index 1. In which the Plants contained in the fecond Fafciculus, are arranged according to the Syftem of Linnaeus. Latin Name, Clafs and Order, 1 Veronica hederifolia 2 Veronica arvenfis 3 Veronica Becabunga 4 Poa rigida 4 Poa pratenfis 5 Poa trivialis 7 Alopecurus myofuroides 8 Bromus hirfutus g Galium Aparine 10 Plantago lanceolata 11 Plantago major 12 Sagina ere6la Diandria Monogynia, Triandria Monogynia. TetrAndria Monogynia. Tetrandria Tetragynia, 13 Convolvulus arvenfis 14 Solanum nigrum 15 Chenopodium album 16 Chenopodium viride 17 Chenopodium polyfpermum 18 Hyacinthus non fcriptus 1 g Juncus campeflris 20 Rumex crifpus 21 Epilobium hirfutum.. 22 Epilobium villofum 22 Epilobium tetragonum 24 Epilobium anguflifolium 25 Erica cinerea 20 Adoxa Mofchatellina 27 ChryfofpLenium oppolitifolium 28 Saxifraga trida&ylites 2Q Saponaria officinalis 30 Stellaria Holoflea 21 Oxalis Acetofella 32 Lychnis dioica . 32 Ceraflium femidecandrum 34 Ceraflium vulgatum 32 Ceraflium vifcofum 35 Geum urbanum 37 Adonis autumnalis 38 Anemone nemorofa 39 Ranunculus Ficaria 40 Ranunculus hirfutus 41 Ranunculus auricomus 42 Ranunculus fceleratus.. 40 Ajuga reptans - 44 Glechoma hederacea Lamium album i... 46’ Lamium amplexicaule .... 47 Thymus Serpyllum 48 Eryfimum Alliaria 49 Arabis thaliana 30 Geranium molle § 1 Malva Fylveflris Fumaria officinalis Trifolium ornithopodioides V 4 Trifolium fubterraneum.. 24 Trifolium fragiferum 45 Lotus corniculatus 47 Medicago lupulina 48 Sonchus oleraceus 49 Tuffilago Petafites (jo Tuffilago Farfara 51 Viola canina 52 Orchis mafcuia 53 Arum maculatum 54 Poterium Sanguiforba 54 Mercurialis perennis - 55 Atriplex haflata (jn Ofmunda Spicant Pentandria Monogynia. Pentandria Digynia. Hexandria Monogynia, Hexandria Trigynia. Octandria Monogynia. Octandria Tctragynia. Decandria Digynia, Decandria Trigynia. Enneandria Pentagynia. Icosandria Polygynia. Polyandria Polygynia, Di dynami A Gymnofpermia. Tetradynamia Siliquofa, Monadelphia Decandria. Monadelphia Polyandria, Diadelphia Hexandria. Diadelphia Decandria, Syngenesia Polygamia JEqualis. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua, Syngenesia Monogamia. Gynandria Diandria. GynANDRIA Polyandria. Mon oeci A Polya?idria, D ioECiA Enneandria, Polygamia Monoecia. Cryptogamia Filices, 58 Polytrichum fubrotundum * (Sg Hypnum fericeum ( 70 Bryum truncatulum i 71 Bryum viridulum , _ Cryptogamia Mi'fci. 72 Agancus ovatus Agarjcus fimetariiis r..f CRypt o G A MI a Fungi* INDEX II. INDEX 111. In which the Latin Names of the Plants are arranged Alphabetically. In which the Englifli Names of the Plants are arranged Alphabetically. Plate Plate Arum maculatum 63 Atriplex haftata . 66 Adonis autumnalis 37 Adoxa Mofchatellina 26 Arabis thaliana 49 Anemone nemorofa 3^ Ajuga reptans 43 Agaricus fimetarius . 73 Agaricus ovatus .-.-72 Alopecurus myofuroides 7 Bryum truncatulum - * 7° Bryum viridulum 71 Bromus hirfutus 8 Chenopodium viride 16 Chenopodium album 15 Chenopodium polyfpermum 17 Ceraftium vifeofum 35 Ceraflium femidecandrum - - - • .33 Ceraftium vulgatum 34 Convolvulus arvenfis 13 Chryfofplenium oppofitifolium 27 Epiiobium villofurn 22 Epilobium hirfutum 21 Epiiobium anguftifolium 24 Epilobium tetragonum 23 Eryfimum Alliaria ~48 Erica cinerea 25 Fumaria officinalis —52 Geum urbanum 36 Geranium molle 30 Glechoma hederacea 44 Galium Aparine 9 Hypnum lericeum 69 Hyacinthus non feriptus 18 Juncus campeftris 19 Lamium amplexicaule ..46 Lamium album 45 Lychnis dioica 32 Lotus corniculatus .56 Medicago lupulina 57 Mercurialis perennis 65 Malva fylveftris 51 Oxalis Acetofella. . 31 Orchis mafcula 62 Ofmunda Spicant 67 Poa rigida 4 Poa pratenfis 3 Poa trivialis 6 Plantago major 11 Plantago lanceolata 10 Polytrichum fubrotundum 68 Poterium Sanguiforba 64 Ranunculus Ficaria .39 Ranunculus hirfutus 40 Ranunculus auricomus 41 Ranunculus fceleratus . 42 Rumex crifpus 20 Sonchus oleraceus. 38 Saxifraga tridaftylites 28 Sagina ereHa 12 Stellaria Holoftea 30 Solanum nigrum 14 Saponaria officinalis 29 Trifolium ornithopodioides 33 Trifolium fubterraneum 34 Trifolium fragiferum 33 Tuftilago Petafites cn Tuftilago Farfara 60 Thymus Serpyllum 47 Veronica hederifolia Veronica arvenfis Veronica Becabunga 3 Viola canina. 61 Anemone Wood 38 Allfeed 17 Avens common 36 Birds-foot-Trefoil common 56 Bryum brown 70 Bryum green 71 Butter bur 59 Bugle common 43 Brook-lime 3 Burnet 64 Brome-grafs hairy ftalk’d 8 Cuckow-pint 63 Convolvulus field 13 Cranes-bill doves-foot common 50 Coltsfoot 80 Campion red 32 Crowfoot pale-leaved 40 Crowfoot wood 41 Crowfoot celery-leaved 42 Cleavers common 9 Dead-nettle white 45 Dock curled 20 Fumitory common 52 Foxtail-grafs field 7 Golden-Saxifrage common 27 Ground-ivy 44 Goofefoot white 15 Goolefoot purple-jointed 16 Henbit 4 6 Hypnum filky 69 Hyacinth Englilh 18 Heath fine-leaved 25 Medick hop -.57 Moufear-Chickweed leafl ...33 Moufear-Chickweed common 34 Moufear-Chickweed broad-leaved 35 Mofchatel tuberous 26 Meadow-grafs hard 4 Meadow-grafs fmooth-ftalk’d 5 Meadow-grafs rough-ftalk’d 6 Mercury dogs 65 Mallow common 51 Mulhroom egg 73 Mufhroom puckered 72 Nightfhade garden 14 Orach fpear-leaved 66 Orchis early fpotted 62 Pearlwort upright 12 Pheafants-eye ..: 37 Podded-moufear 49 Pilewort , 39 Plantain narrow-leaved 10 Plantain common 11 Poly trichum dwarf . 68 Rulh hairy field 19 Speedwell ivy-leaved 1 Speedwell wall. .. 2 Sowthiftle common ...58 Saxifrage rue-leaved ..-28 Spleenwort rough . * 67 Sauce-alone 48 Stichwort greater * 30 Sopewort 29 Trefoil fubterraneous 54 Trefoil bird’s-foot true . - 53 Trefoil ftrawberry 55 Thyme wild.. 47 Violet dogs - 61 Wood-Sorrel 31 Willow-herb large-flowered 21 Willow-herb hoary 22 Willow-herb fquare-ftalk’d —23 Willow-herb rofebay 24 Veronica Hedercefolia. Ivy-Leaved Speedwell, VERONICA Lin, Gen, PL Diandria Monogynia. Cor. Limbo 4-partito, lacinia infima, anguftiore. Capfula bilocularis. Rail Syn, Gen. 18. Herbie fructu sicco singulari flore monopetalo. VERONICA hedercefolia, floribus folitariis, foliis cordatis planis quinquelobis. Lin. Syfi. Vegetah. p. 58. Spec. Plant, p. 19. Flor. Suecic. p. J. VERONICA caule procumbente; foliis lobatis, petiolis paucifloris. Haller HiJl.Helv. n. 550*. VERONICA hedercefolia. Scopoli. FI, Carniol. p, 21. ALSINE Hederulae folio. Bauh. Pin. 250. ALSINE Hederulae folio minor. Parkinf. 760. ALSINE hederacea. Ger. emac, 616. VERONICA flofculis Angularibus, Hederulae folio, Morfus Gallinae minor di£la. Ivy-leaved Speed-* well, or fmall Henbit, Raii Syn. p. 280. Hudfon FI. Angl. p. 6. Lighffoot FI. Scot. p. 76. RADIX annua, parva, fibrofa. CAULIS decumbens, fubramofus, teres, crafliufculus, tener, pilis mollibus veftitus, viticulis alfines indar geniculatus. FOLIA alterna, petiolata, fubcordata, trilobata aut quinquelobata, fubcarnofa, utrinque hirfuta, quinquenervia. PEDUNCULI uniflori, axillares* demum reflexi. CALYX: Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis mag- nis, cordatis, acutis, ciliatis. Jig. l. COROLLA monopetala, rotata, pallide coerulea, la- ciniis ovatis, infima anguftiore, Jig. 2, calyce brevioribus ; faux intus villofa, Jzg. 3. STAMINA: Filamenta duo, alba: Anthers cce- rulefcentes, Jig. 4, 5, 6. PISTILLUM: Germen fubrotundum : Stylus fili- formis, albus : Stigma craflum, d\hum,Jig. 7. PERICARPIUM : Capsula magna, obcordata, fub- rotunda, bilocularis, fig. 8. SEMINA duo in fingulo loculamento, magna, nefla- rio Cypripedii haud diflimilia, pallide fufca, intus concava, umbilicata, jig. 9, 10, 11. ) ROOT annual, fmall, and fibrous. > I STALK decumbent, fomewhat branched, round> > thickifh, tender, covered with foft hairs, and Itringy withinfide like Chickweed* * • I LEAVES alternate, (landing on foot-ftalks, fomewhat I heart-lhaped, with three or five lobes, a little > flefhy, and hirfute on each fide. [ FLOWER-STALKS, each fupporting one flower, proceeding from the bofoms of the leaves, I finally bending downward. I CALYX : a Perianthium of four leaves, which are large, heart-fhaped, pointed, and edged with J hairs, Jig. 1 * 1 COROLLA, of one Petal, wheel-fhaped, pale blue, : the fegments oval, the lower one narrowed, » Jig. 2. (horter than the calyx ; the mouth vil- ■ Jous within, Jig. 3. * STAMINA: two white Filaments; blue- ; ilh, fig. 4, 5, 6. ■ PISTILLUM : Ge rmen roundilh : Style thread- (haped and white : Stigma thick and white. fig- 7- SEED-VESSEL : a Capsule, large, fomewhat in* verfely heart-fliaped, roundilh, with two ca- vities, Jig. 8. SEEDS two in each cavity, large, in form not unlike the Neftary of the Ladies Slipper, of a pale brown, hollow within, with a navel-like ap* pearance, externally convex, and grooved or notched, 9, 10, 11. The Veronica hedercefolia appears to be a very general plant throughout Europe. Of our Englilh Speedwells, it has the greated affinity to the Veronica agrejiis, as well in its habit and place of growth, as in the peculiar formation of its feed-velfels and feeds : but although its feed-veffels are nearly of the fame fize, yet its feeds are confiderably larger : in the one, we fcarce ever obferve more than four, and often but two; in the other we generally find eight or more ; hence we are able to account for the remarkable large feed-leaves which occur in this fpecies. The hedercefolia differs alfo from the agrejiis in feveral other refpe6ls ; the leaves are more thinly placed on the dalks, and have feldom more than two or four notches in them; and the flowers are of a very pale blue colour. Like the agrejiis, it grows in gardens and corn-fields, particularly in the latter, when the foil is light, in great abundance, and flowers in April. Its feeds are ripe the latter-end of May. The farmer may confider it as an harmlefs annual. Its virtues, if any, remain as yet undifcovered. r ' / r^7'/ . / y.7 Verr)?uca/ /uifrrjvua N°uo Veronica Arvensis. Wall Speedwell. VERONICA Linncei Gen. PI. Diandria Monogynia. Cor. limbo 4-partito, lacinia infima anguftiore. Capfula bilocularis. Rail Syn. Gen. 18. Herbie fructu sicco singulari flore monopetalo. VERONICA arven/is floribus folitariis, foliis cordatis incifis pedunculo longioribus. Lin. Syfl. Ver. p. 57. Sp. FI. p. 18. VERONICA caule erefto, foliis ovatis, fubhirfutis, dentatis; petiolis breviflimis. Haller hijl.helv. n. 548. VERONICA arven/is. Scopoli Flor. Carniol. p. 18. ALSINE veronicas foliis, flofculis cauliculis adhaerentibus. Bauhin Pin, 250. ALSINE foliis Veronicas. Gerard emac. 6. 3. ALSINE foliis fubrotundis Veronicas. Parkinfon 762. VERONICA flofculis Angularibus cauliculis adhaerentibus. Raii Syn. p. 279, Speedwell Chickweed. Oeder FI. JDan. t. 515. Hud/on FI. Angi. 6. ed. 2. 6. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 75. RADIX annua, fibrofa. < '1 CAULIS palmaris, aut dodrantalis, ere&us, plerum- J que ramofus, fubinde fimplex (rami alter- < natim oppofiti, adfcendentes) teres, pur- J purafcens, undique hirfutus. FOLIA inferiora petiolata, hirfuta, fubcordata, in- , feme fbepe purpurea, obtufa, planiufcula, \ incifa, quinquenervia, fuperiora feffilia, fub- i tortuofa. * i FLORES pedunculis breviffimis infidentes, fpicati, i bra6lsea lanceolata fuffulti. CALYX: Perianthium quadripartitum, laciniis ovato-lanceolatis, hirfutulis, hirfutie glandu- < lofa, duabus inferioribus duplo fere majori- bus et longioribus, Jig. 1. COROLLA monopetala, fubrotata, coerulea, levif- fimo taftu decidua, tubus breviffnnus, albus, limbus quadripartitus, laciniis ovatis, infima angufliore, fig. 2. STAMINA: Fil amenta duo, alba, medio craffiora, corolla dimidio breviora: Anthers fub- cordatae, flavefcentes, Jig. 3. PISTILLUM: Germen obcordatum, compreiTum, vifcofum, bafi glandula cin6lo: Stylus brevilhmus, albus, re6lus: Stigma craflum fubtruncatum, Jig. 4. PERICARPIUM: Capsula obcordata, compreffa, pallide fufca, fig. 5, continens SEMINA circiter 14 ovata, compreffa, medio de- preffa, Jig. 6, 7. ROOT annual and fibrous. STALK upright, from three to nine inches in heighth, generally branched, now and then fimple, (the branches alternately oppofite and amend- ing) round, purplifh, and hirfute on every fide. LEAVES on the bottom of the ftalk flanding on foot- flalks, hirfute, foraewhat heart-fhaped: often purple on the under fide, obtufe, flaitifh, notched on the edges, having live ribs, the upper ones feffile, and fomewhat twilled. FLOWERS fitting on very fhort foot-flalks, grow- ing in a fpike, fupported by a lanceolate floral-leaf. CALYX: a Perianthium deeply divided into four fegments, which are oval, lanceolate, and hairy (the hairs terminated with glands) ; the two lowermofl almofl twice as large and long as the i. COROLLA monopetalous, and fomewhat wheel- fhaped, of ablue colour, falling off on the leafl touch; the tube very fhort and white; the limb deeply divided into four fegments, which are oval, the lower one narrowed. Jig. 2. STAMINA: two white Filaments thickeffc in the middle, half the length of the corolla: An- ther£ fomewhat heart-fhaped, and yel- 3. PISTILLUM: Germen inverfely heart-fhaped, flat- tened, and vifcous, furrounded at bottom by a gland: Style very fhort, white, and flraight; Stigma thick, with an appearance of being cut olf, Jig. 4. SEED-VESSEL: a heart-fhaped flattened Capsule, of a pale brown colour, fig. 8, containing ( SEEDS about fourteen, which are oval and flat, with a dcpreffion in the middle, 110\ 6, 7. As the Veronica agreftis grows chiefly in gardens and cultivated ground, fo this fpecies, which is nearly allied to it, is mod commonly found on walls, alfo in fallow fields, and on the borders of of dry paftures. It flowers in April, and the feeds ripen in May. The old Botanifts, inattentive to the parts of fruftification, diftinguifhcd this and fome other fpecies of Veronica, by the general name of AlJine. Students are apt, as we have before obferved, to confound it with the agrejlis, from which it differs in many refpefls: the ftalk in particular is upright; the flowers are nearly feffile; the feed-veflels are much fmaller, and, when ripe, form a fpike. It varies in fize from one to fix or eight inches ; and on walls, the bottom leaves are frequently obferved to be purple. isrnsa LwnMcr / / Veronica Becabunga. Brooklime. VERONICA LinnceiGen.Pl, Diandria Monogynia. Cor. limbo 5-partito, lacinia infima angufliore. Raii Syn. Gen. 18. Herbie fructu sicco singulari, flore monopetalo. VERONICA Becabunga racemis lateralibus, foliis ovatis planis, caule repente. Lin. Syjl. Veg. VERONICA foliis ovatis, ferratis, glabris, ex alis racemofa. Haller hijl. n. 534 VERONICA Becabunga. Scopoli. FI. Carniol. n. 11, ANAGALLIS aquatica minor folio fubrotundo. Bauhin pin. 252. ANAGALLIS aquatica vulgaris, five Becabunga. Parkinfon 1236. ANAGALLIS five Becabunga. Gerard emac. 620 VERONICA aquatica rotundifolia, Becabunga difla minor. Raii Syn. 280. Common Brooklime, Hudjon FI. Angi. p. 4. Oeder FI. Ban. Icon. 511. RADIX perennis, fibrofa, fibris plurimis, capillaribus, albis. ROOT perennial, fibrous, the fibres numerous, very fmall and white. CAULES numerofi, repentes, teretes, laeves, crafli, fucculenti, rubentes, ramofi. STALKS numerous, creeping, round, fmooth, thick, fucculent, of a reddifh colour, and branched. FOLIA ovato-obtufa, utrinque glabra, fubcarnofa, oppofita, dentata, denticulis glandula ter- minatis. LEAVES oval and obtufe, fmooth on both fides, fome- what flefhy, oppofite, indented at the edges, each little tooth terminated by a gland. FLORES pulchre coerulei, ocello albo, racematim difpofiti, racemis ex utraque ala prodeunti- bus FLOWERS of a beautiful blue colour, with a white eye, growing in racemi or branches which proceed from the bofoms of the leaves on each fide of the ftalk. CALYX: Perianthium quadripartitum, laciniis ovato-acutis, laevibus, corolla brevioribus, fig- 2- CALYX: a Perianthium divided into four feg- ments, which are of an oval pointed fhape, fmooth, and fhorter than the corolla, Jig. 2. COROLLA monopetala, fubrotata, coerulea, venis faturatioribus ad bafin ftriatis, laciniis fub- pvatis, infima anguftiore, Jig. 3, COROLLA monopetalous, fomewhat wheel-fhaped, of a blue colour, llriped at bottom with deeper veins of the fame colour; the feg- ments nearly oval: the lowermoft narrower than the others, fig. 3. STAMINA: Filamenta duo, alba, medio crafliora: Anthers ccerulefcentes: Pollen album, STAMINA; two white Filaments, thickeft in the middle: Anthers blueifh: the Pollen white, fig. 4. fig- 4- PISTILLUM; Germen fubrotundum, didymum; Stylus apice incraffatus, purpureus: Stig- PISTILLUM : Ge rmen roundifh, double; Style thickeft at top and purple : Stigma forming ma capitatum, fig. 5. a little head, fig, 5. PERICARPIUM : Capsula fubrotunda, comprefla, bilocularis, quadrivalvis, fig. 6. SEED-VESSEL: a roundilh, flattened Capsule of two cavities and four valves. Jig. 6. SEMINA plurima, ovata, fufca. Jig. 7, 8. SEEDS feveral, oval and brown, fig. 7, 8. Brooklime grows very commonly in brooks and muddy waters, whence its name ; and flowers in June and July. It is an officinal plant, and made ufe of in the fcorbutic juices of the London Difpenfatory, which feems to be the only purpofe to which it is applied, _.. n\/ ' // ?'o? ?xcs7y / j ectz/' u /yp a/7 / / Poa Rigida. Hard Meadow-Grass. POA Linncei Gen. PI. Triandria Digynia. Raii Syn. Gen. 27. Herbie flore imperfecto Culmifer^e, POA rigida panicula lanceolata fubramofa fecunda: ramulis alternis fecundis. Lin. Syji. Veget» p, 98. GRAMEN panicula multiplici. Bauhin Pin. p. 3. GRAMEN exile duriufculum in muris et aridis proveniens. Raii Syn, 410. Small Hard Grafs. GRAMEN loliaceum murorum duriufculum fpica erefta rigida. Hijl, Oxon, III, 182. t, 2. Jtg. 9. GRAMEN minus duriufculum. Gerard, GRAMEN arvenfe, filicina, duriore panicula, gracilius. Barrel, Ic. 49. Scheuchz. Agroji. ed. Haller. p. 271. t. 6. Jig, 2, 3. fpiculae tantum. Hudfon FI. Angi. p. 35. ed. 2. p, 42. RADIX annua, paucis fibrillis inftru&a. ROOT annual, and furniftied with few fibres. CULMI plures, palmares, erefti, ad bafin infra&i, plerumque fimplices, laeves, binodes. STALKS feveral, about four inches high, upright, crooked at bottom, generally fimple, fmooth, with two knots or joints. FOLIA lanceolata, laevia, longitudine vaginae, fub- ere&a; Membrana brevis, obtufa, apice la- cera ; Vagina laevis, lineata. LEAVES lanceolate, fmooth, the length of the [heath, and nearly upright; Membrane at the bafe of the leaf (hort, obtufe, and jagged at top Sheath fmooth, and very finely grooved. PANICULA lanceolata, fefquiuncialis, paululum re- curvata, rigida, fubfecunda. PANICLE lanceolate, about an inch and a half long, bent a little back, rigid, the fpiculaein fome degree growing one way. SPICULA lineari-lanceolatae, fubo&oflorae, acutae, fubcompreflae, Jig. 1. of a fhape betwixt linear and lanceolate, containing for the mod part eight flowers, pointed and flattilh, Jig. 1. CALYX: Gluma bivalvis, valvulas longitudine et magnitudine inaequales, ad lentem fcabriuf- culae, Jig. 2. CALYX:a Glu me of two valves, the valves unequal in length and fize, appearing roughilh when viewed with a magnifier. Jig. 2. COROLLA: Gluma bivalvis, valvulae fubasquales, ovato-acutae, marginibus 3. COROLLA: a Glume of two valves, the valves nearly equal, of an oval pointed fhape, the edges membranous, Jig. 3. STAMINA: Filamenta tria, capillaria, longitu- dine Corollas: Anthers flavas, minimas, breves, utrinque furcatae, Jig. 4, 5. STAMINA; three Filaments, fine, the length of the Corollae; Anthers yellow, very minute, fliort, and forked at each end, Jig. 4, 5. NECTARIA: duas, ovato-acutae, longi- tudine Germinis, ope microfcopii vifibiles, M'6- NECTARIES: two fmall Glumes of an oval pointed fhape, the length of the Germen, vifible by the help of a microfcope, Jig. 6. PISTILLUM; G ermen turbinatum : Styli duo ad bafin ufque ramofi, Jig. 7, 8. PISTILLUM : Germen larger at top than at bottom: Styles two, branched down to the bottom, fig- 7> 8- SEMINA ovato-acuta, hinc convexa, inde concava. SEEDS of an oval pointed (hape, convex on one fide, and hollow on the other. Neither Haller nor Scopoli make any mention of this grafs. According to Scheuchzer, it is common in Italy and France, in dry fields, and fometimes on walls : with us it is found more frequently on the latter; and though not fo common as fome of the grafles, yet it is to be found on moft of the walls about London, in May and June. In very dry and barren fituations, the flalks fometimes are found fimple, the panicle alfo not branched, and the fpiculae, inftead of containing about eight flowers, which is the ufual number, have no more than three or four: in this flate Scheuchzer makes another fpecies of it; this alteration, from an excefs or fcantinefs of nourilhment, is what all plants are fubjeft to ; and no circumftance feems to have been lefs regarded by Botanifls—To form fpecies or varieties from fuch a caufe, is to multiply plants without end. A complete know- ledge of a plant, is only to be attained by obferving it at the different periods of its growth, in all the various fituations in which it occurs—lnformation obtained from any other fource is not to be depended on. 6/y . 9Va^ao. Co/> A rj/-0 a/ /iv-er .y Poa Pratensis. Smooth Stalk’d Meadow Grass. POA Linncei Gen. PL Triandria Digynia, Cal. 2-valvis, multiflorus. Spicules ovatas: valvulis margine fcariofis,acutiufculis. Rail Syn. Gen. 27. Herbie gr flore imperfecto culmifer^e. POA pratenfis panicula diffufa, fpiculis fubquinquefloris, culmo credo laevi, membrana foliorum obtufo. POA pratenfis panicula diffufa, fpiculis quinquefloris glabris, culmo credo tereti. Linncei Syfi. Vegetal).p. 97.,F1. Suecic. 82. POA pratenfis. Scopoli FI. Carniol. p. 70. n. 100. Diagn. Panicula diffufa fpiculas 2-3 florae Glumis inaequalibus, lanugine nulla. POA panicula diffufa locuflis trifloris glabris. Haller Hif. n. 1465. fecundum Scopoli. GRAMEN pratenfe paniculatum medium. Rail Syn. 409. The greater or middle fort of Meadow Grafs* Bauhin Pin. 2. pratenfe minus. Gerard 2. Parkinfon 1156. RADIX perennis, repens, intra terram fiffurafque mu- rorum facile penetrans. CULMI plerumque pedales, erefti, lceves, vix mani- fefte flriati. FOLIA laevia, faturate viridia, fubinde glauca, mem- brana brevi obtufa inftru&a, Jig. 11. PANICULA ere&a, diffufa. SPICULAi. ovato-acutae, plerumque quinqueflorae, etiam biflorae, utrinque compreffae, Jig. 1, 2. CALYX: Gluma bivalvis, valvulis inaequalibus, acu- minatis, concavis, Jig. 3. COROLLA: G luma bivalvis, valvulae fubaequales, altera concava, carina ad lentem vifa fcabri- ufcula, altera planiufcula, fig 4; in fundo calycis lanugo obfervanda, evulfis Jlofculis, fig• 3. 5- STAMINA : Filamenta tria, capillaria, glumis lon- giora : Anthers utrinque 6. PISTILLUM: Germen ovatum; Styli duo, ad bafin ufque ramofi, Jig. 7. NECTARIUM : duae ad bafin germinis, Jig. 8, au6L SEMEN angulofum, acuminatum, bafi lanugine in- flrudlo, Jig. 9. nat. mag. Jig. 10, au6l. ROOT perennial and creeping, eafily penetrating into the earth and crevices of walls. STALKS generally about a foot high, upright,/mooth, fcarce perceptibly floated. LEAVES fmooth, of a deep green colour, fometimes bluifh, furnifhed with a Jhort blunt mem- ll. PANICLE upright and fpreading. SPICUL/E oval-pointed, generally with five flowers, fometimes only two, flattened on each fide, fig-2. CALYX: a Glume of two valves, unequal, acumi- nated and 3. COROLLA: a Glume of two valves, the valves nearly equal; the one concave, with the keel appearing fomewhat rough if magnified; the other flattifh, Jig. 4; in the bottom of the calyx a filamentofe or woolly fubftance is apparent when the flowers are drawn out ; of it. fig• 3. 5- ;■ STAMINA: three Filaments, thread-like, longer ; than the glumes : Anthers forked at each end, fig. 6. J PISTILLUM : Germen oval: Styles two,branched f down to the 7. NECTARY: two little Glumes at the bafe of the l germen, Jig. 8, magnified. > SEED angular and pointed, at bottom woolly, of its I natural fize. Jig. 9 ; magnified Jig. 10. The Poa pratenfis and Poa trivialis approach very near each other in their general appearance, fo much fo, indeed, that the Botanifl: who is intimately acquainted with them, cannot, if he fees them grow together, dif- criminate them at a little diftance ; and the charaders from which modern Botanifts have drawn their fpecific differences, have been fo vague and indeterminate, that the ftudent is never able to fatisfy himfelf whether he has found the one or the other; yet there are not two grades which afford more obvious or fatisfadory marks of diflindion. The difficulty which I have experienced myfelf in the invefligation of thefe two plants, has made me exceedingly attentive to them ; and what I relate is the refult of repeated obfervations, joined to a careful culture of them. Thefe grades differ chiefly in the following particulars : the pratenjis is in every part perfectly fmooth ; while in the trivialis, the (talk, leaves, fheaths of the leaves, and branches of the panicle, all feel rough if the plant be drawn downward betwixt the thumb and finger: exclufive of this difference, which is a very good one for a common obferver, in the trivialis the (heath of the leaf is flatter and more deeply fluted : nor do the roots of thefe two plants differ lefs; the trivialis being Amply fibrous ; the pratenjis creeping, and fending out many white (hoots : but what diftinguiflies them moll fully and moll infallibly, is the difference in the membrane at the bottom of the leaf, where the (heath begins ; this in the pratenjis is very (hort and blunt; in the trivialis it is long and pointed : and the beauty of this diftinftion is, that it is obvious to the moll common obferver ; nor did I ever know it fail me, let the grafs vary ever fo much in fize and other particulars. They differ alfo with refpeft to the fize of the fpiculae and the number of flowers contained in each : in the trivialis they are either biflorous or triflorous; in the pratenjis they are moll commonly quinquejlorous* Such are the mod obvious diflinflions in the grades themfelves: other circumftances contribute to render them dill more fo. The pratenjis grows generally on walls ; indeed there is not a wall in any of the villages around town on which it may not be found in abundance : it very frequently occurs on dry banks, and oftentimes in meadows. The trivialis is fcarce ever found on walls, feldom on dry banks; but mod; frequently in moiff meadows, or the (ides of ditches ; fo that the one grafs feems to delight in a dry, the other in a moift (ituation. They differ fomewhat alfo in the time of their flowering; the pratenjis flowering about the third week in May, the trivialis the firft week in June; and there is this remarkable with refpecl to the flowering of the pratenjs, that after it has flowered in the Spring, it (hews no difpofition to flower during the Summer ; while the trivialis is found in bloom, though not generally, during the whole of the Summer. Added to this, there is a firmnefs in the ftalk of the pratenjs not perceivable in the trivialis. By an attention to thefe remarks, I truft the young Botanift will acquire a clear idea of them, without having recourfe to the pubefcence, &c. which, though laid fo much ftrefs on by Linnaeus and Scopolt, is by no means adequate to the diftinguifhing of them. Indeed it is difficult to know rightly what they mean by Jpiculis haj pub efc entibus, as no pubefcence is perceivable in them outwardly : but if one attempts to draw the flofcules out of the glumes of the calyx, we perceive a filamentofe appearance, which feems to connefl the florets and calyx together : but this appearance, which is indeed a very ftriking and Angular one, and which I have not yet obferved in any other graffes, takes place nearly in an equal degree in both : this fubftance adheres to the feed when feparated, and caufes them to hang to one another as if there were cobwebs among them ; fo that a perfon ignorant of the caufe, from an examination of fuch feed, might conclude it old and good for nothing : this appearance is mod ftriking in the trivialis. Ray, whofe defcriptions always accord with nature, and are taken from the moft obvious chambers of the plant, mentions the roughnefs (Culmi nonnihil ajperi) : but the particular fhape of the mem- brane has not, that I know of, been noticed till now. The Poa pratenjs may be confidered as a valuable grafs, and one of thofe which ought to enter into the compofition of a good meadow or pafture : I fay competition, becaufe I imagine eyery good meadow (hould be compounded of a variety of graffes, each having peculiar and valuable properties. We are not to expefl all that can be wifhed in a meadow in one grafs : fome are calculated to produce food, and carry a beautiful verdure even in the depth of winter : fome bring forth early (hoots, and make choice food for cattle in the fpring: fome produce a large quantity of fweet tender leaves at bottom ; others by the weight and height of their (talks, and of their heads or panicles at top, increafe the weight of the hay: fome (hoot ftrongly and produce a large aftermath : fome give a more agreeable fmell to the hay. So that to have a good meadow, we (hould have a variety o( grades; and if we may argue from analogy, a variety of food may alfo be more grateful to cattle. The principal advantages of the Poa pratenjis are, that it is a fweet grafs, and eaten readily by cattle in general: it carries its verdure in the winter better than moft others, and throws out young and numerous (hoots in the fpring, fo as to make good fpring food. It produces a good crop of leaves at bottom, which make exceeding fine hay, and is fit for cutting early in the fpring. There is a glaucous or bluifli variety of this grafs occurs frequently in meadows ; it varies alfo in the num- ber of its flofcules, from three to five, or fometimes more : as likewife in its fize: when growing on walls or dry banks, it does not reach half the height which it does in fertile meadows. Oyx>-a/ Poa Trivialis. Rough-Stalk’d Meadow Grass. POA Linntzi Gen. PL Triandria Digynia. Cal. 2-valvis, multiflorus. Spicula, ovata : valvulis margine fcariofis acutiufculis. Raii Syn. Gen. 27. Herbae flore imperfecto culmifer^e. POA trivialis panicula diffufa, fpiculis fubtrifloris, culmo ereCto fcabro, membrana foliorum acuminata. POA trivialis panicula diffufa, fpiculis trifloris bafi pubefcentibus, culmo ereCto tereti, Linncei Syjt. Vegetab, p. 97. GRAMEN pratenfe paniculatum medium, Bauhinpin. 5. Raii Syn. p. 409. n. 2 POA trivialis. Scopoli FI. Carniol. p. 6g. n. 39. Diagn. Lanugo ad bafm petali exterioris POA panicula diffufa locuftis trifloris villofis. Haller hifi. n. 1562. fecundum Scopoli GRAMEN pratenfe minus. Parkinfon 1156. Gerard emac. 2. Hudfon FI. Angi.p. 33 RADIX fibrofa, capillacea. j ROOT fibrous and capillary. CULMUS ere6lus, pedalis ad bipedalem, bafi repens, i unde perenne evadit hoc gramen, ftriatus, j fcabriufculus, faepe purpureus. i * STALK upright, from one to two feet high, creeping at the bottom, whence this grafs becomes perennial, ftriated, rough, and often purple. FOLIA: Vagina fubcomprefla, ftriata, fcabriufcula : ) embrana ad bafin foliorum longa, acu- l minata, fig. 1 ; folia ipfa longa, fcabriufcula, ) fubtus nitida, tenera. i LEAVES: the Sheath flattifh, ftriated, roughifh ; the Membrane at the bafe of the leaf long and pointed, fig. 1 ; the leaves themfelves long, fomewhat rough, fhining underneath, and tender. 4 i PANICULA erefta, diffufa. * PANICLE upright and fpreading. SPICULA parvae,biflorae, aut trifloratffig. 2. 2. magn. \ nat. fig. 3. 3. lente auft) nonnunquam etiam * quadriflorae, ovato-acuminatae, fubcomprefiae. ' SPICULA finall, containing two or three flowers, (fig- 2. 2. of their natural fize, fig. 3. 3. magnified) and fometimes even four flowers, of an oval pointed ftiape, and flattifh. GLUMA, calycinae bivalves, valvulis inaequalibus, a- cuminatis, carinatis, carina fcabra,j6jg. 4. Si i glumae corollaceae ex calycinis glumis extra- ' hantur, lanugo (fig, q) confpiciatur, huic et ; Foce pratenfi quoufque obfervavi propria. * GLUMES of the Calyx compofed of two valves, which are unequal, pointed, and have the keel, or rib on the back, rough, fig. 4. If the glumes of the corolla are drawn out of the glumes of the calyx, a woolly fubftance (fig. g) is ob- fervable, and which, as far as I have hitherto noticed, is peculiar to this Grafs and the Poa pratenfs, i s GLUMA corollaceae bivalves, valvulis fubaequalibus, ■ acutis. GLUMES of the corolla of two valves, the valves nearly equal and pointed, Jig. 3. STAMINA: Filamenta tria, capillaria, glumis paulo 6: Anthers flavae aut purpu- rafcentes, demum utrinque furcatae, fig. 6. STAMINA: three capillary Filaments a little longer than the glumes, Jig 6: Anthers yellow or purplilh, finally becoming forked at each end, Jig, 6. PISTILLUM: Germen minimum, ovatum: Styli duo ad bafin fere plumofi, fig. 7. PISTILLUM : Germen very fraall and oval: Styles two, feathered almoft to the bottom, Jig, 7. NECTARIUM : Glumul.e duae tenerae ad bafin ger- minis, fig. 8. NECTARY: two little tender Glumes at the bottom of the germen, fig. 8. SEMEN oblongo acuminatum, angulofum, baft lanu- gine inftru&um, fig, 10. SEED oblong and pointed, angular, and furnifhed with a woolly fubftance at 3O. The means of diflinguifhing this Grafs from the Poa pratenfis (for which it is the mod liable to be miftaken) with many other particulars relative to it, we have already given under the latter : confidered in an agricultural light, it is certainly one of our beft grades, both for hay and pafturage ; indeed a good meadow can fcarcely be formed without it. Its chief qualities are, that it produces a large quantity of fweet tender leaves, which are preferred by cattle to moft others, and which are convertible into exceeding fine hay. It is an early grafs, flowering about the beginning of June. It does not bear the frofts of the Winter fo well, nor does it fhoot fo early in the Spring-as the Poa pratenfis; but when the weather comes to be fo warm as to make the grafles in general (hoot, this grows fafter, and produces a greater,crop of bottom leaves (the moft defirable part of graffes) than moft others. It grows beft in meadows that are tolerably moift: in dry paftures it is often found, but much fmaller. Hints relative to the Culture ofi the Grajfes. When the advantages refulting to the community from the introduction of Wheat, Early, Rye, Clover, Tares, St. Foin, Trefoil, &c. many of which are natives of our own country, daily occur to us : when neither pains nor expence are fpared to improve our arable lands, it feems ftrange that fo little care fhould be taken of the improvement of our meadows and paftures, which might doubtlefs be made to procure double or treble the crops they already do, by the judicious introduction of proper grafles. If If we examine our meadows, paflures, and downs, we (hall find them pretty much in a flate of nature, excepting thofe paflures which of late years have been fown with Rye Gra/s and Clover, full of an indifcri- minate mixture of plants, fome of which afford good, others bad food; fome good crops, other fcarce any crops at all. That I may not be thought to fpeak at random on this matter, I (hall here mention a few faffs to corroborate what I have afferted. My very worthy and much efleemed friend Thomas White, Efq. with a view to the ascertaining the produce of feveral downs and hilly paflures fed on by (heep, procured from each of the under-mentioned different downs and commons, in Hampfhire and Suffex, a turf which, though not larger than about fix inches in diameter, and chofen as pure as any part of the paflurage, produced, on being planted in a garden, the following plants. Turf from Selborn Common. Turf from Glynd Hill. 1 Plantago lanceolafa. Narrowdeaved Plantain. 2 Agroftis capillaris. Fine panicled Agroflis. g Avena Jlavefcens. Yellow Oat Grafs. 4 Dadyhs glomeratus. Rough Cocksfoot Grafs. £ Feftuca duriufcula. Hard Fefcue Grafs. 6' Poa annua. Common dwarf Poa. 7 Cynofurus crfatus. Crefled Dogs-tail. 8 Trifolium repens. Creeping or Dutch Glover. 9 Crepis tedorum. Smooth Succory Hawkweed 10 Achillea Millefolium. Yarrow. 11 Galium verum. Yellow Ladies Bedflraw. 12 Hypochaeris radicata. Long-rooted Hawkweed. 13 Hieracium Pilofella. Moufe-ear Chickweed, 14 Thymus Serpyllum. Wild Thyme. 4 Avenaflavefens. Yellow Oat Grafs. 5 Fefuca duriufcula. Hard Fefcue Grafs. 6' ovina. Sheeps Fefcue Grafs. 7 Hieracium Pilofella. Moufe-ear Hawkweed. 8 Agroftis capillaris. Fine panicled Agroflis. 9 Trifolium repens. Creeping, or Dutch Clover, io Thymus Serpyllum. Wild Thyme. Turf from Short Heath. 1 Feftuca hromoides. Barren Fefcue Grafs. 2 Aira prcecox. Early Aira. 3 Juncus campefris. Hairy Rufh. 4 Poa annua. Common dwarf Poa. 5 Agroflis capillaris. Fine panicled Agroflis. Turf from Oakhanger. 1 Trifolium repens. Creeping or Dutch Clover. 2 Llolcus lanatus, Meadow Soft Grafs. 3 Poa annua. Common dwarf Poa. 4 Agroftis capillaris. Fine panicled Agroftis. paluftris. Marfh Agroftis. Turf from Mount Cahron. 1 Rumex acetofa. Common Sorrel Dock. 2 Daucus carota. Wild Carrot. 3 Medicago lupulina. Black-feeded Medick, Tre- foil, or Nonfuch. 4 Poterium fangui fork a. Burnet. 5 Feftuca duriufcula. Hard Fefcue Grafs. 6 Avenaflavefcens. Yellow Oat Grafs. Turf from Deortun. 1 Ranunculus repens. Creeping Crowfoot. 2 Lolium perenne. Ray Grafs, or perennial Darnel. Turf from Ringmer Down. 3 Holcus lanatus. Meadow foft Grafs. 4 Prunella vulgaris. Self-heal. 5 Fejiuca duriufcula. Hard Fefcue Grafs. 6 Agrof is paluftris. Marfh Agroflis. 7Tr folium repens. Creeping, or Dutch Clover 8 Crepis tedorum. Smooth Succory Hawkweed 9 Achillea Mille folium. Yarrow. i Linum catharticum. Purging Flax. 0 2 Scabiofa columbaria. Sheeps Scabious. | 3 Ornithopusperpufillus Bird’s-foot. 0 4 Avenaflavefcens. Yellow Oat Grafs. | 5 Fejiuca duriufcula. Hard Fefcue Grafs. <> 6 Trifolium repens. Creeping or Dutch Clover. 7 Hypochceris radicata. Long-rooted Hawkweed. <) 8 Crepis tedorum. Smooth Succory Hawkweed. $ Q Lotus corniculata. Bird’s-foot Trefoil. sio Juncus campejiris. Hairy Rufh. $ ii Hieracium pilq/ella. Moufe-ear Hawkweed. | 12 Fefuca ovina. Sheeps Fefcue Grafs. <> 13 Thymus Serpyllum. Wild Thyme. Poapratenjis, Smooth-ftalk’d Meadow <3> Grafs. Turf from Glynd Hill. 1 Medicago lupulina, Black-feeded Medick, Tre foil, or Nonfuch. 2 Achillea Millefolium. Yarrow. 3 Poa pratenfs. Smooth-ftalk’d Meadow Grafs. Thefe experiments prove, that our dovms and commons, which we in general confider as more free from weeds than mofl of our paflures, are altogether an affemblage of different plants ; and our meadows are much the fame. It mufl be allowed that there is a confiderable difference in them ; one meadow, or tradl of land, fhall naturally contain a greater number of good grades than another ; another fhall produce little more than a mixture of unprofitable weeds, fuch as Croufoot, particularly the creeping fort, Docks, Sorrel, Thiftles, Mallows, Yarrow, Knapweed, Nettles, Ragwort, &c. mofl of which having ftrong perennial or creeping roots, continue in the ground, impoverifh it, and over-run the few good grafles there are ; fo that the ground is very little worth. If the ground be manured, the unprofitable and noxious plants are thereby benefited as well as the grafs ; for it is the extremity of folly to fuppofe that manure fhall produce good plants if the roots or feeds of them were not in the ground before. It muff be allowed, however, that if there be in the meadow any flrong growing graffes, they may from manure overtop and deflroy many annual plants, but not thofe above mentioned, which, with many others, will grow with their growth and flrengthen with their flrength. But it is not this kind of weeds alone which, perhaps, are the mofl mifehievous; thefe, being vifible and known to the Farmer, maybe deflroyed ; but, at the fame time, the ground may be over-run with bad graffes, which, not being fo eafily diflinguifhed by the Farmer, cannot be fo readily deflroyed. Now, grades may be confidered as bad on feveral accounts : they may, though good in themfelves, produce fo fmall a crop as to be worth little or nothing, as the early and fiver Hair Grafs and Wall Poa: they may, either from their ranknefs, roughnefs, or fome other qualities, not perceptible to us, be fuch as cattle are not fond of, as Cats- tail Grafs, Rough Cocksfoot, and fome others : they may die on the ground, and give the meadows a dead and difagreeable appearance in the winter, as fome of the fpecies of Agrof is: or they may blow late in the fummer, and be not fit for cutting till mofl of the good graffes are decayed and gone off: and thus a meadow may be filled with noxious plants as effedfually as if they were more evidently fo. Surely then it mufl be worth the perfon’s while, who would wifh to lay down his land for meadow or paflure, or improve what is already bad, to be at fome pains and expence about it, and fow it with as much caution as he would to produce a crop of fine wheat; the more fo, indeed, as when his land is once filled with good graffes, it remains a good meadow, or good paflure for ever, which will always look pleafing, and if properly manured, and the feafon prove not remarkably unfavourable, will each year produce a plentiful crop. I have already obferved, in fpeaking of the Poa pratenfs, that a good meadow mufl confifl of a variety of graffes, which ought all to come into bloom nearly at the fame time ; and if the graffes be of the right kinds, they will begin to blow, and the whole meadow be fit for mowing the lafl week in May. The advantages of this early hay-making are very confiderable: this part of the year is very often extremely favourable, in point of weather, to the making of hay; it is not pollponed fo as to interfere with the harvefl : cattle may be turned the fooner into the fields to graze, or another crop of hay be produced in good time for the fecond making. / / . Alopecurus Myosuroides. Field Foxtail Grass. ALOPECURUS Linncd Gen, K. TxtANbRtA. Digynia. Ca/. 2-valvis. Cbr. i-valvis. RaiiSyn. Gm. 27. HerSa: flore imperEecto culmiferJ:* ALOPECURUS myofurdides fpica cylindrica longiflima,glumis glabris; culmo fubere&o. Hudfon Fi. Angi. p. 23, ALOPECURUS Agrejlis culmo fpicato erefto, glumis laevibus. Lin, Syji. Vegetal. p. 93. Pl, p, 89* ALOPECURUS culmo erefto, fpicato, calyce ciliato. Haller hijl, helv, p, 249. GRAMEN Typhoides fpica anguftiore. Bauhin Pin. 4. GRAMEN cum cauda muris purpurafcente. Z Bauhin. 2, p. 473. GRAMEN fpicatum, fpica cylindracea tenuiflima longiore* Scheuch. Gram. 69, GRAMEN myofuroides majus, fpica longiore, ariftis redis. Raw Syn. p. 397. The greater Moufe~ tail Grafs. GRAMEN alopecuroides fpica longa majus et minus. Parkinfon 1169; GRAMEN alopecuroides minus. Gerard emac. io. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 91. Schreber, Gram. 140« ** 19. /j. 2. RADIX annua, fibrofa, fufca. CULMUS pedalis, ere&us, ball faepe infraftus, rigidiufculus, teres, geniculatus. FOLIA triuncialia, ad duas lineas lata, laevia, ftriata, bafi membrana obtufa inftru&a. SPICA longa, tenuis, fubcylindracea, purpurafcens. SPICULER uniflorae, ovato-acutae, tn fpicam imbrica* tim congeftae, externe convexulae, interne planae, fig. i. CALYX : Gluma bivalvis, uniflora ; valvulae fubae- quales, muticae, nervofae, bafi annuto cinclce, fig- 2, 3* COROLLA univalvis, valvula calyce paulo longiore, membranacea, laevi, fig. 4, Arifta reaa, e bafi valvulae exferta, {picula duplo fere lon- giore inftru&a, fig, 5. STAMINA; Filamenta tria, capillaria, ere&a, valvulis calycinis duplolongiora: Anthers oblongae, utrinque furcatse, fig. 6* PISTILLUM; Germen minimum, fig. 7 : Stylus brevis, bafi tumidus,fig. 8 ; Stigmata duo, fetacea villofa apice reflexa, fig. 9. SEMEN unicum, minimum, fubrotundum, corolla et calyce obveftitum, fig. 10. ROOT annual, fibrous, and brown. STALK a foot high, upright, often crooked at bot- tom, ftiffifti, round, and jointed; the joints fmooth and purple. LEAVES about three inches long and two lines broad, fmooth, ftriated, furniThed at bottom with an obtufe membrane. SPIKE long, (lender, fomewhat cylindrical, and pur- plifh. SPICULAI uniflorous, of a pointed oval (hape, lying clofely one over another in a fpike, externally roundifh, internally flat, fig, 1. CALYX; a Glume of two valves, containing one flower; the valves nearly equal, not termina- ted by any fhort Arifta, ftrongly rib’d, and furrounded at bottom by a ring, fig. 2, 3. COROLLA of one valve, the valve a little longer than the calyx, membranous, and fmooth, fig. 4, furnilhed with a ftraight Arifta, which proceeds from the bafe of the valve, and is nearly twice the length of the fpicula, fig. 5. STAMINA: three Filaments, very fine, upright, twice the length of the valves of the calyx : Anthers oblong, and forked at each end, fig• 6- PISTILLUM; Germen very fmall, fig. 7 : Style fhort, fwelled at bottom, fig. 8: Stigmata two, tapering, villous, bent back at top, fig. 9. SEED one, very minute, enclofed by the corolla and calyx, fig. 10. The Field Foxtail Grafs, with refped to agriculture, may be confidered rather as a weed than as an ufeful pafture grafs. It is very common in cultivated ground ; and often abounds fo much in corn fields, as to be prejudicial; among rubbifh, and on banks by the fides of fields, it is alfo frequently found ; but fcarce ever in meadows. It flowers early, and continues to bloflbm till Autumn ; and comes into bloom the quickeft, after being Town, of any grafs that I have hitherto noticed. It is diftinguilhed from the other fpecies of the fame genus, by its long flender fpike, which tapers to a point, and has fome refemblance to a moufes tail, whence J. Bauhine’s and Mr. Hudson’s names. This fpike is generally of a purplifh colour, at leafl on that fide which is moft expofed to the fun ; though fometimes the whole fpike appears of a whitilh colour. The form of the fpike, and its place of growth, will, in general, point out this fpecies plainly enough. But if thefe fhould be found deficient, the ftudent may have* recourfe to the annulus or ring, which furrounds the bafe of each fpicula, vid. Jig. 3. I have found this fpecies effeded with the difeafe called Ergot, defcribed under the Flote Fefcue Grefs. -&C-M s /»?/?/('JWthid&J Bromus Hirsutus. Hairy-Stalk’d Brome-Grass. BROMUS LinncziGen. PI. Triandria Digynia. Cal. 2-valvis. Spicula oblonga, teres, diflicha ; arida infra apicem. Rail. Syn. Gen. 27. Graminifolije flore imperfecto culmifer.e. BROMUS hirfutus panicula nutante fcabra, fpiculis teretibus fublinearibus dccemfloris, ariflis reUis, vaginis foliorum hirfutis. BROMUS ramofus panicula nutante fcabra, fpiculis linearibus decemfloris, arida longioribus, foliis fcabris. Hudjon FI. Angl.p. 40. BROMUS foliis hirfutis, peroras afperrimis,locudis glabris,teretibus,novemfloris.Hallerhiji.n.i50%. BROMUS giganteus. Scopoli Flor. Cam. var. 2. villofa et major. GRAMEN Avenaceum dumetorum panicula fparfa. Raii Syn. p. 415. FUJI. Piant, p. 1289. Bufli or Wood Oat-Grafs, with a fparfed panicle. GRAMEN Avenaceum dumetorum paniculatum majus hirfutum. H. Ox. 3. 213. 27 RADIX perennis, plurimis fibris, flexuofis, flavefeen- tibus infirufta. CULMUS tripedalis, ad orgyalem aut etiam fupra, ereFlus, tribas plerumque nodis articulatus, folidus, ftriatus. FOLIA: Vagina flriata, pilis longis, crebris, rigiiiufcu- lis, deorjum verfis hirfuta : Folia ipfa peda- lia, femuncialia, deflexa, flriata, rarioribus et brevioribus pilis iifque ad margines et me- diam collam praecipue donata. ROOT perennial, furnifhed with numerous, crooked, yellowifh fibres. STALK from three to fix feet high, or more, upright, confiding generally of three joints, fclid and finely grooved. LEAVES: the Jheath ftriated, covered with numerous long hairs, which are fomewhat rigid, and bend backwards : the Leaves themfelves a foot long, and half an inch broad, befet with fewer and fhorter hairs, and thofe chiefly at the edges and midrib. ' PANICLE a foot long, fpreading, the branches grow- =. ing two or three together, hanging down, * rough and often crooked. [ SPICULFE generally growing two together, an inch and a half long, (lender, roundifh, ftraight, fcarcely hirfute, containing ten flowers, and j marked at the bafe with a pellucid Ling, fig. 3. \ The Aristae fhort, rough, and nearly ! ftraight,fig. i. \ CALYX : a Glume of two valves, Jig. 2 ; the valves I unequal; the larger one concave, and finning within, having three ribs, and terminating \ in a fhort point, the ribs rough ; the fmaller I, one having only one rib, and a more taper- > ing point. I COROLLA : a Glume of two valves, the valves une- t qual,the exterior one having three prominent I ribs, the middle one of which terminates in a t ftraightifli Arifta, fhorter than the Corolla; I the inner one flattifh, edged with hairs, and I fhorter than the other. Jig. 4, 5, 6. I NECTARY: two little Glumes at the bafe of the I Germen, Jig. 8. t STAMINA: three Filaments, very fine: Anther.e I forked and yellow, Jig. 7. I PISTILLUM: Germen fomewhat oval, naked at bot- | tom, at top villous : Styles two, branched £ quite to the bottom, fig. 10. I SEED flattifh, terminated by an arifia, the Glumes I adhering to it, Jig. 11, 12, 13. PANICULA pedalis, fparfa, rami binati aut ternati, patentes, nutantes, fcabri, faepe flexuofi. SPICULFE plerumque binae, fefquiunciales, tenues, te- retiufculae, re6lae, vix hirfutae, decemflorae, ad bafin annulodiaphano notatae,Jig.3: Arist-E breves, fcabrae, l. CALYX : Gluma bivalvis, fig. 2 ; valvulis inaequali- bus, majore concava, interne nitida, trinerve, mucronata, nervis fcabris,minore unicarinata acuminata. ' COROLLA: G luma bivalvis, valvulis inaequalibus, exteriore trinerve, nervis exftantibus, nervo medio in Arifiam re6HufculamCorollabrevio- rem definente, interiore planiufcula, ciliata, breviore,/g. 4, 5, 6. NECTARIUM duae ad bafin Germinis, fis-8- STAMINA : Filamenta tria, capillaria: Anthers bifurcee, 7. PISTILLUM : G ermen fubovatum, bafi nudum, apice villofum : Styli duo, ufque ad bafin ramofi ,Jig. 10. SEMEN planiufculum, ariftatum, glumis adhaerenti- 11, 12, 13. That the plant here figured, is not the Bromus ramofusot, I have learned from Dr. Squander and Mr. Banks, whofe authority in this matter will not be controverted. I have therefore called it hirfutus, from a wifh that a trivial name might be given it, which (hould not only chara6lerize the plant, but, at the fame time, diftinguifh it from a Grafs which is undoubtedly often midaken for it, as it frequently grows with it, is nearly of the fame height, and flowers about the fame time: I mean the Bromus gig anteus of Linnaeus, figured by Schreber, the leaves and ftalks of which are perfectly fmooth. The Bromus hirfutus is the tailed oF our Englifh graffes, often exceeding fix feet in height, which renders it a very confpicuous grafs. The Fefuca elatior, and Bromus gig anteus, will however often grow nearly as high in particular fituations. It occurs in mod of our hedges in the environs of London, particularly about Hampjiead; abundantly alfo in Kent; and flowers in June and July. Exclufive of its height before mentioned, it is didinguifhed from all our other grades by the hairinefs of its flalk, or rather the (heaths of the leaves which cover it; and this, fo far as I have hitherto obferved, is an infallible criterion. It appears to be too coarfe a grafs to be cultivated for cattle; and we do not learn that it has been applied to any other purpofes. Galium Aparine.Cleavers, or Goose Grass. GALIUM Linncei Gen, PL TeTrandria Monogynia. Cor. i-petala, plana. Sem, 2, fubrotunda. Raii Gen. 12. Herb.® stellate. GALIUM Aparine foliis oftonis lanceolatis, carinis fcabris retrorfum aculeatis, geniculis villofis, frudibus hifpidis. Linncei Syfi. Vegetab.p. 127. Sp. PL 157. FLor. Suecic. p. 45. GALIUM caule ferrato, foliis fenis, linearibus, lanceolatis, ferratis, petiolis unifloris. Haller hift. helv. n. 723. GALIUM Aparine. Scopoli FI. Carniol. n, 157. APARINE vulgaris. Bauhin. Pin, 334. APARINE Gerard emac. 1122. Parkinfon 567. Raii Syn. p. 225, Cleavers, or Goofe-Grafs. Hudfon FI. Angi. p. 57. Oeder Flor. Dan, icon, 495. Lightfioot Flor. Scot, p, 117. RADIX annua, fibrofa. CAULIS tetragonus, angulis retrorfum aculeatis, de- bilis, fragilis, geniculatus, bafi articulorum villofus, ramofiirimus, ad qualuor et ultra pe- des altus, proxima quaeque fcandens, adhae- refcenfque. lOOT annual, fibrous. JTALK quadrangular, the angles furnifiied with aculei or prickles, which bend backward, weak, brittle, and jointed ; the bottom of the joints villous, very much branched, growing to four feet or more high, climbing and adhering to every plant near it. BRANCHES oppofite. LEAVES growing fix or eight together, of a fhape be- twixt lanceolate and linear, terminating in a point, rough on the upper fide, on the under fide fmooth, the edge and midrib, or keel, rough, with fharp prickles bending back- wards. FLOWERS few, fmall, and whitifh, fitting on rough foot-ftalks. CALYX wanting. COROLLA very minute, monopetalous, wheel-fha- ped, of a whitifh colour, divided into four oval pointed fegments, Jig, i. STAMINA: four fhort white Filaments: Anthe- rs yellow, Jig, 2. PISTILLUM : Germen double, below the Corolla, villous : Styles two, (horter than the Corol- la ; Stigmata 4, 5, 6. SEED-VESSEL : two dry globular Berries, (lightly joined together, rough with prickles bending back at the point, fig. 7. SEEDS fingle, fomewhat kidney (haped, and large. RAMI oppofiti. FOLIA fena ad oftona, lanceolato-linearia, mucronata, fuperne fcabra, inferne glabra margine et ca- rina retrorfum aculeatis. FLORES pauci, parvi, albidi, petiolis fcabris infiden- tes. CALYX nullus. COROLLA minima, monopetala, rotata, albida, qua- dripartita, laciniis ovato-acutis, Jig, 1. STAMINA: Fi lamenta quatuor, brevia, alba: Anthera luteae, fig, 2. PISTILLUM: Germen didymum, inferum, villo- fum : Styli duo Corolla breviores: Stig- mata globofa, fig. 4, 5, 6, PERICARPIUM: B ACCiE duae, ficcae, globofae, coa- litae, hifpidae, aculeis recurvis, Jig. 7. SEMINA folitaria, reniformia, magna. This plant has moft probably obtained its name of Cleavers, from its cleaving or adhering to whatever it comes in contact with, which it is in a peculiar manner enabled to do, by its hooked prickles ; and that of Gooje-Grafis, from its being a favourite food of Geefe. It abounds in all cultivated ground, and by its quick growth, is apt to overpower many plants both in the garden and field. Young quickfet hedges, in a particular manner, (hould be carefully freed from it. It is an early blowing plant, and produces its feed from June to September. Dioscorides obferves, that the (hepherds made ufe of it as a drainer to filter their milk through. If the accounts given of it, by writers on the Materia Medica, are to be depended on, it is not without confiderable medicinal powers. The expreffed juice of the feeds, (talks, and leaves, are , powerful againfl; the bites of vipers and fpiders ; and the fame dropt into the ears, cures the pain of them ; Raii hid. p, 484. The herb mixed with lard, diflblves fcrophulous fwellings ; idem. The tops are an ingredient in fpring broth, for purifying the blood ; Rutty Mater. Med. The feeds have been made ufe of by fome inftead of coffee ; idem, A firong decoftion of the herb, taken to the quanity of twelve ounces, morning and evening, has brought away gravel in many cafes; idem. The root eaten by birds, has tinged their bones of a red colour, as in experiments made with madder; idem. A decoflion of the plant has proved highly ferviceable in a fimple gonorrhea; D. Palmer apudDale. Of late this plant has been much celebrated in fcrophulous and cancerous fores: but experiments carefully made with it, in St. Thomas’s Hofpital, have not turned out in its favour. It is eaten by horfes, kine, fheep, and goats, but refufed by fwine ; Linn. Amcen. Acad. The Calyx in this fpecies, is certainly wanting. Plantago Lanceolata. Narrow-Leaved Plantain, or Ribwort. PLANTAGO Linncei Gen. PI. Tetrandria Monogynia. Cal. 4-fidus. Cor. 4-fida : limbo reflexo. Stamina longiffima. Capf. 2-locularis, circumfciffa. Rail Syn. Gen. 22. Herbie vasculifer.e, flore tetrapetalo anomaly. PLANTAGO lanceolata foliis lanceolatis, fpica fubovata nuda, fcapo angulato. Lin. Syft. Vegetab. p. 131. PLANTAGO foliis lanceolatis quinquenerviis, fcapo nudo, fpica ovata. Haller hijl. n. 656. PLANTAGO lanceolata. Scopoli FI. Carniol. p. 108. n. 163. PLANTAGO anguflifolia major. Bauhin Pin. 189 PLANTAGO quinquenervia. Gerard emac. 422. PLANTAGO quinquenervia major. Parkinfon 495. Raii Syn. p. 314. Ribwort or Ribwort- Plantain. Hudfon FI. Angl. p. 52. Oeder FI. Dan. icon. 437. RADIX perennis, fufca, fibris multis inftru&a, per aetatem praemorfa. ROOT perennial, of a brown colour, furnifhed with numerous fibres, when grown old appearing as if bitten off. LEAVES ftanding on long foot-ftalks, purple and woolly at bottom, lanceolate, varying re- markably in their breadth, having five ribs, and a few teeth at the edges, fomewhat hairy, upright, but fometimes fpreading. FLOWERING-STALK longer than the leaves, fimple, angular, and grooved, flightly twifted and upright. SPIKES of an oval oblong fhape, and blackilh colour. BRACTEA or floral leaf, placed under each flofcule, oval-pointed, and concave, jig. i. CALYX: a Perianthium of three unequal leaves, the two fide ones boat-fhaped and pointed, fig. 3 ; the back leaf oval, obtufe, emargi- nate, fig. 2, and marked withtwogreen lines. COROLLA monopetalous, tubular, membranous, of a form betwixt globular and cylindrical; the limb quadripartite; the fegments of an oval pointed fhape, and fpreading, on the removal of the calyx turning back, Jig. 4. STAMINA : four very long Ft laments: Anther.e white or yellowifh, fig. g. PISTILLUM: Germen oval: Style filiform, half the length of the flamina : Stigma fimple, .fig-6- SEED-VESSEL: an oval Capsule of two cavities. dividing horizontally in the middle, the difle- pimentum or partition loofe, fig. 7, 8. SEEDS two, oblong, finning, of an amber colour, convex on one fide and concave on the other, jig. g, 10, 31. FOLIA longe petiolata, bafi purpurea, lanuginofa, lanceolata, quoad latitudinem infigniter va- riantia, quinquenervia, rariter dentata, hir- futula, ere6la, nonnunquam vero patentia. SCAPUS foliis longior, fimplex, fulcato-angulofus, fubtortuofus, ereftus. SPICAl ovato-oblongae, nigricantes. BRACTTlA fingulo flofculo impolita, ovato-acumi- nata, concava, jig. 1. CALYX : Perianthium triphyllum, foliolis inaequa- libus, duo lateraliacymbiformia, acuta^g.g; dorfale ovatum, obtufum, emarginatum, li- neis duabus viridibus notatum, fig. 2. COROLLA rnonopetala, tubulofa, membranacea, cylindraceo-globofa, limbus quadripartitus, laciniis ovato-acutis, patentibus, dempto calyce reflexis, jig. 4. STAMINA: F 1 lamenta quatuor longiflima : An- thers albidae aut flavefcentes, jig. g. PISTILLUM: Germen ovatum: Stylus filiformis, flaminibus dimidio brevior: Stigma fim- plex, fig. 6. PERICARPIUM : Capsula ovata, bilocularis, cir- cumfcfifa, diflepimento libero, fig. 7, 8. SEMINA duo, oblonga, nitida, fuccinei coloris, hinc convexa inde concava, fig. g, 10, 11. The Farmers in general confider this fpecies of Plantain as a favourite food of fheep, and other cattle; hence it is frequently recommended in the laying down of meadow and pafture land ; and the feed is for that purpofe kept in the fhops. How far the predilection of cattle for this herb is founded in truth we cannot at prefent determine ; nor do we pretend to fay how far it is (Economical (fuppofing the fa6l to be fo) to fubftitute this plant in the room of others which produce a much greater crop, and which they fhew no averfion to. We fhould be rather inclined to think, that Plantain (or Rib-Grajs3 as it is called) Ihould be but fparingly made ufe of, particularly if the Farmer’s chief aim be a crop. When the Plantain grows among pafturage, its leaves are drawn up to a confiderable height: but when it occurs in a dry and barren foil, they are fhorter, broader, and more fpread on the ground ; and fometimes they afllime a filvery hue. It grows fpontaneoufly by the fides of roads, and in dry paftures ; flowering early in the fummer. Plantago Major. Common Plantain. PLANTAGO Limed Gen. PI. Tetrandria Monogynia. Raii Syn. Gen. 22. Herba: flore tetrapetalo anomaly. PLANTAGO major foliis ovatis glabris, fcapo tereti, fpica flofculis imbricatis. Lin. Syjt. Vegetab. p. 131. Spec. Plant, p. 163. FI. Suecic. n. 129. PLANTAGO foliis petiolatis, ovatis, glabris; fpica cylindrica. Haller hiji. Helv. n. 660. PLANTAGO major. Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 161 PLANTAGO latifolia fmuata. Bauhin Pin. 189 PLANTAGO latifolia. Ger. emac. 419. PLANTAGO latifolia vulgaris. Parkinfon 493. Raii Syn. 314. Great Plantain, or Waybread. Hudfon FI. Angl. p. 51. Oeder. FI. Dan. ic. 461. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 117. ROOT when old the thicknefs of one’s thumb, Hump- ed, laying ftrong hold of the earth by its fibres, which ftrike deeply into it, and are of a whitifh colour. LEAVES {landing on footftalks, oval, having feven ribs, fmooth, but fomewhat hairy when young, about four fingers in length, the edge minutely and remotely indented. FOOT-STALKS of the leaves long, convex on the under fide, concave above, each forming a kind of {heath at its bafe. FLOWER-STALKS round, upright, pubefcent, and longer than the leaves. SPIKES cylindrical, long, furrounded on every fide with flowers lying one over another. BRACTEA lanceolate, and hollow, under each i. CALYX: a Perianthium of four leaves, which are oval, concave, obtufe, fmooth, nearly equal and continuing, Jig. 2. * COROLLA monopetalous, continuing of a withered appearance ; Tube of a cylindrical globular 1 form, and fhort; the Segments oval, J pointed, and turned back. Jig. 3. > STAMINA: Filaments four, very fmall, fpreading, much longer than the corolla; Anthers purple, bilocular, each cell terminating at bottom in a point, Jig. 4. \ PISTILLUM: Ge rmen oval ; Style filiform, Ihorter than the flamina, villous; Stigma 5 Ample, Jig. 5, 6. It, f I SEED-VESSEL: an oval Capsule, dividing hori- l zontally in the middle, and containing about *■ 20 unequal brown Seeds, Jig. 7, 8, 9, io. RADIX vetuda pollicaris, praemorfa, plurimis fibris ' albidis alte demiflis, terram firmiter appre- hendens. FOLIA petiolata, ovata, feptemnervia, glabra, juni- ora vero hirfutula, palmaria, margine minu- tim remoteque dentata. PETIOLI longi, fubtus convexi, fupra concavi, bafi fubvaginati. SCAPI teretes, ere£li, pubefcentes, foliis longiores. SPICAE, cylindricae, longae, floribus undique imbri- catae. BRACTEA lanceolata, concava, fub fingulo flof- *■ culo, Jig. 1. ■ CALYX: Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ova- ; tis, concavis, obtufis, laevibus, fubaequali- , bus, perfidentibus, Jig. 2. COROLLA monopetala, perfidens, marcefcens; Tubus cylindrico-globofus, brevis, laciniis ovato-acutis, reflexis, Jig. 3. < STAMINA: Filamenta quatuor, capillaria, pa- tentia, corolla multo longiora; Anthers purpureae, biloculares, fingulo loculo bafi mucrone terminato, Jig. 4. ‘ PISTILLUM : Germen ovatum; Stylus filiformis, daminibus brevior, villofus; Stigma fim- plex, fig. 5, 6. PERICARPIUM: Capsula ovata, circumfciffa, fufca, continens Semina circiter 20 inaequa- lia, fufca, Jig. 7, 8, 9, 10. This fpecies of Plantain grows plentifully in meadows, gardens, and by the fides of paths, and Teems to llourifh mod in places moderately trodden on, whence perhaps its name of Waybread. In rich ground, the leaves often grow to an enormous fize; and, in gardens, we often find cultivated, a very fingular and mondrous variety of this plant, the Plantago Rofea of fome botanids, or Rofe Plantain of the Gardeners, in which the flowers appear to be converted into leaves, which fpread open fomewhat like a rofe. Cattle in general appear very readily to eat the leaves, and the feeds are well known to afford food to many of the fmall birds. It ufed to be held in confiderable edeem as a medicine of the vulnerary kind ; in the prefent pra£lice, the diddled water is fometimes made ufe of, and chiefiy in ulcerations of the mouth and throat. By the common people, the leaves are often applied to frefh wounds and burns. It differs remarkably in the number of its feeds from the Plantago Lanceolata, in which we condantly find two large feeds; but in this I have mod commonly found about twenty fmall ones : yet, what is very extra- ordinary, Ray and Scopoli mention its having only two. y . C x e/Yr/tr ,_ysvs//f Sagina Erecta. Upright Pearlwort. SAGINA Linncei Gen, PL Tetrandria Tetragynia. Cal. 4-phyllus. Petala 4. Capf. i-locularis, q-valvis, polylperma. Raii Syn. Gen. 24. Herbae pentapetalje vasculifer^e. SAGINA eredi a caule eredo fubunifloro. Lin. Syjl. Vegetah. p. 142. Sp. PL p. 185. ALSINELLA foliis caryophylleis. Cat. Gifs. 47. SAGINA fcapis unifloris. Guett. Stamp, p. 276. Dalib. Paris, p. 56 ALSINE verna glabra. Magn. Monfp. 14. Vaill. Paris. 6. t. 3. fig. 2. Raii Syn. fig. 4. t. 15 p. 344. The Lead Stitchwort. Hudfon FI. Angi. ed. 2. p. 73 Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 125 > ROOT annual, fimple, and fibrous. STALKS for the mod part feveral, expanded on the earth, and afterwards rifing upright, from two to three inches high, round, purplilh, fmooth, jointed, fupporting from one to three flowers. LEAVES glaucous ; the lower ones linear, feffile, rigid, grooved ; thofe on the flalk uniting at their bafe, often bent back, broader, and more pointed. CALYX: a Peri anthium of four leaves, permanent, the leaves oval and pointed, upright, gene- rally clofed, membranous and whitifh on the edges, fmooth and glaucous. COROLLA: four Petals fhorter than the calyx, white, oblong, obtufe, fomewhat flriated, and undivided at top, fig. 2. magnified. STAMINA: four Filaments placed between the petals, and a little fhorter than the petals, fetaceous: Anthers roundifh, double, of a yellowifh colour, fig. 3, 4. PISTILLUM: Germen oval: Style very fhort, the length of the fiamina : Stigmata four, villous, and turning back, fig. 5, 5. ' PERICARPIUM: an oblong, oval, membranous Capsule, of one cavity and one valve, a little longer than the calyx, the mouth open- ing generally with ten teeth, fig. 7, 9. fig. 8, * magnified. : SEEDS numerous, of an orange brown colour, fome- ' what kidney-fhaped, and rough on the fur- face, fig. 10, 11. RADIX annua, fimplex, fibrofa. CAULES plerumque plures, fupra terram expanfi, af'cendentes, bi aut triunciales, teretes, pur- purafcentes, laeves, geniculati, uniflori, bi- flori aut etiam triflori. FOLIA glauca, inferiora linearia, feffilia, rigida, li- nea longitudinali exarata, caulina connata, faepe recurvata, latiora, magifque acumi- nata. CALYX: Perianthium tetraphyllum, perfiflens, foliolis ovato acuminatis, ereclis, plerumque claufis, margine membranaceis albidis, laevi- bus, glaucis, fig. 1. COROLLA: Petala quatuorcalyce breviora, alba, oblonga, obtufa, fubflriata, apice indivifa, fig. 2, au6l. STAMINA: Filamenta quatuor, intra petala lo- cata, petalis paulo breviora, fetacea: An- thers fubrotundae, didymae, flavefcentes, fig• 3. 4- PISTILLUM: Germen ovatum: Stylus brevifli- mus, longitudine flaminum: Stigmata quatuor, villofa, reflexa, fig. 5, 6. PERICARPIUM: Capsula oblongo ovata, mem- branacea, unilocularis, univalvis, calyce paulo longior, ore plerumque decemdentato, fig- 1> 9- fig- au&* SEMINA plurima, e fufco aurantiaca; fubreniformia, fcabra, fig. 10, 11. In treating of this little plant, we have been rather at a lofs whether to confider it as a new genus, or arrange it with the Sagina of Linnaeus : for though it agrees, with the Sagina in fome of its molt linking charaders, fuch as having a Calyx and Corolla, each conhfting of four leaves, together with four Stamina and Piflilla, yet in its feed-veffels, which probably Linnaeus might not have feen in a perfed ftate, it greatly refembles a Cerafiium; while the whole plant, in its habit and glaucous appearance, approaches nearly to the Stellaria Holofiea. As there are but few genera however, whole,fpecies do not vary confiderably in the parts of frudification, we have thought it moft eligible to continue it a Sagina; efpecially as it retains thofe charaders, which obvioufly diftinguifh it from any of the Decandrous plants. We meet with it abundantly on moft of the Heaths about London, particularly on Blackheath. It flowers in April, and ripens its feed in May. The Calyx never opens far, fo that the blofloms are not fuffered fully to expand. If the feafon prove dry, as hath been moft unufually the cafe this year, 1779, the flalk is generally fimple ; but if the ground be moift, it throws out many (talks, which firft fpread on the earth, and afterwards become upright, as is reprefented in the middle figure. Convolvulus Arvensis. Field Convolvulus. CONVOLVULUS Linncei Gen. PI. Pentandria Monogynia. Cor. campanulata, plicata. Stigm. 2. Capf. 2-locularis: loculis difpermis. Raii. Syn. Gen. 18. Herbie fructu sicco singulari flore monopetalo. CONVOLVULUS arvenjis foliis fagittatis utrinque acutis, pedunculis fubunifloris. Lin. Syjt. Veget, p. 168. Sp. Pl.p. 218. flor. Suecic. p. 64. CONVOLVULUS foliis fagittatis, latefcentibus, petiolis unifloris, ftipulis remotis fagittatis. Haller• hift. helv. n. 664. CONVOLVULUS arvenjis. Scopoli FI. Carn. n. 219. CONVOLVULUS minor arvenlis. Bauhin. Pin, 294. CONVOLVULUS minor vulgaris. Parkinfon 171. SMILAX laevis minor. Gerard emac. 861. Raii Syn.p. 275, Small Bindweed. Hudfon FI. Angl. Ed, 1. p. 74. ed. 2. p. 88 Lightfoot FL Scot, p, 140. Oeder FI. Ban. icon. 459. RADIX perennis, craflitudinis penriae coracis, teres, albida, la£lefcens, repens, vix extirpanda. CAULES plurimi, tenues, tortuofi, procumbentes, ramofi, plantas vicinas contorquendo adfcen- dentes et faepe fuffbcantes. FOLIA alterna, haftata, laevia, podice acute hamata. PETIOLI foliis breviores, inferne convexi, fuperne canaliculati. PEDUNCULI uniflori, biflori aut triflori. CALYX: Peri anthium quinquepartitum, mini- mum, perfidens, foliolis ovatis, obtufiufcu- COROLLA monopetala, campanulata, patens, plica- ta, albo et rubro eleganter pifta, interdum penitus alba, fig. 2. STAMINA: Filamenta quinque, fubulata, alba. Corolla dimidio breviora: An fubfa- gittatae, albae, fig. 3. PISTILLUM: G ermen fubrotundum, glandula cinc- tum: Stylus filiformis, Staminibus paulo longior: Stigmata duo, oblonga, latiuf- cula, fig. 4, 5, 6. PERICARPIUM: Capsula fubrotunda, mucronata. SEMINA angulofa, fufca. ROOT perennial, the thicknefs of a crow quill, round, white, milky, creeping fo as fcarce to be eradicated. STALKS numerous, (lender, twided, procumbent, branched, twining round, and often fufloca- ting the plants growing near them. LEAVES alternate, hadate, fmooth, running out into two points behind. LEAF-STALKS (horter than the leaves, on the lower part convex, on the upper part channelled. FLOWER-STALKS fupporting one, two, or three flowers. CALYX: a Perianthium deeply divided into five fegments, minute and permanent, the leaves oval and fomewhat blunt, fig. i. COROLLA monopetalous, bell-(haped, fpreading, plaited, elegantly painted with red and white, fometiraes wholly white. STAMINA : five Filaments, tapering, white, about half the length of the torolla: Antheral fomewhat arrow-fhaped, and white, fig. 3. PISTILLUM: Germen roundifli, furrounded by a gland; Style filiform, a little longer than the Stamina; Stigmata two, oblong, and broadifli, fig. 4, 5, 6. SEED-VESSEL : a roundifli, pointed Capsule. SEEDS angular, and brown. Beautiful as this plant appears to the eye, experience proves it to have a mod pernicious tendency in agri- culture ; the field of the flovenly farmer bears evident teftimony of this ; nor is the garden wholly exempt from its inroads. The following experiment may ferve to (how what precaution is neceflary in the introdu6lion of plants into a garden, efpecially when we want them to grow in fome particular fituation. Tempted by the lively appearance which I had often obferved fome banks to aflume, from being covered with the blolloms of this Convolvulus, I planted twelve feet of a bank, in my garden, which was about four feet in height, with fome roots of it: it was early in the fpring, and the feafon was remarkably dry, fo that I fcarce ex- pelled to fee them grow ; but a wet feafon coming on, foon convinced me that my apprehenfions were unne- cefl'ary, for they quickly covered the whole furface of the bank, to the almoft total extirpation of every other plant. It being a generally received opinion, that if a plant was cut down clofe to the ground, it would thereby be dellroyed, or at leafi very much weakened, I was determined to try the validity of this opinion by an expe- riment, and accordingly, the .whole of the Convolvulus was cut down fomewhat below the furface of the earth : in about a month, the bank was covered with it thicker than before. I then had recourfe to a feeond cutting, and alterwards to a third, but all thefe were infufficient; for now at this prefent writing (Auguft) the bank is wholly covered with it; nor do I expe£l to defiroy it, but by levelling the bank and dellroying its roots. This experiment feems to determine a matter of no fmall confequence in agriculture, viz. that the cutting down thefe plants which have creeping roots, rather tends to make them fpread further than defiroy them; and that nothing fhort of a£lual eradication, will effecl the latter. It is feldom that this plant is highly prejudicial to, meadows, or paftures ; but many fields of corn are every year dellroyed by it, or rendered of little value. It flowers in June and July. Ihe blofloms vary confiderably in their colour, being fometimes quite white, but mofi commonly painted, more or lefs, with a lively red. Linnaeus s character of this plant, pedunculis unifloris, does not always hold good ; the flower-ftalks being frequently branched, and fupporting two or three flowers. Ihe leaves fometimes appear quite narrow, and the blofloms have been obferved to be divided alraofi to the bafe, vid. Rays Synopfis, cd. 3, p. 276. ’o/i'a/tfj trjy w/./A/ r > • *yc'/trsss/ss/ ///y/v//y/ / / Solanum .Nigrum. Garden Nightshade. SOLANUM Linncei Gen. PL Pentandria monogynia. Cor. rotata. Antherce fubcoalitae, apice poro gemino dehifcentes. Bacca bilocularis. Raii Syn. Gen. 26. Herb/E baccifer^e. SOLANUM nigrum caule inermi herbaceo, foliis ovatis dentato-angulatis, racemis diflichis ' nutantibus. Linncei Syjt. Vege tab. p. 187. Sp. Pl. p. 2 65. FL Suecic. p. 71, Haller hili. v. 1. p. 249. n. 576. SOLANUM nigrum. Scofioli FI. Carniol. p. 258. SOLANUM officinarum. Bauhin Pin. p. 166. SOLANUM vulgare. Parkinfon 346. SOLANUM hortenfe. Ger. emac. 339. Raii Syn. 254. Hudfion FL Angi. p. 78. Oeder. Dan. 460. The whole plant when bruifed fmells very difagreeably. ROOT annual, branched, and whitifh. STALK from one foot to two feet high, very much branched, fomewhat angular from the leaves running down the (talk, roughifh, folid, fome- what fwelled at the joints, of a dirty green, or rather a purplifh green colour, particu- larly at bottom and at the joints. BRANCHES alternate, like the ftalk. LEAVES alternate,(landing on longfootflalks,(lightly running down the (talk, of an oval pointed fhape, angularly indented, with a foft hairinefs. FLOWERS growing in a kind of Umbell; Foot- stalk of the flowers fpreading, and arifing from the middle of the joint. CALYX : a Perianthium divided into five fegments, which are oval, continuing, and when the fruit is ripe, turning fomewhat back, fig. i. COROLLA monopetalous, fomewhat wheel-lhaped, of a white colour, the fegments oval and 2. STAMINA: five very (hort white hairy Filaments, fig.Anthers oblong, yellow, fomewhat united, of two cavities, each having a hole at the top, fig. 5. PISTILLUM: G ermen roundifh, and green, fig. 6. Style tapering, green, the lower part vil- lous ; Stigma B. SEED-VESSEL : a round berry, firfl green and af- terwards black, of two cavities, fig. 9. SEEDS feveral, kidney-fhaped and yellowifh, fig. 10. Tota planta contufa tetrum odorem fpirat. RADIX annua, ramofa, albida. CAULIS pedalis aut bipedalis, ramofiffimus, fuban- gulofus ex foliis decurrentibus, fcabriufculus, folidus, ad geniculos paululum incraffatus, obfcure viridis, feu ex viridi purpureus pre- fertim ad bafin et ad nodos. RAMI alterni, cauli fimiles. FOLIA alterna, longe petiolata,fubdecurrentia,ovato- acuta, angulofo-dentata, hirfutie molli. FLORES fubumbellati; Petiolus patens ex inter- medio nodorum. CALYX: Perianthium quinquepartitum, foliolis ovatis, perfidentibus, fruflibus maturis pau- lulum reflexis, fig. 1. COROLLA monopetala, fubrotata, alba, laciniis ovato acutis, fig. 2. STAMINA: Fil amenta quinque brevidima, villofa, alba, fig. 4. Anthers oblongae, flavae, fub- coalitae, biloculares, loculis apice perforatis, fig- 5- PISTILLUM : Germen fubrotundum, viride, fig. 6. Stylus fubulatus, viridis, parte inferiore villofa, fig. 7. Stigma fubrotundum, fig. 8. PERICARPIUM: Bacca rotunda, primum viridis demum nigra, bilocularis, fig. 9. SEMINA plurima, reniformia, flavefcentia, fig. 10. In the year 1757, Mr. Gataker, Surgeon to the Weflminfler Hofpital, publifhed a treatife on the internal ufe of Solanum, or Nightfiiade ; from an apprehenfion that he had difcovered a medicine which, under certain regulations, might with perfefl fafety be given ; and, as he imagined, with great benefit to mankind in many difeafes, where the medical pra&itioner could do little more than fympathize with his diflreffed patients. He was induced to make fome experiments with the Night/hades, from reading an account of a cancerous cafe cured by the infufion of deadly Nightfhade ; but not being able at that particular feafon of the year to procure the deadly Nightfiiade, he was obliged to make ufe of the dried leaves of the Solanum nigrum, or Garden Nightfiiade, here figured, which he found to be very powerful in its operation ; even fo fmall a quantity as one grain weight of the leaf, infufed in about an ounce of boiling water, would fometimes produce a very confiderable effe6l: but two or three grains feldom failed either to vomit, purge, or fweat the patient mode- rately, or to increafe the quantity of urine. It fometimes occafioned a head-ach, giddinefs, dimnefs, and drowlinefs ; but its mod common effeHs were a heat or warmth diffufed over the whole body a few hours after taking the medicine, a plentiful fweat fucceeding this heat, and a gentle purging the next day : if a fweat did not break out, an extraordinary difcharge of urine was the confequence, which was fometimes followed likewife by a purging: one or more of the natural evacuations were almofl always increafed. After premifing this general account of the a6lion of the medicine, he proceeds to enumerate feveral cafes in which this medicine appeared to him to be efficacious: the principal of thefe were, two cafes of a cancerous nature ; a large ill-conditioned fore of long (landing in the leg, attended with fever and inflammation;—a violent bruife on the loins and hips;—a fwelling, and feveral painful fores on one leg;—feveral fcrophulous fores in the thigh and foot;—the body covered with fcorbutic eruptions;—a malignant corroding ulcer in the back part of the throat;—two cafes of dropfy;—in feveral cancerous cafes where it was made ufe of, very little advantage was reaped. In mofl of the above cafes, the Garden Nightfiiade was made ufe of, between which and the deadly, he found, as to their effefls, very little difference : he found the medicine to aft differently on different conllitutions ; and it was his pra6lice to begin with half a grain of the dried leaf in infufion, increafing the dofe according to its effeHs, and repeating it every fecond or third night. He remarks that the Solanum nigrum was formerly in ufe for many difeafes; yet there were fome who decried the ufe of it internally ; and Wepfer gives an account of three children poifoned by it: neverthelefs fome authors mention it as ufed in food. But, furely, if an infufion of a few grains of this plant be capable of producing fuch violent effe6ls on the human body, thofe authors muff have been miflaken. About the fame time, fome experiments were alfo made by Mr. Bromfield, Surgeon to St. George’s and the Lock Hofpitals ; and as the one author feems to have written prejudiced in favour of the medicine, fo the other feems to have had his prejudices againfl it; for we find the experiments of the latter differing widely from thofe of the former. According to Mr. Bromfield, the fyrnptoms were not only not relieved, but new ones were often brought on, and the patients health rather injured than benefited. In the feveral cafes of inflammation, ulcers, &c. where this medicine had been given, it often occafioned pains in the fores, naufea, complaints of the head, temporary lofs of fight, delirium, violent vomitings, gripings, and purgings, and even death itfelf to one perfon under his own infpeflion, though the dofe of the Garden Nightfiiade did not exceed one grain at a time. After giving this account, we fliall leave it to our readers to determine with what propriety it is difregarded in the prefent pra6lice; and would juff remark, that from the apparently inconteftible proofs of its deleterious qualities, perfons cannot be too nice in felefling their pot-herbs, particularly thofe who make a praftice of gathering from dunghills and gardens, a fpecies of Orach, by fome called Fat-Hen, by others Lambs-Quarters, Sec. as there is fome didant firnilitude betwixt the two plants, and their places of growth are the fame. The figure and defcription above given, will enable any one to diffinguifh this plant. It is an annual, flowering in July, and producing its black berries in autumn, which mofl probably are alfo poifonous. It varies in fize as well as in the hairinefs of its leaves ; and the manner o( the flowers growing from the middle of each joint is both fingular and curious. //f ////'//✓ I ") / Chenopodium Album. White Goosefoot. CHENOPODIUM Lin. Gen. PL Pentandria Digynia. Cal. 5-phyllus, 5-gonus. Cor. o. Sem. 1, lenticulare, fuperum. Raii Syn, Gen. 5. Herba: flore imperfecto seu stamineo vel apf* ' TALO POTIUS. CHENOPODIUM album foliis rhomboideo-triangularibus erofis podice integris, fummis oblongis racemis eredis. Lin, Syfi. Vegetab. p. 216. Spec. Plant, p. 319. FI. Suecic. p. 79! CHENOPODIUM foliis fubtus farinofis, rhomboideis, dentatis, fuperioribus integerrimis. Haller hijl. n. 1579. CHENOPODIUM fylvedre opuli folio. Vaillant, Paris t. Jig. 1. BLITUM Atriplex fylvedris diftum. Raii Syn. p. 154. Common wild Orache; ATRIPLEX folio finuato candicante. Bauh. Pin. 119. ATRIPLEX fylvedris vulgatior finuata major. Parkinjbn, 748. ATRIPLEX vulgaris. Ger. emac. 326. Hudfon FI. Angi. p. 91. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 148. annua, fibrofa, alba. CAULIS ereftus, pedalis ad tripedalem, parum flex- uofus, fubangulofus et flriatus, folidus, ra- mofus, laevis, fubindspurpurafcens. Rami alterni. FOLIA rhomboideo-triangularia, erofa, poffice in- tegra, fig. 7. glauco-viridia, fubtus prae- fertim farina copiofe adfperfa, fummis ob- longis minus profunde dentatis, aut etiam integris. RACEMI axillares, ereffi, fpicati, floribus glome- ratim difpofitis. CALYX: Perianthium pentaphyllum, perfiffens, foliolis ovatis, concavis, margine mem- branaceis, pulverulentis, 1. poffice vifum, au6f. COROLLA nulla. STAMINA: Fi lamenta quinque, fubulata, alba, calycis foliis oppofita et paulo longiora; Anthers fubrotundae, didymae, flavae, fig- 2- PISTILLUM; G er men orbiculatum, fig. 3. Stylus brevis, bipartitus ; Stigmata obtufa,fig. 4. SEMEN unicum, lenticulare, laeve, 6. ROOT annual, fibrous, and white. STALK upright, from one to three feet high, (lightly crooked, fomewhat angular and ftriated, I'olid, branched, fmooth, fometimes of a purphfh colour. Branches alternate. LEAVES of a triangular rhomboid figure, deeply and irregularly indented, entire behind. fig. 7. of a blueifh green colour, plentifully covered, particularly on the under fide, with a mealy powder, the uppermoft leaves oblong, lefs deeply indented or even entire. RACEMI axillary, upright, forming a fpike of flowers growing in little balls or duffers. CALYX: a Perianthi um of five leaves: and con- tinuing, the fegments oval, hollow, mem- branous at the edges and powdery, jig. i, feen on the back part, and magnified. COROLLA wanting. STAMINA: five white tapering Filaments oppo- fite to and a little longer than the leaves of the calyx; Anthera compofed of two roundifh yellow cells, fig. 2. PISTILLUM : Germen orbicular, fig. 3. Style fhort, divided in two; Stigmata obtufe, o fig ■ 4- SEED one, lens-fhaped, fmooth, and of a chefnut colour, fig. 6. If any plants Hand in need of figures to illuftrate them, rather than defcriptions, it is furely the different fpecies of Chenopodium and Atriplex. By figuring the outline of the leaf of any of thefe plants, we convey to the mod tranfient obferver, a perfeH idea of its fiiape, without that ambiguity which mud ever attend the defcription of leaves fo irregularly formed, fo variable, and fo difficult of definition. Befides figures, thefe plants feem alfo to require every other kind of elucidation ; and if the altering and fixing didinH Englifh names to different genera be in any cafe judifiable, it mud be here, where three different genera are called indifcriminately by the names of Orach, Goojefioot, and Elite. 1 have therefore prefumed to call the genus Chenopodium Goojefioot, and propofe confining the term Orach to Atriplex, and Amaranth to Amaranthus ; the term Elite, by which a fpecies of the lad-mentioned genus has been called, feems mod applicable to the genus Blitum. The Chenopodium album is the mod common with us of the whole genus; it occurs in every garden, flourifhes on every dunghill, and abounds in mod of our corn fields. To the gardener it is a quick-growing troublefome weed ; to the farmer it is an injurious one, and generally introduced into his fields by that dovenly praHice of differing every kind of weed to feed on his dung-heap. Like the other fpecies of this genus, it varies exceedingly in its appearance when young, and when in its feeding date. Indeed all thefe plants require that the dudent duould notice them from the earlied to the latell periods of their growth; or he never can attain a perfeft knowledge of them. It is whiter in its whole appearance than mod of the Chenopodiums, the leaves being more generally covered with thofe pellucid particles refembling meal, which are chara6teridic of thefe genera. Mr. Lightfoot noticed its being eaten as a pot-herb in feme parts of Scotland. Chenopodium Viride. Purple-Jointed Goosefoot. CHENOPODIUM Unmet Gen. PL Pentandria Digykia. Raii Syn. Gen. 5. Herbie flore imperfecto, seu stamineo, vel APETALO POTIUS. CHENOPODIUM viride foliis rhomboideis dentato-finuatis, racemis ramofis fubfoliatis. Linncei Syjt. Vegetal?. p. 216. Sp. Pl. 319. Flora Suecic. p. 79. CHENOPODIUM foliis rhomboideis, dentatis, fubtus incanis. Haller hift. helv, p. 267. n. 1580. CHENOPODIUM viride• Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 280. Hudfon FI. Angi. p. g1. Lightfoot Fl. Scot, p. 149. n. 6. I have been cautious in referring to the fynonyma of authors on this plant, feeing they differ fo much in their opinions refpeHing it; and have rather wifhed that the plate here given, might ferve as a reconciliatory reference. Linus and Haller both feem to doubt its being a fpecies diftinH from the album, and it muft be confeffed there is a great fimilarity betwixt them ; yet if my obfervations are juft, there is every reafon to confider them as two plants perfectly diftinH, They agree in this, that they are both annual plants, both grow in the fame foil and fituations, are nearly alike in their fize and habit, and both flower about the fame time ; and yet they differ in many refpefts very effentially. That which, in a more ftriking manner, diftinguifhes the viride from the album, is the greener appearance of the whole plant, the bright red colour at the angles of the joints, which is conflant, and the fhape of the leaf, Jig. 1, which is always much longer than that of the album. The album is loaded with an appearance of meal which gives it its white colour'; the viride, though not deftitute of it, has it not in that profufion. When the feeds are ripe, the tops of the ftalks, in the viride, are more apt to hang down ; the parts of the fruftification, fig. 1, 3, 4, 5, are very fimilar, but fmaller; and the calyx is not quite fo much covered with little globules ; the feeds of each differs very confiderably, and affords a very curious and fatif- fa6lory diftin&ion: in the album it is perfe&ly fmooth, glaber; in the viride it is fmaller, and reticulated with impreffed dots, reticulatis punbiis imprcjjiss Jig. 6. Like fome of the other fpecies of this genus it is eaten as a pot-herb. e/uwi/ r/ru/f//' Chenopodium Polyspermum. All-Seed. CHENOPODIUM Linncei Gen. Pl. Pentandria Digynia. Cal. 5-phylIus, 5-gonus. Cor. o. Sem. 1. lenticulare, fuperum. Raii Syn. Gen, 5. Herbas flore imperfecto seu Stamineo (vel APETALO POTIUS.) CHENOPODIUM Polyfpermum foliis integerrimis ovatis, caule erefto, calycibus fruftus patulis. CHENOPODIUM Polyfpermum foliis integerrimis ovatis, caule decumbente, cymis dichotomis aphyllis axillaribus. Lin. Syft. Veg.p. 216. Spec. Plant, p. 231. FI. Suecic.p. 80. CHENOPODIUM caule erefto, foliis ovatis integris. Haller. Hijl. Helv.p. 266. CHENOPODIUM Polyfpermum. Scopoli. FI. Carniol. n. 279. BLITUM polyfpermon a feminis copia. Bauhin Pin. 118. Gerard, emac. 325. Parkinfon, 753. CHENOPODIUM Betae folio. Inji. R. #. 