6/ O// IA^ \Z >Zr,^ J v. ■ ■ / fV O , * \ *2. X<^>v Surgeon General's Office n ' ^f;*o.' zti&ia> U Ttififijtil / // V * iLML&x ■', lC*>r>:< AN ANALYSIS OF THE M1KFIEIB&U» W&TPMIBB OP SARATOGA AND BALLSTON, Containing some general remarks on their use in various diseases. TOGETHER WITH OBSERVATIONS ON THE GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY Of the surrounding country, &c. &c. w BY DOCTOR JOHN H. STEEL, Resident at the Springs. ALBANY: Printed and published by e. & e. hosforc 1817. DESCRIPTION OF THE SURROUNDING COUNTRY. The surrender of General Burcoyne, and the medicinal springs within its pre- cincts, have given a celebrity to the town of Saratoga, which few other places in the state of New-York possess. A description of the town and surrounding country, will, on that account; be deemed interesting, particularly as it will enable invalids, as well as men of pleasure, to make such arrangements, before visiting the Spring, as may be conducive to their comforts and pleasures while there. The town is fourteen miles in length, from east to west, and from five to six in width, from north to south, having, for its boundaries, the Hudson river on the east, the towns of Northumberland and Green- field on the north, Milton on the west, and Malta and Stillwater on the south. 1 Description of the surrounding Country. The north part of the Saratoga lake, rthkh is about nine miles in its whole extent from south to north, and between three and four in breadth, is situated near the centre of the town, from east to west, and is supplied with water, chief- ly, by the Kayadarossares creek, which has its source in th^, mountains of the flame name, about fifteen miles distant, in a northwest direction, and after taking a circuit of about thirty miles, empties its waters into the lake, near its north- west corner, which, thus supplied, re- tains its clearness and depth, without much variation, through the year. The Kayadarossares creek, which forms part of the southern boundary of the town, and divides it from Malta, is peculiarly well adapted for mill seats ; passing through a very fertile country, which Mas formerly covered with great quantities of white-pine timber. The number of mills which have been erected Description of the surrounding Country. 5 on it is truly astonishing; many of them, however, have disappeared with the forests that caused their erection; but they have established a reputation not to be forgotten, that whenever our coun- try shall be in a situation to support man- ufactories, this creek will possess strong inducements (as long as water-power shall be preferred to that of steam) for the enterprising manufacturer to establish himself on its borders. The Saratoga lake discharges itself by the Fish creek, which passes from the north end of the lake, through the town of Saratoga, in an easterly direction to the Hudson, and disgorges its waters in- to that river near the village of Schuy- lerville, formerly famous for its herring fishery. Previous to its union with the Hudson, it forms several fine falls, on which the proprietors have erected mills of various kinds. ** 6 Description of the surrounding Country. On the flat land adjoining the river, to the north of the Fish creek, are still to be seen the remains of the fortified camp, erected by General Burgoyne, on his retreat after the disastrous battle at Bemus' Heights in Stillwater. At this place he capitulated to the Ameri- can forces^ under General Gates. The town of Saratoga contains a va- riety of soils. On the borders of the Hudson river and along the Kayadaross- ares and Fish creeks, there are extensive fiats of alluv" >n land, extremely produc- tive in grass. The lands, to the south of the Fish creek, and east of Saratoga lake, are high and uneven, composed principally of gravelly loam, combined with argillaceous earth, and are very fertile; while the north and western parts of the town are mostly yellow-pine plains, forming a link of that extensive chain of plain lands which stretch along the Hudson river, in a southerly direc- Description of the surrounding Country. 7 tions as far as the highlands. The plains, in the vicinity of the Springs, are con- sidered, by the farmers, of a much better quality than they usually are in other parts of the country ; this preference arises from their having a level surface, and from the soil not being composed of sand only, but possessing a large admix- ture of loam. The application of gypsum has rendered these plains very produc- tive, not only in grains, but likewise in clover and timothy grasses. Such has been the magic effects of that excitement to vegetation, that these lands, which a few years past, were considered of little value, are now as much esteemed, and sell for as high a price as any other in the county; Saratoga may, therefore, be considered as highly valuable for agri- culture, as it produces the various grains and grasses in great abundance. The mineral waters, which are be- coming so celebrated in the history of tf Description of the surrounding Country. our country, are situated at what may be considered the termination of the plain lands and the commencement of the mountainous, and seem to form the cen- tre of a long range, in the form of cres- cent, commencing at Ballston lake, about eleven miles to the southwest, and ter- minating at the Quaker-springs, in Still- water, about ten miles to the southeast At Ballston they discover themselves very faintly in a spring on the west side of the Long lake, and in some wells near the academy, at the Spa they are very strong. They appear again, in the course of the same circle, at Ellis' mills, and at Saratoga they are more numerous and di- versified in their sensible qualities, than at any other place. The whole marsh extending from the Washington spring, on the west, to Taylor's springs, on the east, the distance of more than a mile, appears to be almost entirely occupied by them. At the Quaker springs, on the east side Description of the surrounding Co^try. 9 of Saratoga lake, they again appear less strongly characterized; beyond which they have not as yet been traced. All the fountains in this crescent, as far as they have been examined, appear, with few exceptions, to possess the same qualities, differing only in the quantity of the substances common.to,all. We are* therefore, led to believe that they re- ceive their essential, and characteristic properties in one extensive laboratory, and.being sent out from thence through different conduits, acquire from them, in their passage to the surface, the various abstractions which constitute their real differences^ The mineralogical structure of the sur- rounding country, so far as it has been explored, does not appear to throw much evidence on the subject of the formation of these waters, and the geology of their immediate vicinity adds still less to the satisfaction of the enquiring philosopher 10 Description of the surrounding Country. The highlands, which commence at the Springs, gradually swell into moun- tains to the north, and form a continued chain that extends to the confines of Ca- nada. This chain is broken, about seven miles from its commencement, by the passage of the Hudson, which has rent the mountain nearly to its base, and dis- covers a bed of very pure limestone, which is continued, beneath the moun- tain, to the bank of the valley in which the Springs are situated ; where, taking a dip beneath the surface, is lost in the plains to the east, and is not discovered again in that direction until we approach the mountains on the east side of the Hudson, the distance of fifteen or twen- ty miles, where the similarity in its ap- pearance and structure, evince the con- tinuation of the same ledge. This ledge likewise discovers itself, in a southwest direction, along the confines of the more distant mountains of Kayadarossares, in the Schenectady patent, and at the Hel- lebergh. Description of the surrounding Country. 11 The surface of the Palmertown moun- tains, (which are the nearest to the Springs) is composed principally of large irregular masses of rock of a granite structure, intermixed with a variety of different species. In the valleys, and along the borders of streams, extensive ledges of iron Py- rites, or sulphuret of iron, discover them- selves, resembling, in all respects, those in Vermont, which have been manufac- tured into sulphate of iron. These are combined, in some places, with an iron ore, which, containing a much less quan- tity of sulphur, appears more suitable for the furnace. Small specimens of the fluate of lime, and considerable masses of plumbago, of a pretty fine quality, have likewise been picked up about the beds of torrents, and in the valleys. 