iv^*v«^«?s« f*AH\ • » ■• Wr.^-.'WP.r. - . ... ......... . L.*vw SM,^;ms«^v'j..-.-,v.'-.v.\..; - -■ -v. rrt:-jc» vte.t ',*,:*/.",*/■/ i^^^:fj;^.::^ W 15 B747c 1919 26520130R NLM DS10MDMT fl NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE %&* S8S&* NLM051040498 Bethesdo, Md. US Deportment of » Health, Edocat 0 ond Welfare. Public Health Service Bethesdo, Md. » U.S.Department of * Heollh, Educ< 0 Heolth \ CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES AS ADOPTED BY THE Jas^on. Massachusetts General Hospital Boston City Hospital Carney Hospital Peter Bent Brigham Hospital and Others FOURTH EDITION REVISED AND ENLARGED 1919 Griffith-Stillings Press Boston, Mass. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION pAGB I. Specific Infectious Diseases. General Diseases................................. 1 II. Diseases due to Animal Parasites......... 9 III. Diseases of Metabolism................... 11 IV. Diseases Peculiar to Infancy............. 13 V. Diseases due to Physical Agents.......... 15 VI. Poisonings. Intoxications................. 17 VII. Tumors, Benign and Malignant............ 21 VIII. Congenital Malformations................ 27 IX. General Injuries and Diseases of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue.................... 31 X. Special Skin Diseases..................... 33 XL Diseases of the Circulatory System....... 37 XII. Diseases of the Lymphatic System......... 41 XIII. Diseases of the Blood.................... 43 XIV. Diseases of the Ductless Glands......... 45 XV. Diseases of the Nervous System.......... 47 XVI. Diseases of the Bones, Joints, Muscles, Tendons, and Fascia..................... 57 XVII. Diseases and Injuries of the Eye and Ear 61 XVIII. Diseases of the Nose and Accessory Sinuses 75 XIX. Diseases of the Mouth, Lips, Cheeks, Pharynx, Tonsils, and Palate........... 77 XX. Diseases of the Jaw, Teeth, and Gums__ 81 XXI. Diseases of the Tongue................... 83 XXII. Diseases of the Esophagus................ 85 XXIII. Diseases of the Stomach.................. 87 XXIV. Diseases of the Intestines................ 89 iii SECTION PAGE XXV. Diseases of the Liver and Gall Ducts..... 91 XXVI. Diseases of the Pancreas................. 93 XXVII. Diseases of the Abdomen and Peritonei m in General................................. 95 XXVIII. Diseases of the Rectum and Anus......... 97 XXIX. Diseases of the Larynx.................. 99 XXX. Diseases of the Trachea and Bronchi..... 101 XXXI. Diseases of the Lungs.................... 103 XXXII. Diseases of the Pleura and Mediastinum.. 105 XXXIII. Diseases of the Kidney and Ureter....... 107 XXXIV. Diseases of the Bladder.................. 109 XXXV. Diseases of the Urethra (Male and Female) 111 XXXVI. Diseases of the Male Generative Organs. 113 XXXVII. Diseases of the Female Generative Organs 115 XXXVIII. Puerperal State........................... 119 XXXIX. Diseases of the Breast (Male and Female) 121 XL. Anaphylaxis............................... 123 XLI. Ill-Defined, or Unclassified Diseases..... 125 Index..................................... 127 FOREWORD The fourth edition of this Classification has been much simplified. The arrangement of diseases in a given Section, or a subdivision of a Section, is strictly alpha- betical, thus eliminating the necessity for the "serial number," which has appeared in previous editions. The classification number now consists of the combination of Section Number and International Classification Number, e.g., Appendicitis is 24-108; 24 indicating that it is to be filed in Section XXIV, and 108 showing its proper classification under International Numbers, by which annual statistics may be compiled. If, at any time, it is desirable to add to a Section a new term, it may be done by inserting it in its proper alphabetical place without rearrangement of the present list. Two new Sections have been added: Section XXXIX, Diseases of the Breast (male and female), and Section XL, Anaphylaxis. The old Section XXXIX becomes Section XLI. A blank page has been allowed between every two Sections upon which additional terms, or notes, may be entered. TRAUMATIC CLASSIFICATION. 165 Bites, Stings 166 Conflagration 167 Burns, Scalds, X-ray, Radium 168 Gas Poisonings, etc. (sewer, illuminating,"etc.) 169 Drowning 170 Firearms A. Accidental B. Casualty in Action against Organized Enemy 171 Cutting and Piercing Instruments A. Accidental B. Casualty in Action against Organized Enemy 172 Falls 173 Tunnels, Mines, and Quarries 174 Machines 175 Vehicles, Railroads, Automobiles, etc. 176 By Animals (not insects and snakes) 177 Starvation. Exhaustion from Overexertion and Exposure* (See Section V.) 178 Effects of Cold 179 Effects of Heat 180 Lightning 181 Electricity (industrial and non-industrial) 185 Fracture and Dislocation (cause not specified) 186 Other External Violence 189 Surgical Operations VII CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES Arranged under the Title Numbers of the International Classification) SECTION I. SPECIFIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES. GENERAL DISEASES. 1-20 Abscess, deep. State site; and organism, if known 1-20 Abscess, psoas (with obscure origin) 1-26 Actinomycosis. State site 1-20 Aerogenes capsulatus infection (Gas bacillus infection). To include the Gas infection of war. State site 1-22 Anthrax infection. State site 1-37 Aortitis, syphilitic 1-37 Aortitis, syphilitic, with aneurism 1-47 Arthritis, acute infectious (Acute articular rheumatism). State organism if known, and joints affected 1-48 Arthritis, chronic infectious. State organism, and joints affected; if organism unknown, file in XVI. B 1-38 Arthritis, gonorrheal 1-25 Aspergillosis. State site 1-38 Balanitis, gonorrheal 1-26 Blastomycosis. State site 1-91 Bronchopneumonia 1-38 Bubo, inguinal. Specify infection: gonococcus, chan- croid, or other 1-15 Bubonic plague 1-143 Carbuncle. State site 1-144 Cellulitis. State site, and organism if known 1-37 Chancre 1-38 Chancroid (Ulcus molle) 1-12 Cholera, Asiatic 1-1 Colon bacillus infection, general 1-12 Comma bacillus (Cholera) carrier 1-38 Condyloma, gonorrheal 1-37 Condyloma, syphilitic 2 I. SPECIFIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES. GENERAL DISEASES —(Continued) 1-9 Conjunctivitis diphtheritica 1-38 Conjunctivitis, gonorrheal 1-86 Coryza (Common cold) 1-38 Cystitis, gonorrheal 1-19 Dengue 1-9 Dermatitis diphtheritica 1-9 Diphtheria 1-9 Diphtheria bacillus carrier 1-25 Discomycosis. State site 1-14 Dysentery (cause unknown). If patient under two yean of age, see Section IV. 1-14 Dysentery, amebic 1-14 Dysentery, bacillary (Shiga) 1-14 Dysentery, balantidic 1-14 Dysentery, other protozoal 1-38 Endocarditis, gonorrheal 1-38 Endocervicitis, gonorrheal 1-38 Endometritis, gonorrheal 1-38 Epididymitis, gonorrheal 1-18 Erysipelas. State site 1-145 Erythema induratum scrofulosorum 1-25 Erythrasma. State site 1-38 Folliculitis, gonorrheal 1-19 Foot-and-mouth disease 1-19 Frambesia (Yaws) 1-143 Furunculosis 1-19 Gangosa 1-21 Glanders (Farcy) 1-19 Glandular fever 1-38 Gonococcus complement fixation test 1-38 Gonococcus infection (unqualified). See various forms, as Arthritis, gonorrheal; Cystitis, gonorrheal; etc. 1-145 Granuloma coccidiodes 1-37 Gumma. State site 1-19 Hemoglobinuric fever (non-malarial) 1-145 Impetigo contagiosa 1-19 Infection, acute 1-10 Influenza 3 I. SPECIFIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES. GENERAL DISEASES. — (Continued) 1-37 Injection (intravenous, intramuscular) of "606," Sal- varsan 1-9 Inoculation, antidiphtheritic 1-23 Inoculation, antirabies (Pasteur treatment) 1-24 Inoculation, antitetanic 1-1 Inoculation, antityphoid 1-38 Iritis, gonorrheal 1-37 Keratitis, syphilitic 1-38 Keratosis gonorrhoica 1-17 Lepra (Leprosy) 1-34 Lupus vulgaris 1-38 Lymphadenitis, chancroidal 1-38 Lymphangitis, chancroidal 1-3 Malta fever 1-19 Mastitis with mumps 1-61(3) Meningitis, cerebrospinal (epidemic) 1-37 Meningitis, syphilitic 1-30 Meningitis, tuberculous. State whether cerebral, cere- brospinal, or spinal 1-61(3) Meningococcus carrier 1-11 Miliary fever 1-19 Milk sickness (Trembles) 1-6 Morbilli (Measles) 1-26 Mucomucosis. State site 1-19 Mumps (Epidemic parotitis) 1-25 Mycetoma (Madura foot) 1-26 Mycosis (unqualified). State site. (See various forms, as Actinomycosis, etc.) 1-25 Nocardiosis. State site 1-25 Oidiomycosis. State site 1-25 Onychomycosis 1-19 Oophoritis with mumps 1-19 Orchitis with mumps 1-26 Otomycosis 1-38 Paraphimosis, chancroidal 1-1 Paratyphoid fever. Specify A or B 1-26 Pellagra 1-38 Peritonitis, gonorrheal 4 I. SPECIFIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES. GENERAL DISEASES — (Continued) 1-38 Phimosis, chancroidal 1-19 Phlebotomous fever (Pappataci fever) 1-15 Plague. State bubonic, pulmonic, or septicemic 1-94 Pneumonia, hypostatic 1-98 Pneumonia, interstitial 1-92 Pneumonia, lobar 1-92 Pneumonia, lobar (unresolved) 1-92 Pneumonitis, acute 1-98 Pneumonitis, chronic 1-63 Polioencephalitis 1-63 Poliomyelitis. State whether acute, or old 1-63 Poliomyelitis, acute bulbar 1-38 Prostatitis, gonorrheal 1-20 Pyemia. State organism if known 1-23 Rabies 1-19 Rat-bite fever 1-3 Relapsing fever (Spirillosis) 1-47 Rheumatic fever. State whether acute or chronic 1-47 Rheumatism, acute articular 1-19 Rocky Mountain spotted fever 1-19 Rubella (German measles) 1-38 Salpingitis, gonorrheal 1-7 Scarlatina (Scarlet fever) 1-34 Scrofuloderma 1-20 Septic joint. State site; and organism, if known 1-100 Septic sore throat, epidemic 1-20 Septicemia, general. State organism, if known 1-1 Spondylitis typhosa 1-26 Sporotrichosis. State site 1-99 Sprue 1-20 Staphylococcus infection. State site 1-20 Streptococcus infection. State site 1-20 Streptothricosis. State site 1-19 Swine fever 1-37 Syphilis. State whether primary, secondary, or tei 1-37 Syphilis, congenital 1-37 Syphilis (doubtful diagnosis) 1-37 Syphilis (quondam) 5 I. SPECIFIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES. GENERAL DISEASES. — (Continued) 1-37 Syphilis of bone. State site 1-37 Syphilis of buccal cavity. State site 1-37 Syphilis of circulatory system, other than Aortitis. State site 1-37 Syphilis of digestive system. State site 1-37 Syphilis of ear 1-37 Syphilis of eye 1-37 Syphilis of genital organs (male and female). State site 1-37 Syphilis of joint. State site 1-37 Syphilis of larynx 1-37 Syphilis of nervous system. (See also XV. A. and XV. G.) 1-37 Syphilis of nose 1-37 Syphilis of respiratory system. State site 1-37 Syphilis of skin 1-37 Syphilis of spleen 1-37 Syphilis of urinary organs. State site 1-37 Syphilitic teeth (Hutchinson's teeth) 1-38 Tenosynovitis, gonorrheal 1-24 Tetanus 1-24 Tetanus, cephalic 1-99 Thrush 1-25 Tinea favosa. State site 1-25 Tinea trychophytina (Ringworm). State site 1-26 Tinea versicolor. State site 1-75 Trachoma 1-19 Trench fever 1-31 Tuberculosis, abdominal (general). (See also Tuber- culosis of various organs.) 1-29 Tuberculosis, broncho-pneumonic (acute) 1-29 Tuberculosis, miliary (acute general) 1-29 Tuberculosis, pneumonic (acute) 1-29 Tuberculosis, pulmonary (acute miliary) 1-28 Tuberculosis, pulmonary (chronic) 1-28 Tuberculosis, pulmonary (incipient) 1-52 Tuberculosis of adrenal gland 1-31 Tuberculosis of anus 1-31 Tuberculosis of appendix 1-34 Tuberculosis of artery. State site t) I. SPECIFIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES. GENERAL DISEASES — (Continued) 1-34 Tuberculosis of bone. State site 1-28 Tuberculosis of bronchus 1-34 Tuberculosis of bursa. State site 1-34 Tuberculosis of ear 1-31 Tuberculosis of esophagus 1-34 Tuberculosis of eye 1-34 Tuberculosis of fascia and subcutaneous tissue. State site I 1-34 Tuberculosis of genital organs (male and female). State] site 1-34 Tuberculosis of genito-urinary tract, general 1-31 Tuberculosis of intestine. State site 1-33 Tuberculosis of joint. State site 1-28 Tuberculosis of larynx 1-34 Tuberculosis of lip j 1-34 Tuberculosis of liver 1-34 Tuberculosis of lymph nodes. State site 1-34 Tuberculosis of mammary gland 1-34 Tuberculosis of mouth (Lupus) 1-34 Tuberculosis of mouth (other than Lupus) 1-34 Tuberculosis of nerves. State site 1-34 Tuberculosis of nose and nasal passages. State site 1-31 Tuberculosis of omentum 1-34 Tuberculosis of palate I 1-34 Tuberculosis of pancreas 1-34 Tuberculosis of pelvis. State site 1-31 Tuberculosis of peritoneum 1-34 Tuberculosis of pharynx (Lupus) 1-34 Tuberculosis of pharynx (other than Lupus) 1-28 Tuberculosis of pleura 1-31 Tuberculosis of rectum 1-34 Tuberculosis of salivary gland. State site 1-34 Tuberculosis of skin 1-29 Tuberculosis of skin, miliary 1-34 Tuberculosis of spinal cord 1-32 Tuberculosis of spine. State whether cervical, dorsal, or lumbar 1-34 Tuberculosis of spleen i I. SPECIFIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES. GENERAL DISEASES. — (Continued) 1-31 Tuberculosis of stomach 1-52 Tuberculosis of suprarenal gland 1-34 Tuberculosis of tendon sheath. State site 1-34 Tuberculosis of thymus gland 1-34 Tuberculosis of thyroid gland 1-34 Tuberculosis of tongue 1-34 Tuberculosis of tonsil 1-28 Tuberculosis of trachea 1-34 Tuberculosis of urinary organ. State site 1-34 Tuberculosis verrucosa 1-1 Typhoid bacillus carrier 1-1 Typhoid fever. (To include all forms of infection caused by the typhoid bacillus; e.g., Typhoid periostitis, etc.) 1-2 Typhus fever (to include Brill's disease) 1-38 Urethritis, gonorrheal 1-20 Vaccination 1-20 Vaccinia 1-38 Vaginitis, gonorrheal 1-19 Varicella (Chickenpox) 1-5 Variola (Smallpox) 1-145 Verruca peruviana 1-38 Vesiculitis, gonorrheal 1-38 Vulvo-vaginitis, gonorrheal 1-37 Wassermann reaction, positive 1-111 Weil's disease (Epidemic jaundice) 1-8 Whooping cough (Pertussis) 1-20 Wound, infected. State site, and organism if known. State also if postoperative, traumatic, or a wound of war 1-9 Wound infection, diphtheritic. Use when B. diphtherias is present 1-16 Yellow fever 1- Other general, or infectious diseases. Affix second num- ber according to the International Classification of Causes of Death s I. NOTES. 9 SECTION n. DISEASES DUE TO ANIMAL PARASITES. 2-107 Amebiasis 2-106 Ankylostomiasis 2-107 Ascariasis (Ascaris lumbricoides) 2-107 Bilharziosis 2-107 Cercomanas hominis 2-107 Cestoda infection (Tape-worm) 2-107 Coccidiosis 2-107 Cysticercus. State site 2-107 Dibothriocephalus latus 2-122 Dioctophyne renale 2-107 Distomiasis (pulmonary, hepatic, intestinal) 2-145 Dracontiasis 2-112 Echinococcus cyst. State site 2-19 Filariasis 2-145 Grain itch 2-107 Helminthiasis 2-4 Hemoglobinuric fever (malarial) 2-107 Hymenolepsis nana 2-107 Lamblia intestinalis 2-145 Larva migrans (Creeping eruption) 2-107 Leishmaniasis (Kala-azar) 2-4 Malaria (estivo-autumnal, mixed, tertian, quartan, etc.) 2-107 Metastrongylus apri 2-145 Myiasis 2-107 Nematoda (other infection) 2-107 Oxyuris vermicularis 2-107 Paragonimiasis 2-107 Parameba hominis 2-145 Parasitic flies 2-145 Parasitic insect 2-145 Pediculosis (unqualified) 2-145 Pediculosis capillitii 2-145 Pediculosis corporis 2-145 Pediculosis pubis 2-145 Phthiriasis palpebrarum 10 II. DISEASES DUE TO ANIMAL PARASITES. — (Continued) 2-25 Pinta 2-145 Sarcopsiliasis 2-145 Scabies 2-115 Schistosomiasis, biliary (Japonica) 2-107 Schistosomiasis, intestinal 2-122 Schistosomiasis, urinary 2-107 Sparganum proliferum. State site 2-107 Strongyloides, intestinal 2-107 Strongyloidosis 2-107 Strongylus gibsoni 2-107 Tenia diminuta 2-107 Tenia saginata 2-107 Tenia solium 2-107 Teniasis (somatic) 2-145 Ticks 2-107 Trematoda infection 2-107 Trichiniasis 2-107 Trichomonas intestinalis 2-107 Trichostrongylus instabilis 2-107 Trichuriasis 2-107 Trichuris trichiura 2-55 Trypanosomiasis (Sleeping sickness) 2-106 Uncinariasis 2- Other parasitic diseases. Affix second number according to International Classification of Causes of Death n. NOTES. 11 section m. DISEASES OF METABOLISM. 3-50 Acidosis, diabetic 3-55 Acidosis, non-diabetic. (See also Vomiting, recurrent) 3-56 Adiposis dolorosa 3-27 Beriberi 3-147 Chondromalacia 3-55 Diabetes insipidus 3-50 Diabetes mellitus 3-50 Diabetic conditions of eye. State variety 3-50 Gangrene, diabetic 3-50 Glycosuria. Do not use for Diabetes mellitus 3-48 Gout. State whether acute or chronic 3-55 Hemochromatosis 3-50 Lactosuria 3-55 Lipomatosis 3-65 Obesity 3-56 Ochronosis 3-36 Osteoarthropathy, hypertrophic pulmonary 3-36 Osteomalacia 3-36 Rickets. (Cases over two years of age) 3-36 Rickets, adolescent 3-49 Scurvy (Scorbutus) 3-71 Spasmophilia (Spasmophic diatheses) 3-103 Vomiting, recurrent. To include cyclic, intermittent, or periodic. State whether of infectious origin; due to diminished C02 tension; or to acetonuria. (See also Acidosis, non-diabetic.) 3- Other diseases of metabolism. Affix second number according to International Classification of Causes of Death 12 IH. NOTES. 13 SECTION rv. DISEASES PECULIAR TO INFANCY. (For Children under two years of age only) See also Section VIII. 4-46 Adenoma of umbilicus 4-152(2) Asphyxia neonatorum 4-152(2) Atelectasis neonatorum 4-46 Caput succedaneum 4-152(1) Cephalematoma 4-151(2) Cirrhosis, in infants 4-151(2) Congenital stridor 4-71 Convulsions (cause unknown) 4-36 Craniotabes (not to be used if cause can be determined) 4-151(2) Debility, congenital 4-99 Dentition, difficult (Teething) 4-104 Diarrhea (unqualified) 4-104 Diarrhea, infectious 4-14 a. Dysentery bacillus 4-20 b. Gas bacillus 4-104 c. Other organism 4-187 Edema neonatorum 4-168 Etherization (intra-uterine) 4-151(2) Fatty degeneration of newborn (Buhl's disease) 4-151(2) Feeding, improper 4-151(2) Feeding, regulation of. Specify whether breast, or arti- ficial mixed feeding 4-46 Granuloma of umbilicus 4-46 Hematoma of sterno-mastoid 14 IV. DISEASES PECULIAR TO INFANCY.—(Continued) 4-162(2) Hemoglobinuria in infants, epidemic (Winckel's disease) 4-162(1) Hemorrhage, cerebral, if due to birth injury (Paralysis, cerebral) 4-152(2) Hemorrhagic disease of newborn 4-151(2) Icterus neonatorum 4-151(2) Inanition fever 4-103 Indigestion, gastric, in infants 4-104 Indigestion, intestinal, in infants. State if due to 4-104 A. Overfeeding as a whole 4-104 B. Overfeeding with various foodstuffs 4-104 o. Fat 4-104 b. Carbohydrates 4-104 c. Protein 4-104 d. Salts 4-104 C. Indigestion with fermentation 4-104 Intoxication, alimentary (intestinal) 4-151(2) Malnutrition 4-151(2) Marasmus (Infantile atrophy) 4-162(2) Mastitis in infants 4-152(2) Melena neonatorum 4-152(2) Omphalitis (Sepsis of umbilicus) 4-38 Ophthalmia neonatorum, gonorrheal 4-76 Ophthalmia neonatorum, non-gonorrheal Paralyses, birth: 4-73 Brachial (Duchenne-Erb paralysis) Cerebral (see Hemorrhage, cerebral) 4-73 Facial 4-145 Pemphigus neonatorum (Bullous impetigo) 4-161(1) Prematurity 4-36 Rickets. (Cases over two years of age, file in Section III.) 4-161(2) Sclerema neonatorum 4-151(2) Uric acid infarction of kidney 4-162 Weaning 4- Other diseases of infancy. Affix second number according to International Classification of Causes of Death. IV. NOTES. 