ii>' '.■.'jiiiiiflHiiiv. MM' vt Mi, W 22 AI6 P5 1893 27310430R NLM 051D72flM S NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE u.s. national; LIBRARY OF MEDICINE fci NLM051072845 TBb. UBfi. .■33?*. exm. DR. PANTZEH'S PRIVHTE Sfl)JITflPni — FOB — Surgical Diseases and Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. ESTABLISHED 1892. The Sanitarium is centrally located. The site is beautiful and particularly adapted to sanitarium purposes. The grounds are high and have an east and a south frontage on wide streets. The Sanitarium stands back from the streets and has a large lawn surface adjoining, which is laid out in walks and is shaded by old trees and shrubbery. The Sanitarium is a two-story structure purposely built and equipped last year to meet all first-class modern requirements. The building is divided into east and west halves by halls, favoring most thorough ventilation. Each room is neatly and comfortably furnished, and has either an East or a West window. Central Heat- ing. Electric Call Bells throughout the house. Dr. Pantzer resides in the Sanitarium and personally supervises all work. An excellent corps of trained nurses in attendance. For particulars, address Dr. H. O. PANTZER, 194 East Michigan Street, Indianapolis, Ind. coiiipound OXYGEN ASSOCIATION, FORT WAYNE, IP. Oxygen purifies the Blood, and cures Throat and Nervous Diseases. Opium, Morphine, and Whiskey Habits cured in from eleven to thirty days. Home or Sanitarium Treatment. All business strictly confidential. Tobacco and Cigarette Diseases cured. Two-oz. box sent by mail for $2.00. Mostly effects a cure. When full name, street, and number are given, we send a free trial on Morphine or Opium. Sanitarium, St. Mary's Infirmary, Cairo, 111. For full particulars address COMPOUND OXYGEN ASSOCIATION, FORT WAYNE, IND. When writing please mention this Directory. TAFEL BROS. MANUFACTURERS . . . OF . . . Surgical aim Electrical INSTRUMENTS, SURGICAL AND ELECTRO-MEDICAL APPARATUS. «T THIRD STREET, - T.nTTTSVII.T.E, KY. LEO. L11DO, Manufacturing Optician, 62 East Market Street, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. All kinds of difficult lenses for Oculists' prescriptions ground in two to three and a half hours. A large stock of gold and steel frames constantly on hand. The finest stock of Optical goods on hand. For particulars send to above address. Surgical Department. Elastic Stockings, Rubber Goods, Crutches. Apparatuses for • Deformities, Trusses, Artificial Eyes, Supporters. Electrical Department Galvanic and Faradic Batteries, Storage and Cauterie Batteries, Annunciators, Call Bells, Electric Supplies. The Automatic Pump and Water Elevator will distribute hot and cold water to the several stories of a building in respective quantities, for laundry, bath, and face and hand purposes, as long as there is water in the cistern, and at the same time discharging all of the dirty or waste water into sink or sewer, as may be provided. It is so arranged that there is no danger of trouble from water freezing in the pipes, nor can the tanks be made to overflow anywhere in the building, and flood the floor, from neglect or care lessness. For further particulars, send for circular, which will fully explain its mechanism. A.H.BRYAN.M.D, 516 Walnut Street, EVANSVILLE, IND. Tn© Medical College of Indiana, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. SESSION OF i8g3-'94. ISAAC C. WALKER M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System.—Emeritus. FACULTY. LEWIS C. CLINE, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Throat and Nose. THEODORE POTTER, A. M., M. D., Professor of Bacteriology. GEORGE J. COOK, M. D., Professor of Gastro-Intestinal and Rectal Surgery. ERNEST C REYER, M. D„ Adjunct Professor Therapeutics. ELIJAH S. ELDER, A. M., M. D., Dean, Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine, and Clinical Medicine. JOSEPH W. MARSEE, A. M., M. D., Treasurer. Professor of General Clinical and Or- thopedic Surgery. FRANKLIN W. HAYS, M. D., Sec'y. Professor of Dermatology. EDWARD F. HODGES, A. M., M. D., Professor of Obstetrics. PHILIP S. BAKER, A. M., M. D., Professor of Chemistry, Toxicology and Medical Jurisprudence. FRANK A. MORRISON, M. D., Professor of Physiology and Histology. JOHN H, OLIVER, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Minor Surgery. SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS. HENRY JAMESON, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System. ALEMBERT W. BRAYTON, M.S., M.D., Professor of Pathology, Clinical Medi- cine and Dermatology. WILLIAM N. WISHARD, A. M., M. D., Professor of Genito Urinary and Venereal Diseases. JAMES H. TAYLOR, A. M., M. D., Professor, Didactic and Clinical, Dis- eases of Children. DANIEL A. THOMPSON, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear. LEHMAN H. DUNNING, M. D., Professor of Surgical and Clinical Dis- eases of Women. WILLIAM FLYNN, A. M., M. D., Professor of Physical Diagnosis and Diseases of the Chest. Twenty-third Regular Term Begins October 3,1893, and ends April 3,1894. Matriculation.....$5 00 Demonstrator's Ticket. . 810 00 Laboratorv Ticket... 5 00 Graduation Fee......25 00 Professors' Tickets . . 40 00 Hospital Tickets .... 6 00 Board and rooms, with natural gas, can be obtained for from $3.00 to $5.00 per Clinics are given at the City Hospital, St. Vincent's Hospital, Bobbs' Free Dis- pensary, City Dispensary and College Dispensary. Daily clinical instruction throughout the course. .,.,-,,_ . • t*. The Clinical, Histological, Pathological and Bacteriological Laboratories, Dis- secting Rooms and Museum are thoroughly appointed and complete, and no extra charges for same. . . . .. The munificent gift of Dr. William Lomax, of Marion, Ind., added to the former resources and equipment of the College, will enable the Trustees to Con- struct and equip an ideal modern Medical College which shall meet the most ex- acting demands for advanced, thorough medical education. For Catalogue and further information, address the Dean or Secretary. ELIJAH S. ELDER, A. M., M. D., Dean. FRANKLIN W. HAYS, M. D., Sec. Lecturers, Demonstrators and Assistants. WILLIAM M. WRIGHT, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. ROBERT HESSLER, A. B., M. D., Demonstrator of Minute Pathological Anatomy. JOHN A. L. HAUGH, M. D., Curator of Anatomical aud Pathological Museum. GEORGE W. SLOAN, Ph. D., M. D., Lecturer on Pharmacy. JOHN N. HURTY, Ph. D., M. D., Lecturer on Chemical Philosophy and Hygiene. ORANGE G. PFAFF, M. D., Clinical Lecturer on Diseases of Women. OLIN E. HOLLOW AY, A. M., M. D., Lecturer on Diseases of Children. ERNEST C. REYER, M. D., Lecturer on Materia Medica, JOHN O. GROFF, M. D., Librarian. EVAN HADLEY, M. D., Assistant to Chair of Principles and Practice of Medicine. FREDERICK C. WOODBURN, M. D., Assistant to Chair of Obstetrics. FRANK T. RUDY, M. D., Ph. B., Adjunct to Chair of Chemistry. WILLIAM H. REESE, M. D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. CHARLES E. FERGUSON, M. D., Demonstrator of Microscopy. CENTRAL College of Physicians and Surgeons. Southeast Cor. Pennsylvania and South Streets. SESSION OF 1893—1894. FACULTY. JOHN MOFFETT, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics. Rushville. JOSEPH EASTMAN, M. D., LL. D., President, Professor of Diseases of Women and Ab- dominal Surgery. 197 North Delaware Street. J. A. SUTCLIFFE, A. M., M. D., Treasurer, Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery and Genito-Urinary Diseases. 95 East Market Street. S. E. EARP, M. Sc, M. D., Dean and Secretary, Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeu- tics and Medical Chemistry. 24% Kentucky Avenue. JOSEPH O. STILLSON, A. M., M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear, and Clinical Microscopy. 245 North Pennsylvania Street. W. H. THOMAS, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Nervous System. 285 Virginia Avenue. ALLISON MAXWELL, A. M., M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and Sanitary Science. 19 West Ohio Street. W. V. MORGAN, M. D.,; Assistant Secretary. Professor of Surgical Anatomy and Frac- tures and Dislocations. 336 North Alabama Street. E. J. BRENNAN, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Clinical Mid- wifery. 240 North Tennessee Street. FLAVIUS J.VAN VORHIS, M. D., LL. B. Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. 13 Thorpe Block. G. W. VERNON, M. D., Professor of Diseases of Children and Physical Diagnosis. 22 West Ohio Street. JOHN B. LONG, M. D., Professor of Descriptive Anatomy. 402 West New York Street. GREEN V. WOOLEN, A. M., M. D., Professor of Rhiuology and Laryngology. 20 West Ohio Street. WILLIAM B. FLETCHER, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Mind and Clinical Medicine. 124 North Alabama Street. JOHN A. COMINGOR, M. D., Professor of Orthopedic and Clinical Surgery. 77% South Illinois Street. FRANK C. FERGUSON, M. D., Adjunct Professor of Obstetrics and Clinical Midwifery. 139 North Meridian Street. J. T. BARNHILL, M. D., Professor of Physiology. lrvington. E. D. MOFFETT, M. D., Assistant to Chair of Obstetrics. 16 West Ohio Street. JOHN B. LONG, M. D., , Demonstrator of Anatomy. 402 West New York Street. S. E. CROSE, A. M., M. D., Demonstrator of Chemistry. No. 9 Board of Trade Building. JOHN A. LAMBERT, Ph. G., M. D., Lecturer on Pharmacy. Cor. Seventh and Alabama Streets. J. R. WEIST, A. M., M. D., Secretary of the American Surgical Association, will deliver a series of Lectures on Railroad Surgery. The Regular Term commences September 17,1893, and ends about March 20,1894. EXPENSES. Matriculation...........$500 Demonstrator's Ticket......$10 00 Laboratory Ticket........ 5 00 Graduation Fee...... 25 00 Professors' Tickets........40 00 Hospital Tickets......... 6 00 Students desiring information in reference to the Course of Study, Regulations of the Institution and Board, will apply to the Secretary of the Faculty S. E. EARP, M. D., Secretary, 24% Kentucky Ave., Indianapolis. Address all communications to HOSPITAL COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Medical Department ---OF THE--- CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY. 324 Chestnut St., LOUISVILLE, KY. (Member of the Association of American Medical Colleges.) FACULTY. JOHN M. CLEMENS, M. D. Emeritus Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine. DUDLEY S. REYNOLDS, A. M., M. D., Pkesident. Professor of Ophthalmology, Otology and Medical Jurisprudence. JOHN A. LARRABEE, M. D. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Children. FRANK C. WILSON, A. B., M. D. Professor of Diseases of the Chest and Physical Diagnosis. SAMUEL G. DABNEY, M. D. Professor of Physiology. JAS. LEWIS HOWE, M. D., Ph. D., Dkan. Professor of Medical Chemistry and Toxicology. THOMAS HUNT STUCKY, M. D., Ph. D. Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine. JOHN EDWIN HAYS, A. M., M. D. Professor of Anatomy. H. HORACE GRANT, A. M., M. D. Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery. LEWIS S. McMURTRY, A. M., M. D. Professor of Gynecology. P. RICHARD TAYLOR, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Three years' graded course—superior clinical advantages. The Session opens the first of January and continues six months. For catalogue, information, etc., apply to JAS. LEWIS HOWE, Dean, Louisville, Ky. THE LOUISVILLE COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY. Dental Department of the Central University of Kentucky. The Sessions are held at the same time and place as those of the Medical Department. For catalogue, information, etc., apply to JAS. LEWIS HOWE, Dean, Louisville, Ky. KENTUCKY School ol medicine. A Spring and Summer Graduating Course. Sessions begin January ist, continue 6 months. PAOU l,t y. WILLIAM H. WATHEN, M. D., Dean, Professor of Obstetrics, Abdominal Surgery and Gynecology. The Fonda, Fourth Avenue. MARTIN F. COOMES, A. M., M. D., Professor of Physiology and Clinical Lecturer on Ophthalmology and Laryngology. The Fonda, Fourth Avenue. CLINTON W. KELLY, M. D„ C. M., Professor of Anatomy and Clinical Medicine. Second and Green Streets. HENRY ORENDORF, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Thera- peutics, and Clinical Lecturer on Venereal and Skin Diseases. The Fonda, Fourth Avenue. SAM E. WOODY, A. M., M. D., Professor of Chemistry, Public Hygiene and Diseases of Children. 1506 West Walnut Street. JOSEPH M. MATHEWS, M. D., Professor of Surgery, and Clinical Lec- turer on Diseases of the Rectum. The Fonda, Fourth Avenue. JAMES M. HOLLO WAY, A. M., M. D., Professor of Surgery and Clinical Surgery. 405 West Chestnut Street. JOSEPH B. MARVIN, B. S., M. D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine, and Clinical Medicine. 903 Fourth Avenue. WILLIAM E. GRANT, M. D., and . J. GARLAND SHERRILL, M. D., Demonstrators of Anatomy. FOUCHE W. SAMUEL, M. D., Assistant to the Chair of Clinical Surgery CARL WEIDNER, M. D., Assistant to the Chair of Practice of Medicine, and Instructor in Histology and Pathology. JAMES H. ROWSEY, M. D., Assistant to the Chair of Ophthalmology and Laryngology. LOUIS FRANK, M. D., Assistant to the Chair of Abdominal Surgery, and Instructor in Bacteriology. PAUL H. KEMPF, M. D.. Assistant to the Chair of Principles and Practice of Surgery. W. ELMER BANNISTER, M. D., Assistant to the Chair of Therapeutics. J. EMMET WIMP, M. D., Assistant to the Chair of Chemistry and Diseases of Children. J. RAWSON PENNINGTON, M. D., Assistant to the Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology. For 38th Annual Catalogue, address Prof. WOT. H. WATHEN, Dean, LOUISVILLE, KY. DR. DUIIIIG'S PRIVATE SANITARIUM . . . FOR . . . Diseases of Women. J,The Sanitarium is a commodious brick building, beautifully situated upon one of the pleasantest and quietest streets of Indian- apolis. Recently it has been enlarged and re arranged so as to make it meet the requirements of a modern high-grade Sanitarium for the Treatment of Diseases of Women, whether surgical or medi- cal. Tt is supplied with every necessary appliance, and is in every each patient has a private room, into which the direct rays of sun- light enter some time during each day. It is well ventilated and is warmed by steam heat and open grates; natural gas being the fuel. A competent house physician and an excellent corps of trained nurses are in constant attendance. FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS DR. L. H. DUNNING, 249 North Alabama St., INDIANAPOLIS. Dr. FRED JENNER HODGES, Surgeon. Dr. B. H. PERCE, Obstetrician. CONSULTING STAFF. Dr. GEO. F. CHITTENDEN, Dr. H. E.JONES, Dr.JONAS STEWART, Dr. J. W. HUNT, Dr. JNO. B. FATTIC. EMERGENCY HOSPITAL, ANDERSON, 1ND. A private hospital with every necessary ad- junct for the successful treatment of both medical and surgical cases, under the im- mediate personal supervision of its pro- prietor, Dr. Fred Jenner Hodges. The priv- ileges of the Hospital are extended to any reputable practitioner who may desire to send patients in, and continue in charge of them. Hospital rates, which include nursing, board, room, washing, medicines, and'professional attendance made known upon application. Address EMERGENCY HOSPITAL, ANDERSON, IND. Diseases of the Nervous System TREATED BY Mechanical Massage and Electricity, By H. A. DUVALL, M. D., 518 Second St., LOUISVILLE, KY. I am now treating, at my office, No. 518 Second Street, Ner- vous Diseases by Mechanical Massage and Electricity. My appli- ances are of the latest and most approved, such as are used in New York and Philadelphia by Drs. Meigs and Taylor, and other leading men of the profession. To the impartial and intelligent physician it is hardly necessary to mention that these means have often restored to health many chronic invalids who otherwise would have dragged through years of suffering under other therapeutic measures. I also treat with massage and electricity Chronic Articular Rheumatism, Rheumatoid, Arthritis, Myalgia, Sprains, Synovitis, Constipation, Atonic Dyspepsia, Chlorosis, Anaemia, Insomnia, Impotence, Stricture, and all general diseases characterized by mal- nutrition. In organic diseases of the nervous system, such as Paralysis, Locomotor Ataxia, massage and electricity are peculiarly applicable. In functional diseases of the nervous system, such as Hysteria, Chorea, etc., brilliant results have been obtained in many of these otherwise unmanageable cases by the use of massage, electricity, forced feeding and absolute rest. I wish to be courteous to the profession and manipulate my establishment in strict accordance with the ethics of the profession, and trust the physicians will support me in my endeavor to do so. For accommodations and terms, address H. A. DUVALL, M. D., 518 Second St., Louisville, Ey. Columbus Surgical Hospital, Private, COLUMBUS, INDIANA. /^K^g^a^g Located in the most beautiful residence part of the City, with excellent sanitary surroundings, constructed with a view to General Surgical work, with special facilities for the treatment of Surgical Diseases of Women. Residence of Physician in Hospital. W. T. BANKER, M.D., A. J. BANKER, M.D., Assistant. Proprietor. A. J. McLeod, j K. D. Hawley, } Consultants. G. T. McCoy. ) GRADUATES Assisted Free to Important Positions. DEMAND For our Graduates in Bookkeeping and Shorthand Greater than the Supply More than 10,000 former Students started on a INDIANAPOLIS BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, j successful When Block, N. Penn. St., opp. Postoffice. J HEEB & OSBORN. \ Business Career. Send for Elegant New Catalogue. HIGHEST GRADE BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND SCHOOL. 542 students last year. Open all year. Enter now. Expert accountants, experienced bookkeepers and stenographers, official court reporters and skill- ful penmen give individual and class instruction six hours daily. Students are trained in actual office work. Manufacturers, railroad, professional, and busi- ness men patronize the Institution and employ its graduates. Elevator for day and night students. Call or write for full information. [Established 1850.] Office Training, Etc., is at the old reliable HEEB & OSBORN, Proprs. THE "NEW INDIANAPOLIS" SURGICAL CHAIR. Quartered Oak, nickel-plated trimmings, and upholstered in leather. For prices and terms, address DRAKE & WOOD CO., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. INDIANAPOLIS POST-GRADUATE SCHOOL . . . OF . . . PROSTHETIC DENTISTRYand DENTAL LABORATORY. G. B. MARTIN, President. ■ M. MASTER, Secretary, This school is open all year. The latest methods in Porcelain Inlays, Crown and Bridge-Work, Continuous Gum, mending plain and block teeth, and setting broken *" pins. Full information, on application to M. MASTER, Secretary, \\ East Washington Street, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Dr. W. B. FLETCHER'S SANATORIUM 124 N. Alabama St., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. DR. W. B. FLETCHER. DR. M. A. SPINK. A Private Hospital for the Treatment of Men- tal and Nervous Diseases. Terms, $75 to $160 per month in advance. 4��910 202064 Is located at the intersection of Seventh Street and Eighth Avenue, one of the most beautiful and healthy resident portions of the city. Additions to the "Old Home" afford capacity for 30 patients. The grounds are ample and adorned with forest trees. It has light and unobstructed ventilation on all sides, with a perfect system of heating and drainage. The water supply is derived from the Wabash River, and is noted for its purity. It is home-like, attractive, and restful. Collett Park, containing 20 acres of woodland, in the immediate vicinity, is a delightful summer resort. The electric car line is within one square of it, thus connecting it with the railroad stations and the central portion of the city. All cases, medical and surgical, excepting those of an infectious nature, are received for treatment. All reputable physicians, regardless of school, are welcome to its privileges. BOARD OK DIRECTORS. BENJ. F. SWAFFORD. M. D. L. J. WEINSTEIN, M. D. W. C. EICHELBERGER, M. D. WILL E. BELL. M. D. STEPHEN J. YOUNG, M. D. CHAS. GERSTMEYER, M. D. E. E. GLOVER, M. D. J. R. CRAPO, M. D. OFFICERS. STEPHEN J. YOUNG, President. CHAS. GERSTMEYER, Vice-President. W. C. EICHELBERGER, Treasurer. WILL E. BELL, Secretary, No. 601% North Fourth Street. fi& For terms, which are very reasonable, apply to the Secretary. THE IMPROVED "YALE" SURGICAL CHAIB MANUFACTURED EXCLUSIVELY BV THE CANTON SURGICAL AND DENTAL CHAIR CO., CANTON, OHIO Fig. V—Semi-Reclining. 1st. Raised by foot and lowered by automatic device.—Fig. I. 2nd. Raising and lowering without revolving the upper part of the chair—Fig. VII. _„, 3rd. Obtaining height of 39% inches.—Fig. VII. 4th As strong in the highest, as when in the lowest position. —Fig VII. 5th. Raised, lowered, tilted or rotated without disturbing patient. 6th. Heavy steel springs to balance the chair. 7th. Arm Rests not dependent on the back for support—Fig. VII—always ready for use; pushed back when using stir- rups—Fig. XVII—may be placed at and away from side of chair, forming a side table for Sim's position.—Fig XIII. 8th. Quickest and easiest operated and most substantially secured in positions. 9th. LOth. The leg and foot rests folded out of the operator's way at any time.—Figs. XI, XV and XVII. Head Rest universal in adjustment, with a range of from 14 inches above seat to 12 inches above back of chair, fur- nishing a nerfect support in Dorsal or Sim's position.-Figs. XIII and XV. Jlth. Affording unlimited modifications of positions. 22ih. Stability and firmness while being raised and rotated. 13ch. Only successful Dorsal position without moving patient. 14th. Broad turntable upon which to rotate the chair, which cannot be bent or twisted. ]5th. Stands upon its own merits and not upon the reputation of others. Fig. XVII—Dorsal Position- Pronounced the ne plus ultra by the Surgeon, Gynaecologist, Oculist and Aurist. IT HAS NO EQUAL! In Range of Movements and Positions, and Ease of Adjustment. £•§ Fig. XIII—Sim's Position Fig, I—Normal Position. Fig. VII—Horizontal Position—Elevated. Fig. XI-% Length IT EMBODIES Utility, Beauty, Convenience and Durability. Fkl' IX—Chloroform Narcosis Position PHYSICIANS', DENTISTS', AND DRUGGISTS' DIRECTORY OF INDIANA AND KENTUCKY, COMPRISING List of Physicians and Surgeons, Dentists, and Druggists, arranged alphabetically by post-offices. The Physician's school prac- ticed is indicated by the appellations—(R) Regular, (H) Homoeopathic, (E) Eclectic, and (P-M) Physio-Medical, together with his college and year of graduation. PRICE, TWO DOLLARS. x^hl^ COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME. />^s -\^\ O V^"^.^ 1893. X^mNeroH^i^ GALEN GONSIER & CO. FOR SALE BY JOHN P. MORTON & CO., 440-446 W. MAIN ST., LOUISVILLE, KY., AND ROBERT CLARKE & CO., 61-65 W. FOURTH ST., CINCINNATI, O. JAS.K.LEMON&SON, OPTICIANS ^ JEWELERS, 515 Fourth Avenue, LOUISVILLE, KY. Opticians of over 30 years' experience., We use only the finest and purest lenses, and make a specialty of fitting frames so that the best results are obtained. We^fill oculists' orders very promptly/and guar- antee satisfaction. Blanks sent on application. We keep a large lot of artificial eyes. Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches, and Silverware. SANITARIUM ...FOR . . . MENTAL«£iNERVOUS DISEASES. FOR TERMS ADDRESS JIVO. I*. BROWN, Ad. 13., 102 N. Alabama Street, INDIANAPOLIS, IND, W. B. FLETCHER, M. D,, Consulting Physician. H. J. NEEDHAM'S Homeopathic Pharmacy. Tinctures, Dilutions, Triturations, Medical Works, and all supplies needed by Homoeopathic Physicians. Send for circular of prices. No. 52 East Market Street, NEW ALBANY, IND. 2£ •P5 1893 INDEX TO CONTENTS. Code of Ethics:— Medical,..............101-113 Dental,...............H3-H5 Dentists:— Indiana,..............252-263 Kentucky,.............264-269 Druggists,................249-251 Fee Bills:— Medical...............115-120 Dental,............... 120 Laws :— Medical—Indiana,..........121-124 " —Kentucky,.........124-127 Dental—Indiana,..........127-129 " —Kentucky,..........129-132 Physicians:— Indiana,..............133-226 Kentucky...............227-248 ELEGANT Pharmaceutical Specialties Preparations of Highest Standard of Excellence as to QUALITY, ACCURACY and APPEARANCE. ROBINSON'S HYPOPHOSPHITES. Nutritive, Tonic, Alterative. A Favorite Remedy in the treatment of Pulmonary Phthisis, Bronchitis, Scrofulous Taint, General Debility, etc. HYPOPHOSPHITES WITH WILD CHERRY BARK. A very Valuable Combination] LIME JUICE AND PEPSIN. Valuable Digestive Agent. Exceedingly Valuable in Cases of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, MalAssimi- lations. AROMATIC FLUID PEPSIN, (with Hydrochloric Acid.) Useful in cases where Mineral Acid is indicated as pref- erable to Vegetable (Lime Juice) Acid. ELIXIR PARALDEHYD. g^£c'Sedative' Anodyne' PHOSPHORIC ELIXIR. For Nervous Exhaustion, Incipient Paralysis, Deranged Digestion, Melancholia, General Debility, etc. WINE COCA. Nerve Stimulant and Tonic. Specify ROBINSON'S when Prescribing. FOB SALE BY DRUGGISTS. ROBINSON-PETTET COJIIPflNY, Manufacturing Pharmacists, LOUISVILLE, KY. PHYSICIANS' rating Chairs TABLE! Adjustable to any position. Substantial, handsomely fin- ished, and embodies the most practical ideas of the leading physicians of the world. INSTRUMENT ©ABINETS. THOROUGHLY ASEPTIC AND PROOF AGAINST DUST AND DAMPNESS. MANY DESIRABLE FEATURES NOT FOUND IN ANY OTHER CABINET. INVALID ROLLING CHAIRS. VARIOUS STYLES. BALL-BEARING BICYCLE WHEELS. RUBBER CUSHION TIRES. W. D. ALLISON CO., MANUFACTURERS, 85 East South Street, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Gerster's Surgeon's Emergency Bag, large, $25.00 " small, 20.00 MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Surgical Instruments, Fracture Splints, Special Trusses, Crutches, Elastic Hosiery, Deformity Braces, and Surgical Appliances of Every Kind. THE LARGEST STOCK OP ARTIFICIAL EYES IN THE STATE. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN THE MAKING OF ASEPTIC INSTRUMENTS AND CASES. ALUMINUM INSTRUMENTS A SPECIALTY. Every kind of Deformity Apparatus made to order, and proper fit guaranteed. We make to order any special instrument desired, and repair, sharpen, and replate instruments in the best manner. WM. H. ARMSTRONG & CO. 77 south Illinois street, Indianapolis, ind. NATIONAL CODES OP ETHICS. CODE OF ETHICS OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, ADOPTED MAY, 1847. OF THE DUTIES OF PHYSICIANS TO THEIR PATIENTS AND OF THE OBLIGATIONS OF PATIENTS TO THEIR PHYSICIANS. Article I.—Duties of Physicians to their Patients. Section 1. A physician should not only be ever ready to obey the calls of the sick, but his mind ought also to be imbued with the greatness of his mission, and the responsibility he habitually incurs in its discharge. These obligations are the more deep and enduring because there is no tribunal, other than his own con- science, to adjudge penalties for carelessness or neglect. Physicians should therefore minister to the sick with due impressions of the importance of their office; reflecting that the ease, the health, and the lives of those committed to their charge depend on their skill, attention, and fidelity. They should study, also, in their deport- ment, so as to unite tenderness with firmness, and condescension with authority, so as to inspire the minds of their patients with grati- tude, respect, and confidence. Sect. 2. Every case committed to the charge of a physician should be treated with attention, steadiness, and humanity. Reasonable indulgence should be granted to the mental imbecility and ca- prices of the sick. Secrecy and delicacy, when required by peculiar circumstances, should be strictly observed; and the familiar and confidential intercourse to which physicians are admitted in their professional visits should be used with discretion, and with the 101 102 NATIONAL CODES OF ETHICS. most scrupulous regard to fidelity and honor. The obligation of secrecy extends beyond the period of professional service; none of the privacies of personal and domestic life, no infirmity of disposi- tion or flaw of character, observed during professional attendance, should ever be divulged by the physician, except when he is im- peratively required to do so. The force and necessity of this obliga- tion are indeed so great that professional men have, under certain circumstances, been protected in their observance of secrecy by courts of justice. Sect. 3. Frequent visits to the sick are, in general, requisite, since they enable the physician to arrive at a more perfect knowl- edge of the disease, to meet promptly every change which may occur, and also to tend to preserve the confidence of the patient. But unnecessary visits are to be avoided, as they give useless anxiety to the patient, tend to diminish the authority of the physician, and render him liable to be suspected of interested motives. Sect. 4. A physician should not be forward to make gloomy prognostications, because they savor of empiricism, by magni- fying the importance of his services in the treatment or cure of the disease. But he should not fail, on proper occasions, to give to the friends of the patient timely notice of danger, when it really occurs; and even to the patient himself, if absolutely necessary. This office, however, is so peculiarly alarming, when executed by him, that it ought to be declined whenever it can be assigned to any other person of sufficient judgment and delicacy. For the physician should be the minister of hope and comfort to the sick; that by such cordials to the drooping spirit he may smooth the bed of death, revive expiring life, and counteract the depressing influence of those maladies which often disturb the tranquillity of the most resigned in their last moments. The life of a sick person can be shortened, not only by the acts, but also by the words or the manner of a physician. It is, therefore, a sacred duty to guard himself carefully in this respect, and to avoid all things which have a tendency to discourage the patient and de- press the spirits. Sect. 5. A physician ought not to abandon a patient because the case is deemed incurable; for his attendance may continue to be highly useful to the patient, and comforting to the relatives around him, even in the last period of fatal malady, by alleviating pain and other symptoms, and by soothing mental anguish. To NATIONAL CODES OF ETHICS. 103 decline attendance under such circumstances would be sacrificing to fanciful delicacy and mistaken liberality that moral duty which is independent of and far superior to all pecuniary considerations. Sect. 6. Consultations should be promoted in difficult or pro- tracted cases, as they give rise to confidence, energy, and more enlarged views in practice. Sect. 7. The opportunity which a physician not unfrequently enjoys of promoting and strengthening the good resolutions of his patients, suffering under the consequences of vicious conduct, ought never to be neglected. His counsels, or even remonstrances, will give satisfaction, not offense, if they be proffered with po- liteness, and evince a genuine love of virtue, accompanied by a sincere interest in the welfare of the person to whom they are addressed. Article II.—Obligations of Patients to their Physicians. Section 1. The members of the medical profession, upon whom is enjoined the performance of so many important and arduous duties toward the community, and who are required to make so many sacriSces of comfort, ease, and health for the welfare of those who avail themselves of their services, certainly have a right to expect and require that their patients should entertain a just sense of the duties which they owe to their medical attendants. Sect. 2. The first duty of a patient is to select, as his medical adviser, one who has received a regular professional education. In no trade or occupation do mankind rely on the skill of an untaught artist; and in medicine, confessedly the most difficult and intricate of the sciences, the world ought not to suppose that knowledge is intuitive. Sect. 3. Patients should faithfully and unreservedly communi- cate to their physician the supposed cause of their disease. This is the more important, as many diseases of a mental origin stimu- late those depending on external causes, and yet are only to be cured by ministering to the mind diseased. A patient should never be afraid of thus making his physician his friend and adviser; he should always bear in mind that a medical man is under the strongest obligations of secrecy. Even the female sex should never allow feelings of shame or delicacy to prevent their disclosing the seat, symptoms, and causes of complaints peculiar to them. However commendable a modest reserve may be in the 104 NATIONAL CODES OF ETHICS. common occurrences of life, its strict observance in medicine is often attended with the most serious consequences, and a patient may sink under a painful and loathsome disease, which might have been readily prevented had timely intimation been given to the physician. OF THE DUTIES OF PHYSICIANS TO EACH OTHER, AND TO THE PROFESSION AT LARGE. Article I.—Duties for the Support of Professional Character. Section 1. Every individual, on entering the profession, as he becomes thereby entitled to all its privileges and immunities, incurs an obligation to exert his best abilities to maintain its dignity and honor, to exalt its standing, and to extend the bounds of its use- fulness. He should, therefore, observe strictly such laws as are instituted for the government of its members; should avoid all contumelious and sarcastic remarks relative to the faculty, as a body; and while, by unwearied diligence, he resorts to every honorable means of enriching the science, he should entertain a due respect for his seniors, who have, by their labors, brought it to the elevated condition in which he finds it. Sect. 2. It is not in accord with the interests of the public or the honor of the profession that any physician or medical teacher should examine or sign diplomas or certificates of proficiency for, or otherwise be specially concerned with, the graduation of persons whom they have good reasons to believe intend to support and practice any exclusive and irregular system of medicine. (Sect. 2 was adopted in Richmond, 1881.) Sect. 3. There is no profession from the members of which greater purity of character and a higher standard of moral excel- lence is required than the medical; and to attain such eminence is a duty every physician owes alike to his profession and to his patients. It is due to the latter, as without it he can not command their respect and confidence, and to both because no scientific attainments can compensate for the want of correct moral prin- ciples. It is also incumbent upon the faculty to be temperate in all things, for the practice of physics requires the unremitting exercise of a clear and vigorous understanding; and in emergen- cies, for which no professional man should be unprepared, a steady hand, an acute eye, and an unclouded head may be essential to the well-being and even to the life of a fellow-creature. NATIONAL CODES OF ETHICS. 105 Sect. 4. It is derogatory to the dignity of the profession to resort to public advertisements, or private cards, or handbills, inviting the attention of individuals affected with particular dis- eases, publicly offering advice and medicine to the poor gratis, or promising radical cures; or to publish cases and operations in the daily prints, or to suffer such publications to be made; to invite laymen to be present at operations; to boast of cures and remedies; to adduce certificates of skill and success; or to perform any other similar acts. These are the ordinary practices of empirics, and are highly reprehensibe in a regular physician. Sect. 5. Equally derogatory to professional character is it for a physician to hold a patent for any surgical instrument or medicine, or to dispense a secret nostrum, whether it be the composition or exclusive property of himself or others. For, if such nostrum be of real efficacy, any concealment regarding it is inconsistent with beneficence and professional liberality; and if mystery alone give it value and importance, such craft implies either disgraceful ignor- ance or fraudulent avarice. It is also reprehensible for physicians to give certificates attesting the efficacy of patent or secret medicine, or in any way to promote the use of them. Art. II.—Professional Services of Physicians to each other. Section 1. All practitioners of medicine, their wives, and their children, while under the parental care, are entitled to the gra- tuitous services of any one or more of the faculty residing near them, whose assistance may be required. A physician afflicted with disease is usually an incompetent judge of his own case; and the natural anxiety and solicitude which he experiences at the sickness of a wife, a child, or any one who by the ties of con- sanguinity is rendered peculiarly dear to him, tend to obscure his judgment, and produce timidity and irresolution in his practice. Under such circumstances, medical men are peculiarly dependent upon each other, and kind offices and professional aid should always be cheerfully and gratuitously afforded. Visits ought not, however, to be obtruded officiously, as such unasked civility may give rise to embarrassment, or interfere with that choice on which confidence depends. But if a distant member of the faculty, whose circumstances are affluent, requests attendance, and an honorarium be offered, it should not be declined, for no pecuniary obligation ought to be imposed which the party receiving it would wish not to incur. 106 NATIONAL CODES OF ETHICS. Art. III.—Of the Duties of Physicians as respects Vicarious Offices. Section 1. The affairs of life, the pursuit of health, and the various accidents and contingencies to which a medical man is peculiarly exposed, sometimes require him temporarily to with- draw from his duties to his patients, and to request some of his professional brethren to officiate for him. Compliance with this request is an act of courtesy, which should always be performed with the utmost consideration for the interest and character of the family physician, and when exercised for a short period, all the pecuniary obligations for such service should be awarded to him. But if a member of the profession neglects his business, in quest of pleasure and amusement, he can not be considered as entitled to the advantages of the frequent and long-continued exercise of this fraternal courtesy, without awarding to the physician who officiates the fees arising from the discharge of his professional duties. In obstetrical and important surgical cases, which give rise to unusual fatigue, anxiety, and responsibility, it is just that the fees accruing therefrom should be awarded to the physician who offi- ciates. Art. IV.—Of the Duties of Physicians in Regard to Consultation. Section 1. In consultations, no rivalship or jealousy should be indulged; candor, probity, and all due respect should be exercised toward the physician having charge of the case. Sect. 2. In consultation the attending physician should be the first to propose the necessary questions to the sick; after which the consulting physician shall have the opportunity to make such further inquiries of the patient as may be necessary to satisfy him of the true character of the case. Both physicians should then retire to a private place for deliberation, and the one first in attendance should communicate the directions agreed upon to the patient or his friends, as well as any opinions which it may be thought proper to express. But no statement or discussion of it should take place before the patient or his friends, except in the presence of all the faculty attending, and by their common con- sent, and no opinions or prognostications should be delivered which are not the result of previous deliberation and concurrence. Sect. 3. In consultation, the physician in attendance should deliver his opinion first; and when there are several consulting, they should deliver their opinions in the order in which they have NATIONAL CODES OF ETHICS. 107 been called in. No decision, however, should restrain the attending physician from making such variations in the mode of treatment as any subsequent unexpected change in the character of the case may demand. But such variation, and the reason for it, ought to be carefully detailed at the next meeting in consultation. The same privilege belongs also to the consulting physician, if he is sent for in an emergency, when the regular attendant is out of the way, and similar explanations must be made at the next consultation. Sect. 4. The utmost punctuality should be observed in the visits of physicians when they are to hold consultation together, and this is generally practicable, for society ha£ been considerate enough to allow the plea of a professional engagement to take precedence of all others, and to be an ample reason for the relinquishment of any present occupation. But, as professional engagements may sometimes interfere, and delay one of the parties, the physician who first arrives should wait for his asso- ciate a reasonable period; after which, the consultation should be considered as postponed to a new appointment. If it be the attending physician who is present, he will, of course, see the patient and prescribe; but if he be the consulting one, he should retire, except in case of emergency, or when he has been called from a considerable distance, in which latter case he may examine the patient, and give his opinion in writing and under seal, to be delivered to his associate. Sect. 5. In consultations, theoretical discussions should be avoid- ed, occasioning perplexity and loss of time; for there may be much diversity of opinion concerning speculative points, with per- fect agreement in those modes of practice which are founded, not on hypothesis, but on experience and observation. Sect. 6. All discussion in consultation should be held as secret and confidential. Neither by words nor manner should any of the parties to a consultation assert or insinuate that any part of the treatment pursued did not receive his assent. The responsibility must be equally divided between the medical attendants; they must equally share the credit of success, as well as the blame of failure. Sect. 7. As circumstances sometimes occur to render a special consultation desirable when the continued attendance of two physi- cians might be objectionable to the patient, the member of the faculty whose assistance is required in such cases should sedu- 108 NATIONAL codes of ethics. lously guard against all future unsolicited attendance. As such consultations require an extraordinary portion both of time and attention, at least a double honorarium maybe reasonably expected. Art. V.—Duties of Physicians in Cases of Interference. Section 1. Medicine is a liberal profession, and those admitted into its ranks should found their expectations of practice upon the extent of their qualifications, not on intrigue or artifice. Sect. 2. A physician in his intercourse with a patient under the care of another practitioner should observe the strictest cau- tion and reserve. No meddling inquiries should be made, no dis- ingenuous hints given relative to the nature and treatment of his disorder; nor any course of conduct pursued that may directly or indirectly tend to diminish the trust reposed in the physician em- ployed. Sect. 3. The same circumspection and reserve should be ob- served when, from motives of business or friendship, a physician is prompted to visit an individual who is under the direction of another practitioner. Indeed, such visits should be avoided, except under peculiar circumstances; and when they are made, no par- ticular inquiries should be instituted relative to the nature of the disease or the remedies employed; but the topics of conversation should be as foreign to the case as circumstances will admit. Sect. 4. A physician ought not to take charge of or prescribe for a patient who has recently been under the care of another member of the faculty in the same illness, except in cases of sudden emergency, or in consultation with the physician previously in attendance, or when the latter has relinquished the case, or been regularly notified that his services are no longer desired. Under such circumstances no unjust or illiberal insinuations should be thrown out in relation to the conduct or practice previously pursued, which should be justified as far as candor and regard for truth and probity will permit; for it often happens that patients become dissatisfied when they do not experience immediate relief, and as many diseases are naturally protracted, the want of suc- cess in the first stage of treatment affords no evidence of a lack of professional knowledge and skill. Sect. 5. When a physician is called to an urgent case because the family attendant is not at hand, he ought, unless his assistance in consultation is desired, to resign the care of the patient to the latter immediately upon his arrival. NATIONAL CODES OF ETHICS. 