& -/•? -•/. „ '5h//*z & THE NEW-YORK FARMERS ^0£ THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1818, BEING THE SECOND AFTER BISSEXTILE OR LEAP YEAR, And 42d Year of American Independence, till 4th July CONTAINING The Lunations, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Judgment of the Weather, Rising and Setting of the Planets, Length of Days and Nights, &c. &c.—Together with useful TaMes, entertaining Remarks, and information to farmers, &c. &c. BY DAVID YOUNG, Philom. NEW-YORK: i Printed and Published by Charles N. Baldwin |, JVo. 1 Chamber, corner of Chatham-street. ■ / ^s^^^si^sss^s^s^s^s^^^^s^m THE ANATOMY OF MAN'S BODY, AS GOVERNED BY THE TWELVE CON- STELLATIONS. T Head & Face. 5JJ loknovv where the Sign i», and the day of me month, and against 7^ the day in the 4th column, yon have the sign or place of the Moon; fe4j then find the sign here, and'il will gire you what part of the body it governs. __________ Vi H i Pa ® p. Names and Characters of the Signs of the Zodiac. T (Arie)a. Ram,. 6 [Taurus} a Bull, n [Gemini] Twins, £3 (Cancer) a Crab Fish, Si (Leo) a Lion, WlVirzo) a Virgin, =0: (Libra) a Ballance, ft (Scorpio) a Scorpion, t (Sagitarius) Archer, Vf (Capricornus) a Goat, *a (Aquarius) a Butler, H (Pisces) Fish. Doctor Johnson being asked his opinion of a certain nabob, better known by his riches, than learning. " A mere sheep, sir, with a golden fleece," observed the cynic. n^a NT^. • % Characters and Names of the Aspects, with the Angle which they include. d Conjunction 8 Opposition A Trine O Quartile Deg. 0 180 120 90 Aspects. Deg. * Sextile 60 Nodes. SI Ascending > „ . y Descending \ "oae" Characters and Names of the Planets, with their mean distances from the Sun and their Diameters in English Miles. Distancefrom the Sun. © The Sun 9 Mercury Q Venus © The Earth & Mars U Jupiter h Saturn t? Herschel > The Moon* 36,841,468 68,891,486 95,173,127 145,014,148 494,990,976 907,956,130 1,816,455,526 Diameters. 884,000 3,222 7,690 7,964 5,150 94,100 78,990 35.226 8,180 * The Moon's mean distance frqm the Sun is the same as the Earth's. Her mean distance from the Earth is 239,960 miles. Sometimes the character of the Moon is varied in the following manner—New ) , First Quarter ) , Full •, Last Quarter ( . >VI Cardinal Points for 1818. D H Vernal Equinox March Summer Solstice June Autumnal Equinox Sept. Winter Solstice Dec. 20 21 23 22 M 54 P. M. 19 P.M. 6 A. M. 11 A. M. M Common Notes for the Year 1818. M Venus ( 9) will be Morning Star until March 12th, fcf then Evening Star uutil December 26th, then Morning H Star until October 9th, 1819. £3 Latitude o£ Herschel (¥) about 4 minutes south this Shi year. & The Moon runs highest this year;, about the 6th degree Crf of (S3) Cancer, and lowest about the 6th degree of (Vf) ^ Capricorn. K2 Principal Articles for the year 1818. &£ &| ' Chronological Cycles. [ Moveable Feasts. &2 Kg Dominical Letter, D. Easter Sunday,* March 22 " ^^ E3 Solar Cycle, 7 B3 Roman Indiction, 5 M Julian Period, 6531 Ascension Day, April 30 M Whit Sunday, May 10 ^ Trinity Sunday, May 17 M Advent Sunday, Nov. 29 £3 f| ECLIPSES, % fea For M Moon rises, 31-4 digits eclipsed at 6 40 gg KA Ecliptioal Opposition 7 16 W $3 Middle 7 24 ^1 & End 8 36 fe| ?4 Duration of visibility, lh 56m—Whole duration 2h 24m B3 f%> —Quantity, 5 3-4 digits on the Moou's South Limb. Kfl & 2 An eclipse of the Sun will take place on Tuesday, jga & May 5th, at 2h 29m in the morning, invisible. M gS 3 There will be a small eclipse of the Moon in October, & W visible. g2 (^ H M fc£ Beginning Tuesday, 13th day, at M Ecliptical Opposition ) Wednes- RS Middle V day the p End S l^th at ^ Duration jvi Quantity, 2 digits on the North Limb. jm X£ 4 There will be another eclipse of the Sun on Thurs- M RV day, the 29th of October, at 30 minutes past noon, invisi- ^2 %$ ble here, the penumbra failing too far south. xy ^ ---^**---- ^ ^ APHORISM. ^ ^ Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, Vk &, As to be hated needs but to be seen ; &, fe Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, ££ gS We first endure, then pity, then embrace. 5jV ^------------------------------------■ M k4 * This is the earliest Easier possible. fc5l <■*. 1 &| I. JANUARY, begins &n Thurs. hath 31 days, 1818. || THE WHISKERS. Selected from the Complete Coiffeur. The kings, who rule mankind with haughty sway, The prouder Pope whom even kings obey ; Love, at whose shrine both Popes and monarchs fall1, And e'en self-interest, that controuls them all; Possess a petty power, when all combin'd Compar'd with Fashion's influence on mankind ; For Love itself, will oft to Fashion bow, The following stcy will convince you how: i "JNevv d 6lh, oh* 39m. alter. Full • 2Vd. oh, 28m.fnor. Fi'-st O 14th. Ih. 48m.mor. Last Q. 29th. llh. 43m. do 4 ©K ©s ©de 17 U19 * 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2f: *30 ft? % David Mid Lent Antares ris. 1 7 Disagreeable weather. Spica "TJ ris. 8 47 Chilly. Perpetua. 5th Sun in Lent Cold d SI January. Gregory Martyr > apoge, Perlftrp"s# Palm Sund. rain. St. Patrick. Antares sou. 4 29 Stormy weather ® enters f Good Benedict. [Friday. Easter Sunday. may be expected about this time. Annun. B V Mary ) perigee More fair. Ell-&-yd. sets 10 54 IjOw Sund. fldfv Relieve the poor. 1 26 ri 25 3 2-1 5 22 6 21 3 20 i 1 '5 17 |3 16 14 S IS 12 6 10 5 9 ©r ©;* 5 34 3 35 i3& 5 38 5 3 5 40 3 4 5 43 3 44 5 46 5 47 5 48 5 50 51 5 52 5 54 56 57 58 59 1 > 3 3 2 5 1 5 59 5 58 3 57 5 55 5 54 3 53 3 51 3 50 3 49 3 47 3 46 6 2 6 7 9 If 611 1?- 9! 14 ©de 7 37 7 14 6 51 6 28 6 5 5 42 5 18 4 55 4 32 4 8 3 45 3 21 2 57 2 34 2 10 1 46 1 23 0 59 0 35 3. 12 N. 12 0 36 0 59 1 23 1 46 2 10 2 33 2 57 3 20 3,44 4 7 a ris 2 46 3 49 4 41 5 23 5 58 sets., 6 34' 7 39 8 42 9 45 10 48 11 51 mor. 0 53 1 52 2 45 3 33 4 14 4 49 5 19 5 46 rise. 7 39 8 55 10 13 11 31 mor. 0 45 1 51 2 47 3 31 H.W 4 12 5 14 6 14 7 11 8 3 l8 52 9 37 10 20 11 2 11 44 mor, 0 28 1 13 2 0 2 50 3 42 4 35 5 27 6 19 7 10 7 59 8 47 9 36 10 25 11 18 aft 13 1 12 2 13 3 16 4 16 5 13 N u '& pj Vi $ Pi Pi Pi % Vi Vi % r4 1 h> ^^^ss^i2si &<>:t>tc^^^ &6 TV. APRIL, be^^i 'f^^^^^^^^SSS^S^^^W^JS Pi S3 6* fa O V. -¥^ Y, begins on Friday, hatk 31 days, 1818. " Must I the realms of Neptune trace ? O speak the word—wherever the place, For yon, the idol of my soul, I'd e'en explore the frozen pole : Arabics sandy deserts tread, Or trace the Tigris to its head." " O no ; dear sir, I do not ask So long a voyage or hard a task, You must.