12 Description of the surrounding Country. Those who have formed the idea that the Highlands in the vicinity of West- Point, at some distant period, presented an impassable barrier to the waters of the Hudson, will find much to corroborate and strengthen the opinion, by an exam- ination of the course, form, and structure of the extensive range of mountains on the east and west side of the Hudson, and from a particular reference to the peculiarities in the formation of the exten- sive and fertile region placed between them; but as this would be embracing a subject that is not immediately connect- ed w ith the present performance, it is deemed unnecessary to discuss it here. At Ballston, the mineral waters dis- cover themselves in a clayey soil, over extensive strata of slate. At the Spa, the slate is less apparent, the strata, in some places, consisting of clay and coarse gra- vel, in others of sand and clay. At Ellis' the soil is a coarse gravel, clay and slate; Description of the surrounding Country. 13 but at neither of these places are there any appearances of limestone, At Sara- toga there is no appearance of slate ; the upper stratum is principally a sandy loam ; the second, clay with a coarse gravel, and limestone in great abun- dance. At the Quaker springs, the ap- pearance is still different. A rich loam forms the surface of the earth, and the stones and rocks in the vicinity are of a granite structure, and extremely hard. The spontaneous decomposition of the extensive ledges of Pyrites, (which ap- pear to take so considerable a share in the structure of the mountains to the west and north,) and consequent forma- tion of the sulphate of iron, might be sup- posed to have the effect of evolviiig the carbonic gas, that is so plentifully diffus- ed in the waters, from the lime rock with which the solution of the sulphate of iron might be supposed to come in con- tact ; but the total absence of a sulphate 2 14 Description of the surrounding Country. of any kind in the waters, do^s away the probability of this theory; and the di- versity of the soil, in the vicinity of the different clusters of fountains, may be considered as a conclusive evidence that the' waters are not indebted to that source for any of their sensible qualities. We are, therefore, at present, destitute of any known causes by which we can explain the various combinations that terminate in the production of these wa- ters. Dr. Seaman has conjectured that the r gas is driven from its union with lime, by the effects of subterranean heat; in which case the fountains may be consi- dered as those of pure carbonic acid gas, in which the water and the several arti- cles held in solution by it, are altogether accidental ingredients. The conjecture is certainly a plausible one, and there may be fountains of this gas in the vicin- itv. without the intervention of water; Description of the surrounding Country. 15 which, issuing solitary from their ca- verns, mingle with the atmosphere un- noticed. This is no more than what ac- tually takes place at the celebrated Grotto del Cani, near Naples; and had we a Vesuvius in the neighbourhood, we should find no difficulty in accounting for its appearance here. But as this idea is altogether speculative, it is deem- ed unnecessary to detain the attention of the reader from what may probably excite more interest A short History of the Springs. The spring first discovered, was the High Rock ; and the tradition of the In- dians assures us that they were well ac- quainted with its medicinal qualities long before the country was explored by the Europeans. Their attention was first at- tracted to the spot by the great quantity of game that frequented the place as a salt-lick, and they became more attach- ed to it from a discovery of the effica- cy of the water in the removal of rheu- matism, and some other complaints, to which they were subject. The first communication, by the In- dians, was made to Sir William Johnson, who was occasionally afflicted with the gout. They advised him to the use of the water of this fountain, and in the year 1767, he was persuadqd by them to undertake the journey from his farm %A short History of the Springs. 17 near Johnstown, about thirty miles dis- tant, and was conveyed by them to the spring. Passing, in his route, by Balls- ton lake, he spent the night at a new settlement just then formed, by Michael M'Donald, whom Sir William engaged to accompany him. They proceeded by a road, through the wilderness, which the Indians cut for them, remained at the spring for some time, returned improved in health, and afterwards published to others the valuable qualities of the wa- ter. Sometime after Sir William's return, a man, by the name of Norton, influenced by the growing celebrity of the spring, obtained a permission from the owners of the soil, to erect buildings, and clear the land in its vicinity; under this per- mission, a small hut was built and a clearing made ; but the fear which the hostile Indians inspired, during the revo- 2* J 8 A sliort History of the Springs. lutionary war, which commenced about this time, induced Norton to abandon his improvements. At the termination of the war, Norton resumed his occupancy ; and about the years 1784 and '85, other improvements were made, by the arrival of. new set- tlers, which afforded accommodations to a few invalids. About this time, the Flat Piock, the President, and the Red Spring, were discovered ; but although the com- pany resorting to them increased annual- ly, the accommodations remained near- ly stationary for many years. The settlement at Saratoga received a check from the discovery of the springs at Ballston, about the year 1787. Si- tuated in the midst of a flourishing coun- try, those springs had advantages, which were not, at that time, possessed by Sa- ratoga. These advantages were eager- ly embraced by the proprietors of the A short History of the Springs. W lands on which the springs were situat- ed ; and good houses of accommodation were erected, and other improvements made, with great rapidity. The Saratoga springs continued to lan- guish under the neglect of the owners, until 1803, when the valuable qualities of the Congress Spring, induced Mr. Put- nam, (to whose enterprise the public are greatly indebted) to erect a large house of entertainment near it ; since which time, the waters of Saratoga have gra- dually gained a celebrity that appears as firmly, as it is justly, established. The concourse of visitants, who fre- quent the numerous houses of entertain- ment, that have been lately erected in the village, affords a well grounded ex- pectation that it will ever continue the resort, not only of invalids, but of the gay and fashionable. 20 A short History of the Springs. Situated in an elevated country, the atmosphere is extremely clear and cool, forming a pleasing contrast to the op- pressive heats of the south: a great num- ber of visitors will, therefore, be attract- ed to this spot during the hot montlis of the year, not only by the salubrious wa- ters of the different springs, but by the very healthy and pleasant situation of the place. Perhaps few situations in our country afford, to the visitant, more numerous sources of amusement than these springs. The Saratoga lake, at the distance of four miles, invites the sportsman to fish on its extensive and limpid waters, or to shoot on the low grounds, forming a part of its margin, which abound with wood-cock. The lovers of trout have the means of gratifying their palates, by eating the most delicate and well flavour- ed, at Barhite's, about two miles distant. Lake George, the spot, of all others, com- A short History of the Springs. 21 bining, most agreeably, the sublime and the pretty, is but twenty-eight miles on the north. At that place, the artist may select innumerable points of view to oc- cupy his pencil. The angler will find a recompense for his toils ; and the obser- vant tourist may amuse his friends by giving them true descriptions of what must please. On the Hudson there are three falls or cataracts, which merit notice. The first, or highest up the river, is at Kadley- landing, fourteen miles distant; the se- cond, is Glen?s falls, on the road to Lake George ; and the third, at Sandy hill. The two last are about eighteen miles distant from the Springs. The height of these falls is estimated at forty feet The roads, leading to all these places, are good, particularly when they pass over the plain country ; as they are there not only level and dry; h^ frequently hard and smooth, in consequence of the 22 A short History of the Springs. admixture of loam with sand. The inva- lid can, therefore, select such route from the springs, as may best suit the state oi his health. If feeble, or afflicted with painful disease, he may ride on the plains without fatigue ; or, if more vigorous, and courting exercise, he may mount the hills in Greenfield, on the north, where, in a tour of eight or ten miles, he may enjoy a mountain scenery. The establishment of a line of steam boats, from New-York to Montreal, by the way of