IjBLISHE-D BV STRTE BDRRD tlF HERLTH j | PUBLISHED BP KANSAS STATE BOARD ,1 OF HEALTH ROSTER KANSAS PHYSICIANS Published by THE KANSAS STATE BOARD OF HEALTH F. C. BEELMAN, M. D. Secretary and Executive Officer 19-7280? MEMBERS OF THE KANSAS STATE BOARD OF MEDICAL REGISTRATION AND EXAMINATION M. C. Ruble, M.D., Parsons, Pres. J. F. Hassig, M.D., Kansas City, Sec’v H. E. Haskins, M. D., Kingman W. C. Jones, M.D., Olathe J. D. Colt, M. D., Manhattan C. E. Joss, M.D., Topeka O. L. Cox, M.D., Ida MEMBERS OF THE KANSAS STATE BOARD OF Geo. I. Thachee, M.D., Waterville, President H. L. Aldrich, M. D.. Caney J. F. Gsell, M. D., Wichita Hugh A. Hope, M.D., Hunter J. L. Lattimore, M.D., Topeka G. A. Leslie, M.D., McDonald F. L. Loveland, M.D., Topeka R. T. Nichols, M. D., Hiawatha Clyde D. Blake, M. D., Hays Wm. E. Scott, Atty., Kansas City HEALTH FOREWORD It is the pleasure of the Kansas State Board of Health to publish this roster of Doctors of Medicine licensed through the Kansas State Board of Medical Registration and Examination. This booklet is printed in answer to many requests for information concerning Kansas physi- cians and their location. New families moving into the state want to know the availability of medical services. In the back of the booklet is a list of Doctors of Medicine serving as full or part-time health officers, in- cluded fof the convenience of physicians in notifying the health officer of the occurrence of reportable diseases within his jurisdiction. The State Board of Health is appreciative of the friendly and invaluable co-operation given by the medi- cal profession to the state health department, in the various programs designed to improve and protect the health of the people of Kansas. —F. C. Beelman, M. D.', Secretary and Executive Officer. IMPORTANT This Concerns Your License to Practice Medicine in Kansas (G. S. 65-1004a.) That every physician and surgeon holding a certificate to practice medicine and surgery in the state of Kansas shall be entitled to have such cer- tificate annually renewed by registration by the secretary of the State Board of Medical Registration and Exami- nation, on paying the said secretary an annual fee of one dollar. On the first day of July of each year the secre- tary of the State Board of Medical Registration and Examination shall send a written notice to this effect, directed to the last known address of every holder of such certificate within this state, and shall enclose with each notice a proper blank for such registration, and if said blank so filled out, together with the said fee of one dollar, shall not, on or before the first day of October of the same year, be received by said secretary from any holder of such certificate so notified, said secretary shall strike from the register the name of such holder; but at any time thereafter any holder of such certificate whose name shall have been so removed from the register, since the date of the taking effect of this act, may have the same restored by the said secretary by paying to him a fee of five dollars, if satisfactory proof at that time is submitted of his moral fitness. (Section 1, House bill No. 431, passed by the 1933 Legislature; effective March 15, 1933.) Note :—The Secretary of the State Board of Medical Registration and Examination requests that remittance be made only by bank draft, postoffiice or express money order, payable to the Secretary of the Board. Personal checks are not accepted. RECIPROCATING STATES A license granted by the Kansas Board is recognized by the following states. The states and fees obtained from Kansas licentiates are as'follows: Alabama $50 Arizona 100 * Arkansas R. & H.... 50 California 100 Colorado 50 Delaware 50 Dist. of Columbia... 25 Georgia 50 Illinois 25 Indiana 50 Iowa 50 Kentucky 50 Louisiana 50 Maine 50 Maryland 50 Michigan 50 Mississippi 50 Missouri 50 Montana 75 Nevada $25 New Hampshire .... 25 New Mexico 50 New Jersey 100 North Carolina .... 50 North Dakota 50 Ohio 50 Oklahoma 100 Pennsylvania 100 South Carolina 50 South Dakota 50 Texas 50 Tennessee 25 Utah 50 Vermont 50 Virginia 50 West Virginia 100 Wisconsin 50 Wyoming 50 The National Board of Medical Examiners is recog- nized. Fee for endorsement, $50. * The Arkansas Regular and Homeopathic Boards are recognized. The Arkansas Eclectic Board is not recognized. ALLEN COUNTY 6340 Campbell, Robert F.; lola. 6548 Chambers, Adalbert R.; lola. 3070 Christian, Robert O.; lola. 3910 Cox, Omar L.; lola. 6862 Crews, Cora Snyder; lola. 3875 Curtis, Mildred ; lola. 117 Garlinghouse, Orestes L.; lola. 1328 Hendricks, Herschel L.; lola. 3604 Leavell, Frederick L. B.; lola. 6606 Lenski, Krank; lola. 8496 Maxson, Theodore R.; Moran. S* 6175 Michalak, Joseph J.; Humboldt. 883 Morgan, George W.; Savonburg. 8500 Nevett, R. R.; Moran. 7516 Nevitt, James R.; Moran. S 8637 Remsberg, Robert R.; lola. S 8031 Rinehart, John H.; lola. ** Robinson, L. D.; Moran. S 7271 Schmaus, Lyle F.; lola. S 7310 Vestle, Charles E. ; Humboldt. 3771 Webb, Herbert M.; Humboldt. ANDERSON COUNTY 7096 Carter, John N.; Garnett. 5794 Clark, Oscar N.; Greeley. 4062 Harris, Claib B.; Garnett. 1342 Hatfield, William J.; Colony. 1816 Hood, Tarlton A.; Garnett. 7693 Spencer, Harold F.; Garnett. S 2827 Turner, Andrew J.; Garnett. 7835 White, Ralph E.; Garnett. S ATCHISON COUNTY 5701 Abner, John W.; Atchison. 7706 Anderson, Winstan L.; Atchison. 3940 Barker, Orus O.; Effingham. 7965 Bosse, Frank K.; Atchison. S 8130 Brady, Charles S.; Atchison. S 5255 Bribach, Eugene J.; Atchison. 5334 Charles, Hugh L.; Atchison. 8112 Deeths, Harry J.; Atchison. 1154 Dingess, Mathew T.; Atchison. 5797 Fast, William K.; Atchison. 8444 Fast, William S.; Atchison. S 799 Finney, Charles C.; Atchison. 7565 Jeffries, Robert C.; Atchison. S 8115 Morrison, Ira R.; Atchison. S 6097 Patton, George A.; Atchison. 6877 Rigdon, J. M.; Atchison. S 5522 Robinson, Charles W.; Atchison. 3783 Stewart, Donald L.; Atchison. 5897 Thompson, J. Ernest; Huron. 8079 Wallace, Wayne O.; Atchison. S 7252 Whitaker, Arthur; Atchison. 8122 Wulff, Edwin T.; Atchison. S BARBER COUNTY 8214 Dougan, Archie F.; Kiowa. S 7653 Gacusana, Jose M.; Sharon. S 4490 Gilbert, Hardin; Medicine Lodge. 7408 Grigsby, Kenneth R.; Medicine Lodge. S * S indicates service in the armed forces. ** A number of young Kansas physicians, who have gone directly into the armed forces from schools and hospitals, are included even though they lack registration numbers. 8063 Pettijohn, Walter J.; Kiowa. 8632 Rogers, Cornelius B.; Lake City. 8305 Terry, Jack T.; Hardtner. 7951 Turner, Ralph D.; Medicine Lodge. S 7997 Yasuda, Hiroshi; Hardtner. BARTON COUNTY 4591 Atkin, Edward H.; Hoisington. 5590 Brown, Thomas Jacob ; Hoisington. 7492 Carlson, Marlin W.; Ellinwood. S 7773 Dillon, John A., Jr. ; Great Bend. S 4702 Embry, Horace C.; Great Bend. 8376 Gaume, James G.; Ellinwood. S 3155 Jury, Herbert W. ; Claflin. 7057 Kendall, Donald A.; Great Bend. S 7392 Leiker, Raymond J.; Great Bend. S 6322 Lyon, Charles W.; Ellinwood. 6327 McGill, Lucien R.; Hoisington. 8296 Robison, Corbin E.; Hoisington. S 8513 Roesler, Bruce E.; Great Bend. S 4566 Russell, Marion F.; Great Bend. 8652 Watson, James D.; Claflin. 7826 Wenke, L. L.; Great Bend. S 5650 Wheeler, LeRoy J.; Great Bend. 7957 White, Charles L.; Ellinwood. 5686 Zugg, Clark W.; Great Bend. BOURBON COUNTY 6165 Albright, Fred C.; Garland. S 7201 Cooper, Lawrence L.; Fort Scott. S 8366 Cushing, Robert L.; Fort Scott. S 6806 Dittrich, Raymond J.; Fort Scott. 504 Gooch, William S. ; Fort Scott. 4375 Hunter, John D.; Fort Scott. 8432 Irby, Addison C.; Fort Scott. S 8433 Irby, Pratt; Fort Scott. S 7459 Ketner, Lester E.; Fort Scott. 2836 Lardner, John C.; Fort Scott. 7172 Lewis, James T.; Fort Scott. 3509 Newman, John R.; Fort Scott. 8607 Prichard, Jesse R.; Fort Scott. 1565 Randles, Herbert; Fort Scott. 8065 Randles, Leland P.; Fort Scott. S 2247 Sheeler, Daniel W.; Devon. 8523 Stone, Francis M., Jr.; Fort Scott. S 6973 Strohm, Ralph Y.; Fort Scott. 1885 Tanquary, Earl D.; Fort Scott. 6145 Wilkening, William T.; Fort Scott. 5934 Young, Claud F.; Fort Scott. 8533 Young, Robert; Fort Scott. S BROWN COUNTY 6706 Conrad, Paul E.; Hiawatha. 7050 Edmonds, George M.; Horton. 6931 Edmonds, Leland C.; Horton. 4248 Heryford, Jacqb R.; Hiawatha. 8482 Hinton, Elmer E.; Hamlin. S 2645 Lawrence, Edward K.; Hiawatha. S 2927 Nichols, Roscoe T.; Hiawatha. 8298 Sereres, Edgar P.; Horton. S 3941 Steinhauser, William; Hiawatha. 285 Van Voorhis, Van Curtis; Robinson. 7562 Wyatt, Ralph M.; Hiawatha. S BUTLER COUNTY 5472 Boudreau, Clarence E.; El Dorado. 7307 Brian, Robert M.; El Dorado. S 7597 Cloyes, Arthur P.; El Dorado. S 7070 Dillenbeck, Floyd E.; El Dorado. 4404 Earp, Ralph B. ; El Dorado. 5966 Fowler, Luther W.; El Dorado. 465 Garvin, Fred A.; Augusta. 7564 Haage, Delbert O.; Augusta. 6020 Irby, William J.; Benton. 7083 Johnson, Joseph H.; El Dorado. S 6603 Kassebaum, Glen E.; El Dorado. 8216 Last, Harry; Leon. 5836 Lemon, Frederick F.; Douglass. 6671 Lutz, Harry; Augusta. 5813 Mallison, S. N.; County Health Officer, El Dorado. 7173 Metcalf, Ralph J.; El Dorado. S 6776 Murray, Leo C.; El Dorado. S 5514 Pettis, Arthur L.; El Dorado. 4271 Regier, Wilhelm E.; Whitewater. 6381 Shults, Edwin J. G.; El Dorado. 2206 Stahlman, David C.; Potwin. 7482 Steffen, Lawrence F.; El Dorado. S 6154 Whitley, Grover G.; Douglass. 6309 Williams, Lester L.; El Dorado. CHASE COUNTY 2808 Hinden, Jacob; Strong. 678 Hoover, Clare F.; Saffordville. 899 Shelley, Jacob F.; Elmdale. 5359 Titus, Albert E.; Cottonwood Falls. 4137 Woodhull, Maurice W.; Cottonwood Falls. CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY 3176 Calhoun, Fred; Sedan. 6901 Edwards, Estella M.; Cedar Vale, 6807 Edwards, Robert S.; Cedar Vale. 7458 Hays, Leslie C.; Cedar Vale. 5502 Marrs, Edward A.; Sedan. 7943 Smith, Carl M.; Sedan. CHEROKEE COUNTY 7629 Athy, Gregg B.; Columbus. S 3836 Boswell, James H.; Baxter Springs. 1506 Brown, Herbert A.; Galena. 8251 Bux, Donald E.; Columbus. S 5337 Deal, Fred E.; Weir. 6124 Fuller, Clinton C.; Columbus. 4203 Henderson, Edward E.; Columbus. 5902 Hinkle, Joseph D.; Baxter Springs. 967 Huffman, Charles S.; Columbus. 5090 James, Frank; Galena. 1604 Janes, James W.; Columbus. 1554 Johnson, William N.; Columbus. 2074 Jones, Clem H.; Galena. 6043 Lazenby, B. F.; Treece. 1374 Lowdermilk, R. Claud; Galena. 8051 Martin, Oliver L.; Baxter Springs. S 5215 McKinney, William; Baxter Springs. Reutter, G. A.; County Health Officer, Columbus. 406 Revel, Arthur J.; Columbus 6958 Rosenthal, Frances E.; Baxter Springs. 1176 Scott, W. J.; Baxter Springs. Scott, Walter R’.; Baxter Springs. 5938 Spearing, Joseph W.; Columbus. 8571 Wolohon, H. C.; Mineral. S CHEYENNE COUNTY 6355 Peck, James H. A.; St. Francis 6368 Walz, Thomas J.; St. Francis. CLARK COUNTY 5853 Burket, Ivan R.; Ashland. 6976 Closson, Harold O.; Ashland. 6431 Lunbeck, Daniel W.; Englewood. 4118 Van Blaricum, James W.; Minneola. CLAY COUNTY 8577 Alquist, V. Dale; Clay Center. S 7873 Anderson, S. A. ; Clay Center. S 5016 Bale, George W.; Clay Center. 7766 Butcher, Archie W.; Wakefield. 6875 Croson, Franklin R.; Clay Center. 7982 Davies, Edward I.; Clay Center. 8375 Garrett, Glen H.; Clay Center. S 430 Hewitt, John E.; Wakefield. 8285 Jackson, Dana O.; Clay Center. 6158 Klauman, Benjamin F.; Clay Center. S 3249 Lewis, Clemens C.; Clifton. 6768 Mcllvain, Guy B.; Clay Center. S 7125 McVey, Roy B.; Clay Center. S 5508 Morton, Warren R.; Green. 2342 Need, Omar U.; Oak Hill. 7817 Shepard, Francis C.; Clay Center. 5665 Stewart, Richard ; Morganville. 7869 Stoll, John B.; Clay Center. CLOUD COUNTY 6662 Anderson, Cornelius O.; Concordia. 6800 Anthony, Arthur C.; Clyde. 1101 Coffey, Geo. W.; Concordia. 5020 Coffman, Francis M. ; Concordia. 6990 Gelvin, Emmanuel R.; Concordia. 4459 Haughey, Leo E.; Concordia. 7111 Huscher, Gladys; Concordia. S 3293 Kiene, Otto ; Concordia. 7795 Kiene, Richard H.; Concordia. S 2330 Kimble, Thaddeus C.; Miltonvale. 5350 Kinnamon, Frank; Concordia. 6844 Kosar, Clarence D.; Concordia. S 3835 Laing, Robert; Concordia. 4341 Martin, Guy E.; Concordia. 3338 Nelson, Charles R.; Jamestown. 257 Newton, William B.; Glasco. 7059 Porter, John M.; Concordia. S 4356 Robertson, Edwin N.; Concordia. 8221 Robertson, Edwin N., Jr.; Concordia Robertson, Howard; Concordia. S 5429 Starr, R. P. Ellis; Concordia. 666 St. John, Hugh R.; Concordia. 5961 Struble, Andrew ; Glasco. 3577 Townsdin, Asa M.; Jamestown. 5870 Weaver, Ross E.; Concordia. COFFEY COUNTY 4198 Gray, Albert N.; Burlington. 5748 McConnell, Archie B.; Burlington. 3859 Roberts, Melvin B.; Gridley. 8641 Rohr, Joseph H.; Burlington. 8649 Traylor, David L.; Lebo. 7955 Wells, Max W.; Le Roy. 5809 Williams, Zona C.; Burlington. COMANCHE COUNTY 8445 Glenn, Lyle Geo.; Protection. 5183 Howard, Donald O.; Protection. S 4623 Shelley, Robert A. J.; Coldwater. COWLEY COUNTY 2598 Adams, Joseph R.; Udall. 6295 Bernstorf, Warren F.; Winfield. 1439 Brooks, Edgar E.; Burden. 8110 Brown, Harwin J.; Winfield. S 1780 Clayton, E. Harry; Arkansas City. 4957 Clayton, lone S.; Arkarisas City. 7888 Cummins, Walter J.; Winfield. S 6151 Dunbar, M. J. ; Winfield. 5484 Fall, Norman B. ; Winfield. 5345 Ferguson, Robert L.; Arkansas City. 5714 Green, Will J.; Cambridge. 7343 Grosjean, Wendell A.; Winfield. S 7906 Hall, Frederick W.; Winfield. S 5706 Hawke, Charles C.; Winfield. 6529 Hellweg, Edward W.; Arkansas City. 4068 James, Ralph W.; Winfield. 5932 Jones, Harold H.; Winfield. 4003 Kelley, Forrest A.; County Health Officer, Winfield 2252 Moore, David J.; Dexter. 7269 Moran, Charles T.; Arkansas City. S 3649 Ralls, Clayton T.; Winfield. 2445 Ravenscroft, Leighton P.; Winfield. 5532 Smith, Ira I.; Atlanta. 7420 Snyder, Cecil D.; Winfield. 7163 Snyder, Howard E.; Winfield. S 7000 Stricklin, Harve M.; Arkansas City. 5746 Syfert, Alva Clyde; Arkansas City. 4222 Theis, Peter F.; Arkansas City. 5583 Torrance, Fred E.; Winfield. 7612 Ward, Delbert A.; Arkansas City. S 5771 Wentworth, Jesse L.; Arkansas City. 7528 Weston, William G.; Arkansas City. S 1848 Wilmer, Francis M.; Winfield. 3798 Wyant, Otis B.; Winfield. 2295 Young, R. Claude; Arkansas City. 2909 Zugg, Clarence L.; Arkansas City. CRAWFORD COUNTY 5467 Adamson, Adam H.; Arcadia. 5478 Bass, Lewis N.; Pittsburg. 7316 Bell, Cleo D.; Pittsburg. S 8212 Bena, James H.; Pittsburg. S 6922 Benage, Clarence H.; Pittsburg. 7588 Bierlein, Kenneth J.; Arma. 6279 Church, Harry L.; Pittsburg. 3301 Collelmo, Ugo A. D.; Frontenac. 6138 Conley, James G.; Pittsburg. 4827 Cowden, Alva L.; Pittsburg. 8597 Elliott, Howard R. ; Pittsburg. 7602 Erickson, Clarence W.; Pittsburg. S 7861 Evans, John F.; Pitsburg. 5419 Fain, Charles H.; Pittsburg. 4557 Gish, George J. P.; Frontenac. 4149 Goshorn, H. R.; Arcadia. 8240 Haas, Louis R.; Pittsburg. 7509 Haigler, Frederick H.; Cherokee. S 8267 Haigler, James P.; Pittsburg. S 5348 Hartman, William V.; Pittsburg. 663 Hays, Almonta D.; Cherokee. 1445 Jones, Frederick W.; Girard. 4465 Keller, Oris G.; Franklin. 4251 Kiehl, Otto B.; Pittsburg. 6001 Lightfoot, Earl C.; Girard. 2563 Markham, Robert M.; Pittsburg. 5962 McDonald, Ernest C.; Pittsburg. 7031 McKee, Dick B.; McCune. 4932 Mehrle, Martin; Pittsburg. 4681 Millington, Guy L.; Girard. 8391 Mollohan, M. L.; Arcadia. S 5032 Montee, Clarence M. ; Pittsburg. 6354 Newman, Carl S.; Pittsburg. 7032 Newman, Clifford B.; Pittsburg. S 3777 Nipple, Frederick E.; Mulberry. 5597 Parrish, William A.; Mulberry. 922 Pettet, Joseph D.; Pittsburg. 7391 Revell, Arthur J.; Pittsburg. S 6896 Rinehart, William G.; Pittsburg. 6426 Rush, Floyd H.; Pittsburg. 6357 Sandidge, Allen W. ; Mulberry. 1156 Sandidge, James G.; Mulberry. 7383 Schulte, Edward J.; Girard. S 3761 Settle, James A.; Walnut. 6474 Sharp, Oscar; Pittsburg. 5867 Smith, Chester H.; Pittsburg. 3522 Stella, Harry L.; Pittsburg. 1250 Strode, Bindley E.; Girard. 913 Swart, William S.; Girard. 6427 Veatch, Harry J.; Pittsburg. S 244 Wilson, Lawrence S.; McCune. 8121 Wood, Douglas H.; Pittsburg. S DECATUR COUNTY 71 Hardesty, Henry O.; Jennings 4291 Jeffries, L. A.; Jennings. 7847 Nelson, Chester M.; Oberlin. 8679 Reist, Vorris M.; Oberlin. 5533 Smith, Jay L.; Norcatur. DICKINSON COUNTY 3381 Chaffee, S. N.; Solomon. 7009 Conklin, Kenneth E.; Abilene. S 7637 Conklin, Quinton D.; Abilene. 6502 Conklin, Tracy R., Jr.; Abilene. 368 Conklin, Tracy R., Sr.; Abilene. 7607 Danielson, Arthur D.; Herington. S 1535 Davis, Isaac E.; Chapman. 3269 Dieter, Johann N.; Abilene. 3690 Greenlee, Guilford G.; Chapman. 6484 Heins, Lawrence G.; Abilene. 956 Klingberg, William A.; Hope. 4002 Kroesch, Theodore; Enterprise. 4931 Marshall, Harley; Herington. 1423 Nichols, Schuyler; Herington. 5978 Petersen, Daniel; Herington. 3780 Reichley, Elmer J.; Herington. 2239 Steelsmith, Simon; Abilene. 5868 Turner, Herschel R.; Hope. DONIPHAN COUNTY 6513 Benitz, George W.; Wathena. 3527 Clutz, Ralph R.; Bendena. 3734 Cordonier, Alfred E.; Troy. 7468 Meidinger, Ray; Highland. 8220 Mothershead, John L.; Denton. S 5763 Swails, John G.; Wathena. S 5418 Waller, Charles E.; Troy. DOUGLAS COUNTY 7367 Anderson, Arthur S.; 715 Vermont, Lawrence. S 8685 Andes, Jerome E.; Lawrence. 8246 Asling, Clarence; Lawrence. 6544 Auchard, Virgil M.; 747 Massachusetts, Lawrence. S 8581 Baecker, Marvin P.; 2315 Massachusetts, Lawrence. S 2163 Bechtel, Joshua R.; 847 Massachusetts, Lawrence. 8686 Boyden, Mary S.; Lawrence. 8570 Bond, Glenn C.; Lawrence. S 8587 Brooks, Dean; Lawrence. S 7061 Canuteson, Ralph I.; 1638 Mississippi, Lawrence. 2323 Chambers, Harry L.; County Health Officer, Lawrence. 8215 Dunlap, Richard L.; 736 Kentucky, Lawrence. S 5975 Edmiston, Roy H.; 7 E. Seventh, Lawrence. 7894 Enders, Wray; Lawrence. S 8264 Garber, Pauline; Lawrence. 3318 Henry, John B.; 23 W. Ninth, Lawrence. 1337 Holloway, Stephen S.; Lecompton. 8383 Holmes, James A.; Lawrence. 8268 Hood, Thomas R.; 1505 Crescent Drive, Lawrence. S 5821 Hutchinson, Robert B.; 917 Massachusetts, Lawrence. 7412 Isaacs, Fred R.; Wren Bldg., Lawrence. 6443 Johnson, Chase B.; Eudora. 7566 Jones, H. Penfield; 107 E. Eighth, Lawrence. S 2105 Jones, Hiram T.; 107 E. Eighth, Lawrence. 3117 Kenner, Joseph J.; 745 N. Fifth, Lawrence. 7796 Liddy, Eugene D., Jr.; 941 Alabama, Lawrence. 7725 Lins, Beatrice M.; Watkins Mem. Hosp. Lawrence. 7335 McCarty, Dale C.; Lawrence. S 6583 Mercer, Herman A. ; Eudora. 6351 Mott, James M.; 1035 Massachusetts, Lawrence. S 6050 Nelson, Carl F.; University of Kansas, Lawrence. 8626 Nelson, Richard A.; 545 E. 19th St., Lawrence. S 554 Nelson, William O.; Wren Bldg., Lawrence. 3788 Owen, Elijah M.; 823 Kentucky, Lawrence. 5038 Palmer, William R.; Lawrence. 6515 Post, William L.; 914 Kentucky, Lawrence. 6810 Powell, Lyle S.; 736 Kentucky, Lawrence. S 8396 Pyle, Marjorie M.; Lawrence. Renick, E. T.; Lawrence. S 8399 Roach, Harry M.; Lawrence. S 8636 Poison, Robert C.; 1129 Louisiana St., Lawrence. 7750 Schwegler, Raymond A.; 747 Mass., Lawrence. S 6633 Sherwood, Noble P.; 517 Snow Hall, Lawrence. 8647 Stephenson, Wayland A.; Lawrence. 3713 Sudler, Mervin T.; 800 Massachusetts, Lawrence. 4268 Van Noy, Harvey E.; McCurdy Bldg., Lawrence. 8417 Vetter, Ronald; Lawrence. S Walters, Byron; Lawrence. S 6641 Wise, Ashton J.; Baldwin. 7256 Woodard, Parke H.; University of Kansas, Lawrence. 3823 Yates, C. E.; 1800 Illinois, Lawrence. 7400 Zimmer, Louis K.; 809 Kentucky, Lawrence. EDWARDS COUNTY 6521 Dargatz, Fred E.; Kinsley. 8614 James, Otis E., Jr.; Kinsley. 8092 Johnson, Charles H.; Kinsley. S 3118 Meckfessel, Frank G. H.; Lewis. 1488 Newton, William J.; Lewis. 3594 Schrader, Lewis M.; Kinsley. 4425 Stoltenberg, Walter P.; Kinsley. ELK COUNTY 2095 Archer, James A.; Grenola. 3736 DePew, Frank L.; Howard. 137 Grimmell, George H.; Howard. 3664 Hamer, Romeo C.; Howard. 5224 Shaffer, Clyde E.; Moline. 8082 Wells, Alvin Y.; Moline. ELLIS COUNTY 5496 Anderson, Bert; Victoria. 6084 Betthauser, Joseph R.; Hays. 3113 Blake, Clyde D.; Hays. 6512 Brady, Patrick S.; Hays. 7068 Brewer, William M.; Hays. S 4688 Bryan, Harry R.; Hays. 6267 Coffey, Frank E.; Hays. 6900 Eddy, Murray C.; Hays. 5466 Hennerich, Otto A.; Hays. 7123 McDermott, Alza M.; Ellis. S 7085 Morris, Earl F.; Hays. 4279 Page, Willifred ; Ellis. 8118 Reynolds, Lloyd W.; Hays. 7137 Surface, Gardner A.; Ellis. 7696 True, Otis H.; Hays. 6099 Unrein, Gerald C.; Hays. 6966 Wenzel, Anna Marie; Hays. ELLSWORTH COUNTY 4992 Carter, Jonathan B.; Wilson. 6153 Davis, George F.; Kanopolis. 7659 Horejsi, Alfred J.; Ellsworth. S 5217 Mayer, Ben H.; Ellsworth. 391 O’Donnell, Alfred ; Ellsworth. 498 O’Donnell, Henry St. Clair; Ellsworth FINNEY COUNTY 7759 Armantrout, Leonard 0.; Garden City 5140 Bailey, Sanford; Garden City. 6635 Beiderwell, Earl R.; Garden City. 6260 Hastings, Grant Ray; Garden City. 7291 Lewis, George K.; Garden City. S 8495 Maxfield, Russell J.; Garden City. 8 6063 Miner, Oliver W.; Garden City. 7287 Sartorius, Herman C.; Garden City. FORD COUNTY 7630 Alderson, Clair M.; Dodge City. S 4236 Alexander, Xeno F.; Dodge City. 5284 Bandy, Claudius E.; Bucklin. 8563 Busch, Anthony B. ; Dodge City. 8429 Davis, Donald Ray; Dodge City. S 6436 Dennisk Foster L.; Dodge City. S 7503 Dowler, Vernon B.; Dodge City. 5077 Janney, James G.; Dodge City. 5883 Klein, Robert G.; Dodge City. 8163 Mandeville, George; Dodge City. S 2341 McCarty, Claude E.; Dodge City. 5572 Melencamp, Noble E.; Dodge City. 7731 Speirs, Richard E.; Spearville. S FRANKLIN COUNTY 7078 Barr, John F.; Ottawa. S 1177 Davis, George W.; Ottawa. 8469 Davis, George W., Jr.; Ottawa. S 885 Davis, John B.; Ottawa. 3462 Davis, Josaphyne Eshom; Ottawa. 8033 Gollier, Robert A.; Ottawa. 7788 Henning, Calvin W.; Ottawa. S 7220 Henning, Joseph R.; Ottawa. S 7023 Kaiser, Max E.; Ottawa. S 7463 Lofgreen, Sylva Young ; Ottawa. 7462 Lofgreen, Victor L.; Ottawa. 8619 Madtson, Alfred R.; Ottawa. 1645 Markham, Homer E.; Ottawa. 5385 Naylor, Noble E.; Wellsville. 5357 Reid, James D.; Wellsville. 4312 Smithheisler, James R.; Richmond. 5747 Trump, Frank A.; Ottawa. 7423 Wallen, James E.; Ottawa. S 3542 Young, Pearl Raymond; Ottawa. 2430 Youngberg, John E.; Ottawa. GEARY COUNTY 8562 Brethour, L. J.; Junction City. S 8355 Burkett, Norman A.; County Health Officer, Junction City. 7748 Carr, Robert M.; Junction City. S 3809 Carr, Walter A.; Junction City. 6721 Dragoo, Cline H.; Milford. 8262 Filkin, Lawrence E.; Junction City. 7969 Banning, Robert J.; Junction City. S 5909 Leach, Edwin S.; Junction City. 7991 Minnick, Charles V.; Junction City. 1321 O’Donnell, Arthur E.; Junction City. 1229 O’Donnell, Frederick W.; Junction City. 8630 O’Donnell, Harry E.; Junction City. 8072 Smiley, Edward A.; Junction City. S 5044 Smiley, William A.; Junction City. 730 Steadman, L. S.; Junction City. 8077 Van Pelt, Clifford; Junction City. GOVE COUNTY 1432 Barclay, John J.; Grinnell. 3739 Fagan, Frank D.; Gove. 4096 Hoover, Charles O.; Quinter. 6742 Morris, Benjamin S.; Quinter. GRAHAM COUNTY 3726 Bundy, John Arthur; Hill City. 2817 Law, Lottie F.; Hill City. 1508 Parker, Ivan B.; Hill City. 6869 Vesper, Vernon A.; Hill City. S GRANT COUNTY GRAY COUNTY 7328 Jackman, G. H.; Cimarron. GREELEY COUNTY 3496 Mays, Roscoe B.; Tribune. 7561 Wilson, Donald J.; Tribune. S GREENWOOD COUNTY 7045 Baird, Cecil D.; Eureka. S 8013 Basham, Charles E.; Eureka. S 7583 Basham, Francis C.; Eureka. 8015 Basham, James J.; Eureka. 7976 Basham, John Henry; Eureka. 7267 ■ Fairbrother, William C.; Madison. S 150 Farrar, George W.; Fall River. 3366 Grove, William T.; Eureka. 43 Haynes, Elmer E.; Madison. 6062 Janes, William E.; Eureka. 5766 Johnson, Bertram; Eureka. 6088 Johnson, Elizabeth W.; Eureka. 3864 Lose, Fred D.; Madison. 3595 Moonlight, Walter S.; Eureka. HAMILTON COUNTY 6196 Grissom, Carlton B.; Syracuse. 821 Harrison, Charles F.; Syracuse. HARPER COUNTY 5568 Dieter, Charles A.; Harper. 5176 Flowers, M. F.; Anthony. 5269 Galloway, Horace Lee; Anthony. 7661 Haughey, Chas. F.; Harper. 6467 Joslin, Leeman C.; Harper. 7523 Miller, Philip G.; Anthony. 4166 Montzingo, Edward R.; Attica. 7684 Pokorny, Charles; Attica. S HARVEY COUNTY 8667 Brenneman, Jacob J.; Hesston. Buhler, C. T.; Halstead. S 3141 Buley, Delmond G.; Sedgwick. 5785 Chesky, Victor E.; Halstead. 8371 Enns, Eugene K.; Newton. S 5441 Enns, Jacob H.; Newton. 2680 Farmer, William R.; Walton. 7211 Foster, Thomas L. ; Halstead. 8032 Gleason, K. J.; Newton. S 5919 Glover, Harold M. ; Newton. 8035 Grove, John Axtell; Newton. S 3997 Grove, John L.; Newton. 8661 Grove, William E.; Newton. S 2938 Haury, Richard S.; Newton. 7108 Hawkey, Alfred S. ; Newton. S 1338 Hertzler, Arthur E.; Halstead. 7529 Hertzler, John W.; Newton. S 3578 Hymer, Edison S.; Sedgwick. 6916 Isaac, Arnold G.; Newton. 5935 Kalbfleisch, Ernest L.; Newton. 8230 Kamish, Robert J.; Halstead. S 6945 Koeneke, Irene A.; Halstead. 744 Koons, Franklin W.; Halstead. Lentz, Charles C.; Mission. 5503 Martin, Melvin C.; Newton. S 3159 McClymonds, Robert C.; Walton. 8165 Miles, Paul W. ; Newton. S 7374 Morgan, Harold E.; Newton. Munsell, D. W.; Halstead. S 7278 Nanninga, John B.; Newton. 8698 Oltman, Theodore V.; Newton. 6883 Peckenschneider, Lloyd O. E.; Halstead 7305 Peterson, Emmet E.; Halstead. Poling, F. B.; Halstead. S 8185 Rhoades, Gordon H.; Halstead. S 5716 Richert, Henry; Newton. Rost, Glenn S.; Halstead. S 4084 Schaumloffel, H. G.; Burrton. 8403 Schmidt, C. Robert; Halstead. S 7707 Schmidt, Herbert R.; Newton. 8071 Sills, Charles T.; Newton. S Street, Glenn; Halstead. S 7249 Unruh, Rudolph T.; Halstead. 8223 Walsh, William S.; Halstead. S 6083 Westfall, George A.; Halstead. 6872 Wheeler, James A.; Newton. 14 HASKELL COUNTY HODGEMAN COUNTY 5869 Ungles, James B.; Satanta JACKSON COUNTY 8025 Condon, Albert Paul, Jr.; Whiting. S 1850 Culp, Charles W.; Hoyt. 3081 Frisbey, William R.; Delia. 7673 Moser, Ernest C.; Holton. S 7471 Moser, Roy H.; Holton. 3286 Reynolds, C. W.; Holton. 159 Shoyer, Mayar; Holton. 2142 Smythe, Jay B.; Holton. 5542 Wyatt, Charles A.; Holton. S JEFFERSON COUNTY 5694 Anderson, John B.; Valley Falls. 5331 Bliss, Charles J.; Perry. 8016 Bowen, Clovis Walker; Valley Falls. S 2322 Cain, Milton; McLouth. 7739 Huston, Francis W.; Winchester. 6009 Marks, George W.; Valley Falls. 8002 Martin, A. E., Jr.; Oskaloosa. 1438 McCreight, Marlin S.; Oskaloosa. 2144 Puderbaugh, Ira; Osawkie. 4287 Schaeffer, Frank; McLouth. 2348 Smith, Albert G.; Oskaloosa. 5358 Stevens, Delos M.; Oskaloosa. JEWELL COUNTY 1066 Allen, Dorothy D.; Mankato. 8328 Blender, Ray H.; Mankato. 6108 Hawley, Joseph E.; Burr Oak. 3260 Hershner, Charles S.; Esbon. 6155 Inge, Claude W.; Formoso. 6246 McKinley, W. E.; Jewell. 7160 Plowman, Carl W.; Jewell. 8678 Plowman, Warren A.; Jewell. 4552 Poppen, Joseph A.; Burr Oak. 1162 Reynolds, Elmer L.; Mankato. 6270 Spiegel, Ruth Patrick; Formoso. 8527 Turner, Robert C.; Mankato. S 3119 Yankey, John Wesley; Mankato. JOHNSON COUNTY 6102 Albaugh, Houghton S.; Olathe. 7046 Becker, Richard R.; Spring Hill. S 7989 Beebe, Edmer; Olathe. S 3824 Bronson, Dellett E.; Olathe. 7500 Carbaugh, Kenneth W.; Overland Park. S 6804 Carr, William A.; Merriam. 7645 Fredeen, Robert C.; 2518 W. 50th Terrace, Kansas City. 6123 Grayson, Roy D.; Overland Park. S 2276 Jones, Charles W.; Olathe. 4715 Knoop, James A.; Olathe. 7920 Maser, Geo. R.; Mission. S McFarland, McDonald; Kansas City. S 202 Moberly, Robert L.; Olathe. 1333 Moore, James M.; Spring Hill. 7675 Muller, Samuel B.; Overland Park. S 4482 Newton, John R.; Olathe. 8393 Norris, George L.; Olathe. S 7129 Reece, Adelbert S.; Gardner. S 4171 Reid, Turner W.; Gardner. 8510 Rieke, Frank A.; Shawnee. 6271 Sullivan, Henry B.; Shawnee. 5244 Ulery, H. C.; DeSoto. 6761 Weaver, James B.; Kansas City. S Wetterstroem, R. G.; County Health Officer, Olathe U. S. P. H. S. 7834 Wilson, Barrick L.; Overland Park. KEARNY COUNTY 5026 Ireland, Edwin M.; Lakin. KINGMAN COUNTY 8579 Antrim, Philip J.; Spivey. 8012 Baldridge, Richard E.; Kingman. S 8021 Burket, George E., Jr.; Kingman. 3860 Burnett, Ferd.; Cunningham. 7714 Eggleston, Donald; Kingman. S 2690 Haskins, Henry E.; Kingman. 8486 Knappenberger, Roy C.; Penalosa. S 1090 Longnecker, Charles W.; Kingman. 3617 Wallace, Eugene; Norwich. 7825 Waylan, Thornton L.; Nashville. S KIOWA COUNTY 2933 Bennett, Nathan G.; Haviland. 1709 McLaughlin, James A.; Greensburg, 4081 Puckett, Charles F.; Mullinville. 3335 Updegraff, Chester D.; Greensburg. 7166 Wilson, W. Errol; Greensburg. S LABETTE COUNTY 7257 Baird, Albert C.; Parsons. S 1460 Ball, Orrie Hugh; Dennis. 6312 Berger, Alexander J.; Parsons. 4653 Berggren, Andrew L.; Chetopa. 4242 Blasdel, Tyler D.; Parsons. 3089 Brady, Charles P. ; Parsons. 7737 Carter, Percy Craig; Parsons. S 8254 Cramer, Guy Williams; Parsons. S 8670 Debus, Elmer E.; Parsons. 8260 Donnelly, B. A.; Parsons. S 5858 Ebert, J. A.; Oswego. 4893 Hamill, Claude E.; Parsons. 