506. RaiiSyn.p. 157. Upright Elite, or All-feed Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 350. Hudfon FI. Angi, ed, 1. 92. ed. 107. RADIX annua, fibrofa, rubefcens, CAULIS plerumque fubere&us, pedalis aut bipedalis, tetragonus, laevis; Rami diffufi, longifiimi, cauli fimiles. FOLIA petiolata, ovata, integerrima, laevia, margine venifque rubro faepe tin&is. FLORES axillares, fubcymofi, Cymis dichotomis, a- phy Ilis. CALYX: Perianthium pentaphyllum, concavum, perfifiens, laciniis ovatis, 1. COROLLA nulla. STAMINA: Filamenta quinque bafi latiora, alba, demiflo polline Calyce longiora; Anther a: fubrotundae, didymae, 2. PISTILLUM: Germen orbiculatum; Stylus bi- partitus, brevifiimus; Stigmata obtufa, fis- 3. 4- PERICARPIUM nullum. SEMEN orbiculatum, rufum, Calyci patulo innixum, non vero inclufum, Jig. 5. > ROOT annual, fibrous, and reddilh. > \ STALK in general nearly upright, about a foot or two in height, four-cornered and fmooth; Bran- l ches far extended, and like the ftalk, :» I LEAVES Handing on foot-ftalks, ovate, entire at the edges, fmooth, the margin and veins often :* tinged with red. L J FLOWERS axillary, forming a kind of Cyma, which divides into two at bottom, and is leaflefs. * r, :* CALYX: a Perianthium of five leaves, concave and [ permanent, the fegments oval and green,fig. i. > COROLLA wanting. ?- STAMINA: five Filaments, broadeft at the bafe, of a white colour; the Pollen being thrown out, they become longer than the Calyx: An th e r m roundilh, double, and 2. * \ PISTILLUM: Ge rmen orbicular: Style divided : into two, very fhort: Stigmata blunt, fig, \ 3» 4- ; SEED-VESSEL wanting. : SEED orbicular, reddifh brown, fupported by the Calyx, which fpreads open, and does not cover it, fig. 5. Although there are many of the Chenopodiums which are not to be diftinguifhed without much care and attention, yet fome are very eafily made out, of which number is the prefent fpecies. Its fquare fialk, which is generally of a bright red colour, its long extended branches, and its reddifh feeds, which are numerous and flrikingly vifible, from being only in part covered with the calyx, render this plant fu Incienti y obvious. It is not uncommon in gardens and on dunghills, flowers in July and Auguft, To the gardener it is a troublefome annual, but fcarcely injurious to the farmer. Fifli are faid to be fond oi it, Lin. FI. Suecic. ex Loes} when thrown into fifh ponds. Y/o. / / / f / Hyacinthus non Scriptus. English Hyacinth. HYACINTHUS Linn esi Gen. PL Hexandria Monogynia. Cor. campanulata : pori 3 melliferi germinis. R&zt Gen. 26. Herbae radice bulbosa proditas. HYACINTHUS non /criptas corollis campanulatis, fexpartitis, apice revolutis. Lin, Syfi. Veg. p. 27 6, HYACINTHUS oblongo flore coeruleus major. Bauhin. Pin. 43. HYACINTHUS anglicus. Gerard emac. 111. HYACINTHUS anglicus belgicus vel bifpanicus. Park. Parad. 122. Yyrc. p. 373, Englifh Hyacinth, or Hare-bells. HYACINTHUS won feriptus, Hyacinth. Diofcoridis. Dod. Ludg. Hudfon FI. Angi. 123. oi. 2. p, 141. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 183* RADIX : Bulbus fubrotundus, magnitudine nucis my- rifticae, candidus, fucco vifcido repletus, ex ima parte plurimas fibrillas albidas dimittens. SCAPUS nudus, femipedalis aut pedalis, ereFtus, teres, laevis, folidus. ROOT a roundifii bulb, the fize of a nutmeg, of a white colour, and full of a vifcid juice, fend- ing down from the bottom numerous whitilh fibres. STALK naked, from half a foot to a foot in height, upright, round, fmooth, and folid. FOLIA quatuor, fex, interdum plura, fcapo duplo breviora, femunciam lata, carinata, con- cava, laevia, nitida. LEAVES four, fix, fometimes more, twice as fhort as the ftalk,- about half an inch broad, keeled, hollow, fmooth, and (hining. FLORES ofto ad duodecim ; faepe plures, odorati, coerulei aut violacei, rarius carnei aut albi, fpicati, fecundi, nutantes. WERS from eight to twelve, often more, fweet fmelling, of a blue or violet colour, feldom flelh-coloured or white, growing in a fpike, all one way, and hanging down. BRACTEA binae, fubere&ae, lanceolatae, Jig. 1. FLORAL-LEAVES two to each flower, lanceolate, and nearly upright, fig. 1. COROLLA fubcylindracea, fexpartita, laciniis revo- lutis, Jig. 2, 3. COROLLA almoft cylindrical, divided into fix feg- ments, the tips of which turn back, fig. 2, 3. STAMINA: Filamenta fex, tria longiora tubum corollae aequantia, inferne corollae adnata, fuperne libera, fetacea, albida: Anthers ere&ae, incumbentes, fubfagittatae, flavefcen- tes, Jig. 4. STAMINA: fix Filaments, the three longeft of which equal the tube of the corolla, below attached to the corolla, above free from it, tapering, and whitilh : Anthers upright, incumbent, fomewhat arrow-lhaped, of a yellowilh colour, fig. 4. PISTILLUM : Ger men conicum, angulato-fulcatum, albidum: Stylus corolla brevior, apice violaceus: Stigma obtufum, villofum, M- 5• > PISTILLUM: Germen conical, angular and grooved, of a whitilh colour : Style fhorter than the ► corolla, at top of a blueilh colour: Stigma blunt and 5, k > SEED-VESSEL : a three-cornered Capsule, of three cavities and three valves, the valves oval, and terminating in a Ihort point, fig. 6. I SEEDS numerous, of a fine blue colour, and roundifii > Ihape, with a poliftied furface, Jig. 7. PERICARPIUM: Capsula triquetra, trilocularis, trivalvis, valvis ovatis, mucronatis, fig. 6, SEMINA plurima, violacea, nitida, fubrotunda, Jig. 7. The Hyacinth is confidered by the Dutch Florifts as the firft of flowers, and as fuch ranks in their catalogues; in one of which, viz. that of Meffrs. Voorhelm and Schneevogt, of Haerlem, for the year 1778, the Gloria Solis is marked at a thoufand guilders, eleven of which make one pound fterling. The fpecies which is the objeH of fo much care and cultivation, and from whence fuch numerous and beautiful varieties are produced, is not our Englifh Hyacinth, but the Hyacinthus orientalis of : neverthelefs, the prefent fpecies is often to be met with in gardens, though in a ftate not much improved., being generally Angle, and retaining its charaHer of drooping flowers, by which character it is obvioufly diflinguifhed from a plant very fimilar to it, which is much more common in gardens, and flowers at the fame time ; a plant overlooked by Linn.«us, but named by Mr. Banks Scilla campanulata. Our meadows, woods, and hedge-rows, are beautifully decorated with the blolfoms of this plant in the fpring months. Its feeds are not ripened till the end of the year; and thofe, on being fown, did not vegetate till the fecond year. The term of non ficriptus was applied to this plant by fome of the earlieft botanifls, as may be feen in Bauhins Pinax, and Rays Hijl. Plant, and implies, that the flowers were not marked with any kind of character, which the Hyacinth of the ancients is fuppofed to have been, vid, Bauh. Pin. p. 47. and Raii Hifi. P- 1155- The great uncertainty in which the ancients have left us, by their vague and imperfeft defcriptions, appears in a ftrong light, by what can be colleHed from their writings concerning the Hyacinth Flower. Since the revival of letters, commentators and botanifts, have taken great pains to afcertain the plant which the ancient poets and naturalifts called by this name; but with what fuccefs, may be eafily gathered, when we find them feverally fixing upon flowers of fach very different appearances as the Martagon, Larkfpur, and Iris, for the true Hyacinth. The Hyacinthine hair of the ancients, has alfo engaged the attention of the inquifitive, fucceeding poets copying the expreflion from Homer, who defcribes Uiyjfes thus, in Pope or Broome’s tranllation: ei Back from his brows a length of hair unfurls, “ His hyacinthine locks defend in wavy curls. ei As by fome artif, to whom Vulcan gives “ His fall divine, a breathing fatue lives ; “ By Pallas taught, he frames the wond’rous mould, “ And o’er the fiver pours the fufle gold ; “ So Pallas his heroic frame improves et With heavnly bloom, and like a god he moves.” This pafiage is thus imitated by Milton, in his defcription of the perfon of Adam. - “ His fair large front and eye fublime declar’d “ Abfolute rule; and hyacinthine locks Cf Round from his parted forelock manly hung {( Clvfring, but not beneath his fioulders broad.” It is furprifing that all the commentators fhould agree, in fuppofing Homer means black hair by his allufion to the Plyacinth, when he elfewhere in the Odyfley, defcribes Uiyjfes with yellow or golden hair: “ AAccg oXto-u . which correfponds with the fimile in the above-mentioned quotation, where the poet com- pares the hair flowing on his hero’s (boulders, to gold inlaid on fiver. But perhaps Homer did not intend to exprefs any colour by alluding to the Hyacinth: this line in the original, “ OuAa? wt xopxg vowAmo aAsi opoixr” may be literally tranllated thus : She let down his hair curled like a Hyacinth flower The Hyacinthus comofus, and its variety the Hyacinthus monflrofus, or feathered Hyacinthi bear a (Irong refemblance to curled hair, and are natives of the warmer parts of Europe. A defire to point out the connexion between botany and polite literature, has occafionally induced us to venture on hints and remarks of this kind, which the learned reader will, we hope, look on with an indulgent eye, and remember that our attempts, fuch as they are, add little to the bulk, and nothing to the expence, of the work. Juncus Campestris. Hairy Field Rush. JUNCUS hin, Gen. PL Hexandria Monogynia. Cal. 6-phyllus. Cor. o. Capfida i-locularis. Rail Syn. Gen. 27. Herba: graminifolije flore imperfecto culmifera:. TUNCUS campejlris foliis planis fubpilofis, fpicis feffilibus pedunculatifque. Lin, Syfi. Veg. p, 280. Sp.PLp.46S. JUNCUS planifolius ; fpicis petiolatis, nutantibus ; petalis ariftatis. Haller Hijl. JUNCUS campejlris. Scopoli FI. Carniol. p. 258. GRAMEN hirfutum capitulis Pfyllii. Bank. Pin. 7. GRAMEN exile hirfutum. Gerard emac. 17 GRAMEN nemorofum hirfutum minus anguftifolium. Parkinfion 1185. Rail Syn. p. 416. Small Hairy Wood-Grafs. Hudfon Fl.Angl. 132. ed. 2. p. 152. Lightfoot FI. Scot. 186. ROOT perennial, the fize of a crow quill, fomewhat woody, furnilhed with numerous blackifti fibres, creeping. STALK fimple, from three to nine inches high, up- right, leafy, fomewhat enlarged at bottom, round, fmooth, and without joints. LEAVES flat, hairy, the hairs proceeding from the edges of the leaves, pointed, the tips often of a reddifh brown colour, not furnilhed with any membrane: two frnall, upright, un- equal leaves, placed under the fpiculae, ter- minate the ftalk. SPICULyE, generally three, fomewhat oval, fig. 1, upright when the plant is in flower, fitting on uneven footftalks, the lowermoll fpicula nearly feflile. FLOWER-STALKS thread-fhaped, proceeding from a finall (heath edged with hairs. FLOWERS about ten or twelve in each fpicula, feflile. CALYX: mod commonly four frnall fcales, of an oval pointed fhape, membranous and uneven, and much (horter than the leaves of the true calyx, furround the bale of %-avJi iJuia, fig- 2. CALYX : the proper calyx is compofed of fix leaves, fpear-fliaped, with a long point, fpreading, permanent, (Lining keeled, of a brownifli purple colour. fig. 3. COROLLA Wanting. STAMINA: fix Filaments, tapering, and very (hort: Anthers oblong, the length of the calyx, yellow, with four grooves, termina- ting in two points, Jig. 4, 5. on (bedding the pollen becoming twifled. PISTILLUM: Germen green, three-cornered, point- ed : Style (hurt, thread-lhaped, crooked, and villous, fig. 5. SEED-VESSEL : a Capsule covered by the calyx, three-cornered, of one cavity and three valves, fig. 7, 8, 9. SEEDS ufually three, of a roundifli (hape, and olive colour, Jig. 10, 11. RADIX perennis, craflitie pennae coracis, fublignofa, fibris plurimis nigricantibus inftru6la, re- pens. CULMUS fimplex, palmaris, aut dodrantalis, erec- tus, foliofus, bafi tumidus, teres, laevis, enodis. FOLIA plana, pilofa, pilis e margine foliorum erum- pentibus, acuta, apicibus faepe rufis, mem- brana deftituta, foliola duo erefta inaequalia fpiculis fubjefta culmum terminant. SPICULyE plerumque tres, fubovatae, fig, 1. floref- cente planta ere61a, pedicellis inaequalibus infidentes, inferiore fubfeflili. PEDUNCULI filiformes, e vagina ciliata prodeuntes. FLORES decem aut duodecem circiter in fingula fpi- cula, fefliles. CALYX : fquamulae plerumque quatuor, ovato-acutae, membranaceae, inaequales, foliolis calycinis multo breviores, fingulum flofculum ambi- unt, Jig. 2. CALYX proprius, hexaphyllus : foliolis lanceolato- acuminatis, patentibus, perdentibus, nitidis, carinatis, e fufco-purpureis, fig. 3. COROLLA nulla. STAMINA: Filamenta fex, fubulata, breviflima : Anther a: oblongae, calycem aequantes, fla- vae, quadrifulcatae, bicufpidatae, fig. 4, 5, demiflo polline tortuofae. PISTILLUM: G ermen viride, triquetrum, acumi- natum: Stylus brevis, filiformis: Stig- mata tria, longa, filiformia, flexuofa, vil- lofa, fig. 6. PERICARP1UM : Capsula tefta, triquetra, unilo- cularis, trivalvis, fig. 7, 8, 9. SEMINA plerumque tria, fubrotunda, olivacea, fig. 10, 11. The above defcription is taken from the Juncus campejlris, when growing in its moft ufual ftate in dry paflures ; in fuch lituations it has feldom more than three or four fpiculae; in moifter and richer foils, parti- cularly on boggy ground, it will often have a much greater number: but though it varies in fize and the number of its parts, it If ill continues very diftincl from the pilofius, or Hairy Wood Rujh. It flowers in April and May, and ripens its feeds in June. The hairs of this, and feme of the other Junci, are of a very fingular kind ; a ftranger to plants would fuppofe that Tome animal had been robbed of its hair by rubbing on it. The appearance of this plant indicates a dry foil, and confequently not very luxuriant pafturage. ■**9 *(**■ V/ rS.V^/i Rumex Crispus. Curled Dock. RUMEX Linncei Gen. He XANDRIA TRIGYNIA* Cal. 3-phyllus. Petala 3-conniventia. Sem. 1, triquetrum. Haiu Syn. Gen. 5. Herbie flore imperfecto seu stamineo vel apetalo potius. RUMEX crifpus floribus hermaphroditis: valvulis integris graniferis, foliis, lanceolatis undulatis acutis. Linncei Syjl. Vegetal, p, 284. Spec. Plant.p. 478. FI. Suecic.p. 117. LAPATHUM foliis crifpis, imis ovatis, fupremis lanceolatis, calycibus verrucofis. Haller hiji. n. 1589, LAPATHUM crifpum. Scopoli FI. Carniol. p. 261. LAPATHUM folio acuto crifpo. Bauhin. Pin. 115. LAPATHUM acuti varietas folio crifpo. Ger. emac. 387 LAPATHUM acutum minus* Parkinfon, 226. Raii Syn. p. 141* Sharp-pointed Dock with curled leaves. Hudfon FL Angl. p. 134. Lightfoot FL Scot* 108. RADIX perennis, flavefcens, fufiformis* per aetatem fuperne ramofus evadit. CAULIS bipedalis aut tripedalis, ere6lus, ftriatus, lae- vis, ramofus. FOLIA lanceolata, undulata, acuta, fubtus venofa, pe- tiolis fulcatis. FLORES in fpicas denfiffime glomerati, caulem peni- tus fere occultantes. CALYX: Perianthium triphyllum, foliolis cymbi- formibus, corolla brevioribus, Jig, 1, COROLLA: Petala tria, ovata, concava, demum conniventia, magna, granifera, venofa, reti- culata, integra, Semen unicum, triquetrum, nitidum, pallide fufcum foventia,Jig. 3,758,9. STAMINA: Filamenta tria, capillaria, brevia; Anther Ai 3. PISTILLUM: G ermen triquetrum: Styli tres, reflexi: Stigmata laciniata, Jig. 4, 5, 6. ROOT perennial, tapering, of a yellowifli colour, be- coming branched at top as it grows old. STALK two or three feet high, upright, finely grooved, fmooth, and branched. LEAVES lanceolate, waved, pointed, underneath vei- ny, the foot-flalks grooved. FLOWERS crowded very thickly together in fpikes, and almofl entirely hiding the (talk. CALYX : aPERiANTHiUM of three leaves, which are boat-fhaped, and (horter than the Corolla, fis-1- COROLLA : three oval, hollow Petals, finally be- coming clofed, and large ; each bearing a grain, veiny, reticulated, entire at the edges, including a three-cornered, (hining, pale brown Seed, Jig, 3, 7, 8, 9. STAMINA: three very fine (hort Filaments : An- theryellow, fig, 3. PISTILLUM: G ermen three-corner’d: Styles three, turning back: Stigmata jagged, 4> 5> The Docks, like the feveral fpecies of Goofefoot and Orach, are with difficulty diflinguifhed from each other. The fpecies here figured, is one of the moll common, as well as the mod injurious as a weed. It is found in almoft every kind of foil and fituation ; as in wet meadows, by the fides of roads, and in cultiva- ted ground, into which it is generally introduced with dung. I have remarked fome Clover fields in which this plant formed nearly one half of the crop. It may be diflinguifhed from the other Docks by its yellow root, waved leaves, and large and numerous feed-coverings, which grow fo thick as almoft to hide the ftalk, and which are larger than in mod of the other Docks, of a roundifh ftiape, with prominent veins, and an entire or flightly waved edge. It flowers in June, July, and Auguft. - 'H// ///Ar wljAuj (/>>/t f /c/'nu/? /fit Epilobium Hirsutum. Large-flower’d Willow-Herb. EPILOBIUM Linnvei Gen. PL Oct and ri a Monogynia. Ceil, /[-fidus. Petala \. Capf. oblonga, infera. Sem. pappofa. Rail Syn. Gen. 22. Herba: vasculifera: flore tetrapetalo anomaue. EPILOBIUM hirfutum foliis ovato-lanceolatis, femiamplexicaulibus, hirfutis; caule ramofiffimo. radice repente. EPILOBIUM hirfutum foliis oppofitis lanceolatis ferratis decurrenti amplexicaulibus. Lin. Syft. ' Vegetab.p. 471. Spec. Plant, p. 494. Flor. Suecic. p. 123. EPILOBIUM foliis femiamplexicaulibus, lanceolatis, hirfutis., 123. CHAMtENERION hirfutum, Scopoli FI. Carniol. 270. LYSIMACHIA filiquofa hirfuta magno flore. Bauhin Pin. 245. LYSIMACHIA filiquofa. Ger. emac. 476. Raii Syn. p. 311. Great hairy codded Loofeftrife or Willow-herb, called alfo Codlings and Cream. Hudfon FI. Angl. p. 141. 3. ed. 2. p. 162, 3. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 197. Oeder. FI, Dan. ic. 326. RADIX perennis, furculofa, fibris capillata, e cujus capite erumpunt germina majufcula, rubentia, in fumma tellure reptantia, quibus fe late diffundit et propagat. CAULES tripedalis ad orgyalem, ereftus, ramofiffimus, teres, ad bafin fubtetragonus, hirfutus, pur- purafcens; Rami cauli fimiles, adfcendentes. FOLIA ovato-lanceolata, argute denticulata, hirfuta,fe- miamplexicaulia,venofa,ramorumfubtortuofa. FLORES magni, fpeciofi, purpurei, fubcampanulati, paululum nutantes. CALYX: Peri an thium fuperum, eretlum, quadri- partitum, bafi angulofum, laciniis ovato- acutis, fundo villofo, fig. i. COROLLA: Petala quatuor, obcordata, emargina- ta, purpurea, bafi albida, calyce duplo lon- giora, Jig. 2. STAMINA: Filamenta o6lo, quorum quatuor lon- giora, alba, fubulata: Anthere oblongse, biloculares, flavefcentes, Jig. 3. PISTILLUM: Germen oblongum, villofum, infe- rum, tetragono-fulcatum, glandulis minimis coronatum: Stylus filiformis, declinatus. Staminibus longior: Stigma craffum, qua- drifidum, laciniis revolutis, 4,5,6. FERICARPIUM: Capsula triuncialis, ob tu fe tetra- gona, fulcata, ut in germine glandulis termi- nata, leniter hirfuta, quadrilocularis, quadri- valvis. SEMINA ovata, pallide fufca, plurima, pappofa, len- te vifa hinc covexa, fcabriufcula, illinc com- preffo-fulcata, Receptaculo tetragono, li- bero, flexili feriatim affixa, fig. 7. ROOT perennial, full of flioots, with numerous fibres, fending ofi from the upper part ftoles of a confiderable thicknefs, which creeping un- der the furface of the ground, fpread widely and propagate the plant. STALK from three to fix feet high, upright, very much branched, round, fomewhat quadran- gular at bottom, hirfute, and purplifh: Bran- ches like the flalk, nearly upright. LEAVES betwixt oval and lanceolate, finely toothed at the edges, hirfute, half embracing the flalk, veiny, thofe on the branches a little twifted. FLOWERS large, (howy, of a purple colour, fome- what bell-fhaped, and hanging down a little. i CALYX: a Peri an thium placed above the Germen, upright, angular at the bafe, deeply divided into four fegments, which are oval and point- ? Ed, the bottom in the infide villous, Jig. i. COROLLA: four Petals inverfely heart-fhaped, emarginated, of a purple colour with a white bafe, and twice the length of the Calyx, Jig. 2. STAMINA: eight Filaments, four of which are'' fhorter than the others, white and tapering: Anthers oblong, bilocular, and yellowifh, fig- 3- PISTILLUM: Germen oblong, villous, placed be- low the Calyx, four-cornered and grooved, crowned with very minute glands: Style filiform, hanging down, and longer than the Stamina: Stigma thick, divided into four fegments, which are villous and rolled back, I fig-4. 5> 6- 1 SEED-VESSEL, a Capsule about three inches long, ■ obtufely four-cornered, and grooved, termi- * nated as in the Germen with glands, (lightly hirfute, having four cavities and four valves. ' SEEDS oval, pale brown, numerous, downy, viewed * with a magnifier on one fide convex and roughifh, on the other, flattifh and grooved, affixed in rows to a four-cornered, loofe, flexi- ; ble 7. The Lyjimachia Jiliquofa hirjutu magno flore, and the Lyjimachia hirfuta parvofiore of Bauhine, are confi- dered by Linnaeus as the fame fpecies. Mr. Ray, both in his Hiftoria Plantarum and Synopfis, confiders them as diflintl fpecies; and Mr Hudson, viewing them in the fame light, gives a new name to the larger flowering one, calling it ramofum, and retains the name of hirfutum for the fmaller flowering one; but as the larger flowering plant is the fpecies which Linnaeus has diftinguifhed by the name of hirfutum, there appears more propriety in adopting his name for the fpecies, and giving a new name to what he confiders as the variety. The fpecies here figured, grows very commonly in and by the fides of wet ditches, ponds, &c. riling gene- rally to the hight of five feet. It flowers in July and Auguft. A variety with a white flower fometimes occurs; and a fort with variegated leaves, is fold by the gardeners. Having a creeping root, it is very apt to increafe too much if not properly attended to. The leaves, when young, have a fhining appearance; and if bruifed, fend forth an agreeable fmell, whence its name of Codlings and Cream. Is it not a plant deferving the notice of the Farmer? If cattle are found to eat it, either green or dried, may it not be cultivated to advantage in wet fuuations, where other ufeful plants will not grow. Epilobium Villosum. Hoary Willow-Herb EPILOBIUM Linncei Gen. PI. Octandria Monogynia. Cal. 4-fidus. Petala 4. Capf. oblonga, infera. Sem. pappofa. RailSyn, Gen. 21. Herbm vasculifer.e flore tetrapetalo anomaly. EPILOBIUM villofum foliis oblongo-lanceolatis, dentatis, pubefcentibus, caule tereti villofo. EPILOBIUM hirfutum foliis lanceolatis ferratis fubdecurrentibus; inferioribus oppofitis, caule Tub fnnplici. Hudfon, FI. Ang. ed. 2. p. 162 LYSIMACHIA filiquofa hirfuta parvo flore. C. Bauhin. pin. 245. Prod. 116 LYSIMACHIA filiquofa hirfuta flore minore. I. B. 11. 906 LYSIMACHIA filiquofa fylveftris hirfuta. Parkivfon. Rail FUJI. PI. p. 85i. Syn. ed. 3. p. 311. The lefler hairy codded Loofeftrife or Willow-herb, with fmall flowers Lightfoot, FI. Scot. p. 198. var. hirfut. RADIX perennis, fibrofa. CAULIS pedalis ad tripedalem, fimplex, aut ramofus pro loco natali, teres, viLLofus. FOLIA oblongo-lanceolata, connata, non vero decur- rentia, rare dentata, dentibus glandulofis, mollia, pubefeentia, fubtus albida, patentia, in locis ficcioribus faepe erefta. FLORES parvi, purpurei. CALYX: Perianthium tetraphyllum, fuperum, fo- liolis ovato-lapceolatis, hirfutulis, fg. 1. COROLLA: Petala quatuor, obeordata, calyce duplo fere longiora. Jig. 2. STAMINA; Filamenta 06I0; fubulata, alterna bre- viora : Anthers ovales, compreflae, ob- tufae, fg. 3. PISTILLUM: G ermen cylindraceum, longiflimum: Stylus filiformis: Stigma craffum, quadri- fidum, laciniis vix vero revolutis, fg. 4. PERICARPIUM: Capsula praelonga, rubefeens. SEMINA plurima, pappo coronata. ROOT perennial and fibrous. STALK from one to three feet high, fimple or branch- ed according to its place of growth, round, hoary, and purplilh. LEAVES oblong and lanceolate, uniting at bottom around the ftalk, but not running down it, teeth at the edge few and glandular, foft, downy, underneath whitifh, fpreading, but in more dry fituations frequently upright. FLOWERS fmall and purple. CALYX: a Perianthium of four leaves, placed above the Germen, oval, pointed, and (light- ly hirfute, fg. i, COROLLA: four Petals inverfely heart-fhaped, ai- med; twice the length of the Calyx, fg, 2. STAMINA: eight Filaments, tapering, the four alternate ones Ihorteft: Anthers oval, flattened, and obtufe, Jig. 3. PISTILLUM: Germen cylindrical,very long; Style filiform: Stigma thick, divided into four fegments, which are fcarcely rolled back, fg- 4- SEED-VESSEL, a long Capsule, of a reddifh colour. SEEDS numerous, covered with a pappus or down. In three refpeffs does this plant particularly, and invariably, differ from the hirfutum; of which, as hath before been obferved, it is confidered by Linnmus and other writers, as a variety only; viz. in its blojfoms, root, and pubefcence; either of which would appear alone fufficient to conftitute it a diftind fpecies. The bloflbms in the firft place, are not in general more than one third as large; the root does not creep; and the ftalk and leaves are covered with numerous foft hairs, which give the whole plant a whitifh or hoary appear- ance, that is particularly ftriking. Befides thefe charafters, the plant is alfo much fmaller; and, in general, is not fo much branched. I have often gathered fpecimens of it not more than a foot in height, with a fimple ftalk; and have alfo frequently found it much higher, as well as much branched, when there was no reafon to fuppofe the plant had received any injury, which Mr. Hudson aflerts is always the cafe, when the plant occurs in the latter ftate. The Calyx and Stigma, differ alfo very materially in the two plants. It is very common with us on the banks of rivulets, and in watery places; and flowers in July and AugulL Ho particular qualities are afcribed to it, LO yy . yy (/OAi/v //((cm itu/oJM/h Epilobium TetragoQum. Square-Stalk’d Willow-Herb. EPILOBIUM Linnasi Gen. PI. Octandria Monogynia. Cal. q-fidus. Petala 4. Capf. oblonga, infera. Sevi, pappofa. Raii Syn. Gen. 22. Herbie vasculifera: flore tetrapetalo anomaly. EPILOBIUM tetragonum foliis lanceolatis denticulatis; caule tetragono; ftigmate integerrimo. EPILOBIUM foliis lanceolatis, denticulatis; imis oppofitis, caule tetragono. Lin. Syji. Veget ab, p. 297. Sp. Piant. 495. EPILOBIUM foliis lanceolatis, glabris, dentatis. Haller hifi. p. 426. n. 997. CHAMAlNERION tetragonum. Scppoli Flor. Carniol. p. 271. 454. LYSIMACHIA filiquofa glabra media live minor. Gerard emac. 479 LYSIMACHIA filiquofa glabra minor. Bauhin Pin. 245. Raii. Syn. p. 311. 5. Middle fmooth- leaved codded Willow-herb, or Loofeftrife. Hudfon FI. Angl. ed. 1. p. 141. ed. 2. p. 162 Light/oot FI. Scot. p. 198. RADIX perennis, fibrofa, fibris albidis, llolonibus quotannis reparata, non vero repens. ROOT perennial, fibrous, the fibres whitifh, repaired yearly by new fhoots, but not creeping. STALK upright, at top much branched, about two feet high, ftifF, at bottom purplifh, fmooth, and fomewhat fquare. CAULIS ere&us, fuperne valde ramofus, bipedalis, rigidus, inferne purpurafcens, fubtetragonus, laevis. FOLIA fubdecurrentia, unde caulis angulofus, infe- riora lanceolata, fuperiora lineari-lanceolata, ferrata, venofa, glabra. LEAVES fomewhat decurrent, whence the angular appearance of the ftalk ; the lower ones lan- ceolate ; the upper ones narrower, ferrated, veiny, and fmooth. FLORES parvi, purpurei. FLOWERS fmall and purple. CALYX: Perianthium quadripartitum, foliis lan- ceolato-acuminatis, pubefcentibus, carinatis, apicibus rufis. Jig. 1. CALYX: a Perianthium divided into four feg- ments, which are narrow and tapering to a point, downy, the midrib proje&ing on the under fide, the tips reddifh, fig, x. COROLLA : Petala quatuor, purpurea, venis fa- turatioribus fsepe llriata, calyce paulo lon- giora, emarginata. Jig. 2. COROLLA: four Petals, purple, often (Leaked with veins of adeeperco!our,fomewhatlonger than the calyx, with a notch at top, Jig. 2. STAMINA : Filamenta OCIO, quorum quatuor bre- viora: Anthers flavefcentes, fig. 3. STAMINA: eight Filaments, four long and four fliort: Anthers yellowifh, Jig. 3. PISTILLUM: G ermen tetragonum, pubefcens : Stylus brevis, albus: Stigma craflum, album, integerrimum, fig. 4, PISTILLUM: Germen fquare, downy: Style Ihort and white : Stigma thick, white, and perfcEily entire, Jig. 4. PERICARPIUM : Capsula longifiima, fere triun- cialis, pedunculis triplo brevioribus infidens. SEED-VESSEL : a very long Capsule, approach- ing to three inches, fitting on a flower-ftalk thrice as (hort. SEMINA plurima, pappofa. SEEDS numerous and downy. The prefent fpecies of Epilobium, takes its name of tetragonum from the apparent fquarenefs of its ftalk, which however is not fo completely fquare as that of the Hypericum quadrangulum, but aflumes rather an angular appearance, arifing, as in many other plants, from projeCling lines running from the leaves down the ftalk : this however is one of the moft ftriking characters of this fpecies : to which may be added the narrownefs of its leaves, the uncommon length of its pods, and its undivided ftigma*. Thefe are the pecu- liarities by which this plant may readily be diftinguifhed : but too much ftrefs muft hot be laid on fome of them. The breadth of a leaf, its being placed on a peduncle, or fitting clofe to the ftalk, are in general confidered as excellent fpecific characters ; but in this plant, as well as fome others, we have a proof of their fallibility; the leaves being fornetimes nearly as broad as thofe of the montanum, and placed on foot-ftalks of a confiderable length. When I firft accidentally met with this variety, I was led to conclude it to be a diftinCt fpecies; but a careful attention to it, afterwards convinced me it was only a variety. The Epilobium tetragonum is no uncommon plant with us ; but is generally to be met with in watery ditches, by the fides'of roads ; and where it does occur, it ufually abounds. Among a variety of other places, I have obferved it in the lane leading from Newington to Hornfey-Wood. It flowers with the other Willow-herbs The farmer has no reafon to complain of it: nor is it celebrated in the annals of phyfic. * T!lie Teems fir ft to have been noticed by Rav : his words are Stylus non utit} pratccdmtc quadrifidus efi. Hift. PI. p. 86i. & •/ /•■ , , jfutor/turn 's u //^ /p .//. .// (/?/uUOc// // J//y //// r/ /A/ //// m/ Epilobium Angustifolium. Rosebay Willow-Herb. EPILOBIUM Linntei Gen, PI, Octandria Monogynia. Cal. 4-fidus. Petala 4. Cap/, oblonga, infera. Sem. pappofa. Rail Syn, Gen. 22. Herbie vasculifer.e flore tetrapetalo anomaly. EPILOBIUM angujlifolium foliis fparfis lineari-lanceolatis, floribus inaequalibus. Linncei Syft, Vegetal?, p. 296. Sp. PL 347. EPILOBIUM flore difformi, foliis lanceolatis, tranfverfim nervofls. Haller hijl. n. 427 CHAMyENERION angujlifolium. Scopoli FI. Cam. Vol. I. p. 271. LYSIMACHIA fpeciofa, quibufdam onagra dicla filiquofa. Bauhin hifi. 11. go 6. LYSIMACHIAChamaenerion di6la anguflifolia. Bauhin. Pin. 245. RaiiSyn. 310. Rofebay Willow-herb Hudfon Flor. Ang.p. 140. Ligh foot Flor. Scot. p. 197. Oeder Dan. ic. 289. RADIX perennis, repens. CAULIS ereftus, tripedalis, adorgyalem, ramofiffimuSj teres, pubefcens, ramis alterne oppofitis. FOLIA lanceolata, alterna, fubdecurrentia, glabra, margine minute remoteque dentata, nervo medio albido. BRACTEAE, foliis fimiles. FLORES purpurei, fpeciofi, fubfpicati, raro ultra quatuor aut quinque una in eadem fpica flo- rentes. CALYX: PerIanthium tetraphyllum, fuperum, fo- liolis lanceolatis, coloratis, furfum curvatis, fig- i- COROLLA: Petala quatuor, purpurea, patentia, fubrotunda, emarginata, unguibus anguftis, Jig. 2, duobus inferioribus remotioribus. STAMINA: Filamenta o6fo, fubaequalia, purpu- rafcentia, primum deflexa, demum fubere&a, Piftillo breviora: Anthers rubrae, bilocula- res : Pollen viride, Jig. 3, 4. PISTILLUM : Germen inferum, oblongum, longi- tudine Styli, fubtetragonum, glandula coro- natum : Stylus filiformis, albus, prope bafin villofus: Stigma quadrifidum, magnum, la- ciniis villofis revolutis, Jig. 5, 6, 7. PERICARPIUM : Capsula cylindracea, incurvata, quadrilocularis, quadrivalvis. SEMINA numerofa, ftriata, pappo coronata Recepta- culolongiflimo tetragono, libero, flexili affixa, fig. 8, 9. ROOT perennial and creeping. STALK upright, from three to fix feet high, very- much branched, round, and pubefcent; the branches alternately oppofite. LEAVES lanceolate, alternate, running (lightly down the (talk, fmooth, the edge minutely and rarely indented, the midrib whitilh. FLORAL-LEAVES like thofe on the ftalk. FLOWERS purple, (hewy, growing in a kind of fpike, feldom more than four or five flowering together on the fame fpike. CALYX: Perianthium of four leaves, placed above the Calyx; the leaves lanceolate, coloured, and bending upwards. COROLLA: four roundifh Petals of a purple co- lour, fpreading, the claws narrow, fig. 2; the two lowermoft fomewhat remote from each other. STAMINA; eight Filaments, nearly of an equal length, of a purplifh colour, at firft bending down, finally becoming fomewhat upright, (horter than the Pifiillum: Anthers red, having two cavities; the Pollen green* fig- 3. 4- PISTILLUM: Germen below the Calyx, oblong, the length of the Style, (lightly quadrangular, crowned by a gland: Style filiform, white, villous towards the bottom : Stigma large, divided into four fegments, which are villous, and turn back, Jig. 5, 6, 7. SEED-VESSEL: a Capsule of a cylindrical form, fomewhat incurvated, of four cavities and ■ four valves. ' SEEDS numerous, firiated, crowned with a down* > and affixed to a very long, loofe, flexible Re- B, 9. In the third edition of Ray’s Synopfis, this plant is faid to have been found growing wild near Alton, in Hampjhire: in confirmation of this, I have myfelf found it growing in a wild unfrequented wood near the fame place. The fhewy appearance of its bloflbms, has long fince introduced it into our gardens ; where, by means of its creeping roots, it is apt to increafe more than is defirable : and from the refufe of gardens, we fufpecl thofe plants, which we have here and there noticed about town, have arifen. Mr. Hudson, in his Flora Anglica, mentions its growing on Maize Hill, beyond Greenzoich. It continues in bloflbm through July, Auguft, and September. Haller, from feveral authors, mentions, that the young (hoots are eatable, although an infufion of the plant ftupifies; that the pith alfo is eatable ; which when dried, is boiled, whence it becomes fweet, and by a proper procefs, affords good beer; as alfo vinegar: that it is alfo added to the Cow Parlnep, to enrich the fpirit which is prepared from that plant : that it likewife affords good fodder for cattle ; and the down of die feeds, mixed with beavers hair, has been manufaHured into feveral articles of clothing. It is too diftinft to be miflaken for any of the other fpecies; and is fometimes found with white flowers. Erica Cinerea. Fine-Leaved Heath. ERICA Linruzi Gen. PI. Octandria Monogynia. Cal. 4-phyllus. Cor. 4-fida. Filamenta receptaculo inferta. Antherce bifidae. Caps, 4-locularis. Raii Syn. Arbores et Frutices. ERICA cinerea foliis ternis glabris linearibus. ERICA cinerea antheris cridatis, corollis ovatis, dylo fubexerto, foliis ternis, digmate capitato. Linncei Syji. Veget ab. p. 303. ERICA humilis, cortice cinereo Arbuti flore. Bauhin. p. 486, ERICA virgata five VI. Clufii. Parkinfion 1483. ERICA tenuifolia Gerard emac. 1380. Raii Syn. p. 471, Fine-Leaved Heath. Hudfion FI. Angi, p. 144. Oeder Dan. icon. 38. RADIX perennis, lignofa. CAULES fuffruticofi, pedales, lignofi, cortice cine- reo, ramofi, ramis oppolitis. FOLIA terna, linearia, patentia, fupra glabra, nitida, tranfverfim rugofa, infra canaliculata, fatu- rate viridia. Jig. 1, 2. FLORES faturate purpurei, ta6lu fonori, fpicati, fpicis longis, verticiilato-glomeratis, termina- libus. CALYX Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lan- ceolatis, acuminatis, margine membranaceis, coloratis, perfidentibus, foliolis duobus acutis et multo minoribus ad bafin, Jig. 3, 3. COROLLA monopetala, ovata, ore quadrifido, la- ciniis obtufis, faepe emortuis, 4. STAMINA: Filamenta 06I0, fubulata, alba, Co- rolla breviora, receptaculo inferta; Anthers fubfagittatae, cohaerentes, biloculares, bicor- nes, cornubus laciniatis, ad bafin rubris, bi- foraminofae, Jig. 6, 7. PISTILLUM: G ermen cylindraceum, fulcatum ; Stylus fubulatus, purpureus, Corolla in- cludis, Staminibus longior; Stigma fubro- 8, 9, 10. PERICARPIUM Capsula fubrotunda, quadrilocu- laris, quadrivalvis. SEMINA plura, fubovata, fuperficie reticulata, Te- tralicis quadruplo majora. ROOT perennial and woody. STALKS (hrubby, about a foot high, woody ; the bark of an alh colour, branched; the branches oppolite. LEAVES growing three together, linear, fpreading, above fmooth and (dining, tranfverfely wrinkled; below hollow, of a deep-green colour, Jig. i, 2. FLOWERS of a deep-purple colour, fonorous when touched, growing in long, cludered, and whirled fpikes, which are terminal. CALYX : a Perianthium of four leaves, of a point- ed oval (hape, membranous at the edge, co- loured, continuing, with two pointed and much (mailer leaves at the bottom of them, fig- 3’ 5- COROLLA of one Petal, oval, the mouth divided into four fegments, which often occur wi- thered, continuing, Jig. 4. STAMINA: eight Filaments, tapering, white, (horter than the Corolla, inferted into the Receptacle: Anthers fomewhat arrow- (haped, adhering together, with two cavities open at top, and two little horns, which are jagged and red at bottom, fig. 6, 7. PISTILLUM : Germen cylindrical, grooved; Style tapering, purple, enclofed within the Co- rolla, but longer than the Stamina: Stigma roundilh, Jig. 8, 9, 10. » SEED-VESSEL a roundifh Capfule of four cavities and four valves. SEEDS feveral, of an oval (hape, the furface reticu- lated, four times larger than thofe of the Crofs-Leaved Heath. This fpecies of Heath, which produceth the mod (hewy flowers, grows generally with the Crofs-Leaved and Common Heath ; and flowers in July and Augud. As it grows to a pretty confiderable height, it is applicable to the fame ufes as the Common Heath. It is didinguifhed from the Crofis-Leaved Heath, by the finenefs, fmoothnefs, and deep-green colour of its leaves : its flowers alfo grow more in fpikes, and are of a deeper purple colour. y/ , S ,//?_ t />< Adoxa Moschatellina. Tuberous Moschatel. ADOXA Linncei Gen. PL Octandria Tetragynia. Cal 2-fldus, inferus. Cor, 4-f. 5-flda, fupera. Bacca 4-f. 5-locularis, calyce coalita. Raii Syn. Gen. 16. Herbie Baccifer^e. ADOXA Mofchatellina, Linncei Syft. Vegetab. p. 315. Sp. PL 527. FI. Suecic, p. 332, MOSCHATELLINA Haller hiji. 429. MOSCHATELLA Adoxa. Scopoli. FI. Carniol. p. 281. MOSCHATELLINA folds furnariae bulbofae. 1. B. 111, 206. RANUNCULUS nemorofus Mofchatella diclus. Parkinfion 226. RANUNCULUS nemorum Mofchatellina diftus. Bauhin Pin. 178. RADIX CAVA minima viridi flore. Gerard emac. 1091. Raii Syn. p. 268. Tuberous Mofchatel. Hudfon FI. Angl. ed. 2. p. 172 Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 209. Oeder FI. Dan. ic. 139. RADIX perennis, repens, dentata, alba. FOLIA radicalia tria aut quatuor, tri-ternata, incifa, glabra, lobis ovatis, mucronatis, caulina duo brevius petiolata, oppofita. CAULIS folia fuperans, fimplex, fubtetragonus. PEDUNCULUS quadrangularis, nudus, terminalis. CAPITULUM tetragonum, ex quatuor floribus ver- ticillatis, quinto terminali. CALYX: Per ianthium inferum, faepius triangu- lare, planum, perfidens, fig. 1. COROLLA monopetala, rotata, plana, quadrifida, aut quinquefida, laciniis ovatis, acutis, calyce longioribus, fig. 2, 3, 4. STAMINA: Filamenta 06I0 aut decem, fubulata, longitudine calycis: Anthers flavae,planae, orbiculatae, fig. 5. PISTILLUM: G e rmen fubrotundum, calyce cinc- tum: Styli plerumque quatuor, iimplices, ere£li, longitudine flaminum, perfidentes : Stigmata fimplicia, fig. 6. PERICARPIUM : Bacca globofa, viridis, quadrilo- cularis, cum calyce coalita, fig. 7. SEMINA folitaria, ovata, comprefla, fig. 8. ROOT perennial, creeping, toothed, and of a white colour. LEAVES : radical leaves commonly three or four, triply ternate, deeply cut in, fmooth, and fhining; the fegments or lobes oval, with a fhort point: thole ol the ftalk two in number, handing on fhorter foot-ftalks, and oppofite. STALK fomewhat taller than the leaves, fimple, and nearly fquare. FLOWER-STALK fquare, naked, and terminating the ftalk. HEAD fquare, from the union of four of the flowers, and terminated by the fifth. CALYX: a Perianthium placed beneath the ger- men, moft commonly triangular, flat, and i. COROLLA monopetalous, wheel-fhaped, flat, divi- ded into four or five fegments, which are oval, pointed, and longer than the calyx, fig- 2. 3’4• STAMINA: eight or ten Filaments, tapering, the length of the calyx : Anthers yellow, flat, and round, fig. 5. PISTILLUM: Ge rmen roundifh, furrounded by the calyx : Styles generally four, fimple, up- right, the length of the flamina, permanent: Stigmata fimple, Jig. 6. SEED-VESSEL : a round Berry of a green colour, having four cavities, and. united to the calyx, fig- 7- SEEDS fingle, oval, and flattened, fig, 8. Some of the ancient Botanifts conAdered this Angular plant as a Fumaria, others as a Ranunculus, from the appearance of its foliage ; but an attention to its fruHiAcation, (hews it to be a plant altogether fui generis. It is one of the bacciferous plants of Ray, but its berries are rarely produced, and not to be difeovered without a nice examination. It varies much in the diviAons of its Calyx and Corolla, as well as in the number of its Stamina, even in the terminal flower. In Charlton-Wood we And it abundantly, flowering in April and May, 7 7 Chrysosplenium Oppositifolium. Common Golden Saxifrage. CHRYSOSPLENIUM tinned Gen, PL Decandria DigyNia. Cal. 4~f. 5-fidus, coloratus. Cor. o. Cap/, 2-roftris, 1 lo* cularis, polyfperma. Rail Syn. Gen, 5. Herba: flore imperfecto seu stamineo vel apetalo POTIUS. CHRYSOSPLENIUM oppo/tifolium foliis oppofitis, Lin, Syjl, Veg, p. 342. Sp, Pl, 569. CHRYSOSPLENIUM foliis conjugatis. Haller, Hijt, No, 1549. SAXIFRAGA rotundifolia aurea. Bauhin Pin. p. 309. SAXIFRAGA aurea. Ger. emac. 841. Parkinfon 425. Raii Syn, 158. Golden Saxifrage. Hudfon FI. Angi, p, 156. Oeder FI, Ban, ic. 365. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 220. RADICES perennes, fibrofae, capillares. CAULES bafi repentes, quadrati, tenerrimi, erefti, palmares et ultra, pilis raris hirfuti; ramofi, fuperne dichotomi. FOLIA oppofita, connata, petiolata, patentia, fubro- tunda, pilis raris, albidis hirfuta, dentato- crenata, fubcarnofa, e flavo virefcentia, fubtus albida, fuprema profundius crenata. FLORES flavi, fefliles, fummis ramis infidentes, co- rymb ofi, faftigiati. CALYX: Perianthium quadripartitum, rarius quin- quepartitum, patens, flavum, perfiflens; la- ciniis ovatis, fubaequalibus, jig% 1, 2. COROLLA nulla. STAMINA: Filamento o&o (in fupremo flore de- cem aliquando obfervantur) Tubulata, erefta, longitudine fere calycis: Anthersdidymae, fubrotundae, flavae, fig. 3, 4. NECTARIUM fquamula crenulata germen cingens, fig- 5- PISTILLUM: Germen inferum, definens in Stylos duos, Tubulatos, longitudine flaminum: Stig- mata obtufa, Jig. 6. PERICARPIUM: Capsula biroflris, bipartita, uni- locularis, bivalvis, calyce viridi cin6la. SEMINA plurima, rhinuta, aurantiaca. ROOTS fibrous, capillary, and perennial* STALKS creeping at bottom, fquare, very tender* upright, about four inches in height, befet with a few ftiffilh hairs, branched, and fork- ed at top. LEAVES oppofite, connate, {landing on foot-ftalks, fpreading, of a roundifh figure, befet with a few white fliffifh hairs, indented or crenated at the edges, fomewhat flefhy, of a yellowifh green colour, but whitifli underneath ♦ the uppermoft leaves more deeply notched. FLOWERS yellow, fefiile, fitting on the tops of the branches, forming a corymbus perfedlly fiat at top. CALYX: a PERiANTHiuMdividedintofourfegments* feldom into five, fpreading, of a yellow colour* and continuing; the fegments ovate, and nearly equal, Jig. i, 2. COROLLA wanting. STAMINA: eight Filaments (in the top flower ten are fometimes obfervable) tapering, up- right, almofl the length of the calyx : An- thers double, roundifh, and yellow, jig. 3,4. NECTARY a fcale with a crenated edge, furrounding the germen. Jig, 5. PISTILLUM: G ermen placed below the calyx, end- ing in two tapering Styles, the length of the Stamina : Stigmata blunt, Jig, 6, SEED-VESSEL : a Capsule having two beaks or horns, dividing in the middle, of one cavity, and two valves, furrounded by a green Calyx. SEEDS numerous, minute, of an orange colour. The ancient Botanifts fliewed no fmall botanic difeernment in confidering this plant as a Saxifraga; and although in Ariel propriety it may be neceffary to form a different genus of it, yet its affinity muft be con- fefled to be very great. The part which Linnaeus calls the Receptaculum angulatum} appears to be more properly a kind of Neda* riinn; the Stamina proceed from beneath, not out of it. As the terminal flower in this plant is rarely divided into more than four fegments, and has only eight Stamina, it would perhaps be more proper to place it in the clafs Octandria. It grows in great abundance in the boggy part of Charlton-Wood; and flowers in April. The feeds ripen in May. Authors are filent as to its ufeful or noxious qualities. U8 /< / ' / . .... •/■! Saxifraga Tridactylites. Rue-Leaved Saxifrage. SAXIFRAGA Linncei Gen. PL Dec and ri a D igynia. Cal. 5-partitus. Cor. 5-petala. Capf. 2-roftris, i-locularis, poly- fperma. Rail Syn, Gen. 24. Herbal vasculifer.e. SAXIFRAGA tridaffylites foliis caulinis cuneiformibus trifidis alternis, caule ere&o ramofo. Lin. Syfi. Vcgetab.p. 344. Sp. PL. p. 578. FL Suecic. p. 143. SAXIFRAGA foliis petiolatis trilobatis caule erefto ramofo et foliofo. Haller Hijl. helv. p. 422. n. 986. SAXIFRAGA trida&ylites. Scopoli FL Carniol. p. 237. n. 500. SEDUM tridaclylites te&orum. Banhin Pin. 285 PARONYCHIA rutaceo folio. Gerard emac. 624 PARONYCHIA foliis incilis. Parkinfon 556, SAXIFRAGA verna annua humilior. /. R. H, 252. Raii Syn. p. 354, Rue Witlow-grafs. Hudfon FL Angi. p. 159. ed. 2. 182. Lightfoot FL Scot.p. 224. RADIX annua, fibrofa. ■ ROOT annual and fibrous. STALK generally about three inches high, upright, round, of a bright red colour, branched and 1 covered (as alfo the leaves and calyx) with hairs having glands at their extremities. r LEAVES : the bottom leaves entire and roundifh; thofe of the Italic as they afcend, are deeply i, divided into two, three, or five fegments, fomewhat flefhy, rigid, and fpreading, fitting on flattened foot-flalks longer than the leaves; the uppermoft leaves feflile, divided into two fegments, or entire, of an oval pointed fhape, [ and nearly upright. \ FLOWERS white, fmall, and upright, • CALYX: a Perianthium of one leaf, fhort, and divided into five fegments, which are oval, \ pointed, and upright, fig. i. | COROLLA: five fmall Petals, a little longer than the fegments of the calyx, oval, blunt, and fpreading, narrowed at bottom, and fpotlefs, ! fig- 2. £ I STAMINA: ten Filaments, tapering towards the 1 top: Anthers roundifh and 3. V. I PISTILLUM : Germen placed below the calyx and I covered by it, of a roundifh fhape, and ter- minating in two fhort Styles : the Stig- i MATA villoUS, 4, I SEED-VESSEL a roundifh Capsule of two cavities J and two beaks, the mouth oval, open, and > entire. K v \ SEEDS very minute, of a blackifh browm colour. CAULIS plerumque triuncialis, ereftus, teres, ruber- rimus, ramofus, pilis glanduliferis veftitus ut ut folia cum calycibus. FOLIA ima integra, fubrotunda, caulina ficut afcen- dunt bipartita, tripartita aut quinquepartita, fubcarnofa, rigida, patentia, petiolis foliis longioribus complanatis infidentia, fuprema felfilia, bipartita aut fimplicia, ovato-lanceo- lata fubere£la. FLORES albi, eredi, parvi. CALYX: Perianthium monophyllum, quinque- partitum, breve, laciniis ovato-acutis, fub- eredis, Jig. i. COROLLA : Petala quinque exigua, laciniis calycis paulo longiora, ovata, obtufa, patentia, bafi angulla, immaculata, fig. 2. STAMINA: Filamenta decem, fubulata: Anthe- rs fubrotundse, 3. PISTILLUM: G ermen inferum, calyce obte6lum, fubrotundum, definens in Stylos duos bre- ves : Stigmata villofa. Jig, 4. PERICARPIUM : Capsula fubrotunda, bilocularis, biroftris, ore aperto, ovali, integro, SEMINA minima, nigricantia. In the months of April and May, this little plant fucceeds the Draha verna, and is no fmall ornament to the tops of our walls. It grows alfo on houfes, and among rubbilh. It varies in fize from one to fix inches, or even more in particular fituations : the larger it grows, the more branched it becomes, and the more numerous are the divifions of its leaves: on the contrary, in its fmall ftate, the ftalk is frequently fimple, and the leaves undivided. Its medical virtues, if any, are not fufficient to preferve it in the prefent praftice* 129 / ■ //# ■ y *jfevu>?iarfa- ry/nvy/„//.j Saponaria Officinalis. Sopewort. SAPONARIA Lin. Gen. PL Decandria Digynia. CaL i-phyllus, nudus. Petala 5, unguiculata. Capfi. oblonga, i-locularis. Rail Syn. Herbie vasculifer^e. SAPONARIA officinalis, calycibus cylindricis foliis ovato-lanceolatis. Lin. £y/?. Vegetal?, p. 347. P/. 584. SAPONARIA foliis ovato-lanceolatis, trinerviis; floribus tubulofis, umbellatis. Haller hiji. helv. n. 980. LYCHNIS officinalis. Scopoli. FI. Carniol. p. 303. n. 510. SAPONARIA major laevis. Bauhin. pin. 206, SAPONARIA Ger. emac. 444. SAPONARIA vulgaris. Parkinfon. 641 LYCHNIS Saponaria diCla. Raii Syn. p. 339. Common Sopewort. Hudfon FI. Angl. p. 339 Oeder. FI. Dan. icon. 543. RADIX perennis, cortice rubente tefta, profunde de- < fcendens, lateque reptans, gemmis vivacibus } inftrufta, hinc tritici repentis aemulus, ex \ hortis difficillime extirpatur. CAULES pedales et ultra, ere&i, rigidi, teretes, fub- * rubentes, geniculati, fuperne ramofi, ramis • oppofitis. i FOLIA ovato-lanceolata, connata, brachiatim oppo- j fita, glabra, trinervia, patentia. FLORES terminales, fubumbellati, carnei. J CALYX: Perianthium monophyllum, tubulofum, ] bafi intropreflum, fcabriufculum, oblongum, , quinquedentatum, Jig. i. COROLLA: Petala quinque; ungues zugutW,angu- ’ lati, calyce paulo longiores, Jig. 3, 4 ; limbus ■ planus, obcordatus, bafi bidentatus, Jig. 3. STAMINA: Filamenta decem,fubulata, longitudine tubi corollae, alterna unguibus petalorum in- ferta: Anther.e oblongae, 5. PISTILLUM: G ermen oblongum, teretiufculum, tranfverfe rugofum, viride: Styli duo. Tu- bulati, albi: Stigmata 6, 7,8. PERICARPIUM : Capsula oblonga, unilocularis, longitudine calycis, ventricofa, calyce te£la, ore quadridentato, jig. 9. SEMINA plurima, nigricantia, reniformia, fuperficie granulata, Jig. 10, 11. ROOT perennial, covered with a reddifh colour bark, ftriking deep into the ground, and fpreading wide, furniflied with living buds, whence, like Couch-Grafs, it is with the greateft difficulty rooted out of gardens. STALKS a foot or more in height, upright, rigid, round, of a reddilh colour, jointed, at top branched, the branches oppofite. LEAVES of an oval pointed ffiape, connate, alter- nately oppofite, fmooth, with three ribs, and fpreading. FLOWERS terminal, forming a kind of umbell, flefh coloured. CALYX: a Perianthium of one leaf, tubular, preffed in at the bafe, roughiffi, oblong, with five teeth, Jig. i. COROLLA: five Petals, the claws narrow, angu- lar, a little longer than the Calyx, Jig. 3. 4 ; the limb flat, inverfely heart-fhaped, furniffied at bottom with two little teeth. Jig. 3. STAMINA: ten Filaments, tapering, the length of the tube of the Corolla ; the alternate ones inferted into the claws of the petals : Anthe- R£ oblong, of a pale 5. PISTILLUM: Germen oblong, roundilh, tranfverfly wrinkled, and green: Styles two, taper- ing, and white ; Stigmata Ample, Jig. 7. 8- SEED-VESSEL: an oblong Capsule of one cavity, the length of the Calyx, bellying out, cover- ed with the Calyx ; the mouth having four teeth, jig.9. SEEDS numerous, blackiffi, kidney ffiaped, the fur- face granulated, Jig. 10, n. The name of Sopewort has been given to this plant, from its anfwering, in a confiderable degree, the purpofes of fope, forming like it, a lather with water, and taking out fpots of greafc, &c. from cloth in the fame manner ; whence it has been called the Fuller s-herh. Some botanifts are ready to doubt whether this herb be a native of Great-Britain ; but the teftimonies of Gerard and Ray, appear fufficient to confirm it as fuch. Being often cultivated in gardens, on account of its beauty, it is no doubt often found among the refufe of gardens ; and the plants which we have here and there met with in a few places about town, may probably have been of this kind. It is faid naturally to grow in moift fituations ; and flowers during the months of July, Auguft, and September» There are feveral varieties of it cultivated in the gardens, from the perfe£lly white to the deep purple bloflbm’d, both Angle and double ; as alfo that Angular variety the Saponaria concava anglica of Bauhin and Morison, in which the leaves furround the flalk, and the bloflbm becomes monopetalous, but generally fplit, and deftitute of the other parts of the fruftification ; found originally by Gerard, in a fmall grove of a wood called the Spiney, near Lichharrow, in Northamptonfiire; where, according to the teftimony of Morton, hiji, nat. agr. North. it is no longer to be found ; and which variety appears more like a lufus naturae, as Ray confiders it, than a mule plant, produced betwixt a Gentian and the Sopewort, as Linnaeus firft fuggefted. All thefe varieties are eafily cultivated : indeed much care is required, that they do not fpread too much in the garden. A deco&ion of the dried herb, does not form a lather fo well as that of the frefli herb. A decodlion of the dried root, makes a lather exa6lly like a folution offope, but not fo flippery ; Berg• Mat. Med. Greafe and dirt were walked out with it, but not ftains ; idem. The root tailed not bitter, but fweet; afterwards warm and biting in the throat; Rutty Mat. Med. The tafte of the leaves bitter, mucilaginous, flightly auftere, and acrid, and if chewed long, quite acrid: the deco6lion alfo bitter, and auftere ; but not changed by vitrol of iron ; idem. The watery infufion of the dried herb, fuddenly became of a blackifli green colour, by the addition of vitriol of iron ; but not the infufion of the root; Bergius. In baths and lotions, it has been made ufe of to cleanfe and beautify the Ikin ; idem. Internally the deco6lion of the whole herb is fudorific, and promotes the menfes ; idem. If the deco£lion be very ftrong, it proves purgative ; idem, ex Mangeto. The leaves and root are made ule of in the afthma: half a dram of the root taken with honey, promotes expectation ; idem. In the jaundice, chronic difeafes, and obftruclions of the vifcera, it has been recommended by Boer have ; Haller hifi. helv. By others it has been recommended in venereal and fcrophulous difeafes, particularly in the former by Stahl. who deemed it fuperior to Sarfaparilla ; Newmans Chem. by Lewis. y/V V>', \ -ey/surr;ra ' , s(c(r,f/tYr/ ' TT ' Stellaria Holostea. The greater Stichwort. STELLARIA Linncei Gen. PL Decandria Trigynia, Cal.s-phyllus, patens. Petal.bipartita. Capf. i-locularis,polyfperma. RaiiSyn.Gen. 24. Herbie vasculifer^e. STELLARIA Holo flea foliis lanceolatis ferrulatis, petalis bifidis. Lin. Syjt. Vegetab. p, 352. FI. Suec. p. 150. ALSINE foliis gramineis ciliatis. Haller Hiji. No. 884. STELLARIA Holojlea. Scopoli FI. Carniol, p. 314. CARYOPHYLLUS holofteus arvenfis glaber flore majore. Bauhin Pin. 210. GRAMEN leucanthemum, Gerard emac. 47. Parkinfon. 1325. RaiiSyn. 346. The Greater Stichwort. Hudfon FI. AngL p. 166. RADIX tenui et inbrma radicula, fummo cefpite ge- niculata reptat, demiflis tamen altius bbris. ROOT weak, {lender, and jointed, creeps on the furface oF the ground, fending down fibres to a confiderable dillance. STALKS feveral, growing thickly together, upright, a foot high, fquare, jointed, roughifh, brit- tle, very (lender at bottom. LEAVES narrow and pointed, at their bafes (lightly uniting, fomewhat fluff, underneath keel- fhaped, ferrated at the edges, or rather edged with very fine ftiff hairs or bridles ; the up- per leaves growing fomewhat upright, the edges turning back, of a bluifli green colour; the lower leaves more numerous, (horter, bending back, and of a yellow colour. FLOWERS white, (landing on long rough foot- (lalks, and proceeding from the forked divi- fion of the (lalk. CALYX : a Perianthium of five leaves, of an oval pointed fhape, hollow, edged, fmooth, fpread- ing, and continuing, Jig. i. COROLLA: five white Petals, large, divided at top, heart-fhap'ed, rib’d, green at bottom, fpreading, Jig. 2. STAMINA : ten white Filaments, tapering, fhorter than the corolla, the alternate ones furnifhed at bottom with a yellowifh gland: Anthers yellow, oblong, fitting on the filaments, Jig. 3. PISTILLUM: Germen roundifh : Styles three, thread-fhaped, fpreading : Stigmata blunt- i!h, fig. 4. SEED-VESSEL a roundifh membranous Capsule, of one cavity and fix valves, fig. 6. SEEDS for the mofi part five or fix, largifh, of a deep orange colour and beautifully notched, fig. 7. CAULES plures, denfe nafcuntur, erefti, pedales, quadrati, geniculati, fcabriufculi, fragiles, bab pertenues. FOLIA lanceolato-acuminata, fubconnata, rigidula, inferne carinata, ferrulata, feu potius fetis rigidiufculis ciliata, fuperiora adfcendentia, marginibus revolutis, e coeruleo-virefceniia, inferiora crebriora, breviora, deorfum flexa, flava. FLORES albi, longis petiolis fcabriufculis inbdentes, e dichotomia caulis prodeuntes. CALYX : Perianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis ova- to-lanceolatis, concavis, marginatis, laevibus, patentibus, perbitentibus, Jig. i. COROLLA: Petala quinque, magna, bipartita, obcordata, alba, nervofa, bab virefcentia pa- tentia, Jig. 2. STAMINA: Filamenta decem, alba, fubulata, co- rolla breviora, alterna glandula bavefcenti ad babn inftru&a: Anthers flavae, oblongae, inbdentes, Jig. 3. PISTILLUM: G ermen fubrotundum : Styli tres, bliformes, patentes: Stigmata obtufa^g.q. PERICARPIUM: Capsula fubrotunda, membrana- cea, unilocularis, fexvalvis, fig. 6. SEMINA plerumque quinque aut fex majufcula,auran- tiaca, reniformia, pulchre crenulata, fig. 7. The Stellaria Holoflea grows very common with us, and with its white delicate blofforas enlivens our woods and banks early in the Summer. Its feeds are very beautiful, and like the duckweed, but larger. A very pretty Moth, called by Aurelians Leajt Yellow Underwing, whole hidory is unknown, is by them frequently caught hovering over the flowers of this plant when the fun fhines flrong. Knu 7 / / Oxalis Acetoseua. Wood-Sorrel. OXALIS Linnod Gen. PI. Decandria Pentagynia. Cal. 5-phyllus. Petala unguibus connexa. Capf, angulis dehifcens, 5-gona, RaiiSyn.Gen. 18. Herbie fructu sicco singulari flore monopetalo. OXALIS Acetofella fcapo unifloro, foliis ternatis obcordatis, radice dentata. Linncei Syji, Vegetab. p. 360. Sp. Pl. p. 620. FI. Suecic. n. 406. OXYS fcapo unifloro, foliis ternatis, radice fquamofo-articulata. Haller, hijl. p. 402. OXYS Acetofella. Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 561. TRIFOLIUM acetofum vulgare. Bauhin Pin. 330. Parkinfon, 746. OXYS alba. Ger. emac. 1201. ACETOSELLA et Lujula feu Alleluja Offic. Raii Syn. p. * 281, Wood-Sorrel. Hudfon FI. Angi, p. 173. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 238. RADIX perennis* horizontalis, fquamofo-dentata, ru- ' berrima. FOLIA terna, obcordata, ex flavo-virefcentia, fubtus faepe purpurea, pilis raris adfperfa, petiolis longis inlidentia, PETIOLI palmares, ere&iufculi, teneri, e bulbillo vaginante prodeuntes, ad bafm ruberrimi, teretes* fuperne ad unum latus fulcati, FLORES albi aut carnei, venis rubris eleganter ftriati. SCAPI uniflori, longitudine foliorum, braftaeis duabus ovato-acutis vaginantibus prope apicem in~ flru&i. CALYX t Pe rianthium quinquepartitum, breve, perfiflens, maculis purpureis faepe notatum, laciniis obtufiufculis margine membranaceis, fig* i. COROLLA : Petala quinque, unguibus paululum incurvatis receptaculo affixa, et paulo fupra ungues cohaerentia, obtufa, fubcrenata, bafl flavedine tin6la. Jig. 2. STAMINA: Filamenta decem, erefta, alba, quin- que exteriora breviora, Jig. 3,4: Anthera: flavefcentes, biloculares, Jig. 5. PISTILLUM : Germen quinquangulare, viride: Styli quinque capillares, flaminibus paulo longiores: Stigmata obtufa, fig. 6, 7» PERICARPIUM 1 Capsula fubovata, pentagona, maculata, quinquelocularis, angulis longitu- dinaliter dehifc-entibus, Jig. 8, 8. SEMINA : tria in fmgulo loculamento, cordata, per longitudinem ftriata, utrinque convexa, rufa, Arillo nitido albo elaftico inclufa, quo difl rupto ejiciuntur* Jig. 9, 9. ROOT perennial, horizontal, fcaly, and of a bright red colour. LEAVES growing three together, inverfely heart- fhaped, or a yellowilh green colour, frequent- ly purple underneath, befet with a few hairs, and fitting on long foot-ftalks. LEAF-STALKS about three inches long, nearly up- right, tender, proceeding from a little bulb which forms a kind of fheath to it; at bottom very red and round; the upper part grooved on one fide. FLOWERS white or flefh-coloured, and elegantly ftreaked with red veins. FLOWER-STALK, fupporting a fingle bloffom, the length of the leaves, furnilhed near the top with two oval pointed Bra&ese, which partly furround it. CALYX: a Perianthium deeply divided into five fegments, fhort and permanent, often fpotted with purple; the fegments bluntilh, and membranous at the edges, fig. i. COROLLA: five Petals, affixed to the receptacle by the claws, which bend a little inward, juft above the claws adhering together, blunt, (lightly crenated, and tinged at bottom with yellow, fig. 2. STAMINA: ten Filaments, upright and white, the five exterior ones (horteft, fig. 3, 4; An- thers yellowiffi, and bilocular, Jig. 5. PISTILLUM : a Germen, four cornered and green : Styles five, very (lender, and a little longer than the Stamina: Stigmat a blunt,fig, 6,7. SEED-VESSEL: a Capsule fomewhat oval, five cornered, fpotted, with five cavities, the an- gles burfting longitudinally, Jig. 8, 8. ► SEEDS: three in each cavity, heart-ffiaped, and grooved longitudinally, convex on both fides, of a bright reddiffi brown colour, and enclofed within a ffiining white elaftic Arillus, which \ burfting, they are thrown out, Jig. 9, 9. In this little plant, there is a delicacy of ftrufture fuperior to what weobferve in mod: there are Tome cir- cumftances alfo in the ceconomy of the plant not lefs worthy our attention ; and which, I believe, have not hitherto been noticed. The firft of thefe is the fame procefs, with refpedl to the plants feeding, which we obferve in the violets. If this plant be attentively obferved, it will be found to continue producing feed-veflels ♦ and feeds, during the greateft part of the fummer, without any appearance of expanded blofloms, which ai£ only obfervable at one°particular feafon of the year. As foon as the plant has done flowering, the flower-ftalk, as in many other plants, bends down ; and when the feed is ripe, again becomes upright. The fecond is, if thefe feed-veflels, when ripe, are (lightly prefled, they open at the angles, and the feeds are thrown out at the apertures; but not from any elafticity in the capfule itfelf, which continues unchanged : but the caufe of their propulfion is a ftrong white fhining arillus, which covers the feed, and which burfting, by its elaflicity throws the feeds to a confiderable diftance. ... There are but few woods about us in which the Wood~SoTTel does not occur. It will not grow in a garden unlefs it has (hade. April and May are the months in which it flowers. It is faid to vary with blueifh and purple-coloured bloflbms. ... . The leaves in wet weather, are expanded; but in dry weather they droop ; Finnczi Fl. Succic. x hey are alfo faid, by fome authors, to manifeft a degree of fenfibility on being (truck. Pofleliing a very giateful acid tafle, fuperior to common Sorrel, they have been ufed as an antifeptic medicine, in malignant fevers, the (curvy, and all thofe difeafes in which acids are indicated. Ihe only form at prefent in ufe, is a conferve of the leaves . but the fyrup, infuflon, and juice of the leaves, and the leaves themfelves, have been ufed indifferently. The eflential fait, extrafted from it by cryftallization, is made ufe of for taking out iron moulds and fpots of ink from linen '. for this purpole, the (fained part is dipped in water, fprinkled with a little 01 the powdered fait, then rubbed on a pewter plate, after which the fpot is waffled out with warm water; Newmans Chcm. i by Fcwts. Twenty pounds of frefh Sorrel leaves yielded fix pounds of juice; from which were obtained two ounces, two drams, and one fcruple of cryftalline fait; ibid. f According to experiments made by Dr. Fobb, a piece of human calculus was diflolved in the juiL.e o< this plant in nine days; Rutty s Mat. Med. Lychnis Dioica flore rubro. Red Campion LYCHNIS Linncd Gen. PL Decandria Pentagynia. haec fpecies vero dioica eft. Cal. i-phyllus, oblongus, laevis. Petala 5 unguiculata. Limbo fubbiftdo. Capf. 5-locularis. Raii Syn. Gen, 24. Herbie vasculiteras. LYCHNIS dioica floribus dioicis. Linnati Syjl. Vegetal, p. 362. FI. Snecic. p. 156. Sp, PL p. 626 LYCHNIS floribus fexu diftinHis. Haller hift, n. 923 LYCHNIS dioica. Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 530. LYCHNIS fylveftris five aquatica purpurea fimplex. Baukin. Pin. 204. LYCHNIS fylveftris flore rubro. Parkinfon 631. LYCHNIS fylveflris rubello flore. .Gerard emac, 469. Raii Syn. 339. Red Flowered Wild Campion. Fludfon FL AngL 174. RADIX perennis, minimi digiti craflitudine, alba, fa- pore fubacri et amaro, fibris multis donata. CAULES ex una radice plures, erefti, pedales, aut tri- pedales etiam, teretes, hirfuti, geniculati, pur- purei, geniculis incraffatis, ramofi, ramis fu- perioribus dichotomis. FOLIA oppofita, connata, ovato-acuminata, hirfuta, fubnervofa. CALYX: Perianthium monophyllum, tubulofum, hirfutum, firiatum, purpureum, quinqueden- tatum, perfidens, Jig. i ; in feminea turgi- dior, Jig. 2. COROLLA: Petala quinque obcordata, purpurea, patentia, Jig. 3 ; ad bafin lamina, unguiculse obtufse, bifidae aut quadrifidae, Jig. 4. STAMINA ; Filamenta decem, fubulata, alba, quo- rum quinque longiora: Anthers flavef- centes, fig. 5. PISTILLUM : Germen ovatum : Neciario ad bafm cindlum, 6: Styli quinque longi: albi: villofi : Stigmata firaplicia, fig, 7. PERICARPIUM : Capsula unilocularis, ore decem- dentato, Jig. 8. SEMINA plurima, cana, fcabriufcula, Jig. 9. ROOT perennial, the thicknefs of the little finger, white, of a flightly acrid and bitter tafte, fur- nifhed with numerous fibres. STALKS feveral from one root, upright, from one to three feet high, round, hirfute, jointed, purple, the joints fwelled, branched, the uppermofl branches forked. LEAVES oppolite, connate, oval-pointed, hirfute, and flightly nervous. CALYX: a Perianthium of one leaf, tubular, hairy, flriated, purple, having five teeth, and continuing, fig. 1 ; in the female more turgid. Jig.2. COROLLA: five purplifh heart-fhaped Petals, fpreading, Jig. 3 : at the bottom of the la- mina or broad part of the petal, are two or four fmall upright white blunt leaves, or additional petals, fig. 4. STAMINA: ten white tapering Filaments, of which five are longer than the others; Anthers yellowifh, Jig. 5. PISTILLUM: Germen oval, furrounded by a Nec- tary zx. bottom, Jig, 6: Styles five, long and white: Stigmata fimple. Jig. 7. SEED-VESSEL a Capsule of one cavity, the mouth having ten teeth, Jig. 8. SEEDS numerous, grey and rough, Jig. 9. The Lychnis tribe in general produce both Stamina and Styles in the fame flower ; but in this fpecies we fee a remarkable inflance of the capricious inconflancy of nature, who feems to fpurn the fetters of fyflematic diflindlion, and laughs at man’s attempt of fubjecling her to particular rules; for here the Stamina and Styles grow on feparate plants ; yet they are placed by Linnaus in his Clafs Decandria. What could he have done in this cafe ? Had he placed it under Monoecia, he would have feparated plants evidently of the fame genus : {fill, however, it may be faid, he would have made the invefligation of the plant eafier to the botanic ftudent; nor would it have been the only inflance where plants nearly fimilar are difunited, as in the Anthoxanthum and Holcus, which evidently belong to the Grades, yet are in feparate Claffes. Exclufive of this lingular variation with regard to the fex, there is a no lefs remarkable difference with refpeft to the colour of the flowers in different plants; forne being conflantly white and others as conftantly red ; this with fome other circumftances relative to the two plants, has led me to fufpe6f that they are not varieties, but diflincl fpecies : cultivation and further attention to them, will enable me to fpeak of this with more certainty. J The red fort here figured, grows in great abundance in moifl fhady ditches and by the fides of hedges, and fometimes in woods. It flowers in May and June. Both the white and red are cultivated when double, and called by the Gardeners about town Batchelors Buttons, a name which feems with more propriety to belong to fome of the double flowering Crowfoots, as the Ranunculus acris and aconitifolius. The Aurelians, or thofe who collect Infedls of the Moth and Butterfly kind, frequently catch the Sfiliinx porcellus, or fmall Elephant Hawk Moth, on the flowers of this plant in the evening, and where it grows in abundance. The feeds are liable to be eaten within the feed-veffel, in July and Augufl, by a Caterpillar which produces a brownijh coloured Moth, not figured/ nor I believe hitherto noticed by any Entomologifl. c. -/f/Ut)z/vy/v/ / Ceraftium Semidecandrum. Lea ft Moufe-Ear Chickweed. CERASTIUM tinned Gen. PI. Decandria Pentagynta. Cat. 5-phyllus. Petala bifida. Cap/, unilocularis, apice dehifeens. Raii Syn. Gen. 24. Herb/e vascumferas. CERASTIUM fiemidecandrum floribus pentandris, petalis emarginatis. Lin. Syjl. Vegetal, p. 362. Sp. PL. 627. Ft. Suecic. n. 416. MYOSOTIS caule fimplici, folds ovatis, hirfutis, tubis ternis. Halter, hijl. n. 894. CENTUNCULUS fernidecander. Scopoii. Ft, CarnioL n. 549. MYOSOTIS arvenfis hirfuta minor. Vaillant. tab. 30. Jig. 2. CERASTIUM hirfutum minus parvo flore. Raii Syn. ed. 3. t. xv.fig. 1. Hudfon. ed. 2 ,p. 200. Light,p. 241. RADIX annua, fibrofa, albida. CAULIS in locis ficciffimis (implex, biuncialis, erec- tus; fbepius vero ramofus, aut pluribus cau- liculis compofitus, ficut in icone exprimitur; primo vere cauliculi fupra muros aut terram expanduntur, tandem fubere6li, triunciales, aut etiam femipedales fiunt, colore purpu- rafcente, et pilis glanduliferis vefliti. FOLIA radicalia oblongo-ovata, prope apicem dila- tata, acuta, punclo rufo terminata, bafi an- guflata, connata, leviufcula, medio per lon- gitudinem fulcata, caulina ovata, villofa. BRACTETl. duae, concavae, vifcofse, membrana mar- ginatae, fub fingula dichotoraia caulis. FLORES albi, pedunculati, fubcorymbofi. PEDUNCULI villofi, ad bafm paululum incralfati, fiorefeente planta longitudine calycis, eredli; pera61a florefeentia deorfum fleftuntur, et du- plo longiores evadunt, demum eriguntur. CALYX*. Perianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis lan- ceolatis, membrana acuminata Corolla lon- giore terminatis, vifcofis, fig. 1, 2. COROLLA; Petala quinque, oblonga, calyce bre- viora, apice acute emarginata, faepe erofa, fig- 3.4- , . STAMINA: Filamenta plerumque quinque iub- inde fex, raro plura, alba, Corolla breviora: Anthers fubrotundae, 5. PISTILLUM: Germen ovatum: Styli quinque, capillares, albi, villofi: Stigmata fimplicia, fig- 6’7- PERICARPIUM: Capsula membranacea, fcanofa, quinquenervis, ore decemdentato, Jig. 8. SEMINA plurima, minima, ovata, 9, 10. ROOT annual, fibrous, of a whitifh colour. STALK in very dry places is fnnple, upright, and about two inches high; but more commonly is branched, or compofed of numerous fmall flalks, as expreffed in the figure: thefe early in the fpring, are expanded on the walls or earth, finally become nearly upright, three inches, or fometimes even fix inches high, of a purplifh colour, and covered with hairs, having glands at their extremities. LEAVES near the root of an oblong oval fhape, dilated near the top, terminating in a fharp red point, narrower towards the bafe, and uniting around the flalk, nearly fmooth, and grooved down the middle*, thofe of the flalk oval and villous. FLOR.AL-LEAVES two, hollow, vifcous, and edged with a membrane, placed under each divi- fion of the flalk. FLOWERS white, (landing on foot-flalks, and form- ing a kind of Corymbus. FLOWER-STALKS villous, and thickened a little at bottom, while the plant is in flower the length of the Calyx, and upright, the flower- ing over they are bent backward, and become twice as long, finally they again become up- right. CALYX: a Perianthium of five leaves, lanceolate, vifcous, and terminated by a pointed mem- brane, which is longer than the Corolla, fig- 2. COROLLA: five Petals, which are oblong, and fhorter than the Calyx, fharply cut in at top, and often appearing jagged, fig. 3, 4. STAMINA: Filaments generally five, now and then fix, feldom more, white, fhorter than the Corolla; Anthers nearly round, of a yellowifh colour, Jig. 5. PISTILLUM: G ermen oval; Styles five, very fine, white, and villous: Stigmata Ample, fig. 6, 7. SEED-VESSEL, a membranous Caps ule, fonorous when touched, having five ribs, the mouth ‘ opening with ten teeth, Jig. 8. ; SEEDS numerous, very minute, oval and yellowifh, fig. 9, 10. Much praife is due to the great Linn.-eus, for the accuracy with which he has deferibed the more common Cerafiiums, and particularly the prefent fpecies. To Monfieur Vaillant the public are alfo much indebted, for the accurate and elegant figures which he has given of them in his Ftora Parifievfis. In the third edition of Ray’s Synopfis, the femidecandrum is added by Dillenius, who has there given a figure of it, which, although expreftive of the plant as it commonly grows on heaths, yet tends to miflead the fludent with an idea, that minutenefs is its chief chara&eriftic: the defeription alfo has a fimilar tendency. It fays, that the flalks are not vifeous, and that it flowers fomewhat later than the vifeo/um; whereas in both, the ftalks are evidently vifeous towards the upper part; ihz femidecandrum alfo flowers equally early; and inftead of being lefs branched, as is there afferted, it is in a common way more fo. It is true that both fpecies, when they grow in very barren places (and in which this fpecies feems chiefly to have been fought for) have only a fimple ftalk, and often do not arife to the height of two inches. The femidecandrum is a much more common plant than is generally imagined; and is diftinguifhed, particularly when in bloffom, from all the other Cerafiiums with the greateft facility. There is fcarcely a wall or heath around town, on which this plant may not be found in abundance; particularly about Hackney \ as alfo uu&zr Greenwich-Park-Watt, facing Btackheath, as well as on the heath itfelf. It comes into bloffom foon after the Dr aba verna, and, like that plant, foon difappears. It may be diftinguifhed from the Cerafiiums, when in bloffom, by having only five flamina, whence its name. I have fometimes found more; but this number is fufficiently conflant to form a very good fpecific chara6ler. Linn/Eus remarks its having ter) ftamina, five of which produce no Antherae: thefe I mull confefs never to have feen. Scopoli obferves, that he always found it with ten flamina, and attributes the want of Antherae in Lin-’s five, to the five exterior ones quickly lofing their Antherae. It is poffible that in Carniota, this plant may occur with ten ftamina; but here, like the Alfine, it certainly lofes one half of them. The petals form a more invariable charader, being always fhorter than the calyx, acutely cut in at top, as if a piece had been taken out with a pair of feiffors, and frequently irregularly jagged or gnawed: they are alfo much broader than thole of the Ceraftium vifeojum. The calyx too is often of confiderable ufe in determining this fpecies (as it may be obferved when neither the fta- mina or petals are vifible) at leafl from the vulgatum, its leaves being very thickly covered with hairs, having glands at their extremities, vid.fig. 1, 2. which glands are altogether wanting in the vulgatum. The membrane alfo, which terminates the leaves of the calyx, is remarkably long in this fpecies. Thefe circumftances, if attended to, together with the remarks to be hereafter made on the Ceraftium vulgatum, will, it is hoped, enable the fludent to inveftigate thefe plants, and fix them with certainty. No virtues are attributed to it: and it is too inconfiderable to be noxious in agriculture. 122 r 'er(Uj/('//// /X ’ (p^rti'jtufymyS / vu/jftUu/m Ceraftium Vulgatum. Common Moufe-Ear-Chickweed CERASTIUM Linncei Gen. PI. Decandria Pentagykia. Calyx 5-phyllus. Petala bifida. apice dehifcens. Rail Syn. Gen. 24. Herbie vasculifer^e. CERASTIUM vulgatum foliis oblongo-ovatis, hirfutis, caulibus diffufis, hirfutie nuda. CERASTIUM vulgatum foliis ovatis, petalis calyci aequalibus, caulibus diffufis, Lin. Syjl. Vegetab. p. 362. Sp. Pl. p. 627. FI. Suecic. n. 415. MYOSOTIS foliis ovato lanceolatis, petalis calycis longitudine. Haller Hiji. Helv.p. 390. n. 893. MYOSOTIS arvenfis hirfuta, parvo flore albo. Vaillant. Paris. 142. t. 30./. 1. ALSINE hirfuta magno flore. Bauhin Pin. 251 AURICULA muris quorundam flore parvo, vafculo tenui longo. LB. III. 359. ALSINE hirfuta myofotis. Adv. 193. Raii Syn. p. 349, Narrow-Leaved Moufe-ear-Chickweed. Hudfon FI. Angl. p. 175. ed. 2. p. 200. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 240. RADIX perennis, fibrofa. CAULES plurimi, diffufi, teretes, purpurafcentes, hirfuti, ramofi. FOLIA hirfuta, inferiora oblongo-ovata, bafi angu- ftata, carinata, connata, fuperiora ovata, marginibus fubrevolutis. CALYX : Perianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis ovato-lanceolatis, margine membranaceis, apice purpurafcentibus, hirfutis, hirfutie nudd five glandulis dejlituta, fig, 1, COROLLA : Petala quinque, alba, obtufe bifida, calyce plerumque longiora, bafi flavefcentia, fig- 2- STAMINA: Filamenta decem, filiformia, corolla breviora; alterna breviora ; Anthers fub- rotundae, flavae, fig. 3. PISTILLUM : Germen ovatum : Styli quinque, capillares, albi, ad bafin fenfim tenuiores : Stigmata fimplicia, fig, 4. PERICARPIUM : Capsula ovato-cylindracea, mem- branacea, paululum recurvata, calyce duplo fere longior, ore decemdentato. SEMINA plurima, flavefcentia, ad lentem fcabriuf- cula, fig. 5, 6. ROOT perennial and fibrous. STALKS numerous, fpreading, round, purplifh, hir- fute, and branched. LEAVES hirfute ; the lowermoft of an oblong oval (hape, narrowed at the bafe, midrib project- ing on the under fide, uniting around the {talk ; the uppermoft leaves oval, the edges fomewhat rolled back. CALYX: a Perianthium of five leaves, which are oval and pointed, membranous at the edges, and purplifh at top, covered with hairs which have no glands at their extremities. Jig, i. COROLLA : five white Petals, bluntly notched at top, generally longer than the calyx, yel- lowilh at 2. STAMINA: ten Filaments, thread-fhaped, and fiiorter than the corolla ; the alternate ones (hortefl; Anthers roundifh, and yellow, fis- 3- PISTILLUM: Germen roundifh : Styles five, very flender and white, gradually leffening to the bottom : Stigmata fimple, fig, 4. SEED-VESSEL: a Capsule ovally-cylindrical, membranous, turning up a little, almoft twice the length of the calyx, the mouth opening with ten teeth. SEEDS numerous, yellowifh, appearing roughifh when magnified, fig, 5, 6. The Cerajiium vulgatum is often confounded with the two fpecies already figured in this work; viz. the vifcofum and femidecandrum. The attentive Botanift will, however, readily diftinguilh it; particularly when aflifled by the following obfervations. Firft, this fpecies is certainly perennial; and although it has only a fmall fibrous root, it continues through the winter, and from the fame root throws out new fhoots ; while the other two are ftriftly annual. Secondly, the hairs on the ftalks, leaves, and calyx, are much longer and coarfer, than in either of the other two ; and what particularly deferves to be noticed, they are not terminated at the extremity by a vifcous globule, a chara&er alone fufficient to diftinguilh it. And thirdly, it is not only a larger and more fpreading plant, but alfo with refpecf to fituation more univerfally common. It is fubjefl to many variations ; fometimes being very hirfute, at other times but thinly covered with hairs ; and it is faid to have been found by Doody quite frnooth*. It differs in fize from an inch to two feet. In the breadth of its leaves alfo, like the Polygonum aviculare3 it varies very confiderably. The bloflbms likewife are fubjeff to vary in fize. In general, the ftronger the plant the fmaller the petals, and vice verjd; hence by the fize of its petals alone, it is fufficiently diftinguifhed on heaths, where it frequently grows about two inches in height, and is often taken for the femidecandrum. The name given to this plant by Monfieur Vaillant, is certainly improper ; the petals being often twice as large as either of the other two. There is one point alfo in which Linnaeus’s obfervation does not accord with ours: in comparing the leaves with thofe of the vifcofum, he fays they are minus lanceolata magifque ovata, the reverfe of which is generally obfervable in our plant. It comes fully into bloom about May ; but may be found in bloffom during the whole of the Summer. It grows not only on walls, but alfo by the lides of roads, in meadows, and among rubbifti. Like the other Cera/iiimSj it is not known to be particularly noxious in agriculture ; nor has it any virtues to recommend it. * Rail Syn. ed. 3. p. 349. Cerastium Viscosum. Broad-Leaved Mouse-Ear Chick weed. CERASTIUM Linncei Gen. PI. Decandria Pentagynia. Cal. 5-phyllus. Petala bifida. Capf. unilocularis apice dehifcens. Rai Syn, Gen. 24. Herbie vasculifeßjE, CERASTIUM vificofium ereftum villoro-vifcofum. Linncei Syji. Vegetab. p. 362. FI. Suecic. n. 414. MYOSOTIS hirfuta et vifcofa. Haller hifi. n. 895. MYOSOTIS hirfuta altera vifcofa. Vaill. Paris. 142. t. 30. fig. 1. ALSINE hirfuta altera vifcofa. C. Bauhin, Pin. 251. ALSINE vifcofa. Parkinfion. 768. ALSINE hirfuta Myofotis latifolia praecocior. Cat. Angl. ALSINE Myofotis humilior et rotundo folio. Merret. Pin. The Broader-leaved Moufe-ear Chickweed, Raii Syn. p. 348. Hudfion FL Angl. p. 175. RADIX annua. ROOT annual. STALK from three inches to a foot in height, branch- ed at bottom, the middle ftalk upright, the fide ones bending upward, forked at top, covered with numerous hairs, each of which is terminated by a gland, whence it becomes (lightly vifcid. LEAVES oval, (lightly connate, hoary with a little clamminefs, at the bottom of the ftalk nar- rower at the bafe, of a yellowifh green colour, FLOWERS, while the plant is young, are clofely crowded together on the tops of the (talks to the number of fifteen or more. CALYX : a Peri ante ium of five leaves, which are of an oval pointed (hape, the length of the petals, purplifh at top, and covered with vifcid hairs. jig. i. COPdDLLA : five white Petals, oblong, narrow, at bottom villous, bifid at top, fig. 2. STAMINA: ten Filaments, tapering, of which five are longer than the others, and furnifhed at bottom with a fraall gland, fig. 3> 6• PISTILLUM: Germen oval: Styles five, villous, (horter than the germen: St igm a t abluntifti, fig- 4> 5- SEED-VESSEL a Capsule, horn-fhaped, twice the length of the calyx, the mouth furnifhed with ten teeth, fig. 7. SEEDS feveral, yellowifh, roundifh, and notched, fig- 8, 9. CAULIS palmaris ad pedalem, bafi ramofus, medius caulis eredus, laterales adfcendentes, dicho- tomus, pilis glanduliferis veftitus, unde fub vifeofus evadit. FOLIA ovata, fubconnata, villofo-vifcofa, ad inferio- rem partem caulis bafi anguftiora, e flavo vi- refeentia. FLORES in fummitatibus caulium planta adhuc in- fantili arde ftipantur, ad quindecim aut plures. CALYX: P£RiANTHiUMpentaphyllum,foliolisovato- acuminatis, longitudine petalorum,apice pur- purafceAtibus, vifcofo-pilofis, jig. 1. COROLLA: Petala quinque, alba, oblonga, an- gufta, bafi villofa, apice bifida, fig. 2. STAMINA: Filamenta decem, fubulata, quorum quinque longiora, bafi glandula inffruda, fig- 3> 6- PISTILLUM: Germen ovatum: Styli quinque villofi, germine breviores : Stigmata obtu- fiufcula, fig. 4, 5. PERICARPIUM : Capsula corniformis, ore decem- dentato, calyce dimidio longiore, fig. 7. SEMINA plurima, flavefccntia, fuborbiculata, crenu- lata, fig. 8, 9. Among the plants which are with difficulty diftinguifhed by the young Botanift, we may properly reckon three of our common Cerafimms, viz. the vifcojum, vulgatum, and^fiemidecandrum, as all of them have fome fimilarity in their appearance, occur frequently in the fame fituations, and are fubjeft to be much altered in their appearance, according to the foil and fituation in which they grow. The figure which is here given of the vifeofum, reprefents that plant in its medium flate ; on walls it is found much fmaller ; in meadows it is found much larger; and in both thefe fituations, as well as on dry banks and anthills, it occurs very plentifully, and flowers in the months of April and May, being one of the earlieft in bloom. It is diftinguifhed from the others by the upright manner of its growing, by its broad hoary leaves, the narrownefs of its petals, and the crowded or cluftered appearance of its flowers before they blow : its leaves alfo in general are of a paler colour than the reft. It is not remarked for any particular ufe ; neither is it noxious to the Farmer or Gardener. Linnaeus obferves that the plant is liable to be much disfigured by a fpecies of Chernies. / ts&s-kfictfssw ' in / / Geum Urbanum. Common Avens. GEUM Linncei Gen. PL Icosandria Polygynia. CaL 10-fidus. Petala 5. Sem. arifla geniculata» Rail Syn. Gen. 15. Herbae semine nudo polyspermy. GEUM urbanum floribus ereftis, fru&ibus globofis villofis : ariftis uncinatis nudis, foliis lyratis. Linncei Sy/i. Vegetab. p. 399. Sp. PL p. 716. FL Suecic. p. 179. GEUM foliis pinnatis, pinna ultima trilobata ; floribus patulis, tubis aduncis. Haller hift.n. 1130. CARYOPHYLLATA urbana. Scopoli FI. Carniol.p. 364. CARYOPHYLLATA vulgaris. Bauhin Pin, 321. CARYOPHYLLATA Gerard emac. 995. Parkinfion 136. Raii Syn. Avens, Herb Bennet, Hudfion FL Angi. p. 198. Lightfoot FL Scot. p. 273. RADIX perennis, fibrofa, fufca, fapore et odore aro- matico Caryophyllorura. CAULES plures, pedales aut bipedales, Tubere6li, pa- rum flexuofi, fubangulofi, hirfutuli, ramofi. FOLIA radicalia admodum variantia, plerumque vero pinnata, petiolata, vagina petiolorum ciliata, pinna extima magna, trilobata aut tripartita pinnis lateralibus paucis, parvis, inaequalibus, omnibus incilo-ferratis, venofis, hirfutulis, caulina tripartita aut terna. STIPULAS duae, magnae, fubrotundae, foliis fimiles. PEDUNCULI folitarii, fuberefli, teretes, hirfutuli. 