05 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WASHINGTON, D. C. B19574 THE ACT OF INCORPORATION, TOGETHER WITH THE BY-LAWS AND RULES OF THE RHODE-ISLAND MEDICAL SOCIETY. PROVIDENCE : PRINTED BY DAVID HAWKINS, JUN. 1812 ACT OF INCORPORATION. STATE OF RHODE-ISLAND, A. D. 1812. An Act to incorporate certain Physicians and Surgeons, by the name of " The Rhode-Island Medical Society." AS the Medical Art is important to the health and happiness of society, every institution, calculated to further its improvement, is entitled to publick atten- tion: and as Medical Societies, formed on liberal principles, and encouraged by the patronage of the laws, have been found conducive to this end: Section 1. Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly, and by the authority thereof it is enacted, That Amos Throop, William Bowen, Pardon Bow- en, Levi Wheaton, Rowland Greene, Samuel Hudson, Daniel Barrus, Joseph Comstock, Niles Manchester, John Wilkinson, John M. Eddy, Thomas M. Bar- rows, Charles Eldridge, Jacob Fuller, Moses Mowry, Peleg Clark, John Mackie, Jeremiah Williams, Wil- liam C. Bowen, Joseph B. Pettes, Walter Wheaton, Stephen Harris, Sylvester Knight, Abraham Mason, Ezekiel Comstock, Augustus Torrey, A. Waldron, Caleb Fisk, Solomon Drown, Comfort A. Carpenter, Thomas Nelson, Thomas Warren, John W. Rich- mond, William G. Shaw, Cyril Carpenter, Thomas 4 Carpenter, Gorton Jerauld, Chilingsworth, Foster, Lemuel W. Briggs, John Aldrich, Eleazar Bellows, Eleazar Bellows, jun. Jonathan Easton, Benjamin Waite Case, Enoch Hazard, David King, William Turner, Edmund Thomas Waring, and Jonathan Easton, jun. be and they hereby are formed into, constituted and made a body politick and corporate, by the name of "The Rhode-Island Medical Society;" and that they and their successours, and such other persons as shall be elected in the manner hereafter mentioned, shall be and continue a body politick and corporate, by the same name forever. Sec 2. And be it further enacted, That the mem- bers of the said Society may, from time to time, elect a President, two Vice-Presidents, one or more Secre- taries, with such other officers as they shall judge necessary and convenient; and they, the members of the said Society, shall have full power and authority, from time to time, to determine and establish the names, number and duty of their several officers, and the tenure they shall respectively have in their offices. Sec 3. And'be it further enacted, That the mem- bers of the said Society shall have a common seal, and power to break, change or renew the same at their pleasure. Sec 4. And be it further enacted, That the said Society may sue and be sued, in all actions, real, per- gonal or mixed, and prosecute and defend the same unto final judgment and execution. Sec 5. And be it further enacted, That the said Society shall have full power and authority to make and enact such rules and by-laws, for the better gov- 5 ernment of said Society, as are not repugnant to the laws of this State, or of the United States, and to an- nex reasonable fines and penalties to the breech of them, not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars, to be sued for and recovered by said Society, and to their own use, by action of debt, in any court, having cog- nizance of the same; and also to determine the num- ber requisite to constitute a quorum for the transac- tion of business ; and to establish the time, place and manner of convening the said Society. Sec 6. And be it further enacted, That the said Society, at any stated legal meeting of the same, may, by a majority of the votes of those present, elect any suitable person or persons to be a member or members of the said Society : Provided, Thai all practising Physicians, or Surgeons, resident within this State, who shall be so elected, shall, within one year after such election, subscribe the by-laws of the said Soci ety, or otherwise declare in writing, their assent to the same, or such election shall be void: and all persons, not practising Physicians, or Surgeons, or not resident within this State, who shall be so elected, may be deemed honorary members of the said Society; and at any such meeting, the said Society shall have pow- er, in like manner, to suspend or expel for improper conduct, any member of said Society. Sec 7. And be it further enacted, That the Presi- dent and members of said Society, or such officers or members as they shall specially appoint for that pur- pose, shall have full power and authority to examine all candidates for the practice of Physick and Surgery, who shall offer themselves for