__,„ ^vvFr-*"" ^T SYSTEM OF ANATOMY FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS OF MEDICINE. BY CASPAR WISTAR, M. D. PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. VOLUME II. /§ PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY THOMASj^OBSON AND SON, AT THE STONE HOUSE, No. 41/SOUTH SECOND STREET. William Fry, Printer. 1817. X District of Pennsylvania, to wit: :"•• *•• *t BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the twelfth day of November, ; SEAL.; jn tne forty.secon(i year of the independence of the United States ••••••••*• Qf America, A. D. 1817, Thomas Dobson and Son, of the said dis- trict, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right -whereof they claim as proprietors, in the words following, to wit: "A System of Anatomy for the use of Students of Medicine. By Caspar Wis- "tar, M. D. Professor of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania. " Volume II." In conformity to the act of the congress of the United States, intituled, "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned."—And also to the act, entitled, " An act supplementary to an act, entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned," and extending the benefits thereof t« the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." D.CALDWELL, Clerk of the district of Pennsylvania. CONTENTS OF VOL. II. PART VI. OF THE NOSE—THE MOUTH—AND THE THROAT. CHAPTER I. Of the Nose. SECTION I. UF the External Nose ..... 2 SECTION II. Of the Cavities of the Nose - 4 CHAPTER II. Of the Mouth and the Salivary Glands. Of the Mouth ------ 14 Salivary Glands ----- 24 CHAPTER III. Of the Throat. SECTION I. Of the Isthmus of the Fauces - - - - 29 SECTION II. Of the Larynx ------ 31 Thyroid Gland ----- 36 SECTION III. Of the Pharynx ------ 37 t PART VII. OF THE THORAX. CHAPTER I. Of the general Cavity of the Thorax. SECTION I. Of the Form of the Cavity of the Thorax - - 44 IV CONTENTS. Page SECTION II. Of the Arrangement of the Pleurae 45 Preparation of the Thorax - - - - - 47 CHAPTER II. Of the Heart and the Pericardium, and the Great Vessels connected with the Heart. SECTION I. Of the Pericardium ----- 49 SECTION II. Of the Heart ------- 50 SECTION III. Of the Aorta, the Pulmonary Artery and Vein, and the Venae Cavae at their commencement 59 CHAPTER III. Of the Trachea and Lungs. SECTION I. Of the Trachea - - - - - - 61 The Black Glands on the Branchiae ... 64 SECTION II. Of the Lungs - - - - - - 64 Thorax of the Foetus ..... 67 Physiological Observations, 8cc. - - - 70 PART VIII. OF THE ABDOMEN. CHAPTER I. A general view of the Abdomen and Pelvis, and their Contents; with an Account of the Peritoneum. SECTION I. Construction of the Abdomen - . . . 81 Contents of the Abdomen - - . . - 86 SECTION II. Of the Peritoneum ... au CONTENTS. V Page CHAPTER II. Of the (Esofitiagusythe Stomach, and the Intestines. SECTION I. Gastric Liquor 93 (5f the Oesophagus - SECTION II. Of the Stomach ------ 95 100 110 111 113 SECTION III. Of the Intestines ----- 103 108 Division of the Intestines The Small Intestines - The Duodenum - Jejunum and Ileon - The Mesentery - Of the Great Intestines - - - - - lls The Cxcum and Colon - - - - - 116 The Rectum......l2° The Omentum - - - - " 122 CHAPTER III. Of the Liver, the Pancreas, and the Sfileen. SECTION I. Of the Liver - - - - - - 125 SECTION II. Of the Pancreas - - - - * ,39 SECTION III. Of the Spleen.....- 141 CHAPTER IV. Of the Urinary Organs, and the Glandula Renales. SECTION I: Of the Glandulae Renales - - - - 150 SECTION II. Of the Kidneys and Ureters - - - - 152 SECTION III. Of the Urinary Bladder - - - - - 157 vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. Of the Male Organs of Generation. Page SECTION I. Qf the Testicles and their Appendages - - - 166 SECTION II. Of the Vesiculae Seminales and the Prostate Gland - 176 SECTION III. Of the Penis......179 CHAPTER VI. Of the Female Organs of Generation. SECTION I. Of the External Parts of Generation - - - 192 SECTION II. Of the Vagina - - - - - - 195 SECTION III. Of the Uterus, the Ovaries, and their appendages - 197 SECTION IV. Of the Bladder and Urethra ----- 205 PART IX. OP THE BLOODVESSELS. CHAPTER I. Of the General Structure and Arrangement of the Bloodvessels. SECTION I. Of the Arteries - - - . . -217 SECTION II. Of the Veins ------ 224 CHAPTER II. A Particular Account of the Distribution of the Arteries. SECTION I. Of the Aorta, or the Great Trunk of the Arterial System 227 SECTION II. Of the Branches which go off from the Arch of the Aorta 229 The Carotid Arteries - 230 The Subclavian Arteries .... 247 CONTENTS. vii Page SECTION III. Of the Branches which go off between the Arch and the Great Bifurcation of the Aorta - " Bronchial Arteries Oesophageal Arteries - * ' Inferior Intercostals - ™ - * - 2fi5 Phrenic Arteries - Coeliac Artery - * Superior Mesenteric Artery - 270 Inferior Mesenteric Artery - Emulgent or Renal Arteries - - Capsular and Adipose Arteries - - *■ Spermatic Arteries - 1 ' Lumbar Arteries - Middle Sacral Artery SECTION IV. Of the Arteries which originate at and below the Great Bifur- cation of the Aorta - The Primitive Iliac Arteries - - - - lb. Internal Iliac Arteries - 2'4 External Iliac Arteries ----- 279 Femoral Artery - - - - - 280 Arteries of the Leg - - - - - - 283 CHAPTER III. Of the particular Distribution of the Veins. SECTION I. Of the Superior, or Descending Vena Cava, and the Veins which communicate with it - Vena Azygos - Internal Jugular Veins External Jugular Veins ----- 297 Subclavian Vein ------ 298 SECTION II. Of the Inferior Vena Cava, and the Veins connected with it 300 Hepatic Veins......30i VenaPortarum - - - * - - 302 Emulgent or Renal Veins - - " 3° Spermatic Veins - - - - Lumbar Veins - - - . - - - 304 Middle Sacral Vein - - - - - - lb. Primitive Iliac Veins - lb' 292 295 ib. viii CONTENTS. Page Internal Iliac Veins ------ 304 External Iliac - - 305 Femoral Vein ...-.- 306 Instances of Peculiar Arrangement of the Veins - - 307 Of the Pulmonary Artery and Veins ... 308 PART X. OF THE NERVES. Nerves of the Brain ------ 314/ Of the Cervical Nerves ----- 334 Nerves of the Diaphragm ----- 33$ Brachial Plexus ------ 337 Nerves of the Arm ------ 338 The Dorsal Nerves ----- 342 Of the Lumbar Nerves ----- 343 The Sacral Nerves ----- 346 Sciatic Plexus -.____ 347 Great Sciatic Nerve ..... 345 Great Sympathetic Nerve - - - - - 351 Nerves of the Heart - 353 Nerves of the Abdominal Viscera - 35g PART XI. OF THE ABSORBENT VESSELS. CHAPTER I. Of the Absorbents of the Lower Extremities—the Abdomen and the Thorax. SECTION I. The Absorbents of the Lower Extremities - . 366 SECTION II. The Absorbents of the Abdomen and Thorax - - 371 CHAPTER II. Of the Absorbents of the Head and Neck, of the Ufifier Extremities, and the Ufifier Part of the Trunk of the Body. SECTION I. Of the Absorbents of the Head and Neck - - 2q2 SECTION II. Of the Absorbents of the Arm, and the Upper Part of the Trunk 383 SYSTEM OF ANATOMY. PART VI. OP THE nose: the mouth: and the throat. CHAPTER I. OF THE NOSE. THE prominent part of the face, to which the word nose is exclusively applied in ordinary language, is the anterior covering of two cavities which contain the organ of smell- ing.^ These cavities are formed principally by the upper max- illary and palate bones; and, therefore, to acquire a com- plete idea of them, it is necessary to study these bones, as well as the os ethmoides, the vomer, and the ossa spongi- osa inferiora, which are likewise concerned in their forma- tion. In addition to the description of these bones, in the ac- count of the bones of the head, it will be useful to study the description of the cavities of the nose which follows it. See vol. I, page 53. After thus acquiring a knowledge of the bony structure, the student will be prepared for a description of the softer parts. Vol. II. A «9 SECTION I. Of the External Nose. THE superior part of the nose is formed by the ossa nasi, and the nasal processes of the upper maxillary bones, which have been already described; (see vol. I, pages 34 —36.) but the inferior part, which is composed principally of cartilages, is much more complex in its structure. The orifice, formed by the upper maxillary and nasal bones, is divided by a cartilaginous plate, which is the an- terior and inferior part of the septum, or partition between the two cavities of the nose. The anterior edge of this plate projects beyond the orifice in the bones, and conti- nues in the direction of the suture between the ossa nasi. This edge forms an angle with the lower edge of the same cartilage, which continues from it, in a horizontal direc- tion, until it reaches the lower part of the orifice of the nose, at the junction of the palatine processes of the up- per maxillary bones; where a bony prominence is formed, to which it is firmly united. The upper part of the ante- rior edge of this cartilage, which is in contact with the ossa nasi, is flat, and is continued into two lateral portions that are extended from it, one on each side, and form a part of the nose: these lateral portions are sometimes spoken of as distinct cartilages; but they are really con- tinuations of the middle portion or septum. Below the lower edge of these lateral portions are situ- ated the cartilages which form the orifices of the nose, or the nostrils. Of these, there is one of considerable size, and several small fragments, on each side of the septum. Each of the larger cartilages forms a portion of an oval ring, which is placed obliquely on the side of the septum: so that the extremity of the oval points downward and Of the Nose. 3 forward, while the middle part of the oval is directed up- wards and backwards. The sides of this cartilage are flat, and unequal in breadth. The narrowest side is internal, and projects lower down than the cartilaginous septum; so that it is applied to its fellow of the other nostril. The ex- ternal side is broader, and continues backward and up- ward to a considerable distance. The upper and posterior part of this oval ring is defi- cient; but the remainder of the nostril consists of several small pieces of cartilage, which are fixed in a ligamentous membrane that is connected by each of its extremities to the oval cartilage, and thus completes the orifice. The anterior parts of the oval cartilages form the point of the nose; and the ligamentous portions, the alae or lateral parts of the nostrils. When the external integuments and muscles are remo- ved from the lower portion of the nose, so that the internal membrane and these cartilages only remain, the inter- nal membrane will be found attached to the whole bony margin of each orifice, and to each side of the whole ante- rior edge of the middle cartilage, which projects beyond the bones, so that it would close up these openings of the nose, if it were not for the orifices formed by the oval cartilages and the ligament above described; but being attached to one edge only of these cartilages, the orifice formed by them is complete. The internal portions of the oval cartilages being situ- ated without the septum, and applied to each other, they form the external edge of the partition between the nos- trils, or the columna nasi; which is very moveable upon the edge of the middle cartilage. The orifices of the nostrils, thus constructed, are dilated by that portion of the muscle, called Levator Labii Supe- rioris Alaque Nasi, which is inserted into the alae nasi. They are drawn down by the depressor labii superioris 4 Of the Cavities of the Nose. alaeque nasi. They are pressed against the septum and the nose by the muscle called Compressor 'Naris, which has however an opposite effect when its upper extremity is drawn upwards by those fibres of the occipito-frontalis, which descend upon the nose, and arc in contact with it. The end of the nose is also occasionally drawn down, by some muscular fibres which descend from it, on the septum of the nose, to the orbicularis oris: they are con- sidered as a portion of this muscle by many anatomists, but were described by Albinus as a separate muscle, and called Nasalis Labii Superioris. When inspiration takes place with great force, the alae nasi would be pressed against the septum if they were not drawn out and dilated by some of the muscles above mentioned. SECTION II. Of the Cavities of the Nose. TO the description of the osseous parts of the nasal cavities in vol. I, page 53, it ought now to be added that the vacuity in the anterior part of the osseous septum is filled up by a cartilaginous plate, connected with the na- sal lamella of the ethmoid bone above, and with the vo- mer below. This plate sends off those lateral portions al- ready described, which form the cartilaginous part of the bridge of the nose. It should also be observed that at the back parts of these cavities are two orifices called the Posterior Nare$ which are formed by the palate bones, the vomer, and the body of the sphenoidal bone, and are somewhat oval in figure. Schneiderian Membrane. 5 The nasal cavities, thus constructed, are lined by a pe- culiar membrane, which is called pituitary from its secre- tion of mucus, or Schneiderian after an anatomist who de- scribed it with accuracy.* This membrane is very thick and strong, and abounds with so many bloodvessels, that in the living subject it is of a red colour. It adheres to the bones and septum of the nose like the periosteum, but separates from them more easily. The surface which adheres to the bones has some resemblance to periosteum; while the other surface is soft, spongy, and rather villous. Bichat seems to have consi- dered this membrane as formed of two laminae, viz: peri- osteum, and the proper mucous membrane; but he adds, that it is almost impossible to separate them. It has been supposed that many distinct glandular bo- dies were to be seen in the structure of this membrane by examining the surface next to the bones;f but this opi- nion is adopted by very few of the anatomists of the present day. The texture of the membrane appears to be uniform; and on its surface are a great number of follicles of various sizes, from which flows the mucus of the nose. These follicles appear like pits, made by pushing a pin obliquely into a surface which retains the form of the im- pression. They can be seen very distinctly with a common magnifying glass when the membrane is immersed in wa- ter, both on the septum and on the opposite surface. They are scattered over the membrane without order or regu- larity, except that in a few places they occur so as to form lines of various lengths, from half an inch to an inch. The largest of them are in the lower parts of the cavities. It may be presumed that the secretion of mucus is ef- * Conrad Schneider, a German professor, in a large work, " De Catarrhis," published about 1660. t See Winslow, section X. No. 337. 6 Olfactory Nerves. fected here by vessels which are mere continuations of ar- teries spread upon a surface analogous to the exhalents, and not convoluted in circumscribed masses, as in the case of ordinary glands. The arteries of this membrane are derived from various sources: the most important of them is the nasal branch of the internal maxillary, which passes into the nose through the spheno-palatine foramen, and is therefore called the Spheno-palatine Artery. It divides into several twigs, which are spent upon the different parts of the sur- face of the nasal cavities. Two of them are generally found on the septum of the nose: .one, which is small, passes forwards near the middle; the other, which is much larger, is near the lower part of it. Two small arteries called the anterior and posterior ethmoidal, which are branches of the ophthalmic, enter the nose by foramina of the cribriform plate of the ethmoidal bone. These arteries pass from the orbit to the cavity of the cranium, and then through the cribriform plate to the nose. In addition to these, there are some small arteries derived from the infra orbital, the alveolar and the pala- tine, which extend to the Schneiderian membrane; but they are not of much importance. The veins of the nose correspond with the arteries. Those which accompany the ethmoidal arteries open into the ocular vein of the orbit, which terminates in the ca- vernous sinuses of the head. The other veins ultimately terminate in the external jugulars. The nerves of the nose form an important part of the structure: they are derived from several sources; but the most important branches are those of the olfactory. The olfactory nerves form oblong bulbs, which lie on each side of the crista galli, on the depressed portions of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, within the dura mater. These bulbs are of a soft consistence, and resem- Olfactory Nerves, 7 ble the cortical part of the brain mixed with streaks of medullary matter. They send off numerous filaments, which pass through the foramina of the ethmoid bone, and receive a coat from the dura mater as they pass through it. These filaments are so arranged that they form two rows, one running near to the septum, and the other to the surface of the cellular part of the ethmoid bone, and the os turbinatum: and in addition to these are some in- termediate filaments. When the Schneiderian membrane is peeled from the bones to which it is attached, these nervous filaments are seen passing from the foramina of the ethmoid bone to the attached surfaces: one row passing upon that which covered the septum, and the other to that of the opposite side; while the intermediate filaments take an anterior di- rection, but unite to the membrane as soon as they come in contact with it. All of these can be traced downwards on the aforesaid surfaces of the membrane for a considerable distance, when they gradually sink into the substance of the mem- brane, and most probably terminate on the internal vil- lous surface; but they have not been traced to their ulti- mate termination. They ramify so that the branches form very acute angles with each other. On the septum the different branches are arranged so as to form brushes, which lie in contact with each other. On the opposite sides, the different ramifications unite so as to form a plexus. Dr. Soemmering published last year some very ele- ' gant engravings of the nose, representing one of his dis- sections, which appears to have been uncommonly mi- nute and successful.* These represent the ramifications as becoming more expanded and delicate in the progress * They are intitled, Icones organorum humanorum olfactus. 8 Spheno-palatine and other Nerves of the Nose. towards their terminations, and as observing a tortuous course, with very short meandering flexures. It is to be observed that the ramifications of the olfac- tory nerve, thus arranged, do not extend to the bottom of the cavity. On the external side, they are not traced lower than the lower edge of the ethmoid, or of the superior spongy bone: and on the septum, they do not extend to the bottom, although they are lower than on the opposite side. On the parts of the membrane not occupied by the branches of the olfactory nerve, several other nerves can be traced. The nasal twig of the ophthalmic branch of the fifth pair, after passing from the orbit into the cavity of the cranium, proceeds to the nasal cavity on each side by a foramen of the cribriform plate; and after sending off some fibrillae, descends upon the anterior part of the sep- tum to the point of the nose. The spheno-palatine nerve, which is derived from the second branch of the fifth pair, and enters the nose by the spheno-palatine foramen, is spread upon the lower part of the septum and of the oppo- site side of the nose also, and transmits a branch through a canal in the foramen incisivum to the mouth. Several small branches also pass to the nose from the palatine and other nerves; but those already mentioned are the most important. A question has been proposed, whether the olfactory nerve is exclusively concerned in the function of smelling, or whether the other nerves above mentioned are also con- cerned in it. It seems probable that this function is ex- clusively performed by the olfactory nerve, and that the other nerves are like the ophthalmic branch of the fifth pair, with respect to the optic nerve. In proof of this, it is asserted that the sense of smelling has entirely ceased in some cases, where the sensibility to mechanical irritation of every kind has remained unchanged. If the olfactory nerve alone is concerned in the function of smelling, it Extent of the Schneiderian Membrane. 9 follows, that this function must be confined to the upper parts of the nasal cavities; but it ought to be remembered, that the structure of the Schneiderian membrane, in the lower parts of these cavities, appears exactly like that which is above. The surface of the nasal cavities and their septum, when covered with the Schneiderian membrane, corres- ponds with the osseous surface formerly described. The membrane covers the bones and cartilage of the septum, so as to make one uniform regular surface. From the upper part of the septum, it is continued to the under side of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, and lines it; the filaments of the olfactory nerve passing through the foramina of that bone into the fibrous surface of the mem- brane. It is continued from the septum, and from the cribriform plate, to the internal surface of the external nose, and lines it. It is also continued backwards to the anterior surface of the body of the sphenoidal bone; and, passing through the foramina or openings of the sphe- noidal cells, it lines these cavities completely; but in these, as well as the other cavities, its structure appears somewhat changed: it becomes thinner and less vascular. At the above mentioned foramina, in some subjects, it forms a plait or fold, which diminishes the aperture con- siderably. From the upper surface of the nasal cavities, the mem- brane is continued downwards over the surface opposite to the septum. On the upper flat surfaces of the cellular portions of the ethmoid, it forms a smooth uniform, sur- face. After passing over the first turbinated bone, or that called after Morgagni, it is reflected into the groove, or upper meatus, immediately within and under it: the fold formed by the membrane, as it is reflected into the mea- tus, is rather larger than the bone; and the edge of ths fold therefore extends lower down than the edge qf the Vol. II. B 10 Distribution of the Schneiderian Membrane. bone, and partly covers the meatus like a flap, consisting only of the doubled membrane. This fold generally con- tinues backwards as far as the spheno-maxillary foramen, which it closes; the periosteum, exterior to the foramen, passing through it, and blending itself with the fibrous surface of the Schneiderian membrane within. Here the spheno-palatine nerves and arteries join the membrane. Below this meatus, it extends over the middle (formerly called the upper) turbinated bone, and is reflected or fold- ed inwards on the under side of this bone, and continued into the middle meatus below it. In the middle meatus, which is partly covered by the last mentioned turbinated bone, there are two foramina: one communicating with the maxillary sinus; and the other with the anterior cells of the ethmoid and the frontal sinuses. The aperture into the maxillary sinuses is much less in the recent head, in which the Schneiderian membrane lines the nose, than it is in the bare bones. A portion of the aperture in the bones is closed by the Schneiderian membrane, which is extended over it: the remainder of the aperture is unclos- ed; and through this foramen, the membrane is reflected so as to line the whole cavity. As a portion of the fora- men is covered by the membrane, and this portion as well as the other parts of the cavity is lined by the membrane, it is obvious that at the place where the membrane is ex- tended over the foramen in the bone, it must be doubled; or, in other words, a part of the aperture of the maxillary sinus is closed by a fold of the Schneiderian membrane. This aperture varies in size in different subjects, and is often equal in diameter to a common quill. It is situated in the middle meatus, and is covered by the middle turbi- nated bone: immediately above it, is a prominence of the cellular structure of the ethmoid bone, which has a curved or semicircular figure. Near this prominence, in the same Eustachian Tube.-Observations respecting the Nose. 11 meatus, a groove terminates, which leads from the anterior ethmoid cells and the frontal sinuses. From the middle meatus, the membrane proceeds over the inferior turbinated bone, and is reflected round and under it into the lower meatus. It appears rather larger than the bone which it covers; and therefore the lower edge of the bone does not extend so low as the lower edge of the membrane, which of course is like a fold or plait. The membrane then continues and lines the lower meatus: here it appears less full than it is in the turbinated bone. In this meatus, near to its anterior end, is the lower orifice of the lachrymal duct: this is simply lined by the Schnei- derian membrane, which is continued into it, and forms no plaits or folds that affect the orifice. Orifice of the Eustachian Tube. Immediately behind each of the nasal cavities, on the external side, is the orifice of the Eustachian Tube. It has an oval form, and is large enough to admit a very large quill. Its position is oblique; the upper extremity being anterior to the other parts of the aperture, and on a line with the middle meatus, while the center is behind the inferior turbinated bone. The lower part of the oval is deficient. This tube is formed posteriorly by a cartilagi- nous plate. It is lined by the membrane continued from the nose. The cavities of the nose answer a twofold purpose in the ani- mal economy: they afford a surface for the expansion of the olfactory nerves; and a passage for the external air to the windpipe, in respiration. The function of smelling appears to be dependent, to a certain degree, upon respiration. It has been asserted that unless the air passes in a stream through the nose, as in respiration, the perception of odour does not take place; that in persons who breathe through wounds and 12 Use of the Sinuses of the Nos&. apertures in the windpipe, the function of smelling id not performed. It is rather in confirmation of this pro- position, that most persons, when they wish to have an accurate perception of any odour, draw in air rapidly through the nose. Although the ultimate termination of the olfactory nerve cannot be demonstrated like those of the optic and au- ditory nerves, it is probable, from the appearance of the fibres, while they are distinguishable, that they are fi- nally arranged with great delicacy. It is certain that the impressions from whence we derive the perception's of many odours must be very slight; as some odorous bodies will impregnate the air of a large chamber, for a great length of time, without losing any sensible weight. With respect to delicacy of structure and sensibility, it is probable that the nose holds a middle rank between the eye or ear, and the tongue: and on this account the mucus is necessary as a covering and defence of its surface. It has been ascertained, by the investigations of chemists, that this mucus contains the same ingredients as the tears already described, viz: animal mucus and water; with muriate of soda, and soda uncombined; phosphate of lime, and phosphate of soda. The animal mucus, which is a most important ingredient in the composition, resembles the mucilage formed by some of the vegetable gums in several particulars; an'd differs from them in others. The mucus of the nose, if it remain there long after it /is secreted, becomes much more viscid in consistence, and changes from a whitish colour to one which partakes more or less of the yellow. It is probable that an inci- pient putrefaction may occasion these changes in it. The use of the frontal, maxillary and other sinuses, com- municating with the nose, has been the subject of some inquiry. As there can be no stream of air through them and as the membrane lining them is neither so thick' ViUous nor flexible as that lining the nose,it may be cot eluded, a prion, that they are not concerned in the funs- Use of the Sinuses of the Nose. 13 tion of smelling. This opinion is strengthened by the fact, that very young children, in whom these sinuses scarcely exist, enjoy the sense of smelling in perfection. The following fact is also in support of it. The celebrated Dessault attended a patient, in whom one of the frontal sinuses was laid open by the destruction of the bone which covered it anteriorly. This patient was able to breathe a short time through the sinus when the mouth and nose were closed: At the request of Dessault he breathed in this manner when a cup of some aromatic liquor was held near the opening of the sinus: and had not the least perception of odour. This experiment was repeated several times. Many physiologists believe that these sinuses have an ef* feet in modulating the voice. 14 CHAPTER II. OF THE MOUTH. THE general cavity of the mouth is formed anteriorly and laterally by the connexion of the lips and checks to the upper and lower jaws; so that the teeth and the alveo- li of both jaws may be considered as within the cavity. Above, it is bounded principally by the palatine process- es of the upper maxillary and palate bones, and the soft palate, which continues backward from them in the same direction. Below, the cavity is completed by several mus- cles, which proceed from almost the whole internal cir- cumference of the lower jaw, and, by their connexions with each other, with the tongue and the os hyoides, form a floor or bottom to it. The tongue is particularly connect- ed to this surface, and may be considered as resting upon and supported by it. To acquire an idea of the parietes of this cavity, after studying the upper and lower maxillary bones, the orbi- cularis oris and the muscles connected with it, especially the buccinator, ought to be examined; and also the digas- tricus, the mylo-hyoideus, genio-hyoideus, and genio- hyoglossus. By this it will appear that the lips and cheeks, and the basis or floor of the mouth, are formed in a great measure by muscles. Upon the internal surface of these muscles, a portion of cellular and adipose substance is ar- ranged, as well as glandular bodies of different sizes; and to these is attached the membrane which lines the inside of the mouth. This membrane passes from the skin of the face to the lips, and the inside of the mouth; and, although it is really a continuation of the skin, there is so great a change of Internal Surface of the Mouth. 15 structure, that it ought to be considered as a different membrane. At the orifice of the lips it is extremely thin, and so vascular that it produces the fine florid colour which appears there in health. It is covered by a cuticle, called by some anatomists, Epithelium, which has a proportion- ate degree of delicacy, and can be separated like the cu- ticle in other parts. When this cuticle is separated, the lips and the membrane of the mouth, appear to be co- vered with very fine villi, which are particularly apparent in some preparations of the lips after injection and ma- ceration.* Under this membrane are many small glandular bodies of a roundish form, whose excretory ducts pass through it to the inner surface of the mouth, for the purpose of lubri- fying it with their secretion, which is mingled with the saliva. The membrane, which lines the inside of the lips and cheeks, is somewhat different from that which forms the surface of the orifice of the mouth: it is not so florid; the bloodvessels in its texture are larger and not so numerous. This change, however, takes place very gradually, in the progress of the membrane, from the orifice of the lips to the back part of the cheeks. Glandular bodies, like those of the lips, are situated immediately exterior to this mem- brane of the cheeks, between it and the muscles: their ducts open on its surface. These glands are called Buc- cales. This lining membrane is continued from the internal surface of the lips and cheeks to the alveolar portions of the upper and lower jaws, which are in the cavity of the mouth, and covers them, adhering firmly to the perios- teum. The teeth appear to have passed through apertures in * Ruysch had a fine preparation ef this structure. See Thesau* rus VII. Tab. III. Fig. 5. 16 Gums.—Surface of the Hard Palate. this membrane, and are surrounded by it closely at their respective necks. The portion of membrane, which thus invests the jaws, constitutes the gums; which have now acquired a texture very different from that of the membrane, from which they were continued. They are extremely firm and dense, and very vascular. It is probable that their ultimate struc- ture is not perfectly understood. In the disease called scurvy, they tumify and lose the firmness of their texture: they acquire a livid colour, and are much disposed to hemorrhage. From the alveoli of the upper jaw, the lining membrane is continued upon the palatine processes of the upper max. illary and palate bones, or the roof of the mouth. This membrane of the palate is not quite so firm as that of the gums, and is also less florid: it adheres firmly to the periosteum, and thus is closely fixed to the bones. There is generally a ridge on its surface, immediately un- der the suture between the two upper maxillary bones; and some transverse ridges are also to be seen upon it. On the internal surface of this membrane are small glan- dular bodies, whose ducts open on the surface of the pa- late. It is asserted, that this membrane has a limited degree of that sensibility which is essential to the function of tast- ing; and, that if certain sapid substances are carefully applied to it, their respective tastes will be perceived, al- though they have not been in contact with the tongue. The membrane is continued from the bones above mentioned to the soft palate, or velum pendulum palati, which is situated immediately behind them. This soft pa- late may be considered as a continuation of the partition between the nose and mouth: it is attached to the posterior edge of the palatine processes of the ossa palati, and to the pterygoid processes of the sphenoidal bone. Its in- Soft Palate.—Uvula. 17 terior structure is muscular. The upper surface is cover- ed by the membrane of the nose, the lower surface by the membrane which lines the mouth. The muscles, which contribute to the composition of this structure, are the circumflexus and the levatores palati above, and the constrictores isthmi faucium and palato- pharyngei below. (See Vol. I. page 178—179.) Thus composed, the soft palate constitutes the back part of the partition between the nose and mouth. When viewed from before, with the mcuth open, it presents towards the tongue an arched surface, which continues downwards on each side until it comes nearly in contact with the edges of that organ. On each of the lateral parts of this arch, are two pillars, or rather prominent ridges, which project into the mouth. These ridges are at some distance from each other below, and approach much nearer above, so that they include a triangular space. They are called the lateral half arches of the palate. Each of them is form- ed by a plait or fold of the skin, and contains one of the two last mentioned muscles: the anterior, the constric- tor isthmi faucium; the posterior, the palato-pharyngeus. These muscles, of course, draw the palate down toward the tongue when they contract. From the center of the arch, near its posterior edge, is suspended the uvula, a conical body, which varies in length from less than half an inch to rather more than one inch. It is connected by its basis to the palate; but its apex is loose and pendulous. This body is covered by the lining membrane of the mouth. It contains many small glands, and a muscle also, the azygos uvulae, which ari- ses from the posterior edge of the ossa palati, at the su- ture which connects them to each other, and, passing posteriorly upon the soft palate, extends from the basis to the apex of the uvula, into which it is inserted. By the the action of this muscle, the length of the uvula can be Vol. II. C 18 The Tongue. very much diminished; and when its contraction ceases, that body is elongated. The pendulous part of the uvula can also be moved, in Certain cases, to either side. It is commonly supposed, that the principal use of this little organ is to modulate the voice; but there are good reasons for believing, that it has another object. It was remarked by Fallopius, (and the observation has been con- firmed by many surgeons since his time) that the uvula may be removed completely without occasioning any alter- ation of the voice, or any difficulty in deglutition, if the soft palate be left entire. The soft palate is so flexible, that it yields to the actions of the levatores palati, which draw it up so as to close the posterior nares completely. It also yields to the circumflexi or tensores, which stretch it so as to do away its arched appearance. It is therefore very properly called the Palatum Molle. It is also frequently called the Velum Pendulum palati, from the position which it assumes. The Tongue, Which is a very important part of this structure, is re- tained in its position and connected with the parts adjoin- ing it, by the following arrangements. The os hyoides, which, as its name imports, resembles the Greek letter u, or half an oval, is situated rather below the angles of the lower jaw, in the middle of the upper part of the neck. It is retained in its position by the ster- no-hyoidei muscles, which connect it to the upper part of the sternum; by the coraco-hyoidei, which pass to it obliquely from the scapula; by the thyro-hyoidei, which pass to it directly upward from the thyroid cartilage: all of which connect it to parts below. To these should be added the stylo-hyoidei, which pass to it obliquely from Structure of the Tongue. 19 behind and rather from above; the mylo-hyoidei, which come rather anteriorly from the lateral parts of the lower jaw; and the genio-hyoidei, which arise from a situation directly anterior and superior, the chin. When these muscles are at rest, the situation of the os hyoides is, as above described, below the angles of the lower jaw: when those, in one particular direction, act while the others are passive, the bone may be moved upwards or downwards, backwards or forwards, or to either side. This bone may be considered as the basis of the tongue; for the posterior extremity of that organ is attached to it; and of course the movements of the bone must have an immediate ef- fect upon those of the tongue. The tongue is a flat body of an oval figure, but subject to considerable changes of form. The posterior extremity, connected to the os hyoides, is commonly called its basis; the anterior extremity, which when the tongue is quiescent, is rather more acute, is called its apex. The lower surface of the tongue is connected with a number of muscles, which are continued into its sub- stance. This connexion is such, that the edges of the tongue are perfectly free and unconnected; and so is the anterior extremity for a considerable distance from the apex towards the base. The substance of the tongue consists principally of muscular fibres intermixed with a delicate adipose sub- stance. It is connected to the os hyoides by the hyoglos- sus muscle and also by some other muscular fibres, as well as by a dense membranous substance, which appears to perform the part of a ligament. This connexion is also strengthened by the continuance of the integuments from the tongue to the epiglottis cartilage, to be hereafter de- scribed; for that cartilage is attached by ligaments to the os hyoides. 20 Structure of the Tongue. The tongue is thin at its commencement at the os hy- oides; but it soon increases in thickness. The muscular fibres in its composition have been considered as intrinsic, or belonging wholly to its internal structure; and extrinsic, or existing in part outside of this structure. The linguales muscles are intrinsicr (Vol I, page 175.) they are situa- ted near the under surface of the tongue, one on each side, separated from each other by the genio-giossi muscle, and extending from the basis of the tongue to its apex. These muscles can be easily traced as above described; but there are also many fibres in the structure of the tongue, which seem to pass in every direction, and of course are different from those of the linguales muscles. To these two sets of fibres are owing many of the immensely varied motions of the different parts of the tongue. In addition to these, are the extrinsic muscles, which originate from the neighbouring parts, and are inserted and continued into the substance of the tongue. Among the most important of these muscles, are those which proceed from the chin, or the genio-hyoglossi. They are in contact with each other; their fibres radiate from a central point on the inside of the chin, and are inserted into the middle of the lower surface of the tongue: the insertion commencing at a short distance from its apex, and continuing to its base. As the genio-hyo-glossi muscles have a considerable degree of thickness, they add much to the bulk of the tongue in the middle of the posterior parts of it. The hvo-glossi and the stylo-gloss!, being continued into the posterior and lateral parts, contribute also to the bulk of these parts. The tongue, thus composed and connected, lies, when at rest, on the mylo-hyoidei muscles; and the space be- tween it and these muscles is divided into two lateral parts by the above described genio-glossi. In the space PapilU of the Tongue. 21 above mentioned, is a small salivary gland, of an irregular oval form; the greatest diameter of which extends from before backwards; and its edges present outwards and in- wards. It has several excretory ducts, the orifices of which form a line on each side of the tongue. This gland is very prominent under the tongue; and when the tongue is raised it is particularly conspicuous: it is called the Sublingual. The lining membrane of the mouth continues from the inside of the alveoli of the lower jaw, which it covers, over the sublingual glands to the lower surface of the tongue. In this situation it is remarkably thin; but, as it proceeds to the upper surface of the tongue, its texture changes considerably; and on this surface it constitutes the organ of taste. The upper surface of the tongue, although it is con- tinued from the thin membrane above described, is form- ed by a rough integument which consists, like the skin, of three laminae. The cuticle is very thin; and under it, the rete mucosum* is thicker and softer than in other places. The true skin here abounds with eminences of various sizes and forms, all of which are denominated Papillte. The largest of these are situated on the posterior part of the tongue, and are so arranged that they form an angle rather acute, with its point backwards. They are com- monly nine in number: they resemble an inverted cone; or, are larger at their head than their basis. They are situated in pits or depressions, to the bottoms of which they are connected. In many of them there are follicles, or perforations, which have occasioned them to be re- * M. Bichat appears to have had doubts whether the real rete mu- cosum existed here. He says that he could only perceive a decus- sation of vessels in the intervals of the papillae, which, as he supposes, occasioned the florid colour of the tongue. 22 Papilla of the Tongue. garded as glands. They are called Papilla: Maxima, or Capitata. The papilla?, next in size, are denominated fungiform by some anatomists, and Media or Semilenticulares by others. They are nearly cylindrical in form, with their upper extremities regularly rounded. They arc scattered over the upper surface of the tongue, in almost every part of it, at irregular distances from each other. The third class are called conoidal or villous. They are very numerous, and occupy the greatest part of the sur- face of the tongue. Although they are called conoidal, there is a great difference in their form; many of them being irregularly angular and serrated, as well as conical. Soemmering and other German anatomists consider the smallest papillae as a fourth class, which they call the filiform: these lie between the others. It is probable that these papillae are essential parts of the organ of taste; and their structure is of course an in- teresting object of inquiry. The nerves of the tongue have been traced to the papil- lae, and have been compared by some anatomists to the stalk of the apple, while the papillae resembled the fruit; but their ultimate termination does not appear to have been ascertained.* Soemmering has lately published some elegant engraved copies of drawings of these papillae, when they were mag- nified twenty-five times; from which it appears that a very large number of vessels, particularly of arteries, ex- * In the explanation of the plates, referred to in the following sen- tence, Soemmering observes, that when the fibrillae of the lingual nerve of the fifth pair are traced to the papillae of the second class, -they swell out into a conical form; and these nervous cones are in such close contact with each other, that the point of the finest nee- dle could not be insinuated into the papillae without touching a nerve. Bloodvessels of the Tongue. 23 ist in them. These vessels are arranged in a serpentine direction, and are prominent on the surface; but they ap. pear doubled, and the most prominent part is the doubled end. This arrangement of vessels is perceptible on the sides of the tongue, as well as on the papillae. Behind the large papillae is a foramen, first described by Morgagni, and called by him Foramen Cacum. It is the orifice of a cavity which is not deep; the excretory ducts of several mucous glands open into it. On the upper surface of the tongue, a groove is often to be seen, which is called the linea mediana, and divides it into two equal lateral parts. Below, the lining mem- brane of the mouth, as it is continued from the lower jaw to the tongue, forms a plait, which acts as a ligament, and is called the franum lingua. It is attached to the mid- dle of the tongue, at some distance behind the apex. The tongue is well supplied with bloodvessels, which are derived from the lingual branch of the external carotid on each side. This artery passes from the external carotid, upwards, inwards, and forwards, to the body of the tongue. In this course it sends off several small arteries to the con- tiguous parts, and one, which is spent about the epiglottis and the adjoining parts, called the Dorsalis Lingua. About the anterior edge of the hyo-glossus muscle, it divides into two large branches: one of which, called the Sublingual, passes under the tongue between the genio-glossus and the sublingual gland, and extends near to the symphysis of the upper jaw; sending branches to the sublingual gland, to the muscles under the tongue, to the skin, and the lower lip. The other is in the substance of the tongue, on the under side near the surface, and extends to the apex. The veins of this organ are not so regular as the arte- ries: they communicate with the external jugular; and some of them are always very conspicuous under the tongue: these are called ranular. 24 The Salivary Glands. It is to be observed, that the vessels on each side have but little connexion with each other; for those of one side may be injected while the others continue empty. The tongue is also well supplied with nerves, and de- rives them from three different sources on each side, viz.: from the fifth, the eighth, and ninth pairs of the head. The lingual portion of the third branch of the fifth pair, passing under the tongue, enters its substance about the middle, and forms many minute branches, which pass to the papillae of the fore part of the tongue. The glosso-pharyngeal portion of the eighth pair, sending off several branches in its course, passes to the tongue near its basis, and divides into many small branches, which arc spent upon the sides and middle of the root of the tongue, and also upon the large papillae. The ninth pair of nerves are principally appropriated to the tongue. They pass on each side to the most fleshy part of it, and after sending one branch to thevmylo-hyoi- deus, and another to communicate with the lingual branch of the fifth pair, they are spent principally upon the ge- nio-glossi, and linguales muscles. The tongue answers a threefold purpose. It is the principal organ of taste. It is a very important agent in the articulation of words; and it assists in those operations upon our food, which are performed in the mouth. The Salivary Glands. The salivary glands have such an intimate connexion with the mouth that they may be described with it.* There are three principal glands on each side: the Paro- tid, the Submaxillary and the Sublingual. They are of a whitish or pale flesh-colour, and are composed of many small united masses or lobuli, each of which sends a small * For a general account of glands, see the appendix to this volume. Parotid and Submaxillary Glands. 25 excretory duct to join similar ducts from the other lobuli, and thereby form the great duct of the gland. The Parotid is much larger than the other glands. It occupies a large portion of the vacuity between the mas- toid process and the posterior parts of the lower jaw. It extends from the ear and the mastoid process over a por- tion of the masseter muscle, and from the zygoma to the basis of the lower jaw. Its name is supposed to be de- rived from two Greek words which signify contiguity to the ear. It is of a firm consistence. It receives branches from the external carotid artery and from its facial branch. From the anterior edge of this gland, rather above the middle, the great duct proceeds anteriorly across the mas- seter muscle; and, after it has passed over it, bends inward through the adipose matter of the cheek to the buccinator muscle, which it perforates obliquely and opens on the inside of the cheek opposite to the interval between the second and third molar teeth of the upper jaw. The aper- ture of the duct is rather less than the general diameter of it, and this circumstance has the effect of a valve. When the duct leaves the parotid, several small glandular bodies are often attached to it, and their ducts communicate with it. The main duct is sometimes called after Steno, who first described it. When the mouth is opened wide, as in gaping, there is often a jet of saliva from it into the mouth. The parotid gland furnishes the largest proportion of saliva. It covers the nerve called Portio Dura, after it has emerged from the foramen stylo-mastoideum. The second gland is called the Submaxillary. It is much smaller than the parotid, and rather round in form. It is situated immediately within the angle of the lower jaw, between it, on the outside, and the tendon of the di- ( gastric muscle and the ninth pair of nerves internally. Its Vol II. D 26 Sublingual Gland.—Saliva. posterior extremity is connected by cellular membrane to the parotid gland; its anterior portion lies over a part of the mylo-hyoideus muscle; and from it proceeds the ex- cretory duct, which is of considerable length, and passes betwen the mylo-hyoideus and the genio-glossus muscles along the under and inner edge of the sublingual gland. In this course the duct is sometimes surrounded with small glandular bodies, which seem to be appendices of the sublingual gland. It terminates under the tongue, on the side of the fraenum linguae, by a small orifice which sometimes forms a papilla. The orifice is often smaller than the duct; in conse- quence of which, obstruction frequently occurs here, and produces the disease called ranula. The sublingual gland, which has already been mention- ed, lies so that, when the tongue is turned up, it can be seen protruding into the cavity of the mouth, and co- vered by the lining membrane, which seems to keep it fixed in its place. It lies upon the mylo-hyoideus, by the side of the genio-hyoideus; and is rather oval in form and flat. Its greatest length is from before backwards; its po- sition is rather oblique, one edge being placed obliquely inwards* and upwards, and the other outwards and down- wards. It has many short excretory ducts, which open by orifices arranged in a line on each side: they are discover- ed with difficulty, on account of their small size, and sometimes amount to eighteen or twenty in number. In some few instances, this gland sends off a single duct, which communicates with the duct of the submaxillary gland. The salivary fluid secreted by these glands is inodo- rous, insipid, and limpid, like water; but much more vis- cid, and of greater specific gravity. Water constitutes at least four fifths of its bulk; and animal mucus one half of its solid contents. It also contains some albumen, and Motions of the Tongue. 2 7 several saline substances: as the muriate of soda, and the phosphates of lime, of soda, and of ammonia. It is probable that this fluid possesses a solvent power with respect to the articles of food. There are small glandular bodies, situated between the masseter and buccinator muscles, opposite to the last mo- lar tooth of the upper jaw, whose nature is not well under- stood: they are called Glandula Molares. The motions of the tongue are very intelligible to a per- son who has a preparation of the lower jaw before him, with the tongue in its natural situation, and the mus- cles, which influence it, properly dissected. Its compli- cated movements will appear the necessary result of the action of those muscles upon it, and the os hyoides; and also upon the larynx, with which the os hyoides is con- nected. The muscular fibres of the tongue itself are also to be taken into this view, as they act a very important part. Although the tongue appears very necessary, in a me- chanical point of view, to the articulation of many words, yet there are cases where it has been entirely deficient, in which the parties, thus affected, have been able to speak very well in general, as well as to distinguish dif- ferent tastes.* The tongue is also a very delicate organ of touch. We can perceive the form of the teeth, and the state of the surface of the mouth, more accurately by the applica- tion of the tongue than of the fingers. • There is a very interesting paper on this subject, in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for the year 1718, by Jussieu;, in which he describes the case of a female, fifteen years old, examined by himself, who was born without a tongue. In this paper he refers to another case, described by Rolland, a surgeon of Saumur, of a boy nine years old, whose tongue was destroyed by gangrene. In each of these cases the subject was able to articulate very well, with the exception of a few letters: and also enjoyed the sense of taste. 28 Observations on the Tongue. Of the three nerves which go to the tongue, it is generally supposed that the lingual portion of the third branch of the fifth pair is most immediately concerned in the func- tion of tasting, as it passes to the front part of the sur- face of the tongue. The glosso-pharyngeal are probably concerned in the same function on the posterior part, while the ninth pair of nerves seems principally spent upon the muscular parts of the organ. It is obvious that the tongue is most copiously supplied with nerves. This probably accounts for the great faci- lity of its motions, and the power of continuing them. 29 CHAPTER III. OF THE THROAT. TO avoid circumlocution, the word throat is used as a general term to comprehend the structure which occurs behind the nose and mouth, and above the oesophagus and trachea. This structure consists, 1st, Of the parts immediately behind the mouth, which constitute the Isthmus of the Fauces: 2d, Of the parts, which form the orifice of the wind- pipe, or the Larynx;—and 3d, Of the muscular bag, which forms the cavity be- hind the nose and mouth that terminates in the oesophagus, or the Pharynx. SECTION I. Of the Isthmus of the Fauces. In the back part of the mouth, on each side, are to be seen the two ridges or half arches, passing from the soft palate to the root of the tongue, mentioned in page 17, and said to be formed by plaits of the skin containing muscular fibres. The anterior plait, which contains the muscle called Constrictor Isthmi Faucium, passes directly from the side of the root of the tongue to the palate, and terminates near the commencement of the uvula. The posterior plait runs from the palate obliquely downwards and backwards, as it contains the palato-pharyngeus mus- cle, which passes from the palate to the upper and pos- terior part of the thyroid cartilage. 30 Tonsils.—Epiglottis. In the triangular space between these ridges is situated a glandular body, called the Tonsil or Amygdala. This gland has an oval form, its longest diameter extending from above downwards. Its surface is rather convex, its natural colour is a pale red. On its surface are the large orifices of many cells of considerable size, which exist throughout the gland. These cells often communicate with each other, so that a probe can be passed in at one orifice and out at the other. Into these cells open many mucous ducts, which dis- charge the mucus of the throat, for the purpose of lubri- cating the surface, and facilitating the transmission of food. The epiglottis, or fifth cartilage of the larynx, is situa- ted at the root of the tongue, in the middle, between the tonsils. The part which is in sight is partly oval in form, and of a whitish colour. Its position, as respects the tongue, is nearly perpendicular, and its anterior surface rather convex. The membrane continued from the tongue over the epiglottis is so arranged that it forms a plait, which ex- tends from the middle of the root of the tongue along the middle of the anterior surface of the epiglottis, from its base upwards. On each side of this plait, or fraenum, at the junction of the surfaces of the tongue and of the epiglottis, there is often a depression, in which small portions of food sometimes remain; and a small fraenum, similar to that above described, is sometimes seen on the outside of each of these cavities. The epiglottis is situated immediately before the open- ing into the larynx. The above described parts can be well ascertained in the living subject, by a person who has a general know- ledge of the structure. Thus, looking into the mouth, Of the Larynx. 31 with the tongue depressed, the uvula and soft palate are in full view above, and the epiglottis is very perceptible below; while the two ridges or lateral half-arches can be seen on each side, with the tonsil between them. SECTION II. Of the Larynx. IN this structure are five cartilages, upon which its form and strength depends, viz: the Cricoid, the Thyroid, the two Arytenoid, and the Epiglottis. These cartilages are articulated to each other, and are supplied with mus- cles by which certain limited motions are effected. The basis of the structure is a cartilaginous ring, called the cricoid cartilage, which may be considered as the com- mencement of the windpipe. It may be described as an irregular section of a tube: its lower edge, connected with the windpipe, being nearly horizontal when the body is erect; and the upper edge very oblique, sloping from before, backwards and up- wards: in consequence of this, it has but little depth be- fore, but is eight or nine lines deep behind. The Thyroid cartilage is a single plate, bent in such manner that it forms an acute angle with two similar broad surfaces on each side of it. It is so applied to the cricoid cartilage, that the lower edge of the angular part is at a small distance above the front part of that car- tilage, and connected to it by ligamentous membrane: while its broad sides are applied to it laterally, and thus partially inclose it. The upper, edge of the ajigular part of the thyroid car- tilage forms a notch; and the natural position of the carti- 32 Arytenoid Cartilages and Ligaments: lage is such, that this part is very prominent in the neck: it is called the Pomum Adami. Both the upper and lower edges of the thyroid cartilage terminate posteriorly in processes, which are called Cor- nua. The two uppermost are longest: they are joined by ligaments to the extremities of the os hyoides. The lower and shorter processes are fixed to the cricoid cartilage. The thyroid cartilage, therefore, partly rests upon the cricoid cartilage below, and is attached to the os hyoides above. It is influenced by the muscles which act upon the os hyoides, and also by some muscles which are inserted into itself. It is moved obliquely downwards and forwards, in a slight degree, upon the cricoid cartilage by a small muscle, the crico-thyroideus, which arises from that car- tilage and is inserted into it. The Arytenoid cartilages are two small bodies of a tri- angular pyramidal form, but slightly curved backwards. They are placed upon the upper and posterior edge of the cricoid cartilage, near to each other; and their upper ends, taken together, resemble the mouth of a pitcher or ewer; from which circumstance their name is derived. Their bases are broad; and on their lower surfaces is a cavity, which corresponds with the convex edge of the cricoid cartilage, to which they are applied. At these places, a regular moveable articulation is formed, by a capsular ligament between each of these cartilages and the thyroid; in consequence of which they can be inclined backward or forward, inward or outward. From the anterior part of each of these cartilages, near the base, a tendinous cord passes forward, in a direction which is horizontal when the body is erect, to tlve internal surface of the angle of the thyroid. These ligaments are not perfectly parallel to each other; for they are nearer be- fore than behind. The aperture between them is from two to five lines wide when the muscles are not in action; and Epiglottis. 33 this aperture is the orifice of the windpipe: for the exte. rior space, between these ligaments and the circumference of the cricoid, is closed up by membrane and muscle. At a small distance above these ligaments are two others, which also pass from the arytenoid to the thyroid carti- lages. They are not so tendinous and distinct as the first mentioned, and cannot be drawn so tense by the muscles of the arytenoid cartilages. They are also situated at a greater distance from each other, and thus form a large aperture. On the external side of the upper extremity of each of the arytenoid cartilages, and nearly in contact with it, is a small cartilaginous body, not so large as a grain of wheat, and nearly oval in form. These are connected firmly to the arytenoid cartilages, and are called their appendices. Being in the margin of the aperture of the larynx, they have an effect upon its form. The arytenoid cartilages are the posterior parts of the larynx: the Epiglottis, which has already been mentioned, is the anterior. When this cartilage is divested of its mem- brane, it is oval in its upper extremity, and rather angular below, terminating in a long narrow process which is like the stalk of a leaf. It is firmly attached to the internal surface of the angular part of the thyroid by this lower process; and, being placed in a perpendicular position, one of its broad surfaces is anterior towards the tongue, and the other posterior, towards the opening of the windpipe. It is attached to the os hyoides by dense cellular texture or ligament, and to the tongue by those plaits of the mem- brane of the mouth, which have been already described. It is elastic, but more flexible than the other cartilages; being somewhat different in its structure. Its surface is perforated by the orifices of many mucous ducts. 1 here is a small space between the lower part of this cartilage which is posterior, and the upper part of the thy- roid and the ligament passing from it to the os hyoides, Vol. II. E 34 Rima Glottidis.—Glottis. which are anterior. In this is a substance, which appears to consist of glandular and of adipose matter. It is suppo- sed that some of the orifices on the lower part of the epi- glottis communicate with this substance. In the erect position of the body, the epiglottis is situa- ted rather higher up than the arytenoid cartilages, and at the distance of ten or twelve lines from them. The membrane which covers the epiglottis, is extended from each side of it to the arytenoid cartilages; and being continued into the cavity of the larynx, as well as upon the general surface of the throat, it is necessarily doubled: this doubling forms the lateral margins of the orifice of the cavity of the larynx. In these folds of the membrane are seen very delicate muscular fibres, called the Aryteno-epi- glottidei. The membrane continues down the cavity of the la- rynx, and, covering the upper ligaments, penetrates into the vacuity between them and the lower ligaments, so as to form a cavity on each side of the larynx, opening be- tween the two ligaments, which is called the Ventricle of Morgagni. The shape of these cavites is oblong. Its great- est length extends from behind forward, on each side of the opening into the windpipe formed by the two lower or principal ligaments; so that when the larynx is re- moved from the subject, upon looking into it from above you perceive three apertures: one in the middle, formed by the two lower ligaments; and one on each side of it, between the lower and upper ligament, which is the ori- fice of the ventricle of Morgagni. The aperture between the two lower ligaments is called the Rima Glottidis, or Chink of the Glottis; the upper aper- ture, formed by the fold of the membrane extending from the epiglottis to the arytenoid cartilages, may be termed Glottis. If the windpipe is divided near the larynx, and the la- rynx inverted, so that the rima glottidis may be examined Arteries and Nerves of the Larynx. 35 from below, the structure appears still more simple; it resembles a septum fixed abruptly in the windpipe, with an aperture in it of the figure of the rima glottidis. The anterior surface of the two arytenoid cartilages is concave. This concavity is occupied in each by a glandu- lar substance, which lies between the cartilage and the lining membrane; and extends itself horizontally, covered by the upper ligament of the glottis. The nature of these bodies is not perfectly understood; but they are supposed to secrete mucus. The membrane, which lines the cavity of the glottis, being continued from the mouth and throat, resembles the membranes which invest those parts. In some places, where it is in close contact with the cartilages, it appears united with the perichondrium, and acquires more firm- ness and density. The general motions of the larynx are very intelligible to those who are acquainted with the muscles which are connected with the thyroid cartilage, and which move the os hyoides. They take place particularly in deglutition, and in some modifications of the voice; and also in vomit- ing- The motions of the particular cartilages on each other can also be well understood, by attending to the origin and insertion of the various small muscles connected with them. The most important of these muscles are the crico- arytenoidei postici and laterales, the thyreo-arytenoidei, the arytenoidei obliqui, and the arytenoideus transversus. The effects of their actions appear to be the dilating or contracting the rima ciottidis, and relaxing or extending the ligamcnts which form it. The arteries of the larynx are derived from two sources, viz: the superior thyroid, or laryngeal branch of the ex- ternal carotid; and the thyroid branch of the subclavian. The nerves of the larynx also come to it in two very dif- ferent directions on each side. It receives two branches 36 The Thyroid Gland. from the par vagum: one which leaves that nerve high up in the neck, and is called the Superior Laryngeal branch; and another which proceeds from it after it has passed into the cavity of the thorax, and is called from its direc- tion the Recurrent. The extreme irritability of the glottis is unequivocally demonstrated by the cough which is excited when a drop of water, or any other mild liquid, or a crumb of bread enters it. Notwithstanding this, a flexible tube, or catheter, has several times been passed into the windpipe through the rima glottidis, and been endured by the patient a considerable time. The cough, which occurs when these parts are irritated, does not appear to arise exclusively from the irritation of the membrane within the glottis; for, if it were so, mucilaginous substances, when swallowed slowly, could not suspend it. Their effect in relieving cough is universally known; and as they are only applied to the surface exterior to the glottis, it is evident that the irritation of this surface must also produce coughing. Several curious experiments have been made to deter- mine the effect of dividing the different nerves which go to the larynx; by which it appears that the recurrent branches supply parts which are essentially necessary to the formation of the voice, whilst the laryngeal branches supply parts which merely influence its modula- tion, or tone. See Mr. Haighton's Essay on this subject: Memoirs of the Medical Society of London, Vol. III. The Thyroid Gland May be described here, although a part of it is situated below the larynx. This body consists of two lobes, which are united at their lower extremities by a portion which extends across the anterior part of the windpipe. Each lobe generally rises upwards and backwards from the second cartilagi- nous ring of the windpipe over the cricoid cartilage and a portion of the thyroid. It lies behind the sterno-hyoidei Of the Pharynx. 37 and sterno-thyroidei muscles. It is of a reddish brown colour, and appears to consist of a granulous substance; but its ultimate structure is not understood. It is plenti- fully supplied with blood, and receives two arteries on each side: one from the laryngeal branch of the external carotid: and the other from the thyroid branch of the subclavian. . Notwithstanding this large supply of blood, there is no proof that it performs any secretion; for although several respectable anatomists have supposed that they discover- ed excretory ducts passing to the windpipe, larynx, or tongue, it is now generally agreed that such excretory ducts are not to be found. Several instances have how- ever occurred, in which air has been forced, by violent straining, from the windpipe into the substance of this gland. SECTION III. Of the Pharynx. THE pharynx is a large muscular bag, which forms the great cavity behind the nose and mouth that termi- nates in the oesophagus. It has been compared to a funnel, of which the oeso- phagus is the pipe; but it differs from a funnel in this respect, that it is incomplete in front, at the part occu- pied by the nose and mouth and larynx. It is connected above, to the cuneiform process of the occipital bone, to the pterygoid processes of the sphenoi dal, and to both the upper and lower maxillary bones. It is in contact with the cervical vertebrae behind; and, op- posite to the cricoid cartilage, it terminates in the oeso- phagus. 