7411 Hardin, Claude E.; Parsons. Harvey, Oscar; County Health Officer, Parsons U. S. P. H. S. 5491 Hay, Gilbert W.; Parsons. 704 Hill, Emma L.; Oswego. 6416 Jones, Paul; Mound Valley. 5351 Landes, George A.; Parsons, 3503 Markham, Howard C.; Parsons. 7464 Miller, Charles H.; Parsons. 4167 Morrow, Nelson C.; Parsons. 6423 Naramore, James T.; Parsons. 5307 Nash, A. R.; Parsons. 6268 Pace, John D.; Parsons. 3811 Pardue, Ralph; Edna. 2234 Petty, Charles N.; Altamont. 4489 Price, C. C.; Oswego. 7577 Proctor, Lawrence A.; Parsons. 8452 Rose, R. J.; Parsons. S 6271 Ruble, Merle C. ; Parsons. 5225 Stevenson, O. E.; Parsons. 2424 Tinder, J. Stanley; Parsons. 6559 Urie, Rolland W.; Parsons. 4550 von Trebra, Ernestine L.; Chetopa. 1549 von Trebra, Robert L.; Chetopa. 8692 Walker, Carl J.; Parsons. 8315 Waxse, Isadore J.; Oswego. 8654 White, John P.; Parsons. 6180 Wilson, D. R.; Mound Valley. S LANE COUNTY 6878 Deal, Edwin P.; Dighton. 8596 Egbert, Galen S.; Dighton. LEAVENWORTH COUNTY 3283 Adams, Alonzo R.; 310 Fifth Ave., Leavenworth. 8327 Anderson, Jeff T. ; 519 Marshall St., Leavenworth. 6715 Bennett, Charles Alvin; 430 Delaware St., Leavenworth. 1430 Coe, Walter B.; Tonganoxie. 3422 Combs, George R.; 500 Delaware St., Leavenworth. 6601 De Honey, Franklin R. ; Easton. Epstein, Joseph G.; Wadsworth. S 7318 Gausz, Albert A.; 600 N. Fifth St., Leavenworth. 7405 Gerber, Harry A.; 205 S. Fifth St., Leavenworth. Gier, Jacob B.; Wadsworth. S 8378 Gonser, Karl B.; Leavenworth. S Man, Walter; Leavenworth. 7805 McKee, Richard S.; 502 Delaware St., Leavenworth. S 7388 Moore, Robert H. ; Lansing. S 3502 Morrow, Frank M.; Leavenworth. 7576 Parker, David F.; Tonganoxie. 7236 Pratt, William L. ; 510% Delaware St., Leavenworth. 3516 Risdon, James W.; 529 Delaware St., Leavenworth. Schnee, Benjamin; Leavenworth. 158 Smith, Andrew J.; 600 N. Fifth St., Leavenworth. 3038 Smith, George W,; 510 % Delaware St., Leavenworth 642 Stacey, Harley J.; 510% Delaware St., Leavenworth. 4266 Sterett, David R.; 529 Delaware St., Leavenworth. 157 Suwalsky, Adelbert L.; 511% Delaware St., Leavenworth. 4498 Swann, Leo J.; 622 Osage St., Leavenworth. 7387 Thomas, William M.; 420% Delaware St., Leavenworth. S 647 Vaughn, Clarence K.; 205 S. Fifth St., Leavenworth. 4618 Watkins, Lucien A.; 934 S. Broadway, Leavenworth. S 6477 Webster, Paul R. ; 423 Delaware St., Leavenworth. LINCOLN COUNTY 8245 Andreson, Paul S.; Sylvan Grove. S 4829 Emery, William G.; Barnard. 5995 Higgins, Bruce A. ; Sylvan Grove. 4834 Kerr, Lambert A.; Lincoln. Kerr, Richard K.; Lincoln. S 8193 Songer, Herbert L.; Lincoln. S 5175 Sutton, John M.; Lincoln. LINN COUNTY 452 Clarke, Howard L.; La Cygne. 357 Green, David E.; Pleasanton. 6439 Haughey, George C.; Prescott. 3334 Kennedy, John T.; Blue Mound. 8276 Lee, Carleton H.; Pleasanton. S 4873 Mills, Lewis D.; Mound City. 5507 Morrison, Scott D.; La Cygne. 526 Shumway, J. R.; Pleasanton. 7419 Spafford, Allen L.; Parker. LOGAN COUNTY 3886 Butler, Harry M.; Winona. 3494 Miller, Charles M.; Oakley. 2—7280 LYON COUNTY 8441 Aldis, John; Emporia. S 8578 Anderson, Robert L.; Route No. 2, Emporia. S 4438 Beam, Albert; Americas. 476 Black, Guy Harold; Emporia. 4347 Boterf, Charles A.; Hartford. 7723 Butcher, Thos. P.; Emporia. S 8357 Bynum, Frank L.; Emporia. S 6071 Capps, Murl T.; Emporia. 8668 Clark, Albert W.; Emporia. 5196 Corbett, Arthur W.; Emporia. 8071 Corbett, Oliver J.; Emporia. 7044 Davis, David R.; Emporia. S 580 Eckdall, Frank A.; Emporia. 7994 Eckdall, Funston J.; Emporia. S 4637 Edwards, Elva Elton; Allen. 1543 Finley, Maynard A.; Emporia. 5625 Foncannon, Frank; Emporia. S 6098 Granger, Wayne B.; Emporia. Harvey, Clarence C.; Emporia. S 6975 Hovorka, Joseph J.; Emporia. 8485 Kerr, Samuel E.; Emporia. S 4004 Lawrence, Charles W.; Emporia. 658 Manning, Harris W.; Emporia. 7349 Merideth, Clyde O., Jr.; Emporia. 8697 Morgan, John L.; Emporia. S 6979 Morgan, Philip W.; Emporia. 5370 Monger, C. Herbert; County Health Officer, Emporia 7927 Nienstedt, John F.; Hartford. S 691 Nienstedt, William F.; Hartford. 3419 Nutting, Harry C.; Emporia. 6851 Partridge, Clyde Elmer; Emporia. 3885 Patton, Chester L.; Emporia. 4085 Shonkwiler, Francis M. ; Emporia. 7246 Stocks, Pauline V.; Bushong. 5682 Trimble, Clarence S.; Emporia. 7484 Trimble, David P.; Emporia. 7486 Underwood, Charles C.; Emporia. S 3541 Williams, J. Odell; Emporia. 5245 Wilson, Clyde ; Emporia. MARION COUNTY 2187 DeMand, J. W.; Lincolnville. 6461 Eitzen, Abraham C.; Hillsboro. 517 GoodsHeller, George J.; Marion. 4601 Haake, John A.; Peabody. 7789 Janzen, Herman F.; Hillsboro. 2909 Johnson, Edward H.; Peabody. 8674 Klassen, Daniel 8.; Lehigh. 5266 Loomis, Sidney B.; Lost Springs. 407 Marner, Gideon P.; Marion. 6743 McCandless, O. C.; County Health Officer, Marion 1390 McIntosh, Eben S.; Burns. 7569 Melton, Ralph R.; Marion. 4574 Newell, John Frank; Durham. 7579 Ratzlaff, Abraham K.; Goessel. 3088 Smith, Rheuben C.; Marion. 7556 Tate, Wendell M.; Peabody. 7248 Thomas, Theodore J.; Florence. S 1470 Wagar, Leonard S.; Florence. MARSHALL COUNTY 6280 Bolton, Dan W.; Frankfort. S 4682 Brawley, M. A.; Frankfort. 7496 Diefendorf, Donald M.; Waterville. S 5860 Haerle, Henry; Marysville. 581 Ham, William E.; Beattie. 1325 Hawkins, Robert; Marysville. 3999 Hutchinson, 0\ven G.; Marysville. 7531 Lafene, Benjamin W.; Marysville. S 1833 McAllister, Robert L.; Marysville. 7845 Myers, Thomas T.; Marysville. 4481 Newman, Charles M.; Axtell. 6051 Randall, John W.; Marysville. 4218 Schumann, Enoch; Blue Rapids. 4750 Stewart, William J.; Frankfort. 2922 Thacher, George I.; Waterville. 6613 Vinsant, Vester R.; Summerfield. 4025 Wilmoth, W. L. ; Blue Rapids. 655 Wood, Orlin P.; Marysville. McPherson county 1503 Baer, Daniel C.; Moundridge. 3277 Blake, Frank R. ; Marquette. 874 Cavanaugh, J. J.; Lindsborg. 523 Dean, George R.; McPherson. 7011 Dyck, Arthur H.; McPherson. 6828 Dyck, Cora E.; Moundridge. 7341 Finkle, Guy E.; McPherson. 8447 Green, John D. ; McPherson. 4562 Heaston, William C.; McPherson. 7397 Holwerda, William; Lindsborg. 1132 Isaac, Elizabeth L.; Moundridge. 6442 Jones, William R.; Canton 8047 Lewis, Letteer G. H. ; McPherson. S 7158 Lohrentz, Abraham M.; McPherson. 4558 Lytle, Clinton R.; McPherson. 8625 McCoy, Frederick J.; McPherson. 7514 Price, Vaughan C. ; McPherson. S 4215 Quantius, Rachel L.; McPherson. 7691 Sohlberg, Robert, Jr.; McPherson. S 8340 Walters, Orville S.; McPherson. MEADE COUNTY 4846 Broady, George A.; Plains. 4843 Broady, Mary Brown; Plains. 7889 Daugherty, Robert M.; Meade. 5549 Davis, Harry W.; Plains. 1189 Leslie, Charles B.; Meade. 3618 Robb, James C.; Fowler. 8313 Wakeman, Everal M.; Fowler. S MIAMI COUNTY 8586 Branson, Vernon L. ; Osawatomie. 7431 Brown, William; Paola. S 6670 Fairchild, Anthony W.; Osawatomie. 4023 Ferrel, Jesse V.; Louisburg. 1664 Fisher, Charles A.; Paola. 7899 Fowler, James T. ; Osawatomie. S 4243 Fowler, Joseph; Osawatomie. 2795 Gatley, Perla F.; Louisburg. Keeton, Elven E.; Paola. S (Killed in action) 2994 Kelly, John W. ; Louisburg. 5607 Lowe, Orrin C.; Paola. 7258 Means, Robert R.; Osawatomie. 2588 Petitt, Percy A.; Paola. 4280 Phillips, Benjamin L. ; Paola. 4285 Piper, Dorius H.; Osawatomie. 6630 Robb, Robert W.; Osawatomie. 8512 Robb, T. P.; Osawatomie. S 3760 Smith, Frederick J.; Osawatomie. 5394 Speer, William L.; Osawatomie. 5899 Stephens, C. B.; Osawatomie. 5048 Van Pelt, Clifford L.; Paola. 2794 Woods, Samuel D. E.; Osawatomie. MITCHELL COUNTY 7266 Bennett, Richmond E.; Beloit, S 7327 Collins, Harold L.; Beloit. 4711 Hope, Hugh A.; Hunter. 8385 Jordan, Ralph; Beloit. S 5826 Madtson, Martha M.; Beloit. 5805 Pickier, Richard S.; Beloit. 7306 Rathert, Burton S.; Cawker City. 5520 Reinhardt, John H.; Glen Elder. 5521 Reinhardt, Robert A.; Glen Elder. 4333 Shaffer, Joseph ; Simpson. 4223 Vallette, Horace B. ; Beloit. 6364 Weltmer, W. M. ; Beloit. MONTGOMERY COUNTY 3068 Aldrich, H. L.; Caney. 6407 Bagby, Harold J. ; Coffeyville. 3410 Baird, Jay; Coffeyville. Barrett, D. C.; County Health Officer, Independence U. S. P. H. S. 6297 Bates, Gerald C.; Independence. 7079 Beeler, Canada A.; Cherryvale. 6639 Boese, Adolph; Coffeyville. 7587 Bullock, Harold O.; Independence. 6593 Butler, Joseph Payne; Coffeyville. 3378 Campbell, Charles S.; Coffeyville. 6927 Carter, Rodney G.; Independence. 2790 Chadwick, Ira B.; Coffeyville. 7444 Clark, Porter M.; Independence. 4771 Coon, William F.; Caney. 5383 Coyle, Emery G.; Coffeyville. 7981 Craig, Paul E.; Coffeyville. S . 4326 Davis, Dowdal H.; Independence. 6181 Dickinson, J. M.; Coffeyville. 6644 Diver, Robert W.; Coffeyville. 8537 Ellis, S. S.; Coffeyville. S 1402 Ellison, Oliver W.; Independence. 3263 Fortner, Charles H.; Coffeyville. 6262 F'urgason, Earl R.; Independence. 6146 Gasser, Fred; Cherryvale. 8091 Gerbig, Herman A.; Independence. 7331 Gollier, Charles E. ; Independence. 6396 Goodloe, Hart; Independence. 8604 Green, John R.; Independence. 789 Grigsby, Clement E.; Coffeyville. 5492 Haydon, Owen K.; Elk City. 3742 Hayward, William A.; Coffeyville. 6995 Hughbanks, James G.; Independence 1888 Jack, William G.; Caney. 1884 Krugg, Albert A.; Coffeyville. 3346 Lambdin, Hiram S.; Caney. 7336 Low, Joseph H.; Coffeyville. 7609 Low, W. G.; Coffeyville. 6380 McMillion, John D.; Coffeyville. 2742 Norman, William G.; Cherryvale. 2841 Pinkston, James A.; Independence. 6540 Scimeca, S. A.; Caney. 3306 Shelton, Frank W.; Independence. 5582 Shepard, Chester O.; Independence. 3305 Smith, Thomas E.; Independence. 5648 Springer, Ralph W.; Coffeyville. 7189 Squire, E. O.; Coffeyville. 8194 Stensaas, Carl O.; Independence. S 8108 Swanson, J. T. ; Independence. 5047 Townsend, Pinkney S.; Coffeyville. 2562 White, Myron L.; Coffeyville. 904 Williams, Chas. L.; Independence. MORRIS COUNTY 2687 Brethour, George E.; Dwight. 4246 Hall, Charles W.; Burdick. 7710 Harvey, William T.; Council Grove. 7511 Haslan, Thomas L.; Council Grove. 3485 Kerr, Carey C.; Council Grove. 7803 Melchert, Harold B. ; Council Grove. S 3507 Miller, Bert E.; Council Grove. 3116 Swann, Alfred T.; Wilsey. MORTON COUNTY 7763 Buckmaster, Francis H.; Elkhart. 2553 Tucker, William V.; Elkhart. NEMAHA COUNTY 7875 Barnes, Conrad M.; Seneca. 8019 Brown, Virgil E.; Sabetha. S 358 Graham, Guy S.; Wetmore. 7904 Gray, Harry P.; Seneca. 8146 Havley, Bernice; Centralia. 6076 Haynes, Arthur H. ; Sabetha. 4249 Hibbard, Samuel M. ; Sabetha. 8286 McCool, Stanton A. ; Seneca. 94 Murdock, Samuel; Sabetha. 2278 Myers, Samuel M.; Corning. 3518 Rucker, Clemens; Sabetha. 7815 Rucker, Martin J.; Sabetha. S 3115 Snyder, Henry G.; Seneca. 292 Townsend, Charles R.; Centralia. 8683 Wempe, George W.; Seneca. 5987 Wrightman, Frederick E.; Sabetha NEOSHO COUNTY 8011 Ashley, George L.; Chanute. S 4434 Ashley, Samuel G.; Chanute. 7434 Bryan, Emery C.; Erie. 3453 Buckles, Joseph H.; Thayer. 6408 Butin, James A.; Chanute. 7339 Cone, Luther H.; Chanute. S 403 DeMoss, James A.; Thayer. 7600 Edwards, James F.; Chanute. S 4451 Garton, Avery M.; Chanute. 165 Gillian, Virgil E.; Chanute. 8606 Gough, James D.; Chanute. 8612 Horton, William D.; Chanute. 7613 Insley, Herbert W.; Chanute. 3174 Johnson, Lewis D. ; Chanute. 5057 Light, Ralph A.; Chanute. 2526 Morrison, Cyrus C.; Erie. 6766 Rollow, R. Herbert; Chanute. 5889 Sherman, John N. ; Chanute. 4577 Strahan, Charles S.; Galesburg. NESS COUNTY 7095 Brennan, Thomas F.; Ness City. 7127 Parker, Dean B.; Ransom. NORTON COUNTY 6337 Bennie, Herbert S.; Almena. 8111 Clover, Phoebe; Norton. 3118 Cole, Charles W.; Norton. 8139 Evans, A. W.; Norton. S 5674 Kennedy, Francis D’.; Norton. 7263 Long, C. E.; Norton. 8293 Petterson, Cecil E.; Norton. S 8004 Roe, Mary E.; Norton. 7389 Steichen, Edward F.; Lenora. 6659 Stephenson, Walter; Norton. 8195 Stone, William F., Jr.; Norton. S 7190 Taylor, Charles F.; Norton. 5960 Theis, Harold H.; Norton. OSAGE COUNTY 533 Beasley, Charles W.; Lyndon. 196 Brown, Thomas O.; Osage City. 6412 Fritts, Otto C.; Osage City. 4643 Heckart, Elliott T.; Carbondale. 4376 Kierulff, George B.; Melvern. Lyter, Clinton S.; Carbondale. S McClintock, Edward A.; Overbrook. S 1274 McClintock, George; Overbrook. 6292 Murtagh, Edward G.; Burlingame. 4641 Poston, William O.; Quenemo. 1769 Schenck, Franklin E.; Burlingame. 6358 Schenck, Fred G.; Burlingame. 4749 Smith, French M.; Lyndon. 7346 Williams, Homer J.; Osage City. OSBORNE COUNTY 3278 Burtch, Claude E.; Portis. 1575 Cross, James W. 8.; Portis, 7456 Hartig, Otto J.; Downs. 5637 Henshall, James F.; Osborne. 45 Hodgson, Jarvis E.; Downs. 4475 Miller, Walter W.; Osborne. 5513 Parker, Victor R.; Natoma. 3820 Schwaup, Samuel J.; Osborne. 2498 Swarts, William A. ; Natoma. OTTAWA COUNTY 7874 Ballard, Marshall P.; Delphos. 7321 Foutz, Homer S.; Minneapolis. S 5882 Haerle, Edward J.; Minneapolis. 3473 Harvey, Fred E.; Minneapolis. 3470 Hinshaw, Llewellyn M.; Bennington 5860 Wooster, Winnifred V.; Minneapolis PAWNEE COUNTY 6386 Blount, Justin A.; Lamed. 8590 Christian, Edward R.; Rozel. S 8132 Coughlin, Samuel T.; Lamed. S 7098 Davis, Paul E. ; Lamed. S 8991 Dillon, John A.; Lamed. 8599 Frazer, T. R.; Lamed. 7656 Huntley, L. L.; Lamed. Hyde, Marshall E. ; Lamed. S’ 6504 Juergens, Caroline; Lamed. 2907 Miller, R. H.; Lamed. 8508 Reed, Joe, Jr.; Lamed. S 3012 Seiple, Arthur W. H.; Lamed. 7275 Shepard, LeRoy W.; Lamed. 5647 Sheppard, Cyril E.; Lamed. 4755 Tapscott, John H.; Rozel. PHILLIPS COUNTY 7993 Cooper, Arthur E.; Logan. 7404 Classen, Mary T. DeMotte; Phillipsburg. 3752 Morgan, Eugene L.; Phillipsburg. 2764 Nelson, Enos A.; Phillipsburg. 3600 Shewmaker, J. L.; Phillipsburg. POTTAWATOMIE COUNTY 464 Bressler, Alexander H.; Wamego. 7884 Brunner, Benjamin; Wamego. 6265 Cazier, Lawrence W.; Wamego. 1955 Cole, Judson C.; Emmett. 7890 Dechario, Thomas; Westmoreland 7898 Fleckenstein, Charles S.; Onaga. 6103 Hancks, John A.; Wamego. 4253 Leiubach, Roscoe C.; Onaga. 2866 McManis, James E.; Havensville. 6404 Riley, Fred P.; St. Marys. 8192 Smith, Orval L.; St. Marys. 3880 Weiss, Albert J.; St. Marys. PRATT COUNTY 3625 Beckner, E. J.; County Health Officer, Pratt. 7304 Black, Cyril V.; Pratt. 5730 Campbell, John R.; Pratt. 7441 Christmann, Marshall E. ; Pratt. S 2633 Cochran, Athol; Pratt. 7909 Haworth, Kenneth W. ; Pratt. S 3748 Melton, Daniel W.; Preston. 6750 Pitman, Will D. ; Pratt. 8682 Shrader, Charles D.; Sawyer. 2001 Staehlin, Lydia J. Lothridge; Pratt. 8005 Thorpe, Francis A.; Pratt. S RAWLINS COUNTY 7651 Gertson, Emery T. ; Atwood. 6158 Hennebruger, C. E.; Atwood. 7510 Leisure, Clyde E.; Atwood. 6579 Leslie, Gilbert A.; McDonald. RENO COUNTY 4306 Anderson, Fred M.; Nickerson. 6183 Anspach, Benjamin S.; Haven. 7300 Armitage, Albert C.; Hutchinson. S 6817 Barnes, Harold R.; 100 W. First St., Hutchinson. S 871 Bauer, William H.; Sylvia. 8126 Blank, John N.; Buhler. S 6460 Blasdel, Harry E.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 5414 Boyd, Charles A.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 5193 Brownlee, John J.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 6617 Butler, James C.; 212 W. Nineteenth St., Hutchinson. 5896 Chickering, George A.; 509 Wiley Bld^., Hutchinson. S 6930 Duvall, Hunter W.; 511 R. W. Bldg., Hutchinson. 1465 Evans, Charles W.; Abbyville. 7647 Fernie, Robert W., Jr. ; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. S 7337 Fitzgerald, Edward L.; 710 Wolcott Bldg., Hutchinson. 3323 Foltz, J. Eliot; 1500 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 3608 Forney, Lee O.; 206 W. First St., Hutchinson. 8142 Franklin, Ghnn C.; Hutchinson. S 6302 Greever, Boyd L.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson 4706 Grieve, George H.; Turon. 7106 Haines, Chester W.; Haven. 5749 Hall, Clarence W.; 100 W. First St., Hutchinson. 3591 Hempstid, Irl E.; 101 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 92 Horton, Joseph D.; Plevna. 4616 Jones, Robert Y.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 8274 Ladd, Arthur C.; 216 W. Tenth St., Hutchinson 2226 Mallory, Benjamin F.; Arlington. 4474 McGee, Charles B.; Pretty Prairie. 3501 McNair, Charles F.; 5% W. First St., Hutchinson. 5643 Mundell, Minuette S.; 1524 N. Adams, Hutchinson. 5644 Mundell, Walter N.; 1524 N. Adams, Hutchinson. 6316 Paine, George E.; 100 W. First St. Hutchinson. 7810 Pinsker, Jacob A.; 206 W. First St., Hutchinson. S 5518 Quiring, Walter O.; 100 W. First St., Hutchinson. 5681 Richmond, Louis F.; 1316 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 1204 Sams, Clement E. V.; Haven. 7501 Scales, William M.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. S 3232 Schoor, William F.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 3233 Schrant, J. H.; 120% N. Main St., Hutchinson. 8690 Shirey, Paul F.; Hutchinson. 8406 Simpson, Ronald A.; Hutchinson. S 615 Sterrett, Herbert D.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 450 Stewart, Henry M.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 1217 Stewart, Richard A.; 101 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 8097 Stone, Gordon E.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. S 4659 Sutton, Ella A.; 205 E. Seventeenth St., Hutchinson. 2813 Thacher, Mowry S.; Turon. 2696 Von Leonrod, George; 309% N. Main St., Hutchinson. 6166 Walker, Guy R.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 4027 Young, John W.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. REPUBLIC COUNTY 3139 Ayers, Philip S.; Munden. 8225 Beiderwell, Paul L.; Belleville. 117 Dittemore, James H.; Belleville. 247.6 Haggman, Charles V.; Scandia. 6299 Hull, James A.; Munden. 5210 McComas, Marmaduke D.; Courtland 4256 Munford, Raymond H.; Belleville. 2528 Sherrard, John C.; Norway. 7243 Splichal, William F.; Belleville. S 5099 Thomas, H‘enry D.; Belleville. 3872 Tyree, Fredrick C.; Agenda. 1271 West, John W.; Narka. RICE COUNTY 7633 Beauchamp, Preston E.; Sterling. S 5014 Beyer, Louie J.; Lyons. 8020 Bula, Ralph E.; Lyons. S 1038 Currie, William E.; Sterling. 8535 Dysart, Jack C.; Sterling. 3153 Fisher, C. E.; Lyons. 8377 Gill, Georgia L.; Sterling. 7660 Hill, Edwin R.; Lyons. S 1942 Hinkle, Thomas C.; Little River. 7229 Leonard, Roosevelt; Lyons. 8387 Loyd, H. O.; Bushton. 8049 Marr, James T.; Sterling. S 7473 Meek, George C.; Little River. 8622 Miller, William R.; Lyons. 8179 Patterson, Harold L.; Lyons. S 6173 Schmidt, Albert W.; Lyons. 7694 Sprong, A. A.; Sterling. S 6139 Stredder, E. J.; Geneseo. 3228 Trueheart, Marion; Sterling. 3299 Wallace, Floyd E.; Chase. RILEY COUNTY 4556 Attwood, G. Arthur; Randolph. 7752 Balding, Laurence G.; Manhattan. S 6921 Ball, Ralph G.; Manhattan. S 7853 Bascom, Kellogg F.; Manhattan. 5557 Cave, Robert R.; Manhattan. 3119 Clarkson, William H.; Manhattan. 134 Colt, James D.; Manhattan. 6128 Colt, James D., Jr.; Manhattan. 7746 Dyer, Benjamin G.; Manhattan. Elkind, M. D.; County Health Officer, Manhattan U. S. P. H. S. J324 Evans, Darrel L.; Manhattan. S 8448 Hanson, John W.; Manhattan. 7658 Hauckenberry, Everett; Manhattan. S Horton, J. M.; Manhattan. S 8269 Hughes, Raymond H. ; Manhattan. S 7864 Husband, Myron W.; Manhattan. 8437 Kempthorne, Chas. R.; Manhattan. S 4309 Little, B. Belle; Manhattan. 6767 Marker, Daniel I.; Manhattan. S 6914 Nelson, Barrett A.; Manhattan. 4822 Owensby, Oscar M. ; Manhattan. 803 Reitzel, Walter M.; Manhattan. 5395 Schoonhoven, R. Grover; Manhattan. 6960 Schwartz, Willard C.; Manhattan. S 8408 Steffen, Marvin O.; Manhattan. 8558 Tyler, W. H.; Manhattan. 8655 White, Thaddeus H.; Manhattan. 8424 Woods, Walton C.; Manhattan. S ROOKS COUNTY 3448 Brown, Harry C.; Stockton. 3868 Miller, Mohler J. ; Plainville. 6269 Petterson, Edward C.; Plainville. 366 Richmond, F. E.; Stockton. RUSH COUNTY 2270 Attwood, John E.; La Crosse. 5290 Baker, Joseph H.; La Crosse. S 8669 Clark, Laurence A.; Rush Center. 4836 Latimer, Lester A. ; Alexander. 5042 Robinson, Norval W.; Bison. 6489 Singleton, Walter J.; La Crosse. RUSSELL COUNTY 4769 Gramm, Carl J.; Russell. 5149 Cramm, George W.; Russell. 5737 Dreher, Henry S.; Luray. 5287 Hawes, Frederick S.; Russell. 5885 Koerber, Paul E.; Russell. 6656 Penwell, George H.; Russell. 2589 Shelksohn, Otto W.; Dorrance. 7871 Weigel, Bernard J.; Gorham. 8008 White, Fagan N.; Russell. 8657 Wilson, Jay K.; Russell. SALINE COUNTY 7426 Anderson, Donald A.; Salina. S 3094 Armstrong, Carroll D.; 135% N. Santa Fe, Salina. 7582 Armstrong, Carroll W.; 135% N. Santa Fe, Salina. S 3360 Brittain, Oman R.; 425 West Iron Ave., Salina. 1904 Brown, Manuel J.; 809 Santa Fe, Salina. 5017 Brown, Porter; 119 S. Seventh St., Salina. 5750 Brungardt, Balthaser A.; 137 N. Ninth St., Salina. 833 Cheney, Enos R.; Gypsum. 6375 Cheney, Ralph E.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. S 3637 Cockey, Melchor G.; 320 S. Seventh St., Salina. 4559 Dillingham, Willard R.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. 3320 Druet, Kenneth L.; 119 S. Seventh St., Salina. S 7747 Eaton, Leslie F.; Salina. S 3488 Fitzpatrick, Charles M.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina 4993 Ganoung, Edwin G.; 151 S. Santa Fe, Salina. 3897 Gaume, James M.; 134 N. Eighth St., Salina. 3996 Graves, Horace W.; Gypsum. 7908 Harvey, Ernest E. ; 100 S. Santa Fe, Salina. S 4456 Harvey, John K.; 100 S. Santa Fe, Salina. 7603 Hatton, Lloyd W.; 302 Natl. Bk. of A. Bldg., Salina. S 4642 Isenberger, F. J.; Gypsum. 3417 Jenney, Charles M. ; 133 S. Seventh St., Salina. 5884 Kidder, William J.; 138 S. Santa Fe, Salina. 4005 Lemon, Abraham L.; 807 Highland, Salina. 8488 Lloyd, Earl L.; Salina. 4725 Loyd, Perry A.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. 443 May, Andrew J. ; 501 S. Eleventh St., Salina. 8168 Mitchell, John Charles; 520 United Life Bldg., Salina. 8 128 Moses, Howard N.; 100 S. Santa Fe, Salina. 6404 Nelson, Lawrence S.; 119 S. Seventh St., Salina. 6113 Neptune, Harold E.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. 2305 Neptune, John W. ; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. 5040 Padfield, Earl G.; United Life Bldg., Salina. 7268 Putnam, Laurel Irene; 203 W. Kirwin, Salina. 7937 Rueb, Andrew E.; 309 Natl. Bk. of A. Bldg., Salina. S 8681 Ryding, Vincent T.; Salina. 6674 Schaefer, Leo J.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. 401 Seitz, George; United Life Bldg., Salina. 2551 Shaffer, Frank W. ; 122% S. Seventh St., Salina. 7241 Sheldon, Richard R.; 425 W. Iron Ave., Salina. 3631 Simpson, James A.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. 8191 Simpson, James C.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. S 7242 Snyder, Maurice; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. S 7720 Stafford, George E.; 119 S. Seventh St., Salina. S 6495 Sutton, Edgar M.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. 5970 Vermillion, Earl L. ; 119 S. Seventh St., Salina. 3570 Walker, Oliver D.; 702 S. Santa Fe, Salina. 8531 Whitman, Doyle C.; Salina. SCOTT COUNTY 2675 Greene, George A.; Scott City. 7053 Kippenberger, Rinhart F. ; Scott City. 7126 Palmer, Henry P. ; Scott City. SEDGWICK COUNTY 7872 Adams, Austin J.; 1108 Brown Bldg., Wichita. S 5627 Adams, James M.; 410 Schweiter Bldg., Wichita. 2552 Allen, William F.; 400% E. Douglas, Wichita. 7756 Anderson, Harry O.; 104 S. Broadway, Wichita. S 3080 Anderson, Samuel M.; 1001 W. Douglas, Wichita. 898 Artman, Byron E.; 110 N. Market St., Wichita. 7435 Ashmore, Arthur L.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 3451 Baker, Elven O.; 107 N. Market St., Wichita. 4785 Barr, Ulysses S.; 110 N. Market St., Wichita. 7979 Bartlett, Wayne C.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. S 2847 Beal, B. Clyde; Clearwater. 8561 Beaver, James L.; 617 First Natl. Bank Bldg., Wichita. 5734 Bell, Perry M.; 601% N. Main St., Wichita. 6801 Bence, Arthur E.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 3704 Bemstorf, Philip H.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 6623 Biermann, Aloysius H.; Garden Plain. 7093 Biermann, William J.; 110 S. Broadway St., Wichita 5825 Bisop, Leslie C.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 6459 Bixby, Benjamin P.; Valley Center. 7964 Blacker, Morris R.; 106 N.-Main St., Wichita. S 2600 Bodenhamer, Elmer A.; 214 N. Sedgwick St., Wichita. 6095 Boutros, Charles E.; 1345 E. Kellogg St., Wichita. 6184 Bowman, Lang F.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 6988 Brown, Cyril C.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 6911 Brownell, Morton Emmons; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 6105 Burkhead, Carl R.; Brown Bldg., Wichita. 5008 Callahan, William P.; Brown Bldg., Wichita. 5873 Carson, Paul C.; 401 N. Emporia, Wichita. 6410 Carter, Earl D.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 2761 Caswell, Charles E.; 2825 Arkansas Ave., Wichita. 327 Cheney, James W.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 4579 Chipps, James E.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 3271 Christmann, Paul; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 4190 Clapp, Raymond C.; 455 N. Clifton Ave., Wichita 8226 Clapp, Raymond C., Jr.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. S 7302 Clark, Howard C.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 1285 Clark, John D.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 7770 Coffman, Delphos Otto; Wichita. S 4443 Coffman, John F., Jr.; 220 W1 Thirteenth St., Wichita. 6874 Coleman, John S.; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 7178 Conwell, Daniel V.; 608 Brown Bldg., Wichita. 7769 Cooper, Everette L.; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 6394 Corrigan, George F.; 902 Brown Bldg., Wichita. 6339 Cowles, George E.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 6341 Cox, Wilfred; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 5616 Crittenden, Alden L.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 7772 Crumpacker, Leo K.; 505 Brown Bldg., Wichita. 6507 Curtis, Howard C.; 450 E. Douglas, Wichita. 5439 Davidson, Harry T.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 3879 Dildine, Arthur R.; Cheney. 5134 Dixon, Charles H.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 97 Doherty, William T.; Hillcrest Homes, Wichita. 8101 Donnell, Louis A.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. S 8090 Drake, Ralph L.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. S 8671 Dreese, William C.; St. Francis Hospital, Wichita. 8368 Duemler, Rutherford S.; Wichita. 2280 Ebright, Edwin D.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 5415 Edgerton, Erastus S.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 3463 Edgerton, Sol M.; 104 E. Harry, Wichita. 5298 Eilerts, Walter J.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 7601 Elnen, Walter T.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 7170 Emery, Frank A. C.; 1029x/i W. Douglas, Wichita. 8138 Epp, Frederick O.; Sedgwick County Hospital, Wichita. S 2336 Evans, John L.; 224 N. Crestway, Wichita. 2861 Farmer, James E.; 1258 Cleveland, Wichita. 5859 Fegtly, Arthur W.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 6205 Finney, Thomas S.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 7897 Fisher, James B.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. S 8263 Forman, Louis H.; St. Francis Hospital, Wichita. S 8600 Frey, Charles T.; Wichita. S 8673 Frey, Louis Ireland; Wichita Hospital, Wichita. 6344 Friesen, Herman E.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 8477 Fritzemeier, W. H.; Wichita. S 5912 Frost, Earl J.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 4978 Gardner, Alfred E.; 107 W. Douglas, Wichita. 4327 Gaume, Harry W.; 217 E. Tenth St., Wichita. 6376 Gearhart, Alonzo P.; 200 S. Market St., Wichita. 5158 Geeder, Harry T.; 923 Cleveland, Wichita. 6163 Gillett, Wilbur G.; 201 N. Main St., Wichita. 6206 Gouldner, Rene M.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 8236 Gow, Elizabeth Dorsey; Wichita. 7649 Gradinger, B. C.; Andale. 4878 Grage, Joachim D. F.; 107 N. Market St., Wichita 7709 Gsell, George F.; Wichita. S 278 Gsell, Jacob F.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 8607 Hagan, Condon T.; Eastborough, Wichita. 8266 Hagan, Francis J.; Eastborough, Wichita. 3347 Hagan, Martin; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 6172 Hall, Millard W.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. S Hamilton, Oscar A., Jr.; Wichita. S 4277 Haworth, Edgar S.; 107 N. Market St., Wichita. 7398 Hellwig, Christian A.; 6651 Van View Place, Wichita. Herbst, Robert Rudolph; Wichita. S 7109 Hibbard, James S., Jr.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. S 6729 Hiebert, A. E.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 8040 Hines, Ralph E.; Veterans Hospital, Wichita. 7082 Hinshaw, Charles T.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 7312 Hodson, Hervey R.