—but ah ! the boon I want, I have no hope thai von will gran'." New (I 5th, 2h 29m morn. first Q. 13th, 6h 12m morn. 1^ o .. ;;. 2j rr" 24 ^ 25 :o?26 rf? 27 V? 2b '?$ 29 £.« 30 St Phili & St Jas. 9 's gr. elong. Inven. of the cross ) SI Pleasant. Sirius sets 8 49 ■ John Evangelist. > apogee Warmth increases. Aldebaran sets 8 18 Whit Sunday. 9 stationary. Arcturus sou. 10 50 Now plant your corn. Fomalhaut ris.3 20. Trinity Sunday. perigee ©enters D Inf. 6 © V Thunder showers. \st after Trin. Arcturus sou. 9 59. Vegetation Venerable Bede. progresses with 7 *'srise 3 47. rapidity. 2d after Trinity Full & 20th, 3h 32m morn. L^st O. 26th, 6h 51m after. F -2 1 C 59 4 58 4 57 4 5:. 4 5 j i 5) 4 53 4 52 4 51 1 50 4 49 4 48 4 47 4 46 4 45 4 45 4 44 4 43 4 42 4 42 4 41 4 40 4 39 By ' OL> '. 56 •> 57 3 58 > 59 G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 10 7 11 7 12 7 13 7-14 7 15 7 15 7 16 7 17 7 18 7 18 7 19 7 20 4 40 120 £1 45 7 21 ©de 15 i 15 2( 15 3! 15 5* 13 HJ 16 3C 16 47 17 3 17 19 1.7 35 17 .1 18 6 18 21 18 36 18 50 19 4 19 18 19 31 19 44 19 57 20 10 20 22 20 33 20 45 20 5C 21 6 21 17 21 27 21 36 21 54 5 ris H.W W 3 35 6 28 >A 3 51 4 17 4 39 sets. 8 46 £47 10 43 11 3h " or. 0 19 0 57 1 28 1 56 2 21 2 45 3 9 3 35 4 5 rise. 9 31 10 39 11 34 mor 0 17 0 50 1 18 1 41 2 2 2 44 7 10 fa 7 51 || 8 33 &4 9 17^ 0 2&S = 0 50 £2 L140W mor. WV 0 32 &» 123 fa 2 13 63 3 2& 3 50 A 4 36 fcj 5 22 || 6 9 £3 659,Pi 7 52 fry3 8 49 £3 9 52 £4 10 58 £4 aft.4 ^ 1 7 M 2 6ss 2 57 & 3 44^ 4 28 j£? 5 10 *£ 2 25k 5 50 ^ 6 32 ^ &oi<>i^^^ ,*W«5^aW>^^^«^^3i 22 S3 23 £5 24 n - 3j Nicomede. , Very warm. > apogee. 9 stationary Boniface. Thunder showers. 3d rt/ier Trinity. Antares. sou. 11 12. 8 © W Hot and sultry. Si Barnabas Gentle > y zephyrs. 4th after Trinity Coincid. of time. Showery. St Alban. 9 's gr. elong. 7 * 's rise 2 20. Perhaps rain. ©enters 23 Heat increases daily. Nati St John Bapt Antares sou. 10 2. Perhaps more ) SI rain. ftth after Trinity St. Peter. 8 © h Thunder. Full • 18th, lOh 31 morn. $8 Last Q. 25th, 5h 50m do |3 ©Ri© 4 38|7 22 4 38 4 37 4 37 4 36 4 36 4 35 4 35 4 35 4 34 4 34 134 4 33 1 33 4 33 4 33 4 32 1 32 4 32 4 32 1 32 4 32 4 32 1 32 4 32 133 133 133 4 33 133 ©de 22 3 7 2222 11 7 23 7 23 7 24 7 24 72 7 25 7 25 7# 7 26 7 26 72 7 27 7 27 7 27 7 28 7 28 7 2t 7 28 7 2i 7 2t: 7 2>- 7 28 7 2c 7 27 7 27 7 27 7 27 7 27 22 18 22 25 22 3 22 39 22 45 22 51 22 56 23 1 23 5 23 9 23 13 23 16 23 19 23 22 23 24 23 25 23 26 23 27 28 2.3 28 13 27 13 26 23 25 23 23 23 21 -13 19 13 16 23 12 <1 ris 3 6 3 32 sets. 8 37 9 29 10 16 10 15 11 28 11 56 mor. 0 21 0 44 1 6 1 30 1 56 2 28 3 8 rise. 9 16 10 6 10 44 11 14 11 40 mor. 0 1 0 22 0 43 1 5 1 30 1 59 Wz H.W £3 7 14^ 8 46 & 9 35 S2 10 25£j U 17 p mor. yv 0 7$ 0 56 £3 1 43 £3 2 28*| 3 13 ^ 3 57 £2 4 44&3 5 33 W 6 26&J 7 26 S* 8 30£| 9 38 $S 10 44 K4 11 47 fi4 aft 43 $A 1 34 H 2 20 gX 3 3^ 3 44 p 4 25 *V* 5 7 &* 551 m 6 37 l£ :c£oi<>ior<>ioi^^^^ S2S>^ »£g£££g§&Sg§g3S2^ &« VII. JULY, begins on Wednesday, hath 31 days, 1818. f% £2 £>J ^ ^ M New £3 First iNu longer iaciv me wiui suspense, Speak your commands, and send me hence." " Well, then, dear generous youth!" she cries, &j " If thus my heart you really prize, ^ And wish to link your fate with mine, XS On one condition I am thine ; 5x 'Twill then become my pleasing duty, yy To contemplate a husband's beauty ; W And gazing on his manly face, fc-^l His feelings and his wishes trace ; K3| mi 4 u 8 X? 9 4 d 3d, 9h 21 in morn. Q. 11th, 2h 39m morn. Full • 17th, 5h 17m Last Q. 24th, 7h 37m I 13 14 /k 15 ViU apogee. Visitat B V Mary Very hot. Independence 1th after Trinity Too dry Almaach ris. 9 29. I fear. Algol rises 10 35. Too ) y dry- 8th after Trinity I hope for > perigree. Swithin. showers. Sup. 9 © 9 Ell-&-yd. ris 3 44. 9lh aft Trinity Margaret. 1 Heavy thunder Magdalen ©enters SI showers. St James ) SI St Anne Heat continues. ( apogee Sow turnips. Dog days begin. Warm enough. ©I 4 34 4 34 4 34 4 35 135 4 35 4 36 4 36 4 37 4 37 i 38 4 38 4 39 140 440 4 41 4 42 4 42 4 43 4 44 4 45 4 45 4 46 4 47 4 48 4 49 4 50 4 51 4 52 4 53 4 54|7 7 2fc 7 26 7 26 7 26 7 25 725 7 24 7 24 7 23 7 23 7 22 7 22 7 21 7 20 7 7 It 7 18 7 1 17 16 15 15 14 13 12 7 11 10 9 ©de 23 9 23 4 23 0 2265 12 50 22 44 22 38 22 31 22 24 22 17 22 9 22 1 21 63 21 44 21 35 21 25 21 15 21 5 ^0 54 20 43 20 32 20 20 20 8 19 56 19 43 19 30 19 17 19 3 18 49 18 35 d ris 2 33 3 14 sets. 8 50 9 25 9 55 10«0 40 43 11 5 11 27 11 52 mor. "0 20 0 55 1 38 2 34 rise 8 33 9 7 9 36 10 0 10 22 10 43 11 5 11 29 11 56 mor. 0 29 1 8 1 55 after. fc\^ 10 ft 4® 18 20] 2 49 irwfes 7 25^ 8 16 & 9 58 £>a 10 48 S3 n 36 ga mor. M 0 22 W 1 6 M 149g| 2 34 £3 3 20 *>< 4 10 $>* 5 6 , 7 10 553 8»7<3 9 22M 10 22 >m H 17 |3 aft. 7 g 0 53 A 1 36 A 2 18:3 3 1 : peiigree Heat decrease*. Fomalhaui. ris. 9 10 Assumption 13th after Trinity - Dry • • and dusty. 7 *'srise 10 10 > ft Sirius rises 3 33 ©enters "" St Bartlwlomew Moon apogee Smoky weather. St Augustine S. John Bap. be- \5lhaftTr [headed Perhaps rain. ©1. 4 55 4 5G 4 57 4 58 4 59 Q ©3 ©d« 18 L 5 1 4 3 2 I 0 o 59 6 58 6 57 §56 6 55 6f« 54 6 52 6 51 6 50 6 49 6 48 6 47 6 45 6 44 6 43 6 42 20 6 40 5 21 6 39 5 22|6 38 5 23|6 37 25 6 33 17 5( 17 3 17 1: t7^ 164§] 16 1. ■\5 51 15 3 15 21 15 ->ets. 7 56 8 23 Iv^S&i W ^i<^oi<>i<^>:<>i<>i< HW& 8 42 & 9 31 &X 10 18 gS 8 47111 4 £2 9 104148 ^ 9 32 mor. M :o 5 26 -> 27 5 28 5 30 6 34 6 33 6 32 6 30 14 4 14 2fc 14 f 13 4! 13 30 13 11 12 51 12 31 12 K 11 51 11 31 11 11 10 50 10 29 :o 8 9 47 9 2 9 8 4 ,0 21 10 53 II 32 mor. 0 21 I 23 2 35 rise 7 36 8 2 8 26 8 48 9 10 9 34 10 0 10 31 11 8 11 52 mor. 0 44 1 43 2 47 3 51 sets. Pi %4 9 32!mor. ^ 9 55| 0 32 ^ 1 17 2 5 2 57 3 54 4 55 £>4 5 59 P4 8 6<> 9 4H 9 57 fS 10 45 &3 «i3i m aft 14 RS 0 58& 1 42 £% 2 23 fa 315 :o! 4 5& 4 57 P 5 49 M 6 40^| 731 ea 8 19 j& N IX. SEPTEMBER, begins on Tues. hath 30 days, 1818. %y 0 Pi I '<$ Pi Pi~ f& First' & Full 4 8 Pi12 Pi™ P4U Like lightning from the ground he sprung, While' Wild amazement tied his tongue ; A statue motionless hegaz'd, Astonished, horror-struck, amazed ; So the despairing patriarch stood, When Heaven demanded Isaac's blood; So Jeptha look'd, whose answered prayer, Condemn'd to death his daughter fair ; Q. 7th 3h 13m after. 