Lake George and Lake Cham- plain, places this village in the great road between those cities. Its impor- tance, therefore, as a resting place, will be much enhanced, as the travellers be- tween those great marts, (from both which it is nearly equidistant) may grati- fy their curiosity without deviating from their route, and enjoy, while there, a con- stant and convenient intercourse with either place. Analysis of the Waters. A description of the various pro- cesses, by which the results here stated, were obtained, will be interesting and satisfactory to those who are acquainted with the science of chemistry; and to such, the following brief sketch, will be sufficiently explicit. The processes consisted of such as were performed with a view to ascertain the number and qualities of the different substances contained in the several wa- ters under consideration ; and of such as were instituted with a view to ascertain the quantities of the various substances. The first intention was principally an- swered by the application of various che- mical re-agents to the waters of the se- veral springs, the number and effects of 21 Analysis of the Waters. which, will be noticed in the description of the fountains, to which they were ap- plied ; from the perusal of which, it will be observed, that the conclusions here drawn, correspond, in all essential par- ticulars, with those already published by Dr. Seaman, in his " Dissertation on the Mineral Waters of Saratoga and Balls- ton," and corroborated by the later ob- servations of Dr. Vandervoort, and Mr. Griscom, an eminent chemist, of New- York. It is, therefore, presumed that, from the weight of such authority, the most scrupulous will be satisfied that the medical properties of these waters are entirely owing to their containing the fol- lowing substances, viz. Carbonic acid Gas, Muriate of Soda, Carbonate of Soda, Carbonate of Lime, Carbonate of Iron, and Carbonate of Magnesia. Analysis of the Waters. 25 Two springs in the vicinity, not here- tofore examined, contain, in addition to the above articles, (excepting carbonate of magnesia) sulphurated hydrogen gas. This fact being fully established, it is hardly necessary to observe, that the se- veral medicinal springs, at Saratoga and Ballston, do not derive their different effects upon the system from any differ- ence in the qualities of the articles they contain, but simply from a difference in the quantities of the substances common to all. It remains to show the processes by which the substances were separated, ^and their quantities ascertained. A quantity of the water, from each spring, to be examined, was carefullj measured and placed in separate glass vessels, in a sand-bath, the temperature of which was raised to from 150 to 170 3 26 Analysis of the Waters. degrees, the vessels being covered with three or four folds of fine crape, to pre- vent the access of dust or sand. In this situation the water was suffered to eva- porate completely, when the vessels were removed, the residuum, being care- fully collected and weighed, was thrown into about ten times its weight of cold, recently distilled, water, in which it was suffered to remain several hours, being frequently agitated. It was then filtered, and the insoluble part, having been well washed, was again dried and weighed, its loss giving the quantity held in solution by the water. To this solution was added an infu- sion of purple-cabbage, which immedi- ately gave the whole a beautiful green colour, evincing the presence of an alka- li. Muriatic acid, diluted, by the addi- tion of ten times its bulk of water, was then combined, drop by drop, with the solution, until the purple colour of thf4 Analysis of the Waters. 27 cabbage was restored ; the number of drops required to produce this effect being noticed. The solution was then placed in a sand-bath, and the water again suffered to evaporate in a tempe- rature of ninety degrees. The process terminated in the formation of entire cubic crystals, which, from further exam- ination, proved to be pure muriate of soda. The quantity of the carbonate of soda, contained in the solution, was inferred from having previously ascertained the number of grains required to neutralize a given number of drops of the dilute muriatic acid. The insoluble residue was then sub- mitted to the operation of very dilute sulphuric acid, added in small quantities at a time, until it was brought to the ex- act point of saturation. It was then suf- fered to stand several days, and occasion- 28 Analysis of the Waters. ally, a drop of the dilute sulphuric acid added, to complete the solution of the iron; after which it was filtered and the iron precipitated from the solution in the form of prutian blue, by the addition of prutiate of lime. The solution, being separated from the precipitated prutiate of iron, was placed in a sand-bath, and the sulphate of mag- nesia separated from that of the lime, by evaporation, and subsequent solution, upon the principle laid down by Henry. The gas was procured by means of a large bladder, connected, by its neck, to one extremity of a stop-cock, the other being fitted to the orifice of a tin cone, the capacity of which was accurately as- certained in cubic inches. The water, lo be examined, was placed in this vessel at the fountain, and the stop-cock, con- nected with the bladder, immediately ap- plied, its valve being opened. In this Analysis of the Waters. 29 situation, it was placed in a water-bath, raised to the boiling point, and there re- tained, until the gas ceased to come over. Xhe contents of the bladder were then received over water in a glass jar, gaged to half inches. The temperature of the room in which the experiments were made, and that of the water over which the gas was re- ceived, was kept at seventy degrees. The idea, suggested by Dr. Seaman, that the gas of these fountains is combin- ed with azote and oxygen, does not appear to be well founded. The weak affinity subsisting between water and nitrogen, induces the latter to escape immediately on the first application of heat. Experi- ments made on the gas thus obtained, does not warrant the belief that a single particle of it is azotic; at any rate, if there is any, it is in so small a quantity as not to be indicated by any means used for that purpose. 3* 30 Analysis of the Waters. The experiment, mentioned by the Doctor, to prove that the water contains oxygen, is entirely misconstrued. " That the w ater" (says the Doctor,) " contains this last" (oxygen) u is proved by its pre- cipitating an ochery substance, after having had some sulphate of iron dissolved in it rn a well corked vial." This fact is to be explained without presuming the pres- ence ofoxygen. Sulphate of iron is decomposed on be- ing mixed with the water from any of the fountains, the sulphuric acid having a stronger affinity for soda, magnesia, &c. than it has for its iron; unites itself with these, while the carbonic acid, connect- ing itself with the divorced iron, forms the ochery substance or red carbonate of iron. From every consideration, there can be no doubt, that the great quantity of serial fluid obtained from these waters, is Analysis of the Waters. 31 the pure carbonic acid gas, uncombined with any other gasceous substance what- ever. It is necessary to notice one other ex- periment of Dr. Seaman's, from which he erroneously infers " a slight impregnation of sulphur." A solution of nitrate of sil- ver being combined with the water oc- casions a white precipitate, which, on suffering to stand, becomes of a dark muddy appearance: the dark colour, however, does not take place if the mix- ture be excluded from the light, and any water impregnated with the saline pro- perties of those under consideration, will tarnish precipitated silver without the presence of sulphur, if it be exposed for any time to the rays of light Sulphur is a substance that is not known to combine with water, except through the intervention of hydrogen, forming sulphurated hydrogen gas; as it 32 Analysis of the Waters. is not pretended that this gas exists in the water, we necessarily conclude thai the water does not contain a "sulphurous impregnation." I exempt from this remark the two fountains which obviously mamfest to our senses the presence of the gas above mentioned, and shall notice them here- after under their respective heads. The analysis will be further illustrated in the course of the following description of the several Springs. Description of the Springs. 