'\-,.. !«<''- •.ir»trS.... :'f*T>'j^r-;T'«;*- ''>■"•'" -■* :>» . ,- ,•:.:.:■'■■■ 5*1 ■ K-er:,: ,-l^-Vr.-^ .flj) »*t^ ''"-<>-*. "•;Hi k&£t£g.&'£: NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Washington - ^i PHYSICIAN'S VADE MECUM; A COMPENDIUM NOSOLOGr AND THERAPEUTICS, USE OF STUDENTS. BT THE REV. JOSEPH TOWNSEND, RECTOR OF PEWSET, WILTS. -------y' '^- From the Sixth London Edition. J fttd BOSTON: PRINTED BT DAVID CARLISLE, FOR EDWARD COTTON, No. AT, MARLBOROUGH STREET. 1805. PREFACE. IN this Compendium of Nosology, I have, ks far as possible, confined myself to the sys- tem and the genera of my venerable master Dr. Cullen, whose memory and justly ac- quired reputation will be ever dear to those who studied in his school, and were honoured with his friendship. Of all the systems which have yet appeared, his for a practitioner is undoubtedly the best : yet in some few in- stances I have departed from him ; but it has been chiefly where he hesitates himself. IV My reasons for these variations, as requiring disquisitions ill suited to a Compendium, I must here omit. The utility of classical distinctions is al- most universally acknowledged; yet nothing is more difficult than to make such an ar- rangement as shall meet with universal ap- probation. It will, however, be acknowledged sufficient for every useful purpose, if we can with precision ascertain the name and nature of a disease, although we should not perfectly agree as to its proper place in a system of Nosology. Having once formed his diagnosis, the skilful practitioner will next proceed to investigate, where it is possible, the proximate V cause of the disease ; and where that is not to be discovered, he will pay particular atten- tion both to the occasional and to the predis- posing cause. In all these investigations the younger students will, I trust, receive some assistance from the Compendium now pre- sented to the public ; and with a moderate share of penetration, will be enabled, in most cases, to determine what are the most judi- cious indications to effect a cure. For the Compendium of Therapeutics I have been indebted principally to Drs. Dun- can, Whytte, Cullen, Elliot, Berkenhout; and for some of the most efficacious formula, I must acknowledge my obligation to Dr. VI Nankivel, whose fame is too well estab- lished in our metropolis to need any eulogium from my pen, Should this little work meet with accept- ance among either the students in our hospitals, or the medical practitioners in country vil- lages, I shall think myself well rewarded for my trouble. LONDON, OCTOBER, 1792. CLASSES, ORDERS, GENERA, SPECIES OF DISEASE. CLASSES, I. Pyrexia II. Neuroses III. Cachexia IV. Locales WITH CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. 'After cold shivering, a fre- quency of pulse, with in- crease of heat, and espe- ) daily, among other im- paired functions, a dimi- nution of strength. f* Affections of sense andmo- ) tion, disturbed ; without J either idiopathic pyrexia, L or topical disease. A depraved habit of body ; without pyrexia, and in- dependent of neurosis, as original disease. ("Morbid affections, which \ are partial. { 2 ORDERS, DISTINGUISHED BV THEIR SYMPTOMS. CLASS I. PYREXIAE. ORDERS. T Fphret ("Pyrexia, without primary i. retires.....| local affectioiu nTPyrexia, with topical pain dz./„ ~~ '~ J and inflammation. The .Phlegmasia-A blood afoa. venefection (_ exhibits the buff coat. {"Contagious diseases, be- III. Exanthemata-\ f"ninS, ™th fever' tand I followed by an eruption L on the skin. f Pyrexia, with a discharge I of blood, without any ex- IV. Hamorrhagia \ temal injury, the blood on venesection exhibiting the [ buff coat. V. Proftuvia - - - jPyre*Ia> with ^creased ex- J \_ cretions. CLASS II. NEUROSES. liminution of the pow- I. Comata.....\ ^Lof,lolnntZTlmotion' or the senses 3 { orders. TA diminution of the in- II. Adynamia - -J voluntary motions of ei- k ther vital or natural func- tions. m. Spasmi.....(A m.orbii contr^iorn.» or * l_ motion or muscular fibres. TT. Tr . ("The judgment impaired, IV. Vesama - - - - < without either coma, or L pyrexia. CLASS III. CACHEXIA. I. Marcores----Universal emaciation. II. Intumescentia. General swellings. {"Cachexia, deforming the III. Impetigines- J external parts of the body * ° j with tumours, eruptions, L &c. CLASS IV. LOCALES. {The senses injured, or de- stroyed, by the Imperfec- tions of the organs. II. Dysorexia---^ app?ite deficient> or * (_ depraved. B 4 ORDERS. III. Dyscinesia TV. Apocenoses V. Epischeses - VI. Tumores - VII. Ectopia - - VIII. Dialyses-- { Motions _ impeded, or de- praved, from an imperfec- tion of the organ. {A superabundant flux of blood, or humours, with- out pyrexia. A suppression of excretions. ("Partial swellings, without \ inflammation. Parts displaced. A solution of continuity. 5 GENERA, AND THEIR SYMPTOMS. CLASS I. PYREXIAE. ORDER I. FEBRES. genera. fCold, hot, and sweating j stages, in succession, at- 1. Intermittens - - 73. Hydrometra- A swelling in the hypogas* trium of females not preg- nant; with fluctuation; no suppression of urine. f"A soft tumor of the scrotum, 74. Hydrocele____J increasing slowly, without ' J pain, fluctuating, general- (_ ly pellucid. Of the Solids. f Tumor occupying chiefly I one part of the abdomen, 75. Physconia - - - \ increasing slowly, and neither sonorous nor fluc- tuating. { 34 SPECIES. 1. hepatic a. 2. splenica. 3. renales. 4. uterina. 5. ab ovario. 6. mesenterica. 7- omentalis' 8. visceralis^ genera. X Large head ; prominent | forehead ; protruded ster- 76. Rachitis------ or de" £ stroyed. SPECIES. 1. organica. 2. atonica. 40 GENERA. 93. Ageustia----[T*^yefmin[shed> or de" 94. Anasthesia-- jTouch /Wished, or de- £ stroyed. CLASS IV. LOCALES. ORDER II. DYSOREXIA. 95. Bulimia-----1 Appetite voracious or ca- nine. SYMPTOMATIC. 1. verminosa. 2. a rachitide. 3. ab acidis. f Appetite depraved, or a Jo. rica ------ J strong desire of unnatu- L ral food. SPECIES. 1. infantilis. 2. chlorotica. [_-;__'_. 3. gravidarum. 4. medicatrix. 97. Polydipsia - - - Excessive thirst. 41 SYMPTOMATIC. 1. febrilis. 2. hydropica. 3. fluxuum. 4. a venenis. J Excessive and violent de- coition in men. 98. Satyriasis---^xcefv J (_ sire for 99. Nymphomania The same in women. Impatience when absent from one's native home, and vehement desire to IOO. Nostalgia--\ return, attended with gloom and melancholy, loss of appetite, and want of sleep. 101. Anorexia - - Appetite impaired. This is merely symptomatic. 102. Anathrodisia Impotence. SPECIES. 1. paralytica. 2. gonorrhoea, 42 CLASS IV. LOCALES. ORDER III. DYSCINESIA. GENERA. f Suppression of the voice, 103. Aphonia----J without either syncope, or (. coma. 104. MutitOS---Dumbness. SPECIES. 1. organica. 2. atonica. 3. surdorum. 105. Par aphonia- Depravation of voice. 106. Psellismus - - { ™*fd articulation of the 107. Strabismus - Squinting. 108. Contractura-\K .riSid contractIon of a £ joint. SPECIES. 1. tf£ injlammatione. 2. spasmo. 3. o£ antagonistas paryliticos* 4. #£ acrimonia irritante, 5. articularis. 43 CLASS IV. LOCALES. ORDER IV. APOCENOSES. 6ENERA. 109. Profusio - - - Loss of blood. 110. Epbidr 136. Luxatio - - - The disjointing of a bone. CLASS IV. LOCALES. ORDER VIII. DIALYSES. 137. Vulnus - - - - A wound. 138. Ulcus.....jAn u!fer discharginS P»s (_ or ichor. f Tetters, or an assemblage of little creeping ulcers, 139. Herpes_____' itchinS mucn>and n°t in- " "j clined to heal, but ter- minating in furfuraceous l scales. GENERA. 48 140. Tinea - \ A scald head. Small ulcers at the root of the hairs, which produce a friable white crust. 'The itch. Small pustules with watery heads, ap. 141. Psora ----<{ pearing first on the wrists, j and between the fingers. I Contagious. 142. Fractura - - The fracture of bones. 143. Caries - - - - The exulceration of bones. GENERAL INDEX; AN EXPLANATION OF THE TERMS. A. ADYNANLE, A defect of Vital Poivers ; from a, privitive ; and iwa«i<, Power........ AGEUSTIA, Aywrtx, Want of taste . . AGUE. V. Febris Intermittens. AMAUROSIS, Gutta Serena; A^i^-o-ir,! Obscurity.......r .........COItlPRESSIONIS,/™*; a pressure of the Optic Nerve. .........ATONICA,/,™* Debility. .........SPASMODICA, from Spasm. .........VENENATA,/, om Poison. AMENORRHEA, Suppression of the-) Menses; from « priv. Mrvtr, the C Menses ; and Via, to flow . . \ AMENTIA, Idiotism....... ANAESTHESIA, Av^o-Swia, Want rff Sensatim........f ANAPHRODISIA, Impotence; from v,~i priv. and a^oS^ia, tlie Feast of C Venus...... \ CI. Or. II II IV I IV I Gen. 93 87 IV V II IV IV I IV II 119 51 94 102 50 ANASARCA, Dropsy of the -whole Body ; from Ava, along; and 2«f£, the Flesh......... .........SEROSA,/re»* a retention, of from an over increase of Serum. .........EXANTHEMATICA,/™* Exanthemata. ^".Exanthemata. .........A COMPRESSIONE,/™* an Interruption of the Circulation. .........DEBILIUM,/tw Debility. ANEURISMA, Tumour of an Artery; from 1 Avev£vo-/xoe, Dilatation .... 5 ANOREXIA, Want of Appetite; from a,? neg. and o^i-ic, Appetite . .$ ANOSMIA, Avoa-fjioc, Without Smell . . ........ORGANICA, from a disease of the Schneiderian Membrane. .......ATONICA, no manifest cause appearing. APHONIA, Loss of Voice; from cc, priv.