109 Sect. 6. It often happens in cases of sudden illness or of recent accidents or injuries, owing to the alarm and anxiety of friends, that a number of physicians are simultaneously sent for. Under these circumstances, courtesy should assign the patient to the first who arrives, who should select from those present any additional assistance that he may deem necessary. In all such cases, how- ever, the practitioner who officiates should request the family physician, if there be one, to be called, and, unless his further assistance be requested, should resign the case to the latter on his arrival. Sect. 7. When a physician is called to the patient of another practitioner in consequence of the sickness or absence of the latter, he ought, on the return or recovery of the regular attendant, and with the consent of the patient, to surrender the case. (The expression "patient of another practitioner" is understood to mean a patient who may have been under the charge of another practitioner at the time of the attack of sickness, or departure from home of the latter, or who may have called for his attend- ance during his absence or sickness, or in any other manner given it to be understood that he regarded the said physician as his regular medical attendant.) Art. VI.—Of Pecuniary Acknowledgments. Some general rules should be adopted by the faculty in every town or district relative to pecuniary acknowledgments from their patients; and it should be deemed a point of honor to adhere to these rules with as much uniformity as varying circumstances will admit. Art. VII—Duties of the Profession to the Public. Section 1. As good citizens it is the duty of physicians to be ever vigilant for the welfare of the community, and to bear their part in sustaining its institutions and burdens; they should also be ever ready to give counsel to the public in relation to matters especially appertaining to their profession, as on subjects of med- ical police, public hygiene, and legal medicine. It is their prov- ince to enlighten the public in regard to quarantine regulations; the location, arrangement, and dietaries of hospitals, asylums, schools, prisons, and similar institutions; in relation to the medical police of towns, as drainage, ventilation, etc.; and in regard to 110 NATIONAL CODES OF ETHICS. measures for the prevention of epidemic and contagious diseases; and when pestilence prevails it is their duty to face the danger, and to continue their labors for the alleviation of suffering, even at the jeopardy of their own lives. Sect. 2. Medical men should also be always ready, when called on by the legally constituted authorities, to enlighten coroners' inquests and courts of justice on subjects strictly medical—such as involve questions relating to sanity, legitimacy, murder by poison or other violent means, and in regard to various other subjects embraced in the science of medical jurisprudence. But in these cases, and especially where they are required to make post mortem examination, it is just, in consequence of the time, labor, and skill required, and the responsibility and risk they incur, that the public should award them a proper honorarium. Sect. 3. There is no profession by the members of which elee- mosynary services are more liberally dispensed than the medical; but justice requires that some limit should be placed to the per- formance of such good offices. Poverty, professional brotherhood, and certain of the public duties referred to in the first section of this article, should always be recognized as presenting valid claims for gratuitous services; but neither institutions endowed by the public or by rich individuals, societies for mutual benefit, for the insurance of lives, or for analogous purposes, nor any profession or occupation, can be admitted to possess such privilege. Nor can it be justly expected of physicians to furnish certificates of inability to serve on juries, to perform military duty, or to testify to the state of health of persons wishing to insure their lives, to obtain pensions, or the like, without a pecuniary acknowledgment. But to individuals in indigent circumstances such professional services should always be cheerfully and freely accorded. CODE OF ETHICS OF THE AMEEICAN INSTITUTE OF H0M(E0PATHY. SCOPE. The scope of a Code of Medical Ethics comprises the reciprocal duties and obligations of physicians and patients; the duties and obligations of physicians to each other; and the reciprocal duties and obligations of physicians and the public. National codes of ethics. Ill fundamental principles. The great principles upon which medical ethics are based are these:— 1. The great end and object of the physician's efforts should be " the greatest good to the patient." 2. The rule of conduct of physician and patient, and of physi- cians toward each other, should be the Golden Rule, "As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." The various articles of the code are only special applications of these great principles. PART I. Reciprocal Duties and Obligations of Physicians and Patients. Article] I. Duties of Physicians to Patients. Article II. Duties of Patients to their Physicians. PART II. Duties and Obligations of Physicians to Each Other. Article I. Duties as Members of the Medical Profession. Article II. Professional Services to Each Other. Article III. Vicarious Services. Article IV. In Regard to Consultations. Article V. In Cases of Interference. Article VI. Differences between Physicians. Article VII. Concerning Pecuniary Obligations. PART III. Reciprocal Duties and Obligations of Physicians and the Public. Article I. Duties of the Profession to the Public. Article II. Obligations of the Public to Physicians. CODE OF ETHICS OF THE NATIONAL ECLECTIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Section 1. The members of this Association shall exercise to- ward each other,'toward all physicans—eclectics especially—and toward all mankind that courtesy and just dealing to which every one in his legitimate sphere is entitled, and any departure there- 112 national codes of ethics. from shall be deemed unprofessional, undignified, and unworthy the honorable practitioner of an honorable profession. It shall be regarded as unbecoming to engage in any form of practice, or of advertising, which shall tend to lower the physician in the esteem of the community, or to reflect discredit upon his professional asso- ciates. Sect. 2. While it is the undoubted right of every physican to pre- sent himself before the public in an honorable manner, and to state that he makes a specialty of any particular disease, no member of this Association shall advertise himself by handbills, circulars, pul - cation of certificates of cures, or any such means; nor associate himself in business professionally with any one so doing; nor ad- vertise himself as belonging to this Association, or any other auxil- iary medical society, or any medical college. Any member knowing of any violation of this provision by members of this Association, or of any person not a member of this Association, or any auxiliary medical society advertising himself as such, shall inform the Execu- tive Committee of the matter, with all the facts in his possession; and it shall be the duty of the Executive Committee thereupon to publish the facts in some public journal circulating in the region where such offense has been committed. Discipline of Members. Section 1. Any member may be officially censured, invited to withdraw, or expelled from membership for improper conduct, or a violation of professional comity. But it shall be necessary for a specific charge to be made in writing, and a copy to be presented to the person accused, or some person acting in his behalf, and another placed in the hands of the president or secretary one month before the time of holding a regular meeting. Sect. 2. All professors or officers of colleges voting and otherwise co-operating in the conferring of the degree of Doctor of Medicine on any person not duly entitled to the same, by the necessary at- tendance on medical lectures and thorough examination, shall be considered as liable to the penalties enumerated in this article. CODE OF DENTAL ETHICS. ADOPTED AT THE SIXTH ANNUAL SESSION OF THE AMERI- CAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION. Article I.— The Duties of the Profession to their Patients. Section 1. The dentist should be ever ready to respond to the wants of his patrons, and should fully recognize the obligations in- volved in the discharge of his duties toward them. As they are in most cases unable to correctly estimate the character of his opera- tions, his own sense of right must guarantee faithfulness in their performance. His manner should be firm, yet kind and sympathiz- ing, so as to gain the respect and confidence of his patients; and even the simplest case committed to his care should receive that attention which is due to operations performed on living, sensitive tissue. Sect. 2. It is not to be expected that the patient will possess a very extended or a very accurate knowledge of professional mat- ters. The dentist should make due allowance for this, patiently explaining many things which may seem quite clear to himself, thus endeavoring to educate the public mind so that it will properly appreciate the beneficent efforts of our profession. He should en- courage no false hopes by promising success, when, in the nature of the case, there is uncertainty. Sect. 3. The dentist should be temperate in all things, keeping both mind and body in the best possible health, that his patients may have the benefit of that clearness of judgment and skill which is their right. Art. II.—Maintaining Professional Character. Section 1. A member of the dental profession is bound to main- tain its honor, and to labor earnestly to extend its sphere of useful- ness. He should avoid everything in language and conduct calcu- lated to dishonor his profession, and should ever manifest a due respect for his brethren. The young should show special respect to to their seniors; the aged special encouragement to their juniors. Sect. 2. The person and office arrangements of the dentist should indicate that he is a gentleman; and he should sustain a high-toned moral character. 113 114 code of dental ethics. Sect. 3. It is unprofessional to resort to public advertisements, cards, handbills, posters, or signs, calling attention to peculiar styles of work, lowness of prices, special modes of operating; or to claim superiority over neighboring practitioners; to publish reports of cases or certificates in the public prints; to go from house to house to solicit or perform operations; to circulate or recommend nostrums; or to perform any other similar acts. Sect. 4. When consulted by the patient of another practitioner, the dentist should guard against inquiries or hints disparaging to the family dentist, or calculated to weaken the patient's confidence in him; and if the interests of the patient will not be endangered thereby, the case should be temporarily treated, and referred back to the family dentist. Sect. 5. When general rules shall have been adopted by mem- bers of the profession practicing in the same localities in relation to fees, it is unprofessional and dishonorable to depart from those rules, except when variation of circumstances requires it. And it is ever to be regarded as unprofessional to warrant operations or work as an inducement to patronage. Art. III.—The Relative Duties of Dentists and Physicians. Dental surgery is a specialty in medical science. Physicians and dentists should both bear this in mind. The dentist is profession- ally limited to diseases of the dental organs and mouth. With these he should be more familiar than the general practitioner is expected to be; and while he recognizes the superiority of the physician in regard to diseases of the general system, the latter is under equal obligations to respect his higher attainments in his specialty. When this principle governs, there can be no conflict or even diversity of professional interests. Art. IV.—The Mutual Duties of the Profession and the Public. Dentists are frequent witnesses, and, at the same time, the best judges of the impositions perpetrated by quacks, and it is their duty to enlighten and warn the public in regard to them. For this and the many other benefits conferred by the competent and honor- able dentist, the profession is entitled to the confidence and respect of the public, who should always discriminate in favor of the true man of science and integrity against the empiric and impostor. The public has no right to tax the time and talents of the profession in examinations, prescriptions, or in any way without proper remuner- ation. MEDICAL PEE BILL. Ordinary office prescription.............$0.50 to $ 2 Investigation in office requiring considerable time . . 2 to 10 Visits in city in regular attendance (day) ...... 1 to 3 Visits in city in regular attendance, after 10 p. m. . . 2 to 5 Visits in country, extra per mile........... 1 Opinion involving a question of law, or attendance at court as an expert (per day)......... 10 to 50 Examination for life insurance........... 3 Vaccination.................v. . . 0.50 to 1 Urinalysis by chemical tests............. 2 to 10 Microscopical examination of urine......... 2 to 10 Consultation visits................. 3 to 50 Visit in case of poisoning.............. 2 to 5 Administering anaesthetics............. 2 to 5 OBSTETRICS. Ordinary cases of labor............... 10 to 30 Abortions same as labor............... 10 to 40 Delivery by forceps, additional........... 5 to 15 Delivery of placenta................ 5 to 10 Embryotomy.................... 10 to 50 Consultation................... 5 to 15 Primary perineorrhaphy.............. 10 to 30 GYNAECOLOGICAL. Late perineorrhaphy................ 10 to 100 Ovariotomy..................... 25 to 200 Laparotomy................... 25 to 200 Hysterectomy ................... 150 to 500 Hysterorrhaphy.................. 100 to 250 Trachelorrhaphy.................. 25 to 100 115 116 MEDICAL fee bill. Amputation of cervix................$ 25 to $100 Colporrhaphy ................... 25 to 75 Alexander's operation............... 25 to 125 Colpocleisis..................... 25 to 125 Operation for atresia of vagina........... 25 to 150 Removal of tumors of labia............. 10 to 50 Removal of urethral caruncle........... 10 to 100 Romoval of polypi................. 10 to 50 Endocervicitis, operation for............. 10 to 50 Curetting...................... 5 to 25 Vesico-vaginal fissure, operation for......... 25 to 100 Examination by speculum............. 2 to 8 Dilatation of servix in stenosis........... 5 to 20 Intrauterine douche................ 2 to 15 Replacing of uterus................. 2 to 5 Fitting of pessary.................. 2 to 5 SURGEKY. OPERATIVE. Trephining cranium or spine........... 75 to 200 Staphylorrhaphy.................. 25 to 100 Operation for hare-lip................ 10 to 50 Extirpating mammary gland............ 50 to 100 Laparotomy.................... 40 to 200 Extirpation of large or complicated tumors..... 50 to 300 Extirpation of small tumors............. 5 to 30 Nephrectomy or nephrotomy............ 50 to 250 Operation for internal hemorrhoids......... 5 to 25 Operation for external hemorrhoids......■ • • 3 to 10 Removal of polypus of rectum............ 5 to 25 Operation for anal fissure.............. 5 to 40 Operation for fistula in ano............. 5 to 50 Warren's operation for hernia............ 10 to 50 Operation for radical cure of hernia......... 50 to 150 Reduction of strangulated hernia by taxis...... 15 to 25 Operation for strangulated hernia.......... 50 to 200 Selecting and adjusting truss............ 1 to 5 Operation for radical cure of varicose veins..... 5 to 25 Aspirating joints.................. 5 to 10 Operation for necrosis of bone............ 10 to 50 MEDICAL fee bill. 117 LIGATIONS. Ligation of sublavian or iliac artery.........$ 50 to $200 Ligation of femoral, axillary, carotid, popliteal or pos- terior tibial artery ............... 25 to 100 Ligation of brachial artery............. 10 to 50 Ligation of all other arteries ............ 5 to 25 RESECTIONS. Resection or removal of maxilla........... 25 to 100 " of shoulder................ 10 to 50 " of elbow................. 20 to 50 " of ribs in empyema............ 15 to 25 " of head of femur............. 40 to 200 " of knee ................. 25 to 100 " of ankle-joint or foot........... 15 to 75 AMPUTATIONS. Amputation of shoulder-joint............ 25 to 150 " of arm................. 30 to 100 " of forearm or hand........... 25 to 50 " of finger................ 5 to 20 of hip-joint.............. 100 to 200 " of thigh............... 25 to 150 " of knee............... 20 to 200 " of leg................ 25 to 150 " of foot................ 25 to 50 " of toes................. 5 to 20 FRACTURES. Fracture of nose.................. 5 to 10 " of superior or inferior maxilla....... 10 to 50 of clavicle................. 10 to 25 " of scapula................ 15 to 30 " of coracoid or coronoid process....... 10 to 25 " of humerus................ 10 to 25 " of elbow-joint.............. 10 to 40 " of radius or ulna............. 10 to 40 " of both bones of forearm.......... 25 to 50 118 MEDICAL fee bill. Fracture of small bones............... $ 5 to $ 15 of ribs............- .... 5 to 15 " of femur................. 25 to 50 " of fibula.................. 10 to 25 " of both bones of leg............ 25 to 50 DISLOCATIONS. Dislocation of maxillary bones........... 10 to 25 " of shoulder............... 15 to 40 " of arm................. 10 to 30 " of wrist................ 10 to 30 " of fingers................ 5 to 15 " of hip............. ... 25 to 50 " of knee................. 15 to 50 " of ankle................ 20 to 40 " of toes....... ........ 5 to 15 GENITO-URINARY AND VENEREAL DISEASES. Syphilis, in advance................ 25 to 100 Gonorrhoea, in advance............... 10 to 50 Gonorrhoea, each subsequent prescription...... 2 to 5 Operation for removal of stone in the bladder .... 50 to 200 " " sounding for stone in the bladder ... 5 to 20 " " aspirating the bladder......... 5 to 25 " " perineal urinary fistula........ 25 to 100 " " internal urethrotomy......... 20 to 50 " " external urethrotomy with a guide . . 25 to 100 " " external urethrotomy without a guide . 50 to 250 " " phimosis, or paraphimosis....... 5 to 20 " " circumcision............ 5 to 25 " " radical cure of hydrocele....... 10 to 50 " " palliation of hydrocele (tapping) .... 2 to 10 " " varicocele............, . 10 to 75 EYE. Operation for extraction of cataract......... 25 to 200 " " discission............... 10 to 75 " " artificial pupil............ 15 to 100 Sclerotomy..................... 25 to 50 MEDICAL FEE BILL. 119 Operation for strabismus (each eye).........$ 10 to $ 40 " advancement of muscle........ 25 to 100 on lid for trachoma (each eye) ...... 10 to §0 " for pteryginm (each eye) *........ 50 to 60 Canthotomy (each eye)......... .... 10 to 40 Operation for tumor of lids............. 3 to 25 " opening of lachrymal duct...... 5 to 25 " " enucleation.............. 25 to 150 Glass fitting, ordinary................ 2 to 10 Astigmatism.................... 5 to 25 EAR. Opening of mastoid bone.............. 25 to 150 Removal of polypus.....■......... . 10 to 40 Removal of foreign bodies.............. 2 to 25 THROAT AND CHEST. Critical examination of lungs............ 2 to 5 Tracheotomy.................... 25 to 50 Intubation of larynx................ 10 to 50 Removal of laryngeal tumors............ 25 to 200 Removal of adenoid vegetations........... 5 to 40 Excision of uvula.................. 2 to 15 " tonsil.................. 5 to 25 Removal of nasal tumors.............. 5 to 50 Operation for deflected septum........... 25 to 50 DENTISTS' FEE BILL. Examination of the oral cavity.........$ 1 00 Treatment of pulp cavity (each application) ... 1 00 Treatment by prescription........... 2 00 Killing and extracting nerve.......... 2 00 Extraction of tooth.........•..... 1 00 " with anaesthetics.......... 2 00 to $ 5 00 Filling (gold), minimum............ 3 00 (All fillings offering more than ordinary difficulty, or taking more than 35 minutes of time, to be charged at the rate of $5.00 per hour, value of gold added.) Fillings—Cement................ 2 00 " Amalgam............... 2 00 to 3 00 " Porcelain................. 5 00 Professional visits............... 3 00 Appointments missed............. 3 00 All other services, such as filing or dressing of teeth, repairing fillings, or removal of tartar, at the rate of $5.00 per hour. Treatment pyorrhea alveolaris......... 5 00 to 50 00 Artificial teeth, upper or lower set—rubber ... 25 00 Entire upper and lower set—rubber....... 50 00 Set—Upper or lower—gold........... 90 00 " —Upper and lower.............160 00 '' —Continuous gum—upper or lower.....100 00 " —Continuous gum—upper and lower.....200 00 Partial sets at comparative rates. Crown work, each............... 10 00 to 20 00 Bridge work (minimum), per tooth....... 20 00 Replanting teeth............... 25 00 Regulating teeth................ 25 00 to 500 00 Reduction of dislocated jaw........... 10 00 " fracture of the lower maxilla .... 25 00 to 100 00 Consultation................. . 5 00 to 25 00 120 INDIANA MEDICAL LAW. [Approved April 11, 1885.] Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indi- ana, That it shall be unlawful for any person to practice medicine, surgery, or obstetrics in this State without first having obtained a license so to do, as hereinafter provided. Sect. 2. Any person desiring to practice medicine, surgery, or obstetrics, in this State, shall procure, from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county wherein he or she desires to practice, a license so to do, which license shall be issued to such person only when he or she shall have complied with the following conditions, to wit: When such applicant shall file with such Clerk his or her affidavit, stating that such applicant has regularly graduated in some reputa- ble medical college, and shall exhibit to such Clerk the diploma held by such applicant, or when such applicant shall file with such Clerk his or her affidavit, and the affidavit of two reputable freeholders, or householders, of the county, stating that he or she has resided and practiced medicine, surgery, and obstetrics in this State con- tinuously for ten years immediately preceding the date of the taking effect of this act, stating particularly the locality or localities in which he or she practiced during said period, and the length of time in each locality, or when such applicant shall file with such Clerk his or her affidavit, and the affidavit of two reputable free- holders or householders of the county, stating that he or she has resided and practiced medicine, surgery, and obstetrics in this State continuously for three years immediately preceding the date of the taking effect of this act, stating particularly the locality or localities in which he or she practiced during said period, and the date and length of time in each locality, and that he or she had, prior to said date, attended one full course of lectures in some reputa- ble medical college. Such applicant shall pay to such Clerk for such license the sum of one dollar and fifty cents, and such Clerk shall record such license, together with the name of the college in which such applicant graduated, and the date of his or her diploma, in a book to be kept for such purpose, and which shall be a public record. 121 122 INDIANA MEDICAL LAW. Sect. 3. Any Clerk who shall issue a license to practice medicine, surgery, or obstetrics to any person who has not complied with the requirements of section two of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and such license, or one procured by any false affidavit, shall be deemed and held to be void. Sect. 4. Any person who shall practice medicine, surgery, or obstetrics in this State without having first procured from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county wherein he or she shall so practice, a license, as provided in this act, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars: Pro- vided, that this act shall not-be deemed to prohibit women from practicing obstetrics, and such midwives are hereby expressly ex- empted from its provisions. Sect. 5. No cause of action shall lie in favor of any person for services as physician, surgeon, or obstetrician, who has not, prior to the rendition of such services, procured a license to practice as herein provided for, and any person who shall pay any sum of money or deliver any property for any such services to any person who is not so licensed, may recover the same, or the value thereof, in any court of competent jurisdiction in this State. Sect. 6. The following shall be the form of license under this act; the Clerks of the Circuit Courts shall appropriately fill up the blanks and issue the same under the seal of their respective courts, to wit: The State of Indiana, ) r So. ........County, ) I,........, Clerk of the Circuit Court of........ County, in said State, do hereby certify that........has complied with the laws of the State of Indiana, relating to the prac- tice of medicine, surgery, and obstetrics, and is hereby authorized to practice medicine, surgery, and obstetrics in said county. Witness my hand and seal of said court, this . . . day of . . •, 18. . . ..................Clerk. INDIANA MEDICAL LAW. 123 An Act to Amend Sections Two and Six of an Act Approved April 11, 1885, An Act Regulating the iPractice of Medicine, Surgery, and Obstetrics, Providing for the Issuing of License to Practice, Defining Certain Misdemeanors, and Providing Penalties. [Approved March 9, 1891.] Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indi- ana, That section two (2) of an act approved April 11, 1885, be so amended as to read as follows: Sect. 2. Any person desiring to practice medicine, surgery, and obstetrics, in this State, shall procure from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county wherein he or she resides, or wherein they desire to locate to practice, a license which authorizes him or her to practice anywhere within the State, which license shall be issued to such persons only when he or she shall have complied with the following conditions, to wit: When such applicant shall file with such Clerk his or her affidavit stating that such applicant has regu- larly graduated in some reputable medical college, and shall exhibit to such Clerk the diploma held by such applicant, or when such applicant shall file with such Clerk his or her affidavit and the affi- davit of two reputable freeholders or householders of the county, stating that he or she has resided and practiced medicine, surgery, and obstetrics, in this State, continuously for ten years immediately preceding the date of the taking effect of this act, stating particu- larly the locality or localities in which he or she practiced during said period, and the date and length of time in each locality, or when such applicant shall file with such Clerk his or her affidavit and the affidavit of two reputable freeholders or householders of the county, stating that he or she has resided and practiced med- icine, surgery, and obstetrics, in this State, continuously for three years immediately preceding the taking effect of this act, stating particularly the localities in which he or she practiced during said period, and the date and length of time in each locality, and that he or she, prior to said date, attended one full course of lectures in some reputable medical college. Such applicant shall pay to such Clerk for such license the sum of one dollar and fifty cents, and such Clerk shall record such license, together with the name of the college in which such applicant graduated and the date of his or her diploma, in a book to be kept for such purpose, and which shall be a public record. 124 LAWS OF KENTUCKY. Sect. 2. That section six of said act, approved April 11, 1885, shall be amended to read as follows: Section 6. The following shall be the form of license under this act. The Clerk of the Circuit Court shall appropriately fill up the blanks and issue the same under the seal of their respective courts, to wit: I,......, Clerk of the Circuit Court of......County, in said State, do hereby certify that.........has complied with the laws of the State of Indiana relating to the practice of med- icine, surgery, and obstetrics, and is hereby authorized to practice medicine, surgery, and obstetrics in said county and State. Witness my hand and seal of said court, this......day of ......, 18 . . ............. Clerk. LAWS OF KENTUCKY. REGULATING THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, AND CREATING THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. AMENDED EMPIRICISM LAW. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: Section 1. That an act entitled "An act to protect the citizens of this Commonwealth from empircism," approved February 23, 1874, be so amended as to provide that it shall be the duty of the county clerk of each county to purchase a book of suitable size, to be known as the " Medical Register " of the county, and to set apart one full page for the registration of each physician; and when any physician shall depart this life or remove from the county he shall make a note of the same at the bottom of the page; and said clerk shall (on the first day of January of each year) transmit to the office of the State Board of Health a duly certified list of the physicians of such LAWS OF KENTUCKY. 125 county, registered under this act, together with such other informa- tion as is hereinafter required, and perform such other duties as are required by this act, and such clerk shall receive the sum of fifty cents from each physician so registered, which shall be his full com- pensation for all duties required under this act. Sec. 2. That on and after the first day of April, 1889, it shall be unlawful for any person to practice medicine in any of its branches, within the limits of this State, who has not exhibited and registered in the county clerk's office of the county where he is practicing or intends to commence the practice of medicine, his authority for so practicing medicine as prescribed in this act, the name and location of the college issuing the same, if it be a diploma, the date of same, together with his age, residence, place of birth, and the school or system of medicine to which he professes to belong. The person so registering shall subscribe and verify, by oath before such clerk, an affidavit containing such facts, and that he is the person named in the authority so registered, which if willfully false shall subject the affiant to conviction and punishment for perjury. Sec 3. That authority to practice medicine under this act shall be: (a) A diploma from a medical school legally chartered under the laws of this State, (b) A diploma from a reputable and legally chartered medical school of some other State or country, certified and indorsed as such by the faculty of a legally chartered medical school in this State or (a legally incorporated) State Medical Society. (c) An affidavit from the person claiming the same that such person is exempted from obtaining a diploma under section two of the act to which this is an amendment, and stating where he has so prac- ticed: Provided, That no college shall charge or receive more than one dollar for the certificate and indorsement required by this sec- tion. Sec. 4. That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to dis- criminate against any peculiar system or school of medicine, or to prohibit women from practicing midwifery, or to prohibit gratuitous services in case of emergency, nor shall this act apply to commis- sioned surgeons of the United States army, navy, or Marine Hospi- tal service. Sec 5. That sections three, four, five, six, and seven of the act to which this is an amendment, and any portion of other sections of said act in conflict with the provisions of this act, are hereby re- pealed, and that section eight of said act is hereby reaffirmed and made a part of this act. 126 LAWS OF KENTUCKY. Sec 6. Nothing in this act shall be construed to limit the period for which a certificate may run, issued in pursuance of section eight (seven) of the actio which this is an amendment, but said certificate may run the full period for which it was issued. Sec 7. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Ap- proved April 25, 1888. Following will be found the portions of the original act still in force: . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, for reward or compensation, within the limits of this State, to practice medicine in any of its departments, or to prescribe, or to attempt to prescribe, medicine for any sick person, or perform or attempt to perform any surgical operation upon any person within said limits, who has not graduated at some chartered school of medicine in this or some for- eign country. Sec. 2. Any person who has been regularly and honorably en- gaged in the practice of medicine, in any of its departments, for ten years, shall be deemed to have complied with the provisions of this act. Any person having been so engaged for five years will be al- lowed one year to comply with its provisions. Sec 8. Any person living in this State, or any person coming into this State, who shall practice medicine, or attempt to practice medicine, in any of its departments, or who shall perform, or attempt to perform, any surgical operation, for or upon any person within the limits of this State, for reward or compensation, in violation of the provisions of this act, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined fifty dollars, and upon each and every subsequent conviction shall be fined one hundred dollars and imprisoned thirty days, or either or both, in the discretion of the jury; and in no case, where any provision of this act has been violated, shall the person so violating be entitled to receive compensation for services rendered. Sec 9. Provided, That nothing herein shall be so construed as to apply to persons practicing dentistry. Sec 10. This act shall be in force from its passage. Approved February 23, 1874. INDIANA DENTAL LAW. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, that it shall be unlawful for anyone to practice dentis- try in the State of Indiana at any time after thirty (30) days from the appointment of the Board of Examiners, provided for in section two (2) hereof, without being registered according to the provisions of this act. Sect. 2. A Board of Examiners, consisting of five (5) reputable, practicing dentists, shall be appointed on the last Tuesday of June, 1887,and biennially thereafter, one by the Governor, one by the State Board of Health, and three by the Indiana State Dental Association, said Board to serve for the term of two (2) years from the date of such appointment; and it shall be the duty of said Board to meet annu- ally, at the time and place fixed for the meeting of said Dental Associ- ation, or oftener at the call of any three (3) members of said Board, at such time and place as may be designated in such call. When convened the said Board shall examine all applications, issue regis- tration certificates thereon, and also examine all applicants for certificates of qualification, and issue such certificates to all such applicants as shall pass a satisfactory examination. Sect. 3. Any person who shall prove to the satisfaction of said Board of Examiners that; he is a graduate of a Dental College duly and legally incorporated, and who shall present a diploma there- from, and shall further show that said College is of good repute, shall be entitled to a registration certificate on the payment of a fee of one (1) dollar to said Board. Sect. 4. Any person who shall present to said Board of Exam- iners a valid certificate of qualification, issued by the Board of Exam- iners under the provisions of any former law of this State, shall be entitled to a certificate of registration upon the payment of a fee of one (1) dollar to said Board. Sect. 5. Any person who shall file before said Board of Exam- iners an application under oath, and sworn to by one or more free- holders, setting forth the fact that said applicant has been engaged 127 128 INDIANA DENTAL LAW. in the lawful practice of dentistry in this State continuously since the 29th day of May, 1879, shall be entitled to a registration certifL cate on the payment of a fee of one (1) dollar to said Board. Sect. 6. Any person who shall desire to obtain a certificate of qualification to practice dentistry in this State, and who shall not be entitled to a registration certificate under any of the provisions of the preceding sections of this act, shall be by said Board examined in anatomy, physiology, pathology, therapeutics, chemistry, and the theory and practice of surgical and mechanical dentistry, upon the payment of a fee of five (5) dollars to said Board, and should such examination of said applicant prove satisfactory to said Board, it shall issue to said applicant a certificate of qualification and registration. Sect. 7. Any member of the Board of Examiners may grant a permit to practice dentistry to any person who shall file with said member his application therefor, but such permit shall only be valid until the next meeting of said Board. Sect. 8. All certificates (except permits) issued under this act shall be signed by at least three members of said Board of Exam- iners, and said certificates shall have the seal of the " Indiana State Dental Association" affixed thereto. A majority of said Board shall constitute a quorum to transact business. Sect. 9. All persons receiving certificates of registration from said Board of Examiners, or permits from any member thereof, before beginning to practice dentistry shall present said certificate of registration, or permit, to the Recorder of the county wherein said applicant desires to practice, and the said Recorder shall record said certificate, or permit, in the miscellaneous record of his office, and said Recorder shall indorse the recording of the same on the applicant's certificate, or permit, and for his services he shall collect from each applicant the sum of twenty-five (25) cents. Sect. 10. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than twenty (20) nor more than one hundred (100) dollars for each offense: Pro- vided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent any lawfully registered surgeon or physician from extracting teeth, or performing any surgical operation in the line of his professional duties. Sect. 11. The Board shall receive out of the fund created by this act such compensation for their services as the by-laws of said State Dental Association may provide. DENTAL LAWS OF KENTUCKY. 129 Sect. 12. An Act entitled " An act to regulate the practice of dentistry," approved March 29, 1879, and printed in the Revised Statutes of 1881 as chapter 47, and being sections 4249 to 4257 inclu- sive, be and the same is hereby repealed, together with all laws in conflict with this act: Provided, however, That all violations of the laws hereby repealed may be prosecuted under the provisions of the laws in force at the time when such offense was committed. DENTAL LAWS OF KENTUCKY. An Act to Amend an Act entitled "An Act to Incorporate the State Dental Association." (Approved February 6, 1868.) Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That it shall be unlawful for any person to practice dentistry in the State of Kentucky, for compensation, unless such person has received a diploma from the faculty of a Dental College, duly incorporated under the laws of this or any other of the United States or foreign country, or a certificate of qualification issued by the Kentucky State Dental Association; Provided, that nothing in this section shall apply to persons now engaged in the practice of dentistry in this State. Sec. 2. There shall be a Board of Examiners, to consist of three practitioners of dentistry, who, together with the President and Secretary of the Kentucky Dental Association, shall be elected by Baid Dental Association, according to its by-laws. Sec 3. It shall be the duty of said Board of Examiners, so elect- ed, to meet annually at the time of meeting of said Kentucky State Dental Association, or oftener, at the call of any three of the mem- bers of said board, or of an applicant for a certificate to practice den- tistry. Sec 4. Thirty days' notice must be given of the annual meetings of said State Association, and previous thereto that all applicants for certificates to practice dentistry will be granted the same upon satisfactory examination. 130 . DENTAL LAWS OF KENTUCKY. Sec 5. The Kentucky State Dental Association shall cause to be kept a book, in which shall be registered the names of all persons having certificates to practice dentistry in the State of Kentucky, and that the book or books so kept shall be a book or books of rec- ord, and a transcript from the same, certified by the officer who has it in charge, with the seal of said Association affixed thereto, shall be evidence in any court in this Commonwealth. Sec 6. Three members of said Board of Examiners shall consti- tute a quorum for the transaction of business, and should a quorum not be present on the day appointed for their meeting, those present may adjourn from day to day until a quorum is present. Sec 7. Any person who shall, in violation of this act, practice dentistry in the State of Kentucky for a fee or reward shall be liable to indictment by the grand jury of the county in which the offense is committed, and, upon conviction, shall be fined in the penal sum of not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense; Provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to pre- vent physicians or surgeons from extracting teeth. Sec 8. On the trial of indictment found as aforesaid it shall be incumbent on the defendant to show that he has authority under the law to practice dentistry to exempt himself from the penalty by law prescribed. Sec 9. All fines collected under this act shall inure to the benefit of common-school education, and be added to the fund of such com- mon school in the county in which the offense is committed. Sec. 10. In order to provide a fund to carry out the provisions in the third section of this act it shall be the duty of the Board of Examiners to collect from all who receive the certificate to practice dentistry a sum not to exceed twenty dollars each, of which sum, if there be any remaining after paying necessary expenses, the balance shall be paid into the treasury of said Kentucky State Dental Asso- ciation, to be kept as a fund for the purpose of carrying out more fully and perfectly the provisions of this act. Sec 11. The Board of Examiners shall receive such remunera- tion for their services as the by-laws of said Kentucky Dental Asso- ciation may provide. Sec 12. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. DENTAL LAWS OF KENTUCKY. 131 CHAPTER 1017. An Act to Amend the Charter of the Kentucky State Dental Association. (Approved May 10,1886.) Said act reads as follows, viz.: Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Common- wealth of Kentucky, The Board of Examiners of the Kentucky State Dental Association shall keep a record, in which [shall] be registered the names and residence, or place of business, of all persons author- ized under this act to practice dentistry or dental surgery in this State. Sec. 2. Every person now legally engaged in the practice of den- tistry or dental surgery in this State, at the time of the passage of this act, shall, within six months thereafter, cause his name and resi- dence, or place of business, to be registered with said Board of Ex- aminers, upon which said Board shall issue a certificate to such person, duly signed by a majority of the members of said Board, and which certificate shall entitle the person to whom it is issued to all the rights and privileges set forth in Section 1 of an Act approved April 8, 1878, to amend an act entitled "An Act to incorporate the Kentucky State Dental Association." Sec 3. Any person desiring to commence the practice of dentist- ry or dental surgery within this State, after the passage of this act, shall, before the commencement of such practice, undergo a satis- factory examination before the Board of Examiners of the Kentucky State Dental Association, or file for record, in a book kept for such purpose with said Board of Examiners, his diploma, or a duly authenticated copy thereof, the validity of which the Board shall have power to determine. If such diploma is accepted, or the ap- plicant stands a satisfactory examination, said Board shall issue to such person a certificate duly signed by all, or a majority of said Board, and which certificate shall entitle the person to whom it is issued to all the rights and privileges set forth in Section 1 of an Act approved April 8, 1878, to amend an act entitled "An Act to incor- porate the Kentucky State Dental Association;" Provided, that noth- ing in this amendment shall be so construed as to prevent physi- cians or surgeons from extracting teeth. Sec 4. Any person who shall, in violation of this act, practice 132 DENTAL LAWS OF KENTUCKY. dentistry or dental surgery in the State of Kentucky, for fee or reward, shall be subject to indictment by the grand jury of the county in which the offense is committed, and upon conviction shall be fined in the sum of not less than $50 nor more than $200 for each offense. Sec 5. All acts or parts of [acts] in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec 6. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. MEMBERS KENTUCKY STATE BOARD DENTAL EXAMINERS. F. Peabody, President. Wm. Van Antwerp. A. W. Smith. M. W. Steen. J. H. Baldwin, Secretary. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Arranged Alphabetically by Postofflces. ABINGTON(WAYNE) Swallow, J. E. (R), Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 74. ACTON (MARION) Kennedy, J. Y. (R). Med. Col. Ind. McGaughcy, S. (R). Med. Col. 0. 51. Spicer, J. W. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 78. ADVANCE (BOONE) Hamilton, J. