedler. All Saints' Hospital—10th and Campbell, Kansas City. Established, IS."). Ca- pacity, 43. IMiysician-in-charge, T. Benton Thrush, M. D. Matron, Miss Jean S. Mac- Gregor. Central Dispensary—1323 Franklin ave., St. Louis. Established, 1SN9. Physician- in-charge, II T. Etavard, M D. Children's Free Hospital—124 W.IOth, Kansas City. Established, 1S90. Capac- ity, IS. Physician-in-charge, J. D Griffith, M. II. Matron, Miss Mary James. City Hospital—River, foot Robidoux, St. Joseph. Established, 1*61. Capacity, 25 Physician-in-charge, T. K. Sawyer. Matron, Mrs. De Fonds. Dr. Hall's sanitarium—Cor. 3d and Faraon, St. Joseph. Established, ISs.V Ca- pacity, 2ii. Wm. G. Hall, Proprietor and Resident Physician. Matron, Mrs. S. Willis. Dr.'luholske's Surgical Hospiial—Cor. Jefferson ave. and Locust, St. Louis. Established, 1891. Capacity, 25. Physieian-in-charge, H. Tuholske, M. D. Matron, Miss A. Fletcher, M. D. Knsworth Hospital—Jule and 7th, St. Joseph. Established, isss. Capacity, 250. Female Hospital—Arsenal and Sublette aves , St Louis. Established, 1NS4. Ca- pacity, 22U. German Evangelical Lutheran Hospital—Cor. Ohio ave. and Potomac, St. Louis. Established, lVis. Capacity, 65. Physician-in-charge, Dr. Henry Schulz. Ma- tron, Miss Maria Helhvege. German Hospital—23d and Holmes, Kansas City. Established, jssfi. Capacity, 00. Ambulance service. E. Von Quast, M. D., Chief of Medical Staff. Matron, Sister Marcianna. Good Samaritan Hospital—Jefferson ave. and Dayton. St. Louis. Established, ls59. Capacity, 7 >. Four attending physicians. Matron, Mrs. F. Kemper. Hailey's Private Surgical Uo-pital—son Lydia ave., KansasCity. Established, 1S91. Capacity, 13. Physician-in-charge, George Halley. Matron, Sister Isabel. Homo'opathic Free i»ispem-ary—Jefferson ave. and Howard, St. Louis. Estab- lished, ls5s. I'hysieian-iu-charjre, Dr L. C. McElwee. Matron, Mrs. I'. Solomon. Kansas City Kye and Ear Infirm iry—S. E cor. Sth and Campbell. Kansas City. Established, lss3. Capacity, l,v Physician-in-charge, Wm. H. Kimberlin. Ma- tron, Mabel Cunningham. Kansas Cily Hospital—(Or 22d and Cherry. Established, 1S70. Capacity, 132. Physician-in-charge, Dr. Frank R. Smiley. Kansas City Medical and Surgical Sanitarium—11th and Broadway, Kansas City. Established, lsss. Capacity, 50. Pliysicians-in-charge, Drs. C. M. Coe and ('. H. Johnson. ■Marion-Sims Hospital—Grand ave. and Caroline, St. Louis. Established, 1S92. Capacity, 50. Martha Parson's Free Hospital—School and ('banning ave., St. Louis. Estab- lished. lSsii. Capacity, 23. Missouri. Kansas A Texas Railway Co Hospital—Broadway and Hancock,Se- dalia. Established, lsS9. Capacity, 12". Ambulance service. Chief Surgeon, E. V. Yancey. Missouri Pacific Ry. Hospi'al—Eighth and May, Kansas City. Established, ISs'J. Capacity, 100 Physician-in-charge, Dr. Willis P. King. In charge of Sisters of Charity. Missouri Pacific Ry. Hospital—California and Henrietta,St.Louis. Established, 1SS4 Capacity, 225. Ambulance service. Chief Surgeon, W. B. Outten. Newlaiid's Collegeof M idwifery and Lying-Tn Instil utt—22(11 2203 Olive.St. Louis Dean, Prof. II. Xeuland, M. D. 102 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. O'Fallon Park Sanitarium—O'Fallon Park, St Louis.* Pius Hospital—131S O'Fallon, St. Louis. In charge of Franciscan Sisters. Protestant Hospital—lsth. near Washington ave., St. Louis. Established, issl. Capacitv, 35. Physician-in-charge, Dr. L. H. Laidle.v. Superintendent, Miss Josephine B. Rice.' Ouarantineand Small-Pox Hospital—12 milessouth of St. Louis. Established, 1*54. Capacity, 200. Physician-in-charge, Charles C. Fowler. Superintendent, Win. J. Davis. Rolla Kye, Ear, Nose and Throat Infirmary—sth and Main, Rolla. Estab- lished, 1**8. Capacity, 42. Physician-in-charge, John I. Short. Matron, Miss May Sharrar. St. Ann's "Widows' Home, Lying-in Hospital and Foundling Asylum— 1230 N. 10th, St. Louis. Established! 