15 SECTION V. DISEASES DUE TO PHYSICAL AGENTS. 5-167 Burns. State whether 1st, 2d, or 3d degree. (If from conflagration, use 166 for second number.) 5-181 Burns, electrical 6-167 Burns, from caustic agents. State kind 5-181 Electric shock, Effects of (not to include Burns) 5-26 Erysipeloid. State site 5-178 Exposure to cold 5-178 Frostbite. State site 5-179 Heat cramps 5-179 Heat prostration 5-179 Insolation 6-167 Scalds. State whether 1st, 2d, or 3d degree 16 V. NOTES. 17 SECTION VI. POISONINGS. INTOXICATIONS. 6-56 Absinthe poisoning 6-56 Alcohol poisoning 6-56 Alcoholism. State whether acute, or chronic 6-164 Botulism 6-164 Cheese poisoning 6-164 Creatoxismus (Meat poisoning) 6-56 Dipsomania 6-164 Egg albumen poisoning 6-164 Fish poisoning 6-165 Fish venom poisoning 6-164 Food poisoning (unqualified) 6-164 Ice cream poisoning 6-59 Lathyrism 6-164 Milk poisoning 6-164 Mushroom poisoning Poisoning, accidental, from inhalation of gases. State agent, as follows: 6-168 Acetylene 6-168 Ammonia 6-168 Anesthetic (for operation) 6-168 Carbon dioxide 6-168 Carbon monoxide 6-168 Chloroform 6-168 Ether 6-168 Illuminating gas 6-168 Marsh gas 6-168 Nitrogen-oxides 6-168 Sewer gas 6-168 Sulphuretted hydrogen 6-168 War gases. State agent if known 6-168 Other accidental poisonings from gases. State agent Poisonings, acute. State agent, as follows: 6-165 Acetanilide 6-165 Arsenic 6-165 Benzol 18 VI. POISONINGS. INTOXICATIONS.—(Continued) 6-165 Cocaine 6-165 Cyanide 6-165 Fulminate of mercury 6-165 Lead 6-166 Magnesium sulphate 6-166 Mercury 6-166 Morphia 6-166 Opium 6-166 Picric acid 6-166 Sulpho-napthol 6-166 Trinitrotoluene 6-166 Other acute poisonings; state agent Poisonings, chronic industrial. State agent, as follows: 6-68 Acetanilide 6-58 Anilin 6-58 Arsenic 6-68 Benzol 6-58 Brass 6-58 Cyanide 6-58 Fulminate of mercury 6-57 Lead 6-68 Mercury 6-58 Phosphorus 6-58 Picric acid 6-68 Trinitrotoluene 6-68 Other chronic industrial poisonings; state agent. Poisonings, chronic non-industrial. State agent as follows: 6-59 Acetanilide 6-59 Arsenic 6-59 Bromide 6-59 Cocaine 6-59 Coffee 6-59 Cyanide 6-59 Ergot 6-59 Hyoscine 6-59 Mercury 6-59 Morphia 19 VI. POISONINGS. INTOXICATIONS. — (Continued) 6-59 Tobacco 6-69 Other chronic non-industrial poisonings 6-164 Shellfish poisoning 6-165 Snake venom poisoning 6-166 Suffocation by smoke (conflagration) 6-168 Suffocation by smoke (conflagration excepted) 20 VI. NOTES. 21 section vn. TUMORS, BENIGN AND MALIGNANT. (See also Section XV. A, F, and G.) A. Benign Tumors. Designate according to pathology (see next page), and assign number according to location, as follows: Abdomen 7-117 Accessory sinus 7-46 Anus 7-46 Appendix 7-86 Axilla 7-117 Bile duct 7-75 Bladder 7-131 Blood vessel. State site 7-118 Bone. State site 7-88 Breast 7-99 Broad ligament 7-127 Bronchi 7-117 Ear 7-100 Epiglottis 7-98 Esophagus 7-126 Eye 7-110 Fallopian tube 7-127 Gall bladder 7-146 Gum 7-116 Intestine. State part 7-40 Intraspinal 7-52 jaw 7-127 Joint. State site 7-84 Kidney 7-88 Larynx 7-99 Lip 7-100 Liver 7-126 Lung 7-129 Lymph nodes. State site 7-132 Mediastinum 7-132 Mesentery Muscle Neck Nose Omentum Orbit Ovary Pancreas Parathyroid Parotid gland Penis Peritoneum Pharynx Pleura Prostate Rectum Scrotum Skin Spleen Stomach Suprarenal gland Testicle Thymus gland Thyroid gland Tongue Tonsil Urethra Uterus Vagina Vulva 22 VH.A. BENIGN TUMORS. — (Continued) Adenofibroma Adenoma Adenoma sebaceum Adenoma sudoriparum Angioma Angioma cavernosum Angioma serpiginosum Chalazion Cholesteatoma Chondroblastoma Chondroma Cyst Cyst, dentigerous Cyst, dermoid Cyst-adenoma Cyst-adenoma, papillary Enchondroma Epithelioma Epulis Fibroma Fibroma, periductal Fibromyoma Glioma. (See also XV. A.) Hematoma (non-traumatic) Keloid Lipoma Lymphangioma Lymphangioma circumscriptum Lymphangioma tuberosum multiplex Lymphoma Mixed non-malignant tumor Mucocele (nasal retention cyst) Myoma Myxofibroma Myxoma Osteochondroma Osteoma Papilloma 23 VH. A. BENIGN TUMORS. — (Continued) Polypus Psammoma Rhinophyma Syringo-cystadenoma Syringoma Teratoma Trichoepithelioma *Tumor (unspecified) Wen (Sebaceous cyst) B. Malignant Tumors 1. Of Bone. State site 7-45a Carcinoma, metastatic 7-45j Chordoma 7-45 *Malignant disease (unspecified) 7-45g Mixed malignant growth 7-45k Myeloma, multiple 7-45f Sarcoma 7-45ff Sarcoma, giant cell 2. Of Breast 7-43a Carcinoma 7-43b Endothelioma 7-43 *Malignant disease (unspecified) 7-43g Mixed malignant growth 7-43f Sarcoma 3. Of Buccal Cavity. Specify Cheek Lip Salivary gland. State site Gum Mouth Tongue Jaw Palate Tonsil 7-39a Carcinoma 7-39a Carcinoma, epidermoid 7-39b Endothelioma 7-39 *Malignant disease (unspecified) 7-39g Mixed malignant growth 7-39f Sarcoma *Never use this term when pathology can be determined. 24 Vn. B. MALIGNANT TUMORS. — (Continued) 4. Of Female Genital Organs. Specify Broad ligament Uterus Cervix uteri Vagina Fallopian tube Vulva Ovary 7-42a Carcinoma 7-42d Chorio-epithelioma 7-42b Endothelioma 7-42h Hydatid mole 7-42e Hypernephroma 7-42 *Malignant disease (unspecified) 7-42g Mixed malignant growth 7-42f Sarcoma 6. Of Male Genital Organs. Specify Penis Seminal vesicles Prostate Testicle Scrotum 7-45a Carcinoma 7-45a Carcinoma, epidermoid 7-45d Chorio-epithelioma 7-45b Endothelioma 7-45 ^Malignant disease (unspecified) 7-45g Mixed malignant growth 7-46f Sarcoma 6. Of Peritoneum, Intestines, Rectum, etc. Specify Anus Peritoneum Intestine (state part) Rectum Mesentery Retroperitoneal glands Omentum 7-41a Carcinoma 7-41b Endothelioma 7-41e Hypernephroma 7-41 'Malignant disease (unspecified) 7-41g Mixed malignant growth 7-41f Sarcoma ♦Never use this term when pathology can be determined. 25 VII.B. MALIGNANT TUMORS. — (Continued) 7. Of Skin. Specify location 7-44a Carcinoma, epidermoid 7-44b Endothelioma 7-44 *Malignant disease (unspecified) 7-44g Mixed malignant growth 7-44f Sarcoma 8. Of Stomach, Liver, etc. Specify Bile duct Liver Esophagus Pharynx Gall bladder Stomach 7-40a Carcinoma 7-40b Endothelioma 7-40e Hypernephroma 7-40 *Malignant disease (unspecified) 7-40g Mixed malignant growth 7-40f Sarcoma 9. Of Urinary Organs. Specify Bladder Ureter Kidney Urethra Suprarenal gland 7-45a Carcinoma 7-46b Endothelioma 7-45e Hypernephroma 7-46 *Malignant disease (unspecified) 7-45g Mixed malignant growth 7-45f Sarcoma 10. Of Regions not Elsewhere Mentioned. Specify Abdomen Bronchi Accessory sinus. State site Buttocks Antrum Eye Arm Groin Artery. State site Hand Axilla Joint. State site Back Larynx ♦Never use this term when pathology can be determined. 26 VILB. MALIGNANT TUMORS —(Continued) Leg Perineum Lung Pleura Lymph nodes. State site Shoulder (soft parts) Mediastinum Spleen Neck Thorax Orbit Thymus gland Pancreas Thyroid gland Pelvis Trachea 7-45a Carcinoma 7-45a Carcinoma, epidermoid 7-45b Endothelioma 7-45e Hypernephroma 7-53 Lymphoma, malignant (Hodgkin's disease) 7-45 ♦Malignant disease (unspecified) 7-45g Mixed malignant growth 7-46f Sarcoma ♦Never use this term when pathology can be determined. VII. NOTES. 27 SECTION vra. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS. To include Malformations of Extremities, Diaphragm, Circulatory System, Digestive System, Reproductive Organs, Skull, Face, Joints, etc. Not to include Stillbirth. Absence of bone. State bone Absence of Fallopian tubes Absence of one kidney Absence of ovary Absence of uterus Absence of vagina Amputation, congenital. State part affected Anomaly of ear (unqualified) Absence of auricle Macrotia Microtia Anomaly of eye (unqualified) Of Conjunctiva Of Cornea Of Eyeball Of Iris Of Lens Of Lids Of Optic nerve Of Orbit Of Retina Of Sclera Of Uveal tract Of Vitreous Anomaly of form Anomaly of heart. State variety Anomaly of vertebrae Anorchism Atresia of vagina, congenital Branchial cyst Cervical rib 28 VTII. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS. — (Continued) 8-150(3) Claw-foot 8-160(3) Claw-hand 8-150(3) Cleft palate 8-150(3) Cleft palate and harelip 8-150(3) Club-hand 8-150(2) Cyanosis, congenital 8-160(3) Cyst of brain (interpeduncular), congenital 8-150(3) Deformity of nose, congenital 8-150(2) Dextrocardia 8-150(3) Dilatation of colon, congenital (Hirschsprung's disease) 8-160(3) Dislocation, congenital. State site 8-150(3) Diverticulum, Meckel's 8-150(3) Diverticulum of bladder, congenital 8-150(3) Double uterus 8-150(3) Double vagina 8-160(3) Dwarfism 8-160(3) Epispadias 8-150(3) Exstrophy of bladder 8-150(3) Facial clefts 8-160(3) Female generative organs, imperfect development of 8-150(3) Fistula, congenital. State site 8-150(3) Floating rib 8-160(3) Fracture, congenital 8-160(3) Fused ribs 8-160(3) Hammer toe, congenital 8-160(3) Harelip 8-150(3) Hemaphroditism 8-150(3) Horseshoe kidney 8-160(3) Hourglass contraction of stomach, congenital 8-160(1) Hydrocephalus 8-150(3) Hypospadias 8-160(3) Imperfect septum cordis 8-160(3) Imperforate anus 8-150(3) Imperforate hymen 8-150(3) Malformation of anus. (See also Imperforate anus.) 8-150(3) Malformation of bladder. (See also Exstrophy of bladder. 8-160(3) Malformation of intestine 8-160(3) Malformation of rectum 29 Vin. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS. — (Continued) Meningocele Meningoencephalocele Microcephalus Monster Obstruction, intestinal (congenital) Open foramen ovale Oxycephaly (Tower skull) Para-urethral duct Persistent ductus arteriosus Persistent thyro-glossal duct Persistent urachus Pes cavus, congenital Pes planus, congenital Pilonidal sinus Polycystic kidney, congenital Pyloric stenosis, congenital Situs transversus Spina bifida Spina bifida occulta Stenosis, or obliteration, of bile ducts (congenital) Supernumerary fingers Supernumerary toes Talipes, congenital. State variety as follows: Talipes calcaneo-valgus Talipes calcaneo-varus Talipes calcaneus Talipes equino-valgus Talipes equino-varus Talipes equinus Talipes valgus Talipes varus (See also Pes cavus and Pes planus) Tongue-tie Transposition of great vessels Transposition of viscera Undescended testicle Unicornate uterus Valiralar disease, congenital cardiac; aortic stenosis 30 VIII. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS. — (Continued) 8-150(2) Valvular disease, congenital cardiac; mitral stenosis 8-160(2) Valvular disease, congenital cardiac; pulmonary stenosii 8-150(3) Webbed fingers 8-160(3) Webbed toes 8-150 Other congenital malformations VIII. NOTES. 31 SECTION IX. GENERAL INJURD3S AND DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE. 9- *Abrasion. State site 9-144 Abscess, of unknown origin. State site. (To include only abscess of skin and cellular tissue. For deep abscess, see Section I.) 9- *Avulsion. State site 9-176 Bites (dog, cat, etc.) 9-184 Bites (human) 9- *Contusion. State site 9- *Crush. State site 9-145 Decubitus 9-145 Emphysema, traumatic 9-145 Epilation, traumatic 9-186 Foreign body. State site 9-142 Gangrene (unqualified). State site 9-142 Gangrene, carbolic. State site 9-20 Gangrene, hospital. State site 9-143 Gangrene, traumatic. State site 9- *Hematoma. State site 9-145 Ingrowing toenail 9-144 Sepsis, localized. State site 9-145 Sinus. State site 9-142 Stomatitis gangrenosa (Noma) 9-165 Sting, insect. State kind of insect 9-145 Ulcer. State site. (To include only ulcer of skin and cellular tissue.) 9- Wound. State site. State whether granulating, incised, lacerated, punctured, etc. (To include only wounds of skin and cellular tissue.) ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 180, if cause unknown. 32 IX. NOTES. 33 SECTION X. SPECIAL SKIN DISEASES. 10-145 Acanthosis nigrigans 10-145 Acne varioliformis 10-145 Acne vulgaris 10-145 Acnitis 10-145 Ainhum 10-145 Albinismus 10-145 Alopecia 10-145 Alopecia areata 10-145 Alopecia furfuracea 10-145 Anesthesia (local skin lesion) 10-145 Angiokeratoma 10-145 Anidrosis 10-145 Atrophia diffusa idiopathica 10-145 Atrophia maculosa 10-145 Atrophia pilorum propria 10-145 Atrophia senilis 10-145 Atrophia striata 10-145 Atrophia unguium 10-145 Atrophoderma symmetricale 10-145 Bromidrosis 10-145 Callositas 10-145 Canities 10-145 Cheilitis 10-145 Chloasma 10-145 Chromidrosis 10-145 Cicatrix 10-145 Clavus 10-145 Colloid degeneration 10-145 Comedo 10-145 Condyloma acuminatum 10-145 Cornu 10-145 Dermatalgia 10-145 Dermatitis (unqualified) 10-145 Dermatitis actinica. (To include Radium burns, X-ray burns, and Sunburn.) 31 X. SPECIAL SKIN DISEASES.— (Continued) 10-145 Dermatitis calorica 10-145 Dermatitis epidemica (Savill) 10-145 Dermatitis exfoliativa 10-145 Dermatitis factitia 10-145 Dermatitis gangrenosa 10-145 Dermatitis herpetiformis 10-145 Dermatitis medicamentosa 10-146 Dermatitis papillaris capillitii 10-145 Dermatitis repens 10-145 Dermatitis traumatica 10-145 Dermatitis vegetans 10-145 Dermatitis venenata. (To include Dermatitis of munition workers, and Mustard gas poisoning.) 10-145 Dermatolysis 10-145 Dysidrosis (Pompholyx) 10-146 Ecthyma 10-145 Eczema 10-145 Eczema seborrhoicum 10-145 Edema circumscriptum acutum 10-145 Epidermolysis bullosa 10-145 Erythema (unqualified) 10-146 Erythema multiforme 10-145 Erythema nodosum 10-145 Erythema scarlatiniforme 10-145 Erythema toxicum 10-145 Folliclis 10-146 Folliculitis 10-145 Folliculitis decalvans 10-145 Granuloma annulare 10-145 Granuloma fungoides 10-146 Granuloma pyogenicum 10-145 Granulosis rubra nasi 10-146 Herpes simplex 10-145 Hidradenitis suppurativa 10-145 Hydroa vacciniforme 10-145 Hydrocystoma 10-145 Hyperesthesia 10-146 Hyperidrosis 35 X. SPECIAL SKIN DISEASES. — (Continued) 10-145 Hypertrichosis 10-145 Ichthyosis 10-145 Impetigo herpetiformis 10-146 Impetigo simplex 10-145 Intertrigo 10-145 Keratosis (unqualified) 10-146 Keratosis follicularis (Psorospermatosis) 10-145 Keratosis palmaris 10-145 Keratosis pilaris 10-145 Keratosis plantaris 10-146 Keratosis senilis 10-146 Kraurosis 10-145 Lentigo 10-145 Lepothrix 10-145 Leukoderma 10-145 Leukonychia 10-145 Lichen planus 10-145 Lichen scrofulosorum 10-145 Livedo 10-145 Lupus erythematosus 10-145 Melanodermia 10-145 Miliaria (Prickly heat) 10-145 Milium 10-146 Molluscum contagiosum 10-146 Monilethrix 10-146 Morphea 10-150 Nevus (unqualified) 10-150 Nevus fibrosus 10-160 Nevus linearis 10-150 Nevus lipomatodes 10-150 Nevus papillaris 10-160 Nevus pigmentosus 10-160 Nevus pilosus 10-150 Nevus vascularis 10-145 Onychauxis 10-145 Onychia 10-145 Parakeratosis 10-145 Parapsoriasis 36 X. SPECIAL SKIN DISEASES.—(Continued) 10-145 Paronychia 10-145 Pemphigus (unqualified) 10-146 Pemphigus foliaceus 10-145 Pemphigus vegetans 10-145 Pernio (including Trench foot) 10-145 Piedra 10-146 Pityriasis rosea 10-145 Pityriasis rubra 10-145 Pityriasis rubra pilaris (Lichen ruber) 10-145 Pityriasis simplex 10-145 Porokeratosis 10-145 Prurigo 10-145 Prurigo nodularis 10-145 Pruritus 10-146 Psoriasis 10-146 Rosacea 10-145 Sarcoid 10-145 Seborrhea 10-145 Sudamen 10-145 Sycosis lupoides 10-145 Sycosis vulgaris 10-145 Trichorrhexis nodosa 10-145 Uridrosis 10-145 Urticaria 10-145 Urticaria factitia 10-145 Urticaria papulosa (Lichen urticatus) 10-145 Urticaria pigmentosa 10-145 Verruca (Wart) 10-145 Verruca plana juvenilis 10-145 Verruca seborrhoica. (To include Senile wart.) 10-146 Vitiligo 10-145 Xanthoma 10-145 Xeroderma pigmentosum 10-145 Other diseases of the skin X. NOTES. 37 SECTION XI. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. A. Arteries 11-81 Aneurism. State artery, and character; i.e., cirsoid, sacculated, etc. 11-81 Aortitis 11-81 Arteriosclerosis, general 11-81 Arteriosclerosis, peripheral 11-81 Arteriosclerosis, renal 11-81 Arteriosclerosis of retinal vessels 11-81 Dilatation of aortic arch 11-82 Embolism. State artery 11-81 Endarteritis 11-81 Endarteritis, obliterative 11-142 Gangrene, senile 11-81 Intermittent claudication (Angina cruris) 11-81 Rupture (non-traumatic). State artery 11-85 Telangiectasis 11-81 Thromboangeitis obliterans 11-82 Thrombosis. State artery 11- *Wound of artery. State whether gunshot, incised, punctured, etc. 11-81 Other diseases of arteries B. Heart 11-85 Adams-Stokes syndrome 11-79 Aneurism of heart 11-80 Angina pectoris 11-85 Arhythmia (unqualified) 11-79 Atrophy of heart 11-85 Auricular ectopic, or premature beats, or extra systoles 11-85 Auricular fibrillation 11-86 Auricular fibrillation, paroxysmal 11-85 Auricular flutter 11-79 Auricular hypertrophy 11-85 Bradycardia ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186 if cause unknown. 38 XI. B. HEART. — (Continued) 11-79 ' Cardio-sclerosis 11-85 Defective conduction in left branch of His bundle 11-85 Defective conduction in right branch of His bundle 11-85 Delayed conduction time 11-79 Dilatation of heart. State whether acute or chronic 11-82 Embolism of heart 11-78 Endocarditis, acute (Malignant endocarditis). Do not use for chronic valvular diseases. Specify valve or part. 11-79 Endocarditis, chronic (unqualified) 11-79 Fatty heart 11-85 Heart block 11-77 Hemopericardium 11-77 Hydropericardium 11-85 Hypertension 11-79 Hypertrophy of heart 11-79 Hypertrophy and dilatation of heart 11-85 Hypotension 11-79 Infarct of heart 11-77 Mediastinopericarditis Murmurs, cardiac (non-organic): 11-79 Accidental pulmonic systolic 11-79 Cardio-functional apex systolic 11-79 Cardio-respiratory 11-79 Other accidental murmurs 11-79 Muscle preponderance, left-sided 11-79 Muscle preponderance, right-sided 11-79 Myocardial insufficiency (Decompensation) 11-78 Myocarditis, acute 11-79 Myocarditis, chronic 11-79 Myocarditis, chronic fibrous 11-79 Neurosis, cardiac 11-85 Palpitation of heart 11-77 Pericarditis (unqualified) 11-77 Pericarditis, chronic adhesive (chronic fibrous) Pericarditis, chronic fibrous (see Pericarditis, chronic adhesive) 11-77 Pericarditis, fibrinous J.l-77 Pericarditis, purulent 39 XI. B. HEART.