ALLIED TRANSLATOR AND INTERPRETER 議ON PAClFiC « AXIS. PUBLICATION No* 9 I Feb 45 JAPANESE—ENGLISH 画,酬画 疋一。三立一一七臣こ-二見一四七酉一六四革 |七七*1一九二jHinEil 疒loi3夕マ七<|自 II角 5<釆 iー韋-セ< 鬲 |九ー_1黽ニS ' -3& 一四5 g 111Jim 一四九j里一六六一韭-七九鬼一九四鼎-10穴 -0i 一音-<。8— 鼓 i 一八一魚 i 鼠。八 JAAvi 01 長一穴食ー会齒i f置 門ニ父首 一S鹿-炎齊-ニ。 阜料-八六麥-九九 j一七四骨-八八•黃ー一で龍i 内ニ四耳一二八衣一四五一辰-六一非.1七五高-八九黍§ニ龜三三 禾ニ五聿一二九两 icontd. 動 HAND〇—Reaction. 齒 S O P P A — Projecting teeth. 嫌 HA N N 5 — Reaction; response. 撞隆起H A N s H u RYUKI — Dicrotic wage : double beating, as observed in certain pathologic con- ditions of the pulse. 折射 HANSETSUSHA— Catadioptric; produced by both the reflection and re- fraction of light. I里IT SH〇 — To take; to receive; to seize. Osameru — To reap; to obtain; to pay in. SHCSHUKU — Con- traction. 容部S H U Y 0 B U — Receiving ward. 1139 JU; Ukem — To receive; to get. 働的免疫法jud5teki MENEKIHO — Passive immunization. 艰R J U K E N — Take an examination. 尿器 JUNYOKI—Urinal. 11S9 s SO ; SHU—An old man. RAD. 30 0 篁篁4夏 r—^ K〇; KU; Kuchi — Mouth; opening; entrance ; hole. 腔 K〇K〇 — Oral cavity; the mouth, 練炎丨 K〇KY〇EN— Angina; a sense of suffocation. 臭 KGSHO—Halitosis. 聲旬行疫 KOSHIN 一Labial herpes; lip dis- ease. 内炎 KONAIEN — Stoma- titis; inflammation of the mouth. 蓋破裂 kOgai hare- TSU — Rupture of the palate. ゴモル KUCHIGOMORU —To stammer. 輪筋 K G R I N K I N — Orbicularis oris muscle. 呼吸 KOKOKYt — Oral respiration. 腔粘液 K〇K0 neneki ■—Mucus of the mouth. 架 K〇KA — Upper part of foregut. 崠 K 0 K Y 0 — Pharyngeal opening. 内齒爛 K5NAIBIRAN —Stomalgia; pain in the mouth. 30 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary一contd. O KUCHI ATARI 一Taste. 內癌 kGnaigan — Carcinoma of the mouth. 臭KOSHtJ — Odor of the mouth or breath. 中藥 kOchCyaku —Stomatica. 緣 K〇EN —Oral segment. 蓋骨 kOgaikotsu ■—Palate bone, 蓋 K 0 G A I K Y 0 — Palatine arch. 蓋麻痺 KOGAIMAHI— Paralysis of the palate. 瘦攀 kGkeiren — Spasmodic distortion of the mouth. 筋 KOKIN — Muscle of the mouth. 熱 KONETSU — Fever in the mouth. 1154 ih—li KA — May. Yoshi 一 Good; all right. Beshi — Will;shall; must. 溶性灘粉kayGsei D E M P U 一 Aniylogen ; starch. 1148 l L KYO; KYU; Sakebu — To cry out. * KYOSEI—A shrill voice. 1158 YU; U; Migi — Right; the above (in written language). 肩胛部肓管銃創 YUKENKOBU M〇KAN- JUSO — Bullet imbedded in the right scapula section. 心房 yushinbG — Right auricle. 心室 YUSHINSHITSU— Right ventricle. I 1170 GO; Au — To join; to unite; to meet. 併 G A P P E I — Union; coalition; amalgamation; fusion. 併病 GAPPEIBY 0 — Coalescent disease ; the disease causing the growing together of two bodies. 1172 S fcS KITSU; KICHI; Yoshi 一Good;lucky. 草劑 K I S S 0 Z A I — Val- erian preparation, % 草酸メントノレ KISSOSAN MEN TORU — Menthol valer ate. 三o Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 1„ー。 hang. Iw带 tsurihOtai 一Sling; suspensory. 117S TO; Haku — To spew; to disgorge; to vomit. HAKIKE—Nausea. 哺 T O H 0 — To disgorge; to vomit. HAKI GUSURI —An emetic. 清 T 0 S H A — Vomiting and diarrhea. 眩 T 0 G E N —Nausea and dizziness. 並 栄 HAKUKUSURI — An emetic : an agent caus- ing vomiting. 根SIe TOKONJO — Ipeca- cuanha tablet; an emetic. 齊 Emetic. 鴻 T 0 S H Aメ — Diarrhea (accompanied by vomit- 1187 r—^ 匕 ノ TON; DON; Nomu — To drink; to swallow. RXdONHAKU — Re- gurgitation. "97 GAN ; GON : Fukutnu — To hold in the mouth; to include. 嗽 UGAI—Gargling. 水炭素 GANSUITANSO —Carbohydrate. 糖A = ted pepsin. > 糖石灰 GANTO SEK- KAI — Saccharated lime. 糖ニドlsGuA—NL0 charated iron iodide. 1207 l J GO — Name of an old Chinese province. Kureru — To give; to please. 茱萸 GOSHUYU — Fruit of evodia. & T 0 T S U : Domoru 一 To stutter; to stammer. 1211 r, K Y 0; Sun — To suck; to inhale; to smoke. 收 KYOSHC — Absorption. 引性肺炎KYOINSEI pneumonia. 32 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 三o 八 KYtNYt — Suction; inhalation. 着劑 KYOCHAKUZAI— Absorbent. K Y tJ K I — Respiration : breath. B KYCKAN—Pipette. 乳器 KYtiNYCKI 一 Breast pump. 入筋 KYtJNYn K I N — Inspiratory muscle. 引 KYt)lN—Absorb. 引装置 kyCinsochi —Aspirator. 1212 SUI; Fuku—To blow. 出物 FUKIDEMONO —Skin eruptions; rash; pimples. ® S U I K Y tr — Breathing; respiration. 噓 SUI KY〇—Exhalation. 儀 FUN—The lips. FUNG〇 — Anastomosis; inosculation; the union of two vessels. 上剛毛 FUNJO GOMO —Vibrissa; one of the stiff hairs within the nos- trils. 1219 KOKU : Tsugeru; Mosu — To tell; to inform. 知義務K O K U C H I G I M U — Notification of infectious disease. 1232 g RO; RYO—The backbone. 1227 呕_ O; Haku—To vomit. tfc 〇TO一Vomiting. 血 0 K E T S U — Vomiting blood. \ 1241 s k KO—A child’s cry. 呱K O K O — Sound of a baby’s cry. 1251 呼 k KO — Exhale. Yobu — To call. 吸器械 KOKYC- K IKAI — Pulmotor. 吸 K O K Y U—Respiration; breathing. 吸器病 KOKYO K 1 B Y 0 — Respiratory disease. 33 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. =o 吸不利 KOKYCFURI 一 Apnoea; partial sus- pension of breath. 吸歷 KOKYtATSU 一 Respiratory pressure. 吸中樞 KOKYUCHCsU —Respiratory center. 吸不隨 KOKYCFUZUI —Bradypnea; an ab- normal infrequency of breathing. 吸迅速 K 0 K Y 0 J I N- S 0 K U 一 Brachypnoea; short breathed. 吸痙攣 K〇m KEIREN — Respiratory spasms. 吸筋 KOKY t KIN — Respiratory muscle. 吸 San—Kニ 吸門 KOK Y tJMON — Orifice of respiratory pas- sage. 吸 fS_n 吸器 KOK Y0KI —The respiratory organs. 1262 ‘ J WA — To be reconciled with. Yawarageru — To temper. Nagu — To subside; to calm. Yamato ——Japan. 杜仲 W A T 0 CJ H C— Cortex euonymi.- 1280 g j K0; Kamu一To bite. 傷 K 0 S H 0 — Bite (of a norse). 1283 略 J Kaku — To spit out; to emit from the mouth. 血 KAKKETSU — He- moptysis. 1285 し」GAI; Seki; Shiwabuki — A cough; coughing. 込 SEKIKOMI—A fit of coughing. I —Clear- ing the throat; coughing. SEKKI — A feeling for coughing; a tickling sen- sation in the throat. G A I D A — Coughing and phlegm. 喘 G A I S E N — Coughing; clearing the throat. 嗽 GAISO—Cough. G A I S E I — Sound of a cough. 止 SEKIDOME— A cough medicine. 34 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 三o 1293 IN ; EN ; Nodo; Musehu — Throat; to be choked. 喉 INKO-Throat. 頭 INTO—Pharynx. 頭炎 I \ T 0 E N — Phar- angitis. 頭チフスin tOchi- FUSU — Pharyngotyhoid. 頸 IN KEI—Pharynx. 1328 l し HO 一 To suckle; to bring up. Kukumeru — To feed. 乳兒毛細氣管孩炎 K I K A N S H I E N — Capillary bronchitis in lactation. 乳兒榮養障碍H0_ NYUJIEIY0SHO- G A I 一 Nutritional ob- struction in lactation. 乳 HONY〇—Lactation. 1336 s l 』CHIN; Kuchibiru一Lip. u DA; Tsuha] Tsubaki—Saliva; spit. 液 DAEK I—Saliva. 1392 m KYAKU; Kaku : Haku — To spit out. 血 K A K K E T S U — Spit- ting of blood; hemoptysis. •啖 KAKUTAN—Sputum. 1394 A: NAN—Chatter. Hn; delirium. 1397 RA; RATSU; Hayakuchi—To talk fast; to gabble, Susugu— To gargle. 叭 KAPPA—A bugle. 风管 RAPPAKAN — Oviduct. 叭管炎 RAPPAKANEN —Salpingitis; inflamma- tion of a tallopian tube. 1399 K〇; Nodo—Throat. 兀 NODOMOTO — Base of the throat. 頭 KOTO —Larynx. 頭チフス K0T(5 chifusu —LaryngotyphoidL 35 三0 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—-contc/. maS —Perichondritis laryngea. 頭炎 K〇T〇EN — Laryn- gitis. ロ K〇K〇—Glottis. 佛 nodobotokIe — Adam's apple. 1407 lh—ZEN ; SEN — To cough. Aegu •—To pant. 息 ZENSOKU—Asthma. 竜 l j KATSU — To become hoarse; to scold. 炳 KATSUBYO — Heat stroke; sun stroke; heat exhaustion. § t TAN : Hitoe; Hitori — Simple; single; only. 位 TAN I — A unit (as of insulin or of vitamins). 純性抱疫TAN TONSEI H 0 S H I N — Simple herpes; skin disease. 核細力包_ T A N K A K U 軟膏 TAN NAN K〇 — Simple unguent. 純 insipidus; polyuria. 眼剛毛 TAMME G〇M〇 —Ocellar bristle. 糖類 T A N T O R U I Monosaccharides. 1482 Khu—-To eat. 現象 KUGENSHO— Phagocytosis. 1438 j SA; Karasu; Shagareru — To become hoarse. 耸 KARAGOE; SHAGA- RjtijrOli—Hoarseness. 1439 KU; KYt); Kagu — Smell; scent; sniff. K Y (J K A N — Olfac- tory organ. — Smell- ing salts. 1450 fc- SHI; Tashimu — To rebuke; to reprimand. 眠 SHIMIN—Lethargy. 眠病 SHIMINBYO— Narcolepsy; sleeping sick- ness. 36 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary-—contd. 三o 眠SSJ画u, Encephalitis lethargica; an epidemic form of the inflammation of the en- cephalon. 癖 SHIHEKI — A habit; an abnormal desire. 好細胞增多症 SHIKO —Post infectious eosino- 眠狀態 shiminjOtai —Sopor; sleep. i L... 0; Haku—To vomit. OKI — To vomit (nauseate). 吐 〇TO — To vomit (nauseate). 1523 ¥ J KI — Talent; ability. Utsuwa. —Vessel; instrument. 質的 KISHITSU TEKI — Organic (applied to dis- ease). 1530 AI; IKI; Okubi — Belching; eructation, 氣 AIKI; OKUBI — Belch; eructation. 1535 1 l」FUN: Fuku — To erupt; to blow out; to spout out. 霧器 FUMMUKI—Atomizer 門 FUMMON—Orifice of the stomach. 1555 嚏 i 丁El; TAI; Kusame; Kusha- mi—Sneeze. 1560 K〇: G〇; Kamu — To bite; to chew. 傷 KAMIKIZU — Injury from the bite of an animal or snake. 1567 15移7 嘯 >»- S E T S U; Sasayaku — To whisper. 1595 r^ k丨,-4 NO; DO; Fukuro — A bag; a sack. 狀 NO JO — Sacriform; sac shaped. 腫 N 0 S H U — Encysted tumor. 37 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary—contc/. RAD. 31 □ 1一一 1607 fch—«< SHI; Yotsu—Four; quadra. 肢 SHISHI—Limbs. 苦八苦 SHIKUHAKKU 一Death agony. 鹽化 SHIENKA —Tetra- chloride. chloride. 11S 二; —Four type mixed vac- cination. rachloride. mKiN^c〇ePs femoris. (A muscular group.) 肢短小 SHISHITAN- SH〇 — Micromelia; con- genital smallness of the limbs. 日熱 YOKKA NETSU —Quartan fever. 1609 -d K A I — A time. Meguru; Mawasu—To turn; to revolve. 復 KAIFUKU 一 Recovery; restoration. 歸熱 KAIKI NETSU —Recurrent fever. 生 KAISEI—Revival. 春 KAISHUN — Recovery from illness. 毛 KAIMO — The whorl of hair on the head. 1611 U IN; Moto 一 Cause; origin. Yoru — To depend upon. LHinami ni — Because of; by way of. . 果 INGA — Cause of effect. 習 I N S H 0 — Established practice or method. 1623 l KON ; Komaru ; Kurushimu— To be in a quandary; to be in distress. ®Ik〇NNAN — Distress; difficulty; suffering. ® KONKU—Hardship. 嫌 KOMPAI—Exhaustion. 38 Japanese-Engtish Medical Dictionary一contd. RAD. 32 土 1604 DO; TO — Local. Tsuchi — Earth; soil. 左衞門 DOZAEMON- A drowned person. 不踏 TSUCHI FUMAZU —Planter arch. 16M CHI; J I — Earth;land; locality; place, 辰 JISHIN—Earthquake. 方辆 chihObyO — Endemic. 下Stこ:r theory. ieTi 写 Hit os hit—Level; equality. —* KINITSU—Uniformity. KINTO —Equal; identical. 1689 iLi』ZA' Suwaru—To sit; to squat. Sozoroni—Unaccountably. ZAYAKU—Suppository. I 一一 Katameru一Harden. 形 K 0 K E I — Solid form (drug substance). 疋苟^靡K 0 T E I IRAKUSA SHIN —Urti- caria perstans : chronic hives; nettle rash. 1645 ‘ EN ; Maru; Marui—Round. ENSHU-—Circumference. 錐形 ENSUIKEI—A cone. 板 EN BAN—Disc. ENCHt—Cylinder. 柱上皮 ENCHtjOHI— Cylindrical epithelium. 柱よ皮癌 ENCHt!- JOHIGAN — Cylindrical epithelioma. 凡刀 ENJINTO—Scalpel. 形潰瘍 ENKEIKAIYO 一Round ulcer. 据鍵 ENKYOKEN — Trepan key; a saw for cutting out a circular piece of bone, chiefly from the skull. ENjt—A cast. 39 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. B ZAKOTSU — Ischium: the inferior part of the nip bone. 1691 KAN—A pot. 堝 RUTSUBO—A crucible. 1726 ICO; KU;指一Dirt; filth. 1757 酽■晒, k- fe A I; Tsuchikau 一To tend plant roots; to measure. 養 BAIYO—To grow. 養基 BAIYOKI—Medium. 養液 B A I Y C E K I — Culture fluid. 1758 丨J Kl; Moto — Origin; basis foundation. 礎痳醉 KISOMASUI —Basal anesthesia. 1783 . 1 TEI; Tsutsumi — A dike; a bank. 狀 TEI JG—Edge ;border. 1818 i』TO; Nuru — To paint: to to varnish. Mabusu—-To smear, 布 T O F U 一 Ointment; to apply to. 咽 TOIN一Throat swab. 1853 ZO ; Masu — To add; to increase 殖性ヒタミン乙QSHOKU Vitamin E. 1863 DA : Otosu; Kohosu — To fall; to break; to destroy. /JO DATAI—Abortion. 服栄 DATAIYAKU — .Abortive drug. 1884 一 ATSU; Osu — To press; to oppress; to press down. APPAKU—Pressure. 伟海綿A S S A K U _ KAIMEN — Compressed sponge, A S S H I N — Sense of pressure. 40 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—»- 一 HEN —.Emergency. Kawaru; Kaeru—To be different; change. 體心理 H E N T A I S H I N R I — Abnormal mentality. 體性愁H E N T A I SEIYOKU — Abnormal sexual desire, 形虫至HENKEICHO —An amoeba. 生 H E N S E I — Rebirth; regeneration. RAD. 33 士 1903 w-』SHI — A man. Samurai — A knight; warrior; officer. RAD. 36 夕 1932 SEKI; Yu\ Evening. 41 吴 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 1034 G A I ; Soto : Hoka : GE — Outside; outer; other; ex- ternal. Hazusu — To dislocate a joint. 陰部 GAIINBU—Vulva. GAIY〇—For external use. GEKA — Surgery (as a branch of medicine). GAIJI — An external ear; an auricle; a conch. 耳炎。AIJIEN — Otitis externa; conchitis. 腸骨 gaichOkotsu— Iliaca externa; the ex- ternal flank bone. 轉筋 G A I T E N K I N — An abductor; an abdu- cent muscle. 鎖筋 CAISAKIN — Musculus obturator ex- ternus. 科繃帶 gekahOtai •—Surgical dressing. 科醫 GEKAI—Surgeon. 科術 GEKAJUTSU— Surgery; the art of sur- gery. 科用器具GEKAYOKIGU Surgical instruments. 直筋 GAICHOKKIN— Rectus enternus muscle. 聽道 gaichGdO — Meatus auditorius; the external auditory canal; ear canal. 聽道爽 gaichOdOen —Otitis externa. 皮 GAIHI—Epidermis. 腹_筋 GAIFUKU oblique muscle. 科用小刀 GEKAYO 1939 【」TA ; Ot一Much; many; num- erous. 病 TABYO—Sickly. 形滲出性紅斑 TAKEI K 0 H A N — Erythema muitiforme. 尿 TANNYO — Polyuria: excessive secretion of urine. 發性腦脊髓硬化症 TAHASSEI NOSEKI- ZUIKOKASHO— Multiple sclerosis. 骨Szuニ Multiple myeloma. 糖類 TATORUI — Poly- sacchan 便TABEN — Polycopria. 曈症 tadGshO — Polycoria; an eye with more than one pupil. 汗症 TAKANSHO — Hyperhidrosis; excessive sweating. 形性 TAKEISEI — Polymorph; multi-form. 42 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. • mmm % s 血症 TAKETSUSHO 一 Plethora : abnormal fullness of blood vessels. TANIN 一 Superfetation. 葉7 TAYONO — Multi- lobular. 視症 TASHISHO — Double vision.. 產 T A S A X — Fecundity,; prolificity. 1939 YA; Yoru ; Yo — Night. 目症 yamOshO — Night blindness. 尿症 yanyOshO— Enuresis; bed wetting. 往生 DAlOjO — Euthan- asia. 便 DAIBEN—Feces; stool. 儀 TAIGI — Fatigue; weari- ness. 動脈 DAIDOMYAKU 一 Aorta; the main artery. 動脈炎D A I D 0 - MYAKUEN—Aortitis. 動 動脈瘤 DAIDOMYA- KU KOBU 一 Aneurysm of the aorta. 腦 DAIN〇—Cerebrum. 膿抱修D A I N 0 H 0 - SHIN — Ecthyma : noncontagious pustular skin disease. 隊 所 DAITAI talion aid station. 葉性クルフ性肺炎〇BA- SE I KURUPUSEI H A I E N — Lobar croupy pneumonia. 气ユuD—AciCtエ: enteric fever with involve- ment of the colon. 腸菌 D A I C H 0 K I N — Bacillus coli, 腸菌興血症 DAI- CHOKIN HAIKETSU- SHO — Colisepsis. 腸菌屬D A I C H 0 _ K I N Z O K U — Typhoid and colon bacilli group. RAD. 37 大 1946 DAI; TAI; Okii—Big; large. 腸 D A I C H 0 — Colon; large bowel. 腸炎 daichGen — Colitis. 黃 DAlO—Rhubarb. ® DAITAI—Thigh. 〇ASE — Excessive perspi- ration. 43 % Japanese-Engfish Medical Dictionary—contd. 腿骨 dAitaikotsu— The femur. oil and oil of hydnocarpus anthelmintica. 黃"SnfbKISU 一 棗 TAISO 一Jujube berries. 腦膜 DAIN 〇MAKU — The cerebral membrane. 腦葉 DAINOyO — A cerebral lobe. 腦半AfrreH二で 網膜 DAI MOMAKU — The gastrolic omentum; the caul. CaDtコ the colon. 股筋 DAIKOKIN — The vastus. 靜脈 DAIJOMYAKU — The vena cava. 彎 D A I W A N — Greater curvature. 1947 <• TEN ; Ante 一 God; imperial; heaven;, sky. 然痕 TENNENTO — Smallpox. 臺烏藥 T E N D A I UYAKU—Radix linderae; lindera root. 鶴絨 BIR0DO—Velvet. 1948 i TAI; TA; Futoi一Thick;large; fat. Futoru—To grow stout. 陽燈 TAIYOtO — Ultra- violet lamp. 腹 FUTOBARA—Bald. 瓜 FUTOMOMO—A thigh. I,一 — middle. 1972 L』KI — Odd number. Kushi — Strange. 異 KI I—Unusual. 蹟 KISEKI—A miracle. 1989 奢 T0—Long; overcoat. 管針 T〇KANSHIN— Trocar; a sharp instru- ment for paracentesis. 44 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. A 石 兒 JOJI—A girl child. 郞花 JOR〇KA—Magnolia. 趨 JOJIKU—Wheat malt. 性ホルモンj〇SEI HORU- MON一Ovarian hormone. 2029 好_ J KO; Konomu; Suku — To like. Konomi — Liking; fond- ness. Yoi — Good. Yoshimi —Friendship. 發部位 KOHAtSU BUI ■—Probable location. 2025 KAN; Okasu — To be rude; to be wicked. す又 KANNEI—Depravity. 2035 wd JIN; IN; NIN; Haramu; Migomoru — To be pregnant. 孕 NINYO—Conceived. 版 N I N S H I N — Concep- tion; pregnancy. 婦 N I M P U — Pregnant woman. 娠疱痪N I N S H I N H 0 S H I N — Herpes gestation is; a skin disease of the limbs occurring dur- ing pregnancy. 娠 悪 NIN- SHIN 0TO AKUSO —Pernicious vomiting due to pregnancy. 2010 ‘ 0 : Oku — Innermost part; inside; wife. OKUBA — A molar tooth. 1957 i -** SHITSU — To make a mistake. Ushinau — To Ipse. Useru — To disappear. 血 SHIKKETSU — Loss of blood. 明 SHITS UMEI — Loss of eyesight. 讀症 SHITSUDOKU- SHO—Alexia. 語症 SHITSUGOSH0 Loss of speech. RAD. 38 女 2022 JO; NYO; Onna; Me] Me- awaseru ——A woman; female; a girl;to marry. 良炫 JOR〇—A prostitute. 流 JORYC—The female sex : women. 性 JOSEI—Female. JOI—A woman doctor. 色 JOSHOKU—Lust. 45 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary-—contc/. 2069 k J SHI; Hajimeru — To begin; to start; to commence. Moto— Origin. 孩 SHIGAI — A newborn babe. 原 S H I G E N 一 Origin; inception. S H I S H 0 — Outset; start; beginning. 15- S H I S H U — From start to finish. 2075 M KO; Shutome — Mother-in- law. Shibaraku — A short while. 肩、KOSOKU—To temporize. 息的手術b KOSOKU- Pailiative surgery. 2077 酽_■, SEI; SHO ; Kabane — A sur- name; a clan name. す11 SEIMEI — Surname; full name. 207» 委 I : Yudanu — To entrust : to delegate, ——To aban- don ;to decline; to wilt. IKEI—One’s body. fJIt TW I S A I 一 Details; particu- lars. 棄 I ,K I — To discard; to throw off. 頓 ITON — To weaken; to degenerate. 2090 1 BO; Uha — A matron; a wet nurse. 2122 l SHIN; Haramu — To be pregnant. 2128 r ■, l』BEN ; MEN ; Umu; Umaru—• To give birth; to reproduce. 息 BENSOKU—Birth. 痛 BENTSO—Travail. 2248 EI; Midoriko — A child; a new born babe. 兒i EIJI—An infant. 子乂 EIGAI — New born child. 2158 l 」FU—Woman; wife. 人科 F U J I N K A — Gynecology, 46 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contcontd. n 臟性喘息 SHINZO SEI ZENSOKU— Cardiac asthma, 臟神經病 SHINZ〇 SHINKEIBYO — Cardiac neurosis. 臟內膜炎 SH腿〇 NAIMAKUEN — Endo- carditis. 耳 S H I N J I — Auricles of * the heart. fel S H I N W A — Scrobi- cuius cordis; pit of the stomach; infrasternal de- pression. 尖 S H I N Z E N — Heart (apex). 囊 ノ lC 腫 S H I N N 0 - S U I S H U — Hydro- pericardium. 臟機能不全 SHINZO- KINOFUZEN — Heart lauure. 臟肥大心臟擴張 shinzOhidai SHINZO KAKUCHO — Heart hypertrophy and dilatation. 筋炎 S H I N K I N E N — Myocarditis. 動急淳症 SHINDO- KYUSOKUSHO— Tachycardia. 臟先天異常SHINZ& SENTENIJO — Congeni- tal heart defect. 臟瓣膜病 SHINZt BEMMAKUBYO— Mitral disease. 房 SHIMBO—Auricle. 至 SHINSHITSU—Ventricle. 外膜SHINGAIMAKU —Epicardium. 内膜 SHINNAIMAKU —'Endocardium. 3208 j KAI; Kokoroyoi — Comfort- able; happy; agreeable. 刀 KAITO — A sharp blade. お KAIHO 一 Convalescence; recovery. 復 KAIFUKU—Recovery. 活 KAI KATSU—Lively. 癒 KAI YU — Restoration to health. 3243 r^ -j KYLT — Danger; emergency; sudden. Isogu 一 To hurry. 性 K Y C S E I — Acute (of disease). peritonitis. 性腎臓炎 KYUSEI- nephritis. 性胃炎 kyOseiien— Acute gastritis, 性fH气ENK—”ュ1- teritis. 62 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 性發疼K Y D S E I H A S S H I N — Acute exanthema. 性界炎K Y S E I BIEN 一 Acute rhinitis. 性咽興炎K Y tl S E I INT〇EN — Acute pharyn- gitis. 性喉頭炎 KYtiSEI- KOTOEN — Acute laryn- gitis. 性氣管支炎 KYtJSEI- KIKANSHIEN— Acute bronchitis. 性鼓膜陷凹症KYti- SEI KOMAKU KANO SH〇 — “ Black-out ” in dives or sudden drops from high altitude. 性多發性リウマチス KY0SEI T A H A S S E I RYt} MACHISU — Acute rheumatic poly- arthritis. 性腦膜炎 KYUSEI NOMAKUEN — Acute (purulent) meningitis. 性粟粒結核_ KYC- SEI ZOKURY0 KEK- KAKU — Acute miliary tuberculosis. 性限局皮膚浮腫 kyOsei genkyoku HIFU FUSHU — Acute circular skin edema. 性化膿性淋巴腺炎 KYUSEI KANOSEI RIMPA SENEN — Acute suppurative lymphadenitis. 性甲狀腺腫炎 KYUSEI KOJOSENSHUEN- Acute strumitis. 性瞧節kLゥユス鎞 M A C H I S U — Acute rheumarthritis. 性 S 器e?—tkvy4= ns; otitis meaia; inflam- mation of the middle ear. 性心臟內膜炎 KY〇- MAKUEN — Acute endo- carditis. 發昏睢 KYCHATSU KONZUI — Narcolepsy; suaden short spells of sleep. 3244 u SEI : SH〇 — Sex; gender. Saga — Nature; natural dis- position. 情 SEIJO—Mind. I&SEIKAKU — Charac- ter; personality. 根 SHONE — Natural dis- position. — Evil dis- position. 愁 SEIYOKU — Sexual desire. 質 SEISHITSU — Nature; disposition. SEIHEKI — Tendency; mental disposition; Dias. S E I B Y 0 — Venereal disease. 63 2 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 3248 KAT: KE —Ghost. Ayashii— Strange; wonderful. 我 KEGA 一 Injury; hurt: accident. 31272 l KY〇; Osoreru — To fear. Osoroshii — Frightful. Oso- raku — Perhaps. 水病 KYOSUIBY0 — Rabies. 病ワクチンkyOsui- B Y 0 W A K U C H I N— Rabies vaccine. 食症 KYOSHOKUSH0— Sitophobia. U Y〇; Tsutsuga — Harm ; grief; illness. 虫病 TSUTSUGAMUSHT BY〇 —. Japanese river fever. 3294 復期 K A I F U K U K I Convalescence. 3289 SCHI; Shame; ashamed. H C H I K 0 T S U — The pubic bone. 菌垢 C H I K I N G 0 — Smegma bacillus. 骨縫際CHIKOTSUH化 SaI — Pubic svmphvsis. 骨靭帶 CHIKOTSUJIN- TaI 一- Pubic ligament. 骨棘 CHIKOTSUKYOKU 一Spine of pubic bone. 骨弓 CHIKOTSUKYt)— Pubic arch. #fS〇XS^L^c disk. 骨枝 CHIKOTSUSHI — Branch of the pubic bone. 3298 Soku] Iki — To cease; breath; rest. Musuko-一 Son. 災 SOKUSAI — Good health. 切! K I G I R E—Dyspnea; shortness of breath. 3329 To be ill. 者KANJA 一 A sick person; a patient. 者輸送車(位置) KAN- JA YUSOSHA (ICHI) — Ambulance (station). pK KAMBU—Affected part, ing section. 64 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary一contd. 穴 者蒐集所KANTA lecting station. #1顆,合ユAy assembly center. 者寬轉隊_ KANTA alty collecting unit. 者日誌 KANJA NISSHI '—Daily progress chart. 3367 1 4 AKU; WO; Nikumu: Warui —Bad, AKUSEI —Malignant; virulent. cious anemia. 疫 AKUEKI—Epidemic. AKUSHO—Bad habit. 性淋巴腺腫 AKUSEI Malignant lymphoma. 液質 AKUEKISHITSU— Cachexia. /iS A K U N 0 — Ichor: an acrid, thin discharge from ulcers. 月辰 AKUNOsO — Focus of suopuration. 臭 AKUSHt — Stink; stench. 臭呼吸A_KUSHt!- K 0 K Y U—Saprostoma; putrid breath. 性淋巴肉芽腫 AKU- SEI RIMPA N I RU- GA S H U — Lympho- granuloma ;n o d g k 1 n 1 s disease. 性甲狀_腺腫 AKUSEI K〇JO SENSHU— struma maligna; car- cinoma of the thyroid gland. 性歷!“^1 性S腫H?YKMU4こ1t tumor. 3395 ニfcL u I; Kokoro—Mind; idea; will; meaning; feelirigs. 識 I S H I K I — Conscious- ness. 地 IJI—Temper. 3409 SKAN.— F-g; — on; sensitivity. Kabure —- A skin rash; dermatitis caused by contact with poisonous plants. 泣 KANKYtj—To be moved to tears. 染 KANSEN — To infect; to permeate. 觸 KANSHOKU — Touch; feeling. 回 H KAMBO—Acold. 又 KANJUSEI — Susceptibility. 65 -A. Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 3503 s . 丨丨j SH〇 — To get thin; to become emaciated. 悴 S H 0 S U I — Emacia- tion; withering. 3518 FUN; Ikidoru — To be in- dignant ;to be angry. 怒瘦攀 FUNDOKEし REN — Exasperating spasm. . 3550 W, 0 ; Kotaeru—Consent; accept : apply; accordingly; to respond to; to answer; to correspond to. 急手當 OKYUTEATE —First aid treatment. 急手函 OKYUTEBAKO —nrst aid box. 3585 s KAI 一 To keep in mind. Omou -—To recollect; to think. Idaku —To harbor; to cherish. Futo- koro—Breast. 血病 KAIKETSUBYO— Scurvy; scorbutus. H KAININ—Gestation. 胎 K A I T A I 一 Pregnancy; conception. BAN ; MAN ; Okotaru ; • A na- doru; O^oru—- To neglect; to despise; to be proud. 性 MANSEI — Chronic {as of diseases). K A N S E T S U E N — Chronic simple arthritis. 性腹膜炎MANSEI Chronic peritonitis. 性顆粒_ MANSEし KARYU一Chronic granu- lation. 性淋 M A X S E I R I N — Urcthroblennorrhea; ure- 性蓮1繼嘗乳房炎 MANSEI NOCHOSEI CHIBUSAEN — Chronic cystic mastitis. 性心臟內莫炎 MAN- M A K U E N — Chronic endocarditis (valvular disease). 1. k J \ I : Uree — Grief. lTrv〇uru— To grieve : to feeレ sorry for; to be anxious.1 Vi 一 Sad. Usa — Gloom. 苦 Y TKU—Anguish : agony. 爵 Jit Y D U S U S H D 一 Melancholia. 66 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary一contd. n Jv 三ニ RAD. 62 戈 3602 i KA—War. Hoko—A spear. 3610 こ』SEI; JO — To finish. Naru— To become; to come into effect. Nasu—To do; to perform, SEIBUN — Composition; ingredient. 長 SEICHO—Growth. SEICHC—Imago. 年 SEINEN—Adult. ¥1Ifo^KUS^VN I N S H I — Growth pro- moting factor. 熱期 SEIJUKUKI — Puberty. 36S3 戰 SEN; Tatakau — Fight. —War. 場研究班 S E W J C KENKYCHAN— Battlefield Research Squad. NatJtIe〇 field Guidance Squad. 役性腎臟病SEN- War nephritis. H628 r^ 太|ト iS-S S A I; SETSU; Kiru — lo cut; to cut off. tfc&r M SETSUDAN —To ampu- tate; to cut off. 石術 SESSEKI JUTSU — Lithotomy. RAD. 63 戶 3MO r , 丨』KO; To — A door. He — A house. To-gasmra. 外 KOGAI—Open air. 棚TODANA —A cupboard. S«47 : SO; Tokoro : Toko — Place; thing (abstract). EN^A3 meningitis. YUEN—Reasort; cause. 作 SHOSAKU—Behavior. 勞 SHOR0—Illness; fatigue. 36419 fcSiHEN—Low. Hiratai—FlSit. 平 HEMPEI—Flat (ness). 67 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 六:一 六四 平j皮細胞_ hempei ous epithelium. 桃酸 HEXT〇SAX~ Amygdalic acid. 桃腺炎 HENT〇 SEXEN 一Tonsillitis. 頭痛 H E N T 0 T S C — Migraine. 3666 r—^ u DA; Utsu 一 To beat; to strike : to hit. 撲傷 DABOKUSH〇~ Bruise; contusion. DAY〇—•Wound; injure. 傷 DASH〇一Wound; bruise. 診 D A S H I N一Percussion; tapping : sounding. 診桕 D A S H I N T S U I— Percussion hammer. 3704 YOKU ; Osaeru — To restrain ; to stop : to govern. Somosomo 一An introductory word ; well. nifl Y 0 K U S E I — Check; control:repression. 留 YOKURYC—Detention. IK Y 0 K U A T S U — Re- straint ;repression. 3708 U TO—Send. Nageru—To throw. 榮 TOYAKU — Medical prescription. T〇SHIN—Drown oneself. l — T„ to revolt; to raise. K〇GEN—Antigens. RAD. 64 手 3659 SHU ; Te — Hand : person ; party. T' TESHITA — Persons under direction. 巾 H A X K E C H I — A handkerchief. TEATE—Treatment. .槔 T E M B 0 一 An armless man. S TEKUBI—Wrist. 拭 TEN UGU I—Towel. 腕 SHUWAN—Ability. SHUIN — Masturbation; self-pollution. 術 SHU J UTS.U —Surgi- cal operation. 手 SHUSHO—Palm. 込 TE GO ME —Violation; rape. 68 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. Q 醱酵素 kOhakkoso —Antifermentation; fer- mentation preventive. 扭 K0DOKUSO — Antitoxin. 体 K〇TAI—Antibodies. 毒性菌抶 kOdoku- SEI KINSHU — Bacteria immune to poison. 肺炎菌血淸 K〇_ HAIEN KINKESSEI — Antipneumococci serum. 不妊性ビタミンK 0 FUNIN SEI BITAMIN— Antisterility vitamin; anti- sterility factor. 眼乾燥性ビタミソkOgan KANSO SEI BITAMIN —Antixerosis vitamin. 皮膚炎性因子 HIFUENSEI INSHI— Antidermatic factor. 壤血病ビタミン kaiketsubyO BITAMIN — Scorbutic vitamin; Vitamin C. 壤血病性因子K〇_ KAIKETSUBYO- S E I INSHI — Anti- scorbutic factor; Vitamin C. 乾眼性因子 K〇_ KANGANSEI INSHI — Antixerophthalmic factor; Vitamin A. 恂傻病性ビタiンK〇- KOrOBYOSEI BITA- MIN —Antirachitic fac- tor; Vitamin D. 3711 菥 k^- S E T S U ; Oru \ Oreru — To break ; to bend; to fold. "S* SEKKOTSU—Fracture. 3720 冠。 HO; Idaku; Daku\ Kakaeru —To embrace; to clasp; to hold in the arms; to engage; to have in mind. フlcクロラル H 0 SU I KURORARU — Chloral hydrate (an hypnotic). 水ハ-ントヵイン HOSUI BANTOKAIN — Ponto- caine hydrochloride. 3725 r—, CH C ; Hiku ; Nukti; Nukin- deru To pull; to draw; to extract; to excel. 出 CHOSHUTSU — An extract. CH〇SH〇 一 Abstraction. 3736 梅 BO; Oya-yubi—The thumb. 指B 0 S H I — Thumb; the pollex. 趾 BOSH I — The big toe; the hallux. 指挫傷 BOSHI ZASHO •—A sprained thumb. Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contc/. 穴四 念770 GEN — To strike. Kobushi—The fist. 3780 S JI; Motsu — To have; to hold; to keep; to take in the hands. JIBYO—Chronic disease. 雄 J I Y A K U — usual medicine. 續性排菌者 JIZOKU A constant carrier of dis- ease germs. wl MACHIMAE (IDENBYO) —Congenital. 878S 指 fc—-i SHI. Yubi —Finger. Sasu — To point. 掌 S H I S H 0 — The fingers and palm; metacarpophal- ange. 関節 SHIKANSETSU —Phalangeal articulation. 腫 YUBIHARE—A swollen finger. SHIKOTSU—A phalanx. SHIMON—Fingerprints. S7M AN — To consider: to restrain; to investigate; to massage. AMMA — Massage ; shampoo. 腹 AMPUKU — Ventral (abdominal) massage. 8798 ‘_』ZA; Kujiku — To sprain; to destroy. Oru—to break. 傷Z A S H G —Contusion; sprain. 藥 ZAYAKU — Supposi- tory; collyrium. 8804 iCH〇: TEI; Nuku —To pull out. Teko—A lever. ttjEIjO—Crutch. S846 r NEN ; JO; Hineru—To twist; to pinch. 挫 NENZA—Sprain. 出 NENSHUTSU — To squeeze out. 3858 U SH〇; Tanagokoro — The palm of the hand. 中 SH〇CH〇 — Within one’s grasp. 70 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 六四 SH0KOTSU — The meta- carpal bone. SMS HAI : BE; Oshihiraku — To force open; to open; to push open : to oust; to expel. 月辰 HAIN(5—Drainage. 泄 HAISETSU — Excrete; evacuate; discharge; purge. 尿 HAINYO—To urinate; to pass urine; to micturate. 职 S HAISETSUKAN— An emunctory; excretory duct. 泄器 HAISETSUKI— An excretory organ. 泄腺 HAISETSUSEN— An excretory gland. 泄路 HAISETSURO —An excretory passage. 月辰管 MAIN OK AN — A drainage tube. 尿 UnnaYH S87S 接 k SETSU — To be in contact with. Tsugu—To join. 種 SESSHU — Innocula- tion; vaccination. 目 TSUGIME —Ajoint; a seam. 胃 SEKKOTSU — Bone setting. 吻 SEPPUN—Akiss. 胸 SESSHOKU — Contact; junction. 觸性感染K SESSHOKU- Contagious infection. 種針 SESSHUSHIN— A vaccinating lancet. 皮術 SETSUHI JUTSU— Skin-grafting; transplan- tation of skin, 3907 KAN ; Kaeru — To exchange; to change. 氣 KANKI—Ventilation. ,骨 SAI —KAAdNaS- S921 s KI—To scatter. Furuu~To shake; to sway; to wield. 發 K I H A T S U — Evapor- ation ;^volatilization. 3046 D SO; Kaku—Scratch. S〇Y〇—Scratching. 4009 摩 ‘」MA; Kosuru; Sasuru — To rub; to polish; to grind. 擦 MAS ATS U —Friction; rubbing. Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. Q 0MASubAb4SaUnd scratching. 4049 SAN; Saisu; Maku — To scatter; to sprinkle. S A N S 5 — Sodium sali- cylate. 布 S A M P U — Sprinkle; scatter, 布劑 SAMPU ZAI — Veterinary dusting powder. 4066 —» BU — To calm; to tranquil- ize. Naderu—To stroke. 育 B U I K U — Bring up; nurse. 恤 B U J[ U T S U — To aid; to relieve. 4067 SATSU; SAI; Tom —To take (photograph). 空摸牀 saikOmoshO —Floccilegium; carpholo- gia. 4060 ZS HAN; HA: Maku — To spread; to sow. 種狀 HANSHU J〇 — Dissemination. 4099 TAN ; Ninau : Katsugu — To carry on the shoulders; to be responsible. 架 TANKA —Litter ; stretcher. 架卒 TANKASOTSU —Stretcher bearer. 伍 TANGO — A stretcher squad. 4115 r—^ >>.SATSU; Kosuru; Sasuru — To rub; to stroke; to chafe. 過傷 SAKKASHO — Abrasion. 4192 s S E T S U — To help: to aid; to act for; to heed. 生 SESSEI—Hygiene. 護腺 SETSUGOSEN —The prostate gland. 護腺炎S E T S U C 0 _ S E N E N — Prostatitis. 筆腺 SETSU- Hypertrophy of prostate. 護腺切開 SETSU- Prostatomy. 取簇 SESSHUZOKU —Bacteriolysis; the dis- integration of bacteria. Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 穴四 0 六穴 SESSHI—Centigrade. MB!SSbuSmEpItSsUu 一 Prostatic secretion. 護腺癌腫了 S E T S U - Cancer of the prostate. 護腺硬化 〇S E T S U _ duration of the prostate. 護腺化膿SETSU- Suppuration of the pro- state. Mf〇fEMB^-Tpr〇Sst^ parts. 護腺液漏SETSU- Prostatorrhea. 3898 wMs T E I; DAI; Sageru : His- sageru—To carry by hand. 莖?!氣エは上1t suspensorium penis. 3764 KATSU; Kukuru— To hind ; to tie. 約崩 KATSUYAKU KIN — Sphincter muscle. RAD. 65 支 l—一一. Saseru — To support. Tsu- kaeru — To be obstructed. RAD. 66 4222 HOKU: HAKU : Utsu — To strike lightly; a light blow. 4224 莜- SHt! — Take; receive. Osa- meru —To reap; to obtain. 斂劑 SHORENZAI— Astringent. 縮劑 shCshukuzai— Astringent. 細 SHCSHUKU — Con- traction. 4233 放- ai HO — Arbitrariness; wilful- ness. Hanatsu — To let go; to set free; to banish. jtej. 恐 H () N E T S U — Radiant heat. 線}菌病 HOSENJ0 cosis. 73 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary—contd. 5 2 4263 i KYtJ; Sukuu — To rescue; to save; to assist. 急_署 K Y tTp Y p treatment. 助 KYtJ JO —Relief; sue- cour, 恤 KYOJUTSU—Relief. 濟 KYOSAI — To help; save; relieve. 護 KY〇GO— Relief; pro- tection. , 4268 HAI; BE; Yaburu : Kuzuru : Kusaru—To rot; to decay; to break down; to destroy. 血症 HAIKETSUSHO— Septicemia : bacteriemia; blood poisoning; scurvy. 4280 SAN — Medicinal powdbr, Chiru—To be scattered. S A N D A I — Dilatation (dilation); enlargement. 雄 宋 SAN YAKU —Powder. 熱 SANNETSU—Diffused heat. 4S1» u HEN — Emergency. Kamaru; Kaeru — To be different; to change. • « HENKA—Change; muta- tion ;metamorphosis. 性 HENSEI—Degeneration. 視症 HENSHI SH〇 —Metamorphopsia. 質性 HENSHITSUSEI— Allotropia. "&HENSHOKU — Dis- coloration. 堂 « • n HENjO—Anomaly. 形 HENKEI — Transforma- tion. 換期 HENKANKI — Menopause; climacteric. 質劑 HENSHITSU ZAI — Alterantia (meta- bolica); metabolic drugs. RAD. 67 文 482篁 BUN; MON; Fumi—A letter. Aya—A pattern, 化 BUNKA—Culture. 74 Japanese-Englisfi Medica丨 Dictionary一contc/. 5l A S 4338 HAN; Madara; Buchi — Striped; spotted. Fu—Spots; stripes. 紋 HAMMON — Speckles; macula or maculosis; spots. 描 H A M M Y 0 — Canthari- des. 繩种 MADARABAEKA— Ortahdae : dipterous flies having spotted or banded wings. s SHIN : Atarashii) Nit—New; recent. 陳代謝S H I N C H I N TAISHA — Metabolism; regeneration. 新第陸零陸號SHIN_ SHIN DAI RIKUREI- RIKU G〇 — Salvarsan (606); (neo-neo salvanol); (neo-salvarsan), 機軸 SHINKI JIKU — A new device. 坦覇爾散 SHIN TAN- varsan; neo-salvarsan. 患者 SHIN KANJA — A new case (patient). 4381 W DAN—To become extinct; to cease; to break; to decide. Tatsu—To cut off. Kiru — To cut. Korowaru—To warn; to refuse; to decline. 禁徵 g D A N K I N - C H 0 K 0 — Phenomenon of abstinence. H DANKOTSU—Fracture. 乳 DANNYC—Weaning. 裂 DANRETSU—Rupture. 末魔 DAMMATSUMA —The verge of death; one’s last moments. 明 T A C H I M O N O — Food which one voluntarily abstains from. RAD. 68 斗 4339 こヒ TO — A unit of capacity; 3-97 gallons. Bakari — About; only. 4850 斜 k 」SHA; Nanante; Hasu — In- clined ;slanting. m SHASHI—Strabismus. SHASEN —A slanting line. RAD. 69 斤 KIN; KON — 1.32 pounds. Masakari—An axe. 量 KINRYO—Weight. 75 六九 七o 七1 七U Japan«se-English Medical Dictionary—contd. DAMPEN—A fragment. 食 DANSHOKU—To fast. 4440 KI — To finish. Sude Ni— Already. 往歷 K I 0 R E K I — Past history. KISUI—Consummated. 往症 K I 0 S H 0 — Anam- nesis. RAD. 70 方 48M H 0 — Region; to compare. Kata — Side; direction; per- son ;thing; square. 、/ H〇SUN—One's mind. H〇H〇 — Method; way; manner. 便 H〇BEN—Expedient. 4413 m k- Z O K U: Yakara — Family: household; relations; group; sort; kind. 緣 ZOKUEN — Blood- relation. RAD. 72 日 4446 fc—-NICHI: Hi; JITSU; Ka — Sun; day. 射病 NISSHA BY〇 — Sunstroke; smasis. 燒 HIYAKE—Sunburn. 光紅斑 NIKKO kOhan —Erythema solare; sun- burn. 本佳血吸蟲NIPP〇N JU KEKKYtTCHO —Scnistosomum japoni- cum. 4452 ; SA : Hayai — Quick; early; fast. 產兒 S 0 S A N J I — Pre- mature birth. 飛繩科 S〇HI BAEKA— Borboridae; a family of small two-winged flies. RAD. 71 无 4439 BU; MU; Nashi — Negative; not. 76 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary—contd. [ill SOSEI — Early decease. 熟 S〇JUKU — Early maturity. 4478 1 k i KON—The same; afterwards; elder brother. 虫 KONCHtr—Insect. 虫! sting. 44185 ‘ニ MEI; MY〇 —Next. MIN — Name of Chinese dynasty. Aka- rui — Bright; dear; well- versed in. Akiraka — dear; distinct; obvious. Akeru; Aku —To open; to dawn. Akari— Light;, brightness. Akasu—- To publish; to make known. MYOBAN—Alum. S MEIHAKU — Dis- tinct; clear; plain. ME I SHI—Clear vision. 酵 MEIBO—Bright eyes. 4480 ‘上 SHO; Noboru — To rise; to ascend. 汞 S H 0 K 0 — Mercuric chloride. 承水 SH〇K〇 SUI— Mercuric chloride solution. I—一 睡 KONSUI—Coma. 倒 KONT〇—Swoon. 禽L KONRAN—Derangement. 目瞢 KONM 0 -Somnolence. 4503 s l j SHUN; Haru—Spring. 日末 KASUGAMATSU— Anhydrous sodium sul- phite, 情 SHUNJO—Sexual desire. 情發動期 SHUNJO berty; adolescence. 14•垦• 晒 >>-SAI; Sarasu一Bleach. 粉 SARASHIKO— Bleaching powder. ねfAfl。コ zinc. 41557 u FU —• Ordinary. Amaneku 一 Universal; all; everywhere. 通大腸fe _ F U T S C bacteria inhabiting the colon. 77 さ Japanes<»-Engltsh Medical Dictionary—contb» j KAN — Citrus family; orange. 色皮症 KANSHOKU H I S H 0 一 Orange peel. 494H m 」SEN; Shimu 一 To dye; to smart; to soak in; to per- meate. • 81 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 七五 4853 ih—diY〇; Yuzu一Citron. 4873 U RY〇; Yanagi—Willow, 葉刀 RYOyOtO—Lancet. 4884 己」SAI; 5祕a—Firewood; brush- wood. 胡 SAIKO — Root of a herb belonging to the carrot family; radix bupleuri. I 4886 u SEN—Cork; stopper. 塞 SENSOKU—Embole. 4922 K.ON — Origin. Ne — Root. Nezasu ——To originate. yia KONGEN—Root; source ; basis; origin. 治藥 KONJIYAKU— An erradicative. KONKI一Perseverance. 基 K 0 N K I — A radical (chemical). 治柄,K 0 N J I —Radical surgery. 4024 l」KAKU 一 Rank; right; sta- tion. Ao 一 lo investigate; to rule. Itaru 一 To reach. 魯布性肺炎 KAKU- —Croupous pneumonia. 別 K A K U B E T S U — Exceptional. 4929 j KEI; KE : K at sura 一 The Japanese Judas tree. 皮酸 K E I H I S A N — cinnamic acid. 皮 cinnamoni. 5080 SHOKU — To colonize. Ueru —To plant; to set up type. 物?末‘=1: TSU — Vegetable gar bon. 5127 S E T S U; Kusabi — Wedge : chock. 狀洞 SETSUJOdO— Cavity of the sphenoid bone. 82 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. t 5436 2:25 TSUI; ZUI : Tsuchi — A ham- mer; a mallet. Wtsuikotsu — The hammer (ear bone). 5302 m と』HY〇—A mark; a sign; a tar- get ;to designate. 準 HYOjUN—Standard. HY〇HON—A specimen. 準??L!H—Yl二N meter. 準 is!—PHrJfWN 示藥 MYOSHIYAKU —An indicator (chemical). 5308 古立 U SH〇; Kusu一Camphor. 腦 SH〇N〇 一Camphor. 腦精 SH〇N〇 SEI—Spirit of camphor. 腦石考酸S H 0 N 0 Camphenol.• 腦油 SH〇N〇 abura— Camphorated oil. 腦酸 SH〇N〇 SAN— Camphoric acid. 5161 r—^ KYOKU — Pole (of the earth). GOKU; Kiwamcte — Very. Kiwameru—-To go to extremes : to investigate thoroughly. Ki- wamaru 一 To be carried to the extreme. Kimeru — To settle. Kiwami : Kiwa — height; ut- most. Kimari — Rule; the acme; highest point. 期 KYOKUKI—Fastigium. 度 K Y O K U D O — The extreme. 重 KYOKU RY〇 — Maxi- mum dose. 5210 El; Sakaeru; Haeru 一 To prosper; to be luxuriant. 養 EIY〇 一 Nutrition; nour- ishment. 養不足 EIY〇 fusoku —Malnutrition; malnour- ishment. 養器 EIYOKI — Alimen- tary organs. 養劑 EIYOZAI — An eu- tropic; nutritional drug. 萎夫調症E I _ Malnutrition. 養器, eiyOktbyO— Nutritional disease. 83 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 七 五 皮丁幾 T〇HI CHINKI —Tmctura aurantn; tinc- ture of orange peel. 皮シロップT〇HI SHIROP- PU — Mrup aurantu; syrup of orange. 貝 T 0. J I T S U — Unripe oranges. 5369 i』KI — Machinery; important. Hata — Weaving loom. Ori; Shio —- Opportunity. Hazunti —しhance; impetus. 能障碍 KITAISHO- GAI — Functional ob- struction. 嫌 K I G E N 一 Condition of health and feelings. 8381 橫 0 — Arbitrariness : self-will. Yoko — Across; sideways. Yokotawaru; Yokotaheru ——To be placed across; to lie down. Yokogiru — To cross. OSHI—Violent death. 顔 YOKOGAO — Side face; profile. 疲 YOKONE — Chancroid; bubo. 隔膜 Okakumaku —Diaphragm. 軸 0 J I K U — Transverse axis. > 剝帶 vverse ligament. 5337 橄 u KAN : Kanran——Olive. 欖核 KANRANKAKU— Olivary nucleus. fascicle. 潰間層K A N R A N - K A N S 0 — Interolivary layer. a® TO瓶 kanrantai— Olivary body. 欖油 KAN RANYC — Olive oil. aysr D〇 : NY〇; CH〇; Tawatnu— To bend. v. m D0KOTSU — The radius. 骨動脈DGKOTSU DOMYAKU — Radial artery. 骨 dOkotsu vein. 腕屈筋 DOWANKUK- KIN — Flexor carpi. 腕伸筋 dGwanshin- KIN — Extensor carpi. 5362 U T〇; Daidai—Bitter orange. 皮油 T0HIYU — Orange peel oil. 84 Japanese-English Medical Dictionarycontd. 芙I RAD. 76 欠 6597 KETSU: KEN: Akubi — Yawn. Kaku — To be defi- cient ;to lack; to be absent. 5598 JI; SHI : Tsugi — Next; suc- ceeding ;following. J I A — Hypo (chemical term). 亞曹J I AS CD A — Sodium thiosulphate. 亞硫酸j I A R Y n - SAN — Thiosulphuric 沒食子酸ョ-ド蒼 紹 JIMOSSHO- KUSHISAN YODO S 0 E N — Bismuth oxide subgallate. 硝酸蒼§8 JI SH〇- SAN S〇EN — Bismuth subnitrate. 亞燐酸石灰 SHI- ARINSAN SEKKAI — Calcium hypophosphite. 亞憐酸シロップSHI- ARINSAN SHIROPPU— Hypophosphite syrup. 炭酸鐵S H I T A M SANTETSU — Iron subcarbonate. 亞硫酸曹逵JIARYtT SAN S〇DA — Sodium bisulfate. 隔 m〇—= of the diaphragm. 〇KEI — Transverse dia- meter. 行fl0,—〇T 二L_ fracture. 行創 〇K〇S〇一Transverse. 隔膜下膿瘍 Oka- KUMAKU GEN〇Y〇 — Subphrenic abcess. 腺 OSEN一A trabeculla. 5420 1'一 —T— ine; to investigate. KENEKI—Quarantine. 黴 K E M B A I 一 Venereal examination. 黴醫 KEMBAII — Exam- iner of venerpal diseases. 便 KEMBEN — Feces examination; scatoscopy. 眼法 kenganhO— Ophthalmoscopy. 眼鏡 KENGANKYO —An ophthalmoscope. 知器 K E N C H I K I — Detector. 屍法 KENSHIHO — Autopsy. 熱器 KENNETSUKI —Calorimeter. 糖器 K E N T 0 K I — Sac- charimeter. 85 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary―contd. 七六 七七 七八 5599 r— KETSU — To be exhausted; Yamu — To stop; to rest. 5614 O-Europe. 氏管 OSHIKAN - Eusta- chian tube. 5645 HO; BU : FU — Proportion ; percent; infantry; unit of square measure : Aruku \ Ayu- mu — To walk. As hi — A step; HO — Symbol for pat- ients who may be evacuated on foot. 5649 BU: MU; Take — Military; fierce; strong. 骨 BUKOTSU — Bluntness; coarseness. 雷簿氏病 BURAITO Disease. RAD. 77 止 5641 L 」SHI; T omeru; Yameru — To stop; to leave off; to discon- tinue ;to remain. Jin SHIKETSU — Hemo- stasis; stoppage of bleed- ing. 血帶 SHIKKETSUTAI— Tourniquet. 動病 SHID〇BY〇~ Catalepsy. 渴劑收斂劑 SHI- Z A I — Antidiarrhoica; adstringentia. 564 S j SEI; SHO; Tadashi; Masa— Correct; proper; just; hon- est :straight; legal. Tadasu— To correct. 中剛毛 SEICHt G〇M〇 ——Acrostichal bristle. RAD. 78 5678 r—^ 乙』GATSU; SATSU; ATSU; Gappen 一 Death; misfortune; skeleton. 5686 宛 l j SHI — Death; idle; useless. Shinu—To die. SHIRYOKU — Ut- most strength. L- SHIBO—Death. 151 SHUN — Cause of death. 86 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 七八 七九 八o 歿 SHIBOTSU—Death. SHIKU一Great suffering. 屍 SHISHI—A corpse. 病 SHIBYO — A fatal dis- ease. 傷 SHISHO—Casualties. 骸 SHIGAI 一A corpse. ® SHITAI—A corpse. 亡者 SHIB〇SHA — A dead person; the dead. M SHISAN—Stillbirth. 體 5734 m SHOKU; Fuyeru; Fuyasu — To increase; to enlarge. 皮 SHOKUHI—A graft. 皮法 SHOKUHIH0 — Transplantation of skin. 579ft T"剛丨, SATSU; SETSU; Korosu—To slay; to kill. ® S A K K I N — Bacteri- cide ; sterilization; pas- teurization. 菌糸 SEKKINSO — Bactericide. 菌整腸藥 S A K K I N Anti-dysentery medicine, 兒 SATSUJ I—Infanticide. 菌牛乳SAKKIN GYCNYt — Pasteurized milk. 5805 KAKUf KOKU; Kara — A shell;the skin; the husk. RAD. 80 母 5934 s BO; Haha—Mother. 斑 B O H A N — Birth mack; mole. 液 BOEKI — Mother liquor; the fluid remaining after separation of the crystal- lizable parts of a solution. BOKEI—Maternal line, 乳 BONYC—Mother’s milk. RAD. 79 殳 5787 r— JU; SHU; —Aspear. Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 八o 八一 八ニ 性 B 0 S E I — Motherhood : rnaternitvT. 體染傳 BOTAI SEN- DEX — Hereditary trans- mission. 胎 BOTAI — The womb. 5M6 r g 一“ —— every; each. Tsune ni — Always. 5839 DOKU—Poison : to harm. 瓦斯 DOKU GASU — Poison gas. 权 DOKUSATSU — Pois- oning. 並 .栄 DOKU Y A K U — Poisonous drug. 虫 I) OKU MUSHI — A poisonous insect. 分子簇 DOKUBUN SHIZOKU — Toxophore Group; that part of the toxin molecule which ex- erts the poisonous effects. 物檢知水質檢査班 DOKUBUTSU KENCHI SUISHITSU K E N S A HAN — Poison detecting and water examination squad. 物普糕 Dermatitis toxica. 蛾秋蟲D 0 K U G A S H t! S H I T S U—Leptus autumnalis : harvest-bug that burrows into the sKin. 性 DOKUSEI—Virulence. 素生産 DOKUSO- SEISAN 一 Production of poison. 腺 DOKUSEN — A poison gland. 素 DOKUSO — Toxin; poisonous matter. 物學 DOKUBUTSU GAKU —Toxicology. RAD. 81 比 5841 ■«( HI — Sort; kind. Kuraberu— To compare. Tatoe — Example. Koro—About. 例 HIREI—Proportion. HIKAKU—Comparison, RAD. 82 毛 5850 U M〇 : Ke — Hair; fur; wooリ feathers. 囊炎 M 0 N 0 E N — Folli- culus pilitis; inflamma- tion of the hair follicle. 88 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 八ニ AH 八四 細管 MOSAIKAN — Capillary tubes. S K E J I R A M I 一Pediculosis pubis; symp- toms produced by lice in- habiting the pubic regions. AcUaNr; attraction. 孑L M〇K〇 — Pores; follicles. 髮脫落mChatsu- Depilation; alopecia; loss of the hair. 球 M〇KYt—Hair bulb. 囊腺 MONOSEN — Se- baceous gland. 生期 MOSEIKI—Pubes- cence. 頭蟲 MOtOCHU — Tricocephalus dispar. 樣輪 M 〇Y〇RIN — Ciliary ring. 樣體炎mDy^taiew —Cyclitis; inflammation of the ciliary body. if M〇ZUI — Medulla of hair. 生液 M 0 S E I E K I — Spmtus crinalis. 樣筋 M 0 Y 0 K I N — A ciliary muscle. 樣體 MOYGTAI — A ciliary body. 孑L K E A N A — Pores of the skin. 生藥 KEHAE GUSURI — A hair tonic. 色 K E I R 0 — The color of the hair. M 0 K 0 N — The root of hair. 鉄 M〇SHU—A minicule. 蟲 M〇CH0 — A caterpillar. 58SS Mushiru — To pluck; to pull out hair. 5867 KO; G〇; Sukoshi — A small amount; a little; very little: a brush. G〇RI — A modicum; an infinitesimal number. RAD. 83 氏 S932 r—^ Uji — Family; house- hold; surname; Mr. RAD. 84 气 5930 UKI; KE—Vapor. Kigamae— Anticipation. 89 八四 八五 Japanese-English Medicat Dictionary—contd. — Mad- ness; insanity. 管枝動脈KIKANSHI- DOMYAKU— Bron- chial artery. ®K I A T S U — Atmos- pheric pressure. 絕 KIZETSU—Fainting. K I O N — Temperature. 疲 KIZUKARE — Mental fatigue. 5947 ¥ l KI; KE — Spirit; heart; vapor; mood. 分 K I B U N — Feeling; mood; state of health. 管 K I K A N — Trachea: windpipe. 管炎 K I K A N E N ~~ Trachitis. 管開切器 KIKANSEK- KAIKI — Tracheotomy or bronchotomy instruments. 管枝 KIKANSHI — Bronchus. 管枝炎 KIKANSHIEN —Bronchitis. 胃lfA息—S: pneumonia. 管 fan;; —Bronchial catarrh. 持 K I M O C H I — Feeling : mood. 腫 K I S H U — Emphysema; a distention of the tissues with air or other gases. 管! ii_ cnial asthma. 病 K I Y A M I — Mental depression. broncmalis. №1 K I K Y 0 — Pneumo- thorax. RAD. 85 水 5992 u SUI; Mizu; Mina一Water. 抱瘡 MIZUBOsO — Chicken pox; varicella. M I Z U O C H I — The pit of the stomach. 服MIZUBUKURE— Water blister; vesicle. 濱 S U I S H A — Watery diarrhea. 虫 MIZUMUSHI — Athlete’s foot. 泡疹 suihOshin— A blister; a vesicle. 銀 SUIGIN—Mercury. 腫 S U I S H U — Edema; dropsy. 90 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 晶體 SUISHOTAI — Crystalline lens. 酸 S —ASSf ide (hydrated). 晶樣汗疹 SUISHOyO crystallina : sudamina; a disorder of the sweatglands with obstruction of their ducts. 鼻 MIZUBANA — Watery mucus from the nose. 应 SUITO—Varicella. 泡 SUIHO—Blister. 蹇法 S U I A M P 0 — Waterdresssing. 泡疼 S U I B G S H I N — Herpes. 銀德£ぶ: mor. 治法 S U I J I H 0 dropathy. 腫藥 S I; I S H U Y A K U —Drug usca for dropsy. 蛭 SUITETSU—Leech. 樣液 S U I Y G E K I — Aqueous humor. 銀劑 SUI GINZAI-^ Quicksilver preparations, lincture of rhubarb. suiyOsei bi —Water soluble B. 溶性 C SUIYOSEI SHI —Water soluble C. 齒 M I Z U H A — Carious tooth. SUIT〇 — Hydrocephalus. 胸 SUIKYO —Hydrothorax; a non-inflammatory effu- sion of serous fluid in the pleural cavity. 癌 SUIGAN—Noma; a pro- gressive gangrenous pro- cess occurring in children; gangrenous stomatitis. 化 SUIKA—Hydration. SUISO—Hydrogen. 化石灰 SUIKA SEKKAI —Calcium hydroxide. 銀壓カ計 SUIGIN 一Mercury manometer, 蒸氣 SUIjOKI — Aqueous vapor. 5971 HAN—Wide; float; drift. HAMPATSUSEI K Y 0 S E I FUKU- M A K U E N — Acute diffused peritonitis. 91 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. a 澱素 CHINDEN SO— Precipitant. 降憐酸石灰CHINKO —Precipitated calcium phosphate. CHINDEKI—Addiction. 降炭酸石灰 CHINKO —Precipitated calcium carbonate. 澄 C H I N S A — Dregs; sediments. 降 C H I N K 0 — Precipi- tated; sedimentation. 降 flfms fur. 6023 BOTSU; MOTSU— To disap- pear; to be lost; to drown; to sink. 食子酸 MOSSHOKU- SHI SAN — Tannic acid. •050 FUTSU; Waku—lo boil. FUTT〇 — Effervescence; boiling. 騰點 FUTTO ten — The boiling point. 5978 KAN; Ase—Sweat : perspira- tion. 修 ASEMO (KANSHIN)— Prickly heat (sweat rash). • ASEMO—Prickly heat. KANH〇—Pompholyx. KAN SEN—A sweat gland. 6003 K E T S U — To distinguish. Kimeru—To decide; to deter- mine. Kesshite—Never. 明子 KETSUMEISHI —Semen cassiae forme (a laxative). •009 YOKU; Y〇—To be fertile. 度丁幾 Y〇DO chinki —Tincture of iodine. 剝 Y 0 P 0 T S U — Potas- sium loaide. 度加里Y〇DO KARI — Potassium xoaide. •015 CHIN;' SHIN: TAN; Shizumu一To sink; to be im- mersed. 澱 CHINDEN — Precipi- tation. 92 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. k «oss l 」CHI; JI; Osameru; Naosu— To govern; to tranquilize: to pacify; to cure; to get well. Symbol for patients to be evacuated from treat- ment section who are ex- pected to be able to return to their units. 療 C H I R Y 0 — Healing; cure; medical treatment. 療所 CHIRY0SHO— An infirmary, 淋劑 C H I R I N Z A I — Antigonorrheics. <1057 一 EN; Sou — To go alongside 線剛毛 ENSENGOmO 一 Presutural bristle (an / entomological term). «0«7 HI; HITSU: Nagaru — To trickle; to flow. 尿 HITSUNYO; HINYO— Urination. 毕奇炳 HINYOKIBYO / — Urinary diseases. レ’尿科H I N Y 0 K A — Ureology. -.一一 尿器 HINYOGI — Urinary organs. 尿 ¥EiSKI—s: merit of urinary organs. 6074 §H〇 —T〇f— of. Nori —r Rule; way; law; doctrine. Fur an — Franc. 定傳染病HCTEI DENSEN BY〇 —Recog- nized contagious diseases. 、醫學 H 0 I G A K U — Medical jurisprudence. 8088 DEI; Doro — Mud. Nazumu —To adhere (as to an opinion). 