38 Structure of the Pharynx. If the pharynx and oesophagus be carefully dissected and detached from the vertebrae, preserving the con- nexion of the pharynx with the head; and the head then be separated from the body, by dividing the articulation of the atlas and the os occipitis, and cutting through the soft parts below the larynx; the resemblance to a funnel will be very obvious. In this situation, if an incision be made from above downwards through the whole extent of the posterior part of the pharynx, the communication of the nose, mouth, and windpipe, with this cavity, will be seen from behind at one view. The openings into the nose, or the posterior nares, ap- pear uppermost. Their figure is irregularly oval or ob- long: they are separated from each other by a thin parti- tion, the vomer. Immediately behind, on the external side of each of these orifices, is the Eustachian tube. The soft palate will appear extending from the lower boundary of the posterior nares, obliquely backward and downwards, so as nearly to close the passage into the month. The uvula hangs from it; and, on each side of the uvula, the edge of the palate is regularly concave. Below the palate, in the isthmus of the fauces, are the ridges or half-arches, and the tonsils between them. The half-arch which presents first, in this view, runs ob- liquely downward and backward, and not parallel to the other. Close to the root of the tongue is the epiglottis erect; and, immediately adjoining it, is an aperture large enough to admit the end of a middle-sized finger. This aperture is widest at the extremity next to the epiglottis, and rather narrower at the other extremity: it is the glottis or open- ing of the windpipe. When the larynx is elevated, the epiglottis can be readily depressed so as to cover it com- pletely. The extremities of the arytenoid cartilages, and their Structure of the Pharynx. 39 appendices, may be recognised at the posterior edge of the glottis. At a short distance below this edge, the oeso- phagus begins. The Pharynx is composed of the membrane continued from the nose and mouth internally, and of a stratum of muscular fibres externally. The internal membrane is very soft and flexible, and perforated by many mucife- rous ducts. The surface which it forms is rather rough, owing to the mucous glands which it covers. It has a red colour, but not so deep as that of some other parts. It is connected to the muscular stratum by a loose cellular membrane. The muscular coat consists of three different portions, which are considered as so many distinct muscles. The fibres of each of these muscles originate on each side, and run in an oblique direction to meet in the mid- dle, thus forming the posterior external surface of the dissected pharynx. The fibres of the upper muscle originate from the cu- neiform process of the occipital bone, from the pterygoid processes of the os sphenoides, and from the upper and lower jaws, near the last dentes molares, on each side. They unite in a middle line in the back of the pharynx. The fibres of the middle muscle originate principally from the lateral parts of the os hyoides, and from the lip-a- ments which connect that bone to the thyroid cartilage. The superior fibres run obliquely upwards, so as to cover a part of the first mentioned muscle, and terminate in the cuneiform process of the occipital bone; while the other fibres unite with those of the opposite side in the middle line. The fibres of the lower muscles arise from the thyroid and the cricoid cartilages, and terminate also in the mid- dle line. Those which are superior, running obliquely upwards; the inferior, nearly in a transverse direction. 40 Structure of the Pharynx. It is obvious, from the origin and insertion of these fibres, that the pharynx must have the power of contract- ing its dimensions in every respect; and, particularly, that its diameter may be lessened at any place; and that the whole may be drawn upwards. SYSTEM OF ANATOMY. PART VII. OP THE THORAX. BEFORE the thorax is described, it will be in order to consider the Mamma; Or those glandular bodies, situated on the anterior part of it, which, in females, are destined to the secretion of milk. These glands lie between the skin and the pectoral mus- cles, and are attached to the surfaces of those muscles by cellular membrane. They are of a circular form; and consist of a whitish firm substance, divisible into small masses or lobes, which are composed of smaller portions or lobuli. Between these glandular portions a great deal of adipose matter is so dif- fused, that it constitutes a considerable part of the bulk of the mammae. The gland however, varies greatly in thickness in the same person at different periods of life. The mammas become much enlarged about the age of puberty. They are also very large during pregnancy and Vol. II. F 42 Mamma. lactation; but after the period of childbearing, they dimi- nish considerably. Thty are supplied with blood by the external and internal mammary arteries, the branches of which enter them irregularly in several different places. The veins correspond with the arteries. From the small glandular portions that compose the mamma, fine excretory tubes arise, which unite together and form the great lactiferous ducts of the gland. These ducts proceed in a radiated manner from the circumfer- ence to the center, and terminate on the surface of the nipple. They are commonly about fifteen in number, and vary considerably in size: the largest of them being more than one sixth of an inch in diameter. They can be very readily injected by the orifices of the nipple, from a pipe filled with mercury, in subjects who have died during lactation or pregnancy; but they are very small in subjects of a different description. It has been asserted, by respectable anatomists, that these ducts communicate freely with each other; but they do not appear to do so: each duct seems to be connected with its proper branches only. Haller appears to have entertained the remarkable sen- timent, that some of the ducts originated in the adipose matter about the gland, as well as in the glandular sub- stance.* The papilla, or nipple, in which these ducts terminate, is in the center of the mamma: it consists of a firm elastic ^ubstance, and is nearly cylindrical in form. It is rendered tumid by irritation, and by certain emotions. The lactiferous ducts terminate upon its extremity. When it is elongated, they can freely discharge their con- tents; but when it contracts, this discharge is impeded. The skin immediately around the nipple is of a bright * Elementa Physiologiae Tom. 7, Pars 11. pag: 7. Mamma. 4,3 red colour in virgins of mature age. In pregnant women it is sometimes almost black; and in women who have borne children it is often brownish. It abounds with seba- ceous glands, which form small eminences on its surface. This gland exists in males, although it is very small. In boys, soon after birth, it has often been known to tumify and become very painful, in consequence of the secretion and accumulation of a whitish fluid, which can be discharged by pressure. It also sometimes swells and is painful, in males at the age of puberty. There have been some instances in which it has secre- ted milk in adult males; and a few instances also in which it has been affected with cancer, in the same sex. The mamma is plentifully supplied with absorbent ves- sels, which pass from it to the lymphatic glands in the axilla. Its nerves are principally derived from the great plexus formed by the nerves of the arm. 44 CHAPTER I. OF THE GENERAL CAVITY OF THE THORAX. SECTION I. Of the form of the Cavity of the Thorax. THE osseous structure of the thorax is described in vol. I. page 83. The cavity is completed by the intercostal muscles, which close the vacuities between the ribs; and by the diaphr gm, which fills up the whole space included within its lower margin. If we except the apertures of the diaphragm, which are completely occupied by the aorta, the vena cava, and the oesophagus, &c. the only outlet of this cavity is above: it is formed by the upper ribs, the first dorsal vertebra, and the sternum. The figure of this aperture is between that of the circle and the oval; but it is made irregular by the ver- tebra, and by the upper edge of the sternum. When the superior extremities and the muscles appro- priated to them are removed, the external figure of the thorax is conical; but the cavity formed by it is consi- derably influenced by the spine, which protrudes into it; while the ribs, as they proceed from the spine, curve back- wards, and thus increase its prominency in the cavity. The diaphr igm has a great effect upon the figure of the cavity of the thorax. It protrudes into it from below, with a convexity of such form that it has been compared to an inverted bowl; so that, although it arises from the lower margin of the thorax, the central parts of it are nearly as high as the fourth rib. Pleura. 45 The position of the diaphragm is also oblique. The an- terior portion of its margin, being connected to the seventh and eighth ribs, is much higher than the posterior portion, which is attached to the eleventh and twelfth. In consequence of the figure and position of the dia- phragm, the form of the cavity of the thorax resembles that of the hoof of the ox when its posterior part is pre- sented forwards. SECTION II. Of the arrangement of the Pleura. THE thorax contains the two lungs and heart, as well as several very important parts of smaller size. The lungs occupy the greatest part of the cavity; and to each of them is appropriated a complete sac, called Pleura, which is so arranged that it covers the surface of the lungs, and is continued from it to the contiguous surface of the thorax, which it lines. After covering the lung, it is ex- tended from it to the spine posteriorly, and the sternum anteriorly: so that in tracing the pleura in a circular di- rection, if you begin at the sternum, it proceeds on the inside of the ribs to the spine; at the spine it leaves the surface of the thorax, and proceeds directly forwards towards the sternum. In its course from the spine to the sternum, it soon meets with the great branch of the wind- pipe and the bloodvessels, which go to the lung: it con- tinues on these vessels and round the lung until it arrives at the anterior side of the vessels, when it again proceeds forwards until it arrives at the sternum. Each sac being arranged in the same way, there is a part of each extended from the spine to the sternum. These two laminae forni the great vertical septum of the thorax, called Mediasti- num. They are situated at some distance from each other; 46 Mediastinum. and the heart, with its investing membrane or pericar. dium, is placed between them. The pericardium is also a complete sac or bladder, which, after covering perfectly the surface of the heart, is extended from it so as to form a sac, which lies loose about it, and appears to contain it. This loose portion adheres to those parts of the laminae of the mediastinum with which it is contiguous; and thus three chambers are form- ed within the cavity of the thorax: one for each lung, and one for the heart. The two laminae of the pleura, which constitute the mediastinum, are at different distances from each other, in different places. At the upper part of the thorax, they ap- proach each other from the internal edges of the first ribs; and, as these include a space which is nearly circular, the vacuity between these laminae is necessarily of that form, at its commencement above. Here therefore is a space between them above, which is occupied by the great transverse vein that carries the blood of the left subclavian and the left internal jugular to the superior cava; by the trachea; by the oesophagus; and by the subclavian and carotid arteries, as they rise from the curve of the aorta. This space is bounded below by the above mentioned curve of the aorta. The heart and pericardium are so placed that there is a small distance between them and the sternum: in this space the two laminae of the mediastinum are very near to each other; and cellular substance intervenes between them. This portion of the mediastinum is called the An- terior Mediastinum. Posteriorly, the heart and pericardium are also at a small distance from the spine; and here the laminae of the mediastinum are at a greater distance from each other, and form a long narrow cavity which extends down the thorax in front of the vertebrae: this is called the Poste- rior Mediastinum. It contains a considerable portion of Preparation of the Thorax. 4? the aorta as it descends from its curve, the oesophagus, the thoracic duct, and the vena azygos. The aorta is in contact with the left lamina, and can often be seen through it when the left lung is lifted up. The oesophagus, is in contact with the right lamina: in its progress downwards, it inclines to the left side and is advanced before the aorta. The vena azygos appears posterior to the oesophagus: it proceeds upwards until it is as high as the right branch of the windpipe: here it bends forward, round that branch, and opens into the superior cava, before that vein opens into the right auricle. The thoracic duct proceeds upwards from below, lying in the spine between the" aorta and the vena azygos, until the beginning of the curve of the aorta, when it inclines to the left, proceeding towards the place of its termination. The formation of the mediastinum, and the arrangement of the pleura, as well as the connexion of these mem- - branes with the parts contained in the thorax, may be studied advantageously, after the subject has been pre- pared in the manner now to be described. Take away, from each side, the five ribs which are situated between the first and last true ribs, by separating their cartilages from the sternum, and their heads from the spine; so that the great cavities of the thorax may be laid open. The precise course of the mediastinum is thus rendered ob- vious; and the sternum may now be divided with a saw throughout its whole length in the same direction; so that the division of the bone may correspond with the space between the laminae of the mediastinum. Separate the portions of the sternum cautiously, so as to avoid lacerating the laminae of the mediastinum; and keep them separate, while the trachea is dissected from the neck into the cavity of the thorax; the great trans- verse v£in and the descending cava are dissected to the pericardium; and the left carotid artery, with the right subclavian and carotid, are dissected to the curve 48 Preparation of the Thorax. of the aorta, taking care not to destroy the laminae of the mediastinum. After this preparation the upper space between the laminae of the mediastinum can be examined; and the relative situation of the trachea and the great vessels in it can be understood. The anterior mediastinum can also be stu- died: the root of each lung, or its connexion with the mediastinum, may be seen perfectly; and the precise si- tuation of the lung, in its proper cavity, may bewell con- ceived. After this, while the portions of the sternum are separated, the pericardium may be opened, and the heart brought into view: the attachment of the pericardium to the me- diastinum, and to the diaphragm, may be seen with ad- vantage in this situation. The portions of the sternum may now be detached from the ribs, with which they re- main connected; and further dissection may be perform- ed to examine the posterior mediastinum and its contents, and the parts which constitute the roots of the lungs. 49 CHAPTER II. OF THE HEART AND THE PERICARDIUM, AND THE GREAT VESSELS CONNECTED WITH THE HEART. SECTION II. Of the Pericardium. THE heart is inclosed by a membranous sac, which, upon a superficial view, seems only connected with its great vessels; but which, in fact, adheres closely to the whole of its surface. From this surface it is extended to those vessels; from which it proceeds, after the manner of the reflected membranes, and forms an inclosure that lies loosely about the heart. If it were dissected from the heart, without laceration or wounding, it would be an entire sac. The pericardium, thus arranged, is placed between the two laminae of the mediastinum, and adheres firmly to them where they are contiguous to it: it also adheres firmly to the diaphragm below, and thus preserves the heart in its proper position. The figure of the pericardium, when it is distended, is somewhat conical; the base being on the diaphragm. The cavity formed by it is larger than the heart after death, but it is probable that the heart nearly fills it during life; for, when this organ is distended by injection, it often oc- cupies the whole cavity of the pericardium. The pericardium is composed of two laminae, the inter- nal of which covers the heart, as has been already descri- bed; while the external merely extends over the loose por- tion of the other, and blends itself with the mediastinum, where that membrane invents the great vessels. Vol. II. G 50 Of the Heart. The internal surface of the pericardium is very smooth and polished; and in the living subject is constantly moist- ened with a fluid, which is probably effused from the ex- halent vessels on its surface. The quantity of this fluid does not commonly exceed two drams; but in cases of disease it sometimes amounts to many ounces.* It is naturally transparent, but slightly tinged with red in children, and yellow in old persons. It is often slightly tinged with red in persons who have died by violence. SECTION II. Of the Heart. THE great organ of the circulation consists of muscu- lar fibres, which are so arranged that they give it a coni- cal form, and compose four distinct cavities within it. Two of these cavities, which are called Auricles, re- ceive the contents of the veins; the other two communi- cate with the arteries, and are called Ventricles. The auricles form the basis of the cone; the ventricles the body and apex. The structure of the auricles is much less firm than that of the ventricles, and consists of a smaller proportion of muscular fibres. They appear like appendages of the heart, while the ventricles compose the body of the vis- cus. The ventricles arc very thick, and are composed of muscular fibres closely compacted. The figure of the heart is not regularly conical; for * The pericardium has been so distended, by effusion in dropsy that it has formed a tumour, protruding on the neck from under the sternum. This tumour had a strong pulsating motion. It disappear- ed completely when the other hydropic symptoms were relieved. Connexions of the Heart. 51- a portion of it, extending from the apex to the base, is flattened; and in its natural position, this flat part of the surface is downwards. It is placed obliquely in the body; so that its base pre- sents backward and to the right, and its apex forward and to the left. Notwithstanding this obliquity, the terms right and left are applied to the different sides of the heart, and to the different auricles and ventricles; although they might, with equal propriety, be called anterior and posterior. The two great veins, called Vena Cava, which bring the blood from every part of the body, open into the right auricle from above and below; the right auricle opens into the right ventricle; and from this ventricle arises the artery denominated Pulmonary, which passes to the lungs. The Pulmonary veins, which bring back the blood from the lungs, open into the left auricle: this auricle opens into the left ventricle; and from this ventricle pro- ceeds the Aorta, or great artery, which carries blood to every part of the body. The heart is preserved in its position, 1st, by the venae cavse, which are connected to all the parts to which they are contiguous in their course; 2d, by the vessels which pass between it and the lungs, which are retained in a particular position by the mediastinum; 3d, by the aorta, which is attached to the mediastinum in its course down- wards, «fter making its great curve; and 4th, by the pe- ricardium, which is attached to the great vessels and to the mediastinum. By these different modes the basis of the heart is fixed, while its body and apex are perfectly free from attachment, and only contiguous to the peri- cardium. The external surface of the heart, being formed by the pericardium, is very smooth: under this surface a large quantity of fat is often found. 52 Right Auricle'. The two auricles are contiguous to each other at the base, and are separated by a partition which is common to both. The Right Auricle originates from the junction of the two vena? cavae. These veins are united at some distance behind the right ventricle,* and are dilated anteriorly into a sac or pouch, which is called the Sinus, and extends to the right ventricle, to which it is united. The upper part of this pouch, or sinus, forms a point with indented edges, which is detached from the ventri- cle, and lies loose on the right side of the aorta. This point has some resemblance to the ear of a dog, from from which circumstance the whole cavity has been called auricle; but by many persons the cavity is considered ab consisting of two portions: the Auricle, strictly speaking; and the Sinus Venosus, above described: they however form but one cavity. This portion of the heart, or Right Auricle, is of an irregular oblong figure. In its posterior surface, it is indented; for the direction of the two cavse, at their junction, is not precisely the same; but they form an angle, which causes this indentation. The anterior por- tion of the auricle, or that which appears like a pouch be- tween the ventricle and the veins, is different in its struc- ture from the posterior part, which is strictly a portion of the veins. It consists simply of muscular fibres which are arranged in fasciculi that cover the whole internal sur- face: this is also the case with the point, or that part which is strictly called auricle. These fasciculi are denominated Musculi Pectinati, from their resemblance to the teeth of a comb. That part of the internal surface, which is formed by * In this description the heart is supposed to be in its natural po-' sition. Right Ventricle. 53 the septum, is smooth; and the whole is covered by a delicate membrane. On the surface of the septum, below the middle, is an oval depression, which has a thick edge or margin: this is called the Fossa Ovalis. In the foetal heart, it was the Foramen Ovale, or aperture which forms the communi- cation between the two auricles. Near this fossa is a large semilunar plait, or valve, with its points and concave edge uppermost, and convex edge downwards. It was described by Eustachius, and, therefore, is called the Valve of Eustachius. Anterior to this valve, and near the union of the auri- cle and ventricle, is the orifice of the proper vein of the heart, or the coronary vein. This orifice is covered by another semilunar valve, which is sometimes reticulated. The aperture, which forms the communication between the right auricle and right ventricle, is about an inch in diameter. From its whole margin arises a valvular ring, or duplicature of the membrane lining the surface: this circular valve is divided into three angular portions, which are called Valvula Tricuspides. From their mar- gins proceed a great number of fine tendinous threads, which are connected to a number of distinct portions of muscular substance, which arise from the ventricle. The right Ventricle, when examined separate from the other parts of the heart, is rather triangular in its figure. It is composed entirely of muscular fibres closely com- pacted; and is much thicker than the auricle, although not so thick as the other ventricle. Its internal surface is composed of bundles or columns of fleshy fibres, which are of various thickness and length. Some of these co- lumns arise from the ventricle, and are connected with the tendinous threads, which are attached to the margin of the tricuspid valves: the direction of them is from the apex of the heart towards the base. Others of the columns arise from one part of the surface of the ventricle, and • 54 Right Ventricle. are inserted into another part. A third species are attach- ed to the ventricle throughout their whole length, form- ing ridges or eminences on it. The columns of the two last described species are very numerous. They present an elegant reticulated surface when the ventricle is laid open, and appear also to occupy a considerable portion of the cavity of the heart, which some of them run across in every direction near the apex. They are all covered by a membrane continued from the auricle and the tri- cuspid valves; but this membrane appears more delicate and transparent in the ventricle than it is in the auricle. A portion of the internal surface of the ventricle, which is to the left, is much smoother and less fasciculated than the rest: it leads to the orifice of the pulmonary artery, which arises from it near the basis of the ventricle. This artery is very conspicuous, externally, at the basis of the heart. It is very evident, upon the first inspection of the heart, that the valvular tricuspides will permit the blood to flow from the auricle to the ventricle; but must rise and close the orifice, and thereby prevent its passage back again, when the ventricle contracts. The use of the tendinous threads, which connect the valves to the fleshy columns, is also very evident: the valve is supported by this connexion, and prevented from yielding to the pressure and opening a passage into the auricle. The blood, therefore, upon the contraction of the ventricle, is necessarily forced into the pulmonary artery; the passage to which is now perfectly free. Into this artery the membrane lining the ventricle seems con- tinued; but immediately within the orifice of the artery it is formed into three semicircular folds, each of which adheres to the surface of the artery by its circumference, while the edge constituting its diameter is loose. In the middle of this loose edge, is a small firm tubercle, called Left Auricle. 55 Corpusculum Arantii* which adds to the strength of the valve. Each of these valves, by its connexion with the arterv, forms a sac or pocket, the orifice of which opens forward towards the course of the artery, and the bottom of it presents towards the ventricle. Blood will, therefore, pass from the ventricle in the artery, and along it, with- out filling these sacs; and on the contrary, in this course, will compress them and keep them empty. If it moves in the artery towards the heart, it will necessarily fill these sacs, and press the semicircular portions from the sides of the artery against each other: by this means a partition, or septum, consisting of three portions, will be formed between the artery and the heart, which will al- ways exist when the artery compresses (or acts upon) its contents. It is demonstrable, by injecting wax into the artery, in a retrograde direction, that these valves do not form aflat septum, but one which is convex towards the heart, and concave towards the artery; and that this convexity is composed of three distinct parts, each of which is convex. At the place where these valves are fixed, the artery bulges out when distended by a retro- grade injection. The enlargements thus produced are called the Sinuses of Valsalva, after the anatomist who first described them. The valves are called Semilunar; and, although they are formed by a very thin membrane, they are very strong. The Left Auricle is situated on the left side of the basis of the heart. It originates from the junction of the four pulmonary veins; two of which come from each side of the thorax, and appear to form a large part of it. It is nearly of a cubic form; but has also an angular por- tion, which constitutes the proper auricle, that proceeds from the upper and left part of the cavity, and is situ- ated on the left side of the pulmonary artery. • After Arantius, a professor at Bologna, who first described it. 56 Left Ventricle. This auricle is lined by a strong membrane, from which the valves between it and the ventrirL <>ri^tnate: but it has no fleshy columns or musculi pectinati, except in the angular process properly called auricle. These valves, and the orifice communicating with the ventricle, resemble those which have been already de- scribed between the right auricle and ventricle; but with this difference, that the valvular ring is divided into two portions only, instead of three, which are called Valvula Mitrales. The tendinous threads, which are connected to the muscular columns, are also attached to these valves, as in the case of the right auricle. These valves admit the passage of blood from the au- ricle into the ventricle, but completely prevent its return when the ventricle contracts. One of them is so situated that it covers the mouth of the aorta while the blood is flowing into the ventricle, and leaves that orifice open when the ventricle contracts, and the passage to the au- ricle is closed. The Left Ventricle is situated posteriorly, and to the left of the Right Ventricle: its figure is different, for it is rather conical, and it is also longer. The internal surface of this ventricle resembles that of the right ventricle; but the columnae carneae are stronger and larger. On the right side of this ventricle is the mouth of the aorta. The surface of the ventricle near this opening is smooth. The cavity of this ventricle is supposed to be smaller than that of the right: but the amount of the difference has not been accurately ascertained. This ventricle must have much more force than the right, as its parietes are so much thicker. Their thickness often exceeds half an inch. The difference in the strength of the two ventricles probably corresponds with the difference between the ex- tent of the pulmonary artery and the aorta. Muscular Fibres of the Heart. 57 The thickness of the septum between the ventricles is thicker than the sides or parietes of the right ventricle, and less thick than those of the left. The muscular fibres of the heart are generally less florid than those of the voluntary muscles: they are also more closely compacted together. The direction of many of them is oblique or spiral; but this general arrangement is very intricate: it is such, however, that the cavities of the heart are lessened, and probably completely obliterat- ed, by the contraction of these fibres.* The external surface of the heart is covered by that portion of the pericardium which adheres to it. Adipose matter is often deposited between this membrane and the muscular surface; being distributed irregularly in various places. This membrane is continued from the surface of the ventricles over that of the auricles. When it is dissected off from the place of their junction, these surfaces appear very distinct from each other. The proper bloodvessels of the heart appear to be ar- ranged in conformity to the general laws of the circula- tion, and are very conspicuous on the surface. There are two arteries which arise from the aorta immediately after it leaves the heart, so that their orifices are covered by two of the semilunar valves. One of these passes from the aorta between the pulmonary artery and the right auricle, and continues in a circular course in the groove between the right auricle and the right ventricle, and sends off its principal branches to the right side of the heart. The other artery of the heart passes between the pul- monary artery and the left auricle. It divides into two branches: one, which is anterior, passes to a groove on the surface, corresponding to the septum between the two * Mr. Home has given a precise description of the muscular fibres of the heart in his Croonian Lecture. London Philosophical Transac- tions for 1795,part l.page 215. Vol. II. H >8 Coronary Vessels, &c. ventricles, and continues on it to the apex of the heart, sending off branches in its course; another, which is pos- terior and circumflex, passes between the left auricle and ventricle. The great vein of the heart opens into the under side of the right auricle, as has been already mentioned: the main trunk of this vein passes for some distance between the lett auricle and ventricle.* From the course of these different vessels round the basis of the ventricles of the heart, they are generally called Coronary Vessels: the arteries are denominated, from their position, Right and Left Coronary. The nerves of the heart come from the cardiac plexus, which is composed of threads derived from the intercostal or great sympathetic nerves, and the nerves of the eighth pair. * It was asserted by Vieussens at an early period, in the last centu- ry, and soon afterwards by Tliebesius, a German Professor, that there were a number of small orifices in the texture of the heart, which opened into the different cavities on both sides of it. This assertion of a fact so difficult to reconcile with the general principles of the circulation, was received with great hesitation: and although it was confirmed by some very respectable anatomists of the last century, it was denied by others. Some of the anatomists of the present day have denied the existence of these orifices, and some others have neglected them entirely. The subject has lately been.brought forward in the London Philo- sophical Transactions for 1798, Part I, by a very respectable anato- mist, Mr. Abernethy, who states that he has often passed a coarse \v;.xcn injection from the proper arteries and veins of the heart into all the cavities of that organ, and particularly into the Left Ventricle. Bui it was only in subjects with diseased lungs that this was/iraclica' ble. The existence of this communication between the coronary vessels and the great cavities of the heart seems therefore to be proved. The easy demonstration in such subjects is ingeniously referred by Mr. Abernethy. to the obstruction of the circulation in the lungs: and he regards the communication as a provision enabling the coronary ves- sels to unload themselves, when the coronary vein Cannot discharge freely into the right auricle. The Great Vessels. 59 SECTION IIL Of the Aorta, the Pulmonary Artery and Veins, and the Vena Cava; at their commencement. THE two great arteries, which arise from the heart, commence abruptly, and appear to be extremely different in their composition and structure from the heart. They are composed of a substance, which has a whitish colour and very dense texture, and is very elastic as well as firm and strong. When the pericardium is removed, these arteries ap- pear to proceed together from the upper part of the basis of the heart: the pulmonary artery being placed to the left of the aorta with the left auricle on the left side of it, and the right auricle on the right side of the aorta. The pul- monary artery arises from the most anterior, and left part of the basis of the right ventricle, and proceeds obliquely backwards and upwards; inclining gradually to the left side for about eighteen or twenty lines; when it divides into two branches which pass to the two lungs. The aorta arises from the left ventricle, under the origin of the pulmonary artery, and immediately proceeds to the right, covered by that vessel, until it mounts up between it and the right auricle: it then forms a great curve, or arch, which turns backward and to the left, to a considera- ble distance beyond the pulmonary artery. In this course, it crosses the right branch of the pulmonary artery; and, turning down in the angle between it and the left* branch, takes a position on the left side of the spine. The course of this artery, from its commencement at the ventricle, to the end of the great curve or arch, is ex- tremely varied. The uppermost part of the curve is in the bottom of the chamber formed by the separation of the laminae of the mediastinum when they join the first rib on each side. 60 Pulmonary Artery and Veins and Vena Cava. From this part of the curve three large branches go off, viz: one, which soon divides into the carotid and the subclavian arteries of the right side; a second, somewhat smaller, which is the left carotid; and a third, which is the left subclavian artery. When the heart and its great vessels are viewed from behind, (after they have all been filled with injection; and the pericardium, mediastinum, and windpipe have been removed,) the aorta appears first, descending behind the other vessels; the pulmonary artery then appears, dividing so as to form an obtuse angle with its two great branches, each of which divides again before it enters the lung to which it is destined. Under the main trunk of the pulmonary artery is the left auricle: its posterior surface is nearly of a square form, and each of the pulmonary veins proceeds from one of its angles. These veins ramify in the substance of the lungs, at a very short distance from the auricle: the two upper- most of them are situated rather anterior to the branches of the pulmonary artery. In this posterior view, the pulmonary vessels of the right side cover a great part of the right auricle, as it is anterior to them. The lower portion of the auricle, with the termination of the inferior cava, is to be seen below them. Above them, the superior cava appears; and in that part of it, which is immediately above the right branch of the pulmonary artery, is the orifice of the vena azjgos. In its natural situation in the thorax, the superior cava is connected by cellular membrane to the right lamina of the mediastinum, and supported by it. At a small distance below the upper edge of the sternum, it receives the trunk formed by the left subclavian and internal jugular vein which passes obliquely across the sternum below its inner edge, in the upper space between the laminae of the medi- astinum. 61 CHAPTER III. OF THE TRACHEA AND THE LUNGS. ALTHOUGH the principal part of the windpipe is situated in the neck above the cavity of the thorax, it is so intimately connected with the lungs, that it is necessary to describe them together. SECTION I. Of the Trachea. Trachea is the technical name for the windpipe, or tube which passes from the larynx to the lungs. This tube begins at the lower edge of the cricoid car- tilage, and passes down the neck in front of the cesopha* gus as low as the third dorsal vertebra, when it divides into two branches called Bronchia, one of which goes to the right and the other to the left lung and ramifies very minutely in them. There is in its structure a number of flat cartilaginous rings placed at small distances from each other, the edges of which are connected by membrane so that they com- pose a tube. These cartilaginous rings are not complete, for they do not form more than three fourths or four fifths of a circle; but their ends are connected by a membrane which forms the posterior part of the tube. They are not alike in their size or form; some of them are rendered broader than others, by the union of two or three rings with each other, as the uppermost. The lower- most also is broad, and has a form which is accommodated 62 Structure of the Trachea. to the bifurcation of the tube. Their number varies, in different persons, from fifteen to twenty. These rings may be considered as forming a part of the first proper coat of the trachea; which is composed of them, and of an elastic membrane that occupies all the interstice between them; so that the cartilages may be re- garded as fixed in this membrane. A similar arrangement of rings exists in the great branches of the bronchiae; but after they ramify in the lungs, the cartilages are no longer in the form of rings: they are irregular in their figures, and are so arranged in the membrane that they keep the tube completely open. These portions of cartilage do not continue throughout the Whole extent of the ramifications; for they become smaller, and finally disappear, while the membranous tube continues without them, ramifying minutely, and proba- bly forming the air cells of the lungs. This membrane is very elastic: the lungs are very elastic also; and it is probable that their elasticity is derived from this membrane. On the inside of this coat of the trachea is an arrange- ment of muscular fibres, which may be called a muscular coat. It is best seen by peeling off or removing the inter- nal coat to be next described. On the membranous part of the trachea, where the car- tilaginous rings are deficient, these muscular fibres run evidently in a transverse direction: in the spaces between the cartilages their direction is longitudinal. There is some reason to doubt whether these longitudinal fibres are confined altogether to the spaces between the cartilaginous rings, and attached only to their edges, because there is a fleshy substance on the internal surface of the rings, which appears to be continued from the spaces between them. The internal coat of the trachea is a thin and delicate membrane, perforated with an immense number of small foramina, which arc the orifices of mucous ducts. Black Glands of the Bronchia. 63 On the surface of this membrane there is an appearance of longitudinal fibres which are not distributed uniformly over it, but run in fasciculi in some places, and appear to be deficient in others. These fasciculi are particularly conspicuous in the ramifications of the bronchiae in the lungs. On the posterior membranous portion of the trachea, where the cartilages are deficient, a considerable number of small glandular bodies are placed, which are supposed to communicate with the mucous ducts that open on the internal surface. If these bodies are removed from the external surface of this portion, and the muscular fibres are also removed from the internal, a very thin membrane only remains, which is very different from that which is left between the rings, when the fleshy substance is re- moved from that situation. The reason of the deficiency in the rings, at this poste- rior part, is not very obvious. It continues in the bronchiae until the form of their cartilages is changed in the lungs: if it were only to accommodate the oesophagus, during ihe passage of food, there would be no occasion for its exten- sion to the bronchiae. At the bifurcation of the trachea, and on the bronchiae, are a number of black coloured bodies, which resemble the lymphatic glands in form and texture. They continue on the ramifications of the bronchiae some distance into the substance of the lungs. Their number is often very considerable; and they vary in size from three or four lines in diameter to eighteen or twenty. As lymphatic vessels have been traced to and from them during their course to the thoracic duct, they are considered as lym- phatic glands. 64 Root of the Lungs. SECTION II. Of the Lungs. THERE are two of these organs: each of which occu- pies one of the great cavities of the thorax When placed together, in their natural position, they resemble the hoof of the ox, with its back part forward; but they are at such a distance from each other, and of such a figure, that they allow the mediastinum and heart to intervene; and they cover every part of the heart ante- riorly, except a small portion at the apex. Each lung fills completely the cavity in which it is placed, and every part of its external surface is in con- tact with some part of the internal surface of the cavity; but when in a natural and healthy stare, it is not con- nected with any part except the laminae of the medias- tinum. One great branch of the trachea and of the pul- monary artery pass from the mediastinum to each lung, and enter it at a place which is rather nearer to the upper rib than to the diaphragm, and much nearer to the spine than the sternum: at this place also the pulmo- nary veins return from the lung to the heart. These vessels are inclosed in a membrane, which is continued over them from the mediastinum, and ex- tended from them to the lung. Thus covered, they con- stitute what has been called the Root of the Lung. When their covering, derived from the mediastinum, is removed, the situation of these vessels appears to be such that the bronchiae are posterior, the branches of the pulmonary artery are rather above and before, and the veins below and before them. Each of these vessels ramifies before it enters into the substance of the lungs: the bronchiae and the branches of the pulmonary artery send each a large branch downward Colour of the Lungs. 65 to the inferior part of the lungs, from which the lower pulmonary veins pass in a direction nearly horizontal. In general, each of the smaller ramifications of the bronchiae in the lungs is attended by an artery and a vein. Each lung is divided, by very deep fissures, into por- tions which are called Lobes. The right lung is composed of three of these lobes, and the left lung of two. The lungs are covered, as has been already stated, with the reflected portion of the pleura continued from the mediastinum, which is very delicate, and almost transparent. They have, therefore, a very smooth sur- face, which is kept moist by exudation from the arteries of the membrane. The Colour of the Lungs is different in different sub- jects. In children they are of a light red colour; in adults they are often o£a light grey; owing to the deposition of a black pigment in the substance immediately under the membranes which form their external surface. Their colour is often formed by a mixture of red and black. In this case they are more loaded with blood, and the ves- sels of the internal membranes being distended with it, the red colour is derived from them. The black pigment sometimes appears in round spots of three or four lines in diameter: under the external membrane it is often in much smaller portions, and sometimes is arranged in lines in the interstices of the lobuli, to be hereafter mentioned. It is also diffused in small quantities throughout the substance of the lungs. The source of this substance, and the use of it, are unknown. The lungs are of a soft spongy texture; and, in ani- mals that have breathed, they have always a considera- ble quantity of air in them. They consist of cells, which communicate with the branches of the trachea that ramify through them in every part. These cells are extremely small, and the Vol. II. I 66 Structure of the Lungs. membranes which compose them are so thin and deli- cate that if they are all filled by an injection of wax, thrown into the trachea, the whole cellular part of the lung will appear like a mass of wax. If a corroded pre- paration be made of a lung injected in this manner with force, the wax will appear like a concretion. These effects of injection prove that the membranes of which the cells are formed are very thin; and, of course, that their volume is very small when compared with the capacity of the cells. In those corroded preparations, in which the ramifica- tions of the bronchiae are detached from the wax of the cells, these ramifications become extremely small indeed. If the lungs of the human subject, or of animals of similar construction, be examined when they are inflated, their cellular structure will be very obvious, although, their cells are so small that they cannot commonly be distinguished by the naked eye. Each of the extreme ra- mifications of the bronchiae appears to be surrounded by a portion of this cellular substance, which is gradually distended when air is blown into the ramification. This cellular substance is formed into small portions of various angular figures, which are denominated Lo- buli: these can be separated to a considerable extent from each other. They are covered by the proper coat of the lungs, which is extremely delicate, and closely connected to the general covering derived from the pleura. Between the lobuli, when they are in contact with each other, there is a portion of common cellular substance, which is easily distinguished through the membrane covering the lungs. This is very distinct from the cellular structure which communicates with the ramifications of the bronchia?, and contains air; for it has no communication with the air, unless the proper coat of the lungs be ruptured. If a pipe be introduced by a puncture of the external coat of the lungs, and this The Tlwrax of the Foetus. 67 . interstitial cellular membrane be inflated, it will com- press the lobuli. This cellular membrane is always free from adipose matter: it may be easily examined in the lungs of the bullock. Upon the membranes which compose the air cells, the pulmonary artery and vein ramify most minutely; and it seems to have been proved within the last thirty years, by the united labours of chemists and physiologists, that the great object of respiration is to effect a chemical pro. cess between the atmospheric air, when taken into the air cells, and the blood which circulates in these vessels. In addition to the bloodvessels which thus pass through the substance of the lungs, there are several smaller ar- teries, denominated Bronchial, which arise either from the upper intercostal, or from the aorta itself: they pass upon the bronchiae, and are distributed to the substance of the lungs. The veins which correspond with these ar- teries terminate ultimately in the vena azygos. The nerves of the lungs are small in proportion to the bulk of these organs. They are derived principally from the par vagum and the intercostal nerves. The elasticity of the air cells of the lungs and of the ramifications of the; {bronchiae which lead to them, ap- pears by their rapid contraction after distention, and by the force with which they expel the air which is used to inflate them when taken out of the thorax. The Thorax of the Foetus. In the cavity between the laminae of the mediastinum, where they approach each other from the first ribs, is situ- ated a substance which is denominated the Thymus Gland. This substance gradually diminishes after birth, so that in the adult it is often not to be found: and when it exists it is changed in its texture, being much firmer, as well as greatly diminished. 68 The Thorax of the Foetus. In the foetus it is of a pale red colour; and during in- r fancy it has a yellowish tinge. It generally extends from the thyroid gland, or a little below it, to the pericardium. From its superior portion two lateral processes are ex- tended upwards: below, it is formed into two lobes, which lie on the pericardium. If an incision be made into its substance, a fluid can be pressed out, which has a whitish colour, and coagulates upon the addition of alcohol. Although it is called a gland, no excretory duct has ever been found connected with it. The bloodvessels of this body are derived from the tlivroid branches of the subclavians, from the internal mammaries, and the vessels of the pericardium and medi- astinum. The Heart, And the great arteries which proceed from it, have some very interesting peculiarities in the foetus. In the septum between the two auricles, is a foramen of sufficient size to permit the passage of a large quill, which inclines to the oval form, with its longest diameter vertical when the body is erect. Oi*.the left side of the septum, a valve, formed by the lining membranes, is con- nected to this foramen; and allows a free passage to a fluid moving from the right auricle to the left, but prevents the passage of a fluid from the left to the right. This structure is evidently calculated to allow some of the blood which flows into the right auricle from the two venae cavae to pass into the left auricle of the heart, instead of going in- to the right ventricle. As the contents of the left auricle pass into the left ventricle, and from thence into the aorta, it is obvious that the blood, which passes from the right auricle into the left through this foramen, must be trans- mitted from the system of the vena cava to the system of the aorta without going through the lungs, as it must ne- The Thorax of the Foetus. 69 cessarily do in subjects who do not enjoy the foetal struc- ture. ' The Pulmonary Artery and the Aorta Have a communication in the foetus, which is very ana- logous to the communication between the auricles of the heart. From the pulmonary artery, where it divides into the two great branches, another large branch continues, in the direction of the main trunk, until it joins the aorta; with which it communicates at a small distance below the ori- gin of the left subclavian artery. In the young subject that has never respired, it appears as if the pulmonary artery was continued into the aorta, and sent off in its course, a branch on each side, much smaller than itself, to each lung. In subjects that have lived a few days, these branches to the lungs are much larger; and then the main pulmonary artery appears to have divided into three branches: one to each lung, and one to the aorta; but that which continues to the aorta is larger than either of the others. In the course of time, however, this branch of the aorta is contracted, so that no fluid passes through it; and it has the appearance of a ligament, in which state it remains. The course of the blood from the right ventricle, through the pulmonary artery, to the aorta below its curve, is more direct than that from the left ventricle to the same spot, through the aorta at its commencement. The column of blood in the aorta below its curve is evidently propel- led by the force of both ventricles: and this circumstance, although it seems to proceed merely from the state of the foetal lungs, is particularly calculated for the very exten- sive circulation which the foetus carries on, by means of the umbilical arteries and vein in the placenta. 70 General Observations. The Lungs of the Foetus Differ greatly from those of the adult. They appear solid, as if they were composed of the parenchymatous substance which constitutes the matter of glands, rather than the light spongy substance of the lungs of adults. They differ also in colour from the lungs of older subjects, being of a dull red. They have greater specific gravity than water; but if air be once inspired, so much of it remains in them that they ever afterwards float in that fluid. The nature of the process of respiration, and its effects upon the animal economy, particularly upon the action of the heart, appear to be much better understood at this time than they were before the discovery of the composition of the atmosphere, by Dr. Priestley and by Mr. Scheele. The publications upon this subject, which have appeared since that period, viz. 1774, are therefore much more interesting to the student of me- dicine than those which preceded them. Two of these publications ought to be particularly noticed by him: viz. an essay, by Dr. Edward Goodwyn, intitled " The Connexion of life with respiration;" and—the " Phy- siological Researches of M. Bichat upon Life and Death. Part Second."* Th» general doctrines respecting the oxygenation or de- carbonation of the blood, and the absolute necessity that it should take place to a certain degree in order * The student will derive much information respecting the pub- lications on this subject, prior to 1804, from Dr. Bostock's Essay on Respiration.—Since the publication of that essay several interesting papers on respiration have appeared, viz: Two memoirs by the late Abbe Spalanzani;—" An Inquiry into the Changes induced on At- mospheric Air by the Germination of Seeds, &c." by Ellis;__two very important communications by Messrs. Allen and Pepys in the Trans- actions of the Royal Society of London for 1808 and 1809;—and " Further Inquiries into the changes induced on Atmospheric Air." Also by Ellis. Cases of Malformation. 71 to Jn-eserve life, are confirmed by a number of cases of malformation of the heart or the great vessels, in which the structure was such that a considerable por- tion of venous blood passed from the right side of the heart to the aorta, without going through the lungs. In these different cases, notwithstanding the structure was somewhat varied, the symptoms produced were very much alike; differing in the respective patients in degree only, and not in kind. The symptoms indicating this structure are blue colour of the face, (such as generally accompanies suffocation) extending more or less over the whole body, and par- ticularly apparent under the nails of the fingers and toes; anxiety about the region of the heart; palpitation; laborious respiration; sensations of great debility, &c: all of which are greatly aggravated by muscular exer- tion. These effects have generally appeared to be pro- portioned to the quantity of venous blood admitted into the aortic system.* When these appearances take place immediately after birth, it is probable that they depend entirely upon malformation of the heart or great vessels; but when they commence at a subsequent period, they are com- monly the effect of a diseased alteration in the lungs. They sometimes occur near the termination of fatal cases of pneumonia or catarrh; but a different cause, which has not latterly been suspected, appears to have produced them in the following case related by Dr. Marcet, in the first volume of the Edinburgh Medical and Physical Journal. The blue colour occurred in a young woman twenty- one years of age, in whom it had never been observed ' Cases of this kind are related in several of the periodical pub* lications on medical subjects. Two of them were described by the late Dr. William Hunter in the sixth volume of Medical Observa- tions and Inquiries, by a Society of Physicians in London; one (quoted by Dr. Goodwyn) is in the Observationes Anatoniicae of Sandifort; and another, by Dr. J. S. Dorsey, has lately been publish- ed in the first number of the New England Journal of Medioine and Surgery. Adhesion of the Lungs to the Thorax. before. It came on during an affection of the breast, and was attended with great prostration of strength and dif- .ficulty of breathing; as well as cough, axle ma of the hands and feet, and several other symptoms. About seven weeks after the commencement of these symp- toms she died; when it was ascertained by dissection, that there was no unnatural communication whatever between the cavities of the heart, and that its valves were all in a perfect and natural state. The lungs were free from tubercles, or any other appearance of disease* Their substance seemed more compact than usual, espe- cially the left lung, although it did not sink in water; but they adhered every where to the inner surface of the thorax, to the diaphragm, and to the pleura covering the pericardium.—This case is the more remarkable, be- cause numberless instances have occurred in which very large portions of the external surface of the lungs have been found upon dissection to adhere to the inter- nal surface of the thorax without the occurrence of such symptoms during life. may be inferred, from a statement published by M. Du- puytren in a late volume of the Proceedings of the Na- tional Institute of France, that the oxygenation or de- carbonation of the blood is much affected, in respiration, by an influence exercised by the nerves which are ap- propriated to the lungs. From his account it appears, that although the complete division of the eighth pair of nerves produces death after some time; yet, in the horse whose nerves are thus divided, life continues, and respiration goes on, from half an hour to ten hours; but his arterial blood is in a state of great disoxygena- tion or carbonation, during this time___This fact is more remarkable, because venous blood, contained in a blad- der exposed to the open air, will become oxygenated or decarbonated. It is also asserted in another Memoir, read to the Na- tional Institute by Dr. J. M. Provencal, that animals in whom the eighth pair of nerves has been divided, do not Effects of Venous Blood on the Heart. 73 consume so much oxygen, or produce so much carbonic acid, by a considerable degree, as they did before the division of these nerves; and that their temperature is considerably. reduced.* The fact, that venous blood occasions death when it is ad- mitted into the left ventricle of the heart, and the aorta, is truly important. Dr. Goodwin explained it by sug- gesting that this blood was not sufficiently stimulating to produce the necessary excitement of the heart; but on this occasion one of his friends proposed to him the following question: Why does venous blood affect the left side of the heart in this injurious manner, when it appears to exert no noxious effects whatever on the right side of that organ? His reply may be seen in a note at the 82d page of his Essay, in the first edition. Bichat has offered a solution which completely re- solves this difficulty, viz. u The effect of venous blood upon the heart is produced by the presence of this blood in the proper, or coronary, arteries of that organ, and not in its great cavities." For the animation of the heart, like that of the other parts of the body, depends upon the state of the blood in the arteries which penetrate its texture.f And while the heart acts, the blood of the coronary arteries will be the same with that of the left ventricle. See Bichat's Researches, P. II. art. 6, §2. The French Anatomists appear to entertain some peculiar opinions respecting the course of the* bluod in the foetus, which have a particular relation to the subject last men- tioned. Winslow, who paid great attention to the valve of Eustachius in the right auricle of the heart, was of opinion, that this valve was calculated for some impor- tant purpose in the foetal economy4 Although his hy- * These Memoirs are republished in the Eclectic Repertory of Philadelphia for April and October 1811. t It is probable that the contents of the great cavities of the heart have no more effect upon its animation than the contents of the sto- mach and bowels have upon the animation of those organs. \ See Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1717 and 1725. Vol. II. K Sentiments of Sabatier, &c. pothesis respecting its particular use has not been re- tained by his countrymen, many of them have adopted i his general sentiment; and among others Sabatier. That learned anatomist believed that this valve, in the foetal state, serves to direct the blood of the inferior cava, after its arrival in the right auricle, through the foramen ovale ] into the left auricle; while the blood of the upper cava passes directly into the right ventricle. His opinion seems j to be supported to a certain degree, • 1. By the direction in which the two columns of blood enter the auricle from the two vense cavse. 2. By the position of the Eustachian valve. 3. By the foramen ovale, when its valve is complete; as the passage through it, from the right to the left, is at that time oblique, and from below upwards. The theory of Sabatier appears to be this: The unv j bilical vein brings from the placenta blood which has a quality essential to the animation of the foetus. If there were no particular provision to the contrary, a large portion of this blood, after passing from the umbilical $ vein by the inferior cava into the right auricle of the heart, would proceed by the right ventricle, through the pulmonary artery and arterial canal, into the aorta, below the origins of the carotid and subclavian arteries; and consequently none of it would pass to the head and upper extremities, but a considerable part would return again by the umbilical arteries to the placenta, without circulat- ing through the body: while on the other hand, the blood which passed by the carotid and subclavian arteries to the head and upper extremities, returning from them to the heart by the superior cava, might pass from the right auricle to the left auricle and ventricle and the aorta, and so to the head and upper extremities again, without pass- ing through the placenta.'. But by means of this valve, the blood of the lower cava, and of Course of the umbilical vein, is directed to the left auricle and ventricle and the aorta, by which a considerable portion of it will necessa- rily pass to the head and upper extremities: while the blood which* returns from these parts by the supe- rior cava, must consequently pass from the right au- respecting the Foetal Circulation. 75 ricle into the right ventricle and pulmonary artery; from whence a large portion of it will proceed through the arterial canal into the aorta beyond the carotids and sub- calvians, and of this portion a considerable part will go to the placenta by the umbilical arteries. Sabatier com- pares the course of the blood in the foetus to the course of a fluid in a tube which has the form of the numeral character 8.*—If this doctrine be true, the progress of the blood in the foetus and placenta is very analogous to that of the double circulation of the adult; the charaq|gr 8 answering equally well in the description of either sub- ject. According to Sabatier, the blood of the placenta takes this peculiar course through the heart, in order that some of it may be carried to the head and upper extremities. But an additional reason may be suggested, which ap- pears to be of great importance; viz. the supplying of the coronary or proper vessels of the heart with some of the same blood. The heart of the adult, as has been before stated, cann not act without its proper or coronary arteries are sup- plied with arterial blood. The heart of the foetus per- forms a more extensive circulation than that of the adult, and therefore is probably in greater need of such blood. But unless the blood of the placenta passes through the foramen ovale into the left auricle and ventricle, and so to the aorta, it cannot enter the coronary arteries which riginate at the commencement of the aorta; for the blood which flows from the right side of the heart through the arterial canal, passes into the aorta at so great a dis- tance from the orifices of the coronary arteries, that it certainly cannot enter them. The whqle of this doctrine seems to be supported by a fact, very familiar to accoucheurs, viz. the occurrence of death in the foetus whenever the circulation through the umbilical cord is suspended tluring fifteen or twenty minutes: for as the placenta imparts to the foetal blood * See Sabatier's Paper on this subject in the Memoirs of the Aca- demy of Sciences, for 1774. * Unusual Cases of Malformation. a quality essential to life, some arrangement seems ne- cessary to provide for the equal distribution of the blood which comis from this organ, and especially for carrying the requisite proportion of it to the substance of the heart. Life has existed for some time with a structure very dif- ferent indeed from that which is natural. In the series of elegant engravings relating to morbid anatomy, pub- lished by Dr. Baillie, is the representation of a heart, j in which the vense cavae opened into the right auricle, and the pulmonary veins into the left auricle, in the i usual manner; but the aorta arose entirely from the right ventricle, and the pulmonary artery as completely from the left.—The canalis arteriosus, however, passed from the pulmonary artery to the aorta, and the fora- jj men ovale existed. In this case it is evident that the pulmonary artery must have carried back to the lungs tne arterial blood which came from them by the pulmo* 1 nary veins, with a small quantity of venous blood that passed into the left auricle through the foramen ovale; 1 and that the aorta must have returned, to the body, the venous blood which just before had been brought from \ it by the venae cavae, with a small addition of arterial blood that passed through the ductus arteriosus. Yet, with this structure, the child lived two months after its birth. A case, which had a strong resemblance to the fore- going, occurred lately in Philadelphia, and was examin- ed by the author of this work. The venae cavae terminat- ed regularly in the right auricle, and the pulmonary ! veins in the same regular manner in the left; but the pulmonary artery arose from the left ventricle, and the aorta from the right. There was no communication be- \ tween these vessels by a canalis arteriosus; but a large , opening existed in the septum between the auricles. It is very evident, that in this case also the pulmonary artery must have returned to the lungs the arterial blood as it came from them, and the aorta must have carried '■ back to the general system the venous blood brought to Foramen Ovale, 77 the heart by the cavae; excepting only those portions of the arterial and venous blood which must have flowed reciprocally from one auricle into the other, and thus changed their respective situations. The subject was about two years and a half old. The heart was nearly double the natural size, and the fora- men, or opening in the septum between the auricles, was eight or nine lines in diameter. The pulmonary ar- tery was larger in proportion than the aorta or the heart. With this organization the child lived to the age above specified. His countenance was generally rather livid; and this colour was always much increased by the least irregularity of respiration. His nails were always livid. He sometimes appeared placid, but more fre- quently in distress. He never Walked, and seldom, if ever, stood on his feet. When sitting on the floor, he would sometimes push himself about the room; but this muscular exertion always greatly affected his respira- ration. He attained the size common to children of his age, and had generally a great appetite. For some weeks before death his legs and feet were swelled. It is probable that the protraction of life depended upon the mixture of the blood in the two auricles; and that they really were to be considered as one cavity, in this case. There seems reason to believe, that in adults of the com- mon structure, there is no passage of blood from one auricle to the other, when the foramen ovale has re- mained open; because in several persons in whom it was found by dissection to have remained open, there were no appearances during life that indicated the pre- sence of disoxygenated blood in the aortic system. It is pre bable, that the small size of the foramen ovale, the valvular structure which generally exists there, and the complete occupation of the left auricle by the blood flowing from the pulmonary veins, prevent the passage of blood from the right auricle to the left, in such per- sons; whereas, in the case in question, the opening be- tween the auricles was very large indeed, and there was no appearance of a valve about it. 78 On the Source of the Motion of the Heart. Although it be admitted, that in adults with the fora- men ovale pervious, there is no transmission of blood from the right to the left auricle; there is every reason to believe that this transmission goes on steadily in the foetus. To the arguments, derived from the structure and the nature of the case, i< may be added, that the pulmonary veins, in the foetal state, carry to the left au- ricle a quantity of blood, not sufficient to fill it; while the venae cavae carry to the right auricle not only the whole blood of the body, but of the umbilical cord and placenta: some of which must flow into the unfilled left auricle, when the right auricle becomes fully distended. The question how far the functions of the heart and lungs are dependent upon the brain is very important, and has often been agitated with great zeal. In favour of the opinion that the motions of the heart are inde- pendent of the brain, may be stated the numerous cases in which the brain has been deficient in children, who have notwithstanding lived the full period of utero ges- tation, and even a short time after birth, and have ar- rived at their full size, with every appearance of perfect vigour and action in the heart. In support of the doc- trine, that the action of the heart is immediately de- pendent upon the brain, it may be observed, that no organ of the body appears to be so much influenced by passions and other mental affections as the heart. These contradictory facts have occasioned this question to be considered as undecided, if not incapable of solution; although Cruikshank and Bichat* have stated circum- stances very favourable to the opinion that the motions of the heart are independent of the brain. * See Cruikshank's Experiments on the Nerves and Spinal Mar- row of living animals; London Philosophical Transactions for 1795. The eighth experiment has a particular relation to this subject. Bichat's Researches, part 2, article 9. The Abbe Fontana has considered this subject in his Treatise on the Venom of the Viper, vol. ii. page 194, English translation; and also in some of his other works. Humboldt and others on Legallois7 Paper. 