33 Congress Spring. This truly celebrated fountain is situ- ated on the westerly border of a low swampy, and, at present, uncultivated piece of ground, at the foot of a beautiful little cascade, formed by a small stream that rises about fifty rods to the west of the place. The Spring was first discoyered about twenty-five years since, issuing from a small aperture in one of the rocks situat- ed near the base of the water-fall: the rock, however, by some accident was moved from its place, and the water ceased to flow from its side. Not long after a gentleman by the name of Put- nam, one of the most enterprising among the first settlers of the place, discovered bubbles of air breaking through the wa- ter in the middle of the brook. Govern- 34 Description of the Springs. ed by the hopes of recovering the origin- al fountain, he turned the stream from its course, and having removed the earth to the depth of about eight feet, discovered a strong mineral water rising from among the stones and gravel of the bottom in numerous places. He then prepared a conical box, and having placed the wid- est end of it so as to include the greatest number of these little fountains, replaced the earth around it, and thus secured to posterity the possession of a mineral wa- ter, which, for its peculiar medicinal pro- perties, stands unrivalled in the annals of the world. The water rises in the curb to a little above the surface of the brook (which still passes around it) but seems unwil- ling to mount much higher; it escapes through a hole in the side at a rate con- siderably less than a gallon a minute, but when the pressure has been removed by lessening the column of water in the curb. Description of the Springs. 35 as when it has been rapidly diped out, it rushes in with greater violence and it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to re- move the whole contents of the well. The gas escapes through the water in fine bubbles, giving to the surface the appearance of simmering, not unlike that which water exhibits just before the pro- cess of violent ebullition takes place. When first diped, the water is remark- ably limpid, and were it not for the con- stant escape of free carbonic gas in numerous fine specks, it would be per- fectly transparent. It, however, becomes turbid after standing a few hours expos- ed to the air, and deposits a sediment. Its effect upon the taste is a predomi- nant sense of salt and carbonic gas, not unpleasant to those who are in the daily use of it. When swallowed, its effects depend in a great measure upon the state 36 Description of the Springs. of the stomach at the time of receiving it, and upon the quantity drank; when tak- en however, in a moderate draught, by a person in tolerable health, the sensation is seldom if ever unpleasant, and to moBt people, who are in the habitual use of it, particularly in the hot season, the bever- age is delightful. Its most obvious effect, when taken as a medicine, is that of a cathartic and di- uretick. In most habits this effect is produced by drinking five or six half- pints in the morning before eating; soon after taking it the person feels a sense of fullness about the stomach and bowels, attended with eructations of fixed air; a slight giddiness of the head and a sensa- tion bordering on a disposition to sleep. These feelings, however, are soon remov- ed by the copious discharges that almost immediately follow, leaving the stomach with an increased appetite for food, and the desire for exercise unshackled with languor. Description of the Springs. 37 The temperature, by Fahrenheit's Ther- mometer^ at the bottom of the spring, is fifty degrees, and it does not suffer any sensible change during the winter or sum- mer ; neither does the season appear to have any effect in diminishing or increas- ing the quantity of water. The application of the following re- agents illustrate its composition. Infusion of purple-cabbage, gives first a blue colour, which soon becomes a beautiful green. Tincture of litmus, becomes red. Tincture of galls, tea, &c. gives a purple colour, as do all the vegetable as- tringents. This experiment does not suc- ceed after the water has been boil- ed, or has stood for a long time expos- ed to the air. 4 38 Description of the Springs. Nitrate of mercury, produces an im- mediate milky appearance, which termi- nates in a white precipitate. Nitrate of silver, produces a copious white precipitate, which on being suffer- ed to stand, becomes of a dark, muddy appearance; the dark colour, however, does not take place, if the mixture be ex- cluded from the rays of light Muriate of barytes, produced no sen- sible effect. Acetate of lead, produces a cloudiness, terminating in a dense sediment. Caustic ammonia, a white precipitate. Caustic alkali, *. more dense precipi- tate. Prutiate of lime, produced no effect, but on the addition of a small quantity Description of the Springs. 39 of sulphuric or nitric acid, the prutiate of iron was immediately formed and pre- cipitated. Sulphuric acid, produced a copious disengagement of fixed air. Nitric and muriatic acids, a less copi- ous disengagement of gas. Citric acid, a turbidness. Oxalic acid, an immediate precipitate. Lime-water, a turbidness. These experiments indicate the pre- sence of carbonic acid, a carbonated al- kali, carbonated earths, and a carbonated iron, together with a muriatic salt. Further experiments, conducted in the manner heretofore stated, gave the fol- lowing actual contents of one gallon, or 231 cubic inches of the water. 40 Description of the Springs. Muriate of Soda, 471.5 Carbonate of Lime, 178.476 Carbonate of Soda, 16.5 Carbonate of Magnesia, 3.356 Carbonate of Iron, 6.168 Total, 676 grains Carbonic acid gas, 343 cubic inches. It will be perceived, from the above statement, that the quantity of fixed air v astly exceeds any thing yet discovered, and that this, combined with the marine salt, and various carbonates, give to the waters of this fountain, in their cathartic- properties, a decided preference over r\ cry thing of the kind hitherto known. It is recommended and used with pro- priety, in all those chronic cases where cathartics and gentle aperients are indi- cated, and one of the most valuable pro- perties, which it possesses, is, that wheo properly taken, it may be persevered in Description of the Springs. 41 for almost any length of time, and a daily increased evacuation from the bowels produced, without debilitating the ali- mentary canal, or in any way impairing the digestive powers of the stomach, but on the contrary, the spirits, appetite, and general health will be improved. The good effects of this water is like- wise particularly noticed in obstructions of the liver and other organs connected with the functions of the stomach and in- testines; and in most of those complaints resulting from a residence in a hot cli- mate, or the habitual use of ardent spi- rits. 4* 12 Description of the Springs. Columbian Spring. This fountain discovers itself at the foot of a steep bank, consisting princi- pally of sand and yellow loam, about fif- teen rods westerly from the Congress, and a short distance from the south side of the brook. The water being confined by a curb, rises a few inches above the surface of the surrounding earth, and escapes through a small hole made for the pur- pose. The well is sunk about six feet, and the water comes in so fast as to render it difficult to empty it by diping, even with a bucket The surface of the water, when viewed in the fountain, does not present the sim- Description of the Springs. 43 mering appearance so conspicuous in the Congress, but the gas breaks up through it in large bubbles at irregular intervals, giving to the water the resemblance of a more violent ebullition. The surface of the earth, over which the water escapes, is covered with the carbonate of iron and lime. The water is quite limpid, and, when drank, betrays its chalybeate properties to the taste, together with the sense of carbonic gas. Its temperature is the same as the Congress, and the applica- tion of tests evince the presence of the same qualities, differing only as to quan- tity. One gallon or 231 cubic inches of the water, from a careful analysis, yielded the following result 44 Description of the Springs. Muriate of Soda, - 201.5 Carbonate of Soda, - 22.5 Carbonate of Lime, - 121. Carbonate of Magnesia, 1.5 Carbonate of Iron, - 7.5 Total, 354 grains. Carbonic acid gas, 236 cubic inches. This water seldom operates as a ca- thartic, unless taken in large quantities^ or when used by persons whose stomachs are extremely irritable. Its most obvi- ous effects when taken in proper doses are diuretic, at the same time operating on the secretions and excretions gene- rally : it likewise exhibits the powers of a mild and pleasant stimulant, and as a tonic, if we are to judge from the quan- tity of iron which it contains, is not ex- celled by any natural water yet disco- vered. Description of the Springs. 45 Washington Spring. Tins fountain is situated by the side of a rill of remarkably pure water, at present in the bushes, about fifty rods to the southwest from the last described spring, and is elevated about twenty feet above the surface of the Congress, The ground around it is incrustated with calcareous and ferruginous substan- ces. The water is limpid, sparkling, and acidulous. Its temperature is 48 de- grees: and one gallon affords the fol- lowing contents. Muriate of Soda, - 231.5 Carbonate of Soda, - 16.5 Carbonate of Lime, - 127.5 Carbonate of Magnesia, 2.5 Carbonate of Iron, - 6. Total, 384 grains. Carbonic acid gas, 247 cubic inches. 