14th, llh 18m morn 1 3 2 4 6 D 7 Pi'U 17 8» • A20D <.?. 01 2 3 4 5 0 Giles Coinci- dence of time Cold and* stormy. Antares sets 9 45 Cold winds. 16th aft Trinity Enurchus. 8 © h Nat ofB VMary > perigee Fair. Dog days end 9 stationary~'~ 7 *'srise8 46 Mth aft Trinity Holy Cross Look for rain. Lambert > ft Antares sets 8 55 Cold mornings. 13th after Trinity St Matthew Moon apogee ® enters =cs Perhaps frost. -Inf. 6 © 9 23d St Cyprian 19th af Trim. Cold winds. St Michael St Jerome LastQ. 22d, 6h59m morn. New d 30th, Oh 50m morn. ^% Pi Pi Pi ri ©R 5 31 5 32 5 34 5 35 5 36 5 37 5 39 5 40 Vf 15 41 VJ>;5 43 «j5 44 ss.! 5 45 KJ5 47 H 5 48 '5 4fJ 5 51 5 5? 5 5 5 5•> 5 56 5 57 5 59 6 0 6 1 6 3 6- A #""5 6 7 6 8 6 9 ©S 6 29 6 28 S 26 3 25 -3 24 3 23 > 21 S20 6 19 5 17 6 16 3 15 3 13 6 12 5 11 3 9 8 r 5 4 3 1 0 59 57 56 55 53 52 51 2 Pi 07$ HW £Z 9 51 |2 10 36 p 11 22. gg mor. 0 9 1 0 2 55 ^ 3 57 5 0 6 row 753$ 8 43$$ 9 30 &S| 10 14 & 10 59& 11 43 A aft 29 XS 2 57M 8 49 fc^ 4 40£S 5 31 §3 6 20 &i 7 7 & 7 53XS 8 39 ft* > i»l a 45[ 6 1U4. 9 25 ^ c ©de 8 21 8 0 7 38 7 15 6 53 6 31 6 8 5 46 5 23 5,1 4 38 4 15 3 52 3 29 3 6 a. 43 2 19 1 56 1 33 1 10 0 46 N23 S 1 0 24 0 47 1 11 1 34 1 58 2 21 2 45 )set 7 20 7 43 8 6 8 32 9 2 9 38 10 23 11 20 mor. 0 26 1 41 2 57 4 13 rise. 6 57 7 20 7 43 8 9 8 '38 9 13 9'-54 10 43 11 39 mor. 0 41 1 46 2 54 "4 2 sets 6 18 ^T<>io^i<>i<>roi<>:2>i^^^ A x- OCTOBER, begins on Thursday, hath 31 days, 1818. £b And so the prince of Denmark stared When first his father's ghost appeared. At length our hero silence broke, And thus in wildest accents spoke : " Cut off my whiskers ! O ye gods ! I'd sooner lose my ears, by odos ; Madam, I'd not be so disgrac'd, So lost to Fashion and to taste, I i §________ £3 1 ir-t U. 6ih, yh ym after. g|[ Full # 14th, Oh 32m morn. Pi 4 4 1 5 Remigius > ^ 2 6 Aldebaran ris. 8 64 3 7 9 stationary 4 D 20th of Trinity 5 2 > perigree 6 3 Faith Cold 7 4 winds. 8 5 Aldebaran ri. 8 32 9 6 St Denis & 's gr. 10 7 9 's gr. elon [ejton. 11 D 2\st of Trinity 12 2 Fai r and 13 3 Sirius rises 0 25 14 4 > ft dry. 15 5 Aldebaran ri. 8 6 . 16 6 may be 17 7 expected. 18 D St Luke 19 o > apogee 20 3 Perhaps 21 4 rain. 22 5 E11-& yd. ri. 9 43 23 6 ©ent "1 24 7 Very pleasant 25 D Crispin 26 2 weather. 27 3 Ell-&-y*Td ri 9 24 28 4 St Simon & St Jude 29 5 ) y Look 30 6 for rain. 31 7 Sirius south 4 13 - N :o: _______________ % L.ast i^. iZd, :2ii 3Jm morn. R9 New £ 29th, Oh 30m after. f$ ©R i i P4 Pi Pi Pi % H ©s 6 11 6 121 6 13 6 15 6 16 6 17 6 19 6 20 6 21 623 3 24 6 25 6 27 6 28 6 29 6 31 6 32 6 33 L» 3.j 6 36 6 37 3 39 40 n s-41 8 4u 6 44 5 45 6 46 6 47 6 41. I 6; 50 5 49 5 48 5 47 5 45 5 4-1 5 43 41 5 40 5 39 537 $36 5 35 5 33 5 32 5 31 5 29 5 28 52 5 25 5 24 5 23 5 21 5 20 > 19 » 18 m 3 8 3 31 3 54 4 18 4 41 5 4 5 27 5 50 6 13 6 36 6 59 7 21 7 44 8 6 S29 8 51 9 13 9 35 9 57 10 18 10 40 11 1 11 22 11 43 12 4 ) set 6 43 7 12 7 47 8 29 9 22 1026 11 37 mor. 0 52 2 7 3 19 4 29 rise. 5 53 6 17 6 43 7 18 7 56 8 42 9 35 10 34 II 37 mor. 0 43 1 49 irwtfi rH)13M| 11 4 £>4 U59& mor. £> 0 57^ 1 59 *^ 3 2% 4 4§ 556 &« 6 46 S3 7 32 8 17 9 °:a Though blest with more than mortal charms ; 0>. My whiskers ! Zounds !" He said no more, $ But quick retreated thrq^ the door, vy And sought a less obdurate fair, %4 To take the beau with all his hair. % £X First t^. 5Ui, 4h 28m morn. ^2 Full • 12th, 4h 52m after. i Last Q. 20th, im 31 m after. 53] New a 27th, llh29m do M A REFLECTION. I've seen the dark ship proudly braving, With high sail set—and streamers waving, The tempest's roar and battle's pride ; I've seen those floating streamers shrinking— All Saints ) perigee; Cold and high winds. Ardurus ri. 4 10 Sirius rises 10 45 25th aft Trinity Sup. O © V > ft Pleasant St Martin weather. Britius Perhaps rain. Machutus > apogee Some 6 © S white frost. Perhaps "more rain. Cecilia © enters t Clement Sirius rises 9 35 > y Blustering Sirius south 2 31 winds and quite cold. Advent > perigree St Andrew **«&£2g3S2SS^ 7 D 2 3 4 >0 6l^Pe ©R 6 51 6 52 6 53 6 55 6 56 6 57 6 58 6 59 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 11 7 12 7 13 7 14 7-J4 7 15 7 16 7 17 7 18 7 19 7 19 7 20 ©S 5 9 5 814 44 ©de 14 25 0 4 58 4 57 4 56 4 55 4 54 4 53 4 52 4 51 4 50 4 49 4 48 4 47 4 46 446 4 45 15 3 15 21 15 40 15 58 16 16 16 34 16 51 17 17 25 17 41 17 57 18 13 ,8 29 18 44 18 59 19 13 19 28 19 41 19 55 20 8 20 21 >0 33 4 43 4'42 441 4 41 4 40 4 44 20 45 20 57 1 8 21 19 21 29 21 39 )set 7 20 8 21 9 32 10 47 mor. 0 2 1 13 2 22 3 29 4 34 5 39 rise 5 17 5 53 6 36 7 26 8 22 9 23 10 26 11 31 mor. 0 36 1 42 2 50 4 2 5 17 636 sets. 5 59 7 »55 rd mor. |vS 0 59 H 2 3 g* 3 2 3 57 4 47 5 33 6 17 6 59 C42 $4 8 26 M 1 2 10 % 2 56 M 3 41 4 24 5 8 5 52 9 11 9 59 10 49 11 40 alt 31 1 21 6 40 52 7 31 H 8 28M 9 31 $3 10 37 fea £<>i<>i<>r<>i^^ XII. DECEMBER, begins on Tues. hath31 days, 1818. j& The high sail rent—the proud ship sinking Beneath the ocean tide ;— And heard the seaman farewell sighing— His body on the dark sea lying— His death prayer to the wind! But sadder sight the eye can know, Than proud bark lost—and seaman's woe— Or battle fire and tempest cloud— Or prey bird's shriek and ocean's shroud— The shipwreck of the Mind. P 4 x? - £» First Q. 4th, 2h 24m after. feS Full • 12th, llh 23m morn Pi S Pi P 4 Pi Pi Pi Last Q. 20th, 2h 33m New d 27th, 9h 55m I % ri P B Pi Pi I I % «3 9 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26J6 Sirius rises 9 5 . High .winds 7 * 's south 10 57 and j*erhaps snow squalls. Nicholas > ft More calm. Conception BVM Very pleasant for the •; 7 *'s south 10 22 Ci © Ijl season. Lucy ) apoge* Sirius rises 8 4 Indian Almaach sets 5 33 summer. 