**«i»*taw A.. Gxai x viLLe B as ti on B. Craven. I>.° C. Carteret D .° 1). Colleton X>.° K. As tile j D.° F. HLa'JrcA D.° O. LTaLf Moon. PL. I>r£LTV-"brid0'e incneUn-e. I. JoltllSOnS ccvr+rct hatfMo. >. K". Dr aw-brid0"e m naif moot o L,. Palisades. Ml I..1 Col.Rlietts Bridge. JST. Kea:L.Smiths Bridge. e). Ministers House. P. English, Clmrch. q. French.......D? R. Independent D? B . Ana Ljaptjst D ° T. Qua ker Meeting' liousc V. Court of Guard W. fir At Rice p atch. in. carou™, j. JPitsanero tc Garrets hintsc 2. Landsaclcs.......d". 3. Jn° Croftkeys......d". 4- Cheveliers hous 3. (rco. Logan. d". 6- J'oirvsetb d" J. TAicott d". 8. Starting d°- p. J\£.Boorie d° io. "trctdci s, house.. n. Na.l:J->a.v» df 12,. £.andgruve Smith d' is. Col-. Rhe-tts . . . d." t-f, Tien: SJcenking df jS. Sindery.....d." « THE HISTORY SOUTH-CAROLINA, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT IN 1670, THE YEAR 1808. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. BY DAVID RAMSAY, M. D. 'The MuM of history has been so much in love with Man, that she has seldom conversed with Minerva." Henry. CHARLESTON: PUBLISHED BY DAVID LONGAVORTH, FOR, THE AUTHOK. i809. Uittrict of South-Carolina, to wit: TE)E it remembered, that on the seventeenth day of March, anno Domini one thousand JO pight hundred and nine, and in the thirty-third year of the independence of the Uni- ted States of America. Doctor David Ramsay of the said district, has deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author, in the words following, to wit: 44 The history of South-Carolina from iu first settlement in i670 to the year 1808, Iry Davul Jlamsay, M. D. "iT/ie Muse of history has been so much in love with Mars, that she lias seldom conversed with Minerva. Henry." ' In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States entitled " an act for the en- couragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned," and also to an act enti- tled " an act supplementary to an act entitled an act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of de- jigninu, engraving, and etching historical ami other prints." THOMAS HALL, Clerk of the district of South-Carolina CONTENTS VOLUME II. Chap. Page I. Ecclesiastical history of South-Carolina, . 1 II. Medical history, . . . .49 III. Legal and constitutional history, . .121 IV. Fiscal history, . . . . .160 V. Agricultural history, . . . .199 VI Commercial histoiy, .... 232 VII. Of the Arts, . . . . . 243 VIII. Natural history, . . . . 272 IX. Literary history, .... 352 X. Miscellaneous history—virtues, vices, customs and diversions, &c. of the inhabitants, . . 384 Dress, ..... 409 Complexion, . . . . . 4i0 Manners and character, . . . ib. Fecundity, population, and longevity, . 415 XI. Civil history, from the termination of the revolu- tionary Avar in 1783 to the year 1808, . 425 Biographical sketches of literary men and other distinguished characters. Lionel Chalmers, M. D. . . . .451 Rev. Richard Clarke, . . . . .4:2 William Henry Drayton, .... 454 Christopher Gadsden, . . . . .457 Rev. Commissary Garden, .... 466 Alexander Garden, M. D. . . . . 469 Major John James, ..... 472 Sir Nathaniel Johnson, . . » 475 John Lining, M. D. . . . . . 480 Henry Laurens, . . . . .481 John Laurens, . . . . ..• 494 Gabriel Manigault, . . : . .501 i iv CONTENTS. Page Peter Manigault, Thomas Reese, D. D. Col. William Rhett, John Rutledge, EdAvard Rutledge, . , Rev. Josiah Smith, A. M. Rev. William Tennent, A. M. Nicholas Trott, L. L. D. William Wragg, . ,. appendix. Number I. A statistical account of Edistb island, . t 5S9 II. A statistical account of St. Stephen's district, . 569 III. A statistical view of Pendleton district, . .576 IV. A statistical account of Orangeburgh district, . 584 V. A statistical account of Beaufort, . . 589 VI. A statistical account of Georgetown, . .591 VII. A statistical account of Claremont district, . 593 VIII. A statistical account of Camden, . . . 596 IX, A general view of the upper country, . . 598 . 505 , 507 . 510 . 519 . 524 . 527 . 530 . 532 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY OF SOUTH-CAROLINA From 1670—1808. The first settlers of South-Carolina were of differ- ent religious persuasions. None had any particular connexion with government; nor had any sect: legal pre-eminence over another*. This state of things continued for twenty-eight years. In that early period of the province divine service Avas seldom publicly performed beyond the limits of CharlestOAvn, with the exception of an in- * The NeAr-England plan of co-extending settlements and religious instruction by making a meeting house, and a minis- ter, appendages to every new town Avas far from being common in Carolina; but Avas substantially adopted in some cases. The new-englanders near Dorchester, the irish at Williams- burg, the swiss at Purysburgh, the french at New-Bourdeaux all brought their ministers with them, and each of these groupes had the benefits of religious instruction from the time they be- came Carolinians. VOL. IT. B I in 1769 ; John Bullman, Hen- 8 ECCLESIASTICAL Most of them were men of regular education. Such of these and of others as arrived for nearly the first half of the 18th century were generally sent out as missionaries by the society for propagating the gospel in foreign parts, and Avith a few exceptions they con- tinued to preserve the good moral characters they all brought out Avith them. For some years before the revolution the number of officiating clergymen, at one and the same time, varied from twelve to twenty. Of the whole there was not a single native of Carolina. Two or three are said to have been born in the northern provinces, but all the rest were curopeans. In countries where ecclesiastics have an official agency in the government, their history is addition- ally important as it is blended with the civil police. This was at no time the case in South-Carolina. The people, both of the province and state, were al- ways averse to the exercise of any civil power by ec- clesiastics. Clergymen enjoyed the rights of british subjects or of american citizens; but at no time any distinguishing privileges by virtue of their office. ry Purcell, D. D. Edward Ellington, in 1770 ; Alexander Find- lay, in 1771 ; ----Yillctte, ----Schquab, Thomas Walker, ----Steward, Edward Jenkins, in 1772 ;----Smith,----Da- vis, Charles F. Moreau, in 1773 ;----i Dundas, in 1774 ; Ben- jamin Blackburn, in 1775. The following clergymen have arrived since the reA-oIution : Thomas Jones, Thomas Frost, Charles Lewis, Thomas Mills, William Blackwall, Penuel Bowen, Stephen Sykes, William Jones, ---- Graham, Matthew Tate,---- Gates, William Smith,----Pogson,----Cotton, ——. Woodbridge, William Best, William Nixon. HISTORY, 1670—1808. ,9 This jealousy has been continued under every form of government. The clergy under the present constitution are deprived of one of the rights of com- mon citizens ; for they are declared " to be ineligible to the office of governor, lieutenant-governor, or to a seat in the senate or house of representatives." Though they derive no emoluments from the state, they are subjected to this disqualification on the ground " that they should not be diverted from the great duties of their function." The same disposition manifested itself under the former order of things ; for coeval Avith the establish- ment of the church of England, was the appointment of a board of commissioners by which ic was ex- acted that twenty lay persons be constituted a cor- poration ; Avho, in addition to a general superinten- dency over the temporal concerns of all the paro- chial churches ; should exercise ecclesiastical juris- diction, with full powers to deprive ministers of their livings at pleasure; not for immorality only, but also for imprudence, or on account of unreason- able prejudices taken against them. This was in fact taking the ecclesiastical jurisdiction out of the hands of the bishop of London, in whose diocese the Avhole british colonies in America were included, and transferring it to a select portion of the laity in Ca- rolina. No record nor even tradition has reached us that these extraordinary poAvers were improperly used. They were in the first instance conferred on the following persons, who were highly esteemed by the people ; Sir Nathaniel Johnson, Thomas Brough- ton, Nicholas Trott, Robert Gibbes, Henry Noble, vol. n. C lU LCCLLSIASIJCAL Ralph Izard, James Risbee, William llhett, George Logan, Arthur Middleton, David Davis, Thomas Barton, John Abraham Motte, Robert Seabrook, Hugh Hext, John Woodward, Joseph Page, John Ashby, Richard Beresiord, Thomas Wilkinson, Jo- nathan Fitch, William Bull, Rene Ravenel, and Phi- lip Gendron. The institution of lay commissioners with such ample powers Avas disapproved by several in Caro- lina, and by more in England. The society for propa- gating the gospel in foreign parts, at a meeting in St. Paul's church, London, resolved not to send any mis- sionaries to Carolina until the clauses relating to these extraordinary powers of the lay commissioners were annulled. The government of the established church assu- med another form about the year 1733. Alexander Garden was then appointed by the bishop of Lon- don to be his commissary; and as such to exercise spiritual and ecclesiastical jurisdiction within the provinces of North-Carolina, South-Carolina, Geor- gia, and the island of New-Providence. His strict morals and steady adherence to all the forms of the episcopal church qualified him in many respects for this high office. It was his duty to watch not only over the morals of the clergy, but to enforce their observance of the rules and forms prescribed by the church. In the former case he had all good men with him, for he was steady, strict, and impartial. In the discharge of the latter he was involved in a most unpleasant controversy with George White- field. This celebrated pulpit orator, educated in the church of England and ordained by the bishop HISTORY, 1670—1808. n of Gloucester, was in common with other episcopal clergymen, under obligations to obey the canons of the church. These enjoin " the use of the form of prayer prescribed in the book of common prayer and of no other." Though WThitefield possessed an high esteem for these prayers, and always used them when he officiated in episcopal churches; yet being often called upon to preach to large crowds, many of whom neither possessed nor knew how to use the book of common prayer in public worship, he de- parted from the rules of his church and performed divine service in the extempore mode usually prac- tised among non-episcopalians. This was unques- tionably an offence against the church of Avhich he professed to be a member, and subjected him to its censures; but he took no guilt to himself, as being conscious that he Avas influenced by no selfish views nor improper motives, and that he was acting in sub- serviency to the great and benevolent purposes for Avhich all churches were instituted. While the offi- cial duty of the commissary compelled him to en- force, among the members of the episcopal church, an observance of its established forms; the expanded and liberal mind of Whitefield led him occasionally to set at nought all forms while he pursued the substance in the most direct practicable mode of obtaining it. His aim was to do the most extensive possible good; and therefore he was willing to preacn, it circum- stances required, in meeting houses, or even in the open air as well as in consecrated churches. Where ever he found human beings desirous of religious in- struction he readily preached to them, and prayed with them, either as the book of common prayer pre- u ECCLESIASTICAL scribed, or without any form whatever, as was deem- ed for the present most expedient. Alter he had in- dulged himself in these aberrations from the pre- scribed rules of his church, he Avas cited by commis- sary Garden to appear before the ecclesiastical court in the parish church of St. Philips on the 15th of July 1740 to answer for the same. The result was a sentence of the court for suspending George White- field from his ministerial office*. * The particulars of this novel and interesting trial, taken from the records of the court, were as follows : The first step was a citation from commissary Garden calling upon George Whitefield " to answer to certain articles or interrogatories which were to be objected and ministered to him concerning the mere health of his soul and the reformation and correction of his manners and excesses ; and chiefly for omitting to use the form of prayer prescribed in the communion book." "Whitefield appeared in court on the day appointed, but pro- tested against the admission of any articles against him, alleg- ing that he doubted the authority of the court to proceed in the cause, and prayed for time to exhibit his objections. This was granted. At the next meeting of the court he tendered ex- ceptions in writing, " in recusation of the judge." At the same time he proposed to refer the causes of his recusation against the judge to ix indifferent arbitrators, three of whom to be chosen by the said Alexander Garden. A replication to these exceptions was made by William Smith, and the rele- vancy of the exceptions was argued before the court by An- drew Rutledge in behalf of George Whitefield, and the con- trary was argued by James Greeme. The court, consisting of the commissary and the rev. Messrs. Guy, Mellichamp, Roe, and Orr, clergymen assistants, unanimously decreed " that the exceptions be repelled." From this determination George Whitefield appealed to the lords commissioners appointed by the king for receiving and hearing appeals in spiritual causes^ from his majesty's plantations in America. This was granted, and a year and a day allowed for prosecuting the appeal and HISTORY, 1670—1808. 13 While this prosecution Avas pending, and for thir- ty years after, Whitefield was preaching almost daily to crowded congregations. So charmed were the hearing the result. It was ordered that in the interim all fur- ther proceedings should be staid. After the expiration of the limited time it was certified by the register of the court that no prohibition whatever from further proceedings in the said eause nor any decree or determination of any superior court had been interposed, and therefore, on motion the business was resumed as if no appeal had been made. Due notice was given to George Whitefield to attend, but as he did not ap- pear the following articles and interrogatories were, after a pro- per pause, objected to him as if he had been present. " Im- primis, we article and object to you the said George White- field, that you were and are a minister in holy orders as deacon and priest, and that Avhen ycu were admitted into the ministry you did, pursuant to the thirty-sixth canon of the canons, and constitutions ecclesiastical, .subscribe to the following articles : " That the book of common prayer, and of ordering of bishops, priests, and deacons containeth in it nothing contrary to the word of God ; and that it may lawfully so be used, and that he himself will use the form in the said book prescribed in public prayers and administration of the sacraments, and none other."—Item, we article and object that you the said George Whitefield, do believe and have heard say, that by the thirty- eighth canon of the canons and constitutions ecclesiastical, it is provided, ordained, and decreed, " that if any minister after he hath once subscribed the aforesaid article, shall omit the form of prayer prescribed in the communion book, let him be suspended; and if after a month he do not reform and sub- mit himself, let him be excommunicated ; and then if he do not submit himself within the space of another month, let him be deposed from the ministry." Item, we article and object that notwithstanding the premises in the foregoing articles mentioned and deduced, you the said George Whitefield on diverse Sundays or Lord's-days and week days, you have offici- ated as a minister in diverse meeting-houses, and more par- ticularly in that commonly called the presbyterian or indepen- dent meeting-house in Charlestown, by praying and preaching 14 teciEMAsriCAL people Avith his eloquence, that frequently no house could contain his Ik arers. The ottencr he preached the keener were their desires to hear him again. As to public congregations, and at such limes h^ve omitted to u^e the form of prayer prescribed in the communion or common prayer book in contempt of the laws, canons and constitutions ecclesiastical aforesaid " I'em, we article and object to you the said George \\ hitefield- that by reason of the premises in the foregoing articles deduced, you have incurred canonical punishment and censure, and were and are by us and our au- thority ranonically to be punished, and to which and every part of which articles, we will and require you the said George Whitefield to make true, plain, full, and faithful answer." Successive adjournments were made to give lime for the answer of George Whitefield, but he neither appeared nor put in any answer. The facts of his frequently preaching in dissenting meeting-houses without using the forms of prayer, prescribed by the book of common prayer, were proved by Hugh Anderson, Stephen Hartley, and John Redman. A final deciee after a full recital of all facts, Avas pronounced in these words: Therefore wc, Alexander Garden, the judge aforesaid, having first invoked the name of Christ and setting and having God himself alone before our eyes, and by and with the advice of the reverend persons William Guy, Timothy Mellichamp, Stephen Rowe, and William Urr, with whom in that part we have advised and maturely deliberated, do pro- nounce, decree, and declare, the aforesaid George Whitefield, clerk to ha\e been at the times articled, and now to be a priest of the church of England, and at the times and days in that part articled, to have officiated as a minister in diverse meeting- houses in Charlestown in the province of South-Carolina, by praying and preaching to public congregations; and at such times to have omitted to use the form of prayer prescribed in the communion book or book of common prayer, or at least according to the laws, canons and constitutions ecclesiastical in that part made, provided, and promulged, not to have used the same according to the lawful proofs before us in that part judi- cially had and made. We therefore pronounce, decree, and declare, that the said George Whitefield, for his excesses and HISTORY, 1670—1808. 15 a theologian reasoner, or Avriter of sermons, he had many superiors ; but as an orator for impressing the heart, moving the passions, and for abashing, con- founding, and beating down vice and immorality, he was exceeded by none. The unbounded applause he met with from men, and especially from women, was sufficient to have intoxicated him; nor was it wholly without effect, for he was but a man. As to wealth, power, pleasure, honor, or the ordinary pursuits of the vulgar great, he soared above their influence. All his popularity, and all his powers, as the greatest pulpit orator of the age, were employed by him in the capacity of an itinerant minister for advancing the present and future happiness of mankind Avith- out regard to sect, party or denomination. Caroli- na Avas frequently the scene of his ministerial labors; and the religion of the province owed much to his zeal, diligence, and eloquence. It was also much indebted to that steady, inflexible, disciplinarian com- missary Garden. Erom the different temperaments of their minds, the one thought it his bounden duty to do what the other conceived it to be equally his duty to punish. Both were good and useful men, but in different ways. The one Avas devoted to forms, the other soared above them. The piety of the one ran in the channel of a particular sect of faults ought duely and canonically, and according to the ex- igence of the law in that part in the premises, to be corrected and punished and also to be suspended from his office; and accordingly by these presents, Ave do suspend him the said George Whitefield ; and for so suspended, Ave also pronounce, decree, and declare, him to be denounced, declared, and pub- lished openly and publicly in the face of the church." 16 J-XCI.LSI A STIC At. christians, but that of the other confined neither to sect nor party, flowed in the broad and wide spread- ing stream of Christianity. The dissenters increasing in numbers by emi- grants, particularly from Scotland and Ireland, com- plained that while they had to build their own churches and maintain their own ministers, they were taxed in common with the episcopalians to support their highly favored mode of worship. The dissenters -aw with regret several of tneir more wealthy followers desert a less fashionable church, and conform to that which enjoyed the patronage of government. They nevertheless maintained a re- spectable standing;. The prcsbyterians in particu- lar formed congregations not only in Charlestown but on three of the maritime islands, and at VV7iI- town, Jacksonborough, Indian-land, Port-royal, and Williamsburgh. These were maintained by the contributions of their members. In process of time considerable funds were established by private do- nations for the permanent support of their mode of worship. While e\ery episcopal church Avas a cor- poration capable of holding property, of suing and being sued; the congregations of dissenters, not being known in law, could only hold property by the in- tervention of trustees : a mode of tenure often at- tended Avith loss, and always with trouble. To these inconveniences the dissenters Avere obli- ged to submit, and probably must have continued to do so if the revolution had not taken place. The change of government from proprietary to regal brought to them no relief. For kings, even more than the proprietors, thought they had an interest in ce- history, 1670—1808. 17 menting the alliance between church and state, and connecting the altar Avith the throne. When the people of Carolina, in common with their fellow-citizens, broke the chains Avhich bound them to Great-Britain a new order of things took place. While the established church was chiefly confined to the vicinity of the sea-coast, in the course of the forty years which preceded the revolution, numerous bodies of dissenters had migrated from the more northern provinces and settled in the nor- thern and Avestern parts of Carolina. These, added to their brethren on the sea-coast, gave them a de- cided superiority in point of numbers. The physi- cal force of the country, so necessary for its defence against Great-Britain, rested in a great degree in their hands. The crisis demanded union and was favorable to the re-establishment of the rights of man. Though the people of South-Carolina enga- ged in the revolutionary Avar primarily for their civil liberties, they did not overlook their claims to equal religious privileges without discrimination or prefer- ence. The judicious and moderate among the mem- bers of the established church saw and felt the pro- priety' and necessity of relinquishing the advantages they had long enjoyed; and with more readiness than is usual among those who part Avith poAArer in posses- sion, consented to a constitution which repealed all laws that gave them pre-eminence. The dissenters felt their weight, and though zealous in the cause of in- dependence, could not brook the idea of risking their lives and fortunes for any thing short of equal vol. it. D I 18 ECCLESIASTICAL rights. Moderation, liberality, good sense, and sound policy prevailed with both parties. The hopes of the enemies of independence that union could not be preserved among the discordant sects of religionists were disappointed. The energies of the inhabitants in maintaining their liberties were in no respect weakened. The prize contended for being made equally interesting to all, equal exertions were made by all for obtaining it. The experience of more than thirty years has proved that an established church is not essential to civil government; that citizenship is a bond of union sufficient tor all its necessary purposes ; that the true mode of promoting the public interest, and preserv- ing peace among different sectaries, is for the consti- tuted authorities to lean to neither; but, standing erect, to give equal protection to the persons, liberties, and property of all, without noticing their religious opin- ions and practices, while they do not disturb the equal rights of others or the peace and order of so- ciety ; and to leave to the different sectaries the ex- clusive management of their respective religious in- terests. Proceeding on these principles, the inroads made on morals and religion by the revolutionary war in Carolina have been gradually done away. The acrimony of speech, the sourness of temper, and the shyness of intercourse Avhich had too much prevailed among religious sects before the revolution, have since that ev^ent given place to christian bene- volence. The heat of party zeal has become more moderate. Men have discovered that their opinions with regard to speculative points are often as differ-. HISTORY, 1670—1808. 19 ent as their faces, and that the harmony of society and the intercourse of life ought not to be interrup- ted by the one more than by the other. Without any interference on the part of the state, churches have been built, congregations formed, ministers set- tled and maintained, peace and good will preserved among the different sectaries. At the sa*me time great liberality has been often spontaneously and re- ciprocally displayed in assisting each other in pecu- niary concerns connected Avith the support of their respective forms of worship. A revolution in the government of the church grew out of the civil revolution. A complete seve- rance of all connexion between church and state, be- ing accomplished by that great event, ecclesiastical proceedings, censures, punishments, infer no penal- ties nor any deprivation of civil rights. In this re- spect the churches of South-Carolina have improved on their respective european prototypes. In England and Scotland the proceedings of spiritual courts are frequently vexatious and expensive. Excommuni- cation from the church is nearly equal to an outlawr- ry. A solitary instance of this occurred in South- Carolina in 1765 in which the royal governor Wil- liam Bull, as ordinary of the province, pronounced a sentence of excommunication against an individual for refusing obedience to his summons. The pow- ers of these courts, where useful and necessary, have been transferred to civil establishments. There are now no spiritual courts in the state. No canons, decrees, acts, orders, or regulations, either of bishops, presby- teries, or religious associations ot any kind, can involve 20 ECCLESIASTICAL a person, hoAvever contumacious, in civil disabilities or to any extent further than excluding him trom the sacraments of the offended church, or from being considered as one of its members. Churches, as cor- porations, can enforce their by-laws, but their powers as spiritual courts are merely advisary ; for the civil authority neither issues nor aids any ecclesiastical process. The constitution recognizes clergymen only for the purpose of declaring them ineligible to civil offices. The act for regulating the fees demandable for the performance of certain enumerated public duties, allows them to take from all voluntary appli- cants a small fee for registering births, marriages, and funerals—for a search of these registers and a certified extract from them. The same law autho- rises them to demand five shillings for reading in church every citation from a civil officer, called or- dinary, preparatory to the granting letters of admi- nistration on the estates of intestate persons. They are also by laAv excused from the performance of militia duty or serving on juries. Thus far and no further the constitution and laws of the state notice the clergy. For the solemnization of marriages ap- plication is generally made to them; but this is not legally necessary. Marriages with or without licen- ces or publication of the banns by clergymen or jus- tices of the peace, are in law all equally valid; but Avhen contracted are indissoluble. The churches have no authority to grant divorces. Every application to the civil power to legislate on this subject has been unsuccessful. The courts have no jurisdiction. No poAver exists in the state competent to grant them, history, 1670—180S. 21 nor can it be othenvise till the legislature pass a law for the purpose. A brief view of the present state of religion in' Carolina will close this chapter. The episcopalians since the revolution labored under peculiar disadvantages. Their church Avas incomplete without bishops, and their whole body of clergy and laity was incompetent to im^est any in- dividual, or number of individuals, with episcopal powers. This boon could only be obtained through some of the successors of the apostles in the old world. Twelve years, subsequent to the revolution passed away before episcopal ordination could be obtained in South-Carolina*. In the mean time the * To preserve the uninterrupted succession of episcopal or- dination, it was necessary either that the american candidates for the ministry should go to european bishops, or that ecclesi- astical officers of that high rank should be constituted in the United States. The former was the mode usually adopted before the revolution, and in a few instances after its com- mencement. Insuperable difficulties opposed its continuance. The laws of England required all candidates for holy orders to take ah oath of allegiance to his britannic majesty. This could not be done by the citizens of independent America. The english bishops with great liberality applied for, and obtained an act of parliament, authorising the ordination of clergymen for the United States without their taking an oath of allegiance to his britannic majesty. This afforded only partial relief. An american episcopate was therefore proposed as the only remedy adequate to the exigency. The non-episcopalians before the revolution had opposed this measure, but cheerfully acquiesced in it after that event had placed their rights and liberties beyond all foreign interference. The proposed measure was readily and without difficulty substantially agreed upon by the episcopa- lians on both sides of the Atlantic, yet many previous arrange- ments Avere necessary to give it effect. The english bishops CIO ECCI KSIASTICAi. non-episcopalians, animated with the recovery ot their long lost equal rights, proceeded vigorously in organizing churches and extending their lonns ot worship. required evidence of the orthodoxy, regularity, and order of the episcopal churches in America, and also of the acquiescence of the civil government of the new formed states in the proposed episcopate. Certificates of the latter were easily obtained. Conventions of the american episcopal clergy and laity were held in several successive years and in different states, which fin llv agreed upon such alterations of the prayers, forms, and offices of the church as local circumstances and their new po- litical condition required. In these the episcopal church of South-Carolina was represented by the reverend Dr. Purccll, Jacob Read, and Charles Pinckncy. The proposed alterations being submitted to the heads of the church in England, were so far approved as to be no obstacle in the way of their conse- crating bishops to preside over the american episcopal church. Dr. Provost of New-York, and Dr. While of Philadelphia, were accordingly in 1737 ordained and consecrated bishops of the ame- rican episcopal church at the archiepiscopal palace of Lambeth by the arch-bishops of Canterbury and York, and by the bisl.op of Bath and Veils, i..nd the bishop of Peterborough. Not long after, Dr. Madison of Virginia was ordained and consecrated in England to be a bishop in America. The episcopal church was then for the first time complete in the United States. Three or rather four american clergymen were promoted to the rank of bishops by british episcopal consecration. These jointly were competent to perpetuate their own order, and each of them separately had the power of ordaining priests and dea- cons. The uninterrupted succession was not only preserved, but its unbroken chain was extended across the Atlantic with full powers to perpetuate itself In consequence of these ar- rangements, the right reverend Robert Smith D. D. was by four bishops, convened in Philadelphia in September 1795, con- secrated bishop of the prctestant episcopal church in South- Corolina. He continued in the discharge of the duties of that office till his death in 1801. This was the second consecration history, 1670—1808. '23 The patronage which the episcopalians enjoyed, under the royal government, made them less able to stand alone after that patronage was withdrawn. Man is a creature of habit. Voluntary contribu- tions for the support of religion had been so long cus- tomary Avith the dissenters, that when the pressure of war was removed they readily resumed their ancient habits ; but the case was otherwise with the episco- palians : for as their form of worship had for seven- ty years been in a great measure supported from the public treasury, they were not so immediately im- pressed Avith the necessity of advancing their private funds for that purpose. For these and other reasons the episcopal church languished in South-Carolina for several years after the revolution. Though it maintained a respectable standing in their two ancient houses of worship in Charlestown*, it made for some time but little pro- of a bishop which had taken place in the United States. Since the death of bishop Smith there has been no bishop of his church in South-Carolina. The candidates for hoiy orders are now under a necessity of repairing to the northern states for ordination. * Charlestown and Charlestown Neck constituted one parish by the name of St. Phillips till 17al,whena new one named St. Michaels to the southward of Broad-street was established by act of assembly. Divine service was first performed in the present church of St. Phillips in the year 1723 ; and in that of St. Michaels in 1761. On the site of the latter, a church ori- ginally called St. Phillips had been previously erected about the year 1690, which Avas the only episcopal church in South- Carolina prior to the. establishment in-1706. Divine service was performed in St. Phillips church for three fourths of the £4 ECCLESIASTICAL gress in the countrv. Better prospects are now be- fore its members. Experience lias convinced them of the propriety of voluntary contributions for the support of religion. Their church is completely organized within the United States. They are no longer confined in the choice of clergymen to stran- gers : for natives of the country, of the purest morals and best education, have Avith pious zeal entered upon or are preparing themselves for the work of the minis- try in such numbers as exceed any thing heretofore known in Carolina. Their long neglected places of worship in the country are repairing, and new ones arc building. Divine service according to the book of common prayer is now regularly performed in Beaufort by the reverend Mr. Hicks; in St. An- dreAvs by the reverend Mr. Mills; in St. Bartholo- mews by the reAerend Mr. Fowler; in St. Johns by the reverend Mr. Gadsden ; in St. Thomas by the reverend Mr. Nankeville; at the high hills of Santee by the reverend Mr. Ischudy ; and at St. James Santee by the reverend Mr. Mathews. In most of the other parishes Avhere the establishment operated before the revolution, there are episcopal churches, but at present no settled ministers. The presbyterians were among the first settlers, -and were always numerous in Carolina. Their mi- )8th century by two rectors : thirty-four years by commissary Garden, and forty-two by bishop Smith. The rev. Dr. Jenkins is the present rector, but being absent, divine service is per- formed by the rev. Dr. Percy, and the rev. James Dewar Si- mons. The rev. Nathaniel Bowen is the rector of St. Michaels Church. history, 1670—1808. 