1853. Capacity, 200. Physicians-in-chnrge, A. A. Henske and L. ('. Boisliniere. < 'onduc-ted by the Sisters of charity. St. Francis Hospital—Cape Girardeau. Conducted by the Franciscan Sisters. St. John's Hospital—Cor. Locust and Washiii^tonave., Springfield Established, 1891. Capacit.v, 20. Five attending physicians. Conducted by Sisters of Mercy. St. John's Hospital—23d and Lucas pi., St. Louis. Established, 1871. Capacit.v, 100. In charge of Faculty of Missouri Medical College. Conducted by Sisters of Mercy. St. Joseph Corby Hospital—923 Powell, St. Joseph. Established, 1N91 Capac- ity, 30. In charge of Sisters of Charity. St. Joseph Hospital—710 Penn, Kansas City. Established, 1875. Capacity, 40. Physician-in-charge, Dr. J. D. Griffith. Conducted by Sisters of St. Joseph. St. Louis Children's Hospital—Jefferson ave. and Adams, St. Louis. Estab- lished. Into. Capacitv, 60. Resident Physician, D. M. Gibson, M. I). Matron, Mrs. J. L. Sheble. St. Louis Citv Dispensary—City Hall, 11th and Market, St. Louis. Established, 1867. Pliysiciiiii-in-chaiw. Warren G. Priest. St. Louis City Hospital—Linn and Lafayette ave., St. Louis. Established, 1841. Capacity, 406. Ambulance service. Superintendent and Mirgeon-in-charge, Heine Marks. St. Louis Hygienic Sanitarium—2720 Pine, St. Louis. Established, 189L Ca- pacity, 16. In charge of Faculty of Hygienic College of Physicians and Surgeons. St. Louis Insane Asylum—Arsenal and Brannen ave., St. Louis. Established, 1869 Capacit.v, 550. Physician-in-charge, Ernst Mueller. St. Louis, Iron Mountain Ar Southern Ry. Kmployes' Home—Virginia ave., X. W. cor. Haven, St. Louis* St. Louis Mullanphy Hospital—Grand ave. and Montgomery, St. Louis. Es- tablished, 1828. Capacity, 250. Ambulance service. Surseon-in-chief; E. H. Gregory. In chaw of Sisters of Charity. St. Louis Polyclinic and Emergency Hospital—2344 Olive, St. Louis. Estab- lished, 1891. Ambulance service. Physician-in-charge, F. P. Thompson. St. Louis Polyclinic and Hospital—Jefferson and Lucas aves., St. Louis. Es- tablished, 1**5. Capacity, 16 Physician-in-charge, H. Muetz, Ph. G., D. D. S., M. l>. st. Luke's Hospital—1*35 Washington ave., St. Louis. Established, 1*05. Ca- pacity. 50 Physician-iu-chief, II. II. Mudd, M. D. Superintendent, Mary I. Chambers. St. Mary's Hospital—1536 Papin, sr Louis. Capacitv, 100. In charge of Sisters of St. .Mary. St. Vincent's Institution for Insane—9th and Marion, St. Louis. Established, 1858. Capacity, 225. Physician-in-charge, Dr. H. W. Herman. Matron, Sister Mary Magdalene. South Side Dispensary—1521 S. Broadway, St. Louis. Established, 1*90. Presi- dent, E. G. Gehrung, M. I). ■State Lunatic Asylum No. 1—Fulton. Opened, 1851. Capacity, 575. Superin- tendent, R. S. Wilson, M I). Matron, Mrs. Ann E. Gordon. State Lunatic Asylum No. '2—1 mile E. of limits, St. Joseph. Established, 1872. Capacity, 600. Superintendent, Charles It. Woodson, M. D. Matron, Sarah Dixon. State Lunatic Asylum No. 3—Xevada. Established, 1887. Capacity, 550. Su- perintendent, R. E. Youuk, M I) Matron, Hattie Hillias U. s Marine Hospital—Marine ave., St. Louis. Established, 1854. Capacity, 90 Ambulance service Ph.\ sic■ian-iu-cha w, C. T. Peckham, M. D. Steward, Win. L. Wells. University Free Dispensary— 013 E. 10th, Kansas City. Established, 1880. In charge of Faculty of I'niveisity Medical College. HOSPITALS-COLLEGES-SOCIETIES. 103 Wabash R. R. Hospital—4i3 AVoodlawu ave , Moberly. Established, l*:il. Ca- pacity, 100. Ambulance service Physiciaiis-iu-eharge, Drs. C. B. Clapp and F. A. Quinu. Mai rein, Sister Theotima. Woman's Refuge and Maternity Hospital—1*37 E. 7th, Kansas City. Estab- lished, 1**6. Capacity, 12. Physician-in-charge, Avis E. Smith, M. D. Matron, Mrs. Marion AVilliams. state Board of Health—Secretary, R. C. Atkinson, M. I). 517l/2 Chestnut, St. Louis. Medical Colleges. American Medical College (Eclectic)—St Louis. Dean, E. Younkin, M. D., 3035 Lucas ave. Haines" Medical College—St. Louis. Secretary, Pinckney French, M.D.,2ith and chestnut. Beaumont Hospital Medical Collegt—St. Louis. Dean, AV. B. Outten, M. D., S AA'. cor. Jefferson ave. and Pine. Eusworth Medical College—St. Joseph. Dean, Eiram Christopher, M. D., cor. 7th and Edmond. Homoopathic Medical College of Missouri—St. Louis. Dean, S B. Parsons, M. D , 2»46 Washington ave, Kansas Citv Homo-opathic Medical College—Kansas City. Dean, Mark Ld- gerton. M D.. 1106 Main. Kansas Citv Medical College—Kansas City. Secretary. Joseph Sharp, M. I). Aledical Department Washington Iniversity (The st. Louis Medical Col- lefr4M_Sr Louis. Dean, Henrv H. Mudd, M. 1) , 2604 Locust. Aledical Department, Iniversity of Missouri—Columbia. Secretary, A\ oocl- son.Moss.MD. . . Missouri Medical College—St. Louis. Dean, P. Gervais Robinson, M. D., -MO AA'ashington ave. _, „ Northwestern Medical College