examination, respecting 6 their skill in their profession; and if upon examination, the said candidates shall be found skilled in their pro- fession, and fitted for the practice of it, they shall re- ceive the approbation of the said Society, in letters tes- timonial, under the seal of said Society, signed by the President or such other person, or persons, as shall be appointed for that purpose. Sec 8. And be it further enacted, That the said Society may and shall forever be deemed capable in law, of having, holding and taking, in fee-simple, or any less estate, by gift, grant or devise, or otherwise, any land, tenement or other estate, real or personal, provided that the annual income of the whole real estate, that may be given, granted or devised to, or purchased by the said Society, shall not exceed the sum of five hundred dollars, and the annual income or interest of said personal estate shall not exceed fifteen hundred dollars, and the annual income or interest of the said real or personal estate, together with the fines and penalties paid to said Society, or recovered by them, shall be appropriated to such purposes as are consistent with the end and design of the institution of the said Society, and as the members thereof shall de- termine. Sec 9. And be it further enacted, That a meeting for the organization of the said Society, shall be held in some convenient place within this State, and that Dr. Amos Throop be, and he hereby is authorized to appoint the time and place of holding the said meeting, and to give notice of the same in two or more newspa- pers printed in the towns of Newport and Providence. Passed February Session, A. D. 1812. BY-LAWS. W HERE AS it is granted and declared, in and by the Charter for incorporating a Medical Society, in the State of Rhode-Island, That the fellows may enact such By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, relative to the affairs, concerns and property of said Society, and relative to the duties of their several officers, as they * may think proper: it is therefore ordained, that the following be the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the said Society. CHAP. I. Of Meetings, &c. Sec 1. Annual Meeting. There shall be an annual meeting of the Rhode- Island Medical Society, to be holden alternately in the towns of Newport and Providence. When in New- port, it shall be holden on the last Wednesday in Au- gust ; and when in Providence, it shall be holden on the Tuesday next preceding the Commencement of Brown University, at ten o'clock, A. M. at such place as the President may appoint; fourteen days notice being previously given in two publick papers, one in the town of Newport and one in the town of Provi- dence ; at which meeting, ten fellows shall constitute a quorum for transacting business ; and every fellow of the Society shall be allowed to vote by his proxy, empowered by a writing under his hand, at this and 8 any other meeting of the Society, where, if present, he would have a right to vote in person. Sec 2. Order of Business. At the opening of the annual meeting, the Record- ing Secretory shall read the proceedings of the last meeting; shall report the names of those, who, during the year preceding, have been nominated as candi- dates for admission into the Society; and shall re- ceive the report of any committee or committees.— The Society shall then make such alterations in the by-laws as may be judged expedient—after which, the election, by ballot, of officers for the year ensuing shall take place, in which a majority of votes shall con- stitute a choice. The Society shall then proceed to the admission, by ballot, of the candidates, as fellows, or honorary members of the Society, and no person shall be admitted a fellow or honorary member, unless he shall obtain a majority of the votes of the fellows present in person or by proxy. A discourse, or dis- sertation on some medical subject, shall then be deliv- ered by the person appointed for that purpose; after which the Society shall attend to such communications as it shall be thought proper to make, and to any propositions, which may be considered as conducive to the welfare of the Society, or the general interest of medical science. Sec 3. Election of Fellows and Honorary Members. Every person elected a fellow of this Society shall be notified thereof by the Corresponding Secretary, and upon declaring his assent, in the manner required by the act of incorporation, and paying three dollars to the Treasurer for the use of the Society, shall re- 9 ceive from the Recording Secretary, a certificate in the form following (viz.) State of Rhode-Island. This may certify, that A. B. of C. in the County of D. was elected a fellow of the Rhode-Island Medical Society on the------day of------A. D.