-J and c;m, the Voice ... . C APHRODISIACUS, Venereal Excess; from ApgoSiciav.o;, Venereus. APOCENOSES, Excessive Discharges. APOPLEXIA, Apoplexy ; from Atto and 7 TlKnaaa, to strike.....\ .........SANGUINEA, Sanguine- ous, from excess of Blood. • • • -......SEROSA, Serous, in per- sons of a cold temperament. ..........HYDROCEPHALICA, Hydrocephalic; from TSxg, Wa- ter ; and xEpaXn, the Head. ......... ATRABILARIA, from the suffusion of black Bile over the System. ......... TRAUMATICA, from external Violence; from Tgxvy.x, «fo{, a Wound. CI. Ill Or. 51 APOPLEXIA VENENATA,/r«w/ww». .........SUFFOCATA, from Suf- focating Exhalations. .........MEKTALIS, from passions of the Mind. .........CATALEPTICA. The Catalepsy; from KaraAnJ/Oj, a Seizure. The patient on a sud- den becomes stiff, and observes the same posture during the fit. APPETITE, Depraved. f.DvsoRExiA. ........Want of. V. Anorexia. ARTHRITICUS, Arthritic; from A^f«- V, a disease in the Joints. V. Podagra. ARTHRODYNIA, Chronic Rheumatism; from AgSrgov, a Joint; and OSvvd, _Pain. V. Rheumatismus. ARTHROPUOSIS, Infanimation occasion-^ ing a Collection of Matter; ! from Aftpv, a Joint; and Tlvu- f c-ic, Suppuration.....J ASCITES, Dropsy of the Abdemen; from 1 Ao-y.oc, a Sack......C .......ABDOMINALIS, The Abdo- minal, an equal swelling of the whole Abdomen. .......SACCATUS, The Encysted, the fluctuation is here less evi- dent, and the Swelling of the Abdomen at the first par- tial. ASTHMA, Frequent attacks of short breath-1 ing; from Artf^t, to breathe . . $ .......SPONTANEUM, -without any manifest cause. ........PLETHORICUM,/r0W Pie- thora. CI. Or. Gen. 21 III III 47 H 52 ASTHMA EXANTHEMATICUM, Exanibemati: ; from the repulsion of some humour. V. Exanthe- mata. ATROPHIA, A Slo-w Decay, or Atrophy ; from a, priv. and T^opx, Nutri- tion ......... .........INANITOSUM, from too great Evacuations. ......¥AMEl.lLOV\]M,fromfamine. ........CACOHYMICA, from cor- rupted Noun. hv:enl. ........DEBILIUM, from an imper- fection in the digestive Organ. B. BUBO*; from B«Cav, a Swelling in thei Groin........c BULIMIA, Canine Appetite ; from Bac, an Ox; and Ai^.£f,Hunger . . . BLEEDING at the Nose. V. Epistaxis. BLOOD, Extravasation of. V. Ecchv- MOMA. BLOODY FLUX, V. Profusio. BREATHING, Difficult. /.Asthma, or Dyspnoea. C. CACHEXIA, A bad habit of body ; from 7 Koly.oc, bad ; and Ei-ic, a habit . J C ALT GO, The Cataract...... CANCER, Cancer, a Crab .... CANINE APPETITE. V. Bulimia. CARDITIS, Inflammation of the Heart ;' from Kapha, the Heart Heart ;") . . .{ CI. Ill Or. Ill IV IV Gen. 125 95 124 9 * The vowels are placed first in this Index ; then follow the consonants. 53 CARIES, Rottenness in the Bones .... CATARACT. V. Calico. CATARRHUS, Catarrh; from Ka7«??©-,7 a Defluxion.......5 ..........A FRIGORE, from cold. ..........A CONTAGIO, from Contagion. The Influenza. CATARRH. V. Catarrhus. CELIAC PASSION. f.DiARRHceA. COLICA, The Colic; from Koxov, the Co-1 Ion..........5 ......SPASMODICA, Spasmodic, ari- sing from Spasms of the Abdo- minal Muscles. ......PICTONUM, The Painters, or Devonshire Colic. It arises from the poison of lead. ......STERCOREA, in persons of a costive Habit. CONSUMPTION. V. Phthisis. CONTRACTURA, Contraction of thel Limbs.........C ............AB INFLAMMA- TIONE,_/roOT inflammation. ............S?ASMO,from spasm. ............OB ANTAGONIS- TAS PARALITICOS,/™** the Antagonist Muscles losing their action. ............OB ACRIMONIA IRRITANTE,/rcwz some irritat- ing cause. ............ARTJCULARlS,/™» stiffness in the Joints. CONVULSIO, Convulsions..... CORNS. KClavus. CORPULENCY. V. Polysarcia. COSTIVENESS. V. Obstipatio. CHICKEN POX. V. Varicella. 54 CHILBLAIN. V. Phlogosis, Ery- thema. CHLOROSIS, The Green Sickness ; from? X\agoc, green, pale . . . .$ CHOLERA; from Xoxw, the Bile . . . CHOLERA, The Cholera Morbus; from Xoxw, the Bile. CHOREA, St. Vitus's Dance; from Xogua,') Dancing........3 CLAP. V. Gonorrhoea. CLAVUS, A Com........ CROUP. V. Cynanche Trachealis. CYNANCHE; from K^v, a Dog; and? Ay%v, to suffocate.....5 ..........MALIGNA. The putrid sore Throat. .........PAROTIDiEA. The Mumps. .........TRACHEALIS. The Croup. ....., . . . TONSILLARIS. Inflarn- matory Quinsy. CYSTITIS, Inflammation of the Bladder;! from Kvric, the Bladder . . .3 D. DEAFNESS. ^/Dysecoea. DEFECT in Vision. V. Dysopia. DIABETES, Immoderate fo-w of Urine; from Aia, through; and (iatva, to pass......... DIALYSES, The Destruction of Parts ;? from AiaKua, to dissolve . . .V DIARRHQ2A, A constant Looseness; from? Ataxia, to flow through . . .£ .........CRAPULOSA, The Fe- culent Diarrhoea ; from Crapulo- sus, one who overloads his sto- mach. CI. Ill II IV IV 55 DIARRHCEA BILIOSA, The Bilious; from an overflow of Bile. . .........MUCOSA, The Mucous ; a quantity of slime being voided. .........HEPATIRRHCEA, The Hepatic ; a flux of serous matter somewhat resembling flesh is voided, the liver being primarily affected; from Hrag, the liver; and geo, to flow. .........LIENTERIA. The Lien- tery ; the food passes unchanged. .........CCELIACA. The Celiac Passion. .........VERMINOSA, arising from Worms. DIGESTION, Bad. V. Dyspepsia. DUMBNESS. V. Mutitas. DYSESTHESIA ; A«r««r**na, Loss of 7 JSensation.......r DYSECOEA, Deafness ; from Ave, diffi-7 cult; and Axon, hearing . f DYSENTERIA, Dysentery ; from Av«vO 1tgta, Pain in the Bowels . C DYSOPIA, Defect in Vision..... .......TENEBRARUM, Requiring objects to be placed in a strong light. .......LUMINIS, Objects only dis- cernible in a -weak light. .......DISS1TORUM, In -which dis- tant objects are not perceived. .......PROXIMO RUM, in -which objects too near are not perceived. .......LATERALIS, In -which objects are not seen, unless placed in an ob- lique position. DYSOREXIA, A D-prwJ Appetite n from At/,-, bad ; and Ogsfr, Ap- C petite ..-..., \ CI. Or. Gen. IV IV I IV 90 35 88 IV 56 DYSPERMATISMUS, Difficult Emission-) of Semen ; from Ave, difficult ;(. and "X-rigf^a, Seed.....j DYSPEPSIA, Bad Digestion, from Av;,-f bad; and Ui-rh, to concoct . . \ DYSURIA, Difficulty in distharging Urine ;-\ from Av;, difficult; and Ovgov,C Urine........,y ........APJDENS, A sense of heat, -without any manifest disorder of the Bladder. ........SPASMODICA/"ro« Spasm. ........COMPRESSIONS, from a compression of the neighbouring parts. ........PHLOGISTICA ; from -Jo- tent Inflammation ; from <&koyoc, flamma. ........CALCULOSA, from stone in the Bladder. ........MUCOSA,/ro»z an abundant secretion of Mucus. DYSCINESLE, Difficulty of M tkn ; from 7 Auf, bad ; and k.v.-j, to move t DYSPNCEA, A constant Difficulty of-*. Breathing ; from Avg, difficult ; C and rivwi>, to breathe ... A DROPSY of the Brain, Hydrocephalus In- ternus. Z7. Apoplexia. ......of the -ivhole Body. V. ANA- SARCA. ......of the Abdomen. V. ASCITES. ......of the Womb or Ovaria. V. Hy- DROMETRA. ......of the Scrotum. ^".HYDROCELE. E. ECTOPIA, Parts Displaced; from Ex.. r..ux7*ivtjj))?, Pustulae Similis. EXANTHEMATA, Eruptions; from £*-? cc/iny.ot, a Pustule . . . . .$ EXOSTOSIS, Tumour on the Bones ; from? Ei; and Ortov, a Bone ... .5 CI. I IV :} FAINTING. V. Syncope. FEBRIS INTERMITTENS, An Inter- mittent Fever, or Ague . ......CONTINUA, a continued Fever HECTICA, an hectic Fever..... FUROR UTERINUS. V. Nympho- mania. FLUXES, V. Profluvia. FRACTURA, A Fracture..... FRAMBCES1A, The Ta-zus; from Fram- boise, Fr. a Raspberry . . . GANGLION, A Tumour on a Tendon . . GASTRITIS, An Inflammation of the Sto-\ mach \ from T?.rr,Q, the Stomach X .........PHLEGMONODEA,™///; Phlegmon ; from Oxsya-, to burn. .........ERYSIPEL ATOSA, from E^j,-i-r;>ac, a red Tumour. An Erysipelatous redness is ob- served about the fauces. GOUT. V. Podagra. GONORRHOEA; from TcWgg,ta, a Flux 7 of Seed........$ ...........PURA. not arising from impure connection. IV I IV I IV 59 GONORRHOEA IMPURA, arising from Venereal Virus. ..........LAXORUM, the person being a-wake. ..........DORMIENTIUM, from an impure imagination -when asleep. GUTTA SERENA. V. Amaurosis. GREEN SICKNESS. V. Chlorosis. H. HAEMOPTYSIS, Spitting of Blood; from 7 Aifj.cc, blood; and Hrva, to spit V ...........PLETHORICA, from fulness of the Vessels. ...........VlOLENTA,/ro»i some external violence. •..........PHTHISICA, Consump- tive; from p8i&>, to waste. ...........CALCULOSA,/n,«*7/- careous matter in the Lungs. ...........VICARIA,/ro*» the sup- pression of some customary evacua- tion. The termination of an Hemoptysis is in Phthisis. HJEMORRHAGLE, Hemorrhages; from ? Ai//.oggxyia,an Eruption of Blood C H^EMORRHOIS, The Piles; from A(^r 7 foif, a Flux of Blood . . . . C HEMIPLEGIA, Palsy of oue Side. V. Paralysis. HECTIC. FEVER. ^.Febris Hectica. HEPATITIS, Inflammation of the Liver . HERNIA, A Rupture....... HERPES, Tetters; from Egra, to creep . HOPPING COUGH. V Pertussis. HYDARTHUS, A White S-welling; from7 Tfug, Water; and Agbgov, a Joint $ CI. Or. I IV I IV I IV I II IV VII IV VIII IV VI I 60 HYDATIS, An hydatid; from TM><, a? Bladder........5 HYDROCELE, Dropsy of the Scrotum; from TSag, Water ; and Kr,x*, a Swelling........ HYDROCEPHALUS EXTERNUS, Ex-^ temal S-welling of the Head; from [ TSag, Water; and Ktpaxn, the | Head.........J HYDROCEPHALUS INTERNUS, Dropsy of the Brain ; from Tfag, Water ; and K^xi-, the Head. /^Apoplexia. HYDROMtTRA, Drobsy ,flthe Womb and-} its Appendage: ; from Tjbf, Wa- C ter ; and Mnrga, the Womb . j HYDROPHOBIA, Canine Madness; from7 T$vp,Water; and f the Hypcgustrh/m, and pain in some part of the Uiei'-.rc JAUNDICE. V. Ictbrus. _C1. / Or. Gen. K. KING'S EVIL. /^.Scrofula. LEPRA, Leprosy...... rri jri LIENTERY. V. Diarrhea. LOCALES, Local Affections. LOCKED JAW, or TRISMUS. V. Te- tanus. LONGINGS OF WOMEN. V. Pica LUES VENEREA. V. Syphilis and _ Gonorrhoea. LUMBAGO. V. Riieumatismus. LUMBAR AESCESS. V. Arthropu- osis. LUPIA, A Soft S-welling under the Skin . . IV VI LUXATIO, A Luxation...... IV VII 81 12§ 13S MADNESS, MELANCHOLY. V. Me- LAXCIIOLIA. ........H.-PPY. V. I.N5ANIA. ........FURIOUS. V. Mania. - 64 CL MANIA, Raving or Furious Madness. . . II MARCORES, Wasting...... Ill MEASLES. V. Rubeola. MELANCHOLIA, Melancholy Madr.ess. II MENORRHAGIA, Immoderate floiu of the-} Menses; from MiiVj a Month ;(. I and Vzya.(, a Rupture . . .' ........., . . RUBRA., Proper; from" •women neither -with child nor in child-birth ............ALBA, Serous. ; the Fluor Albus, or Whites. ............ViTRiORUM, from some local disease. ............ABORTUS, Abortive; from Women -with child. ............LOCHIALIS, from Women after delivery. MENSES, Immoderate flo-w of. V. Me- norrhagia. .......Suppression of. V. AMENOR- RHEA. MILIARIA, Miliary Fever..... MOTION IMPEDED. V. Dyscinesia. MUMPS. V. Cynanche Parotidcca. MUT1TAS, Dumbness....... N. NEPHRITICUS, Nephritic ; from N=??<- 7r.-, a disease of the Kidney. NEPHRITIS Lif.ai,i?;-mtio;i of the Kidney ;? from Kuco;, the Kidney . . .$ NERVOUS FEVER. V. Typhus Mi- _ tior. NEURC SES, Nervous Diseases ; from N:u- 7 gov, a Nerve.......\ NIGHT-MARE. V. Oneirodynia Gravans. IV 65 NOSTALGIA, Vehement desire of revisit--} ing one's Country ; from Nj>-:;j, to v return ; and Ayyoc, pain . .j NYMPHOMANIA, Furor Uterinus ; from} Hvufiz, Nympha; and JM«ia,C Madness........j O. OBSTIPATIO, Coitivcress..... .........DEBILIUM, In -weak and commonly dyspeptic persons. ......... RIGIDORUM, In persons of rigid fibres and a melancholy temperament. .........OBSTRUCTORUM,/™;* obstruction;. V. CoLICA. ODONTALGIA, The Tooth-ache; from7 OjV, a Tooth ; and A\yoe, Pain 5 ONEIRODYNIA, Disturbed Sleep ; from} o-jugov, a Dream; and 0"uv», C Anxiety........j ...........GRAVAKS.The Night- A [.ire. OPHTHALMIA, Inflammation of the Eye ;? from upsuhys,;, the Eye . . . £ P. PALPITATIO, Palpitation of the Heart . PALSY OF ONE. SIDE, H.^piegia. V. _PARALYSI5. PARACUSIS, Sir.gir.g in the Ears ; from 7 llxja, Wrone; and «■<»•.•, to hear § . . ,.......IMPERFECTA, When existing sounds are net heard as usual. ..........° IMAGINARIA, When i;n tginary sounds are herrd. PARALYSIS, Palsy; from Ilrv-^xuv, t<-? loose.........\ CI. Or. IV II IV II IV V I II II • IV I II IV 66 ci. PARALYSIS PARTIALIS, Partial; Pal- sy of some particular muscles. .........HEMIPLEGICA, Para- lysis of one side ; from 'H/u.irk>]%, ryoe, dimidia parte percussus. .........PARAPLEGICA, Palsy of one half of the body ; from n«- gccfknyiz. .........VENENATA, From the se- dative effects of poisons. V. Co- LICA PlCTORUM. PARAPLEGIA, Palsy of half of the Body taken transversely. V. Para- lysis. PARAPHONIA, Alteration of the Voice; from TLv.ga, Wrong ; and 4>uw, Sound ......... PERIPNEUMONIA, Peripncumony, or In- flammation of the Lunfs. V. P_NEUMO?n*IA. PERITONITIS, Inflammation of the Peri- tonesum........ PERTUSSIS, The Hooping Cough . . PESTIS, The P'.J'ue....... PICA, PartieJar Longings..... PILES. V. Hjemorrhois. PODAGRA, The Gout; from riw,-, the7 Foot ; and Aynx, taken . . .^ .........REGULAR1S, The Re- gular. .........ATONICA, Atonic ; from Ahm;,aTieg. and Taw, to stretch. .........RETROGRADA, Ihtro- cedent. .........ABERRANS, Misplaced, or -wandering. POLYDIPSIA, Excessive Thirst; from7 Tlo\ivc, much ; and AivU, Thirst \ POLYPUS. V. Sarcoma. IV II I IV IV ! IV gnv, the Mind V PHTHISIS, Pulmonary Consumption ; from 7 &$ia, to consume.....1 ........INCIPIENS, Incipient; with- out any expectoration of Pus. ........HUMIDA, Purulent; with an expectoration of Pus. ........SCROPHULOSA;/>™*&*-o- phula, Tubercles in the Lungs. ........HjEMOPTOICA,/r«* He- moptysis. ........EXANTHEMATICA,.?-,™ Exanthemata. .......• CHLOROTICA, From Chlo- rosis. ........SYPHILITICA, From a Ve- nereal Ulcer in the Lungs. PHYSCONIA, Enlargement of the Abdomen; from *utncav, a big-bellied fel- low ......... PHYSOMETRA, Windy Snivelling of the Uterus; from vtroj, to inflate ; and w.'Jgx, the Womb . . PLAGUE. V. p£bTis. K 68 ci. Or. Ill PLEURITIS, Pleurisy, or Inflammation of the Pleura. V. Pneumonia. PLICA POLONICA. V. Trichoma. PNEUMATOSIS, Emphysema, or Windy! S-wellings........y ...........SPONTANEA, With- out any manifest cause. ...........TRAUMATICA, From a Wound. ..........VENENATA ,From Poison. ..........HYSTERICA, With Hy- steria. PNEUMONIA, from Uvw/xuv, the Lungs PROFLUVIA, Fluxes....... PROFUSIO, The Bloody Flux .... PROLAPSUS, A Protrusion..... PROTRUSION, or Falling down. V. Prolapsus. PSEUDOBLEPSIS, Imaginary Vision of} objects; from "VivSoc, false ; and C B\t ■ T III III III IV VI III III II III 70 ci. Or. SPEECH, Dtfect of. V. Psellismus. SPITTING OF BLOOD. V. Hemop- tysis. SPLENITIS, Inflammation of the Spleen . . SQUINTING. V. Strabismus. ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE. V. Erysife- las. ST. VITUS'S DANCE. V. Chorea. STRABISMUS, Wga&o-/**>;, Squinting . . SWEATING. V. Ephydrosis. SWELLING OF THE HEAD, External. V. Hydrocephalus Exter- NUS. SYNOCHA, lv^x°s> continued. V. Fe- BRIS C0NTINUA. #YNCOPE, Fainting ; from Tvvxmlu, to strike down....... ........CARDIACA, The CardJae Syncope ; arising from some or- ganic affection of the heart, or neighbouring vessels, and re- turning -witkout any manifest cause. ........OCCASIONALIS, The ex- citing cause being manifest. SYPHILIS, Lues Venerea..... T. TABES, A Wasting of the Body .... ......PURULENTA ; from an ulce- rous discharge. ...... SCROPHULOSA ; from a tcro- phulous habit. ......VENENATA ; from Poison. TASTE, Want of V. Ageustia. TEARS, A Flux of. V. Epiphora. TETANUS, Spasm ivith Rigidity, from niva, to stretch. Gen- 14 71 TETANUS OPISTHOTONOS, Where the body is thrown back by spas- modic contractions of the Mus- cles ; from O/na-3-oTovfl?, bent back. ........EMPROSTHOTONOS, The body being bent for-wards ; from E/n.Tfoo-Sriv, before; and two, to stretch. .........TRISMUS, The Locked Ja-w; from Jgio-fjcoq, stridor. 'FETTERS. V Herpes. TINEA, A Scald Head...... TOOTH-ACH. V. Odontalgia. TUM5RES, Tumours....... TUSSIS EXANi'HEMATICA. A Covgh attendant on an eruption. THIRST, Excessive^ V. Polydipsia. TRICHOMA, An Entanglement of the Hair; from <3gi%, Tgi^o;, and K.'1/jcn, the Hair...... TYMPANITES, Tympany, Tvpxuvov, a? Drum.......". .5 ...........INTESTINAL1S, A lodgment of -wind in the Intes- tines. ...........ABDOMINALIS, Wind in the Abdomen. TYPHUS, Tvfoc, Stupor. V. Febris Continua. .......PETECHIALS, Typhus -with Petechia. .......MITIOR, The milder Typhus, or Slo-w Fever. .......GRAVIOR, The Oppressive, or Putrid Fever. .......ICTERODES, The Yello-w Fever; from h.ligdn;, Felle ef- fusus. CI. Or. Gen. I IV III III VIII VI III II 140 83 66 72 VARIOLA, The Small Pox ... . ........DISCRETA, The Distinct. ........CONFLUENS, Confluent. VARICELLA, The Chicken Pox . . VARIX, The Tumour of a Vein . . . VERRUCA, A Wart...... W. WHITE SWELLING. V. Arthro- CI. Or. J Ill I PI IV VI IV VI PART II. A COMPENDIUM OF THERAPEUTICS, WITH FORMULAE. / \ CONTENTS. EMETICA......................... I. CATHARTICA...................... II. DIAPHORETICA.................... III. DIURETICA........................ IV. EPISPASTICA...................... V. EXPECTORANTIA................... VI. ERRHINA......................... VII. SIALAGOGA........................ VIII. EMMENAGOGA...................... IX. ANTHELMINTICA................... X. LITHONTHRIPTICA................. XI. ANTACIDA......................... XII. ATTENUANTIA..................... XIII. ANTISEPTICA...................... XIV. ASTRINGENTIA..................... XV. CORROSIVA........................ XVI. DEMULCENTIA..................... XVII. STIMULANTIA.....................XVIII. ANTISPASMODICA................... XIX. L MEDICINES ARRANGED CLASSES AND ORDERS. CLASS I. EMETICA. I. Irritantia. Antimon. tartarisatum. . gr. 1.—gr. 6. Zincum vitriolatum . . gr. 10.—scr. 2. Hydrargyrus vitriolatus gr. 4.—gr. 12. Ipecacuanha . . . . gr. 8.—scr. 1. Asarum, rad.....scr. 1.—dr. 1. Scilla exsiccata . . . gr. 4.—gr. 6. II. Calefacientia. Sinapi......dr. 1.—dr. 4. Raphanus rusticanus . . scr. 1.—dr. ~. Chamaemelum .... scr. 1.—dr. 1. III. Narcotica. Nicotiana.....dr. -§.—an. 4. Digitalis.....gr. 2.—gr. 5. 78 CLASS II. CATH ART1CA. ORDERS. I. Stimulantia. Jalapium . . Senna . . • Aloe socotorina Colocynthis Calomelas . . Scammonium . Gambogia . . Elaterium . . II. Calefacientia. Guaiacum gummi-resina III. Refrigerantia. Natron vitriolatum . . Kali vitriolatum . . . Flores sulphuris . . . Cassia fistularis . . . IV. Astringentia. Rhabarbarum .... . gr. 10.—scr. 1{. scr. 1___dr. 2. gr. 10.—scr. If. gr. 4.—gr. 12. gr. 4>.—gr. 12. gr. 5.—gr. 15. gr. 4.—gr. 15. gr. 1—gr. 5. Sr' . lO.—dr. 1. V. Emollientia. Oleum ricini Manna . . dr. 4.—tin. l\. dr. 4.