THE STATUTES OF The General Infirmary AT CHESTER. THOMAS CRANE, Secretary. CHESTER: Printed by Elizabeth Adams, 1763. ORDERED, THAT a second Edition of the Statutes be printed, with the several Corrections and Additions as delivered in by the Committee, and agreed to by the Board; and that 1000 Copies of the said Edition be published for the Use of the Infirmary. THE STATUTES OF THE General Infirmary at Chester. I. THAT the Government of this Society be placed in the Hands of certain Governors, by the Name of The Govern- ors of the GENERAL IN- FIRMARY at CHESTER. Style of the Soci- ety. II. That all Benefactors of Twenty Guineas or upwards at one Time, be Go- vernors during Life. Trustees. III. That all Subscribers of Two Guineas per Annum, or upwards, be Go- vernors during Payment. Gover- nors. A2 IV. THAT [4] IV. That the Physicians and Sur- geons attending the INFIRMACY be Governors and have Votes at all Boards. V. That the Head or other Officer, for the Time being, of any Township, Body-Corporate, or Society subscribing Two Guineas per Annum, be a Governor during Payment, VI. That twenty-four Subscribers of One Guinea per Annum be chosen Governors for the Year ensuing, by Ro- tation, as they stand in the Alphabetical List. VII. That all Elections be by Bal- lot, and all Questions decided by a Ma- jority of Votes present, which shall be taken by Ballot, if required. VIII. That the Person charged with a Benefaction from an unknown Hand, of Twenty Guineas or upwards at one Time to the INFIRMACY, be a Gover- nor for Life from the Time of Payment. General Board. IX. That a General Meeting of the Governors be held at three stated Times in [5] in the Year, viz. on the second Day of Chester May Races, the second Day of Chester Summer Assizes, and the last Tuesday in January, at Ten o’Clock in the Morning, and oftner upon special Occasions. X. That the Power of making and repealing Laws, of electing and remov- ing Officers, be vested in the General Board, consisting of nine Governors at least. XI. That there be elected annually at the General Board in May out of the Governors, a President for the ensuing Year, Elections. President. XII. That at the General Board in May, two Treasurers be annually chosen out of the Governors, who shall imme- diately enter upon their Office. Two Tresurers XIII. That at the General Board in May an Under Treasurer be chosen out of the Governors, who shall immediately enter upon his Office, and shall duly ac- count for all such Money as he shall re- ceive for the Use of the INFIRMARY. An Under Treasurer XIV. [6] Auditors. XIV. That at the General Board in May two Contributors be annually cho- sen to inspect and audit the Accounts of the INFIRMARY, and to report the State of the Accounts from Time to Time to the General Board; and that they enter upon their Office at Midsum- mer next. XV. That the President at all Boards and Meetings take the Chair, or in his Absence the Treasurers alternately; and in their Absence that the Members present appoint their own Chairman, who upon an Equality of Voices shall have a casting one. Weekly Board. XVI. THAT there be a Weekly Board of Governors, which shall consist of five at least, to meet every Tuesday at Eleven o'Clock at the INFIRMARY. XVII. THAT the Weekly Board regu- late all Matters relating to the Admis- sion and Discharge of Patients, enquire into the Behaviour of Officers and Ser- vants, examine and pass Accounts, order Payments, prepare Matters for the Ge- neral Board, and transact such other Af- fairs as shall be committed to them by the General Board. XVIII. [7] XVIII. That the Weekly Board, nine Members being present, have Power to summon a General Board upon any spe- cial Occasion, giving ten Days Notice thereof in the Chester Courant and spe- cifying therein the Business to be trans- acted; and also affixing such Notice upon the Gate of the INFIRMARY, and the Exchange in Chester. Special General Board. XIX. THAT at every General Board the Proceedings of the last General Board, and at every Weekly Board the Proceed- ings of the last Weekly Board, shall be read over; and that the Orders of either Board shall continue in Force, until al- tered by a subsequent Board. XX. That the Proceedings of every Board be fairly registered and signed by the Chairman. XXI. That the Weekly Board of Governors shall elect two Contributors, who shall be disired to visit the House daily for the ensuing Week, each of which in Case of Sickness, or necessary Avocation, may appoint another Contri- butor to be his Deputy; and that any Governor may personally