1 CALYX: Perianthium monophyllum, decemfidum, patens, laciniis alternis minimis, acutis, hir- futis, demum redexis ; laciniis majoribus in- terne villofis, margine craffis, Jig. 1. COROLLA : Petala quinque rotunda, flava, longi- tudine calycis, remota, unguibus brevidimis, fis-2. STAMINA: Filamenta plurima, flavefcentia, fubu- lata, calyci affixa, primum inflexa, demum ereffa : Anther a: fubrotundae, flavae, de- mum fufcae, Jig. 3, 4, PISTILLUM: Germina numerofa, in capitulum collefta, pilofa ; Stylus medio geniculatus, apice paululum incraffato : Stigma fimplex, fis- 5■ SEMINA numerofa, compreffa, hifpida, Stylo longo geniculato ariffata, fig. 6, receptaculo pa- leaceo infidentia, Jig. 7. ROOT perennial, fibrous, of a brown colour, with the aromatic tade and fmeli of Cloves, STALKS feveral, from one to two feet high, nearly upright, a little crooked, (lightly angular, hairy, and branched. LEAVES : radical leaves varying very much, mod commonly pinnated, and handing on a foot- flalk, the (heath of which is edged with hairs, the outerrnod leaf or pinna large, divided a little way down the leaf, or nearly to the bafe; the lateral leaves few, fmall and unequal, all of them deeply ferrated, veined, and hairy ; the leaves of the dalk deeply divided into three fegments, or entire leaves. STIPULAE two, large, of a roundiffi figure like the leaves. FLOWER-STALKS Tingle, nearly upright, round and hairy. CALYX : a Perianthium of one leaf, divided into ten fegments, and fpreading; the alternate fegments very minute, pointed, hirfute, finally turning back : the larger fegments villous on the infide, and thick at the edge, fig-i- COROLLA: five roundifh yellow Petals, the length of the Calyx, at a little didance from each other, having very fhort claws, fig. 2. STAMINA: Filaments numerous, of a yellowifh colour, tapering, affixed to the Calyx, at fil'd bending inward,ladlybecoming upright: Anthers roundifh, of a yellow colour, finally brown, fig. 3, 4. PISTILLUM : Germina numerous, collefted into a head, hairy : Style jointed in the middle, a little thickened at top: Stigma 5. SEEDS numerous, flattened, hifpid, terminated by a long Arida, crooked near the extremity. Jig. 6, feated on a hairy receptacle, fig. r. The Geum urbanum is a very common plant with us, in woods and hedges, flowering from May to September, Ihe root poffeffes a degree of aflringency, joined to an aromatic flavour like that of Cloves, whence its name of Caryophyllata. Inlufed in beer, it renders it more fragrant, and prevents it from foon turning four. Lin. FL Suecic. Chewed in the mouth, it takes off from a difagreeable breath. Rutty, Mat. Med. An infufion of the root in water, given in malignant fevers, has been attended with bad effe&s, producing delirium : but an infufion of the root in wine, flrengthens the flomach and bowels, and is ferviceabie in the diarrhoea and dyfentery, wounds, chronic difeafes arifmg from a laxity of fibre, and intermitting fevers. Haller hfi• P> 53' v' 2. The root is faid to poffefs the mofl virtue when it grows in a dry fituation. It is eaten by kine, goats, flieep, and fwine ; but not readily by horfes. It is dillinguifhed from our other Geum by its yellow flowTers, W'y/j. t/f///////r/rrnam. Adonis Autumnalis. Ph eas ant’s-E ye. ADONIS Linnod Gen. PI. Polyandria Polygynia. Cal. 5-phyllus. Petala quinis plura abfque nedario. Sem. nuda. Rail Syn. Gen, 15. Herbie semine nudo polyspermy. ADONIS autumnalis floribus odopetalis, frudibus fubcylindricis. Linnod Syjl. Veget ah. p, 427. Sp. PL p. 771. ADONIS radice annua, flore odopetalo. Haller hifi. n. 1158. ADONIS autumnalis. Scopoli Flor. Carniol. n. 677. ADONIS hortenfis, flore minore atrorubente. Bauhin Pin. 178. FLOS ADONIS Parkinfon Parad. 293. FLOS ADONIS flore rubro. Gerard emac. 387. Raii Syn. 251, Adonis Flower, Red Maithes Hudfon FI. Angl. ed. 2. p. 239. RADIX annua, craflitie digiti minimi, fufiformis, paucis fibrillis inftruCla. CAULIS pedalis, ereftus, fubangulatus, fiftulofus, purpurafcens, villofus, ad bafin ufque ramo- fus. RAMI plurimi, fparfi, cauli fimiles, ereCli, caulem primo florentem plerumque fuperantes. FOLIA alterna, e flavo viridia, infima petiolata, fu- prema feflilia, pinnata, pinnis multifidis, ca- pillaribus, acutis, fubtus nitidis. CALYX: Perianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis fub- ovatis, obtufis, inaequalibus, concavis, pur- pureis, deciduis, corolla brevioribus, apicibus dentato-erofis, fg. 1, 2. COROLLA: Petala 06I0, raro plura, faepe pau- ciora, inaequalia, obcordata, coccinea, apice erofa, bafi interne nigra, externe viridante, fig- 3. 4- STAMINA : Filamenta plurima, quadraginta cir- citer, filiformia, alba : Anthers ovatae, ob- tufae, incurvatae, compreflae, atropurpureae : Pollen 5. PISTILLUM : Germina plurima, in capitulum breve fubconicum imbricatim congefta, erec- ta : Stigmata acuta, reflexa, fg. 6, 7. SEMINA fubangulata, acuta, reticulato-rugofa. ROOT annual, the thicknefs of the little finger, ta- pering, furnifhed with few fibres. STALK about a foot high, upright, fomewhat angu- lar, hollow, purplifh, hoary, branched quite to the bottom. BRANCHES numerous, placed irregularly on the flalk, which they refemble, upright, and ge- nerally taller than the ftalk producing the firfl; flower. LEAVES alternate, of a yellowifh green colour; the lower ones Handing on foot-flalks; the upper ones feflile, pinnated; the pinna? divided in- to numerous capillary fegments, pointed, and fhining on the under fide. CALYX : a Perianthium of five leaves, which are fomewhat oval, obtufe, unequal, hollow, purple, deciduous, fhorter than the corolla, the tips appearing as if bitten, fg. i, 2. COROLLA: eight Petals, feldom more, oftner fewer,unequal,inverfely heart-fliaped,fcarlet, the tip irregularly notched, the bottom inter- nally black, externally greenifh,j£g-. 3,4. STAMINA: Filaments numerous, about forty, thread-fhaped, and white: Anthers oval, obtufe, bending inward, flattened, of a black- ifh purple colour : Pollen of a fafiVon co- fig- 5- PISTILLUM: Germina numerous, upright, col- lected one over another into a fhort head, fomewhat conical: Stigmata pointed, the points turned back, Jig. 6, 7. SEEDS, fomewhat angular, pointed, with a kind of net-work wrinkled appearance. The Pheafant's-Eye has a peculiar claim to an infertion in the Flora Londinenjis, as it is one of thofe plants which are annually cried about our ftreets, under the name of Red Morocco : it may neverthelefs be doubted, whether it has not originally been conveyed from the garden to the dungheap, and from thence become an ornamental annual weed in many of the corn-fields in Kent, and other counties adjacent to London, in which it feems as much at home, as the Ranunculus arvenfis, or Corn Crowfoot. There is no plant more variable in its Petals, both with refped to number and fize ; they therefore form a bad fpecific charader. It flowers in May, and the feed is ripe in June ; hence there appears an evident impropriety in calling this fpecies autumnalis: it will molt probably be found, that the autumnalis and aflivalis are the fame. In the gardens (where it is common) it ufually flowers through great part of the furamer. ( A/J//.J / / Anemone Nemorosa. Wood Anemone ANEMONE Linncei Gen. PL Polyandria Polygynia. Cal. o. Petala 6-9. Sem. plura. Raii Gen. 15. Herbal semine nudo polyspermy. ANEMONE nemorofa feminibus acutis, foliolis incifis, caule unifloro. Linncei Syfl. Vegetal. p. 425. Flora Suecic. p. 190. ANEMONE feminibus nudis, caule unifloro, foliis radicalibus nullis, caulinis quinque-partitis, lobis tripartitis incifis. Haller, hijt. Helv. 2. p. 64. ANEMONE nemorofa. Scopoli FI. Carniol. p. 383. n. 660. ANEMONE fylveftris alba major. Bauhin Pin. 176. ANEMONE nemorum alba. Gerard emac. 383 RANUNCULUS nemorofus albus (implex. Parkinfon 325. Raii Syn. 259, Wood Anemony. Hudfon FI. Angl. 208. Oeder FI. Dan. tab. 549. RADIX teres, per terram oblique repens, cradkie <> pennae coracis, externe caftanea, intus alba, | fragilis, fibrillis fulcis praedita. <> ROOT round, creeping obliquely under the furface of the earth, the thicknefs of a crow quill, externally chefnut-coloured, internally white, brittle, furnilhed with brown fibres. CAULIS teres, (implex, triuncialis circiter, purpuraf- cens, pilis mollibus veflitus, trifoliatus. STALK round, Ample, about three inches high, purplifli, covered with foft hairs, and bear- ing three leaves. FOLIA terna, fubtus hirfutula, tripartita, lobis incifis, lateralibus fere ufque ad bafin divifis. LEAVES growing three together (lightly hairy under- neath, formed of three fegments ; the fide lobes divided nearly down to the bafe. PETIOLI breves, vaginantes. FOOT-STALKS of the leaves (hort, and forming a kind of (heath. SCAPUS uniflorus, nutans. 0 I FLOWER - STALK fupporting one flower, and drooping at lop. CALYX nullus. CALYX wanting. COROLLA: Petala fexautfeptem, oblongo-ovata, | alba, fubtus incarnata, patentia, fubemargi- <> nata. Jig.i. | 0 COROLLA: fix or feven Petals, of an oblong oval fhape, white, underneath purplifh, fpreading, (lightly notched in at top. fig. 1. STAMINA: Filamenta numerofa, inaequalia, ca- pillaria, filiformia, alba: Anthers flavae fubrotundae, biloculares,compreffae: Pollen <> album, fig. 2, 3. I STAMINA : Filaments numerous, unequal, very fmall, thread-fhaped and white ; Anthers yellow, roundifh, of two cavities, flattifh, Pollen white, fig. 2, 3. PISTILLUM: Germina in capitulum collegia, ovata, villofa: Styli fubulati, incurvati: Stigma fimplex, fig. 4, 5. 0 | PISTILLUM : Germina colleded into a little head, <> oval, villous : Styles tapering and bending | downwards: Stigma Ample, fig. 4, 5. SEMINA plurima, nuda, oblonga, hirfuta, mucrone incurvo, fig. 6, 7, au£L | SEEDS feveral, naked, oblong, hairy, thetopbend- ing downwards, fig. 6, 7, magnified. From the obfervations of feveral authors, the Wood Anemony may be confidered as a poifonous plant. According to Linn yus, cattle which have been brought from open to woody paflures, and have eaten of this plant, have been afleded with the bloody flux, and have made bloody urine. Haller informs us, that in Kamfchatka, the inhabitants are faid to poifon their arrows with a fpecies of Anemony, the wounds from which produce certain death. The Wood Anemony produces its flowers early in the Spring. In moft of our woods the ground is nearly covered with them, in the months of April and May, In fine clear weather the bloflbms are expanded, and become fo ered as to face the fun ; but in the evening, and in wet weather, they are doled and hang down, whereby the delicate parts of the flower are fecured from injury. The chief variation obferved in it, is the colour of its Petals, which are fometimes quite white : and, according to Merret, they occur in Devonfiire wholly red: both forts, particularly when double, are cultivated by the gardeners : and were the fame paim to be taken with it, as with fome of our foreign Anemonies, it might probably be very much improved in the eye of the Florid. The leaves of divers plants, particularly the Euphorbia Heliofcopia, are fubjed to be covered with fmall yellow dots, the efleds of forne inled : this alfo fometimes happens to the Wood Anemony. In C. Bauhine, we find it mentioned under the name of Anemone nemorofa fterihs foliis puntiaiis. This variety is fomewhat unfortunately figured in Dillenius’s edition of Ray’s Synopfs, and deferibed as a Fern, to which it certainly has no pretenfions, as is evident from the irregularity of its dots. - /// ////////////////.i iAm/m/ J / / Ranunculus Ficaria. Pilewort. RANUNCULUS Linncei Gen, PL Polyandria Polygynia. Cal. 5-phyllus. Cor. 5-petala. Sem. plurim. Petala ungue nedarifero. Rail Syn. Gen. 15. Herby semine nudo Polyspermy. RANUNCULUS Ficai ‘ia foliis cordatis angulatis petiolatis. Linncei Syfl. Vegetah. p. 428. FL Suede, p. 193. FICARIA Haller hijt. Helv. n. 1160. Hudfon FL Angl.p, 213 RANUNCULUS Ficaria. Scopoli FL Carniol. p. 395 CHELIDONIA rotundifolia minor. Bauhin Pin. 309 CHELIDONIUM minus. Gerad emac. 816. Parkinfon 617. Raii Syn. 246, Pilewort, or the Leffer Celandine. Oeder FL Dan. icon. 469. RADIX tuberofa, tuberibus numerofis, congeflis, ' pallidis, fubpyriformibus, modo brevibus, ' modo longe protenfis ; e funimo tuberum ■ oriuntur fibrillae plurimae. i CAULES plures, palmares et ultra, teneri, glabri, ad ' bafin rubri, ramofi, decumbentes, nonnun- . quam etiam repentes, bulbillis in axillis 1 foliorum radicantibus. FOLIA variantia, longe ■ petiolata, maculis albis interdum notata, gla- bra, venis fuperne irapreflis, fubcrenata, • caulina fubtriangularia, angulofa. PEDUNCULI uniflori, fulcati, peracta florefcentia ' recurvati. CALYX: Perianthium triphyllum, foliolis conca- vis, deciduis, bafi fua caulem ampleftenti- , bus ,fig. 1. COROLLA: Petala plerumque octo, quoadformam valde variantia, plerumque vero ovato-lan* ceolata, lutea, nitida, Jig. 2, 3. STAMINA: Filamenta numerofa; Anthers fla- vae, oblongae, compreffae, Jig. 6, 7. PISTILLUM: Germina numerofa, in capitulum collefta ; Stigmata parva, fig. 8. SEMINA plurima, fubovata, faepius 9. NECTARIUM fquamula ad bafin petalorum, Jig, 4> 5- ROOT tuberous, the knobs or bulbs numerous, crouded, of a pale colour, fomewhat pear- fhaped, fometimes fhort, fometimes extended to a confiderable length; from the top of them arife many fmall fibrous roots. STALKS numerous, four inches or more in length, tender, fmooth, red at bottom, branched, de- cumbent, fometimes even creeping, from little bulbs in the bofoms of the leaves taking root. LEAVES next the root of a roundifh heart-lhaped figure, variable, (landing on long foot-ftalks, fometimes (potted with white, fmooth and (hining: the veins on the upper fide of the leaf prelfed in, differently notched in different leaves ; thofe of the (lalk triangular with an angular margin. FOOT-STALKS of the flower, fuflaining one flower on each, grooved, when the bloffom is fallen bending backwards. CALYX : a Perianthium of three leaves, which are hollow and deciduous, and embrace the top of the (lalk, fig. i. COROLLA: generally eight Petals, which vary ex- ceedingly in their form, mod commonly of an oval-pointed (hape, yellow and (Lining, Jig. 2, 3* STAMINA ; Filaments numerous; Anthers yel- low, oblong and flat, fig. 6, 7. PISTILLUM: Germina numerous, forming a little head; Stigmata very fmall. Jig. 8. SEEDS numerous, fomewhat oval, moff commonly abortive, fig. 9. NECTARY a little fcale at the bafe of the petals, fis- 4> 5■ Botanifis Teem very much divided in their opinions refpefting the genus of this plant, fome making it a Ranunculus, others a genus diftinft from it. Thofe who objeft to its being a Ranunculus, urge its not having the charafters of that genus ; that the Calyx, inftead of having five Jeaves, has only three, while the Petals are more numerous than in the Crowfoots: this is granted: but is a deficiency in, or an addition to, any of the parts of the fructification, a fufficient reafon for founding a new genus ? 1 (hould apprehend not ; for fuch infiances we meet with in plants almofi every day: habit and peculiar charatleriftics are more to be attended to : and, in this cafe, its gloffy petals, with its fquamula or fcale at the bafe of each, its grooved peduncles, joined to its general appearance, feem fully to jufiify the great reformer of Botany in making it a Ranunculus. Although the Calyx in general has only three leaves, it fometimes occurs with four and five. As the Pilcwort blows earlier than any of our other Crowfoots, it is liable to have its parts of fruftification injured by the inclemency of the weather, to fecure it from which, it has a power of clofing its petals in a much greater degree than the others, and in this fiate we ufually find it in the mornings and evenings, and in wet weather ; and may not Nature, to produce this effcCt, deviate from the ufual firu&ure of the flowers of this genus ? Is not the Calyx, by being in three leaves, fironger than if it had been in five ? And will not the Petals, by being more numerous, make lefs refiftance to the clofing power of the Calyx. In its firft appearance in the Spring, this plant is fmall and extends but little ; but in the month of May, particularly by the fides of moifi ditches, it grows much more luxuriantly ; and in this fiate, fmall bulbs, like grains of wheat, are obfervable in the boforns of the leaves, which, as the ftalks lie on the ground, get into the earth, and become the tuberous roots of young plants : this provifion of nature for its increafe, feems the more necefl’ary, as it is but feldom that its feeds come to perfection. Now and then a head with perfeCl feeds is obfervable, and when the plant hands fingly, the ftalk fupporting them, bends towards the ground, fo that the feeds may infinuate themfelves. Thus Nature appears to have been abundantly careful in its prefervation. The roots, like thofe of the Orchis and other bulbous plants, are renewed every year. In fome meadows, pafiures, and orchards, it very much abounds, to the exclufion of more ufeful plants: as cattle do not appear to eat it, it would be good hufbandry to dig it up, and fow the ground with fuch plants as are more beneficial. The particular form of its roots feems firfi to have introduced it as a medicine for the Piles, in which diforder, like many other remedies more rationally recommended, it may palliate, but will fcarcely effeCl a cure. It is cultivated in gardens with a double flower. Ranunculus Hirsutus. Pale-Leaved Crowfoot. RANUNCULUS hirfutus radice fibrofa annua, caule hirfuto, calycibus papillofo-hifpidis acuminatis, demum reflexis. RANUNCULUS reClus foliis pallidioribus hirfutus. J. Bauhin. 111. 417. Raii Syn. p. 24 7* Upright pale-leaved Crowfoot. Raii Hiji. Plant, p. 582. From having repeatedly obferved, and carefully cultivated this plant, I find it to be perfe&ly diftind; from the hulbofus, of which it is made a variety by fome authors; though Ray and Bauhine long fince considered it as diftinCL • As its fliff hairs are one of its charafleriftics, and conflitute a part of its name in Bauhine, I have made that its trivial name; and (hall, by way of contrail, enumerate the feveral particulars in which it differs from the hulbofus, to which, in its general appearance, it is nearly allied. The root of the hulbofus, which forms one of the chief chambers of that plant, is round and folid like a fmall turnip, remaining in the ground from year to year, and annually fending up new flowering Hems : the root of the hirfutus, on the contrary, is Amply fibrous and annual. The ftalk of the hirfutus is generally more branched and fpreading, producing a greater number of flowers, and covered with ftiffer and longer hairs, than in the hulbofus: the hairs indeed in the latter plant are more numerous and foft, approaching to pubefcence or downinefs ; while in the former they are more rigid, or approaching to hifpidity. The foot-ftalks of the bottom leaves in the hirfutus are hollow, and if cut afunder, the nerves appear projeCling into the infide of the tube; the leaves themfelves are more perfeClly trilobate than in the hulbofus ; the middle and outcrmoll lobe rounder, and lefs deeply divided at the edges. From the inner edge of each of the two fide lobes, a bit appears as if cut away. Thefe leaves are frequently of a 4 white or pale colour, in irregular fpots, not unlike what we fometimes meet with in the Ranunculus Ficaria ; and the upper furface is full of little projecting points, from whence the hairs iflue. We come now to a charaCler which this plant has in common with the hulbofus, viz. its reflexed calyx: this has been the caufe of its having been confidered by mod Botanifts as the hulbofus; not finding in Linnaeus any other Ranunculus with a reflexed calyx, without any farther examination, they concluded this to be the fame. But although the calyx when turned back refembles that of the hulbofus, yet before the opening of the flower it is eflentially different, being much more pointed, or as if it had been fqueezed to a point with the fingers ; and the outfide of it is very vifibly covered with little papillae or projecting points, from whence the hairs proceed. The flowers of this plant, as well as the feed, are alfo fmaller than thofe of the hulbofus. Such are the charaClers whereby thefe two plants may with attention be diftinguifhed. Nor do they differ lefs in their places of growth and times of flowering. The hulbofus grows in dry paftures, and flowers in the month of May. The hirfutus flourifhes more by the fides of roads, in gardens, and rubbifh, flowering from June to the end of the year. I have obferved this plant growing in great plenty by the fide of the road betwixt Croydon and Mitcham; and I remember to have feen it near Gravefend; and plentifully by the fea-fide ; on the gravelly banks about Southampton ; alfo in various places near London: and there is no doubt but it is a much more common plant than Botanifts may imagine. No particular ufes have been attributed to it. Ranunculus Auricomus. Wood Crowfoot. RANUNCULUS LinnceiGen. PL Polyandria Polygynia. Oz/>s~phyllus. Petala 5-infra ungues poro mellifero. Sem. nuda. Rail Syn. Gen. 15. Herbie semine nudo polyspermy. RANUNCULUS auricomus foliis radicalibus fubreniformibus, tripartitis, acute crenatis, caulinis digitatis linearibus. RANUNCULUS auricomus foliis radicalibus reniformibus crenatis incifis, caulinis digitatis linearibus, caule multifloro. Linncei Syjl. Vegetab. p. 429. FL Succic. 194. RANUNCULUS ' foliis radicalibus integris et femitrilobatis rotunde crenatis, caulinis multipartitis linearibus integerrimis. Haller hijl. n. 1177. RANUNCULUS auricomus. Scopoli FL Carn. n. 687. RANUNCULUS nemorofus vel fylvaticus folio rotundo. Bauhin Pin. 178. RANUNCULUS auricomus. Ger. emac. 954. RANUNCULUS nemorofus dulcis fecundus Tragi. Parkinfion 326. Fufchii Icon. 156. opt. Raii Syn. p. 248. Sweet Crowfoot or Goldilocks. Hudfion FL Angl. p. 211. RADIX perennis, fubpraemorfa, mitis, fapore fub- dulci Glycyrrhizae accedenti, fibris multis capillaribus inftruda. ROOT perennial, fomewhat flumped, mild, with a tafte fomewhat refembling liquorice, fur- nifhed with many fmall fibres. CAULIS pedalis, ereftus, dichotomus aut trichoto- mus, teres, glaber, bafl purpureus. STALK about a foot high, upright, dividing into two or three branches, round, fmooth, and purplifh at bottom. FOLIA laevia, radicalia petiolis longis infidentia, fub- reniformia, mire variantia, integra, tripar- tita aut etiam quinquepartita, plerumque vero tripartita lobis acute crenatis, caulina inferiora pedata, lobis latis, tripartitis aut quadripartis, dentatis, fuperiora feflilia, li- nearia, fubintegerrima, amplexicaulia. LEAVES at the bottom of the ftalk fmooth, fitting on long footftalks, fomewhat kidney-fliaped, varying exceedingly, being fometimes en- tire, fometimes divided into three, or even five lobes, but moll commonly tripartite; the lobes acutely crenated; the leaves towards the bottom divided nearly to the bafe, with three or four fegments, indented ; the up- permoft leaves feflile, linear, almoll entire, and embracing the ftalk. PETIOLI teretes, pubefcentes. FOOT-STALKS of the leaves round and pubefcent. CALYX: a Perianthtum of five leaves, the leaves oval, concave, yellowilh, and fpreading, fig■ i- COROLLA: five roundilh yellow petals, with fmall ungues or claws, fig. 2. CALYX: Perianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis ovatis, concavis, flavefcentibus, patentibus, fis- 1- COROLLA: Petala quinque, fubrotunda, flava; unguibus parvis, Jig. 2. NECTARY: a depreflion without any fcale, at the bottom of the petals above the claws. NECTARIUM: fovea fine fquamula ad bafin peta- lorum, fupra ungues. STAMINA: Filamenta plurima, bafi anguftiora ; Anthery oblongas, flavae, compreflae, in- curvatae ; duas aut tres vidi connatas, Jig. 3. 5. au6l. STAMINA: Filaments numerous, narrow at bot- tom; Anthers oblong, yellow, flattened, and incurvated. I obferved two or three growing together, fig. 3. 5. magnified. PISTILLUM: Germina numerous, colle&ed into a little head ; Stigmata fmall and reflexed, fig-4- SEEDS brown, flat with a reflexed point, fig. 6. PISTILLUM: G ermina numerofa in capitulum colle&a; Stigmata reflexa, minima, fig. 4. SEMINA fufca, compreffa, apicibus reflexis, fig. 6. Diflinguifhed from the other Crowfoots by its growing in woods (though I have fometimes found it in boggy meadows) by its Calyx being nearly as yellow as its petals, and not turning back as in the bulhofius ; the NeLlary at the bottom of the petals afimalloblique hole running downwards, not covered with any fquamula; the bottom leaves of the plant more entire, and thofe at the top narrower than in mofl of the other Crowfoots ; the footftalks of the flowers not grooved; the petals often wanting, particularly when cultivated in gardens, or not flickered by trees. It flowers in April and May, and is not particularly diflinguifhed for its ufes or beauty. i k i' n (y /< u ///<) f y/t/rccrz/nuJ. Ranunculus Sceleratus. Celery-Leaved Crowfoot. RANUNCULUS Lin. Gen, PI, Polyandria Polygynia. Rail Syn. Gen, 15. Herbie semine nudo £olysperM.e. RANUNCULUS Jceleratus foliis inferioribus palmatis; fummis digitatis, fru&ibus oblongis. Lin, Syft, Vegetab, p. 429. Sp, Pl, p. 776. FI, Suecic. p. 194. n. 499. RANUNCULUS foliis levibus, femitrilobatis, rotunde ferratis, fruftu ovato. Haller hiji, p, 74, n, 1175. RANUNCULUS /celeratus, Scopoli Fi, CarnioL n, 688 RANUNCULUS paluftris apii folio laevis. Bauhin. pin, 180 RANUNCULUS paluftris rotundifolius. Ger, emac, 962. RANUNCULUS paluftris fardonia laevis. Parkinfon 1215. Raii Syn, p, 249. Round-leaved Water Crowfoot. Hudfon FI, Angi, p, 212. Oeder Dan, icon. 570. Lightfoot FL Scot. p. 291. Celery-leaved Crowfoot. RADIX annua, fibro fiflima, fibris albidis. CAULIS ereftus, pedalis ad bipedalem, infigniter crafius, fiftulofus, laevis, ramofus, FOLIA radicalia longe petiolata, nitida, fubcarnofa, trilobata, lobis trifidis rotunde crenatis; caulina fubfeflilia, palmata ; fuprema ellip- tica. ROOT annual, exceedingly fibrous, the fibres whitifh. STALK upright, from one to two feet high, remark- ably thick, hollow, fmooth, and branched. LEAVES : radical leaves fitting on long foot-ftalks, fhining, fomewhat fleftiy, divided into three lobes; the lobes trifid, and roundly notched; ftalk-leaves nearly fefiile, and palmated; uppermoft leaves elliptical. FLOWERS fmall and yellow. CALYX: a Perianthium of five leaves, the leaves oval, hollow, yellowifii, and deci- i. COROLLA: five fmall, oval, yellow. Aiming Petals, the fize of the Calyx, and deciduous, Jig, 2. NECTARY: a depreAion or pore at the bafe of each Petal, furrounded by a prominent margin, fig- 3- STAMINA: Filaments numerous, feldom more than twenty, Aender at bottom : Anthers yellow, fiat, and bilocular, Jig. g. PISTILLUM: Germina numerous, collefted toge- ther into an oblong head : Stigmata very minute, fitting on the Germina. SEEDS numerous, fiat, oval, and pointed, fmall, af- fixed to an oblong receptacle, Jig. 6. FLORES exigui, flavi. CALYX: Perianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis o- vatis, concavis, flavefcentibus, deciduis, fis■ 1• COROLLA: Petala quinque, parva, ovata, flava, nitida, magnitudine calycis, decidua, Jig. 2. NECTARIUM : Fovea marginata, ad bafin cujufvis petali, Jig. 3. STAMINA: Filamenta plurima, raro ultra viginti, bafi tenuiora : Anthers flavae, compreflae, biloculares. Jig, 5. \, PISTILLUM: Germina numerofa, in capitulum oblongum, colle&a: Stigmata minima, germinibus infidentia. SEMINA plurima, comprefla, ovato-acuminata, par- va, receptaculo oblongo affixa, Jig. 6. This fpecies is diflinguiffied from the other Crowfoots, by its growing in or near the water, by its broad Aiming bottom leaves, thick flalk, fmall yellow flowers, and fmooth oblong feed-heads. The leaves and flowers polfefs a confiderable degree of acrimony, fo as even to blitter the fkin, if applied to it: chewed in the mouth, they inflame and chop the tongue: nor have their effefts been lefs violent when taken into the ftomach. It is fufpefted to have proved poifonous to fheep. Haller hi/t. helv. p. 75. t It begins to flower in May and June, and continues in bloflbm all the fummer, by the fides of ponds and ditches. It is eaten by goats* but refufed by kine, fheep, and horfes, Lin, Amceh. Acad, . )/P / /' / - Ajuga Reptans. Common Bugle. AJUGA Linncei Gen, PL Didynamia Gymnospermia. Corollce labium fuperius minimum. Stamina labio fuperiore longiora. Rail Syn. Gen. 14. Suffrutices et Flerb.e verticillat^e. AUJGA dolonibus reptantibus. Linncei Sp. PL p. 705. BUGULA foliis ovato dentatis, flagellis reptans. Haller hijl. n. 282 BUGULA reptans. Scopoli FL Carniol. n. 716. CONSOLIDA media pratenfls ccerulea. Bauhin Pin. 260. / BUGULA vulgaris. Parkinfon 525. BUGULA Gerard emac, 631. Syn, p. 245. Bugle. Hudfon FL Angi. p. 219. RADIX perennis, fibrdfa. STOLONES plurimae, repentes, ex fuperiore parte radicis nafcuntur. CAULIS eredus, femipedalis, quadratus, hirfutus, * prefertim inter flores, purpureus. FOLIA oppofita, ovata, bafi angudiora, connata, dentata, venofa, faepe purpurea et nitida ; Bradeae purpureae, foliis fimiles at minores et breviores. FLORES coerulei, fpicati, verticillati. CALYX: Perianthium monophyllum, femiquin- quefidum, pilofum, nervofum, coerulefcens, laciniis fubaequalibus, acutis, duobus inferi- oribus magis approximatis, fig, 1. COROLLA monopetala, ringens, tubus cylindraceus, incurvus, labium fuperius breviflimum, bi- dentatum, inferius trifidum, fubtus hirfutu- lum, coeruleum, venis albis pidum,y£g-. 2, 3. STAMINA: Filamenta quatuor alba, reda, labio fuperiore longiora : Antheral 3. PISTILLUM: G ermen quadripartitum : Stylus filiformis, fitu et longitudine Staminum : Stigmata bifidum, minimum, fig. 4, 5, 6. NECTARIUM Glandula flava ad bafm Germinis unde Calyx fubventricofus fit, fig, 7. SEMINA quatuor, ovata in fundo Calycis, fig, 8. ROOT perennial and fibrous. CREEPERS or (hoots, in great numbers fpring from the upper part of the root, and creep on the ground. STALK upright, about fix inches high, fquare, hairy, particularly among the flowers, of a purple colour. LEAVES oppofite, oval, narrowed; at bottom and joining together, indented at the edges, veiny, often purple and (hining; Floral-leaves like the others, but fmaller and (horter. FLOWERS blue, growing in whirled fpikes. CALYX: a Perianthium of one leaf, half divided into five fegments, hairy, nervous, bluifli; the fegments nearly equal, (harp ; the two lower- mod approaching neared together. fig, i. COROLLA of one Petal, gaping, the tube cylin- drical, bent downward; the upper lip very (hort, with two teeth ; the lower lip trifid, a little hairy underneath, of a blue colour, painted with white veins, Jig, 2, 3. STAMINA: four white Filaments, draight, longer than the upper lip of the Corolla: Anther & yellow, fig. 3. PISTILLUM: G ermen divided into four parts: Style thread-Ihaped, the length of and in the direction of the Stamina : Stigma bifid and very fmall, Jig, 4, 5, 6. / NECTARY a yellow gland at the bafe of the Germen which makes the Calyx protuberate, Jig. 7. SEEDS four, of an oval (hape in the bottom of the Calyx, fig, 8. The Bugle is another of our Englifli plants which may be recommended as an addition to our gardens. It is fond of a (hady and moift fituation, and readily propagates itfelf by means of its creeping (hoots. According to Ray, a variety with red flowers grows plentifully in the fecond field on the left hand going from Wefion-Green to Eltham; and with white flowers it has been found in Charlton-Wood. The leaves in the Winter are often of a beautiful purple colour. It flowers in all our woods about town from May to' July. The charader of this genus is taken from the fhortnefs or rather want of the upper lip of the flower: exclufive of this mark, it is very nearly related to the genus Glechoma or Ground-Ivy. It has a confiderable large gland at the bafe of the germen in the bottom of the calyx, which occafions the latter to protuberate. This gland, however, is not peculiar to this genus, but occurs in mod of the plants of the fame dafs, from whence the bees colled a great part of their honey. It has been confidered by the old writers as an excellent vulnerary, applied both inwardly and outwardly, particularly fo in France, where, according to Ray, it is common for them to fay That thofe who have Bugle and Sanicle need no Surgeon, / / Glechoma Hederacea. Ground-Ivy GLECHOMA Linnod Gen. PL Didynamia Gymnospermia. Antherarum fingulum par in formam crucis connivens. Calyx 5-fidus. Rail Syn. Gen. 14. Suffrutices et Herbie verticillat^e.. GLECHOMA hederacea. Lin.Syfi. Vegetal, p. 445. foliis reniformibus crenatis. Spec. PL p. 807. FI. Suecic. p. 202. CHAMAECLEMA caule procumbente radicato, foliis reniformibus rotunde crenatis. Hallerhijl. n. 245. CALAMINTHA hederacea. Scopoli. FI. Carniol. p. 423. CALAMINTHA humilior, folio rotundiore. Tourn. Injl, R. H. 194. HEDERA terreflris. Bauhin Pin. 306. HEDERA terreflris. Gerard emac. 856. HEDERA terreflris vulgaris. Parkinfon 676. Raii Syn. p. 296, Ground-Ivy, Gill-go-by-ground, Alehoof, or Tunhoof. Hud/on FI. Angi. p. 224. RADIX perennis, fibrofa. CAULES, feu potius Flagellae, plures, tetragoni, humi repentes et late fe diffundentes, unde exfur- gunt caules floriferi palmares aut femipe- dales, quadrati, hirfuti fpilis deorfum verfis) ere6li, infirmi, geniculati, geniculis pilofis. FOLIA oppofita, longe petiolata, fubreniformia, cre- nata, venofa, petiolis fuperne fulcatis. FLORES purpurei, verticillatim circa caulem difpo- fiti. PEDUNCULI triflori. INVOLUCRUM univerfale et 2,3, di- phyllum, fetaceum, fed in flofculo interme- dio, fig. 4, partiale defideratur. CALYX : Perianthium monophyllum, tubulofum, quinquedentatum, dentibus fubaequalibus, acuminatis, hirfutum, (Iriatum, fig. 5. COROLLA monopetala, tubulofa, ringens, tubus tenuis, fuperne compreflhs, labium fuperius ereflum obtufum, femibifidum, inferius pa- tens, majus, trifidum, lacinia intermedia majori, emarginata, ad bafin hirfuta et ma- culis faturalius purpureis notatas fig. 7, 8. STAMINA: Filamenta quatuor fub labio fupe- riore, quorum duo breviora: Anthers conniventes in formam crucis, albae, fig. 9. PISTILLUM: G ermen quadrifidum, fig. 11, glan- dula cin6lum, jig. 10. Stylus filiformis, corolla longior : Stigma bifidum, acutum. PERICARPIUM nullum, calyx in finu fovens SEMINA quatuor, ovata. ROOT perennial and fibrous. STALKS, or rather Shoots, numerous, fquare, creep- ing on the ground, and fpreading wide, from whence arile the flowering ftalks, which are from four to fix inches high, fquare, hirfute (the hairs turning downward) upright, weak, jointed, the joints hairy. LEAVES oppofite, (landing on long foot-ftalks, fome- what kidney-fhaped, notched, veiny, the leaf-ftalks grooved on the upper fide. FLOWERS of a purple colour, difpofed in whirls around the ftalk. FLOWER-STALKS fupporting three flowers. INVOLUCRUM both univerfal and partial fig. 2, 3, each compofed of two fine pointed leaves, which however are wanting in the middle flower, jig. 4. CALYX : a Perianthium of one leaf, tubular, with five teeth (which are nearly equal, and long- pointed) hairy, and finely grooved. Jig. 5. COROLLA monopetalous, tubular, ringent, the tube (lender, and compreffed above ; the upper lip upright, obtufe, divided half way through; the lower lip larger, fpreading, divided into three fegments, of which the middle one is larged, with a flight notch, hairy at its bafe, and marked with purple fpots of a deeper colour, fi%. 7, 8. STAMINA: fourFiL aments placed under the upper Hp, two (hort and two long: Anthers; white, forming a crofs, Jig. 9. PISTILLUM: Germen divided into four, fig. n, furrounded by a gland, Jig. 10. Style thread-lhaped, larger than the corolla: Stig- ma bifid, and pointed. SEED-VESSEL none, the calyx in its cavity con- taining four SEEDS of an oval (hape. Ground-Ivy has an aromatic, though not very agreeable fmell, and a quick, bitterifh, warm tafte. This herb is an ufeful corroborant, aperient, and detergent; and hence (lands recommended againft laxity, debility, and ob(iru6tions of the vifcera. Some have had a great opinion of it for cleanfmg and healing ulcers of the internal parts, even of the lungs; and for purifying of the blood. It is cuftomary to infufe the dried leaves in malt liquors, a pra&ice not to be commended, though it readily communicates its virtue, and likewife helps to fine them down ; fcarce any other herb has this effe£l more remarkably than Ground-Ivy. Lewis's Dijp. p. 150. From the latter ufe, the plant has obtained the names of Alehoof and Tunhoof. Rail hijl. p. 567. The juice of the plant drawn up the nofirils, not only mitigates, but totally removes violent and inveterate headachs. Ibid. Notwithftanding the credit which this’plant has obtained with former writers on the Materia Medica, the modern pra6lice holds it in little eftimation. Red hairy tumours are frequently found on it, which are occafioned by the Cynips Glechomce, Linncei Faun, Suecic. n. 1520. It (lowly expels thofe plants which grow next it, and hence impoverifhes paftures. Lin. FI. Suecic. p. 202. Cattle are not fond of it, and horfes are faid to be hurt by feeding on it: to make amends for this, however, the juice of the herb, mixed with a little wine, and applied morning and evening, is faid to take away the film on horfes eyes. Lin. FI. Suecic. ex Loes. 123. The plant is well known to grow under hedges, in woods, on banks, and fometimes in dry paftures. It varies in fize according to its fituation; the flowers alfo vary in the degrees of purple; and make their appearance in April, May, and June. {y ///s/ / tu:/ // / Lamium Album, Wkite Dead-Nettle. LAMIUM Linn coi Gen. PL Didynamia Gymnospermia. Corolla lab. fup. integrum, fornicatum; lab. inf. 2-lobum, faux utrinque margine dentata. Raii Syn. Gen. 14, Suffrutices et Heebie verticillatvE LAMIUM album foliis cordatis, acuminatis, ferratis, petiolatis, verticillis vigintifloris. Lin. Syjl. Vegetab. p. 446. Sp. PL p. 44S. Flor. Suecic. p. 203. LAMIUM foliis cordatis, acutis, ferratis, verticillis multifloris. Haller. Hijl. Helv. 271. LAMIUM album. Scopoli FI. Carniol, n. 700. LAMIUM album non foetens folio oblongo. Bauhin Pin. 231 LAMIUM album. Gerard, emac. 782. LAMIUM vulgare album five Archangelicum flore albo. Parkinfon 604. Raii Syn. 240. White Archangel or Dead-Nettle. Hudfon. FI. Angl. ed. 1. p. 225. ed. 2. 255. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 308. RADIX perennis, alba, geniculata, repens. CAULES plurimi, pedales, fuberefti, fimplices, bafi tenuiores, quadrati, fillulofi, hirfutuli, in a- pricis ex rufo-purpurafcentes, furculi debiles, adfcendentes. FOLIA petiolata, cordata, acuta, deflexa, inaequaliter ferrata, apicibus denticulorum rufis introrfum verfis, venofa, fuperne et inferne hirfutula, fummis ut caules faepe coloratis, circa radi- cem folioli etiam occurrent fubrotunda, cre- nulata. FLORES verticillati, majufculi, albi; haud infrequen- ter etiam rubore quodam tin61i; verticilli de- cem quindecem aut vigintiflori. CALYX: Perianthium monophyllum, tubulofum, felfile, nervofum, quinquedentatum, denti- bus fetaceis, hirfutum, perfidens, inferne ad bafin maculis purpureis notatum et bra6laea brevi lineari (uffultum, Jig. 3, 2. COROLLA monopetala, ringens; tubus longitudine fere labii fuperioris, curvatus, antice inferne prominulus, fuperne intropreffus, faux inflata, margine utraque denticulis duobus plerumque notata, labium fuperius fornicatum, pilofum, emarginatum, aliquando etiam dentatum, li- neis duabus elevatis ad verticem coadunatis notatum, labium inferius bifidum, reflexum, crenulatum, ad bafin 3, 4. STAMINA: Filamenta quatuor, filiformia, alba, apicibus vili olis, paululum incraffatis et in- curvatis: Anthers purpureae, hirfutae; Pollen flavum, Jig. 5. PISTILLUM: Germen 6, glandu- la cintlum, Jig. 7: Stylus filiformis longi- tudine et litu Staminum: Stigma bifidum acutum, Jig. 8, 9. SEMINA quatuor, in fundo calycis, trigona, appendi- culata, Jig. 10. ROOT perennial, white, jointed, and creeping. STALKS numerous, a foot high, nearly upright, un- branched, (lender at bottom, fquare, hollow, and (lightly hairy; in expofed fituations, of a reddilh purple colour: the young (hoots weak and riling upward. LEAVES (landing on foot-(lalks, heart-fhaped, point- ed, hanging down, unequally ferrared; the tips of the little teeth red and turned in- ward, veiny, above and beneath (omewhat hirfute; the uppermoft leaves, as well as the (talks, frequently coloured; the leaves about the root are often fmall, round, and crenated, FLOWERS growingin whirls, largidi, of a yellowifh white colour, not uncommonly tinged with red; the whirls having ten, fifteen, or twen- ty flowers in them. CALYX: a Perianthium of one leaf, tubular, feffile, rib’d, hirfute, and continuing, having five teeth, which are fetaceous; on its lower fide, at bottom, marked with purple fpots, and fupported by a (hort linear brafteal leaf, fig- h2. COROLLA monopetalous and ringent; the tube nearly the length of the upper lip, and crook- ed, anteriorly prominent below, and prelfed in above; the mouth inflated, and marked generally on each fide with too little teeth; the upper lip arched, hairy, with a (light notch, andfometimes indented, dillinguifhed by two elevated lines, which unite at the crown; the inferior lip bifid, turned back, (lightly notched, and fpotted at bottom, fig- 3’ 4- STAMINA: four Filaments, filiform, white, the tips villous, a little thickened, and bent in- ward: Anthers purple and hairy; Pollen yellow, fig.s. PISTILLUM; Germen divided into four, fig. 6, fur- rounded by a gland. Jig. 7. Style filiform, of the fame length and fituation as the Sta- mina: Stigma bifid and acute, fig. 8, o. SEEDS four, in the bottom of the Calyx, three corner- ed, with a little appendage at bottom, fig. 10. The White Dead-Nettle or Archangel, is one of our earlieft fpring plants, ornamenting our banks in April and May; and is much reforted to by Bees for the fake of its honey, which is fecreted into the bottom of the tube in confiderable plenty, by a little gland furrounding the bafe of the germen. The flowers have been particularly celebrated in uterine fluors, and other female weaknefles; as alfo in dif* orders of the lungs ; but they appear to be of very weaL virtue. Lewis's Difip. part. 2. p. 163. The bruifed leaves are recommended to difeufs tumours, even of the fchrophuious kind; Ruttys Mat. Med, p. 271 ; but very little dependance is to be placed on fuch recommendations. There is fcarce a plant but what (if we may believe the ancients) pofl'efles fome wonderfully healing power of this kind. Like the other Lamiums, it has a difagreeable fmell when bruifed. Boys make whiflles of the ftalks. In the fouth of France, it is faid to occur with a purple flower, I have frequently found it (lightly tinged with red. The Phalcena Chryjitis, Burnijhed Brafs Moth, Lin. Faun. Suecic. p. 311. Albin. InfeSt. tab. on it: and in Sweden the leaves are eaten in the fpring as a pot-herb. Lin. Flor. Suecica. Having a flrong creeping perennial root, and being a plant which cattle diflike, it fliould be extirpated by the Farmer. Qj*> ■ ff n/m u//my al Uu m X? Iot9 ?