of St. Joseph—St. Joseph. Secretary, T. E. Potter, M. D., Sth and Syhanie. . St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons—St Louis. Dean, Algernon S. Barnes, M D, 3U13 Easton ave! . St, Louis Hygienic College of Physicians and Surgeons—St. Louis. Dean, Susanna AV. Dodds, M. D.. 2826 Washington ave. .Marion-Sims College of Medicine—St. Louis. Dean, "ioung II. Bond, M. D., Grand and Page ave. . _ . Iniversity Medical College of Kansas City—Kansas ( ity. Secretary, Lyman A. Berger, M. P., 1201 Grand ave. Woman's Medical College of St Louis—St. Louis. Dean, George AA . Broome, M D., 520 Olive. Medical Societies. Anatomical Distributing Board of the State of Missouri, St. Louis Dept. ecretary, A. V. L Brokau, M. D., 3147 AVashington ave. Barton Co. Aledical Society—Secretary, A. A'an Meter, Lamar, Mo. Buchanan Co. Medical Society— Secretary, Daniel Morton, St. Joseph, Mo. Carroll Co. Medical Society—President. Charles S. Austin, Carrollton.Mo. Central District .Aledical Society—Secretary, W. C Overstreet, Sedalia, Mo. City Hospital Medical Society—Secretary, G. E. Alvord, St. Louis, Mo. 104 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Eclectic Medical Society of Missouri—President, A. W. Davidson, Poplar Bluff: Vice-President, S. V. Stoller, Hamilton; Secretary, Montgomery M. Hamlin, Uruy's Summit; Treasurer, E. J. AVilliamson, St. Louis. Eclectic Medical Society of St. Louis—Secretary, Edward Younkin, 3035 Lu- cas ave. German Medical Society—Secretary, Hugo Kinmer, 1103 Autumn, St. Louis, Mo. Grand River District Medical Society— Sec , C. W. Patton, Spring Hill. .Alo. Hahnemann Club of St. Loviis—Secretary, James A Campbell, 1729 Washing- ton ave. Henry Co. Medical Society—Secretary, W. H. Gibbins, Clinton, Mo. Independence Medical Society—Secretary, George T. Twyman. Jackson Co. Medical Society—Secretary, AA'm. Frick, 1209 Grand ave., Kansas City, Mo. Jasper Co. Medical Society—Secretary, A. B. Freeman, Joplin. John McDowell District Medical Society—Secretary, John P. Burke, Califor- nia, Mo. Joplin Medical Society—Secretary, E. C. H. Squire. Kansas "Cities" Feleclic Medical Societj—Secretary, B. AV. Lindberg, 1400 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. Kansas City Academy of Medicine—Secretary, B. F. Brainard, N. E Cor. Sth and AVyandotte. Kansas City District Medical Society—Secretary, E. AA'. Schauffler, 900 AVal- nut, Kansas City. Linton District Medical Society—Secretary, W. F. Taylor, Martinsburg. McDonald Co. Medical Socieiy—Secretary, J. E. Edelen, Pineville. Macon Co. Medical and Surgical Socieiy—Secretary, A. B. Miller, Macon. Medical Society of the Missouii Valley—Sec, F. S. Thomas, Council Bluffs, la. Medico-Chirurgical Society of St. Louis—Sec, Jos. Grindon, 507 Ware ave. Missouri Institute of Honncpathy—President, James A Campbell, St. Louis; 1st Vice-President, H. A\r. AV'estover, St. Joseph; 2d A'ice-President, A. C. Williamson, Springfield; Secretary, Win. P. Cutler, 1227 Michigan Ave, Kansas City; Provisional Secretary, L. C. McElwee, St. Louis; Treasurer, AV. B. Morgan, St. Louis. Missouri State Medical Association—Annual meeting of May, 1894 at Leba- non. President, Dr. W. H. Evans, Sedalia; Secretary, Dr. Frank R. Fry. St. Louis. Nodaway Co. Medical Societj—Secretary, J. B. Morrison, Maryville. North Missouri Medical Society—Secretary, Dr. W. T. Lindley, Hamilton, Mo. Meets annually third Thursday in June at Moberly. Northwest Missouri Ecletic Medical Society—Secretary, A. F. Stephens, St. Joseph. Northwest Missouri Medical Society—Secretary, J. B. Riley, St. Joseph. Ozark Homcepathic Medical Association—Sec, L. E. AVhitney, Carthage. Pettis Co. Medical Society—Secretary, George E. McXeal,Sedalia. Rolla District Medical Society—Secretary, Samuel P>. Rowe, Rolla. St. Louis Academy of Medicine—Secretary, R. T. Etavard, 1323 Franklin ave. St. Louis Club of Microscopists—President, Dr. J.C. Falk, 1112 Franklin ave. St. Louis Homo'pathic Medical Society—Secretary, L. ('. McElwee, 215 S. Jef- ferson a ve. St. Louis Medical Society—President, Alexander B. Shaw, M. D.; A7ice-Presi- dent, W. J. Langan, M. 1).; Recording Secretary, John A. James James, M. D.; Corres- ponding Secretary, H. H. Born, M. D.; Treasurer, G. Hurt, M. D. St. Louis Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society—Secretary, George F. Hul- bert, 3026 Pine. Society of