79 This question seems now to be settled by the experi- ments of Dr. Legallois, a physician of Paris, which prove, that in animals who have suffered decapitation, the action of the heart does not cease as an immediate consequence of the removal of the head; but its cessa- tion is an indirect effect, induced by the suspension of respiration. That respiration is immediately affected by decapitation, and depends upon the influence of the brain transmitted through the eighth pair of nerves. That the action of the heart will continue a long time after decapitation, if inflation of the lungs, or artificial respiration, be performed; but, on the contrary, if the spinal marrow be destroyed, the action of the heart ceases irrecoverably. The inference from these experiments seems very conclusive, that the Spinal Marrow, and not the brain, is the source of the motions of the heart. It appears also by some of the experiments, that the power of motion in the trunk of the body is derived from the spinal marrow; and that when this organ is partially destroyed, the parts which receive nerves from the de- stroyed portion soon cease to live. By particular man- agement of the spinal marrow, one part of the body can be preserved alive for some time after the other parts are dead. These experiments of Dr. Legallois commenced in 1806 % or 1807, and were communicated to the Imperial Insti*- tute of France in 1811. The committee of that body to whom they were referred, viz. Messrs. Humboldt, Halle and Percy, reported that the experiments had been repeated before them, at three different meetings of se- veral hours each; and that to allow themselves sufficient time for reflection, they suffered an interval of a week to take place between the meetings. The committee be- lieve these experiments to have proved, 1st. That the principle upon which all the movements of inspiration depend, has its seat about that part of the medulli oblongata from \?hich the nerves of the eighth pair arise. 2d. That the principle which animates each part of the 80 Brodie on the Source of the Motion of the Heart. trunk of the body is seated in that portion of the spinal marrow from which the nerves of the part arise. 3d. That the source of the life and strength of the heart is also in the spinal marrow; not in any distinct portion, but in the whole of it. 4th. That the great sympathetic nerve, is to be consi- dered as originating in the spinal marrow, and that the particular character of this nerve is to place each of the parts to which it is distributed under the immediate in- fluence of the whole nervous power. The interesting memoir of Dr. Legallois is confirmed to a certain degree by a communication of B. C Brodie to the Royal Society of London in 1810, in which are de- tailed many very interesting experiments which induced the author to conclude,— That the influence of the brain is not directly neces- sary to the action of the heart; and That when the brain is injured or removed, the ac- tion of the heart ceases, only because respiration is un- der its influence; and if under these circumstauces res- piration is artificially produced, the circulation will still continue. These various experiments apply particularly to the cases in which the brain is deficient. The effects of mental agitations on the heart are likewise reconcileable to the theory which arises out of them. But they throw no light on the question why the motions of the heart are so perfectly free from the influence of the will: and al- though they seem to prove incontestably that the mo- tion of the heart is independent of the brain, it ought to be remembered that in certain diseased states of the brain, where that organ appears to be compressed, the action of the heart is often very irregular, and its con- tractions less frequent than usual. SYSTEM OF ANATOMY. PART VIII. OF THE ABDOMEN. THE lowermost of the two great cavities of the trunk of the body is called Abdomen. The pelvis may be consi- dered as a chamber of this cavity, although its structure is very different. CHAPTER I. A GENERAL VIEW OF THE ABDOMEN AND PELVIS AND THEIR CONTENT8, WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE PERITONEUM. SECTION I. Of the Abdomen. THIS great cavity occupies more than half of the space inclosed by the ribs, and all the interior of the trunk of the body below the thorax. It is formed by the diaphragm, supported by the lower ribs; by a portion of the spine; by the various muscles which occur between the lower margin of the thorax and the upper margin of the ossa innominata; and by the ossa innominata, which contribute, for the purpose, the costs of the ossa ilea, as well as the pelvis.. Vol. II. L 82 Construction of the Abdomen. The general figure of this cavity partakes of the figure of the lower part of the trunk of the body; with these ex- ceptions, that the diaphragm makes it arched or vaulted above, that the spine and psoas muscles, &c. are rather prominent on the posterior surface, and that the lower part corresponds with the costse of the ossa ilea and with the pelvis. To acquire a precise idea of this cavity, it is necessary first to study the bones concerned in its structure, in their natural situation in the skeleton; and then the muscles, which form so large a part of it. The arrangement of the tendons of some of these mus- cles, with a view to complete the cavity, is particularly interesting; as that of the external oblique when it forms the crural arch.* The ligaments of the pelvis and the le- vatores ani muscles, as they also contribute to the forma- tion of the cavity, and have an influence upon its figure, should likewise be attended to. In the walls of the cavity, thus constructed, there are man) foramina by which the viscera and other contained parts communicate externally; but few of them pass di- rectly into the cavity; for like the thorax, there are no va- cuities in it exterior to the contained organs. Three of these foramina are in the diaphragm. One for the transmission of the aorta, another for the vena cava, and a third for the oesophagus. Below, there is an aperture at each of the crural arches, for the transmission of the great femoral vessels; in each of the ligamentous mem- branes, which close the foramen thyroideum, for the obtu- rator vessels and nerve; and at the sacro sciatic notches, for nerves and bloodvessels. There are also two apertures at the bottom of the pel- vis, for the orifice of the rectum and of the urethra. In the tendons of the external oblique muscles are two orifices, * See the account of this tendon, vol. i. in the description of the li Obliquus Decendens Lxternus." Construction of the Abdomen. 83 covered by the integuments, for the spermatic cords; and, in the foetal state, one for the umbilical cord. The apertures in the tendons, and under their edges, for the transmission of the spermatic cords, and the blood- vessels, &c. are not to be considered as simple perfora- tions made abruptly; but the edges of these foramina are formed by tendinous membranes turned inwards and con- tinued so'as to compose a cylindrical tube, which becomes gradually so thin that it cannot be readily distinguished from the cellular membrane with which it is connected.* The bloodvessels, &c. pass along this tube before they go through the apertures. It is evident from the construction of this cavity that it is essentially different from the thorax. It has no power of spontaneous dilatation whatever: it yields passively to the distension of the stomach and intestines, during deglu- tition, and when air is extricated from the aliment, &c; but it is particularly calculated for compressing its con- tents by the contraction of the muscles which compose it. The diminution of its capacity, which is thus effected, not only takes place to a great degree, but occasionally with great force. The diaphragm and the abdominal mus- cles may be considered in some measure as antagonists of each other. When the diaphragm descends, if the ab- dominal muscles are passive, they are distended by the contents of the abdomen, which are forcibly pressed from above; but if the abdominal muscles act at the same time, an effort to diminish the cavity in every direction takes place, and the contained parts are compressed with more or less force according to the exertion made. This will be very evident upon examining the situation of the dia- phragm and of the abdominal muscles. When their force * The student of anatomy, when engaged with this subject, will be gratified by the examination of Mr. Astley Cooper's plates rela- ting to hernias. 84 Contents of the Abdomen. is considered it will also be very obvious that the various outlets of the cavity are constructed most advantageously; otherwise hernia or protrusion of its.contents would be a daily occurrence. The abdomen contains, 1st. The Stomach and the whole Intestinal Tube, consisting of the small and the great in- testines. 2d. The Assisting Chylopoietic Viscera,—the Liver, the Pancreas and the Spleen. 3d. The Urinary Organs,—the Kidneys, the Ureters, and the Bladder. To which should be added the Glandu- lar Renales. 4th. The Organs of Generation in part: those of the female sex being almost wholly included in the pelvis; and those of the male being situated partly within and partly without it. 5th. The Peritoneum and its various processes. The Mesentery, Omentum, &c. 6th. A portion of the Aorta, and almost the whole of the Inferior Cava, and their great ramifications; with such of their branches as are appropriated to the Viscera of the Abdomen and Pelvis. 7th. Those portions of the Par Vagum and Intercostal Nerves which are appropriated to the cavity; and portions of some of the nerves destined to the lower extremities. 8th. The lower part of the Thoracic Duct, or the Great Trunk of the Absorbent System, with the large branches that compose it, and the glands connected with them; and also those absorbent vessels called Lacteals, and their glands. As the cavity of the abdomen has no natural divisions, anatomists have divided it by imaginary lines into various regions, with a view to precision in their accounts of the situation of the different contained parts. Thus, They have, very generally, agreed to apply two trans- verse lines to form three great divisions; viz. the Upper, Regions of the Abdomen. 85 Middle and Lower: and they have also agreed that each of these divisions shall be subdivided into three regions. The three regions of the uppermost division are defined with some precision. Those on each side, which are called the Right and Left Hypochondriac regions, occupy the spaces immediately within the lower ribs and their carti- lages; while the middle space, included within the margins of these cartilages, and a line drawn from the lower edge of the thorax on one side to that on the other, is denomina- ted the Epigastric region. The boundaries of the regions below are less precisely defined. Many anatomists have fixed the two transverse lines above mentioned at an arbitrary distance above and below the umbilicus: some choosing for this purpose two inches, and others a hand's breadth. As these distances will occu- py different proportions of the cavity in persons of differ- ent stature, other anatomists, with a view to avoid this inconvenience, have proposed to connect these lines with certain fixed points of the skeleton. It is of importance that the boundaries of these regions should be fixed, and therefore the proposition of Sabatier may be adopted; viz. To draw the upper transverse line from the most inferior part of the lower nvirgin of the thorax, on one side, to the corresponding part on the oppo- site side; and the lower transverse line from the upper- most part of the spine of one ileum to the same part of the other. These lines will mark the three great divisions. If then two parallel lines are drawn directly upwards, one from each of the superior anterior spinous processes of the ileum until it touches the lower margin of the thorax, they will divide each of the two lower divisions of the abdomen into three regions. The center of the middle division is the umbilical, and on each side of it is the right and left lumbar region. The middle of the lower division 86 Situation of the Viscera, fc?c. in the is the hypogastric; and on each side of it the right and left iliac region. It is true, that the three middle regions of the abdomen \vill be made very small by the vicinity of the transverse lines to each other; but the advantages derived from a principle which is similar in its application to all subjects fully compensates this inconvenience. There are therefore nine of these regions: viz. The Epigastric and the two Hypochondriac: the Umbilical, and the two Lumbar: the Hypogastric, and the two Iliac regions.* And it should be added, that the space imme- diately around the end of the sternum is sometimes caU led the Scrobiculus Cordis; and the space immediately within the os pubis, the Regio Pubis. These different regions are generally occupied in the following manner. The liver fills nearly the whole of the right hypochondriac region, and extends through the up- per part of the epigastric region into the left hypochon- driac. The stomach occupies the principal part of the epi- gastric region, and a considerable portion of the left hy. pochondriac. The spleen is also situated in the left hypo- chondriac region. That portion of the intestinal tube, which is composed of the small intestines, is generally found in tile umbilical, the hypogastric, and the iliac re- gions; and when the bladder is empty, in the pelvis. But the duodenum, or first of the small intestines, which pro- ceeds immediately from the stomach, is situated in the epigastric and umbilical regions. The great intestine commences in or near the right iliac region, and ascends through the right lumbar to the right hypochondriac re- gion. It then crosses the abdomen, passing through the lower part of the epigastric, or upper part of the umbilical * It is to be observed that the lateral regions of the middle and lower divisions of the abdomen are named differently by different writers. Cavity of the Abdomen. 87 to the left lumbar region; from this it continues into the leit iliac region, and curves in such manner that it finally arrives at the middle of the upper part of the os sacrum, when it descends into the pelvis, and, partaking of the curvature of the last mentioned bone, continues to the termination of the os coccygis. In the back part of the epigastric region, and very low down in it, is situated the pancreas. The kidneys lie in the most posterior parts of the lumbar regions, and from each of them is continued a tube or duct, called Ureter, that passes into the pelvis to convey the urine to the bladder. This viscus, in males, is in contact with the last portion of the great intestine called the Rectum, and with it occupies almost all of the cavity of the pelvis; while in females, the uterus and its appendages are situated between this intestine and the bladder. In the posterior part of the abdomen, in contact with the spine, is the aorta. This great bloodvessel passes from the thorax between the crura of the diaphragm, and continues down the spine until it approaches towards the pelvis, when it divides into two great branches called the Iliac Arteries. Each of these great branches divides again, on the side of the pelvis, into two; viz. the Ex- ternal Uiac, which passes under the crural arch to the thigh, and the Internal Iliac, or Hypogastric, which de- scends into the cavity of the pelvis. Soon after the arrival of the aorta in the abdomen it gives off two large branches. The first, which is called the Coeliac, is distributed to the liver, the stomach, and the spleen: the second, called the Superior Mesenteric, is spent upon the intestines. Lower down, in the abdo- men, it also sends off-a small branch for the intestines, called the Inferior Mesenteric. Besides these vessels for the chylopoietic viscera, jthe aorta sends of a large branch, called Emulgent, to each kidney. .The inferior, or ascending vena cava, is situated on 88 The Peritoneum. the right of the aorta, in front of the spine. It is formed below by the union of the iliac veins, and in its progress upwards it receives the emulgent. veins, which corres- pond to the arteries of the kidneys; but it receives in its course no veins which correspond directly with the coeliac and mesenteric arteries. The smaller veins, that answer to the branches of these arteries, unite and form one large vein, which goes to the liver, and is called (from the part of that viscus at which it enters) Vena Portarum. From the liver three large veins pass into the vena cava, and deposit there the blood of the vena por- tarum, after it has furnished materials for the secretion of bile. The vena cava, in its passage upwards, is in close contact with the posterior thick edge of the liver: it often passes along a deep groove in this edge, and sometimes it is completely surrounded by the liver in its course. The veins of the liver enter the vena cava at this place, and of course they are not to be seen without dis- section. Immediately after leaving the liver the vena cava passes through an aperture in the tendinous center of the diaphragm to unite itself to the right auricle of the heart. SECTION II. Of the Peritoneum. THE abdomen, thus constructed and occupied, is lined by a thin firm membrane called Peritoneum, which is extremely smooth on its internal surface, and is inti- mately connected with the cellular substance exterior to it. This membrane adheres closely to the anterior, lateral, and superior portions of the surface of the abdomen; and is extended from the posterior surface so as to cover, The Peritoneum. 89 more or less completely, the viscera of the cavity. Those viscera which are in close contact with the posterior sur- face of the abdomen, as some portions of the large in- testine, are covered only on their anterior surfaces, and are fixed in their precise situations by the peritoneum; which extends from them to the contiguous surface of the cavity, and adheres where it is in contact, so as to produce this effect. Other viscera, which are not in close contact, but moveable to a distance from the posterior surface of the abdomen, are covered by this membrane, which is extend- ed to them from the surface; and this extended portion forms an important part of the connexion between the viscus and the cavity in which it lies. This connecting part is called Mesentery, when it thus passes to, the small intestines; Mesocolon, when it goes to the colon, one of the larger intestines; and Ligament, when it passes to some of the other viscera. The peritoneum is a complete but empty sac, which is fixed in the abdomen anterior to the viscera. The an- terior portion of this sac forms the lining to the ante- rior and lateral parts of the surface of the abdomen; the posterior portion covers the viscera, and forms the mer sentery, mesocolon, and ligaments above described. It necessarily follows that the mesentery and the other similar processes are mere plaits or folds of the sac, which invests the viscera; and that they must consist of two la- minae: and as the bloodvessels, nerves, and absorbents, are all posterior to the peritoneum, they naturally pass between these laminae of the mesentery. Some of the viscera are much more completely invest- ed with the peritoneum than others. The stomach, liver, and spleen, are almost completely surrounded by it; and it is said to form a coat for each of these viscera. That portion of the smaller intestinal tube, which is called je* junum and ileum, and the transverse portion of the large Vol. II. M 90 The Peritoneum. intestine, called the arch of the colon, are invested by it in the same way. But a considerable portion of the duo- denum and the pancreas is behind it. The later.il portions of the colon are in close contact with the posterior sur- face of the abdomen, and the peritoneum only covers that portion of their surfaces which looks anteriorly towards the cavity of the abdomen, and is not in contact with its posterior surface. The urinary organs are not much connected with the peritoneum. The kidneys appear exterior to it, and be- hind it: the bladder of urine is below it, and has but a partial covering from it, on its upper portion. The peritoneum, which covers the stomach, is ex- tended from the great curvature of that organ so as to form a large membrane, which descends like an apron before the intestines. This process of peritoneum is com- posed of two laminae, so thin and delicate as to resemble cellular membrane, which, after extending downwards to the lower part of the abdomen, are turned backwards and upwards, and proceed in that direction until they arrive at the colon, which they inclose, and then continue to the back of the abdomen, forming the mesocolon. The part of this process which is between the stomach and the colon, is called Epiploon, or Omentum. This extension of a membrane, from the surface of a cavity which it lines to the external surface of a viscusin that cavity, is called, by some anatomists, "reflection;" and the technical term reflected membrane is therefore ap- plied to a membrane distributed like the peritoneum. It must be evident that this distribution of the perito- neum is very complex, and that it is not easy to form an accurate conception of it from description, but it can be readily understood by demonstration; therefore no fur- ther account of its arrangement will now be attempted, but each of its processes will be considered with the or- gans to which they are particularly subservient. The Peritoneum. 9\ That portion of the peritoneum which lines the abdo- men and covers the viscera is thin and delicate, but very firm. It yields to distention, as in pregnancy, ascites, &c; and again recovers its dimensions. It was formerly thought to be composed of two lamina;, but this cannot be proved. The internal surface of this membrane is very smooth, and highly polished; and from it exudes a liquor which is well calculated for lubrication, and barely sufficient to keep the surface moist during health; but sometimes it is very abundant, and occasions the aforesaid disease—as- cites. This fluid appears to exude from the surface of the peritoneum when it is compressed in a living animal, or in one recently dead. It is probably effused from the ex- tremities of arteries, for an effusion takes place when water is injected into these vessels. The peritoneum abounds with absorbent vessels, and therefore possesses the power of absorption to a great de- gree. This power may be inferred, not only from the spon- taneous removal of the fluid of ascites, but if milk and water be introduced into the abdomen of a living animal, through a puncture, it will also disappear. The bloodvessels of the peritoneum are derived from those which supply the neighbouring parts. Nerves have not yet been traced into it, and it has little or no sensi- bility. This membrane supports the viscera of the abdomen in their proper situations; and also forms a surface for them, and for the cavity which contains them, so smooth and lu- bricated, that no injury can arise from their friction. The cellular substance, by which the peritoneum is connected to the contiguous parts, is very different in dif- ferent places. It is very short indeed between this mem- brane and the stomach and intestines, and also between it and the tendinous center of the diaphragm. Between the peritoneum and the muscles generally, it is much longer. 92 The Peritoneum. When it covers the kidneys and the psoas muscles it is very lax and yielding. About the kidneys a large quan- tity of adeps very commonly collects in it. On the psoas muscle it yields with but little resistance to the passage of pus, or any other effused fluid, as in the case of the psoas abscess. 93 CHAPTER II. OF THE OESOPHAGUS, THE STOMACH, AND THE INTESTINES. SECTION I. Of the (Esophagus. THE CEsophagus is a muscular tube which passes from the pharynx to the stomach, and is so intimately connected with the stomach, that it will be advantageous to the stu- dent to attend to its structure immediately before he en- gages in the examination of that important organ. The pharynx has been lately described* as composed of a varied stratum of muscular fibres, lined by a membrane which is continued from the internal surface of the nose and mouth. From the pharynx the oesophagus passes downwards between the trachea and the vertebrae. After the bifurcation of the trachea, it proceeds in contact with the spine, between the laminae of the mediastinum, to the diaphragm, which it passes through, and then terminates in the stomach. The oesophagus is a flexible tube, which, when distend- ed, is nearly cylindrical. It consists of a muscular coat externally, and an internal tunic evidently continued from that of the pharynx. These coats are connected by a cel- lular substance called the Nervous Coat, which is remark- ably loose, and allows them to move considerably upon each other. The muscular coat, which is very distinguish- able from that of the pharynx, consists of two substantial strata of fibres; the exterior of which is nearly longitudi- nal in its direction, and the anterior circular or transverse. •See page 37. 94 The CEsophagus. The internal coat of the oesophagus, resembling that of the fauces, is soft and spongy. It is covered with a very delicate cuticle, which Haller supposed to be too tender to confine the matter of variolous pustules, as he had never found these extending into the oesophagus. It is very vascu- lar, and abounds with the orifices of mucous follicles, from which is constantly poured out the mucus that is spread over this surface. When the oesophagus is not distended, many longitudinal plaits are found in this membrane by the contraction of the circular or transverse fibres exterior to it. These plaits are calculated to admit readily of the distention which is requisite in deglutition. This tunic is continued from the lining membrane of the pharynx above, and terminates below in the villous coat of the stomach; from which, however, it is very different. The bloodvessels of the oesophagus come from those which are in the vicinity. The nerves are derived from the eighth pair. The lymphatic vessels are very abundant. In the neck, the oesophagus inclines rather to the left of the middle line. As it proceeds down the back between the laminae of the mediastinum, it preserves the same course to the fourth dorsal vertebra, when it assumes the middle portion and proceeds downwards, with the aorta to its left, and the pericardium before it. About the ninth dorsal vertebra it inclines again rather to the left, and somewhat forward, to arrive at the aperture in the dia. phragm through which it passes. Throughout this course it is connected by cellular mem' brane to the contiguous parts; and this investiture of cel- lular membrane has been called its External Coat. . While the oesophagus is in the posterior mediastinum, it is in contact with several small absorbent glands, espe- ciaUy when it first assumes a situation to the right of the aorta. These glands were formerly believed to be parti- larly connected with this tube, but they are now consi- dered as belonging to the absorbent system. They are sometimes greatly enlarged. Form of the Stomach. 95 SECTION II. Of the Stomach. THIS most important organ, which occasionally ex- erts a powerful influence upon every part of the body, appears very simple in its structure. It is a large sac, which is so thin when much inflated, th.it at first view it seems membranous, but upon exami- tion is found to be composed of several laminae or coats, each of a different structure. It is of considerable length, but incurvated. It is much larger at one extremity than the other, and changes so gradually in this respect, that it would appear conical if it were straight. It is not, how- ever, strictly conical, unless it is greatly distended; for when moderately distended, a transverse section is rather oval than circular. It is therefore considered as having two broad sides or surfaces, and two edges, which are the curvatures. It has been compared by the anatomists of different nations to the wind sac of the musical in- strument called the bag-pipe.* The orifice in which the oesophagus terminates is at a small distance from its largest extremity, and is called Cardia. The orifice which com- municates with the intestines is at the termination of its small incurvated extremity, and is called the Pylorus. The two ends of the stomach being thus very different in size, are denominated the great and small extremities. The two curved portions of the surface are also called the great and small curvatures. The two flat portions of the surface, or the broadsides, are called the anterior and pos- terior surfaces. The situation of the stomach in the abdomen is nearly • The student ought not to attempt to acquire an idea of the form of the stomach without demonstration, for a view of one moment will be more serviceable than a long description. 96 Position of the Stomach. transverse: it lies principally in the left hypochondriac and the epigastric regions, immediately below the liver. The great extremity of the stomach is in the left hypo. chondriac region, and the lesser extremity in the epigas- trie region, under the left lobe of the liver. The upper orifice, or Cardia, is nearly opposite to the body of the last dorsal vertebra; and, owing to the curved form of the stomach, the other orifice, or Pylorus, is situated at a small distance to the right of that bone, and rather lower and more forward than the cardia: both orifices being in the epigastric region. The position of the stomach is ob- lique in two respects; it inclines in a small degree from above downwards, from the left to the right; and it also inclines downwards and forwards, from behind. Its two orifices are situated obliquely with respect to each other; for, if the stomach, when placed with its small curvature upwards, were divided into two equal parts by a vertical plane passing lengthways through it, they would be found on different sides of the plane. As the oesophagus terminates in the stomach immedi- ately after it has passed through an aperture of the dia- phragm, it is evident that the stomach must be somewhat fixed at that place; but it is more moveable at its other orifice; for the extremity of the duodenum, into which it is continued, is moveable. The stomach is connected to the concave surface of the liver by the reflexion or continuation of the peritone- um, which forms the lesser omentum. This membrane, after extending over each surface of the stomach, con- tinues from its great curve in the form of the large omen- tum, and connects it to different parts, especially to the colon. There are likewise folds of the peritoneum, as it passes from the diaphragm and from the spleen to the stomach, which appear like ligaments. Notwithstanding these various connections, the sto- mach undergoes considerable changes in its position. External Coat of the Stomach. 97 When it is nearly empty, and the intestines are in the same situation, its broad surfaces are presented forwards and backwards; but when it is distended, these surfaces are presented obliquely upwards and downwards, and the great curvature forwards. When its anterior surface is presented upwards, its orifices are considerably influenced in their direction, and the oesophagus forms an angle with the plane of the stomach. The stomach is composed of four dissimilar laminae, which may be demonstrated by a simple process of dis- section. There is first a coat or external covering continued from the peritoneum: within this, and connected to it by delicate cellular substance, is a coat or stratum of mus- cular fibres: contiguous to these fibres, internally, is a layer of dense cellular substance, called a nervous coat; and last is the internal coat of the stomach, called villous, or fungous, from the structure of its surface. The external or first coat of the stomach, as has been already stated, is continued from the concave surface of the liver to the lesser curve of the stomach in two deli- cate laminae, which separate when they approach the sto- mach, and pass down, one on each side of it, adhering firmly to it in their course: at the opposite curve of the stomach they again unite to form the great omentum. The stomach is therefore closely invested by the perito- neum on every part of its surface except two strips, one at the lesser and the other at the greater curvature, These strips or uncovered places are formed by the separation of the laminae above mentioned, which includes a trian- gular space bounded by the stomach and these two la- minae. In these triangular spaces, at each curvature of the stomach, are situated the bloodvessels which run along the stomach in those directions, and also the glands which belong to the absorbent vessels of this viscus. Tjie peculiar arrangement of the laminae, at this place is Vol. II. N 98 Muscular and Nervous Coats of the Stomach. particularly calculated to permit the dilatation of the sto- mach. When it is dilated the laminae are in close contact with its surface, and the bloodvessels being in the angle formed by the adhesion of the two laminae to each other, are so likewise: when it contracts, the bloodvessels ap- pear to recede from it, and the laminae are then applied to each other. Where the peritoneum thus forms a coat to the sto- mach, it is stronger and thicker than it is between the liver and stomach. In a recent subject it is very smooth and moist, but so thin that the muscular fibres, bloodves- sels, &c. appear through it. If it is carefully dissected from the muscular coat, it appears somewhat flocculent on that surface which adhered to the muscular fibres. It seems to be most abundantly furnished with serous ves- sels; but it has been asserted by Mascagni and Soemmer- ing, that a large proportion of its texture consists of ab- sorbent vessels. The cellular substance which connects this to the muscular coat appears no way different from ordinary cellular membrane. The Muscular Coat of the stomach has been described very differently by respectable anatomists; some consider- ing it as forming three strata of fibres, and others but two. If the stomach and a portion of the oesophagus attached to it be moderately distended with air, and the external coat carefully dissected away, many longitudinal fibres will appear on every part of it, that evidently proceed from the oesophagus: these fibres are particularly numerous and strong on the lesser curvature of the stomach. Beside the longitudinal fibres there are many that have a circular di- rection, and these are particularly numerous towards the small extremity; but it has been doubted whether there are any fibres in the muscular coat of the stomach that go directly round it. The whole surface of the stomach, when the peritoneal coat is removed, appears at first view to be uniformly covered by muscular fibres; but upon close ex- Internal Coat of the Stomach. 99 amination there are interstices perceived, which are occu- pied with firm cellular membrane. In contact with the internal surface of the muscular coat is the cellular stratum, which has been called the Nervous Coat of the stomach. It is dense and firm, of a whitish colour, resembling condensed cellular membrane. It was considered as different from ordinary cellular membrane; but if air be insinuated into its texture, by blowing between the muscular and villous coats, while it connects them to each other, it exhibits the proper ap- pearance of cellular substance. It however adds greatly to the general strength of the stomach, and the vessels which terminate in the villous coat ramify in it. The internal coat of the stomach in the dead subject is commonly of a whitish colour, with a tinge of red. It is named villous, from its supposed resemblance to the sur- face of velvet. It has also been called fungous, because the processes analogous to the villi are extremely short, and its surface has a granulated appearance; differing in these respects from the internal surface of the intestines. It is continued from the lining membrane of the oesophagus, but is very different in its structure. Many very small vessels seem to enter into its texture, which are derived from branches that ramify in the nervous coat. It is sup- posed by several anatomists of the highest authority, to have a cuticle or epithelium; and it said that such a membrane has been separated by disease. It ought how- ever, to be remembered, that the structure of the villous coat of the stomach and intestines, is essentially different from the structure of the cuticle. The internal coat of the stomach is generally found co- vered, or spread over, with mucus, which can be readily scraped oft". This mucus is certainly effused upon it by secreting organs, and it has been supposed that there were small glandular bodies exterior to the villous coat, which furnished this secretion; but the existence of such bodies 100 Gastric Liquor. is very doubtful, as many skilful anatomists have not met with any appearance that could be taken for glands, except in a very few instances, which Would ndt be the case if those appearances had been natural. Pores, perhaps the orifices of mucous follicles, and also of exhalent vessels, are very numerous; but no proper glandular masses are attached to them. Glands, as have been already said, are found in the triangular spaces between the laminae of the peritoneum at the great and small curvatures of the sto- mach, but these evidently belong to the absorbent system. Besides the mucus above mentioned, a large quantity of a different liquor, the proper Gastric Juice, or fluid of the stomach, is effused from its surface. It has been supposed that this fluid is furnished by the small glandular bodies believed to exist between the coats of this organ; but, ad- mitting the existence of these glands, they are not suffi- ciently numerous to produce so much of it as is found, and it is therefore probable that this fluid is discharged from the orifices of exhalent vessels in the internal surface. Much information respecting the gastric liquor has been obtained within a few years past by the researches of physiologists, and they are generally agreed that it is the principal agent in the effects produced by the sto- mach upon alimentary substances.* * On this subject the student may consult with advantage, M. Reaumur. In the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1752. John Hunter. London Philosophical Transactions for 1772; and also his observations on the Animal Economy, 1786. Dr. Edward Stevens. Inaugural Thesis de Alimentorum Con- coctione. Edinburgh, 1777. The Abbe Spalanzani. Dissertations relative to Natural History, &c. The first volume of the English translation contains the author's dissertations on digestion, and also the first paper of Mr. Hunter, and the Thesis of Dr. Stevens, as well as an account of the experi- ments of Mr. Gosse of Geneva. In addition to these, there are several interesting essays in the The Pylorus. 101 As the muscular coat of the stomach frequently varies its dimensions, the villous and nervous coats, which have ho such power of contraction, cannot exactly fit it. They therefore generally appear larger, and of course are thrown into folds or rugae. These folds are commonly in a longitudinal direction; but at the Orifices of the sto- mach they are arranged in a radiated manner, and some- times they are observed in a transverse direction. They depend upon the contraction of the muscular fibres, and disappear entirely when the stomach is laid open and spread out. At the lower orifice is a circular fold, which is perma- nent, and constitutes the valve denominated Pylorus. It appears like a circular septum with a large foramen in its center, or like a flat ring. The villous and nervous coats of the stomach contribute to this, merely by forming the circular fold or ruga; and within this fold is a ring of muscular fibres, evidently connected with the circular fibres of the muscular coat of the stomach, the diameter of which at this place is not larger than that of an intes- tine: the fibres of this ring seem a part of the muscular coat projecting into the cavity of the stomach and duo- denum. If a portion of the lesser extremity of the sto- mach and the adjoining part of the duodenum be detach- ed, and laid open by a longitudinal incision, and then spread out upon a board, the internal coat can be very easily dissected from the muscular, and the pylorus will then appear like a ridge or narrow bundle of muscular fibres, which runs across the extended muscular mem- brane. It is evident that when the parts are replaced so as to form a cylinder, this narrow faciculus will form a ring in it. Thus arranged, the circular fibres can readily close the lower orifice of the stomach. French, German, and Italian languages, a compilation of which is to be found in Johnson's " History of the progress and present state of Animal Chemistry." See Vol. I. page 180. 102 Lymphatics and Nerves of the Stomach. The pylorus separates the stomach from the intestine duodenum; and this separation is marked exteriorly by a small circular depression, which corresponds exactly with the situation of the pylorus. The arteries of the stomach are derived from the Cozliac, the first branch which the aorta sends off to the viscera of the abdomen. This great artery, immediately after it leaves the aorta, is divided into three branches, which are distributed to the stomach, the liver, and the spleen, and are called the Superior Coronary or Gastric, the Hepatic, and the Splenic. Besides the first mentioned branch, which is distributed principally to the neigh- bourhood of the cardia and to the lesser curvature, the stomach receives a considerable branch from the hepatic, which passes along the right portion of its great curva- ture, and has been called the right gastroepiploic, and another from the spleen, which passes along the left por- tion of the great curvature, and has been called the left gastro-epiploic. In addition to these branches, the splenic artery, before it enters the spleen, sends off several small arteries to the great extremity of the stomach, which are called vasa brevia. These vasa brevia generally arise from the main trunk of the splenic artery, but sometimes from its branches. The veins which receive the blood from these arteries have similar names, and pursue corresponding courses backwards; but they terminate in the vena portarum. The absorbent vessels of the stomach are very numer- ous and large: they pass to the glands which are on the two curvatures, and from thence to the thoracic duct. It is an important fact relative to the history of digestion, that there are good reasons for doubting whether chyle commonly passes through them, notwithstanding their number and size.* * Sabatier, however, in one subject observed white lines on the stomach, which he suspected to be lacteals. See, his account of the absorbents of the stomach. The Intestines in general. 103 The nerves of the stomach are derived principally from the two great branches of the par vagum, which accompany the oesophagus and are mostly spent upon this organ. It also receives branches from several plex- uses, which are derived from the splanchnic portions of the intercostal nerves. SECTION III. Of the Intestines. THE intestines form a continued canal from the py- lorus to the anus, which is generally six times the length of the subject to which they belong. Although the diffe- rent parts of this tube appear somewhat different from each other, they agree in their general structure. The coats or laminae of which they are composed are much like those of the stomach, but the peritoneum which forms their external coat does not approach them in the same manner; nor is it continued in the form of omen- tum from the whole tube, there being only a certain por. tion of intestine, viz. the colon, from which such a pro- cess of peritoneum is continued. The Muscular Coat, like that of the stomach, consists of two strata, the exterior of which is composed of lon- gitudinal fibres, which adhere to the external coat, and do not appear very strong. The other stratum, consist- ing of circular or transverse fibres, is stronger, as the fibres are more numerous. It is observable that they ad- here to the longitudinal fibres: and they seldom if ever form complete circles. The cellular substance immediately within the mus- cular fibres resembles the nervous coat of the stomach in its firmness and density. It is likewise so arranged 104 Villous Coat of the Intestines. as to form many circular ridges on its internal surface, which support to a certain degree the permanent circu- lar plaits of the internal coat, called valvulae conniventes. The inner surface of the internal coat has been com- monly compared to that of velvet, and the coat is there- fore called villous; but there is certainly a considerable difference between these surfaces; for if a portion of the small intestine be inverted, and then suspended in per- fectly transparent water, in a clear glass, and examined with a strong light, it will appear like the external sur- face of the skin of a peach, on which the down or hair- like processes are not so close as those on velvet. On this surface, between the villi, there are many orifices of mucous follicles and of exhaling vessels.* Exterior to the villous coat, many very small glandular bodies are sometimes found, which are called after their describers Glandulae Brunneri and Peyeri. The internal coat of the upper portion of the intestinal tube is arranged so as to form a great number of trans- verse or circular folds or plaits, called Vahula Connu ventes, which do not generally extend round the intes- tine, but are segments of circles; they are so near each other that their internal edges, which are very moveable, may be laid upon the folds next to them, like tiles or shingles. It is evident that this arrangement of the in- ternal coat must add greatly to its length. This coat is extremely vascular, so that in the dead subject it can be uniformly coloured by a successful injection. The minute structure of it has been the subject of very diligent inquiry. There can be no doubt but that an immense * It appears clearly, from the account of Lieberkuhn, that the ori- fices or terminations of the arteries on the intestines, are distinct from the follicles; for he forced injection from the arteries into the cavity of the intestines, and found the follicles still filled with mucus. He then urged the injecUon further, and filled the follicles, or forced the mucus out of them. Lieberkuhn on the Villous Coat. 105 number of exhaling and of absorbent vessels open upon it; but there are many different opinions respecting the termination of one set of vessels and the commencement of the other. A very interesting account of the Villous Coat was published in 1744, by Lieberkuhn, who was consider. ed by his cotemporaries as a most expert practical ana- tomic, and was also very skilful in microscopical ex- aminations, for which he was particularly calculated, as his natural powers of vision were uncommonly strong. In his essiy he refers to his preparations, which were at Berlin, and which appear to have excited great surprise in the minds of the members of the Academy of Sciences of Prussia, at a time when one of the first an- atomists of Europe, the celebrated Meckel, was of their number. According to this account, the internal surface of the small intestines abound with villi, and with the orifices of follicles. These villi are about the fifth part of a line in breadth. In each of them is a cavity filled with a soft spongy substance, which has one or more orifices com- municating with the intestines, and from which also pro- ceeds a lacteal vessel. On the membrane which forms this cavity, bloodvessels are most minutely ramified. This cavity he calls an ampullula, and supposes it to constitute the principal part of the villus. By injecting the arteries of the intestine, he was able to pass a fluid through the ampullula into the cavity of the gut; he kept a stream of air in this way passing through the ampullula until it was nearly dry and stiff, and then laid it open with a fine instrument. From the appearances which then pre- sented, he inferred that the cavity of the ampullula was occupied with a spongy or cellular substance. Around each villus he found a number of mucous follicles, which often were filled with a tenacious mucus: and distinct from these must be the exhalent orifices, which dis- Vol. II. O 106 Hewson and others on the Villi. charged a fluid injected by the arteries without passing through the mucous follicles. Lieberkuhn died early, and left but one essay on this subject, which was originally published in Holland, in 1744, but has been republished by the Academy of Ber- lin, in their Memoirs; and also by Mr. John Sheldon, of London. This account of Lieberkuhn appears to have been ad- mitted by Haller; but it has been rigidly scrutinized by some of the anatomists of London, who were particularly interested with the subject; as they had paid great atten- tion to the absorbent system, and were very successful in the investigation of it. The late Mr. Hewson, whose opinion is entitled to the greatest respect, rejected the idea of the ampullula, and be- lieved that the villi are composed of networks of lacteals, as well as arteries and veins; although he added that u this is the only circumstance concerning these parts in which he should differ from this very acute observer."* Mr. Sheldon agrees with Lieberkuhn: but Mr. Cruik- shanks asserts, that, " in some hundred villi, he has seen the lacteals originate by radiated branches, whose orifices were distinct, on the surface of the villus." The villus being transparent, when the intestine was immersed in water, these branches, filled with chyle, could be seen passing into the lacteal. Mr. Cruikshanks therefore sup- poses that Lieberkuhn was mistaken, and that the spongy cavity, or ampullula, was the common cellular membrane, connecting together all the arteries, veins, nerves, and lacteals. It seems probable, from Mr. Cruikshanks' statement, that Dr. William Hunter held the same opinion with him- self. And there is also reason to believe that Monro the * See Hewson's Experimental Inquiries, vol. 2, page 171. Fyfe and others on the Villi. 1P7 second, who studied anatomy at Berlin, held a different opinion from Lieberkuhn. Mr. Fyfe, who has been much employed in the inves- tigation of the absorbent system, and must be perfectly acquainted with the preparations of Monro, asserts that each lacteal takes its rise upon one of the villi by numer- ous short radiated branches, and each branch is furnished with an orifice for imbibing chyle. Several of the late French writers adopt the opinion of Lieberkuhn; but his countryman Soemmering gives a different account of the subject. He says, that, besides the bloodvessels, each villus consists of a fine network of ab- sorbent vessels, whose orifices may be distinctly recog- nized; and that from six to ten of these orifices are some- times discovered. Mascagni, who has published the most extensive work upon the absorbent system that has yet appeared, sup- poses Lieberkuhn to have been mistaken, and confirms the description of Hewson: but he also agrees with Hewson in his opinion of the general accuracy of Lieberkuhn. Notwithstanding their differences respecting the origin of the lacteals, all these observers have agreed, that the orifices which communicate with the lacteals are on the villi; and that these villi contain also very fine ramifica- tions of bloodvessels. They have also agreed, that the surface of the intestine in the intervals of the villi seems occupied with the orifices of ducts or of exhalent ves- sels.* • On this subject the student will consult, with advantage, Hewson's Experimental Inquiries, vol. 2d; Sheldon's history of the Absorbent System, part 1st; Cruikshanks on the Anatomy of the Absorbing Ves- sels; and the Historia Vasorum Lymphaticorum Corporis Humanij of Mascagni. 108 Division of the Intestines. • Although there is a considerable degree of uniformity in the structure of the intestinal canal, different parts of it are very distinguishable from each other by their exte- rior appearance, by their size, their investments, and their position. The first division is into two great portions, which are very different from each other in their diameter and length, as well as their situation: the first portion being much smaller in diameter, and near four times the length of the other. These portion* are therefore known by the names of Great and Small Intestines, and the line of separation be- tween them is very strongly marked; for they do not gra- dually change into each other, but the alteration in size and in exterior appearance is very abrupt, and their com- munication is not perfectly direct. A considerable portion of the Great Intestine is fixed immoveably in the abdo- men, while a large part of the Small Intestine is very moveable. Each of these great portions of the intestinal tube is subdivided into three parts. Thus, in the Small Intestine, there is a piece at the commencement called Duodenum, a great part of which has no coat from the peritoneum, and is immoveably fixed in one situation; while all the remainder of the smail intestine has a uniform covering from the peritoneum, and is very moveable. This last piece, notwithstanding its exterior uniformity, is consi- dered as forming two parts. The uppermost two fifths form one part, which is called Jejunum; and the remain- der is called Ileon. The Great Intestine commences in the lower part of the right side of the abdomen, and after proceeding up that side crosses over to the left, along which it descends to the lower part again, when by a pe- culiar flexure it proceeds to the center of the posterior Commencement of the Small Intestines. 109 margin of the pelvis, from which it passes down to the anus. A short portion of this intestine, which is above its junction with the ileon, is called Cacum; the part which proceeds from this, round the abdomen, is called Colon; and the portion which is in the pelvis is called Rectum. Of the Small Intestines. Previous to the description of the small intestines, it is necessary to observe, that the Mesocolon, or process of the peritoneum connected to the transverse portion of the co- lon, forms a kind of moveable and incomplete septum, which divides the abdomen into an upper and lower apartment. Above this septum are the stomach, with the commencement of the duodenum, the liver, and the spleen; below it, that portion of the small intestine which is called jejunum and ileon, makes its appearance. The portion of the intestine which passes from the stomach to the jeju- num, and is called Duodenum, is so much involved by the mesocolon, that the greatest part of it cannot be seen with- out dissecting the mesocolon from its connection with the back of the abdomen. For the duodenum proceeds back- wards from the pylorus, and passing down behind the pe- ritoneum, enters a vacant space between the two laminae of the mesocolon; it proceeds for some distance in this space, and then emerges on the lower side of the meso- colon. Here the duodenum terminates, and the small in- testine then is invested by the peritoneum in such manner as to form mesentery, which continues with it throughout its whole course to the great intestine. This portion of the intestine, although very uniform in its exterior appear- ance, as has been observed before, is divided into Jeju- num and Ileon: the Jejunum being the upper portion, which begins at the mesocolon; and the Ileon the lower portion, which opens into the great intestine. 110 Situation of the Duodenum. Of the Duodenum. The length of this intestine is equal to the breadth of twelve fingers, and hence its name. It is very different from the rest of the small intestine, not only as respects its position, and investment by the peritoneum; but on ac- count of its connexion with the liver and pancreas, by , means of their excretory ducts, which open into it. From this connexion with these glands, probably, all the pecu- liarities of its position are to be deduced. When the stomach is in its natural situation, the pylo- rus is at some distance from the back of the abdomen. The duodenum proceeds backwards from this point, and passes near the neck of the gall-bladder, being here con- nected with the small omentum; it then curves downwards, and descends before the right kidney, sometimes as low as the lower part of it; then it curves again, and passes over to the left: after it has arrived at the left side of the spine, at the second or third lumbar vertebra, it projects forwards and downwards to form the jejunum. The only portion of this intestine which is moveable, is that which is in sight as it proceeds immediately from the duodenum, being about an inch and a half, or two inches in length. The re- mainder is connected to the back of the abdomen, and lies between the two laminae of the mesocolon. In its progress it passes before the aorta and the vena cava, but the princi- pal branch of the vena portarum is before it. The duodenum is larger in diameter than any other part of the small intestines, and has a stronger muscular coat. Its general situation admits of great dilatation, and it has been called a second stomach. Its internal coat is strictly villous, in the anatomical sense of the word; and its folds, the valvulae conniventes, begin at a small distance from the pylorus. The orifices of many mucous ducts are to be seen on its surface. It is supposed that some of these are the terminations of ducts from the glands of Brunner, Jejunum and Ileon. Ill which sometimes appear in the villous coat, or very close to it exteriorly; being small flat bodies, with a depression in the center, and a foramen in the depression. They are sometimes very numerous at the upper extremity of this intestine, and diminish gradually towards the other extre- mity. The biliary and pancreatic ducts open posteriorly into the duodenum, rather above the middle of it. The orifice of these ducts is generally surrounded by a small tubercle, which is oblong, somewhat rounded at one ex- tremity, and pointed at the other. Sometimes this orifice is in a plait, like one of the valvulae conniventes. Most commonly the two ducts unite before they perforate the coat, so as to form but one orifice; and sometimes they open separately, but always very near to each other. Absorbent vessels, which contain chyle, are found on the duodenum. The Jejunum and Ileon Are situated in the abdomen very differently from the duodenum. When the cavity is opened, and the omentum raised, they are in full view; and every portion of them, except the two extremities and the parts near them, can readily be moved. This freedom of motion is owing to the manner in which they are invested by the peritoneum; or in the technical language of anatomy, to the length of their mesentery. They agree in their structure with the general description of the small intestines, but their muscular coat is rather weaker than that of the duodenum. The valvulae conniventes are very numerous and large in the upper part of the tube, or the jejunum; and gradually diminish in number, until they finally disappear, in the lower part of the ileon. The villous coat is in perfection in the jejunum, the villi being more conspicuous here than in any other part of the intestinal tube. There are frequently found, 112 Distinction between Jejunum and Ileon. exterior to this coat, but intimately connected with it, many small glandular bodies of a roundish form, which are often clustered together at that part of the intestine which corresponds with the interstice of the laminae of the mesentery. They are called Peyer's glands, after the anato- mist who first described them; and are supposed, like the glands of Brunner, to secrete mucus. If a portion of the jejunum be inverted, and moderately distended with air, these bodies appear very distinctly in it, dispersed at small distances from each other. In the ileon they appear in small clusters, which often have the appearance of disease. No natural line of separation for distinguishing the je- junum and ileon from each other, is to be found; but these names are still retained; and therefore a rule laid down by Winslovv is generally adopted, viz. to name the first two fifths of the tube jejunum, and the remainder ileon. There are, however, some important differences between these portions of the intestine. In the jejunum, the valvulae conniventes are so nume- rous, that they lie in contact with each other, as shingles on the roof of a house; in the ileon they gradually diminish in number, and finally disappear. In the jejunum the villi are much stronger than they are in the ileon. It is very difficult to acquire a precise idea of the ar- rangement of this part of the intestinal tube, while it is in the abdomen, especially if it be much distended; but if it be separated at each extremity from the intestine with which it is connected, and the mesentery cut off from the back of the abdomen, and the whole then spread out upon a flat surface, it will appear, as has been already said, that the intestine is arranged so as to form a semicircle or large curve; the concavity of which is opposite to the back of the abdomen, while the convexity presents forward. It will also appear, when thus placed upon a table, that the intestine, while connected with the mesentery, is laid into Construction of the Mesentery. 113 many folds. It has been supposed, that the middle portion of the mesentery, and the intestine connected with it, is generally in the umbilical region; and the two portions on the sides of it are in the iliac regions: but their situation in the abdomen varies considerably at different times. When the viscera of the pelvis are empty, a large portion of the small intestine is in the pelvis; but when those vis- cera are filled, the intestine is in the general cavity of the abdomen. The Mesentery Is a process of the peritoneum, which is formed in the manner of a plait or fold, and of course consists of two la- minae. These laminae proceed from the back part of the abdomen, and are so near to each other, that they compose one substantial process; having cellular and adipose sub- stance, bloodvessels and neives, with absorbent or lacteal vessels and their glands, between them. The form of this process, when it is separated from the back, and the intestines are detached from it, is some- what semicircular: that portion of its margin or edge which corresponds to the diameter of the semicircle, is connected to the back of the abdomen, and called the root of the mesentery; the edge, which is the circumference of the semicircle, is connected with the intestine. The edge connected with the back of the abdomen is commonly about five or six inches in length: the semicircular edgey instead of extending fifteen or eighteen inches, the ordi- nary proportion, is attached to a portion of intestine some- times twenty-four feet in length. The mesentery on ac- count of this great difference between its diameter and circumference, has been compared to the ruffle of a shirt- sleeve; its roots being taken for the plaited edge of the ruffle, and the circumference for its loose edge. But the comparison is not precisely accurate; for the mesentery is Vol. II. P 114 Root of the Mesentery. not plaited at its root, but perfectly smooth, and free from every kind of fold. It begins to enlarge towards its cir- cumference, and enlarges to that degree, that it falls into plaits or folds: precisely such as would exist in a semicir- cular piece of membrane about six inches in diameter, if a number of simple incisions, of about an inch and a half in length, were made in a radiated direction from its cir- cumference, and if portions like a sextant or quadrant were taken from a circular membrane three inches in diameter, and united by their edges to these incisions, so that their circumference might be continuous with the circumference of the large semicircular piece. In this case, the portions like quadrants or sextants would as- sume a folded position like the edge of the mesentery, while the middle of the semicircular piece would preserve its regular form without folds; as is the case with the me- sentery at some distance within its circumferejjqp. By many additions of this kind, the circujsnference «f a mem* brane, which was originally a semicircle every part of the surface; but these sources are not very obvious. On the membrane of the nose the orifices of many mucous ducts are very visible, but such orifices are not to be seen on this surface. Haller mentions that he has seen mucous glands near the neck of the bladder; and it is stated by the pupils of Desault, that, in one of his courses, he pointed out a number of these glands, in a subject who had been afflicted with a catarrhal affection of the bladder. * In the fauces and the follicles of the tonsils an effusion of coagu. lable matter, in consequence of inflammation, often forms crusts, that may be mistaken for sloughs of the integuments, although those inte- guments remain entire. Mucus of the Bladder. 161 Notwithstanding that the sources of this mucus are ob- scure, the quantity of it is sometimes immense. In some cases, where the secretion is increased bv the irritation of a calculus in the bladder, the urine is rendered somewhat viscid and white coloured by the mucus mixed with it; which, after tge urine has been allowed to remain for some time, subsides in such quantities as demonstrates that many ounces must be secreted in the course of the twenty-four hours. The same circumstances occur, with- out the irritation of calculus, in the disease called catar- rhus vesicae.* It is probable that, in healthy persons, a great deal of it passes off unperceived, being dissolved or diffused in the urine. From the quantity and the regular diffusion of this mucus on the surface of the bladder, there is the greatest reason for believing that it is effused frgm every part of the surface; and it is a question that has not b;.en decided, whether it is discharged from glandular ducts too small to be perceived, or from the exhalent extremities of the bloodvessels. It is probable that the use of it is to defend the internal coat of the bladder from the acrimony of the urine. The symptoms of a stone in the bladder, as well as of several other diseases, evince that this coat is endued with a great degree of sensibility. It is evident that the essential parts in the general structure of the bladder are the muscular coat and the internal coat last described: but in addition to the account of them, there are some other important circumstances to be noted in the description of this organ. It has been already stated, that the form of the bladder was an irregu- lar oval, although it was somewhat varied in different * In some cases this mucus soon becomes putrid, and during the putrefactive process deposits a substance which appears to be calca- reous. Vol. IL X 162 Orifice of the Urethra, persons. The oval form is not much altered at the part called the neck of the bladder, where the urethra passes off from it. The orifice of the urethra is situated ante- riorly at the lowermost part of the bladder. On the low- er surface of the urethra, at its commencement, and on the bottom of the bladder, immediately connected \< ith the urethra, is situated the Prostate Gland, (to be here- af er described with ihe organs of generation,) uhieh ^ a firm body, that adheres strongly both to the bladder ai d urethra. This circumstance gives particular firmness and solidity to that part of the bladder. It has also bi. en ob- served, that the bladder is attached firmly to the ossa pubis, at its neck, about the origin of the urethra E ch of these circumstances have an effect upon the orifice of the urethra; and when the bladder is opened, and this ori- fice is examined from within, it appears to be kept open by the connexion of the bladder with the prostate, and has been very jus'ly compared to the opening of the neck of a bottle into the great cavity of that vessel.* The orifices of the two ureters are at equal distances from the orifice of the urethra, and form with it the an- gles of a triangle. That part of the internal surface of the bladder which is within this triangular space, is more smooth than the remainder of the same surface, probably in consequence of the adhesion of the bladder to the prostate, and to other parts exterior to it. That part of the bottom of the bladder which is imme- diately behind the triangular space, is rather lower than * The late Mr. Lieutaud, and after him the French anatomists of the present day, have described a small tubercle at the lower and posterior part of the orifice of the urethra, which resembles ihe uvu- la in form. It has not been noticed here; and M. Boyer states, that it is often scarcely preceptible. He, however, makes a remark which is very worthy of attention, viz. that it is very subject to enlarge- ment in old people, foiming a tumor which impedes the discharge of urine. Sabatier has also made the Fame observation Ligaments and Vessels of the Bladder. 163 this space; and but a small portion of cellular membrane exists between it and the rectum in males, and the va- gina in females. The upper part of the bladder is connected with the umbilicus by means of a ligament, which passes between the peritoneum and the abdominal muscles. This liga- ment consists of three cords. One of these, which is in the middle, arises from the coats of the bladder, and was, in the foetus, the duct called urachus; the other two, which are connected to the bladder principally by cellular membrane, were originally the umbilical arte- ries.* The middle cord is of a light colour and fibrous structure; it is thickest at the bladder, and gradually di- minishes as it approaches the umbilicus. In a few in- stances it has been found to be hollow. In its progress to the umbilicus it becomes more or less blended with the linea alba, or the tendons of the abdominal muscles. The other cords are generally solid. After passing from the umbilicus to the bladder, they continue on the sides of that viscus, and finally terminate at the hypogastric or internal iliac artery. In the very young subject these cords are invested by distinct processes of the peritoneum, but their position is exterior to the peritoneum. As the bladder is situated very near most of the large ramifications of the hypogastric artery in the pelvis, it receives branches from several of them; viz. from the umbilical arteries before they terminate; from the pudic; from the obturators, &c. These branches ramify in the cellular membrane exterior to the muscular coat, and also in the cellular substance between the muscular and internal coats. It has been conjectured, that their termi- nations in exhalents on the surface of the bladder are re- markably numerous. * See the accounts of these parts in the description of the Abdo- men of the Foetus. 