/> . / / //r w iff fff ff f c/l ff (& Lamium Amplexicaule. Henbit Dead-Nettle. LAMIUM Linnazi Gen. PL Didynamia Gymnospermia. Corollcz lab. fuper. integrum, fornicatam ; lab. inf. 2-Iobum ; faux utrinque margine dentata, Raii Syn. Gen. 34. SufFrutices et Herbas verticlllatas. LAMIUM amplexicaule foliis floralibus feffilibus amplexicaulibus obtufis. Linncd Syjl. Vegetal» p. 446. Spec. Plant, p. 203. Flor. Suecic. p. 809. LAMIUM foliis radicalibus petiolatis, lobatis, fuperioribus caulem ambientibus, rotunde incilis» Haller, hijl. n. 273. LAMIUM amplexicaule, Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 702. LAMIUM folio caulem ambiente majus et minus. Bauhin Pin. 231. m ALSINE hederula ait era. Gerard, emac. 6x5. ALSINE hederula folio major. Parkinfon 762. Raii Syn. p. 240. Great Henbit, Hudfon FI. Angi. p. 225. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 309. RADIX annua, fibrofa, albida. CAULES ex una radice plures, dodrantales, aut peda- les, fuberedli, quadrati, laeves, ramis paucis oppofitis. FOLIA oppofita, inferiora petiolata, fubrotundo cordata, incifo-crenata, venofa, hirfutula, petiolis fuperne concavis foliis longioribus, fuperiora feflilia, femiorbiculata, incifa, la- ciniis obtufiufculis. FLORES verticillati ad 15, duorum generum, manci fcilicet et perfe6li, manci breves, calycibus paulo longiores, apicibus ruberrimis hirfutis claufis, Jig. I. 2 ; perfecli calyce quadruplo longiores, purpurei, e fumrnitatibus caulium utpiurimum erumpentes, fig. 3. CALYX in perfetlis, Pe riant hi um quinquedenta- tum, tubulofum, vix manifefle flriatum, den- tibus aequalibus, acuminatis, hirfutis, 4. COROLLA: Tubus praelongus, cylindraceus, fub- ere£lus, faux inflata, margine reflexa maculata, denticulis duobus notata, collum prominulum, labium fuperius fornicatum, hirfutum, fub- integrum; labium inferius deflexum, bilobum, maculis purpureis notatum, Jig. 5, 6, 7, 8. STAMINA: Filamenta quatuor, quorum duo lon- giora, alba, fub labio fuperiore : Anthers pilofae, polline croceo refertae, Jig, 9. PISTILLUM : Germen quadrifidum : Stylus fili- formis, longitudine et fitu flaminum ; Stig- ma bifidum, acutum, Jig, 10. SEMINA quatuor in fundo calycis, appendiculata, punftis albis notata, Jig, 11, 12. ROOM’ annual, fibrous, and of a whitifh colour. STALKS, feveral from one root, nine inches ora foot high, nearly upright, fquare, fmooth, with a few oppofite branches. LEAVES oppofite, the lower ones {landing on foot- flalks, of a roundifh heart-fhaped figure, deeply crenated, veiny, {lightly hairy ; the foot-flalks grooved on the upper part, and longer than the leaves ; the upper ones femi- orbicular, cut in at the edges, the fegrnents fomewhat blunt. FLOWERS growing in whorls to 15, of two kinds, perfeff and imperfedl; the imperfe6l ones fhort, a little longer than the Calyx, the tips very red, hairy, and clofed. Jig. 1. 2 ; the perfefl ones four times the length of the Ca- lyx, of a bright purple colour, and generally breaking out from the tops of the flalks Jig.%. CALYX in the perfcEi ones, a Perianthium with five teeth, tubular, fcarce manifeftly firiated ; the teeth equal, acuminated, and 4. COROLLA : the Tube very long, cylindrical, nearly upright, the mouth inflated, the edge turned back, {potted, and marked with two little teeth ; the neck a little prominent ; the up- per lip arched, hirfute, and nearly entire ; the lower lip turning down, having two lobes, which are fpotted with purple.Jig. 5, 6, 7, 8. STAMINA: four Fit. aments, two long and two fhort, of a white colour, placed under the upper lip: Anther/e hairy, filled with a faffron-coloured pollen, fif. q. PISTILLUM: Ge rmen divided into four parts : Style filiform, of the fame length and fitua- tion with the Stamina: Stigma bifid and acute, Jig. 10. SEEDS four, in the bottom of the Calyx, with t- tie appendage to each, furface covered with white fpots, fig. 11, 12. In the flowering of this plant, there are fome circumffances well deferving of attention. Two kinds of bloffoms are obfervable on it; the one a very fmall fhort one, like the rudiments of a flower, a little longer than the Calyx, with the mouth clofed, very hairy, and of a bright red colour ; the other a flower like that of the Lamium purpureum, but much longer. The firft of thefe bloffoms, which, fo far as refpefts the Corolla, are evidently imperfect, appear very early in the Spring, in February and March : the long and perfedl bloffoms do not make their appearance till May or June, when they are obfervable on the tops of the ftalks : and if the progrefs of the flowers be watched, the Corolla will be found to be gradually enlarged in different bloffoms, till the weather being fuffi- ciently warm, they come forth fully formed. Thofe who have attended to the changes of infedfs, muff have obferved, that if a caterpillar has, previous to its changing into the chryfalis or pupa ftate, been deprived of its proper quantity of food, the fly has come forth perfeci: in all its parts except the wings, which are crumpled up, and never expand ; fo this plant, for want of a fufficient degree or warmth, is not able to pufh forth an expanded Corolla; yet being perfetl in every other part, the fpecies fuffers no diminution. I had for feveral years imagined, that the imperfect flowers were the rudiments of the long bloffoms ; but on a more minute inquiry, I found that they never grew any longer, but decayed. I was then ready to fuppofe that they were barren flowers ; but on differing them, I found that each had both Stamina and a Piflillum. Since the above obfervations were made, I find, on looking into the Flora Suecica, that Linnaeus takes notice of its fcarce ever producing perfedt bloffoms in Sweden. Here then is a procefs fomewhat fimilar to what we obferve in the Violet and foms other plants, where perfect feed is produced, although the Corolla be not perfectly formed. It grows with us frequently on walls ; and in the greateft abundance in the fields and gardens about Batter/ea and Lambeth, where the foil is light. Thymus Serpyllum. Common Wild Thyme* THYMUS Tinned Gen. PL Didynamia Gymnospermia. Calycis bilablati faux villis claufa. Rail syn. Gen. Suffrutices et herbee verticillat^. THYMUS Serpyllum floribus capitatis, caulibus repentibus, foliis planis obtufis, baft ciliatis. Linncei Syft. Vegetab. /.452. THYMUS foliis ovatis ad bafm ciliatis. Haller hijl. n. 235. THYMUS Serpyllum, Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 736. SERPYLLUM vulgare minus. Bauhin. Pin. 220. L» SERPYLLUM vulgare. Gerard emac. 570. SERPYLLUM vulgare minus. Parkinfon 8. Rail Syn. p. 230, Common Mother of Thyme. Hudfqn FL Angi. p. 229. RADIX lignofa, fibrofa, fufca, perennis. CAULES numerofi, quadrangulares, duriufculi, pro- cumbentes, ramofi, ramis alternis. FOLIA ovata, petiolata, integerrima, plerumque lae- via, glandulis pun&ata, petiolis ciliatis, fig. i, 2. FLORES in fummitatibus caulium verticillatim dif- pofiti, et in capitulis fubrotundis congelli. CALYX; Pe riant hi um monophyllum, tubulatum, (hiatum, fauce villis claufo, Jig. 9, femibifi- dum in duo labia, labium fuperius latius, tri- dentatum, dentibus reflexis; inferius bifetum dentibus ciliatis, Jig. 3, 4, 5. COROLLA raonopetala; Tubus longitudine fetarum calycis, labium fuperius reflexum, emargi- natum, obtufum, inferius trifidum, longius, laciniis obtufis medio longiore, Jig. 6. STAMINA: F 1 lament A quatuor inoequalia ; An- thers minima, Jig. 7. PISTILLUM: Ge rmen quadripartitum; Stylus Corolla longior, recurvatus; Stigma bifi- dum, acutum, Jig. 8. SEMINA quatuor, parva, fubrotunda, fufca, Jig. 10, 11. ROOT woody, fibrous, of a brown colour, and pe- rennial. STALKS numerous, fquare, hard, procumbent, and branched ; the branches alternate. LEAVES oval, handing on foot-ftalks, entire at the edges, generally fmooth, dotted with little glands ; the foot-ftalks furniftied with long hairs, fig. i, 2. FLOWERS placed in whirls on the tops of the ftalks, and forming finali roundilh heads. CALYX: a Perianthium of one leaf, tubular, ftri- ated, the mouth clofed up with hairs, fig. 9, divided into two lips; the uppermoft having three teeth which bend back; the lowermoft two, much longer, narrower, and edged with hairs, fig. 3, 4, 5. COROLLA monopetalous: the Tube the length of the Calyx; the upper lip turningback, notch- ed in and blunt; the lowermoft longer, di- vided into three fegments, the fegments ob- tufe, the middle one longeft, fig. 6. STAMINA; four Filaments of unequal lengths: Antherm very minute, fig. 7. PISTILLUM: Germen dividing into four parts; Style longer than the Corolla, and turning upwards ; Stigma bifid and pointed, fig. 8. SEEDS four, fmall, roundilh, of a brown colour, fig. 10, 11. Few plants are fubjeft to fo many varieties as the Wild Thyme. In its mofl natural date, when Found on drv expofed downs, it is fmall and procumbent: when growing among furze or other plants, which afford it (belter it runs up with a (lender (talk to a foot or more in height, and aflumes an appealance which might nuzzle the young Botanift. It differs alfo very much in the fmoothnefs and hairinefs of its leaves: and there is a (insular variety of it, remarked by Linnaeus, with woolly heads (Capitulis tomentojis) which are the nidus of feme infeft We have feen whole banks covered with this turgid variety. The Veronica Chamoedrys, Glechoma Hederacea, Valeriana Locujta, and other plants, are frequently diflorted, and appear under the fame difguife from a fimilar caufe. ■ . t n ..T1 ~ a On dry chalky downs, the Wild Thyme abounds all over England ; flowering in July andAuguft. It has been a received opinion, that Thyme, and other aromatic herbs, give a flavour to the tlelh of h.eep that feed where thefe plants are found: but curious obfervers have remarked, that fheep neither eat Thyme, nor any other aromatic herb, when they have a free choice of pafturage*. The Ancients planted Thyme for the fake of their bees, who colled honey very largely from it- which at that period was of more value than at prefent: the cultivation of fugar m the \veft-India Iflands, has mnmihnted much to reduce its confeouence in dome die ceconomy. . Theophrastus relates, that Thyme produced no feed that could be difcovered; but that the plant might be increafedby fowingits flowers. Pliny copies this paflfage from 1 heophr astus ; and, inftead of doubting the fad remarks “ quid non tentavere homines?” What experiments have not mankind tried . The credulity of the Ancients is very wonderful ! Whatever one Author advanced, the next took for granted, to t. e great detriment of natural hiftory.—lnveftigation was never thought of! . Dr Armstrong, in his elegant and clafhcal poem on health, recommends the foil where this plant (Thyme or Marjoram) abounds, as particularly healthful, and proper for habitations. - ff Mark xohere the dry champaign £e Swells into cheerful hills ; where Marjoram “ And Thyme, the love of bees, perfume the air. « There bid thy roofs, high on the bafkingjieep “ Afcend : there light thy hofpitable firesf * See Account of Sheep-Walks in Spain, Gent. Mag, 1764. 144 » p ryjc mam y Ma/va Erysimum Alliaria. Sauce-Alone. ERYSIMUM Lin, Gen. PL Tetradynamia Siliquosa. Siliqua columnaris, exa&e tetraedra, Cal. claufus. Rail Syn. Gen, 21. Herbie TetrapetalaE SiliquosaE et SiliculoSaE ERYSIMUM Alliaria foliis cordatis. Lin. S)fi. Vegetab. p. 499. Sp. PL p. 923. FI. Suec. n. 600 ERYSIMUM Haller Hiji. p. 208. n. 480. SISYMBRIUM Alliaria. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 825 ALLIARIA Bauhin Pin. 110. Gerard emac. 796. Parkinfon 112 HESPERIS allium redolens. Raii Syn. 293. Jack by the Edge, or Sauce-Alone Hudfon FI. Angl. ed. 2. p. 286. Lightfoot FI. Scot. 186. RADIX biennis, albida, fufiformis, plurimis fibrillis inftru6la. ROOT biennial, of a whitifti colour, tapering, and furniftied with numerous fibres. STALK upright, from two to three feet high, round, fmooth, fomewhat ftriated, at bottom purple, and (lightly hoary, at top branched. BRANCHES few, alternate and upright. LEAVES alternate, (landing on foot-ftalks, heart- (haped, veiny, and fomewhat wrinkled ; the lower ones (landing on long foot-ftalks, and round at the tips ; the upper ones pointed, and unequally toothed or fawed. FLOWERS white, terminal, upright, (landing on (talks the length of the flowrers. CALYX: a Perianthium of four leaves, which are oblong, of a pale green, obtufe, the tips internally concave, externally gibbous, fig- v COROLLA; four Pet a LS,inverfely ovate, and clawed; the claw ere6l and linear; the limb fpread- ing, and grooved with a few veins, fig. 2, STAMINA: fix Filaments tapering, and white; the two (horter ones bending inwards; the four longer ones upright, the length of the Style, fig. 3, 6: Anthers of an oblong heart (hape, yellow, incumbent, and up- right, fig. 4, 5- NECTARY, a fmall round fingle gland, placed on each fide at the bafe of the longed Stamina ; but the bafe of each of the (horteft Stamina is wholly furrounded by a glandular fub* (lance. PISTILLUM : the Germen obfcurely four cornered, and oblong,fig. 7 : Style very (hort,fig. 8 : Stigma, forming a little head, appearing as if cut off. SEED-VESSEL : a Pod about two inches long, round, obfcurely quadrangular, with a fine prominent line between each angle, of two cavities and two valves, fig. 9. SEEDS numerous, oblong, brown, (hining, finely grooved, obliquely cut off at each end, and partly buried in the diftepimentum on each fide, fig. 10. CAULIS ereftus, bi aut tripedalis, teres, laevis, fub- flriatus, inferne purpureus, villofus, fuperne ramofus. RAMI pauci, alterni, erefti. FOLIA alterna, petiolata, cordata, venofa, fubrugofa, inferiora longius petiolata, rotundata, fupe- riora acuta, inaequaliter dentato-ferrata. FLORES albi, terminales, ere6H, pedunculis longi- tudine florum infidentes. CALYX: Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ob- longis, pallide virefcentibus, obtufis, deci- duis, apice interne concavis, externe gibbis, fis-1- . , COROLLA: Petala quatuor, obovata, unguiculata, unguis ere&us, linearis, limbus patens, venis paucis exaratus, fig. 2. STAMINA: Filamenta fex, fubulata, alba, duo breviora incurvata, quatuor longiora ere&a, longitudine Styli, Jig. 3, 6 : Anthers ob- longae, cordatae, flavae, incumbentes, ere&ae, fg- i> 5- NECTARIUM : glandula rotunda folitaria utrinque ad bafin Staminum longiorum, bafis vero Staminum breviorum glandula cingitur. PISTILLUM : Germen obfcure tetragonum, oblon- gum, fig. 7: Stylus brevihimus, fig. 8: Stigma capitato-truncatum. PERICARPIUM : Siliqua biuncialis, teres, fubte- tragona, lineata, bilocularis, 9. SEMINA plurima, oblonga, fufca, nitida, flriata, utra- que extremitate oblique truncata, diffepi- mento utrinque nidulantia, fig. 10. The whole of this plant, on being rubbed, difcovers a ftrong fmell of Garlic, whence its name of Alliaria. Medicinally, the leaves are recommended internally, as fudorifics and deobflruents, fomewhat of the nature of Garlic, but much milder; and externally, as antifeptics, in gangrenes and cancerous ulcers. Lewis’s Difp, p. 78. Dietically it is ufed in fauces ; and by the country people eaten with bread and butter. Rail Hift. PL et Syn. The feeds bruifed, and put up the noftrils, are faid to promote fneezing. Raii Hiji. PL p. 792. The Curculio Alliarice, Lin. Faun. Suecic. n. 580, perforates and dwells in the flalks of this plant. FI. Suecic. If eaten by Cows, which it appears to be from Linnaeus’s experiments, it will be liable to give a difagree- able tafle to the milk; fhould this happen, the Farmer will eafily deflroy it, as it is a biennial. It grows very common by hedge fides ; flowers in April and May. Scopoli obferves, that it does not retain the generic chara6ler of an Eryfimum ; wherefore he arranges it as a Sijymbrium. Arabis Thaliana. Podded Mouse-Ear. ARABIS tinned Gen. PL Tetradynamia Siliquosa. Glandulx neftariferse-q, lingula; intra calycis foliola, fquamx inftar reflexae. Raii Syn. Gen. 21. tetrapetalj; et ARABIS thaliana foliis fadicalibus ovato-lanceolatis, dentatis, punftato-fcabris. ARABIS thaliana foliis petiolatis lanceolatis integerrimis. Linn. Syji. Veget ah. p. 501. FI, Suecic, n. 605. ARABIS foliis radicalibus petiolatis, ovatis, dentatis caule fubnudo ramofo. Haller, hift, n. 452, TURRITIS vulgaris ramofa. Raii Syn. 294, Moufe-Ear. BRASSICA fpuria minima, foliis hirfutis et glabris. Raii Syn. ed. 2. 166. BURSAE paflorise fimilis filiquofa major et minor. Bauhin. Pin. 108 PILOSELLA filiquofa. Thai. tab. 7. PARONYCHIA major et altera minor. Parkinfon 556. Hudfon FI. Angl. p. 255. RADIX annua, fimplex, fibrofa, albida. FOLIA radicalia oblongo-ovata, petiolata, dentata, prefertim prope bafin, hirfuta, utrinque fca- bra, puntlis prominulis, caulina feflilia, den- tata, jig. 1, 2. hirfuties ad bafin foliorum fimplex, ad marginem et fuperficiem bi et trifurcata. CAULIS femipedalis ad pedalem,ere6lus, fubramofuS, teres, rore glauco tetius, hirfutus, ramuli alterni, nutantes, CALYX: Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ova- tis, concavis, hirfutulis, jig. 3. au6l. COROLLA: Petala quatubr, calyce duplo longi- ora, apice dilata, integra, obtufa, Jig. 4. au6l. STAMINA: Fi lamenta quatuor, fubulata, quorum duo breviora, Jig. 5. Anthers flavas, parvas. PISTILLUM: Ge rmen oblongum, tenue; Stylus breviffimus, longitudine Staminum; Stigma obtufum, Jig. 6. PERICARPIUM: filiquatenuis, femuncialis, bivalvis, Jig. 7, 8. continens SEMINA plurima, flavefcentia, Jig. 9. ROOT annual, fimple, fibrous, whitifti. LEAVES of an oblong oval fhape, (landing on foot- ftalks, indented, efpecially near the bafe of the leaf, hairy, rough on each fide, with little prominent points; leaves on the ftalk felfile and indented. Jig. i, 2. the hairs at the bafe of the leaf fimple, thofe at the edges and on the furface dividing into two or three forks, STALK from fix to twelve inches high, upright, fomewhat branched, round, crooked, covered with a bloom, hairy, the little branches al- ternate and drooping. CALYX: a Perianthium of four leaves, which are oval, concave, and flightly hairy. Jig. 3, mag. COROLLA of four Petals, twice the length of the Calyx, dilated at top, entire and obtufe, fig- 4- STAMINA: four tapering Filaments, two of which are fhorter than the others. Jig. 5. An ther£ fmall and yellow. PISTILLUM: Germen oblong, (lender; Style very (hort, equal in height to the Stamina; Stigma blunt. Jig, 6. SEED-VESSEL : a fmall (lender pod about half an inch long, of two valves. Jig. 7,8, containing SEEDS. Several yellowilh feeds, fig. 9. At nrft fight, this little plant, in its larger date, forms fome refemblance to the Shepherd’s Purfe; and when fmall, may be overlooked, or miflaken lor the Dr aha Verna, particularly as it grows in fimilar fituations; but by its (lender pods it may readily be diftinguiflied. V» e have it frequent enough on our walls, and fometimes on dry ground, about town ; and it may be found in great abundance on the fouth fide of Greenwich-Park Wall, the top of which, facing the late Sir Gregory Page s, is in particular parts almoll covered with it; while the bottom of it is, at the fame time, beautifully ornamented with the Geranium Cicutarium. It flowers in March and April, and the feed is ripe in May No particular virtues or ufes are aferibed to it. Like ail other plants (which is a circumflance that cannot be too often inculcated into the mind of the young Botaniftj it varies very much in fize; fometimes being not more than an inch or two in height, and at other times more than a foot. Ihe Glandulx Neclariferx, often found at the bafe of the (lamina, in the plants of the clafs Tetradynamia, and which, according to Linnaeus, form the charaHer of the genus Arabis, are in this fpecies fo very minute, as fcarcely to be difeerned with a magnifier. c f y /ut/uoui 141 V /? ' 'era-Mt/ew /m-//, < S >7.**m <^s//^ Geranium Molle, Common Dove’s-Foot Crane’s-Bill. GERANIUM Lin, Gen. PL Monadelphia Decandria. Monogynia. Stigmat. 5. Frudus roftratus, 5-coccus. Raii Syn. Gen, 24. Herbie vasculifer.e. GERANIUM molle pedunculis bifloris, foliifque floralibus alternis, petalis bifidis, calycibus muticis, caule ere&iufculo. Lin. Syft. Vegetab. p. 515. Sp. FI. p. 955. FI. Suecic, p. 577. GERANIUM foliis molliflimis, hirfutis, reniformibus, femiquinquefidis, lobis femitripartitis, obtufis, Haller Hijl. n, 939. GERANIUM molle. Scopoli FI. Carniol. an noftra planta ? GERANIUM columbinum villofum, petalis, bifidis purpureis. Vaill, Paris 79. t. 15* fig» 3. GERANIUM columbinum. Ger. emac, 938. GERANIUM columbinum vulgare. Parkinfion 706. Raii Syn. p. 359. Dove’s-Foot, or Dove’s- Foot Crane’s-Bill. GERANIUM folio malvas rotundo. Bank. Pin. 318. Hudfon FI. Angl, p. 318. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 370. RADIX annua, fufiformis, fimplex. ROOT annual, tapering, and Ample. CAULES plures, utplurimum procumbentes, teretes, rubicundi, dodrantales aut pedales, villofi, ramofi. STALKS feveral, procumbent, round, of a reddifh colour, from nine inches to a foot in length, villous, and branched. FOLIA radicalia petiolis longis, teretibus, villofis, infidentia, fubrotunda, villofa, fubtus ve- nofa, feptemfida, laciniis incifis, caulina al- terna in lacinias pauciores, anguftiores et acutiores divifa. LEAVES : thofe next the root fitting on long, round, villous footftalks, of a roundifh form, hoary, and veiny underneath, deeply divided into feven fegments, which are jagged: the leaves on the ftalk alternate, divided into fewer fegments, which are narrower and more pointed. STIPULFE ad fingula genicula quaternae, membra- naceae, marefcentes. STIPULAE four at each joint, membranous, and withering. PEDUNCULI longitudine et forma petiolorum iifque oppofiti, bifidi, biflori: pedicelli pedunculo triplo fere breviores, ftipulis minoribus ad bafin cinftis, ad lentem fubvifcofis. FLOWER-STALK: general flower-flalk the length and form of the leaf-ftalks, and growing op- pofite to them, bifid, and fupporting two flowers; partial flower-flalks nearly three times (horter than the general one, furround- ed at their bafe by fmaller ftipulae, fome of the hairs on which appearing glandular if viewed with a glafs. CALYX: Perianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis ovato-acutis, trinervibus, pilofis, inaequalibus, brevi mucrone, rufo, non admodum acuto, terminatis, 1, CALYX: a Perianthium of five leaves, ovate, pointed, having three ribs, hairy, unequal, and terminated by a reddifh and fomewhat blunt point, fig. 1. COROLLA: Pe tala quinque, purpurea, obcordata, calyce paulo longiora, unguibus, parvis, utrinque ciliatis. COROLLA: five purple Petals, inverfely heart- (haped, a little longer than the calyx, the claws (mall, and edged on each fide with hairs. STAMINA: Filamenta decem, alba, aequalia, bafi lata, vix coalefcentia : Anthers coeruleae, fi-S- 2- STAMINA: ten white Filaments, of an unequal length, broad at bottom, but not perceptibly united : Anthers blue, fig. 2. PISTILLUM: Ge rmen quinquangulare: Stylus fubulatus, vifcofus: Stigmata quinque, rubra, reflexa, fig. 3, 4. PISTILLUM: Ge rmen five-cornered; Style ta- pering, with glandular hairs: Stigmata five, of a red colour, and turning back, fig, 3> 4- SEMINA quinque, ovata, glabra, fig. 5, 7, 8. Arillo rugofo te6ia, fig, 6. SEEDS five, oval and fmooth, fig. 5, 7, 8, covered with a wrinkled Anlluss fig. 6. The Geranium molle is the mod common of all our Geraniums, and one of the earlieft in bloflbm, beginning to blow in April, and continuing through the Summer. Its mod natural fituation is on a dry bank ; yet it very often is found in paftures, and under walls. If growing by itfelf, the ftalks are ufually procumbent; among other plants it is often drawn upright. It varies very much in fize ; the flowers alfo vary much both in fize and colour. In the Lawn before Chelfea Hofipital, I have noticed this plant almoft as large as the pyrenaicum of Linnaeus. Its flowers are fometimes white, fometimes pale red, with many gradations of purple. It is mod likely to be midaken for the rotundifolium and pyrenaicum, neither of which are common plants with us : in what refpeft it differs from thefe, we (hall mention when they come to be defcribed. We may remark here, that the Arilhi or coverings of the feeds, fig. G, are curioufly wrinkled; but the feeds themfelves are perfectly fmooth. Malva Sylvestris. Common Mallow. MALVA Linnod Gen. PL Monadelphia Polyandria, Cal. duplex : exterior triphyllus. Arilli plurimi monofpermi. Raii Syn. Gen. 15. Herba: semine nudo polyspermy. MALVA fylvejiris caule ere6lo herbaceo, foliis feptemlobatis acutis, pedunculis petiolifque pilofis. Linnezi Syft. Vegetal?. p. 520. MALVA caule erefto ; foliis lobatis; lobis ferratis, quinis et feptenis. Haller hiji. n. 1069. MALVA fylvejiris. Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 859. MALVA fylvejiris folio finuato. C. Bauhin. pin. 314 MALVA vulgaris. Parkinfon. MALVA fylvejiris. Gerard. Raii Syn. p. 2Common Mallow. Hudfon FI. Angi. p. 208, RADIX perennis, albida, craflitie digiti, in terram alte defcendens, fibris paucis majufculis inftruda, fapore dulci et vifcido praedita. CAULIS plerumque ere61us, pedalis ad tripedalem, teres, pilofus, ramofus. FOLIA petiolis praelongis hirfutis infidentia, quinque aut feptemlobata, ad bafm macula purpurea faepe notata, fubplicata, crenata, fuperne laevia, fubtus hirfutula. FLORES ampli, purpurei, axillares, fubumbellati, venis faturatioribus piCli. STIPUL/E duae ad bafm cujufvis petioli. CALYX: Pe rianthium duplex, perfiftens, hirfutum, exterius triphyllum, foliolis lanceolatis, fig. 1 ; interius ferniquinquefidum, majus, laciniis ovato-acutis, fig. 2. COROLLA : Petala quinque, obeordata, praemorfa, bafi coalita, plana, fig. 3. STAMINA: Fi lamenta plurima in tubum purpu- rafcentem coalita,5, fuperne laxa, reflexa: Anthers reniformes, albidae, fig. 6, au6L PISTILLUM : Germen orbiculatum : Stylus cylin- draceus, brevis: Stigmata plurima, fetacea, rubicunda, longitudine Styli, fig. 7, 8, 9. SEMINA plurima reniformia ArilLo introrfum de- hifcente teUa, fig. 10, 11. ROOT perennial and whitifh, the thicknefs of ones finger, finking deep into the earth, thinly furnifhed with large fibres, and having a fweetifii vifcid tafte. ’ STALK generally upright, from one to three feet high, round, hairy, and branched. LEAVES {landing on long hairy foot-ftalks, having five or feven lobes, often marked at bottom with a purple fpot, fomewhat folded, crenated or notched at the edges, fmooth above, and flightly hairy beneath. ; FLOWERS large, purple, growing in a kind of urn- bell in the bofoms of the leaves, painted with deeper veins of the fame colour. : STIPULAE two at the bottom of each foot-fialk of the ■ leaf. 'CALYX: a double Perianthium continuing, and hairy ; the outer one compofed of three leaves, which are narrow and pointed, fig. i ; \ the inner one larger and divided into five J fegments,which are broader and 2. J COROLLA: five Petals heart-fhaped, a piece of the apex as if bitten out, uniting at bottom, J and flat. Jig. 3. i STAMINA: Filaments numerous, uniting into a purplifli tube, fig. 5, above unconnected and [ turning back: Anthers kidney fhaped, and whitifti, fig. 6, magnified. ; PISTILLUM: Germen orbicular; Style cylindri- cal, and (hort: Stigmata numerous, thread-fhaped, of a red colour, the length J of the Styles, fig. 7, 8, o. SEEDS numerous, kidney-ihaped, covered with an Arillus which opens inwardly, fig. 10, 11. Every part of this plant, but more particularly the root, contains within it a juice fomewhat mucilaginous, hence it has been ranked by writers on the Materia Medica among the emollients, and confidered as ferviceable in all cafes where emollients are proper : but it has more particularly been ufed in difeafes of the urinary paflages, where the parts have been either injured by calculous concretions, or inflamed from other caufes ; as in the done, gravel, bloody urine, (Irangury, gonorrhaea, &c. In cafes of cough, hoarfenefs, roughnefs of the fauces, &c. it has alfo been recommended. Its ufe however has been much fuperfeded by the Marffimallow% which poffeffes all its valuable qualities in afuperior degree. The method of ufing it is by making a deco&ion of the leaves or root : or it may be made into a fyrup in the manner of Marjhmallows. In fomentations and clyfters the leaves are alfo not unfrequently ufed. Mallows were formerly eaten as food by the Romans ; not the fpecies here figured however ; blit according to Haller, the Malva rotundij'olia italica fiore amplo of Tournefort was ufed for this purpofe. This author alfo informs us, that a tree of the Mallow kind is in like ufe with the Egyptians ; and that the Chinefe mix dried Mallow leaves with their food. Cattle do not appear to be fond of it; and as it is a (Irong growing plant, it often does much harm in good rich ground : the root however, though perennial, is not of the creeping kind, and confequently is eradicated without much difficulty. The bed inffrument will be found to be what is called a docking-iron, of which we (hall give an account in deferibing fome one of the Docks ; and the bed time for taking them up is late in the Autumn, when the herbage being eat down pretty clofe, the leaves of the Mallow are eafily difeerned, and the herbage fuffers little from the operation. The Mallow flowers from June to the end of Summer. The Antherae before the opening of the flower, while they are yet entire, affbrd a very pleafing fpe&acle, and are figured by Grew, in a magnified (late, in his Anatomy of Plants. Nf vs. /fi r y*/////ir/v ROOT annual, fibrous, of a yellowilh brown colour, f STALKS from nine to feventeen inches in height, i fpreading, angular, enlarged at the joints, branched, fmooth, tender, and fomewhat I bending. > LEAVES alternate, (landing on foot-fialks, twice pin- : nated, of a blueifii green colour, the pinnulee ? or little leaves trilobate, terminating in a (hort K point, the uttermoft lobes bifid or trifid. I FLOWERS growing in a kind of fpike, of a purple colour; fpikes upright, fupporting many flow- ers, which are placed, without any regular i order, on foot-fialks, thickeft at the extremity. J FLORAR-LEAF lanceolate, and purple at top, placed J under each flower ftalk, fig. i. > CALYX : a Perianthium of two leaves, the leaves oppofite, equal, lateral, pointed, with little teeth at the edges, and deciduous, fig. 2, 3. ■ COROLLA oblong, ringent, the palate prominent, and ■ clofing the mouth: upper lip dilated at the > tip, keel-fhaped, hollow beneath, the margin turning a little upwards ; the bafe obtufe, and curled inward: the lower lip the fame length as the upper one, and fimilar as to the i top, in other refpefts linear ; the bafe a little ) broader: the lateral Petals, or wings, cohere at top, and form a four corner’d mouth, in which there are three divifions on the upper > and lower part, Jig. 4, 5, 6, 7. I STAMINA: two white Filaments, membranous, C broad at bottom, and embracing the germen : > Anthers three, of ayellowifh colour, fitting I on the tops of the B. I PISTILLUM: Germen oval : Style thread-fhaped, £ the length of the (lamina, rifing upwards: I Stigma comprefied, and villous, fig. g. I SEED-VESSEL a fmall Pod of one cavity, forae- l what inverfely heart-fhaped. Jig. 10. I SEED one, of a roundifli figure, fig. 11. Fumitory in its flower and fruit, has certainly a confiderable affinity with the papilionaceous plants, al- though that affinity is not very obvious at firft fight: and, at the fame time, fome parts of its (lru6iure feem altogether peculiar to itfelf. The pofterior part of the corolla terminates in a kind of ne&arium, like what we obferve in the Violet. But the part in which it differs moft from the papilionaceous flowers, is its calyx, which confifts of two fmall lateral leaves, more like (lipulae than a calyx. The filaments, as in papilionaceous flowers, are diftin&ly divided into two bodies, on the top of each of which, in a very Angular manner, are placed three antherae, each (landing on a little footftalk. The feed-veflel in this fpecies, has not much refemblance to thofe of the papilionaceous tribe ; but in fome of the other fpecies it has a very confiderable one, as in the Claviculata. This difference of ftru&ure in the feed-veflels, caufed Ray to divide the plants of this genus, and place them in different claffes : but by they are claffed together with the diadelphous plants. When this plant grows luxuriantly, and near other plants, the leaves acquire a power of a£ling as tendrils, and fupporting the plant: this is the principal variety to which it is fubje6l. It grows very commonly in corn-fields, gardens, and on the fides of banks ; flowering from April to July. The juice of it given to two ounces, with whey, gently opens the body, purifies (as it is called) the blood, refills the fcurvy, removes eruptions of the (kin, and a too great rednels of the face, if exercife in the fpring be joined with it. The extraft, or infpiffated juice of it, appears to be the mod eligible form, of which one dram loofens the belly; Haller, hijl. helv. p. 150. Kine and Sheep eat it; Goats not readily; Horfes and Swine not at all. Trifolium Ornithopodioides. Birds-Foot Trefoil. TRIFOLIUM Linnczi Gen. PL Diadelphia Decandria. Flores fubcapitati. Legumen vix calyce longius, non dehifcens, deciduum. Raii Syn. Gen. 23. Herbae flore papilionaceo seu leguminos^e. TRIFOLIUM ornithopodioides leguminibus nudis oftofpermis fubternis, calycibus duplo longioribus, caulibus declinatis. Linncei Syjl, Vegetab. p, 571. Sp. FI. 1078. MEDICAGO leguminibus ternatis, eredis, recurvis, defcendentibus, pedunculo communi. Hort, Cliff. 376. TRIFOLIUM filiquofum loto affine filiquis ornithopodii. Pluk. phyt. t. 68. Jig. 1. humile repens, ornithopodii filiquis brevibus eredis. Raii Syn, p. 331, Fenugreek with Birds-Foot Trefoil Pods, tab, 14. Jig. j. Hudfon FI, AngL p. 282. Oeder FI, Dan. icon, 368 Lightfoot FI, Scot. p, 403 RADIX fimplex, albida, fibrofa, tuberculis obfita. CAULES plures, procumbentes, in humidiore aut pinguiore folo palmares aut fefquipalmares alias vix quandrantales, craffiufculi, et fub- rigidi. FOLIA perexigua, terna, obcordata, profunde den- ticulata et veluti erofa, laevia, venis reftis non ramofis, fig. 7. STIPULAE ad bafin foliorum binae, magnae, venofse, acuminatae. FLORES axillares, carnei, pedunculis breviffimis in- fidentes, terni, bini aut etiam folitarii. CALYX : Perianthium tubulofum, quinquedenta- tum, perfidens, laeve, driatum, dentibus acuminatis, nudis, duobus fuperioribus lon- gioribus, fig. 1. COROLLA papilionacea : Vexillum reflexum : Alm divergentes, fig. 2. PISTILLUM: G ermen oblongum, villofum, fig. 3. FERICARPIUM: Legumen magnum, calyce duplo longius, apice mucronata incurva, in duas valvulas aegre dehifcens, fig. 4, 5, SEMINA fex ad decem, difformia, pallida, macu- lata, fig. 6. ROOT (imple, whitiffi, fibrous, and betet with little knobs or tubercles. STALKS numerous and procumbent, in a moift or rich foil from four to fix inches in length, but mod commonly from two to three, thickifh for the fize of the plant, and fome- what rigid. LEAVES very fmall, growing by threes, inverfely heart-fhaped, deeply notched, fo as to ap- pear as if gnawed, fmooth, the veins ftraight, and not branched, fig. 7. STIPULAE at the bate of the leaves two, large, veiny, and pointed. FLOWERS axillary, pale red, fitting on exceedingly diort foot-ftalks, growing three or two toge- ther, fometimes fingly, CALYX: a Perianthium which is tubular, with five teeth, permanent, fmooth, ftriated, the teeth acuminated, naked, the two uppermoft longeft, fig. 1. COROLLA papilionaceous; the Standard turning back ; and the Wings teparating, fig. 2. PISTILLUM: Germen oblong and villous, fig. 3. SEED-VESSEL, a large Legumen, twice the length of the Calyx, the tip ending in a point and bending downward, with difficulty fplitting into two valves, fig. 4, 5. SEEDS from fix to ten, irregular, pale, and fpotted, fig- 6. This little plant is perhaps more common in this country than is generally imagined, and has probably been overlooked from its minutenefs. It appears to delight in a dry, expofed, gravelly, or fandy foil, in which the Arenaria rubra, Trifolium fubterraneum, Fefuca ovina, and Sagina eredla ufually grow. I have found it plentifully in Tothillfields, Wefmhjler, and on Blackheath. Mr. Hudson mentions its growing near Penzance, in Corn-wall; and Mr. Lightfoot in Scotland. This plant is not like the Trifolium fubterraneum, ftrikingly vifible at a diftance, but is to be. difeovered only by carrying the eye near the ground. When once found, there is no difficulty in diftinguifhing it from the other fpecies. Its leaves are (mooth, and much notched or gnawed at the edges ; its flowers are pale red; its feed-velfels remarkably large, and growing mod commonly two or three together, in which date they fomewhat referable a bird’s claw, but not in fo great a degree as the Ornithopus, or true Bird'sfoot does: the feed-veffels are fometimes Angle. Cultivated in a garden, it grows to a much larger plant than is reprefented on the plate. /24 /uru/ 126 n f/'/ ■ A Qs/rrfctut /s/ j/yvu'/ TrifoliumSubterraneum. Subterraneous Trefoil, TRIFOLIUM Lmncei Gen. PL Diadelphia Decandria. Flores fubcapitati. Legumen vix calyce longius, non dehifcens* deciduam. Raii Syn. Gen. 23. Herba: flore bapilionaceo seu leguminosa: TRIFOLIUM fubterraneum capitulis villofis fubquinquefloris, coma centrali reflexa rigida ftufturrt obvolvente. Linncei S}fi. Vegetab. p. 572. Sp. PL p. 1080. TRIFOLIUM pumilum fupinum, flofculis longis albis. Ph. Brit. Raii Syn. p. 327. tab. xiii. fig. 2. TRIFOLIUM parvum Monfpeffulanum album cum paucis floribus. 1. Bauhin 11. 380. TRIFOLIUM album tricoccum fubterraneum reticulatum. Morifonllifi. Ox. 11.138. s. 11. t. 14.f 5. TRIFOLIUM fubterraneum few folliculos fub terram condens. Magnol. Botan. Monfp. 