German Physicians of St. Louis—Sec, F. Heussy, 1800 Sidney. Southeast Missouri Eclectic Medical Society—Secretary, R. L. Galbreath, Carthage. Southwest Missouri District Medical Association—Secretary, D. B. Farns- worth, Springfield. Springfield Medical Society—Secretary, C. S. McClain, Springfield. Springfield and Southwest Missouri Homcepathic Medical Association —Secretary, A. H. Gifford, Springfield. State Central Medical Association—Secretary, AV. AI. Tompkin, Brazito. State Line Medical Society—Secretary, Charles E. Houser, Mill Grove. Tri-State Medical Society of Illinois, Iowa and Missouri—Secretary, J. M. Ball, Keokuk, la. ROSTER OF EXAMINING SURGEONS. 105 Roster of Examining Surgeons. Pension Service of Missouri, with Place of Meeting. Albany—G F Perry pres, M M Campbell sec, S B Hinckley treas Alton—J K Cantrell pres, T C Piles sec Appleton City—C A Riley sec, W Cline Treas Bethany—H J Skinner pres, A H A'andi- vert sec, Jackson Walker treas Bigelow—Ernst Kalteubach pres, F M Green sec, R C AVyman treas Bolivar—W G Drake pres, A P Mitchell treas Boonville—J D Potts pres, J T McClan- ahan sec, G W Stiffer treas Brunswick—G M Dewey pres, T F Martin sec, J F Cunningham treas Buffalo—J 1* Andrews pres, Z L Slavens sec, J C Matthews treas Butler—Elliott Pile pres, Joseph Evering- ham Hec Cameron—J H Snyder pres, E S McDon- ald sec, D B Adams treas Cape Girardeau—J D Porterfield pres, A Pierronet sec, S S Harris treas Carrollton—A J Hynds pres, G R High- smith sec, AV A Tull treas Carthage—L 1 Matthews pres, August Rhoads sec, R L Galbreath treas Cassville—H L Ambrose pres, D L Mitch- ell sec, G C Abbott treas Chillicothe—L E Tracy pres, Reuben Bar- ney sec, S JI Beeman treas Clinton—E Y Nichols pres, J J Stephens sec, Samuel Jones treas Columbia—James McXutt pres, D H Hen- derson sec, AV T Lenoir treas De Soto—James Keaney pres, J E Jones sec, W H Farrar treas Doniphan- CAV Miller Eldon—J AV Temple pres, AV S Allee sec, D H Allen treas El Dorado Springs—P B Smith pres, C A Edgar sec (!ninesville—K S Small pres, C II Beach sec, J T Arnold treas (lalena—T PI Jones pres, L Hensou sec, T F Xoblitttreas Galatin—J D Dunham pres, AV L Brosius sec, F B Dorsey treas Grant City—J H Houser pres, T S Smith sec, W H Richardson treas Greenfield—AV J Rabenau pres, J F Lingar sec, G N Adler treas Hannibal—J H Ealey pres, A L Allen se?, J L Gleason treas Harrisonville— W H H Cundiff pres, M 1' Overholser sec, 1 M Abraham treas 11 olden—J T Simpson Houston—G H Lupton pres, J W Phem- ister sec Irouton—T R Gouldiug Jefferson City—C A Thompson pres, J L Thorpe sec, 1 N Enloe treas Joplin—C CAV heeler pres.H H Taylor sec, M T Balsley Treas Kahoka—Joseph Myers pres, B S Craw- ford sec, A J Buckner treas Kansas City—Joshua Thorne pres, E G Granville sec, S D Bowker treas Kirksville—John Burton pres, .1 W Mar- tin sec, H S Strickland treas Laclede—Henry Shook pres, J AV Lane sec, Z T Standly treas. Lamar—A A Dye pres, A A'an Meter sec, S II Blakeley treas Lancaster—AV F .Mitchell Lebanon—J M Billlings pres, T A Barr sec, A A Tayman treas Lexington—H AVilliams pres, P H Cham- bers sec, AV A Braecklin treas Louisiana—S J Reynolds pres, Clayton Keith sec, A S M ackey treas Macon City—N S Richardson pres, T S AVatson sec, E B Clements treas. 106 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Maiden—Jasper A'an Meter pres, C D Crawford sec, J A Shivers treas Mansfield—M H Osborn pres, F B Fuson sec, D M Smith treas Marble Hill—August Sander pres, C A Sander sec, J C Cubbage treas Marshall—A H W Sullivan pres, M T Chastain sec, S X Smith treas. Marshfield—A J Watts pres, W B Tunnell sec, I N Rogers treas Maryville—S A' Campbell pres, J B Morri- son sec, D C AVilson treas Memphis—O F Pile Mexico—C AV AVatts Milan—Wm AA'itter pres, AV L Taylor sec, J C Kessinger treas Moberly—A J Brown pres, Thomas Irwin sec, G G Bragg treas Mt Vernon—E Browningpres, X B Hocker sec, I A Cottingham treas Neosho—Abraham Maas pres, A W Ben- ton sec, R L AVills treas Nevada—Z E Kelso pres, E A Dulin sec, G C Wilson treas Osceola—AV B Pingrey sec, A C Marquis treas Pierce City—J H Kimball pres, ASM An- derson sec, I B A'oung treas Poplar Bluff—H C Davidson pres, A AV Davidson sec, Jacob Carter treas Princeton—J E Callaway pres, G M Bris- tow sec, AV D Monnett treas Rolla—J L Short pres, S B Rowe sec, R L Johnson treas Ste Genevieve—Henry