----, and is entitled to all the honours and privileges of the Society. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Society to be affixed, at ------this------day of------A. D.----. E. F. President. Attest, G. H. Recording Secretary. Sec 4. Assessment. Every fellow of the Society shall annually contri- bute one dollar to the funds of the Society and shall pay the same to the Treasurer thereof, and no fellow shall be allowed the loan of any book or other article belonging to the Society, nor be allowed to vote at any meeting of the Society, until he shall have made such payment. Sec 5. Resignation. The Society may, for satraFactory reasons, permit a fellow to resign his fellowship, and he shall thereupon be considered an honorary member, but not other- wise. Sec 6. Expulsion. No fellow of the Society shall be expelled there- from, but by a vote of two-thirds, at least, of the fel- lows present in person or by proxy, at the annual meeting of the Society. 9 10 Sec. 7. Consultation. To promote the laudable designs for which the So- ciety was formed and incorporated, to prevent, as far as may be, all unqualified persons from practising medicine or surgery, and in order to discourage empiricism, it shall be deemed disreputable and shall be unlawful for any fellow of this Society, in the capacity of either physician or surgeon, to advise or consult with any person whatever, who shall hereafter commence the practice of medicine or surgery within this State, until he shall have been examined and ap- probated'by the Censors of the Society—and any fel- low of the Society, who shall assist any person not so qualified, by affording him advice or by consulting with him in the capacity of physician, or surgeon, shall for such offence, be disqualified from giving his vote, at any meeting of the Society for two years: shall be liable to the censure and reprimand of the Society, and in aggravated cases, to expulsion. Sec 8. Quackery. Whenever any fellow of the Society shall publickly advertise, for sale, any tfnedicine, the composition of which he keeps a secret; or shall offer, in like manner, to cure any disease, by any such secret medicine, he shall be liable to expulsion or such other penalty as the Society,' at their annual meeting, may think proper .to inflict. 11 CHAP. II. Or Officers. Sec. 1. Officers. At the annual meeting of the Society there shall be chosen a President, two Vice-Presidents, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Li- brarian and Cabinet-Keeper, and eight Censors, four for the Northern and four for the Southern Districts of the State. Sec 2. President. The President shall have power to call a; special meeting of the Society, whenever he shall deem it ex- pedient, or whenever five fellows shall request it in writing—shall preside at all meetings of the Society— shall regulate all debates thereat—shall state and put questions—shall call for reports of committees—shall enforce an observance of the by-laws and regulations— shall have custody of and use, on proper occasions, the seal of the Society—shall have a casting vote and shall perform all such duties as may be assigned him. Sec 3. Vice-Presidents. The first Vice-President, in case of the death, re- signation, disability or absence of the President, shall have and exercise all the powers of the President, un- til a new choice of President; and in the absence of the President and first Vice-President, the second Vice-President shall officiate as President. Sec 4. Recording Secretary. The Recording Secretary shall have charge of the charter, by-laws and records of the Society—shall no- tify all meetings of the Society—shall keep a fair re- cord of the proceedings of the Society—shall receive 12 and record the proceedings of the Censors, which he shall read at the next annual meeting ; and also such communications as have been made to the Society, since their last meeting—shall, after any person is elected a fellow or honorary member of the Society, transmit information thereof, together with a copy of the charter and by-laws of the Society, to the Corres- ponding Secretary—shall notify the chairman of all committees, furnish the names of the committee, and perform any other services which may be assigned him. Sec 5v Corresponding Secretary. The Corresponding Secretary shall have the charge of all letters and communications transmitted to the Society—shall cause papers written in any foreign language to be translated