265. Gouan. FL Monfp. p. 198. Hudfon FI. Angi. p. 286. ed. 2. p. 328. RADIX annua, (implex, fibrofa. CAULES teretes, crafliufculi, ramofi, procumbentes et terrae velut apprefli, villofi, STIPULAE ovato-lanceolatae, nervofae. PETIOLI pedunculis paulo longiores, denfe piloli. FOLIA terna, obcordata, mollia, villofa, integerrima, maculis purpureis faepe variegata. PEDUNCULI triflori aut quadriflori, perafta floref- centia verfus terram inflexi. FLORES albi, longi, procul confpicui. ROOT annual, fimple, and fibrous. STALKS about three inches in length, frequently much longer, round, thickifh, branched, pro- cumbent, and as it were prefled to the ground* covered with foft hairs. STIPULAI oval, pointed, and ribbed. LEAF-STALKS a little longer than the (lower-(talks* and thickly covered with hairs. LEAVES growing by threes, inverfely heart-fhaped* foft, villous, entire at the edges, and fre- quently variegated with purple fpots. FLOWER-STALKS fupporting three or four flowers* and bending towards the earth as they de- cay. FLOWERS white, long, and confpicuous at a dif- tance. CALYX: a Perianthium oblong, tubular, on the upper part red, having five long (lender hairy teeth the length of the tube, jig. 8. mag. COROLLA oblong, twice the length of the calyx* white : Standard ftriped with faint purple veins: Wings doling, (horter than the ftandard: Keel fmall, enclofed within the wings,/g-. i- PISTILLUM: Germen oval: Style long, (lender, afeending : Stigma roundifli, Jig, g. SEED-VESSEL: a roundifh Pod containing one feed, fg-6. SEED large, (Fining, of a purplifh colour, fig. 7. OBS. The flowering being over, the flower-ftalks are bent towards the earth, and from their ex- tremities put forth white filaments like roots, fig. 2. thefe do not however penetrate the earth, but rife upwards, their tips foon ex- ' panding into little flars, fig, 3. and finally ' enclofe the feed-veflels, jig. 5. CALYX: Perianthium oblongum, tubulatum, fu- : perne rubrum, quinquedentatum, dentibus \ fetaccis, pilofis, longitudine tubi, fg. 8, au6L * COROLLA oblonga, calyce duplo longior, alba: • Vexillum venis dilute purpureis ftriatum: ( AliE conniventes, vexillo breviores : Ca- \ rina parva, brevis, alis inclufa, fg. i. PISTILLUM: Germen ovatum: Stylus longus, tenuis, adfcendens : Stigma fubrotundum, fig• 9- : PERICARPIUM: Legumen fubrotundum, mono-* fpermum, Jig. 6. SEMEN magnum, nitidum, fpadiceum, fg. 7. OBS. Perafta florefcentia, pedunculi verfus terram defleftuntur, et filamenta alba radiculis semula extremitatibus fuis exferunt, fg. 2. hae vero terram nequaquam penetrant, at furfum eri- guntur, mox apices ftellatim expanduntur, Jig. 3, et demum pericarpia obvolvunt, fg. 5. Notwithflanding this plant appears to have obtained its name of fubterraneum from a mifapprehenfion of its ceconomy, we have chofen to retain it, rather than introduce confufion by altering a name fo long efla* blifhed, efpecially as it has a tendency to excite an inquiry into the hiftory of the plant. Ray, in his Hift. PL has given a very accurate defeription of this plant, and related every circumflance which takes place in its ceconomy with his ufual precilion, except the following; “ Flofculis delapfis aut “ marcefcentibus calices ad pediculum refleduntur et capitula fub terra conduntP Here he afferts, that the capituli or little heads, are buried in the earth by means of the calyces or flower cups, but does not explain in what manner. In the third edition of his Synopfis, publifhed by Dillenius, in a note added to this plant, contained in a parenthefis, the following account occurs : “ Calices flofculis exaridis deorfum tendunt, radi- -46 cefque extremitatibus fuis agere videntur, mox vero laciniis eorum furfum verfis peculiaribus fibris humo “ affiguntur, quo tempore unum alterumve femen terreni humoris beneficio intumefeit, novseque plantae pro- “ du&oni infervit.” Here is an attempt to account for the manner in which the heads are buried, founded however on a miftaken obfervation ; for notwithflanding what authors have related, the feeds are not buried in any unufual way, nor is there any apparatus to effe£l it. It muff be allowed, that on the firfl examination of this plant, one would be tempted to think that young roots did actually fpring from fome part of the feed as it lay on the ground connedled with the plant; but a more flri6l obfervation would difeover, that thofe white filaments which have the appearance of roots, were not roots in reality ; that they fprung from the end of the footflalk which fupports the flowers, and not from either the calyx or feed ; that inflead of penetrating into the earth, they foon turned upward, put on a flar-like appearance at their extremities, and finally enclofed the feed-veffels in a kind of prickly head. There is certainly fomething very extraordinary in this procefs of nature, yet it does not appear to be ufeful in any other way, than as affording fome kind of fecurity to the feeds, which have not that thick coriaceous covering afforded to many of the Trefoils. ... . . This fpecies, from thefe fingular circumflances, is eafily diflinguifhed from the others. It is not mentioned either by Haller, Scopoli, or Linnaajs in his FI. Suecic. but occurs in Gouan s FI. Monfpeliac. It grows with us in expofed gravelly fituations, particularly on heaths, and is dillinguifhable even at a diflance by its white bloffoms. It occurs on many parts of Blackheath ; and flowers in June, Jujy, and AugufL Trifolium Fragiferum. Strawberry 1 refoil. TRIFOLIUM Linn uppermoft a little longer, with tapering rigid reddifh points. fig. 2, 3, 4. the gibbous part » of the calyx at length becomes wonderfully changed, increafed, fwollen, reticulated, and covers the pericarpiura ; Hill however * retaining its teeth. Jig. 8. ' COROLLA papilionaceous, and of a purple colour ; i the Vexillum longer than the Alae, flat and ftreaked with rofe-coloured lines; the Wings fliort and very fmall ; the Keel (horter than > the'Wings,Jig. 2: eachflofculeis fupported by : a fmall, tapering, hollow leaf, or palea, fig. 1. i STAMINA like moft of thofe in this genus: Anthers f yellow, fig. 6. • PISTILLUM: Germen ovate: Style the length ? of the Stamina: Stigma forming a little \ head, fig. 7. $ SEED-VESSEL : an oval, flattened Legumen, con- i' taining one or two feeds, and covered over f with the inflated calyx, jig. 9, 10. } SEEDS of an oval kidney fiiape and fhining, fig, n* The beautiful ftrawberry-like appearance of thexapituli or little heads, containing the feed of this plant, and which arife from a very peculiar circumftance, the inflation or enlargement of the calyx after the bloffom is over, in a very ftriking manner diftinguifhes this fpecies from the Trfolium repens, to which in its general habit it is very nearly allied. It differs from the repens alfo in feverai t»ther refpeTs ; the whole plant is fmaller; the bloffoms are of a more purple hue; its place of growth is alfo fomewhat different: the repens feems to delight in a dry gravelly foil; xht fragiferum, on the contrary, mod ufually occurs in a moift fltuation, nor is it fo common a plant as the repens, yet it abounds in many places about London. I have obferved it plentifully in the lanes about Hornfey, alfo near Pancras, and in many other parts. It flowers and produces its feeds in Augufl. It may with great eafe be cultivated in a garden, if it fiiould be thought worthy a place there. Haller quotes an Author*, who fays, they have begun to cultivate it in Ireland for Cattle, and that when fown, it has grown to the length of feven feet: without controverting this fa6l, which borders a little on the incredible, we would obferve, that the Dutch Clover is certainly a much (Longer plant, and to be preferred in a dry fltuation: in moift fituations, there are many of the grades which may be cultivated to far greater advantage, as neither of thefe Trefoils produce much of a crop till late in the fummer. * Baker Experim. p. 98, . riuru/a /m^j / / Lotus Corniculatus. Birds-Foot Trefoil. LOTUS Linncei Gen. PL Diadelphia Decandria. Legumen cylindricum, (Iridum. Alce furfum longitudinaliter conniventes. Cal. tubulofus. Raii Syn. Gen. 23. Herbae flore papilionaceo seu leguminos^e. LOTUS corniculatus capitulis depreflis, caulibus decumbentibus, leguminibus cylindricis patentibus. Lin. Syjl. Vegetab. p. 576. LOTUS floribus umbellatis; filiquis cylindricis ; re&iflimis. Haller. hijl. helv. p. 572. n. 3. LOTUS corniculatus. Scopoli FI. Carniol. p. 86. LOTUS five melilotus pentaphyllos minor glabra. Bauhin Pin. 332. TRIFOLIUM filiquofum minus. Gerard, emac. 1191. Raii Syn. 334, Birds-foot Trefoil Hudfon Flor. Angi. p. 288. Lighifoot Flor. Scot, p. 411. RADIX perennis, fubfufiformis, in terram alte defcen- dens. CAULES plurimi, tenues, procumbentes, fubqua- drati, pedales, ramofi. FOLIA terna, ovata, mucronata, foliolo medio bali angu flata, glabra aut hirfutula. STIPULAE, duae, foliis quodammodo fimiles at magis latae et acuminatae. FLORES fubumbellati, ad 12, petiolis nudis longis infidentes. CALYX : Perianthium tubulofum : infra medium annulo prominulo cinftum, quinquedenta- tum, dentibus fetaceis, hirfutulis, duobus fu- perioribus furfum tendentibus, tribus inferi- oribus 1. COROLLA papilionacea,flava: Vexillum reflexum, fuperne aurantiacum, interne ad bafin lineis o&o circiter notatum : Al/E duae, flavae, api- cibus obtufis: Carina inferne gibba, adfcen- dens, 2. STAMINA: Fila menta decem, novem in tubum coalita, fimplici libero, apicibus omnium di- latatis, albis: Anthers parvae, 3, 4> 5' 6- ... PISTILLUM : Germen tenue, teretiufculum, incur- vum : Stylus adfcendens, reftus: Stigma 7, 8, 9. PERICARPIUM : L egumen cylindricum, bivalve, ifthmis quafi interceptum, more raphani, fig- i°- SEMINA plurima, ultra xx, parva, fubreniformia, maculata, fig, 11, 12. ROOT perennial, tapering, linking deeply into the earth. STALKS feveral, (lender, procumbent, fomewhat fquare, a foot in length, and branched. LEAVES growing three together, ovate, terminating in a (hort point, the middle leaf narrowed at its bafe, fmooth or (lightly hirfute. STIPULAL two, in fome degree like the leaves, but broader, and more pointed. FLOWERS growing fomewhat in the form of an urn- bell, to twelve, fitting on long foot llalks. CALYX: a Perianthium tubular, below the mid- dle furrounded by a prominent ring, having five teeth, which are fetaceous and a little hairy, the two uppermoil rifing upward, the three lowermoft bending back,y%\ i. COROLLA papilionaceous and yellow; the Vexil- lum turned back ; on its upper part of an orange colour,underneath,at its bafe, marked with about eight lines : Wings two, yellow and blunt at the tips: Keel gibbous below, rifing upwards, and pointed, fig. 2. ’ STAMINA : ten Filaments, nine uniting in a tube; the (ingle one loofe ; the tips of all of them dilated, and white : Anthers fmall and • yellow, Jig. 3, 4, 5, 6. ; PISTILLUM; Ge rmen (lender, roundKh, and bent downward; Style rifing upwards, and • (Iraight; Stigma very minute,fig, 7, 8, 9. [ SEED-VESSEL : a cylindrical Legumen of two [ valves, divided into a kind of cells, fomewhat 5 in the manner of the lO. ■ SEEDS numerous, more than twenty, (mall, fome- J what kidney-lhaped, and (potted, Jig. 11,12. The following extra£l relative to this plant, is fele&ed from the firft volume of Mr. Anderson’s Effays relating to Agriculture and Rural Affairs 3 page 419. While the pra&ical remarks, and judicious hints, fcattered through this performance, (hew the author to be a man of real genius, and far fuperior to the common run of writers on thefe fubjefts, we cannot but regret, that a want of botanic knowledge pervades the whole, and in fome degree, defeats the laudable defign of the ingenious eflayift. In no one plant, is this inaccuracy more obfervable than in the prefent, which we (hall point out; hoping, that as the author has in fome parts of his work, (hewn himfelf well acquainted with chemical know- ledge, fome future edition may demonftrate, that he thought Botany equally worthy of his attention. te Milk-vetch, liquorice-vetch, or milk-wort, as it is differently called,—the * AJlragalus glycyphyhos of (C Hudfon, is a plant common in every part of the ifland, although it has never yet, that I have heard of, been attempted to be cultivated. (t The general appearance of this humble plant, is, in fome refpe6ls, very like that of the common white- . p. 594. Flor. Suecic. p. 269. Sp. Piant, p. 1116. SONCHUS foliis amplexicaulibus, dentatis, integris aut femipinnatis, calycibus laevibus. Haller. hijl. p. 10. n. 21. HIERACIUM oleraceum. Scopoli FI. Carniol. p. 110. SONCHUS laevis laciniatus latifolius. Bauhin. Pin, 124. SONCHUS laevis. Ger. emac. 292. SONCHUS vulgaris. Parkinfon 805. Raii Syn. 162. Hudjbn FI. Angi. p. 294. ed. 2. p. 336, 1 Lightfoot FI. Scot, p, 428. RADIX annua, (implex, fibrofa, albida, laftefcens. | \ CAULIS pedalis ad tripedalem, laevis, purpurafcens, tener, fiftulofus, ad bafm teres, fuperne fub- angulofus, ramofus. FOLIA amplexicaulia, laevia, glauca, nervo medio purpurafcente, inferiora pinnatifida, pinna- rum paria duo aut tria, pinnis dentatis fpinulo terminatis, lateralibus ovatis, terminali magno triangulari, fuperiora integra, ovato-acuta, bafx lato. PEDUNCULI tomentofi, per aetatem nudi. CALYX: communis ante florefcentiam cylindraceus, et quali truncatus, poflea ventricofo-conicus, fquamis plurimis, inaequalibus, laevibus, a» cuminatis, i, 2. COROLLA compofita, imbricata, uniformis: Flos- culis monopetalis, ligulatis, quinquedenta- t‘s> fis- 3- STAMINA in cylindrum coalita: Anthers flava:, apicibus nigricantibus. PISTILLUM: Germen fubovatum: Stylus fili- formis, flaminibus longior: Stigmata duo tenuia, patentia. SEMEN oblongum, cornprefTum, fulcatum, fcabriuf- culum ; Pappus feifilis, fimplex,tenuilfimus, fis- 4. 5- RECEPTACULUM nudum, punctis prominulis fca- brum, lucidum, fig. 6. ROOT annual, fimple, fibrous, whitifh, and milky, STALK from one to three feet high, fmooth, purplifh, tender, hollow, at bottom round, towards the top fomewhat angular, and branched. LEAVES embracing the (talk, fmooth, glaucous; the midrib purplifh ; the lower ones pinnatifid, confifting of two or three pair of pinnas, which are indented, and each terminated by a little fpine ; the fide ones oval, the end one large and triangular; the upper leaves entire, oval, pointed with a broad bafe. FLOWER-STALKS downy, but becoming fmooth by age. CALYX : the common Calyx before the flowering, cylindrical, and as it were cut off at top, af- terwards bellying out, and forming a cone, covered with numerous fmooth, unequal, pointed fcales, fig, i, 2. COROLLA compound, imbricated, and uniform ; the Floscules monopetalous, the upper part flat, with five teeth, fig. 3. STAMINA uniting into a cylinder ; Anthers yel- low, the tip blackifh. PISTILLUM: Germen nearly oval; Style filiform, longer than the Stamina: Stigmata two, (lender, and fpreading. SEED oblong, flattened, grooved, roughifh ; Down feffile, fimple, very fine, fig. 4, 3. RECEPTACLE naked, rough with little prominent points, and fhjning, fig. 6. The Sowthiftle is fubjecl to many varieties, fome of which have differed fo much from the common appearance of this plant, as to have occafioned them to be confidered as diftinft fpecies. Thus Haller makes the Sonchus of per, or prickly Sowthiftle, a diftinft fpecies; and the old Botanifts formed feveral other fpecies of it from different circumftances ; as fize, breadth, divifions of its leaves, &c. But the generality of Botanifts feem now difpofed to confider them all as the fame, varying from foil, fituation, &c. The prickly variety fee ms to be the only one that has any pretenfions to be confidered as diftinft; but if any perfon will be at the pains to examine a garden over-run with thefe plants, he will readily trace it into the fmooth. This plant appears to have been little regarded as a medicine ; but as a favourite food of hares and rabbits, it is colle&ed with great avidity. It abounds moft in gardens and cultivated ground; yet is fometimes met with on walls. Being a large plant, and of quick growth, it is one of thofe which ufually appear in neglefted gardens, over-running moft others, and proving more injurious to the flovenly gardener than the farmer. It flowers chiefly in July, Auguft, and September. . According to the experiments made by fome of pupils, and pubhfhed originally in the Ammnitates'’* Acadmica, it appears that it is eaten by goats, (beep, and Twine, but not rehftied by horfes. The young tendef leaves are, in fome countries, boiled and eaten as greens ; Lightfoot FI. Scot, *ln the 2d vol. of E%s relating to Agriculture and Rural Affairs, by Mr, Anderson, there Is a tranflatlon of thefe experiments. r ft /s/,) ( V/’J / / Tussilago Petasites. Butterbur. TUSSILAGO Lin, Gen, PI. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. Recept, nudum. Pappus {implex. Cal. fquamae aequales, difcum aequantes, fubmembranaceae. RaiiSyn.Gen.7.Herbm flore composito, semine papposo non lactescentes FLORE DISC OIDE, TUSSILAGO Petafites Thyrfo ovato, flofculis omnibus hermaphroditis. Lin, Sp. PL p. 1215. FI. Suecic. n, 746. PETASITES floribus denfe (picatis, flofculis androgynis. Haller Hift, n. 143. TUSSILAGO Petafites. Scopoli FI. Cam, n. 1058. PETASITES major et vulgaris. Bank. Pin. 197. PETASITES Gerard emac. 814. PETASITES vulgaris. Parkinfon 419. Raii Syn. p. 179, Butterbur, Peftilent-wort. Hudfon FI. Angl. 351. ed. 2. 364. Lightfoot FI. Scot. 477. S.ADIX perennis, repens, albida, craflitie digiti, mul- ■ io etiam major in adultis plantis, horizontalis, \ fibras plurimas praelongas dimittens, verfus ; apicem fenfim incraflatas. PETIOLI radicales, teretiufculi, ftriati, villofi, cana- liculati, bali vaginati, purpurafcentes. FOLIA cordata, rotundata, margine inaequaliter den- tata, denticulis rufis, inferne fubtomentofa, deflorata planta increfccntia, tandem amplif- fima. SCAPUS radicalis, fpithamaeus, teres, fiflulofus, albi- dus, tomentofus,adfperfus fquamislanceolatis, purpurafcentibus, nervofis* inferioribus folio- . Io crenulato terminatis. THYRSUS primum ovatus, dein oblongus* demum fubconicus, pedunculis unifloris, bra£laeatis. BRACTEA ad bafin pedunculorum lanceolatae, apice purpurafcentes, delicatulae, longitudine pe- dunculi, Jig. i. CALYX communis, turbinatus, laevis, fquamis fub- aequalibus, lanceolatis, apice fubincurvatis, fs- 2* COROLLA compofita; corollulce omnes hermaphro- ditae, tubulofae, propria pallide purpurea, in- fundibuliformis, tubo filiformi, elongato, lim- bo campanulato, quinquefido, laciniis re- flexis, Jig. 3. ANTHERTl purpureae, in tubum coalitae, jig. 4. PISTILLUM: Germen teres, nudum: Stylus albi- dus, antheris longior: Stigma craflum, al- bum, bifidum, fig. 5. SEMINA oblonga, marcida, nigricantia, Herilia, pap- po fimplici 6. RECEPTACULUM nudum. ROOT perennial, creeping, whitifh, the thicknefs of ones finger, or much larger in full grown plants, running horizontally, and fending down numerous long fibres, which grow thicker towards the extremity. LEAF-STALKS proceeding from the root* roundifh, ftriated, villous, hollow on the inlide, form- ing a fheath at bottom, and purplifh. LEAVES heart-fhaped, rounded, the edge unequally indented, the teeth reddifh, underneath fome- what woolly, growing very large after the plant has flowered. SCAPUS proceeding from the root, about feven inches high, round, hollow, whitifh, woolly, co- vered with lanceolate fcales or leaves of a purplifh colour, ribbed, the lower ones often terminating in a fmall notched leaf. THYRSUS firfh oval, then oblong, laflly nearly coni- cal ; the flower-ftalks fupporting one flower each, and furnifhed with floral-leaves. FLORAL-LEAVES at the bafe of the flower-flalks lanceolate, purplifh at top* delicate, and the length of the flower-ftalk, fig. i. CALYX common to many florets, broad at top, and fmall at bottom, fmooth, the fcales or leaves nearly equal, lanceolate, and bending in fomewhat at top, fig. 2. COROLLA compofed of many florets, all of which are hermaphrodite and tubular, of a pale > purple colour, and funnel-fhaped; the tube long and flender; the brim bell-fhaped, divi- ded into five fegments, which are turned back, ► Jig. 3. * ANTHERyE purple, united into a tube, fig. 4. : PISTILLUM: Ge rmen round and naked: Style whitifh, longer than the Stamina: Stigma thick, white, and bifid, fig. 5. ? SEEDS oblong, withered, blackifh, iterile, crowned : with fimple down, fg. 6. I RECEPTACLE naked. The Butterbur though differing widely from the Coltsfoot in the appearance of its bloom, yet agrees with it in many particulars; the root, efpecially, pofl'efl’es the fame power of increafing the plant, by creeping under the earth to a very great diftance; hence when once introduced into a garden, it is Icarce to be rooted out, efpecially if the foil be a moift one. Was it not for this pernicious efleP, the beautiful mode of its flowering, joined to its early appearance, would entitle it to a place in the gardens of the curious. The bloffoms, like thofe of the Coltsfoot, make their appearance before the leaves, IF the fpring be mild, the fpike will be formed by the middle of March; but April is the month in which it oftener blows. It does not, like the Coltsfoot, expand its pappus or down, but the flowers change to a dirty brown colour ; and the feeds on examination, appear altogether barren.- It appears difficult to account for the caufe or this Ilerility, as the parts of the fruPification feem evidently perfeP. This lofs is however amply fupplied in another way, as will be evident from the following experiment. April the ift, 1778, I planted in my garden a piece of the Butterbur root, two inches long, the thicknefs of the little finger, with a tuft of leaves to it. November the 3d, 1779, this root with its increafe, was dug up, many of the fhoots had extended themfelves to the diflance of fix feet, and penetrated two feet in depth; the whole, waffled from the furrounding dirt, weighed eight pounds. A very ingenious Swedifh botanifl informed me, that the early appearance of this plant, induced the rural ceconomifl in Sweden, to plant it near their bees, who refort much to its bloffoms. The above experiment (hews that this cuffom fhould be adopted with caution, fince where this plant abounds, the ground is fo fhaded with its ample leaves, as to produce few others. The foil in which it flourifhes mo ft is a moift one, hence it is moft commonly found on the banks of rivers and dreams. Near London it grows on the north fide of the River Thames, betwixt Wcfmmfler-Bridge and Chefea. Formerly it was a medicine of great repute in peflilential and other fevers: but in the modern praPice it is but little regarded, ( V / / rr ; QyuhJi/aqa ar/ara / ,/ / 7 / / , Tussilago Fa rear a. Coltsfoot. \ ' ;r . TUSSILAGO Linncei Gen, PI. Sy NGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. I Recept. nudum. Pappus fimplex. fquamae aequales, difcum aequantes, fubrnembranaceae. v Raii Syn.Gen, 17. Herbal flore composito, Semine papposo non lactes- SCENTES, FLORE DISCOIDE. TUSSILAGO Farfaro, fcapo unifloro imbricato, foliis fubcordatis angulatis denticulatis. Linncei Syjt, Vegetab. p. 629. Spec. Plant, p. 1214. FI. Suecic. n. 743. PETASITES fcapo unifloro; flofculis in ambitu lingulatis. Haller. hijl. n. 143. TUSSILAGO Farfara. Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 1059. TUSSILAGO vulgaris. Bauhin. pin. 197. TUSSILAGO Gerard e?nac. S11. TUSSILAGO Parkinfon 1220. Raii Syn. p. 173, Common Coltsfoot. Hndfon FI, Angi, p. 31 r. Oeder FI. Dan, icon. 595. RADIX praelonga, craflitie minimi digiti, albida, fub terra reptans et late Te propagans, ex una • parte folia ex altera flores emittens. FOLIA fubrotundo-cordata, angulofo-dentata, in- ferne tomentofa, albida, fuperne viridia, faepe cum tantillo tomenti. SCAPI uniflori, ftriati, tomentofi, folioli, foliolis lan- ceolatis, adpreflis, rubicundis, perada flo- refcentia nutantes, demum eredi. CALYX (communis) cylindraceus; fquamis oblongis, acutis, alternis anguftioribus, jig. i, 2. COROLLA compolita : CorolluljE in difco her- maphroditae, tubulofae, flavae; limbo quin- quefido, acuto, reflexo, fig. 4. Anthers in tubum coalitae, apicibus acutis, fig. 5. Germen breve, Jig. 8. Stylus filiformis, Antheris longior, Jig. 9. Stigma capita- 10. in radio femineae, flavae, bafi tubu- lofae, limbus linearis, Jig. 3. Germen ob- longum, Jig. 6. Stigma bifidum, tenue, Jig. 7. SEMEN oblongum, pallide fufcum ; Pappus feflilis, fimplex, Jig. 11. ROOT very long, the thicknefs of ones little finger, whitifti, creeping under the ground, and propagating itfelf far and wide ; from one part of it fending forth leaves, from another part flowers. LEAVES of a roundifli heart-fliaped figure, angular and indented, underneath downy and whitifh ; above green, oftentimes covered with a little down. STALKS fupporting one flower, channeled, downy, covered with leaves, which are lanceolate, prefled to the ftalk, and reddilh, upright’ when the bloflbms are over hanging down, finally becoming upright. CALYX (common to all the florets) cylindrical ; the fquams or little leaves oblong, pointed; the alternate ones narrowed;. COROLLA compound : the Florets in the centre hermaphrodite, tubular, yellow; the limb divided into five fegments, which are pointed and turn back, fig. 4. Anthers uniting into a tube, the tips pointed, fig. 5. the Germen fliort, fig. 8. the Style filiform, longer than the Anthers, fig. g. the Stigma forming a little head, Jig. 10. FLORETS in the circumference yellow, at bottom tubular, the limb very narrow, fig. g. Ger- men oblong, fig. 6. Stigma bifid, [lender, „ fig■ 7- SEED oblong, of a pale brown colour; Down handing on the feed, not feathered, fig. 11. Next to the Hazel, the Coltsfoot is the firft flower which appears with us in the Spring ; and there is this remarkable circumfiance attending it, that its blofToms come up generally at Tome diftance from, and before its leaves : thefe are gathered by many perfons, who make a fyrup or tea of them when dried, which is generally confidered as a peftoral, or ufeful indiforders of the lungs. The leaves make a principal ingredient in the Britifh herb tobacco. As foon as the flowers are out of bloom, and the feeds, with their pappus or down, as yet moifl, are enclofed within the Calyx, the heads hang down as reprefented in the figure : as the moifture of the feeds and pappus evaporates in ripening, they become lighter, and are again erefted ; and now the pappus fully expands, and puts on fomewhat the appearance of the Dandelion puff. I have noticed this peculiarity, as the like does not take place in the generality of compound flowers. In Charlton Sand-Pits, and many other places about Town, the Coltsfoot is plentiful enough ; flowering in February and March. Farmers are difpleafed with the appearance of this plant on their ground, as it not only indicates a poor, cold, and impoverilhed foil; but is with much difficulty, from the length of its creeping roots, effeftually deflroyed. The cuftora of fmoking this plant, which fill prevails, is of ancient date : Pliny dicefts the dried leaves and root of Coltsfoot to be burned, and the fmoke drawn into the mouth through a reed and fwallowed, as a remedy for an obllinate cough ; the patient Tipping fome raifm wine with each draught of the fmoke : “ Hujus Si aridcp. cum radice fumus, per Arundinem hauftus et devoratus, veterem fanare dicitur tujfim ; fed in fngulos e: hauftus paffumguftandum eft.” This is the only account amongft the ancients, that we have hitherto been able to difcover, which tends towards the praftice of fmoking : but we cannot acquiefce in the common opinion, that fmoking of tobacco, or at lead; fome kind of plant, was unknown in the old world, till Sir Walter Raleigh brought it from America. Is it probable that the inhabitants of Africa Ihould fo foon have univerfally adopted a cuftom from Europe that was unknown two centuries ago ? Or that the Aftatics, fo tenacious of their own manners, cuftoms, and habits, Ihould in fo fmall a time, have agreed to extend this uncouth kind of luxury over a vail continent, from the confines of Conftantinople to the extremities of China? Countries thinly inhabited are much molefled with gnats. Travellers tell us, that the Northern Aftatic Tartars conllantly carry on their arms, during the Summer, a pot of burning touchwood, fometimes prepared from the root of this plant, to defend therafelves by the fmoke, from the annoyance of thefe infefts. It is probable one more ingenious than the rell contrived to keep this fire alive, by a communication with his breath; and this expedient by degrees produced a tobacco-pipe. A propenfity to intoxication, fo natural to mankind, would give a preference to tobacco before moll other vegetable fubllances ; and thus a cullom, that in the beginning was taken up for felf-defence, at lall might become a luxury. The firfl difcoverers of America probably found the natives fmoking tobacco: but might they not bring this pra6lice with them from the northern parts of Europe or Afta, which were never penetrated by the Roman arms; from whence it appears probable that America was peopled ? A room orbed-chamber may at any time be cleared from gnats, by fetting the windows open, and fmoking or burning fome tobacco, from which the infe£ls are obliged immediately to efcape. Thofe that are offended by its fmell, may fubftitute this plant in its (lead. But cultivated and inhabited countries are in a great meafure defended from infupportable fwarms of gnats, by a provifion of nature little attended to. Of the four kinds of fwallows which frequent this illand, whofe food confills entirely of flying infe6ls, three of them are domeftic, and could with difficulty find fuitable conveniencies for building their nefls, without attaching themfelves to the habitations of men, around which they are perpetually hawking for their prey : hence it is apparent why deferts particularly abound with gnats. The poet obferves, that the martin or martlet, one fpecies of fwallow, choofes a delicate air for its refidence. Who then can fuffer its nell to be diflurbed after reading the following lines ? efpecially fince this bird pays fuch a compliment to the fweetnefs of the fituatiqn. “ This gueft of fummer, ft The temple-haunting martlet, does approve, “ jßy his lov’d mafonry, that heavens breath ' (t Smells wooingly here: no jutting frieze, ef Buttrefs, nor coigne of vantage, but this bird “ Hath made his pendent bed and procreant cradle, (t Where they moft breed and haunt, I have obferv’d “ The air is delicate.” Although we have wandered from our fubjeft, the candid and humane will forgive our interceding for a vifitor, who claiming the rites of hofpitality, places unreferved confidence in us, and feems dire&ed by Providence to attend on mankind, for purpofes the moft friendly and beneficial. \r°lo* / / Viola Canina. Dog’s Violet. VIOLA Linncei Gen. Pl. Syngenesia Monogamia. Calyx pentaphyllus. Corolla pentapetala, irregularis, pollice cornuta. Capfula fupera, trivalvis, unilocularis. Raii Syn. Gen. 24. Herbae pentapetala: vasculifera:. VIOLA canina, caule adultiore adfcendente, foliis oblongo-cordatis. Linncei Syjl. Vegetab. p, 668. VIOLA caule procumbente, ramofo, foliis petiolatis cordatis. Haller hijl. helv, n. 563. VIOLA canina. Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 1098. VIOLA raartia inodora fylveftris. Bauhin Pin.p. 364. VIOLA canina fylveftris. Ger. emac. 851. VIOLA fylveftris. Parkinfon 755. Raii Syn. p. 364. Wild, or Dogs Violet. Viola canina minor. Raii Syn. 364. t, 24. fig. 1. Hudfon FI. Angi. p. 331. RADIX perennis, craffitie pennas coracis, obliqua, fibras longiufculas tenaces dimittens, fu- perne fubdentatus ex reliquiis petiolorum. CAULIS fubere&us, triuncialis, fubangulofus, Icevis, folia forefque ferens. FOLIA cordata, laevia, crenata, fubtus faepe pur- purafcentia, fuperiora oblongo-cordata. STIPULAE, caulinae lanceolatae, pilis rigidiufculis ci- liatae. PEDUNCULUS tetragonus, bra&aeis duabus fetaceis inftru6lus. FLOS purpureus, inodorus, majufculus. CALYX : Perianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis lan- ceolatis, acuminatis, nervofis, bafi dentatis; tribus fuperioribus fuperne tuberculofis, api- cibus recurvatis, duobus inferioribus longio- ribus, fig. i. COROLLA, ut ut Stamina cum Piftillo, a duabus fpecibus jam defcriptis (vid. odorata et hirta) vix difcrepant, petala lateralia bafi barbata funt, fig. 2, petalumque inferius ad bafin li- neis faturate purpureis pingitur. CAPSULA oblonga, trigona, trivalvis, valvulis cym- biformibus, fig. 3. SEMINA plurima, glabra, pallida, flavefcentia, in fingula valvula, 7, 9, fig. 4. ROOT perennial, about the thicknefs of a crow quill, oblique, fending down fome longifh fibres of a toughifh fubftance, on the upper part fomewhat toothed or knobbed, from the re- mains of the leaf (talks. STALK nearly upright, about three inches high, fomewhat angular,bearing both leaves and flowers, LEAVES heart-fhaped, fmooth, crenated, and often- times purplifh underneath ; the upper leaves of a longer ftiape. STIPULAI. of the (talk lanceolate, and edged with ftiffifli hairs. FLOWER-STALK fquare, furnifhed with two nar- row pointed floral leaves. FLOWERS purple, fcentlefs, and rather large. CALYX: a Perianthium of five leaves, which are lanceolate, pointed, ribb’d, and indented at the bafe ; the three uppermoft a little uneven on their upper furface, the points bending upward; the two lowermoft longer, fig. i. COROLLA, as well as the Stamina and Piftillum, differ very little from the two fpecies already defcribed, (viz. the fweet-fcented and hairy) having the lateral petals bearded at the bafe, fig. 2, and the bafe of the lowermoft petal, painted with deep purple lines. CAPSULE oblong, three-cornered, having three valves, which are boat-fhaped, fig. 3. SEEDS numerous, fmooth, of a pale yellowifti co- lour, in each valve 7 or g, fig. 4. The Dog Violet differs from the Sweet Violet in many particulars ; the chief of which are, Firji, The flowers have no fmell. Second, The flowers grow on foot-flalks which fpring from the ftalk, and not the root, and are in general of a larger fize. Third, The flipulae, next the root and on the ftalk, are very ftrongly edged with ftiff hairs. Fourth, The fegments, or leaves of the calyx, are pointed. Fifth, The feed-veffel is oblong and three-cornered. It differs from the hairy Violet alfo, in all thefe refpe&s except the firft. The fame peculiar circumffances of producing feed during the fumrner months, without any expanded corolla, takes place alfo in this fpecies. It grows with us in greater abundance than either the Viola odorata or hirta, in our woods, and under hedges ; and begins to flower in April, when both the others are going out of bloom. It varies in colour, being fometimes found with white bloffoms ; in» fize alfo, according to the expofed or (heltered fituation in which it grows, it differs very much: and there is little doubt, but the Violet reprefented in Ray’s Synopjis, pL 24. fig. 1. is the Viola Canina in its fraall ftate, though the figure be imperfecl as to its chara&ers. Haller obferves, that thofe -who colleQ Violet bloffoms for making the fyrup, are apt to fubflitute this fpecies: but this cannot often happen : (hould thefe flowers alone be expofed for fale, they may be detected by their want of fmell ; fhould they be mixed with a few of the fweet ones, they may be difcovered by the pointed fhape of the leaves of the calyx. r/? /• i 7V/U*) m f / Orchis Mascula. Early Spotted Orchis. ORCHIS Linncei Gen, PL Gynandria Di an dr ia. NeSlarium corniforme poneforem. Rail Syn. Gen. 26. Herba: radice bulbos a praedita. ORCHIS mafcula bulbis indivifis, neftarii labio quadrilobo crenulato: cornu obtufo petalis dorfalibus reflexis. Lin. Syjl. Vegetab. p. 674. FL Sueac. p. 319. n. 795. ORCHIS radicibus fubrotundis; petalis lateralibus reflexis; labello trifido; Tegmento medio longiori* bifido. Haller hift. n. 1283. tab. 33. ORCHIS mafcula. Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 1111. ORCHIS morio mas foliis maculatis. Bauhin. pin. 81. Parkinfon, 1346. CYNOSORCHIS morio mas. Gerard, emac. 208. Raii Syn. p. 376. n. 3. The Male Fool-ftones. Hudfon. FL Angi. p. 333. Oeder. FL Dan. t. 4,57. Lightfoot. FL Scot. p. 51^. RADIX: Bulbi duo fubrotundi, majufculi. CAULIS pedalis, ereftus, teres, folidus, fuperne pur- purafcens, nudus, inferne foliis vaginantibus veftitus. FOLIA latiufcula, maculis atropurpureis plerumque infignita, inferne carinata. SPICA longa, fpeciofa, laxa. BRACTEAE purpureae, lanceolatae, fubmembranaceae, germine paulo breviores, apicibus paululum contortis. COROLLA: Petala quinque, purpurea; duo ovato- acuta, ereEla, carinata, apicibus incurvatis, tria conniventia in galeam: Labellum am- plum, trilobum, medio produftiore, omnibus acute crenulatis, et bafi maculatis: Faux alba. Explic. Fio. Fig. —* i, Bra&asa. 2> 3, Petala. 4, Labellum. 5, Ne&arium, nat. magnit. 6, Glandula ad bafm Filamenti. 7, Filamentum. 8, Antherae. 9, Receptaculum glandularum Filamentorum. 10, Theca Antherarum claufa. 11, Eadem aperta. 12, Anthera extenfa* 13, Stigma. 14, Germen, au6I. ROOT: two Bulbs of a roundilh form, and feme- what large. STALK a foot high, upright, round, folid, above naked and purplilh, below clothed with fur- rounding leaves. LEAVES broadifh, moft commonly marked with dark purple fpots, the midrib projecting (harply on the under fide. SPIKE long, fhowy, loofe. FLORAL-LEAVES purple* lanceolate, fomewhat membranous, a little fhorter than the Germen, the tips a little twilled. COROLLA: five purple Petals, two of which are of an oval pointed fhape, upright, with a projecting rib, the tips bending inward: the remaining three form the galea or helmet: the Lip large, with three lobes, of which the middle one is the longell, all of them fharply notched, and fpotted at the bafe: Mouth white. Explanation of the Figures. Fig. i, The Floral-leaf. 2, 3, The Petals. 4, The Lip. 5, The NeClary of their natural fize. 6, The Gland at the bafe of the Filament. y, The Filament. 8, The Antherae. 9, The Cavity containing the Glands of the Filaments. ao, The cafe containing the Antherae clofed. 11, The fame opened. 12, The Anthera Bretched out. 13, The Stigma. 14, The Germen, magnified. Students in general, find a difficulty in obtaining a clear idea of the parts of fructification in the Orchis tribe. There is&a peculiarity of flrufture runs through the whole of them, very different from what we meet with in plants in general. r The greater part of this genus have bulbous roots, which are yearly renewed; lome have fibrous roots, which alfo partake of the fame nature. As a proof of their being yearly renewed, we always find, when there are two bulbs, that one of them is in a more withered flate than the other; and if we take the roots up in Autumn, we find one bulb only. r „ . r . , . _ _ ' Thefe plants multiply themfelves very little. The fmall mcreaie they make, appears to be from oft-fets. Hitherto we have no fatisfaftory proof of their being propagated from feed; yet the feed-veffels in many of them, are large, well formed, and filled with feeds; which though extremely minute, appear perfeft. The fmallnefs of the feed is, however, no argument againft its vegetating: fome of the Ferns, whofe feeds are much fmaller, are well known to fome ingenious nurferymen near London*, to be propagated from feed, and to come up fpontaneoufly in their hot-houfes, where the original plant has fcattered its feed: and it is mod probably owing to a want of minute attention, that the progrefs of the Orchis feedlings has not yet been obferved. Were we however difpofed to doubt the vegetative power of thefe feeds, we might urge, that their barrenefs was owino' to their not being properly impregnated ; the Anthers in the Orchis tribe, appearing to be totally dif- ferent in their flrufture, from thofe of plants in general; and not containing, fo far, at leafl, as I have yet been able to difcover, any fimilar pollen, or impregnating duff. p , . Each flower has two flamina, whofe flrufture is well deferving the attention of the curious: each of thefe fla- mina is contained within a bag or cafe, the edges of which fold over each other, and open anteriorly, as the plant advances towards maturity, fig. 10, 11. At this period, in many of the Orchis tribe, they hang down out of their cafes towards the fligma, and are particularly vifible in the Bee Orchis, and fome others: on the flighted pull they are drawn out, and then at the bale of each filament, we difcover a fmall tranfparent globule* fig. 6; and at the top a club-fhaped fubflance* mofl commonly of a yellow colour, and granulated furface, which muff be confider- et as the Anther a ‘fig. 8. On firetching this fubflance before the view of a microfcope, it appears to be compofed of a number of cubic or irregularly fquare corpufcles, united together by fine elaflic threads,7%. 121 that thefe corpufcles produce the effett of Pollen feems highly probable, though in a manner, at prefent unknown to us. There is no difficulty in diflinguifhing this fpecies from all our other Orchis s: its fpotted leaves and early bloom, will in general be fufficient. . . , r , . , . The beauty of its leaves and flowers, juflly entitle it to a place m the gardens of the curious; and in which, if planted in a (hady fituation, it will readily grow* Jt flowers in April and May. . . rr ii About London it is become fomewhat fcarce; but in the woods and meadows in moil parts of England, no plant more abounds. Should it ever be found prafticable, as well as profitable, to cultivate this genus ol plants, for the purpofe of making Salep, this fpecies appears as likely to anfwer as any of tnem. The extraordinary invigorating powers of the roots of thefe plants, have been handed down to us with ceremo- ny by many great names amongfl antiquity: but we readily fubfciibe to the opinion 01 Moniieio Gahidel, who in {peaking of the Orchis, fays that great names have introduced many abfufd medicines. * Meffrs. Lee and Gordon. Arum Maculatum. Cuckow-Pint. ARUM Limed Gen. PL Gynandria Polyandria. Spatha monophylla, cucullata, Spadito fupra nudus, inferne femineus, medio ftamineus. Rail Syn. Ger. 16. Herbie baccifer^e. ARUM maculatum acaule, foliis haftatis integerrimis, fpadice clavato. Lin. Vegetal, p. 690. ARUM folds fagittatis; fpatha re&a : clava cylindrica. Haller. hijl. helv, n, 1302. ARUM maculatum. Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 1138. ARUM vulgare maculatum. Bauhin Pin. 195. ARUM vulgare. Gerard emac. 834. ARUM maculatum et non maculatum. Park. 373. Syn.p. 266, Wake-Robin, Cuckow-Pint. Hudfon. FI. Ang. p. 342. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 528. RADIX perennis, tuberofa, albida, magnitudine nucis myrifiicae majoris, tranfverfa, fibras plurimas, fimplices undique in terram demittente, fa- pore acerrimo, tuberculis e lateribus egermi- nantibus fe propagante. FOLIA: ex una radice duo tria vel quatuor, rarius plura exeunt, fagittata, petiolata, nitida, ve- nofa, venis intra marginem terminatis, maculis purpureis faepe notata. PETIOLI bafi vaginantes, fubtriquetri, externe con- vexi, interne canaliculati. FRUCTIFICATIO fpatha inclufa. CALYX : Spatha monophylla, maxima, oblonga, bafi convoluta, apice connivens, ventre comprefia; Spadix clavatus, fimplicifiimus, fpatha paulo brevior, purpureus aut albidus, inferne ger- minibus obvallatus, marcefcens fupra germina, fi-S- 4- COROLLA nulla. STAMINA; Filamenta nulla: Anthers plurimae, felfiles, tetragonae, purpureae, fpadici adnatae, fis- 1- NECTARIA corpufcula plurima, bafi crafia, delinentia in cirrhos filiformes fupra et infra fiamina, fis-3- PISTILLUM : Germina plurima, bafm fpadicis vef- tientia, infra fiamina collocata, obovata: Styli nulli: Stigmata villis barbata, Jig. 2. PERICARPIUM; B AGCiE totidem, coccineae, globo- fae, uniloculares, Jig. 5. SEMINA plurima, fubrotunda. ROOT perennial, tuberous, whitifh, about the fize of a large nutmeg, growing tranfverfely, fend- ing forth on every fide a great .number of fingle fibres, of a mod biting tafle, propaga- ting itfelf by little tubercles, fpringing from its fide. LEAVES: from one root to three or four, feldommore proceed, arrow-fhaped, (landingon foot-ftalks, (hining, veiny, the veins terminating within the margin, often marked with purple fpots. LEAF-STALKS at bottom forming a flieath, three- cornered, externally convex, internally chan- nelled. FRUCTIFICATION enclofed in a (heath. CALYX: a Jheath of one leaf, very large, oblong, the edges wrapping over each other at bot- tom, at top clofing, the middle part com- preffed, the tongue club-fhaped, fingle, (hor- ter than the (heath, purple or of a whitifh colour, below furrounded by the germina, and withering above them. COROLLA wanting. STAMINA: Filaments wanting: Anthers nu- merous, feffile, four cornered, purple, grow- ing to the tongue, fig. i. NECTARIES feveral rounddh bodies, terminated by a tapering thread, placed above and beneath the (lamina, Jig. 3. PISTILLUM : Germina numerous, furrounding the bafe of the fpadix or tongue, of an oval (hape, placed beneath the (lamina: Styles wanting: Stigmata bearded with little hairs, fig. 2. BERRIES correfponding in number with the germina, fcarlet, round, of one cavity, Jig. 5. SEED numerous and roundifh. Botanifts who have noticed the hiftory of this plant, well know that it appears under two very different forms in the fpring and autumn: but the generality of people are not aware, that the naked clufter of fcarlet berries, fo conspicuous in the hedges at the clofe of the fummer, is the produce of what are ufually called Lords and Ladies, which attraft the notice of children in the fpring, and which are obfervable under moft fhady hedges. The leaves of the Cuckow-Pint are fubjeft to vary very much in their fhape, and often appear fpotted with purple, as fometimes does the (heath: the tongue within the flieath varies alfo much in its colour, from a yellowifh green to a fine purple. All authors agree, that the root of the Arum, in its recent (late, is extremely acrimonious ; but they in general agree, that it lofes its biting quality when dried, and with it its medicinal powers. Miller obferyes, that thefe roots are generally gathered in the fpring, when the leaves are in full vigour, fo that the roots fhrink, and foon lofe their pungent quality ; but thofe which are taken up when the leaves decay, will continue good a whole year, and retain their pungency the fame as when firfl taken up ; Card. Did. 4to, ed.§\ The fame mode is recommended by Bergius, in his Mat. Med. When dried and powdered, they become eatable, and afford nourifhment fomewhat fimilar to fago or falop. The diftilled water of the root, as alfo a powder prepared by drying its juice, have been in ufe as cofmetics. The root alfo, like that of the Sopewort, has been occafionally fubflituted for fope ; Ray, Rutty. Many of the Arums have mild roots, which are eaten by the inhabitants of all the hot countries, where they grow naturally: and fome of the forts are cultivated by the inhabitants of the fugar colonies as efculent plants ? the leaves of one of the fpecies of them, called Indian Kale, are boiled, and fupply the want of othe; greens • Millers Card. Diet. 6 The berries are equally acrimonious with the roots ; Scopoli. When flimulating medicines are proper, which at the fame time increafe the fecretions, as in fome fpecies of aflhma and dropfy, the Arum may probably be found ferviceable : at prefent however it is not much in ufe. If my memory does not deceive me, the roots in the woods are eaten by divers Birds, notwithflanding their pungency, particularly the Pheafant. N°ll4i -'ji'ii m ///acu /sr /unv / i / POTERIUM SaNGUISORBA. BURNET. POTERIUM Linncei Gen. PI. Moncecia Polyandria. Rail Syn, Gen. 10. Herba: flore perfecto simplici, seminibus nudis SOLITARIIS SEU AD SINGULOS FLORES SINGULIS, POTERIUM Sanguiforba inerme caulibus fubangulofis. Lin, Sp. Pl. 1411. PIMPINELLA polyftemon. Haller hiji, n, 706. SANGUISORBA, minor. J. Bauhin III. 2. 113. PIMPINELLA Sanguiforba minor hirfuta, Bauhin pin. 160. PIMPINELLA vulgaris minor. Parkinfon 582. PIMPINELLA fylveftris. Gerard, emac. 1045. Raii Syn. p. 203, Burnet. Hudfon FL Angi. p. 358. RADIX perennis, fimplex, albida, in terram alte de- fcendens. CAULES plures, fubere&i, dodrantales aut pedales, ramofi, ftriati, fubangulofi, rubicundi, laeves, ad bafin hirfutuli. FOLIA alterna, pinnata, pinnis inferioribus fubrotun- dis, plerumque oppolitis, ferratis, laevibus, fubtus coerulefcentibus, nervo medio hirfu- tulo, caulinis ovatis et ovato-acutis. STIPULtE dentatae. FLORES in capitulis fubrotundis congefli, fuperiores feminei, inferiores mafculi, faepe etiam her- maphroditi. CALYX: Perianthium triphyllum,inferum, foliolis membranaceis, marcefcentibus. Jig, 1. COROLLA quadripartita, laciniis ovatis, faepe colo- ratis, concavis, patentibus, bafi coalitis, Jig. 2 : in flore mafculo feu hermaphrodito et calyx et corolla majores funt. STAMINA: Filamenta circiter triginta, longa, pendula, rubra: Anthers flavae, bilocu- lares, loculis femilunatis, Jig. 3, 4, 5. PISTILLUM in flore femineo : Germen quadrangu- lum : Stylus capillaris: Stigma ruberri- mum, penicilliforme, Jig. 7, 8, 9, auft. Styli et Stigmata duo faepe occurrunt: in flore hermaphrodito Styli duo breviores, Stigmatibus minus expanfis, Jig. 10. PERICARPIUM Bacca exfucca, tetragona, lateri- bus rugofis, continens Semina duo, pallide fufca, Jig. 11, 12. ROOT perennial, (imple, whitifh, penetrating deeply into the earth. STALKS feveral, nearly upright, from nine inches to a foot in height, branched, ftriated, fome- what angular, of a reddifh colour, fmooth, but (lightly hairy at bottom. LEAVES alternate and pinnated; the lowermoft pin- nae, or fmall leaves, roundifh, generally op- posite, ferrated, fmooth, underneath blueifli; the midrib (lightly hairy ; the leaves of the (talk oval and pointed oval. STIPULE indented. FLOWERS growing in little round heads, the upper- mod female, the lowermod male, and often- times hermaphrodite. CALYX: a Perianthium of three leaves, placed below the Germen ; the leaves membranous and withering, Jig. 1. COROLLA divided into four fegments, which are oval, often coloured, concave, fpreading, and uniting at bottom. jig. 2 : in the male or hermaphrodite flower both the Calyx and Corolla are larger. STAMINA: Filaments about thirty, long, pendu- lous, and of a red colour: Anthers yellow, bilocular, the cavities femilunar, Jig. 3, 4, 5. PISTILLUM in the female flower: Ge rmen quadran- gular: Style capillary : Stigma very red, and 7,8,9, magnified. Two Styles and Stigmata often occur : in the her- maphrodite flower the Styles are (horter, and the Stigmata lefs expanded, fig. 10. SEED-VESSEL a juicelefs Berry, having four wrinkled fides, and containing two pale brown Seeds, Jig. 11. 