Roseman pres, F J Bernays sec, C J Hertich treas St Joseph—J T Berghoff pres, A S Long treas St Louis (1st Board)—F AV Wesseler pres, James McClure sec, T S Hawley treas St Louis (2d Board|—M C Starkloff pres, L A Lebeau sec, (' E Bauer treas Salem—Milton Godbey pres, A H Love sec, L B Craig treas Sedalia—J AV Trader pres, G H Scott sec, I T Bronson treas Seymour—A J AVatts pres, W B Tunnell sec, I X Rogers treas South West City—J F Xichols pres, B F Smith sec, J C Farmer treas Sparta—C B Elkins pres, D F Hedgpeth sec, G N Stacey treas Springfield— C C Clements pres, C S McClain sec, Lycurgus Coon treas Tarkio—S R Andris pres, J A Postlewait sec, AV G Safford treas Trenton—J H Patton pres, R B Cash sec, J A Asher treas I'nionville—A C Berry sec, John Shibley treas Versailles—J D Hubbard pres, Henry Buck treas Warrensburg — S 1' Cutter pres, W L Hedges sec, J H Warren treas AVarsaw—S O Davis sec, M L Sands treas AVashington—() L Mueuchpres, J J Fowler sec, Edmund Nasse treas AVellsville—S T Buck pres, J A Blackwell sec, W B Adams treas West Plains— H J Rowe pres, M B Chand- ler sec, J C B Dixon treas AVheatland—T J ir held on pres, AH Crouch see, H C Brookshire treas MEDICAL LAWS OF MISSOURI. 107 Medical Laws of Missouri. An Act to Regulate the Practice of Medicine and Si'hcery in the State of Missoi Rl. Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows: Section 1. Every person practicing medicine and Surgery, in any of their depart- ments, shall possess the qualifications required by this act. If a graduate of medicine, he shall present his diploma to the State board of health for verification as to its genuineness. If the diploma is found to be genuine, and the person named therein be the person claiming and presenting the same, the State board of health shall issue its certificate to that effect, signed by at least five of the members thereof, and such diploma and certificate shall be deemed conclusive as to the right of the lawful holder of the same to practice medicine in this State, if not a graduate, the person practicing medicine in this State shall present himself before said board and submit himself to such examination as the said board shall require.and if the examination be satisfactory to the examiners, the said board shall issue its certificate in accordance with the facts, and the lawful holder of such certificate shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges herein mentioned. 2. The State board of health shall issue certificates to all who shall furnish satis- factory proof of having received diplomas or licenses from legally-chartered medical institutions in good standing, of whatever school or system of medicine; they shall prepare two forms of certificates, one for persons in possession of diplomas or licenses, the other for candidates examined by the board; they shall furnish to the county c!erks of the several counties a list of all persons receiving certificates. Provided, that nothing in this act shall authorize the board of health to make any discrimination against the holders of genuine licenses or diplomas under any school or system of medicine. :t. Said State board of health shall examine diplomas as to their genuineness, and if the diploma shall be found genuine as represented, the secretary of the State board of health shall receive a fee of one dollar from each graduate or licentiate, and no further cliarge shall be made to such applicant; but if it be found to be fraudulent, or not lawfully owned by the possessor, the board shall be entitled to charge and collect twenty dollars of the applicant presenting such diploma: the verification of the diploma shall consist in the affidavit of the holder and applicant that he is the lawful possessor of the same, and that he is the person therein named; such affidavit may be taken before any person authorized to administer oaths, and the same shall be attested under the hand aud official seal of such officer, if he have a seal. Graduates may present their diplomas and affidavits as provided in this act, by letter or by proxy, and the State board of health shall issue a certificate as though the owner of the diploma was present. 4. All examinations of persons not graduates or licentiates shall be made directly by the board, and the certificates given by the board shall authorize the possessor to practice medicine and surgery in the State of Missouri. 