7 * 's south 9 46 4th in Advent. St Thomas ©enters Vf Moderate. Coincid. of time Christmas St Stephen St John Innocents Forget not the poor. Sylvester ©K 7 21 7 21 7 22 7 23 7 23 7 24 7 24 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 26 7 26 7 26 7 27 7 27 7 27 7 27 7 28 7 28 7 28 7 28 7 28 7 28 7 28 7 28 7 27 7 27 7 27 7 27 7 27 7 26 ©S 4 39 4 39 4 38 4 37 4 37 4 36 4 36 4 35 4 35 4 35 4 34 4 34 4 34 4 33 4 33 4 33 4 33 4 32 4 32 4 32 4 32 4 32 4 32 4 32 4 32 7 33 4 33 4 33 4 33 4 33 4 34 ©dc 21 49 21 58 22 7 22 15 22 23 22 30 22 37 22 44 22 50 22 56 23 1 23 6 23 10 23 14 23 17 23 20 2S 22 23 24 23 26 23 27 23 28 23 28 23 27 23 26 23 25 23 23 23 21 23 18 23 15 23 11 23 7 )se( 8 25 9 42 10 57 mor. 0 7 1 14 2 19 3 23 4 27 5 31 6 34 rise. J5 10 6 4 7 3 8 9 9 10 12 11 16 mor, 1 3 54 5 1§ 6 32 sets 5 45 7 5 8 24 9 39 after morn fetf TTW& mor. fed 047 & 1 45 &2 2 37|S 3 25 gg 4 9 Yy 4 51 h4 5 33 |a 6 16 fa 7 Q*esi 7 46,i£ 8 35|| 9 25 A 10 16 g2 U 6 ss 1155$ aft. 12 fcx* 126 f3 2 9 SS 2 50 &i 3 33 A 4 17 P 5 4 p 5 57 p 6 55 ^ 7 59 S3 9 - ** 10 7 %$ 1117 & raor«, £5| 014§ AGRICULTURE. It must, it is presumed, be acceded, by every unprejudiced farmer, that the plan laid down in our last year's Almanac, for collecting compost, increasing its quantity, preserving and communi- eating its salts and oleaginous particles, is such £d as cannot fail to supply the farm with a sufficien- I cy of manure for the constant invigoration of the soil, and securing its annual productiveness. The treatment of cattle, by feeding them in houses or stalls in preference to their running at large on the farm, being essential to this plan, it should be ascertained how far this treatment may affect the housed cattle. TREATMENT OF CATTLE. Stall-feeding of cattle, intended for the slaugh- ; ter-house, is so generally practised, that it would not here be adverted to, but to prove that a prac- tice of such acknowledged benefit in finishing (as it may be termed) the beast, cannot be unworthy of experiment in preparing him for that process ; j| or, in other words, the treatment that benefits the. grown, cannot but be serviceable to the growing animal. The European farmers have, in many instances, adopted stall-feeding, and always sue- | ceeded ; thus j *oving experimentally the cor- & rectness of a principle so theoretically rational. & Dr. Thaer, of Hanover, in his memoir on the Q stall-feeding of cattle throughout the whole year, remarks, that cattle in stalls are less subject to accidents, do not suffer by the heat, by flies or insects, and are not equally liable to disorders. Of cows, the Dr. observes, that those used to the stall, will yield a much greater and richer quanti- ty of milk. g In addition to this it may be observed, that cat- H< D 3SM tie in stalls can never suffer, as they commonly i do in the field, by over-feeding themselves with " clover : this can be avoided by not giving them the clover while wet with dew.* The housing of calves is peculiarly favorable | to an early weaning, and consequently giving to the farmer the greater quantity of the cow's milk. Mr. Thomas Crook, of Tvtherton (England) fed his calves on a jelly, made by boiling for ten minutes one quart of linseed in six quarts of wa- ter, mixed with a small quantity of the infusion of the best hay steeped in boiling water ; he fed the calves three times a day. Mr. Cook observes— " My calves^are kept in a good growing state, and are much better at this time, than those of my neighbors that are reared by milk." Young oxen, intended for draft, will be more manageable, and easier broke to wo^rk by being fed and handled in the stall. The same observa- tion will apply still more forcibly to young horses; jjj[ the mode, too often practised, of taming or break- ing them, by violence, hard-riding, and whipping, | produces many evils to the animal, which cannot s< afterwards be remedied. So aware was the I Elector of Bavaria of this, that he employed men * to walk round and through the parks, where his young horses were kept, for several weeks before he permitted them to be handled. Close feeding is particularly serviceable to f swine. The sow will yield more milk, and the | pigs may be sooner weaned. Count Rumford, in his essays on the quantity of nutrition in water, recommends feeding swine on potatoes well clean- | ed and mashed in the water in which they are * The following method never fails to cure cattle that have overfed themselves with clover : Fill an egg-shell with tar, and throw it down the throat of the beast; the 3 swelling will subside in five minutes. ! r^T^\T.TJ^>T>7.r>7>r>TxrCT: i .:uM3^3nS33^j^mEtJ0nnL^IZJ5^d boiled : a farmer, in Ireland, found this mode pe- culiarly serviceable in rearing young swine. They grew fast, on little more than half the usual quantity of food. They ate of it at first very ravenously, but, in,a few dajjs, they used a.lesser quantity, and yet continued to thrive beyond the anticipated expectation. A general observation within the knowledge of all is, that the proportion of cattle lost in the fields by accidents or disorders, is much less than what occurs to cattle in houses or stalls, while the fol- lowing advantages remain to be observed : 1. Cattle, in stalls, do not require as much food as when in the field. 2. Grass-lands, when not trodden by heavy | cattle, are not liable to be injured by beating s* down the grass, or breaking the earth. 3. Manure is spread on lands in such places and proportions as the farmer's judgment may suggest, while that which is dropped by the graz- ing beast is often of little use; and sometimes injurious. Sheep being fretful animals, the housing of them admits of objections not applicable to other '| cattle ; if, however, they should have easy access to sheds, where food will be left for them, they 3 will ramble but little, and, being light, will not d injure land. To some it has appeared that the 3 great walks which sheep take, benefit them ; 8 while nothing is more evident than that it pro- a ceeds from their peculiar fondness for neworten- | der food, and that they must be benefitted in pro- g portion as agreeable food is easy of procurement. 