25 nisters in the maritime districts were mostly from Scotland or Ireland ; men of good education, orderly in their conduct, and devoted to the systems of doc- trine and government established in Scotland. The zeal of their adherents had amassed considerable funds before the revolution, but these were material- ly injured by the failure of trustees and the depre- ciation of the paper currency. They have a nume- rous and wealthy congregation in the capital*, and the presbytery of Charlestown consists of five minis- ters. To them seven congregations^ look up for * The present presbyterian church in Charlestown was built about the year 1731. Its ministers, as far as can be recollect- ed, were the reverend Messrs. Stuart, Grant, Lorimer, Mori- son, Hewat, Graham, Wilson, and Buist. Previous to 1731 the presbyterians and independents formed one society, and worshipped together in a church which stood on the lot which is now occupied by the circular church. t The presbytery at present consists of the folloAving con- gregations and ministers : 1. Presbyterian church of Stoney Creek, Prince Williams, reverend R. Montgomery Adams. 2. Presbyterian church of Salt Catchers. 3. Presbyterian church of Black Mingo, reverend W. Knox. 4. Original and first incorporated presbyterian church of Williamsburgh. 5. Presbyterian church of the city of Charlestown. 6. Presby- terian church of Edisto island, reverend Donald M'Leod. 7. Presbyterian church of John and Wadmalaw islands, reve- rend doctor Clarkson. These different congregations are incorporated and have glebes or funds of greater or less extent. The following congregations belonged formerly to the pres- bytery, but have not connected themselves Avith it since its in- corporation, viz. James island, Wiltown, Pon Pon, and St. Thomas. VOL. Tf. K i!6 ECCLESIASTICAL religious instruction. It Avas constituted at an early period of the 18th century, agreeably to the princi pies and practice of the church of Scotland, but du- ring the revolutionary war Avas unfortunately dis- solved by the death or removal of the ministers con- stituting it; and all its books and records were lost or destroyed. In the year 1790 four of the congregations be- longing to the said presbytery, being the only ones then provided with ordained ministers, addressed a petition to the legislature praying to be constituted a body corporate chiefly with the view of raising a fund for the relief of tlic widows and orphans of deceased clergymen belonging to their society. This was promptly granted. From the time of its incorporation the presbyter) of Charlestown has held regular stated meetings, and has exercised the power of ordination and the other functions of a presbytery. Impressed Avith the importance of union in reli- gious matters they applied, in 1799, to the general assembly of the presbyterian churches in the United States, to be received into communion with the said assembly and to be admitted members of their body. Agreeably to the prayer of this memorial and peti- tion, the presbytery of CharlestOAvn was received a constituent part of the general assembly. Of the numerous emigrants to the Avestern parts of Carolina, in the last fifty years of the 18th century, a great majority were presbyterians. They had little regu- lar preaching among them till about the year 1770; Avhen missionaries from the northward formed them HISTORY, 1670—1808. 27 into churches. These Avere revived and increased after the revolution, and have since been constantly supplied with ministers who have been formed into regular presbyteries and synods in connexion with the general assembly of the presbyterian church of the United States. Most of their clergymen were born and educated in America. These are now form- ed into two presbyteries consisting of more than 20 ministers, and have in connexion with them about 60 congregations. There is also a presbytery of seceders in South-Carolina consisting of nine minis- ters, who have under their care 22 congregations. Each of these presbyteries possesses and exercises the power of ordination. The baptists formed a church in Charlestown about the year 1685*. Its first minister Avas the rev. Mr. Screven, the founder of a numerous and respectable family. He began his ministerial labors in the province about the year 1683, and continued them till the time of his death in 1713. His suc- cessors in the baptist church of Charlestown were the rev. Messrs. Fry, White, Tilly, Simons, Chanler, Bedgewood, and Hart; who, Avith some intervals, sup- plied the church till 1780. In the year 1787, the rev. Dr. Furman Avho is now living, was invested Avith the pastoral care of it. Anterior to the revolu- tion in 1776, they had increased to about thirty churches. Since the establishment of equal reli- gious rights they have increased so that they iioav * A subdivision of the baptists, known by the name of Arian or General baptists, Avas formed into a church about the year 1735. This society became extinct about the year 1787. i« ECCLESIASTICAL have fiVe associations consisting of 100 ministers, 130 churches, 10,500 communicants, and about 73,500 adherents; reckoning seven of the latter for one of the former. The independents or congregationalists in con- junction with the presbyterians were formed into a church in Charlestown about the year 1690. These sects after forty years of union differing only in the form of church government*, separated ;md formed different churches. The independents kept posses- sion of their ancient house of worship, long known by the name of the White Meeting^. They erected * Both agreed in doctrine, mode of Avorship, and in renoun- cing the power of bishops ; but the latter were willing to sub- mit to the authority of a presbytery, while the former, exercis- ing in their congregational capacity every necessary power for governing their own church without any extrinsic interference, claimed to be an independent self-governed society. By their constitution they are at liberty to elect their pastors from any denomination of christians. Two of their ministers in the early part of the 18th century were presbyterians and members of the Charlestown presbytery. These were the reverend Messrs. Stobo and Livingston. On the demise of the latter, his succes- sor was an independent from NeAv-England. During his in- cumbency twelve families seceded and formed the presbyterian church on the model of the church of Scotland. t This building, after various enlargements, in the course of one hundred and fourteen years, Avas finally taken down in 1804 ; and the present church on a circular plan of 88 feet diameter was erected in its place. This form accommodates a greater number of people, at less expense, than any other; is easy to the speaker,'and makes his voice more distinctly audible, especial- ly at a distance. The building has already cost 60,000 dollars, and 14,000 more Avill be necessary to finish the steeple. One half of the gallery is laid off for the use of people of color, and history, 1670—1808. 29 an additional house of worship in Archdale-street, in which divine service was first performed in 1787. accommodates about 400 decent, orderly, and steady worship- pers of that description. This church has had fifteen ministers. The commence- ment and termination of their ministerial functions as far as is now knoAvn, was nearly as follows : 1. Reverend Benjamin Pierpoint settled about the year 1691, and died it is supposed in 1696 or 7. 2, Reverend Mr. Adams a very short time minister. 3. Reverend John Cotton settled in the year 1698, and died 1699. 4. Reverend Archibald Stobo took charge of the church in the autumn of 1700, and resigned in 1704. 5. Reverend William Livingston became pastor in 1704, and died after the year 1720. 6. Reverend Nathan Basset settled in 1724, died of the small pox in 1738. 7. Reverend James Parker arrived in Charlestown in 1740, and died in 1742. 8. Reverend Josiah Smith took charge of the church in 1742, and resigned in 1750. 9. Reverend James Edmonds settled December 15, 1754, and resigned about 1767: 10. Reverend William Hutson settled in connexion with Mr. Edmonds, 1757, and died in 1761. 11. Reverend Andrew Bennet was settled as pastor with Mr. Edmonds in 1762, and resigned in 1763. 12. Reverend John Thomas was installed pastor of the church in 1767, and died at New-York on the 29th of Septem- ber 1771. 13. The Reverend William Tennent entered on the pastoral charge of the church in 1772, and died at the high hills of San- tee in August 1777 ; from his death the church remained va- cant till the termination of the revolutionary war. While the british were in possession of Charlestown, the building was used as a store house by the conquerors. The pews Avere all de- stroyed and the house materially injured. 30 ECCLESIASTICAL These tAvo houses form one church, and have com- mon interests and ministers, Avith equal salaries and privileges. The independents also have a church, near Dor- chester*, supplied by the rev. Mr. M'Kelhenney— in Christ church under the pastoral care of the rev. Dr. M'Calla; on James island under that of Mr. Price; in Beaufort under Mr. Palmer, and in St. BartholomeAvs at present vacant. The methodists made their first appearance as a religious society in South-Carolina in the year 1785. 14. Reverend doctor Hollinshead entered on the pastoral charge of the church in 1783, and is noAv living. 15. ReA-erend doctor Keith, in connexion with doctor Hollins- head in 1787, and is now living. Of these fifteen ministers the first, second, third, sixth, eighth, thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth were americans, and one of them, reverend Josiah Smith, a Carolinian. The other seven were europeans. Till the year 1730 the church was indiscriminately called presbyterian independent, or con- gregational. After the separation Avhich then took place be- tween them and the presbyterians it retained the appropriate name of independent or congregational church, and was in com- mon conversation sometimes called the NcAv-England Meeting, but oftener the White Meeting. * This church was formed as early as the year 1696. It is the oldest without the limits of CharlestoAvn. Its founders migrated in a body, with their minister the reverend Joseph Lord, from Dorchester in Massachusetts, and settled compactly together in a place to which they gave the name of their former abode. In 1752 they made a second migration to MedAvay, in Georgia, with their minister the reverend Joseph Osgood, who was so much beloved by his people, and had such influence over them, that on his recommendation they went off in a body. Theiv original church in Carolina lay in a ruined condition till 179!. when it was rebuilt and re-organized. history, 1670—1808. 31 For the last ten or fifteen years they have increased beyond any former example. They have been in- defatigable in their labors, preaching abundantly* in * Travelling methodist preachers generally preach on six days of each week to six different congregations. No weather, however severe, prevents their punctual attendance agreeably to appointment. For this extraordinary labor they receive from the common fund only eighty dollars a year in addition to their travelling expenses. The interior economy of their connexion is admirable, and shows the energetic mind of John Wesley. It is well calculated to secure the performance of much cleri- cal duty at a very little expense, and is therefore peculiarly suited to the poor. Their society in South-Carolina is divided into tAvelve circuits and stations; in Avhich there are twenty- six travelling preachers who continue to ride daily, Monday ex- cepted, two or three in each circuit, so that they preach one hundred and fifty-six sermons Aveekly, or eight thousand one hundred and twelve sermons in the year, besides attending night and other casual meetings. They commonly ride around a circuit in five or six Aveeks. Exclusive of the twenty-six travelling preachers there are in the state of South-Carolina about ninety-three local preachers, generally married men, who labor all the Aveek and preach at an average each tAvo sermons in each week, or nine thousand six hundred and seventy-two in ene year. Thus there are annually preached by the methodists seventeen thousand seven hundred and eighty-four sermons for $2080; as the local preachers receive no salary or compensation for their labors. They have in South-Carolina about two hun- dred churches or stations for preaching, which are constructed in so plain a style as to cost on an average about one hundred and thirty-five dollars each, or 27,000 for the Avhole. There are four methodist churches in Charlestown ; two of Avhich are not in connexion Avith the others. One of these (trinity church) is under the pastoral care of the reverend Mr. Munds of the protestant episcopal church ; the other is vacant. The two which are in connexion have their ministers changed ac- cording to the established routine. To these two belong forty heads of families, or about one hundred and seA'cnty Avhito per- 32 ECCLESIASTIC A I the most remote settlements and where there had been no previous means of religious instructions. Their mode of performing divine service is calculat- ed to keep up a high degree of fervor in the minds of their followers. Well knowing that all men have hearts to feel, though feAv have heads to reason, their address is for the most part to the passions and ex- cites more of feeling than of reasoning. Their preachers, laboring under strong impressions, are very successful in communicating them to the breasts of their hearers. By a circulating mode of preaching they guard against that apathy and languor which is apt to result from long habits. NeAv preachers suc- cessively addressing neAv congregations are roused to new and extraordinary exertions. Sympathetic feelings spread from one to the other ; and frequent- ly Avhole congregations are melted into tears, or transported with extacy breaking out in loud excla- mations*. sons, and fifteen hundred and twenty persons of color. The methodists have abundantly more success in the woods, the swamps, the pine barrens, and all new and dispersed settle- ments than in populous cities where there are competent resi- dent clergymen. * Camp meetings Avhich began in Kentucky, and parts adja- cent, found their way into South-Carolina about the year 1800. These were held in different places and different seasons, but oftenest in the autumn. They were attended by several thou- sands, many of Avhom came from considerable distances ; and they usually kept together on the same ground from the Thurs- day of one week till the Tuesday of the next. The holy sacra- ment Avas always administered on the intervening Sunday, and to persons of different sects; who, forgetting all differences on minor subjects, chose to commune together. The bagging history, 1670—1808. S3 To presume that nothing improper has ever oc- curred in their frequent, numerous, and unseasonable meetings, would be contrary to the ordinary course provided for the envelopement of their cotton was easily form- ed into tents for their temporary lodging. Huts made in a few hours and covered waggons answered the same purpose. The farmers brought their families, provisions, and bedding, in wag-' gons from their respective homes. They took their station Avhere wood and water were of easy attainment, and in general fared well. From their stores they hospitably entertained strangers Avho came as visitors. Tavo, three, or four tents or stands for preaching were erected at such distances that divine service could be performed in each of them at the same time Avithout any interference. From five to twelve or fifteen mi- nisters of different denominations attended and with short intervals for refreshment and repose, kept up in different pla- ces a constant succession of religious exercises by night as well as by day. Besides the performance of divine service by the ministers in their respective tents, there Avere frequently subdivisions of the people at convenient distances, where pray- ing, exhorting, and singing of psalms, Avas carried on by lay- persons, and the Avhole so managed that they did not disturb each other. The auditors whose motive was curiosity, freely passed from one scene to another, and could in the space of a' fcAv minutes and the circuit of a few acres indulge their taste for variety. Others were more stationary and hung on the lips of their favorite preachers. Among these it Avas not at all uncommon for individuals, in consequence of something said in the sermon or prayers, to be seized all at once with the most dreadful apprehensions concerning the state of their souls, inso- much that many of them could not abstain from crying out in the most public manner, bewailing their lost and undone con- dition by nature, calling themselves « enemies to God and des- pisers of precious Christ;" declaring, " that they were unwor- thy to live on the face of the earth :" but the universal cry was « Avhat shall we do to be saved ?" The agony under which. VOL II. F 34* ECCIE^IASTICAL of things ; but that great good has resulted from the labor* of the methodic is evident to all who are acquainted with the state of the country belorc they iabored Avas expressed not only by Avords, but also by vio- lent agitations of the body, by clapping their hands, and beating their breasts—by shaking and trembling—by faintings and con- vulsions—and they remained sobbing, weeping, and often cr\ing aloud till the service was over. Some who were subjects ofticsc exercises did not consider themselves as converted persons, but most were supposed by themselves and others to have been converted in a few days, and sometimes in a few hours In the latter case, they Avere raised up all at once from the lowest depth of sorrow and distress, to the highest pilch of joy and happiness; crying out with triumph and exultation " that they had overcome the Avickcd one, that they had gotten hold of Christ, and would never let him go." Under these delightful imp essions some began to pray and exhort publicly, and others desired the congregation to join with them in singing a par- ticular psalm Many of the subjects of the preceding exer- cisis while under their operation had no appetite for food nor inclination to sleep. To what cause this memorable work ought to be ascribed, Avas a miestion Avhich occasioned much debate and great diver- sity of opinion. Some ascribed it to the real efficacy of the doctrines of Christ and to the power of God which accompanied them : others to the influence of the devil, and many to the in- fluence of fear and hope, of sympathy and example aided by peculiar circumstances. Many serious persons advocated the first opinion. These alleged that the fruits of this extraordi- nary work in the hearts tnd lives of men were such as might be expected from divine agency. The lives of the profane were re- formed, harmony and peace succeeded strife and contention, fa- milies where religion had been disregarded,became temples in which God was daily worshipped. Persons who had been loose li- vers, formed themselves into hocieties which met frequently for praver and religious conversation With regard to the ex ei nal effects by which this work manifested itself on the bodies of meri, history, 1670—1808. 35 and since they commenced their evangelisms in Ca- rolina. Drunkards have become sober and orderly —bruisers, bullies, and blackguards, meek, inoffen- they acknowledged them to be uncommon but not singular. The scriptures furnish instances of similar effects of an awakened conscience, such as St Paul at his conversion—the jailor at Philippi—and Felix Avho trembled as St. Paul reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and the judgment to come. They Avho ascribed the work to the agency of the devil, were comparatively few and consisted for the most part of profane scoffers at all that was serious, or of bigotted formal christians Avho denounced eA'ery thing that did not accord with the reli- gious routine to which they had been accustomed. That the camp meetings were intended for good, and that they frequently issued in the reformation of several wh» attended them, was the general opinion of the candid, liberal, and vir- tuous ; but these at the same time acknowledged that much of the work, especially its effects on the body, were to be ascribed to the imperfections of agitated human nature—to the influence of strong passions—to the force of sympathy and example aid- ed by peculiar circumstances. These alleged that the bodily agitations might be sufficiently explained by the operation of natural causes. The soul and body they observed are so inti- mately connected that they mutually syn pathize with each other, and whatever gives pleasure cr pain to the one, gives likewise pleasure or pain to the other All the passions of the mind, especially those which are of a violent nature, discover themselves by some corresponding outward expression. When an event whether joyful or sorrowful is communicated in such an interesting manner as to affect our minds strongly, it will also affect our bodies in proportion. As this is the case with regard to such of men's concerns as are present and temporal, it is reasonable that it should also be the case with regard to such of them as are future and eternal. When they were deeply affected by the preaching of the gospel, their fears alarmed by the dread of everlasting punishment, and their hopes elevat- ed by the assurance of pardon and the prospect of eternal hap- 36 ECCLESIASTICAL sive, and peaceable—profane swearers, decent in their comersation. In the cause of religion, the methodists are excellent pioneers and prepare the pincss, it was natural that the feelings of their minds should discover themse'ves both by Avords and actions. The sermons preached on these occasions were addressed not so much to the understandings of the hearers, as to their imaginations and especially to the passions of fear and hope. The effects of these camp meetings were of a mixed nature. They were doubtless attended for improper purposes by a few licentious persons, and by others with a view of obt. ining a han- dle to ridicule all religion. It is to be regretted that from the imperfection of human nature, truth Avith a little distortion and hi^h coloring could be made in some respect to answer thciv purposes especially with those Avhose principles were unsettled. The free intercourse of so great a number of all ages and sexes under cover of the night and the woods was not without its temptations. It is also to be feared that they gave rise to false notions of religion by laying too much stress on bodily exerci- ses and substituting them in place of moral virtues or inward purity. These were too often considered as evidences of a change of the heart and affections though they neither proved nor disproved any thing of the kind. After every deduction is made on these several accounts, it must be acknowledged that the good resulting from these camp meetings greatly prepon- derated over the evil. They roused that indifference to the fu- ture destinies of man Avhich is too common, and gave rise to much serious thoughtfulness on subjects confessedly of the most interesting nature. The circumstances under which these impressions were excited were too violent to last long.. Much of the extraordinary fervor which produced camp meetings has abated and they are seldomer held, and when held they are at- tended by smaller numbers than formerly. They are still kept up by the methodists, but are deserted by most other denomi- nations. More correct and rational ideas of religion are daily taking place. These influence the understanding more, and the body less than Avas common about the beginning of the 19th century in Carolina and the southern states, and about the year history, 1670—1808. 37 way for permanent moral improvement when the fervor of passion subsides into calm reflection and sober reason. They are particularly suited to the state of society in South-Carolina, in which large tracts of poor land afford such a scanty return to its dispersed cultivators as to be incompetent to their OAvn support, and also that of learned stationary clergymen. To multitudes of such persons the me- thodists have given religious instructions which they never enjoyed before, and among such they have produced a great diminution of gross immoralities. Similar zeal and activity have been displayed by the baptists, and their labors have been followed with correspondent success in civilizing and evangelizing remote and destitute settlements. Among the numerous emigrants to Carolina there were doubtless, at all times several of the roman catholic persuasion, but they were not organized in- to a church till 1791. In that year a number of in- dividuals of that communion, chiefly natives of Ire- land, associated together for public Avorship—chose a vestry, and put themselves under the care of bishop Carrol, of Baltimore. The reverend doctor Keating officiated as their minister. The troubles in France and the West-Indies soon brought a large accession to their number. Under the auspices of the learn- ed and eloquent doctor Galiaher they have built, organized, and obtained incorporation for a respect- able church in CharlestOAvn. The orderly conduct and active co-operation of its members in all measures 1740 in New-England, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania. and at Cambuslang and other places in Scotland. 38 ECCLESIASTICAL for the defence and good government of the country, proves that the apologies offered in justification oi the restrictions imposed on them by the protect int governments of Europe are without foundation, or do not apply to the state of things in Carolina. 1 he qr.ikers have a small church in Charlestown, and a considerable one near Bush river; but steady in their opposition to slavery, they are not numerous in a country where the greatest part of its most fertile soil cannot be advantageously cultivated otherwise than bv negroes. In consequence of the late unre- strained importation of slaves, many of the quakers have left Carolina in disgust, and settled in tne state of Ohio, where slavery is prohibited. The encou- ragements given to settlers in Carolina have attract- ed people not only of different religions, but ol dif- ferent languages. Two of the latter, the french and the dutch, have been continued in their respective religious societies. Soon after the revocation of the edict of Nantz in 10*85, great numbers ot french protestants sought an asylum in Carolina. Most of them settled in the parishes of St. Dennis and St. James, on Santee, and to them in their ecclesiastical capacity were ex- tended the privileges of established churches, with a permission to pertorm all their public religious ex- ercises in the french language, provided they used doctor Durel's translation of the book of common prayer. Those of them who settled in Charlestown formed a church about the beginning of the eigh- teenth century on the plan of the reformed churcnes history, 1670—1808. 39 in France*. It is rich in lands ; but so many of the descendants of its original founders have joined other churches, that its present members are but few. The german protestants associated in Charlestown for religious worship about the middle of the eigh- teenth century. They were at first accommodated with the use of the french church for several years. In the year 1759 they began to buiki a house of worship for themselves, this Avas conse- crated in 1764 by the name of St. John's church, but was incorporated in 1783 by the name ot the lutheran church ot german protestants. All its re- cords prior to 1/63 have been lost. Their tirst mi- nister the reverend Mr. Luft arrived in 1752. His successors were the reverend Messrs. John George Frederic, John Nicholas Martin. John Severin Haumbaum, Frederic Daser, Christian Streit, John Christopher Faber, Matthew Frederic, Charles Fa- * The lords proprietors in 1701, without consideration, con- veyed to trustees for the use of the french protestants in Charlestown two lots in King-street originally numbered 92 and 93. These were subdivided and leased in the year 1755 for 50 years, and are now valuable. In 1740 their church was burnt down and all their records consumed. It was again de- stroyed in the great fire of 1796, but was afterwards rebuilt in 1799. In consequence of these misfortunes little of their early history is known. As far as can be recollected their ministers Avere as follows : rev. Mr. Boisseau in 1712 ; rev. Francis Guich- ard from 1722 to 1753 ; the rev. John Peter Tetard from 1753 to 759; the rev. BartholomeAV Henry Himeli from 1759 to 1773. After an absence of 12 years he Avas re-elected minister in 1785 Since that period, the rev. Messrs. Peter Levrier, La Co«te, Boardillon, and Detare;ny have in succession served as ministers of the church: but it rs now vacant. 40 ECCLESIASTICAL her; the last of Avhom is now in office. Of these the only native american Avas Chilian Streit who officiated from 1778 to 1781, and first introduced divine service in the english language so as to have one service in english every second or third Sun- da v. Besides their church in CharlestOAvn, the german protectants have a church in Amelia township, two on Saluda river, two on Broad river, one at Beaver creek, and one at Salt Catchers ; but Avith them as with the french, each succeeding generation is less anxious for perpetuating the language of their fore- fathers, and frequently join themselves to societies in Avhichdivine service is constantly performed in en- glish. The jews, the oldest religion in the world, enjoy rights in Carolina which have been denied to them for many centuries in the greatest part of Europe. [■'(iiiallv interested in the welfare of the country, they are equally zealous for its defence and good Tovernment. They have had a synagogue in Charles- town for more than half a century. Their whole number in South-Carolina is about seven hundred. By the constitution of South-Carolina not only all the sects which have been mentioned, but those in- dividuals who keep aloof from all religious societies enjoy equal protection for life, liberty, and proper- tv The government is administered on the idea that the constituted authorities have nothing to do with religion; this being an affair between man and his creator—that the proper business of magistrates is to provide for the civil order and happiness ol the whole community, while individuals and sects have history, 1670— ISoS. 41 unrestrained liberty to adjust the articles of their belief and their religious concerns in any mode most agreeable to themselves. The emoluments of the clergy in Carolina may ( terminate with their services, but always do so Avith their lives. Even while they live their income is far short of what the same talents, education, and in- dustry generally command in the other learned pro- fessions. To compensate for these sacrifices, to provide for the clergy, when elderly or disabled, and for their widows and orphans, several societies have been instituted and fostered by the liberality of the people. The eldest is for the relief of the widows and orphans of the clergy of the protestant episco- pal church in South-Carolina. This was instituted in 1762, and incorporated in 1786. It began with eleven members, all clergymen. Lay members were first admitted in 1770. There are now eight clerical members, and sixty-five of the laity, all of whom pay ten dollars per annum. The society possesses efficient funds to the amount of 26,000 dol- lars, and an annual income of 2800 dollars; which exceeds its present annual expenses. This surplus is laid out in stock, so that the funds and income of the society increase considerably every year. The next in order is entitled " the society for the benefit of elderly or disabled ministers, and of the widows and orphans of the clergy of the independent or congregational church in the state of South-Caro- lina." This was established in 1789, and soon alter incorporated. It consists of forty-seven members, each of Avhom pays annually one pound sterling. Ot vol. it. G 42 ECCLESIASTICAL these only three are clergymen. Its capital exceeds twenty-nine thousand dollars, and its annual income is about 2000 dollars more than its present annual expenditures. The surplus from time to time is ad- ded to the capital and will soon constitute a respect- able sum. The presbytery of Charlestown is a corporation for raising a fund for the relief of the w idows and orphans of their society. This Avas constituted in 1790, and possesses a capital of 2645 dollars. These* and similar institutions indirectly foster religion and learning, for they take away from the discourage- ment- of a worldly nature Avhich deter men of fore- cast from engaging in theological studies or entering 011 clerical functions. The methodists manage these matters on a gene- ral system, and in a way peculiar to themselves. Their Avorn out superannuated and supernumerary ministers, the wives and Avidows of all ministers, draw a salary from a common fund equal to that of a travelling preacher. The children of all their preachers are each alloAved sixteen dollars a year till they are seven years of age, and twenty-four dollars after that period till they are fourteen years old. In this manner their preachers are absolved from distressing anxiety about the future support of their families ; for nearly the same provision is made for them after the death of their parents as before. In addition to these modes, voluntarily adopted by different religious societies in Carolina for the sup- port of the families of deceased clergymen, several of the old churches have funds in lands, negroes, or monies, at interest, which assist in the support of history, 1670—1808. 