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. Loder, C. C. (E). E. M. Inst. 75. Loder, F. (E). E. M. Inst. AKRON (FULTON) Bailey, A. L. (H). 10 years practice. Barter, C. F. (R). Med. Col. 0. 58. Johnston, A. (R). 3 years practice. Terry, C. C. (R). Med. Col. Ind. ALAMO (MONTGOMERY) Brown, L. F. (R). Uni. Lou. Brown, I. L.. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 78 Talbott, J. N. (R). Miami, 75. ALBANY (DELAWARE) Baird, J. V. (E). 3 years practice. LeFavour, J. L.. (R). 3 years practice. Murray, A. P. (R). Keokuk, 78. Stick, J. (E). E. M. Inst. 54. ALBION (NOBLE) Green, T. C. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 82. Green, W. T (R). Rush, 80. Hays, J. W. (R). Med. Col. 0. 72. Lemmon, S. W. (R). Western Reserve, 55. Miller, B. E. (R). Med. Col. O. Keiff, W. G. (H). Hahn, Pa. 83. 133 134 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. ALEXANDRIA (MADISON) Cofflin, A. S. (H). 3 years practice. Line, L. C. (R). P. M. Inst. 62. Perry, A. J. (R). 3 years practice. Perry, J. W. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 70. Pugh, J. W. (R). 3 years practice. ALFORDSVILLE (DAVIESS) Hedrick, J. T. (R). 10 years practice. Walls, W. B. (R). 10 years practice. ALGIERS (PIKE) DeMott, W. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 71. Harris, R. W. (R). Ky. Sch. 77. Russell, W. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. ALTO (HOWARD) miller, L. C. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 70. ALTON (CRAWFORD) Hollcroft, W. K. (R). 18 years practice. Myers, J. (R). Western Reserve. AMBlA (BENTON) Hard, A. D. (R). Uni. Mich. 83. Moore, A. V. (R). Rush, 80. AMO (HENDRICKS) Summers, H. C. (R). Med. Col. 0. White, W. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 82. ANDERSON (MADISON) 14,000. Ardery, Oscar (R) 20£ W. 9th. Tel. 242. Uni. Mich. 83. Mem. Co. and Ind. Med. Socs. Treatment of Liquor and Drug Habit a specialty. Chittenden, Geo. F. (R) 9£ N. Meridian. 1 to 3. Tel. 82. Res. 8 S. Central Ave. Tel. 37. Uni. Lou. 55. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Surg. U. S. Pension Bd. Cullen, J. C. (R). Med. Col. 0. 68. Davis, J. W. (P-M) P. 0. Bldg. 8 to 10, 1 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 139. P. M. Col. Indpls. 89. SiMem. Am. Assn. P-M. Phys. and Surgs. and Ind. and 1st Dist. P-M. Socs. Sanitarium for Treatment of all Chronic Dis. Fairfield, W. J. (R) Meridian cor. 13th. 11 to 12, 1 to 4, 6 to 7. Tel. 21. Bellevue, 78. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Fairfield, Nellie W. (R) 68 S. Meridian. 1 to 4, 6 to 7. Tel. 21. Uni. Mich. 81. Fattic, J. B. (R). Med. Col. 0. 84. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 135 Hammond, John H. (H) 10J N. Main. Hahn. Chi. 87. Harter, J. H. (R). 3 years practice. Hodges, Fred. Jenner (R) Lieb Blk. 2 to 5. Tel. 258. Res. Emergency Hosp. Tel. 121. Chi. Med. Col. 86. B. S. Uni. Mich. 84. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Surg. C. & S. E. R. R. Surg. Emergency Hosp. Instructor Surg. Chicago Polyclinic. Home, W. N. (R). Med. Col. 0. 77. Hunt, J. W. (R) 60J N. Meridian. Tel. 109. Res. 120 W. 11th. Tel. 157. Ky. Sch. of Med. 79. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Del. Dist. Med. Socs. Surg. C. W. & M. R. R. Hunt, Mason V. (R) 61J N. Meridian. 10 to 12, 1 to 4, 7 to 8. Med. Col. 0. 74. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Minn. Val. Med. Socs. Huston, A. S. (Specialist) Lieb Blk. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 133. P-M. Col. Indpls. 76. Jones, H. E. (R). Med. Col. 0. 73. Kneale, W. W. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. McLeod, G. W. (R). Bellevue, 70. Mann, G. W. (P-M). Marion P-M. Col. 86. Miller, A. W. (E). E. M. Inst. 81. Miller, Elizabeth (E). E. M. Inst. 91. Morrison, J. O. (P-M). P-M. Col. Indpls. Perce, B. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 73. Preston, L. F. (R). 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 152. Res. Griffith House, Tel. 61. Med. Col. 0. 81. Sears, A. H. (H) Ellison's Blk. 8 to 10, 1 to 4, 6 to 7.30. Tel. 222. Hahn. Chi. 90. Mem. Ind. Inst, of Homo. Sellers, J. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 87. Stewart, J. (R) 20£ E. 8th. 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Tel. 212. Long Island, 70. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Sec. U. S. Pension Bd. Spann, B. F. (R). Med. Col. 0. 80. Simian, Wm. (R) Rms 2 and 3 Suman Blk. 30 years practice. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. . Taylor, H. W. (E) E. M. Inst. 72. Taylor, Elizabeth (E). Eel. Col. P. and S. Indpls 85. Williams, H. D. (P-M). P-M. Col. Indpls. 86. Williams, J. B. (P-M). P-M. Col. Indpls. 85. Willson, S. Canby (R) 69£ N. Meridian. 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 146. Uni. Georgetown, 80. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. ANDERSONVILLE (FRANKLIN) Rayburu, I. W. (R). Long Island, 77. Spillman, F. J. (R). Med. Col. 0. 58 136 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. ANDREWS (HUNTINGTON) Derbyshire, A. J. (R). Med. Col. 0.88. Derbyshire, Luella (R). Ft. Wayne, 88. Williams, 0. B. (R). 10 years practice. ANGOLA (STEUBEN) Dunnigan, F. B. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Lease, E. R. (II). 10 years practice. Lane, W. H. (R). Rush, 89. Sanborn, P. P. (H). Uni. Mich. 88. Waller, W. II. (II). Detroit Med. Col. 74. Wood, H. D. (R). Bellevue, 67. William, T. B. (R). Western Reserve, 64. Wood, S. A. (R). Uni. Vt. 84. ANNAPOLIS (PARKE) Goldsberry, J. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. ARCADIA (HAMILTON) Murphy, J. HI. (R). Hosp. Col. Lou. 81. Mercer, J. T. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 75. ARGOS (MARSHALL) Chapman, C. (E). 10 years practice. Gould, S. W. (R). Rush, 70. Knott, D. C. (E). E. M. Inst. 82. Kendall, J. T. (R). Med. Col. 0. Oyler, W. A. (R). 3 years practice. Sutton, J. A. (R). 10 years practice. ARLINGTON (RUSH) Green, J. C. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 83. McGaughey, J. (R). Med. Col. 0. 59. Rucker, T. II. (E). 10 years practice. ASHBORO (CLAY) Moss, J. K. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 85. ATLANTA (HAMILTON) Driver, J. C. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 71. ATTICA (FOUNTAIN) Burlington, C. B. (E). Ind. Eel. 86. Cole, W. C. (R). Med. Col. 0. 68. Case, M. F. (R). Uni. Mich. 70. Finney, C. J. (R). Med. Col. 0. Rice, J. T. (R). Rush 79. Rupert, A. M. (R). Med. Col. 0. 70. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. ATWOOD (KOSCIUSKO) Boydston, B. S. (R). E. M. Inst. Parks, J. P. (R). Rush, 75. AUBURN (DEKALB) Allen, W. S. (R). 10 years practice. Buchtle, I. O. (H). Pulte. Caseheer, J. B. (R). Bellevue, 66 Ford, J. H. (R). 10 years practice. Grcenewald, M. J. (E). 10 years practice. Leasure, Lida P. (R). Graduate. Mathena, T. G. (R). Graduate. Nusbaum, W. H. (R). Miami, 81. Swartz, Vesta M. (R). Ft. Wayne, 82. Swartz, D. J. (R). Med. Col. 0. 60. Sebcring, D. A. (R). 10 years practice. Watson, B. G. (E). E. M. Inst. AURORA (DEARBORN) Bond, R. C. (R). Med. Col. 0. 82. Henry. W. C. (R). Miami, 70. Heaton, C. (R). Miami, 78. Kyle, G. M. (R). Miami, 71. Kyle, J. J. (R). Miami, 89. Lamb, J. (R). Uni. Mich. 53. Rectanus, F. (R). Graduate. Sale, F. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 70. Smith, G. (H). Pulte, 77. Sutton, H. H. (R). Jefferson, 77. BEDFORD (LAWRENCE) Faucett, J. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. Freeland, J. T. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 86. Gardner, J. (R). Uni. Lou. 61. Hon, B. J. (R). 10 years practice. LaForce, H. C. (R). Jefferson, 65. McDonald, A. J. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 82. Newland, J. W. (R). 10 years practice. Fhipps, J. M. (R). Ky. Sch. Rariden, S. A. (R). 10 years practice. Rariden, C. E. (R). Ky. Sch. 80. Walls, G. W. (R). Uni. Lou. BENTONVILLE (FAYETTE) Derbyshire, E. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Swallow, (P-M). Graduate 81. 138 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. BIG SPRINGS (BOONE) McGee, J. A. (P-M). Ind. P-M. Col. 83. McCormick, M. S. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Worley, 0. P. (P-M). Ind. P-M. Col. BELLMORE (PARKE) Martin, A. (R). Keokuk, 78. Peare, R. C. (R). Med. Col. 0. BIPPUS (HUNTINGTON) Burns, A. M. (R). Med. Col. 0. McColgan, J. (R). Graduate. McColgan, R. (R). Graduate. BLOOMFIELD (GREENE) Cravens, S. C. (R). Rush, 66. Gray, J. W. (R). Jefferson, 64. Lowder, H. R. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 78. Wheeler, T. (R). Graduate. BLOOMINGDALE (PARKE) Boyd, J. M. (R). Graduate. Dare, J. S. (R). 10 years practice. Myers, J. G. L. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 84. BLOOMINGTON (MONROE) Axtell, A. J. (R). 10 years practice. Bryan, G. W. (R). Western Reserve, 54. Gaston, J. H. (R). Miami, 72. Gardner, F. (R). Lou. Med. Col. Harris, J. E. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 70. Holland, P. C. (R'. Med. Col. 0. How, U. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. Lowder, L. T. Maxwell, J. D. (R). Miami, 78. Potts, J. F. (R). Graduate. Turner, J. P. (R). 3 years practice. Weir, R. M. (R). Uni. Mich. 66. Whitted, W. L. (R). Uni. Mich. BLUFFTOWN (WELLS) Cook, L. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 85. Fulton, G. (Rj. Miami, 78. Fulton, J. C. (R). 10 years practice. Horton, T. II. (R). 10 years practice. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 139 Horton, E. R. (E). E. M. Inst. 78. Hatfield, I. N. (R). State Uni. la. 84. Mason, L. (R). Med. Col. 0. 72. Spaulding, L. A. (R). Graduate. Springstead, A. E. (R). Pulte, 84. Weer, H. H. (E). E. M. Inst. 84. BOONVILLE (WARRICK) Beeler, J. S. (H). Hahn. Chi. 83. Daily, T. G. (R). 10 years practice. DeForest, D. A. (R). Graduate. Howard, T. M. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 78. Hoover, P. M. (H). Ky. Sch. 81. Newton, J. A (H). 10 years practice. Scaler, T. D. (R). Ky. Sch. 82. Scaler, H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 78. Sharwel, M. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Tucker, D. W. (R). Ky. Sch. BOSWELL (BENTON) Christley, J. B. (R). 10 years practice. Green, J. W. (R.) 3 years practice. Simpkins, J. C. (R.) 3 years practice. Whitcomb, J. H. (R). 3 years practice. BOURBON (MARSHALL) Edison, J. W. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 84. France, S. (R). Chi. Med. Col. 66. Johnson, L. (R). 10 years practice. Linn, T. (R). Rush, 64. Matchette, A. C. (R). Chi. Med. Col. 62. BOWLING GREEN (CLAY) Allen, H. P. (R). 3 years practice. Talbott, E. (R). Rush, 61. Williams, J. (P-M). Graduate. BOX LEY (HAMILTON) McMurty, J. T. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 75. Teter, G. W. (P-M). Graduate. BRAZIL (CLAYj Black, Silas D. (R). Col. P. and S. Indpls. 74. Ad. BulterUni. 76. Sec. U. S. Pension Bd. Surg. Vandalia R. R. Culbertson, R. H. Med. Col. 0. 69. Gifibrd, J. C. (R). Rush, 70. Pres. U. S. Pension Bd. Surg. C. & I. C. and Vandalia R. Rs. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Glasgo, T. A. (R). 10 years practice. 140 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Mussel, Frederick (R). 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Med. Col. Ind. 91. A. B. Ladoga Col. 81. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Sec. City Bd. of Health. Smith, J. F. (R). Central Col. P. and S. Indpls. Tulley, A. F. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 78. BREMEN (MARSHALL) Herring, N. A. (E). Bennett Chi. 80. Tripp, F. (E). 10 years practice. Wahl, G. F. (R). Rush, 82. Younkman, A. B. (R). Ft. Wayne, 82. BROMER (ORANGE) Workman, W. S. (R). Graduate. BROOKLYN (MORGAN) Griggs, O. B, (R). Toronto, Can. 47. Lindley, C. M. (R). Med. Col. 0. 60. Monical, G. (R). Med. Col. O. 83. Robbins, C. (R). 10 years practice. BROOKVILLE (FRANKLIN) Berry, G. (R). 10 years practice. Berry, W. II. (R). Med. Col. O. 67. Buckingham, G. B. (R). Ky. Sch. 79. Paterson, E. L. (R) Graduate. Quick, J. H. (R). 10 years practice. Squires, G. E. (E). E. M. Inst. 82. Stoddart, S. P. (E). Graduate. BROWNS BURG (HENDRICKS) Davidson, A. W. (R). Graduate. Baldwin, I. J. (E). E. M. Inst. Graham, T. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. Marsh, J. L. (E). Med. Col. 0. 74. BROWNSTOWN (JACKSON) Anthony, J. R. (R). Med. Col. 0. 74. Bain, W. C. A. (R). 10 years practice. Stilwell, J. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. 66. Whitehead, W. E. (R). Med. Col. 0. 78. BRUCEVILLE(KNOX) Alexander, J. F. (R). Mo. Med. Col. 88. Martin, Z. G. (R). Keokuk, la. 81. McDowell, J. M. (R). Hosp. Col. Lou. 80 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. BUNKER HILL (MIAMI) Cox, E. (R). Med. Col. 0. Meek, J. (A). R. Jefferson, 81. Wilson, W. F. (R). Rush, 63. BURLINGTON (CARROLL) Gordon, B. L. (E). E. M. Inst. Chittick, A. J. (R). Med. Col. 0. 84. Kidd, W. J. (E). E. M. Inst. BUTLER (DEKALB) Bennett, J. B. (E). E. M. Inst. 69. Barnett, J. S. (R). Starling, 62. Carpenter, W. P. (R). Uni. Mich. 80. Lewis, J. V. (R). Med. Col. 0. Miller, J. (R). 10 years practice. CADIZ (HENRY) Bond, C. W. (R). 10 years practice. Garrett, O. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 83. Hess, F. C. (R). Med. Col. 0. Modlin, L. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. CAMBRIDGE CITY (WAYNE) Broadwell, W. (R). Graduate. Boyd, H. B. (R). Starling, 81. Carpenter, D. L. (R). 10 years practice. Mauk, J. R. (R). Starling, 69. Study, J. N. (R). Bellevue, 83. Wright, J. E. (H). Chi. Homo. 89. CAMDEN (CARROLL) Armstrong, E. W. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 81. Armstrong, F. G. (R). 10 years practice. Camp, C. (E). E. M. Inst. 65. Carter, J. D. (E). E. M. Inst. Hall, J. D. (R). Med. Col. 0. Scholl, C. E. (R). Uni. Md. 73. Snyder, B. F. (R). Uni. Lou. CANNELTON (PERRY) Cox, C. E. (R). 10 years practice. Hutchason, W. H. (R). Graduate. Ladd, C. W. (R). Uni. Lou. 52. Mitchell, F. A. (R). Graduate. CAR MEL (HAMILTON) Cook, C. W. (P-M). Ind. P-M. College, 81. Harold, N. G. (R). Med. Col. 0. McShane, J. T. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 81. 142 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. CENTREVILLE (WAYNE) Gabel, H. (R). Cent. Col. P. and S. Indpls. 85. King, W. F. (R). Greencastle, Ind. 51. Kersey, S. H. (R). Laporte, 4*7. Lorimor, J. H. D. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 89. Tillson, H. (R). 10 years practice. CHARLOTTESVILLE (HANCOCK) Cox, W. B. (E). • E. M. Inst. < Ayer, A. D. (E). E. M. Inst. Dailey, G. W. (E). E. M. Inst. CICERO (HAMILTON) Stout, H. II. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 71. Tucker, A. R. (R). Rush, 69. Warford, F. M. (R). Keokuk, la. 56. CLAY CITY (CLAY) Brown, W. B. (R). 10 years practice. Berne, S. P. (R). Med. Col. 0. Freed, M. A. (R). Uni. Lou. 82. Phipps, S. J. (R). 10 years practice. Wolf, C. H. (R). Graduate. Willigman, C. H. (R). Graduate. CLAYPOOL (KOSCIUSKO) Brackett, B. D. (R). Graduate. Hazel, J. B. (R). Graduate. Ketchem, G. V. (R). Graduate. Litter, W. S. (R). Graduate. CLIFFORD (BARTHOLOMEW) Butler, C, H. (R). 10 years practice. CLINTON (VERMILLION) Aikman, E. (R). Bogart, J. H. (R). Uni. Mich. 68. Nebiker, H. (R). Jefferson, 76. Pinson, J. (R). 10 years practice. White, C. M. (R). Jefferson, 76. CLOVERDALE (PUTNAM) Mullinix. P. (R). 3 years practice. Prichard, W. K. (R). Miami, 82. Preston, J. L. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 77. COAL CITY (OWEN) Florens, T. W. (R). 10 years practice. Hamilton, J. W. (R). Keokuk, 74. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 143 Henkle, J. S. (R). Med. Col. 0. McCabe, H. H. (R). 10 years practice. Plew, J. H. (E). E. M. Inst. Young, W. S. (R). 10 years practice. COLFAX (CLINTON) Andrews, J. (H). Hahn. Chi. Coon, H. J. (R). Med. Col. 0. Milburn, J. E. (R). 10 years practice. Parker, J. (R). Miami, 81. COLUMBIA CITY (WHITLEY) Amerman, S. D. (H). Hahn. Chi. Hontz, W. C. (R). Med. Col. 0. Ireland, M. (R). Uni. Lou. Kithcart, W. J. (R). Med. Col. 0. 81. Linvill, D. S. (R). Detroit Col. of Med. 86. Schuman, 0. V. (R). Med. Col. 0. Williams, C. S. (R). 10 years practice. Weber, W. (R). Detroit Med. Col. 69. Webster, D. E. (R). Uni. Mich. 80. COLUMBUS (BARTHOLOMEW) 8,200. Arwine, J. S. (R) Washington St. 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m. Med. Col. O. 53. Sec. Co. Bd. of Health. Mem. Co. and Mitchell Dist. and Miss. Val. Med. Socs. and Am. Pub. Health Assn. Arwine. Lotta R. (R) Washington St. 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., Uni. Mich. 90. Mem. Ind. and Co. and Mitchell Dist. Med. Socs. Banker, Adoniram Judson (R). Private Hospital, 723 Frank- lin. Tel. 52, Res. 9th and Franklin. Tel. 54. Med. Col. Ind. 75. Bellevue, 80. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Mitchell Dist. Med. Socs. Surg. P. & C. C. & St. L. R. R. Banker, Wilson Thompson (R) 723 Franklin. Tel. 52. Med. Col. Ind. 79. Butler, W. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 78. Falk, F. (R) 318 Washington. 11 to 12 a. m., 1 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Med. Col. 0. 78. Co. Coroner. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Mitch- ell Dist. and Col. Acad. Med. Socs. Pres. Co. Med. Socs. Hawley, K. D. (R) Washington, cor. 4th. 1 to 3 p. m. Tel. 67. Med. Col. 0. 66. Mem. Ind. and Co. and Mitchell Dist. Med. Socs. Holder, R. E. (R). Storey's Blk. 1 to 3 p. m. Tel. 76. Med. Col. 0. 79. Bellevue, 83. Hudson, J. B. (E) 609 Washington ; Eel. Med. Inst. 70. Mem. Natl, and Ind. Eel. Med. Socs. Kirkpatrick, A. M. (R). Med. Col. 0. 89. 144 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. McCoy, Geo. T. (R) Duffy's Blk. 1 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m., Tel. 9. Miami, 82 ; Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Mitchell Dist. Med. Socs. McLeod, A. J. (R) 604 Washington. 1 to 4 p. m.; Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 61; Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Mitchell Dist. Med. Socs. Moore, Chas. A. (E) 529J Washington. 9 to 11 A. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m.; Eel. Med. Inst. 85; Mem. Ind. Eel. Med. Soc Reynolds, S. H. (R). Miami, 72. Rice, A. (H). Hahn. Phila. 80. Shane, T. A. (H) Washington, cor. 4th ; 8:30 to 10 A. M., 1:30 to 2, 7 to 8 p. M.; Res., Mechanic, cor. 11th. Pulte, 81. Voris, S. M., (R). Jefferson, 70. Wisner, W. E. (R) 6th, cor. Chestnut; Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 70; Mem. Ind. and Co. Col. Acad, of Med. Socs. CONNERSVILLE (FAYETTE) Chitwood, G. R. (R). Western Reserve, 81. Chitwood, J. (R). Med. Col. O. 59. Chitwood, J. E. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 63. Chitwood, F. A. (R). 10 years practice. Dillman, L. D. (R). Med. Col. 0. 78. Gregg, V. H. (R). 10 years practice. Hamilton, S. N. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 75. Larrimore, J. D. (R). 10 years practice. Logul, H. M. (H). Graduate. Pepper, W. J. (R). Western Reserve, 56. Rhares, 0. P. (R). Smalley, J. (R). Miami, 84. Smalley, Mrs. Maud (R). Woman's Col. Cin. 88. Terrell, A. D. (E). E. M. Inst. Vance, S. W. (R). Med. Col. 0. 55. Wall, J. (R). 10 years practice. Wyman, Chas. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 64. COPE (MORGAN) Vansant, W. B. (R). Graduate. Williams, K. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. CORY (CLAY) James, 0 J. (R). Graduate. Modesitt, J. A. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 79. CORYDON (HARRISON) Clarke, J. (R). Med. Col. 0. 37. Daniel, W. (R). Hosp. Col. Lou. 86. Funk, Z. T. (R). Graduate. Jones, A. M. (R). Jefferson, 69. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 145 Lawson, J. E. (R). Uni. Lou. 54. Martin, G. F. (R). Graduate. Neely, I. L. (R). Graduate. Smith, A. E. L. (R). Uni. Lou. 46. COURTLAND (JACKSON) Barnes, G. O. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Kyte, H. R. (P-M). Ind. P-M. Col. COVINGTON (FOUNTAIN) Jones, G. S. (R). Uni. Mich. 67. Mock, J. W. (R). Med. Col. 0.63. Rowland, G. (R). Uni. Mich. 65. Spining, L. (R). Med. Col. 0. CRAWFORDSVILLE (MONTGOMERY) Chambers, W. B. (H). Mo. Homo. 81. Duncan, J. R. (E). E. M. Inst. Cowen, E. H. (R). Miami, 73. Ensminger, S. L. (R). Miami, 74. Etter, J. R. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 76. Gott, W. T. (H) Main Street. E. M. Inst. 78. Mem. Ind. Inst, of Homo. Greene, H. E. (R) So. Washington. 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Uni. Mich. 91. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Practice limited to dis. eye, ear, nose and throat. Hutchings, B. F. (R) So. Washington. 1 to 3. Med. Col. 0. 72. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Citv Health Officer. Griffith, Martha (R). Woman's Col. Pa. 70. Griffith, T. J. (R). Miami, 67. Irwin, S. G. (R). Rush, 63. Jones, 0. H. (R). Miami, 75. Keegan, E. W. (R) So. Washington. Rush, 61. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Layne, P. M. (E). 10 years practice. Leech, T. F. (R). Jefferson, 66. May, W. L. (R). Rush, 58. Ristine, W. H. (R). Bellevue, 77. Taylor, John UT. (H) Main Street. 8:30 to 10, 1:30 to 2:30, and at 7 p. m. Med. Col. Ind. 76. N. Y. Polyclinic, 85. N. Y. Post Grad. 90. Mem. Ind. Inst, of Homo., Pres. Ind. State Bd. of Health. Thornberry, J. R. (R) So. Washington. Miami, 81. CROTHERSVILLE (JACKSON) Bard, T. S. (R). 10 years practice. May, A. (P-M). Ind. P-M. Col. McCormick, L. R. (R). Uni. Lou. 80. Warner, W. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 71. 146 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. CROWN POINT (LAKE) Blarkston, W. B. (R). Med. Col. 0. Bliss, M. G. (E). Bennett, 75. Brannon, G. D. (R). Chi. Med. Col. 86. Frath, D. (R). Miami. Gibbs, J. C. (H). Hahn. Chi. Higgins, J. (R). Laporte, 46. Pettibone, H. (R). 3 years practice. Pettibone, Henry (R). Rush, 76. Pratt, A. J. (R). Uni. Mich. 54. Swartz, H. P. (R). 10 years practice. CYNTHIANA (POSEY) Corby, L. B. (R). 3 years practice. Carter, V. R. (E). E. M. Inst. Gudgel, J. E. (R). Graduate. Rutter, J. (E). E. M. Inst. 81. Smith, G. C. (R). Med. Col. 0. DALE (SPENCER) Bryant, W. S. (R). Miami, 74. Johnson, T. J. (R). Bellevue. Williams, W. H. (E). Am. Eel. St. Louis, 86 Williams, S. J. (E). Am. Eel. St. Louis. DANA (VERMILLION) Hood, T. C. (R). Jefferson, 84. Keyes, O. M. (R). Ky. Sch of Med. 77. Newton, G. O. (R). Miami, 79. Shepard. H. (R). Miami, 69. DANVILLE (HENDRICKS) Bartholomew, B. (R). Miami, 57. Barker, J. T. (R). Bellevue, 70. Depew, M. F. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Farabee, C. E. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 80. French, J. S. (R). — Huron. F. II. (H). Hahn. Chi. 83. Hoadley, W. J. (R). Rush. Kennedy, L. H. (R) Rush, 55. Lawson, W. T. (R). Miami, 78. McKitrick, A. (R). Bellevue. Parker, M. G. (R). Rush, 52. Towles, A. N. (R). Miami, 74. White ,C. A. (R). Bellevue. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 147 DAYTON (TIPPECANOE) Crouse, J. H. (R). Jefferson, 68. Hill, W. H. (R). Rush, 72. Motler, T. S. (R). 10 years practice. DECATUR (ADAMS) Beavers, S. D. (R). Rush, 86. Boyers, J. S. (R). Bait. Med. Col. 82. Jefferson, 83. A.M. Mt. Union Col. 81. Clark, C. S. (E). E. M. Inst. 88. Town Health Officer. County Coroner. Costello, H. F. (R). Starling, 86. Sec. Co. Bd. of Health. Coverdale, J. S. (R). Ft. W. Col. of Med. 81. Hollow ay, A. G. (R). 3 years practice. McMillen, W. W. P. (R). Graduate. Thomas, P. B. (R). Chicago Med. Col. 82. DEER CREEK (CARROLL) Loop, W. M. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 77. Plank, W. H. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 87. DELPHI (CARROLL) Angell, C. E. (R). Jefferson, 80. Morrow, J. L. (R). Med. Col. 0. 53. Robinson, F. H. (H). Pulte, 81. Shultz, F. A. (E). E. M. Inst. 54. Shultz, J. J. (E). E. M. Inst. 79. Sharrer, W. F. (R). Keokuk, la. 74. Smith, W. (R). Med. Col. 0. 74. Walker, E. (E). E. M. Inst. 49. DILLSBORO (DEARBORN) Ford, 0. P. M. (R). Lord, G. J. (E). E. M. Inst. 61. Sale, J. II. (R) Med. Col. 0. Sale, F. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 57. Spaulding, J. (R). Med. Col. 78. Weaver, S. M. (E). E. M. Inst. 57. DISCO (WABASH) Sowers, J. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. DOMESTIC (WELLS) Wilson, 0. (R). Bellevue. DUBLIN (WAYNE) Hale, T. T. (E). E. M. Inst. McTaggart, C. R. (E). E. M. Inst. 81. McClelland, J. S. (E). E. M. Inst. 148 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Newlin, E. S. (R). Med. Col. 0. Taylor, L. B. (R). 10 years practice. Wray, II. (E). 10 years practice. DUGGER (SULLIVAN) Lowder, C. M. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 81. DUNKIRK (JAY) Anderson, J. M. (R). 10 years practice. Duff, V. E. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. Fertich, G. W. (R). Med. Col. Ind. McKinsey, W. M. (P-M). Selvey, S. S. (R). Miami, 69. Young, F. (E). E. M. Inst. DUPONT (JEFFERSON) Flanders, J. W. (R). Miami, 68. Lewis, J. F. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Lewis, G. B. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. EARL PARK Baker, B. E. (R). Graduate. Cheautun, L. P. (R). Graduate. ECKERTY (CRAWFORD) Rrown, S. L (R). 10 years practice. Brown, G. W. L. (R). 10 years practice. Hazel wood, J. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 83. Mitchell, I. (R). 10 years practice. Walls, J. W. (R). 3 years practice. . ECONOMY (WAYNE) Clark, G. D. (R). Med. Col. 0. Clark, J. B. (R). Uni. Pa. 60. EDINBURG (JOHNSON) Adams, D. (E). E. M. Inst. 56. Bland, J. A. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 65. Cupp, M. F. (R) Walnut St. 7 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 9 p. m. Med. Col. 0. 82. Mem. Mitchell Dist. Med. Soc. Howe, R. M. (E). E. M. Inst. 89. Lanam, J. H. (R) Walnut St. Central Col. P. and S. 82. Mem. Mitchell Dist. Med. Soc. Myers, Henry K. (R) Main Cross St. Uni. Md. 67. Mem. Am. and Pa. and Dauphin Co. Pa. Med. Socs. Surg. J. M & I R R Rush, W. P. (R) Uni. Lou. 55. White, W. H. (H) Walnut St. 8 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 9 p. m Hahn, Chicago, 90. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. ELISABETH (HARRISON) Wolfe, S. E. (R). Graduate. Winders, L. C. (R). 10 years practice. Wolpert, W. I. (R). Graduate. Weddell, J. D. (R). Washington Uni. 72. ELKHART (ELKHART) Barney, L. M. (R). Chi. Med. Col, 89. Baumgartner, C. C. (R). 10 years practice. Bower, C. C. (R). Graduate. Bowman, W. E. (R). Rush, 86. Carper, A. J. (R). Med. Col. 0. Cassell, Elizabeth (R). Woman's Col. Chi. 83. Clark, S. T. (R). Graduate. Eckleman, F. C. (R) Penn. Med. Col. 60. Fisher, A. L. (H). 10 years practice. Frink, C.^S. (R). Jefferson, 70. 1 i ink. C. W. (R). Graduate. Haggerty, R. L. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 74. Hani, W. F. (R). Graduate. Morton, Mrs. Alice (R). Woman's Col. Chi. Martin, S. E. (E). 10 years practice. Miles, F. L. (R) Rush, 74. Neall, W. A. (R). 3 years practice. Mm an. C. H. (R). Bellevue, 80. Short, I. W. (R). Bellevue, 88. Spohn, G. W. (R). Med. Col. 0., 87. Thomas, W. H. (H). Hahn. Chi. 77. Turner, P. (H). Graduate. Work, J. A. (R). Uni. Mich. 70. ELLETTSVILLE (MONROE) Harris, R. C. (R). 10 years practice. Harris, J. J. (R). 10 years practice. Harris, W. W. (R). 10 years practice. Pressley, I. N. (R). Med. Col. 0. Whitled, F. E. (R). E. M. Inst. 89. ELNORA (DAVIESS) Rogsdale, M. H. (R). 3 years practice. Scott, J. T. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Tolliver, M. P. (R). 10 years practice. ELWOOD (MADISON) Amsfield, J. D. (R). Bellevue. Calloway, B. T. (R). 10 years practice. Clymer, D. H. (R). 10 years practice. Clymer, D. C. (R). 10 years practice. Gin, J. F. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. 86. 150 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. McNutt, G. T. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 79. Nuzum, D. P. (E). 3 years practice. Sigler, D. (R). Miami, 74. Slim, T. S. (E). 10 years practice. ENGLISH (CRAWFORD! Cole, W. A. (R). Uni. Lou. 79. Hammond, J. M. (R). Bellevue. Luckett, C. D. (R). Jefferson, 89. EUREKA (SPENCER) Killian, J. L. (R). 10 years practice. Logsdon, W. T. (R). Uni. Lou. 89. Lamar, H. L. (H). Hahn. Chi. Myler, J. M. (R). Keokuk, la. 68. EVANSVILLE (VANDERBURG) 52,000. Achilles, F. W. (R). Uni. la. 74. Bacon, C. P. (R). Uni. Pa. 61. Brose, L. D. (R). Uni. Pa. 81. Binkley, J. T. (R). Uni. Mich. 53. Bitz, L. B. Bryan, A. H. (R) 516 Walnut. 8 to 9. 1 to 2, 7 to 9. Tel. 348. Res. 421 Up. 6th. Uni. Lou. 57. Ex. Prof. Genl. Pathol. Evansville Med. Col. Bryan, Tony L. (R) 516 Walnut. 8 to 9,1 to 2, 7 to 9. Tel. 348: Evansville Med. Col. 82. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Carter, E. Lewis (R) 513 Market Square. Med. Col. Va. 60. 8 to 10, 2 to 4. Cleveland, W. F. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 92. Compton, F. S. (R). Evansville, 85. Compton, J. W. Evansville, 72. Corlew, Rufus M. (R) 213 Upper 2d. 7:30 to 10, 1 to 3:30, 7 to 9. Tel. 48. Uni. Nashville, 68. N. Y. Polyclinic, 91. St. Bartholomew Hosp. London, 92. Charite Hosp. Berlin, 92. Cong. Surg. St. Mary's Hosp. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Cottingham, I. E. (S) 413 Upper 2d. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 8 to 9. Tel. 132 ; Uni. Lou. 79 ; Bellevue, 81. Pres. Henderson Co. Ky. Med. Soc. Cox, D. A. Bellevue. Davis, F. L. (H). Clevld. Homo. Col. 70. Dixon, H. T. (R). Uni. Lou. 79. Eads, T. L. (R) 415 Upper 2d. 8 to 11, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Attd. Bellevue, 70. Gilbert, W. H. (R). Bellevue, 89. Glover, John F. (R). 713 Main. Till 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8:30. Tel. 457. Col. P. & S. Chicago, 88. Mem. Ind. and Miss. Val. and Co. Med. Socs. Green, W. S. (R). 3 years practice. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 151 Gumaer, C. II. (R) 416 Upper 1st. 9 to 11, 2 to 4. Uni. Mich. 78. P. G. Berlin, Ger. Hartloff, R. (R). Uni. Lou. 71. Hayden, A. M. (R) 502 Upper 1st. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 56. Starling Med. Col. 75. Surg. St. Mary's Hosp. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. Herr, L. S. (H) 403£ Upper 2d. 7:30 to 10, 12:30 to 4, 5 to 8. Med. Col. 0. 55. Mem. Ind. Inst, of Homo. Hodson, Geo. (R) 427 Upper 3d. 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 102. Evansville Med. Col. 76. N. Y. Polyclinic, 83 and 84, and 87 and 88. Obstet. City Hosp. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Miss. Val. and Co. Med. Socs. Jacobsohn, J. (R) 26 Upper 5th. Uni. Lou. 87. Kerth, J. H. (R) 918 3d ave. Evansville, 81. Knapp, Chas. (R) 4th, cor. Sycamore. 8 to 9, 1:30 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 192. Bellevue, 70. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Miss. Val. and Co. Med. Socs. Laval, W. J. (R). Evansville Med. Col. 82. Linthicum, Edward (R) 413 Upper 2d. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 8 to 9. Tel. 132. Long Island Col. Hosp. 65. Ky. Sch. of Med. 70. Surg. Staff of City Hosp. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Miss. Val. and Co. Med. Socs. McClurkin, J. C. (R). Bellevue, 80. McCoy, B. F. (R). Evansville Med. Col. 79. McCoy, P. Y. (R) 201£ Main. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Tel. 194. Rush, 63. N. Y. Polyclinic, 84. Bellevue P. G. 73. Cong. Surg. St. Mary's Hosp. Surg. L. & N. R. R. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. and Natl. Assn. R. R. Surg. McMahon, Agnes (R). Woman's Col. of Chicago, 79. Macer, T. (E). E. M. Inst. 84. Maghee, Wm. H. (R) 213 Upper 2d. Till 9,1 to 3, 6 to 9. Tel. 138. Jefferson, 81. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. Muhlhausen, M. (R) 406 Upper 2d. 8 to 9:30, 12:30 to 2, 6:30 to 8. Tel. 332. Evansville Med. Col. 54. Norman, S. (R). P. and S. Bait. 81. Owen, A. M. (R) 507 Upper 1st. Till 9, 1 to 3. Tel. 113. Belle- vue, 70. Surg. Staff City Hosp. Mem. Am. and Ind. and So. Surg, and Gyn. and Mitchell Dist. and Co. McDowell and Miss. Val. Med. Socs. Treas. Pan-Am. Med. Cong. Owen, John E. (R) 507 Upper 1st. 10 to 12, 4 to 6. Tel. 113. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 80. Mem. Ind. and Miss. Val. and Co. Med. Socs. Pollard, W. S. (R). Miami, 70. Powell, T. E. (R). Uni. Lou. 74. Prifchett, W. S. (R) 325 2d. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Tel. 294. fc-tkiSi L,ou- Med. Col. 87. Staff St. Mary's Hosp. Mem. Ind. and * Co. and Miss. Val. Med. Socs. Ralston, W. G. (R). Evansville, 73. 152 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Reavis, W. J. (R). Penna. cor. Fulton Ave. 9 to 11, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Tel. 292. Med. Col. 0. 85. Staff St. Mary's Hosp. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Schultz, Theodore (H) 317 2nd Ave. Breslau, Ger. 62. Stieler, Marie (H) 708 Main. 9 to 11, 3 to 6. N. Y. 92. Taylor, T. H. (H) 325 Upper 2nd. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Tel. 240. Clevld. Homo. Hosp. Col. 82. Mem. Am. and Ind. Inst, of Homo. Walker, Edwin (R) 427 Upper 3rd. 8 to 9, 2 to 4, Sunday 9 to 10. Evansville Med. Col. 74. Uni. N. Y. 79. Ph. D. Hanover, 89. Gyn. City Hosp. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Miss. Val. and Co. and Mitchell Dist. and So. Surg, and Gyn. and Am. Assn. Obstet. and Gyn. Practice Lim. to Gyn. and Abdom. and Nerv. Dis. Weever, J. B. (R) 507 Upper 1st. Till 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Tel. 108. Jefferson, 58. Cong. Phys. St. Mary's Hosp. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Wertz, T. Wilton, I. (R). Evansville, 83. Worsham, L. (R). Uni. N. Y. 79. Whistler, L. M. Young, G. M. (R) 416 Upper 1st. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Tel. 85. Uni. Pa. 83. Mem. Co. and Natl. Assn. R. R. Surg. Surg. P. D. & E. and E. & T. H. R. R's. Staff St. Mary's Hosp. FAIRLAND (SHELBY) Gilmore, M. R. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Stewart, J. K. (R). Uni. Lou. Smith, H. 10 years practice. Snider, J. W. (R). Rush, 70. Tull, E. N. (R). Uni. Mich. 69. FAIRMOUNT (GRANT) Henley, A. (R). Starling, 65. Moon, A. (P-M). 10 years practice. Moon, C. V. (R). Uni. Lou. 78. Patterson, J. W. (R). Med. Col. Ind. FARMLAND (RANDOLPH) Davis, L. N. (R). Miami, 73. Hunt, P. (E). E. M. Inst. Nixon, J. (R). Med. Col. 0. 82. Smith, C. (E). E. M. Inst. FERDINAND (DUBOIS) Knapp, V. (R). Med. Col. 0. 81. Wollenman, A. G. (R). Med. Col. Ind. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 153 FLAT ROCK (SHELBY) Connelly, H. M. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 82. Cox, T. A. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. Green, J. C. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. Pettigrew, D. A. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 82. FLORA (CARROLL) Cramer, J. R. (E). E. M. Inst. 74. Cook, A. J. (E). E. M. Inst. Minnick, H. R. (E). E. M. Inst. FOLSOMVILLE (WARRICK) Hart, E. H. (R). 3 years practice. Mills, W. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 80. West E. A. (R). 10 years practice. FONTANET(VIGO) Brock, L. G. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. Hickman, C. (R). Bellevue. Smith, E. W. (E). E. M. Inst. Stark, W. I. (H). Pulte, 81. FT. BRANCH (GIBSON) French, W. W. (R). Uni. Va. 79. Genung, W. R. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Hopkins, J. N. (R). Keokuk, la. 85. Hopkins, Wm. (R). Bellevue, 82. Runice, J. W. (R). Jefferson, 71. Williamson, W. T. (E). Am. Eel. Cin. 74. FORTVILLE (HANCOCK) Hervey, F. F. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 80. Stuart, A. H. (R). Graduate. Stuart, J. G. (R). Graduate. Saunders, J. K. (R). 10 years practice. FORT WAYNE (ALLEN) Barnett, W. W. (R) 434 Calhoun. 8 to 10, 1 to 2, 5 to 6, 7 to 9. p. m. Tel. 457. Ft. W. Col. Med. 86. Prof. Anat. and Sec. of Fac Ft. W. Col. of Med. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Asst. Surg. N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Asst. Surg. St. Joseph Hosp. Blade, Philip (R) 22 W. Berry. 10 to 3:30. Pans, 54. Bergk, K. C. Boswell, A. C. (R) 227 Hanna. Med. Col. 0. 86. Boswell, Andrew J. (R) 208 E. Lewis. Tel. 205. At 9, and 2 and 7. Bellevue, 90. Mem. Am. and Co. Med. Socs. 154 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Bowen, G. W. (H). 12 W. Main. 9 to 5. Hahn. Chicago, 61. Mem. Am. and Ind. Inst, of Homo, and N. Ind. and So. Mich. Homo. Socs. Bower, Geo. B. M. (R) 72 Harrison. Tel. 357. Uni. Md. 87. Nervous and Skin Dis. a specialty. Buchman, A. P. (R) 94 Calhoun. 1 to 4. Tel. 185. Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 70. Prof. Physiol. Ft. W. Col. of Med. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Bulson, Albert E., Jr. (R) Pixley-Long Blk. 9 to 12, 2 to 4. Tel. 413. Rush, 91. Post Grad. Uni. Mich. 92. Chicago Med. Col. 88. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Prac- tice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Cary, D. B. (R). 10 years practice. Carter, W. R. (R) 360 Calhoun. Ft. W. Col. of Med. 93. Chambers, J. D. (R) 16 Brackenridge. Till 9, 1 to 3:30, 7 to 9. Tel. 54. Uni. Mich. 74. Mem. Ft. W. Acad, of Med. and Ind. Med. Soc. Coblentz, J. W. (Bot.) 41 W. Berry. 7 A. m. to 7 p. m. Com- pound Oxygen Assn. Deppeller, R. (E) 18 E. Columbia. Chronic diseases s specialty. Dills, T. J. (R) 26 W. Wayne. Uni. Mich. 71. Dinnen, J. M. (R) 67 W. Wayne. Rush, 79. Duemling, H. A. (R) N. W. cor. Barr and Washington . 8 to 9 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 419. Mo. Med. Col. 92. Mem. Ind. Med. Soc. Enslen, Wm. (R) 286 Calhoun. 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 6:30 to 8:30, Tel. 286. Ft. W. Col. of Med. 90. Ferguson, W. T. (R) 82 W. Berry. 9 to 10, 1 to 2. Dublin, Ireland, 57. Mem. Ind. Med. Soc. Asst. Surg. 142 Ind.V. I.. Gard, Brookfield (E) 13 W. Wayne. 8 to 9:30, 12:30 to 3, 7 to 9 Tel. 245. E. M. Inst. 65. Mem. Natl, and Ind. Eel. Med. Socs. Special Dis. of Men and Women and Aurificial Surg. Greenawalt, G. L. (R) 151 E. Wayne. 12:30 to 3, 6:30 to 8. Tel. 189. Bellevue, 80. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Gross, Wm. Otto (R) 94 Calhoun. Ft. W. Col. Med. 93. Lect. Phar. and Mat. Med. Ft. W. Col. of Med. Harris, L. P. (H) 148 Calhoun. Mo. Homo. Col. 81. Harris, Ella F. (H). Mo. Homo. Col. 81. Harrod, M. (R). No Report. Herman, A. D. (R). 10 years practice. Havice, S. H. (R) 42 W. Berry. 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 66. Bellevue, 84. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Diseases Nose and Throat. Heaton, C. E. (R) 36 E. Berry. Tel. 309. Ft. W. Col. of Med. 78. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 155 Hetrick, J. (R) 544 S. Calhoun. 2 to 4. Tel. 435. Ft. W. Co 1 Med. 81. Vegetable Treatment for Liquor, Morphine and Opium Habits. Holmes, E. S. (R) 170 W. Main. Tel. 424. Trinity, Can. 86. Kesler, R. (R). Ft. Wayne Col. Med. 84. Leonard, P. M. (H). 10 years practice. McCaskey, G. W. (R) 107 W. Main. 11 to 12, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 140. Jefferson, 77. A. M. Depau Uni. 84. Prof. Theory and Prac. of Med. Ft. W. Col. of Med. McCorinick, T. II. (R) Pixley & Long Blk. 8 to 9, 1 to 8 p. m. Tel. 16. Ft. W. Col. of Med. 81. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. McCullough, T. P. (R) 180 Harrison. 7 to 8:30, 1 to 2:30, 7 to 8. Tel. 200. Jefferson, 48. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. McOscar, E. J. (R) 29 W. Jefferson. Till 8, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 230. Jefferson, 84. Mem. Ft. W. Acad, of Med. Martz, C. (H). Hahn. Chicago, 82. Metcalf, S. C. (R). Uni. Wooster, Clevld. 70. Miller, J. E. (R) Lafayette, cor. Wallace. 7 to 8, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 372. Bellevue, 85. A. B. Harvard, 80. City Health Officer. Myers, W. H. (R) 157 W. Wayne. 1 to 3. Tel. 39. Jefferson. 56. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and British and Pathol. London, and Am. Obstet. and Gyn. and Intend. Med. Cong, • and Chi. Med. Soc. Nieschang, Chas. C. F. (R) 298 Calhoun. 12 to 4. Tel. 313. Ft. W. Col. of Med. 82. Neiswonger, H. W. (R) Calhoun St. 8 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 303. Ft. W. Col. of Med. 88. Specialist in all Chronic Diseases. Phelps, W. (R). 10 years practice. Phillips, S. P. (R). Graduate. Porter, Miles F. (R) 47 W. Wayne. 10 to 11, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 2. Med. Col. 0. 78. Prof. Surg, and Dis. Women Ft. W. Col. of Med. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Proegler, C. (R). Berlin, Ger. 59. Poyneer, G. W. 114 Calhoun. Ft. W. Col. of Med. 82. Rosenthal, I. M. (R) 96 W. Berry. Western Reserve, 76. Rosenthal, M. I. (R). Med. Col. 0. 80. Ross, G. A. (H) 84 Calhoun. 7 to 8, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 28. Pulte, 79. Mem. Am. and Ind. Inst, of Homo. Saylor, F. L. (R) 80 Calhoun. 9 to 11, 3 to 5, 7 to 8. Tel. 157. Uni. Mich. 91. Dem. Physiol. Ft. W.Col. of Med. Schilling, Carl (R) Washington, cor. Barr. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 100. Mo. Med. Col. 79. Mem. Ind. and Mo. and Pettis Co., Mo. Med. Socs. House Phys. St. Joseph Hosp. Schilling, John, (R) 106 Barr. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Col. P. and S. St. Louis, 84. 156 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Schultz, F. Calhoun, cor. Washington. 8 to 10, 2 to 5, 7 to 8. Tel. 305. Bennett, 85. Seaton, John (R) Calhoun, cor. Columbia. 9 to 12, 1 to 5 p. m. 24 years practice. Oculist and Aurist. Siver, E. L. (R) Schmitz Blk. 9 to 12, 1 to 4. Ft. W. Col. of Med. 84. Post Course Bellevue, 86. Mem. Am. Rhinological and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Practice limited to diseases of nose and throat. Smith, C. S. (R) Pixley Blk. Pa. Col., Phila. 50. Rectal Dis. a specialty. Smith, J. S. (R) 275 Hanna. Stemen, C. B. A. M., LL. D. (R) 25 Broadway. 2 to 4. Tel. 8. Med. Col. 0. 75. Prof. Surg, and Dean of Fac. Ft. W. Col. of Med. Surg. St. Joseph Hosp. Chief Surg. W. Div. P. F. W. & C. R. R. Surg. Wabash R. R. Mem. Am. and British and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. 1st V. Sec. Natl. Assn. R. R. Surg-*. Mem. Pa. Co. R. R. Surgs. Sec. Surg. Assn. Wabash R. R. Editor and Pub. Ft. W. Journal of Med. Science. Stemen, G. B. (R) 320 W. Main. 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Tel. 321. Ft. W. Col. of Med. 82. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Asst. Surg. P. F. W. & C. R. R. Prof. Obstet. Ft. W. Col. of Med. Stemen, Geo. C. (R) 95 Calhoun, ll to 12, 2 to 4. Tel 398. Ft. W. Col. of Med. 87. Prof. Mat. Med. and Therap. Ft. W. Col. of Med. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Mem. Natl. Assn. R. R. Surgs. Surg. P. Ft. W. & C. R. R. Sec. Pa. R. R. System Assn. Stemen, Harriet Fontan (R) 25 Broadway. 9 to 11, 4 to 6. Tel. 8. Ft. W. Col. of Med. 93. Stemen, Wm. E. (R) 95 Calhoun. 8 to 8. Tel. 398. Ft. W. Col. Med. 92. Asst. Surg. P. F. W. & C. R. R. Stultz, C. E. (R). Ft. Wayne Col. of Med. 86. Sturgis, L. T. (R) Lafayette, cor. Wallace. 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 266. Rush, 86. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Stutz, J. A. (H) 50 W. Washington. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Tel. 342. N. Y. Homo. Col. 86. Mem. Am. and Ind. Inst, of Homo. Van Buskirk, A. E. (R). Med. Col. 0. 76. Van Sweringen, B. (R). Schmitz Blk. 11 to 2, 6 to 8. Tel. 305. Uni. Pa. 88. Lect. Obstet. Ft. W. Col. of Med. Phys. to Co. Jail and Phys. in charge Poor Dept. St. Joseph Hosp. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Sweringen, H. V. (R). Schmitz Blk. 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Tel. 305. Jefferson, 76. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Wheelock, K. K. (R). Bellevue, 80. Whery, W. P. (R). Ireland, 60. FOWLER (BENTON) Cook, C. (R). Ky. Sch. 81. Green, Nellie E. (R). 3 years practice. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 157 Mavity, J. S. (R). Hosp. Col. Lou. 84. Purdy, A. J. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 81. FRANCISCO (GIBSON) Ireland, J. M. (R). Evansville, 54. Patten, J. C. (R). EvansviHe. Reavis, D. P. (R). 3 years practice. Strickland, G. (R). Ky. Sch. 83. FRANKFORT (CLINTON) Bergen, E. D. (H) 7:30 to 9:30, 10 to 11, 1:30 to 3:30, 4 to 5, 7 to 8. Chicago Homo. Col. 91. Mem. Ind. Inst, of Homo. Brown, G. W. (R) 204 W. Washington. Rush, 66. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. Canfield, M. S. (E). E. M. Inst. 73. Chittick, C. (R). Med. Col. 0. 76. Coble, A. H. (R). Rush, 83. Davis, N. C. (H). Hahn. Chi. Douglass Samuel (R) N. Side Sq. Med. Col. 0. 50. Huntsinger, E. (H). Pulte, Cin. 82. Knapp, S. O. (R) N. Side Sq. Med. Col. 0. 84. Pres. Co. Med. Soc. Mem. Ind. Med. Soc. Member U. S. Pension Bd. McGuire, W. H. (E). E. M. Inst. 74. McMurray, A. S. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 86. McMurray, J. S. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 69. Palmer, R. F. (R) Main, cor. Wabash. Uni. Lou 77. Surg. Monon & T. 0. & St. L. R. R. Sayler, A. J. (E). E. M. Inst. 77. Sims, S, B. (R) N. Side Sq. Rush, 84. Sec. Co. Med. Soc. Mem. Ind. Med. Soc. Sec. Co. Bd. of Health. Speitle, H. B. (E). 10 years practice. Strange, Wm. (R) Main, cor. Wabash. Mem. Ind. Med. Soc. Wise, J. B. (H). Pulte, 80. Young, M. V. (R). Med. Col. 0. 69. FRANKLIN (JOHNSON) Covert, G. W. (R) 22£ W. Jefferson, 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m. One course. Rush. 65. Donnell, T. C. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 77. George, W. E. (H) 28 S. Water. 7:30 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m. Chicago Homo. Col. 89. Mem. Ind. Inst, of Homo. Hall, Homer J. (R) 119 E. Jefferson. 7 to 8 a. m., 11 to 12, 1 to 3, 8 to 9 p. m. Uni. Louisville, 77. P. G. Bellevue, 89. Mem. Bd. Trustees Central Col. P. and S. Hall, W. C. (R). Starling, 52. Jones, J. T. (R). Uni. Mich. 61. Ott, L. E. (R). Jefferson, 82. Payne, C. F. (R) 72 E. Jefferson. 