3 In a former number of these essays, two fields, H or 27 acres, were proposed to, be reserved for a feeding cattle, and it was calculated that sixty ft animals, equal to about 34 grown oxen, would be W reared thereon. It would be wearying the read- 4 I er to quote the,, many experimental proofs, by | which it has been ascertained, that the produce ' of land will feed at least three times the number of cattle in stall, that it will feed in the usual mode of grazing ; when to this is added (what was omitted in the former calculation) that a consid- erable quantity of straw, potatoes, turnips, cab- bage, pumpkins, &c. may be taken from the til- lage land and applied to the feeding of cattle, it will readily be admitted that the produce of the farm applicable to the support of cattle, will sup- ply at least one third, if not one half, more than the number already calculated ; or as many as will be equal to 45, or perhaps 51 full grown oxen ; a number more than usually to be found on a farm of 100 acres. The labor, and ponsequent expenses of attend- ing so many cattle, and bringing their food to them, will, to some, be a ground of objection ; but before that' cause be permitted to influence him* let the cost of attending a large farm, in the usual mode, and that of attending a small farm, as herein recommended, be fairly ascertained ; and also a fair view taken of the result of each mode ; and a preference will certainly be given to the culture of small farms. Or let the timid farmer make the experiment on some small or convenient \} scale 3 let him see how conveniently time can be n divided, so as to meet the different parts of the labor; let him see in how many instances his children can attend to the business ; let him ex- perience the advantages of viewing his entire stock, and the whole of his farm, in a few min- utes. The result will be certainly conclusive in determining his adopting a system seemingly too P{ circumscribed, but which, on a full display, will jil iTj appear grand and lucrative ; and will practically (j3 jw^pyj^'q'^f'W-^-'P^^WP^^ prove that the word " large," as applied to farms, ought to be significant, not of the number of acres, but of their actual produce. Of the management of Exhausted Ground. By exhausted ground the farmer is to under- stand such as has been in its nature tolerably good, but has been drained by repeated or ill managed crops, beyond what the common ma- nures are able to supply. Long fallows will recover the most exhausted land, provided it has been ever good, and the ground be sufficiently broken during the fallow- J ing: but in this case the labor and time necessary \\ for the recruit, weary the farmer, because he re- ceives no present benefit. It will be more agree- | able to him to lay out more expense, and to reap k a more immediate return. Where there are se- < veral inches of good soil below the utmost depths to which the plough has ever gone, the whole business is to cut deeper, and turn it up. For this purpose, if the four coultered plough be brought into the ground, and set to its proper depth of cutting, it will go three, four or five inch- es below what other ploughs have done ; and will bring up an absolute bed of new mould. The old exhausted*part of the soil will be buried at the depth where this lay ; and this, which is of U the nature of virgin mould, will be the proper I\ seat .of the next crop. The advantages of virgin It mould are well known ; and this part of the soil, H which will be thus turned up after such absolute H and unexhausted rest, will be perfectly of that N that quality. The roots of corn and of the other P plants cultivated by the farmer, seek their nour- 0 ishment where the earth is broken by tillage to [a! give them passage. The preceding crops upon 1 such grounds have been fed by that part of the soil only, which has been wrought in tillage : and this part which is now broken for the first time, having been firm and solid at its proper depth, has denied them all admittance.—Therefore it is now in full strength. The farmer will see that it is by his crops, and he is to manage it in this manner. He must take care that his four coul- tered plough cut up this under part of the soil ev- ery where, and in all parts equally. He must see that the-*part thus brought up makes the surface of the whole field, and that the old top be every where buried. This once done, there is to be no more of the deep ploughing: the common course of work is to be continued, and this new earth very well broken. After this it is to l»e sown as other good land, and refreshed in the same man. ner with manures ; and after a course of years, it will be proper to bring on again the deep cutting four coultered plough ; and burying the upper soil, to bring up again that which had- been in the preceding time the exhausted surface.—It will have received new strength from its long rest, and from the vapors from below, and will be as rich as the former. AMANA. The Apple is supposed to have been, original- ly, an indigenous production of Europe. It is said, that successive grafting of the apple-tree, deteriorates the fruit engrafted; and the same re- mark will probably apply toother fruit trees. It has lately been recommended, in England, where f\\ fine apples are produced in great abundance, to Ejj wash the stocks and larger branches of apple-trees O rii with quick lime, as an effectual means of pieserv- u^ V\ ing the trees from blight, and ensuring a crop. -p _______ ,___i v_________ E& To avoid the trouble of Grafting, to obtain good Apples. In every perfectly ripe apple, it is observed in a late English publication, there will be found one, and sometimes two round seeds, the other having one or more flatted sides. The round ones, it is said, will produce the improved fruit from which they are taken ; while those with flatted sides will produce the fruit of the craft, upon which the graft was inserted. Dates of the first introduction into Europe, of some of our finest fruits. Cherries were brought from Pontus (an an- cient kingdom of Asia) to Rome, by Lucullus, seventy years before Christ: and Cherry trees were first planted in Britain, about fourteen years afterwards ; they were, after that, carried from Flanders into England, and planted in Kent with such success, that an orchard of thirty-two acres produced in one year, (and that so far back as 1540) a thousand pounds.—From thence the names of Flemish and Kentish Cherries. Apricots were brought from Epirus ; Peaches, from Persia ; the finest Plums, from Damascus and Armenia ; Pears and Figs, from Greece and Egypt; Citrons, from the Medes ; and Pomegra- nates, from Carthage—about an hundred and fourteen years before Christ. BARBERRY TREE. I think proper to give an extract from a sensi- ble communication signed B. dated from Fred- erick county, June 30th 1817.