into English—shall prepare and transmit answers to correspondents, in such lan- guage and form as the Society shall direct—shall no- tify, as soon as may be, every person elected a fellow or honorary member of the Society, of his election and the time when it was made, and at the same time transmit him a copy of the charter and by-laws of the Society, and perform such other duties as may be as- signed him. If: at any time, either of the Secretaries should be absent, the one attending shall perform the services of both, but shall, as soon as may be, arrange and deliver over the papers of their respective depart- ments. The Secretaries may also, with the consent of the President, furnish attested copies of papers and transactions belonging to their respective departments, for which such fees may be demanded as the Society shall establish. % 13 Sec. 6. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall give security for the trust re- posed in him, whenever the Society shall judge it requisite, and the funds of the Society will admit a compensation for his services—shall demand and re- ceive all monies due to the Society, together with all bequests and donations—shall demand, and if neces- sary, sue for and recover all fines due to the Society— shall, under the direction of the Society, sell or lease any estate belonging to the Society, and execute the necessary papers—shall, in general, have the care and management of the fiscal concerns of the Society, and keep an accurate statement of all receipts and expen- ditures—shall pay no money out of the Treasury, but by an order from the President, and his accounts shall be examined and reported annually to the Society, by a committee appointed for that purpose. Sec 7. Librarian and Cabinet-Keeper. The Librarian and Cabinet-Keeper shall have in his charge and custody, the books, instruments and appa- ratus of the Society—shall keep an accurate register of and arrange them in a proper manner—shall make such disposal of them from time to time, as the Soci- ety may direct, and make an annual statement of the business of his department to the Society, and shall carefully record all donations made in his department. Sec 8. Resignation, Removal and Replacement of Officers. Every officer of the Society may, for sufficient rea- sons, resign his office, or may be removed therefrom by order of the Society, for neglect, inattention or mal-conduct; in either of which cases, or on the death 14 of any officer, the President shall appoint a fellow to the office so vacated, who shall serve until the ne*t annual meeting of the Society. CHAP. III. Of Censors, Examinations and Licenses. Sec 1. Censors'* Meetings. There shall be a meeting of the Censors semi-annu- ally, for the examination of candidates for the prac- tice of medicine, surgery and midwifery. The four Censors for the southern district shall meet in the town of Newport, on the first Wednesday in March; and those for the northern district shall meet in the town of Providence, on the Monday preceding the annual meeting; ten days at least previously to these meetings, notice thereof shall be given in two publick papers, one printed in the town of Newport, and one printed in the town of Providence, specifying the place and time of day, at which such meetings are to be holden. Three Censors shall constitute a quorum, and the senior Censor present shall preside and may appoint either of the other Censors present, to officiate as Secretary, whose duty it shall be to keep a faithful record of all the proceedings of the Censors, and from time to time transmit a copy of the same to the Recording Secretary; every Censor, who shall neglect or refuse to attend these meetings for the ex- amination of candidates, without offering an excuse, which shall be satisfactory to those who do attend, shall pay a fine of ten dollars for the use of the Society. 15 Se c. 2. Candidates and their Qualification. No person educated within this State, shall be ad- mitted to an examination by the Censors of the So- ciety, unless he shall have the following qualifications. 1st. He shall have such an acquaintance with the Greek and Latin languages as is necessary for a medi- cal and surgical education. 