43 officiating ministers. These institutions are of early origin, and of great utility. By discouraging unne- cessary separations they cement the union and pre- serve the perpetuity of congregations, while they lighten the burdens of supporting preachers. It is to be wished that they Avere multiplied and carried U> an extent sufficient to pav all church expenses. This has been done in Edisto island, and might be done with proper exertions in every district. The present heavy rents on pews might then be done away, and churches made as accessible to the poor as the rich. This policy originated upwards of one hundred years ago, and was found very .useful. The revolutionary paper money materially injured the system, but it may now be resumed with increasing advantage; for the future existence of paper money is constitutionally prohibited, and the privileges of incorporation then unattainable by dissenters are at present either possessed or may on application be easily obtained by every religious society. Though the different sects in Charlestown have- been long separated from each other by distinct re- ligious property, and different modes of Avorship, yet in one instance there is a communion of all christians highly honorable' to human nature. It often happened that persons, Avhose daily wants were supplied by their daily labor, departed this life leaving helpless orphans without any prospect of education; and often without the means of support. Instances of this became so numerous as to require a systematic arrangement for their accommodation. The business was taken up Avith ardor. By dona- tions of individuals, and appropriations from the 44 LCCLEMASTH al city treasury, a spacious building called the Orphan house, was erected at the close of the eighteenth cen- tury, in which about 130 orphans are successively fed and clothed. They also receive the rudiments of a plain education. One thing Avas Avanting : no means had been provided for their religious instruc- tion. The bounty of individuals and of the public soon added a church for the performance of divine service for their benefit, and of such of the inhabi- tants as chose to attend with them. The clergy of all denominations of christians, Avith the consent of their respective congregations, concurred in perform- ing divine service in a routine fixed by the managers of the institution. Thus a free church was constitu- ted in which the gospel Avas preached without ex- pense, not only to the orphans but to all who chose to attend. It is remarkable that in the various ser- vices which have been performed by the clergy of dif- ferent sects of christians, nothing has been at any time introduced savoring of the peculiarities of sect or party. The truths of the gospel in' which all christians arc agreed, and the principles of morality sanctioned by universal consent, have been the only topics brought forward. The astonished hearers, con- sisting of jeAvs and gentiles, catholics and protestants, christians and infidels, found that all religions tend- ed to make men better ; and that good men of all denominations substantially meant the same thing. They wondered at the contentions of christians, for they perceived that they all agreed on matters of the greatest moment, and only differed on subjects of minor importance. From charity in giving, an un- expected transition was made to charity in thinking. history, 1670—1808. 45 When they intended nothing more than to relieve the necessities of the fatherless, they found their minds gradually cleared from that narroAvness of thinking; which leads bigots of all descriptions to suppose themselves exclusively right, and all others wrong. Their minds expanded,Avith good will and charity to their fellow- citizens, though differing from them in modes and forms. These are some of the good consequences which have resulted in Charlestown from the establishment of a charitable institution on a broad basis, and still more extensively over the Avhole state from placing all religious denominations on an equal footing, Avith- out discrimination or preference. Though real religion is always the same, yet there is a fashion in its modes varying with times and cir- cumstances which is worthy of historical notice. For the first thirty-five or forty years after the settlement of South-Carolina there was a constant jarring be- tween the puritans and cavaliers, or the dissenters and high churchmen. The former brought with them from England much of the severity and strict- ness of their party, the latter an equal proportion of that levity and sprightliness which Avas fashionable in England after the restoration of Charles the second to the throne of his ancestors. The former dreaded conformity to the fashionable world, even in matters of indifference, as a great abomination; the latter had an equal horror of hypocrisy, and to avoid the ap- pearance of it went to the opposite extreme. In the next seventy years in which the church of England was established, both parties relaxed. The sufferings of dissenters under the rigorous establish- 46 ECCLESIASTICAL ments of Europe were unknoAvn in Carolina. The moderation ot the established church was great — the toleration of the dissenters Avas complete. Ex- cept the patronage from government, and support from the public treasury, the civil rights and privi- leges of both w ere nearly equal. The former Avere too apt to look down with contempt on the latter, as an inferior grade of beings, but abstained from all private acts of injury or oppression. The one gra- dually abated of their haughtiness, the other of their scrupulosity. Fashion induced several prosperous individuals among the dissenters to join the esta- blished church. The american revolution levelled all,legal distinctions—diminished prejudices—and brought both into a nearer connexion with each other. Marriages between persons of different de- nominations became more common and excited less wonder. Fashion no longer led exclusively to one church. The name of meeting-house and the ridi- cule attached to those who frequented them were done away. The difference now is more in name than reality. The peculiarities, formerly charac- teristic of each, have been so far dropt that there is no longer any other obvious mark of distinction than that which results from their different modes of per- forming divine service. Among the Carolinians deism was never common. Its inhabitants at all times generally believed that a christian church was the best temple of reason. Per- sons professing arian or socinian doctrines, or that system of religion which has been denominated uni- versalism, are so Aery feAv that they form no separate religious societies. The only church in which these history, 1670—1808. 47 doctrines were publicly professed has long been, completely extinct. The bulk of the people who make an open profession of any religion are either baptists, catholics, episcopalians, independents, me- thodists, protestants of the german or french reform- ed churches, presbyterians, or seceders. All these agree in the following doctrines, which have a direct tendency to advance the best interests of society and the peace and happiness of its members. There is a God, and a future state of rewards and punishments. God is to be publicly worshipped. The holy scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the word of God. The present state of man is a state of sin and mi- sery. Jesus Christ is the son of God and the saviour of the world. There will be a resurrection of the dead, and a ge- eral judgment in which retribution will be made to every individual of the human race according to his works. But these sects differ in matters respecting church politics, some preferring the government of one, others that of a few or of the. many ; by bishops, presbyteries, associations, the Avhole body of the peo- ple, or by vestries, elders, or select portions of them. While all agree that ministers or pub.lic teachers of religion are of divine appointment, some contend for a distinction of ranks and others for a parity among them. The former are subdivided; some consider- ing an uninterrupted succession from the apostles to be necessary—others that ordination derived from 48 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORV", 1670—1808. John Westlev, or his successors, is as valid as that from St. Paul or any of the apostles. In addition to these acknowledged legitimate sources of ordination, the other sects contend, that three or more ordained ministers are fully competent to the work ot ordina- tion, and that all ordained ministers are of equal grade in the church. All agree that public prayers to the deity are of div ine institution; but some prefer prayers by form, others in an extempore manner. All agree that baptism is a divine ordinance, and that it may be rightly administered when adults are its subjects and immersion the mode. Others add that it may also be rightly administered, when the children of believers are its subjects and sprinkling the mode. Among professors who agree in so many fundamental points, embracing the substance of Christianity, and differ only in matters relating to its husk and shell or necessary appendages, there is an ample foundation for a friendly understanding and a liberal exchange of all the kind offices of reci- procal church fellowship; while there is no real cause for treating each other Avith shyness or cold indif- ference. MEDICAL HISTORY OF SOUTH-CAROLINA From 1670—1808. oouth-Carolina lies between the 32d and 35th degrees of north latitude, and in the same parallel with Cyprus, Candia, Morocco, Barbary, Damascus, Tripoli, Palmyra, Babylon, and other parts of Tur- key in Asia, and with parts of Persia, India, and China. In comparing american climates with those of Europe, to bring them on a par with each other, a difference of 12 degrees should be allowed for pe- culiarities in the american continent. The most re- markable of these is such a predominance of cold as subjects an american, living in north latitude 35 to an equal degree of cold Avith an european residing in north latitude 47*. If this opinion is correct we * If the meteorological observations which have been made at . Williamsburg, Cambridge, Quebec, and Hudson's bay in Ame- rica be compared Avith those Avhich have been made at Algiers, Rome, Poictiers, and Solyskamski, places Avhose latitudes are nearly equal, it will be found that the european continent is noAV 12 degrees warmer than that of America. Williams' Vermont, p. 384. VOL. II. H 50 MEDICAL should look for a resemblance of South-Carolina, not in the countries which have been mentioned as lying in the same latitude, but in Aix, Rochelle, Montpelier, Lyons, Bordeaux, and other parts of France; in Milan, Turin, Padua, Genoa, Parma, Mantua, and other parts of Italy; in Buda, Benda, Crimea, and other parts of Turkey in Europe ; in Circassia, Astracan, and other parts of Russian Tar- tary, and of Chinese Tartary, which lie betAveen the 44th and 47th degrees of north latitude. It is cer- tain that the points of resemblance are more nume- rous in the latter than the former case. The climate of South-Carolina is in a medium between that of tropical countries and of cold temperate latitudes. It resembles the former in the degree and duration of its summer heat, and the lat- ter in its variableness. In tropical countries the AA*armest and coldest days do not in the course of a tAvelvemonth vary more, from each other, than six- teen degrees of Farenheit's thermometer. There is consequently but little distinction between their summer and winter ; but a variation of 83 degrees between the heat and cold of different days of the same year, and of 46 degrees in the different hours of the same day in South-Carolina is to be found in its historical records. Since 1791 the difference between our coolest and warmest summers has ranged between 88 and 93, and the difference between our mildest and coldest win- ters has ranged on a feAv particular days from 50 to history, 1670—1808. 5\ 17*. Our greatest heat is sometimes less and ne- ver much more than what takes place in the same i season in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New-York.; but the warm weather in these places does not on an average continue above six weeks, while in Caro- lina it lasts from three to four months. Our nights are also warmer than theirs. The heat of the days in Charlestown is moderated by two causes, which do not exist in an equal degree to the northward of it. Our situation, open and near the sea, almost surrounded by water and not far distant from the torrid zone, gives us a small proportion of the trade winds which, blowing from the south-east, are plea- santly cool. These generally set in about 10 A. M. and continue for the remainder of the day. A se- cond reason may be assigned from the almost daily showers of rain Avhich fall in the hottest of our sum- mer months, and are frequently accompanied with much thunder and lightning, and therefore are cal- led thunder showers. The degree of heat in Charlestown is considerably less than in the interior western country. In the summer of 1808, at Columbia, it was frequently at 96 and 97 and sometimes at 98; while at Charles- town it did not exceed 91. * Farenheit's thermometer is what is eveiy where meant in this publication ; and the observations on it therein referred to, unless otherwise specified, were reported to the medical so- ciety as taken by Dr. Robert Wilson at his house, the Avest end of Broad-street, at the hours of 8 in the morning, between 2 and 3 in the afternoon, and at 10 in the evening. The instru- ment was suspended in an open passage about ten feet from the floor. 52 MEDICAL The number of extreme Avarm days in Charles- town is seldom above thirty in a year; and it is rare for three of these to follow each other. On the other hand, eight months out of twelve are moderate and pleasant. The number of piercing cold days in winter is more in proportion to our latitude than of those which are distressingly hot in summer: but of these more than three rarely come together. There are on an average in Charlestown about twenty nights, in a twelvemonth, in which the closeness and sultriness of the air forbid in a great measure the refreshment of sound sleep; but this severe weather is for the most part soon terminated by refreshing and cooling showers. April, May, and June are in common our healthiest months, Avith the exception of the cholera infantum and bowel diseases among children. August and September are the most sick- ly ; April and May the driest; June, July, and Au- gust the wettest; November the pleasantest. Our old people are oftenest carried off in cold weather ; the young, the intemperate, and the laboring part of the community, when it is hot. In some years Jan- uary, and in others February is the coldest month. It is remarkable that when orange trees have been destroyed by frost, it has always been in the month of February. It is also remarkable that oranges, though plentiful forty or fifty years ago, are now raised with difficulty. Once in every eight or ten years a severe Avinter destroys the trees on Avhich they grow. Of this kind Avere the winters of 1766, 1779, 1786, and 1796. The transitions from heat to cold have in the same period been great and ra- history, 1670—1808. 53 pid. Mr. John Champneys has observed on three different occasion* the thermometer fall more than fifty degrees in less than fifteen hours. The coldest days on record are December 23d and 24th 1796. In both of which the thermometer in doctor Wilson's house fell to seventeen. These changes, probably the effect of the country being more open- ed and cleared, discourage the hope of naturalizing tropical fruits. November and December are the best months in the year for strangers to arrive in Carolina. Such should calculate so as not to make their first appearance either in summer or in the face of it, or in the first months of autumn. The hottest day of the year is sometimes as early as June, some- times as late as September, but oftenest in July or August. The hottest hour of the day in Charles- town varies with the weather; it is sometimes as early as ten in the forenoon, but most commonly be- tAveen two and three in the afternoon. In the spring when the sun begins to be powerful, a languor and drowsiness is generally felt; respiration is accelerated, and the pulse becomes quicker and softer. Strangers are apt to be alarmed at these feelings and anticipate an increase of them with the increas- ing heat of the season, but they find themselves agreeably disappointed. The human frame so rea- dily accommodates itself to its situation that the heat of June and July is to most people less distressing* * On the 3d of July 1806, doctor Harris suspended a thermo- meter six feet above the surface, exposed to the full influence of the sun. The mercury rose under these circumstances to 131 degrees, though it stood at 90 within doors. On his pla- 54 MLDICAL than the comparatively milder weather of April and May. On the other hand, though September is cooler than the preceding months, it is more sickly and the heat of it more oppressive. Perspiration is diminished and frequently interrupted : hence the system, debilitated by the severe weather of July and August, feels more sensibly and more frequently a sense of lassitude. Besides the coolness of the evenings in September and the heavy dews that then fall, multiply the chances of getting cold. It is on the whole the most disagreeable month in the year. In Avinter the mountains near the western boun- dary of the state are often covered with snoAv. From thence to the sea shore snow but seldom falls so as to cover the ground except on extraordinary occa- sions*. The soil is sometimes in like manner bound up with frost. This seldom extends into the ground more than two inches. In shady places it will not cing its bulb in his mouth it fell to 'J8. As it frequently rises to 90 in the shade, and stands so for some hours, the inhabitants of Charlestown then out of doors exposed to the sun are breath- ing an atmosphere heated to 131 degrees, or 33 degrees more than the heat of the human body ; and it is supported by them without any manifest injury. * On December 31, 1790, wind N. L. a severe snow storm began in CharlestoAvn which continued for twelve hours. In consequence of which the streets were covered with snow from two to four inches deep. Another took place on the 28th of February 1792, wind N. W. which continued for several hours, and till it covered the ground five or six inches. Similar snow storms fell in January 1800, and were thrice repeated in twenty- three days, and amounted in the whole to more than ten inches. But these phenomena are rate. history, 1670—1808. 5.5 thaw for several days ; and the waters and ponds at the same time are generally frozen, but seldom more than half an inch thick, and rarely strong enough to give an opportunity for the wholesome exercise of skaiting. This freezing lasts only for a few days, and the wea- ther breaks up mild and warm so as to render fires unnecessary in the middle of the day. In the winter these changes from heat to cold, and the reverse, fre- quently and suddenly take place, and affect the feel- ings of the inhabitants much more than equal, or even greater degrees of permanent cold in countries where the climate is more steady, and the transitions from heat to cold are more gradual. In February the weather is particularly variable. It is often rainy. Vegetation commences in warm clear days and inspires hopes of an early spring. Suddenly a north-Avest wind inducing] frost, some- times blasts and always retards these flattering ex- pectations. In March and April the planting sea- son begins and continues till June. In July and August the heats increase, and the heavy rains set in attended at times with severe thunder and lightning. September is the principal month of harvest.. In it the evenings and mor- nings are chilly, but the sun is extremely oppres- sive in the middle of the day. Storms of rain are produced accompanied sometimes with hurricanes. The leaves of deciduous trees begin to fall, and na- ture by degrees assumes the sober dress of winter. In October the weather is generally mild and clear. About the middle of this month frosts commence and generally terminate in the month of March. On their approach they bring with them a cure for 56 MEDICAL the fevers, then usually prevalent. The inhabitants of CharlestoAvn keep fires in their houses from four to six months in the year ; but there are some warm days in every one of them in which fires are disa- greeable. On the other hand there are some moist cool days in every month of the year, with the ex- ception of July and August, in which fires are not only healthy but pleasant. These, with the addition of June, are the only months which are exempt from frost in all years and in every part of South-Carolina. Sharp cold Aveather seldom commences before December, though there are several cold days in November, and the evenings and mornings are ge- nerally so. In these two months, especially the last, vegetation is checked and continues so for about four weeks. In this manner the annual circle re- volves in the varying climate of South-Carolina. The last half of December and the first half of January is the dullest period of the whole. If the year Avas to be regulated with a particular reference to Caro- lina, it might be said to commence about the middle of January, and to terminate about the middle of December; for the one begins and the other ends its visible natural vegetation. The hygrometer in Charlestown shows an almost constant humidity in the air. For the last seven years it has not marked in any one year more than 24 dry days : and the average of the whole 7 years is less than 16 dry days for each. The variation of the barometer is inconsiderable. It generally stands between 30 and 31, but has been as low as 29° 7' and as high as 31° 8'. The extremes of heat and cold since 1791 have been 76 degrees asunder. The history, 1670—1808. 57 subjoined statement* of meteorological observations for the year 1802 may serve as a sample of the cli- mate. * Thunder was distinctly, and in a few cases very loudly, heard on forty-eight days in the interval between April 7 and November 30. Less rain fell in 1802 than in any of the seven preceding years. The particulars will appear from the following table. 1802. January, February, March, Days of rain. 2 4 2 Inches. 0 0 0 Tenths. 4 8 8 April, May, June, 3 7 -7 2 3 3 0 0 4 July, August, September, October, 14 10 5 3 12 4 5 0 1 2 November, 1 2 4 December, 6 3 2 64 39 1 Though there were only sixty-four days in which an actual falj of rain took place, yet the index of the hygrometer pointed to damp in all degrees from one to one hundred and one, for three hundred and fifty-tAvo days. As far as we can rely on this in- strument we must admit that there Avere only thirteen days of a dry atmosphere in the year 1802 ; these Avere, in April 2— May 8—June 1—and November 3. The highest degree of dryness pointed out in these days was fifteen. The direction of the Avinds for the year 1802 may be learnt from the following table. Winds. Days. Winds. Days. January, S. to N. W. 17 N. to S. E. 14 February, do. do. 15 do. do. 13 March, do. do. 20 do. do. 11 VOL. II. -I iS MEDICAL The evils that every year take place more or less in the northern states from drinking cold water, are unknoAvn in CharlestoAvn. The Avater of the Avells Winds. Day;,. Winds. Days. April, S. to N. W. 22 N. to S. F. 8 May, do. do. 26 do. do. 5 June, do. do. 18 do. do. 12 July, do. do. 21 do. do. 10 August, do. do. 16 do. do. 15 September, do. do. 18 do. do. 12 October, do. do. 8 do. do. 23 November, do. do. 14 do. do. 16 December, do. do. 17 do. do. 11 The latest frost in the spring of 1802 Avas March the 15th ; the earliest in autumn Avas October 26th or rather November 1st. The coldest day Avas February 23d. Thermometer 32. The next coldest day Avas December 9th, thermometer 33. The greatest and lcr-st degrees of heat in each month was as fol- lows : Greatest. Least. January, 74 45 February, 69 32 March, 74 44 April, 86 61 May, 84 66 June, 86 72 July, 87 70 August, 89 72 September, 89 60 October, 81 54 November, 74 45 December, 70 33 The folloAving table in Avhich the days are classed, wil* sIioav the number of Avarm days in the respective months, and the degree of heat in each day; but without fractious The first column states the highest range of the thermometer in the Avhole course of the days opposite thereto in tUe second column. history, 1670—-1*808. 59 lies so near the surface of the earth that the difference of its temperature from that of the common air, is not so great as to create danger; unless in very particu- lar circumstances. A solitary case occurred in Sep- tember 1791, of a negro fellow who after taking a draught of cold water when very warm, suddenly fainted away and immediately after became insane 1802. : January. 74 72 70 68 67 66 65 62 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 51 days. 29 28 27 3 9 16 21 4 8 15 30 2 7 14 17 15 19 18 11 23 20 6 1 22 24 26 13 25 12 10 5 31 86 80 79 78 77 April. 26 4 14 3 30 2 10 25 7 13 18 February. days. II 8 3 16 17 21 4 9 14 15 10 26 12 18 7 22 13 1 28 25 27 20 2 24 5 6 19 23 May. 6 10 5 26 11 25 22 28 9 27 March. days. 30 10 19 25 30 18 •7 20 3 24 9 26 29 1 16 13 23 2 6 28 15 21 22 12 5 4 11 8 27 14 7 June. 22 23 13 14 24 3 30 11 12 20 21 6e MEDICAL and continued so for several days; but he afterwards recovered. The medium temperature of the Avell water in Charlestown is 65'. This is twelve degrees above that of the well-water of Philadelphia, April. day«. 22 29 9 1 8 13 19 27 21 28 17 23 11 16 5 20 6 6 24 July. 9 8 10 18 21 22 30 4 6 7 19 31 20 23 29 27 12 3 5 24 16 17 11 26 28 25 15 12 14 13 May. days. 12 13 15 21 24 29 23 30 4 31 16 19 8 14 20 1 18 3 7 17 2 August. 26 27 25 29 2 28 24 30 1 20 31 7 8 12 13 17 18 21 22 23 3 9 11 16 6 19 15 4 5 14 10 1-3 June. tr- et -i 3 o 3 a a ^j days 81 10 6 2 8 9 15 80 16 25 28 79 7 18 19 78 29 77 5 26 27 76 1 74 4 September. 89 14 15 88 7 13 87 11 16 86 2 10 17 85 4 12 18 19 84 1 83 20 21 81 22 80 3 8 9 79 5 78 6 75 23 71 28 68 31 67 25 26 29 66 27 165 24 history, 1670—1808. 6.1 Instead of sudden deaths from cold Avater in Charlestown, the inhabitants have to lament the same event from the intemperate use of spirituous liquors. The stimulus of ardent spirits'added to that of ex- cessive heat, drives the blood forcibly on the brain and produces fatal consequences. The east and north-east winds in Avinter and spring are very injurious to invalids, especially to those Avho have weak lungs or who are troubled with rheu- matic complaints. In these seasons they bring with them that languor for which they are remarkable in other countries ; but in summer, by moderating heat r> B o 3 o October. ET 2 3 o 3 n November. H =r n> -i 3 o 3 a a December 81 days. 16 74 days. 26 70 days. 27 28 13 14 17 73 24 68 23 80 22 23 70 16 22 24 65 5 29 79 15 18 67 7 SI 11 30 64 21 22 26 78 9 11 19 66 10 17 62 14 77 6 12 21 65 19 20 23 15 60 15 76 5 64 13 12 8 58 20 24 30 75 10 7 8 62 14 57 12 4 73 4 61 9 29 55 3 72 3 59 3 18 54 6 1 71 2 20 31 57 5 6 53 11 25 ro 26 27 56 2 27 50 2 31 69 1 55 4 49 13 67 24 30 54 28 48 16 19 66 25 50 1 46 7 64 29 45 10 63 28 i 44 42 40 39 8 17 9 18 y 6S MEDICAL they are both pleasant and wholesome. Their worst effects are to produce catarrhal complaints and colds. Winds from the north-west to the south- west, blowing over large tracts of marsh or swamp, are in summer season unfriendly to health. The north and north-west Avinds in Avinter, are remarkable for their invigorating effects on the human frame. South winds are healthy in summer, but much less so in Avinter. Siioav is more common and continues longer in proportion as Ave recede from the sea shore. The further we proceed Avestward till Ave reach the mountains which divide the western from the eastern Avaters, the weather is colder in the winter and ve- getation later in the spring. In the western parts of the state the days are warmer and the nights are cooler than on the sea coast. \Vrhile the inhabitants of Charlestown can scarcely bear to be covered in the hours of sleep with a sheet, they Avho live in the tOAvn of Columbia, one hundred and twenty com- puted miles, but probably about one hundred in a straight line, to the north-Avest of it, are not incom- moded by a blanket: and this difference is greater as we advance more to the Avest. The sum total of rain on an average of five years, viz. from 1738 to 1742 as observed by Dr. Lining, was 48.6 inches in the year; and of ten years, viz. from 1750 to 1759, as observed by Dr. Chal- mers, was 41.75 inches in the year. The annual average quantity by the observations of the medical society for the last ten years, or from 1797 to 1807 Avas 49-3 inches. The greatest quantity in any one of these last ten years was 83.4 inches ; this Avas in history, 1670—1808. 63 the year 1799 : and the least was 38.6 in the year 1800. The greatest quantity in any one month of these ten years was 12.9 inches ; this was in August 1799. In the course of these ten years, four months passed without any rain, and several in each of which it Avas less than one inch. The number of rainy days in the last five years, or from 1802 to 1807, gives an average of 72 rainy days for each. South-Carolina extends about 200 miles on the sea coast, and about 300 to the Avest. The south- ern boundary and a great part of the northern, runs north-west from the atlantic ocean. As the air grows colder in a Avestern as well as a northern di- rection, the climate is far from being uniform. The Avestern districts, from their high and dry situation and contiguity to the mountains, enjoy a dry, elastic, wholesome atmosphere. The middle country par- takes of the advantages of the upper country, and the disadvantages of the lower. The latter being inter- sected by SAvamps, bays, and low grounds, the Avaters spread over the face of the country, and in consequence of heat and stagnation produce mephitic exhalations. Thick fogs cover the low lands throughout the night during the summer months. In the western districts from August until frost, thick fogs also cover the grounds at night, but are dissipated by the rays of the sun. Much exposure to these fogs early in the morning is said to occasion intermittents. In such a situation it is no matter of surprise that fevers prevail in places contiguous to fresh, and es- pecially stagnant Avater. The heavy rains generally commence in June and July. While they flow, and 64 MEDICAL until their waters by remaining stagnant have putre- fied, the health of the lower country is not particular- ly affected. But Avhen Aveeds and vegetables are rankest, and putrefaction is excited by the operations of heat and moisture, the atmosphere becomes delete- rious. Like effects being produced by the same causes in Georgia and East-Florida, winds from these coun- tries in autumn are much charged with mephitic qualities. Hence south-westwardly winds increase all summer fevers. These exciting causes of disease lie dormant in the native state of new countries, while they are undisturbed by cultivation ; but when the ground is cleared and its surface broken they are put into immediate activity. Hence it has happen- ed that the upper country of South-Carolina Avas more healthy at its first settlement than it Avas some time after. When the putrescent materials are ex- pended and the original mephitic effluvia are exhaus- ted and cultivation has improved the face of the earth, it again becomes healthy. Very little if any of South- Carolina has attained to this state. The upper coun- try is approximating, and the high hills of Santee come nearer to it than any part of the middle or low country. In like manner mill-dams, Avhen first erected and for many years after, are injurious to the health of the vicinity; but when the timber in them is rotted and their poisonous effluvia are dis- sipated, they become comparatively harmless. Observations on the climate of South-Carolina have not been made sufficiently long to test by satis- factory evidence any considerable changes which have already taken place. Those made by the me- history, 1670—1808. 65 dical society since 1791, compared with those made by Dr.- Lining betAveen 1738 and 1742, and Avith those made by doctor Lionel Chalmers between 1750 and 1759, seem to prove that the climate in the last seven- ty years has changed for the better*. The heat of our * The reader is desired to judge for himself whether he has experienced any thing comparable to the account of Charles- town given by doctors Lining and Chalmers who were emi- nent physicians and practised physic for many years in Charles- town. The observations of the former Avere read before the royal society in May 1748 ; extracts from them are as follows: " In summer the heat of the shaded air about two or three in the afternoon is frequently between 90 and 95 degrees; and on the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June 1738, at 3 P. M. it was 98 ; a heat equal to the greatest heat of the human body in health." " In June 1738, when the heat of the shaded air Avas 98, the ther" mometer sunk one degree in my arm pits, but continued at 98 in my hand and mouth. Two men who were then in the streets (Avhen the heat was probably 124 or 126 degrees, as the shaded air's heat Avas then 98) dropped suddenly dead, and se- veral slaves in the country at work in the rice fields shared the same fate. I saw one of the men immediately after he died ; his face, neck, breast, and hands Avere livid." The following ex- tracts are taken from the sixteenth to the twenty-third page of doctor Chalmers' account of the weather and diseases of South- Carolina which was printed in London in 1776, and chiefly re- fer to a period about the middle of the eighteenth century. " I cannot convey a better idea of the heat we perceive in passing along the streets at noon in summer, than by compa- ring it to that glow which strikes one Avho looks into a pretty warm oven ; for it is so increased by reflection from the houses and sandy streets as to raise the mercury sometimes to the 130th division of the Thermometer, Avhen the temperature of the shaded air may not exceed the 94th. Solid bodies, more espe- cially metals, absorb so much heat at such times that one can- not lay his hand on them but for a short time without being made very uneasy. Nay, I ha\-e seen a beef-steak of the ccm* VOL. TL K 66 MEDICAL late summers has abated 8 degrees. Whether this is really the case, or to be referred to a difference ot mon thickness so deprived of its juices Avhen laid on a cannon for the space of twenty minutes as to be overdone according to the usual way of speaking. " In order to know what degree of heat my servants Avere ex- posed to in the kitchen, I suspended a Thermometer to a beam eight feet from the floor, and fifteen from the fire, the Avin- dows and doors being all open on both sides of the house so that this was the coolest station in it. But even here the mercury stood at the 115th division, and notwithstanding this seeming distress the negroes assured me they preferred this sort of weather to the winter's cold. " By the 13th of July 1752, a general drought prevailed; for the earth Avas so parched and dry that not the least perspira- tion appeared on plants, which shrunk and withered. All stand- ing waters Avere dried up as were many wells and springs, so that travellers could not find water either for themselves or their beasts for a whole day together. In several settlements no Ava- ter could be found by digging ever so deep, for which reason the inclosures were laid open and the cattle drove out to shift for themselves. But very many of them perished for want both of pasturage and Avater, as probably did great numbers of those birds that require drink, for none of them Avere to be seeu among us. In short, the distresses of men and beasts at that time are not to be described. " When the mercury rose to the 97th and 98th degree of the Thermometer in the shade, the atmosphere seemed in a glow. At bed time it was not in our power to lie long still, being obliged to turn almost incessantly in order to cool the side Ave rested on before. Refreshing sleep therefore Avas a stranger to our eyes, insomuch that people were in a manner worn down Avith watching, and the excessive heat together. Nor did this restlessness and frequent tossings prevent our being constantly bathed with sweat, though we lay on thin matrasses spread up- on the floor, and had all the windows in our room open. Nay, many people lay abroad on the pavements. So speedy was the putrefaction ©f dead bodies that they required to be quickly in- history, 1670—1808. 