—" The mildew, not a vegitable fungous produced by the Barberry Tree, arises from jyant of ventilation where the r- ■ ■---- -----------n wheat stands thick and abounds in blades near the ground, (which the taller wheat does not) in a warm moist confined air. The Barberry Tree blossoms about the time wheat is usually in blossom. The Farina of the j Barberry Tree,when sufficiently near to be waft- I ed on wheat in bloom, is destructive to the form- j ing of the grain. I believe a small clump of J Barberry Trees being within a few rods of grow- ; ing wheat, would prevent the graining throughout of a very large field. The principle of connection, if attended to, would be productive of great advantage. Pump- kins and Water Melons being planted near toge- [ ther is very detrimental to each fruit produced. I Three or Four Apple Trees of different kinds be- I ing near together,alters the original produce of the J > fruit. Why are the Spitzenburg apples so fine t that are produced near Esopus on the North | , River ? The fruit being very fine is carefully culti- vated by entire orchards, or a great preponder- ance ofN the Spitzenburg Tree. Seed Potatoes.—It has been recently ascertain- ed, from the most decisive experiments, that late potatoes, or such as are not .ripe, are the best for seed ;and that planting such,restores a degenera- ted variety to its original qualities. The discover- er of this fact recommends the planting of seed from cold and late situations, and to plant so late as June and July, taking up those unripe, and preserving them as seed for the following year. From the Washington City Gazette. Sir—A curious fact, in relation to the potatoe, Solanum Tuberosum, has recently fallen within my observation, which you are at liberty to make , L — v ___ . - ** ' ——————^—=z---- •- ■ -------8 IT------ , = public, for the Benefit of horticulturists. Wheth- er the experiment has ever before been tried or not, 1 am unable to say ; if it has, the result does not seem to be generally known. It is therefore, ■with a view to this object, that the experiment is communicated. In cultivating the potatoe this spring, I had the ( 'curiosity to cut off the stem of one of the plants, ■ after it had an elevation of a foot or more, an&bu- ried it with all the leaves,in the earth. After a lapse of six or seven weeks 1 dug it up, and found apo-' tatoe at the end of each leaf, diminishing in size, * as they approached the extremity of the stem; the first, or that nearest the root, was about the size of a hen's egg, and the last, or the one nearest the extremity of the stock, the size of a musket ball. To this, it will be necessary to add, that the leaves did not seem decayed; but were still, in some de- gree, vigorous and healthy. ,. ■. r I submit this fact without comment, although I am aware it will tend to render the opinion of the '\ ingenious Darwin at least, doubtful; that leaves ' are the lungs of plants, and intended for vegetable respiration. GEO. WATERSTON. Method of Salting Butter.—Take sugar one part, saltpetre one part, and clear strong salt two parts ; beat them well together and'lay by the preparation for use ; of which take one ounce for every 16 ounces of butter as soon as it freed from the butter-milk. Butter salted in this man- ner, and put down in close tubs, with a little melt- ed butter poured over the surface, to fill up every little vacuity before the top is put on, will keep good for many years. Butter prepared as above is notM for use till it,has stood at least a fortnight, but then may be perfectly sound for many years. E ^ ■-•.*•■ 1 4ft # JVea? mi>enfed Plough.—A sowing Plough has ^ ^ been brought into use in England, which gives # # very favorable expectations of its general utility. *£ * It has six shares which turns up three furrows to # ^ the right, and three furrows to the left, complet- * # ing two wheat ridges (from 3 to 5 feet each) at a ^ ^ turn.—It is drawn by four horses, driven by a boy # # and the plough is held by a man, by which eight * || acres can be sown in a day. This plough, it is # ^ said, will do the work of six men and six boys— s* # With an extra boy to guide the harrows, which ^ J| are attached to one of its sides, it will do the # %fr work of 15 people and 12 horses. |£ 'n* ____ jit ^ «#?t experienced remedy for deafness.—Put a |f * table-spoonful of bay-salt into nearly half-a-pint % ^ of cold spring water; and after it has steeped * # therein for twenty-four hours (now and then |j! It ^shaking the phial,) cause a small tea-spoonful to #■ % Jbe poured in the ear most affected, every night % * when in bed, for seven or eight nights succes- # m sively- S ——— jjfe ^ TAe J^iVe—For the purpose of sharpening # # scythe-blades, the use of" the file in many parts of ^t * Virginia, has entirely superseded the whet-stone, # ^ and the common grindstone. A correspondent in- J| # forms us that from experience he has found this * || change to be a very great saving in time and ex- # # pense. The file is said to give a much more suit- it * able edge for cutting* straw, and one whetting # 3£ with it is equal to three or four in the common ^ ■* way—after the first grinding. * m # A Remedy for the Gravel.—Dissolve three X * drachms of prepared Nitre in a quart of co}d wa- # ^ ter, and take half of this quantity in the course of * TJJ •'ITwW**Tlf*¥¥**T*WWWW WW Ww T*¥¥1f W * * # ..■'..'