inspect the State House Visi- tors. of [8] of the INFIRMARY, and the Patients at any seasonable Time; and if any Mat- ter shall occur to him or them worthy of Notice, they are desired to report the same to the next Weekly or General Board. XXII. THAT the Accounts of the INFIRMARY be examined at every Weekly Board; and that all Bills be dis- charged by the Treasurers themselves, or the Secretary by their Order; and that "this be done once a Month or oftner, after such Bills have been allowed by the Weekly Board, and signed by the Chair- man and two of the Board at least. XXIII. That the Weekly Board, nine Members being present, have Pow- er to suspend the Apothecary, Secretary or Matron, for Misbehaviour, and to ap- point others during the Suspension; and to remove Nurses and Servants, and choose others in their Room. Physicians and Sur- geons. XXIV. That such Physicians and Surgeons as shall be agreed upon at a Ge- neral Board be nominated to attend the INFIRMARY. XXV. THAT (9) XXV. That a Matron, Apotheca- ry and Secretary, be from Time to Time appointed as Officers; and that a Porter, Nurses, &c. be appointed as Servants to attend the INFIRMARY. Officers and Ser- vants. XXVI. That when a Vacancy shall happen in the Office of Matron, Apothe- cary or Secretary, the Weekly Board shall summon a General Board to fill up the Vacancy, unless the stated General Board shall happen in Course at a conve- nient Distance; and then Ten Days No- tice shall be given of such Election in the Manner prescribed for the special Gene- ral Boards. Vacancies filled up by a Gene- ral Board. XXVII. That such Apothecaries as are Subscribers be desired, by Monthly Rotation to visit the Dispensary when- ever they please in an Afternoon, and to observe that the House Apothecary per- forms his Duty; that they be at Liberty every Monday to take an Account of the Drugs and Medicines expended in the House; and that they insert their Ob- servations in a Book to be provided for that Purpose. Visiting Apotheas- ries XXVIII. THAT the Clergy of Chester Visiting Clergi- men B be (10) be desired to visit the sick, to read Pray- ers every Day, to administer the Sacra- ment at proper Times; and that it be re- commended to the Weekly Board, that Patients of all Persuasions be attended in the Manner they desire. Annual Sermon XXIX. THAT an annual Sermon be preached before the Society, by one whom the President, or the Treasurers commissioned by him, shall provide for that Purpose, at the Cathedral Church in Chester, on the second Day of May Races. Auditors Reports & Accounts XXX. That a Report of the State of the INFIRMARY, and of the Num- ber of Patients received and discharged within the Year, with an Abstract of the Proceedings of the Governors, and of the Accounts of the INFIRMARY, be drawn up by the Auditors, and published before the General Meeting in May, for the Satisfaction of the Contributors. Annual Subscrip- tions XXXI. THAT all annual Subscrip- tions be paid in Advance, and be deemed to commence and become due on the Twenty-fifth of March preceding the Time of subscribing, unless the Subscri- bers desire otherwise. XXXII. (11) XXXII. That to all Persons whose Subscriptions hall be three Months in Arrear, a monitory Letter shall be sent by the Secretary, to prevent further Delay of Payment. All annual Subscriptions are to be taken to continue, unless the Subscriber orders the contrary by Letter before the same become payable. Monitory Letter. XXXIII. That no Treasurer, Auditor, Physician or Surgeon, shall receive any Reward, Salary, or Gratuity from the IN- FIRMARY for his Service. Officers to act gratis. XXXIV. That no Patients, Servants, or Persons related to the INFIRMARY, do at any Time presume, on Pain of Ex- pulsion, to give or take of any Person whatsoever, any Fee, Reward, or Gra- tuity of any kind, directly or indirectly, for any Service done or to be done on Ac- count of the INFIRMARY. Servants, &c. to take no Gratuity. XXXV. THAT a Table of the Rules and Orders which relate to the Conduct of Patients and Servants, be hung up in each Ward, and publickly read over every Sunday Morning, by one to be appointed by the Matron. Table of Rules B2 XXXVI. (12) Invento- ry. XXXVI. THAT an Inventory be kept by the Secretary, and a Copy thereof by the Matron, of all the Household Goods and Furniture of the INFIRMARY; and that once a Year at some convenient Time before the General Board in May, the Auditors do cause a fresh. Inventory to be made and compared with that of the preceding Year, as well as with the Account of what has been purchased