67 instruments or of situations in which they are kept, must be decided by further experience. It is cer- terred. For in the short space of five hours the body of a pretty corpulent Avoman who died as she Avas ironing linen, burst the cof- fin ; so violent was the putrefaction. In order therefore to prevent such accidents as Avell as to guard against the offensive smell of so rapid a putrescence, it was found necessary to wrap dead bodies in sheets that were Avrung out of tar, and bind them up lightly with cords. " During this season a candle was blown out and set in a chimney at ten o'clock at night, the wick of Avhich continued to burn clearly till next morning, and was likely to do so for many hours longer. " When this violently hot weather began to break up, (about the 21st of July) every shower was accompanied with most dreadful lightning and thunder, by which several persons were killed in different places, besides the damages that were done to buildings and vessels. Among other instances of the alarming effects of lightning this year, the distress of one poor family may be related. The father and one of his sons being ploughing with four horses they, together with their beasts, were all struck dead by one flash. I have known it to lighten and thunder violent- ly, and Avith but little intermission, for eight or ten hours together, the clouds being all this while so low that in one afternoon the lightning fell on sixteen different objects in town, among which were nine dwelling houses, one church, a meeting-house, and 5 vessels Avere dismasted in part. " During the summer of 1752, the mercury often rose above the 90th degree of the Thermometer throughout the months of May, June, July, and August ; and for twenty successive days, excepting three in June and July, the tem- perature of the shaded air varied between the 90th and 101st division, and sometimes it must have been 30 degrees warmer in the open sunshine, to Avhich great numbers of people were daily exposed for many hours. Neither was ever a more healthy season known than this, so long as the weather contin- ued steadily warm and fair. True indeed it is, that those who happened to sicken during these intensely hot months might 68 MEDICAL tain that the climates of old countries have been materially improved by clearing and cultivating the almost be said to have escaped through the fire when they re- covered, which few in truth did Avho Avere seized Avith fevers ; and all those died on whom dropsies had made any considerable progress. " All creatures seem equally affected with man by such in- tensely hot weather ; for horses sweat profusely in the stable, and flag presently when ridden. Dogs seek the shade and lie panting with their tongues lolling out as if they had long pur- sued the chase. Poultry droop the wing and breathe with open throats in the manner cocks do when much heated in fighting. Crows and other wild foAvis do the same, and are so unAvilling to move that they will suffer a man to come nearer them than at other times before they fly." Such was the account given of the-weather in Charlestown, by doctor Chalmers, a gentleman of veracity, of medical and philosophical accuracy in making and recording observations. The business has been taken up and prosecuted ever since the year 1791, by the medical society. In the whole of these 18 years the highest degree of the mercury has been from two degrees to five less than it was in two years of the four observ- ed by doctor Lining, and from one degree to eight less than it was in five years of the ten observed by doctor Chalmers. Since 1791 it has reached 93 only on one day. In 1 year it did not exceed 88. In 4 years it did not exceed 89. In 4 years it did not exceed 9C. In 6 years it did not exceed 91. In 2 years it did not exceed 92. In the 10 years, viz. from 1750 to 1759 observed by doctor Chalmers, it was in no year less than 90, and only in two years as low as 90. In 1 year it reached to 101. In 2 years it reached, but did not exceed 96. In 2 years do. do. 94. In 2 years do. do. 93. In I year do. do. 91. history, 1670 -1808. 69 land. We have therefore reason to hope that a me- lioration of ours will in time take place, and Ave are not too sanguine in believing that it is already begun*. In the 4 years observed by doctor Lining, it was 98 in the year 1738, and 95 in 1742. Doctor Chalmers'house, in the alley called by his name was, doubtless, something warmer than doctor Wilson's, at the west end of Broad-street. There may have been some variation in the structure or position of the respective thermometers ; but the difference in the result is too great to be accounted for from these circumstances. It is possible that the apparent abatement of our summer heat is only accidental, and that the scorchings in 1738 and in or about the year ' 752, will return in future years ; but it is more probable that the degree of heat in Charlestown is now less than it was 60 or 70 years ago. It may be proved by inferences from facts stated in the Bible, and in the greek and roman clas- sics, that the climate of those parts of Asia and Europe with which Ave are best acquainted have been meliorated to the ex- tent of 15 or 20 degrees Avithin the last 20 or 30 centuries. That an abatement of cold has taken place in the northern states within the two centuries that have passed away since their first settlement can also be satisfactorily ascertained. It re- mains to be proved by further observations and future experi- ence, whether the labor of man in clearing and cultivating the earth is or is not rewarded by its moderating both heat and cold Avhere they are excessive. * When the rornans first invaded Britain, the face of a con- siderable part of that country resembled Avhat Carolina now is; for it was equally covered with marshes, ponds and stagnant waters: and in like manner shaded with trees. When culti- vation has improved Carolina as much as it has done Britain, they will be both equally dry, and if not equally healthy, nearly so. For the excessive cold of the one is as injurious to the hu- man frame, as the excessive heat of the other when unaccom- panied with moisture or putrefaction. Eighteen hundred years have passed away in effecting the change in Britain, and it is not yet fully accomplished ; for there are in it even now several marshes, and a considerable quantity 70 MEDICAL George Chalmers, in his political annals of the united colonies, printed in 1780, page 541, 542, observes that " CharlestoAvn Avas long unhcalthful. From the month of June to October, the courts of justice Avere commonly shut up. No public busi- ness Avas transacted. Men fled from it as from a pestilence, and orders Avere given to inquire for si- tuations more friendly to health." This statement is corroborated by tradition from the elder citizens, who inform us that in the time of their fathers the sick Avere sent from Charlestown to expedite their recovery in the more wholesome air of the country ; and that the country was preferred on the score of health as a place of summer residence. This is by- no means improbable. The site of Charlestown in its natural state Avas a slip of land stretching south- eastAvardly, between two rivers, and projecting into the harbor formed by their junction and divided into a number of peninsulas by creeks and marshes; indenting it on three sides so as to leave but little unbroken high land in the middle. The first buildings extended along East Bay-street, and had a marsh in their Avhole front. A considerable creek, named Van- derhorst's creek, occupied the foundation of Water- street; and passing beyond Meeting-street, sent out a branch to the northward nearly to the presbyte- rian church. Another creek stretched northwest- of low, moist, unhealthy ground. Judging of the future by the past, three or four hundred years will probably make such a change in the face of Carolina as will be little inferior to Avhat Great-Britain has slowly attained in the course of eighteen centuries. history, 1670—1808. 71 wardly nearly parallel to East Bay-street, from the neighborhood of Macleod's lots, through Longitude lane, and to the north of it. The same kind of low grounds ran up Queen-street, then called Dock- street, beyond the french church, and through Beres- ford's alley till it approached Meeting-street. jThe north end qf Union-street Avas planted Avith rice about the middle of the 18th century. Another very large creek occupied the site of the present central market, and extended AvestAvardly beyond Meeting-street, Avhich diverged southwardly almost to the independent church, and northwardly spread- ing extensiA^ely, and then dividing into tAvo branches ; running to the north-Avest and to the north-east so as to cover a large portion of ground. . Besides the marsh and these creeks which nearly environed three sides of the improved part of Charlestown, there was another creek a little to the southward of what is noAv Water-street, Avhich stretched Avest- Avardly over Church-street; and another which ran northwardly up Meeting-street, and then extend- ed across westAvardly nearly to King-street. A creek ran from the west near where Peter Smith's house now stands, and nearly parallel to South Bay till it approached the last mentioned creek, and was divided from it by King-street and a slip of land on each side. Six other creeks ran eastwardly from Ashley river, three of which stretched across the pe- ninsula so as to approximate to King-street. There were also ponds and low grounds in different parts of the tOAvn. One of these extended on the east side of King-street almost the whole distance between 72 MEDICAL Broad and Tradd streets. This was granted to the french church in 1701, but being useless in its then state Avas leased out by them for 50 years. In the course of that period the tenants improved and built upon it. There was also a large body of low grounds at the intersection of Hasell and Meeting- streets. The elder inhabitants often mention a large pond where the court house now stands. It is believed that this, though real, Avas artificial. It is probable that the intrenchments attached to the wes- tern fortifications of Charlestown, which extended up and down Meeting-street from the vicinity of the in- dependent church to the vicinity of the presbyterian church, Avere dug so deep as to cause a constant large collection of water at that middle part of the lines*. It Avas the site of Johnson's covered half moon, and of a drawbridge over which was the chief communi- cation betAvcen the tOAvn and the country. No pru- dent engineer Avould erect such works as these in a pond, though when they were erected in the moist soil of Charlestown they would be very likely to pro- duce one. Whether this Avas a natural or artificial collection of water, there Avas enough in other parts of the town to make it unhealthy. Such, with some small alteration was the situation of Charlestown for the first 70 years after its settlement'!'. * Persons noAV living remember that they have heard the deceased Samuel Prioleau, Avho was born in or about 1718, say that he had SAvam in the line of Meeting-street, from the west end of the present Water-street to the site of the present na- tional bank. t This appears from George Hunter's kymography of that city, pub:'.'hed in 1739. history, 1670—1808. 7$ To reduce such a quagmire as a great part of Charlestown originally was, to a firm, high, and dry state, required time, labor, and expense. Much has been done, but much remains for future enterprise. The pond at the south end of Meeting-street was filled up and built upon by Josiah Smith in the years 1767, 176S, and 1769, at an expense of about £ 1200 sterling. Vanderhorst's creek was turned into a firm, solid land, between the years 1788 and 1792, and ob- tained the name of Water-street. The creek running under the governor's bridge. Avas finally obliterated and turned into a market be- tween the years 1804 and 1807. The extensive marsh-land and low ground to the north and west of this creek had been filled up and built upon some years before by John Eberley, Anthony Toomer, and others. The time Avhen the other creeks were con- verted into solid land and improved, cannot be ex- actly ascertained. As Charlestown extended, and land became more valuable, industrious enterprising individuals, by draining marshes and filling up creeks, advanced their private interest and contributed to the growing salubrity of the toAvn. In addition to what has been effected by indivi- duals, tor converting marsh into solid land, several incidental causes have contributed to a similar result. Every vault, cellar and well, that has been dug in Charlestown for 128 years past, brought to the sur- face a part of a sandy soil which, when laid on soft low ground, promoted its induration and elevation. vol. 11. L 74 JUEDICAL Fires, of Avhich there have been many, though des- tructive of property, have not been without their use. The lime, tiie mortar, and broken bricks of the burnt houses, Avere for the most part added to the surface of the ground and corrected its capacity for pro- ducing disease. In addition to the dryness of the soil, its elevation was beneficial. To the latter not only-every new building, but every inhabitant con- tributes more or less every day. The offals of a sin- ale soap boiler sometimes amount to 500 bushels of ashes in a week. This multiplied by the number of the trade, and by the number of weeks that take place in a century, and by similar deposits from other persons, would contribute materially to the elevation of ground covered with houses and crowd- ed with inhabitants. The projection of wharves in- to the adjacent rivers, which are filled up with dry materials, changes low unwholesome ground into what is high and healthy. Houses now stand in safety which are carried out so near to the channel of Cooper river that the ooze, previously obtruded on the senses every ebb tide, is now no longer vi- sible. From these and similar additions to the soil, Charlestown has been constantly, though slow- ly, becoming higher and drier. The increase of an inch in 1.5 or 20 years would probably be a mode- rate calculation for the aggregate amount of every addition that is made to it in that period. One foot less in the height of the land, or one foot more in the height of the water in the hurricane of 1752, would in the opinion of eye witnesses have inunda- ted every spot of ground in Charlestown. Under history, 1670—1808. 75 such circumstances the gradual elevation of the sur- face, increasing with time and population, holds out encouraging prospects to posterity; for the higher and drier it is the more secure and healthy it will be. In a country whose maladies chiefly arise from heat and moisture, it is a glorious exploit to redeem it from the latter; which, of the two, is the most plenti- ful source of disease. Every Carolinian who plants a field—builds a house—fills a pond—or drains a bog, deserves well of his country. From the opera- tion of these causes a change for the better has al- ready taken place to a certain extent. With the ex- ception of the more frequent recurrence of the yel- loAv-fever, CharlestoAvn is now more healthy than it was 30 or 40 years ago. The frequent recurrence of that disease is an exception to the generality of this remark more in appearance than reality. For though it is distressing and fatal to strangers, yet, as they are but a very small part of the Avhole popula- tion, the aggregate mass of disease for several years past, even with that addition, Avould nevertheless be inferior to what it formerly was. Bilious remitting autumnal fevers, have for some time past evidently decreased. Pleurisies, which Avere formerly common and dangerous, are noAV comparatively rare; and so easily cured as often to require no medical aid. The thrush in children, the cholera morbus, iliac pas- sion or dry belly ache, have in a great measure dis- appeared. April and May used to be the terror of parents ; but the diseases which thirty years ago oc- casioned great mortality among children in the 76 JUEDICAL spring, haA-e for several years past been les* frequVHt and less mortal. Consumptions on the other hand have become more common ; but this is not charge- able on the climate but results trom the state of so- ciety and the growing wealth of the inhabitants, in Conjunction with new dresses, manners, and cus- toms. It is also in part to be accounted for from the accidental circumstance that several, every year, die in Carolina of that complaint who had recently arrived with it in its advanced stages from the West- India islands or the more northern states. Their unparalleled increase in 1808, is the consequence of the influenza of 1S07, and the present fashionable dresses. In the medical history of Carolina, the improve- ment of the country is to be viewed only as one cause of the melioration of its diseases. A more judicious medical treatment of the sick is another. This will appear by a particular review of the his- tory of the small-pox from the first settlement of the province. The years 1700 and 1717 are the dates of the two first attacks of the small-pox in Charlestown. In both it proved fatal to a considerable proportion of the inhabitants. It returned in 1732, but effectual care was taken to prevent its spreading. In the year 1738 it was imported in a guinea ship, and spread so extensively that there Avas not a sufficiency of persons in health to attend the sick; and many per- ished from neglect and want. There was scarcely a huuse in whicli there had not been one or more history, 1670—1808. 77 deaths*. Doctor Moybray, surgeon of a british man of war then in the harbor, proposed inoculation; but the physicians opposed it at first. With the * From a manuscript in the hand-writing, and found among the papers of the venerable Thomas Lamboll who died in 1775, the following particulars are collected relative to this disease. " It first attracted public notice in May 1738. In the next month a fast day was appointed by proclamation. Soon after the disease commenced, a report was circulated that tar water was not only a good preparative for receiving, but a preventive of the small-pox. Many barrels of tar were sold and used for that purpose ; but the author soon after took the infection and died, and his empirism died with him. " By an account dated September 30th of the same year, it appeared that the whole number of deaths was 411; and the whole number which had taken the small-pox was 2112, of which 833 were Avhites, and 1279 blacks. Of the former, 647 took the disease in the natural way, and of them 157 died. Of 188 whites who took the disease by inoculation, 9 died. Of the 1279 blacks who took the disease 1028 had it in the natural way, and of them 138 died. The remainder 253 were inoculated, and of them 7 died." From these facts as stated by Mr. Lamboll, it appears that of the white persons Avho took the small-pox in the natural Avay, nearly one in four died ; but of such as took it by inocula- tion, the deaths were only one in twenty. Of the negroes who took the disease in the natural way, nearly one in seven died; but of such as took it by inoculation, the deaths were only one in 36. It is well known that negroes have the small-pox as bad if not worse than white people where the treatment of both is the same. That they fared better than their owners in this oc- casion must be referred to their being under less restraint with regard to cold air. In treating the small-pox, an excess of cure and confinement is much worse than no care or confinement whatever. From the same manuscript it appears that on the 21st of September, an act of assembly passed at Ashley ferry against inoculating for the small-pox in Charlestown, or within two miles of it after the 10th of October 1738. 78 medical exception of doctor Martini they afterwards came iu- to it. Mr. Philip Prioleau was the first person in Charlestown who submitted to the operation. The success which attended this first experiment encou- raged several others to folloAv the example. The disease soon after abated. About the beginning of the year 1760, the small- pox Avas discovered in the house of a pilot on White- Point—guards were placed round the house, and every precaution taken to prevent the spreading of the disease ; but in vain. When the persons first in- fected at White-Point were either dead or well, the house in which they had lain was ordered to be cleans- ed. In doing this a great smoke was made which, being carried by an easterly wind, propagated the disease extensively to the westward in, the line of the smoke. Inoculation was resolved upon and be- came general. When this practice Avas first introduced, and for several years after, the inoculators loaded their pa- tients with mercury and tortured them Avith deep crucial incisions in which extraneous substances im- pregnated with the variolous matter were buried. There were then able physicians in Charlestown ; but they were so mistaken with regard to the proper method of treating the disease that it was no un- common practice to nail blankets, over the shut Avin- dows of closed rooms, to exclude every particle of cool fresh air from their variolous patients whose comfort and safety depended on its free admission. The consequences were fatal. Charlestown Avas a scene of the deepest affliction. Almost every fami- history, 1670—1808. 7$ ly Avas in distress for the loss of some of its members, but so occupied with their attentions to the sick that they could neither indulge the pomp nor the luxury of grief. The deaths from the small-pox \\ ere near- ly eleven twelfths of the Avhole mortality in Charles- town. Only eighty-seven died of other diseases, while the deaths from the small-pox amounted to nine hundred and forty. Of these only ninety-tAvo died under inoculation. Fifteen hundred persons are said to have been inoculated in one day; and it is certain from the bills of mortality that 848 per- sons died of the disease who were not inoculated. If Ave allow that only one in four died, as in the year 1738, the whole number Avho took the disease in the natural way must have been 3392. Precision in numbers is not attainable; but enough is known and remembered by several persons still alive to prove that the year 1760 Avas one of the most melancholy and distressing that ever took place in Charles- town. In the year 1763 the small-pox returned ; but as there Avere few to have it, and inoculation was gene- rally adopted, its ravages were not extensive. For seventeen years after, the small-pox Avas seldom or never heard of. During the siege of CharlestoAvn it Avas introduced, and immediately after the surrender of the town on the 12th of May 1780, a general in- oculation took place. As the cool regimen was then universally adopted, the disease passed over Avithout any considerable loss or inconvenience. Since the revolution, all the laws which interdic- ted the introduction and spreading of the small-pox have been repealed. There have been of course *0 .MEDICAL some cn?es of small-pox almost everv year, but no- thing very general or alarming in any one. A small proportion of those who were inoculated diet! or suffered inconveniences from it; but to 19 of'JO, it was a trifling disorder. This Avas a great triumph in favor of suffering humanity, but it was far short of what followed. In the year 180<2, vaccination Avas introduced into Charlestown Avithin four years after doctor Jenner had published its efficacy in pre- venting the small-pox, though 18 years had elaps- ed between the first inoculation in England for the small pox and the adoption of that practice in Ca- rolina. This substitute for the small-pox was intro- duced into Charlestown by David Ramsay, Avho af- ter many trials succeeded in February 180^1 in com- municating the disease to his son Nathaniel. From him originally, or remotely, some thousands have re- ceived the disease. No case has yet occurred in which a clearly marked case of small-pox has fol- lowed a clearly marked case of vaccination. Mis- takes have been made with respect to both diseases, and the one has in some instances been communica- ted to persons who had previously received the seed of the other. From these causes, added to the igno- rance and carelessness of some vaccinators, the con- fidence of a feAv in the Jennerian discovery has been weakened. But that the real vaccine is a preven- tive of the real small-pox is as certain, from the tes- tinony and experience of thousands, as that the in- oculated small-pox secures against the natural. Thus, in the short space of 70 years, the small-pox has been moderated in Carolina from the natural to the artihciai. 'Jhe latter so alleviated by mild history, 1670—1808. ^i treatment, and particularly by the cool regimen, as to become for the most part a trifling disease ; and finally an opportunity has been given to avoid the dangers and inconvenience of both, by a safe and easy substitute. The future ravages of the small- pox may be fairly put to the account of the careless- ness, the ignorance, or the prejudices of the people*., * The Royal college of physicians in London, in obedience to the command of his britannic majesty, " to inquire into the state of vaccine inoculation in the united kingdom," made a re- port on the subject on the 10th of April 1807, from which the following extracts are taken. - " In the british islands some hundred thousands have been vac- cinated. In our possessions in the East-Indies upwards of eight hundred thousand, and among the nations of Europe the prac- tice has become general. " Vaccination appears to be in general perfectly safe ; the in- stances to the contrary being extremely rare. The disease ex- cited by it is slight, and seldom prevents those under it from following their ordinary occupations. It has been communica- ted with safety to pregnant women, to children during dentition, and in their earliest infancy, in all which respects it possesses material advantages over inoculation for the small-pox. " The security derived from vaccination against the small- pox, if not absolutely perfect, is as nearly so as can perhaps be expected from any human discovery ; for amongst several hun- dred thousand cases, with the results of which the college have been made acquainted, the number of alleged failures has been surprisingly small ; so much so as to form certainly no reason- able objection to the general adoption of vaccination ; for it ap- pears that there are not nearly so many failures in a given num- ber of vaccinated persons as there are deaths in an equal num- ber of persons inoculated for the small-pox. "The testimonies before the college of physicians are \'ery decided in declaring that vaccination does less mischief to the constitution, and less frequently gives rise to other disease* than the small-pox, either natural or inoculated," VOL. II. M 82 MEDICAL Though ordinary fevers since the improvement of CharlestoAvn have been less frequent and less dan- gerous, yet for the last 16 years the yellow fever has recurred much oftener than in any preceding period. This has not been satisfactorily accounted for. If Ave refer it to some new state of the air, Ave virtually acknoAvledge our ignorance. No visible obvious cause can be designated why it should have recurred almost every year of the last 15, and not once as an epidemic disease for the forty years which immedi- ately preceded the year 1792. In the year 1699 or 1700, in addition to the ca- lamities resulting from a desolating fire and a fatal epidemic small-pox, a distemper broke out in Char- lestoAvn which carried off an incredible number of people; among whom were chief justice Bohun, Samuel Marshal the episcopal clergyman, John Ely the receiver-general, Edward Rawlins the pro- vost marshal, and almost one half of the members of assembly. Never had the colony been visited with such general distress and mortality. Some Avhole families were carried off, and few escaped a share of the public calamities. Almost all were lament- ing the loss either of their habitations by the de- vouring flames, or of friends and relations by this dis- ease or the small-pox. Anxiety and distress were visible on every countenance. Many of the survi- vors seriously thought of abandoning a country on which the judgments of heaven seemed to fall so heavy. Dr. HeAvatt, from whom the preceding ac- count is taken, designates this malady by the gene- ral appellation of " an infectious distemper." It Avas generally called the plague by the inhabitants. history, 1670—1808. 83 From tradition ando ther circumstances, particularly the cotemporaneous existence of the yellow lever in Philadelphia, there is reason to believe that this ma- lady was the yellow fever; and if so was the firs appearance of that disorder in Charlestown, and took place in the 19th or 20th year after it began to be built. . ^ ., The same author states, " that in 1703 an epide- mical distemper raged at Charlestown which swept off a vast number of inhabitants : and, as the town was threatened by the french and Spaniards the go- vernor who called the inhabitants to its assistance, held hishead-quarters about half a mile distant from the town on account of the contagious distemper which then raged therein; not wishing to expose his men to the dangerous infection unless from necessi- ty " These circumstances make it probable that this was also the yellow fever. If so this was its second visit, and only three or four years subse- quent to the first. The same author states, " that the summer of 1728 was uncommonly hot in Carolina; that m con- sequence thereof the face of the earth was entirely parched-the pools of standing water dried up--and the beasts of the field reduced to the greatest dis- tress—and that an infectious and pestilential dis- temper commonly called the « yellow fever,1' broke out in town and swept off multitudes of the inhabi- tants both white and black. As the town depended entirely on the country for fresh provisions, the plan- ters would suffer no person to carry supplies to it for fear of catching the infection and bringing it to the country. , The physicians knew not how to 14 MKDICAi treat the uncommon disorder, which was suddenly caught and proved quickly fatal. The calamity was so general that few could grant assistance to their distressed neighbors. So many funerals hap- pening every day Avhile so many lay sick, Avhite per- sons sufficient for burying the dead Avere scarcely to be found. Though they were often interred on the same day they died, so quick was the putrefaction, so offensive and infectious were the corpses, that even the nearest relations seemed averse from the necessary duty." This is the first direct mention of the yellow fever in the history of Carolina. From the information of Dr. Prioleau, derived from the manuscripts of his accurate and observing grandfather the venerable Samuel Prioleau, who died in the year 179- at the age of 74, it appears " that in the year 1732 the yellow fever began to rage in May, and continued till September or October. In the heighth of the disorder there Avere from eight to twelve whites buried in a day, besides people ot co- lor. The ringing of the bells was forbidden and little or no business was done. In the year 1739, the yellow fever raged nearly as violently as in the year 1732. It was observed to fall most severely on europeans. In 1745 and 1748 it returned, but with less violence; however many young people mostly europeans died of it. It appeared again in a few eases in 1753 and 1755, but did not spread. In all these visitations it was generally supposed that the yellow fever was imported, and it was remarked that it never spread in the country though often carried there by infected persons, who died out of Charles- town, after having caught the disease in it." history, 1670—1808. 85 For forty-four years after 1748, there was no epi- demic attack of this disease, though there were oc- casionally in different summers a few sporadic ca- ses of it. In the year 1792 a new aera of the yellow fever commenced. It raged in Charlestown in that year, and in 1794, 1795, 1796, 1797, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1804, and 1807. The number of deaths from it in these its worst years were, Deaths. In 1799—239. 1800—184. 1802—96. 1804—148. 