膏 DEIK〇 — Plaster oint- ment, 气?fQTE だ tLkK4 plaster. 沼氣 D E I S H 0 K I — Miasma; malaria. 瘴熱 deishOnetsu— Malaria; marsh fever. g n U CHU; Sosogu — To concen- trate ;to flow into; to pour water into; to heed to. 射 CHOSHA—An injection. 水法 CHtlSUIHO — A douche* 射器 C H ii S H A K I — An injection-syringe. 93 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary-—contd. 会 6111 Y〇 — Wide; extensive. Nada —Ocean. 斧油 YGKIN Y tr — Apiol;an oily fluid ob- tained from the fruit of parsley. 6120 SEN; d——To wash. 滌器 SENDEKIKI— A syringe. 滌藥 SENDEKI YAKU —A lotion. 粉 A R A I K 0 — Washing powder. 滌用 SENDEKIYO— A wash; medicine used as a wash. 滌 SENDEKI—Wash. 灌 SENTAKU—Laundry. 6145 / U KATSU; Imru—To be active; to be alive. 作 KASSAKU — Activity in growth, as of bacteria. 動性 KATSUDO SEI — Active; reactive. 力素 KATSURYOKUSO —A tonic; vitamin. 樹體 K ATSUJUTAI The arbor vitae. 6101 RYU; Nagareru — To flow; to spread; to stream. 感 RYtKAN—Influenza. 產.R Y (j S A N — Miscar- riage; an abortion. 行病 ryukObyO An epidemic; a pestilence. 動パラフインRY〇- DO PARAFUIN—Liquid paraffin. 行性感冒 ryl K0SEIKAMBO— Grippe; influenza. 行性病勢 RYt Genus epidemicus. 行地RYOKOCHI— An infected locality or district. 行性耳下線炎 RY〇- KOSEI JIKASEN EN — Parotitis e p i d e m i c a; mumps. 行性腦_炎 ryUkO- SEINOEN — Epidemica encephalitis;influenzal encephalitis; nona;leth- argica. 行性腦背髓膜炎 RYUKOSEI NOSEKI ZUI MAKUEN — Epi- demic cerebrospinal men- ingitis. 注腦瘍 RY〇J 伽 〇Y〇 —Gravitation abscess; a wandering abscess, the pus sinking to dependent parts. 94 Japanese-Engllsh Medical Dictionary一contd. 会 綿寶 KAIMENTOKU — Sinus cavernosus : a paired blood sinus on either side of the sella turcica. KAISO — Radix scillae; squill. 6183 r—^ l SHIN — To penetrate. Hitasu; Hitaru — To soak; to sink; to be immersed; to wet. iPIsHINJUN — Infiltra- tion ;the act of passing into or interpenetrating a substance, cell, or tissue. 俱 SHINSHI—To soak. 6192 SH〇 — To be digested. Kieru; Kesu — To become extin- guished ; to disappear; to erase. 毒 SHODOKU — Antiseptic; sterile, W衣 SH0DOKUI — Disinfected clothes. 毒液 SHODOKUEKI— Antiseptic solution. Hi SH OK A—Digestion. 化 fjUYmKi gestive process*. 化器 SHOKAKI — Diges- tive organs. 化劑 S'HGKA ZAI — A digestive; a peptic. 6166 r w JKAN; Arau — To wash; to cleanse. — Enema; rectal injection; colonic irrigation. 水法 K A N S U I H 0 — A douche. 腸器 KANCHOKI — Enema syringe. 6175 』FU ——Fickle. Uku] Ukahu —— To float. Uki — Buoy. FUSHU—Edema; dropsy. 腫樣 FUSHOyO — Swel- ling; swollen. 遊物 fuyUbutsu— floating matter. 6182 LuAI;「m—Sea. Af £劑!m plex. 綿體部K A1M E TAIBU — Pars cavernosa; the third portion of the male urethra wmch tra- verses the corpus spongio- sum. 綿 KAIMEN—Sponge. 綿腫 KAIMENSHU—Fungus. 95 Japanese-English Medical Dictionarycontd. 八 五 息子 SH0SOKUSHI -—Probe, cotton. 炎期 SH 〇 EN K I —The period required to counter- act an inflammation, 毒所 shOdokusho —A disinfecting station. 毒檢診班 SHODOKU I KENSHIN HAN —Disin- fection and medical exam- ination squad. 掀劑 shOkinzai — Antiphlogistic; an agent which subdues inflamma- tion. SHOENKO — A burn ointment. 毒器 SH0DOKUKI—I Sterilizing apparatus. 毒ガゼ貯藏|蛋 shO- I DOKUGAZE CHOZO-( KAN — Sterilizing drum. 毒用晒粉液 SH〇-; DOKUY0 SAIFUN EKI —Liquid calcium chlor- ide used as a aisinfectant. 毒用石灰乳 SHO- j DOKUY0 SEKKAI NY0 —Calcium caseinate. 毒劑 shOdoku zai —Disinfectant. 化酵素 SHOKAKOSO j —Pepsin. — Gon- orrhea ;blennorrhagia. 6219 k EKI一Juice;liquid; ampules. 分秘 EKIBUMPITSU — Secretion. 體 Sfl j。:1- 體破傷風血淸 EKI- TAI HASSHOfU KES- Stl — Antitetanus serum. 量 E K I R Y 0 — A liquid measure. 量万 > ス EKIRYO ONSU ——A fluid ounce. T' EKIKA—Liquefaction. 汁 EKI JO—Sap; juice. 火 EKIKA一Liquid fire. 視 EKITAI—Fluid. 體空氣 EKITAI K0KI —Liquid air. 劑 EKIZAI — A liquid medi- cine. 量計 EKIRYOKEI— A dosimeter. 6326 k■丨■丨』T〇; Koru; Kogoeru—To freeze. 傷 TOSHO—Chilblain. 6243 m — To drip : to pour. 病 RIMBYO—Gonorrhea. 96 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary一contd. 八五I E RIMPA—Lymph. 巴液 R I M P A E K I — Lymph. 巴管 RIMPAKAN — Lym- phatics. 巴管炎 RIMPAKANEN ■—Lymphangitis. 巴腺 RIMPASEN — Lymph node;lymph gland. 巴腺炎 RIMPASENEN —Lymohademtis; in- flammation of a lymph node. 巴管腫 RIMPAKAN- SH〇 — Lymphangioma. 巴腺 M RIMPASEN S H 0 — Lymphoma; a tumor composed of lym- phoid tissue;lymphade- noma. 巴 RiITRm: phatic diathesis. 巴系 RIMPAKEI — Lymphatic system. 毒 RINDOKU—Gonorrhea. 糸 RINSHI—Gleet. 巴漏 RIMPA R〇 — Lymphorrhea. 巴凄 RIMPA R O — Lymphatic fistula. 巴腺硬化t RIMPASEN ! lymphatic gland. 巴腺腫RIMPASEN SHU — Lymphoma. 6253 1」RUI; iVawM:ゴa—Tears. 液 R U I E K I — Lacrymal fluid. *吕 R U I K A N — Lacrymal duct. •兼 RUIN 0—Tear sac. 眼 NAMIDAME — Watering of the eyes; epiphora. 鼻道 RUIBIDO — Nasola- crymai duct. 液分泌 R U I E K I BUMPITSU — Secre- tion of tears. 阜 R U I F U — Caruncula lacrimalis; a small reddish body at the inner canthus of the eye, containing modified sebaceous and sweat glands. • 湖 R U I K 0 一 Lacus lacry- malis;lacrymal lake. 骨 RUIKOTSU — Lach- rymal bone. R U I K A 一 Lachrymal fossa of frontal bone. of the lachrymal sac. 漏 RUIR〇—Epiphora. R U I R 0 一 Lachrymal fistula. 腺 R U I S E N ■— The lach- rymal gland. 腺炎 RUISENEN— Lacryoadenitis. 97 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 6272 』jO—To purify; to cleanse. 情 J 0 S E I 一 Cleansing; purification. 6277 IN — To play; to sport lewdly. Midara—Obscene. 羊藿 INYO KAKU — Herba epimedii. I N R A K U — Sensual pleasure. INRAN—Lewdness, KON — To be turbid; to be impure. Mapru; Mazeru — To be mixed. KONGO—A mixture. 合_SEKN〇-Nm2 infection. 血 KONKETSU — Racial mixtures. 成 K 0 N S E I 一 Mixture; composition. 濁 KONDOKU — Tur- bid; discolored. 合腫瘍 KONGO SHUYO ——Mixed tumor. 6290 r, SEI; SHO; SHIN—Old name for China. Kiyoi 一 Clear; pure: serene. 凉劑 S E I R Y G Z A I — 1'omperantia; sedatives. 潔 SEIKETSU — Cleanli- ness ;purity. 滌 SEIjO 一-Catharsis. i 一: „ 一 To decrease; to fall off; to dimmish. GENSHO—Decrease. 退期 GENTAIKI Defer- vescence. 41326 u k ON ; UN - (.aim; moderate. A tatakai; Nukui 一 Warm; hot. Atatamaru——To warm. 壜 ONBIN- Hot bottle. ON I—Calorie. ON KAN 一 Sense or per- ception of heat. 浴療 '考9 N Y 0 K U therapy. 琶布 OM PAPU—Astupe; a hot compress. s:::~ 罨法 ONAMPO — A hot impress. 98 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary一contd. 八五j 6338 m *>*< KATSU; Kawaku — To be dry; to be thirsty. Wi KATSUBYO — Dipsosis; excessive thirst, or a long- ing for certain unusual forms of drink. 望 KATSUBO 一 A craving for; to crave. 死 KASSHI—To (lie of thirst. 6409 ITSU; Afuru\ Kobosu ~ To spill; to shed ; to drop. 血 IKKETSU ~ Hemorr- hage ;extravasation, 6409 s k一-HO; FU; Haku — Broad: general;universal. HAKKA—Peppermint. 荷腦 H A K K A NT 0 Menthol. rr H A K l; H E N — A thin leaf; a scale; a layer. HAKUJAKU — Feeble- ness; weakness; infirmity. 膜 H A K U M A K U —- A membrane. 紗 HA KUSH A — A delicate gauze, 志弱行 H A K U S H I J A K K 0 — Indecisive and lacKing in purpose. 6419 Y〇 ; Tokeru .,Tokasu ; Toro- kam — To melt; to dissolve. 液 Y 0 E K I — A solution; a solvent. Y 0 K A I — Dissolving; melting; fusion. 解性 Y 6 K AI S E I — Solubility. 解力 Y 0 K A I R Y O K l} Solvency. 血素 yOkesso — Hemolysin; the substance in a specific serum which effects the destruction of the erythrocytes. 菌米 yOkinso — Bacteriolysin. 細胞素 YOSAI H〇SO —Dissolvant. 血性黃痕 YOKES- lytic jaundice. 6421 r~、 KON -Muddle. 濁 K O N I) A K U ~ Turbid; cloudy; hazy; impure. M METSU ; Horobosu —■ To be extinguished; to destroy. 菌器 M E K K I N K I — Sterilizer. 99 Japanese-EngHsh Medical Dictionary—contd. 金 菌ガーゼM E K K I N GaZE 一 Sterilized gauze. 6437 JT — Tasty. SHI — To be rich. Shigekt — mourishing. 養灌腸劑 .1 I Y 0 Nutrients given by enema. 味 JIM I—Delicacies. 養 J I Y 0 — Nourishment; nutrition. 養過多 JIY〇 KATA — Hypertrophy; supernu- trition. 養缺乏 jiyGketsubO — Atrophy. 養灌腸 jiyOkancho —An injection of nourish- ment by the rectum. 養價値 jiyOkachi— Nutritive value. 6466 l u SHIN; Shimw, Nijimu — To penetrate; to spread. 出 S H I N S H U T S U — Exudation. 6475 TEKI — Shitatarw, Tareru : Shizuku — 丁o (trip; to drop. 瓶 T E K I B I X — A drop bottle. 6476 MAN — Complete; Manchuria. 洲チフスMANSHt) C H I F U S U — Man- churian typhus. 腹 MAMPUKU—Satiety. 6491 SHITSU;ひms/ri—Lacquer. 劑 SHITSUZAI — Lac- quer medicine. 扭 SHITSUDOKU — Lacquer poisoning. 葛URUSHIZUTA— A poison ivy. 6487 u R〇 ; Moru—To leak. ■"""H ROTO — A funnel;in- fundibulum. 6499 儀 KAN — An ancient Chinese kingdom; China — A man. 防已 K A M B 0 I — Radix sinomenin. 6547 m , A SEN — Secretly. Kuguru — To dive; to creep in. Hisomu 一To hide. 伏期 SEMPUKKI — Time of incubation. 100 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 金 伏性 SEMPUKUSEI —Talent. 蝴科 MUGURIBAEKA— Agromyzide; a member of a famuv of small or minute acalyptrate two - winged flies. •MS m \ KAI; Tsubusu — To break; to crumble. 瘍 KAIYO—Ulcer. 瘍性栗粒#核KMYO KAKU — Miliary tuber- culosis: a general spread- ing of tubercle bacilli pro- ducing numberless minute discrete tubercles in vari- ous organs and tissues. 瘍辦f〇NA故 —Stomatitis ulcerosa; ul- cerative stomatitis, a des- tructive ulceration of the mucous membrane of the mouth. 6532 SET; SH〇 — Clear: an old name for China. Kiyoi 一 Pure. 滌 SEIjO—•Catharsis. 6600 TEN; DEN; Yodomu — To settle; to be stagnant. On一 Sediment. 粉 DEMPUN—Starch. 風 DEMPtT — Vitiligo;leu- coderma ;a white macula; piebald skin. 4611 ト-」N〇; Koi\ Komayaka一Thick; deep; strong; minute. N〇DO — Density; speci- fic gravity. acid. 硝?==4^- 6633 SHITSU; Shimeru; Shitoru— To be moist; to be wet. SHISSHIN—Eczema. 布 I H IC H I 0 RU — Ichthyol. 氣 S H I K K I — Dampness; moisture. 潤 SHINJUN — Damp; • moist. 性肋膜炎 SHISSEI vVet pleurisy. —An itch; a scab. 101 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 八五 八六 s 丄 HIN ; Hama . — Beach; sea- coast. 辺繩科H A M A B E _ B A E K A 一 Phycodromi- dae; a small family of acalyptrate muscoid flies with flattened bodies. 6672 r~, RO; Kosu一To filter. ROKA 一 To pass through a filter. 胞 r〇H〇—Follicle. 過性微生物 ROKA- terable viruses. 6684 鼠HA — T。一“。W into. Kudasu — To have loose bowels. 血 SHAKETSU — Blood letting; extraction of blood from the body as a remedial measure. 下劑 SHAGEZAI — A purgative. 利鹽 S H A R I E N — Epsom salts. 痢 SHARI—Diarrhea. 6715 Mizutamari—A puddle; a pool. ® C H 0 R Y n — Reten- tion; engorgement. 溜腫 CH〇R YtiSHU — Retention tumor. 1 s„ to sprinkle, 腹 KANCHO—Enema. 腸器 KANCHOKI — An enema-syringe; a clyster pipe. 水器 KANSUIKI — A doucnmg instrument. 臈劑 KANCHOZAI— Enema. RAD. 86 火 6776 E KA ; Hi一B ire; flame. 葬 KASO—Cremation. 傷 YAKEDO (KASHO) —A burn; a scald. 栄 KAYAKU—Gunpowder. 酸化鐵K A S A q K A iron. 6784 U KAI; Hai — Ashes. Aku — Lye. 白軟膏 KAIHAKU- N A N K 0 — Unguentum hydrargyri cinereum. 102 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 会 6791 SHAKU — To heat; red-hot. 熱SHAKUNETSU— To heat; to make red-hot. 法 YAKUHO—To cauterize. 680夏 EN — Inflammation; hot; to burn. Mono —Flame, ENSH〇一Inflammation. 症性僂痳斯質 ENSHO- Inflammatory rheumatism. ENSH〇一Burning, scorch- ing. しTAN ; Sumi — Carbon; char- coal. 酸 T A N S A N — Carbonic acid. ide; carbonic acid gas, 痕T A N S 0 — Anthrax; carbon. 化 T A N K A — Carboniza- tion; carbonize. 酸タアヤコ-ルT A NSAN guayakOru— Guaiacol carbonate. _クレオソート T A N S A N kureosOto— Creosote carbonate. 6843 烙 i j RAKD ; Yaku — To cauterize; to burn. 6S72 無 MU; BU; Nat — Negative prefix; not. 意識 M U I S H I K I — Unconsciousness. 感覺 MUKANKAKU —Apathy; stupor. B U J I — Safety; without incident. 神經 MUSHINKEI — Insensibility. 水酸 MUSUISAN~~ Anhydride. 睾丸 MUKOGAN — Anorchism ; absence or failure of descent of the testicles. 晶形 MUSHOKEI — Amorphous, 性 MUSEI—Asexual. 病 MUBYO—Healthy. MUDOKU—Innocuous. 關節 ノ MUKANSETSU NO — Inarticulate. 莖 MUKEI — Without pe- dicles. ifl MUKETSU — Bloodless. 血蟲 MUKETTCHt— Insecta. 毛症 MUMOSHO —Alo- pecia ;baldness. 103 会 Japanese>English Medical Dictionary一contd. 熱 MUNETSU —Apyrexia, absence of fever. 齒 MUSHI—Toothless. 痛便毒 mutsOben- DOKU — Indolent buboe, an indurated enlargement of an inguinal gland, un- accompanied by marked pain or fever. 花果 I C H I J IK U — Fructus fici caricae; fig. 月經 MUGEKKEI — Amenorrhea, absence of the menses due to other than natural causes. 痛性雇瘍MUTStfSEI SH〇Y〇 — An indolent tumor. 瓣翅科 MUBENSHIKA —Acalyptera; a family of flies. MUHITSU—Illiteracy. 學 MUGAKU — Ignor- ance; illiteracy. 1 〇 u SHO; Kogasu; Kogeru — To char; to scorch. Kogareru — To long for. Aseru — To grow impatient; to hurry; to struggle, 性沒食子酸 SH〇- SEI MOSSHOKUSHI SAN — Pyrogallic acid. 6889 癍. l KA; KE—Heat; dry. マ K A M A — Light mag- nesium. 麻 KAMA — Magnesium oxide. 6894 m fc— SEX : Iru ——To roast; to parch. '雜 — A medical concoction; an infusion. 朱 SENCHA—Boiled tea. 6S95 SHA: Niru — To boil; to cook. 沸 SHAFUTSU— Boiling. 6901 M EN ; Ketnuri; Kemu—Smoke. 草 TABAKO一Tobacco. 6915 “ BAI; Susu—Soot. 色苔 SUSUIROKOKE— Fuliginous coating. 煙 BAIEN一Smoke; soot. 6957 熱 * N E T S U; Atsui] Hoteru — Fever; hot; to feel hot. 療法 NETSU RYGHO— Thermotherapy ; d i a - thermy. Medical Dictionary—contd. 会 射病 NESS HA BY〇— Heat stroke; heat pros- tration. 帶病 NETTA I BY〇— Tropical disease. 風 NEKKI —Hot air; healed atmosphere. 性 u rile albuminous urine. 調節 NETSU CHOSETSU —Regulation of heat. 帶熱 NETTAI NETSU— Estivo - autumnal fever; tropical malaria; a severe remittent form of acute malaria. 1一 — —To burn. N E N S H 0 — Cauteriza- tion. NENRYO—Fuel. 6977 m • RIN 一 Fire; ethereal flame. R I N S A N — Phosphoric acid. 酸石炭R I N S A N - S E K I T A N — Phos- phate of lime. 酸鹽 RINSANEN — Phosphate. 酸加里 RINSAN KARI 一 Potassium phosphate. 酸曹達 R I N S A N S 5 - TAi'bU — Soamm phos- phate. 灰銳 R I N K A I J 0 — Glycerophosphate tablets. 酸,Sナユ/ェ acid phosphate. 酸 ソーダ RINSAN S〇DA —Sodium phosphate. 製劑 RINSEI ZAI— Phosphorus preparations. RINSO—Phosphorus. S97S Xdb. l SHO; Yaku — To burn; to bake. 石膏 SHOSEKIKO— Gypsum ustum; plaster of Paris. 灼 SHOSHAKU — Caut- erization. 6M4 Lt 一 Camp; barracks. Ito- namu — To engage in business. X E I J I T S U — Fructus rosae multiflorae. 6996 k』KUN : Ibusu; Kusubu — To smoke; to emit smoke; to oxidize. 蒸 KUNjO—Fumigation. 肉 KUNNIKU —Smoked meat. 105 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary一contd. 八六 八七 八八 八九 九o 九- RAD. 89 爻 7039 r— K〇; GY〇 — To mix; to stir. 7004 BAKU; Haku \ Kawaku — To burst; to explode. 發性流行BAICU_ HATSU SEIRYCkO — A sudden outbreak of an epidemic. RAD. 87 _ 爪 1,—一 床炎 SOSHOEN — Ony chia; inflammation of ttv matrix with suppuratioi and shedding of the nail. RAD. 90 7044 r— SH〇—A spear; to sever. RAD. 91 片 7048 il-L HEN : Kata — Side. Kite — Piece; fragment. 腦 HENN〇 — Refined cam- phor. ™KATAWA — Disfigure- ment ;deformity; malfor- mation. 腕 KATAUDE—One armed. 腹 K A T A H A R A — The side of one’s body. camphor. RAD. 88 _ 父 一— Father. 7036 r ■明, TA; DA ; SHA—Father. 硫膏 FURUKO (taru- PASTA) — Sulphur tar ointment (pasta sulfuris cum piceliquida) : pasta zinci sulfurata; Unna's sul- furated zinc paste : zinc oxide 15, precipitated sul- phur 10, silicious earth 5, benzonated lard 70. 106 Japanese~English Medical Dictionary—contd. K A RAD. 92 牙 7065 i GA; Kiba一A tusk; a canine tooth. _ KAKI—Oyster. 7080 r—^ l BUT S JJ; Motsu; Mono —• Thing; matter; article. 理學 BUTSURIGAKU— Physics. 理療法T S U R I therapy; physiopathy. aft 歴攸 BUTTAIHAN— Microscopic slides. 理化學BUTSURj chemistry; chemicophy- sics. RAD. 93 牛 7072 ごIt GYtT; Ushi—Cow; ox; bull. 疫 GYtTEKI一 Cattle plague. 鼠德愚顯咖: ine tuberculosis. 酪酸 GYCRAKU SAN- Butyric acid. 酪酸醱酵 fermentation. 膽 GY CT AN—Oxgall. 蹄油 GYCTEIYt— Neats-foot oil. m GYtJTO—Cowpox. 痘毒 GYUTO doku —Vaccine virus. I—一 and animals. BOTAN—Tree peony. 7086 r丨, 」TOKU -Special; alone. 退 TOKUHAS- SEI SHOKUD0 KAKU- CHOSHO — Idiopathic esophageal dilatation. 發性破傷風 TOKU Idiopathic tetanus. 發性輕快 TOKUHAS- taneous remission. 發病 TOKUHATSU BYO — Sporadic disease. 異性 TOKUI S E I — Idiosyncrasy. 107 九三 九0 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 7087 KEN; To pull. 焱子 KENGOSHI — Kala- dana; p'larbitis nil; the dried seeds of I hederacea (a purgative and anthelmintic). 7162 ■一 K Y 0 ; Semai — Limited; narrow. 心症 KYOSHIN SH〇 —Angina pectoris; severe constricting pain in the chest due to aortic aneur- ysm or spasm of the cor- onary arteries. KYOSAKU — Con- struction ;stricture. 7168 L j R〇 — To be flurried. Okami—■ Wolf. 狽 R 0 B A I — Consterna- tion. 瘡 R〇S〇—Lupus. 7100 fcfc- SH〇 — To be crazy; insane; severe. 紅熱 shOkOnetsu —Scarlet fever. 猩蠅科 SHOjO baeka —Drosophilidae; flies of the genus Drosophila, among which is the com- 7180 mon fruit fly. 酽 MO — r lerce; violent; strong; angry. 烈 M 0 R E T S U—Violence; fierceness. RAD. 94 犬 7110 KEN; Inu—Dog. 齒' KENSHI—A canine tooth. 7125 K Y 0 , Kuruu—To be mad; to be deranged. Kichigai — Luna- tic. 犬 KYOKEN—Mad dog. 犬病 KYOKEN BY〇 —Lyssa; rabies; hydro- phobia. 病犬豫防注射KY〇_ C H U S H A — The Pas- teur treatment; anti- * hydrophobia serum treat- ment. 108 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—•contd. 九四 九五 九穴 門 GYOKUMON—Vulva. •7297 Tama: Kado —Jewel: edge. E I M A G.U — Keimag (magnesium salicylate). 7305 r~^ KYU — Sphere. Tama一Ball; globe. ® KYUKIN—Coccus. 菌類 KYOKINRUI— Micrococcus. 7307 J RI — Principle; to manage. Kotow ari — Reason; right. Wake; Suji — Reason; mean- ing. Kime—Texture. 硏ビタミンD RIKEN BIT AM IN D —Vita- min A, D plant oil solution. 硏マクR I K E N M A G U —Magnesium hydroxide; milk of magnesia. §H〇 挪質 HOROSHITSU ——Enamel of the teeth. 724g L』jtT; Kemono : Kedamono — A beast; an animal. JUEKI —A cattle plague; rinderpest. J C H I — Animal skin; hide. 炭 JUTAN — Animal char- coal. 炭未 jtTAN MATSU — Animal carbon. W_ JUI — Veterinary surgeon. 化 JOKA —To animalize; to brutalize. 姦 JUKAN—Sodomy. RAD. 95 7256 hm』GEN : Kuroi 一 Great; great- grand-child; dark ; black. RAD. 96 玉 7261 ‘ j GYOKU; Tama; Tama-Hen —A precious stone; a jewel. 蜀黍 TOMOROKOSHI —Maize. 109 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 九A 九七 九八 九九 7386 環 u KAN; Wa —■ Ring. To revolve. 虫類 RANCHORUI— Annelids; a phyl an in- cluding the earthworms, marine worms, and leeches 節 KANSETSU—Segment. 狀切除術 KANJO circumcision. 斯KHz gangrene serum. 斯壤痕 GASUKAISO— Gas gangrene. •74 置 *7 a LZ5 KIROGURAMU—Kilogram. 7421 瓱 i MIRIGURAMU—Milligram. 7422 DESHIGURAMU—Decigram. 74SS 1 fc—- SENCHIGURAMU — Centigram. 7426 HEI: BIN —Bottle. Name ~ A jar. RAD. 97 瓜 7403 r"■"•晒, KA : Uri—A melon. 實顔 URIZANEGAO •— Oval-shaped face. m HEN; BEN; Sane] Tohira— Petal;valve (as of the heart or a vein); ventil; reed. 膜病 BENMAKUBYO —Valvular disease. RAD. 99 甘 7458 振 k KAN; a mat — Sweet. I mat —Of agreeable taste ; pleasant to the senses; good; skilful; successful. Amanjiru 一 To be contented. 禾 K A N K 0 — Calomel; mercurous chloride. RAD. 98 瓦 74屢3 s i J GA; GI; Kawara 一 A tile. Guramu——Gram. 斯 GASU—Gas. Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 九九 100 -ol K A N S E I — Saccharine. 酱 KANSHO — Sweet potato. 科醫 SANKAI — Pedia- SANGO 一 Post-confine- ment. 不冲 SANK A—Obstetrics. 婆 SAMBA—Midwife. 蓐 SANJOKU—Childbed. 聲 URUGOE — The first cry 婦乳房炎 SAM_ Mastitis puerpera; puer- peral inflammation of the breast. 褥性破傷風 _ SAN- Puerperal tetanus. RAD.100 生 h—- SEI : SHO : Iki — Life. Umu —To give birth; to bear; to produce. Ubu — Inexperience; simplicity. Nama — Raw. Chiru — To grow^. S E I S 0 N — Living; existence. • 时 SEIMEI—Life. 附 UMARETSUKI — Natural disposition. - S1】SEISEN—Lifetime. SEIKI—Vitality. MsEISHOKU — Repro- duction; generation. 殖器 SEISHOKKI — Reproductive organs., flS SETTAI—Organism. 薑 Sf! 上 1 ginger berries. 74A4 fcfc.. SAN — Property. Umu 一 To give birth; to produce. 卵 SANRAN — To lay eggs; to spawn. RAD.101 用 74169 w.丨』YO — Business; occupation; use. Mochiiru—To use. Y 0 H 0 — Directions for use. 量 YORY0—Dose; dosage. I 〇二 1o三 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. RAD.102 田 7479 DEN; Ta — Field; land: paddy-neld; rice-field. 蟲 TAMUSHI—Ringworm. r ■_ 丨, K〇 First : " A Yoroi — Armor. Kahuto — Helmet. 狀 K 0 J 0 — Primary (as in M primary glandular in- sufficiency ,f). 狀腺 kOjOsen — Thyroid gland. 狀释腫K G J。S E N 狀軟骨 KOJ0 NAN- cartilage. 狀腺數脈K 0 j G S E N thyroid artery. 74*3 ここ DAN; NAN; tO; Otoko — Man; male. 性 DANSEI—Male. 子 DANSHI—Man : male. gyny; hermaphroditism. 根 NAN KON—The penis. 7MO fc-丨』I : Koto — Different; foreign. Koto-Naru; Tagau — To differ. Ayasnn—■Strange; rare. 常體質I J 〇 T A I - S H I T S U — Diathesis. 性 ISEI—The opposite sex. 化作用 IKASAKUYO —Dissimilation. S TO 一 This; that.‘ Ateru — To strike against. Ate—Re- liance ;hope; object. 藥 T〇YAKU — Herba swertiae. 7539 sg wf 」KI—Strange; cripple. KIKEI—Deformity. 形療法 KIKEI RY〇H〇 一 Orthopedic treatment. 形性關節炎 KIKEI Artnntis deformans. 形論 K I K E I R O N — Teratology. RAD.103 疋 7554 足 l H I K I — Auxiliary number. As hi—Foot. 112 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. I § RAD.104 疒 7560 r—^ k—J DAKU; Yamatdare; Yamu一 To be ill; to be sick. 7561 r-關 CH〇; TEI; Kasa — A type of syphilis which particularly affects the face. 7562 E HI — A type of eczema which affects the head; to be bald. 7564 KI; Or oka — A fool;a boil or pimple on the head; con- genital syphilis. 7569 u KYTJ; Yamu 一 To be ill; to suffer; to suffer a long thne; to have a guilty conscience. 7566 CH0; CHIKU — A disease of the small intestine. 7567 w u K A; G E; Kudartbara — Diarrhea. 7568 m u SEN ; San 一 Pain in the loins or abdomen. 氣 SKNKI — A type of lum- l):igo; abdominal pain. 涌 SENTSO—Colic. 756供 g u CHIN; Yamu 一 To be ill or sick; fever. 疾 CHINSHITSU — Illness; fever; misfortune. 舟C HINDOKU — A virus or poison from a disease. 7570 m u S U I 一 A dropsical disease; dropsy. 7571 芝 j HAN — Bad; foolish; a chest disease causing retcning or nausea. 7572; k一^a YU; Ibo — A wart; a papula. 子 YUSHI—A wart. 老 IBO J I R I 一 A praying mantis. 取I B 0 T 0 R I — Chinese wax tree. 113 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 1o四 取蟣< IBOTORIR0 — Tree wax. 痔 IBOJI—Blind piles. 摘 IBOMUSHIRI —Praying mantis : if rubbed. on warts said to cause their disappearance. 瘡 Yt)S〇—Warts; papulae. 賛 Y t Z E I — Warts and bumps. 效欠 Yt)jO一Verrucose; warty. 757* r—^ KAI; HIZEN: SHITSU : Okori — Scabies; an itch; a communicable skin disease. S K A I R E I — An itchy eruption; pimples; eczema. 癖 K A,I S E N — An itch; mange; scabies. 癖蟲 kaisenchC — Scabmite. 癬藥K A I S E N Y A K U An itch medicine. 7574 s SHI; KI — sickness; disease. 7575 KA; KE — Critical illness. 757¢ k J HI — A disease characterized by cold feet : to cover; to shield; a sKin disease. 7577 £KI; Eyami •,Yaku — Com- municable disease; epidemic. 病 EKIBYO; yakubyO— Epidemic : plague; pesti- lence ; a communicable fever. 咳 E K I G A I — Whooping cough. 痢 E K I R I — Dysentery in children; cholera infan- tum. E K I R E I — A com- municable disease. 7579 k- H〇; Mogasa — Pox; a boil or pimple on the skin full of water; smallpox. 瘡 H〇SO—~Smallpox. 疫 HOSHIN—Herpes. 7580 g HI; Tsukareru — To tire; to be tired; to be exhausted ; to be weary. 乏 HIB〇—Weary. HIMIN 一 An exhausted and weary populace. 共 HIHEI —A tired soldier; weary troops. 5ロ HITAI —Tiredandlazy; careless from exhaustion. 114 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 1o四 HI KEN — Weary and dis- gusted. 病 HIHEI — Tired and sick. HIRO — Tired from ex- ertion; to become weary. Tired and weak; exhausted ; impoverished. 憊 HIHAI—Tobetired; to be weary. 癃 HIRY0 — Weary and in- firm from old age; tired and weak. HIRUI — Sick and weak; tired and weak. 7581 u KAN — Irritability; nervous- ness; diseases; sick- ness in children from overeat- ing. 癩 KANSHAKU — Passion; temper; spleen; irrita- bility ; an anemic type disease in children caused by a parasite. KANSO 一 A soft chancre; a syphilitic ulcer. 75S2 Ifci. U A—Disease; sickness. 恙 AYO 一 Disease; illness. 他 A R U 一 Hunchback; rickets. SHI; Kizu — A wound; an injury; a defect; a flaw. 瑕 SHIGA — Scar; wound; blemish; error. 癘 S H I R E I — Misfortune; calamity; disaster. SHIK〇 — A dirty wound. 痒 SHIHEI—Wounded. 短 SHIT AN—Wounded. 谨 S H I K I N — Wound; Dlemish; error. S H I K I N — Wound; fault. 7584 TAN; Odan 一 A disease resulting from a weak stomach; jaundice; icterus. 75S5 SO; SHO: Kasa — A sore; an ulcer; a deep-rooted ulcer or carbuncle which heals slowly. 腫 S O S H 0 — Swelling; boil;tumor. 7M7 s d SHIN; CHIN; Hashika— Measles; an eruption. 恙 S H I N Y 0 — Measles; skin disease. 115 10四 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 子 SHINSHI—Measles. SHIMBAKU—Measles. 7589 运_ H〇; Yasu; Tsukareru — To become tired; to become weary. 7589 SHI; Uchikizu — A bruise from a blow; contusion. S H I I — A bruise from a blow; contusion. 7590 k- j T〇; Itamu — To pain. Uzuktt —To ache; to throb with pain; to smart. 痛 TOTSC—Pain, ache. 腫T 0 S H 0 — Painfully swollen. T 0 R E I — Pain caused by severe freezing. 7591 &k. TEN ; Kuruu — Crazy; mad ; demented. 狂 TENKYO — Crazy; insane. T E N K A N — Insanity; epilepsy. 7707 HATSU; Okoru 一 To com- mence ;to rouse; to start. HOTSU— To open; to dis- charge ;to emit. Abaku—To disclose; to expose. 狂 HAKKYO — Madness; insanity. 疼熱 HASSHIN NETSU— Eruptive fever (so-called Manchurian typhus). 瘆チフスH A S S H I N C H I F U S U — Eruptive typhus; typhus fever. 汗 HAKKAN — Suda- tion; sweating. 疹 H A S S H I N—A rash; eruption. 病 HATSUBY 0 — An onset of illness. 育 HATSUIKU — Growth; development. 生學 HASSEI GAKU — Genetics; embryology. HOSSA—A paroxysm; a fit; a spasm. 泡 HATSUBO — A blister; vesication. 作性皿色素尿 HOSSASSEI KESSHOKU SONY0 — Paroxysmal hemoglobinuria : hemo- globin in the urine. RAD.105 n 7702 只 i HATSU; Somukn — To be contrary; to go against. Iku —To go. Hiraku一To open. 132 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 10五 I o六 語潞滯 HATSUGOJC- TAI — Aphasis;loss of power of speech from corti- cal lesion. 熱HATSUNETSU— Calorification. 熱當量 HATSUNETSU TOKYO — Calorific equivalent. 熱度 HATSUNETSU DO —Calorific intensity. — Sexual excitement. 泡藥 HATSUBO yaku —A vesicant; a blister producing agent. H A T S U G A—Germina- tion. 情期 HATSUJOKI—The age of puberty. 汗_H〇H— treatment : production of perspiration. 汗劑 HAKKAN ZAI — Diaphoretic; a perspira- tion-producing agent. 冃病 HATSUIKUBYO— A developmental disease. 育不全 HATSUIKU FUZEN — Atelia; per- sistence of the child's char- acteristics in the adult. 育缺如 HATSUIKU KETSUJO — Aplasia; the defective development in a tissue. RAD.106 白 7709 酽■, iLJi HAKU: B Y AKU; Shiroi; Akiraka 一 White ; bright ; opaque;light. 內章 HAKUNAISHO 一Cataract of the eye. jSz 爵 HAKUSEN — Tinea alba; honey - comb and ringworm; trichophytosis; a scabious contagious dis- ease of the skin. 帶下 HA KUTAIGE — Leucorrhea; a whitish dis- charge from the vagina. 痴 HAKUCHI — Idiocy; imbecility. 墨 HAKUBOKU—Chalk. 船 HAKUEN-White lead. 眼 HAKUGAN; SHIROME —To frown upon. 斑 HAKUHAN — A white spot:a macula. 髮 H AKUHATSU — Grey hair; snow-white hair. 皮病 HAKUHIBY〇— Leucopathy;leucoderma; a condition of defective pigmentation of the skin. 膜 H A K U M A K U — The sclerotic; the white, tough outer membrane of the eye- ball. 133 -o六 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 蝶 HAKURO — White or refined wax. 粒岩 HAKURY tGAN —Granulite. 苔 HAKUTAI —Acoated tongue. 血球 HAKKEKKYO 一Leucocyte; a white blood corpuscle. 血球像 HAKKEKKYC SH〇 — Leucocytes pic- ture. 血球增_症HAK- KEKKYC zOtashO — Leucocytosis. 色プロントジル銳haku- SHOKU PURONTOJIRU jO — Prontosil album; prontosil aminophenyl sul- lonamide. 陶土 HAKUT0DO — Bolus alba; argilla; alu- minum salicylate. 排花 HAKUTOKA — The anemone. 血 S H I R A C H I — The whites;leucorrhea. 血 —Leucopenia; a disease of the leucocytes. 金 HAKKIN—Platinum. 降フ磨— mercury ointment. 降承 HAKKGKO — Ammoniated mercury. 檀油 HAKUDANYtr Oleum santah; sandal- wood oil. 癒風 HAKUDEMPO (SHIRO NAMAZU)— Vitiligo; acquired leuco- derma. 蘇 HAKUSEN 一 Honey- comb ringworm. 蘚集湯疫 HAKUSEN- ginal eczema. 色葡萄狀筋性膿痂 瘡 HAKUSHOKU BUDOTO KINSEI NOKASHIN — Impetigo albostaphylogenes ; an acute pustular inflamma- tion of the skin. 癬性汙疱疹 HAKU- Favus herpeticus; a skin disease with eruption of distinct vesicles. 血病 HAKKETSUBYO— Leucemia. 頭翁 O KIN AGUSA — Anemone; a genus of ran- unculaceous herbs. 堊質 HAKUASHITSU— Dental cement. 7710 lIzLiHYAKU; Momo — Hundred; many; various. 日咳 HYAKU NICHI S E K I — Whooping cough : pertussis. 足 MUKADE—Centipede. 合 YURI—A lily. 134 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contc/. Ion i o七 7725 s. k』KA—White; clear. K 0 H A N — Zinc sul- phate. 下注射器 H I K A hypodermic injector. « 胎腺 HISHISEN — Sebaceous gland. 革 HIKAKU — Hides; skins. 殼 H IK A K U — A shell;a crust. 膚tS —Hs1 ユこ anea. 膚驚ロ瘡 H I F U G A K 0 S 0 — Thrush; sprue; aphthae. 膚癌 HIFUGAN — Carcinoma cutis; skin cancer. 膚釀母菌病 HIFU tomycosin cutis; an in- flammatory disease of the skin produced by a specific budding fungus. 膚結核HIFU KEKKAKU —Tuberculosis cutis (der- mal tuberculosis). 膚脫落 HIFU DATSU R A K U — Apolepisis; a shedding of the skin. ma of the skin; a gummy tumor of the skin. 膚斑 HIFU HAN — Macula; a small patch or spot such as a freckle. 膚變黑 HIFU HEN- KOKU Chromatosis; an abnormal pigmentation of the skin. RAD.107 皮 7739 * HI; Kawa — Skin;leather; fur; hide. 相 H I S 0 — Superficial; shallow. 層 HISO—Cortex. 痛 HITSC—Dermalgia. HI FU—Skin. 膚柄 HIFUBYO — A skin (cutaneous) disease. 膚炎 H I F U E N—Derma- titis. "T' H I K A — Subcutaneous; h37podermic. 下溢血HIKA IKKETSU —Ecchymosis; an extra- vasation of blood into areolar tissue. 膚科H I F U K A —Der- matology. 下注射 HIKA CHtTSHA —Subcutaneous injec- tion. 135 I 〇七 I o八 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 膚萎縮 HIFU ISHUKU —■Atrophy of the skin. 膚火傷 HIFU KASHO —A skin burn. /同機症 HIFU R E K I S H 0—A skin abrasion. 膚創 HIFU SO—A super- ficial wound. 膚蒼白 HIFU SOHAKU 一Cyanosis : blue discolora- tion of skin from a non- oxidation of the blood. 下出血 HIKA SHUK- KETSU — Hypodermal bleeding. 膚紅痛症 HIFU KCTSOSHO — Ery- thromelalgia : a painful affection of the extremities with purplish discoloration of the parts. 膚腺病 HIFU SENBYO —Scrofuloderma; scro- fula of the skin. 膚蚤痒症 HIPU SOyOSHO — Pruritus cutaneous; itching of the skin. 下蜂棄織炎 HIKA H〇KA SHIKIEN 一 Phlegmon; suppurative inflammation of areolar tissue. 膚疣狀結核 HIFU Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis; tuberculosis of the skin, occurring in the form of reddish-brown tubercles. 下蜂窠結核 HIKA- luberculosis phlegm6n; tuberculosis occurring in the areolar tissue. 膚 i:HH—i binism. 7746 KUN; KIN; Akagire —Chap- ping of the skin. 、孤 KUNCHOKU — A chapping of the skin and frost bite. 77418 雛 I』SH0; StT; Shiwa — Wrinkles; folds. 裝 SHtiHEKI—Wrinkles. RAD.108 显 7752 Sara —- A dish; a plate; a saucer. 776S l TO; Nusumu——TTo stcd. T 0 K A N — Night sweat. 136 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. IO八 1o九 77M KAN — To wash. Tarai — A hand basin : a wash tub. 虫樣 M G C H 0 C H U Y 0 — Appendix; vermiform appendix. 貫銃瘡 mOkanjCsO— A wound with a bullet re- tained in the body. 巨 M〇KAN—A wound with a bullet imbedded in the tissue. 腸周圍炎 mOchO SHUIEN — Perityphlitis; inflammation around the cecum. 7799 1 CHOKU ; Jiki : Tadachi ni\ Sugu; Na〇] Ne — Direct; immediately; at once : straight; honest; mend; correct price; value. Wl CHOKUCHO—Rectum. 接傳染 CHOKUSETSU DENSEN—A direct infec- tion. 腸炎 CHOKUCHOEN— Proctitis; inflammation of the rectum. 臈膀胱瘻 CH〇_ kuchObokOro— Rectovesical fistula; an abnormal tube-like passage in the rectum or bladder. 腹fe中隔 C H O _ KUCHOCHITSU- CHUKAKU — Recto- vaginal septum; the divi- ding membrane between the rectum and the vagina. 腹脫 CHOKUCH0- D A T S U — Prolapse of the rectum. RAD.109 s 7790 JLliMOKU; BOKU—To look; to see. Me—Eye. MEDAMA—An eyeball. 藥 MEGUSURI—Eyewash. M E K U S 0— Mucus dis- charge from the eyes. -51 M E J I R I — The ex- ternal canthus. 你 MABUCHI — An eyelid. 脂 M E Y A N I — Discharge from the eyes. 7796 亡 ご上 MA ; Mekura; Meshii 一 A blind person; dark; ignorant; blind. 人 MEKURA — A blind person; blind. 腸 M〇CH〇 — Cecum; blind gut. 腸炎 mGchGen — l yphlitus; appendicitis. 137 I 〇九 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary一contd. 騰排泄 CHOKUCHO- evacuation. 應 ffM_CH〇K= turn; peritoneal fold con- necting the rectum with the sacrum. 觴內翻 CHOKUCHO- NAIHON 一 Inversion of the rectum. 觴瘻 CHOKUCHORO— A rectal fistula. 膜穿孔_ CHOKUCH0- SEXKO 一 Perforation of the rectum. 觴叢 CHOKUCHOSO— Hemorrhoidal plexus. 鷹息肉 CHOKUCHO- SOKUNIKU — A rectal polyp. 應癒著CHOKUCHO- the rectum or anus; ad- hesion of the rectum. CHOKUCHO- stricture. I—— Eyebrows. 毛 BIMO一Eyebrow. BIU—The brows. MI KEN 一 The middle of the forehead. 7817 KAN; Miru—To look at; to watch. Mimamoru — To look after. 護婦 KANGOFU—A nurse. 護兵 KANGOHEI — A hospital corpsman. 護科 K A N G 0 K A — Hospital corps. 護卒 KANGO sotsu— A hospital orderly. 病 KAMBYO—Nursing. 7828 眠 lk-L< MIN ; Nemuru——To sleep. ぼ?U ニT Exophthalmus; an abnor- mal protrusion of the eye- 球震擾症,MI>KY〇 mus; oscillatory move- ment of the eyeballs. 783a W KEN; GEN; Kuramu; Madou — To be dizzy; to be giddy; to dazzle; to be be- wildered. 暈 GENUN; MEMAI— Dizziness; giddiness; ver- tigo. 惑 GEN WAKU —Dazzle; daze. 138 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. I 0九 臉?也垂(i A N K E N _ C H I S U I — Ptosis; a drooping of the upper eye- lid. 臉样G A N K E N- F OS HU —Edema t)f the of the eyelid; the accumu- lation of serum in the cellu- lar tissue of the eyelid. 臉瘦擊CANKEN K E I R E N — Blepharo- spasm ;spasm of the orbi- cularis palpebrarum muscle. 臉_筋 G + NKEN- palpebrae; a muscle which elevates the eyelid. 瞼内飜症 GANKEN- NAIHONSH0 — Inver- sion of the eyelid. 瞼蚤痒疹 GAKENSO- Y OSH IN—An itch involv- ing the eyeha. 筋 GANKIN — A muscle of the eye. GANKA—The orbit. 球抽除G A N K Y C - C H 0 J O — Enucleation of the eyeball. 球勞際 GANKYC- R〇SAI — Ophthalmoph- tnisis; a wasting of the eyeball. 界 GANKAI 一 The range of vision; the visual field. 孑L G A N K 0 — The eye- socket ;orbit of the eye. 球 GANKYC— The eyeball. 7M3 w—GAN ; GEN ; Me : Manako 一 The eye; optic; eyeball. 科 G A N K A — Ophthal- mology; the science of the anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the eye. 臉 G A N K E N — Eyelids; palpebrae. 病 GAMBYO—Eye trouble. 臉炎 GAN KEN EN — Palpebritis. 科醫 GAN K A I一 An ophthalmologist. 鏡 GANKYO; MEGANE — Glasses; eye-glasses. 外管 GANGAISHI — Canthus externus ; the palpebral angle, i.e., the angle formed by the junc- tion of the eyelids. 白膜 GANHAKUMAKU 一 The white of the eye. 破裂 GANHARETSU 一 Coloboma; a fissure, especially of parts of the eye. 軸 G A N J I K U— The axis of the eye. 華?Ju— jective sensation of light. 瞼炎 G A N K E N EN —Blepharitis; an inflam- mation of the edges of the eyelids. 139 I 0九 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 神經 GAN SHINKEI — An optic nerve. 力 GANRYOKU—The power of sight. 炎 G A N E N — Ophthalmia; inflammation of the eyes. paralysis; paralysis of the eye. 球振盪症 GANKYU mus; oscillatory movement of the eyeballs. 球 trusion of the eyeball;exo- phthalmus. 底 G A N T E I — Fundus oculi; the posterior and in- ternal part of the eye. 臉炳 GANKENBYO— Palpebral disease; a disease of the eyelid. 輪筋 GANRINKIN — Orbicularis palpebrarum; the muscles of the eyelid. MEBAEKA — Conopidae; a family of cyclorrhaphous Diptera with broad heads, hence called thickheaded flies. 綠?Sf心== bristle. 窝孔 G A N K A K 0 — The orbital foramen. 7S60 1 U SUI; Nemuru — To sleep; to be drowsy. 眠 SUIMIN—Sleep. 氣 NEMUKE — Sleepi- ness; sleepy. 眠病 SUIMIN BYO— Sleeping sickness. 藥 NEMURI GUSURI — A sleeping drug; a sopori- fic. SH〇; Matmge—Eyelashes. 毛 SHOMO—Eyelashes. 7972 K〇 ; GO; Kintama—Testicle. A KINTAMA—Testicle. 丸中隔 kOganchU- KAKU — Septum of the scrotum. -KS chins; inflammation of the tissues around the tes- tis. 丸萎縮 KOGANISHUKU —Atrophy of the testicle. 丸菌腫 KOGANKINSHU —Fungus testis. 丸摘出 KOGANTEKI- SHUTSU — Castration. 140 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. I 〇九 ニ 0 I 二 A贅肉 kOganzei- NIKU — Condyloma of the testicles. Mj KOGAN—Testicles. A炎 K 0 G AN E N — Orchitis : inflammation of the testicles. 7903 D〇; Hitomi—The pupil of the eye. ?L D〇K〇 — The pupil of the eye. 孔膜 DOKO MAKU — 丁he pupilary membrane. 孔散大 DOKO SANDAI —Mydriasis-; dilatation of the pupil. 孔縮小_ D〇K〇 SHU- KUSH〇 — Myosis; con- traction of the pupil. 79〇S KEN; Mahuta 一 Eyelids; the edge of the eyelids. RAD. Ill 矢 7937 hN—< SHI; Ya — An arrow; a dart. 7941 CHI; Shiru —To know; to perceive. 見 CHIKAKU — Sensibility; perception. 覺樓關C H I K A K U of perception. 覺痲痺CHIK^AKUf sensation. 7948 短 i丨』TAN — Shortcoming. Mijikai —Short. TANK I — Quick temper; short temper. TANSHUKU — Shorten- ing; contraction. 命 TAMMEI — A brief span of me. 7951 蓮 KY〇; 丁ameru—To straighten; to rectify. 正 KYOSEI — A correction; to rectify; to remedy. RAD.110 矛 7929 」MU; B〇; Hoko—A spear. 141 三 I ニ一 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 油乳劑原液 SEKIYtT Concentrated petroleum emulsion. •796篁 SA ; Suna—Sand; grit. I sago 一Pebbles. 風呂 SUNA BURO — A sandbath. 埃 SUNABOKORI—Dust. 派 SUNAGOSHI — Filtration through sand. 蠅熱 SAYONETSU— Sand-fly fever. 7970 L HI; HEi — A poisonous ore. H I S E K I — Arsenious anhydride. HISAN—Arsenic acid. 酸鹽 H I S A N E N — Ar- senate. HI SO—Arsenic. 化水素 HIKASUISO — Arseniureted hydrogen; arsine. 骨 C H I N K 0 T S U— The anvil (ear bone). 性視力K Y 0 S E I SHIRYOKU — Sight correction; reiraction. HAD.112 石 7954 一"-»■」KIN; Sun — Sinew; vein; line; course. K I N N I K U — Muscles. 岡レウマチスKINNIKU RYUMACHISU — Muscu- • lar rheumatism. 痛 K I N T S C — Myalgia; sore muscles. 瘦攀 KINKEIREI — Muscular spasm. 學 KINGAKU—Myology. 炎 KII^EN—Myositis. 根 K I N K ON — Tendons; sinews. こNyIKU 纖維 K I N S E N I — Mus- cular fibers. 9470 KAN: KEN — To close: to shut; to gag: Hameru — To fit into; to insert between. Hr—^ mosis. Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 二八 ニ九 M9S W hm SETSU — Chapter : paragraph : part; virtue. Fushi — Joint. 足動物SESSOKU DOBUTSU — Arthro- poda : a phylum of the Metazoa which includes in- sects, myriapods, arach- nids, crustaceans, and pro- traoheata. 肢動物SESSHI DOBUTSU — Arthropoda. 8524 SL HEI; HI; Hera—-A spatula. S527 u SHI; SAI; Furui — A sieve; a screen. Furuu——to sift. B S H I K 0 T S U — The ethmoidal bone. 9644 U Kiro Metoru——Kilometer. S64S l」FUN : Kona; Ko — Powder; flour. 末 FUMMATSU—Powder. 1 瘤 F U N R Y 0 — Ather- oma : (i) a sebaceous cyst; (2) a disease of the arteries. 碎 FUNS A I —To shatter; to smash. 狀 FUNJO—Powder. 8649 bl Miri Metoru 一 Millimeter. 8654 l RY〇; Grain; a drop; a pill. 狀 HsuH0 ted charcoal, 8657 k メ HAKU; Kasu — Vegetable or animal refuseresidue; refuse used for Dy-products. RAD.119 米 8635 采 . KIN 一 Strict; reliable; solid. Shimaru. — To be tight; to be in state of tension. Shimeru — To tighten. 張 KINCHO—To strain. 8929 IK〇A〇^;; Yurumu — To be loose. Yuk- kuri — Without hurry. 解期 KANKAIKI—Period of defervesence. 急 gK4=— 和 K A N W A—To mollify; to mitigate. 衝液 KANSHOEKI— A buffer solution. 下劑 KANGEZAI — 8 JO_Atape: aline. 蟲類 J G C H C R U I — 蟲驅除劑+ JOCH0 agents which cause the ex- pulsion of tape worms. 蠅科 S HIMABA EK A Sapromyzidae, a family of acalyptrate flies. 8976 幾HO ;Nuu—To sew. 合 NUIAWASE—Suture. [ft筋 H〇SH〇KIN — Sartorius muscle. 155 MIO I ニI Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 合針 hOgOshin — A surgical needle. H〇G〇—Suture. 9993 總, k SO ; Subete — All : generally ; entire; total. Suberu — To control;to govern. Fusa 一 A cluster; a bunch; a tassel. 合病院 S〇G〇 byOin —A general hospital. 頸動脈 S G K E I common carotid artery. 腸骨動脈_ S〇CH〇- The left common iliac ar- tery. 8999 一一 T。 bundle; to wrap. H〇TAI 一 A bandage : a dressing. 帶胞 HOTAIH0 —A first- aid packet ; a dressing. 帶所 H 0 T AIJ 0—A dressing station. 9075 r— 纖 k J SEN 一 Fibre : thread; deli- cate ;fine. 毛虫 SEMM OCH n — Ciliata. 維 SENI—Fibre. SENISHU—Fibroma. RAD.121 缶 9080 l 」F(J; Hotogi; Kame — A jar; a tile. 9088 s 點 KETTEN — A defect; a 盆 KETSUBON—The hollow of the shoulder blade. 脣 KESSHIN—A harelip. 9100 KAN — A container; a can. 詰 KANZUME — Canned goods; canning; tinning; provisions. 9102 r Tokuri—A bottle. 156 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 三ニ 三三 RAD.122 网 9103 B〇; M〇; Ami—A net. 0f35 k —〇 RI; Kakaru — To meet with; to be concerned with; to be affected by. 災民 RISAIMIN — Victims; sufferers. 柄 RIBYO—Falling ill; the contracting of a disease; to become ill. 炳者 RIBYOSHA — Cases (of typhoid fever); sufferers (from cholera). 病率 ribyOsotsu— The attack rate; the rate oi incidence. 9122 EN; AU : Y〇; 0; Ami ] An—A net. 法 A M P 0 —Fomentation; cataplasm; a compress; hot and cold therapy. RAD.123 羊 9150 fc- Y〇; Hitsuji—Sheep. 毛 Y〇M〇—Wool. 膜 YOMAKU—Amnion. 膜脫 yOmakudatsu— Prolapse of the amnion. 膜襞 yOmakuheki— Amniotic fold. 膜胞 yGmakuhO — Amniotic bladder. 膜腔 YGMAKUKU — Amniotic cavity. 膜鞘 yOmakushO— Amniotic sheath. otr» ifc GI 一 Right: justice. Yoshi — Good; proper. 肢術 GISHI JUTSU —Dental prothesis. 齒 GISHI — An artificial tooth. & GISOKU — An artificial leg. 齒臺 GISHIDAI —A dental plate. 眼 G I G A N — An artificial eye. 膜 G I M A K U—A pseudo- membrane. 157 三三 |ニ四 ニ|五 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 布斯G I P U S U — Pla - ster ot Pans. 手 G I S H U 一 An artificial hand. 9182 KETSU; KAN — A herd of sheep. 答利斯 KANTARISU 一 Cantharides; Spanish ture of cantharides. 9192 裏RUI—To be emaciated. 瘦 RUISG—Atrophy. 上剛毛 SHIJO GOMO 一 Supralar bristle. 長蠅科 HANENAGA BAEKA 一 Lonchopteri- dae; a family of flies of the order Dipt era. 9214 習_ i J SH〇; Jt); Narau — To learn; to study. Narawashi——A cus- tom ;a practice; a fashion. 慣 SH OK AN — A custom; a habit. 9238 El—Shade : opaque; opacity. Kazasu — To shade from the sun. 9245 翼 • YOKU 一 To assist. Tsubasa 一 A wing. 狀 iftEL〇PSm〇 RAD.124 ... 羽 l 」U ; Heine ; Ha—Feather. &HASHITSU — Dcr- manyssus; chicken louse, 9204 I』SHI; KI; Tsubasa 一Wing. 斑蚊 hamadaraka— Anopheles sinensis; (liter- ally) a striped winged mos- quito). RAD.125 老 9250 RO: Oi — Old. Oiru — To grow old. Fukeru—To look old. 人チフス ROJIN C H I F U S U — Typhoid of old age. 158 Japanese-En?lish Medical Dictionary一contd. ニ一五 Iニ六 三七 :|二八 RAD.127 耒 9270 耒 J RAI; RUI; Suki 一 A spade; a plowshare. 眼 R 0 G A N — Presbyopia; the physiological change in the accommodation power of the eyes in advancing age. R 0 J 0 — Longevity ; groat age. 病 R 0 B Y 0 — Senile decay• 驅 ROKU一An aged body. 眼鏡 KY〇 — Convex glasses; spectacles for the aged. 9253 耄 M〇; BO; Oihoru — To be in one's dotage. 碌 M〇R〇KU — Dotage; second childhood. RAD.128 耳 9290 NI; JI; Mimi 一 The ear. Nomi一Only. 科 JIKA—Otologv. 骨 J 1 K 0 T S U — The bones of the inner ear. MIMIAKA一Ear wax. 垂 MIMIDARE — Otorrhea; a mucopurulent discharge from the ear. M MIMIKUSO—Ear wax. 鳴 M I M I N A R I — Ringing in the ears. 垂 JIDA—The lobe of the ear. J I E N 一 Inflammation of the ear; otitis. 下腺 J I K A S E N — The parotid glana. 下腺炎 JIKASENEN 一 Parotitis; mumps. 通 J I T S C — An earache ; otalgia. RAD.126 而 9264 JI: Shikoshite; Shikashi — And; yet; still. 9267 TAI; Taeru : Koraeru — To bear; to endure. 熱性成長促進因子 T A I N E T S'U S E I SEICHO SOKUSHIN IN SHI — Growth-promo- ting factor (lactoflavin). 159 ニ一八 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary一contd. 涌劑 JITStiZAI — 下腺炎. JIKASENEN— Parotitis (also parotiditis); inflammation of the paro- tid gland. 翼 J I Y O K U — The pinna; the auricle. 瘻 JIR〇一Otorrhea. 出血\ JISHUKKETSU 神經 J I S H I N K E I ー Auditory nerve. 輪 JIRIN—Auricle. 戾T JIB〇—The ear-chamber. 門鏡 JIMONKY0 — 殼 J I K A K U 一 External 鼻s懸。よ: g〇i〇gy- 囊 JINO—The otocyst. r—^ J 七 TEI—Ear wax. 聘 TEIDEI—Ear wax. 9314 SHU; Atsumaru — To collect; to assemble. 落 SHCRAKU—Colony. 9328 r-, 香 l j SLjl—sound. Koe—voice. SEIMON—The glottis. nMHUs— 門靱帶SEIMON J I N T A I — The liga- ment of the glottis. 門瘦攀 S E I M O N KEI R E N — Spasm of the glottis. 9335 TEI; CH〇; Kiku~lo hear. 力 CH0RYOKU — Acute- ness of hearing; audition; hearing. 診器 C H 0 S H I N K I— A stethoscope. CHOSHIN- Auscultation; stethoscopy. 神經 CHOSHIN KEI :—Auditory nerve. CH0KOTSU— The tympanic bone, 9336 ii し R〇; Tsumbo—Deafness; deaf. ROA — Deaf and dumb; a deaf mute. 160 Japailese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. Iニ九 lHo RAD.129 聿 9339 r-丨丨, fcJLiITSU; ICHI; A brush. 4542 丨』CHU; Hiru 一 Daytime : noon. ff,止 CHUMOSHO — Day-blindness; nyctalopia. 9350 ROKU; Abarabone; Abara —A rib. 軟骨 ROKUNANKOTSU —Costal cartilage. B ROKKOTSU — The ribs; the costal. 膜 ROKUMAKU—Pleura. 間筋 R 0 K K A N K I N— The intercostal muscle. 軟骨 ROKUNAN K 0 T S U — Costal carti- lage. 間 ROKKAN—Intercostal. 骨動_脈 ROKKOTSU DOMYAKU — Inter- costal artery. 間神經痛 rokkaK costal neuralgia. 膜炎 ROKUMAKUEN —Pleurisy; pleuritis. 膜肺炎ROKUMAKU HAIEN — Pleuro-pneu- monia. 間神經rokkan intercostal nerve. 933篁 m KI; Hada; Hadae — The naked skin; naked. 身 HADAMI—The body. 者* HADAGI—Underwear. RAD.130 肉 9348 肉 NIKU; Shishi—Flesh; meat. 芽 N I K U G A — Granula- tions; granula. fe NIKUTAI — The body: flesh. ® N I K K A N — Sensual pleasure. 體閨,NIKUTAI intercourse. 眼 NIKUGAN — The naked eye. M NIKUSHU—A sarcoma. NIKUSO—Sarcoplasm. 交 N I K K 0 — Sexual inter- course. 11110 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 骨 K I K 0 T S U — Skin and bones. 液 KIEKI—Sweat. 9356 w U SH〇; Katadoru — To pattern after; to imitate. 象• S H 0 Z 0 — A portrait; a likeness; a model. 9357 h—i CHU; Hiji—The elbow. 木 HIJIGI—A bracket. -fcfcL 讯 HIJIKAKE — An elbow rest. 關節 chCkansetsu— —Elbow joints. 9369 U TO ; Hara—Mind ; stomach. 痛 TOTSO—Stomach ache. 裏 TORI — Mental; in one’s mind. •360 午 K〇—Anus. 門 K〇MON—Anus. 門炎 K0MONEN — Inflammation of the anus. 門fhiは positories; hemorrhoidal medicine. 門部 kOmonbu — The anal region. 門鏡 K〇MON KY〇 — A rectal speculum. 門孔 kOmonkO — The anal orifice. 門周圍炎k(5m()n titis; inflammation of the aureolar tissue around the rectum. 門裂創 kOmonressO 一Anal fissure. 圍月辰瘍K 0 I N C Y 0 一 Perihepatic abcess; ab- cess around the liver. 門及直腸脫出K0_ MON KY0 CHOKUCH0- DASSHUTSU — Anal and rectal prolapse. 臟ヂストマK〇Z〇 JISU- TOMA — Distoma hepati- cum; the ordinary liver fluke, inhabiting the bile ducts. •362 n KAN: Ktmo—Liver. 藏病 KANZ〇BY〇 — Hepatopathia; liver trouble. 藏炎 kanzOen — Hepatitis. 脾腫 K A N I S H 0 — Liver and spleen swellings. 肚 肛 162 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary.—contd. r§j 油 KANYtT — Oleum jecoris aselli; cod liver oil. 臟 KANZO—The liver. 臟ふキスKANZO EKISU —Liver extract. 班 KAN HAN — Chloasma; the occurrence of light- brown patches or irregular shape and size on the skiii of the face and elsewhere. 臟製劑 KAWZO S E I Z A I 一 Livtfr ex- tract preparation. 臟Sニ丄Ad= hepaticum. 末 KAMMATSU — Liver extract. 臟§辰瘍 K A N Z 0 N 0 Y 0 — Liver abcess. 臟癌 KANZOGAN— Liver cancer.# 臟靜脈 K A N Z 0 tic vein. 9394 n KO; Momo 一 Thigh. Mata一 Crotch of the legs. 關節 KOKANSETSU —Articulatio coxae ; a hip joint. 根 MOMONE—The groin. 動脈 KO DOMYAKU— Arteria profunda femoris; a deep artery of the thigh. 靜脈 KO SEIMYAKU— saphenous vein. 9365 SHI; 丁eashi—The limbs; the arms and legs. 靜脈 S H I SEIMYAKU— Saphenous veins. 端肥大症 SHITAN megalia. la SHITAI—The limbs. 9366 U HI; BI; Koyu; Koyasht — To be fertile: to fatten; ferti- lizer ;manure. 太 HIDAI—Obesity. 立 HIDACHI 一 Convales- cence. HIRYO—Fertilizer. HIM AN—Corpulence. HIDAI—Hypertrophy. 9370 J2iKEN; Shoulder. 胛 K E N K 0 — Scapula; the shoulder blade. .胛骨 kenkOkotsu 一 Scapula; the shoulder blade. lar articulation. 163 一三0 Medical Dictionary—contc/. 後剛毛 KENGO G〇M〇 —Post-humeral bristle. 部剛毛 KEMBU G〇M〇 —Humeral bristle. 月Hn0 tion of the shoulder joint. 3371 BO; H〇; Abura一Fat body; flesh; fleshy. 9378 k j K〇; Hiji一The elbow. 9SS1 し K〇; Sakana — Fish; meat and vegetables. 0384 w U HAI; BAI—The lungs. H A I E N—Pneumonia; inflammation of the lungs. 結核H AIKEKKAKU —Pulmonary tuberculo- sis ;phthisis; the white plague. H A I K Y 0 一 Egophony : a peculiar broken quality of the voice sounds heard about the upper level of the fluid in cases of pleur- isy with effusion. 