16 Description of the Springs. The water of this fountain is seldom drank, but on account of its remote situ- ation, is resorted to by the indigent, for the purpose of external application, and is found to be of eminent service when applied to old, ill-conditioned ulcers, and obstinate eruptions of the skin. ,■ Description of the Springs. 47 Hamilton Spring. This is situated in the marsh, which forms the border of the brook, about fifty rods in a northeast direction from the Congress. The well is sunk about eight feet through a loose black earth, a wooden curb prevents the egress of the water, which rises from the bottom, and like- wise secures it from the intrusion of fo- reign substances. The external appear- ance around the spring is similar to those already spoken of, and the presence of gas is evinced by the almost constant and violent commotion produced by its es- cape. Its temperature is 48 degrees; and one gallon is found to hold the fol- lowing articles in solution. 48 Description of the Springs* Muriate of Soda, - 269.5 Carbonate of Soda, - 24.5 Carbonate of Lime, - 147.5 Carbonate of Magnesia, 7.5 Carbonate of Iron, *- 3.0 Total, 452 grains. Carbonic acid gas, 284 cubic inches. This water ranks among the first as a diuretic and antacid, and from its saline properties is frequently used as a substi- tute for the Congress, in those cases where the irritable state of the stomach renders the more drastic effects of that water inadmissible. This fountain likewise furnishes a sup- ply of water for the bath-house, which is situated near it on the opposite side of the brook, and is the most convenient and secure of any the place at present affords. Description of the Springs* 45J Flat Rock Spring. Following the course of the brook about one hundred rods from the Hamil- ton, we come to this fountain. It disco- vers itself on the verge of a marsh, at the foot of a steep bank, which termi- nates the west side of the valley through which the brook passes; this bank is composed of argillaceous earth and sand, and is elevated about forty feet above the brook. The earth around the spring is incrus- tated by a friable rocky substance, which extends to the distance of several feet, and forms a dry and commodious plat- form for those who visit it; this rock is simply the usual deposit from the water, combined with sand, leaves, sticks, &c. for which it is indebted to the wind and rain, and is no more than what happens 5 £0 Description of the Springs. about any of these fountains, where the water is suffered to stagnate in their im- mediate vicinity. Near the centre of this platform, the Water rises to the surface and issues in a small stream. The well is eight or nine feet deep, and is curbed to prevent the intrusion of foreign substances. Its external appearance and taste re- sembles the Columbian, and the analyses confirms the similarity. Its temperature is 48 degrees, and one gallon affords the following articles : Muriate of Soda, - 194.8 Carbonate of Soda, - 11.2 Carbonate of Lime, - 107. Carbonate of Magnesia, 1.5 Carbonate of Iron, - 7.5 Total, 322 grains. Oarbonic acid gas, 252.5 cubic inches. Description of the Springs. 5) This water is used in all cases for which the Columbian is recommended, and has hitherto been considered as the best chalybeate spring, the place afford- ed, and on that account, has been the most frequented. It is by no means im- probable that there are cases in which this water will answer a better purpose as a tonic, than the Columbian, from its containing a greater quantity of fixed air, a less quantity of the saline principle, and at the same time, an equal quantity of iron 52 Description of tlie Springs. High Hock Spring. Pursuing the course of the valley about one hundred rods further, in a northerly direction, we come to the High Rock. It is situated near the bottom of a ledge of rocks, which at this place marks the westerly side of the valley, and is com- posed principally of calcarious earth, in which are imbeded large masses of flint stone and quartz. The water of this fountain is surround- ed by a conical rock, which is, very just- ly, considered the greatest natural curi- osity which the country affords; its di- ameter, at the base, is between eight and nine feet, and its height between five and six; at its top is a circular opening, near- ly twelve inches in diameter, which gra- dually widens as the rock enlarges, leav- ing its walls of nearly an equal thickness Description of the Springs. 53 throughout. In this cavity the water ri- ses to within two feet of the top, and is there seen constantly agitated by the in- cessant escape of carbonic gas, for which the vacancy above the water, forms a ca- pacious and secure reservoir, where the curious are frequently entertained by its deleterious effects on animal life. This rock, like those we have before described, is composed of ferruginous particles, and calcarious earth, combined with sand and such other articles as ac- cident threw in the way. It is however. more compact in its structure, and par- ticularly about its top, less friable. That this curious production owes its origin to the water, will not admit of a doubt, and that the fountain once issued from the cavity and descended upon its sides, is equally certain; but the precise manner in which the rock was formed, or the time when the water ceased to 5* 54 Description of the Springs. flow upon its surface, is not so obvious.— [ am disposed to believe with Dr. Sea- man, that the basis of this mass was com- menced beneath the surface of the earth, that the water, thus cooped up within the limits of its own sediment, continued to rise, and escaping over the sides of its prison, constantly added to the dimen- sions of its walls. In this manner it would continue to rise until the column of wa- ter in the curb, balanced the power that compelled it up, in which case it would become stationary; and it is but fair to conclude, that in process of time, the power, so propelling the water, might be diminished, when the water in the rock would sink in exact proportion to the loss ©f that power. The idea propagated by the inhabi- tants, that the water owes its escape to a fissure, occasioned by the fall of a tree, appears to be entirely fabulous, as the fountain was visited as early as the year Description of the Springs. 55 1767, and no appearance to induce such a belief presented itself at that time, and yet the water did not reach the top of the rock by several inches. The appearance or taste of the water does not materially differ from those al- ready described. Its temperature is 48 degrees, and a gallon affords the follow- ing contents. Muriate of Soda, - 210. Carbonate of Soda, - 18. Carbonate of Lime, - 115. Carbonate of Magnesia, .5 Carbonate of Iron, - 4.5 Total, 348 grains. Carbonic acid gas, 243 cubic inches,. The singularity of this fountain first in- troduced it to notice* and for a long time it remained the only one in use, when much was said by the credulous of its 56 Description of the Springs. astonishing effects in the cure of almost all diseases. From the above analysis how^ ever, it does not, at present, appear to possess properties to distinguish it from most of the others in its neighbourhood. . It is a mild cathartic, but is principal- ly used as a restorative ; and is found to be an efficacious diuretic. Description of the Springs. 57 President Spring. About thirty rods from the High Rock, in the same valley, is the President spring. It is about four feet deep; the water breaks up through the fissures of a ledge of pure lime rock, that forms its bottom, and furnishes an ample supply in the wooden curb that protects it. It is re- markably sparkling. Its temperature is 5 i degrees, and a gallon affords the fol- lowing ingredients. Muriate of Soda, - - 135. Carbonate of Soda, - - 19. Carbonate of Lime, - 107.5 Carbonate of Magnesia, - 2.5 Carbonate of Iron, - - 6. Total, 270. gr. Carbonic acid gas, 314 cubic inches. 58 Description of the Springs. The water of this fountain is much drank, and from the great quantity of fixed air which it contains, is a refreshing and pleasant beverage. It is highly ser- viceable in urinary affections, and is much used as a discutient in diseases of the skin. Description of the Springs. 59 Red Spring. This is situated near the road in the border of the marsh, in a northeast di- rection from the President. It receives its name from the carbonated iron that is observed about it, and the water when agitated, has numerous particles of fine sand, stained with this substance floating in it, which gives it a red appearance. The temperature is 48 degrees, and the analysis of a gallon gives the following proportions. Muriate of Soda, - - 117.52 Carbonate of Soda, - 24.48 Carbonate of Lime, - *■ 97. Carbonate of Magnesia, 3. Carbonate of Iron, - 6. Total, 248. gr. Carbonic acid gas, 150.5 cubic inches. 