—un. 1. scr. 1.—dr. 1. un. -|.—un. 1 ■*-< gr. 15.—dr. 1. dr. 4.—un. 2. dr. A.—un. 2. 79 ORDERS. VI. Narcotica. Nicotiana..... dr. h—un. 4. ctf. Hyoscyamus . . . ' gr- 1—gr. 3. Digitalis..... gr. 2.—gr. 5. CLASS III. DI APHORETICA. I. Calefacientia. Serpentaria .... gr. 10—scr. 2. Contrayerva .... gr. 10—scr. 2. G. Guaiacum .... gr. lO.—scr. 2. Arnica, flos .... dr. 1. Liq. volat. Cornu Cervi gt. 20.—gt. 60. Oleum essen. lavendulas gt. 4.—gt. 10. II. Stimulantia. Antimonium tartarisatum gr. \. o. h. Vinum Antimonii gt. 5.—gt. 60. gr. I. III. Antispasmodica. Opium..... gr- {-—gr. 1. Moschus .... gr. 10.—scr. If Camphora .... gr. 4.—scr. 1. Ipecacuanha . . . . gr. 1. 80 ORDERS. IV. Diluentia. Serum lactis . . . ad libitum. CLASS IV. DIURETICA. I, Stimulantia. Colchicum rad. . - • gr- i—gr- 2. Daucus Sylvestris . un. f ad lb. I. Genista cac. . . . . un. \. ad lb. \. Juniper, cac. manip . . 1. d. coch. 2. Taraxaci sue. . . un. 1.—un. 3. Terebinthina . • . scr. 1.—dr. 1. Scilla .... . gr. 2.—gr. 6. 'gr. h Apium. II. Refrigerantia. Acetum .... . un. \.—un. I. Acetosa .... . un. 4.—un. 6. Petroselinum . . dr. {. Kali prasparatum . . gr. 12.—scr. 1. Kali acetatum . . . gr. 20.—gr. 30. Nitrum..... . gr. 10.—gr. 25. Berberis HI. Diluentia. Serum lactis . . . ad libitum. 81 CLASS V. EPISPASTICA. ORDERS. I. Rubefacientia. Sinapi. Raphanus rusticus. Cortex radicis mezerei. II. Vesicantia. Cantharides. CLASS VI. EXPECTORANTIA. I. Stimulantia. Allium . . . Ammoniacum Enula . . . Hyssopus . . Marrubium Scilla . . . Antimonium . Vesicatoria. Nicotians; fumus. . dr. 1.—dr. % . gr. 15.—dr. -1-. . scr. 1.—dr. 1. manip. 1.—vet. 2. manip. \. • g>: S.—gr. 6. . scr. 1.—scr. 2. 82 ORDERS. II. EmoUientia. Glycyrrhiza Spermaceti Tussilago . Vapores . dr. 2.—un. 1. . dr. \.—dr. 1. . ad libitum. . ad libitum. CLASS VII. ERRHINA Siimulantia. Beta, rad. sue. Betonica, fol. Euphorbium Asaru . . Helleborus Nicotiana . gr- gr. gr- gr. ad libitum. S.—gr. 4. 5.—gr. 10. CLASS VIII. SIALAGOGA. I. Topica. Angelica Nicotiana Piper ad libitum. gr. JO.—sc'ri 1. 83 ORDERS. Scilla; .... . . gr. 3.-—gr. 6. Sal Prunellae . . . . gr. S.—scr. 1. II. Interna. Ung. hydr. mitius . . dr. 1. Ung. hydr. fortius . . dr. x. Pilulas ex hydr. • • gr. 12.—gr. 20. CLASS IX. EMMENAGOGA. I. Stimulantia. Borax .... > . gr. 10.—scr. 1. Aloe soc. . . . • gr. 10.—scr. 1. Sabina .... • gr. 5.—scr. 1. Rubia..... • gr. 15. Cantharides. . . • gr. i. Electricitas. Hydrargyrus. I. Tonica. Ferri rubigo . . . . gr. 5.—scr. I. ---- limatura . . . . gr. 5.—scr. 1. Lavatio frigida. Corporis exercitio. Diaeta lauta. M 84 ORDERS. III. Antispasmodica. Asafcetida.....scr. 1.—scr. 2. Myrrha......gr. 10.—gr. SO. Castoreum.....gr. 10.—gr. 30. Pediluvium. CLASS X. ANTHELMINTICA. I. Venenosa. Stannum.....gr. 15.—gr. 60. Hydrar. cum Sulphure . scr. 1.—dr. 1. Spigelia......dr. 4-. Felix.......dr. 2.—dr. 4. Helleborus foetidus . . gr. 1.—gr. 8. Hydrargyrus. II. Irritantia. Stizolobiurn (dolichos pruriens, L. S. P.J Corallina.....scr. 1.—«rr. 3. III. Lubricantia. Oleum oli varum . . .dr. 4.—un. 1. Oleum ricini .... dr. 4.—«n. 1. IV. Tonka. Sabina......gr. 5.—scr. 1. Santonicum . . . .dr. 1. 85 Tanacetum. Ferrum vitriolatum . . gr. 2.__gr. 8. Limatura Fe'rri . . . gr. 5.__Scr. 1. Aqua calcis. V. Cathartica. Sapo.......un. 1. Jalappa......scr. l.—scr. 2. Rheum......gr. \q,__gt.m 30. Aloe soc......gr. 10.—gr. 20. Scammonium . . . . gr, 4,,_pT, jg, Gambogia.....gr. 2—gr. 6. CLASS XL LITHONTHRIPTICA. I. Antacida. Sapo.......dr. \.—dr. 2. Aqua calcis . . . . un. 4.—un. 8. Aqua kali puri . . . gt. 10.—gt. 60. Aqua mephitica alkalina. II. Adstrigentia. V 86 CLASS XII. ANTACIDA. ORDERS. I. Eccoprotica. Sapo.......gr. 5__gr. 30. Magnesia.....gr. 5.—gr. 40. Alkalina. II. Restringentia. Creta. ppt......scr. 1.—scr. 2. Testas ostreorum, ppt. . scr. 1.—scr. 3. Aqua calcis . . . . un. 4.—un. 8. CLASS XIII. ATTENUANTIA. I. Diluentia. Serum lactis. II. Deobstruentia. Sapo. Sales Neutri. Hydrargyrus. Alkalina. Spongia usta .... scr. 1.—scr. 2. 87 CLASS XIV. ANTISE PTICA. ORDERS. I. Tonka. Cortex peruvianus . . gr. 10.__dr. 2. Absinthium .... scr. 1___dr. ~. Chamaemaelum . . . scr. 1.__dr. -1-. II. Refrigerantia. Sales acidi. Sales neutri. Fructus and vegetabilia. III. Siimulantia. Camphora .... Asafcetida .... Vinum. Alkohol .... Oleum terebinthinae . . gr. 3.—gr. 24. . gr. 15.—dr. |. . dr. f--dr. 1. . gt. 10—gt. 30. 88 CLASS XV. ASTRINGENTIA. I. Styptica. Alumen .... > gr- l.—gr. 24. Ferrum vitriolat. . . . gr. l.—gr. 6. Ferrum ammoniacale • gr- S.-gr. 12. Ferri rubigo .... • gr- 5.—gr. 24. Ferri limatura .... ■ gr. 5.—scr. 1. Zincum calcinatum . . gr. 2.—gr. 10. Zinc, vitriolatum . . . gr- l.—gr. 5. i Caprum. II. Corrugantia. Rosa. Tormentil..... scr. 2.—dr. 1. Cortex peruvianus gr. 10.—dr. '2. Simarouba..... gr- 10.—gr. 24. Sanguis draconis . . . gr. 5.—scr. 1. Quercus. Gallse. III. Indurantia. Alkohol. Acidum vitrioli. dilutum gt- 10.—p. 20. IV. Tonka. Exercitium. Frictio. 89 CLASS XVI. CORROSIVA. ORDERS. I. Erodentia. Cuprum vitriolatum. Allumen ustum. II. Caustka. Argentum nitratum. Acidum vitriolicum. CLASS XVII. DEMULCENT I A. Gummi arabicum . . un. 1.—un. $. Oleum amygdalarum . dr. 2.—un. 4. Spermaceti . . . . gr. 15.—gr. 60. Althsa......manip. 1.—2. Caricas......dr. 4.—un. 1. Malva......manip. 1.—2. Lini semen . . . .dr. 4.—un. 1. 90 CLASS XVIII. STIMULANTIA. ORDERS. I. Topica. Sinapi......dr. 1.—dr. 2. Raphanus rusticus . . dr. \.—scr. 1. Cantharides . . . . gr. -§.—gr. 2. Mercurii prseparationes. II. Diffusibilia. Alkali volatile. Calor. Cinnamomum. Nux moschata. Vinum. Electricitas. Tinct. Opii . gt. 3.—gt. 5, 91 CLASS XIX. ANTISPASMODICA. 9RDERS. I. Siimulantia. Alkali volatile. Olea essentialia. Spiritus vini. ./Ether vitriolicus Valeriana . Asafoetida . Camphora Moschus * Opium Electricitas. , gf. 30.—;gt. 100. gr. 10.—dr. 2. gr. 20.—gr. 40. gr. 3—gr. 24. gr. 8.—gr. 24. gr. 1—gr. 3. II. Tonka. Cortex peruvianus Ferrum . . . Zincum. calcin. . Cuprum. Exercitium. V. Astringentia. gr. 10.—dr. f. gr. 10.—gr. 20. gr. *.—gr. 10, N 92 CLASS I. EMETICA. F0RMULJB. 1. &■ 2. §>. 3. $. 4. §,. 5. &. 6. $>. •7. *. 8. R,. ad- {Antim. tart. . Ipecac. . . . p. r. n. s. f Vin. antimon. < Oxymel Scillae Cp. r. n. s. T Oxymel Scillse [p. r. n. s. {Oxymel Scillae Sue. raph. rust. p. r. n. s. f Vin. i ■j Syr. \ K.V. s. pec. . violar. Vin. ipec. . Vin. antim. Syr. viol. . jv. s. I"Antim. tart. J Ipecac. . ") Calomel . i^v. s. 93 CLASS II. CATHARTICA. 9- &• 10. $>. 11. $>. 12. $,. 13. $,. {Jalap...... Zinzib....., c. m. 'Aloe soc..... Myrrh..... Croci...... Alkohol..... Digere. Cola. d. dr. 4.—un. Elixir Proprietatis. 'Aloe' soc. .... G. guaiac..... Pulv. arom. Bals. perur.....5a Syr. cort. aur. / Pill. d. scr. 1. f Aloe soc. Extr. gentian. . . . ad \ Calomel..... Mucil. gum. arab. . . If. Pill. 11° 50 d. Pill. 2.L ("Aloe soc. j Extr. gentian. . . . aa (Ferri vitriolat. . . . Syr. rosas..... / Pill d. gr. 10. L s. s. gr. 25. scr. 1. dr. 12. un. 2. un. 1. lb. 2. 1. Sign. dr. 12. un. 1. dr. 4. dr. 1. gr. 24. q. s. s. dr. 1. gr. 15. q. S. 94 tORMVLJE. 14. &. aa un. 1. 15. &. < 'Aloe soc. Colocynth. Scammon..... Extr. Jalap .... Syr. simp..... ./. Pill d. gr. 12. h. s. s. aa dr. 1. dr. 3. J Scammon. G. guaiac.....aa scr. 1. Aq. cinnam. I Syr. rosse . . . . ad dr. 2. if haust. hydrag. m. s. fElaterii..... gr. ;. 17. 5°. ■< Extr. gentian. ... gr. 4. (.o- £• h. s. fFlor. Sulph. ic t> J Cremor tart. . . . da un. 1. 18, ** 1 Mel....... q.i. L/. Elect, d. dr. 1. p.r.n. ' Kali vitriolat. Jalap. 19. &. \ Valer. sylv.....«« £ Cons, rosar..... scr. 2. h. s. s. f G. Guaiac. j Sach. alb.....da dr. 2. 25. $>. \ Extr. Gent..... dr. 1. I Mucil. G. arab. . . q. s. [f PiLd.gr. 15. rCort. rad. Mezerii recent, un. 1. J Aq. font.....cong. 1 \ 26. §>. <{ Coque ad Cong. 1. & adde Glycyr...... un. 1. d. un. 6. ter in die. f~ Sulph. antim. prsecip. gr. 10. qy -n \ Hydrargyr. e sulph. dr. 2. ^" j Guaiac...... scr. 2. [.fpulv. No. 10. c. 1. p.m. & v. f Sulph. antim. prascip. dr. 2. Calomel..... scr. 2. on Ti j 01. Sassafras ... gt. 40. ■v" 1 Extr, \\g. guaiac. . . dr. 7. [ Syr. papav. alb. . . q. s. If Pill. 80. d. No. 2. o. n. i: 97 FORMULA. 29. R,. 31. $. 32. R,. 33. $,. 34, $, 35. §,. fMist. Camph. < Vin. Antimon. (.A. s. s. rCamph. . . • <*rt W. JTart- emet' * * 30. #. < £lect x Sc0rdi0 L^. s. s.' {Mosch. Cons. ros. h. s. s. Mosch. (sach. alb. trit.) Aq. cinnam. . . . d. un. 1. I {Tinct. Opii. Vin. antimoi d. gt. 30. ad antimon. . . . gt. 30. ad 120. h.s. Tinct. Opii. . . , Vin. ipec..... Aq. Ammon. Acetat. Aq. rosar. ... Sacch. alb..... _h. s. s. C Kali praepar. I Sue. limon. \ Aq. cinnam. . . | Syrup, papav. errat. lp. r. n. s. un. 1. gt. 40. gr. 5. gr. 1. scr. 1. gr. 10. scr. 1. gr. 30. un. 6. dr. 1. dr. 3. gt. 40. dr. 3. dr. 4. un. 1. dr. 2. scr. 1. dr. 4. un. 1. dr. 1. 98 CLASS IV. DIURETICA. FOTLMVLM. 36. $. 37. &. 38. \. 39. $. 40. $. 41. $. pSem. dauc. sylv. J Bac. junip. . . "j Aq. font. . . [^Digere. Cola. d. un. fSem. dauc. sylv. I Sapon. alb. . . < Millep. ppt. j Muc. gum. arab. If Pill. d. scr. 1. o. f Juniper bac. ■j Vin. alb. . . L Digere. d. un. 2. ter fTereb. venet. Mucil. g. arab. Aq. puleg. . . I Syr. e cort. aur. lh. s. s. f Tinct. cantharid. Infus. cort. per. \ Aq. N. M. I Syr. cort. aurant. \_bis in die. fKali .... J Rhei .... "l 01. juniper . . {^h. s. s. 2. o. n. 99 FORMULJB. 