胸膜 haikyOmaku —Pulmonary pleura. pR HAIBU—The lungs. 病 HAIBYO—Lung disease. 魚類 HAIGYORUI— Dipnoi;lung fish. 靜脈 HAISEIMYAKU— A pulmonary vein. 量計 HAIRYOKEI— A pulmometer; a spiro- scope. 患 H A I K A N — A lung affliction. 活量計 HAIKATSU- RY〇KEI — A pneuma- tometer, 活量 HAIKATSURYO— Breathing capacity. 硬化 HAIKOKA — Splenization. ペスト HAIPESUTO— Pneumonic plague. 癆 H A I R 0 — Pulmonary tuberculosis. 葉 HAIYO — A lobe of the lung. 臟 HAIZO—The lungs. _ジストマ HAIZO JISUTOMA — Dis- toma pulmonis; bronchial or lung fluke, frequently causing hemoptysis. 尖炎 HAISENEN—Apical pulmonary inflammation (apparently minimal apical pulmonary tuberculosis). 尖加答兒 HAISEN KATARU — Apical pul- monary catarrh. iapanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. I三0 出血 HAISHUKKETSU —Hemorrhage from the lungs. 浸潤 H A I S HIN J U N— Pulmonary infiltration {not pulmonary edema). 充血 haijUketsu —Hyperhaemia ; conges- tion of the lungs. 氣腫 HAIKISHU — Emphysema of the lungs. 靜脈HA I J 〇MYAKU —Pulmonary vein. 動脈 HAIDOMYAKU — Pulmonary artery. 炎性チフス HAIENSEI C H I F U S U — Typhoid pneumonia. 門 H A I M O N — Terminal ending of the bronchus. 水腫 haisuishO — Edema of the lungs. 壤痕 H A I K A I S O — Necro - pneumonia; lung gangrene. 臟臆瘍HAIZGnOyO 一Lung abcess. 9386 ‘ I—Stomach. 腸 I C H 0 — Gastro-intes- tinal; stomach and intes- tines. IBU一The gastric region. 腸炎 ICHOEN — Appendi- citis ;erastroenteritis. 潰瘍 I K A I Y 0 — Gastric ulcer; peptic ulcer. I K A S U I — Gastro- ptosis. 加答兒 IKATARU— Gastric catarrh; gastritis. プ 兄丰IKEIREN— Gastric cramps; stomach cramps; gastralgia. I J A K U — Weak stom- ach :dyspepsia. 病 I B Y 0 — Stomach dis- order ;indigestion : dys- pepsia. —Gastric juices. 液腺 I E K I S E N — Pep- tic glands. INO—The stomach. 脘 I KAN—The stomach. I E N — Inflammation of the stomach; gastritis. I G A N — Cancer of the stomach. 熟INETSU—Gastric fever. 痛 ITSU — Stomach ache; gastralgia. if患症-1^ acidity. 壁製劑 IHEKI SEIZAI —Stomach extract pre- paration. 腸病 ICH〇BY〇 —■ Gasto, enteric disorder; alimen- tary disorder; gastroen- teritis. t三o Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 腸藥 ICHG YAKU — A medicine for the stom- ach and bowels. 酸過少症 I S-A N K A S H 0 S H 0 — Gastric hypoacidity. 部膨满 I B U B 0 M A N •—Gastric inflation. 腸炎樣ハ•ラチフス ichOenyO parachi- FUSU — Urastroententis type of paratyphoid. 神系逢症ishinkeishO —Gastric neurosis. ,弛緩 ICHIKAN — Atony of the stomach. 擴張症 ikakuchOshO —Gastric dilatation. アトニ-症 I A T 0 - NISH 0—Myasthenia of the stomach ; gastric my- asthenia. 酸缺乏症ISAf ketsubOshO— Achylia gastrica. 酸過剩症I S A N _ KAJOSHO — Hyper- chlorhydria; the presence of an abnormal amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. 下垂腹下垂症 I K A S U I C H 0 - KASUISHO — Gas- troenteroptosis; splanch- noptosis ;downward dis- placement of the stomach and a portion of the in- testine. 徵毋 IBAIDOKU — Syphilitic stomach. 肉腫 INIKUSHU — Gastromegaly. 肉腫瘍 INIKUSHUYO —Gastric tumor. 洗滌 ISENjO — Stomach irrigation. M IKEI — Gastralgia : stom- ach ache. 擴張 IKAKUCHO — Dilatation of the stomach; gastrocrasia. 粘膜 INEMMAKU — The gastric mucus mem- ,brane. 9394 w k HAI : Se ; Senaka; Sena; Ushiro — The back; behind; stature. B H A I K O T S U — The backbone. 側剛毛H A I S O K U G 0 M 0 — Notopleural bristle. 9390 U TAI; Haramu — To be preg- nant. 生 TAISEI—Viviparity. 生學 TAISEI GAKU —Embryology. TAIBAN—The placenta. 円 TAIIKU — Fetal growth during pregnancy. 盤炎 T A I B A N E N — Placentitis. 166 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. I三o TAIJI—An embryo. 毒 TAIDOKU 一 Congenital syphilis. • A I D 0 一 Fetal move- ment. 動期 T A I D 0 K I — The quickening period. TAIEKI — Amniotic fluid. TAIGA — A gemmule; an embryo. P3 TAINAI —The interior of the womb. 敎 TAIKYO —Prenatal care. 內?SSETNma; infection. U _TS cardia. g HAI; Haramu — To be preg- nant. HAIY〇—Pregnancy. 胎 H A T A I — Pregnant; to originate; to germinate. 胞 HAISHITSU — A germ-plasm. 質 H A I H 0 — A germinal cell;a germinal vesicle. »4〇8 « ■每 Wfi : Ena—The placenta; the after-birth. —The placenta. 于 H〇SHI—Spore. 胎 HOTAI—The pi acenta. 941董 Wm _ J GO; KO — Foreign; barbar- ism. 椒 KOSH0—Pepper. 麻油 G O M A Y t — Oil of sesame. 黃連 KO〇REN — Rhizoma jeffersoniae : a rhyzome of a genus of herbs of the Berberidaceae family; there is one American and one Man- churian species. 粉 G O F U N — Aleuron; chalk. »4I8 恩 KO ; Mata一Crotch. 間 KOKAN — In the crotch. 9422 K」D〇—Trunk : body. D〇MAKI—An abdominal belt. 體D 0 T A I — The trunk; the body. 9425 I. KY0 ; Mune—The breast; the chest; the heart. 腔 KY〇K〇—The thorax. 167 I三o Japanese-Engltsh Medical Dictionary一contd. KYOTSC — Pleuro- dynia ;a pain in the chest. 中 KY〇CH〇—The bosom. 膜 KYOMAKU—Pleura. 膜炎 KYOMAKUEN Pleurisy. 圍 K Y 0 I — The girth of the chest. 内苦痛 K Y G N A I K U T S t) — Angina pectoris. 水病 KYOSUI BY〇— Hydrothorax. 腺 KYOSEN—The thymus. SB KY〇BU—The breast. 癤 KYOKAKU—The thorax; the chest. 骨 K Y G K 0 T S U — The sternum. 骨病 kyOkotsubyO— Sternalgia. 椎 K Y 0 T S U I — Thoracic vertebrae. 燒 MUNEYAKI — Heart- burn; pyrosis; cardialgia. 浦 KYOTSC—Pleurodynia. 氣腫 KYOKISHU — Emphysema. 鎖乳頭筋血腫 KY〇- K E S S H U — Hematoma (blood cyst) of the sterno- cleidomastoid muscle. 鐵乳樣筋KYGSAN YC - mastoid muscle. 9428 11if U HEI; Akagire — A chap; a crack (in the skin). 胝 HEITEI—Callus. 9433 m w—i SHI — Rouge. A bur a — Fat; grease. Yani ——Resin; gum; exudation. 肪 SHIB〇—Fat; adipose. 粉SHI FUN —Rouge and powder, 汗 ABURA ASE—Greasy sweat. 油 SHIYU—Gleo resin. 纖 SHIRO-—Dip; fat. 腺 S H I S E N — Sebaceous glands. 漏性濕瘡SHIROSEI seborrhoeicum; seborrheic inflammation of the skin. 肪過多症shibGka HA^os〇e tissue. 肪瘤 shibOryC — Adipose tumor. 溶性 A shiyOsei a— Fat soluble A. 肪腫 SHIBOSHU — Lidoma; steatoma, 肪蠻性 SHIBO hensei —Fatty degeneration. 168 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. ニニ 0 肪酸 SH IB OS AN- Fatty acids. 肪脾 S H I B 0 H I — Lardaceous spleen. 肪結晶 SHIBO kes- SH〇 — Fat crystals. 9436 K〇; KY〇; —The side; the armpit. 腹 WAKIBARA — The side of the chest. WAKIGA—Axillary odor. "Xu WAKIGE—The hair of the armpit. 0439 Z E I; Yowai — Weak. Moroi —Brittle. 弱 ZEIJAKU — Frail; fragile. 0441 MYAKU—The pulse. 波 M Y A K U H A — The pulse wave; undulation. 搏 MYAKUHAK U —Pulse. 絡膜 M Y A K U R A K U- M A K U — The chor- oid; the second tunic of the eye. 狀 MY AKUjO—Vein-like. 管學 M Y A K K A N - G A K U — Angiology. 里/JMYAKUDO—Pulsation. 管 MYAKKAN — Blood vessels. 管部 MYAKKANBU 一Vascular region. 管分布MYAKKAN B U M P U — Vascular distribution. 管吻合M Y A K K A N FUNGO — Vascular con- nection. 管瘦攀MYAKKAN K E I R E N 一 Vascular spasm. 管桌統MYAKKAN KEi r〇—Vascular system. 管音 MYAKKANON —Vascular murmur. 波計、 MYAKUHAKEI —Sphygmograph. 9442 hLLd SEKI; 5¢; Senaka—The bsick. H SEKIBONE — The spine; vertebrae. 枉 SEKICHC — The 'spinal column. 柱彎曲S E K I C H C Scoliosis; lateral curva- ture of the spine. m S E K I T S U I — The spinal column. 椎餐曲SEKITSUI WANKYOKU — Spinal curvature. 髄 SE KIZUI —Thespinal cord. 169 |三0_ Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 髓總simL; injection. 髓液 S E K I Z U I E K I 一Spinal fluid. 髓炎 S E K I Z U I E N 一 Myelitis. 髓神經SEKIZUI nerves. 一Poliomyelitis. 髓カリェスs E K I Z U I K A R I E S U — Pott’s disease; vertebrae caries. 髓癆 SEKIZUIRO— Dorsal tabes;locomotor ataxia. 髓空洞症 SEKIZUI myelia. 椎カリェスSEKI TSUI KARIESU — Caries of the vertebrae: spondylitis tuberculosis. 椎破裂s E K I T S U I H A R E T S U — Spinal puncture. 髓撮影法 SEKIZUI graphy. 髓麻疼S E K I Z U I M A H I 一 Spinal paral- ysis. <>447 'こ L KYAKU; KAKU; As At — Leg; loot. 氣 KAKKE—Beri-beri. R KYAKKOTSU- The bones of the foot. 骨干 KYAKKAN — The shin bone. 9449 W—^ 25 KEI; GY〇; Hagi] Ashi — The leg; the shin. 巾 HABAKI—Leggings. 唇 H KEIKOTSU—The tibia. 骨 m kes artery. 9463 DATSU : Nugu — To take: to cast off. Nuku — To ex- tract. 脂綿 D ASSHIMEN — Absorbent cotton; cotton wool. 肛 D A K K 0 — Prolapse of the anus. Q DAKKYt — Disloca- tion ;luxation. 疽 DASS〇—Gangrene. D A S S H I — Removal of fat. 脂療法 DASSHI RY〇H〇 —A flesh reducing treat- ment. 170 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary一contd. 1三0 水 D A S S U I 一 Dehydra- tion; anhydration. 毛症 DATSUMOSH0 —Defluvium; falling of hair. NUKEGARA—Slough. 色 DASSHOKU — De- coloration. 脂乳 DASSHI NYC— Skimmed milk. 出 DASSHUTSU- prolapse. 腸 DATCHO—Hernia. — Deoxida- tion. 銀 DATSUGIN — De- silveration. 腸門 DATCHOMON— Hernial orifice. 毛劑 DATSUMO yaku —Depilatories. 落膜 DATSURAKUMAKU —Decidua. DATSURI — Anapleusis; to become disconnected, 力 DATSURYOKU — Asthenia. 落 D A T S U R A K U — Exuviation. 壞 DATSURI — Devitri- fication. 鱗 D A T S U R I N* — Des- quamation. 毛クリ-厶 DATSUMO KURIMU — A depilatory cream. 94VO Hareru — To swell; to puff up. 9471 B SETSU; SEI; SUI — The pancreas. 臟I SUIZ〇—The pancreas. 9475 丽 —•* HI—The spleen. 臟 HIZO—The spleen. 臟病 H I Z 0 B Y 0 — Splenetic. 臟膨脹 HIZO B〇CH〇 —An enlargement of the spleen. 脫谊 H AsD A S S O — Anthrax; milzbrand. 炎 HIEN —Inflammation of the spleen; splenitis. 痛 HITStT—Splenalgia. »* K〇; KYO; Nikawa — Glue. Nebaru~To stick. KkOSHITSU - Gela- tinous ;glutinous. — Agglu- tination. 樣質 K〇Y〇SHITSU —Colloid. sKhY〇°: KUEN YOKU —Col- loidal saline bath. 狀液 KGjG EKI — A colloidal solution. K〇N〇—A capsule. 95417 r—^ 』B〇; H〇; Fukureru — To swell, B 0 D A I — Tumefaction; swelling. 脹 B 0 C H 0 — Expansion; swelling; distention. 955ft r1-, U SUI—Pancreas. SUIZO一Pancreas. S U I E N — Pancreatitis. S S U I S E K I — Pancrea- tolith. 液糖化酸素 SUIEKI sin. 臟囊腫 SUIZG N〇- SHU — Encysted tumor of the pancreas. 液 SUIEKI — Pancreatic juice. 178 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. ニニ o 9558 Ssee fi 9662 u tAn : Kimo; I 一 Feelings: affections ;liver; gall. 汁 TANJC—Bile; gall. 汁病 TANJ0BYO— Biliousness. 汁管 TANJUKAN— Biliary duct. 汁分泌藥T A N J fT —Cholagogues. 汁!1 deficiency of bile. 結石 TANKESSEKI —Biliary calculus. 兼 TANNO—Gall bladder. 囊管 tannGkan — The cystic duct. 囊炎 TANNOEN — Cholecystitis ; inflamma- tion of the gall. 石 TANSEKI—Gall stone;. 石症 TANSEKISHO Cholelithiasis. 石病 TANSEKIBY〇~~ Cholelithiasis. 道 TANDO—Gall duct. 9565 1. ZIZ NO; Umi—Fus. 毒怔 nOdoku shO •— Pyemia; blood-poison- ing. 疱 N〇H〇—A pustule. I十 N 0 J C" — Pus; matter; purulent matter. 俱 N 0 K A I — Suppuration; ulceration. 腫 N〇SHU—An abcess. 瘤疼 nOhOshin — Ecthyma. 痴疫 NOKASHIN — Impetigo. 胸 N 0 K Y 0 —r Pyothorox; empyema. 尿 NGNYO—Pyuria. 爪 N〇S〇—Onychia. 漿 N〇SH〇—Pus serum. 腔 N〇Kn—-Abcess cavity. 95«7 m j DEN ; Shiri—Buttocks. 部D E M B U — Gluteal region. HI; Elbow. 179 rllo ニ|ニ ニ—ニ Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—cont-■ j MAN — Ten thousand. Yorozu —Many; a large number. 古 BANK。—Perpetuity. 能受血者B A N N (5 universal recipient. M76 i-L-K A T S U; Kuzu — Starch. Kazura — A kind of vine. Tsuzura — A bamboo trunk. 根 KAKKON — Root of the Pueraria. 根湯 KAKKONT0 — —An antifebrile infusion. M胃 KATTO—Complication. 186 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary一contd. I四o 9977 r, JSLbU; HO; FU — (Used for its sound). 萄憋恶f一^y2c〇 cus. 萄糖 BUD〇T〇 — Glucose; dextrose., 萄膜炎 BUDOMAKUEN —Uveitis. 10026 r—^ こ BU; FU; HO; Gama; Kama; Kaba—Bulrush. 公英 HOK〇 El—Root of the taraxacum. 10028 “ JO —Steam. Mmsm; —To steam. 氣 J〇KI—Steam. 發 J 0 H A T S U — Evapora- tion. 發器目十jOHATSy meter. 瘤 jORYt}—To distill. 瘤水 jORYtiSUI — Distilled water. ioosi 一《Ji SO; Aoi—Deep blue. 白 AOJIROI ; SOHAKU — Pale. 鉛 S〇EN—Bismuth. 痕 S〇KON—A scar. 船劑 SGENZAI — Bis- muth preparation. 身病 SOSHIN BY〇— Cyanosis. 10035 C H I K U; Takuwaeru — To store up; to save; to hoard. 膿症 CHIKUNO SH〇 —Sinusitis ; ozena. 10043 k—J〇KU; Shitone 一 Bedding; a mattress; a bed; a pallet. 瘡 JOKUS0—A bed sore. 蚊 W J 0 K U I — An obstetri- cian. 選r—一. 10050 k- REN; Hasu; Hachisu—Lotus. 貝 RENJITSU — Seed of Nelumbo. 10075 塵 SHO—Sugar-cane. 糖 SHOT0—Cane sugar. 187 一四o Japanese-English Medical Dictionary— 1〇IS9 薄 HAKU: Usui —Thin. Suzuki —The shear grass. 膜 HAKUMAKU — A membrane ; a lamella. 荷H A K K A — Pepper- mint ;mint; mentha. 荷油 HAKKA ABURA — Peppermint oil; mint oil. 荷腦 H A K K A N 0 — Menthol crystals. 10091 kZZJ TAN ; DON ; Ira — A nettle. IS IRAKUSA SHIN — Urticaria; urtica thumber- gia rash. 10151 茶 SH〇 — Rose; a thorny plant. ® Roseola; rose spots. 微色批糖疫BARAIRO rosea. 10162 M K〇; G〇; Mimakaru —• To die. .去 K〇KYO—Demise. 111160 SEN — A straw mat. Susumeru —To present to. メ月 S E N K 0 T S U — The sacrum. 骨痛 SENKOTSUTSt)— Lumbago, 骨溝 SENKOTSUKO —Sacral canal. 10204 wS Y A K U: Kusuri] Kusu — Medicine; drugs. 尺KUSURI SASHI— A medicine dropper. 石 YAKUSEKI — Medi- cines; medical treatment ; all sorts of remedies. 局 YAKKYOKU — Pharm- acy. 局方 YAKKYOKUHO — A pharmacopoeia. 局方品YAKKYO- K U H 0 H I N — Pharma- copoeia! drugs ; official remedies; drugs listed in pharmacopoeias. 液 YAKU E K I — A medicinal fluid. n OD Y A K U H I N — Medi- cines ;drugs; chemicals; medical supplies. 師,來 yakushi Medicine. 餌 YAKUJI—Medicine. 188 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary—contd. I 四 111 43KESSEKI — San- guinary calculi. 便小板 KESSH 0- 便 KETSUBE N—Bloody excrements. 液塗抹KETSUEKI smear. 检 K E T S U Z E N—Throm- bus formation. 液病 KETSUEKIBYO — Blood disorders. KESSHU—Hematoma. 友病 KETSUY 0BY 0 —Hemophilia. 检_脈炎KETSU- E N —Thrombophlebitis. 獲 K E S S H 0 —Plasma 壓 g十 KETSUATSUKEI— Sphygmomanometer. 筋 C H I S U J I — Gen- ealogy. y 道C H I N 0 M I C H I — A dizziness in women due to congestion of the brain. 迷 CHIMAYOU — Out of one’s mind; frenzied. 煙 C HIKEMURI — A spray oi blood. 眼 CHIMANATtO — A bloodshot eye. 腎腫 KETSUJINSHU —Hematonephrosis. 液循環 KETSUEKI- J U N K A N — Circula- tion of the blood. 液腔KETSUEKIKC • —Blooa cavity. 呼EfSKAE—Tば haematoscopy. 液滲漏 T S U E K I - tion of blood. 液性黃痕 K E T S U E- KISEIODAN — Ict- erus hematogenes, hemoto- genous jaundice; toxemic jaundice. 液腺 KETSUEKISEN —Vascular gland. 液_ 積 K E T S U E _ rhagic infarct. 族 K ETSUZOKU — Consanguinity. 炭K E T T A N — Carbo sanguins (blood phelgm). 106OS 解 HAI : HE : Kusarechi — De- composed blood; putrified blood. 10607 * 衄 JIKU; Hanaji — Blood from the nose. %e^U-EpiStaXiS: 194 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. I四四 I四五 RAD. Ui _ 行 AN ; Yuku ; Iku ——To go; to walk. Okonau — Act; con- duct ;to do. 進 K OSH IN—March. 爲 KOI — Act; conduct : action; deed. 脚 ANGYA一Travel afoot. 10630 El; E 一 To protect; to de- fend. Mamoru 一 To defend. EISEI 一 Hygiene; sani- tation. 生課 E I S E I K A — Sani- tation section. 生機關 EISEI KIKAX —Medical agencies. 生濾水器 EISEI RY〇- SUIKI — Sanitary water filter. 生濾水機背囊型 EISEI RYOSCIKI HAINO KEI — Sani- tary water filter (shoulder pack model). 生サツクEISEI SAKKU —Prophylactics. 生法 EISEIHG — Hy- gienics. 生改良 EISEI KAIRYO ——Sanitation. RAD.145 _ 衣’ -a I; E : Koromo; Koromo-Hen; Kinu —Clothes; garments; to put on. I S H I T S U — Clothes lice. l SUI; Otoroeru 一 To decline ; to degenerate. 弱 S U I J A K U — Exhaus- tion ;weakness. i l KYO — Sleeve; edge of sleeve. 痰劑 KYOTANZAI— An expectorant; an agent promoting a secretion of bronchial mucus. 篁0699 m u KETSU ; Saku—To tear. 傷 K ESSHO—Laceration. 頭絛蟲 RETTO SH0- CHU — Fish tapeworm. 10703 一 R I; lira 一 Back ;lining; inside. 急後重 RIKYUKOjtJ— Tenesmus. 195 mm mmm 四四 六五 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. to restore; to assist. 血劑 HOKETSUZAI —Blood supplying medi- cines. glib W HOTAI—Complement. 體销#lHs〇QAA」 Complement. ytc H 0 j I N Y A K U— Aphrodisiacs. 10732 製 lb- md SET — To make; to manu- facture. 劑 S E I Z A I — Manufao factured drugs; synthetic drugs. 揀場 S E I R E X 0 — Refinery. 藥者 S i<: I Y A K r S H A 一An apothecary. 10736 Fl;KU — Compound : double. Kasaueru——To repeat. カノ F U K U H 0 X 0 — Compounds (drugs; pre- scriptions). • 膜 F U K U M A K U — Peri- toneum. ¥ U K U S H I — Dip- lopia; double vision. 脈 F U K U M Y A K U — Dicrotism. 合 FUKUGO—Composite. 分解 FUKUBUNKAI —Double decomposition. 結合 F U K K E T S U G 0 一Multiple union. 京> F U K U E I—A double image. 塩 FUKUEN—A double salt. V U K U I — Reduction; restoration. ® F U K U N E — A com- pound radical (chemical). 4任 F U K U I N — Super一 fetation. 糖類1,U K U T G R l: I ~ Disaccliarids. 方規那丁幾 FUKU- Compound tincture of quinine. RAD.146 两 10820 1 \ SEI; SAX; West. 10826 覆 F U K U : 〇u — To Ioxqv. — To upset; to overthrow. 盆子腫F U K U B 0 X- SH I SH U —Frambesia; yaws. 196 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 一四穴 I四七 I四八 思 買 SHIKAKU — Vision; sense of sight. 聽 SHICHO—Attention. 線 SHISEX—Line of vision. B SHI KAN—Organ of sight. 神經@ SHISHINKEI BY 0 — A disease of the ophthalmic nerve. 力障6そSHIRYOKU eyesight. 王T SHIYA一Field of vision; a visual field; a vista. 10839 m U KAN — Appearance; to show. Miru — To see; to observe; to look at. 祖術 KANSOJUTSU —Phrenology. KANSO—Contemplation. 面 FUKUMEN—A mask. RAD.147 見 10831 S u KEN ; Miru — To see. Mis- eru——To show. MITSUMORI—Estimate. 覺 MIOBOE — Recognition; recollection. 10833 ill KI—Compasses. Nori一Rule; law. 那K I N A — Quinine; cin- chona. 那酒 K I N A S H U- Cin- chona wine. • 準 K I』U N — Standard. 那皮 KINAKAWA — Linchona bark. 鉄丸 KITETSU TAMA — Quinine and iron pills. 墓 0837 SHI — To inspect. Miru — To see ; to watch; to guard. 力 SHIRYOKU — Power of vision. 界 S H I K A I 一 Field of vision. RAD.148 角 里 0860 <1KAKU—To compete; to com- pare. isuno ——Horn. Sunn; Kado一Corner; angle. 化 KAKUKA — Keratosis: a skin disease with tmck- ened epidermis. 197 i四八 I四九 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 10887 曼 SHOKU ; Fureru ; Sawaru - To touch; to infringe. 診 SHOKUSHIN — Palpa- tion. W SHOKUCHI—Palpation. 角 SHOKKAKU —A feeler; antenna; a tentacle. 器 S H 0 K K I — The tactile organs. 膜病 KAKUMAKUBYO— Cornea disease. 膜炎 KAKUMAKUEN — Corneitis. 膜 KAKUMAKU—Cornea. 膜白斑 KAKUMAKU HAKUHAN—Leucoma. 10875 KAI; KE; GE; Wakaru : i okti—To understand; to ana- lyze ;to explain. 毒 GEDOKU — Anti-poison; counteragent. 熱 G E X E T S U 一 Allevia- tion of fever. 熱劑 G E N E T S U Z A I— Antifebrile; antipyretic. 毒劑 GEDOKUZAI — Antidote. 散 K A I S A X 一 Disperse; break up; disband. K A I B 0 — Dissection; operation. 剖學 KAIBOGAKU— Anatomy. 剖刀 KAIBOtO—Scapel. 熱劑 KAINETSUZAI —Antipyretic drugs; anti- febnles. K A I T A I — Dismember- ment. RAD.149 含 I0S90 一 ▲ GP:N: GON; Kotoba: Koto— Word : expression. lu —lo say. 語不_ GENGO FUZUI (TSU) — Aphasia; loss of power of speech from corti- cal lesion. 10896 ど K E I : Hakarigoto ——Plan. Haraku ——To consider; to think about; to arrange; to measure. 器 K E I K I — A gauge; a meter. 量 KEIRYO — Measuring; weighing; computation. 198 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. I四九 董 0921 m TOTSU; Domoru — To stam- mer; to stutter. 10938 g Jk SHIN ; Miru — To examine; to diagnose. 察 S H I N S A T S U — Con- suitation; diagnosis. 斷 SHINDAN—Diagnosis. 療 SHINRYO — Medical examination. 療所 SHINRYO JO — A clinic. 10975 g SHI : Kokoromiru—To put to the test; to try; to examine. Kokoromi ni—For tn^i. S H I Y A K U— Reagents (test). 用 S H I Y 0 — Experimental use. 驗藥 SHIKEN YAKU —A reagent. 10983 社 KITSU; Najiru — To find fault with. Tsumeru — To pack; to fill. Tsumari — After all; obstruction (as of nose or ear). 11000 L K0 — Large. Kohoru — To boast; to be proud. 張糖液 kochO tOeki 一Hypertonic sugar solu- tion. 11012 •k一一一 Y~C; Izanau; Sasou; Obiku— To invite; to decoy; to entice; to seduce; to tempt. 導體 Y tr D G T A I — > derivative. 發 YOHATSU—Cause. 11020 GO; Ayamari — An error; a mistake. G 0 S H I N — An erron- eous diagnosis. 11188 u SEN; Tawagoto — Delirious J SEMB〇lDelirium. S UWAGOTO—Delirium. 11200 U GO; Mamoru—To defend. 護腫 GOMUSHU — Gumma; a gummy tumor. 謨 GOMU—Rubber. 199 一四九 I五0 I五I Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 11038 r—^ CHO; Shirabe — Tune : tone. Totonou 一 To adjust; to regu- late. Q C H 0 G 0 — Mixture: compound; * concoction. 製 C H 0 S E I — Manufac- ture; to concoct; prepara- tion. C H 0 Z A I 一 Preparation of medicines. 劑法 C H 0 Z A I H 0 — Pharmaceutics. 11130 KEI; Shiwabuki ——To clear the throat. KEIGAI—A cough. 擧 U YO ; Homare一Reputation. YOSEKI—Arsenic. 11J215 變 U HEN ; Kawaru ——To change ; to alter.. H E N C H 0 — Abnor- mality ;irregularity. 症 HENSHO — To develop into; to take a turn. 移 HENI—Mutation. 生 HENSEI 一 Metamor- phosis. 死H E N S H I — Unnatural death. MhENSHITSU — Degen- eration. 重 HENSHO —A freak of nature; a monster. 態 H E N T A I — Metamor- phosis ;abnormality. 性毒素 HENSEI DOK- USO—A toxoid. 性凝舉素_H E N S E I agglutinoid. 形蟲 HEN KEICH C — An ameba. RAD.150 谷 11234 OKU; Tani — Valley. Kiwamaru 一 To be in a fix. RAD.151 豆 J TO ; ZU ; Mante — Beans; peas. Mame-Hen. 腐 TOFU—Bean curd. 素 TOSO—Legumin. Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. i五i il 一五三 五四 11257 豌 k 』EN ; Endo Marne—Peas. 豆羹斗便 ENDO K〇- TOKEN — Feces of pea soup consistency. Y 0 G 0 — Prognosis; a forecast. 防接種 YOB〇 SESSHU —Prophylactic vaccina- tion. RAD.153 豸 11292 r—^ K」CHI; TAI; DE 一 Slender; long and slender; legless craw- ling insects. 蟲 C H I C H U — Crawling insects. I 一—: appearance. Kao—Face. RAD.152 豕 11265 SHI; Inoko一Pig; hog. 11269 TON ; Buta—Pig : hog. 月旨 B U T A A B U R A; T O N S H I — Lard. 11275 ZO ; Elephant. SHO ; Katachi 一 Form; shape; image; ap- pearance. 皮病 Z〇HIBY〇 — Ele- phantiasis. 牙質 ZOGASHITSU— Dentine. 11283 r■明-^ l j Y O; Kanete 一 Previously; beforehand. Arakajime — Pre- viously ;roughly. Y 0 B 0 — Prophylactic; precautionary action. RAD.154 貝 11328 BAT : Kai—Shell. 殼骨 KAIGARA KOTSU —The scapula. 11332 FU ; Ou —To carry on the back. Makeru — To be defeated. F U S H 0—Wound. 201 I五四 I五五 一五六 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary-~cont edness. © ENIN—A remote cause. 視性亂親E W S H I ~ S E I R A N S H I — Hy- peropic astigmatism. 12086 1 CHI; Osot — Late; slow. Okureru——fo be late. 純性 c HID 0 N SEI — Stupidity; stupid. 鋪性神經熱C H I - N E T S U — Febris ner- vosa stupida; typhoid fever. 12093 遷 ‘ —SEX; lltsusu; Utsuru -一 To remove; to move; to change. 延性チフスSENEN S E I C H I F U S U — Protracted typhus. 1;2097 遺 U i;YUl; Nokosu; Nokoru —- To leave behind; to bequeath. Wusureru —• To leave behind; to forget; to lose. ,尿症 I X Y 0 S H 0 — In- continence of urine. H I K 0 T S U — Remains: ashes. 傳梅毒IDEN BAI- D 0 K D — Inherited syphilis. 傳 IDEX--Heredity. 傳病 I T) E N B Y 0 — A hereditary disease ; a con- stitutional disease. 骸 IGA I — A dead body; a corpse : remains. Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. ニハニ I六三 I六四 尿T N Y 0 — Nocturne enuresis;l)ed-wetting. 傳性運動矢調 J I) E x\ S E I UNDO S H I T C H 0 — Heredi u P tary ataxia. 不R I S E I — Spermatorrhoea involuntary emission o semen. 12103 I HI : Sakeru 一 To avoid; U escape. 姙 HINTN — Contraception # the prevention of concep tion. 病院 HIBYOlN —An isolation hospital:a qu rantine hospital. 姙器具 HIXIN KIGU- A contraceptive ap'pliancc or device. 姬劑 H I X I Z A I — Contraceptive agents. 12108 還 一 GEX; Kaeru : Kaesu— To return. Me guru — To g( round. 兀鐵 KAXGEXTETSU - Reduced iron. 12115 I w■丨丨丨丨-i H EN ; Hotori; A tart; He 一 Side; beside; close to; region place. H E N E N—The edge oi periphery. 綠部 H E N E N B U — Surroundings. 幅 H E M P U K U — The personal appearance. RAD.163 邑 12123 ‘ YU; Mura—A village; a city. RAD.164 酉 13259 m u Y 0; Tori — The sign of the bird; a bird. 13266 r—^ l■ニSHU; Sake] Miki — Rice- wine ;alcoholic drink. 个R SHUSEI—Alcohol. 存孝S H U K A K U holic tremor. 狂 S H U K Y 0 — Delirium tremens. 5:界 SH USA B I —Acne rosacea; a chronic conges- tion of the skin of the face. 石酸 SHUSEKISAN —Tartaric acid. I六四 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 石酸 ソ-ダアンチモンSHU SEKISAN SODA ANCHIMON — Sodium antimony tartrate. 石 SHUSEKI—Argol. ■■母 SHUBO—Yeast; ferment. 精中毒 SHUSEI CHU- DOKU — Alcoholic pois- oning. f 12299 s. k K〇; Moto—Yeast; ferment. KOBO—Yeast; ferment. KOSO—Enzyme; ferment. 素說 KOSOSETSU— Ferment theory. 12302 こ SAN; Sui Acid; vinegar; sour. it SANKA—Oxidation. 性 SANSEI—Acidity. SAXSO—Oxygen. 化炭素 SANKA TANSO —Carbon monoxide. 化銀 SANKACIX — Silver oxide. 化船 S A X K A E N — Plumbic oxide;lead oxide. A- S tion. 素吗入器§ANSO A lung motor; an oxygen inhaler; an oxygen appar- atus. 12315 SAKU; Su—Vinegar. 酸 SAKUSAX—Acetic add. 母 S A K U B O — Mother of vinegar. 酸ナトリウムSAKUSAN NATORIUMU — Sodium acetate. 12341 醫 し■一 I; lyasu — To treat; to cure; to cafe for. 者 ISHA — A doctor; a physician. 師 ISHI—A physician. 院 UN—A doctor's office. 術 I J U T S U 一 Medical science. 療 I R Y 0 — Medical treat- ment. 療器械IRY〇 KIKAI— Medical instruments. 並 栄 IYAKU—Medicine. 极 IK YU—Medical pannier 界 I K A I — The field of medicine. 學博士 IGAKU HAKASE 一-Doctor of medicine; M.D. Japanese-English Medical Dictionary-—contd. I六四 I六五 一六六 RAD. ] 65 治 I J I — Medical treatment. I K A — A doctor of re- nown. 癖 I B E K I — Treatment of a bad habit. 5=flJ IZAI—-Medicines; drugs. 事規則 I J I K I S O K U —Medical regulations. I K 0 — A remedial result. 合 日 I K A I — Medical society. 字 I G A K U — Medical science. B ]KAN—A medical officer; a surgeon. 12366 u HAN ; BEN : Nogome Hen; Wakatsu — To divide; to dis- tinguish. RAD.166 里 18372 IT", l RI — Unit of length; Sato — A village; Sato Hen. 12373 Jtj; CH〇; Omoi — Heavy. Kasaneru — To pile one on another. Omona — Important; chief. Omonjiru — To esteem highly. 聽 J 0 C H 0 — Deafness; hard of hearing. J tj S 0 — Sodium bicar- bonate. 炭酸』CTANSAN — Bicarbonate. 病 J CBY 0 —A serious or critical illness. 患 J〇KAN—A serious illness. 態 jtTTAI 一 A serious con- dition. 12347 HATSU—To brew. 酵 H A K K (3 — Fermenta- tion; zymosis. 酵病 HAKKOBYO — A zymotic disease. 酵菌 hakkGkin — A zymogen; a mother-sub- stance in the pancreas which forms trypsin. 酵母 HAKKOBO — An enzyme; a ferment. 酵不能 HAKKO FUN〇 —Incapable of fermenta- tion. 酵性 HAKKG SEI — Fermentability. 213 一六六 I六七 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 桿菌 JTl K A X K I— Diplobacillus; bacteria consisting of two adherent cells. 傷 jCSHO—A major wound; a serious injury. 症 JUSHO 一 A serious ill- ness. 12374 m L d YA; No; Nohara — A field: a moor; a wild plain; the • country. 戰病院 YASEN BY〇IN • —A field hospital. 兎病 YATOBY0 一 Tularemia; a disease trans- mitted W man from rab- bits by a blood-sucking insect. — A gold dental crown. 連花 K I N R E N G E — Nasturtium. 相"K I X K A N — Citrus Japonica; the camilia, a hardy quince-like shrub. 玉 K I N T A M A — The testicles. 象眼 k i z e a a x — A gold inlay. 倉I】K I X S 0 — An incised wound. apy. 屬中毒K IZ 0 K U C H U D 0 K U — Poison- due to metal. 12406 DON: Nihui\ Noroi — Dull: blunt; slow; foolish. Niburu —— To be blunt. 痛 D 0 N T S t — Dull pain. 視 D 0 N S H I — Paropsis; a disorder of vision. 才DONSAI—Stupidity. 12436 ail 一KAN ; Kubikase — A cangue; a pillory; an encumbrance. 子 KANSHI—Forceps. 子分^6術KクN S H I A delivery with forceps. RAD.167 金 12380 KIN : RON — Gold. Kane — Metal;money. Kane-hen. KONJIKI—Golden color. 植K ANAZUCHI — A hammer. 音包 耳 KANA TSUMBO — Stone-deafness. 盟K ANADARAI — A metal basia. Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. I六七 12437 k EX : Namari — Lead (metal). 糖 ENT〇—Lead acetate. 毋 ENDOKU — Lead poison- ing. 毒庙寧 ENDOKU SEN- T S C 一 Painter’s colic; lead colic. ENDOKU MAHI 一Lead palsy; wrist drop. x &a E N S A K U — Vinegar of lead. 毒歷fAD— saturnis; an involuntary trembling of the bod5r due to lead poisoning. 12^51 GIN ; Shirogane—■Silver. 中毋 GINCHCTI)OKU 一 Argyria; the permanent blue or slate-grey discolora- tion of the skin that follows the continued use of silver salts. 療法 G I N R Y G H 0 _ Silver nitrate treatment. JT ; — A rifle; a gun. 倉JlTS〇 —A bayonet wound. 12472 Si El: pointed. 敏性 E I B I N S E I _ sensitiveness; sharpness. 敏性神經熱 EIBIN- SEI SHINKEI NETSU— Febri's nervosa versatilis; an intense nervous fever. i. ]0; TEI—Tablet; pill; lock. 劑 jOZAI — A tablet; a pill a lozenge. 12562 SHIN: Hari — A needle; a surgical needle; a sting of an insect. 治 S H I N J I — Acupunc- ture; stylostixis; punc- tures made with long fine needles for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. 12568 鎌 REN : KEN; Xawfl—Sickle. 切繩科KAMAKIRI B A E K A — Ephydridae; a genus of brine flies, the type of a family. 12573 g—一一.一 To shut. Chein — A measure of 22 yards. 肯 S A K 0 T S U — The clavicle; the collar bone. 215 一六七 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 骨下動脈 SAKOTSU- KA DOMYAKU — Sub- clavian artery; main ar- tery under the collar bone. 骨下靜脈SAKO- TSUKA SEIMYAKU — Subclavian vein; main vein under the collar bone. 骨上窝S A K O T S U J 0 K A — Supraclavicular fossa ; a depression above the collar bone. 骨下窝SAKOTSU G E K A — Infraclavicular fossa; a depression below the collar bone. 骨截浪S A K O T S U S A I K O N — A clavi- cular incision. 骨下筋 SAKOTSUKA KIN — Subclavian muscle. 肛 S A K 0 —Atresia of the anus. # 下部 S A K O T S U K A B U — Subclavian region. 1258洚 GAI : Yoroi; Yorou — Ar- mor; to arm oneself. 12587 CHIN; TEN; Shizumeru — To calm; to tranquilize. C H I N T S U — Anal- gesia ;alleviating pain. 痛劑 CHINTStTZAI- Antalgic; analgesic ano- dyne; a remedy which relieves pain. 靜劑 CHINSEI ZAI— A sedative; a calmative; an atonic. 痛液 CHINT S C E K I — Anodyne; a medicine for relieving pain. 吐7 CHIN TO NO — Anlimetic; a remedy for emesis, the act of vomi- ting. 吐藥 CHINTOYAKU 一Anti-emetics. 咳藥CHIN GAI ZAI — A cough medicine; a cough cure. 痙劑 CHINKEIZAI — An antispasmodic. 12646 M l j T〇; Abumi—A saddle stirrup. 背 T 0 K O T S U — The stirrup (ear bone); os stapedius. 12648 r—^ lb- TETSU : Kurogane—Iron. 明馨液T E T S U M E I solution. 箸 KANABASHI—Tongs. 敷 KANASHIKI—An anvil. 漿 KANE—A tooth dye. 哲 貝 TESSHITSU — Ferrous; containing iron as a bi- valent element. 216 Japanese-English Medical Dictionarycontd. I六七 :ハ八 一六九 1B686 L JO; NYO — A cast; a cast- ing ;to mould. J OK AN—A dental inlay. A J〇GA—A false tooth. 12491 k-N-oi JO; Suki — A spade; a hoe. Suku—•To dig. 骨 JOKOTSU — The vomer. 12690 JO; Kenuke—Tweezers; nip- pers. 子 JOSHI —Forceps. 12692 l i SAN — To cut; to go deep into, iwri—-A dental drill. 尾類 C H G B I R U I — Macrura; suborder of de- capod crustaceans, inclu- ding the lobsters, shrimps and many similat forms. — A pro- tracted disease; a chronic disease. 廣舌 chOkOzetsu —Loquacity. I區 CH〇KU—丁all in stature. iftl N A G A C H 1—The whites;leucorrhea 外轉筋 CHOGAITEN KIN 一 Musculus abductor longus. 腓骨筋 CHOHAIKOTSU KIN — Musculus peron- eus longus. kS cuius radialis externus longus. 頸筋 CHOKEI KIN — Musculus longus colli. 掌筋 CHOSHO KIN— Musculus palmaris longus. RAD.168 長 12698 k-丨』CH〇 — Chief; head; senior; to grow; to increase: to ad- vance ;to make progress. Na- gai; Tokoshie—Long; forever. 鼻類 C H 0 B I R U I — Proboscidea : any of vari- ous tubular processes or prolongations of the head of animals. RAD.169 門 12709 k一 MON—A sect; a lineage; a family. Kudo ——A gate; a aoor; outside; an entrance; an opening. Mongamae] Kado- gamae, 齒 MONSHI - An incisor tooth. 217 一六九 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 脈:VI O M M Y A K U — The portal vein. 脈系統 M O M M Y AKU K E I T 0 — The portal system. 齒孑L M O N S H I K 6 — Foramen incisivum; a \- shaped canal at the an- terior part of the inter- maxillary suture. 齒管 MONSHIKAN— Canalis incisivus; incisive or incisor canal; anterior palatine canal; the lower single portion of the fora- men incisivum. 12723 KAN; KEN : Aida — An in- terval; a space; between; among. 歌性 KANKETSU SEI — Intermittent. 歌熱 KANKETSU NETSU —Intermittent fever; ague; chills and fever. 擦濕疹 KANSATSU S H I S S H I N — Inter- trigo :the superncial blush of the skin (or redness) from friction. 接傳毕KANSETSU direct infection. 食 KANSHOKU — Eat- ing between meals. 隔 K AN K AKU — Space; distance. 質 K A N S H I T S U 一 In- terstitium;lying or placed between. 層白內障K A N S O - Zonular cataract. 月甾 K A N N 0 — The dien- cephalon. 隙 KANGEKI — Inter- stition. 12771 K A T S U — A long time. Hiroi—Broad; wide. 頸筋 K AKKEIKIN — Platysma; a muscle of the neck. Ig7l4 HEI: HAT; HECHI; Tozasu; — To close; to shut; to bar. 塞 H E I S O K U — An ob- struction. HEISA一An occlusion. 鎖孑L H E I S A K 0 — Ob- durator foramen; the large aperture between the is- chium (inferior part of the hip bone) and pubis. 鎖不能 HEISAFUNO— Incontinence. 鎖筋 H E I S A K I X ~~ Musculus obturator. 鎖管 HEISAKAN—■ Canalis obturatorium. 218 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. I六九 12790 ii IvkI L KAN; Seki — Barrier. warn—To participate; to con- cern ;to be related to; to be concerned in. 節 K A N S E T S U 一 A joint; an articulation. 節炎 K A N S E T S U E N —Arthritis; inflammation of the joints. 節チフスKANSETSU C H I F U S U — Articular rheumatism; rheumarthri- tis. 節固着 KANSETSU- K 0 C H A K U — Union of the bones at a joint, resulting in stiffness; an- chylosis. 節擒挫K A N S E T S U N E N Z A — Incomplete dislocation. 節膿 KANSETSUNO — A membranous sac enclos- ing a joint. 節病 KANSETSU BY〇— A joint (an articular) dis- ease ;arthropathy. 節脫臼KA_X SETS U I) A Y U 一 Disloca- tion of a joint. & KANSETSUBU 一The joint region. 節窩 KANSETSUKA —Olecranon fossa; a de- pression in the prolonga- tion forming the head of the ulna; articular fossa ; glenoid cavity. 節頭 KANSETSUTO —Trochlea; a pullev-like process ; a condyle. 節痛 KANSETSUTStT —Arthralgia; pain in a joint; gout; arthritis. 節滲漏液 KANSETSU SAN ROEKI — Effusion into a joint. KANSETSU SO —A loose or movable body in a joint. 節肥厚 KANSETSU B I K O — Thickening of or about a joint. 節靭帶 KANSETSU J I N T A I — Articular ligament. 節勒帶炎KAXSE- TSU JINTAIEN — Inflammation of the liga- ments of a joint. 節靜脈kaksetsu JOMYAKU — Articu- lar vein. 節間執帶KAXSE- T S U K A N J I N T A I —Inter-articular ligament. 節骨折 KANSETSU KOSSETSU — Articu- lar prominence. 節潰瘍 K_A N S E T S U- K A I Y 0 — Ulceration of a joint. 節擴張 KANSETSU KAKUCHO — Disten- sion of a joint. 節化騰jC A X S E T S U KANO — Suppuration of a joint. 一六九 I七O Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 節强直 KAX SETSU K Y 0 C H 0 K U — An- kylosis. 節簡溝KAX SETS U KANK〇 一 Inter-articu- late sulcus. 節膜 KANSETSU MAKU —■Synovial membrane. 節軟骨KANSETSU XANKOTSU — Arti- cular cartilage. 節囊 K AS E T S U N 0 一Articular capsule. 節神經痛K A N S E - TSU SHINKEITSO 一Articular neuralgia. 節膽腫_ K A X S E T S U NOSH U—Joint abscess. 節挫傷KA\SETSU Z A S H 0 一 Contusion of a i〇mt. ,腐B 0 F U — Antiseptic; prevention of infection or 疫斥候謀略調査班 BOEKI SEKKO boryakuchOsa- H A N — An epidemic pre- yen t i o n reconnaissance patrol. — Anti- ague; • prevention of inter- mittent fever. 瘡エ相隊bCgyaku KOSAKUTAI — A mal- aria control unit. 掀藥 BOKINYAKU— Antiphlogistic; an inflam- mation-reducing agent. 水 B〇SUI—Waterproof. 敏劑 B 0 S H O K U Z A I —An anticorrosive; an antiseptic. 緊切開B〇KIX SEK- KAI — An incision to relieve tension. 膽藥 B G X G Y A K U — Anti-narcotics. 12830 n k.,At su,Ac hi.,Oku — Corner. Omoneru一To flatter. ハ AHEN—Opium. 陀斯 ADOSU ; Ados — A medicine used in cases of inflammation of the stom- ach and bowels. 片劑 A H E X Z A I — An opiate. RAD.170 阜 12802 l j W; FU — Large. Oka — A mound. 12S22 B 0 : H 0; Fusegu — Dike; to prevent; to ward off; to defend. 疫 B〇EKI — The preven- tion of disease. 220 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 一七o 片中毒 A HEN CHt- D O K U — Opium pois- oning. 片霄 AHENKO — Opium plaster; opium ointment. A G I 一 Asafetida; a gum resin. 12854 CHIN; JIN; Tsura — A line: a row; a station ; a camp. 痛 J I N T S C — Travail; labor pains. 痛壓迫JIXTSC AP- P A K U — Pressure pro- duced by labor pains. 痛缺損 JINTSU KES- SOX — The absence of «labor pains. 痛發住 JINTSU HOSSA 一 The onset of labor pains. 痛減退 JINTSU GEN- TAI 一 1lie diminishing of labor pains. 12855 r じJO 一 To subtract: to divide. Nozoku——To exclude. 虫菊乳劑 Pyrethrum emulsion; an agent used to increase the flow of saliva. 毛劑 _jomGzai — a depilatory. 蟲菊粉 JOCH0GIKU FIji\ — An insecticide powder. 12862 陰 <contd. -七! I七ニ RAD.171 隶 12940 TAI; DAI; Oyohu一To reach; to attain. 12994 SO; Futatsu — Two; a pair; both. 桿菌 S Q K A N K I N — 攝體 SGSETSU TAI —Amboceptor. 翅蟲 S 0 S H I M U S H I —Dipterous (dipteron). 肩 S〇KEN—Both shoulders. 生 S 0 S E I — To give birth 13002 r— NAN — Danger; calamity. Katai; Muzukashii; Nikui — Difficult; hard. 聽 N A N C H 0 — Hard of hearing. 局 NANKYOKU—Serious; a grave situation. 病 NAMBYO — A fatal disease. ® N A N Z A N — A difficult delivery. 辨 N A N K U S E — A bad fault dr habit. 治 NANJI—Incurable. RAD.172 隹 12947 SUI; SAI; FuruTori] Tori— A short-tailed bird. 重 2955 し』JAKU; Suzume一A sparrow. 卵斑 J A K U R A N H A N 一 Ephelides; freckles. 12961 l 」YTJ一Bold; vigorous; strong. Osu; 0—Male. 里 5597^ 雄 S H I Y ii — Male and female. 223 il Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary—contd RAD.173 雨 13012 ■丨U; Ame-Kammuri] Ame\ Same —Rain. 13015 S E t S U: Yuki — Snow. Stisugu-—To wash; to rinse. SETSUMO — SnoW blindness. 13020 UN; Kumo—CAond. 11 UNEI—Film; nebula. hlJNJITSU 一 Semen caesalpmiae j a p o n i c a e; seed of Japanese caesal- pinia. —Lightning. 撃性チフス DENGEKI Malignant typhoid fever. DENEKI一An electrolyte. 磁氣 DExXJIKI— Electro- magnetism. 擊性ノ DENGEKISEI NO — Fulminans. イ屈 DENGU—Dengue fever. 氣分解 DENKI BUN- KaI ——electrolysis. 氣S tery. 氣火葬 DENKI KASO 一Electric cremation. 氣按摩 DENKI AMMA 一Electro-massage. 氣治療 DENKI CHIRYO 一 Electrotherapy. D E N S H 0 — Injury from electric shock. 13036 m SHIN — To fear. Furuu — To shake; to quake. 顫 SHINSEN—Tremor. SHINTO 一 Concus- sion ;shock. iH 麻痒 s H I N S E N M A H I 一 Paralysis agi- tans. 顫譫妄症 SHINSEN ium tremens. 13041 s KAKU; RAKU; Niwaka — Quick; sudden. 亂KAKURAN —Cholera nostros (morbus); spor- adic cholera. 224 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. i 一 i七四 舊 305a SO; Shimo—Frost. 害 S 0 G A I 一 Damage from frost. 燒 SHIMOYAKE — Frost-bite; chilblain. 13054 U KA; Kasumi—A haze ; a mist. grow dim. @ K A S U M I M E—Blurred vision. 13072 SAN; SEN; Hail. 粒腫 SANRYUSHU— German Hagelkorn; chala- zion; a Meioomian cyst. 臭化ベンデルSEISHf Bromobenzvlcyamde. ® SEISAN — Hydrocyanic acid (prussic acid). 酸中毒 SEISAN CHtJ_ 1)0 KU — Hydrocyanic poisoning. 酸加里 SEISAN KARI —Cyanide of potassium. 13103 ¥ U SEI; jO : Shizuka; Shizu- maru一Quiet; peaceful;to be quiet; to rest. 脈 J 0 M Y A K U; S E I - M Y A K U — A vein. 脈系統jOMYAKU K E I T 0 — The venous system. S E I Y 0 — Rest; recu- peration. J 0 C H t — Venous in- jection. 脈注:If J 0 M Y A K U injection. 脈刺絡j G M Y A K U S H I R A K U — Intra- venous. 脈管 JOMYAKKAN-- Venous circle. 脈管擴張 jOmyak- ous distension. 脈管腫脹 もOmyak- ous swelling. RAD.174 13095 SEI; SH〇; Aoi — Blue; green; unripe; inexperienced. AO BANA — Greenish mucus of the nose. 年性痤瘡 S E I N E N - juvenilis. 膨 k AOBUKURE — A dropsical swelling. i七四 I七五 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 脈瓣 JOMYAKU ben 一Valve of a vein. 脈■ L0M ニ1Lu tion of a sinus. 養病院 J〇Y〇 byOin— —A convalescent hospital. 脈瘤 JOMYAKU RYt)— Varix; varicocele. 脈炎 jOmyakuen— Phlebitis; inflammation of a vein. 脈腫脹JOMYAKU S H U C H 0 — Varicosity. 脈血 jOmyakketsu — Venous blood. 脈爾血』Omyaku UKKETSU — Venous stasis. 脈出血JOMYAKU SHUKKETSU — Phleborrhagia. 脈腫 JOMYAKU SHC —Venous tumor. 脈幹 JOMYAKU KAN— Venous trunk. 脈閉塞JOMYAKU sion of a vein. 脈血检JOMYAKU K E S S E N — Thrombus in a vein. 脈腔 JOMYAKU K〇 —Lumen of a vein. 脈囊 JpMYAKU NO —■A vein-sac. 脈瘤性潰瘍JG- K A I Y 0 — Ulcus vari- cosum. 脈枝 JOMYAKU SHI —Branch of a vein. 脈鞘 JOMYAKU SH〇 一Sheath of a vein. 脈窶 JOMYAKU TOKU— 脈雜音j 0 M Y A K U ZATSUON — Venous murmur. 脈:JOMYAKU S〇 RAD.175 非 13104 w—< HI — Negative prefix; bad; wrong; to speak ill of; to criti- cize. Arazu — Not; is not. 動 HID〇—Inactive. 活動性H I p A T S U - 特異性蛋白體療法 H I T 0 K U I S E I TAMPAKU T A I R Y 0 H 0 — Special al- bumin therapy. 226 •lapanese>Engiish Medical Dictionary一contd. 一七六 I七七 RAD.176 面 13 丨 〇g MEN 一 T〇 face on. Omote; Onto; Tsura; Kao; Mo : Manoa- tart一The face; front; surface ; face to face. 瘡 OMO KUSA 一 An erup- tion on the face. 相 M E N S 0 — The coun- tenance. 疗 MENCHO — A car- buncle on the face. 貌 M E M B 0 — The coun- tenance ;features, 部M E M B U — The facial region. 性癌 MENSEI GAN— Surface cancer. • 性加答兒M E N S E I catarrh. 13124 JIN; Shinayaka — Soft; pliable. Utsujbo] Yugi — A quiver. J I N T A I — Oblique cord ;ligament. 帶解剖 JINTAI KAIBO 一Syndesmotomy. 帶 SSht 帶拷合 JINTAI SETSU- GO—Syndesmosis. 帶鹽 ligaments. 13111 m U KA; Kutsu—Boots; shoes. 傷 KASHO—Boot sore. 擦 KUTSU ZURE —A shoe sore. 13160 g ♦ とAN ; Kura—Saddle. 傷 ANSHO—Saddle gall. 里316重 KY0; Katai—Hard; firm. 膜 KYGMAKU—The sclera. 膜炎 kyOmaku en — Scleritis. 靱 KYOJIN—Hard; tough. RAD.177 革 重312孤 ih. -ni KAKU; Kawa — Tanned skin; leather; hide. Aratameru — To improve ; to reform ; to change; to renew; to restore. 227 Japanese-Enelish Medical Dictionary一contd. 一七七 一七八 一七九 一八o -八- 1一—一. 膜內血腫S M A - —Intravaginal hematoma. 膜^}*血腫s H G M A _ •—Extra vaginal hematoma. 13192 BEN; Muchi; Muchiutsit 一 Whip. 蟲病 MUCHIMUSHIBYO —Whip worm disease. RAD.180 日 13281 n ZKZl ON : IN; Oto; Ne-—A sound; a voice; a tone. Otonau 一 To visit. 耸 ONSEI—The voice. RAD.181 頁 13295 KO; Peiji ——A page. Kashi- ra——A head. 13299 KU; Unaji 一 The nape of the neck. 13314 U GAN : Katakuna ——Obstinate; stubborn; tenacious; foolish. 健 GAN KEN—Healthy. 癬 GANSEN: TAMUSHI — Ringworm; tinea ; tinea cruris. 13337 k ふ I Ago; Otogai — The chin; the jaw. 骨 IKOTSU—The jawbone. RAD.178 4 篁:1237 I; Namesm-gawa — Tanned leather. Somuku—To rebel. RAD.179 韭 ISZ71 KU; Nira — A leek; a scallion. 228 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 一八I 13346 g. TO ; ZU : Atama; Kobe; Kash- ira —Auxiliary number for counting animals; head; top; chief. 痛 ZUTStJ—A headache. 骨 Z U K O T S U—The cran- ium ;the skull. 部蝨 tObushitsu— Pediculosis capitis; head lice. 熟 ZUNETSU—Flush. fe FUKE—Dandruff. ズ" JSL T^GAI—The cranium. 頂骨 tOchOkotsu —Parietal bone. 、頂剛毛 tOchogOmO— Vertical bristle. 忙科 ATAMABUKA —Pipunculidae; a family of dipterous insects. 4 部 T〇BU—The head. 頂葉 tGchOyO — Parietal lobe. ifi 合。; suture. 頂頭後破裂 T〇CH〇 Paneto-occipital nssure. T 〇H ATS U —The hair of the head. 筋 T 0 K I N — Musculus capitis. 13348 ; H〇—The cheek, ja* n KY0KOTSU — The cheek bone. M K Y 0 K I N — Buccinator muscle. 孑L K Y 0 K 0 — Buccal cavity. 線 KYOSEN — Buccal gland. 13355 g Neck. 部腫瘍 KEIBU SHUYO —Neck tumor. ■月 K E I K O T S U — The neck bone. 柄 KEITSU I — Cervical vertebrae. 脈 KEIMYAKU — The jugular vein. 神經 KEISHINKEI 一Cervical nerves. 動脈 KEIDOMYAKU —Carotid artery. 部膨大 KEIBU BODAI —Cervical enlargement (of spinal cord). 部神經叢KEIfU vical plexus. 部 K E I B U — The cervical region. 神經節K E I S H I N, cal ganglion. 229 i八i Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary一contd. 椎關節炎 KEITSUI- KAN SETSUEN — In- flammation of the joints of the (upper) cervical spine. 椎棘}tk突起 KEI_ TSUIKYOKUJOTOKKI —.Spinous process of cer- vical vertebrae. 皴小管 KEIKO SHO- K A N 一 Caroticotym- panic canal. 瘻 K E I R 0 — Cervical fistula. 腺 K E I S E N — Cervical gland. 筋 K E I K I N — The cervi- cal muscles. 線 KUBI SUJI —The nape of the neck. 部咽喉瘦K E I B U I N K 0 R D — Branchial fistula in the neck. 部關節 KEIBU KAN- SET SU —Cervical articu- lation. 部結締織KEIBU- - KETTEISHIKI— Cervical connective tissue. 部潰_ KEIBUK AI- Y 0 — Ulcer of the throat or neck. 部腫瘦K El BUSH U- R Y U — Cervical tumor. 部帶狀匐行# KEI- 15U TAI JOFUKU- K O S H I N — Herpes zoster of the neck. 靜脈 keijOmyaku ——Cervical vein. 靜脈窩 K E I J Y A- K U K A — Fossa ]ugu- .laris. 筋膜 KEIKIN MAKU — Cervical fascia. ニ角 KEISANKAKU —Cervical triangle. 腺炎 KEISENEN — Inflammation of the cervi- cal glands. 截痕 KEISAIKON — Incisura colli scapulae. 靜脈截痕KEIjO- 一 Incisura jugularis. 13368 h』KA 一 A round object; a clod of earth. 粒 KARYt—A granule. 粒細胞KARYO SA_ —Granulocytes. 喔 51374 U SAI; Era — Gills; jaw bone; chin. /a秦 H SAIKOTSU — Bron- chial skeleton. 蓋 S A I G A I — An opercu- lum. 瘻 S A I R 0 — Fistula colli 230 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd 一八一 1S379 k GAKU; Ago : Agito; Otogai —. The chin; the jaw. 資 AGO HIGErA beard. GAKKOTSU — The jaw bone: maxilla. 下線 GAKKASEN — A maxillary gland. 骨骨髄骨膜炎 GAKKOTSU KOTSUZUI KOTSUMAKUEN— Osteomyelitis of the maxil- lary bone. 骨ノ齒根骨膜炎 GAKKOTSU NO SHIKON KOTSU- MAKUEN— Periodon- titis and periostitis of the maxillas. 骨體部肉腫 GAK- KOTSU TAIBU N I K U S H U — Sarcoma of the mentalis muscle, 囊腫 GAKUNOSHU — Maxillary cyst. 舌溝 GAKUZETSU K 0 — Mylohoid sulcus. 1338.0 kJk GAN; Kao; Kambase — The face; the countenance; visage. 色 GANSHOKU; KAOIRO —The complexion. • 猊憔悴 GAMBO sh〇- SUI — An emaciated facial expression. 面播種狀粟粒性 狠瘡 G A M M E N HANSHUJ 0 Z 0 K U - RYtSEI R〇S〇— Lupus miuans dissemma- tus faciei;a tubercular skin disease of the face aue to clogged pores. 面神哮GAMMEN nerve. 面ザ脈G a M M E N vein. 面播種性狼瘡 GAMMEN HANSHUSEI R〇S〇 — Lupus dissemina- tus follicularis; a tubercu- lar condition of the skin follicles. 面背 GAMMEN KQTSU— The facial bones. 面神經痲痺 GAM- MEN SHINKEI MAHI— Facial paralysis. 面瘦讀G纟M M E N spasm. 面湯疫GAMMEN S H I S S H I N — Facial eczema. 面頭蓋GAMMEN Z U G A I — The facial part of the skull. 面 GAMMEN—The face. 面動脈GAMMEN DOMYAKU — A facial artery. 面筋 GAMMEN KIN —A facial muscle. iAl Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 面神經痛 GAMMEN SHINKEITSO— Neuralgia. 部剛毛 GAMBU G〇M〇 —Facial bristle. 19414 』JUN; Komekami—The temple. 置34里移 顯 KEN; GEN — Clear. Arawa- reru — To be revealed; to appear. 微鏡 KEMBIKYO — A microscope. 微計 K E M B I K E I — A micrometer. «私20 i 』RO; Kobe — The head; the skull. 頂 R O C H 0 — The crown of the head; the vertex. 頂部 ROCH0 B U — The parietal region. 頂骨 rochOkotsu ——The parietal bone. m#忍せu —Parietal eminence. 頂緣 rochOen — Parietal margin. 頂縫合 ROCH0 H 0 G 0 Parietal suture. 頂骨孔 rochOkotsu K〇 — Parietal foramen. 頂葉 ROCH0 Y〇 — Parietal lobe. 13421 顳 l 』SH〇; Komekami一The temple. 顬 SHOjUN; KOMEKAMI —The temple. 顬動脈 SHOjUN D〇- artery. 顬骨 SHOJUN K 0 T S U —A temporal bone. 奮 34231 爾 u KAN; Hohobone 一 The cheek bone. AB K A N K 0 T S U — The zygomatic bone; the cheek- bone. 骨筋 KANKOTSU KIN—Zygomatic muscle. 骨緣 KANKOTSUEN —Zygomatic margin. 骨縫合 KANKOTSU suture. ■月、フ KANKOTSU K Y U — Zygomatic arch. 骨突起 KANKOTSU process. Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary—contd. 一八ニ 一八三 I八四 RAD.182 風 1342a Ft! — Style: customs: fash- ion. Kaze——Wind; air; a cold. 土病 FUDOBYO — An endemic disease. 邪 F t J A (K A Z E) — A cold; an illness-. 藥 KAZA GUSURI A medicine for a cold; a carminative. — Rheu- matism. 疼 F 17 S H I N — German measles; rubeola. tJ K I — Flatulence; the presence of gas in the digestive canal. 眼 F tj G A N — Gonorrheal ophthalmia. 氣性疝痛 FtJKISEISEN TSU —Wind colic. 孤 KAZAKE—A slight cold. RAD.184 食 13503 r-*■^ SHOKU; JIKI: SHI; Ke — Meal; food. Kuu\ Taberu : Hamu; Osu — To eat; to keep; to preserve. 中 SHOKUATARI — Mild food poisoning. S H O K U D 0 — The esophagus: the gullet; the alimentary canal. 愁SHOKUYOKU — Appetite. 用 SHOKUY0 — Used ' for food. 過 TABESUGI — Over- eating. 傷 SHOKUSHO-r Sur- leit; indigestion. 糧 SHOKURY0 —Food; provisions. 菌白血球 SHOKKIN Phagocyte. 恩不掀SHOKUON F U S H I N — Lack of appetite. 菌細胞說 SHOKKIN . cytic theory. 道 S H 0 K U D 0 phagostenosis. RAD.183 飛 13495 HI; Tobu — To fly; to jump; to leap. 233 I八四 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary—contd. 道癌腫SHOKUD0 GAN SHU — Carcinoma of the esophagus. 道炎 shokudOen— Esophagitis. 道癌 SHOKUD0GAN -—Cancer of the esophagus. 中毒アンチトキシン SHOKUGH0DOKU ANCHITOKlSHIN - Botulinum anti-toxin. 姊蝴科SHOKUGA syrphus fly. SHOKUSHI — The index finger; the fore- finger. 餌 SHOKUJI—Diet. 餅療法_ S H O K U J I therapy. 肉規 SHOKUNIKU R U I — Carnivora. 管裂_孔 SHOKKAN REK- KO — The esophageal opening. 道出血S H O K U D 0 SHUKKETSU — Hemmorhage of the eso- phagus. 道動^5 S H O K U D 0 phageal artery. 道靜J脈s H O K U I) 0 phageal vein, 道力卩答兒SHOKUDO the esophagus. HsEnusm”f the esophagus. 道筋膜S H O $ U D 0 muscular coat of the eso- phagus. 道潰瘍gHC^KUDO esophagus. 道擴張 S H O K U D 0 KAKUCHO — Dilata- tion of the esophagus. 道鏡 SHOKUD0 KY〇 — An esophagoscope. 道^S 膜 SHOKUD0 muscular membrane of the esophagus. 道麻痒s H O K U D 0 M A H I — Paralysis of the esophagus. 道粘液膜 SHOKUD0 The mucus membrane of • the esophagus. 