164 General Observations. The veins correspond with the arteries, but they arc very numerous on the lower and lateral parts of the blad- der, and by uniting with the veins of the rectum form a remarkable plexus. The Lymphatic Vessels of this organ do not appear more numerous thun those of other parts. They pass on each side the bladder in the course of its bloodvessels, and unite with the larger lymphatics, and the glands which lie upon the great bloodvessels on the sides of the pelvis. The Nerves of the bladder are derived both from the intercostal nerve and from the nerves of the medulla spi- nalis, which pass off through the sacrum; and therefore the bladder is more affected than the viscera of the abdo- men, by injuries *of the medulla spinalis. The action of the muscular fibres of the bladder in expelling urine, and the effect of those fibres which are situated near the orifice of the urethra in retaining it, can be considered with more advantage after the structure of the urethra and the muscles connected with that canal have been described. It has been stated, that the internal coat of the bladder is very sensible; but it may be added, that in consequence of dis- ease about the neck of the bladder, the natural sensibility ap- pears most inordinately increased. When the intensity of pain which accompanies these complaints, the frequent recurrence of paroxysms, and their duration, are taken into view, there seems reason to believe that none of the painful affections of the human race exceed those which arise from certain dis- eases of the bladder. Happily these diseases are not very common. The function of the kidneys is to secrete urine, and that of the bladder to retain it until the proper time for evacuation. The urine may be regarded as an excrementitious fluid, which contains many substances in solution that are constant- ly found in it, and many others that are occasionally in it, which are taken as aliment or medicine, and pass to the blad- der with little, if any, change. The odour of the rose leaf, the colour of rhubarb, &c. are occasionally perceived in urine. The substances constantly found in urine are numerous. General Observations. 165 The chemical account of the subject is so long, that it cannot be detailed here; but the student ought to make himself ac- quainted with it, and he will read with great advantage John- son's History of Animal Chemistry, vol. 2d, page 363; and also Thompson's Elements of Chemistry, page 333. » 166 CHAPTER V. OF THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. THESE organs consist, 1st, of,the Testicles, and their appendages. 2d. Of certain parts denominated the Vasicula Semi* nales and the Prostate Gland, which are situated near the commencement of the urethra, and are subservient to the purposes of generation. 3d. Of the Penis, SECTION 1. Of the Testicles and their appendages. THE Testicles are two bodies of a flattened oval form. Each of them h is a protuberance on its upper and poste- rior part called Epididymis, and is connected to parts within the cavity of the abdomen by a thick cord, which proceeds to it through the abdominal ring. Each testicle also appears to be contaiiied in a sac, which is suspended by this cord and covered by the common integuments. That portion of the common integuments which forms the external covering of the testicles, is denominated .». 1 The Scrotum. The skin of the scrotum, although it is very often in a state of corrugation, has the same structure with that on other parts of the body, except that it is rather thinner Structure of the Scrotum. 167 and more delicate. The superior delicacy of this portion of the skio is evinced by the great irritation produced by the application of stimulating substances, and the desqua- mation of the cuticle, which seems to be the effect of ir- ritation. There are many sebaceous follicles in this portion of skin; and after puberty there are often a few long hairs growing out of it, the bulbs of which are often very con- spicuous. There is a small raised line in the middle of this skin, which commences at the root of the penis, and proceeds backwards, dividing it into two equal parts: this line is denominated Raphe. The corrugation which so often takes place in the skin of the scrotum, appears to be occasioned by the contrac- tion of certain fibres, which are in the cellular substance immediately within it. This cellular substance appears to be attached in:a particular way to the skin; and it also in- vents each testicle in such a manner, that when they are withdrawn a cavity is left in it. It has long been observed, that no adipose matter ie found in this cellular substance; but it is often distended with water in hydropic diseases. As the contraction and corrugation of the scrotum has been imputed to this substance, it has been examined with particular attention by anatomists, and very different sen- timents have been entertained respecting it While some dissectors have asserted that muscular fibres could be seen in it, which they have denominated the Dartos Mus- cle; others have said that this substAce was simply cellu- lar, and withort any muscular fibres. This difference of sentiment may possibly have arisen from the different conditions of this part in different subjects; for in some cases there are appearances which seem to justify the as- sertion that muscular fibres exist irr^is structure. After the testicles are removed,-so'as to leave the cel- lular substance connected with the skin, if the scrotum be inverted, and this substance examined in a strong light, many fibres will appear superadded to the common cellu- 168 Action of the Dartos Muscle. lar* structure; and sometimes their colour can be distin- guished to be red. It is not asserted that this will be uniformly the case; but certainly it has often been ob- served in this way. The existence of an organ which possesses the power of contraction, within the skin of the scrotum and con- nected to it, is evinced by the corrugation which takes place when the scrotum is suddenly exposed to cold, after having been very warm. This corrugation occurs in a very sudden and rapid manner, in some cases, in which the wounded scrotum is thus exposed for the purpose of dressing: for example, upon removing an emollient poultice from this part some days after the operation for the cure of hydrops testis, by incision; if the air of the chamber be cool, a motion of the scrotum will take place, almost equal to the peristaltic move- ments of the intestines. The Arteries of the scrotum are derived from two sources. One or two small arteries, which arise from the femoral artery, between Poupart's ligament and the ori- gin of the profunda, are spent upon it. These are called the external pudic arteries. It also receives some small branches from the internal pudic artery. The Nerves of the scrotum are principally derived from the lumbar nerves. The Spermatic Cord. The cord which proceeds to the testicle through the abdominal ring, appears at first view like a bundle of muscular fibres; but it consists of an artery and veins, with many lymphatic vessels and nerves, and also the excretory duct of the testicle, connected to each other by cellular substance, and covered by an expansion of muscular fibres which are derived from the lower edge of the interna*! oblique muscle of the abdomen, and con- Cremaster Muscle. Bloodvessels of the Testicle. 169 tinue from it to the upper part of the testicle. These fibres constitute the Cremaster Muscle. The artery above mentioned is called the Spermatic. It commonly arises from the front of the aorta, very near its fellow, at a small distance below the emulgents: and is not much larger than a crow's quill. It proceeds downwards behind the peritoneum and before the psoas muscle and ureter. While it is in contact with the psoas muscle, it joins the ramifications of the vein. It after- wards meets the vas deferens, and proceeds through the abdominal ring to 4he back part of the testis. Before it arrives at the testis it' divides into several branches, two of which generally go to the epididymis, and the others penetrate the tunica albuginea on the upper and back of the testicle, and ramify very minutely on the fine membra- nous partitions which exist in that body. In addition to the spermatic artery, there is a small twig from the umbilical branch of the hypogastric, which passes to the spermatic cord along the vas deferens. The branches of the spermatic vein are much larger than those of the artery: several of them proceed from the testicle so as to correspond with the arterial branches; and in addition to these there are many smaller, which also arise from the testicle and epididymis. In their course up the cord they ramify, and again unite, so as to form a considerable plexus, which is called the Corpus Pampiniforme, and constitutes a considerable part of the volume of the spermatic cord. As they proceed upwards they unite into a few larger veins; and finally, on the psoas muscle, they generally form one trunk, which continues upwards so as to unite with the vena cava qn the right side and the emulgent vein on the left. Sometimes, but not often, there are several spermatic veins on each side. The Lymphatic Vessels of the testicle are very numer- Vol. II. Y 170 Lymphatics and Nerves of the Spermatic Cord. ous, considering the size of the organ. Six or eight, and sometimes more, large trunks have been injected, run- ning upon the cord, and continuing to the glands on the back part of the abdomen. The Nerves of the testicle are derived from those which supply the viscera of the abdomen, and are to be found in the cord although they can scarcely be traced to the testicle. A small plexus, called the spermatic, is formed by fibres from the renal plexus and from the sympathetic nerve. These fibres accompany the sper- matic vessels, and in all probability enter the body of the testis and the epididymis. The spfcrmatic cord and cremaster muscle receive filaments from the second lumbar nerve. In addition to these vessels, the Vas Defet&ns, which is much firmer than either of them, is always to be dis- guished in the back part of the cord. They are all covered in front and on the sides by the cremaster muscle, which passes with them from the lower margin of the internal oblique, through the abdo- minal ring, and continues to the uriper part of the ex- ternal coat of the testicle, which is a sac apparently con- taining that organ, and upon this sac it is spread out and terminates. The Tunica Vaginalis. The External Coat of the testicle, which is commonly called the Tunica Vaginalis-, is a complete sac which in- closes the testicle as the pericardium incloses the heart. It covers the body of the testicle and epididymis, and adheres closely to them. It is then reflected from them so as to form a loose sac, which ap'pears to contain them. The cavity of the tunica vaginalis commonly extends above the body of the testis up the cord, and is oval or pyriform. This sac. is so reflected from the body of the Coats of the Testicle. 271 testicle, that there is a place on the upper and back part of that body at which the bloodvessels enter it, without penetrating the sac. It resembles the peritoneum and other serous mem- branes in texture, and is therefore thin and delicate. It always contains a quantity of moisture, sufficient to lu- bricate the surface which it forms. When the tunica vaginalis is laid open, the testicle ap- pears as if it were contained in the posterior part of its cavity. The testicles, as has been already stated, are of a flat- tened oval form.;Their position is somewhat oblique, so that their upper extremities look upwards and forwards, their lower extremities downwards and backwards, and their edges present forwards and backwards. The body of the testicle is very firm, in consequence of its inclosure in a very firm coat called Tunica Albugi- nea. Upon the upper and posterior part of it is the pro- tuberant substance, called Epididymis, which is less firm, being exterior to the tunica albuginea. The bloodvessels of the testicle pass into it on the posterior edge, at some distance below the upper end. The Tunica Albuginea, In which the body of the testicle is completely inclose ed, is firm and dense; and upon this coat its particular form depends. It is of a whitish colour, and has a smooth external surface. It is thick as well as strong. The epi- didymis is exterior to it. It is only perforated by the bloodvessels, lymphatics and nerves, and by the vasa efferentia, which carry out the secretion of the testis. One portion of the tunica vaginajis adheres very closely to it, and the other appears to contain it. The portion which adheres to it is with difficulty separated, but it is a distinct membrane. 172 Form and Connections of the Epididymis. The Epididymis Differs in colour from the testicle, being more or less reddish. It commences at the upper and anterior extre- mity of the testicle, and passes down the posterior edge to the lower end. At the commencement the epididymis is somewhat rounded in form, and its upper part, or head, has been called the globus major: as it descends it lessens, and about the middle of the testicle it is flattish. It is firmly attached to the body of the testicle, at the upper end, where the vasa efferentia pass to it; and it is also attached to it below; but at the middle it appears nearly detached from it. It ha^s therefore been compared to an arch resting with its two extremities on the back of the testis; it is, however, in contact with it at its middle; but about the middle it only adheres by one of its edges to the body of the testis, and generally by its internal edge. It has a coat which is less firm than the tunica albuginea of the testicle, described on the last page. The tunica vaginalis of the testicle is so reflected as to cover a great part of the epididymis which is not in contact with the testicle, and also those surfaces of the epididymis and testis which are in contact with each other and do not ad- here. The Body of the Testicle. When the tnnica albuginea is cut through, and the substance of the testicle examined, it appears to consist of a soft pulpy substance of a yellowish brown colour, which is divided into separate portions by very delicate septa, attached to the internal surface of the tunica albu- ginea at the posterior part of the testicle. After macera- tion, by using a fine needle to detach them from the cel- lular substance, these threads may be drawn out to a great length. In some animals they are larger than in the Tubuli, Septa and Bloodvessels of the Testicle. 173 human species; in them, it is said, they are evidently hol- low, and that very small bloodvessels appear in their coats. When mercury is injected into the vas deferens, or excre- tory duct of the testis, in a retrograde course, it can be perceived in these ducts in the human subject. These delicate septa, or partitions, are united to the in- ternal surface of the tunica albuginea at the posterior part of the testicle, at which place there is a body called Corpus Hxghmorianum, which has been regarded very dif- ferently by different anatomists. It is a long whitish sub- stance, which extends lengthwise on the posterior part of the testis; and was supposed by Haller to resemble one of the salivary ducts. It is now, however, generally agreed to be of a cellular structure, and to contain and support the ducts which pass from the substance of the testicle to the epididymis. The bloodvessels pass jnto the body of the testicle upon these septa, and are continued from them to the fila- ments or tubes of which the body of the testicle consists. As in some animals bloodvessels are distinguished on these tubes, there is the greatest reason to believe that a direct communication subsists between them, without the intervention of any other structure, no other structure hav- ing been discovered: but at the same time it ought to be observed, that these tubes have not yet been injected from the bloodvessels. Some ingenious anatomists have injected the artery going to the testicle so successfully, that the injection has passed from it into the veins coming out of the testicle; but it is not now said by any of them, that they have filled the tubes in this manner. Mercury will pass into these vessels from the excre- tory duct of the testicle; and by means of an injection in that way, the structure of the testicle can be unravelled. This structure is as follows: The cavity formed by the tunica albuginea is divided into a number of apartments by the very thin septa, or partitions, above mentioned. From 174 Structure of the Testicle and Epididymis. the filamentary or tubular matter which fills each of these chambers, proceeds a number of small tubes or vessels, which observe a straight course; they are therefore called Vasa Recta. These vasa recta unite with each other and form a network on the back of the testis, within the tu. nica albuginea, which is called Rete Testis. From this network other vessels, from twelve to eighteen in number, denominated Vasa Efferentia> proceed through the albugi- nea to the epididymis. These vessels are convoluted in such a manner as to form bundles of a conical form, which are called Com Vasculosi. The number of these corres- ponds with the number of the vasa efferentia, and they compose about one third of the epididymis, viz. all the upper part of it. The single tubes which form each of. these cones, successively unite into one duct, which is convoluted so as to form all the remainder of the epidi- dymis. The lower part of the epididymis is turned up- wards on the back of the testicle, the tube gradually en- larges and is less convoluted, an^finally becomes straight: it then takes the name of Vas Deferens, and continues on the back of the testicle to the spermatic cord.* A small solitary vessel or duct, has been observed by Haller, Monro, and several other anatomists, to proceed from the upper part of the epididymis: sometimes it T * De Graff appears to have been the first anatomist who made much progress in the successful investigation of the structure of the testicle; and Haller ought to be mentioned next to him, on account of the plate exhibiting this structure, and the explanation of it, which he published in the Philosophical Transactions of London, for 1749. This plate has been republished by the second Monro, in the Lite- rary and Physical Essays of Edinburgh, and also in his Inaugural Thesis. Haller has likewise republished it in his Opera Minora. It represents not only the vasa efferentia and the cones formed by their convolutions, but also the rete testis and the vasa recta. Haller could inject no further than this; but Monro and Hunter soon after succeeded so as to fill a considerable portion of the body of the tes- ticle with mercury, injected by the vas deferens. Course of the Vas "Deferens. 175 unites to the epididymis below, and sometimes it pro- ceeds upwards. The nature of this vessel has not been ascertained with certainty. The Vas Deferens Is a very firm tube about two lines in diameter, which is not perfectly cylindrical exteriorly, although the cavity formed by it is so. This cavity is so small in diameter, that it will only admit a fine bristle. The coats of the duct have, of course, a considerable thickness. The in- ternal coat forms a soft surface, analogous to that of the mucous membranes: the external is firm, and its texture resembles that of cartilage. Owing to the small size of the cavity, the internal coat has not been separated from the external. It passes upward^ in the posterior part of the spermatic cord, and continues with it through the abdominal ring, under and exterior to the peritoneum; soon after this it leaves the cord and dips down into the cavity of the pel- vis, forming a curve on the side of the bladder, and pro- ceeding backwards, downwards and inwards. In this course it crosses the ureter, and passes between it and the bladder. On the lower part of the bladder the two vasa deferentia approach each other so gradually, that they ap- pear to be nearly parallel. They proceed forward be- tween the vesicular seminales, which are two bodies irre- gularly convoluted, that are placed in a converging posi- tion with respect to each other, and communicate with the vasa deferentia. The vasa deferentia finally terminate almost in contact with each other in the posterior part of the prostate gland, where they perforate the urethra. At the distance of about two inches and a half from their termination they enlarge in diameter, and become some- what convoluted. At the posterior margin of the prostate they come in contact with the anterior extremities of the 176 Structure of the Vesicula Seminales. vesiculae seminales, and unite with them. After this union they diminish in size, and become conical; and passing a short distance through the substance of the prostate, during which they approach each other more rapidly, they penetrate the urethra, so as to open in it on each side of a small tubercle, called the Caput Gallinagtnis, soon to be described. SECTION II. Of the Vesicula Seminales and the Prostate Gland. THE Vesicula Seminales are two bodies of a whitish colour, and irregular form, being broad and flat at their posterior extremities, and terminating in a point at the other. Their surfaces are so convoluted, that they have been compared to those of the brain. They are situated between the rectum and bladder, and are connected to each by cellular membrane. When the vesiculae seminales are laid open by an in- cision, they appear to consist of cells of a considerable size, irregularly arranged; but when they are carefully examined exteriorly, and the cellular membrane about them is detached and divided, they appear to be formed by a tube of rather more than two lines diameter, and se- veral inches in length, which terminates, like the caecum, in a closed extremity. From this.tube proceed from ten to fifteen short branches, which are closed in the same man- ner. All these tubes are convoluted so as to assume the form of the vesiculae seminales above described; and they are fixed in this convoluted state by cellular membrane, which firmly connects their different parts to each other. It is obvious, that tubes thus convoluted, when cut into, will exhibit the appearance of cells, as in the present in- stance. Function of the Vesicula Seminales, 177 This convoluted tube, composing the vesiculae semi- nales, terminates in a very short duct, which is nearly of the same diameter with the vas deferens, and this duct joi-s the vas deferens so as to form an acute angle. From the union of the vesiculae seminales with the vas deferens on each side, a canal, which seems to be the continuation of the vas deferens, proceeds through part of the prostate to the urethra, which it perforates. These canals are from eight to twelve lines in length; they are conical in form, their largest extremity being equal to the vas deferens at that part. If air or any other fluid be injected through the vas de- ferens into the urethra, it will pass at the same time into the vesiculae seminales, and distend them. It has been ob- served, that a fluid passes in this manner much more readily from the vasa deferentia into the vesiculae semi- nales, than it does from these last mentioned organs into the duct. These organs were generally regarded as reservoirs of semen, and analogous to the gall bladder in their func- tions, until the late Mr. J. HunteY published his opinion that they were not intended to contain semen, but to se- crete a peculiar mucus subservient to the purposes of ge- neration. He states the f.lldWing facts in support of his opinion. A fluid, very different from semen, is found after death in the vesiculae seminales. In persons who have lost one testicle, a considerable time before death, the vesiculae seminales on each side are equally distended with this peculiar fluid. The sensation arising from redundance of the secretion of the testes, is referred to the testes, and not to the vesi- culae seminales. In some animals, there is no connection between the vasa deferentia and the vesiculae seminales. Vol. JI. Z 178. Prostate Gland. See Observations on certain parts of the Animal Eco- nomy, by John Hunter. The Prostate Gland Is situated on the under and posterior part of the neck of the bladder, so as to surround the lower side of the urethra. Its form has some resemblance to that of the chesnut, but it has a notch on the basis like that of the figure of the heart on playing cards, and it is much larger than the chesnut of this part of America. The basis of this body is posterior, and its apex anterior; its position is oblique, between the rectum and the symphisis pubis. On the upper surface is the groove occupied by the urethra; below there is in some cases a small furrow, which, in addition to the notch above, gives to the gland an appear- ance of being divided into two lobes. It adheres to the urethra and neck of the bladder. Its consistence is very firm and dense, resembling the indu- ration of scirrhus rather more than the ordinary texture of glands. This gland receives small branches from the neighbour- ing bloodvessels, and has no artery of considerable size exclusively appropriated to it. As it lies in close contact with the urethra, the ducts which pass between it and the urethra are not to be seen separate from these bodies; but ducts can be seen in the substance of the gland, which perforate the urethra, and open on the sides of the caput gallinaginis to the number of five or six on each side. By pressure a small quantity of a whitish fluid can be forced from these orifices, which is rather viscid, and coagulable in alcohol. The particular use of this fluid is not known. Penis. 179 SECTION IH Of the Penis. THE penis, when detached from the bladder, and the bones, to which it is connected, and divested of the skin which covers it, is an oblong body, which is rounded at one extremity and bifurcated at the other. It is composed of three parts, viz. two oblong bodies, called Corpora Cavernosa, which, at their commence- ment, form the bifurcated portions, and then unite to com- pose the body cAhe organ; and a third part, of a spongy texture, which is connected to these bodies where they unite to each other, on the under side, and continues at- tached to them during the whole extent of their union, terminating in an expanded head which covers the ante- rior extremities of the corpora cavernosa. The urethra passes from the neck of the bladder, on the under side of the penis, to its anterior extremity, invested by this third body, which is therefore called Corpus Spongiosum Ure- thra. The two bifurcated extremities are attached each of them to one of the crura of the pubis and ischium; and they unite to form the body of the penis immediately an- terior to the symphisis pubis, to which the lower part of it is also attached; so that the penis is firmly connected to the middle of the anterior part of the pelvis. The urethra proceeds from the neck of the bladder, between the crura of the ischium and pubis and the crura of the penis, to join the body of the penis at its commencement, and near this place its connection with the corpus spongiosum be- gins; so that there is a small portion of the urethra between the neck of the bladder and the commencement of the corpus spongiosum, which is not covered by the corpus 180 Corpora Cavernosa Penis. spongiosum. This is called the membranous part of the urethra. The penis, therefore, consists of two oblong bodies of a cellular structure, which originate separately, but unite together to form it; and of the urethra, which joins these bodies immediately after their union, and is invested by a spongy covering, which by its expansion forms the ante- rior extremity not only of the urethra but of the whole penis. These three bodies, thus arranged and connected, are covered by cellular membrane and skin in a manner to be hereafter described. The Corpora Cavernosa, Which compose the body of the penis, are two irre- gular cylinders, that are formed by a thick dense elastic membrane, of a whitish ligamentous appearance and great firmness. They are filled with a substance of a cellular structure, which is occasionally distended with blood. The crura of these cylindrical bodies, which are attached to the crura of the ischium and pubis, are small and pointed at the commencement, and are united to the periosteum of the bones. In their progress upwards they enlarge, and at the symphisis of the pubis they unite so as to form one oblong body, which retains the appearance of a union of two cylinders applied to each other lengthways; for above there is a superficial groove passing in that direction, which is occupied by a large vein: and below there is a much deeper groove, in which the urethra is placed. Between these grooves is a septum which divides one side of the penis from the other. It appears to proceed from the strong membrane which forms the penis, and is composed of bundles of fibres, which pass from one groove of the penis to the other, with many intervals between them, through which blood or injection passes very freely. Sometimes these bundles Cells of the Corpora Cavernosa. 181 of fibres, with their intervals, are so regularly arranged, thai tht y have been compared to the teeth of a comb. This septum extends from the union of the two crura to their termination. Each of these cylinders is penetrated by the main branch of the pudic artery, which is about equal in size to a crow's quill. These arteries enter the corpora caver- nosa near th»:ir union, and continue through their whole extent, sending off branches in their course: the tumes- cence and erection of the penis is unquestionably pro- duced by the blood which flows through these vessels into the penis. The interior structure of the penis, when examined in the recent subject, is of a soft spongy nature, and seems stained with blood. If any fluid be injected through the arteries this substance appears cellular, and may be com- pletely distended by it. When air is injected, and the structure becomes dry, the penis may be laid open; the cellular structure then appears as if formed by a number of laminae and of filaments, which proceed from one part of the internal surface of the penis to another, and form irregular cells. It has been compared to the lattice-work in the interior of bones; and it is suggested by M. Roux, that the fibres of which the structure consists resemble those of the strong elastic coat of the penis.* If these cells are filled with coloured wax, injected by the artery, and the animal substance is then destroyed by placing the preparation in a corroding liquor, the wax which remains shows that the membranes forming the cells are very thin. These cells communicate freely with each other; and therefore, if a pipe be passed through the strong coat of the penis, the whole of them can be filled from it by the ordinary process of injection. • The late J. Hunter thought they were muscular. 182 Corpus Spongiosum. Bulb. The Urethra Is a membranous canal, which extends from the neck of the bladder to the orifice at the extremity of the penis; and for a very great part of its length is invested by a spongy structure, called the corpus spongiosum urcthrae. It proceeds from the neck of the bladder along a groove in the upper part of the prostate; from the prostate it con- tinues between the crura of the penis until their junction: it then occupies the great groove formed by the corpora cavernosa on the lower side of the penis, and continues to the orifice above mentioned. At a small distance from the prostate gland the spongy substance which invests it commences, and continues to its termination. After this spongy substance has arrived at the termination of the corpora cavernosa, it expands and forms a body of a par- ticular figure which covers the extremities of the corpora cavernosa, and is denominated the Glans Penis. The Corpus Spongiosum begins at the distance of eight or ten lines from the anterior part of the prostate. It is much larger at its commencement than at any other part except the glans, and this enlarged part is called the Bulb. It surrounds the whole of the urethra, and with the ex- ception of the bulb and the glans penis, is of a cylindrical figure. It is formed by a membrane which has some re- semblance to the coat of the penis, but is much thinner, and by a peculiar spongy substance, which occupies the space between the internal surface of this membrane and the external surface of the canal of the urethra. The membrane and the spongy substance, form a coat to the urethra, which, with the exception of the enlargement be- fore mentioned, is about two lines thick. It is situated in the groove on the lower side of the penis, and its coat adheres firmly to the coat of the penis. The Bulb, or first enlargement of the corpus spongio- sum, is oblong, and rather oval in form; it is marked by a Structure of the Corpus Spongiosum. 183 longitudinal depression in the middle, which is very su- perficial. It consists entirely of the spongy substance above mentioned. The Glans Penis is also composed of the same spongy substance, but the coat which covers it is more thin and delicate than that of the other parts of the urethra. The lower surface of the glans is fitted to the extremities of the corpora cavernosa, but it is broader than the corpora cavernosa, and therefore projects over them on the upper and lateral parts of the surface of the penis. The edge of the piominent part is regularly rounded, and is denomi- nated the Corona Glandis. Several small arteries pass to this spongy structure. The pudic artery, as it passes on each side to the corpora ca- vernosa, sends a branch to the bulb of the urethra. The same vessel in the substance of the penis, also sends branches to the urethra: and the artery on the back of the penis terminates in small branches, which penetrate the substance of the glans. By these vessels blood is carried to the spongy sub- stance of the urethra, which is occasionally distended in the same manner that the cavernous bodies of the penis are distended during the erection of that organ. But the cellular structure of this organ is not so unequivocal as that of the penis; for if it ,be injected with coloured wax, and corroded in the usual manner, the injected matter will exhibit an appearance which has the strongest resem- blance to a convoluted vessel, like the vas deferens in the epididymis. The Canal of the Urethra, Which conveys the urine from the bladder, is a very important part of the urinary organs. It consists of a vas- cular membrane with a smooth surface, which is perfo- rated by the orifices of many mucous follicles, some of 184 Internal Surface of the Urethra. which are of considerable size. It is extremely sensible, and has so much power of contraction, that some persons have supposed muscular fibres to exist in its structure. It is differently circumstanced in different parts of its course. While surrounded with the prostate it adheres firmly to that body, seeming to be supported by it; and here its diameter is larger than it is farther forward. On the lower or posterior side of this portion of the urethra, is an oblong eminence, called Verumontanum, or Caput Gallinaginis, which commences at the orifice of the ure- thra, and continues throughout the whole portion that is surrounded by the prostate gland, terminating at the point of that body. The posterior extremity of this tu- bercle begins abruptly, and soons becomes thick and large; anteriorly it gradually diminishes to a line, which is sometimes preceptible for a considerable distance in the urethra, in a straight forward direction. In the upper edge or top of this body is a groove, which is pro- duced by a mucous follicle; on the lateral surfaces, ante- rior to the middle, are the orifices of the common ducts of the vesiculae seminales and vasa deferentia (see page 176, 7,) which are sufficiently large to receive a thick bristle. Near these, on each side, are five or six smaller orifices of the excretory ducts of the prostate gland. At a small distance before the caput gallinaginis are the open- ings of two ducts, one on each side, that lead to small glandular bodies called Cowper's glands, which are situa- ted on each side of the urethra below the bulb, but are covered by the accelerator urinae muscle. The diameter of the urethra lessens after it leaves the prostate. That portion of the canal which is between this gland and the bulb, without investment, and there- fore called the membranous part, is the smallest in dia- meter. After it is invested with the spongy substance it has a small enlargement, and then continues nearly of one Mucous Ducts of the Urethra. 185 size until it arrives near the glans penis, when it again enlarges and alters its form, being no longer cylindrical but flattened. Its broad surfaces have now a lateral aspect. From the bulb of the corpus spongiosum to this last enlargement, the appearance of the inner surface of the urethra is uniform. The membrane is thin and delicate, and in a healthy subject, who has been free from disease of these parts, is of a whitish colour; but bloodvessels are very perceptible in it. When it is relaxed, it appears to be thrown into longitudinal wrinkles; but it admits of considerable extension, being somewhat elastic: when extended, its surface appears smooth, as if it were cover- ed with an epithelium. Throughout the whole extent of this part of the urethra, are the orifices of a great many mucous ducts or sinuses, which pass obliquely back- wards from the surface. Many of these are so small that they cannot be penetrated by a bristle, or probe of that size; but some are larger. It has not been observed that any glandular body immediately surrounds them, al- though they secrete the mucus with which the urethra is lubricated. On the lower side of the urethra, near the commencement of the glans penis, there is one or more of them, so large that their orifices sometimes admit the point of a small bougie. These organs, when inflamed, secrete the puriform discharge which takes place in gonorrhoea. In a natural state they produce the mucus which is constantly spread over the surface of the urethra, to defend it from the acri- mony of the urine, and which passes away with that fluid un perceived. The surface of the urethra is endued with great sensi- bility, and is therefore liable to great irritation from con- tact with any rough body or any acrid substance. Irri- tation, thus excited, induces a state of contraction, which is particularly remarkable, as no muscular fibres are to be seen in its structure. When a bougie has been passed Vol. II. 2 A 186 Contractile Power of the Urethra. into the urethra for a considerable distance, if it cannot proceed the whole way, it sometimes happens that the instrument will be discharged by a steady uniform mo- tion, which seems to proceed from a progressive con- traction of the urethra, beginning very low down. At particular times, after the urethra has been much irritat- ed, it will not receive a bougie, although at other times a bougie of equal size may be passed to the bladder without opposition. This cannot depend upon that elas- ticity which was noticed before. Upon the two crura of the penis, or the beginning of the corpora cavernosa, are fixed the muscles called Erectores Penis, which are described in the first volume.* These muscles cover the crura of the penis from their origin to their junction, and not only compress them, but also in- fluence the motion of the penis when it is distended. The bulb of the urethra is covered by a muscular coat, called the Accelerator Urina,* which has the effect of driving forwards any fluid contained in the cavity pf the urethra, and also of giving the same direction to the blood in that part of the corpus spongiosum. 1 here is also the Transversus Perinei on each side, that passes trans- versely from the tuberosity of the ischium to the bulb of the urethra. Finally the lower part of the sphincter ani muscle, which is nearly eliptical in form, is inserted by its anterior point into the muscular covering of the bulb of the urethra. Upon removing the integuments, these muscles are in view; and the course of the urethra from the bladder is concealed, particularly by the anterior point of the sphincter ani. When the sphincter ani is dis- sected away from its anterior connections, and the cel- lular and adipose substance, which is sometimes very abundant, is also removed, the lower surface of the * See description of " Muscles about the Male Organs of Gene- ration," Vol. I. Part II. Chap. II. In tegu m ents of the Penis. 187 membranous part of the urethra may be brought into view, as it proceeds from the prostate gland to the bulb of the corpus spongiosum.* When the accelerator urinse is removed from the bulb of the urethra, there will appear two bodies, which have some resemblance to flattened peas. They lie one on each side of the urethra, and communicate with its cavity by means of a duct, which is from one third to half an inch in length. These are Cowper's glands. The penis is connected to the symphysis pubis by a ligamentous substance, which proceeds from the back or upper surface of the organ to the anterior part of the symphysis, and connects these parts firmly to each other. Thus constructed, of the corpora cavernosa and the urethra with its corpus spongiosum, and attached to the pelvis as above mentioned, the penis is invested with its integuments in the following manner. Integuments of the Penis. The glans penis, the structure of which has been al- ready desciibed, is covered by a continuation of the skin, which appears altered in its texture so as to resemble in some respects the skin of the lips, and in like manner is covered by a delicate production of cuticle. Around the corona of the glans, especially on its upper ptrt, there are whitish tubercles, which are of different sizes in different persons, but always very small.. The skin adheres firmly to the whole extent of the corona of the glans, and is very delicate in its structure as it con- * The natural situation of the membranous part of the urethra, and of the prostate gland, as well as their relative position with respect to the sphincter ani, rectum, Sec. can be best studied by a la- teral view of the contents of the pelvis; which is to be obtained by removing carefully one of the ossa innominata, and dissecting the parts which were inclosed by it. 188 The Prepuce. tinues from the glans upon the body of the penis; but it gradually changes, so as to assume the appearance and structure of common skin, and continues in this state over the penis. The adhesion of the skin to the ligament- ous coat of the corpora cavernosa also becomes more loose, owing to the quantity and texture of the cellular substance which connects them. The skin thus connect- ed to the penis, has commonly more length than that or- gan, even in its extended state. In consequence of this greater length, and of its adhering firmly around the co- rona glandis, it necessarily forms a circular fold or plait, which varies in size according to the length of the skin. This fold is generally situated at the commencement of the firm attachment of the skin to the body of the penis, or around the glans; but it may be formed any where upon the body of the penis by artificial management. This duplicature, or fold of the skin, when it takes place so as to cover the glans, is called the Prepuce; and the skin which is very tender and delicate for some dis- tance from the glans, forms that surface of the prepuce which is in contact with the glans when it covers that body. There is also a small fold of the skin, which is longi- tudinal in its direction, that commences at the orifice of the urethra, and extends backwards, on the lower sur- ■ face of the penis. It is unvarying in its position, and is called the Frenum. It is a general observation, that adepts is not found in the cellular substance which connects the skin to the body of the penis; but this cellular substance is distended with water in some hydropic cases. From the skin immediately below the glans, and from small follicles on each side of the frenum, is secreted an unctuous fluid, which, when allowed to continue, be- comes inspissated, and acquires a caseous consistence and colour, as well as a peculiar odour. It sometimes Bloodvessels and Absorbents of the Penis. 189 also acquires an acrimony which produces inflammation of the surface with which it is in contact, as well as the copious secretion of a puriform fluid. The distribution of the pudic artery in the penis, has already been mentioned; and a further account of its ori- gin and progress to its destination, will be found in the general account of the arteries. Sometimes small branches of the external pudic arteries, which originate from the femoral, are extended to the penis; and it has been as- serted, that branches of the middle haemorrhoidal artery have also been found there, but this does not often occur. The Veins of the penis are of two kinds: those which originate in the corpora cavernosa, accompany the cor- responding branches of the pudic artery, but communi- cate more or less with the plexus of veins on the lower and lateral part of the bladder. These is also a great vein which occupies the groove on the back of the penis, be- tween the corpora cavernosa, that appears particularly appropriated to the corpus spongiosum urethras; for it originates in the glans penis, and receives branches from the urethra as it proceeds backwards. There are often two of these veins, one in the groove and the other more su- perficial: they generally unite near the root of the penis. The common trunk then passes between the body of the penis and the symphysis pubis, and terminates in a plexus of veins at the neck of the bladder, which is connected to the plexus above mentioned on the lower and lateral parts of the same viscus. The Absorbent Vessels of the penis take two different directions on each side. Those which arise from the in- teguments generally, unite so as to form a few trunks on the back of the penis, which divide near the root of the organ, and proceed to the glands of the groin. Those which originate from the interior parts of the penis, ac- company the bloodvessels, and terminate in the plexus of lymphatics in the pelvis. 190 Nerves.—General Observations. It ought to be noted, that the superficial lymphatics generally enter the upper inguinal glands. The Nerves of the penis are principally derived from the lower sacral nerves, which unite in the plexus that forms the great ischiatic. From these nerves a branch on each side originates, which passes, like the pudic artery, between the sacro-sciatic ligaments. In this course it di- vides into two branches, one of which passes below to the muscles of the penis and urethra, and to the contiguous parts; and some of its branches seem finally to terminate in the dartos: the other branch proceeds along the crura of the pubis and ischium, and passing between the sym- physis pubis and the body of the penis, arrives at the upper surface or dorsum of the penis, along which it con. tinues on the outside of the arteries to the glans, in which it terminates. In this course it sends off several branches, some of which terminate in the integuments of the penis. After an examination of the relative situation of the mus- cits and bloodvessels of the male organs of generation* there appears reason to doubt, whether the erection of the penis can be referred to pressure upon the veins which return from that organ.—Albinus has written on this subject. See Academicarum Annotationum, lib. ii. caput xviii. Haller has also considered it, and stated the opinions of several anatomists, in his Elementa Phy- siologiae, torn. vii. page 555. The manner in which the urine is confined in the bladder does not appear to be clearly understood. The con- nexion 'of the neck of the bladder with the prostate, and the appearance of the contiguous parts of the blad- der, do not render it mfobable that these parts act like a sphincter. The late J. Hunter, who paid great atten- tion to the functions of these organs, was very decid- ed in his opinion that the contraction of the urethra pro- duced the effect of a sphincter of the bladder. He has published some very ingenious observations respecting the manner in which urine is discharged from the blad- General Observations. 191 der, in his Treatise on the Venereal Disease, part III. chapter IX. Mr. Hunter also long since asserted, that the vascular convoluted appearance of the corpus spongiosum urethrae was more distinct in the horse than the man. In the fifth volume of the Lecons d'Anatomie Comparee of Cuvier, the very learned and ingenious author confirms the de- claration of Hunter, respecting the vascular convolu- tions of the corpus spongiosum of the horse. He states, that the corpora cavernosa of the penis of the elephant appear to be filled in a great degree with the ramifica- tions of veins, which communicate with each other by such large and frequent anastomoses, that they#have a cellular appearance. A similar structure exists in the horse, camel, bullock, deer, Sec. and in them all these communicating branches can be distinguished from those which extend the whole length of the penis. The corpus spongiosum urethrae, according to M. Cuvier, is constructed in a similar manner. From these facts he is induced to believe that this structure pervades the whole class of mammalia. 192 CHAPTER VI. OF THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. I HE female organs of generation consist of the Uterus and Ovaries, with their appendages; and of the Vagina, with the structure which surrounds its external orifice. The uterus is situated in the pelvis, between the bladder and rectum; and the ovaries are on each side of it. The vagina is a very large membranous canal, which passes from the uretus downwards and forwards, also between the bladder and rectum, and opens externally. Connected with the orifice of the vagina are several bo- dies, which are called the external parts of generation,. in order to distinguish them from the uterus and ovaries, and their appendages, and also from the canal of the vagi- na; which are called the internal parts. The bladder of urine lies above and in contact with the vagina: the urethra is also intimately connected with it. The description of the bladder and urethra is therefore placed at the end of this chapter. SECTION I. Of the External Parts of Generation. The adipose membrane, immediately anterior to the symphysis pubis, and on each side of it, form a conside- rable prominence in females, which, at the age of puber- ty, is covered with hair, as in males. This prominence is denominated the Mons Veneris. Labia Externa.—Clitoris. 193 The exterior orifice commences immediately below this. On each side of this orifice is a prominence con- tinued from the mons veneris, which is largest above, and gradually diminishes as it descends. These prominences have some hair upon them. They are called the Labia Externa. Their junction below is denominated the Four- chette. The space between the place of their junction and the anus is rather more than an inch in extent, and is de- nominated the Perineum. As the skin which forms the labia is continued inter- nally, it becomes more thin and soft, and is covered by a more delicate cuticle. It is also more or less florid, and secretes a peculiar mucus. In the upper angle, formed by the labia externa, is the upper extremity and glans of the clitoris. The Clitoris is a body which has a very strong resem- blance to the penis, but there is no urethra attached to it. It has two crura of considerable length, which originate, like those of the penis, from the crura of the pubis and ischium, and unite at the symphysis of the pubis so as to form a body, which is not much more than an inch in length, and is broad in proportion. The extremity of this prgan, called the Glans of the Clitoris, forms a small tubercle, which is covered above and on the sides by a small plait or fold of the skin, denominated the Prepuce. These parts are lubricated by a secretion similar to that which is observed round the glans penis. . The crura of the clitoris have muscles similar to the erectores penis. The interior structure of the Clitoris is very similar to that of the corpora cavernosa of the penis, or the corpus spongiosum of the urethra. It appears con- structed for a similar distention, and is endued with the same sensibility as the penis. The two lateral parts are also separated from each other by a septum, resembling that of the penis. It is united to the symphysis pubis by a ligament. * Vol. II. 2 B 194 Nympha.—Hymen. The Prepuce of the clitoris has a semicircular form: below its extremities two folds or plaits commence, one on each side, which are situated obliquely with respect to each other, so as to form an angle. These folds are denominated the Nympha. The Nympha extend from the clitoris downwards nearly as far iis the middle of the orifice of the vagina. They are situated within the external labia, and are formed by the skin after it has become more delicate in its texture. Their surface however is often somewhat corrugated. There are many bloodvessels in their inter- nal structure, and it is supposed they are occasionally somewhat tumid. They are flat, and their exterior edge is convex; so that they are narrow at their extremities, and broad in the middle. Their breadth is very variable, and in some instances is great. In a majority of cases it is equal to one fourth of their length. Their colour in young subjects is of a bright red; in women advanced in years and who have had many children, they are of a brown red, and sometimes of a dark colour. The use of these parts is not very evident. They have been supposed to regulate the course of the urine as it flows from the urethra, but their effect in this respect is not great. They have also been supposed to favour the necessary enlargement of the parts in parturition. The orifice of the urethra is situated about an inch and one quarter further inward than the clitoris. It is often rather less than the diameter of the urethra, and is some- what protuberant. The orifices of mucous ducts are to be perceived around k. The orifice of the urethra is at the commencement of the canal of the vagina. Immediately within this orifice is situated the membrane denominated Hymen. The Hymen is an incomplete septum, made by a fold or duplicature of the membrane which forms the surface contiguous to it. Sometimes it is circular, with an aper- The Vagina. 195 ture in the center. Sometimes it has a resemblance to the crescent, the aperture being at the upper part of it. The hymen has frequently been found without a perforation, and has therefore prevented the discharge of the men- strual evacuation. It is generally ruptured in the first in- tercourse of the sexes; and some small tubercles, which are found on the surface of the vagina near the spot where it was situated, are supposed to be the remains of it. These tubercles are called Caruncula Myrtiformes. SECTION II. Of the Vagina. THE canal of the vagina, commencing at the hymen and the orifice of the urethra, is rather more narrow at its beginning than it is further inward. From this place it extends backwards and upwards, and partakes in a small degree of the curve of the rectum: while the bladder, which is above it, and rests upon it, increases the curva- ture of the anterior part. It is much larger in women who have had children than in those who have not. The membrane which lines the vagina resembles, to a certain degree, the membranes which secrete mucus in different parts of the body. Its surface appears to consist of very small papilla;; and at the anterior extremity of the vagina it forms a great number of rugae, which are ar- ranged in a transverse direction, both on the part of the vagina connected to the bladder, and on that which is connected to the rectum, while the lateral parts of the va- gina are smooth. These rugae are most prominent in the middle; so that a raised line appears to pass through them at right angles. This line extends from without inwards. The rugae on the part next to the bladder are the strongest. 196 Corpora Cavernosa.—Sphincter Vagina. This arrangement of the surface of the vagina does not extend beyond the external half of the canal: on the in- ternal half part, or that nearest the uterus, the surface is smooth. The rugse are considerably diminished in women who have had children. Throughout this surface are to be seen, in some cases with the naked eye, the orifices of mucous follicles or ducts, which occasionally discharge considerable quanti- ties of mucus. Exterior to this lining membrane of the vagina is a dense cellular structure, which has not yet been com- pletely investigated: it is of a lightish colour, and has some resemblance to the texture of the body of the ute- rus. It is very vascular, and appears to be of a fibrous structure. It may be very much distended, and seems to have a contractile power. At the anterior extremity of the vagina, on each side of it, there is, superadded to this, a cellular or vascular substance, from eight lines to an inch in breadth; which, when cut into, resembles the corpora cavernosa, or the corpus spongiosum of the penis. These bodies com- mence near the body of the clitoris, and extend down- wards on each side of the vagina. They have been called Plexus Reteformis, and Corpora Cavernosa Vagina, and are supposed to be occasionally distended with blood, like the clitoris and penis. These corpora cavernosa are covered by muscular fi- bres, which pass over them on each side from the sphinc- ter ani to the body of the clitoris; to each of which organs they are attached. These fibres constitute the sphincter vaginae muscle, and contract the diameter of the vagina at the place where they are situated. The transversus perinei muscles also exist in the fe- male. They pass from the tuberosities of the ischia, and are inserted into a dense whitish substance in the perine- Unimpregnated Uterus. 197 um, to which the anterior extremity of the sphincter ani is likewise attached. The vagina is in contact with the rectum behind; the bladder lies upon it and anterior to it. A small portion of peritoneum, to be reflected to the rectum, is continued from the uterus upon the posterior part of it. The lateral portions of it are invested with cellular substance. The anterior extremity of the uterus, which is called the Os Tincae, projects into it from above. SECTION III. Of the Uterus, the Ovaries and their Appendages. The Uterus HAS been compared to a pear with a long neck. There is of course a considerable difference between the body and neck; the first being twice as broad as the last. Each of these parts is somewhat flattened. In subjects of mature age, who have never been preg- nant, the whole of the uterus is about two inches and a half in length, and more than one inch and a half in breadth at the broadest part of the body: it is also near an inch in thickness. It is generally larger than this in women who have lately had children. The uterus is situated in the pelvis between the blad- der and rectum, and is inclosed in a duplicature or fold of the peritoneum, which forms a loose septum that extends from one side of the pelvis to the other, and divides it into an anterior and posterior chamber. The posterior surface of this septum is opposed to the rectum, and the anterior to the bladder. The two portions of this septum. 198 Ligaments of the Uterus. which are between the uterus and the lateral parts of the pelvis, are called the Broad Ligaments. On the posterior surface, the Ovaries are situated on each side of the uterus, being inclosed by a process of the ligament or septum. Above them, in the upper edge of the septum, are the Fallopian Tubes, which are ducts that commence at the upper part of the uterus on each side, and proceed in a lateral direction for some distance, when they form an angle and incline downwards to the ovaries. These ducts are inclosed between the two laminae of the septum for the greater part of their length. The peritoneum, which forms the septum, is reflected from it, posteriorly, to the rectum and the posterior sur- face of the pelvis, and anteriorly, to the bladder. In its progress, in each direction, it forms small plaits or folds; two of which extend from the uterus to the rectum pos- teriorly, and two more to the bladder anteriorly: these are called the Anterior and Posterior Ligaments of the Uterus. The other ligaments, which proceed more immediately from the uterus, are called the Round Ligaments. These arise from each side of the uterus, at a small distance be- fore and below the origins of the fallopian tubes, and pro- ceed in an oblique course to the abdominal rings. These ligaments are also invested by the peritoneum. They pass through the rings and soon terminate. In the body of the uterus is a cavity which approaches to the triangular form; and from which a canal proceeds through its neck. This cavity is so small that its sides are almost in contact, and the canal is in proportion; so that this organ is very thick in proportion to its bulk. The substance of which the uterus consists is very firm and dense: it is of a whitish colour, with a slight tinge of red. There are many bloodvessels, with nerves and ab- sorbent vessels, in its texture. The nature and structure of this substance has not yet been precisely ascertained. Structure and Cavity of the Uterus. 199 It appears very different indeed from muscle; but the uterus occasionally contracts, with great force, during la- bour. It is not rendered thin by its enlargement during pregnancy, and the bloodvessels in its texture are greatly enlarged at that time. Exteriorly, the uterus is covered by the peritoneum, as has already been mentioned. Internally it is lined with a delicate membrane that has some resemblance to those which secrete mucus, and is generally of a whitish co- lour, abounding with small orifices that can be seen with a magnifying glass. This membrane is so intimately con- nected to the substance of the uterus that some anatomists have supposed it was merely the internal surface of that substance, but this opinion is now generally abandoned. It is supposed that the colour of this membrane is more florid about the period of menstruation. The cavity of the uterus, as has been observed before, is triangular in form. When the organ is in its natural position, the upper side of this triangle is transverse with respect to the body, and the other sides pass downwards and inwards. In each of the upper angles are the orifices of the fallopian tubes, which are of such size as to admit a hog's bristle. The two lower lines of the triangle are slightly curved outwards at their upper extremities; so that the upper an- gles of the triangle project outwards, and the orifices of the fallopian tubes are nearer to the external surface than they otherwise would be. The lower angle of the cavity of the uterus is occupied by the orifice of the canal, which passes through the neck of the organ; this orifice is from three to four lines in di- ameter. The canal is about an inch in length, and is rather wider in the middle than at either end. On the anterior and posterior portions of its surface are many small ridges which have an arborescent arrangement, one large ridge passing internally from the commencement of the canal, 200 Structure of the Fallopian Tubes. from which a number of other ridges go off in a transverse direction. These ridges extend nearly the whole length of the canal. In the grooves, between the ridges, are the orifices of many mucous ducts. There are also on this surface a number of transparent bodies of a round form, equal in bulk to a middle sized grain of sand; the nature and use of which is unknown. They have been called Ovula Nabothi, after a physiologist, who published some speculations respecting their use, about the commence. ment of the last century. The canal of the neck of the uterus is very different from other ducts, for it seems to be a part of the cavity to which it leads, and when the cavity of the uterus be- comes enlarged in the progress of pregnancy, this canal is gradually converted into a part of that cavity. The lower extremity of the neck of the uterus is irre- gularly convex and tumid. The orifice of the canal in it is oval, and so situated diat it divides the convex surface of the neck into two portions, which are called the Lips. . k] The anterior or upper portion is thicker than the other. This extremity of the uterus protrudes into the vagina, and is commonly called Os Tinea. As the anterior por- tion or lip is larger and more tumid than the posterior, the vagina extends further beyond the os tincae on the posterior part than on the anterior. The Fallopian Tubes Are two canals, from four to five inches in length, which proceed between the laminae of the broad liga- ments, from the upper angles of the uterus, in a trans- verse direction, to some distance from the uterus, when they form an angle, and take a direction downwards to- wards the ovaries. They are formed, for a considerable part of their extent, by a substance which resembles that of which the uretus Situation of the Ovaries. 201 consists, and are lined by a membrane continued from the internal membrane of the uterus. Their extremities ap- pear to be composed of membrane, which is rendered flo- rid by the bloodvessels in its texture. At the commence- ment their diameters are extremely small; but they en- large in their progress. This enlargement is gradual for the first half, and afterwards sudden; the enlarged part is more membranous than the small part, and has a bright red colour. The large extremity is loose in the cavity of the pelvis, and is not invested by the laminae of the broad ligaments. Near the termination the diameter is often contracted; after which the membrane which forms the tube expands into an open mouth, the margin of which consists of fringed processes: this margin is also oblique, as respects the axis of the tube; and the different fringed processes are not all of the same length; but the longest are in the middle, and the other regularly diminish on each side of them: these processes constitute the Fimbria of the fallopian tubes. The internal surface of the large extremities of these tubes is extremely vascular; and there are some longitu- dinal fibres of a red colour to be seen on it. The Round Ligaments, Which have already been mentioned, are cords of a fibrous structure, with many bloodvessels in them. They arise from the uterus below the origin of the fallopian tubes, and proceed under the anterior lamina of the broad ligament to the abdominal rings, through which they pass; and then the fibres and vessels art expanded upon the contiguous cellular substance. The Ovaries Are two bodies of a flattened oval form; one of which is situated on each side of the uterus on the posterior sur- Vol. II. 2C 202 Structure of the Ovaries. Corpora Lutea. face of the broad ligament, and invested completely by a process of the posterior lamina, which forms a coat, and also a ligament for it. The size of this organ varies in dif- ferent subjects, btit in a majority of those who are about the age of maturity it is between ten and twelve lines in length. It is connected to the uterus by a small ligament, or bundle of fibres of the same structure with the round ligaments, which is not more than two lines in diameter, and is included between the laminae of the broad liga- ment. The process of the broad ligament forms an external coat to the ovary; within this is the proper coat of the or- gan, which is a firm membrane. This membrane is so firmly connected to the substance of the ovary which it incloses, that it cannot be easily separated from it. The ovary is of a whitish colour and soft texture, and has many bloodvessels. In virgins of mature age it co? fans from ten to twenty vesicles, formed of a delicate . v brane, filled with a transparent coagulable fluid. k of these vesicles are situated so near to the surface o. . ovary that they are prominent on its surface; others are near the center. They are very different in size; the largest being between two and three lines in diameter, and others not more than one third of that size. In women who have had children, or in whom concep- tion has taken place, some of these vesicles are removed; and in their place a cicatrix is found. It has been ascertained, that during the sexual inter- course with males, one of these vesicles, which was pro- tuberant on the surface, is often ruptured, and a cavity is found. A cicatrix is soon formed, where the membrane was ruptured; and in the place occupied by the vesicle there is a yellow substance denominated Corpus Luteum. This corpus luteum generally continues until the middle of pregnancy: it often remains during that state, and for Arteries of the Uterus. 203 some time after delivery, but it gradually vanishes. The cicatrization continues during life. In many cases these cicatrices correspond with the number of conceptions which have taken place; but they often exceed the number of conceptions, and they have been found in cases where conception has not been known to have taken place. In very old subjects, where conception has never taken place, the vesicles are either entirely removed, or small dense tubercles only remain in their place. The Arteries Of the uterus are derived from two very different sources; viz. from the spermatic and from the hypogas- tric arteries. The spermatic arteries, instead of passing directly down to the abdominal ring, proceed between the laminae of the broad ligament, and send branches to the ovaries, which may sometimes be traced to the vesicles. They also send branches to the fallopian tubes and to the uterus. Those which are on the opposite sides*of the uterus anastomose with each other, and also with the branches of the hypo- gastric arteries. There are also branches of these arteries in the round ligaments, which accompany them to their termination outside of the abdominal ring. The principal arteries of the uterus are those derived from the hypogastric, which sends to each side of it a considerable branch, called the Uterine. This vessel leaves the hypogastric very near the origin of the internal pudic, and proceeds to the cervix of the uterus: it passes between the lamina? of the broad ligaments, and sends branches to the edge of the uterus, which penetrate its texture. The branches which are in the texture of the uterus are very small indeed, in young subjects. In wo- men who have had children they are considerably larger; 204 Veins of the Uterus. Lymphatics. but during pregnancy they gradually enlarge with the growth of the uterus, and become very considerable. These arteries observe a serpentine and peculiarly tor- tuous course. Those on the opposite sides anastomose with each other. The Veins Of the uterus, like the arteries, form spermatic and uterine trunks. The Spermatic Vein is much larger than the artery. It ramifies as in males, and forms a very large plexus, which constitutes the corpus pampiniforme. Many of the veins which form this body, originate near the ovary: a considerable number also come from the fal- lopian tubes and the uterus. The spermatic vein and its branches are greatly enlarged indeed during pregnancy; and it is said that they are enlarged the same way during the menstrual discharge. The most important veins of the uterus are the branches of the Uterine Veins. They are extremely numerous, and form a plexus on the side of the uterus; from which two ' * or more uterine veins proceed in the course of the artery, and join the hypogastric. These veins also a^e greatly en- larged during pregnancy. The Lymphatic Vessels Of the uterus, and its appendages, are very numerous. In the unimpregnated state they are small; but, during pregnancy, they increase greatly. They proceed from the uterus in very different directions. Some that accompany the round ligaments go to the lymphatic glands of the groin. Others which take the course of the uterine blood- vessels pass to glands in the pelvis, and a third set follow the spermatic arteries and veins to the glands on the loins. Bladder and Urethra. 