42. $. 43. $. fKali. Jalap. Raphan. rust. . • . da un. 1. Ciner. genist. Millep......da un. 2. Vin. rhen..... lb. 4. ^Digere. Cola. d. un. 2. Oxymel scillse ... dr. 3. Conf. arom. . . . scr. 1. Aq. fseniculi .... un. 1. Aq. cinnam. ... dr. 1. 44. &. 45. $. 46. $ {Scillse exs Sapon. all c. m. £3° v exsic alb. f"Scill. recent. . . J Ammon. pulv. . . "l Pulv. tragac. c. l_y~. Bolus. 6. ter in die s. b inct. scill. . . . Aq. cinnam. . . Syr. caryoph. rubr. Haustus. ter in die s. gr. 4. scr. 1. gr. 10. gr. 15. gr. 5. gt. 30. un. If, dr. 1. 0 FORMULA. 100 CLASS V. EPISPASTICA. "Lin.'Sapon. comp. . un. 1], 47. R. ^ Tinct. Canth. ... un. {. wf. Lin. quod.part, affect, infricelur. f" Lin.'Si r. R. 4 Tinct. if. Lin. CLASS VI. EXPECTORANTIA. {Oxymel scillae. ... dr. 2. Aq. cinnamom. . . . un. 1. c. w. J rScillse recentis. ._ J Gum. ammon. . . . ad un. 1. 49. &. -J G1ycyr...... g, ,. L/. P/7/. d. jrr. 1. m. s. f Enulss. I Glycyr. 50. R. croci..... . ^ Corallinae .... dr. 1. j Syr. cort. aur. ... q. s. If Pill. d. scr. 1. m. & v. {Stanni..... un. 1. Theriac...... un. 4. d. un. 1. o. m. {Spigelian..... dr. 12. Aq. font..... lb. 3. f Infusio. d. un. 6. m. Sff v. ( Santonici. | Rhei. 63. R. o tj /". Trochisci 60. OO. JKj. ^Vr , .. A ^ Horum unus h. s. lingua suppositus, ibi per noctem lente deliquescat. t Troches for the Bronchocele. 104 CLASS XIV. 10RMULM. 69. R. 70- R. 71. R. 72. R. 73. R. ANTISE PTICA. ["Decoct, cort. Per. . . dr. 12. Tinct. cort. Per. comp. dr. 2. < Pulv. cort. Per. . . scr. 1. Syr. cort. aur. ... dr. .1. _q. h.s. 'Decoct, cort. Per. . . un. 8. Conf. arornat. ... dr. 2. Tinct. serpent. ... dr. 4. Aq. cinnam. ... dr. 12. Syr. croci..... dr. 4. d. Wn. 2. 4. q. h. 'Cort. Per..... un. 5. Myrrh..... un. 1. Sp. vin. tenui. ... lb. 2. Digere. cola. d. dr. 4. ter in die. Addendo superioribus. Acid vitriol, dilut. gt. 10. ad gt. 20. p. r. n. Sue. limon..... dr. 4- Kali. Confect. arom. . . . da scr. 1. Syr. tolut..... dr. 1. Aq. cinnamom. . . un. 1. w?. h. s. TMist. camph. ... un. 1. [ Tinct. asafoetid. . . dr. 2. IAq. ammonise acetat. dr. 3. Syr. croci..... dr. 1. q. h. s. 105 CLASS XV. ASTRINGENTIA; 74. R. 75. R. 76. R. 77. R. { $>■ dr. 2. un. 1. dr. 12. q. s. ("Alum..... gr. 3a J Sang, dracon. ... dr. 1, "l Syr. ros...... q. s. if Pill. n° 28. c. Pill. 3. ter in die. fAlum .... | Cort. Per. . . Conserv. ros. Syr. ros. . . . /. Elect, c. M. N. M. ter in die f Limat. ferri. | Ter. japon. . . « Cort. Per. . . Syr zinzib..... / Elect, c. M. N. M. ter in die ' Ferri rubig. Cort. Peruv.....ad un. 1. Spec, arom..... dr. 4. Cons. cort. aur. . . un. 2. Syr. cort. aur. ... q. s. f Elect, c. M. N. M. ter in die. Ferri vitriolat. Myrrh. Flor. chamsemel . . da gr. 10. bis die s. da dr. un. 1- i 106 FORMULA. 79. R. i 80. R. 81. R. 82. R. 83. R. ("Zinc, vitriolati. . . . gr. 25. J Rhei...... gr. 5. J Thereb. venet. ... q. s. {jbis d. s. 'Cort. Peruv. Confect. aromat. . . da scr. 1. J Aq. cinnam. ... dr. 12. | Spirit, cinnam. I Syr. cort. aur. ... dr. 1. \_m. s. C Tinct. cort. Per. comp. dr. 1.—dr. 3. [_bis in die. {Tine Vin. c.dr. Tinct. cort. Per. comp. un. 1. ferri..... dr. 4. 4. ter in die. f Tormentil. j Cort. Peruv. bul...... /k 4,_ 109 CLASS XIX. ANTISPASMODICA. FORMULA. 93. R. 94. R. 95. R. 96. R. 97. R. 98. R. {Asafoetid..... 01. anisi..... d. gr. 24. p. r. n. s. ("Camphor..... J Gum. arab..... j Syr. papav. alb. . . \^f bol. p. r. n. s. f Mosch...... Gum. arab..... Aq. ros. ...... Syr. papav. aib. . . id. un. 1. p. r. n. s. f Mist, moschat. . . . < JEther. vitr. . . . \.p. r. n. s. Mosch...... Asafoetid. Camph. ..... ] Tinct. opii..... Syr. papav. alb. J. Pill.W 20. d. Pill, 5. f Valerian..... j Aq. cinnam. . . against; and cr-itou*, to contract XIX Astringentia...-----astringo, fo bind.....XV Attenuantia ...-----attenuo, to make thin . . . XIII Cathartica .. . .-----KaBotiga, to purge..... II Corrosiya.....-----corrodo, to corrode .... XVI Demulcentia ...-----demulceo, to assuage . . . XVII Diaphoretica ... —— tx, to make water ... . IV Emmenagoga ..-----tv, in ; ^w, the menses; and ayu,f to draw......y Epispastica ....-----cri, and execa, to draw ... V Errhlna.......-----fv, in ; and pc, the nose ... VII Expectorantia ..-----ex, out; and pectus, the breast . VI Lithonthriptica.-----hi%;, a stone, and Bhutto, to break XI Sialagoga.....----- 12, C 14, 15, 58 . S Burnt Allum IV. F. 74, 75 $V.F. 10 . ! Alkali Alkali volatile Allium Althxa . . Amygdala dulcis . Ammoniacum gum- mi-resina . . . Ammonia Ammoniacum Angelica . . \V0 13 •latile Allah Garlic . \ Marshmallozu I V. F. 90 . S Sweet Almond. I V. F. 85. C Gum-resin of Ammonia- ■\ cum. L V. F. 49 V. F. 45. um Ammonieieum F. 41 . . . . \Gu IV. Class. 1 XIX XIV IV IV I XV XVI ? II { IX \ XVI XIV XV f XII XIII I XVIII XIX VI i XVII XII ■} VI VIII 114 Antimonium tartan- SZ?"^ Afm°"y -,.,__ S Olim Tartar Emetic SuatUm.....t^.F.1,2,8,22. . Apium.....Parsley . . . . Aqua......Water..... ---- ammonias ace- C Water of Ammonia. tata.....IV. F. 34, 73. r Cinnamon Water. . V. F. 16, 20,32,35, cinnamomi . .< .„ . ' ' ' ' 7 43,46, 48, 70,72, L 80, 98. ----calcis . . . . Lime Water. , . ,• C Fennel Water. -----funiculi . . .JrR43> -----kali puri . . . Water of pure Kali . ----mephitica alka- ) Una.....y , .. V Nutmeg Water. ----nucis moschatx J^R|0>98. , .. C Pennyroyal Water. ----pulegu . . .^Ff32j52>loa C Rose Water. ----rosarum . . • ^ R 24> 95% Aromatic powder. . . ^".Pulvisaromaticus. Argentum nitratum Nitrated Silver . . Arnica.....Leopard's bane Arsenicum .... Arsenic .... Asafoetida V. F. 93, 97 Asarum.....Asarabacca Baccus juniperi Juniper Berry. V. F. 21, 36", 38. Class. I II IV IV III X XI XI XI XVI III XV IX XIV XIX I VIII 115 C Balsam of Peru. tV.F.lh Balsamum Peruvia- num .... Bearsfoot....... V. Uva Ursi. Beet......... V. Beta. Berberis....... Barberry .... Beta......... Beet ...... Betonica....... Betony..... Bitter apple..... V. Colocynthis. Broom tops...... V. Genistas Cacumen. Calomelas ..... Calor....... Camphora..... Camphorated mixture Cantharides .... C Calomel.....-\ JV. F. 8, 12, 28,53,59, i Warmth S Camphor..... I V. F. 30, 94, 97. $V. Mistura Campho- C rata. Spanish Fly Carica Cardamomum . Castoreum. . . , Cineres genista;. Cinchona .... Cinnamomum. , Couhage . . , . . Coccinella . . . Colchicum . . . S The Fig . . I V. F. 90. V Cardamom Seed. I V. F. 22. i The Ashes of Broom. [ V. F. 42. V. Cortex Peruvianus. Cinnamon . . V. Stizolobiurn. I Cochineal. \ V. F. 22. Meadow Saffron . . . Q Class. Or, IV VII VII II III XVIII III XIV XIX IV V IX XVIII XVII IX XVIII IV 116 Coltsfoot....... Conserva rosarum Coriandrum . . . , Cornu cervi ustum Cortex Peruvianus Cortex radicis me- zerei ....... Corporis exercitio . Corallina...... Conserva corticis aurantii..... Confectio aromatica Contrayerva . Colocyntliis .. . V. Tussilago. C Conserve of Poses. . JV. F. 24, 31, 67,75, L 87, 91. \ Coriander. tV.F. 22. 9 Burnt Hartshorn. I V F. 63. C Peruvian Bark . . ^ p . • i •• $ Extract of Jalap. Extractum jalapii ,.j„F ./ ^ r \ Extractum ligni gu- aiaci Ferrum....... Iron r,. C Rusi ern rubigo . . . . | v R ?? ----lim:itura . . . Ferrum ammonia- cale....... Guaiacum of Iron Filings of Iron C Amoniacal Iron X V. F. 56. 118 Ferrum vitriolatum " Vitriolated Iron . . . \V.F. 13, 54, 57, 58, . 78...... V. Limatura Ferri. Fern Root..... Filings of Iron . Filix...... Foxglove....... V. Digitalis. C Chamomile Flowers. •IV.F. 65. SFlozvers of Sulphur . .1 '\V.F. 18,50 ... .5 ^.Spiritus Vini Gallici. Flores chamaemeh' sulphuris French Brandy . . Fructus et vegetabilia Fruits and vegetable. Galls........ Galls...... C Gamboge.....f Gambogia.....ir.F.CG.....\ Garlic %....... ^.Allium velTheriaca Genistas cacumina Broom Tops .... Ginaer........ V. Zinziber. . . . . f Gum Arabic. Gummi Arabicum j ^ R g5; ^ 9-_ . C Gum-resin of Guaiac gummi-^R n> 16> 24j 27 Li, Glycyrrhiza .... -5 V.'f. 26, 49, 50, 8: Guaiacum rcsina . C Liquorice AV.F. 26, t 90 . «! H. Helleborus..... Hellebore.....< Henbane....... V. Hyoscyamus. Honey........ V. Mel. Horehound...... V. Marrubium. Horse-radish..... ^".Raphanus Rusticanus. Hyoscyamus .... Henbane..... 119 I . " f Vitriolated Quicksilver . C Quicksilver with Sul- ----------cum \ *" , < pour..... " L V. F. 27, 60 . . . . , . Mercury..... sulphure I. Indian Pink Infusio corticis Pe- Ipecacuanha Jalapium . Japan earth Juniperi cacumina Kali prasparatum ----tartarisatum ----acetatum . ----vitriolatum . Lac ammoniaci Leopard's bane Lemon j, ice Liq;u'ice . . Limatura . . Lime water V. Spigelia. Infusion of Bark. F. 40. V. F. 2, 8 . t Perw. SJ^p..... IV. F. 9, 19, 20, 66 . V. Terra Japonica. Juniper Tops £ Prepared Kali I V. F. 35 . . V. F. 41, 42, 72, Acetated Kali Vitriolated Kali ) Milk of Ammoniacum IV. F. 51. V. Arnica. V. Succus Limonis. V. Glycyrrhiza. Filings of Iron . , , V. Aqua Calcis. I 120 \ Lini semen . . . Liquor volatilis cor- nu cervi . . . Linseed .... 'The volatile Liquor nf , Hartshorn . .V. F. 88. M. Madder . . . . V. Rubia Magnesia....... Manna........ Marrubium . Meadow Saffron Mel . . . Mercurial Ointment Hy- Horeheund V. Colchicum. Honey. V.F. 18, 50. £ V. Unguentum C drargyri. Mercury .... V. Hydrargyrus. Millepedas praspa- ^Prepared Woodlice. ratx . ...IV.F. 37,42. , _. , _ f Camphorated Mixture. Misturacamphorata i^, / 29 72 SMusk .'