5% — Com- mon salt. 13S0S lEUi KI; UERU — To be hungry; to be starved; to be famished. g佐 fR KIGA — Hunger; starva- tion. 饉 KI KIN—Famine. Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. RAD.186 香 18667 KY〇: KA; Kaori\Nioi —Odor; fragrance: incense. Kobashn : KamOashti — Frag- rant ;aromatic. 附子 K 0 B U S H I — Rhia- oma cyperi rotundL 13326 IN; Nomu — To drink; to take medicine. 栄NOMI GUSURI— An internal medicine. 木 INYAKU — To take medicine. 食 ifS—=u 1355 篁 l 』Y〇: Yashinau — To nourish ; to bring up; to rear. Y〇SO—Energy. 分 Y〇BUN — Nourishment; nutriment. 13559 s GA; UE 一 Hunger; starva- tion. Ueru一To be starved. 死 GASHI; UEJINI — Death due to starvation. RAD.187 馬 13680 BA; ME; Uma; Ma — A horse. 尾神經 BABI S^INKEI —Cauda equina; the fib- rous termination of the spinal chord. 鼻疽 B A B I S 0 — Nasal mucus; glanders; horse- J)〇X. 鼻谊潰瘍BABIS。 glanders. 界痕癒BABISO Y〇 -—Carbuncle of glanders. 尿酸 B A X Y C S A N — Hippuric acid. 足B A S 0 K U — Talipes equinus; club-foot. RAD.185 首 1366 重 SHU — A chief. Kubi — The neck. Kobe, Kasmra — Head. Hajime—The beginning. 235 一八七 一八八 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 鼻疽毒 BABISO DOKU —Virus of glanders. 鼻痕桿菌BABISO K A N K I N — Bacillus of glanders. 鼻痕結節BABISO KESSETSU — Glanders nodule. 界谊膜抱BABISO N 0 H 0 一 Glanders nod- ule. 鈴薯澱粉 BAREISHO D E M P U N 一 Potato starch. Capitulum of the stapes. 鏺骨足 BAT〇 KOTSU S 0 K U _ Base or foot of the stapes. BAT〇—Horsepox. 鏺骨 batOkotsu— Stapes. 越 B A I — A veterinary surgeon. 脾風 B A H I F Diph- theria ;diphtheritis; croup. 13708 :S DA — A— number f〇r counting horse loads. TA — To load on a horse. 、載病院醫扱 DASAI- BY〇IN IKYtr —A pack- horse hospital medical pan- nier. 駄D ADA 一 Petulance; crossness. isa% ’it も: 驚 KY〇; Odoroku — To be sur- prised; to be inghtened. 風 KY〇FU—Convulsion. 13830 s—一—T一 to drive; to drive away. 蟲劑 KUCHOZAI — Anthelminthics. 熱劑 KUNETSUZAI —Antifebriles. 蟲藥 K U C H U Y A K U— Insecticides, 徽療法 KUBAI RYOHO —Antisyphilitic treatment. 徽劑 KUBAIZAI — Antisyphilitic drugs. RAD.188 骨 13873 k5< KOTSU ; Hone—A bone. 膜 K OTSUMAKU — Periosteum. 膜腫 KOTSUMAKU SHU — Periosteal tumor. 膜炎 KOTSUMAKUEN — Periostitis. 調 K O T S U Z U I — Bone marrow. 236 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary—contd. I八八 粉 K 0 P P U N — Powdered bones. Bj!炎 kotsuzuien 一Osteomyelitis. 粉肥料K 0 P P U N HIRYO—Bone manure. 盤 KOTSUBAN一The pelvis. 炎 KOTSUEN— Ostitis. 軟 KOSSETSU — Frac- ture of a bone. 無 H O N E N A S H I — Rickets; rachitis. 節 H 0 N E B U S H I — The joints. 痛 K O T T S tT — Ostaigia; bone-pain. 盤壁 KOTSUBAN HEKI —The pelvic wall. 祖 KOSSO 一 Physiognomy; the structure of the skull. IP KOSSETSU—A joint. TVS KOTSUGAN —Cancer of the bone. 鋸 KOTSUKYO - Bone saw. 間 KOKKAN — Inter- osseous. 胃動_脈K O K K A N osseous artery. 間筋 K O K K A N K I N— Interosseous muscle. 腫 KANSHU—Osteoma. S 核症 K 0 K K E K - KAKUSHO — Tuber- culosis of the bone. 瘍 KOTSUY0—Caries. 質¥^—Kn: teomalacia. 質 KOSSHITSU —Bony tissue. 質炎 KOSSHITSUEN —Ostitis. 質剝離 KOSSHITSU tion of a bone. 質脆弱 KOSSHITSU ossium. 質軟化症 KOSSHI- Osteomalacia. 質1SusKH〇uHua of bone. 倉K O S S 0 — A wound or injury to a bone. KOSSO一Necrosis. 盤部 KOTSUBANBU 一-Pelvic section. 盤直徑 KOTSUBAN diameter. 盤脫臼 K 0 T S U B A N tion of the pelvis. 盤上_ ロ _ KOTSUBAN J 0 K 0 — Superior aper- ture of the pelvis. 237 i八八 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—-contd. 盤下ロ _ KOTSUBAN K A K 0 一 Pelvic outlet. 盤隔膜 KOTSUBAN vie diaphragm. 盤計 KOTSUBANKEI — Pelvimeter. 盤傾斜 KOTSUBAN inclination. 盤 KOTSU- Pelvic connective tissue. 盤結締織炎 KOTSU- —Parametritis. 盤畸形 KOTSUBAN K I K E I — Pelvic de- formity or distortion. 盤筋膜KOTSUBAN K I N M A K U — Pelvic fascia. 盤孔 KOTSUBANK〇 —Pelvic aperture. 盤骨折 KOTSUBAN KOSSETSU — Frac- ture of the pelvis. 盤骨 KOTSUBAN KOTSU —Os innominatum. 盤腔 KOTSUBAN Kt) —Pelvic cavity. 盤關節 KOTSUBAN KANSETSU — Pelvic articulation. 盤內膿瘍 K O T - Pelvic abscess. 內?fSHUYV—TPぶ tumor. 盤出血 KOTSUBAN Pelvic nemmorhage. 盤帶 KOTSUBANTAI — Pelvic girdle. 盤底 KOTSUBANTEI — Pelvic floor. 盤彎曲 KOTSUBAN Pelvic curvature. 脫臼 KOTSU DAKKYCt— Dislocation of a bone. 營養動脈KQTSU E I Y 0 D 0 M Y A K U —Arteria nutritia ossis. Osteology. 破壤 KOTSU HAKAI — Destruction of bone. 破裂 KOTSU HARETSU 一 nssure of or in bone. 肥厚 KOTSU HIK〇— Thickening of bone. 縫合 KOTSU H〇G〇 一Suture of bone 萎縮 KOTSU ISHUKU — Senile atrophy. 靜脈 KOTSU JOMYAKU —Vein of a bone. KOTSU JUKU — Modiolus. 海綿腫 k:otsuk:ai_ M E N S H U — Fungous disease of bone. 238 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. I八八 間筋 KOTSUKANKIN — Musculus interosseus. 間櫛 KOTSUKAN SETSU —Crista interossa. 鉗子 KOTSU KANSHI — Bone forceps. 系統 KOTSU KEITO •—Osseous system. 結節 KOTSU KESSETSU —Tubercle of the bone. 溝 KOTSU K 0 — Bony groove or furrow. 硬化 KOTSU K 0 KA —Osteosclerosis. 化膿 KOTSUKAN0— Suppuration of the bone. 關節 KOTSUKANSETSU —Articulation of the bones. 膠質 KOTSU K Y 0 - 膜剝離子 KOTSU- Bone elevator. 膜硬腫 KOTSUMAKU K 0 S H U — Periosteal node. 肉腫 KOTSUNIKUSHU— Sarcoma of the bone. 鑪子 KOTSU ROSHI — A raspatory. 瘤 KOTSURY0 — Cylin- droma. 隆起 KOTSU RYUKI — Projection of a bone. 細胞 KOTSU SAIBO —Bone cell. 成形術 KOTSUSEI- KEIJUTSU — Forma- tion of bones. 切斷術 KOTSUSETSU- DANJUTSU :— Resection of bones. 質? Osteosteatoma. 質新成 KOTSU SHITSU SHINSEI — New forma- tion oi bone. 質增殖 KOTSU SHITSU ZOSHOKU — Prolifera- tion of bone. 小球 KOTSU SHOKYU— Bone corpuscle. 腫 KOTSUSHU — Bony tumor. 組織 KOTSUSOSHIKI — Bony tissue. 出血 KOTSU SHUK- K E T S U — Hemorrhage from bone. 々山 ' W KOTSUTAN —Epiphysis, fe KOTSUTAI — Diaphyse. 轉位K 0 T S UT E N I — Displacement of bone. 突起 KOTSU TOKKI — Apophysis. 聲曲 K 0 T S U W A N - K Y 0 K U — Bending of bone. 樣迷 KOTSU Y〇 rinth. 一八八 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 瘍性潰瘍K Q T s l7 _ YOSEI KAIYO — Ulcus cariosum. 挫潰 KOTSU ZAKAI — Crushing of bone. 贅生 KOTSU ZEISEI — New growth of bone. 贅腫 KOTSU ZEISHU — Exostosis. 髓海綿腫 KOTSUZUI KAIMENSHU — Fungus disease of medulla oi bone. 、盤內化膽K 0 T S U _ BAN N AIK A N 0 — Pelvic suppuration. 13890 r 丨.",> fc-. GAI — A bone; the body. Mukuro——A corpse. A H GAIKOTSU — The skeleton. 驅 GAI KU—The body. 重 3906 HI; Momo—The thigh. Q HIKYU — The acetabu- lum. 13623 R〇; RU; RO: Sarekdbe — The skull;the cranium. 13929 DOKU; Sarekohe一The skull. D 0 K U R 0; Sarekdbe — The skull. 謹 k ZUI一Marrow. 樣腫張期z l) I Y 0 larv enlargement. 月0 ZUINO—The brain. 孔 ZUI K 0 — Medullary space. 腔 ZUI K 0 — Medullary cavity. 膜 ZUI MAKU —Endos- teum. 瘤 Z U I R Y tJ — Medullary sarcoma. 鞘 ZUI S H 0 — Medullary sheath. 帆 Z U I H A N — Medullary- velum. 脈管 Z U I M Y A K U KAN 一 Medullary vessel. 細胞 z U I S A I H 0 — Medullary cell. Z U I S 0 — Medullary layer. 樣腫瘍 ZUIYO SHUYO —Medullary tumor. 13034 r- ’ IS TAI; TEI; Karada — Sub- stance ;state; condition; ap- pearance ;the body. 月 T A I I K U — Physical training. TAIjU—Body weight. Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 一八八 一八九 重ノ減少 TAIjn NO weight. 重ノ增加 taijCno ZOKA—A gain in weight. 檢査 T AIKEN SA — A physical examination. 溫 丁 A I 0 N — The body temperature. 溫器 TAIONKI — Glinical thermometer. 溫^己錄表T A I g N A temperature chart; a chart record of the body temperature. 格 TAIKAKU — The physique. 格檢査T A I K A K U K E N S A — A physical (medical) examination. 身區 TAIKU—Thc body. 溫下降 TAIONKAK0— A sudden drop in body temperature. 愁 丁 A I Y 0 K U 一 The carnal appotities. 巧宇Abu: zoa; external Darasites. 液 T A I E K I 一 Humour; any cutaneous disease caused by impure blood. 腔 T A I K 0 — The body cavity; the coelom. 腔壁 TAlK〇B£KI — The somatic layer. 質TAISHITSU — Dia- 操 T A I S 0 一 Gymnastics; physical exercise. 位性 TAIISE I —Ortho- static. 臭 丁 A I S H tT — Body odor. 13936 KAN ; KON — The hip bone. RAD.189 高 13940 ~K〇; Takai — High; tall; hyper. Taka—Amount. 張糖 k〇ch〇t〇—* Hypertonic sugar. 張糖液kCchOtO EKI—A hypertonic sugar solution. 度晒粉K G D 0 S A I - FUN— Strong bleaching powder. 血壓 KOKETSUATSU — Hypertension; high blood pressure. 全耐性 KAKCrTMSEI 一 Ability to stand alti- tude • higli altitude endur- ance. KOT E I—Undulation. 241 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. I八九 一九O -九- 一九二 張砂糖液KOCH0 SAT〇EKI — Concen trated syrup. RAD.191 鬥 14020 kijTt); ZU ; Tatakau—To fight; to dispute; to quarrel. RAD.190 , 髟 13945 SAN; SEN— Hair in disarray. 13950 l SHI; Hige一-A moustache. / 1S959 H A T S U; Kami; Ogushi — Human hair. 刹 KAMISORI—A razor. 油 KAMI ABURA 一 Hair oil;pomade. 18960 u ZEN ; Hige一Whiskers. 14003 P-~^ ご」SHU; Hige一The beard; whis- kers. 瘡 SHUSO—Sycosis. RAD.192 鬯 14036 g . CH〇 — Fragrant grass : aro- matic; fragrant wine. 14039 -UTSU; UCHI; Shigeru — To flourish : to bloom; melan- choly. 風U K K I — Close air; melancholy. 血 UKKETSU.— Conges- tion of the blood. 憂期 U Y C K I — A pre- monitory stage. 血腎臟]j K K E T S U J I N Z 0 一 An engorged kidney. 血尿 UKKETSU NY〇 — Urine modified Dy circu- latory engorgement. 血乳嘴U K K E T S U optic disc. 242 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—-contd^ {九ニ i九三 i九四 I九五 14098 魘 l」EN ; Y〇 : Osowareru — A bad dream; to have nightmares. 血性蓑疸 UKKETSU- SEIODAN—Jaundice due to an obstruction. RAD.193 鬲 14010 r—^ iL-i R U I : R Y A K U; Kanae; Kama一A pot. 14057 1 SHUKU; IKU;心,一Rice; gruel. Hisagu — To sell;to peddle. RAD.195 魚 14101 V--』GYO; U〇] Sakana—Fish. 介 G Y 0 K A I — Marine animals. 形 G Y 0 K E I — Icthyoid; fish-like. G Y 0 R A N — Fish eggs; spawn. 油 GYOY0—Fish oil. .膠 GYOK〇—Fish glue. 肉 GYONIKU — The flesh of fish. 141*70 r—^ (L j K〇; Same一Shark. 月干油K 0 K A N Y 0 — Shark liver oil. 膚 SAME HAD A — Ich- thyosis; goose-flesh ; goose- skin. 14174 鮮 u SEN ; \ bright; fresh. SukUnai—Few; scant. 血 SENKETSU — Fresh blood. RAD.194 鬼 14061 u KI; Oni; Bakemono—A devil; a ghost; an evil spirit. 齒' 0 N I B A — A protruding tooth. 連 ONIBASU — The prickly water lily. 磐粟 0 N I G E S H I — The oriental poppy. 體 K I T A I —Bloody mole. 體姙娠 KITAININSHIN —Mole pregnancy. 243 i九五 一九六 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary—contd. 魚 S E N G Y 0 — Raw fish; fresh fish. 色 SENSHOKU — A clean bright color: 14228 m ifc-丨』GEI; —A whale. 油 GEIYIj—Whale oil. 蠟 GEI R〇—Ambergris. 腦油 G E I N 0 Y t — 、Sperm oil. 脂 GEISHI—Blubber. 14327 m L一RIN ; Uroko] Koke 一 Scales : fish-scales. 屑 RIXSETSU—Scales. 苔癖 R I X T A I S E N — 樣縫合 RIXYf) H〇GO ~ Scjuamous suture. 屑譬 RINS?:TSUSHTX 癬 RINSEN—Psoriasis. 滑狀皮疫r I X S E _ A scaly eruption. RAD.196 鳥 鳥_ Tori-Bird. 目 TORIME — Night blind- ness; nyctalopia. 距裂 CH0KYORETSU — Calcarine fissure. M47董 1 —a (iA; (jacho—-A goose. ロ症 gakOshO— Sprue (aphtha e). See GAKOS0. ロ瘡 GAKOsO — Aph- thae; prunella; thrush; tropical diarrhea. 篁 丨r, KEI; Nwatori] Tori 一 Barn- yard fowl. 0S K E I G A X — A (;orn; a clavus. 胸 K E I K Y 0 — Pectus carinatum; pigeon-breast. 14607 1—. 式寒デ内0 MU B Y 0 — Psit- tacosis. 244 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 一九七 RAD.197 鹵. 14612 L R 0; Shiochi — Salt land; barren; salt. i46ia fe- KEN; Aku\ Shio — Lye; salt. 14620 鹽 S; EN; SAio—Salt. 酸!!: N S A N — Hydrochloric acid. 素酸ヵリ ENSOSAN KARI 一 Potassium chlor- ide. 剝 E M B 0 T S U — Potas- shim chlorate. calcium chloride. E N K I — Quinine (hydro) chloride. 酸アコインEXSAN AKOIN 一Acoin hydrochloride. アニシリンENSAN X N I S H I R I N — Any- silin; phenetol de-anisol quinine hydrochloride. 素 ENSO—Chloride. 酸ユミ』ば Smomenme chlonae. 酸ェメチンENSAN EME- CHIN — Emetine hydro- chloride. 酸鹽 E >: S A N E X — Hydrochloride. 酸プロ力インENSAN cai ic hydrochloride. 酸ストバインENSAN S U T 0 B A I N — Sto- vaine hydrochloride. 酸トロパコカインENSAN TOROPAKOKAIN Tropacocaine hydro- chloride. 化ベンifルENKA BEN — Zx\RU 一 Benzoylchloride. Chloracetophenone. 化錫溶液 ENKA SEKI YOEKI 一 Chlorostannic acid. 類下劑 ENRUI GEZAI —Saline cathartics. 酸ヱピレナミンE N S A N Adrenalin chloride. 酸ビロカルビンENSAN Pilocarpine hydrochloride. 酸’’^^;二 lemon and hydrochloric acid. 245 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 一九七 一九A I九九 化第一鍚 ENKADAI I S S E K I — Stannous chloride. 素消劑 ensoshOzai —Antichlorotics. 酸アポモルヒネF N s A N APOMORUHINE— Apomorphine hydrochlor- ide. 香樹 JAKOJU — A musk tree. RAD.199 麥 14661 ‘H-BAKU; Grain. 角 BAKKAKU—Ergot. 粒腫 BAKURYtSHU —Barley corn. 角病 BAKKAKU BY〇 — Ergotism. 角 K=Luf ノ ergot. 角中毒性白内障 B A K K A K U C H 0- DOKUSEI HAKU- N A I S H 0 — Ergotic cataract. 角壤疽 BAKKAKU ESO —Gangrene from ergotism. fefA?SBHY-UDRrng forceps. 粒腫 bakuryUshu —A stye. 姐 BAKUSO — Barley mite. 芽糖 B A K U G A T 0 — Maltose. 芽 BAKUGA — Malt; germ wheat. RAD.198 鹿 14621 ROKU; Shika—A deer; a stag. 14623 一 KI; GI : Kirin — A giraffe. 鱗?。4 14642 1,• m SO; Arai—Rough; coarse. \ 菌 4653 SHA; JA; Jako — A musk deer. 香 ]AK〇—Musk. 香草 J A K 0 SO — Wild thyme. 246 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. ニ oo ニol RAD. 200 f~rT! m g 闕-“ih MA; Asa—Hemp; linen. 痺 MAHI—Paralysis. 痺性痴呆症 H O S H 0 — Dementia paralytica : general pare- sis ;general paralysis of the insane. 拉利亞 MARARIYA —Malaria. MASHIN—Measles. 醉 MASUT—Anesthesia. 醉藥 MASUI YAKU— Anesthetic drug; dope; narcotic; opiate; chloro- form. 痺性胸廓 MAHISEI thorax. 痺劑 M A H I Z A I—Anes- thetics. 痒狂 MAHIKY0 — Dementia paralytica. 血鹽 Gketsuen — Potassium ferrocyanide. 熟病 Onetsu byo— Yellow fever. 燐 0 R I N 一 Yellow phos- phorus. 色藥 0SHOKU YAKU— Picric acid. 降汞 K O.K 0 K 0 — Yel- low oxide of mercury. 跑 只 RS K 0 T A I — Corpus luteum. 0 G O N 一 Root of the Scutellaria or skullcap. BAKU — Bark of the phellodendrum. 連 0 R E N — Rhizome of the herb Captidis japonica. 〇 S E I — Rhizome of the herb Polygonum falcate. 班病 OhambyO — Xanthoma. 潜繩科KIMUCURI a small dipterous fly; the fruit fly. 斑 KGHAN—Chloasma. 視怔 OSHISHG — Xan- thopsia; yellow-vision. 褐 1^°/—AcSニ^ 斑0 HAN — Macula lutea. RAD. 201 黃 I469g r— Kf); 0; Kt—Yellow. AN—Jaundice. 247 11011 i Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. RAD. 202 黍 14690 Millet. 肉腫 KOKUNIKUSHU— Black sarcoma. 尿 KOKUNY0 — Melan- uria. 腫 KOKUSHU 一 Melan- otic tumor. 色麻疹 KOKUSHOKU MASH IN一Black measles. 檀 KOKUTAN—Ebony. RAD. 203 黑 14709 M KOKU; Kuroi—Black. 人 KOKUJIN; KUROMBO —A negro. KUR〇TO 一 An expert : a professional. づ HOKURO—A skin mole. 死病 KOKUSHIBY〇 —Black death; bubonic plague. 水熱 KOKUSUI NETSU 一Blackwater fever. 色腫 KOKUSHOKU- SH し一Melanosarcoma. 色肉腫 KOKUSHOKU N I K U S H U — Melano- sarcoma. S KUROME — The iris of the eye. 斑 KOKUHAN—Melasma. 皮病 KOKUHIBY 0 — Melasma. 內障 KOKUN AISH 0 ——Black cataract. 14725 % ‘ j TEN — A light; a spot : a dot; a point; a mark. Una- zuku—To nod. 頭 TENTO—To nod. 眼 T E N G A N — Eyewash : an eye-lotion : an eye- salve :a collyrium. 滴感,T E N T E K I infection. 頭痙攣 tentOkei- R E N — Neck cramp. 滴法 TENTEKIHO— Instillation. 燈 TENT〇一Lighting. inspection. 14739 BAI; BI; MI; Kahi — Min- ute; mildew. 毒 BAIDOKU-^Syphilis. 248 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. ニ0三 ニo四 ニ0五 ニ on ニ〇七 1C766 B E T S U ; Support; Kame — A tortoise. BEKK〇—Tortoise shell. BAIKIX — Micro-organ- ism ;bacteria; microbe; germ. 毒先元性 BAIDOKU SENGEXSEI — Congeni- tal syphilis. 毒先元第一期 DOKU SEXGEN DAI IKKI 一 Primary s\ philis, 毒先元第二期BAI_ DOKU SENGEN DAI NIKI — Secondary svuh- ilis. 毒先元第三期 BAI- DOKU SENGEN DAI SANKI 一 Tertiary syph- ilis. 毒潛伏B A I D O K U SEMPUKU — Latent syphilis. RAD. 206 鼎 14769 ‘ TEI; Kanae — A tripod uten- sil ;a cauldron. aICtEIRITSU — A tri- angular position. RAD. 207 鼓 14T75 i 丨ー KO To beat. Tsuzumi — A small hand-drum. 吹 KOSUI — To inspire; to infuse. 膜 K O M A K U — Tympanic membrane. 膜病 K O M A K U B Y 0— Disease of the tympanic membrane. 膜炎 K O M A K U E— Myringitis; tympanitis. 脹 K O C H 0 一 Meteorism (llatulence); tympanites. RAD. 204 術 14744 CHI; Nnu\ Nui—To sew. RAD. 205 黽 14750 oneself. 249 ニ0七 ニ0八 iapanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 膜損傷K O M A K U - S0NSH0 — A tym- panic injury. 動 K O D 0 — Pulse beat; palpitation. 膜輪 KOMAKURIN— Tympanic ring. 膜臍 KOMAKUSAI— Umbo of the tympanic membrane. 膜穿孑L KOMAKU S E N K 0 — Perforation of the tympanic mem- brane. 膜小骨K O M A K U SH0KOTSU — Tym- panic ossicle. 室 KOSHITSU — The eardrum; the tympanic cavity; the tympanum. 室神經 K O S H I T S U S H I N K E I — The tym- panic nerve. 膜?也筋K O M A K U E H I K I N Laxator tympani. 膜張筋K O M A K U C H O K I N — Tensor tympani. 膜張筋管 KOMAKU CHOKIN KAN— Semicanalis tensoris tym- pani. 膜破裂K O M A K U H A R E T S U 一 Rupture of the tympanic mem- brane. 膜緊張K O M A K U K I N C H 0 — Tension of the tympanic mem- brane. 膜截P余K O M A K U S A I J O — Excision of the tympanic membrane. 膜截 _ K O M A K U S A I K A I — Incision through the t y m p a ni c membrane. 膜腔 KOMAKU K〇— Cavity of the tympanum. RAD. 208 鼠 14790 - 丨SO; Nezumi一-A rat; a mouse. —MS こ1aT._ 蹊IP—L^i=T- S矣'織帶 s 0 K E I H 0 _ T A I — Inguinal bandage. S奚ロ S 0 K E I K 0 — • Inguinal aperture. ix. S 0 E K I — A plague; a pestilence. s O K E I K A — In- guinal fossa. 蹊腺炎 SOKEISENEN —Bubo; an enlargement of a lymphatic gland, es- pecially one in the groin or axilla. 蹊部 S O K E I B U — The inguinal region; the groin. 250 Japanese-English Medical Dictionarycontd. ニ OA ニ0九 RAD. 209 鼻 14809 HI; BI; Hana—A nose. 紙 HANAGAMI — A paper handkerchief. 和f BI K A 一Rhinology. 血H A N A J I — Nose bleed ; nasal hemorrhage. HANATAKE — Nasal polyp. 孑LbikO —The nostrils; the nares. B I K 0 T S U — The nasal bone. 加答兒 BI K ATARI! —Nasal catarrh. 根 B I K 0 N — The root of the nose. 先 H A N A S A K I — The tip of the nose. 七 H A N A G E — Hairs of the nosfril. 柱H ANABASHIRA — The septum. 孔閉塞 BIKOHEISOKU —•Occlusion of the nares. B I T E I 一 A runny nose; nasal discharge. 肩、B I S 0 K U — Snoring; breathing through the nose. IbIEKI—Nasal fluid. 蹊淋巴肉芽腫症 NIKUGASHUSHO —Lymphogranuloma in- guinale. 役 PESUTO—A pestilence. 溪線 SOKEISEN — Inguinal gland (labial). 驗勒帶SOKE IJIN~ T A I — Pupart's ligament. 咬症S 0 K 0 S H 0 一 Ratbite fever. 蹊膿瘍 SOKEI NOY〇— Inguinal abscess. 溪乳房 SOKEI NYUBO —Inguinal mamma. SOKEI R I N — Inguinal ring. M 動脈 SOKEI D 0- artcry. 蹊歌爾尼亞 SOKEI hernia. 蹊歇爾尼亞帶sa Inguinal truss. 験管 s 0 K E I K A X — Inguinal canal. 蹊腫瘍 SOKEI SHUYO 一Inguinal tumor. 溪痛 SOKEITSt — Bubonalgia. 251 ニ0九 Japanese-English Medical Dictionary--contd. 骨氐骨神經B I T E I - 一1 he coccygeal nerve. 飮 I > I I N 一 Take in through the nose. 骨 BITEIKOTSU The coccyx. 鼾 BIKA一A snore. ilW HAN A K AG AM I; BIKYO 一A nasal speculum. 聲 H A X A G O E — To talk through the nose. M H AN AKUSO —Nasal mucus. 中 PS b I C H tj K A K U —Nasal septum. 中^^=[と Cartilage of the nasal sep- tum. 追 BID〇一Nasal duct. 動脈 B 11) 0 M Y A K U — Nasal artery. 副孔B I F U父U K 0 — Accessory nasal cavity. 眼神經 BIGANSHIN- KEI 一 Naso-ciliary nerve. 咽頭道BIIXTGdO —Xaso-pharyngeal canal: 咽頭カタルB I I X T O K A T A R U — Rhino- pharyngeal catarrh. 咽頭腔B I I N T 0 K 0 •— Naso-pharyngeal cavity. 咽頭 B I I N T 0 pharyngeal polypus. 咽?!f—Na4S goal probe. 靜脈 BI J 〇MYAKU — Nasal vein. 細帶 B I H 0 T A I — Nasal bandage. ms: nerve. 藥HANAGUSURI— Palm oil. 出血 BISHUKKETSU—A nose-bleed. 銅疫 B I D G S H I N — Acne rosacea of the nose. 口蓋 BIKOGAI —The nasopalatine. 癌 B I G A N 一 Cancer of the nose. 呼吸 B I K O K Y 0 — Nasal respiration. 背 B I H A I — The bridge of the nose. 口蓋道 bikogaidQ —The nasopalatine canal. 咽頭 B I I N T G — Naso- pharynx. 咽頭炎biintOen 一 Inflammation of the haso-pharynx. 咽頭鏡 biintG KY〇— A rhinoscope. 孔 BIK〇—The nasal cavity. BIJI一Nasal polypus. 感胃 BIKANBO—Coryza. 252 Japanese-Engiish Medical Dictionary一contd. ニ0九 甲介 B I K 0 K A I — Tur- binated bone. . cus membrane. BIKYOKU—Nasal spine. B I K Y IT 一 Superciliary arch. BIK〇 SENJO— A nasal douche. 梁 B I R Y 0 — The bridge of the nose. 痕病 BISO BY (I —The glanders, the nares. rir* 日 BLOX — Nasal sound or tone. 硬腫 BIKOSHU — Rhino- scleroma, ffi BIMEN—Nasal surface. 軟骨 B I X AK O T S U —Nasal cartilage. 粘膜 B I N E N M A K U — Pituitary mucus mem- brane. 裂B I R E T S U — Nasal cleft. B I T S U — Pain in the nose. 瘤 B I R Y CT — Tumor of the nose. zhc B I S E N — The tip of the nose, 神經 B I S H I N K E I — Nasal nerve. 翼 B I Y O K U — Ala nasi; the wing of a nostril. 突起 B I T 0 K K I-Nasal process. 翼m depressor alae nasi. 翼 Hu ■ ニ:: of the nose. 則庭 BIZENTEI — v estibulum nasi. 腔洗胳藥 B I K U Errhinetics : agents which provoke mucus discharges from the nose. 腔注牡藥 B I K U Rhmenchvsis. 匿^_ 欽K Y U G A I 一 A stopped- up nose due to a cold. K Y tJ T E I — Sneezing through the nose. 14815 射 k— KAX : Ibiki—A snore. 自 KAXSOKU—A snore. 253 ニ0九 ニt o ニニ Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 睡 KAN S U I — To snore in one's sleep. KANSEI—Snoring. 篁篁 GYO : Aomugibana — Pug- nosed ;a broken nose. 14920 SkO- A nasal disease. 喘 KOZEN—Asthma. 14885 i ATSU—Septum, a nasal disease. ZAI; SEI — Medicine; to compound. RAD. 211 齒 I4S33 SHI; SHO; Ha] Yowai — Tooth; denture; age. 越本 宵百 HAISHA — A dentist; a dental surgeon. 磨 HAMIGAKI — Tooth powder; a dentifrice. 藥H A G U S U R I — A tooth medicine. 科 S H I K A — Dental sur- gery; dentistry. 科治•療 SHIKA CHI- RY〇 — Dental treatment. HAKEI — Dentiform; an impression of the teeth. HAGAYUI—Impatient. 軋 HAGISHIRI — To grate one’s teeth; grind. 莖 HAGUKI—The gums. 鹽 HAJ10—Tartar. ?ftsHITSU — A tooth- ache; odontalgia. 嚙 HAGAMI — To gnash or grind one's teeth. RAD. 210 齊 14g^8 k5L S A I : S E I 一 To regulate Hit os hit—Alike; even. SEISEI—Orderly. Japanese-English Medical Dictionary一*contd. ニニ I ニ— 111三 HAKUSO—Tartar. 牙 SHIGA—Teeth. OT S H I Z U I — The dental pulp. SS SHIGIN—Gums. 髓炎 f H I Z U I E N — Hs=g Tt teeth. 骨管 SHIKOTSUKAN — The dentinal canal. S SHIRO—Dental fistula. 对 S H I K A N — The crown of a tooth. 根 S H I K O N — The root of a tooth; fang. 腔 S H I K 0 — The socket of a tooth; a dental cavity. 骨^8胞 _SHIKOTSU blast. 牙損傷 SHIGA SONSH0 —An injury to the teeth. ifi炎 SHIGINEN — •gingivitis. 根膜炎 S H I K O N M A- K U E N —Periodontitis. 溝 S H I K 0 — A dental groove. 骨折 SHIKOTSU SETSU —Fracture of a tooth. 骨 SHIKOTSU—Dentine. 根膜 SHIKONMAKU —Periosteum of a tooth. 14853 醫 w-u KETSU : GETSU; Kajiru — To chew; to gnaw. 齒類動物 RUI DOBUTSU— Rodents. RAD. 212 龍 14876 n 云B R Y 0; R Y 0 — Imperial; Tatsu—Dragon. 膽未 ryOtammatsu— Powdered gentian root. Bi R Y t N 0—Refined cam- phor. RAD. 213 龜 篁4拥7 1… u Kj ; Kame一A tortoise. KIRETSU—Cracking. 頭 KIT〇—The glans penis. 胞I KIKY〇—Pigeon-breast. 255 iapanese-English Medical Dictionary一contd. 頭癌 KTTOGAN — Cancer of the penis. 頭垢脂 kitOkOshi— Smegma; sebaceous ac- cretion about the prepuce. 頭冠 K I T 0 K A N — The corona glandis. 頭冠溝 kitOkanko —The groove of the corona glandis. -KBLTno〇 blennorhea. 頭炎 K I T 0 E N — Balan- itis. 頭包皮炎KITG HIEN — Balanopostitis. 頭部上裂 K I T 0 B U- J 0 R E T S U — Epi- spadias. 頭部下裂 K I T 0 B U- KARETSU — Hypo- spadias. I K A N — A mirror; a model. RAD. 214 龠 14895 SL Y A K U; Fue — A three- holed flute. 256 しist of JAPANESE DRUGS DRUG ITEMS WRITTEN IN CHARACTERS, OR ITEMS WHOSE INITIAL SOUNDS ARE WRITTEN IN CHARACTERS, ARE MARKED BY ASTERISKS * 257 LIST OF JAPANESE DRUGS. ABAJIN AGARICHIN SAN A ABA JIN—Abasin. ABERI—Abery (vitamin Bx). ABERI BI ICHI—Abery B1(vitamin BJ. ABERUCHIN—Avertin. ABIREN—Abilen (sodium glycocho- late). ABIRON — Abiron (phenyl-sulfodi- raethyl amide). aBITAN—Avitan (sodium theocine lactate). ABORUSO一Abortus. ABUFURIN — Abfurin (bensoyl- acetylphenolphthalein). ABURIN — Abrin. (Jequiritin, a specific poison occurring in jequinty seeds.) ABURINORU—Abrinol. ACHIDOJIN — Acidonin (bicar- bonate of soda). ACHIDORU — Acidol (betaine hydrochloride). ACHIDORU PEPUSHIN — Acidol- pepsin. ACHIGURU — Acigul (fermented lactic acid). ACHIKARUJO — Tablet AcykaJ (Organic compound of silver and cyanogen.) ADAMON Adamon {dibromdi- hydrazine acid borneal ester). ADAMUSAITO — Adamsite (diphe- nylaminarsin cnloride). ADARIN — Adalin “Bayer” (broradiethylacetylurea). ADEFUIN — Adephin. {Same as REFURIX. ADENOSUPERUZON — Adeno- sperzon. ADOBERUN — Adovern “Roche.” (The fluid extract from the herb adonis Vernalis.) ADONARUJIN — Adnaldin. (A preparation obtained from the suprarenal gland.) ADONEFURIN — Adnephrin. (Ad- renal gland preparation possessing vasoconstrictor and hemostatic properties.) ADONIGEN—Adnigen “ Homberg.” {See ADOBERUN.) ADONIJIN—Adonidin. ADONISU一Adonis (herb). ADORENARIN—Adrenalin. ADORENOPICHIYUIN — Adreno- pittuine. (Mixture of posterior pituitary gland extract and adren- aline.) ADORON —Adlon (sulfanilamide). ADORUCHIN — Adortin. (Com- pound of ergot and adnephrin.) ADOSORUBIN — Adsorbin (alu- minum silicate). ADOSORUGAN — Adsorgan “ Hey- den.” {See ARUSHIRIN.) ADOSU—Ados (charcoal adsorbent). *AENKA—Zinc oxide. *AENKA DEMPUN — Zinc oxide powder with corn starch. *AENKA GOMU HANSOKO— Rubber adhesive plaster with zinc oxide. *AENKA NANKO—Zinc ointment. *AENKO一 paste; gelatinum zinci. *AENSAN—Salts of zinc. (Name of a category.) AFUENIRU — Afenil “Knoll”. (A compound of calcium chloride and urea.) AFURIDORU SEKKEN — Afridol soap (sodium oxymercuro- toluic acid). AFUTA—Aphthae (thrush). AGARICHIN—Agaricin ‘ AGARICHIN SAN — Agaricinic acid. 259 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. *AGl AMERIKANOIRU *AGI—Asafetida. *AGI CHINKI — Tincture of asafetida. AGOBIRIN — Agobilin (strontium cholate, strontium salicylate, and phenolphthalein diacetate). AGOMENJIN — Agomensin “ Ciba ” (corpus luteum hormone). AGURIN — Agurin “ Bayer (A mixture of sodium acetate and theobromine-sodium.) *AHEN—Opium. *AHEN ARUKAROIDO ENSANEN —Alkaloidum Opii Hydro- chloridum. (Opium preparation said to represent all the alkaloids of the drug in the form of chlorides.) *AHEN CHINKI—Tincture of opium. *AHEN EKISU—Extract of opium. *AHEN MATSU—Powdered opium. *AHEN TOKON JO—Opium and ipecac taolets. *AHEN TOKONSAN — Powder of ipecac and opium (Dover’s powder). *AHEN ZAZAI 一 Opium suppos- itories. *AHISAN一Arsenic trioxide. *AHISANGAN—Arsenous anhydride pills. *AHISAN KAIDOKUZAI — Anti- dotes for arsenic. ♦AHISAN KARIEKI — Solution of potassium arsenite. *AHISAN SODA EKI—Sodium ar- senate solution. AIRORU — Airol “ Roche ’’(bismuth oxyiodide subgallate). AIZERU—Izal. (Resin soap and crude cresol mixture.) AJIFUORIN — Adiphorin (sulphon- ated calcium camphorate). AJIHORIN—Adiphorin. AJINAMIN — Adinamin. (Com- pound of tannic acid and alu- minum.) AJIPURON — Adiphlon (sulfa- pyridine). *AKANE SOKON—Rubia cordi folia (madder root). AKEBIN—Akebin. (A product of Akebia quinata, an East Asiatic vine valued for its oily seeds.) AKOIN—Acoin " Heyden " (alkyl- oxy phenylguanidin). AKONICHIN—Aconitine. AKUCHIZORU — Aktisol (pron- tosil). AKUCHIZORU WAISU — Aktisol ‘‘ Weiss ’’ (prontosil album). AKUREMIN — Arklemin. (Blood extract with aminocliloride, phos- phoric chloride and glycerine added.) AKURIFURABIN 一 Acriliavine. (S讓 as TORIPAFURABIN.) AKURIJ IN—Acridine. AKURIJIN SHIKISO — Acridine dyes. AKURIKARU — Acrical. (Mixture of 3—6 diamino—io methyl acridine chloride, santal and glucose.) AKURINAMIN—Atebrin. AKURINORU — Acrinol (acridine derivative; see RIBANORU). *AKURORUKO — Mercurous chlor- ide. AKUTOKORU — Aktcor. (Mixture of 2 percent ethylamine chloride and i percent ethyl-methyl ethyl- amine chloride.) AKUTORU—Actol. AMACHA — Hydrangea opuloides. (A sweet beverage prepared from the hydrangea.) AMAJIN — Amesin. (Concentrated formic acid and novocaine solu- tion.) *AMAJIN YU—Linseed oil. ♦AMAJIN YU SEKKAI SUI — Linseed oil with lime water. AMEBA SEKIRI — Amebic dysen- tery. AMERlKANOIRU — American oil, “ Parke-Davis ' 260 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. AMINO ANSOKKOSAN ECHIRU ANESON AMINO ANSOKKOSAN ECHIRU — Ethyl aminobenzoate. AMINO AZOTORUORU — Amino- azotoluol. AMINOFUORUMIN — Aminoformin. AMINOKORUJIN — Aminocor- dinum (liquor diethylamino- pyridincarbonate). AMINOPIRIN 一 Aminopyrine (pyrazolon derivative; amido pyrine). AMINOPIRIN JO — Aminopyrine tablets. ♦ . AMIROFUORUMU—Amyloform. AMIRUHIDOROKUPUREIN — Amylhydrocupreine; eucupine. AMMONIA—Ammonia. AMMONIA MIZU — Ammonia water ‘ AMMONIA SATSUZAI — Ammoni- ated liniment. AMMONIA UEKYOSEI — Spiritus ammoniae foeniculatus. AMMONIA ZAI — Ammonia drugs. AMPEA—Ampere. (Unit of measure- ment for electrical current.) AMPURU—Ampoule. AMUFUOTOROPIN — Amphotropin “Bayer ANABION 一 Anabion (phenylsul- famonomethylamide). ANAGENIN — Anagenin (folium uvae ursi; leaves of bearberry). ANAPUCHIN — Anaptin. (Mixture of cotarnine chloride and calcium iodide.) ANAPUTORU 一 Anaptol (cotarnine hydrochloride). ANAPUTORU ZERAChlN EKI— Anaptol gelatin solution. ANARUGEJIN—Analgesin. ANARUGIN — Analgin. (Mixture of peppermint oil, camphor and wintergreen oil.) ANCHIACHIDONIN — Antiacidonin (bicarbonate of soda). ANCHI BERIBERIN — Anti- beriberin (vitamin B). ANCHI CHIREOJIN — Anti-thv- roidin. 隹 ANCHIEFUEBURIN—Antifebrin. ANCHIEKUTSUEMAN ハ Anti- Eczeman. (Mixture of sodium thiosulfate and sodium bromide.) ANCHIEMEJIN 一 Antiemesin. (Chinese egg-plant to which hydroxypropenyl alcohol has been added.) ANCHIENURESHIN 一 Antienur- sein. (Mixture of arsine, antipyrine and acoin.) ANCHIFUORUMIN—Antiformin. ANCHIFUROJISUCHIN 一 Anti- phlogistine. (Said to consist chiefly of a punned clay and glycerine.) ANCHIFURUGIN — (Mixture of iodine, bromine, cal- cium salicylate and urotropin.) ANCHI FURUORIN — Antifiuorin (Lactobacillus preparation.) ANCHIFUSUTEN — Antihusten. (Methyl ester of parapropenyi phenolquinine). ANCHIKARORIN — Anticalorin. (Mixture of rotho-brom-salicylate and calcium iodide.) ANCHI MON—Antimony. ANCHIMONARU — Antimonal (sodium antimonyl tartrate). ANCHINERUBUIN — Antinervin. ANCHIPIRECHIN—Antipyretin. ANCHIPIRIN—Antipyrine (phem七 dimethylpyrazolon). ANCHIPIRIN JO — Antipyrine. ANCHI REPURORU — Anti-leprol Bayer.” ANCHISUKUREROJIN 一 Anti- sclerosin. ANCHITSUSUSHIN—Antitussin. ANDOROSUCHIN — Androstine Ciba ’’ (testicle hormone). ANESON——Aneson. 261 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. ANESUREJIN APOMORUHINE ANESUREJIX—Anesthesin. ANETORU—Anethol. ANFUOTOROPIN—Araphotropin. ANGENEN — Angenen (catalpa tree extract). ANGINA—Angina, quinsy, very sore throat. ANIMAZA — Animasa. (Hormone extract from blood vessel walls.) ANIMOSUTAZE — Aniraostase. (Similar to diastase.) ANIRIN—Aniline. ANIRIN YUDO TAI—Aniline deriv- ANISU MI一Anise seed. ANJISUMEN 一 Andysmen. (Mix- ture of atropine sulfate, cotarnine, hydrochloride somnal and somnal and calcium lactate). ANKIRORU 一 Anchylor (carbon tetrachloride). ANMONIA — Ammonia. (See Ammonia.) ANKARA — Cafteme sodium ben- ANODAIN EKUSUPEKUTORUN- TO — Anodyne expectorant. (Mixture of white pine bark and sanguinana preparations and morpnme hydrochloride.) ANOFUERESU—Anopheles. ANOFUERESU JINENJISU—Ano- pheles sinensis. ANOFUERESU RISTONI — Ano- pheles Listoni. ANOKURON — Anachron. (Drug composed principally of quinine and urea hydrochloride.) * ANSOKKO CHINKI — Tincture of benzoin. *ANSOKKO SAN — Benzoic acid. *ANSOKKOSAN BENCHIRU — Benzyl benzoate. *ANSOKKOSAN GUAYAKORU — Guiacol benzoate. ♦ANSOKKOSAN KARUSHIUMU KAFUEIN—Caffeine calcium benzoate • ♦ANSOKKOSAN SODA — Sodium *ANSOKKOSAN SODA KAFUEIN —Caffeine sodium benzoate. *ANSOKKOSAN TEOBUROMIN KARUSHIUMU — Theobromine calcium benzoate. *ANSOKKOSAN TEOBUROMIN SODA — Theobromine sodium ANSOKKO TONSHI—Benzoinated lard. ANTACHIJIN ~ Antacidin (calcium saccharate). ANTAGONIN—Antagonin. (Mixture advertised as used in treatment of pertussis.) ANTASUTORU — Antasthol. (A preparation made from extracts of the thyroid, adrenal and posterior pituitary glands.) ANTEGURANDORU — Anteglandol. (Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland preparation.) ANTENIN 一 Anthenin. (Seaweed preparation; see KAIJIN SO ANTEROIMU — Antirheum. (Com- mercial drug containing quinine hydrochloride and urea.) ANTORAKINON — Anthraquinone. ANTORASHIN—Anthracene. ANTORAZORU—Anthrasol. ANTSUITORIN — Antuitrin. (An- terior lobe of the pituitary prep- aration.) ANUZORU—Anusol (bismuth iodo- resorcin sulphonate). AO—A-0 (TB bacterial preparation). AORAN—Aolan “ Beierschorf APECHIN — Apetin. (A ferment preparation similar to diastase.) APERITORU — Apcritol ‘‘ ReicH”. {See FUEXOBARIN.) APIREKISHIN — Apyrexin. {Same as UROPIRIN.) APOMORUHINE—Apomorphine. APONARU Japanese Drugs—continued. ARUKANORU APONARU — Aponal (amylene urethane). APORISHIN—Apolysin “ Heyden ”• APOSESHIN — Apothesin. (The hydrochloride of dimethyl- aminopropyl cinnamic acid.) APUFURIN — Abfurin (benzoyl- acetyl phenolphthalem;. APURINA—Aplina. (Apple powder used for dysentery.) ARABIA GOMU一Gum arabic. ARABON—Arabon. AREKISHIN—Alexin. AREKORIN—Arecoline. ARENARU—Arrhenal. AREPUSHIN—Alepsin. (A mixture of phenylethyl barbituric acid and nitroglycerin.) ARERUGI—Allergy. ARIHEMIN — Alihemin (aluminum salicylate, iodine resin, ethyl ester of paraminobenzoic acid, aniline dye, bismuth subnitrate, scopo- lamine extract, balsam of Peru, precipitated sulfur, and lead oxide). ARIONARU 一 Allional. (Same as ARONARU.) ARIPIN—Alypin “ Bayer ”• ARISUTOHIN—Aristochin ‘‘ Bayw ” (diquinine carbonic-acid ester). ARISUTORU — Aristol “Bayer ” (dithymol-diiodide). ARIZACHIN — Allisatin “ Sandoz ”• (Powdered charcoal containing the ingredients of garlic.) AROBARUBITARU — Allobarbital (diallylbarbituric acid). AROFUENGAN — C.C.P. Alophen. (Mixture of aloin, strychnine, belladonna leaf extract, ipecac powder and phenolphthalein.) AROIDORIN — Aleudrin. (One type of chloral.) AROIRONATO — Aleuronat. {See REGUMON.) AROITAN — Aleuthen Ingelheim (antipyrine and papaverine hydro- chloride). AROKAIN ESU—Allorain S. AROKASU — Arocase (aromatic castor oil). ARONARU—Allonal. AROPON SUKOPORAMIN -Alo- pon scopolamin. {Same as PANTOPON SUKOPORAMIN.) AROSAN—Allosan. ARUBAJIRU — Albasii (dimethyl disulfanilamide; see URIRON). ARUBAJIRU SHI — Albasii C. (disulfanilamide). ARUBARUGARU—Albargol. ARUBARUGIN—Albargin Bayer ARUBARUTAN — Albaltan. (Mix- ture of tannic add, aluminum and albumin.) ARUBUCHIN — Arbutin. (A white bitter, crystalline glucoside from uvae ursi.) ARUCHIGON — Arthigon (gon- orrheal vaccine). ARUDOZE—Aldose. ARUEJIN — Aluesin (mercury oxycyanate). ARUGEN T AMIN—Argentamine. ARUGOEREKUTOZORU — Argoel- cctrosol. ARUGOFURABIN — Argoflavin. AROGOKUROMU — Argochrome “Merck ”• (Mixture of silver and methylene blue.) ARUGONIN—Argonin. ARUJIMON — Arsimon. (Mixture of sodium monomethyl arsenic acid and sodium glycerophosphate.) ARUJIRIN — Alsilin. (See ARUSHIRIN.) ARUKANORU — Arconal. (Mixture of atophan and acetyl-salicylate ) 263 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. ARUKANZA ♦ASENYAKU ARUKANZA—Alkansa (anti acid). ARUKARI—Alkali. ARUKARISEI—Alkaline ophthalmic ointment. ARUKAROIDO—Alkaloid. ARUKORU—Spiritus : alcohol. ARUMINIUMU一Aluminum. ARUMIZORU—Alumisol (aluminum aceto-tartrate). ARUMUNORU—Alumnol. ARUNIKA—Arnica. ARURESUCHIN — Allestin. (Mix- ture of caffeine calcium salicylate, iodine and bromine.) ARURO RUTO—Arrow-root. ARUSAMINORU — Arsaminol (arsphenamine). ARUSANIRU SAN SODA — Ar- saminc. (Same as ATOKI- SHIRU.) A RUS ASEC HIX—Arsacetin. ARUSENOBENZORU — Arseno- benzol. ARUSHIREN — Arsylene “ Roche ARUSHIRIN (ARUSHURIN)— Alsilin. (A compound of colloidal silver chloride and a salicylate in charcoal.) ARUSHIRIN WAISU —Alsilin ‘‘ Weiss ’’(aluminum salicylate). A RUSOBARU 一 Arsoval. {Same as ARENARU.> ARUSORU — Alsol (aluminum acetotartrate). ARUSOZON —r Arsozon. as AREN ARU.) ARUTEA—Althea. ARUTEA NE—Radix Altheae. (Pre- paration made from the root of Marshmallow (Althea).) ARUTEMIJIN — Altemidin (sodium chloride of santonin). ARUTOGIN — Artogin. (Mixture of sodiijm salicylate, aqua pruni armeniacae, carbonic acid and novocaine). . ARUTOJIN—Artosin. (Combination of atophane and anilide carbonic acid.) ARUTOZE — Artose “ Bohringer ” (iron, albumen, sodium nucleate, and copper nucleate). ARUWAJIN — Alwajin (vitamin B compound). ARUZEN BURUTOZE — Arsenic blutose. ARUZEN FUERATOZE — Arsenic ferratose (Comet). ARUZENOBENZORU — Arseno- benzol; arsenobenzene. (A generic term proposed to include various arsenic compounds used in the treatment of syphilis and other spirochetoses.) ARUZENOBENZORU NATORI- UMU — Sodium arsenobenzol. ARUZENPORITAMIN 一 Arsen- Poly tamin. ARUZEROIDO — Arseloid (colloidal arsenic compound). ARUZORU — Alsol. (Compound salt of aluminum acetate and aluminum tartrate.) *ASANKA CHISSO — Nitrous oxide. ASECHIREN—Acetylene. ASECHIRU FUENECHIJIN 一 Acetophenetidin. ASECHIRU HYORIN — Acetyl- choline. ASECHIRU PARAMIDOZARU — Acetylparaamide-salol• ASECHIRU SARICHIRU ASU- PIRIN — Acetvlsalicylic aspirin. ASECHIRU SARICHIRU SAN — Acetyl salicylic acid. ASECHIRU SARICHIRU SAX TEOBUROMIN — Theobromine acetylsalicylate. ASECHIRU TANNIN — Acetyl tannin. ASEMIN—Arsamine. *ASENYAKU—Catechu. 264 CHINKI List of Japanese Drugs—continued. ATOROP1N *ASENYAKU CHINKI — Tincture of catechu. ASETARU—Acetyl "Merck.” ASETARUJIN — Acetarsin. (Pro- duct of SUPIROCHIDO.) ASET ARUZORU 一 Acetarsone. [Same as SUTOBARUZORU.) ASETOANIRIDO—Acetanilid. ASETON—Acetone. ASETONARU ZARUBE—Acetonal Viginal Salve. ASETOPIRIN—Acetopyrine. *ASHOSAN AMIRU—Amyl nitrite. *ASHOSAN KAGOBUTSU — The nitrites. *ASHOSAN SODA一Sodium nitrite. ASSHUKU SANSO — Compressed oxygen. ASUDORIN — Asudrin. (Mixture of cane sugar solution and novo- caine.) ASUKARIDORU — Ascaridol. (A distillate of oil of chenopodium; an irritant anthelmintic.) ASUKARIJIN JO — Ascaridin. (Contains santonin and phenolph- thalein.) ASUKOIRU — Ascoyl (vitamin C preparation). {See ASUKO- RUCHIN.) ASUKORUCHIN — Ascortin (vita- min C powaer; soda solution of ascorbic acid). ASUMON — Asmon. (.Commercial drug containing ephedrine, saponin and atropine.) ASUPARA EKISU — Asparaex. (vitamin B preparation). ASUPARAGIN—Asparagin. ASUPIRIN—Aspirin. ASURORU — Asurol “ Bayer ”• (A soluble double salt of mercury and salicylic acid combined with an amino fatty acid salt of sodium.) ASUTOFUEN — Asthphen. {See REFURIN.) ASUTOMATORIN — Asthmatrin ‘‘ Promonta (Mixture of adrenal gland extract, posterior pituitary gland extract and papaverine hydrochloride.) ASUTOMORIJIN — Asthmolvsin “Roche ”• ASUTONIN — Astonin “Stark”. (Mixture of sodium methyl arsenate, strychnine nitrate and sodium glycero-phosphate.) ATABIRIN—Atebrin. ATAKISHIN — Ataxin. (Antacid- magnesium preparation; see OTOREON.) ATAKISHIN JO — Ataxin Tablet. (Mixture of papaverine chloride, bismuth subcarbonate and magnesium carbonate.) ATEBURIN—Atebrin ‘‘ Bayer ATOFUAN — Atophan ** Sobering [Same as KINOFEN.) ATOFUANIRU—Atophanyl (atophan and sodium salicylate). ATOFUAN ZARUBE — Atophan salve " Schering/' ATOKARUMIN — Atocarmin (cal- cium phenylquinoline carbonate and dimethyl-aminophenyl di- methyl pyrazolon). ATOKINORU — AtochinolKnoU (allyl ester of phenyl cinchonic acid). ATOKISHIRU—Atoxyl (sodium ar-- sanilate). ATOMINOZE — Atominose (tannic acid gelatin). ATOMORU — Atmore (morphine- hydrochloride and atropine). ATOMURACHIN — Atmulatin. ATONIN—Atonin (pituitrin). ATORINARU — Atrinal (atropine sulfate). ATOROPABERIN — Atropaverin. (Mixture of papaverin, chloride and atropine sulfate.) ATOROPIN—Atropine. List of Japanese Drugs—continued. ATOROZON BENZORU ATOROZON—Powdered butter-milk. A TSUE E GOZAI — A.C.E. mixture (i part alcohol,2 parts chloro- form, 3 parts ether). ATSUODERUMIN—Azodermin. ATSUODOREN NANKO — Ungen- tum azodolen. (Mixture of pelli- dol and iodol.) ATSUTORICHIN — Attritin (caffein and sodium salicylate). AUHOVAIN — Arhouin. (Mixture of diphenylamine, thymol and ethylbenzoate.) AUROFUOSU—Aurophos “ Bayer,’. AUROKANTAN — Auro-cantan (Cantharidin ethylene thiamine aurocyanate). AUTAN—Autan. AUTOCHIME—Autozyme. (Dried yeast preparation.) AUTOWAKUCHIN—Autovaccine. AVUERUCHIN —Avertin (Tribrom- ethyl alconol). *AYODOKO—Mercurous iodide. * A YUS AN—Sulphurous acid. AZODERUMIN — Azodermin (acetylaminoazotoluol). AZORE ——Azoule (sodium antimonyl- tartrate). AZORITOMIN — Azolitmin. (A red-coloring matter from litmin.) AZUDORIX — Asudrin. [Same as ASUDORIN.) B BAGUNA JIN—Bagnazin. {See BAGUNON.) BAGUNON—Bagnon. (A mixture of caffeine and urethane.) BAIERU DAI NIHYAKUGO—Bayer 2〇5. {Same as GERUMANIN.) BAJIRINANKO—Unguentum basili- cmn (basils ointment) • *BAKKAKU—Ergot of rye. *BAKKAKU EKISU—Prepared ergot. (Ergot which has been defatted and powdered.) *BAKKAKU METSUKIN EKISU— urgot aseptic. *BAKKAKU RYUDO EKISU— Fluid extract of ergot. BAKUCHIHA—Folium Pruni mac- rophyllae. BANKAIN—Bankain. {See NOBO- KAIN.) Semina strychni; mix vomica. BANKINACHIN—Ban-chinatin. (Boiled cinchona extract.) BANKUROMU—Banchrome. {See MAKYUROKUROMU.) BARIDORU — Validol (menthol valerate). BARISON—Valisan “ Schering.” (A nerve sedative; similar to BORU- NIBARU.) BARUBITARU—Barbital (diethyl- barbituric acid). BARUTARU—Bartal (allylisobutyl- barbituric acid). BEK AIN—Becain (phenyl ethyl alcohol). BENCHIJIN—Benzidine. ’ BENERUBITTO—Benervit “Roche.” (Vitamin Bx product.) BENTSUKARUSHIN — Benzocalcin (calcium benzoate). BENTSUONAFUTORU — Benzo- naphthol-beta-naphtol-benzoate Hochst.M BENTSUORU—Benzol. BENTSUOSORU—Benzosol (guaiacol benzoate). BENTSUOZORU—Benzosol (guaiacol benzoate). BENZOHORUN — Benzoform ‘‘ Hochs ” (anaesthetic). BENZONAFUTORU — Benzonapth- thol. BENZORU—Benzol (benzene). 266 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. BENZUARUDEHITO BIOZENIN BENZUARUDEHITO — Benzalde- hyde. BERADONNA HA 一 Belladonna BERADONNA HAN SOKO—Bella- donna plaster. BERADONNA NOITORARON — Belladonna and neutralon. BERAFUORIN—Bellafolin “Sandoz” (belladonna derivative). BERAMON—Veramon. {Same as PIRABITARU.) BERIBERORU—Beriberol. (Vita- min B preparation.) BERIBERORU CHUSHAEKI— Beriberol injection fluid. BERIGUMIN—Berigumin (vitamin BA BERTKAIN—Bericain. (Vitamin B preparation.) BERISUCHIN—Beristin. (Rice sugar preparation used for beri- beri.) BEROJIGEN—Verodigen Beh- ringer." (A digitalis drug.) BEROKADON—Verocadon (dimethyl amido-antipyrine and diethyl- malonylurea compound). BERONARU—Veronal. [Same as BARUBITARU.) • BERONARU XATORIUMU— Veronal sodium (barbital sodium). BERUBERIN—Berberine. (An al- kaloid from berberis or barberry.) BERUGAMOTTO ABURA—-Oil of bergamot. BERUGINARU—Bcrgenal (prontosil album). BERUSANAN -Bersanang (sodium sanatol succinic acid ester). BERUTSU MIZU一Back's solution. BESUCHIN—Bestin. (Mixture of senna leaf extract and isovaleryl- acetyl phenolphthalein.) B E T A I N — Betaine (trimethyl- glycocoll). BETAKISHIN—Betaxin ‘‘ Bayer.” BETA NAFUTORU—Beta naphthol. BETA OIKAIN—Eucaine B. BETORU—Betol (beta naphthyl salicylate). BE TSUE GE—B.C.G. (Calmette- Guerin bacillus). BETSUHERUGARARASU—Beaker; BETSURORU—Beturol (calcium sulfoguaiacol). BETTO—Vet. (Vitamin E product.) BEZORUGEN—Bezolgen. (Alu- minum salicylate compound; see ADOSORUBIN.) BIBAN—Vivan. (Derivative of pyrazolon.) BIFURU—VB, Ful(vitamin Bx). BIFUZERI—Beef jelly. BIGUNIN—Bignin. (Mixture of paraoxybenzoate and an alkaline salt of citric acid.) BIGUSHIN—Bigsin. (Drag com- posed of sodium antimonyl tar- trate.) BINAREN—Vinalen. (Vitamin E product.) BIOFUERUMIX—Biofermin. (Lactic acid compound.) BIOFUORUMU—Vioform 〃 Ciba.” BIOKARUCHIN ~ Biocaltin. (A lactic acid preparation; see BIOFUERUMIN.) BIORAKISHIN — Biolaxin (acetyl- isovalervl phenolphthalein). BIORAKUSHIN—Biolaxin. BIORETON一Bioleton (powdered buttermilk). BIOSUMERU 一 Biosmael. (Infant formula containing vitamins and organic phosphates.) BIOSUTERIN—Biostelin (vitamin A). BIOSUTERORU—Biosterol (vitamin D). BIOTOMOSAN— Bio-tomosan. (See BEZORUGEN.) BIOTOZE—Biotose “ Ciba.” (Vita- min A, B, C, D product.) BIOZENIN一Biogenin. (Lactic acid bacteria preparation.) 267 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. Bl PUROTAMIKAZE BONMARO BI PUROTAMIRAZE — B-Pro- tamylase. (A concentrate made chiefly from PUROTAMIRAZE.) BIRIBARU — Bilival"Ingelheim (sodium lecithinochol acid). BIRIWAKUCHIN—Bilivaccin. BIRUROTO GAZAI — Billroth’s mixture. (An anaesthetic.) B I S A C H I N—Bisatin (diacetyl- diphenolisatinum). BISUARUZEN—Bisarsen. (A com- mercial drug composed of water soluble bismuth and arsenic com- pound.) BISUCHIN—Biscin. (A diuretic preparation.) BISUGININ—Bisginin. (A 10 percent olive oil preparation of quinine bismuth iodide.) BISUKITORU—Bisquitol (emulsion oi iodine, bismuth quinine and .potassium sodium bismuth tar- trate) BISUKOROGEN一Biscorogen. (Semi- oxy-bismuth colloidal solution.) BISUMOGENORU 一 Bismogenol "Roche.” BISUiyiON—Bismon " Kalle ” (col- loidal bismuth oxide). BISUMUCHIN一Bismutin (sodium bismuthvl tartrate). BISUMURARU—Bismural. (Mixture of bismuth, iodine, quinine and camphor oil.) BISUMUTOIDORU — Bismuthoidol. (Gelatinojas bismuth solution.) BISUMUTOYATOREN — Bismuto- Yatren. BISUMUTOZE—Bismutose “Bayer.” (Mixture of albumen and bis- muth.) BISUTORAN—-Bistolan (oil of sodium potassium antimonyl tartrate). BITAFURORUCHIN — Vitafortin. (Concentrated vitamin B.) BITAKAMFUA—Vitacamphor. BITAKARUJIN-—Vitacardin. {See ROBERIN.) BITAKORIN FUMMATSU — Bita- corin powder (vitamin Bx). BITAMIN—Vitamin. BITAMIN A—Vitamin A. BITAMIN A EKI — Vitamin A solution. BITAMIN B FUKUGOTAI—Vitamin BITAMIN (F)-Aneurin. BITAMIN B2 (G) FUKUGOTAI — Vitamin B2 (G) complex. BITAMIN C—Vitamin C BITAMIN D—Vitamin D. BITAMIN E—Vitamin E. BITAMIN H—X Factor. BITAMIN L—Vitamin L. BITAMINORU—Vitaminol. (Vita- min Bx for injection.) BITAMINORU EKI — Vitaminol solution (vitamin Bt). BITANIN—Bitanin (vitamin Bj). BITAROGEN—Vitarogen. (Vita- min D preparation.) BI.TASHIMIN—Victacimin. (Vita- min C product.) BITON—-Viton. (Vitamin C com- BIT GRIP U CHIN — Bitryptin (tryptophan). BOBINAIN—Bovinine. (Mixture of water, milk, lemon juice and carbonic acid.) *BOEKIYO FUENORU (BOEKIYO FUENORU SVl)Same as BOEKIYO SEKITANSAN. *BOEKIYO SEKITANSAN—Phenol prepared for use as a disinfectant. *BOFU YAKU—Antiseptics. BOGAN—Vogan “ Bayer.” (Vita- min A product.) BOMUBERON RYUDO ERUGO- CHIN ■— Ergotinum fluidum “ Bombelon.” BONMARO——Bone marrow. 268 BONPAFU List of Japanese Drugs—continued. BUROMU AMMON BONPAFU—Bonpaf. (Mixture of tannic acid derivatives and aluminum compounds.) BONPIRIN — Bonpyrin (methyl- melubrin). BONSORU—Boasol. {See RIZORU.) BORARU—Boral. BOROBERUCHIN 一 Borovertin ‘‘Bayer ” (hexamethylene-tetra- min borate). BOROFUERUCHIN — Borovertin “Bayer.” {See BORO- BERUCHIN.) BOROTOPIN—Borotopin. {See BOROBERUCHIN.) BOROVUERUCHIN -- Borovertin (hexamethylene tetramine borate). BORUNIBARU-Bornyval (borneol isovaleric acid ester). BORUNIVUARU—Bornvval. [See BORUNIBARU.) BORUNTARU—Vohmtal (tri-chlor- ethy 1-alcohol urethane). BORUSUPURUBA — Bolus-pulver (aluminum silicate powder, kaolin). *BOSHO—Sodium sulfate. BOSUMIN一Bosmin. {Same as ADONEFURIN.) BOVURIRU—Bovril. BUCHIN — Vuzin ‘‘ Zimmer ” (iso- cutal hydrocupreine). BUCHINORU—Vuzinol. {Same as BUCHIN.) *BUDOJOKYUIN — Staphylococcus vaccine. BUDOKARIN—Budocalin. (Same as KARUSHIUMU.) *BUDOSHU—Vinum; wine; grape wine. *BUDOTO—Glucose; grape sugar. BUHOTARISU—Bufotalis. (Extract from the thymus gland of Bufo vulgaris.) BUORUNTARU—Voluntal (chlor- idized ethyl urethane). BURAJIKARUJI—Bradycardia. BURANDE—Brandy. BURENORIN — Blenolin. (Hexa- methylene tetramin borate; same as BOROBERUCHIN.) BURENTSUHIN — Brenzchin. (A mixture of guaiacol, quinine, iodine, and calcium.) BUROBARIN — Brovalin. (Alpha- monobromisovalerylurea; see BUROMURARU.) BUROBETON — Broveton. {Same as BUROKANON.) BUROCHIN — Brocin. [Same as SUTORIKININ.) BURODEKISHIN—Brodexin. {Same as BUROKANON.) BURODO GAN — Blaud/s Pills (pilulae ferri carbonatis). BURODOSHI TANS AN TETSU JO —Blaud’s carbonate of iron tablets. BURODOSHI TETSU TAMA — Bland’s iron pills. BURO EKI ■— Burrough's liquor. (A solution of alum and lead acetate.) BURO EKIMATSU — Powder for Burroughs solution. BUROKANON — Brocanon. (10 percent hypertonic glucose; 2—3 percent calcium bromide.) BUROKAZE — Brocase. (A pre- paration made from albumen.) BUROKOSU —- Brocose. {See BUROKANON.) BUROMA AMMON — Ammonium bromide. BUROMAKU — Bromac. (Mixture of magnesium bromide and hyper- tonic glucose solution.) BUROMARIN 一 Bromalin (hexa- methylene tetramin bromethy- late). BUROMARUBIN — Bromalbin ‘‘ Parke-Davis ’’(bromalhydrate). BUROMETON—Brometone ‘‘ Parke- Davis " (tribrombutyl-alcohol). BUROMIPIN — Bromipin “ Merck.” BUROMOKORU — Bromocall (dibromtannin gelatine). BUROMU AMMON — Ammonium bromide. 