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 2504 Holt, Thomas T.; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 4712 Horn, Harry W.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 8613 Hostetter, Philip H.; Wichita Hospital, Wichita. 5565 House, Raymond G.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 4715 Howard, Robert O.; 910 Schweiter Bldg., Wichita. 7533 Humphery, J. H. ; Wesley Hospital, Wichita. 8154 Hurst, Thomas C.; Wichita. S 3578 Hymer, Edison S.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 7910 Hyndman, Henry H.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. S 4394 Jager, Thor; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 5167 Johnson, Charles N.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 6243 Johnson, Everett W.; 106 W. Douglas, Wichita. 6878 Johnson, Lester E.; 106 W. Douglas,' Wichita. 8566 Kaufman, Le Roy V.; Wichita. S 4128 Keester, Charles C.; 212 N. Emporia, Wichita. 4615 Kilbourne, Edward D.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 6192 Kirby, George W.; 200 S. Market St., Wichita. 7717 Kiser, Willard J.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. S 7084 Kleinheksel, John L. ; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 6735 Knapp, Leslie E.; 200 S. Market St., Wichita. S 6244 Kunce, Fay E.; 200 S. Market St., Wichita. 8114 Lies, Barthel N.; Colwich. 6997 Little, Lloyd G.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 7801 Loewen, Henry H.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 7239 Loewen, Peter S.; 3217 Victor PL, Wichita. 7627 MacLeod, Sherburne; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. S 5095 Madden, Alvin C.; Kechi. 8494 Magee, Charles R.; Wichita. S 3106 Maggard, Delano I.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 6739 Marshall, Hal E.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 8053 Matassarin, Frederick W.; 402 Masonic Temple Bldg., Wichita. S 8218 Maxwell, Robert H.; 1401 Union Natl. Bank Bldg., Wichita. 1898 McComb, Fred J.; 433 N. Terrace Drive, Wichita. 8676 McCoy, Charles P.; 1757 Jackson Ave., Wichita. 6352 McEwen, Fred J.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 6157 McKeown, Charles D.; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 7274 MeKnight, Clarence J.; 207 W. Skinner St.. Wichita 6134 McReynolds, Albert R.; 408 S. Broadway, Wichita 7159 Meeker, Bruce P.; 110 S. Broadway, Wichita. 7414 Menehan, Frank L.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. Mermis, William Leo; Wichita. S 7028 Michener, Robert B.; 205 N. Washington St., Wichita. 6584 Milbank, George E.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 8093 Miller, Clyde W. ; Brown Bldg.; Wichita. S 7840 Miller, D. Evelyn; 211 S. Lorraine Ave., Wichita. 2405 Miller, Loren B.; 1028 Broadway, Wichita. 5894 Mills, Charles D.; Schweiter Bldg.; Wichita. 7030 Mills, Earl L.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. S 3344 Mills, Harry L.; 110 S. Broadway, Wichita. 5311 Missildine, John G.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 8070 Montgomery, Ruth; 1025 First Natl. Bank Bldg., Wichita. 6998 Morrison, George B. ; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 8664 Mueller, Vernette A.; 324 N. Volutsia, Wichita. 8334 Murphy, Lyman C.; Wichita Hospital, Wichita. 7926 Nash, Newman C.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. Needels, Orval Thomas; Wichita. S 8058 Nix, Lester K.; 1654 N. Lorraine, Wichita. 6112 Nodurfth, Elmer J.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 5561 Norton, Howard G.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 5707 Nyberg, M. O.; 3321 Victor PL, Wichita. 6850 O’Donnell, Harold F.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. S 6882 O’Donnell, Leonard A.; 1225% E. Douglas, Wichita. 6747 Olson, Andrew A.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 5221 Padfield, Robert E. ; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 6748 Palmer, Harold W.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. S 3376 Parker, Clarence A.; 201% N. Main St., Wichita. 7188 Pauley, Vern L.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 8540 Pohlman, John F. ; Sedgwick County Hospital, Wichita. 8182 Prochazka, Otto F.; St. Francis Hospital, Wichita. S 7932 Putnam, Lyle B.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. S 6202 Rainey, Edward C.; 615 Beacon Bldg., Wichita. 6956 Rainey, Norris L.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. Reed, Darwin C.; Wichita. S 7499 Reifsneider, J. Stanley; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 8183 Reitz, Harvey E.; Wesley Hospital, Wichita. S 4216 Rich, Oliver S.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 6310 Roberts, Louis S.; 214 E. First St., Wichita. 1142 Rombold, Charles R.; 110 S. Broadway, Wichita. 6610 Ross, Earl B.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. S 7542 Rossitto, A. F.; 1102 W. Douglas, Wichita. S 6622 Schiltz, Frances Helen; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 7721 Scott, Vincent L.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. Scuka, Clayton L.; Wichita. S 1241 Seydell, Ernest M.; 107 W. Douglas, Wichita. 8645 Sharp, Jack V. ; 102 E. Murdock, Wichita. 4184 Shaumloffel, H. G. ; Mount Hope. 6967 Shaw, James W.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 4020 Shelley, Hargus G.; Veterans Hospital, Wichita. 4311 Slayton, Frederick H.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 6537 Smith, Frederick D.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 5268 Spray, George A.; 200 S. Market St., Wichita. 7961 Stout, Samuel L. ; 300 S. Broadway, Wichita. S 8556 Stratemeier, Edward H.; Wichita. S 5604 Sutter, Loe A.; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 5081 Swope, Opie W.; 200 S. Market St., Wichita. 6455 Terrill, Edwin H.; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 8242 Thorpe, George L.; Wesley Hospital, Wichita. S 6383 Tihen, Henry N.; Orpheum Bldg., Wichita. 8413 Tiller, Dean Mark; Sedgwick County Hospital, Wichita. 6204 Tippin, Ernest E.; 106 W. Douglas, Wichita. 3753 Tipton, Floy E.; 107 N. Market St., Wichita. 1200 Tooley, George E.; Veterans Adm. Facility, Wichita. 6696 Tucker, Claude C.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 8309 Turner, John W.; County Health Officer, Wichita. 2233 Updegraff, Alpha D.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 7144 VanCleve, Joseph V.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 3226 Vermillion, John S.; Maize. 8693 Viscardi, Naomi Yarmolinsky; Wichita. 4090 Walker, Joseph G.; 1142% S. Broadway, Wichita. 7989 Warfield, Chester H.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. S 7978 Warren, Wirt A.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 5420 Weaver, Theodore W.; 201% N. Main St., Wichita. 6169 West, Ray A.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 7962 Wier, Charles K.; 209 W. Williams St., Wichita. S 7149 Williams, Harold O.; Cheney. S 8656 Wilson, Charles W.; 225 Ellis, Wichita. 5185 Wilson, Humah H.; 519% N. Main St., Wichita. 8458 Wittman, Albert F.; 2144 N. Market St., Wichita. 6278 Wolfe, James E.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 7699 Woodhouse, Charles L.; 3616 E. Third, Wichita. S 7838 Young, Paul B.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. S SEWARD COUNTY 7279 Hilbig, Albert L.; Liberal. 4380 Mays, Charles O.; Liberal. 6849 McCreight, Eugene J.; Liberal. 7839 Zimmerman, I.eon W.; Liberal. S SHAWNEE COUNTY 8089 Abramson, William F.; Box 514, Topeka. 5628 Alexander, Homer A.; 706 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5545 Allen, George V.; 835 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8426 Allen, Sylvia; 3617 W. Sixth, Topeka. 8235 Anderson, Robert C. ; State Hospital, Top ka. S 3284 Armstrong, John B.; 521 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7628 Asher, Henry H.; State Board of Health, Topeka. 6634 Ashley, Byron J.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 3790 Attwood, Charles F.; 633 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8694 Baker, Elbert; 2700 W. Sixth St., Topeka. Beach, George C., Jr.; Topeka. S 7963 Beehnan, Floyd C.; State Board of Health, Topeka 6068 Belknap, Paul E.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8534 Benjamin, Ann; 3617 W. Sixth, Topeka. 3128 Beverley, George W. B.; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 4683 Billings, Alva Edgar; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 3280 Bishoff, M. L.; 415 E. Sixth St., Topeka. 6499 Blackburn, Guy R.; Santa Fe Hospital, Topeka. 8659 Blake, Henry S.; Topeka. S 5015 Boggs, Frank C.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 931 Borst, William L.; 927 N. Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8017 Bowen, Harry J., Jr.; Topeka. S 7495 Bowen, James D. ; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 1701 Bowen, William F.'; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5561 Boyd, Spencer H.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 7261 Boykins, Solomon R. ; Security Benefit Hospital, Topeka. 6717 Brier, Archibald J.; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8687 Carr, D. D.; City-County Health Officer, Topeka. 7062 Casto, James F.; 417 E. Sixth St., Topeka. 8362 Catlin, Karl A.; Topeka. S 6784 Chapman, Florence P.; Topeka State Hospital, Topeka. 4693 Clark, Herbert L.; 825 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7313 Clark, Orville R.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 3847 Crabb, John A.; 630 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8428 Crank, H. H.; Topeka. S 6493 Curry, Lewis A.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 6718 Davis, Harry J.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7155 Decker, Ernest H.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7776 Eckles, Lucius E.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 6211 Elkins, W. H.; Santa Fe Hospital, Topeka. 6343 Emerson, Ralph W.; 1008 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5342 Erickson, Oscar L.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 3288 Ernest, Elvenor E. ; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5753 Farley, J. A.; 416 E. Sixth St., Topeka. 5344 Finney, Guy A., 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S - 3724 Floersch, Michael A.; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8237 Ford, Frederick L.; Santa Fe Hospital, Topeka. S 8548 Funk, Edward D., Topeka. S 1579 Funk, Ralph L.; 308 Natl. Reserve Bldg., Topeka. 8660 Gill, Merton M.; 3617 W. 6th St., Topeka. 5812 Gootee, Herbert W.; Santa Fe Hospital, Topeka. 7784 Gorman, R. B.; Topeka. S 3195 Gossard, Charles E.; 1127 Alter Ave., Topeka. 8550 Graber, Harold L.; Topeka. S 8602 Graves, Jack W.; 1326 Lane, Topeka. S 8603 Gray, David E.; Topeka. S 8453 Greenwood, Edward D.; Topeka. S 5202 Greider, William H.; 1616 Western Ave., Topeka. 8608 Hagler, Carl W.; 1813 Dudley Road, Topeka. 3703 Hammel, Seth A.; 114 W. Eighth St., Topeka. S Heilman, R. M.; State Board of Health, Topeka. U. S. P. H. S. 7457 Helwig, George F.; 704 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 8039 Hiebert, H. L.; State Board of Health, Topeka. 5819 Hobart, Wilson K.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 1773 Hogeboom, Henry B.; 212 W. Sixth St., Topeka. 6918 Hunter, James T.; 1035 Jackson St., Topeka. S 2362 Jackson, William E.; 109 E. Fourth St., Topeka. 8331 Johnston, Thomas E. ; 700 Harrison St., Topeka. 8451 Joss, Charles S.; Topeka. S 7955 Joss, Chester E.; 1008 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 6970 Kerley, Granvil L.; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7865 Kinnaman, Clarence H.; State Board of Health, Topeka. 6944 Kirkpatrick, Hazen L.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 7718 Knight, Robert P.; 3617 W. Sixth St., Topeka. 8332 Krause, Albert H.; S. B. A. Hospital, Topeka. 6947 Krehbiel, Bertrand I.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 6444 Lattimore, John L. ; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 363 Lerrigo, Charles H.; 824 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5411 Loveland, F. L.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8277 Lozoff, Milton; 3617 W. Sixth, Topeka. 1296 Marcotte, Oscar F.; 1008 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5641 Marshall, Albert H. ; 135 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7671 Marshall, Bromell M.; 135 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 4573 Martin, Thaddeus P.; 1026 Buchanan St., Topeka. 8164 Mayes, Fred; State Board of Health, Topeka. 4990 McDonald, Orville A.; 821 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 2896 McNaughton, James H.; 911 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 2371 Menninger, Charles F.; 3617 W. Sixth St., Topeka. 6012 Menninger, Karl A. ; 3617 W. Sixth St., Topeka. 6741 Menninger, William C.; 3617 W. Sixth St., Topeka. S 423 Messick, Charles; 1016 Fillmore, Topeka. 5033 Michener, William E.; 1008 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 3757 Millard, Samuel Thos.; 713 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 4860 Miller, Henry B.; Rossville. 5355 Miller, Milton B.; 1515 Jewell Ave., Topeka. 5505 Miller, Ransley J.; 1008 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 4926 Mills, William M.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 6116 Morris, Harold T.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 4257 Newman, M. C.; Mills Bldg., Topeka. 4212 Newsome, Levi J.; 1235 Monroe St., Topeka. 3097 Nicoll, David T.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 776 Northrup, John F.; 835 N. Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5142 O’Connell, John H.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5832 O’Connor, Thomas A.; 535 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5596 Owen, Arthur K.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 3160 Perry, Middleton L.; State Hospital, Topeka. 7809 Pfuetze, Robert E.; Natl. Reserve Bldg., Topeka. 6536 Powell, Paul M.; 823 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7509 Powers, Harold W.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 5304 Preston, Richard O.; 602 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 2144 Puderbaugh, Ira ; Ozawkie. 7532 Pusitz, Manuel E.; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 7277. Pyle, Lucien R.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 6751 Raines, Omer M.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 5997 Ramsey, Carey L.; Santa Ee Hospital, Topeka. 5519 Ransom, James L.; 2251 Topeka Blvd., Topeka. 354 Reed, George D.; 2052 Buchanan St., Topeka. 4017 Reed, William W.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7525 Riedel, Robert H.; State Board of Health, Topeka. S 8541 Robbins, Louis L.; Topeka. S 1045 Ross, Harry R.; State Board of Health, Topeka. 5525 Ross, Mack L.; 330 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 1924 Rupin, Anton; 1508 Harrison, Topeka. 8335 Saxe, Earl; Menninger Clinic, Topeka. S 7940 Saylor, Leslie L.; 1008 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 6856 Schaffer, Clarence K. ; 630 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8517 Schwartz, Lloyd G.; Topeka. S 7379 Scott, William B.; 334 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 8189 Sellards, Howard E.; Topeka. S 2140 Shaw, Joseph C.; 1401 Buchanan, Topeka. 4809 Sloo, Milo G.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 3830 Smith, Clyde S.; Rossville. 7549 Smith, Leo A.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8646 Snook, Robert R.; 1439 Tyler St., Topeka. Sorensen, R. M.; State Board of Health, Topeka. U. S. P. H. S. 3298 Stahl, Clare W.; 826 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 4751 Stewart, James G.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. Stone, Mark L.; Topeka. S 7744 Stuart, Francis I.; Santa Fe Hospital, Topeka. 8325 Swan, Otis D.; Topeka. S 7382 Taggart, Floyd C. ; 630 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 2044 Tibbitts, Weed M.; 1709 E. Sixth St., Topeka. 8338 Tillman, Carl Gustaf D.; Menninger Clinic, Topeka. S 8243 Trees, Clyde B.; Mills Bldg., Topeka. 5638 Turgeon, Leo V.; Central Bldg., Topeka. 4665 Vest, Frederick E.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7560 Wakeman, Don C.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 5606 Walker, William J.; 497 E. Sixth St., Topeka. 1767 Warriner, William L.; 1618 Clay, Topeka. 8109 Wiedemann, Eugene M.; State Hospital, Topeka. 8083 Wikstcn, lemon C.; Natl. Reserve Bldg., Topeka. 5137 Wolfe, Clinton S.; 614 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 6697 Woods, Harold H.; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8569 Worthington, R. L. ; 3617 West Sixth, Topeka. 8572 Zagaria, James F.; Topeka. S SHERIDAN COUNTY 5908 Fleckenstein, A. P., Seldon. 8307 Thompson, Burl V.; Hoxie. SHERMAN COUNTY 1546 Gulick, Arthur C.; Goodland. 3663 McCulloch, Jennie; Goodland. 6471 Renner, Marion J.; Goodland. 8337 Swaney, Hugh M.; Goodland. 7250 Vermillion, Dale D.; Goodland. SMITH COUNTY 6936 Hartman, Buford; Kensington. 5774 Jeffers, A.; Smith Center. 2265 Morrison, Hector; Smith Center. 1349 Relihan, Daniel W.; Smith Center. 4313 Relihan, Francis H.; Smith Center. 8188 Sekavec, Gordon B.; Athol. S 3598 Talman, Ernest W.; Gaylord. 4269 Watts, Victor E.; Smith Center. STAFFORD COUNTY 3140 Adams, Charles S.; St. John. 5440 Butler, William L.; Stafford. 5335 Caldwell, James C.; Stafford. 8239 Graves, Louis G.; St. John. S 2875 Haynes, Jacob M.; Macksville. 7024 Longwood, Orlin W.; Stafford. 5219 Powell, Fred C.; Macksville. 3534 Tretbar, Friedrich W.; Stafford. 4995 Tretbar, John J.; Stafford. 3767 Ulrey, John C.; St. John. 8416 Ulrey, Lester E.; St. John. STANTON COUNTY 1882 Hoover, W. A.; Johnson. STEVENS COUNTY 6571 Gammell, Denman; Hugoton. 7373 Kenoyer, William R.; Hugoton. SUMNER COUNTY 6148 Barnes, M. W.; Caldwell. 7998 Buooa, Fern W.; Mulvane. S 5332 Burnett, James R.; Caldwell. 5316 Caldwell, John Cook; Wellington. 1028 Cavanaugh, Frank A.; South Haven. 3379 Cave, F. C.; Oxford. 5018 Clark, Earl F.; Belle Plaine. 3073 Cobean, Harry L.; Wellington. 7887 Cole, Ward M.; Wellington. S Dewey, Charles H.; Wellington. S 4603 Downing, Robert H.; Wellington. 2187 Evans, Ellis A.; Conway Springs. 7449 Evans, Farris D.; Conway Springs. S 4202 Hatcher, Albert R.; Wellington. 6311 Heap, William A.; Mulvane. 7705 Hill, James E.; Conway Springs. S 1983 Hollingworth, Thomas J.; South Haven. 7611 Howell, J. Allen; Wellington. S 2631 Kisecker, David E.; Caldwell. 5391 McDonnell, John F.; Caldwell. 6950 McGrew, John M.; Wellington. 6555 Mcllhenny, Robert C.; Conway Springs. 1662 Michener, Robison E.; Mulvane. 3020 Neel, Wm. H.; Wellington. 1556 Phillipsen, John A.; Wellington. 483 Pile, Eugene; Ashton. 8198 Ubelaker, Ernest J.; South Haven. 5625 Van Deventer, Roy W.; Wellington. S 7754 Voldeng, Karl E.; Wellington. S 5094 Wilcox, John C.; Mulvane. 3770 Wooden, George M.; Argonia. THOMAS COUNTY 954 Eddy, Victor E.; Colby. 1694 Glasscock, Samuel S.; Brewster, 7270 Jenson, James F.; Colby. 7919 Marshall, Geo. D.; Colby. TREGO COUNTY 3092 Burnett, John A.: Wakeeney. 4000 Herrick, William Y.; Wakeeney 5863 Osborn, Robert B.; Wakeeney. 3—7280 WABAUNSEE COUNTY 722 Droll, Walter M.; Alta Vista. 1632 Lauck, John W.; Maplehill. 843 Little, William H.Alta Vista. 7571 McKnight, Ellis B.; Alma. 3505 Meyer, August A.; Alma. 5538 Tomlinson. Louis M.; Harveyville. 4773 Wagner, Frederick J.; McFarland. 3287 Walker, Charles W.; Eskridge. 8419 Walker, Wm. H.; Eskridge. S 1104 Youngman, Charles L.; Harveyville. WALLACE COUNTY 5330 Brakebill, Martin L.; Sharon Springs 3966 Carter, William W.; Sharon Springs. WASHINGTON COUNTY 7259 Bitzer, Donald A.; Washington. 8370 Eckart, DeMerle E.; Linn. S 7015 Gomel, Ray G.; Washington. 6414 Hoover, Raymond K.; Haddam. 5609 Hurtig, Henry G.; Hanover. Knauff, Harry C.; Mahaska. S 7064 L’Ecuyer, Lyman J.; Greenleaf. 8491 McConchie, James E.; Washington. S 3519 Rhoades, Fred H. ; Hanover. 3162 Snyder, Z. Hosea; Greenleaf. 3111 Van Scoyoc, William M.; Clifton. 5555 Wall, Victor J.; Mahaska. WICHITA COUNTY WILSON COUNTY 5037 Ott, Leroy S. S.; Leoti 7584 Beal, Lynn Elwood; Fredonia. S 1523 Duncan, Edgar C.; Fredonia. 4639 Ervay, Fred L.; Fredonia. 1407 Flack, Alexander C.; Fredonia. 7785 Hayden, Abigail; Fredonia. 3499 McGuire, John W. ; Neodesha. 8390 Meisburger, R. G.; Fredonia. S 7844 Moorhead, Frank A.; Neodesha. S 7580 Rich, William T.; Neodesha. S 579 Riley, Brett R.; Benedict. 2174 Sharp, Orland D.; Neodesha. 8303 Stotts, Charles S.; Fredonia. S 2215 Wilson, Carl W.; Fredonia. 7487 Wilson, Daniel; Altoona. 7254 Wright, George W.; Fredonia. WOODSON COUNTY 4194 Dingess, Allen C.; Yates Center. 6650 Lee, George R.; Yates Center. S 369 Pusey, John R.; Toronto. 8199 Wallace, Alice M.; Yates Center. 5981 West, H. A.; Yates Center. 803 West, Henry W.; Yates Center. WYANDOTTE COUNTY 7427 Abrams, William W.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 6592 Alexander, Clyde W.; 1512 N. Fifth St., Kansas City. 6919 Algie, William H.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City, S 5973 Allen, Lewis G.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 8009 Allen, Max Scott; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 7168 Andrews, William W.; 1603% N. Tenth St., Kansas City. 6816 Angle, Fred E.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7401 Angle, Lewis W.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 3982 Asbell, Edward L.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 3641 Barker, J. Ethan; 626 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 3103 Barney, L. F.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 8125 Barry, Wm. B.; Kansas City. S 8462 Beller, Willis Leon, Kansas City. 8350 Belot, Monti L.; Kansas City. S 6615 Bernreiter, Michael; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 8249 Betz, John S.; Kansas City. S 7004 Billingsley, John A.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 5695 Bishop, Richard B. ; Route 3, Kansas City. 5924 Bishop, Walter D. ; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 6286 Blount, William M. ; 552 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 5667 Boone, Abner E. ; 1007 N. Sixth St., Kansas City. 4819 Bourbaki, Peter; 819 Central Ave., Kansas City. 8129 Bowser, John F.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 5184 Brathwaite, H. M.; 10 N. Janies St., Kansas City. 6052 Bresette, L. Lafe; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 3450 Brewster, Roger B. ; 1909 W. Forty-second St., Kan- sas City. 7883 Brown, Caroline C.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 6291 Burger, Julius A.; 829 Shawnee Ave., Kansas City. 8023 Busenbark, Ray; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 7151 Calkins, L. A.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 5567 Carey, Francis S.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. Carmichael, F. W., Jr.; Kansas City. S 351 Coburn, Clay E.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 2962 Coffin, Benjamin F.; 2130 State Ave., Kansas City. 8592 Conrad, Richard F. ; 1920 W. 39th St., Kansas City. 3059 Curts, John C. ; 501 Kansas Ave., Kansas City. 8321 Cziraky, Anton; 700 Central Ave., Kansas City. S 6825 Davidson, O. W.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 8256 Davis, Christopher G.; Kansas City. S 8257 Day, Hughes W.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7641 Delp, Mahlon H.; 3911 Cambridge, Kansas City. S 6371 DeVilbiss, Edgar F.; 2601 Ridge, Kansas City. 8367 Dietrick, Alfred G.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 6720 Dillon, Tony G.; 4903 Belinder Road, Kansas City. S 8135 Douglas, Harry L.; 3919 Eaton St., Kansas City. 6141 Dyer, William H.; 1968 N. Third St., Kansas City. 8131 Ellis, Ralph Carlisle; Kansas City. S 8014 Etzenhauser, Merrill W.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 7642 Evans, Joseph G.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 7506 Feehan, William J.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 4275 Fisher, Lewis S.; 1501 S. Twenty-second St., Kansas City. 7780 Floersch, Hubert M.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 8598 Forman, Frank S., Jr.; 2020 Olathe Blvd., Kansas City. 3120 Fulton, James A.; 1829 Washington Blvd., Kansas City. 8374 Gale, Norman A.; Kansas City. S 6667 Gill, John M.; 1932 N. Fifth St., Kansas City. 6057 Gloyne, Louis B.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 8143 Goldblatt, Bernard; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 8044 Grandstaff, Eleanor H.; 4322 Francis St., Kansas City. 5777 Gray, George M.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7216 Gripkey, Clarence A.; 609 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. S 7536 Grosdidier, Edward J.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 5053 Haas, Karl C.; 1533 S. Twenty-first St., Kansas City. 7786 Hamilton, Tom Reid; 2002 Olathe Blvd., Kansas City. S 7540 Harless, Morris S.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 5272 Harms, Albert O.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 6700 Hassig, Cecil E.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 42 Hassig, J. F.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 5696 Hedge, Mayro O.; 1001 Central Ave., Kansas City. 6728 Henry, S. David; Kansas City. S 8149 Kibbler, John A., Jr.; 1517 E. 24th St., Kansas City 7662 Hiebert, Peter E.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 8610 Hildyard, Victor H.; 3712 State Line, Kansas City. S 6426 Hill, Lee V.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 7541 Hinshaw, Alfred H.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 4455 Hobson, George H.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7381 Holter, Harold V.; 1211 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 3258 Huber, Albert; 640 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 8615 Jay, Alan R.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 8045 Johnson, Thomas M.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 3253 Jones, J. Arthur; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 7362 Kassel, Henry W. ; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 4250 Keefer, Mathew H.; 1007 N. Sixth St., Kansas City. 5496 King, Harry W.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 6649 Knight, Durell K.; 3100 N. Twenty-second St., Kansas City. S 6370 Krall, Paul M.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7797 Laing, Maurice V.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 8551 Laing, Stanley G.; 702 Central Ave., Kansas City. 8161 Lalich, Joe John; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 8275 Lane, Henry W.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 8617 Lathrop, John H.; 1900 Federal St., Kansas City. 2200 Lee, James Grant; Bonner Springs. 7116 Lee, Robert L.; 3417 Strong Ave., Kansas City. S 7802 Leger, Lee Herman; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 4723 Leighton, Orrin L.; 621 Lafayette, Kansas City. 2894 Leonard, Ward H.; 2711 West 51st Terrace, Kansas City. 1494 Leverich, Leslie; 1211 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 2539 Lidikay, Charles J. ; 1032 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 1436 Lind, Arthur J.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 8436 Lorhan, Paul H.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 5712 Love, Wm. A.; 1820 N. Third St., Kansas City. 2145 Lowman, Richard C.; 816 N. Ninth St., Kansas City. 7799 Loy, David T. ; 611 Huron Bldg., Kansas City. 6142 Lucas, Robert T.; 2500 Wood Ave., Kansas City. 7026 Luke, John H. ; 1309 Hotel Parkway, Kansas City. S 2831 Mabie, L. D.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 6418 Major, Ralph H.; Kansas City. 8388 Manley, Joseph W.; Kansas City. S 8055 May, James W.; 330 N. Seventeenth St., Kansas City. S 6951 McKean, Willis H.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 769 McLaughlin, Chilton W.; 1007 N. Sixth St., Kansas City. 8677 McLean, Hal B.; St. Margaret’s Hospital, Kansas City. 6353 McWilliams, Cline V.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7292 Meadearis, Donald N.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7674 Mellott, Lennert B.; Bonner Springs. S 822 Mielke, Charles H.; 3119 Strong Ave., Kansas City. 7119 Miller, Eldon Stiles; 1441 S. Thirty-third St., Kansas City. 4896 Millis, Earl R.; 626 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 8167 Mills, Fred E.; St. Margaret’s Hospital, Kansas City. 5352 Morley, Fred H.; Route 4, Kansas City. 7185 Mullen, Clifford J.