—(Continued) 11-77 Pericarditis with effusion 11-77 Pneumopericardium 11-85 Pulsus alternans 11-77 Pyopneumopericardium 11-79 Rupture of heart, spontaneous 11-86 Sino-auricular block (Auricular standstill) 11-86 Sinus arhythmia 11-85 Tachycardia 11-85 Tachycardia, paroxysmal 11-79 Valvular disease, chronic cardiac; aortic insufficiency 11-79 Valvular disease, chronic cardiac; aortic roughening 11-79 Valvular disease, chronic cardiac; aortic stenosis 11-79 Valvular disease, chronic cardiac; mitral insufficiency 11-79 Valvular disease, chronic cardiac; mitral stenosis 11-79 Valvular disease, chronic cardiac; pulmonary insuffi- ciency 11-79 Valvular disease, chronic cardiac; pulmonary stenosis 11-79 Valvular disease, chronic cardiac; tricuspid insufficiency 11-79 Valvular disease, chronic cardiac; tricuspid stenosis 11-79 Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac; aortic in- sufficiency and stenosis 11-79 Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac; aortic and mitral insufficiency 11-79 Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac; aortic and mitral insufficiency and stenosis 11-79 Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac; aortic and mitral stenosis 11-79 Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac; mitral in- sufficiency and stenosis 11-79 Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac; mitral and tricuspid insufficiency 11-79 Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac; mitral and tricuspid insufficiency and stenosis 11-79 Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac; mitral and tricuspid stenosis 11-79 Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac; tricuspid insufficiency and stenosis 11-85 Ventricular ectopic, or premature beats, or extra systoles 40 XI. B. HEART. — (Continued) 11- *Wound of heart. State whether gunshot, incised, pene- trating, etc. 11-79 Other diseases of the heart C. Veins 11-81 Aneurism. State vein, and character; i.e., cirsoid, sacculated, etc. 11-83 Phlebitis 11-83 Phlebosclerosis 11-83 Pylephlebitis 11-83 Thromboangeitis obliterans 11-83 Thrombophlebitis 11-82 Thrombosis. State vein 11-83 Ulcer, varicose. State site 11-83 Varix. State site 11-83 Varix, aneurismal. State site 11- *Wound of vein. State whether gunshot, incised, punc- tured, etc. 11-83 Other diseases of veins ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. XI. NOTES. 41 SECTION XH. DISEASES OF THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. 12-84 Abscess of lymph node. State site 12-84 Ascites, chylous (non-filarial) 12-84 Chyle cyst of mesentery 12-84 Chylocele (non-filarial) 12-84 Chylothorax 12-145 Elephantiasis 12-84 Fistula of thoracic duct 12-84 Hypertrophy of lymph nodes. State site 12-84 Lymphadenitis. State whether acute or chronic; and state site. (If due to tuberculosis or gonorrhea, file in Section I.) 12-84 Lymphangiectasis (non-filarial). State site 12-84 Lymphangitis, acute. State site 12-84 Other diseases of the lymphatic system 42 xn. NOTES. 43 section xra. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. 13-54 Anemia, aplastic 13-54 Anemia, atypical 13-54 Anemia, pernicious 13-54 Anemia, secondary 13-54 Chlorosis 13-53 Eosinophilia (cause unknown) 13-54 Hemoglobinemia 13-55 Hemophilia 13-54 Hydremia 13-53 Leukemia, atypical 13-53 Leukemia, lymphoid 13-53 Leukemia, myeloid 13-53 Lymphocytosis 13-55 Polycythemia 13-53 Pseudoleukemia, infantile 13-55 Purpura hemorrhagica. State whether acute or chronic 13-55 Purpura rheumatica 13-55 Purpura simplex 13-53 Other diseases of the blood 44 XIII. NOTES. 45 SECTION XIV. DISEASES OF THE DUCTLESS GLANDS. A. Parathyroid Glands 14-85 Hemorrhage into parathyroid gland 14- *Injury. State nature 14-74 Tetany. (For children under two years, see Spasmophilia, Section III.) 14-88 Other diseases of the parathyroid glands B. Pituitary Gland 14-55 Acromegaly 14-52 A Dyspituilarism 14-55 Gigantism 14-52A Hyperpituitarism 14-52A Hypopituitarism 14-55 Infantilism (to include Progeria) 14-55 Other diseases of the pituitary gland C. Spleen 14-116 Abscess of spleen 14-54 Anemia, splenic 14-54 Banti's disease 14-166 Hypertrophy of spleen 14-166 Infarct of spleen 14- *Injury of spleen, other than rupture 14-116 Movable spleen 14-116 Perisplenitis 14-116 Rupture of spleen. (If traumatic, see footnote.) 14-116 Splenitis 14-116 Splenoptosis 14_ *Wound of spleen. State whether gunshot, incised, pene- trating, etc. 14-116 Other diseases of the spleen ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 46 XTV.D. SUPRARENAL GLAND. D. Suprarenal Gland 14-52 Addison's disease 14-86 Hemorrhage into suprarenal gland 14-52 Other diseases of the suprarenal gland E. Thymus Gland 14-51B Atrophy of thymus 14-51B Hypertrophy of thymus 14-61B Persistent thymus gland 14-51B Status lymphaticus 14-51B Other diseases of the thymus gland F. Thyroid Gland 14-74 Cretinism Cyst of thyroid gland, simple. See Section VII. 14-88 Dysthyroidism 14-88 Goitre, cystic 14-88 Goitre, diffuse colloid 14-51 Goitre, exophthalmic 14-88 Hyperthyroidism 14-88 Hypothyroidism 14-88 Myxedema 14-88 Thyroiditis. State whether acute or chronic 14-88 Other diseases of the thyroid gland XIV. NOTES. 47 SECTION XV. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. A. Brain 15-60 Abscess of brain 15-74 Anemia, cerebral 15-81 Aneurism, cerebral 15-64 Apoplexy 15-81 Arteriosclerosis, cerebral 16-74 Ataxia, cerebellar heredo- 16-72 Chorea electrica (Dubini) 15-72 Chorea, Huntington's 15-72 Chorea, Sydenham's 16- ""Concussion of brain 15- *Contusion of brain 15-74 Degeneration, progressive lenticular (Wilson's disease) 15-74 Diplegia 15-64 Edema of brain ("Wet brain") 15-82 Embolism, cerebral. State vessel 15-60 Encephalitis 15-60 Encephalitis lethargica 15-65 Encephalomalacia 15-69 Epilepsy 15-74 Epilepsy, Jacksonian 16-66 Hemiplegia 15-64 Hemitonia apoplectica 15-64 Hemorrhage, epidural 15-64 Hemorrhage into cerebellum 15-64 Hemorrhage into cerebrum 15-64 Hemorrhage into medulla 15-64 Hemorrhage into pons 15-64 Hemorrhage, subdural 15-74 Hernia of brain 15-74 Hydrocephalus. If congenital, file in Section VIII. 15-64 Hyperemia, cerebral 15-74 Little's disease ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 48 XV.A. BRAIN.—(Continued) 15-66 Monoplegia 15-73 Neuritis, acute bulbar 15-66 Ophthalmoplegia 15-63 Paralysis, bulbar. State whether acute or chronic 15-66 Paralysis, cerebral infantile 15-74 Diplegic form 15-74 Hereditary spastic Paralysis, pseudobulbar: 15-63 Infantile 15-63 Spastic 15-82 Sinus thrombosis Syphilis of brain. (See Tumors of brain, Syphiloma.) 15-82 Thrombosis, cerebral. State vessel 15-74 Tumors of brain: Use this term when histology and localization undetermined 15-74 1. Cerebellum: Use this term when histology and further localization undetermined 16-74 a. Intracerebellar: Use this term when histology undetermined 16-45a Carcinoma (metastatic) 16-74 Glioma 15-74 Ependymal 16-74 Gliomatous cyst 16-74 Papilloma 16-46f Sarcoma (metastatic) 16-37 Syphiloma 16-30 Tuberculoma 16-74 b. Extracerebellar: Use this term when histology undetermined 16-74 Angioma 15-74 Cyst-arachnoid 16-74 Endothelioma 16-74 Papilloma 16-74 2. Cerebrum: Use this term when histology un- determined. 15-74 Angioma 16-46a Carcinoma (metastatic) 49 XV.A. BRAIN.—(Continued) Cyst Arachnoid Congenital (interpeduncular of pituitary bodies) Echinococcus Gliomatous Papillomatous Endothelioma Glioma Ependymal Gliomatous cyst Neuroblastoma Papilloma (choroid plexus) Sarcoma. State whether primary or metastatic Syphiloma Teratoma (interpeduncular of pituitary gland) Tuberculoma 3. Pineal gland 4. Pituitary gland 5. Pons: Use this term when histology undetermined Glioma Tuberculoma *Wound of brain. State whether gunshot, lacerated, pene- trating, etc. 16-74 Other diseases of the brain B. Cerebrospinal Affections. 15-63 Pseudosclerosis (Westphal) 16-63 Sclerosis, multiple 16-62 Taboparesis C. Meninges. 16-61 Arachnitis 16-64 Meningeal hemorrhage, cerebral 16-63 Meningeal hemorrhage, spinal (Hematorrhacis) 16-74 Meningismus 15-61(1) Meningitis, cerebral. State organism if known ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 50 XV.C. MENINGES.—(Continued) 15-61(1) Meningitis, cerebral (serous) 15-61(2) Meningitis, cerebrospinal. If epidemic, file in Section I. 15-61(1) Meningitis, spinal. State organism if known 15-61(1) Pachymeningitis cervicalis hypertrophica 15-61(1) Pachymeningitis interna hemorrhagica D. Mental Affections. 15-74 Amentia 16-154 1. Dementia, senile 15-154 Alzheimer's disease 15-164 Presbyophrenia 16-154 Pre-senile form 15-68 2. Dementia praecox: State form if possible, as 16-68 Catatonia 16-68 Hebephrenia 15-68 Paraphrenia 15-68 Periodic form 15-68 Simple form 15-68 Stuporous form 15-74 Feeble-mindedness 3. Idiocy: State form 15-74 Amaurotic family idiocy 15-74 Aplaxia axialis subcoricalis congenita 16-74 Diffuse sclerotic 15-74 Epileptic 16-74 Hydrocephalic 15-74 Microcephalic 16-74 Mongolian 16-74 Tuberous 16-74 Imbecility 16-68 4. Insanity, manic-depressive 15-68 Cyclothymia 15-74 Malingering 16-68 Melancholia, involution 15-74 Neurosis, traumatic 15-68 Paranoia 16-68 Litigious form 51 XV.D. MENTAL AFFECTIONS. — (Continued) 15-67 Paresis, general 6. Psychoneurosis: State form 15-74 Anxiety psychoses 15-68 Hypochondriasis 16-73 Hysteria 15-74 Neurasthenia 15-68 Psychasthenia 15-68 Sex-hypochondriasis 16-74 War psychoneuroses 15-74 Psychopathic inferiority, constitutional 15-74 Psychopathic personality. State variety: irritable, un- stable, impulsive, unbalanced, liars, antisocial 15-68 6. Psychoses, infectious. Specify infection 15-68 Acute delirium 15-68 Collapse delirium 7. Psychoses, toxic: 15-66 a. Alcohol 15-56 Delirium tremens 15-56 Hallucinosis 15-56 Korsakow's syndrome 15-56 Pseudoparesis 16-68 Cocaine 15-57 Lead encephalopathy 15-68 Morphine 16-68 Other toxic psychoses 15-68 Retarded mental development 15-68 *Sexual perversion. State variety: homosexuality, masochism, sadism, fetichism 16-68 Other psychopathies E. Miscellaneous 16-74 Aphasia 15-74 Cephalalgia (Headache) 16-70 Convulsions (unknown cause) 15-71 Convulsions, reflex, in children 15-74 Dysarthria 15-69 Epilepsy, myoclonus ♦Do not use this term when special underlying affection can be determined. 52 XV.E. NERVOUS SYSTEM, MISCELLANEOUS.—(Continued) 15-189 Insomnia 16-74 Masturbation 16-74 Migraine 15-74 Migraine, ophthalmic 15-74 Migraine, ophthalmoplegic 15-74 Myoclonus (Paramyoclonus multiplex) 16-74 Myokymia (Myoclonus fibrillaris multiplex) 16-74 Nervousness in children 15-74 Neuroses, occupation 15-74 Paralysis, family periodic 15-63 Paralysis agitans 15-63 Paralysis agitans, sine agilatione 15-74 Paresthesia 15-74 Pavor nocturnus (Nightmare) 15-74 Somnambulism 15-74 Speech defect (non-anatomical). See also Dysarthria 16-74 Tic convulsif 15-66 Tremor 15-74 Vagotonia 15-74 Vertigo 15-74 Vertigo, paralyzing (Gerlier's disease) F. Peripheral Nerves. 15-74 Anesthesia (specify nerve) *Injury; specify nerve as follows: 15- Brachial plexus 15- Cauda equina 16- Cranial nerve (specify nerve) Optic nerve. See Section XVII. 16- Lumbar plexus 15- Other peripheral nerves (specify nerve) 15- Sacral plexus 1. Neuralgia; specify variety: 16-73 Brachial 16-73 Coccygodynia 16-73 Glossodynia ♦State variety of injury, and affix second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 53 PERIPHERAL NERVES. — (Continued) Intercostal Mastodynia Meralgia paresthetica Metatarsalgia (Morton's toe) Occipital Sciatica Trigeminal (specify branch affected) Other cranial nerves Other forms of neuralgia Neuritis, interstitial (Dejerine) Neuritis, multiple Alcohol Lead Other poisons (specify) Beri-beri Diphtheria Other infections (specify) Neuritis of peripheral nerve (specify nerve) Neuritis, traumatic (specify nerve) Paralysis of brachial plexus. State whether traumatic or non-traumatic. Erb's type Klumpke type Paralysis of cranial nerves (specify nerve): State whether traumatic or non-traumatic Facial Hypoglossal Oculo-motor Other cranial nerves Paralysis, crutch Paralysis, obstetrical (specify nerve). See also Section IV. Paralysis of peripheral nerves (specify nerve). State whether traumatic or non-traumatic Paralysis, professional (specify cause and nerve affected) Radientitis 2. Spasm: Cranial nerve; specify Facial Hypoglossal Other cranial nerves 54 XV.F. PERIPHERAL NERVES. — (Continued) 16-74 Habit spasm 15-74 'Saltatory reflex spasm 15-74 Singultus (Hiccough) 16-74 'Spasmus nutans 16-149 Torticollis. State if congenital. (See also XVI., C.) 16-74 Other forms of spasm 3. Tumor of peripheral nerve: 15-74 Myxoma (specify nerve) 15-74 Neurofibroma (specify cause and nerve affected) 15-74 Neurofibromatosis (Recklinghausen's disease) 16-74 Neuroma (specify nerve) 16- **Wound (specify nerve) 16-74 Other affections of peripheral nerves G. Spinal Cord. 15-63 Abscess of spinal cord 15-63 Atrophy, neurotic muscular 15-63 Atrophy, progressive muscular 15-74 Caisson disease 15- ♦♦♦Crush of spinal cord 15-63 Friedreich's ataxia 15-63 Hematomyelia 15-145 Herpes zoster 15-63 Hydromyelia 15-63 Myelitis 15-63 Myelitis, diffuse 15-63 Myelitis, transverse 15-63 Myelitis, traumatic 15-63 Paralysis, pressure 15-63 Paraplegia, senile 15-63 Poliomyelitis (Landry's type) 15-63 Sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral 15-63 Sclerosis, combined (Ataxic paraplegia) 15-63 Sclerosis, lateral (Spastic paraplegia) ♦Do not use when special underlying affection can be determined. ♦♦State variety of wound, and assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. ♦♦♦Affix second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 55 XV.G. SPINAL CORD.—(Continued) 15-63 Hereditary type 16-63 Syringomyelia 15-63 Morvan's disease 15-62 Tabes dorsalis 15-62 Tabetic crisis Tumors of spinal cord: 15-63 Angioma 16-45b Endothelioma 15-74 Neuroma 15-45f Sarcoma 15-37 Syphiloma 16-34 Tuberculoma 15-63 Uncertified 15-62 Ulcus perforans 15- *Wound. State variety of wound 15-63 Other diseases and injuries of the spinal cord H. Sympathetic Nervous System. (See also Section XIV.) 15-74 Acrocyanosis 16-74 ^Acroparesthesia (specify cause) 16-74 Ataxia, vasomotor 15-74 Edema, angioneurotic 15-142 Erythromelalgia 16-142 Gangrene, multiple neurotic 15-74 Hemiatrophy, facial 15-187 Hydrops articulorum intermittens 15-74 Neurosis, vasomotor 15-149 Paralysis, ischemic (Volkmann's) 15-142 Raynaud's disease 15-146 Scleroderma 15-74 Other diseases of sympathetic nervous system J. Myopathies. 15-149 Amyotonia congenita (Oppenheim) 15-74 Atrophy, arthritic 15-149 Dystonia musculorum deformans ♦Affix second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. ..... . . ♦♦Do not use this term when special underlying affection can be determined. 56 XV. J. MYOPATHIES.—(Continued) 15-149 Dystrophy, muscular 16-149 Hypertrophy, pseudomuscular 16-149 Myalgia 15-63 Myasthenia gravis 16-149 Myositis 15-149 Myositis, traumatic ossifying 15-149 Myotonia congenita (/Thomsen's disease) 15-149 Congenital paramyotonia 15-149 Ataxic paramyotonia 15-149 Polymyositis 16-149 Other myopathies XV. NOTES. 57 SECTION XVI. DISEASES OF BONES, JOINTS, MUSCLES, TENDONS, AND FASCIA. A. Diseases of Bones and Cartilages (Tuberculosis excepted) Abscess. State bone Abscess of vertebrae (non-tuberculous) Atrophy. State bone Calcification of cartilage. State site Epiphysitis. State bone, and whether upper or lower epiphysis Exostosis. State bone Faulty union. State bone *Fracture. State bone, and whether subperiosteal, green- stick, compound, comminuted, etc. If gunshot frac- ture, so state Fragilitas ossium. State bone Hyperostosis Leontiasis ossea Necrosis. State bone Non-union. State bone Ossification of cartilage. State site Osteitis. State bone Osteitis deformans (Paget's disease). State bone Osteochondritis deformans juvenilis (Perthes' disease) Osteogenesis imperfecta Osteomyelitis. State bone, and state whether acute or chronic Perichondritis Periostitis (non-traumatic). State bone, and state whether acute or chronic **Periostitis (traumatic) ♦Separation of epiphysis. State bone, and whether upper or lower end Sinus leading to bone. State bone ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 185, if cause unknown. ♦♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 58 XVI. JOINTS. 16-146 Other diseases of bones Diseases of the Joints (Rheumatism and Tuberculosis ex- cepted) Achondroplasia (Chondrodystrophy. Dwarfism) Ankylosis. State site Arthritis and osteoarthritis, acute (organism unknown). State joints affected , Arthritis and osteoarthritis, chronic infectious (organism unknown). State joints affected. If organism known, file in Section I. Atrophic type Hypertrophic type Villous type Arthritis and osteoarthritis, traumatic. State whether acute or chronic Arthritis deformans Arthropathy, Charcot's. State joint Contracture of joint. State site. State if congenital "Contusion of joint. State site **Coxa valga **Coxa vara ♦Dislocation. State site Displaced cartilage. State site Genu recurvatum Genu valgum Genu varum Hemorrhage into joint. State joint Imperfect poise Lipoma arborescens Loose body in joint. State joint Osteoarthritis (see Arthritis) 16-147 Osteochondritis dessicans 16-147 Relaxed sacro-iliac 16-36 Rickets, deformities due to. State deformity 16-36 Scoliosis B. 16-36 16-147 16-147 16-147 16-147 16-147 16-147 16-147 16-48 16-62 16-147 16- 16-147 16-147 16- 16-147 16-147 16-147 16-147 16-147 16-36 16-147 16-147 ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. ♦♦Do not use as primary diagnosis, if cause can be determined. 59 XVI. JOINTS.—(Continued) 16-147 Sinus leading to joint. State site. (If tuberculous, file in Section I.) 16-147 Slipping patella 16-147 Snapping hip 16- *Sprain of joint. State site 16- *Strajn of joint. State site 16- "Subluxation of joint. State site 16-147 Synovitis (non-traumatic, non-infectious, or organism unknown). State whether acute or chronic 16- "Synovitis, traumatic. State whether acute or chronic 16- "Wound. State joint. State whether wound is gunshot, incised, lacerated, penetrating, etc. C. Other Diseases of the Locomotor System 16- "Amputation, traumatic. State site 16-149 Amputation stump, painful. State site 16-149 Bursitis. State site, and whether acute or chronic 16-149 Contraction, cicatricial 16-149 Contraction, Dupuytren's 16-149 Cramp 16-149 Dactylitis 16-146 Flexed scapula 16-149 Ganglion 16-149 "Growing pains" (children) 16-149 Hallux rigidus 16-149 Hallux valgus 16-149 Hallux varus 16-149 Hammer toe. (If congenital, file in Section VIII.) 16-149 Hernia of muscle, fascia, or tendon. State site 16- "Injuries, multiple \ 16- "Injury of ligament f other than wound. State site, 16- "Injury of muscle i and state nature of injury 16- "Injury of tendon / 16-149 Mallet finger 16-149 Peroneal spasm 16-149 Pes cavus 16-149 Pes planus ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 60 XVI. MUSCLES, TENDONS, AND FASCU. — (Continued) 16-149 Pronated feet 16-149 "Strain of ligaments ") State site, and whether atti- 16-149 "Strain of muscles r tudinal, occupational, etc. If 16-149 "Strain of tendons ) traumatic, see footnote Talipes, acquired. (If congenital, file in Section VIII.) State variety, as follows: 16-149 Talipes calcaneo-valgus 16-149 Talipes calcaneo-varus < 16-149 Talipes calcaneus 16-149 Talipes equino-valgus 16-149 Talipes equino-varus 16-149 Talipes equinus 16-149 Talipes valgus 16-149 Talipes varus 16-149 Tenosynovitis. State site 16-149 Toe-drop 16-149 Torticollis (non-spasmodic). 16-149 Trigger finger 16- "Wound of ligament } State site. State whether gun- 16- "Wound of muscle r shot, incised, lacerated, pene- 16- "Wound of tendon ) trating, punctured, etc. 16- "Wounds, multiple 16-149 Wrist-drop 16-149 Other diseases of the organs of locomotion ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii- use 188i' cause unknown. I XVI. NOTES. 