Z2 AAi \322 U. S* EMPLOYEES COMPENSATION COMMISSION. HOSPITALS AND PHYSICIANS. W 22 AA1 E5h 1922 27220480R NLM 05107165 5 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE bless®* PROPERTY OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE »*TC*«*t *"•'"•*' NLM051071855 OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRAR ARY OF MEDICI II IVNOIIVN SNI3IQ3W JO A»V«9I1 IVNOIIVN 3NI3I03W JO ABVH9U IVNOIIVN iNI}IO!W JO »»» ^V I OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRAR 111 IVNOIIVN 3NI3IQ3W JO ABVH9I1 IVNOIIVN 3NI3I03W JO AUVBflll IVNOIIVN 3NI3IQ3W JO A » V ®^i I OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRAI I %£ L^ri^Cvi \W>™ C. A. 76 UNITED STATES EMPLOYEES' Compensation commission > / o HOSPITALS AND PHYSICIANS AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT IN- JURED IN THE PERFORMANCE OF DUTY UNDER FEDERAL COMPENSA- TION ACT OF SEPTEMBER 7, 1916 ■$io;c OFFICE COMMISSIONERS MRS. BESSIE P. BRUEGGEMAN, CHAIRMAN JOHN J. KEEGAN CHAS. H. VERRILL MEDICAL DIRECTOR EDWARD C. ERNST WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1922 w NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE WASHINGTON, D. C. HOSPITALS AND PHYSICIANS AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT INJURED IN THE PERFORMANCE OF DUTY. IMPORTANT. The sources from which an injured employee may obtain treat- ment for his injury under the provisions of the employees' compen- sation act at the expense of the Government are given in section 9 of the act, reading as follows: That immediately after an injury sustained by an employee while in the performance of his duty, whether or not disability has arisen, and for a reasonable time thereafter, the United States shall furnish to such employee reasonable medical, surgical, and hospital services and supplies unless he refuses to accept them. Such services and supplies shall be furnished by United States medical officers and hospitals, but where this is not practicable shall be furnished by private physicians and hospitals designated or approved by the commission and paid for from the employees' compensation fund. If necessary for the securing of proper medical, surgical, and hospital treatment, the employee, in the discretion of the commission, may be furnished transportation at the expense of the employees' compensation fund. It will be noted that treatment is to be obtained from United States hospitals and dispensaries where practicable. Where there is no United States hospital or dispensary, or where the distance to them is so great, or where the nature of the injury or other conditions are such that it is impracticable to secure treatment from them, then treatment is to be secured from one of the designated physicians in the locality. As practically all injuries subject to treatment under the com- pensation act are surgical in nature, the physicians designated are, in most instances, specialists in surgery. In making these designa- tions, the commission, in so far as possible, has selected well-trainedr experienced surgeons with good reputations. When an injured employee is sent to a United States hospital or dispensary, or to a designated physician for treatment, he should be given by his official superior a request for treatment made out on the commission's form (CA-16) entitled "Request for Treatment," or the request may be made in the form of a letter giving all the information called for by the commission's form. This request should be dated and signed by the official superior in his official capacitv and all the information called for by the form should be given. This "Request for Treatment" will be the United States medical officer's or the designated physician's authority for treating the case as a beneficiary of the compensation act. Without this (1) 9 request the United States medical officer or designated physician has no authority to treat the case, for he will have no means of know- ing whether the case is entitled to treatment at the expense of the Government. In localities where there are neither United States hospitals nor dispensaries, nor designated physicians, the injured employee should secure treatment from any competent, well-trained physician avail- able, as provided in paragraphs 102-104 of the commission's regula- tions, edition of 1919. Attention is particularly invited to the fact that employees are entitled to medical treatment under the compensation act only for injuries sustained while in the performance of duty. Illnesses not due directly to the nature or condition of the employee's work and in- juries not sustained while in the performance of duty do not entitle the employee to treatment under the act. If there is doubt as to whether the disability of an employee is due to injury sustained in the performance of duty, the official superior should send the employee to a United States medical officer with a "Request for Treatment" on the commission's form CA-17. If there is no United States medical officer available, the employee should be sent to a physician designated by the commission under the provisions of section 9 of the compensation act, with a request on form CA-17, as provided in paragraphs 31, 83, and 84 of the commission's regulations. The official superior should immediately report the case to the commission, explaining the circumstances and his reasons for doubt. In most cases the telegraph should be used for this purpose, preferably using night letter. These telegrams may be sent to the commission collect. The United States medical officer or designated physician to which the employee is sent for treatment will in many instances be able to determine for the official superior whether the nature of the disability with which the employee is affected is such that it could have been caused by the nature or condition of work, and whether under the circumstances described the injury is one which could be considered to have been sustained in the performance of duty. HOSPITALS AND PHYSICIANS AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT INJURED IN THE PERFORMANCE OF DUTY. MEDICAL FACILITIES. >tatc and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Alexander City. Anniston. Bridgeport. Alabama: Albany..............,........................................ Dr. F. L. Chenault, 501J Second Avenue. Dr. J. A. Coggans, House 5, New Site Street. Dr. T. J. Brothers, 1009 Noble Street. Dr. C. G. Arbery, 1107J Noble Street. Dr. C. H. Cleveland, Commercial Bank Building. Bessemer....................................................! Dr. E. P. Lacy, 4C2 Realty Building. , j Dr. Carl A. Harris, 210i North Nine- j tcenth Street. Birmingham........;........................................! Dr. s. R. Benedict, 804 Empire Build- ing. Dr. E. P. Solomon, 907-912 Woodward Building. Dr. Gaston Torrance, 325 Woodward Building. , Dr. AV. C. Gewin, Birmingham Infirm- \ ary. I Dr. William G. Harrison,' 903 Em- pire Building. Dr. C. F. J. Hartung. Dr. W. C. Williams, Gafagral Hotel. Demopolis.................................................. Dr. E. B. Baily. Dothan............. ........................................ Dr..A. S. Frasier, Young Building. Evergreen...........i........................................ Dr. W. G. Hairston. Dr. E. L. Stallworth. Florence....................................................I Dr. A. A. Jackson, First National Bank Building. Dr. L. T. Young, First National Bank Building. Dr. ('. L. Guice, Stocks Building. Dr. T. Y. Greet, Ralls Sanatorium. Dr. D. C. Jordan, 230 Main Street. Dr. J. H. Thomason, 510 Broad Street. Dr. Wm. F. Jordan, Washington Street. Dr. M. R. Moorman,1 112J Jefferson Street. Dr. J. F. Alexander, Phillips and Stanley Building. Dr. V. H. Williams, First National Bank Building. Dr. H. P. Cole, Van Antwerp Building. Dr. G. J. Winthrop, 609-614 Van Ant- werp Building. Dr. A. E. Maumenee,' 210 Van Ant- werp Building. Gadsden. Guntersville. Huntsville. Jasper Mobile..............; Medical officer in charge, U. S. Maiine Hospital No. 13 (General), St. An- thony and Bayou Streets. Dis- pensary at Medical Building. i Eye specialist. (3) 4 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and citv. Alabama—Continued. Mooroeville........ Montgomery. Muscle Shoals. Scottsboto. Selma...... United States medical officers and hospitals. Sheffield. Stevenson. Tuscaloosa. Tuskegee. Alaska: Cordova.. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 229. (Dr. W. W. Council). Fairbanks. Juneau___ Ketchikan. Nome. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 260, First National Bank Building (Dr. L. P. Dawes). Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 262, Main and Missin Streets (Dr. H. C. Story). Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station, No. 295 (Dr. C. Welch). Designated physicians. Dr. Thomas E. Dennis. Dr. Alvin B. Coxwell. Dr. J. N. Baker, 1024 Bell Building. Dr. R. S Hill, 21 South Perry Street. Dr. W. W. McGehee, 523-528 Bell Building. Dr. J. M. Anderson, 26 South Perry Street. Dr. E. T. Newsom. Dr. G. F. Littlepage, U. S. Nitrate Plant No. 2. Dr. R. R. Bridges. Dr. S. G. Gay, 23J Broad Street. Dr. J. N. Furniss, 106 Lauderdale Street. Dr. F. G. DuBose, 902 Alabama Ave- nue. Dr. W. H. Blake, Alabama Avenue. Dr. W. H. Greer, Sheffield National Bank Building. Dr. W. H. Dyer, Columbia Avenue and Fourth Street. Dr. E. T. Newsom, 312J Montgomery Avenue. Dr. G. F. Littlepage, 312J Montgom- ery Avenue. Dr. W. W. Rosser, First National Bank Building. Dr. W. M. Bogart, First National Bank Building. Dr. Sydney Leach, Masonic Building. Dr. Alston Maxwell, Rosenfeld Build- ing. Dr. Harvey B. Searcy i 2501 Sixth Street. Dr. L. W. Johnstone, 105 South Main Street. Dr. M. F. Hall, Sixth and Cushman Streets. Eye specialist. 5 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Alask a—C ont inued. Petersburg.......... Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station, No. 304 (Dr. A. B.Jones). Seward............. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 330 (inactive). Valdez.............. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 3.58. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. Dr. J. Lyman Bulkley, jr., McKinley Street. Wrangell............ 343 (Dr. A. S. B. Kearsley). Arizona: Dr. Nelson C. Bledsoe, Calumet and Arizona Hospital. Dr. George A. Bridge, Copper Queen Dispensary. Dr. Thomas Watkins, Copper Queen Dispensary. Clifton.............. Dr. David Thomson. Dr. F. T. Wright, 636 Tenth Street. Dr. C. H. Lund. Dr. W G. Randell. Dr. Clarence Gunter, Amster Building. Dr. W. A. Holt, Mesquite and Broad Streets. Dr. R. D. Kennedy, 349 North Suther- land Street. Grand Canyon Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public National Park. Health Service (Dr. Harry Schnuck). Dr. T. R. White. Dr. Joseph M. Greer, 60 South McDon- ald Street. Dr. R. F. Palmer, 60 South McDonald Street. Dr. J. E. Bacon, Miami Inspiration Hospital. Dr. Cyril M. Cron, Gila Valley Bank Building. Dr. Charles E. Irvin, 32 Keystone Avenue. Dr. Theron H. Slaughter, Sullivan Street and Keystone Avenue. Dr. Alexander Wallace, Trust Build- ing, International and Morley Ave- nues. Dr. V. A. Smelker, Trust Building. Dr. Kimball Bannister, 16 East Monroe Street. Dr. George Goodrich, 606 Heard Build- ing. Dr. E. Payne Palmer, 306 Goodrich Building. Dr. R. W. Craig, 16 East Monroe Street. 6 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. A rizona—Continued. Prescott. Tucson. Wilcox... Williams. Yuma__ Arkansas: Arkadelphia. Arkansas City . Batesville... Bentonville. Blytheville.. Conway. Crossett___ El Dorado. Fayetteville. Forrest City. Fort Smith.. Gurdon. Helena. Hot Springs. Dr. R. N. Looney, Masonic Temple. Dr. H. T. Southworth.Masonic Temple. Dr. Meade Clyne, 123 South Stone Ave- nue. Dr. G. E. Dodge, 10* North Stone Ave- nue. Dr. A. W. Olcott, 9 East Pennington Street. Dr. W. V. Whitmore, 123 South Stone Avenue. Dr. J. C. Wilson, Rail Road Avenue. Dr. P. A. Melick, Williams Hospital. Dr. C. E. Rooney, Main Street. Dr. J. A. Ketcherside, 237 Main Street. Dr. Samuel N. Doane, Sixth and Clinton Streets. Dr. J. S. Moore, 600 Clay Street. Dr. Vernon MacCammon, Demark Building, Front Street. Dr. R. C. Dorr, Main Street. Dr. C. H. Cargile, 212 West Twelfth Street. Dr. C. C. Stevens, 100.J. East Main Street. Dr. Cecil H. Dickerson, 200i North Front Street, Ingram Building. Dr. J. E. Sparks, 126-130 First Street. Dr. L. L. Purifoy, Garrett Hotel Building. Dr. E. F. Ellis, 101 North College Avenue. Dr. A. S. Gregg, 201 First National Bank Building. Dr. J. O. Rush, 300 North Front Street. Dr. St. Cloud Cooper, 605 First National Bank Building. Dr. J. A. Foltz, Merchants Bank Building. Dr. M. E. Foster, 619 First National Bank Building. Dr. J. T. McLain, Missouri Pacific Railway Emergency Hospital. Dr. C. W. McLain, 110 East Front Street. Dr. J. W. Nicholls, 315 Solomon Building. Dr. W. R. Orr, Solomon Building. Dr. A. E. Cox, 502-503 Solomon Build- ing. Dr. Wm. C. Minnich, 417 Thompson Building. Dr. M. G. Thompson, 626V Central Avenue. 7 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and citv. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Arkansas—Continued. Little Rock......... Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 346,215 West Second Street (Dr. L.F Barrier). Lonoke..................................................... Newport............j Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 291 (Dr. A.M. Elton). North Little Rock.......................................... Osceola.................................................... Paragould...........|....................................... Pine Bluff..........'............. Prescott... Rogers___ Texarkana Yellville.. California: Alameda.. Alhambra. Alturas Anaheim... Azusa...... Bakersfield .jenicia.. Berkeley. Dr. M. E. McCaskill,' Bankers Trust Building. Dr. J. P. Runyan, 517 Boyle Building Dr. W. F. Smith, 209-210 Domoghev Building. Dr. H. N. Street. Dr. W. W. Hornsby, 501J East Wash- ington Street. Dr. Oleander Howton. Dr. P. L. Dickson, 112J North Pruett Street. Dr. A. C. Jordon, 9-11 Merchants and Planters Bank Building. Dr. John S. Jenkins;2 The Pine Bluff Clinic, Fifth and Pine Streets. Dr. B. D. Luck, 406 Citizens' Bank Building. Dr. A. S. Buchanan, 400 Main Street. Dr. C. F. Perkins, 116 South First Street. Dr. T. K. Kittrell, State National Bank Building. Dr. J. F. Moulton, 1404 Dudley Ave- nue. Dr. S. A. Collom, 323-325 State Na- tional Bank Building. Dr. A. M. Elton, Layton Building. Dr. C. Hall, 1431 Morton Street. Dr. W. A. Clark, 1206 Broadway. Dr. C. B. Alexander, 31 West Main Street. Dr. H. L. Charles, 2000i South Gar- field Avenue. Dr. Alexander Gibson, Main Street. Dr. J. L. Beebe, 208 First National Bank Building. Dr. J. E. Hill, 334 Center Street. Dr. Clarence S. Compton, George Hay Building. Dr. F. A. Hamlin,' Redlick Building. Dr. Frank J. Cundry, 402 Hopkins Building. Dr. P. B. Fry, Peoples Bank Building. Dr. L. T. Legge, University of Cali- fornia Infirmary. Dr. C. L. McVey, LTniversity of Cali- fornia Infirmary. Dr. D. N. Richards, 2251 Telegraph Avenue. ' Eye specialist. J Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. California—Contd. Bishop.......... United States medical officers and hospitals. Calexico. Chico. Coalinga..... Crescent City. Dunsmuir. Eagleville. El Centro. El Portal. Escondido. Eureka.... Folsom City. Fresno....... Glendale. Georgetown.. Grass Valley. Hemet... Hanford. Hilt........ Hollister... Hollywood. King City. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 241, First National Bank Building (Dr. C. C. Falk). Designated physicians. Dr. C. E. Turner, Klough Building, Main Street. Dr. Frederick J. Boody, First National Bank Building. Dr. Carl S. J. Tillmanns, Dool Build- ing, Room 238, Second and Heffernan Streets. Dr. P. L. Hamilton, I. O. O. F. Build- ing, Third and Broadway. Dr. N. T. Enloe.Sr., 330 Flume Street. Dr. Reuben C. Hill, 9-17 Webb Build- ing. Dr. Ernest M. Fine, Second and J Streets. Dr. E. J. Cornish, Dunsmuir Hospital. Dr. Milo R. Kennedy. Dr. Floyd A. Burger, 17-19 Dunaway Building, 515 Main Street. Dr. Fred M. Binkley, Camp Hospital, Yosemite Lumber Co. Dr. B. L. Crise, Grand Avenue. Dr. J. V. Larzalere, Grand Avenue. Dr. C. Oliver Falk, First National Bank Building. Dr. Lydia Etta Farmer. Dr. J. H. Pettis, McKenzie Building. Dr. C. D. Collins, Bank of Italy Build- ing. Dr. A. B. McConnell, Griffith McKen- zie Building. Dr. F. L. R. Burks, 126 Forsyth Build- ing. Dr. James A. Belyea,8 920 South Cen- tral Avenue. Dr. A. W. Teel,1 Glendale Hospital. Dr. Edward Swift, 124 South Brand Boulevard. Dr. W. S. Hickman, Main Street. Dr. Carl P. Jones, 125 South Auburn Street. Dr. E. A. Wood. Dr. C. T. Rosson, Emporium Build- ing. Dr. F. B. Lucas.s Dr. L. C. Hull, Lathrop Building. Dr. O. G. Stadfield, 6559 Sunset Boulevard. Dr. Charles T. Bullard, Kirk Build- ing. 1 Eye specialist. ' Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. • Neuro psychiatrist. MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Loomis.......... Los Angeles......... Medical Officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 266, 544 Wilcox Building (Dr. J. G. Evans). Madera. Mare Island. McCloud.... Merced...... Modesto..... Naval Hospital4. California—Contd. Long Beach................................................. Dr. W. H. Jones, 131 Pine Avenue. Dr. T. O. Boyd, Tenth and Linden Streets. Dr. R. A. Terry, 301 First National Bank Building. Dr. E. E. Ostrom. Dr. E. A. Bryant, 612 Pacific Electric Building. Dr. Guy Cochran, 515 Pacific Electric Building. Dr. W. W. McKenzie, 715 Hollings- worth Building. Dr. W. W. Richardson,* 311 Brockman Building. Dr. Maurice Kahn, 1111 Brockman Building. Dr. Philip Stephens, 515 Pacific Elec- tric Building. Dr. A. B. Cooke, 606 South Hill Street. Dr. R. W. Graham,i goi Pacific Mutual Building, Sixth and Graham Avenue. Dr. Dow H. Ransom, 110 South D Street. Dr. G. H. Runckel, McCloud Hospital. Dr. A. S. Parker. Dr. Nelson C. Bissell, Modesto Bank Building, Tenth and I Streets. Dr. E. F. Reamer,! 1027 I Street. Dr. Jackson C. Robertson, 1003 Twelfth Street. Dr. Martin MeAulay, El Adobe Hospi- tal, Webster and Abrego Streets. Dr. John P. Sandholdt, 402 Main Street. Dr. Charles H. Bulson, Bank of Italy Building. Dr. E. M. Fly, 704 National Avenue. Dr. G. B. Bushee,3 816 Front Street. Dr. W. G. Morton, Santa Fe Hospital. Dr. Alfred H. Tickell, 207 Pine Street. Dr. E. E. Ostrom. Dr. L. J. Otis, Main Street. Dr. W. A. Clark, 1206 Broadway. Dr. O. D. Hamlin, Federal Realty Building. Dr. Channing Hall, Federal Realty Building. 