.... IV. F 31,32. Mucilago arabici Mustard .... V. Sinapi. 5 Myrrh . . IV. F. 10, 71, N. Moschus Myrrha gummi? y R 12j 3£ Natron vitriolatum Vitriolated Natron Nicotiana • fumus Nitrum . . Nux moschata; Tobacco ..... < L Swle of Tobaceo . Ntre...... Nutmeg..... Class. XVII III XII II VI III XIX IX II I II VII VIII VI IV XVIII 121 Oak.....V. Quercus. Oleum amygdala- CO,'/ of Almonds . . .1 .\V.F. 85, 86, 87, £3. $ Olea essentialia ■I Oil cf Anise. V. F. 93. Essential Oils Oleum juniperi . . ^f J.™t". 4i. -olivarum . Olive Oil -ricini . . . Castor Oil . - terebinthina Oil of Turpentine Opium Oxymel scilla: 'Oxymel of Squills. \ V. F. ;;, 4, 5, 19, 43, . 48. Parsley . . . . V. Apium. Pediluvium . . . Balling of the Feet Piper.....Pepper . . . CAlociic Pill: cum \ .,. •S Myrrle. ' 'LV. F.'J3, 54. /7£ Pilula ex aloe cum myrrha ----ex hydrargyri Mercurial Pills . . . § Gi/m Fills. I V. F. i 4, 53. CCo;j:f>o;.r:d Powder cf LV. F. 41. gummi Pulvis tragacantha; compositus . . S Aromatic Pt-udcr. ----aromat.cus • • \V. F. x,, .„,, 99. " Peruvian Bark in Pow- der. ./'. F. C9. Prepared cyster shells VlYesXvz OStrcorum pp. ---corticis Peru- viani .... 122 Quercus Q- Oak R. Raisins . . . . V. Uvs passas. Raphanus Rustica- C Horse-radish . . . . nus.....IV. F. 41, 92. Rubia.....Madder..... r,, , C Rhubarb . Rheum vel . . ■\rFol 29 41 59 Rhabarbarum . ./ ' ' ' ' Rhubarb . . . . V. Rheum. Sabina Saccharum album Sal cornu cervi . . Sal Prunellas Sales acidi et neutri Santonicum . . . Sanguis draconis . . S. \ Savin ...... iV.F.60..... C Refined Sugar .... j V. F. 21, 25, 34, 57, C 84, 85. C Salt of Hartshorn. I V. F. 24, 89. Purifed Nitre Acid and Neutral Salts C Wormseed .... C /'. F. 60, 6 -!. C Dragon s Blood . . .7 l/f.F.74.....$ Sapo Semen dauci sylves- tris . . . . . Senna ..... C Soap...... IV. i. 14, 37, 44, 64. $ Seed of the Wild Carrot. IV.F. 36, 37. V. F. 21, 22 . . . . 123 Semen fasniculi C Fennel Seed. IV. F. 21. Silver......... V. Argentum. Simarouba.......... Sinapi 5 Mustard . ' ' ' ' LV. F. 91,92. Sorrel........ V. Acetosa. Succus limonis . . . ?£"*? LV. F. emon juice. 35, 89. ------raphani rus- ticani....... Sulphur antimonii prascipitatum . . . Scammonium . . . . CThe Juice oJ ] ish. LV.F. 5. of Horse-rad- C Precipitated Sulphur of "S Antimony. L V. F. 28. \ Scammony.....1 LV. F. 15, 16. X Scilla exsiccata Scob i guaiaci S Dried Squills . . . 'LV.F. 44. \ Fresh Squills. 'LV.F. 45. ings of Guaiacum. 21. '1 C Raspi LV.F. Serum lactis..... Whey......A Spermaceti..... V.F.51,87, 89 . A Spiritus vinosus te- C Proof Spirit of Wine. nuior.......L V. F. 71. Spiritus vini .... Spirit of Wine . . . Squills........ V. Scilla. c • -i- \ Indian Pink. Sp^v..a . .-J^f.62. Spiritus nucis mos chatas mos- $Sp. ---IV. irii of Nutmeg F. 89. R 124 Spiritus viniGalliciJ^f-f' •_„__=_• S spirit of Cinnamon. ------ cinnamomi ^f R £Q Stannum.......I r"F\ si'. *....... Stizolobiurn .... Ca/jage.......„ c , C Simple Syrup. Syrupus s.mplex . . j „ -,, f r _______ahhxas ISyru? °f ^"^'■ "/^«- aitnxas .. . £ v R gg f Syrup of Orange-peel. -------corticis au- I V. F. 11, 39, 40, 58, rantii......] 60,69,77, 80, 83, ' I 99. , .... C Syrup of Clove July- ------- caryophilh 3 ' • rub".......1/^ilGO. C Syrup cf Crocus. ------croci . . . . ■< V. F. £3, 52, 70, 72, C 9S. Syrupus papaveris § Syrup of Wild Poppies. erratici......£ V. F. 1. ------- papaveris C Sv;v//> c/" White Poppies. albi........1 V. F. 28, 94, 95, 97. C Syrup of Roses. ------Rosx . . . ,£/<; 9J- Class. Or. 125 Terra japonica • • • i ' sita - aloe compo- ■ ODil Tanacetum..... Tansy.......... Taraxacum..... Dandelion........ , Japan Earth. .V.F.I 6. Terebinthina veneta \ £''j''£"t£*!"<- Terebinthina .... Terpentine........ Testx ostreorum 1 ,. , n prxparatx . . . \ l ^ "^ °y^-shell . . Tin.......... V. Stannum. Tinctura asafcetidx \ £"L'""'f Asafatida. L V. F. 72. Caxpound Tincture of , Aloes. ' L V. F. 55. § Tincture rf Opium. I V. F. 33, 34, 97. of Cantharides. , 47, 52. is Pe- S C°mP0U"d Tincture ofPe- -| ruvian Bark. .V. F. 69, 81, 82. f Ti/iciure of muriated I- -------ferri muriati < r.y-i. LV.F. 55. Tinctura hellebori C Tincture of Black Hel- nigri.......\ lebore. C Tincture of Squills. ' 'IV. F. 46. i Tincture of Serpentaria. . V. F. 70. ~ Ammoniaied TlucL.re of Valerian. ammomata----£^.F. 100. r. .,, C Tormentil. rormentula.....Jr.F.83. cantharidis^t^ V ruvianicomposita } uriati lebori scillx serpentarix valerianx 126 Turpentine...... V. Terebinthina. Tussilago...... Coltsfoot..... rpr • C Garlic. Thenaca......IV.F.6J. Class. VI Tr i • C Valerian Valenana......lV.F.19. Vapores...... Steams........ Vesicatoria..... Irritating plaisters . Vinegar........ V. Acetum. Vinum........ Wine........, C White Wine. IV F. 38, 42. C Aniimonial Wine . . . C V. F. 3, 6, 7, 29, «3. ----- Ipecacuan- C Ipecacuanha Wine. has........LV.F. 6,7, 34. • album Antimonii I XIX VI VI XVIII III u. Unguentum hydrar- C The Milder Mercurial! gyri mitius . . . . \ Ointment.......^ Unguentum hydrar- C7$ Calcined Antimony > Tartarised Antimony £■ Vitrifed Antimony . Water of Ammonia . Water of acetated Am- 7 monia . . • • j Dill-seul Water . . Lime Water Cinnamon Water . . . Fennel Water C Water of prepare. I Ka *\ DOSES. gtt.!0...gtt.50. gtt,15...gtt.40. gtt.l0...gtt.30. gtt.l0...gtt.l00. gr. 15...scr. 1. gr. 6...gr. 12. gr. 5.. .scr. 1. gr. 10...gr. 15. scr. l...dr. 1. gr. 15...scr. 2. gr. l...gr. 6. gr. 2...gr. 10. gtt.l0...gtt.3O; dr. 2... dr. 6. un. l...un. 2. un. 4...lb. i un. 1... un. 4. un. 2...un. 4. gtt.20...gtt.30. 128 Aqua kali pun . . Water of pure Kali ----menthx pipe- 7 „ . TTr .... rr t Pch'eerimn! Water . ritidis . . . .3 Ji -----pimento . . . Ail-spice Water . -----pulegii . . . Pennyroyal Water . ----- Rosx . . . Rose I'/,.ter . . Arabicum Gummi . Gum Arabic . . Asafcetida.......... DOSES. gtt 10...gtt.30. un. 2...un. 4. un. 2...un. 4. un. 2...un. 4. ad libitum. dr. l...dr. 2. gr. 10...scr. I. Balsamum canadense Canada Balsam . ---------copaivx Balsam of Copaiva ---------peruvi num via- 7 „ > nalsam oj re. —tolutanum Balsam cf Tolu Cdomelas Camphora . . Cantharis . . . Cardamomum . Cascarilla Castoreum . . Catechu ... Chamcemeium . , Cicuta ..... Cinchona . . . , Colombo. . . . . Confectio arcmatica Conserva absin:hii maritimi . . . C. Calomel Camphor CantbariJcs . Cardamom seeds Cascarilla Bark Castor Camomile Hemlock Peruvian Bar I gr. 15...gr. 30. gtt.£0...gtt.40. gr. 6...gr. 25. scr. l...dr. 1. gr. « gr. S gr- scr. • corticis au- Cordial Confection . . Cirfstion if Opium \ Conserve of Sea L Wormwood . C Conserve cf Cuckoiv L pint .... C Conserve cf Orange \ Peel..... C.::.a-.e if Hifs . ...gr. .. .scr, ...gr. ...gr. _...dr. gr. 3... scr gr. 15...scr, scr. ^...dr. gr. 5. ..scr. scr. l...dr. gr. 10... scr, 10. 1. 4. 10. 1. It. 2. 1. 1. gr. 15. ..scr. gr. 5.. .scr. dr. 2...un. I scr l...dr. 1. £ ad libitum. ad libitum. 129 DQS£S. r, , . , C Conserve of Weed- 7 , . Conserva lujulx ..< . J > dr. 4...un. I, —'prumsyl-7 c cjSloes. . dr. l...dr. 3. vestns . . . .^ -' i > Conserve of Red Roses dr. 2...un. 1. ---------scillx . . Conserve of Squills . scr. l...dr. 1. Contrayerva..........gr. 10. ..dr. £, Coriandrum . . . Coriander Seeds . . scr. l...dr. 1. Cornu cervi ustum Burnt Hartshorn . . dr. ^...dr. 2. Creta.....Chalk.....gr. 15...scr. 1. D, !...un. 6. Decoctum cinchonx | ^ff °7 ^^'"" ? un. 2 -------- cornu C Decoction of Har.'.-l . ,. < , J i un. 4.. .1j. * cervi . . . . I horn.....\ ^ -------hcrdei \SimPlst D"°'tk" Wun. 4..#1:, X L Harley .... V 3* ■ ---——---- C CompoundI Decoction cfl , ,, t compositum . . \ Barley . . . . \ ' •••l0- v _---- sarsapa-55/V,;//, Deccthn cfl . r nllx . . . .L Sarsaparllla . .\UTi' *'~lD' * • ' '---- \ Compound Decoction of^ . ,, T Compositum . . £ Sarsaparllla . .\^.....^ ulmi . . Decoction of Elm . . un. 4. ..lb. Digitalis .... Fox-glove . . . . gr. -;...gr. 2. rr. i. C 77'<* »«.plssated juice' Elaterium . . . ] of the Wild Cu- < C cumber . . . J Floctii'irium cas.-irc rjeciuary of Cassiee . dr. l...dr. 6. ------.---- scam- C Electuary cf Scair.mc- \ ^ 1#--dn j_ monii . . . . t «y.....i -----------sennx Electuary of Senna ■ dr. ^ ..dr. 4, 130 DOSES. Extractum cacumi- t Extract of Broom-1 _ ,r , ,, nisgenistx . . \ Tops . . . \ scr-ll-**- 1* ---------casearillx Extract of Cascarilla gr. 10...scr.l£ ,. > Extract of Camomile gr. 10. ..scr. 2. , C Extract of Peruvian 7 _ , _ ,, _------cinchonx j pi J-gr. 10...scr.l* ------"!~~TZ------S Extract of Bark with) J0 _ scr ji cum resina . ,L the Resin ... 5 *' ---------. colocyn- C Compound Extract off 5 ^ tkidis compositum \ Bitter Apple . .$ " ' ---------gentianx Extract of Gentian gr. 10.. .scr.l£ -^r.^r:l—/— *•■•■■** ------—. hxma- 1 Extract 0j-Logwood gr. I0...dr. 2. hellebori C Extract of Black Hel- 7 g ,» nign ■ jalapii.. Extract of Jalap .. gr. 10...scr. 1. albi - papaveris C Extract of White! j 5 . . . .1 Poppies . . .$S" '"'5 " • rutas . . Extract of Rue . . gr. 10... scr. 1. sabinx . Extract of Savin . . gr. 10. ,.scr.l-£, sennx . . Extract of Senna . . gr. 10...SCr.l£ Ferri rubigo . . . Rust of Iron . . . gr. 6...scr.l^. Ferrum ammonia-7 , , T n „, ,n . >- Ammoniacal Iron . . gr. 2. ..gr. 10. -------tartarisatum Tartarixcd Iron . . gr. 2...gr. 10. -------vitriolatum Vitriolated Iron . . gr. l...gr. 6. Filix.....Male Fern Root . . scr.]