5. Every person holding a certificate from the State board of health shall have it recorded in the office of the county clerk of the county in which he resides, and the records shall be indorsed thereon; any person removing to another county to practice medicine and surgery shall procure an indorsement to that effect on the certificate from the clerk of the county court, and shall have the certificate recorded in the office of the clerk of the county to which he removes, and the holder of the certificate shalll pay to said clerk of said county the usual fees for making the record. ti. The county clerk shall keep, in a book provided for the purpose, a complete list of the certificates recorded by him, with the date of the issue. If the certificate be based on a diploma or license, he shall record the name of the medical institution con- ferring it and the date when conferred. The register of the county clerk shall be open to public inspection during business hours. 7. [Providing for the payment of an examination fee of five dollars was amended by the striking out the entire section.] s. Examinations may be made in whole or in part, in writing, and shall be of an elementary and practical character, but sufficiently strict to test the qualifications of the candidate as a practitioner. 108 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 9. The board of health may refuse certificates to individuals guilty of unpro- fessional or dishonorable conduct, and they may revoke certificates for like causes, after giving the accused an opportunity to be heard in his defense before the board. 10. Any person shall be regarded as practicing medicine, within the meaning of this act, who shall profess, publicly, to be a physician, and to prescribe for the sick, or wo shall append to his name the letters "M. I).;" but nothing in this act shall be con- strued to prohibit students from prescribing under the supervision of a preceptor, or to prohibit gratuitous services in cases of emergency; and this act shall not apply to commissioned surgeons of the United States army, navy and marine hospital service. 11. Any itinerant vendor of any drug, nostrum, ointment or appliance of any kind intended for the treatment of disease or injurv, or who shall, by writing or printing, or any other method, publicly profess to cure or treat diseases, injuries or deformities by any drug, nostrum, manipulation or other expedient, shall pay to the State a license of one hundred dollars per month, to be collected as provided by law, as all other licenses are now collected; and any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars (S">oci), or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six months, or by both such tine and imprisonment. 12. Any person practicing medicine or surgery in this State, without complying with the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not less than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment for each and every offense; and any person filing or attempting to file, as his own, the diploma or certificate of another, or a forged affidavit of identification, shall be guilty of a felony, and. upon conviction thereof, shall be sub- ject to such fine and imprisonment as are made and provided by the statutes of this State for the crime of forgery in the second degree, but the penalties shall not be enforced until a period of six months after the passage of this bill: Provided, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to those that have been practicing medicine five years in this State. 13. Whenever in this act it is provided that any duty or service shall be performed b.v any county clerk, such duty and service in the city of St. Louis shall be performed by the city register or health commissioner of the city of St. Louis, as if such officer was specially named to perform th^se duties and services. 14. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Went into effect July. Ins:!. The act providing for a state board of health also became a law Julv 1, 1NX3, and tue board lias been .appointed By Sec. s of this act, physicians, surgeons and accoucheurs are required, under a penalty of ten dollars, to report allbirths and deaths which may occur under their supervision. Medical Journals. SAINT LOUIS. -on \^rhnTotfrliml N("uroloS,»*- Monthly. C. H. Hughes. AI. D., Editor and Publisher, duo .North Jefferson avenue. t „V'"e,i<'an four,,^'"f Ophthalmology. Monthly. Adolf Alt, M. D., Editor; J. H. Chambers & Co , Publishers. 