1 Eye specialist. 2 Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. 3 Neuro psychiatrist. • Civil male employees injured in the performance of duty may be admitted to naval hospitals for im- mediate emergency treatment and retained for further treatment provided the hospital has faciUties available. The injured person should present a " Request for Treatment'' from his official superior on the Commission's Form CA-16. Monterey. Napa. National City. Needles---.... Nevada City. Newcastle___ Norwalk..... Oakland..... Designated physicians. 10 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. California—Contd. Oakland (con.). Ontario. Orland. United States medical officers and hospitals. Oroville... Oxnard... Palo Alto. Pasadena. Placerville. Pomona.... Porterville. Quincy..... Red Bluff. Redding.. Redlands. Richmond. Designated phy-ioian- Dr. Jacob S. Green, 1106 Broadway. Dr. Sumner Everingham, First Natic ri- al Bank Building. Dr. C. A. Wills, 620 First National Bank Building. Dr. Don D. Weaver. 1540 San Pab'.o Avenue. Dr. Calvert L. Emmons, Rose Bl« .k 111 North Euclid Avenue. Dr. Robert C. Nichols, Euclid Savins Bank Building. Dr. T.H.Brown. Dr. Samuel Iglick, Fourth and Walker Streets. Dr.F. A. Kusel. Dr. G. A. Broughton, 436 B Street. Dr. T. M. Williams, 601 Bryant Street. Dr. C. G. Wilson, Palo Alto Bank Building. Dr. F.C.E.Mattison, 326-333 Cham- ber of Commerce Building. Dr. C. D. Lockwood, 607 Citizens Sav- ings Bank Building. Dr. C. H. Rodi, 603 Citizens Savings Bank Building. Dr. H. H. Sherk, Central Building. Dr. Harry S. McGee, 607 Central Build- ing, North Raymond Street. Dr. S. H. Rantz, Main Street. Dr. Wm. A. Reckers, Main Street. Dr. R. L. Smith, State Bank Building. Dr. E. E. Kelly, 347 Investment Building. Dr. T. H. Smith, 157 West Second Street. Dr. Ralph T. Smith,! 342 Investment Building. Dr. J. K. Sw^jndt, 546 Investment Building. Dr. Austin Miller, North Main Street. Dr. Bert J. Lasswell, Clinch Building. Dr. William E. Styan, Steel Front Building, Main Street. Dr. E. E. Thompson, 407 Walnut Street. Dr. C. E. Reed, O'Neil Building, Mar- ket Street. Dr. H. G. Hill, 105 Cajon Street. Dr. W. B. Power, Masonic Temple. Dr. C. G. Hilliard, 126 Cajon Street. Dr. Charles R. Blake,i 704 MacDons-.:-] Avenue. Dr. Palmerston C.Campbell, 213 West Richmond Avpnue. Eye specialist. 11 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State andcitv. l a lifornia—Contd. Richmond (con.). United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Salinas San Bemar lino San Diego. San Francisco. Dr. Urso S. Abbott, 912 MacDonald Avenue. Dr. L. A. Anthony, Rio Vista Hotel Building, Main Street. Dr. Bon O. Adams, 306 Loring Block. Dr. H. R. Martin, 1023 Main Street. Dr. W. W. Roblee, Glenwood Hotel Block. Dr. Cornelius Van-Zwalenburg, 524 Main Street, Glenwood Building. Dr. Will H. Holmes,1 Loring Block, Seventh and Main Streets. Dr. G. W. Dufficy, 1014 Eighth Street. Dr. A. M. Henderson, 824J Street. Dr. T. J. Cox, 810 I Street. Dr. C. W. Wahrer, Physicians' Build- ing. Dr. William K. Lindsay, 1027 Tenth Street. Dr. Junius B. Harris, 400 Capital Na- tional Bank Building, Seventh and J Streets. Dr. Louis J. Gouguet, 1027 Fourth Street. Dr. Garth Parker, 4 West Gabilan Street. Dr. Edwin W. Reeves, 4 West Gabilan Street. Dr. William Rollin Reeves, 4 West Gabilan Street. Dr. P. M. Savage, 499 E Street. Dr. Steele Forsythe, 569 Fourth Street. Dr. H. W. Mills, Ramona Hospital. Dr. Frank X. Fiegel, 534 Fourth Street. Dr. M. C. Harding,* 701 Timken Build- ing. Dr. Charles M. Fox, 406 Timken Build- ing. Dr. Martha Welpton, 903-928 First National Bank Building. Naval Hospital4...................... Dr. H. A. Brown,! 275 Post Street, I Lothrop Building. Medical officer in charge, V. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 323,306 Federal Building (Dr. A. L. Derbyshire). Dr. H. H. Dignan, 275 Post Street. Dr. T. E. Bailly, Flood Building. Dr. A. L. Fisher," 939 Hyde Street. Dr. Solomon Hyman, 135 Stockton Street. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Ma- rine Hospital No. 19 (General), Lake Street and Fourteenth Ave- nue. Dispensary, U. S. Public Health Service, Old Appraisers' Building, Washington and Sansome Streets. ' i Eye specialist. ' Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. « Civil male employees injured in the performance of duty may be admitted to naval hospitals for im- mediate emergency treatment and retained for further treatment provided the hospital has facilities ivailable. The injured person should present a " Request for Treatment" from his official superior on the Commission's Form CA-16. 12 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. California—Contd. San Francisco— (con.). San Jose. San Leandro..... San Luis Obispo. San Mateo. San Pedro. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 355, 519 Beacon Street (Dr. G. T. VanVoorhees). Santa Ana. Dr. H. H. Markel,« 135 Stockton Street. Dr. G. J. MeChesney,' 870 Market Street. Dr. W. S. Franklin,! 135 Stockton Street. Dr. A. L. Draper, 812 Shreve Building. Dr. Harold Brunn, 350 Post Street. Dr. L. P. Howe, 778 Flood Building. Dr. Jonathan Green, 133 Geary Street. Dr. Aaron S. Green,1 853 Hyde Street, corner Bush. Dr. D. A. Beattie, 210 South First Street. Dr. Mark F. Hopkins, 84 South First Street. Dr. Fred S. Ryan, Garden City Bank Building and San Fernando Streets. Dr. Luther Michael, 1479 East Four- teenth Street. Dr. W. M. Stover, 1130 Garden Street. Dr. Nicholas J. Shields, 964 Monterey Street, or Pacific Hospital. Dr. W. C. Chidester, 23 Second Avenue. Dr. C. D. Ball, 520* North Main Street. Dr. J. M. Burlew, 310 Spurgeon Build- Santa Barbara. Santa Cruz. Santa Rosa. Sausalito. Sonora... South San Francisco. Stockton............ Eye specialist. ing. Dr. James N. Bartholomew, 402 Spur- geon Building. Dr. Ben Bakewell, 1205 State Street. Dr. Rexwald Brown, 200 San Marcos Block. Dr. B. F. Cunningham, 905 State Street. Dr. Sharles S. Stevens, 211 San Marcos Building. Dr. P. T. Phillips, Hihn Building. Dr. Stanley W. Dowling, Peoples Bank Building. Dr. Samuel S. Bogle, Bank of Italy Building. Dr. Joseph H. Shaw, Hahman Build- ing, 213 Exchange Place. Dr. Roscoe E. Hamlin, Bank of Italy Building. Dr. C. F. Larson, 35 Princess Street. Dr. E. T. Gould. Dr. R. I. Bromley, 483 Washington j Street. .................................. Dr. F. S. Dolley, 500 Grand Avenue. ................................... Dr. James P. Hull, Elks Building. Dr. R. R. Hammond, Farmers and ' Merchants Bank Building. 2 Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. 13 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. C ALIFORNIA—Contd. Stockton (con.) . United States medical officers and . hospitals. Susanville. Truckee. Upland. Vallejo. Visalia. Watsonville. Weed___ Whit tier Willits.. Willows. Yreka... Canal Zone: Ancon, B a 1 b o Heights. Canada: Montreal, P. Q.... Designated physicians. W. C. Rucker, Surgeon, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 301 Amherst burg, P. O. Dr. C. R. Harry, Farmers and Mer- chants Bank Building. Dr. John V. Craviatto, Commercial and Savings Bank. Dr. Ellis Harbert, 316 Elks Building, Sutter Street. Dr. Linwood Dozier, 221 Elks Building. Dr. John M. Hench,' 406 Commercial Savings Bank Building. Dr. R. W. T. Garner, Lassen Industrial Bank Building. Dr. G. S. Martin, 3-5 Knock Building, Main Street. Dr. Joseph H. Bernard. Dr. William H. Craig, Second Avenue and D Street. Dr. Eiba B. Todd,1 613 Marin Street. Dr. James W. Brownlie, 343 Georgia Street. Dr. Alex V. Doran, 427 Sacramento Street. Dr. Harry Abrons, 343 Georgia Street. Dr. James Finnegan, 427 Sacramento Street. Dr. Gilbert W. Furness, Buckman- Wright Building, 120 North Church Street. Dr. Carlos M. White, 117 North Church Street. Dr. F. H. Koepke, J. T. Porter Build- ing. Dr. F. H. Tebbe. Dr. A. T. Charlton, Whittier National Bank Building. Dr. H. G. Rosenterger, 105 North Bright Avenue. Dr. Raymond A. Babcock, Main and Commercial Streets. Dr. Frank M. Lawson, Barceloux Building. Dr. Robert H. Heaney, Wetzel Build- ing. Dr. J. Roy Jones,2 Miner Street. Dr. J. Appleton Nutter,609 Drummond Street, or 511 St. Catherine Street West. Dr. R. H. Abbott, Dalhousie Street. i Eye specialist. 2 Specialist for fractuves, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. 14 MEDICAL FACILITIES--Continue! State andcitv. United States medical officers and hospitals. Colorado: Aspen............... Carbondale.......... Crested Butte....... Delta............... Designated physicians. Dr. C A. Davlin, Fourth Street and San Juan Avenue. Dr. L. W. Soland, San Luis Valley Hos- pital. Dr. W. H. Twining. Dr. A. E. Smith. Dr. Clay E. Giffln, 2019 Tenth Street. Dr. H. A. Green, Boulder Sanitarium, Fourth and Mapleton Avenue. Dr. Cyrus W. Poley, Citizens' Bank Building. Dr. Charles E. Condon. Dr. G. E. Newell, Main Street. Dr. C. H. Graves, Sixth Street. Dr. R. E. Holmes, 423 Macon Avenue. Dr. O. F. Clagett. Dr. P. O. Hanford, 720 North Nevada Avenue. Dr. P. M. Lennox, 712 Exchange Na- tional Bank. Dr. J. R. Haney, 208 Burns Building. Dr. M. O. Shivers, 64 Bank Building. Dr. T. R. Knowles, 208 Mining Ex- change Building. Dr. E. E. Johnson. Dr. L.Orton Davenport, First National Bank Building. Dr. J. S. Alford. Dr. A. W. McArthur, Delta National Bank Building. Dr. E. G. Shaffer, Hillman Building. Dr. Augustus F. Erich, Delta National Bank Building. Dr. A. H. Williams, 644 Metropolitan Building. Dr. C. F. Hegner, 920 Metropolitan Building. Dr. F. C. Buchtel, 100 Metropolitan Building.. Dr. Melville Black,1 424 Metropolitan Building. Dr. O. M. Shere, 610-614 Metropolitan Building. Dr. C. B. Lyman, 946 Metropoitan Building. Dr. F. J. McNaught, 742 Metropolitan Building. Dr. Harry S. Finney, 627 Majestic Building.. Dr. Edward F. Dean, 100 Metropolitan Building. i Eye -pecialist. 15 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. -Tfcte and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Colorado—Continued. Denver (Con.)..... Durango. EstesPark.. Fairplay___ Fort Collins. Fort Morgan...... Fruita............, Glenwood Springs. Golden.......... Grand Junction. < * reelev. Julesburg. La Junta. Lamar... La Veta... Leadville.. Littleton.. Longmont. Loveland.. Montrose.. Eye specialist. 105745—22- Designated physicians. Dr. Alden D. Catterson, 1498 South Pearl Street (South Denver). Dr. Leon Block,! 404 Central Savings Bank Building. Dr. A. W. Robbins, Century Building. Dr. John Haggart, Burns Bank Block. Dr. Roy Wiest. Dr. L. M. Gwinn. Dr. W. A. Kickland, 210 Colorado Building. Dr. P. J. McHugh, 215 East Oak Street. Dr. A. F. Williams, First National Bank Block. Dr. R. B. Porter, First National Bank Building. Dr. C. M. Stewart, Post Office Block. Dr. E. J. Horan, 1018 Girard Avenue. Dr. J. P. Kelly. Dr. H. R. Bull, 5 and 7 Canon Block. Dr. J. U. Sickenberger, 201 G. V. Bank Building. Dr. H. S. Henderson, Fair Building. Dr. N. A. Madler, 320 Greeley National Bank Building. Dr.Wm. E. Thompson, 213-214 Greeley National Bank Building. Dr. F. P. Hanson, Main and Ohio Streets. Dr. Elum M. Russell, Taylor Street. Dr. Edgar P. Murdock (also Chappell, Nebr.). Dr. E. Gard Edwards, McNevin Block. Dr. L. E. Likes, Cooper Building. Dr. William O. Sheller, 2004, South Main Street. Dr. Harry R. Sickafoose, La Veta Hos- pital, Main Street. Dr. H. A .Calkins, 602 Harrison Avenue. Dr. E. B. Lynch, 815 Harrison Avenue. Dr. C. C. Fowler, 152 South Prince Street. Dr. C. F. Andrew, Longmont Hospital Building. Dr. J. G. McFadden, 433 Lincoln Avenue. Dr. S. H. Bell, 445 Main Street. Dr. Isaiah Knott, 237 South Second Street. Dr. Edgar Hadley, Keller Building. Dr. C. G. Brethouwer, Missouri Build- ing. Dr D. C. Groves. 16 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. Colorado—Continued. Olathe............. Palisade. Pueblo... Saguache. Salida___ Somerset....... Steamboat Springs. Telluride........... Trinidad........... Walden. Connecticut: Bridgeport. Bristol... Danbury. Derby. Greenwich. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physician- Dr. C. E. Lockwood, Main Street. Dr. E. C. Dennis. Dr. L. R. Carson, Palisade National Bank Building. Dr. J. A. Black, Strait Block. Dr. William Senger, Minnie ;ua Hos- pital. Dr. M. S. Middlekamp, Pope Block. Dr. T. A. Stoddard, 544 Thatcher Block. Dr. O. P. Shippey. Dr. F. N. Cochems, 140 West Third Street. Dr. Thomas L. A. Shaffer, 120 West Third Street. Dr. G. H. Curfman, McGowrn Build- ing. Dr. R. H. Finley,Utah Fuel Company Hospital. Dr. F. E. Willett, Steamboat Springs Hospital. Dr. Charles H. Tidd, First National Bank Building. Dr. Alfred Freudenthal, 112 East Main Street. Dr. H. E. Abrahams, 203 Bank Build- ing. Dr. C. O. McClure, Poitrey Building. Dr. D. G. Thompson, Elks Building. Dr. P. W. Fischer. Dr. W. H. Curley, 725 Park Avenue. Dr. C. C. Godfrey, 340 State Street. Dr. H. S. Miles,! 881 Lafayette Street. Dr. David M. Trecartin, 381 Lafayette Street. Dr. Daniel C. Patterson, Sil Lafayette Street. Dr. H. B. Lambert, 831 Lafayette Street. Dr. A. S. Brackett, 2 Riverside, Ave- nue. Dr. Nathaniel Selleck, 261 Main Street. Dr. H. F. Brownlee, 342 Main Street. Dr. A. C. Smith, 268 Main Street. Dr. Michael A. Parlato, 270 Elizabeth Street. Dr. E. T. Sharpe, 12 Elizabeth Street. Dr. Fritz Carlton Hyde, Putnam and Maple Avenue. Dr. D. J. Knowlton, 83 East Putnam Avenue. i Eye specialist. 17 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and citv. Connecticut—Contd. Hartford.......... Meriden...... Middletown.. New Britain. United States medical officers and hospitals. New Haven. New London. Norwalk. Norwich. Pomfret.. Stamford. Torrington. Waterbury. West Haven. Willimantic. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 288, City Hall. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 289, (Dr. J. M. Ganey). Designated physicians. Dr. P. F. McPartland, 202 Church Street. Dr. E. R. Lampson, 179 Allyn Street. Dr. C. E. Taft, 50 Farmington Avenue. Dr. E. A. Wells, 2 Garden Street. Dr. E. W. Smith, 34 West Main Street. Dr. J. R. Loveland, 93 Broad Street,- Dr. E. T. Fromen, 272 Main Street. Dr. George W. Dunn, 259 Main Street. Dr. C. M. Cooley, 87 West Main Street. Dr. W. H. Crowe, 59 College Street. Dr. F. H. Reilly, 230 Church Street. Dr. E. R. Whittemore, 19 Whitney Avenue. Dr. L. C. Sanford, 347 Temple Street. Dr. James S. Maher, 261 Orange Street. Dr. W. P. Baldwin, 1226 Chapel Street. Dr. Thomas J. Sullivan, 495 Orange Street. Dr. F. M. Dunn, 149 State Street. Dr. G. P. Cheney, 179 Montauk Ave- nue. Dr. Daniel Sullivan, 58 Huntington Street. Dr. Wm. D. Cronin, 23 Main Street. Dr. W. J. Tracey, 23 West Avenue. Dr. R. R. Agnew, 214 Thayer Building. Dr. J. J. Donohue, 43 Broadway. Dr. S. B. Overlook, The Maples. Dr. J. F. Harrison, 507 Atlantic Street. Dr. Wm. T. Godfrey, 88 South Street. Dr. C. H. Carlin,1 236 Main Street. Dr. Harry B. Hanchett, 55 Main Street. Dr. William J. Hogan, 80 Main Street. Dr. A. N. Pomeroy, 76 Center Street. Dr. A. A. Crane, 300 West Main Street. Dr. A. J. Anderson, 39 Leavenworth Street. Dr. J. S. Dye, 160 Prospect Street. Dr. Charles H. Audet, 420 South Main Street. Dr. Walter L. Barber, jr., 89 North Main Street. Dr. Thomas J. Kilmartin, Lilley Building, 111 West Main Street. Dr. Piatt H. Rogers, 228 Elm Street. Dr. J. A. Girouard, 19 Union Street- Dr. John Weldon, 784 Main Street. 1 Eye specialist. \ 18 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and citv. United States medical officers and hospitals. Delaware: Lewes...................\ Medical Officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 265 (Dr. William P. Orr). Mil ford.......................................................... Newark........................................................ Wilmington.................................................... D [strict of Columbia: Washington......... Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 339, 16 Seventh Street, S. W., tele- phone Main 6400, branch 244. (Dr. G. L. Collins.) Medical officer in charge, Freedmans Hospital, Sixth and Bryant Streets NW................................ Naval hospital4...................... Florida: Apalachicola. Arcadia. Designated physicians De Land___ Fernandina. Dr. William Marshall, Jr., 112 North Front Street. Dr. G. B. Pearson. Dr. J. A. Draper, 1015 Washington Street. Dr.J.M. Stadter, 706 Delaware Avenue. Dr. Charles S. White,5 911 Sixteenth Street, (telephone, Franklin 986) to care for cases sent to Emergency, and George Washington Hospitals. Dr. J. F. Mitchell,5 1344 Nineteenth Street, (telephone, Franklin 4469), to care for cases sent to Emergency Hospital. Dr. W. P. Reeves,5 100 East Capitol Street (telephone, Lincoln 485), to care for cases sent to Casualty Hos- pital. Dr. James A. Cahill,jr.,52901 Sixteenth Street (telephone, Columbia 7771), to care for cases sent to Providence Hospital. Dr. G. E. Weems, Corner Market and Chestnut Streets. Dr. Augustus E. Confer. Buzzett's Drug Store, 73 Market Street. Dr. Henry P. Bevis, De Soto National Bank Building. Dr. D. L. McSwain, 116J West Oak Street. Dr. J. H. Coffee, 107 De Soto National Bank Building. Dr. G. A. Davis, 33 Indiana Avenue. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 243 (Dr. W. T. Waas). » Civil male employees, injured in the performance of duty, may be admitted to naval hospitals for im- mediate emergency treatment and retained for further treatment provided the hospital has facilities available. The injured person should present a " Request for Treatment" from his official superior on the Commission's Form CA-16. s When it is necessary to send an injured employee to Emergency Hospital the emloyee should be given a " Request for Treatment" on the Commission's form prepared for the purpose, and either Doctor White or Doctor Mitchell should be immediately requested to take care of the case. The hospital should be notified which physician will have charge. If the case is sent to the George Washington Hospital Doctor White should be requested to take charge of the case. If the case is sent to Casualty Hospital Doctor Reeves should be requested to take charge of the case and the hospital notified accordingly. If the case is sent to Providence Hospital Doctor Cahill should be requested to take charge of the case and the hospital notified accordingly. Both Emergency and Casualty Hospitals maintain ambulance service. 