1807—162. It appeared slightly in the years 1803 and 1805. In both years its victims did not exceed 59. In the years 1793—1798 and 1808, the disease is not men- tioned at all, and in the year 1806 it is only mention- ed as having occurred in a very few cases under par- ticular circumstances. In its visitations it extended from July to November, but Avas most ripe in August and September. With a very feAv exceptions, chief- ly children, it exclusively fell on strangers. The un- seasoned negroes were not exempt from its ravages, but they escaped oftener than other strangers ; and when attacked had the disease in a slighter degree, and if properly treated were more generally cured. Persons both black and white arriving from the West-India islands enjoy similar exemptions from the yellow fever of Charlestown., In the years 1796 and 1799 it raged with its greatest violence, but has since considerably abated both in frecjuency and violence, I his abatement is partly owing to the di- 86 MED1CAI minished number of subjects, for strangers have been cautious of residing in or even visiting Charles- toAvn in the warm months. It is also to be in part ascribed to a more judicious treatment of the dis- ease ; for physicians now cure a greater proportion of their patients laboring under it, especially when they apply for relief in its first stage, than some years ago Avhen it was a new disease in the practice of the oldest and most experienced of the faculty*. Nevertheless there is reason to believe that a real abatement has taken place. Nor is this uncom- mon, for diseases like other natural phoenomena come and go. Such has been the history of the yellow fever in Charlestown from its settlement to the present time. Solitary cases originated in the country, but they were few in number and not often repeated. * The detailed particulars of the yellow fever in Charlestown in the year 1802 may serve as a sample of it in other seasons. The whole number of deaths from that disease in that year was 96. Of thesp two took place in August, sixty-four in Sep- tember, and thirty in October. In the whole number there was not a single native of Charlestown, though five of them were born in South, and one in North-Carolina, twenty-one were born in England, tAventy in the northern states, nineteen in Ireland, eight in Germany, seven in Scotland, five in France, one in Spain, one in Prussia, and one in Madeira. The birth place of the remaining seven could not be ascertained. There was not a single black and only one mulatto died of this fever in 1802 ; but they Ave re not equally fortunate in other years. One of the subjects to whom it proved fatal, had resided three yeurs partly in Charlestown and partly on Sullivan's island. One had resided tAvo years, two a year and a half, and eighteen for eleven or twelve months in Charlestown. The residence of the remainder varied from eight months to six days. history, 1670—1808. 87 The laAvs of Carolina guard against the yellow fever as an imported contagious disease. The uni- form experience of the physicians in Charlestown, since the year 1792, proves that it is neither one nor the other ; for in no instance has a physician, nurse, or other attendant on persons laboring under this disease, caught it from them. Several after taking it in Charlestown carried it with them and died in the country, yet it never spread nor was communi- cated to any one Avho attended on them. In every such case of mortality the disease and the subject of it expired together. The quarantine laws exist in the statute book and impose useless restrictions on commerce, but the execution of them is so far relax- ed as not to be unreasonably inconvenient. The present policy adopted by the city council, founded on the recommendation of the medical society, pro- ceeds on the idea of enforcing cleanliness in the houses, yards, streets, harbor, and shipping as the best practicable means of guarding against the yel- Ioav fever and other diseases incidental to the cli- mate. These are all aggravated by the excess of solar heat. The diminution of that exciting cause of disease would be of great service. From this if it could be effected in conjunction Avith cleanliness and a high dry surface of the soil, both of which haA^e been already attained in Charlestown to a consider- able degree, a melioration of the health of the inhabi- tants might be confidently expected. Two remedies for diminishing heat have been proposed. Shading the streets by trees, or projections from the dwelling houses, so that a person might pass along Avithout ex- 88 MEDICAL posure to the direct rays of the sun. No one cau walk before the national bank without Avishing it was practicable to enjoy a similar refreshing shade in every other part of the city. The second proposed remedy is the plentiful introduction of water so as to give a facility for Avashing and cooling the streets with an artificial shoAver whenever Avanted. Streets either paved or covered w ith gravelly materials, which would transmit but not stagnate superincumbent wa- ter, and occasionally watered, Avould probably pre- vent or at least mitigate diseases, and certainly mo- derate the distressing heat of summer and refresh the inhabitants. Diseases of the throat are common in Carolina. Its variable weather often produces inflammatory af- fections of that organ. A disease thereof accompa- nied avith the scarlet fever, or the scarlatina angino- sa, frequently recurs but is rarely mortal. An ap- parently slight affection of the throat, accompanied Avith a laborious respiration resembling the croup, about the year 1785 proved very destructive to ma- ny children and in a few instances to three or four in one family. It has seldom recurred since that period. The measles may be reckoned among the epidem- ic diseases of Carolina. They are sometimes direct- ly and speedily fatal, especially when treated with heating remedies on the absurd theory of forcing a sweat and expediting their eruption, but oftener lay the foundation for slow wasting consumptions; especially where bleeding and a low regimen has been neglected. The visitations of measles have not history, 1670—1808. 89 been matter of historical record, except in the jour- nals of the medical society ; from which it appears that they have occurred in 1791, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, and 1802 and 1803 ; but no particular mortality is noted as attached to the disease. Our elder citizens recollect that the measles Avere not only epidemic, but frequently fatal in the year 1772; especially Avhen they fell on the bowels or lungs. Tradition informs us that in the years 1747, 1759, 1775, or 1776, they were also common and fa- tal ; principally by the bowel complaints which fol- lowed them. Influenza in like manner, though a serious and frequent epidemic, has seldom been the subject of record. Many persons remember that the influenza, after traversing the United States in 1789, reached Caro- lina and spread extensively. It was very fatal on the plantations near the north-eastern line of the state, especially to prime full grown negroes. Wil- liam Alston lost above 30 of that description. The Avhole mucous membrane, through all its recesses irt the sinuses of the os frontis, was most grievously af- fected. Deafness, loss of taste and smell, for a long period Avere among its consequences. More have reason to remember the influenza of 1807. Gradu- ally advancing from the northern states, it reached CharlestoAvn early in September*. It spared neither * This disease originated in New-York in the month of Au- gust, and spread from that centre in all directions. It reached Canada in October, and had extended to the western and south- ern states, and even to the HaA-annain the course of ? months. VOL. II. N 90 MEDICAL age nor sex, though children oftenest escaped alto- gether; or if attacked, got through the disease with the least inconvenience. The reverse Avas the case with aged persons. It soon became so general that in some large families there Avas not a sufficiency of persons in health to attend on the sick. In a few weeks it is supposed that 14,000 persons, or half the population of CharlestoAvn, had been afflicted with that disease. Of these, forty-five died; thirteen of whom were white persons and thirty-two negroes. The former were generally aged persons. The dis- ease spread on all sides into the country. The mor- tality in Georgetown and Beaufort was considera- bly greater than in Charlestown. The disease in many cases was so mild as to preclude the necessi- ty of application to a physician. In dangerous cases, Avhen medical aid was required, bleeding, blistering emetics, cathartics, and sudorifics were chiefly re- lied upon. The influenza in its commencement resembled the yellow-fever w ith a pain in and over the eyes, and with read streaks over their Avhites. A sharp acrid serum was discharged from the eyes, and sometimes from the nostrils. In such cases a hoarseness and soreness of the throat was usual. The sense of smel- Members of congress on their way to Washington, Avhcre they were summoned to assemble on the 26th of October, while tra- velling from their respective homes, met the disease in every state. Its progress Avas so rapid as to outstrip the sIoav move- ments of contagion, and mnst have arisen from some morbid constitution of the air. This is more probable from the cir- cumstance that it was caught at sea by persons approaching the -^ast of America from distant countries. history, 1670—1808. 91 iing was sometimes impaired, the hearing Avas fre- quently injured, and in a few cases the powers of vision were diminished. A tightness and stricture across the breast, with a dry cough, was common. The matter expectorated was occasionally tinged with blood. The whole mucous membrane lining the fauces, nostrils, and bronchia, Avas uncommonly stuffed with phlegm. In the aged the disease as- sumed the form of a peripneumony; in the young and plethoric that of a pleurisy. Persons of a con- sumptive diathesis, or who had been subject to old coughs or diseases of the breast, suffered most and oftenest relapsed. Spittings of blood and other se- rious precursors of consumption attacked such pa- tients after the disease had in their cases apparently vanished and generally disappeared. An uncom- mon increase ot consumptions followed in the year 1808, Avhich exceeded any thing ever before known in Charlestown. The whooping cough rages more or less almost every year, but its visits have not been generally re- corded. The returns of yellow-fever, and of small pox in the early period of our history, made such strong impressions on the minds of the people as to form aeras in the domestic history of private fami- lies. But the whooping-cough though an epidemic disease, occasionally fatal, and one Avhich attacks al- most every person, yet it has been for the most part soon forgotten. It is nevertheless recorded that in the year 1804 it proved fatal to sixty-four children in Charlestown. It has been remarked that in sea- sons when Charlestown was healthy, the country was sickly. The reverse has also been noticed. Dis- 92 medical eases are most ripe in the city in summer, but in the country in autumn. A constitution of the air prevails in one which is different from that of the other. For three months, July, August, and Sep- tember, a free intercourse between them is not with- out danger. They fare best who keep steadily for that period either in the city or the country. These remarks always true, have been eminently so in 1808 ; for in that most healthy summer there were few mortal cases of fever Avhich originated in Charlestown, Avhile excursions for a feAv days to the country in many cases proved fatal. The fevers which in summer and autumn attack the inhabitants of the city in consequence of their going to the coun- try, lie dormant for some time, more or less ; for a week, nine or ten days, and in some cases longer. That all danger is past cannot be certainly known in less than tA\enty-one days after returning to the city. The diseases of negroes in Carolina differ in seve- ral particulars from those of Avhite people. Palsies, apoplexies, and madness dyspepsia, and the Avhole train of maladies connected with the passions and acts of the mind, are less frequent with the former than the latter. Removed from all anxiety concern- ing their own support, or that of their children; in- capable of holding property or of advancing them- selves, their minds are generally made up to their situation, and they are free from many tormenting passions and corroding cares which prey upon the health and break the hearts of their owners. To colds, levers, and such complaints as result from a variable climate, they are rather more liable, than history, 1670—1808. 93 Avhite people. The dread of losing time and of in- curring expense for the recovery of health is no in- ducement with them to take care of it. All these losses and all cares respecting future events fall on their masters. A respite from labor compensates for the pains of slight indispositions. They are therefore incorrigibly careless, and Avantonly expose themselves to the dangers which result from the sud- den changes of the Aveather. Their common inter- mitting fevers are easily cured, and seldom require more than a smart emetic ; but epidemic fevers oc- casionally break out among them which not unfre- quently baffle medical skill. These have no regular periods of returning. They were frequent in the re- volutionary Avar, especially when great numbers of ne- groes were crowded in small confined spots. The dis- ease had different names and Avas occasionally called camp, hospital, gaol, putrid, nervous, and malignant fevers. Its supposed causes are filth, impure air, putrid animal and vegetable effluvia, a moist atmos- phere, great fatigue, and low scanty diet; but some- times they break out Avithout any visible known cause, and in both cases prove fatal to numbers of the most valuable negroes in particular neighbor- hoods or plantations, while the white people gene- rally escape. The treatment of blacks laboring un- der these novel diseases* puzzled the physicians ; for * Among the novel diseases of negroes was one Avhich be- came the subject of remark at the beginning of the revolution- ary war, when large bodies of blacks Avere employed as labor- ers on the public Avorks. This had the external appearance of dropsy, or universal anasarca, and Avas accompanied with ex- treme debility, great thirst, loss of appetite, and in many cases 94 MEDICAL the symptoms were so various in different attacks that the best informed could not always trust former experience, and were sometimes obliged in the first cases to grope their way. These limited epidemics have been so destructive at different times to negro property as to add much to the uncertainty of plan- ters' estates. Of the diseases which have been reviewed, Ca- rolina has its full proportion. Of others it has less. Gravel and nephritic complaints in general have at all times been comparatively rare. The operation of lithotomy which has been performed seventeen times in Philadelphia by doctor Bond, six- ty times by doctor John Jones of New-York, and two hundred times by doctor Turner of Connecti- cut, has been rarely necessary in Carolina. Only three operations can be distinctly and certainly re- collected as having been performed on its inhabi- tants ; two by doctor Turner, and one by doctor Glover. In each of these three cases the operation succeeded. Consumptions, though they have in- quickly proved mortal. In the cure of it the salt of tobacco was first extensively introduced into practice in Charlestown, and it has ever since maintained a superior rank among the nic- dicines Avhich are prescribed in dropsical complaints. During the siege of Charlestown in 1780 a fever, answering exactly to the description of the hospital fever, broke out among the negroes employed on the works of the besiegers, which de- populated many of the plantations in the neighborhood of the scene of military operations. After the siege this disease made its appearance among the negroes confined in prison, and car- ried off multitudes. Several of these turned yellow before they died The mortality from it Avas so great that in one case eighty negroes given by an affectionate father to an only son, Ave re in a feAV Aveeks reduced to forty-two. history, 1670—1808. 95 creased in Charlestown very much within the last ten years, and Avithin the last four years from ninety- tAvo to upwards of two hundred fatal cases in the year, and even more so since the general influenza of 1807, yet are much rarer in Carolina than in more northern climates. The same may be said of rheu- matisms. In the statistic accounts of Scotland, the general prevalence of that distressing disease is re- ferred to the severity of their cold weather, to the dampness of their houses uncorrected by large fires, and to a deficiency of fuel. The superabundance of wood, and particularly of light wood, in the country enables even the poor in Carolina to guard against such complaints as far as they are the effects of cold. The consequences of being enveloped in, and breath- ing a terebinthinate air are not fully known. There is reason to believe that they are eminently benefi- cial. It is an old and Avell authenticated observa- tion that persons, Avhether white or black, employ- ed in burning tar kilns are ahvays healthy. Miser- able will be the lot of the poor, both black and Avhite, in Carolina, when light Avood ceases to be com- mon or to be easily procured. Of the numerous emigrants from colder countries there have been se- veral who, though troubled in the land of their na- tivity with painful rheumatic affections or threaten- ed with serious diseases of the breast, have found on their settling in Carolina that the first either va- nished or Avere mitigated both in violence and fre- quency and that the last, if not cured, were render- ed stationary. The rickets, scrophula, scurvy, and diabetes, es- pecially the first, are very uncommon in this state. 96 -MEDICAL Children, even of slaves, seldom experience the pinchings of hunger; especially on plantations where provisions are raised. Their youthful limbs are not crippled by early confinement at sedentary employ- ments. Play is the chief business of most of them till they are sufficiently grown to work in the field or to do something of consequence. Hypochondriasis*, and indeed the whole tribe of chronical diseases is less common in this Avarm climate than in those Avhich are cold. The dangers and difficulties of par- turition are also comparatively less. The general character of most diseases in Carolina is acute. Their onset is violent, their progress rapid, their ter- mination speedy, and they require energetic reme- dies. Short credit is given to juvenile indulgences. The follies of youth and their distressing consequen- ces follow almost immediately in the order of cause and effect. He that Avishes to do the great business of life by preparation for futurity, or even to make * It is probable that the state of mind which leads to self- murder is less common in Carolina than in more northern lati- tudes ; but it is certain from an examination of the records of the coroner's office in Charlestown that few natives commit that foul crime in comparison with strangers. From this au- thentic source of information it appears that in the first 8 years of the 19th century there Avere 24 self-murderers in Charles- town. Of these, only two were born in the state. Six were neAvly imported africans, Avhose situation was peculiar. Nine were from the northern parts of Europe, four from the more northern states of America; only two from France, and one from Jamaica. Migrations from north to south are frequently undertaken with extravagant expectations of great advantages from the change. These often fail and advantage is taken of their failure against the unfortunate for the worst of purposes by the worst of beings. HISTORY, 1670—1808. 97 a prudent and judicious testamentary disposition of his property, would do well to arrange these matters before serious sickness commences ; for that is often so rapid as to leave little leisure to attend to any thing further than the prescriptions of the physician till reason departs or death closes the scene for ever. Fevers are the proper endemics of Carolina, and occur oftener than any, probably than all other dis- eases. These are the effects of its warm, moist cli- mate, of its low grounds, and stagnant waters. In their mildest season they assume the type of inter- mittents ; in their next grade they are bilious remit- tents, and under particular circumstances in their highest grade constitute yellow fever The efforts of the inhabitants to guard against these diseases merit a place in medical history. Their first plan is said to have been retirement from Charlestown to the country. This may have answered for the first thirty or forty years ; for in that period very little of the swamps had been opened, and the high and dry pine lands were the chief spots both of residence and improvement. The increased cultivation of rice, the diffusion of marsh miasmata from the open cultivated Ioav grounds, and the location of settle- ments near them in process of time turned the ba- lance of health in favor of Charlestown. The Aveal- thy planters who could afford the expenses of a double residence, spent their summers in toAvn and their winters in the country. Within the last six- teen years the frequent recurrence of vell<^ w^r VOL. II. O 58 MEDICAL in the crowded metropolis has induced numbers to adopt other plans. The sea-islands, particularly Sullivan's and Beaufort, Eddings's bay, and the sea- shore, generally has been resorted to as places of healthy retirement during the summer season. With the same views Walterborough, Springfield, Sum- merville, Pineville, and some other smaller estab- lishments, have suddenly grown into villages. A medical opinion, apparently well founded, has gene- rally prevailed that the endemic diseases of Caroli- na Avere not the effect of heat alone nor exclusively of superabundant moisture ; but the result of both pro- ducing and combining witii putrefaction. The conclu- sion followed that health might be enjoyed in any si- tuation exempt from putrefaction and moisture, and at a sufficient distance from the miasmata to which they give birth. Fxperience had proved that these mias- mata seldom extended their effects as tar as three miles, even to the leeAvard of stagnant putrefying materials, and much less on the windward side. Spots, of high ami dry land covered with pine trees, and at a sufficient distance from ponds, swamps, and other reservoirs of poisonous effluvia, have been di- ligently sought for; and to them families have retired from their dwelling houses, injudiciously located in the vicinity of the swamps, and there passed the summers sociably Avith their neighbors allured to the :;aiie place with the same views. Advantages nei- ther toresecn nor calculated upon have resulted from these temporary villages. They became the seats of schools and of churches, neither of w Inch were with- in tiie convenient grasp of the inhabitants when.dis- history, 1670—1808. 99 persed over the adjacent country. Experience con- firmed the theory which gave birth to these establish- ments, for their inhabitants have generally escaped the fevers of the season ; nor Avere their planting in- terests materially injured, for they could make short excursions to their plantations and return without inhaling the seeds of fever. Numbers in this man- ner parry the diseases of summer at the trifling ex- pense of a slight building in the pine woods. The residents on Sullivan's island enjoy a Avholesome air inferior to none in the world, with the exception of persons laboring under diseases of the breast, many ot ay horn are injured by the tonic qualities of the island air. Enjoyments without alloy are rarely the lot of man. While the inhabitants of that salubri- ous island revelled in health, and rioted in intellect- ual and social pleasures, they were surprised with the hurricane of 1804 which brought their lives in- to serious canger, and from Avhich there Avas no possibility ot escape. Apprehensions of the return of similar scenes have been ever since a source of annual anxiety. The extremity of heat elsewhere which makes the coolness of the island so great a luxury, is the exciting cause of these convulsions of nature which render a residence thereon dangerous. Experience of more than a century has demonstra- ted that hurricanes are always preceded by extreme hot weather, and generally accompanied Avith the yellow-fever. They occur in the same season, and follow in the train of each other as effect and cause. In such a case between the dread of pestilence in the eitv, of common fevers in the country, and ot an 100 MEDICAL expected hurricane on the island, the inhabitants of the latter are at the close of every warm season in a painful state of anxiety, not knowing what course to pursue nor Avhat is best to be done. An opinion generally prevails that South-Carolina is unhealthy. This is neither correctly true nor wholly false. A great proportion of the state, espe- cially of the lower country, is for the most part in- undated. In it sluggish rivers, stagnant swamps, ponds, and marshes are common ; and in or near to them putrefaction is generated. In all these places, and for two or three miles adjacent to them, the seeds of febrile diseases are plentifully sown and from them are disseminated; particularly between the months of June and November. On the other hand, the sea shore and sea islands are for the most part healthy. The same may be affirmed of^the ridges of land bc- tweeu the rivers. These extend from 10 to 40 or 50 miles. After deducting inland swamps, and two or three miles on the margin of the rivers, and around the ponds and marshes, many thousands of acres of high, dry, and healthy land will remain. As we advance westwardly these deductions lessen. The swamps terminate about 120 miles from the ocean. Beyond them are extensive settlements in which the blessings of health are generally enjoyed, with the exception of the margins of rivers and the vicinity of ponds and milldams. This is the case in the dis- tricts of Abbeville, Laurens, Spartanburg, York, Union, Newberry, Chester, Lancaster, Fairfield, and eminently so in Pendleton and Greenville. The greatest part of the high hills of Santee, though history, 1670—1808. 101 enly 70 or 80 miles in a direct line from the ocean, is also in general healthy. Such is the medical di- vision of South-Carolina as resulting from the natu- ral qualities of the soil. Art has done something and might do much more for the improvement of the country. Every drop of superabounding and at present injurious moisture that is therein, may be turned to some useful account. When suffered to stagnate it is a curse, when properly dispersed it is a blessing. Marshes, Ioav grounds, and ponds may be drained by the industry of man, and their sur- plus Avater made to fertilize the adjacent thirsty soil. The removal of obstructions in the rivers and creeks Avould give motion to much stagnant or sluggish Avater, and convert moist into dry ground. Inland navigation connected Avith irrigation might be car- ried to such an extent as to give an active and im- portant use to much of that water Avhich is now the hot bed of putrefaction. These things have been done in China and may be done in Carolina. Every step that is taken in this glorious work ad- vances both the health and Avealth of the country. The original settlers of Carolina had no thought that in less than a century Oyster-Point would be- come a place of commercial importance, and the capital of an independent state stretching from the ocean to the mountains. Had they anticipated half of what has already taken place, ten feet alleys, and streets thirty-three feet wide, Avould have made no part of their projected seat of government. It would then have been nearly as easy to have made the streets 100 feet wide as any inferior number. In lot If FDIC A L that case they would have admitted three rows of trees, one at each side, and one in the middle of every street. It would have been easy to have made no lots of less size than half an acre, and by law to have prevented their subdivision. In addi- tion to the inconveniences of a low and moist situa- tion too many people in Charlestown, in conse- quence of its niggardly plan, are croAvded on too small a space of ground. Close compact cities are the destroyers of the human race. Every family gene- rates a portion of filth, and when they are near to each other that becomes too great for the health of the citizens. Numbers are every year sacrificed to the avarice of the proprietors of lots. The evils of a crowded population are increased by high and close fences, which are daily increasing, and still more by building houses in contact with each other and without any interstice between. The daily re- moval of putrescible substances lessens the evils of an impure air, but is inadequate to the purpose in- tended. The only effectual remedy is fresh running Avater. This unites cleanliness with coolness. It removes noxious vapors, cools the atmosphere, and increases its salubrity by extricating fresh and whole- some air from its own substance. The next best practicable mitigator of heat and corrector of foul air in Charlestown is trees planted in all the streets which can admit them. They are the coolers given to us by nature. In addition to their refreshing shade, they imbibe the poisonous materials which vitiate the air. They fan the earth by the vibratory motion of their leaves. Instead of obstructing the histoky, 1670—1808. 103 free circulation of the air, they increase a light breeze by creating an under current on the surface of the earth, where it is wanted. Cities built Avith marble, if destitute of trees and vegetation, would only afford a miserable residence to splendidly Avretched inhabitants. Much of the sickness in the country arises from an injudicious choice of sites for habitation. Health or disease, long life or premature death, hang very much on the choice of a salubrious situation for a house. This should never be on the side of a marsh or within a mile of it; but if this cannot be avoided, the dwelling should be placed to the windward, which in this state is the south and west; for the un- Avholesome winds of summer mostly bloAv from these points. If circumstances make it necessary to live near to or on the north or east side of unwholesome spots, the evil may be mitigated by preserving or planting trees in the intermediate space. South-Carolina since the revolution has been fa- vored with the privilege, seldom enjoyed by any state, of forming a city on medical and philosophi- cal principles for health and comfort Avithout any influence from mercantile convenience or land job- bing avarice. The extension of settlements far to the Avest loudly demanded on republican principles a removal of the seat of government from the vici- nity of the atlantic ocean. The general principle being resolved upon, no private views could con- trol the sovereign people from establishing their go- vernment Avhere they pleased; and Avherever they fixed it a town would of course be speedily formed. 104 MEDICAL A high and commanding situation about 1 €0 miles from CharlestoAvn, and about three miles from the junction of Broad and Saluda rivers, commonly known by the name of the plane of Taylor's hill, Avas selected. In many respects this choice Avas judi- cious : perhaps a much better could not have been made to the east of the mountains. There was a sufficient elevation to carry off with management all superfluous Avater. Some of the defects in the ori- ginal plan of CharlestoAvn were obviated. No lots were to be less than half an acre. The two main streets crossing each other at right angles were to be each 150 feet Avide, and none were to be less than sixty. It was unfortunately, but perhaps un- avoidably placed on the north and east side of the neighboring rivers and no more than about three miles distant. It is to be regretted that the lots. Avere not by the original terms of sale made indi- visible, and their owners restrained from building more than one dwelling house on each—that the plat of the town was not so constituted as to have preserved all the timber between the town and the rivers as a defence against the south- west winds, im- pregnated Avith the miasmata with which they are usually charged, and that all possibility of erecting mill dams or keeping up ponds of stagnant water was not legally or constitutionally forbidden. These regulations could with ease and propriety have been adopted at first, but cannot now be carried into ef- fect without violating private rights. The place is sutficientiy high to have in it no other than running water; and the streets are wide enough to admit history, 1670—1808. 105 without inconvenience three rows of trees to be planted in each of them. These advantages, with the surrounding woods and vegetation, especially when drained of every drop of stagnant water, may .keep the town healthy till the rising value of its lots paves the way for the destruction of pure air by a crowded population. This is to be apprehended, for the degree of heat therein is greater than in Charles- town, and is unallayed by salutary sea breezes ; the refrigerating qualities of the trade Avinds ; the ven- tilation from the motion of tide, water, and even of the east and north-east winds Avhich seldom pene- trate so far from the shores of the atlantic as sensi- bly to moderate the heat of summer. The natural advantages of Columbia and its scattered settle- ments, together Avith the improved plan of the toAvn, bid iair, under the direction of a well regulated po- lice, to preserve it healthy for several years ; but from its greater heat it will be more exposed to dis- eases than Charlestown when population, compact settlement, and consequent filth, shall be equal in both. A medical society for the advancement of the healing art was formed in 1789, and incorporated in 1794. At their monthly meetings they converse on the prevailing diseases ; examine and record their meteorological observations, and discuss some medical question or subject. The members are by their rules under obligations to furnish in rotation some original medical paper Avhich, after circulating among the members, is made the Subject ot conver- vol, n. P 100 MEDICAL sation and discussion at their next meeting. Of these papers, a few have already been published. Others remain sufficient both in number and impor- tance to make a volume which probably will in time be brought forward to public view. In all cases respecting the medical police of Charlestown appli- cation has been made to this society for their ad- vice, ana it nas oeen cheerfully given and essential- ly contributed to form beneficial regulations for pre serving the health of the inhabitants. Three insti- tutions emanated from the medical society of great public utility, the Humane society—the Charles- town dispensary, and the Botanic garden. An ap- paratus for the recovery of persons suffering under suspended animation was purchased by the society, and lodged near the most frequented wharves with directions how to treat the sufferers. The members tendered their medical services when called upon. They also applied to the city council for their aid, who directed that all articles used, and all assist- ance rendered should, if required, be paid by the city ; and that any retailer of spirituous liquors who refused the use of his house for trying the process of resuscitation should receive no new license for car- rying on his business. The second institution, or the Dispensary, was instituted for the medical relief of the poor in their own houses. Most of the phy- sicians and surgeons of the society in rotation gra- tuitously attend and prescribe for the dispensary pa- tients. These are admitted to the benefit of the in- stitution by tickets from trustees. The city council appoints the trustees and also the dispensary apothe- history, 1670—1808. 