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. S 8288 Nash, Francis J.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7475 Nason, Z. Miles, 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 7807 Neas, Ingall H.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 7572 Neighbor, Ernest G.; 3119 Strong Ave., Kansas City. S 8499 Neighbor, Gaylord P.; 3119 Strong Ave., Kansas City. 3871 Nesselrode, Clifford C.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 8174 Newman, Robert L.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 8628 Nohe, Philip C.; 2515 West 49th Terrace, Kansas City. S 8289 Nothnagel, Arnold F.; 712 Reynolds Ave., Kansas City. S 6534 Nunn, Pat M.; 524 Southwest Blvd., Kansas City. 4984 O’Connell, Paul J.; 4178 Cambridge Ave., Kansas City. 5857 Orr, Thomas G.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 8175 Ortman, Gareth S.; Kansas City. S 547 Palmer, William R.; 602 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 3862 Petterson, Carl A.; 224 S. Coy St., Kansas City. 6596 Phillips, Frederick N.; 1932 N. Fifth St., Kansas City. S Pickett, William H.; City Health Officer, Kansas City. U. S. P. H. S. 8699 Pugh, Thomas E.; 2408 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 8064 Rabe, Melvin A.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 5158 Rabin, Julius H.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 8397 Ratzloff, Dan O.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 5679 Rautert, J. H.; 1800 Central Ave., Kansas City. Reed, H. Lester; Kansas City. S 7687 Reeves, Eugene A.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. S 4261 Regier, Henry L.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 8638 Reiderer, Robert E.; 39th and Rainbow, Kansas City. 6957 Rettenmaier, Albert J.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 660 Richards, George W.; 15 S. Seventeenth St., Kansas City. 7973 Richardson, Lyman K.; 5328 Belinder Road, Kansas City. S 8438 Richeson, Rae A.; Kansas City. S 567 Richmond, Thomas; 1305 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 8400 Robinson, David W.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 8186 Rook, Lee Emerson; St. Margaret’s Hospital, Kansas City. S 7237 Rottluff, Karl M.; Bonner Springs. 3878 Russell, Guy J.; 640 Kansas Ave., Kansas City. 7727 Ryan, Maurice J.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S Ryan, Michael J.; Kansas City. S 4612 Sanders, Clarence E.; 1401 Southwest Blvd., Kansas City. 8402 Samuel son, Edward A.; Kansas City. S Schiffmacher, Jack E.; Kansas City. S 7816 Schulte, Emmerich; 968 Central Ave., Kansas City. S 8299 Shanklin, John H.; Kansas City. S 7361 Sherwood, Loraine; 2117 N. Seventh, Kansas City. 7162 Sims, Thomas J.; 1211 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 4748 Smith, Harry H.; 552 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 2811 Soanes, Jabez G. N.; 400 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. Sophian, Abraham, Jr.; Kansas City. S 5335 Spake, La Verne B.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 4265 Sparks, James W.; 1720 Central Ave., Kansas City. 7695 Speer, Frederic; 2601 Parallel Ave., Kansas City. S 7944 Speer, Leland N.; 1810 Central Ave., Kansas City. S 2238 Speer, N. C.; 602 Packard, Kansas City. 8520 Stauffer, Maurice H.; Kansas City. S 7037 Steegman, Albert; 2600 W. 51st; Kansas City. 8073 Steinzeig, Alfred S.; 834 Osage Ave., Kansas City. S 446 Stemen, Charles M.; 817 N. Ninth St., Kansas City. 1865 Stepp, John Edward; 2024 N. Fourteenth St., Kansas City. 8074 Stiles, Raymond C.; 916 Ann Ave., Kansas City. S Killed in Action. 6964 Summerville, Ward W.; Bethany Hospital, Kansas City. 3891 Thompson, Jasper R.; 1512 N. Fifth St., Kansas City. 766 Thompson, Solomon H.; 1512 N. Fifth St., Kansas City. 7141 Tice, Galen M.; 4158 Eaton Ave., Kansas City. 8527 Turner, R. C.; Kansas City. S 8197 Tyler, Mary W.; 2020 Olathe Blvd., Kansas City. 8311 Voorhees, Gordon S.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 7870 Wahl, Harry R.; Dean, U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 7827 Walker, George A.; 2509 W. Fiftieth Terrace, Kansas City. 7040 Walker, Maurice A,; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. S 4176 Walker, William H.; 2723 N. Thirteenth St., Kansas City. 3189 Washington, Charles P.; 1932 N. Fifth St., Kansas City. 8316 Weber, Clarence J.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 8653 Weiford, Edward C.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 6561 West, C. Omer; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 6543 Wheeler, Howard M.; 964% Central Ave., Kansas City. 2523 Whimster, William C.; 1702 N. Twenty-fifth St., Kansas City. 2204 Williams, E. D.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City, 8423 Wilson, Robert B.; Kansas City. S 8658 Wise, George W., Jr.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 7703 Young, Chester Lee; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. S 7489 Young, Jesse Wilbur; 1401 Southwest Blvd., Kansas City. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE SERVING AS COUNTY HEALTH OFFICERS Allen A. R. Chambers lola Anderson C. B. Harris Garnett Atchison F. I. Stuart Atchison Barber Hardin Gilbert Medicine Lodge Barton LeRoy J. Wheeler Great Bend Bourbon W. S. Gooch Fort Scott Brown Paul E. Conrad Hiawatha Butler S. N. Mallison El Dorado Chase A. E. Titus Cottonwood Falls Chautauqua Carl M. Smith Sedan Cherokee G. A. Reutter . .Columbus Cheyenne J. H. A. Peck St. Francis Clark H. O. Closson Ashland Clay F. R. Croson Clay Center Cloud A. M. Townsdin ..Jamestown Coffey A. N. Gray Burlington Comanche L. G. Glenn Protection Cowley F. A. Kelley Winfield Crawford Earl C. Lightfoot Girard Decatur C. M. Nelson Oberlin Dickinson T. R. Conklin Abilene Doniphan C. E. Waller Troy Douglas H. L. Chambers Lawrence Edwards F. G. Meckfessel Lewis Elk R. C. Hamer Howard Ellis Gardner A. Surface .Ellis Ellsworth G. F. Davis Kanopolis Finney L. O. Armentrout Garden City Ford X. F. Alexander Dodge City Franklin F. A. Trump Ottawa Geary Norman A. Burkett Junction City Gove F. D. Fagan Gove Graham Lottie Findley Law Hill City Grant D. T. Gammell Ulysses Gray G. H. Jackman Cimarron Greeley R. N. Kippenberger Tribune H. P. Palmer Tribune Greenwood W. T. Grove Eureka Hamilton C. B. Grissom Syracuse Harper Chas. A. Dieter Harper Harvey E. S. Hymer Sedgwick Haskell Hodgeman Jackson Mayer Shoyer Holton Jefferson Frank Schaeffer McLouth Jewell C. W. Plowman Jewell Johnson R. G. Wetterstroem Olathe Kearny E. M. Ireland ■ . .Lakin Kingman C. W. Longnecker Kingman Kiowa C. D. Updegfaff Greensburg Labette Oscar Harvey Parsons Lane Edwin P. Deal Dighton Leavenworth L. J. Swann Leavenworth Lincoln B. A. Higgins.. Lincoln Linn L. D. Mills Mound City Logan H. M. Butler Winona Lyon C. H. Monger Emporia Marion O. C. McCandless Marion Marshall E. S. Schumann Blue Rapids McPherson Guy E. Finkle McPherson Meade R. M. Daugherty . Meade Miami P. A. Petitt Paola Mitchell Hugh A. Hope Hunter Montgomery D. C. BareP Independence Morris Chas. W. Hall Burdick Morton F. H. Buckmaster Elkhart Nemaha Arthur H. Haynes. . Sabetha Neosho J, N. Sherman Chanute Ness T. F. Brennan Ness City Norton H. S. Bennie Almena Osage C. W. Beasley Lyndon Osborne Jas. W. Cross Portis Ottawa Edward J. Haerle. . . Minneapolis Pawnee L. L. Huntley Lamed Phillips J. L. Shewmaker Phillipsburg Pottawatomie J. E. McManis Havensville Pratt E. J. Beckner Pratt Rawlins E. T. Gertson Atwood Reno W. N. Mundell Hutchinson Republic Paul L. Beiderwe’l Belleville Rice W. E. Currie Lyons Riley M. Davis Elkind Manhattan Rooks H. C. Brown Stockton Rush N. W. Robinson Bison Russell H. S. Dreher Luray Saline E. C. Ganoung Salina Scott R. F. Kippenberger Scott City Sedgwick John W. Turner Wichita Seward Leon W. Zimmerman Liberal Shawnee D. D. Carr Topeka Sheridan Burl V. Thompson Hoxie Stanton Wm. F. Hoover Johnson Sherman Hugh M. Swaney Goodland Smith V. E. Watts Smith Center Stafford C. S. Adams St. John Stevens S. F. Boyce Hugoton Sumner Harry L. Cobean Wellington Thomas y. c. Eddy Colby Trego J. A. Burnett Wakeeney Wabaunsee August A. Meyer Alma W allace W. W. Carter Sharon Springs Washington Donald A. Bitzer Washington Wichita L. S. Ott Leoti Wilson Edgar C. Duncan Fredonia Woodson J. R. Pusey Toronto Wyandotte L. D. Mabie Kansas City City Health Officers—First-Class Cities: Atchison Coffeyville E. O. Squire Fort Scott E. D. Tanquary Hutchinson . G. R. Walker Kansas City Wm. H. Pickett Lawrence R, Rood Leavenworth Alonzo R. Adams Parsons Pittsburg W. G. Rinehart Salina John C. Mitchell Wichita T J. E. Wolfe Topeka D. D. Carr Second-class cities having city health officers: Arkansas City Chanute Cherryvale El Dorado Herington Independence Marysville Osage City Pleasanton Neodesha Chapman ALPHABETICAL LIST OF KANSAS DOCTORS OF MEDICINE A 5701 Abner, John W.; Atchison. 3447 Abrams, Corydon J.; N. 5025 Market St., Spokane, Wash. 7427 Abrams, William W.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 8089 Abramson, William F.; Box 514, Topeka. 3283 Adams, Alonzo R.; 310 Fifth Ave., Leavenworth. 7872 Adams, Austin J.; 1108 Brown Bldg., Wichita. S 3140 Adams, Charles S.; St. John. 2051 Adams, Earl V.; 4532 Matisija Ave., Van Nuys, Cal. 7167 Adams, George L.; 1520 Ninth N. W., Washington, D. C. 5627 Adams, James M.; 410 Schweiter Bldg., Wichita. 2598 Adams, Joseph R.; Udall. 5467 Adamson, Adam H.; Arcadia. 8346 Adelman, Arthur; Mt. Sinai Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. 7507 Ahlefeld, Charles B.; 215 Pershing Rd., Kansas City, Mo. 6564 Akers, William W. D.; 8025 Joplin St., Houston, Texas. 6102 Albaugh, Houghton S.; Olathe. 6165 Albright, Fred C.; Garland. S 7630 Alderson, Clair M.; Dodge City. S 8459 Aldis, Henry; Gorgas Hospital, Panama, Canal Zone. 8441 Aldis, John; Emporia. S 3068 Aldrich, H. L.; Caney. 6592 Alexander, Clyde W.; 1512 N. Fifth St., Kansas City. 5628 Alexander, Homer A.; 706 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 4236 Alexander, Xeno F.; Dodge City. 6919 Algie, William H.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 5468 Allaman, John M.; Central Bldg., St. Joseph, Mo. 8684 Allbritain, James W.; 3243 Penn. Ave., Kansas City, Mo. '001 Allebach, Hobart K. B. ; 2200 W. Kilbourn, Milwaukee, Wis, 1066 Allen, Dorothy D.; Mankato. 5545 Allen, George V.; 835 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5973 Allen, Lewis G.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 8009 Allen, Max Scott; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 8426 Allen, Sylvia; 3617 West Sixth, Topeka. 7519 Allen, William C.; 1067 E. Vernon, Los Angeles, Cal. 2552 Allen, William F.; E. Douglas, Wichita. 3446 Allin, Frank W.; 4403 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. 7758 Allis, Sherman L.; U. S. Veterans Hospital, Dearborn, Mich, 8577 Alquist, V. Dale; Clay Center. S 7760 Amos, Charles W.; Loveland, Colorado. 4581 Anderson, Alvin G.; 150 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 7367 Anderson, Arthur S.; 715 Vermont, Lawrence. S 5496 Anderson, Bert; Victoria. 6662 Anderson, Cornelius O.; Concordia. 7426 Anderson, Donald A.; Salina. S 4306 Anderson, Fred M.; Nickerson. 7756 Anderson, Harry O.; 104 S. Broadway, Wichita. S 8327 Anderson, Jeff T.; 519 Marshall St., Leavenworth. 5694 Anderson, John B.; Valley Falls. 8244 Anderson, Raymond B.; Santa Barbara Gen. Hospital, Santa Barbara, Cal. S 8235 Anderson, Robert C.; State Hospital, Topeka. S 8578 Anderson, Robert L.; Route 2, Emporia. S 7873 Anderson, S. A.; Clay Center. S 3080 Anderson, Samuel M.; 1001 W. Douglas, Wichita. 7706 Anderson, Winstan L.; Atchison. 8685 Andes, Jerome E.; Lawrence, 8245 Andreson, Paul S.; Sylvan Grove. S 5998 Andrews, Henry S.; Minden, Neb. 7168 Andrews, William W.; 1603% N. Tenth St., Kansas City. 6816 Angle, Fred E.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7401 Angle, Lewis W.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 5630 Annadown, Paul V.; Sulphur, Okla. 6183 Anspach, Benjamin S.; Haven. 6800 Anthony, Arthur C.; Clyde. 8579 Antrim, Philip J.; Spivey. 8580 Anz, Umbert E.; 2 Washington Ave., Endicott, N. Y. 2095 Archer, James A.; Grenola. 7759 Armantrout, Leonard O.; Garden City. 7300 Armitage, Albert C.; Hutchinson. S. 8010 Armitage, George I.; Murray, Iowa. 3094 Armstrong, Carroll D.; 135% N. Santa Fe, Salina. 7582 Armstrong, Carroll W.; 135% N. Santa Fe, Salina. S 3284 Armstrong, John B.; 521 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 898 Artman, Byron E.; 110 N. Market St., Wichita. 3982 Asbell, Edward L.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7628 Asher, Henry H.; State Board of Health, Topeka. 6634 Ashley, Byron J.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 8011 Ashley, George L.; Chanute. S 4434 Ashley, Samuel G.; Chanute. 7435 Ashmore, Arthur L.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 8246 Asling, Clarence; Lawrence. 7629 Athy, Gregg B.; Columbus. S 4591 Atkin, Edward H.; Hoisington. 3790 Attwood, Charles F.; 633 Kansas ,Ave., Topeka. 4556 Attwood, G. Arthur; Randolph. 2270 Attwood, John E.; LaCrosse. 6544 Auchard, Virgil M.; 747 Massachusetts, Lawrence. S 3139 Ayers, Philip S.; Munden. B 7429 Bach, Amil C.; St. Vincents Hospital, Indianapolis, Ind. 7631 Bach, Leo F.; Rexton, Mich. S 4140 Bachle, Edward P.; Liberty, Neb. 7632 Bacon, Harold L.; Bryson City, N. C. 7436 Badger, Edward B.; CCC, Side Lake, Minn. S 8581 Baecker, Marvin P.; 2315 Massachusetts, Lawrence. S 1503 Baer, Daniel C.; Moundridge. 6407 Bagby, Harold J.; Coffeyville. 5140 Bailey, Sanford; Garden City. 7257 Baird, Albert C.; Parsons. S 7045 Baird, Cecil D.; Eureka. S 8348 Baird, Glenn S.; U. S. P. H. S., Hot Springs, Ark. 3410 Baird, Jay; Coffeyville. 8694 Baker, Elbert; 2700 W. 6th St., Topeka. 3451 Baker, Elven O.; 107 N. Market St., Wichita. 5290 Baker, Joseph H.; La Crosse. S 7752 Balding, Laurence G.; Manhattan. S 8012 Baldridge, Richard E.; Kingman. S 5016 Bale, George W.; Clay Center. 1460 Ball, Orrie Hugh; Dennis. 6921 Ball, Ralph G.; Manhattan. S 7841 Ball, Wilbur G.; 626 Griesheim Bldg., Bloomington, III. 7874 Ballard, Marshall P.; Delphos. 8582 Ballard, Volney B.; 705 E. 23rd St., Kansas City, Mo. 5284 Bandy, Claudius E.; Bucklin. 3900 Bantleon, Verne H.; 1001 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. 648 Barber, Charles E.; 1632 N. Orange Grove Ave., Hollywood, Cal. 1432 Barclay, John J.; Grinnell. 3641 Barker, J. Ethan; 626 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 7365 Barker, John F.; R. & P. Bldg., Huntington, W. Va. 3940 Barker, Orus O.; Effingham. 7875 Barnes, Conrad M.; Seneca. 6817 Barnes, Harold R.; 100 W. First St., Hutchinson. S 7366 Barnes, James H.; 2517 W. Lake St., Chicago. 6148 Barnes, M. W.; Caldwell. 4568 Barnes, Ralph E.; 4546 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, 111. 3103 Barney, L. F.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 7078 Barr, John F.; Ottawa. S 4785 Barr, Ulysses S.; 110 N. Market St., Wichita. Barrett, D. C.; County Health Officer, Independence. U. S. P. H. S. 7497 Barry, Jesse R.; Picher, Okla. 8125 Barry, Wm. B.; Kansas City. S 7979 Bartlett, Wayne C.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. S 4406 Bartlett, William C.; Alma, Neb. 2192 Bartley, Charles P.; Excelsior Springs, Mo. 7853 Bascom, Kellogg F.; Manhattan. 8013 Basham, Charles E.; Eureka. S 7583 Basham, Francis C.; Eureka. 8015 Basham, James J.; Eureka. 7976 Basham, John Henry; Eureka. 5478 Bass, Lewis N.; Pittsburg. 6297 Bates, Gerald C.; Independence. 8349 Baty, Fred, Sterling City, Calif. 871 Bauer, William H.; Sylvia. 4429 Bayles, Stephen T.; Chamberlain, S. Dak. Beach, George C., Jr.; Topeka. S 2847 Beal, B. Clyde; Clearwater. 6335 Beal, Homer A.; 730 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. S 7584 Beal, Lynn Elwood; Fredonia. S 8124 Beal, Raymond J.; 4450 Madison St., Kansas City, Mo. S 4438 Beam, Albert; Americus. 6566 Beard, Calvin A.; 2307 Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 533 Beasley, Charles W.; Lyndon. 7633 Beauchamp, Preston E.; Sterling. S 8561 Beaver, James L.; 617 First Natl. Bank Bldg., Wichita. 2153 Bechtel, Joshua R.; 847 Massachusetts, Lawrence. 7194 Beck, Kenneth C.; 215 N. Sheridan Rd., Waukegan, 111. 7046 Becker, Richard R.; Spring Hill. S 3625 Beckner, E. J.; County Health Officer, Pratt. 7989 Beebe, Edmer; Olathe. S 4435 Beeching, Charles L.; 300 W. Armour, Kansas City, Mo. 7079 Beeler, Canada A.; Cherryvale. 7963 Beelman, Floyd C.; State Board of Health, Topeka. 6635 Beiderwell, Earl R.; Garden City. 8225 Beiderwell, Paul L.; Belleville. 6068 Belknap, Paul E.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7316 Bell, Cleo D.; Pittsburg. S 7610 Bell, Jess V.; 1132 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 5734 Bell, Perry M.; 601% N. Main St., Wichita. 8462 Seller, Willis Leon, Kansas City. S 8350 Belot, Monti L.; Kansas City. S 8212 Bena, James H.; Pittsburg. S 6922 Benage, Clarence H.; Pittsburg. 6801 Bence, Arthur E.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita 6513 Benitz, George W.; Wathena. 8534 Benjamin, Ann; 3617 West Sixth, Topeka. 6d5 Bennett, Charles Alvin; 430 Delaware St., Leavenworth. 8248 Bennett, James D.; Cole Camp, Mo. 2933 Bennett, Nathan G.; Haviland. 7266 Bennett, Richmond E.; Beloit. S 6337 Bennie, Herbert S.; Almena. 7433 Benning, Henry M.; Allegan, Mich. 5399 Bentley, William E.; 107 Delaware Ave., Elkton, Md. 6312 Berger, Alexander J.; Parsons. 4653 Berggren, Andrew L.; Chetopa. 6803 Berney, Francis J.; 424 Felix St., St. Joseph, Mo. 6615 Bernreiter, Michael; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 3704 Bernstorf, Philip H.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 6295 Bernstorf, Warren F.; Winfield. 6084 Betthauser, Joseph R.; Hays. 8249 Betz, John S.; Kansas City. S 3128 Beverley, George W. B.; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5014 Beyer, Louie J.; Lyons 7588 Bierlein, Kenneth J.; Arma. 6623 Biermann, Aloysius H.; Garden Plain. 7093 Biermann, William J.; 110 S. Broadway, Wichita. 4683 Billings, Alva Edgar; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7004 Billingsley, John A.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 6669 Bills, Marvin L.; Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8583 Binter, Paul A.; Santa Barbara General Hospital, Santa Barbara, Cal. 3280 Bishoff, M. L.; 415 E. Sixth St., Topeka. 5695 Bishop, Richard B.; Route 3, Kansas City. 5924 Bishop, Walter D.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 5825 Bisop, Leslie C.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita 7259 Bitzer, Donald A.; Washington. 6459 Bixby, Benjamin P.; Valley Center. 7304 Black, Cyril V.; Pratt. 5851 Black, Donald R.; 924 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 476 Black, Guy Harold; Emporia. 7005 Black, Harold C.; 1143 Forty-second St., Des Moines, Iowa. 7195 Black, Thomas C.; State T. B. Sanatorium, Clinton, Okla. 6499 Blackburn, Guy R.; Santa Fe Hospital, Topeka. 8463 Blackburn, Lewis C.; Kansas City, Mo. S 7964 Blacker, Morris R.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. S 7153 Blackmer, Loren G.; Hooker, Okla. 3113 Blake, Clyde D.; Hays 3277 Blake, Frank R.; Marquette. 8659 Blake, Henry S.; Topeka. S 8584 Blakeney, James R.; 418 S. 38th Ave., Omaha, Neb. 8126 Blank, John N.; Buhler. S 6460 Blasdel, Harry E.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 4242 Blasdel, Tyler D.; Parsons. 8328 Blender, Ray H.; Mankato. 5331 Bliss, Charles J.; Perry. 8127 Block, Mary J.; 1615 N. Broadway, Santa Ana, Cal. 6386 Blount, Justin A.; Lamed. 6286 Blount, William M.; 552 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 2600 Bodenhamer, Elmer A.; 214 N. Sedgwick St., Wichita. 6639 Boese, Adolph ; Coffeyville. 8585 Bogan, Harvey L.; Kansas City General Hospital, Kansas City, Mo. 5015 Boggs, Frank C.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7878 Bolin, Neatha V.; V. A. F„ Bath, N. Y. 3561 Bollinger, Edward; State Hospital, Alton, 111. 6280 Bolton, Dan W.; Frankfort. S 7879 Bolton, Vernon L.; Alamosa, Colo. 8351 Bonanno, Louis C.; 4501 Agnes Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 8570 Bond, Glenn C.; Lawrence. S 5990 Bondurant, Alpheus J.; Jefferson Barracks, Mo. S 7326 Bonner, Nelson A.; 713 Washington, Manitowoc, Wis. 7262 Bonniwell, Harry M.; West Mineral, Mo. 8250 Boody, Robert J.; 3734 College Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 5667 Boone, Abner E.; 1007 N. Sixth St., Kansas City. 6567 Boone, Richard F.; 604 Carmella, Texarkana, Tex. 5278 Border, Charles T.; 838 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7284 Borders, Theodore R.; 1217 Lafayette St., Fort Wayne, Ind 931 Borst, William L.; 927 N. Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7965 Bosse, Frank K.; Atchison. S 8128 Bosse, Milton D.; West Penn. Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa. 7094 Boston, Alva A.; 108 Main Ave., Twin Falls, Idaho. 3836 Boswell, James H.; Baxter Springs. 4347 Boterf, Charles A.; Hartford. 4819 Bourbaki, Peter; 819 Central Ave., Kansas City. 5472 Bourdreau, Clarence E.; El Dorado. 5292 Bourke, Timothy S.; 410 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6923 Bourke, William W.; Veterans Administration, Marion, Ind. 6095 Boutros, Charles E.; 1345 E. Kellogg St., Wichita. 8016 Bowen, Clovis Walker; Valley Falls. S 8017 Bowen, Harry J., Jr.; Topeka. S 7495 Bowen, James D.; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 1701 Bowen, William F.; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 6184 Bowman, Lang F.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 8129 Bowser, John F.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 5414 Boyd, Charles A.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 7880 Boyd, Richard F.; State Board of Health, Springfield, 111. 5561 Boyd, Spencer H.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 8686 Boyden, Mary S.; Lawrence. 5632 Boyer, Ulysses S.; 2411 Brady St., Davenport, Iowa. 7393 Boyer, William R.; Pawnee City, Neb. 7261 Boykins, Solomon R.; Security Benefit Hospital, Topeka. 3089 Brady, Charles P.; Parsons. 8130 Brady, Charles S.; Atchison. S 6512 Brady, Patrick S.; Hays. 3098 Brainard, Benjamin F.; Martin City, Mo. 5330 Brakebill, Martin L.; Sharon Springs. 7089 Brams, Jack B.; 408 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8586 Branson, Vernon L.; Osawatomie. 5184 Brathwaite, H. M.; 10 N. James St., Kansas City. 4682 Brawley, M. A.; Frankfort. 7347 Brennan, Leo J.; 408% W. 75th St., Kansas City, Mo. 7095 Brennan, Thomas F.; Ness City. 8667 Brenneman, Jacob J.; Hesston. 6052 Bressette, L. Lafe; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas Citv, 464 Bressler, Alexander H.; Wamego. 2687 Brethour, George E.; Dwight. 8562 Brethour, L. J.; Junction City. S 7068 Brewer, William M.; Hays. S 7301 Brewster, Frank A.; Holdrege, Neb. 7288 Brewster, Frank W.; Holdrege, Neb. 3450 Brewster, Roger B.; 1909 W. Forty-second St., Kansas City 7307 Brian, Robert M.; El Dorado. S 5255 Bribach, Eugene J.; Atchison. 8352 Brickey, B. Earle; 1980 Cedar, Long Beach, Cal. 8353 Brickey, Vernon P.; 1980 Cedar, Long Beach, Cal. 6717 Brier, Archibald J.; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 6387 Briggs, Clifton H.; 2900 Blanche St., Pasadena, Calif. 7882 Brink, Raymond J.; Ayrshire, Iowa. 3360 Brittain, Oman R.; 425 West Iron Ave., Salina. 4846 Broady, George A.; Plains. 4843 Broady, Mary Brown; Plains. 7330 Brodkey, Morris H.; 320 Medical Arts Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 3824 Bronson, Dellett E.; Olathe. 1160 Brookins, Marlin G.; 2128 E. 24th St., Kansas City, Mo. 8587 Brooks, Dean; Lawrence. S 1439 Brooks, Edgar E.; Burden. 7883 Brown, Caroline C.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 6988 Brown, Cyril C.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 5668 Brown, Earle G.; Nassau Co. Health Dept., Mineola, N. Y. 4325 Brown, Gideon W.; 1705 E. Twelfth St., Kansas City, Mo. 3448 Brown, Harry C.; Stockton. 8110 Brown, Harwin J.; Winfield. S 1506 Brown, Herbert A.; Galena. 7735 Brown, James A., Jr.; Box 267, Hopewell, Va. 7711 Brown, Lionel B.; Stratton, Neb. 1904 Brown, Manuel J.; 309 Santa Fe, Salina. 5017 Brown, Porter; 119 S. Seventh St., Salina. 5590 Brown, Thomas Jacob; Hoisington. 196 Brown, Thomas O.; Osage City. 4847 Brown, Tony C.; 313 Minor Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8019 Brown, Virgil E.; Sabetha. S 7431 Brown, William; Paola. S 8588 Brownell, Morton E.; University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich 6911 Brownell, Morton Emmons, 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 8354 Brownell, Thomas S.; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. 2432 Brownell, William C.; 4028 Warwick Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 5193 Brownlee, John J.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 6638 Broyles, Watkins A.; Bethany, Mo. 5750 Brungardt, Balthaser A.; 137 N. Ninth St., Salina. 7884 Brunner, Benjamin; Wamego. 7434 Bryan, Emery C.; Erie. 4688 Bryan, Harry R.; Hays. 6501 Bryant, William A.; Antonito, Colo. 3452 Buckles, Joseph H.; Thayer. 4770 Buckley, Charles E.; Blockton, Iowa. 7763 Buckmaster, Francis H.; Elkhart. Buhler, C. T.; Halstead. S 7634 Buhler, Victor B.; General Hospital, Kansas City, Mo. 8020 Bula, Ralph E.; Lyons. S 3141 Buley, Delmond G.; Sedgwick. 7587 Bullock, Harold O.; Independence. 3726 Bundy, John Arthur; Hill City. 5687 Bunten, John C.; Cheyenne, Wyo. 7998 Buooa, Fern W.; Mulvane. S 7885 Burbridge, Glen E.; Ft. Benning, Ga. 6291 Burger, Julius A.; 829 Shawnee Ave., Kansas City. 7585 Burger, Raymond A.; 1033 Gayley Ave., Westwood Village, Los Angeles, Cal. 8021 Burket, George E., Jr.; Kingman. 5853 Burket, Ivan R.; Ashland. 6319 Burket, Walter C.; 2750 Ridge Ave., Evanston, III. 8355 Burkett, Norman A.; County Health Officer, Junction City 7856 Burkhardt, Edward A.; 3346 Summit, Kansas City, Mo. 6105 Burkhead, Carl R.; Brown Bldg., Wichita. 8356 Burkhead, Howard C.; Allenwood, N. J. 3860 Burnett, Ferd.; Cunningham. 5332 Burnett, James R.; Caldwell. 3092 Burnett, John A.; Wakeeney. 6678 Burroughs, William H.; 4755 E. Morganford Rd., St. Louis, Mo. 3278 Burtch, Claude E.; Portis. 8563 Busch, Anthony B.; Dodge City. 8023 Busenbark, Ray; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 7766 Butcher, Archie W.; Wakefield. 7723 Butcher, Thos. P.; Emporia. S 6408 Butin, James A.; Chanute. 3886 Butler, Harry M.; Winona. 6617 Butler, James C.; 212 W. Nineteenth St., Hutchinson. 6593 Butler, Joseph Payne; Coffeyville. 7298 Butler, Virgil V.; Picher, Okla. 5440 Butler, William L.; Stafford. 4684 Butt, Ernest G.; 728 S. Catalina Ave, Redondo Beach, Cal. 8251 Bux, Donald E.; Columbus. S 7886 Buxton, Robert W.; Union Hosp., Ann Arbor, Mich. 8357 Bynum, Frank L.; Emporia. S c 2322 Cain, Milton; McLouth. 5335 Caldwell, James C.; Stafford. 5316 Caldwell, John Cook; Wellington. 3176 Calhoun, Fred; Sedan. 7151 Calkins, L. A.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 5008 Callahan, William P.; Brown Bldg.; Wichita. 6409 Camp, Earl F. ; Buffalo, Okla. 3378 Campbell, Charles S.; Coffeyville. 7767 Campbell, Edwin L.; 408 Board of Trade Bldg., Superior, Wis. 8359 Campbell, Garland L.; City Hospital, St. Louis, Mo. 8361 Campbell, James W.; 429 W. 61st St. Terrace, Kansas City, Mo. 8024 Campbell, John F.; 412 Madison St., Grand Island, Neb. 5730 Campbell, John R.; Pratt. 6340 Campbell, Robert F.; lola. 8252 Campion, Woodrow M.; Fort Bragg, N. C. 7061 Canuteson, Ralph I.; 1638 Mississippi, Lawrence. 6071 Capps, Murl T.; Emporia. 7500 Carbaugh, Kenneth W.; Overland Park. S 5567 Carey, Francis S.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 6549 Carey, Walter R.; Garryowen, Mont. 7771 Carlson, Frederick B.; 1599 Washington, Charleston, W. Va. 7492 Carlson, Marlin W.; Ellinwood. S 7442 Carman, Lucille; Nayes Hosp., Columbia, Mo. Carmichael, F. W. Jr.; Kansas City. S 5649 Carr, Agnes C. Thorpe; Ariz. St. Hosp., Phoenix, Ariz. 8687 Carr, D. D.; City Health Officer, Topeka. 7748 Carr, Robert M.; Junction City. S 3809 Carr, Walter A.; Junction City. 6804 Carr, William A.; Merriam. 5873 Carson, Paul C.; 401 N. Emporia, Wichita. 6410 Carter, Earl D.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 3732 Carter, Elza M.; 909 S. Twelfth St., Canon City, Colo. 7096 Carter, John N.; Garnett. 4992 Carter, Jonathan B.; Wilson. 7737 Carter, Percy Craig; Parsons. S 6927 Carter, Rodney G.; Independence. 3966 Carter, William W.; Sharon Springs. 7636 Case, Paul H.; 15 E. Monroe St., Phoenix, Ariz. 6822 Casebolt, Milton B.; 715 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 4529 Cass, John L.; State Hospital, Kankakee, 111. 