2d. He shall have studied three full years under the direction and attended the practice of some one or more of the fellows or honorary members of the Society; during which time, he shall have studied the most approved authors in Anatomy, Chemistry, Materia Medica, Botany, Surgery, Mid- wifery, and the Theory and Practice of Medicine; or at least all those, which the Censors shall from time to time specify, as constituting a proper course of medical or surgical education. No person educated out of this State, shall be admitted to an examination by the Censors of the Society, unless he shall have the qualifications specified in the first of the articles above-mentioned; and instead of those required in the second, shall have studied three full years under the direction and attended the practice of some reputa- ble physician or physicians, surgeon or surgeons, as- the case may be. The Censors of the Society, before examining any candidate, shall demand and receive from him, a satisfactory certificate of his being quali- fied as above-mentioned ; and such certificate shall be recorded by the Secretary of the meeting and be after- wards delivered to the Recording Secretary, whose duty it shall be, to put it on file and make a record thereof. Provided, nevertheless, that whereas, by the act of incorporation, the fellows of the Society are au- 16 thorized to elect as members all the reputable phy- sicians within this State, and whereas time sufficient has not yet elapsed for ascertaining who all those per- sons are, who are suitable to be thus elected, there- fore, that provision of this section of the by-laws, by which the tuition of pupils is confined to the fellows, or honorary members of the Society, shall not come into operation before the first day of May, A. D. 1813. Sec 3. Censors'* Duty. The Censors of the Society shall examine candi- dates, qualified as specified in the preceding section. They shall previously agree on the mode of examina- tion, and having approved a candidate, shall certify the same to the Recording Secretary, who on receiving ten dollars, to be paid to the Treasurer for the use of the Society, shall record such certificate, and thereupon furnish the person, so approbated, with a certificate or letter testimonial, printed and completed in the form following— CERTIFICATE. We the Subscribers, Censors of the Rhode-Island Medical Society, duly appointed and authorized, have examined A. B. of C. in the County of D. a Candi- date for the practice of-------and having found him qualified, do approve and license him as a practitioner in •-------agreeably to the law in that case made and provided. Dated at E. this------day of------A. D. 18—. F. G.l H.J. K. L. M.N. U ensors. 17 By virtue of the power in me vested, I have here- unto affixed the seal of the Rhode-Island Medical Society. O. P. President. Attest, Q. R. Recording Secretary. Or if the approved Candidate should choose to have his credentials in Latin, they shall be in the form fol- lowing- Omnibus ad quos hce literee perverilant, saiutem— Notum esto, quod nos—Censores, A. B. in C. comi- tatus D. in Republica nostra habitantem, de ratione & progressu ipsius studiorum in re------exquisivimus; etquodeum, ad omne munus facultatis-------para- tum; et instructum esse censemus; nos, itaque, merito, potestates omnes ac privilegia-------exercendi et pro- fttendi, pro auctoritate, nobis (legibus Republica?) concredita, damus ei, et concedimus. In cujus rei testimonium nostra nomina subsig- navimus, apud B. die----— A. D. 18—. E.F.I G. H. J. K. L.M.^ In quorum omnium et singulorum, fidem ad pre- sentes literas, sigillum Societatis manumque meum apposui. N. O. Prases. Attestat, P. Q. Protonotarius. The Censors of the Society, upon application from any person, who has been educated in, or who shall come from any other State, or foreign Country, shall 3 ■Censores. 18 examine such evidence or letters testimonial, as he shall offer for the purpose of proving himself to be duly qualified to practice Medicine, Surgery or Mid- wifery ; and if, upon due inquiry, they shall deem him to be properly qualified therefor, they shall certify the same; and the person so licensed, shall be entitled to all the privileges of those, who have been regularly examined and approbated, and for every license so granted, the Censors shall receive the sum of three dollars, to be paid to the Treasurer for the use of the Society. Sec 4. Nomination. It shall also be the duty of the Censors to receive applications for the admission of any person or persons, as fellows or honorary members of the Society, to make a report of the same, to be transmitted by the Secretary of the Censors to the Recording Secretary; which report shall have the effect of a nomination and be acted upon at the next general meeting of the Society ; provided the application for the admission of any candidate into the Society shall have been made three months previous to such meeting; and no appli- cation shall be received J?y the Censors and reported