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Jefferson, 88. Mem. Ind. Med. Soc. 158 Indiana physicians. Payne, P. W. (R) 72 E. Jefferson. 9 to 12, 2 to 4,7 to 8 p. u- Jefferson, 56. Mem. Ind. Med. Soc. Wallace, B. (R). Jefferson, 67. Whitesides, L. L. (R) 73 E. Jefferson. Uni. Louisville, 83. P G. Rush, 91. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. Wood, J. C. (R) 13 Main. 8 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4. Med. Col. Ind. 79. FREELANDSVILLE (KNOX) McDowell, L. C. (R). McGanky, A. J. (R). Uni. Lou. 84. Meyer, H. N. H. (R). 10 years practice. Robbins, F. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 74. FREETOWN (JACKSON) Chute, G. H. (P-M). 10 years practice. Manuel, G. (R). 10 years practice. Pinch, E. T. (R). Bellevue. FREMONT (STEUBEN) Abbott, L. (R). Graduate. McNabb, T. B. (R). Graduate. Stauffer, E. R. (R). Graduate. FRENCH LICK (ORANGE) Brent, W. (R). Hosp. Col. Lou. 75. Luckett, L. P. (R). Med. Col. 0. Ryan, W. E. (R). Med. Col. 0. GALENA (FLOYD; Davis, C. P. (R). Uni. Lou. 81. Rutherford, R. S. (R). Uni. Lou. 78. GARRETT (DEKALB) Clevenger, J. A. (R). 10 years practice. Kesterr, A. A. (H). 3 years practice. Sargent, T. C. (R). Stewart, C. (R). Am. Eel. 80. Wood, F. B. (R). Rush, 71. GENEVA (ADAMS) Aspy, H. M. (R). 3 years practice. Broyton, W. (R). Graduate. Ford, A. C. (R). 3 years practice. McDowell, J. 10 years practice. Mattox, L. L. (R). Rush. Ward, J. B. (R). Med. Col. Ind. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. GENTRYVILLE (SPENCER) Bryant, J. B. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 85. Jones, W. M. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 71. McKasson, J. W. (R). 10 years practice. GESSIE (VERMILLION) Barnes, J. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. 75. Hall, W. I. (R). Med. Col. 0. 70. GINGS (RUSH) Kirkpatrick, A. (R). Rush. GOLDSMITH (TIPTON) Repp, G. R. (R). Med. Col. 0. Whelchell, T. C. (R). 10 years practice. GOODLAND (NEWTON) Climer, J. T. (E). E. M. Inst. 86. IIillusion. N. M. (R). Lovett, J. A. (R). Cent. Col. P. and S. 89. Pratt, B. W. (R). Columbus Med. Col. 82. Wescott, (E). E. M. Inst. GOSPORT (OWEN) Kennedy, J. (R). 10 years practice. Osgood, H. G. (E). E. M. Inst. 56. Prichard, C. A. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 89. Smith, J. W. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 53. Stucky, J. M. (R). Uni. Lou. 48. Stuck), F. Y. (R). Uni. Lou. 84. GOSHEN (ELKHART) Ash, E. E. (R). Bellevue. Beyerle, H. J. (R). Rush. Bowser, J. M. (R). Ft. Wayne. Dreese, C. L. (R). Fort Wayne, 81. Heatwole, J. F. (R). Graduate. Herring, F. (E). 10 years practice. Irwin, A. J. (R). Chi. Med. Col. 77. Jackson, A. C. (R). 10 years practice. Johnson, W. W. (R). Uni. Mich. 84. Kauffman, Anna (E). 10 years practice. Keene, D. P. (R). Graduate. Kreider, M. K. (H). Chi. Homo. 79. Kreider, W. B. (H). Chi. Homo. 79. Latta, M. M. (R). Rush, 56. Merrill, C. W. (R). Graduate. Miller, D. L. (R). Med. Col. 0. 81. Myers, J. W. (E). Med. Col. Ind. 84. Rohrig, P. J. (R). Graduate. 160 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Sparkling, C. C. (R). 10 years practice. Whippy, W. A. (H). 3 years practice. Whippy, G. A. (H). 3 years practice. Whitmer, B. F. (R). Graduate. GRAYSVILLE (SULLIVAN) Cushman, A. (R). Jefferson, 69. Durham, J. L. (R). Uni. Lou. 80. GREENCASTLE (PUTNAM) Bence, G. W. (R). Uni. Va. 71. Sec. Co. Bd. of Health. Brasier, T. T. (R). 3 years practice. Hanna, L. M. (R). Miami, 71. Hawkins, Eugene (R) 20£ E. Washington. Med. Col. 0. 78. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Hill, W. D. (H) Indiana St. Cin. 0. 72. Hunt, T. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 72. Knight, J. M. (E) 8 to 12, 1 to 5. Eel. Med. Inst. 67. Lammers, F. H. (R). P. & S. N. Y. 90. Leatherman, J. R. (R). Allis Blk. Uni. Lou. 84. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Smith, N. G. (E) 116 W. Franklin. 8 to 2. E. M. Inst. 69. Prof. Theory and Practice of Med. Col. P. and S. Eel. Med. and Surg. Mem. Natl, and Ind. Eel. Med. Socs. Smythe, G. C. (R) 17 Vine. Rush, 65. Long Island, 70. A. B. Asbury Uni. 58. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Pres. Bd. Trustees Central Col. P. and S. Indpls. Taylor, G. W. (H). Pulte, 48. Taylor, M. J. (H). Pulte, 81. GREENFIELD (HANCOCK) Adams, M. M. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 85. Boots, S. S. (E). E. M. Inst. 70. Bruner. C. K. (R). Rush, 86. Bruner, Mary L. (R). Woman's College, Mo. Black, J. P. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. Comstock, J. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. 67. Howard, N. P. (R). JCed. Col. Ind. 78. Howard, N. P., Jr. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 79. King, W. R. (R), Bellevue. Martin, S. M. (R). Uni. Lou. Selman, S. W. (R). Laporte, 73. GREENSBORO (HENRY) Smith, Mary (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Smith, R. A. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Newby, T. 10 years practice. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. GREENSBURG (DECATUR) Bracken, W. (R). 10 years practice. Bunker, L. C. (R). E. M. Inst. 53. Covert, C. A. (R). Western Reserve, 58. Gullefer, T. B. (H). Med. Col. Ind. 81. Hitt, J. Y. (R) 12 S. Broadway. Uni. Lou. 53. M Soc. Hitt, S. B. (R) 12 S. Broadway. Med. Col. 0. 86. Johnson, T. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 68. Schoncld, J. V. (R). Miami, 78. Swem, E. B. (R). 10 years practice. Thomas, R. M. (R). Med. Col. 0. 83. Wooden, W. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 79. Wright, S. V. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 73. GROOMSVILLE (TIPTON) Cooper, J. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. GUILFORD (DEABBORN) Schooley, W. A. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Truitt, G. W. C. (R). Med. Col. Ind. HACKLEMAN (GRANT) Swisher, F. M. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Stephens, Anna (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Trimble, D. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Thomas, H. A. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. HAGERSTOWN (WAYNE) Allen, J. B. (R). Med. Col. 0. 81. Canaday, N. F. (H). Pulte, 70. Harter, W. W. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Lowe, G. N. (R). 10 years practice. Pitman, H. (R). 3 years practice. Quick, J. C. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. 86. Schiltneck, V. G. (R). Uni. Md. 82. Thurston, E. H. (P-M). 10 years practice. HALL (MORGAN) Jones, II. C. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 78. Seaton, G. W. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 70. Tilford, A. S. (R). Rush. HALO (WASHINGTON) Bradshaw, A. E. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 78. 162 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. HAMILTON (STEUBEN) Brown, B. N. E. (R). 3 years practice. Cameron, J. F. (R). Rush, 80. Gibbs, 0. H. (E). E. M. Inst. HAMMOND (LAKE) Carson, J. C. (E). Bennett. Clark, R J. (R). Rush. Campbell, C. W. (R). Demars, G. E. (R). Chi. Med. Col. Johnson, J. E. (H). Hahn. Chi. Johnson, (R). Rush. Jackson, L. D. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. King, C. W. (E). 3 years practice. Merrell, W. W. (E). Bennett, 80. Mullen, H. E, (R). Keokuk, la. 84. HANOVER (JEFFERSON) Brengle, J. S. (R). 10 years practice. Rogers, L. (E). E. M. Inst. Swan, L. E. (R). Rush. HARDINGSBURG (WASHINGTON) McPheeters, J. S. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 61. Barnett, J. T. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 82. Schoonover, W. S. 10 years practice. HARLAN (ALLEN) Adams, H. (R). 10 years practice Gunther, J. W. (R). 10 years practice. Omo, J. J. (R). Uni. Nashville, 65. Swift, C. F. (R). Jefferson. HARRISON (DEARBON) Thomas, M. L. (E). E. M. Inst. Willette, W. H. H. (R). Rush. HARTFORD CITY (BLACKFORD) Alexander, J. T. (H). 10 years practice. Clapper, M. M. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Cronin, W. W. (R). Starling, 87. Corey, C. N. (R). Rush. Davisson, H. C. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 71. Downey, H. J. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 70. Drayer, P. (R). Starling, 65. Hardin, A. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Hardin, C. A. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Mason, C. R. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 71. Sage, J. W. (E). Snearingen, A. W. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 163 HARTSVILLE (BARTHOLOMEW) Beck, W. H. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 60. Beck, F. J. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Smalley, J. K. (R). Jefferson, 87. HATFIELD (SPENCER) Allenbaugh, E. E. (R). Med. Col. Ind. HAYDEN (JENNINGS) Amick, C. C. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. Nighswander, M. (R). Rush. HAZELTON (GIBSON) Curtner, P. H. (R). Rush, 70. Gudgel, J. F. (R). Ky. Sch. 79. Nelson, F. (E). 3 years practice. Ricketts, R. R. (R). 10 years practice. HEBRON (PORTER) Blackston, J. J£. (R). Western Reserve, 46. Blackston, J. K., Jr. (R). Uni. Lou. 85. Edmonds, E. A. (H). Hahn. Chi. 86. Hubbard, R. B. (E). E. M. Inst. 84. Pratt, S. R. (R). Uni. Mich. 60. HECLA (WHITLEY) Ceyle, W. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Scott, J. YY. C. (R). Jefferson, 80. Thompson, G. E. (R). Uni. Lou. HElLMAN (WARRICK) Brown, L. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 89. HELTONVILLE (LAWRENCE) Butler, W. C. (R). 3 years practice/ DeLong, 0. (E). E. M. Inst. Ellison, W. T. (R). Bellevue, 75. Faubion, J. (R). 10 years practice. HILLSDALE (VERMILLION) Harrison, J. C. (E). 10 years practice. Mack, E. (E). 10 years practice. Morton, W. C. P. (R). 10 years practice. HOBBS (TIPTON) Downing, S. G. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 83. HOLLAND (DUBOIS) Beeler, E. E. (E). Ky. Sch. of Med. Rust, J. F. (R). 10 years practice. 164 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Rust, F. (R). Hosp. Col. Lou. 89. Stork, H. YY. (R). Evansville, 78. HOLTON (RIPLEY) Cass, C. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Roberts, J. (R). 3 years practice. HOPE (BARTHOLOMEW) Dickman, F. (R). 10 years practice. Fitzpatrick, B. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Griffin, L. B. (R). Rush. Kent, C. V. (R). Uni. Lou. Newton, W. T. (R). Med. Col. 0. 76. Regennas, E. G. (R). Cent. Col. P. and S., Ind. 86. Stapp, S. (R). 10 years practice. HUNTINGBURGH (DUBOIS) Lukenmeyer, E. G. (R). 10 years practice. Montgomery, G. B. (R). Graduate. McMahan, W. R. (R). Rush, 68. Williams, G. P. (R). 10 years practice. HUNTINGTON (HUNTINGTON) Beaver, H. M. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 88. Chafee, W. C. (R). Chicago Med. Col. 69. Chicago, Post Grad- uate, 81. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Cory, H. W. (H). Hahn. Chicago, 90. Mem. Ind. Inst, of Homo. Grayston, B. H. B. (R) 9 to 12, 1 to 4, 7 to 9. Chicago Medi- cal, Col. 73. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Surg. U. S. Pension Bd. Surg. C. & E. R. R. Grayston, C. E. (R). Med. Col. 0. 88. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Grayston, F. S. C. (R). Chicago Med. Col. 60. Prof. Theory and Prac. of Med. Ft. Wayne Col. of Med. 78-85. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Leyman, D. S. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 78. Leyman, E. H. (R) 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Uni. Mich, 71. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Surg. C. & E. R. R. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. Lyons, O. E. (R). Rush, 64. Lyons, W. B. (R). Rush, 65. McLin, G. H. (R) (H) Market, cor. Jefferson. Occidental College, Cleveland, 67. Searles, J. D. (R). 10 years practice. Shaffer, A. H. (R). Western Reserve, 59. Wright, C. L. (R). Rush, 86. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 165 Wright, Ervin (R). Med. Col. Ind. 80. Phila. Polyclinic, 92. Sec. Co. Bd!, of Health. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Yingling, D. (E). E. M. Inst. 65. INDIANAPOLIS (MARION) 105,500. Abbett, C. H. (E) 31J Virginia Av. 8 to 9:30 a. m., 2 to 3:30 p. m. Res. 82 W. Vt. Eel. Med. Inst. 61. Mem. Natl, and Ind. Eel. Med. Socs. Abbett, F. M. (E) 17£ Virginia Av. 8 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5, 7 to 9 p. m. Eel. Med. Inst. 69. Adams, YY. P. (R) 82 E. N. Y. Jefferson, 71. Anderson, J. E. (H) Grand Opera House Blk. 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5, 7 to 9 p. m. Res. 287 E. South. Pulte, 77. Andrew, V. E. (R) 152 College A v. Res. 184 Bellefontaine. Tel. 992. Central Col. P. and S. 90. Staff Polyclinic Dispy. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Anthony, E. (P-M) 90 Mass. Av. 1 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 627. Res. 310 North East. Tel. 573. P-M. Inst. Cin. 69. Prof. Surg, and Pres. of Fac. P-M. Col. Ind. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Indpls. P-M. Socs. Anthony, E. G.(P-M) 92 Mass. Av. 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. 627. P-M. Col. Ind. 89. Phila. P. Grad. 92. Prof. Eye and Ear P-M. Col. Ind. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Indpls. P-M. Socs. Anthony, James R. (R) 405 College Av. 8 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. 263. Med. Col. 0. 74. P. Course, Belle- vue, 84. P. Course, P. and S. N. Y. 84. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Ball, A. W. (R) 32 Columbia Av. 7 to 9. a. m., 12 to 2, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. 617. Med. Col. Ind. 83. Barmm, Chas. E. (E). 452 Mass. Av. Eel. Col. P. and S. 89. Prof. Chem. and Sec. Fac. Eel. Col. P. and S. Mem. Ind. Phar. Assn. and Ger. Chem. Soc. Barnhill, J. F. (R). Irvington Central Col. P. and S. 87. Barnes, H. F. (R) 12 Cyclorama PI. 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Jefferson, 54. Bychloride of Gold Treatment. Beck, William S. (R) 20 W. Ohio. 8 to 10 a. m., 3.30 to 5, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 587. Res. 863 N. Meridian. Tel. 1722. Med. Col. Ind. 88. Mem. Ind. and Marion Co. Socs. Coroner Ma- rion Co. Bedford, C. T. (P-M) 290 Mass. Av. 9 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 9 p. m. Res. 202 Bellefontaine. P-M. Col. Ind. 75. Prof. Obstet. and Dis. Women, and Sec. of Fac. P-M. Col. Ind. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Indpls. P-M. Socs. Bell, Guido (R) Ohio, S. W. Cor. East. 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 181. Frieburg, Ger. 65. Staff City Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. 166 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Bigger, R. H. (R) 429 Virginia Av. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Res. 90 Fletcher Av. Tel. 1090. Victoria, Can. 66. M. C. P. and S. Ontario. Bigger, Richard F. (R) 429 Virginia Av. 8 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Res. 74 Fletcher Av. Tel. 1090. Med. Col. Ind. 87. Blitz, A. (R). Eye, Ear and Throat Diseases. Room 2 Odd Fel- lows Blk. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 73. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Indpls. Surg. Socs. Boyd, J. T. (H). 40 E. Obio. 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 6 to 8 p. m. Res. 158 E. 8th. Tel. 1209. Starling, 50. Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 54. Pres. Ind. Homo. Med. Soc. Bray ton, Alembert W. (R). 26 E. Ohio. 2:30 to 4 p.m. Tel. 1454. Res. 808 E. Washington. Tel. 1279. Ind. Med. Col. 78. M. S. Ind. Uni. 82. Prof. Pathol. Med. Col. Ind. Dermatol. City Hosp. and Dispy. Mem. Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. Editor Ind. Med. Journal. Brennan, E. J. (R) 240 N. Tenn. 1 to 3 p. m. Tel. 736. Uni. Buffalo, 71. Prof. Obstet. Central Col. P. and S. Staff City and St. Vincent Hosp. and Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Rochester and Erie Co. N. Y. Med. Socs. Brown, J. R. (R) 102 N. Alabama. 9 to 11 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Tel. 381. Med. Col. Ind. 82. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Private Hosp. for Nervous Diseases. Browne, H. J. (R) 28 W. N. Y. Ind. Med. Col. 80. Browning, W. J. (R) 19 W. Ohio. 9 to 11 a. m., 2:30 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1440. Res. 631 N. Tenn. Med. Col. Ind. 84. Staff City Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. and Miss. Val. Med."Socs. Bryan, T. N. (R) 346 E. South. Uni. Louisville, 57. Bryson, R. A. (P-M) 434 Mass. Av. 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4, 6 to 8 p. m. Tel. 384. P-M. Col. Ind. 89. Librarian P-M. Col. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Indpls. P-M. Socs. Buehler, J. (R) 357 S. Delaware. 8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. — Med. Col. Ind. 91. Bufkin, E. (P-M.) Cancer Specialist. 96£ N. Illinois. P-M. Col. Ind. 74. Mem. Ind. and Indpls. P-M. Socs. Bula, R. W. (H) 33 W. Ohio. 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Res. 284 N. Miss. Uni. Phila. 70. Mem. Ind. Homo. Med. Socs. Butterfield, W. W. (R) 366 N. East. Bellevue, 68. Cain, J. C. (R) 164 Mich. H'ville. 7 to 8 a. m., 12 to 2, 5 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1389. Med. Col. Ind. 80. Campbell, L. S. (R) 61 Ind. Ave. 8 to 11 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Uni. Lou. 85. Canfield, B. V. (R) 177 Virginia Av. Central Col. P. and S. 90. Carson, J. H. (R) 901 W. Morris. 9 to 11 a. m., 3 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1432. Res. 914 W. Morris. Med. Col. Ind. 92. Reg- istrar Med. Col. Ind. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 167 Carter, J. (R) Virginia Av. Carey, Elmer E. (R) 151 N. Illinois. 1 to 3, 6 to 7 p. m. Tel. 630. Bellevue, 87. Asst. Sur. Genl. of Ind. Case, L. B. (R) 58 Clifford. 3 years practice. Castor, H. C. (R) 368 Mass. Av. 9 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 206. Res. 236 Clifford Av. Tel. 308. Med. Col. Ind. 90. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Chavis, Wm. (R) 187 Mass. Av. 3 to 4 p. m. Tel. 972. Med. Col. Ind. 88. Churchill, J. M. (R) 582 S. Meridian. 9 to 10 a. m., 3 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Med. Col. Ind. 88. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Clarke, W. B. (H) Washg., Cor. Alabama. 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Res. 188 Blackford. Tel. 571. Chicago Homo. 84. Sec. Ind. Homo. Inst, and Indpls. Theosophical Soc. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homo, and Ind. Acad, of Sci. Clemmer, F. O. (H) 24 E. 0. Pulte, 76. Cline, Lewis C. (R) 42 E. Ohio. 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Res. 862 N. Meridian. Jefferson, 79. Prof. Dis. Nose and Throat Med. Col. Ind. Staff City Hosp. and Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. and Indpls. Surg. Socs. Cloud, Laura Jennings (P-M) 66£ Penna. 9 to 11 a. m., 1 to 4 p.m. P-M. Col. of Ind. 85. Curator P-M. Col. of Ind. Sec. Al. Assn. P-M. Col. of Ind. Mem. Am. and Ind. P-M. Socs. Combs, G. W. (R) 30 E. Ohio. 10 to 11 a. m., 1:30 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 968. Med. Col. Ind. 83. Mem. Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. Chief Surg. Big Four R. R. Comingor, J. A. (R) 77J S. Illinois. 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Tel. 319. Res. 520 N. Illinois. N. Y. Med. Col. 61. Prof. Clin, and Orthop. Surg. Central Col. P. & S. Surg. Staff City Hosp. and Dispy. Surg. L. N. A. & C. R. R. Mem. Am. and Ind and Co. and Natl. Surg, and Am. Assn. R. R. Surgs. Compton, J. A. (H) 75 E. Ohio. 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 4, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. 125. Homo. Hosp. Col. Clevld. 66. Mem. Am. Inst, and Inter. Hahn. Assn. and Ind. Homo. Soc. Cook, George J. (R) 18 W. Ohio. 9 a. m. to 1. Ky. Sch. of Med. 66. Prof. Gastro-Intestinal and Rectral Surg. Med. Col. Ind. Sec. City Bd. of Health. Staff City Hosp. and Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Indpls. Surg. Socs. Ex-Pres. Miss. Val. Med. Soc. Courtney, T. E. (R) City Dispy. Central Col. P. & S. 92. Crist, D. O. (R) 29 W. Ohio. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Starling, 53. Mem. Am. Med. & Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. Ex-Prof. Mat. Med. and Th'erap. Col. P. and S. Res. and Sanitarium, Stratford. Crose, S. E. (R) 9 Board of Trade, Tenn. St. 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel 1195. Central Col. P. and S. 88. Dem. Chem. Central Col. P. and S. Staff City and Polyclinic. Disp's. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. 168 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Crowe, C. R. (E). 32 Circle. Eel. Col. P. and S. 92. Culver, Thos. M. (E) 379 S. Meridian. 7 to 9 a. m., 12 to 2, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. 640. Med. Col. Ind. 74. Eel. Med. Col. Ind. 86. Prof. Obstet. and Dean of Fac. Eel. Col. P. and S. Treas. Ind. and Mem. Natl. Eel. Med. Socs. Cunningham, H. S. (R) 354 S. Meridian. 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 2, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. 1319. Starling, 65. Uni. Bishops Can. 72. Mem. Col. P. and S. Province Quebec, Can. Curryer, W. F. (R) 32 Mass. Av. E. M. Inst. 65. Prof. Theory and Practice of Med. Eel. Col. P. and S. Curtis, J. E. (R). Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat. 1056 W. Washington. 10 a. m. to 3, 6 to 8 p. m. Ky. Sch. of Med. 88. Mem. Shelby Co. Med. Soc. DeHaas, T. W. (R) 13th, cor. Illinois. 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 6 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1333. Res. 1108 N. Ala. Med. Col. 0. 83. Bellevue, 87. Mem. Ind. and Marion and Highland Cos. Med. Socs. Deitch, O. L. (R). W. I. Med. Col. Ind. 90. Deitch, O. S. (R) 880 W. Washington. 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1364. Med. Col. Ind. 89. Phys. to Co. Jail and Poor-House. Sec. Co. Bd. of Health. Denson, II. A. (R) 232 N. Miss. Central Col. P. and S. Dudley, H. W. (R) 300 N. New Jersey. 9 to 12 a. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Jefferson, 88. Dunlap, J. M. (R) 19 W. Ohio. Med. Col. Ind. 76. Dunlavy, Ira E. (R) 493 College Av. 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 990. Ind. Med. Col. 83. Mem. Marion Co. Med. Soc. Dunning, L. H. (R) 249 N. Alabama. 10 to 12 a. m, Rush, 72. Prof. Dis. Women, Med. Col. of Ind. Cong. Gyn. City Hosp. and Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. and Indpls. Surg. Socs. and Am. Assn. of Obstet. and Gyn. Duzen, G. N. (R) 20 W. Ohio^Uni. Nashville, 65. Earp, S. E. (R) 24| Kentucky Av. 2 to 4 and 7 p. m. Tel. 1196. Res. 235 N. Illinois. Tel. 1441. Central Col. P. and S. 82. Prof. Mat. Med. and Therap. and Med. Chem. and Dean and Sec. of Fac. Central Col. P. and S. Cong. Phys. City and St. Vincent Hosps. and City Dispy. Surg. Police and Fire Depts. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Eastman, Joseph (R) 197 N. Delaware. 1 to 3 p. m. George- town Uni. 65. Bellevue, 70. Prof. Dis. Women and Ab- dominal Surg, and Pres. of Faculty Col. P. and S. Surg.-in- Chief Woman's Hosp. of Indianapolis. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. and Ind. and Marion Co. Socs. Cor. Mem. Phila. and Boston Gyn. Socs. Eastman, Thomas B. (R) 197 N. Delaware. Cent. Col. P. and S. 93. Asst. Dem. Chem. Cent. Col. P. and S. Edenharter, G. F. (R) City Hosp. Med. Col. Ind. 86. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 169 Eisenbeiss, C. M. (R) 252£ W. Wash. 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3, 6 to 8 p. m. Tel. 961. Ky. Sch. Med. 92. Eisenbeiss, E. M. (R) 252£ W. Washington. 10 to 12 a. m., 3 to 5, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. 961. Med. Col. Ind. 88. Practice limited to Surg. Elbert, J. B. (R) 104 Ind. Av. 8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. con. Med. Col. Ind. 89. Elbert, S. A. (R) 104 Ind. Av. 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. con. Med. Col. Ind. 71. Elder, E. S. (R) 44 E. Ohio. 9:30 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Tel. 199. Res. 39 Christian Av. Med. Col. 0. 67. Bellevue, 76. Prof. Prin. and Prac. of Med. and Dean of Fac. the Med. Col. of Ind. Pres. Marion Co. Med. Soc. Sec. Ind. Med. Soc. Pres. Mitchell Dist. Soc. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. Mem. Ind. and Indpls. Bds. of Health. Staff City Hosp. and Dispy. and Bobb's Free Dispy. Eskew, H. T. (R) 25 W. Ohio. 8 to 11 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Tel. 1185. Med. Col. Ind. 82. Ewing, C. K. (R) 24 E. Ohio. Med. Col. Ind. 84. Ferguson, C. E. (R) 34 E. Ohio. 9 to 11 a. m., 3 to 5, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 470. Res. 209 Central Av. Med. Col. Ind. 92. Dem. Micros, and Histol. Med. Col. Ind. Mem. Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. Supt. City Dispy. Ferguson, Frank C. (R). Office and Sanatorium. 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1205. Med. Col. Ind. 82. Prof. Ob- stet. Central Col. P. and S. Cong. Phys. Dis. Women City Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. Socs. Ferree, S. L. (R) 725 E. Washg. 9 to 10 a. m., 2 to 3, 7 to 8 p.m. Tel. 845. Med. Col. Ind. 70. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Field, M. H. (R) 318 E. St. Clair. 8 to 9 a. m., 1 to 2, 7 to 8 p. m. Med. Col. 0. 70. Mem. Bd. Trustees Central Col. P. and S. Attng. Phys. Ind. Deaf and Dumb Asy. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Fisher, A. YY. (P-M) 24£ E. Ohio. Thurs. Fri. and Sat. 8 to 11.30 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. P-M. Col. of Ind. 81. Prof. Dis. Rectum P-M. Col. of Ind. Sec. Am. Assn. of P-M. P. and S. and Ind. P-M. Soc. Fisk, J. G.**(R). City Dispy. Med. Col. Ind. 92. Fletcher, C. I. (R) 369 S. Meridian. Med. Col. Ind. 80. Fletcher, W. B. (R) 124 N. Alabama. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Tel. 381. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 59. Prof. Mental Dis. Central Col. P. and S. Staff City Hosp. and Dispy. V. Pres. N. Y. Med.-Leg. Soc. for Ind. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Private Sanatorium for Mental Dis. French, Martha J. (R) 97 W. 13th. 2 to 4 p. m. Tel. 1333. Central Col. P. and S. 82. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Galloway, C. E. (R) 444 Central Av. 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1278. Med. Col. Ind. 82. 170 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Garver, John J. (R) 126 N. Meridian. 8 to 10 a. m., 1:30 to 3, 7 to 9 p. m. Res. 860 N. Penna. Tel. 480. Med. Col. 0. 68. Mem. Am. and Ind. Med. Socs. V.-Pres. Marion Co. Med. Soc. U. S. Pension Ex. Surg. Pub, Sch. Com. Gaylord, H. G. (R) 19 Prospect. 8 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1747. Miami, 88. Marion Co. Med. Soc. Geis, John F. (R) 28 Virginia Av. 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Med. Col. Ind. 91. Mem. Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. George, J. D. (H) S. W. Cor. Market and Delaware. 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 3:30,7 to 7:30 p.m. Tel. 975. Res. 367 Park Av. Tel. 662. Homo. Hosp. Col. Cleveland, 80. Mem. Ind. Inst. of Homo. Surg, and Rectal Dis. a specialtj\ Grahn, E. G. (H) 165 Carnell Av. Med. Col. Ind. 84. Gray, Wm. (R) 50 S. Illinois. 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 9 p. m. Med. Col. Ind. 85. Gregg, J. W. (R) 156 E. Washington. Cent. Col. P. and S. 92. Groff, J. H. (R) 552 Virginia A v. 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3, 7 to 8 p m. Tel. 638. Med. Col. Ind. 92. Librarian Med. Col. Ind. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Haag, E. L. A. (R) 340 E. St. Clair. Ky. Sch. of Med. 92. Hadley, E. (R) 136 N. Penna.. Ind. Med. Col. 70. Hammond, F. J. (R) 38 E. Ohio. 8 to 10 a. m., 12 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Res. 790 N. Penna. Tel. 1689. Royal Col. Surg. Lon- don, 60. Mem. Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. Harrison, F. H. (R) 95 N. Alabama. 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1474. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 82. Staff Polyclinic Disp. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Hervey, J. B. (R) 744 Shelby. Med. Col. Ind. 92. Hervey, J. W. (R) 744 Shelby. Greencastle, 50. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Hasty, Geo. (P-M) 24J E. Ohio. 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3, 6 to 8 p. m. P-M. Inst. Cin. 61. Prof. Theory and Prac. P-M. Col. of Ind. Mem. Am. and Ind. P-M. Socs. Haugh, J. A (R) 107 N. Ala. Med. Col. Ind. 81. Haynes, J. R. (H) 264 N. Illinois. 7 to 9 a, m., 1 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 360. Eel. Med. Inst. 59. Mem. Am. and Ind. Homo. Inst, and Internl. Hahn. Assn. Haynes, W. H. (R) 50 W. 7th. Med. Col. 0. 89. Hays, Franklin W. (R) 19 E. Ohio. 3 to 5 p. m. Tel. 614, Med. Col. Ind. 80. Prof. Mat. Med. and Therap. and Dermatol. and Sec. of Fac. Med. Col. of Ind. Cong. Phys. City and St. Vincent Hosps. and City Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. Hays, Florence (R) N. West. Graduate. Helming, T/W. (H) East, Cor. Morris. 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Res. 128 Coburn. Tel. con. Med. Col. Ind. 87. Mem. Ind. Inst, of Homo. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 171 Heath, F. C. (R) Diseases Eye and Ear only. 19 W. Ohio. 8:30 to 11:30 a. m., 1:30 to 4:30, 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. Bowdoin, 84. A. B. Amherst 78, A. M. 86. Eye and Ear Surg. Ind. Poly- clinic. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. and Am. Acad, of Med. Hector, F. M. (E) 40 E. Ohio. 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Res. 519 * College Av. Eel. Med. Inst. 78. Prof. Ophthal. and Otol. the Eel. Col. of P. and S. Sec. Ind. Eel. Med. Soc. Mem. Natl. Eel. Med. Soc. Hessler, Robert (R) 26 E. Ohio. 7 to 9 a. m., 12 to 2, 6 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1454. Med. Col. Ind. 91 A. B. Ind. State Uni. 90. Dem. Minute Pathol. Anat. Med. Col. Ind. Mem. Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. Hibben, Julia (R) 20 W. Ohio. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Tel. 587. Med. Col. Ind. 90. Mem. Marion Co. Med. Soc. Hicks, J. M. (H) 197| E. Washg. 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 8 p. m. Queen's Col. London, 69. Hodges, E. F. (R) 2 W. N. Y. St. 2 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 156. Uni. Georgetown, 74. Harvard, 77. A. B. Harvard, 71. A. M. Uni. Georgetown, 80. Prof. Obstet. Med. Col. Ind. Cong. Ob- stet. City Hosp. and Dispsy. Surg. U. S. Arsenal. Mem. Am. Med. and Ind. and Marion Co. Socs. and Royal Micros, of Eng. Pres. Harv. Club Ind. Hoi man, Chas. C. (R) Oliver St. W. I. Uni. Lou. 44. Hoover, J. E. (R) 530 E. Washington. 10 to 11 a. m., 3 to 4, 6 to 7:30 p. m. Res. 76 Fletcher Av. Tel. 150. Med. Col. Ind. 81. House, G. H. F. (R) 22d, Cor. 111. Med. Col. Ind. 80. Hutchins, F. F. (R) 409 N. Ala. Med. Col. Ind. 91. Irick, G. W. (P-M) Birch, Cor. Cottage Av. W. I. 7 to 9 a. m., 3 to 6 p. m. P-M. Col. Ind. 89. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. P-M. Socs. Jameson, Henry (R) 28 E. Ohio. 10 to 11 a. m., 2 to 3 p. m. Tel. 105. Res. 228 N. Delaware. Tel. 251. Bellevue, 71. Prof. Clin. Med., Med. Col. of Ind. Staff City Hosp. and Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. and Am. Soc. Microscopy. Jameson, P. H. (R) 28 E. Ohio. 9 to 10 a. m., 2 to 3 p. m. Tel. 105. Jefferson, 49. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Jeffries, W. E. (R) 456 Va. Av. Miami, 75. Jeter, Frank (E) Bismark, Cor. Mich. 7 to 8 a. m., 12 to 2, 6 to 9 p. m. Tel. 1389. Eel. Col. Ind. 91. Johnson, W. H. (R) Brightwood. Med. Col. Ind. 92. Jones, J. G. (R) 302 N. Miss. Miami, 72. Jordan, D. YY. (R) 36 W. Washington. Louisville Med. Col. 92. Jordan, John S. (E) 36 W. Washington. Eel. Med. Col. Ind. 87. Mem. Ind. Eel. Med. Soc. 172 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Jordan, L. W. (H) 21 W. Ohio. 9 to 11:30 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m. Tel. 1684. Res. Tel. 1716. Hahn. Chicago, 82. Col. P. and S. Chicago, 83. Mem. Ind. Inst of Homo. (Eye and Ear.) Kahlo, Geo. D. (R) 582 S. Meridian. 9 to 10 a. m., 3 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 280. Res. 526 N. Illinois. Tel. 1728. Bellevue, 91. Ex-Interne Bellevue Hosp. Harlem Br., N. Y. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Karstetter, W. B. (R) Armstrong St. N. I. 2 to 4, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. 1626. Uni. N. Y. 84. Kelsey, R. C. (P-M) Baldwin Blk.^ P-M. Col. Ind. 88. Kimbcrlin, A. C. (R) 136 N. Penn. 9 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 802. Res. 240 Park Av. Tel. 1701. Med. Col. Ind. 88. Prof. Anat. Ind. Dent. Col. Sec. Marion Co. Med. Soc. Mem. Ind. Med. Soc. Kindelberger, YY. H. (R) 18 W. Ohio. 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 696. Res. 881 N. Delaware. Ind. Med. Col. 75. Catarrh a specialty. Knerr, C. B. (R) Washg. cor. State. 8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1295. Med. Col. Ind. 91. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Lake, M. Elizabeth (P-M) 95 Mass. Av. P-M. Col. Ind. 91. Lambert, J. A. (R) Alabama, cor. 7th. 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. 606. Central Col. P. and S. 91. Asst. Dem. Anat. and Lect. Phar. Central Col. P. and S. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. and Am. and Ind. Phar. Assns. Lash, H. M. (R) 36 E. Ohio. Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 71. Laycock, R. T. (E) 107 Bates. 7 to 8:30 a. m., 1 to 4, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. 1071. Eel. Med. Inst. 74. Prof. Dis. Chil. Eel. Col. P. and S. Mem. Ind. Eel. Med. Soc. Leathers, Douglas A. (R) 116 College Av. 11 a. m. to 2, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1392. Jefferson, 86. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Lewis, E. R. (R) 257 N. Delaware. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Tel. 1229. Harvard, 67. A. B. Amherst, 61. A. M. 64. Sec. Am. Rhinol. Assn. Mem. Am. Acad, of Med. and Am. Med. Assn. and Ind. and Marion Co. Socs. Prac. Lim. to Dis. Nose and Throat. Lockridge, J. E. (R) 37 W. Washg. Med. Col. Va. 63. Long, H. (E) 32 Mass. Av. 9 to 12, 2 to 5, 7 to 9. E. M. Inst. 62. Med. Col. Ind. 79. Mem. Natl, and Ind. Eel. Med. Socs. Long, John B. (R) 402 W. N. Y. 7 to 9 a. m. 1 to 3 p. m. Tel. 919. Central Col. P. and S. 82. Prof. Descriptive Anat. and Dem. Anat. Central Col. P. and S. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Long, R. W. (R) Washington, cor. Alabama. Jefferson 66. Lukenbill, O. C. (R) 1097 E. Washington. 8 to 9 a. m., 1:30 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1127. Med. Col. Ind. 92. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Lutz, G. W. (R) 69£ N. Illinois. Med. Col. 0. 71. McCain, T. J. (R) 470 E. Washington. Med. Col. Ind. 80. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 173 McClellan, A. (P-M). Michigan St. H'ville. Res. 1070 W. Vt. P-M. Col. Ind. 76. Mem. Am. and Ind. P-M. Socs. McCurdy, L. A. (R) 1026 W. Washington. Central Col. P. and S. 90. McCurdy, O. B. C. (R) 1026 W. Washington. Central Col. P. and S. 90. McFall, Rose C. (E) 26$ Massachusetts Av. 9 to 12, 2 to 4 p. m. Eel. Col. P. and S. Indpls. 88. Res. 177 N. Delaware. Mem. Natl, and Ind. and Cin. Eel. Med. Socs. Specialty Dis. Women, and Electricity. McNab, P. (R) 1 Fort Wayne Av. 11 to 12 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m. Tel. 107. Long Island Col. Hosp. 63. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. McShane, J. T. (R) 26 E. Ohio. 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1454. Res. 496 College Av. Tel. 990. Ind. Med. Col. 71. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Madsen, Mary M. (E) 86 N. Miss. 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Eel. Col. P. and S. 91. Mem. Natl, and Ind. and 111. Eel. Med. Socs. Manchester, J. J. (R) Washington, cor. Alabama. 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Uni. Vt. 90. N. Y. Eye and Ear Infy. 91. Eye and Ear Specialist. Manker, F. E. (R) 77$ S. Illinois. 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. 319. Med. Col. Ind. 84. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Marsee, Jos. W. (R) 44$ N. Penn. 11 to 12 a. m., 3 to 5 p. m. Tel. 339. P. and S. N. Y. 71. Prof. Surg. Med. Col. Ind. Cong. Surg. City Hosp. Attng. Surg. St. Vincent Hosp. Surg. C. C. C. & L., and P. C. C. & St. L., and T H. & I. and Union R. R. Co. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. and Indpls. Surg. Socs. Martin, YY. U. G. (R) 346 E. N. Y. Med. Col. Ind. 90. Maxwell, Allison (R) 19 W. Ohio. 10 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Tel. 649. Res. 169 N. New Jersey. Tel. 290. Miami, 76. A. M. Ind. Uni. 68. Prof. Prac. Med. Central Col. P. and S. Cong. Staff City Hosp. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. Metcalf, C. 1¥. (R) State House. Uni. Mich. 72. Sec. Ind. State Board of Health. Moffett, E. D. (R) 16 W. Ohio. Central Col. P. and S. 86. Moore, S. H. (R) 152 Virginia Av. 7 to 9 a. m., 12 to 2, 6 to 9 p. m. Res. 145 S. New Jersey. Med. Col. Ind. 70. Mem. Marion Co. Med. Soc. Morgan, W. V. (R) 336 N. Alabama. 2 to 4 p. m. Tel. 1043. St. Louis, Med. Col. 75. Prof. Surg. Anat. and Fractures and Dislocations. Central Col. P. and S. Cong. Surg. City Hosp. and Dispy. V.-Pres. Indpls. Surg. Soc. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Morrison, F. A. (R).107fN. Ala. Ind. Med. Col. 80. 174 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Morrow, Jos. E. (R) 203 Hadley Av. 8 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3, 6 to 7 p. m. Tel. 1323. Med. Col. Ind. 83. Staff Polyclinic Dispy. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Nash, G. W. (R) 402 S. Illinois. 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. 642. Central Col. P. and S. 88. Staff Polyclinic Dispy. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Nott, YY. H. (E) 20$ W. Washington. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Ind. Eel. Med. Col. 89. Mem. Ind. Eel. Med. Soc. Oliver, D. H. (R) 44$ N. Penna. 10 to 12 a. m., 3 to 4 p. m. Res. 272 Bellefontaine. Uni. Lou. 52. Jefferson, 59. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Oliver, J. H. (R) 124 N. Meridian. Med. Col. Ind. 81. " Outland, E. M. (P-M) 28 Mass. A v. Res. 256 Christian Av. P-M. Col. Ind. 90. Prof. Descriptive Anat. P-M. Col. Ind. Pres. Ind. P-M. Soc. Mem. Am. and Indpls. P-M. Socs. Page, L. F. (R) Marion Blk. Ohio, cor. Meridian. 9 to 1 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Med. Col. Ind. 88. N. Y. PostGrad. 89. Cong. Staff City Dispy. Practice Lim.jThroat, Nose and Ear. Mem Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. Pantzer, H. O. (R) 194 E. Michigan, cor. Mass. Av. 2 to 4 p. m. Tel. 220. Med. Col. Ind. 81. Gyn. to City Hosp. and Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Pres. Indpls. Surg. Soc. Private Sanitarium for diseases of women. Partlow, J. W. (R) 69$ Ind. Av. Med. Col. Ind. 79. Patterson, A. N. (R) 83 Mass. Av. Med. Col. 0. 66. Peachee, H. (R) 140 Williams. Med. Col. 0. 70. Pettiford, C. A. (E) 304 N. Illinois. 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. 1238. Eel. Col. P. and S. 92. Pettijohn, 0. B. (R) 232 Blake. Med. Col Ind. 78. Pfaff, O. G. (R) 134 N. Penna. 2 to 4 p. m. Tel. 292. Res. 197 N. Ala. Tel. 936. Med. Col. Ind. 82. N. Y. P. G. 90. N. Y. Polyclinic, 91. Lect. Dis. Women, Med. Col. Ind. Staff City Disp. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Miss. Val. Med. Socs. Pickerill, G. W. (E) 118 N. 111. Eel. Med. Inst. 66. Pink, Herman (R) 103 N. Meridian. 2 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 927. Koenigsburg, Ger. 74. Potter, T. (R) 36 E. Ohio. Med. Col. 0. 87. Preston, A. L. (R). H'ville. Ind. Med. Col. 84. Purman, D. M. (R) 169 St. Joseph. 8 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1366. Col. P. and S. Indps. 77. Reed, Wilson, 794 E. Washington. 7 to 9 a. m., 12 to 2, 5 to 7 p. m. Tel. 1295. N. Y. Therapeutic Col. 61. Rees, W. (R) 262 E. South. Med. Col. Ind. 90. Reyer, E. C. (R) 19 W. Ohio. 9:30 to 11 a. m., 3 to 4:30, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1440. Med. Col. Ind. 85. Bellevue, 89. Lect. Mat. Med., Med. Col. Ind. Mem. Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 175 Ridpath, H. W. (R) 370 E. 7th. 8:30 to 10:30 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Res. 945 N. New Jersey. Tel. 263. Central Col. P. and S. 84. Hitter, C. L. (R) 510 Virginia Av. 8 to 9:30 a. m., 1:30 to 2:30, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 638. Res. 194 Prospect. Tel. 526. Med. Col. Ind. 82. Mem. Ind. and Co. and Tri-State of 0. Valley Med. Socs. Robbins, Wesley (E) 65 Indiana Av. 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 9 p.m. Tel. 1605. Eel. Col. of Ind. 84. Mem. Ind. Eel. Med. Soc. Robeson, YY. C. (R) 20 W. Ohio. 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 2, 4 to 6 p. m. Tel. 587. Med. Col. 0. 76. Jail Phys. Sec. Co. Bd. of Health. Rose, F. W. (R) 94$ E. Washington. 8 to 11:30 a. m., 1 to 5 p. in. Chronic Dis. a Specialty. Experience 41 years. Rowe, L. M. (R) 134 N. Meridian. 2 to 4 p. m. Tel. 461. Med. Col. Ind. 82. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. and Miss. Val. Med. Socs. Prac. Lim. to Gynecology. Rowley, W. (H) 119 Carnell Av. gievld. Homo. 57. Rudy, F. T. (R) City Dispy. Med. Col. Ind. 92. Runnels, O. S. (H) W. Market, Cor. Circle. 8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Tel. 111. Res. 600 N. Meridian. Tel. 131. Homo. Hosp. Col. Clevld. 71. Mem. Am. Inst, and Ind. Homo. Socs. Runnels, Sollis (H) W. Market, Cor. Circle. .8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 111. Res. 258 N. Tenn. Tel. 253. Chi- cago Homo. Med. Col. 87. Mem. Am. Inst, and Ind. Homo. Socs. Rutledge, E. D. (E) 139 Hadley Av. 7 to 9 a. m., 12 to 2, 5 to 9 p. m. Tel. 957. Am. Eel. Col. St. Louis, 82. Mem. Ind. Eel. Med. Soc. Ryan, W. B. (R) 153 Mass. Av. 8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4, 8 to 9:30 p. m. Res. 93 Clifford Av. Tel. 1082. |Med. Col. Ind. 90. Mem. Ind. Med. Soc. Schaefer, C. R. (R) 430 Madison Av. 7:30 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3, 7:30 to 9 p. m. Tel. 282. Med. Col. Ind. 90. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 92. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Scherer, S. P. (R) East, cor. Coburn. 9 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1114. Res. 69 High. Tel. 1756. Central Col. P. and S. 91. Staff Polyclinic Dispy. Mem. Co. and Ind. Med. Socs. Smith, Bartley (P-M). 137 S. Williams. Tel. 1387. P-M. Inst. 70. P-M. Col. Ind. 87. Prof. Med. Jurisprudence P-M. Col. Smith, Martha J. (R) 139 N. Meridian. 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1205. Woman's Col, Chicago, 91. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Smith, Walter (P-M) 26 Indiana Av. 8:30 to 10:30 a. m., 3 to 6:30 p. m. Res. 63 Oliver Av. W. I. Tel. 1185. P-M. Col. Ind. 88. Dem. Anat. P-M. Col. Ind. Mem. Am. and Ind P-M. Socs. 176 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Spink, Mary A. (R) 124 N. Alabama. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Tel. 381. Med. Col. Ind. 87. Staff City Dispy. V-Pres. Am. Microscop. Soc. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Stephenson, J. C. (R) 527 Clifford Av. Med. Col. Ind. 89. Sterne, Albert E. (R) Marion Blk. 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 1696. Res. 851 N. Penn. Tel. 1134. Berlin, Ger. 91. A. B Harvard, 87. Mem. Aim. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs., and Assn. Am. Phys. of Berlin, Ger. Nervous dis. a specialty. Stillson, J. 0. (R) 245 N. Penn. Miami, 73. Stockton, Sarah (R) 227 N. Delaware. 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Tel. 1498. Woman's Col. of Penna. 82. Phys. to Ind. Reform Sch. for Girls and Woman's Prison. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Stone, R. French (R) 16 W. Ohio. 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p.m. Tel. 696. Res. 294 N. Tenn. Uni. Pa. 65. Night Tel. 123. Staff City Hosp. and Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. Specialty Med. and Surg. Treat. Gastro- Intest. Rectal Dis. Storch, L. A. E. (R) 680 S. Meridian. 8:30 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3,7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 864. Med. Col. Ind. 91. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Stratford, A. (R) 166 Va. Av. Uni. Louisville, 71. Stucky, Thos. E. (R) 113 N. Illinois. 9 to 11 a. m., 3 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1729. Res. 580 N. Ala. Tel. 1721. Uni. Louis- ville, 74. Sutcline, J. A. (R) 95 E. Market. 9 to 10 a. m., 2 to 3 p. m. Res. 80 E. Ohio. Tel. 941. Bellevue, 72. Prof. Surg, and Genito Urinary Dis. Central. Col. P. and S. Clin. Lect. St. Vincent Hosp. Cong. Staff City'Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. and Indpls. Surg. Socs. Taylor, Jas. H. (R) 130 N. Penn. 10 to 11 a. m., 3 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 523. Med. Col. Ind. 78. Prof. Dis. Chil. Med. Col. Ind. Staff City Hosp. and Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Teague, A. E. (E) 1100 W. Washington. 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3, 6 to 7 p. m. Tel. 1368. Eel. Med. Inst. 92. Dem. Anat. Eel. Col. P. and S. Thomas, E. C. (R) 58 Michigan. H'ville. 7 to 8 a. m., 1 to 2, 5 to 7 p. m. Tel. 1651. Col. P. and S. Ind. 78. Thomas, YY. H. (R) 285 Virginia Av. 10:30 to 11:30 a. m., 4 to 5, 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. Tel. 778. Col. P. and S. Indpls. 75. Prof. Dis. Nervous System. Central Col. P. and S. Staff City Dispsy. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Thompson, D. A. (R) 22 W. Ohio. 9 a. m. to 3 p.m. Med. Col. Ind. 82. Prof. Dis. Eye and Ear. Med. Col. Ind. Eye and Ear Staff City and St. Vincent Hosps. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. and Miss. Val. Med. Socs. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 177 Thompson, J. L. (R) 22JW. Ohio. 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Rush, 60. Eye and Ear Staff City and St. Vincent Hosps. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. and Miss. Val. Socs. Thompson, T. L. (R) Irvington. Long Island, 79. Tinsley, F. C. (R) 54 Clifford. Central College P. and S. 90. Todd, L. L. (R) 19 W. Ohio. 9 to 10 a. m., 2 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 649. Res. 294 N. Alabama. Tel. 566. Uni. Louisville, 56. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. Tolley, YY. Y. (R) 769 N. Miss. Med. Col. Ind. 70. Tomlinson, V, F, (R) 101 Reiner. 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Res. 169 Williams. Tel. 1387. Central Col. P. and S. 87. Mem. Marion Co. Med. Soc. Van Horn, C. B. (R) 149 Shelby. 9 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1381. Central Col. P. and S. 92. Mem. Co. and Ind. Med. Socs. Vernon, Geo. W. (R) 22 W. Ohio. 8 to 10 a. m., 3 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1453. Central Col. P. and S. 86. Prof. Dis. Chil. Central Col. P. and S. Staff City Hosp. and Dispy. and Orph. Asy. Mem. Ind. and Marion Co. and Miss. Val. Med. Socs. Virden, J. E. (R) 818 N. Illinois. 9 to 10 a. m.,2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 615. Bellevue, 90. A. B. 0. Normal Uni. 86. A. M. 89. Staff Polyclinic Dispy. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Wagner, T. A. (R) 60 E. Ohio. Ind. Med. Col. 75. Waide, Robt. (P-M) College Av. cor. 8th. 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3, 6 to 8 p. m. P-M. Col. Ind. 85. Prof. Surg, and Electro- Therap. P-M. Col. Ind. Mem. Am. and Ind. P-M. Socs. Walker, J. B. (R) 438 Mass. Av. 8 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3, 6 to 9 p. m. Tel. 738. Harv. 47. Wands, W. (R) 95 E. Market. Med. Col. Ind. 70. Ward, A. O. (R) 269 E. McCarty. 9 to 10:30 a. m., 2 to 3:30, 7 to 8 p.m. Tel. 1119. Res. 152 Woodlawn Av. Med. Col. Ind. 74. Wehrman, E. A. (H) Marion Blk. Ohio, cor. Meridian. 8 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p. m. Hahn. Phila., 72. Wiles, C. H. (R) 118 Michigan. H'ville. 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Tel. 1389. Jefferson, 63. Phys. to Co. Asy. Williams, W. O. (R) 28 King Av. H'ville. 8 to 10a. m., 12 to3,7 to 8 p.m. Tel. 1389. Med. Col. Ind. 90. Sec. Town Bd. Health. Wilson, A. L. (R) 823 N. Illinois. 9 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1252. Res. 27 W. 11th. Med. Col. Ind. 87. Staff City Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Wishard, Wm. H. (R) 31$ Virginia Av. 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Res. 89 Huron. Laporte, Ind., 49. Ex-U. S. Army Surg. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Wishard, W. W. (R) 102 N. Meridian. 9 to 12:30 a. m. Res. 89 Huron. Med. Col. Ind. 74. Miami, 76. Prof. Genito-Urinary and Venereal Dis. Med. Col. of Ind. Cong. Surg. Genito- Urinary Dis. City Hosp. and Dispsy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. and Am. Assn. Genito-Urinary Surgs. 178 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Wood, C. E. (E) Bismarck, cor. Mich. H'ville. 7 to 8 a. m., 12 to 2, 6 to 9 p. m. Tel. 1389. Eel. Col. Ind. 85. Wood, L. (E) 71 E. Ohio. 10 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Res. 282 Lin- coln Av. P-M. Col. Cin. 54. Col. P. and S. la. 56. Woodard, N. D. (P-M) 24 Mass. Av. 8 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 9 p. m. Res. 958 N. Pa. Tel. 1746. P-M. Col. Ind. 79. Prof. Mat. Med. and Therap. P-M. Col. Ind. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Indpls. P-M. Socs. Woodburn, F. C. (R) College Av., cor. 7th. Tel. 263. Med. Col. Ind. 87. Asst. Prof. Obstet. Med. Col. Ind.. Cong. Dis. Chest, City Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Miss. Val. and Mitchell Dist. Med. Socs. Woodburn, J. H. (R) College Av., cor. 7th. Tel. 263. Uni. Louisville, 46. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Woollen, G. V. (R) 20 W. Ohio. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Tel. 587. Res. 50 W. 12th. Bellevue, 65. Prof. Nose and Throat Cent. Col. P. and S. Laryng. City Hosp. and Dispy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Marion Co. Med. Socs. Wright, Ivy E. (E) 92 Marion Av. W. I. 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Tel. 1660. Phila. Eel. Col. 66. Wright, W. M, (R) 134 N. Penna. 3 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 292. Med. Col. Ind. 90. Dem. Anat. Med. Col. Ind. Mem. Ind. and Marion Co. Socs. Young, M. A. (R) 157 E. Washington. Med. Col. Ind. 91. Youart, J. D. (R) 137 W. N. Y. Med. Col. Ind. 91. JAMESTOWN (BOONE) Austin, F. H. (E). Eel. Col. Ind. 85. Banta, S. J. (R). 10 years practice. Burk, G. L. (R). 10 years practice. Heady, IV. S. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 75. JASPER (DUBOIS) Brannock, B. B. (R). Rush. Kempf, J. E. (R). Uni. Lou. 78. Salb, J. P. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 80. Stephenson, E. (R). 10 years practice. JEFFERSON (CLINTON) Dearth, H. M. (R). 10 years practice. Russell, G. A. (R). Med. Col. Ind. JEFFERSONVILLE (CLAEK) Davis, J. Port Fulton. Ky. School, 72. Field, Davis L. (R) 59 E. Maple. Uni. Lou. 68. Graham, T. A. (R) 110 Spring. 8 to 9, 1 to 4, 7 to 9. Tel. No. Res. 49 W. Chestnut. Med. Col. 0. 71. Uni. Lou. 72. N.Y. Polyclinic, 90. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. J^~ ~ t:, INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 179 Graham, O. P. (R) 110 Spring. 9 to 11, 3 to 5, 7 to 9. Tel. No. Res. 55 E. Maple. Uni. Lou. 90. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Hancock, C. F. C. (R) 100 Spring. 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Tel. No. Med. Col. 0. 87. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Surg. P. C. C. & St. L. R. R. Ilenning, Robert (R) 164 Spring. 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Uni. Lou. 77. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Jackson. Mrs. S. C. (R). Central Col. P. and S. Indpls. 91. Lampton, G. W. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 70. McClure, S. C. (R). Ky. Sch. 71. Martin, F. A. (E) 197 W. Market. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Ga. Col. Eel. Med. and Surg. 86. Peyton, David C. (R) 88 Spring. 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Uni. Lou. 86. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Mitchell Dist. and Co. Med. Socs. Surg. 0. Falls Car Works. 0. & M. R. R. Ruddell, I. N. (R). Uni. Lou. 81. Runcie, G. U. (R) 170 E. Chestnut. 12 to 2, 5 to 7. Chicago Med. Col. 80. Uni. Lou. 90. Mem. Jeff. Acad, of Med. Phys. to State Prison, South. Sheets, YY. H. (R) 49 E. Chestnut. 8 to 10, 12 to 2, 7 to 9. Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 61. Pres. Jeff. Acad, of Med. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Pres. U. S. Pension Bd. Walker, Jas. H. (R) 88 Spring. 9 to 11, 4 to 6,7 to 9. Ky. Sch. of Med. 91. Mem. Jeff. Acad, of Med. Zuerner, J. (R) Spring, bet. 7th and 8th. Uni. Lou, 78. Williams, L. L. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 80. JEROME (HOWARD) Bagwell, L. A. (R). Ft. Wayne, 82. JONESBORO (GRANT) Horn, S. (R). Med. Col. 0. 69. Jones, C. R. (E). E. M. Inst. 76. Jones, C. A. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Knight, J. C. (R). Ky. Sch. 81. McKinney, C. W. (R). Bennett, 74. Whitson, E. M. (R). E. M. Inst. 73. JONESVILLE (BARTHOLOMEW) Lawrence, W. M. (E). 3 years practice. Mennett, O. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 74. Rains, G. W. (R). 3 years practice. KEMPTON (TIPTON) Amos, E. (R). Rush. Goar, C. S. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. Gossett, Lucy (E). E. M. Inst. Stephenson, J. A. (R). 3 years practice. 180 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. KENDALVILLE (NOBLE) Dunlap, R. (R). 10 years practice. Gilbert, J. L. (R). Bellevue, 66. Iisibel, P. (R). 10 years practice. Kester, R. S. (II). Hahn. Chi. Olds, W. B. (E). Bennett, 82. Teal, N. (R). Rush, 82. Williams. W. S. (R). Graduate. Williams, S. T. (E). E. M. Inst. 58. Williams, N. (E). 10 years practice. KENTLAND (NEWTON) Beckner. J. F. (R). Med. Col. 0. 49. Beckner, J. F., Jr. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Boice, R. B. (R). Rush. Chaffee, J. C. M. (H). 10 years practice. Hatch, J. A. (R). Rush, 60. KEWANNA (FULTON) Dawson, B. F. (R). Uni. Mich. 86. Howell, J. B. (E). 10 years practice. Thompson, A. R. (R). 10 years practice. Washburn, E. P. (R). Graduate. KIR KLIN (CLINTON) Bowers, B. G. (R). Graduate. Bogan, E. TV. (R). Ky. Sch. 81. Fall, W. D. (R). 10 years practice. Homes, W. A. T. (R). 3 years practice. Schwinn, E. E. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 81. KNIGHTSTOWN (HENRY) Barrett, ©. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 84. Crouse, H. M. (R). Western Reserve, 56. Green, A. W. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 80. Hobbs, W. (R). Med. Col. 0. 69. Holloway, 0. E. (R). Western Reserve, 66. Johnson, E. M. (R). Graduate. McGavran, W. B. (R). Starling, 63. Winston, L. V. (R). Graduate. KNOX (STARKE) Bonar, M. C. (R). 3 years practice. Bonar, S. S. (R). 10 years practice. Glazebrook, L. D. (R). 10 years practice. Henderson, A. H. (E). 10 years practice. Kelley, YY. M. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 70. Wright, M. R. (E). 10 years practice. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 181 KOKOMO (HOWARD) 8,250. Armstrong, E. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. 57. Baker, F. W. (H). Hahn. Chi. 87. Bates, A. J. (R) 18 Sycamore. Med. Col. Ind. 73. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Pres. City Bd. of Health. Berst, J. H. (R) 18 Sycamore. P. and S. Bait. 81. Blount, R. D. (R) Citizens' Bk. Bldg. 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Med. Col. Ind. 89. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Specialty, throat, nose and ear diseases. Cooper, I. A. (E) N. W. cor. Main and Mulberry. E. M. Inst. 74. Cooper, Wm. (E) N. W. cor. Main and Mulberry. E. M. Inst. 67. Cooper & Cooper (E) N. W. cor. Main and Mulberry. Cox, E. (R). Med. Col. 0. 90. Gilford, T. V. 10 years practice. Hurlbert, D. (R). 3 years practice. Johnson, I. C. (R) 14 Mulberry. Rush, 65. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Kern, L. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 70. Kern, T. (Et). Med. Col. Ind. 76. Kirkpatrick, J. B. (R). Med. Col. 0. 79. McClurg, IV. H. (R) 84 N. Washington. Till 8, 1 to 4, 7 to 9. Med. Col. Ind. 87. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Martin, IV. II. (R) Citizens' Bk. Bldg. 1 to 5, 6 to 8. Ft. W. Med. Col. 86. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Moore, J. B. (R) 6 N. Main. 1 to 4,-7 to 8. Rush, 68. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Moulder, J. McLean (R) 40 N. Washington. 2 to 4. Tel. 64. Med. Col. 0. 75. Surg. Pan Handle R. R. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. and Pa. R. R. Surgs. Assn. Asst. Surg. Genl. of Ind. Oiler, L. (R). Graduate. Puckett, J. L. (R). Graduate. Ross, J. H. (R). St. Louis Med. Col. 72. Ross, R. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 79. Sawyer, E. W. (H). Hahn. Chi. 82. Scott, Wm. (R) Main, cor. Mulberry. Rush, 63. Bellevue, 70. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Miss. Val. and Natl. Assn. R. R. Surgs. Surg. T. St. L. & K. C. and L. E. & W. and Pan Handle R. Rs. Smith, J. T. (R) 40 N. Washington. 8 to 10, 4 to 6. Tel. 64. Med. Col. Ind. 80. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Surg. Pan Handle R. R. Smith, R. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 80. Thorne, J. C. F. (R). 1:30 to 4 p.m. Tel. 89. Rush, 84. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. West, J. F. (R). Ky. Sch. Med. 91. Wilson. R. ©,. (R). Rush, 53. 182 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Wright, J. W. (R) Main, cor. Mulberry. 1 to 5 p. m. Med. Col. 0. 85. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. KOUT (PORTER) Atkins, L. (E) Phila. Uni. 66. LACONIA (HARRISON) Forbes, B. F. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 87. Hurst, S. II. (R). Uni. Lou. 89. Kandie, W. A. (R). 10 years practice. LADOGA (MONTGOMERY) Drake, M. P. (R). Bellevue, 73. Kirkpatrick, C. S. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Mahoney, J. C. (H). Hahn. Chi. Sutherlin, J. F. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 74. Wilson, J. B. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 76. LA FAYETTE (TIPPECANOE) 16,250. Ackerman, A. C. (H) N. 9th. 9:30 to 11, 3 to 5, 8 to 9. Hahn. Chi. 80. Mem. Ind. Inst, of Homo. Baker, J. H. (R) 20 S. 6th. Jefferson, 77. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Beasley, Geo. F. (R) 62 Ferry. Till 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 232. Rush, 64. Surg. N. A. & C. and Wabash and Big Four and Lake Erie R. R's. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Boyd, Benj. H. (R) 254J Main. 2 to 4p. m. Med. Col. 0. 54. Phys. to Chil. Home and Orphan Asv. and Dipsocura Inst. Davidson, E. C. (R) 6th, Cor. South. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 172. Uni. Mich. 91. Mem. Ind. and Go. Med. Socs. Erwin, L. M. (R). Rush, 82. Hills, J. D. (R). Uni. Mich. 80. Hopper, M. S. (R). Med. Col. 0. 81. Hiner, F. T. (R). Jefferson, 77. Hupe, Chas. (R) Main, Cor. 7th. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Greifs- walde, Ger. 82. Keiper, Geo. F. (R) 6th, Cor. South. 8 to 11, 1:30 to 5. Uni. Mich. 90. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Oculist and Aurist St. Elizabeth Hosp. and St. Joseph Orphan Asy. Expert Eye and Ear U. S. Pension Ex. Littell, J. V. (R). Rush, 78. Moflitt, YY. R. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 79. Nivison, Alice C. (H). Graduate. O'Ferrall, R. M. (R) 72 South. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Uni. N. Y. 47. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Ogborn, J. O. (E). 10 years practice. Peters, W. H. (R) 16 S. 6th. 8 to 11, 1:30 to 5, 6:30 to 8. Tel. 291. Med. Col. 0. 86. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 183 Potel, Christ (R) N. 9th. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 295. Greifs- walde, Ger. 82. Powers, E. D. (R). Geneva, N. Y. 50. Robinson, R. D. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 87. Schaible, Emil (R) 4th and Main. 7 to 9, 1 to 4, 7 to 9. Tel. 121. Bellevue, 89. N. Y. Polyclinic, 89. Ph. G. Phila. Col. Phar. 85. Sec. City Bd. of Health. Seawright, S. R. (R). Laporte, Ind. 50. Shill, C. W. (R) 6th, cor. Main. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Lou. Med. Col. 76. Ky. Sch. of Med. 77. Hosp. Col. of Med. 78. Mem. Am. Assn. Aurificial Surgs. Smith, J. M. (H) 55 N. 7th. Till 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Tel. 48. Hahn. Chicago, 69. Mem. Am. and Ind. Inst, of Homo. Snyder, L. (R). 10 years practice. Throckmorton, G. K. (R). Rush, 87. Tilson, W. (H). Chi. Homo. 91. Vinnedge, W. W. (R). Med. Col. 0. 69. Walker, Wm. S. (R) 103 Ferry. 8 to 9, 1 to 4, 7 to 8:30. Tel. 64. Med. Col. Ind. 87. Phys. to St. Elizabeth Hosp. and St. Joseph Orph. Asy. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Washburn, G. W. (E). 3 years practice. Washburn, S. S. (R) 5 Holblick Blk. Uni. Lou. 61. Webster, J. C. (R) 111 North. Till 9, 1 to 3, 6:30 to 7:30. Tel. 266. Rush, 70. Mem. Am and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Staff St. Elizabeth Hosp. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. Westfall, A. B. (R). Elston. Wetherill, R. B. (R). Jefferson, 83. YeakeL D. T. (R). Jefferson, 38. Voukey, W . P. (R) 18 S. 6th. 9:30 to 11, 1:30 to 4, 7 to 9. Tel. 217. Med. Col. Ind. 79. LAFONTAINE (WABASH) Dicken, J. L. (R). Med. Col. 0. 51. Dicken, C. L. (R). Rush, 79. McGrew, YY. H. (E). Bennett, 72. Studley, J. W. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 81. LAGRANGE (LAGRANGE) Benham, F. A. (H). Uni. Mich. 74. Dryer, D. W. (R). Rush, 85. Engle, J. B. (R). 10 years practice. Griffith, F. P. (R). Short, YY. H. (R). Uni. Mich. 69. Short, J. L. (R). Uni. Mich. 73. Wliit<'. E. G. (R). Starling, 54. Waddell, C. (R). Cent. Col. P. and S. 86. Wyatt, A. R. (R). Graduate. 184 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. LAGRO (WABASH) Bigger staff, J. T. (R). 3 years practice. Bloomer, F. H. (R). Graduate. Kantz, J. (R). Hosp. Col. 75. Kenner, J. H. (R). Chi. Med. Col. 81. LAKE (SPENCER) Jolly, J. C. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 85. Lang, J. (H). Hahn. Chi. LAKETON (WABASH) Mooney, H. C. (R). Graduate. Wells, W. Y. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 73. LAKE VILLAGE (NEWTON) Ransford, J. W. (R). London, 33. LAKEVILLE (ST. JOSEPH) Mitchell, H. A. (R). Graduate. Moore, J. (R). 10 years practice. Moore, R. (R). 10 years practice. LAMAR (SPENCER) Critchfield, J. S. (E). E. M. Inst. LA PAZ (MARSHALL) Denniston, J. M. (R). 10 years practice. Hamilton, J. J. (R). Ft. Wayne, 81. Moore, A. (R). Ft. Wayne, 80. LAPORTE (LAPORTE) Annis, E. L. (R). Rush, 81. Andrews, G. L. (R). Med. Col. 0. 45. Crandall, R. O. (R). 10 years practice. Darling, R. S. (R). Starling, 53. Dakin, G. M. (E). E. M. Inst. 62. Fahnestock, C. S. (H). N. Y. Homo. 72. Fahnestock, A. A. (H). Hahn. Chi. Gray, J. L. (R). Graduate. Keene, L. S. (R). Graduate. Ludwig, J. H. (H). Graduate. Lambert, J. N. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 84. Meyers, J. H. (R). Rush, 76. Rogers, E. A. (R). Laporte, 49. Stevens, Mrs. M. A. (E). E. M. Inst. Whiting, S. C. (R). Pulte, 65. Wile, J, (R). Uni. Mich. 86. Wilcox, F. T. (R). Graduate. Wardner, H. (R). Graduate. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. LAWRENCEBURG (DEARBORN) Bond, E. (R). 10 years practice. Craig, T. E. (R). 3 years practice. Collins, S. H. (R). Miami, 76. Chamberlain, S. B. (R). 10 years practice. Gatch, J. ». (R). Miami, 54. Hay ward, M. P. (H). Homo. Col. Phila. 57. Walter, C. G. (R). 10 years practice. Wolf, Geo. (H). Graduate. LEAVENWORTH (CRAWFORD) Hawn, J. A. (R). Graduate. Merrilees, W. M. (H). 10 years practice. Setser, H. H. (R). Uni. Lou. 75. LEBANON (BOONE) Ball, J. P. (E). E. M. Inst. 47. Bonnel, M. H. (R). Rush, 57. Coons, H. W. (H). Hahn. Chi. 83. Fitch, A. P. (R). Jones, A. B. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 87. Kellogg, N. P. (E). E. M. Inst. Miller, A. O. (R). Uni. Lou. 56. Porter, A. G. (R). Graduate. Porter, J. R. (R). Graduate. Reagan, J. S. (R). 10 years practice. Smith, C. H. (R). Graduate. Scull, D. C. (R). 10 years practice. Schultz, W. H. (R). Graduate. Trowbridge, R. (R). Graduate. Van Nuys, D. H. (R). Jefferson, 64. LEO (ALLEN) Murphy, Geo. (R). Uni. Wooster, 70. McCeomb (R). Med. Col. Ind. LEWIS P. O. (VIGO) Brinlette, S. L. (R). Graduate. Given, C. C. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 82. Kennedy, T. W. (R). Graduate. Stock, L. (E). E. M. Inst. 82. LEWISVILLE (HENRY) Bartlett, C. G. (R). Med. Col. 0. 77. Bartlett, Wm. (R). 10 years practice. Gnyer, O. K. (R). Med. Col. 0. 84. Hollingsworth, A. S. (E). - E. M. Inst. 186 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. LETTS CORNER (DECATUR) Clark, J. T. (E). E. M. Inst. Williams, M. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 79. LEXINGTON (SCOTT) Green, W. E. (E). 10 years practice. Lathrop, A. H. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 76. Smith, L. H. (R). Graduate. LIBERTY (UNION) Fosdick, A. C. (R). 10 years practice. Kell, S. D. (R). 10 years practice. Moore, H. H. (R). Greencastle, Ind. 54. Morris, J. E. (R). Starling, 57. Pigman, G. (R). Bellevue, 83. Sigler, G. A. (R). Bellevue, 75. Shriner, W. IV. (E). 10 years practice. Thompson, E. C. (H) Hahn. Pa. 70. LIBERTY CENTRE (WELLS) Garrett, F. IV. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 82. Benear, E. (R). Med. Col. 0. LIGONIER (NOBLE) Buchtel, Mary (R). 10 years practice. Carr, G. W. (R). 10 years practice. Eliot, C. J. F. (H). Graduate. Franks, YY. H. (R). Rush, 74. Knepper, E. W. (R). 10 years practice. Green, F. A. (R). Graduate. ^ Mitchell, YY. L. (R). Med. Col. 0. 79. Newton, YY. E. (H). Pulte, 82. Shobe, IV. A. (R). Detroit Med. Col. 80. Schlotterback, E. L. (R). 3 years practice. Woodruff, G. S. (E). 10 years practice. Wolf, W. R. LIMA (LAGRANGE) Abbott, J. F. (R). Graduate. Abbott, N. (R). Graduate. Dayton, G. H. (R). Uni. New York, 46. Goodrich, C. D. (R). Uni. Michigan, 77. Hughes, W. (R). Graduate. LINCOLNVILLE (WABASH) Brady, C. C. (R). Hosp. Col. Lou., 81. Bricker, W. (R). Graduate. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 187 LINDEN (MONTGOMERY) Keeney, H. (R). 10 years practice. May, W. A. (R). Graduate. Shotts, H. R. (R). Graduate. LITTLE YORK (WASHINGTON) Hudson, L. II. (E). E. M. Inst. 65. Isham, J. H. (R). Graduate. LIVONIA (WASHINGTON) Ferree, I. (R). Ky. Sch. 80. Voyles, V. A. (R). 3 years practice. LOCKPORT (VIGO) Griffith, L. C. (R). LOGANSPORT (CASS) 13,300. Allen, J. H. (H) First Natl. Bk. Bldg. 9 to 11, 1 to 4. Tel. 123. Uni. Mich. 84. Prof. Theory and Practice of Med. Herring Med. Col. Mem. Intend. Hahn. and Ind. Inst, of Homo. Ballard, J. W. (R) 4th and Market. 1 to 4, 7 to 9. Tel. 151. Med. Col. 0. 79. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Banta, H. J. (R). Graduate. Barnfield, J. H. (R). Jefferson, 86. Bell, W. H. (R). Toronto, Can. 64. Bradfield, B. D. (R). Uni. Mich. 77. Busjahn, F. A. (R) 308 4th. Tel. 78. Col. P. and S. Ind. 78. Bellevue, 79. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Co. Coroner. Sec. Co. Bd. of Health. Cady, N. IV. (R) 600 Broadway. 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 96. Bellevue, 77. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Sec. City Bd. of Health. Coleman, A. (R) 322 3d. 9 to 11, 2 to 4. Jefferson, 55. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Downey, J. A. (E). E. M. Inst. 85. Hallanan, J. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 69. Hatch, E. M. (H). N. Y. Homo. 88. Hattery, H. D. (R). Miami, 74. Herrmann, A. J. (R). Uni. Mich. 86. Hetherington, J. P. (E) 417 4th. 7:30 to 8:30, 12 to 1, 4:30 to 5:30. E. M. Inst. 89. Joidan, M. A. (R) 410 4th. Med. Col. 0. 78. Justice, J. M. (R). Med. Col. 0. 48. Powell, J. Z. (R) 220 6th. • Uni. Mich. 74. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Pryor, J. E. (R). Detroit Med. Col. 88. Phila. Polyclinic, 89 and 90. Mem. N. J. Med. Soc. Rogers, J. G. (R) Long Cliff. Bellevue, 64. 188 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Shultz, J. B. (E) 417 4th. E. M. Inst. 59. Surg. P. C. C. & St. L. and Vandalia R. R's. Shultz, J. H. (E). E. M. Inst. 78. Sterrett, J. E. (R) 308 Market. 9 to 11:30, 12:30 to 4. Chicago Med. Col. 69. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Sec. U. S. Pension Bd. Stevens, B. C. (R) 418 4th. Tel. 53. Uni. Mich. 73. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Talbott, J. W. (R). Rush, 53. Taylor, Caroline. 10 years practice. Taylor, J. L. (E). E. M. Inst. 73. LOOGOOTEE (MARTIN) Brittain, S. H. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 59. Campbell, J. C. L. (R). 3 years practice. Dooley, M. M. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 87. Porter, A. YY. (E). E. M. Inst. 76. Kobinson, G. M. (R). 3 years practice. True Blood, J. C. (R). Miami, 79. LOVETT (JENNINGS) Gaddy, N. D. (R). Med. Col. 0. 58. LYNN (RANDOLPH) Cox, C. R. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 78. Blair, J. S. (R). E. M. Inst. 75. LYNNVILLE (WARRICK) Baldwin, I. J. (R). Eel. Col. Indpls. 84. Camp, J. W. (E). 10 years practice. Camp, G. H. (E). 10 years practice. Camp, IV. F. (E). 3 years practice. Hammel, (R). Graduate. Jones, T. B. (R). Med. Col. 0. 70. Zimmerman, J. (R). 3 years practice. McCORDSVILLE (HANCOCK) Cory, J. S. (R). Graduate. Hervey, T. P. (R). 10 years practice. Hervey, S. W. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 88. MADISON (JEFFERSON) Cooperider, J. (R). Cin.Col. Med. and Surg. 85. Cogley, T. J. (R). Transylvania, 42. Cornett, W. T. S. (R). Uni. Lou. 52. Davidson, W. R. (R). Bellevue, 67. Forshee, T. W. (R). Graduate. Ford, S. M. (R). Uni. Lou. 72. Hutchings, W. D. (R). Greencastle, Ind. 51. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 189 Hutchinson, J. B. (H). Jefferson, 37. Hewitt, G. W. (R). Med. Col. 0. 73. Lewis, J. R. (R). Graduate. Matthews, J. H. (R). Graduate. McCoy, W. A. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 72. Murit, J. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. 81. Sanderson, T. (R). Graduate. Townsend, S. M. (R). Med. Col. 0. 82. Wadworth, C. (R). Graduate. MANILLA (RUSH) Barnum, IV. E. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 77. Inlow, J. J. (R). 10 years practice. Louden, L. A. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 85. MANSON (CLINTON) Holmes, J. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 79. Lambert, I. C. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Milburn, R. C. (R). 3 years practice. MARCO (GREENE) Cravens, E. R. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 88. Talbot, J. (R). Med. Col. 0. 75. MARENGO (CRAWFORD) Byrn, S. (R). Rush, 63. Stewart, B. (H). 10 years practice. MARION (GRANT) 9,000. Barnes, W. C. (R). Graduate. Bartley, R. W. (E). Bennett, 80. Borden, C. B. (R) Matter Blk. 10 to 12, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Bellevue, 77. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Cronkhite, C. C. (R). Rush, 88. Davis, E. J. (P-M). Marion P-M. Col. 92. Eckert, C. H. (R). Ft. Wayne Med. Col. 84. Fankboner, W. A. (R). Rush, 91. Forrest, J. H. (E). Bennett, 80. Francis, YY. R. (R) Matter Blk. 10 to 12, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Buffalo Uni. 76. Mem. Ind and Co. Med. Socs. Flynn, Wm. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 76. Hamilton, A. A. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 72. Hubbard, W. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 78. Jones, E. P. (H) 114 W. 4th. E. M. Inst. 54. Mem. Eel. and Homo. State Med. Socs. Kimball, G. D. (R) McClure Blk. 1 to 5 p. m. Rush, 92. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. 190 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Kimball, T. C. (R) McClure Blk. 1 to 5 p. m. Rush. 68. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Surg. St. L. & K. C. R. R. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. Mem. Natl. Med. Military Assn. Lord, J. L. (R). 10 years practice. Ludlum, B. F. (R) Cox Bldg. Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 63. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Co. Health Officer. Moore, S. W. (E). Bennett, 73. Ross, J. P. (R). Rush, 69. Shiveley, M. T. (R). Med. Col. 0. 74. Smith, C. W. (E) Over Boyd's Music Store, N. W. cor. Sq. Cin. P-M. Inst. 72. Mem. Ind. Eel. Med. Soc. Snodgrass, D. B. (P-M) 105J E. 3d. Cin. P-M. Inst. 78. Snodgrass, M. J. (P-M) 105J E. 3d. Cin. P-M. Inst. 78. Stewart, J. S. (R). Jefferson, 77. Thomas, H. A. (P-M) 105J E. 3d. Marion P-M. Col. 91. IVall, M. M. (H) 114 W. 4th. Hahn. Chicago, 81. Mem. Ind. Inst, of Homo. Webster, E. C. Webster Blk. E. M. Inst. 67. Williams. D. A. (E). E. M. Inst. Williams, L. (R). Miami, 57. MARKLAND (SWITZERLAND), Clark, R. E. (R). Graduate. Simpson, R. G. (R). Graduate. MARKLE (HUNTINGTON) Fisher, E. L. (R). Ft. Wayne, 85. Gemmill, H. C. (R). Rush, 69. Kilander, W. J. (R). 3 years practice. MARSHFIELD (WARREN) Trent, J. H. (R). 10 years practice. Stewart, J. C. (R). Rush, 84. MARTINSVILLE (MORGAN) Banta, W. C. (R). 10 years practice. Blackstone, B. D. (R). Western Reserve, 50. Cure, H. W. (R). 10 years practice. Farr, U. II. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 77. Gravis, C. M. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 71. Green, E. V. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 76. Hendricks, W. E. (R). Med. Col. 0. 78. Johnson, J. J. (R). Graduate. Johnson, Jas. J. (R). Graduate. Kennedy, D P. (E). E. M. Inst. 70. Kessinger, C. A, (R). Med. Col. 0. 76. Miller, G. W. (R). Graduate. Robinson, H. C. (R). Uni. Lou. 72. Indiana physicians. Seaton, C. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. CO. Tilford, S. A. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 89. MAUCKPORT (HARRISON) Baxter, J. C. (R). Graduate. Denbo, W. R. (R). 10 years practice. Wolfe, L. O. P. (R). Rush, 66. MAYS (RUSH) Hobbs, O. YY. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 81. MEDORA (JACKSON) McMillan, J. P. (R). 10 years practice. Paxson, J. C. (R). Med. Col. 0. 83. Veazey, A. M. (R). Graduate. Wilson M. V. (R). 10 years practice. MENTONE (KOSCIUSKO) Henley, J. YY. (E). E. M. Inst. 76. Robinson, A. B. (R). Graduate. Stockberger, E. (R). 3 years practice. Vocum, M. G. (E). E. M. Inst. METAMORA (FRAKLIN) Conner, T. H. (R). Graduate. Cupp, M. F. (R). Med. Col. 0. 82. McGuire, W. W. (R). 10 years practice. METZ (STEUBEN) Goodale, C. W. (R). Rush, 69. Wood, T. F. (R). Uni. Wooster, 69. MICHIGAN CITY (LAPORTE) Brown, D. T. (R). Berkshire Med. Col. 62. Cole, E. Z. (H). Hahn. Chi. 79. . Calvert, R. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 69. Cowgill, N. C. (R). Graduate. Godfrey, W. R. (R). Rush, 52. Hollow ay. A. L. (E). E. Med. Inst. Mullen, A. J. (R). St. Lou. Col. P. and S. 81. MIDDLETOWN (HENRY) Griffis, R. (R). Graduate. Leavens, A. D. (P-M). P-M. Col. Cin. 67. Painter, B. W. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. 83. Thornburg, F. L. (R). Med. Col. 0. 78. Waters, P. C. (R). Columbus Med. Col. 81. Welsh, J. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 65. 192 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. MILFORD (KOSCIUSKO) Becknell, I. J. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 73. Cammack, C. M. (R). Natl. Med. Col., D. C. 45. Hoopingarner J. B. (R). Western Reserve, 53. Keen, L. (H). 10 years practice. Potts, J. E. (R). Graduate. MILTON (WAYNE) Sweney, I. F. (R). Graduate. Summers, J. B. (R). Bellevue, 76. St. Clair, J. IV. (R). 10 years practice. IVitmer, B. M. (E). 10 years practice. MILLTOWN (CRAWFORD) Baylor, G. W. (R). Ky. Sch. 82. Gibes, J. H. (K). Lou. Med. Col. 73. Holland, W. M. (R). 10 years practice. Traugatt, G. B. (R). Graduate. MISHAWAKA (ST. JOSEPH) Borough, J. (H). Hahn. Chi. Grimers, J. H. (E). E. M. Inst. Grimers. J. F. (R). 10 years practice. Green, J. B. (R). 10 years practice. Thope, A. L. (R). Graduate. MITCHELL (LAWRENCE) Allen, J. T. (R). Graduate. Burton, G. W. (R). Uni. Mich. 61. Larkin, J. B. (R). Graduate. Laughlin, C. E. (R). Graduate. Mclntyre, E. S. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 82. Pearson, J, C. (R). Cent. Col. P. and S. Indpls. 80. Yost, J. L. W. (R). Bellevue, 78. MODOC (RANDOLPH) Carter, D. M. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 55. Clark, J. M. (R). 10 years practice. MONON (WHITE) Carr, J. L. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 77. Clayton, G. R. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 80. MONROE (ADAMS) Andrews, O. P. M. (R). Uni. Md. 88. May, ©. T. (R). Central Col. P. S. Indpls. 88. Roinier, C. (R). 10 years practice. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. MONROE CITY (KNOX) Barnett, J. H. (R). Graduate. Dukate, J. S. (R). Graduate. Edmondson, G. W. (R). Hosp. Col. Lou. 87. Sparks, N. B. (R). 10 years practice. Trueblood, J. IV. (R). 10 years practice. Van Trees, E. L. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 83. Williams, J. T. (E). E. M. Ind. 78. MONROVIA (MORGAN) Harvey, D. B. (R). Graduate. Horton, E. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 75. MONTERY (PULASKI) Hoot, P. L. (R). Graduate. Kelsey, W. (R). Graduate. Kelsey, W. E. (R). Graduate. MONTICELLO (WHITE) Cooper, YY. B. (R). Med. Col. 0. 60. Cowger, S. R. (E). E. M. Inst. Didlake, M. T. (R). Graduate. McCann, J. D. (E). E. M. Inst. 88. Robinson. F. B. (E). E. M. Inst. 67. Scott, C. (P-M). 10 years practice. Spencer, W. (R). Jefferson, 56. Welta, I. (H). 10 years practice. MONTPELIER (BLACKFORD) Emshwiller, M. A. (R). Graduate. Morrison, J. A. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 75. Sellers, J. IV. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 88. Wilt, IV. IV. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 72. White, R. D. (H). 10 years practice. MOORESVILLE (MORGAN) Holliday, T. F. (R). Graduate. Leathers, D. A. (R). 3 years practice. Murphy, IV. M. (R). Uni. Lou. 88. Reagan, A. IV. (R). Med. Col. 0. 55. MORGANTOWN (MORGAN) Beatz, W. A. (R). Graduate. Griffith, R. C. (R). Bellevue. Knight, J. H. (R). Bellevue, 75. MOROCCO (NEWTON) Relkner, L. H. (R). Uni. Mich. 79. Triplitt, C. E. (R). Transylvania, 56. 194 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. MORRIS (RIPLEY) Davis, J. R. (R). Med. Col. 0. 76. RatcliflT, J. T. (R). Med. Col. Ind. MORRISTOWN (SHELBY) Abermather, A. A. (R). 10 years practice. Bentley, IV. R. (R). Chi. Homo. Col. 86. McCrea, R. S. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 84. Steickhouse, U. R. (R). Graduate. Wolf, J. G. (R). Med. Col. 0. 49. Whitzel, F. F. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 78. MT. VERNON (POSEY) Dixon, R. S. (H). 10 years practice. Goodwin, E. J. (R). Graduate. Huston, J. C. (R). Graduate. Harper, J. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 63. Ottman, P. (R). Graduate. Pearse, S. H. (R). Castleton, Vt. 54. Powell, J. IV. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 81. Peckinpaugh, G. R. (R). Med. Col. 0.81. Royster, F. (R). Graduate. Ramsey, D. C. (R). St. Lou. Med. Col. 80. Spencer, E. V. (R). Graduate. Smyth, R. (R). Evansville, 52. Welch, YY. (R). Evansville, 86. MULBERRY (CLINTON) Bernard, G. YY. (H). Hahn. Col. Earhart, I. S.. (R). Med. Col. 0. 66. Koons, M. T. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. Vundt, A. M. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. MUNCIE (DELAWARE) 15,000. Allen, Seth, (R) 119£ W. Jackson. 7 to 8, 12 to 1, 6 to 7. Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 79. Mem. Co. and Ky. Med. Socs. Bowers, J. F. (R) 107 W. Jackson. Tel. 219. Res. 210 S. Frank- lin. Miami, 90. Co. Coroner. Bowles, T. J. (R) 310 E. Washington. 8 to 12,1 to 8. Med. Col. 0., 64. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Surg. U. S. Pension Bd Boyden, W. J. (R). Long Island, 73. Bucklin, G. W. (R) Ball Blk. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Bellevue l\ N. J ?. Grad. 90. N. Y. Polyclinic, 91. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Bunch, R. A. (E) 215* S. Walnut. 8 to 9,1 to 2, 7 to 9 Tel 55 E. M. Inst. 81. Mem. Ind. Eel. Med. Soc. Res. 1333 E. Jack- son. Tel. 29. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 195 Cottrell, D. W. (R) Office Star Drug Store. 30 years practice. Mem. Ind. and. Co. Med. Socs. Cowing, Hugh A. (R) 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 38. • Miami, 90. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Co. Health Officer. Douglass, H. E. (R). Kingston, Can. 92. Driscoll, YY. E. (R) 525 E. Main. 7 to 8, 12 to 2, 7 to 9. Tel. 90. Med. Col. 0. 86. Mem. Pan-Am. Med. Cong, and Ind. and Co. and Del. Dist. Med. Socs. Phys.-in-Charge Silver Ash Inst. Eastes, Wm. T. (R) 306 E.Main. 7 to 9,1 to 3, 7 to 9. Tel. 220. Med. Col. Ind. 81. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Green, Geo. R. (R) 112 W. Jackson. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Tel. 89. Col. P. and S. Indpls. 77. Med. Col. Ind. 79. N. Y. Poly- clinic, 90. N. Y. Uni. 90. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Griffith, E. T. (R) Ball Blk. 9 to 11:30, 1:30 to 4, 7 to 9. Tel. 8. Miami, 86. Mem. Am. and Co. Med. Socs. Practice Lim. to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Harris, J. M. (R). 10 years practice. Hastings, S. G. (H) 309J E. Main. 7 to 10, 1 to 3, 5 to 9. Tel. 129. Pulte, 77. Mem. Ind. Inst, of Homo. Hickman, T. L. (E) 217J S. Walnut. 8 to 11, 1 to 5, 7 to 10. Tel. 248. E. M. Inst. 77. Jackson, F. G. (R) 6 Boyce Blk. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Tel. 27. Res. 1100 E. Main. Tel. 23. Med. Col. 0. 82. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. City Health Officer. Phys. to Orph. Home. Jones, A. C. (H) 211 S. Walnut. 8 to 9:30, 1:30 to 4:30, 6:30 to 8:30. Tel. 120. Hahn. Chi. 72. Mem. Am. and Ind. Inst, of Homo. Pres. Ind. Dist. Med. Soc. Kemper, G. W. H. (R). 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 38. Long Island, 65. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Leech, G. D. (R). Graduate. Martin, J. S. (H) 300 E. Main. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8:30. Tel. 118. Clevld. Homo. Hosp. Col. 83. Mem. Am. and Ind. Inst, of Homo. Lemon, Anna M. (R). Woman's Col. Chi. 88. Miller, Elizabeth (H). Graduate. Payton, L. (P-M). Ind. P-M. Col. Phinney, A. J. (H). Pulte, 78. Polk, E. E. (P-M). Ind. P-M. Col. Puckett, E. J. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 83. Quick, J. C. (P-M). P-M. Col. Indpls. 86. Ricks, M. W. (P-M). P-M. Col. Indpls. 80. Ried, S. M. (R). Keokuk, la. 78. Ross, J. C. (E) 111 E. Wall. E. M. Inst. 80. Mem. Natl, and Ind. Eel. Med. Col. Shaub, D. (R). 10 years practice. Searcy, G. H. (R) Bovce Blk. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. 20. Med. Col. 0. 91. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. 196 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Shideler, J. K. (E). So. Walnut. 30 years practice. Shields, E. A. (R). Jefferson, 80. Snell, S. (E). 10 years practice. Spurgreon, W. A. (P-M). Ind. P-M. Col. 75. Trent, I. W. (R) 108 E. Jackson. 7 to 9, 1 to 3 and evening. Ky. Sch. of Med. 81. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 87. Mem. Ind. and Co. and Del. Dist. Med. Socs. Whitney, E. A. (H) 515 S. Council. Tel. 34. Clevld. Homo. Hosp. Col. 86. Mem. Ind. Inst, of Homo. Whitney,W.D. (R) 515 S. Council, Tel. 34. Uni. Buffalo, 74. Winans, H. M. (R) 201£ S. Walnut. Tel. 96. Res. 906 E. Adams. Tel. 101. Med. Col. 0. 80. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Surg. Big Four R. R. Pres. Silver Ash Inst. MURRAY (WELLS) Dickey, E. (R). Med. Col. Ind. NAPPANEE (ELKHART) Defrees, II. J. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Inks, J. S. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. Shoemaker, G. L. (H). Hahn. Chi. Stauffer, H. R. (R). Rush, 83. NASHVILLE (BROWN) Cook, J. M. (R). 10 years practice. Gendin, J. F. (R). Uni. Nash. 78. ROSS, J. C. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 85. NEEDMORE (BROWN) Browning, N. (R). 3 years practice. Fleener, J. N. (R). 10 years practice. Fritch, J. (R). 10 years practice. NETTLE CREEK (WAYNE) Modlin, L. H. (R). Graduate. NEW ALBANY (FLOYD) Beust, M. (R). Hosp. Col. 81. Boersig, Jos.;Aloysius (R) 423 Vincennes. 10 to 12, 7 to 8:30. Uni. Lou. 92. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Bowman. C. (R) 114 E. 3d. Uni. Penna. 49. Burney, W. A. (R) E. Elm, het. Pearl and State. 8 to 10,12 to 2, 7 to 9. Long Island, 77. Prof. Theory and Prac. of Med., Lou. Natl. Med. Col. Cannon, Geo. H. (R) 114 E. Main. 1 to 3. Uni. Lou. 77. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Clapp, YY. A. (R). Jefferson, 49. Cook, C. P. (R). Uni. Lou. 83. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 197 Easley, E. P. (R) 175 E. Spring. 12 to 2. Uni. Lou. 72. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Mitchell Dist. and Miss. Val. and Co. Med. Socs. Erni, G. O. (H) 214 E. Spring. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 6 to 7 p. m. Tel. No. Lou. Med. Col. 82. Phys. to Old Ladies' Home. Mem. Am. Assn. Aurificial Ssrg. Garey, Dumont, (R) Elm, cor. Vincennes. 9 to 10,12 to 2. Uni. Lou. 88. Gresham, G. IV. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 86. Harris, Robert W. (R) 321 Vincennes. 10 to 12, 6:30 to 8. Hosp. Col. of Med. 84. Phys. to Orphans' Home. Mem. Ind. and Floyd Co. Med. Socs. Hauss, A. P. (E) 14th and Market. 7 to 9,1 to2, 7 to 9 p.m. Eel. Med. Inst. 80. Mem. Natl, and Ind. Eel. Med. Socs. Lemon, J. II. (R) Spring, cor. Bank. 20 years practice. Levi, Louis D. (H) 40 E. Spring. 8 to 9,1 to 2, 6 to 7 p. m. Res. 62 E. Spring. Lou. Med. Col. 79. N. Y. Homo. 90. Mclntyre, C. W. (R) 250 Vincennes. 8 to 9,1 to 2, 7 to 9. McGill Uni. 65. Uni. Lou. 8-. Ky. Sch. of Med. 82. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Am. Assn. R. R. Surg. Med. Socs. Surg. 0. & M. R. R. Mclntyre, C. W., Jr. (R) 250 Vincennes. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 9. Uni. Lou. 87. Mem. Miss. Val. and Co. Med. Socs. Sec. Co. Bd. of Health. Maienthal, B. L. (R) 132 E. Spring. 12 to 2, 5 to 7. Uni. Lou. 90. Mem. Ind. Med. Soc. Sec. Floyd Co. Med. Soc. Co. Phys. Melton, 0. (R). Lou. Med. 81. Mitchell, F. A. (R) 40 Spring. Uni. Lou. 65. Neat, T. C. (R). Med. Col. 0. 63. Needham, H. J. (H) 52 E. Market. Pulte Med. Col. 81. Payne, J. W. (R) 402 E. Spring. 12 to 2, 7 to 8. Uni. Lou. 84. Pres. Floyd Co. Med. Soc. Mem. Am. and Ind. Med. Socs. Rogers, S. T. (E) 60 W. Main. 7 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 9. Eel. Med. Inst. 87. Severinghaus, E. A. (H) 88 E. Spring. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Lou. Med. Col. 90. Hahn. Phila. 91. Sigmon, Edwin L. (R) 149 State. Till 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 9. Ky. Sch. of Med. 86. Mem. Ind. and Am. and Co. Med. Socs. Phys. Co. Poor Asy. Sloan, J. (R). Bowdoin, 38. Starr, W. L. (R). Uni. Lou. 81. Stewart, John L. (R) 149 State. Till 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 9. Ky. Sch. of Med. 65. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Weathers, J. F. (R) Spring, Cor. 4th. 6 to 8, 12 to 2, 7 to 9. Hosp. Col. of Med. 86. Wilcox, F. H. (R) 273 E. Spring. 8 to 10, 3 to 7. Uni. Lou. 90. Mem. Ind. Med. Soc. V.-Pres. Co. Med. Soc. 198 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Wilcox, Seymour C. (R) 273 Spring. 8 to 10, 3 to 7. Geneva, N. Y. 41. NEWBURG (WARRICK) Keifer, C. (R). 10 years practice. Lake, G. (R). Berlin, 49. Musgrave, S. D. (H). Hahn. Chi. 89. Slaughter, IV. W. (R). Graduate. Tillman, J. R. (R). Jefferson, 60. Thompson, P. S. (R). Graduate. Walden, Wm. (R). Graduate. NEW CASTLE (HENRY) Bartlett, A. C. (R). Med. Col. 0. 80. Boor, W. A. (R). Uni. Mich. 72. Boor, IV. F. (R). Jefferson, 53. Rurke, G. YY. (R). Jefferson, 66. Eskew, IV. C. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Ferris, S. (R). Jefferson. Ferris, E. S. (R). Jefferson, 85. Gronendyke, 0. J. (R). Graduate. Mendenhall, E. T. (R). Med. Col. 0. 77. Rhea, J. (R). Med. Col. 0. 55. Redding, J. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Stafford, D. (P-M). P-M. Col. Cin. 68. Stafford, C. A. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. 89. Thompson, J. F. (H). Hahn. Chi. Wayinan, J. C. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. 78. Williams, H. D. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. 86. NEW GOSHEN (VIGO) Bennett, S. M. (E). E. M. Inst. 73. Pinson, A. J. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Pinson, J. A. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 72. NEW HARMONY (POSEY) Bucklin, G. W. (R). Bellevue, 79. Glaze, J. M. (R). Uni. Vanderbilt, 85. Holton, IV. M. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 52. Murphy, E. (R). Uni. Lou. 45. IVeal, D. (R). 10 years practice. Heal, B. (R). Miami, 89. Rawlings, S. O. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 73. Wilson, T. W. (R). Miami, 87. NEW LONDON (HAWARD) Newlin, S. (E). E. M. Inst. 81. Shirley, S. J. (R). 10 years practice. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 199 NEWMARKET (MONTGOMERY) Beatty, J. L. (R). Miami, 81. Waldon, C. H. (R). 3 years practice. Young, D. (R). 3 years practice. NEW SALEM (RUSH) Hargrove, W. S. (R). Western Reserve, 86. NEWTONVILLE (SPENCER) Adye, G. F. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 65. , John, B. B. (E). 10 years practice. Turpin, J. (E). Graduate. Tichenor, B. F. (R). Graduate. NEW WASHINGTON (CLARK) Allhands, D. S. (R). E. M. Inst. Adair, S. L. (R). Graduate. McGlenn, W. P. (R). Graduate. NEW WAVERLY (CASS) Graves, A. E. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Quick, L. L. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 79. Quick, R. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 81. NIEVEH (JOHNSON) Hibhs, I. (R). 10 years practice. Middleton, J. T. (R). Rush. IVright, A. F. (R). Cent. Col. P. and S. 85. NOBLESVILLE (HAMILTON) Austin, E. P. (E). 10 years practice. Axline, J. A. (R). Graduate. Benson, J. L. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 75. Booth, A. D. (R). Med. Col. 0. 74. Graham, IV. B. (R). Rush, 61. Gray, J. M. (R). Med. Col. 0. 59. Haworth, M. C. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 77. Kitchell, J. S. (H). 10 years practice. Loehr, E. C. (R). Med. Col. 0. 71. Miesse, A. (R). 3 years practice. Smith, T. J. (R). Graduate. White, T. A. (R). Graduate. Wheeler, M. M. (E). E. M. Inst. NORTH JUDSON (STARKE) Nolan, J. T. (R). Ky. Sch. Med. 85. Higgle, G. W. (R). 3 years practice. 200 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. N. MANCHESTER (WABASH) Ginther, D. (E). 10 years practice. Goshorn, D. G. (E). 10 years practice. Lower, M. ©. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 74. Lancaster, T. A. (R). Shaffer, P. (R). Rush, 64. Winton, H. (R). Jefferson, 65. N. VERNON (JENNINGS) Firsich, B. (R). 10 years practice. Fall, W. R. (R). Jefferson. Hicks, B. R. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Kyle, J. W. (R). Rush. Light, A. B. (R). Uni. Pa. 66. Steurm, W. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Green, J. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 84. OAKLAND CITY (GIBSON) Brown, T. M. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 86. Eads, E. E. (E). E. M. Inst. McGowan, J. W. (R). Uni. Lou. 81. McGowan, W. J. (R). Uni. Lou. 59. McCool, W. E. (R). Graduate. Null, C. L. (R). Graduate. Stewart, W. H. (R). Graduate. Woodruff*, A. C. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 75. OAKTOWN (KNOX) Grigsby, W. B. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 79. Merritt, J. N. (R). 3 years practice. McGowan, W. (R). 10 years practice. Sprinkel, W. B. (R). Graduate. Trout, R. E. (R). Graduate. ODELL (TIPPECANOE) Barcus, P. (R). Graduate. Yeager, J. W. (R). Graduate. ODON (DAVIESS) Culmer, S. D. (R). Med. Col. O. Dearmin, J. (R). 10 years practice. Divens, C. IV. (E). E. M. Inst. Harris, S. F. (R). Rush. Lane, A. L. (R). 10 years practice. Smith, D. J. (R). Miami, 66. Sears, B. (R). 10 years practice. Young, W. L. (E). E. M. Inst. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 201 OLDENBURG (FRANKLIN) Averdich, H. G. (R). Uni. Lou. Mann, E. B. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 82. OR LAND (STEUBEN) Helme, A. M. 10 years practice. Keesler, G. 10 years practice. Wallace, J. F. (R). Med. Col. 0. 68. ORLEANS (ORANGE) Laughlin, E. D. (R). Miami, 68. Lingle, R. IV. (R). Uni. Lou. 61. May, G. W. (R). Bellevue, 69. OSGOOD (RIPLEY) Freeman, E. D. (R). Med. Col. 0. 77. Rowe, G. S. (R). Graduate. Townsend, S. B. (R). Graduate. Townsend, R. C. (R). Graduate. OSSIAN (WELLS) Metts, J. I. (R). 10 years practice. Metts, J. A. (R). Cent. Col. P. and S. Ind. 82. Newman, M. A. (R). Keokuk, la. 71. OTTERBEIN (BENTON) Gray, J. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. 75. Thompson, L. J. (R). Graduate. OWENSBURG (GREENE) Bird well, L. (R). 3 years practice. Herold, H. (R). 10 years practice. Yenne, C. (R). Med. Col. 0. 84. OWENSVILLE (GIBSON) Clark, J. I. (R). 3 years practice. Montgomery, T. J. (R). Rush, 63. Marchand, V. (R). Graduate. Shoemaker, D. M. (E). E. M. Inst. 81. Williams. J. M. (E). E. M. Inst. 81. OXFORD (BENTON) Baker, Geo. W. (E). 10 years practice. Fall, C. W. (R). 3 years practice. Kolb, J. (R). 10 years practice. McConnell, H. C. (E). E. M. Inst. 75. Roberts, S. R. (R). 10 years practice. 202 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. PAOLI (ORANGE) Boyd, C. L. (R). Rush. Bowles, L. S. (R). 10 years practice. Lingle, A. L. (R). Graduate. Lindley, L. (R). Detroit Med. Col. 70. Montgomery, J. W. (R). Hosp. Col. Lou. 84. Sherrod, J. (R). 10 years practice. PARIS (JENNINGS) Hanna, J. L. (R). R. C. S. Ireland, 83. Russell, B. F. (R). St. Louis Med. Col. 45. Gaddy, O. (R). Med. Col. 0. 72. PARKVILLE (PARKE) Norman, J. J. (R). Graduate. PATOKA (GIBSON) Duncan, W. B. (R). 3 years practice. Davis, O. F. (R). Ky. Sch. 85. Folley, C. F. (R). Graduate. Hessinger. E. M. (R). Graduate. Kyle, W. P. (R). Graduate. PATRIOT (SWITZERLAND) Jamison, R. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. 68. Olcott, IV. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. 53. Pryor, J. A. (E). E. M. Inst. PATTON (CARROLL) Clymer, J. F. (E). E.M.Inst. Greer, J. G. (P-M). 10 years practice. PAXTON (SULLIVAN) Troxell, S. D. (R). Graduate. PEKIN (WASHINGTON) Baker, T. H. B. (R). Uni. Lou. 76. PENVILLE (JAY) Blackledge, L. N. (E). E. M. Inst. Blackledge, Mrs. A. J. (E). E. M. Inst. Horn, YY. C. (R). Rush. Mason, S. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 73. Sanders, C. B. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. White, J. K. (R). Graduate. PERRYSVILLE (VERMILLION) Johnson, D. B. (R). 10 years practice. Loomis, E. C. (R). 3 years practice. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 203 McNeal, G. H. (R). 10 years practice. Webb, J. B. (R). 10 years practice. PERU (MIAMI) Alford, H. (R). 10 vears practice. Bloomfield, E. M. (R) 85 W. 3d. 12 to 2. Tel. 19. Uni. Mich. 69. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Brenton, W. H. (R) Main and Broadway. Bellevue, 66. Ind. Med. Col. 52. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Eikenberry, A. A. (H). Med. Col. Ind. 85. Friermood, E. K. (R). Rush, 69. Graham, B. R. (R). Bellevue, 73. Helm, Chas. J. (R) 157 W. 3d. 1 to 3 p. m. Tel. 54. Harvard, 87. A. B. Georgetown Uni. 83. N. Y. Polyclinic, 91. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Higgins, C. B. (R). Rush, 66. McDowell, Henry P. (R) 104 S. Broadway. Med. Col. Ind. 82. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Malsbury, J. 0. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 90. Malsbury, L. 0. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 91. Passage, H. V. (R). Rush, 61. Ramsey, G. S. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 74. Stewart, F. C. (H). Hahn. Chi. 86. Stewart, W. B. (H). Hahn. Chi. 88. Spooner, J. (R). Uni. Mich. 71. Ward, J. O. (R) Main and Broadway. Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 68. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Watkins, F. H. (E). E. M. Inst. 65. PETERSBURG (PIKE) Adams, J. R. (R). Med. Col. 0. 52. Bergen, J. W. (R). Graduate. Byers, A. R. (R). Graduate. Duncan, J. B. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 79. Fullenwidner, C. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 73. Hawkins. J. (R). Uni. N. Y. 58. Kime, T. J. (R). Uni. Lou. 89. Kime, R. R. (R). Uni. Mich. 80. Lamar, I. H. (E). E. M. Inst. 86. Link, W. H. (R). Graduate. Thomas, M. C. (H). 10 years practice. PIERCETON (KOSCIUSKO) Hatfield, T. J. (R). 10 years practice. Johnson, A. R. (H). 10 years practice. Hing, H. O. (R). Detroit, 76. Long, C. R. (R). Detroit, 80. Moody, T. F. (R). Uni. Buffalo, 73. 204 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. PIMENTO (VIGO) Collins, YY. O. (R). Ky. Sch. 54. Dolson, J. II. (R). 10 years practice. Davis, J. W. (R). Graduate. McJohnson, A. D. (R). Evansville, 76. PLAIN FIELD (HENDRICKS) Carter, A. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 78. Dunning, A. (R). Graduate. Harvey, W. D. (R). Graduate. Harold, D. H. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Keagan, J. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 75. Strong, J. T. (R). Uni. Mich. 64. PLEASANT MILLS (ADAMS) Harper, J. L. (R). 10 years practice. Hill, J. C. (R). 10 years practice. Hughes, A. (R). 10 years practice. PLEASANTVILLE (SULLIVAN) Fleming, W. A. (R). Graduate. Mayfield, T. B. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 84. PLUM TREE (HUNTINGTON) Edgington, B. F. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. PLYMOUTH (MARSHALL) Bower, I. (R). 10 years practice. Borton, D. A. (R). 10 years practice. Baker, J. (E). 10 years practice. Brooke, J. E. (R). Evansville, 51. Brown, C. A. (H)." Hahn. Chi. Dunlap, Elizabeth (H). 10 years practice. Holtzendorff, A. C. (R). Graduate. Martin, J. A. (H). Uni. Mich. 78. Reynolds, G. R. (R). Uni. Mich. 67. Smith, J. IV. (R). Jefferson, 77. Viets, Ella (H). 10 years practice. Wilson, J. H. (R). Uni. Mich. 73. POLAND (CLAY) Bartholomew, N. B. (R). 3 years practice. Chamberlain, W. F. (R). Rush. ' Elliott, T. A. (R). Uni. Tenn. 78. PONETO (WELLS) Doster, H. L. (R). Bellevue, 72. Meckey, H. P. (R). Med.Col. 0. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 205 PORTLAND (JAY) Arthur, C. S. (R). Attd. Starling, 54. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Natl. Assn. R. R. Surg, and Del. Dist. and Tri-State Assn. of R. R. Surg., and Mich. Soc. of R. R. Surg., Surg. G. R. & I. and L. E. & W. R. R. Mem. U. S. Pen. Bd. Brown, H. V. (R). Starling, 82. Dickes, John T. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 85. Ky. Sch. of Med. 85. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Hall, J. W. (R). Med. Col. 0. 71. Kinsey, D. S. (R). 3 years practice. Mackey, Chas. W. (R). Med. Col. 0. 81. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Del. Dist. Med. Socs. Mincks, F. IV. (H) 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Cleve. Homo. Hosp. Col. 78 Phys. to Co. Infy. Moon, E. W. (E). E. M. Inst. 73. Morehous, J. A. (P-M). Cin. P-M. Inst. 70. Mem. Ind. P-M. Soc. Poling, S. K. -(E). E. M. Inst. 76. Ross, J. G. (E). E. M. Inst. 72. Shepherd, T. S. (R). 10 years practice. Sims, I. G. (R). Miami, 74. Stanton, D. S. (R). 10 years practice. Vail, I. M. (E). E. M. Inst. 72. PRAIRIETON (VIGO) Ball, L. S. (E). Am. Eel. Cin. 55. Carson, L. E. (R). Evansville, 76. Drake, T. G. (R). Graduate. Drake, T. A. (R). Graduate. Drake, J. F. (R). Rush, 86. Lloyd, T. A. (R). Graduate. Moore, J. A. (R). Graduate. rlebergall, J. W. (R). 10 years practice. Ogle, J. W. (R). Graduate. Thompson, M. H. (R). 10 years practice. Talbott, J. M. (R). 10 years practice. PRINCETON (GIBSON) Anderson, R. S. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 84. Beeler, E. E. (E). E. M. Inst. Blair, F. (R). Jefferson, 84. Blair. YY. W. (R). Med. Col. 0. 50. Burton, A. R. (R). Med. Col. 0. 82. Dorsey, G. L. (R). Jefferson, 83. Hollingsworth, M. P. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 90. Hudson, 0. L. (H). Pulte, 56. Kendle, G. C. (R). Bellevue, 79. Maxam, F. H. (R). Bellevue, 77. 206 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Mumford, S. E. (Rj. Jefferson, 61. Powell, D. G. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 64. Shoplaugh, S. H. (R). Uni. la. 64. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. and Natl. Assn. R. R. Surgs. Surg. L. E. & St. L. and E. & T. H. R. Rs. PROVIDENCE (JOHNSON) Lee, D. F. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 89. Province, W. M. (R). Miami, 67. QUAKERHILL (VERMILLION) Shepard, L. (R). Rush. QUINCY (OWEN) Fisher, B. F. (R). Med. Col. 79. McDonald, D. H. (R). Uni. Lou. 55. RED KEY (JAY) Clevenger, B. F. (R). Rush. Connor, W. F. (E). E. M. Inst. Shepherd, G. W. (R). 10 years practice. Sage, I. T. (E). 10 years practice. Stiers, F. R. (E). E. M. Inst. 79. Thomas, E. R. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. REESE'S MILLS (BOONE) Buttery, Margaret (R). 10 years practice. Umberlime, C. D. (R). Rush, 85. Walker, D. R. (R). Med. Col. Ind. REMINGTON (JASPER) Landon, H. (R). Jefferson, 66. Patton, D. H. (R). Chi. Med. Col. 67. Reigh, M. W. (R). 10 years practice. RENSSELAER (JASPER) Alter, A. B. (R). 3 years practice. Denning, J. C. (R). 10 years practice. Hartsell, W. IV. (H). Hahn. Chi. 83. Jackson, M. E. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. 89. Loughridge, J. H. (R). Graduate. Loughridge, V. E. (R). Rush. 88. Porter, J. IV. (R). 10 years practice. Washburn, I. B. (R). Rush, 61. RICHMOND (WAYNE) 16,600. Ballard, W. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 81. Bond, H. H. (R). Bellevue, 91. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 207 - Bulla, J. M. (H) 16 N. 10th. 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 9. Tel. 224. Pulte, 88. Mem. Ind. Inst, and Montgomery Co. 0. Med. Socs. Co. Coroner. Staff St. Stephen's Hosp. Colburn, C. P. (R) 23 N. 7th. 8 to 10, 12 to 3, 6 to 8. Miami, 83. Davis, T. Henry (H) 1021 Main. 7 to 8, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. 56. Mo. Homo. Med. Col. 69. City Health Officer. Pres. Med. Bd. City Hosp. Dempsey, W. S. (R). Med. Col. 0. 74. Emmons, J. (H) 17 S. 8th. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 259. E. M. Inst. 50. Mem. Montgomery Co. 0. Med. Socs. Grant, G. H. (R) 817 S. A St. 7:30 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Tel. 99. Rush, 88. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Township Phys. Phys. to Wernle Orph. and Old Woman's Homes. Grosvenor, E. B. (H). Pulte, 82. Harold, C. W. (P-M). 26 S. 7th. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Tel. 131. Ind. P-M Col. 79. Prof. Physiol. Ind. P-M. Col. Mem. Am. and Ind. P-M. Med. Socs. Harold, I. S. (P.M) 26 S. 7th. 7 to 9,1 to 3, 7 to 9. Tel. 131. Ind. P-M. Col. 89. Mem. Am. and Ind. P-M. Med. Socs. Prof. Dermatol. Ind. P-M. Col. Hibberd, J. F. (R). Col. P. and S., N. Y. 49. Hobhs, M. W. (R). Bellevue, 65. Hopkins, R. R. (R) 110 N. 5th. 6 to 8, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 67, Mem. Adams Co., 0., and N. Med. Assn., Va., and Shelby Co., 0., Med. Socs. Johnston, M. F. (R). Bellevue, 87. Kelsey, L. S. (R). Med. Col. 0. 78. Kinsey, J. H. (P-M) 212 N. 8th. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 9. Tel. 289. P-M. Col. Indpls. 88. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Cent. Dis. P-M. Socs. McDivitt, E. G. (R). Miami, 73. Mendenhall, W. O'rleall (R) 37 N. 9th. 6 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 9. Tel. 281. Rush, 70. Mem. Union Dist. Med. Soc. Milliken, J. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 84. Morrow, Sarah J. (R).' 3 years practice. Reynolds, Mrs. M. J. (H). Bost. Uni. 84. Robbins, G. W. (R). Med. Col. 0. 63. Taylor, J. E. (R) 24 N. 10th. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 10. Tel. 80. Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 71. Specialty, Electro Therapeutics. Teague, I. Cooper (H) 322 N. 8th. 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 9. Tel. 113. Jefferson, 57. Pres. Medicated Air and Drug Co. Thurston, J. M. (P-M) 225 N. 8th. 8 to 10, 1 to 4, 6 to 8. Tel. 166. P-M. Col. Cin. 66. Prof. Applied Physiol., Anat. of the Nervous System, Ind. P-M. Col. Mem. Am. and Ind. and 1st. Dist. P-M. Socs. Watts, Eber K. (R) 303 N. 9th. 7 to 9,1 to 3, 7 to 9. Tel. 255. Uni. Mich. 79. 208 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Weist, H. H. (R). Bellevue, 91. Weist, J. R. (R). Jefferson, 61. Zimmerman, Wm. W. (H) 10 S. 7th. 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Tel. 207. Pulte, 87. RIDGEVILLE (RANDOLPH) Frederick, G. W. (R). Med. Col. 0. 85. Farquhar, A. H. (R). E. M. Inst. 68. Hiatt, J. A. (E). Bennett, 74. Hiatt, C. C. (E). Bennett. Shoemaker, W. J. (R). 10 years practice. RISING SUN (OHIO) Alden, F. E. (R). 3 years practice. Craig, IV. H. (R). 3 years practice. Gillespie, IV. (R). Evansville, 50. Langsdale, R. G. (R). Med. Col. 0. 81. Langsdale, J. M. IV. (R). Graduate. Stevenson, G. A. (R). Rush, 65. Sullivan, W. H. (R). Transylvania. Spaulding, J. (R). Graduate. ROAN (WABASH) Broadbeck, G. II. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 82. Dederick, W. (H). 10 years practice. Kidd, G. P. (R). Chi. Med. Col. 74. ROANOKE (HUNTINGTON) Carson, W. F. (R). Starling, 80. Kemp, J. W. (R). Graduate. Kuntz, F. (R). Cent. Col. P. and S. Ind. 84. ROCHESTER (FULTON) Babcock, I. L. (E). E. M. Inst. Bitters, F. P, (R). Graduate. Brown, A. (H). 10 years practice. Gould, C. E. (R). Med. Col. 0. 84. Gould, V. (R). Rush, 55. Hector, C. (E). E. M. Inst. Howell, J. Q. (E). 10 years practice. Loring, C. J. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 80. Metzler, J. B. (R). 10 years practice. Rhodes, E. E. (R). Med. Col. Ind. Rannells, J. N. (E). E. M. Inst. 86. Robbins, A. H. (R). Uni. Buffalo, 50. Shaffer, IV. S. (E). E. M. Inst. 86. Shields, A. M. (R). Med. Col. O. 80. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. ROCKPORT (SPENCER) Buxton, J. L. (E). E. M. Inst. 88. Dailey, J. M. (R). Med. Col. 0. 79. Ehrman, E. D. (H). 3 years practice. Hackelman, F. M. (E). E. M. Inst. 71. Harrison, E. P. (R). 10 years practice. McCoy, L. H. (R). Graduate. Wheeler, J. T. (E). Graduate. ROCKVILLE (PARKE) Anderson, Ellen (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Campbell, Anna (E). E. M. Inst. 74. Gillman, W. H. (R). 3 years practice. Goss, M. (R). Uni. Va. 70. Morris, C. C. (R). Jefferson, 76. Mull, W. D. (R). Graduate. Purcell, W. M. (R). Graduate. Rice, H. J. (R). Jefferson, 49. Rodgers, H. C. Jefferson. Thomas, W. L. (R). Uni. Lou. 60. ROLL (BLACKFORD) Bell, J. E. (P-M). P-M Col. Ind. Frazier, A. S. (R). Med. Col. 0. Ind. Harold, J. R. (R). Med. Col. 0. 56. ROMNEY (TIPPECANOE) Pike, Albert (R). Rush, 80. Simison, J. (R). 10 years practice. Simison, J. F. (R). Rush, 81. ROSEDALE (PARKE) Lynch, J. V. (E). E. M. Inst. Stewart, H. W. (R). Jefferson. Stone, W. 0. (E). E. M. Inst. ROME (PERRY) Hendrixon, A. M. D. (R). Graduate. Lee, J. H. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 85. Kipperdam, J. H. (R). 10 years practice. Wedding, M. F. (R). Uni. Lou. 85. RUSHVILLE(RUSH) Arnold, J. (R). Graduate. Dillon, J. C. (R). Graduate. Dillon, 0. P. (R). Graduate. Dean, D. H. (H). Graduate. Huckleman, F. G. (R). Cent. Col. P. and*S 210 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Moffett, J. (R). Med. Col. 0. 49. Megee, W. N. (R). Graduate. Megee, O. (R). Western Reserve, 83. Linn, H. J. (H). Hahn. Chi. Pugh, YY. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. 57. Parson, C. H. (R). Bellevue, 78. Sexton, M. (R). Med. Col. 0. 44. Smith, W. H. (R). Graduate. Smith, W. C. (R). Graduate. Spurier, J. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 79. ST. PAUL (DECATUR) Balland, D. J. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 76. Howard, F. M. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 64. Howard, J. W. 3 years practice. SALEM (WASHINGTON) Bare, J. R. (R). Uni. Lou. 52. Duff, S. W. (R). Miami, 78. Henderson, H. D. (R). Graduate. Hoggatt, M. L. (E). 10 years practice. Hobbs, H. C. (E). E.M.Inst. 81. Murphey, C. W (R). Uni. Lou. 78. Martin, R. IV. (R). Uni. Lou. 73. Overman, E. T. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. 85. Overman, YY. M. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. 75. Paynter, C. L. (R). Graduate. Paynter, H. (R). Graduate. Purkhiser, W. J. (R). Graduate. Tucker, T. M. (R). Miami, 89. SALEM CENTRE (STEUBEN) Clay, M. F. (E). Ind. Eel. 86. Rausburg, M. V. (R). Graduate. Sherrow, YY. E. (E). E. M. Inst. SANDBORN (KNOX) Kessinger, W. E. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 87. Spaulding, D. C. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 87. Shirts, E. (R). Uni. Lou. SANDFORD (VIGO) Belt, R. (E). E. Med. Inst. Brown, T. F. (R). 10 years practice. IIulT, J. H. (R). 10 years practice. Swap, J. H.*(R). 10 years practice. SARDINIA (DECATUR) Reiley, J. H. S. ($. Med. Col. O. 67. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 211 Reiley, W. F. (R). Med. Col. 0. 58. White, B. S. (R). Keokuk, la. 81. SCIRCLEVILLE (CLINTON) Cooper, W. T. (R). Graduate. Homes, H. D. (R). 10 years practice. Smith. W. G. (R). 10 years practice. SCOTTSBURG (SCOTT) Biery, T. E. (R). Detroit Med. Col. 69. Warmoth, G. M. (R). Graduate. Watson, J. M. (R). Miami, 57. SELLERSBURG (CLARK) Hauss, O,. R. (E). E. M. Inst. 87. Hart, D. (R). Graduate. Maloy, J. M. (R). Graduate. McKinney, V. (R). Graduate. Nicols, J. M. (R). Uni. Lou. 76. SEYMOUR (JACKSON) Casey, W» M. (R) 11 Chestnut. 8 to 10, 1:30 to 3, 7 to 8. Med. Col. O. 78. Mem. Ind. and Mitchell Dist. and Co. Med. Socs. Surg. 0. & M. R. R. Charlton, S. H. (R). Uni. Lou. 74. Galbraith, T. S. (R) 211 E. 2d. Tel. 30. Med. Col. 0. 66. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Ex-Supt. Central Ind. Hosp. for the Insane. Private Sanitarium for Diseases of Women. Gerrish, M. F. (R) 104 W. 2d. Uni. Pa. 81. Ph. D. Uni. Pa. 81. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Mitchell Dist. and Miss. Val. Med. Socs. Pres. Jackson Co. Med. Soc. Mem. Pa. R. R. Surg. Assn. Graessle, Geo. G. (R) Tipton, cor Chestnut. 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Uni. Nashville and Vanderbilt, 88. Post Grad. Phila. Polyclinic, 89. Monroe, V. H. (R). 10 years practice. Orvis, G. <*. (R) 2d. 9 to 12, 3 to 6, 7 to 8. Lou. Med. Col. 76. Ky. Sch. of Med. 75. N. Y. P. Grad. 84 and 85 and 88. Mem. Ind and Co. Med. Socs. Patrick. C. E. (R). Med. Col. 0. 71. Ruddick, L. (R). Graduate. Shields, J. T. (R) Ewing St. Med. Col. 0. 47. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Shields, J. M. (R) Ewing St. Ky. Sch. of Med. 81. Mem. Ind. and Mitchell Dist. and Co. Med. Socs. and Natl. Assn. R. R. Surgs. Surg. E. <& R. R. R. Shipman, W. N. (R). Med. Col. 0. 74. 212 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. SHARPSVILLE (TIPTON) Cochran, T. C. (R). Graduate. Lindsay, J. P. (R). 10 years practice. Rubush, D. P. (R). 3 years practice. SHELBYVILLE (SHELBY) Coleman, E. E. (E), E. M. Inst. 84. Drake, Moris (R) 71 E. Washington. 1 to 4. Med. Col. 0. 81. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Fleming, Geo. IV. (R) 19 Broadway. Bellevue, 68. A. B. Washington-Jefferson Col. 65. Fel. Am. Acad, of Med. Green, J. W. (R) 10 W. Franklin. Rush, 56. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Green, Wm. F. (R) 10 W. Franklin. Lou. Med. Col. 88. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Jenkins, J. R. (R). Miami, 79. Jones, T. S. (R) 86 Tompkins. Uni. Pa. 68. Mem. Ind, and Co. Med. Socs. Kennedy, Sam'l (R). Med. Col. Ind. 91. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Kennedy, S. A. (R) N. Harrison. Med. Col. 0. 57. Kennedy, T. C. (R) N. Harrison. Ky. Sch. of Med. 83. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Surg. Big Four and Penna. R. R's. Surg. U. S. Pension Bd. Leech, E. IV. (R) 44£ Public Sq. Ky. Sch. of Med. 91. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Surg. U. S. Pension Bd. Lucas, J. N. (H) N. W. Pub. Sq. Pulte, 73. Mem. Ind. Inst, of Homo. McFadden, W. G. (R). Jefferson, 70. Parrish, J. YY. (E) 17 N. Harrison. 7 to 11, 1 to 5, 7 to 8. E. M. Inst. 57. Prof. Dis. Women. Eel. Col. P. and S. Indpls. Mem. Ind. Eel. Med. Soc. Rucker, J. IV. (R). Med. Col. 0. 74. Sanford, J H. (R). 10 years practice. Tindall, C. A. (E) 17 N. Harrison. 7 to 11, 1 to 5, 7 to 8. E. M. Inst. 87. Phys. to Orphans' Home. SHERIDAN (HAMILTON) Cropper, E. A. (R). Ft. Wayne, 83. Davenport, H. E. (R). Graduate. Davenport, J. W. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 81. Fancher, J. YY. (R). Med. Col. Ind 76. Milliken, H. IV. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. 84. Newby, J. C. (R). Graduate. Shelburn, W. H. (R). Graduate. SHOALS (MARTIN) Freeman, G. M. (R). Graduate. Plummer, I. N. (R). Med. Col. 0. 72. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Shirley, H. W. (R). Solomon, I. J. (P-M). Graduate. SILVER LAKE (KOSCIUSKO) Amiss, J. M. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 80. Blair, D. (R). 10 years practice. Sherbund, G. W. (E). E. M. Inst. Strain, T. F. (R). 10 years practice. Terry, P. E. (R). 3 years practice. Terry, D. E. (R). 10 years practice. SOMERSET (WABASH) Ader, H. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 76. Howser, B. G. (R). Graduate. Howser, J. A. (R). Graduate. O'Neal, L. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 76. O'Neal, 0. (R). Med. Col. 0. SOMMERVILLE (GIBSON) Burton, H. (R). 10 years practice. Moore, R. (R). Graduate. Mason, R. S. (R). Graduate. Shelton, J. W. (R). 10 years practice. SOUTH BEND (ST. JOSEPH) Brown, J. P. (R). 10 years practice. Berteling, J. B. (R). Miami, 83. Butterworth, C. W. (R). Graduate. Cassidy, J. (R). Rush, 68. Chaffee, IV. D. (H). Hahn. Chi. 87. Daugherty, IV. A. (E). Eel. Col. Ind. 79. Drollinger, E. M. (E). E. M. Inst. 78. Fink, H. A. (R). Graduate. Godfrey, Julia D. (H). Graduate. Harris, R. (R). 10 years practice. Hanford, W. H. (H). Pulte, 53. Hill, J. W. (R). 10 years practice. Jay, M. (R). Graduate. Kimble, C. (R). 10 years practice. Kilmer, S. L. (R). Rush, 79. Mitchell, C. F. (R). Rush. McAllister, E. W. (R). Long Island, 66. Miller, A. G. (R). 3 years practice. Miller, M. (H). Hahn. Chi. 82. Montgomery, H. S. (R). Chi. Med. Col. 75. Meyers, C. H. (H). Chi. Homo. Col. Osborn, Margaret (R). 10 years practice. Osborn, G. A. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 73. , 214 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Partridge, J. M. (H). Hahn. Chi. Pagan, D. (R).jgglO years practice. Rupp, P. E. (R). 10 years practice. Sawyer, F. M. (E). Bennett. 78. Shaffer, A. F. (R). Uni. Mich. 87. Stock well, Sarah (R). Uni. Mich. 76. Wickham, W. A. R. (E). E. M. Inst. 80. SOUTH WHITLEY (WHITLEY) Eberhardt, E. L. (R). Med. Col. 0. 80. La Follette, T. J. (R.) Miami, 74. Merriman, E. (R). Graduate. Webster, M. W. (R). Graduate. SPENCER (OWEN) Beaty, W. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. Cable, J. (E). Med. Col. Ind. 85. Cox, N. D. (R). 10 years practice. Denke, W. F. W. (R). Graduate. Gray, 0. F. (R). Graduate. Pierson, A. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 78. Schell, F. A. (E). E. M. Inst. 56. Wiles, W. V. (R). Rush, 60. SPICELAND (HENRY) Bailey, G. D. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 71. Bailey, Rachel Z. (R). Cent. Col. P. and S. Ind. 80. Holloway, Lizzie (H). Graduate. Kirk, E. E. (R). Graduate. Newby, N. (P-M). P-M Col. Ind. SPURGEON (PIKE) Ferguson, T. (R). 10 years practice. Lance, J. T. (R). Graduate. Osborn, W. R. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 74. STAUNTON (CLAY) Byers, L. S. (R). 3 years practice. McCullough, F. M. (R). Graduate. Veach, P. H. (R). Graduate. STAR CITY (PULASKI) Huey, R. B. (R). Graduate. Osborn, J. (R). 10 years practice. Steven, H. C. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. STENDAL (PIKE) Hilsmeyer, L. H. (R). Evansville, 84. Stork, J. H. (R). Ky.Sch. of Med. 88. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 215 SUGAR BRANCH (SWITZERLAND) Elfers, J. (R). Miami, 78. McMillen, W. (R). Starling, 63. SULLIVAN (SULLIVAN) Briggs, C. F. (R). Med. Col. 0. 78. Crowder, R. H. (R). Rush, 66. Freeman, J. (R). Med. Col. 0. 79. Higbee, G. W. (H). Mo. Homo. 70. Higbee, J. L. (H). Mo. Homo. 70. Hinkle, J. R. (R). Uni. N. Y. 60. McEachern, Alvin (R) McCammon Blk. Ottawa, Ont. 86. De- troit Col. Optics, 87. Prac. Lim. to Dis. Eye. Thompson, J. J. (R). 30 years practice. Thompson, W. N. (R). Rush, 86. Weir, S. D. (R). Bellevue, 76. SULPHUR HILL (SHELBY) Baylor, W. K. (R). 10 years practice. Keeling, IF. R. (E). E. M. Inst. 64. Taylor, J. F. (R). Graduate. SUMMITSVILLE (MADISON) Brown, M. (R). Graduate. Cranefield, M. G. (R). 10 years practice. Fallis, A. G. (R). Graduate. Marlow, A. F. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Swallow, G. E. (R). Ky. Sch. 81. White, F. W. (R). P-M. Col. Ind. 89. White, J. W. (R). P-M. Col. Ind. 89. SUN MAN (RIPLEY) Freeland, J. P. (R). Med. Col. 0. 69. Newforth, C. (R). Med. Col. 0. 83. Vincent, E. B.'(R). Med. Col. 0. 73. SYLVAN IA (PARKE) Mendenhall, E. (R). 10 years practice. Williamson. W. N. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 80. Williamson, A. A. (R). 3 years practice. TAYLORSVILLE (BARTHOLOMEW) Bernard, G. W. (H). Hahn. Chi. Kincaid, S. F. (E). E. M. Inst. Richards, F. B. (R). 10 years practice. TELL CITY (PERRY) Brncker, C. M. (E). E. M. Inst. 82. Cluthe, YY. (R). Med. Col. 0. 75. 216 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Evans, F. A. (E). 10 years practice. Melchi, F. (R). Graduate. Schellhase, F. W. (H). Graduate. TENNYSON (WARRICK) Aust, F. T. (R). 3 years practice. <|uiatt, A. (R). 10 years practice. Watson, W. D. (R). Graduate. TERHUNE (BOONE) Finch, A. M. (R). Graduate. French, Martha (R). Graduate. Meyers, J. M. (R). Graduate. Purdy, J. C. (R). 3 years practice. TERRE HAUTE (VIGO) 30,300 Askren, Cort. F. (R). 411 S. 4th. 7 to 8, 12 to 2, 7 to 8. Ky. Sch. of Med. 83. Staff St. Anthony's Hospital. Mem. Am. and Ind. and. Co. and Esculapian Med. Socs. Baldridge, J. H. (E) 13th and Lafayette. E. M. Inst. Baker, W. H. (H) 102 S. Sixth. 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 135. Hahn. Chi. 82. Mem. Ind. and Intend. Hahn. Assn. Bell, W. E. (R) 601 N. 4th. 9 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 178. Med. Col. 0. 90. Mem. Ind. and Co. and Esculapian Med. Socs. Sec. T. H. Sanitarium. Burris, S. O. (R) 1310 N. 8th. 7 to'9, 12 to 2, 5 to 8. Tel. 376. Med. Col. Ind. 80. Caldwell, H. H. (R) 5th, cor. Walnut. Reports Rush, Chicago. College records do not verify information given. Cavins, R. W. (R). 109 N. 4th. Crapo, G. IV. (R). Med. Col. 0. 75. Crapo, J. R. (R). Med. Col. 0. 77. Davis, W. S. (R) 320 Ohio. 9 to 10, 2 to 3,-7 to 8. Tel. 260. Med. Col. 0. 90. Mem. Ind. and Co. and Esculapian Med. Socs. Co. Phys. Doerr, J. E. (R) 22 S. 8th. Till 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 328. Uni. Pa. 91. Staff St. Anthony Hosp. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Surg. E. & T. H. R. R. Eichelberger, W. C. (R) Room 13, Savings Bank Blk. 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Rush, 70. Ophthal. and Aural Surg. T. H. Sanitarium. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Esculapian Med. Socs. Elder & Baker (H) 102 S. 6th. Tel. 135. Elder, W. R. (H) 102 S. 6th. 10 to 12, 4 to 6. Tel. 135. Berk- shire Med. Col. 47. Mem. Am. and Ind. Inst, of Homo. Phys. to Rose Orph. Home. Erskine, A. C. (R). Cent. Col. P. and S. Ind. 80. Gerstmeyer, C. (R). Med. Col. 0. 67. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 217 Glover, E, E. (R) 104 S. 6th. 7 to 9, 1 to 4, 7 to 8. Med. Col. Ind. 78. Staff T. H. Sanitarium. Mem. Esculapian and Am. Med. Socs. Practice limited to Dis. of the Rectum. Ilanes, David (E) 318£ Wabash Av. 8 to 12, 1 to 5, 7 to 8. 25 years practice. II a worth, W. W. (R) 1106 S. 4th. Rush, 83. Jenkins, Wilbur O. (R) 14 S. 7th. 9 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 40. Med. Col. 0. 84. A. M. Mooresville Col. 84. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Esculapian Med. Socs. and Am. Assn. R. R. Surg. Surg. St. Anthony Hosp. Larkins, E. E. (R) 328 N. 13th. 7 to 8, 12 to 3, 6 to 8. Tel. 315. Med. Col. Ind. 78. Mem. Ind. and Co. and Esculapian Med. Socs. Eaughead, Jas. T. (R) 106 S. 10£. Med. Col. 0. 77. Mem. Esculapian and Wabash Val. Med. Socs. Link, J. E. (R) 932 Chestnut. McClain, Leslie (R) 1221 Wabash A v. 8 to 9:30, 1 to 3, 6:30 to 8. Med. Col. 0. 75. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Mason, T. A. (R) 1468 Liberty. Col. P. and S. Indpls. 75. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Mattox, IV. R. (R) 113 S. 6th. 10 to 12, 2 to 3,7 to 8. Tel. 186. Rush, 88. Mem. Ind. and Co. and Esculapian Med. Socs. Moore, A. L. (H). Woman's Col. Pa. 57, Moore, W. (H). Metropolitan Col. N. Y. 57. Moorhead, T. W. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 76. Payne, A. T. (R) 441 N. 13th. Till 10, 2 to 3:30, 6 to 8. Tel. 362. Med. Col. 0. 75. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Rice, S. M. (R) 20 S. 7th. 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 284. Uni. la. 79. Staff St. Anthony Hosp. Chief Surg. Vandalia R. R. Mem. Am. and Esculapian Med. Socs. and Natl. Assn. R. R. Surgs. Roberts, W. H. (R) 701 Ohio. Jefferson, 61. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Schell, W. (R). Miami, 78. Shaley, F. W. (R) 928 Chestnut. At 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Tel. 139. Rush, 84. Surg. Staff St. Anthony Hosp. Mem. Ind. and Co. and Esculapian Med. Socs. Mem. City Bd. of Health. Spain, A. W. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 63. * Smith, E. W. (E). E. M. Inst. Spaulding, T. (E). E. M. Inst. 70. Spottswood, E. F. (R). Rush, 51. Standaker, A. (R). 3 years practice. Stunkard, T. C. (R) 112 S. 3d. 9 a. m., 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 260. Med. Col. 0. 85. Staff St. Anthony Hosp. Mem, Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Surg. T. H. & St. L. R. R. Mem. Assn. Military Surg, of the U. S. 218 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Swaffbrd, B. F. (R) 609 Poplar. 9 to 10,1 to 4, 7 to 9. Rush, 58. Mem. Ind. and Co. and Esculapian and Miss. Val. Med. Socs. Chm. House Com. T. H. Sanitarium. Thompson, H. H. (H) 90.7 N. 8th. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 330. Pulte, 89. Mem. Ind. Inst, of Homo. Waters, M. H. (H) 126 N. 7th. 7 to 8, 12 to 2, 5 to 7. Tel. 125. N. Y. Homo. 65. Pres. Ind. Inst, of Homo. Mem. Am. Inst. of Homo. Surg. Travelers Acct. Ins. Co. Weinstein, Eeo. J. (R) 128 S. 6th. 2 to 4, 6 to 8. Tel. 218. Miami, 74. Pres. Staff T. H. Sanitarium. Mem. Ind. and Co. and Esculapian and Wabash Val. Med. Socs. Willien, E. J. (R) 671 Chestnut. 1 to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Tel. 276. Strasburg, Ger. 64. St. Louis, 67. Mem. Ind and Co. and Esculapian Med. Socs. Staff St. Anthony Hosp. Willis, J. R. (R) 656 N. 6th. 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 5 to 8. Tel. No. Long Island, 76. Mem. Ind. and Co. and Esculapian Med. Socs. Staff St. Anthony Hosp. Wood, Anna (R) 415J Ohio. Woman's Col., Chicago, 89. Worrell, J. P. (R) 20 S. 7th. 10 to 12, 2 to 4:30. Uni. Pa. 67. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Esculapian and Am. Ophthal. and Am. Cong of P. and S. Ophthal. and Aural Surg. St. Anthony Hosp. Practice limited to Dis. Eye and Ear. Voung, Stephen J. (R) 606 Walnut. Till 9, 12 to 4, 7 to 8. Med. Col. 0. 51. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. and Esculapian Med. Socs. Pres. U. S. Pension Bd. Pres. T. H. Sanitarium. Zimmerman, C. F. (R) 238 S. 9th. 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 10. Tel. 52. Med. Col. Ind. 89. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. THORNTOWN (BOONE) Brown, E. P. (E). E. M. Inst. 79. Boyd, J. M. (R). Graduate. Bruce, W. E. (H). Graduate. Barnes, D. E. (E). E. M. Inst. Davis, D. B. (R). 10 years practice. Hawk, J. R. (R). 10 years practice. Noe, W. H. (R). Graduate. Rose, M. H. (R). Uni. Buffalo, 61. TIPTON (TIPTON) Axtell, W. H. (R). Graduate. Collins, G. M. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 63. Dickey, A. S. (R). Cent. Col. P. and S. Ind. 81. Grove, J. M. (R). 10 years practice. Huron, W. B. (H). Hahn. Chi. 86. Louder, W. P. (R). Graduate. Newcomer, M. V. B. (R). Med. Col. 0. 67. Pitzer, A. B. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 75. Read, H. G. (R). Miami, 83. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 219 Rhoads, Anna. 10 years practice. Tressidder, J. T. (R). Graduate. Vickrey, M. V. B. (R). Med. Col. 0. 72. Wood, G. C. (R). Graduate. TROY (PERRY) Bacon, J. D. (R). 10 years practice. Dome, D. C. (R). 10 years practice. Venneman, R. T. (R). Evansville, 81. Webb, J. R. (E). 3 years practice. TRAFALGAR (JOHNSON) Byers, R. S. (R). Graduate. Willaii, E. B. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 81. \Vilian. R. D. (R). Miami, 68. UNION CITY (RANDOLPH) Commons, IV. (R). Med. Col. 0. 63. Evans, C. S. (R). Med. Col. 0. 63. Flower, Bartina (P-M). P-M Col. Ind. Gustin, F. M. (H). Hahn, Chi. 81. Harrison, H. (E). E. M. Inst. 52. Noffsinger, H. (E). E. M.'Inst. Proctor, J. A. (P-M). 10 years practice. Rubey, S. B. (R). 3 years practice. Reynard, G. (R). Med. Col. 0. 80. Reeves, J. E. (R). E. M. Inst. 67. Simmons, W. D. (E). E. M. Inst. 85. Thompson, G. W. (E). 10 years practice. Thompson, V. (E). 10 years practice. Welbourne, E. L. (E). Eel. Col. of Pa. Welbourne, 0. C. (E). E. M. Inst. Vergin, H. H. (R). Western Reserve, 64. UPLAND (GRANT) Hollis, S. (R). Ky. Sch. 79. Hollis, Ella (R). Graduate. Pugh, J. YY. (R). Med. Col. 0. 67. Stout, O. S. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 81. VALPARAISO (PORTER) Anderson, Elsie (R). Uni. Mich. 72. Beer, H. M. (R). Western Reserve, 68. Coates, H. C. (E). Graduate. Elliott, H. G. (H). Hahn. Chi. 75. Earing, D. J. (R). Rush, 78. Eetherman, A. P. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 71. McCarthy, J. F. (R). Rush, 55. 220 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Palmer, T. W. (H). Chi. Homo. Col. Pagin, S. (E). Bennett, 70. Ryan, J. A. (E). Bennett, 78. Sayler, M. F. (H). 10 years practice. Vincent, S. W. (E). Bennett, 72. Wood, 0. S. (E). Bennett. Vohn, Wm. S. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 78. VAN BUR EN (GRANT) Corey, E. J. (R). Med. Col. 0. 75. Conwell, E. V. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 79. Corey, C. W. (R). Med. Col. 0. Eandess, G. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. 83. VEEDERSBURG (FOUNTAIN) Pettit, M. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 78. Riffle, J. S. (R). Long Island, 79. Richardson, A. G. (R). Graduate. Voung, B. F. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 82. VERNON (JENNINGS) Mitchell, IV. J. (R). Med. Col. 0. 84. Nelson, H. G. (R). Graduate. Richardson, W. (R). Western Reserve, 53. Richardson, W. H. (R). Bellevue, 78. VERSAILLES (RIPLEY) Anderson, J. (R). Miami, 69. Jones, J. G. (R). Miami, 72 Robinson, J. M. (R). Uni. Pa. 60. VEVAY (SWITZERLAND) Craig, A. G. (R). Med. Col. 0. 66. Dalgleish, H. T. (R). Graduate. Rous, Hannah, (R) Graduate. Sage, P. S. (R). 10 years practice. Shadday, J. H. (R). Uni. Lou. 75. Smith, J. W. (R). Graduate. Van Pelt, G. YY. (R). Uni. Lou. 70. Woollen, E. J. (R). Graduate. VINCENNES (KNOX) Beard, S. C. (R) 16£ 2d. Bellevue, 85. Surg. 0. & M. R. R. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Mem. U. S. Pension Bd. Beckes, L. M. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 87. Bever, Almira (E). Eel. Med. Inst. 81. Boyer, E. (R). Uni. Lou. 50. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. 221 Caney, P. H. (R) 416£ Main. Ky. Sch. of Med. 92. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Davenport, IV. H. (R). Jefferson, 81. Fairhurst, O Council (R) 116 N. 3d. Bellevue, 70. Hall. S. (R) 2d St. P-M. Med. Col. Cin. 75. Columbus Med. Col. 0.91. Harris, F. M. (R). Bellevue, 81. Hensley, J. H. (R). Rush, 78. Jessup, R. B. (R). Jefferson, 52. Jessup, R. B., Jr. (R). Jefferson, 84. K iia pp. G. (R). Rush, 83. Medcalf, W. M. (H) 2d St. 8:30 to 10, 2 to 4, 6:30 to 8:30. St. Louis Homo. Col. 78. Mem. Ind. Homo. Med. Soc. Moore, R. G. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 61. Smith, H. M. (R). Starling, 49. Smith, YY. F. (E) 3d, Cor. Main. Eel. Med. Inst. 86. Swartzel, J. A. (R) 614 N. 7th. 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 7 p. m. Uni. Lou. 79. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Sec. Co. Bd. of Health. WABASH (WABASH) Blount, R. F. (R). Chi. Med. Col. 65. Brady, T. R. (R). Rush, 69. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Bricker, Wm. (E). Masonic Temple. E. M. Inst. 18—. Donaldson, E. F. (R). 3 St. Clair. Chicago Med. Col. 73. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Ellis, C. S. (R). 10 years practice. Ford, J. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 72. Hale, M. M. (R). Rush, 70. Hale, N. T. (R). Rush, 86 Modricker, J. M. (R). l6 years practice. Moore, P. G. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 66. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Sees. Murphy, D. S. (P-M) Masonic Temple. 9 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. P-M. Col. Indpls. 89. Psychological Phys. O'Neal, Oren, (R) 9 to 12, 2 to 4. Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 79. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Smith, A. J. (R) 66 Wabash. Chi. Med. Col. 71. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Smith, E. F. Jesup, (R) 66 Wabash. Woman's Col. Chicago, 82. Mem. Ind. and Co. Med. Socs. Stewart, J. IV. G. (H) 12 W. Hill. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 9. Hahn. Chicago, 89. Mem. Am. and Ind. Inst, of Homo. Stewart, IV. F. (H) Opposite City Hall. Hahn. Chicago, 90. Mem. N. Ind. and S. Mich. Homo. Socs. 222 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Stewart, W. R. (H) 12 W. Hill. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 9. Hahn. Chicago, 90. Mem. Am. and Ind. Inst, of Homo. Stradley, D. W. (R). 10 years practice. Wilson, J. (R). Bellevue, 90. WAKRUSA (ELKHART) Knepple, W. H. (R). 3 years practice. Eichty, S. E. (R). Jefferson, 86. Eockwood, R. E. (H). Hahn. Chi. Sensenich, A. (R). Rush, 81. IWALKERTON, (ST. JOSEPH) Arlington, J. W. (R). Graduate. McCool, A. W. (R). 10 years practice. Reeve, J. M. (R). Rush, 88. II oodworth, H. A. (R). 3 years practice. WARREN (HUNTINGTON) Bonifield, W. D. (R). Graduate. Frazier, F. M. (R). Graduate. Good, C. H. (R). Graduate. Mackey, J. E. (H). Graduate. Palmer, E. IV. (R). Bellevue, 82. Wall, F. M. (R). Graduate. WARSAW (KOSCIUSKO) Byler, J. M. (H). Chi. Homo. Col. Bash, J. M. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 74. Burkett, C. W. (R). Med. Col. 0. 76. Burkett, B. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 79. Chandler, J. A. (R). 10 years practice. Clayton, C. M. (R). 10 years practice. Frost, R. F. (E). Graduate. Gorton, Mary (R). Graduate. Jameson, Martha (E). Graduate. Moro, F. (E). Graduate. Robinson, Sarah (E). 10 years practice. Swyhart, Anna (P-M). Schoonover, W. S. (R). Smith, J. S. (P-M). P-M. Col. Cin. 80. Shackleford, T. J. (R). P. and S. Bait. 82. Wooley, A. (R). Graduate. Webber, I. B. (R). Graduate. White, R. P. (R). Uni. Pa. 86. WASHINGTON (DAVIESS) Anderson, W. B. (R). Lou. Med. Col. Bonham, A. N. (H). Hahn. Chi. 87. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Deffendall, W. B. (H). Graduate. Fitzgibbon, J. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 75. Gengelback, E. E. (E). E. M. Inst. Gers, H. (R). Miami, 80. Harned, F. M. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 74. Horrall, IV. A. (E). 10 years practice. Joseph, A. (R). Graduate. Joseph, E. P. (R). Graduate. Jones, J. N. (R). Rush, 67. Kent, M. C. (R). 10 years practice. Moore. J. L,. (R). Evansville, 75. McCown, C. C. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 82. Moore, C. C, (R). Graduate. Peck, S. W. (R). P. and S. N. Y. 38. Parr, G. L. (R). Graduate. Scudder, C. (R). Med. Col. 0. 67. Scudder, J. A. (R). Miami, 57. Scudder, C. P. (R). Miami, 81. Strouse, IV. H. H. (H). 10 years practice. Scan Ion, M. (R). Jefferson, 68. Smith, J. R. (E). E. M. Inst. Wolf, H. (R). Uni. Lou. 67. Williford, G. W. (R). Chi. Med. Col. 74. Winton, C. F. (R). Uni. Nashville, 83. WATERLOO (DEKALB) Bevier, IV. (E). E. M. Inst. 52. Broughton, F. (R). Rush, 85. Chamberlain J. N. (R). Western Reserve, 49. Carpenter, T. J. (R). Uni. Mich. 71. Darby, A. B. (E). E. M. Inst. 83. Farrington, A. G. (E). 10 years practice. Hughs, J. W. WAVE LAND (MONTGOMERY) Ball, Z. (R). Rush, 65. Bilbo, J. W. (R). 3 years practice. Dunlavy, I. P. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 83. Kleiser. A. J. (R). P. and S. Bait. 85. Matler, T. S. (E). 10 years practice. Russell, J. P. (R). 10 years practice. Straughn, J. W. (R). Graduate. Straughn, K. K. (R). Graduate. Steele, W. W. (R). Graduate. WAYNETOWN (MONTGOMERY) Culver, D. M. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 74. Clay pool, J. S. (R). 3 years practice. 224 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Hurt, W. J. (R). Rush, 73. Hamilton, A. N. (R). Miami, 71. WEST BADEN (ORANGE) Ritter, J. II. (R). Uni. Lou. 74. Sherrod, IV. T. (R). 3 years practire. WESTFIELD ^HAMILTON) Baker, J. J. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. 75. Coffin, B. F. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Dore, S. C. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 74. Fodrea, Z. H. (R). Uni. Mich. 88. Herr, H. H. (R). Cent. Col. P. and S. Ind. 80. Johns, W. D. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Pettijohu, J. B. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 74. W. LEBANON (WARREN) Campbell, T. B. (R). Bellevue, 71. Fleming, J. IV. (R). 10 years practice. Watson, J. R. (R). Rush, 89. WHEATLAND (KNOX) Black, E. C. (R). 3 years practice. Benham, C. W. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 89. Dukate, J. B. D. (R). 10 years practice. Eytton, J. (R). 3 years practice. WHEELER (PORTER) Arnold, G. W. (R). Graduate. Oakes, O. (R). Keokuk, 83. Willing, S. J. (R). Graduate. WILLIAMSPORT (WARREN) Dellart, J. (R). Med. Col. O. 76. Fenton, S. C. (R). Graduate. Osborn, S. V. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 71. Swank, E. (R). Rush, 85. WINAMAC (PULASKI) Kittinger, II. (R). Bellevue, 75. Moss, D. F. (R). Med. Col. 0. 69. Pattison, H. E. (R). Uni. Wooster, 66. Thompson, G. YY. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 82. Thomas, J. J. (R). 10 years practice. Thompson, IV. H. (R). Uni. Mich. 70. Vaughn, M. (R). Graduate. Thomas, M. A. (R). Graduate. Smith, E. G. (R). 10 years practice. INDIANA PHYSICIANS. WINCHESTER (RANDOLPH) Alexander, R. P. (P-M). 10 years practice. Alexander, P. B. (P-M). 10years practice. Abel, O. E. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 85. Bruce, G IV. (R). 10 years practice. Boswarlh. R. (R). Uni. Mich. 65. Chenowcth, J. T. (R). Med. Col. 0. 75. Chenoweth, F. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. 80. Carver, J. M. (R). 10 years practice. Evans, J. J. (R). 10 years practice. Fisher, M. E. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Huridleston, A. F. (H). Pulte, 81. Kellcy, C. M. (R). Med. Col. 0. 81. Marklc, J. E. (R). Med. Col. 0. 69. Milligan, C. E. (P-M). P-M. Col. Ind. Keinmol, S. (P-M). 10 years practice. Smith, \V. G. (R). Graduate. WINDFALL (TIPTON) Austin, IV. (R). 10 years practice. Hill.lrup, J. R. (P M). Graduate. King, F. B. (R). Med. Col. 0. 83. Spitzmesser, J. L. (E). 10 years practice. WINSLOW (PIKE) Reardsley, J. M. (R).' Befhell, W. J. (R). 10 years practice. De Far, D. (R). Uni. Mich. 80. Ireland, G. L. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 82. Turner, M. V. 10 years practice. Woodward, E. E. (R). Med. Col. 0. 79. WIRT (JEFFERSON) Reynolds, J. H. (R). 10 years practice. Rawlings, J. V. (R). P. and S. Bait. 87. Smith, E. M. (R). 10 years practice. WOLCOTVILLE (LAGRANGE) Brougliton, F. H. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 74. Kester, A. A. (H). 10 years practice. Raby, IV. (E). 10 years practice. Youngkin, J. IV. (R). 10 years practice. WORTHINGTON (GREENE; Clay, H. (E). E. M. Inst. Gray, G. B. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 84. Gray, S. (R). 3 years practice. 226 INDIANA PHYSICIANS. Gastineau, H. (R). 3 years practice. Green, W. L. (E). E. M. Inst. Nimich, J. (R). Uni. N. Y. 56. McCabe, H. H. (E). Eel. Col. Ind. O'Neal, W. A. (R). 10 years practice. Squires, W. B. (E). E. M. Inst. 57. Selfridge, W. R. (R). Graduate. XENIA (MIAMI) Baldwin, J. A. (E). 10 years practice. Kelsy, J. S. (R). Med. Col. 0. 69. Eitzeuberger, O. P. (R). 3 years practice. Mendenhall, O. A. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 74. YEDDO (FOUNTAIN) Dawden, J. W. (E). 10 years practice. Sparks, J. T. (R). 10 years practice. Shoal, F. A. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 82. ZEN AS (JENNINGS) Case, IV. IV. (R). Keokuk, la. 86. Coryea, F. M. (E). 10 years practice. ZIONSVILLE (BOONE) Alford, J. S. (R). Tulane Urd. 66. Cotton, H. L. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 75. McNutt, IV. Y. (R). Med. Col. Ind. 83. White, A. F. (R). Graduate. "Dr^JOSEPH )^ASTMAN. PRACTICE EXCLUSIVELY f DISEASES OF WOMEN AND + ABDOMINAL SURGERY. PRIVATE SANATORIUM FOR GYNECOLOGICAL CASES AND ABDOMINAL SURGERY, 197 N. Delaware Street, cor. Vermont Street, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. LOUISVILLE (JEFFERSON) Allan, B. A. (R) 1968 Portland Av. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 1058. Hosp. Col. 78. Mem. Ky. and Clin. Assn. and Miss. Val. Med. Socs. Allan, H. G. (R) 1015 W. Jefferson. 7 to 9, 1 to 3. and at night. Tel. 747. Ky. Sch. of Med. 55. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. Allen. M. B. (R) 743 E. Market. Uni. Lou. 67. Allhands, Edgar O. (R) cor. 6th and Oak. 7 to 8, 12 to 2, 7 to 9. Tel. 1342. Uni. Lou. 89. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Dis. women and chil. a specialty. Anderson, Turner (R) 717 W. Jefferson. 2 to 4 p. m. Tel. 536-2. Res. 917 3d. Cin. Col. Med. and. Surg. 63. Uni. Lou. 90. Prof. Obstet. and dis. women and chil. Uni. Lou. Gyn. Sts. M. and E. Hosp. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Med. and Chir. Socs. Anderson, W. H. (R) 1910 W. Walnut. Uni. Lou. 72. A wbrey, J. R. (R) 2017 W. Jefferson. Uni. Lou. 75. Bailey, Wm. (R) 746 4th A v. 1 to 2. Tel. 575. Uni. Lou. 64. A. M. Ky. Military Inst. 54. Prof. Mat. Med. and Therap. and and Pub. Hygiene Uni. Lou. Mem. Am. Med. and Am. Pub. Health Assn. and Ky. and Med. and Chir. Med. Socs. Mem. Ky. Bd. of Health. Bailey, Wm. O. (R) 746 4th. Tel. 575. Uni. Lou. 88. N. Y. Polyclinic, 90. A. B. 81. Baker, T. H. (R) 1466 Story Av. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 1371. Hosp. Col. of Med. 89. Asst. to Chair Surg. Hosp. Col. of Med. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Barbour, J. F. (R) 215 W. Chestnut. 9 to 10, 3 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 1853. Uni. N. Y. 81. Cong. Neurol. City Hosp. Mem. Ky. and Miss. Val. and Co. Med. Socs. Barbour, P. F. (R) 215 W. Chestnut. 11 to 1, 5 to 6 p. m. Tel. 1853. Res. 922 2d. Hosp. Col. Med. 90. N. Y. Polyclinic, 92. Asst. to Chair Chem. Hosp. Col. Med. Mem. Falls City Med. Soc. Bate, R. A. (R) 945 W. Walnut. 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. 2295. Res. 1216 1st. Hosp. Col. 92. A. B. 90. Asst to Chair Prac. of Med. Hosp. Col. 227 228 KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. Bates, G. W. (R) 1630 Preston. 7 to 9, 12 to 2, and at night. Tel. 860. Hosp. Col. of Med. 78. Bennett, J. S. (R) 2126 W. Jefferson. 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. 1271. Hosp. Col. 91. Asst. to Chair Anat. Hosp. Col. of Med. Berry, Thos. F. (R) 550 3d. 8 to 9, 3 to 4, 6 to 8. Tel. 933. Uni. Lou. 68. A. B. Polytechnic, 85. Co. Coroner. Berry, Wm. (R) 408 7th. Ky. Sch. 54. Beulel, G. P. (R) 521 E. Market. 9 to 1, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 676. Res. 2106 Baxter Av. Uni. Lou. 80. Bindewald, W. A. (R) 739 E. Market. Uni. Lou. 71. Blackburn, Cary B. (It) 419 Walnut. 12 to 1, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 66 2. Jefferson, 61. Staff Sts. M. and E. Hosp. Mem. Am. and Ky. Med. Socs. Blackburn, J. T. (R) 2109 W. Market. 8 to 9:30, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 1505. Ky. Sch. of Med. 87. Asst. Dem. Surg. Ky. Sch. of Med. Pres. Lou. Clin. Assn. Bland, J. E. (R) 1808 26th. Uni. Lou. 78. Bloom, Isadore N. (R) 321 W. Walnut. 10 a. m. to 1, 4 to 6 p. m, Tel. 2300-2. Res. 1360 2d. Tel. 2320-2. Harvard, 81. A. B. Yale, 78. Pres. Lou. Clin. Soc. Mem. Internatl. Med. Cong., Pan-Am. Cong., and Ky. and Lou. Surg and Lou. Microp. and Co. Med. Socs. Dermatol. City Hosp. and Mason, and Widows and Orphans' Home. Blue, Wm. K. (R) 518 W. Jefferson. 10 to 2, 7 to 8. Uni. Lou. 88. Mem. Ky. and So. Surg, and Gyn. and Falls City Med. Socs. Bodine, J. M. (R) 726 First. 9 a. m., 1 to 2. Tel. 155. Res. Gait House. Ky. Sch. of Med. 54. Prof. Anat. and Dean of Fac. Med. Dept. Uni. Lou. Boggess. IV. F. (R) 1805£ W. Jefferson. 10 to 11, 3 to 4. Tel. 1369. Res. 231 E. Breckinridge. Tel. 656. Lou. Med. Col. 85. Adjunct Prof. Clin. Med. Lou. Med. Col. Phys.-in-charge Prot. Orph. Asy. Staff City Hosp. Mem. Ky. and Clin. Assn. and Falls City Med. Socs. Brennan, J. E. (R) 520 2d. Lou. Med. 90. Brzozowski, S. (R) 529 E. Jefferson. 7 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 1866. Lou. Med. Col. 74. Buckle, B. (R) 605 E. Green. Uni. Lou. 78. Buckner, M. Gano (R) 622 1st. 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 2080. Uni. Pa. 92. Mercy Hosp. Pittsburg, 92. Bucren A. F. (R) 1420 Story Av. 8 to 9,1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 1371. Uni. Lou. 74. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Bullock, Thomas S. (R) 914 W. Jefferson. 9 to 10, 2 to 3. Tel. 1155. Res. Tel. 1155-3. Col. P. and S. N. Y. 83. Asst. to Chair Obstet. and Gyn. Uni. Lou. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Miss. Val. and Med. and Chir. Med. Socs. KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. 229 Burton, Geo. W. (R) 2319 W. Walnut. 1 to 3. Tel. 1421. Uni. Pa. 48. Buschemeyer, John II. (R) 435 W. Walnut. 9 to 10, 3 to 4, 7 to 8. Res. 420 E. Broadwav, Tel. 2185. Uni. Lou. 91. Butler, Thos. E. (R) 639 W*. Jefferson. 11 to 1, 5 to 7. Tel. 1428. Res. 841. 2d. Tel. 1439. Uni. Lou. 90. Asst. to Chair Surg, and Clin. Surg. Uni. Lou. Mem. Ky. and Falls City Med. Socs. Calahan, J. I. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 71. Carpenter, E. E. (R) 340 E. Jefferson. Uni. Lou. 86. Carter, Win. T. (R) 1119 E. Broadway. 1 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 14. Ky. Sch. of Med. 70. Cartledge, A. M. (R) 303 W. Broadway. 10 to 11, 2 to 3. Tel. 776. Hosp. Col. 82. Cawein, C. L. (R) 1826 W. Market. Lou. Med. 86. Cawein, Wm. 1826 W. Market. 20 vears practice. Cecil, John G. (R) 411 W. Chestnut. 12 to 1, 5 to 6. Tel. 1241. Res. 1535 4th. Tel. 2007. Hosp. Col. Med. 79. B. S. Prince- ton, 76. Lect. Gyn. Uni. Lou. Mem. Ky. and So. Surg, and Gyn. and Miss. Val. and Lou. Clin, and Lou. Surg, and Co. Med. Socs. Chapman, W. C. (R) 3003 Portland Av. P. and S. Bait. 84. Cheatham, E. T. (R) 352 E. Jefferson. Hosp. Col. 91. Cheatham, W. (R) 303 W. Chestnut. 10 to 2. Tel. 576. Res. 317 W. Broadway. Tel. 576-4. Uni. Lou. 73. Prof. Dis. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Lou. Med. Col. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Staff City Hosp. and Episcop. Orphanage and Ma- sonic Widows and Orph. Home. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Miss. Val. and Med. and Chir. and Lou. Surg, and Lou. Clin. Med. Socs. and Intend. Med. Congress. Chenault, R. C. (R) 936 3d. Jefferson, 54. Chenovveth, J. S. (R) 303 W. Broadway. 9 to 10, 3 to 4. Tel. 776. Uni. Lou. 89. Asst. to Chair Surg, and Clin. Surg. Uni. Lou. Mem. Ky. and Lou. Surg. Socs. Clemens, J. M. (R) 526 W. Walnut. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 561-4. Uni. Lou. 57. Clokey, Allisou A. (H) 2d, S. W. cor. Chestnut. 11 to 12, 2 to 3. Sunday 10 to 11. Tel. 647. Hahn. Phila. 89. Sec. Ky. Homo. Med. Soc. Cochran, S. (R) 2103 W. Walnut. Lou. Med. 79. Collins, M. (R) 306 1st. Lou. Med. Col. 87. Cook, A. B. (R) 617 4th. Ky. Sch. 53. Coonics, M. F. (R) Fonda Blk. 4th Av. 9 a. m. to 1. Tel. 1607. Res. Bardstown Rd. Tel. 721-3. Lou, Med. Col. 73. A. M. St. Marys Col. Prof. Ophthal. and Physiol. Ky. Sch. of Med. Staff Eye and Ear Sts. M. and E. Hosp. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Miss. Val. Med. Socs. Corrigan, F. E. (R) 520 2d. Uni. Lou. 72. 230 KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. Cottell, H. A. (R) 1102 6th. 2 to 4 p. m. Tel. 1267. Uni. Lou. 72. Prof. Med. Chem. and Micros, and Dis. Nerv. Sys. Uni. Lou. Mem. Ky. Med. Soc. Ed. Am. Practitioner and News. Cox, C. H. (R) 820 W. Broadway. 8 to 9, 3 to 4, 7 to 10. Tel. No. Uni. Lou. 83. Cox, O. N. (R) 820 W. Broadway. 9 to 10, 1 to 2, 7 to 10. Tel. No. One course Uni. Lou. 51. Dabney, S. G. (R) 216 W. Chestnut. 9 to 1. Tel. 1350. Uni. Va. 82. Hosp. Col. Med. 83. Prof. Physiol, and Hygiene Hosp. Col. of Med Cong. Staff Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Home of the Friendless. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Med. and Chir. Med. Socs. Dale, W. E. (R) 1310 Preston. 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 721. Res. 372 E. Broadway. Uni. Lou. 91. Davis, J. F. (R) Clifton. Hosp. Col. 80. Day, F. A. (R) 2004 Bardstown Pike. Ky. Sch. 52. Doherty, Wm. B. (R) 1520 W. Market. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 971. Uni. Lou. 72. Vis. Phys. Sts. M. and E. Hosp. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Tri-state Med. Socs. Douglas, J. S. (R) 2406 Portland Av. Uni. Lou. 87. Dugan, IV. C. (R) 206 E. Chestnut. 10 to 11, 2 to 3. Tel. 1774. Uni. Lou. 81. Prof. Operat. Surg. Lou. Med. Col. Mem. Ky. and So. Surg, and Gyn. and Miss. Val. and Lou. Clin, and Lou. Surg. Med. Socs. Dunlop, R. (R) 862 6th. Hosp. Col. 84. Dunn, J. T. (R) 1129 W. Jefferson. Uni. Lou. 90. Dupre, C. F. (R) 8th, cor. Madison. Ky. Sch. 71. Duvall, H. A. (R) 518 2d. 9 to 12, 4 to 6, 7 to 8. Sunday, 9 to 10 a. m. Tel. 373. Hosp. Col. of Med. 80. Mem. Lou. Med. Soc. Nervous Dis. a specialty. Eckels, E. IV. (R) 1729 W. Market. 8 to 9, 1 to 3. Tel. 767. Res. 1819 W. Market. Tel. 767-3. Lou. Med. Col. 86. Embry, S. E. (R) 841 E. Market. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 857. Lou. Med. Col. 91. Asst. Dem. Anat. Lou. Med. Col. Enright, J. B. (R) 736 6th. Uni. Lou. 85. Evans, E. O. (R) 2304 W. Walnut. Ky. Sch. of Med. 92. Evans, J. L. (R) 1421 Shelby. Uni. Lou. 88. Evans, T. C. (R) 419 W. Chestnut. 9 to 1. Tel. 154. Hosp. Col. Med. 84. Dem. Anat. Hosp. Col. Med. Mem. Ky. and Lou. Clin. Med. Socs. Practice limited to Dis. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Fais, C. (R) 513 E. Madison. Ky. Sch. 66. Fallis, Robert G. (R) 2110 Logan. 7 to 8, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Uni. Lou. 83. Mem. Ky. Med. Soc. Ferguson, J. P. (R) 2407 W. Market. Jefferson, 92. KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. 231 Finck, T. D. (R) 729 E. Jefferson. 9 to 10 a. m., 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. Tel. 939. Res. Brook, cor. Gray. Tel. 1462. Ky. Sch. of Med. 82. Mem. Am. and Intern!. Med. Cong, and Ky. and Miss. Val. and Co. Med. Socs. Fitzbutler, H. (R) 112 W. Green. Uni. Mich. 72. Forrester, Wm. (R) 301 E. Broadway. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, and at night. Tel. (F. Schneider). Uni. Lou. 62. Foist, A. (R) 306 VV. Jefferson. Uni. Lou. 79. Frank, Eouis (R) 808 E. Broadway. 2 to 3, and at night. Tel. No. Hosp. Col. of Med. 88. Dem. Bacteriol. and Asst. to Chair Abdom. Surg. Ky. Sch. Med. Vis. Staff City Hosp. Mem. Am. and Ky. Med. Socs. Frantz, Theo. (R) 2532 VV. Market. 9 to 10, 4 to 5, 7 to 8. Tel. 1468. Lou. Med. Col. 90. Garr, B. A. (R) 2116 W. Jefferson. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 1271-3. Hosp. Col. 77. Mem. Miss. Val. Med. Soc. Garvin, S. H. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 61. Gilbert, R. B. (R) 712 3d. 8 to 9,1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 498. Uni. Lou. 68. Dem. Anat. Uni. Lou. Mem. Ky. and Co. Med. Socs. Given, A. (H) 1403 W. Jefferson. Chi. Med. Col. 64. Glahn, J. (R) E. Breckinridge. Uni. Lou. 85. Godshaw, C. C. (R) 1122 Preston. Uni. Lou. 74. Goodman, H. M. (R) 828 3d. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 6 to 7. Tel. 511. Uni. Lou. 83. A. B. 79. Dem. Bacteriol. and Pathol, and Med. Chem. Uni. Lou. Staff City Hosp. Attng. Phys. House Refuge. Mem. Lou. Microsco. and Ky. Med. Socs. Goodman, J. (R) 828 3rd. 8 to 9,12 to 1. Tel. 511. Tulane Uni. 59. A. M. Georgetown Col. Gosnell, T. E. (R). N. E. cor. 18th and Chestnut. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 1328. Res. 2218 W. Chestnut. .Uni. Lou. 86. Graham, H. W. (R) 1129 Brook. Ky. Sch. 86. Grant, Chas. E. (R) 1916 W. Market. 10 to 12, 4 to 5. Tel. 1981. Jefferson, 91. Grant, E. A. (R) 815 3d Av. 8 to 1. Tel. 1929. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Practice limited to Surg. Diseases and Deformities. Grant, II. H. (R) 1916 W. Market. 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 1981. Jefferson, 78. A. M. Centre Col. 80. Prof. Surg. Hosp. Col. of Med. Surg. City Hosp. and German Prot. Orph. Asy. Mem. Am. and Ky. and So. Surg, and Gyn. and Lou. Surg, and Co. and Lou. Clin. Assn. Grant, T. P. (R) 815 3d Av. 8 to 1. Tel. 1929. Uni. Lou. 74. Mem. Miss. Val. and Co. Med. Socs. Grant, YY. E. (R) 721 W. Jefferson. 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 654. Jefferson, 86. Dem. Anat. Ky. Sch. of Med. Mem. Ky. and Miss. Val. Med. Socs. Green, W. 0. (R) 709 2d. Uni. Lou. 89. 232 KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. Griffiths, Geo. W. (R) 833 3d. Long Island Col. 66. Sec. Uni. Lou. Pres. Jef. Co. Med. Soc. Mem. Am. and Intend. Med. Cong, and Ky. and So. Surg, and Gyn. Med. Socs. Chief Surg. L. & N. R. R. Cong. Surg. Jennie Cassedy and City Hosps. Vis. Surg. Sts. M. and E. Hosp. Griffiths, Patton (R) 1026 W. Jefferson. Until 8, 12 to 1, 7 to 8. Tel. 680. Res. 516 W. Broadway. Tel. 680-3. Uni. Pa. 81. Mem. Pan-Am. Cong, and Am. and Ky. and Miss. Val. and Co. Med. Socs. Div. Surg. L. N. A. & C. (Monon) R. R. Surg. Am. Casualty Ins. and Security Co. Griffiths, W. M. (R) 931 W. Jefferson. Uni. Lou. 76. Griswold, A. V. (R) 611 6tb. Guest, J. W. (R) 1012 4th. Bellevue, 88. Guntermann, P. (R) 1214 Baxter Av. 1 to 3. Tel. No. Uni. Lou. 69. Cong. Staff City Hosp. Mem. Ky. and Miss. Val. and Lou. Clin. Med. Socs. Harris, YY in. Hume (R) 629 3d. 9 to 11, 2 to 4. Uni. Nash- ville, 57. Paris, 62. P. and S. N. Y. 68. Uni. Tenn. 84. A. B. Princeton, 57. A. M. 60. LL. D. 86. Mem. Am. Acad. of Med. Harvey, C. IV. (R) 510 E. Broadway. 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 9. Tel. 587. Uni. Lou. 66. Mem. Ky. and Co. Med. Socs. Hays, John Edwin (R) 403 Preston. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 6 to 7. Tel. 625. Res. 429 E. Chestnut. Tel. 1845. Hosp. Col. of Med. 79. A. M. Hanover Col. 78. Prof. Anat. and Clin. Lect. Der- matol. Hosp. Col. of Med. Mem. Ky. and Med. and Chir. Med. Socs. Hays, John E. (R) 2402 W. Chestnut. 7 to 9, 11 to 1, 7 to 8. Tel. 549. Col. P. and S. Kansas City, 78. Mem. Microscop. Club. Helm, Jas. T. (R) 207 E. Chestnut. 9 to 10, 2 to 3. Med. Col. 0. 53. Helmke, J. N. (R) Frankfort Av. nr. Limits. Uni. Lou. 72. Henderson, P. R. (R) 613 3d. 8 to 9:30, 2 to 3.30, 7 to 8. Res. 712 1st. Tel. 1702. Uni. Lou. 74. Mem. Ky. and Tri-state Med. Socs. Hertzsch, Delia (R) 704 W. Walnut. Uni. Mich. 91. Herzer, E. (H) 710 E. Jefferson. Clevld. Homo. 85. Heuser, Henry (R) 1501 12th. 8 to 9,1 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. 336-4. Uni. Lou. 91. Vis. Phys. City Hosp. Mem. Ky. Med. Soc. Higginbotham, E. G. (R) 239 W. Walnut. Uni. Pa. 45. Hill, B. F. (R) 1935 W. Walnut. 2 to 3, 5 to 7 p. m. Tel. 530. Uni. Lou. 79. Mem. Am. and Ky. Med. Socs. Hobbs, P. A. (R) 502 E. Walnut. Lou. Med. 90. Hollo way, J. M. (R) 405 W. Chestnut. Transylvania, 57. Holloway, S. W. (R) 405 W. Chestnut. Lou. Med. 90. Hood, J. C. (R) 707 W. Walnut. Uni. Lou. 86. KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. 233 Hoskins, John S. (R) 1521 Brook. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 771. Uni. Lou. 81. Howard, J. L. (R) 18th and Bank. Uni. Lou. 89. Howard, IV. G. (R) 645 W. Jefferson. 9 to 1, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1789. Howard, W. Y. (JT) 1455 18th. Uni. Lou. 88. Howe, Edward B. (R) 945 E. Main. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, and at night. Tel. 1576. Lou. Med. Col. 89. Howe, Jas. Eewis (R). Polytechnic. Soc. Hosp. Col. of Med. 86. Ph. D. Goettingen, Ger. 82. Prof. Chem. and Dean of Faculty Hosp. Col. of Med. Mem. Ky. Med. Soc. Hughes, YY. A. (R) 727 2d. 9 to 1. Uni. Lou. 78. Ingram, Julia (R) 839 3d. 2 to 4. Tel. 1002. Woman's Col. Pa. 82. Mem. Am. and Ky. Med. Socs. Phys. to Home of the Friendless and Y. M. A. Ireland. J. A. (R) 319 E. Madison. 1 to 3. Tel. 671. Ky. Sch. of Med. 51. Prof. Gyn. and Dean of Faculty Lou. Med. Col. Mem. Am. and Ky. Med. Socs. Irwin, J. IV. (R) 421 W. Chestnut. 11 to 1, 5 to 6. Tel. 845. Res. 1346 2d. Tel. 820. Jefferson, 73. Mem. Ky. and Med. and Chir. and Co. and Clin. Med. Socs. Isham, R. H. (R) 1310 Preston. 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 8 to 9. Tel.771. Res. 1210 First. Uni. Lou. 68. Jennings, The©. S. (R) 933 E. Jefferson. 8 to 10, 3 to 4, 7 to 9. Tel. 457-3. Res. 1161 E. Broadway. Tel. 231. Lou. Med. Col. 87. Jones, John C. (R) 2003 W. Market. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 847. Ky. Sch. of Med. 92. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Kaolin. E. (R) 1234 Shelby. 7 to 9,12 to 2, 6 to 8. Tel. 471-4. Berlin, Ger. 84. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Kastenbine, E. D. (R) 305 W. Broadway. 1 to 3. Tel. 333. Bellevue, 64. A. M. 62. Prof. Chem. Lou. Med. Col. and Lou. Col. of Phar. Mem. Ky. Med. Soc. Keightley, A. J. (R) 510 2d. Uni. Lou. 66. Kelch, A. H. (R) 15th and Chestnut. Ky. Sch. 80. Kelly, C. W. (R) 204 W. Green. McGill, 67. Kempf, P. H. (R) 1930 W. Market. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 847-4. Uni. Lou. 80. Asst. to Chair Prin. and Prac. of Surg. Ky. Sch. of Med. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. Kenner, R. C. (R) 2419 Portland Av. Uni. Lou. 79. Kirk, Wm. Redin (R) 129 W. Chestnut, cor. 2d. 8 to 10 a. m , 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 789. Hosp. Col. Med. 90. Phar. G. 86. Asst. Gyn. Hosp. Col. Med. Asst. Surg. Jennie Cassedy Infy. for Women. Mem. Ky. Med. Soc. Klein, J. W (H). Hahn. Pa. 71. Koehler, F. W. (R) 1001 4th. 10 to 11, 3 to 5. Tel. 792. Hosp. Col. of Med. 81. 234 KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. Koehler, II. W. (R) 1001 4th. 9 to 10, 5 to 6. Tel. 792. Res. 1408 3d. Marburg, Ger. 47. Krim, J. M. (R) 600 E. Broadway. 7 to 9, 2 to 3. Tel. 481. Uni. Lou. 69. Wurzburg, Ger. 63. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Lou. Clin. Med. Socs. Lammers, B. J. (R) 703 E. Brdwy. Lou. Med. 89. Larrabee, John A. (R) 760 2d. 10 to 11, 5 to 6. Tel. 4-4. Res. ' 1823 Baxter Av. Tel. 4-2. Bowdoin, 64. Prof. Obstet. and Dis. Child. Hosp. Col. of Med. Phys. to Home of Innocents. Mem. Am. Med. and Pan-Am. Cong, and Intend. Med. Cong. and Miss. Val. and Med. and Chir. and Co. and Ky. Med. Socs. Lawrence, Anna F. (R) 839 3d. 10 to 12 a. m. Tel. 1002. N. E. Female Med. Col. 78. Phys. Home of the Friendless and Y. M. A. Mem. Ky. Med. Soc. Eeachman, W. T. (R) 505 2d, cor. Green. 12 to 2. Tel. 1731. Uni. Lou. 57. Mem. Am. and Ky. Miss. Val. Med. Socs. Leber, Frederick C. (R) 548-550 E. Jefferson. 8 to 9, 2 to 4. Tel. 245-4. Uni. Lou. 64. Mem. Microscop. Club. Lewis. H. A. (R) 1200 W. Chestnut. Uni. Lou. Eewis, H. II. (R) 1103 W. Broadway. 9 to 11, 3 to 5. Tel. 1455. Uni. Lou. 90. Mem. Ky. and Falls City Med. Socs. Lucas, Charles G. (R) 718 2d. 1 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 443. Uni. Lou. 90. Asst. to Chair Prin. and Prac. and Clin. Med. Uni. Lou. Mem. British Gyn. Soc. and Ky. and Falls City Med. Socs. Vis. Phys. Sts. M. and E. Hosp. McCullough, H. M. (It) 535 E. Green. Uni. Lou. 78. McDermot, T. L. (R) 875 7th. Bellevue. McDonough, John J. (R) 1405 W. Jefferson. 9 to 10, 2 to 3. Res. 1420 W. Jefferson. Tel. 874. Uni. Lou. 69. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Clin. Assn. and Tri-state Med. Socs. McMurtry, E. S. (R) 231 W. Chestnut. 11 to 1. Tel. 1938. Tulane Uni. 73. A. B. Centre Col. 70. A. M. 74. Prof. Dis. Women and Abdominal Surg. Hosp. Col. of Med., Surg, in charge Jennie Casseday Free Infy. for women. Gyn. Sts. M. and E. Hosp. Pres. Am. Assn. Obstet. and Gyn. 93. Ex- Pres. Ky. Med. Soc. Ex-Pres. So. Surg, and Gyn. Assn. Corg. Mem. Obstet. Soc. Phila. and Gyn. Soc. Boston. Fellow Edinburg Obstet. Soc. and British Gyn. Soc. Manly, Sam'I (R) 1720 W. Walnut. 9 to 10, 7 to 8. Tel. 1245. Uni. Lou. 68. Mem. Lou. Clin. Assn. Marshall, E. (R) 103 E. Chestnut. Uni. Lou. 84. Marvin, J. B. (R) 903 4th Av. 1 to 3. Tel. 889. Hosp. Col. of Med. 75. B. S. Va. Military Inst. 70. Pro? Prin. and Prac. of Med. and Clin. Med. Ky. Sch. of Med. Cong. Staff City Hosp. Phys. Baptist Orphans' Home. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Med. and Chir. Med. Socs. KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. 235 Mathews, Joseph M. (R) 923 4th Av. 9 a. m. to 1. Tel. 1094. Uni Lou. 67. Prof. Surg, and Clin. Lect. Dis. Rectum. Ky. Sch. of Med. Cong. Staff City Hosp. Vis. Surg. Sts. M. and E. Hosp. and Jennie Cassiday Free Infy. for Women. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Miss Val. and So. Surg, and Gyn. and Lou. Surg, and Lou. Clin. Med. Socs. Mayer, C. (H) 739 4th. N. Y. Homo. 81. Meriwether, C. Ed. (R) 330 7th. 11 to 1, 5 to 7. Tel. 1789. Uni. - Va. 80. Uni. N. Y. 81. Metcalfe, J. C. (R) 405 Jackson. Uni. Lou. 50. Metcalfe, J. H. (R) 609 E. Jefferson. 9:30 to 10:30, 1 to 2, and at night. Tel. 676. Lou. Med. Col. 92. Dem. Obstet. Lou. Med. Col. Mem. Ky. Med. Soc. Miles, C. E. (R) 1905 Baxter Av. 8 to 9, 12 to 12:30, 7 to 8. Tel. 2009. Res. 1959 Baxter Av. Uni. Lou. 88. Mem. Falls City Med. Soc. Miller, F. C. (R) 825 E. Washington. Lou. Med. 90. Miller, J. A. (R) 1210 W. Market. 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 985. R^s. 5th Av. Hotel. Tel. 1815. Ky. Sch. 85. Mem. Ky. and Co. and Med. and Chir. Socs. Miller, W. F. (R;. 635 2d. 8 to 9, 3 to 4. Tel. 875. Uni. Lou. 43. Mills, Sanil. B. (R) 711 2d. 7 to 9, 2 to 3. Res. 408 E. Chestnut. Tel. 1610. Uni. Lou. 52. Phys. to Christian Church Widows and Orph. Home. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Monroe, A. L. (H) 3d, cor. Chestnut. Hahn. Phila. 79. Montgomery, E. R. (R) 1828 W. Jefferson. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, and at night. Tel. 1369. Uni. Lou. 67. Mem. Clin. Assn. Morris, J. K. (R) 120 E. Breckinridge. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 5 to 7. Tel. 964. Hosp. Col. of Med. 90. Asst. to Chair Dis. Chil. Hosp. Col. Morris, J. M. (R) 934 Frankfort Av. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 1371. Res. 1636 Frankfort Av. Tel. 1874. Uni. Lou. 86. B. S. Fairmount Col. 84. Muguet, F. (R) 321 W. Jefferson. 9 to 10, 1 to 3. Res. 1319 W. Walnut. Tel. 479-3. Paris, 42. Ky. Sch. 52. Muench, Albert (R) 609 5th. 9 to 1, 4 to 7. Tel. 444. Uni. Lou. 90. Phar. G. Lou. Col. 88. Mem. Falls City and Ky. Med. Socs. and Ky. Phar. Assn. Oglesby, B. A. (R) 2038 Floyd. Hosp. Col. of Med. 90. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. O'Reilly, J. H. (R) 725 7th. Uni. Lou. 76. Orendorf, Henry (R) Fonda Blk. 9 a. m. to 1,4:30 to 6:30. Tel. 924. *Res. Lou. Hotel. Ky. Sch. Med. 71. Prof. Therap. Genito-Urina. and Skin Dis. Ky. Sch. of Med. Mem. Ky. and Co. Med. Socs. 236 KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. Ouchterlony, John A. A. M. LL.D., Knight Royal Swed. Order of the Polar Star. (R) 825 4th Av. 2 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 1910. Uni. N. Y. 61. Prof. Prin. and Prac. of Med. and Clin. Med. Uni. Lou. Cong. Staff City and Sts. M. and E. Hosps. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Co. and Lou. Clin. Med. Socs. Hon. Mem. Mich. Med. Soc. Palmer, E. R. (R) 721 W. Jefferson. 9 a. m. to 1, 6 to 7 p. m. Tel. 654. Uni. Lou. 64. Prof. Physol. Uni. Lou. Pres. Am. Assn. Genito-Urinary Surg. Mem. Ky. and So. Surg, and Gyn. and Med. and Chir. Med. Socs. Parsons, C. YY. (R) 2633 Portland Av. 1 to 2:30. Res. 3522 High Av. Tel. 1515. St. Louis Med. Col. 57. Payton, T. B. (R) 935 W. Jefferson. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 897. Res. 537 5th. Ky Sch. of Med. 84. Pearce, E. L. (R) 1511 12th. 1 to 3," and at night. Tel. 1226. Uni. Lou. 86. Mem. Ky. and Miss. Val. Med. Socs. Pearce, R. W. (H) 210 W. Chestnut. Uni. Lou. 52. Pelle, H. E. (R) 2507 Portland Av. 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 730. Hosp. Col. 77. Pres. Hosp. Col. of Med. Al. Assn. Mem. Ky. and Lou. Clin. Assn. Pelle, Walter D. (R) 2638 Portland Av. 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 1515. Hosp. Col. 89. Mem. Lou. Clin. Assn. Pennington, J. R. (R) 636 3d. 11 to 2. Tel. 1649. Uni. Md. 87. Chief of Clin, and Asst. to Chair Gyn. and Obstet. Ky. Sch. of Med. Mem. Ky. Med. Soc. Pennington, IV. D. (R) 543 Preston. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 2072. Ky. Sch. of Med. 92. Asst. to Chair of Med. Ky. Sch. of Med. Pfeiffer, R. N. (R) 931 E. Main. 8 to 10,1 to 3, 7 to 8. Res. 1518 Story Av. Tel. 1576. Hosp. Col. of Med. 83. Mem. Ky. and Co. and Lou. Med. and Ind. State and Bartholomew Co. Ind. Med. Socs. Pirtle, J. R. (H). Uni. Lou. 52. Pope, Clarence T. (R) 1504 W. Chestnut. 7:30 to 9, 12 to 2. Tel. 1589. Lou. Med. Col. 73. Mem. Ky. Med. Soc. Pope, Curran, (R) 1st, cor. Chestnut. 10 to 2. Tel. 2122. Uni. Lou. 89. Clin. Prof. Dis. Mind and Nervous System, and Electro-Therap. Lou. Med. Col. Cong. Phys. Nerv. Dis. and Insanity City Hosp. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Miss. Val. and Co. Med. Socs. Porter, E, S. (R) 712 9th. 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 9. Res. 1214 Mad- ison. Tel. 1036. Long Island, 78. Phys. to Col. Orph. Home and Baptist Normal Theolog. Inst. * , Porter, Robert II. (R) 514 4th Av. 9 to 1. Sunday 3 to 5. Tel. 1399. Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 74. Purdom, J. Fulton (R) 910 W. Jefferson. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 897. Res. 1831 Maple. Tel. 1038. Uni. Lou. 81. Mem. Ky. and Miss. Val. and Co. Med. Socs. KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. 237 Pusey, H. M. (R) 639 W. Jefferson. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Tel. 1428-2. Res. 1075 3d. Tel. 79-2. Uni. Lou. 76. Mem. Ky. and Co. Med. Socs. Pusey, W. B. (R) 303 W. Chestnut. 10 to 2, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 720. Uni. Lou. 87. Rademaker, C. J. (R) 719 E. Chestnut. Uni. Lou. 68. Ray, J. Morrison (R) 414 W. Chestnut. 10 to 2. Tel. 1118. Uni. Lou. 82. Clin. Lect. Eye and Ear Uni. Lou. Eye and Ear Surg. City and Sts. M. and E. Hosps. Mem. Am. Med. and Am. Ophthal. and Am. Otol. and Ky. and Med. and Chir. and Co. Med. Socs. Reynolds, Dudley S. (R) 3d Av. cor. Chestnut. 9 to 1. Tel. 190. Uni. Lou. 68. A. B. Irving Col. 58. A. M. Ogden Col. 86. Prof. Ophthal., Otol., and Med. Juris., Lou. Hosp. Col. Med. Staff City Hosp. Pres. Mitchell Dist. Med. Soc. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Co., &c, Med. Socs. Mem. Filson Club. Chairm. Library Com. Polytechnic Soc. of Ky. Rice, D. Frank (R) 218 W. Chestnut. Tel. 1488. Hosp. Col. Med. 92. Richardson, E. (R) 614 3d. 8 to 9, 2 to 3. Graduate Transyl- vania Uni. Mem. Am. Med. Assn. Richardson, J. B. (R) 106 E. Jacob. Jefferson, 64. Ritter, II. B. (R) 1501 W. Jefferson. 9 to 10, 2 to 3. Tel. 1940. Lou. Med. Col. 79. Prof. Obstet. Lou. Med. Col. Roberts, IV. O. (R) 706 W. Chestnut. 12 to 1. Tel. 167-2. Res. 1041 2d. Tel. 1065-2. Uni. Lou. 70. Bellevue, 71. Prof. Surg. Uni. Lou. Surg. Sts. M. and E. Hosp. Mem. Am. Med. and Natl. Assn. R. R. Surg, and Ky. and So. Surg, and Gyn. and Lou. Surg, and Lou. Clin, and Med. and Chir. Med. Socs. Roberts, Walter T. (R) 2113 W. Market. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. 1292. Hosp. Col. 83. Rodman, W. L. (R) 1057 3d. 2 to 3, 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 196. Jef- ferson, 79. A. M. Ky. Mil. Inst. 74. Lect. Oper. Surg, and Surg. Dressing Uni. Lou. Surg. City and Sts. M. and E. Hosps. Surg. 0. & M. R. R. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Lou. Surg, and Co. and Med. and Chir. Med. Socs. Rogers, Coleman (R) 950 3d Av. 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. 1901. Uni. Lou. 65. A. M. 62. Mem. Am. and Ky. Med. Socs. Ronald, G. W. (R) 613 W. Chestnut. Until 9 a. m., 2 to 3, and at night. Tel. 301-3. Uni. Lou. 49. Ruby, F. W. (R) 814 E. Walnut. 8:30 to 9:30, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 151-3. Res. Shelby, cor. Madison. Tel. 1270-3. Uni. Lou. 85. Rudell, J. F. (R) 943 E. Jeff. Hosp. Col. 82. Samuel, F. W. (R) 405 W. Chestnut. Ky. Sch. 85. Satterwhite, T. P. (R) 220 E. Gray. Uni. Lou. 57. 238 KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. Sauter, Chas. (R) 814 E. Walnut. 9:30 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 151-3. Res. 715 E. Broadway. Tel. 151-2. Lou. Med. Col. 70. Schachner, A. (R) 507 2d. Lou. Med. 88. Schellschmidt, (R) 411 Jackson. Schuck, J. H. (R) 20th and Portland Av. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 1950. Hosp. Col. 89. Asst. to Chair Surg. Hosp. Col. of Medicine. Attng. Phys. St. Ann's Maternity Hosp. Mem. Ky. and Clin. Assn. Scott, Preston B. (R) 303 W. Broadway. 11 to 12, 4 to 5. Tel. 776. Res. 1514 3d. Tel. 2028. Uni. Lou. 56. Cong. Phys. Masonic Widows and Orphans' Home. Mem. Am. and Ky. Med. Socs. Scribner, E. B. (R) 347 W. Jefferson. 9 to 1, 4 to 7. Tel. 1277. Ky. Sch. of Med. 83. Mem. Ky. and Co. Med. Socs. Dis. Skin and Genito-Urinary organs. Seitz, L. A. (R) 1700 Baxter, cor. Christy Avs. 9 to 10, 2 to 4, and at night. Lou. Med. Col. 91. Tel. 2016 or 2098. Senteny, W. W. (R). 48 years practice. Sheley, P. A. (R) 734 4th. Med. Col. 0. 76. Sherrill, J. G. (R) 558 2d. Lou. Med. Col. 88. Simpson, F. C. (R) 411 W. Chestnut. 11 to 12, 4 to 5. Tel. 2007. Res. 315 W. St Catherine. Tel. 1257. Uni. Lou. 80. Mem. Ky. and Med. and Chir. and Co. Med. Socs. Simpson, G. F. (R) 1118 W. Broadway. Uni. Lou. 81. Skinner, Cornelius, (R) 110 W. Oak. 11 a. m. to 1. Tel. 1620. Uni. Va. 82. Staff City Hosp. Mem. Ky. and Med. and Chir. and Co. Med. Socs. Smith, A. G. (H) 621 3d Av. 8 to 9, 10 to 11, 2 to 3, 6 to 8. Pulte, 79. Smith, D. T. (R) 115 E. Broadway. Uni. Lou. 70. Smith, S. A. (R) 1811 W. Broadway. Ky. Sch. 84. Spangenthal, J. (R) 641 W. Jefferson. Uni. Lou. 92. Spangler, C. L. (R) 405 Preston. Miami, 73. Stafford, John A. (R) 1247 Reservoir Av. 9 to 10,1 to 2, 6 to 8. Tel. 649. Uni. Lou. 90. Mem. Co. Med. Soc. Stedman, J. B. (R) 558 2d. Lou. Med. 83. Stine, C. H. (R) 1916 Preston. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel---. Hosp. Col. of Med. 85. Mem. Natl. Assn. R. R. Surg. Stucky, Thos. Hunt (R) 129 W. Chestnut, cor. 2d. 10a. m. to 1. Tel. 789. Hosp. Col. Med. 8o. Ph.D. 87. Prof. Theory and Prac. and Clin. Med. Hosp. Col. Med. Prof. Mat. Med. Lou. Sch. Phar. for Women. Cong. Staff Jennie Cassidy Infy. for Women, and Christian Orph Home. Phys. City Hosp. Pres. Am. Rhinol. Soc. and Miss. Val. Med. Soc. Mem. 4m. and Ky. and Co. and Med. and Chir. Med. Socs. Taylor, C. W. (H). Homo. Col. Mo. 79. KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. 239 Taylor, Jeff. D. (R) 18th, cor. Portland Av. 9 to 10, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. 1837. Ky. Sch. of Med. 82. Taylor, P. Richard (R) 229 W. Chestnut. 10 to 2, 7 to 8. Tel. 1527. Hosp. Col. Med. 87. Prof. Mat. Med. and Therap. Hosp. Col. of Med. Mem. Ky. and Co. and Mitchell Dist. Med. Socs. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Taylor, R. IV. (R) 1126 W. Walnut. Jefferson, 64. Terrell, W. H. (R). Uni. Lou. 75. Thomson, David D. (R) 619 3d Av. 9 to 10 a. m., 1 to 2. Res. 2217 3d Av. Tel. No. Uni. Lou. 49. A. B. Center Col. 46. Tin nsloii, J. (R) 1213 2d. Uni. Lou. 57. Tlnim, Mandeville (R) 107 W. Oak. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 355. Ky. Sch. of Med. 81. B. S. 76. Cong. Gyn. City Hosp. Mem. Ky. Med. Soc. Timberlake, John R. (R) 1339 New Broadway. 1 to 3. Tel. 1489. Ky. Sch. of Med. 57. Uni. Lou. 62. Phys. to Episco- * pal Church Home. Toon, A. (R) 733 E. Jefferson. Med. Col. 0. 66. Trunuell, P. G. (R) S. K. Cor. 9th and Broadway. 2 to 4. Tel. 1601. Uni. Lou. 72. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Miss. Val. and Lou. Med. and Co. Med. Socs. Tuley, Henry E. R. (R) 111 W. Kentucky. Until 9 a. m., 12 to 3. Tel. 1077. Uni. Lou. 90. A. B. 88. N. Y. Infant Asy. 91-92. Sloane Mat. Hosp. 92. N. Y. Polyclinic, 90. Mem. Ky. and Falls City Med. Socs. Tyler, S. M. H. (R) 2408 Magazine. 8 to 10, 12 to 3, 6 to 8. Tel. 549. Res. 418 Centre. 11 to 1. Tel. 2301. Lou. Med. Col. 80. Mem. Co. and Lou. Med. Socs. Phys. to Inter-State Sick Benefit Assn. Underwood, E. C. (R) 2401 Portland Av. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 9 p. m. Tel. No. Res. 2522 Montgomery. Hosp. Col. 88. Mem. Ky. and Miss. Val. and Clin. Assn. and Med. and Chir. and Co. Med. Socs. Vance, Ap Morgan (R) 218 W. Chestnut. 12 to 3. Tel. 1488. Uni. Lou. 78. Surg. Sts. M. and E. Hosp. and Methodist Orphan Home. Mem. Am. Med. and Am. Orthop. and Miss. Val. and So. Surg, and Gyn. Med. Socs., &c. Vimont, Chas. YY. (R) 1531 W. Jefferson. Uni. Lou. 89. B. S. Ky. Weslyan Col. 86. Vissman, Win. (R) 806 E. Broadway. 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 2336. Lou. Med. Col. 88. Berlin, Ger. 92. A. B. 83. Mem. Lou. Microscop. Soc. Walker, T. R. (R) 715 2d. P. and S. N. Y. 53. Walling, G. H. (R) 3204 Portland Ave. Uni. Lou. 47. Warner, G. M. (R) 620 E. Mkt. Lou. Med. 80. Washburn, D. L. (R) 1225 W. Broadway. Uni. Lou. 83. 240 Kentucky Physicians. Wathen, YYm. II. (R) The Fonda. 4th Av. 11 to 1. Tel. 690. Res. 1336 3d A v. Uni. Lou. 70. Prof. Abdominal Surg, and Dis. Women and Obstet. and Dean, of Faculty Ky. Sch. of Med. Cong. Gyn. City Hosp. Mem. Am. Med. and Am. Gyn. and Am. Assn. Obstet. and Gyn. and Ky. and So. Surg, and Gyn. and Miss. Val. and Tri-state of Ga. and Tenn. and Ala., &c., Med. Socs. Weidner, C. (R) 1910 W. Market. Ky. Sch. 81. Wells, F. M. (R) 2323 W. Chestnut. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Tel. 2128. Uni. Lou. 82. White, IV. P. (R) 328 7th. Uni. Lou. 69. Wilkinson, Monroe (R) 809 1st. Uni. Lou. 60. Wilson. C. R (R) 2506 St. Cecilia. Wilson. Frank C. (R) 1101 3d. Till 8:30 a. m., 2 to 3. Tel. 6. Uni. Va. 67. A. B. Wash. Col. 60. Prof. Dis. Chest Ho.p. Col. ., of Med. Cong. Staff City Hosp. Mem. Am. and Ky. and Med. and Chir. and Co. Med. Socs. Wimp, J. E. (R) 1124 W. Walnut. Ky. Sch. 90. IVindell, J. Tolbert, (R). Asst. to Dr. E. R, Palmer. 721 W. Jefferson. 9 a. m. to 1. Tel. 654. Uni. Lou. 92. Woody, Sam. E. (R) 1506 W. Walnut. 7 to 8, 11 to 1, 6 to 7. Tel. 977. Res. 600 W. Broadway. Lou. Med. Col. 79. Prof. Chem. and Dis. Chil. Ky. Sch. of Med. Cong. Surg. City Hosp. Mem. Am. Med. and Internl. Med. Cong, and Ky. and Lou. Clin. Assn. and Lou. Microscop. Yager, IV. H. (R) 1847 Shelby. Uni. Lou. 91. Vandell, David IV. (R) 706 W. Chestnut. 2 to 3. Tel. 167. Uni. Lou. 46. Prof. Surg. Uni. Lou. Cone:. Surg. City and Sts. M. and E. Hosps. and St. Joseph Infy. " Mem. Am. Med. and Am. Surg, and Ky. and So. Surg, and Gyn. Med. Socs., &c. Yoe, R. T. (R) 313 E. Walnut. Hosp. Col. 85. ADAIRVILLE (LOGAN) Bailey, C. (R). Uni. Lou. 71. Butt, A. E. (R). Uni. Nashville, 83. Hollins, G. M. (R). Uni. Lou. 85. Johnson, G. W. (R). Uni. Lou. 85. Eassiter, A. J. (R). Uni. Nashville, 83. McClcndon. J. P. (R). Hosp. Col. of Med. Simmons, D. G. (R). Uni. Lou. Simmons, G. J. (R). Uni. Lou. 44. Smith, W. M. (R). Townscnd, R. P. (R). Uni. N. Y. 69. Townsend, T. J. (R). Uni. N. Y. 69. ALBANY LANDING (CUMBERLAND) Jackman, A. M. (R). Uni. Lou. 74 Keen, YY. T. (R). Uni. Tenn. 85. KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. ALONZO (ALLEN) Sherry, R. E. (R). Uni. Nashville, 76. ARLINGTON (BALLARD) Hobbs, A. T. (R). Bellevue, 75. Hocker, R. T. (R). Uni. Nashville, 70. Owen, J. R. (R). Uni. Lou. 72. Peck, J. M. (R). Uni. Nashville, 82. ASHLAND (BOYD) Berry, A. G. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 86. Berry, A. F. (R). Hosp. Col. of Med. 88. Martin, J. W. (R). Uni. Lou. Montiuollin, J. M. (R). Jefferson, 62. Tiernan, F. IV. (R). Jefferson, 72. Vernier, E. A. (R). Columbus Med. Col. 89. Wade, J. II. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 72. Wilson. D. H. (R). Jefferson, 65. Youiisj, M. H. (R). Jefferson, 59. Voting:, T, R. (R). Jefferson, 59. ATHENS (FAYETTE) Parker, S. E. (R). Uni. Lou. 64. Wilson, C. II. (R). Pulte, 87. AUBURN (LOGAN) Burr, YY. R. (R). Uni. Lou. 87. Helm, T. O. (R). Uni. Lou. 85. Proctor, G. B. (R). Uni. Nash. 57. Villines, D. M. (R). Uni. Lou. 66. Winston, D. Y. (R). Uni. Pa. 88. AUGUSTA (BRACKEN) Bayless, H. G. (R). Med. Col. 0. 78. Bradford, T. S. (R). Jefferson, 71. Clarke, J. W. (R). Uni. Lou. Hobday, R. D. (R). Med. Col. 0. 56. McCormick, W. D. (R). Med. Col. 0. 36. Mannon, A. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. 72. Patterson, J. M. (H). Pulte, 87. AUSTERLITZ (BOURBON) Grimes, J. A. (R). Uni. Lou. 82. BARBOURSVILLE (KNOX) Black, J. M. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 89. Burnsides, W. (R). St. Louis Col. P. and S. 89. 242 KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. Herudon, B. F. (R). Uni. Lou. 84. Herndou, C. G. (R). Uni. Lou. 84. Neilson, W. B. (R). Jefferson. BARDSTOWN (NELSON) Cox, A. K. (R). Med. Col. 0. Crawford, A. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 59. Crawford, J. H. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 84. Franklin, B. F. (R). Uni. Lou. Gore, B. E. (R.) Uni. Lou. 83. Hickman, J. F. (R). Jefferson. Hill, B. F. (R). Uni. Lou. 79. Hill, J. W. (R). Uni. Lou. Hill, J. W., Jr. (R). Uni. Lou. Hobson, V. 11. (R). Hosp. Col. of Med. 89. Newton, J. F. (R). Jefferson, 54. Pope, J. E. (R). Uni. N. Y. 55. Sloan, E. J. (R). Uni Lou. Smith, A. (R). St. Lou. Med. Col. 60. Williams, T. D. (R). Hosp. Col. Med. 76. BARDWELL (CARLISLE) Elsey, J. II. (R). Uni. Lou. 75. Graves, W. T. (R). Uni. Lou. 82. Heath, J. (R). Jefferson. Mosby, W. E. (R). Mo. Med. Col. 83. BEARD (OLDHAM) Fai wood, IV. S. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 87. Freeman, J. A. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 71. Marshall, T. T. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 84. BOWLING GREEN (WARREN) Blakeley, IV. H. (H). Mo. Homo. Col. 65. Brings, J. S. (R). Uni. Nashville, 89. Carson, J. O. (R). Uni. Lou. 78. Carlwright, H. P. (R). Uni. Nashville, 82. Cartwrigbt, J. P. (R). Bellevue, 82. Clay pool, IV. M. (R). Uni. Nashville, 75. Coombs, S. IV. (R). Uni- Nashville, 85. Dickerson, W. H. (R). Jefferson. Helm, W. D. (R). Jefferson. Johnson, J. L. (R). Uni. Lou. McCormack, J. N. (R). Miami, 70. McElroy, J. F. (R). Jefferson, 66. Meredith, J. E. (R). Uni. Nashville, 73. Millsop, Sarah J. (H). Hahn.'Chi. 86. Payne, J. H. (R). Jefferson. KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. 243 Robinson, J. M. (R). Uni. Lou. 82. IVright, A. C. (R) Jefferson, 58. Wright, T. B. (R). Uni. Louisville. BURKESVILLE (CUMBERLAND) Alexander, R. Iff. (R). Jefferson, 65. Brown, E. A. (R). Uni. Nashville, 75. Dixon, J. A. (R). Bowdoin, 76. Haggard, C. K.. (R). Uni. Lou. 81. Hunter, W. G. (R). Qni. Lou. Norris, W. H. (R). 10 years practice. Sandidge, P. E. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 61. CAMPBELLSVILLE (TAYLOR) Bass, S. R. (R). Uni. Lou. 61. Black, B. T. (R). Uni. Lou. 85. Buchanan, J. B. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 76. Chandler, S. T. (R). Uni. Lou. 51. Chandler, W. T. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 73. Stallard, P. (R). Med. Col. 0. 80. Waddell, G. W. (R). Uni. Lou. CARLISLE (NICHOLAS) Burroughs, H. C. (R). Uni. Lou. 77. Dills, M. (R). Med. Col, 0. 71. Fritts, W. W. (R). Uni. Lou. 53. Grimes, G. W. (R). Uni. Lou. 82. Kehoe, H. C. (H). Pulte, 85. Eindsay, P. (R). Med. Col. 0. 57. McNew, N. H. (R). Jefferson. Reynolds, B. F. (R). Uni. Lou. Tilton, R. D. (R). Med. Col. 0. 82. CARROLTON (CARROLL) Donaldson, A. B. (R). Jefferson, 86. Doslee, L. E. (R). Uni. Lou. Eggers, H. D. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 82. Gaines, F. H. (R). Uni. Nashville, 56. Holmes, B. E. (R). Uni. Lou. 89. Meade, P. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg/64. Wilson, C. H. (R). Jefferson. CLINTON (HICKMAN) Beeler, G. (R). Jefferson, 56. Earle, H. O. (R). Uni. Lou. Jordon, IV. A. (R). Jefferson, 73. Petrie, J. S. (R). St. Lou. Med Col. 58. Reid, E. O. (R). Hosp. Col. of Med. 75. 244 KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. Richmond, W. IV. (R). Uni. Lou. 74. Seag, F. G. (R). Uni. Lou. 74. CYNTHIANA (HARRISON) Boyd, J. (R). Jefferson. Givens, E. S. (R). Med Col. 0. 87. Hedges, T. IV. (R). Cin. Col. Med. and Surg. 68. Hickman, J. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. Hood, T. II. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 74. McDowell. H. (R). Uni. Med. Col. 58. McNess, IV. T. (R). St. Lou. Med. Col. Madison, J. P. (R). Uni. Lou. Scott, O. R. (R). Uni. Lou. 88. Scott, IV. N. (R). Starling, 63. Smiser, J. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. DANVILLE (BOYLE) Bogle, J. C. (R). Uni. Lou. 78. Cowen, G. (R). Jefferson, 55. Cowen, H. J. (R). Jefferson. Dunlap, F. (R). Tulane Uni. 79. Evans, W. R. (R). Uni. Lou. 50. Johns, E. B. (H). Chi. Homo. Col. 86. Johnstone, A. W. (R). Uni. Lou. McMurtry, E. S. (R). Tulane Uni. 73. Moore, J. H. (R). Bellevue, 89. Tucker, D. C, (R). Bellevue, 66. O'Rear, R. M. (R). Uni. Lou. 57. FRANKFORT (FRANKLIN) Chinn, C. B. (R). Med. Col. 0. 65. Duvall, A. (R). Uni. Lou. 78. Duvall, B. F. (R). Transylvania, 56. Ely, J. R. (R). Uni. Lou. Gober, E. M. (R). Hosp. Col. of Med. 77. Hume, E. E. (R). Uni. Lou. 69. James, S. E. (R). Jefferson, 77. Price, J. E. (R). Bellevue, 77. Sawyier, N. J. (R). Med. Col. 0. 57. Smith, S. F. (R). Uni. Lou. Stewart, J. Q. A. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 59. Thompson, G. F. (R). Hosp. Col. of Med. 75. Tobin, H. E. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. Williams, U. V. (R). Jefferson, 58. FRANKLIN (SIMPSON) Chisholm, J. B. (R). Uni. Tenn. 85. Douglass, J. C. (R). Uni. Nashville 73. KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. 245 Edwards, C. H. (R). Uni. Nashville, 57. Herrington, J. H. (R). Uni. Lou. 69. Jones, E. J. (R). Jefferson, 61. Key, A. M. (R). Uni. Nashville, 76. Mil liken. J. H. (R). Uni. Nashville, 69. Neeley, J. E. (R). Uni. N. Y. 63. Neeley, J. W. (R). Uni. Nashville, 60. Tannehill, P. B. (R). Uni. Lou. GEORGETOWN, (SCOTT) Bradley, J. W. (R). Uni. Lou. Brown, G. O. (R). Pulte, 86. Brown, G. B. (R). Med. Col. 0. Bryan, R. F. (R). Uni. N. Y. 48. Carrick, J. C. (R). Hosp. Col. of Med. 89. Carrick, R. E. (H). Pulte, 88. CofTman, YY. H. (R). Hosp. Col. of Med. 76. Eewis, C. C. (R). Uni. Lou. 73. Lewis, J. A. (R). Uni. Lou. Pack, J. E. (R). Bellevue, 73. Roberts, IV. P. (H). Pulte, 88. Thomasson, J. C. (H). Pulte, 89. Wren, S. T. (R). Bellevue, 67. GLASGOW (BARREN) Grinstead, R. H. (R). Uni. Lou. 53. Eeach, J. S. (R). Uni. Lou. 81. Owsley, W. T. (R). Keokuk, la. 89. Page, J. H. (R). Uni. Lou. 75. Purcell, S. T. (R). Homo. Med. Col. St. L. 66. Shipley, B. J. (R). Uni. Lou. 73. Williams, W. A. (R). Med. Col. 0. HARRODSBURGH (MERCER) Dalton, J. M. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 82. Davis, G. E. (R). Bellevue, 89. Duncan, C. T. (R). Hosp. Col. of Med. 89. Forsyth, M. E. (R). Jefferson, 64. Gaither, IV. W. (R). Jefferson, 60. Plummer, H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 61. Price, A. D. (R). Uni. Lou. 65. Spillman, C. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. Wiley, E. M. (R). Uni. Lou. HENDERSON (HENDERSON) Cabell, C. S. (R). Mo. Med. Col. 80. Brown, J. Y. (R). Bellevue, 87. Dixon, A. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 76. 246 KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. Griffin, J. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. Hanna, W. M. (R). Uni. Lou. 62. Hodge, J. A. (R). Uni. Lou. 50. Jenkins, N. B. (R). Hosp. Col. Med. 89. Letcher, B. (R). Col. P. and S. N. Y. 56. Letcher, J. H. (R). Uni. Lou. 73. Mullins, IV. S. (H). Pulte, 76. O'Neal, S. A. (R). Meharry, 88. Thompson, P. (R). Uni. Lou. 53. Viehe, C. H. (H). Homo. Med. Col. Mo. 76. HOPKINSVILLE (CHRISTIAN) Bell, D. E. (R). Uni. Nashville, 82. Blakey, T. W. (R). Jefferson, 82. Campbell, G. W. (R). Jefferson, 81. Dennis, J. M. (R). Jefferson, 60. Dulin, J. M. (R). Med. Col. 0. Eager, B. F. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 77. Fuqua, IV. M. (R). Med. Col. Va. 59. Gaines, R. W. (R). Uni. Nashville. Gish, D. J. (H). Clevld. Homo. Col. 53. Harris, L. G. (R). Uni. Lou. Hickman, L. B. (R). Med. Col. 0. Eackey, G. W. (R). Hosp. Col. of Med. 76. Eillard, J. W. (R). Meharry, 88. Misbitt, W. K. (R). Uni. Lou. 88. Seargent, A. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 81. Wallace, H. H. (R). Uni. Lou. 83. Stone, B. IV. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 68. Voung, J. A. (H). Hahn. Phila. 68. LEBANON (MARION) Cleaver, T. F. (R). la. Med. Col. 87. Cleaver, IV. W. (R). Uni. Lou. 50. Hodgen, R. D. (R). Uni. Lou. 59. Kelly, E. (R). Uni. Nashville, 81. Knott, E. D. (R). Uni. Lou. 66. McChord, R. C. (R). Lou. Med. Col.' 75. Mattingly, W. E. (R). Uni. Lou. 69. Ridgely, J. (R). Uni. Lou. Rose, A. (R). Jefferson, 79. LEXINGTON (FAYETTE) Allen, A. S. (R). Transylvania Uni. Barrow, D. (R). Tulane Uni. 80. Bennett, D. (R). Bellevue, 66. Bewlay, H. (E). E. M. Inst. 79. Bright, J. T. (R). Uni. Pa. 66. KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. Brown, O. F. (R). Bellevue, 84. Bryan, F. F. (R). Bellevue, 80. Bullock, W. O. (R). Bellevue, 69. Clarke, F. H. (R). Uni. Lou. 84. Clubb, J. IV. (R). Uni. Lou. 84. Coleman, B. E. (R). Bellevue, 71. Edgar, J. F. (H). Pulte, 87. Evans, S. F. (R). Hosp. Col. of Med. 81. Greene, R. S. (R). Bellevue, 67. Jones, E. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 57. Eeslie, M. S. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 89. Madara, J. W. (R). Jefferson, 76. Ockford, G. M. (H). Clevel'd Homo. 72. Oldham, J. V. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 85. Patterson, T. E. (R). Bellevue, 84. Price, S. S. (R). Transvlvania Uni. Pryor, J. IV. (R). State Uni. Mo. 76. Robinson, M. P. (R). E. M. Inst. 77. Rodes, IV. (R). Col. P. and S. Bait. 77. Rogers, IV. H. (R). Med. Col. 0. 