7062 Casto, James F.; 417 E. Sixth St., Topeka. 2761 Caswell, Charles E.; 2825 Arkansas Ave., Wichita. 8362 Catlin, Karl A.; Topeka. S 1028 Cavanaugh, Frank A. ; South Haven. 874 Cavanaugh, J. J.; Lindsborg. 3379 Cave, F. C.; Oxford. 5557 Cave, Robert R.; Manhattan. 6265 Cazier, Lawrence W.; Wamego. 5786 Cecha, Albin H.; U. S. Naval Hospital, Newport, R. I. 8589 Cerv, Ernest A.; 2131 Midvale Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. 2790 Chadwick, Ira B.; Coffeyville. 3381 Chaffee, S. N.; Solomon. 6548 Chambers, Adelbert R.; lola. 2323 Chambers, Harry L.; County Health Officer, Lawrence. 6784 Chapman, Florence P.; Topeka State Hospital, Topeka. 4945 Chapman, William T.; 1626 Albany St., Brunswick, Ga. 5334 Charles, Hugh L.; Atchison. 7598 Chastain, Maurice W.; Bentonville, Ark. 833 Cheney, Enos R.; Gypsum. 327 Cheney, James W.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 6375 Cheney, Ralph E.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. S 5785 Chesky, Victor E.; Halstead. 7505 Chestnut, Wylie G.; 605 Security Bldg., Miami, Okla. 5896 Chickering, George A.; 509 Wiley Bldg., Hutchinson. S 4579 Chipps, James E.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 8590 Christian, Edward R.; Rozel. S 3070 Christian, Robert O.; lola. 7441 Christmann, Marshall E.; Pratt. S 3271 Christmann, Paul; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 6279 Church, Harry L.; Pittsburg. 4190 Clapp, Raymond C.; 455 N. Clifton Ave., Wichita. 8226 Clapp, Raymond C., Jr.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. S 8668 Clark, Albert W.; Emporia. 5018 Clark, Earl F.; Belle Plaine. 4693 Clark, Herbert L.; 825 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7302 Clark, Howard C.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 1285 Clark, John D.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 8467 Clark, John J.; 1004 Bindley Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 8669 Clark, Laurence A.; Rush Center. 7313 Clark, Orville R.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 5794 Clark, Oscar N.; Greeley. 7444 Clark, Porter M.; Independence. 8253 Clark, Ray A.; St. Joseph’s Hospital, St. Joseph, Mo. 8591 Clark, Shirley E.; Orange County Hospital, Orange, Cal. 5333 Clark, Willard O.; Lewiston, Idaho. 452 Clarke, Howard L.; La Cygne. 3119 Clarkson, William H.; Manhattan. 5979 Clasen, Arthur C.; 625 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. S 8468 Claypool, John Gordon; University Hospital, Oklahoma City, Okla. 1780 Clayton, E. Harry; Arkansas City. 4957 Clayton, lone S.; Arkansas City. 6976 Closson, Harold O.; Ashland. 8111 Clover, Phoebe; Norton. 7597 Cloyes, Arthur P.; El Dorado. S 3527 Clutz, Ralph R.; Bendena. 3073 Cobean, Harry L.; Wellington. 351 Coburn, Clay E.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 7999 Coburn, Donald F.; 1630 Prof. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 2633 Cochran, Athol; Pratt. 3637 Cockey, Melchoir G.; 320 S. Seventh St., Salina. 7858 Cody, George L.; Downey, 111. 1430 Coe, Walter B.; Tonganoxie. 8131 Coffelt, Ralph W.; Los Angeles, Cal. S 4944 Coffey, Alfred V.; Wewoka, Okla. 6547 Coffey, Erval R.; U. S. P. H. S., Washington, D. C. 6267 Coffey, Frank E.; Hays. 1101 Coffey, Geo. W.; Concordia. 6793 Coffey, Ralph R.; 1103 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. S 2962 Coffin, Benjamin F.; 2130 State Ave., Kansas City. 7770 Coffman, Delphos Otto; Wichita. S 5020 Coffman, Francis M.; Concordia. 4443 Coffman, John F., Jr.; 220 W. Thirteenth St., Wichita. 7768 Cohen, Harry K.; 318 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7289 Cohn, Phillip; 1838 Newton Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 3118 Cole, Charles W.; Norton. 1955 Cole, Judson C.; Emmett. 7887 Cole, Ward M.; Wellington. S 6874 Coleman, John S'.; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 3301 Collelmo, Ugo A. D.; Frontenac. 7327 Collins, Harold L.; Beloit. 134 Colt, James D.; Manhattan. 6128 Colt, James D., Jr.; Manhattan. 3422 Combs, George R.; 500 Delaware St., Leavenworth. 4850 Combs, John W.; 711 S. Broadway, Santa Ana, Cal. 986 Conaway, Aaron C.; Marshalltown, Iowa. 8025 Condon, Albert Paul, Jr.; Whiting. S 844 Cone, Armanellie, S.; R. R. 2, Mena, Ark. 7339 Cone, Luther H.; Ohanute. S 7009 Conklin, Kenneth E.; Abilene. S 7637 Conklin, Quinton D.; Abilene. 6502 Conklin, Tracy R., Jr.; Abilene 368 Conklin, Tracy R., Sr.; Abilene. 6138 Conley, James G.; Pittsburg. 6185 Connell, Evan S.; 608 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 4694 Conner, Harry M.; 624 Ninth Ave. S. W., Rochester, Minn 6706 Conrad, Paul E.; Hiawatha. 8592 Conrad, Richard F.; 1920 W. 39th St., Kansas City. 7178 Conwell, Daniel V.; 608 Brown Bldg., Wichita. 8365 Cook, Gordon C.; Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. 4—7280 5778 Cooley, John L. ; 701 Medical Arts Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn 4771 Coon, William F. ; Caney. 799S Cooper, Arthur E. ; Logan. 7769 Cooper, Everette L.; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 7201 Cooper, Lawrence L.; Fort Scott. S 6040 Cooper, Thaddeus C.; Ogden, Iowa. 7595 Cooper, William W.; Bank of America Bldg., San Diego, Cal. 5196 Corbett, Arthur W.; Emporia. 3071 Corbett, Oliver J.; Emporia. 3734 Cordonier, Alfred E.; Troy. 8593 Coriell, Lewis L.; Stanford, Mont. 6394 Corrigan, George F. ; 902 Brown Bldg., Wichita. 8132 Coughlin, Samuel T.; Lamed. S 4696 Countryman, Baker A. ; Nampa, Idaho. 4827 Cowden, Alva L.; Pittsburg. 6339 Cowles, George E.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. ' 8594 Cowley, Howard S.; 501 Seventh St.; Devils Lake, N. Dak. 4302 Cox, Arthur W. ; 421 N. Robinson St., Oklahoma City, Okla 7638 Cox, Kenneth E.; 1500 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo 3910 Cox, Omar L.; lola. 6341 Cox, Wilfred; 105 N. Main S't., Wichita. 5383 Coyle, Emery G. ; Coffeyville. 3847 Crabb, John A. ; 630 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7981 Craig, Paul E.; Coffeyville. S 8254 Cramer, Guy Williams; Parsons. S 4769 Cramm, Carl J.; Russell. 5149 Cramm, George W.; Russell. 8428 Crank, H. H.; Topeka. S 2475 Crawford, John R. ; Grain Valley, Mo. 6928 Creviston, Warren W.; Yankton Indian Hospital, Wagner, S. Dak. 6862 Crews, Cora Snyder; lola. 6516 Crites, Aure B. ; 512 Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 5616 Crittenden, Alden L.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 6875 Croson, Franklin R.; Clay Center. 1575 Cross, James W. S.; Portis. 7772 Crumpacker, Leo K. ; Wichita. 5019 Culbertson, William F.; 3200 16th St., Washington, D. C. 1850 Culp, Charles W. ; Hoyt. 7888 Cummins, Walter J.; Winfield. S 6994 Curdy, Robert J. ; 1409 Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7202 Curphy, Wilfred C.; Hoff Gen. Hosp., Santa Barbara, Cal. 7724 Curran, Desmond; 1805 Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 5592 Curran, Edward J. ; Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7596 Curran, Kevin; 800 W. 56th St., Kansas City, Mo. 1038 Currie, William E. ; Sterling. 6493 Curry, Lewis A.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 4127 Curtis, Elmer E.; U. S. Naval Hospital, Mare Island, Cal. 1 6507 Curtis, Howard C.; 450 E. Douglas, Wichita. 3875 Curtis, Mildred; lola. 3059 Curts, John C. ; 501 Kansas Ave. ; Kansas City. 8366 Cushing, Robert L.; Fort Scott. S 1001 Cyrene, Charles E.; 3400 Karnes Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 8321 Cziraky, Anton; 700 Central Ave.; Kansas City. S D 7599 Dale, Margaret L.; 615 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7607 Danielson, Arthur D.; Herington. S 6521 Dargatz, Fred E.; Kinsley. 8026 Darnell, Thomas F. B.; U. S. Army. 7889 Daugherty, Robert M. ; Meade. 5439 Davidson, Harry T.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 6825 Davidson, O. W.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7982 Davies, Edward I.; Clay Center. 2777 Davis, Albert W.; 402 Wirthman Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8256 Davis, Christopher G.; Kansas City. S 7044 Davis, David R.; Emporia. S 8429 Davis, Donald Ray; Dodge City. S 4326 Davis, Dowdal H.; Independence. 8133 Davis, Earl S.; Belvidere, 111. 6153 Davis, George F.; Kanopolis. 1177 Davis, George W.; Ottawa. 8469 Davis, George W., Jr. ; Ottawa. S 6522 Davis, Glenn C.; 103 Fremont St., Las Vegas, N. M. 6718 Davis, Harry J.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5549 Davis, Harry W.; Plains. 7712 Davis, Henry L.; 7605 Seville Ave., Huntington Park, Cal. 1535 Davis, Isaac E.; Chapman. 7615 Davis, Jachin B.; 158 Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn. S 885 Davis, John B.Ottawa. 3462 Davis, Josaphyne Eshom ; Ottawa. 6929 Davis, Kenneth A.; 3301 Woodland Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 7098 Davis, Paul E.; Lamed. S 5481 Davis, Ralph E.; Veterans Administration, Boise, Idaho. 6041 Davis, William L.; Nevada, Mo. 8257 Day, Hughes W.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 6878 Deal, Edwin P. ; Dighton. 5337 Deal, Fred E. ; Weir. 523 Dean, George R.; McPherson. 8670 Debus, Elmer E.; Parsons. 7890 Dechario, Thomas; Westmoreland. 7155 Decker, Ernest H. ;• 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 4391 Decker, Rudolph F. ; Byron, Neb. 8112 Deeths, Harry J. ; Atchison. 6601 De Honey, Franklin R.; Easton. 7641 Delp, Mahlon H.; 3911 Cambridge, Kansas City. S 2187 D'eMand, J. W. ; Lincolnville. 403 DeMoss, James A.; Thayer. 6436 Dennis, Foster L.; Dodge City. S 985 DeOgny, Paul A. ; Milford, Neb. 3736 DePew, Frank L.; Howard. 6371 DeVilbiss, Edgar F.; 2601 Ridge, Kansas City. 7713 Dewey, Carroll W.; Culbertson, Neb. Dewey, Charles H.; Wellington. S 3149 Dew-ey, James E. ; Medical Arts Bldg., Springfield, Mo. 6181 Dickinson, J. M. ; Coffeyville. 6520 Dickson, Frank D.; 1400 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8027 Dickson, Ross D. ; Gibsonburg, Ohio. 7496 Diefendorf, Donald M.; Waterville. S 4048 Diehl, Orlin C.; Dilier, Neb. 5508 Dieter, Charles A.; Harper. 3269 Dieter, Johann N.; Abilene. 8367 Dietrick, Alfred G.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 3879 Dildine, Arthur R. ; Cheney. 7753 Dill, Osee M.; Box 286, Milledgeville, Ga. 7070 Dillenbeck, Floyd E.; El Dorado. 4559 Dillingham, Willard R.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. 3991 Dillon, John A. ; Lamed. 7773 Dillon, John A., Jr.; Great Bend. S 6720 Dillon, Tony G.; 4903 Belinder Road, Kansas City. S 4194 Dingess, Allen C.; Yates Center. 1154 Dingess, Mathew T.; Atchison. 117 Dittemore, James H. ; Belleville. 6806 Dittrich, Raymond J.; F'ort Scott. 6644 Diver, Robert W. ; Coffeyville. 5134 Dixon, Charles H.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 6342 Dixon, Claude F.; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. 7207 Dixon, Harold M.; Univ. of Penn., Philadelphia, Pa. S 8595 Dixon, John B.; Cleveland City Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. 7010 Dixon, John L.; 1010 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8134 Dlabal, Luke J.; 10307 Independence Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 97 Doherty, William T.; Hillcrest Homes, Wichita. 7891 Dolezal, Joseph B.; 1531 E. 4th Ave., Olympia, Wash. 8471 Donahue, Hayden H.; University Hospital, Augusta, Ga. * 8101 Donnell* Louis A.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. S 8260 Donnelly, B. A.; Parsons. S 4368 Doran, George M.; 3156 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal 8028 Dorsey, Dennis B.; 2051 Sedgwick, Chicago, 111. 8214 Dougan, Archie F.; Kiowa. S 2273 Dougan, Archie L.; Carmen, Okla. 8135 Douglas, Harry L.; 3919 Eaton St., Kansas City. 7351 Dowell, Dawson A.; 107 S. Seventeenth St., Omaha, Neb. 7503 Dowler, Vernon B.; Dodge City. 4603 Downing, Robert H.; Wellington. 6721 Dragoo, Cline H. ; Milford. 8090 Drake, Ralph L.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. S 7283 Drake, Robert J.; Vet. Adm. Fac., Northport, L. I. N. Y. 8671 Dreese, William C. ; St. Francis Hospital, Wichita. 5737 Dreher, Henry S.; Luray. 8472 Drisco, Robert M.; 4133 Highland, Kansas City, Mo. 722 Droll, Walter M.; Alta Vista. 3320 Druet, Kenneth L.; 119 S. Seventh St., Salina. S 7640 Duckett, Thomas G.; Sheldon, Mo. 8368 Duemler, Rutherford S.; Wichita. 7967 Dugay, Harry W.; 1401 Prospect Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 6151 Dunbar, M. J.; Winfield. 1523 Duncan, Edgar C.; Fredonia. 3638 Duncan, Oscar A.; Linn Creek, Mo. 7445 Dunlap, Knox; U. S. Army. S 8215 Dunlap, Richard L.; 736 Kentucky, Lawrence. S 6930 Duvall, Hunter W.; 511 R. W. Bldg., Hutchinson. 7011 Dyck, Arthur H.; McPherson. 6828 Dyck, Cora E.; Moundridge. 7746 Dyer, Benjamin G.; Manhattan. 8369 Dyer, Harold L.; 408 N. E. 13th St., Oklahoma City, Okla 6141 Dyer, William H.; 1968 N. Third St., Kansas City. 8535 Dysart, Jack C.; Sterling. 5634 Earnest, C’arence E.; 414 Thatcher Bldg., Pueblo, Colo. 4404 Earp, Ralph B.; El Dorado. 7747 Eaton, Leslie F.; Salina. S 5858 Ebert, J. A.; Oswego. 2280 Ebright, Edwin D.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 8137 Eck, Daniel B.; W. C. Campbell Clinic, Memphis, Tenn. 8370 Eckart, DeMerle E.; Linn. S 580 Eckdall, Frank A.; Emporia. 7994 Eckdall, Funston J. ; Emporia. S 7776 Eckles, Lucius E.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 6900 Eddy, Murray C.; Hays. 95,4 Eddy, Victor E.; Colby. 5415 Edgerton, Erastus S.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 3463 Edgerton, Sol M.; 104 E. Harry, Wichita. 5975 Edmiston, Roy H.; 7 E. Seventh, Lawrence. 7050 Edmonds, George M.; Horton. 6931 Edmonds, Leland C.; Horton. 4637 Edwards, Elva Elton; Allen. 6901 Edwards, Estella M. : Cedar Vale. 7600 Edwards, James F.; Chanute. S 6807 Edwards, Robert S.; Cedar Vale. 8596 Egbert, Galen S.; Dighton. 4413 Egbert, Roy; 2601 Roosevelt Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 7714 Eggleston, Donald; Kingman. 8 7644 Filers, Harrison; San Luis Obispo, Cal. 5298 Eilerts, Walter J. ; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 6461 Eitzen, Abraham C.; Hillsboro. 8261 Eitzen, Oliver; City Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. 1108 Ekblad, John W.; 2031 W. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. E 5021 Elias, Francis; Wymore, Neb. Elkind, M. D.; County Health Officer, Manhattan U. S. P. H. S. 6211 Elkins, W. H.; Santa Fe Hospital, Topeka. 6179 Elliff, Edgar A.; Sterling, Colo. 7893 Elliott, Arthur C.; Anaheim, Cal. 8536 Elliott, B. Landis; 1418 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8597 Elliott, Howard ; Pittsburg. 5941 Elliott, James R. ; 1600 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6284 Elliott, Loren F.; First Natl. Bank Bldg., Albuquerque, N. Mex. 7293 Elliott, Mary H.; Hollister, Mo. 5177 Elliott, William J.; Dawson, Iowa. 7892 Ellis, Howard G. ; 825 Des Moines Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. 8031 Ellis, Ralph Carlisle; Kansas City. S 8537 Ellis, S. S.; Coffeyville. S 1402 Ellison, Oliver W.; Independence. 7601 Elnen, Walter T.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 7777 Elson, Veryl J. ; Danbury, Iowa. S 4702 Embry, Horace C.; Great Bend. 6343 Emerson, Ralph W.; 1008 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7170 Emery, Frank A. C.; 1029% W. Douglas, Wichita. 4829 Emery, William G.; Barnard. 7894 Enders, Wray; Lawrence. S 4195 Engel, William J. ; 2020 E. 93rd St., Cleveland, Ohio. 7774 Enna, Carl; Norwich State T. B. Hospital, Norwich, Conn. 8371 Enns, Eugene K.; Newton. S 5441 Enns, Jacob H.; Newton. 3266 Ensign, Charles F.; Box 85, Hines, 111. 8443 Ensign, Paul R.; 809% Warm Springs Ave., Boise, Idaho. 5388 Enz, Helena E.; 708 E. Thirteenth St., Kansas City, Mo. 8138 Epp, Frederick O.; Sedgwick County Hospital, Wichita. S Epstein, Joseph G.; Wadsworth. S 7602 Erickson, Clarence W.; Pittsburg. S 5342 Erickson, Oscar L.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 3288 Ernest, Elvenor E.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7450 Erni, Harvey E.; 632 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 4639 Ervay, Fred L.; Fredonia. 7895 Esterly, Daniel B. ; 65 N. Madison, Pasadena, Cal. 8014 Etzenhauser, Merrill W.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 4195 Eubank, Ambrose E. ; 1404 Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8139 Evans, A. W.; Norton. S 1465 Evans, Charles W.; Abbyville. 7324 Evans, Darrel L.; Manhattan. S 2187 Evans, Ellis A.; Conway Springs. 7449 Evans, Farris D.; Conway Springs. S 7861 Evans, John F.; Pittsburg. 2336 Evans, John L. ; 224 N. Crestway, Wichita. 7642 Evans, Joseph G.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 6056 Ewald, Paul P.; Lead, S. Dak. 3739 Fagan, Frank D.; Gove. 5419 Fain, Charles H. ; Pittsburg. 5990 Fair, Shields W.; 404% W. Seventy-fifth St., Kansas City, Mo. 7267 Fairbrother, William C.; Madison. S 5670 Fairchild, Anthony W.; Osawatomie. 7209 Fairchild, Lewis H. ; Box 27, Carlsbad, Cal. 5484 Fall, Norman B. ; Winfield. 5733 Farley, J. A.; 416 E. Sixth St., Topeka. 2861 Farmer, James E. ; 1258 Cleveland, Wichita. 2680 Farmer, William R. ; Walton. 8140 Farney, Jake P. ; 12275 Asbury Pk., Detroit, Mich 7314 Farnsworth, Ray B. ; Virginia City, Mont. 150 Farrar, George W.; Fall River. 5797 Fast, William K.; Atchison. 8444 Fast, William S.; Atchison. S F 7013 Faust, Robert; U. S. Army. 7781 Fearl, Clifford L.; 6920 N. Vincent St., Portland, Ore. 7506 Feehan, William J.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 5859 Fegtly, Arthur W.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 8672 Ferguson, Donald S.; General Hospital, Kansas City, Mo. 6773 Ferguson, Eugene H.; 933 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8141 Ferguson, James T., Jr.; Kansas City. Mo. S 5345 Ferguson, Robert L.; Arkansas City. 7647 Fernie, Robert W., Jr.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. S 4023 Ferrel, Jesse V.; Louisburg. 6646 Ferris, Caryl R.; 934 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 2463 Fewster, Ernest P.; 2590 Fifth Ave. West, Vancouver, B. C. 8262 Filkin, Lawrence E.; Junction City. S 2471 Fillmore, Rollin S.; 4298 Eighth St., Riverside, Cal. 5485 Tinkle, Beverly A.; 726 Security Mutual Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. 7841 Finkle, Guy E.; McPherson. 8372 Finley, Helen; 322 N. State St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 1543 Finley, Maynard A.; Emporia. 799 Finney, Charles C.; Atchison. 5344 Finney, Guy A.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 6205 Finney, Thomas S. ; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 7395’ Fischer, Kerwin A.; 321 E. Forty-second St., New York, N. Y. 3153 Fisher, C. E. ; Lyons. 1564 Fisher, Charles A.; Paola. 7897 Fisher, James B. ; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. S 4275 Fisher, Lewis S.; 1501 S. Twenty-second St., Kansas City. 6329 Fitch, Francis T.; Lenox, Mass. 7337 Fitzgerald, Edward L.; 710 WTolcott Bldg., Hutchinson. 7396 Fitzgerald. Thomas D.; Michigan Health Service, Ann Arbor, Mich. 3488 Fitzpatrick, Charles M.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. 1407 Flack, Alexander C.; Fredonia. 5342 Flack, Frank L. ; 816 Natl. Bank of Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla. 7563 Flanders, Horace F.; 5515 Crestwood Drive, Kansas City, Mo. 5908 Fleckenstein, A. P.; Selden. 7898 Fleckenstein, Charles S.; Onaga. 4937 Fleming, George N.; Las Vegas, N. Mex. 7281 Fleming, Royall B. ; 210 Lincoln Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7780 Floersch, Hubert M.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 3724 Floersch, Michael A.; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5176 Flowers, M. F. ; Anthony. 3323 I1 oltz, J. Eliot; 1500 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 5625 Foncannon, Frank; Emporia. S 349 Forbes, Dan M.; 1130 W. Colorado Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. 8237 Ford, Frederick L.; Santa Fe Hospital, Topeka. S 7454 Ford, Harold V.; Veterans Administration Facility, Tuscaloosa, Ala. 8598 Forman, Frank S., Jr.; 2020 Olathe Blvd., Kansas City. 6641 Forman, George W.; Fulton, Mo. S 8263 Forman, Louis H.; St. Francis Hospital, Wichita. S 968 Forney, Charles J.; Woodward, Okla. 3608 Forney, Lee O.; 206 W. First St., Hutchinson. 3263 Fortner, Charles H.; Coffeyville. 7081 Fossum, Corenelius A.; Moose Lake, Minn. 7211 Foster, Thomas L.; Halstead. <321 Foutz, Homer S.; Minneapolis. S 7960 Fowler, Ivyl C.; Commercial Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7899 Fowler, James T.; Osawatomie. S 4243 Fowler, Joseph ; Osawatomie. 5966 Fowler, Luther W\ ; El Dorado. 4191 Francisco, Clarence B.; 623 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Me 7646 Francisco, Clarence L.; 623 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8227 Frane, Donald B.; 1214 N. 42nd Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 8113 Frankel, Sol L; U. S. Army. 8142 Franklin, Glenn C.; Hutchinson. S 8599 Frazer, T. R.; Lamed. 7645 Fredeen, Robert C.; 2518 W. 50th Terrace, Kansas City. 7779 Freeman, Eliot N., Jr.; Railroad St., Pottsville, Pa. 8600 Frey, Charles T.; Wichita. S 8673 Frey, Louis Ireland; Wichita Hospital, Wichita. 8476 Friedman, Morris L.; 2605 Wabash Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 6344 Friesen, Herman E.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 3081 Frisbey, William R.; Delia. 6412 Fritts, Otto C.; Osage City. 6074 Fritz, George W.; Salem, 111. 8477 Fritzemeier, W. H.; Wichita. S 5912 Frost, Earl J.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 5713 Fry, Charles S.; 530 Lee Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6124 Fuller, Clinton C.; Columbus. 8120 Fuller, Silvies S.; Canyon Inn, Ramona, Cal. 3120a Fulton, James A.; 1829 Washington Blvd., Kansas City. 8548 Funk, Edward D.; Topeka. S 1579 Funk, Ralph L.; 308 Natl. Reserve Bldg., Topeka. 8601 Funk, Robert E.; 1602 E. Fourteenth St., Tulsa, Okla. 6262 Furgason, Earl R.; Independence. G 7653 Gacusana, Jose M.; Sharon. S 8373 Gadwood, Bernard B. ; 2701 Fourteenth Ave., Oakland, Cal. 7350 Gainey, Harold L-; 227 Plaza Medical Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8374 Gale, Norman A.; Kansas City. S ' 5269 Galloway, Horace Lee; Anthony. 6571 Gammell, Denman; Hugoton. 4993 Ganoung, Edwin G.; 151 S. Santa Fe, Salina. 8264 Garber, Pauline; Lawrence. 4978 Gardner, Alfred E.; 107 W. Douglas, Wichita. 117 Garlinghouse, Orestes L.; lola. 7581 Garnett, William G.; 2206 W. Third St., Los Angeles, Cal. 8375 Garrett, Glen H.; Clay Center. S 7537 Garrison, Everett J.; Blythe, Cal. 4451 Garton, Avery M.; Chanute. 465 Garvin, Fred A.; Augusta. 8478 Gaskins, John H.; St. Luke’s Hospital, Kansas City, Mo. 6146 Gasser, Fred ; Cherryvale. 2795 Gatley, Perla F.; Louisburg. 4327 Gaume, Harry W.; 217 E. Tenth St., Wichita. 8376 Gaume, James G.; Ellinwood. S 3897 Gaume, James M.; 134 N. Eighth St., Salina. 7318 Gausz, Albert A.; 600 N. Fifth St., Leavenworth. 6376 Gearhart, Alonzo P. ; 200 S. Market St., Wichita. 5158 Geeder, Harry T.; 923 Cleveland, Wichita. 7648 Geeslin, Lawrence E.; U. S. P. H. S., Brunswick, Ga. 6990 Gelvin, Emmanuel R.; Concordia. 7104 Gench, Raymond L.; 611 S. 6th St., Springfield, HI. 7405 Gerber, Harry A.; 205 S. Fifth St., Leavenworth. 8091 Gerbig, Herman A.; Independence. 7651 Gertson, Emery T.; Atwood. 6345 Gestring, Hugh A.; 303 Wirthman Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7650 Gibbs, George M.; Takoma Park, Md. 5346 Gibson, Edward T.; 1228 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Gier, Jacob B.; Wadsworth. S 6021 Gier, Wilbur J.; 1315 N. Dewey, Oklahoma City, Okla. 7652 Giffin, Glenn O.; 204 W. Main, Littleton, Colo. 4490 Gilbert, Hardin; Medicine Lodge. 8377 Gill, Georgia L.; Sterling. 6667 Gill, John M. ; 1932 N. Fifth St., Kansas City. 8660 Gill, Merton M.; 3617 W. 6th St., Topeka. 6163 Gillett, Wilbur G.; 201 N. Main St., Wichita. 165 Gillian, Virgil E.; Chanute. 5317 Gillispie, James C.; Falls City, Neb. 6832 Gillmor, Charles S.; 10307 Independence Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 3152 Gillmore, George B.; Colorado Springs, Colo. 7782 Gilpin, Burhl B„ Jr.; Medford, Ore. S 7157 Ginsberg, A. Morris; 420 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 4557 Gish, George J. P.; Frontenac. 8605 Gish, Rex A.; St. Vincent’s Hospital, Portland, Ore. 1694 Glasscock, Samuel S.; Brewster. 7404 Glassen, Mary T. DeMotte; Phillipsburg. 8032 Gleason, K. J. ; Newton. S 8445 Glenn, Lyle Geo.; Protection. 5919 Glover, Harold M.; Newton. 6057 Gloyne, Louis B.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City 8143 Goldblatt, Bernard; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 7331 Gollier, Charles E.; Independence. 8033 Gollier, Robert A. ; Ottawa. 7015 Gomel, Ray G.; Washington. 8378 Gonser, Karl B.; Leavenworth. S 504 Gooch, William S.; Fort Scott. 6396 Goodloe, Hart; Independence. 6934 Goodman, Jonathan N.; Veterans Administration Facility, Wood, Wis. 517 Goodsheller, George J.; Marion. 8573 Goodson, William H., Jr.; 1103 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 5812 Gootee, Herbert W.; Santa Fe Hospital, Topeka. 7784 Gorman, R. B. ; Topeka. S 4149 Goshorn, H. R.; Arcadia. 3195 Gossard, Charles E.; 1127 Arter Ave., Topeka. 8606 Gough, James D.; Chanute. 6206 Gouldner, Rene M. ; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 6668 Govan, Thomas P. ; Lor Bldg., Pawhuska, Okla. 8236 Gow, Elizabeth Dorsey; Wichita. 8550 Graber, Harold L.; Topeka. S 7649 Gradinger, B. C.; Andale. S 4059 Graf, John E.; 4332 Kilboume Ave., Chicago, 111. 7105 Graff, Leo W.; Britton, S. Dak. 4878 Grage, Joachim D. F.; 107 N. Market St., Wichita. 358 Graham, Guy S.; Wetmore. 4707 Graham, Janies W.; 518 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 5437 Graham, Robert H. ; Clayton, N. Mex. 8044 Grandstaff, Eleanor H. ; 4322 Francis St., Kansas City. 6098 Granger, Wayne B.; Emporia. 4879 Grant, Oscar E.; 5145 N. California Ave., Chicago, 111. 6464 Grauerholz, James W.; 3706 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. 3996 Graves, Horace W.; Gypsum. 8602 Graves, Jack W.; 1326 Lane, Topeka. S 8239 Graves, Louis G.; St. John. S 4198 Gray, Albert N.; Burlington. 8603 Gray, David E.; Topeka. S 5777 Gray, George M. ; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 6438 Gray, Harry J.; 2328 Olive St., Alexandria, La. 7904 Gray, Harry P.; Seneca. 6123 Grayson, Roy D.; Overland Park. S 357 Green, David E.; Pleasanton. 8447 Green, John D.; McPherson. 8604 Green, John R.; Independence. 5714 Green, Will J.; Cambridge. 2675 Greene, George A.; Scott City. 3690 Greenlee, Guilford G,; Chapman. 8453 Greenwood, Edward D.; Topeka. S 8265 Greer, Richard H.; Hurley Hospital, Flint, Mich. 6302 Greever, Boyd L.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 5202 Greider, William H.; 1616 Western Ave., Topeka. 8030 Gribble, Robert C.; 4049 30th St., San Diego, Cal. 4706 Grieve, George H.; Turon. 6983 Griffith, Abram C.; 1225 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 789 Grigsby, Clement E. ; Coffeyville. 7408 Grigsby, Kenneth R.; Medicine Lodge. S 6774 Grimes, John M.; Farmington, W. Va. 2965 Grimes, Walter P.; 4711 Central, Kansas City, Mo. 137 Grimmell, George H.; Howard. 7210 Gripkey, Clarence A.; 609 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. S 6196 Grissom, Carlton B.; Syracuse. 7536 Grosdidier, Edward J.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 7343 Grosjean, Wendell A.; Winfield. S 8035 Grove, John Axtell; Newton. S 3997 Grove, John L.; Newton. 8661 Grove, William E.; Newton. S 3366 Grove, William T.; Eureka. 7709 Gsell, George F.; Wichita. S 278 Gsell, Jacob F.; 116 S'. Main St., Wichita. 8144 Guernsey, Gretchen; 513 S. E. Second, Evansville, Ind. 4060 Guffey, Don C.; 717 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 1546 Gulick, Arthur C.; Goodland. H 7564 Haage, Delbert O.; Augusta. 4601 Haake, John A.; Peabody. 5053 Haas, Karl C.; 1533 S. Twenty-first St., Kansas City. 8240 Haas, Louis R.; Pittsburg. 6263 Hadley, Ernest E.; 4303 Forest Lane, N. W., Washington, D. C. 5882 Haerle, Edward J.; Minneapolis. 5860 Haerle, Henry ; Marysville. 8607 Hagan, Condon T.; Eastborough, Wichita. 8266 Hagan, Francis J. ; Eastborough, Wichita. 3347 Hagan, Martin; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 2476 Haggman, Charles V.; Scandia. 8608 Hagler, Carl W.; 1813 Dudley Road, Topeka. 7509 Haigler, Frederick H.; Cherokee. S 8267 Haigler, James P.; Pittsburg. S 7106 Haines, Chester W.; Haven. 4246 Hall, Charles W.; Burdick. 5749 Hall, Clarence W.; 100 W. First St., Hutchinson. 7906 Hall, Frederick W.; Winfield. S 3259 Hall, James R.; 6737 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. 