since; and that as often as any Thing shall be missing, the Matron immediately declare it to the Visitors of the Week. Method of buying Goodsand Provisions XXXVII. THAT the Method of deal- ing with Tradesmen (unless when the Circumstance of the Case require other- wise) be to publish an Account of the Provision and Goods wanted; and a No- tice for such Tradesmen as are willing to furnish the same, to bring a Proposal seal- ed up to the Secretary at a Day fixed. Diet. No Li- quors. XXXVIII. That the Appointment of the particular Diet of the Patients be referred to their respective Physicians or Surgeons; and that no other Provisions or Liquors be brought into the House to the Patients on any Pretence whatsoever. XXXIX. (13) XXXIX. That Poor-Boxes be set up in the INFIRMARY, and in the Cathedral Church, and in all other Churches in the City, to each of which there shall be two Locks; of which one Key shall be kept by the Treasurer, and the other as the Weekly Board shall ap- point; and that Boxes be set up in as many Churches, Meeting-Houses, and other Places, as the Weekly Board shall direct; and the Money therein collected shall be applied to the use of the IN- FIRMARY. Charity Boxes. XL. That any poor Person recom- mended by a Subscriber of Two Guineas annual and upwards, may use the Hot, Cold Bath, or Bagnio gratis, when they are not wanted for the Patients; but all other Persons are to pay each Time for the Cold Bath, Sixpence; for the Hot Bath, Two Shillings and Sixpence; and, for the Bagnio, Two Shillings and Six- pence; which Sums the Apothecary shall receive, and account for to the Treasurer. Persons may use the Hot, Cold Bath, or Bagnio. Ad- (14) Admission and Discharge of PATIENTS. The Time XLI. THAT Patients be admitted and discharged every Tues- day, by the Weekly Board between the Hours of Eleven and Twelve; after which Time, no Recommendatory Letters will be received. The Rules of Admis- sion. XLII. THAT no Patients be admitted who are able to subsist themselves, and pay for Medicines. XLIII. That no Person be admitted a Patient but by Recommendation of a Subscriber, Benefactor, Physician, or Sur- geon, attending the INFIRMARY, un- less in Cases which admit of no Delay; in which Cases the Apothecary and Matron may receive Patients, giving immediate Notice to the Physician or Surgeon of the Week. XLIV. That a Subscriber of One Guinea yearly, shall have a Right to re- commend (15) commend and have one Out-Patient at a Time; and a Subscriber of Two Guineas yearly one In-Patient or two Out-Pa- tients at a Time, and for every larger Sum in the like Proportion; and that any Benefactor of Ten Guineas or up- wards at one Time shall have an equal Right with an annual Subscriber of One Guinea, and that a Benefactor of Twenty Guineas shall have an equal Right with an annual Subscriber of Two Guineas; and for every larger Sum in the same Pro- portion. XLV. That every, or any Person who shall give, devise or bequeath to the INFIRMARY One Hundred Pounds in Personalty or Lands, at any one Gift, De- vise or Bequest; such Person, by Will or other Writing, to be made in his or her Life-time, in the Presence of two or more Witnesses, shall have Liberty to appoint an Assignee, who shall in like Manner have a Power to appoint an Assignee and so on successively for ever, to put in two In-Patients, and to nominate, without Li- mitation, Out-Patients, in and to the said INFIRMARY annually, and no more; which Patients shall have an equal Benefit with other like Patients of the said IN- FIRMARY. (16) FIRMARY. And the same Liberty and Power shall extend to, and be allowed for every Hundred Pounds more to be given by any Person as aforesaid. XLVI. That Benefactors of less than Ten Guineas, have the Privilege for the Year ensuing their Benefaction, of recom- mending one In-Patient (besides Out- Patients) for every Two Guineas given in Benefaction. XLVII. That the Head-Officer of any Township, Body Corporate or Society subscribing Two Guineas per Annum to the INFIRMARY, have the same Power of recommending Patients with a Sub- scriber of equal Value. XLVIII. That the Person charged with a Benefactor from an unknown Hand of Twenty Guineas or upwards at one Time to the INFIRMARY, shall have the same Privilege of recommending Pa- tients, as if he himself had given such a Benefaction. XLIX. That no Subscriber’s Re- commendation be accepted while his Sub- scription is in Arrear. XLVI. (17) L. THAT a Letter signed by the Chairman of the Weekly Board, be sent to every Person recommending a Patient, acquainting him that the Person recom- mended