60 Description of the Springs. Popular opinion has sanctioned the use of this water as an application to ill- conditioned ulcers and diseases of the skin, and it is much more used for this purpose than for any other. Description of the Sjprings. 61 Taylor's Springs. Within a few years, a number of springs have been discovered, in the course of the same valley, on land be- longing to John and Ziba Taylor. They are situated about one mile in an easter- ly direction, from the High Rock. The soil through which they discover them- selves, is composed of argillaceous earth and sand, combined with the usual depo- sits, iron and lime. From among several that have been opened and curbed, three have been se- lected as possessing strong medicinal qua- lities. These have received from their proprietors the distinguished names of Washington, Jackson, and Alexander. Of these, the Washington of course, ranks pre-eminent, and, in its saline properties, is only inferior to the Congress.—The 6 62 Description of the Spring* water is clear and sparkling. Its tem- perature is 48 degrees, and a gallon yields Muriate of Soda, - 313.54 Carbonate of Soda, - 26.46 Carbonate of Lime, - ] 40. Carbonate of Magnesia, 5.5 Carbonate of Iron, - 4.1 Total, 489JL gr. Carbonic acid gas, 251 cubic inches. This water may be used, with proprie- ty, in most cases for which the Congress is recommended; the quantity, however, requires to be somewhat increased in or- der to have the same effect upon the bowels. In calculous and nephritic com- plaints, it might be supposed to have a preference on account of its alkaline property. The Jackson is a few yards from the Washington, in a northwesterly direction. Description of the Springs. 6 5 The fountain was completely covered by a thick incrustation of the usual appear- ance and consistence.—The temperature is 50 degrees, and a gallon affords Muriate of Soda, - - 240. Carbonate of Soda, - - 18. Carbonate of Lime, - - 103.8 Carbonate of Magnesia, - 3. Carbonate of Iron, - - 5.2 Total, 370 gr. Carbonic acid gas, 256^ cubic inches. The Alexander is on the verge of the brook, twenty or thirty rods from the Jackson, in an easterly direction; its ap- pearance and taste is similar to the others. The temperature is 48 degrees, and a gallon affords 64 Description of the Springs. Muriate of Soda, - - 238.4 Carbonate of Soda, - - 19.6 Carbonate of Lime, - - 119.5 Carbonate of Magnesia, - 7. Carbonate of Iron, - - 5.5 Total, 390 gr. Carbonic acid gas, 253 cubic inches. The properties of these fountains enti- tle them, to no small share of respect, and it is by no means improbable, that '.\hen proper accommodations are pre- pared, they will receive the attention of the diseased, particularly of those who may wish to be retired from the noise and turmoil of the fashionable circles that throng the Congress, Description of the Springs. 65 Ellis' Spring. About two miles from the Congress, in a southerly direction, on land belonging to a Mr. Ellis, is another mineral foun- tain distinguished by the name of Ellis' Spring. It is situated in a deep valley on the side of the principal northern branch of the Kayadarossaras creek, the banks of which, at this place, rise nearly fifty feet above its bed, and are frequently in- dented by deep valleys that open into the creek, the side of one of these having been lately denuded, for the purpose of erecting mills, furnishes a favourable op- portunity for inspecting its structure; the appearance of which is as follows, First, A mixture of clay and gravel, 2 feet. Coarse gravel and sand with a great variety of small stones, generally smooth, 4 6* 66 Description of the Springs. At the bottom of this stratum issues a spring of very pure water which is never dry, and retains a temperature of 50 degrees. Coarse gravel, sand, and clay, with paving stones, - 20 feet Red oxide of iron, combined with sand and clay, - 2 Clay and coarse gravel, 4 Lamellated slate, suitable for domestic uses, although it has not as yet been worked for that purpose, - 3 Coarse gravel and clay, 4 Another stratum of lamellated slate, which extends beneath the creek, to an unknown depth, - - 10 Making in the whole, 49 feet These strata are all placed in a hori* zontal position, and are well defined. Description of the Springs. 67 The valley in which the mineral foun- tain discovers itself is of a semi-circular form,, including the area of an acre. Differing from all the others of the kind, this water issues from the bank in a horizontal direction; it betrays its char- acter the moment it approaches the lightr by its sparkling appearance, and the de- posit of its iron, which stains the walls of the little rill, as it trickles down the de- clivity to the marsh, a few feet below, where it has^ formed a compact rocky sub- stance, resembling in all respects, those heretofore described. The water is remarkably clear, its taste is acidulous and chalybeate, and its tem- perature is 47 degrees. One gallon yields the following ingredients. 68 Description of the Sprtngb. Muriate of Soda, - 188. Carbonate of Soda, - 10. Carbonate of Lime, - 110.5 Carbonate of Iron, - 7.5 Total, 316 grains. Carbonic acid gas, 224.5 cubic inches. From the above analysis, it will be per- ceived, that as a chalybeate, this fountain is inferior to none; and from its retired and pleasant situation will, no doubt, be- come a place of considerable resort Description of the Springs. 69 Sulphur Spring. Between two and three miles from El- lis' Spring, directly up the creek, and near its side, is a strong scented sulphur spring. It rises perpendicularly from the earth, in a stream sufficient to turn a mill, at the foot of a steep bank, composed of sand and clay, intermixed with a great variety of small stones. The approach to this fountain is dis- covered at the distance of some yards, by the sulphurous odour with which it impregnates the atmosphere. The wa- ter is clear, and but triflingly agitated by the escape of gas. Its taste is unplea- sant, slightly resembling bilge-water. It deposits a brown sediment, which marks its passage to the creek the distance of one hundred yards. Its temperature is 50 degrees, while that of a fountain of pure 70 Description of tlie Springs. water, which arises from the same bank. in a horizontal direction and within ten feet of it, is at 40 degrees. Its properties are indicated from the application of the following tests. It becomes purple from the addition of a solution of nutgalls ; but not after boiling. It becomes green from the addition of purple-cabbage, and red from the addi- tion of litmus. Nitrate of silver produces a cloudiness which becomes black in the dark, if the experiment be made with the water fresh from the spring; but otherwise, it does not become dark unless the mixture be left exposed to the rays of light. Sulphuric acid produces an escape of gas. Description of the Springs. 71 Muriate of barytee, no effect. Oxilic acid, a turbidness. Lime water, a turbidness. The following articles were separated from a gallon of the water. Muriate of Soda, - 23.6 Carbonate of Soda, - 1.4 Carbonate of Lime, - 33.1 Carbonate of Iron, - 1.9 Total, 60 grains. Carbonic acid gas 43.5 cubic inches. Sulphurated hydrogen 11 cubic inches. The proportions, of these two gases, were obtained by adopting the method proposed by Kirwan. A graduated glass jar was filled with the gas over water, and carefully removed into a vessel con- taining nitrous acid, the immediate con- densing of the sulphurated hydrogen gave the proportions of each. 72 Description of the Springs. The sediment about the spring, is com- posed of iron and lime, combined with a small quantity of white sand, which the water is constantly bringing up; but no experiments, which Imade, will warrant the belief, that it contains the smallest quantity of sulphur. This water has been used, both exter- nally and internally, in various cutaneous diseases, but from the above analysis, it is probable that the sulphurous impreg- nation adds but little if any to its virtues in these diseases, and excepting as a source of cleanliness, (which may be found in any other water); it possesses no very important properties as a discutant Description of the Springs. 73 Ballston Springs. The Village of Ballston Spa, is situa- ted about seven miles in a southwest di- rection from the springs at Saratoga.