6172 Hall, Millard W.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. S 2673 Halsey, Thomas J.; Butler, Mo. 581 Ham, William E.; Beattie. 4893 Hamill, Claude E.; Parsons. 7654 Hamilton, Howard E.; 10515 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Hamilton, Oscar A., Jr.; Wichita. S 7786 Hamilton, Tom Reid; 2002 Olathe Blvd., Kansas City. S 7218 Hammel, George W.; 104 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 7907 Hammel, Max A.; 34 W. Mitcheltarena St., Santa Barbara, Cal. 3703 Hammel, Seth A.; 114 W. Eighth St., Topeka. S 6103 Hancks, John A.; Wamego. 8448 Hanson, John W.; Manhattan 8147 Hardacre, Ruth A.; 3300 Charlotte St., Kansas City, Mo. 71 Hardesty, Henry O.; Jennings. 7411 Hardin, Claude E.; Parsons. 8036 Hardin, Verna M.; 200 E. 16th St., New York, N. Y. 8037 Harding, Carl W. ; 522 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6527 Hardy, Leslie L.; 1311 Brush Creek, Kansas City, Mo. 6837 Harlan, Delly L.; Clarence, Mo. 7540 Harless, Morris S.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 3110 Harlin, Robert J.; 6220 San Pedro, Los Angeles, Cal. 8380 Harman, Glenn S.; Hoff General Hospital, Santa Barbara, Cal. 8145 Harms, Albert C.; Oregon, Mo. 5272 Harms, Albert O.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7790 Harms, Edwin M.; Blackwell, Okla. 3664 Hamer, Romeo C.; Howard. 7526 Harrell, Roy W.; Carbondale, 111. 4452 Harrington, G. Leonard; Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8479 Harrington, G. Leonard, III; 1512 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8148 Harrington, Paul R.; Roper Hospital, Charleston, S. C. 4062 Harris, Claib B.; Garnett. 6725 Harrison, Alvie B.; 999 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 821 Harrison, Charles F.; Syracuse. 2947 Harrison, Edwin M.; 55 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. 8609 Harrison, Lyman L., Jr.; 3640 Summit St., Kansas City, Mo. 7456 Hartig, Otto J.; Downs. 6936 Hartman, Buford ; Kensington. 5348 Hartman, William V.; Pittsburg. 7410 Hartwell, Basil O.; Efrexel, Mo. Harvey, Clarence C.; Emporia. S 7908 Harvey, Ernest E.; 100 S. Santa Fe, Salina. S 3473 Harvey, Fred E.; Minneapolis. 4456 Harvey, John K.; 100 S. Santa Fe., Salina. Harvey, Oscar; County Health Officer, Parsons. U. S. P. H. S. 7710 Harvey, William T.; Council Grove. 2690 Haskins, Henry E.; Kingman. 7511 Haslan, Thomas L.; Council Grove. 6700 Hassig, Cecil E. ; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 42 Hassig, J. F.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 6260 Hastings, Grant Ray; Garden City. 4202 Hatcher, Albert R.. ; Wellington. 1342 Hatfield, William J.; Colony. 7603 Hatton, Lloyd W.; 302 Natl. Bk. of A. Bldg., Salina. S 7658 Hauckenberry, Everett; Manhattan. S 7661 Haughey, Chas. F.; Harper. 6439 Haughey, George C.; Prescott. 4459 Haughey, Leo E.; Concordia. 2938 Haury, Richard S.; Newton. 4713 Haverkampf, Charles W.; 33 Gates Circle, Buffalo, N. Y. 8146 Havley, Bernice; Centralia. 5287 Hawes, Frederick S.; Russell. 5706 Hawke, Charles C.; Winfield. 7108 Hawkey, Alfred S.; Newton. S 1325 Hawkins, Robert; Marysville. 5108 Hawley, Joseph E.; Burr Oak. 4277 Haworth, Edgar S.; 107 N. Market St., Wichita. 7909 Haworth, Kenneth W.; Pratt. S 5491 Hay, Gilbert W.; Parsons. 7785 Hayden, Abigail; Fredonia. 5492 Haydon, Owen K.; Elk City. 7624 Hayne, J. Hester; 200 E. Superior, Chicago, 111. 6076 Haynes, Arthur H.; Sabetha. 43 Haynes, Elmer E.; Madison. 6194 Haynes, Frank W.; 5323 S. Normandie Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. 2875 Haynes, Jacob M.; Macksville. 663 Hays, Almonta D.; Cherokee. 3742 Hays, Edward R.; 1312 Medical Arts Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 7458 Hays, Leslie C.; Cedar Vale. 3742 Hayward, William A.; Coffeyville. 5929 Hazelton, William H.; Edgecliff Sanitorium, Spokane, Wash. 6061 Hazzard, Lawrence R.; 10 Congress St., Portsmouth, N. H. 6311 Heap, William A.; Mulvane. 418 Hearst, Allen L.; 1100 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 4562 Heaston, William C.: McPherson. 4643 Heckart, Elliott T.; Carbondale. 5696 Hedge, Mayro O.; 1001 Central Ave., Kansas City. 3846 Heidrick, Daniel L.; Box 156, Mercedes, Tex. Heilman, R. M.; State Board of Health, Topeka, U. S. P. H. S. 6484 Heins, Lawrence G.; Abilene. 8662 Heller, Matthew; 3228 Armitage Ave., Chicago, 111. 6529 Hellweg, Edward W.; Arkansas City. 7398 Hellwig, Christian A.; 5651 Van View Place, Wichita. 6553 Helman, R etard O. ; 1420 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6465 Helwig, Ferdinand C.; 2230 W. 52d St., Kansas City, Mo. S 7457 Helwig, George F.; 704 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8 8481 Hemphill, James E.; St. Alexis Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. 3591 Hempstid, Irl E.; 101 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 8381 Henderson, Charles B.; U. S. Army. 4203 Henderson, Edward E. ; Columbus. 7017 Henderson, Frank B.; Excelsior Springs, Mo. 6594 Henderson, Richard C.; 2685 University Ave., New York, N. Y. 2833 Henderson, Robert G.; Falls City, Neb. 1328 Hendricks, Herschel L.; lola. 6158 Hennebruger, C. E.; Atwood. 5466 Hennerich, Otto A.; Hays. 7788 Henning, Calvin W.; Ottawa. S 7220 Henning, Joseph R.; Ottawa. S 3318 Henry, John B.; 23 W. Ninth, Lawrence. 6728 Henry, S. David; Kansas City. S 5637 Henshall, James F.; Osborne. Herbst, Robert Rudolph; Wichita. S 4000 Herrick, William Y.; Wakeeney. 7538 Henman, George V.; 1107 Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo 3260 Hershner, Charles S., Esbon. 1338 Hertzler, Arthur E. ; Halstead. 7529 Hertzler, John W.; Newton. S 4248 Heryford, Jacob R.; Fairview. 5425 Hesner, George E.; Corozol Hospital, C. Z. S 7657 Hesser, Herbert H. ; 615 N. 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. 6377 Hetherington, Albert J.; 2014 Gatewood Ave., Oklahoma City, Okla. 430 Hewitt, John E.; Wakefield. 7109 Hibbard, James S., Jr.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. S 4249 Hibbard, Samuel M.; Sabetha. 8149 Kibbler, John A., Jr.; 1517 E. 24th St., Kansas City. 3257 Hickok, Harrison S.; 1025 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6729 Hiebert, A. E.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 8039 Hiebert, H. L.; State Board of Health, Topeka. 7662 Hiebert, Peter E.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 6995 Higgins, Bruce A.; Sylvan Grove. 7279 Hilbig, Albert L.; Liberal. 8610 Hildyard, Victor H.; 3712 State Line, Kansas City. S 7660 Hill, Edwin R.; Lyons. S 704 Hill, Emma L.; Oswego. 8150 Hill, Jack H.; 5826 E. 12th St., Kansas City, Mo. 7705 Hill, James E.; Conway Springs. S 8151 Hill, James N.; Kansas City, Mo. S 6426 Hill, Lee V.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 8611 Hilliard, John D.; St. Louis City Hospital, St. Louis, Mo. 1813 Hilts, Frederick; Kennedy, Saskatchewan, Canada. 2808 Hinden, Jacob ; Strong. 8040 Hines, Ralph E.; Veterans Hospital, Wichita. 5902 Hinkle, Joseph D. ; Baxter Springs. 1942 Hinkle, Thomas C.; Little River. 7541 Hinshaw, Alfred H.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 7082 Hinshaw, Charles T.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 2712 Hinshaw, Jonathan D. ; Canon City, Colo. 3470 Hinshaw, Llewellyn M.; Bennington. 8482 Hinton, Elmer E.; Hamlin. S 5819 Hobart, Wilson K.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 4455 Hobson, Georg" H.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 45 Hodgson, Jarvis E.; Downs. 7312 Hodson, Hervey R.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 7357 Hoel, Kenneth P. ; Oak Sanitorium, Pewaukee, Wis. 8382 Hof, Elmer A. ; Bank of America Bldg., Fresno, Cal. 8431 Hofferkamp, August G.; New Albany, Ind. 6908 Hogan, Daniel F. ; 415 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 1773 Hogeboom, Henry B. ; 212 W. Sixth St., Topeka. 7787 Holaday, David D. ; 669 Phelan Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. 8152 Holcomb, Donald G.; Santa Barbara, Cal. S 1983 Hollingworth, Thomas J.; South Haven. 1337 Holloway, Stephen S.; Lecompton. 7073 Hollub, Charles J.; 711 Medical Arts Bldg., Houston, Tex. 3469 Holmes, Allen R.; Henryetta, Okla. 8383 Holmes, James A.; Lawrence. 2504 Holt, Thomas T. ; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 7381 Holter, Harold V.; 1211 N. Seventh St., Kansas Cily. S 7397 Holwerda, William; Lindsborg. 1816 Hood, Tarlton A.; Garnett. 8268 Hood, Thomas R.; 1505 Crescent Drive, Lawrence. S 4204 Hooper, Clifford L. ; Pueblo, Colo. 4096 Hoover, Charles O.; Quinter. 678 Hoover, Clare F. ; Saffordville. 6414 Hoover, Raymond K.; Haddam. 1882 Hoover, W. A.; Johnson. 4711 Hope, Hugh A.; Hunter. 7655 Hope, Janies L.; Warren, Ark. 7659 Horejsi, Alfred J. ; Ellsworth. S 6313 Horigan, Joseph A.; 5 East Fifty-fourth Terrace, Kansas City, Mo. 4712 Horn, Harry W. ; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. Horton, J. M.; Manhattan. S 92 Horton, Joseph D.; Plevna. 8612 Horton, William D.; Chanute. 8613 Hostetter, Philip H.; Wichita Hospital, Wichita. 5565 House, Raymond G.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 6975 Hovorka, Joseph J.; Emporia. 5183 Howard, Donald O.; Protection. S 4715 Howard, Robert O.; 910 Schweiter Bldg., Wichita. 7611 Howell, J. Allen; Wellington. S 2793 Hoxie, George H.; 1000 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 3258 Huber, Albert; 640 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 5579 Huber, George U.; 1010 Bay Cities Bldg., Santa Monica, Cal. 6572 Huber, Lasley E.; Moberly, Mo. 967 Huffman, Charles S.; Columbus. 6995 Hughbanks, James G.; Independence. 8269 Hughes, Raymond H.; Manhattan. S 6299 Hull, James A.; Munden. 6731 Hume, Harold C.; Tipton, Mo. 7533 Humphery, J. H.; Wesley Hospital, Wichita. 6918 Hunter, James T.; 1035 Jackson St., Topeka. S 4375 Hunter, John D.; Fort Scott. 8270 Hunter, Kenneth R.; San Bernardino Hospital, San Bernar- dino, Cal. 7656 Huntley, L. L.; Lamed. 8154 Hurst, Thomas C.; Wichita. S 5609 Hurtig, Henry G.; Hanover. 7864 Husband, Myron W.; Manhattan. 7111 Huscher, Gladys; Concordia. 7739 Huston, Francis W.; Winchester. 3999 Hutchinson, Owen G.; Marysville. 5821 Hutchinson, Robert B.; 917 Massachusetts, Lawrence. 7112 Hutchison, James E.; 1612 Tremont St., Denver, Colo. 7539 Hyde, Marshall E.; Lamed. S 3784 Hylton, Joseph R,; 315 Center St., Douglas, Wyo. 3578 Hymer, Edison S.; Sedgwick. 7910 Hyndman, Henry H.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. S I 6155 Inge, Claude W.; Formoso. 7613 Insley, Herbert W.; Chanute. 8432 Irby, Addison C.; Fort Scott. S 8433 Irby, Pratt; Fort Scott. S 6020 Irby, William J.; Benton. 5026 Ireland, Edwin M.; Lakin. 6974 Irmen, Felix A.; Box 448, Huntington, W. Va 6916 Isaac, Arnold G.; Newton. 1132 Isaac, Elizabeth L.; Moundridge. 7412 Isaacs, Fred R.; Wren Bldg., Lawrence. 7663 Isbell, Charles H., Jr.; Carthage, Mo. 4642 Isenberger, F. J.; Gypsum. 6733 Isenberger, Robert M.; 424 E. 47th Terrace, Kansas City, Mo. J 1888 Jack, William G.; Caney. 7328 Jackman, G. H. ; Cimmaron. 1643 Jackson, Carl A.; 1103 E. Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 3285 Jackson, Dana O.; Clay Center. 2362 Jackson, William E.; 109 E. Fourth St., Topeka. 6939 Jacobson, Merlin E.; 2116 Hayden, Amarillo, Tex. 4394 Jager, Thor; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 5090 James, Frank; Galena. 8271 James, Frank H. ; 1416 Washington Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. 8614 James, Otis E., Jr.; Kinsley. 4068 James, Ralph W.; Winfield. 6842 Jamison, John H.; Denver, Colo. 1604 Janes, James W.; Columbus. 6062 Janes, William E.; Eureka. 5077 Janney, James G. ; Dodge City. 8330 Jantz, Jacob G.; Bedford, Va. 7789 Janzen, Herman F.; Hillsboro. ■ 3896 Jaquiss, George M. ; 119 W. 39th St., Kansas City, Mo. 8384 Jarrott, John B.; 729 N. E. 10th, Oklahoma City, Okla. 8615 Jay, Alan R.; University Hospital, Kansas City. 5774 Jeffers, A.; Smith Center. 4291 Jeffries, L. A.; Jennings. 7565 Jeffries, Robert C.; Atchison. S 3417 Jenney, Charles M.; 133 S. Seventh St., Salina. 7270 Jenson, James F.; Colby. 5766 Johnson, Bertram ; Eureka. 8092 Johnson, Charles H.; Kinsley. S 5167 Johnson, Charles N.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 6443 Johnson, Chase B.; Eudora. 8041 Johnson, Delbert P.; 3400 Frederick St., St. Joseph, Mo. 8616 Johnson, Edgar W., Jr.; 616 W. 69th St., Kansas City, Mo. 2909 Johnson, Edward H.; Peabody. 6088 Johnson, Elizabeth W.; Eureka. 8272 Johnson, Elmer F.; St. Luke’s Hospital, Jacksonville, Fla. S 6243 Johnson, Everett W.; 106 W. Douglas, Wichita. 8229 Johnson, Frederick R. ; 630 W. 168th St., New York, N. Y. 4962 Johnson, George D.; Huntington, W. Va. 7083 Johnson, Joseph H. ; El Dorado. S 6878 Johnson, Lester E.; 106 W. Douglas, Wichita. 3174 Johnson, Lewis D.; Chanute. 6941 Johnson, Obbo W.; Warren Clinic, Michigan City, Ind. 6940 Johnson, Paul A. G.; 3512 Blue Ridge Rd,, Kansas City, Mo. 8045 Johnson, Thomas M.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 1554 Johnson, William N.; Columbus. 5339 Johnston, Ralph S.; La Junta, Colo. 8331 Johnston, Thomas E.; 700 Harrison St., Topeka. 7022 Johnstone, Paul N.; 797 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 2276 Jones, Charles W. ; Olathe. 2074 Jones, Clem H. ; Galena. 1445 Jones, Frederick W.; Girard. 5495 Jones, George H.; 1435 E. 78th St., Kansas City, Mo. 7566 Jones, H. Penfield ; 107 E. Eighth, Lawrence. S 5932 Jones, Harold H. ; Winfield. 2105 Jones, Hiram T.; 107 E. Eighth, Lawrence. 3253 Jones, J. Arthur; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 7171 Jones, Major O.; 557 Herkimer St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 7225 Jones, Maurice L.; 909 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6416 Jones, Paul; Mound Valley. 4616 Jones, Robert Y.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 8043 Jones, Theodore R.; 3919 Forest Ave., Kansas City, Mo. S 6442 Jones, William R. ; Canton. 8385 Jordan, Ralph; Beloit. S 6467 Joslin, Leeman C.; Harper. 8451 Joss, Charles S.; Topeka. S 7955 Joss, Chester E. ; 1008 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 6504 Juergens, Caroline ; Lamed. 3155 Jury, Herbert W.; Claflin. K 7023 Kaiser, Max E. ; Ottawa. S 5935 Kalbfleisch, Ernest L.; Newton. 8230 Kamish, Robert J. ; Halstead. S 6603 Kassebaum, Glen E. ; El Dorado. 7362 Kassel, Henry W.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 8566 Kaufman, LeRoy V.; Wichita. S 4250 Keefer, Mathew H.; 1007 N. Sixth St., Kansas City. 4128 Keester, Charles C.; 212 N. Emporia, Wichita. Keeton, Elven E.; Paola. S (Killed in action.) 4465 Keller, Oris G.; Franklin. 4003 Kelley, Forrest A. ; County Health Officer, Winfield. 2994 Kelly, John W.; Louisburg. 8437 Kempthorne, Chas. R.; Manhattan. S 7057 Kendall, Donald A.; Great Bend. S 8273 Kendig, Thomas A.; Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Mich. 5674 Kennedy, Francis D.; Norton. 3334 Kennedy, John T.; Blue Mound. 7460 Kennedy, Virgil N. ; Newkirk, Okla. S 3117 Kenner, Joseph J.; 745 N. Fifth, Lawrence. 7373 Kenoyer, William R.; Hugoton. 6970 Kerley, Granvil L.; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 3485 Kerr, Carey C.; Council Grove. 4834 Kerr, Lambert A.; Lincoln. Kerr, Richard K.; Lincoln. S 7351 Kerr, Russell W.; 3142 Washington St., Kansas City, Mo. 8485 Kerr, Samuel E.; Emporia. S 7459 Ketner, Lester E.; Fort Scott. 5884 Kidder, William J. ; 138 S. Santa Fe, Salina. 4251 Kiehl, Otto B.; Pittsburg. 3293 Kiene, Otto ; Concordia. 7795 Kiene, Richard H.; Concordia. S 43/6 Kierulff, George B.; Melvem, 3217 Kilbourne, Burton K.; State Board of Health, Helena, Mont, 4615 Kilbourne, Edward D.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 2330 Kimble, Thaddeus C.; Miltonvale. 7911 Kinell, Jack; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, O. 7790 King, Emory O.; 1306 Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 5496 King, Harry W.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7865 Kinnaman, Clarence H. ; State Board of Health, Topeka. 6915 Kinnaman, Joseph H.; Kay County Health Department, Ponca City, Okla. 5350 Kinnamon, Frank; Concordia. 8156 Kinsinger, Ralph R.; Blackwell, Okla. 7053 Kippenberger, Rinhart F.; Scott City. 6192 Kirby, George W. ; 200 S. Market St., Wichita. 8157 Kirgis, Harold J.; Pueblo, Colo. S 6944 Kirkpatrick, Hazen L.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 2631 Kisecker, David E.; Caldwell. 7717 Kiser, Willard J. ; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. S 7730 Klapproth, Herman; Sherman, Tex. 8674 Klassen, Daniel S.; Lehigh. 6158 Klauman, Benjamin F.; Clay Center. S 5883 Klein, Robert G.; Dodge City. 7084 Kleinheksel, John L.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 6120 Klepinger, Dayton P.; 615 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 956 Klingberg, William A.; Hope. 6144 Kloeppel, Carl F.; 905 Morrison Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 6735 Knapp, Leslie E. ; 200 S. Market St., Wichita. S 8486 Knappenberger, Roy C.; Penalosa. S Knauff, Harry C.; Mahaska. S 6649 Knight, Durell K.; 3100 N. Twenty-second St., Kansas City. S 7460 Knight, John S. ; 1622 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7718 Knight, Robert P.; 3617 W. Sixth St., Topeka. 4715 Knoop, James A.; Olathe. 4466 Knowles, Harry P. ; Rockaway Beach, Mo. 7618 Knox, Lawrence M.; 1821 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 6628 Koehler, Charles A.; 511 Wirthman Bldg., Kansas City, Mo 6945 Koeneke, Irene A.; Halstead. 8160 Koerber, Frederick L.; Phelps Dodge Hospital, Ajo, Ariz. 5885 Koerber, Paul E.; Russell. 7912 Koke, Martin P.; 422 San Antonio, San Diego, Cal. 744 Koons, Franklin W. ; Halstead. 6844 Kosar, Clarence D.; Concordia. S 8343 Kovitz, Benjamin; 1201 S'. Main, Jacksonville, 111. 8538 Kovitz, Louis; 114 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6370 Krall, Paul M.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 8332 Krause, Albert H.; S. B. A. Hospital, Topeka. 6947 Krehbiel, Bertrand I.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 4002 Kroesch, Theodore; Enterprise. 1791 Krueger, Owen; 304 E. 12th St., Kansas City, Mo. 1884 Krugg, Albert A.; Coffeyville. 6987 Kuhn, Harold P. ; 1500 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7913 Kuhn, William F.; Kansas City, Mo. S 6244 Kunce, Fay E.; 200 S. Market St., Wichita. 6578 Kurtz, Russell L.; Nowata, Okla. 7914 Kyger, Edgar R., Jr.; Kansas City, Mo. 8274 Ladd, Arthur C.; 216 W. Tenth St., Hutchinson. S 7531 Lafene, Benjamin W.; Marysville. S 5498 Laffon, France L.; Raytown, Mo. 7797 Laing, Maurice V.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 3835 Laing, Robert; Concordia. 8551 Laing, Stanley G.; 702 Central Ave., Kansas City. 8161 Lalich, Joe John; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 3346 Lambdin, Hiram S.; Caney. 8675 Lambom, Howard M.; Grace Hospital, Detroit, Mich. 5698 Lancaster, Knox R.; Parkville, Mo. 7669 Lander, Ernest W.; 215 W. Third St., Roswell, N. Mex. 5351 Landes, George A.; Parsons. 8275 Lane, Henry W. ; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 4162 Laning, J. Holcombe; 6205 Brookside Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 7969 Banning, Robert J.; Junction City. S 7745 Lapp, Harry C.; 1314 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 2892 Lapp, John G.; 1314 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 2836 Lardner, John C.; Fort Scott. 7667 Larsson, Evert A.; Station A, Trenton, N. J. 8216 Last, Harry; Leon. L 8617 Lathrop, John H.; 1900 Federal St., Kansas City. 4836 Latimer, Lester A.; Alexander. 6444 Lattimore, John L. ; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 1632 Lauck, John W.; Maplehill. 6845 Laurenzana, Frank P.; 428 S. White Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 2817 Law, Lottie F.; Hill City. 4004 Lawrence, Charles W.; Emporia. 2645 Lawrence, Edward K.; Hiawatha. S 6043 Lazenby, B. F.; Treece. 5909 Leach, Edwin S.; Junction City. 3486 Learning, Harry A.; Noel, Mo. 3604 Leavell, Frederick L. B.; lola. 7064 L’Ecuyer, Lyman J.; Greenleaf. 8276 Lee, Carleton H.; Pleasanton. S 7798 Lee, Chester E.; 1518 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6650 Lee, George R.; Yates Center. S 2200 Lee, James Grant; Bonner Springs. 7116 Lee, Robert L.; 3417 Strong Ave., Kansas City. S 7802 Leger, Lee Herman; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 4723 Leighton, Orrin L.; 621 Lafayette, Kansas City. 7392 Leiker, Raymond J.; Great Bend. S 4253 Leinbach, Roscoe C.; Onaga. 6669 Leininger, Earl F.; McCook, Neb. 7510 Leisure, Clyde E.; Atwood. 6948 Leitch, Cecil G.; 1109 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8618 Le May, Marjorie J.; Albany Hospital, Albany, N. Y. 4299 Lemmon, Henson B.; 429% Broadway, Houston, Tex. 5742 Lemoine, Albert N.; 906 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 4005 Lemon, Abraham L.; 807 Highland, Salina. 5836 Lemon, Frederick F.; Douglas. 1644 Lemon, Herbert K.; Hawks Bldg., Goshen, Ind. 6606 Lenski, Frank; lola. Lentz, Charles C.; Mission. 8695 Lentz, Charles L.; 1325 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 7792 Leonard, Carl D.; 652 Santa Clara, San Jose, Cal. 7229 Leonard, Roosevelt; Lyons. 2894 Leonard, Ward H.; 2711 West 51st Terrace, Kansas City. 363 Lerrigo, Charles H.; 824 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 1189 Leslie, Charles B.; Meade. 6579 Leslie, Gilbert A.; McDonald. 1494 Leverich, Leslie; 1211 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7345 Levey, Harry B.; 814 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8574 Levy, William S.; 70 Main St., Woonsocket, R. I. 3249 Lewis, Clemens C.; Clifton. 7291 Lewis, George K.; Garden City. S 7172 Lewis, James T.; Fort Scott. 8047 Lewis, Letteer G. H.; McPherson. S 6846 Lewis, Lora D.; 803 S. McCullough, Urbana, 111. 3569 Lewis, Nelson H. ; Benkelman, Neb. 3876 Leyser, Jeremiah C.; 418 Lee Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7796 Liddy, Eugene D., Jr.; 941 Alabama, Lawrence. 2539 Lidikay, Charles J.; 1032 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 8114 Lies, Barthel N.; Colwich. 5057 Light, Ralph A.; Chanute. 6001 Lightfoot, Earl C.; Girard. 7117 Liken, John A.; 108 N. Maple St., Creston, Iowa. 1436 Lind, Arthur J.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 1149 Lindley, Emmett R.; Stanberry, Mo. 7915 Lindquist, Paul A.; Monroe, Mich. 7725 Lins, Beatrice M.; Watkins Memorial Hospital, Lawrence. 7794 Listen, Merrill E.; 908 E. Donmoyer, Indianapolis, Ind. 4309 Little, B. Belle; Manhattan. 6997 Little, Lloyd G.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 843 Little, William H.; Alta Vista. 8488 Lloyd, Earl L.; Salina. 6651 Lodge, Athens V.; Brewster, Mass. 7801 Loewen, Henry H.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 7239 Loewen, Peter S. ; 3217 Victor PL, Wichita. 7463 Lofgreen, Sylva Young; Ottawa. 7462 Lofgreen, Victor J.; Ottawa. 8487 Logue, Richard M.; 1631 S. Evanston, Tulsa, Okla. 7158 Lohrentz, Abraham M.; McPherson. 7263 Long, C. E.; Norton. 1090 Longnecker, Charles W.; Kingman. 7024 Longwood, Orlin W.; Staffford. 5260 Loomis, Sidney B.; Lost Springs. 7668 Looney, Gordon C.; Veterans Hospital, Triskegee, Ala. 8436 Lorhan, Paul H.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 3864 Lose, Fred D.; Madison. 7118 Loudon, John R.; 800 S. 13th St., Lincoln, Neb. 4721 Love, George M.; Rogers, Ark. 5712 Love, Wm. A., 1820 N. Third St., Kansas City. 7842 Love, William R.; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. 5411 Loveland, F. L.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7336 Low, Joseph H.; Coffeyville. 7609 Low, W. G.; Coffeyville. 1374 Lowdermilk, R. Claud; Galena. 7025 Lowe, De Witt S.; Pawnee City, Neb. 5607 Lowe, Orrin C.; Paola. 7916 Lowell, Paul; Blackburn, Mo. 5937 Lower, Mary J.; 4116 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 2145 Lowman, Richard C.; 816 N. Ninth St., Kansas City. 8696 Lowrey, Ford J.; 626 Lathrop Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7799 Loy, David T.; 611 Huron Bldg., Kansas City. 8387 Loyd, H. O.; Bushton. 4725 Loyd, Perry A.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. 8277 Lozoff, Milton; 3617 West Sixth, Topeka. 6142 Lucas, Robert T.; 2500 Wood Ave., Kansas City. 7917 Ludwick, Arthur L.; 1023 W. 2nd St., Duluth, Minn. 7026 Luke, John H.; 1309 Hotel Parkway, Kansas City. S 0431 Lunbeck, Daniel W.; Englewood. 6671 Lutz, Harry; Augusta. 7666 Lynn, William F. ; 30 N. Raymond, Pasadena, Cal. 6322 Lyon, Charles W.; Ellinwood. 8048 Lyon, John M.; General Hospital, Denver, Colo. 6653 Lyons, Henry B.; 1605 E. Eighteenth St., Kansas City, Mo Lyter, Clinton S.; Carbondale. S 4558 Lytle, Clinton R.; McPherson. M 2831 Mabie, L. D.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 6447 Mabry, Samuel A.; 1700 Summit St., Kansas City, Mo. 7918 Mackie, Thomas J.; Freedeare, N. Y. 8279 Maclean, John A.; 315 Alameda Rd., Kansas City, Mo. 7627 MacLeod, Sherburne; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 8 5095 Madden, Alvin C.; Kechi. 6208 Madison, Waite H.; Marshall, Mo. 8619 Madtson, Alfred R.; Ottawa. 5826 Madtson, Martha M.; Beloit. 8494 Magee, Charles R.; Wichita. S 3106 Maggard, Delano I.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 6418 Major, Ralph H.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 8162 Makart, Carl D.; Chicago, 111. S 1899 Maker, Louis E.; Akron, Colo. 7470 Malcolm, Donald C.; La Garde Hospital, New Orleans, La. 5813 Mallison, S. N.; County Health Officer, El Dorado. 2226 Mallory, Benjamin F.; Arlington. Man, Walter; Leavenworth. 8163 Mandeville, George; Dodge City. S 8388 Manley, Joseph W.; Kansas City. S 658 Manning, Harris W. ; Emporia. 7363 Mapes, Russell W.; 9615 Brighton Way, Beverly Hills, Cal. 1296 Marcotte, Oscar F.; 1008 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 6767 Marker, Daniel I.; Manhattan. S 5—7280 6847 Markham, Henry V.; 6567 Gaviota, Long Beach, Cal. 1645 Markham, Homer E.; Ottawa. 3503 Markham, Howard C.; Parsons. 2563 Markham, Robert M.; Pittsburg. 6009 Marks, George W.; Valley Falls. 407 Marner, Gideon P.; Marion. 8049 Marr, James T.; Sterling. S , 5502 Marrs, Edward A.; Sedan. 5641 Marshall, Albert H.; 135 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7671 Marshall, Bromell M.; 135 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8050 Marshall, Cameron F.; 201 Plaza Theatre Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7919 Marshall, Geo. D.; Colby. 6739 Marshall, Hal E. ; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 4931 Marshall, Harley; Herington. 8002 Martin, A. E., Jr.; Oskaloosa. S 4341 Martin, Guy E.; Concordia. 8620 Martin, Hubert C.; R. R. No. 1, Rapid City, Mich. 5503 Martin, Melvin C.; Newton. S 8051 Martin, Oliver L.; Baxter Springs. S 8054 Martin, Ralf; South Freeport, Maine. 4573 Martin, Thaddeus P. ; 1026 Buchanan St., Topeka. 1069 Marty, Loraine A.; 815 McGee St., Kansas City, Mo. 6533 Marxer, Barney; Du Po, 111. 7920 Maser, Geo. R.; Mission. S 4473 Mason, Burgess B.; 422 Glenneyre St., Laguna Beach, Cal. 8053 Matassarin, Frederick W.; 402 Masonic Temple Bldg., Wichita. S 7371 Matts, Robert M.; 628 Second Ave., Yuma, Ariz. S 3627 Maxey, Fred W. ; Superior, Neb. 8495 Maxfield, Russell J.; Garden City. S 8496 Maxson, Theodore R.; Moran, S 8218 Maxwell, Robert H.; 1401 Union Natl. Bank Bldg., Wichita. 443 May, Andrew J.; 501 S. Eleventh St., Salina. 8055 May, James W.; 330 N. Seventeenth St., Kansas City. S 5217 Mayer, Ben H.; Ellsworth. 8164 Mayes, Fred; State Board of Health, Topeka. 4380 Mays, Charles O.; Liberal. 3496 Mays, Roscoe B.; Tribune. 6796 McAlester, Andrew W., HI; 2003 Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 1833 McAllister, Robert L.; Marysville. 6743 McCandless, O. C.; County Health Officer, Marion. 604 McCandless, Oliver H.; R. F. D. No. 1, Kansas City, Mo. 2341 McCarty, Claude E.; Dodge City. 7335 McCarty, Dale C. ; Lawrence. S McClintock, Edward "A.; Overbrook. S 1274 McClintock, George; Overbrook. 3159 McClymonds, Robert C.; Walton. 5210 McComas, Marmaduke D. ; Courtland. 1898 McComb, Fred J.; 433 N. Terrace Drive, Wichita. 8491 McConchie, James E.; Washington. S 5743 McConnell, Archie B.; Burlington. 8286 McCool, Stanton A.; Seneca. 2282 McCord, Frank E.; Department of Public Health, Jacksonville, 111. 4925 McCormick, Gilbert C. ; 1127 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 8676 McCoy, Charles P.; 1757 Jackson Ave., W’ichita. 8625 McCoy, Frederick J.; McPherson. 3042 McCoy, John H.; Alliance, Neb. 6849 McCreight, Eugene J.; Liberal. 1438 McCreight, Marlin S.; Oskaloosa. 5722 McCroskie, Moscoe R.; Fairview, Okla. 3663 McCulloch, Jennie; Goodland. 