107 cary. To the latter an annual salary is paid from th«j city treasury for his medicines and services. Thus medical advice and attendance can be obtained at their own habitations gratuitously by all the indigent inhabitants Avho apply for it; and the Avhole ex- pense has hitherto cost the city no more than 1000 dollars per annum. The young physicians, when admitted members of the medical society, are clas- sed into pairs; and in monthly rotation, Avith the el- der members, prescribe for and attend on the dis- pensary patients. In cases of difficulty, provision is made for consultations with some of the elder phy- sicians appointed for that purpose by the medical society. In addition to the manifold advantages derived to the more indigent inhabitants from this institution it proves an excellent practical school for the younger physicians, and furnishes a conspicu- ous opportunity for introducing their industry, ta- lents, and acquirements to public observation. The Botanic society was formed and incorporated in the year 1805. The Medical society gave to it three hundred dollars, fifty dollars per annum, and a large lot of land which had been generously given to them by Mrs. Savage, now Mrs. Turpin, to be used as a botanic garden. The inhabitants were invited to join the association, and on their annual payment of any sum between 4 to 10 dollars, at their option, they were entitled to privileges in proportion to their respective subscriptions, and became members of the Botanic society. An annual sum of 1176 dollars thus obtained from voluntary subscribers, has given activity to the project. 1 he garden was opened in 108 MEDK AL the year 1805, and has been superintended ever since by a committee, chosen partly by the medical society and partly by the other members of the Bo- tanic society. This committee keep in constant em- ploy an experienced practical botanist, and a few laborers under him. The institution has flourished beyond the most sanguine expectations of its friends. It is now enriched with a considerable number of plants, both indigenous and exotic, arranged accord- ing to the Linnean system, and additions are constant- * ly making to it by the citizens and from foreign coun- tries. From the proceeds of a lottery now pending, hopes are entertained that the society will be enabled to enlarge their plan so as to make their garden the repository of every thing useful, new, and curious in the vegetable world. A society of practitioners of physic from several surrounding districts has been lately formed, which now hold their meetings in Union district, under the name of the Esculapean society-of South-Carolina. The duties and exer- cises imposed by this society are similar to those imposed by the medical society of South-Carolina. Their funds are intended for the purchase of a me- dical library. for 80 or 90 years after the first settlement of South-Carolina, the practice of physic was almost entirely in the hands of europeans. Among these v\ere several able physicians who possessed an ac- curate knowledge of the diseases of the country. The 18th century was more than half elapsed be- fore the Carolinians seriously undertook to educate their sons tor the practice of physic, or before any history, 1670—1808. 109 native of America had established himself in South- Caroiina as a practitioner of medicine. About the year 1760 a few youths Avere put under the care of respectable physicians in Charlestown who, after spending five or six years in their shops, doing the duties of apprentices, and reading practical medical books, spent three or four seasons at the university of Edinburgh and then came home invested with the merited degrees of doctors of medicine. They were well received by their countrymen, and readily es- tablished themselves in business. This success en- couraged others to follow their example and ever since a medical education has been more common. Anterior to the revolution nothing short of an euro- pean education was deemed sufficient to attach the confidence of the public to any medical practition- er ; but the growing reputation of the university of Pennsylvania resulting from the splendid talents of its professors, and the solid attainments of its gradu- ates, has done away this impression. The conve- niency of attending medical lectures in a neighbor- ing city for some time past, and at present, draws three in four of the Charlestown medical students to Philadelphia in preference to Edinburgh at the dis- tance of 3000 miles and in a climate often too cold for young Carolinians. The study of medicine be- comes daily more fashionable, and the first people in the state now educate their sons for physicians. In addition to the regular practice of medicine, there is much that may be called domestic. The distance of physicians, the expense, difficulty, and delay in procuring their attendance, has compelled lid MEDICAL many inhabitants of the country to prescribe for their famili s and sometimes tor their neighbors. Wesley's primitive physic, Tissot, Buchan, Ricketson Ewell, or some plain practical author is to be found in almost all their houses. W ith the aid of some fa- mily medicines, and of some well known vegetable productions, under the guidance of experience they prescribe for the sick and often succeed beyond ex- pectation. In cases of surgery they are more at a loss ; but even here by the aid of common sense and from the pressure ot necessity aiding invention, they some- times perform wonders. The author of this work in the year 1779, examined the stump of a man living near Orangeburgh whose leg, after being horribly mangled, had been successfully amputated several years before by one of his neighbors with a common knife, carpenter's handsaw-, and tongs. The last instrument w as applied red hot to staunch the bleed- ing. The stump was far irom elegant, but with the help of a wooden leg the patient enjoyed all the ad- vantages which are secured by the most dexterous performance of amputation. There was no surgeon within sixty miles of the sufferer. Capital planters have their sick house or hospital —their medicine chest—their tooth drawer and bleeder—and often their midwife for family use. The negroes are the chief objects of these establish- ments. From the simplicity of their disorders, re- sulting from their plain aliment and modes of life, the benevolent intentions of their owners are otten earned into lull effect. The pride of science j* HISTORY, 1670—1808. Ill sometimes humbled on seeing and hearing the many cures that are wrought by these pupils of experience, who, without theory or system, by observation and practice acquire a dexterity in curing common disr eases. In the infancy of Carolina, when european physi- cians monopolized the practice of physic, there were more experiments maie, more observations recorded, and more medical writings ushered into public view by the physicians of Charlestown, than of any other part of the american continent. Dr. John Lining communicated to the royal society meteorological observations on the weather of Charlestown for the years 1738—1739—1740—and 1742, Avhich were the first ever published. He also favored the public with a series of judicious statical experiments, per- severing ly conducted through the whole of the year 1740*. Dr. Lining Avas one of the first experimenters iia the novel subject of electricity, on which he corres- ponded with doctor Franklin, soon after the discove- ries of that celebrated man had astonished the phi- losophers of both the old and new hemisphere. He also in the year 1753 published an accurate history * From these it appeared that in the course of one year he had taken in nourishment and drink 42443 ounces ; that in the same time he had discharged by perspiration 19721 ounces—by urine 21276 ounces—and by stool 1428 ounces: and that the weight of his body increased in March, October, November, December, and January ; and diminished in April, May, June, July, August, September, and February, and that the diminu- tion was greatest in September, being then 102 ounces. llA MEDICAL of the yellow fever, which was the first that had been given to the public from the american continent. Dr. Lionel Chalmers made and recorded obser- vations on the weather for ten successive years, that is from 1750 to 1760. The same able physician furnished a particular account of the opisthotonos and tetanus which Avas communicated to the medi- cal society in London in the year 1754, and atter- wards published in the first volume of their transac- tions. He also prepared for the press an account of the weather and diseases of South-Carolina, which was published in London in 1776; but his most valuable Avork Avas an essay on fevers printed in Charlestown in the year 1767. In this he unfolded the outlines of the modern spasmodic theory of le- vers. Hoffman had before glanced at the same prin- ciples ; but their complete illustration Avas reserv- ed for Cullen and laid the foundation of his fame. Doctor Garden, about the year 1764, gave to the public an account of the virtues of pink root and at the same time gave a botanical description of the plant. This truly scientific physician was much de- voted to the study of natural history, and particu- larly of botany, and made sundry communications* on those subjects to his philosophical friends in Eu- rope. * Of these, the following have been published in the trans- actions of the royal society The Halesia first described by doctor Garden, as appears by the letter of T. Ellis, esq. F. R. S. read before the Royal socie- ty, November 20th, 1760. An account of the male and female cochineal insects. In a history, 1670—1808. ns In compliment to him, the greatest botanist of the age gave the name of Gardenia to one of the most beautiful flowering shrubs in the world. William Bull Avas the first native of South-Caro- lina who obtained a degree in medicine. He had been a pupil of Boerhaave, and in the year 1734 de- fended a thesis " de Colica Pictonum" before the university of Leyden. He is quoted by Van Swie- ten as his fellow-student, with the title of the learn- ed Dr. Bull. John Moultrie was the first Carolinian Avho ob- tained the degree of Doctor of medicine from the university of Edinburgh where, in the year 1749, he defended a thesis " De Febre Flava." Between the years 1768 and 1778 ten more natives obtained the same honor.. These were Isaac Chanler, Peter Fays- soux, Thomas Caw, Charles Drayton, Tucker Har- ris, Robert Peronneau, James Air, George Logan, Zachariah Neufville, and Robert Pringle. Since the revolutionary war the number of na tive students has very much increased. Among them are several young men of great hopes. It is no in- letter to John Ellis, esq. read before the Royal society, Decem- ber 23, 1762. An account of an amphibious bipes, (the mud inguana, or syren of South-Carolina) communicated in a letter to John Ellis, esq. read before the Royal society. An account of two new tortoises communicated in a letter to Thomas Pennant, esq. and read before the Royal society, May 2, 1771. An account of the gymnotus electricus in a letter to John Ellis, esq. read before the Royal society, February 23, 1775, VOL. II. Q 114 ilKDICAL considerable evidence of the increasing prosperity ol South-Carolina and of the progress of medical know- ledge therein, that within the last twenty-five year.-, or since the peace of 17 83, many more natives of the state have graduated doctors of medicine than all the Carolinians who had previously obtained that honor froua the first settlement of the province. Among them~are*physicians and surgeons who arc equal to the judicious* treatment of every disease, and the dexterous performance of every operation in surgery. Three attempts have been made to regulate the admission of candidates for practising the healing art in Carolina; but all failed. Clergymen and lawyers, before they are authorised to exercise their respective functions, are examined and licensed by competent judges; but the practice of physic is free to every man or woman who chooses to under- take it. ^ summary view of fashions, medical opinions, and practices which have at different periods af- fected the health of the inhabitants and the practice of medicine in Carolina, shall close this chapter. The cocked hats which were common thirty years ago exposed thfe'wearers of them to the action of the sun much more-than the round, flat, and deep croAvn- ed hats which are now fashionable. The substitu- tion of silk for varnished umbrellas has also been advantageous. The late increased general use of flannel next the skin, by adults, has defended them against the consequences of the sudden changes of the weather. Females, thirty or forty years ago, by the use of tight heavy whalebone stays injured their HISTORY, 167©—1808. 1L5 health, and sometimes obstructed their regular «rroAvth. To this succeeded a moderate use of light- er stays Avhich were advantageous to the shape with- out injury to the health. These gave place to a loose manner of dressing, which though unnecessary to health destroyed the elegance of their form. Some by the use of suspenders to their petticoats ran the risk of inducing cancers by an unequal and con- stant pressure on their bosoms. This mode of dressing, which obliterated all distinction between the blooming slender virgin and the fruitful wife, has been for some time changing in favor of length- ening Avaists and tighter bracing. The present dan- ger is of their proceeding too far; for such prac- tices, carried to excess, endanger the health of sin- gle women; and in the case of married ladies, in- crease the pangs of parturition and lessen the pro- bability of their terminating in the birth of living, well formed children. The great revolution in fa- vor of the health of females, is the laying aside the old absurd custom of shutting them up from the commencement of pains, introductory to real labor, in close rooms from which air was excluded, and continuing them in this confined state, not only dur- ing the pangs of child-birth, but for many days af- ter their termination. Unreasonable prejudices against cool air were common thirty or forty years ago, and were acted upon to the injury andjrequent deaths both of mothers and their infant offspring. The tight swaddling bands applied to the latter hastened the same event. A great reform has taken place: these mischievous practices have been laid aside. Co. tAveen the first and last emission of paper Avas £'605,000, of which more than tAvo thirds were secured by mort- gaged property ; and except 60,000 all of it had iDeen issued after a great depreciation had taken place. As the early emissions Avere generally called in before later ones were throAvn into circulation, the Avhole sum current at any one time must have been far short of the whole amount emitted. The ingenuity of the early legislators of America Avas fre- quently employed in discussing the advantages and disadvantages of paper bills of credit. In two points they all agreed—that under proper restric- tions they might be useful to a certain extent; but that all proper restrictions were seldom imposed and seldomer observed. The present constitution of the United States has rendered the discussion uninteresting in a practical point of view. Bank bills immediately exchangeable for gold or silver, have been found a safer expedient for increasing the circulating medium. For five years before the revolution, the people of Carolina were singularly circumstanced. From the course of trade there was very little of either gold or silver in the province. No tax bill had been passed, no emission of paper had taken place since 1746, ex- cept that of 1770, which amounted to no more than £10,000 sterling. From necessity barter Avas often substituted for money. To remedy in part this in- convenient mode of doing business, two expedients vol. it. 5? WO FISCAL HISTORY, 1670—1808. Avere adonted. The clerk of the commons house or assembly in 1774 gave certificates to the public cre- ditors that their demands were liquidated and should be provided for in the next tax bill. So great Avas the want of money—so high was the credit of the state, that these certificates passed currently for their full value. Henry Middleton, Benjamin Huger, Roger Smith, Miles Brewton, and Thomas Lynch, men of large estates, issued in April 1775 their joint and several notes in convenient sums payable to bearer. These were readily exchanged for good bonds drawing interest, and Avent into circulation as money, and passed freely from hand to hand. The abilities of the obligors were well knoAvn, and it was generally believed that they would or could, or in every event might be made to pay. The people were pleased to get any thing that answered the end of money, and the issuers of the notes anticipated a clear gain of the interest of their whole capital £128,000. While these speculations and anticipa- tions were indulged, the revolutionary war came on. The courts of law were shut—A flood of paper mo- ney was issued—depreciation followed.—The bonds given in exchange for the notes Avere paid off with the neAv depreciated bills of credit, Avhile the holders of the notes, preferring them to every other species of paper money, hoarded them up under the impression that in every event payment in good money might be procured from some of the payers Avhose names were subscribed to the same. Thus in the end a project which Avas really a public convenience and promised to be a private benefit, turned out both unprofitable and vexatious. » FISCAL HISTORY, 1670—1808. 171 At the commencement of the revolution South- Carolina, though abounding in natural riches, tvas deficient in the money of the world. For several years before the termination of the royal govern- ment from 3 to 5000 negroes had been annually imported into the province. This increased the ca- pital of the country, but turned the balance of trade against it and caused the greatest part of its gold and silver to centre in Great-Britain. In this scarcity of a circulating medium, payments Avere often made by a transfer of bonds. The necessities of war required something current in the form of money. Paper bills of credit had aided the exer- tions of Carolina in every period of her colonial history Avhen fighting for Great-Britain ; the same expedient was resorted to in this juncture to assist in fighting against her. The first emission took place in June J 775, and the last in February 1779. In this period, not quite 4 years, the sum of £7,817,553 was thrown into circulation under the authority of the new order of things. These sums are in the old provincial currency at the rate of seven for one sterling. When the last emission became current, it was not worth more than one tenth of its nominal amount. The real value of all the emissions at the times they were respectively issued was £481,065, or nearly half a million of pounds sterling. Though Carolina en- gaged in the revolutionary Avar with an empty trea- sury, yet she drew from her credit resources to the amount of about half a million of dollars for each of the first four years of the contest. The anima- tion, unanimity, and enthusiasm of the people—the immense value of the staple commodities of the 172 FISCAL HISTORY, 1670—1808. province—the strict observance of good faith in per- forming all its engagements, had established a cre- dit superior to the mines of Potosi, and gave currency to every thing stamped Avith public au- thoritv. To a people thus circumstanced, whose credit was unstained and who though deficient in gold and silver abounded in real wealth, the paper currency was very acceptable and greatly facilitated the transfer of property. It set in immediate mo- tion the late stagnant streams of commerce—invigo- rated industry—and gave a spring to every branch of business. It had an operation on society simi- lar to what might be expected from a government becoming suddenly possessed of a large quantity of hidden treasure, and throwing it into circulation for the public benefit. The paper currency retained its value undimi- nished in South-Carolina for one year and nine months, viz. from June 1775 to-April 1777. At this period commenced a depreciation destructive to credit; ruinous to the monied interest; and greatly detrimental to the success ot military opera- tions. The progress ot it was scarcely perceivable in the first tour or five months of 1777, and was comparatively slow throughout that year. From the commencement ot the year 1778 when great quantities ot the continental money began to flow into the state, it became much more rapid. The enormous expenses of the armies kept up by con- gress in the extensive campaigns of 1775, 1776, 1777, in the northern states, required immense sup- plies of money. This could not be raised in suffi- cient quantities either by taxes or loans. The only FISCAL HISTORY, 1670--1808. 173 practicable resource left, was emissions of paper cur- rency under an engagement to be redeemed at a fu- ture day. These congress bills of credit Avere cur- rent in Carolina as Avell as its own bills, and con- tributed much to the depreciation of the state emis- sions. The possessors of the paper money Avho, either from accident or sagacity, conjectured rightabout the event, finding that it daily lost part of its value Avere perpetually in quest of bargains. As they foresaw that congress wrould make further emissions for the supplies of their armies, they concluded that it Avould be better to purchase any kind of property than to lay up their money. The progressive su- perabundance of cash produced a daily rise in the price of commodities. The deceitful sound of large nominal sums tempted many possessors of real pro- perty to sell. The purchasers if indulged Avith the usual credit, or if they took the advantage Avhich the delays of the courts of justice allowed, could pay for the Avhole by the sale of an inconsiderable part. The sanguine, flattering themselves with the delusive hopes of a speedy termination of the war, were often induced to sell lest a sudden peace should appreciate the money, in Avhich case it was suppo- sed they Avould lose the present opportunity of sell- ing to great advantage. From the same principles some hoarded up the bills of credit in preference to purchasing solid property at a supposed extravagant price. They mistook the diminished value of the money for an increasing price of commodities, and therefore concluded that by buying little, selling much, and retaining their paper currency, they were 174 FISCAL HISTORY, 1670—1808. laying the foundations of future permanent Avealth. Subsequent events in opposition to the commonly received maxims of prudence and economy, fully demonstrated that they w ho instantly expended their money received its full value, Avhile they who laid it up, sustained a daily diminution of their capital. That the money should finally sink or that it should be redeemed by a scale of depreciation were events neither foreseen nor expected by the bulk of the people. The congress and the local legislatures for the first five years of the war, did not entertain the most distant idea of such a breach of public faith. The generality of the friends of the revolution re- posing unlimited confidence in the integrity of their rulers, the plighted faith of government, and the success of the cause of America, amused themselves with the idea that in a few years their paper dollars under the influence of peace and independence, Avould be sunk by equal taxes or realized into sil- ver at their nominal value; and that therefore the sellers would ultimately increase their estates in the same proportion that the currency had depreciated. The plunderings and devastation of the enemy made several think that their property would be much safer when turned into money, than when subject to the casualties of Avar. The disposition to sell.was in a great degree proportioned to the confidence in the justice and final success of the re- volution, superadded to expectations of a speedy termination of the war. The most sanguine whigs were therefore oftenest duped by the fallacious sound of high prices. These principles operated FISCAL HISTORY, 1670—1808. 175 so extensively, that the property of the inhabitants in a considerable degree changed its owners. Many opulent persons of ancient families Avere ruined by selling paternal estates for a depreciating paper cur- rency, Avhich in a few weeks would not replace half of the real property in exchange for which it Avas obtained. Many bold adventurers made fortunes in a short time by running in debt beyond their abili- ties. Prudence ceased to be a virtue, and rashness usurped its place. The warm friends of America, who never despaired of their country, and Avho cheerfully risked their fortunes in its support, lost their property ; while the timid Avho looked forward to the re-establishment of british government not only saved their former possessions but often in- creased them. In the american revolution, for the first time, the friends of the successful party Avere the losers. The enthusiasm of the americans and their con- fidence in the money, gave the congress the same advantage in carrying on the war which old coun- tries derive from the anticipation of their perma- nent funds. It Avould have been impossible to haw kept together an american army for so many years without this paper expedient. Though the bills of credit operated as a partial tax on the mo- nied interest, and ruined many individuals, yet it Avas productive of great national benefits by ena- bling the popular leaders to carry on a necessary defensive war. Many attempts were made to preserve the credit of the currency. State and continental loan offices 176 FISCAL HISTORY, 1670—1808. were opened, that the necessity of further emissions might be diminished, and the hearty friends of ame- rican independence deposited in them large sums on interest. The legislature, in the year 1779, offered an interest on money lent to the state of three per cent, more than was paid by private persons. Not* withstanding all these douceurs, the supplies obtain- tained by loans fell so far short of the public de- mands that further emissions could not be restrain- ed. When the small quantities of specie that still remained began to be changed for paper bills at an advance, an act of assembly Avas passed prohibiting any person from receiving or demanding for any ar- ticle a larger sum in paper than in specie. A law to prevent the ebbing and flowing of the sea would have been no less ineffectual than this attempt of the legislature to alter the nature of things. Gold and silver no longer passed at par, and contracts were either discharged in paper or not discharged at all. The bills of credit being a legal tender in all cases would pay off old debts equally with gold and silver, though for new purchases they were of much less value. The merchants and other monied men avIio had outstanding debts, contracted before or near the first period of the Avar, were great losers by the le- gal tender of the paper currency. For eighteen months they were not allowed to sue for their debts, and Avere afterwards obliged to accept of deprecia- ted paper in discharge of them at nar with gold and silver. This was not the result of intentional injus- tice, but forced on the legislature by the necessity, of the times. Besides, it was at that time the fixed re- FISCAL history, 1670—1808. 177 solution of congress and the different legislatures to redeem all their paper bills at par with gold or sil- ver. The public was in the condition of a tOAvn on fire, when some houses must be blown up to save the re- mainder. The liberties of America could not be defended without armies—armies could not be sup- ported AAithout money—money could not be raised in sufficient quantities othenvise than by emissions. It Avas supposed essentially necessary to their credit that they should have the sanction of a legal tender in the payment of all debts. This involved the ruirt of the monied interest, and put it in the poAver of in- dividuals to pay their debts with much less than they really owed. This unhappy necessity to do private injustice for a public benefit, proved in many respects injurious to the political interests of the state and the moral character of its inhabitants. It disposed those who Avere losers by the legal tender, and who preferred their money to the liberties of America, to wish for the re-establishment of british government, and filled others Avith munnurings and bitter com- plaints against the ruling powers. The public spi- rited who were sincere in their declarations of devo- ting life and fortune to support the cause of their country, patiently submitted to the hardships from a conviction that the cause of liberty required the sa- crifice. The nature of obligations was so far chan- ged that he was reckoned the honest man who from principle delayed to pay his debts. Instead of cre- ditors pressing their debtors to a settlement, they frequently kept aloof or secreted their obligations. vol. i?. 2 A 178 FISCAL HISTORY, 1670—1808. . Much of the evil occasioned by the legal tender of paper bills might have been prevented if the lawf^ respecting it had confined its operations to future contracts. A great deal might have been done at an early period by taxation to support the credit of the money. But the depreciation not being gene- rally foreseen, no provision Avas made against the injustice resulting from it. The evils which had ta- ken place from minor floods of paper money forty or fifty years before, Avere generally unknown to a new generation! In the first stage of the dispute, few americans had any acquaintance with the phi- losophy of money or the subject of finance; and almost all were sanguine in expecting the establish- ment of their liberties without such long and expen- sive sacrifices.. Had even all these matters been properly attended to they Avould only have mode- rated, but could not have prevented depreciation. The United States had no permanent funds to give stability to their paper currency. In the com- mencement of the war they Avere without fiscal sys- tems or regular governments to enforce the collec- tion of taxes. They were in possession of no re- sources adequate to the raising of sufficient supplies without large emissions of paper money. The surrender of Charlestown on the 12th of May 1780 wholly arrested the circulation of the pa- per currency, and put a great part of the state in possession of the british when many contracts for these nominal sums Avere unperformed, and after many individuals had received payment of old debts in depreciated paper. James Simpson, intendant FISCAL HISTORY, 1670—1808. 179 general of the british police, commissioned thirteen gentlemen to inquire into the different stages of de- preciation, so as to ascertain a fixed rule for pay- ment in hard money of out-standing contracts ; and to compel those who had settled with their credi- tors to make up by a second payment the difference between the real and nominal value of the currency. The commissioners proceeded on principles of equi- ty, and compared the prices of country produce when the paper currency was in circulation, with its pri- ces in the year before the war; and also the rate of exchange betAveen hard money and the paper bills of credit. The legislature of the state took up the same business in the year 1783, and, proceeding^ the same principles as the british commissioners, agreed upon and established by laAv the following table of depreciation, which shoAvs hoAv much of the depreciated bills was necessary to make the value of £100 in good money in each month, between April 1777, when depreciation began, and May 1780, Avhen by the fall of Charlestown the bills of credit ceased to circulate. j 1777 j 1778 | 1779 | 1780 /. s. /. s. /. *. January 221 10 761 0 February 211 10 832 0 March 267 10 893 10 April 108 10 317 0 966 10 May 117 0 328 10 950 0 June 125 10 347 10 1177 0 July 139 0 354 10 1457 0 August 152 10 361 10 1537 10 September 166 0 380 .10 1618 0 October 186 0 405 0 2040 10 November 206 c 520 10 2596 10 December 226 10 629 0 .1233 0 180 FISCAL HISTORY, 1670--1808. The british successes to the southward in 1780 caused the continental money to flow back to the middle states. Its superabundance and incurable depreciation at last forced on the congress, and the several legislatures, a scale of depreciation ; though the face of the bills, the terms of their emission, and every public act respecting them, gave assurances that they should be ultimately redeemed at the rate of one silver dollar for every paper dollar. In Sep- tember 1779 the supreme council of the states, in their circular letter, rejected with horror the bare supposition that such a measure should ever be adopted; yet in six months afterwards it Avas done with the acquiescence of a great majority of the people. In other countries similar measures have produced popular insurrections, but in the United States it was peaceably adopted. Public faith was violated, but in the general opinion public good was promoted. The evils consequent on depreciation had taken place and the redemption of the bills at par, insteatl of remedying the distresses of the suf- ferers, would in many cases have increased them by subjecting their small remains of property to exor- bitant taxation. The money had in a great mea- sure got out of the hands of the original propri- etors, and was in the possession of others who had obtained it at a cheap rate. The paper currency continued to have a partial circulation in the northern states for a year after a scale of depreciation was fixed. It gradually di- minished in value till the summer of 1781. By common consent, it then ceased to have any cur- FISCAL HISTORY, 1670—1808. 