269 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. BUROMUCHIMORU BURAU CH1BARUBUMIN BUROMUCHIMORU BURAU — Bromthymol blue. BUROMU ECHIRU — Ethyl- bromide (hydrobromic ether). BUROMU ETERU一Ether bromatus. BUROMUGURERAN — Bromgrelan. (A pirabital derivative.) BUROMUIBETON — Brom Ibeton. (Mixture of io percent cane sugar solution and 2 percent calcium bromate.) BUROMUJIECHIRUA- SECHIRU NYOSO — Brom- diethylacetylurea. BUROMUKANFURU — Camphor monobr ornate. BUROMUKARI 一- Potassium bro- mide. BUROMUKARUCHIKORU —Bromcalcical. (A preparation containing 2 percent calcium bromate and 3 percent calcium gluconate.) BUROMU KARUSHIUMU — Cal- cium bromide. BUROMUKARUSHIUMU EKI — Calcium bromide solution. BUROMU MECHIRU APOMORU- HINE 一 Apomorphine methyl- bromide. {See OIPORUFUIN.) BUROMU MECHIRU ATOROPIN —Atropin methylnitrate. BUROMU NATORIUMU — Sodium bromide. BUROMU RAJIUMU — Radium bromide (RaBr2 2H20). BUROMURARU — Bromural “Knoll.”(2 monobromisovaleryl- urea.) BUROMU SUISAN HOMATOROPIN —Homatropin hydrobromide. BUROMU SUISOSAN KININE — Quinine hydrobromide. BUROMU SUISOSAN SUKOPOR- AMIN — Scopolamine hydro- bromide. BUROMU SUKOPORAMIN 一 Scopolamine hydrobromide. BUROMUWARERIRU NYOSO — Brohi valerylurea. BUROMU WARIDORU — Bromo- validol. (Mixture of validol, sodium bromate, and magnesium.) BURONATORIN— Bronatrin. (Mix- ture of sodium bromide aod sodium chloride.) BUROSUROJINON — Bros-Lodinnn (strontium bromate and glucose.) BUROTACHIN — Brotacin (tri- brom ethanol). BUROTANIN — Brotanine. [Same as BUROMOKORU.) BURUCHIN—Brucine. BURUGARIN — Bulgarin. (Pure lactic acid preparation; same as BIO FUERUMIN.) BURUNSU SHI EKI 一 Brim’s solution. (A io percent glycerine iodoform solution.) BURUSUCHIN — Blustin (cotarnine hydrochloride), BURUSUTORU—Blustol (cotarnine phthalate). BURUTAN — Blutan (liquor ferro- manganese peptonate). BURUTOZE — Blutose. (Iron albumen solution.) BUTORAN—Butolan “ Bayer.” c *CHA—Tea. CHIANTORU-Thiantholum. (An CHIARUZARU—Cyarsal. CHIBAARUGIN — Cibaalgin (di- methylamino-phenoldimethyl py- razolon diallyl barbiturate). CHIBARUBUMIN ~ Cibalbumin “ Ciba.” (Animal albumen used as ノa non-specific antigen injection agent.) 270 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. CHIBARUGIN CHIROIJIN CHIBARUGIN—Cibalgin. CHIBIOSU—Thibios. {Same as SUPIROBISUMORU.) CHIEFUAN—Cephan. (Mixture of aminopyrine, phenacetin, brom- valervlurea, and caffeine.) CHIFUERAMIN—Typheramin (Mix- ture of hexamethylene tetramin and magnesium sulfate.) CHIFUORU—Thyfol. (A 5 percent ether emulsion.) CHIGENORU—Thigenol. CHIGENORU GURISERIN — Thi- genol-glycerin. CHIKUROFUORUMU—Cycloform. CHIKUTAKISHIX—Cicutoxin. CHIMARIN—Cymarin Bayer.), CHIALIAN ABURA—Oil of thyme. CHIMIANZAI 一 Thymian prepara- tion. CHIMITSUSHIN—Thymitussin. (Ex- tract of the herb thyme.) CHIMOFUISHIN — Thymophysin. (Thymus gland extract.) CHIMOGURANDORU — Thymo- glandol. (Thymus gland ex- tract.) CHI MO RU—Thymol. *CHIMPAKl' YAKU—Anti-emetics. CHIMUITORIN — Thymuitrin (sol- uble lactic guaiacol phosphate). CHIMURUJION 一 Thymulsion “ Heyden.” (A 1 percent thymol oil emulsion.) *CHINGAI YAKU — Cough medi- cines. CHINHYOFUEN 一 Cinchophen. (SaweasKINOFEN.) *CHINKO ENSAN SEKKAI — Pre- cipitated calcium phosphate. *CHINKO RINSAX SEKKAI—Pre- cipitated calcium hypophosphite. ♦CHINKO RYUKO — Precipitated sulfur; milk of sulfur; sublimed sulfur. *CHINKO TANSAN SEKKAI—Pre- cipitated calcium carbonate. CHINOZE一Cyanose; cyanosis. CHIN SED ARU一Chinsedal. {Same as SOMUNIFUEN.) *CHINSEI YAKU—Sedatives. *CHINTSU YAKU—Anodynes. CHIOJINAMIN — Thiosinamine CHIOKORli — Thiocol “Roche.” {Same as GUAYAKORU SURU- HONSAN KARUSHIUMU.) CHIONORU一Thional. (Mixture of ichthyol ana sulfur.) CHIONORUGIN EKI- Solution Ar- genti ioli. (Mixture of silver odorless ic'ithyol and sulfur.) CHIORYUSAN SODA—Sodium thio- sulfate. CHIOSUNA—Thiosna. {Same as CHIORYUSAN SODA.) CHIRADEN—Thyraden. CHIRAJIN—Thxyradin. (Thyroid gland hormone preparation for injection.) CHIRAMIN一Tyramine. (Para- hydroxyphenylethylamine hydro- chloride, a decomposition product of tyrosin.) CHIREOGURANDORU — Thyreo- glandol. (Thyroid gland extract.) CHIREOIDEKUCHIN — Thyreoi- dectine. (Thyroid gland extract.) CHIREOIDO — Thyroid “ Parke- Davis.” (Dessicated thyroid gland.) CHIREOIDO JO—Thyroid tablets. CHIREOIJIN—Thyroidin. CHIRESORU — Tliyresol. (Methyl ester of santal oil.) CHIREYOCHIN 一 Thyroiodine “Bayer.” CHIREZORU—Thyresol. CHIROIDO—Thyroid. CHIROIJIN—Thyroidin. 271 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. CHIROJIN DEKISUTOROPUA CHIROJIN—Tyrosine. CHIROKISHIN—Thyroxine. CHIROTOROPIN — Cylotropin ** Sobering.M *CHIRYO KESSEI—Blood serums. CHISUCHIN—Cystine. • » CHISUTOPURIN—Cystopurin. CHISUTORU—Cystol (sodium hexa- methylene tetramin sulfosalicyl- ate). CHITAN一Titanium. CHITARIN—Citarine " Bayer.” CHITOBARIUMU—Citobarium (bar- CHITONACHIN—Citmatin or Citna- tin (hypertonic sodium citrate). CHITORAMIN—Citramin “ Merck” (urotropine plus methylene cit- rate). CHITORARU—Citral. (10 percent sodium citrate solution.) CHITORIUMU—Citrium. {Same as CHITONACHIN.) CHI TOROFU^N—Citrophen. CHITOROZE—Citrose. {Same as CHITONACHIN.) CHITTOMANNIN 一 Zittmannin. (Extract of sarsaparilla.) CHITTOMAN SEN— de- coction. CHIUNISU NETSU—Tunis fever. CHIYURU—Thyul. (Oil extract of the plant solanacea.) *CHO CHIFUSU KESSEI — Anti- typhoia serum. *CHO CHIFUSU WAKUCHIN —Ty- phus vaccine. ♦CHOSHUREN YAKU — Intestinal *CHUSEI ARUKARI EN—Neutral alkalines. D DAIMORU—Dimol. *DAIO一Rhizome of rhubarb. *DAIO CHINKI — Tincture of rhubarb. *DA10 EKISU—Extract of rhubarb. *DAIO SHIROPPU — Syrup of rhubarb. *DAIZU ABURA—Soya oil. DANKERUN — Dankern (sodium phenyldimethyl pyrazolon meth- ylamino methane sulfonate). *DANSEI HORUMON—Male hor- mones. *DASSHI KAISHI—Semen sinapis exoleatum; pressed mustard seeds. *DASSHI MEN—Absorbent cotton. *DASSUI RANORIN — Hydrous or hydrated wool-fat;lanolin. *DATSUMO KARI MU—Depilatory creams. DAUDORIN一Daudolin (Hormone of the posterior pituitary) • DAZORU—Dazol (salicylic acid and DEGARORU—Degaloi ‘‘ Riedd.” DEHYORIN—Decholin Riedel.” DEKAGURAMU—Decagram. DEKIN EKI—Dakins solution. DEKISU ANNAKA—Dext Annaka. (Mixture of dextrose and caffeine sodium benzoate.) DEKISUTORIN—Dextrin. DEKISUTOROPUA — Dextropur (pure dextrose). 272 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. DEKKI GURASU EDERUWAISU GYURAKUNYU DEKKI GURASU一Cover glass (deck cri.ass) DEKORAN—Decholan “ Holstein ” (sodium dehydrocholic acid). DEKORIN—Decholin. DEKORUPA—Decorpa. (Used in treatment of diabetes; a sugar extract from plants.) *DEMPUN一Amyl; cornstarch. DENGU NETSU—Dengue fever. DEREGON一Delegon. (Two percent protargol gonorrheal preventive.) DERIKA—Derica (vitamin B). DERISU一Derris (extract from derris plant) • DERUMATAPIN—Dermatapin (lac- tocillus preparation). DERUMATORU — Dermatol “ Hochst ’’(bismuth subgallate). DERUMORU — Dermol (bismuth chrysophonate). DESHICHIN—Desitin. (Ointment composed of bolus alba, zinc oxide, cod liver oil, and lanolin.) DESHINFUEKUTORU — Desinfec- tol. {See AIZERU.) DESOMEARU一Disomear (disodium monomethyl arsenate). DESUZARUBE—Des-Salbe (zinc ox- ide ointment). DETABITTO — Detavit "Bayer” (vitamins A and D). DETOKISORU—Detoxol. [Same as CHIORYUSAN SODA.) *DOBAN一Aluminated copper. DOFURU——Dover's (cough medicine). DOFURU JO•—Dover’s tablets. DOMARUGIN一Dormalgin “ Riedel.’’ {See DORUMARUGIN.) DON AN—Donan. (Castor oil prepar- ation ;same as HIMASHIYU.) DOPARUPIN—Dopalpin (papaverine and homatropine). DORAIAZE 一 Dreiase (diastase preparation). DORAIKO—Dryco (Japanese com- mercial drug). DORAKUMU—Drachm; dram. DORASUMIN 一 Drasmin (sodium santoninic acia). DORUMARUGIN — Dormalgin “Riedel ’’ (isobutylbrom-pro- penyl-malonylurea and aminopy- rine). DORUMIN—Dormin (bromacetyl- urea). DORUMIORU — Dormiol (amylene- chloral). E LBANIN—-Evanin. (Extract of cam- panulaceae [the bellflower fam- iiy]-) EBARU—Eval. {Same as FUENO- BARIN.) EBIOSU — Ebios. (Constituents : Vitamins B, C, D and E; various enzymes.) EBIOSU CHUSHAEKI—Ebios in- jection solution. (Contains vita- nins B, C, D and E.) EBIPAN—Evipan “ Bayer.” EBIPAN NATORIUMU — Evipan- natrium (sodium evipan). ECHIKET丁O—Gummed labels. ECHINARU — Aethynal (cinna- momylparaoxyphenylurea). ECHIREN—Ethylene. ECHIRU HIDOROKUPUREIN — Ethyl hvdrocupreine. ECHIRU JIKURORUARUJIN — Ethyldichlorarsin (ethyl dichloro- arsenate). ECHIRU JIKURORUARUSHIN — Ethyldichlorarsin (ethyl dichloro- arsenate). ECHIRU TANSAN KININE—Quin> ine ethylcarbonate. ECHIRU URETAN—Ethyl urethane. EDERA一Edera. (Lactic acid prep- aration.) EDERUWAISU GYURAKUNYU— Edelweiss buttermilk. 273 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. EDERUWAISU ZENNYUFUN *ENSAN EDERUWAISU — Edelweiss milk. *EFUEDONARIN — Ephedonalin. (Mixture of ephedrine hydro- chloride, adrenaline hydrochloride and chloretone.) . EFUEDORIN—Ephedrine. EFUETONIN—Ephetonine “Merck•” {See EFUEDORIN.) *EIYO HANSOKO — English adhes- ive plaster. EKIHOSU—Exhos (antiphlogistine). *EKI JIFUTERIA KESSEI—Liquid anti-diphtheria serum. *EKIJO PORITAMIN—Liquid poly- tamin. (Amino acids prepara- tion.) EKININ—Equinin (vitamin Bj). EKIRIJIN—Eekilysin. (Mixture of aluminum carbonate, salmine, cal- cium carbonate and calcium phos- phate.) EKISAMIN—Examin. (Mixture of hexamethlene tetramine and ura- nin.) EKISONJIN—Exodin. EKISU一Extract. *EKITAIHASHOFU KESSEI 一 Liquid anti-tetanus serum. EKKISU SEN SATSUEI — X-ray photography. EKUSHIN—Exzin (vitamin D, zinc oxide ointment). EKUSUPEKUTOJO — C.T. Expect. (Mixture of opium and ipecac.) EMAN一Eman. (A unit of measure of radium emanation in solution.) EMECHIN—Emetine. EMORIZORU一Emorisol. [Same as EREKUTORARUGORU.) EMORU一Emol. *EMPAKU (JITANSANEN)-White lead; plumbi carbonas. EMPIROHORUMU—Empyroform. EMURETSUTO—Emret. (Mixture of conifer plant extract and acri- dine dye.) ENARUMON — Enarmon (testicle hormone). ENCHIPAN一Eenzypan. (Mixture of pepsin, diastase, trypsin and lipase.) ENDOYOJIN—Endoiodin “ Bayer ” (hexamethyldiaminoisopropanol diiodide). *ENJITSU — Fructus rosae multi- florae. *ENKA ADORENARIN—Adrenalin chloride. . *ENKA AEN—Zinc chloride. *ENKA AEN SUI — Zinc chloride solution. *ENKA AMMON—Ammonium chlor- ide. ENKA ASECHIRUHIYORIN—Ace- tylcholine chloride. *ENKA ASETOFENON-Chloroace- tophenone. *ENKA BARIUMU — Barium chlor- ide. *ENKA DAINITETSU—Ferric chlor- ide. *ENKA DAINITETSU EKI—Ferric chloride solution. *ENKA EMECHIN—Emetin muri- aticum. (The hydrochloride of an alkaloid obtained from ipecac or prepared synthetically.) *ENKA GOBUTSU — Lead com- pounds. *ENKA KARI—Potassium chloride. *ENKA KARUSHIUMU — Calcium chloride, or chlorinated lime. *ENKA KARUSHIUMU EKI—Solu- tion of chlorinated lime. *ENKA KOTARUNIN — Cotarnine hydrochloride. *ENKA MAGUNESHIA—Magnesium chloride. *ENKA NATORIUMU — Sodium chloride. *ENKA PIKURIN—Chloropicrin. *ENSAKU一Lead subacetate. *ENSAKU SUI—Lead subacetate sol- ution. *ENSAN—Hydrochloric acid. 274 *ENSAN AKOIN List of Japanese Drugs—continued. *ENSHi SHIRROPPU *ENSAN AKOIN—The hydrochloride of acoin. (Acoin : Diaparaani- sylmonophenetylguanidin chloro- hydrate.) *ENSAN ANISHIRIN—Anysilin hy- drochloride (phenetol-dianusol- quanine hydrochloride). *ENSAN APOKODEIN—Apocodeine hydrochloride. *ENSAN APOMORUHINE — Apo- morphine hydrochloride. *ENSAN ARIPIN—Alypin hydro- chloride. *ENSAN BENCHIRUMORUHINE- Benzylmorphine-hydrochloride. *ENSAN" ECHIRUMORUHINE — Ethylmorphine hydrochloride (dionine). *ENSAN EFUEDORIN—Ephedrine hydrochloride. *ENSAN EMECHIN—Emetine hy- drochloride. *ENSAN EPIRENAMIN EKI—Or- thodioxyphenylethanol-methyla- mine hydrochloride solution. *ENSAN ESPIRENAMIN—Epirena- mine hydrochloride (orthodioxy- pnenyl-ethanol-methylamine hy- drochloride). *ENSAN HAROMIN—Halomin hy- drochlonae. (The hydrochloride of sodium paratoluol sulfochlora- mine.) *ENSAN HEROIN—Heroine hydro- chloride. *ENSAN HIDORASUCHININ—Hy- drastinine hydrochloride. *ENSAN JIASECHIRUMORUHINE ■—Diacetylmorphine hydrochloride, or heroine hydrochloride. *ENSAN JIHIDOROOKISHIKO- DEINON — Dihydro-oxycodein- one hydrochloride. *ENSAN KASEKITAN SANSUI—A solution of phenolated water and hydrochloric acid. *ENSAN KININE—Quinine hydro- chlonde. *ENSAN KININE GAN—Quinine hydrochloride pills. *ENSAN KININE NYOSO—Quinine and urea hydrochloride. *ENgAN KOKAIN—Cocaine hydro- chloride. *ENSAN KOKAIN JO—Cocaine hy- drochloride tablets. *ENSAN KOTARUNIN—Cotarnine hydrochloride. *ENSAN MORUHINE — Morphine hydrochloride. *ENSAN MORUHINE JO—Morphine hydrochloride tablets. *ENSAN OPUTOHIN—Ethyl hydro- cupreine hydrochloride. *ENSAN ORUTOJIOKISHIFUEN- IRUETANORUMECHIRUAMIN EKI—Orthodioxyphenyl ethanol- methylamine hydrochloride. PAPAVERIN—Papaverine hydrochloride. *ENSAN PARAAMINOBENZOIRU JIECHIRU AMINOETANORU —Paraminobenzoyl diethylamino-eth- anol hydrochloride. *ENSAN PARASHINOMENIN Parasinomenine hydrochloride. *ENSAK PEROCHIN—Pellotine hy- drochloride "Bohringer. ' *ENSAN PI ROKARUPIN —Pilocar- pine hydrochloride. *ENSAN PUROKAIN—Procaine hy- drochloride. *ENSAN REMIJIN—Remijm hydro- chloride (ethyl hydrocupreine hydrochloride). *ENSAN RIMONADE — Limonada hvdrochlorica. *ENS:\N ROBERIN- Lobdine hy- drochlorate. *ENSAN SHUSEI」A mixture formed one part, of hydro- chloric acid to twenty-five parts of alcohol, the strength of the hydrochloric acid being 25 per- cent and the strength of the alco- hol being 75 percent. *ENSAN SUT6VAIN—Stovaine hy- drochloride. *ENSAN TOROPAKOKAIN-Trop- acocaine hydrochloride. *ENSAN YOHIMBIN — Yohimbine hydrochloride. *ENSHI一The root of polygala amara, or milkwort root. *ENSHIMUSHI—Cochineal. *ENSHI SHIROPPU (ENSHI SHA- RIBETSU)—Syrup of polygala. 275 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. ESUKA A3URA *ENSOHA—Tobacco leaves. *ENSOSAN KARI—Potassium chlor- *ENTAN—Red lead. ENTERO BIOFUORUMU—Entero- Vioform “Ciba.” (Used in amoebic dysentery.) ENTERONON—Enteronon. (A lac- tic acid preparation.) ENTEROPACHIN — Enteropathin. (A lactic acid preparation.) ENTERORU—Enterol (subtilis bac- illus preparation). *ENTO (SAKUSANEN)—Acetate of lead. ENTOAMEBA HISUTORICHIKA— Endamoeba histolytica. ENTOAMEBA TETORAGENA—En- damoeba tetragena. ENTORA—Entra. {Same as AN- CHIFUROJISUCHIN.) *ENTOSUI—Liquor of lead acetate. ENTSUAIMA—Enzeima. {Same as EBIOSU.) EOJINO ARUKORU—Eosinalcohol. (A solution of the dye eosin and alcohol, used in microscopy as a stain.) EPIGURANDORU—Epiglandol (pin- eal gland extract). EPINEFURI'N—Epinephrine (supra- renin adrenalin). EPIROCHIN—Epirotin. (Mixture of zinc oxide, calcium chloride and precipitated sulfur.) EPITERU—Epthel. (Organic iodine compound.) ERAMIZORU—Ehramisol. {Same as ARUZENOBENZORU.) ERARUSON—Elarson " Bayer.” E REDON — Eledon. (Powdered buttermilk.) EREKUTORARUGORU — Electrar- gol “ Heyden.” E REKUTOROCORARUGORU — Elektrocollargol (colloidalsilver). EREPUTON—Erepton. ERICHIRAN—Elityran ‘‘ Bayer.” ERIJIPERARU—Erysipelol. (Thy- mol preparation.) ERIKACHIN—Ericatin. (Same as ANAGENIN.) ERIKON—Erycan. (Sawg as Al'O- FUAN.) ERIKORIN—Ericolin. (Extract of uvae ursi.) ERIOSAN—Eryosan. (Same as KAZEINORU.) ERISUCHIPUCHIKUMU — Ery- styptic ‘‘ Roche.” (Mixture of secacornin, hydrastinin and hyd- rastis extract.) ERITA—Elyta. (Mixture of gelatine with glycerin and quinine com- pounds.) ERITORIN—Ehrytrin (prontosil al- bum). ERITORORU — Erythrol tetra- nitrate. ERUBON—Elbon ‘‘ Ciba.” {Same as UROPIRIN.) ERUDOFUORUMU 一 Eidoform ‘‘Bayer.’’ ERU EMU—L.M. {See FUENO- RUBARUBITARU.) ERUGOCHIN — Ergotinum “ Bom- belon.” (Extract of ergot.) ERUGOPUTORU—Ergoptol. (Mix- ture of ergotine and cotarnine hydrochloride.) ERUGOSUTERIN — Ergosterin. {Same as ERUGOSUTERORU.) ERUGOSUTERORU—Ergosterol. ERUGOTAMIN—Ergotamine. ERUGOTOKISHIN—Ergotoxine. ERUMIRU — Ermil. {See MAKYU- ROKUROMU.) ERURENMAIERU KORUBEN — Erlenmeyer flask. ERUSUCHIN — Erstin (ethylhydro- .cupreine). ERUTOROSUCHIN — Ertrostin. (Mixture of kaolin, glycerin, boric acid, oxides of iodine, sodium salicylate, salicylic acid, methyl- ethyl and eucalyptus oil.) ESUKA ABURA—Eskar ointment (tnchloroacetate ointment). ESUKARIN List of Japanese Drugs—continued. FUEROPIRIN ESUKARIN—Escalin. ESUMOJIRU — Esmodil “Bayer,, (trimethylmetoxypropyl ammon- ium bromide). ETAGIN I—Etagin-E (ethyl paraoxy- benzoate) • ETAINOKISHIRU—Etainoxyl. (De- rivative of tin; an oxydizing agent.) ETANORU—Ethanol; ethyl alcohol. ETERLT—Ether. ETERUSE — Compound spirit of ether; Hoffman's anodyne. ETERUSEI YOSHIGUSA CHINKI- Tinctura valerianae aetherea. (Mixture of valerian powder ex- tract and ether.) EVAKUREMU—Eva-Creme (stron- tium sulfide). EZERIN—Eserine. F FATOSIN — Fatosin. (Extract of fatsia japonica.) FINCHIN—Phytin ** Ciba.,J FINIRU CHINHYONINARIRU — Allylpheiwlcmchonic ester. FUAGORU — Fagol. {Same as PUNOIMIN.) FUAJIN—Faudin ‘‘ Bayer.” {See NEO ANCHIMOSAN.) FUANODORUMU — Phanodorm ‘‘ Bayer ” (cyclohexanylethylbar- bituric acid). FL ASUTAZE 一 Fastase (diastase preparation). FUCHIZORU—Fuchizoru. {Same as CHIOKORU.) FUEBASENIN — Febasenin. {See UROPIRIN.) FUEBURON 一 Febron. {Same as AMINOPIRIN.) FUEJIKARU — Vesical. (A Japan- ese drug; same as CHISUTORU.) FUEX ASECHIN—Phenacetin. FUENAZORIN一Phenazolin. [Same as OREKISHIN.) FUEX ECHIJ IN—Phenetidin. FUENIRU ECHIRU BARUBI- TSURU SAN —PhenylethyIbar- bituric acid. {Same as RUMIN- ARU.) FUENIRU ECHIRU BARUBI- TSURU SAN SODA—Phenobar- bital sodium. FUENIRUHINORIN KARUBON SAN — Phenylcinchonic acid ; quinolin. (Same as KINOFEN.) FUENIRUJIMECHIRU PIRA- TSUORON 一 Phenyldimethylpy- razolon. {Same as ANCHI- PIRIN.) FUENOBARIN — Phenovalin (iso- valerylacetylphenolphthalein). FUENOKORU — Phenokoll Scher- ing’’ (phenetidin derivative; amidoacetoparaphenetidine). FUENORU—Phenol. FUENORUBARUBITARU — Phen- olbarbital (phenolethylbarbituric acid). FUEXORUFUTAREIN — Phenol- phthalein. FUENORU SUI—Aqua phenolata. (Phenolated water; carbolic acid water.) FUENORUSURUHON SANAEN— Zinc phenolsulfonate. FUENORUSURUHON SAN SODA— Sodium phenolsulfonate. FUENURIN — Fenurin. {See AFUENIRU.) FUERACHIN — Ferratin. (An al- buminate of iron.) FUERAMIN—Felamine “ Sandoz.” FUERATOZE — Ferratose “Boh- ringer.”. (Ferratin solution; see BURUTOZE.) FUERIPIRIN — Ferripyrine ‘‘ Hochst.” FUEROGURIJIN — Ferroglidin ‘‘ Klopferr.” FUEROPIRIN — Ferropyrine “Knoll.” 277 FUEROZE List of Japanese Drugs—continued. FURUFURUMiN FUEROZE一Ferrose. (Iron albumen solution; same as BURUTOZE.) FUERUMISUTAZE — Fermistase. (Lactic acid preparation; same as BIOFUERUMIN.) FUERUROSUCHIPUCHIN — Ferro- styptin (iron hexa-methylene tetramine chloride). FUESUTARU — Festal “Bayer” (diastase preparation). FUETORU — Fetal. [Same as SUCHIPUCHICHIN.) FUETORU ZERACHIN—Fetol-gela- tine. {See ANAPUTORU ZERACHINEKI.) *FUGUDOKU — Venom extracted from the globe fish (tetraodon). *FUGUDOKUSO EKI—Toxic tetra- odon solution, made from venom extracted from globe-fish. FUIBURIN—Fibrin. FUIBURINOGEN—Fibrinogen. FUIBUROGEN—Fibrogen. FUIBURONIN — Fibronin. {Same as FUIBUROGEN.) FUIBURORIJIN^-Fibrolysin. FUICHIN—Phytin. FUIRARIJIN — Filalysin (quinine picrate). FUIROSAN—Phyllosan. FUIRUMARON—Filmaron. FUIRUMARON YU—Filmaron oil. FUIRUMOGEN—Filmogen. FUIRUTA—Filter. FUIZOSUCHIGUMIN — Physostig- mine. {Same as EZERIN.) FUJIBARUSAN—Fujivarsen. {Same as NEO ARUZENOBENZORU.) FUJICHIRAN—Fujityran. as BISACHIN.) * FUJI K AGO—Basket on the intake end of the filter intake tube, over the strainer. FUJI PON IN — Fujiponin (aralia plant extract preparation). *FUKKO JOSEN—Accessory thyroid gland. FUKUCHIN—Vaccine. *FUKUHO DAIO GAN—Compound rhubarb pills'. *FUKUHO DAIO SAN—Compound rhubarb powder. *FUKUHO HIDOROKODEIN SAN —Compound hydrocodein pow- der. *FUKUHO KANSO SAN — Licorice powder. *FUKUHO KINA CHINKI—Com- pound tincture of quinine. *FUKUHO ROKAI CHINKI—Com- pound tincture of aloes; Swedish bitters. *FUKUHO SARUSA KONSEN — Compound sarsaparilla decoction. *FUKUHO YODO EKI—Compound solution of iodine. *FUKUHO YODO GURISERIN— Compound glycerite of iodine. FUOM AMINTO—Formamint. FUORUMARIN—Formalin. FUORUMORAKUCHIN — Formo- lactin. [Same as FUOMAMIN- TO.) FUORUMUARUDEHIDO — For- maldehyde. FUR ABA 一 Flaba. (Leucori'hea treatment medicine, administered in the form of suppositories.) FURABININ—Flavinin. {Same as TORIPAFURABIN.) FURABINORU—Flavinol. {Same as TORIPAFURABIN.) FURAIN—Furain. {Same as TORI- PAFURABIN.) FURAVUEIN—Flavein. [Same as OBOGURANDORU.) FUREMIMKUSU EKI—Vleminckx's solution. FUROBIN—Frobin. {See FUICHIN.) FURUFURUMIN 一 Furfurmin. (Vitamin Bx; see MIZUHONIN.) 278 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. FURUMARUGIN GENEGURANDORU FURUMARUGIN 一 Fulmargin. [Same as EREKUTORARU- GORU.) FURUMEYOJIN—Fulmeiodin (mer- curochrome). FURUMONI — Flumonie. (Mixture of quinine hydrochloride, caffeine and urethane.) FURUOGIN — Fluogin (silver fluorescein). FURUTOSORUTO—Fruit salt (< C. Holstein.” FURUTSU SORUTO—Fruit salt (fruit juice). FUSHIROPPU—Fusirop. [Same as SHIRORIN.) *FUSHOKU YAKU—Caustics. FUSOGEN—Husgen. (A mixture of extracts from plants of the poppy, bellflower and mallow families.) FUSUKOJIN一Fuscodin. {Same as PARAKOJIN.) FUSUTAGIN—Hustagin (psyllium). FUSUTORU—Hustol. (Mixture of platycodon glandiflorum and ephedra vulgaris.) FUTARUSAN KOTARUNIN—Cot- arnine phthalate. FUTORUMIN — Futormin (lactic acid bacilli preparation). *FUTTO KUENSAN MAGUNESHIA —Efferverescent magnesium citrate. *FUTTO SAN—A mixture of sodium bicarbonate powder and tartaric acid powder. G GAD AM IN 一 Gadamin. {See KAN- FURUOREFU ABURA.) *GAIIMBUSHODOKUZAI — Ex- ternal disinfectants. *GAKYU — Zedoary root. (A fragrant East Indian drug, formerly used, in medicine as a stimulant and still used in.India.) GAMERAN — Gamelan. (Mixture of wax fat and lipoid.) GAMEYOJIN — Gameiodin. (Mix- ture of ioaoform, lecithin, wax and fat oil.) *GANTO PEPUSHIN —Saccharated pepsin. *GANTO TANSANTETSU — Sac- charated ferrous carbonate. *GANTO YODOTETSU — Sac- charated ferrous iodide. GARAKUTOSAN — Galactosan (calcium caseinate). GARAKUTOZE—Galactose. GAROSUTERIN 一 Galosterin. (Vitamin A product; see BIO- SUTERIN.) GARUDAN — Gardan “ Hodist.” {See NOBARUGIN.) GARUDENARU — Gardenal. {Same as FUENORUBARUBITARU.) GARUKON—Gar con. (A mixture of tannic acid gelatine and benzo- naphthol.) GASU KAISO KESSEI — Gas gangrene serum. GATAFUORIN 一 Gataphorin (camphor solution). GAZE—Gauze. GEBURUCH1N — Geburtin. (Hor- mone of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland; see PI- TSUITORIN.) GEDARUMIN — Gedarmin. {Same as APURINA.) *GEIRO — Cetaceum; spermaceti. (A waxy substance obtained from tlie head of the sperm whale.) GENCHIANA CHINKI — Tincture of gentian violet. GENCHIANA EKISU — Extract of gentian. GENCHIANA MATSU — Gentian violet powder. GENCHIANA MURASAKI — Gen- tian violet. GENCHIANA NE — Radix gen- tianae; gentian root. GENEGURANDORU —Geneglandol. (Corpus luteum preparation.) 279 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. GENERUMON GUAYAKORU BURUTOZE GENERUMON — Genermon. '(Tes- ticle hormone; see GERAMIN.) GENESORU — Genesol. (Chiefly sodium glycocholic acid.) GENESUCHIPUTORU — Genc- styptol. GENNOPON — Gennopon. (Extract of geranii nepalensis.) GENNOSHOKO — Herba geranii; geranium nepalense; sweet nepal geranium. GENTOROPIN — Gentropin. (Ex- tract of geranii nepalensis.) GEOSOTO — Geosot (guaiacol valer- ianate) . GERACHIN SENSHI BAIYO—Gel- atine nutrient medium. GERAMIN — Gelamin “Bayer” (testicle hormone). GERANIJIN — Gelanidin. {See ANAPUTORU ZE RACK IN EKI.) GERISON — Gerison (prontosil album). GERIZON — Gerison. GERUBAMIN — Gerbamin. {See ERUDOFUORUMU.) GERUMANIN—Germanin. GERUSEMIUMU CHINKI — Tine- tura Gelsemii or tincture of yellow jasmine. GERUSEMIUMU NE — Radix gelsemii. (The rhizome and roots of gelsemium.) GESHUURIN — Geschurin. (His- tidine chloride; same as RAROSUCHIJIN.) *GEZAI—Cathartics. GIFUCHIRU — Giftiol (sodium thiosulfate). GIFURON 一 Giflon (colloidal bis- muth nydroxide and bismuth potassium tartrate). GIMUNEMA SAN — Gymnemic acid. GINANDORU —Gynandol. (Oestrin, a female hormone.) *GIN EREKUROIUO — Elecloid silver; colloidal silver. GINERUGEN — Gynergen (ergot- amine tartrate). GINOVUARU—Gynoval. *GIN — Silver salvarsan; silver arsphenamine. GINZENIN — Ginsenin. (Extract of panax ginseng.) GIPUSO HOTAI — Plaster of Paris bandage. GITARIN—Gitalin. GITOZAN — Gitosan. (Phenyl- cinchonic acid ; quinolin; same as KINOFEN.) *GOBAISHI—Galla; nutgall. *GOBAISHI CHINKI—Tincture of nutgall. *GOMA YU—Sesame oil. GOMU HANSOKO — Emplastrum cautschuc adhaesivum; rubber adhesive piaster. GOMUSAN — Pul vis Gummosus. (A mucilaginous powder com- posed of acacia, licorice root, and S'QJTU* ) GONADOTOROPIN—Gonadotropin. GONAKURIN—Gonacrine. GONARUGIN—Gonargin. GONOCHISUTORU — Gonocystol. {Same as SANTARU PARU.) GONOKARUCHIN — Gonocystol. (Mixture of gonogoicin and cal- cium chloride.) GONORORU — Gonorol. {See SANTAKORU.) GONOS AN—Gonosan. CxONOYATOREN — Gono-Yatren. (Gonnorrheal vaccine and yatren.) GORARUDO MIZU—Goulard's water (liquor plumbi subacetatis dilutus). GUAKANFURU — Guacarnphor (guaiacol camphorate). GUANIJIN - Guanidine. GUARUTERIA ABURA ~ Oil of wintergreen. GUAYAKORU—Guaiacol. GUAYAKORU BURUTOZE-Guaia- col blutose. List of Japanese Drugs—continued GUAYAKORU EKIHOSU GURUKONSAN SEKKAI GUAYAKORU EKIHOSU — Gua- iacol Exihos. (Mixture of guaiacol and exihos; see EKI- HOSU.) GUAYAKORUFUGSUFUITTO — Guaiacolphosphit (guaiacol phos- phite) . GUAYAKORU KANYU — Guaiacol and cod liver oil. GUA YAK ORUPORITAMIN — Guaiacolpolytamin. {See ARU- ZEN PORITAMIN.) GUAYAKORU SURUHONSAN — Guaiacolsulfonate. GUAYAKORU SURUHONSAN KARI—Potassium sulfoguaiacol. GUAYAKORU SURUHONSAN KARUSiilUMU —— Calcium guaiacolsulfonate. GUAYAKORUWAZOGEN — Guaia- colvasogen. [See GUAYAKORU- KAXYU.) GUA YAKORUZARORU — Guaiacol Salol (guaiacol salicylate). GUAYAKOZE—Guaiacose. GUAYAKU ABURA — Resina Guaiaci (guaiac). GUAYAKU CHINKI — Tincture of guaiac. Gl:AYAKU GI — Lignum Guaiaci (guaiac wood). GUAYATSUKU—Guaiacum. CxUAYATSUKU HANNO — Guaiac probe; guaiacum test. GrRABITORU — Gravitol ‘‘ Bayer ” (2-methoxy 6 allylphenyldiethyl aminoethyl ether). GURA^IU—Gram. • GURANUGENORU — Granugenol. (Mineral oil from unsaturated hydrocarbon.) GURANUROFUIROCHITEN Granulofilocy ten. GURAUKOSAN — Glaucosan ‘‘ Wodm Gl REN—Grain. GURENORU—Grenol. (A derma- tosis medicine containing chrys- arobin.) GUREPUCHION — Gleption. (A .glutathione preparation.) GURERAN—Grelan. (Barbital 28.48 percent, aminopyrine 71.52 per- cent.) • GURIDEIN — Glidine. {See REGUMON.) GURIKANOZE — Glycanose (hyper- tonic dextrose preparation). GURIKARU—Glycal. {See KARU- SHIUMU.) GURIKOGEN—Glycogen. GURIKOHYORUSAN SODA — Sodium glycocholate. GURIKONARU — Glyconal (gly- cogen preparation). GURIKONARUJO—Glyconal Tablet- fixture of glycogen, albumin, fat and salts.) GURIKORAKUCHIN — Glycolactin. {Same as BIOFUERUMIN.) GURIMITORU — Glymitol. {Same as ARUZENOBENZORU NATORIUMU.) GURION — Glyon. (A glucose solution.) GURISERIN—Glycerin. GURISERIN NANKO — Glycerin ointment. GURISERIN ZAZAI — Glycerin suppositories. GURISERO RINSAN KARUSHIUMU — Calcium glycerophosphate. GURISERO RINSAN SEKKAI — Calcium glycerophosphate. GURITAMIN—Glutamine. GURITERUPASUTA — Glyteer- pasta. (Mixture of benzoic acid, fat, and zinc oxide.) GUROSARU — Glosal (triacertyl- diphenylisatin). • GURUKOKARUCHUMU — Gluco- calcium. (Mixture of glucose and calcium hydroxide.) GURUKON SAN—Gluconic acid. GURUKON SAN KARUSHIUMU— Calcium gluconate. GURUKONSAN SEKKAI — Calcium gluconate. guaiac. 281 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. GURUKORU HEBARAKUCHIN GURUKORU—Gurgol (sodium auro diphenyl-metacarbonic acid). GUTTAPERUKA—Gutta-percha. GUTTAPERUKA EKI — Gutta percha solution. *GYOKYO — Colla piscium;isin- °flass. *GYUNYU SEIZAI — Milk prepar- ations. *GYUSHI — Sebum bovinum; cow fat. H *HACHIMITSU—Honey. MAIDEN YOSO — Naehrstoff-Hey- den. (An ingredient of culture media prepared from egg albu- men.) HAIDESAN—Heidisan. (Mixture of santalol salicylate and the fluid extract of Kava-kava.) HAIPO—Hypo; hypodermic needle. HAIRUMIN—Heilmin. {See KUR- AUDEN or FUIBUROGEN.) *HAKKA ABURA—Oil of pepper- mint. *HAKKA HA—Mint leaves. *HAKKA KO—Hydrargyrum prae- cipitatum album (amino mercuric chloride Hg Cl N H2; white precipitate of mercury). *HAKKA NO—Menthol; *HAKKA SHIROPPU — Syrup of mint. *HAKKA SEI — Spirit of mint : essence of peppermint. *HAKKA SUI—Mint water. *HAKKAN YAKU—Diaphoretics; agents which increase perspira- tion. *HAKKETSU BYOYAKU—Medi- cines for.leucemia; anti-leucemia medicines. *HAKUAKO—White gelatine. HAKURAN一Hakuran (silver pro- tein, acetyl acid hexamethylene- tetramine cnloride and dextrose). *HAKURO—Cera alba; white wax. *HAKUSHOKU AKUCHIZORU — White aktisol (prontosil album). *HAKUSHOKU PURONTOJIRU— Prontosil album. *HAKUSHOKU WASERIN—White vaseline. *HAKUTO — Saccharum; white sugar. *HAKUTOTO—White bole; white clay; terra alba. *HAKUTOTO PAPPU—Cataplasma Caolini; white clay poultice. HAMA SESUKORU—Hama Sescol (sesquiterpene alcohol). RAKKASEI ABURA— Half solidified peanut oil. *HANKON NANKAI YAKU—Scar removers. *HANSHO CHINKI — Tincture of capsicum. HARIBA—Haliva (vitamin A and D). HAROGEN—Halogen. HAROMIN—Halomin (sodium para- toluene sulfonchloramide). HARUMINORU—Harminol (harmine chloride). HASESURORU—Hasethrol (nitrous chloride oil). HASHITSUEN—Hashizzen. {Same .asBISACHIN.) *HASHOFU KESSEI—Anti-tetanus serums. HASSHISSHU—Hashish , (cannabis indica). HASSHITSUEN—Hashizzen. {See BISACHIN.) *HATO ABURA—Croton oil. *HATSUEN SHOSAN — Fuming nitric acid. (Contains about gi percent concentrated nitric acid.) *HATSUHO YAKU—Vesicants. HEBARAKUCHIN—Hepalactin. 282 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. HEBURAHO NANKO HIDORASECHIN HEBURAHO NANKO — Ungentum Hebrae; diachylon ointment. HEGONOX—Hegonon. HEKISA I一Hexa-E (ethylparaoxy- benzol). HEKISACHIN—Hexatin. {Same as HESACHIRAMIN.) HEKISAMECHIRENTETORAMIN —Hexamethylene tetramin. HEKISANON—Hexanon. {Same as NEO HESACHIRAMIN.) HEKISARU—Hexal “ Riedel.” {See UROZARIN.) HEKISARUMIN—Hexarmin. (Mix- ture of urotropin and calcium caffeine salicylate.) HEKISATOROPIN — Hexatropin. {Same as CHIFUERAMIN.) HEKISATORU一Hexator. (Mixture of hexamethylene tetramine and magnesium sulfate.) HEKISAURUCHIN JO — Hexaurtin. (Mixture of arbutin and urotro- pin.) HEKISETON—Hexeton “Bayer.” {See MECHIRUPUROPIRUCHI- KUROHEKISETON EKI.) HEKISHITTO—Hexitum. [Same as SHIONON.) HEKUTARIN—Hectalin. [Same as RIBANORU.) HEKUTOGURAMU—Hectogram. HEKUTOKUREZORU—Hectokres- sol(cinnamyl-metrocresol). HEMATOGEN—Hematogen. HEMATOPAN—Hematopan. HEMIXARU—Heminal. HEMOGUROBIN—Hemoglobin. HENOBO JI YU—Oleum Chenopodii (oil of chenopodium). HENOPOJIUMU ABURA — Oil of Chenopodium. *HENSHITSU YAKU—Alterants. ♦HENTO YU—Oil of almonds. HEPACHIN—Hepatin. HEPAMIN — Hepamin (liver and spleen extracts). HEP AN一Hepan (liver extract). HEPARAKUCHIN — Hepalactin. (Liver and pancreatic hormones; contains various vitamins, diges- tive enzymes, lecitnm, and gly- cogen.) HEPATOKISHIN—Hepatoxin. {See FUGUDOKUSO EKI.) HEPATOZE — Hepatose (liver ex- HERIDONYUMU EKISU—Extract of chelidonium (celandine ex- tract) . HEROIN—Heroin (diacetylmorphine hydrochloride). HEROINHOSUI TERUPINGOZAI —Elixir of Heroin and terpinhy- drate. (Mixture of heroine and tcrpin.) HERUMICHIN—Helmitin. (Mixture of egg oil, tannoform borate, and sulfo-icnthyol ammonium.) HERUMINARU—Helminal. HERUMITORU—Helmitol. HERUNIA—Hernia. HERUPIN — Helpin. {Same as OMUNAJIN.) HERUURORU—Herurol (caffeine calcium salicylate). HESACHIRAMIN 一 Hesaciramin (urotropin and a compound of urotropin magnesium). HETORARIN—Hetralin. HETORU 一 Hetol (sodium cinna- mate). HIBURACHIN — Hybratin (sodium mercuric sulfosalicylate solution). HIDEIN一Hydein psyllium. HIDONOKARIN—Hydnocarin. HIDONORU—Hydnol. (A compound of iodine and the esters of hydno- carpic acid.) HIDORASECHIN—Hydracetin. 283 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. HIDORASUCHISU NE HISUTERI HIDORASUCHISU NE — Rhizoma Hydrastis. * HIDORASUCHISU RYUDO EKISU —Fluid extract of hydrastis. HIDOROERUGOCHININ — Hydro- ergotinine. HIDOROFUGARU — Hidrofugal. (Mixture of aluminum sulfate, aluminum chloride, aluminin ace- tate, resorcin and chlorthymol.) HIDOROKODEINON — Hydroco- deinon. HIDORORIKORIN — Hydrolycorin. (A product of licorice with bac- tericidal properties.) HIDORONARU 一 Hydronal ‘‘Bayer.’’ *HIFUSHIGEKI YAKU—Skin irri- *HIGAI YAKU—External applica- tions. HIGIAMA—Hygiama. HIGITORU—Hygytol. (A mercury preparation). HIMAORU — Himaol. (Castor oil; see HIMASHI YU.) HIMASEN—Himasen. {See NEO ARUZENOBENZORU.) *HIMASHI YU — Oil of Ricini; castor oil. HINAFUENIN—Chinaphenin (phen- etidin quinine carbonate). HINEONARU—Chineonal “ Merck.” HINERON 一 Chineron (ethyl apo- qumine). HINIJIN—Chinidine. HININ—Chinine (quinine). HININ KARUCHIKORU—Chinine- HINIZORU—Chinisol. (A 2 percent solution of quinine hydrochlor- ide.) HINOPURASUMOHIN — Quino- plasmoquin; chinoplasmin. HINORAMIN—Plasmoquin; plas- mochin. 4 HTNORIN—Quinoline, chinoline. HTNOZORU 一 Chinosol (potassium ortho-quinoline sulfate). HINTERIN—Hinterin. [Same as PITSUITORIN.) *HINYASHI一Betel nut; areca nut. HIPERUNEFURIN — Hyperneph- rin. {Same as EPINEFURIN.) (Posterior pituitary gland hor- mone preparation.) HIPOAPO—Hypo-Apo. HIPOFUIJIN—Hypophysin. HIPOFUIZE BERA — Hypophysc- Byla. (A preparation from the anterior lobe of the pituitary.) HIPOFUORUMU—Hypoform. ' ORUTOKAIN.) HiPOHORIN — Hypophorin (hor- mone of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland). HIPOKAIN—Hypocain (ethyl amino- benzoate) . HIPORENIN—Hyporenin (hormone of the posterior pituitary). HIPOTONARU—Hypotonal (ethyl- ene-diamino succinic acid). HIPOTONIN—Hipotonin (nitrous acid preparation). HIPUNOCHIN — Hypnotin (brom- valerylurea). HIRACHIORU—Hirathiol. HIRIN—Chylin. (Mixture of fat, lipoid, albumen and carbohy- イrates ) HIROPON—Philopon (phenylmcthyl- aminopropan). HIRUJIN—Hirudin. HISAGOSURIN — Hisagosulin (ses- quiterpene alcohol). *HISAKU SAN—Glacial acetic acid (contains 99 percent absolute acetic acid.) HISOBURUSAN—Hisovalsan (ace- tarsone). HISORIN—Hisorin. [Same as PI- TSUITORIN.) HISUCHIJIN — Histidine. {See RAROSUCHIJIN.) HISUTAMIN—Histamine. HISUTERI—Hysteria. 284 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. *HITETSU GAN HOSUGEN *HITETSUGAN — Iron and arsenic pill. (Mixture of arsenious acid, deoxidized iron, gentian powder and gum arabic.) *HITOKUSHU SHIGEKIYAKU — Non-specific irritants. *HITTOKA—Cubebs; the fruit of piper cubeba, a climbing East Indian plant. HIYOREFURAVUIN — Choleflavin. (Mixture of trypafiavine, papa- verine, podophyllin and pepper- mint oil.) HIYOREGORU—Cholegol (sodium cholic acid). HIYORERISHIN — Cholelysin (sodium acid oil to which pepper- mint oil and albumen has been added). HIYOSU EKISU — Extractum hyo- scyami. (Extract of hyoscyamus, ex- tract of hebane.) HIYOSU HA—Hyocyamus leaves. HOBURU — Hoble (hydrogen per- oxide). HOFUMAN EKI— ano- dyne. *HOKETSU YAKU—Anti-anemic medicines. *HOKO AMMONIA SEI—Aromatic spirits of ammonia. *HOKO CHINKI—Aromatic tinc- ture. *HOKO HIMASHI YU—Aromatic castor oil. *HOKO SAN 一 Aromatic powder; pul vis aromaticus. ♦HOKO SEI — Aromatic spirit; spiritus aromaticus. ♦HOKOSEI HISOKAGOBUTSU — Aromatic arsenic compounds. *HOKOTAI BOFUYAKU—Aromatic antiseptics. *HOKO YAKU—Aromatics. HOMAKOIN—Homacoin. (An acoin preparation used as an anes- thetic). HOMIKA—Nux vomica. (Obtained from a seed containing strych- nine and brucine.) HOMIKA CHINKI — Tincture of strychnine. HOMIKA EKISU—Strychnine ex- tract HOMOATOROPIN—Homatropine. HOMOFURABIN—Homoflavin. {See TORIPAFURABIN.) HOMOZON—Homozon (magnesium peroxide). HONOKAJIRU—Phonocasil. (Di-4- para-aminophenyl-siilfamino- phenvi sulfocarbamide). HOPARETTO — Hopalet ‘‘ Er]an- ger.’’ (Valerian preparation.) HORERU SUI—Fowler’s solution. HOROKAIN—Holocaine. HORUMARIN—Formalin. HORUMARIN SEKKEN EKI — Liquid formaldehyde soap. HORUMARIN SUI—Aqua formalin- HORUMIN — Hormin. (Hormone extract from a cow’s muscles; a vitamin B preparation.) HORUMONARU—Hormonal. HORUMUARUDEHIDO EKI-Solu- tion of formaldeh57de. HORUTON—Fort on. {Same as JINHORUMON.) *HOSA—Borax. *HOSA MITSU—Honey of borax. *HOSAN—Boric acid. *HOSAN GAZE—Gauze treated with boric acid. *HOSAN NANKO—Boric acid oint- ment. *HOSAN NATORIUMU — Sodium borate; borax. *HOSAN SEN—Cotton treated with boric acid. ♦HOSAN WAZERIN — Boric acid ointment. *HOSO KAGOBUTSU—Boron com- pounds. • HOSUGEN—Phosgene. medicines. 285 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. *HOSUI AMIREN INBER1N *HOSUI AMIREN — Amylene hy- drate. *HOSUI BUROMARU — Bromal hydrate. *HOSUI KURORARU — Chloral hydrate.- *HOSUI SEKISAN—Potassium and sodium borotartrate. *HOSUI TERUPIN—Terpin hydrate. HOSUKARUPIN—Phoscalpin (ant- acid). HOSUPITAN — Hospitan (phenylal- kylamine). HOSUTAMIN—Hostamin. (Vitamin B with calcium.) HYOREGORU—Cholegol. [Same as EREKUTORARUGORU.) HYORIN—Choline. HYORU SAN—Cholic acid. I IBETON—Iveton. (Solution of vary- ing strength consisting of equal parts glucose and fructose.) ICHIGOSHIROPPU (ICHIGO- SHARIBETSU)—Sirupus Fra- gariae (strawberry syrup). ICHIORU—Ichthyol. IGUROSHIN—Igrosin (10 percent sodium mercuric salicylallylamido lactate and 3 percent dimethyl- zanthin). IHICHIORU—Ichthyol. IHICHIORU GURISERIN—Ichthy- ol glycerin. IHICHIORU HANSOKO—Ichthyol Plaster (10 percent ichthyol plas- ter). IHICHIORUROTO HANSOKO — Ichthyol-Scopola Plaster (5 per- cent ichthyol and 5 percent sco- polamine plaster). IHICHTORU SHUSEI—Ichthyol. IHICHIORU SURUHONSANAM- MON—Ammonium ichthyol sul- fonic acid. IHICHIORU SURUHONSAN AM- MON ANKO-—Ammonium ich- thyolsulphonate ointment. IHICHIORU WAGIN — Ichthyol- Vagin. (Mixture of ichthyol sugar sodium nitrate, sodium bi- carbonate and tartaric acid.) IHICHIORU WAZERIN-i-Ichthyol vaseline. IHICHIORU ZAZAI — Ammonium IHICHIORUGIN EKI—Silver ich- thyol solution. IHITARUBIN—Ichthalbin. IHITARUGAN—Ichthargan. IHITARUGORU—Ichthargol. IHITOFUORUMU—Ichthoform. IKORARU—IcoraL IKUIBUROMIN — Equibromin “ Hochst.” (Calcium dibrombe- henate; same as SABUROMIN.) IKUININ—Equinin. IKUIYOJIN—Equiiodin. {Same as SAYOJIN ' IKUTEMIN—Iktemin. (Extract of artemisia capillaris.) IKUTEROZAN—Icterosan. IKUTERUMIN—Ictelmin. (Mixture of dextrose, iodine, calcium, hexa- methylene tetramin.) IMAMIKORU—Imamicol. (An 8 percent solution of sodium mer- curic-sulf osalicylate.) IMINORU — Iminol ‘‘ Boehringer ” (agaricm, papaverine, caffeine, and theophylline). INBERIN—Inverin (Insulin; IN- SHURIN). 286 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. INBERUTOTO CHUSHA EKI IZOPURARU INBERUTOTO CHUSHA EKI—In- vert-Zucker-Loesung. (Invert-sugar solution.) INCHI JIN—Incisin. {Same as KURORUECHIRU.) *INCHINKO—Herba Artemisia. (A genus of plants of the family Compositae.) *INDO OAZA CHINKI—Tincture of cannabis; tincture of Indian hemp. *INDO OAZA EKISU—Extract of cannabis. *INDO OAZA KUSA—Cannabis; In- dian hemp. INDORU—Indol. INFUANCHINA—Infantina “ Thein- hard.” (Formula for infants.) INION—Anion. INJIKAN—Indikan (indoxylpotassi- um sulphate). INKURETAN—Incretan. (Thyroid preparation.) INSHURIN—Insulin. INSURIN—Insulin. {Same as IN- SHURIN.) INTERENIN—Interenin. {Same as IRIREN.) INTESUCHINORU — Intestinol. (Pancreatin, secretin, salt of cholic acid, and animal charcoal.) INURIN—Inulin. INZERIN—Inselin. *10—Sulfur. *IOKA (SHOKA 10)—Sublimed sul- fur; flowers of sulfur • ION—Ion. *IONYU—Precipitated sulfur; milk of sulfur. IORU—Iwol (sulfur ointment). IPEKARON—Ipecaron (ipecac prepa- ration). IPERITTO—-Yperite (mustard gas). IPUROBAN—Iproban. {Same as NOKUTENARU.) IRAKUMIN—Iracmin. {Same as HESACHIRAMIN.) IRECHIN—Iletin. *IREGURIN — Irregulin (quinidine ethyl carbonate). IRIREN—Iliren. IRISUNE—Iris root. IROGURANDO — Iloglandol. {Same as INSHURIN.) IRUMERIN—Irumerin. (Commercial preparation of guanidine.) ISABISUCHIN—Isabistin. {Same as BISACHIN.) ISACHIRAKKUSU—Isatilax. {Same as BISACHIN.) ISARAKISHIN—Isalaxin. {Same as BISACHIN.) ISATORU—Isatol. {Same as BISA- CHIN.) ISATSUEN—Isacen “ Roche.” *ISSANKAEN—Lead monoxide;lith- arge. ISUCHICHIN—Istizin. ISURABIN一Isgravin. [Same as TORIPAFLIRABIN.) ISU URUKUSU—Is-ulcus. {Same as RAROSUCHIJIN.) IT AN — Eatan (amino acid com- pound). IZOAMIRUHIDOROKUPUREIN — Isoamylhydrocupreine. IZOBUROMIN—Isobromin. {Same as BUROMUWARERIRU NYO- SO.) IZOFUORUMU—lsoform. IZOMIN—Isomin. {Same as ADA- RIN.) IZOPURARU—Isopral. 287 List of Japanese Drugs一continued. *JAKO JIHIDOROOKISHI KODE1N J *JAKO—Moschu's; musk. ♦JIAENSO SAN SODA EKI—Solu- tion of sodium hypochlorate. JIANBURU KO—Jambul seed. *JIANENSAN SEKITAN — Calcium hypophosphate. *JIARINSAN SEKKAI — Calcium hypophosphate. JIARIZE—Dialysis. JIARU — Dial “ Ciba.” [Same as AROBARUBITARU.) JIARYUSAN SODA — Sodium thiosulfate. JIASUTAZE—Diastase 〃 Comet.” JIATSUO HANNO — Diazo reaction. (Ehrlich’s reaction.) JIATURUMI — Diathermy. JIBUROMIN—Dibromin. JIBUROSARU—Diplosal. JIFXHIRU BARUBIRUSURU SAN 一Diethylbarbituric acid. JIECHIRU BARUBITSURU SAN SODA — Sodimn diethylbar- biturate (soluble barbital). JIEKUIRITORU—Jequiritol. JIEKUIRITORU KESSEI — Jequi- ritol serum. JIFUENIRUKORORUARUSHIN — Diphen viarsinchloride. JIFUENIRUSHIANARUSHIN 一 Diphenylarsincyanide. ]IFUROZE — Syphlose. {Same as SUPIROBISUMORU.) JIFUTERIFUORUMOWAKUCHIN —Diphtherieformovaccin. (Vac- cine made by mixing diphtheria virus and formalin.) JIGAREN一Digalen ‘‘ Roche.” JIGAROGEN — Digalogen. (A digitalis extract.) JIGuNIN — Digenin, seaweed pre- paration. {See KAIJIN SO SEIZAI.) JIGERAKISHIN — Digelaxin. (Ex- tract from Digenea Simplex.) JIGERUMIN — Digelmin; seaweed preparation. (S'沉 KAIJIN So SEIZAI; same as JIGERA- KISHIN.) JIGESUCHIN — Digestin. (Diastase preparation.) JIGIFUORIN — Digifolin “ Ciba.” JIGIHERUTON—Digiherton. (Com- mercial drug containing digitalis.) JIGIKADEN — Digicardene. (Digi- talis leaf extract preparation.) JIGIKARU — Digical. (Mixture of digitalis and calcium lactate.) JIGIKARUFUEN — Digicalfein. (Mixture of powdered digitalis and calcium caffeine Denzoate.) JIGIPURATSUMU — Digipuratum "Knoll.” JIGIRANITTO — Digilanid “ Sandoz.” JIGIRANOGEN — Digilanogen. {Same as PANJIGARU.) JIGITAMIN — Digitamin. (Same as JIGAREN.) JIGITAREN — Digitalein. (A gluco- side from digitalis leaves.) JIGITARIN — Digitalinum verum. (True digitalin.) JIGITARISU CHINKI — Tincture of digitalis. JIGITARISU HA—Folium digitalis. JIGITARISU JIARIZATO — Digi- talis-dialysat ‘‘ Golaz.” (Digi- talis preparation.) JIGITARIZATSUMU — Digitaly- satum “Buerger.” (Digitalis preparation.) JIGITARON — Digitalone “ Parke- Davis.” JIGITOKISHIN—Digitoxin. (A glu- coside C34H54Ou.) JIGITORU—Digitoi. JIGITOSAN — Digitosan. (Same “b JIGAREN.) JIHAROMIN — Dihalomin (di- chloramine-f). JIHIDOROKODEIN — Dihydro- codein (codeine hydrophosphate). JIHIDOROOKISHI K 0 D E I N— Uihy drooxycodein. (Same as OIKODARU.) 288 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. JIHOSUGEN *JIYO SEIZAI JIHOSUGEN—Diphosgene. JIJIARU — Ciba/1 {Same as AROBARUBITARU.) JIKITARISU—Digitalis. JIKKU—Dick. (A name applied to the gas ethyldichlorarsin; see ECHIRU JIKURORUARUJIN.) JIKOJITTO—Dicodide. JIKUROREN—Dichloren. JIKURORUECHIREN — Ethylene dichloride. JIKURORUMENTAN — Dichlorme- thane (methylene dichlonde). JIMECHIRUAMINO ANCHIPIRIN —Dimethylamine antipyrine. JIMECHIRUSURUHORUNARU — Dimethylsulfonal. JIMPATORU — SympatolBoeh- ringer ” (ephedrine and adren- alin). JINEFURIN — Synephrin. {See JIMPATORU.) JINHORUMON — Synhormon (testicle hormone). *JINKO KARURUSU EN—Artiiicial Carlsbad salt; sal carolinum factitmm. JINTARIN—Synthaline “ Schering.” (decamethylene diguan- idine hydrochloride), JINTARIN BI—Synthaline B. JINTETSUKUSU — Jintex (methyl- naphthohydrochirondiacetate). JINTORENARIN — Syntrenalin (adrenaline chloride). JINZENIN — Ginsenin. {Same as ginseng.) JIONIN—Dionin ‘‘ Merck JIORAJIN—Dioradin. (Mixture of radium, iodoform, camphor, menthol and almond oil.) JIOSAN — Siosan. (Mixture of glucose and hexose.) JIPORIN — Dipolin “Bayer” (Calcium salt of glucohexie- citric acid; German name : Selvoral.) JIPUROZARU — Diplosal “ Boeh- ringer (Trade name of salicylosalicylate.) J I R A N — Z i 1 a n . Same as SHIRORIN.) JIRAUJIDDO — Dilaudid (di- hydromorphine hydrochloride). JIRINARU — Silinal(i percent anhydrous sodium silicate solution). ♦JISAKUSANEN EKI — Solution of lead subacetate. JISEPUTARU BI — Diseptal B. JISEPUTARU E—Diseptal A. JISEPUTARU SHI—Diseptal C. JISOMEARU — Disomear (disodium methylate arsenate). JISUMETARIN — Dismetallin (sodium thiosulfate). JISUPARUGEN—Disparagen. (Col- loidal silver disinfectant.) JISUPESHIN — Dyspesin (lacto- bacillus bifidus and lacto-bacillus acidophilus preparation). JISUTONIN — Systonin (caffeine sodium benzoate). *JITANSANEN —White lead; lead subcarbonate. JIUBORU 一 Jnbol, (Seaweed pre- paration.) JIUKARUCHIN—Diucalcin. (Same as JIURECHIN KARU- SHIUMU.) JIURECHIN—Diuretin. JIURECHIN — Dieuretin (theo- bromine-sodium salicylate). JIURECHIN KARUSHIUMU — Calcium diuretin. JIYODOCHIROJIN — Diiodotyro- sine. JIYOJIRU — Diiodyl (ricin stearol diiodide). *JIYO SEIKANKO — Sublimed mercurous chloride. *JIYO SEIZAI—Nutrients. 289 *JOSEI HORUMON List of Japanese Drugs—continued. KAMFUENARU *JOSEI HORUMON — Female hormones. *JUENSAN OIKUPIN — Eucupine bihydrochlorate. *JUKUROMUSAN KARI — Potas- sium bichromate. *JURINSAN SODA — Sodium biphosphate. JURYUSAN KININE — Quinine bisulfate. JUSAN PERECHIERIN — Pel- letierine tannate; a mixture of the t annates of the several alkaloids obtained from pome- granate. *JUSHIKKASEI xMAGUNESHIA — Magnesium carbonate. *JUSHIRUI GEZAI — Laxatives made from tree resins. JUSHUSEKISAN KARI — Potas- sium bitartrate. *JUSO GURISE 編一Glycerin sodium bicarbonate. (Mixture of pure phenol, camphor and alcohol.) *JUSO SUI — Sodium bicarbonate solution. *JUSO MENTA SUI — Sodium carbonate solution with mint. *JUSO MITSU—Sodium bicarbonate honey. (Mixture of pure phenol, camphor and alcohol.) *JUTAN BATSU—Animal charcoal. *JUTANSAN KARI — Potassium Dicarbonate. *JUTANSAN SODA — Sodium bicarbonate. K KABONIN — Carbonin. (Animal KADEHIYORU — Cadechol “ Ingel- heim.” KAFUECHIRIN—Caffecirin. (Mix- ture of opopyrine, acetyl-salicyl- ate and caffeine.) KAFUEIN—Caffeine. KAFUROZE—Kaflose (cresol syrup). *KAHOSAN SODA—Sodium perbor- *KAIHAKU NANKO—Unguentum Hydrargi cinereum. *KAIHAKU YU—Oleum cinereum. *KAIJINSO—Digenia simplex. KAIJIN SO SEIZAI—Seaweed prep- aration. (Seaweed—10.〇; Senna —5*0一6.o.) *KAINETSU ; YAKU—Antipyretics; febrifuges. *KAISO—Bulbus scillae; the bulb of urginea maritima, sea onion. (Commonly called squill.) KAKACHIN一Cacatin (calcium theo- bromine salicylate). KAKAO—Cacao. KAKAO ABURA—Oleum Cacao. *KAKOHIMASHI YU—Oleum Ricini aromaticum : aromatic castor oil. KAKOJIRIN — Cacoliyline (calcium cacodylate solution). KAKOJIRUSAN SODA—Sodium ca- ■ codylate. KAKOilRUSAN 丁 £丁 SU—Iron Caco~ *KAKURORU TETSU EKI—Solu- tion of ferric chloride. KAMAFUETON—Camafeton. KAMAKORU—Camacol. (Sterilized camphor solution.) KAMANGANSANKARI —Potassium permanganate. ♦KAMANGANSANKARI EKI—Sol- ution of potassium permanganate. KAMARA—Kamala. KAMEREON SUI—Chameleon solu- tion (potassium permanganate). KAMFUENARU—Camphena]. (A i percent apocamphor aldehyde sol- ution.) 