61 SECTION XVH. DISEASES AND INJUPJES OF THE EYE AND THE EAR. DISEASES OF THE EYE. . General 7-75 Buphthalmos Errors of refraction: Specify Astigmatism Hypermetropia Myopia Presbyopia Glaucoma (unqualified) Absolute Acute Chronic Congenital (Hydrophthalmos) Hemorrhagic Juvenile Secondary Simplex Subacute Traumatic Other general diseases of eye Abscess of eyelid Ankyl oblepharon Blepharitis (unqualified) Squamous Ulcerative Vaccine Blepharospasm Burn of eyelid Ecchymosis of eyelid Ectropion (unqualified) Cicatricial Paralytic Senile Spasmodic 62 XVII. EYE.—(Continued) 17-187 Edema of eyelid 17-145 Emphysema of eyelid 17-76 Entropion (unqualified) 17-75 Cicatricial 17-76 Senile 17-76 Spasmodic 17-76 Epicanthus 17-76 Foreign body in eyelid 17-145 Herpes of eyelid 17-145 Herpes zoster ophthalmicus 17-76 Hordeolum (unqualified) 17-75 External 17-75 Internal 17- "Injury of eyelid, other than wound. State nature of injury 17-76 Trichiasis 17- "Wound of eyelid. State whether incised, lacerated, etc. 17-76 Other diseases of eyelid C. Lacrimal Apparatus 17-76 Concretion in canaliculus 17-76 Dacryoadenitis 17-76 Dacryocystitis. State whether acute or chronic 17-76 Dislocation of lacrimal gland 17-76 Epiphora 17-75 Fistula of lacrimal gland 17-76 Fistula of nasal duct 17-75 Foreign body in lacrimal apparatus 17-76 Inflammation of lacrimal gland 17- "Injury of lacrimal apparatus, other than wound. State nature of injury 17-75 Occlusion of puncta 17-75 Stenosis of naso-lacrimal duct 17- "Wound of lacrimal apparatus. State whether incised, lacerated, punctured, etc. 17-75 Other diseases of lacrimal apparatus •Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii- use 186 if cause unknown. 63 XVH. EYE.—(Continued) D. Conjunctiva. 17-76 Argyrosis 17-167 Burn of conjunctiva 17-75 Calcareous deposits in conjunctiva 17-75 Chemosis 17-75 Conjunctivitis (unqualified). State whether acute, chronic, or subacute 17-76 Follicular 17-75 Herpetic 17-76 Membranous 17-75 Parinaud's 17-75 Phlyctenular 17-75 Subacute (Diplobacillus) 17-75 Traumatic 17-75 Vernal 17-187 Ecchymosis of conjunctiva 17-75 Foreign body in conjunctiva 17-75 Hemorrhage, subconjunctival 17-76 Injection of conjunctiva 17- "Injury of conjunctiva, other than wound. State nature of injury 17-84 Lymphoid hypertrophy of conjunctiva 17-75 Pinguicula 17-170 Powder in conjunctiva 17-76 Pterygium 17-75 Symblepharon 17-76 Ulcer of conjunctiva 17- "Wound of conjunctiva. State whether incised, lacerated, punctured, etc. 17-75 Other diseases of the conjunctiva E. Cornea. 17-75 Abscess 17-75 Arcus senilis 17-167 Burn of cornea 17-75 Conical cornea ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, cause unknown. 64 XVH. EYE.—(Continued) 17-75 Descemetitis 17-76 Foreign body in cornea 17-75 Injection, circumcorneal 17- "Injury of cornea other than wound. State nature of injury 17-75 Keratitis (unqualified) 17-75 Bullous 17-76 Dendritic 17-76 Fascicular 17-76 Herpetic 17-75 Interstitial (non-syphilitic) 17-76 Marginal 17-75 Neuropathic 17-76 Neuroparalytic 17-76 Phlyctenular 17-76 with pannus 17-75 Ribbon 17-75 Rodent ulcer 17-76 Serpiginous 17-76 Superficial 17-75 Traumatic, with perforation 17-75 Traumatic, without perforation 17-75 Ulcerative 17-75 with hypopyon 17-75 Keratoglobus 17-76 Keratomalacia 17-76 Leucoma (unqualified) 17-76 Adherent 17-76 Inflamed 17-76 Macula 17-75 Nebula 17-75 Perforation of cornea, non-traumatic 17-170 Powder in cornea 17- "Rupture of cornea 17-75 Staphyloma of cornea 17- "Wound of cornea, perforating, with foreign body ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 65 XVII. EYE.—(Continued) 17- in anterior chamber 17- in globe (when not accurately located) 17- in iris 17- in lens 17- in orbit 17- in retina 17- in vitreous 17- "Wound of cornea, perforating, with incarcerated iris 17- "Wound of cornea, perforating, with prolapse of iris 17- "Wound of cornea, perforating, with traumatic cataract 17-75 Other diseases of cornea F. Anterior Chamber. 17-75 Foreign body in anterior chamber 17-75 Hyphemia . 17-75 Hypopyon 17-76 Other diseases of anterior chamber G. Sclera. 17-76 Episcleritis 17-75 Foreign body 17- "Injury of sclera, other than wound. State nature of injury 17- "Rupture of sclera (17-75 Scleritis 17-75 Sclero-keratitis 17-76 Staphyloma of sclera 17- "Wound of sclera, perforating, with foreign body 17- in anterior chamber 17- in globe (when not accurately located) 17- in iris 17- in lens 17- in orbit 17- in retina 17- in vitreous 17-75 Other diseases of sclera ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186 if cause unknown. 66 XVH. EYE. — (Continued) H. Lens. 17-75 Aphakia 17-75 Cataract (unqualified) 17-76 Capsular 17-76 Complicated 17-75 Congenital 17-75 Perinuclear 17-75 Cortical (unqualified) 17-76 Anterior 17-75 Posterior 17-75 Hypermature 17-76 Immature 17-75 Incipient 17-75 Mature 17-75 Polar (unqualified) 17-75 Anterior 17-75 Posterior 17-76 Presenile 17-76 Senile 17-75 Traumatic, with perforation 17-75 Traumatic, without perforation 17- "Dislocation, traumatic, with perforation 17- "Dislocation, traumatic, without perforation 17-76 Foreign body 17-75 Other diseases of lens J. Uveal Tract. 17-75 Inflammation, sympathetic, of uveal tract 17-76 Uveitis 17-75 Other general diseases of uveal tract 1. •Iris 17-75 Aniridia 17-76 Atrophy of iris 17-76 Coloboma 17-76 Excluded pupils (Iris bombe) 17-76 Foreign body in iris ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186 cause unknown. 67 XVTI. EYE. — (Continued) 17-75 Heterochronia 17-75 Incarceration of iris 17-75 Iridodialysis, with perforation 17-75 Iridodialysis, without perforation 17-75 Iridodonesis, with perforation 17-75 Iridodonesis, without perforation 17-76 Iritis (unqualified) 17-75 Plastic 17-75 Post-operative 17-75 Rheumatic 17-75 Traumatic 17-75 With hypopyon 17-75 Midriasis (unqualified) 17-75 Artificial 17-75 Traumatic 17-75 Occluded pupil 17-75 Perforation of iris 17-75 Prolapse of iris 17-75 Pupillary membrane 17-75 Synechia 17-76 Other diseases of iris 2. Ciliary Body. 17-76 Cyclitis 17- "Injury of ciliary body, other than wound. State natun injury 17-76 Iridocyclitis 17- "Wound of ciliary body, perforating, with foreign body 17- in anterior chamber 17- in globe (when not accurately located) 17- in iris 17- in lens 17- in orbit 17- in retina 17- in vitreous 17-75 Other diseases of ciliary body *, ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 68 XVII. EYE. — (Continued) 3. Choroid. 17-75 Atrophy of choroid 17-75 Chorioretinitis 17-75 Choroiditis (unqualified) 17-76 Central 17-75 Diffuse 17-75 Disseminate 17-75 Exudative 17-75 Metastatic 17-76 Hemorrhage, choroidal 17- "Injury of choroid, other than wound. State nature of injury. 17- "Rupture of choroid, traumatic, with perforation 17- "Rupture of choroid, traumatic, without perforation 17- "Wound of choroid. State whether incised, etc. 17-75 Other diseases of choroid K. Retina. 17-75 Amaurosis, hysterical 17-75 Color blindness 17- "Commotio retinae, traumatic, with perforation 17- "Commotio retinae, traumatic, without perforation 17-75 Edema of retina 17-75 Foreign body in retina 17-75 Hemianopsia 17- "Hemorrhage in retina, traumatic, with perforation 17- "Hemorrhage in retina, traumatic, without perforation. 17-75 Hole in macula 17-76 Neuroretinitis 17-75 Night blindness 17-75 Retinitis (unqualified) 17-75 Albuminuric 17-75 Circinate 17-75 Hemorrhagic 17-75 Leukemic 17-75 Pigmentosa ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 69 XVII. EYE. — (Continued) 17-75 Proliferans 17-76 Separation of retina 17- "Traumatic, with perforation 17- "Traumatic, without perforation 17-75 Other diseases of retina L. Vitreous. 17-75 Abscess of vitreous 17-76 Fluidity 17-75 Foreign body in vitreous 17-75 Hemorrhage into vitreous 17- "Hemorrhage into vitreous, traumatic, with perforation 17- "Hemorrhage into vitreous, traumatic, without perforation 17-75 Opacity of vitreous 17-75 Synchisis scintillans 17-75 Other diseases of vitreous M. Optic Nerve. 17-75 Amblyopia 17-75 Amblyopia, toxic 17-75 Atrophy (unqualified) of optic nerve 17-75 Primary 17-75 Secondary 17-75 Neuritis, optic 17-75 Neuritis, retrobulbar. State whether acute or chronic 17-75 Ophthalmia, sympathetic 17-75 Papillitis (Choked disc) 17-75 Other diseases of optic nerve N. Eyeball. 17-75 Anophthalmos 17-75 Contracted orbit 17-75 Disorganized globe (Phthisis bulbi) 17-75 Enophthalmos 17-75 Exophthalmos 17-75 Pulsating ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 70 XVH. EYE. — (Continued) 17-76 Foreign body in eyeball 17- "Injury of eyeball other than wound. State nature of injury 17-76 Panophthalmitis 17-76 Pseudoglioma 17- "Ruptured globe 17- "Wound of eyeball. State whether gunshot, incised, lacerated, penetrating, etc. 17-75 Other diseases of eyeball O. Orbit. 17-75 Abscess of orbit 17-146 Caries of orbit 17-144 Cellulitis of orbit 17-145 Emphysema of orbit 17-75 Foreign body in orbit 17-75 Hemorrhage into orbit 17- "Injury of orbit, other than wound. State nature of injury 17-146 Periostitis of orbit 17-75 Tenonitis 17-75 Vascular changes of orbit 17- "Wound of orbit. State whether gunshot, etc. 17-75 Other diseases of orbit P. Disturbances of Motion. 17-75 Esophoria 17-75 Exophoria 17-75 Heterophoria 17-75 Nystagmus Paralysis: specify 17-66 3d nerve (unqualified). (Ptosis) 17-66 4th nerve 17-66 5th nerve 17-66 6th nerve 17-66 7th nerve 17-75 Strabismus (unqualified) ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 71 I XVH. EYE. — (Continued) 17-75 Alternating 17-76 Convergent 17-76 Divergent 17-75 Convergent 17-75 Divergent 17-75 Vertical 17-75 Other disturbances of motion DISEASES OF THE EAR. Q. General. Deaf-mutism: 17-76 Acquired 17-76 Congenital 17-154 Deafness, senile (Arteriosclerosis) 17-76 Otalgia 17-76 Other general diseases of ear R. Auricle. 17-76 Abscess (unspecified) 17-76 Postauricular (acute mastoiditis in infants) 17-76 Preauricular 17-76 Hematoma (Othematoma) y(^ 17-146 Herpes zoster of auricle / 17-76 Infected auricle 17- "Injury of auricle, other than wound. State nature of f injury 17-76 Perichondritis of auricle ' 17- "Wound of auricle. State whether gunshot, incised, i lacerated, etc. £ 17-76 Other diseases of auricle 7 S. External Auditory Canal. f 17-76 Atresia i 17-76 Cerumen 17-76 Exostosis of osseous meatus V ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if " cause unknown. ill 72 XVH. EAR. — (Continued) 17-76 Foreign body in external auditory canal 17- "Injury of external auditory canal. State nature 17-76 Otitis externa 17-76 Circumscribed, acute 17-76 Diffuse, acute 17-76 Other diseases of external auditory canal T. Eustachian Tube. Salpingitis of Eustachian tube 17-76 Acute 17-76 with middle ear effusion 17-76 Chronic 17-76 Other diseases of Eustachian tube V. Middle Ear and Mastoid. 17-76 Fistula of middle ear 17- "Injury to membrana tympani, unspecified 17-146 Mastoiditis (unqualified) 17-146 Acute. (In an infant, see Abscess, postauricular, XVII. R.) 17-146 Chronic 17-76 Myringitis Otitis media. Specify as follows: 17-76 Acute 17-76 with mastoiditis 17-76 Chronic 17-76 with mastoiditis 17-76 Non-suppurative, chronic 17-76 Adhesive (hyperplastic) 17-76 Simplex (hypertrophic) 17-76 with acute salpingitis 17-76 with chronic salpingitis 17-76 Suppurative, acute 17-76 with acute suppurative labyrinthitis 17-76 with cerebellar abscess 17-76 with epidural abscess •Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186 cause unknown. 73 XVH. EAR. — (Continued) 17-76 with infective sinus thrombosis 17-76 with purulent leptomeningitis 17-76 with acute suppurative mastoiditis 17-76 with acute circumscribed suppurative labyrinthitis 17-76 with acute diffuse suppurative labyrinthitis 17-76 with acute serous labyrinthitis 17-76 with Bezold's abscess 17-76 with cerebellar abscess 17-76 with cerebral abscess 17-76 with epidural abscess 17-76 with infective sinus thrombosis 17-76 with perisinus abscess 17-76 with postaural abscess 17-76 with purulent leptomeningitis 17-76 with direct infection of the jugular bulb 17-76 Suppurative, chronic 17-76 with acute circumscribed suppurative labyrinthitis 17-76 with acute diffuse suppurative labyrinthitis 17-76 with cerebellar abscess 17-76 with cerebral abscess 17-76 with cholesteatoma 17-76 with infective sinus thrombosis 17-76 with mastoiditis 17-76 with acute circumscribed suppurative labyrinthitis 17-76 with acute diffuse suppurative labyrinthitis 17-76 with acute serous labyrinthitis 17-76 with Bezold's abscess 17-76 with cerebellar abscess 17-76 with cerebral abscess 17-76 with epidural abscess 17-76 with infective sinus thrombosis 17-76 with perisinus abscess 17-76 with postaural abscess 17-76 with purulent leptomeningitis 17-76 Otosclerosis 17-76 Results of suppurative otitis media 74 XVH. EAR. — (Continued) 17- "Rupture of membrana tympani 17-76 Other diseases of middle ear and mastoid W. Internal Ear 17-76 Anemia of labyrinth 17-76 Hemorrhage of labyrinth (Meniere's disease) 17-76 Hyperemia, acute, of labyrinth 17- "Injury to internal auditory meatus 17-76 Labyrinthitis (unqualified) 17-76 Diffuse, serous 17-76 Suppurative 17-76 Circumscribed 17-76 Diffuse 17-76 following stapedial injury 17-76 with fistula 17-76 with meningeal irritation 17-76 Leukemia of labyrinth 17-76 Paralysis, vestibular 17-76 Perilabyrinthitis 17-76 Other diseases of internal ear ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 18<» cause unknown. XVH. NOTES. 75 SECTION XVIII. DISEASES OF THE NOSE AND ACCESSORY SINUSES. 18-86 Abscess of nasal septum 18-86 Anosmia 18-86 Atresia of nostril 18-86 Deformity of nose (acquired). State cause, — traumatic, postoperative 18-86 Deviation of nasal septum 18-145 Eczema of nasal vestibule 18-146 Empyema of antrum 18-85 Epistaxis 18-146 Ethmoiditis 18-146 Foreign body in accessory sinus. State sinus 18-86 Foreign body in nasal passage 18-143 Furuncle of nose 18-143 Furunculosis of nasal vestibule 18-98 Hay fever 18-86 Hydrorrhea 18-146 Hypertrophy of bulbous middle turbinate 18- "Injury of nose, other than wound or fracture. State nature of injury 18-86 Ozena (Atrophic rhinitis) 18-86 Perforated nasal septum 18-86 Rhinitis. State whether acute or chronic 18-86 Rhinitis, hypertrophic 18-86 Rhinitis, vasomotor 18-86 Rhinolith 18-86 Rhinoscleroma 18-146 Sinusitis. State whether acute or chronic, and specify sinus 18-86 Spur of nasal septum 18-86 Ulcer of nose. State site 18- "Wound of nose. State whether gunshot, incised, lacer- ated, etc. 18-146 Other diseases of the accessory sinuses 18-86 Other diseases of the nose ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 76 xvm. NOTES. 77 SECTION XIX. DISEASES OF THE MOUTH, LIPS, CHEEKS, PHARYNX, TONSILS, AND PALATE. 19-99 Abscess of cheek (inner) 19-99 Abscess of lip 19-99 Abscess of mouth 19-100 Abscess, naso-pharyngeal 19-100 Abscess, peritonsillar 19-100 Abscess of pharynx 19-100 Abscess, retropharyngeal 19-99 Abscess of salivary gland. State site 19-100 Abscess of tonsil 19-86 Adenoids 19-86 Adenoids, hypertrophied 19-100 Amygdalolith 19-100 Angina Ludovici 19-99 Concretion in salivary gland 19-100 Concretion in tonsil 19-100 Dilatation of pharynx 19-100 Elongation of uvula 19-100 Enlarged lingual tonsil 19-99 Fissure of lip 19-99 Fistula into mouth 19-100 Fistula into pharynx (Branchial cleft) 19-99 Fistula of salivary gland 19-100 Foreign body in pharynx 19-100 Gangrene of pharynx 19-100 Herpes of pharynx 19-99 Hypertrophy of lip (Macrocheilia) 19-100 Hypertrophy of tonsil 19-100 Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids 19-99 Inflammation of lip 19-99 Inflammation of salivary gland (see also Parotitis) 19- "Injury of cheek \ 19- "Injury of Up ( other than wound. State nature 19- "Injury of mouth [ of injury. 19- "Injury of pharynx J ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 78 XIX. MOUTH, LD?S, CHEEKS, PHARYNX, TONSILS, AND PALATE. — (Continued) 19-145 Keratosis tonsillaris 19-99 Leukoplakia of mouth 19-99 Mikulicz's disease 19-86 Naso-pharyngitis 19-100 Neurosis of pharynx 19-99 Parotitis (not Mumps) 19-99 Parotitis, postoperative 19-100 Pharyngitis. State whether acute or chronic. 19-99 Salivary cyst (Ranula) 19-100 Spasm of pharynx 19-99 Speech defect (anatomical origin) 19-99 Stomatitis (not to include poisonings, for which see Section VL) 19-99 Stomatitis, aphthous 19-99 Stomatitis, herpetic (Canker) 19-99 Stomatitis, ulcerative 19-100 Stricture of pharynx 19-100 Tonsillitis. State whether acute or chronic 19-100 Tonsillitis, follicular 19-99 Trench mouth 19-100 Ulcer of fauces 19-99 Ulcer of lip 19-99 Ulcer of mouth 19-100 Ulcer of palate 19-100 Ulcer of pharynx 19-100 Ulcer of tonsil 19-100 Uvulitis 19-100 Vincent's angina 19- "Wound of cheek "^ 19- "Wound of lip | State whether gunshot, incised, < 19- "Wound of mouth ^ lacerated, penetrating, punc- 19- "Wound of palate | tured, etc. 19- "Wound of pharynx J 19-99 Xerostomia 19-99 Other diseases of the cheek 19-99 Other diseases of the lip ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if' cause unknown. I I I 79 XIX. MOUTH, LIPS, CHEEKS, PHARYNX, TONSILS, AND PALATE. — (Continued) Other diseases of the mouth Other diseases of the palate Other diseases of the pharynx Other diseases of the salivary"glands Other diseases of the tonsil so XIX. NOTES. 81 SECTION XX. DISEASES OF THE JAW, TEETH, AND GUMS. (See also Section XVI., Division A, Bones.) 10-99 Alveolar abscess 20-99 Caries of teeth 20-99 Dentition, delayed 20-99 Gingivitis 20-99 Hemorrhage of gum 20-99 Impacted (or imbedded) teeth 20- "Injury of gum ) 20- "Injury of jaw (. other than wound or fracture. State 20- "Injury of teeth ) nature of injury 20-99 Odontalgia 20-99 Pericementitis 20-99 Pulpitis 20-99 Pyorrhea alveolaris 20-99 Ulcer of gum 20- "Wound of gum ) State whether gunshot, incised, 20- "Wound of jaw ) lacerated, etc. 20-99 Other diseases of the gums 20-99 Other diseases of the jaw 20-99 Other diseases of the teeth ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, ause unknown. 82 XX. NOTES. 83 SECTION XXI. DISEASES OF THE TONGUE. 21-99 Abscess of tongue , 21-99 Atrophy of tongue 21-99 Deformity of tongue, acquired 21-99 Fissure of tongue 21-99 Glossitis. State whether acute or chronic 21- "Injury of tongue, other than wound. State nature of injury 21-99 Leukoplakia of tongue 21-99 Lingua geographica 21-99 Lingua nigrans 21-99 Macroglossia 21-99 Tongue swallowing 21-99 Ulcer of tongue 21- "Wound of tongue. State whether gunshot, incised, lacerated, penetrating, etc. 21-99 Other diseases of the tongue ♦ ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 84 XXI. NOTES. 