12. Burnet is one of thofe plants which has for fome years pad been attempted to be introduced into agriculture, but not anfwering the farmers expe&ations, is now in a great degree laid afide. Cattle are faid not to be fond of it; nor is its produce fufficient to anfwer the expence attending its culture. It is to be lamented that perfons do not pay a little more attention to the nature of plants before they fo warmly recommend them. It (hould feem very unlikely, a priori, that a fmall plant, fcarce ever met with but on hilly and chalky ground, and to which cattle in fuch fituations do not (hew any particular attachment, (hould afford better or more copious nouriffiment, than the Clovers and other plants already in ufe. It is not meant by this, however, to dilcourage that laudable fpirit of improvement which fo happily prevails at prefent, but to caution fuch as introduce any new plant, to make themfelves thoroughly acquainted with its natural hiftory. The leaves of this plant, when bruifed, fmell fomewhat like Cucumber, and are ufed by Tome as a falad, and by others added to a cool-tankard to give it an agreeable flavour. Linnaeus places it among his Monoicous plants, the flowers on the top of the heads being female, and thofe at the bottom male, contrary to what occurs in moft plants of that clafs; but it happens very frequently, that the bottom flowers have like wife in them two Piftils, although not fo confpicuous as in the female flowers, the Stigmata being not fo much branched; hence, there being female and hermaphrodite flowers on the fame plant, it would perhaps with more propriety be placed in the clafs Polygcivua, Do not thefe obicure hermaphrodite flowers contribute to the fertility of the plant ? / / Mercurialis Perennis. Dogs Mercury. MERCURIALIS Liiincd Gen. PL Dioecia Enneandria. Masc. CaL 3-partitus. Cor. o. Stam. g-s. 12. Antherce globofce, didymae. Fem. CaL 3-partitus. Cor. o. Styli2. Capf. dicocca, 2-locuIaris. i-fperma. Rail Syn. Gen. 5. Herbae flore imperfecto seu stamineo vel ape- TALA POTIUS. MERCURIALIS perennis caule fimpliciffimo foliis fcabris. Linncei Syfl. Vegetab. Sp. PL 1465. MERCURIALIS caule perenni firnplici, foliis ovato-lanceolatis hirfutis. Haller hijl. helv. n. 1601. MERCURIALIS Cyno crambe, Scopoli FI. Carniol. p. 2 66. n. 1225. \ MERCURIALIS perennis repens Cynocrambe dicta, Raii Syn. p. 139. Hudfon FI. Angi. p. 371. MERCURIALIS montana tefticulata et Mercurialis montana fpicata. Bauhin. Pm. 123. MERCURIALIS fylveftris Cynocrambe difta vulgaris mas et femina. Parkinfon 295. CYNOCRAMBE mas et femina. Gerard emac. 333. Oeder. FI. Ban. 400. RADIX perennis, repens, alba, fibrofiffima. CAULIS ereftus, fimplex, pedalis, foliofus, inferne nudus, teres, alterne anceps. FOLIA oppofita, ovato-acuta, petiolata, hirfutie fca- briufcula, ferrata, ferraturis obtufiufculis glan- dula alba ad lentem confpicua terminatis. ROOT perennial, creeping, white, and very fibrous. STALK upright, fimple, a foot high, leafy, naked below, round, (lightly winged alternately. LEAVES oppofite, oval, pointed. Handing on foot- flalks (lightly hairy and rough to the touch, ferrated ; the teeth bluntifh, and terminated by a whitifh gland, vifible only by a magnifier. STIPULAE two, fmali, pointed, on each fide the flalk at the bafe of the foot-flalk. FOOT-STALKS of the flowers proceed from the bofoms of the leaves near the top of the flalk, are oppofite and hairy; in the male plant they are longer than the flalk ; in the female they are hid among the leaves. FLOWERS in the female few ; in the male numerous, fellile, growing fomewhat whirl-like in little cluflers, and half furrounding the (talk. STIPULAE duae, parvae, acutae, caulis utrinque ad bafm petioli. PEDUNCULI verfiis fummitatem caulis prodeunt, oppofiti, axillares, hirfuti, in maribus caulem fuperant in femineis intra folia reconduntur. FLORES feminei pauci, mafculi plures, fefliles, glo- ' meratim et verticillatim quafi caulem femi- • ample&untur. FEMINA. CALYX: Perianthium tripartitum, laciniis ovato- lanceolatis, fubere&is, Jig. i, 2. COROLLA nulla. NECTARIA acumina duo fubulata ad fmgulum latus germinis fingula. PISTILLUM : Germen fubrotundum, compreflum: Styli feu potius Stigmata dua, acuta, reflexa, Jig. 4. PERICARPIUM: Ca psula fubrotunda, didyma, bi- locularis, Jig. 5, 6. SEMEN folitarium, fubrotundum, purpureo-fufcum, fiS• 7* M A S. CALYX : Perianthium ut in femina. STAMINA : Filamenta novem plerumque, capilla- ria, re6la, longitudine calycis: Anthers globofae, didymae, primo flavae, mox cceru- iefcentes, Jig. 3. FEMALE. CALYX: a Perianthium divided into three feg- ments, which are oval, pointed, and fome- what ereft, fig, i, 2. COROLLA wanting. NECTARY two fmall pointed filaments, one on each fide the germen. PISTILLUM: G ermen roundifhand fomewhat flat- tened : Styles or rather Stigmata, two, pointed and turning back, fig. 4. SEED-VESSEL : aroundifhdouble Capsule of two cavities, fig. 5, 6. SEED : one in each cavity, roundilh, of a brownifh purple colour, fig. 7. MALE. CALYX; a Per ianthium the fame as the female. STAMINA: nine Filaments, for the mod part, capillary, ftraight, the length of the calyx : Anther/E round, double, firll yellow, afterwards becoming bluilh. In the third edition of Ray’s Synopfis, Sir Hans Sloane communicates a very particular account of the pernicious effeas of this plant. It was, as it appears from thence, gathered by the rail refs of a family, m the fields fin arris are the words) fried with bacon, and eaten for [upper by the wife, the hulband, ana the three children the children in about two hours awaked out of their fleep violently fick; on being remover, to the fire they both vomited, and purged, and in about half an hour afterwards they again fell afleep . two of them continued in this ftate of fiupor for twenty-four hours, when they awaked, and after more copious evacuations recovered. The third child awaked not till the third day, and then juft opening its eyes was feized and carried off by convulfions. The man being of a robuft conftitution was not fo violently attetied; but after a longer deep than ufual, went about his bufinefs, feeling no other inconvenience than a burning heat in his chin, to affuage which he was obliged for the whole day to apply cold water. The woman, after being more than ufually oppreft’ed with fleep, found herfelf ill, and did not recover for feverai days. From fo circumflantial an account, it would appear that there was little doubt of the noxious quality of this plant to the human fpecies ; yet it is remarkable, that this fhould be the only indance ot fuch efiecls men- tioned by authors, when the plant has by many been recommended as a pot-herb : fuch violent effetis do not appear to have been known to the ancients, by fome of whom is is recommended as a laxative medicine. It appears to be well worth afcertaining whether it really poireffes thofe poifonous qualities ; whether it be noxious early in the fpring, or later in the fummer; and whether it lofes them in boiling. Linn’-'EUS, in his Flora Suecica, mentions it as being hurtful to Sheep. Thefe ufeful animals are fometimes found to all appearance poifoned by eating fome particular plant, which the Farmer would do well to difcover. As many poifonous plants, under proper management, prove highly beneficial to mankind, (b it is not im- probable but this plant alfo might make ample amends. It has been obferved by many, that thofe plants which change blue in drying, will generally dye blue : this is remarkably the cafe with this plant, nearly as much fo as with the Polygonum Tinclorium, ient to England from China by the late ingenious and indefatigable Mr. Blake, whole untimely death every fincere friend to this country muff deplore: and was it to undergo a proper management, it is probable that it would produce an Indigo fomewhat fimilar. The Dogs Mercury grows plentifully in mofl woods and under hedges, flowering from the end of March to the middle of May. It has a ftrong creeping perennial root like Couch-grafs, whereby it may be readily dif- tinguifhed from the annual French Mercury. The ancients have taken notice that this plant was of two fexes ; but they miftook the female for the male. The cultivation of the Date-bearing Palm furnifhed the Egyptians with the firfl obfervations on the fexes of plants. The fruit of the female was of the utmofl importance, as it fupplied many of them with the princi- pal part of their food. The inhabitants of countries where Palms grew naturally, might eat the fruit regard- lefs of their manner of fruftification ; but when other countries, that were deftitute of this ample provilion of nature, attempted to tranfplant and cultivate Palms, they njufl neceffarily have been obliged to attend to the two kinds, the male and the female, as the firfl bore no fruit, and the latter would prove barren if it was removed too far from the male. It does not appear that the Jews were acquainted with the fexes of Palms, although they are often men- tioned iti the Bible as growing in Judea: but it was well known to Theophrastus, who defcribes the method of impregnating the female bloom with the farina of the male, in the fame manner as modern travel- lers have feen it performed *. But although it is now two thoufand years fince this author wrote, yet no pro- grefs was made in demonffrating the fexual fyftem of plants until this prefent century ; before which time, all the writers on Botany, inflead of afcertaining what plants were of different fexes, mention male and female oaks, and other kinds of trees, that have both male and female bloom, on the fame plants. The utility of this kind of knowledge appears in the management of the Date-bearing Palm : for want of attending to it, the cultivators of hemp frequently meet with confiderable difappointments ; and it is probable that the planters of hops, by their cuftom of deflroying the male plants, may alfo be fufferers. We do not remember that any of the early poets have mentioned the different fexes or mutual love of trees. Cl audi an, who was well acquainted with Egypt, has very happily introduced it in his defcription of the beautiful retreat of Venus in the IJland of Cyprus. ff Vivunt in Venerem frondes, omnifque viciffim (( Fcdix arbor amat, nutant ad mutua palmee “ Fcedera, populeo fufpirat populus idiu “ Et platana platanis, alno qffibilat alnus.” “ Branches on branches twind compofe the grove, “ And Jhoot, and fpread, and blojfom into love: “ The trembling palms their mutual vows repeat, “ And bending poplars bending poplars meet: “ The diflant platanes feem to prefs more nigh, “ And to the fighing adders alders Jigh.” Eusden. The reader will determine how far this tranflation deferves the cenfure that it lies under, and whether the following paflage that accompanies it is worthy of its author: fometimes three, filiform and white, Jig. 4, 5. J SEED-VESSEL none. Valves of the Calyx large, > heart-fliaped, rough, including the feed. Jig. \ 7> 8. \ SEED fingle, orbicular, and flattened, fig. 9. Botanifts have happily divided the plants of this tribe into two Genera, each ftrikingly diftinguifhable by the particular form of its feed-veffels : without this divifion, great indeed would be the difficulty of inveftigating them. The Chenopodium has hermaphrodite flowers only, which produce a feed contained within the calyx, com- pofed of five leaves, which as the feed ripens, does not enlarge itfelf. The Atriplex produces female bloffoms, and male or hermaphrodite ones ; the feed is contained within the calyx of the female bloffom, which is compofed of two leaves or valves, which increafe as the feed becomes ripe ; and in this hate only, is it obvioudy diftinguifhable from the Chenopodium; for at the time of its flower- ing, fo fmall are the female bloffoms, as fcarce to be diftinguifhed without a magnifying glafs. The plant here figured, is one of the moft common of this genus, and one of the moil variable in nature. Firfl it varies exceedingly according to its age, the perfon who had been acculfomed to gather it in its young Hate, would fcarce recogtiize it when far advanced: fecondly, it varies according to its fituation ; on dunghills it grows very flrong and luxuriant ; by the road fides, it is a much weaker plant, and its branches long and pro- cumbent ; in wet places, it is apt to become much more upright, the leaves fornetimes are very mealy on the under fide, particularly when it grows on the fea Chore ; at other times they are altogether fmooth : in gene- ral, the broad triangular leaf readily diftinguifhes this fpecies : but on dunghills, a variety fornetimes occurs with leaves not exadlly correfponding to this figure, but approaching more to an oval, with an entire edge. In its young date, this plant is frequently gathered under the name of dat-hen, Lambs-quarters% &c. and eaten in lieu of Spinach and other greens. Birds, particularly that mifchievous one the fparrow, are very fond of the feeds or the Orach s, I have frequently had a plant of this Genus, ffript of its feeds by them in a very ffiort time. Cattle do not feem to be fond of it. In the garden and cultivated ground, it is a very troublefome annual. The farmer, as we have before hinted, would do well to weed his dung-heap of this and the other fpecies* which are equally noxious. / / ■ Osmunda Spicant. Rough Spleenwort OSMUNDA Linncei Gen. PL Cryptogamia Filices. 'Spica ramofa: Fruftific. globofis. Rail Syn. Gen. 4. Herbie capillares et affines. OSMUNDA Spicant frondibus lanceolatis pinnatifidis: laciniis confluentibus integerrimis parallelis. Linncei Syjt. Vegetab. p. 780. Sp. Flant. 1522. FI. Suecic. n. 936. STRUTHIOPTERIS Haller hift. n. 1687. STRUTHIOPTERIS Spicant. Scopoli Flor. Carniol. n. 1258 STRUTHIOPTERIS frondibus Herilibus pinnatifidis, pinnulis denfis, oblongis falcatis; frudifican- tibus majoribus, laxius pinnatis, anguftioribus. Weis Cryptog. p. 287. SPICANT Tragi et Germanorum. LONCHITIS afpera minor. Bauhin Pin. 359. Parkinfon 1042. LONCHITIS afpera. Gerard emac. 1140. RaiiSyn.p. 118. Rough Spleenwort. Oeder FI. Dan. ic. 99. Hudfon FL Angl. 382. ed. 2. p. 450 Lightfoot Fl. Scot. p. 634. FRONDES Heriles plures ex una radice fibrofa, in orbem difpofitae, femieredae, aut reclinatae, fpithameae, immo pedis longitudinem aequan- tes, Polypodia vulgari fimiles, fimplices nempe et pinnatifidae, pinnis denfis, alternis, lan- ceolatis, oblongis, 2 lineas circiter latis, in- tegerrimis, furfum curvis, mediis maximis, (uncialibus, fefquiuncialibus) fupernis et in- • fernis brevioribus, nervofis, margine carti- lagineo, fubcrenato, retrorfum flexo. STIPES five nervus medius inferne fufeis fquamulis oblitus. E medio centro harum frondium furgunt frondes fruc- tificantes aliae, etiam pinnatae, at duplo illis longiores, graciliores, atro purpureae, pinnis laxis alternis, lineam latis, mediis quoque longioribus, fuperioribus et inferioribus fen- fim decrefcentibus, capfulis refertis. CAPSULAE. denfe coagmentatae, duas lineas diffindas, marginibus parallelas efformant, et ab initio coloris funt lutefeentis, fenlim per maturita- tem fufei. Fig. 1, Foliolum feu pinna cum capfulis aud. Fig. 2, Capfula difrupta, cum annulo. LEAVES : feveral barren leaves proceed from one fibrous root, orbicularly difpofed, either half upright or reclining, from three inches to a foot in length, foraewhat like the common Polypody, viz. fimple and pinnatifid; the pinnae fet clofely together, alternate, lan- ceolate, oblong, about two lines broad, per- fedly entire, bent upwards ; the middle ones largeft, (even an inch, or an inch and a half in length) the upper and lower ones fhorter, ribbed, the edge cartilaginous, very • (lightly notched, and bent backward. STALK or midrib, befet on its lower part with fmall brown feales. From the centre of thefe leaves arife other leaves bear- ing the frudifications, which alfo are pin- nated, but twice as long, and more (lender, of a dark purple colour; the pinnae loofely fet, and alternate, a line in breadth, longelt alfo in the middle, the upper and lower ones gradually decreafing, filled with capfules. CAPSULES clofely crouded together, forming two dillind lines parallel with the edges of the leaf, at the beginning of a yellowifii colour, becoming brown as they ripen. Fig. i, One of the fmall leaves or pinnae, with the capfules magnified. Fig. 2, A capfule burfi; open, with its ring. Botanids appear much divided as to the genus of this plant; Fome confidering it as an Ofinunda, among whom is Linn/eus ; while others oF great eminence contend For its being a Struthiopteris ; oF the latter opinion are Haller, Scopoli, and Weis. The divifion of the Ferns into diflant genera, is perhaps as difficult a talk as any in Botany. From the mechanifm of the frudifications little is to be expeded, as a great fimilarity feems to pervade the whole. The various modes in which the capfuies are placed on the plant, in fome of them are drikingly different, and appear to form very diftind and fatisfadory charaders ; but when, as a tribe, they come to be more minutely invedigated, the charaders of one are frequently lod in thofe of another, and a precife generic charader is in vain fought for. In the prefent doubtful cafe, we have adopted the name of Linnaeus. The defeription of this plant given by Weis, in his Plant. Cryptog. is fo very accurate, that defpairing of a better, we have in the prefent cafe adopted it; not, however meaning to edablidi it as a precedent: from originality we (hall never fwerve in our figures,, nor in our deferiptions, but as feldom as poflible; taking care that whenever we do, it (hall not be to the prejudice, but rather advantage of the work. The Ofmunda Spicant grows plentifully in the environs of Caen-Wood, near Hampjlead-Heath, the feat of Earl Mansfield; and produces its frudifications in July, Augud, and September. /' • ✓ i * y?S/Y//S N°lo2 (‘//rm 'j'n/;r> hr j i r/rr mh7 . ' / POLYTRICHUM SUBROTUNDUM. DWARF PoLYTRICHUM. POLYTRICHUM Linnod. Cryptogamia Musci. Calyptra duplex, interior membranacea, laevis, exterior floccida. Raii Syn. Gen. 3. Musci. POLYTRICHUM Jubrotundum caule fimplici anthera fubrotunda. Hudfon FI. Angl. p. 400. MNIUM Polytrichoides calyptra villofa. Lin. Syft. Vegetab.p. 796. Sp. PLp. 1576. FI. Suecic. p. 385. 3MNIUM calyptra villofa, acaulon, foliis ferratis, capfulis cylindricis ere&is. Haller, hiji. n. 1837. POLYTRICHUM Aloefolium. Scopoli FI. Carniol.p. 309. n. 1290. POLYTRICHUM nanum, capfulis fubrotundis galeritis, aloes folio non ferrato. The dwarf round- headed Aloe-leaved Polytrichum, Dillen. Mufc. 428. t. 55,f. 6. POLYTRICHUM nanum capfula cylindrica ere6la ; furculis fimplicibus, brevilhmis, foliis ferrulatis, Weis Plant. Cryptogam, p. 173. MUSCUS capillaceus minor, calyptra tomentofa. Vaill. paris, 131. t. 2G. f. 15. ADIANTUM aureum medium, in ericetis proveniens. Vaill, paris. 429. t. 55. f. 7. MUSCUS coronatus rigidus minor et humilior capitulis villofis brevioribus. Moris, hijl, 3. p„ 630. t. 7./. 7. POLYTRICHUM minus capfulis fubrotundis, calyptra quafi lacera coronatis. C. G, 221. Rati Syn. p. 91. RADIX tomentofa. CAULIS brevidimus, vix ullus. FOLIA brevia, rigida, intus concava, extus convexa, acuta, margine minutidime ferrata, bad lato membranaceo caulem ample&ente, ficcata in- curvata teretiufcula, fig, i. PEDUNCULI fimplices, unciales,rubicundi,fubdiapha- ni, flexuofi, fig. 3, demum tortuofi, Jig, 21. CAPSULAE fubrotundae, fig. 4. Ftg* 2, Folia per lentem vifa. 5, Calyptra exterior magn. nat. 6, Eadem magn. au£L 7, Eadem inverfa ut Calyptra 'interior appareat. 9,9, Calyptra interior in fitu naturali. 10, 10, Eadem au6L 11, Calyptra interior feparata ab exteriore et feorfim exhibita. 12, Eadem in fitu naturali cum exteriore connexa. 13, Capfula magn. nat. nuda. 14, Eadem au£L 15, Eadem ad maturitatem magis accedens. 16, Operculum. 17, 17, Ciliae. j8, 18,18, Membrana mucronata in fummo cap- fulae cui adne£luntur ciliae. 39,19, Ciliae in fe&ione longitudinali Capfulae exhibitae. 20, Receptaculum feminis. ROOT woolly. STALK very fhort, fcarce any. LEAVES fhort, rigid; hollow within, round with- out, fharply pointed, the edge very finely ferrated, embracing the (talk by a broad mem- branous bale ; when dried bending inwards, and of a roundilh form, Jig. i. FOOT-STALKS fimple, an inch high, reddifh, fome- what tranfparent, crooked, fig. 3, finally 2l. CAPSULES roundifh, jig. 4. Fig. —2, The leaves viewed through a magnifier, 5, The exterior Calyptra of its natural fize, 6, The fame magnified. 7, The fame inverted, that the inner Calyptra may appear. 9, 9, The inner Calyptra in itsnat. fituation. 10, 10, The fame enlarged. 11, The inner Calyptra feparated from the outer one, and (hewn by itfelf. 12, The fame in its natural fituation, con- ne&ed with the outer one. 13, The Capfule of its nat. fize uncovered, 14, The fame enlarged. 15, The fame approaching more to maturity, 16, The Cover. 17, 17, The Cilise. 18, 18, 18, A pointed Membrane at the fummit of the Capfule, to which the Cilise are connefted. 19, 19, The Cilise (hewn in a longitudinal fec- tion of the Capfule. 20, The Receptacle to which the feeds are connefted. About two years ago (1776) on examining the ftrufture of the Polytrichum commune, in a very young flate, I found one of the heads [Antherce Linn.) after I had diveiled it of its woolly Calyptra, covered with a membranous (hining fubftance, and which I had no fooner Teen, than I judged it to be a Calyptra, being fo very fimilar to the Calyptra s of forne Moffes I had juft before been examining ; and on a more minute inveftigation, I found it to be a real Calyptra, not accidental to the plant then under examination, but occurring in all thofe which I, at that time, had an opportunity of differing ; and afterwards found to be in the dwarf variety of the fame fpecies, growing on heaths, and in the prefent plant. Thofe who (hall take the pains of inveftigating the ftrufture of thefe Moffes, will think it ftrange that a part fo very obvious to the naked eye, Ihould not have been noticed before ; but this is eafily accounted for. No one, when he fits down to examine thefe Moffes, conceives a priori, that they have any more than one Calyptra ; finding that which is peculiar to this Genus, he refts fatisfied, pulls it off, and proceeds to the examination of the remaining parts, not imagining that a membranous Calyptra is clofely connefted by its apex to the woolly one, pulled off with, and covered by it, and fcarce difcovered but by totally inverting it: but that this is aftually the cafe, any one may fatisfy themfelves in the courfe of this and the fucceeding months, February and March. This inner Calyptra differs very little from the Calyptra of other Moffes ; at firft it wholly furrounds the unripe Capfules; as they increafe in fize, it fplits at bottom, and finally becomes very fhort. I was the more pleafed with this difcovery, as I conceived hopes it would place the genus Polytrichum in a more pleafing and fatisfaftory point of view; and I have accordingly ventured to alter its generic characler as above ; by this alteration it is brought from the Mniums, among which it is placed by Linnaeus and Haller, and arranged with the Polytrichums of Dillenius, Hudson, Scopoli, and Weis, to which its habit alone certainly entitles it, was it not found to accord with the Polytrichum in the effential charafter now difcovered. Why nature (hould have been thus careful in covering this genus of plants with a warm additional coat, while many of the other Moffes, at the fame time of the year, are thinly clad with a (ingle membranous veil, does not appear. In the ftrufture of the two Calyptra’s, there is a moll effential difference ; the outer one being a woolly fubftance clofely matted together, without any connefting membranous fubftance ; the inner one confifting wholly of membrane. The plant here figured, is the Polytrichum capfulis fubrotundis of Dillenius, and of which that, with the capitulis oblongis, feems to be only a variety growing in warmer and lefs expofed fituations. It is by no means an uncommon Mofs on our heaths, and expofed hilly and fandy places about town. It throws out its ftalks in November and December, and ripens its Capfules in January and February. 12 6' - *;r/vcr, and more fpreading, of a dullifh green, inclining to yellow, with a (hining filky appearance. FOOT-, ik an inch and a half or an inch long, purple, at bottom covered with a fcaly peri- chzetium, fig. 3, arifing from about the mid- dle of the fhoots. CAPSULES oblong, round, upright, fomewhat en- larged at bottom, of a livid brown colour. Jig. 6, 7; cut down the middle at Jig, 10. CALYPTRA pale brown. OPERCULUM fhort, ending in a beak of a bright red colour, Jig. 8. CILIkE or hairs whitifh, upright, and one row only, /£• 9* CAULES five viticuli longi, repentes, fibrillis copiolis, < tomentofis adhaerentes, valde ramofi, in den- J fos caefpites congefii, ramis creberrimis, fur- * redis, brevibus, fubterctibus, in ficcitate in- ' curvis, Jig. i, tadu rigidis, in humiditate • redis mollibus. FOLIA ovato-lanceolata»fig- 2, in pilum longum terminata, denfillime imbricata; in ficcitate apprelfa, capillaria; humida latiora, patula, ex obfcuro viridia, cum fericeo fplendore ad luteum vergente. PEDUNCULI femunciales, unciales, purpureae, pe- richaetio fquamofo cindae, Jig. 3, confertae, circa medium furculi ortae. CAPSULAE oblongae, teretes, eredae, inferne paulu- lum incralfatae, ex livido 6, 7, per medium difcilfa, fig. 10. CALYPTRA pallida. OPERCULUM breve, roftratum, miniatum, 9%. 8. CILICE, albidae, eredae, una tantum feries, Jig. 9. The HypnumJericeum is one of our moft common, as well as one of our earliefl MoJJes> producing its Cap- fules from September to February. It generally puts forth its frudlifications in the greatefl plenty, on the tops of old walls. It creeps alfo on the ground, as well as on the trunks of trees. None of our Mojfes afford a more beautiful carpet: it frequently exhibits all the richnefs and foftnefs of filk, particularly when dry. But thofe patches of it, which put on this yellow and (bining appearance, by which it is fo readily diflinguifhed, do not always produce falsifications in the greatefl abundance. It may be diflinguifhed from the Hypnum rutabulum, which often occurs with it, by having longer and more upright Capfules. Dillenius has defcribed this M.ojs with his ufual accuracy, which is modernized, and fomewhat improved by WeiSj from whom our defcription is almofl literally taken. f /fyw/sim /w/ytciudum. 7 p fyn/nw /hmctifa/'twi Bryum Truncatulum. Brown Bryum. BRYUM Linncei Gen. PL Cryptogamia Musci. Raii Syn. Gen. 3. Musci. BRYUM truncatulum antheris eredis fubrotundis, operculo mucronato. Lin. Syji. Vegetab. p. 708. Sp. Pl. 1584. FI. Suec. 391. Dillen. Mufc. 347. t. 45. fig. y. Ran Syn. 94. Hudfibh FI. Angi. 408. ed. 2. p. 477. Lightfioot FI. Scot. p. 730. CAULES fimplices, breviffimi, lineas tres raro fupe- rantes, caefpitofi, fig. 1,6. FOLIA ovato-lanceolata, mucronata, fig. 13, fplen- dentia, carinata, fuperiora majora, in ftel- lulam expanfa. PEDUNCULI fimplices, fubinde, bini, trium qua- tuorve linearum, purpurafeentes. CALYPTRA pallida, obliqua, acuminata, fig. 7, 8, 9, io. OPERCULUM primo roftratum, obliquum, delapfa calyptra contrahitur eredumque evadit, fig. 11, 12. CAPSULA primo ovata, fig. 8, 9, flavefeens, demum rufa, truncata, annulo ciliifque deffituta, fig. 11, 12. Plantula microfcop. aud. fig. 14. STALKS fimple, very fhort, feldom exceeding three lines, growing in tufts. Jig. 1, 6. LEAVES oval, lanceolate, terminating in a point, fig. 13, filming, with a projeding midrib ; thofe on the top of the Italk largeff, with a ftar-like expanfion. PEDUNCLES fimple, fometimes growing two toge- ther, three or four lines in length, of a purpiifh colour. CALYPTRA pale, oblique, and terminating in a ; long point, fig. 7, 8, 9, 10. OPERCULUM at firft having a beak, placed ob- liquely on the capfule, on the falling off of the calyptra becoming fhorter and upright, fig. Ilf 12. CAPSULE, at firft oval, fig. 8, 9, of a yellowifh co- lour, finally of a reddifli brown, as it were cut off at top, and deftitute of both ring and cilias, fig. 11, 12. The whole plant magnified, fig. 14. The Bryum truncatulum is one of the leaff of our Mofifes, and diftinguilhable at firft fight by the great number of its little brown heads, which, when the operculum falls off', have their margin entire, fo that they appear as if cut acrofs, whence its name of truncatulum. It is very common alraoft every where on banks, producing its frudifications from September to February. It varies much in fize. Ha sselqu IST, in his journey to Palejline, finding the Walls of Jerufalem covered with this little plant, calls it Hyjfopus Solomonis, from a fuppofition that it was the plant which Solomon meant, when he fpake of trees from the Cedar in Lebanon to the Hyffop which fpringeth out of the wall. ' ' / Bryum Viridulum. Green Bryum. BRYUM viridulum antheris eredis ovatis, follis lanceolatis acuminatis imbricato-patulis. Linncei Syji. Vegetab. p, 798. Sp. PI. 1584. FI. Suede. 1002. Dillen. Mufic. 380. t. 48. fig. 43. Raii Syn. 97. Hudfon FI. Angl. 408. ed. 2. 487. Lightfioot FI. Scot. 731. Expl. Fig. Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4, Plantae nat. magnitud. Fig. 5, 7, Plantae aud. Fig. 6, Folium aud. Fig. 9, 10, ii. Capfuls cum Calyptra. Fig. 8, Calyptra feorfim exhibita. Explan, of Fig. Fig. i, 2, 3, 4, Plants of their natural fize. Fig. 5, 7, Plants magnified. Fig. 6, a Leaf magnified. Fig. 9, 10, 11, Capfules with the Calyptra. Fig. 8, The Calyptra exhibited feparately. This fpecies differs from the above in many particulars. It grows in clofe Toft tufts, which are in geneiai larger, and of a more yellow hue; the ffalks are frequently branched ; the leaves are much finer, being nearly capillary; the mouth of the capfule, when the operculum falls off, is narrower than the middle, hence it bears a greater refemblance to an egg, with the extremity cut off; while the truncatulum approaches moie to the form of an urn. In the viridulum, the mouth is alfo very finely ciliated. The viridulum grows in great abundance on the banks furrounding Charlton-Wood; and produces its frudifications with the truncatulum. t J('//// ( ' ydlt/K'ffJ ovatuJ * o£■ fit /09.-frSz Agaricus Ovatus. Pucker’d Mushroom, AGARICUS Linnaei Gen. PL Cryptogamia Fungi. Raii Syn. Gen. 1. Fungi., AGARICUS ovatus pileo ovato fubplicato, ffipite nudo ad bafm attenuato fcabriufculo; lamellis creberrimis fubcoalefcentibus. AMANITA pileo ovato (friato, cinereo, annulate, fugaci* Haller hifi. helv. n. 2479. AGARICUS ovatus. Scopoli FL Carniol. n. 1579* Diagn. Albus, cefpitofus\ vertice rufefeente; Jiipite cylindrico et annulofugaci cinito, AGARICUS ; volva exceptus, pileo campanulato, ffriato, vertice laevi, petiolo annulato, cylindraceo, fiffulofo, in bafm roffratum definente. Gleditch, Method. Fungor, p. 89. t FUNGUS, qui volvam vix egreffus in atramentum refolvitur, pileolo campanulato, plumbeo, vertice laevi, reliqua parte ffriato, pediculo cylindrico, albo, fiffulofo, radice roffrata. Michel. N. PI. G. 189. t. 80. f. 5. FUNGUS multiplex ovatus cinereus. Vaill, p, 73. t. 12 . fig, 10, 11. FUNGUS fuperficiei murini coloris, lamellis albicantibus. Raii Syn, p. 5. 21. AGARICUS plicatus, ffipitatus, pileo ovato ffriato plicato cinereo, vertice laevi, ffipite annulato fiffulofo, bafi fubulato. Pucker’d Agaric, Lightfoot Flora Scotica, p. 1023. Schaeffer. icon. tab. 17, 67, 68. STIPES: Stipites plures e terra aut ligno femiputrido aggregating adurgentes, inferne extra pileum fcahriufculi; ad bafin attenuati, fufci, fuperne intra pileum albiffimi, fubfulcati, ad apicem fenfim attenuati, in adultis ffipes femipedalis, fubcylindricus, laevis, craffitie minimi digiti aut major evadit, modice firmus etcarnofus, fiftulofus, nudus ; tranfverfim fe6lus circulos in carne exhibens. VOLVA nulla. ovatus aut obtufe conicus, circa orem contra&us, et fubplicatus, folidus, pondero- fus, pallide fufcus ; in adultis fubcampanula- tus, latitudine ad tres uncias accedens, muri- nus, maculis umbrinis aut ferrugineis praeci- pue ad verticem notatus, vertex faturatius co- lorata, laevis, fubinde vero fubfquamofa ; late- ra plus minufve (ulcata, demum fere planus, margine revoluto. LAMELLAS creberrimae, compaffice, latae, filamentis tranfiverfis nudo oculo inconfpicuis connexae, unde, ita coalefcunt (prefertim in junioribus) ut lamellam integram vix feparare queas, pri- mum albae, mox parsinferiordimidia nigrefcit, ct tandem totae lamellae in liquamen atramen- tofurn refolvuntur ; fuperficies interna pilei in junioribus farina fubtiliflima cana adfperfa. STALKS, generally fpringing from the earth, or de- cayed wood, in cinders ; the lower part, without the cap, roughilh, of a brown co- lour, and tapering to the bale; the upper part, within the cap, very white, {lightly grooved, and tapering gradually to the top ; when full grown, it becomes dx inches high, nearly cy- lindrical, fmooth, and the thicknefs of the little finger, or larger, moderately firm and flelhy, hollow and naked, and cut through the middle (hews circles in the flelhy part. RING wanting. CAP jirji oval or obtufely conical, the mouth contraft- ed, and puckered around the dalk, folid, heavy, and of a light brown colour ; in the full grown ones, fomewhat bell-(haped, about three inches in breadth, of a moufe colour, marked with umber coloured or ferruginous fpots, particularly at the top ; the top of a deeper colour, fmooth, but fometirnes (lightly chopped; the fides more or lefs deeply grooved, becoming finally almofl; flat, the edge curling up. GILLS very numerous, compaft, and broad, connected, together by tranfverfe filaments, inconfpicuous to the naked eye, whence they fo coalefce, that it is difficult to feparate a Angle gill entirely ; at firft white, quickly the lower half becomes of a blackilh colour, and laftly the whole of the gills dilfolves into a black inky liquid : the internal furface of the cap, in the young ones, is fprinkled over with a very fine grey powder. It appears to be a matter of much doubt, whether this Fungus, common as it appears to be in moil parts of Europe, be defcribed by Linnaeus. Certainly there are none of his Agarici, which accord exadly with ours: neither do Haller, or Scopoli, quote Linnaeus in their defcriptions of it. Schaeffer, who appears to be too fond of multiplying plates, has given it in no lefs than three. It is true, by this means, the plant is reprefented in its various Rates ; but, perhaps, thefe might have been fatisfadorily exhibited in a fingle one.—• If plants are thus to be delineated in all their varieties, natural hiffory mull fink under its own weight. I fufped this fpecies to be the Fungusfuperficie murini coloris Lamellis albicantibus of Ray, p. 5. n. 21. but cannot fix it with certainty. Scopoli has given it the name of ovatus, which I have retained, with Mr. Lightfoot's Englifh name, who has very accurately defcribed it. I agree with him entirely in confidering it as a fpecies diffind from the fimetarius, and with which, in my opinion, it has but little real affinity. The defcription and figure here given, when contraffed, will make it unneceffary to particularize the peculiarities which diffinguifh each. But there is a Angularity of ftrudure, occurring in the ovatus, which feems worthy of remark. The Gills are conneded together by numerous tranfverfe bars or filaments, difcoverable only when greatly magnified: the ufe of thefe appears to be to keep the Gills at an equal dillance from each other, and thereby prevent the frudifications which are fituated on the flat furface o 1 the lamella, from being preffed on, and deftroyed, by their very great clofenefs. I have not hitherto obferved this peculiarity or ffru6fure in any other Fungus: in the fimetarius it certainly does not exiff. Thefe conneding filaments in the ovatus, make it exceeding difficult to feparate one of the lamellae entire. Thefe Fungi are very common with us in the borders of wet meadows, near the roots of willow trees, in gardens alfo, near houfes, and by the fides of roads. They are found in thegreatefi plenty, from the biginning of September to the end of Odober. I have alfo found the fame fpecies in July. Frorn the time of their fpringing up, to the time of their beginning to decay, is about five days. 1 heir manner or decaying is fimilar to that of the fimetarius, and feveral others ; the Gills diffolving into a very black liquor, like ink, w’hich dropping, carries with it the feed of the Mufhroom, which is obfervable in the liquor if greatly magnified. It varies in fize, and alfo in colour, chiefly from a lighter to a paler brown. The Gills are often found full of little maggots. There is no reafon to fufped its being poifonous, nor yet can it be recommended as eatable. , J ■ a/? . . 'JL-rytl •• ■ Agaricus Fimetarius. Egg Mushroom. AGARICUS Linncei Gen. PI. Cryptogamia Fungi. Fungus horizontalis fubtus lamellofus. Raii Syn. Gen. i. Fungi. AGARICUS fimetarius ftipitatus, pileo campanulato lacero, lamellis nigris lateraliter flexuofis, flipite fiftulofo. Lin. Syjl. Vegetab. p. 820. Spec. PL p. 1643. FL Suecic. n. 1215. AMANITA albus, campanulatus, fquamofus, nigrefcens. Haller, hifi.helv.p. 157. n.* 2357. AGARICUS fimetarius. Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 1484. AGARICUS pileo campanulato, contrafto, ftriato et villofo, lamellis tenuittimis ; petiolo cylin- draceo, annulo fugaci, diftinfto, vel nullo. Gleditch. Fung. p. 122. FUNGUS albus ovum referens. Buxhaum. Cent. 4. t. 27. fig. 1. Raii Syn. p. 5. n. 22. Hudfon FI. Angl. p. 493. Lightfoot FL Scot. p. 1021. Schcejfer tab. 7. 8. 46. 47. 100. Gregatim plerumque nafcuntur hi Fungi, fubinde vero folitarii inveniuntur. Thefe Mufhrooms mod commonly rife out of the ground in clutters, fometimes they grow fingly. STALK at firtt is wholly covered by the Pileus or Cap, but foon grows to the height of fix inches, is cylindrical, hollow, and very white, the pith within the tube is Jkaped like a thread, and loofe. RING proper, none, but a flight edging like a ring from the torn edge of the cap furrounds the ftalk below the gills. CAP white, in the young ones oblong, the length of the finger, prefently becoming fomewhat bell-fhaped, finally almoft flat; the Flesh thin; the Skin feparating into brownflakes which curl upwards, and which in (bowery weather are often wafhed off' by the rains, leaving the Cap naked and white. GILLS numerous, three lines broad, at firtt exceed- ingly white and covered as it were with pow- der, when full grown they are loofely con- ne£led and waved, with a tinge of red, finally they become black and diflblve into an inky liquor. STIPES primum pileo penitus obtegitur, mox femi- pedalis, evadit, cylindricus, fittulofus, al- bittimus, medulla filiformi, intra tubum libera. VOLVA nulla, fed margo inttar volvae ex margine pilei lacero ftipitem cingens infra laminas. PILEUS albus, in junioribus oblongus, digitalis, mox fubcampanulatus,demum fere planus; Caro tenuis. Cutis in fquamas fujcas laciniatas fiurfum revolutas feparans, quae ccelo intem- peftivo pluviis faepe abluuntur, pileo decor- ticato albo relifto. numerofae, lineas tres latae, primum albiflimae, farina quafi adfperfae, in adultis laxae, fiexuq/ce cum ruboris tin&ura, demum nigricantes, in liquorem atramentofum dif- fluentes. The Fungi, generally known in Englifh by the names of Mufhrooms and Toad-flools, are a tribe of plants, which, while they have afforded abundant matter of curious inquiry to the philofophic naturalitt, have hitherto eluded the molt unwearied attempts of the Botanitt to reduce them to their feveral fpecies and varieties. Although, in point of utility to mankind, they may not compare with many other families oF plants, yet are they by no means without their importance in the general oeconomy of nature. Whatever is not imme- diately applicable to our own wants, we are apt to think too lightly of; forgetting, that the infinitely more numerous inhabitants of this terraqueous globe, are equally the obje&s of the care of an all-bountiful Creator. A great variety of Infe6fs feed on the different fpecies of Fungi, particularly the larvae or maggots of many of the fly kind. Mufcce Linn. In fome countries, Mufhrooms are made much more an objeft of food than with us; this prompts the ■inhabitants often to eat fuch as are in their natures poifonous, whence direful ettefts have too often proceeded. With us they are ufed more as an article of luxury, and the markets being chiefly fupplied by the cultivators of them, who propagate one particular fpecies, thefe fatal accidents fcarcely ever happen here. To prevent, however, any accidents of this kind, perhaps the bett advice would be to caution perfons in general, to meddle with no other fort than the common field Mufhroom, which is generally cultivated ; and rather to procure fuch of thofe who cultivate them, than of thofe who may occafionally otter them to fale : and to render a knowledge of this fpecies more obvious, we propofe, in a future number, to give a figure of it in all its ftates, and fhall endeavour to diftinguifh it from the others in the plaineft manner. From the obfervations already made on this Genus, we are led to think, that the feveral fpecies of them are more dittinft, and lefs liable to thofe amazing alterations, which Botanitts inform us of, and which indeed are fufficient to intimidate the ftudent, and deter him from entering on a field, where he is to exped nothing but confufion, and be loft in the perplexing mazes of endlefs varieties. There is one pleafing circumftance attends the Funo-i, they make their principal appearance in autumn, at a time of the year when the Botanitt is mod at leifure to obferve them, and when fcarcely any other plants engage his attention. Next fucceed the wintry Mottes: and thus the Botanitts perpetual furarner is rendered complete. The fpecies here figured is not eaten with us ; yet there appears no reafon to fufpeft its being in any degree poifonous. It occurs very frequently, towards the end of September, by the fides of roads, growing out of the ground, probably where there has been fome dung intermixed. It is cttftinguifhed from the other Fungi by its oblong oval ttiape, and, in a more particular manner, by the raggednefs of its outer coat, which curls up in flakes, but it is apt to be walked off in heavy rains; The gills are large, numerous, and waved, at firtt of a reddilh purple colour, and often white, finally diifolving into a black liquid, like many others of the fame kind.