290 List of Japanese Drugs一continued. KAMFUOH1YORU *KANTEN KAMFUOHIYORU — Camphochol “Riedel.” KAMFUOTONIN — Camphotonin — (Camp]10r derivative having the formula Cj, 7N0.) KAMIRURE HANA — Flowers of chamomile. KAMITSURE HANA (KAMIRURE HANA)—Flowers of chamomile. *KAMMIYAKU—Saccharine. KAMOPON—Kamopon. (An alka- loid of opium; see PANTOPON.) KAMPANORU—Campanol. [Same as FUSUTORU.) KAMPORIJIN—Camporisin. (Mix- ture of camphor solution and sali- cylic acid salt.) KAMPORISHIN—Camporisin. KAMUFUORUMIDON — Camphor- midon. (A mixture of pyramidon and camphoric acid.) KAMUNAHORU—Camnaphol. (0.5 percent salt solution of camphor.) KAMUPORON—Campolon. KANCHIROSU — Kanticros. (Mix- ture of zinc oxide, betanaphthol zinc Denzoate and camphor oil.) KANDENIN—Camdenin. (Mixture of camphor solution and hyper- tonic glucose solution.) KANERON—Kanelon. (Vitamin A, D, and E preparation.) KANFUENARU—Camphenal. (A 1 percent apocamphor aldehyae sol- ution.) KANFUOKORU—Camphochol. KANFUORUMIDON — Camphor- midon. (Derivative of pyra- zolon.) KANFURU—Camphor. KANFURU NANKO—Camphorated ointment. KANFURUOREFU ABURA—Cam- phorated olive oil. KANFURUSEI (KANFURU CHIN- KI)—Spirits of camphor. *KANGENTETSU — Ferrum reduc- tum; iron reduced by hydrogen; Ouevenne’s iron. *KANHEN TO—Sweet almond seed. KANJIORIN — Candiolin (calcium salt of hexose phosphate ester). *KANKO (AKURORUKO) — Calo- mel; mild chloride of mercury; mercurous chloride. *KANKO JO—Calomel pills. *KANOKOSO—Valeriana officinalis. KANPORON—Campolon “ Bayer” *KANSANKA AEN—Zinc peroxide. *KANSANKA MAGUNESHIA — Magnesium peroxide. *KANSANKA SUISO SUI—Solution of hydrogen peroxide. ♦KANSHOSEKISHO (ASHOSAN ECHIRUSEI) Spirit of nitrous ether; spirit of ethyl nitrite; sweet spirit of niter. *KANSO—Licorice root. *KANSO EKISU — Extract of lico- rice ;-extractum glycyrrhizae. *KANSO HASHOFU KESSEI—Dry anti-tetanus serum. *KANSO JIFUTERIA KESSEI — Dry anti-diphtheria serum. *KANSO JO—Licorice juice. *KANSO KOJOSEN — Dessicated thyroid gland. * KANSO M O S H O (KANSO RYUSAN SODA)—Neu仕al sod- ium sulfate; disodic sulfate; Glauber’s salt. *KANSO RYUSANTETSU (KANSO RYUSAN ASANKATETSU)— Ferrous sulfate. *KANSO TANSAN SODA—Dry sod- ium carbonate, sal soda. KANTARIJIN—Cantharidin. KANTARISU—Cantharis. (Spanish %•) KANTARISU CHINKI—Tincture of cantharides. KANTARISU KOROJION — Can- tharidal collodium. ♦KANTEN—Agar-Agar. 291 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. KANTORU *KASEI KARI KANTORU—Kantol. (Ether pre- pared as an injection fluid for treatment of whooping cough.) *KANYU—Cod-liver oil. * KAN YU NYUZAI — Emulsion of cod-liver oil. KAORIN—Kaolin. KAPIRARUSAN — Capyralsan. (Mixture or sodium salicylate, pyr- amidon, magnesium sulfate, ure- thane and cafteme citrate.) KAPORITTO — Caporit (calcium hypochlorate). KAPUSORIN—Gapsolin (ginger, ore- xin, camphor, terpene oil and croton oil plaster). KARA AZARU—Kala-Azar. KARAGEN—Carrageen. KARAMOZE — Karamose (dextrose caramel) K ARIBURON—Kalibron. (Mixture of potassium bromate, calcium bromate, calcium iodide, strych- nine nitrate.) KARICHINE — Kalizine “ Merck ” (calcium chloride and gelatine). KARIKUREIN—Kallikren “ Bayer.” KARIRO EKI—Liquor kali caustici (caustic potassium hydroxide sol- ution) . KARI SEKKEN — Potassium soap. KARIZANIN — Calisanin (calcium gluconate). KAROCHIN—Carotene. KARONAJIN 一 Caronasin (camphor solution). KAROPISU — Caropis. (Made from fish albumen.) KARUBIN — Carbin. (A meat extract) KARUBITA — Cal-Vita. (Mixture of betacarbondiethylamidopyri- dme and calcium.) KARUBOMEJICHINARISU— Carbo Medicinalis (medicinal carbon). KARUBORU — Carbol (Carbolic acid). KARUBUNKEN — Karbenken (or- ganic charcoal powder). KARUCHIBURONATO — Calci- bronat ‘‘ Sandoz.’’ KARUCHIFAN — Calciphan. {Same as KINOFEN.) KARUCHIKORU — Calcicol (cal- cium gluconate). KARUCHIZORU — Caltisol (calcium chloride and sodium chloride). KARUDEKISAN — Caldezan. [Same as KARIZANIN.) KARUFUEIN — Calfein. (Mixture of calcium benzoate and caffeine.) KARUJIATSUORU 一 Cardiazol “Knoll.,, KARUJINON — Cardinon. (A commercial cardiac extract.) KARUJIOTONIN—Cardiotonin. KARUKORIDDO — Carcolid. (Col- loidal charcoal powder prepar- ation.) KARUKOZE — Calcose. [Same as KARIZANIN.) KARUMIN—Carmine, KARUMOCHIN 一 Calmotin (deriv- ative of bromvalerylurea). KARUNIBARU -— Carnival (calcium cresol sulfonate). KARUNIIN—Carnine. KARUNODORU — Carnodol. [Same as KANFURUOREFU ABURA.) KARUSHIO KORAMIN — Calcio- Coramin ‘‘ Ciba.” KARUSHIRIN 一 Calcirin. {Same as KARUSHIUMU.) KARUSHIUMU — Calcium ‘‘ Sandoz. ’’ (10 percent calcium gluconate solution.) KARUSHIUMU FUKUEN — Cal- cium chloride. KARUSHIUMU ZAI — Calcium pre- paration. KARUSHIZORU — Calcisol (sodium chloride and calcium chloride solution). KARYUMU; KARUSHIUMU — Potassium. *KASEI KARI — Potassium hydroxide. 292 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. *KASEI MAGUNESHIA *KENGYUSHI ♦KASEI MAGUNESHIA—Magnesia; calcined magnesia. *KASEI NATORON—Caustic soda. *KASEI RYUSAN KARUSHIUMU —Dried calcium sulfate. *KASEI SEKKI (SEI SEKKAI)— Quicklime, calcium oxide. KASHIA CHINKI — Tincture of quassia. KASHIA EKISU—Quassia extract. *KASSEKI—Talcum. KASUBISU—Casbis " Bayer.” KASUKARA SAGURADA — Cascara sagrada. KASUKARA SAGURADA EKISU— Cascara sagrada extract. KASUKARA SAGURADA RYUDO EKISU — Fluid extract of cascara sagrada. KASUKARIN — Cascarin “ Parke- Davis.” KASUMATORU — Kasmatol. [Same as FUSUTORU.) KASUTARORU 一 Castolol (castor oil). KATAMIN — Catamin. (10 percent . zinc oxide and 5 percent sulfur.) KATARAKKUSU—Cathalax. {Same as BISACHIN.)- KATARIZACHIN — Katharisatin. {Same as BISACHIN.) KATARORU—Katharol. KATA TAMA一Carter's Little Liver Pills. KATETERU—Catheter. *K A T 0 N D 0 K U (Fugudoku)— Venom obtained from globe-fish or puffers of the genera Diodon or tetraodon. KAURECHIN RIMITTO—Cauretin- Limit. (Mixture of urea and calcium chloride.) KAURINGU SHI SHIKI—Cawling’s formula. KAVUIDORU — Kavidol. (Mixture of iodine, bismuth, calcium chloride, and Peru balsam and the resin of kava-kava.) KAWA KAWA—Kava-Kava (kava or piper methysticum). KAYAPUTEABURA—Oil of cajaput, *KAYODOKO—Mercuric iodide. *KAYOSEI KUENSAN DO — Copper citrate solution, *KAYOSEI PURONTOJIRU — Prontosil soluble, also called neoprontosil. KAZEIN—Casein. KAZEIN NAROTIUMU — Sodium KAZEINORU — Kaseinol (casein solution). KAZEIN SEKKAI — Calcium case- inate. KAZEOSAN—Caseosan Hey den/' KEFUIRU—Kefir. *KEIHI — Cortex of cinnamon cassia. *KEIHI CHINKI — 丁 mcture of *KEIHI SAN — Cinnamic acid. *KEIHISAN GUAYAKORU — Guaiacol cinnamate. *KEIHI SAN NATORIUMU — Sodium cinnamate. *KEIHI SEI — Cinnamon alcohol. *KEIHI SHIROPPU — Cinnamon syrup. *KEIHI SUI—Cinnamon liquid. *KEIHI YU—Oil of cinnamon. *KEISAN ARUMINIUMU — Alu- •minum silicate. KEJIN — Kehsin. [Same as OPOSUTACHIN.) *KEKKAN KAKUDAI YAKU — Vasodilators. *KEKKAN SHUSHUKO YAKU — Angiotonica; agents acting upon i be blood vessels. *KEKKO KON—Root of platycodon glaucum. *KENGYUSHI—Kaladana; pharbi- tis nil, the dried seeds of ipomoea hederacea. 293 *KENGYUSHI ABURA List of Japanese Drugs—continued. *KlSSO *KENGYUSHI ABURA—Resin of pharbitis nil;pharbitisxn; kala- danae resina. *KENI JO — Stomachic tablet (peptic tablet). *KENI SAN — Stomachic powder (peptic powder). *KENI YAKU—Stomachics. KEREN—Kelene (ethyl chloride). *KESHO SUTOROFUANCHIN — Crystallized strophanthin; oua- bain. *KESSEI—Blood serums. *KETSUATSU KAGO YAKU—Vas" odilators. *KETSUREI MASUI YAKU—Cool anesthetic. *KETSUTAN—Animal charcoal. *KIARUKORU—Dilute alcohol. *KIEN SAN — Dilute hydrochloric acid. *KIHATSU KARASHI YU—Volatile oil of mustard. *KIHATSU YU—Volatile oils. *KIJI SAKUSANEN EKI—Dilute lead subacetate solution. KIMIZORU—Kimisol (aluminum ace- totartrate). KINABURUTOZE — China-Blutose. (Mixture of acid albumin and cinchona alkaloid.) KINA CHINKI—Tincture of Cin- chona. KINADORIN—Chinadorin. (Com- mercial drug with quinine base for treatment of malaria.) KINA EKISU—Extractum Chinae. (Extract of cinchona.) KINA GAWA—Cortex Chinae (cin- chona bark). KINAHIPAN—Chinahipan (quinine preparation). KINAPON—Quinapon. (Each cc. contains : 0.14 quinine chloride; 0.001 strychnine nitrate; 0.0374 caffeine.) KINA PORITAMIN—Quina polyta- min. (Mixture of amino acids and the alkaloid of quina.) KINA RYUDO EKISU—Extractum Chinae (Fluid extract of cinchona.) KINA SAN—Cinchonic acid. KINA SHU — Vinum chinae; cin- chona wine. KIN AZERIN—Chinaselin. (Com- mercial drug made of caffeine and quinine for treatment of malaria.) KININE—Quinine. KININE KARUSHIUMU—Quinine- calcium. KINOFEN — Quinophenum (phenyl- cinchonic acid; quinolin). KINOFUENIRU 一 Quinophenvl. {Same as ATOFUANIRU.) KINOHONIN—Chinoform. (Ouino- KINOHORUMU—Quinoform. KINOHORUMU GAZE—Tela chino- formita. (Gauze treated with quinoform.) KINOMIRU—Kinomeal. (Milkprep- KINOTOROPIN—Chinotropine. KINOYOJIN—Quinoiodine. KIOSHIN—Kiosin (ethylamide pyri- dine carbonate). * KIR YU SAN—Dilute sulfuric acid. *KISAKU SAN—Dilute acetic acid. KISASAGE MI—Preparation made from the fruit of catalpa. KISEROFUORUMU—Xeroform. KISHIRENORU—Xylenol. KISHIROZU—Xylose. KISHITARUGORU — Xytargol (Mixture of iodine and silver al- buminate.) KISSHIROZU—Xylose. *KISSO—Valeriana officinalis; valer- iaiv 294 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. *KISSO CHINKI KONVARON *KISSO CHINKI—Tincture of valer- ian. *KISSOSAN AEN—Zinc valerianate. *KISSOSAN KININE—Quinine val- erianate. *KITETSU GAN—Iron quinine pills. *KIYODO CHINKI—Dilute tincture oi iodine. *KIYODO SEI—Dilute iodine solu- tion. KOAGUREN—Coagulen ‘‘ Ciba.” KOAGURORU — Coagulol (calcium chloride, gum arabic and salt). KOAGUROTO—Coagrot. {Same as KONGO SEKIYO EKI.) *KOBAN—Alum. KO BITAMIN ZAI—A vitamin prep- aration. * KOBO—Yeast. *KOBO EKISU—Yeast extract. *KOCHO BUDOTO EKI—Concen- trated glucose solution. KODEN—Codeine. KODEIN—Codeine. KODEONARU—Codeonal. KOEKORAKUMIN — Coicolacmin. {See KOIRAKUCHIN.) KOFUEMINARU FUKUHOJO — Coffeminal-composition ‘‘ Bayer ” (luminal and caffeine). *KOFUN' YAKU—Analeptics. KOHI—Coffee. KOIFUSUTEN — Keuhusten. (Mix- ture of ether and prunus armenia- cae oil.) KOIHICHIN—Keuchein. (Commer- cial drug used in the treatment of whooping cough, chemical mix- ture unknown.) KOIKORAKUMIN,Coicolacmin. (Extract from the seed of Coix lacryma Jobi. KOINAGEN — Keunagen. (Com- mercial drug used in the treat- ment of whooping cough. Made by mixing the whooping cough vaccine with calcium gluconate.) KOIRAKUCHIN—Coilactin. (Pro- tein extract from the coix plants.) *KOJOSEN—Thyroid gland. KOKAIN—Cocaine. KOKAINORU—Cocainol (ethyl ester of para-aminobenzoic acid). KOKA ROZA YAKU—Cocaine sup- positories. *K O K E I P A R A F U I N—Solid paraffin. KOKEMOMOHA — Folium Vitis- Idaeae. (Preparation made from the leaves of Vitis-Idaeae.) KOKOJIRIN — Kakodylin (calcium cacodvlate). KOKUCH'IGEN—Koktigen. KOKUSAN NIPA El — Kokusan- nipa-A (ethyl paraoxybenzol). *KOKYUCHINSEI YAKU — Anti- dyspnoica; agents which relieve difficult or labored respiration. KOMENIN—Comen in. {Seme as KOMUPURARU.) KOMUBARIMON — Combarimon (corpus luteum, anterior pituitary, and suprarenal cortex hormones). KOMUJISUMON — Comsismon (ovarian hormone). KOMUPORUMON — Comphormon. (Testicle hormone, prostate gland extract, anterior pituitary hor- mone, and adrenal gland hor- mone.) KOMPURARU—Compral “Bayer ” (trichloroethylurethane and pvra- midon). KONDOMU—-Condom. *KONGOJIYOTO—Mixed SoxWet’s nourishing sugar. KONGOROTO--Congo red. KONGO SEKIYO EKI—Congo red solution. KONGURIN — Colglyn (solanaceae plant extract). KONIAKU—Cognac. KONVARON—€onvalon. (The ex- tract of convallaris majalis.) 295 L;st of Japanese Drugs—continued. KONVARU *KUENSANGIN KONVARU — Conval. {Same as KONVARON.) KONVUARAMARIN — Convalla- marin. (Bitter glucoside ob- tained from convallaria.) KONZURANGO—Condurango. KONZURANGO KAWA —Bark of condurango. KONZURANGO RYUDO EKISU — Fluid extract of condurango. KONZURANGO SHU — Wine pre- paration made from the bark of Gonolobus condurango. KOPAHORUMU — Copaform. (Mix- ture of balsam of Peru and formalin.) KOPAIBA ABURx\ — Oil of copaiba. KOPAIBA BARUSAMU — Copaiba balsam. KOPARU EKI — CopaFs solution. (Sandarac varnish.) KORAMIN—Coramine “ Ciba.” KORARUGORU — Collargol ** Hey- den.” KOREKUTO A — Corekuto A. (Powdered buttermilk.) KORERECHIN—Choleretin (sodium dihydrocholic acid). KORIAMIRUCHIN — Coriamyrtin. KORIDARON — Corydalon. (Con- tains scopolamine extract, phen- acetin and caffeine.) KORIFUIN—Coryfin. KORIFUIN BONBON — Corryfin bonbon. (Sugarplum containing coryfin.) KORODENIN NANKO — Corodenin ointment. (Mixture of 8-atoxyl- quinoline 5-sodium sulphonate and suprarenalin chloride.) KOROGEN一Chologen. KOROHONIUMU—Colophony. itOROIDO GIN — Argentum col- loidale. (Colloidal silver.) KOROIDO GINNANKO — Col- loidal silver ointment. KOROIDO TETSU 一 Ferrum col- loidale. (Colloidal iron.) KOROJION—Collodium. KOROMBO CHINKI — Tincture of calumba. KOROMBO NE 一 Root of calumba. KOROSHINTO—Colocynth. (A her- baceous vine.) KOROSHINTO MI — Fructus colocynthidis. KORUBEN—Flask. {See ERUREN- MAIERU KORUBEN.) KORUHICHIN—Colchicine. KORUHIKUMU KO — Semen colchici. (The dried ripe seed of colchicum autumnale.) KORUKU BORERU—Cork bore. KORUNEKISU — Corn-ex. (Corn extract containing vitamin B.) KORUNIJIN 一 Cornidin (pyridine compound; same as KORAMIN). KORUNUTORU—Cornutol. KOSENIRU—Cochineal. KOSO BANA (KOSOHANA)—Koso flower. (A flower of Hagenia Abyssinia.) KOTO—Goto. *KOTSUTANSUE — Powdered bone charcoal *KOYOSUIGIN — Colloidal silver. KUASHIA CHINKI — Tincture of quassia. KUBEBA ME — Fructus cubebae (Cubeb fruit.) *KUBOKU一Quassia wood. *KUCHU YAKU — Anthelmintics. *KUDODAIKO SAN — Mixture of magnesium and rhein. KUEBURATCHO KAWA — Cortex Quebracho. (Quebracho bark.) *KUENSAN—Citric acid. *KUENSANDO—Copper citrate. *KUENSANGIN—Silver citrate. 296 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. :SKUENSAN KININE KURIZOTAN ♦KUENSAN KININE—Quinine iron citrate. {See KUENSAN- TETSU.) *KUENSAN NATORIUMU—Sodium p'tra•十^^ *KUENSAN RIMONADE—Syrup of citric acid *KUENSAN SODA—Sodium citrate. * KUENSAN TETSU—Iron citrate. *KUENSAN TETSU AMMON—Ferri- Ammonium しitricum. (Am- monium citrate of iron.) *KUENSAN TETSU EKI— Solution oi iron citrate. *KUENSAN TETSU KININE — Chininum ferro-citricum. (Iron and quinine citrate.) *KUKI—Picrasma ailanthoides. *KUKI CHINKI—Tincture of pic- rasma. *KUKI EKISU 一 Picrasma extract. KUMARIN—Coumarin. *KUMI CHINKI — Tincture of arnara; a tincture of gentian, centaury, zedoary, bitter orange peel, and orange berries. KUMISU—Kumyss. (Fermented horse milk.) *KUMI YAKU—Amara; bitters. KUMUMERUFUERUDO EKI — Kummerfeld solution. (Mixture of precipitated sulfur, camphor, gum arabic, rose solution, and calcium oxide solution.) *KUNEISO — Convallaria majalis; lily of the valley. KURARE—Curare; curari. KURARIN—Curarine. KURARU — Curral “Roche” (methylpropylcar binol urethane KURAUDEN—Clauden. (Same as FUIBUROGEN.) KUREDE HOGIN NANKO—Crede’s colloidal silver ointment. KUREDE NANKO — Unguentum argenti colloidalis. (Colloidal silver * ointment ; same as KUREDE HOGIN NANKO.) KUREJIBARU—Kresival “ Bayer.” KUREJIVUARU—Kresival. KURENAIJIN—Kreneusin. (Creo- sote preparation.) KURENOIJIN—Kreneusin. (Creo- sote preparation.) KUREOSOTARU — Kreosotal “Bayer.” {Same as TANSAN- KUREOSOTO.) KUREOSOTO—Creosote. KUREOSOTO GAN—Creosote pills. KUREOSOTO WAZOGEN — Creo- sote-vasogen. KURETSUKUSU—Culex. KUREYOJ1N—Creiodin. (Mixture of creosote and iodine.) KUREZORU—Kresol. KUREZORU SEKKEN EKI — Saponated liquid cresol. KUREZORU SUI—Cresol solution. KURIMAGU—Crimag (milk of mag- riesia) KURIMAKUTON 一 Klimakton. (Thyroid preparation.) KURIOBIN—Kriobin. (Mixture of oil of turpentine,eucupine, ethyl aminobenzoate and olive oil.) KURIOGENIN—Cryogenine. KURIPUTARU—Cryptal. [Same as GONOSAN.) KURISAROBIN NANKO — Crysa- robin ointment. KURISAROBIN TORAUMACHI- CHIN—Chrysarobin traumaticin. KURISOIJIN—Chrysoidin. KURISORUGAN—Krysolgan. KURISUTAROZE — Crystallose (soluble saccharine). KURIZOTAN—Crysotan. (Same as SANOKURISHIN.) List of Japanese Drugs一continued. KUROAMON *KYUTSUBERUKURIN KUROAMON—Chloamon (natriohal- ium tartaricum; sal seignetti; Rochelle salts). KURODEKISHIN — Chlodexin. (Mixture of 10 percent glucose solution and 2 percent calcium chloride.) KUROKAFURAVAIN — Mixture of 3.6-Diamino-io methylacridine chloride and calcium chloride. KUROKARU—Chlocal. (Hyper- tonic dextrose preparation.) KUROMUSAN SUI — Chromic acid solution. KURONATORU—Chlonatol (sodium chlorate). KURORAMIN—Chloramine-T. KURORARU HORUMUAMIDO — Chloralum formamidatum (for- mamidated ciiloral;a hypnotic and analgesic). KURORETON —Chloreton “ Parke- Davis.” KUROROFUIRU—Chlorophyll. KUROROFUORUMU—Chloroform. KUROROHORUMU—Chloroform. KUROROHORUMUOREFU ABURA—Chloroform olive oil. KUROROHORUMU SATSUZAI— chloroform liniment. KUROROHORUMU SEI — Chloric ether • KUROROSAN—Chlorosan. KURORU—Chlorine; chloral. KURORUAMIN—Chloramine. KURORUECHIRU—Ethyl chloride. KURORU KARUKI (SEKKAI)— Calcium chloride. KURORUKARUKI — Chlorinated lime. KURORU MECHIREN—Methylene dichloride (dichlormethane). KURORU MECHIRU—Methyl chlor- ide. KURORU MIZU — Aqua chlorate (Chlorine water). KURORU NATORIUMU — Sodium chloride, KURORU SEKITAN NYU—Lac cal- caria chlorata (milk of chlorin lime). KURORU SKKKAI—Calcium chlor- ate. KURORU SEKKAI SUI—Calcium chlorate solution. KURORU SUI — Aqua chlorata (Chlorine solution). KUROSURUFUON — Chlorosulfon- ate KURUMUSUKI SHIEKI — Clu丐- sky’s solution (camphor, carbolic acid and anhydrous alcohol). KURUPEORU—Clupeal. (Animal sulfur preparation.) KUSHIRORU — Soluble copper nitrate. KUWARUBERIN — Cualbelin. {Same as ROBERIN.) *KYO AENKA NANKO—Strong zinc oxide ointment, *KYO BACxUNON—Strong Bagnon. *KYO HATSUHOKO—Strong vesi- cant ointment. *KYO JIN—Apricot. *KYO JIN SUI—Apricot water. *KYO JIN YU—Oil of apricot. KYOKUSHOMASUI YAKU— Local anaesthetics. *KYO NEOARUZENO BENZORU- Strong Neo-arsenobenzol. *KYO OKISHIDORU—Strong oxy- dol(hydrogen peroxide). *KYO SEI YAKU—Correctives. *KYOSHIN YAKU—Cardiotonics. *KYOTAN YAKU—Expectorants. *KYOYODORA ABURA — Strong iodated oil. KYURA—Gura. (Diastase prepara- *KYUNYUMASUI YAKU-Inhala- tion anaesthetics. *KYUTSUBERUKURIN — Old tuberculin. 298 List of Japanese Drugs一continued. MADARUMON MECHIRANIN M MAD ARUM ON — Madarmon (yeast preparation). MAGATON—Magaton. (Mixture of magnesium sulfate and atropine sulphate.) MAGUBURON—Magbron. (Mixture of brom-magnesium urea and magnesium bromide.) MAGUMIN—Magmin. (See MAGU- NEZORU.) MAGUMININ—Magminin. (See MAGUNEZORU.) MAGUNESHIA — Magnesia ustae (heavy magnesium carbonate). MAGUNESHIA MIRUKU — Milk of magnesia. MAGUNESHIUMU PERUHIDO- RORU — Magnesium Perhydral (magnesium peroxide). MAGUNEZORU—Magnesol. (Mix- ture of magnesium sulfate and dextrose) MAGUSERIN—Magserin. (Mixture of magnesium sulphate and bro- mide.) MAGUZERIA—Magselin. (Mixture of magnesium sulfate and bro- mine chloride.) MAIKARU—Mical (colloidal calcium gelatine of amino acids). MAKIREI—Mercuiley. (See MA- KYUROKUROMU.) MAKIRON—Macuron. {See MA- KYUROKUROMU.) MAKUNIN—Macnin. MAKURANIN—Maculanin. MAKURI SEN JO (MAKUNIN JO)— Macnin {digenea simplex ; an an- thelmintic). MAKUROBIN—Macrobin (spermatin injection solution). MAKYUROKUROMU — Mercuro- chrome. MAKYUROMU—Macurom. {See MAKYUROKUROMU.) MAMAIN—Mamain. {Same as RAKUTAGORU.) MANDARA YO一Datura stramonium leaf. MANDORU SHI EKI—MandFs solu- tion. MANETORU—Manetol ‘‘ Bayer.” MANNA—Manna. MANNITTO NUTOROZE BAIYO MOTO—Mannite-nutrose culture base, MAOKISU—Maox. (Commercial drag containing ephedrine and calcium.) MARAHITTO—Malachite (green). MARECHIN—Maretin. MAREIN—Mallein. MARUKOHON—Marukohon. [Same as EBANIN.) MARURA NETSU—Undulant fever. MARUSEDARU—Marusedal (brom- diethylacetylurea). MARUTAMIN—Marutamin (vitamin B preparation). MARUTETTO MIRUKU — Malted milk (maltose preparation). MARUTOREBA—Maltleber. (Liver extract containing vitamin A, B and C.) MARUTSU EKISU—Malt extract. MARUTSU JUETSUKIKI — Malt- soup-extract. (Mixture of malt- ose, potassium carbonate, and vitamins B and C.) *MASSHO MAHIYAKU—Subcutane- ous paralyzants. *MASUIYO ETERU—Ether prepared for use as an anesthetic. ♦MASUIYO KUROROHORUMU — Chloroform prepared for use as an anesthetic. MATSUE—Mache unit. (A unit of measure of radium emanation.) MECHIKURE—Mecikle. {Same as MECHIREN KUREOSOTO.) MECHIOBENTARU — Meziobental (sodium benzoylmonosulfonate). MECHIRANIN—Methylanin. {See UROSHITORIN.) tion. 299 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. MECHIREN BURAU MEZURORU MECHIREN BURAU — Methylene blue. MECHIREN KUREOSOTO-Methyl- ene creosote (pneumin). MECHIREN SEI—Methylene blue. MECHIRON — Metilon (phenyldi- methylpyrazolon - methylamino- methane sodium sulfonate). MECHIRUARUKORU—Methyl alco- hol. MECHIRUBIORETTO 一 Methyl- violet. MECHIRUMERUBURIN — Methyl- mein brin (phenyldimethyl pyra- zolon methylaminomethane - sod- ium sulfonate). MECHIRUNIENKA ARUJIN — Methylarsindichlonde. MECHIRUPUROPIRUCHIKURO HEKISETON EKI — Methyl- propylcyclohexeton solution. MECHIRUSURUHONARU — Meth- vlsulfonal. MECHIRUZURUFUONARU—Meth- vlsulfonal. MECHISOTO—Methisot (methylene creosote; see MECHIREN KU- REOSOTO; PUNOIMIN). *MEIBAN—Alumen. KOSEI—Spirit of rose- mary. *MEITETSU KOYO—Oil of rose- mary. MEJINARU — Medinal ‘‘ Schering.,, {See VERONARU NATORIU- MU.) *MEKKIN ZERACHIN EKI—Ster- ilized gelatine solution. *MEMBA EKISU—Extractum filicis; extract of male fern. *MEMBA NE一Rhizoma filicia; rhiz- ome of male fern. *MEMBA SAN—Felicic acid. MENOHORUN—Menohoni (Ovarian hormone preparation.) MENTAMU—Mentum. MENTASHU—Menthol. MENTOPIN一Mentpin. (Mixture of thymol, menthol and terpin.) MENTORU—Menthol. MENTORUOREFUABURA — Men- thol olive oil. MENTORUYODORU—Menthol iodol “Knoll.” MERANIN NYO—Melanin urea. MERIJIN—Melysin (for amoebic dys- entery). MERINSHI SHONIFUN — Mell- insche kindermehl;Mellin’s Baby Food (contains albumen, fat, hydrocarbon and lime). MEROBARU—Meroval. (Same aミ NOBAZURORU.) MERUBURIN—Melubrin. MERUGARU—Mergal. MERUKORIORU—Mercuriol. (A mixture containing an amalgam of aluminum and magnesium.) MERUKURARU—Mercural(25 per- cent mercury ointment). MERUKURORU—Mercurol. MERUKUROSARU — Mercurosal. {See NOBAZURORU.) MERUKUZARU—Merc-S〇L (Mix- ture of colloidal mercury and colloidal bismuth.) MESOTAN—Mesotan. MESU—Surgeons knife; scalpel. METABORIN—Metabolin. (Vita- min A and B for injection.) METANORU — Methanol. (Wood alcohol methyl alcohol.) *METSUKIN BAKKAKU EKISU— Ergot aseptic. *METSUKIN BAKKESEI — Normal horse serum (sterilej. *METSUKIN DASSKINYU — Oph- thalmosan. (A sterile defatted milk.) MEZOTORIUMU—Mesothorium. MEZURAN—Medulan (thrombokin- ase; a coagulant). MEZURORU—Mesurol “ Bayer., 300 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. MIARUG1N *MUTAMPAKU TSUBERUKURIN MIARUGIN — Myalgin. (Mixture of quinoline, p-amino- Denzoic di- ethyl-amino, ethanol chloride and a tar dye.) MIBUNORU—Mibunol. (Extract of camphor.) MICHIGARU — Mitigal “ Baver.” (See SUKABORU.) MIGURENIN—Migrainin. M I K U R 0 B U FUIRUTORAN BAKUTERIOFUAJU — Microbe filtrant bacteriophage. MINAPON — Minapon (cinnamomyl- para-oxy-phylurea). MINDERERU SEI—Spirit of Min- dcrcrus MINIGURIN — Miniglin. (Pan- creatic extract preparation.) MIOASEMIN — Myo-Arsmin. {Same as MIOSARUVARUSAN.) MIOBOVUIN — Myobovin. (Meat extract.) MIOERAMIZORU — Myo-ehramisol. {Same as MIOSARUVA- RUSAN.) MIOKANON — Myocanon. (Heart extract) MIOSARUVARUSAN — Myo-sal- varsan ‘‘ Hochst.” MIOSUTON—Myoston. MIOTONIN — Myotonin. (Pearl- barley extract preparation.) MIRANOIEN — Miraneuen. [Same as SUPIROBISUMORU.) MIRANORU — Miranol. (Bismuth preparation.) MIREBARU — Mileval (diacetyl- dioxyphenyl-isatm j. MIRUCHIRIN—Myrtillin. MIRURA—Myrrha; myrrh; gum myrrh. MIRURA CHINKI —Tincture of Myrrh. MIRUTORU—Myrtol. MIRUTSUSHIN — Milzsin. (Spleen preparation : a thrombokinase.) *MITSUDASO — Lead monoxide ; litharge. *MITSURO—Yellow wax. MIYUSUKIYUROJIN ■— Musucu- losine. (Meat extract prepara- tion.) MIZUHONIN — Mizuhonin (vitamin Bx). MOHI—Morphine. MOKUSORU — Moxol. (Described as a Histotoxin preparation taken from Ringer’s solution. Exact composition unknown.) *MOKUTANBATSU — Pulverized wood charcoal. MONAPON — Monapon. {Same as PANTOPON.) MONASUKO — Monasco. (Mixture of pantop.-:i and scopolamine hydrogen uromide.) MORANIRU — Moranyl. {Same as GERUMAXIN.) MORUFUIN 一 Morphine. [Same as MORUHINE.) MORUHINE—Morphine. MORUYODORU — Moliodol. (An iodine preparation.) MUFUIRAN — Muphiran Bayer/* (Hormone of the posterior pitu- -itary.) MUIRACHICHIN — Muiracithin. MUIRA RYUDO EKISU — Fluid extract of Muirapuama. MUKATSUKI—Nausea. MUO — Mho. (Unit of electrical conductivity.) MURUCHIN — Multin. (Non-specific antigen preparation.) MURUTANIN — Multanin. (Salt base of aluminum.) MUSORIN — Mnsolin (4-para-amino- phenyl -sulfamino - phenylsulfo- dimethylamide). *MUSUI KUROMUSAN — Chromic acid. MUSUKARIN—Muscarine. *MUTAMPAKU TSUBERUKURIN —Albumen-free tuberculin. 301 MUTANORU List of Japanese Drugs—continued. NEO ARUZENOBENZORU MUTANORU —Mutanol. (Not to be confused with following MUT- ANORU; SUPIRO BISU- MORU.) MUTANORU—Muthanol. MYUSUKYUROJIN — Mus Culosin. (Meat extract.) N NAFUATARIN—Naphthalene. NAFUTORU—Naphthol. NAFUTORUSHONO — Naphthol Camphor. (Mixture of iodine, quinine and calcium salicylate.) NAGANARU 一 Naganal. {Same as GERUMANIN.) NAGURABON—Nagravon “ Bayer.” (Liver extract.) NARU—Nal. [See PIRABITARU.) NARUBERIJIN — Narbelysin. {See FUIBURORIJIN.) NARUCHIREN — Narzylen. {Same as ASECHIREN.) NARUGEMON — Nalgemon (anti- pyrine - Dromvalerylpara - piiene- tidin urea). NARUKAIN — Narcain. (Same as PANTOKAIN.) NARUKOPON — Narcopon (alkaloid of ©pium; narcotic). NARUKOPON ATOROPIN Nar- coponatropine. [Same as PANOPIN ATOROPIN.) NARUKOPON PAPABERIN — N arcoponpapaverin. (An anti- spasmodic.) NARUKOPON SUKOPORAMIN — Narcopon - Scopolamine. {See PANTOPONSUKOPORAMIN.) NARUSEIN — Narceine. (An alka- loid of opium.) NARU SUKO — Narcophine-scopola- mine. NASEDORU — Nasedol. (Mixture of diethyl barbituric acid and antipyrine bromate.) NASUCHIN—Nastin. NASUCHIN BI—Nastin “ B.” NATAGON- -Natagon (sodium phen- ylpropionate). NATOBARUSAN — Natovarsan (sodium arsenobenzol). N ATOM A — Natma. (Salve for wounds.) NATORIUMU—Sodium (natrium). NATOROAKUCHIBARUSAN — N atroakti varsan. (Same as ARUZENOBENZORU NATOR- IUMU.) NAUCHIZAN ~ Nautisan. (Mixture of caffeine and chloretone.) NEBUROSUTAN—Nebrostan. (Mix- ture of phosphorus, arsenic and strychnine.) NEFURARENIN 一 Nephrarenin. (A preparation from the adrenal gland: 5¢¢ ADONEFURIN.) NEFUROZE—Nephrosis. NEKATORU — Nakator. (A type of Western Hemisphere hook- worm.) NEMATORU — Nematol. (Cheno- podium preparation.) NEMOTAN -— Nemotan “Bayer.” (Mixture of benzyl ester of paraiodoatoxy-b e n z o a t e and pseudo-sulfonamide benzoic acid.) NEMU JURYO- Nem weight. *NENKATSU YAKU—Mucilages. NEO ADORON—Neo—Adloii. {Same as URIRON.) NEO AKUCHIBARUSAN ~ Neo- activarsan. {Same as ■ NEO ARUZENOBENZORU.) NEO ANCHIMOSAN — Neo-anti- mosan ‘‘ Bayer ’’(sodium antimon brenzcatechin-disulfonic acid). NEO ARUSAMINORU — Neo-ars- phenamine (or neo-sal varsan). NEO ARUZENOBENZORU — Neo- arsenobenzol. (Mixture of salvarsan and sodium methylene sulfo-oxalate.) 302 List of Japanese Drugs一continued. NEO ASEMIN NEOPONJIRU NEO ASEMIN 一 Neo-arsemin. {See NEO ARUZENOBENZORU.) NEO BISUTORAN — Neo-bistolan (bismuth hydroxide emulsion). NEO BORUNIBARU— Neo-bomy- val “Riedel ’’ (borneal isoval- erylgiycolic acid ester); NEO CHISUTORU — Neo-crystal. (Mixture of sodium urotropin sulphosalicylate and hexameth- vlene tetramine.) NEO DETOKISORU — Neo detoxol {See CHIORYUSANSODA.) NEO EBANIN-Neo-Evanin. (Ex- tract of campanulaceae.) NEO EFUEDONON — Neo-Ephed- non. {See TSUSHIDORIN.) NEO ERAMIZORU—Neo-Ehramisol {Same as NEO ARUZENOBEN- ZORU,) NEO ERAON —Neo-Eraon. {Same as NOBARUGIN.) NEO FUATOSHIN — Neo-Fatosin. (Extract of fatsia japonica.) NEO FUCHIZORU — Neophthisol. (Mixture of sodium guaiacol sul- fonate and sodium creosote sul- fonate.) ' NEO FUSUTORU — Neo-Hustol (Mixture of an iodine salt and the saDonin compound made from tiie , campanulaceae and gene- taceae plants.) NEO GEBURUCHIN — Neo-Gebur- tin. {See PITSUITORIN.) NEO GERIZON — Neo-Gelizon (paramino benzol sulfon acetate). NEO GINSARUVUARUSAX—Neo- sal varsan. {See NEO ARU- ZENOBENZORU.) NEO HATSUMON — Neo-Hatumon (vitamin B preparation). NEO HEKISARU—Neo-Hexal. {See UROZARIN.) NEO HESACHIRAMIN—Neo-Hesa- ciramin (urotropin, a compound salt of urotropin magnesium, dextrose, and bromide). NEO HIPO APO—Neo-Hypo-Apo. (Mixture of nitrous acid, dieth- ylamine, iodine and phosphorus.) NEO HIPOTONIN — Neo-Hypo- tonin. (See HIPOTONIN.) NEO HISORIN — Neo-Hisorin. [See NEO ARUZENOBENZORU.) NEO HORUMONARU — Neo-Hor- monal ‘‘ Schering.” (Spleen hormone from which albumose has been removed.) NEO IMAMIKORU — Neo-Imamicol (magnesium mercuric sulfo-sali- cylate solution). NEO INSHURXN—Neo Insulin (new insulin; protamine zinc insulin). NEO JIHIARU JIN — Neo-Syphiar- sin. {See ARUZENOBENZORU NATORIUMU.) NEO JISEPUTARU— Neo-DiseptaL (Advertised as used for venereal diseases and composed from a sulphap\Tazine base.) NEOKAIN ' Neokain. {See NOBOKA1N.) NEO KANFUA—Neo camphor. NEO KARUGONOGEN -Neo-Cal- gonogen. (Mixture of gonorrheal vaccine,calcium chloride and urosanol.) NEO KINAHIPAN— Neo-Chinahi- pan. (15 percent quinine solu- tion.) NEO KUCHIN -Neo-Kurin. (Pre- paration made from the bark of condurango.) NEO MURUHIN — Neomilchin. RAKUTAGORU.) NEO NEO ASEMIN — Neo-neo- arsemin (sodium dioxydiamino- arseno-benzol). NEO NEO NATOBARUSAN— Neo-neo-natvarsan, {See ARU- ZENOBENZORU NATORI- UMU.) NEO NEO SARUBANORU — Arsenobenzol sodium. (Identical with Ehrlich’s salvarsan sodium.) NEO OREZARU — Neo-Olesal “Bayer.” {See TOREPORU.) NEO PARANUTORIN — Neo-Para- nutrin (vitamin NEO PICHIRORU—Neo-Pityrol (rice • bran extract). NEOPIRIN—Neopirin (calcium ace- tylsalicylate). NEOPONJIRU—Neoponsil (paraneo- benzol-sulfonamid). 303 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. NEOPUROGIN NITOROGURISERIN NEOPUROGIN — Neoprogin. {See PUROTARUGORU.) NEORUBIAJIRU—Neo-Rubiasil. (A sulfonamide drug advertised for use in treating venereal diseases, hives, rashes and pneumonia.) NEO SABIORU一Neosaviol. {See NEO ARUZENOBENZORU.) NEOSAKUTORU—Neosactor. (Mix- ture of magnesium sulfate glycer- ine and boric acid.) NEOSARIKARUSHIN — Neosalical- cin. (Mixture of calcium salicy- late, iodine and bromine.) NEO SARUBARUSAN 一 Neosalvar- san. {See NEO ARUZENOBEN- ZORU.) NEO SARUVUARUSAN — Neo- salvarsan. {See NEO ARUZEN- OBENZORU.) NEO SHIRUVUORU — Neo-Silvol (silver iodide colloid). NEO SUCHIBOSAN — Neo-Stibosan Bayer." NEO SUCHIBUNARU—Neo-Stibnal (alkaline sodium antimony! tar- NEO SUPIRARUZEN—Neo-Spirar- sen. (Sが NEO ARUZENOBEN- ZORU.) NEO SUTORONCHIURAN — Neo Strontiuran (chlorostrontium urea). NEO TAKAMORU — Neo-Takamol. {Same as TAKAROZE.) NEO TANBARUSAN — Neotanvar- san. {Same as German neo-sal- \T〇 ) NEO TAN VARUS AN — Neo-Tan val- san. {See NEO ARUZENOBEN- ZORU.) NEOTAZE—Neo-Tase (diastase). NEO TERAPORU — Neo-lVepol (potassium-sodium-bismuth tar- trate) • NEO TESHIN — Neotbesin. {See AMINO ANSOKKOSAN ECHIRU.) NEO TOROPIN—Neotropin. N EOTSUEZ ARU—N eo-Cesol.(An oily alkaloid from betel nut ; see AREKORIN.) NEO URIHIN — Neo-Urichin (vita- min NEOZABURON — Neozarbron (caf- feine salicylate iodine calcium oxide). NEO ZONARU — Neo-Zonal. (See URIRON.) NERORU—Naebrol (cod liver oil cream). NERUKEGAN—Nelkegan. {Same as NOBAZURORU.) NESSURU SHI SHOJIFUN—Nest- led infant powder. NIBUROMIN—Nibromin. {Same as BUROMURARU.) NICHIBORIN—Nichiborin. (Mix- ture of urotropin and boric acid.) NIGAPIN El — Nigapin-A (ethyl paraoxybenzol). *NIKKEI—Cinnamon bark; cinna- mon. SHI — Oil of cinnamon. NIKOCHIN—Nicotine. NIKOCHIRAMIN — Nicotyramin. {Same as KORAMIN.) NIKORO—Nicolo (antiphlogistine). NIKORUMIN—Nicormin. {Same as KORAMIN.) *NIKU SEIZAI—Meat extract pre- parations. *NIKU TOKO—Semen myristicae; nutmeg. *NINJIN—Genseng root. NIPURON — Nipron (prontosil al- bum). NTRANDERU SHI SHIYAKU — Nylander’s reagent. NIREZORU—Nieresol.{Mixture of Indian bean and China millet extracts.) NIRUVUANORU—Nirvanol. NITON—Niton. NITOROBENTSUORU — Nitroben- zol; nitrobenzene. NITOROGURISERIN — Nitrogly- cerine. 304 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. NITOROGURISERIN JO NUMARU NITOROGURISERIN JO — Tablet of Nitroglycerin (0.0006 gm. of mtroglvcerin in a chocolate tab- let). NITOROZORU—Nitrosol (sodium solution). • NOBANORU—Novanol (extract of camphor. NOBAPON—Novapon. [Same as NOBARUGIN.) NOBARIARU — Novarial (ovarian hormone). NOBARUGIN—Novalgin. NOBARUGIN KININE—Novalgin- quimne. NOBAZURORU 一 Novasurol “Bayer.” NOBIFU'ORUMU—Novoform. NOBOATOFUAN — Novatophan ‘‘ Schering.” NOBOFUIRIN — Novophullin or Novophyllin “ Sommer.” (Mix- ture of euphylline and luminal.) NOBOKAIN—Novocain. XOBONORU—Novonol (sesquiter- penol alcohol solution). NOBOPIN—Novopin (pine tree leaf extract). NOBOPUROCHIN — Novoprotin "Roche.” N OBORARU—Novoral (monobrom- iso-valeryl-urea). XOBOROFUORUMU 一 Novoloform (ethyl ester of para-aminobenzo- ate). NOBOYOJIN — Novoiodin (hexa- methylene iodide and talc). NOBUARUZENO BIRON — Novar- seno Billon. {Same as NEO- SARUBARUSAN.) NOIBEGIN—Neuvegin (a commercial sedative) • NOIFURABIN一Noiflavin (diamino- methyl-acridine cnloride). NOIHORUMU—Neuformium (methyl aminoxy benzoate). NOIRARECHICHIN — Neura-Reci- tin. {Same as RECHICHIN.) NOIRARUJIN—Neuralgin. .(Mix- ture of sodiuni glycerophosphate, strychnine nitrate, sodium form- aldehyde and soluble barbitol.) NOIROMACHIN — Neuromatin. (Mixture of salicylic acid and phenol.) NOIRONARU—Neuronal. NOITORARON—Neutralon. NOI UROTOROPIN — Neu-Urotro- pin. (Another name for HERU- MINARU.) *NOKASUITAI—Pituitary gland. NOKUTENARU—Noctenal (isopro- pylbrompropenyl barbituric acid). NORIDARU—Noridal. NORUMAKORU—Normacol “Scher- .ing.” NORUM ATON—Normaton (phos- phoric acid and trithanolamine). NORUMORAKUTORU — Normo- lactol. (Mixture of lactic acid and sodium lactate.) NORUMOSAN—Normosan. (Alu- minum silicate; see NOITO— RARON.) NOVARUGIN — Novalgin. {See NOBARUGIN.) NOVUARUGAN—Novarugan, [Same as PUROTARUGORU.) NOVUASPURIN—Novaspirin. NOVUATOFAN—Novatophan. {See NOBOATOFAN.) NOVUAZURORU—Novasurol. NOZUPURIN—Nozuprin. (Mixture of novocaine and suprarenin.) *NUKA ABURA—Oil of rice bran. NUKUREIN—Nuclein. NUKUREIN SAN—Nucleitiic acid; NUKUREIN SANDO—Copper nuc- leiate NUKUREIN SAN SODA—Sodium NUMARU—Numal ‘‘ Roche.” 305 List of Japanese Drugs一continued. NUPERUKAIN OIMIDORIN NUPERUKAIN—Nupercaine. NUTORIMIN—Nutrimin “ Nisshin ” (vitamin NUTOROGEN 一 Nutrogen (infant preparation). NUTOROZE—Nutrose (sodium case- in). *NYOBOFU YAKU—Urinary anti- septics. *NYOSAN—Uric acid. *NYOSAN YOKAI YAKU—Uric acid solutions. *NYOSO—Urea; carbamide, the dia- mide of carbonic acid. *NYUKA KANYU — Codliver oil emulsion. *NYUSAN—Lactic acid. *NYUSAN GIN—Silver lactate. *NYUSAN OIKAN — Eucaine lac- tate, *NYUSAN SEKKAI—Calcium lac- tate. *NYUSAN TETSU—Iron lactate. *NYUTO——Lactose. 〇 OBA HORUMON—Ovarian hormone. *OBAKU—Cortex phellodendri (phell- odendrum is a small genus of aromatic trees of the rue, or rataceae, family found in Eastern Asia). OBARADEN—-Ovaraden. OBARENIN一Ovarenin (ovarian hor- ' mone). OBARIAN JO—Ovarian tablet, OBERON一Oberon (vitamin B prep- aration). OBOBURORU — Ovobral (ovarian hormone). OBOGARU—Ovogal “ Riedel.” OBOGURANDORU — Ovoglandol ‘■ Roche ’’(Ovarian hormone). OBORARU—Ovoral (vitamin D). OBORECHICHIN — Ovolecithin “Merck.” OBOUOPU 一 Ovowop (ovarian hor- mone) . OBUTARU—Obutal, (Mixture of Chinese cypress extract ana kava- kava resin.) OBUZEKUTO GURASU—Slide (ob- ject glass), OCHIMON—Ochimon (hormone ex- tract from the stomach and duo- denum). OGIMORU—Ogimol (calcium salicyl- ate). OHORIN—Oophorin (ovarian hor- mone). OHORUMIN—Oophormin “ Takeda” (corpus luteum hormone). OIBERIN—Euberin (berberine , salt of tannic acid). 01BESUCHIN—Webestin. (An ovarian hormone preparation.) OIFUIRIN—Euphyllin. OIFUORIN—Euphorin. OIGUHORUMU—Euguform. OIHININ—Euchinine. {See ECHI- RU TANSAN KININE.) OIKAIN BE—Eucaine-B (beta-eu- caine hydrochloride). OIKARIPPUSU ABURA—Eucalyp- tus oil. . OIKODARU—Eukodal. 01KOJIN — Eucodein (brom-methyl codeine). *OIKO NANKO—Sulfur ointment. OIKUPIN—Eucupine " Zimmer.J, *OKOKO (OSHOKUSANKAKO)— Mercuric oxide. *OKOKO NANKO—Mercuric oxide ointment. OIMIDORIN—Eumydrine. 306 OINATORORU List of Japanese Drugs—continued. :i!ORIN (RiN) OINATORORU—Eunatrol. OIPORUFUIN—Euporphine. OIRACHIN—Eulatin. GIRO—Euro. (A dermatosis medi- cine containing i percent chrysa- robin.) OIROFUEN—Europhen Bayer/* 01SOTO—Eusot. [Same as PUNOI- MIN.) OISUTAHI SHIKAN — Eustachian tube. OISUTAPUCHIN — Eustaptin (cota- rine hydrochloride). OITORUMIN—Eutolmin (geraniin). OITSUSSHIN — Eutussin (methyl- hydrocupreine tannate). OKISAFUORU—Oxaphor ‘‘ Hochst.” OKISARUSAN — Oxarsanum (para- oxy-meta-acetylaminophenyl- ar- senate). OKISHICHIAN KO — Oxycyano- mercury. OKISHIDAZE—Oxidase. OKISHIDORU — Oxydol (hydrogen peroxide) OKISHIFURU — Oxyful (hydrogen peroxide). OKISHIHAIDO 一 OJcyhyd Langley (hydrogen peroxide). OKISHIKANFUORU— Oxycamphor “ Hochst.” OKISHISHIAN SUIGIN— Mercuric oxycyanide. *OKON—Radix Scutellariae. (Scu- tellaria is a large genus of herbs of the mint family.) OKUCHINUMU—Octinum (methyl- amino-6-methyl-2 heptane). , OKUSAN—Oxan (an inhalant). OKUSOJIN—Oxozin. (Mixture of tin, tin suboxide and tin oxide.) OMA—Ohma (magnesium peroxide). OMU—Ohm. (Measure of electrical resistance.) OMUNAJIN—Omnadin (, Bayer/1 OMUNIGEN—Omnigen (ethyl-hydro- cupreine) . OMUNIKAIN — Omnicain (procaine hydrochloride). OMUNIN一Omnin. {Same as MU- RUCHIN.) OMUSORU—Omsol. (Same as MU- RUCHIN.) OOHORUMIN—Oophormin. OPOGENIN—Opogenin. (A drug advertised as a coagulant.) OPOPIRIN 一 Opopyrin. {Same ets ASUPIRIN.) OPORENIN—Oporenin. OPOSUTACHIN—Opostatin. (Spleen preparation.) OPURIBARU — Oprival. {Same as RIBANORU.) OPUSONIN RITSU—Opsonic index- OPUSONIN SETSU—Opsonic theory. OPUTARU — Obutal. {Same as GONOSAN.) OPUTARUMOSAN — Ophthalmosan “Muller.” (Sterilized milk.) OPUTARUSON—Optarson “ Bayer.”. (Mixture of solarson and strych- nine nitrate.) OPUTOHIN—Optochin. ORARUCHIDO—Oralcid (oxyacetyl- aminopiienyl-arsenate). OREFU YU—Olive oil. OREINSANSUIGIN (YUSANKO)— Red oxide of mercury. OREKISHIN—Orexin. *OREN 一 Coptis; the rhizome of Coptis japonica. *OREN EKISU 一 Extract of Coptis japonica. ORENJI YU—Oil of orange peel, OREOBI — 01eo-B-"Roche.,, *ORIN (RIN) —Phosphorus. 307 ORIZABITON List of Japanese Drugs—continued. PANOPIN ATOROPIN ORIZABITON — Oryza-viton (vita- min C product prepared from rice) • ORIZANIN — Oryzanin. (Prepara- tion which contains vitamin compounds), ORIZE—Oryza. OROBINCHIN — Olobintin. (Oil of turpentine.) ORUCHIRATO — Orcilat (oxyacetyl- aminopheny 1-arsenate). ORUGARU — Orgar. (Petrol grease and gelatine emulsion.) ORUHICHIN—Orchitin. ORUJIN — Ordin (theobromine sodium benzoate). ORUTOFUORUMU (SHIN) — Or- thoform new. {Same as ORU- TOKAIN.) ORUTOFUORUMU NOI — Ortho- form new. . ORUTOKAIN—Orthocaine. OSABIN — Osavin (diamino-methyl- acridine-chloride). OSAMINORU — Osaminal (para- oxy - meta. - acetyl-aminophenyl arseriatp、 *OSHOKKIKON—Hibiscus root. *OSHOKKI SHIROPPU (OSHOKKI SHARIBETSU) — Hibiscus syrup. *OSHOKU YODOKO — Mercurous iodide. OSUBANIRU — Osvanyl. (Mixture of alpha-monobromisovalerylurea, diethyl barbituric acid, and di- methyl amino-diethyl-phenyl py- razolon.) OSUBARUSAN — Osvaran (ace- tarsone). OSUTOROGURANDORU — Oestro- glandolRoche M (ovarian hor- mone). OSUWAKUCHIN — Os-vaccine. {Same as BIRIWAKUCHIN.) *OTAI—Corpus luteum. *OTAI HORUMON — Corpus luteum hormone. OTOREON — Otoreon (magnesium carbonate, bismuth sub-carbon- ate and papaverine hydro- chloride) . OVOGURANDORU — Ovoglandol. (Ovarian hormone.) OVUARIN—Ovarin. OZON—Ozone. p PABINARU — Pavinal (codeine hy- droxide 80 percent—derivative of thebaine ; hydrocotamine — 20 percent) PABINARU. ATOROPIN — Pavinal- atropine (0.01 pavinal to 0.0003 atropine sulfate). PABINARU PAPABERIN — Pav- inal-papaverine (antispasmodic). PABINARU SUKOPORAMIN — Pavinal-Scopolamine. {See PAN- TOPONSUKOPORAMIN.) PANFURABIN KOKOJO — Pan- flavin mouth wash tablet. PANGITARU — Pangital. (A sol- ution prepared from digitalis and urea) PANJIGARU—Pandigal. PANKUREACHIN — Pankreatin “ Rohm and Hass.” (Mixture of enzymes from pancreas of ox or PANKUREON — Pankreon “Rhe- nania.” *PANKUROFUITUMU — Pancro- film. {See PANKUREACHIN.) PANKUTAZE — Panktase (pancre- atic enzyriie preparation). PANNUSU—Pannus. PANOPIN — Panopin. [Same as PANTOPON.) PANOPIN ATOROPIN — Panopin- atropine. (Mixture of an alkaloid of opium narcopon, papaverine hydrochloride, anH atropine sul- phate.) 308 PANOPIN SUKOPORAMIN List of Japanese Drugs—continued. PENIOKORU PANOPIN SUKOPORAMIN—Pan- opin-Scopalamin. (Mixture of a hydrochloride alkaloid of opium and scopolamine hydrobromide.) PANOSU—Panes. {See NORUMA- KORU.) PANRIBA — Panliver (liver extract). PANSEKARU —Pansecal. {Same as EREKUTORARUGORU.) PANSEPUCHIN — Panseptin (acri- flavine; same as TORIPA- FURABIN). PANTERUMIN — Panthelmin “Bayer.” (A mixture of carbon tetrachloride and ascar- diole.) PANTOKAIN — Pantocain (para- butylaminobenzo dimethyl- amino-ethanol chloride). PANTOPON—Pantopon “ Roche.” PANTOPON S U K 0 P O R A M IN —Pantoponscopolamine. PAPABERIN CHUSHA EKI — Papaverine for Injection (papa- verine hydrochloride injection sol- ution). PAPABERU — Papavel (papaverine hydrochloride). PAPABIDORIN —• Papavydrin ‘‘ Weill ’’(papaverine and eumy- drine). PAPAIN—Papain. PAPARIN — Paparin. {See PAPA- BERIN.) PAPATORARU — Papatral. (Mix- ture of papaverine, atropine, veronal and pyramidon.) PAPAYOCHIN — Papayotin. {See PAPAIN.) PAPAYOSUTAZE — Papayostase (diastase preparation). PAPUREZU—Papules. PARA ARUDEHIDO — Paraldehyde. PARA ATOFAN — Par atophan. {Same as NOBOATQF UAN.) PARABERIN—Paraverine. PARACHIFUSU—Paratyph oid fever. PARACHIROIDO—Parathyroid. PARACHIROIJIN — Parathyroidin. PARAFUIN—Paraffin. PARAFUKUSHIN — Parafuchsin. PARAGIN — Paragin (senega root extract). PARAHORUMUARUDEHIDO — Paraformaldehyde. PARAJITORU — Parsitol. (Deriva- tive of carbon tetrachloride.) PARAKOJIN — Paracodin “ Knoll” (dihydrocodeine). PARAKORUMUx\RUDEHIDO — Para formaldehyde. PARANEFtlRIN-Paranephrine. PARANriORIN—Paranutrin (vita- min ; same as BERI- BERORU). PARAOKISHI ANSOKKOSAN BUCHIRU — Butyl paraoxy- PARAOKISHI ANSOKKOSAN ECHIRU — Ethyl paraoxy- PARAOKISHI ANSOKKOSAN PUROPIRU — Propyl paraoxy- benzoate. PARAREGURIN—Pararegulin. PARATOFUAN—Paratophan. PAR ATORUMON—Parathormone. PASUPATO — Paspat. (Posterior pituitary glana extract.) PASUTORIJIN — Pastrisin. (Mix- ture of calcium salicylate, quinine hydrochloride and f uchsin iodide.) PECHIN — Petin (magnesium peroxide), . PEGUNIN—Pegnin “ Hochst.” PEKUTORU — Pectol (Mixture of iodine, quinine and calcium sali- cylate.) PENIOKORU — Peniocol. (Mixture of organic salts of copper and pinaceae plant extract.) 309 PENTAMECHiREN TETORAZORU List of Japanese Drugs一continued. PIONOURU PENTAMECHIREN TETORA- ZUOR—Pentamethylene tetrazol. PEPUSHIN SHU — Wine of pepsin. PEPUTON一Peptone. PEPUTON CHUSHA EKI — Pep- tone injection solution. PERAGURA—Pellagra. PERANIN — Pelanin (corpus luteum PERECHIERIN—Pelletierine. PERIDORU—Pellidol. PERIDORU NANKO — Pellidol PERIFUERUMIN — Peripherminum (diacetylaminoctzotoluol). PERIHYORU — Perichol. (Mixture of camphor, choleric acid and papaverine.) PERIRACHIN — Perillatin. (Sugar, substitute derived from green beef-steak plant in crystalline form.) PERISUTARUCHIN — Peristaltin “ Ciba.” PERONIN—Peronin. PERUABUROJIRU — Per-Abrodil (di-ethanol 3.5 — diiodo—4 pyri- dine—.N—acetate). PERU BARUSAMU — Balsam of Peru. PERUBARUSAMU ARUKORU — Balsam of Peru and alcohol. PERUBORAKKUSU 一 Perborax (sodium perborate). PERUGENORU—Pergenol. PERUHIDORITTO — Perhydrit (hydrogen peroxide). PERUKAIN—Percaine. PERUKAMIN — Pelkamin. (A commercial drug used for spinal anesthesia.) PERUKISHIRU — Perxyle (hydro- gen peroxide). PERUNOKUTON — Pernocton “Riedel.” PERUORU—Peruol. PERUSUKABIN—Peruscabin. PERUTSUSHIN—Pertussin. PERUZON — Perzon (hydrogen peroxide). PESUTO—Pest; plague. PETSURA 一 Petula (paraffin and and agar emulsion). PIASON SHI EKI — Pearson’s solution of sodium arsenate. (S從 AHISAN SODA EKI.) PICHIRORU — Pityrol. (Tar from rice bran.) PICHIRORUMANNOKO — Pityrol- Mannoko. (Rice-bran remedy.) PICHIRORU OREFUABURA — Pityxol-olive oil. PIKARUSHIN — Picalsin. (Mixture of camphor, sodium salicylate, pyramidon, menthol, formic acid, and carbol.) PIKKU KO — Pick’s counter irritant plaster. PIKKU KOKO — Pick's ointment (salicylic acid soap ointment). PI KURIN SAN-Picric acid. PIKUROTOKISHIN—Picrotoxin. PINOZARIN ~ Pynosalin (phenyl- urea benzoate). PINSETTO—Forceps; tweezers. PI OCHION AZE—Pyocyanase. PIOGENORU — Pygonel (disinfec- tant). PIOGIRON—Pyogyron. (A sulfon- amide solution advertised for use on external wounds.、 PIOKUTAN T X—Pyok tanin _ PIOKUTANIN SHO — Pyolrtanin blue. PIONOURU—Pionoul. (Mixture of tannin, tannic acid, succinic acid, calcium oxide, qucrcitrin, and other derivatives). 310 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. PIORIJIN PUNOIMIN PIORIJIN—Pyolysin. (A Japanese Commercial medicine listed as a PI〇SS PIPERACHTN—Piperazin. PIPEROKAIN—Piperocain. (A local anesthetic; see OIKAIN BE.) PIPETTO (KOMAIRI SHIKI)— Blood count pipette. PIRABERIN—Pyraverin. (See PIRA- BITARU.) PIRABITARU—Pirabital (barbital 28-48 percent; aminopyrine 71-52 percent). PIRAKINON— f Mix- ture of qmmne pyrazolon and ni*03.) • PIRAMIDON—Pvramidon. (Same as AMINOPIRIN.) PIRATSUORON—Pyrazolon. PIRECHIN—Pyretin. PIRIHORUMU—Pyriform. (Mixture of iodoxyquinoline sulfonate and sodium carbonate.) PIRI JIN—Pyridine. PIRIJINKARUBAN SAN ECHIRU AMIDO EKI—Ethylamide pyri- dine carbonate. PIRIJIUMU—Pyridium. PIRIPAN—Piripan. {See PIRI- JIUMU.) PIRISEPUCHIN—Pyriseptin (pyri- dine derivative). PIROGARORU—Pyrogallol. PIROGARURORU TORAUMACHI- CHIN—Pyrogallol traumnticin. PIROKARUPIN—Pilocarpine. PIROPURAZUMA—Piroplasma. PIROZURUFU—Pirosulf (sulfur). PIRUMIN — Pilumin (di-beta-thio aminopropionate). PITOCHIN — Pitocin. (Posterior pituitary gland preparation,) PITORESSHIN—Pitressin. PITSUGURANDORU — Pituglandol “Roche.” PITSUGURASHIN—Pituglasin (pos- terior pituitary hormone). PITSUGURENAN—Pituglenan (pos- terior pituitary hormone). PITSUIGAN—Pituigon. (Posterior pituitary gland preparation.) P1TSUITORIN—Pituitrin. PITSURENIN—Piturenin. [Same as ASUTOMORIJIN.) PIYASON SHI EKI— solu- tion. PIZORU—Pisol. (Vitamin B1 pre- paration.) POARU—Foil (aluminum acetic tar- tra十1°、 PODOFUIRUMU YANI — Resina Podophylli. POMATON—Pomaton. (Apple pow- der used for dysentery.') PONHORIN — Pompholin (salicylic acid compound). PONJIRU—Ponsil (prontosil album). POREON — Poleon (dimethyldisul- phanilamide). PORIFUERUMIN — Polyfermin. (Lactic acid preparation.) PORIGAMORU—Polygamol (actini- (liae poiygamae extract). PORIGASUCHIN — Polygastin. {Mixture of nuclein, glycogen, tryptophan, histidine, lecithin, enzymes and vitamins.) PORIHEFUE—Polyhefe (beer-yeast). PORINARU—Polinal “ Bohringer,, (quinine bisalicylosalicylate). PORIRAKUTORl/ 一 Polylaktol “Bayer.” PORITAMIN—Polytamin. (Amino acids preparation.) POROFUAN—Porofan (testicle hor- mone) . POTENSU—Potens. (Mixture of thiocol and calcium.) PUBEROGEN—Puberogen (anterior pituitary hormone). PUXOIMIN—Pneumm “ Speier.” 