19 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Florida—Continued. Gainesville..........j........................................j Dr. M. H. De Pass,2 Florida National Bank Building. ■ j Dr. S. D. Rice, 129 East Main Street, N. Dr. George C. Tillman, 131-135 East Main Street, North. Jacksonville.........| Medical officer in-charge, U. S. Public Dr. P. C. Perry, Graham Building. Health Service Relief Station No. I Dr. J. K. Simpson, 603 Consolidated Key West. Lake City. Lakeland. Madison... Mariann*. Miami. Ocala. Okeechobee. Orlando..... Pensacola. Plant Citv 258, 302 St. James Building (Dr. J. B. Parramore), Medical officer in charge, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 10 (General), Front and Emma Streets. Naval hospital'..................... Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 302, 315 Blount Building (Dr. Fred Locke). Naval hospital *...................... Building. Dr. N. M. Heggie,1 BuckmanBuilding. Dr. M. H. Smith, St. James Building. Dr. R. R. Sullivan, 209 South Ken- tucky Street. Dr. John F. Wilson, jr., Evening Tele- gram Building, Main Street aDd Massachusetts Avenue............... Dr. L. ('. Ruter, 114 Bunker Street Dr. N. A. Baltzell, Smith Drug Store' Building. Dr. C. F. Sayles, 217 Flagler Street Dr. A. R. Parrott, 142 East Flagler Street. Dr. Edwin M. Jones, 161 N. E. Second Street. Dr. F. A. Gowdy, 212 Republic Build- ing. Dr. H. C. Dozier, 9J North Magnolia Street. Dr. C. R. Darrow,i South Park Stieet Dr. J. S. McEwan, 110 East Central Avenue. Dr. G. H. Edwards, 102 East Central Avenue. Dr. W. D. Nobles. Dr. J. W. Alsobrook, RevnolcJi and Collins Streets. Port Tampa (see Tampa). 1 Eye specialist. 2 Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. * Civil male employees injured in the performance of duty may be admitted to naval hospitals for im- mediate emergency treatment and retained for further treatment provided the hospital has facilities available. The injured person should present a " Request for Treatment" from his official superic r on tut Commission's Form CA-16. 20 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Florida—Continued. Sanford.......... St. Augustine. Tallahassee... Tampa. West Palm Beach. Georgia: Albany. Americus. Athens. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 336 (Dr. Sheldon Stringer). Atlanta. Augusta. Blue Ridge. Brunswick. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 217, Glynn County Bank Building (Dr. H. M. Branham), Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. Designated physicians. Dr. James N. Robson, 210 Park Ave- nue. Dr. Ralph E. Stevens, Ball Hardware Building, First Street. Dr. E. S. Estes, Lyon Building. Dr. J. K. Johnston, 51 South Monroe Street. Dr. J. S. Helms, S12 Citizens' Bank Building. Dr. Chadbourne Andrews, 812 Citi- zens' Bank Building. Dr. L. J. Efird, 509 Stovall Building. Dr. Leland F. Carlton, S06-309 Citi- zens' Bank Building. Dr. C. M. Conkling, Maddock Building. Dr. T. D. Gunter, Jefferson Hotel Building. Dr. A. H. Hilsman, Broad and Wash- ington Streets. Dr. Arthur W. Wood, 238£ Pine Street. Dr. J. M. Barnett, 208 Pine Street. Dr. W. S. Prather, Lamar and Jack- son Streets. Dr. Russell P. Glenn, Jacks >n and Church Streets. Dr. Taylor Lewis, Lamar and Jack- son Streets. Dr. J. P. Proctor, 455 North Milledge Avenue. Dr. H. M. Fullilove, St. Mary's Hos- pital. Dr. H. W. Birdsong, 413^14 Holman Building, Clayton Street. Dr. John A. Honeycutt, jr., 318 South ern Mutual Insurance Building. Dr. Michael Hoke,* 15 West Alex- ander Street. Dr. Frank Eskridge, 301-306 Altanta National Bank Building. Dr. T. H. Hancock, 30 Crew Street. Dr. W. C. Jarnagin, 30 Crew Street. Dr. G. T. Home, 1107 Greene Street. Dr. N. W. Battey, jr., 428 Sixth Street. Dr. T. R. Wright, 402 Ninth Street. Dr. J. M. Daves. Dr. G. W. Blanton, Kress Building, Newcastle Street. 21 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. Georgia—Continued. Carrollton......... Columbus United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Dublin.............. Fitzgerald........... Gainesville.......... Griffin.............. Savannah........... Medical officer in charge, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 20 (General), York and Abercorn Streets. Swainsboro Thomasville Valdosta Dr. 0. W. Roberts, 32-36 First Na- tional Bank Building. Dr. J. C. Woolridge, Murrah Building. Dr. Elliott L. Baker, 215 Murrah Build- ing. Dr. W. L. Des Portes, 1140J Broad Street. Dr. W. L. Cooke, 306 Masonic Temple. Dr. H. Stokes Munroe, Tarver Build- ing. Dr. Clifford A. Peacock,1 304 Murrah Building. Dr. W. E. Edwards, 105 Eleventh Avenue. Dr. Thomas Chason. Dr. E. B. Claxton, 301-304 First National Bank Building. Dr. D. B. Ware, 315 South Main Street. Dr. R. M. Ware, 302 Garnett-Donovan Building. Dr. J. H. Downey, 13 Sycamore Street. Dr. J. R. Anthony, Griffin Banking Co. Building. Dr. A. R. Rozar, 207-208 Grand Build- ing. Dr. George Y. Massenburg, The Clinic, Walnut Street. Dr. Olin H. Weaver, 722 Spring Street. Dr. Carl L. Anderson, 509 Citizens and Southern Bank Building. Dr. Julien C. Pate, 519-520 Georgia Casualty Building. Dr. W. A. Turner, 19 Spring Street. Dr. R. M. Harbin, 100 Third Avenue. Dr. W. P. Harbin, 100 Third Avenue. Dr. R. H. Wicker, 310 South Broad Street. Dr. G. R. White, 2 East Liberty Street. Dr. Jabez Jones, 11 West Gordon Street. Dr. S. L. Phillips,1 22 Oglethorpe Avenue, East. Dr. D. D. Smith. Dr. Charles H. Watt, Medical Building. Dr. Arthur D. Little, second floor, Masonic Building. Dr. AG. Little, 134J West Patterson Street. Dr. Archie Griffin, 134J North Pat- terson Street, i Eye specialist. 22 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. G eorgia—Continued. Waycross......... Guam......... Hawaii: Honolulu. Pearl Harbor... Idaho: American Falls. Avery.......... Boise.......... United States medical officers and hospitals. Naval hospital' Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 254, Customhouse (Dr. E. A. Sweet). Naval hospital *..................... Bovill.. Burley. Caldwell. Couer d'Alene. Emmett. Glenns Ferry. Gooding..... Idaho Falls. . Kooskia___ Kuna...... Lewiston... Meridian... Montpelier. Moscow___ Designated physicians Dr. Kenneth McCollough. Dr. W. M. Folks, King's I >.i'filters' Hospital. Dr. C. A. Witmer, Plant Building. Dr. William D. Mixson,1 216-220 Bunn Building, Elizabeth Street. Dr. C. F. Schlitz, Wones Building. Dr. Charles Busey. Dr. J. C. Hill, Empire Building. Dr. J. S. Springer, 208 Idaho Building. Dr. F. W. Smith, Empire Building. Dr. J. L. Stewart, 410 overland Building. Dr. F. A. Pittenger, 407 overland Building. Dr. Arthur I. Jones,1 518 Overland Building. Dr. F. C. Gibson, Bovill Hospital. 5?P1 Dr. Joseph Fremstad, Bellevue Hos- pital, Miller Avenue. Dr. J. W. Gue. Dr. C. M. Kaley. Dr. J. T. Wood, Scollan Block. Dr. J. C. Dwyer, Wiggett Block. " Dr. R. N. Cummings, Bank of Emmett Building. Dr. B. O. Clark, 107 North Washington Street. , ■>. f* , Dr. Austin G. Byrd, Bank of Emmett Building. Dr. J. W. Davis. Dr. Lee W. Cary. Dr. CM. Cline. Dr. H. Ray Hatch, Smith Building. Dr. Thos. C. Hollister, corner Park Avenue and A Street. Dr. J. M. Verberkmos. Dr. F. J. Coleman. Dr. Edgar Lee White, 1504 Main Street. Dr. H. F. Neal. Dr. G. F. Ashley, Washington Street. Dr. C. L. Gritman, 720 South Main Street. lEye specialist. * Civil male employees injured in the performance of duty may be admitted to naval hospitals for im- mediate emergency treatment and retained for further treatment provided the hospital has facilities available. The injured person should present a "Request for Treatment" from his official superior on the Commission's Form CA-16. 23 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Idaho—Continued Nampa........ Orofino....... Pocatello...... Priest River. Rexburg..... Rupert...... St. Anthony St. Maries. Sandpoint.. Twin Falls. Wallace. Illinois: Alton... Amboy. Arthur.. Belleville. Belvidere. Benton. Eye specialist. Neuro psychiatrist. Designated physicians. Dr. G. E. Shawhan,1 over Everybody's Drug Store. Dr. Marion S. Fink, Stockmens Bank Building. Dr. J. M. Fairly, Burns Building. Dr. W. F. Howard, 407 Kane Building. Dr. Wm. W. Brothers, 407 Kane Build- ing. Dr. Abram M. Newton, Kane Build- ing. Dr. C. P. Getzlaff. Dr. Parley R. Nelson, First National Bank Building. Dr. J. B. Kenagy. Dr. M. M. Harshbarger, Eggleston Block. Dr. D. E. Cornwall, corner College and Eleventh Streets. Dr. O. F. Page, City Hospital. Dr. Duncan L. Alexander, Baugh Building. Dr. Hubert W. Wilson, 228 Main Ave- nue East. Dr. C. R. Mowery, Sixth and Cedar Streets. Dr. E. O. Finney, State and Idaho Streets. Dr. J. N. Shaff,604 East Broadway. Dr. E. A. Sullivan,120Main Street. Dr. A. F. Turner, Block S, South Main Street. Dr. H. A. Brennecke, 15 South Broad- way. Dr. J. W. Dreyer, Terminal Building. Dr. A. H. McLaughlin, 11 South Broad- way. Dr. J. W. MacDonald, 12 South Broad- way. Dr. C. G. Rayhill, 116 East Main Street. Dr. C. H. Starkel, 11 South Church Street. Dr. A. Le Roy Reuss, 100 East Main Street, or St. Vincent's Hospital. Dr. R. W. Mclnnis, 511 South State Street. Dr. F.S.Whitman II,» 501 State Street. Dr. John B. Moore, First National Bank Build ing. 24 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Illinois—Continued. Bloomington........ Dr. J. H. Fenelon, 311 Locust Street. Dr. Frank C. Fisher, Griesheim Build- ing. Dr. Paul E. Greenleaf,220 North Center Street. Dr. Edwin P. Sloan, Griesheim Build- ing. Dr. F. C. Vandervort, 309 Unity Building. Dr. E. Mannmen, 308-10 Griesheim Building. Cairo................ Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station Dr. J. J. Rendleman, 616 Commercial Avenue. No. 220 (Dr. R. E. Barrows). Dr. W. F. Grinstead, 808 Commercial Avenue. Dr. W. E. Shallenberger, 32 North Main Street. Dr. J. E. Coleman, 24 North Main Street. Dr. H. C. Mitchell, Holden Hospital. Dr. T. F. Gerould, 115| North Locust Street. Dr. C. F. Newcomb, Illinois Building, Neil and Park Streets. Dr. Cleaves Bennett, 712 West Park Street. Dr. W. L. Gray, 412 Illinois Building. Dr. Earl D. Wise, 416 Illinois Building. Dr. A.J. Dalton, 509 Robeson Building. Dr. H. C. Adderly, 641 Pine Street. Dr. A. D. Bevan, Peoples' Gas Building. Chicago............. Medical OfficerinCharge, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 5 (General), 4141 Clar- endon Avenue. Dr. H. E. Mock, 122 South Michigan Boulevard. Dr. R. R. Duff, 1118 West Thirty-fifth Street. Dr. J. T. Sullivan, 1118 West Thirty-fifth Street. Dispensary, U. S. Public Health Serv- Dr. S. C. Plummer, 25 East Washing- ice, Post Office Building. ton Street. Dr. A. E. Halstead, 30 North Michigan Avenue. Dr. L. L. McArthur, 122 South Michi-gan Avenue. Chicago Heights..... Dr. W. N. MacChesney, 1620 Otto Boulevard (also 25 East Washington Street, Chicago, 111.). Dr. Sidney A. Smith, First National Bank Building. Dr. G. S. Edmonson, 304J Public Square. 25 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and citv. United States medical officers and hospitals. Illinois—Continued. Danville.......... Decatur. DeKalb...... Depue........ Dixon___ Dwight....... East St. Louis Effingham Eldorado. Elgin..... Evanston. Fairbury. Freeport. Galena. Designated physicians. Dr. J. M. Guy, 201-202 Daniel Building. Dr. F. N. Cloyd, 504 First National Bank Building. Dr. A. E. Dale, 307 Temple Building. Dr. M. P. Parrish, 617-625 Powers Building. Dr. Wm. Chenoweth, 129 East William Street. Dr. Tyler Meriweather, 533 Powers Building. Dr. W. C. Wood, 326 Power Building. Dr. J. S. Rankin, 149 East Lincoln Highway. Dr. J. F. Lewis. Dr. A. F. Moore, Opera House Block. Dr. W. R. Parker, 121 First Street. Dr. P. J. Reynolds. Dr. J. G. Beykirch, jr., 403 Collinsville Avenue. Dr. F. H. Gunn, 513 Missouri Avenue. Dr. C. F. W. Wilhelmj, 433 Murphy Building. Dr. Louis J. Linder, 1301 St. Clair Avenue. Dr. Jas. A. Bozarth, 120-A Collinsville Avenue. Doctors Buckmaster, Wettstein, and Holman. Dr. S. W. Latham, 302 Locust Street. Dr. O. L. Pelton, jr., 102 North Spring Street. Dr. F. C. Schurmeier, 40-42 Hubbard Building. Dr. H. N. Pillinger, 14 Douglass Avenue. Dr. J. R. Tobin, 165 Milwaukee Street. Dr. Wm. R. Parkes/lx3o Chicago Ave- nue. Dr. D. F. Clark,2 800 Davis Street. Dr. E. J. Ford, 2009 Harrison Street. Dr. A. C. Strong,1619 Davis Street. Dr. J. H. Langstaff, Fairbury Bank Building. Dr. J. H. Stealy, 140 Clark Avenue. Dr. K. F. Snyder, State Bank Build- ing. Dr. W. L. Karcher, 97 Stephenson Street. Dr. J. A. Poling, Old Colony Building. Dr. J. J. Grant, State Bank Building. Dr. E. N. Bench, Main Street. 1 Eye specialist. 1 Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. 26 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and citv. Illinois—Continued. Galesburg........ Galva......... Geneva....... Grand Tower. Granite City.. Great Lakes. Harvard___ Harvey..... Jacksonville. Kankakee. Kewanee. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Dr. C. A. Finley, 151 East Main Street. Dr. C. C. Johnson, Bank of Galesburg Building. Dr. E. C. G. Franing,404 Bank of Gales- burg Building. Dr. Ben. V. McClanahan, 249 East Main Street. Dr. D. F. Stewart, 324 Main Street. Dr. R. G. Scott, 216 Third Street. Dr. M. W. Baysinger, Front Street. Dr. R. W. Binney, Nineteenth and D Streets. Dr. J. J. Fitzgerald, Nineteenth and D Streets. Naval hospital *....................... ........................................; Dr. H. J. Schmid, Harold Building. ........................................ Dr. T. A. Noble, 1550 Center Avenue. ........................................ Dr. J. W. Hairgrove, Ayres Bank Building. Dr. F. A. Norris, 409 Ayres Bank Building. .........................................] Dr. T. H. Wagner, 315 Jefferson Street. | Dr. A. L. Sheffler, 307-308 Woodruff Building. Dr. Walter B. Huey, 404 Clinton Street. Dr. Frank D. Rich,1 535 Barber Build- ing. ..................................... Dr. J. A. Brown, 123 East Court Street. Dr. C. K. Smith, 14 Bank Building. ....................................; Dr. W. D. Hohmann, 212 North Tre- mont Street. Dr. Haydn L. Fischer, Fischer Build- I ing, West Third Street. ........................................ Dr. J. F. Crowley, 111J Marquette Street. Dr. John W. Geiger, 133 Marquette | Street. | Dr. P. M. Burke, Neustadt Building. Dr. Walter W. Graves, 150 Marquette Street. Lincoln.............j........................................j Dr. Calvin C. Montgomery, 402 West Broadway. Dr. Frank M. Hagans, 400 Broadway. Dr. Wallace B. Perry, 315 Broadway. Litchfield...................................................Dr. G. A. Sihler, jr., 310 North Madison Street. Macomb..................................................... Dr. J. B. Bacon, St. Francis Hospital. 1 Eye specialist. « Civil male employees injured in the performance of duty may be admitted to naval hospitals for im- mediate emergency treatment and retained for further treatment provided the hospital has facilities available. The injured person should present a "Request for Treatment" from his official superior on the Commission's Form CA-16. 27 MEDICAL FACILITDES-Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Illinois—Continued. Streets. Dr. Lars S. Pederson, State Street. McLeansboro. Metropolis. Moline. Marion..............';........................................| Dr. I. C. Walker, 1201 City Square. Dr. A. M. Edwards, 56 S. & S. Bank Building. Mattoon..................................................... Dr x. O. Freeman, 1504 Broadway. ; Dr. W. J. Carter, 213, South Seven- teenth Street. Dr. Thos. A. Bryan, 213 South Seven- teenth Street. Dr. Charles B. Voigt,11702 Broadway. Dr. Emory S. Hall, Market Street. Dr. J. M. Clement, South Main Street. Dr. G. W. Walbright, Walbright Hos- pital. Dr. J. A. Fisher, First National Bank Building. Dr. M. S. Dondanville, 403 Fifteenth Street. Dr. J. W. Seids, 409 Reliance Build- | ing- j Dr. F. J. Otis, 512 Reliance Building. Monmouth.................................................. Dr. A. G. Patton, 122 West First Ave- nue. ; Dr. C. O. Burgess, 218 East Broadway. Morris.......................................................< Dr. Roscoe Whitman, 302 Liberty Street. Mount Carmel.............................................. Dr.Waldo B. Baird, 317-iMarket Street. j Dr. John J. Mcintosh, 500 Market Street. Mount Carrol................................................ Dr. Jos. I. Mershon, 4 Clay Street. Mount Vernon......'........................................| Dr. J. W. Hamilton, 1020J Main Street. ! Dr. Hugh W. Maxey, 113J South Tenth Street. Dr. W. G. Parker, 106J North Ninth Street. Murphysboro.......'........................................! Dr. Chas. Molz, 1105 Chestnut Street. Nashville...................................................I Dr. Paul B. Rabenneck, Farmers and Merchants National Bank Building. Olney...............'........................................ Dr. G. T. Weber, 610 East Main Street. Ottawa.............!........................................| Dr. E. E. Palmer, Armory Block. | Dr. John H. Edgcomb, 401 Central Life Building. pana........................................................ Dr. J. H. Miller, 31 South Locust Street. paris.............................................. Dr. Roland Hazen, 300 East Crawford Street. Pekin___ j........................................ Dr. F. C. Gale, 25 South Fourth Street. Dr. Jas. E. Watson,-29 South Capitol Street. 28 MEDICAL FACDLITIES. State and city. Illinois—Continued. Peoria............ Pinckneyville. Quincy........ Robinson. Rochelle.. Rockford.. Rock Island. Rockton. Rossville. Rutland___ Savanna___ Shelbyville. Springfield. Spring Valley. Sterling....... United States medical officers and hospitals. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service, Relief Station No. 317, Rock Island Arsenal(Dr. W. H. Keatley). (Same as Rock Island Arsenal). Designated physicians. Dr. C. U. Collins, 427 Jefferson Build- ing. Dr. C. G. Farnum, 516-517 Jefferson Building. Dr. E. E. Barbour, 427 Jefferson Build- ing. Dr. Jay H. Bacon, 804 Peoria Life Building. Dr. Mark R. Damron, 115 South Wal- nut Street. ^J Dr. H. P. Beirne, 648 Hampshire Ave- nue. Dr. H. O. Collins, 645£ Hampshire Ave- nue. Dr. Grant Irwin, 808 Main Street. Dr. O. F. Shulian, Illinois State Bank Building. Dr. J. A. Koch, 800 Broadway. Dr. H. N. Rafferty, 209 West Walnut Street. Dr. W. E. Kittler, 326J Lincoln High- way. Dr. S. R. Cathn, 203-204 Stewart Office Building. Dr. J. A. Dagnault, 507 Aston Building. Dr. W. R. Fringer,1 Wm. Brown Build- ing. * Dr. Edw. J. Farrell, 502 Trust Build- ing. Dr. Thomas H. Culhane, 305 Stewart Office Building. Dr. C. F. Freytag, 508 Best Building. Dr. G. L. Eyster, 413 Safety Building. Dr. E. R. Cochran, Centerand Chepple Streets. Dr. E. E. Howard, Attica and Chicago Streets. Dr. S. <;. Peterson. Dr. Chas. H. Hulick, 1924 Broadway. Dr. T. J. Knudson, 517 East Capital Avenue. Dr. Irving W. Metz, 608 East Capital Avenue. Dr. D. W. Deal, 517 East Capital Ave- nue. Dr. Berton W. Hole, Broadwell Build- ing. Dr. J. H. Franklin, 101 St. Paul Street. Dr. Wm. H. McCandless, Lawrence Building. Eye specialist. 29 MEDICAL FACILITIES. State and city. Illinois—Continued. Streator.......... United States medical officers and hospitals. Sycamore.. Taylorville. Toledo. Tuscola. Utica... Virden.. Waukegan. Indiana: Anderson. Angola. Attica... Bedford. Bloomington. Cannelton. Colfax..... Columbia Citv Connersville... Crawfordsville. Danville..... East Chicago. Elkhart. Designated physicians. Dr. Roy Sexton, 305 Main Street. Dr. Clarence G. Reno, 218 East Main Street. Dr. L. D. Howe, 219 East Main Street. Dr. G. W. Nesbitt, State Street. Dr. G. L. Armstrong, 115 West Main Street. Dr. T. A. Lawler, 119 East Main Street. Dr. W. H. Mercer, Scott Building. Dr. AV. R. Rhodes, 201 East Main Street. Dr. W. E. Rice, 10 North Main Street. Dr. J. S. Geen, Mill Street. Dr. T. W. Morgan, over Reidle & Co. store. Dr. F. C. Knight, 137 North Ge-i.essee Street. Dr. E. F. Gavin, 101 Sheridan Road. Dr. M. A. Austin, 359 Union Building. Dr. V. G. McDonald, 359 Farmers' Trust Building. Dr. P. Norman Sutherland, Northeast corner Public Square. Dr. W. H. Lane, 3-4 Gillis Block. Dr. A. M. Sullivan, North Perry Street. Dr. John R. Pearson, 1014 West Fif- teenth Street. Dr. George F. Holland, 124 West Seventh Street. Dr. Charles E. Harris, 213 South College Avenue. Dr. D. S. Conner, 619 Taylor Street. Dr. J. H. Schuck, Farmers Sta'te Bank Building. Dr. D. S. Linvill, 102 East Van Bureri Street. Dr. E. V. Nolt, Masonic Temple. Dr. I. E. Booher, 621§ Central Avenue. Dr. P. J. Barcus, Ben Hur Building. Dr. Aubrey L. Loop, 319 Ben Hur Building. Dr. L. W. Armstrong, 202 West Main Street. Dr. A. G. Schlicker, 715 Chicago Ave- nue. Dr. George Francis Bicknell, 720 Chi- cago Avenue. Dr. H. C. Ernst, 720 Chicago Avenue. Dr. I. W. Short, 116 West Marion Street. Dr. Geo. W. Grossnickle, Haynes Building. Dr.B. F.Kuhn, 300 South Main Street. 30 State and citv. Indiana—Continued. Elwood.......... MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Evansville. Fort Wavne. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 8 (T. B.), L700 West Illinois Street. Frankfort. Garrett. Gary... Hammond. Huntington___ Indiana Harbor Indianapolis leffersonville 1 Eye specialist. Dr. M. L. Ploughe, 111§ South Ander- son Street. Dr. P. C. Rietz, American Trust & Sav- ings Bank Building. Dr. W. H. Field,1 424 Upper First Street. Dr. L. D. Brose,!501 Upper First Street. Dr. A. H. McBeth, 415 East Wayne Street. Dr. Noah Zehr, Gauntt Building. Dr. M. I. Rosenthal, 336 West Berry Street. Dr. Herman A. Duemling, Home and Fairfield Avenue. Dr. S. B. Simms, Ross Block. Dr. John A. Van Kirk, 204 West Wash- ington Street. Dr. Milton T. McCarty, Peoples Life Building. Dr. M. E. Klingler, 106 South Cowan Street. Dr. T. B. Templin, 583 Broadway. Dr. H. M. Hosmer, 555 Broadway. Dr. Ira Miltimore, 548 Broadway. Dr. Hugh J. White, 561 Hohman Street Dr. H. E. Sharrer, Citizens National Bank Building. Dr. M. H. Krebs,114 East Market Street. Dr. C. L. Wright, 2 East Market Street. Dr. C. C. Robinson, 3410 Michigan Avenue. Dr. N. E. Jobes, 305 Traction Terminal Building. Dr. M. N. Hadley, 608 Hume Mansur Building. Dr. W. D. Gatch, 605 Hume Mansur Building. Dr. T. C. Hood,1 1008 Hume Mansur Building. Dr. Harry A. Jacobs, 332 Bankers Trust Building. Dr. Robt. J. Kemper, 237 North Noble Street. Dr. Henry S. Leonard, 703 East Nineteenth Street. Dr. W. M. Varble, 461 Spring Street. Dr. David C. Peyton, 311 Spring Stree:. Dr. Austin Funk,1 404 Spring Street 31 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Indiana—Continued. Kokomo............ Dr. H. G. Grable, Suite 416 Citizens Lafayette........... Bank Building. Dr. George D. Marshall, 321 West Mulberry Street. Dr. O. D. Hutto, 200J North Main Street. Dr. E. C. Davidson, 114 North Seventh Street. Dr. G. K. Throckmorton, 110 North Seventh Street. Dr. F. B. Thompson, 417 Ferry Street. Dr. Harry J. Laws, 502 Lafayette Life Building. Dr. H. H. Martin, 8C6 Maple Avenue. Dr. Henry H. Deen, Nelson Street. La Porte............ Leavenworth........ Lebanon............ Dr. W. H. Williams, 117 South East Logansport.......... Street. Dr. J. H. Barnfield, 419J Broadway. Dr. John C. Bradfield, 415 North Street. Dr. J. P. Hetherington, 418 Fourth Street. Dr. E. C. Cook, 424 West Street. Dr. G. G. Eckhart, Marion National Bank Building. Dr. E. G. Blinks, 129 West Sixth Street. Dr. L. P. Van Rie, 315 South Taylor Street. Dr. J. F. Weathers, 223 Spring Street. Dr. C. P. Cook, Elsby Building. Dr. Walter U. Kennedy, 208-212 Union Block. Dr. W. H. Stemm, 218 Walnut Street. Dr. E. H. Griswold, Telephone Build- # ing. Dr. N. B. Aspinall, Laner Building. Dr. W. D. Schwartz, Binel Block. Dr. S. E. Bond, 211 North Eighth \ Street. Dr. J. E. Hiatt, 208 Knights of Pythias Building. Dr. Walter Leroy Misener, Suite 202 Knights of Pythias Building. Dr. G. G. Graessle. Dr. O. C. Terry, 122 West Lafayette Street. Dr. T. A. Olney, 415 Farmers Trust Building. Dr. W. G. Wegner, 534 Farmers Trust Building. Dr. J. B. Berteling, 228 West Colfax Avenue. Dr. J. R. Crowder, 17 Main Street. 105745—22---3 32 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. Indiana—Continued. Terre Haute....... United States medical officers and hospitals. Valparaiso. Vlncennes.. Wabash. Iowa: Albia... Algona. Alta.. Ames. Anamosa. Atlantic. Bellevue. Boone___ Burlington. Carroll. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 219, 218 North Third Street (Dr. C. H. Magee). Cedar Falls.... Cedar Rapids. Designated physicians. 1 Eye specialist. 2 Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. Dr. A. F. Knoefel, 412 Tribune Build- ing. Dr. S. N. Rice, 106 Rose Dispensary Building. Dr.F. H. Jett, 128 South Sixth Street. Dr. Rudolph Yung, Citizens Bank Building. Dr. George C. Carpenter, 344 South Thirteenth Street. Dr. Harry E. Gowland, 8 Monroe Street. Dr. Eugene Bowers, 217 North Third Street. Dr. C. L. Boyd, 114 North Fourth Street. Dr. V. A. Funk, 313 La Plante Build- ing. Dr. G. M. LaSalle, 6 West Hill Street. Dr. H. C. Eschbach, 23§ South Clinton Street. Dr. T. E. Gutch, Miners Hospital. Dr. C. D. Fellows, State Street. Dr. Robert M. Wallace, Kossuth County State Bank Building. Dr. J. W. Morrison. Dr. Ben G. Budge, 405J Douglas Ave- nue. Dr. A. G. Hejinian, 216 Main Street. Dr. Charles B. Burke, 502J Chestnut Street. Dr. C. R. Jones, 310 Walnut Street. Dr. M. W. Moulton, Second Street. Dr. A. B. Deering, 809J Eighth Street. Dr. Edward M. Myers, 703 Eighth Street, or Boone Clinic. Dr. L. A. Bassett, 1216 Fourth Street. Dr. W. W. Milligan,2 500 Iowa State Bank Building. Dr. C. P. Frantz,1 Iowa Bank Build- ing. Dr. O. C. Morrison, 117 East Sixth Street. Dr. G. E. Hearst, 301 Main Street. Dr. W. L. Hearst, 301J Main Street. Dr. D. E. Beardsley, 502 Mullen Build- ing. Dr. J. L. Crawford, 314 Cedar Rapids Savings Bank Building. Dr. John Hamilton, 419 Higley Build- ing. 33 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. Iowa—Continued. Cedar Rapids (con.). United States medical officers and hospitals. Centerville. Charles City. Cherokee. Clarinda. Clinton Designated physicians. Dr. B. L. Sheldon, 303 Security Bank Building. Dr. H. E. Pfeiffer, Security Savingse Bank Building. Dr. Frederick W. Bailey,1 Security Bank Building, Second Street and Second Avenue East. Dr. C. P. Bowen, 120 North Main Street. Dr. C. S. James, 121 East State Street. Dr. William L. Griffin, 21 Ellis Build- ing. Dr. R. W. Stober, 210J Main Street. Dr. P. B. Cleaves, 109 North Second Street. Dr. T. E. Powers, Hatfield Building, Southside Square. Dr. W. C. Phillips, corner Fifteenth and Washington Streets. Dr. D. S. Fairchild, sr., Wilson Build- ing, Fifth Avenue. Dr. J. M. Mansfield, Buell Block, Lyons Station. Dr. Herman A. White, 401 Wilson Building. Dr. F. W. Dean,1 403 City National Bank Building. Dr. A. A. Robertson, 125 Pearl Street. Dr. Albert V. Hennessy, 210 City National Bank Building. Dr. George Kessel, 215 North Elm Street. Dr. F. E. Sampson, 404 Oak Street North. Dr. P. A. Bendixen, 406 Lane Building. Dr. A. W. Elmer,1 Putnam Building. Dr. Daniel J. McCarthy, Stahl Build- ing. Dr. George E. Decker, 401 Central Office Building, or St. Luke's Hos- pital. Dr. J. S. Weber, 705 Kahl Building. Dr. J. J. Meehan, Main and Broadway. Dr. H. A. Minassian, Bankers' Trust Building. Dr. A. P. Stoner, 401-405 Iowa Build- ing. Dr. J. C. Rockafellow, 1205 Bankers' Trust Building. Dr. O. J. Fay, 1213 Bankers' Trust Building. Dr. G. A. Field, 303 Kraft Building. Dr. E. D. McClean,2 536 Iowa Building. 1 Eye specialist. 2 Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. 34 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. L'nited States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. I owa—Continued. Dubuque........... Dr. W. P. Slattery, Ninth and Locust Estherville.......... Streets. Dr. J. C. Hancock, 210 Bank and In-surance Building. Dr. R. R. Harris 1270 Main Street. Dr. R. C. Coleman, Rhodes Block. Fairfield............ Dr. J. F. Clarke, 60 Main Street. Fort Dodge......... Dr. William R. Bates,1 509 First Fort Madison....... National Bank Building. Dr. Edward F. Beeh, Physicians' Building. Dr. William W. Bowen, 630 Snell Building. Dr. William F. Carver,2 208 Carver Building. Dr. E. M. Kersten, 409-411 Snell Building. Dr. A. F. Philpott, 807J Second Street. Glenwood........... Guttenberg......... Dr. A. E. Beyer. Dr. C. F. Osborne 120 South Reeve Hampton........... Hartley............. Street. Dr. W. C Hand. Hawarden.......... Dr. A. J. Meyer. Dr. E. E. Hobby, 330 South Dodge Street. Dr. C. M. Wray, 712 Washington Avenue. Keokuk............. Temple. Fr. F. B. Dorsey, Dorsey Building. Dr. F. B. Dorsey, jr., Dorsey Building Dr. H. A. Gray, Masonic Temple. Dr. J. L. Augustine. Dr. D. W. McCrary, Main and Wood-land Avenues. Dr. C. C. Johnson. Dr. W. W. Larsen, Royal Theater Building. Dr. A. B. Conaway, 30 East Main Street. Dr. E. S. Cobb,i Masonic Temple. Dr. M. U. Chesire, Masonic Temple. Dr. Thomas Byrnes, Masonic Temple. Dr. C. F. Starr, 102 North Washington Avenue. Dr. W. J. Egloff, 21J East State Street. Dr. F. E. McGlone, 301-304 First Na-tional Bank Building. Dr. Channing E. Dakin, Park Hospital. Lake City........... i i Eye specialist. 2 apecialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. 35 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. Iowa—Continued. McGregor..... United States medical officers and hospitals. Monticello. Muscatine. New Hampton. Oelwein........ Onawa. Orange City. Osage....... Osceola..... Oskaloosa... Ottumwa. Perry..... Primghar. Red Oak. Sioux City. Spencer. Storm Lake... Stuart........ Eye specialist. Designated physicians. Dr. Ahce M. Clark, Fourth and Main Streets. Dr. T. M. Redmond, Eastwood Build- ing. Dr. A. J. Weaver, 107 West Second Street. Dr. F. H. Little, 419-421 American Bank Building. Dr. William S. Norton, 203 Muscatine State Bank Building. Dr. J. L. Klein, 110 West Second Street. Dr. P. E. Gardner, Class Block. Dr. G. N. Wassom, 9£ North Fred- erick Street. Dr. Rush R. Gingles. Dr. F. J. Scheffler. Dr. Albert De Bey. Dr. R. L. Whitley, 629 Main Street. Dr. F. W. Sells, Osceola Hospital. Dr. J. G. Roberts,1117 High Avenue. Dr. S. W. Clark, 123 South Market Street. Dr. F. W. Newell, 706 West Second Street. Dr. S. A. Spilman, Hofmann Building. Dr. J. F. Herrick, Hofmann Building. Dr. B. D. LaForce,1 Second and Market Streets. Dr. I. O. Pond, 1213 Warford Street. Dr. H. L. Avery, Savings Bank Build- ing, Main Street. j Dr. Louis A. Thomas, 502-A Fourth Street. Dr. Wm. S. Reiley, 411-A Fourth Street. Dr. E. A. Jenkinson, 532-534 Frances Building. Dr. William Jepson, 206 United Bank Building. Dr. A. N. Warren, Samaritan Hospital. Dr. W. T. Conley, 418 Davidson Build- ing. Dr. George Schott, 530 Frances Build- ing. Dr. W. J. S. Cremin, 433^435 Davidson Building. Dr. J. P. Savage, Frances Building. Dr. E. E. Munger, Fifth and Main Streets. Dr. E. F. Smith, New Marten Building. Dr. I. F. Crosby, 102 Nassau Street. 36 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Iowa—Continued. Washington... Kansas: Abilene. Arkansas City. Atchison. Beloit.... Caldwell. Chanute. Clay Center. Coffey ville. Concordia. Council Grove. Dodge City... El Dorado..... Ellsworth. Emporia.. Dr. A. John Droz, Farmers and Mer- chants Bank Building. Dr. C. A. Boice, 215 West Main Street. Dr. Henry C. Hull, 109 East Main Street. Dr. Simon Steelsmith, 415 West Third Street. Dr. W. T. McKay, 200 South Summit Street. Dr. R. Claude Young, 200 South Summit Street. Dr. Virgil Morrison, 501J Commercial Street. Dr. Wm. K Fast, 206-207 Simpson Building Sixth and Commercial Streets. Dr. E. P. Pitts,! Sixth and Commercial Streets. Dr. C. A. Lilly, 508$ Commercial Street. Dr. D. S. O'Brien. 102 South Mill Street Dr. E. D. Daniels, 13 Main Sixeet. Dr. J. R. Burnett, 9§ South Main Street. Dr. David E. Kisecker. Dr. L. D. Johnson, 103 South Ever- green Street. Dr. A. M. Garton, 3£ West Main Street. Dr. E. C. Morgan, 721J Fifth Street. Dr. G. W. Bale, 707 Fifth Street. Dr. E. N. Martin, 801J North Fifth Street. Dr. F. W. Duncan, South Kansas Hos- pital. Dr. C. S. Campbell, 110 West Ninth Street. Dr. Floyd B. McBride, Ninth and Walnut Streets. Dr. H. R. St. John, 516J Washington Street. Dr. B. E. Miller, 109 West Main Street. Dr. C. E. McCarty, 104 Spruce Street. Dr. W. J. Eilerts, 141J North Main Street. Dr. Ralph B. Earp, 112J West Central Avenue. Dr. Frenn L. Preston. 220J West Cen- tral Avenue. Dr. Alfred O'Donnell. Dr. C. W. Lawrence, 601 Commercial Street. Dr. J. M. Parrington, 507 Commercial Street. Dr. Frank Foncannon, 705 Commercial Street. Eye specialist. 37 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. Kansas—Continued. Emporia (con.).. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Fort Scott. Garden City. Great Bend. Hays........ Hoisington. Horton...... Hutchinson. Independence Iola. Junction City. Kansas City. Dr. Frank K. Eckdall', 425 Commercial Street. Dr. J. J. Cavanaugh, 101 Sou^h Main Street. Dr. J. D. Hunter, 112i East First Street. Dr. Sanford Bailey, 901 Sixth Street. Dr. J. B. Edwards resides at Garden City. Dr. E. E. Morrison, 1223 Main Street. Dr. C. D. Blake, Citizens State Bank Building. Dr. Otto A. Hennerich, 108 East Juniata Street. Dr. H. C. Embry, First and Main Streets. Dr. Lawrence Reynolds. Dr. G. H. Welsh, 403 First National Bank Building. Dr. C. L. McKittrick, 612 Rorabaugh- Wiley Building. Dr. G. A. Blasdel, 503-505 Rorabaugh- Wiley Building. Dr. C. D. McKeown, 303 First National Bank Building. Dr. C. C. Surber, Citizens Bank Build- ing. Dr. F. B. Taggart, 406 North Second Street. Dr. W. J. Aldrich, 400 Citizens Bank Building. Dr. W. R. Heylmun, 20J East Jack- son Avenue. Dr. Geo. S. Lambeth, 9£ North Jef- ferson. Dr. A. E. O'Donnell, 801J North Wash- ington Street. Dr. F. W. O'Donnell, 701 North Wash- ington Street. Dr. C. M. Stemen, 1200 North Seventh Street. Dr. C. C. Nesselrode, Portsmouth An- nex, Sixth and Minnesota Avenue. Dr. L. F. Barney, Wahlenmaier Build- ing. Dr. J. W. Faust, 200 Wahlenmaier Building. Dr. Jas. W. Sparks, 1720 Central Ave- nue. Dr. L. D. Mabie, 800 Minnesota Ave- nue. 38 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Kansas—Continued. Kingman........... Dr. H. E. Haskins, 138 North Main Kiowa.............. Street. Dr. G. H. Waite, Sixth and Main Larned.............. Streets. Dr. A. E. Reed, 519 Broadway. Lawrence........... Dr. G. W. Jones, Suite No. 1, Fraternal Leavenworth........ Aid Building. Dr. Mervin T. Sudler, 801 Massachu-setts Street. Dr. P. W. Darrah, Fifth and Delaware Streets. Dr. C. D. Loyd, Fifth and Delaware Streets. Dr. C. J. McGee, Wulfekuhler Build-ing. Dr. John D. Miller, 408 Delaware Street. Dr. H. A. Dykes. Little River......... Dr. J. H. Powers, Hoffman Memorial Hospital. Dr. R. R. Cave, 303 Poyntz Avenue. Marion.............. Dr. W. M. Reitzel,1 401-A Poyntz Avenue. Dr. R. C. Smith, Main Street. McPherson.......... Dr. C. R. Lytle, Main and Kansas Av- Moline.............. enues. Dr. C. E. Shaffer. Newton............. Dr. A. E. Smolt, 500J Main Street. Norton.............. Dr. Harold M. Glover, 209 East Broad-way, or Axtell Hospital. Dr. R. H. Hertzler, 607J Main Street. Dr. W. C. Lathrop, Nyal Building, Olathe............... State Street. Dr. Chas. W. Jones, Hyer Building. Oswego............. Dr. E. E. Liggett, 425J Commercial Street. Dr. R. C. Dugan, 111 West Fourth Street. Dr. Orrin C. Love, Sellers Building. Dr. Albert Smith, 1812£ Main Street. Dr. Geo. A. Landes, 110J South Eight-eenth Street. Dr. Arthur Moberg, Fourth and Broad-way. Dr. Oscar M. Owensby, Kennedy Building, 510 North Broadway. Pratt................ tional Bank Building. Dr. Samuel Murdock, jr., 1015 Main Street. Dr. W. E. Mowery, Seventh and Iron Streets. Dr. L. O. Nordstrom, Nesmith Block. Eye specialist. 39 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Kansas—Continued. Salina (continued) Sharon Springs Solomon....... Topeka........ Wellington. Wichita.... Winfleld. Kentucky: Ashland. Bellevue. Berea..... Canton— Corbin___ Covington. Danville. Dr. J. H. Winterbotham, 127 North Santa Fe Avenue. Dr. J. E. Miller, 104 South Santa Fe Avenue. Dr. J. K. Harvey, corner Iron and Seventh Streets. Dr. Carroll D. Armstrong,1 135 North Santa Fe Avenue. Dr. Hugo E. Nelson, Johnson Building. Dr. C. A. Roberts, Main Street. Dr. L. H. Munn, 513 Kansas Avenue. Dr. R. B. Stewart, 301-302 Mulvane Building. Dr. M. L. Bishoff, Santa Fe Hospital. Dr. Milton B. Miller, 701 Jackson Street. Dr. Chas. R. Silverthome, 823 Kansas Avenue. Dr. W. A. Wehe, 627 Kansas Avenue. Dr. A. R. Hatcher, 502 North Wash- ington Avenue. Dr. E. S. Edgerton, 910 Schweiter Building. Dr. J. L. Evans, 729 Beacon Building. Dr. H. W. Horn, Schweiter Building. Dr. E. D. Ebright,2 919 Beacon Build- ing. Dr. T. Walker Weaver,1 201J North Main. Dr. H. T. Davidson, 503 Schweiter Building. Dr. L. A. Jacobus, 407 First National Bank Building. Dr. J. M. Salmon, 221 East Winchester Avenue. Dr. P. C. Layne, 320 Seventeenth Street. Dr. A. J. Bryson, 712 East Winchester Avenue. Dr. S. P. Garrison, Southwest Corner Van Voast and Fairfield Avenues. Dr. B. F. Robinson,Robinson Hospital. Dr. J. C. Taylor. Dr. J. H. Parker, Laurel Avenue. Dr. J. R. Murnan,Eleventh and Scott Streets. Dr. R. L. Bird, 18 East Southern Avenue. Dr. R. W. Bledsoe,1 1005 Madison Avenue. Dr. J. R. Cowan, 336 Main Street. Dr. J. D. Jackson, West Main Street. 