85 SECTION xxn. DISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUS. 22-101 Abscess of esophagus 22-103 Cardiospasm 22-101 Dilatation of esophagus 22-101 Diverticulum of esophagus 22-101 Esophagismus 22-101 Esophagitis 22-101 Foreign body in esophagus 22- "Injury of esophagus other than wound. State nature of injury 22-101 Rupture of esophagus, spontaneous 22-101 Stricture of esophagus. State if congenital 22-101 Ulcer of esophagus 22-101 Varix, esophageal 22-101 Web of esophagus 22- "Wound of esophagus. State whether gunshot, incised, penetrating, etc. 22-101 Other diseases of the esophagus ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 86 XXH. NOTES. 87 SECTION xxm. DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. 23-103 Achylia gastrica 23-117 Adhesions about stomach 23-103 Anorexia nervosa (Perversion of appetite) 23-103 Atony of stomach 23-103 Atrophy of stomach 23-103 Dilatation of stomach (Gastrectasis). State whether acute or chronic 23-103 Dyspepsia. (Avoid this term if possible. If patient under two years, file in Section IV.) 23-103 Dyspepsia, nervous 23-103 Feeding, improper (in patients over two years of age) 23-103 Fermentation, gastric 23-103 Fistula, gastro-colic 23-103 Fistula, thoraco-gastric 23-103 Foreign body in stomach 23-103 Gastric spasm 23-103 Gastritis (unqualified) 23-103 Gastritis, catarrhal. State whether acute or chronic. 23-103 Gastritis, phlegmonous 23-103 Gastroptosis 23-103 Gastrostaxis 23-103 Hematemesis 23-103 Hourglass contraction of stomach, acquired. (If con- genital, file in Section VIII.) 23-103 Hyperchlorhydria (Hyperacidity) 23-103 Hyperchylia gastrica 23-103 Hyperemesis 23-103 Hyperesthesia, gastric 23-103 Hypermotility 23-103 Hypochlorhydria (Hypoacidity) 23-103 Hypomotility (Gastric stasis) 23-103 Indigestion, gastric. State whether acute or chronic 23- "Injury, other than wound. State nature of injury ♦Assjgq second number accQ*djng to causative agent, see page vii: use 186 if cause unknown. 88 XXHI. STOMACH. — (Continued) 23-103 Neurosis, gastric 23-103 Perigastritis 23-189 Pneumophagia (Cribbing) 23-103 Pyloric incontinence 23-103 Pyloric stenosis 23-103 Pylorospasm 23-103 Regurgitation, gastric 23-103 Rumination 23-102 Ulcer of stomach 23-102 Ulcer of stomach, peptic 23-102 Ulcer of stomach, perforating 23-103 Vicious circle, following gastro-enterostomy 23- "Wound of stomach. State whether gunshot, incised, penetrating, etc. 23-103 Other diseases of the stomach ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii • use 186 if cause unknown. xxra. NOTES. 89 SECTION XXIV. DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. (Infants under two years of age, see Section IV.) Adhesions, intestinal Appendicitis Appendicitis, acute Appendicitis, acute, with abscess Appendicitis, acute, with perforation Appendicitis, acute, with peritonitis Appendicitis, catarrhal Appendicitis, chronic Appendicitis, subacute Autointoxica tion Cecum mobile Colic, appendiceal Colitis. State whether acute or chronic Colitis, mucous Colitis, ulcerative "Constipation "Diarrhea. State whether acute or chronic Diarrhea, nervous Dilatation of colon Dilatation of duodenum Diverticulitis Diverticulitis with perforation Diverticulum, acquired Duodenitis Enteritis. State whether acute or chronic Entero-colitis Enterolith Enteroptosis Fistula, fecal Foreign body in appendix Foreign body in intestine Gangrene of appendix epiploica ♦Do not use when primary cause can be determined. 90 XXT7. INTESTINES. — (Continued) 24-110 24-105 24-106 24-110 24-110 24-105 24-109 24- 24-109 24-110 24-109 24-110 24- 24-110 24-109 24-105 24-105 24-105 24-105 24-105 24-110 24-109 24- 24-110 "Gangrene of intestine Gastro-duodenitis Gastro-enteritis Hemorrhage, intestinal (Melena) "Impacted feces Indigestion, intestinal. State whether acute or chronic Infarct of intestine * "Injury of intestine, other than rupture or wound. State nature, and location Intussusception Neurosis, intestinal Obstruction, intestinal. State whether acute or chronic, and specify site and cause. (See also Intussusception and Volvulus.) Paralytic ileus ""Rupture of intestine Stasis, intestinal Stricture of intestine Ulcer, duodenal Ulcer, duodenal, perforated Ulcer of intestine Ulcer of intestine, perforating Ulcer of intestine, stercoraceous Visceroptosis (Splanchnoptosis) Volvulus ""Wound of intestine. State whether gunshot, incised, lacerated, penetrating, punctured, etc. Other diseases of the intestines ♦Do not use when primary cause can be determined. ♦♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii- use 186, if cause unknown. XXIV. NOTES. 91 SECTION XXV. DISEASES OF THE LDfER AND GALL DUCTS. 25-115 Abscess of liver. State infecting micro-organism 26-115 Adhesions about gall bladder 26-115 Adhesions about liver 25-116 Anomaly of liver (non-congenital) 25-111 Atrophy, acute yellow 25-111 Atrophy, acute yellow, in munition workers 25-115 Cholangitis. State whether acute or chronic 26-115 Cholecystitis. State whether acute or chronic 26-114 Cholelithiasis 26-115 "Cholemia 25-113 Cirrhosis of liver, atrophic 25-113 Cirrhosis of liver, hypertrophic 25-115 Congestion of liver, passive 26-115 Displacement of liver 25-115 Empyema of gall bladder 25-113 Fatty liver 25-115 Fistula, biliary 26-189 Functional derangement of liver (Biliousness) 25-115 Hepatitis. State whether acute or chronic 25-115 Hydrops of gall bladder 25-115 "Hypertrophy of liver 25- ""Injury of liver, other than wound. State variety 25-115 Jaundice (unqualified) 25-115 Jaundice, catarrhal 26-115 Jaundice, hemolytic 25-115 Jaundice, hereditary (family jaundice) 26-115 Jaundice, toxic 26-115 Obstruction to portal vein 26-115 Perihepatitis 26-115 Stenosis of bile duct 25-114 Stone in ampulla of Vater 25-114 Stone in bile duct. State site *Do not use for a primary diagnosis if cause can be determined. ♦♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 92 XXV. LWER AND GALL DUCTS. —(Continued) 25 "Wound of gall bladder ) State whether gunshot, incised, 26- "Wound of liver f penetrating, punctured, etc. 26-115 Other diseases of the gall ducts 25-115 Other diseases of the liver ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. XXV. NOTES. 93 SECTION XXVI. DISEASES OF THE PANCREAS. 26-118 Abscess of pancreas 26-118 Atrophy of pancreas 26-118 Calculus, pancreatic 26-118 Cyst of pancreas 26-118 Fistula, pancreatic 26-118 Obstruction of pancreatic duct 26-118 Pancreatitis. State whether acute or chronic 26-118 Pancreatitis, hemorrhagic 26- "Rupture of pancreas 26- "Wound. State whether gunshot, incised, penetrating, etc. 26-118 Other diseases of the pancreas ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 94 XXVI. NOTES. 95 SECTION xxvn. DISEASES OF THE ABDOMEN AND PERITONEUM IN GENERAL. 27-189 Abdominal pain (cause unknown) 27-144 Abscess of abdomen (unqualified) 27-117 Abscess of omentum 27-117 Abscess, pelvic, in the male 27-144 Abscess, retrocecal 27-144 Abscess, retroperitoneal 27-118 Abscess, subphrenic 27-117 Adhesions, pelvic 27-187 Ascites. (File, when possible, under causative agent, such as carcinoma, cirrhosis, etc.) 27-149 Diastasis of recti 27-117 Fat necrosis 27-189 Foreign body in abdomen 27-117 Hemoperitoneum 27-109 Hernia (unqualified) 27-109 Hernia, diaphragmatic 27-109 Hernia, epigastric 27-109 Hernia, epigrastric (strangulated) 27-109 Hernia, femoral 27-109 Hernia, femoral (strangulated) 27-109 Hernia, inguinal. State whether direct or indirect 27-109 Hernia, inguinal (strangulated) 27-109 Hernia, internal. To include retroperitoneal, and hernia into lesser sac 27-109 Hernia, internal (strangulated). To include retroperi- toneal, and hernia into lesser sac 27-109 Hernia, ischiatic 27-109 Hernia, ischio-rectal 27-109 Hernia, lumbar 27-109 Hernia, obturator 27-109 Hernia, umbilical 27-109 Hernia, umbilical (strangulated) 27-109 Hernia, ventral. To include hernia in scar 17-109 Hernia, ventral (strangulated). To include hernia in scar 96 XXVH. ABDOMEN AND PERITONEUM. — (Continued) 27- "Injury, other than wound. State site and nature of injury 27-117 Peritonitis (unqualified) 27-117 Peritonitis, acute general 27-117 Peritonitis, acute local 27-117 Peritonitis, acute and chronic, general 27-117 Peritonitis, acute and chronic, local 27-117 Peritonitis, general adhesive 27-117 Peritonitis, pelvic 27-117 Peritonitis with adhesions 27-109 Relaxed abdominal ring 27-117 Sinus, abdominal 27-118 Torsion of omentum 27- "Wound. State whether gunshot, incised, penetrating, punctured, etc. 27-117 Other diseases of abdomen 27-117 Other diseases of peritoneum ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. xxvn. NOTES. 97 SECTION xxvm. DISEASES OF THE RECTUM AND ANUS. 28-110 Abscess, anal 28-110 Abscess, ischio-rectal 28-110 Abscess, perianal 28-110 Abscess, perirectal 28-110 Abscess, rectal 28-110 Fissure of anus 28-110 Fistula in anus 28-110 Foreign body in rectum 28-83 Hemorrhoids (unqualified) 28-83 Hemorrhoids, external 28-83 Hemorrhoids, internal 28-110 Incontinence of feces 28- "Laceration of sphincter ani 28-110 Proctitis 28-110 Prolapse of rectum 28-146 Pruritus ani 28-110 Relaxed sphincter ani 28- "Ruptured sphincter ani 28-110 Spasm of rectum 28-110 Stricture of rectum (non-malignant) 28-110 Ulcer of rectum 28- "Wound. State whether gunshot, incised, penetrating, etc. 28-110 Other diseases of the anus 28-110 Other diseases of the rectum ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if ause unknown. 98 xxvm. NOTES. 99 SECTION XXIX. DISEASES OF THE LARYNX. 29-87 Abscess of larynx 29-147 Ankylosis of arytenoid cartilages 29-73 Aphonia, hysterical 29-87 Dysphonia spastica 29-87 Edema of glottis 29-87 Epiglottiditis 29-87 Epilepsy, laryngeal 29-87 Fistula of larynx 29-186 Foreign body in larynx 29- "Injury of larynx. State nature of injury 29-87 Laryngismus stridulus 29-87 Laryngitis (to include "croup"). State whether acute or chronic 29-87 Neurosis of larynx 29-149 Ossification of larynx 29-87 Paralysis of larynx (unqualified) 29-87 Paralysis, abductor 29-87 Paralysis of recurrent nerve 29-87 Paralysis of vocal cords 29-87 Perichondritis of larynx 29-87 Singer's node 29-87 Spastic laryngeal cough 29-87 Stenosis of larynx 29-87 Ulcer of epiglottis 29- "Wound. State whether gunshot, incised, penetrating, etc. 59-87 Other diseases of the larynx ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if use unknown. 100 XXIX. NOTES. 101 SECTION XXX. DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AND BRONCHI. 30-96 Asthma 30-90 Bronchiectasis 30-90 Bronchitis (unqualified) 30-89 Bronchitis, acute 30-90 Bronchitis, chronic 30-89 Bronchitis, fibrinous 30-90 Bronchitis with emphysema 30-98 Fistula of trachea 30-186 Foreign body in bronchus 30-186 Foreign body in trachea 30- "Injury of bronchus, other than wound. State nature of injury 30- "Injury of trachea, other than wound. State nature of injury 30-98 Ossification of tracheal rings 30-98 Sinus, tracheal 30-98 Stenosis of bronchus 30-98 Stenosis of trachea 30-89 Tracheitis 30-98 Tracheocele 30-98 Ulcer of bronchus 30-98 Ulcer of trachea 30- "Wound of trachea. State whether gunshot, incised, pene- trating, etc. 30-90 Other diseases of bronchi 30-89 Other diseases of trachea ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 102 XXX. NOTES. 103 SECTION XXXI. DISEASES OF THE LUNGS. 31-98 Abscess of lung 31-98 Atelectasis 31-94 Congestion of lung, acute 31-94 Congestion of lung, chronic passive 31-94 Edema of lung. State whether acute or chronic 31-82 Embolism, pulmonary 31-97 Emphysema of lungs 31-186 Foreign body in lung 31-95 Gangrene of lung 31-98 Hemoptysis 31-98 Hernia of lung 31-94 Infarct of lung 31-98 Pneumonoconiosis 31-98 Rupture of lung 31-82 Thrombosis, pulmonary 31- "Wound of lung. State whether gunshot, incised, pene- trating, etc. 31-98 Other diseases of the lungs ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 104 XXXI. NOTES. 105 SECTION xxxn. DISEASES OF THE PLEURA AND MEDIASTINUM. 32-93 Empyema of pleura (Pleurisy, suppurative, purulent) 32-93 Hemohydrothorax 32-93 Hemopneumothorax 32-93 Hemothorax. State if traumatic 32-93 Hydropneumothorax 32-93 Hydrothorax 32- "Injury of pleura. State nature of injury 32-93 Mediastinitis 32-93 Pleurisy, acute fibrinous (Pleurisy, dry) 32-93 Pleurisy, chronic fibrinous 32-93 Pleurisy, chronic fibrous 32-93 Pleurisy, serofibrinous (Pleurisy, serous) Pleurisy, suppurative (see Empyema) 32-93 Pleurisy with adhesions Pleurisy with effusion (see Pleurisy, serofibrinous) 32-93 Pneumothorax 32-93 Pyopneumothorax 32- "Wound of pleura. State whether gunshot, incised, pene- trating, etc. 32-93 Other diseases of mediastinum 32-93 Other diseases of pleura ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 106 XXXII. NOTES. 107 section xxxm. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY AND URETER. 33-122 Abscess of kidney 33-122 Abscess, perinephric 33-120 Albuminuria (To be used when not due to nephritis; for orthostatic albuminuria, etc.) 33-122 Alkaptonuria 33-122 Anuria 33-123 Calculus, ureteral 33-120 Cardio-renal insufficiency 33-121 Chyluria, non-filarial 33-123 Colic, renal 33-123 Colic, ureteral 33-122 Congestion of kidney, acute 33-122 Congestion of kidney, chronic passive 33-122 Cystinuria 33-122 Fistula, renal 33-122 Fistula, ureteral 33-186 Foreign body in ureter (not including calculus) 33-122 Hematogenous infection of kidney, acute 33-122 Hematuria. (Do not use as a primary diagnosis, when cause can be determined.) 33-122 Hemoglobinuria 33-122 Hydronephrosis (Uronephrosis) 33-122 Hydronephrosis, intermittent 33-122 Infarct of kidney 33- "Injury of kidney, other than wound. State nature of injury 33- "Injury of ureter, other than wound. State nature of injury 33-122 Kinked ureter 33-122 Nephralgia 33-119 Nephritis, acute (including Trench nephritis) 33-119 Nephritis, acute glomerulo 33-119 Nephritis, acute infectious ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if 108 XXXHI. KIDNEY AND URETER. — (Continued) 33-120 Nephritis, arteriosclerotic 33-120 Nephritis, chronic (unqualified) 33-120 Nephritis, chronic glomerulo 33-120 Nephritis, chronic infectious 33-120 Nephritis, chronic interstitial 33-120 Nephritis, chronic parenchymatous 33-119 Nephritis, subacute glomerulo 33-119 Nephritis, subacute infectious 33-119 Nephritis, suppurative infectious 33-123 Nephrolithiasis 33-122 Nephroptosis (Movable kidney) 33-122 Perinephritis 33-189 Polyuria 33-122 Prolapse of ureter 33-122 Pyelitis 33-122 Pyelonephritis 33-122 Pyonephrosis 33-122 Stricture of ureter 33-120 Uremia. State whether acute or chronic 33-122 Ureteritis 33-83 Varix of papilla of kidney 33- "Wound of kidney. State whether gunshot, penetrating, etc. 33-122 Other diseases of kidney 33-122 Other diseases of ureter ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. XXXIII. NOTES. 109 SECTION XXXT7. DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. Abscess of bladder wall Atony of bladder Bacilluria Bacteriuria Calculus, vesical Contraction of neck of bladder ""Cystitis. State whether acute or chronic Diverticulum of bladder, acquired Enuresis, functional Fistula, intestino-vesical Fistula, recto-vesical Fistula, uretero-vesical Fistula, urethro-vesical Fistula, utero-vesical Foreign body in bladder **Incontinence of urine "Injury (other than rupture or wound). State nature of injury Leukoplakia of bladder ""Micturition, frequent ""Micturition, painful Neurosis of bladder Pneumaturia Pyuria * "Retention of urine Rupture of bladder Ulcer of bladder wall "Wound of bladder. State whether gunshot, incised, penetrating, etc. Other diseases of the bladder ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. **Do not use this term if primary cause can be determined. 110 XXXT7. NOTES. Ill SECTION XXXV. DISEASES OF THE URETHRA, MALE AND FEMALE. 36-127 Abscess of Cowper's glands 36-125 Abscess, periurethral 35-123 Calculus, urethral 35-125 Caruncle of urethra 35-125 Cowperitis 35-125 Deformity of urethra, acquired 35-125 Extravasation of urine (Periurethritis, gangrenous) 35-125 Fistula, urethral. State variety, — recto-urethral, etc. 35-125 Foreign body in urethra 35- "Injury of urethra, other than rupture or wound. State nature of injury 35-125 Prolapse of urethra 35-125 Rupture of urethra 35-125 Stricture of urethra 35-125 Urethral fever 35-125 Urethritis. State whether acute or chronic 36- "Wound of urethra. State whether gunshot, incised, lacerated, penetrating, etc. 35-125 Other diseases of the urethra ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if :ause unknown. 112 XXXV. NOTES. 113 SECTION XXXVI. DISEASES OF THE MALE GENERATE ORGANS. A. General. 36-127 Emissions, nocturnal 36-127 Impotence 36-126 Prostatorrhea 36-127 Spermatorrhea 36-127 Sterility in the male. (Asthenospermia, Azoospermia, Necrospermia and Oligospermia.) 36-127 Other general diseases of the male generative organs. B. Penis. 36-127 Abscess of penis 36-127 Balanitis 36-127 Cavernitis. State whether acute or chronic 36-127 Deformity of penis, acquired 36-127 Fibrosis of corpora cavernosa 36-127 Paraphimosis 36-127 Phimosis 36-127 Redundant prepuce 36-127 Sclerosis of corpus cavernosum 36- "Wound of penis. State whether gunshot, incised, lacerated, etc. 36-127 Other diseases of the penis C. Prostate. 36-126 Abscess of prostate 36-126 Calculus, prostatic 36-126 Hypertrophy of prostate. Specify type 36-126 Prostatism, non-obstructive 36-126 Prostatism, obstructive. State whether adenomatous or sclerotic 36-126 Prostatitis. State whether acute or chronic 36-126 Other diseases of the prostate ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. Ill XXXVI.D. SCROTUM. D. Scrotum. 36-127 Abscess of scrotum 36-127 Abscess of spermatic cord 36-127 Hematocele 36-127 Hematocele of cord 36-127 Hydrocele 36-127 Hydrocele of cord 36-127 Inflammation of cord 36-127 Redundant scrotum 36-127 Spermatocele 36-83 Varicocele 36- "Wound of scrotum. State whether gunshot, incised, lacerated, etc. 36-127 Other diseases of the scrotum E. Seminal Vesicles. 36-127 Abscess of seminal vesicles 36-127 Concretion in seminal vesicles 36-127 Vesiculitis 36-127 Other diseases of the seminal vesicles F. Testicle. 36-127 Abscess of epididymis 36-127 Abscess of testicle 36-127 Atrophy of testicle 36-127 Epididymitis. State whether acute or chronic 36-127 Orchitis. State whether acute or chronic 36-127 Torsion of spermatic cord (non-traumatic) 36- "Wound of testicle. State whether gunshot, incised, lacerated, etc. 36-127 Other diseases of the testicle •Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. XXXVI. NOTES. 115 section xxxvn. DISEASES OF THE FEMALE GENERATP7E ORGANS. A. General and Functional. 