|...un. \. Flores benzoes . . Flowers of Benzoin . gr. 10. ..scr. 1. ———-sulphuris . . Flowers of Sulphur . scr. l...scr.l^. 131 DOSES. Gambogia . . Gamboge . . . gr. 2. .gr. 12. Genista . . . Broom Tops . scr. 1. .dr. 1. Gentiana . . . Gentian . . . . gr. 10. .dr. 1. Glycyrrhiza . . Liquorice Root . dr. 4. .dr. 6. Guaiacum ..... . scr. If. .dr. 1. Gummi resina . Gum resin . . • gr. 6. .scr. If. H. Hxmatoxylum . . Logwood . . Helleborus niger . Black Hellebore . Hydrargyrus . . Quicksilver . . ---------acetatus Acetated Quicksilver natus . . ^ \\C°tt'™d Quicksilver . gr. \ ---------- c creta gr. 10. gr. 1. un. \. gr- 1. .dr. •gr- 5-.gr 1. 5. .un. 4. .gr. 10. 2. . .scr. 1. tus cum 7 . m C Quicksilver with Chalk gr. 5.. > Muriated Quicksilver gr. -§...gr. ■§ ■ muna- •sulphure cum C Sulphurated Quicksil-1 I scr. 1. -----------sulphu- S Red sulphurated Quici-1 ratus ruber . . 1 silver . . . . 5gr- ----------vitrio- S Vitriolated Quicksil-1 latus . . . .1 ver .... .Sgr" .dr. 1. .scr.li •gr. 4. I. Infusum gentianx C Compound Infusion off compositum . . L Gentian . . . .$ Un" -------■ rosx . . . Infusion of Roses . . un. C Simple infusion ■-------sennx . . < A J L oenna s "A 2. .un. 4. 2. .lb. i V 2.. .un. 4. 132 Infusum sennx tar- C Tartarised infusion o, tarisatum . . . L Senna Ipecacuanha......... Iris......Florentine Orris 1 DOSES. un. 2...un. 4. gr. 10... scr. 1. scr. l...dr. I. Jalapium Juniperus Jalap, ... Juniper Berries gr. 7.. .scr. \. scr. l...dr. 1. K. Kino .... Kali prxparatum -----acetatum . -----tartarisatum -----vitriolatum Prepared Kali Acetated Kali . Tartarised Kali Vitriolated Kali gt. 10... scr. If gr. 8...scr. 1. scr. l...dr. 1. dr. 2...dr. 6. dr. 2...dr. 6. Lac ammoniaci . . Milk of Ammoniacum dr. -----amygdalx . . Milk of Almonds . . un. Liquor volatilis cor- C Volatile Liquor of nu cervi . . . C Hartshorn f\ .un. 1. . .un. 6. scr. 1*...dr. 2. M. Magnesia alba ----------usta ---------- vitrio Manna Mel acetatum ----rosx ----scillx . Millepeda White Magnesia . Burnt Magnesia . ata Vitriolated Magnesia Acetated Hor.ey Rose Honey Sr,ui!l Hor.ey . Woodlice . scr. l...dr. 2. scr If...dr. 1. dr. 2...dr. C. un. f...un. 2. dr. l...dr. 2. dr. l...dr. 2. scr.If...dr. 2. dr. l...dr. 3. 133 BOSES. Mistura camphorata ------ cretacca ------moschata . Camphorated Mixture Chalk Mixture . . Musk Mixture . . Mucilage of Starch Mucilago amyli --------arabici K Mucilage of Gum gummi ....{. Arabic . . ■---- seminis C Mucilage of Quinc cydonii mali . . L seed . . . --------■ tragacan- C Mucilage of Traga- 7 j thx.....(, canth . . . -5 2...un. 2...un. 4...un. 1.. .un. l...un. 1. l...un. 1. l...un. 1. Myrrha Myrrh gr. 10...scr. If. Natron prxparatum ------tartarisatum ------vitriolatum Nit rum purificatum N. Prepared Natron . Tartarised Natron Vitriolated Natron Purified Nitre . gr. 10...scr. If. dr. 4. ..un. 1. dr. 6...un. 1. gr. 5...scr. 1. Oleum amygdalx juniperi baccx Iavendulx lini . . olivx ricini sinaDeos Opium purificatum Ostreorum testx Oxymel colchici . -------scillx O. Oil of Almonds . . C Oil of Juniper-ber- L ries . . . Oil of Lavender Oil of Linseed . Oil of Olives . Castor Oil . . Oil cf Mustard Purified Opium Oyster-shells Oxymel of Colchicum Oxymel of Squill. dr. 4. ..un. 1. gtt. 2. ..gtt.10. gtt. dr. 1. 4. .gtt. 5. .un. 1. dr. 4 • un. 1 dr. 2, .un. 1. dr. 4. .un. 1. scr. 1 X* 1. .gr. 2. •dr. 11 um scr. scr. 1. •scr. If ..dr. 1. 134 DOSES. Pilula aloes compo- C Compound Pills of 1 •i» . • • .1 Aloes . . /.J gr-10-.scr. 1. ---------cum CPills of Aloes with! MyrrM . . .J Myrrh . . .$&■ 6--&-™- -----galbani com- C Compound Galbanuml , t posita . . . .\ Pith . . . ^gr. io...scr.lv ------hydrargyri . Quicksilver Pills . . gr. 6.. .scr. 1. ------opii . . . Opium Pills . . . gr. 2. ..gr. 8. ------scillx . . . Squill Pills . . . gr. 10... scr. 1. Pimento .... All-spice . . . . gr. 5...scr. 1. Pulvis aloe's cum SAloetic Powder with! canella . . . .1 canella . . . .JfiT.ia..scr. '■ -----------cum CAloetic Powder with! ferro ... .1 Iron . . . .{&' 8-Sr-18' ----------- cum ^ Aloe tie Powder with! guaiaco . . .{ Guaiacum . . .Jgr.l0...scr. 1. ■-----antimonialis Antimonial Powder . gr. 3.. .gr. 6. -----aromaticus . Aromatic Powder. . gr. 5... scr. 1. "~c7o"rum compel"? Cofu"dPo^r °f ? scr. ]f.. .dr. 1. tus.....5 LrabsCla,w • *5 —— contrayervx C Compound Powder of 7 r j compositus . .~L Contrayerva . .$ °" ------cretx compo- $ Compound Powder of 7 . situs . . . . ( Chalk . . . .5gn 1U--'scr- '■ -----------compo- C Compound Powder of7 „ situs cum opio . (_ Chalk with opium ._\ gf* •••scr* " ------ipecacuanhx C Compound Powder of 1 ^ , I compositus , ,\ Ipecacuanha . .£gr' •••scn v -----Myrrhx com- C Compound Powder of 7 v s . x % positUS . . .1 Myrrh . . .J gJ"' l5—8cr'I4' ------opiatus . . Opium Powder . . gr. 5...scr. 1. „ „„___•• C Compound Powder of 7 , „ , -----scammonn .-if J J- pt. 10.. .scr. 1. C ocammony . . .3 compositus cum? Powd" "S Sca^onyl aloe ... 0 wtbul°" ' • y * 135 Pulvis scammonii C Powder of Scammony 1 lii CPo?_.... cum calomelane L with Calomel . . $ DOSES. 8...gr. 16. -----sennx com- C Compound Powder of positus . . . L Senna . . . , -----tragacanthx C Compound Powder of compositus . . I Tragacanth Pyrethrum . . . Pellitory of Spain scr. l...scr. 2. ■I gr- l...dr. l...gr. Quassia Quercus Q a assy Wood Oak Bark . gr. 5...scr. 1. gr. 6. ..scr. 1. R. Raphanus rusticanus. Horse-radish Rheum .... Rhubarb Ruta.....Rue . . scr. l...dr. I. gr. 15...scr. 2. gr. 15...scr. 1. Sal ammoniacus. — cornu cervi . — succini purifica tus . . . Sapo . . . Sarsapariila . Sassafras Scammonium Scilla exsiccata ---- recens Scordium Seneka Senna Serpentaria . Simarouba Sal Ammoniac Salt of Hartshorn ' Purified Salt of Am- \ ber .. . . Soap Scammcny Dried Squills . Fresh Squills . Water-germander Simanula Bark gr. 8., gr. 10. gr- scr. If scr. 1 scr. 1. gr- gr- gr- scr. scr. scr. gr. 10. gr. 10. .scr. 1. .scr. 1. 5...gr. 15. .dr. 4. .scr. If. .dr. 1. .scr. 1. ■gr. 3. ■gr. 10. .dr. 1. .scr. 2. .dr. 1. .scr. 2, .scr. If. 1S6 DOSES. Sinapi .... Mustard-seed . . dr. l...dr. 3. Spermaceti..........scr. l...dr. 1. Spi^elia .... Indian Pink . . . gr. 10...scr. 1. Spina cervinx . . Buckthorn . : . scr.If...dr. 2. Spiritus xtheris vi- C Vitriolic Spirit of 1 _ „ triolici . . .1 JEtber . . /.Jg«-20...gtt.60. —rr:-------.vi- $ ComP°<">d spirit cf i triolici compositus L vitriolic Mther .$ ' 6 — ni- C Nitrous Spirit of fcetidus .1 ^■".Mi»«.«t« ammonix Spirit of Ammonia . scr. 1. ..scr. 2. ------S Compound Spirit »/?_ scr. j i . .dr# j . L Ammonia . . KFatld Spirit of Atn- compositus . \ moiua - C Succinaied Spirit of . L Ammonia l com- C Compound Spirit of . \ Aniseed succmatus ------ anisi positus ----- carui . . Spirit of Carraway ----- cinnamomi Spirit cf Cinnamon ----- juniperi compositus -----lavendulx scr. l...scr. 2. ST. 10...scr. I. \ I...dr. 4. dr. l...dr. 4. dr. compositus menthx pi l...dr. 4. I...dr. 4. l...dr. 4. 2. peritidis nucis mcs chatx pimento pulegii . raphani compositus Spongia usta Stanni pulvis Styrax C Compound Spirit of ~l ■. . L Juniper , . .§ Spirit of Lavender . dr. S Compound Spirit »/?8cr.1i.#.dr. C J^avender . y > Spirit of Peppermint J- Spirit of Spearmint f Spirit of Nutmeg . Spirit of Pimento . . dr, Spirit of Pennyroyal dr. \ Compound Spirit of 7 , L Horse-radish , . § dr. dr. dr. l...dr. 3. I...dr. 4. l...dr. 4. l...dr. 3. l...dr. 3. l...dr. 3. Burnt Spo Powder cf Tin Storax scr. I...dr. dr. l...dr. gr. 10... scr. 137 Succmum prxpara turn . . ■ Succus a.'ouiti spis- satus . . -----baccx sambu- ci spissatus -----cicutx spis- satus . ------cochlearix compositus . -----ribis nigri Sulphur antimonii prxcipitatum --------prxcipita turn . . . Syrupus althx . papaveris albi erratici -----rosx ----- spinx cer vinx violx zinziberis £ Prepared Amber . . scr C Inspissated Juice of 1 L Henbane . , -3 C Inspissated Juice of 7 (. Elderberry C Inspissated Juice of f l Hemlock . . .5gn C Compound Juice of 1 L Scurvy-grass . . £ C Inspissated Juice of 7 L Black Currant . . y C Precipitated Sulphur 7 f. of Antimony . . 3 ° ' < Precipitated Sulphur . dr. C Syrup of Marsh-mal- 7 , C low .... 5 ' C Syrup of White Pop-1 , L pies . . . . 5 ' > Syrup of -wild Poppy dr. Syrup of Rose . . dr. Syrup of Buckthorn . dr. Syrup of Violets . . dr. Syrup of Ginger . . dr. DOSES. If...dr. l--.gr. f...un. 2...gr. , 2...un. f...un. 2--.gr. l...dr. l...dr. 4.. .un. 2... dr. I...dr. l...dr. I...dr. l...dr. 10. 6. 2. 5. 2, 2. 1. 4. 2. 2. 2. Tanacetum . Tartari crystalli . . Tinctura aloe's - ■-----------com- Tan.....scr. If...dr. Crystals of Tartar . dr. 4. ..un. Tincture of Aloes . . dr. 4. ..un. Cempound Tincture of 7 , T . J J- scr. 14...dr. posita . . L Aloes .... ^ . ., STincture cf A-.afa-I , --------asxfoetidx < s., J J > scr. l...dr C t/aj ... ba'i-amipe- C Tincture nf Balsam nf 7 , r . ■i t> J-scr. 1 ,-. ..dr. _i .1 P s 138 DOSES. Tincturabalsamito- S Tincture of Balsam") ,t , lutani . .{ ofTolu. . 