7123 McDermott, Alza M. ; Ellis. S 8389 McDermott, Joseph A. ; U. S. Army. 5962 McDonald, Ernest C.; Pittsburg. 4990 McDonald, Orville A.; 821 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5391 McDonnell, John F.; Caldwell. 5640 McElroy, Chester A.; 1631 W. Ninth St., Kansas City, Mo. 6352 McEwen, Fred J. ; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 3756 McFarland, Carl R.; 3717 E. Third St., Long Beach, Cal. McFarland, McDonald; Kansas City. S 7923 McFarland, Morris D.; 12 Ware St., Cambridge, Mass. 3808 McFarland, William I.; Hebron, Neb. 3838 McGaughey, Hugh D.; Joplin, Mo. 4474 McGee, Charles B.; Pretty Prairie. 6327 McGill, Lucien R.; Hoisington. 6950 McGrew, John M.; Wellington. 3499 McGuire, John W.; Neodesha. 7086 McHale, Thomas C. ; 4620 Independence Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 6555 Mcllhenny, Robert C.; Conway Springs. 6768 Mcllvain, Guy B. ; Clay Center. S 1390 McIntosh, Eben S.; Burns. 6951 McKean, Willis H.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 7031 McKee, Dick B.; McCune. 8287 McKee, Leo F.; Elizabeth, N. J. S 7805 McKee, Richard S.; 502 Delaware St., Leavenworth. S 6157 McKeown, Charles D.; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 8326 McKibben, Joe T.; Lamar, Mo. 6246 McKinley, Walter E.; Jewell. 5215 McKinney, W’illiam ; Baxter Springs. 7274 McKnight, Clarence J.; 207 W. Skinner, Wichita. 7571 McKnight, Ellis B. ; Alma. 769 McLaughlin, Chilton W.; 1007 N. Sixth St., Kansas City. 1709 McLaughlin, James A.; Greensburg. 8677 McLean, Hal B.; St. Margaret’s Hospital, Kansas City. 5835 McLeod, Donald R.; Hooker, Okla. 2866 McManis, James E.; Havensville. 6380 McMillion, John D.; Coffeyville. 3501 McNair, Charles F.; bx/2 W. First St., Hutchinson. 2896 McNaughton, James H. ; 911 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 380 McPherson, Owen P. ; 6 E. Eleventh St., Kansas City, Mo. 6134 McReynolds, Albert R.; 408 S. Broadway, Wichita. 7125 McVey, Roy B.; Clay Center. S 6353 McWilliams, Cline V.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7292 Meadearis, Donald N.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7258 Means, Robert R.; Osawatomie. 3118 Meckfessel, Frank G. H. ; Lewis. 7473 Meek, George C.; Little River. 7159 Meeker, Bruce P. ; 110 S. Broadway, Wichita. 4932 Mehrle, Martin ; Pittsburg. 7468 Meidinger, Ray; Highland. 8390 Meisburger, R. G.; Fredonm. S 7803 Melchert, Harold B.; Council Grove. S 5572 Melencamp, Noble E.; Dodge City. 6119 Mella, Sherwin E.; 314 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo, 7674 Mellott, Lennert B.; Bonner Springs. S 3748 Melton, Daniel W.; Preston. 7569 Melton, Ralph R.; Marion. 7414 Menehan, Frank L.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 2371 Menninger, Charles F.; 3617 W. Sixth St., Topeka. 6012 Menninger, Karl A.; 3617 W. Sixth St., Topeka. 6741 Menninger, William C.; 3617 W. Sixth St., Topeka. S 6583 Mercer, Herman A.; Eudora. 6905 Mercer, J. Wendall; 212 Bass Bldg., Enid, Okla. 7349 Merideth, Clyde O., Jr.; Emporia. Mermis, William Leo; Wichita. S 8278 Messenheimer, Myron G.; 4200 E. 9th St., Denver, Colo. 423 Messick, Charles; 1016 Fillmore, Topeka. 7173 Metcalf, Ralph J.; El Dorado. S 3505 Meyer, August A.; Alma. 8280 Meyer, Donald D.; Box 991, Phoenix, Ariz. 6175 Michalak, Joseph J.; Humboldt. 7028 Michener, Robert B.; 205 N. Washington St., Wichita. 1662 Michener, Robison E.; Mulvane. 5033 Michener, William E.; 1008 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 822 Mielke, Charles H.; 3119 Strong Ave., Kansas City. 4998 Miers, Edward M.; Mena, Ark. 6584 Milbank, George E.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 8165 Miles, Paul W.; Newton. S 8550 Millard, Glenn E.; 246 E. Alexandrine, Detroit, Mich. 8757 Millard, Samuel Thos.; 713 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 3507 Miller, Bert E.; Council Grove. 7464 Miller, Charles H.; Parsons. 3494 Miller, Charles M.; Oakley. 8093 Miller, Clyde W.; Brown Bldg., Wichita. S 7840 Miller, D. Evelyn; 211 S. Lorraine Ave., Wichita. 8166 Miller, D. Leonard; Hawthorne, Neb. 8057 Miller, Earl E.; Box 177, Evanston, Wyo. S 7732 Miller, Edgar W., Col., Medical Corps, Englewood, Colo. S 7119 Miller, Eldon Stiles; 1441 S. Thirty-third St., Kansas City. 8621 Miller, Gerald L.; 400 E. Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 4860 Miller, Henry B.; Rossville. 7570 Miller, Herbert H.; Wahpeton, N. Dak. 8455 Miller, Joseph E.; 1033 Gayley Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. 2405 Miller, Loren B.; 1028 Broadway, Wichita. 5355 Miller, Milton B.; 1515 Jewell Ave., Topeka. 3868 Miller, Mohler J.; Plainville. 7523 Miller, Philip G.; Anthony. 2907 Miller, R. H.; Lamed. 5505 Miller, Ransley J.; 1008 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5506 Miller, Walter P.; 800 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 4475 Miller, Walter W.; Osborne. 8622 Miller, William R.; Lyons. 6117 Miller, William R. ; Cowgill, Mo. 7029 Millett, Henry S. ; 3100 Euclid Ave., Kansas City, Mo. S 5214 Millice, Glenn S.; Battle Creek, Iowa. 8219 Milliken, Allen P.; State Hospital, Kankakee, 111. 4681 Millington, Guy L.; Girard. 4896 Millis, Earl R.; 626 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 5894 Mills, Charles D.; Schweiter Bldg., Wichita. 7804 Mills, Cornelius M.; 1843 Spruce St., Berkeley, Cal. 7030 Mills, Earl L.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. S 4283 Mills, Frank R. ; Powell, Wyo. 8167 Mills, Fred E.; St. Margaret’s Hospital, Kansas City. 3344 Mills, Harry L.; 110 S. Broadway, Wichita. 4873 Mills, Lewis D.; Mound City. 4926 Mills, William M.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5369 Milne, Lindsay S.; 1132 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6063 Miner, Oliver W. ; Garden City. 8283 Mininger, Edward P.; 2065 Adelbert Road, Cleveland, O. 7991 Minnick, Charles V.; Junction City. 5311 Missildine, John G.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 8168 Mitchell, John Charles; 520 United Life Bldg., Salina. S 3799 Mitchell, Walton I.; 1644 Visalia Ave., Berkeley, Cal. 202 Moberly, Robert L.; Olathe. 3493 Moennighoff, Fritz J.; Monett, Mo. 3366 Moffitt, Edwin J.; 6777 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 8391 Mollohan, M. L.; Arcadia. S 8171 Moncees, Wayne E.; 206 W. Sixty-seventh St., Kansas City, Mo. 5032 Montee, Clarence M.; Pittsburg. 142 Montgomery, John C.; Farmersville, La. 8070 Montgomery, Ruth; 1025 First Natl. Bank Bldg., Wichita. 4166 Montzingo, Edward R.; Attica. 8284 Moon, Roger A.; State of Wisconsin General Hospital, Madison, Wis. 3595 Moonlight, Waiter S.; Eureka. 2252 Moore, David J.; Dexter. 7672 Moore, Ernest M., Jr.; Higginsville, Mo. 1333 Moore, James M. ; Spring Hill. 8623 Moore, Robert A.; 30th and Wyandotte Sts., Kansas City, Mo. 7388 Moore, Robert H. ; Lansing. S 7844 Moorhead, Frank A.; Neodesha. S 7269 Moran, Charles T.; Arkansas City. S 8663 Merest, F. Stanley; 1515 W. 84th St., Kansas City, Mo. S 8169 Morgan, David B. ; 1524 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. S 6485 Morgan, Donald H.; McCook, Neb. 3752 Morgan, Eugene L.; Phillipsburg. 883 Morgan, George W.; Savonburg. 7374 Morgan, Harold E.; Newton. 8697 Morgan, John L.; Emporia. S 6979 Morgan, Philip W.; Emporia. 5352 Morley, Fred H. ; Route 4, Kansas City. 8170 Morley, Louise A.; 312 Maple Ave., Monroe, Mich. 6742 Morris, Benjamin S.; Quinter. 7085 Morris, Earl F.; Hays. 6116 Morris, Harold T.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8232 Morris, William A.; County Hospital, Arlington, Cal. 2526 Morrison, Cyrus C.; Erie. 6998 Morrison, George B.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 2265 Morrison, Hector; Smith Center. 8115 Morrison, Ira R.; Atchison. S 7512 Morrison, Marjorie G. E.; 20005 Littlefield, Detroit, Mich. 5507 Morrison, Scott D.; La Cygne. 8689 Morrow, Earl J.; 3131 Forest Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 3502 Morrow, Frank M.; Leavenworth. 4167 Morrow, Nelson C.; Parsons. 8285 Morrow, Raymond L.; Blue Springs, Mo. 4731 Morton, Harry T.; 3620 E. 60th St., Kansas City, Mo. 5508 Morton, Warren R.; Green. 7673 Moser, Ernest C.; Holton. S 7471 Moser, Roy H.; Holton. 128 Moses, Howard N.; 100 S. Santa Fe, Salina. 8220 Mothershead, John L. ; Denton. S 6351 Mott, James M.; 1035 Massachusetts, Lawrence. S 7921 Movitz, David; 906 Hulman Bldg., Evansville, Ind. 8664 Mueller, Vernette A.; 324 N. Volutsia, Wichita. 7185 Mullen, Clifford J.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. S 7675 Muller, Samuel B.; Overland Park. S 4572 Mullikin, Doyle B. ; Chester, Neb. 5643 Mundell, Minuette S.; 1524 N. Adams, Hutchinson. 5644 Mundell, Walter N.; 1524 N. Adams, Hutchinson. 4256 Munford, Raymond H. ; Belleville. 5370 Munger, C. Herbert; County Health Officer, Emporia. Munsell, D. W.; Halstead. S 7186 Murdock, Edgar P.; 2131/£ E. Fourth St., Olympia, Wash. 94 Murdock, Samuel; Sabetha. 8334 Murphy, Lyman C.; Wichita Hospital, Wichita. 6776 Murray, Leo C.; El Dorado. S 6292 Murtagh, Edward G.; Burlingame. 5837 Musick, James D.; 210 Medical Arts Bldg., Springfield, Mo. 6285 Myers, Ben L.; 815 Shukert Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 5509 Myers, John L.; 815 Shukert Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8624 Myers, John S.; 425 Huntington Rd., Kansas City, Mo. 7502 Myers, Ralph R. ; 815 Shukert Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7924 Myers, Robert M.; 1025 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 2278 Myers, Samuel M.; Corning. 7845 Myers, Thomas T. ; Marysville. 6150 Myers, Wilson A.; 815 Shukert Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 4210 Nail, Frank E.; Riverton, Neb. 7278 Nanninga, John B.; Newton. 6423 Naramore, James T. ; Parsons. 5307 Nash, A. R.; Parsons. 8288 Nash, Francis J.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7925 Nash, Louis R.; Camarillo St. Hospital, Camarillo, Cal. 7926 Nash, Newman C.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 7475 Nason, Z. Miles; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 7677 Nay, Newell; 2664 Puesta del Sal Road, Santa Barbara, Cal 5385 Naylor, Noble E.; Wellsville. 4211 Neal, J. Park; 736 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7807 Neas, Ingall H. ; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 2342 Need, Omar U.; Oak Hill. 7574 Need, Omar U., Jr.; P. O. Box 67, Madera, Cal. Needels, Orval Thomas; Wichita. S 3020 Neel, Wm. H.; Wellington. 6986 Neff, Frank C.; 315 Alameda Road, Kansas City, Mo. 7572 Neighbor, Ernest G.; 3119 Strong Ave., Kansas City. S 8499 Neighbor, Gaylord P.; 3119 Strong Ave., Kansas City. 6914 Nelson, Barrett A.; Manhattan. 6050 Nelson, Carl F.; University of Kansas, Lawrence. 3338 Nelson, Charles R.; Jamestown. 7847 Nelson, Chester M.; Oberlin. 2764 Nelson, Enos A.; Phillipsburg. 6404 Nelson, Lawrence S.; 119 S. Seventh St., Salina. 7806 Nelson, Raymond E. ; 1340 Sunnymede Ave., South Bend, Ind. 8626 Nelson, Richard A.; 545 E. 19th St., Lawrence. S 6881 Nelson, William N. ; 500 Central, Fillmore, Cal. 554 Nelson, William O.; Wren Bldg., Lawrence. 6113 Neptune, Harold E.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. 2305 Neptune, John W.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. 3871 Nesselrode, Clifford C. ; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 8500 Nevett, R. R.; Moran. 7516 Nevitt, James R. ; Moran. S 8627 Newberg, Waldo L.; S. Pacific General Hospital, San Fran- cisco, Cal. 4574 Newell, John Frank; Durham. 6354 Newman, Carl S.; Pittsburg. 4481 Newman, Charles M.; Axtell. 7032 Newman, Clifford B.; Pittsburg. S 8173 Newman, Cloyce A.; Bode, Iowa. 3509 Newman, John R.; Fort Scott. 4257 Newman, M. C.; Mills Bldg., Topeka. 8174 Newman, Robert L.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 4212 Newsome, Levi J.; 1235 Monroe St., Topeka. 4482 Newton, John R. ; Olathe. 257 Newton, William B.; Glasco. 1488 Newton, William J.; Lewis. 2927 Nichols, Roscoe T.; Hiawatha. 1423 Nichols, Schuyler; Herington. 3097 Nicoll, David T.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7927 Nienstedt, John F.; Hartford. S 691 Nienstedt, William F.; Hartford. 6712 Nigro, Dominic M. ; 525 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 3777 Nipple, Frederick E.; Mulberry. 8058 Nix, Lester K.; 1654 N. Lorraine, Wichita. 6112 Nodurfth, Elmer J.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 8628 Nohe, Philip C.; 2515 W. 49th Terrace, Kansas City. S 2742 Norman, William G.; Cherryvale. 8393 Norris, George L.; Olathe. S 6977 Northrup, Frank A. ; Garden City, Mo. 776 Northrup, John F.; 835 N. Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5561 Norton, Howard G.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 8289 Nothnagel, Arnold F.; 712 Reynolds Ave., Kansas City. S 6673 Noyes, William W.; Ceresco, Neb. N 6534 Nunn, Pat M.; 524 Southwest Blvd., Kansas City. 8629 Nunnery, William C.; City Hospital, Winston-Salem, N. C. 3419 Nutting, Harry C.; Emporia. 5707 Nyberg, M. O.; 3321 Victor PL, Wichita. 7928 Nyda, Morton J.; 60 Vicente St., San Francisco, Cal. o 7682 Oakes, Charles G.; Sapulpa, Okla. 7679 Obert, Francis C.; Red Cloud, Neb. 5864 Ockerblad, Nelse F.; 1530 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 5142 O’Connell, John H.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 4984 O’Connell, Paul J.; 4178 Cambridge Ave., Kansas City. 5832 O’Connor, Thomas A.; 535 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8060 Odgers, Stephen L.; Butte, Mont. 391 O’Donnell, Alfred; Ellsworth. 1321 O’Donnell, Arthur E.; Junction City. 1229 O’Donnell, Frederick W.; Junction City. 6850 O’Donnell, Harold F.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. S 8630 O’Donnell, Harry E.; Junction City. 498 O’Donnell, Henry; St. Clair, Ellsworth. 6882 O’Donnell, Leonard A.; 1225% E. Douglas, Wichita. 8505 O’Donnell, Richard H.; 1208 Stevens Bldg., Portland, Ore. 7808 Oehlschlager, F. Keith; Yale, Okla. 6556 Oglevie, Rial R.; 522 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8290 Oleen, George G.; Salem, N. C. S 6747 Olson, Andrew A.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 7680 Olson, Elmer H.; 153 W. College, Covina, Cal. 8698 Oltman, Theodore V.; Newton. 7681 O’Neil, Gerald C.; 1740 Bainbridge, Philadelphia, Pa. 8291 O’Neill, Francis E.; 3831 Fort Blvd., El Paso, Tex. 8631 O’Neill, James R.; Santa Rosa Hospital, San Antonio, Tex. 5857 Orr, Thomas G.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 8175 Ortman, Gareth S.; Kansas City. S 5863 Osborn, Robert B.; Wakeeney. 5037 Ott, Leroy S. S.; Leoti. 5059 Outland, John H.; 1025 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7678 Outt, Charles N.; 616 Frisco Bldg., Joplin, Mo. 5596 Owen, Arthur K.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 3788 Owen, Elijah M.; 823 Kentucky, Lawrence. 8504 Owens, Graham J.; 701 E. 45th St., Kansas City, Mo. 6740 Owens, Guy E.; 520 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6065 Owens, Hugh H.; 1034 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 3241 Owens, Michael J.; 1084 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 4822 Owensby, Oicar M.; Manhattan. 2567 Ozias, Charles O.; Nevada, Mo. p 6268 Pace, John D.; Parsons. 5040 Padfield, Earl G.; United Life Bldg., Salina. 5221 Padfield, Robert E.; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 8095 Padgett, Earl C.; 1316 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo, 4279 Page, Willifred ; Ellis. 6316 Paine, George E.; 100 W. First St., Hutchinson. 6748 Palmer, Harold W.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. S 7126 Palmer, Henry P.; Scott City. 547 Palmer, William R.; 602 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 5038 Palmer, William R.; Lawrence. 3811 Pardue, Ralph; Edna. 3376 Parker, Clarence A.; 201% N. Main St., Wichita. 7576 Parker, David F.; Tonganoxie. 7127 Parker, Dean B.; Ransom. 7685 Parker, Elliott F.; 1630 Fifth Ave., Moline, 111. 5512 Parker, Ernest R.; 1137 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 1508 Parker, Ivan B.; Hill City. 8176 Parker, Robert H.; 5828 Locust St., Kansas City, Mo. 5513 Parker, Victor R.; Natoma. 2903 Parks, Seth M.; Bartlesville, Okla. 8233 Parrish, Carroll E.; St. Helena Sanitarium, Cal. 5597 Parrish, William A.; Mulberry. 8324 Parsons, Jack F.; Cherokee, Okla. 6851 Partridge, Clyde Elmer; Emporia. 8177 Passman, Harold; 1116 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8179 Patterson, Harold L.; Lyons. S 5356 Patterson, Paul M.; 712 N. Sycamore Ave., Hollywood, Cal. 3885 Patton, Chester L.; Emporia. 6097 Patton, George A.; Atchison. 6317 Patton, William G.; 610 S. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. 2302 Paul, John B.; 707 Waldheim Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7188 Pauley, Vein L. ; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 5570 Pearl, Frank A.; 4321 Hopper Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. 7575 Pearse, R.oy W., Jr.; Nevada, Mo. 7686 Pearson, Glenn A.; E. E. N. & T. Hospital, New Orleans, La. 8178 Pearson, Paul E.; Fitzsimmons General Hospital, Denver, Colo. 6355 Peck, James H. A.; St. Francis. 6883 Peckenschneider, Lloyd O'. E.; Halstead. 6749 Peete, Don Carlos; 1500 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6655 Pemberton, Charles W.; 215 Pilgrim Bldg., Houston, Tex. 6656 Penwell, George H.; Russell. 3160 Perry, Middleton L.; State Hospital, Topeka. 8062 Peters, Glenn R.; Cameron, Mo. 5978 Petersen, Daniel; Herington. 7305 Peterson, Emmet E.; Halstead. 7929 Petit, Paul T.; 820 Goodhue Blvd., Beaumont, Tex. 2588 Petitt, Percy A.; Paola. 8632 Petterson, Carl A.; 224 S. Coy St., Kansas City. 8293 Petterson, Cecil E.; Norton. S 6269 Petterson, Edward C.; Plainville. 922 Pettet, Joseph D.; Pittsburg. 8063 Pettijohn, Walter J.; Kiowa. 5514 Pettis, Arthur L.; El Dorado. 2234 Petty, Charles N.; Altamont. 7234 Pfaff, Richard O.; Des Moines, Iowa. S 8633 Pfuetze, Edwin L.; U. S. Marine Hospital, Norfolk, Va. 7683 Pfuetze, Karl H.; Carmon Falls, Minn. 2144 Pfuetze, Robert E.; Natl. Reserve Bldg., Topeka. 4280 Phillips, Benjamin L.; Paola. 8634 Phillips, Elizabeth R.; 2131 Midvale Ave., W. Los Angeles, Cal. 6596 Phillips, Frederick N.; 1932 N. Fifth St., Kansas City. S 1556 Phillipsen, John A.; Wellington. 7930 Pickard, Nicholas S.; 6210 High Drive., Kansas City, Mo. 4649 Pickens, Edgar A.; Springfield, Mo. 7742 Pickens, Edgar E.; 626 Lathrop Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Pickett, William H.; City Health Officer, Kansas City. U. S. P. H. S. 5805 Pickier, Richard S. ; Beloit. 483 Pile, Eugene, Ashton. 2841 Pinkston, James A.; Independence. 8635 Pinney, James C.; R. R. No. 1, Sturgeon Bay, Wis. 7810 Pinsker, Jacob A.; 206 W. First St., Hutchinson. S 6111 Piper, Charles L.; Ft. Duchesne, Utah. 4285 Piper, Dorius H.; Osawatomie. 6750 Pitman, Will D.; Pratt. 8180 Plagens, George M.; General Hospital, Santa Barbara, Cal. 7160 Plowman, Carl W.; Jewell. 8678 Plowman, Warren A.; Jewell. 8540 Pohlman, John F.; Sedgwick County Hospital, Wichita. 8181 Poindexter, Marlin H., Jr.; University Hospital, Oklahoma City, Okla. S • 7684 Pokorny, Charles; Attica. S Poling, F. B.; Halstead. S 5559 Polk, David T.; 116% E. Broadway, Excelsior Springs, Mo. 8636 Poison, Robert C.; 1129 Louisiana St., Lawrence. 6160 Pond, Eugene A.; 1607 Genesee St., Kansas City, Mo. 8395 Poole, Harold E.; University Hospital, Iowa City, Iowa. 3113 Poorman, Bert A.; 1225 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 4552 Poppen, Joseph A.; Burr Oak. 7059 Porter, John M.; Concordia. S 5515 Post, William L.; 914 Kentucky, Lawrence. 5516 Postlethwaite, Frank M.; 1103 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 4641 Poston, William O.; Quenemo. 109 Potts, George W.; Drexel, Mo. 5219 Powell, Fred C.; Macksville. 6810 Powell, Lyle S.; 736 Kentucky, Lawrence. S 6536 Powell, Paul M.; 823 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7509 Powers, Harold W.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 6777 Powers, John C.; Billings, Mont. 4738 Prather, Roy W.; Excelsior Springs, Mo. 7236 Pratt, William L.; 510% Delaware St., Leavenworth. 5304 Preston, Richard O.; 602 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 4489 Price, C. C.; Oswego. 7514 Price, Vaughan C.; McPherson. S 3607 Prichard, Jesse R.; Fort Scott. 8182 Prochazka, Otto F.; St. Francis Hospital, Wichita. S 7577 Proctor, Lawrence A.; Parsons. 5517 Prout, William S., Lt. Col.; Med. Corps, Fitzsimmons Hospital, Denver, Colo. 4081 Puckett, Charles F.; Mullinville. 2144 Puderbaugh, Ira; Osawkie. 8506 Pugh, Albert E.; 2065 Adelbert Road, Cleveland, Ohio. 8699 Pugh, Thomas E.; 2408 Minnestota Ave., Kansas City. 369 Pusey, John R.; Toronto. 7532 Pusitz, Manuel E.; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 7268 Putnam, Laurel Irene; 203 W. Kirwin, Salina. 7932 Putnam, Lyle B.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. S 7277 Pyle, Lucien R.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 8396 Pyle, Marjorie M.; Lawrence. Q 4215 Quantius, Rachel L.; McPherson. 6518 Quiring, Walter O.; 100 W. First St., Hutchinson. R 8064 Rabe, Melvin A.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 5158 Rabin, Julius H.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 6663 Rader, Ada B.; Martin City, Mo. 5397 Ragan, Romulus C.; 404% W. Seventy-fifth St., Kansas City, Mo. 6751 Raines, Omar M.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 6202 Rainey, Edward C.; 615 Beacon Bldg., Wichita. 6956 Rainey, Norris L.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 3649 Ralls, Clayton T.; Winfield. 5997 Ramsey, Carey L.; Santa Fe Hospital, Topeka. 6051 Randall, John W.; Marysville. 1565 Randles, Herbert; Fort Scott. 8065 Randles, Leland P.; Fort Scott. S 5519 Ransom, James L.; 2251 Topeka Blvd., Topeka. 8507 Rapoport, Paul; Jewish Hospital,, Brooklyn, N. Y. 7306 Rathert, Burton S.; Cawker City. 7579 Ratzlaff, Abraham K.; Goessel. 8397 Ratzloff, Dan O.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 5679 Rautert, J. H.; 1800 Central Ave., Kansas City. 2445 Ravenscroft, Leighton P. ; Winfield. 1162 Raynolds, Elmer L.; Mankato. 7129 Reece, Adalbert S.; Gardner. S Reed, Darwin C.; Wichita. S 354 Reed, George D.; 2052 Buchanan St., Topeka. Reed, H. Lester; Kansas City. S 5371 Reed, Hugh S.; Guide Rock, Neb. 8508 Reed, Joe, Jr.; Lamed. S 4017 Reed, William W.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7687 Reeves, Eugene A.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. S 4261 Regier, Henry L.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 4271 Regier, Wilhelm E.; Whitewater. 3780 Reichley, Elmer J.; Herington. 3976 Reid, Charles T.; 607 Main St., Joplin, Mo. 8295 Reid, James A.; St. Luke’s Hospital, Kansas City, Mo. S 5357 Reid, James D.; Wellsville. 8117 Reid, Prentiss E.; Sparta, HI. 4171 Reid, Turner W.; Gardner. 8638 Reiderer, Robert E.; 39th & Rainbow, Kansas City. 7499 Reifsneider, J. Stanley; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 5520 Reinhardt, John H.; Glen Elder. 5521 Reinhardt, Robert A.; Glen Elder. 8679 Reist, Vorris M.; Oberlin. 8183 Reitz, Harvey E.; Wesley Hospital, Wichita. S 803 Reitzel, Walter M.; Manhattan. 1349 Relihan, Daniel W.; Smith Center. 4313 Relihan, Francis H.; Smith Center. 8637 Remsberg, Robert R.; lola. S Renick, E. T.; Lawrence. S 6471 Renner, Marion J.; Goodland. 6585 Reser, Thomas S.; Cole Camp, Mo. 6957 Rettenmaier, Albert J.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. Reutter, G. A.; County Health Officer, Columbus. 406 Revell, Arthur J.; Columbus. 7391 Revell, Arthur J.; Pittsburg. S 3286 Reynolds, C. W.; Holton. 8118 Reynolds, Lloyd W.; Hays. 3519 Rhoades, Fred H.; Hanover. 8185 Rhoades, Gordon H.; Halstead. S 4216 Rich, Oliver S.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 7580 Rich, William T.; Neodesha. S 660 Richards, George W.; 15 S. Seventeenth St., Kansas City. 7973 Richardson, Lyman K.; 5328 Belinder Road, Kansas City. S 8397 Richert, Forrest E.; Colon Hospital, Cristobal, C. Z. 5716 Richert, Henry; Newton. 8438 Richeson, Rae A.; Kansas City. S 366 Richmond, F. E.; Stockton. 5681 Richmond, Louis F.; 1316 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 567 Richmond, Thomas; 1305 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7525 Riedel, Robert H.; State Board of Health, Topeka. S 8510 Rieke, Frank A.; Shawnee. 6877 Rigdon, J. M.; Atchison. S 579 Riley, Brett R.; Benedict. 6404 Riley, Fred P.; St. Marys. 7811 Riller, Lowell E.; 920 Newton St., Kansas City, Mo. 3031 Rinehart, John H.; lola. 6896 Rinehart, William G.; Pittsburg. 6853 Rinkel, Herbert J.; 2005 Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7075 Rinker, John H.; 650 Fifth Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. 8511 Riordan, Emmett J.; U. S. Navy. 3516 Risdon, James W.; 529 Delaware St., Leavenworth. 8184 Rising, Jesse D.; 327 Van Brunt, Kansas City, Mo. 8639 Ritter, Norton R.; 2930 E. Adams, Tucson, Ariz. 8399 Roach, Harry M.; Lawrence. S 3618 Robb, James C.; Fowler. 6630 Robb, Robert W.; Osawatomie. 8512 Robb, T. P. ; Osawatomie. S 8541 Robbins, Louis L.; Topeka. S 6473 Robbins, Martin V.; Peculiar, Mo. 6310 Roberts, Louis S.; 214 E. First St., Wichita. 3859 Roberts, Melvin B.; Gridley. 5222 Roberts, Sam E.; 1110 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 4356 Robertson, Edwin N.; Concordia. 8221 Robertson, Edwin N., Jr.; Concordia. Robertson, Howard ; Concordia. S 5522 Robinson, Charles W.; Atchison. 8400 Robinson, David W.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 8640 Robinson, Edgar L.; U. S. Naval Hospital, Charleston, S. C. 7578 Robinson, George G.; Humansville, Mo. Robinson, L. D.; Moran. S 5042 Robinson, Norval W.; Bison. 8296 Robison, Corbin E.; Hoisington. S 8004 Roe, Mary E.; Norton. 8513 Roesler, Bruce E.; Great Bend. S 3632 Rogers, Cornelius B.; Lake City. 7688 Rogers, Fred E.; Lander, Wyo. 4494 Rogers, Marion W.; Main and Seventh St., Leon, Iowa. 8641 Rohr, Joseph H.; Burlington. 7936 Rolf, Bruce B.; Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. 6756 Rollow, R. Herbert; Chanute. 1142 Rombold, Charles R.; 110 S. Broadway, Wichita. 8456 Roode, Albert G.; U. S. Navy. 8186 Rook, Lee Emerson; St. Margaret’s Hospital, Kansas City. S 6066 Rose, Charles W.; 103 N. Elmwood, Kansas City, Mo. 8452 Rose, R. J.; Parsons. S 6958 Rosenthal, Frances E.; Baxter Springs. 8401 Rosier, Harold A.; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. 6610 Ross, Earl B.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. S 1045 Ross, Harry R.; State Board of Health, Topeka. 5525 Ross, Mack L.; 380 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7542 Rossitto, A. F.; 1102 W. Douglas, Wichita. S Rost, Glenn S.; Halstead. S 8103 Rost, William B.; Kirkpatrick Bldg., St. Joseph, Mo. 7237 Rottluff, Karl M.; Bonner Springs. 6451 Rouse, Benjamin H.; Florence, Colo. 7476 Roy, Gustave A.; 1002 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7477 Royer, Charles A.; Alva, Okla. 8514 Royse, Paul H.; Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore, Md. 6271 Ruble, Merle C.; Parsons. 3518 Rucker, Clemens; Sabetha. 7815 Rucker, Martin J.; Sabetha. S 7937 Rueb, Andrew E.; 309 Natl. Bank of America Bldg., Salina. S 7238 Rumold, Mervin J.; 6340 Indian Lane, Kansas City, Mo. 7938 Rumsey, John M.; 311 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 1924 Rupin, Anton; 1508 Harrison, Topeka. 6426 Rush, Floyd H.; Pittsburg. 3878 Russell, Guy J.; 640 Kansas Ave., Kansas City. 7975 Russell, John, 1537% Sixth Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. 4566 Russell, Marion F.; Great Bend. 7939 Ryan, Edward J.; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. 7727 Ryan, Maurice J.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S Ryan, Michael J.; Kansas City. S 8681 Ryding, Vincent T.; Salina. 86-12 Saferstein, Abraham L.; 1800 E. 105th St., Cleveland, Ohio 7239 Saks, Harry S.; 704 Republic Bldg., Denver, Colo. 5646 Sampson, David G.; Pedro Miguel, Canal Zone. 1204 Sams, Clement E. V.; Haven. 8402 Samuelson, Edward A.; Kansas City. S 4612 Sanders, Clarence E.; 1401 Southwest Blvd., Kansas City. 8643 Sanders, G. Earl; 3809 Bell St., Kansas City, Mo. 6357 Sandidge, Allen W.; Mulberry. 1156 Sandidge, James G.; Mulberry. 7134 Sandler, Samuel A.; 70 Anderson St., Hackensack, N. J. 7287 Sartorius, Herman C.; Garden City. S 8067 Saunders, Everett L.; 104% W. Maple, Independence, Mo. s 8515 Sawtell, James H.; 217 N. W. 32nd. Oklahoma City, Okla. 8335 Saxe, Earl; Menninger Clinic, Topeka. S 7940 Saylor, Leslie L.; 1008 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 7501 Scales, William M.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. S 6674 Schaefer, Leo J. ; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. 