1 Eye specialist. 2 Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. 40 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. Kentucky—Contd. Frankfort......, Glasgow. Greenup... Henderson. Hopkins ville. Jackson___ Lexington. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. London. Louisville. Madisonville. Maysville.. Monticello. Newby.. Newport. Owensboro. Paducah. Paris......... Pikeville..... Eye specialist. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 11 (General) Portland Avenue and Twenty-second Street. Dispensary, U. S. Public Health Serv- ice, Customhouse. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 300,507 City National Bank Build- ing (Dr. H. P. Sights). Dr. James W. Wilson,1 McClure Build- ing. Dr. C. C. Turner, Lewis Building. Dr. C. C. Howard, Main Street. Dr. A. S. Brady, 87 Harrison Street. Dr. J. C. Moseley. Dr. W. A. Quinn. Dr. W. W. Wilson. Dr. M. Y. Marshall,! Ohio Valley Bank Building. Dr. L. L. Woodard, Seventh and Main Streets. Dr. Wilgus Bach, Bach Hospital. Dr..-B. F. Van Meter, 183 North Upper Street. Dr. James W. Crook, Poynter Build- ing, Main Street. Dr. Oscar D. Brock, Poynter Build- ing, Main Street. Dr. Paschal E. Bryant, Manchester Street. Dr. H. H. Grant, Atherton Building. Dr. J. G. Sherrill,308 Masonic Building. Dr. J. R. Wathen, 526 South Fourth Avenue. Dr. Amplias W. Davis, Madisonville Hospital Building, Main and Sugg Streets. Dr. A. O. Taylor, 13 West Third Street. Dr. T. H. Gamblin, Burnside Sanita- rium. Dr. J. B. Million. Dr. C. E. Wamsley, Third and Overton Streets. Dr. J. T. Dixon, Masonic Temple. Dr. R. E. Griffin, 315 Allen Street. Dr. Robert W. Connor, 322J St. Ann Street. Dr. P. H. Stewart, 806-808 City Na- tional Bank Building. Dr. Elbert W. Jackson, City National Bank Building. Dr. J. N. Bailey, 619-620 City National Bank Building. Dr. C. G. Dougherty, 14 East Fifth Street. Dr. Z. A. Thompson, 17 Second Street. 41 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. Kentucky—Contd. Pineville....... West Point___ Whitesburg___ Winchester___ Louisiana: Alexandria. Baton Rouge. Bogalusa..... Carville...... Columbia___ Covington... Eunice....... Fisher....... Franklin..... Lake Charles. United States medical officers and hospitals. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 66 (Leper). Designated physicians. Monroe. Natchitoches. New Orleans. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 14 (General), Tchoupi- toulas and Henry Clay Streets. Dispensary, U. S. Public Health Service, Customhouse, Canal Street. Dr. Tilman Ramsey, Asher Building. Dr. D. S. Roberts. Dr. B. C. Bach. Dr. Edward P. Guerrant, 34 Lexington Avenue. Dr. H. R. Henry, McEldowney Build- ing. Dr. J. A. White, Third and Desota Streets. Dr. J. L. Wilson, Fourth and Jackson Streets. Dr. R. C. Kemp, 212 Reymond Build- ing. Dr. Edw. K. Hirsch, 31 Reymond Building. Dr. William R. Eidson, 309 New Rey- mond Building. Dr. J. A. Tucker, 412 Roumain Build- ing, Third Street. Dr. W. S. Cushman, Third Street. Dr. E. E. Lafferty, Elizabeth Sullivan Memorial Hospital. Dr. D. O. Sherman, Caldwell Bank and Trust Co. Building. Dr. Hezzie D. Bulloch, 319 Columbia Street. Dr. M. D. Lewis, Walnut Avenue and First Street. Dr. T. B. Younger, West Louisiana Sanitarium. Dr. A. C. Kappel, Main Street. Dr. Charles M. Horton, Main Street. Dr. T. H. Watkins, Col. National Bank Building. Dr. W. P. Bordelon, 16-17 Gordon Building. Dr. C. P. Gray, 110 South Grand Street. Dr. J. Q. Graves, 211 De Saird Street. Dr. R. W. Faulk, 202 De Saird Street. Dr. J. L. Adams, 211 De Saird Street. Dr. R. W. O'Donnell, 206-207 Ouachita National Bank Building. Dr. J. B. Pratt. Dr. L. H. Landry, 3523 Prytania Street. Dr. H. B. Gessner, 921 Canal Street. Dr. F. W. Parham, 3513 Prytania Street. 42 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. Louisiana—Continued. New Orleans (con.). (Algiers).. Patterson. Ruston..... Shreveport. United States medical officers and hospitals. Naval Hospital < Medical officerin charge, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 14 Annex (General). Winnfield. Maine: Auburn. Augusta. Designated physicians. Bangor. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 207,70 Main Street (Dr. W. C. Mason) Bar Harbor....... Bath.............. Biddeford......... Boothbay Harbor. Medical officer in charge, U. S, Public Health Service Relief Station No. 213,2 Commercial Street (Dr. G. A. Gregory). Calais — East port. Dr. C. W. Allen, Macheca Building. Dr. E. D. Martin, 3813 Prytania Street. Dr. Isidor Cohn, 916 Canal Street. Dr. L. B. Crawford, St. Mary's Hos- pital. Dr. S. L. White, Kidd Building. Dr. Louis Abramson, 717 Crockett Street. Dr. J. C. Willis, Merchants Building. Dr. J. A. Hendrick, Highland Sani- tarium ............................... Dr. Charles E. Rew, 400 Hutchinson Building. Dr. E. L. Sanderson, 504 Hutchinson Building. Dr. George H. Cassity, 203 Saenger Building. Dr. S. W. Boyce, 710§ Cotton Street. Dr. D. W. Kelly, office over Phoenix Drug Store. Dr. S. B. Matthews, Winnfield Drug Co. Dr. D. A. Barrell, 60 High Street. Dr. W. E. Parmalee,i 133 Court Street. Dr. R. H. Stubbs, 133 State Street. Dr. G. A. Coombs, 233 Water Street. Dr. A. H. Sturtevant, 288 Water Street. Dr. Oliver W. Turner,1 Augusta Trust Building, Water Street. Dr. Samuel H. Kagan, 283 Water Street. Dr. E. B. Sanger, 111 State Street. Dr. W. R. Wakefield, 16 High Street Dr. S. S. Mullin, 73J Front Street. Dr. J. F. Trull, Main Street. Dr. W. N. Miner, Calais Hospital. .....j Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. I 236 (Dr. J. E.Brooks). 1 Eye specialist. * Civil male employees injured in the performance of duty may be admitted to naval hospitals for im- mediate emergency treatment and retained for further treatment provided the hospital has faciUties available. The injured person should present a " Request for Treatment'' from his official superior on the Commission's Form CA-16. 43 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Maine—Continued. Fort Kent.......... Dr. J. Archambault. Dr. F. H. Jackson, 5-7 Masonic Temple. Dr. Parker M. Ward,1 Dunn Furniture Block. Dr. W. H. Hawkins, 149 Pine Street. Dr. G. B. O'Connell, 78 Pierce Street. Dr. B. W. Russell, 98 Pine Street. Dr. H. W. Garcelon, 198 Middle Street. Dr. R. J. Wiseman, 81 Pine Street. Machias............. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 269 (Dr. 0. F. Larson). Portland........... Medical officer in charge, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 16 (General), Wood- Dr. E. G. Abbott,2 310 Y. M. C. A. Building. ford's Station. Dispensary, U. S. Public Health Service, Customhouse. Dr. Llndley Dobson, 1 Normal Avenue. Rockland........... Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. Dr. W. M. Spear, Knox County Gen- eral Hospital. 318, 400 Main Street (Dr. F. B. Adams). Dr. E. W. Boyer, Main Street. Dr. M. S. Goodrich, 53 Main Street. Dr. J. E. Poulin, 15 Silver Street. Maryland: Annanolis Dr. J. Oliver Purvis, 124 Prince George Street. Baltimore........... Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Dispensary, Custom- Dr. F. S. Lynn, 41 West Preston Street. Dr. R. P. Bay, 1800 North Charles Street. Dr. W. D. Wise, 1800 North Charles Street. Dr. F. J. Kirby, 100 East North Ave- nue. Dr. J. W. Holland, 1624 Linden Avenue. Dr. C. J. Carroll, 1740 East Baltimore Street. Dr. James V. darken,1529 N. Charles Street. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 221, 24 Race Street (Dr. B. W. Goldsborough). 1 Eye speciaUst. 2 SpeciaUst for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. < Civil male employees injured in the performance of duty may be admitted to naval hospitals for im- mediate emergency-treatment and retained for further treatment provided the hospital has facilities available. The injured person should present a " Request for Treatment" from his official superior on the Commission's Form CA-16. 44 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continu-d. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Maryland—Continued. Crisfield.............| Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 230, 211 South Somerset Avenue (Dr. R. R. Norris). Cumberland. Easton Elkton... Frederick Frostburg Hagerstown Havre de Grace Newark. Perryville___ Princess Ann. Salisbury. Solomons. Westminster. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 332, Davis Street (Dr. W. H. Marsh). Massachusetts: Arlington___ Attleboro. Beverly. Designated physicians. Dr. J. R. Littlefield, 67 Bedford Street. Dr. E. B. Claybrook, Riverside Build- ing. Dr. Francis P. O'Neil,13 South Centre Street. Dr. Edward Harris, 29 South Centre Street. Dr. C. F. Davidson, 126 Goldsborough Street. Dr. G. B. Pearson, East Main Street (also at Newark, Md.). Dr. T. B. Johnson, 72 Church Street. Dr. I. J. McCurdy, 15 West Patrick Street. Dr. W. M. Smith, 7 East Church Street. Dr. W. O. McLane, 40 West Main Street Dr. O. H W. Ragan, 155 West Wash- ington Street. Dr. W. R. Bender, 44 West Franklin Street. Dr. F. W. Steiner, 323 North Union Avenue. Dr. J. H. Bay, 102 South Union Avenue. Dr. R. H. Smith, 301 Union Avenue. Dr. G. B. Pearson (also at Elkton, Md). Dr. J. F. Magraw, Aiken Avenue. Dr. Henry M. Lankford, 69 Prince William Street. Dr. J. M. Dick, Church and Lemon Streets. Dr. H. S. Wailes, 112 Main Street. Dr. S. Luther Bare, 79 West Main Street. Dr. Lewis X. Woodward, 31 West Main Street. Dr. R. D. Young, 788 Massachusetts Avenue. Dr. W. O. Hewitt, 34 Sanford Street. Dr. R. P. Kent, 27 South Main Street. Dr. F. V. Murphy, 51 Bank Street. Dr. P. P. Johnson, 163 Cabot Street. Dr. H. E. Sears, 25 Broadway. Dr. A. F. Rodrick,1 3 Hale Street. Eye specialist. 45 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Massachusetts—Con. Boston............. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Marine Hospital No.2 (General High), Street (Chelsea), Dispensary, U.S. Public Health Serv- ice, Customhouse. Naval Hospital« (Chelsea)............. Braintree. Brighton.. Brockton. Boston City Hospital, 818 Harrison Avenue. Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear Hospital, 233 Charles Street, corner Fruit Street. Dr. Horace Binney, 403 Beacon Street. Dr. John <3. Breslin, 514 Common- wealth Avenue. Dr. George S. Derby,1 23 Bay State Street. Dr. Chas. D. Jones,1 137 Newbury Street. Dr. Howard A. Lothrop, 101 Beacon Street. Dr. Fred B. Lund, 527 Beacon Street. Dr. David D. Scannell, 366 Common- wealth Avenue. Dr. Frederick H. Verhoeff,1 101 New bury Street. Dr. Fred R. Dame, 1010 Washington Street. St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Dr. Thomas F. Broderick.2 Dr. G. A. Moore, 167 Newbury Street. Dr. F. W. Murdock,1 54 West Elm Street. Dr. A. J. SuUivan,1 155 Main Street. Dr. F. J. Goodridge,2 5 Appian Way. Dr. J. W. Sever,2 25 Appleton Street. Dr. W. S. Whittemore, 39 Brattle Street. Dr. L. E. Mannix, 24 High Street. Dr. M. I. Shea, 21 Church Street. Dr. J. J. Goodwin, 202 Church Street. Dr. W. P. Bowers, 264 Chestnut Street. Dr. G. L. Chase, 185 Chestnut Street. Dr. P. E. Truesdale, 151 Rock Street. Dr. A. W. Buck, 252 Pine Street. Dr. Raymond C. Jones, 1085 River Street. Dr. Robt. A. Rice, 12 Prichard Street. Dr. Walter F. Sawyer, 67 Prichard. Street. Dr. J. C. Potter, 37 Franklin Street. Dr. A. F. Lowell, 20 Vernon Street. Dr. A. P. Lachance, 14 Main Street. Dr. E. A. Sawyer, 402 Elm Street. 1 Eye speciaUst. 2 SpeciaUst for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. , . . * Civil male employees injured in the performance of duty may be admitted to naval hospitals for im- mediate emergency treatment and retained for further treatment provided the hospital has faciUties available. The injured person should present a ' 'Request for Treatment'' from his official superior on the Commission's Form CA-16. Cambridge Chicopee Falls Clinton Fall River. Fitchburg.. Framingham. Gardner...... 46 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Massachusetts—Con. Gloucester.......... Medical officer in charge, U. S PubUc Health Service ReUef Station No. 247, 6 Pleasant Street (Dr. E. B. j HaUet). Greenfield.................................................. HaverhiU.................................................. Holyoke. Lawrence... Leominster. DoweU. Xynn. Maiden... Mansfield. Melrose... Methuen... Milford..... Nantucket. New Bedford. Newburyport....... Newton............. Newton Center..-... Newton Upper Falls Newton viUe......... North Adams....... Northampton. Palmer... Peabody. Pittsfield..... Eye specialist. Medical officer in charge, U. S. PubUc Health Service ReUef Station No. 282 (Dr. J. S. Grounard). Medical officer in charge, U. S. PubUc Health Service ReUef Station No. 285, 9 North Orchard Street (Dr. C. C. Persons). Designated physicians. Dr. Wm. Rowley, 1087 Washington Street. Dr. A. S. Torrey, 3 Highland Street. Dr. S. P. F. Cook,1 Ill Main Street. Dr. H. G. Stetson, 39 Federal Street. Dr. C. E. Durant, 105 Emerson Street. Dr. T. F. Capeles,1 Haverhill National Bank Building. Dr. W. S. Brainerd,1 91 Merrimack Street. Dr. E. A. Knowlton, 250 Maple Street. Dr. S. A. Mahoney, 630 Dwight Street. Dr. T. J. Daly, 62 Bradford Street. Dr. A. A. Wheeler, 69 West Street. Dr. H. R. Nye, 19 Lancaster Street. Dr. J. F. Loughran, 219 Central Street. Dr. Francis R. Mahony, Clinic at St. John's Hospital, and Sun Building. Dr. G. F. Martin, 627 Wyman's Ex- change. Dr. J. A. Gage, 64 Central Street. Dr. Wm. G. Ward, 150 Essex. Dr. M. C. Smith, 3 Lee HaU. Dr. C. E. Prior, 1 Mountain Avenue. Dr. F. S. Griffin, 271 North Main Street. Dr. E. L. Marr, 315 Main Street. Dr. P. H. Profandie, 88 West Emerson Street. Dr. R. C. Norris, 247 Broadway. Dr. J. V. GaUagher, 65 Main Street. Dr. H. C. Allen, 11 Eighth Street. Dr. G. de N. Hough, 542 County Street. Dr. E. D. Gardner, 150 Cottage Street. Dr. C. F. A. HaU, 210 High Street. Dr. L. H. Jack, 379 Austin Street. Dr. G. E. May, 126 Pleasant Street. Dr. W. H. McOwen, 260 Elliot Street. Dr. F. R. Clark, 221 Walnut Street. Dr. M. M. Brown, Main and Eagle Streets. Dr. F. D. Stafford, 56 Summer Street. Dr. E. W. Brown, 301 Central Cham- bers. Dr. H. C. Cheney, 18 Thorndike Street. Dr. H. K. Foster, 2 Park Street. Dr. S. C. Tucker, 16 Chestnut Stnet. Dr. E. H. Howard, 246 North Street. Dr. John C. Roe, 184 North Street. 47 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Massachusetts—Con. Provincetown..... Designated physicians. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Pub- Uc Health Service ReUef Station No. 315 (Dr. C. P. Curley). Quincy. Salem....... Somerville.. Southbridge. Springfield. Taunton. Vineyard Haven... Waltham.........., Watertown (see Brighton). Webster............ Westfleld........... West Springfield. Winchendon..... Woburn......... Worcester........ Medical officer in charge, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 22 (General). Dr. Daniel H. Heibert, 304 Commercia. Street. Dr. W. J. McCausland, 123 Franklin Street. Dr. F. R. Burke, 1200 Hancock Street. Dr. N.S.Hunting, 1136 Hancock Street. Dr. Geo. M. Sheahan, 12 School Street. Dr. W.G.Phippen, 31 Chestnut Street. Dr. M. T. Field, 23 Winter Street. Dr. E. J. DaUey, 46 Bow Street. Dr. E. F. SeweU, 380 Broadway. Dr. Geo. W. TuUy, 100 Main Street. Dr. Jos. G. E. Page, 28 Hamilton Street. Dr. Noel G. Monroe, 10 Summer Street. Dr. E. T. Smith, 480 Belmont Avenue. Dr. J. H. Carmichael, 41 Maple Street. Dr. James H. Quinn, 387 Main Street. Dr. E. J. Mahoney, 4 Mattoon Street. Dr. G. F. Dalton,1175 State Street. Dr. R. F. Hovey, 5 Oak Street. Dr. H. L. Devine, 44 Main Street. Dr. H. B. Baker,159 Main Street. Dr. Jos. L. Murphy, 23 Cedar Street. Dr. Donald F. Mac Donald, 10 White Street. Dr. Thomas F. Clark, 62 Broadway. Dr. H. A. Wood, 751 Main Street. Dr. G. C. Littlefield, 492 Main Street. Dr. G. H. Janes, 5 Court Street. Dr. J. J. Norton, 128 Elm Street. Dr. E. S. Smith, 93 Elm Street. Dr. J. B. Atwater, 93 Elm Street. Dr. M. D. Chishohn, Lakin-HaUBlock. 106 Elm Street. Dr. G. B. Corcoran, 84 Park Street. Dr. J. G. Henry, 35 Pleasant Street. Dr. T. E. Caulfleld,114 Church Avenue. Dr. KendaU Emerson,2 37 Pearl Street. Dr. S. A. Bergin, 33 Portland Street. Dr. Homer Gage, 72 Pearl Street. Dr. R. J. Shannahan, 839 Main Street. Dr. A. W. Marsh, 690 Main Street. Dr. E. L. Hunt, Jacques Avenue. Dr. G. H. Hill, 15 High Street. Dr. «, P Watkins, 17 West Street. Eye speciaUst. Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. 105745—22----1 48 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. Michigan: Adrian. Albion. Alma...... Ann Arbor. Bad Axe..... Battle Creek. Bay City. Benton Harbor. Bessemer... Big Rapids. Cassopolis. Clare...... United States medical officers and hospitals. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 208, Davidson Building (Dr. A. W. Herrick). Crystal Falls. Detroit....... Medical officer in charge, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 7 (General), Jefferson and Mount Elliott Avenues. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Dispensary, Custom- house. Designated physicians. Dr. Oat Whitney, 115 North Main Street. Dr. W. S. Mackenzie, National Bank of Commerce Building. Dr. L. J. Stafford, National Bank of Commerce Building. Dr. G. C. Hafford, 400J South Su- perior Street. Dr. I. N. Brainerd, 237 State Street. Dr. C. L. Washburne, 225 East Lib- erty Street. Dr. M. M. Peet, 1301 Wells Street. Dr. Conrad Georg, ji., 208-212 Nickel's Arcade. Dr. C. I. Herrington, 526 Huron Ave- nue. Dr. J. T. Case, Battle Creek San- itarium. Dr. A. E. MacGregor, 62 Post Building. Dr. R. C. Winslow, 612 Post Building. Dr. Harry B. Knapp,2 Battle Creek Sanitarium. Dr. V. L. Tupper, 812 Grant Street. Dr. C.N. Sowers, 115 West Main Street. Dr. Herbert Thurtell, State Bank Building. Dr. W. J. Pinkerton, Main Street. Dr. George H. Lynch, 117 South Michigan Avenue. Dr. W. C. McCutcheon. Dr. J. A. Reeder, 104 West Fifth Street. Dr. C. E. Larson, Erik's Hospital. Dr. W. L. Hartman, corner Griswold and State Streets. Dr. W. G. Patterson,2 1105-1109 David Whitney Building. Dr. H. W. Hewitt, 1181-87 David Whitney Building. Dr. F. C. Kidner,2 David Whitney Building. Dr. H. N. Torrey, 1033 David Whitney Building. Dr. Rolland Parmeter, Tenth Floor, Kresge Building. Dr. G. C. Penberthy, 1033 David Whitney Building. 