37-130 Abscess, pelvic, in the female 37-130 Amenorrhea 37-130 Cellulitis, pelvic 37-130 Cellulitis, pelvic, with abscess 37-130 Dysmenorrhea 37-132 Dyspareunia 37-132 Hematoma of broad ligament 37-132 Hydrocele of canal of Nuck 37-132 Laceration of pelvic floor (old) 37-130 "Leucorrhea (cause unknown) 37-130 Menopause 37-128 Menorrhagia 37-130 Menstruation, delayed 37-130 Menstruation, irregular 37-130 Menstruation, precocious 37-132 Relaxed pelvic floor 37-132 Sterility 37-132 Other general and functional diseases of the female generative organs. B. Fallopian Tubes. 37-132 Atrophy of Fallopian tubes 37-132 Hematosalpinx 37-132 Hydrosalpinx 37-132 Pyosalpinx 37-132 Salpingitis. State whether acute or chronic. If gon- orrheal, file in Section I. 37-132 Other diseases of Fallopian tubes C. Ovary. 37-132 Abscess of ovary 37-132 Atrophy of ovary 37-132 Displacement of ovary 37-132 Oophoritis. State whether acute or chronic ♦Do not use this term if primary cause can be^determined. 116 XXXVH.C. OVARY. — (Continued) 37-132 Prolapse of ovary 37-132 Sclerosis of ovary 37-132 Other diseases of ovary D. Uterus. 37-130 Anteflexion of cervix uteri 37-130 Atrophy of uterus 37-130 Cervicitis 37-130 Endocervicitis 37-130 Endometritis. State whether acute or chronic 37-130 Endometritis, hyperplastic 37-130 Endometritis, septic 37-130 Erosion of cervix uteri 37 130 Fibrosis of uterus 37-186 Foreign body in uterus 37-130 Hypertrophy of cervix uteri 37- "Injury of uterus. State nature of injury 37-130 Inversion of uterus (non-puerperal) 37-130 Laceration of cervix uteri (old) 37-130 Metritis. State whether acute or chronic 37-128 Metrorrhagia 37-130 Parametritis 37-130 Procidentia. (Do not use this term for prolapse.) 37-130 Prolapse of uterus 37-130 Retroflexion of uterus 37-130 Retroversion of uterus 37-130 Rupture of uterus 37-130 Stricture of cervical canal 37-130 Other diseases of uterus E. Vagina. 37-132 Abscess of vagina 37-132 Atresia of vagina (acquired) 37-124 Cystocele 37-110 Fistula, recto-vaginal 37-125 Fistula, vesico-vaginal ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii- use 186 il cause unknown. 117 XXXVH.E. VAGINA. — (Continued) 37-186 Foreign body in vagina 37-132 Paravaginitis 37-110 Rectocele 37-132 Vaginismus 37-132 Vaginitis 37-132 Vaginitis emphysematosa 37-132 Vulvo-vaginitis 37_ "Wound of vagina. State whether incised, lacerated, penetrating, etc. 37-132 Other diseases of vagina F. Vulva. 37-132 Abscess of vulva (including sepsis) 37-132 Abscess of Bartholin's gland 37-132 Adhesions about clitoris 37-132 Atrophy of vulva 37-132 Bartholinitis 37-132 Cellulitis of vulva 37-145 Granuloma pudendorum 37-132 Hematoma of vulva (non-traumatic) 37-132 Hypertrophy of clitoris 37-132 Hypertrophy of vulva 37- "Injury of vulva. State nature of injury 37-132 Kraurosis vulvae 37-145 Pruritus vulvae 37-132 Ulceration of vulva 37-132 Vulvitis. State whether acute or chronic 37- "Wound of vulva. State whether incised, lacerated, pene- trating, etc. 37-132 Other diseases of vulva ♦Assign second number according to causative agent, see page vii; use 186, if cause unknown. 118 XXXVII. NOTES. 119 SECTION xxxvni. PUERPERAL STATE. 38-134 Abortion 38-134 Abortion, threatened 38-141 Abscess of breast (puerperal) 38-137 Abscess, pelvic (puerperal) 38-141 Agalactia 38-138 Albuminuria of pregnancy 38-137 Cellulitis, pelvic (puerperal) 38-136 Deformed pelvis (parturition) 38-134 Deformed pelvis (pregnancy) 38-140 Displacement of uterus (puerperal) 38-138 Eclampsia (parturition) ~) Use only as secondary diag- 38-138 Eclampsia (pregnancy) >■ nosis, under Toxemia of 38-138 Eclampsia (puerperium) ) pregnancy 38-139 Embolism, puerperal. State site 38-137 Endometritis, acute (puerperal) 38-141 Fissure of nipple 38-141 Fistula of breast 38-141 Galactocele 38-141 Galactorrhea 38-135 Hemorrhage, accidental (parturition) 38-134 Hemorrhage, accidental (pregnancy) 38-135 Hemorrhage, accidental (puerperium) 38-134 Hydramnios 38-134 Hydrorrhea gravidarum 38-134 Hyperemesis gravidarum 38-136 Laceration of cervix uteri (recent) 38-136 Laceration of perineum (recent) 38-127 Lymphangitis (puerperal). State site 38-141 Mammillitis 38-141 Mastitis, lactative. State whether acute, chronic, or subacute 38-127 Metritis, acute (puerperal) 38-141 Milk retention 38-134 Miscarriage 38-138 Nephritis of pregnancy 120 XXXVHI. PUERPERAL STATE. — (Continued) 38-134 Parturition. State position, as O.L.A., M.D.P., etc. 38-136 Parturition, accidental. State position, as O.L.A., M.D.P., etc. 38-137 Peritonitis, puerperal 38-139 Phlebitis, puerperal. State site 38-139 Phlegmasia alba dolens. State site 38-135 Placenta previa (parturition) 38-135 Placenta previa (puerperium) 38-134 Pregnancy, normal 38-134 Pregnancy, extra-uterine 38-134 Premature delivery 38-140 Puerperium, normal 38-135 Retained secundines 38-136 Rupture of uterus (parturition) 38-137 Septicemia, puerperal 38-136 Subinvolution of uterus 38-139 Thrombosis, puerperal. State site 38-138 Toxemia of pregnancy 38-140 Other diseases of puerperal state xxxvm. NOTES. 121 SECTION XXXIX. DISEASES OF THE BREAST, MALE AND FEMALE. (Non-puerperal in the female.) 39-133 Abscess of breast 39-133 Atrophy of breast 39-133 Cystic disease of breast 39-133 Fissure of nipple 39-133 Hypertrophy of breast 39-133 Mastitis. State whether acute or chronic 39-133 Paget's disease of nipple 39-133 Ulcer of breast 39-133 Other diseases of the breast 122 XXXIX. NOTES. 123 SECTION XL. ANAPHYLAXIS. 40-96 Asthma. State causative agent 40-145 Eczema. State causative agent 40-86 Hay fever. State causative agent 40-189 Idiosyncrasy to food. State food 40-165 Serum sickness. State what serum used 40-189 Shock, anaphylactic. State what serum used 40-145 Urticaria. State causative agent Above diagnoses are not to be made without proof of their anaphy- lactic origin. 124 XL. NOTES. 125 SECTION XLI. ELL-DEFINED, OR UNCLASSIFB3D DISEASES. 41-56 Amyloid disease. State site 41-187 "Anasarca (dropsy) 41- Cachexia. Assign second number according to causative agent 41-189 "Coma (cause unknown) 41-189 Debility 41-189 Donor of blood 41-189 Donor of skin 41-169 Drowning 41-187 Edema, general 41-189 "Exhaustion (in patients over two years of age); cause unknown 41-189 "Fever (cause unknown) 41-85 Hemorrhage, postoperative 41-169 Immersion (to include rescues from drowning) 41-189 Malnutrition (in patients over two years of age) 41-189 No diagnosis 41-189 No disease 41-189 Phantom tumor. State site 41-117 Polyserositis 41-189 Retarded development 41-189 Seasickness 41-189 Shock, surgical 41-177 Starvation 41-188 Sudden death. (No terms under this title) 41- Suicide. Assign second number according to causative agent: see International List of Causes of Death, 155 to 163 41-73 Tachypnea, hysterical 41-189 Vagrancy 41-189 Wound of operation. State site and state whether granu- lating, unhealed, etc. ♦Do not use this term if primary cause can be determined. 126 XLI. NOTES. INDEX Abdomen, diseases of. XXVII. Abdominal pain. XXVII. Abortion. XXXVIII. Abrasion. IX. Abscess of — See part involved, except Abscess, alveolar. XX. Abscess of Bartholin's gland. XXXVII.F. Abscess of breast (puerperal). XXXVIII. AbscessofCowper'sgland. XXXV. Abscess, deep. I. Abscess, ischio-rectal. XXVIII. Abscess, naso-pharyngeal. XIX. Abscess of omentum. XXVII. Abscess, pelvic (female). XXXVII.A. Abscess, pelvic (male). XXVII. Abscess, pelvic (puerperal). XXXVIII. Abscess, perinephric. XXXIII. Abscess, psoas. I. Abscess, retrocecal. XXVII. Abscess, retroperitoneal. XXVII. Abscess, retropharyngeal. XIX. Abscess of skin and subcutaneous tissue. IX. Abscess of spermatic cord. XXXVI.D. Abscess, subphrenic. XXVII. Absence, congenital, of — a part. VIII. Acanthosis nigrigans. X. Accessory sinuses, diseases of. XVIII. . Achondroplasia. XVI.B. Achylia gastrica. XXIII. Acidosis. III. Acne. X. Acnitis. X. Acrocyanosis. XV.H. Acromegaly. XIV.B. Acroparesthesia. XV.H. Actinomycosis. I. Adams-Stokes syndrome. XI.B. Addison's disease. XIV.D. Adeno-fibroma. VILA. Adenoids. XIX. Adenoma. VILA. Adenoma of prostate. See Pros- tatism. Adenoma of umbilicus. IV. Adhesions about clitoris. XXXVII.F. Adhesions about gall bladder. XXV. Adhesions, intestinal. XXIV. Adhesions about liver. XXV. Adhesions, pelvic. XXVII. Adhesions aboutstomach. XXIII. Adiposis dolorosa. III. Aerogenes capsulatus infection. I. Agalactia. XXXVIII. Ainhum. X. Albinismus. X. Albuminuria. XXXIII. Albuminuria of pregnancy. XXXVIII. Alcoholism. VI. Alkaptonuria. XXXIII. Alopecia. X. Alzheimer's disease. XV.D.l. Amaurosis. XVII.K. Amaurotic family idiocy. XV.D.3. Amblyopia. XVII.M. Amebiasis. II. Amenorrhea. XXXVII.A. Amentia. XV.D. Amputation, congenital. VIII. Amputation, traumatic. XVI.C. Amputation stump, painful. XVI.C. Amygdalolith. XIX. Amyloid disease. XLI. Amyotonia congenita. XV J. Anaphylaxis. XL. Anasarca. XLI. Anemia. XIII. Anemia, cerebral. XV.A. Anemia of labyrinth. XVII.W. Anemia, splenic. XIV.C. Anesthesia. XV.F. Anesthesia (local skin lesion). X. Aneurism (arteries). XI.A. Aneurism, cerebral. XV.A. Aneurism of heart. XI.B. Aneurism (veins). XI.C. Angina cruris. See Intermittent claudication. 12S Angina Ludovici. XIX. Angina pectoris. XI.B. Angina, Vincent's. XIX. Angiokeratoma. X. Angioma. VILA. Anidrosis. X. Aniridia. XVII. J.1. Ankyloblepharon. XVI I. B. Ankylosis. XVI.B. Ankylosis of arytenoid cartilages. XXIX. Ankylostomiasis. II. Anomaly of — a part. VIII. Anomaly of liver (non-congenital). XXV. Anophthalmos. XVI I.N. Anorchism. VIII. Anorexia nervosa. XXIII. Anosmia. XVIII. Anteflexion of cervix uteri. XXXVII.D. Anterior chamber, diseases of. XVII.F. Anthrax infection. I. Anuria. XXXIII. Anus, diseases of. XXVIII. Aortic insufficiency. See Valvu- lar disease, chronic cardiac. Aortic insufficiency and stenosis. See Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac. Aortic roughening. See Valvular disease, chronic cardiac. Aortic stenosis. See Valvular disease, chronic cardiac; and Valvular disease, congenital cardiac. Aortic and mitral insufficiency. See Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac. Aortic and mitral insufficiency and stenosis. See Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac. Aortic and mitral stenosis. See Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac. Aortitis. XI.A. Aortitis, syphilitic. I. Aphakia. XVII.H. Aphasia. XV.E. Aphonia, hysterical. XXIX. Aplaxia axialis subcortical con- genita. XV.D.3. Apoplexy. XV.A. Appendicitis. XXIV. Arachnitis. XV.C. Arcus senilis. XVII.E. Argyrosis. XVII.D. Arhythmia. XI.B. Arteries, diseases of. XI.A. Arteriosclerosis. XI.A. Arteriosclerosis, cerebral. XV.A. Arthritis, acute (organism un- known). XVI.B. Arthritis, chronic infectious (or- ganism unknown). XVI.B. Arthritis, gonorrheal. I. Arthritis, infectious (organism known). I. Arthritis, traumatic. XVI.B. Arthritis deformans. XVI.B. Arthropathy, Charcot's. XVI.B. Ascariasis. II. Ascaris lumbricoides. See Asca- riasis. Ascites. XXVII. Ascites, chylous (non-filarial). XII. Asiatic cholera. I. Aspergillosis. I. Asphyxia. See Suffocation. Asphyxia localis. See Raynaud's disease. Asphyxia neonatorum. IV. Asthenospermia. See Sterility in the male. Asthma. XXX. Asthma, anaphylactic. XL. Astigmatism. XVII.A. Ataxia, cerebellar heredo-. XV.A. Ataxia, vasomotor. XV.H. Atelectasis. XXXI. Atelectasis neonatorum. IV. Atheroma. See Wen. Atony of bladder. XXXIV Atony of stomach. XXIII. Atresia of external auditory canal. XVII.S. Atresia of nostril. XVIII. Atresia of vagina, acquired. XXXVII.E. Atresia of vagina, congenital. VIII. Atrophia. X. Atrophoderma symmetricale. X. Atrophy of — See part involved. Atrophy, acute yellow. XXV. Atrophy, arthritic. XV.J. Atrophy, infantile. See Marasmus. Atrophy,neurotic muscular. XV.G. Atrophy, optic. XVII.M. Atrophy, progressive muscular. XV.G. Auricle, diseases of. XVII.R. Auricular ectopic beats. XI.B. 129 Auricular fibrillation. XI.B. Auricular flutter. XI.B. Auricular hypertrophy. XI.B. Auricular standstill. See Sino- auricular block. Autointoxication. XXIV. Avulsion. IX. Azoospermia. See Sterility in the male. Bacilluria. XXXIV. Bacteriuria. XXXIV. Balanitis. XXXVI.B. Balanitis, gonorrheal. I. Banti's disease. XIV.C. Bartholinitis. XXXVII.F. Beriberi. III. Bifid uterus. See Double uterus. Bile ducts, diseases of. XXV. Bilharziosis. II. Biliousness. See Functional de- rangement of liver. Bipartite vagina. See Double vagina. Bite, animal. IX. Bite, human. IX. Bite, insect. See Sting. Bite, snake. See Snake venom poisoning. Bladder, diseases of. XXXIV. Blastomycosis. I. Blepharitis. XVI LB. Blepharospasm. XVII.B. Blood, diseases of. XIII. Bones, diseases of. XVI .A. Botulism. VI. Bradycardia. XI.B. Brain, diseases of. XV.A. Branchial cleft. See Fistula into pharynx. Branchial cyst. VIII. Breast, diseases of. XXXIX. Brill's disease. See Typhus fever. Bromidrosis. X. Bronchi, diseases of. XXX. Bronchiectasis. XXX. Bronchitis. XXX. Bronchopneumonia. I. Bubo, inguinal. I. Bubonic plague. I. Buhl's disease. See Fatty degen- eration of newborn. Buphthalmos. XVII.A. Burn. V. Burn of conjunctiva. XVII.D. Burn of cornea. XVII.E. Burn of eyelid. XVII.B. Bursitis. XVI.C. Cachexia. XLI. Caisson disease. XV.G. Calcareous deposits in conjunc- tiva. XVII.D. Calcification of cartilage. XVI.A. Calculus, biliary. See Choleli- thiasis. Calculus, pancreatic. XXVI. Calculus, prostatic. XXXVI.C. Calculus, renal. See Nephroli- thiasis. Calculus, ureteral. XXXIII. Calculus, urethral. XXXV. Calculus, vesical. XXXIV. Callositas. X. Canities. X. Caput succedaneum. IV. Carbuncle. I. Carcinoma. VILB. See part in- volved. Carcinoma, epidermoid. VILB.5., VII.B.7. VII.B.10. Cardio-renal insufficiency. XXXIII. Cardiosclerosis. XI.B. Cardiospasm. XXII. Caries of orbit. XVII.O. Caries of teeth. XX. Cartilage, diseases of. XVI.A. Caruncle of urethra. XXXV. Cataract. XVII.H. Catatonia. XV.D.2. Cavernitis. XXXVI.B. Cecum mobile. XXIV. Cellulitis. I. Cellulitis of orbit. XVII.O. Cellulitis, pelvic. XXXVII.A. Cellulitis, pelvic (puerperal). XXXVIII. Cellulitis of vulva. XXXVII.F. Cephalalgia. XV.E. Cephalematoma. IV. Cercomanas hominis. II. Cerebral hemorrhage. See Hem- orrhage. Cerebrospinal affections. XV. B. Cerumen. XVII.S. Cervical rib. VIII. Cervicitis. XXXVII.D. Cervix uteri, diseases of. XXXVII.D. Cestoda infection. II. Chalazion. VILA. Chancre. I. Chancroid. I. Charcot's arthropathy. XVI.B. Cheilitis. X. Chemosis. XVII.D. Chickenpox. See Varicella. Chloasma. X. Chlorosis. XIII. Choked disc. See Papillitis. Cholangitis. XXV. Cholecystitis. XXV. Cholelithiasis. XXV. Cholemia. XXV. Cholera, Asiatic. I. Cholesteatoma. VILA. Chondroblastoma. VILA. Chondrodystrophy. See Achon- droplasia. Chondroma. VILA. Chondromalacia. III. Chordoma. VI I.B.I. Chorea. XV.A. Chorio-epithelioma. VII.B.4. and VII.B.5. Chorioretinitis. XVI I. J.3. Choroid, diseases of. XVII.J.3. Choroiditis. XVII.J.3. Chromidrosis. X. Chyle cyst of mesentery. XII. Chylocele (non-filarial) XII. Chylothorax. XII. Chyluria. XXXIII. Cicatrix. X. Ciliary body, diseases of. XVII.J.2. Circulatory system, diseases of. XL Cirrhosis of liver. XXV. Cirrhosis of liver in infants. IV. Clavus. X. Claw-foot. VIII. Claw-hand. VIII. Cleft palate. VIII. Cleft palate and harelip. VIII. Club-foot. See Talipes. Club-hand. VIII. Coccidiosis. II. Coccygodynia. XV.F.l. Cold. See Coryza. Colic, appendiceal. XXIV. Colic, renal. XXXIII. Colic, ureteral. XXXIII. Colitis. XXIV. Colitis, amebic. See Amebiasis. Colloid degeneration. X. Coloboma. XVII.J.l. Colon bacillus infection, general. I. Color blindness. XVII.K. Coma (cause unknown). XLI. Comedo. X. Comma bacillus carrier. I. Commotio retinae. XVII.K. Concretion in canaliculus. XVII.C. Concretion in salivary gland. XIX. Concretion in seminal vesicles. XXXVI.E. Concretion in tonsil. XIX. Concussion of brain. XV.A. Condyloma acuminatum. X. Condyloma, gonorrheal. I. Condyloma, syphilitic. I. Congenital stridor. IV. Congestion, acute, of — See part involved. Congestion, passive, of — See part involved. Conical cornea. XVII.E. Conjunctiva, diseases of. XVII.D. Conjunctivitis. XVII.D. Conjunctivitis diphtheritica. I. Conjunctivitis, gonorrheal. I. Constipation. XXIV. Contracted orbit. XVII.N. Contraction, cicatricial. XVI.C. Contraction, Dupuytren's. XVI.C. Contraction of neck of bladder. XXXIV. Contracture of joint. XVI.B. Contusion. IX. Contusion of brain. XV.A. Contusion of joint. XVI.B. Convulsions. XV.E. Convulsions in infants. IV. Cornea, diseases of. XVII.E. Cornu. X. Coryza. I. Cowperitis. XXXV. Coxa valga. XVI.B. Coxa vara. XVI.B. Cramp. XVI.C. Craniotabes. IV. Creatoxismus. VI. Creeping eruption. See Larva migrans. Cretinism. XIV.F. Cribbing. See Pneumophagia. Crush. IX. Crush of spinal cord. XV.G. Cyanosis, congenital. VIII. Cyclitis. XVII.J.2. Cyclothymia. XV.D.4. Cyst. VILA. Cyst, dentigerous. VILA. Cyst, dermoid. VILA. Cyst, pancreatic. XXVI. Cyst, sebaceous. See Wen. Cyst-adenoma. VILA. Cyst of brain, congenital. VIII. Cystic disease of breast. XXXIX. Cysticercus. II. 131 Cystinuria. XXXIII. Cystitis. XXXIV. Cystitis, gonorrheal. I. Cystocele. XXXVII.E. Dacryoadenitis. XVII.C. Dacryocystitis. XVII.C. Dactylitis. XVI.C. Deaf-mutism. XVII.Q. Deafness, senile. XVII.Q. Debility. XLI. Debility, congenital. IV. Decompensation, cardiac. See Myocardial insufficiency. Decubitus. IX. Defective conduction in branches of His bundle. XI.B. Deformed pelvis (puerperal state). XXXVIII. Deformities due to rickets. XVI.B. Deformity, acquired, of — See part involved. And see XVI.C. Deformity, congenital. See Mal- formation. Degeneration, progressive lenti- cular. XV.A. Delayed conduction time (cardiac). XI.B. Delirium, acute. XV.D.6. Delirium, collapse. XV.D.6. Delirium tremens. XV.D.7.a. Dementia praecox. XV.D.2. Dementia, senile. XV.D.l. Dengue. I. Dentition, delayed. XX. Dentition, difficult. IV. Dermatalgia. X. Dermatitis. X. Dermatitis actinica. X. Dermatitis, X-ray. See Derma- titis actinica. Dermatitis diphtheritica. I. Dermatolysis. X. Descemititis. XVII.E. Deviation of nasal septum. XVIII. Dextro-cardia. VIII. Diabetes. III. Diabetic conditions of eye. III. Diarrhea. XXIV. Diarrhea in infants. IV. Diarrhea, nervous. XXIV. Diastasis of recti. XXVII. Diathesis, spasmophic. See Spas- mophilia. Dibothriocephalus latus. II. Dilatation of aortic arch. XI.A. Dilatation of colon. XXIV. Dilatation of colon, congenital. VIII. Dilatation of duodenum. XXIV. Dilatation of esophagus. XXII. Dilatation of heart. XI.B. Dilatation of pharynx. XIX. Dilatation of stomach. XXIII. Dioctophyne renale. II. Diphtheria. I. Diphtheria bacillus carrier. I. Diplegia. XV.A. Diplobacillus. See Conjuncti- vitis, sub-acute. Dipsomania. VI. Discomycosis. I. Dislocation of joint. XVI.B. Dislocation of joint, congenital. VIII. Dislocation of lacrimal gland. XVII.C. Dislocation of lens. XVII.H. Disorganized globe. XVII.N. Displaced cartilage. XVI.B. Displacement of liver. XXV. Displacement of ovary. .XXXVII.C. Displacement of uterus (puer- peral). XXXVIII. Distomiasis. II. Diverticulitis. XXIV. Diverticulum, Meckel's. VIII. Diverticulum of bladder, ac- quired. XXXIV. Diverticulum of bladder, con- genital. VIII. Diverticulum of esophagus. XXII. Diverticulum of intestine, ac- quired. XXIV. Donor of blood. XLI. Donor of skin. XLI. Double uterus. VIII. Double vagina. VIII. Dracontiasis. II. Dropsy. See Anasarca. Drowning. XLI. Ductless glands, diseases of. XIV. Duodenitis. XXIV. Dupuytren's contraction. XVI.C. Dwarfism (indicating morbid de- formity). See Achondroplasia. Dwarfism (indicating uniform undersize). VIII. Dysarthria. XV.E. Dysentery (patients over two years of age). I. Dysentery (patients under two years of age). See Diarrhea, infectious. IV. Dysidrosis. X. Dysmenorrhea. XXXVII.A. Dyspareunia. XXXVII.A. Dyspepsia. XXIII. Dysphonia spastica. XXIX. Dyspituitarism. XIV.B. Dysthyroidism. XIV.F. Dystonia musculorum deformans. XV.J. Dystrophy, muscular. XV.J. Ear, diseases of. XVII.Q-W. Ecchymosis of conjunctiva. XVII.D. Ecchymosis of eyelid. XVII.B. Echinococcus cyst. II. Eclampsia. XXXVIII. Ecthyma. X. Ectropion. XVII.B. Eczema. X. Eczema, anaphylactic. XL. Eczema of nasal vestibule. XVIII. Edema of — See part involved. Edema, angioneurotic. XV.H. Edema circumscriptum acutum. X. Edema, general. XLI. Edema of glottis. XXIX. Edema neonatorum. IV. Electric shock, effects of. V. Electrical burn. V. Elephantiasis. XII. Elongation of uvula. XIX. Embolism. XI.A. Embolism, cardiac. XI.B. Embolism, cerebral. XV.A. Embolism, puerperal. XXXVIII. Embolism, pulmonary. XXXI. Emissions, nocturnal. XXXVI.A. Emphysema of eyelid. XVII.B. Emphysema of lungs. XXXI. Emphysema of orbit. XVII.O. Emphysema, traumatic. IX. Empyema of antrum. XVIII. Empyema of gall bladder. XXV. Empyema of pleura. XXXII. Encephalitis. XV.A. Encephalitis lethargica. XV.A. Encephalomalacia. XV.A. Enchondroma. VILA. Endarteritis. XI.A. Endocarditis. XI.B. Endocarditis, gonorrheal. I. Endocarditis, malignant. See Endocarditis, acute. 