for consideration, unless it is in writing and signed by one or more of the fellows of the Society. Sec. 5. Specification of Authors to be studied by Candidates. It shall furthermore be the duty of the Censors, for the time being, once in every three years at least, to specify such authors in Anatomy, Chemistry, Ma- teria-Medica, Botany, Surgery, Midwifery, and the 19 Theory and Practice of Medicine, as they shall judge proper and necessary, to be studied by Medical and Surgical Pupils, previously to, and to qualify them for, an examination before the Censors, and they shall cause this specification to be published in all the news- papers printed in the towns of Newport and Provi- dence. Sec 6. Discourse. With the concurrence of the President, it shall also be the duty of the Censors, to appoint annually a suit- able person or persons, to read a discourse or disser- tation on such Medical subject as the person so elect- ed, may choose, before the fellows of the Society, at their annual meeting, and a copy of every such dis- course or dissertation, when read, shall be deposited, by its Author, with the Corresponding Secretary. RULES. 1. Wo fellow shall speak in any debate, with- out rising and addressing himself to the President. 2. No fellow, having spoken once in any debate, shall speak, to the prevention of another, who has not spoken, and manifests a desire to speak. 3. Every fellow, as soon as he has done speaking, shall sit down. 20 4. No fellow shall interrupt another While speak- ing, unless it shall be to call him to order, or to cor- rect a mistake. 5. No motion shall be considered unless seconded. 6. No fellow shall nominate more than one person, for the same Committee, provided the first person, nominated by him, be chosen. 7. No vote shall be reconsidered at the same meet- ing, by a smaller number than were present at its passing. At the first Annual Meeting of the Rhode-Island Medical Society, holden in Providence, Sep- tember 1st, 1812— The following gentlemen were elected Officers for the year ensuing, viz. Dr. Amos Throop, Providence, President. Dr. William Bowen, Providence, 1st Vice-Presi- dent. Dr. Jonathan Easton, Newport, 2d Vice-Presi- dent. John Mackie, M. D. Providence, Recording Se- cretary. Dr., Wi l l i a m Tur n e r, Newport, Corresponding Secretary. Dr. Thomas M. Barrows, Providence, Treasurer. William C. Bowen, M. D. Providence, Librarian and Cabinet-Keeper. 21 Dr. Enoch Hazard, Newport, "1 ~ „ _ ' r tensors for Dr. David K,»o, Newport, I ^ ^^ Dr. Joseph Comstock, S. Kingstown, Dr. Edmund T. Waring, Newport,^ Pardon Bowen, M. D. Providence, Y_ I Censors for District. Solomon Drown, M. D. Foster, \ , k, , t wt %m t^ t> -j YtheNorthern Levi Wheaton, M. D. Providence, Dr. Thomas Nelson, Bristol, 1 District. FELLOWS OF THE RHODE-ISLAND MEDICAL SOCIETY. A John Aldrich, South-Kingstown. Stephen Allen, West-Greenwich. B Daniel Barrus, Warren. Thomas M. Barrows* Providence. Eleazar Bellows, Smithfield. Eleazar Bellows, jun. Burfillvitte. William Bowen, Providen&e. Pardon Bowen, Ditto. William C. Bowen, Ditto. Horatio G. Bowen, Ditto. Lemuel W. Briggs, Bristol. 22 C Benjamin W. Case, Newport. Cyril Carpenter, Coventry. Comfort A. Carpenter, Cranston. Thomas Carpenter, Coventry. Peleg Clarke, Scituate. Jeremiah Cole, Ditto. Joseph Comstock, South-Kingstown. Ezekiel Comstock, Ditto. D Solomon Drowne, Foster. E Jonathan Easton, Newport. Jonathan Easton, jun. Ditto. John M. Eddy, Providence. Levi Eddy, Burrillville. Charles Eldridge, East-GreenwicJi. F Caleb Fisk, Scituate. C. Foster, Bristol. Jacob Fuller, Providence. G Rowland Greene, Scituate. H Stephen Harris, Coventry. Enoch Hazard, Newport. Jonathan E. Hazard, North-Kingstown. Samuel Hudson, Cranston. J Gorton Jerauld, Warwick. 23 K David King, Newport. Sylvester Knight, Coventry. < M John Mackie, Providence. Niles Manchester, North-Providence. Abraham Mason, Cumberland. Moses Mowry, Johnston. N Thomas Nelson, Bristol. P Hazael Peckham, Glocester. Joseph B. Pettes, Providence. Nehemiah Potter, Cumberland. R John W, Richmond, Portsmouth. S William G. Shaw, North-Kingstown. T Amos Throop, Providence. Wilbour Tillinghast, West-Greenwich. Thomas Tillinghast, East-Greenwich. Augustus Torrey, Glocester. Peter Turner, East-Greenwich: Henry E. Turner, Ditto. James Turner, Ditto. William Turner, Newport. W Micah Walcott, Cumberland. Edmund T. Waring, Newport. Thomas Warren, Bristol. 24 A. Waldron, Glocester. Levi Wheaton, Providence* Walter Wheaton, Ditto. Jeremiah Williams, Warren. William Whiteridge, Tiverton. ' John Wilkinson, Scituate. Aaron C. Wylley, New-Shordum. MeoL. H.st WZ cl