2 Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. 49 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Michigan—Continued. Dowagiac.......... Dundee... Durand... E scan aba. Flint. Goodrich. Medical officer in charge, U.S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 240, 1019 Ludington Street (Dr. G. C. Bartley). Grand Haven.......I Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 248, 220 Washington Street (Dr. H. J. Cherry). Grand Rapids. Hancock. Hillsdale. Holland. Houghton. Iron Mountain. Iron River..... Ironwood...... Ishpeming. Jackson--- Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 251 Kauth Block (Dr. W. H. Dodge)! Dr. G. W. Green, 140 South Front Street. Dr. A. E. Unger, 200 Ypsilanti Street. Dr. R. C. Fair, Saginaw Street. Dr. A. S. Kitchen, 1229 Hartnett Ave- nue. Dr. C. F. Moll, 504-505 Bush Building. Dr. H. E. Randall, 302 Smith Building. Dr. D. L. Trbat, Dryden Building. Dr. J. G. R. Manwaring, Dryden Building. Dr. J. W. Orr,1 402 Smith Building. Dr. A. S. Wheelock, 107 Dryden Build- ing. Dr. R. J. Hutchinson, 100 Island Street SE. Dr. R. F. Webb, 406-410 Ashton Build- ing. Dr. J. D. Hastie, 122 East Fulton Street. Dr. H. J. Vandenberg, Metz Building. Dr. M. D. Roberts, 300$ Quincy Street. Dr. W. H. Sawyer, 42 Howell Street. Dr. R. H. Nichols, 2 East Eighth Street. Dr. J. G. Turner, Sheldon Street. Dr. A. D. Aldrich, 87 Sheldon Street. Dr. A. J. Crowell. Dr. E. M. Libby, Iron River Hospital. Dr. E. H. Madajesky, Union Hospital. Dr. G. E. Moore, Post Office Building. Dr. V. H. Vandeventer, Ishpeming Hospital. Dr. G. A. Seybold, Peoples National Bank Building. Dr. E. C. Taylor, 312 West Main Street. Dr. E. S. Peterson, 305 Dwight Building. Dr. W. L. Finton, 410 South Jackson Street. ■ Dr. D. E. Robinson, 410 South Jack- son Street. Eye specialist. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE WASHINGTON. D. C. 50 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Michigan—Continued. Kalamazoo........ Lake Lindon. Lansing...... Ludington. Manistee. Manistique. Marquette., Menominee. Mohawk. Monroe.. Mount Clemens. Mount Pleasant. Muskegon....... Negaunee. Norway___ Ontonagon. Owasso___ Painesdale. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 268, First National Bank Building (Dr. E. G. Gray). Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 271, 427 River Street (Dr. H. D. Robinson). Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 273, 313 High Street (Dr. H. B. Markham). Medical officer in charge, TJ. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 277, Ogden and Main Streets (Dr. H. T. Sethney). ■tittl 10 YHAH3',! Dr. C. E. Boys, 1008 Hanselman Building. Dr. R. E. Balch, 115 West Lovell Street. Dr. Simon Levin. Dr. G. F. Bauch, 115 West Allegan Street. Dr. C. V. Russell, Lansing State Sav- ings Bank Building. Dr. L. W. Toles, Lansing State Sav- ings Bank Bldg. Dr. W. E. McNamara, 300 West Ottawa Street. Dr. F. W. Heysett, 117 West Luding- ton Avenue. Dr. L. S. Ramsdell, 57 Poplar Street. Dr. S. H. Rutledge, Rutledge Hospital. Dr. A. W. Hornbogen, Marquette County Savings Bank Building. Dr. R. A. Walker, 807 Main Street. Dr. G. A. Conrad, 100 Stanton Avenue. Dr. C. T. Southworth, 16 Washington Street. Dr. H. G. Berry, 117 Cass Avenue. Dr. F. K. Lenfestey, 117 Cass Avenne. Dr. W. H. Norton, 54 Cass Aveuue. Dr. M. F. Brondstetter, 128 Cour Street. Dr. A. B. Poppen, Union National Bank Building. Dr. F. W. Garber, 159 Jefferson Street. Dr. J. H. Andrus, 416 North Teal Lake Avenue. Dr. H. W. Sheldon, 415 North Teal Lake Avenue. Dr. H. A. Newkirk, First National Bank Building. Dr. F. W. McHugh. Dr. A. M. Hume, BaU and Mason Streets. Dr. A. L. Arnold, 812 West Exchange Street. Dr. W. K. West, Copper Range Hos- pital. r 303 Cnestnut Street. Columbia......'.......................................i Dr- J- p- Kennedy, 513 Locust Street. Conemaugh................................................. Dr- George Martin, 445 First Street. Confluence..........j........................................| Dr. H. P. Meyers, Hughart Building. Connellsvide........I........................................! Dr- J- L Cochran, 132 South Pitts- j burgh Street. I Dr. H. C. Hoffman, 503 Vine Street. 1 Eye specialist. 84 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Pennsylvania—Contd. Connellsville (con.) Coplay___ Coraopolis. Corry..... Corydon..... Dan vide..... Dawson...... Delano....... Donora....... Downington. DuBois. Duncannon. Dunmore... Duquesne... Easton...... East Stroudsburg. Elizabeth......... Enola............. Erie. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service ReUef Station No. 239, 804 Peach Street (Dr. Whitman C. McConnell). Farrell. Franklin. Freedom. Freeland. Freeport — Grassflat — Greensburg. Greenville.. Harrisburg. Hawley...... 1 Eye specialist. Dr. T. B. Echard, Second National Bank Building. Dr. H. J. Coll, 208 North Pittsburgh Street. Dr. H. Y. Home, 51 Front Street. Dr. H. H. Meanor, 1226 State Avenue. Dr. N. T. Gidette, 11 East Washington Street. Dr. C. C. Flatt. Dr. Reid Nebinger,1 315 Center Street. Dr. H. J. Bed. Dr. R. A. Dengler. Dr. J. A. Sprowls, Post Office Building. Dr. Edward Kerr, 139 East Lancaster Avenue. Dr. J. C. SulUvan, 223 Deposit National Bank Building. Dr. B. F. Beale, 207 High Street. Dr. G. C. Brown, 417 Elm Street. Dr. L.H. Botkin, 120 Kennedy Avenue. Dr. J. James Condran, Old Philadel- phia Road at Davis Street. Dr. Tyrus E. Swan,1 308 Northampton Street, or Eastern Hospital. Dr. H. D. Michler, 134 North Third Street. Dr. J. A. Singer, 116 Washington Street. Dr. Ivo E. Rowland, Second Street. Dr. E. C. Weirick, Altoona Avenue and Dauphin Street. Dr. A. H. Roth, 110 West Ninth Street. Dr. J. J. Bell, 110 West Ninth Street. Dr. C. O. Rickenrode, Horton and Hamilton Building. Dr. H. F. McDowell, 39 Twelfth Street. Dr. A. B. Cloak, 511 Third Avenue. Dr. A. A. Redelin. Dr. H. M. Neale. Dr. C. A. Rogers, Market Street. Dr. J. B. Spackman, Main Street. Dr. C. C. Croushore, 108 Second Street. Dr. R. W. Brown, 10 North.Mercer Street. Dr. G. W. Hartman, 801 North Third Street. Dr. G. B. Kunkel, 118 Locust Street. Dr, H. B. Walter, 1317 North Third Street. Dr. Gilbert Dailey,1 713 North Third Street. Dr. A. C. Voigt, 309 Keystone Street. 85 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Pennsylvania—Contd. Hazleton........... Heilwood.......... Hollidaysburg..... Homestead. Honesdale___ Honey Brook. Huntingdon.. Jersey Shore. Johnstown... Kane. Kittanning. Lancaster.. Lebanon Leechburg Lehighton Locke No. 4 Dr. Walter Lathrop, State Hospital. Dr. G. R. Lyon. Dr. H. H. Brotherlin, 417 Allegheny Street. Dr. P. J. Oeffner,1 210 Eighth Avenue. Dr. Lloyd L. Thompson, 305 Eighth Avenue (also Pittsburgh). Dr. E. W. Burns, 317 Tenth Street. Dr. G. D. Morton, West Main Street. Dr. H. C. Frontz, northwest corner Fifth and Mifflin Streets. Dr. F. L. Schum,1 322 Penn Street. Dr. C. L. Mohn, 1403 Allegheny Street. Dr. W. D. Haight, 544 Coleman Avenue. Dr. R. C. Davis, 413 Locust Street. Dr. T. L. Kane, 107 Eager Street. Dr. E. O. Kane, 230 Clay Street. Dr. J. M. Cooley, 265 Grant Avenue. Dr. C. R. Farmer, 573 West Lemon Street. Dr. N. E. Bitzer, 236 West Chestnut Street. Dr. J. L. Atlee, 129 East Orange Street. Dr. Frank Alleman, 420 West Chestnut Street. Dr. John Walter, 359 North Eighth Street. Dr. C. C. Parks, Second Street. Dr. R. R. Rupp, Third and Iron Streets. Dr. A. S. Sickman, Lincoln Avenue and Fifth Street. Dr. G. D. Mervaine, 204 West Main Street. Dr. F. P. Ball, 201 East Water Street. Dr. S. J. McGhee,1 214 West Main Street. Dr. J. L. Christian, Main Street. Dr. S. J. Miller, Main Street. Dr. H. S. Arthur, 637 Walnut Street. Dr. W. M. Woodward, 607 Fifth Ave- nue. Dr. G. R.Wycoff, 604Chartiers Avenue. Dr. G. S. Bubb, 817 Island Avenue. Dr. C. W. Page, 817 Island Avenue. Dr. O. H. Jackson, Masonic Building. Dr. H. C. Winslow, 883 Water Street. Dr. C. H. Schoff, 7 West Washington Street. Dr. C. P. Large,1116 Meyers Avenue. Dr.WdUam P. Evans, 109 West Emaus Street. Dr. M. E. Griffith, Second Street. Dr. R. V. Stewart, 218 Main Street. Dr. C. B. Wood, 427 Main Street. Eye specialist. 86 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Pennsylvania—Contd. Moosic.............. Dr. S. S. Watson, 636 Minvaka Avenue. Mount Carmel....... Dr. R. W. Montelius, 42 Hickory Street. Mount Pleasant..... Dr. F. L. Marsh, 806 West Main Street. Mount Union....... Dr. W. J. Campbell, 100 Pennsylvania Avenue. Nanticoke........... Dr. F. W. Heyer, State Hospital. Natrona............. Dr. J. A. Huth, 7 Walnut Street. Dr. G. L. Bumgarner, 59 Federal Street. New Castle.......... Dr. L. W. Wilson, 211 North Jefferson Street. Dr. A. W. Urmson, 17 East North Street. Dr. J. Foster, 222 North Mercer Street. Dr. John L. Good, Fourth and Bridge Streets. Dr. S. A. Kirkpatrick, 315 Third Street. Dr. H. W. Tittle, Thirteenth Street. Dr. E. S. Buyers, 612 DeKalb Street. Oil City............. Dr. J. C. Wilkins, 2041. 0. O. F. Build- ing. Dr. J. B. Siggins, 218 Sycamore Street. Dr. F. M. Summerville, 204 I. 0. 0. F. t Building. Dr. Robert Jackson, Curtin Street. PaoU............. Dr. A. W. Baugh, Lancaster Avenue and Darby Road. Dr. J. A. Murray, McGee Avenue. Dr. Charles CampbeU. Medical officer in charge, U. S. PubUc Frankford Hospital, Frankford Avenue Health Service ReUef Station No.305, and Wakeling Street. 410 Chestnut Street (Dr. W. G. Germantown Hospital, Germantown. Stimson). Naval hospital4. The Howard Hospital, Broad and Catherine Streets. Methodist-Episcopal Hospital, Broad and Wolf Streets. Jewish Hospital, York and Tabor Roads, Logan. Lankenau Hospital, Corinthian and Girard Avenue. Northeastern Hospital, Adegheny Ave- nue and Tulip Street. Hospital of the University of Pennsyl- vania, 3400 Spruce Street. Dr. P. J. Pontius,1 1831 Chestnut Street. Dr. WilUam Zentmayer,1 1506 Spruce Street. 1 Eye specialist. * Civil male employees injured in the performance of duty may be admitted to naval hospitals for im- mediate emergency-treatment and retained for further treatment provided the hospital has faciUties available. The injured person should present a "Request for Treatment" from his official superior on the Commission's Form CA-16. 87 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. United Sates medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. P e nnsylvania—Contd. Philadelphia (con.). Philipsburg.. PhoenixviUe. Pittsburgh... Medical officer in charge, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 15 (General), Penn Avenue and Fortieth Street. Pittston. Plymouth. Portage... Pottstown. Pottsville. Dr. P. N. K. Schwenk,1 1417 North Broad Street. Dr. Burton Chance,11305 Spruce Street. Dr. W. B. Henderson, Cottage State Hospital. Dr. C. F. Doran, 120 Gay Street. Dr. J. E. Gotwals, 204 Gay Street. Allegheny General Hospital, 110 Stock- ton Avenue. Mercy Hospital, Pride and Locust Streets. Homeopathic Hospital, 5230 Center Avenue. Dr. W. A. Dearth, Jenkins Arcade. Dr. H. H. Donaldson, 637 Union Ar- cade Building. Dr. Otto C. Gaub, Keenan Building, 7th and Liberty Avenues. Dr. John P. Griffith, 4715 Fifth Ave- nue. Dr. George L. Hays, Mercy Hospital. Dr. Edward B. Heckel, 719-724 Jenkins Building. Dr. Stewart L. McCurdy, 8103 Jenkins Arcade. Dr. George B. Moreland, 810 Westing- house Building. Dr. L. W. Robinson, 7072 Jenkins Arcade. Dr. Paul R. Sieber, 101 Mercy Hospital Dr. David Sdver, Jenkins Arcade. Dr. James O. Wadace, 7034 Jenkins Arcade. Dr. Grover C. Weil, Mercy Hospital. Dr. Lloyd L. Thompson, Highland Building (also 305-Eighth Avenue, Homestead). Dr. C. W. Prevost, 742 North Main Street. Dr. U. A. James,118 North Main Street. Dr. C. L. Ashley, 118 West Main Street. Dr. J. B. Graff, 804 CaldweU Avenue. Dr. J. E. Porter, 344 High Street. Dr. F. W. Van Buskirk, 64 North Han- over Street. Dr. L. T. Kennedy, 303 Mauch Chunk Street. Dr. J. B. Rogers, 310 Mahantongo Street. Dr. J. S. Carpenter, 212 Mahantongo Street. Dr. P. H. O'Hara, 125 West Mahan- tongo Street. Eye specialist. 88 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Pennsylvania—Contd. Pottsville (con.)___ Punxsutawney. Ramey. Reading Roaring Spring Rochester Rockwood Sayre Scranton Shenandoah. Slatington........... Sligo................ South Bethlehem (see also Allen- town). South Fork. Dr. J. L. Warne, 14 West Mahantongo Street. Dr. O. J. Carlin, 114 North Second Street. Dr. M. C. Householder, 514 Garfield Square. Dr. J. E. Grube, 103 North Ddpin Street. Dr. W. S. Bryan, Main Street. Dr. J. H. Rorke, 342 West Fifth Street Dr. J. M. Bertolet, 133 Perkiomen Avenue. Dr. W. D. Griesemer, 911 Washington Street. Dr. O. E. Fox, 232 North Fifth Street. Dr. W. A. Nason, Nason Hospital. Dr. G. S. Shugert, 247 Adams Street. Dr. G. F. Speicher, East Main Street. Dr. Donald Guthrie, South Wilbur Avenue. Dr. G. W. Hawk, Robert Packer Hos- pital. Dr. J. L. Peck, 524 Vine Street. Dr. J. M.Wainwright, 516 Spruce Street. Dr. B. H. Jackson, 516 Spruce Street. Dr. R. T. Wall, County Savings Bank Building. Dr. E. A. McLaine, 308 Wyoming Avenue. Dr. J. Norman White, 832 North Main Avenue. Dr. C. B. Noecker, 213 Conned Build- ing. Dr. A. E. Fretz, Temple Building. Dr. G. W. Reese, State Hospital. Dr. C. C. Marshall, 233 East State Street. Dr. W. E. Campbell,1 207-208 Hamory Budding. Dr. A. M. O'Brien, 157 West State Street. Dr. A. J. Berkeiser, 30 South Jardin Street. Dr. C. H. Muschlitz,2435 Main Street. Dr. J. B. Miller. Dr. W. L. Estes, jr., 819 St. Lukes Place. Dr. W. L. Estes, sr., 805 Delaware Avenue. Dr. W. P. Walker, Third and Chero- kee Streets. Dr. C. A. Fitzgerald, 510 Radroad Street. 1 Eye speciaUst. 3 SpeciaUst for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. 89 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. Pennsylvania—Contd. United States medical officers and hospitals Spangler. Steelton. Stroudsburg. Sunbury..... Susquehanna. Tamaqua___ Tully town. Tyrone..... Uniontown. Warren____ Washington. Wellsboro. West Chester. Wilkes-Barre. Williamsburg. WiUiamsport.. Wilmerding... Windber..... Wrightsville. York. Youngwood. Designated physicians. Dr. T. O. Helfrick, corner Bigler Ave- nue and Third Street. Dr. E. R. Whipple, 210 South Second Street. Dr. C. S. Logan, 401 Main Street. Dr. H. M. Becker,1 49 South Fourth Street. Dr. C. H. Swenk, First National Bank Building, Market Square. Dr. W. T. Graham, 244 Market Street. Dr. J. W. Schoffstall, 357 Market Street. Dr. W.J. Condon,1 Odd Fellows Block. Dr. W. H. Hinkel, 208 East Broad Street. Dr. J. M. Klenk. Dr. W. L. Lowrie, 861 Washington Avenue. Dr. W. S. Musser, 1047 Logan Ave- nue. Dr. A. E. Crow, 82 West Fayette Street. Dr. C. J. Frantz, 128 Pennsylvania Avenue, East. Dr. E. S. Africa, 304 Liberty Street. Dr. W. M. Robertson, 41 South Third Street. Dr. J. F. Donehoo, 212 Washington Trust Building. Dr. A. E. Thompson, 223-224 Washing- ton Trust Budding. Dr. W. J. L. McCullough, Slater Build- ing, 19 North Main Street. Dr. William F. White, Main Street. Dr. J. Grant Webster, 45 Main Street. Dr. Ellwood Patrick, 212 West Gray Street. Dr. J. T. Wdliams, 63 South Washing- ton Street. Dr. Walter Davis, 24 South Washing- ton Street. Dr. H. B. Gibby, 96 South Franklin Street. Dr. G. E. Baker, Second Street. Dr. W. F. Kunkle, 519 Seventh Avenue. Dr. G. L. Beswick, 200 Caldwell Ave- nue. Dr. W. S. Wheeling, Somerset Avenue. Dr. B. A. Hoover,1 Second and Locust Street. Dr. W. F. Bacon, 50 South George Street. Dr. E. W. Meisenhelder, 342 West Market Street. Dr. A. H. Caven, Fourth Street. Dr. H. A. McMurray, Depot and Fifth Streets. 1 Eye specialist. 90 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. Philippine Islands: Canacao, Cavite.. Manila........... Olongapo. Porto Rico: Ponce..... San Juan. Rhode Island: East Providence. Newport......... Portsmouth. Providence.. Woonsocket... South Carolina: Bamberg...... Camden....... Charleston__ United States medical officers and hospitals. Naval hospital4. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 270, Masonic Temple (Dr. C J. Mc- Devitt). Naval hospital 4....................... Medical officer in charge, U. S. PubUc Health Service ReUef Station No. 307, Customhouse (Dr. J. F. Torres). Medical officer in charge, U.S. PubUc Health Service Relief Station No. 326 (Dr. C M. Fauntleroy). Medical officer in charge, U. S. PubUc Health Service ReUef Station No. 293, 98 Mill Street (Dr. Edward Murphy). Naval hospital.4 Medical officer in charge, U. S. PubUc Health Service ReUef Station No. 314, 405 Federal Building (Dr. H. G. Ebert). Designated physicians. Dr. Frank W. Dudley, 16 Callc Pinpin. Dr. Harry E. Stafford, 121 General Salano, San Miguel. Dr. J. B. nue. Dr. D. P. McKenna, 47 Taunton Ave- A. Jacoby,1106 Touro Street. Dr. B. W. Storrs, Main Street. Dr. E. M. Porter, 454 Angell Street. Dr. F. E. Peckham,2 249 Thayer Street. Dr. Lambert Oulton, 269 Thayer Street. Dr. C. O. Cooke, 171 Angell Street. Dr. G. A. Matteson, 230 Thayer Street. Dr. W. L. Munro, 62 North Main Street. Dr. F. A. CoughUn, 224 Thayer Street. Dr. G. W. Gardner, 169 Angell Street. Dr. W. L. Harris, 532 Broad Street Dr. W. B. Cutts, 370 Broad Street. Dr. M. S. Danforth,2 124 Watterman Street. Dr. W. F. Flanagan, 379 Benefit Street. Dr. G. R. Barden, 270 Elmwo'od Ave- nue. Dr. J. J. Baxter, 92 Main Street. Dr. Robert Black, Main Street. Dr. John W. Corbett. Dr. C. P. Aimar, 4 Vanderhorst Street. Dr. J. S. Rhame, 81 Wentworth Street. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service ReUef Station No. 224, Customhouse (Dr. Harry S. Mustard). Naval hospital.4 1 Eye specialist. .2 Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. 4 Civil male employees injured in the performance of duty may te admitted to naval hospitals for im- mediate emergency treatment and retained for further treatment provided the hospital has facilities available. The injured person should present a "Request for Treatment'' from his official superior on the Commission's Form CA-16. 91 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. South Carolina—Con. Columbia........ Gaffney..... Georgetown. Greenville. Greenwood. Paris Island. Rock'HiU... ?partanburg. SummerviUe. Sumter....... South Dakota: Aberdeen__ Belle Fourche. Brookings. Chamberlain. United States medical officers and hospitals. Medical officer in charge, U. S. PubUc Health Service Relief Station No. 246, 108 Scriven Street (Dr. W. E. Sparkman). Designated physicians. Dr. LeGrand Guerry, 1300 Blanding Street. Dr. J. H. Taylor, 1403 Hampton Street. Dr. G. H. Bunch, 1404 Laurel Street. Dr. W. A. Boyd,2 206 Union National Bank Building. Dr. S. E. Harmon, 1820 Sumter Street. Dr. J. N. Nesbitt, 513$ Limestone Street. Naval hospital' Dr. R. C. Bruce, WaUace Building. Dr. J. W. Curry, 328 North Main Street. Dr. C. B. Earle, Medical Building. Dr. J. W. Jervey,1 324 North Main Street, Jervey-Jordan Budding. Dr. E. W. Carpenter,1 201 East North Street. Dr. G. T. Tyler, jr., 711 East North Street. Dr. G. P. Neel, 309-313 National Bank and Office Building. Dr. R. E. Sumner, 111 East Main Street. Dr. W. W. FenneU, Academy Street. Dr. H. R. Black, Aden-Law Building, Main Street. Dr. B. B. Steedly, East Main Street. Dr. E. D. Tupper, Linwood Lane. Dr. J. A. Mood, 24 South Washington Street. Dr. T. P. Ranney, lis South Main Street. Dr. C. E. McCauley, 502 Citizens' Bank Building. Dr. H. I. King, 218 South Main Street. Dr. J. L. Chassel, Gay Block. Dr. J. A. Crouch, Bolles Block, Main Street. Dr. A. H. Stoll, 340 Main Street. Dr. G. H. Gulbrandsen, Medical Block, 314 Williams Street. Dr. R. A. Crawford, Main Street, or Chamberlain Sanitarium. 1 Eye specialist. 2 Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. 4 Civil male employees injured in the performance of duty may be admitted to naval hospitals for im- mediate emergency treatment and retained for further treatment provided the hospital has facilities available. The injured person should present a " Request for Treatment" from his official superior on the Commission's Form CA-16. 92 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. South Dakota—Con. Deadwood.......... Dr. F. S. Howe, B. H. Bank Building. Dr. T. W. Moffitt, Martin-Mason Block. Dell Rapids......... Dr. M. M. Grove. Flandreau.......... Dr. A. S. Rider. Garretson........... Dr. F. C. De Vail, Main Avenue and Third Street. Hot Springs......... Dr. P. T. Geyerman. Dr. C. W. Hargens, Lutheran Hospital. Huron.............. Dr. Buell H. Sprague, Sprague Hos- pital. Dr. J. C. Shirley, Sprague Hospital. Dr. W. O. Leach, 950$ Third Street. Kadoka............. Dr. A.J. Hennings. Lead................ Dr. F. E. Clough, Homestake Hospital. Madison............. Dr. R. S. Westaby, Egan Avenue and Center Street. Dr. Carl H. R. Hovde, Egan Avenue and Center Street. Mitchell......... Dr. Edward W. Jones, 214 Realty Building. Dr. W. R. BaU, Commercial Savings Bank Building. Dr. B. A. Bobb, First National Bank Building. Dr. C. S. Bobb, First National Bank Building. Dr. G. H. Twining. Newell........ Dr. 0. H. Clark, Newell Hospital. Dr. C. L. Bury, Farmers State Bank Building. Dr. T. F. Riggs. Dr. R. J. Jackson, lirst National Bank Building. Dr. F. W. Minty, 609 Main Street. Dr. A. J. Moe, Main Avenue and Four- teenth Street. Dr. Arne Zetlitz, Eighth Street and Phillips Avenue. Dr. M. A. Stern, Security National Bank Building. Dr. Palmer E. Brandon, Lacotah Building. Dr. R. G. Stevens, Sioux Falls Medical and Surgical Clinic. Dr. E. 0. Giere, Citizens National Bank Building. Dr. Olof Haroldson, 116 East emp Avenue. Dr. Harry C. Parsons,1 301 Granite 1 Block. Dr. F. E. Bouza. Eye speciaUst. 93 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. South Dakota—Con. Winner........... Yankton___ Tennessee: Centrevdle Dr. Walter M. Quinn. Dr. Silas Matthew, Hohf Clinic Build- ing. Dr. John S. Beasley, Beasley and Ed- wards Building. Dr. C. V. Stephenson, Stephenson Building. Chattanooga................................................ Dr. H. L. Fancher, James Building. Dr. G. M. Elhs, 515-518 Volunteer Building. Dr. E. T. Newell, 705 Walnut Street. Dr. E. D. Newed, 707 Walnut Street. Dr. Raymond WaUace, 1215 Hamilton National Bank Building. Clarksvdle.................................................. Dr. J. A\\ Brandau, 703 College Street. Columbia................._____..............._.......___ Dr. George C. WiUiamson, 214$ West Seventh Street. Dayton.............|........................................ Dr. J. R. Gillespie, Main and Market Streets. Dyersburg.................................................. Dr. Jesse P. Baird,2 Baird-Dulaney Hospital. Dr. A. H. Moody, Rawles Budding or General Hospital. Dr. WilUam P. Watson, Rawles Build- Ung. EUzabethtown......j........................................ Dr. John O. Woods, Main Street over Holston Motor Co. GaUatin.............i........................................ Dr. L. M. Woodson, 2 North Water Street. Greenvdle................................................... Dr. C. P. Fox, GreenviUe Sanitarium and Hospital. Jackson.....................................................! Dr. J. L. Crook, 110 West Baltimore Street. Johnson City........................................... Knoxville. Lebanon— Lenoir City. Loudon...... Maryville--- McMinnville. Dr. E. T. West, Miller Building, Main Street. Dr. H. D. MiUer, 216$ Main Street. Dr. W. J. Matthews, Main Street. Dr. S. R. Miller, 406 Church Avenue West. Dr. W. S. Austin, 423 West Church Avenue. Dr. W. S. Nash, 611 Walnut Street. Dr. A. G. Kern, 607 Walnut Street. Dr. J. R. Bone, 121$ East Main Street. Dr. T. J. Hickman, 111 First Avenue. Dr. J. T. Leiper, Broadway and Kings- ton Streets. Dr. J. J. Harrison, jr. Dr. J. A. McCuUoch, Main Street. Dr. Q. C. Cantrell, 117 East Main Street. * Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. 94 MEDICAL FACBLITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Tennessee—Continued Memphis...... ..... Medical officer in charge, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 12 (General),Delaware and CaUfornia Streets. NashviUe, . Medical officer in charge, U. S. PubUc Health Service Relief Station No. 283, Hitchcock Building (Dr. Paul Dewitt). Newport. Rockwood. Texas: Abilene... Amardlo. Austin. Bay City. Beaumont. Brady. Dr. T. H. Ingram,21222-1223 Exchange Budding Dr. W. T. Black, 620 Exchange Build- ing. Dr. E. C. Edett,11720 Exchange Budd- ing- Dr. E. E. Haynes, Bank of Commerce Building. Dr. E. D. Mitched, Bank of Commerce Building. Dr. J. F. GaUagher, 306 Jackson Budd- ing. Dr. AA'. M. McCabe, 142 Seventh Avenue North. Dr. Duncan Eve, sr., Church and Sev- enth Avenue. Dr. Duncan Eve, jr., Church and Sev- enth Avenue. Dr. Eugene E. Northcutt, M. & P. Bank Budding. Dr. J. M. Clack, Rockwood Avenue. Dr. Joseph Daly,1 Dr. Stewart Cooper, 158 Pine Street. Dr. Lawrence W. HolUs, jr., 309-310 corner North First and Pine, Citizens National Bank Building. Dr. T. Wade Hedrick, 253$ Pine Street. Dr. A. F. Lumpkin, 108 West Fifth Street. Dr. R. D. Gist, Smith Building. Dr. Richard I. Keys, Polk Street, Fuqua Building. Dr. Frank C. Gregg, 302-304 Scarbrough Building. Dr. C. B. Weller, 519 Scarbrough B lidd- ing. Dr. J. S. Wooten, 107-109 East Tenth Street. Dr. Joe Gilbert, 324-330 Littlefield Building. Dr. Thos. C. Brooks, Austin Building. Dr. S. A. Foote, Sixth Street, ovei Matagorda Pharmacy. Dr. O. S. Hodges,1 502$ Pearl Street. Dr. Edward C. Ferguson, 502$ Peail Street. Dr. D. Stuart Wier, Perlstein Building. Dr. J. G. McCall, Brady Sanitarium. Dr. J. S.Anderson, SyndicateBuildinf. 1 Eye speciaUst. Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. 95 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Texas—Continued. Brownsville___ Brownwood. Bryan....... Cisco........ Cleburne. Codege Station. Corpus Christi. Corsicana. Cuero... Dalhart. Dallas... Denison. Eagle Pass. Eastland... Designated physicians. Dr. Bynum M. Works, 213 Merchants NationalBand Building. Dr. B. O. Works, 213 Merchants National B ank B uilding. Dr. O. N. Mayo, 402 First National Bank Building. Dr. AAr. H. OUver, corner Main and Twenty-sixth Street. Dr. F. E. Clark, Third floor, Cisco Bank Building. Dr. K. J. Scott, 508$ Avenue D. (over Red Front Drug Store). Dr. M. T. Knox, 10$ South Caddo Street. Dr. Mills Dennis, 107$ East Henderson Street. Dr. Otto Ehlinger. Dr. B. H. Passmore, City National Bank Building. Dr. C. O. Watson, 201-203 City National Bank Building. Dr. F. U. Painter, Durgin Building. Dr. Henry Redmond,1 601$ Mesquite Street. Dr. Wm. T. Shell, 127 West Collin Street. Dr. E. H. Newton, 120 North Beaton Street. Dr. J. W. Burns, Esplanade Street. Dr. G. W. Dawson, Denrock Avenue. Dr. Elbert Dunlap, 304 Southwestern Life Budding. Dr. AVidiam D. Jones, 701 Wdson Building. Dr. C. M. Rosser, 514 Wilson Building. Dr. A. B. SmaU, 506 Wilson Bidlding. Dr. G. M. Hackler, 303 Southwest Life Insurance Budding. Dr. Frank H. Newton,1 907 Dadas County State Bank Budding. Dr. D. A. York, over Ross' drug store. Dr. J. A. Mayes, 406$ West Main Street. Dr. L. C. ElUs, 417$ West Main Street. Dr. W. A. Lee, Security Budding, 431 West Main Street. Dr. T. J. Long, 416 Security Building. Dr. J. C. Carter,1331 West Main Street. Dr. M. A. Ramsdell, First National Bank Budding. Dr. S. C. Richardson, 302-304 Security Bank Building, 1 Eye specialist. 105745—22- 96 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Texas—Continued. El Paso............. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. Dr. J. M. Britton,1 501 Two Republics Building. 352, Mills Budding (Dr. J. W. Tap- Dr. J. W. Laws, 516 Mills Building. pan). Dr. E. B. Rogers, 610 Martin Budding. Dr. R. L. Ramey, 509 Two Republics Budding. Dr. W. L. Brown, 404 Roberts-Banner Building. Dr. F. P. Miller, 514 Martin Building. Dr. L. G. Witherspoon, 314 Roberts-Banner Building. Dr. K. D. Lynch, 414 Mdls Buildng. Fort Worth......... Dr. C. H. Harris, 1028 Fifth Avenue. Dr. J. D. Covert, 210 Farmers and Merchants Bank Budding. Dr. Chas. O. Hook, 720 Texas State Bank Budding. Gainesville.......... Dr. Rufus C. Whiddon, 11$ West Cali- fornia Street. Galveston........... Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. Dr. J. E. Thompson, 902 American National Insurance Building. 245, Customhouse (Dr. E. M. F. Dr. Seth M. Morris,1 807 American Stephen). National Insurance Building. Dr. A. O. Singleton, 709 American National Insurance Building. Dr. Wm. E. Huddleston, 310-312 American National Insurance Build-ing. Greenville........... Dr. C. T. Kennedy, 2908 West Lee Street. Dr. E. P. Becton, 2506$ Stonewall Street. Dr. McDonald Orman, Sanders Phar- macy. Dr. Joseph E. Daniel, seventh floor, Great Southern Life Building. Dr. R. W. Knox, Southern Pacific Budding. Dr. J. A. Kyle, 402 Carter Building. Dr. C. C. Green, 3420 Roseland Avenue. Dr. J. T. Moore, 431 Kress Budding. Dr. F. L. Barnes, 308 Carter Budding. Dr. C. M. Aves, 3811 Fannin Street. Dr. J. A. Hill, 609-614 Scanlon Build-ing. Dr. Wallace Ralston,1 417 Kress Building. Dr. A. P. Howard, eighth floor, Kress Budding. Dr. John A. R. Moreley. 1 Eye speciaUst. 97 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. Texas—Continued. Kerrville....... Lubbock..... United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Marshall. McKinney Nacogdoches. Palestine..... Paris. Pecos....... Port Arthur. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 309 (Dr. AV. S. Winter, jr.). Ranger San Angelo Dr. AA\ L. Secor, Secor Sanitarium. Dr. J. T. Krueger, Lubbock Sanita- rium. Dr. AV. G. Hartt,1 Marshall National Bank Building. Dr. J. B. Baldwin, Mahon Building, East Houston Avenue. Dr. Ben F. Largent, AVest Virginia Street. Dr. A. A. Nelson, Blount Building. Dr. A. L. Hatcock, suite 7, 8, 9, Link , Building. Dr. R. H. McLeod, Link Building. Dr. C. C. Nash, First National Bank Building. Dr. H. L. Farris, 215 Banham Street. Dr. J. M. Hooks, First State Bank Building. Dr. Ernest H. Stark, 513-514 First National Bank Building. Dr. O. J. Bryan, Lipscomb-Warn Building. Dr. E. AV. Vaughan,1 over Hart drug store. Dr. Carl AVilson, 111 Main Street. Dr. J. S. Hixson, Central National Bank Building. Dr. Harlan Horney, Central National Bank Building. Dr. J. R. Kight, Mays Building. Dr. H. P. Rush, Central National Bank Building, room 609. Dr. Eldridge S. Adams,1 527 Moore Building. Dr. Henry Houston Ogilvie, 507 Moore Building. Dr. J. AV. Goode, 801 City National Bank Building. Dr. Roy T. Goodwin, Gibbs Building. Dr. F. L. Paschal,1 third floor, Hicks Building. Dr. C. L. Milburn, 209-210 Frost Building Dr. R. L. Glascock, 402 Main Street, South San Antonio. Dr. O. H. Judkins,1 710-711 Central Trust Building. Dr. Richard C. Elliott, Collins Avenue. Dr. C. M. Cotham. 1 Eye specialist. 2 SpeciaUst for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and hack injuries. MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Texas—Continued. Sherman....... Stephenvi'le. Sweet Water. Temple. Texarkana. Tyler. Waco. Wharton..... Wichita Falls. Utah: Brigham. Castle Gate. Lehi........ Logan..... Mid vale___ Nephi. Ogden. Panguitch. Park City. Dr. Wilbur Carter,1 117$ South Travis Street- Dr. E.J. Neathery, Sherman Hospiial. Dr. Anthony E. Lankford, First State Bank Building. Dr. Thomas M. Gordon, Schnabel Building. Dr. Chas. A. Rosebrough, Prim Build- ing. Dr. A. H. Fortner, Prim Building. Dr. J. S. McCelvey, Temple State Bank Building. Dr. R. W. Barton, 217 North Main Street. Dr. M. W. Sherwood, Temple Sani- tarium. Dr. S. A. Collom, 323-325 State Nation- al Bank Building. Dr. Thomas F. Kittrell, State National Bank Building. Dr. F. J. Moulton, 104 Dudley Avenue. Dr. George G. Bell, 109$ West Fergu- son Street. Dr. Jasper D. Phillips, 113$ North Side Square. Dr. Charles E. Collins, Providence San- itarium, Eighteenth and Vermont. Dr. H. R. Dudgeon, 505 Praetorian Building. Dr. G. L. Davidson. Dr. Quincy B. Lee, suite 600 Waggoner Building. Dr. T. J. Strong, 310 Commerce Build- ing. Dr. R. A. Pearse, 117 AVest Forrest. Dr. Arthur D. Cooley, Eddy Building, 12 South Main Street. Dr. C. E. McDermid. Dr. F. D. Worlton, Lehi Hospital. Dr. D. C. Budge, 14 West Center Street. Dr. J. S. Alley, Holden Street. Dr. A.J. Hosmer, Holden Street. Dr. N. J.Rees, jr., Nephi General Hos- pital. Dr. T. D. Rees. Dr. J. R. Morrell, Eccles Building. Dr. A. A. Browning,1 221 Eccles Build- ing. Dr. E R. Dumke, 727 Eccles Building Dr. M. W. Bigelow. Dr. I.. C. Snow, 414 Main Street. 1 Eye specialist. 99 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. Utah—Contd. Provo..... United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Salina....... Salt Lake fin Spanish Fork. Tooele. VTERMONT Barre.. BellowsFalJs Brattleboro. Burlington.. Montpelier. Newport. Rutland. St. Albans___ St. Johnsbury. 1 Eye specialist. .j Dr. J. AV. Aird, 65 East Second Street. Dr. H. G. Merrill,1 230 West Fourth Street. Dr. F. AV. Taylor, 65 East Second Street, South. .{ Dr. AV. M. Thome. .j Dr. A. J. Murphy, 526-531 Judge Build- ing. Dr. J. C. I.andenbergen, 216 Deseret News Building. Dr. R. T. Richards, Walker Bank Building. Dr. Augustus C. Behle, 512-514 Judge Building. Dr. A. C. Callister, 719-721 Boston Building. Dr. C. J. Albaugh, 913-915 Walker Bank Building. ! Dr. E. M. Neher^SrO Boston Building. ' Dr. S. D. Calonge, 633 Boston Building. Dr. J. AAr. Hagan. Dr. J. Hughes. Dr. J. A. Phipps, 47 Main Street. Dr. J. H. Woodruff, 9 Keith Avenue. Dr. E. G. Sprague,1 Blanchard Block. Dr. W. E. Lazell, 25 Souih Main Street. Dr. DeF. C. Jarvis,1 7 Howland Build- ing. Dr. W. F. Hazleton, 97 Westminster Street. Dr. H. P. Greene, 4 ElUott Street. Dr. C. A. Pease, 307 College Street. Dr. Lyman Allen, 288 Main Street. Dr. P. E. McSweeney, 37 Elmwood Avenue. Dr. C. H. Burr, 33 Main Street. Dr. AAr. R. Harkness, 43 State Street. Dr. William Lindsay, 79 Main Street. Dr. Henry E. Somers, 97 Autumn Street. Dr. AVilllam Stickney, 37 North Main Street. Dr. Alan Davidson, 39 Bank Street. Dr. J. M. Allen, 24 Railroad Street. Dr. E. H. Ross, 10 Church Street. 100 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Virginia: Abingdon. Alexandria. Blackstone. Buckingham... Buena Vista... Cambria....... Charlottesville. CUfton Forge... Dante.......... Danville. Farmville........ Fredericksburg... Hampton........ Hampton Roads. Harrisonburg--- Imboden......... Irvington........ Lynchburg. Newport News. Norfolk. Norton..... Petersburg. Naval hospital4 Medical officer in charge, U. S. PubUc Health Service ReUef Station No. 257 (Dr. W. J. Newbill). Medical officer in charge, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 82 (General), Tanners Creek. (Complete dental equip- ment.) Medical officer in charge, U. S. PubUc Health Service ReUef Station No. 296, Customhouse. (Dr. G. M. Magruder.) Naval hospital4...................... Dr. J. Coleman Motley, Johnston Memorial Hospital. Dr. Arthur Snowden, 920 King Street. Dr. M. D. Delaney, 131 North Wash- ington Street. Dr. C. C. Tucker, First National Bank Building. Dr. G. L. Morris. Dr. J. H. Mapp, Twenty-first Street. Dr. A. M. Showalter. Dr. W. H. Goodwin. Dr. B. B. Wheeler. Dr. Thomas McNeer. Dr. L. C. McNeer. Dr. R. B. James, Main Street. Dr. J. McG. Robinson, 753 Main Street. Dr. W. E. Anderson, 102 Third Street. Dr. Sidney L. Scott, 1116 Main Street. Dr. H. D. Howe, 176 Victoria Avenue. Dr. J. H. Deyerle, South Main Street Dr. J. H. Hagy. Dr. John Walker, 1015 Church Street. Dr. R. M. Taliaferro, 700 Church Street. Dr. J. W. Dillard, 801 Church Street. Dr. John W. Carroll, 811 Church Street. Dr. J. T. Buxton, Thirty-first Street and West Avenue. Dr. Frank D. Willis,1 3300 West Ave- nue. Dr. E. E. Feild,2 512 Taylor Building. Dr. R. L. Payne, 225 Granby Street. Dr. Southgate Leigh, 109 College Place. Dr. R. P. Carr. Dr. L. S. Early, 5 HaUfax Street. Dr. WilUam Powell, 6 Bank Street. Dr. Charles S. Dodd,1 210 Mechanics Building, Sycamore Street. Dr. G. ;:. VandersUce, Mellen Street and AA'illard Avenue. 1 Eyespeciahst. 2 Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. 4 Civil male employees injured in the performance of duty may be admitted to naval hospitals for i. i mediate emergency treatment and retained for further treatment provided the hospital has facilil c:- available. The injured person should present a "Request for Treatment'' from his official superior on the Commission's Form CA-16. Phoebus. 101 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Virginia—Continued. Portsmouth...... Dr. R. L. Corbell, 400 Mount Vernon Avenue (Port Norfolk). Dr. J. D. Collins, 314 Court Street. Pulaski........ Dr. W. W. Chaffin, 60$ Main Street. Dr. W. R. Williams. Dr. 1. W. Cunningham. Richlands...... Richmond..... Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service ReUef Station No. Dr. Stuart McGuire, 1000 West Grace Street. 316, 804 Chamber of Commerce Dr. A. M. WilUs, Professional BuUding. Building (Dr. WilUam R. Jones). Dr. H. S. Mac Lean, 401 West Grace Street. Dr. R. C. Bryan, Grace Hospital. Dr. J. W. Henson, 405 Allen Avenue. Dr. W. T. Oppenheimer, 321 West Grace Street. Roanoke............ Dr. S. S. Gale, Roanoke Street and Luck Avenue. Dr. T. D. Armistead, 138 Salem Ave- nue. Dr. H. H. Trout, Jefferson Hospital. Staunton............ Dr. T. M. Parkins, 231 East Frederick Street. Dr. M. J. Payne, 220 West Frederick Street. Dr. W. S. Whitmore, Augusta National Bank Building. Strasburg........... Dr. G. G. Crawford, Main and Depot Streets. Suffolk........... Dr. J. E. Rawls, Borley and Smith Streets. Dr. D. A. Dunkley. Dr. J. M. Henderson, Henry Street. Dr. P. W. Boyd, 4 South Main Streat A'fRGiN Islands: St Thomas ........ Medical officer in charge, U.S. PubUc Health Service ReUef Station No. 319, 47 Norre Gade, (Dr. D. C. Turnipseed). Naval hospital4....................... Washington: Dr. G. E. Chamberlain, Electric Building. Dr. C. E. Bartlett, 335 Finch Building. Dr. H. E. Frost, Seventh and Com- mercial Avenues. Dr. E. M. Adams, Third and Railroad Avenues. Auburn.............'........................................i Dr. B. E. Hoye. 4 Civil male employees injured in the performance of duty may be admitted to naval hospitals for im- mediate emergency treatment and retained for further treatment provided the hospital has faciUties available. The injured person should present a " Request for Treatment" from his official superior on the Commission's Form CA-16. 102 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Washington—Contd. Medical officer in Health Service 210, Exchange Powell). Naval hospital4. charge, U. S. PubUc Relief Station No. Building (Dr. 1. W. Dr. W. D. Kirkpatrick, 452 Sixteenth Street. Dr. A. M. Smith, BelKngham National Bank Building. Dr. F. J. Van Kirk,1 312 Bellingham. National Bank Building. Dr. J. P. Schutt, Bremer Building. Dr. C. R. McKinley. Dr. H. E. Cleveland. Dr. F. J. Heckney, Stahl Building,. 123 North Tower Street. Dr. David Livingstone, Stahl Building,. 123 North Tower Street. Dr. G. W. Kennicott, 1030 State Street. Dr. Harry Feagles. Dr. Victor Piro. Cle Elum..... Dr. W. E. Keehl, 302 Penn Avenue. Colville . .. Dr. Wilson A. Olds, jr., Dorman Building. Dr. R. S. Wells, Bank of Colvillf Building. Dr. B. F. Blake. Dr. A. W. Bridge. Dr. W. F. West, 307 American Bai.x; Building. Dr. H. P. Howard,410 American Bank Building. Dr. A. P. Duryee, 313-316 American Bank Building. Dr. Frank H. CoUins. Medical officer in charge, U.S. PubUc Health Service ReUef Station No. 255 (Dr. R. Frederick Hunter). Dr. Harry AVatkins, 316$ Eighth Street. Dr. A. .7. Mclntyre, Medical Building. Dr. L. W. Paul. Dr. A. S. Monzingo. Kent Dr. C. B. Hoffman, First Street near Post Office. Dr. C. H. Soil, Monroe General Hospi- tal. Dr. H. T. D'Arc, First Street. Dr. J. T. Phillips, Fourth Street and Washington Avenue. Dr. P. L. AVest, Commercial Bank Building. Dr. Lorenzo S. Dewey, Dewey Build-ing. Dr. N. J. Redpath, Fourth and Main Streets. Dr. J. J. Mustard, Capital National Bank Building. 1 Eye specialist. 4 Civil male employees injured in the performance of duty may be admitted to naval hospitals for im- mediate emergency treatment and retained for further treatment provided the hospital has facilities available. The injured person should present a " Request for Treatment" from his official superior on the Commission's Form CA-16. 103 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Washington—Contd. Omak..... Palouse___ i Pasco___ i Dr. E. C. Hamley, 328 AVest Lewis Street. Dr. J. Ellery Fales, Columbia Valley Hospital. Dr. D. E. McGillivray, 14 First Street, East. Dr. Logan G. Kinzey, 121 Main Street. Dr. Matthew J. Beistel, First National Bank Building. Pateros... Port Angeles Port Townsend Pullman___ Medical officer in charge, U. S. Pub-lin Health Service Relief Station No. 308 (Dr. AValter J. Taylor). Medical officer in charge, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 17 (General), Frank-lin and Quincy Streets Raymond... Riverside... ing, Duryea Street. Dr. H. M. Fryer. Dr. E. C. Heston, Cle Elum Hospital. Roslyn........ Seattle...... Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 329, 6147 Arcade Building (Dr. H. DeValin). Dr. H. D. Dudley, 403 Cobb Building. Dr. C. W. Knudson, 5300 Ballard Avenue. Dr. F. A. Christensen, 5226 Ballard Avenue. Sedro-Woolley. Shelton.................................................... South Bend.........; Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service Relief Station No. 334, First and Ferry Streets (Dr. V. AV. Anderson). Spokane................................................... Dr. F. J. Fassett, 1155 Empire Build- ing or 5026 19tg Ave., N. E. Dr. J. C. Moore, 808 Joshua Green Building. Dr. P. W. Willis, 1253 Empire Build- ing. Dr. Bruce Elmore, 1114 Boylston Avenue. Dr. A. O. Loe, 211 Cobb Building. Dr. E. O. Jones, 508 Cobb Building. Dr. M. G. Sturgis, 1015 Cobb Building. Dr. C. W. Sharpies, Burke Building. Dr. C. C. Harbaugh, corner Wood- worth and Met calf Streets. Dr. B. F. Brooks, Baldridge-Wixon Building, Metcalf Street. Dr. C. W. Crompton, Seidell Building. Dr. N. E. Roberts, Third and Rail- road Avenues. Dr. G. A. Tripp, Lumber Exchange Building. Dr. H. B. Luhn, Spokane and Eastern Trust Building. Dr. J. H. O'Shea, 304 Old National Bank Building. Dr. S. B. Hopkins,1 204 Fernwell Building. 1 Eye specialist. 104 MEDICAL FACELITIES—Continued. State and city. Washington—Contd. Spokane (con.)___ Inited States medical officers and hospitals. Tacoma. Twisp...... Vancouver. WaUaWaUa. Wenatchee. Yakima. West Virginia: Bluefield.... Charleston. Clarksburg. Medical officer in charge, U. S. PubUc Health Service Relief Station No. 345, Rust Building (Dr. F. J. Schug). Designated physicians. Dr. X. L. Anthony,1 508 Old National Bank Building. Dr. A. A. Matthews, 721 Paulsen Building. Dr. T. L. Catterson, Spokane and Eastern Trust Building. Dr. James Sutherland, 604-605 Old National Bank Building. Dr. C. M. Doland, 303 Spokane and Eastern Trust Building. Dr. T. B. Curran, Perkins Building, Eleventh and A Streets. Dr. J. R. Yocom, Perkins Building, Eleventh and A Streets. Dr. W. N. Keller, National Realty Building, Dr. J. A. LaGasa, National Realty Building. Dr. W. E. Gossett. Dr. R. D. WiswaU, 307 United States National Bank Building. Dr. Jesse W. Ingram, 405 Baker Build- ing. Dr. B. L. Jones, 306-308 Baker Build- ing. Dr. F. M. Campbell, 200 Drumheller Budding. Dr. R. T. Congdon, Commercial Bank Budding. Dr. T. H. Grosvenor, Columbia VaUey Bank Building. Dr. P. B. Cooper, 205 Mdler Budding. Dr. J. F. Scott, 216 Miller Building. Dr. J. R. Thompson,1 322 Miller Build- ing. Dr. C. J. Lynch, 216 Miller Building. Dr. E. S. West, 306 Mdler Building. Dr. W. H. St. Clair, Bluefield Sani- tarium. Dr. J. F. Fox, Bluefield Sanitarium. Dr. C. A. Ray, 1012 Virginia Street. Dr. J. A. Arbuckle,1 fourth floor, Pro fessional Building. Dr. B. H. Swint, Coyle and Richard- son Building. Dr. J. E. Wilson, 211$ Empire Budd- ing. Dr. R. A. Haynes, 211-217 Goff Build- ing. Dr. C. R. Ogden, 201 West Main Street. Eye specialist. 105 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. West Virginia—Con Elkins........ Fairmont. Grafton. Hinton..... Huntington United States medical officers and hospitals. Designated physicians. Logan........ Mariinton___ Martinsburg. Midwood..... Moorefield__ Morgantown. Dr. Arthur P. Butt, Central Street and Worth Avenue. Dr. WilUam W. Golden, Davis Mem- orial Hospital. Dr. J. E. Offner, 215 Madison Street. Dr. C. M. Ramage, Fairmont Hospital No. 3. Dr. D. C. Peck, 201 West Main Street. Dr. F. S. Suddarth, 208 Thayer Street. Dr. O. O. Cooper, 319 Temple Street. Dr. C. R. Enslow,416 Eleventh Street. Dr. J. R. Hunter, 305 First National Bank Building Dr. J. H. Steenbergen, Day and Night Bank Building. Dr. H. D. Hatfield, third floor, Robson Prichard Building. Keyser......................................................: Dr. M. H. Maxwell, 58 North Main Street. Dr. C. S. Hoffman, 60 Davis Street. Dr. S. B. Lawson, 315 Main Street. Dr. J. W. Price, Main Street. Dr. T. IC. Oates, City Hospital. Dr. A. Herrenkohl. Dr. R. W. Love, Main Street. Dr. Irwin Hardy, City Hospital. Dr. H. V. King,1 Bank of Morgantown Building. Dr. D. B. Ealy, Garvin and Ault Budding, 267 Jefferson Avenue. Dr. B. O. Robinson, 615$ Market Street. Dr. R. B. Miller, 222 Fifth Street. Dr. Thomas J. McGuire, 508$ Market Street. Dr. H. E. Gaynor, 602$ Market Street. Dr. John B. Grove. Dr. H. W. Casto, for Dam No. 22, Ohio River. Dr. P. C. Starkey, for Dams Nos. 21 and 22, Ohio River. Dr. James McClung, 1 West Main Street. Dr. R. H. Dunn, Corner C Street and Fifth Avenue. Dr. J. L. Miller, Front Street. Dr. C. F. Hicks, Welch Hospital. Dr. F. L. Hupp, 61 Fourteenth Street. Dr. H. P. Linsz, 2224 Chapline Street. Dr. Jacob Schwinn, 805 Schmulbach Building. Dr. R. J. Reed, 100 Twelfth Street. Dr. M. B. Williams, 59 fourteenth Street. Eye specialist. Moundsville. Parkersburg. Petersburg... Ravenswood. Richwood... South Charleston. Thomas.., Welch..... Wheeling. 106 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. Wisconsin: Appleton Ashland. Beloit.... Berlin........... Boscobel........ Chippewa Falls. Crandan........ Eau Claire...... Fond du Lac. Green Bay... Janes ville. Kenosha. Kewaunee. LaCrosse.. Madison. Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service ReUef Station No. 249, Bellin Building (Dr. Arthur J. McCarey). Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service ReUef Station No. 264, 410 Linker Building (Dr. John E. Armitage). Designated physicians. Dr. J. B. MacLaren, 572 Oneida Street. Dr. V. F. Marshall, 587 Appleton Street. Dr. Otto Braun,1 400 West Second Street. Dr. A. C. Helm, Beloit Hospital. Dr. W. W. Crockett, Manchester Block. Dr. W. J. Allen, 401 East Grand Avenue. Dr. \T. D. Crone,1 Manchester Block. Dr. A. J. Wiesender, 300 Huron Street. Dr. E. H. Spiegelberg. Dr. J. D. McRae, 220 Bridge Street. Dr. C. O. Decker, Decker Building. Dr. R. F. Werner, 201 South Barstow Street. Dr. Christian Midelfart, 343 Gilbert Avenue. Dr. E. L. Mason, 206$ South Barstow Street. Dr. F. S. Cook,1 53 Ingram Building. Dr. F. S. Wiley, 40 South Main Street. Dr. W. W. Kelly, Bellin-Buchanan Building. Dr. W. E. Fairfield, Clinic Building, 109 East Walnut Street. Dr. J. R. Minahan, 611 Minahan Build- ing. Dr. AV. H. McGuire, 407 Jackman Building. Dr. J. F. Pember, 225 West Milwaukee Street. Dr. W. H. Palmer, 407 Jackman Build- ing. Dr. T. W. Nuzum, 225 West Milwau- kee Street. Dr. P. P. M. Jorgensen, 315 Prairie Avenue. Dr. G. E. Thompson, 159 Main Street. Dr. J. F. Hastings, 354 Park Avenue. Dr. J. H. Clearcy, 310 Main Street. Dr. F. J. Wochos. Dr. A. A. Maurer, Newberg Building. Dr. Adolf Gunderson, 303 Pearl Street. Dr. Edward Evans, State Bank Build- ing. Dr. G. J. Egan, Linker Building. Dr. T. AV. Tormey, Gay Building. Dr. A. G. Sullivan, 642 State Street. Dr. R. H. Jackson, 110 North Hamil- ton Street. Dr. Joseph Dean, 29 East Main Street. 'Eye speciaUst. 107 MEDICAL FACILITIES—Continued. State and city. United States medical officers and hospitals. AVisconsin—Continued. Manitowoc.......... Medical officer in charge, TJ. S. Public Health Service ReUef Station No. 272, 811 North York Street (Dr. C. M. Gleason). Marinette.. Marshfield. Merrdl.............. Milwaukee.........., Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service ReUef Station No.278, 517 Government Building (Dr. R. J. Bach). Neenah. North Fond du Lac Oshkosh. Dr. A. J. Shimek, 1115 Madison Street. Dr. W. E. Donohue, Eighth and Franklin Streets. Dr. J. E. Barnstein,1 915 Washington Street. Dr. M. D. Bird, 1520 Main Street. Dr. V. A. Mason, 300-302 South Central Avenue. Dr. K. W. Doege, 301-303 South Central Avenue. Dr. C. C. Walsh, 813$ First Street. Dr. A. T. Holbrook, 711 Goldsmith Building. Dr. H. A. Sifton, 809 Wells Building. Dr. F. J. Gaenslen,2 141 Wisconsin Street. Dr. C. H. Lemon, 217 Sycamore Street. Dr. L. G. Nolte, Senn's Block, 365 Third Street. Dr. G. H. WilUamson, 112 South Com- mercial Street. Dr. C. C. Del MarceUe, 119 East Wis- consin Avenue. Dr. A. J. PuUen, 2 Harrison Street. Dr. D. A. Bronson, 2 Harrison Street. Dr. M. E. Corbett, 150 Court Street. Dr. F. G. Connell, State and Washing- ton Streets. Dr. C. W. Henney, 113 De Witt Street. Dr. A. J. Batty, New Register Budd- ing. Dr. C. A. Armstrong, Postoffice Block. Dr. R. E. Rugh, 209 Sixth Street. Dr. G. W. Nott, 745 Wisconsin Street. Dr. W. F. Zierath, 618 North Eighth Street. Dr. O. B. Bock, 932 North Eighth Street. Dr. C. M. Beebe, Oak and Water Streets. Stevens Point.......'........................................ Dr. Carl Neupert, jr., 412 Church Street. Superior............j Medical officer in charge, U. S. PubUc Dr. W. E. Ground, Seventeenth Street Health Service ReUef Station No.335, and Ogden Avenue. Columbia Building (Dr. W. H Schnell). AVabeno....................................................; Dr. P. J. Noer, Noer Hospital. AAratertown.........\........................................I Dr. C. J. Habhegger, 110 South Fourth ' Street. " Waukesha.................................................. Dr. V. J. Tibbits,1 316 West Main i Street. Wausau.....................................................| Dr. D. T. Jones, 506 Third Street. I Dr. J. F. Smith, 605 Third Street. 1 Eye specialist. 2 Specialist for fractures, sprains, dislocations, and back injuries. Portage. Prairie du Chien. Racine........... Sheboygan.......... Medical officer in charge, U. S. PubUc Health Service ReUef Station No.331, 804 North Eighth Street (Dr. G. H. Scheer). Sparta..............I........................................ Designated physic ians. 108 MEDICAL FACILITIES-Continued. State and city. Wisconsin—Continued. Wauwatosa......... United States medical officers and hospitals. Wyoming: Afton.. Basin.. Casper. Cheyenne. Cody.......... Cowley........ Diamondville. Douglas....... Encampment. Evanston..... GreybuU. Jackson___ Kemmerer. Lander___ Laramie... Medicine Bow. Newcastle..... Rawlins.. Riverton. Rock Springs. Sundance..... Thermopolis.. Designated physicians. Torrington....... Wheatland..........,........................................ Yellowstone Park... Medical officer in charge, U. S. Public Health Service (Dr. W. E. Craw- buck). Dr. H. T. Kristjanson, 334 Maple. Terrace. Dr. T. A. Ellison, North Main Street. Dr. Chester E. Harris, Pioneer Build- ing. Dr. H. R. Lathrop, Second and Center Streets. Dr. F. S. Luckey,325 Midwest Building. Dr. G. P. Johnston, 200 Carey Avenue. Dr. Galen A. Fox, 314 Hynds Building. Dr. J. D. Shingle, 206 Citizens National Bank Building. Dr. Louis Howe, Pioneer Building. Dr. E. AV. Croft. Dr. A. C. Tucker. Dr. L. AV. Storey, Center Street. Dr. J. P. Keller, 138 North Third Street. Dr. W. C. Burke. Dr. Arthur P. Thompson, Evanston National Bank Block. Dr. D. S. Hamilton, GreybuU Avenue and Sixth Street. Dr. C. W. Huff. Dr. C. D. Stafford. Dr. Josef F. Replogle, Baldwin Block. Dr. H. E. McCollum. Dr. John W. Price, 116 South Second Street. Dr. R. K. Sell. Dr. Fred L. Horton, First National Bank Building. Dr. E. A. Kell, 608 AVest Cedar Street. Dr. J. G. Cogswell, 214 Masonic Building Dr. R. C. Montgomery, main floor, Masonic Building. Dr. C. E. Lane, Main Street. Dr. E. S. Lauzer, 409 B Street. Dr. J. F. Clarenbach. Dr. A. G. Hamilton, Fifth and Ara- pahoe Streets. Dr. C. H. Platz. Dr. F. W. Phifer, AVheatland Hospital Eye specialist. o ChAkCSS. CALIFORNIA.* ...Bafcorsfieia......Dr. F. J- Gundry not Oundry. 2?r'-:eley.....c...Dr. P.. T. Legge not L. T. v ..-:alia.........Dr, G. E. Furness not G. 17, ...jribus. .. „.. , = .Dr.- Elliah L. Bakei not Diliott. ILLINOIS...---Oh iaign,..,.,..add Dr. Jno„ 0. Dallenbaehf421 Illinois Lid.-. Elgin,..........Jr. H. H. Pillinger not H. k. La Salle.,..,...Dr. \7. i7. Greaves not graves* lit. Carroll,....aot Mt. Garrol. LkDUUU......... Evansvilie.,... .U. 3. Marine Hosp.ko.8, General and T.3. ITo negroes adnitted. Fort Wayne......Dr.ITpab. 2ehr, address changed te 406-7-/ jroll Bldg.Calhoun & Washington Blvd. 10 'A,...........Council Bluffs..Dr*A. A. Robertson, address changed to Room 5, Rogers Buildiing, Fort Dadge......Dr.V#n, F. Carver "l" not 2. Dr. B, ."..U'Kersten, address changed to 6th floor, Carver 31dg. 2AN3.vt5..........Clay Center.... *Dr. 3. G. Zlorgan ,!r'» Parsons.........Dr. G- A. Landes, "1", -iARYLAiJD........31kt0n..........Dr. G. B. Pearson also at Newark, Delaware, not Newark, karyland. Cross off at Newark,kd. and add to Newark, Del. - LIICKIG.iF,., .---.Detroit.......,U. S. Public Health Service Dispensary is located on the 4-th floor in Post Office Bldg. .dlSSOUIu---.....Kansas City....Dr. J. G. Hayden, address changed to 1222 Rialto Building. 3t. Louis.....,U. S, Public Health Service Dispsnsary, cross off Old Custom House, 7th & Olive Sts. ^kTAUa........ ..Kalispell..... .Add Dr. Hugh S. Houston, Buffalo 3 lick. Idd; J^3"JY.......ITev,'ark.........Dr. J. N. Bassin, address "2-59 Clinton Ave." GRkG Jk.,......,. .Grants Pass... .Dr. Sherman Loughridge not Longeridge, Portland.,*.. ..Dr. L. H. Hamilton, address "416 Journal Bldg.'1 ^JkTK CAROLINA,..parris Island, .not Paris Island. J$F3ili DAKOTA.....Y/atertovai......Dr. Olaf Haraldson not Olof Harokdson. ■ViriGIlLU.........Staunton.......Dr. T.k.Parkins,address "405 West Frederick St." ^Klkd-Od.......Seattle........Dr. J. C. koore,, address "Roosevelt Clinic, 1114 Boylston Ave.'' ;-l^/:--Ii'.......^^UCC5h........Dr. F. G. C tame 11, address "OTie Oshkosh Clinic, 19 Jefferson ,.ve.M DICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY 01 NOI1VN 3NI3 IC-3W JO A.V.8I1 IVNOIIVN 3 N I 3 I 0 3 W J O A . V ■ a II 1 V N O I 1 V N 3 N I 3 I a 3 W J O A » V a a 11 1 DICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE N A T I O N A I I I B R A R Y O F M E D I C I N E N A T I O N A L I I B R A R Y O F M I 4f\i A NOUVN 3NI3IQ3W JO A.V.all IVNOIIVN 3 N I 3 I 0 3 W J O A . V . 8 M 1 V N O 11 V N 3 N I 3 I Q 3 W J O A . V » 8 IT 1 $&j s k OICINE ^ NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF M . i W 22 AAl E5h 1922 27220480R NLM D51Q71A5 5 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLM051071855