132 I Endocervicitis. XXXVII.D. Endocervicitis, gonorrheal. I. Endometritis. XXXVII.D. Endometritis, gonorrheal. I. Endometritis, puerperal. XXXVIII. Endothelioma. VILB. See part involved. ! Enlarged lingual tonsil. XIX. i Enophthalmos. XVII.N. I Enteritis. XXIV. Entero-colitis. XXIV. | Enterolith. XXIV. i Enteroptosis. XXIV. Entropion. XVII.B. Enuresis, functional. XXXIV. I Eosinophilia. XIII. Epicanthus. XVII.B. Epidermolysis bullosa. X. Epididymis, diseases of. XXXVI.F. Epididymitis. XXXVI.F. Epididymitis, gonorrheal. I. Epididymitis, tuberculous. See Tuberculosis of genital organs. Epiglottiditis. XXIX. Epilation, traumatic. IX. Epilepsy. XV.A. Epilepsy, laryngeal. XXIX. Epilepsy, myoclonus. XV.E. Epiphora. XVII.C. Epiphysitis. XVI.A. Episcleritis. XVII.G. Epispadias. VIII. Epistaxis. XVIII. Epithelioma, benign. VILA. Epithelioma, malignant. See Carcinoma, epidermoid. Epulis. VILA. Equinia. See Glanders. Erosion of cervix uteri. XXXVII.D. Errors of refraction. XVII.A. Erysipelas. I. Erysipeloid. V. Erythema. X. Erythema induratum scrofulc- sorum. I. Erythrasma. I. Erythromelalgia. XV.H. Esophagismus. XXII. Esophagitis. XXII. Esophagus, diseases of. XXII. Esophoria. XVII.P. Etherization (intra-uterine). IV. Ethmoiditis. XVIII. Eustachian tube, diseases of. XVII.T. 133 Excluded pupils. XVII.J.l. Exhaustion. XLI. Exophoria. XVII.P. Exophthalmos. XVII.N. Exostosis. XVI.A. Exostosis of osseus meatus. XVII.S. Exposure to cold. V. Exstrophy of bladder. VIII. External auditory canal, diseases of. XVII.S. Extravasation of urine. XXXV. Eye, diseases of. XVII.A-P. Eyeball, diseases of. XVII.N. Eyelids, diseases of. XVII.B. Facial clefts. VIII. Fallopian tubes, diseases of. XXXVII.B. Farcy. See Glanders. Fat necrosis. XXVII. Fatty degeneration of newborn. IV. Fatty heart. XI.B. Fatty liver. XXV. Faulty union of bone. XVI.A. Feeble-mindedness. XV. D. Feeding. IV. Feeding, improper. XXIII. Feeding, improper (in infants). IV. Female generative organs, imper- fect development of. VIII. Fermentation, gastric. XXIII. Fever (cause unknown). XLI. Fibroma. VILA. Fibromyoma. VILA. Fibrosis of corpora cavernosa. XXXVI.B. Fibrosis of prostate. See Atrophy of prostate. Fibrosis of uterus. XXXVII.D. Filariasis. II. Fish venom poisoning. VI. Fissure of anus. XXVIII. Fissure of lip. XIX. Fissure of nipple. XXXIX. Fissure of nipple (puerperal). XXXVIII. Fissure of tongue. XXI. Fistula of — See part involved, except Fistula of breast, puerperal. XXXVIII. Fistula, congenital. VIII. Fistula, fecal. XXIV. Fistual, gastro-colic. XXIII. Fistula of nasal duct. XVII.C. Fistula of thoracic duct. XII. Fistula, thoraco-gastric. XXIII. Fistula, vesical. XXXIV. Flat-foot. See Pronated feet. Flexed scapula. XVI.C. Floating rib. VIII. Fluidity. XVI I.L. Folliclis. X. Folliculitis. X. Folliculitis, gonorrheal. I. Foot-and-mouth disease. I. Foreign body in — See part in- volved. Foreign body in skin, or sub- cutaneous tissue. IX. Fracture. XVI.A. Fracture, congenital. VIII. Fragilitas ossium. XVI.A. Frambesia. I. Friedreich's ataxia. XV.G. Frostbite. V. Functional derangement of liver. XXV. Furuncle of nose. XVIII. Furunculosis. I. Furunculosis of nasal vestibule. XVIII. I Fused ribs. VIII. Galactocele. XXXVIII. Galactorrhea. XXXVIII. Gall bladder, diseases of. XXV. Ganglion. XVI.C. Gangosa. I. Gangrene, diabetic. III. Gangrene, multiple neurotic. XV.H. Gangrene, senile. XI.A. Gangrene, symmetrical. See Raynaud's disease. Gangrene of appendix epiploica. XXIV. Gangrene of intestine. XXIV. Gangrene of lung. XXXI. Gangrene of pharynx. XIX. Gangrene of skin and subcuta- neous tissue. IX. Gas bacillus infection. See Aerogenes capsulatus infec- i tion, and Diarrhea, infectious, in infants. Gas infection of war. See Poisoning, accidental, from inhalation of gases. VI. Gastrectasis. See Dilatation of stomach. Gastric spasm. XXIII. | Gastritis. XXIII. 134 Gastro-duodenitis. XXIV. Gastro-enteritis. XXIV. Gastroptosis. XXIII. Gastrostaxis. XXIII. General diseases. I. Generative organs, female, dis- eases of. XXXVII. Generative organs, male, dis- eases of. XXXVI. Genu recurvatum. XVI.B. Genu valgum. XVI.B. Genu varum. XVI.B. Gerlier's disease. See Vertigo, paralyzing. German measles. See Rubella. Gigantism. XIV.B. Gingivitis. XX. Glanders. I. Glandular fever. I. Glaucoma. XVII.A. Glioma. VILA. Glioma of cerebellurrl. XV.A. La. Glioma of cerebrum. XV.A.2. Glioma of pons. XV.A.5. Glossitis. XXI. Glossodynia. XV.F.l. Glycosuria. III. Goitre. XIV.F. Gonococcus complement fixation test. I. Gonococcus infection (unquali- fied). I. Gonorrhea. See Gonococcus in- fection. Gout. III. Grain itch. II. Granuloma. X. Granuloma coccidiodes. I. Granuloma fungoides. X. Granuloma pudendorum. XXXVII.F. Granuloma of umbilicus. IV. Granulosis rubra nasi. X. "Growing pains" (children). XVI.C. Gumma. I. Gums, diseases of. XX. Hallucinosis. XV.D.7.a. Hallux rigidus. XVI.C. Hallux valgus. XVI.C. Hallux varus. XVI.C. Hammer toe. XVI.C. Hammer toe, congenital. VIII. Harelip. VIII. Hay fever. XVIII. Hay fever, anaphylactic. XL. Headache. See Cephalalgia. Heart, diseases of. XI.B. Heart block. XI.B. Heart lesions. See Valvular dis- ease. Heart lesions, congenital. VIII. Heat cramps. V. Heat prostration. V. Hebephrenia. XV.D.2. Helminthiasis. II. Hemaphroditism. VIII. Hematemesis. XXIII. Hematocele. XXXVI.D. Hematogenous infection of kid- ney, acute. XXXIII. Hematoma (non-traumatic) .VILA. Hematoma (traumatic). IX. Hematoma of auricle. XVII.R. Hematoma of broad ligament. XXXVII.A. Hematoma of sterno-mastoid. IV. Hematoma of vulva. XXXVII.F. Hematomyelia. XV.G. Hematorrhacis. See Meningeal hemorrhage, spinal. Hematosalpinx. XXXVII.B. Hematuria. XXXIII. Hemianopsia. XVII.K. Hemiatrophy, facial. XV.H. Hemiplegia. XV.A. Hemitonia apoplectica. XV.A. Hemochromatosis. III. Hemoglobinemia. XIII. Hemoglobinuria. XXXIII. Hemoglobinuria in infants. IV. Hemoglobinuric fever (malarial). II. Hemoglobinuric fever (non-mala- rial). I. Hemohydrothorax. XXXII. Hemopericardium. XI.B. Hemoperitoneum. XXVII. Hemophilia. XIII. Hemopneumothorax. XXXII. Hemoptysis. XXXI. Hemorrhage, cerebral. XV.A. (See also Arteriosclerosis, cerebral.) Hemorrhage, cerebral, in infant*. IV. Hemorrhage, choroidal. XVII.J.3. Hemorrhage of gum. XX. Hemorrhage, intestinal. XXIV. Hemorrhage into joint. XVI.B. Hemorrhage of labyrinth. XVI I.W. Hemorrhage, meningeal. XV.C. Hemorrhage into orbit. XVI1.0. Hemorrhage into parathyroid gland. XIV.A. 135 Hemorrhage, postoperative. XLI. Hemorrhage, puerperal. XXXVIII. Hemorrhage, retinal. XVII.K. Hemorrhage, sub-conjunctival. XVII.D. Hemorrhage into suprarenal gland. XIV.D. Hemorrhage into vitreous. XVIIX. Hemorrhagic disease of the new- born. IV. Hemorrhoids. XXVIII. Hemothorax. XXXII. Hepatitis. XXV. Hepatoptosis. XXV. Hernia. XXVII. Hernia of brain. XV.A. Hernia of lung. XXXI. Hernia of muscle, etc. XVI.C. Herpes of eyelid. XVII.B. Herpes of pharynx. XIX. Herpes simplex. X. Herpes zoster. XV.G. Herpes zoster of auricle. XVII.R. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus. XVII.B. Heterochronia. XVI I.J.I. Heterophoria. XVII.P. Hiccough. See Singultus. Hidradenitis suppurativa. X. Hirschsprung's disease. See Dilatation of colon, congenital. Hodgkin's disease. See Lymph- oma, malignant. Hole in macula. XVII.K. Hordeolum. XVII.B. Horseshoe kidney. VIII. Hourglass contraction of stomach, acquired. XXIII. Hourglass contraction of stomach, congenital. VIII. Housemaid's knee. See Bursitis, prepatellar. Hutchinson's teeth. See Syphilitic teeth. Hydatid mole. VII.B.4. Hydramnioe. XXXVIII. Hydremia. XIII. Hydroa vacciniforme. X. Hydrocele. XXXVI.D. Hydrocele of canal of Nuck. XXXVII.A. Hydrocephalus. XV.A. Hydrocephalus, congenital. VIII. Hydrocystoma. X. Hydromyelia. XV.G. Hydronephrosis. XXXIII. Hydropericardium. XI.B. Hydrophthalmos. See Glaucoma, congenital. Hydropneumothorax. XXXII. Hydrops articulorum intermittens. XV.H. Hydrops of gall bladder. XXV. Hydrorrhea. XVIII. Hydrorrhea gravidarum. XXXVIII. Hydrosalpinx. XXXVII.B. Hydrothorax. XXXII. Hymenolepsis nana. II. Hyperacidity. See Hyperchlorhy- dria. Hyperchlorhydria. XXIII. Hyperchylia gastrica. XXIII. Hyperemesis. XXIII. Hyperemesis gravidarum. XXXVIII1 Hyperemia, cerebral. XV.A. Hyperemia of labyrinth. XVII.W. Hyperesthesia. X. Hyperesthesia, gastric. XXIII. Hyperidrosis. X. Hypermetropia. XVII.A. Hypermotility. XXIII. Hypernephroma. VILB. See part involved. Hyperostosis. XVI.A. Hyperpituitarism. XIV.B. Hypertension. XI.B. Hyperthyroidism. XIV.F. Hypertrichosis. X. Hypertrophy of— See part in- volved. Hypertrophy of clitoris. XXXVII.F. Hypertrophy, pseudomuscular. XV.J. Hypertrophy of turbinate. XVIII. Hypertrophy and dilatation of heart. XI.B. Hypertrophy of tonsils, and ade- noids. XIX. Hyphemia. XVII.F. Hypoacidity. See Hypochlorhy- dria. Hypochlorhydria. XXIII. Hypochondriasis. XV.D.5. Hypomotility. XXIII. Hypopituitarism. XIV.B. Hypopyon. XVII.F. Hypospadias. VIII. Hypotension. XI.B. Hypothyroidism. XIV.F. Hysteria. XV.D.S. 136 Ichthyosis. X. Icterus. See Jaundice. Icterus neonatorum. IV. Idiocy. XV.D.3. Idiosyncrasy to food. XL. Imbecility. XV.D. Immersion. XLI. Impacted feces. XXIV. Impacted teeth. XX. Imperfect poise. XVI.B. Imperfect septum cordis. VIII. Imperforate anus. VIII. Imperforate hymen. VIII. Impetigo, bullous. See Pemphi- gus neonatorum. Impetigo contagiosa. I. Impetigo herpetiformis. X. Impetigo simplex. X. Impotence. XXXVI.A. Inanition fever. IV. Incarceration of iris. XVII.J.l. Incontinence of feces. XXVIII. Incontinence of urine. XXXIV. Indigestion, gastric. XXIII. Indigestion in infants. IV. Indigestion, intestinal. XXIV. Infancy, diseases of. IV. Infantilism. XIV.B. Infarct of heart. XI.B. Infarct of intestine. XXIV. Infarct of kidney. XXXIII. Infarct of lung. XXXI. Infarct of spleen. XIV.C. Infected auricle. XVII.R. Infected wounds. See Wounds, infected. Infection, acute (unqualified). I. Infectious diseases. I. Inflammation of lacrimal gland. XVII.C. Inflammation of lip. XIX. Inflammation of salivary gland. XIX. Inflammation of spermatic cord. XXXVI.D. Inflammation, sympathetic, of uveal tract. XVII.J. Influenza. I. Ingrowing toenail. IX. Injection, circumcorneal. XVII.E. Injection of conjunctiva. XVII.D. Injection of salvarsan. I. Injuries, multiple. XVI.C. Injury (unspecified) — See part involved, except Injury to internal auditory canal. XVI I.W. Injury of ligament. XVI.C. Injury to membrana tympani. XVII.U. Injury of muscle. XVI.C. Injury of tendon. XVI.C. Inoculation, antidiphtheritic. I. Inoculation, antirabies. I. Inoculation, antitetanic. I. Inoculation, antityphoid. I. Insanity, manic depressive. XV.D.4. Insect sting. See Sting. Insolation. V. Insomnia. XV.E. Intermittent claudication. XI.A. Internal ear, diseases of. XVII.W. Intertrigo. X. Intestines, diseases of. XXIV. Intoxication, alimentary. IV. Intoxications. VI. Intussusception. XXIV. Inversion of uterus. XXXVII.D. Iridocyclitis. XVII.J.2. Iridodialysis. XVII.J.l. Iridodonesis. XVII.J.l. Iris, diseases of. XVII.J.L Iris bombe\ See Excluded pupils. Iritis. XVII.J.l. Iritis, gonorrheal. I. Irritation, sympathetic, of optic nerve. XVII.M. Jaundice. XXV. Jaundice, epidemic. See Weil's disease. Jaw, diseases of. XX. Joints, diseases of. XVI.B. Kala-azar. See Leishmaniasis. Keloid. VILA. Keratitis. XVII.E. Keratitis, syphilitic. I. Keratoglobus. XVII.E. Keratomalacia. XVII.E. Keratosis. X. Keratosis follicularis. X. Keratosis gonorrhoica. I. Keratosis tonsillaris. XIX. Kidney, diseases of. XXXIII. Kinked ureter. XXXIII. Korsakoff's syndrome. XV.D.7.a. Kraurosis. X. Kraurosis vulvae. XXXVII.F. Labyrinthitis. XVII.W. Laceration of cervix uteri (old). XXXVII.D. 137 Laceration of cervix uteri (recent). XXXVIII. Laceration of pelvic floor (old). XXXVII.A. Laceration of perineum (recent). XXXVIII. Laceration of sphincter ani. XXVIII. Lacrimal apparatus, diseases of. XVII.C. Lactosuria. III. Lamblia intestinalis. II. Larva migrans. II. Laryngismus stridulus. XXIX. Laryngitis. XXIX. Larynx, diseases of. XXIX. Lathyrism. VI. Lead colic. See Poisoning, chronic industrial, —Lead. VI. Lead encephalopathy. XV.D.7. Lead poisoning. See Poisoning, acute; and Poisoning, chronic industrial. VI. Leishmaniasis. II. Lens, diseases of. XVII.H. Lentigo. X. Leontiasis ossea. XVI.A. Lepothrix. X. Lepra. I. Leprosy. See Lepra. Leucoma. XVII.E. Leucorrhea. XXXVII.A. Leukemia. XIII. Leukemia of labyrinth. XVII.W. Leukoderma. X. Leukonychia. X. Leukoplakia of bladder. XXXIV. Leukoplakia of mouth. XIX. Leukoplakia of tongue. XXI. Lichen planus. X. Lichen ruber. See Pityriasis rubra pilaris. Lichen scrofulosorum. X. Lichen urticatus. See Urticaria papulosa. Lightning stroke. See Electric shock. Lingua geographica. XXI. Lingua nigrans. XXI. Lips, diseases of. XIX. Lipoma. VILA. Lipoma arborescens. XVI.B. Lipomatosis. III. Little's disease. XV.A. Livedo. X. Liver, diseases of. XXV. Locomotor system, diseases of. XVI.C' Loose body in joint. XVI.B. Lungs, diseases of. XXXI. Lupus erythematosus. X. Lupus vulgaris. I. Lupus of mouth. See Tubercu- losis of mouth (lupus). Lupus of pharynx. See Tubercu- losis of pharynx (lupus). Lymphadenitis. XII. Lymphadenitis, chancroidal. I. Lymphangiectasis (non-filarial). XII. Lymphangioma. VILA. Lymphangitis, acute. XII. Lymphangitis, chancroidal. I. Lymphangitis, puerperal. XXXVIII. Lymphatic system, diseases of. XII. Lymphocytosis. XIII. Lymphoid hypertrophy of con- junctiva. XVII.D. Lymphoma. VILA. Lymphoma, maligant. VILB.10 Macrocheilia. See Hypertrophy of lip. Macroglossia. XXI. Macula. XVII.E. Madura foot. See Mycetoma. Malaria. II. Malformation, congenital — of a part. VIII. Malignant disease (unspecified). VILB. See part involved. Malingering. XV.D.4. Mallet finger. XVI.C. Malnutrition. XLI. Malnutrition in infants. IV. Malta fever. I. Mammillitis. XXXVIII. Marasmus. IV. Mastitis. XXXIX. Mastitis, lactative. XXXVIII. Mastitis in infants. IV. Mastitis with mumps. I. Mastodynia. XV.F.l. Mastoiditis. XVII.V. Masturbation. XV.E. Measles. See Morbilli. Measles, German. See Rubella. Mediastinitis. XXXII. Mediastinopericarditis. XI.B. Mediastinum, diseases of. XXXII. Melancholia, involution. XV.D.4. Melanodermia. X. Melena. See Hemorrhage, in- testinal. Melena neonatorum. IV. Meniere's disease. See Hemor- rhage of labyrinth. Meningeal hemorrhage. XV.C. Meninges, diseases of. XV.C. Meningismus. XV.C. Meningitis. XV.C. Meningitis, epidemic cerebro- spinal. I. Meningitis, syphilitic. I. Meningitis, tuberculous. I. Meningocele. VIII. Meningococcus carrier. I. Meningoencephalocele. VIII. Menopause. XXXVII.A. Menorrhagia. XXXVII.A. Menstruation, disorders of. XXXVII.A. Mental affections. XV.D. Meralgia paresthetica. XV.F.l. Metabolism, diseases of. III. Metastrongylus apri. II. Metatarsalgia. XV.F.l. Metritis. XXXVII.D. Metritis, puerperal. XXXVIII. Metrorrhagia. XXXVII.D. Microcephalus. VIII. Micturition, frequent. XXXIV. Micturition, painful. XXXIV. Middle ear, diseases of. XVII.V. Midriasis. XVII.J.l. Migraine. XV.E. Mikulicz's disease. XIX. Miliaria. X. Miliary fever. I. Milium. X. Milk retention. XXXVIII. Milk sickness. I. Miscarriage. XXXVIII. Mitral insufficiency. See Valvu- lar disease, chronic cardiac. Mitral insuniciency and stenosie. See Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac. Mitral stenosis. See Valvular disease, chronic cardiac; and Valvular disease, congenital cardiac. Mitral and tricuspid insufficiency. See Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac. Mitral and tricuspid insufficiency and stenosis. See Valvular disease, combined chronic car- diac. Mitral and tricuspid stenosis. See Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac. Mixed malignant tumor. VILB. See part involved. Mixed non-malignant tumor. VILA. Molluscum contagiosum. X. Monilethrix. X. Monoplegia. XV.A. Monster. VIII. Morbilli. I. Morphea. X. Morton's toe. See Metatarsalgia. Morvan's disease. See Syringo- myelia. Mouth, diseases of. XIX. Movable kidney. See Nephro- ptosis. Movable spleen. XIV.C. Mucocele. VILA. Mucomycosis. I. Mumps. I. Murmurs, cardiac (non-organic). XI.B. Muscle preponderance (cardiac). XI.B. Myalgia. XV.J. Myasthenia gravis. XV.J. Mycetoma. I. Mycosis. I. Mycosis fungoides. See Granu- loma fungoides. Myelitis. XV.G. Myeloma, multiple. VII.B.l. Myiasis. II. Myocardial insufficiency. XI.B. Myocarditis. XI.B. Myoclonus. XV.E. Myoclonus fibrillaris multiplex. See Myokymia. Myokymia. XV.E. Myoma. VILA. Myopathies. XV.J. Myopia. XVII.A. Myositis. XV.J. Myotonia congenita. XV.J. Myringitis. XVII.V. Myxedema. XIV.F. Myxofibroma. VILA. Myxoma. VILA. Naso-pharyngitis. XIX. Nebula. XVII.E. Necrosis. XVI.A. Necrosis, fat. XXVII. Necroapermia. See Sterility in the male. 139 Omphalitis. IV. Onychauxis. X. Onychia. X. Onychomycosis. I. Oophoritis. XXXVII.C. Oophoritis with mumps. I. Opacity of vitreus. XVII.D. Open foramen ovale. VIII. Ophthalmia