205 The Nerves Of the ovaries are derived from the renal plexus, and those of the uterus and vagina from the hypogastric plexus, or the lower portions of the sympathetic, and the third and fourth sacral nerves. SECTION III. Of the Bladder and Urethra. The situation of the Bladder, as respects the symphy- sis pubis, is nearly alike in both sexes; but that part of it which is immediately behind the insertion of the ure- ters is rather lower in males than in females. The bottom of the bladder rests upon the upper part of the vagina, a thin stratum of cellular substance only intervening: when that viscus is distended it forms a tumor, which com- presses the vagina. The ureters are inserted, and the urethra commences in the same part of the bladder, in both sexes. The length of the Urethra is between one and two inches. When the body is in a direct position, it is nearly horizontal; but it is slightly curved, with its convexity downwards. It is immediately above the vagina, and it passes below the body of the clitoris. The external ori- fice of it is rather more than an inch within the glans or head of the clitoris. This orifice is somewhat prominent in the vagina. In the internal or lining membrane of the urethra there are many orifices of mucous follicles, and also longitudi- nal wrinkles, as in the urethra of males. The diameter of the female urethra and its orifice in the bladder are greater than they are in the male. For this reason it has betn 206 Gradual Change in the Gravid Uterus. supposed, that women are less liable to calculus of the bladder than men.* The urethra is intimately connected with the external coat of the vagina, and between them there is a spongy cellular substance which makes the rough surface of the vagina prominent; so that the urethra has been supposed, although erroneously, to be invested with the prostate. It is capable of great artificial dilatation. Of the Changes induced in the Uterus in the progress of Pregnancy. The alteration which takes place in the size of the ute- rus during pregnancy is truly great. About the conclu- sion of that period, instead of the small body above de- scribed, which is almost solid, the uterus forms an im. mense sac, which extends from the termination of the vagina in the pelvis, into the epigastric region;, and from one side of the abdomen to the other;, preserving, how- ever, an ovoid figure. >f This change is so gradual at first, thai*the uterus doeij , not extend beyond the cavity of the pefvis before the third month, although at the end of the seventh month it is very near the epigastric* region. * , For the first six months the body of the uterus appears principally concerned in the enlargement: after "this the cervix begins to change, a.$d is gradually altered, so as to compose a portion of the sac, rather of less thickness than the rest of the uterus; the mouth being ultimately an aper- ture in a part which is much thinner than the other por- tions of the organ. * The change which takes place in the texture of some of the appendages of the uterus is very important. The Broad Ligaments, which seem particularly calcu- lated to favor the extension of the uterus, are necessarily * It has however been asserted that they are also less liable te alculi in the kidneys. General Observations. 207 altered by the change in the size of that organ, but not en- tirely done away. The portion of peritoneum of which they are formed must be very much enlarged with the growth of the uterus, as it continues to cover it. The Round Ligaments are much elongated; and they observe a more straight course to the abdominal ring. The Fallo- pian Tubes are enlarged; and instead of passing off late- rally from the uterus, they now proceed downwards by the side of it. The Ovaries appear rather larger and more spongy: their relative situation is necessarily lower. The change in the Uterus itself is particularly interest- ing. The great increase of its size is not attended with any considerable diminution of thickness in its sub- stance; nor are the arteries much less convoluted than be- fore pregnancy, as might have been expected. They are greatly" enlarged in diameter, and the orifices of the exha- lent vessels on the internal surface of the uterus are much 'more perceptible. , [ ' The veins are much more enlarged than the arteries, '^nd in some places appear more than half an inch in dia- meter. They are not regularly cylindrical, but rather flat. They anastomose so as ton form an irregilar net work. The uterus appears rr)uch more fityous and muscular in the gravid than in the unimpregnated state. The con- tractile power of the gravid uterus is not F the digital arteries to the side* of the fingers. N B. The ImeroMtal and ihe Dinar come off from Uw Humeral, br a cam- n of the lower intercostal spaces. To the diaphragm. To the stomach, liver, and spleen. Almost all the small intestines, and part of the great. Glandule Renales. The Kidneys. The Testicles. The Ovaries. The left portion of the Colon, and the Rectum. Muscles on the loins and the abdomen. The spine and the spinal canty . Which is spent upon the Sacrum, Coccyx,and Rectum. At the great Bifurca- < The PRIMITIVE ILIACS, One of which is divided on each side of the Pelvis into Tke Itio Lumbar artery t The EXTERNAL ILIAC, The first portion of the great artery « the lower extremity, t which passes under Poupart's ligament to the thigh, but pre* viously Mods off TThc Sacrum, internally and ex to< ternally. (The Cauda Equina. f The Bladder. to< The Uterus. (The Rectum. r The Muscles on the upper and to< interior part of the thigh. (The llipjoint, &c. r The Muscles on the lateral and to < posterior parts of the Ossa In- CTIie M» ,o \ and t C thigh the posterior part < (Which is often give by the Ischiatic.) i offCThe Organs of Generation The CiratmJUxa I&i, A small artery, which ■> spent upon the iliacus abdominal muscles and the psoas. The Epigastric, Which is spent upon the muscles, and integu- ments of the anterior part of the abdomen. The FEMORAL The second portion of the great artery of the lower extre- mity begins at Pou- part's ligament. It The External Pudic To the exterior parts of the Organs of Geue- The Profunda, And its branches, the two circumflex*, to the muscle* on the thigh. The POPLITEAL, The third portion of the great artery, lies on the back of the thigh. It sends off the articular arteries, which anasto- mose with each other, and supply the contigu- It divides into The A.tTxaion tibial, Which proceeds down the an- terior part of the leg to the ' top of the foot, from which it descends to the sole. It sends off Thei Which is near the fibula on the posterior side of the interos- seal ligament. It is spent upon i and the internal ankle lo'the sole of the foot, where it 'divides. It sends off A recurrent branch to anasto- mose with branches from Branches to the anterior muscles of the leg. Tarsal and metatarsal branches to the upper part of the foot. The muscles on the outside of The ankle and the outside of the Branches to the muscles. The medullary artery of the tibia. The internal and the external plantar arteries, to the parts on the sole of the foot and the toes. N B The Potterior Tibial and the Pe- roneal came off frwn Um PapUtcal by 289 CHAPTER III. OF THE PARTICULAR DISTRIBUTION OF THE VEINS. ANATOMISTS of great respectability have very dif- ferent sentiments respecting the best method of describing the veins. Some of them, in order to follow the course of the circulation, commence with the small veins, and pro- ceed to the,large trunks which are formed by their union. Others begin with the great veins that empty into the heart, and proceed from them to the small ramifications of the venous system, in a direction the reverse of the circulation. As the last method is the easiest for the student of anatomy, it will be adopted here; but it must always be kept in mind, that the blood flows from the small veins into the larger, and not from the latter into the former, as the mode of description seems to imply. The great trunk of the venous system differs consi- derably from that of the arterial with respect to its con- nexion with the heart; for it communicates with that organ in such a manner that, when viewed from before, it ap- pears like two vessels; one opening into the upper, and the other into the lower part of the right auricle. When viewed from behind, it appears like a continued tube, three fourths of which are deficient anteriorly; and to the margin of this deficiency the right sinus or pouch of the heart is connected. In some preparations of the heart, where all the great vessels connected with it are much distended by the in- jection, and the pulmonary vessels are injected first; the right auricle is so much pressed upon from behind, by Vol. II. 2 O 290 Feins of the Heart. the vessels which go to the right lung, that the direction of the superior and inferior portions of the vena cava, which thus communicate with it, is altered. Each of them is turned obliquely forwards, so that it forms an angle with the other. This occasions them to appear more like distinct vessels than they otherwise would do. The above mentioned portions of the great veins are denominated the Superior or Descending, and the Inferior or Ascending Vena Cava; as if they were perfectly distinct and unconnected with each other. The coronary Veins, Which are exclusively appropriated to the heart, may be considered here, as they are not included in the general arrangement of the veins. The great vein of the heart begins at the lower part of the right auricle, very near to the septum, which divides the two auricles. It soon proceeds to the left, in a circular direction, surrounded with adipose matter, in the deep groove which exists between the left auricle and the left ventricle. It continues between the auricle and ven- tricle, until it is immediately over the septum, which divides the two ventricles. Here its direction changes, and it proceeds to the apex of the heart, where its small ramifications anastomose with others soon to be described. In its course rota nd thebasis of the left ventricle, it sends off several branches, one of which is considerable, that pro- ceed from the basis towards the apex of the heart, rami- fying on the surface of the left ventricle. A second vein, much less than the first, appears to pro- ceed from the great vessel at its commencement,* and continues on the lower flat surface of the heart, between the two ventricles, to the apex, accompanied by a branch * It often opens into the auricle by a separate orifice. Superior Vena Cava and its Great Branches. 291 of the right coronary artery. This has been called the Middle vein of the heart. In addition to these there are several veins which begm at the- right auricle, and extend on the surface of the right ventricle towards the apex of the heart. These have been called the Anterior Veins. SECTION I. Of the SUPERIOR or DESCENDING VENA CAVA, and the Veins which communicate with it. THIS great vessel proceeds upwards from the superior and posterior part of the right sinus or pouch of the heart;* and a portion of it is so involved by the pericardium, that it seems to be included in that sac, as the heart is in diis situation. It is somewhat anterior as well as to the risrht of the aorta. It continues above the pericardium, adhering to the right lamina of the mediastinum, and rather inclining forward. When it is as high as the lower margin of the upper rib, it sends off a very large branch, which conveys the venous blood of the left arm and the left side of the head and neck. This large vein, which is very important, both on account of its size and its situation, proceeds in a transverse direction within the sternum, almost in contact with and but little below the upper and internal margin of that bone. Immediately behind or within the origin of the left sterno-mastoid muscle, it divides into the left sub- clavian, which preserves a transverse course, and the left internal jugular, which proceeds to the cavity of the cranium by the foramen, lacerum. *Sec the description of the heart, in page 50, of this volume. 292 , Vena Azygos. After sending off this transverse branch to the left, the great vein continues upwards and behind the right sterno- mastoid muscle, and there sends off, nearly at right angles, the right subclavian vein. After it has parted with this vein, it takes the name of Internal Jugular, and continues to the right foramen lacerum, in the basis of the cranium. —The superior vena cava is, therefore, principally formed by the union of the subclavians and internal jugulars from each side of the body. Immediately after the superior cava rises above the pericardium, before it divides as above stated, it sends off, from its posterior part, a large vein which is single, and therefore called VENA AZYGOS. This vessel projects backward above the right pulmo- nary artery and right branch of the trachea, and then curves downwards behind them. It proceeds down the spine to the right of the aorta and at a small distance from it, into the abdomen, between the crura of the diaphragm, and sometimes between some of the portions of that muscle, which are attached to the dorsal vertebrae. In the abdomen it often anastomoses either with the lumbar veins or the vena cava. The azygos frequently sends off several small veins from its curvature to the contiguous parts, and also the right Bronchial Vein, which passes along the ramifications of the trachea into the substance of the lungs.* In its course downwards it gives off branches to the oesophagus, some of which are considerable. The Inferior Intercostal Veins originate directly or in- directly from the azygos. In some cases there is no Su- perior Intercostal on the right side; and then the two or * This bronchial vein sometimes arises from the superior cava. Inferior Intercostal Veins* 293 three uppermost of the right intercostals are also derived from the azygos; and often originate from it by a common trunk, which soon divides. Most commonly the ten inferior intercostals on the right side proceed directly from the azygos, and accom- pany the intercostal arteries. Their posterior branches pass into the vertebral cavity, and communicate with the veins which are there. About the sixth or seventh rib, the vena azygos fre- quently sends off a branch to the left which descends on the left side of the vertebrae, and sends off those Lejt in- tercostal veins which are below its origin. It passes through the diaphragm with the aorta, or to the left of it, and anastomoses either with the azygos itself, or in a way which is analogous to the anastomosis of that vessel. The vena azygos may be regarded as the great trunk of the veins of the parietes of the thorax, which are thus collected, because they could not with convenience pass singly to the vena cava, as the arteries do to the aorta. Soon after sending off the vena azygos, the Superior Cava sends off the great transverse branch above mention- ed. From this it continues upwards but a short distance, when it divides, behind the right sterno mastoid muscle, into the right subclavian and right internal jugular. The branches of the superior cava, which thus inter- vene between the great trunk and the subdivisions behind the sterno-mastoid muscles, are often called the Subclavian Veins; but they do not appear to be accurately named. For, 1st, they are not situated under the clavicle, and, 2dly, they are the common trunks of the subclavians and internal jugulars united. There is a difference in the places where some of the smaller veins originate on each side. The internal mam- mary and the inferior thyroid, on the right side, arise from the superior cava, or from the subclavian at its origin. On the left side they arise from the subclavian. 294 Superior Intercostal Veins. The superior intercostal Veins Are somewhat different on the two sides. That on the right is often the smallest and the least extensive. It com- monly originates from the posterior and inferior part of the subclavian opposite to the origin of the vertebral, and is generally distributed to the first and second intercostal spaces, but rarely to the third. The Left Intercostal frequently originates near the left internal mammary, and sometimes in common with it. It descends behind the aorta, on the left of the spine, and commonly sends off the six upper intercostal veins,, of which the two or three superior pass upwards from a part of the vein which is opposite to the third dorsal vertebra. Its extent is very different in different subjects. In some instances it passes so low as to supply the seventh or eighth intercostal space. This vein also gives off the Left Bronchial Vein, which sends branches to the oesophagus and bronchial glands. The vertebral Veins Arise from the subclavians, but sometimes they proceed differently in different Subjects: the right passing behind, and the left before, the subclavian artery of its respective side. Each of them, however, becomes contiguous to its corresponding artery. When it has arrived at the place in the transverse processes, where the artery enters the ver- tebral canal, it sends off an external branch, which passes up, before and nearly in contact with, those processes, and gives ramifications to the contiguous muscles, and also to the cavity of the spine. These last mentioned ramifications enter by the lateral apertures between the transverse processes, and anastomose with the veins and sinuses of the cavity. The branch often finally terminates Vertebral Veins. 295 in the lateral sinus of the dura mater, by passing through the foramen near the mastoid process of the temporal bone. The Main Trunk of the vertebral vein generally sends off another external branch to the muscles near the basis of the neck, and afterwards enters the canal with the vertebral artery. While in this canal, it generally sends off two branches through each of the lateral apertures be- tween the vertebrae. One of these branches passes back- wards to the muscles of the neck; and the other proceeds into the great spinal cavity, and communicates with the venous sinuses. When it has arrived at the atlas, the vertebral vein sends branches to the contiguous muscles of the neck. It also frequently sends a branch through the posterior con- dyloid foramen of the occipital bone to the lateral sinus. It is evident, from these circumstances, that the verte- bral vein carries a portion of blood from the sinuses of the brain and of the spinal marrow, as well as from the muscles of the neck, into the subclavian veins. The veins of the head are frequently very different in different subjects. The INTERNAL JUGULAR, , Already mentioned, is often almost exclusively appro- priated to the cavity of the cranium: and all the exterior veins of the head are ramifications of one or more smaller vessels, which pass up superficially on the neck, and are denominated External Jugulars. In some instances almost all the exterior veins of the head are united to the internal jugular at the upper part of the neck, and it of course conveys the blood of the exterior as well as of the interior parts of the head. Frequently these veins are divided be- tween the internal and external jugulars, but they are divided very differently in different subjects. The Internal Jugular, however, almost always passes 296 The Internal Jugular. » in the same direction from the inside of the origin of the sterno-mastoid muscle to the posterior foramen lacerum of the cranium. It is deeply seated on the external side of the common carotid artery, and under the sterno-mastoid muscle. Between the upper margin of the thyroid car- tilage and the angle of the lower jaw, it often sends off branches which are very different in different subjects, but commonly pass to the anterior parts of the neck and face: above these it generally sends another to commu- nicate with the external jugular. One of the branches which often go off from the internal, jugular is that which corresponds with the superior thyroid or laryngeal artery. This vein, which has sometimes been called the Gut- tural, sends many ramifications to the thyroid gland. The Ranular veins, which are so conspicuous under the tongue, arc also derived from U; and it likewise sends branches to the larynx and pharynx. Before the internal jugular enters the foramen lacerum, it suffers a partial dilatation, which is generally larger on one side than the other.* This dilatation occupies the fossa at the foramen lacerum. After passing through the aforesaid foramen, the internal jugular terminates in the lateral sinuses of the dura mater, f These and the other sinuses within the cavity of the cranium are important portions of the venous system, which are interposed be- tween the smaller branches spread upon the pia mater * When the veins of the nerk are injected it very often appears that a considerable portion of the internal jugular is much larger on one side than the other, as if it were affected with varicose disten- tion. It also often appears that the general arrangement of the exterior vein is different on the two sides of the head and neck. fit is averted that the internal coat, or lining membrane of the internal jugulars, is continued into the lateral sinuses, and extends throughout all the sinuses of the dura mater; so that the blood, during its passage through the sinuses, does not come in contact with any membrane different from that of the veins. The External Jugular. 297 and the great trunks of the neck. They are described in the account of the brain, (Vol. I. p. 308). Into these sinuses the very numerous veins of the pia mater open, proceeding to the sinuses in a direction the reverse of that in which the blood flows in those channels. These veins are divided very minutely on the pia mater before they enter the substance of the brain. Into one of these sinuses, denominated the Cavernous, the ophthalmic vein discharges its contents. This vein proceeds from the anterior part of the sinus into the orbit of the eye through the sphenoid fissure.* Its ramifications correspond generally with those of the ophthalmic arteryf and some of them pass out of the orbit to anastomose with the branches of the facial vein. The superficial veins of the neck are variously arranged in different persons. There is often one considerable vein, The EXTERNAL JUGULAR, Which is sent off by the subclavian, very near its union with the internal jugular; but sometimes it goes off from that vein much nearer the shoulder. There are sometimes two external jugulars, an anterior and a posterior, nearly of equal size. More frequently one of them is much smaller than the other. In a majority of cases, the princi- pal externaljugulargoesoff near the junction of the internal jugular and subclavian, as above stated, and proceeds up- wards towards the angle of the lower jaw, passing between the platysma myoides and the sterno-mastoid muscle. It often sends off, at the basis of the neck, one or more branches to the contiguous muscles, and then proceeds upwards. Near the angle of the jaw, it often communi- • See the account of this fissure in Vol. I, p. 53. fThe Vasa Vorticosaof the choroides are one of the exceptions fo this. See Vol. I. p. 342. Vol. II. 2 P 298 General Account of the Great Vein of the Arm, cates with the internal jugular: it then continues upwards, covered with the parotid gland, near the temporal artery, and finally divides into superficial and deep-seated tem- poral branches. The External Jugular, near the angle of the jaw, often sends off the facial vein, which crosses the basis of the lower jaw, near the facial artery, and distributes branches to the side of the face and to the forehead. It also very often sends off, near this place, the internal maxillary vein, which generally ramifies in such a manner that its branches correspond with those of the internal maxillary artery. Veins which correspond to some of the other branches of the external carotid artery, the lingual, occi- pital, &c, are often sent off near this place by the external jugular. They take the names of the arteries to which they correspond, and commonly accompany them. The SUBCLAVIAN Vein, Although it originates differently on the two sides of the neck, is situated alike on each of them. After parting with the internal jugular, it proceeds over the first rib, under the clavicle, and does not pass between the scaleni muscles, as is the case with the arteries, but before the anterior muscle. It soon joins the great artery of the arm, and proceeds before or below it to the axilla. In this situation it gives off branches to the contiguous parts, which correspond with those given off by the artery. In this Course it also often gives off a large branch, called the cephalic, Which soon becomes superficial, and proceeds down- wards between the margins of the deltoid and pectoral muscles: it continues superficial on the external side of the biceps muscle, sending off many subcutaneous General Account of the Great Vein of the Arm. 299 branches. Near the external condyle of the os humeri, it generally sends off a branch towards the middle of the an- terior part of the fore arm, which is called the Median Cephalic, and also some other superficial branches. It then continues over the radius, and inclining to the back of the fore arm, until it arrives at the back of the hand, where it divides into branches, some of which go to the thumb. In the axilla, the great vein, there called The AXILLARY Vein, Generally divides into two or three branches. One, which is commonly the largest, and appears like the continuation of the main trunk, is called The basilic Vein. This vessel passes down, deeply seated, to the bend of the elbow. It becomes superficial near the internal condyle, and divides into several branches. One of these generally proceeds to join the median branch of the cephalic, and from the union of the two branches is formed the median vein, which passes down near the middle of the anterior part of the fore arm. This vein generally sends off a branch which proceeds internally, and anastomoses with the deep- seated veins of the fore-arm. There are frequently two other branches of the basi- lic vein. One, which is small, passes down on the ulnar side of the anterior part of the fore-arm, but does not ex- tend to the wrist. The other passes down on the ulna, and gradually proceeds to the back of the hand, when it di- vides into several branches, one of which is generally ap- propriated to the little finger. The AXILLARY veir, after the basilic leaves it, sometimes divides into two branches, and sometimes con- 300 Situation of the Inferior Vena Cava. tinues undivided. In either case it accompanies the hu- meral artery, and takes the name of HUMERAL Vein or Veins. It sends off branches which correspond to those of the artery, and continues to the bend of the elbow: here it is so divided, that two of its ramifications accom- pany each of the three arteries of the fore-arm. These ramifications sometimes communicate with each other by anastomosing branches near the elbow, and they com- municate also with the superficial veins. The superficial veins of the arm are so different in different subjects, that a general description will rarely apply ac- curately to an individual case. It may, however, be ob- served, that a Cephalic vein will generally be found, which very frequently arises from the subclavian instead of the axillary, and commonly continues to the hand on the ra- dial side of the arm. The superficial veins, on the ulnar side of the fore-arm, very frequently are branches of a large vein which accompanies the humeral artery to the elbow, viz., the basilic; but the median vein, formed by .branches of the cephalic and basilic veins, is very often not to be found, SECTION II. Of the INFERIOR VENA CAVA, and the Veins which are connected with it. THIS great vessel exceeds the Superior Cava in di- ameter. It proceeds from the lower part of the right auricle, and very soon perforates the diaphragm, at a small distance in front of the spine, and rather to the right of the center. As the pericardium adheres to the diaphragm at this place, the vessel appears to leave it abruptly. Immediately after leaving the diaphragm, it proceeds along a groove in the posterior edge of the liver, formed by the great lobe and Situation of the Inferior Vena Cava. 301 the lobulus Spigelii.* After leaving the liver, it continues downwards, inclining backward and to the left, and is soon in contact with the aorta, which is on the left of it. It ac- companies the aorta to its great bifurcation, and divides in the same manner. It sends off, during this course, branches to the Diaphragm, Liver, Right Renal Gland, the Kidneys, and the Testicles; and also the Lumbar and Middle Sacral veins. The Inferior Phrenic Veins Are thus denominated to distinguish them from other veins, which are derived from the internal mammary, &c. They generally accompany the phrenic arteries, and are distributed in the same manner. The HEPATIC Veins Pass off from the vena cava, nearly at right angles, into the substance of the liver, while it is in the groove of that viscus, and before it has proceeded more than eight or ten lines from the heart. They arise from the anterior part of the vena cava, and are generally three in number. Sometimes there are two only, but then one of them divides immediately after it enters the substance of the gland. The distribution of these vessels in the liver has been detailed in the account of that organ, and, therefore, need not be stated here; but the veins which unite to form the vena portarum, and the trunk of that great vein also, be- fore it is connected with the liver, may be regarded as a portion of the regular venous system, and ought now to be considered. * Sometimes it is completely surrounded by the liver. 302 Superior Mesenteric Vein. The VENA PORTARUM Passes downwards from the great sinus of the liver behind the pancreas, and inclining to the left. In this course it sends branches to the gall bladder, the stomach and pylo- rus, and the duodenum. At the upper and posterior edge of the pancreas, it sends off a very large branch to the spleen, which often passes, with slight meanders, along a groove in the pancreas. The SPLENIC Vein Often sends off the inferior mesenteric vein, which proceeds downwards between the aorta and the left por- tion of the colon. It also sends off some of the coronary veins and the left gastro epiploic vein to the stomach; many small branches to the pancreas; and, finally, either from the main trunk or its branches before they enter the spleen, the venae breves, which pass to the great extremity of the stomach. Before it enters the spleen, it forms several ramifications, which accompany the branches of the splenic artery. After sending off the splenic, the Vena Portarum takes the name of The SUPERIOR MESENTERIC Vein; WThich is larger than the splenic, and passes from behind the pancreas, before the transverse portion of the duodenum, into the mesentery; where it accompanies the superior mesenteric artery. It is evident that the above described portion of the vena portarum simply performs the functions of a great vein; but when it takes on the arrangements for entering the liver, it no longer acts like a vein, but an artery. Emulgent Veins. 303 The lower portion of the trunk of this vein and its ramifications is denominated Vena Porta Ventralis. The part which ramifies in the liver, Vena Porta Hepatica. The Capsular Veins Are small vessels, one on each side. That on the right passes from the vena cava to the right glandula renalis. That on the left arises from the left emulgent vein. The EMULGENT, or RENAL, Veins Are very large vessels; and, like the arteries, go off nearly at right angles, one to each kidney. The right emulgent vein is not so long as the left, and it is rather anterior to its corresponding artery. The left emulgent, in its course to the kidney, crosses the aorta, and is anterior to it. These veins pass to the sinus of each kidney, and ramify before.they enter it. The ramifications follow those of the arteries. The Spermatic Veins Arise one on each side: the right from the vena cava, and the left from the emulgent vein. They proceed down- wards behind the peritoneum, and on the psoas muscle generally divide into many branches, which communicate with each other as they progress downwards, and form a plexus denominated Corpus Pampiniforme. These branches proceed in the spermatic cord to the back of the testis. The principal part enters the body of that gland; but some of the branches go to the epididymis. In females the spermatic vein, like the artery, passes to the ovary, the uterus and its appendages, &c. 304 Internal Iliac and its Ramifications. The Lumbar Veins Correspond to the arteries of the same name. They arise from the posterior and lateral parts of the inferior cava, and those on the left side pass under the aorta. The Middle Sacral Vein Resembles the artery of the same name in its origin and distribution. The INFERIOR VENA CAVA accompanies the aorta to the space between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebra, and there it also divides into the two PRIMITIVE ILIAC VEINS. The left vein crosses behind the artery of the right side, and rather behind the left primitive iliac artery, which it accompanies until they are opposite to the junction of the sacrum and ilium, when it divides again, like the artery, into the internal and external iliac veins. The INTERNAL ILIAC or HYPOGASTRIC Vein Descends into the pelvis behind the artery, which it ac- companies. Its ramifications correspond in general with those of the artery, and, therefore, need not be particu- larly described. The ven£ vesicales Have such peculiarities that their ramifications require particular attention. They arise from the hypogastric, very near the origin of the obturator, and are large as well as numerous. They are somewhat different in the two sexes. In men Ramifications of the External Iliac. 305 they form a remarkable plexus on the lateral and inferior portions of the bladder, and on the vesiculae seminales. This plexus extends more or less to the prostate: from it a number of veins proceed to the symphysis of the os pubis, which communicate in their course with the pudic vein. From thence arises the great vein of the penis, which proceeds* in the groove between the corpora cavernosa, and terminates in the glans penis. This vein often divides, near the root of the penis, into two: one of which is in the groove, and the other more superficial.* In females, the venae vesicales form a considerable plexus on each side of the bladder and vagina. Many veins pass from these to the upper portions of the bladder and the contiguous parts, and form plexuses. The clitoris has a dorsal vein like the penis, and it originates in a manner analogous to the dorsal vein of the male. The EXTERNAL ILIAC Vein. The great trunk of the veins of the lower extremity pro- ceeds on the inside of the artery, under the crural arch or Poupart's ligament. Before it passes from under the arch, it sends off two branches which answer to the circumflex artery of the ilium and to the epigastric artery. The Circumflex Vein Arises from the external side of the iliac vein, and passes towards the anterior end of the spine of the ilium. It di- vides into branches which accompany those of the artery of the same name. * The pudic veins accompany the arteries of that name. They com- municate with the plexus, as above mentioned, and continue into the penis. Vol. II. 2 Q 306 Veins of the Leg. The Epigastric Vein Arises from the external iliac, and accompanies the epi- gastric artery.—After passing a small distance inward and downward, it turns up on the inside of the abdominal muscles. In the first part of its course it sends off some small branches to the spermatic cord. After passing beyond Poupart's ligament, the name of the great vessel is changed from external iliac to FEMORAL VEIN. It proceeds downwards at first on the inside of the femo- ral artery, but gradually changes its relative situation, so that in the thigh and in the ham it is behind or on the out- side of that vessel. At a short distance below Poupart's ligament, after giving off some small branches to the external organs of generation, and to the glands of the groin, it sends off on the internal side of the thigh a very large vein which is called the SAPHENA MAJOR. This vein immediately becomes superficial, and passes down on the internal side of the thjgh, somewhat ante- riorly; giving off some small branches to the contiguous parts, soon after it originates; and many superficial veins afterwards. It continues along the inside of the knee and leg to the internal ankle, the anterior part of which it passes over. It then proceeds along the internal part of the upper surface of the foot to the middle, when it curves towards the external edge, and joins the lesser saphena. On the leg and foot it also sends off many branches, which anastomose with each other, and with those of the afore- said vein. Instances of peculiar arrangement of the Veins. 307 The femoral vein, after parting with the saphena, soon sends off the vena profunda, and the circumflexae also, when they do not arise from the profunda. These veins are generally larger than the arteries to which they correspond, and their branches are more numerous; but they observe the same course. The great vein accompanies the artery down the thigh and through the perforation in the biceps; but it changes its relative position, so that it is placed behind or on the exterior side of the artery at the lower part of the thigh. It is very often behind it in the ham, where, like the artery, it takes the name of POPLITEAL. In the ham it sends off another superficial vein, which seems very analogous to the basilar vein of the arm. This is called The Lesser or External Saphena. It proceeds from the ham over the external head of the gastroc nemius, and down the outside of the leg, sending off many branches in its course. It passes behind the ex- ternal ankle and near the exterior edge of the upper sur- face of the foot, about the middle of which it inclines to- wards the great saphena, and forms with it the anastomosis already mentioned. The popliteal vein, after passing across the articulation, ramifies like the artery, but sends two veins, which ac- company each of the three arteries of the leg. In a few instances some of the larger veins have been found to be arranged in a manner very different from that which is commonly observed. One case of this kind has already been mentioned in the account of the liver, * where the Vena Portarum terminated * See note to p. 135, of this volume. 308 Pulmonary Vessels. in the Vena Cava, below the liver, without entering into it. Another very remarkable instance of peculiar arrange- ment is to be seen in a preparation now in the University of Pennsylvania, in which the Inferior Cava, instead of opening into the lower part of the right auricle, passes behind it, in the tract of the Vena Azygos, and opens into the Superior Cava, in the place where the Vena Azygos usually communicates with that vessel, receiving the In- tercostal Veins in its course. In this preparation, the Hepatic Veins communicate directly with the right auricle, at its lower part; the middle and left hepatic veins forming one trunk before they enter, and the right vein passing in singly. Of the PULMONARY Artery and Veins. Those portions of the pulmonary artery and veins which are distinct from the lungs may be described very briefly. It has been already observed,* that the pulmonary artery arises from the left and most anterior part of the basis of the right ventricle, and proceeds thence obliquely backwards, inclining gradually to the left side for about eighteen or twenty lines, when it divides into two branches, which pass to the two lungs. This course places it under the curve of the aorta: for that great vessel passes over the right branch of the pulmonary artery, and the right side of the main trunk of it, in such a manner that it proceeds downwards between the two branches and behind the angle formed by their bifurcation. From this place of bifurcation a short ligament proceeds to the lower part of the curve of the aorta, which is almost in contact with it. This ligament was originally the canal that formed * See page 59 of this volume,. Pulmonary Vessels. 309 the communication between the pulmonary artery and the aorta of the fcetus.* Each of the great branches of the pulmonary artery takes a direction backwards, and to its respective side. It soons joins the corresponding branch of the trachea and the two pulmonary veins, being ante- rior to the branch of the trachea, and above the pulmonary veins. It is also invested, in common with them, by that portion of the pleura which forms the mediastinum, and thuN enters into the composition of the root of the lungs. The pulmonary veins are four in number—two on each side. In conformity to the mode of description which we have adopted, it may be said that they arise from the sides of the Left Auricle, and proceed nearly in a trans- verse direction, two of them to each lung; where they ac- company the branches of the artery and of the trachea, being invested by the mediastinum in common with these branches. It has been observed, that they differ from veins in general, by preserving a diameter nearly similar to that of the arteries which they accompany. * See page 68. SYSTEM OF ANATOMY. PART X. OF THE NERVES. THE nerves are those whitish cords which pass from the brain and spinal marrow to the various parts of the body. A general account of their origin is contained in the description of the basis of the brain and of the spinal marrow,* which may be considered as introductory to the present subject. The nerves, in general, appear to be bundles or fasci- culi of small cords, each of which is composed of a series of fibres that are still smaller. These fibres consist of me- dullary matter, which is derived from the brain and spinal marrow, and is inclosed in a membranous sheath that ap- pears to arise from the pia mater. The smaller the fibre, the more delicate is the membrane which invests it. As the nerves proceed from the brain and spinal mar- row, through the foramina of the cranium and the spine, they are inclosed in a sheath formed by the dura mater; but when they arrive at the exterior extremity of the fo- ramina in those bones, this coat, derived from the dura mater, appears to separate into two laminae. The exterior lamina combines with the periosteum, and the interior •See volume I. page S21. General Structure of the Nerves. 311 continues to invest the nerve, but seems to change im- mediately into cellular substance; so that the exterior coat of the nerves may be regarded as composed of cellular membrane, which is continued from the sheath derived from the dura mater. It has been supposed that the membrane which forms the sheaths for the medullary fibrils, of which the nerves are composed, is of a peculiar nature; but it appears to be derived from the pia mater, investing the brain and the spinal marrow. It is very vascular.* The ramification of a nerve is simply the separation of some fibres from the general fasciculus. The branch com- monly forms an acute angle with the main trunk. The course of these branches, from their origin to their termination, is generally as straight as possible. When the nervous cords are examined in an animal recently dead, there is an appearance of white lines ar- ranged in a transverse or spiral direction. The cause of this appearance is not well understood. In various parts of the body networks are formed by the combination of different nerves, or the branches of nerves. In those instances the branches of one nerve unite with those of another, and. form new branches. These new branches again divide, and their ramifications unite with other new ramifications to form other new trunks. These new trunks divide again, and form new combinations in the same way. The trunks last formed proceed to the different parts of * Several authors have written professedly on the structure of the nerves, viz. Monro, in his " Observations on the Structure and Func- tions of the Nervous System."—Bichat, " Anatomie Generale."— Fontana, " Treatise on the Foison of the Viper."—Reil, " Exercita- tiones Anatomies."—Scarpa, " Annotatipnes Academicae."—Pro- chaska, " De Structura Nervorum." I regret that it has not been in my power to procure Reil, Pro- chaska, or Scarpa. 312 Plexuses.—Ganglions. the body, as other nerves do which arise immediately from the brain. These combinations are denominated Plexuses. There are several of them in the cavities of the abdomen and thorax, formed by the ramifications of the par vagum aixl the sympathetic nerves. The four lower cervical and the first dorsal nerve form a very remarkable plexus of this kind, which extends from the side of the neck to the axilla, and forms the nerves of the arm. The lumbar nerves form a similar plexus, although not so complex, from which the crural nerve arises. The anterior nerves of the sacrum also unite for the formation of the great sciatic nerve. It appears to be clearly ascertained, that the great object of this peculiar arrangement is the combination of nervous fibres from many different sources, in each of the nerves, which are distributed to any organ. Thus, the smaller nerves of the arm that are distributed to the dif- ferent parts, are not to be regarded simply as branches of any one of the five nerves which are appropriated to the upper extremity, but as composed of fibres which are derived from each of them. Many of the nerves are enlarged in particular places, so as to form small circumscribed tumours, which are denominated Ganglions. These Ganglions are generally of a reddish colour. By very dextrous management, they can be shown to consist of a texture of fibres. The larger cords, which compose the nerve, seem suddenly to be resolved into the small fibresf of which they consist. These small fibres, after proceeding separately a greater or lesser distance, accord- ing to the size of the ganglion, and changing their relative situation, are again combined in cords which recompose the nerve. These fibres appear to be surrounded by a fine cellular substance, which is vascular, moist and soft. It is assert. Structure of Ganglions. 313 ed that, in fat subjects, an oily substance, resembling fat; and in hydropic subjects, a serous fluid has been found in this texture. Ganglions are often connected with but one. nerve, which seems to enter at one extremity and go out at the other. But they frequently receive additional branches from other nerves, and send off additional branches to parts different from those to which their principal nerves are directed. When connected with but one nerve, they have been called simple ganglions: when they receive and give off additional branches, they are denominated com- pound ganglions.—It does not appear that there is any im- portant difference in their structure in these cases. The simple ganglions occur in the nerves of the spinal marrow—the posterior fasciculus of the nerves having always formed a ganglion before it is joined by the ante- rior fasciculus. The sympathetic nerve, throughout its whole extent, forms compound ganglions. The use of this particular structure does not appear to be perfectly known. It seems, however, certain, that the different fibres—(of which the nerves forming ganglions are composed)—are blended together and arranged in a manner different from that in which they were arranged before the nerve entered the ganglion. It ought to be observed, that the combination x>f nervous fibrillar, so as to bring together those fibrils which originally belonged to different cords, seems to have been kept in view throughout the whole arrangement of the ner- vous system. It is not only in the plexus and the ganglion that this appears, but also in some of the larger nerves; for in them, the fibres which form the cords that compose the nerve, instead of running parallel to each other, along the whole extent of the nerve, form a species of plexus in their course; separating from the fibres with which they Vol. II. 2 R 314 Reproduction of Nerves. were originally combined, and uniting with the fibres of other cords; as in other cases of plexus.* There have been doubts respecting the possibility of a reproduction of the substance of the nerves when it has been destroyed; but it appears to have been clearly proved by the experiments of Mr. Haighton, that a reproduction does really take place.f Nine pair of nerves proceed from the brain through the foramina of the cranium. They are called Nerves of the Brain, or Cerebral Nerves. One pair pass off between the cranium and the spine, which are called Sub Occipital. Twenty-nine or thirty pair pass through the foramina of the spine: they are denominated Cervical, Dorsal, Lumbar and Sacral, from the bones with which they are respec- tively connected. There are seven pair of Cervical nerves, twelve Dorsal, five Lumbar, and five or six Sacral— amounting, with the nerves of the brain, to thirty-nine or forty pair. NERVES OF THE BRAIN. The nerves which go off from the bram and medulla oblongata are named numerically, according to the order in which they occur; beginning with the anterior. They also have other names, which generally are expressive of the functions of the different parts to which they are dis- tributed. Those which go to the nose are anterior to all the others, and are therefore denominated * See Monro's Observations on the Structure and Functions of the Nervous System. Plate xviii. fSee London Philosophical Transactions, for 1795rPart I. Olfactory Nerves. 315 THE FIRST PAIR, OR THE OLFACTORY NERVES. They arise by tliree delicate white fibres from the under and posterior part of the anterior lobes of the brain, being derived from the Corpora Striata. They proceed forward to the depression on the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, on each side of the crista galli. The upper surface occopies a small sulcus formed by the convolutions of the lower surface of the brain, and, therefore, has a lon- gitudinal ridge on it. The lower surface is flat. Their texture is like that of the medullary part of the brain. On each side of the crista galli each of them forms a pulpy enlargement of a brownish colour, which is called the bulb, and has been considered as a ganglion. From this bulb many fine and delicate cords go off, which proceed through the dura mater and the foramina of the cribriform plate to the Schneiderian membrane.—- These ramifications of the olfactory nerve seem to receive a coat from the dura mater, as they are much more firm after they have passed through it. They appear to be arranged in two rows as they proceed from the ethmoid bone—one running near to the septum, and the other to the opposite surface of the ethmoid bone.* THE SECOND PAIR, OR THE OPTIC NERVES, Originate from the Thalami Nervorum Opticorum, and appear on the external and lower surface of the brain, on each side of the sella turcica. Each of them seems like a cord of medullary matter, inclosed in a coat derived from the pia mater, and has not the fasciculated appearance of the other nerves. The medullary matter, however, appears to be divided by •See Vol. II. Page 6. 316 Second and Third Pair of Nerves. processes that pass through it, which are derived from the coat of the nerve. They proceed obliquely forward and inward, on each side of the sella turcica, in contact with the brownish cineritious substance, in which the infundibulum and the corpora albicantia of Willis are situated.* Anterior to this substance they come in contact with each other, and again separate, in such a wayr, that it is an undecided question whether they decussate each other, or whether each forms an angle, and is in contact with the other at the angle. From this place of contact, each nerve proceeds to its respective foramen opticum, where it receives a coat from the dura mater, which extends with it to the eye, as has been described in theaccount of that organ. THE THIRD PAIR OF NERVES Are sometimes called Motores Oculorum, in consequence of their distribution to several muscles of the eye. They arise at the inside of the crura cerebri, and make their ap- pearance on the basis of the brain, at the anterior part of the pons Varolii. They originate by numerous threads, which soon unite so as to form a cord that passes through the dura mater, on each side of the posterior clinoid process, and continues through the cavernous sinus, and the foramen lacerum, to the orbit of the eye. Before this nerve enters the orbit it generally divides into two branches, which are situated one above the other. The Uppermost Branchis spent principally upon the rectus superior muscle of the eye, but sends a twig to the levator palpebrae. The Inferior Branch is distributed to two of the recti muscles, viz. the internus and the inferior, and also * See Vol. I. p. 323. Fourth and Fifth Pair of Nerves. 317 to the inferior oblique. It likewise sends a twig to a small ganglion in the orbit, called the Lenticular or Ophthalmic Ganglion,* from which proceed the fine nerv- ous fibres that perforate the sclerotica coat.f THE FOURTH PAIR OF NERVES Are called the Pathetic, in consequence of the expression of the countenance produced by the action of the muscle on which they are spent. They arise from the side of the valve of the brain, below and behind the Tubercula Qua- drigemina,J and are so small that they appear like sewing thread. They proceed round the crura of the cerebrum, and appear on the surface between the pons Varolii and the middle lobes of the brain. They proceed along the edge of the tentorium which they perforate, and passing through the upper part of the cavernous sinus, enter the orbit by the foramina lacera. They are exclusively appro- priated to the Superior Oblique or Trochlearis muscle. THE FIFTH PAIR OF NERVES Are called Trigemina, because each nerve divides into three great branches. These nerves arise from the crura of the cerebellum where they unite to the pons Varolii, by distinct fibres, which are connected so as to form a cord or nerve, that is larger than any other nerve of the brain. In many subjects this cord seems partially divided into two portions, the anterior of which is much smaller than the posterior, and appears softer at its origin. * This ganglion, which is considered as the smallest in the body, lies on the outside of the optic nerve, near its entrance into the orbit, and is generally surrounded by soft adipose matter t See Volume I. page 342. | Ibid. Page 324. 318 First Branch of the Fifth Pair. It passes into a short canal formed by the dura mater, near the anterior extremity of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, at a small distance below the edge of the tentorium. It is perfectly loose and free from adhesion to the surface of this canal; but it soon passes out of it under the dura mater, and then adheres to that membrane. After leaving the canal it expands like a fan, but still consists of fine fibres which have some firmness. It is said that there are seventy or eighty of these fibres in the expansion, but they appear to be more numerous. Round the circumference of the expansion is a substance of a brownish colour, into which the fibres enter. This is the Semilunar Ganglion, or the Glangion of Gasser, and from it the three nerves go off. These nerves pass off from the convex side of the Ganglion, and are denominated the Ophthalmic, the Su- perior Maxillary, aud the Inferior Maxillary. The Ophthalmic Nerve Passes into the orbit of the eye through the foramen lacerum: it there divides into several branches, which are called, from their distribution, the Frontal or Supra- Orbitar, the Nasal and the Lachrymal. The Frontal or Supra-Orbitar branch proceeds forward in the upper part of the orbit, exterior to the membrane which lines it, and divides into two ramifications. One of these is small, and passes out of the orbit near the pulley of the superior oblique, to be spent upon the orbicularis muscle and the contiguous parts. The other ramification passes through the Supra-Orbi- tary Foramen, or through the notch, which is in the place of that foramen, and divides into a number of twigs, some of which pass transversely towards the side of the head, and communicate with twigs from the portio dura. Most of the others extend upwards on the head. Some are dis- Second Branch of the Fifth Pair. 319 tributed to the anterior part of the occipito frontalis mus- cle, and the integuments of the forehead; others are spent upon the upper portion of the scalp. Some of the extreme parts of these ramifications also communicate with the portio dura. The Nasal Branch proceeds obliquely forward towards the inner side of the orbit, and sends a twig in its course to the lenticular ganglion. It also sends off some small twigs, to join- the ciliary nerves which go from the gang- lion. On the inside of the orbit a branch leaves it, which proceeds through the Foramen Orbitare Internum Anterius to the cavity of the cranium, and passes a small distance upon the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, under the dura mater, to a fissure in the said plate near the crista galli, through which it proceeds into the cavity of the nose. Here it divides into twigs, some of which pass on the septum near its anterior edge, and terminate on the integuments at the end of the nose, while others pass down on the inferior turbinated bone. After parting with the ramification to the nose, the remainder of the nasal branch continues to the internal canthus of the eye, and sends twigs to the lachrymal sac, the caruncula lachrymalis, the eye-lids, and the exterior surface of the upper part of the nose. The Lachrymal Branch proceeds obliquely forward arid outwards, towards the lachrymal gland. In its course it sends off a twig which passes through the spheno maxillary fissure, and communicates with a twig of the upper maxillary nerve, and one or more twigs that pass to foramina in the molar bone. The main branch passes to the lachrymal gland, and some twigs continue beyond it to the contiguous parts. The Superior Maxillary Nerve. The second branch of the fifth pair is examined with great difficulty on account of its peculiar situation. It 320 Second Branch of the Fifth Pair: or proceeds from the stmilunar ganglion, and passes through the foramen rotundum of the sphenoid bone into the upper part of the zygomatic fossa. In this situation it sends a twig to the orbit by the spheno maxillary fissure, and a branch, called the Infra Orbitar, which appears like the main nerve, as it preserves a similar direction, to the infra orbitar canal. At the same place it sends downwards two branches which unite together almost immediately after their origin, and, as soon as they have united, enlarge into a ganglion.* This glangion is called the Spheno' Palatine. It is rather of a triangular figure, and lies very near the spheno-palatine foramen. It gives off a posterior branch, which passes through the pterygoid foramen to the cavity of the cranium: some branches which proceed through the spheno-palatine foramen to the nose, and are called the Spheno-Palatine or Lateral Nasal Nerves: and an inferior branch, that proceeds through the posterior palatine canal, and is called the Palatine Nerve. The small branch, which was first mentioned, as going to the orbit by the spheno maxillary fissure, divides into two ramifications. One of them unites with a twig of the lachrymal branch above mentioned, and passes out of the orbit, through a foramen in the molar bone, to the face; where it is distributed. The other passes also through a foramen of the molar bone, into the temporal fossa, and, after uniting with twigs from the Inferior Maxillary Nerve, proceeds backwards and perforates the aponeurosis of the temporal muscle, to terminate on the integuments of the temporal region. Before the Infra Orbitar branch enters the canal of that name, it sends off two twigs, called Posterior Dental Nerves, which pass downwards on the tuberosity of the upper maxillary bone, and enter into small canals in that bone, that are situated behind the Antrum Maxillare. * Sometimes a single branch passes downwards instead of two; but it forms a ganglion in the same place. Superior Maxillary Nerve. 321 They subdivide into fine twigs that proceed forward to the alveoli of three or four of the last molar teeth; and pene- trate each of the roots by a cavity at its extremity. Twigs also proceed from these nerves to the posterior part of the gums and the buccinator muscle. After the posterior dental nerves have left it, the Infra Orbitar nerve proceeds forwards in the canal of that name; and near the extremity of it, gives off the anterior dental nerve, which accompanies it for some distance, and then proceeds downwards in a canal in the bone anterior to the antrum maxillare. In its course this nerve divides into many fibres, which pass to the roots of the incisor, canine, and small molar teeth, each in its proper canal. These dental branches sometimes pass in the antrum maxillare between the lining membrane and the bones. The Infra Orbitar nerve passes out of the foramen upon the cheek, and divides into several branches of considera- ble size, which are distributed on the face from the side of the nose to the back of the cheek, and also upon the under eye-lid and the upper lip. The Pterygoid Nerve, or posterior branch, passes backwards, from the ganglion to a canal in the base of the pterygoid process of the Os Sphenoides, and proceeds through it. After leaving this canal, it passes through a substance almost as firm as cartilage, which closes the an- terior foramen lacerum, at the basis of the cranium; and divides into two branches. The smallest of them, called the Vidian Nerve, proceeds with a small artery to the small foramen, or Hiatus Fallopii, on the anterior side of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and continues, through a small canal, to join the Portio Dura of the seventh pair in the larger canal, called the Aqueduct of Fallopius, at the first turn in that canal.* The other branch * The late Mr. John Hunter believed that this nerve parts from the portio dura at the lower end of the aqueduct, and is the corda tympani. Vol. II. 2 S 322 Superior Maxillary Nerve. of the pterygoid ner-'e proceeds to the Foramen Caro- ticum, and passes through it, with a twig of the sixth pair, to join the first cervical ganglion of the Intercostal Nerve. The Spheno-Palatine, or lateral Nasal Nerves, consist of several branches which pass from the spheno-palatine ganglion, through the spheno-palatine foramen, into the nose. Some of them are distributed to that part of the pituitary membrane, which is above the upper meatus, and others to the part which is immediately below it. Some of the branches which thus enter the nose are spread upon tjie septum: one among them extends upon it, down- wards and forwards, to the anterior part of the palatine process of the upper maxillary bone, where it enters into the foramen incisivum, and terminates in a papilla in the roof the mouth.* The Palatine Branch proceeds, through the canal form- ed by the upper maxillary and palate bones, to the roof of the mouth and the soft palate. Soon after its origin, it sends off a twig which proceeds down a small canal that is behind it. It also sends off, as it proceeds downwards, several twigs to that part of the membrane of the nose which covers the inferior turbinated bone. When it ar- rives at the roof of the mouth, it divides into several branches which run forwards, and are distributed to the membrane which lines the roof of the mouth. Some of its branches pass to the soft palate, the uvula, and the tonsils; small filaments pass into the back part of the upper jaw. * The curious distribution of this nerve appears to have been known to the late John Hunter, and also to Cotunnius; but it is mi- nutely described by Scarpa, and is delineated by Soemmering in his plate of the nose—See " Observations on certain parts of the Animal Economy," by J. Hunter, page 219,—and also Scarpa " De Organo Olfactus." In this last are some interesting observations relative to the ducts of Steno. Third Branch of the Fifth Pair. 323 The Inferior Maxillary Nerve, or the Third Branch of the Fifth Pair, Passes through the foramen ovale into the zygomatic fossa, and divides into two branches, one of which sends ramifications to many of the contiguous muscles, as the Temporal, the Masseter, the Buccinator, the Pterygoid; and also to the anterior part of the ear and the side of the head. The other branch passes between the pterygoid muscles, and divides into two ramifications, one of which proceeds to the tongue, and is called the Lingual or Gus- tatory, while the other passes into the canal of the lower jaw. The Lingual Nerve proceeds between the pterygoid muscles, and in its course is joined by the chorda tym- pani. It continues forward between the maxillary gland and the lining membrane of the mouth; and passes near the excretory duct of that gland, above the mylo-hyoideus and the sublingual gland, to the under side of the tongue, near the point: it then divides into a number of branches which enter into that body between the genio-hyoideus and lingualis muscles.—This nerve has been supposed to be particularly concerned in the function of taste, because many of its branches continue to the upper surface of the tongue, especially near the point. In its course it has a communication with the ninth pair of nerves, and it sends twigs to the membrane of the mouth and gums, and the contiguous parts. After parting with the lingual nerve, the inferior max- illary continues to the upper and posterior orifice of the canal in the lower jaw. Before it enters this canal it sends a branch to the sub-maxillary gland, and to the muscles under the jaw. It then enters the canal, attended by blood- vessels, and proceeds along it to the anterior maxillary foramen, on the side of the chin, through which it passes 324 Sixth and Seventh Pair of Nerves. out. In this course it sends twigs to the sockets of the teeth, and generally supplies all the large and one of the small grinders. Before it leaves the jaw it sends a branch forwards, which supplies the remaining teeth on the side to which it belongs. After passing out, through the. ante- rior foramen, it is spent upon the muscles and integuments of the front of the cheek, the chin, and the under lip.« THE SIXTH PAIR OF NERVES Are called Motores Externi. They arise from the com- mencement of the medulla oblongata, and proceed for- ward under the pons Varolii. They proceed through the dura mater on the inside of the fifth pair, and appear to pass through the cavernous sinuses, but are inclosed in sheaths of cellular membrane while they are in those sinuses. When in this situation they are near the carotid arteries, and each nerve sends off one or more very fine twigs, which being joined by a twig from the pterygoid branch of the fifth pair, accompany the carotid artery through the carotid canal, and then unite themselves to the upper extremity of the upper cervical ganglion of the intercostal nerve. The sixth pair afterwards pass into the orbit of the eye, each through the foramen lacerum of its respective side, and is spent upon the Rectus Externus or Abductor mus- cle of the eye. THE SEVENTH .PAIR OF NERVES Comprises two distinct oor^ds which have very different destinations; and have, therefore, been considered as dif- ferent nerves, by several anatomists. One of these cords is appropriated to the interior of the ear, and is the proper Auditory Nerve. The other is principally spent upon the face, and, therefore, has been called the Facial. They have, however, more frequently been denominated the Seventh Pair, and distinguished from each other, in con- Composition of the Seventh Pair.—Portio Dura. 325 sequence of a great difference in their texture, by the appellations of Portio Dura and Portio Mollis. These two cords pass off nearly in contact with each other, from the side of the upper part of the Medulla Ob- longata, where it is in contact with the pons Varolii; but the Portio Mollis can be traced to the fourth ventricle, while the Portio Dura is seen to arise from the union of the pons Varolii with the medulla oblongata and the crura Cerebelli. The Portia Dura, at its origin, is on the inside of the Portio Mollis.—Between these cords are one or more small fibres, called Portio Media, which seem to originate very near them, and finally unite with the Portio Dura. Each of the seventh pair of nerves, thus composed, proceeds from its origin, to the Meatus Auditorius In- ternus of the temporal bone; and the Portio Mollis divides into fasciculi, which proceed to the different parts of the organ of hearing, in the manner described in the account of the ear.* The Portia Dura enters an orifice at the upper and anterior part of the end or bottom of the Meatus Audito- rius Internus. This orifice is the commencement of a canal, which has been called the Aqueduct of Fallopius, and proceeds from the Meatus Auditorius Internus to the external foramen, between the mastoid and stiloid pro- cesses at the basis of the cranium. This canal first curves backwards and outwards, near to the upper surface of the petrou.s bone, then forms an acute angle, and proceeds (backwards, and downwards) to the stilo-mastoid fora- men, passing very near the cavity of the tympanum in its course. The Portio Dura, as it passes into the canal from the meatus internus, seems to receive an investment from the dura mater. It fills up the canal, but does not appear to be * See Volume I, page 880. 326 Chorda Tympani.—Pes Anserinus. compressed. Near the angle it is joined by the twig of the Vidian nerve, which proceeds from the pterygoid branch of the fifth pair, and enters the 'petrous bone by the small foramen innominatum on its anterior surface. In its course through the canal it sends off some very small twigs to the muscles and appurtenances of the small bones of the ear, and to the ir\astoid cells; and, when it has arrived almost at the end of the canal, it sends off, in a retrograde direction, a small branch which proceeds into the cavity of the tympanum, (entering it by a foramen at the base of the pyramid,) and crosses the upper part of it, near the membrana tympani, between the long pro- cesses of the Malleus and Incus. This twig is the Chorda Tympani: it proceeds from the cavity, by a fissure on the outside of the Eustachian tube, to join the lingual branch of the fifth pair, as has been already mentioned.