is postponed or rejected, as the Case requires; and that the like Notice be given to the Person who recommended, when a Patient is discharged. LI. THAT Persons who recommend Patients from distant Places, may send their Cases drawn up by some able Phy- sician,Surgeon or Apothecary, Post paid; to which an Answer will be returned, whether and when they shall be admit- ted; but that the Board be still at Li- berty to reject such Patients, if their Cases shall appear to have been misrepre- sented. Cases of distants Pa- tients to be sent. LII. THAT when there shall be want of Room in the INFIRMARY for the the Admission of all duly recommended and qualified to be In-Patients, in Cases of equal Exigency the Preference be gi- ven first to those who live at the greatest Distance; Secondly to those recommend- ed by such Subscribers and Benefactors as have not recommended any In-Patients within the Year; And Thirdly, to those recommended by the largest Contribu- Preference of Patients C tors; (18) tors; And that they who are proper Ob- jects, and shall be excluded at any Time for want of Room shall be entered in the House as In-Patients, and received into the House upon the first Vacancies, and in the mean Time treated as Out-Patients. Cases of Extremity LIII. THAT one Bed in each Ward be reserved, as a Provision for Accidents that require immediate Relief. Excepted Cases. LIV. THAT no Woman big with Child, no Child under seven Years of Age (except in extraordinary Cases, such as Fractures, Stone, or where Couching, Trepanning, or Amputation are necessa- ry) no Persons suspeded to have the Small- Pox or other infectious Distemper, having habitual Ulcers, Cancers not admitting of Operation, Epilepsie, Consumptions or Dropsies in their last Stages, in a dying Condition, or judged Incurable, be admit- ted as In-Patients; or if inadvertently admitted be suffered to continue. Soldiers. LV. THAT no Soldier be admitted an In-Patient until his Officer has engaged to pay his Subsistance-Money to the Treasurers during such Time as he shall continue there; except Soldiers on Fur- lough where there is no Officer at hand to engage for them. (19) LVI. THAT all Persons admitted into the House, and in three Months receiving no Benefit, be discharged; unless the Phy- sicians or Surgeons certify to the Weekly Board, that there is a Probability of their being cured or receiving considerable Re- lief. Incurables to be dis- charge Physicians and Surgeons, LVII. THAT the Physicians and Surgeons, one of each, at- tend in their Turns at the INFIRMARY every Tuesday at Eleven of the Clock, to examine those who shall be recom- mended for Patients, to certify their Opi- nions of the several Cases to the Board, and to receive under their Care such as shall be admitted. LVIII. THAT the Physicians and Sur- geons do meet at the INFIRMARY every Friday, at Eleven of the Clock, to visit their In-Patients, and to consult upon difficult Cases, to note down the Patients proper to be discharged on the Tuesday following, and to prescribe for their Out- Patients then on the Book. C2 LIX. THAT (20) LIX. THAT the Physicians and Sur- geons visit their respective In-Patients at other Times, as they shall judge necessa- ry, or shall have Notice of any sudden Emergency from the Apothecary or Ma- tron. LX. That no Amputation or other great Operation, except an urgent Occa- sion require it, be performed without a previous Consultation of the Physicians and Surgeons. LXI. That each Physician and Sur- geon, whose Business or Indisposition shall oblige him to be absent, engage some other Physician or Surgeon of the INFIRMARY to attend for him. House Apothecary. LXII. THAT the House Apothecary fix two Tickets on each Pa- tient’s Bed; one specifying the Name of the Patient together with that of the Physician, Surgeon, or both occasionally; and the other the Diet according to the Prescription of the Physicians or Sur- geons, and give a List of the same to the Matron each prescribing Day. LXIII. THAT (21) LXIII. THAT he visit the Wards every Morning, and be prepared to report the State ot the Patients to the Physi- cians or Surgeons. LXIV. THAT he dispense no Medi- cines without the Direction of the Physi- cians or Surgeons; except in Cases of Ne- cessity when they cannot be consulted. LXV. THAT he make a Report to the Weekly Board of all Patients received into the House in the foregoing Week; and deliver a List at every Board of such Patients as have been in the House two Months. LXVI. THAT he do not presume to practice as an Apothecary out of the Houe, or attend any