181 rency. Like an aged man, expiring by the decays of nature without a sigh or a groan, it gently fell asleep in the hands of its last possessors, and con- tinued so for ten years; when the congress paper dol- lars were funded at the rate of 100 for one of silver. The extinction of the paper currency Avas an event ardently wished for by the enemies, and dreaded by the friends, of american independence. The failure of its circulation disappointed them both. The war was carried on with the same vigor afterwards as before, and the people very generally acquiesced in the measure as justified by necessity. The introduction of silver and gold by channels which w ere opened about the same time that the pa- per currency ceased to circulate, contributed much to diminish the bad effects of its annihilation. A trade was at that period opened Avith the french and Spanish West-India islands, by Avhich specie was imported into the american continent, and a vent was found for the commodities of the northern and middle states. The french army which arrived in Rhode-Island, as has been before mentioned, early in the year 1780, put into circulation a great quantity of coined silver, and subsidies to a large amount were about the same time granted to the United States by his most christian majesty. The unexpected introduction of so much gold and silver suggested to the congress a new system of fi- nance. The issuing of paper currency by the au- thority of government was discontinued, and the public engagements were made in specie, 18-2 FISCAL HISTORY, 1670— 1 SOS. The supplies for public exigencies in South-Caro- lina before the reduction of Charlestown, were prin- cipally raised by taxes on lands and negroes. Three contributions of this kind had been levied between the declaration of independence in 1776, and the surrender of the capital in 1780. The first was in the year 1777, and was fixed at nearly one third of a dollar per head on negroes, and as much on every hundred acres of land. A fear of alarming the peo- ple, and too sanguine hopes of a speedy peace, in- duced the legislature to begin moderately; more with a view of making an experiment than of raising adequate supplies. The next tax was in 1778, no- minally ten times larger than the former, but reallv at the time of paying worth only about twice as much. In 1779 a tax of twenty paper dollars per head on negroes, and on every hundred acres of lands, was levied. This about the time of payment was nearly equal to a specie dollar. While the british were in possession of Charles- town, money was plentiful where their power ex- tended. Where it did not, the reverse was the case. Coin had no existence in any quantity among the friends of independence. Paper money had no ge- neral circulation, and its value was next to nothing. A few had hoarded up a little specie for this day of extremity. Plate, rings, keepsakes, old coin, and such like articles Avere brought into use by those who possessed them; but the great bulk of the people lived without money or any substitute for it. Buy- ing and selling in a great measure ceased. Those whe had the necessaries of life freely divided with FISCAL history, 1670—1808. 183 those who were destitute. Luxuries or even com- forts were not contemplated. To make out to live was the ultimate aim of most. This was done to the astonishment of many who could scarcely tell how it had been effected. While the british Avere in possession of CharlestoAvn, their sterling Avas the money of account. After their departure, as cur- rency and paper bills of every kind had vanished from circulation, the legislature continued sterling as the money of the country; but added two pence to the dollar, and nine pence to the guinea in the vain hope of retaining them in circulation. This change of the money of account produced mischie- vous consequences among country people ignorant of public business. Some such made contracts, ex- pecting that a dollar would pay £l 12s. 6d. of debt, which was its value in the current money of the country before the fall of Charlestown ; but accord- ing to the neAv regulations, it Avas equal to no more than 4s. 8d. Several even now keep their accounts in pounds shillings and pence: but a dollar is the legal money unit of the state, and is by degrees be- coming the money of account with all the people. When the british evacuated Charlestown, and the citizens regained possession, there was a show of money Avhich had been left by the evacuating troops; but this soon disappeared. Though the object of resisting Great-Britain was obtained, yet for se- veral years many inconveniences Avere felt from the Avant of a circulating medium. A partial relief Ava& obtained from a general evil. The debts growing- out of the Avar were liquidated, and an acknowledg- 184 FISCAL history, 1670—1808. ment on the part of the state of the sum due Avas gi vento the creditor in form of a.i indent. Interest on these evidences of debt was paid by another pa- per called a special indent. These were annually issued for five years, and were made receivable in taxes which were annually imposed for their re- demption. The holders of them readily subscribed to the doctrine that a public debt was a public blessing; for to them it really proved so. It fur- nished annually from two to three hundred thousand dollars in the form of paper, Avhich obtained a con- siderable circulation, and to a certain extent lessen- ed the evils resulting from the want of an adequate circulating medium. The value of the expedient depended on the punctual collection of taxes, which often failed. Nevertheless, the special indents kept up their credit at a moderate depreciation. The project of paper money had been frequently con- templated and sometimes brought forward ; but the quantities of paper bills of credit, issued in the revo- lutionary war, and still unprovided for in the hands of almost every person, induced a general opinion that no new bills of credit could be emitted with any probable ground of hope that they would pass current so as to answer the end of money. After some years the experiment Avas made on a small scale. Bills of credit to the amount of £100,000 were issued by the legislature under the name of paper medium, on a plan similar to that which had been adopted 76 years before: these were loaned on interest to the inhabitants in small sums on a mortgage of land or a deposit of plate. There fiscal history, 1670—1808. 185 was a general understanding among the members of the legislature, that no further sum should be emitted on any emergency. The merchants, who were always losers by depreciation, came forward in a body, and agreed to take these paper bills at par with gold or silver. This association and a gene- ral conviction that the measure adopted was neces- sary, introduced this new paper into common use. It maintained its credit better than was expected. The depreciation was inconsiderable and so far short of what the inhabitants had often seen to be attach- ed to other paper, that little or no impression was made to its disadvantage. To the borrowers it pro- ved a great accommodation, and to the public a source of revenue; for besides the loss of bills, the annual interest, 30,000 dollars, was clear gain to the state. So much of the principal has been paid, that the outstanding balance at present only draAvs about 9000 dollars annual interest. This is reduced by occasional payment of the principal; but th© state finds so great a convenience in receiving interest on what costs nothing, that all who punctually pay it receive indulgence for the principal. The state has cleared about 300,000 dollars by this project, a id is likely to receive a considerable further sum The same paper was a source of great emolument to the South-Carolina bank. At a time Avhen gold and silver were fast leaving the country, to arrest its de- parture the directors of that institution discounted on the state paper medium. To the depositors of it they issued in exchange a neAv paper of their oon, jn which they promised on demand to pay its nomi- VOT. If. % Is? *»o fiscal history, 1670—1808. nal amount in the medium of the state or the specie of the bank. On this deposit of state paper medi- um they discounted in their own paper to a consi- derable extent, and gained the whole discount and at the same time retained their specie without the hazard of any great run being made upon it. In this mode they advanced their own capital to the amount of about 60,000 dollars, while they accom- modated their customers and prevented the exporta- tion of gold and silver. In five or six years after the issuing of the paper medium the debts of the United States, and of South-Carolina, were funded and ample provision was made for paying the interest and in due time the principal. This added an important item of daily increasing value to the circulating medium of Carolina. The energy of the new national govern- ment, with its offspring, the funding system, made important changes in the fiscal concerns of the state. Aftiong many other benefits resulting from the former, was a settlement of accounts between the united and individual states. The pecuniary concerns of the revolution were adjusted on the principles of a mercantile partnership. All expen- ses incurred by individual states on behalf of the United States, were a fair charge against the latter. South-Carolina, far removed from the seat of govern- ment, carried on the war in a great measure from her own resources but charged her advances in the common cause to the United States according to fixed rules. It was generally supposed that Caro- lina was a creditor state, but the extent and amount was unknown to all its citizens. To adjust ac- FISCAL HISTORY, 1670—1808. 187 counts between the United States and the individu- al states, three commissioners Avere appointed in behalf of the United States; and each state appoint- ed one to take care of its particular interest. Si- meon Theus Avas appointed on behalf of South-Ca- rolina. There never was a more judieious or hap- py appointment. To facilitate his arduous labor the state permitted him to employ as many clerks as he chose, but he employed none. By working night and day, regardless of office hours, in about tAvo years he brought forward an immense mass of ac- counts, coextensive Avith the revolutionary Avar, and embracing all the advances of South-Carolina, and supported so many of them to the satisfaction of tire commissioners of the United States, that they cer- tified a balance of 1,447,173 dollars due to the state over and above the four millions of dollars of its debt previously assumed by the United States. Certificates of funded stock were given to the state for that.sum, and they have been regularly paid. This immense credit placed the finances of South- Carolina on high ground. A funded public debt became a species of money and silenced the cla- mor for an increase of the circulating medium. The clauses in the constitution which prohibited the state " from issuing bills of credit; from passing ex post facto laws, or laAvs impairing the obligation of contracts," restored confidence between indivi- duals and produced an astonishing melioration of public and private concerns. One of the beneficial consequences resulting from this new and happy state of things Avas the estab- 188 "FISCAL HTST0RY, 1670—1808. lishment of the banks. The utility of these institu- tions aa as known before, and an effort to establish one in Charlestown Avith the small capital of 100,000 dollars was made in 1783, but failed from the Avant of subscribers. Men Avilling and able to advance that small sum could not then be found. Soon af- ter the adoption of the funding system, three banks were established in Charlestown whose capitals in the whole amounted to twenty times the sum pro- posed in 1783. The first of these was a branch of the national bank with the name of the office of dis- count and deposit, Avhich was established in 1792. Though one bank could not be raised in 1783, yet before ten years elapsed one would not satisfy the people. A second one by the name of the South- Carolina bank was in the year 1792 projected, agreed upon, and filled in a short time. The ad- vantages of these institutions were found to be so great that in nine years a third by the name of the State bank was projected and readily filled. Three hundred thousand dollars were subscribed by the state as a part of the capital of this third bank, and paid in six per cent, stock. The state gained by the transfer all that the dividend of bank stock exceed- ed the interest of funded stock. This excess was never less than two, and has been as high as four per cent, per annum. All the shares in these se- veral banks were taken up and instantly sold for an advanced price. In every instance there were more subscribers than shares. The receipts for the first payment towards the national bank sold in Charles- town for five, six, and in a few instances for ten FISCAL history, 1670—1808. 189 times the amount of the first cost. The term depre- ciation which was common in the revolutionary war, and for 8 years after, became obsolete, and apprecia- tion took its place. The unemployed money of in- dividuals being deposited in the banks, added so much to their capitals as enabled the directors to discount extensively. In consequence thereof land- ed property rose in value—agriculture Avas promo- ted—commerce extended—embarrassed men assis- ted, and the people in general accommodated. The country rapidly rose from a state of depression and em harassment to a high pitch of prosperity. The establishment of banks has completely done away all inconveniences from the Avant of a circula- ting medium, an evil that has afflicted Carolina in every preceding period of her history except Avhen it was remedied by bills of credit: a remedy for the most part Avorse than the disease. Since their in- stitution, in ordinary times, every man whose capital and habits of punctuality entitle him to credit can obtain it. Thus a revolution has taken place in the fiscal concerns of South-Carolina as well as in its government. Bank bills exchangeable at sight for gold and silver are the true bills of credit, and have sufficiently increased the current money of the coun- try without the hazard of depreciation or injustice which have for the most part folloAved all other bills. There still are ebbs and flows of money Avhen it comes in like a tide, and what remains in private hands is very apt to go out like the ebb; but in these emergencies the banks being the principal holders of the gold and silver in the state, by curtailing their jyU FISCAL HISTORY, 1670—1808. discounts can arrest the departure of specie and con- fine it in their vaults. So sudden have been the transitions from plenty to a scarcity of gold and siiver, and the reverse in the former periods ot Ca- rolina history, that no man was safe in buyin« or selling on long credit; for he could not be sure that money Avould have the same value at the time of payment as in the moment of contracting. In the present state of things, gold and silver have a domi- cile in Charlestown. Though the quantity is not always the same, yet the variation is so much under control that great injustice or even inconvenience eannot readily occur from that source. This happy fiscal state never took place while Carolina was a british province, nor even for the first 15 years of its sovereignty. Since the termination of the revolutionary war, annual taxes to answer the current expenses of the state for the year have been imposed on the inhabi- tants. The first was in 1783, a dollar a head on negroes and in proportion on every hundred acres of land. From the first settlement of the province till that period, the lands had been uniformly tax- ed according to quantity without any regard to quality. A hundred acres of pine barren and a hundred acres of the most highly cultivated tide swamp, paid the same tax. The owners of the for- mer were clamorous for an alteration so as to make quality as well as quantity a ground of taxation. The owners of the latter were very slowly convin- ced of the practicability of the discrimination, though they acknowledged its justice. The expen- FISCAL HISTORY, 1670--1808. 191 ment was first made and carried into effect in the year 1785. All the granted lands were then clas- sed according to their situation and quality, none higher than 26 dollars per acre and none less than 20 cents. A per centage A\as imposed on each class rated according to this valuation. The taxes from 1784 to 1788 Avere payable in special indents, but ever since in specie or something equivalent. Till the year 1790 the state had the income of the impost duty, and from that fund paid its civil list; but the United States have since enjoyed that fruit- ful source of revenue. The state now depends for the support of its government on taxes imposed on lands, negroes, monies at interest, stock in trade, factorage, employments, faculties and professions, and a feAv incidental sources of re\renue; such as duties upon sales at public auction, on licences gran- ted to hawkers, pedlars, and theatrical performers, the interest of the paper medium loan, the interest and instalments of the debts due to the state from the United States, the dividends from its shares in the state bank, fines and forfeitures, &c. The average of taxes annually collected, is about 135,000 dollars ; and the state receives from other sources about 175,000 dollars. The appropriations of revenue are first for paying the salaries of the civil list, and other incidental expenses of govern- ment, both of which amount in common years to a sum between 70 and 80,000 dollars ; and secondly, for paying extraordinaries and contingent accounts. These A'ary so considerably that they cannot be 192 fiscal history, 1670—-1808. stated with precision. On an average they amount to about the sum of 145,000 dollars per annum. For the last fifteen years government has been daily acquiring consistency, and becoming more adequate to the ends for which it was instituted. The fiscal department was the last which received a portion of this healthy vigor. Stricter laws were enacted and severer penalties imposed on revenue officers for mismanagement or neglect of duty. Committees of the house of representatives were appointed to superintend the collection of taxes. Boards of commissioners were instituted and autho- rised to call all persons to account who had had any agency in the fiscal concerns of the state. Ne- vertheless, many frauds Avere committed Avithout de- tection and much was lost from neglect and mis- management. No man in or out of office could tell with any precision the amount of the debts and credits of the state. The concentration of all mat- ters relative to revenue in a head of the department had been several times proposed but not adopted. Some could not see the utility of such an officer; others thought his salary might be saved. At length the defects of the financial system became so gla- ring as to induce the passing of an act in the year 1799 to establish the office of a comptroller of the revenue whose duty it was, among other official de- tails, to superintend, adjust, and settle all the for- mer accounts of the treasurers and tax collectors of the state—to superintend the collection of the future revenue—to direct and superintend prosecutions for all delinquencies ot revenue officers—t© enforce ex- FISCAL history, 1670—1808. 193 ecutions issued for arrearages of taxes, and suits for debts due to the state—to decide on the official form of all papers to be issued for collecting the public revenue—and on the manner and form of keeping public accounts—to examine and count over the cash in the treasury—to prepare and re- port at every session of the legislature estimates of the public revenue and public expenditure—and at the same time to render fair and accurate copies of all the treasurer's monthly reports, and a true and accurate account of the actual state of each depart- ment of the treasury—to suspend from office every tax collector who did not perform the duties of his office faithfully—to examine and compare the re- turns of taxable property from the different districts —to inquire into any defects or omissions—and to proceed against all persons accessary to the making false or defective returns. It Avas also made the duty of the treasurers, on receiving any public mo- ney, to give duplicate receipts; one of which was to be lodged Avith the comptroller. And no public money Avas to be paid otherwise than in conformity to legal appropriations; and no sum for more than a hundred dollars was to be drawn out of the trea- sury but by the warrant of the comptroller, express- ing on Avhat account such money was due by the state. Thus every thing relating to revenue *vas subjected to the direction and control of a single person; and all power relative to the same con- centered in his hands. The legislature chose Paul Hamilton their first comptroller who, besides an ac- curate knowledge of accounts, possessed a clear r:Mi vox. ir. 2C ly-i FISCAL HISTORY, 1670—1808. systemising head and a quick discernment to de- tect errors and frauds. After a thorough examina- tion of the resources, debts, and credits of the state, he made his first report in 1800 ; and a further one annually for the four following years. These re- ports astonished the legislature. They then for the first time knew their real fiscal state, and Avere agree- ably surprised to find it much better than they ex- pected. From comptroller Hamilton's last report in 1804 it appeared that the balance due to the state amounted to the unexpected sum of 754,755 dollars. This flourishing condition of the public finances led to two important state measures. The richness of the treasury encouraged the legislature to sub- scribe 300,000 dollars in stock to the state bank, and to establish and endow the South-Carolina college at the new central seat of government. The clear gains of the former, which accrued to the state from the excess of bank dividends over interest on six per cent. stock, were sufficient to defray the expenses of the latter. The state may be said to have acquired for its citizens the advantages of both institutions for nothing, as they Avere carried into effect without im- posing upon them any additional burdens. After five years faithful service, in which Paul Hamilton introduced the same order into the finances of the state Avhich had been done by his illustrious name- sake for the United States, he was honored by his grateful country with the highest state office in its gift. Thomas Lee Avas appointed his successor, who with equal firmness and ability prosecutes the same trood work. From their exertions a chaos of public fiscal history, 1670—1808. 19"' account has been reduced to order, energy and deci- sion infused into every department of finance ; and the fiscal concerns of the state recovered from dis- order, are now in a flourishing and healthy condi- tion. One reform facilitated another. The state con- stitution of 1790 adopted no rule for apportioning the representation of the people in the legislature. Afraid of interrupting public harmony the conven- tion by common consent made an arbitrary appor- tionment without regard to property, numbers, or any avowed principle whatever. A general convic- tion prevailed, that as government was instituted for the preservation of property as well as liberty, both should be respected. The principle was just, but the carrying it into effect impracticable, anterior to the establishment of the office of a comptroller gen- eral. As many wealthy citizens owned property in various and distant parts of the state, and had the privilege of making their returns of taxable proper- ty and paying their taxes where they lived, the exact comparative taxable property of any one district could not be ascertained till the returns from all parts of the state were brought under the view of one person; who, by dissecting and distributing them, could determine the precise amount and value of taxable property in each electoral district. This was done by comptroller Lee. The legislature adopted a principle, introduced and ably supported by Abraham Blanding, that one half of the present representatives should be assigned to numbers and the other half to property. The population being ascertained by a census taken for the purpose, and W FISCAL HISTORY, 1670—1808. the value of the taxable property of each electoral district being stated by the comptroller, the appor- tionment of the representation conformably to the principle just adopted becomes a plain arithmetical calculation. Thus a real difficulty Avhich threatened the peace of the state Avas compromised to general satisfaction, and the reform in the fiscal department essentially contributed to a reform of the constitu- tion, and the stability of the government. Since the first settlement of Carolina, there has been a progressive rise in the price of property Well chosen spots of land which 60 years ago cost little more than the fees of office, will now command from ten to fifteen dollars per acre. Squares might have been purchased in CharlestoAvn many years af- ter it began to be built, for less money than single lots sell for at present. The appreciation of landed property is on a general average three for one, and in many cases ten or twenty for one*. The rents of houses—the price of slaves—the Avages of laborers * A tract of high land, the property of Dr. Harris three miles distant from CharlestoAvn, containing 140 acres, with 150 or 200 acres of salt marsh annexed thereto, sold in the year 1713 for 305 pound ; in 1726 for 1750 pound ; in 1728 for 2000 pound; in 1768 for 2792 pound. Land opposite to this tract lately sold for 1001. sterling per acre. In the year 1756 the South-Caroli- na society declined to purchase 14 acres of highland Avith 30 acres of adjoining marsh all in Ansonborough. The highland was inclosed Avith a brick wall, and had on it a good dwelling .house and all necessary outhouses. The whole was then offer- ed, to the society for COO pound currency, or less than %3700 ; iliough it would now readily sell for g 100,000. FISCAL HISTORY, 1670—1808. 197 —the expenses of living, and of educating children, have all advanced three if not four for one*. A few observations on the rate of interest and usury as connected with the fiscal history of Caroli- na shall close this chapter. For the first 50 years after the settlement there is no evidence of any laAv fixing the rate of interest, nor of any against usury. Two laws were passed, one in 1720 and the other in 1721, against usury ; the last of Avhich indirectly brings into view the rate of interest. This prohibits the taking more interest for money lent than ten per cent, per annum under the penalty of a forfeiture of treble the amount. When Carolina Avas settled, interest in England Avas six per cent. When this law passed it was five. How it came to be ten per cent, in Carolina without an express law, does not appear. Perhaps common consent and usage had fixed that rate; for no evidence exists that there ever Avas any written law authorising it. As a rea- son for proscribing usury, it is stated in the law of 1721 that " divers persons have of late taken advantage of the great necessities of the people, and exacted twenty-five pounds interest for the loan of * In the year 1740 when the detail of an expedition against 8t. Augustine was before the assembly, a joint committee of both houses rated corn at one fourth of a dollar per bushel, and rice at 5 shillings sterling per hundred. In Well's South-Ca- rolina gazette of September 17th 1760, the price current of the folloAving articles reduced to dollars and cents is as follows: rice per hundred g 1 53. Carolina flour per hundred §3 80. By the pound, tallow, lOcts. By the barrel, pork, 87. By the bushel, salt, 25cts. By the pipe, Madeira wine §118. Do. best 8155. Vidonia do. £96. 198 FISCAL HISTORY, H)70--1808. one hundred pounds for one year; and very often more." Twenty seven years after, 1748, a laAv pas- sed for reducing interest from ten to eight per cent. ; and 29 years after, 1777, it Avas reduced from eight to seven per cent. These reductions Avere both pre- ceded by plentiful emissions of paper-money. With the last laws for reducing interest, severe penalties against usury were incorporated. Since the insti- tution of banks there has been no new law against usury, though the practice and legal prosecutions for it have been more common than they ever Avere be- fore. The intention of the laws against usury is hu- mane, being designed to save men from the effects of their own folly and indiscretion; but the policy of such laws is questionable. The rate of interest Avhen left to itself will, like all other things, find its own level. When it is hedged round with penal laAvs the lender will not part with his money till he is secured not only against the insolvency of the borrower, but the possibility of his being subjected to the consequences of violating the laws. This raises the premium and increases the distresses of the distressed. The practice will exist with or with- out laws ; for none have been found able to restrain it. It is far from being improbable that the repeal of all laAvs on the subject, Avould be more for the in- terests of both borrowers and lenders than the pre- sent system of enormous penalties inflicted on those Avho ask and take more than seven per cent, for the use of their money. AGRICULTURAL HISTORY OF SOUTH-CAROLINA, From 1670—1808. CHAP. V. 1 o facilitate the improvement of new countries the settlers should have a general knowledge of the cli- mate, soil, and productions of such as are similar and have been previously cultivated. Information on these subjects, especially when corrected by phi- losophy and experience, leads to useful practical re- sults. In these particulars the proprietors as Avell as the first settlers were deficient. The countries subject to Great-Britain both in Europe and the american continent, Avere much colder than South- Carolina; and her possessions in the West-Indies much more steadily warm. The productions of neither were suited to this climate, which Avas a me- dium between the two. From inattention to these circumstances the first attempts at agriculture in the province were injudicious. They Avere directed to the cultivation of those highland grains Avith Avhich the settlers were best acquainted, but these were unsuitable to the Ioav sandy soil common on 200 AGRICULTURAL the sea coast. An anxiety to raise provisions ma) have directed their industry into this channel, but the maize and potatoes, both natives of the country, Avould have answered better. The swamps and Ioav grounds Avere of forbidding aspect, thickly Avood- ed and hard to clear; and Avhen cleared Avere not adapted to any productions with which the inhabi- tants for the first 24 years of the settlement were acquainted. During this period their efforts to cultivate the commodities which in England pass under the general name of corn, turned to little ac- count. The Avoods presented a much more profita- ble object for their industry. In addition to bears, beavers, wild cats, deer, foxes, racoons and other numerous animals whose skins or furs Avere valua- ble, they abounded with oak and pine trees; the former yielded staves which were then in demand in the adjacent West India islands. The juice of the latter extracted from the growing tree by inci- sion and solar heat forms turpentine. This distil- led yields the spirits of turpentine and the risidue is rosin. The same tree Avhen dead and dry, by the application of fire yields tar, and that when boiled becomes pitch. The trunk is easily converted into masts, boards or joists. Little labor was requisite in a country abounding with fuel and pines for ob- taining these and other valuable commodities from this most useful of all trees. While the early set- tlers of Carolina were engaged in procuring naval stores, furs and peltry for market, and cultivating european grains on a sandy soil for provisions, pro- vidence directed them to a new source of great wealth. Landgrave Thomas Smith who was gove- HISTORY, 1670—1808. 201 nor of the province in 1693, had been at Madagas- car before he settled in Carolina *. There he ob- * The exact time of the arrival of Thomas Smith in Caro- lina is not known, but it must have been soon after it began to be settled, for as early as 1688 he obtained in his own name a grant of about 6 acres of land on White Point. He or his fa- ther came from Exeter, in England, and was one of the many dissenters who migrated to America as an asylum from the persecution which was raised in the seventeenth century against nonconformists to the church of England. A tradition has been regularly handed down among the descendants of Thomas Smith, that he obtained the passing of a law, the prin- ciple of which continues to this day", for drawing juries indis- criminately from a box so as to preclude the possibility of pack- ing a jury to carry any particular purpose. This tradition ac- cords with authentic dates and facts: for on the 15 th of Octo- ber 1692, the first law on that subject Avas passed and was en- titled " an act to provide indifferent jurymen in all cases, civil ;?nd criminal." This law, in common with the others passed on that day, was authenticated with the name of Thomas Smith in conjunction Avith governor Philip Ludwel, Paul Grimball, and Richard Conant. That Thomas Smith was then a person of so much influence as to have a principal agency in passing a favorite good law is highly probable, for in 7 months after he Avas constituted a landgrave and also appointed governor of the province. He was the founder of a numerous and respectable family in Carolina, of which many of the 5th and 6th, and some of the 4th and 7th generation are now living. They have ge- nerally retained the principles of their common ancestor so far as to be zealous friends of religion. Among them have been found some of the most distinguished pillars both of the episco- pal and independent churches. The immediate descendants of Thomas Smith were two sons: of these, one was the father of 20 children, and the other of 4. Of these 24 grand children, 17 were married; and their descendants have multi- plied and branched out into many families. The number of the descendants of Thomas Smith who are now alive cannot be ex- actly ascertained, but there is reason to believe that it exceeds 500. For it is known that there are now living 45 descendants voi,. n. 2 D 202 AGRICULTURAL served that rice Avas planted and gFcw in low and moist ground. Having such ground at the Avestern extremity of his garden attached to his dwelling house in East bay-street, he was persuaded that rice Avould groAv therein if seed could be obtained. About this lime a vessel from Madagascar being in distress, came to anchor near Sullivan's island. The master of this vessel inquired for Mr. Smith as an old acquaintance. An interview took place. In the course of conversation Mr. Smith expressed a wish to obtain some seed rice to plant in his gar- den by Avay of experiment. The cook being called said he had a small bag of rice suitable for that purpose. This was presented to Mr. Smith who soAved it in a low spot of his garden, which noAv forms a part of Longitude lane. It grew luxuriant- ly. The little crop was distributed by Mr. Smith among his planting friends. From this small be- ginning the first staple commodity of Carolina took its rise. It soon after became the chief support of the colony. Rice, besides furnishing provisions for man and beast, employs a number of hands in trade; and is therefore a source of naval strength. In every point of view it is of more value than mines of silver and gold. Rice is said by Dr. Ar- buthnot to support two thirds of the human race. of the rev. Josiah Smith, Avho was only one of his 17 married grand children, and that there are more than 20 living descen- dants of Josiah Smith, cashier of the branch bank, who is only one of the very many of his great grand children. There is an evident fitness that the founder of so numerous a progeny, should be the introducer of rice, Avhich of all known grains is \est calculated for the support of an extensive population HISTORY, 1670—1808. 