* The Portio Dura, after passing out of the Foramen Stylo-Mastdideum, is situated behind and within the pa- rotid gland. Here it gives small twigs to the back of the ear and head, and to the digastric and stylo-hyoideus muscles. It perforates the gland after sending filaments to it, and then divides into branches which are arranged in such a manner that they constitute what has been called the Pes Anserinus. To describe the various branches in this expansion would be more laborious than useful. Some of them are spread upon the temple and the upper part of the side of the head, and unite with the supra-orbitar branches of the ophthalmic nerve. Some pass above and below the eye, and are distributed to the orbicularis muscle, and communicate with nervous twigs that pass through fora- * The lateJohn Hunter believed that the chorda tympani is mere- ly a continuation of the twig of the pterygoid branch which joins the portio dura above—See Observations on certain parts of the Ani- mal Economy, page 220. Composition oft^e Eighth Pair of Nerves. 327 mina in the malar bone, &c. Some large branches pass transversely. They cross the masseter muscle, and divide into ramifications which are spent upon the cheek and the side of the nose and lips, and communicate with the small branches of the superior maxillary nerve. A large number of branches pass downwards. Many of them incline forwards, and are spent on the soft parts about the under jaw; while others proceed below the jaw to the superficial muscles and integuments of the upper part of the neck, communicating with the branches of the contiguous nerves.* THE EIGHTH PAIR OF NERVES Are very frequently denominated the Par Vagum, on account of their very extensive distribution. They arise from those portions of the medulla oblon- gata which are denominated the Corpora Olivaria. Each nerve consists of a cord, which is anterior, and called the Glosso-Pharyngeal; and of a considerable number of small filaments, which arise separately, but unite and form another cord, the proper Par Vagum. Associated with these is a third cord, called, the Spinal, or Accessory Nerve of Willis, which originates in the great canal of the spine, and, passing up into the cavity of the cranium, goes out of it with these nerves through the foramen lacerum. The two first mentioned nerves proceed from their origin to the posterior foramen lacerum, and pass through it with the Internal Jugular vein,—being separated from the vein by a small process of bone. They are also separa- * A most minute and laborious description of the nerves of the face was published by the celebrated Meckle, in the seventh volume of Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Serlin, for the year 1751, accompanied with ? plate, exhibiting the side of the head, of three times the natural size. This is republished in the Collection Academiquc: Partie Etrangere.—Tom. viii. 328 Glosso-Pharyngeal Nerve.— Par Vagum. ted from each other by a small process of the dura mater. In the foramen they are very close to each other; but soon after they have passed through it, thay separate and pro- ceed towards their different destinations. The Glosso-Pharyngeal proceeds towards the tongue, between the stylo-pharyngeus and the stylo-glossus mus- cles, following the course of the last mentioned muscle to the posterior part of the tongue. At the commencement of its course it receives a twig from the Portio Dura and one also from the Par Vagum. It soon gives off a branch which passes down on the inside of the common carotid to the lower part of the neck, where it joins some twigs of the intercostal to form the cardiac nerves. AfteltVards it sends off several twigs to the muscles of the pharynx and its internal membrane, and also some twigs whieh unite with others fron»the upper cervical ganglion pf the Sympathetic, and form a network that lies over the anterior branches of the external carotid. The Glosso-Pharyngeal finally enters the tongue, at the termination of the hyo- glossus muscle; and after sending branches to the lingu- alis, and the various muscles inserted into the tongue, terminates in small ramifications that are spent upon the sides and middle of the root of the tongue, and upon the large papilla;. THE PAR VAGUM Are slightly enlarged after passing through the foramen lacerum. As they descend, they adhere to the superior ganglion of the intercostal, and also to the ninth pair. They proceed behind and on the outside of the carotid, and are contained^ the same sheath of cellular membrane which incloses that artery and the internal jugular vein. Each of these nerves, soon after it leaves the cranium, gives a twig to the glosso-priaryngeal; that soon after it sends off a branch called the Pharyngeal, which unites Superior Laryngeal Branch of the Par Vagum. 329 to one from the accessory nerve, and to one or more from the glosso-pharyngeal, and proceeds to the middle constrictor of the jjfoarynx, when it expands into ramifica- tions that form a plexus from which proceed a number of small twigs that go to the larynx, and some that pass down on the common carotid artery. It then sends off, downward and forward, the Superior Laryngml nerve, which continues in that direction behind the carotid artery, and divides into an external and inter- nal branch. The 'Internal Branch, which is the largest, proceeds between the os hyoides and the thyroid cartilage; and divides into numerous ramifications which are distributed to the arytenoid muscles and to the membrane which lines the larynx and covers the epiglottis. It is said, that fine twigs can be traced into the forarmina, "which are to be seen in the cartilage of the epiglottis;—-some ramifications can be traced to the pharynx;—others communicate with the branches of the recurrent nerve. The External Branch sends twigs to the pharynx, to the lower and inner part cf the larynx, and to the thyroid gland. In its course downwards, the great nerve sometimes sends off a twig, which unites with one from the ninth pair that passes to the sterno-hyoidei and sterno-thyroidei muscles. It uniformly sends off one or more twigs, which pass into the thorax and combine with small branches from the sympathetic or intercostal nerve, to form the Cardiac Plexus, which sends nerves to the heart. After entering the thorax, the right trunk of the Par Vagum passes before the subclavian artery; and the left trunk before the arch of the aorta* and immediately after passing these arteries, eaph of the "nerves divides into an anterior and posterior branch.—The anterior is the con- tinuation of the Par Vagum; the posterior is a nerve of Vol. II. 2 T 330 Recurrent Branch of the Par Vagum. the Larynx; which, form its retrograde course, is called the Recurrent Nerve. On the left side the Recurrent Nerve winds backwards round the aorta, and on the right side round the subclavian artery, and proceeds upwards, deeply seated, on the side of the trachea, to the Larynx. Soon after its origin it sends filaments to a ganglion of the sympathetic, to the cardiac plexus, and to a pulmonary plexus soon to be mentioned. In its course upwards it sends twigs to the trachea and the oesophagus. It proceeds behind the thyroid gland, and sends twigs to that organ. At the lower part of the larynx it sends of a branch which communicates with branches of the superior laryngeal nerve. It also divides into branches which are spread upon the posterior crico- arytenoid, and the arytenoid muscles; and also upon the lateral crico-arytenoid and the thyro-arytenoid muscles, as well as upon the membrane which lines the back part of the larynx and the contiguous surface of the pharynx. There is a difference in the arrangement of the recur- rents on the different sides, in consequence of one winding round the aorta, while the other winds round the subcla- vian artery. After sending off the recurrents, each trunk of the Par Vagum proceeds behind the ramifications of the trachea; but previously detaches some small branches, which are joined by twigs from the intercostal and from the recurrent, and form a plexus upon the anterior part of the vessels going to the lungs. This Anterior Plexus, after sending off some minute branches to the cardiac nerves and the pericardium, transmits its branches, with the bronchiae and the bloodvessels, into the substance of the lungs. Some of the branches which proceed from the par vagum, pass down on the posterior part of the trachea, and enter into the membrane which forms it, and the Par Vagum.—Pulmonary Plexuses. 331 mucous glands which are upon it; and some pass to the CEsophagus. When the parjpgum is behind the great vessels of the lungs, a number of branches go off transversely, and are also joined by some fibres from the sympathetic. These form the Posterior Pulmonary Plexus; the ramifications from which proceed into the substance of the lungs, and are principally spent upon the ramifications of the bron- chia;. It has been said,* that the small twigs, into which they divide, very generally penetrate into the small rami- fications of the bronchiae, and are spent upon their internal membrane. Soon after sending off the nerves of the pulmonary plexus, the Par Vagum proceed downwards upon the oesophagus; the left nerve being situated anteriorly, and the right posteriorly. Each of these nerves forms a plexus so as nearly to surround the oesophagus, as they descend on it; but the network is thickest on the posterior side. They pass through the diaphragm with the oesophagus, and unite again so as to form considerable trunks. The Anterior, which is the smallest, proceeds along the lesser curvature of the stomach to the pylorus. Some of its fibres are spread upon the anterior side of the stomach and the lesser omentum. Others of them extend to the left hepatic, and also to the solar plexus. The Posterior trunk sends branches to surround the cardiac orifice of the 6tomach. Many branches are spread upon the under side of the great curvature of the stomach. Some of them pass in the course of the coronary artery to the coeliac, and unite to the hepatic and splenic plexuses; and one trunk, which is thiqk although short, proceeds to the solar plexus. • See Buisson, in the continuation of the Descriptive Anatomy of Bichat. 332 Different Functions of the Laryngeal, fcfc. The Accessory Nerve of Willis, Which has been mentioned as associated with the eighth pair of nerves, within the cranium, has a very peculiar origin. It arises by small filaments, which come off from the spinal marrow, between the anterior and posterior fasciculi of the cervical nerves, and proceeds upwards to the great occipital foramen, between these fasciculi. It commences sometimes at the sixth or seventh cervical vertebra, and sometimes about the fourth. It enters the cavity of the cranium through the foramen magnum, and proceeds up- wards and outwards, so as to join the eighth pair of nerves^ at some distance from its origin, and in this course"k re- ceives filaments from the medulla oblongata. After approaching very near to the eighth pair of nerves, it accompanies it to the foramen lacerum, and passes out in its own separate sheath. It then leaves the eighth pair and descends towards the shoulder, proceeding through the sterno-mastoid muscle. Soon after it emerges from the cranium, it sends a ramification to the pharyngeal branch of the Par Vagum, and another to the Par Vagum itself. After ^passing through the upper and back part of the sterno-mastoid muscle, it terminates in the trapezius. It adheres to the ninth pair of nerves as it passes by it, and sends a twig to the sub-occipital and some of the cervical nerves. It also gives ramifications to the sterno-mastoid muscle as it passes through it. It has already been stated that the Laryngeal and Recur- rent Nerves appear to answer different purposes in their distribution to the Larynx.—When both of the recurrent nerves are divided in a living animal, the voice seems to be lost. When the laryngeal nerves only are divided, the strength of the voice remains, but it is flatter. The re- current nerves, therefore, seem essential to the formation Ninth Pair of Nerves. 333 of the voice. The laryngeal nerves are necessary to its modulation. The history of the investigation of this subject is con- tained in Mr. Haighton's paper in the third volume of Memoirs of the Medical Society of London. THE NINTH PAIR OF NERVES. Each of these nerves arises from the groove in the medulla oblongata, between the corpora pyramidalia and the corpora olivaria. Three or four fasciculi, of distinct filaments, unite to form it. Thus composed, it proceeds to the anterior condyloid foramen of the occipital bone, and passes through the dura mater. It seems firmly united, by the cellular membrane, to the eighth pair, and to the first ganglion of the sympathetic, soon after it passes from the occipital bone. It is either connected to the sub-occipital nerve by a small ramification, or it joins a branch which proceeds from the sub-occipital to the cervical, and bends round the transverse process of the atlas. It passes be- tween the internal carotid artery and the internal jugular vein, and crosses the external carotid at the origin of the occipital artery. At this place it generally sends down- wards a large branch which is called the Descendens Noni. Passing forwards, it is on the outside of the posterior portion of the digastric muscle, and inclines downwards; but near the tendon of the muscle it turns upwards, and proceeds on the inside of the mylo-hyoideus, where it di- vides into ramifications, which, at the anterior edge of the hyo-glossus muscle, begin to enter in the substance of the tongue, between the genio-glossus and the lingualis muscles. Some of the branches of this nerve unite with those of the lingual branch of the fifth pair. Others are distributed to almost all the muscles connected with the tongue. The branch called Descendens Noni passes down in the 334 Sub-Occipital, or Tenth Pair of Nerves. course of the common carotid artery, and sends branches in its progress to the upper portions of the coraco-hyoidei and sterno-thyroidei muscles; it unites with ramifications of various sizes from the first, second and third cervical nerves, which form a bow under the sterno-mastoid mus- cle, from which ramifications go to the lower portions of the sterno-hyoidei and thyroidei muscles and of the coraco-hyoidei. OF THE CERVICAL NERVES. The tenth or last pair of the head, commonly called the Sub occipital, may be arranged with tfrese nerves, because they arise, like them, from the medulla spinalis, and are distributed to the nerves on the neck. The sub-occipital Nerves Arise on each side of the spinal marrow, nearly opposite to the interval between the great foramen of the os occi- pitis and the atlas. Each of these nerves consists of an anterior and pos- terior fasciculus, or bundle of fibres, which pass out- wards immediately under the vertebral arteries, and form a ganglion, from which proceeds an anterior and a pos- terior branch. The anterior branch is united to the second cervical nerve below, and to the ninth nerve, or the hypoglossal, above. It also sends filaments to the upper ganglion of the great sympathetic nerve. The posterior branch is spent upon the Recti, the Obliqui, and some other muscles of the head. The proper Cervical Nerves consist of Seven Pair; of which the first six go off between the vertebrae of the neck, and the seventh between the last of the neck and the first of the back. First and Second Cervical Nerves. 335 The first cervical Nerve Passes out between the atlas and the Vertebra Dentata. It originates from two fasciculi, which are connected to each other at a ganglion, and then separate into an ante- rior and a posterior branch.* The anterior branch is connected by filaments with the accessory nerve, with the ninth pair of the head, and with the upper ganglion of the sympathetic. It is also connect- ed with the second cervical nerve; and sends some branches to the muscles on the anterior part of the spine. The posterior branch, after communicating with the posterior branches of the sub-occipital and the second nerves of the neck, perforates the complex us muscle, and ascending upon the back of the head, is distributed with the occipital artery. THE SECOND CERVICAL NERVE Sends off, from its Anterior Branch, a twig which de- scends to the lower cervical ganglion of the sympathetic, and a considerable ramification to the third cervical nerve. It also sends off some twigs to the sterno-mastoid muscle, and others to join the accessory nerve. Some of its small ramifications pass down upon the external jugular vein, and others unite with the descending branch of the ninth pair of the head. A small branch is also concerned in the formation of the phrenic nerve. Two larger branches of this nerve wind round the posterior edge of the sterno- mastoid, and are spread under the integuments of the an- terior, lateral and posterior parts of the neck and lower parts of the head; they have a communication with the portio dura of the seventh pair.y—The posterior branch * This arrangement is common to the nerves of the spine. The ganglion is formed by the posterior fasciculus. t These superficial branches have sometimes been described as 336 Third Cervical, and Phrenic Nerves. of this nerve is spent upon the extensor muscles of the head and neck. THE THIRD CERVICAL NERVE Sends down, from its Anterior Branch, the principal trunk of the phrenic nerve. It also sends twigs to the fourth cervical, to the lower cervical ganglion of the intercostal, and to the descending branch of the ninth of the head. Some of its branches unite with twigs of the accessory nerve, and others are spent upon the muscles and integu- ments of the shoulder and lower part of the neck. A small Posterior Branch is spent upon the muscles of the back of the neck. THE NERVES OF THE DIAPHRAGM Are generally denominated the Phrenic. The principal root of each of them is commonly derived from the third cervical nerve, but frequently the second and the fourth cervical nerves contribute to their formation; and they are sometimes joined by a twig which is derived from the ninth pair. Each nerve proceeds down the neck, between the rectus capitis major and the scalenus anticus, and continues along the fore part of the scalenus anticus; it descends into the thorax within the anterior end of the first rib, between the subclavian vein and the artery. It sometimes receives a twig from the fifth cervical nerve, and a twig passes be- tween it and the great sympathetic. After entering the thorax, they descend, attached to the mediastinum, before the root of the lungs. In consequence of the projection of the point of the heart to the left, the course of the left is a little different from that of the right; that of the right coming from a plexus; but they often arise directly from the Second Cervical nerve. Remaining Cervical Nerves.—Brachial Plexus. 337 proceeding in a more perpendicular direction. Whf-nthey arrive at the diaphragm, they divide into many ramifica- tions, which have a radiated arrangement, and terminate on the fibres of that muscle, both on the upper and lower surface. Some fibres from each nerve are continued downward, and communicate in the abdomen with fibres from the intercostal. THE FOURTH, FIFTH, SIXTH, AND SEVENTH CERVICAL NERVES, May be comprised in one description. They pass off suc- cessively from the Medulla Spinalis, between the ver- tebra;, like the other nerves. Their Posterior Branches are generally distributed to the back of the neck, and are very small. Their Anterior Branches are principally ap- propriated to the upper extremities, and are large. They generally send each a small twig to the lower cervical ganglion of the intercostal nerve, and a few small branches to some of the contiguous muscles. They are arranged and combined so as to form the network, now to be de- scribed, which is called the Brachial or Axillary Plexus; and, in the formation of this plexus, they are joined by the first dorsal nerve. The BRACHIAL PLEXUS Extends from the lower part of the side of the neck, into the arm-pit. It commences in the following manner. The fourth and fifth cervical nerves proceed downwards, and, after uniting to each other about an inch and a half below their egress from the spine, they separate again, almost immediately, into two branches. The sixth cervical nerve, after passing downwards, di- vides also into two branches, one of which unites with Vol. II. 2U 338 Construction of the Brachial Plexus. the uppermost branch that proceeds from the union of the fourth and fifth, and the other with the lowermost, and they all proceed downwards. The seventh cervical is joined by the first dorsal, which proceeds upwards, and unites with it at a short distance from the spine. The cord produced by their junction soon unites with one of the cords above described. As these different cords proceed downwards, they divide, and their branches again unite. The axillary artery, which passes in the same direction, is surrounded by them. In this manner the axillary plexus is often formed. The muscles about the shoulder, both before and be- hind, are supplied by the axillary plexus. Thus, it sends branches to the Subscapularis, Teres Major, and Latissi- mus Dorsi, behind; and to the Pectoralis Major and Minor, and the Mamma, before. It also sends off a branch called the Scapularis, which commonly arises from the upper part of the plexus, and proceeds through the notch in the upper costa of the scapula, to the supra and infra spinatus, teres minor, &.c. Nerves of the Arm. All the great nerves of the arm are derived from the axillary plexus. There are six of them, which are denomi- nated The Musculo Cutanetis; The Median;* The Cubital, or Ulnar; The Internal Cutaneus; The Radial or Muscu- lar Spiral; and the Circumfiex or Articular. The MUSCULO CUTANEUS, Or PERFORATING NERVE, passes obliquely through the upper part of the coraco brachialis muscle. Before it enters the muscle, it sends a branch to it. After leaving the muscle, it passes down the arm between the biceps and the brachialis internus, to which it also gives branches. It proceeds to the outside * Sometimes called Radial. Musculo Cutaneus and Median Nerves. 339 of the biceps, and continues under the median cephalic vein to the anterior and external part of the fore arm; along which it passes, under the integuments. On the lower part of the fore arm it divides into many branches, which extend to the root of the thumb and the back of the hand, and terminate in the integuments. The median nerve, which is one of the largest of the arm, often proceeds from the axillary plexus next to the musculo cutaneus; it passes down the arm, very near the humeral artery, within the edge of the biceps flexor muscle, and, during ihis course, gives off no branches of any importance. After passing the bend of the elbow, it proceeds, under the aponeurosis of the biceps, between the brachialis internus and the pronator teres, and con- tinues down near the middle of the fore arm, between the flexor sublimis and the flexor profundus. At the elbow it sends branches to several muscles on the anterior side of the fore arm, and to the integuments. Among these branches is one, called the Interosseal Nerve, which passes down on the anterior surface of the interosseal ligament, with the artery of that name. This nerve sends branches, in its course, to the long flexor of the thumb and the deep flexor of the fingers. When it arrives at the pronator quadratus, it sends branches to that muscle, and, passing between it and the interosseous ligament, per- forates the ligament, and soon terminates on the posterior side of the wrist and hand. As the median nerve proceeds downwards, it be- comes more superficial; and continuing among the ten- dons of the flexors of the fingers, it gives off a branch which is principally spent upon the integuments of the palm of the hand. This great nerve passes with the ten- dons under the annular ligament; and immediately after, while it is covered by the Aponeurosis Palmaris, and by that portion of the artery which is called Arcus Sublimis, it divides into branches, which separate from each other 340 Cubital or Ulnar Nerve. at acute angles, and subdivide so as to send a ramification to each side of the thumb, of the index, and of the middle finger; and to the radial side of the ring finger. The cubital or ulnar nerve is also of conside- rable size. It passes down on the inside of the triceps ex- tensor muscle, to the great groove formed by the olecra- non process and the internal condyle of the os humeri; and in this course it often sends a branch to the triceps, and some smaller twigs to the upper part of the fore arm. From the groove it proceeds on the anterior part of the fore arm, between the flexor carpi ulnaris and the flexor sublimis, to the wrist. At a small distance above the wrist it sends off a branch, called the Dorsalis, which passes be- tween the flexor ulnaris and the ulna, to the back of the fore arm and wrist, where, after sending ramifications to the integuments and contiguous parts, it divides into branch- es which pass to the little finger and the finger next to it. Those branches send off, in their course, many twigs which pass to the skin and cellular substance. The ulnar nerve then proceeds with the artery, over the annular ligament, on the radial side of the os pisiforme, and divides into two branches; one of which is superficial, and the other deep-seated. The Superficial divides into two principal branches, an external and an internal. The external passes under the aponeurosis palmaris; and, after sending a branch to com- bine with one from the median, and some twigs to the contiguous muscles, it subdivides into two branches, one of which goes to the ulnar side of the ring finger and the opposite side of the little finger. The other branch sends off some twigs to the muscles, and proceeds along the ulnar side of the little finger. The Deep-seated palmar branch of the ulnar nerve, passes between the muscles of the little finger, under the tendons of the flexors, and accompanies the deep-seated arterial arch in the palm of the hand, giving branches to the interossei, and other contiguous muscles. Radial, or Muscular Spiral Nerve. 341 The radial or muscular spiral nerve is one of the largest nerves of the arm. It passes from the axillary plexus downward, backward and outward, under the tri- ceps muscle, to the external side of the os humeri. In this course it gives off several branches to the different portions of the triceps. It also frequently gives off a large branch, which passes downwards on the outside of the olecranon, to the back of the fore arm, and continues to the back of the hand, furnishing many branches which terminate in the integuments. It then proceeds downwards • between the supinator radii longus and the brachialis in- ternus. Immediately after passing the articulation of the elbow, it divides into two branches denominated the Su- perficial and the Profound. The Superficial soon joins the radial artery, and proceeds downwards, sending branches to the contiguous muscles. In its course about the middle of the arm, it crosses the tendon of the supinator longus, and proceeds between it and the tendon of the extensor carpi radialis longior; it soon after divides into two branches, which are principally distributed to the thumb and forefinger, and also to the integuments. The Profoundbranch proceeds to the back of the fore arm under the radial extensor, and continues to the back of the wrist and hand. Into this course it divides into two branches, which are distributed to the contiguous muscles and tendons, and the integuments. The internal cutaneus nerve is the smallest of the nerves which proceed from the axillary plexus. It de- scends in the course of the basiiic vein, and very near it. Above the elbow it divides into an Internal Branch, which proceeds over the Basilic Vein, and separates into branches that pass down on the side of the fore arm; and an External Branch that passes under the Median Basilic Vein, and continues down on the anterior part of the fore arm. The articular or circumflex nerve proceeds 342 The Dorsal Nerves. backwards from the plexus, between the teres major and minor, and passes nearly round the body of the os humeri, at a small distance below its head. It is distributed to the contiguous muscles and to the articulation; but its princi- pal branches terminate in the deltoid muscle. THE DORSAL NERVES Proceed from the cavity of the spine between the dorsal 'vertebra;. They are sometimes called Intercostals, be- cause they pass between the ribs, like the bloodvessels of that name. There are twelve pair of them, and they are named numerically, beginning from above. These nerves proceed from the medulla spinalis by two fasciculi of fibres—one from each of its lateral portions, —the posterior fasciculus is the largest. After passing through the lateral foramen and the dura mater, a ganglion is formed by the posterior fasciculus: the anterior fascicu- lus unites to this ganglion at its external extremity; and one nerve is formed, which almost immediately divides into an anterior and a posterior branch, of which the an- terior is the largest. The posterior branch proceeds backwards, and is dis- tributed to the muscles of the back. The anterior branch passes towards the angle of the rib, in contact with the pleura. Soon after its origin, this anterior branch sends off two ramifications which unite to the intercostal nerve, at the ganglion; it then proceeds forwards with the blood- vessels, between the internal and external intercostal mus- cles, in the groove near the lower margin of the ribs; and terminates on the anterior part of the thorax. In its course it sends branches, not only to the intercostal mus- cles and pleura, but to the other muscles and the integu- ments of the thorax. Some of the dorsal nerves differ from the others, as to the ramifications which they send off. General Account of the Lumbar Nerves. 343 The First Nerve, of this order, joins the lower cervical nerves in the axillary plexus; but it sends off the ramifi- cations to the sympathetic; and also a branch, which passes under the first rib, like the other dorsal nerves. The Second Nerve, sends off a branch, which passes through the external intercostal muscle into the axilla, and combines there with a branch of the cutaneous nerve, being distributed to the internal and posterior part of the arm. The third dorsal nerve also sends off a branch, which is distributed to the axilla and the back part of the arm. These branches of the second and third dorsal nerves, are called intercosto-humeral nerves. The lower dorsal nerves supply the muscles and integu- ments of the abdomen. Of the LUMBAR Nerves. There are five pair of these nerves. The first of them passes off between the first and second of the lumbar ver- tebra;, and the others succeed regularly; so that the last pair is situated between the last lumbar vertebra and the sacrum. The first lumbar nerves arise from the medulla spinalis, before it forms the cauda equina; the other four pair are formed by the cauda equina. They commence by anterior and posterior fasciculi, which are united at a ganglion. From this ganglion, anterior and posterior branches go off, which are very different in size, the anterior being the largest. The posterior branches are distributed to the muscles of the back. The anterior send branches to the ganglions of the sympathetic nerve, and also communicate with each other to form the Lumbar Plexus, which is situated on the lateral parts of the bodies of the Lumbar Vertebra;, 344 Lumbar Nerves.—Lumbar Plexus. before their transverse processes, and supplies nerves to the muscles of the thigh. THE FIRST LUMBAR NERVE Is connected, by its anterior branch, to the last dorsal and the second lumbar. From the same branch, ramifications go off to the Quadratus Lumborum, and obliquely across that muscle, to the lower part of the abdominal muscles near the spine of the ileum. THE SECOND LUMBAR NERVE Sends off a muscular branch downwards and outwards: it also sends off the small branch, called the External Sper- matic, which passes down in such a direction, that it per- forates the transversalis and the obliquus internus muscles, near their lower margin, at a small distance from the superior anterior spine of the ileum, and then proceeds within the lower edge of the tendon of the external oblique to the abdominal ring, through which it passes. In the male it is distributed to the spermatic cord and scrotum, and in the female, to the labia pudendi. In the female it also sends a branch to the uterus.* The Second Lumbar, after sending off these branches, passes down- wards, and joins the Third lumbar nerve. From this union of the second and third nerves, a branch called the Cutaneus Medius, which will be soon described, proceeds downwards. After sending off this branch, the united trunk of the second and third joins the Fourth; and from this union are sent off the Obturator Nerve, which passes through the aperture in the membrane that closes the foramen thyroideum; the Crural Nerve, which passes under Pou- * The external spermatic often comes off from the first lumbar nerve. Obturator Nerve.— Crural Nerve. 345 part's ligament; and a third branch that proceeds down- wards, and joins the Fifth lumbar nerve. The Fifth lum- bar nerve, with this accession from above, descends into the pelvis, and unites with the sacral nerves. This arrangement of the lumbar nerves constitutes the Lumbar Plexus, which, has been already stated, fur- nishes three nerves to the lo ver extremity, viz. tiie Cu- taneus Medius, the Obturator, and the Crural Nerve. The Cutaneus Medius which arises from the union of ^"',thc second and third nerves, as has been already observed, proceeds downwards, and frequently adheres to the crural nerve, for a short distance, near Poupart's ligament, but soon leaves it, and descends on the inside of the thigh, supplying the integuments as low as the knee. THE OBTURATOR NERVE Descends into the pelvis, and passes out of it at the upper part of the foramen thyroideum; proceeding downwards in an internal direction, to be distributed on the inside of the thigh. This nerve is generally accompanied by the obturator artery and vein; the artery being above, and the vein below it. When it has arrived at the foramen ovale or thyroideum, it sends off a branch to the internal and ex- ternal obturator muscles, and, after passing these muscles, divides into two branches which are distributed to the muscles on the inside of the thighs, the adductors, the pectineus, the gracilis, &c. THE CRURAL NERVE Is situated at first behind, and then on the outside of the psoas muscle. It passes under Poupart's ligament with the great femoral vessels, being on the outside of the artery. Vol. II. 2 X 346 Crural Nerve.—Sacral Nerves. It is distributed to the integuments, and also to the muscles, which are situated on the anterior and internal parts of the thigh. Some of its ramifications go off before it passes under Poupart's ligament. Several of them are spent upon the integuments, and are therefore denomina- ted Cutaneous.—They are distinguished by the terms Cutaneus Anterior, Cutaneus Internus, &.c, according to their situations. The deep-seated branches are the largest. They are principally spent upon the muscles on the anterior and the internal side of the thigh, viz. the four extensors, the adductors, the pectineus, the sartorius, and the gracilis. Among these nerves there is one, called the Saphenus, which has a different destination. It accompanies the great artery of the thigh to the place where it perforates the Adductors: it there separates from the artery, and passes over the tendon of the Adductors, under the sartorius muscle; thence it continues, with the great saphena vein, on the inside of the leg, to the internal ankle; sending branches to the integuments in its course. It terminates in skin and cellular substance on the upper and internal sur- face of the foot. The SACRAL Nerves Are composed of those cords of the cauda equina, which remain after the formation of the lumbar nerves. They are frequently stated to consist of five or six pair, four of which pass through the foramina of the sacrum, and the fifth between the sacrum and the os coccygis.* The cords of which they are respectively composed arise by anterior and posterior fasciculi. When they have arrived opposite to the foramina of the sacrum, through which they are to pass, a ganglion is formed, at which they unite, and then • The sixth pair, when they exist, proceed in a groove in the os roccygis. Sciatic Plexus.—Pudic Nerve. 347 divide into anterior and posterior branches.* The upper- most of the anterior branches are large, and pass through the anterior foramina of the sacrum. The posterior are small, and go through the posterior foramina. The Posterior Branches are generally spent upon the muscles which lie on the sacrum, and posterior parts of the pelvis, externally. The anterior branches of the three first nerves send ra- mifications to the sympathetic. They unite to each other, and are joined by the last lumbar nerve, and by a branch of the fourth sacral, in the formation of the great sciatic nerve. This union constitutes the sciatic plexus. The anterior branch of the fourth nerve transmits branches to the sympathetic: it also sometimes sends a branch to the united nerves above, or the sciatic plexus. It sends branches to the hypogastric plexus, and to the contiguous muscles. The fifth and sixth pairs, which are very small, termi- nate also in the contiguous muscles and in the integu- ments. From the sciatic plexus, or the nerves which com- pose it, several smaller branches go off. There are gene- rally two which pass off backwards through the ischiatic notch, and are denominated Gluteal, as they are distri- buted to the glutei muscles. From the lowermost of these a branch descends on the thigh. The Pudic Nerve, which is appropriated to the organs of generation, also passes off from this plexus, and ap- pears to consist of fibres which are derived from each of the nerves that compose it. It proceeds between the sacro- sciatic ligaments, and divides into two branches—an in- ferior and a superior. The inferior passes between the erector penis and the accelerator urinse. muscles, and is •The ganglions of the fourth and fifth nerves are extremely small and not so near the foramina as those of the others. 348 Course of the Great Sciatic Nerve, distributed to those muscles, to the^ulb of the urethra and the interior of that canal, to the scrotum and dartos. The superior proceeds along the os pubis to the sym- physis, and passes between the bone and the body of the penis to the dorsum. A considerable branch accompanies the artery on the dorsum, and terminates, by many rami- fications, on the glans penis; after sending branches in its course to the integuments generally, and to the prepuce. In females, the Inferior Pudic Nerve proceeds along the external labia pudendi to the mons veneris, sending off many ramifications in its course. The Superior Pudic Nerve proceeds, as in males, along the branch of the pubis to the superior surface of the clitoris, and terminates principally upon the extremity of that organ. The sacral nerves unite in the sciatic plexus to form the great nerve of the lower extremity, which is next to be described. The GREAT SCIATIC Nerve Proceeds from the pelvis through the ischiatic notch, be- tween the pyramidalis and the superior gemellus muscle: it then passes down to the back part of the thigh, between - the tuberosity of the ischium and the great trochanter of the os femoris and continues downwards, inclining from within outwards, to the ham, where it is situated between the tendons of the semi-tendinosus and semi membranosus on the internal side, and the tendon of the biceps on the external. In this course it sends off branches to the mus- cles on the posterior part of the thigh. As the great nerve passes down the thigh, it sends off obliquely, downwards and outwards, a large branch which is called the Fibular, that passes across the head of the fibula to the external and anterior part of the leg. The place where this branch separates from the main nerve Distribution of the Fibular Nerve. 349 is different in different subjects. It continues in contact with it for some distance, connected only by cellular membrane. THE FIBULAR OR PERONEAL NERVE Proceeds downwards on the inside of the tendon of the biceps, and crosses obliquely to the outside of the external head of the gastroc nemius: it then passes inwards between the long peroneus muscle and the fibula; and descend- ing between the muscles on the front of the leg, divides into two branches, one of which inclines to the exterior bide of the leg, and the other preserves an internal situa- tion. In its course from the great sciatic nerve to the fibula, it sends off some superficial ramifications. The two branches into which it divides, after passing over the fibula, continue downwards. The Internal, after supplying the muscles on the anterior part of the leg, passes under the annular ligament like the anterior tibial artery; and on the upper part of the foot, divides into two ramifications, one of which proceeds forwards near the internal edge of the foot, and the other near the external; they divide again, and are distributed to the parts on the upper surface of the foot, one of their ramuli descending with the con- tinuation of the anterior tibial artery to the sole of the foot. The External Branch of the fibular nerve, as it pro- ceeds downwards, supplies ramifications to the contiguous muscles, and, passing through the fascia on the outside of the leg, continues between it and the skin towards the foot. In this course it generally divides into two branches which are spent upon the upper surface of the foot. The GREAT SCIATIC Nerve, after the fibular nerve leaves it, continues down the thigh, between the tendons of the flexors, behind the great bloodvessels, and of course exterior to them. 350 Distribution of the Tibial Nerve. In the ham, this great nerve takes the name of POPLI- TEAL, and proceeds across the articulation of the knee, between the heads of the gastroc nemii, to the posterior side of the tibia: here it passes through the upper portion of the soleus or gastroc nemius internus, and continues between it and the long flexor of the toes, near the Pos- rior Tibial Artery; descending with that artery to the hollow of the os calcis. In this situation it has the name of POSTERIOR TIBIAL NERVE. At the commencement of this course, a small distance below the internal condyle of the os femoris, it sends off a branch of considerable size called the Communicans Tibia, or Saphena Externa, which passes down behind the gastroc nemii, and gradually inclines externally, so that it is situated on the external edge of the tendo Achillis, soon after the commencement of that tendon, and pro- ceeds behind the external ankle, near the outer side of the foot, to the smaller toes; distributing branches to the con- tiguous parts. In its course on the back of the leg, it sends off a branch which unites with one of the superficial rami- fications of the fibular nerve, and descends to the outer part of the foot. The tibial Nerve, in its course downwards, sends branches to the contiguous muscles; and a few twigs which form a species of network on the artery. In the hollow of the os calcis it sends off a superficial branch to the integu- ments of the sole of the foot, which proceeds on the out- side of the aponeurosis plantaris: it there also divides into branches, which are denominated the Internal and Exter- nal Plantar Nerves. The Internal Plantar Nerve proceeds forwards, along side of the tendon of the long flexor muscle of the great toe, giving off small branches in its course. About the middle of the foot it divides into four branches, one of Commencement of the Sympathetic Nerve. 351 which proceeds to the inside of the great toe; and a second to the angle formed by the great toe and the toe next to it, where it divides and sends a branch to the opposite sides of those toes: the other two branches are distributed in a similar manner, to the succeeding toes. These digital brandies arc connected with each other by small ramifica- tions. The External Plantar Nerve proceeds with the external plantar artery towards the external side of the foot, be- tween the short flexor of the toes and the flexor accessorius. Near the external edge of the foot, about the posterior end of the metacarpal bones, it divides into three branches. One proceeds to the outside of the little toe; another passes to the angle between the fourth toe and the little toe, and divides into branches which are distributed to the cor- responding sides of these toes. The third branch proceeds more deeply in the foot, from the external towards the internal edge of it, and is spent upon the deep-seated contiguous muscles. THE GREAT SYMPATHETIC OR INTERCOSTAL NERVE Commences in the cranium with those small ramifications of the pterygoid branch of the upper maxillary nerve, and of the sixth pair, which accompany the carotid artery through the canal in the petrous portion of the temporal bone. These small nerves form a network which sur- rounds the artery in the^canal, and gives rise to the incipient sympathetic, a small cord which passes down close to the nerves of the eighth and ninth pair of the neck. Opposite to the second cervical vertebra, this nerve is swelled or dilated, so as to form a body of a light red colour, which is more than an inch in length, and has the form of two cones united to each other at their bases. This is the Superior Cervical Ganglion of the Sympathetic Nerve, and from it the nerve descends, behind the Par 352 First Ganglion, and other Cervical Vagum, on the front part of the neck. This ganglion re- ceives twigs from the first, second, third and fourth pairs of cervical nerves, and also from the eighth and ninth nerves of the head. It sends off several twigs, which pass behind the carbtid artery, at its bifurcation, an:! are joined by twigs of the Portio Dura and the Glosso-Pharyngeal nerves. From these united twigs proceed very small ra- mifications, which accompany several branches of the ex- ternal carotid artery, and some of them pass down with the Common Carotid. This superior ganglion also furnishes small twigs which accompany the Glosso- Pharyngeal to the tongue and pha- rynx. Sometimes a twig from it passes on the back part of the thyroid gland to communicate with the recurrent nerve. From this ganglion go off some small branches, which, uniting with others from the superior laryngeal nerves, form the superior or superficial cardiac nerve, which will be soon described. The trunk of the Sympathetic Nerve descends, on the front of the neck, from this ganglion, as has been already stated. In its course it receives very small twigs from the fourth and fifth cervical nerves, and sends some very small twigs which appear to go to the oesophagus, and some which unite to the laryngeal nerve and go to the thyroid gland. Some twigs, which are larger, proceed from it into the thorax, and go to the cardiac plexus here- after to be described. Opposite to the interval between the fifth and sixth cervical vertebra; it forms another ganglion, of an irregu- lar shape, much smaller than the first. This ganglion, in different subjects, differs in size as well as in several other respects. Sometimes it is entirely wanting, and sometimes it is doubled. It is denominated the Middle CerOical, or Thyroid Ganglion.—When the fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical nerves do not send ramifications to the Ganglions and Branches of the Sympathetic. 353 sympathetic nerve above, this ganglion receives tvvies from them. & The Middle Cervical, or Thyroid Ganglion, sends many ramifications downwards. Some of them enter the thorax and contribute to the formation of the Cardiac Plexus; others accompany the inferior thyroid artery^ and, with twigs from the recurrent nerve, form a plexus which ex- tends towards the thyroid gland. Some proceed down- wards before, and others behind, the subclavian artery, to the next ganglion; and among them is generally one which may be regarded as the trunk of the Sympathetic. This third Ganglion is denominated the Inferior Cervi- cal, or the First Thoracic. It is almost constantly found m the same situation, viz. between the transverse process of the last cervical vertebra and the head of the first rib and is partly covered by the origin of the vertebral artery. It is generally larger than the middle ganglion. It receives branches from the sixth and seventh cervical, and the two first dorsal nerves. Ramifications pass from it to the par vagum and recurrent nerve, and also to the cardiac and pulmonary plexus. From this ganglion the Sympathetic Nerve proceeds downwards on the side of the spine, as will be described hereafter. The Nerves of the Heart, Being derived from branches which have already been mentioned, are now to be described. They arise principally from an arrangement of nerves denominated the Cardiac Plexus, or Plexuses, which id situated about the curve of the aorta, and extends, on the posterior side of it, from the root of the arteria innomi- nata to the bifurcation of the pulmonary artery. This plexus is composed of nerves which are principally form- ed by the union of small ramifications that are derived Vol. II. 2 Y 354 Branches of the Sympathetic. from the three above mentioned ganglions of the Sympa- thetic Nerve, and the nerve itself; and also from the Par Vagum and some of its branches. These nerves are denominated the Cardiac. They de- scend on their respective sides of the neck, but are some- what different on the different sides. On the right side three nerves have been described as particularly entitled to this name, and on the lejt side but two. The first on the right side is denominated Superior or Superficial Cardiac Nerve. It generally arises by several fine threads, which unite into one delicate cord that passes down by the side of the common carotid. When it has arrived on a line with the middle ganglion, it sends a twig to the thyroid plexus, and another that communicates with a twig from the par vagum, which continues down- wards on the carotid artery. After passing beyond the ganglion, it divides into several branches, which unite themselves to branches of the recurrent nerve that are going to the middle ganglion. The second, which is denominated the Middle Cardiac, the Great Cardiac, or the Deep Cardiac, is the largest of the three. It arises from the Middle Cervical or Thyroid Ganglion, by five or six fine fibrils, which finally form one, that passes before and across the subclavian; and at that place, as well as lower down, it receives twigs from the par vagum: below this, it is joined by a considerable twig from the recurrent, and terminates in the Cardiac Plexus, to which it contributes largely. The third cardiac nerve of the right side is called the Inferior or the Small Cardiac Nerve. It originates from the third, or lower cervical ganglion, by many fibrils which unite into a smaller number that form a plexus. It crosses behind the subclavian, and proceeds on the outside of the Arteria Innominata to the curve of the aorta; continuing between it and the pulmonary artery, to the anterior co- Branches of the Sympathetic. 355 ronary plexus. In this course it receives several fibres from the recurrent and the par vagum. On the left side the first cardiac nerve arises from the upper ganglion. The second derives its origin from the two lower ganglions. The left superior or superficial cardiac nerve arises like the right, by many distinct fibres, and proceeds down- wards in the same way. It descends between the carotid and the subclavian, and when it has arrived at the place where they originate from the aorta, it divides into a great number of small ramifications. Some pass before the aorta, either to join the branches of the inferior cardiac, or to unite with the cardiac branches of the left nerve of the par vagum. The others proceed behind the aorta, and enter into the common cardiac plexus. The second cardiac nerve of the left side may be called the Great Left Cardiac, and has a double origin as above mentioned. The principal branch in its composition arises from the lowest cervical ganglion, and passes behind the transverse portion of the subclavian artery. Where the inferior thyroid arises from the subclavian, this branch receives a considerable number of ramifications, which arise from the upper ganglion, and are interwoven with each other before they unite to it* It passes behind the curve of the aorta, and terminates in the great cardiac plexus, which it particularly contributes to form. Here it is joined by many fibres from the par vagum. The Cardiac Plexus Is situated principally behind the curve of the aorta, at a small distance above the heart. It commences as high as the origin of the Arteria Innominata, and extends down- wards to the bifurcation of the pulmonary artery. As hat been already mentioned, it is principally com- posed of branches from the middle cardiac nerve of the 356 Plexus formed by the Nerves of the Heart. ri£ht side, and the inferior cardiac nerve of the left; but it receives branches from the superior cardiac of the left, and sometimes of the right side. Some fibres of the inferior cardiac of the right are also united to it. Many branches proceed from this plexus. A small number pass upon the aorta, and seem to enter into its texture.* Some of them also combine with the ramifications of the Par Vagum in the anterior pulmonary plexus. The majority proceed to the basis of the heart, near the origin of the pulmonary artery and the aorta, and constitute the proper nerves of that organ. They accom- pany the coronary arteries, and are so arranged around them that, by some anatomists, they have been said to form plexuses, which have been denominated Coronary. The sympathetic nerve, as has been stated above, proceeds from the ganglion, called the Lower Cervical, or the First Thoracic, before the neck of the first rib. It continues to descend, in the same direction, along the spine, exterior to the pleura, to the inferior part of the thorax. Near the head of each rib it forms a ganglion, which unites with the intercostal nerve behind it, by ,two branches, and thus forms an indirect communication with the medulla spinalis. From several of the uppermost of these ganglions, small twigs proceed to the pulmonary plexus, and also to the great trunk of the aorta, below the curve, forming a spe- cies of network, or plexus, upon it. From the ganglions near the heads of the fifth and sixth ribs, and from four or five of the ganglions which succeed them, small nerves arise, w Inch proceed down- wards on the sides of the bodies of the vertebrae, and unite into one trunk that is denominated the Splanchnic Nerve, because it is distributed to the viscera of the abdomen.— This nerve proceeds behind the crus of the diaphragm, on * It has heen asserted, that some of the anatomists of Paris have traced these nerves on the aorta, to a great distance from the heart. Sympathetic Nerve, and its Splanchic Branches. 357 its respective side, into the abdomen. A second and smaller nerve, of the same destination, called the Lesser Splanch- nic Nerve, arises lower down, from two or three of the lowermost dorsal ganglions, and penetrates separately into the cavity of the abdomen: it then generally divides into two branches, one of which unites to the great splanchnic nerve, and the other proceeds to the renal plexus, soon to be described. As soon as the great splanchnic nerve has entered the abdomen, it divides into many branches, which commonly form small ganglions on each side of the cceliac, but above it. These ganglions are generally contiguous; but some- times they are at a small distance from each other, and united by nerves. They are, however, commonly spoken of as one, and called the semilunar ganglion. They are of irregular forms, and very different from each other in size, as well as form. Those formed by the splanchnic nerve on one side are sometimes different from those on the other. From this assemblage of ganglions proceed many small nerves, which are woven together so as to form a network denominated the solar plexus. T.his plexus is situated anterior to the spine and the crura of the diaphragm; behind the stomach, and above the pancreas; and is extended upon the coeliac and superior mesenteric arteries. Some ramifications from the par va- gum and the phrenic also join it. The lower part of the solar plexus, which surrounds more immediately the coeliac artery, is termed the Cceliac Plexus. From it networks of nerves extend upon the great branches of the artery to the organs which they go to. They extend to the stomach (although it is supplied by the par vagum) along the superior coronary or gastric branch of the hepatic; and the fibres in their composition being spread upon the coats of the stomach, unite with 358 Arrangement of the Nerves of the the branches of the par vagum, which are also spread upon them. A similar network, denominated the Hepatic Plexus, extends upon the Hepatic Artery, and from it to the Vena Portarum; and accompanies those vessels into the sub- stance of the liver. It also sends branches to the biliary duct and gall bladder; to the stomach by the arteria gas- trica dextra; and to the omentum. The Splenic Artery is invested by a similar but smaller arrangement of nerves, denominated the Splenic Plexus. In its course to the spleen, this plexus sends some nerves to the pancreas; and also to the stomach and omentum, with the left gastric artery. The superior mesenteric artery is surrounded by a network, which extends to it directly from the sojar plexus, and is the largest of all which proceed from that plexus. The Mesenteric Plexus at first nearly surrounds the artery, and proceeds with it between the laminae of the mesentery. In this course it sends branches, with the arteria colica dextra, to the transverse portion of the colon. Between the lamina; of the mesentery, it sends ramifica- tions with all the branches of the artery, to the small in- testines generally; to the coecum, and the right portion of the colon; as well as to the mesenteric glands. From the lower part of the solar plexus a network proceeds, on the front of the aorta, to the inferior mesen- teric artery, and surrounds it. Nerves from this plexus accompany the artery to the left portion of the colon and the rectum. Some of their ramifications combine with those of the hypogastric plexus. The Emulgent Artery is attended by nerves, which are arranged like a network on its anterior and posterior surfaces, and are denominated the Renal Plexus. They are derived from the solar plexus, and frequently contain small ganglions. They proceed with the artery to the Abdominal Viscera. 359 fissure of the kidney, and are distributed with its different ramifications, in the substance of the organ. Some branches pass from them to the renal gland with the capsular artery. Before the renal plexus arrives at the kidney, it sends off, from its inferior part, some few fibres, which, after joining some others from one of the lumbar nerves, ac- company the spermatic arteries, and are, therefore, called the Spermatic Plexus. In the male, these fibres proceed through the abdominal ring, and many of them go to the testis, but they are followed with great difficulty, on account of their small size. In the female, they go to the ovary and the fallopian tube. From the great plexuses above, a small network con- tinues downwards on the aorta, receiving fibres from the intercostals on each side; at the great bifurcation of the aorta it divides, and is joined on each side by many rami- fications from the third dorsal nerves, which thus form a plexus of considerable extent, that sends nerves to the bladder, rectum, and vesiculae seminales in males; and to the uterus and vagina, as well as the bladder and rectum, in females.* This is called the Hypogastric Plexus. The plexuses above mentioned are derived from the splanchnic nerve, which came off from the Sympathetic in the thorax. The sympathetic nerve, after giving off the lesser splanchnic, is diminished in size, and approaches nearer to the bodies of the vertebrae. It passes through the crura of the diaphragm, and then proceeds forwards and down- wards upon the spine, between the tendinous crura of the diaphragm and psoas muscle; near the vena cava on the right side, and the aorta on the left. In this course, it * Although the testicle receives nerves which are derived from the Sympathetic, the penis and other external parts of the organs of ge- neration do not: the nerves which accompany the pudic artery being derived from those which unite to form the great Sciatic. 360 Termination of the Sympathetic Nerve. generally receives one or two small cords from the anterior branch of each of the lumbar nerves: these cords proceed downwards and forwards, between the bodies of the ver- tebra; and the psoas muscle, and a ganglion is generally formed at the place where they join the nerve. In its descent on the lumbar vertebrae, the Sympathetic sends off several nerves that unite to the network which descends on the aorta from the plexus above. After passing over the lumbar vertebrae, it descends into the pelvis, close to the sacrum, on the inner side of the great foramina: here it also forms ganglions, and communicates with the sacral nerves, and likewise with the hypogastric plexus. It terminates on the os coccygis, where its minute fibres join those of the opposite side. SYSTEM OF ANATOMY. PART XI. Ot THE ABSORBENT VESSELS. PHE absorbent vessels are small transparent tubes, of a delicate structure, which exist in considerable numbers in almost every part of the body. These tubes originate upon the surfaces of all the cavities of the body; and of the cellular membrane, in all the various parts into which it penetrates; upon the inter- nal surface of the stomach and the intestines; and probably upon the skin. Those which originate in the Lower Extremities and the Cavity of the Abdomen, unite and form a large trunk called the thoracic duct, which proceeds through the thorax, and terminates in the left Subclavian Vein, at its junction with the Internal Jugular. Those of the Left Upper Extremity, the Left Side of the Head, and the con- tiguous parts, form a trunk which terminates in the same place. While the remaining absorbents, or those of the Right Upper Extremity, and the Right Side of the Head, fcfc. also form a trunk, which terminates in the correspond- ing part of the Right Subclavian Vein. The absorbent vessels of the middle size, which arise from the union of the small vessels, and unite to form the larger; in their progress to these large vessels, pass Vol. IT. 2 Z 562 Structure of the Absorbent Vessels. through certain bodies which have been denominated Conglobate Glands, and may be considered as appendages of the absorbent system. The absorbent vessels are composed of two coats, which are thin, but dense and firm, and also elastic. The coals of the thoracic duct may be separated from each other. The internal surface of the exterior coat is fibrous. The inter- nal coat is a delicate but strong membrane.—There is great reason to believe that the above mentioned fibres are muscular, or at least irritable: for the absorbent ves- sels have been observed, by Haller, to contract upon the application of strong sulphuric acid. They have also been observed to propel their contents with considerable rapi- dity, by their own contraction, independent of pressure, or of motion communicated by any other body. Bloodvessels are sometimes observable in the coats of the larger absorbents, in injected subjects. The vascularity of these tubes may also be inferred from the inflammation which frequently takes place in them. Nerves have not been traced into their texture; but the absorbents seem to be painful when they are inflamed, and, therefore, it is probable that they are supplied with nerves. The absorbent vessels are very generally supplied with valves, which are much more numerous in some of them than in others; and are different in their number, in the same vessels, in different subjects. Very frequently there are several valves in the course of an inch: sometimes a valve will not appear in the course of several inches. In the Thoracic Duct, the num- ber of valves is very different in different subjects. These valves are folds or plaits of the internal membrane, and are of a semi-circular form. There are commonly two of them together, originating from opposite sides of the vessel. The absorbents are generally somewhat dilated on the Commencement of the Absorbents. 363 side of the valve which* is next to their termination, and this occasions their knotted appearance when they are injected. The object of this valvular structure seems to be the prevention of retrograde motion of the contained fluid, in wnsequence of lateral pressure. Where the different trunks of the absorbents open into the veins, there are one or two valves to prevent the re- gurgitation of the blood into them. The valves of course prevent the injection of the branches of these vessels from their trunks.—In some animals the valves have sometimes been ruptured, or forced back; and the absorbents have been injected in a retrograde direction. There are but two or three instances upon record where this has been practicable in the Human Subject. In consequence of the impracticability of injecting the small brandies from the larger, the absorbent vessels cannot, generally, be demonstrated at their commence- ment, or origin. It is, however, to be observed, that the lacteals, or Absorbents of the Intestines, appear no way different from other absorbents; and they have been seen distended with chyle, from their commence- ment, in certain subjects who had died suddenly. Their origins have been described very differently by different observers. Mr. Cruikshank describes them as originating on the surfaces of the villi, by a number of very small radiated branches with open orifices; which branches soon unite to form a trunk. Lieberkuhn believed them to commence in the form of an ampullula.—See page 105 of this volume. The second Monro also believes that the absorbents begin by very small tubes, with open orifices, in several species offish.* * See his work on the Structure and Physiology of Fishes, p. 34. 364 Conglobate Glands. It is stated by Dr. Soemmering, upon the authority of Haase, a German anatomist, that when mercury is forced backwards in the absorbent vessels of the foot and the heart, it has sometimes escaped on the surfaces of those parts. The probable inference from these facts is, that those vessels originate by open orifices on the surfaces of the heart and foot. The bodies connected with the absorbent vessels, which are called Conglobate Glands, are generally of a roundish, or irregular oval form, and somewhat flattened. They are of various sizes, from two lines in diameter to more than twelve. Their colour is frequently whitish, but some- times it is slightly inclined to red. They are invested with a covering of cellular membrane, which appears like a membranous coat; and they are connected to the contigu- ous parts by a loose cellular substance. When the absorb- ent vessels connected with these bodies approach near to them, they divide into a number of ramifications, most of which enter into the substance of the gland, while some of them run over it. On the opposite side of the gland a number of branches go out, which unite and form trunks similar to those which entered the gland. The vessels which enter the gland are called Vasa Infe- rentia, and those which go out of it Vasa efferentia. These vessels are generally much convoluted in the substance of the glands, so that those bodies sometimes appear like a mere convolution of absorbent vessels. There has been much diversity of sentiment respecting the structure of these organs.* The absorbent vessels, in the different parts of the * Mr. Abernethy states, that the mesenteric gland of the Whale consists of large spherical bags, into which a number of the lacteals open. Numerous bloodvessels are ramified on the surfaces of these cysts; and injection passes from them into the cyst. He also found cells in the glands of the absorbent vessels, in the groin and the axilla of the hor«e—See Philosophical Transactions, for 1796, Part I. Fluid Contained in the Absorbents. 365 body, generally contain fluids resembling those which are found in those parts. Mr. Hewson opened the large absorbents in many living animals of different kinds, and found that they contained a transparent fluid, which co- agulated when exposed to the air. The arrangement of these vessels resembles that of the veins in several respects. Many of them are superficial; but there are also deep-seated absorbents^which accom- pany the bloodvessels. 366 CHAPTER I. OF THE ABSORBENTS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES, THE ABDOMEN, AND THE THORAX. UNDER this head are arranged the ramifications of all the vessels which unite to form the Thoracic Duct. SECTION I. Of the Absorbents of the Lower Extremities. These'absorbents, like the veins, are superficial and deep-seated. The Superficial lie in the cellular membrane, very near the skin; and form an irregular network which extends over the whole limb. They are, however, most numerous on the internal side. The Deep-seated accompany the arteries like the veins, and there are two at least to each artery. The Superficial Absorbents Have been injected from the toes so as to form a network, which occupies the upper surface of the foot. They have also been injected in a similar manner on the sole. Those on the upper surface of the foot generally proceed up- ward on the anterior and inner side of the leg; but some of them pass on the external side of it. Those on the sole are continued on the back of the leg, but communicate very frequently with the anterior vessels. Some of the absorbents from the outside of the foot and leg enter into some of the popliteal glands, soon to be described; but they Absorbents of the Lower Extremity. 