neonatorum. IV. Ophthalmia, sympathetic. XVII.M. Ophthalmoplegia. XV.A. Optic nerve, diseases of. XVII.M. Orbit, diseases of. XVI LO. Orchitis. XXXVI.F. | Orchitis with mumps. I. Ossification of cartilage. XVI.A. Ossification of larynx. XXIX. Ossification of tracheal rings. XXX. Osteitis. XVI.A. Osteitis deformans. XVI.A. Osteoarthritis. XVI.B. Osteoarthropathy, hypertrophic pulmonary. III. Osteochondritis deformans juve- nilis. XVI.A. Osteochondritis dessicans. XVI.B. Osteochondroma. VILA. Osteogenesis imperfecta. XVI.A. Osteoma. VILA. Osteomalacia. III. Osteomyelitis. XVI.A. Otalgia. XVII.Q. Othematoma. See Hematoma of auricle. Otitis externa. XVII.S. Otitis media. XVII.V. Otitis media, suppurative, results of. XVII.V. Otomycosis. I. Otosclerosis. XVII.V. Ovary, diseases of. XXXVII.C. Oxycephaly. VIII. Oxyuris vermicularis. II. Ozena. XVIII. Nematoda. II. Nephralgia. XXXIII. Nephritis. XXXIII. Nephritis of pregnancy. XXXVIII. Nephrolithiasis. XXXIII. Nephroptosis. XXXIII. Nervous system, diseases of. XV. Nervousness in children. XV.E. Neuralgia. XV.F.l. Neuralgia, trigeminal. XV.F.1. Neurasthenia. XV.D.5. Neuritis. XV.F. Neuritis, acute bulbar. XV.A. Neuritis, alcoholic. XV.F. Neuritis, lead. XV.F. Neuritis, optic. XVII.M. Neuritis, retrobulbar. XVII.M. Neurofibroma. XV.F.3. Neurofibromatosis. XV.F.3. Neuroma. XV.F.3. Neuroretinitis. XVII.K. Neuroses, occupation. XV.E. Neurosis of bladder. XXXIV. Neurosis, cardiac. XI.B. Neurosis, gastric. XXIII. Neurosis, intestinal. XXIV. Neurosis of larynx. XXIX. Neurosis of pharynx. XIX. Neurosis, traumatic. XV.D. Neurosis, vasomotor. XV.H. Nevus. X. Night blindness. XVII.K. Nightmare. See Pavor nocturnus. Nocardiosis. I. No diagnosis. XLI. No disease. XLI. Noma. See Stomatitis gangrenosa. Non-union of bone. XVI.A. Nose, diseases of. XVIII. Nystagmus. XVII.P. Obesity. III. Obstruction, intestinal. XXIV. Obstruction, intestinal (con- genital). VIII. Obstruction of pancreatic duct. XXVI. Obstruction to portal vein. XXV. Ochronosis. III. Occluded pupil. XVII.J.l. Occlusion of puncta. XVII.C. Ocular motion, disturbances of. XVII.P. Odontalgia. XX. Oidiomycosis. I. Oligospermia. See Sterility in the male. Pachydermatocele. See Dermato- lysis. Pachymeningitis. XV.C. Paget's disease of bone. See Oste- itis deformans. Paget's disease of nipple. XXXIX. Palate, diseases of. XIX. Palpitation of heart. XI.B. Pancreas, diseases of. XXVI. Pancreatitis. XXVI. Panopthalmitis. XVII.N. 140 Papillitis. XVII.M. Papilloma. VILA. Pappataci fever. See Phleboto- mous fever. Paragonimiasis. II. Parakeratosis. X. Paralysis, abductor. XXIX. Paralysis agitans. XV.E. Paralysis, birth. IV. Paralysis of brachial plexus. XV.F. Paralysis, bulbar. XV.A. Paralysis, cerebral infantile. XV.A. Paralysis of cranial nerves. XV.F. Paradysis, crutch. XV.F. Paralysis, facial. See Paralysis of cranial nerves. Paralysis', family periodic. XV.E. Paralysis, infantile. See Polio- myelitis. Paralysis, ischemic. XV.H. Paralysis of larynx. XXIX. Paralysis, obstetrical. XV.F. Paralysis of oculomotor nerves. XVII.P. Paralysis of peripheral nerves. XV.F. Paralysis, professional. XV.F. Paralysis, pressure. XV.G. Paralysis, pseudobulbar. XV.A. Paralysis of recurrent nerve. XXIX. Paralysis, spastic. See Sclerosis, lateral. Paralysis, vestibular. XVII.W. Paralysis of vocal cords. XXIX. Paralytic ileus. XXIV. Parameba hominis. II. Parametritis. XXXVII.D. Paramyoclonus multiplex. See Myoclonus. Paramyotonia. See Myotonia. Paranoia. XV.D. Paraphimosis. XXXVI.B. Paraphimosis, chancroidal. I. Paraphrenia. XV.D. 2. Paraplegia, ataxic. See Sclerosis, combined. Paraplegia, senile. XV.G. Paraplegia, spastic. See Sclero- sis, lateral. Parapsoriasis. X. Parasites, intestinal. II. Parasitic diseases. II. Parasitic flies. II. Parasitic insect. II. Parathyroid glands, diseases of. XIV.A. Paratyphoid fever. I. Para-urethral duct. VIII. Paravaginitis. XXXVII.E. Paresis, general. XV.D. Parasthesia. XV.E. Paronychia. X. Parotitis. XIX. Parotitis, epidemic. See Mumps. Parturition. XXXVIII. Pavor nocturnus. XV.E. Pediculosis. II. Pellagra. I. Pemphigus. X. Pemphigus neonatorum. IV. Penis, diseases of. XXXVI.B. Perforated nasal septum. XVIII. Perforation of cornea. XVII.E. Perforation of iris. XVII.J.l. Pericarditis. XI.B. Pericementitis. XX. Perichondritis. XVI.A. Perichondritis of auricle. XVII.R. Perichondritis of larynx. XXIX. Perigastritis. XXIII. Perihepatitis. XXV. Perilabyrinthitis. XVII.W. Perinephritis. XXXIII. Periostitis. XVI.A. Periostitis of orbit. XVII.O. Peripheral nerves, diseases of. XV.F. Peripheral nerves, injuries of. XV.F. Perisplenitis. XIV.C. Peritoneum, diseases of. XXVII. Peritonitis. XXVII. Peritonitis, gonorrheal. I. Peritonitis, puerperal. XXXVIII. Peritonitis, tuberculous. See Tu- berculosis of peritoneum. Periurethritis, gangrenous. See Extravasation of urine. Pernio. X. Peroneal spasm. XVI.C. Persistent ductus arteriosus. VIII. Persistent thymus gland. XIV.E. Persistent thyro-glossal duct. VIII. Persistent urachus. VIII. Perthes' disease. See Osteochon- dritis deformans juvenilis. Pertussis. See Whooping cough. Perversion of appetite. See Ano- rexia nervosa. Pes cavus. XVI.C. 141 Pes cavus, congenital. VIII. Pes planus. XVI.C. Pes planus, congenital. VIII. Phantom tumor. XLI. Pharyngitis. XIX. Pharynx, diseases of. XIX. Phimosis. XXXVI.B. Phimosis, chancroidal. I. Phlebitis. XI.C. Phlebitis, puerperal. XXXVIII. Phlebosclerosis. XI.C. Phlebotomous fever. I. Phlegmasia alba dolens. XXXVIII. Phlegmona diffusa. See Cellulitis. Phthiriasis palpebrarum. II. Phthisis. See Tuberculosis, pul- monary. Phthisis bulbi. See Disorganized globe. Piedra. X. Pilonidal sinus. VIII. Pineal gland, tumor of. XV.A.3. Pinguicula. XVII.D. Pinta. II. Pituitary gland, diseases of. XIV.B. Pituitary gland, tumor of. XV.A.4. Pityriasis. X. Placenta previa. XXXVIII. Plague. I. Pleura, diseases of. XXXII. Pleurisy. XXXII. Pleurisy, tuberculous. See Tuber- culosis of pleura. Pneumaturia. XXXIV. Pneumonia. I. Pneumonitis. I. Pneumonoconiosis. XXXI. Pneumopericardium. XI.B. Pneumophagia. XXIII. Pneumothorax. XXXII. Poisoning from war gases. See Poisoning, accidental, from inhalation of gases. VI. Poisonings. VI. Polioencephalitis. I. Poliomyelitis. I. Poliomyelitis (Landry's type). XV.G. Polycystic kidney, congenital. VIII. Polycythemia. XIII. Polymyositis. XV.J. Polypus. VILA. Polyserositis. XLI. Polyuria. XXXIII. Pompholyx. See Dysidrosis. Pons, tumor of. XV.A.5. Porokeratosis. X. Pott's disease. See Tuberculosis of spine. Powder in conjunctiva. XVII.D. Powder in cornea. XVII.E. Pregnancy. XXXVIII. Pregnancy, extra-uterine. XXXVIII. Premature delivery. XXXVIII. Prematurity. IV. Presbyophrenia. XV.D.l. Presbyopia. XVII.A. Prickly heat. See Miliaria. Procidentia. XXXVII.D. Proctitis. XXVIII. Progeria. See Infantilism. Prolapse of — See part involved. Pronated feet. XVI.C. Prostate, diseases of. XXXVI.C. Prostatism. XXXVI.C. Prostatitis. XXXVI.C. Prostatitis, gonorrheal. I. Prostatorrhea. XXXVI.A. Prurigo. X. Pruritus. X. Pruritus ani. XXVIII. Pruritus vulvae. XXXVII.F. Psammoma. VILA. Pseudoglioma. XVII.N. Pseudoleukemia, infantile. XIII. Pseudoparesis. XV.D.7.a. Pseudosclerosis. XV. B. Psoriasis. X. Psorospermatosis. See Keratosis follicularis. Psychasthenia. XV.D.5. Psychoneurosis. XV.D.5. Psychopathic inferiority. XV.D. Psychopathic personality. XV.D. Psychoses, anxiety. XV.D.5. Psychoses, infectious. XV.D.6. Psychoses, toxic. XV.D.7. Pterygium. XVII.D. Ptosis of eyelid. See Paralysis of 3d nerve. XVII.P. Puerperal state, diseases of. XXXVIII. Puerperium. XXXVIII. Pulmonary insufficiency. See Val- vular disease, chronic cardiac. Pulmonary stenosis. See Valvu- lar disease, chronic cardiac; and Valvular disease, congeni- tal cardiac. Pulpitis. XX. Pulsus alternans. XI.B. 142 Pupillary membrane. XVII.J.l. Purpura. XIII. Pyelitis. XXXIII. Pyelonephritis. XXXIII. Pyemia. I. Pylephlebitis. XI.C. Pyloric incontinence. XX III. Pyloric stenosis. XXIII. Pyloric stenosis, congenital. VIII. Pylorospasm. XXIII. Pyonephrosis. XXXIII. Pyopneumopericardium. XI.B. Pyopneumothorax. XXXII. Pyorrhea alveolaris. XX. Pyosalpinx. XXXVII.B. Pyuria. XXXIV. Rabies. I. Radientitis. XV.F. Radium burn. See Dermatitis actinica. Ranula. See Salivary cyst. Rat-bite fever. I. Raynaud's disease. XV.H. Recklinghausen's disease. See Neurofibromatosis. Rectocele. XXXVI I.E. Rectum, diseases of. XXVIII. Redundant prepuce. XXXVI.B. Redundant scrotum. XXXVI.D. Regurgitation, gastric. XXIII. Relapsing fever. I. Relaxed abdominal ring. XXVII. Relaxed pelvic floor. XXXVII.A. Relaxed sacro-iliac. XVI.B. Relaxed sphincter ani. XXVIII. Retained secundines. XXXVIII. Retarded development. XLI. Retarded mental development. XV.D. Retention of urine. XXXIV. Retina, diseases of. XVII.K. Retinitis. XVII.K. Retroflexion of uterus. XXXVII.D. Retroversion of uterus. XXXVII.D. Rheumatic fever. I. Rheumatism, acute articular. I. Rheumatism, chronic articular. See Arthritis, chronic infec- tious. Rhinitis. XVIII. Rhinitis, atrophic. See Ozena. Rhinolith. XVIII. Rhinophyma. VILA. Rhinoscleroma. XVIII. Rickets (patients over two years of age). III. Rickets (patients under two years of age). IV. Rickets, deformities due to. XVI.B. Ringworm. See Tinea trichophy- tina. Rocky Mountain spotted fever. I. Rosacea. X. Rubella. I. Rumination. XXIII. Rupture of — See part involved. Rupture of membrana tympani. XVII.V. Rupture of uterus (parturition). XXXVIII. Ruptured globe. XVII.N. Ruptured sphincter ani. XXVIII. Salivary cyst. XIX. Salivary glands, diseases of. XIX. Salpingitis. XXXVII.B. Salpingitis, Eustachian. XVII.T. Salpingitis, gonorrheal. I. Salpingitis, tuberculous. See Tu- berculosis of genital organs. Sarcoid. X. Sarcoma. VILB. See part in- volved. Sarcoma, giant cell. VII.B.l. Sarcopsiliasis. II. Scabies. II. Scalds. V. Scarlatina. I. Scarlet fever. See Scarlatina. Schistosomiasis. II. Sciatica. XV.F.l. Sclera, diseases of. XVII.G. Sclerema neonatorum. IV. Scleritis. XVII.G. Scleroderma. XV.H. Sclero-keratitis. XVII.G. Sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral. XV.G. Sclerosis, combined. XV.G. Sclerosis of corpus cavernoeum. XXXVI.B. Sclerosis, lateral. XV.G. Sclerosis, multiple. XV.B. Sclerosis of ovary. XXXVII.C. Scoliosis. XVI.B. Scorbutus. See Scurvy. Scrofuloderma. I. Scrotum, diseases of. XXXVI.D. Scurvy. III. Seasickness. XLI. Seborrhea. X. Seminal vesicles, diseases of. XXXVI.E. Senility. See Dementia, senile. Separation of epiphysis. XVI.A. Separation of retina. XVII.K. Sepsis (not deep). IX. Sepsis of umbilicus. See Ompha- litis. Septic joint. I. Septic sore throat, epidemic. I. Septicemia. I. Septicemia, puerperal. XXXVIII. Serum sickness. XL. Sex-hypochondriasis. XV.D.5. Sexual perversion. XV.D. Shock, anaphylactic. XL. Shock, surgical. XLI. Singer's node. XXIX. Singultus. XV.F.2. Sino-auricular block. XI.B. Sinus, abdominal. XXVII. Sinus arhythmia. XI.B. Sinus to bone. XVI.A. Sinus to joint. XVI.B. Sinus of skin, or subcutaneous tissue. IX. Sinus, tracheal. XXX. Sinus thrombosis. XV.A. Sinusitis. XVIII. Situs transversus, VIII. Skin, diseases of. X. Sleeping sickness. See Trypano- somiasis. SUpping patella. XVI.B. Smallpox. See Variola. Snake venom poisoning. VI. Snapping hip. XVI.B. Softening, chronic progressive cerebral. See Encephakxma- lacia. Solitary tubercle. See Tubercu- loma. Somnambulism. XV.E. Sparganum proliferum. II. Spasm. XV.F.2. Spasm of pharynx. XIX. Spasm of rectum. XXVIII. Spasmophilia. III. Spasmus nutans. XV.F.2. Spastic laryngeal cough. XXIX. Speech defect (anatomical origin). XIX. Speech defect (not anatomical). XV.E. Spermatocele. XXXVI.D. Spermatorrhea. XXXVI.A. Spina bifida. VIII. Spinal cord, diseases of. XV.G. Spirillosis. See Relapsing fever. Splanchnoptosis. See Visceroptosis. Spleen, diseases of. XIV.C. Splenitis. XIV.C. Splenomegaly, primary. See Banti's disease. Splenoptosis. XIV.C. Spondylitis typhosa. I. Sporotrichosis. I. Sprain of joint. XVI.B. Sprue. I. Spur of nasal septum. XVIII. Staphylococcus infection. I. Staphyloma of cornea. XVII.E. Staphyloma of sclera. XVII.G. Starvation. XLI. Stasis, gastric. See Hypomotility. Stasis, intestinal. XXIV. Status lymphaticus. XIV.E. Steatoma. See Wen. Stenosis of — See part involved. Stenosis, congenital. VIII. Stenosis of naso-lacrimal duct. XVII.C. Sterility in the female. XXXVII .A. Sterility in the male. XXXVI.A. Sting, insect. IX. Stomach, diseases of. XXIII. Stomatitis. XIX. Stomatitis gangrenosa. IX. Stone in ampulla of Vater. XXV. Stone in bile duct. XXV. Strabismus. XVII.P. Strain of joint. XVI.B. Strain of ligament. XVI.C. Strain of muscle. XVI.C. Strain of tendon. XVI.C. Streptococcus infection. I. Streptothricosis. I. Stricture of — See part involved. Stridor, congenital. IV. Strongyloides, intestinal. II. Strongyloidosis. II. Strongylus gibsoni. II. Subinvolution of uterus. XXXVIII. Subluxation of joint. XVI.B. Sudamen. X. Sudden death. XLI. Suffocation by smoke. VI. Suicide. XLI. Sunburn. See Dermatitis actinica. Sunstroke. See Insolation. Supernumerary fingers. VIII. Supernumerary toes. VIII. Suprarenal gland, diseases of. XIV.D. 144 Swine fever. I. Sycosis. X. Symblepharon. XVII.D. Sympathetic nervous system, diseases of. XV.H. Synchisis scintillans. XVII.L. Synechia. XVII.J.l. Synovitis. XVI.B. Syphilis. I. Syphilitic teeth. I. Syphiloma of brain (cerebellum). XV.A.l.a. Syphiloma of brain (cerebrum). XV.A.2. Syphiloma of spinal cord. XV.G. Syringo-cystadenoma. VILA. Syringoma. VILA. Syringomyelia. XV.G. Tabes dorsalis. XV.G. Tabes mesenterica. See Tubercu- losis of mesenteric lymph nodes. Tabetic crisis. XV.G. Taboparesis. XV. B. Tachycardia. XI.B. Tachypnea, hysterica. XLI. Talipes. XVI.C. Talipes, congenital. VIII. Tape-worm. See Cestoda infec- tion. Teeth, diseases of. XX. Teething. See Dentition, difficult. Telangiectasis. XI.A. Tenia. II. Teniasis. II. Tenonitis. XVII.O. Tenosynovitis. XVI.C. Tenosynovitis, gonorrheal. I. Tenosynovitis, tuberculous. See Tuberculosis of tendon sheaths. Teratoma. VILA. Testicle, diseases of. XXXVI.F. Tetanus. I. Tetany. XIV.A. Thermic fever. See Insolation. Thomsen's disease. See Myoto- nia congenita. Thromboangeitis obliterans (ar- teries). XI.A. Thromboangeitis obliterans (veins). XI.C. Thrombophlebitis. XI.C. Thrombosis (arteries). XI.A. Thrombosis (veins). XI.C. Thrombosis, cerebral. XV.A. Thrombosis, puerperal. XXXVIII. Thrombosis, pulmonary. XXXI. Thrush. I. Thymus gland, diseases of. XIV.E. Thyroid gland, diseases of. XIV.F. Thyroiditis. XIV.F. Tic ccnvulsif. XV.E. Tic douloureux. See Neuralgia, trigeminal. Ticks. II. Tinea. I. Toe-drop. XVI.C. Tongue, diseases of. XXI. Tongue-tie. VIII. Tongue swallowing. XXI. Tonsillitis. XIX. Tonsils, diseases of. XIX. Torsion of omentum. XXVII. Torsion of spermatic cord. XXXVI.F. Torticollis. XV.F.2. Torticollis, non-spasmodic. XVI.C. Tower skull. See Oxycephaly. Toxemia of pregnancy. XXXVIII. Trachea, diseases of. XXX. Tracheitis. XXX. Tracheocele. XXX. Trachoma. I. Transposition of great vessels. VIII. Transposition of viscera. VIII. Trematoda infection. II. Trembles. See Milk sickness. Tremor. XV.E. Trench fever. I. Trench foot. See Pernio. Trench mouth. XIX. Trench nephritis. See Nephritis, acute. Trichiasis. XVII.B. Trichiniasis. II. Trichoepithelioma. VILA. Trichomonas intestinalis. II. Trichorrhexis nodosa. X. Trichostrongylus instabilis. II. Trichuriasis. II. Trichuris trichiura. II. Tricuspid insufficiency. See Val- vular diseaise, chronic cardiac. Tricuspid insufficiency and ste- nosis. See Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac. Tricuspid stenosis. See Valvular disease, chronic cardiac. Trigger finger. XVI.C. Trypanosomiasis. II. Tuberculoma of brain(cerebellum). XV.A.l.a. 145 Tuberculoma of brain (cerebrum). XV.A.2. Tuberculoma of brain (pons). XV.A.5. Tuberculoma of spinal cord. XV.G. Tuberculosis. I. Tumor, phantom. XLI. Tumor of brain. XV.A. Tumor of peripheral nerve. XV.F.3. Tumor of spinal cord. XV.G. Tumors, benign. VILA. Tumors, malignant. VILB. Typhoid bacillus carrier. I. Typhoid fever. I. Typhus fever. I. Ulcer of — See part involved. Ulcer of cornea. See Keratitis, ulcerative. Ulcer of epiglottis. XXIX. Ulcer of skin, or subcutaneous tissue. IX. Ulcer, varicose. XI.C. Ulcus molle. See Chancroid. Ulcus perforans. XV.G. Uncinariasis. II. Undescended testicle. VIII. Undulant fever. See Malta fever. Unicornate uterus. VIII. Uremia. XXXIII. Ureter, diseases of. XXXIII. Ureteritis. XXXIII. Urethra, diseases of. XXXV. Urethral fever. XXXV. Urethritis. XXXV. Urethritis, gonorrheal. I. Uric acid infarction of kidney. IV. Uridrosis. X. Uronephrosis. See Hydronephro- sis. Urticaria. X. Urticaria, anaphylactic. XL. Urticaria papulosa. X. Uterus, diseases of. XXXVII.D. Uveal tract, diseases of. XVII.J. Uveitis. XVII.J. Uvulitis. XIX. Vaccination. I. Vagina, diseases of. XXXVII.E. Vaginismus. XXXVII.E. Vaginitis. XXXVII.E. Vaginitis, gonorrheal. I. Vagotonia. XV.E. Vagrancy. XLI. Valvular disease, chronic cardiac. XI.B. Valvular disease, combined chronic cardiac. XI.B. Valvular disease, congenital car- diac. VIII. Varicella. I. Varicocele. XXXVI.D. Variola. I. Varix. XI.C. Varix, esophageal. XXII. Varix of papilla of kidney. XXXIII. Vascular changes of orbit. XVII.O. Veins, diseases of. XI.C. Venereal warts. See Condyloma acuminatum. Ventricular ectopic beats. XI.B. Verruca. X. Verruca peruviana. I. Vertigo. XV.E. Vertigo, paralyzing. XV.E. Vesiculitis. XXXVI.E. Vesiculitis, gonorrheal. I. Vesiculitis, tuberculous. See Tuberculosis of genital organs. Vicious circle. XXIII. Vincent's angina. XIX. Visceroptosis. XXIV. Vitiligo. X. Vitreous, diseases of. XVII.L. Volkmann's paralysis. See Paraly- sis, ischemic. Volvulus. XXIV. Vomiting, recurrent. III. Vulva, diseases of. XXXVII.F. Vulvitis. XXXVII.F. Vulvo-vaginitis. XXXVII.E. Vulvo-vaginitis, gonorrheal. I. War psychoneurosis. XV.D.5. Wart. See Verruca. Wart, senile. See Verruca sebor- rheica. Wassermann reaction, positive. I. Weaning. IV. Web of esophagus. XXII. Webbed fingers. VIII. Webbed toes. VIII. Weil's disease. I. Wen. VILA. Whooping cough. I. Wilson's disease. See Degenera- tion, progressive lenticular. Winckel's disease. See Hemo- globinuria in infants. 1 Wound of— See part involved, except Wound of joint. XVI.B. Wound of ligament. XVI.C. Wound of muscle. XVI.C. Wound of skin, or subcutaneous tissue. IX. Wound of tendon. XVI.C. Wound, infected. I. Wound of operation. XLI. Wound infection, diphtheritic. I. Wounds, multiple. XVI.C. Wrist-drop. XVI.C. Xanthoma. X. Xeroderma pigmentosum. X. Xerostomia. XIX. X-ray burn. See Dermatitis ac- tinica. Yaws. See Frambesia. Yellow fever. I. »09.- avj Advjjan ivnouvn 3NiDia3w jo Aavaan ivnouvn 3NIOIQ3W JO Aa IMI0NAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY I3IQ3W jo Afcvagii ivnouvn 3noio3w jo Aavaan ivnouvn 3NI3IQ3W JO AaV! 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