5scr-1i--dr- 2. —-----benzoes C Compound Tincture off . . , composita . . \ Benjamin . . . \ *' '" T' 1. l...dr. 3. cantharidis \Tin.c?ri,vf tbe ^"'l gr. 10...dr. L tsh Fly . . .J* -----cardamomi \Tincture of Carda-1 df C mom ... j 1---------C Compound Tincture of 1 . i j « composita . . f Cardamom . .3 -----cascarillx . jr/J^ °/C^r'7"|dr- J-dr- 4' -----castorei , . Tincture of Castor . scr. l...dr. 11. ----- catechu' . Tincture of Catechu . dr. 2...dr. 3. -----cinchonx . Tincture of Bark . • dr. l...dr. 4. - 5 Compound Tincture ofl. 0 , 4 . I Bark . . . .5 ""* ' \ Ammoniated Tincture 1 ,, j n ■j . „ . J- scr. 1J.. .dr. 2. composita immoniata . . \ of Bark . . .3* • S Tincture of Cinna-1 . , , „ ----annamomi -i J J-dr. l...dr. 3. L mon . . . .3 --------- ■ ---- 3 Compound Tincture off . . . „ composita . . L Cinnamon . . .3* -------colombx . Tincture of Colomba . dr. l...dr. 2. -------ferri ammo- 5 Tincture of Ammoni-1 . , '., ,. i , r > scr. l...dr. 2. niacalis . ( acal Iron . . . \ r • .- V Tincture of Mi.rlatcd"} ... ,„ .. „~ ------fernmunati j . ^ £■ gtt, 10...gtt. 60. 11 „ • 5 Tincture of Galba- t , , j -, -------galbani . . < J > dr. l...dr. 3. 0 ( ««#z ... . \ -------gentianx C Compound Tincture of "f , , „ composita . . ?_. Gentian . . . <> -------guaiaci am- C Ammoniated Tincture 7, , . moniata . • . C of Guaiacum \ -------helebori ni- C Tincture of Black Hel- } , , iii c scr- L..dr. 1. gn . . . L lebore . . 3 -------jalapii . . Tincture of Jalap . , dr. l...dr. 3. -------myrrhx . . Tincture of Myrrh . dr. l...dr. 2. 139 DOSES. Tinctura opii .... Tincture of Opium . . gtt.20...gtt.25. -------------cam-$ Camphorated Tincture! phorata......I of Opium.....$ gtt.30...gtt.60. ■-------rhabarbari Tincture of Rhubarb . dr. 4...un. 2. '-----------------S Compound Tincture off , composita____£ Rhubarb......} dn 4"'un- 2- Sabinx com- C Compound Tincture of} posita.......I Savin.......\ g"-20-..gtt.40. —-----scillx . . . . Tincture of Squills . . gtt. 20...gtt. 60. -------sennx . . . Tincture of Senna . . dr. 2,..un. I. ------serpentarix Tincture of Serpentari dr. l...dr. 2. ------valerianx . Tincture of Valerian . dr. l...dr. 3. "-----------------KAmmoniated Tincture! ammoniata . . . .£ of Valerian. $ Scr- 1--dr- 2. •------zingiberis . Tincture of Ginger . . dr. l...dr. 2. Tormentilla . ... Tormentil Root .... gr. 10.. .scr. 2. Tragacantha .... Tragacanth...... gr. 10...dr. 1. Valeriana...... Valerian....... scr. l...dr. 2. Vinum aloes .... Wine of Aloes .... dr. 6...un. 1. ------antimonii . . Antimonial Wine . . . gtt.20 ..gtt.50. —----------------C Wine of Tartarisedl ^ „n tartarisati.....I Antimony.....Jgtt.20...gtt.50. ------ferri .... Wine of Iron..... dr. l...dr. 4. ------ipecacuanhx Ipecacuanha Wine . . dr. l...dr. 4. ------rhabarbari . Wine of Rhubarb . . dr. 4...un. 2. Uva ursi....... Bears Whortleberry . scr. l...dr. 1. Zincum calcinatum Calcined Zinc..... gr. 3...gr. 10. ■-------vitriolatum C Purified Vitriolatedl * ' purificatum . . . L Zinc........5..... INDEX NOMINUM MUTATORUM. FORMER NAMES. NEW NAMES. A. Acetum scilliticum. AZthiops mincralis. Aqua aluminosa bateana. -----calcis simplex. -----cinnamomi simplex. —————— spirituosa. ----- hordeata. -----juniperi composita. -----menthce piperitidis simplex. —————^——— spirituosa. ————— vulgaris simplex. —————^—•—— spirituosa. • nucis mos chatce. -----piperis jamaicensis. -----pulegii simplex. ------------spirituosa. —— rapbani compotita. ■ rosarum damascenarum. -----sapphirina. -----semuium anethi. ———— anisi composita. —————— carui. Aqua vitriolica camphorata. Acetum scillx. Hydrargyrus cum sulphure. Aqua aluminis composita. ----calcis. ----cinnamomi. Spiritus cinnamomi. Decoctum hordei. Spiritus juniperi compositus. Aqua menthx piperitidis. Spiritus menthx piperitidii. Aqua menthx sativx. Spiritus menthx sativx. -------nucis moschatx. Aqua pimento. ----pulegii. Spiritus pulegii. .------raphani compositus. Aqua rosx. ----cupri ammoniati. ----anethi. Spiritus anisi compositus. -------carui. A qua zinci vitriolati c um cam- phora. 142 FORMER NAMES. traumatlcum. NEW NAMES. B. Balfamum sulphurls barbadense. --------————— simplex. Petroleum sulphuratum. Oleum sulphuratum. Tinctura benzoes composita. Calx antimonii. Causticum antimoniale. ---------commune fortius. ---------lunare. Ceratum album. ————— citrinum. ————— epuloticum. Chalybis rubigo prspuraia. Cinnabaris f ctiiia. Confectio cardiaca. Antimonium calcinatum. -----------muriatum. Calx cum kali puro. Argentum nitratum. Ceratum spermatis ceti. --------resinx flavx. --------lapidis calaminaris. Ferri rubigo. fber. Hydrargyrus sulphuratus ru- Confectio aromatica. Decoctum album. -------- commune pro clystere. --------pectorale. Decoctum cornu cervi. ---------pro enemate. ---------hordei compositum. E. Etectuarium lenitivum. Elixir aloes. - myrrha compositum. ------paregoricum. Emplastrum ex ammoniaco cum me r curio. -----■■■ attrahens. -----------ccphalicum. • commune. '-----■ adbcesi- Flecturarium e senna. Tinctura aloe's composita. --------sabinx composita. --------opii campliorata. Emplastrum ammoniaci cum hydrargyro. ■----------picis burgundicar. ----------lithargyri. — cum re- 143 FORMER NAMES. Emplastrum commune cum gum- mi. .-------___— cum mer- curio. -----------e cymino. -----------roborans. ——----e sapone. -------'■---stomacbicum. -----------vesicatorium. Emulsio communis. Extractum catharticum. ----------thebdicum. Flores bcnzoini. -----martiales. Fntui communis. Hiera picra. Infusum amarum simplex. -------senna commune. Julepum e camphora.. ——— e ircla. -' e moscho. Linimentum album. -----------sapanaccum. • volatile. Lixivium saponarium. ———- tartari. NEW NAMES. Emplaftrum lithargyri com gummi. -------------------- cum hydrargyro. -----------cumini. -----------thuris. -----------saponis. -----------ladani. -----------cantharidis. Lac amygdalx. Extractum e colocynthide compositum. Opium purificatum. Flores benzoes. Ferrum ammoniacale. Decoctum pro foments. H. Pulvis aloe'ticus. Infusum gentianx composi- tum. ------sennx tartarisatum. Mistura camphorata. ------ cretacea. ------ moschata, L. Unguentum spermatis ceti. Linimentum saponis. -----------ammonix. Aqua kali puri. -----kali. 144 FORMER NAMES. NEW NAMES. M. Mel JEgyptiacum. —— rosaceum. Mercurius calcinatus. ————— corrosivus sublimatus. ------------------— ruber. - dulcis sublimatus. - emeticus fiavus. • pracipitatus albus. Oxymel xruginia Mel rosx. Hydrargyrus calcinatus. ------------muriatus. ------------nitratus ruber. Calomelas. Hydrargyrus vitriolatus. Calx hydrargyri alba. N. Niirum vitriolatum. Kali vitriolatum. O. Oleum petrolei barbadensis. -----terebinthina athereum. Opium colatum. Oxymel scilliticum. Philonium Londinensi. Pilula aromaiica. ------rufi. Pulvis r bolo compositus. -----------cun opio. -------e cerussa compositus. ——— sternutatorius. Oleum petrolei. ------terebinthinx rectifica- tum. Opium purificatum. Oxymel scillx. P. Confectio opiata. Pulvis aloeticus cum guaiaco. Pilulx ex aloe cum myrrha. Pulvis e creta compositus, -----------------------euro opio. ------e cerussa. ------asari compositus. R. Rob bauarum sambuci* Succus baccx sambuci spi$- satus. 145 FORMER NAMES. NEW NAMES. s. Saccbarum saturni. Sal absintbii. — catbarticus glaubtri. — diureticus. — martis. — tartari. — vitrioli. — volatilis salts ammoniac:. Species aromatica. Spiritus cornu cervi. ——— lavendula compositus. simple. nitri dulcis. —— glauberi. lis ammoniaci. 1 — dulcu • • marini glauberi, ---vinosus camphoratus. ----vitrioli dulcis. —— volatilus aromaticus. -fatidus. Succi scorbutici. Syrupus ex althaa. --------e corticibus aurantiorum. ■ — balsamicus. —------e meconio. ——----- rosarum solutivus. Cerussa acetata. Kali prxparatum. Natron vitriolatum. Kali acetatum. Ferrum vitriolatum. Kali prxparatum. Zincum vitriolatum. Ammonia prxparata. Pulvis aromaticus. Liquor volatilis cornu cervi. Tinctura lavendulx compo- sita. Spiritus lavendulx. -------xtheris nitrosi. Acidum nitrosum. Aqua ammonix. Spiritus ammonix. Acidum muriaticum. Spiritus camphoratus. ----•— xtheris vitrioli. -------ammonix compositus. ■----------------foetidus. Succus cochlearix compositusf' Syrupus althxx. -------corticis aurantii. -------tolutanus. -------papaveris albi. -------rosx. Tabella cardialgica. Tartarum emeticum. ——----solubile. - vitriolatum. Trochisci e creta. Antimonium tartarisatum. Kali tartarisatum. ----vitriolatum. 146 FQRMER NAMES. Tinctura amara. ———— aromatica. -fcetida. • guaiacina volatilis. • japonica. ■ martis in spiritu sails. rhabarbari spirituosa. —————— vinosa» ■ rosarum. ■ sacra. ■ stomachica. Trochisci bcchici albi. ——————-----nigri. NEW NAMES, Tinctura gentianx composita. -----j— cinnamomi compoj- — asafcetidx. — guaiaci. — catechu. — ferri muriati. — hellebori nigri. -- rhabarbari. Vinum rhabarbari. Infusum rosx. Vinum aloes. Tinctura cardamomi compos- ita. Trochisci ex amylo. ---------e glycyrrhiza. V. Vinum antimoniale. — cbalybeatum. Unguentum album. ——-----basilicum fiavum. " —— caruleum fortius. • —------mitius. ——-----e mercurio pracipi- tato. ■ saturninutn. -------■----simplex. Vinum antimonii. ------ferri. Unguentum cerx. -----------resinx flavx. ----.------_ hydrargyri for- -----------calcis hydrargyri albx. ----------- cerussx acetatx. -----------adipis suillx. FINIS. Med.W/st. wz