914 Locust. iJ,,ir,he,iCQnlJ,r ?Ie«mal. Monthly. Edwin Youkin, M. D„ Editor and Publisher. 3035 Lucas Avenue. Annals of Ophthalmology and Otology. Quarterly. Jas. P. Parker, M D., Editor and Publisher. Garrison and Lucas Avenues. MEDICAL JOURNALS. 109 Clinical Reporter. Monthly. I. D. Foulon, AI. D., Editor; Foulon & Co Pub- lishers. 612 Olive. Clinique, The. Monthly. AVm. Porter, M. P., Editor; College of P. .t S., Pub. ,.a„ «"Vrlfr °f Me,li<>ine- Monthly. L. A. Turnbull, M. D.. Editor and Publisher 1)00 AA alnut. Doctor, The. Quarterly. John R. Peacock, Editor and Publisher. 113 Locust. co."sri;vZaSntLly-R-G A Meier>M D-Editor; TheLutie's Olivel<,li0al B,'ief- Month,v. J- J- Lawrence, M. D., Editor and Publisher. 9th and lisherIe02 Olive. ' "- Publisher. 0o^sI)p.7o^Vdw>av8:y' Quarterl-V' A H Ohmann-Dumesnil, AID., Editor and KANSAS CITY. American Journxl of Surgery and Gynecology. Monthlv. Emory Lan- phear, M. D., Editor and Publisher. 13n'.t E. Sth. Key-N'ote of Homeopathy. Monthly. S. C. Delap, M. D., Editor; Rumble & Peek, Publishers. 1102 Main. Medical Index. Monthly. Emory Lanphear, M. D., Editor and Publisher. 1309 E. sth. . Medical Record. Monthly. Drs. Fulton & Hallev, Editors and Publishers 9th and AVyandotte. ST. JOSEPH. Medical Herald. Monthl.v. Hiram Christopher, M. D., Editor; Medical Herald Co., Publishers; Chas. AA'. Fassett, Business Manager. 6th and Charles. St. Joseph Medical Journal. Monthly. J. A. French, AI. D., Editor and Pub- lisher. 4(12 S. Sth, AVestern Medical and Surgical Reporter. Monthly. T. E. Potter, AI. D , Editor and Publisher. • Gth and Edmond 110 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. MA^/t- J Contents of this Nuhber: Professor Lang . ILLUSTRATIONS. ORIGINAL DEPARTMENT. .............................. '71 LA GRIPPE OF THE LARYNX-Bv Daniel Morton, M. D.. S(. Joseph. Mo................................ 377 GLASS AND TACK-EATING . HISTORY OF A CASE —By Heine Marks. M. D.. Superintendent City Hos- pital. St. Louis............. ........................ 279 THE MEDICAL LIBRARY PROJECT-Bv DRS. Grin- DON, BEGGS. and Runge—(Correspondence)........ 283 EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT. The St. Louis Medical Library.............................28; Our Portrait Gallery..................................... 262 Clinics in Mental Diseases............................... 286 So-called Tubercular Peritonitis and Laparotomy......... 287 Impotence and Sterility..................................288 Honors to Dr. Bauduy..................................... 290 Recognition Abroad...................................... 282 Personal.................................................. 289 The Reviewers' Table..............*..................... 291 Class-Room Notes....................................*.. 300 MEDICAL NEWS, Illustrated European Supplement.........................28a A Bureau of Service and Information...................... 281 Hiccoughing for Eight Months............................ 281 Strontium in Bright's Disease ............................ 282 Gastric Headache..... ......................289 An Explanation of Some Cases of "Marasmus"............289 Dr. Hoyt Acquitted........................................ 289 Insanity from a Telephone-Electric Shock................. 290 ? Love Case. s Song........ SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS. District Medical Society of Central Illinois................. 293 Missouri State Medical Association....................... 294 St. Louis Medical Society................................. 296 American Academy of Medicine........................... 296 Medico-Chirurgical Society............................... 297 PRESCRIPTION NOTES. By J. C. Falk, M. D, Ph.G.. St. Louis. Chronic Constipation..................................... 29g Enuresis Nocturna....................................... 299 Rheumatism..............,..........................t---299 Pruritis Ani................-............................. 