367 are not numerous; and the principal.number continues up to the glands of the groin. The absorbents which originate on the surface of the thigh, as well as those which pass over it from below, incline gradually along the anterior and posterior surface, to the internal side of it; on which they proceed, in great numbers, and very near to each other, to the inguinal glands. Superficial absorbents pro- ceed also from the buttock and lower part of the back, from the lower part of the abdomen, the perineum, and the exterior of the genital organs, to these glands. The Deep-seated Absorbents Are named from the arteries they accompany. The Anterior Tibial Absorbents. The anterior tibial artery is generally attended by one which comes with it from the sole, and by another which commences on the upper surface of the foot. The first mentioned absorbent continues with the artery. The last, often passes through an aperture in the interosseal liga- ment, about one third of the distance from the ankle to the knee, and accompanies the fibular artery, while the an- terior tibial artery is joined by other absorbents about the same place. In some instances a small absorbent gland oc- curs in this course, at a short distance below the knee. The Posterior Tibial Absorbents Have been injected from the under side of the toes. They accompany the ramifications on the sole of the foot; and after uniting, continue with the main trunk up the leg, where they enter into the popliteal glands. The Peroneal Absorbents arise also from the sole of the foot, and its external side. They accompany the peroneal 368 Absorbents of the Lower Extremity. artery, and terminate in the popliteal glands, which re- ceive also the absorbents from the knee and ham. From these glands four or five absorbent vessels proceed, which accompany the great bloodvessels of the lower ex- tremity; and, proceeding with them through the aperture in the tendon of the adductors, continue upwards until they enter some of the glands of the groin. The glands of the ham and groin, which are so inti- mately connected with the absorbents of the lower extre- mity, are very different from each other. The Popliteal Glands, or those of the Ham, are but three or four in number, and very small in size. They are generally deep-seated, and very near the artery. The Inguinal Glands vary in number, from eight to twelve or more. They are superficial and deep-seated. The superficial communicate principally with the superfi- cial absorbents. The lowermost of them are at some dis- tance below Poupart's ligament, and the uppermost are rather above it. They are exterior to the fascia of the thigh. Their number is generally six or eight, while that of the deep-seated is but three or four. The superficial absorbents from below, approach very near to each other, and enter these glands. They are commonly distributed among three or four of the lower- most; but some of them pass by these, and proceed to one that is higher up; and sometimes there are absorbent vessels which pass to the abdomen without entering into any of the glands of the groin. The deep-seated absorbents pass into the deep-seated glands, which, as has been already observed, are but few, and lie very near the artery under the fascia of the thigh. The two sets of glands are connected to each other by many absorbent vessels that pass between them. The vessels which finally go out of these glands are con- siderably less in number than those which enter into them. They proceed under Poupart's ligament, and, in Inguinal and External lliae Glands. 369 some instances, a large proportion of them pass through three glands which lie below this ligament, and are often so arranged, that they lie on each side of the great femoral vessels, and above them. One very frequently is found on the inside of the femoral .vein, in the vacuity between it and the internal part of the ligament. All the absorbents of the lower extremity, however, do not enter these glands. Some pass along with the great vessels and enter other glands near the margin of the pelvis. Some also descend a short distance into the pelvis, and unite with vessels that are passing from the pelvis to the plexus and the glands that surround the external iliac. The absorbents which proceed from the glands last mentioned, joined to those which pass under Poupart's ligament, without entering these glands; and some which come from the pelvis; form a large plexus, which almost surrounds the external iliac vessels, and contains many glands. These External Iliac Glands vary in their number from six to ten or twelve. They lie on the side of the pelvis, in the course of the external iliac vessels, and some of them are of considerable size. These glands and the plexus of absorbents, extend in the track of the iliac vessels, to the first lumbar vertebra. In this course they are joined by ' the plexus which comes from the pelvis; and soon after they arrive at the Lumbar Glands, which form a very large assemblage, that extends from the bifurcation of the aorta to the crura of the diaphragm. These glands lie irregularly, on the aorta and the vena cava, and the lumbar vertebrae. Most if not all the ab- sorbents above mentioned pass through some of them; and from the union of these absorbents, some of the great branches, which unite to form the thoracic duct, are derived. In this course from the thigh to the lumbar glands, these absorbent vessels are joined by several others. The Vol. II. 3 A 370 Absorbents of the Testicles, &te. Superficial Absorbents of the scrotum commonly enter into the upper inguinal glands, and thus unite to the great body of absorbents. The Absorbents of the Testicles originate in the body, and the coats of the testicle, and in the epididymis; and are remarkably large and numerous. They proceed along the spermatic cord, through the abdominal ring, to the lumbar glands. These vessels are remarkable for the little communication they have with each other. The Deep seated Absorbents of the Scrotum accompa- ny the absorbents of, the testicle to the lumbar glands; but those which are superficial enter the upper inguinal glands. The Absorbents of the Penis are also deep-seated and superficial. The deep-seated arise from the body of the penis, and accompany the internal pudic artery into the pelvis. The superficial absorbents arise from the prepuce, and pass along the dorsum of the penis. There are fre- quency several trunks which receive branches from the lower surface of the penis in their course. At the root of the penis they generally separate to the right and left, and pass to the glands on the respective sides. In females, the absorbents of the interior of the clitoris accompany the internal pudic artery. Some, which arise about the vagina, pass through the abdominal ring with the round ligament; and others proceed to the inguinal glands. Absorbents of the Pelvis and the Kidneys. 371 SECTION II. Of the Absorbents of the Abdomen and Thorax. The Absorbents of the lower portions of the parietes of the Abdomen and the Pelvis unite into trunks that follow the epigastric, and the circumflex iliac, as well as the lum- bar and sacral arteries, &c. They proceed to some of the glands which are in the groin; or in the external iliac, the hypogastric, or some of the contiguous plexuses. The Absorbents of the Womb are extremely numerous; and, in the gravid state, are very large. Those which are on the neck and anterior part of the uterus, join the hypo- gastric plexus. Those which are on the posterior part of the body, accompany the spermatic vessels. The Absorbents of the bladder pass to small glands on its lateral and inferior parts, and finally join the hypo- gastric plexus. The Absorbents of the Rectum are of considerable size. They pass through glands that lie upon that intestine, and unite with the lumbar plexus. The Absorbents of the Kidney are superficial and deep- seated. They are very numerous, but, in a healthy state of the parts, are discovered with difficulty. Cruikshank describes them as they appeared, filled with blood, in con- sequence of pressing upon the kidney when its veins were full of blood. Mascagni did not inject the superficial vessels with mercury; but describes them as they appear- ed when filled with colourless size, after he had injected the bloodvessels of the organ with the coloured fluid.— The deep-seated absorbents pass out of the fissure of the kidney with the bloodvessels, and unite with the superfi- cial; they proceed to the lumbar plexus, and pass into different glands. Absorbent vessels can be proved to proceed from the 372 Lacteals, or Absorbents of the Intestines. pelvis of the kidney, and the ureters, by artifices analogous to those above mentioned. The Glandula Renales are also supplied with absorbents, which are numerous in proportion to the size of the organs. They commonly join those of the kidney. The Absorbents of the Intestines Have generally been called LACTEALS, from the white colour of the chyle which they contain: but there seems no reason for believing that they are different in their structure and nature from the absorbents in other parts of the body. A small number of them appear as if they formed a part of the structure of the intestines, and ori- ginated from their external surface, as they do in other parts of the abdomen; while the principal part of them are appropriated to the absorption of the contents of the cavity of the intestines. The first mentioned absorbents run between the mus- cular and peritoneal coats, and proceed for so me distance lengthways on the intestine, while the others proceed for some distance within the muscular coat, with the ar- teries; and after passing through it, continue between the lamina? of the mesentery. Branches of these different absorbents are frequently united in one trunk; so as to prove that there is no essential difference between them. The absorbents which come from the internal surface of the intestines commence in the villi. The manner in which they originate has been the subject of considerable in- quiry, as has been stated in the account of the intestines.* The lacteals or absorbents of the intestines are very numerous. They pass between the laminae of the mesen- tery, to glands which are also seated between those laminae. * See page 105. Lacteals, or Absorbents of the Intestines. 373 The number of these glands is very considerable,* and they are various in size—some being very minute, and others eight or ten lines in diameter. They are generally placed at a small distance from each other, and are most numerous in that part of the mesentery which is nearest to the spine. They are almost always at some distance from the intestines. They appear to be precisely like the absorbent glands, in other places. These absorbent vessels, in their course frequently divide into branches; which sometimes go to the same gland, sometimes to different glands, and sometimes unite with other absorbent vessels. As they proceed, they frequently enlarge in size. When they have arrived near the spine, they frequently form three or four trunks, and sometimes one or two; which proceed in the course of the superior mesenteric artery, until they have arrived near to the aorta. Here they either pass into the thoracic duct, or descend and join the trunks from the inferior extremities, to form the thoracic duct. The absorbents of the great intestines are not equal, in size to those of the small; but they are nu- merous. They enter into glands, which,are very near, and in some places, in contact with the intestine; and are com- monly very small in size. The vessels which arise from the caecum, and the right portion, as well as the arch of the colon, unite with those of the small intestines; while the vessels from the left side of the colon, and the rectum, proceed to the lumbar glands. The absorbents of the intestines are frequently injected with mercury; but the injection does not proceed to their termination with so much facility as it does in other ves- sels of the same kind. They have, however, very often been seen in animals, who were killed for the purpose after eating milk; and in several human subjects who died sud- denly during digestion.—The description of the origin of * They have been estimated between 130 and 150. 374 Absorbents of the Stomach. the lacteals, quoted in page 106, from Mr. Cruikshank, was taken from a subject of this kind, of which an account is given in his work on the absorbing vessels, p. 59. It is worthy of note, that in several instances, in which the lacteals were thus found distended with chyle, the glands in the mesentery were also uniformly white. The Absorbents of the Stomach Are of considerable size, and form three divisions. The ves- sels of the first set appear upon both sides of the stomach, and pass through a few glands on the small curvature, near the omentum minus. From these glands they proceed to others, which are larger, and which also receive some of the deep-seated absorbents of the liver. The vessels from these glands pass to the thoracic duct, near the origin of the casliac artery. The second arise also on both sides of the stomach, and pass to the left extremity of the great cur- vature to unite with the absorbents of that side of the great omentum. They then proceed with the lymphatics of the spleen and pancreas, to the thoracic duct. The last set pass off from the right extremity of the great curva- ture, and unite also with absorbents from the right portion of the omentum. They proceed near the pylorus, and go to the thoracic duct, with some of the deep-seated ab- sorbents of the liver. Although the absorbents of the stomach are deep-seated, as well as superficial, it is a general sentiment, that they do not contain chyle in the human subject; notwithstand- ing chyle has been found in the absorbents on the stomach of dogs, and some other animals. It ought, however, to be remembered, that Sabatier has, in some instances, seen white lines on the stomach, which he supposed to be lacteals. Absorbents of the Liver. 375 The Absorbents of the Liver Are especially interesting, because they have been more completely injected than those of any other viscus. They are deep-seated and superficial. The superficial it has been already observed admit of injection in a retrograde direc- tion, and, therefore, can be exhibited most minutely ra- mified. They communicate freely with each other, and also with the deep-seated vessels, by their small ramifi- cations; so that the whole gland has been injected from one large vessel. The gland is so large, that the absorbents of the supe- rior and inferior surfaces proceed from it in different direc- tions. A large absorbent is generally found on the suspen- sory ligament. This is formed by the union of a great many branches that arise both on the right and left lobes, but principally on the right. It often passes through the diaphragm at an interstice which is anterior to the xiphoid cartilage, and then proceeds through glands on the anterior part of the pericardium. Several absorbents proceed to the lateral ligaments on each side, and then pass through the diaphragm. Some of these branches return again into the abdomen, and the others generally run forwards in the course of the ribs, and join those which passed up from the suspensory liga- ment. The trunk, or trunks, formed by these* vessels, either pass up between the laminae of the mediastinum, and ter- minate in the upper part of the thoracic duct; or they accompany the internal mammary arteries, and terminate on the left side in the thoracic duct, and on the right in the trunk of the absorbents of that side. The Absorbents on the concave side of the Liver are as numerous as those on the convex side, they are also very 376 Absorbents of the Liver and Spleen. abundant on the surface of the gall bladder. The greatest part of them join the deep-seated vessels. The Deep-seated Absorbents proceed in considerable numbers from the interior of the liver through the portae. They accompany the biliary ducts and the great blood- vessels of the organ; and, after passing-through several glands, near the vena portarum, terminate in the thoracic duct, near the commencement of the superior mesenteric artery. Mascagni states, that the absorbents of the liver will be distended, by injecting warm water into the biliary ducts, or the vena portarum. He also observes, that in those preparations in which the superficial vessels are completely injected, in the re- trograde direction, the peritoneal coat of the liver appears to be composed entirely of absorbent vessels; and to be connected to the membrane within, by many filaments which are also absorbent vessels. The Absorbents of the Spleen Are composed of superficial and deep-seated vessels; but they differ greatly from those of the liver, in this respect, that the superficial vessels are remarkably small in the human subject. Mascagni however asserts, that when the bloodvessels of the spleen are injected with size, coloured with ver- milion, these absorbents will be filled with colourless size. In the spleen of the calf the superficial absorbents are remarkably large. In the human subject the superficial absorbents of the spleen proceed from the convex to the concave surface, and there communicate with the deep-seated absorbents, which proceed from the interior of the organ with the bloodvessels. These Deep-seated Absorbents are very numerous, and Absorbents of the Pancreas. Thoracic Duct. 377 also large. They accompany the splenic artery; and in their course pass through many glands, some of which are said to be of a dark colour. The glands lie on the splenic artery, at a short distance from each other. The absorbents of the spleen receive the absorbents of the pancreas in their course; tliey unite with the absorbents of the stomach and the lower surface of the liver, and pass with them to the thoracic duct. Little has been latterly said by practical anatomists respecting The Absorbents of the Pancreas. Mr. Cruikshank once injected them in the retrograde di- rection; he found that they came out of the lobes of the pancreas in short branches like the bloodvessels, and passed at right angles into the absorbents of the spleen, as they accompanied the artery in the groove of the pancreas. THE THORACIC DUCT, Or common trunk of the absorbent system, is formed by the union of those absorbent vessels which are collec- ted on the lumbar vertebrae. These vessels, as it has been already observed, are derived from various sources, viz. The Lower Extremities; the lower part of the Trunk of the Body; the Organs of Generation; the Intestines, with the other Viscera of the abdomen and pelvis, except a part of the liver. Their number is proportioned to the ex- twit of their origin: for, with the numerous glands ap- propriated to them, they form the largest absorbent plexus in the body, and are spread over a considerable portion of the aorta and the vena cava. The manner in which these vessels unite to form the Vol. II. 3 B 378 Commencement of the Thoracic Duct. thoracic duct, is very different in different subjects; but in a majority of cases it originates immediately from three vessels, two of which are the trunks of the absorbents of the lower extremities, and the other is the common trunk of the lacteals and the other absorbents of the intestines. These vessels generally unite on the second or third lumbar vertebras; and, in some instances, the trunk which they form dilates considerably, soon after its commence- ment; in consequence of which it was formerly called the RECEPTACLE of the CHYLE. At first it "lies behind the aorta, but it soon inclines to the right of it, so as to be behind the right crus of the diaphragm. In the thorax, it appears on the front of the spine, between the aorta and the vena azygos, and continues between these vessels until it has arrived at the fourth or third dorsal vertebra. It then inclines to the left, and proceeds in that direction until it emerges from the thorax, and has arisen above the left pleura, when it continues to ascend behind the inter- nal jugular, nearly as high as the sixth cervical vertebra: it then turns downward and forward, and, after descending from six to ten lines, terminates in the back part of the angle formed by the union of the left internal jugular with the left subclavian vein. Sometimes, after rising out of the thorax, it divides into two branches, which unite before they terminate. Sometimes it divides, and one of the branches terminates at the above mentioned angle, and the other in the subclavian vein, to the left of it. The orifice of the thoracic duct has two valves, which effectually prevent the passage of blood into it from the vena cava. There are sometimes slight flexures in the course of the duct; but it generally inclines to the left, in the upper part of the thorax, as above mentioned; and is then so near the left lamina of the mediastinum, that, if it be filled with coloured injection, it can be seen through that mem- Absorbents of the Lungs. 379 brane, when the left lung is raised up and pressed to the right. The duct sometimes varies considerably in its diameter in different parts of its course. About the middle of the thorax it has often been found very small. In these cases it generally enlarges in its progress upwards, and is often about three lines in diameter, in its upper part. Many anatomists have observed it to divide and to unite again, about the middle of the thorax. Absorbents of the Lungs. The absorbents of the lungs are very numerous, and, like those of other viscera, are superficial and deep-seated. The large superficial vessels run in the interstices be- tween the lobuli, and therefore form angular figures of considerable size. In successful injections, the vacancies within these figures are filled up with small vessels, and the whole surface appears minutely injected. Mascagni observes, that the superficial vessels are very- visible when any fluid has been effused into the cavity of the thorax; or when warm water is injected, either into the bloodvessels of the lungs, or the ramifications of the trachea. Cruikshank demonstrated them by inflating the lungs of a still born child; in which case the air passes rapidly into them. The deep-seated absorbents accompany the bloodvessels and the ramifications of the bronchiae. They pass to the dark coloured glands, which are situated on the trachea at its bifurcation; and on those portions of the bronchiae which are exterior to the lungs. The injection of the absorbents, which pass to and from these glands, seems to prove that they are of the same nature with the ab- sorbent glands in general; notwithstanding their colour. They are numerous, and they vary in size; from a diameter of two lines, to that of eight or ten. 380 Absorbents of the Lungs. From these glands, some of the absorbents of the left lung ■, pass into the thoracic duct, while it is in the thorax, behind the bifurcation of the trachea; others proceed upwards and enter into it near its termination; while those of the right lung terminate in the common trunk of the absorb- ents of the right side. 381 CHAPTER II. OF THE ABSORBENTS OF THE HEAD AND NECK; OP THE! UPPER EXTREMITIES, AND THE UPPER PART OF THE TRUNK OF THE BODY. THE absorbents from the various parts of the head pass through glands, which are situated on the neck, or the lower part of the head. Those on the head are the least numerous, and also the least in size. Some of them, which are generally small, lie about the parotid gland. Several of them, which are also small, are on the occiput, below and behind the mastoid process. Sometimes there are two or three on the cheek, near the basis of the lower jaw, about the anterior edge of the masseter muscle. Be- low the lower jaw, in contact with the submaxillary gland and anterior to it, there are always a number of these glands, which are generally small, but often swelled during infancy. The Glands on the Neck are the most numerous. Many of them are within the sterno-mastoid muscle, and ac- company the internal jugular vein and the carotid artery down to the first rib. Many also lie in the triangular space between the sterno-mastoid muscle, the trapezius, and the clavicle; therefore it has been truly said that the glands of the neck are more numerous than those of any other part, except the mesentery. They are frequently called Glandula Concatenata. It has already been men- tioned that the various absorbents, which are connected with these glands, unite on each side into a trunk, which on the left passes into the thoracic duct, and on the right into the common trunk of the absorbents of that side. 3 82 Absorbents of the Head and Neck. SECTION I. Of the Absorbents of the Head and Neck. There is the greatest reason to believe than the brain and its appendages are supplied with absorbents like the other parts. Some of these vessels have been discovered in the cavity of the cranium; but very little precise infor- mation has as yet been obtained, respecting the extent, or arrangement of the absorbent system, in this part of the body. The absorbents on the exterior of the head are as nu- merous as in other parts of the body. On the occiput they pass down, inclining towards the ear, and continue be- hind it to the side of the neck; behind the ear they pass through several glands. From the middle or temporal region of the cranium, they pass with the carotid artery before the ear, and enter some small glands that lie on the parotid; from which they continue to the neck. They are on every part of the face, and unite, so that their principal trunks, which are very numerous, pass over the basis of the lower jaw, near the facial artery. They enter into glands, which are also very numerous, immediately under the jaw, or which are sometimes to be found on the cheek, at the anterior edge of the masseter muscle. All the absorbents of the exterior part of the head pass to the glands on the side of the neck, already described. Those from the interior of the nose accompany the ramifications of the internal maxillary artery, and pro- ceed to glands behind the angle of the lower jaw; into which glands also enter the absorbents of the tongue and inner parts of the mouth. The absorbents of the thyroid gland, on the left side, pass down to the thoracic duct; those on the right, unite Absorbents of the Hand and Arm. 383 to the trunk of the absorbents on that side, near its ter- mination. It has been remarked that they can be readily injected, by thrusting the pipe into the substance of the gland. SECTION II. Of the Absorbents of the Arm and Upper Part of the Trunk. The absorbents of the arm are superficial and deep- seated, like those of the lower extremity. The superficial absorbents have been injected on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the fingers and the thumb, near their sides. On the back of the hand they are very numerous, and increase considerably in their progress up the fore arm. As they proceed upwards, they incline towards the anterior surface of the fore arm; so that by the time they have arrived at the elbow, almost all of them are on the anterior surface. The absorbents on the anterior part of the hand are not so numerous as those on the back. Sometimes there are digital branches from the fingers, and an arcus in the palm; but this bow is not formed by one large absorbent, analogous to the ulnar artery. On the contrary, its two extremities are continued over the wrist, and pass on the fore arm like the absor- bents. At the elbow, some of them often pass into one or two small glands, which are very superficial; but the whole of the absorbents, somewhat reduced in number, as some of them unite together, pass along with the bloodvessels into the hollow of the arm pit; where they enter the axillan glands. There are generally one or more vessels which pass in the course of the cephalic vein, between the pec- 384 Absorbents of the Upper Part of the Trunk. toral and the deltoid muscle, and enter into some of the glands under the clavicle. There are almost always several glands in and near the axilla. Some of them are very near the great bloodvessels; sometimes one or more of them are much lower; some- times they are to be found under the pectoral muscle. They are commonly not so large as those of the groin, and are surrounded with fat. The deep-seated absorbents originate also at the fin- gers, and soon accompany the branches of the arteries. Those which attend the radial artery, originate on tho* back of the hand, and also in the palm, where they are associated with the arcus profundus. They go up with the radial artery to the elbow, and sometimes pass through a small gland about the middle of the fore arm. Those which attend the ulnar artery, commence under the aponeurosis palmaris, and go with the artery to the elbow; at the bend of the elbow they are generally joined by one or more, which accompany the interosseal artery; there they unite, so as to form several trunks which pass up to the axilla with the humeral artery. They sometimes pass through one or two glands, which are near the elbow; and they receive in their course, deep-seated branches from the muscles on the humerus. The absorbents from the anterior and external part of the thorax, and the upper part of the abdomen, also pro- ceed to the axilla, and enter into the glands there; those which are deep-seated, joining the deep-seated vessels. The absorbents ofNthe mammae pass to the same glands; and when they are affected with the virus of cancer, can often be perceived, in their course, in the living subject. The absorbents of the uppermost half of the back, and those of the back of the neck, go likewise to the axilla. The absorbent vessels, collected from these various sources, proceed from the exterior to the innermost glands, but with a considerable diminution of their num- Facts relating to Cutaneous Absorption. 335 ber; they accompany the subclavian vein, and are reduc- ed to one or two trunks, that generally unite before their termination. On the left side, the absorbents of the head and neck generally open into the thoracic duct, as has been already observed; and those of the left arm also open into the thoracic duct, or into the subclavian vein very near it. On the right side the absorbents from each of these parts empty into the common trunk, which often is formed by the union of large vessels, from four sources; viz. the Head, the Thyroid gland, the right Arm, and the right cavity of the Thorax, &c. The diameter of the trunk is very considerable; but it is often not more than half an inch in length. It generally opens into the right subclavian vein, at the place where it unites to the right internal jugular. Two respectable physiologists of Europe (M. Seguin, of Paris, and the late Dr. Currie,of Liverpool) have doubted whether absorption takes place on the external surface of the skin.*—This question has been examined in a very interesting manner by several graduates of the university of Pennsylvania, who chose it for the subject of their in- augural theses; viz. Drs. Rousseau, Klapp, Daingerfield, Mussey, and J. Bradner Stewart. _ The three first of these gentlemen state, that when spirit of turpentine, and several other substances which are com- monly supposed to be absorbed by the skin, were applied to it in a way which prevented their volatile parts from entering the lungs by respiration, no absorption took place. But when they inspired air impregnated with exhalations * I believe that M. Seguin's Memoir on this subject was read to the Academy of Sciences a short time before the meetings of that body were suspended. It was published by M. Fourcroy, in La Me- dicine Eclairee par les Sciences Physiques, vol. iii.—An extract from M. Fourcroy'a publication may be seen in the 19th chapter of the first volume of Dr. Currie's " Medical Reports on the Effects of Water," Sec, in which is also contained, a statement of the Doctor's own expe- riments and reflections. Vol. II. 3 C j86 Experiments of K. Boerhaave and J. Hunter. from these substances, they perceived satisfactory proofs that the exhalations entered the system. From these facts they inferred that when those articles entered the body by-absorption, they were taken in by the lungs, and not by the external surface. On the other hand, the two gentlemen last mentioned, state that after immersing themselves in a bath consisting of a decoction of rhubarb, of madder, or of turmeric, their urine became tinged with these substances. They also assert that the colouring matter of these different articles is not volatile; and, therefore, could not have entered the lungs during the experiments.* The statemept in page 364, from Dr. Soemmering, that when mercury is injected backwards in the absorbent vessels which originate on the foot, it will sometimes appear in small globules on the skin of the foot, has an important connexion with this subject.f About the middle of the last century, it was generally be- lieved by anatomists, that absorption was performed by the veins. This doctrine seemed to be established by the experiments of Kaaw Boerhaave, which are related, with many other interesting statements, in his work entitled " Perspiratio Dicta Hippocrati," &c, published at Ley- den, in 1738. In these experiments it appeared to the author, that when the stomach of a dog was emptied of its contents, and filled with warm water, immediately after death, the water passed into the minute ramifica- *The Thesis of Dr. Rousseau was published in 1800. Those of Drs. Klapp and Daingerfield in 1805. Dr. Mussey published in the Third Supplement to the Medical and Physical Journal of Dr. Barton, in 1809. Dr. Stewart published in 1810—Additional observations by Drs. Klapp, Rousseau and Smith, are published in the Philadelphia Medical Museum, Vol. I. new series. t Since the publication of the first volume, the author has enjoyed the advantage of consulting a translation, in manuscript, of some parts of the German edition of Dr. Soemmcring's valuable work on the Structure of the Hturran Body, Experiments of Magendie and Delile. 387 tions of the veins of the stomach, and from them to the vena portarum, and ultimately to the heart, in large quantities. This account appears to be disproved by some experiments of the late John Hunter, made about twenty years after, and published in the Medical Commentaries of Dr. William Hunter, Part I.——Mr. Hunter's experiments have been considered as establishing the fact, that absorp- tion (in the intestines at least) is performed exclusively by the lacteals, or proper absorbent vessels, and not at all by the veins. Kaaw Boerhaave is of course supposed to have been mistaken; and Mascagni, who has repeated his experiment, refers the appearance of wajter in the veins to transudation, through the coats of the intestines, which he has observed to take place to a great degree. In the year 1809, a memoir was presented to the national institute of France by Messrs. Magendie and Delile, which contains an account of some experiments that have an important relation to the above mentioned subject.* —The authors being greatly surprised at the rapidity with which the poison of Java, &c. appeared to enter the sanguiferous system, instituted a series of experiments to determine whether these substances proceeded to that system by the circuitous route of the absorbent vessels, or by the shorter course of the veins. Two of their experiments are especially interesting. They made an incision through the parietes of the abdomen of a living dog, who had eaten a large quantity of meat some hours before (that his lacteals might be visible from their distention with chyle), and, drawing out a portion of the small intestine, they applied two ligatures to it, at the distance of five inches from each other. The portion of intestine between these ligatures was then separated by incision from the rest of the intestinal tube, and all the lacteals, bloodvessels, &c. which passed to and from it, were divided, except one artery and a vein. A consider- • The title of the paper is a " Memoir on the Organs of Absorption in Mammiferous Animals." A translation of it was published in the Medical and Philosophical Register of New York, and in several other periodical works. 388 Experiments of Magendie and Delile. able length of this artery and vein were detached from all the surrounding parts, so that the authors supposed these vessels to form the only connexion between the portion of the intestine and the rest of the body. Into the cavity of the intestine, which was thus circum- stanced, they introduced a small quantity of the poison, and, to their astonishment, it produced its fatal effects in the same manner it would have done if it had been introduced into the intestine while all its connexions with the body were entire. This experiment, they assert, was repeated several times, without any difference in the result. After several other experiments, they finally separated the thigh from the body of a living dog in such a manner that the crural artery and vein were left undivided. A quill was then introduced into the artery, and two liga- tures were applied to fix it round the quill. The artery was then divided between the ligatures. The vein was managed in the same manner. There was, therefore, no communication between the limb and the body, except by the blood which passed through the divided vessels and the quills. The poison was then introduced under the skin of the foot, and soon occasioned the death of the animal: its deleterious effects commencing about four minutes after its application to the foot. This experiment appears to prove decidedly that the blood is the vehicle by which poison, when applied to the extremities, is carried to the body; although it may not determine the question whether this poison was taken up by the absor- bents or by the veins. Some other experiments made by the authors gave results, which are very difficult indeed to explain. They wished to know if the blood of an animal thus contaminated, would produce similar effects upon another animal; and, with a view to ascertain this point, they insinuated a small piece of wood, covered with the poison, into the thick part of the left side of the nose of a dog. Three mi- nuses after the introduction of the poison, they transfused blood from the jugular vein of the same side, into one of the veins of another dog. About one minute after the Report of the Committee of the Institute. 389 commencement of the transfusion, the effects of the poison began in the dog to which it was applied, and continued until his death. Transfusion into the veins of the other dog went on during the whole time, and he received a large quantity of blood from the dying dog, without pro- ducing any effect.—They varied this experiment in the following manner. The thigh of a dog was separated from the body; the artery and the vein were arranged as in the former experiment; and poison was introduced into the foot. Three minutes after the introduction o£ the poison, the blood of the crural vein was passed into the jugular vein of another animal, and transfusion was con- tinued five minutes without producing any effect upon the animal receiving the blood: it was then stopped, and the crural vein was so arranged that the blood flowed from it into the animal to which it belonged. This animal very soon exhibited symptoms of the operation of the poison.* From these very interesting experiments the authors infer that "foreign matters do not always proceed through the Lymphatic or Absorbent Vessels, when they enter into the Sanguiferous system." This memoir was referred by the Institute to four of its members, who are particularly distinguished by their pro- found knowledge of anatomy and physiology. These gen- tlemen, after stating their belief that the functions of the lymphatic or absorbent system have been completely as- certained by the experiments and observations of Hunter, Cruikshank, Mascagni, &c, say further, that, in their opinion, the above mentioned inference ought to be a little modified, and that facts are not sufficiently nume- rous, or applicable to the point in question, to justify the inference that foreign matters do not always proceed through the Lymphatic or Absorbent Vessels, when they enter the Sanguiferous system. But they also add, that, as the author is still engaged in a series of experiments * An account of these experiments was published by M. Magendie in a pamphlet. A statement of them is also contained in the report made to the Institute by the committee to whom the memoir was referred, which is published in the Journal de Physique, for March IS 13. In that statement this last mentioned experiment is omitted. 390 Of the Absorbent System. on the subject, they will suspend their judgment res- pecting the inferences to be deduced from the present statement. The most extensive account of the absorbent system is con- tained in the " Historia et Ichnographia Vasorum Lym- phaticorum Corporis Humani" of Mascagni.—"The Anatomy of the Absorbing Vessels of the Human Body, by W. Cruikshank;"—and "The Description of the Lymphatic System, by Wm. Hewson," (the second volume of his Experimental Inquiries)—are also very interesting publications. SYSTEM OF ANATOMY. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. OF THE BLOOD. I HE blood of a healthy person indicates a tendency to coagulate very soon after it is discharged from the vessels which naturally contain it, although it is perfectly fluid in those vessels. If it remains at rest, after it is drawn from the vessels, it soon coagulates into a solid mass, of a soft texture. From this solid mass a fluid is soon observed to issue, which first appears in very small drops on almost every part of the surface. These drops quickly increase and run together, and in a short time the fluid surrounds the solid mass, and exceeds it in quantity. The solid part wr^ich thus appears upon the sponta- neous separation of the blood, is denominated Crassa- mentum or Cruor: the fluid part is called Serum. The substance which contains the red colour of the blood remains with the Crassamentum. The Serum, when it separates without agitation, is free from the red colour. The colouring matter may be separated completely from the Crassamentum by washing it with water. The blood, therefore, consists of three parts, viz. the Serum; the Substance which coagulates spontaneously; and the Colouring Matter. Vol. II. 3 D o^l Appendix.—Of the Blood. THE SERUM Has a considerable degree of consistence, although it is much thinner than blood. In its perfectly natural state, it is almost transparent, and appears to be very lightly ting- ed with a greenish yellow colour; but it is very often im- pregnated with a portion of bile, which is probably carri- ed to the bloodvessels by the absorbents. It contains a large quantity of albumen, or matter like the white of an egg. If heated to 140° of Fahrenheit, it becomes opake; and when the heat is increased to 156 or 160, it is firmly co- agulated. It is also coagulated by alcohol, by mineral acids, and by rennet.* It is proved by chemists, that it contains a small quantity of pure soda. It therefore changes several of the blue colours of vegetables green. It is also found to contain a similar quantity of the mu- riate and the phosphate of soda, and the phosphate of lime. These saline substances were discovered by diluting serum with water, and exposing the mixture to heat, by which the albumen was coagulated into flocculse: these flocculae were separated by filtration: the liquor was then diminished by evaporation, and the salts obtained from it by crystallization. Serum likewise contains a portion of sulphur combined with ammonia. When it is exposed to a coagulating heat, a small por- tion of it remains fluid. This fluid portion has been supposed to contain a con- siderable quantity of gelatine; but it is contended by Mr. Brande,f that Gelatine does not exist in the serum of the 'See Hewson, Vol. I. p. 139.—I suspect that some particular management is necessary in the use of rennet. t In his Researches on the Blood, communicated to the Royal So- ciety of London in 1812, and republished in the Eclectic Repertory for April 1813. Appendix.—Of the Blood. 395 Ldood, and that this portion consists of albumen combined with a proportion of alkali. It is also asserted by Dr. Bostock,* one of the latest writers on the subject, that the serosity of the blood (the term applied to the last mentioned fluid) contains no ge- latine; but that, with a minute quantity of albumen, it consists of a large portion of an animal matter, which is different either from gelatine or albumen, being unlike either of them in its chemical qualities. THE CRASSAMENTUM Is rendered very different in its appearance, by the dif- ferent circumstances in which it may coagulate. When the blood remains at rest immediately after it is drawn, the crassamentum which forms in it is a concrete substance, without the smallest appearance of fibre in its composition. If the blood is stirred with a rough stick, while it is flowing from an animal, a large portion of it will concrete upon the stick in a fibrous form, so as to resemble a mass of entangled thread, some of the red colouring matter still adhering to it. The crassamentum, in either of these forms, may be •washed perfectly white; the red colouring matter passing Completely away with the water. In this state it appearsf to have all the chemical properties of the fibrous matter of muscular flesh. It also resembles the gluten of vegeta- bles, being soft and elastic. The name fibrin is now generally applied to it. If fibrin is washed and dried, its weight is very small indeed when compared with that of the blood from which * See his Observations on the Serum of the Blood, in the Medico- Chirurgical Transactions, Vol. II, republished in the Eclectic Re- pertory, for October 1812. t By the experiments of Mr. Charles Hatchett, published in the London Philosophical Transactions for 1800. 396 Appendix.—Of the Blood. it has been obtained. It is, therefore, probable that a con- siderable proportion of the bulk of the crassamentum, fs it forms spontaneously, depends upon the serum which exists in it, and can be washed away. The spontaneous coagulation of the blood, which ap- pears to depend principally upon the Fibrin, may be pre- vented by the addition of several foreign substances to the blood, when it is drawn. It is subject to great variations that depend upon the state of the body at the time of bleeding; and in some conditions, it does not take place at all.* In a majority of dead subjects the blood is found more or less coagulated in the veins; but in some subjects it is found without coagulation. It is asserted that it does not coagulate in subjects who have died suddenly, in conse- quence of anger, lightning, or a blow on the stomach. THE COLOURING MATTER. When the bloodvessels in the transparent parts of certain living animals arc examined with magnifying glasses, it appears that the red colour of the blood is owing to bodies of a globular form, which are diffused through a transparent fluid. The appearance of these bodies has. been examined, with great attention, by many physiolo- gists, since the publication of Leuwenhoeck, in the London Philosophical Transactions, f * See an Inquiry into the Properties of the Blood, by the late Wm. Hewson: and Experiments by his son, T. T. Hewson, in the Eclectic Repertory, Jan. 181 I.—See also a Treatise on the Blood, &c. by the late J. Hunter. t Among the most distinguished of these observers were Father de la Torre, Haller, Hewson, Fontana, Spalanzani, J. Hunter, Cavallo. Some short accounts of Leuwenhoeck's original observations on the blood are to be found in the Philosophical Transactions of Lon- don, for 166i, in the fasciculi which are numbered 102 and 106. A more full description is contained in Boerhaave's Academical Lee- Appendix.—Of the Blood. 397 Several of these gentlemen have described the appear- ance of the blood very differently; but Haller, Spalanzani and J. Hunter agree that the figure of the red particles is globular.* Hunter observes further, that the red globules do not run into each other as two globules of oil would do when divided by water; and he believes that they cannot unite. At the same time they seem not to have the pro- perties of a solid: for when circulating in the vessels, they assume elliptical forms, adapting themselves to the size of the vessels. They also excite no sensation of solidity when touched. They appear to be more heavy than the other parts of the crassamentum: for in healthy blood the lower part of the mass contains more of the colouring matter than the upper part; and in the blood of persons who labour under acute local inflammation, they often subside completely from the upper part; and thus occasion what is called, by Mr. Hewson, the infiammatory crust, or size. It has been observed by Mr. Hewson, and also by Mr. Hunter, that the globules do not retain their form in every fluid. They are said to be dissolved very quickly in water, and then they form a fine clear red. Several of the neutral tures on the Theory of Physic. See the section on the nature of the blood. The glasses of Father de la Torre were transmitted from Naples to the Royal Society of London in 1765. They were accompanied by a letter from Sir F. H. E. Stiles, to which are subjoined some observa- tions by the Rev. Father himself. The letter and the observations are published in the 55th volume of the transactions of that society. In the year 1798, Tiberius Cavallo published an Essay on the Medicinal Properties of Factitious Air, with an appendix on the Nature of the Blood; in which is contained a further account of the glasses of De la Torre. * I believe that this is also the opinion of Fontana.—In J. Hunter's work on the Blood there are some interesting observations on micro- scopical deceptions. See the note, commencing in page 39, Bradford's edition. 398 Appendix.—Of the Blood. salts, when dissolved in water, prevent the solution of the globules. Mr Hunter informs us, that the vitriolic acid, when greatly diluted, does not dissolve them, &c. The muriatic acid, when three times as strong as vinegar, destroys their colour without dissolving them, although when more diluted, it dissolves them. The colour of the blood has, for a long time, been sup- posed to depend upon Iron. About the middle of the last century, Vincentius Menghini published in the Transac- tions of the Academy of Sciences of Bologna, an account of experiments which contributed to establish this senti- ment. In this account he stated, that, after washing the colouring matter from the crassamentum, he had sepa- rated it from the water by boiling; in which case it either rose to the surface of the water, or subsided, and left the water clear. After drying, with a gentle heat, some of the colouring matter thus separated, and then repeatedly washing it, he found that it contained a considerable quantity of iron, which was attracted by the magwet. After exposing a large quantity of the colouring matter to an intense heat, he found in it a small piece of iron, of a spherical form, but hollow; and a powder which was attracted by the magnet, but appeared more like rust of iron than iron filings. He believes the seat of this iron to be in the colouring matter of the blood, as neither the serum nor fibrina appeared to contain it.—According to his calculation, the blood of a healthy man contains more than two ounces of iron,. This doctrine of Menghini has been very generally admitted; and several chemists of the first character, viz. Bucquet, Fourcroy, Vauquelin, he. have made experi- ments to ascertain the substances with which the iron in the blood is combined. But within a few years, doubts have been expressed Appendix.—Of the Blood. 399 on this subject by several physiologists, and especially bv Dr. Wells, and Mr. Brande. The first of these gentlemen, in his " Observations and Experiments on the Colour of the Blood," published in the London Philosophical Transactions for 1797, states three reasons for rejecting the opinion that the colour of the blood is deriyed from iron. 1. The colour of blood is destroyed by a heat less than that of boiling water: whereas no colour arising from a metal is destroyed by exposing its subject, in a close ves- sel, to such a heat. 2. If the colour from a metal, in any substance, be destroyed by any alkali, it may be restored by the imme- diate addition of an acid; and the like will happen by the addition of a proper quantity of an alkali, if the colour has been destroyed by an acid. The colour of blood, on the contrary, when once destroyed, can never be brought back, either by an acid or an alkali. 3. If iron be the cause of the red colour of blood, it must exist there in a saline state; since the red matter is soluble in water. The substances, therefore, which de- tect the smallest quantity of iron in such a state, ought likewise to demonstrate its presence in blood; but upon adding Prussian alkali, and an infusion of galls, to a very saturated solution of the red matter, he could not observe "in the former case the slightest blue precipitate; or in the latter that the mixture had acquired the least blue or purple tint." Mr. Brande, in a paper entitled " Chemical Researches on the Blood." &c. communicated to the Royal Society of London in 1812, relates many experiments which were made on the colouring matter of that fluid, with acids, alkalies, astringents, &c. &c. From these experiments he also infers, that the colouring matter of the blood Is perfectly independent of iron. In support of this inference, he adds, that the Armenian 400 Appendix.—Structure of Glands. dyers, in the preparation of their finest and most durable red colours, use blood in addition to madder, in order to insure the permanency of these colours. As the compounds of iron convert the colour of madder to grey and black, the production of a bright colour, by the addition of blood to madder, he regards as a proof, that iron is not the colouring matter of blood. Many estimates have been made of the quantity of blood in the human body; but some of the best informed plvysiologists have regarded them as fallacious. STRUCTURE OF GLANDS. Any original structure that discharges from the blood- vessels a fluid different from those which they naturally contain, may be considered as glandular. The function or process by which such fluids are derived from the blood- vessels is called secretion. A structure of this kind seems to exist in very different situations: for it is distinctly circumscribed in many of those bodies commonly denominated glands, which are of a very precise form; and it is also diffused on some very extensive surfaces. The gastric liquor, a most im- portant secretion, is probably discharged from vessels which open, like exhalents, on the internal surface of the stomach; and not from any circumscribed bodies, which are generally denominated glands. The name of gland is theoretically applied to several bodies which cannot be proved to secrete any fluid*what- ever; and also to those bodies connected with the- absor- bent vessels, which are called the Lymphatic Glands; but it is most commonly appropriated to those organs which discharge a fluid different from the blood. The structure by which mudus is secreted in some places, appears to be very simple. Thus in the Schnei- derian membrane and the urethra, there are small ducts Appendix.—Structure of Glands. 401 from four to six lines in length, and equal in diameter to a bristle, which appear to be formed of the membrane or» which they open. From these ducts mucus issues to cover the surfaces of these membranes. In many instances there is no substance resembling that of the circumscribed glandular bodies, connected with these ducts; but the secreted fluid seems to be discharged into the ducts from the small vessels on their surfaces.—The ducts of this nature in the urethra are denominated Lacuna. In some other parts of the body, the cavities into which mucus is discharged are somewhat different, both in form and size, from those above mentioned, and are called Follicles. These cavities are surrounded with more or less of a pulpy vascular substance, which has been con- sidered as glandular, and essential to the mucous secre- tion. The circumscribed bodies, which are commonly called glands, differ in their internal appearance and texture, from the other parts of animals. The substance of which they consist differs very much in the different glands; and thus renders the liver, kidneys, salivary glands, mammas, &c, very different from each other. Some glands, as the salivary, &c, are composed of several series of lobuli that successively diminish. The smallest of these are denomi- nated Acini. Each of them is connected by a small artery and vein, to the large bloodvessels of the gland; and also sends a branch to join the excretory duct. These Acini are therefore connected to each other, by the bloodvessels and excretory duct of the gland, and also by the cellular membrane, which covers them externally, and occasions them to adhere to each other where they are in contact. In consequence of this structure, these glands have a granulated appearance. The* liver, when inqpseg with a sharp instrument, ap- pears differently; but when broken into pieces, it seems Vol. II. 3 E 402 Appendix.—Structure of Glands. to consist of small acini. Some other glands, as the Pros- tate, appear to be uniform in their texture, and have none of this granulated appearance. The structure of glands has long been an interest- ing object of anatomical inquiry, and was investigated with great assiduity by those eminent anatomists, Mal- pighi and Ruysch. Malpighi, as was formerly observed, used ink and other coloured fluids in his injections. He was also very skilful in the use of microscopes, and took great pains in macerating and preparing the subjects of his inquiries. Ruysch, on the other hand, used a ceraceous injection, and was most eminently successful in filling very small vessels with it. Malpighi believed that there were fol- licles or cavities in glandular bodies, which existed be- tween the extremities of the arteries and the commence- ment of the excretory ducts of those bodies, and that in these cavities the secreted fluids underwent a change.— Ruysch contended, that the arteries of glands were con- tinued into excretory ducts without the intervention of any cavity or follicle; that the small bodies, which had been supposed to contain follicles or criptas, were formed by convolutions of vessels, and that the change of the fluid, or the process of secretion, is produced by the minute ramifications of the artery. A very interesting account of this subject is contained in two celebrated letters, which passed between Boer- haave and Ruysch in the year 1721, and are published at the end of the fourth volume of the works of Ruysch. The opinion of Ruysch has been most generally adopt- ed by anatomists, and has derived support and confirma- tion from several anatomists since his time.—The late Mr. Hewson declared his conviction that the small glo- bular bodies which are scattered through the kidneys, and were supposed to be follicles or criptae, are merely convoluted arteries. He also asserted, that the acini which Appendix.—Structure of Glands. 403 appeared in the mammae as large as the heads of pins, when the excretory ducts of that gland were injected with vermilion and painters' size, proved to be the mi- nute ramifications of the excretory duct, which divided very suddenly into branches so small, that they could not readily be seen by the naked eye.* Notwithstanding these reasons for supposing that the excretory ducts of glands were derived simply from the arteries of those bodies, it is said that the late Dr. W. Hunter used to declare his belief, that there was a part in glands which was not injected, in his preparations; and to say further, that he believed his preparations were injected as minutely as those of Ruysch. All of these opinions have been strenuously contro- verted by the Italian anatomist, Mascagni, who believes that the arteries terminate only in veins; and of course that they neither form exhalent vessels, nor communi- cate with the excretory ducts of glands. His idea of the structure of glands is different from those either of Mal- pighi or of Ruysch. He supposes that glands contain a great number of minute cells; that the arteries, veins, and absorbent vessels are spread upon the surfaces of these cells, in great numbers, and very irregularly. From these cells very small canals originate, which unite to form the small branches of the excretory ducts. Accord- ing to his idea, the secreted fluid is discharged through pores or orifices of the bloodvessels, into the cells, and proceeds from them, through the canals, into the branches of the excretory ducts. Absorbent vessels, in great num- bers, originate from these cells. In his great work on the absorbent system, when treating on the termination of arteries and the com- mencement of veins, (Part I. Section 2.) he asserts, that if the kidneys are successfully injected with size, co- • See Experimental Inquiries, vol ii. p. 178. 404 Appendix.—Structure of Glands. loured with vermilion, and then laid open by a scctiou with a razor, it will be found that the size without the colour has passed into cells, which are very numerous; that the arteries and veins are ramified most minutely on the surfaces of these cells, and that the tubuli uriniferi, as well as the absorbent vessels, originate from them. He supposed that a considerable portion of the fluid thus passing off from the bloodvessels, is commonly taken up by the absorbent vessels of the kidneys: for in two cases in which he found the absorbent vesstls ob- structed, a diabetes existed, which he considered as the effect of the inactivity of the absorbents. He asserts, that in the liver, pancreas, mammas, and also in the sali- vary and lachrymal glands, the minute arteries and veins are also distributed upon the surfaces of cells; and that very small canals arise from these cells, and unite to form the small branches of the excretory ducts. This great anatomist appears to have been much oc- cupied with microscopical observations, and has gone largely into the discussion of this subject.* It must, however, be acknowledged, that no information which has as yet been obtained respecting the structure of glands, enables us to explain their wonderful effect upon the fluids which pass through them. It remains yet to be ascertained why one structure forms saliva and another bile; or why so much apparatus should be neces- sary for the secretion of milk, when adipose matter ap- pears to be produced by the mere membrane in which it is contained. *Tbe late Dr. W. Hunter, in his Medical Commentaries, (p. 40,) avowed his belief, that the fluids, which appear occasionally in the various cavities of the body, transude through the coats of the blood- vessels. Mr Hewson (Experimental Inquiries, Vol. II. Chap. 7.) suggested several reasons for dissenting from this opinion; but Mas- cagni has endeavoured to support it—See a long note to the above mentioned section of his work, page 74. Appendix.—Structure of Glands. 405 Dr. Berzelius, professor of chemistry at Stockholm, in a late work on animal chemistry, asserts, that if all the nerves going to a secretory organ are divided, secretion will cease, notwithstanding the continued circulation of the blood. From this, he thinks, that secretions depend upon the influence of nerves, although he cannot explain their effect. Mr. Home, after relating some experiments upon blood and serum, made with the Voltaic Battery, proposes the following questions, among others: Whether a weaker power of electricity than any which can be kept up by art, may be capable of separating from the blood the dif- ferent parts of which it is composed; and forming new combinations of the parts so separated?—Whether the structure of the nerves may enable them to possess a low electrical power, which can be employed for that purpose? &c. See the London Philosophical Transactions, for 1809, Part II.* •Mr. Wollaston has also published a small paper on this subject, in the Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 33. GLOSSARY, EXHIBITING The Derivation of certain Anatomical Terms. GLOSSARY/ EXHIBITING THE DERIVATION OF CERTAIN ANATOMICAL TERMS A. ACETABULUM. The cavity which receives the head of the thigh-bone; from acetum vinegar: so called, because it repre- sents the acetabulum or saucer of the ancients, in which vine- gar was held for the use of the table. Acini. From acinus a grape. Acromion. A process of the scapula; from «*pe« extremity, and «ft»i the shoulder. Anastomo&is. The communication of vessels with one another; from «vx through, and ropx mouth. Anatomy. The dissection of the human body; from «»*, and ti^vo to dissect. Anconeus. A muscle; so called from etyxai the elbow. Aorta. Aayrjj; from *ng air, and mpa to keep. A/ioneuro&is. A tendinous expansion; from «to, and Kvpev a nerve; from an erroneous supposition of the ancients, that it was formed by an expansion of nerve. A/io/ihysis. A process of a bone; from ecT»j)va> to proceed from. A synonyme of process. Arachnoides. A net-like membrane; from «/>«#vu a spider, andteJej likeness. Artery. From «*g air, and mpo to keep; because the ancients sup- posed that air only was contained in them. Arthrodia. A species of connexion of bones; from «p0p« to articu- late. Arytxnoidts. The name of two cartilages of the larynx; also ap- plied to some muscles of the larynx; from apvTxm* a funnel, and ulot a shape. * By Dr. Hooper. Vol. II 3 F 410 Glossary. Astragalus. A bone of the tarsus; so called from its resemblance to a die used in ancient games, from aroxyxXos a cockal or die. Atlas. The first vertebra of the neck; so called, because it sustains the head: from the fable of Atlas being supposed to have sup- ported the world; or from «ta*» to sustain, because it sustains the head. Azygos. A term applied to parts without a fellow, from « priv. and £tya« a yoke, because it has no fellow. B. Bursa. A bag; from flvprx: generally applied to the bursae muscosae. C. Cancelli. Lattice work; generally applied to the rccticular substance in bones. Cardia. The superior opening of the stomach; from xxfiix the heart. Carotid. The name of some arteries of the neck and head; from *«r'oi) to cause to sleep; for, iP* tied with a ligature, the animal was said to be affected with coma. Carjius. K^pxojj the wrist. Clavicula. The clavicle or collar-bone, a diminutive of clavis a key; so called from its resemblance to an ancient key. Clinoid. Four processes of the sella turcica of the ethmoid bone are so called, from *A«»« a bed, and hmj likeness; from their supposed resemblance 10 a couch. Clitoris. 'A part of the female pudenda, enclosed by the labia ma- jora; from *.Xuu to enclose or hide. Colon. The first of the large intestines; from x.uX»v, quasi xo/Aar, from xojAos hollow. Coracoid. From xoga|a crow, and t;2oe resemblance; shaped likethe beak of a crow. Coronary. From corona a crown. The vessels of the heart, sto- mach, &c. are so called because they surround the parts in the manner of a crown. Cotyloid. From ttarvXn the name of an old measure, and e* J«? resem- blance; resembling the kotule. Cranium. The skull; x.fxno*, quasi **p«n«», from x.xpx the head. Cremaster. A muscle so called; from x^t^xu to suspend, because it suspends the testicle. Cribriform. From cribrum a sieve, it being perforated like a sieve. Glossary. 411 Cricoid. Annular, round like a ring; from xg to arti- culate. Digastric. From hi twice, and yx?*£ a belly; having two bellies. Di/iloe. The spongy substance between the two tables of the skull; from "hmXou to double. Duodenum. The first portion of the small intestines; so called be- cause the ancients supposed that it did not exceed the breadth of twelve fingers; from duodcnus, consisting of twelve. Dura Mater. The outermost membrane of the brain; called dura, because it is much harder than the other membranes, and mater, from the idea of the ancients that it was the source of all the other membranes. E. Embryo. The child in the womb is so called before the fifth month, after which it is termed fee! us; from tftfyvai to bud forth. Enarthrosis. An articulation of bones; from ti in, and «g^«» a joint or articulation. Enteric. Belonging to the intestines; from emgor an entrail or in- testine. Epidermis. The scarf or outermost skin; from tm upon, and h%fnf the skin. Epididymis. The small oblong body which lies above the testicles; from rri upon, and 2;5y«o« a testicle. Epigastric. The superior part of the abdomen; from ivt upon,, and y«s-«g the stomach. Epiglottis. A cartilage of the larynx so called; from nrt upon, and yXtirlig the aperture of the larynx,being situated upon the glottis. Epiphysis. A portion of bone growing upon another bone, but sepa- rated from it by a cartilage: from ixt upon, and Qva to grow. 412 Glossary. Epiploon. The membranous viscus of the abdomen, which covers the intestines, and hangs to the bottom of the stomach; from «jtc wA«» to swim upon. Ethmoid. From efyto? a sieve, and «3ej resemblance; being perforated like a sieve. F. Fascia. An expansion, enclosing other parts, like a band; ivomfas- cis a bundle. Falciform. Shaped like a scythe; fromfaLv a scythe. Fasciculus. A little bundle, dim. of fascia a bundle. Fauces. The plural of/awx,the top of the throat. G. Ganglion. Tx[yXui, a knot in the course of a nerve. Gastrocnemius. The muscle which forms the thick of the leg; from y«?«5 a belly, and Kv^n the leg. GcnTo. Names compounded with this word belong to muscles which are attached to the chin, as genio-glossus—genio-hyoideus, &c; from yimo* the chin. Ginglymui. An articulation; from yjfyAv^os a hinge. Glenoid cavity. From yA^, a cavity, and ui»s resemblance. Glosso. Names compounded with this word belong to muscles which are attached to the tongue; as glosso-pharyngeus__glosso- staphilinus, Sec; from yxua-ra the tongue. Glottis. Ihe superior opening of the larynx at the bottom of the tongue; from yXu-flx the tongue. Gluteus. The name of a muscle; from yA«T«« the buttocks. Ga/nphosis. roppuTts, a species of immovable connexion of bones; bom yoptpof a nail, because one bone is fixed in another bone like a nail in a board. H. Helix. The outward circle of the ear; from uxw to turn about. Hepar. The liver 'h^, an abdominal viscus. Hyaloid. From Uxo* glass, and s*3«5 likeness; the capsule of the vi- treous humour of the eye is so called, from its transparent and glassy appearance. Hymen. The membrane situated at the entrance of the virgin va- gina; from 'rpnt Hymen, the god of marriage. Hyoides. A bone of the tongue, so called from its resemblance to the Greek v, from v, and ud»( resemblance. Glossary. 413 Hypochondrtum. That part of the body which>lies under the carti- lages of the spurious ribs; from lire under, and x»vdg«$ a cartilage. Hypogastric. The lower region of the fore part of the abdomen; from viro under, and y«?jgg the stomach. I. Ileon. A portion of the small intestines; from ttXtu to turn; being always convoluted. Ischium. The part of the os innominatum upon which we sit; from iv-fcva to sustain. L. Lacuna. The excretory duct of the glands of the urethra and vagi- na; from lacus a channel. Lambdoidal suture. So called because it is shaped like the letter a, from A, and ttHos resemblance. Larynx. The superior'part of the windpipe; A«gt/y| the larynx. M. Masseter. A muscle of the face, which assists in the action of chew- ing; pxc-traoftxt to chew. Mastoid. From ftxm a breast, and e/Se? likeness; shaped like a nip. pie or breast. Mediastinum. The production of the pleura, which divides the tho- rax intotwo cavities; from medium the middle,quad in medio stare. Mesentery. The membranes to which the intestines are attached; from fitirof the middle, and tvrt^»» an intestine, because it is in the middle of the intestines. Mesocolon. That part of the mesentery in the middle of the colon; from jttee-ef the middle, and xoA«» the colon. r Metacarpus. That part of the hand between the carpus and fingers; from fcfrx after, anil xxpx-os the wrist. Metatarsus. That part of the foot between the tarsus and toes; from ftET« after, and rx^a-og the tarsus. Mylo. Namcscompounded with this word belong to muscles which are attached near the grinders, as mylo-hyoideus, Sec; from pvX* a grinder tooth. Odontoid. Tooth-like; from o3*« a tooth, and s<3«? resemblance. CEsophagus. The canal leading from the pharynx to the stomach; from on* to carry, and Qxyu to eat; be-cause it carries the food into the stomach. 