69. Scott, M. T. (R). Uni. N. Y. 87. Stockdell, J. L. (R). Transylvania, 53. Stucky, J. (R). Uni. Lou. 78. Thompson, J, F. (R). Uni. Va. 88. Todd, E. B. (R). Jefferson, 54. Whitney. H. C. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 76. Whitney, J. W. (R). Jefferson, 52. Willis, R. E. (R). Bellevue, 75. Voung, F. O. (R). Uni. Lou. 74. MT. STERLING (MONTGOMERY) Bright, E. C. (R). Uni. Lou. 55. Cox, G. r¥. (R). Uni. Lou. 85. Drake, R. O,. (R). Jefferson, 68. Duerson, C. (R). Hosp. Col. of Med. 79. Guerrant, R. P. (R). Jefferson, 66. Holladay, B, E. (R). Uni. Lou. 88. Jones, J. F. (R). Hosp. Col. of Med. 79. Proctor, D. E. (R). Uni. Lou. 69. Sinn all. IV. T. (R). Lou. Med. Col. 72. Stoops, A. B. (R). Uni. Pa. 69. Taulbee, J. B. (R). P. and S. St. Joe, 69. Van Antwerp, IV. (R). Miami, 76. OWENSBORO (DAVIESS) Griffith, D. M. (R). Tulane Uni. 88. Hale, J. (R). Uni. Lou. 56. Heavrin, J. P. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 82. 248 KENTUCKY PHYSICIANS. Hobbs, B. B. (R). Uni. Lou. Luckett, E. H. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 54. Pennington, E. R. (R). Uni. Lou. 75. Peters, J. (R). Meharry, 89. Rodman, J. J. (R). Uni. Lou. 78. Todd, C. H. (R). Tulane Uni. 61. Watkins, S. S. (R). Uni. Lou. 83. Wood, A. C. (R). Uni. Lou. PADUCAH (MCCRACKEN) Ail kins. A. E. (R). Mo. Med. Col. 87. Bailey, IV. O. (R). Uni. Lou. 88. Boyd, J. F. (R). Rush, 89. Bradburn, W. W. (R). Med. Col. 0. Brooks, J. G. (R). Jefferson, 68. Cowgill, IV. M. (R). Uni. Lou. 83. Elliott, C. A. (R). Ky. Sch. of Med. 52. Foster, D. J. (R). Uni. Nashville, 59. Hunt, IV. D. (R). Uni. Lou. 70. Mays, J. J. (R). Meharry 89. Milan, M. G. (R). Uni. Nash. 60. Murrell, D. G. (R). Hosp. Col. of Med. 78. Payne, S. T. (R). Uni. Lou. 50. Pearce, C. J. (H). Hahn. Phila. 77. Rivers, T. (R). Uni. N. Y. 53. Sanders, W. H. (R). Long Island, 64. Smith, J. A. (R). Bellevue, 87. Taylor, J. ©,. (R). Uni. Lou. 83. Warfield, E. (R). Uni. Lou. 83. Webb, J. G. (R). Uni. Lou. 73. Wells, T. H. (R). Hosp. Col. of Med. 78. DRUGGISTS. INDIANAPOLIS Barmm, Chas. E., 452 Mass. Av. Tel. 738. Bedford, C. T., 2 Indiana A v. Browning, B.C., 15 W. Washington. Phila. Col. Phar. 83. Mem. Am. and Ind. Phar. Socs. Deitch, O. S., 880 W. Washington. Tel. 1364. Dudley F. & Co., 300 N. New Jersey. Frietzsche, John V., 76 E. Ohio. Homoeopathic Pharmacy. Keegan, Frank, 5th, Cor. Tennessee. Tel. 1681. Mem. Ind. and Co. Phar. Socs. Owen, J. B., 302 N. Illinois. Tel. 1238. Mem. Marion Co. Drug. Assn. Pantzer, F. Will, 54 W. Washington. Tel. 964. Also Lincoln Lane Phar., S. E. Cor. East and Lincoln Lane. Tel. 1130. Phila. Col. of Phar. 86. Mem. Ind. Phar. Assn. Sloan, Geo. IV., 22 W. Washington. M. D. Med. Col. Ind. 80. Phar. D. Purdue Uni. 91. Mem. Am. and Ind. Phar. Socs. LOUISVILLE Beckmann, B. & Son, S. W. cor. Broadway and Baxter Av. Tel 83. Lou. Col. Phar. 75. Mem. Am. and Ky. Phar. Assn. Brigham, M. G., S. W. cor. 8th and Jefferson. Tel. 1776-2. Cohn, Henry P., 1101 E. Broadway. Lou. Col. Phar. 92. Eckels, E. IV., 1729 W. Market. Tel. 767-2. Diehl, C. Eewis, 3d, cor Broadway. Flexner, J. A., 448 W. Market and 309 5th. Tel. 5-2. Lou. Col. Phar. 78. Fowler, J. IV., 2d, cor. Green. Tel. 373-2. Lou. Col. Phar. 74. M. D. Lou. Med. Col. 90. Pres. Lou. Col. of Phar. Pres. Ky. Bd. of Phar. Mem. Am. and Ky. Phar. Socs. Heuser, Phil., 12th and Delaware. Tel. 336-4. Lou. Col. Phar. 80. 1st. V.-Pres. Lou. Col. Phar. Mem. Am. and Ky. Phar. Socs. Eaughlin, Win. R., N. W. cor. 7th and Jefferson. Tel. 1789. Mem. Ky. Phar. Assn. Rouz & Henry, Market, cor. Floyd. Tel. 820 and 456. Mem. Am. and Ky. Phar. Socs. 249 250 DRUGGISTS. Schweitzer, David, N. W. cor. 22d and Market. Tel. 698-4. Strassel, Wm., Preston, cor. Ormsby Av. Tel. Con. Walker, S. P., 301 W. Walnut. Tel. 1169. ANDERSON Buck, Brickley & Co., Tel 70. A. B. Buck, Am. and Ind. Phar. Socs. COLUMBUS Fehring, A. H., 6th, cor. Washington. Cin. Col. Phar. 89. Mem. Am. Phar. Assn. Holmes, H. M. A Bro. Stahlhuth, Ernst & Co., S. E. cor. Washington and 5th. Cin. Col. Phar. 86. Mem. Am. and 0. and Ind. Phar. Socs. EVANSVILLE Kerth, A. H., 2d Av., cor Penn. Cin. Col. Phar. 92. FT. WAYNE Dreier & Bro. Frankenstein, Max E., Washington, cor. Barr. Ph. G. Uni. Leipsic, 81. Mem. Ind. Phar. Soc. Tel. 100. Gross & Pellens, 94 Calhoun. Wm. Otto Gross N. Y. Col. of Phar. 86. Mem. Ind. Phar. Soc. Heaton, C. E., Clinton, cor. Berry. Tel. 309. Holmes, E. S., 170 W. Main.. Tel. 424. Klinkenberg, O. G. Eoesch, G. H. Neufer, J. M., 544 S. Calhoun. Ph. B. Taylor Uni. 88. Tel. 435. FRANKLIN Eccles, S. B., 58 E. Jefferson. Mem. Ind. Phar. Assn. LAFAYETTE Vawter & Warner, 6th and Main. Will H. Vawter, Ph.G. Purdue Uni. 88. C. M. Warner, Ph.G. Purdue Uni. 89. JEFFERSONVILLE Field, Davis E., 59 E. Maple. Martin, F. A. & Co., 197 W. Market. Zuerner, J., Spring, bet. 7th and 8th. NEW ALBANY Garey, D., Vincennes, cor. Elm. IVeedham, H, J. Homoeopathic Pharmacy. Market, N. E. cor. Bank. DRUGGISTS. 251 RICHMOND Allison, E. H. Boppart, A. Ewing, V. B. G. Field, B. A. Hiatt, J. A. Euken & Co. Magaw, C. E. Newlin Bros. Ross, W. H. SudhoflT, IV. H. Teague, I. Cooper, 189 Ft. Wayne Av. Tel. 113. Pres. Medi- cated Air and Drug Co. Wampler, J. M. WABASH Bailey, M. Billiard. F. P. Eynn & Eeedy. Jas. Lynn, Jr. Uni. Mich. 76. Swadley & Son, cor. Main and Wabash. Mem. Ind. Phar. Soc. Established in Terre Haute in 1880. 32 Years' Experience. LEWIS LOCKWOOD MANUFACTURER OF ARTIFICIAL LEGS AND ARMS, BRHCES FOR THE CURE OF Bow Legs, Knock Knees, Weak Ankles, Curvature of the Spine, Etc. TRUSSES Fitted and adjusted free, and guaranteed to hold any Rupture. FULL LINE OF CRUTCHES ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. Legs with or without side motion at ankle of any make, including Bly, Foster, adjustable socket, or rubber ankle. No advance money required until leg has been thoroughly tested. Satisfaction or no sale. Repairing promptly done at moderate terms. Correspondence solicited. En- dorsed by Terre Haute's ablest physicians. References cheerfully given. Up Stalrs.-SEVENTH AND WABASH AVE.-Up Stairs. McKEEN BLOCK, BOOM 14. TEBBE HAUTE. IND. INDIANA DENTISTS. Arranged Alphabetically by Postofflces. Porter, John...................Acton. Lockhart,......................Alaska. Coyle, J. ».....................Albion. Reid, B. C......................Alexander. Gilstrap, E. C..................Allen's Creek. „ ANDERSON Bird, OT. A. Meckel, C. B. Perkins, B. T. Reid, II. B. Waugh, J. E...................Angola. Berlin, A. R....................Argos. Cunningham, A. B............San Attica. Coates, A. W...................Auburn. Johnston, A. B..................... k< Harnig, E. E...................Aurora. Tevis, W. E.................... " Britt, G..........................Beaver Dam. Fox, Wm. OT....................Bedford. Ti ai nor, J. W.................. " Crain, J. W....................Bloomington. Dillon, Flora.................. " Fisher, W. S...................... ;< Robinson, P. E................Bluffton. Sturgis, T...................... " Lamar, T.J...................Boonville. ItlcKenney, J. W.............. " Shoptaugh, E.................. " Einn, O. S.......................Bourbon. BRAZIL Eybyer, S. II. Wolfe, YY. J., E. Main St. Armstrong, OT. C...............Brookville. Morton, J. E................... " Shields, S. W...................Brownstown. 252 Indiana dentists. Johnson, A. W.................Brown's Valley. Beechler, C. W.................Butler. Hamilton, J. A.................Cambridge City. Wilson, C. S.................... " Beal, G. W.....................Cannelton. OTorris. E. OT....................Canton. Nutt, J. E.........................Carthage. Sparks, J. W................... " Rogers, H. D......................Charlestown. Tucker, H.....................Cicero. Nicholson, D. D................Claysville. White, COT....................Clinton. OTackemson, W. W............Columbia City. Slesman, B. F.................. " Widup, H. C................... " COLUMBUS Lopp, J. W. Ind. Dent. Col. 88. Pi all, J. W., Lucas Blk. Ind. Dent. Col. 85. Whitesides, C. E., Washington St. Ind. Dent. Col. 91. Med. Col. Ind. 83. Woodard, T. B. Ind. Dent. Col. 82. Sailor, J. H.......................Covington. CRAWFORDSVILLE. Gonzales & Galey, 131£ E. Main. Galcy, B. V., 131£ E. Main. Gonzales, F. B., 131£ E. Main. Ind. Dent. Col. 89. McCormick, J. C. OTcOTechan, T. Ream, E. W., 231* E. Main. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 90. Totten, E., Main, cor. Green. OTarkle, A. OT...................Crown Point. Finkham, C. J................. " Dunn, YY. R....................Dale. Jones, TV. OT....................Dana. Harlan, J. B. & C. E..........Danville. OTitchell & Sears.............. " DECATUR DeVilbiss, A. E. Neptune, J. Q. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 86. Dietrich, R. OT.................Delphi. Gochenour, Harrison " Jordon, Eewis................. Vanosdol, C. E.................Dillsboro. Robinson T. S................Dundee. Hinshaw, Loring L.................Edinburg. 254 INDIANA DENTISTS. Cummins, S. OT................Elkhart. George, W. OT.................. " Short, S. B..................'... « Werner, J. F................... " Gentile, R. B..................Elwood. EVANSVILLE Biddle, E. D. Fillinger, J. D. Haas, I. & M. M. Hutchinson, F. Knapp, Emil, 5th, cor. Main. Att'd 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 76 and 77. Eewis, S. B., 2d, cor. Main. Pittman, C. E. Eester, C. C, Ind. Dent. Col. 92. Smith, S. C. Wilde, Herman. Dale, G. R.....................Fairmount. Irwin, A. B.....................Farmer. Collane, W. R.....................Flora. „ FT. WAYNE Adams, J. H. Brown, Seneca B., 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phila. Dent. Col. 70. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 70. M. D. Ft. W. Col. Med. 88. Pres. Ind. Dent. Col. Mem. Am. and Ind. and N. Ind. and Miss. Val. and Isaac Knapp Dent. Coterie. Chm. State Com. Columbian Dent. Cong. Coyle, J. D., 98 Calhoun. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Hartman, S. B. Johnson, Geo. E., 74 Calhoun. Phila. Dent. Col. 90. Mem. Ind. and Isaac Knapp Dent. Coterie. OTcCurdy, J. S„ 22 W. Berry. Ind. Dent. Col. 88. Mem. Ind. and Isaac Knapp Dent. Coterie. Mason, OT. A., 26 W. Wayne. Uni. Mich. 90. Sec. N. Ind. Dent. Soc. Mem. Isaac Knapp Dent. Coterie. Mommer, B. H. OTungen, W. W., Calhoun, cor. Columbia. Ind. Dent. Col. 90. Mem. Isaac Knapp Dent. Coterie. Pierce, H. W., Lafayette, cor. Lewis. Mo. Dent, Col. 90. Rauch, A. J. Shryock, Wm. YY., 27 W. Berry. Ind. Dent. Col. 82. Mem. Am. and Ind. Dent. Socs. Sites, E. F., 86 Calhoun. Uni. Mich. 79. Mem. Isaac Knapp Dent. Coterie. Sites, H. C, 82 Calhoun. Mem. Isaac Knapp Dent. Coterie. Weisell, D. D. 6c Ellis, 34 Calhoun. Roberts, H. E.....................Fowler, INDIANA DENTISTS. 255 FRANKFORT Allen, F. C. OTeredith, J. W. Moore, W. F. Newhouse, R. Ind. Dent. Col. 83. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. FRANKLIN Covert, G. W. 22$ W. Jefferson. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Hamer, W. L. Henderson, J. E. 22£ W. Jefferson. Ind. Dent. Col. 92. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Richardson, J. Wood. D. OT. Phila. Dent. 89. Snyder, Theodore.............Geneva. Johnston. OT. W................Garrett. Chester, G. B...................Goshen. Cunningham, E. P............ " McDonald, B. P................ " Vallette, W. O................. " Camp, J. T.....................Grand View. GREENCASTLE Fry, E. G., S. W. cor. Pub. Sq. Ind. Dent. Col. 90. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Keightley, A. T.&M. J. Morrison, H. H. Overstreet & Overstreet, 8£ E. Washington. Overstreet, ©., 8£ E. Washington. Ind. Dent. Col. 91. Overstreet, W. G. 8J E. Washington. Howard, E. B.................Greenfield. Smith, A. J..................... " GREENSBURG Burns, C. C. Eddieman, F. C. OTillikin, H. E. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 80. Thomson, H. M. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 89. Rood, R. A......................Hagerstown. Bell, T. E.......................Hammond. Hayes, W. I....................Harlan. Covault. J. F...................Hartford City. Houts, D. S....................Hecla. Allen, D. W....................Hobart. Regamas, E. G.................Hope. Hargrave, OT. F................Huntingburgh. OTelcon, A. .................... OTosby, B. A.................... 256 INDIANA DENTISTS. HUNTINGTON DeHart, W. M. Hague, T. H. Sessions, N., Market, cor. Jefferson. Sessions, R. N., Market, cor. Jefferson. Ind. Dent. Col. 92. Wagner, A. H. INDIANAPOLIS Albrecht, OTaurice, 61 Ingalls' Blk. Anderson, E. W., 15$ E. Washington. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 79. Mem. Ind. and 111. Dent. Socs. Britton, 0. F., 28$ E. Ohio. Brown, D. N., 51$ N. Penn. Cer. Ex. Ind. Bd. Dent. Ex. 79. Buchanan, A. E., 15 When Blk. Ind. Dent. Col. 82. Mem. Ind. and Indpls. Odon. Socs. Comstock, E. W., 115 N. Illinois. Res. 456 N. Meridian. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Couchman, J. B., Grand Opera House Blk. Cravens, J. E., Marion Blk. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 71. Prof. Oper. Dent. Ind. Dent. Col. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Miss. Val. Dent. Socs. Sec. Natl. Assn. Dent. Faculties. Davidson, T. H., Marion Blk., Ohio, cor. Meridian. Ind. Dent. Col. 90. M. D. Uni. Buffalo, 88. Deputy, A. C. Everts, C. C, 8$ N. Penn. Gage, E. H., 80$ N. Penn. Gates, W. W., Odd Fellows Hall. Ind. Dent. Col. 88. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. George, J. H., 26$ Massachusetts Av. Ind. Dent. Col. 92. Dem. Oper. Dent. Ind. Dent. Col. Green, C. H., 72$ E. Washington. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 87. Hacker, T. S., 28$ E. Ohio. Heiskell, W. E., 76$ E. Market. Ind. Dent. Col. 18. V.-Pres. Ind. Dent. Col. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Helms, L. A., 37$ W. Washington. Herron, A. P., Grand Opera House Blk. Hicks, H. S., 80$ N. Penn. Ind. Dent. Col. 88. Hohl, C. F., 12 Park Av. Phila. Dent. Col. 91. Hunt, Geo. Edwin, 143 N. Penn. Ind. Dent. Col. 90. Med. Col. Ind. 92. Prof. Therap. and Pathol. Ind. Dent. Col. Sec. Ind. Dent. Soc. Mem. Am. Dent. Soc. and Co. Med. Soc. Hunt, P. G. C, 143 N. Penn. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 18—. Trustee Ind. Dent. Col. Member Am. and Ind. Dent. Socs. and Co. Med. Soo. Pres. Ind. Bd. Dent. Exs. Jameson, Alex., 20 W. Ohio. Phila. Dent. Col. 88. Mem. Ind. and Indpls. Odon. Socs. Kahlo, Harry C, 20 W. Ohio. N. Y. Col. Dent. 90. M. D. Ind. Med. Col. 92. Mem. Ind. Dent, and Co. Med. Socs. Indiana Dentists. 257 Lloyd, Mary, Fletchers Bk. Bldg. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 85. OTartin, G. B., 1$ E. Washington. Ind. Dent. Col. 18—. Prof. Crown and Bridge and Continuous Gum Work. Ind. Dent. Col. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Pres. Post-Grad. Sch. of Pros- thetic Dent. Morris, A. J., 36$ E. Washington. Morrison, J. B., When Blk. Phila. Dent. 79. Nichols, J. J. 37$ W. Market. Oliver, Robert T., 44$ N. Penn. Ind. Dent. Col. 88. Treas. Ind. Dent. Soc. Mem. Indpls. Odon. Soc. Dent. Surg. Indpls. Orphan Asy. Cong. Dent. Surg. City Hosp. and Dispy. Raschig, OTaurice H., Market, cor. Penn. Ind. Dent. Col. 91. Mem. Am. and Ind. Dent. Socs. Rawls, W. S., 9$ N. Illinois. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 78. Reese, E. E., 24$ E. Ohio. Ind. Dent. Col. 88. Prof. Mech. Dent. Ind. Dent. Col. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Ritter, C. C, 431 Virginia Av. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 89. Sampsell, H. A., 49$ N. Illinois. Phil. Dent. Col. 75. Mem. Indpls. Odon. Soc. Sellers, B. H., 29$ S. Illinois. Ind. Dent. Col. 92. Sullivan, B. W., 148 Columbia Av. Wells, M., 18 W. Ohio. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 60. Wells & Anderson, 15$ E. Washington. JEFFERSONVILLE Eakin, H. E. Hart well, N. B., 79 Spring. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 88. Jackson, V. D. OTcBride, H. H., 12 W. Chestnut. Runyon, Chas. M.., 16 W. Market. Lou. Col. Dent. 87. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Mayer, H. A....................Kendallville. Teal, J. OT...................... " Farbora, F. B.................Kewanna. Chappell, OT. H................Knightstown. Wagoner, T. T. P............. " While, J. W................... " KOKOMO Ault, OT. P., Citizens' Bk. Bldg. Ind. Dent. Col. 89. M. D. Med. Col. 0.84. Prof. Physiol, and Histol. Ind. Dent. Col. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Kirk, S. T., Armstrong Blk. Ind. Dent. Col. 18—. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Mem. Ind. State Bd. Dent. Ex. OTorgan, J. R., N. E. cor. Public Sq. Licentiate Ind. Dent. Soc. Cook & Cook. 258 INDIANA DENTISTS. LAFAYETTE Beebee, E. K. Burt, Edgar V., 12 N. 4th. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 70. Mem. Ind. and Miss. Val. Dent. Socs. Hon. Mem. la. Dent. Soc. Fahnestock. Hamsher, F. M. Julian, M. R. Eeiter, E. T. Nisley. Peters, H. R. Pifer, W. H. Ross, Chas. G.. 90$ Main. Penn. Col. Dent. Surg. 77. Beecher, A. C..................Lagrange. Smith, W. S.................... " Fewell, F. OT..................Lancaster. Yeager, J. OT...................Lanesville. Moore, J. R....... ............Lapel. Church, E. J...................Laporte. Holloway, H................... " Fosdick, W..................... " Stedman Dental Co........... " French, E. J....................Lawrenceburg. Harryman, A. B............... " Rapham, M. C.................Leavenworth. I in inol, J. B....................Lebanon Martin, T. H................... " Stephenson, W. H................. " Hill, J..........................Leesville. Coughlin, G. C.................Liberty. Grone, J. E..................... " Eeech, M. H.................... " Gants & Wise.................Ligonier. Keehn, C. C.................... " Stiver, E........................ " LOGANSPORT Bozer, F. M, Clark, S. S. Cushman, H. C, 418 Broadway. Delzell, D. E. Manlove, H. T. Overholser, D. E., 415 Broadway. M. D. E. M. Inst. Cin. 57. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Taylor, E. R., 319 Market. Braxton, R. R.................Loogootee. Frank, H. P....................Losantville. Goode, S. OT.....................Madison. Graham, W. A................. " INDIANA DENTISTS. 259 Hechard, W. A. Powell, J. W.... Rapp, J. J....... AYalls. W. T... Jenner, W. E. .. MARION Brimacombe, B. C, over Gunder Bros. Ind. Dent. Col. 90. Brimacombe, J. W., over Gunder Bros. Ind. Dent. Col. 91. Hiatt, N. W., P. 0. Blk. Kansas City Dent. Col. 89. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Kinley, W. F. McClain, J. S. Stouffer, S. E. Bailey, E. D....................Martinsville. Jones, A. E..................... " Barter, W. W..................Michigan City. OTarr, R. A..................... Schntt, M. A.................... " Hazlett, N. F...................Milford. Slick, C. W........................Mishawaka. Foulds, E. D...................Mitchell. Hamilton, H. A................Montpelier. Green, C. H....................Moore's Hill. Wilson, R. P................... " Bowers, P. S...................Moristown. Hale, J. OT......................Mt. Vernon. Smith, E........................ " MUNCIE Bloor, J. H., Wysor Grand Opera House. Ind. Dent. Col. 92. Budd, C. A., W. Washington. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 79. Mem. Am. and Ind. and E. Ind. Dent. Socs. Ex-Pres. Ind. Dent. Soc. Budd, S. O., W. Washington. Mem. Ind. and E. Ind. Dent. Socs. Garner, J. W. Keltner, Frank, Opera Blk. Mem. E. Ind. Dent. Soc. Keltner, S. C, Opera Blk. Mem. E. Ind. Dent. Soc. McLain, E. A. Speece, T. H. Williams, F. M. Thayer, E. C...................Nappanee. NEW ALBANY Beust, Theo. von, 46 Spring. Lou. Col. Dent. 89. M. D. Hosp. Col. of Med. 89. Haskell P. Grad. Sch. Chicago, 90. Foster, G. A., Main, cor. Pearl. Uni. Vanderbilt 87. Mem. Am. Protective Dent. Assn. Funkhouser, Z. T., Masonic Temple, Spring Street. . Madison. .Marengo. 260 Indiana dentists. Greene, F. C, 103 Bank. Western Col. Dent. Surg. St. Louis, 1878. Mem. Ind. and Ky. Dent. Socs. Greene, P. T., 103 Bank. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Harrison, J. B., 42 E. Spring. Mo. Dent. Col. 91. Mem. Ind. and St. Louis Dent. Socs. Henry, D. S., 27 Main. Lou. Col. Dent. 91. Henry, J. C, 27 Main. M. D. Lou. Med. Col. Juett, J. W., Main, cor. Pearl. Lou. Col. Dent. 91. Morrill, YY. F., 88 E. Main. D. D. S. Windell, T., 16 E. Spring. Eaton, A. V....................Newberry. Salter, J. P.....................New Carlisle. Ellis, I. W......................New Castle. Peper & Eamb................ " Shelley, W. F.................. " Willis, 0. W......................New Harmony. Woodry, W. T................. Aydelotte, C. W................Newtown. Wilson. H. S................... " Curtis, C. C.....................Noblesville. Lewis & Miessen.................. " McGrath, II.................... Miller, A.......................North Manchester. Shaffer, W. H.................. " Billings, C. E................. .North Vernon. Erwood, YY. T................. " Fewell Bros.................... " Taylor, B. II...................Oakland City. Hontz, D, H....................Ormas. Ross, Wm. J..................Oxford. Thomas, O. H.................Pendleton. PERU Hathaway, M. Huff, W. A. Jones, J. F. McDowell, Will, Broadway, cor. 5th. Phila. Dent. Col. 91. Nordike, J. E., 5 So. Broadway. Uni. Mich. 87. Harris, E. J.......................Petersburgh. Stonecypher, YY. H........... " Johnson, A. R.................Pierceton. Smith, N. T..................... " Harlan, G. B..................Plainfield. Palmer, D. O................... " Stewart, James...............Pleasant. Shepherd, B. F................. Pleasantville. Burkett, F. M..................Plymouth. Durr, C. C...................... " Hume, A. C....................... " INDIANA DENTISTS, 261 PORTLAND. Curtis, S. W. Ind. Dent. Col. 89. Jones, W. P. McAdams, J. L. C. Gi I more, S. F..................Princeton. Traugh, OT. G..................Remington. Horton, J. W...................Rensselaer. Kelley, I. C....................... " RICHMOND Hamilton, C. OT., S. W. cor. Main and 8th. Mem. E. Ind. Dent. Soc. Jay, J. W., 718 Main. M. D. E. M. Inst. 55. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Miss. Val. and E. Ind. Dent. Socs. Jay, YY. P., 718 Main. Att'd 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 88. OTendenhall, C. J. Pierce, E. E. Williams, G. W. Wilson, C. S. Igoe, E. O.......................Rising Sun. OTcClanahan, Russell........ " Stitt, I. A.......................Roann. Kirkendall, W. F..................Rochester. Sherwin, H. E................. " Bosler, S. F.......................Rockport. Wirt, W. N____...............Rockville. Canner, D. W.....................Rolling Prairie. Williams, I. N. & H. C........Rush Creek Valley. Harris, I. N.......................Rushville. Megee, J........................ " Muire, J. H.................... " Wright, J. C....................Russiaville. Hergrove, C. B....................Selvin. SEYMOUR Gerrish, YY. E., 104 W. 2d. Uni. Pa. 82. Mains, E. M., Chestnut St. Cer. of Ex. Ind. State Bd. Dent. Ex.87.- Prall, D. E., 2d, cor. Ewing St. Ind. Dent. Col. 92. SHELBYVILLE Clayton, J. R. Goodrich, H. G. Israel, E. E. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 90. McCarty, F. M., 17$ N. Harrison. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 91. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Sexton, H. C. 262 INDIANA DENTISTS. Wolf, R. W. Bean, J. H........................Shipshewana. Crim, F. B......................Shoals. Calvert, D. M.....................South Bend. Conkling, F. G................. " Cummins, D. E................ " Meyer, E. C....................... " Paxson & Butts................... " Salter, J. P..................... " Gilstrap, E. C..................South Granger. Swigert, W. E...... ...........Spencer. King & White.....................Spiceland. SULLIVAN Billman, G. G., McCammon Blk. Ind. Dent. Col. 92. Stewart, E. A. Ind. Dent. Col. 87. TERRE HAUTE Ballew, G. W. Bartholomew, E. II., 671 Main. Mem. Ind. and So. Dent. Socs. Belson & Son. Bledsoe, F. G. Dumont, E. A. Ervin, E. C. Eoomis, G. W. Mail & Brown. Marbach, G. Medcroft, H. C. Yan Yalzah, R. AV. Williams, C. F„ 6th, cor. Main. Ind. Dent. Col. 91. Mem. IncL Dent. Soc. Allen & Coffin,................Thorntown. Allen, N. A.....................Tipton. Curtis, C. P.....................Tipton. Lefever, H. H.....................Union City. Stall, Isaac G..................Union City. Boyes, Dr.........................Union Mills. Pagin, J. R..................Valparaiso. Renner, H. N......................Valparaiso. Zimmerman, O. Y.............Veedersburg. Baily, J. S......................Vernon. Johnson, Wm.....................Vevay. VINCENNES Hindman, W. M., Odd Fellows Blk, 2d St. Phila. Dent. Col. 72. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Jarard, T. B. Latshaw, H. S., 19$ N. 2d. INDIANA DENTISTS. 263 OTcKee, A. S., M. D. St. Louis Med. Col. 69. Attd. Mo. Dent. Col. 68 and 69. Phillips, D. J., 304 Main. M. D. Jefferson, 67. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. WABASH Sackett & Bullard. Stephenson, A. L. Stephenson, W. H. Mem. Ind. Dent. Soc. Dowell, Henry S..................Walkerton. Good win, T. A.................Warsaw. OTorgan, T. H.................. " Pollock, H. G.................. <« Dale, J. A....................... .Washington. Smiley, R. OT................... " Wilson, N. H................... " Wilson, S. E................... " Johnston, S. B.....................Waterloo. Wolf, Wm. OT..................Westfield. Chittenden, Virgil D..........Winamac. Ballard, M.....................Winchester. Gordon, W. B..................... " Pretlow, J. J................... " English, J. D...................Worthington. Erwin, W. H..................Xenia. Ball, J. OT......................Zionsville. Hurst, J. O..................... " Dental Supplies. A COMPLETE STOCK. THE BEST GOODS. IProirxjp't a.rxcl Accurate Service. MRS. W. M. HERRIOTT, Indiana Dental Depot, HON. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. KENTUCKY DENTISTS. Moorman, J. E.................Adairville. Celsor, E........................Akersville. Cease, H. 0.......................Ashland. Dibble, D. S..................... " "Wetzel & Adams.............. " Ford, J. W.....................Auburn. Steen, OT. W....................Augusta. Coyt, C. S.......................Barboursville. Pennington, J. K................... " Daugherty, J. W..............Bardstown. OTcGee, J. C....,................ " Floore, J. F.....................Bloomfield. Barr, E. T......................Bowling Green. Ford, J. W........................ Ford & Dessbry,............... " Hendricks & Myers,........... " Parker, A. W.................. " Jusko, M. E....................Bratton. Reed, J.........................Braxton. Combs, A.......................Buncombe. Atwood, B. F...................Cadiz. Finley, E.......................Calvert City. Johnston, A.................... " Clark, IV. E....................Campbelsville. Baker, J. H................___Campton. Maddox, B. F...................Canton. Fisher, J. W....................Carlisle. Mclntire, A..................... « Eggers, H. D......................Carrollton. Skean, S........................ " Carnahan, E...................Catlettsburgh. Williams, W. A.................... " Dismukes, Z. T..............'..'Cerulean Springs. Haun, W. P....................Clinton. Hamilton, S. T................Cloverport. Cook, D. P......................Corydon. 264 KENTUCKY DENTISTS. Cassidy, J. S......... Matlack, H. C....... Rondebush & Son,. Schramm, A............. Dillon, J........... Bashan, H. W....... Adams, J. B......... Cooper, T. Y........ Grant, T. P.......... Eetcher, J. H....... Neal, IV. C.......... Shacklett & Montgomery Edward, E. B....... White. G. T...... Smith, W. S............ Jones, J. T............. Jones, R. A.......... Shanklin, R......... Baxter, W. E....... Callins, J. S......... Kaltenbrun, V. A. . McGlotklin, A. E. .. Wilson, O. G........ Crogdon, A. J....... Manere, J. W.......... Morris, F............ Paschall, S. J....... Russell, R. S........ Crutcher, C. K.......... Hobson, B........... Breeding & Brown, Ganter, E. V........ Finley, J............ Barlow, J. W....... Paine, J. E.......... Board, H. C............ Gibbs, R. B.......... Humphreys, P. O. . Miller, R. J.......... Tucker, C. T........ Craig, S.............. King, E. A........... Redman, W. F. ___ Stitts, B................ Thompson, W. I........ Davidson, W. K.... Ford, J. W........... Thomas, W......... Covington. u Crutchfield. Curdsville. Cynthiana. Danville. .Dunnville. . Elizabethtown. . Elkton. Eminence. .Esto. .Fairview. . Frankfort. u (( .Franklin. u .Franklin Cross Roads. .Fruit Hill. . Fulton. u (( . Garrett. .Georgetown. . Glasgow. « .Greenup. . Greenville. . Guthrie. . Hardinsburgh. . Harrodsburg. (C . Henderson. Hickman. Hiseville. Hodgensville. 266 KENTUCKY DENTISTS. OTador, I........................Holland. Campbell, A. P.................Hopkinsville. Medley, G. E................... Williams, M.W................... " Knott, A........................Hudgins. Craig, OT........................Hudson. Desmucker, W. H.............Kirbyton. Creed, J. W.......................Kirksville. Higdon, D. V......................Knottsville. Grant, J........................Lancaster. Hood, T.J...................... Hadden, J. B...................Lawrenceburgh. Edmonds, W. F................Lebanon. Bruce, C. E.....................Leitchfield. Wood, H. C..................... " Borworth, F. B....................Lexington. Burgin, C. G.................... " Donaldson, S. A................ " Galbreath, TV. F............... Harlan, H. E................... " Hervey, J. T................... " Huffman, E. F................. " Johnson, S. S.................. " Kelley, T. D.................... u Rawes, A. O.................... " OTelcome, A.....................London. Cease, H. 0........................Louisa. LOUISVILLE Alexander, J. B., 222 W. Chestnut. Res. 1038 3d Av. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 67. Lou. Col. Dent. 87. Mem. Am. and Ky. and So. Dent. Socs. Baldwin, J. H., 615 W. Chestnut. Uni. Md. 83. Sec. Ky. State Bd. Dent. Examiners. Sec. Ky. Dent. Soc. Barnes, W. IV., 621 4th. Phila. Dent. Col. 75. Bartlett & Kidd, 446 W. Market. Beeler, G. W., 1830 W. Walnut. Blair, John C, 410 W. Chestnut. Lou. Col. Dent. 87. Mem. Ky. Dent. Soc. Boggess, C. Forest, 101 E. Chestnut. Lou. Col. Dent. 92. Dem. Prosthetic Dent. Lou. Col. Dent. Canine, C. E., 534 5th. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 76. M. D. Hosp. Col. of Med. 75. Mem. Am. and Ky. Dent. Socs. Canine, J. F., 534 5th. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. Mem. Am. Dent. Soc. Treas. Ky. Dent. Soc. Clark, J. W., 223 W. Chestnut. Ky. Bd. Dent. Ex. 87. Mem. Ky. Dent. Soc. KENTUCKY DENTISTS. 267 Doyle, B. Oscar, 735 W. Jefferson. Tel. 195. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 74. Clin. Instrc. Lou. Col. Dent. Mem. Bd. Trustees 0. Col. Dent. Surg. Mem. Am. and Ky. and So. Dent, and Miss. Val. Dent. Socs. Dunn, C. E., 529 2d. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 60. Prof. Prosthetic Dent. Lou. Col. Dent. Mem. Am. and Ky. and So. Dent. Socs. Edwards, C. G., 717 4th Av. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg, 68. Chair- man Ky. Committee Columbian Dent. Cong. Mem. Am. and Ky. and So. Dent. Socs. Eller, K. F., 209 W. Jefferson. Feigle, P. R., 735 W. Jefferson. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 92. Floore, D. A., 361 W. Jefferson. German, L. W. 640 4th. Harrington, I. H., 825 Washington. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 90. Kettig, Ed. M., 319 W. Walnut. N. Y. Col. Dent. 87. M. D. Hosp. Col. of Med. 88. Prof. Oral. Surg, and Pathol. Lou. Col. Dent. Mem. Am. and Ky. Dent. Socs. Klingman, F. E., N. E. cor. Broadway and Preston. Mem. Ky. Dent. Soc. Eeatherman, W. B., 656 4th Av. Cer. Ex. Ky. Bd. Dent. Ex. Eeezer, J. R., 1230 W. Market. Lou. Col. Dent. 89. Meri wether. M. S., 701 W. Jefferson. Att'd Pa. Col. Dent. Surg. 73-74. Mem. Tenn. Dent. Soc. Peabody, F., Chestnut, cor. 3d. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 67. Prof. Operative Dent. Mat. Med. and Therap. and Pres. Lou. Col. of Dent. Chm. Ky. Bd. Dent. Ex. Mem. Nat'l Bd. Dent. Exams. Mem. Am. and Ky. and So. Dent. Socs. Phillips, OT. W., 737 3d. Mo. Dent. Col. 88. A. B. Uni. Ala. 82. Pirtle, Henry, 706 2d. Lou. Col. Dent. 90. Dem. in Chief Lou. Col. Dent. Mem. Ky. Dent. Soc. and Protective Dent. Assn. " Redman, E. OT., 712 2d. Mem. Ky. Dent. Soc. Rees, B. G., 308 W. Walnut. Sanders, E. E., 339 W. Jefferson. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 81. Sanders, T. B., 361 W. Jefferson. Lou. Col. Dent. 91. Seeger, W. OT., 723 W. Jefferson. 0. Col. Dent. Surg. 85. Seymour, G. S., 225 W. Chestnut. M.D., Med. Col. Va. 62. Mem. Ky. Dent. Soc. Stivers, G. J., 550 5th. Tileston, H. B., 423 4th, N. E. cor. Green. Uni. Mich. Dent. Dept. 82. Mem. Ky. Dent. Soc. Pres. of same in 92. Wallace, J. N. & J. R., 1030 W. Jefferson. Weaver, A. B., 735 W. Jefferson. Lou. Col. Dent. 89. White, IV. B., 619 4th. Wilder, E. E. The Fonda, 4th Av. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 92. Wilder, F. R. The Fonda, 4th Av. Bait. Col. Dent. Surg. 91. Wilson, E. E., 505 W. Broadway. Wilson, R. H., 502 W. Chestnut. Maxwell, J. A..................Lawe's. 268 KENTUCKY DENTISTS. Crigler, C. H....................Ludlow. Whitt, R. P....................McGlone. Bruce, H. C.......................Madisonville. Hoffman & Schmidtt......... " Weaver, A. B..................Marion. Young, O. S................... " McFall, A. C......................Mayfield. Reynolds, J. C.................... " Cartwell, J. W.................Maysville. Franklin, D. C................. " Smith, T. H. N................. " Waidle, C. W.................. " Williams, G. OT................ Alexander, C. H...................Middlesborough. Herman, C. C..................... " Cook, A. C......................Millersburg. Francis, W. T..................Monticello. Tuttle, E. P................... " Sale, OT. S.......................Morganfield. Kelly, G. A........................Mt. Carmel. Proctor, D. E...................Mt. Sterling. Shankland, TV. C.............. " Van Antwerp, H............. " Van Antwerp, TV.............. " Risenhoover, B. B..................New Concord. Chase, H. G.....................Newport. Dameron, E. P................. " Lewis, J. M....................... " Talbert, C......................Nicholasville. Armendt, TV. B................Owensborough. Basham, D. H.................. " Morrison. R. E................. " Taylor, J. H. & Son........... " Rees, F. J.......................Owenton. Nesbitt, TV. C...................Owingsville. Baldwin, H. & Daughter............Paducah. Dabney, A. S................... " Kenney, J. S................... " Pitcher, TV. H................. " Adair, G. W.......................Paris. McMillan. J. T................. " Fruit, E. N......................Pembroke. Akin, J. A.........................Princeton. Wright, J. B................... " Morgan, J. C.......................Richmond. Smith, A. TV.................... " Stowers, G. E...................Rockfort. Bryan, OT. OT....................Roseville. KENTUCKY DENTISTS. 269 Hayes, E. E..................Russellville. Kidd, B. F. ..... Sale, H. S...................... Jorden, J. TV...................Salem. OTyers, A. TV....................Scottville. Hughes, TV. G.................Shady Grove. Towery, TV. II............... " Buckner, OT. E. S.............Shelbyville. Priest, G. W.................... Rodgers, TV. OT................. " Burke, B. F....................Smith's Grove ' Wirt, J. B. ....................Somerset. Dewey, G. T..................Sonora Miller, J......................Spears. Burton, J. M..................Springfield. Lee, A. J......................Stamping Ground. Morgan, R. C.....................Stanford. Penny, TV. B................... " Price, A. S...................... " Collie, R. B....................Star Line Works. Bushong, P. TV...............Summer Shade. Kammer, C.......................Tannery. Wilson, H. H..................Taulhee. Chiles, J. G.....................Trenton. Bassham, O. P.................Union Star. Harris, J. E...................Versailles. TVasson, TV.................... " Brewer, H. P..................Vox. Hubbard, R..................... " Hodgen, TV. A.................Webbs. Pennington, P. JJ.............Williamsburg. Zinn & Tarr...................Williamstown. Justice, TV. TV.................Winchester. Rees, C. H...................... Stuart, TV..................... Walter, B. F.................. " PHYSIO-MEDICAL COLLEGE OF INDIANA. FACULTY. GEO. HASTY, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine. N. D. \TOODARD, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacy. E. ANTHONY, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery. C. T. BEDFORD, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. E. M. OUTLAND, M. D., Professor of General and Descriptive Anatomy. C.N. HAROLD, M. D., Professor of Practical, Theoretical and Experimental Physiology. J. H. DAIL, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology. PROFESSORS OF SPECIAL DEPARTHENTS. R. WAIDE, M. D., Professor of Electro-Therapeutics. J. M. THURSTON, M. D., Professor of Applied Physiological Anatomy of the Nervous System. J. REDDING, M. D., Professor of Biology. W. A. SPURGEON, M. D., Professor of Surgical Anatomy. A. W. FISHER, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Rectum. M. VEENBOER, M. D., Professor of Hygiene and Sanitary Science. BARTLEY SMITH, M. D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. C. A. STAFFORD, M. D., Professor of Microscopy, Normal and Pathological Histology E. G. ANTHONY, M. D., Professor of Didactic and Clinical Ophthalmology and Otology. ISAAC S. HAROLD, M. D., Professor of Botany and Electro-Therapeutics. R. WAIDE, M. D., Demonstrator of Bandaging and Surgical Appliances. W. SMITH, M. D., E. G. ANTHONY, M. D., Demonstrators of Practical Anatomy. J. C. DAVIDSON, M. D., Demonstrator of Surgical Operations. C. A. STAFFORD, M. D., Demonstrator of Physical Diagnosis. DR. A. THOMAS, R. ANNA BRYSON, M. D., Curator of the Museum. Librarian. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. J. A. STAFFORD, President. W. H. DRAPIER, Secretary. N. R. ELLIOTT, Treasurer. B. F. COFFIN, GEO. HASTY. A. W. FISHER. G. N. DAVIDSON. College session begins September 20, 1893, and continues six months. For fur- ther information address the Secretary, C. T. BEDFORD, M. D., 290 Mass. Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. FORT WAYNE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. The Fifteenth Annual Session will begin about September 12, 1893, and terminate in March, 1894. This College offers superior advantages in the way of Clinical In- struction and thorough laboratory work in the various practical depart- ments. For Annual Announcement or other information, address W. W. BARNETT, M. D., Secy, C. B. STEMEN, M. D., Dean, 434 Calhoun Street. 25 Broadway. FORT WAYNE, IND. FACULTY. R. W. THRIFT, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Puerperal Diseases and Diseases of Chil- dren. Lima, Ohio. I. ELLIS LYONS, A. M., M. D., Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics. Huntington, Ind. CHRISTIAN B. STEMEN, A. M., M. D., LL. D., Dean, Professor of Surgery, Clinical Surgery, and Medical Jurisprudence. 25 Broadway. WALTER W». BARNETT, M. D., Secretary, Professor of Anatomy. 434 Calhoun Street. GEORGE B. STEMEN, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics. 292 West Main Street. GEORGE W. McCASKEY, A. M., M. D., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine and Clinical Diseases of the Chest and Nervous System. 107 W. Main Street. KENT K. WHEELOCK, M. D., Professor of the Diseases of the Eye and Ear. 26 West Wayne Street. GEO. CHRISTIAN STEMEN, A. M., M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Thera- peutics. 493 Calhoun Street. ALPHEUS P. BUCHMAN, M. D., Professor of Physiology and Clinical Medicine. 161 West Washington Street. CHARLES R. DRYER, A. M., M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology. Maple Avenue. MILES F. PORTER, A. M., M. D., Professor of Surgery, Gynecology and Clinical Surgery. 47 West Wayne Street. JOSEPH L. GILBERT, M. D., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine, Kendallville, Ind. WILLIAM O. GROSS, M. D., Ph. G., Lecturer on Pharmacy and Materia Medica. J159 West Washington Street. BUDD VON SWERINGEN, M. D., Lecturer on Diseases of Children. F. L. SAYLOR, M. D., Assistant Demonstrator of Physiology. HERMANN A. DUEMLING, M. D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. LOUIS SCHMIDT, PH. G., Assistant Demonstrator of Chemistry. JOHH P. WOU & WHIT. Booksellers, Stationers, Printers, and Binders, Nos. 440,442,444, and 446 West Main St., LOUISVILLE, KY. MEDICAL BOOKS. Particular attention is given to the Medical Book Trade. We have the most complete stock of Medical Books in the South, and are selling them at a liberal discount for cash to the profession and stu- dents. Write for catalogue, and ascertain how to obtain the greatest discounts. JOHN P, MORTON & COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KY. THE A BI-WEEKLY JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. D. W. YANDELL, M.D., , Editors. H. A. COTTELL, M.~ Issued 26 Times a Year. Price: $3.00 per Annum. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE KENTUCKY STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. SE3STX5 IFOIR, S-A-rt/ElPIjIE: COPY. Address JOHN P. MORTON & COMPANY, Publishers, Louisville, Ky. J. W. FOWLER, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, Cor. Second and Green Sts., Louisville, Ky. Manufacturer of Soluble Hypodermic Tablets, Tablet Triturates, Compressed Tab- lets and Fine Pharmaceutical Preparations. My manufacturing Laboratory is in the hands of graduates of pharmacy of rec- ognized ability and skill. My Tablets are manufactured from Merck's chemicals and my price list is lower than other makes, thus insuring reliability and economy. My Hypodermic Tablets are the most soluble of any in the market and con- tain no foreign matter. I invite physicians to send for full price list and will take pleasure in making special formulas for them. Prompt attention will be given to analytical work of all kinds, either qualita- tive or quantitative. This department will be in charge of Mr. Edw. R. Constan- tine, Ph. G., adjunct professor of chemistry in-the Louisville College of Pharmacy, who will make microscopical and chemical examinations of urine, etc., for the medical profession. ____________ J. W. Fowler's Soluble Hypodermic Tablets. peiob list. Per tube Per 100 in Per of 20 each, tubes of 20. 100. Aconita Nitrate (Duquesnel's), 1-200 gr.,........80 18 50 75 $0 65 " " 1-150 gr.......... 20 85 75 1-100 gr.,.....- • • 24 90 80 1-50 gr.,........ 30 1 25 1 15 Atropia Sulphate, 1-200 gr.,............... 10 40 30 l-150gr................. 10 40 30 l-120gr.,............... 10 40 30 l-100gr................. 10 40 30 l-50gr......,......... 12 50 40 Apomorphia Muriate, 1-20 gr.,............ 15 70 60 1-12 gr.............. 20 90 80 CafFein Citrate, 1-2 gr.,................. 12 55 45 Cocaine Hydrochlorate, 1-25 gr.,............ 12 55 45 " 1-10 gr.......'....... 16 60 50 1-6 gr.,............ 18 65 60 1-4 gr.,........... 22 80 70 Codeine, 1-2 gr...................... 32 1 50 1 40 Digitaline, 1-200 gr.,................. 10 40 30 1-100 gr,.................. 10 40 30 Ergotin, 1-10 gr.,................... 18 75 65 Gold Bromide, l-60.gr.,................ 32 1 50 1 30 1-100 gr.,............... 30 I 00 90 Hyoscine Hydrobromate, 1-200 gr.,......... 16 60 50 1-100 gr.,.......... 20 90 80 Hyoscyamine Sulphate, 1-100 gr.,........... 22 1 00 90 Morphia Sulphate, 1-8 gr................ 10 40 30 1-6 gr.,............... 12 45 35 " 1-4 gr.,.............. 12 50 40 " 1-3 gr.,............... 14 60 50 1-2 gr.,............... 18 77 65 Morphia Sulphate, 1-24 gr., 1 ln .n Qn Atropia Sulphate, 1-300 gr., / ............. 10 40 du Morphia Sulphate, 1-8 gr., 1 1Q ., „, Atropia Sulphate, 1-200 gr„ j ............. lz to d0 Morphia Sulphate, 1-6 gr.. 1 10 .K Atropia Sulphate. 1-200 gr.,) ............. li 40 Morphia Sulphate, 1-4 gr., ) ... „ cn Atropia Sulphate, 1-150 gr., | ............. 14 , m ™ Morphia Sulphate, 1-3 gr., 1 17 in fin Atropia Sulphate, 1-150 gr.,} ............. u ■ /w ou Morphia Sulphate, 1-2 gr., > m R[r -,- Atropia Sulphate, 1-120 gr.,J........... M 80 '° Nitro Glycerine, 1-200 gr.,.............. 10 40 30 « 1-100 gr................. 10 40 30 Pilocarpin Muriate, 1-8 gr................ 25 1 10 1 00 Strychnia Sulphate, 1-60 gr............... 10 40 30 " 1-120 gr................ 10 40 30 The "PERFECTION" Physicians' Chair & Tabli Miner & Elbreg, Manufacturers and Proprietors. Ipdiapapolis, Ir>d. Prices and Terms on Application. THE ANDERSON J± PSI T>A. RIXJ M. TREATMENT-ROOMS FOR THE CURE OF DR. J. W. DAVIS, Physician in Charge. Assistants—Dr. G. W. Mann and Wife, Dr. J. 0. Morrison. Nos. 10 to 15 P.O. Building, ANDERSON, IND. Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, Affections of Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Heart, Lungs, Nervous Troubles, and Female Diseases treated and Persons addicted to the use of Morphine, Tobacco, or Whisky will be made free from those obnoxious habits. BI-CHLORIDE OF GOLD CURE, FOR LIQUOR, OPIUM, and TOBACCO. Institute: No. 106 South 10£ Street, TERRE HAUTE, IND. Dr. J. T. LAUGHEAD, Medical Director and Manager, *o Bridgeport National Bindery, Inc. JULY 1983 'BoutKt to last" H'N :.-VlM:J