299 COLLABORATORS: DR. Nicholas Senn, Prof of Surgery. Rush Medical College, Chicago. DR. Joseph Price. Philadelphia. Dr. Landon Carter Gray. New York. Dr. J. C. Mulhall. Prof. Diseases of Throat and Chest, Beaumont Hospital Medical College. St. Louis. DR. J. K. Bauduy. Prof. Psychological Medicine and Diseases of the Nervous System. Mo. Medical Col- lege, St. Louis. DR. Henry SchwaRZ. Prof Gynecology. St. Louis Medical College. DR. H. N. Spencer. Prof Otology. Mo. Medical Col- lege. St. Louis. DR. Salomon Ehrmann, Pnvat-Docent for Syphilis and Dermatology, University of Vienna. Austria. DR. H. C. Dalton, Prof, of Abdominal and Clinical Sur- gery. Marion-Sims College of Medicine. St. Louis. DR. Geo. Homan, Prof, of Hygiene and Forensic Medi- cine, St. Louis Medical College. DR. H. M. Whelpley. Prof. Physiology and Histology. Director of Histological Laboratory. Mo. Medical College. St. Louis. Dr. Ferdinand Kino, "Doctors Weekly." New York. DR. N. B. Carson. St. Louis. Dr. Ernst Finger, Privat-Docent for Syphilis and Dermatology. University of Vienna, Austria. MR. E. Hurry Fenwick. Surgeon to London Hospital St. Peter's Hospital. London. Eng. Dr H. Tuholske, Prof. Clinical Surgery and Surgl cal Pathology, Mo. Med. College. St. Louis. DR. W. B. Outten, Dean, and Prof of Surgery. Beau mont Hospital Med. College. St. Louis: Chief Sur geon Mo. Pac.Ry. System. DR. Geo. H. Rohe. Supt. Maryland Hospital for th Insane. Catonsville. Md.; Prof. Obstetrics and Hy giene. Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons. Baltimore DR. w E. B. Davis. Sec Southern Surgical and Gyne cological Association.Birmingham. Ala DR. F. R Fry. Prof. Neurology. St. Louis Med. Colleg Dr. W. A. Hardaway. Prof. Dermatology, Mo. Medica College. St. Louis. Dr. Paul Paquin, Director Hygienic Laboratory. San tarium, Battle Creek. Mich. DR H. N. Mover, Adjunct Prof. Practice of Median* Rush Medical College, Chicago. DR Geo. J. Enoelaiann, Prof, of Diseases of Women and Operative Midwifery. Mo. Med. College. Dr. J. P. Bryson. Prof, of Genito-Unnary Surgery, St. Louis Medical College. Orders for Subscriptions or Advertisements may be sent through the following Brancli Offices: London, 167 Fleet St.. E.C,-~P«rls, a rue St. Jacques. Berlin, Luisenstrasse. jo. N.W. Vienna. IX. Unlversitats Foreign Subscribers will add 50 cents, for extra postage OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE ST. LOUIS MEDICAL SOCIETY, 112 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. ©I?* ja^Mc^l 3iFortmgl7tl£ A specimen portrait from our Illustrated Foreign Supplements. $3.00 per annum V> /^Vnxs* *J~ yh^ru^t/ [Vienna.] • • Six months trial (12 numbers), $1.00 Single copies, ten cts. Address . . . I5UANSFORD LEWIS, M. D., Masonic Temple, Chicago. 1006 Olive Street, St. Louis, MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 113 A specimen portrait from our Illustrated Foreign Supplement. Dr. Leopold Von Dittel, Vienna Vienna, March 24, 1S<)2 DK. BRAXSFOUI) LEWIS, Sir: I thank you very much for your kind remembrance of me, and I am equally gratified thai your exceedingly well-edited journal maintains such a lively intercourse with the scientific circles of the Old World, bridging the wide gulf that separates the two continents. Relieve me, Yours very truly, Familiarized its readers with the chirouraphy ok well-known Medical Writers. 114 MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. A specimen portrait from our Illustrated Foreign Supplement. CHARCOT. Circulation not confined to localities: read by the "upper tier" of the profession the world over. London: 5 Old Burlington St., W., January 30, 1892. My Dear Dr. Lewis: Your Fortnightly to hand in all its freshness and brightness; with all its elegance of typography and original features. Accept my grateful thanks, May your journal live to a lusty and honorable old age and may grey hairs of wisdom and judgment adorn its youthful shoulders. Yours truly, C*^ <^y ^c^k\ MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 115 ®tj* HTcfctctti 3lfortmgl?tto A specimen portrait from our Illustrated Foreign Supplement. Dr. Billroth, Vienna. "THE HAPPY MEDIUM:"—This apt title fairly won by the encomi- ums of both advertisers and readers. 116 MISSOURI STATE MEDIC YL DIRECTORY. A specimen portrait from our Illustrated Foreign Supplement. DR. RAUL KKASKK. • • "Every Other Week:" not too often to chill its welcome. MISSOURI STATE MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 11' £?pg3gngg»g^2 ooo.ooooooooooooooooooooooo 1591 Solid VtiRobGH Trains BETWEEN ST. LOUIS andH