414 Glossary. Olecranon. The elbow^ or head of the ulna; from uXtin the cubit, and Kg«wthe head. Omentum. An abdominal viscus; so called from omen a guess; be- cause the soothsayers prophesied from the inspection of this part. Omo. Names compounded with this word belong to muscles which are attached to the scapula, as omo-hyoideus, Sec, from apos the shoulder. Omoplata. The scapula or shoulder blade; from apog the shoulder, and irXxtvg broad. Osteology. The doctrine of the bones; from ofeon a bone, and Aey«s a discourse. P. Pancreas. A viscus of the abdomen; so called from its fleshy con- sistence; from tx* all, and xgias flesh. Parenchyma. The substance of some of the* viscera was so called, from 5r*£iyxt/« to pour through. Parotid Gland; from irx^x near, and ovs the ear; because it is situ- ated near the ear. Pelvis. A bony cavity shaped like a bason; from wtXvt a bason. Pericardium. The membrane which surrounds the heart; from nip around, and xa$tx the heart. Pericranium. The membrane which covers the bones of the skull; from 5T£§< around, and x^xuov the cranium or head. Periosteum. The membrane which surrounds the bones; from jrep around, and a«-eov a bone. Peristaltic motion of the intestines; from 5reg»«-«AA«, to contract. Peritoneum. The membrane lining the abdomen, and covering its viscera; from jre^nuvu to extend around. Phalanx. The bones of the fingers and toes are called phalanxes, from their regular situation, like a o, an entrail. 416 Glossary. Symphysis. A connexion of bones; from rvpfw to grow together. Synarthrosis. A connexion of bones; from avt with, and xeifo* a joint. Synchondrosis. A species of union of bones by means of cartilage; from Professor, his opinion respecting the outlets of perspiration - - 4C0 on the nerves of the face - 327 218 71 107 403 INDEX. 427 Mediastinum - Median nerve *--.-. vein ----- Meibomus, glands of - Membrane, adipose - Schneiderian - extent of distribution of Membrana tympani .... observations on the Menghini, Vincentius, his experiments tending to es- tablishment the opinion, that the colour of the blood depends upon iron - - - . Mesentery ------ construction of root of - - Mesenteric artery - vein - - . . . Metacarpus - - • - - Metatarsus ------ Middle,haemorrhoidal vein sacral vein - - - - - Monro, Dr. on the Bursae Mucosae on the iris - Monro, Dr. opinion of, respecting the extent of the retina - - - - - his opinion respecting the villi observation of, on the epididymis Morgagni, M. ventricle of Motion, muscular, phenomena of - of the skeleton - - - - Mouth ------ internal surface of the - - - Mucus of the nose - of the bladder - Mussey, Dr. - Muscles, alphabetical arrangement of Vol. I. Vol. 11. Page Page 45 339 299 334 395 5 9 10 367 373 110 111 113 124 148 265 346 351 158 159 598 270 302 276 304 106 174 J4 14 15 12 161 385 255 N. Nails - Neck, arteries of the absorbents of the 405 251 383 425 INDEX. Neck, muscles of the Nerves, general account of Nichols, Dr. F. - Nose cavities of the nerves of sinuses of - Vol. I. Page 210 53 Vol. II Page 319 147 1 4 6 12 O. Obturator artery - Occipital artery - Oesophagus - Olfactory nerve - Omentum, origin and arrangement of varieties in the appearance of Ophthalmic artery nerve - Ovaries - Os frontis - Ossa parietalia - Ossatemporum Os occipitis ... Os ethmoides - Os sphenoides - - - Ossa maxillaria superiora Ossa nasi - - Ossa unguis - - - - Ossa malarum - Ossa palati - Ossa spongiosa - Os hyoides Os sacrum Os coccygis Os ilium - - - - Os ischium - Os pubis Os humeri - - - - Os femoris Os calcis . - - - Os naviculare Os cuboides Os cuneiforrae 14 16 18 21 33,409 27 - 32 36 - 37 37 - 38 41 - 50 79 - 81 94 - 95 97 - 109 131 - 143 145 - 145 146 276 235 93 315 123 124 243 318 201 INDEX. 429 Vol.I. Vol. II Page Page 139 140 140 21 328 25 P. Palpebrae - 332 Pancreas ----._ Pancreatic duct - Pancreas enlarged, symptoms of - Papillae of the tongue - Par Vagum ----._ Parotid gland ----- Patella - - - . _ - 139 Pears, Mr. C. account by, of a woman in whom the ovaria were deficient ... 208 Peculiarity of the liver - l35 Pelvis ------ 93 ligaments of the - - - . 289 absorbents of the - - - . 371 Perforating arteries - 282 Pericardium - 49 Peritoneum --.---. 88 Periosteum - 2 Peroneal artery - - - - . 286 nerve ----- 349 Pharyngeal artery, inferior - 234 Pharynx, structure of the ... 38 Phrenic artery - 265 vein ---.. 301 Physick, Dr. his opinion respecting incisions of the cornea ------ 340 Pia mater ----- 306 Pineal gland - - - - - 318 Pleura, arrangement of the - - - 45 Plexuses of nerves - - - - - 312 Plexus choroides - - - - 316 Pomum Adami ----- 32 Popliteal artery ----- 283 Pores of the cutis vera - - - - 391 Portarum vena - - - - - 131 Portio Dura ------ 325 Posterior iliac artery - . - - 277 Poupart's ligament, method of preparing it for exa- mination - - - - 192 Priestley, Dr. ----- 70 Primitive iliac arteries - - - 27:> 430 INDEX. Vol.1. Vol.U. Page Page Primitive iliac veins - 304 Provencal, Dr. J. M. - 72 Pudic artery ----- 278 Pulmonary arteries and veins ... 60,308 plexus .... 332 Puncta Lachrymalis ... - 353 Pylorus ------ 101 Q- Questions, respecting perspiration - 400 the structure of the spleen 148 Questions of Mr. Home - - , ■ 405 R. Radial artery - - 257 nerve - - 341 Radius ------ 116 Reticular membrane - - 387 Reaumur, M. 100 Rectum, position and structure of - - 120 Renal arteries - - - - - 271 Reproduction of nerves - - 314 Rete mucosum - - - - - 393 Retina - - 350 Ribs...... 83 Ridley, circular sinus of - - - - 309 Rima glottidis - - - - - 34 Rivinus, professor, erroneous opinion of - 368 Rolland, M. - - - - - 27 Rousseau, Dr. - - 385" Rush, Dr. James - 124 Ruysch, M. - - 343 preparation of 15 on the structure of the spleen . 144 his opinion oh the structure of glands 402 S. Sabatier, M. idea of, respecting the bloodvessels and the colour of muscles - - 156 theory of, relative to the foetal circula- tion ----- 74 observation of, on the stomach - 102 INDEX. 4G1 Vol.1. Vol. II. Page Page Sabatier, M. supposition of> respecting the rectum • 119 Sacral artery - - - . - - 224 Saliva ---.-- 26 Salivary glands ----- 2* Scapula ------ 104 articulation of - - - - 271 Sciatic nerve ----- 348 plexus ----- 347 Serum ------ 394 Scheele, Mr. ----- 70 Schneider, Dr. Conrad *■ 5 Sheldon, Mr. John ... - 106 Shippen, Dr. J. G. - - - • - 114 Sims, Dr. ----- 374 Skin, vicarious affections of the - 407 Sone, De La, opinion of, on the spleen - 146 Soemmering, interesting discovery of - - 351 idea of, respecting the papillae of the tongue - - - - 22 opinion of, on the villi - - - 107 statement of, respecting injections of absorbent vessels - - 364 Smelling, function of ... - 11 Spallanzani, Abbe _ - - - 70 dissertation of - - 10° Spheno-Palatine artery - - - - 239 Spleen, general account of - absorbents of Spinal marrow . - - 327 arteries of the - 329 veins of the - 333 Spermatic arteries . - - veins - Splenic artery - Stewart, Dr. J. Bradner Stiles, Sir F. H. E. Stomach, general view of the absorbents of - Structure of ganglions of glands Subclavian arteries - veins 271 303 267 385 ,397 95 374 307 400 247 302 432 INDEX. Vol.1. Vol. It. Page Page Superior mesenteric artery - 268 vein - - - 302 Superior vena cava - - - - - **9' Sympathetic nerve - 351 T. Tears - - ... - - 335 Teeth ------ 45 Temporal artery ----- 240 Thebesius, a German Professor, assertion of - $8 Thigh......130 Thoracic duct ----- 377 Thorax ------ 41 Throat...... 29 Thymus gland ----- 67 Thyroid artery, superior - 232 inferior - . - - 248 Tongue ------ 18 Torre, Father de la - - - - - 397 Trachea ------ 62 Tunica Arachnoidea - - - - - 305 Tunica Conjunctiva - 333 Tunica Sclerotica ----- 338 Tunica Choroides - - - - 341 Tunica Hyaloidea ----- 353 fluid in the - - 354 Tympanum, cavity of the - - - - 366 foramina and protuberances of the - 369 U. Umbilical vessels - - - - 211 Ulna......114 UUiar artery ----- 259 nerve ----- 340 Urine ------ 164 Uterine artery ----- 277 Uterus ------ 197 Valve of Eustachius - 53 Vieussens - - - - - 321 Valvulae Tricuspides - 53 INDEX. 433 Vol.1. Vol II. Page Page Valvolae Mitrales - 56 Semilunares - - - N- 55 Vas Deferens - 175 Vauquelin, M. 398 Vena azygos ----- 292 Vena cava, superior - - - - 291 inferior - 300 Vena Galeni - - - - - 319 Vena portarum ----- 3q2 Venae vesicales ----- 304 Ventricles of the brain - - - - 313 Veins, particular distribution of 289 Veins of the heart - - - - 290 Vertebrae, connexion of, with the head - - 266 articulation of, with each other - 267 Vertebrae, true - - - - - 66 Vertebrae, false ----- 79 Vertebral artery ----- 249 vein ----- 306 Vesalius, M. his method of examining the brain 317 Vesication, causes of - - - - 402 Vestibule ----- 376 Vidius, professor, reputeddiscoverer of the pterygoid foramen - - - - - 31 Vieussens, assertion of - 58 Vitreous humour - - - - - 353 XV. Wells, Dr. 3" 405 73 Wollaston, Mr. - Winslow - Wilson, James, Esq. - - ■ - 197 Willis, accessory nerve of Wrist, articulation of - 275 332 Vol. II. 3 I ERRATA. VOLUME L. Fagc 70....8th line from below, for cervical read vertebral. 178....1st line, for palati read palate. 191....7th line, for their facia read thin facia. 214.. ..10th from below, (or frst vertebra of the neck read vertebra of the neck. 267...l4th line, for bones of the condyles read bases of the condyles. 323...10th line, for Pons Variolii read Pons Varolii. 345....5th line, (orplain read plane. 340, 354, 355, 356, for lamen read lamina—for lamina read laminte. 375 ...3d line from below, (or solid read hard. 384....4th line, for these read tliem. 394....10th line from below, for as injection read as an injection. 407.... (title) for vicarious connexion read vicarious affections of the skin, VOLUME n Page 94....19th line, for found read formed. 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Philadelphia Medical Dictionary, compiled from the best autho- rities ancient and modern, by Dr. J. R. Coxe, 8vo, Quincy's Medical Lexicon, 8vo, Richerand's Elements of Physiologv, now complete, translated by De Lys, with notes and illustrations by Dr. Chapman, Smyth on the Effects of Nitrous Vapour in preventing and de- stroying Contagion, 8vo, S\ stem of Anatomy, from the Encyclopaedia, with 12 large cop- perplates, 8vo, Swediaur on the Venereal, a new and much improved edition, by the author, translated by Dr. Hewson, Wisiar's Svstem of Anatomy, 2 vols. 8vo, Willan on Cutaneous Diseases, by Bateman, elegant coloured plates, 4to. ANATOMICAL PLATES FROM THE ENCYCLOPEDIA. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES OF OSTEOLOGY. Plate XIX. Fig. 1. A Front-view of the Male Skeleton. A, The os frontis. B, The os parietale. C, The coronal suture. D, The squamous part of the temporal bones. E, The squamous suture. F, The zygoma. G, The mastoid process. H, The tempo- ral process of the sphenoid bone. I, The orbit. K, The os nialae. L, The os maxillare superius. M, Its nasal process. N, The ossa nasi. O, The os unguis. P, The maxilla inferior. Q, The teeth, which are sixteen in number in each jaw. R, The seven cervical vertebrae, with their intermediate cartilages. S, Their transverse processes. T, The twelve dorsal vertebra;, with their intermediate cartilages. U, The five lumbar vertebrae. V, Their transverse processes. W, The upper part of the os sacrum. X, Its lateral parts. The holes seen on its fore part are the passages of the un- dermost spinal nerves and small vessels. Opposite to the holes, the marks of the original divisions of the bone are seen. Y, The os ilium. Z, Its crest or spine, a, The anterior spinous processes. b, The brim of the pelvis, c, The ischiatic niche, d, The os ischium, e, Its tuberosity, f, Its spinous process, g, Its crus. h, The foramen thyroideum. i, The os pubis, k, The symphysis pubis. 1, The crus pubis, m, The acetabulum, n. The seventh or last true rib. o, The twelfth or last false rib. p, The upper end of the sternum, q, The middle piece, r, The under end, or car- tilage ensilormis. s, The clavicle, t, The internal surface of the scapula, u, Its acromion, v, Its coracoid process, w, Its cervix. x, The glenoid cavitv. y, The os humeri, z, Its head, which is connected to the glenoid cavity. 1, Its external tubercle. 2, Its in- ternal tubercle. 3, The groove for lodging the long head of the biceps muscle of the arm. 4, The internal condyle. Between 4 and 5, the trochlea. 6, The radius. 7, Its head. 8, Its tubercle. 9, The ulna. 10, Its coronoid process. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, n, A 2 Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. 18, The carpus; composed of os naviculare, os lunare, os cunei- form e, os pisiforme, os trapezium, os trapezoides, os magnum, os unciforme. 19, The five bones of the metacarpus- *0, The two bones of the thumb. 21, The three bones of each of the fingers. 22, The os femoris. 23, Its head. 24, Its cervix. 25, The trochan- ter major. 26, The trochanter minor. 27, The internal condyle. 28, The external condyle 29, The rotula. 30, The tibia. 31, Its head. 32, Its tubercle. 3 , Its spine. 34, The malleolus internus 35, The fibula. 36, Its head. 37, The malleolus externus. The tarsus is composed of, 38, The astragalus; 39. The os calcis; 40, The os naviculare; 41, Three ossa cuneiformia, and the os cuboides, which is not seen in this figure. 42, The five bones of ihe metatarsus. 43, The two bones of the great toe. 44, The three bones of each of the small toes. Fig. 2. A Front-view of the Skull. A, The os frontis. B, The lateral part of the os frontis,which gives origin to part of the temporal muscle. C, The supeiciliary ridge. D, The superciliary hole through which the frontal vessels and nerves pass EE, The orbitar processes F, The middle of the transverse suture. Ci, The upper part ol the orbit. H, The fo- ramen opticum. I, The foramen lacerum. K, The inferior orbitar fissure. L, The os unguis. M, The ossa nasi. N, The os maxillare superius. O, Its nasal process. P, The external orbiiar hole through which the superior maxillary vessels and nerves pass. Q, The os malae. R, A passage for small vessels into, or out of, the orbit. S, The under part of the left nostril. T,The septum narium. U, The os spongiosum superius. V, The os spongiosum inferius. W, The edge of the alveoli, or spongy sockets for the teeth. X, The maxilla inferior. Y, The passage for the inferior maxillary vessels and nerves. Fig. 3. A Side-view of the Skull A, The os frontis. B, The coronal suture. C, The os parietale. D, An arched ridge which gives origin to the temporal muscle. E, The squamous suture. F, The squamous part of the temporal bone: and farther forwards, the temporal process of the spheroid bone. G, The zygomatic process of the temporal bone. H. The zygomatic suture. I, The mastoid process of the temporal bone. K, The meatus auditorius externus. L, The orbitar plate of the frontal bone, under which is seen the transverse suture. M. The pars plana of the ethmoid bone N, The os unguis. (), The right os nasi. P, the superior maxillary bone. Q, Its nasal process. R, The two dentes incisores S, The dens caninus. T, The two small molares U, The three large mnlares. V, The os malae. W, The lower jaw X, Its angle Y, The coronoid process. Z, The condyloid process, by which the jaw is articulated with the tem- poral bone. Fig. 4. The posterior and right side of the Skull. A,The os frontis. BB, The ossa parietalia. C, The sagittal suture. D, The parietal hole, through which a small vein runs to Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. 3 the superior longitudinal sinus. E, The lambdoid suture. FF, Ossa triquetra G, The os occipitis. H, The squamous part of the tem- poral bone. I, The mastoid process. K, Ihe zygoma. L, The os mala. M, The temporal part of the sphenoid bone. N, The supe- rior maxillary bone and teeth. , Fig. 5. The External Surface of the Os Frontis. A, The convex part. B, Part of the temporal fossa. C, The ex- ternal angular process. D, The internal angular process. E, The nasal process. F, The superciliary arch. G, The superciliary hole. H, The orbitar plate. Fig 6. The Internal Surface of the Os Frontis. AA, The serrated edge which assists to form the coronal suture. B, The external angular process. C, The internal angular pro- cess. D, The nasal process. E, The orbitar plate. F,The cells which correspond with those of the ethmoid bone. G, The passage from the frontal sinus. II, The opening which receives the cri- briform plate of the ethmoid bone I, The cavity which lodges the fore part of the brain. K, The spine to which the falx is fixed. L, The groove which lodges the superior longitudinal sinus. Plate XX. Fig. 1. A Back View of the Skeleton. AA, The ossa parietalia. B, The sagittal suture. C, The lamb- doid suture. D, The occipital bone. E, The squamous suture. F, The mastoid process of the temporal bone. G, The os malae. H, The palate plates of the superior maxillary bones. I, The maxilla inferior. K, The teeth of both jaws. L, The seven cervical vertebrae. M, Their spinous processes. N, Their transverse and oblique processes. O, The last of the twelve dorsal vertebrae. P, The fifth or last lumbar vertebra Q,The transverse processes. R, The oblique processes. S, The spinous process. T, The upper part of the os sacrum. U, The posterior holes which transmit small blood vessels and nerves. V, The under part of the os sacrum which is covered by a membrane. W, The os coccygis. a, the os "ilium. Y, Its spine or crest. Z, The "chiatic niche, a, The os ischium, b, Its tuberosity, c, Its Spine, d, The os pubis, e, The foramen hydroideum. f, The seventh or last true rib g, The twelfth or last false rib. h, The clavicle. ., The scapula, k, I • spine 1, Its acromion, m, Its cervix, n, Its superior costa. o. Its posterior costa. p, Its inferior costa. q, The, o. humeri r. The radius, s, The ulna, t, Its olecranon, u, All the bones of thcar- nus excepting the os pisiforme, which is seen in Plate XI A. tig. i. TThefiie iSnes ofPthe metacarpus, w, The two bones of the thumb x, The three bones of each of the fingers, y, The two se- am" d bones at the root of the left thumb, z, The: os femor s^ l! The trochanter major. 2, The trochanter minor. 3 The luiea iZ a Thl internal condyle. 5, The external condyle. 6 6, The aspera. 4, The internal cormyie , mallcoius internus. similunar cartilages. 7, Ine tmia. o, *»* 4 Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. 9, The fibula. 10, The malleolus externus. 11, The tarsus. 12, The metatarsus. 13, The toes. Fig. 2. The External Surface of the Left Os Parietale. A, The convex smooth surface. B, The parietal hole. C, An arch made by the beginning of the temporal muscle. Fig. 3. The Internal Surface of the same bone. A, Its superior edge, which, joined with the other, forms the sagittal suture. B, The anterior edge, which assists in the forma- tion of the coronal suture. C, The inferior edge for the squamous suture. D, The posterior edge for the lambdoid suture. E, A de- pression made by the lateral sinus. FF, The prints of the arteries of the dura mater. Fig. 4. The external Surface of the Left Os Temporum. A, The squamous part. B, The mastoid process. C, The zy- gomatic process. D, The styloid process. E, The petrosal process. F, The meatus auditorius externus. G, The glenoid cavity for the articulation of the lower jaw H, The foramen stylo-mastoideum for the portio dura of the seventh pair of nerves. I, Passages for blood-vessels into the bone. K, The foramen mastoideum through which a vein goes to the lateral sinus. Fig. 5. The Internal Surface of the Left Os Temporum. A, The squamous part; the upper edge of which assists in form- ing the squamous suture. B, ihe mastoid process. C, The styloid process. D, The pars petrosa. E, The entry of the seventh pair, or auditory nerve F, The fossa, which lodges a part of the lateral sinus. G, The foramen mastoideum. Fio. 6. The External Surface of the Osseous Circle, which ter- minates the meatus auditorius externus. A, The anterior part. B, A small part of the groove in which the membrana tympani is fixed. N B. This, with the subsequent bones of the ear, are here de- lineated as large as the life. Fig 7. The Internal Surface of the Osseous Circle. A, The anterior part. B, The groove in which the membrana tympani is fixed. Fig. 8. The Situation and Connection of the Small Bones of the Ear. A, The matteua. B> The incus. C, The os orbiculare. D, The stapes. Fie. 9. The Malleus, with its Head, Handle, and Small Pro.- cesses. Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. 5 tio. 10. The Incus, with its Body, Superior and Inferior Branches. Fig. 11. The Os Orbiculare. Fig. 12. The Stapes, with its Head, Base, and two Crura. Fig. 13. An Internal View of the Labyrinth of the Ear. A, The hollow part of the cochlea, which forms a share of the meatus anduorius internus. B, The vestibulum. CCC, The semi- circular canals. Fig. 14. An External View of the Labyrinth. A, The semicircular canals. B, The fenestra ovalis which leads into the vesiibulum. C, The fenestra rotunda which opens into the cochlea. D, The different turns of the cochlea. Fig. 15. The Internal Surface of the 06 Sphenoides. AA, The temporal processes BB, The pterygoid processes. CC, The spinous processes. DD, The anterior clinoid processes. E, The posterior clinoid process. F, The anterior process which joins the ethmoid bone. G, The sella turcica for lodging the glan- dula pituitaria. H, The foramen opticum K, The foramen lace- rum. L, The foramen rotundum. M, The foramen ovale. N, The foramen spinale. Fig. 16. The External Surface of the Os Sphenoides. AA, The temporal processes. BB, The pterygoid processes. CC, The spinous processes. D, The processus azygos. 1., The small triangular processes which grow from the body of the bone. FF, The orifices of the sphenoidal sinuses. G, The foramen lace- rum H, The foramen rotundum. I, The foramen ovale. K, The foramen pterygoideum. Fig. 17. The External View of the Os Ethmoides. A, The nasal lamella. BB, The grooves between the nasal la- mella and ossa spongiosa superiora CC, The ossa spongiosa supe- riora. DD, The sphenoidal cornua. See Fig. 16. E. Fig. 18. The Internal View of the Os Ethmoides. A, The crista galli. B, The cribriform plate, with the different passages of the olfactory nerves. CC, Some of the ethmoidal cells. D. The right os planum. EE, The sphenoidal cornua. Fig. 19. The right Sphenoidal Cornu. Fig. 20. The left Sphenoidal Cornu. Fig. 21. The External Surface of the Os Occipitis. A, The upper part of the bone. B, The superior arched ridge. C. The inferior arched ridge. Under the arches are prints made 6 Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. by the muscles of the neck. DD, The two condyloid processes which articulate the head with the spine. E, The cuneilorm pro- cess. F. The foramen magnum through which the spinal marrow passes. GG, The posterior condyloid foramina which transmit veins into the lateral sinuses. HH, The foramina lingualia for the passage of the nine pair of nerves. Fig. 22. The internal Surface of the Os Occipitis. AA, the two sides which assist to form the lambdoul suture. B> The point of the cuneiform process, where it joins the sphenoid bone. CC, The prints made by the posterior lobes of the brain. DO, Prints made by the h)bes of the cerebellum. E, The cruci- form ridge for the attachment of the processes of ihe dura mater. F, The course of the superior longitudinal sinuses. GG, The course «>f the two lateral sinuses. H, The foramen magnum. 11, The posterior condyloid toramina. Plate XXI. Fig 1. A Side-View of the Skeleton. AA, The ossa parietalia. B, The sagittal suiure. C, The os occipitis. DD, The lambdoid suture. E, The squamous part of the temporal bone. F, The mastoid process. G, Ihe meatus au- ditorius externus. H, The os frontis. I, The os malae. K, The os maxillare superius. L, The maxilla inferior. M, l'he teeth of both jaws. N, The seventh, or last cervical vertebra. O, The spi- nous processes. P, Their transverse and oblique processes. Q, The twelfth or last dorsal vertebra. R, The fifth, or last lumbar verte- bra. S, The spinous processes. T, Openings between the verte- brae for the passage of the spinal nerves. U, the under end of the os sacrum. V, The os coccygis. W, The os ilium. X, The ante- rior spinous processes. Y, The posterior spinous processes. Z, Is- chiatic niche, a, The right os ilium, b, The ossa pubis, c, The tu- berosity of the left os ischium, d, The scapula, e, Its spine, f, The os humeri, g, The radius h, The ulna, i, The carpus, k, The me- tacarpal bone of the thumb. 1, The metacarpal bones of the fingers. m, The two bones of the thumb, n, The three bones of each of the fingers, o, The os femoris. p, Its head, q, The trochanter major, r, The ex ernal condyle, s, The rotula. t, The tibia, u, The fibula v, The malleolus externus. w, The astragalus, x, The os calcis. y, The os naviculare. z, The three ossa cuneiformia. 1, The os cuboides 2, The five metatarsal bones 3, The two bones of the great toe. 4, The three bones of each ol the small toes. Fig. 2. A View of the Internal Surface of the Base of the Skull. AAA, The two tables of the skull with the diploe. BB, The orbitar plates of the frontal bone. C, The crista galli, with cribri- form plate of the ethmoidal bones on each side of it, through which the first pair of nerves pass. D, The cuneiform process of the occipital bone. E, The cruciform ridge. F, The foramen mag- num for the passage of the spinal marrow. G, The zygoma, made »/ tf& Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. 7 by the joining of the zygomatic processes of the os temporum and os malae. H, The pars squamosa of the os temporum. I, The P^s mammillaris. K. Ihe pars petrosa. L, The temporal pro. cess of ihe sphenoid bone. MM, The anterior clinoid processes r*, the posterior clinoid process. O, The sella turcica. P, The loramen opticum, for the passage of the optic nerve and ocular anery of the left sule. Q, The foramen lacerum, for the third, w?S* SrXlh' and fi'St of lhe fif,h l>air of nerres antl oc"l*r vein K, I he foramen rotundum, for the second of the fifth pair. S, The foramen ovale, for the thud of he fifth pair. T, I he foramen spi- nalc-, tor the principal artery of the dura mater U, The entry of the ai.ditory nerve. V, The passage for the lateral sinus. W, The passage of the eighth pair of nerves. X, The passage of the ninth pair. Fig. 3 A View of the External Surface of the Base of the Skull. A, The twodentes incisorts of the right side. B, The dens ca- ninus. C, The two small molares D, The three large molares. E, I he foramen incisivum, which gives passage to small blood- vessels and nerves. F The palate-plates of the ossa maxillaria and palati, joined by the longitudinal and transverse palate sutures. G, The foramen palatinum posterius, for the palatine vessels and nerves. H, The os maxillare superius of the right side I, The os n alae. K, The zygomatic process of the temporal bone. L, The posterior extremity of the ossa spongiosa. M, The posterior ex- tremity of the vomer, which forms the back part of the septum nasi. N, The pterygoid process of the right side of the -phenoid bone. OO, The foramina ovalia. PP, The foramina spinalia. QQ, The passages of the internal carotid arteries. R, A hole between the point of each pars petrosa and cuneiform process of the occi- pital bone, which is filled up with a ligamentous substance in the recent subject. S, The passage of the left lateral sinus. T, The posterior condyloid foramen of the left side. U, The foramen mas- toideum. V, The foramen magnum. W, The inferior orbitar fis- sure. X, The glenoid cavity, for the articulation of the lower jaw. Y, The squamous part of the temporal bone. Z, The mastoid pro- cess, at the inner side of which is a fossa for the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, a, The styloid process b, The meatus audi- torius externus. c, The left condyle of the occipital bone, d, The perpendicular occipital spine, ee, The inferior horizontal ridge of the occipital bone f f. The superior horizontal ridge, which is opposite to the crucial ridge where the longitudinal sinus divides to form the lateral sinuses, ggg. The lambdoid suture, h, The left squamous suture, i, The parietal bone. Fig. 4. The anterior surface of the Ossa Nasi. A, The upper part, which joins the os frontis. B, The under end, which joins the cartilage of the nose. C, The inner edge, where they join each other. Fig. 5. The posterior surface of the Ossa Nasi. A A, Their cavity, which forms part of the arch of the nose 8 Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. BB, Their ridge or spine, which projects a little to be fixed to the fore part of the septum narium. Fig. 6. The external surface of the Os Maxillare Superius of the left side. A, The nasal process. B, The orbitar plate. C, The unequal surface which joins the os malae. D, The external orbitar h'>le. E, The opening into the nostril. F, The palate-plate. G, The maxillary tuberosity. H, part of the os palati. I, The two dentes incisores'. K, The dens caninus. L, The two small dentes molares. M, The three large dentes molares. Fig. 7. The internal surface of the Os Maxillare Superius and Os Palati. A, The nasal process. BB, Eminences for the connection of the os spongiosum inferius. D, The under end of the lachrymal groove. E, The antrum maxillare. F, The nasal spine, between which and B is the cavity of the nostril. G, The palate plate. H, The orbitar part of the os palati I, The nasal plate. K, The su- ture which unites the maxillary and palate bones. L, The ptery- goid process of the palate bone. Fig. 8. The external surface of the right Os Unguis. A, The orbitar part. B, The lachrymal part. C, The ridge be- tween them. Fig 9. The internal surface of the right Os Unguis. This side of the bone has a furrow opposite to the external ridge; all behind this is irregular, where it covers part of the ethmoidal cells. Fig. 10. The external surface of the left Os Malje. A, The superior orbitar process. B, The inferior orbitar pro- cess. C, The malar process. D, The zygomatic process. E, Ihe orbitar plate. F, A passage for small vessels into or out of the orbit. Fig. 11. The internal surface of the left Os Mal*. A, The superior orbitar process. B, The inferior orbitar pro- cess. C, The malar process. D, The zygomatic process. E, The internal orbitar plate or process. Fig. 12. The external surface of the right Os Spongiosum Infe- rius. A, The anterior part. B, The hook-like process for covering part of the antrum maxillare. C, A small process which covers part of the under end of the lachrymal groove. D, The inferior edge turned a little outwards. Fig. 13. The internal surface of the Os Spongiosum Inferius. A, The anterior extremity. B, The upper edge which joins the superior maxillary and palate bones. I I Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. 9 Fig. 14. The posterior and external surface of the right Os Pa- lati. A, The orbitar process. B, The nasal lamella. C, The pterygoid process. D, The palate process. Fig. 15. The interior and external surface of the right Os Pa- lati. A, The orbitar process. B, An opening through which the la- teral nasal vessels and nerves pass. C, The nasal lamella. D, The Pterygoid process. E, The posterior edge of the palate process for the connection of the velum palati. F, The inner edge by which the two ossa palati are connected. Fig. 16. The right side of the Vomer. A, The upper edge, which joins the nasal lamella of the ethmoid bone and the middle cartilage of the nose. B, The inferior edge, which is connected to the superior maxillary and palate bones. C, The superior and posterior part which receives the processus azygos of the sphenoid bone. Fig. 17. The Maxilla Inferior. A, The chin. B, The base and left side. C, The angle. D, The coronoid process. E, The condyloid process F, The beginning of the inferior maxillary canal of the right side, for the entry of the nerve and blood-vessels. G, The termination of the left canal. H, The two dentes incisores. I, The denscaninus. K, The two small molares. L, The three large molares. Fig. 18. The different classes of the Teeth. 1, 2, A fore and back view of the two anterior dentes incisores of the lower jaw. 3, 4, Similar teeth of the upper jaw. 5, 6, A fore and back view of the dentes canini. 7, 8, The anterior dentes mo- lares. 9, 10, 11, The posterior dentes molares. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Unusual appearances in the shape and size of the teeth. Fig. 19. The external surface of the Os Hyoides. A, The body. BB, The cornua. CC, The appendices. Plate XXII. Fig. 1. A Posterior View of the Sternum and Clavicles, with the ligament connecting the clavicles to each other. a, The posterior surface of the sternum, bb, The broken ends of the clavicles, cccc, The tubercles near the extremity of each clavicle, d, The ligament connecting the clavicles. Fig. 2. A Fore-view of the Left Scapula, and of a half oi the Clavicle, with their Ligaments. a, The spine of the scapula, b, The acromion, c, The infe- B 10 Explanation of the Plates of Osteology* rior angle, d, Inferior costa. e, Cervix, f, Glenoid cavity, co- vered with cartilage for the arm-bone, gg, The capsular liga- ment of the joint, h, Coracoid process, i, The broken end of the clavicle, k, Its extremity joined to the acromion. 1, A liga- ment coming out single from the acromion to the coracoid process. m, A ligament coming out single from the acromion, and dividing into two, which are fixed to the coracoid process. Fig. 3. The Joint of the elbow of the left arm, with the Liga- ments. a, The os humeri, b, Its internal condyle, cc, The two pro- minent parts of its trochlea appearing through the capsular liga- ment, d, The ulna, e, The radius, f, The part of the ligament including the head of the radius. Fig. 4. The Bones of the Right-Hand, with the Palm in view. a, The radius, b, The ulna, c, The scaphoid bone of the car- pus, d, The os lunare. e, The os cuneiforme. f, The os pisi- forme. g, Trapezium, h, Trapezoides. i, Capitatum. k, Un- ciforme. 1, The four metacarpal bones of the fingers, m, The first phalanx, n, The second phalanx, o, The third phalanx. p, The metacarpal bone of the thumb, q, The first joint, r, The second joint. Fig. 5. The Posterior View of the Bones of the Left Hand. The explication of Fig. 4. serves for this figure; the same let- ters pointing out the same bones, though in a different view. Fig. 6. The Upper Extremity of the Tibia, with the Semilunar Cartilages of the Joint of the Knee, and some Ligaments. a, The strong ligament which connects the rotula to the tubercle of the tibia, bb, The parts of the extremity of the tibia, covered with cartilage, which appear within the semilunar cartilages, cc, The semilunar cartilages, d, The two parts of what is called the cross ligament. Fig. 7. The Posterior View of the Joint of the Right Knee. a, The os femoris cut. b, Its internal condyle c, Its external condyle, d, The back-part of the tibia, e, The superior extre- mity of the fibula, f, The edge of the internal semilunar carti- lage, g, An oblique ligament, h, A larger perpendicular liga- ment, i, A ligament connecting the femur and fibula. Fig. 8. The Anterior View of the Joint of the Right Knee. b, The internal condyle, c, Its external condyle, d, The pari of the os femoris, on which the patella moves, e, A perpendicular ligament, f f, The two parts of the crucial ligaments, gg, The edges of the two moveable sejnilunar cartilages, h, The tibia. i, The strong ligament of the patella, k, The back part of it Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. 11 where the fat has been dissected away. 1, The external depres- sion, m, The internal one. n, The cut tibia. Fig. 9. A View of the inferior part of the Bones of the Right Foot. a, The great knob of the os calcis. b, A prominence on its out- side, c, The hollow for the tendons, nerves, and blood-vessels. d, The anterior extremity of the os calcis. e, Part of the astraga- lus, f, Its head covered with cartilage, g, The internal promi- nence of the os naviculare. h, The os cuboides. i, The os cunei- forme internum; k,—Medium; 1,—Externum. m, The meta- tarsal bones of the four lesser toes, n, The first—o, The second— p, The third phalanx of the four lesser toes, q, The metatarsal bones of the great toe. r, Its first—s, Its second joint. Fig. 10. The Inferior Surface of the two large Sesamoid Bones, at the first Joint of the Great Toe. Fig. 11. The Superior View of the Bones of the Right Foot. a, b, as in Fig. 9. c, The superior head of the astragalus, d, &c. as in Fig. 9. Fig. 12. The View of the Sole of the Foot, with its Ligaments. a, The great knob of the os calcis. b, The hollow for the ten- dons, nerves, and blood-vessels, c, The sheaths of the fiexores pol- licis and digitorum longi opened, d, The strong cartilaginous lig- ament supporting the head of the astragalus, e, h, Two liga- ments which unite into one, and are fixed to the metatarsal bone of the great toe. f, A ligament from the knob of the os calcis to the metatarsal bone of the little toe. g, A strong triangular liga- ment, which supports the bones of the tarsus, i, The ligaments of the joints of the five metatarsal bones. Fig. 13. a, The head of the thigh bone of a child, b, The lig- amentum rotundum connecting it to the acetabulum, c, The cap- sular ligament of the joint with its arteries injected, d, The nu- merous vessels of the mucilaginous gland injected. Fig. 14. The Back-view of the Cartilages of the Larynx, with the Os Hyoides. a, The posterior part of the base of the os hyoides. bb, Its cor- nua. c, The appendix of the right side, d, A ligament sent out from the appendix of the left side, to the styloid process of the tem- poral bone, e, The union of the base with the left cornu. t f, The posterior sides of (g) the thyroid cartilage, hh, Its superior cor- nua. ii, Its inferior cornua. k, The cricoid cartilage. 11, The arytenoid cartilages, m, The entry into the lungs, named glottis. n, The epiglottis, oo, The superior cartilages of the trachea, p, Its ligamentous back-part. 12 Explanation oj tne nates of the Muscles. Fig. 15. The Superior Concave surface of the Sesamoid Bones at the first joint of the Great Toe, with their Ligaments. a, Three sesamoid bones, b, The ligamentous substance in which they are formed. EXPLANATION OF PLATES XXIII. and XXIV. PLATE XXIII. Fig. 1. The Muscles immediately under the common tegu- ments on the anterior part of the body are represented on the right side; and on the left side the Muscles are seen which come in view when the exterior ones are taken away. A, The frontal muscle. B, The tendinous aponeurosis which joins it to the occipital; hence both named occipitofrontalis. C, Attolens aurem L), The ear. E, Anterior auris. FF, Orbicularis palpebrarum. G, Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi. H, Leva- tor anguli oris. I, Zygomaticus minor. K, Zygomaticus major. L, Masseter. M, Orbicularis oris. N, Depressor labii inferioris. O, Depressor anguli oris. P, Buccinator. QQ, Platysma myoides. RR. Sterno-cleido-mastoidxus. S, Part of the trapezius. T, Part of the scaleni. Superior Extremity—U, Deltoides. V, Pectoralis major. W, Part of the latissimus dorsi. XX, Biceps flexor cubiti. YY, Part of the brachialis externus. ZZ, The beginning of the tendi- nous aponeurosis (from the biceps), which is spread over the muscles of the fore-arm. aa, Its strong tendon inserted into the tu- bercle of the radius, bb, Part of the brachialis internus. c, Prona- tor radii teres, d, Flexor carpi radialis. e, Part of the flexor carpi ulnaris. f, Pal maris longus. g, Aponeurosis palmaris. 3, Palmaris brevis. 1, Ligamentum carpi annulare. 2 2, Abductor minimi di- giti h, Supinator radii longus. i, The tendons of the thumb, k, Abductor pollicis. 1, Flexor pollicis longus. mm, The tendons of the flexor sublimis perforatus, profundus perforans, and lumbri- cales.—The sheaths are entire in the right hand,—in the left cut open to show the tendons of the flexor profundus perforating the sublimis. Muscles not referred to—in the left superior extremity.—n, Pectoralis minor, seu serratus anticus minor, o, The two heads of (xx) the biceps, p, Coraco-brachialis. qq, The long head of the triceps extensor cubiti. rr, Teres major, ss, Subscapularis. tt, Extensores radiales. u, Spinator brevis. v, The cut extremity of the pronator teres, w, Flexor sublimis perforatus. x, Part of the flexor profundus, y, Flexor pollicis longus. z, Part of the flexor pollicis brevis. 4, Abductor minimi digiti. 5, The four lumbri- cales. Explanation of the PI tes of the Muscles. 13 Trunk.—6. Serrated extremities of the serratus anticus major. 7 7, Obliquus externus abdominis. 8 8, The linea alba. 9, The umbilicus 10. Pyramidalis. 1111, The spermatic cord. On the left side it is covered b\ the cremaster. 12 12, Rectus abdominis. 13, Obliquus internus. 14 14, 8tc. Intercostal muscles. Inferior Extremities—qo, The gracialis. b b, Parts of the triceps, cc, Pectialis. dd. Psoas magnus. ee, Iliacus internus. /, Part of the glutaeus medius. g, Part of the glutaeus minimus, h, Cut extremity of the rectus cruris, ii, Vastus externus. k, Ten- don of the rectus cruris //, Vastus internus. * Sartorius muscle. ••Fleshy origin of the tensor vaginae faemoris or membranosusi Its tendinous aponeurosis covers (i) the vastus externus on the right side mm. Patella, nn, Ligament or tendon from it to the tibia. 0, Rectus cruris. /;, Crurasus. 9 g, The tibia, rr, Part of the Gemellus. or gastrocnemius externus. sss, Part of the soleus or gastrocnemi- us internus. t, Tibialis anticus. u, Tibialis posticus, vv, Peronaei muscles, wvt, Extensor longus digitorum pedis, xx, Extensor longus pollicis pedis, y, Abductor pollicis pedis. Fig. 2. The Muscles, Glands, &c. of the Left Side of the face and neck, after the common Teguments and Platysma myoides have been taken off. a, The frontal muscle, b, Temporalis and temporal artery, c, Orbicularis palpebrarum, d, Levator labii superioris alaequi nasi! 'e, Levator anguli oris, f, Zygomaticus. g, Depressor labii inferi- oris. h, Depressor anguli oris, i, Buccinator, k, Masseter. II, Parotid gland, m, Its duct, n, Sterno-cleido-mastoidaeus. o, Part of the trapezius, p, Sterno-hyoidaeus. q, Sterno-thyroidaeus. r, Omo-hyoidaeus. f, Levator scapulae, tt, Scaleni. u, Part of the splenius. Fig. 3. The Muscles of the Face and Neck in view after the ex- terior ones are taken away. aa, Corrugator supercilii. b, Temporalis, c, Tendon of the le- vator palpebrae superioris. d, Tendon of the orbicularis palpebra- rum, e, Masseter. f, Buccinator, g, Levator anguli oris, h, De- pressor labii superioris alaeque nasi, i, Orbicularis oris, k, Depres- sor anguli oris. 1, Muscles of the os hyoides. m, Sterno-cleido- mastoidxus. Fig. 4. Some of the Muscles of the Os Hyoides and Submax- illary Gland. a, Part of the masseter muscle, b, Posterior head of the digas- tric, c, Its anterior head, dd, Sterno-hyoidaeus. e, Omo-hyoidaeus. f, Stylo-hyoidaeus. g, Submaxillary gland in situ. Fig. 5.. The Submaxillary Gland and Duct. a, Musculus mylo-hyoidaeus. b, Hyo-glossus. c, Submaxillary gland extra situ. d} Its duct. 14 Explanation of the Plates of the Muscles. Plate XXIV. Fig. 1. The Muscles immediately under the common tegu- ments on the posterior part of the body, are represented on the right side; and on the left side the Muscles are seen which come in view when the exterior ones are taken away. Head.—AA, Occipito-frontalis. B, Attollens aurem. C, Part of the orbicularis palpebrarum. D, Masseter. E, Pterygoidaeus in- ternus. Trunk.—Right side. FFF, Trapezius seu cucularis GGGG, Latissimus dorsi. H, Part of the obliquuis externus abdominis. Trunk___Left side. I, Splenius. K, Part of the complexus. L, Levator scapulae. M, Rhomboides. NN, Seratus posticus inferior. O, Part of the longissimus dorsi. P, Part of the sacro-lumbalis. Q, Part of the semi-spinalis dorsi. R, Part of the serratus anticus major. S, Part of the obliquus internus abdominis. Superior Extremity.—Right side. T, Deltoides U, Triceps extensor cubiti. V, Supinator longus. WW, Exten&ores carpi radialis longior and brevior. XX, Extensor carpi ulnaris. YY, Extensor digitorum communis. Z, Abductor indicia. I 2 3, Ex- tensores pollicis. Superior Extremity.—Leftside, a, Supra Spinatus. b, Infra- spinatus, c, Teres minor, d, Teres major, e, Triceps extensor cubiti. ff, Extensores carpi radiales. g, Supinator brevis. h, Indi- cater. 1 2 3, Extensores pollicis. i, Abductor minimi digiti. k, Interossei. Inferior Extremity.—Right side. 1, Glutaeus maximus. m, Part of the Glutaeus medius. n, Tensor vaginae femoris. o, Graci- lis, pp, Abductor femoris magnus. q, Part of the vastus internus. r, Semimembranosus, s, Semitendinosus. t, Long head of the bi- ceps flexor cruris, uu, Gastrocnemius externus seu gemellus, v, Tendo Achillis. w, Soleus seu gastrocnemius internus, xx, Pero- naeus longus and brevis. y, Tendons of the flexor longus digitorum pedis;—and under them * flexor brevis digitorum pedis, z, Ab- ductor minimi digiti pedis. Inferior Extremity—Left side, m, n, o, fifi, q, r, s, t, v, w iv, x x, y, z, Point the same parts as in the right side, c, Pyriformis. b b, Gemini, c c, Obturator internus. d, Quadratus femoris. e, Coc cygaeus. /, The short head of the biceps flexor cruris, g g, Plan- taris. h, Poplitaeus. i, Flexor longus pollicis pedis. Fig. 2. The Palm of the Left Hand after the common Teguments are removed, to show the Muscles of the Fingers. a, Tendon of the flexor carpi radialis. b, Tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris. c, Tendons of the flexor sublimis perforatus, pro- fundus perforans and lumbricales. d, Abductor pollicis. ee, Flexor pollicis longus. f, Flexor pollicis brevis. g, Palmaris brevis. h, Abductor minimi digiti. i, Ligamentum carpi-annulare. k, A probe put under the tendons of the flexor digitorum sublimis; which are performed by 1, the flexor digitorum profundus, mmmm, Lumbricales. n, Abductor pollicis. ^ r ^ Explanation of the nates of the Muscles. 15 Fig. 3. A fore-view of the foot and Tendons of the Flexores Di- gitorum. a, Cut extremity of the tendo Achillis. b, Upper part of the as- tragalus, c, Os calcis. d, Tendon of the tibialis anticus. e, Tendon of the extensor pollicis longus. f, Tendon of the peronaeus brevis. g, I endons of the flexor digitorum longus, with the nonus Vesalii. hh, The whole of the flexor digitorum brevis. Fig. 4. Muscles of the Anus. aa, An out line of the buttocks, and upper part of the thighs. b, The testes contained in the scrotum, cc, Sphincter ani. d, Anus. e, Levator ani. ff, Erector penis, gg, Accelerator urinae. h, Cor- pus cavernosum urethae. Fig. 5. Muscles of the Penis. aa, b, d, ee, f f, h, point the same as in fig. 4. c, Sphincter ani. gg, Transversalis penis. EXPLANATION of PLATES XXV. XXVI. and XXVII. Plate XXV. Fig. 1. Shows the Contents of the Thorax and Abdomen Incitu. 1. Top of the trachea, or wind-pipe. 2 2, The internal jugular veins. 3 3, The subclavian veins. 4, The vena cava descendens. 5, The right auricle of the heart. 6, The right ventricle. 7, Part of the left ventricle 8, The aorta descendens. 9, The pulmonary artery. 10, The right lung, part of which is cut off to show the great blood vessels. 11, The left lung entire. 12 12, The anterior edge of the diaphragm. 13 13, The two great lobes of the liver. 14, The ligamentum rotundum. 15, The gall-bladder. 16, The stomach. 17 17, The jejunum and ilium. 18, The spleen. Fig. 2. Shows the Organs subservient to the Chylopoietic Vis- cera,—with those of Urine and Generation. 11, The under side of the two great lobes of the liver, a, Lo- bulus spigelii. 2, The ligamentum rotundum. 3, The gall-bladder. 4, The pancreas. 5, The spleen. 6 6, The kidneys. 7, The aorta descendens. 8, Vena cava ascendens. 9 9, The renal veins cover- ing the arteries. 10, A probe under the spermatic vessels and a bit of the inferior mesenteric artery, and over the ureters. 1111, The ureters. 12 12, The iliac arteries and veins. 13, The rectum in- testinum. 14, The bladder of urine. Fig. 3. Shows the Chylopoietic Viscera, and Organs subservient to them, taken out of the Body entire. 16 Explanation of tne Mates of the Muscles. AA, The under side of the two great iobes of the liver. B, Lig- amentum rotundum. C. The gall-bladder. D, Ductus cyvticus. E, Ductus hepaticus. F, Ductus communis choledochus. (t, Ve- na portarum. H, Arteria hepatica. II, The stomach. KK, Vtnae and arteriae gastro-epiploic^, dextrae and sinistrae. LL, Venae and arleriae coronariae ventriculi, M, The spleen. NN, Mesocolon, with its vessels. OOO, Intestinum colon P, One of the ligaments of the colon, which is a bundle of longitudinal muscular fibres QQQQ, Jejunum and ilium RR, Sigmoid flexure of the colon wi' ■> the ligament continued, and over S, The rectum intestinum. TT, Levators ani. U, Sphincter ani. V, The place to which the pros- trate gland is connected. W, The anus. Fig. 4. Shows the Heart of a Foetus at the full time, with the Right Auricle cut open to show the Foramen Ovale, or passage between both Auricles. a, The right ventricle, b, The left ventricle, cc, The outer side of the right auricle stretched out. dd, The posterior side, which forms the anterior side of the septum, e, The foramen ovale, with the membrane or valve which covers the left side, f, Vena cava inferior passing through g, A portion of the diaphragm. Fig. 5. Shows the Heart and Large Vessels of a Fcetus at the full time. a, The left ventricle, b, The right ventricle, c, A part of the right auricle, d, Left auricle, ee, The right branch of the pulmo- nary artery, f, Arteria pulmonalis. gg, The left branch of the pulmonary artery, with a number of its largest branches dissected from the lungs, h, The canalis arteriosus, i, The arch of the aorta. kk, The aorta descendens. 1, The left subclavian artery, m, The left carotid artery, n, The right carotid artery, o, The right sub- clavian artery, p, The origin of the right carotid and right sub- clavian arteries in one common trunk, q, The vena cava superior or descendens. r, The right common subclavian vein, s, The left common subclavian vein. N. B. All the parts described in this figure are to be found in the adult, except the canalis arteriosus. Plate XXVI. Fig. 1. Exhibits the more superficial Lymphatic Vessels of the Lower Extremity. A, The spine of the os ilium B, Ihe os pubis. C, The iliac artery. D, The knee. E, E, F, Branches of the crural artery. G, The musculus gastrocnemius. H, The tibia. I, The tendon of ihe musculus tibialis anticus. On the outlines, a, A lym- phatic vessel belonging to the top of the foot, b, Its first division into branches, c, c,c, Other divisions of t e same l.mphatic ves- sel, d, A small lymphatic gland e, Tne lymphatic vessels which lie between the skin and the muscles of the thigh, f f, Two lympha- Explanation of the flates of the Muscles. 17 tic glands at tlie upper part of the thigh below the groin. ^, Other glands, h, A lymphatic vessel which passes by the side of those glands without communicating with ihem; and, bending towards the im-ide of the groin at (i), opens into the lymphatic gland (k). 11, Lymphatic glands in the groin, which are common to the lym- phatic vessels of the genitals und those of the lower extremity. m, n, A plexus of lymphatic vessels passing on the inside of the iliac artery. Fig. 2. Exhibits a Back View of the Lower Extremity, dissected so as to show the deeper-seated Lymphatic Vessels which ac- company the Arteries. A, The os pubis. B, The tuberosity of the ischium. C, That part of the os ilium which was articulated with the os sacrum. D, The extremity of the iliac artery appearing above the groin. E, The knee. FF, The two cut surfaces of the triceps muscle, which was divided to show the lymphatic vessels that pass through its perforation along with the crural artery. G, The edge of the mus- culus gracilis. H, The gastrocnemius and soleus, much shrunk by being dried, and by the soleus being separated from the tibia to expose the vessels. I, The heel. K, The sole of the foot. L, The superficial lymphatic vessels passing over the knee, to get to the thigh. On the out-lines; M, The posterior tibial artery, a. A lymphatic vessel accompanying the posterior tibial artery, b, The same vessel crossing the artery, c, A small lymphatic gland, through which this deep-seated lymphatic vessel passes, d, The lymphatic vessel passing under a small part of the soleus, which is left attached to the bone, the rest being removed, e, The lym- phatic vessel crossing the popliteal artery, f, g, h, Lymphatic glands in the ham, through which the lymphatic vessel passes. i, The lymphatic vessel passing with the crural artery, through the perforation of the triceps muscle, k, The lymphatic vessel, after it has passed the perforation of the triceps, dividing into branches which embrace the artery (1). m, A lymphatic gland belonging to the deep-seated lymphatic vessel. At this place those vessels pass to the fore part of the groin, where they communicate with the superficial lymphatic vessels, n, A part of the superficial lymphatic vessel appearing on the brim of the pelvis. Fig. 3. Exhibits the Trunk of the Human Subject, prepared to show the Lymphatic Vessels and the Ductus Thoracicus. A, The neck. BB, The two jugular veins. C, The vena cava Buperior. DDDD, The subclavian veins. E, The beginning of the aorta, pulled to the left side by means of a ligature, in order to show the thoracic duct behind it. F, The branches arising from the curvature of the aorta. GG, The two carotid arteries. HH, The first rii.s II, The trachea. KK, The spine. LL, The vena azygos. MM, The descending aorta N, The coeliac artery, divi- ding into three branches. O, The superior mesenteric artery. P, The right crus diaphragmatis. QQ, The two kidneys. R, The 18 Explanatisn of the Plates of the Muscles. right emulgent artery. SS, The external iliac arteries, g d, The musculi psoae. T, The internal iliac artery. U, The cavity of the pelvis. XX, The spine of the os ilium. YY, The groins, a, A lym- phatic gland in the groin, into which lymphatic vessels from the lower extremity are seen to enter, b b, The lymphatic vessels of the lower extremities passing under poupart's ligament, cc, A plexus of the lymphatic vessels lying on each side of the pelvis. d, The psdas muscle with lymphatic vessels lying upon its inside. e, A plexus of lymphatics, which having passed over the brim of the pelvis at (c), having entered the cavity of the pelvis, and re- ceived the lymphatic vessels belonging to the viscera contained in that cavity, next ascends, and passes behind the iliac,artery to (§■). f, Some lymphatic vessels of the left side passing over the upper part of the os sacrum, to meet those of the right side, g, The right psoas, with a large plexus of lymphatics lying on its inside, hh, The plexus lying on each side of the spine, i i i, Spaces occupied by the lymphatic glands, k, The trunk of the lacteals, lying on the under side of the superior mesenteric artery. I, The same dividing into two branches, one of which passes on each side of the aorta; that of the right side being seen to enter the thoracic duct at (m). m, The thoracic duct beginning from the large lymphatics, n, The duct passing under the lower part of the crus diaphragmatis, and under the right emulgent artery, o, The thoracic duct penetrating the thorax, fn Some lymphatic vessels joining that duct in the thorax, g, The thoracic duct passing under the curvature of the aorta to get to the left subclavian vein. The aorta being drawn aside to show the duct, r, A plexus of lymphatic vessels passing upon the trachea from the thyroid gland to the thoracic duct. PLATE XXVII. Fig. 1. Represents the Under and Posterior Side of the Bladder of Urine, Sec. a, The bladder, bb, The insertion of the ureters, cc, The vasa deferentia, which convey the semen from the testicles to dd, The vesicula seminales,—and pass through e, The prostrate gland, to discharge themselves into f, The beginning of the urethra. Fig. 2. A transverse Section of the Penis. gg, Corpora cavernosa penis, h, Corpus cavernosum urethrae. i, Urethra, k, Septum penis. 11, The septum between the corpus cavernosum urethrae and that of the penis. Fig. 3. A Longitudinal Section of the Penis. mm, The corpora cavernosa penis, divided by o, The septum penis, n, The corpus cavernosum glandis, which is the continua- tion of that of the urethra. « Fig. 4. Represents the Female Organs of Generation. a, That side of the uterus which is next the os sacrum. 1, Its ;■-■:$} Explanation of ihe Plates of the Muscles. \$ fundus. 2, Its cervix, b b, The fallopian or uterine tubes, which open into the cavity of the uterus;—but the other end i3 open within the pelvis, and surrounded by cc, The fimbriae, dd, The ovaria. e, The os internum uteri, or mouth of the womb, f f, The ligamenta rotunda, which passes without the belly, and is fixed to the labia pudendi. gg, The cut edges of the ligamenta lata, which connects the uterus to the pelvis, h, The inside of the vagina, i, The orifice of the urethra, k, The clitoris surrounded by (1), The prxputium. mm, The labia pudendi. nn, The nymphae. Fig. 5. Shows the Spermatic Ducts of the Testicle filled with Mer- cury. A, The vas deferens. B, Its beginning, which forms the poste- rior part of the epididymis. C, The middle of the epididymis, composed of serpentine ducts. D, The head or anterior part of the epididymis unravelled, e e e e, The whole ducts which compose the head of the epididymis unravelled, f f, The vasa deferentia. g g, Rete testis, h h, Some rectilineal ducts which send off the vasa deferentia. i i. The substance of the testicle. Fig. 6. The right Testicle entire, and the Epididymis filled with Mercury. A, The beginning of the vas deferens. B, The vas deferens as- cending towards the abdomen C, The posterior part of the epidi- dymis, named globus minor. D, The spermatic vessels inclosed in cellular substance. E, The body of the epididymis. F, Its head, named globus major. G, Its beginning from the testicle. H, The body of the testicle, inclosed in the tunica albuginea. EXPLANATION of PLATE XXVIII. This plate represents the Heart in situ, all the large Arteries and Veins, with some of the Muscles, &c. Muscles, &c.—Superior Eextremity—a, Masseter. b,Corn- plexus. C, Digastricus. d, Os hyoides. e, Thyroid gland, f, Le- vator scapulae, g, Cucullaris. h h, The clavicles cut. i, The deltoid muscle, k, Biceps flexor cubiti cut. 1, Coraco-brachialis. m, Tri- ceps extensor cubiti. n, The heads of the pronator teres, flexor carpi radiales, and flexor digitorum sublimis, cut. o, The flexor carpi-ulnaris, cut at its extremity, p, Flexor digitorum profundus. q, Supinator radii longus, cut at its extremity, r, Ligamentum carpi transversale. s, Extensores carpi radiales. t, Latissimus dor- si. u, Anterior edge of the serratus anticus major, vv, The infe- rior part of the diaphragm, w w, Its anterior edge cut. xx, The kidneys, y, Transversus abdominis, z, Os ilium. Inferior. Extremity.—o, Psoas magnus. b, Iliacus internus. 20 Explanation of the Plates of the Muscles. c, The fleshy origin of the tensor vagina iemoris. dd, The ossa pubis cut Irom each other, e, Musculus pectineus cut from its origin, f, Short head of the triceps abductor femoris cut. g-, The great head of the triceps, h, The long head cut. z, Vastus internus. k, Vastus externus. I, Crureus. m, Gemellus, n, Soleus. o, Tibia. p, Peronaeus longus. 9, Peionaeus brevis r, Fibula. Heart and Blood-vessels.—A, The heart, with the coronary artery and veins. B, The right auricle of the heart. C, The aorta ascendens. D, The left subclavian artery. E, The left carotid ar- tery. F, The common trunk which sends off the right subclavian and right carotid arteries. G, The carotis externa. H, Arteria fa- cialis, which sends off the coronary arteries of the lips. I, Arteria temporalis profunda. K, Aorta descendens. LL, The iliac arteries, —which sends off MM, The femoral or crural arteries. JV. B. The other arteries in this figure have the same distribution as the veins of the same name:—And generally, in the anatomical plates, the description to be found on the one side, points out the same parts in the other. 1, The frontal vein. 2, The facial vein. 3, Vena temporalis profunda. 4, Vena occipitalis. 5, Vena jugularis exter- na. 6, Vena jugularis interna, covering the arteria carotis commu- nis. 7, The vascular arch on the palm of the hand, which is form- ed by, 8, The radial artery and vein, and, 9, The ulnar artery und vein. 10 10, Cephalic vein. 11, Basilic vein, that on the right side cut. 12, Median vein. 13, The humeral veinj which, with the me- dian, covers the humeral artery. 14 14, The external thoracic or mammary arteries and veins. 15, The axillary vein, covering the artery 16 16, The subclavian veins, which, with (6 6) the jugu- lars, form, 17, The vena cava superior. 18, The cutaneous arch of veins on the fore part of the foot. 19, The vena tibialis antica, covering the artery. 2oJ*The vena profunda femoris, covering the artery. 21, The upper part of the vena saphena major. 22, The femoral vein. 23 2:3, The iliac veins. 24\24, Vena cava inferior. 25 25, The renal veins covering the arteries. 26 26, The diaphrag- matic veins. EXPLANATION of PLATE XXIX. Fig. 1. Represents the Inferior part of the Brain;—the Anterior part of the whole Spine, including the Medulla Spinalis;—with the origin and large portions of all the Nerves. A A, The anterior lobes of the cerebrum. BB, The lateral lobes of the cerebrum- CC, The two lobes of the cerebellum. D, Tuber annulare. E, The passage from the third ventricle to the infun- dibulum. F, The medulla oblongata, which sends off the medulla spinalis through the spine. GG, That part of the os occipitis which is placed above (HH) the transverse processes of the first cervical s \VX V <: ^ Explanation of the Plates of the Muscles. 21 vertebra. II, &c. The seven cervical vertebrae, with their inter- mediate cartilages. KK, &c. The twelve dorsal vertebrae, with their intermediate cartilages. LL, &c. The five lumbar vertebrae, with their intermediate cartilages M, The os sacrum. N, The os coccygis. Nerves—.1 1, The first pair of nerves, named olfactory, which go to the nose. 2 2, The second pair, named optic, which goes to form the tunica retina of the eye. 3 3, The third pair, named motor occulij it supplies most of the muscles of the eye-ball. 4 4, The fourth pair, named pathetic,—which is wholly spent upon the musculus trochlearis of the eye. 5 5, The fifth pair divides into three branches—The first, named ofithalmic, goes to the orbit, supplies the lachrymal gland, and sends branches out to the fore- head and nose.—The second, named superior maxillary, supplies the teeth of the upper jaw, and some of the muscles of the lips.__ The third, named inferior maxillary, is spent upon the muscles and teeth of the lower jaw, tongue, and muscles of the lips. 6 6, The sixth pair, which, after sending off the beginning of the inter- costal or great sympathetic, is spent upon the abductor oculi. 7 7, The seventh pair, named auditory, divides into two branches.— The largest, named portio mollis, is spent upon the internal ear. The smallest, portio dura, joins to the fifth pair within the internal ear by a reflected branch from the second of the fifth; and within the tympanum, by a branch from the third of the fifth, named chorda tympani.—Vid. fig. 3. near B. 8 8, kc. The eighth pair, named par vagum,—which accompanies the intercostal, and is spent upon the tongue, larynx, pharynx, lungs, and abdominal vis- cera. 9 9, The ninth pair, which are spent upon the tongue. 10 10, &c. The intercostal, or great sympathetic, which is seen from the sixth pair to the bottom of the pelvis on each side of the spine, and joining with all the nerves of the spine;—in its progress sup- plying the heart, and, with the par vagum, the contents of the ab- domen aud pelvis. 11 II, The accessorius, which is spent upon the sternocleido-mastoidaeus and trapezius muscles. 12 12, The first cervical nerves;—13 13, The second cervical nerves;—both spent upon the muscles that lie on the neck, and teguments of the neck and head. 14 14, The third cervical nerves, which, after sending off (15 15, Sec.) the phrenic nerves to the diaphragm, supply the muscles and teguments that lie on the side of the neck and rbp of the shoulder. 16 16, The brachial plexus, formed by the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh cervicals, and first dorsal nerves; which sup- ply the muscles and teguments of the superior extremity. 17 17, The twelve dorsal, or proper intercostal nerves, which are spent upon the intercostal muscles and some of the large muscles which lie upon the thorax. 18 1,8, The five lumbar pairs of nerves, ■which supply the lumber and abdominal muscles, and some of the teguments and muscles of the inferior extremity. 19 19, The sa- cro-sciatic, or posterior crural nerve, formed by the two inferior lumbar, and three superior of the os sacrum.. This large nerve supplies the greatest part of the muscles and teguments of the in • 22 Explanation of the Plates of the Muscles. ferior extremity. 20, The stomachic plexus, formed by the eighth pair. 21 21, Branches of the solar or caliac plexus, formed by the eighth pair and intercostals, which supply the stomach and chylopoietic viscera. 22 22, Branches of the superior and inferior mesenteric plexuses, formed by the eighth pair and intercostals, which supply the chylopoietic viscera, with part of the organs of urine and generation. 23 23, Nerves which accompany the sper- matic cord. 24 24, The hypogastric plexus, which supplies the organs of urine and generation within the pelvis. Fig. 2, 3, 4, 5. Show different Views of the Inferior part of the Brain, cut perpendicularly through the Middle,—with the Origin and large Portions of all the Nerves which pass ou' through the Bones of the Cranium,—and the three first Cervicals. A, The anterior lobe. B. The lateral lobe of the cerebrum. C, One of the lobes of the cerebellum. D, Tuber annulare. E, Corpus pyramidale, in the middle of the medulla oblongata. F, The corpus olivare, in the side of the medulla oblongata. G, The medulla oblongata. H, The medulla spinalis. Nerves.—1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9, Pairs of nerves. 10 10, Ner- vus accessorius, which comes from—11, 12, and 13, The three first cervical nerves. EXPLANATION of PLATE XXX. Figure 1. Shows the Lachrymal Canals, after the Common Teguments and Bones have been cut away. a^ The lachrymal gland, b, The two puncta lachrymalia, from ■which the two lachrymal canals proceed to c, The lachrymal sac. d, The large lachrymal duct, e, Its opening into the nose, f, The carunca lachrymalis. g, The eye-ball. Fig. 2. An interior View of the Coats and Humours of the Eye. a a a a, The tunica sclerotica cut in four angles, and turned back, b b b b, The tunica choroides adhering to the inside of the sclerotica, and the ciliary vessels are seen passing over—c c, The retina which covers the vitreous humour, d d, The ciliary processes, which were continued from the choroid coat, e e, The iris, f, The pupil. Fig. 3. Shows the Optic Nerves, and Muscles of the Eye. a, a, The two optic nerves before they meet, b, The two op- tic nerves conjoined, c, The right optic nerve, d, Musculus at- tollens palpebrae superioris. e, Attollens oculi. f, Abductor, gg, Obliquus superior, or trochlearis. h, Abductor, i, The eve- ball. N ATOMY I'h. re XXX /.;. /&/«✓« Explanation of the Plates of the Muscles. 23 Fig. 4. Shows the Eye-ball with its Muscles. a, The optic nerve, b, Musculus trochlearis. c, Part of the os frontis, to which the trochlea or pully is fixed, through which, —d, The tendons of the trochlear^ pass, e, Attollens oculi. f, Adductor oculi. g, Abductor oculi. h, Obliquus inferior, i, Part of the superior maxillary bone to which it is fixed, k, The eye-ball. Fig. 5. Represents the Nerves and Muscles of the Right Eye, after part of the Bones of the orbit have been cut away. A, The eye-ball. B. The lachrymal gland. C, Musculus4 abductor oculi. D, Attolhns. E, Levator palpebrae superioris. F, Depressor oculi. G, Adductor. H, Obliquus superior, with its pully. I, its insertion into the sclerotic coat. K, Part pf the obliquus inferior. L, The anterior part of the os frontis cut. M, The crista galli of the ethmoid bone. N, The posterior part of the sphenoid bone. O, Transverse spinous process of the sphe- noid bone. P, The carotid artery, denuded where it passes through the bones. Q, The carotid artery within the cranium. R, The ocular artery. Nerves.—a a, The optic nerve.—b, The third pair, c, Its joining with a branch of the first branch of the fifth pafr, to form I,—The lenticular ganglion, which sends off the ciliary nerves, d. e e, The fourth pair, f, The trunk of the fifth pair, g, The first branch of the fifth pair, named opthalmic. h, The frontal ich of it. i, Its ciliary branches, along with which the nasal twig is sent to the nose, k, Its branch to the lachrymal gland. I, The lenticular ganglion, m, The second branch pf ^he fifth pair, na- med superior maxillary, n, The third branch of the fifth pair, named inferior maxillary, o, The sixth pair of nerves,—which sends off p, The beginning of the great sympathetic, q, The re- mainder of the sixth pair, spent on c, The abductor oculi. Fig. 6. Represents the head of a youth, where the upper part of the cranium is sawed off,—to show the upper part of the brain, covered by the pia mater, the vessels of which are minutely filled with wax. AA, The cut edges of the upper part of the cranium. B, The two tables and intermediate diploe. BB, The two hemispheres of the cerebrum. CC, The incisure made by the falx. D, Part of the tentorium cerebello super expansum. E, Part of the falx, which is fixed to the crista galli. Fig. 7. Represents the parts of the External Ear, with the Paro- y tid Gland and its Duct. a a, The helix, b, The antihelix. c, The antitragus. d, The tragus, e, The lobe of the ear. f, The cavitas innominata. g, The scapha. h, The concha, i i, The parotid gland, k, A lym- phatic gland, which is often found before the tragus. 1, The duct of the parotid gland, m, Its opening into the mouth* 24 Explanation of the Plates of the Muscles. Fig. 8. A view of the posterior part of the external ear, meatus auditorius, tympanum, with its small bones and Eustachian tube, of the right side. a, The back part of the meatus, with the small cerumir ius glands, b, The incus, c, Malleus, d, The chorda tympani. e, Membrana tympani. f, The Eustachian tube, g, Its mouth / from the fauces. Fig. 9. Represents the anterior part of the right external ear, the cavity of the tympanum—its small bones, cochlea, and semi- circular canals. a, The malleus, b, Incus, with its long leg, resting upon the stapes, c, Membrana tympani. d, e, The Eustachian tube, co- vered by part of—f f, The musculus circumflexus palati. 1, 2, 3, The three semicircular canals. 4, The vestibule. 5, The coch- lea. 6, The portio mollis of the seventh pair of nerves. Fig. 10. Shows the muscles which compose the fleshy substance ■of the Tongue. a a, The tip of the tongue, with some of the papillae minimae. b, The root of the tongue, c, Part of the membrane of the tongue, which covered the epiglottis, d d, Part of the musculus hyo-glos- sus. e, The lingualis. f, Genio-glossus. g g, Part of the stylo- glossus. Mei. ^i*t WZ mo VI tils i?n V' xp; v y \