other Business than that of the INFIRMACY. LXVII. That he do not suffer any Apothecary or other Person to inspect the Physicians Books or Pharmacopoeia,with- out Leave of the Physicians. LXVIII. That no Drugs or Medicines be bought without an Order from the Board or Committee for providing Drugs, except in Cases of Necessity; and then not without an Order by one of the Phy- sicians or Surgeons. (22) LXIX. That no Drugs or Medicines be deposited among the Stores, till they have been first inspected by the Commit- tee for buying Drugs. LXX. That he never be absent from the INFIRMARY when the Physicians and Surgeons are to attend, nor at any other Time above two Hours together; and that he always give Notice to the Matron, and be within Call; that he be at Home at Ten o’CJock at farthest in the Evening, and do not lie out of the House without special Leave from the Board, or the House Visitors; that in such Case he appoint another Apothecary, who shall be approved by the Physicians, to officiate in his Place, Secretary. LXXI. THAT the Secretary attend at everyBoard to minute down and register all Proceedings; and that he be always ready to produce the Books and Accounts of the Society fairly written. LXXII. That he enter in a Register the Names of the Patients who shall be taken in, and of the Out-Patients; the Parish (23) Parish or Township they belong to; their Age and Distemper; when admitted; when discharged; and in what State. LXXIII. THAT he give Notice in Writing every Saturday to the Clergy- man whose Turn it is to visit, and to the House Victors every Tuesday, who are appointed for the following Week; to the visiting Apothecary every Month be- fore his Turn begins, and to the Gover- nors chosen at the General Boards. Matron. LXXIV. THAT the Matron take Care of all the Household Goods and Furniture, and be ready to give an Account thereof when required. LXXV. THAT she keep a daily Ac- count of the Provisions, and other Ne- cessaries that are brought into the House; and lay it before the Weekly Board every Tuesday. LXXVI. THAT she visit the Wards and Offices every Day; that she take Care that the Chambers, Beds, Clothes, Linen, and all other Things within the INFIRMARY, be kept clean. (24) LXXVII. That she keep a Diet- Book, by which the Number of Patients on each Diet may be known. LXXVIII. That she cause the Names of the Patients to be called over in each Ward every Morning and Even- ing; and enter in the House-Vistor’s Book the Names of those who are absent. LXXIX. That she take Care of the Keys of the Doors; and see that the Outer-Gates be always locked at Nine in the Evening from Michaelmas to Lady- Day; and at Ten in the Evening from Lady-Day to Michaelmas. LXXX. THAT she see that the Nurses, Servants, and Patients do their Duty, and observe the Rules of the House; and in Cases of Misbehaviour or Neglect acquaint the Weekly Board or House Vistors therewith. Servants. (25) Servants. LXXXI.THAT the Nurses clean their respective Wards by Seven in the Morning, from the First of March to the First of October; and by Eight in the Morning, from the First of October to the First of March. LXXXII. That the Nurses and Ser- vants obey the Matron as their Mistress; that they behave with Tenderness to the Patients, and with Civility and Respect to Strangers. Porter. LXXXIII.THAT the Porter carer fully attend the Gate; and suffer no In-Patient to go out with- out Leave; and that he inform the Ma- tron of every Stranger that comes into the INFIRMARY. LXXXIV. THAT he obey the Orders of the Physicians, Surgeons, and Apo- thecary, and do the labouring Work of the House when ordered by the Matron; and that when he is to be absent upon any such Business he give the Matron Notice, that another may be appointed to attend the Gate. D Patients. (26) Patients. LXXXV. THAT no In-Patient go out of the INFIRMA- RY without Leave from their respective Physician or Surgeon first signified to the Matron; and that no In-Patient lie out of the House on any Account whatever, on Pain of being discharged for Irregula- rity. LXXXVI. THAT no Men Patients go into the Womens Ward, no Women Pa- tients into the Mens, without Leave of the Matron. LXXXVII. THAT they do not swear, curse, behave rudely or indecently; on Pain of being discharged, after the first Admonition, for Irregularity. LXXXVIII. THAT no Patient pre- sume to play at Cards or Dice or any other Game, or to smoke any where within doors. LXXXIX. THAT such Patients as are able to be employed in the Service of the INFIRMARY, assist in nursing the Pa- tients, Washing and Ironing the