311 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. PUNOIMIN KARUSHIUMU RADON PUNOIMIN KARUSHIUMU—Pneu- mincalcium ‘‘ Speier ’’(methylene creosote calcium). PUNOINON—Pneunon (25 percent quinine hydrochloride solution). PURACHIKOJIN — Platycodin. [Same as EBANIN.) PURASUMA — Plasma (antiphlogis- tine). PURASUMOHIN—Plasmochin. PUR ASUMON—Plasmon. PUREFUIZON — Prephyson (hor- mone from the anterior lobe of the hypophysis cerebri). PUREFUORUMIN — Preformin “ Firma Nordmark ’’(vitamin D emulsion、丨. PUREGURO' YODO EKI—Pregl’s iodine solution. PUREHORUMON 一 Praehormon. (Posterior pituitary gland hor- mone preparation.) PUREMATONIN 一 Prematonin. (Thymus gland and posterior pituitary hormones). PUREROBAN—Preloban Bayer." PURESOYODO—Presoiod. PURO—Puro (meat extract and albu- men). PUROGINON — Progynon (crystal- lized ovarian hormone). PUROJIRU — Prosil (prontosil al- bum) . PUROKURAMIN — Procuramin. (Testicle hormone; same as TE- SUTEGURANDORU.) PUROKURIMAN — Prokliman ‘‘ Ciba.” PUROMINARU—Prominal ‘‘ Baver.” PUROMONTA—Promonta. (Lipoid preparation.) PURONBARU—Pronval (prontos;! album). PURONTOJIRU — Prontosil ‘‘Bayer.’’ PUROPEJIN 一 Propasin (ethyl aminobenzoate). PUROPONARU—Proponal PURORAX—Prolan “ Bayer.” PURORUTON — Proluton ‘‘ Sclier- ing.’’ PUROSEPUCHIX—Proseptin (pron- tosil album). PUROSUCHIGUMIN — Prostigmine “Roche.” PUROTAMIRAZE — Protamvlasc, [Same as PANKUREACHIN.1) PUROTARUGORU — Protargol. PUROTEIN GIN—Argentum pro- temicum; silver protein. (Same as PUROTARUGORU.) PUROTEIN GIN TENGANSUI Silver protein eye wash solution. PUROTOROMBIN—Prothrombin. PURUGATORU—Purgatol. PURUGEN—Purgen. PURUMIN—Pulmin. (Sheep's lung extract preparation.) PURUMON — Plumon (iodo-calcium hexamethylene tetramine). PUSHIKAIN—Psicaine. PUSOIDO BAKUTERIOFUAJI — Pseudo-bac teriophage. PUTARUSANKOTARUNIN — Cot- amine phthalate. PUTOKAIN—Butocain. {Same as nupercaine.) R RABENDERU ABURA — Oi] of lavender RABENDERU HANA—Flowers of 1飞v户nd户r RABENDERU SEI—Spirit of laven- der ;lavender water. RABISU—Rabis (trepol; potassium- sodium bismuth tartrate). RABON—Labon. [See RIZORU.) RADON—Radon. 312 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. RAJIFUORUMIN REGION NATORIUMU RAJIFUORUMIN — Radiformin. (Mixture of soluole radium salts, formic acid, salicylic acid salts, cafteme sodium benzoate, and pyramidon.) RAJIOINJIEKUSHION — Radio- Injection (radium bromide solu- tion). RAJIOSUTORU—Radiostol. RAJIUMU—Radium. RAKARUNORU—LacarnolBayer" (Heart extract). R A KIS AFUEN—Laxaphen. RAK1SATORU—Laxatol (phenolph- thalein product). RAKISHIFUENIN — Laxiphenin (isovalerylacetylphenolphthalein). RAKISHIN — Laxin (isovalerylac- etyiphenolphthalein). *RAKKASEI YU—Peanut oil. RA KUCHIFUERIN—Lactiferin. (A placenta extract; a galactago- gue.) RAKUCHIRUFUENECHIJIN 一 Lactylphenetidin (lactophenm}. RAKUFUOMIRU—Lacfomil (Coix lacryma-Jobi and gossypium plants extract). *RAKUNYU—Buttermilk. RAKURISU—Lacris (80 percent aromatic castor oil). RAKUTAGORU—Lactagol. RAKUTOFUENIN — Lactophenin (lactyl-paraphenetidin). RAKUTOGEN — Lactogen. {See HIGIAMA.) * RAN—Ovum. * RAN HO HORUMON 一 Follicle hormone. *RANSO—Ovary. RORON—Roron. (Mixture of amino acids, vitamin B and inorganic salts with mono and dihydro- carbon.) RAROSAN — Larosan. (Calcium casein preparation.) RAROSUCHIJIN — Larostisin Roche " (histidine chloride). RARUGIN一Ralgin. (Mixture of phenyl-dimethvlDvrazoion . and citric acid.) RASEDORIX — Racedrin (racemic ephednne). RATANIYA NE—Radix Ratanhial. RATSURU—Ratul. (Radium bro- mide preparation.) RAUD AN ON—Laudanon. (Mixture of morphine hydrochloride, nico- tine hydrochloride, codeine hydro- chloride, papaverine hydrochlor- ide, thebaine hydrochloride and narveine hydrochloride.) RAUD ANON ATOROPIN — Laud- anon atropine. RAUDANON SUKOPORAMIN — Laudanon—scopolamine. RAUMIN—Laumin (phenylethylbar- bituric acid). RAURIN ABURA—Expressed oil of laurel;bayberry oil. RAUSOFUAN—Lausofan (cyclohexa- non and cyclohexanol). REBA Leber. (Liver preparation. REBAHORUN—Leberhorn. (Liver extract preparation.) REBARITTO一Roebaryt (barium sulfate). REBERAGEN—Leberagen. (Liver extract preparation.) REBUROGEN—Levulogen. (A solu- tion prepared from crystalized fructose.) RECHICHIN—Lecithin “ Merck.” RECHITORU—Lecithol. REDOKISON—Redoxon “ Roche.” REFURIN — Rephrin "Bayer.,” (Mixture of ephednne and sup- rarenin.) REFURUNDO SHONIFUN — Loe- fflund’s infant formula. REGEROTO—Regero (amidoazoto- luol.) REGION NATORIUMU — Region- natrium (sodium-amino-benzol- sulfonacetamid). 313 REGUMON List of Japanese Drugs—continued. RIMAON REGUMON—Legumon (plant pro- tein). REGURIN—Regulin. REHORUMIN — Reformin (ethyl amidopyridine carbonate). REMIJIN — Remijin (ethyl hydra- cupreine) . REMON SEI一Spiritus citri. REMON YU—Oleum citri. RENA—Rener. {Same as TOXI- KUMU.) RENGORU—Lengol (methylene creo- sote). *RENNYU一Condensed milk. *RENSAKYUKIN KESSEI-Anti- streptococcus serums. *RENSHO KYUIN KESSEI—Anti- streptococcus serum. ♦RENSHOJO KYUIN WAKUCHIN —Streptococcus vaccine. RENTOGEN—X-Ray (Roentgen). RENUHORUMON — Renuhormon (Kidney, liver and Dlood vessel extract preparation.) REPURORU — Leprol (sodium quin- ine sulfate). REPUROSHIN—Leprosin. (Mixture of hexaiodol thymol and albu- minous fats.) RESUPIRACHIN 一 Resparatin. (Mixture of guaiacol, potassium hydroxide and lactose solution.) REVITEN—Reviten. (Mixture of stro- phanthin, ephearme, epinephrin and posterior pituitary gland REVUROZE—Levulose. REZORA—Resola. (Cinnamon ex- tract preparation.) REZORUBIN—Resorbin. REZORUCHIN—Resorcinol. REZORUCHIN ARUKORU—Rcsor- cinol, alcohol, castor oil and bergamot oil. REZORUSHIN—Resorcinol. RIBA—Leber (liver extract). RIBA IBA—Leber; liver extract. RIBANORU—Rivanol ‘‘ Hochst.” RIBASEPON—Rivasepon. [Same as AKURINORU.) K IB AZE—Lipase. RIBIHI NIKU EKISU—Liebig’s meat extract. RIB1TSUHI SHI NIKU EKISU - Liebig’s meat extract. RIBOFURABIN—Riboflavin. RIBONUTOROGEN — Ribonutro- gen. (Commercial drug composed of cod liver oil, egg protein, phosphate and calcium.) RICHIKA—Richica (solid aromatic castor oil)• RICHIN—Ricin (castol oil). RICHINA—Ricina (castor oil). RICHINE—Richine (castor oil). RICHIONKARUMIN — Lithioncar- min (lithium carmine). RICORIN—Lycorine. RIENARIN—Lienalin. (Spleen pre- paration.) RIGUKABON — Ligcarbon <[ Rad- ium "(an absorbent). RIGUNORU—Lignol. (Mixture of odorless ichthyol and sulfur.) RIGUORURAIMU — Lignol-Leim. {Same as RIGUNORU.) RIGUROIDO — Ligroid (an absorb- ent). RIHANOIDO—Lichenoid. RIJIN EKUSUPONENTO — Lysin exponent. RIKUITARISU—Liquitalis “ Gehc.” {Same as JIGAREN.) RIPIODORU—Lipiodol.(40 percent organic loaine solution.) RIM AON—Rimaon. (Acrinol, ri- vanol; 5¢¢ AKURINORU.) 314 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. R1MPIRIN ROJINON KARUSHIUMU RIMPIRIN—Rimpirin. {Same as ASUPIRIN.) RIMUFUAMIN — Lymphomin (methyl-amino-ethyl-brenzcate- chin hydrochloride). *RIN 一Phosphorus. *RINEN JO—Calcium glycerophos- phate tablets. RINGERU EKI— solution. *RING0—Apple. *RINGO TETSU CHINKI—Tincture 01 iron malate. *RINGO TETSU EKISU—Extract of iron malate. *RININ WAKUCHIN—Gonococcus vaccine. *RIN KAGOBUTSU — Phosphorus compounds. *RINOSORU—Lynosol (calcium sul- foguaiacol). *RINSAN—Phosphoric acid. *RINSAN AMMONIA MAGUNE- SHIA — Ammonium magnesimu phosphate. *RINSAN HERIDONIN—Chelodon- ine phosphate. *RINSAN HIDOROKODEIN — Hy- drocodeine phosphate. *RINSAN KODEIN — Codeine phos- phate. *RINSAN SODA — Sodium phos- phate. *RINYO YAKU — Diuretics. RIPATOREN一Lipatren. (Mixture of animal lipoid and Yatren.) RIPAZE—Lipase. RIPOSUTERIN — Liposterin (vita- min D). RIPOYOJIN — Lipoiodine ‘‘ Ciba.” RISHIN—-Ricin (castor oil). *RITAN YAKU — Cholagogues ; agents wmch increase the flow of bile. RIVUANORU — Rivanol ‘‘ Hochst.” {See AKURINORU.) RIVUARIE FUSOKU YAKU—Ri- vallie’s caustic. RIZOCHIMU—Lysozyme. RIZOFUORUMU—Lysoform. RIZOHORUMU—Lysoform. RIZORU—Lysol. {See KUREZORU SEKKEN EKI.) ROBERTA CHINKI — Tincture of lobelia. ROBERIN—Lobeline. ROBETON—Lobeton. {See ROBER- IN.) ROD A6EN—Rodagen. RODAKARUSHIN — Rhodacalcin. (Mixture of calcium diuretin and calcium rhodaline.) RODANJIUKARUSHIN — Rhodan- Dieucalcin. (Mixture of calcium diuretin and calcium rhodaline ) RODANJURECHIN KARUSHIUMU 一 Rhodancalcium—~diuretin. RODEARIN—Rodealin. (Extract from rhodea japonica; a heart stimulant.) RODEIN—Rhodein. (Cn Hn On 2| H20.) *ROHO HORUMON—Follicle hor- mones. ROICHIN—Leucine. ROIMARIN—Rheumalin. (5 percent sodium methylene .sulfonate solu- tions.) ROIMARUGIN — Rheumalgin. (Methylmelubrin; same as NO- BARUGIN.) ROIMECHIRU—Roiraethyl. {Same as KINOFEN.) ROIMIN—Reumin. (Mixture of camphor, caffeine and salicylic acid salts.) ' ROJINON—Lodinon. (A glucose solution.) ROJINON KARUSHIUMU — Lodi- uon-calcium. (Mixture of 10 percent lodinon and 2 percent calcium chloride.) List of Japanese Drugs—continued. ROJINON RINGERU *RYUSAN ARUMINIUMU ROJINON RINGERU — Lodinon- Ringer. (Mixture of 5 percent lodinon and Ringer’s solution.) ROKAI—Aloe. ROKAI EKISU一Extract of aloes. ROKAI TETSU GAN—Pilulae Aloes et Ferri (Aloes and iron pills). ROKAI YARAPPA GAN—Aloes and jalapa pills. ROKKU EKI—Lockes solution. ROPION—Lopion (sodium gold allyl- theourea benzoate). RORECHIN—Loretin. ROSHIYON—Lotion (benzoic acid, phenol, resorcinol, and menthol). ROSUMARIN ABURA—Oil of rose- mary. ROSUMARIN SEI—Spirit of rose- mary. *ROTO CHINKI—Tinctura scopolia. *ROTO EKISU—Extractum scopolia. *ROTO HA—Folium scopolia. *ROTO KOKO-Emplastrum scopolia. *ROTO NANKO—Unguentum scop- olia. *ROTO NE—Scopolia root. *ROTO TANNIN ZAZAI—Supposi- toria scopolia tannata. *ROTO ZAZAI-Suppositoria scopolia. ROZU ABURA一Oil of rose; attar of rose. ROZU MIZU—Rosewater. RUEHINON—Luehinon. {Same as MEROBARU.) RUEMIKORU—Luemicol. {Same as MEROBARU.) • RUESUCHIN一Luestin. (Commer- cial drug made from mercury oxycyamde.) RUGORU—LugoVs solution. RUGORU EKI—Lugol’s solution. RUISAITO—Lewisite. RUJIRU—Lusil (prontosil album). RUMENON—Lumenon (vitamin A and D). RUMIHORUN — Lumihorn. (Hor- mone extract made from lungs and spleen of mammals.) RUMINARU—Luminal “ Bayer.” RUMINARU CHUSHA EKI-Lum- RUMINARU NATORIUMU—Lu- minal sodium. RUMINARU SODA—Sodium lu- minal. RUPE—Lupe (magnifying glass). RUT AM IN — Rutamin (beta-indol- ethylamine). RUTEINORU 一 Luteinol(ovarian hormone). RUTEOGURANDORU — Luteoglan- dol ‘‘ Roche ’’(ovarian hormone). RUTOREN—Lutren “ Bayer.” RYOKO SEKKEN — Sapo viridis. {Same as sapo mollis; soft soap; green soap.) *RYUDO para- ffin. *RYUDO SOGOKO—Liquid storax; styrax liquidus. *RYUKA ARUKARIRUI — Sulfur alk。1ド *RYUKA DAINITETSU EKI— (Samg RYUSA_N SANKA 丁五丁- SU.) *RYUKA KARI—Potassium suliide. *RYUKAN—Sulfurated potash; pot- assium sulfide. *RYUKA SEKKAI—Calcium sulfide *RYUKA SUISO—Hydrogen sulfide. *RYUSAN—Sulfuric acid. ♦RYUSAN AEN—Zinc sulfate. *RYUSAN ARUMINIUMU — Al- uminum sulfate. 316 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. *RYUSAN ASANKA TETSU *SANENKA SAKUSEN *RYUSAN ASANKA TETSU — Iron sulfate. RYUSAN ATOROPIN—Atropine sul- fate. *RYUSAN BARIUMU—Barium sul- fate. * RYUSAN DO—Copper sulfate. *RYUSANDO SUI—Copper sulfate solution. * RYUSAN EZERIN—Eserine sul- fate ;physostigmine sulfate. *RYUSAN FUISOSUCHIGUMIN— Physostigmine sulfate; eserine sulfate. *RYUSAN HINIJIN—Quinidine sul- fate. ♦RYUSAN KARI — Potassium sul- fate. *RYUSAN KININE—Quinine sul- fate. *RYUSAN MAGUNESHIA—Magnes- ium sulfate. *RYUSAN RAJIUMU—Radium sul- fate. RYUSAN SANKATETSU EKI—Sol- ution of ferric sulfate; solution of iron tersulfate. *RYUSAN SODA—Sodium sulfate. *RYUSAN SUPARUTEIN — Spar- teine sulfate. (Sparteine : An alkaloid obtained from scopar- ius.) *RYUSAN TETSU—Iron sulfate. *RYUTAN一Radix gentianae scab- rae; gentian root of the genus gentiana scabra. *RYUTAN EKISU — Extractum gentianae scabrae. s SABIORU—Sabiol. SABUROMIN—Sabromin (dioxydia- minoarsenobenzol). SAFURAN—Sa&on. SAFURAN CHINKI—Tinctura cro- cus; tincture of saffron. SAFURORU—Safrol. *SAIDOYAKU—Emetics. *SAIFUN—Chlorinated lime (bleach- ing powder). ♦SAIKIN NYUZAI—Bacterial emul- ♦SAIMITSURO—Cera alba; white wax. *SAINYAKU—Aphrodisiacs. ♦SAINYU YAKU—Galactagogues. SAKKARIN—Saccharine. *SAKUSAN—Acetic acid. ♦SAKUSAN AMMON EKI—Ammon- ium acetate solution. ♦SAKUSAN ARUKARIRUI—Alkali acetate. *SAKUSAN ARUMINIUMl' EKI— Aluminum acetate solution. *SAKUSAN BANDOSUI—Solution of aluminum acetate. *SAKUSAN ECHIRU—Ethyl ace- tate. *SAKUSAN EN—Lead acetate. *SAKUSAN OIKAIN—Eucaine ace- tate. ♦SAKUSAN RINARORU—Linalool a 9 te *SAKUSAN TEOBUROMIN SODA —TheoDromine sodium acetate. ♦SAKUSAN TEOFUIRIN SODA— Theophylline sodium acetate. SAMBISU—Sanbis. {See SUPIRO- BISUMORU.) SANCHIIME — Sanzyme (medicinal yeast). SANCHIRU—Santyl ‘‘ Knoll.,., SANDARAKKU—Sandarac. *SANDOYAKU—Mydriatics. ♦SANENKA SAKUSEN—Trichloro- acetate. 317 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. SANGO SUTOPPU SARICHIRU SAN SUIGAN SANGO SUTOPPU — Sango-Stop ‘‘ Turon ’’(a coagulant). *SANKA AEN—Zinc oxide. SANKARU—Sankal(10 percent cal- cium gluconate solution). SANKARU MATSU—SancaL [Same as KARIZANIN.) *SANKOYU—Mercuric salicylate. SANOKURISHIN—Sanocrysin. SANOSUCHIJIN—Sanostidin (laros- tidine). *SANSEI—Genseng extract. *SANSEIHOKO CHINKI—Tincture of aromatic acid. *SANSO—Oxygen. *SANSO — The bark of xanthoxylum piperitum. SANTAKORU—Santacol (product of oil of sandalwood). SANTARORU—Santalol. {See SAN- TAKORU.) SANTARU ABURA—Oleum santaH. (Oil of sandalwood.) SANTARU PARU—Santal pearls. (Capsules of santalol.) SANTONIN—Santonin. SANTONIN JO—Santonin tablets. SANTONINSAN SODA — Sodium santoninate. SANTOPERONIN — Santperonin. (Mixture of naphthalin, phenol and a salt of cooper.) SANTOZORU—Santsol. (Made of saiitonmic acid.) SAPOHORUMU—Sapoform (menthol and formaldehyde compound). SARABUROZE—Salabrose. SAREN—Salen. SARENARU—Salenal. SAREPPU NE — Salep tuber. SAREPPU SHO—Mucilage salep. SARICHIRUGURIKORU SAN ESUTERU—SaUcylglycolic acid ester (salicylglycolic methyl- ethyl). SARICHIRU SAN — Salicylic acid. SARICHIRU SAN ANCHIPIRIN— Antipyrine salicylate- SARICHI.RU SAN EZERIN—Eserin salicylate. SARICHIRU SAN FUENIRU — Phenylsalicylate. SARICHIRU SAN FUIZOSUCHI- GUMIN—Physostigmine salicyl- late. SARICHIRU SAN GAZE—SaHcy- SARICHIRU SAN KARUSHIUMU EKI—Calcium salicylate solu- tion. SARICHIRU SAN KARUSHIUMU KAFUEIN—Caffein calcium sali- cylate. SARICHIRU SAN MAGUNESHIA— Magnesium salicylate. SARICHIRU SAN MECHIRU — Methyl salicylate. SARICHIRU SAN MEN — Gossyp- ium salicylatum (salicylized ab- sorbent cotton). SARICHIRU SAN NIKOCHIN — Nicotine salicylate. SARICHIRU SAN PIRAMIDON — Pyramidon salicylate. SARICHIRU SAN REMIJIN—Remi- jin salicylate (ethyl-hydrocupreine salicylate;. SARICHIRU SAN RICHIUMU — Lithium salicylate. SARICHIRU SAN SEI — Spiritus salicylatus. SARICHIRU SAN SEKKAI EKI— Calcium salicylate solution. SARICHIRU SAN SEKKENKOK9 一Emplastrum saponatum sali- cylatum (salicylized soap plaster). SARICHIRU SAN SODA—Sodium salicylate. SARICHIRU SAN SODA KAFUEIN —Cafteme sodium salicylate. SARICHIRU SAN SUIGAN—Mer- cury salicylate. salicylatus. 318 SARICHIRU SAN TEOBUROMIN KARUSHIUMU List of Japanese Drugs—continued. *SEISEI HAChiMITSU SARICHIRU SAN TEOBUROMIN KARUSHIUMU — Theobromine calcium salicylate. SARICHIRU SAN TEOBUROMIN SEKKAi—Calcium theobromine salicylate. SARICHIRU SAN TEOBUROMIN SODA — fheobromine with sodium salicylate. SARICHIRU TARUKUSAN—Pulvis 'salicylicus cum talc (salicylized talcum powder). SARIDON—Saridone ‘‘ Roche.” SARIKARUSHIN — Salicalcin (cal- cium salicylate). SARINAFUTORU—Salinaphthol. SARIPIRIN—Salipyrine. SARIRUGAN—Salyrgan. SARISO KAFUEIN — Caffein sodium salicylate. SARISO KARUCHIKORU—Saliso- calcicol (sodium salicylate and calcium gluconate). SAROFUEN—Salophen. SAROMERCHIRU — Salomethyl (methyl salicylate, camphor and peppermint). SAROMIN—Salomin. [Same as SARORU.) SARORU—Salol. SAROSANTARU—Salosantal. SARUBARUSAN 一 Salvarsan ; “606.” SARUSA NE—Radix Sarsae (sarsa- parilla) . SARUSHIRU — Salusil (colloidal SARUSO BURODEKISHIN—Salso- Brodexin. (Mixture of sodium salicylate, calcium bromide and dextrose in different percentages than in the drug Salso-Brocanon.) SARUSO BUROKANON — Salso- Brocanon. (Mixture of sodium salicylate, calcium bromide and dextrose.) SARUSO BUROKAROZE — Salso- Brocarose, {See SARUSO BUR- OKANON.) SARUSO GURERAN — Salsogrelan. (Mixture of barbital, aminopyrine, sodium salicylate, calcium sal- icylate, sodium bromate, and dextrose.) SARUVUARUSAN—Salvgrsan. SARUVUARUSAN NATORIUMU— Sodium salvarsan. SASAPIRIN — Sasapirinum (salicyl- salicylic acid). SASSAFURASU KI — Lignum Sassa- SAVUIORU一Saviol. (Salvarsan; SARUBARUSAN.) SAYAURIN—Sayaurin. {Same as AMUFUOTOROPIN.) SAYOJIN—Saiodin “ Hochst.” SED ACHIB ARU—Sedati val. {See BUROMURARU.) SEDARON一Sedalon. {Same as PIRABITARU.) SEDOBURORU—Sedobr〇r‘ Roche.” SEDONAMON—Sedonamon. *SEI HORUMON—Sex hormones. i *SEIKAN YAKU—Antisudorifics. *SEIKYO—Ginger, the rhizome of zingiber officinale. *SEIKYO CHINKI — Tincture of ginger. *SEIKYO SHIROPPU — Symp of ginger. *SEIRI SHOKUENSUI — Sodium chlorate solution. *SEISAN—Hydrocyanic acid. *SEISEI GOA SUE—Chrysarobin; purified araroba; the dnea and powdered concretion found in the wood of the Brazilian treeVoua- capoua araroba; also called Goa powder. *SEISEI GUTAPERUKA—Purified gutta-percha. ♦SEISEI HACHIMITSU — Clarified honey. 319 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. ♦SEISE! KASSEKI SENEGA NE ♦SEISEI KASSEKI—Purified talc. *SEISEI MEN—Absorbent cotton. *SEISEI PARAGOMU—Caoutchouc; India rubber; also called pure Para-rubber. *SEISEI RYUDOSENGOKO—Puri- fied liquid storax, a liquid balsam obtained from the wood and inner bark of Liquidamber orientalis, a tree of Asia Minor. *SEISEI RYUKO—Purified sulfur. *SEISEI SEKITAN TARU — Car- bonis detergens. (Trade name for an alcoholic preparation contain- ing phenol.) *SEISEI SHONO—Refined camphor. *SEISEI SHUSEKI—Cream of tar- tar ;potassium bitartrate. *SEISEI TAMARINDO—The fruit of Tamarindus indica derived from the bitter outer portion of pericarp and preserved in sugar or syrup. ♦SEISEI TARUKU—Purified talc. *SEISEI TEREBIN ABURA—Recti- fied oil of turpentine made by treating oil of turpentine with sodium hydroxide and redistilling. *SEISHA YAKU—Obstipantia. *SEISHUKA BENJIRU—Bromben- zyl. *SEITO YAKU—Antiemetics. SEKAKORUNIN—Secacomin. SEKARUCHIN — Secartin. [Same as ZEKAKORUNIN.) SEKIMAIN—Sexmain (testicle hor- mone). *SEKIMATSUSHI—Lycopodium. *SEKIRI KESSEI — Anti-dysentery serums. *SEKIRI YOBO EKI—Anti-dysen- tery prophylactics. *SEKIRYU HI—Pomegranate bark. *SEKISAN—Lycoris radiata. SEKISANORU—Sexanol. (Alkaloid preparation made from Lycoris radiata.) *SEKISHOKU PURONTOJIRU — Prontosil red. *SEKISHOKU RYUKAKO— Sulfide of mercury; cinnabar. *SEKISHOKU SANKAKO—Oleated mercury. *SEKISHOKU YODOKO—Mercuric iodine, red iodide. *SEKITAN SAN — Phenol, carbolic acid. *SEKITANSAN AENKA SATSUZAI —Carbolated zinc oxide liniment. *SEKITANSAN GENCHIANA SHI —Carbol gentian violet. *SEKITANSAN SUI — Phenolated water, carbolic acid water. *SEKIYUBENJIN—Benzium; ben- zin; petroleum benzin; petro- leum ether. *SEKIYU NYUZAI GENEKI-Con- centrated petroleum emulsion. *SEKKAI NYU—Milk of lime. (A solution of lime containing par- ticles of undissolved lime in suspension.) *SEKKAI SATSUZAI — Lime lini- ment ;carron oil. *SEKKAI SUI—Lime water. *SEKKEN—Sapo domesticus; soap made with sodium hydroxide and a purified animal fat consisting chiefly of stearin. ♦SEKKEN KANFURU SATSUZAI —Camphorated soap liniment. *SEKKEN KOKO—Soap plaster. *SEKKEN SEI — Spirit of soap. (Castile s6ap in alcohol and water.) *SEKKEN ZAI—Soaps. *SEKKO KO—Mercuric oxide, red oxide of mercury. *SEKKO KO NANKO — Mercuric oxide ointment. SEKURETAMIN — Secretamin. (Stomach enzyme extract.) SEMBURI—Herba Swertiae. SENEGA NE—Senega root. 320 SENEGA SHIN NATSU List of Japanese Drugs—continued. ♦SHITANSAN TETSU SENEGA SHIN MATSU — Senega root powder. SENEGA SHIROPPU — Senega syrup. SENIETTO一Rochelle salts. SENIETTO EX —■ Seignette’s salts; Rochelle salts. SENNA HA—Senna leaves. SENNA SHIROPPU—Senna syrup. SENSONIN—Sensonin. (Extract of thymus of Bufo Vulgaris; used like digitalis; same as BUHO- TARISU.) SENSORU—Sensol. {Same as SEN- SONIN.) SEPUSORUBIN — Sepsorbin (pron- tosil album). SERAGARU—Cellegar. {Same as NORUMAKORU.) SER A J IN—Cerasin. (Preparation made from the bark of the cherry tree.) SETANORU—Cetanol. SETANORU NANKO—Cetanol oint- ment. ♦SHAGE YAKU—Cathartics. • *SHARIEN—Epsom salts; magnes- ium sulfate. SHARURAHAROTO — Scarlet red (amidoazotoluol azo-B-naphthol). *SHIAN SUISOSAN — Hydrocyanic acid. *SHIBO RUI — Varieties of fats, greases, etc. *SHIBO SEIZAI — Manufacture of fats and greases. *SHIBOTSUSHOKU JISAN SOEN —Bismuth subgaUate. ♦SHIBOTSUSHOKU JISAN YODO SOEN — Bismuth oxyiodide subgallate. *SHIENKA TANSO — Carbon tetrachloride. *SHIKETSU MEN—Styptic cotton. ♦SHIKETSU SAN — Hemostatics; styptics. SHIKKARORU — Siccarol. (Mix- ture of zinc oxide, dextrin and boric acid.) *SHIKYU KINSHUKU YAKU — Uterotonics. SHIMUNENARIN — Symmenalin (adrenalin chloride). SHINA BANA—Flos Cinae. SHINAMAHIN — Sinamachin (car- bolic acid ester of quinine), *SHINCHO KOJOSEN — Thyroid gland. *SHINKOSEKI—Copper aluminate. SHINNAPIRIN — Cinnapyrinum. (Japanese commercial drug; cin- namoyloxyphenylurea.) SHINOMENIN—Sinomenine. SHINPATORU — Sympatol (p-oxy- pheny 1-ethanol methylamine hydrochloride). *SHIN SHIBERUKURIN — New tuberculin. SHINTARIN—Synthaline. SHINTARUSAN—Syntharsan. SHINTENARIN — Synthenalin. (A suprarenal gland extract.) SHIONON一Sionon “ Bayer.” SHIRISUTOREN — Smstren (tet- raglycol ester of silicic acid). SHIROPPU — Syrupus simplex, (simple syrup.) SHIRORIN—Sirolin " Roche/, ♦SHISAKUSANEN EKI — Solution of lead subacetate. *SHI SARICHIRUSAN SOEN — Bismuth subsalicylate. ♦SHISHOSAN SOEN — Bismuth sub- nitrate. SHISUTOMENJIN — Sistomensin (the ovarian hormone in lipoid form.) ♦SHITANSAN — Bismuth sub- carbonate. ♦SHITANSAN EN — White lead; lead carbonate. ♦SHITANSAN TETSU — Subcar- bonate of iron. 321 SHITORONERA ABURA List of Japanese Drugs—continued. *SHUSEKI SAN KARi SODA SHITORONERA ABURA — Citron- 'ella oil. *SHITSU CHINKI — Tincture for odontalgia. (Mixture of menthol, engenol, chloroform, ether and a tincture of guaiacum.) *SHOBI ABURA — Oil of roses; attar of roses. *SHOBI SUI—Rosewater. *SHODOKU YAKU—Disinfectants. *SHODOKUYO METANORU — Methanol prepared for use as a disinfectant. ♦SHODOKUYO SHOKO — Bi- chloride of mercury prepared as a disinfectant. *SHOKA KOSO—Digestive ferments. *SHOKA RYUKO—Sublimed sulfur; flowers of sulfur. *SHOKO一Bichloride of mercury. *SHOKO GAZE—Gauze treated with bichloride of mercury. *SHOKO JO — Bichloride of mercury tablets. *SHOKO MEN—Cotton treated with bichloride of mercury. SHOKORADE—Chocolate. *SHOKUBUTSUSEI GEZAI — Vegetable laxatives. *SHOKUBUTSUSEI TAMPAKU SEIZAI — Laxatives made from plant proteins. *SHOKUEN — Sodium chloride. *SHONIFUN—Infant formulas. *SHONISAN — A powder composed of magnesium carbonate and powdered rhubarb, fennel oil and sugar. *SHONO—Camphor. *SHONO SAN—Camphoric acid. *SHONOSAN PIRAMIDON —Cam- phorated pyramidon. *SHONO WARIDORU — Cam- phorated validol; a io percent solution of camphor in validol. *SHOSAN—Nitric acid. *SHOSAN ARIPIN—Alypin nitrate. *SHOSAN GIN—Silver nitrate. *SHOSAN GIN KASHOSEKI — Mitigated silver nitrate or miti- gated caustic; has one part of silver nitrate and two parts of potassium nitrate. *SHOSAN KARI — Potassium nitrate, niter. ♦SHOSAN MECHIRU ATOROPIN— Methylatropine nitrate. *SHOSAN SODA—Sodium nitrate. *SHOSAN SUTORIKININE — strychnine nitrate. *SHOSEIBOTSU SHOKUSHISAN— Pyrogallic acid. *SHOSEKI — Potassium nitrate. *SHOSEKISHI 一 Charta Potash Nitratis. (A prepared paper saturated with potassium nitrate and intended principally for ex- ternal application.) *SHOSEKKAI — Calcium oxide; lime; quicklime. *SHOSEKKO — Dried calcium sulfate; plaster of Paris. *SHOTOKO — Fructus cardamomi. (A product obtained from the almost ripened fruit of the East Indian herb Ellettaria carda- momum.) *SHUKEN YAKU—Astringents. ♦SHUKUDO TAKU—Myotics. *SHUSAN KARUSHIUMU — Cal- cium oxalate. *SHUSAN SERIUMU — Cerium oxalate. *SHUSEKI SAN — Tartaric acid. ♦SHUSEKISAN DEIKODAITO — Dicodide bitartrate. ♦SHUSEKI SAN KARI — Potas- sium tartrate. *SHUSEKI SAN KARI SODA — Potassium and sodium tartrate. 322 *SHUSEK! SAN TETSU KARI List of Japanese Drugs一continued. SUPECHIYODO *SHUSEKI SAN TETSU KARI— Iron and potassium tartrate. *SHUSO SUISOSAN SUKOPORA- MIN EKI — Solution of scopo- lamine hydrobromide. *SOEN ZAI—Bismuth preparations. SOKUSURETTO JIYOTO — Sox- hlefs nutritive sugar. (Mixture of corn sugar, dextrine, lactose, calcium and salt.) SOMATOSE—Somatose, SOMUNARU—Somnal. {See BURO- MUWARERIRU NYOSO.) SOMUNIFUEN—Somnifuen (dialkyl- amin-dialkyibarbituric solution). SORARUSON—Solarson. SORESUCHIN—Solaesthin. SORUBARUBITARU — Sol-Barbi- tal. {See VERONARU NATOR- IUMU.) SORUBISUMARU—Sorbismal (Bis- muth emulsion). SORUBITTO—Sorbite. SORUHIN — Solchin. (25 percent quinine hydrochloride solution.) SORUPIRIN—Solpirin (calcium ace- tylsalicylate). SORUVUOHIN—Solvochin. *SOSEI KUREZORU—Crude cresol. SOSHIORU — - Sosyol (sulfur com- pound) . SOTSUOYODORU KARI — Potas- sium sozoiodolate. SOTSUOYODORU SAN—Sozoiodolic acid. SOTSUOYODORU SAN AEN—Zinc sozoiodolate. SOTSUOYODORU SAN KARI — Kalium sozoiodicum (potassium sozoiodolate). SOTSUOYODORU SAN SODA — Sodium sozoiodolate. SUCHIBENIRU—Stibenyl. SUCHIBOSAN—Stibosan. SUCHIBUNARU — Stibnal (sodium antimonyl-tartrate). SUCHIMIN—Stimin (ethyl-hydrocup- reine). SUCHIPUCHICHIN—Stypticin. SUCHIPUTORU—Styptol “ Knoll” SUCHIRAKORU—Styracol “ Knoll.” SUCHIRAREN—Scillaren. SUFUROGERU—Sulflogel. (Mixture of sulfur and gelatine.) *SUGIYANI—Resin of cryptomeria japonica. ♦SUGIYANI KOKO — Cryptomeria resin plaster. *SUIGIN—Mercury. *SUIGIN EMORIZORU — Colloidal mercury. *SUIGIN EREKUROIDO—Colloidal mercury. *SUIGIN HAKUA — Mercury with chalk; hydrargyrum cum creta. *SUIGIN NANKO—Mercurial oint- ment. *SUIGIN KOKO—Mercurial plaster. *SUIGIN REZORUBIN—Mercurial- ized resorbin. *SUIGIN ZAI—Mercurial drags. *SUISEI DAIO CHINKI—Aqueous tincture of rhubarb. SUKOTTO NYUKA—Scotfs emul- sion. SUPAGURIN—Spaglin. (Mixture of magnesium sulphate and a glucose preparation.) SUPAMIDORU — Spamidol. (Mix- ture of hydrocotarnine hydro- chloride and aminopyrine.) SUPASUMARUGIN — Spasmalgin ‘‘ Rodie.” SUPASUMIIRU—Spasmyl. SUPASUMORIJIN—Spasmolysin. SUPECHIYODO — Speciiod. (Mix- ture of iodine, sodium iodide and sodium hypoiodide.) 323 SUPERUMACHIN List of Japanese Drugs—continued. *SUZU SUPERUMACHIN—Spermatin. SUPERUMIN—Spermine. SUPERUMORENIN — Spermorenin (testicle hormone). SUPERUZON—Spelzon (vitamin SUPIKAIN—Spicain (procaine hydro- chloride) . SUPINACHIN—Spinacin. SUPINACHIN—Spinatin. (Spinach extract preparation.) SUPIROBISUMORU—Spirobismol. SUPIROCHIDO — Spirocid. {Ace- tarsone ;same as SUTOBARU- ZORU.) SUPIROHETA—Spirochaeta. SUPIROJIN—Spirodin. (A sodium salt of a compound ot mercury acetate and salicylallylamido- acetic acid; same as ZARIRU- GAN.) SUPIRO KOKO—Corn plaster. SUPIROZARU—Spirosal. SUPOIDO—Eye dropper. SUPUMAN—Spuman (1-3 dioxyben- zol formaldehyde). — Supnephrin. (Mixture of adnephrine and ephe- SUPURAGURANDORU — Supra- glandol (orthodioxyphenyl-eth- anol-methylamine hydrochloride). SUPURAREN ARIN—Suprarenalin. SUPURARENIN — Suprarenin “Bayer.,, SUPURENOGEN — Splenogen. (Spleen extract.) SURUFUACHIAZORU — Sulfathia- SURUFUAGUANIJIN — Sulfaguan- idine. SURUFUAJIAJIN—Sulfadiazine. SURUFUAMIDO—Sulphamide (sul- fonamide). SURUFUAMIN—Sulfanilamide. SURUFUAMIN ZAI—Sulfa drugs. SURUFUANIRUANIRIDO — Sulfa- nilanilid. SURUFUAPIRIJIN — Sulfapyrid- ine. SURUFUOKISHIRU SARUVUAR- USAN—Sulfoxyl-Salvarsan. SURUHONARU—Sulfonal. SURUHO SEKITAN SAN AEN — Zinc sulfocarbolate. SURUHO SEKITANSAN SODA — Sodium sulfocarbolate. SURUPIRIN—Sulpirin. (Same as NOBARUGIN.) ' SUTAB1ZORU — Stabisol. (Mistle- toe extract preparation solution.) SUTAGUNIN—Stagnin. (Spleen ex- tract preparation.) SUTAMIN一Stamin (Japanese com- mercial drug). SUTEARINSAN—Stearic acid. SUTOBARUZORU — Stovarsol (ace- tarsone). SUTOKUSU SHI GOZAI — Stokes, mixture. SUTORIKININE—Strychnine. SUTOROFUANCHIN — Strophan- thin. SUTOROFUANTSUSU CHINKI — Tincture of strophanthus. SUTOROFUANTSUSU KO—Semen strophantln. SUTOROFUAREN — Strophalen (strophanthus gratus extract). SUTORONCHIURAN — Slrontiuran (strontium urea chloride). SUTOVUARUZORU — Stovarsol (acetarsone). . *SUZU—Tin. 32 4 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. TABURETTO TANORE T TABURETTO—Tablet. *TAIFUSHI YU — Chaulmoogra oil. TAIMORU—Thymol. ♦TAKAHASHI SHI KAIRYO KAN ABURA — Takahashi’s cod-liver oil. TAKA JIASUTAZE—Taka diastase. TAKANORUMON — Takanorumon (aluminum silicate). TAKAMORU — Takamol (calcium salicylate). TAKARIJIN — Takalidin. (A diuretic preparation made from com extract.) TAK AROZE — Tacarose. (Mixture of calcium salicylate and dex- trose.) TAKASUCHIN — Takastin. {See TSUSHIDORIN.) TAMARIND。一Tamarind. TAMMATSU KONPURETTO — Kohle Compretten. (Powdered charcoal.) *TAMPAKU NYU — Milk of albumen. (Mixture of albumen fat, milk, sugar and various salts.) ♦TAMPAKU SEIZAI—Albumins. TANBARUSAN — Tansalsan (di- oxydiaminoarsenobenzol hydro- chloride). *TANEN KOKO 一 Lead monoxide ointment. *TANJUSAN—Cholic acid. TANKABON — Tancarbon. (Mixture of tannic acid and vegetable carbon.) *TAN NANKO—Simple ointment. TANNARU—Tannal. TANNARUBIN — Tannalbin. TANNARUBIN JO — Pastilli tan- nalbini; tannalbin. *TANNEISAN OPUTOHIN — Op- tochin tannate (ethylhydro- cupreine tannate). TANNIN—Tannic acid. TANNINGEN — Tanningen "Bayer,, TANNIN KATEN — Tanninagar. (Mixture of tannic acid and gelatine.) TANNINSAN ARUBUMIN — Al- bumen tannate. TANNINSAN FUENAZORIN — Phenyldihydroquinazonn tannate. TANNIN SAN FUENIRUJIHIDOR- OKINAZORIN — Phenyldihy- droquinazolin tannate. TANNIN SAN JO — Tannic acid tablets. TANNIN SAN KININE — Quinine tannate. TANNINSAN OREFU ABURA— Tannic acid and olive oil. TANNIN SAN OREKISHIN — Orexin tannate. TANNIN SAN REMIJIN—Remijin Tannate (ethyl hj-'drocupreine tannate). TANNIN ZAI — Tannic acid pre- parations. TANNISUMUTO 一 Tannismut “ Hey den.” TANNOFUORUMU — Tannoform "Merck.” TANNOHORUMU—Tannoform. TANNOHORUMU TARUKU Tannoform talcum. TANNOPIN 一 Tannopin. (Mixture of tannic acid and hexamethylene tetramine.) TANORE -— Tanole (phenyl-dihydro- quinazolin tannate). 325 List ot Japanese Drugs一continued. *TANSAN TEOMINARU *TANSAN—Carbonic acid. *TANSAN AMMON — Ammonium carbonate. *TANSAN ARUKARI RUI — Car- bonated alkalis; the carbonates of potassium or sodium. *TANSAN GUAYAKORU — Guaia- col carbonate. *TANSAN KARI—Potassium car- bonate. *TANSAN KUREOSOTO — Creosote carbonate. *TANSAN MAGUNESHIA — Mag- nesium carbonate. *TANSAN RICHIUMU — Lithium carbonate. *TANSAN SEKKAI — Calcium car- bonate. *TANSAN SODA — Sodium car- bonate. TANSEPARE — Tanseparei (cresol syrup). *TANSHA RIBETSU — Simple syrup. TARONCHIRU—Tarontil"Bayer.” (Histamine preparation.) TARUGEJIN — Targesin (colloidal albuminous silver diacetyl tan- nate containing 6 percent of metallic silver). TARUKU—Talcum. TARUKUMU—Talcum. TARUPASUTA — Sulfur tar oint- ment. TARUTARIN — Tartarin. {Same as PIRIJIUMU.) *TARYUKO — Sulfur and tar paste. TATAKAKKUSU — Tatalax. (Mix- ture of tartaric acid and an alkali salt of carbonic acid.) TAUGEN — Taugen. (Mixture of betaine, taurin and glycogen.) TAURORU — Taurol. (Mixture of 一 taurin, sulfur, glycocoll, glycogen, cholesterol, and lecithin.) TAUTORON — Tautron. {Same as IBETON.) *TEIKO—Clove flowers. *TEIKO ABURA—Oil of cloves. TEIN—Theine, theina. *TEISHI—Clove flowers. TEMINA — Temina. (Antiphlo- gistine). TENESUMIN — Tenesmin. (Mixture of urotropin emetine hydro- chloride.) TENOJIN 一 Tenosin. (Mixture of tyramine and histamine.) TEOBUROM IN—Theobromine. TEOCHIMIN KARUSHIUMU — Theocimin-calcium. {See SARI- CHIRUSAN TEOBUROMIN SEKKAI.) TEOCHIN—Theocin “ Bayer.” TEOCHIN SAKUSAN SODA — Theocin sodium acetate “ Bayer.” TEOCHIRON—Theocylon “ Merck,, (theobromine acetylsalicylate). TEOCHIZORU — Theocisol. (See TEOCHIN SAKUSAN SODA.) TEOFUERAMIN — Theoferlamin (calcium theobromine salicylate). TEOFUIRIN—Theophylline. TEOFUIRIN ECHIRENJIAMIN — Theophylline ethylened iamine. TEOFUIRORU 一 Theophyllolum (sodium theophylline acetate). TEOFUIRURIN JO — TheophyHin Tablet (Dimethyxanthine tablet). TEOKARUSHIN—Theocalcin. TEOKISAN — Thoxan (sodium theophylline acetate). TEOMINARU—Theominal “ Baver.” 326 TEPIRARU List of Japanese Drugs—continued. TORAGANTO JO TEPIRARU — Thepiral (mono- bromantipyrine acetylsalicylate). TERAPIA — Therapia. (Mixture of guaiacol and salicylic acid.) TERAPORU—Therapol. TERAGURUKOSAN— Teraglucosan. {Same as SARABUROZE.) TERAPIA — Therapia (guaiacol and methyl ester of salicylic acid). TERATSUTEN—Telatuten. TEREBIN ABURA—Oil of turpen- tine. TEREBINCHINA — Terebinthina; turpentine. TEREBIN NANKO — Turpentine ointment. TERIGAN—Thelygan. TERUPIHIN—Terpichin. TERUPIN—Terpin. *TESSHU — Wine of iron. (Mixture of ammonium ferriciirate and sherry.) TESUCHINON — Testinon. (Tes tide hormone preparation.) TESUTEGURANDORU — Teste- glandol “Roche.” (Testicle hormone.) TESUTOGAN—Testogan. TETANI—Tetany. TETORACHIONATO — Tetrathion- ate. TETORANITOROMETAN — Tetra- nitro-methane. TETORATAN 一 Tetratan (carbon tetrachloride). ' TETORODOTOKISHIN — Tetrodo- toxin. {See FUGUDOKU- SOEKI.) TETORONARU—Tetronal. *TETSU FUICHIN — Ferrophytin. (The iron salt of inosit hexa- phosphoric acid.) *TETSUFUN—Powdered iron. TODAIO—Rhubarb rhizome. *TOHI—Orange bark. *TOHI CHINKI — Tincture of orange peel. *TOHI SHIROPPU — Orange syrup. *TOKA ABURA -— Oil of orange blossoms. TOKANON 一 Tocanon. {Same as BUROKANON.) TOKARUCHIN — Theocaltin (cal- cium theobromine salicylate). *TOKASO—Diastase preparations. *TOKA SUI—Mint water. TOKISHIN RUI—Toxins. TOKISODESUMIN — Toxodesmin. (Mixture of sodium sulfate and animal charcoal.) *TOKON — Radix ipecacuanhae ; ipecac. *TOKON CHINKI — Tincture of orange peel. *TOKON JO—Ipecac tablets. *TOKON SHIROPPU — Syrup of ipecac. *TOKON SHU —Wine of ipecac. TONEFUIN — T9nephin "Bayer.” (Posterior pituitary hormone.) TONIKUMU—Tonikum " Roche.” TONKO KO — Semen tonco (tonka bean,; dypsterix odorata). TONOSUTAN — Tonostan. (Mix- ture of yohimbine, arsenic and strychnine.) *TONSHI—Lard. TORAGANTO—Tragacanth. TORAGANTO JO — Mucilage of Tragacanth. 327 TORAHICHiN List of Japanese Drugs—continued. TORONBOGEN TORAHICHIN — Trachitin (kalo- panax ricinifolius extract). TORAKUMIN — Tracmin (copper trichlorbutylmalonate). TORANSUPURUMIN — Transpul- min. (Ether type oil solution containing a salt base of quinine and camphor.) TORAUMACHICHIN—Traumaticin. TOREPOCHIDO — Trepodd. {Same as SUPIROCHIDO.) TOREPORU—Trepol. TORIANON — Trianon (amino- benzolsulfonamidopyridine). TORIBISUMIN — Tribismin. {Same as SUPIROBISUMORU.) TORIBORACHIN — Triboration. {See UROBORAMIN.) TORIBUROMU ETANORU — Tri- bromethanol (Avertin). TORIBUROMU SEKKAISAN SOEN 一Bismuth tribromphenylate. {Same as KISEROFUORUMU.) TORIFERIN — Triferrin “Knoll.” TORIFERORU—Triferrol. TORIFUARU — Triphal (sodium aurothiobenzamide azolcarbon- ate). TORIGEMIN—Trigemin. TORIHAROMIN — Trihalomin. {See TORIPAFURABIN.) TORIKOMONOASU—Trichomonas. TORIKORU — Toricol. {See TORIPAFURABIN.) TORIKURARU SAKUSAN — Tri- nitrophenol:picric acid. TORIKUREZORU—Trikresol. TORIONARU—Trional. TORIPAFURABIN — Trypaflavine. (An acridine dye which is a powerful antiseptic; same as AKURIFURABIN.) TORIPAFURABIN ARUKORU — Trypaflavine alcohol. TORIPAFURAVUIN —Trypaflavine. TORIPANBURAU — Trypan-blue. TORIPANOZOMA — Trypanosoma. TORI PANROTO—Trypan-red. TORIPAROZAN—Tryparosan. TORIPARUSAMIDO — Tryparsa- mide. TORIPAZORU — Tripasol. {See TORIPAFURABIN.) TORIPORU — Tripol (prontosil album). TORIPUSHIN—Trypsin. TORIPUTAN — Tryptan (trypto- phan copper and manganese). TORIRATSUKU — Trilax (p-amino- phenylsulfonamide). TORITORU—Tritol. TOROGESTIN — Thorogestin. (A commercial hormone used to promote agglutination.) TOROKAIN — Trocain (procaine hydrochloride). TOROKAIN — Trocain (paramino- benzoyl-diethylaminoethanol). TOROMBERI — Thrombery. {Same as TOROMBOGEN.) TOROMBOGEN—Thrombogen. TOROMBURIN—Thrombolin. {Same as TOROMBOGEN; see NOTE below.) TOROMBURIN — Thrombrin. (A thrombokinase preparation; see NOTE below.) TOROMBURIN—Thrombulin. {Same as OPOSUTACHIN.) (NOTE : The drugs Thromblin, Thrombrin and Thrombulin have the same spelling in Japanese Kana, but are quite different.) TORONBOGEN—Thrombogen. 328 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. TOROPAKOKAIN *UIKYO TOROPAKOKAIN — Tropa-Cocaine. TOROPON — Tropon. (Made from animal and plant albumen.) TORUBARUSAMU 一 Balsamum Tolutanum (balsam of Tolu). TORUORU—Toluol. *TOSHI—Kaolin. *TOSHUSEKI — Antimony and potassium tartrate; tartar emetic. TOTAKINA—Totaquina; totaquine. *TOYAKU — The herb swertia, belonging to the gentianaceae family. *TOZAI—Emetics. -TSUBAPvI ABURA — Oil of camellia. (Obtained from camellia japonica.) TSUBERUKURIN—Tuberculin. TSUBERUKURIN El EFU — Tuberculin A. F. TSUBERUKURIN HANNO — Tuberculin reaction test. TSUBERUKURIN TI ARU — Tuberculin T. R. TSUEBION—Cebione 〃 Merck.” TSUEDERO OIRU — Immersion oil. TSU HANNO — Tuberculin reaction test. {Same as TSUBERU- KURIN HANNO.) TSUKKERIN — Zucherin (soluble saccharine), TSUMENORU—Tumenol. TSUOTARU—Duotal. TSURAREMIYA—Tularemia. TSUSHIASUTO — Tussiast. (Mix- ture of thyroid gland extract, posterior pituitary gland extract, papaverine and ephedrine.) TSUSHIDORIN — Tussidrin. (Mix- ture of ephedrme and papaverine.) TSUSOIN 一 Tusoin. (Preparation made from the honey locust plant.) TSUTOKAIN—Tutocaine “Bayer.” TSUYORU—Tuyol. TUSSORU—Tussol. u UABANIN KYOSHINRINYOZAI- Cardiotonic ouabain. UARIDORU—Validol. UBADEKON — Uvadecon. {Same as ANAGENIN). UBANIN—Uabanin; Ouabain. UBAUMIN — Uvaumin. [Sa!me as ANAGENIN.) UBAURU — Uvaul. (Same as ANAGENIN.) UBAURUCHIN — Uvaurtin. {Same as ANAGENIN.) UBA URUSHI — Uvae ursi. (Dried leaves of bearberry or mountain box.) UBAYO EKISO — Uvayo Ex. [Same as ANAGENIN.) UEROJIGEN—Verodigen. UERUPASU —- Welpas. {Same as BISACHIN.) UIGANTORU—Vigantol. • , - . *UIKYO — Fructus foeniculi. -(Fennel fruit, fennel seed,) List of Japanese Drugs—continued. SEI UZARA *UIKYO SEI—Spiritus foeniculi. *UIKYO SUI—Aqua foeniculi. *UIKYO YU—Oil of fennel. UINAFUSHOKU — Pasta caustica Viennensis. (Vienna caustic paste.) UIRUKINSON NANKO — Wilkin- ointment. UIRUSON HOTON DEIKO — Wilson's Fat Paste. (Mixture of benzoic acid, fat, and zinc oxide.) UITAMIN—Vitamin. UITAMOGEN — Vitamogen. (Mix- ture of phosphorus, cod liver oil, yolk and yeast.) UMUSUCHIN — Umstin. (Commer- cial drug used to treat allergies.) UNDEN—Unden “ Bayer.” URANIN—Uranin. XJRARUGORU — Urargol (silver uranin). UREABUROMIN — Ureabromine (bromcalciumurea). URERON — Uleron. {Same as URIRON,) URETAN—Urethane. URINOGEN — Urinogen. (4-para- aminophenylsulfamino - phenyl- sulfodimethylamide). URIRON—Uliron " Bayer.” UROBORAMIN 一 Uroboramine (hexamethylene tetramin borate). UROCHIRAMIN — Urotyramin. (Mixture of hexamethylene tetramine and magnesium.) UROKANFU — Urocamph (hexa- methylene tetramin camphor- ate; AMUFUOTOROPIN). UROMECHIN — Urometin. (Mix- ture of urotropin and emetine hydrochloride.) URONORU — Uronal.(i percent solution of mercuric, aminotoluol bisuiicttc;). UROPIRIN — Uropirin (cinnam- omyl-p-oxyphenylurea). UROROGIN — Urologin (calcium iodoformin), UROSEREKUTAN — Uroselectan (iodo-pyridine compound). UROSHITORIN — Urodtrin (hex- amethylene tetramin anhydro- methylene citrate). UROTENAMIN — Urotenamin (pure urotropin). UROTOROBUROBETON — Urotro- Broveton. {Same as URO- TOROBUROKANON.) UROTORO BURODEKISHIN — Urotro-Brodexin. [Same as UROTOROBUROKANON.) UROTORO BUROKANON — Uro- tro-Brocanon. (A mixture of hypertonic sugar solution, calcium bromide and urotropin.) UROTOROPIN — Urotropin (meth- enamine). UROZARIN — Urosalin (hexa- methylene tetramin sulfosalicy- late). URUKUMORU — Ulcumol. (Mix- ture of organic salts of copper and rice bran extract.) URUTORAKUCHINA — Ultractina. (Powdered buttermilk.) UWAROGEN — Uvarogen. (Uvae ursi leaf extract preparation.) UWAUMIN — Uvaumin. (Uvae ursi leaf extract preparation.) UWAURU — Uvaul. {Same as ANAGENIN.) UWA URUSHI HA —Folium Uvae Ursi. (Leaves of bearberry or mountain box.) UZARA—Uzara. 330 VARIRU List of Japanese Drugs—continued. WAZOTONIN V VARIRU—Valyl ‘‘ Hochst.” VARORU — Valol (menthol valeri- anate) . VERONARU—Veronal. VERONARU NATORIUMU — So- dium veronal ‘‘ Bayer.” VERONASECHIN—Veronacetin. VIDARON — Vidalon ‘‘ Bayer.” (Mixture of vigantol and cod liver VIGANTORU—Vigantol ‘‘ Merck.” VIKAZORU — Vicazol (vitamin A and D). VISUDARIN — Visdarin. (Ovarial hormone preparation.) VITAFUORUCHIN — Vitafortin (vitamin Bj). VUARIDORU — Validol (menthol isovalerate). VUCHIN—Vuzin “ Zimmer.” VUIOHORUMU—Vioform. VUORUNTARU—Voluntal. w WAGIN — Vagin. (Mixture of sugar sodium nitrate, sodium bicarbon- ate and tartaric acid.) WAGINORU — Vaginol. (Mixture of saponin, lactic acid and lactic acid and lactic acid salts.) WAGITORAN — Vagitoran. (Mix- ture of ter-trichlorobutyl sali- cylic acid ester, aluminum acet- tartate and glucose.) WAGOSUCHIGUMIN — Vagostig- min. {Same as PUROSUCHIGU- MIN.) WAKAMOTO — Wakamoto. {Same as EBIOSU.) WAKUCHIFURAVUIN — Vaccifla- vin. (Mixture of gonorrheal vac- cine, 3.6 diamino 10, methyl- acridine chloride and calcium chloride.) \M ARUCHIN—Vaccine. WARENCHIN NIKU JU — Valen- tine's meat juice. {Same as WARENTAIN NIKU EKI.) WARENTAIN NIKU EKI —Valen- meat juice. WARIDORU—Validol. WARIRU—Valyl. WASERIN—Vaseline. WASOJIRACHIN—Vasodilatin. WAZERIN—Vaseline. WAZOGEN—Vasogen. WAZOTONIN—Vasotonin. * 丫 AKIMEIBAN List of Japanese Drugs—continued. YODO KAR1 Y *YAKIMEIBAN—Burnt alum. /AKOTONIN — Yocotonin (lime phosphate syrup). YAKURITON — Yakriton. (Liver hormone preparation.) *YAKUYO KOBO—Yeast prepared for medicinal use. *YAKUYO SEKKEN — Medicinal soap. *YAKUYO SUMI—Medicinal char- coal. *YAMASHI SOYU—Oil extract of Mosla japonica or Mosla leucan- tha, YAPANIN—Yapanin. (Mixture of iodo-oxyquinoline sulfonate and sodium carbonate.) YAPONORU — Japonal. (An oil obtained from camphor and con- sisting principally of oil of turpen- tine and alcohol.) YARAPPA NE—Jalapa root.. YARAPPA SEKKEN ■— Sapo Jala- pinus. YARAPPA YANI—Rosina Jalapae. *YASHI YU—Coconut oil. YATEMIN CHUSHAEKI—Yatemin injection solution. (A 3 percent sterile solution of 74 parts of iodo oxyquinoline sulfonic acid and 26 parts of sodium bicarbonate.) YATOKONIN—Yatoconin. (Mixture of calcium phosphate and fruc- tose.) YATOREN—Yatren " Bayer.” YATOREN 105—Yatren 105. (Mix- ture of 7-iodo-8-oxyquinoline-5- sulfonate and sodium bicarbon- ate.) YATOREN KAZEIN — Yatren- Casein. YOCHION—Jothion “ Bayer.” [See YODOHIDOROKISHIPURO- PAN.j YODARUBIN—lodalbin. YODO—Iodine. YODOBEHENSAN SEKKAI — Cal- cium monoiodobehenate. YODO CHINKI —Tincture of iodine. YODOCHIRIN — lodothyrin “Bayer.” YODOETERU — Aether lodatum (ether iodate). YODOFUORUMU—Iodoform. YODOGURIJIN—lodoglidin. {See YODOHIDOROKISHIPURO- PAN.) YODOGURISERIN — lodoglycerin (iodine 0-2; potassium iodine 2.0; glycerin 20.0). YODOHIDOROKISHIPUROPAN — lodohydroxypropane. YODOHORUMU—Iodoform. YODOHORUMU GAZE — lodofor- mized gauze. YODOHORUMU KOROJION — Iodoform collodion. YODOHORUMU WATA—lodoform- ized cotton. YODO JIUKARUCHIN—lod - Diu- calcin (calcium diuretin iodide.) (Mixture of potassium iodine and calcium theobromine salicylate.) YODO JIURECHIN JO— lod-Diu- retin tablets (theobromine, potas- sium iodide, and sodium bicarbon- ate). YODO JIURECHIN KARUCHIUMU —lodcaldum-Diuretin. (Mixture oi iodine, calcium, and diuretin.) YODO KARI (YOPOTSU)—Potas- sium iodide. 332 List of Japanese Drugs—continued. YODO KARI NANKO * 丫 USOMOKUSHI YODO KARI XANKO— Potassium iodide ointment. YODO YOYU—Iodized oil. YODO NATORIUMU — Sodium loaide. YODO PORITAMIN — lod-Polyta- min (amino acid, iron glycero- phosphate, and iodine). YODOREN—Iodolen 〃 Knoll.” YODORINOZORU SHARIPPU — Jodlynosol syrup. (Mixture of guaiacol and calcium iodide.) YODORU—lodol"Knoll.” YODO SEI—Spiritus iodi. YODO SOEN EMECHIN — Emetine bismuth iodide. YODO SUIGIN EREKUROIDO — tlecloid-Mercurous iodide (col- loidal mercurous iodide solution.) YODOSUTARIN (YODOTARIN- SAN)—lodostarin “ Roche.” YODO TETORAGUNOSUTO — So- dium tetraiodophenolphthalein. YODO TETSU SHIROPPU—Syrup fern iodide. YODO WAZOGEN — lod-vasogen. (Mixture of iodine and vasogen.) YODO ZAI—Iodide preparations. YOGGURUTO — Yoghurt. (Lactic acid preparation.) YOJIPIN—lodipin 〃 Merck.” YOJISAN — lodisan (hexamethyl- diamino-isopropanol diiodide). YOJIVARU—Iodival"Knoll.” *YOKAISEI GEZAI — Saline Cath- artics. YORUGON — Jorgon. {Same as JIYODOCHIROJIN.) *YOSEI ASUPIRIN — Soluble as- pirin. *YOSEI BARUBITARU — Soluble barbitol. *YOSEI FUENOBARUBITARU — Soluble phenobarbital. ♦YOSEI PURONTOJIRU — Soluble prontosil. *YOSEI SAKKARIN — Soluble sac- cll3XiTlC *YOSEI SHOSANGIN — Molded silver nitrate; lunar caustic; stick caustic; argenti nitras fusus. YUBEN—Uben. {Same as EBANIN.) YUBENIN—Juvenine " Bayer.” YUBERA—Juvela (vitamin E pro- duct). YUGORU—Jugol. (Butternut bark extract) YUGURIN—Juglin. (Butternut bark extract preparation.) YUKARI—Eucalyptol. YUKARI ABURA—Oil of Eucalyp tus. YUKARI HA—Eucalyptus leaves. YUKIRIN — Eukirin (phytin and sugar). YUKOFEN—Eucophen. {Same as KINOFEN.) YUKUROMIN—Jukuromin (calcium chloride and sodium bromide). YUKUROMIN BUDOTO — Jukuro- min-Dextrose (dextrose, sodium bromide and calcium cnloride). YUNGUHORUN—Junghorn (testicle hormone). YUNIPIRIN—Unipyrin. (Mixture of opopyrine, acetyl-salicylate and caffeine.) YURISUTAMIN—Juristamin. {See VERONARU NATORIUMU.) YURODONARU — Urodnal. (Mix- ture oi lecithin, sidonal and hexa- methylene tetramine.) YUKON—Yuron. {See URIRON.) *YUSAN—Oleic acid. *YUSAN KO—Oleate of mercury. *YUSAN SODA—Sodium oleate. *YUSOMOKU—Lignum guaiaci; the wood of guaiacum officinale. *YUSOMOKU CHINKI — Tincture of guaiac. *YUSOMOKUSHI — Guaiac; resina guaici. 333 List of Japanese Drugs一continued. ZAIFUERUTO SHI EKI ZURUGITTO z ZAIFUERUTO SHI EKI — Seiferfs solution (glycerine and iodine compound). ZAIMORU—Zymol. ZAOKIN—Zaokin (prontosil album). ZAREN一Salen. (Mixture of sali- cylic acid and methylethyl glycol acid ester.) ZAREN SHUSEI — Salenal alcohol (methyl-ethyl glycolic ester of salicylic acid). ZARICHIN—Salicin. ZARIPIRIN—Salipyrin. ZARIRUGAN—Salyrgon “ Hochst.” {Same as NOBAZURORU.) ZAROFUEN—Salophen. ZARORU—Salol. ZARORU UWAURUSHIN JO — Salol-Llarsin tablet. (Mixture of arbutin and salol.) ZAROSANTARU—Salosantal. (Mix- ture of salol and santal oil.) ZARUKOMU—Sarcoma. ZARUSOBUROKA NON — Salso- brocanon. (Mixture of 10 percent dextrose solution and 2 percent sodium bromcalcium salicylate solution.) ZARUSO EKI—Salt solution. ZEDORIN—Zedrin. (A tablet com- posed principally of methyl phen- ethylamine.) ZEKAKORUNIN 一 Secacornin "Roche.” ZEKAMIN—Zecamin. (Mixture of magnesium sulfate, glycerin and boric acid.) ZEKORAMIN — Jecoramin (vitamin A product). ZENEGARON — Senegalon. (A pro- duct of Senega or radix decoc- tum.) ZERACHIN—Gelatine. *ZOENSO—Halogens. *ZOKI SEIZAI—Hormone drugs. ZOMUNARU一Somunal. {Same as BUROMURARU.) ZOMUNASECHIN — Somnacetin. {Same as VERONASECHIN.) ZORUBOHIN --- Soluochin (25 per- cent quinine solution.) ZORUHIN—Solchin (25 percent quin- ine solution). ZORUKINA—Solchina. (Prepara- tion made from the bark of cinchona.) ZUBUGONIN—Subconin (3 to 5 per- cent hypertonic salt solution). ZUKURORU—Sucrol. {See ZURU- CHIN.) ZUOTARU—Duotal. ZUPURARENIN 一 Suprarenin “ Bayer ’’(adrenalin chloride). ZURUCHIN—Dulcin, sucrol. ZURUFUAMIN—Sulphamin. ZURUFUOKISHIRU SARUVUAR- USAN — Sulfoxyl-Salvarsan (para - arsenophenyl-dimethyl- amino pyrazolon sulfo-oxalate). ZURUFUONARU—Sulfonal. ZURUFUOSARICHIRUSAN SUI- GIN SODA EKI — Sodium mer- curic sulfosalicylate solution. ZURUFURORU — Sulfurol (refined sulfur). ZURUGITTO—Dulcite or duldtol. 