4287 Schaeffer, Frank; McLouth. 6857 Schaffer, Clarence K. ; 630 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 4084 Schaumloffel, H. G.; Burrton. 7643 Scheetz, Marion R. ; Lewisville, Ind. 1769 Schenck, Franklin E.; Burlingame. 6358 Schenck, Fred G.; Burlingame. Schiffmacher, Jack E.; Kansas City. S 6622 Schiltz, Frances Helen; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 7271 Schmaus, Lyle F.; Tola. S 6173 Schmidt, Albert W.; Lyons. 8403 Schmidt, C. Robert ; Halstead. S 7707 Schmidt, Herbert R.; Newton. 8187 Schmidt, John R.; U. of N. M., Albuquerque, N. Mex. 7819 Schnebly, J. Thomas; 900 Seventeenth St., N. W., Washing- ton, D. C. Schnee, Benjamin; Leavenworth. 7941 Schneider, Herbert H.; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. 8297 Schneider, Robert W.; Crile Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. 8096 Schoch, Andrew C.; 639 N. Pine, Chicago, 111. 5745 Schoenfeld, Otto E. ; 1898 Crenshaw Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. 5395 Schoonhoven, R. Grover; Manhattan. 3232 Schoor, William F.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 3594 Schrader, Lewis M.; Kinsley. 3233 Sehrant, J. H.; 12014 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 7383 Schulte, Edward J. ; Girard. S 7816 Schulte, Emmerich; 968 Central Ave., Kansas City. S 4218 Schumann, Enoch; Blue Rapids. 8644 Schwab, Robert L.; St. Mary’s Hospital, Duluth, Minn. 8517 Schwartz, Lloyd G.; Topeka. S 6960 Schwartz, Willard C.; Manhattan. S 8820 Schwaup, Samuel J.; Osborne. 7750 Schwegler, Raymond A.; 747 Massachusetts, Lawrence. S 6540 Scimeca, S. A.; Caney. 7240 Scott, Mildred E.; R. R. No. 1, Fredericksburg, Va. 4840 Scott, Mollie E.; R. R. No. 1, Fredericksburg, Va. 7721 Scott, Vincent L.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 1176 Scott, W. J.; Baxter Springs. Scott, Walter R.; Baxter Springs. 7379 Scott, William B. ; 334 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S Scuka, Clayton L.; Wichita. S 3764 Seehorn, Newton A.; 3204 E. 52nd St., Kansas City, Mo. 3012 Seiple, Arthur W. H.; Lamed. 401 Seitz, George; United Life Bldg., Salina. 8188 Sekavec, Gordon B.; Athol. S 8189 Sellards, Howard E.; Topeka. S 8298 Sereres, Edgar P.; Horton. S 3761 Settle, James A.; Walnut. 6008 Sewell, Minor F.; 1000 Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 1241 Seydell, Ernest M. ; 107 W. Douglas, Wichita. 5224 Shaffer, Clyde E. ; Moline. 2551 Shaffer, Frank W.; 122% S. Seventh St., Salina. 4333 Shaffer, Joseph; Simpson. 8299 Shanklin, John H.; Kansas City. S 5732 Sharp, Elwood A. ; 627 Neff Road, Grosse Point, Mich. 70 Sharp, Ethel H. ; T. B. Hospital, Detroit, Mich. 7036 Sharp, Helen C.; T. B. Hospital, Detroit, Mich. 8645 Sharp, Jack V.; 102 E. Murdock, Wichita. 2174 Sharp, Orland D.; Neodesha. 6474 Sharp, Oscar; Pittsburg. 4184 Shaumloffel, H. G.; Mt. Hope. 7821 Shaw, Darrel T.; 1781 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. 3801 Shaw, Frederick W.; 2312 Stuart Ave., Richmond, Va. 6967 Shaw, James W.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 2140 Shaw, Joseph C.; 1401 Buchanan, Topeka. 2247 Sheeler, Daniel W.; Devon. 7550 Sheldon, John; Twenty-fifth and Locust St., Kansas City, Mo. 3915 Sheldon, John G.; 603 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7241 Sheldon, Richard R. ; 425 W. Iron Ave., Salina. 2589 Shelksohn, Otto W.; Dorrance. 4020 Shelley, Hargus G.; Veterans Hospital, Wichita. 899 Shelley, Jacob F.; Elmdale. 4623 Shelley, Robert A. J.; Coldwater. 3306 Shelton, Frank W.; Independence. 5582 Shepard, Chester O.; Independence. 7817 Shepard, Francis C.; Clay Center. 7275 Shepard, LeRoy W.; Lamed. 5647 Sheppard, Cyril E. ; Lamed. 5889 Sherman, John N.; Chanute. 2528 Sherrard, John C.; Norway. 3849 Sherrard, Milton B.; Co. 1507 CCC, Jenny Lake, Utah. 7361 Sherwood, Loraine; 2117 N. Seventh, Kansas City. 6633 Sherwood, Noble P.; 517 Snow Hall, Lawrence. 8069 Sherwood, Robert O.; 237 16th St., Denver, Colo. 3600 Shewmaker, J. L. ; Phillipsburg. 8690 Shirey, Paul F.; Hutchinson. 6190 Shoemaker, F'erdinand; 3232 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo. 6860 Shofstall, Charles K.; 616 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 4085 Shonkwiler, Francis M.; Emporia. 159 Shoyer, Mayar; Holton. 8682 Shrader, Charles D.; Sawyer. 6381 Shults, Edwin J. G.; El Dorado. 526 Shumway, J. R.; Pleasanton. 8345 Siebert, Norman C. ; General Hospital, Kansas City, Mo. S 4779 Siever, Charles M. ; Picher, Okla. 8071 Sills, Charles T.; Newton. S 7553 Simon, John F.; U. S. Army. 3631 Simpson, James A.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. 8191 Simpson, James C.; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. S 8406 Simpson, Ronald A.; Hutchinson. S 7162 Sims, Thomas J.; 1211 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. S 6141 Singleton, J. Milton; 315 Alameda Rd., Kansas City, Mo. 6489 Singleton, Walter J.; La Crosse. 1393 Sippy, John J.; 130 S. American St., Stockton, Cal. 7523 Skinner, Edward H. ; 1532 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 5277 Skinner, John O.; 1402 Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 3193 Skoog, Andrew L.; 919 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 4311 Slayton, Frederick H.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 4809 Sloo, Milo G.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 3692 Sloss, Herbert J.; Holdenville, Okla. 8072 Smiley, Edward A.; Junction City. S 5044 Smiley, William A.; Junction City. 2348 Smith, Albert G.; Oskaloosa. 6382 Smith, Albert S. J.; 802 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 158 Smith, Andrew J.; 600 N. Fifth St., Leavenworth. 7354 Smith, Byron C.; New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, New York, N. Y. 7943 Smith, Carl M.; Sedan. 5867 Smith, Chester H.; Pittsburg. 3830 Smith, Clyde S.; Rossville. 6863 Smith, Frederick A. ; 564 Vinita Ave., Akron, Ohio. 6537 Smith, Frederick D. ; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 3760 Smith, Frederick J.; Osawatomie. 4749 Smith, French M.; Lyndon. 3038 Smith, George W.; 510 % Delaware St., Leavenworth. 1430 Smith, Hal C.; Franklin, Neb. 4748 Smith, Harry H.; 552 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 5532 Smith, Ira I.; Atlanta. 6864 Smith, James D.; 318 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7849 Smith, James S.; 1006 E. 1st St., Muncie, Ind. 5533 Smith, Jay L. ; Norcatur. 7549 Smith, Leo A.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7548 Smith, Leslie B.; 916 E. McDowell, Pheonix, Ariz. 8192 Smith, Orval L.; St. Marys. 3088 Smith, Rheuben C.; Marion. 7377 Smith, Rollin H.; Rich Hill, Mo. 5226 Smith, Roy K. ; Grainfield, Okla. 3305 Smith, Thomas E.; Independence. 6961 Smith, Thomas H.; La Tuna, Tex. 4312 Smithheisler, James R. ; Richmond. 2142 Smythe, Jay B.; Holton. 8646 Snook, Robert R. ; 1439 Tyler St., Topeka. 7420 Snyder, Cecil D.; Winfield. 3115 Snyder, Henry G.; Seneca. 7163 Snyder, Howard E. ; Winfield. S 7242 Snyder, Maurice; 105 S. Seventh St., Salina. S 3162 Snyder, Z. Hosea; Greenleaf. 2811 Soanes, Jabez G. N.; 400 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 7689 Soderberg, Nathaniel B.; 5017 Wyandotte, Kansas City, Mo. 7691 Sohlberg, Robert, Jr.; McPherson. S 7690 Solomon, William W. ; 2425 N. Twenty-fourth St., Omaha, Neb. 8193 Songre, Herbert L.; Lincoln. S Sophian, Abraham, Jr.; Kansas City. S 6588 Sorensen, George; 361 Cumberland Rd., Glendale, Cal. Sorensen, R. M. ; State Board of Health, Topeka. U. S. P. H. S. 7419 Spafford, Allen L.; Parker. 5335 Spake, La Verne B. ; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. 8890 Sparks, Albert; Fair Grove, Mo. 4265 Sparks, James W. ; 1720 Central Ave., Kansas City. 3843 Sparr, Ernest E.; 610 Joshua Green Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 5938 Spearing, Joseph W.; Columbus. 7695 Speer, Frederic; 2601 Parallel Ave., Kansas City. S 7944 Speer, Leland N.; 1810 Central Ave., Kansas City. S 2238 Speer, N. C.; 602 Packard, Kansas City. 5394 Speer, William L.; Osawatomie. 7731 Speirs, Richard E. ; Spearville. S 7719 Spelman, Arch E.; Smithville, Mo. 7693 Spencer, Harold F. ; Garnett. S 6270 Spiegel, Ruth Patrick; Formoso. 7243 Splichal, William F.; Belleville. S 5268 Spray, George A.; 200 S. Market St., Wichita. 5648 Springer, Ralph W.; Coffeyville. 7694 Sprong, A. A.; Sterling. S 7189 Squire, E. O.; Coffeyville. 642 Stacey, Harley J. ; 510Delaware St., Leavenworth. 7945 Stadel, William W. ; 2101 14th St., Oakland, Cal. 2001 Staehlin, Lydia J. Lothridge; Pratt. 7720 Stafford, George E.; 119 S. Seventh St., Salina. S 3298 Stahl, Clare W.; 826 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 2206 Stahlman, David C.; Potwin. 7620 Stark, Walter A.; Las Vegas, N. Mex. 5429 Starr, R. P. Ellis; Concordia. 8302 Statland, Harry; 427 E. Sixty-fourth St., Kansas City, Mo. 8520 Stauffer, Maurice H.; Kansas City. S 730 Steadman, L. S.; Junction City. 6866 Stearns, Dana P. ; U. S. Veterans Facility, Augusta, Ga. 7037 Steegman, Albert; 2600 W. 51st, Kansas City. 8407 Steel, C. H.; 2818 Audubon, New Orleans, La. 2239 Steelsmith, Simon ; Abilene. 7482 Steffen, Lawrence F.; El Dorado. S 8408 Steffen, Marvin O.; Manhattan. 7389 Steichen, Edward F.; Lenora. 3941 Steinhauser, William; Hiawatha. 8073 Steinzeig, Alfred S.; 834 Osage Ave., Kansas City. S 3522 Stella, Harry L.; Pittsburg. 446 Stemen, Charles M.; 817 N. Ninth St., Kansas City. 8194 Stensaas, Carl O.; Independence. S 2317 Stephan, Jesse J.; 1116 Armour, Kansas City, Mo. 5899 Stephens, C. B.; Osawatomie. 8521 Stephenson, Kathryn L.; 641 Wenonga Rd., Kansas City, Mo. 6659 Stephenson, Walter; Norton. 8647 Stephenson, Wayland A.; Lawrence. 1865 Stepp, John Edward; 2024 N. Fourteenth St., Kansas City. 4266 Sterett, David R.; 529 Delaware St., Leavenworth. 615 Sterrett, Herbert D.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 5358 Stevens, Delos M.; Oskaloosa. 5225 Stevenson, O. E. ; Parsons. 4511 Steward, W. Benjamin; 3218% Glendale Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 3783 Stewart, Donald L.; Atchison. 450 Stewart, Henry M.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 4751 Stewart, James G.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 5665 Stewart, Richard ; Morganville. 1217 Stewart, Richard A.; 101 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 3531 Stewart, Robert B.; 1584 N. Garey Ave., Pomona, Cal. 4750 Stewart, William J.; Frankfort. 8074 Stiles, Raymond C.; 916 Ann Ave., Kansas City. S Killed in Action. 6589 Stipe, William D.; 1303 Waldheim Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6273 Stivison, Roy E.; Port Sulphue, La. 666 St. John, Hugh R.; Concordia. 7246 Stocks, Pauline V.; Bushong. 7544 Stofer, Bert E.; 12230 Asbury Park, Detroit, Mich. 6108 Stofer, Dar D.; 1414 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. S 4563 Stofer, John W.; Gallup, N. Mex. 7869 Stoll, John B.; Clay Center. 4425 Stoltenberg, Walter P.; Kinsley. 8523 Stone, Francis M., Jr.; Fort Scott. S 8097 Stone, Gordon E.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. S Stone, Mark L.; Topeka. S 8195 Stone, William F., Jr.; Norton. S 8303 Stotts, Charles S.; Fredonia. S 7961 Stout, Samuel L.; 300 S. Broadway, Wichita. S 4577 Strahan, Charles S.; Galesburg. 8556 Stratemeier, Edward H.; Wichita. S 6813 Strawn, Estil Y.; 1908 Messanie St., St. Joseph, Mo. 6139 Stredder, E. J.; Geneseo. Street, Glenn ; Halstead. S 7000 Stricklin, Harve M. ; Arkansas City. 1250 Strode, Lindley E.; Girard. 6973 Strohm, Ralph Y. ; Fort Scott. 5961 Struble, Andrew; Glasco. 8410 Stuart, Daniel D.; Brunswick, Mo. 7744 Stuart, Francis I.; Santa Fe Hospital, Topeka. 1774 Stubbs, Albert L.; Hot Springs, S. Dak. 3713 Sudler, Mervin T.; 800 Massachusetts, Lawrence. 6660 Sulis, Ernest N. ; Ryderwood, Wash. 6271 Sullivan, Henry B.; Shawnee. 7820 Sullivan, William R.; Bank of American Bldg., Merced, Cal. 6964 Summerville, Ward W.; Bethany Hospital, Kansas City. 7137 Surface, Gardner A.; Ellis. 8648 Sussex, James N.; U. S. Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. 5604 Sutter, Loe A.; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 6495 Sutton, Edgar M. ; 105 N. Seventh St., Salina. 4659 Sutton, Ella A.; 205 E. Seventeenth St., Hutchinson. 5175 Sutton, John M.; Lincoln. 8222 Sutton, Richard L., Jr.; Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 157 Suwalsky, Adalbert L.; 511 y2 Delaware St., Leavenworth. 5763 Swails, John G. ; Wathena. S 8325 Swan, Otis D.; Topeka. S 8337 Swaney, Hugh M.; Goodland. 3116 Swann, Alfred T.; Wilsey. 4198 Swann, Leo J.; 622 Osage St., Leavenworth. 8108 Swanson, J. T.; Independence. 913 Swart, William S.; Girard. 2498 Swarts, William A.; Natoma. 5081 Swope, Opie W.; 200 S. Market St., Wichita. 5746 Syfert, Alva Clyde; Arkansas City. T 7382 Taggart, Floyd C.; 630 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 3598 Talman, Ernest W.; Gaylord. 7311 Tamisiea, Francis X.; Missouri Valley, Iowa. 4913 Tankersley, George A.; 112A E. Main St., Taylorville, 111. 1885 Tanquary, Earl D.; Fort Scott. 4755 Tapscott, John H.; Rozel. 7556 Tate, Wendell M.; Peabody. 7190 Taylor, Charles F.; Norton. 7088 Teachenor, Frank R.; 1630 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6629 Temm, Louis N.; 1303 N. Kingshighway, St. Louis, Mo. 7139 Tenaglia, Eutimio D.; 706 Mo. Theatre Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 6455 Terrill, Edwin H.; 105 N. Main St., Wichita. 8412 Terry, Charles D.; Nashville General Hospital, Nashville, Tenn. 8305 Terry, Jack T.; Hardtner. 8691 Tesson, James A.; 907 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 2922 Thacher, George I.; Waterville. 7948 Thacher, Luin K.; 2997 Lauro Canyon Rd., Santa Barbara, Cal. 2813 Thacher, Mowry S.; Turon. 8075 Thierstein, Samuel T.; 5841 Maryland Ave., Chicago, 111. 5960 Theis, Harold H.; Norton. 4222 Theis, Peter F.; Arkansas City 6362 Thiessen, Robert M.; Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 3551 Thomas, Charles A.; Pryon, Okla. 6405 Thomas, Daniel R.; 603 W. Main St., Knoxville, Tenn. 5099 Thomas, Henry D.; Belleville. 8525 Thomas, Robert M.; U. S. Marine Hospital, Savannah, Ga. 7248 Thomas, Theodore J.; Florence. S 7387 Thomas, William M. ; 4201/£ Delaware St., Leavenworth. S 8307 Thompson, Burl V.; Hoxie. 5897 Thompson, J. Ernest; Huron 3891 Thompson, Jasper R.; 1512 N. Fifth St., Kansas City. 8306 Thompson, Mary E.; U. of Oregon, Portland, Ore. 766 Thompson, Solomon H.; 1512 N. Fifth St., Kansas City. 8005 Thorpe, Francis A.; Pratt. S 8242 Thorpe, George L.; Wesley Hospital, Wichita. S 748 Thraikill, George H.; 14635 Rosemont Road, Detroit, Mich. 8526 Thurman, Hill C.; County Hospital, San Diego, Cal. 5757 Thym, Herman H.; 626 Lathrop Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 2044 Tibbitts, Weed M.; 1709 E. Sixth St., Topeka. 7141 Tice, Galen M.; 4158 Eaton Ave., Kansas City. 8196 Tice, Raymond; City Hospital, Akron, Ohio 6383 Tihen, Henry N.; Orpheum Bldg., Wichita. 8413 Tiller, Dean Mark; Sedgwick County Hospital, Wichita. 8338 Tillman, Carl Gustaf D.; Menninger Clinic, Topeka. S 2424 Tinder, J. Stanley; Parsons. 6204 Tippin, Ernest E.; 106 W. Douglas, Wichita. 3753 Tipton, Floy E.; 107 N. Market St., Wichita. 5359 Titus, Albert E.; Cottonwood Falls. 8414 Todd, Donald W.; U. S. Army. 4265 Tolle, Cecil E.; 202 E. Comanche, McAlester, Okla. 7142 Toller, Rudolph B.; Talmage, Cal. S 7557 Tom, Henry K.; U. S. P. H. S„ Port Arthur, Tex. 8557 Toma, Kay; U. S. Army. 5538 Tomlinson, Louis M.; Harveyville. 1200 Tooley, George E.; Veterans Adm. Facility, Wichita. 8076 Tooley, George E., Jr.; U. S. Marine Hospital, Seattle, Wash, 5583 Torrance, Fred E.; Winfield. 3577 Townsdin, Asa M.; Jamestown. 292 Townsend, Charles R.; Centralia. 5047 Townsend, Pinkney S.; Coffeyville. 6590 Townshend, Grafton D.;"700 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8308 Tracy, Herbert A.; Perryville, Mo. 8649 Traylor, David L.; Lebo. 8243 Trees, Clyde B.; Mills Bldg,, Topeka. 8415 Treger, Newman V.; 100 High St., Buffalo, N. Y. 7823 Treharne, Frank E. ; Independence, Mo. 3534 Tretbar, Friedrich W.; Stafford. 4995 Tretbar, John J.; Stafford. 5682 Trimble, Clarence S.; Emporia. 7484 Trimble, David P.; Emporia. 8650 Trotter, Francis O.; 6037 Wyandotte St., Kansas City, Mo. 4757 Troup, Ronald M.; 2422 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, Cal. 7696 True, Otis H.; Hays. 4754 Trueblood, Raiford C.; Cody, Wyo. 3228 Trueheart, Marion; Sterling. 5747 Trump, Frank A.; Ottawa. 6696 Tucker, Claude C.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. 2553 Tucker, William V.; Elkhart. 5638 Turgeon, Leo V.; Central Bldg., Topeka. 2827 Turner, Andrew J.; Garnett. 5868 Turner, Herschel R.; Hope. 8309 Turner, John W.; County Health Officer, Wichita. 8527 Turner, R. C.; Kansas City. S 7951 Turner, Ralph D.; Medicine Lodge. S 8527 Turner, Robert C.; Mankato. S 4503 Tuthill, Herbert; 1125 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 4395 Twyman, Elmer D.; 1314 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8197 Tyler, Mary W.; 2020 Olathe Blvd., Kansas City. 8558 Tyler, W. H.; Manhattan. 3872 Tyree, Fredrick C.; Agenda. U 8198 Ubelaker, Ernest J.; South Haven. 5244 Ulery, H. C.; De Soto. 3767 Ulrey, John C.; St. John. 8416 Ulrey, Lester E.; St. John. 7486 Underwood, Charles C.; Emporia. S 8310 Underwood, Dick H.; 6523 Jefferson, Kansas City, Mo. 5869 Ungles, James B. ; Satanta. 6099 Unrein, Gerald C.; Hays. 7249 Unruh, Rudolph T.; Halstead. S 6898 Unthank, De Norval; 6 S. W. Sixth Ave., Portland, Ore. 2233 Updegraff, Alpha D.; 106 N. Main St., Wichita. 3335 Updegraff, Chester D.; Greensburg. 6559 Urie, Holland W.; Parsons. V 5539 Valentine, Herbert S.; 1124 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 4223 Valletta, Horace B.; Beloit. 4118 Van Blaricum, James W.; Minneola. 7144 Van Cleve, Joseph V.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 5625 Van Deventer, Roy W.; Wellington. S 4268 Van Noy, Harvey E.; McCurdy Bldg., Lawrence. 7824 Van Ordstrand, Howard S.; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, O. 6—7280 8077 Van Pelt, Clifford ; Junction City. 5048 Van Pelt, Clifford L.; Paola. 3111 Van Scoyoc, William M.; Clifton. 285 VanVoorhis, Van Curtis ; Robinson. 647 Vaughn, Clarence K.; 205 S. Fifth St., Leavenworth. 6427 Veatch, Harry J.; Pittsburg. S 7250 Vermillion, Dale D.; Goodland. 5970 Vermillion, Earl L.; 119 S. Seventh St., Salina. 3226 Vermillion, John S.; Maize- 6869 Vesper, Vernon A.; Hill City. S 4665 Vest, Frederick E.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 7310 Vestle, Charles E.; Humboldt. 8417 Vetter, Ronald; Lawrence. S 7043 Vidricksen, Harry L.; Weed, Cal. 6870 Vincent, Cranston G.; 800 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo, 6613 Vinsant, Vester R. ; Summerfield. 6303 Virden, Charles E.; 700 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 8693 Viscardi, Naomi Yarmolinsky; Wichita. 7754 Voldeng, Karl E.; Wellington. S 2696 Von Leonrod, George; 309% N. Main St., Hutchinson. 4550 von Treba, Ernestine L.; Chetopa. 1549 von Treba, Robert L.; Chetopa. 8311 Voorhees, Gordon S.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S w 8312 Wade, Frederick E.; 2815 Olive St., Kansas City, Mo. 1470 Wagar, Leonard S.; Florence. 8651 Wager, Henry P.; Medical Center, Jersey City, N. J. 4773 Wagner, Frederick J.; McFarland. 7870 Wahl, Harry R.; Dean, U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. 6965 Wakefield, Franklin H.; 1103 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo 7560 Wakeman, Don C.; 901 Kansas Ave., Topeka. S 8313 Wakeman, Everal M.; Fowler. S 8692 Walker, Carl J.; Parsons. 3287 Walker, Charles W.; Eskridge. 8078 Walker, E. Thayer, 105 Smithwick, Williamston, N. C. 3768 Walker, Elijah A.; 1820 Vine St., Kansas City, Mo. 1827 Walker, George A.; 2509 W, Fiftieth Terrace, Kansas City, 6166 WTalker, Guy R.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson 3536 Walker, Homer M.; 412 W. Sixth, Los Angeles, Cal. 4090 Walker, Joseph G.; 1142 y2 S. Broadway, Wichita. 7040 Walker, Maurice A.; 750 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City. S 7701 Walker, Nellie G.; 315 Alameda Road, Kansas City, Mo. 3570 Walker, Oliver D.; 702 S. Santa Fe, Salina. 270 Walker, Safnuel G. ; 520 Mato Ave., Hot Springs, Ark. 8419 Walker, Wm. H.; Eskridge. S 4176 Walker, William H.; 2723 N. Thirteenth St., Kansas City. 5606 Walker, William J.; 497 E. Sixth St., Topeka. 5555 Wall, Victor J.; Mahaska. 8199 Wallace, Alice M.; Yates Center. 3617 Wallace, Eugene; Norwich. 3299 Wallace, Floyd E.; Chase. 5969 Wallace, Louis O. S.; 119 Hall St., Manchester, N. H. 5787 Wallace, Martha E.; 3941 Roanoke Rd., Kansas City, Mo. 5428 Wrallace, Paul B.; Montrose, Colo. 8079 Wallace, Wayne O.; Atchison. S 7423 Wallen, James E.; Ottawa. S 5418 Waller, Charles E.; Troy. 8223 Walsh, William S.; Halstead. S 8314 Walters, Byron; Lawrence. S 8340 Walters, Orville S.; McPherson 6188 Walthall, Damon O.; 315 Alameda Road, Kansas City, Mo. 6368 Walz, Thomas J.; St. Francis. 7612 Ward, Delbert A.; Arkansas City. S 7952 W are, Charles W.; 831 New York Ave., Altadena, Cal. 7989 Warfield, Chester H.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. S 7953 Warren, Lloyd P., Jr.; 1218 Virginia Park, Detroit, Mich. 7978 Warren, Wirt A. ; 106 N. Main St., Wichita 1767 Warriner, William L.; 1618 Clay, Topeka. 7357 Warshaw, Arthur H.; 3845 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. 3189 Washington, Charles P.; 1932 N. Fifth St., Kansas City 6687 Washington, Marcellus J.; Gonzales, Tex. 4618 Watkins, Lucien A.; 934 S. Broadway, Leavenworth. S 8652 Watson, James D.; Claflin. 8080 Wattenberg, Carl A.; 3720 Washington St., St. Louis, Mo. 4269 Watts, Victor E.; Smith Center. 8315 Waxse, Isadora J.; Oswego. 8420 Way, John D.; 731 Alder St., Seattle, Wash. 7825 Waylan, Thornton L.; Nashville. S 6560 Weaver, Glenn S.; Big Springs, Tex. 6761 Weaver, James B.; Kansas City. S 5870 Weaver, Ross E.; Concordia. 5420 Weaver, Theodore W. ; 201% N. Main St., Wichita 3771 Webb, Herbert M.; Humboldt. 8316 Weber, Clarence J.; U. of K. Hospital, Kansas City. S 8099 WTebman, Arnold I.; Superior, Neb. 6477 Webster, Paul R.; 423 Delaware St., Leavenworth 8200 Wedin, Paul H.; Mt. Vernon, Mo. 8653 Weiford, Edward C.; University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City. 7871 Weigel, Bernard J.; Gorham. 7954 Weir, Don C.; 3518 Crittenden St., St. Louis, Mo. 3880 Weiss, Albert J.; St. Marys. 8082 Wells, Alvin Y.; Moline. 6779 Wells, James S.; 1605 E. Eighteenth St., Kansas City, Mo. 7955 Wells, Max W.; Le Roy. 6364 Weltmer, W. M.; Beloit. 8683 Wempe, George W.; Seneca. 8421 Wendel, William E.; 205 E. 25th St., Tulsa, Okla. 7826 Wenke, L. L.; Great Bend. S 5771 Wentworth, Jesse L.; Arkansas City 6966 Wenzel, Anna Marie; Hays. 1558 Wenzel, Richard J.; 117% S. Eighth St., St. Joseph, Mo. 4644 Werner, Charles H.; 221 Kirkpatrick Bldg., St. Joseph, Mo. 6561 West, C. Omer; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7623 West, Charles I., Jr.; Washington, D. C. S 5981 West, H. A.; Yates Center. 803 West, Henry W.; Yates Center. 1271 West, John W.; Narka. 6169 West, Ray A.; 105 S. Broadway, Wichita. 6t)83 Westfall, George A.; Halstead. 7956 Westmoreland, Melbourne G.; 535 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 7528 Weston, William G.; Arkansas City. S 8007 Westphall, Corinne; Yorktown, Tex. Wetterstroem, R. G.; County Health Officer, Olathe. U. S. P. H. S. 6543 Wheeler, Howard M.; 964% Central Ave., Kansas City. 6872 Wheeler, James A.; Newton. 8100 Wheeler, John H.; 1500 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 5650 Wheeler, LeRoy J. ; Great Bend. 2523 Whimster, William C.; 1702 N. Twenty-fifth St., Kansas City. 7252 Whitaker, Arthur; Atchison. 5971 Whitaker, William O.; Creede, Colo. 7957 White, Charles L.; Ellinwood. 8008 White, Fagan N. ; Russell. 8654 White, John P.; Parsons. 2562 White, Myron L. ; Coffeyville. 7835 White, Ralph E.; Garnett. S 8655 White, Thaddeus H.; Manhattan. 6154 Whitley, Grover G.; Douglass. 8531 Whitman, Doyle C.; Salina. 7837 Whitney, Merle L.; 22% W. Broadway, Okemah, Okla. 8422 Whitson, Claude S.; 1212 Shatto St., Los Angeles, Cal. 8109 Wiedenmann, Eugene M.; State Hospital, Topeka. 7962 Wier, Charles K.; 209 W. Williams St., Wichita. S 8083 Wiksten, Vernon C.; Natl. Reserve Bldg., Topeka. 7559 Wilcox, Clyde W.; Ansley, Neb. 5094 Wilcox, John C.; Mulvane. 7755 Wilhoit, John W.; 4932 Newport Ave., Ocean Beach, Cal. 6145 Wilkening, William T.; Fort Scott. 6780 Wilkerson, Vernon A.; Howard University, Washington, D. C 8203 Williams, Ben C.; Fitzsimmons General Hospital, Denvei Colo. 7700 Williams, Byron E.; Osier Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. 904 Williams, Chas. L.; Independence. 2204 Williams, E. D.; 905 N. Seventh St., Kansas City. 7149 Williams, Harold O.; Cheney. S 7346 Williams, Homer J.; Osage City. 3541 Williams, J. Odell; Emporia. 6309 Williams, Lester L.; El Dorado. 6781 Williams, Luke E.; 1213 Paseo, Kansas City, Mo. 8544 Williams, Vincent T.; 736 Argyle Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 5809 Williams, Zona C.; Burlington. 8201 Williamson, Albert L.; 423 Robbins Ave., Niles, Ohio. 1348 Wilmer, Francis M.; Winfield. 4025 Wilmoth, W. L.; Blue Rapids. 7834 Wilson, Barrick L.; Overland Park. 2215 Wilson, Carl W.; Fredonia. 8656 Wilson, Charles W. ; 225 Ellis, Wichita. 5245 Wilson, Clyde; Emporia. 6180 Wilson, D. R.; Mound Valley. S 7487 Wilson, Daniel; Altoona. 7561 Wilson, Donald J. ; Tribune. S 6365 Wilson, Fernando I.; Plaza Medical Bldg., Kansas City, Me 5185 Wilson, Humah H.; 519% N. Main St., Wichita. 8657 Wilson, Jay K.; Russell. 244 Wilson, Lawrence S.; McCune. 8423 Wilson, Robert B.; Kansas City. S 7958 Wilson, Sloan J.; La Garde Hospital, New Orleans', La. 8202 Wilson, Stewart M.; Columbus, Ohio. S 7166 Wilson, W. Errol; Greensburg. S 8084 Wilson, William M., Jr.; 204 Seventieth Terrace, Kansas City, Mo. 7836 Winkelman, Esther B.; 4050 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. 6762 Winkler, John J.; 3916 Bell St., Kansas City, Mo. 6541 Wise, Ashton J.; Baldwin. 8658 Wise, George W., Jr.; University of Kansas Hospital, Kansa City. 8458 Wittman, Albert F.; 2144 N. Market St., Wichita. 5137 Wolfe, Clinton S.; 614 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 6278 Wolfe, James E.; 116 S. Main St., Wichita. 5049 Wolfe, Otis R.; Marshalltown, Iowa. 8571 Wolohon, H. C.; Mineral. S 8121 Wood, Douglas H.; Pittsburg. S 655 Wood, Orlin P.; Marysville. 7256 Woodard, Parke H.; University of Kansas, Lawrence. 3770 Wooden, George M.; Argonia. 7355 Woodfin, Lyle L.; 1020 McGee St., Kansas City, Mo. 7699 Woodhouse, Charles L.; 3616 E. Third St., Wichita. S 7831 Woodhull, Maurice L.; Scarsdale Manor, Scarsdale, N. Y. 4137 Woodhull, Maurice W.; Cottonwood Falls. 6697 Woods, Harold H.; 700 Kansas Ave., Topeka. 8319 Woods, Harold V.; Maple Hill Hospital, Albany, N. Y. 2794 Woods, Samuel D. E.; Osawatomie. 8424 Woods, Walton C.; Manhattan. S 5860 Wooster, Winnifred V.; Minneapolis. 8569 Worthington, R. L.; 3617 West Sixth, Topeka. 7254 Wright, George W.; Fredonia. 7851 Wright, Hobart H.; University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich. 7829 Wright, Lennel I.; Blackwell, Okla. 8425 Wright, Robert P.; Dennison, Tex. 5987 Wrightman, Frederick E.; Sabetha. 8122 Wulff, Edwin T.; Atchison. S 3798 Wyant, Otis B.; Winfield. 5542 Wyatt, Charles A.; Holton. S 8320 Wyatt, Lisle M. ; 4905 Holly St., Kansas City, Mo. 7562 Wyatt, Ralph M.; Hiawatha. S 3119 Yankey, John Wesley; Mankato. 7997 Yasuda, Hiroshi; Hardtner. 3823 Yates, C. E. ; 1800 Illinois, Lawrence. 7424 Yeary, Glenn H.; Newkirk, Okla. 7852 You, Estridge W.; 1452 Emma St., Honolulu, T. H. 7703 Young, Chester Lee; 750 Minnesota Ave.'; Kansas City. S 5934 Young, Claud F. ; Fort Scott. 7489 Young, Jesse Wilbur; 1401 Southwest Blvd., Kansas City. 4027 Young, John W.; 100 N. Main St., Hutchinson. 7838 Young, Paul B.; 200 N. Broadway, Wichita. S 3542 Young, Pearl Raymond; Ottawa. 2295 Young, R. Claude; Arkansas City. 8533 Young, Robert; Fort Scott. S 2430 Youngberg, John E.; Ottawa. 1104 Youngman, Charles L.; Harveyville. Y 8572 Zagaria, James F.; Topeka. S 7150 Ziegler, Allen M.; 201 Plaza Theatre Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7400 Zimmer, Louis K.; 809 Kentucky, Lawrence. 7839 Zimmerman, Leon W.; Liberal. 8560 Zizmor, Saul-; U. S. Army. 7491 Zuber, Harold V.; 600 Professional Bldg., Kansas City, M 2909 Zugg, Clarence L.; Arkansas City. 5686 Zugg, Clark W. ; Great Bend. 7704 Zupanec, Ralph; 52 Moreland St., Boston, Mass. Z PRINTED BY KANSAS STATE PRINTING PLANT W. C. AUSTIN. STATE PRINTER TOPEKA. 1943 19-7280