— The great resort to this village, on ac- count of its mineral waters, has made it, like Saratoga, a place of extensive noto- riety. The fountains discover themselves in a marsh at the bottom of a deep valley, through which one of the principal south- ern branches of the Kayadarossares creek passes. The wells have been sunk from six to eight feet, and the water rises from the bottom through a coarse gravel. The principal fountain is situated near the centre of the village, and the liberality of the inhabitants has ornamented and se- cured it with a handsome iron paleing, and marble platform. The water rises 7 74 Description of the Springs. to within four feet of the top of the curb, and is there seen constantly agitated by the escape of gas. It is remarkably clear and sparkling, and when drank be- trays its chalybeate, as well as its gase- ous properties to the taste. From the repeated application of the several re-agents to the waters of this fountain, they appear to contain no pro- perties to distinguish them from the wa- ters of Saratoga. Its temperature is 50°, and one gallon, or 232 cubic inches, from a careful analysis, yielded the following result Muriate of Soda, - 159. Carbonate of Soda, - 9. Carbonate of Lime, - 75.5 Carbonate of Magnesia^ 2.5 Carbonate of Iron, - 7. Total, 252 grains. Carbonic acid gas, 210 cubic inches. Description of the Springs. 75 It is highly important to observe, that although the water, from which the above analysis was made, had been carefully bottled and corked at the spring, and had stood but forty-eight hours previous to the process being commenced, neverthe- less it is but reasonable to conclude that a minute quantity of the iron had been precipitated before the process was com- menced, from the loss of carbonic gas, which the water is known to sustain from being bottled. We may therefore safely conclude that tb,e water of this fountain, contains the same quantity of iron as the Flat Rock, the Columbian, or Ellis' Spring: that is, 1\ gr. to a gallon, and probably a trifle more than its bulk of fix- ed air. This water, if drank in large quantities or when taken by persons whose sto- machs are extremely irritable, operates as a cathartic; it is likewise, in most in- stances, a powerful diuretic; and like 76 Description of tfw Springs. the other strong chalybeates in the vici- nity, " is of eminent service to an impaired orcapriciousappetite,andweaknessofthe assimilating organs, in irregular digestion, flatulent distention of the abdomen, anxi- ety about the prcecordia, difficult respira- tion from sympathy with the stomach, occasional vomiting of viscid mucus," &c~ Description of the Springs. 77 Low's Spring. About one hundred rods further down the creek, and near its side, is the bath- ing or Low's spring. The waters of which resemble in appearance the one already described, and the application of tests indicate the same properties. Its tem- perature is 52°, and one gallon is found to hold in solution the following articles-. Muriate of Soda, - - 142. Carbonate of Soda, - - 10. Carbonate of Lime, - - 64.5 Carbonate of Magnesia, - 1.5 Carbonate of Iron, 6. Total, 224 gr. Carbonic acid gas, 220 cubic inches. 7# 78 Description of the Springs: Sulphur Spring. Within twenty feet of the last describ- ed fountain, is a sulphurous water which betrays its character to the smell and taste. Its temperature is 52°, and the fol- lowing substances were separated from one gallon. Muriate of Soda, - - 64. Carbonate of Soda, 6. Carbonate of Lime, - - 30. Carbonate of Iron, - - 4. Total, 104 gr. Carbonic acid gas, 144 cubic inches. Sulphurated Hydrogen, 7 cubic inches. The Waters of these two fountains are mostly used for bathing, but they are sometimes drank, and the latter is sup- posed to be highly efficacious in cutane- ous diseases. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS On the Use of the Waters in diseases. I shall conclude my observations on the waters of these fountains, by a few general remarks on their application in the various diseases for which they have become so deservedly celebrated. The waters are so universally used, and their effects so seldom injurious, par- ticularly to persons in health, that almost every one who has drank of them assumes the right to direct their use to others, and even empiricks, without any know- ledge of their composition, and little of none of their effects, contrive to dispose ©f their directions to valetudinarians to no other purpose than to injure the repu- tation of the waters, and destroy the pros- pects of the diseased. Nothing can be more absurd than the idea, that governs many who visit the 80 Directions for the use of the Waters. Springs for the restoration of their health, that they are to recover in proportion to the quantity they drink; for although per- sons in health may, and frequently do, swallow down enormous quantities of the water with impunity, it by no means fol- lows, that those whose stomachs are en- feebled by disease can take the same quantity with the same effect Stomachs of this description, most frequently, re- ject the too copious drauglit and save the system from the evil consequences that would otherwise inevitably follow, but when it happens to be retained, the result is indeed distressing; the pulse becomes quick and feeble, the extremities cold, the bowels swollen and painful, and the whole train of nervous affections alarm- ingly increased, and should the unfortu- nate sufferer survive the effects of his im- prudence, it is only to a renewal of his worst apprehensions from a loss of con- fidence in what he most probably consi- dered a last resort. Directions for the use of the Waters. 81 Among the great variety of invalids who resort to the Springs, none, perhaps, re- ceive more essential and effectual bene- fit from their use, than The Bilious and Dyspeptic. In the first, if the attack be recent and unattended with any serious organic af- fection, it is most usually removed in the course of a few days, by a free use of the Congress water; but in those cases where the functions of the stomach and bowels have become impaired, from the long continuance of the disease, attended with anasarcas swellings of the extremi- ties, &c. Although the waters of this fountain may be resorted to with nearly the same assurance of obtaining relief, nevertheless, more caution is indispens- ably necessary in its administration, for, should a great quantity of the water be drank, without having the proper effect by the bowels and kidneys, it is never bene- 82 Directions for the dse of the Waters. ficial; but on the contrary, frequently in- creases the most alarming symptoms of the disease. In this case I have been in the habit of recommending the conjunc- tion of some mild cathartic medicine; and for this purpose, two or three grains of calomel have been given over night, fol- lowed in the morning with three or four tumblers of the water, with the happiest effect; a few doses of this description, usually places the bowels in a situation to be more easily wrought upon by the water alone, and the patient becomes convinced of its efficacy in his disease, from a few days proper application. In Dyspepsia, it is usual to begin a course of the waters with the Congress. This should be taken in the morning be- fore breakfast, four or five tumblers full are commonly sufficient to produce . a pretty copious discharge from the bow- els, and in weak irritable habits, half the quantity^ or a single tumbler full, in some Directions for tlie use of the Waters. 83 cases, is amply sufficient to answer the purpose, but in those cases where the bowels are attended with an habitual constipation, the quantity of water re- quired to move them is apt to: prove too cold to the stomach, and by producing cold chills and nausea, frequently defeats the general intention of its application; this may be prevented by taking some suitable laxative over night, and a much less quantity of water in the morning will answer the wishes of the patient without subjecting him to any inconven- ience. But the water of the Congress is not, alone, to be depended on for the re- moval of this disease; when the stomach and bowels have been sufficiently clean- sed by the pleasant and innocent purga- .- tive properties of this water, recourse must be had to the operation of the more powerful chalybeates; these are to be found in the waters of the Flat Rock, the Columbian, in Ellis'' Spring, and at the, Spa. 84 Directions for the use of the Waters. The quantity of waters, from either of these fountains, to be used daily, depends in a great measure on the state of the disease and the disposition of the sto- mach ; it is therefore necessary to com- mence their use in small quantities at a time, in distant and regular intervals, gra- dually increasing the quantity and fre- quency of the draught as may be most agreeable to the stomach, and least inju- rious to the feelings. In this way, the quantity may be increased to from one to two quarts a day, and it is questiona- ble whether a much larger quantity may be drank with any additional advantage. Conjoined with the internal use of the water, bathing should not be forgotten; its exhilarating effect upon the surface, contributes much to the restoration of the vigour and health of the stomach. The cold shower bath should always be preferred where the energy of the sys- tem is sufficient to overcome the effects Directions for the use of the Waters. 