# jjfc the day. Continue this simple medicine for a # H few days, and that painful complaint, (the Gravel) # # will be removed. It may be taken at any time of ^ S the day ; but it is best after a meal. . # # This simple remedy can do no injury, and it is 1j£ * certainly worth trying by those 'afflicted with the # ^ painful and troublesome disease for which it is jj* # recommended. m? # ____ |f. jfc From the Philadelphia American Daily Advertiser. jt % Mr. Poulson—The Dysentery is now very af # prevalent, and more especially in some parts of # 1% the country—1 have just had a very severe hand- * # ling. The following recipe is within the hands % JLof every one, and is simple when there is much % lr pain :—one ounce of Castor Oil, and 10 drops % * Laudanum, for a grown person—when it has ope- # 3I§. rated sufficiently, take the Roots of the common * # Blackberry,and make them into a Tea,dr«ik free- ^ ^ ly of it—-if Castor Oil is too sirong for the stomach, # # one and a half of good Sweet Oil wiIl*3o. $ | CIVIS. # # ____ * A seditious songster being prosecutedfin a town ^ H in England, the following sentence was passed up- # # on him on conviction : m * " Prisoner, I am the organ of the law through jp' # which its sentence must pass upon you in opaa * # diapason ; your cadence claims no lenity, you tried ^ |[ to subvert the Constitution by a Catch, I shall # # not hesitate, therefore, to punish you with a Glee, ^ H beware in future, of the Horn of sedition, whose # %i accompaniments must ever be in thorough Bass, J* * you have swelled the seale of your discords, by ^ ^ criticising the exquisite performances of the # # Leader of. his Jl/'s Band, whose Prestos, Allegros, £ It or Andantes, ought ever to be encored; because # #. j<. jh m. ji, j^ jt. jL ji, jfc at, sjfc.jt• -^^t-jjt; jfc.jfe.iat..^^fc.^fa.--ifc.jafc^fe.4fc.jfc^fa. j^jifcjifc. •»¥*#"*¥¥"¥¥¥# flF W WWWW *¥w¥w¥#»w 4fe # # his Divisions are invariably well timed, while £ || those who oppose them, being in Counterpoint, * # and in f&ree Flatts, are sure to resolve themselves ^ # into a Minor Key, that such vile Scrapers as you, # ^ therefore, may not put the harmonic Concert of ]|. # Government out of tune, I judge you to 100 Bars # It resf in Bridewell, during which you are to receive * # a cat-o-nine tail movement obligato, on you back ^ H m score; this will teach you at least to play a # # little more piano, and 'tis hoped, to avoid that || # /«ta/ Chord, which must otherwise stop your Fox # ^| Humane, and bring the strains of your whole /w- * w strument to a disgraceful Finale. ^ 1 — 1 w A # Anecdote of Dr. Young.—As the doctor was # s^ walking in his garden, at Welwyn, in company # ^ with two ladies, one of whom he afterwards mar- Tj. * ried, the servant came to te}\ him a gentleman # || wished to < speak with him. *',Tell him," says T # the doctor, " I am too happily engaged to change # H my situation." The ladies insisted that he # # should go, as his visitor was a man of rank, his * * patron, and his friend. As persuasion, howe\ier, # H had no effect, one took him by the right arm, the || •*•} # other by the left, and led him to the garden gate ; # j || when finding resistance was in vain, he bowed, * J # laid his hand upon his heart, and in that expres- j| j * sive manner for which he was so remarkable, # H spoke the following lines : W * " Thus Adam look'd when from the garden driven, # ^ And thus disputed orders sent from Heaven. X # Like him, t go ; but yet to go am loth, # * Like him 1 go, for angels drove us both : * m Hard was his fate ; but mine still more unkind, % * His Eve went with him—'but mine stays behind." # jit #iiltiiiiiifiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiii | ^**|**# m w # # # wwwww###w##w#w################ ADVERTISEMENT. (&- The Astronomical Calculations of DAVID YOUNG, may be obtained yearly, fitted to any part of the United States, at a moderate price, on seasonable application. His residence at present is at Bloomfield, in the county of Essex and State of New-Jersey. Should he remove from thence, he will engage the Post-Master at that place, to forward to him wherever he may be, the letters directed as above. DISTANCES of towns, on the Hudson River, from New-York to Albany, with the Fare and Board, by Steam Boat. MVs Ver Planck's p'nt West-Point, Newburgh, ) FishkiU, \ Wapping'sCreek, Poughkeepsie, Hyde Park, Rhinebeck, Kingston, 44 5?- 66 72 no 86 100 Fare |1.75 2.25 2.75 3.00 3.50 3.75 4.00 MVs Fare. Redhook, 112 $1.25 Catskill, 124 4.75 Athens, 3 Hudson, j 130 5.00 1 oxsackie, "138 5.25 Kinderhook, 140 5.50 Ubany, 160 7.00 Steam Boat Route from Washington City to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New-York, Albany, Whitehall, St. Johns, La Prarie, Montreal, Quebec, Mode of Conveyance. Stage, Stage & St'm Boat Do. do. Steam Boat, Stage, Steam Boat, Stage, Batteaux, Steam Boat, * These price slndude board Fare: Hours. $5 00 6 6 00 19 5 00 13 *7 00 24 5 00 14 *9 00 24 2 00 3 . 50 1 *10 00 24 Quebec. Distance. 40 110 150 96 246 160 406 70 4*6 150 626 18 644 9 65.j 186 839 *JF IT fl"" 'ff'TF'W'^' W IT1 II* *W* 7RrTT' ^r* ^l* IT Tf If- IT *Ir *9r *t^ *IF'nfi T^^F 'fr*''Hf ^Pt F # m # # # m m m * # m # # # # # w w # # # # # m m # # # # # ■# w # # # m m m # # # m J A TABLE, Directing what quantities of time to add to or subtract from the time of High Water at New-York (contained in the last column of the Calendar pages) to find the time of High water at the places here enumerated. A. denotes addition, S. subtraction. Places. Albany Amboy Annapolis, Md. Annapolis, N. S. Boston Bridgetown,E.J. Burliog-ton Cape Ann Cape Fear Cape Hatteras Cape Henry Casco Bay ( harleston,Ct.H Cape May Fairfield Georgetown bar Hackinsack Halifax Hartford. Hurl-gate Huntington Ipswich Jamestown Kingston, Esopus Main Ocean Nantucket shoals NOTE.—It is High Water at Elizabethtown-point, .New-London, Tarpaulen Cove, Gape Hefttopert, Sandwich Bay, Cockspur in Geor- gia, and Brunswick, in N. Carolina, about the same time as at N. York. Anecdote.—Dean Swift happening to be in company with a petulent and conceited young man, who prided himself in saying pert things, and had often left the retort courteous : at length got up, and with affectation, said—" Wellj you must know, Mr. Dean, that I set up for a wit." | " Do you then," replied the other, " take my I advice and sit down again." H. M. Places. i H.M. a 6 30 Newburyport a 2 45 s 0 45 New-Haven a 1 50 s 2 0 New-Providence s 1 25 a 3 0 Newtown Land. a 1 0 a 2 15 Penobscot a 3 0 s 0 45 Philadelphia a 5 0 a 0 20 Piscataway a 2 40 a 2 45 Plymouth a 1 35 s 1 10 Polopel'slsland a 3 0 a 2 0 Port Roseway s 0 50 a 2 0 Port Royal S.C. s 0 30 a 2 15 Portsmouth a 2 45 s 2 0 Providence s 0 43 s 0 45 Perrysburg,S.C. s 2 0 a 2 0 Quebec a S 0 s 2 0 Reedy Island a 2 15 a 3 0 Rhode Island s 0 45 a 3 0 Salem a 2 45 a 2 20 Sandy Hook s 0 45 a 0 30 Savannah s 1 1* a 2 0 Saybrook a 2 15 a 2 45. Sunbury, Gcor. a 0 30 a 0 50 Tybee bar a 0 15 a 6 0 Whitestone a 2 45 s 0 45 Williamsburg,V a > 15 s 1 30 Wilmington, DI a 3 20 >MamvvVkVvvvv«wvvvvvvvvvbvvvvvvvv>vvv^v\v\vv\'vvvvvvvvvvvvvf CO^JfiW-'tO-JCnaQ'-' w w w te »o —> — o-<» to eo «j » 01 £. 