334 しist of PERSONAL NAMES THE following is a List of Personal Names which occur in medical terminology. These are names which are associated with the nomen- clature of medicines, diseases, anatomical terms, treatments, tests, instruments and the like. The spelling of each name follows the accepted Japanese Kana spelling. Frequently the same spelling in Japanese can refer to either of two individuals; for example, MISHIERU may stand for ‘‘ Miescher,’’ the Swiss pathologist, or for ‘‘ Michel,” a Frenchman whose name is associated with “Michel’s clamps.” In such cases, the context should help to indicate to the medical translator which name should be chosen. In some cases, the same name may be spelled two ways ; thus, both AMPERU and AMPEA may stand for "Ampere,” Since the Japanese attempt to reproduce the pronuncia- tion of a name according to the nationality of the individual, ** Marchand '' spelled MARUHIYANTO imitates the German pronunciation, whereas ** Marchand '* spelled MARUSHIAN imitates the French. 335 LIST OF PERSONAL NAMES. ABADIE ARUBI A ABADIE—Abadie. ABBE—Abbe. ABERIN—Abelin. ABOTTO—Abbott. ABOTTSU—Abbots. ABUDERUHARUDEN — Abderhal- den. ABURAHAMU—Abraham. ABURAMUSU—Abrams. ADAMUKIUITSU—Adamkiewicz. AD AMU SU—Adams. ADORERU—Adler. AERUZA—Ayerza. AGAIRU ROBETOSAN — Argyll- Robertson. AIEMU—Hayem. AIHIHORUSUTO—Eichhorst. AINHORUN—Einhorn. AIZENBERUGU—Eisenberg. AIZENRORU—Eisenrohr. AJISON—Addison. AMBARU—Ambard. AMIYUSA—Amussa. AMPERU—Ampere. ANANDERU—Annandale. ANDASON—Anderson. ANDASU—Anders. ANDERUSHIYU—Andersch. ANDORADE—Andrade. ANDORARU—Andral. ANGERERU—Angerer. ANGERESUKU—Angelescu. ANGUSUTORO 玨 MU—Angstroem. ANO—Hanot. ANOTTO—Arnott. ANTON—Anton. APERUTO—Apert. ARANCHIUSU—Arantius. AREKISANDA ADAMUSU — Alex- ander-Adams. AREN—Allen. ARENIUSU—Arrhenius. ARIBERU—Alibert. ARION—Hallion. ARISUTOTERESU—Aristotle. ARIYON—Alyon. ARON—Aaron. ARON—Aron. ARONZON—Aronson • ARU—Halle. ARUBERUSU SHIENBERUKU — Albers-Schoenberg. ARUBERUTO—Albert. ARUBI—Albee. 337 ARUBIN List of Personal Names_contd. BANDORU ARUBINI—Albini. ARUDEI—Hardy. ARUFUERUTO—Ahfeld. ARUGANTO—Argand. ARUKIE—Alguie. ARUKIMEDESU—Archimedes. ARUKOKKU—Alcock. ARUKOKKUSU—Allcocks. ARUMEN—Almen. ARUNETTO—Arneth. ARUNINGU—Arning. ARUNORUDO—Arnold. ARUNTO—Arndt. ARUNU—Arnoux. ARUTOMAN—Altmann. ARUTOUSU—Arthus. ARUTSUBERUGERU—Arzberger. ASHIYA—Usher. ASHIYOFU—Aschoff. ASSHIYUHAIMU—Aschheim. ASSHIYUNERU—Aschner. ASUBAN—Ashburn. ATOUDDO—Atwood. AUBURAHITO—Aubrecht. AUENBURIUGGERU — Auenbrueg- ger. AUERUBATSUHA—Auerbach. AUFUREHITO—Aufrecht. AUGUSUTO—August. AUSUPITTSU—Auspitz. AUTENRITO—Autenrieth. AVUERISU—Avellis. AVUOGADORO—Avogadro. B BABESU—Babes. BABINE—Babinet. BABINSUKI—Babinski. BABUKOKKU—Babcock. BACHIERURI—Baccelli. BADDO—Budd. BADO—Byrd. BAGOTTO—Bagot. BAIERU—Bayer. BAIGURU—Beigel. BAIN—Bain. BAIRISU—Bayliss. BAKA—Barker. BAKETTO—Birkett. BAKKU—Buck. へ. B AMBERU GERU—Bamberger. BANCHI—Banti. BANDORU—Bandl. 338 List of Personal Names一contd. BANETTO BEKKERU BANETTO—Burnett. BANGU—Bang. BANKUROFUTO—Bancroft. BANNISUTA—Bannister. BANSU—Bence. BANZU—Barnes. BANZUj—Burns. BARAKE—Barraquer. BARANI—Barany. BARARU—Barral. BARE一Ballet. BAREJUI—Bareggi. BARINGARU—BaUingal. BARINTO—Balint. BARO—Barlow. BARU—Ball. BARUBIANI—Balbiani. BARUDE—Bardet. BARUDEINE—Bardinet. BARUDENHOIERU—Bardenheuer. BARUDEREBEN—Bardeleben. BARUDO—Bard. BARUKOFU—Barkow. BARUKU—Baruch. BARUMEN—Balmain. BARUMU—Balme. BARURE—Barre. BARUSHIEKOFU—Barsiekow. BARUTERUMI—Barthelemy. BARUZERO—Balser. BASSEDO—Basedow. BASSHINI—Bassini. BASUCHIAN—Bastian. BASUTEDO—Bastedo. BATON一Barton. BATORE—Battley. BATTEI—Battey. BATTSURU—Battle. BAUERU—Bauer. BAUHIN—Bauhin. BAUMAN—Baumann. BAYARU—Bayard. BEBAN—Bevan, BEDONARU—Bednar. BEHITERFU—Bechterew BEGUBI—Begbie. BEIE—Behier. BEINTON—Baynton. BEIRU—Baeyer. BEIRU—Bayle. BEJI AN—Be jean. BEKA—Baker. BEKKARIA—Beccaria. BEK KERU—Becker. 339 List of Personal Names—>contd. BEKKU BETTSU BEKKU—Beck. BEKKUMAN—Beckman. BEKKURERU—Becquerel. BEKURARU—Bedard. BEKURERU—Beclere. BENARTO—Benario. BENEJIKUTO—Benedict. BENIE—Besnier. BENIKE—Benique. BENNETTO—Bennett. BENSON—Benson. BERANEKU—Beraneck. BERARU—Berard. BERI—Barry. BERI—Bury. BERII—Beely. BERINGU—Behring. BERO—Beraud. BEROKKU—Bellocq. BEROSUTO—Belloste. BERU—Baer (von). BERU—Bell. BERU—Beer. BERUFUIRUDO—Belfield. BERUFUORU—Beervoor. BERUGERU—Berger. BERUGONIE—Bergonie. BERUGUFUERUDO—Bergfeid. BERUGUMAN—Bergmann. BERUJIYURON—Bergeron. BERUKEFUERUTO—Berkefeld. BERUNARU—Bernard. BERUNHAIMERU—Bernheimer. BERUNHAIMU—Bernheim. BERUNHARUTO—Bernhardt. BERUTAN—Berlin. BERUTEN—Berten. BERUTORAN—Bertrand. BERUTORE—BerthoHet. BERUTOROTCHI—Bertolotti. BERUTOURO—Berthelot. BERUTSU—Baelz. BESHIYAMU—Basham. BESUREDOKA—Besredka. BESUTO—Best. BESUTSUCHIEFU—Bestucheff. BETCHIERU—Boettcher. BETOMAN—Bateman. BETSUHERU—Becker. BETSUORUDO—Bezold. BETTENDORUFU—Bettendorf. BETTOGERU—Boettger. BETTOMAN—Bettmann. BETTSU—Betz. 340 List of Personal Names—~contd. BIANK1 BOITERU BIANKI—Bianchi. BIDDERU—Bidder. BIDERUTO—Biedert. BIDORU—Biedl. BIERUMU—Bjerrum. BIETTO—Biett. BIGU—Bieg. BIGURO—Bigelow. BINDERU—Binder. BINE—Binet BINGERU—Bingel.. BINGU—Bing. 1310—Biot. BIONJI—Biondi. BIRASUTO—Bierast. BIRU—Bier. BIRUHARUTSU—Bilharz. BIRUHIERU—Bircher. BIRUMERU—Biermer. BIRUNAKKI—Bieraacki. BIRUROTO—Billroth. BIRUSHIOFUSUKI — Bielschow- sky. BISHIOFFU—Bischoff. BISHIYA—Bichat. BITEI—Beatty. BITO—Bitot. BITSUOTSUERO—Bizzozero. BIVOA—Beevor. BIYADO—Beard. BIYUCHIYURI—BuetschH. BIYUFUNERU—Buechner. BIYUNGUNERU—Buengner. BIYURAU—Buelau. BIYURUGA—Buerger. BIYURUKERU—Buerker. BIYURUMAN—Beurmann. BIYUSUKE—Busquet. BO一Beau. BOASON—Boisson. BOASU—Boas. BODEIKA—Boedeker. BODOUROKKU—Baudelocque. BOEDEKA—Boedeker. BOENEKE—Boehneke. BOETCHIERU—Bottcher. BOETTOGERU—Boettger. BOGEAN—Boghean. BOGESU PURESUKAUERU V oges-Proscauer. BOGGU一Bogg. BOGINSUKI—Boginsky. BOGURO—Bogros. BOGUROU—Bogrow. BOHODAREKKU—Bochdalek. BOITERU—Beutel. 341 List of Personal Names一contd. BOJITCHI BUIDARU BOJITCHI—Bowditch. BOKKUHARUTO—Bockhart. BOMAN—Bowman. BOME一Baume. BOME—Beaumes. BONA IEGERU—Bona-Jaeger. BONDO—Bond. BONERU—Bonnaire. BONFUISU—Bonfils. BONHEFFUERU—Bonhoeffer. BONIE—Bonnier. BONNE—Bonnet. BONSURI—Bonslee. BORONINI—Bolognini. BORU-Boll. BORUDE—Bordet. BORUDEI—Baldy. BORUDEI—Bordy. BORUDEIE FURENKERU — Bor BORUFUOA—Balfour. BORUHAVU—Boerhaave. BORUJIREFU—Boldirew. BORUKU—Bolk. BORUN—Born. BORUNA—Borna. BORUNHARUTO—Bornhardt. BORURINGERU—Bollingen BORUSHIERI—Borsieri. BORUSHIYU—Borsch. BOSSHI—Bossi. BOSSUTOKKU—Bostock. BOSUTON—Boston. BOTARURO—Botallo. BOTCH I—Bozzi. BOTCHINI—Bottini. BOTERO—Botelho. BOTSUKIN—Botkin. BOTTSUORO—Bozzolo. BOUEN—Bowen. BOVE—Beauvais. BO Y ANUSU—Boj anus. BOZE一Bose. BOZUMAN FURITCHIYU — Box<> man-tntsch. BUANSAN—Vincent. BUATON—Burton. BUAZADO—Buzzard. BUDAN—Boudin. BUDAN—Budin. BUDDO—Budd. BUDENANTO—Budenandt. BUFUNERU—Buchner. BUGARU—Bougard. BUHOFUSUKI—Bychowski. BUIDARU—Vidal. List of Persona! Names一contd. BUIVIDDO BURINGU BUIVIDDO—Bujwid. BUIYO—Bouillaud. BUJJIE—Budge. BUKKI—Bucky. BUKKU—Boeck. BUKUUORUTO—Buchwald. BUMUKE—Bumke. BUNGE—Bunge. BUNOA—Benoist. BUNZEN—Bunsen. BURADORU—Brasdor. BURAGADO—Bragard. BURAHA—Brach. BURAIANTO—Bryant. BURAISON—Bryson. BURAISU—Blyth. BURAISU—Bryce. BURAISUKII—Breisky. BURAITO—Bright. BURAJI—Brahdy. BURAJJEN—Blagden. BURAKISUTON HIKKUSU—Brax BURAMAN—Bramann. BURANDAN—Blandin. BURANDAU—Brandau. BURANDO—Brand. BURANKARUTO—Blancard. BURANRI—Branly. BURANTO—Brandt. BURATAN—Blatin. BURAUERU—Brauer. BURAUN—Braun. BURAUN—Brown. BURAUN—Browne. BURAUNE—Braune. BURAUN SEKARU — Brown- Sequard. BURAUSHOFFU—Brauschoff. BUREDA—Breda. BUREDERU—Broedel. BUREHITO—Brecht. BUREJIKE—Broesike. BUREMA—Bramah. BUREMERU—Brehmer. BURENNERU—Brenner. BURENVUIRU—Blainville. BURESHIE—Breschet. BURESSHIHI—Blessig. BURESURAU—Breslau. BURIANSON—Brianyon. BURIGERU—Brieger. BURIKE—Briquet. BURIKKUNERU—Brickner. BURIMA—Bremer. BURINGU—Bulling. 343 List of Personal Namescontd. BURINTON BURUNNERU BURINTON—Brinton. BURION KAIZERU — Brion-Kay- ser. BURIRU—Brill. BURISO—Brissaud. BURISON—Bryson. BURISUTOUI—Bristowe. BURIYUKKE—Bruecke. BURIYUSU—Bruce. BURO—Blot. BURO—Burrough. BURODEI—Brodie. BURO(DO)—Bland. BURODOBENTO—Broadbent. BUROHHO—Bloch. BUROIRERU—Bleuler. BUROISU—Breus. BUROKA—Broca. BUROKAU—Brokaw. BUROKKU—Block. BUROKKU—Blocq. BUROKKU—Brocq. BURON SEKARU — Brown- Sequard. BURONDOGESUTO—Brondgeest. BURONDORO—Blondlot. BUROSARU—Brossard. BUROU—Burow. BURU—Buhl. BURUA—Brewer. BURUDAHA—Burdach. BURUDAN—Bourdin. BURUDON—Bourdon. BURUFFU—Bruch. BURUGERU GARERU — Berger- Garel. BURUGGIZERU—Bruggiser. BURUGUHARUTO—Burgliart. BURUGUSHIYU—Bmgsch. BURUHIYARUTO—Burchardt. BURUJIE—Bourget. BURUJINSUKI—Brudzinski. BURUKKU—Bruck. BURUKKU—Brook. BURUKU—Brooke. BURUKUHARUTO—Burckhardt. BURUMENAU—Blumenau. BURUMENBATSUHA — Blumen- bach. BURUMENTARU—Blumenthal. BURUMU—Blum. BURUN—Bran. BURUN—Brunn. BURUNBERUGU—Blumberg. BURUNKU—Blunk. BURUNNERU—Brmmer. 344 BURUNSU List of Personal Names一contd. DAMOAZO BURUNSU—Bruns. BURUNUVUIYU—Bourneville. Bl'RURERU—Buller. BURURI—Burri. EURURIN—Berlin. BURURITSUHI—Bullrich. BURURU—Bruhl. BURUSERA—Bursera. BURUSU—Bruce. BU RUSUT A—Brewster. BURUTON—Boulton. BURUTONO—B retonneau. BURUTSUE—Bruce. BUSHIARU—Bouchard. BUSHIARUDA—Bouchardat. BUSHIYU—Bouchut. BUSHIYU—Busch. BUTCHIYA—Butcher. BUYURE-—Bouveret. c CHIDOURU—Cheadle. CHIEN—Chiene. CHIENHOFUEN—Tienhofen. CHIEN SUTOKUSU—Cheyne Stokes. CHI MAN—Ziemann. CHI ND A RU—Tyndall. CHIRU—Ziehl. CHIRUBARI FUOKKUSU — Til- bury-Fox. CHITORON—Citron. CHITSUONI—Tizzoni. CH1YADOKKU—Chaddock. CHIYADOUIKKU—Chadwick. CHIYAGURINSUKII—Ciaglinski. CHIYAIN—Cheyne. CHIYATON—Charton. D DABEN 一Davaine. DADZURE—Dudley. DAFUI—Daffy. DAGURASU—Douglas, DAIKE—Deyke. DAITERU—Deiter. DAKAMU—Dercum. DAKKUWASU—Duckworth. DAKOSUTA—Da Costa. DAMOAZO——Damoiseau. 345 DANBA List of Personal Names—contd. DERERU DANBA—Dunbar. DANIERU—DanieU. DANINI—Dagnini. DANISU—Danysz. DANKAN—Duncan. DANRO—Danlos. DANSU—Dance. DARASU—Dallas. DARIE—Darier DAROKARIMA—da Rocha Lima. DARUBI—Dalby. DARUGUREN—Dahlgren. DARUIN—Darwin. DARURINPURU—Dalrymple- DARUSE—D’Arcet. DARUSONVARU— DARUTON—Dalton. DASUTOURU—Dastre. DATTON—Dutton. DAVENU—Davaine. DAVIDDO—David. DAVIDOSON—Davidsohn. DAVIERU—Daviel. DEBERAINERU—Doebereiner. DEIDE—Diday. DEIFUENBATSUHA—Dieffenbach. DEIKKU—Dick. DEINSUTO—Dienst. DETPPERU—Deippel. DEIRAFUIRUDO—Dalafield. DEITSURU—Dietl. DEITTERU—Dittel. DEIUIZU—Dewees. DEIWA—Dewar. DEJIYURINU—Dejerine. DEKARUTO—Descartes. DEKIN—Dakin. DEKKERU—Doecker. DEKKUUITSU—Degkwitz. DEKURU—Descourt. DEMARU—Desmarres. DEMARUKE—Demarquay. DEMORUGAN—De Morgan. DEMURU—Demours. DEN—Deen. DENA—Dana. DENANSU—Denans. DENISU—Denys. DENIZENSUKO—Denisensko. DENKERU—Denker. DENO—Desnos. DEPURE—Deprez. DERAKAMPU—De La Camp. DERERU—d'HereUe. 346 List of Personal Names—contd. DERORUMU DONDERUSU DERORUMU—Delorme. DERU—Dale. DERUBE—Delbet. DERUBURIYUKKU—Delbrueck. DERUKAMU—Dercum. DERUMEJI一Delmege. DERUPETSUHI—Delpech. DESHIYAN—Deschamps. DES HI YU RA—Deshler. DESUME—Descemet. DETERUMAN—Uetermann. DETORIHI—Dietrich. DETTO WAIRU—Dett weiler. DEVENTERU—Deventer. DEVI—Davy. DEVISU—Davis. DEYU—Dew. DEYUBOWA—Dubois. DEYUBOWA REMON — Du Bois- Reymond. DEYUBURIYUIYU—Dubreuil. DEYUKU—Duke. DEYUMA—Dumas. DEYUMUSU—Duems. DEYUO—Duhot. DEYUPARUKU—Duparque. DEYUPIYUITORAN—Dupuytren. DEYUPURE—Duplav. DEYUPURE—Dupre. DEYURAFUOI—Dieulafoy. DEYURAMU—Durham. DEYURANDO—Durande. DEYURE—Duret. DEYURINGU—Duhring. DEYUROJIE—Duroziez. DEYURUSEN—Duehrssen. DEYUSHIUENNU—Duchenne. DEYUVARU—Duval. DEYUZARU—Dusart. DEZORU—Desault. DEZORU—Desor. DOB AN—Dawbarn. DOBERU—Dobell. DOBII—Dobie. DOBURUSHIYANSUKI — Dobr- schansky. DOCHIEZU—Dochez. DOERE—Doehle. DOGIERU—Dogiel. DOICHI YUM AN—Deutschmann. DON—Doane. DON AN—Dorman. DONATO—Donath. DONATO RANDOSUTAINERU — Donath Landsteiner. DONDERUSU—Bonders. 347 List of Personal Names一contd. DONE EKUSUNERU DONE—Donne. DONOBAN—Donovan. DONOVAN—Donovan. DOPUERU—Doppler. DORAISUDERU—Drysdale. DORENDORUFU—Dohrendorf. DORENDORUFU—Dorendorf. DORIGARUSUKI—Drigalski. DORUDO—Bold.. DOSHIE—Dochez. DOUAN—Duane. DOUBERU—de Boer. DOUBOVU—Debove. DOUKURE—Ducrey. DOUNGERUN—Dungern. DOUNIJIE—Deniges. DOUNIYUSE—Denuce. DOUPUISU—Dupuis. DOURAGENDORUFU — Dragen- dorff. DOURAMONDO—Drummond. DOUREKUZERE—Drechsel. DOURESUBAHA—Dresbach. DOURESUMAN—Dresmann. DOURESURERU—Dressier. DOUREZERU—Dresel. DOURIYU—Dreuw. DOURUO—Drouot. DOUSARU—De SaUe. DOUVUERUJI—Devergie. DOVUA—Dover. DOWAIERU—Doyere. DOWAIYAN—Doyen. DZUBUA REMON—Du Bois Rey- mond. DZUNKERU—Dunker. DZUONJI—Dzondi. E EBAN SU—Evans. EBERUTO—Eberth. EBINGUHAUSU—Ebbinghaus. EBUNERU—Ebner. EBUSUTAIN—Ebstein. EDEINGERU—Edinger. EDERU—Oeder. EIKUHORUSUTO—Eichhorst. EJINGERU—Edinger. EJISUN—Edison. EKKERU—Ecker. EKKU—Eck. EKUSUNERU—Exnei;. 348 List of Personal Names一contd. EMMERIHI FUARURE EMMERIHI—Emmerich. EMMERITSUHI—Emmerich. EMMETT O—Emmet. ENGERU—Engel. ENGERUMAN—Engelmann. ENGUMAN—Engman. ENNUBERU—Hennebert. EPERON—Eperon. EPINGERU—Eppinger. EPUSUTAIN—Epstein. ERIKUSEN—Erichsen. ERINGERU—EUinger. ERIOTTO—Elliot. ERISU—Ellis. ERUBEN—Erben. ERUBU — Erb. ERUDOMAN—Erdmann. ERUMAN—Ehrmann. ERUMON—Helmont. ERUMORUDO—Ermold. ERUNI—Erni. ERUNSUTO—Ernst. ERURANGERU—Erlanger. ERURENMAIERU—Erlenmeyer. ERURITSUHI—Ehrlich. ERUSUNERU—Eisner. ERUTERU—Oertel. ERUTSUHORUTSU—Elshok. ERUZAN—Yersin. ESHIERIHI—Escherich. ESHIYU—Esch. ESUBATSUHA—Esbach. ESUMARUHI—Esmarch. ESUMARUTSUHI—Esmarch. ESITORANDERU—Estlander. EWARUTO—Ewald. EWARUTO—Ewart. EWINGU—Ewing. F FU—Fuh. FUABERU—Faber. FUAERUSUCHIAN—Fajersztjan. FUAGASON—Ferguson. FUAIERU—Veiel. FUAJIE—Faget. FUARABUEFU—Farabeuf. FUARADEI—Faraday. FUARENHAITO—Fahrenheit. FUAREUSU—Fahraeus. FUARO—Fallot. FUARU—Farre. FUARUKENSUTAIN—Falkenstein. FUARURE—Falret. 349 FUARUTA List of Personal Names一contd. FUORUKUHAIMA FUARUTA—Falta. FUAURA—Fowler. FUAZAGIRU—Fothergill. FUEDE RIGA—Fede-Riga. FUEDERICHI—Federici. FUEFUNERU—Fechner. FUENUIKKU—Fenwick. FUERATA—Ferrata. FUEREN—Ferrein. FUEREORU—Fereol. FUERIERU—Ferrier. FUERIKKUSU—Felix. FUERINGU—Fehling. FUERO-Fellow. FUERUAIZEN—Fehleisen. FUERUBURINGURU—Furbringer. FUERUSUTERU—Foerster. FUFUERANDO—«ufeland. FUHOVUO TOURUVE — Foveau- Trouve. FUIDORERU—Fiedler. FUIGIB—Figuier. FUIKKERU—Ficker. FUIKKU—Pick. FUINDORE—Findlay. FUINKERUSUTAIN—Finkelstein. FUINKURERU—Finkler. FUINNI—Finnev. FUINZEN—Finsen. FUIRATOFU—Filatow, FUIREBORUN—Fuelleborn. FUIRIPOUITTSU—Filipowicz. FUISSHIYA—Fischer. FUISUKU—Fiske. FUITTSU—Fitz. FUIZO—Fizeau. FUKARA—Fukala. FUKKUSU—Fuchs. FUKO(RU)—Foucault. FUKU—Hooke. FUNKU—Funk. FUOADAISU—Fordyce. FUOIERUSUTAIN—Feuerstein. FUOITO—Voit. FUOKKUSU FUOADAISU — Fox- Fordycc- FUON DEN VUERUDEN—Von Den Velden. FUON NORUDEN—von Noorden. FUONIO—Fonio, FUONTANA—Fontana. FUORERU—Fowler. FUORESUTO—Forest. FUORUHARUDO—Volhard. FUORUKUHAIMA—Forchheimer. 350 FUORUNETTO List of Personal Names-«contd. FURODO FUORUNETTO—Fornet. FUORURAN—Fortin. FUOSHIE—Fochier. FUOVIYU—FoviHe. FUPA—Hooper. FUPPERUTO—Huppert. FURA-FuHer. FURAI—Frey. FURAI—Frei. FURAINERU—Fleiner. FURAISHIERU—Fleischer. FURAISHIYUMAN—Fleischmann. FURAISHIYURU—Fleischl. FURANKE—Franke. FURANKEN—Franken. FURANKENHOIZERU — Franken- haeuser. FURANKU—Frank. FURANKURIN—Franklin. FURATAU—Flatau. FURAWA—Flower. FURAYANI—Flaj ani. FUREDERIKKU—Fredericq. FUREDORIHISU—Fredrichs (Fried- rich). FUREKINNA—Flexner. FUREKISUNERU—Flexner. FUREKUJIHI—Flechsig. FUREKUSUNA—Flexner. FUREMINGU ARISON — Fleming- Allison. FUREMINKUSU—Vleminckx. FUREMMINGU—Fleming. FURENKERU—Fraenkel. FURENKERU—Frenkel. FURERIKKUSU—Frerichs. FURERITSUHI—Froehlich. FURESUNERU—Fresnel. FUREYA—Freyer. FURIDOMAN—Friedmann. FURIDORAIHI—Friedreich. FURIDORENDERU—Friedlaender. FURIDORERU—Friedler. FURIKKE—Fricke. FURIMINGU—Fleming. FURINTO—Flindt. FURINTO—Flint. FURISSHIYU—Frisch. FURISU—Fliess. FURITCHIYU—Fritsch, FURIYODE—Froehde. FURIYOGERU—Floegel. FURIYORIHI—Froehlich. FURIYOSHIERUSU—Froeschels. FUROAN—Froin. FURODO—Fuld. 351 FUROIDO List of Personal Names一contd. GASUTOU FUROIDO—Freud. FUROINDO—Freund. FUROMAN—Frohmann. FUROMMAN—Frommann. FUROMMERU—Frommel. FUROMMERU—Frommer. FURON—Frohn. FURORA—Flora. FURORANSU—Florence. FURORIPU—Froriep. FURUNBERUGO—Flumberg. FURUNIE—Fournier. FURURAN—Flourens. FUSHIARUDO—Huchard. FUSHIYUKE—Huschke. FUVA—Hoover. FUYU—Fieux. FUYURUSUTONERU—Fuerstner. G GABASUTOU一Gabastou. GABETTO—Gabbet. GADEINERU—Gardener. GADOBERI—Gadberry. GAFUKI—Gaffky. GAI—Guy. GAIE—Gayet. GAIGERU—Geigel. GAISUBEKKU—Gaisboeck. GAISURERU—Geissler. GAIYARU—GaiUard. GAMBO—Gambault. GANGI—Gangi. GANZERU—Ganser. GARA—Gara. GARANTO—Gallant. GARASSHI—Galassi. GARE—Gare. GAREN—Galen. GARENUSU—Galen. GARERU—Garel. GARIARU—Galliard. GARIPPU—Galippe. GARIREI—Galilei. GARU—Gull. GARUBIACHI—Galbiati. GARUTON—Galton. GARUTONERU—Gartner. GARUVANI—Galvani. GASSERU—Gasser. GASURI—Guthrie. GASUTOU—Gastou. 352 List of Personal Names—contd. GAUSU GONAN GAUSU—Gauss. GAVUARU—Gavard. GAWAZU—Gowers. GE—Gay. GE RIYUSAKU—Gay-Lussac. GEBERU—Geber. GEBERU—Goebel. GEDEINI—Ghedini. GEJI—Gage. GENGA—Genga. GENODOUMIYUSHI — Guenau de Mussy. GERAN—Guerin. GERERU—Gehler. GEROTA—Gerota. GERUHARUTO—Gerhardt. GERUKE—Gehrke. GERURATSUHA—Gerlach. GERUSON—Gerson. GERUSUNI—Gersuny. GERUTONERU—Gaertner. GERUTONERU—Gartner. GIBON—Gibbon. GIBUNI—Gibney. GIBUSON—Gibson. GIBUSU—Gibbs. GIDEI—Guidi. GIFFUODO—Gifford. GIMUZA—Giemsa. GINON—Guinon. GIREN—Guillain. GIRI—Gigli. GIRUKE—Gierke. GIRUMINO—GuiUeminot. GITERASU—Guiteras. GIUNTERU—Guenther. GIYANTO—Gant GIYARANDO—Garland. GIYARODDO—Garrod. GIYASUKERU—GaskeU. GIY ON—Guyon. GIYOPPERU—Goeppert. GIYOTCHIYU—Goetsch. GIYUBURE—Gubler. GIYUI—Guye. GIYUNTERU—Guenther. GIYUNTSU—Guenz. GIYUNTSUBURUKU—Guenzburg. GODOFURAI—Godfrey. GOETTSUE—Goetze. GOIRAN—Goyrand. GOMBO(RU)—Gombault. GOMUNA—Gomna. GON—Ghon. GONAN—Gonin. List of Personal Names—^contd. GORARUDO GURIFFUISU GORARUDO—Goulard. GORONBOFU—Golonboff. GORU—Goll. GORU—Gaule. GORUDEINIB—Gordinier. GORUDOMAN—Goldmann. GORUDON—Gordon. GORUDOSHIAIDERU — Goldschei der. GORUDOSUPON—Goldspohn. GORUDOSUTAIN—Goldstein. GORUDOSUUETO—Goldthwait. GORUDOUN—Golden. GORUJI—Golgi. GORUJII—Golgi. GORUTSU—Golte. GOSHIE—Gaucher. GOSURAN—Gosselin. GOTCHIYA—Goggia. GOTEIE—Gautier. GOT O—Goth. GOTTOSHIYUTAIN—Gottstein. GUARINIERI—Guarnieri. GUBURERU—Gubler. GUDDEN—Gudden. GUDDERU—GoodeU. GUMERIN—Gmelin. GUMPUREHITO—Gumprecht. GUNNINGU—Gunning. GUNUDEI—Gnudi. GURADENIGO—Gradenigo. GURAFU—Graaf. GURAMU—Gram. GURANDEIDEIERU—Grandidier. GURANSHIE—Grancher. GURANTO—Grant. GURARU—Goulard. GURASHII—Grossi. GURASSE—Grasset. GURASUGO—Glasgow. GURAUBERU—Glauber. GURAUITTSU—Gra金. GURAZERU—Graser. GURE—Gonley. GUREAMU—Graham. GUREAN—Grehant. GUREBUSU—Graves. GUREFFU—Graeff. GUREFUE—Graefe. GUREGORI—Gregory. GUREI—Gley. GUREN—Green. GURENUIRU—GranviUe. GUREVUZU—Graves. GURIFFUISU—Griffith. 354 List of Personal Names一contd. GURIGGU HAI SU GURIGGU—Grigg. GURIJINGERU—Griesinger. GURIN—Green. GURINBERUTO—Grinbert. GURINHAU—Greenhow. GURISORU—GrisoUe. GURISSON—Glisson. GURISU—Griess. GURITCHI—Gritti. GURO一Gouraud. GUROKKO—Grocco. GUROVU—Grove. GURU—Gull. GURUBERU—Gruber. GURUBERU UIDARU — Gruber Widal. GURUDO—Gould. GURUJINSUKI—Gluzinsky. GURUSUTORANDO—GuUstrand. GURUUICHIYU—Gurwitsch. GUSE—Gousset. GUSSENBAUERU—Gussenbauer. GUSSEROU—Gusserow. GUTTOMAN—Guttmann. GUTTSUMAN—Gutzmann. H HABATO—Herbert. HABENSU—Havens. HABI—Harvey. HABU—Haab. HACHINSON—Hutchinson. HACHIYUKOKU—Hatchcock. HADOSON—Hudson. HAEN—Haen. HAFUKIN—Haffldne. HAGEDOREN—Hagedorn. HAGERU—Hager. HAGUxMAN—Hagemann. HAIDEINGERU—Haidinger. HAIDEN—Heyden. HAIDENHAIN—Haidenhain. HAIDO—Hyde. HAIEM ROMBERUGO — Hayem Romberg. HAIEMU—Heyem. • HAIMOA—Highmore. HAIMORU—Highmore. HAIMU—Heim. HAINE—Heine. HAINE—Hayne. HAINEKKE—Heineke. HAINSHIUSU—Heynshis. List of Personal Names一contd. HAIRUBURONNERU HEDDO HAIRUBURONNERU — Heilbron- ner. HAISUTERU—Heister. HAKKENBURUFU—Hackenbruch. HAKKERU—Hacker. HAKKUSAMU—Huxham. HAKKUSURE—Huxley. HAMBUERUGERU—Hamberger. HAMBURUGERU—Hamburger. HAMIRUTON—Hamilton. HAMMARUSUTEN—Hammarsten. HAMMERUSHIYURAGU — Ham- merschlag. HAMMONDO—Hammond. HAN—Hahn. HANCHINTON—Huntington. HANDORI—Handley. HANEMAN—Hahnemann. HANKIN—Hankin. HANKOKKU—Hancock. HANOVUA—Hannover. HANSEN—Hansen. HANTA—Hunter. HANTO—Hunt. HANZEMAN—Hansemann. HANZEN—Hansen. HARARUGERU—Hallarger. HARAUERU—Hallauer. HARE—Harley. HARINTON—Harrington. HARISON—Harrison. HARISU—Harris. HARUEAN—Halban. HARUDERU—Harder. HARURERU—Haller. HARUSUTERUN—Halstern. HARUTOMAN—Hartmann. HARUTOUITSUHI—Hartwich. HASSARU—Hassall. HASSERUBARUHI—Hasselbalch. HASSERUWANDERU — Hassel- wander. HASUKOVEKU—Haskovec. HASUNERU—Hasner. HATCHINSON—Hutchinson. HATOURE—Hartley. HATSUHENBURUGU — Hachen- burg. HAUDEKU—Haudek. HAUSUMAN—Housmann. HAUSUTON—Houston. HAVUZU—Havers. HAVE—Harvey. HEBADOUN—Heberden. HEBURA—Hebra. HEDDO—Head. 356 List of Personal Names—contc/. HEDEIN HIRUSHIYUSUPURUNGU HEDEIN—Hedin. HEGARU—Hegar. HEGASU—Haygarth. HEI—Hay. HEI—Hey. HEJIESU—Hoegyes. HEKKERU—Haeckel. HEKKERU一 Hecker. HENERU—Haenel. HENJINGU—Hensing. HENKE—Henke. HENNEBERUGU—Henneberg. HENOTSUHO—Henoch. HENRE—Henle. HENRI—Henry. HENSU—Haines. HENSUTSUERUMAN — Henszel mann. HENZEN—Hensen. HERINGU—Hering. HERINGU—Heryng. HERUBUSUTO—Herbst. HERUFU—Herff. HERUFUORUTO—Heerfordt. HERUKUSUHAIMERU — Herx HERUMAN—Hermann. HERUMERITSUHI—Helmerich. HERUMUHORUTSU — Helmhol? {also Helmholtz). HERUMUNDO—Hellmund. HERURATTO—Hellat. HERURERU—Heller. HERUTERU—Herter. HERUTSU—Hertz. HERUTSU—Herz. HERUTSUERU—Hertzel. HERUUEGO—Helweg. . HESSE—Hesse. HESSERUBATSUHA—Hesselbach. HESSHIYURU—Heschl. HESSINGU—Messing. HESSURIN—Hoesslin. HESU—Hess. HESUTEINGUSU—Hastings. HIBBUSU—Hibbs. HIBURERU—Hibler. HINA—Hehner. HIRSHIYU—Hirsch. HIRUDEBURANDO—Hildebrand. HIRUSHIYUBERUGU—Hirschberg. HIRUSHIYUBURUFFU — Hirsch- bruch. HIRUSHIYUFUERUTO — Hirsch- feld. HIRUSHIYUSUPURUNGU Hir schsprung. 357 List of Personal Names—crontd. HIRUTON HORUNERU HIRUTON—Hilton. HIRUTOURU—Hyrtl. HIRUTSU—Hirtz. , HIRUZAUERU—Hirsauer. HISU—Heath. HISU—His. HITCHIHI—Hitzig. HITTORUFU—Hittorf. HITTSUENBERUGERU — Hitzen berger. HIYONINGU—Hoening. HIYUBURU—Huebl. HIYUKKERU—Hueckel. HIYUNEFERUTO—Huehnefeld. HIYURUTERU—Huerter. HIYURUZE—Huelse. HIYUTERU—Hueter. HODARA—Hodara. HOEN—Hoen. HOFFU—Hoff. HOFFUA—Hoffa. HOFUAKERU—Hofacker. HOFUMAIERU—Hofmeier. HOFUMAISUTERU—Hofmeister. HOFUMAN—Hoffmann. HOGUBEN—Hogben. HOHOJINGERU—Hochsinger. HOI BUNERU—Heubner. HOIHENSU—Huygens. HOIRUHAUSU—Wheelhouse. HOISUNERU—Heusner. HOITOSUTON—Wheatstone. HOITTO—Whytt. HOITTOMAN—Whitman. HOJIGEN—Hodgen. HOJIKIN—Hodgkin. HOJISON—Hodgson. HOJJI-Hodge. HOKKU—Hoche. HOMMARUSUTEN—Hommarsten. HOMMU—Home. HONA—Horner. HOPPE—Hoppe. HOPPUKINSU—Hopkins. HOPPURU—Whipple. HOPU—Hope. HOPUMAN—Hopmann. HORIKKU—HorUck. HORU—Hall. HORU—Hohl. HORUDEN—Haldane. HORUDOUN—Holden. HORUMUGUREN—Holmgren. HORUMUZU—Holmes. HORUNERU—Horner. 358 List of Personal Names—こ“ ;approximately. 大約 r. DANSEIKONO NI IRETE ATAHEYO ... d. ad capsul Let it be made into 彈性膠囊2入レテ與へ3 gelatines elastic. capsules. DE1K0 past. .... ... pasta; a paste. 泥膏 DOICHI id idem; the same. 同一 DOJITSU N1 cod. ... ... codem; on the same 同日= day. DOKUYAKU ME1KI SHITE s.s.v. ... "• sub sig)w venemi; 毒藥明記シテ specify as poison drugs. 400 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions一continued. Nihoxgo. Rvakugo. Ratengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 ラテン語,英語 Japanese. Abbreviation'. Latix, English. DORYO ... ... ... •• 同量 tal dos. ... tales dosis] the same amount. DORYOEX ATAHEYO .. 同量宛與~ョ d.t.d. or d. tal. dos. dentur tales doses;let it be given in such doses. dOryo toyo 同量投與 d.t.d. or d. tal. * dos. dentur tales doses;let it be given in such doses. EDA r. ... ... ramus; a branch. 枝 EKIJO NO a fluidus; fluid. 液狀ノ EKISU extr. ... ... exfracium : extract. 越幾斯 點臥 decub. ... decubitus •, lying down. EXTEX 遠鹽 P_r punctum remotum; far-point. FUKA SEYO ad. or add. ... aide; add. 附加 FUKUHO 複方 comp. ... compositus; c o m - pound. FUKUYORYO d dosis : dose. 服用量 • i FUKUYO SESHIMU cap. ... • • • capiat;let him take 服用セシム 401 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions— Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English. hanryO 半量 dim. _… … dtnttdus : one-half, half the amount.. 反對 V.V, ... ... vice versa ; the oppo- site, vice versa. HENSHU 變種 var. ... ... varietas ; v a r i o u variety. / HIBUNGAISEI NO 非分割性ノ 1 inseparabile; insep- arable. HIDARI MIMI 左耳 aS auris sinistra; the left ear. HIDARI NO s sinister] left. 左ノ HINSHA NO TAME NI 貧者ノ爲ニ pp :• pro paupere; for pov- erty-stricken per- sons. HIREI DE ... 比例デ B.d. •.. ad rationem; in the proper proportion. HITOSHIKU; HITOSHIKI acq. •• • •• • aequales; equal. 等シク;等シキ HITSUYO ARABA 必要アラバ s.o.s. ... ‘ sic opus sit; if neces- sary. HITSUYO NI 0JITE 必要ニ應シテ prn pro re nata; when required. HITSUY0RYO DAKE ... 必要量ダケ qs quantum; a sufficient quantity. 404 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions—continued. Nihongo. Ryakugo. Ratengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 ラテン語,英語 Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English. ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ca ; approximate. 略ボ - 方今 ht hoc tempore ] at this time. HOKUBEI YAKKYOKUHO 北米合衆國藥局方 U.S.P. or U.S. Phar. Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. HOSHIKI TORI NI ... ... 法式通リニ la lege artis; compound accordingly. H〇WA si: sat. ... ... saturatus ; saturated. 飽和ス hyOjun no n. ... ... normal. 標準ノ ICHI CHtSAJI 一中匙 cochl. mod. ... cochleare medium; a dessertspoonful. 1CHIJIKAN GOTO N1 一時間每ニ hor. un. spat. or q.h. home unus spatio; every hour; quaque hora \ every hour. ICHIXICHIRYO 一日量 pro die •,amount per day. ICHINICHI SAXKAI 一日三囘 tld ter in die; three times per day. ICHI 0SAJI 一大匙 cochl. mag. ... cochleare magnum; a tablespoonful. ICHI SAJI —•述 cochl. ... cochleare; a spoon- ful. 405 Abbreviations Commonly Used In Prescriptions—cont/nued. Nihongo. Ryakugo. Ratengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 ラテン語7英語 Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English. ICHI SHONI SAJI 一小兒匙 cochl. inf. ... cochleare infantum] a teaspoonful. IGAKU TOKUGYOSHI 醫學得業士 M B. ... ... medtcinae baccalau- reus; bachelor of medicine. IKKAIRYO ー囘量 pro dosi; amount per dose. IN:RY〇 ... bib. … … hibe; drink. 飮料 ISSHO NI ー緖ニ una : as one, to- gether. JIBUN NO KANJO DE 自分ノ勘定デ a. r. meam. ... According to my directions. JIBUN NO SEKININ DE 自分ノ責任デ ad. r. mean. ... According to my directions. JIKAYO TO SHITE 自家用トシテ ad. usum pro- prium. According to proper use. JINJOJURYO 尋常重量 pc pofidus civile \ avoir- dupois weight. JOKIYOKU 蒸氣浴 b.v balneum vaporis] va- por bath. JOMENSHIN 蒸麵心 mic pan. ... mica pants; bread crumbs. JORYt SHITARU dcst. … … destillatus; distilled. 蒸溜シタル 406 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions—cont/nued JNihongo. Ryakugo. Ratengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 ラテン語英語 Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English. joryCsui 蒸溜水 aq. aestill. .. aqua destillata; dis- tilled water. JOSUI .. 常ス (C aq. comm. ... aqua communis; com- mon water. 锭劑 tabel. ... tabslia : a tablet, a troche. JOZAI TO NASE ... IS齊トナセ f. troch. ... fiat, trochisci; let troches be made. JtFUKUKU SHINDO v.d. ... ... double vibrations. 重複振動 JtJGOFUN GOTO NI 十五分每ニ 〇. quad. hor.... omni quadrup hor a; every quarter-hour. J伽 I GAN TO f. pil. no. xii... fiat pillulae xii] let twelve pills be made. 十二丸ト JUNI TSUTSUMI NI WAKETE 十二包二分テ div. in char. XU. divide in chartuias xn; divide into twelve powders. 純粹 dcp. … … depuratus; purified, refined. JURYO NO pd• • • • • • • ponderosus; heavy. 重量ノ KAIBO SHOGEN p.m. ... ... post-mortem. 解剖所見 KAISUIYOKU 海水浴 bm balneum mans] sea- water bath. 407 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions一continued. Nihon go. Ryakugo. Ratexgo, Eic.o. 日本語 略語 ラテン語,英語 Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English. KAJITSU ... ... ... ... ... fr fructus; fruit. 果實 KAKU; ONO-ONO q.q quaque; each. 各 隔時 alt. hor. ... alterius lions; every other hour. KAKUjn'SL’ 隔日 al. dicb. ... I alterius diehus; every other day. KAKUTOBUN aa ana; of each. 各等分 紙 chart. ... charter,paper, a chart, a record. KAMI NI IRETE 紙ニ入レテ ad. chart. ... ad chartum; make a record of, put on paper. KANCHO ... ... ...丨... ... enem. -... enema; enema. 灌腸 KANCHOZAI TO SEYO 灌腸劑トセョ f. enems. ... fiat enema;let an enema be made. KANJO DE テ’’ cid. rB,t. ... in the proper propor- tion. KARE NO XA WO MOTTE s.n. … … suo nomine; under 彼ノ名ヲ以ツテ its own name. KASAI SEYO 搗碎セヨ c. or cont. ... cotitusus; pounded into pieces. 408 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions一continued. XlHONGO. Ryakugo. Ratengo, F.igo. 日本語 略詻 フアンg Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English. KASHI ... ... ... or Fahr. ... Fahrenheit. 華氏 KASHISAN MI NI 可嗜酸味ニ … … ad. grat. acid. ad gratam aciditatem; to an agreeable sourness. KATAMARI TO XASE ... 塊トナセ f • mas. ... fiat massa; let a mass be made. KATSUZAI 舐劑 elect. ... ... electuarium; an elec- tuary. KAWA, HI (SHOKUBUTSU) ... ... cort. ... ... cortex; bark. 皮(植物) KAWA MIZU 河水 aq. fluv. ... aqua fluvii; river water. KEMMA ... ... ... ... ter. or tere. ... terendo; massage. 硏磨 KENWA SEYO 硏和セヨ … … ter. or tore. ... terendo :let a mas- sage be made. KESSHO NO 結晶ノ … ... cryst. ... crystallisatum; cry- stallized. T … … lign lignum; wood. 木 K1BO NO RYf) DAKE ... 希望ノ量ダケ … ... qV quantum v i s ; as much as you like. KISEYO c. Consperge; sprinkle. 着セ3 409 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions一continued. • Nihon go. Ryakugo, Ratengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 フアノロ ロ,:プtnロ Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, Ilnglisi}. kigen aostr. ... abstractum; abstract. 基原 KIHAKU NI SURU 稀薄ニスル dlL dilutus] dissolve, di- lute. KIMONO TO SU; KOROMO TO SU ... C. … ... consperge] sprinkle. 衣トス KINTEN ... 近黙 p punctum proximwn; near-point. KISAI WO TEISEI SHITARU 記載ヲ訂正シタル emend. ... emendavit; it has been revised. KISOKU NI YORI CHOZAI SEYO ... •規則こョy調劑セョ fla fiat lege artis ;let it be made according to rule.. KITEI N0 n. … … Normal. 規定ノ KI WO TSUKEYO n.b nota bene; note well. 氣チ附ヶョ 、 K〇JU TORI NI 口授通リニ ut diet. ... ut dictum) as direc- ted. K〇GI N0 廣義ノ ぇ1 sensu latiori; in a general sense. 丄 ••• ••• • • • • • • • • • ••• sol. … … .Solid. 固キ KOKOTSU 硬膏 cnip. … … emplastrum; a plas- ter. 410 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions—cont/nuec/. Nihongo. Ryakugo. Ratengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 ラテン語,英語 Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English. KOKUSHOKUBIN v. obscur. ... vitrum ohscurum] a 黑色壜 dark-colored bottle. K〇MON zayaku go ka to nase ... f. suppos. anal, let five anal supposi- 肛門坐藥五ヶトナセ no. v. tories be made. KON; NE ... rad radix; a root. 根 KONETE TT13.1.• • • ... malaxandro; to mix 捏ネテ up, to knead. KONGO SEYO m. ... ... misce; mix. 混合セ3 KONGO SHT ATAHE SHOMP:I SEYO ... m.d.s. ... misce da sign a f misce 混合シ與へ署名セョ detur signa; com- pound and give ac- cording to directns. KONWA SHITE ATAHEYO m.d. ... ... misce da; compound 混和シテ與へ:3 and give. KONWA SHI YOHO WO SHIRU SHITE m.d.s. ... misce da signa,misce 混和シ用法ヲ記シテ與フATAU detur signa. Com- pound and give ac- cording to directns. K〇RI mizu 3.cj. 3,str. ••• aqua astricata; ice 氷水 water. kOsei gel. quavis. ... gelatina quavis; in 膠性 any kind of jelly. KURABERU r . • • • 、• • • Ratio.- ik-へ、ノレ KUWAETE ad. or adde. ... adde; add, addition. カロへテ 411 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions—cont/nued Nihongo. 日本語 Japanese. 略語 Abbreviation. ラテン語.英語 V Latix, English. kyOgi NI OITE sensu strictori; in a 狹義•=:於テ limited sense. kyCkon tub. ... ... tuber; a root. 球根 MAE NI ... ... ... ... ... 3.ntc • • • " • before. 前ニ MAEOKI ante positio ... frontal transposition; frontal dislocation. 則置 MAIASA 〇.m omni mane; every 每朝 morning. MAIYO ... o. noct. ... omni node; every 每夜 night. MAIJI o.h. or o. hor.,.. omni hora; every 每時 hour. MAINEN p.a. ... ... per annum; every 每年 year. MAINICHI TOYO SU de d. in d.... de die in diem; from 每日投與ス day to day. MEIZERARETARU TORI ut diet. ... ut diefrm] as direc- 命ゼラレタ/レ通リ ted. MIGI NO … … … … ••• d right. 右ノ MIKKA GOTO N1 ... dieb. tert. ... diehus tertius; every 參日每ニ third day. 412 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions一continued. Nihongo. Ryakugo. Ratengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 ラテン語,英語 Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English. MIMPOHO PX pondus civile] avoir- 民法磅 dupois weight. MIYO ... vid. ... ... vide; see. 見3 MIZU; SUI aq. ... … aqua; water. 水 MOCHIU ad. us. ... ad usum; for use as. 用フ MOCHIU BESHI us. ... ... usu; use. 用フべシ MOCHTYURU exhib•… ... exhioeatur;let it be 用ユル given. MOTTE c. ... ... cum; with. 以ッテ MOTTO MO NOKO concss. ... conceniratissimus : most concentrated. 取モ濃厚 , MUNETSU abs. feb. ... absente febre; when 無熱 fever is absent. NADO; UNUN et.s.p. ... et sic porro] et cet- era. 等;友々 NAIYO ad us inter ... ad mum internum; 内用 for internal use. NAIYO WO MEIKI SEYO d.s.n. or s.s.n... detur suo nomine, sig- 内容ヲ明記セョ neteur suo nomine] specify the con- tents. 413 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions一continued. Nihongo. Ryakugo. Ratengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 う千、三五 フアノpp, ロ Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English. NAKA; L( HI "• "• "• ••• ..« mcd. … … mediae; the middle 中,內 part, center. NANKO ... … … … … ••• ungt. ... ... unguentum; 0 i n t - 軟膏 ment. NANKO TO XASE f. ung. ... fiat unguentum;let an ointment 軟膏トナセ be made. NENSHO muc. or mucil. mucilago] mucilage. 粘漿 NESSUI aq. ferv. ... aqua fervens] hot 熱水 water. NIBAI WO ATAHEYO det. in dups, dentur in dupluo;let 二倍ヲ與へョ dat. in 2 plo. twice as much be given. KICK! NICHI; HIBI ... in d. •• • • • • in die; daily. 日々 NIJIKAN GOTO NIv 0. bih. or omu. omni hihora; every »時間每ニ bih. two hours. manip ... manipulus; a hand- ful. ル 1 NIKKAI NI FUKUYO ad. duas vie••… ad dims vices; for ニ囘ニ服用 two doses. NINIRYO q.l. or q.p. (1) quantum libel] as 任意量 or q.v. or q. much as desired; vol. quantum placet,dit will;quantum vis, as much as you like; quantum vol- eris, as much as de- sired. NISAN TEKI gutt. quibusd. gutti s quibusd am •, 二三滴 with a few drops. 414 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions一continued. Nihongo. Ryakugo. Ratengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 ラテン語英語 Japanese. Abbreviation. Latix, English. KITE c. ... ... cum; with. ニテ 濃厚 cone. ... ... concentratus; c o n - centrated. NOZOKE del. ... ... deleatur; delete. 除ヶ NYUZAI emis. ... ... emuisio; emulsion. 乳劑 ONAJI t talis, tales; the same. 同シ ONO-OXO sing. ... ... singidorum; of each. 各々 - 折4 prn pro re nata; when required. OWARI XI OITE s.f. ... ... sub finem; at the end 絡リニ於テ 0YO 應用 u tmis; use, applica- tion. PARAFUIN GAMI NT IRE ATAHEYO... パラフイン紙ニ入レ與へョ d. ad. chartam paraffinatam da ad chartam paraf- finatam ; give in waxed paper. RANSHI ... ... ... ... ... 亂視 as astigmatismus ] astig- matism. R E10 AI NI ... ... ••• ••• ••• cxc. ... "• Excipe; exception. 例外ニ 415 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions一continued. Nihongo. Ryakugo. Ratengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 ラテン語,英語 Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English, REI NO MAMA NI ut diet. ... ut dictum] as direo 令ノ儘ニ ted. 1 X I ••• • « « • • • ••• • • • R. … … Reaumur (thermo- 列氏 meter). I ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• hor. decub. ... hor a decubitus; at bedtime. 臨臥時 % RINSETSU NO v. … … vicinal; contiguous ; 隣接ノ adjacent. I • • • ••• ••• ••• • • • ••• cn. c.... ... charta cerata; wax 蠟紙 paper. ROKA SEYO col. ... … cola; strain, filter. 臆過セョ ROKUSHOKU BIN v.v. ... ... vihrum vtnde; a green 綠色場 colored bottle. ROKUTAI lig ligamentum; a ban- 勒帶 dage. • • • • • • ••聲 • • • no. ... ... numerus] number. 粒 RYtDO fl. ext. ... fluid extractum\ fluid 流動 extract. SAIMATSU TO NASHI c.m concisa misce; slice 細末トナシ up and mix. SAIRYC reel.•“ “• rectificatus] rectified. 再餾 416 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions一continued. Nihongo. Ryakugo. Ratengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 ラテン語,英語 Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English. SAISHO CHISHIRYO m.l.d. ... dosis letalis minimal- 最小致死量 is ; a mimimum le- thal dose. SAKEYO , ... 避ヶョ cave ... ... beware; take pre- caution. SAMPU SEYO c. or cspg. ... consperge; sprinkle. 撒布セヨ SAN; SUI acid. • • •. • • • acidum; acid. 酸 SANSHO SEYO cf. or conf. ... confer; refer to. 參照セョ SANZAI TO SEYO 散劑トセョ f. pulv. ... fiat pulvis;let a pow- der be made. SATSUZAI TO SEYO 檫劑トセヨ f.linim. ... fiat linimentum; let a liniment be made. SAYOKU ..、 砂溶 ba. balneum arenae; a sand-bath. SEISEI SERU dep. ... … depuratus; purified. 精製セル SEI (ZAI) SERU 製(劑)セル pp praeparatus •, pre- pared ; manufac- tured. SEIZEI SERU rcct, ••• • • • rectificatus; rectified. 精製セノレ SEIZEN N1 生前ニ a. mortem ... ante mortem; before death. 417 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions一continued. Nihongo. Ryakugo. Ratengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 ラテン語,英語 Japanese. Abbreviation. Latix, English. SEMPUTSU SEYO ... coq. … … coque] to boil. 煎沸O SEN m mille; thousand. 千 SENSUI 泉水 … … … aq. iont. ... aqua fontis] spring water. SENZAI ... ... ... … … … dct. ... ... decoctum; decoction. 煎劑 SENZAI ... … ... lot. ... ... lotto;lotion. 洗劑 SESSETSU 截切 … … … cc concisa c o n t u s a\ Sliced up and mixed. SESSHI • • • • • • • • • c Celsius', centigrade. 攝氏 SHAFUTSU NO OWARI 煮沸ノ終リニ於テ XI OITE KU- 力 WAEYO. S.f .C.3.. • • • sub finem coquendi adde; add after boiling. SHARI PPU sirup. ... sirupus; syrup. 舎利別 SHIGO ... ... ... 死後 post mortem; after death. SHIKI XI SHITAGATTE 式ニ從ッテ … … … la lege artis; compound accordingly. SHINSHUTSU 滲出 • • • • • • • •. dig. ... ... digerateur;let it be digested. Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions —■continued. Nihoxgo. Ryakugo. Ratengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 ラテン語,英語 Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English. SHINU MAE NI a. mortem ... ante mortem; before 死ヌ前ニ death. SHINZAI TO SEYO … f. mfus. ... fiat infusum] let an 浸劑トセョ infusion be made. SHIRUSE ... … ... ... ... s. or sig. ... signa;let it be lab- died. 日己セ SHIRUSHITE ATAU ... d.s. detur signetur; label 記シテ與フ and give. SHO mucil ... ... mucilago; mucilage. m 水 SHOHOSEN TO TOMO NI ATAHEYO.... dx.f. • detur cum formula; 處方箋ト共ュ與~ョ give according to prescription. SHOKA SERU subl."• “• sublimatum; subli- 昇華セル mate. shOkGyoku b. mer. … balneum mercuriale; 昇汞浴 a mercuric bath. SHOKUGO “• ... ... ... ... pc post cibum; after 食後 meals. SHOKUZEN a.c. ante cihum; before 食前 meals. SHOMEI SEYO s. or sig. ... signa;let it be lab- 署各セョ died. SHtJcm NO Y〇H〇 nite u.n usu noto; by recog- 周知ノ用法ニテ nized methods. 419 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions —~continued. Nihongo. Ryakugo. Ratengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 ラテン語,英言& Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English. SHUSEI r V sptntus vini; alco- 酒精 holic spirits. SHUSEI WO MOTTE op. spirit us ... with alcohol. fi®ヲJSlツテ SH0SHINJI h.s hora somni ; at bed- 就寢時 time. SHUZAI vin. ... ... vinum; wine. 酒劑 S〇CH〇 diluc. or man. diluculo; at day- 早19 Pr- break; mane pri- mo, early in the SODAI FUNBATSU TO SERU morning. gr.m.p. ... grosso modo pulveri- 粗大粉末トセル satus; pulverized coarsely. SOSEI crud. ... "• crudum; coarse, 粗製 crude. sOtaiteki no ", S. symmetrical; rela, 相對的V tive. S(J ... no. ... numerus; number. 數 SUIGINYOKU b. mer. ... balneum mercuriale; 水銀浴 a mercuric bath. SUISHINZAI IT13.C, • • • • • • maceratio; macera, 水浸劑 tion. SUNAWACHI ... sc. or h.e. ... scilicet, namely, to 卽チ wit; hoc est, that is to say ... 420 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescrrptions—cont/nued Nihongo. Ryakugo. Ratengo, Eigo, 日本語 略語 ラテン語,英語 Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English. TADACHI NI stat. ••• "• statinr, immediately. 直チニ TAME NI Vl t • • • • «• • For the sake of. 爲ニ TANJUN NO spl. "• “• simplex; simple. 單純ノ TANSHARIPPU sirup, simpl. ... sirupus simplex) 單舎利別 simple syrup. TATOEBA e.g. or ejusd. exempli gratia, for 例へパ example . ; . ; ejus- dem, of the same. I •春* ••• • • • ••• • • • m. or min. ... minimum; minimum. 滴 TEKIGIRYO s.q. “• sufficiens quantitas. 適宜量 quantum satis ; a sufficient amount. JEKIJO NI ... gtt. or guttat. guttatim; by drops. 1! m TEKIRYO … … … … ••• q.l quantum uhet; as ■% Sr 週里 much as you desire. TEKITO no meirei wo motte ... d.p directione propria; 適當ノ命令ヲ以ッテ with appropriate 'directions. TEKITO no wariai de ad. rat. ... ad rationem] in the 適當ノ割合テ proper proportion. TENKA SEYO ad. or adde. ... adde; add, addition. 漆加セ3 ' 421 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions一continued. Nihongo. Ryakugo. Katengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 ラテン語,英語 Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English. tObun ... ... ' 等分 p. ae (q) ... partes aequales; in equal parts. TOBUN NI WAKATSU 等分こ分ッ div. in p. acq. divide i n partes aequales : diviae in- to equal parts. 當時 h,t hoc tempore] at this time. TOKA SEYO solv. "• “• solv,; dissolve, melt. 溶カセヨ TOKI; JI h hora;liour. 時 TOKUjt SEYO 持重セョ contin. ... continueteur;let it be continued. TOKU NI ... ... ... ... ... 特ニ excl. ... ... exclusive; exclusive, special. TGMO NI c cum; with. 共ニ TOMPUKU TO SEYO 頓乃Rトセ3 f. haust. ... fiat haustus : let a draught be made. 取レ sum. or r. or rp. or rec. or rep. sumetf let him take; recipe, recipe, take. T〇RI NI … … … ... ••• ut For the sake of. 通リ ... TO SEYO ...トセ3 f. 〇r ft. ... fiat, fiant\ let it be made, let them be made. 搗挫 c.c. … ... covcisa contusa\ sliced up and crushed. 422 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions—com/nuec/. Nihongo. Ryakugo. Ratengo, Eigo. 日本語 略語 ラテン語,英語 Japanese. Abbreviation. Latin, English. TSUBU ... ... ... ... … ... gran. • • • •.. granula] grain. 粒 TSUGl NI 次= deinde ... thence; s u b s e - quently; after- wards. TSUIKA ... ... ... … ... 追加 augm•… ... augmentum; an in- crease, an adainon. TSUKURARERUYO NI ut f.... ... ut fiat; that it be "tfeラレルヤウニ done. TSUKURE ... TO SEYO $レ...トセ3 fiat,fiant’,let it be made, let them be made. UMI MIZU 海水 aq. mar. ... aqua marina •,ocean water. WAKATSU 分ッ div. … … diviae : divide, sep- arate. WAKE ATAU disp. "• ••• dispensa; disoense. 分ヶ與フ YAKKYOKU 藥浴 b. med. ... balneum medicatum; a medicinal bath. YAKUYOHO 藥用磅 pm pondus medicinale; medicinal weight. 溶液 Uq liquor;liquid, solu- tion. Y〇EKI TO SEYO 溶液トセョ f. solut. ... fiat solutio; let a solution be made. Y 0 H 0 ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 用法 usus : use, applica- tion. 423 Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescriptions— Tantalum ... ... Ta タンタル \ TARIUMU タリウム 给 Thallium ... ... Te 436 Table of Chemical Elements—cont\T\C ••• • • 4 ••• Zn TSURIUMU ッリウム Thulium ... ... Tm UORUFURAMU ... ウオルフラム … … Wolfram w URAN ウラン Uranium ... ... u URANIUMU ウラニウム i由 Uranium ... ... u YAJINIUMU ヴアデニウム … … Virginxum Vi VANAJIN ヴアナデン • • • • • • Vanadium … ... V 437 Table of Chemical Elements一contd. Japanese. English. Symbol. WANAJIN ワナデン Vanadium V Y〇DO ... loame … ... ... I 沃度 * YOJIMU ヨチム lociinc ••• ••• I 沃素 loame ... ... ... I YOSEKI ... ... 擧石 Arsenic ... … ... As YUROPIUMU ... ュ一ロピウム Europium ... ... Ea 438 Table of WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 439 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. WEIGHT. I mo .00013 ozs. ... 0.00375 grams. / 10 mo I rin... ... .00132 ozs. ... 0.03750 grams. 10 rin I fun ... .01323 ozs. ... 0.37500 grams. 10 fun I momme ... .13228 ozs. ... 3.75000 grams. 160 momme ... I kin ... 21.16436 ozs. ... 600.00000 grams. 1000 momme ... I kan ... 132.27727 ozs. ... 3750.00000 grams. I oz 7.55988 momme. 1 gram 0.26667 mom me. I lb 120.95804 momme. i kilogram ... 266.66667 momme. I troy oz. ... 8.28427 momme. Catty and kin are synonymous. The picul ... 100 kin ... 132.277 lbs. METRIC MEASURES. micron cubic. millimeter milliliter miliigram. centimeter centiliter centigram. decimeter deciliter decigram. meter ... liter gram. decameter decaliter decagram. hectometer hectoliter hectogram. kilometer kiloliter kilogram. Ml Weights and Measures—continued. LINEAR MEASURE. I mo 0.00003 yards ... 0.00003 metres. 10 mo I rin 0.00033 yards ... 0.00030 metres. 10 rin I bu 0.00331 yards ... 0.00303 metres. 10 bu I sun 0.03314 yards ... 0,03030 metres. 10 sun ... I shaku 0.33140 yards ... 0.30303 metres. 10 shaku ... I jo 3.31404 yards ... 3.03030 metres. 6 shaku ... I ken 1.98842 yards ... 1.81818 metres. 60 ken... ... I chb 119.30542 yards' ... 109.09091 metres. 36 cho I ri 4294.99527 yards ... 3927.27273 metres. I inch ... 0.08382 shaku. I foot ... 1.00582 shaku I centimetre … 0.03300 shaku. I yard 3.01747 shaku. , I fathom ... 6.03493 shaky ... I metre ... 3.30000 shaku. I pole ... 16.59606 shaku. I chain ... 66.38424 shaku. I furlong ... 663.84241 shaku ... I kilometre ... 3300.00000 shaku. I mile ... 5310.73926 shaku. Note.—The ri often varies with the district, being sometimes reckoned at 50 cho, sometimes at 72. 442 Weights and Meiasures—continued. CAPACITY. I shaku 0.00397 gallons ... 0.01804 litres. 10 shaku ... ... I go ... 0.03970 gallons ... 0.18039 litres. 10 go I sho ... 0.39703 gallons ... 1.80391 litres. 10 sho I to ... 3.97033 gallons ... 18.03907 litres. 10 to (100 sho)…丨 koku ... 39.7033J gallons ... 180.39068 litres. I pint ... 0.31484 sho. I litre ... 0.55435 sho. I gallon ... 2.51868 sho. I bushel ... 20.14945 sho. spatula (point) ... about \f1 gram. teaspoon about 5 grams. dessertspoon ... about 10 grams. tablespoon about 15 milliliters. wine glass about 120 milliliters. water glass about 180 milliliters. 443 T. H. TENNANT, Government Printer, Sydney •丨 945. 穴禾内示石矢矛鬥__目皿皮白穴疒疋 , 网目 ------ -二二〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇 六五四三二 —〇二二九九八七六五四- 肉聿耳宋而老羽羊网缶糸米竹_ネ <立 三 二二二二二二二二二 二一一 四 七 一 〇 九八七六五四三二-〇九八五八七 B两衣行血虫虑艸色艮舟舛舌臼至自臣 四四四四四四四三三三三三三三三三: 六五四三二-〇九八七六五四三ニ一 邑秃辰辛車身足走赤貝豸豕豆谷言角見 穴六六穴五五五五五五五五五五四四四 E 二一〇九八七六五四三二 一〇九八七 酉 Hハ四 釆-六五 M 一六六 臼 i四 县 I六八 BmB 金 Hハ七 長 一六八 門:ハ九 阜 |七0 衆,七一 隹 一七ニ 雨一•七三 靑-七四 非一七五 31 面 I七六 鬥髟高骨馬g香首食飛風頁著韭韋革 九九八八八_八八八八八八八七七七 一 〇 九八七SSJ六五四三二一〇九八七 鬯一九二 鬲一九三 I九四 Bwlil - $ % 一九穴 一九七 鹿一九八 麥-九九 麻 118 EailBIiHl 黃 1111 黍一至 黑 U0三 «no 四 HHHM iillox. 鼎 ニ0穴 鼓云七 鼠 lloA. I 鼻 110九 齊三0 齒 三I cMHa 龍-三一 龜三三 痛…四 HEi 一 - I ニ 、 三 ノ 四 乙:五 J 六 ニ セ - A 人 九 ィ 九 儿 一0 入 こ 八 一二 部首索引 卩卜十C匚匕勹カリ刀U几门 穴五四三二一〇九八八七穴五四三 寸み子女大夕夂夂士土ロロg又厶厂E -OAA^3tSil5-〇tl5[Aiix 开I广幺干巾己エ讥川W山屮尸兀尤小 五五五五 ££ 四四四四四四四四四四四 JLO 2 ニー 〇九八七七七六五四三三二 五六 弓•£七 丑 灵 A五八 \\ノ 五九 彳 穴0 IT 穴一 4V 六四 vv# As 九四 P右~六3 P*一七0 101EH 心 /h? 戈 六ニ 芦£>ニ 歹止欠木月月日日无方斤斗文夂支支手 七七七七 Ed; 七七七七六六六穴穴六六 /C 七穴五 O0S ニ一〇九八七六六五四 牛牙片另爻父A爪…、火水气氏毛比母殳 七九 八〇 八- 八U 八三 八四 八五 八六 八穴 八七 八七 八八 八九 九〇 九- 九ニ 九三 犬 £ d 四三 九六 冗:三 n11111 尹三五 H |四0 L:八ニ OH_R^ £ 九£ 玉 iハ 瓜 九V 瓦 九< ±n 九九 生一〇〇 用 § 田10ニ