85 of the cold, and produce the sensation of warmth over the surface of the body immediately after its application. Where this sensation is not produced, the cold bath should be dispensed with, and the tepid or warm bath substituted in its stead, together with general friction, with a flesh brush or coarse flannel, over the whole surface. The stimulating effects of these wa- ters, arising from their saline and gas- eous properties, give them a decided preference over any other, as a bath ; and those who are labouring under a de- ficient or irregular action of the cutane- ous vessels, arising either from a sympa- thetic affection with a diseased stomach, or from an original affection of the ves- sels themselves, will find it to their ad- vantage to persevere in its use under this form. The idea of bathing before sunrise or early in the morning, is entirely errone- 8 86 Directions for the me of the Waters. ous. Before bathing, the system should always receive the invigorating effect of moderate exercise and a nutricious re- past. The hour often or eleven in the forenoon is, therefore, the most suitable time for its application. In calculous and nephritic complaints the waters have long been celebrated for their efficacy; and numerous well at- tested instances of their good effects can be produced, where the disease was not only mitigated, but effectually cured. In these cases the subjects of them void- ed large quantities of sand and small gravel; and for some years past have felt no symptoms of the return of the complaint. The fountain that would seem to pro- mise most in these diseases, are the Ha- milton, and Taylor's Washington, as they contain the greatest quantity of the aerated alkali. But (he waters have been Directions for the use of the Waters. 87 usually drank indiscriminately for this purpose, without reference to any parti- cular fountain ; it is, therefore, proba- ble that the fixed air and lime add to the lithontriptic properties of these wa- ters. They should be drank in such quan- tities as to keep the bowels loose, and repeated sufficiently often to keep up an increased secretion by the kidneys. In chronic rheumatism, the virtues of the waters were celebrated by the abo- rigines, and later observations confirm the justice of their faith. The Congress water has the most celebrity in this dis- ease. It should be drank in the morn- ing, in sufficient quantities to move the bowels two or three times, followed, through the day, by moderate draughts of some of the other fountains ; and, in most instances, the shower bath will add much to the efficacy of the water. Fol- 88 Directions for the use of the Waters. lowing this course, for a length of time, gradually relaxes the rigidity of the mus- cles, adds strength, and facility of motion, to the diseased joints, and restores ease and vigour to the whole system. Scrofula, is another disease for which those who are afflicted with it, frequent- ly become applicants to the waters, and experience has sanctioned the belief of their utility in this afflictive complaint. The chalybeate waters are those from which we are to look for the greatest benefit ; thry must be commenced in small doses, and the quantity gradually increased as the stomach will bear them, and their use continued at least through the summer months. There are but few of this description that have not receiv- ed advantage; and numerous instances might be adduced, where the less se- riously affected have perfectly recovered in consequence of a proper course of bathing and drinking. Directions far the use of the Waters. &9 In dropsy, arising from viceral obstruc- tions of long continuance, the waters are manifestly injurious, as they invariably increase the swelling and add to the suf- ferings of the patient; but in recent cases where the affection arises simply from a deficient action in the absorbent vessels, the water has a singular effect in remov- ing it; it should be drank in the morning freely, so as to produce a copious dis- charge from the bowels, and through the day taken in such quantities as to keep up a pretty constant discharge of urine. The bloating is relieved immediately, and a subsequent course of chalybeates, will finally establish the permanency of the cure. In Paralysis the waters have usually been singularly serviceable; the purga- tive properties of the Congress render it most applicable to this disease, and its good effects are much increased by the use of the bath. 8* 90 Directions for the use of the Waters. In chlorosis, and a variety of other com- plaints peculiar to the female sex, the waters maintain a high and deserved repu- tation. In these cases the bowels should be kept loose by the use of the more pur- gative waters, and the stronger chalybe- ate* should be persevered in for a length of time; their good effects will be accele- rated by frequent bathing and moderate exercise. " The general operation of chalybe- ates," (says Dr. Saunders in his Treatise upon the Mineral Waters of Europe) " is to increase the power of the secretory system, in a gradual, uniform manner, and at the same time, by the permanency of their stimulus, or some other cause with which we are not well acquainted, to im- part a gentle and salutary increase to the body, of strength, tone, nervous energy and general vigour of all the functions. It is, therefore, chiefly in chronic disor- ders, in those that arise from slow begin- Directions for the use of the Waters. 91 nings, and are attended with great laxity and debility of the solids, but without much organic disease, that these waters are found to be particularly useful." Four'Pints, or, 115.5 Cubic Inches of Water from the following Springs, contain the annexed ingredients. NAMES OF THE SPRINGS. i s u p. a 01 H 1 « "5 8 £$ 1-1 1 t 2 . |2 -3 o CO c-o •c 9 a "8 CO <•< 0 1 c 0 hi u 0 0 a C 1 M 1 * 128.25 120. 51.9 Alexander. J 48. jo". 126.5 119.2 59.75 2.75 |195 Ballston Spa. -j 105. 79 5 37.25 32.25 3.5 3. 2. 0.95 126 113 58 30 Low's. J> 52. 52. 110. 71. Sulphur. J 72. 32. 15. Saratoga Sulphur. 50. 21.75 11.8 16.55 92 Dr. Meade. Since the foregoing observations were in type, a new analysis, of the " Mineral Waters of Ballston and Saratoga," has ap- peared with directions for their use, &c. &c. by William Meade, M. D.—The es- sential difference, in the two results, me- rit a more attentive examination than the present situation of this work will admit o£ It is somewhat singular that the Doc- tor should be able to detect muriate of lime and muriate of magnesia, without ob- serving the appearance of the carbonate of soda, which, from my experiments, and all those that have preceded them (many of which have been performed by the most eminent chemists in the United States) is made too obvious to escape the most superficial observer. On this subject, I have only to observe, that al- cohol purified by dry muriate of lime, as Dr. Meade. 93 directed by Accum, Experiment CXII, Art. XXXI. could not, by me, be made to take up the smallest quantity of the saline property from the residuum of any of the waters. That the muriate of magnesia might remain, in a very dilute state, with the solution of the carbonate of soda, is possible ; that it does in a concentrated state, is inconsistent with the present knowledge of chemical facts. I am happy to observe that the result of my experiments, on this subject, are corroborated by those of Doctor Dana, of Boston, on the Congress water, and pub- lished in the New-England Journal, No. I. Vol. VI. page 22. With regard to the difference in the quantity of iron held in solution by the waters, with the utmost deference to the opinion of a "member of the royal physical society of Edinburgh," 1 will venture to af- firm, that any member of an American Fe- 94 Dr. Meade. male Herbal Society from the simple appli- cation of an affusion of her tea leaves, would be able to draw a more accurate comparison of the relative chalybeate pro- perties of these fountains. The method which I adopted to aid my inquiries on this subject, was often re- peated on different quantities of the wa- ters, and always with the same result. I shall, therefore, rely on the liberality and wisdom of my own countrymen to correct the errors or confirm the facts. With regard to the Doctor's lengthy ob- servations on the medicinal qualities of the waters, it is believed, that had he omitted this part of his book until he had acquir- ed a more experimental knowledge of their use in diseases, he would have done more credit to himself, and certainly have been more useful to the public. „JJ V /. '■•;:"■ ' ■ // / / fr-*"' ' '/ i ,y . r .< r Me.JL.Hiit. 176 1*17