05 3 i "*5 a. a 2.0 o W ''• *. — *» 19*. " K U ^ (,i V 05Ufc(S«l'a»JlC5tOBO-Ul , UUU>U^«'^it>.^it>.^^i&U 3 » *»■ *. tflCiCi^lCOSOtOt©©©— — 60tQ 3 3 s to W — *. K3 to— ■U-'U'iSib.-'ib. 0) • KJ wk-'-o «ljj> o-i-iaww^ 3 i > Tl *> -1 o a d « *i o> M ^ oi fo it o t> ■- U) r- MWGSC0WWC0WWWWWWWWw3 »tsis-«03i»oo--'-W(a3 . "-• ib. ta * t®tr>'-'WCr.--C3a« I Ja. CO UMCO M <3) CO tO tO CO • CT>Oi*»W>- ib.K> ibKlgt Is oag iU'/a Mooawiiixkuo" C/j O O — — 1Q *3 t3 W .b. ■». *>. C Cn i.i V> tn 5 O ti IS Cni-MOo-WitiUiUiaj «4 «1 tf O .b. Ci OD-C3 030 - !D ' ^ *& fif — (acataoivi^itiof.cio>.ucao OC3M>1010ai^^UM»«-Oo3 oooooo^Cfica-.togtn.^.cstJ *>. -j • — , w *>■ W — ow cs — ta csv — cb >-»*otocowitfc>b.tnoiw«o»o>«>c5a>3 toocoi^oiuii-itBtscoetOi^iatn- Miai-.j3»ce,i->*3oa*»yi05~ioot©to©3 ^tetoisUUUUUUC9)SM tn *. oi !©— tSt3C9C009vIQ^Ot-iCO 2 ~ • °- ° 2 I f- *• I a. j» * a S o ■ » a O 1 £ A school exercise was, soon after the revolu- f I tion, given to one of the students at Westminster | £ school. The word was Saratoga—On which he \ £ immediately wrote an epigramatic couplet in % i Latin, of which the following is a translation. \ \ Burgoyne, alas ! unknowing future fates, \ J Could cut his way thro? Woods, but not throy \ I Gates. j \ * ,'VM\«VVVVMlVVV\MA%VVVW\VV\IWM^'VV\\MiVWVVVVVVVVVVVtV^^ STEAM BOATS. ON HUDSON'S RIVER. Leave New-York Mon. Wednes. Friday and Satur. at 5 P. M. ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN. ; Paraxon—Wiswall, ' Car of Neptune—Roorbach, ■ Richmond—Bartholomew, Leave Albany Same days at 9 A. M. Distance. 160 miles Fare. $7 Hours 24 i Car of Commerce—Bangs, \ Swiftsure—Malsham, ! Malsham—Doige, /Fulton, Bunker 150 miles 186 miles 24 10down|24dow. 12 up jSG up J Phoenix—Sherman, j Leave Whitehall Leave St. Johns jChamplain—Barnet, | Wednes. and Satur. Tuesday and Friday at 2 P.M. at 9 A.M. ON THE ST. LAWRENCE. Leave Montreal I Sun.Tues. and Thurs. at 3 A. M. | ON LONG-ISLAND SOUND. Leaves New-York Mon. Wednes, and Friday, at 7 A. M.—Leaves New-Haven Tues. Thurs. and Sat. at 6 A. M. v , », «r , NEW-YORK AND PHILADELPHIA LINES. Ranton, leaves New-York Mon. Wednes. and Fri. at 7 A. M. arrives 2 P.M. at New-Brunswick,) Distance. I Fare through) Land passengers at New-, burgh, Poughkecpsir, \ Kingston, RedliooK,^ Hudson, Coxsackie,; Kinderliook. i Land pass, at Ticondero-' ga, Chimney Point, Ba- son Harbor.Burlington,,'? Cumberland Head, jft Champlain. Land passengers at Fort^ William Henry and; Three Rivers. 96 miles. 5 Dolls. / naruon, leaves lvew-1 orK :vion. wednes. and tn. at 7 A. M. arrives 2 P.M. at New-Brunswick,) ! Philadelphia, takes the passengers next morning, at Trenton, and arrives at Philad. at noon, \ , Sea-Horse, leaves New-York at 5 A. iVl. daily, for Elizabethtown Point. . Bristol, receives the passengers on the Delaware, at Bristol, and arrives Rt Philadelphia the same evening, 6 do. L, . „..,.,, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE LINES. i Ktna, leaves Philadelphia every day, at 3 P. M. for Wilmington, and returns every morning , \ c*ta, leaves do for do. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 3 P. M. ; *.agle, receives passengers from the above boats next morning, at Elkton, and arrive? at Baltimore same day—leaves Baltimore Tues. Thursday and Saturday, at 5 P. M. and Monday at 9 A.M. < Delaware, leaves Philad. Mon, Wed. and Fri. at 1 P. M. and Sun. 10 A.M.—Passengers received on board the steam boat atFrencb- town, next morning, and arrive at Baltimore same day. M TABLE OF ROADS. Main Line of Pott Towns from Wiscasset, Me. to Sun- bury, Geo. ibith their distances, as established by the Post-Master General. Maine. Philadelphia 20 524 From Wiscasset Chester 15 539 To Bath 13 Delaware. Brunswick 12 25 vVdmin^ton 5 52 N. Yarmouth Portland 15 15 40 55 Christiana Br 11 563 Biddeford 14 59 Maryland. Wells 14 83 Elkton 10 573 York 16 99 Charleston 10 583 New-Hampshire. Portsmouth 12 111 Havre-de-Gra. 6 Hartford 12 Baltimore 25 589 601 626 Massachusetts. Bladensburg, 38 664 New bury port 22 133 Washington 6 670 Ipswich 1-2 145 Georgetown 2 672 Beverly 10 155 Salem 2 157 Virginia. Lynn Boston 6 163 Alexandria 8 680 13 176 Colchester 16 696 Worcester 48 224 Dumfries 12 708 Springfield Connecticut. 49 273 Fredericksb'g25 Bowling > 22 Green, \ 733 755 Hartford 28 301 Hanover, c. h .25 780 Middletown 14 315 Richmond 22 802 New-Haven Stratford 26 14 34! 355 Petersburg 25 827 Fairfield 8 363 North Carolina. Norwalk 12 375 Halifax 75 902 Stamford 10 335 Tarbury 37 939 New- York. Kingsbridge 30 415 Smithfield Fayetteville 60 50 999 1049 New-York 14 429 South Carolina. New-Jersey. Newark 9 438 Cheraw,c.h. or ►75 1124 Elizab. Town 6 44-i Greenville Bridgetown 6 Woodbridge 4 N. Brunswick 10 450 454 464 Campden Columbia, Cambridge 55 25 80 1179 1214 1294 Princeton 18 48J Georgia. Trenton 12 494 Augusta 50 1344 Pennsylvania Savannah 120 1464 Bristol 10 504 Sunbury 49 1513 5>V Burlington, Vt. New-York City, Washington City, 4j Richmond, Va. ~~ Wilmington, JV. C. Charleston, S. C. Savannah, Geo. Pittsburg, Pa.\y>itt li: 800 109 •22' 691 272 381 60» 382 124 433 161 474 i42 660 "258 583 701 I 292 71 Wt 545 654 ?72 306 28 ~9 140 "^64 573 682 800 303 30 Trenton, A". J. Philadelphia, Wilmington, Del. Baltimore, Md. 58 Ta9 iTo 204 "603 ~12 830 62 n 140 191 232 £56 665 "?74 9*2 195 300 362 392 440 "49*1 517 656 "965 ~4 Z22 7.75 238 170 £00 248 299 "340 464 ~7~i 7;b2 1000 503 211 7fc8 100 229 250 .80 a-^8 379 291 321 361 420 420 544 85. 'Jd2 OHO 751 461 585 105 lei .64 2^4 356 386 426 4«5 6>0 904 969 1013 1131 710 1078 IK>6 775 ll»f-.167 169 218 348 ■ilO 440 4,;o 96 140 160 £■12 S3 TABLE OF DISTANCES between theprinciphl Towns in the Atlantic States, which are found at the angle fX N I of the two towns between which the distance is required: Thus the angle of Richmond and Burlington gives 656 2/ wt&s — OOOOOOi*»W»«OOOD o OOOOOOOOOOi.iW1-'? 00000000000^^'''' ln»»»Ui--0OOOO0f. cooooo^»i3auMo:< oooooooooooae.a. * • is 3 P C0**.*«i-.*-O©©©© Oats ©©©©©Ofai^ojcci*.^)-' OOOOOOOOOOOOOP- Coyrt^Mi-wwOOOOOp. 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