Linen, Washing and Cleaning the Wards, and in any other Business that the Matron shall require. XC. (27) XC. THAT such In-Patients as are able be allowed to go to their respec- ive Places of Worship on Sundays in the Forenoon and Afternoon; that they re- turn to the INFIRMARY directly; and that no Persons be admitted to visit Pa- tients on that Day till after Evening Service, without special Leave of the Matron. XCI. THAT the Out-Patients be assisted with Advice and Medicines only, and be no other Way chargeable to the Society. XCII. THAT they attend exactly at Eleven o’Clock every Friday; and if they absent themselves twice together without a reasonable Cause, to be allowed by their respective Physician or Surgeon, that they be discharged for Irregularity. XCIII. THAT no fresh Medicines be given them, till they deliver their Phials Or Gallipots, and such Medicines as they have not taken. XCIV. THAT no Patient presume to loiter about the INFIRMARY or Places adjacent, or to beg any where in the City, on Pain of being discharged for Irregularity. D2 XCV. (28) XCV. That no Person discharged for Irregularity be admitted again a Patient of the INFIRMARY on any Recom- mendation whatfoever, unless in some very- extraordinary Cases to be unanimously approved by the Board. House Visitors. XCVI. THAT the House Visitors enquire every Day whether the foregoing Rules concerning Officers, Servants and Patients, have been observ- ed; particularly whether the Patients be duly attended; whether Prayers have been duly read; whether the Patients or Servants have been guilty of Swearing, Drunkenness, any Immorality or Inde- cency; whether the Provisions be good, and whether any have been carried out or brought in to the Patients clandestinely; and that they enter what they think ob- servable in a Book provided for that purpose. XCVII. THAT the Apothecary, Ma- tron, and Servants be ready to attend the Visitors in the Board-Room; and when the Visitors enter the Wards, the Ser- vants withdraw, and the Patients stand by their respective Beds. All (29) All Persons who are disposed to contribute by Will to this Charity, are desired to do it in the follow- ing Manner: I Give and bequeath unto A. B. and C. D. the Sum of upon Trust that they pay the same to the Treasurers, for the Time being, of the PUBLICK or GENERAL INFIRMA- RY at CHESTER; which Sum I charge upon my personal Estate, and desire it may be applied to the charitable Uses of the said INFIRMARY. Form of a Letter to recommend Patients. Gentlemen, I Recommend to your Examination of the Parish or Town- ship of who I am well satisfied is a real Object of Charity, and destitute of Friends to procure Advice and Medicines; and desire may be admitted an Patient of the IN- FIRMARY, if duly qualified. Form (30) Form of an Answer when the Per- son recommended is thought impro- per to be admitted. General Infirmary at Chester. SIR, BY Order of the Weekly Board now Sitting I beg Leave to acquaint you, that recommended by you as an Patient appears upon Ex- amination improper to be admitted, CHAIRMAN. Form of an Answer when the House is Full. SIR, BY Order of the Weekly Board now Sitting I beg Leave to acquaint you, that recommended by you for an In-Patient, cannot yet be received into the House for want of Room; but is now entered in the Books, and made an Out-Patient, and will be received into the House upon the Vacancy. CHAIRMAN. Form (31) Form of a Notice to be Sent to the Person recommending, when a Patient is discharged for Irre- gularity. General Infirmary at Chester. SIR, BY Order of the Weekly Board now Sitting I beg Leave to acquaint you, that being on Examination fully assured of the irregular Behaviour of recommended by you, they have thought themselves obliged to dis- charge him. Form of a Letter to be sent to Sub- scribers who are in Arrear. General Infirmary at Chester, Sir, IN Compliance with the Rules of this Society I am to acquaint you, that it appears by the Secretary's Books, that your (32) your Subscription of per Annum, payable last has not yet been received; it is therefore the Request of the Board that you will be pleased to pay it to one of the Trea- surers or Correspondents, and excuse this Application, as it is the constant Usage of other INFIRMARIES in the like Case. Chairman. Chester, July 18, 1755. Read and approv'd by the General Board. TRAFFOR BARNSTON, WILLIAM COWPER, Treasurers. POSTSCRIPT. IF the Subscription has been paid to any of the Correspondent-Receivers, of which no Notice has been sent to the Board, your Pardon is begg’d for this Ap- plication. FINIS.