203 No doubt can exist of its contributing extensively as nutriment to the great family of mankind. Besides its consumption in Europe, Africa, and America, many millions of the inhabitants of Asia, live almost exclusively upon it. In plantations where it is cultivated, every domestic animal is usu- ally fat and hearty. Among all the variety of grains none is more productive, nutritious, or wholesome than rice. In its simple state it is both a healthy and cheap food for the poor, and Avith pro- per preparation and additions it is one of the great- est delicacies at the tables of the rich ; every par- ticle of it is trebled in bulk and doubled in Aveight, and in its capacity for aliment, from the quantity of Avater it imbibes in boiling : for water is iioav known to be the principal ingredient in nutrition. He that eats rice at the same time receives mucilage and water, solid and fluid aliment of the most nourish- ing kind. Its emollient and glutinous qualities make it eminently useful in bowel complaints, and as such it forms an important article in the stores of armies and other large bodies of men. One pound of it has been found on experiment to go as far in domestic cookery, as eight pounds of flour. It is more durable than any other knoAvn grain. Its substance is so hard as not to be penetrable by the insects which deposit their ova in other farina- ceous substances. It has been eaten in a sound and wholesome state four, five and six years after it Avas cleaned; and there is no doubt of its keeping good even more than twice as long when it is co- vered Avith its natural husk. To those Avho from age or infirmity are deprived of their teeth., rice is 204 AGRICULTURAL a most convenient aliment, for it requires little or no mastication. When introduced into the sto- mach after being well boiled, it is more easily di- gested than almost any other solid food not tho- roughly masticated. To that class of people Avhose deranged stomachs cannot digest bread, unless well raised and thoroughly baked, rice affords a safe and agreeable substitute, for it requires no fermentation, and when sufficiently boiled is as likely to agree Avith the stomach as crusts of bread or the best baked biscuits. To exhausted armies, starving navies, or even to the Aveary traveller, though far removed from the haunts of men, if fuel, water and an earthen or metallic pot can be procured, rice quickly affords a palatable and strengthening aliment. In voyages round the world, flour of every kind and every thing made from flour is apt to spoil, but rice sustains no injury from change of climate or the longest period of any voyage hitherto known. Such is the grain which was introduced into Carolina about 115 years ago, and has ever since been in high de- mand. With several in Charlestown and the adjacent country, it is the principal vegetable aliment they use for the greatest part of their lives. They experience nothing of that blind- ness which ignorance attributes to its constant use. The variation in the amount of the crops of this useful commodity is an important document in the history of Carolina ; for it has been materially affected not only«by the introduction of other sta- ples, but by the political revolutions of the country. When it was introduced there Avere few negroes in the province, the government was unsettled, and history, 1670—1808. 205 the soil and other circumstances most favorable to its growth Avere unknoAvn. For the first twenty years after it began to be planted, the ravages of pirates on the coast made its exportation so hazard- ous as to discourage the cultivation of it. In the year 1724, about six years after the pirates were entirely suppressed, 18,000 barrels of rice Avere ex- ported. Our knoAvledge of Avhat Avas previously made or exported is conjectural; but each succeeding crop brought an additional quantity to market. In the year 1740, the amount exported was 91,110 bar- rels; in 1754 it had reached to 104,682 barrelr. Till the middle of the eighteenth century the chief article of export Avas rice ; but about that time much of the attention and force of the planters was trans- ferred from it to indigo. Nevertheless the culture of this grain continued to advance, though slowly, till the commencement of the american revolution ; when the average quantity annually exported Avas about 142,000 barrels. In the course of the revo- lutionary war, the small crops of rice Avere con- sumed in the country ; and so many of the negroes were either destroyed £r carried off that the crop of 1783, the first after the evacuation of Charles- town, amounted only to 6l,974> barrels. With the return of peace the cultivation of rice was resumed, and continued to increase till the year 1792 ; Avhen the crop exported amounted to 106,419 barrels. About this time cotton began to employ so much of the agricultural force of the state, that the crops of rice since that period have rarely exceeded Avhat they were about the middle of the eighteenth cen- tury. 206 AGRICULTURAL The culture of rice in Carolina has been in a state of constant progressive improvement. Though it can be made to grow on highland, yet the profits of it when planted there are inconsiderable. The transfer of it to the swamps was highly advanta- geous. It gave use and value to lands which before Avere of no account, and by many deemed nuisan- ces ; and it more than trebled the amount of crops. Had the first mode of planting been continued, the highland would soon have failed; but much of the rice SAvamp in Carolina is inexhaustible. Another great improvement is the water culture of this valuable grain. The same preparation which fits the soil for the growth of rice equally favors the growth of grass and weeds. The old method of destroying these intruders with the hoe Avas so labo- rious as to curtail the crops; but when reflection and experience had pointed out that overflowing the rice fields at a proper season, would kill the grass and weeds while it nourished rice, a plant delighting in water, the practicability of planting more ground became obvious*. For the first seventy or eighty * South-Carolina is indebted to Gideon Dupont, of St. James Goose Creek, for the water culture of rice : he was an expe- rienced planter of discernment and sound judgment, who after repeated trials ascertained its practicability. In the year 1783 he petitioned the legislature of the state on the subject. A committee of five Avas appointed to confer with him. To them he freely communicated his method, relying on the generosity of the public. The treasury being then empty, the committee could only recommend granting him a patent. This he de- clined. His method is now in general use on river swamp lands, and has been the means of enruhing thousands, though to this day his oAvn family have reaped no benefit Avhatever history, 1670—1808. 207 years after rice became a staple commodity, the at- tention of the legislature and of individuals was stea- dily fixed on the contrivance of some labor-savina machinery for separating the grains from its closely adehring husk. After many attempts machines, work- ed by the tides, were contrived and erected by Mr. Lucas, which are equal to the beating out twenty barrels a day by the force of tide water with the help of a few hands. Before they were introduced, the labor of the negroes in doing the same business by hand Avas immense. It sometimes crippled the strength of the men, and often destroyed the fertility of the women. Being done at unseasonable hours, it was a frequent source of disease and death. All this mischief in a great measure has been done aAvay for the last twenty years, in which period rice mills have become common in all parts of the state where rice is extensively cultivated. Some of these ma- chines have been lately improved by Mr. Lucas, his son, and Mr. Cleland Kinlock of GeorgetOAvn, to such an extent, that from the beating out of the grain to the packing it in barrels for market, the Avhole and every part is performed by the same impelling power. When the late improved method of thrashing out the grain from the straw, invented by Mr. De Neale is also taken into vieAv, it may be asserted that the sa- ving of labor in the culture and manufacture of rice has been carried to an astonishing height. The from the communication of his discovery. Thomas Bee, now federal judge for the district of South-Carolina, was one of the above committee ; and en lis authority these particulars are stated. 208 AGRICULTURAL Carolina rice machines are far superior to any in China, though machinery has been long employed for the same purpose by the ingenious people of that ancient country. From these improvements the same force of hands that formerly would have raised two barrels can now Avith equal facility raise three. The rice of Carolina is equal in quality and better manufactured than that of any other nation. The only thing noAv wanting is to raise it, as in some fo- reign countries, with little or no other manual labor than that of sowing and reaping. This is only to be effected by keeping it constantly in water to the height of four, five, or six inches. When it germi- nates through water of that depth it Avill be generally free from those Aveeds and grasses, which if not kept doAvn by constant labor stunt its growth. The Agri- cultural society of South-Carolina have therefor^ re- solved to give a gold medal to the maker of the best experiment on the culture of rice soAvn on land which shall, immediately after sowing, be covered with water from four to six inches deep, and kept inun- dated to that or a greater depth during the whole progress of its growth; except Avhen it may be ne- cessary to reduce or take off the water for the pur- pose of changing it, or of weeding the rice. As an auxiliary to this project, the same society have re- solved to give a gold medal for the best hydraulic machine, to be Avorked either by wind, steam, or animal power, Avhich shall be erected and used du- ring the season; and which shall raise to a height not less than twelve feet the greatest quantity of Avater in a given time. They also have resolved to give a silver medal for the next best machine used history, 1670—1808. 209 for the same purpose to raise water to a height not less than four feet. This mode of cultivating rice is practised in the Delta of Egypt, where the land is irrigated with water raised by the labor of oxen applied to simple machinery. If these projects succeed, and become general, the laborers may be withdrawn from the rice fields for five of the best months in the year and applied to other objects; for water will perform all the necessary intermedi- ate operations between sowing and reaping. The culture of that grain may then be said to approach near to perfection. The second great staple of Carolina was indigo. Its original native country is Hindostan; but it had been naturalized in the West-India islands, from which it was introduced into Carolina by Miss Eliza Lucas the mother of major general Charles Cotesworth Pinckney. Her father George Lucas, governor of Antigua, observing her fondness for the vegetable world, frequently sent to her tropical seeds and fruits to be planted for her amusement on his plantation at Wappoo. Among others he sent her some indigo seed as a subject of experiment. She planted it in March 1741 or 1742. It was destroy- ed by frost. She repeated the experiment in April; this was cut down by a worm. Notwithstanding these discouragements she persevered, and her third attempt Avas successful. Governor Lucas on hear- ing that the plant had seeded and ripened sent from Montserrat a man by the name of Cromwell, who had been accustomed to the making of indigo, and engaged him at high wages to come to Carolina and VOL. n. 2 E 210 AGRICULTURAL let his daughter see the whole process for extract- ing the dye from the Aveed. This professed indigo maker built vats on Wappoo creek, and there made the first indigo that was formed in Carolina. It was but indifferent. Cromwell repented of his engage- ment as being likely to injure his own country; made a mystery of the business, and, with the hope of deceiving, injured the process by throwing in too much lime. Miss Lucas watched him carefully, and also engaged Mr. Deveaux to superintend his operations. Notwithstanding the duplicity of Crom- well, a knowledge of the process was obtained. Soon after Miss Lucas had completely succeeded in this useful project, she married Charles Pinckney; and her father made a present of all the indigo on his plantation, the fruit of her industry, to her hus- band. The whole was saved for seed. Part was planted by the proprietor next year at Ashepoo, and the remainder given away to his friends in small quantities for the same purpose. They all succeed- ed. From that time the culture of indigo was com- mon, and in a year or two it became an article of export. Soon after the dye Avas successfully ex- tracted from the cultivated plant, Mr. Cattel made a present to Mr. Pinckney of some wild indigo which he had just discovered in the woods of Carolina. Experiments were instituted to ascer- tain its virtues. It proved to be capable of yielding good indigo but was less productive than Avhat had been imported. The attention of the planters was fixed on the latter. They urged its culture with so much industry and success, that in the year 1747 a considerable quantity of it was history, 1670—1808. 211 sent to England; which induced the merchants tra- ding to Carolina to petition parliament for a boun- ty on Carolina indigo. The parliament upon ex- amination found that it Avas one of the most benefi- cial articles of french commerce: that their West- India islands supplied all the markets of Europe, and that Britain alone consumed annually six hun- dred thousand Aveight of french indigo, which at five shillings a pound cost the nation the prodigious sum of one hundred and fifty thousand pounds ster- ling. It was demonstrated that this expense might be saved by encouraging the cultivation of indigo in Carolina. It was proved that the demand for indigo annually increased, and it could never be ex- pected that the planters in the West-Indies would attend to it while the culture of sugar canes proved more profitable. Accordingly an act of parliament passed in the year 1748, for allowing a bounty of six- pence per pound on indigo raised in the british ameri- can plantations, and imported directly into Britain from the place of its growth. In consequence of this act, the planters applied themselves Avith double vigor and spirit to that article, and seemed to vie with each other who should bring the best kind and greatest quantity of it to the market. Some years indeed elapsed before they found out the nice art of making it as good as the french ; but every year they im- proved in the mode of preparing it, and finally re- ceived great profit as the reAvard of their labors. While many of them doubled their capital every three or four years by planting indigo, they in pro- cess of time brought it to such a degree of perfec- N 219 AGRICULTURAL. tion as not only to supply the mother country, but also to undersell the french at several european markets. It proved more really beneficial to Ca- rolina than the mines of Mexico or Peru are or ever have been either to old or new Spain. In the year 1754 the export of indigo from the province amount- ed to 216,924 lbs. And shortly before the ameri- can revolution, it had arisen to 1,107,660 lbs. In the revolutionary war it was less attended to than rice. In the year 1783 it again began to be more cultivated : 2051 casks of indigo were exported, and it continued to form a valuable export for some years, but large im- portations of it from the East-Indies into England so lowered the price as to make it less profitable. Near the close of the eighteenth century it gave place to the cultivation of cotton. The same grounds being generally suitable for both, were for the most part planted with the new staple; and in- digo has been ever since comparatively neglected. Its culture was at all times in a great measure con- fined to the low and middle country. Cotton has been known to the world as an use- ful commodity ever since the days of Herodotus, who upwards of two thousand years ago wrote that " Gossypium grew in India which instead of seed produced wool." As rice feeds more of the human race than any other grain, so cotton clothes more of mankind than either wool, flax, hemp, or silk. Both of these articles have grown for many centu- ries in the East Indies in a country similar to Ca- rolina. Though the same reasoning and analogy, and the same information that led to the introduc- tion of rice might have pointed out the propriety of history, 1670—1808. 213 attempting the culture of cotton in Carolina, yet the latter was not planted to any considerable extent for 100 years after the introduction of the former. It had been declared by Dr. Hewat in his valuable historical account of South-Carolina printed in 1719, " that the climate and soil of the province were favorable to the culture of cotton." The first pro- vincial congress in South-Carolina held in January 1775, recommended to the inhabitants " to raise cotton," yet very little practical attention was paid to their recommendation. A small quantity only was raised for domestic manufactures. This neg- lect cannot solely be referred to the confusion of the times, for agriculture had been successfully prose- cuted for ten years after the termination of the re-r volutionary Avar before the Carolinians began to cul- tivate it to any considerable extent*. In this cul- ture the georgians took the lead. They began to raise it as an article of export soon after the peace of 1783. Their success recommended it to their neighbors. The whole quantity exported from Ca- rolina in any one year prior to 1795 Avas inconsi- derable, but in that year it amounted to £\, 109,653. The cultivation of it has been ever since increasing, and on the first year of the present century eight million of pounds were exported from South-Caro- lina. The uncertainty of this crop has disgusted a * The labor-saving machines invented in England Avithin the last thirty-five years, greatly promoted the manufacture of cotton, and thereby opened a steady and advantageous market for the raw materials. This was one of the principal causes which encouraged its cultivation in the United States. 214 AGRICULTURAL feAv planters, and brought them back to the less hazardous culture of rice. These two staples have so monopolized the agricultural force of the state, that for several years past other articles of export and even provisions have been greatly neglected. In the great eagerness to get money, the planters have brought themselves into a state of dependence on their neighbors for many of the necessaries of life which formerly Avere raised at home. So much cot- ton is now made in Carolina and Georgia that, if the whole was manufactured in the United States, it would go far in clothing a great proportion of the inhabitants of the union; for one laborer can raise as much of this commodity in one season as will afford the raw ma- terials for 1500 yards of common cloth, or a suffi- ciency for covering 150 persons. That part of it which is now manufactured in Europe, and brought back in an improved state, sometimes pays more, and on a general average nearly as much in duties to the United States, as the planter gets for the raw material. The duty, being in proportion to the va- lue, on a pound weight of fine cotton goods is much more than the cultivator of the commodity gets for the same weight of cotton in its merchantable state. This staple is of immense value to the public, and still more so to individuals. It has trebled the price of land suitable to its growth, and when the crop succeeds and the market is favorable the annual in- come of those who plant it is double to what it was before the introduction of cotton. The cotton chiefly cultivated on the sea coast is denominated the black seed or long staple cotton, history, 1670—1808. 215 which is of the best quality and admirably adapted to the finest manufactures. The wool is easily se- parated from the seed by roller-gins which do not injure the staple. A pair of rollers worked by one laborer give about 25lbs. of clean cotton daily. The cotton universally cultivated in the middle and upper country is called the green seed kind. It is less silky and more wooly, and adheres so tenacious- ly to the seed that it requires the action of a saw- gin to separate the wool from the seed. This cuts the staple exceedingly; but as the staple of this kind of cotten is not fit for the finer fabrics it is not considered injurious. The quality of these two kinds is very different. The wool of the green seed is considerably the cheapest; but that species is much more productive than the other. An acre of good cotton land will usually produce 1501b. of clean wool of the long staple kind. An acre of land of equal quality will usually produce 200lb. of the green seed or short staple kind. Besides these, yelloAv or nankeen cotton is also cultivated in the upper coun- try for domestic use. Tavo ingenious artists. Miller and Whiteney of Connecticut, invented a saw-gin for- the separation of the wool from the seed which has facilitated that operation in the highest degree. The legislature of South-Carolina purchased their patent right for 50,000 dollars, and then munificent- ly threw open its use and benefits to all its citizens. Such have been the profits of the planters of cot- ton, and so great has been their partiality for raising it to the exclusion of other valuable commodities, that t>3 history of the agriculture of Carolina in its 216 Agricultural present state comprehends little more than has been already given: but it is proper to bring into view what this has been and what it might and would be noAv if rice and cotton, especially the latter, did not absorb almost the whole energies of the plant- ing interest Wheat, next to rice, is of most extensive use as an aliment. The culture of it was introduced and en- couraged by Joseph Kershaw, who more than forty years ago erected mills at Pinetree, now Camden, for manufacturing it into flour. These both encou- raged and rewarded the cultivators of wheat. It became a favorite commodity for some time in the vicinity, and continued so for several years. The flour made there did not command as high a price in Charlestown as what was imported from the nor- thern states. The Carolina wheat was not inferior, though perhaps these first mills might in some re- spect be so ; but the difference in the quality of the flour has become so inconsiderable that when ship- ped to the West-Indies in barrels marked as if from Philadelphia and Baltimore, it sold as well as that which had been really shipped from these ports. The fraud, if detected, was considered more as an offence against truth than commerce; for the com- modities were substantially equal. The manufac- ture of flour was suspended by the revolutionary war. In the course of it Mr. Broome, one of col. Lee's cavalry, passed over the foundation of Mr. Kershaw's mills. Struck with the advantages of the situation he returned when peace took place, and erected there as complete a set of mills as any in the history, 1670—1808. 217 United States. And in the year 1801, 40,000 bushels of it were manufactured at two of three flour mills, all of which were within one mile of Camden, and from the proceeds 600 barrels of superfine flour were delivered for domestic use or exporta- tion. From the demand of wheat and flour, money flowed into the contiguous settlements. This good example was folloAved, and excellent merchant mills Avere erected in Laurens district on the waters of little river, by Thomas Wadsworth; and at Green- ville on the waters of Reedy river, by Alston, and in different parts of the state by others. There was every prospect that flour would soon make an im- portant addition to the exports of Carolina. These prospects have been for some years obscured ; for by nice calculations the planters found that they could make more money by cotton than wheat. Considerable quantities of flour are now imported, and though much is made in the interior country, very little or none is exported*. * Such is the uncertainty of human affairs that the project of building mills for the manufacture of flour, which promised fair to be both a public and private advantage, has proved very injurious to the interests of all concerned. These mills, erect- ed at great expense, are comparatively idle from the want of wheat; for the farmers in the neighboring districts raise little else than cotton. The owners of the Camden mills in particu- lar have been materially injured by this general change of the staple commodity of the vicinity. It is worthy of their consi- deration, Avhether they might not alleviate their losses by sub- stituting homespun manufactures for that of flour. The same machinery, buildings, and water power Avould ansAver as AvelJ for the one as the other. VOL. II. 2 F 218 AORICULTURAL The next great article derived from the cultivation of the earth is maize, or indian corn; for its pro- duction the swamps, when perfectly drained, and the highlands are both Avell adapted. The crop varies with the soil and seasons on highland from ten to twenty-five bushels, and in the swamps from twenty-five to seventy-five bushels. The aliment derived from this grain is considered as more strengthening and better adapted to laborers than either rice or wheat. The negroes of Carolina give it a decided preference, and are said to be better able to perform their labor when fed on corn than on any other grain. From the year 1739, nearly to the end of the eighteenth century, it has been an article of export but on a moderate scale ; for rice and indigo were always deemed more profitable. With the new staple cotton it cannot bear any com- petition. In the year 1792, when cotton Avas be- ginning to be extensively cultivated, 99,9S5 bushels of cornAvere exported; which exceeded any amount that can be recollected either before or since. A* the former advanced the latter declined. Corn, no longer an article of export, is noAv largely imported for domestic use on the sea-coast. Though Carolina, by her rice, cotton, and lumber, contributed largely to the food, clothing, and shel- ter of man, yet these were not the only rewards con- ferred on the cultivators of its soil. It produced another commodity Avhich, though not to be num- bered among the necessaries, is by its votaries pla- ced high in the list of the comforts of life. Tobac- co is an indigenous plant of America. It had been history, 1670—1808. 219 successfully cultivated in Virginia before Carolina Avas settled. Little doubt could have existed that it might be made to grow in a more southern lati- tude ; but it does not appear among the articles of export from Carolina till 1783, and then only six hundred and fourty-three hogsheads are stated as the amount. In the year following it had reached to 2,680, and in the year 1799, to 9,646 hogsheads. In the rich lands of the back country it was found to answer well ; but the expense of bringing so bulky an article so great a distance to market, left little clear profits. It could not stand in competition Avith cotton. The soil of Carolina produces also hemp and flax. They are noted as articles of export in the year 1784, but only in the small quantity of three tons of the former and 171 casks of the latter. Hemp is now cultivated for sale in the upper coun- try, particularly between Broad and Saluda rivers ; and the soil is so congenial to it that enough might be raised for every necessary use. The rice plan- ters niay console themselves, that if the planting of that grain should ever cease to be an object of their attention, the grounds heretofore used for the cul- ture of rice will answer very well for hemp or af- ford excellent pastures and grazing fields. Flax may be cultivated to any extent, but at present it is only raised for domestic purposes. Barley has been successfully cultivated, and some exported. The low grounds of Carolina have pro- duced fifty, sixty, and even seventy bushels to the acre. It ripens so early in May as to admit an- 220 AGRICULTURAL other crop to be made on the same ground in tnc course of the year. A sufficiency might be furnished to answer all demands if the planters found an in- terest in raising it. Madder has been successfully cultivated by Aaron Loocock, but it has been dropped in favor of other pursuits less troublesome or more profit- able. The SAvamps abound Avith reeds, of which 147,750 were exported in 1784, and any demand for them might be supplied. The commodities already enumerated have all been articles of export, and will probably be so again if cotton or rice should fail, but the capacity of the country to yield other valuable productions has been ascertained though not carried to the ex- tent of exportation. In this class, hops and silk may be reckoned. The former is annually raised in small quantities, and may easily be urged so far as to answer any probable demand. The latter was the subject of successful experiments made very early in the 18 th century under the patronage of governor sir Nathaniel Johnson*. In the year 1755, Mrs. Pinckney, the same lady Avho about ten years before had introduced the indigo plant, took with her to England a quantity of excellent silk which she had raised and spun in the vicinity of Charlestown sufficient to make three complete * The plantation on which governor sir Nathaniel Johnson made his silk, is situate in St. Thomas parish, and has ever since been known by the appropriate name of Silk hope. It is now the property of Nathaniel Heyward. history, 1670—1808. 221 dresses. One of these was presented to the prin- cess DoAvager of Wales, and another to lord Ches- terfield. They were allowed to be equal to any silk ever imported. The third, noAv in Charlestown in the possession of her daughter Mrs. Horry, is re- markable for its beauty, firmness and strength. The culture of silk was attended to for a consider- able time by the swiss colonists near Purysburgh, and occasionally by private persons, particularly by Mr. Van Haslet, as late as the year 1787 in the vicinity of Charlestown. It is at present successfully con- tinued at NeAv Bordeaux in Abbeville, by Mr. Gibert; but the project has not been urged with perseverance nor to any great extent, probably from conviction that there Avere easier modes of making money. From the well known circumstance that mulberry trees grow spontaneously, and that native silk worms producing well formed cocoons are often found in the woods of Carolina, it is probable that the country is naturally adapted to the raising of silk. The same observations will apply to Avine, olives and oil; for the woods abound with native grapes, and wine has been made both from them and the fruit of imported vines. The olive tree has also been brought from abroad and naturalized, and their fruit prepared and preserved equal to import- ed olives. The former by Henry Laurens, the lat- ter in the first instance by his daughter Martha Laurens Ramsay, and afterwards by others. Though the demand for cotton should cease, or the price fall, there would be no ground for serious 222 AGRICULTURAL regret. Many other profitable objects of culture are within the grasp of the planters. When their industry and ingenuity is turned to these and other projects which might be mentioned, there is good reason to believe that the result will console them for their loss of a valuable staple by finding others which will add more to their comforts and real en- joyments than they ever have derived from the pro- ceeds of their cotton crops. Planters are the most independent and influential men in Carolina, especially when they are out of debt and have money remaining from their last crop to meet with cash in hand the expenses of the current year. Such of them as commence planting with both land and slaves bought on credit, often fail. Where either is inherited or acquired without debt, the other may be purchased by an industrious pru- dent man with a fair prospect of advantage. When crops are anticipated by engagements founded on them before they are made, ruin is often the conse- quence, and much oftener since the revolution than before; for the indulgence formerly granted to sub- jects in Carolina has seldom been extended to citizen planters. The failure of a single pre-engaged crop may break up a promising agriculturist driven to extremities by a pressing creditor. Merchants and military men, when they have de- voted themselves to agriculture in Carolina, have generally made good planters. Their former habits have a tendency to make them regular and methodi- cal in business—to keep up strict discipline—and to count the cost of every undertaking. Professional history, 1670—-1808. 223 men Avho attempt agriculture, seldom succeed in both as well as when they devote themselves diligent- ly and exclusively to one pursuit. In no business do the random habits of desultory men more cer- tainly lead to ruin than in planting. The education of the sons of planters in distant countries is often injurious to such of them as are destined to follow the same line of business as their fathers. They frequently return with sentiments and habits very unsuitable to their future prospects. In consequence of their foreign education they may be better scholars, but they are generally worse planters. The opportunities of enjoying and communicating nappiness within the power of humane, good, and liberal planters, are great. If their inclination is for mental improvement they may riot in intellectual luxury. Books, leisure to read, and every facility for philosophical experiments or agricultural projects, are all vrithin their grasp. So great are their advan- tages that Arthur Youngs might be reared in every district. If their disposition leads them to the prac- tical arts of government, they may be Trajans on a small scale. All that has ever been urged in favor of an energetic efficient government applies to them. They can enforce obedience to any extent they please. If they make a good and judicious use of their potver they can compel that observance of re- gularity and order, decency and propriety of con- duct, which brings happiness in its train. There are several such planters in Carolina Avho do a full- orbed duty to their domestics ; and instead of being 224 AGRICULTURAL tyrants over slaves, are Avise and good rulers over well-governed happy subjects. In 17S5 a society Avas incorporated to promote the interests of agriculture. Their object was to institute a farm for agricultural experiments—to im- port and circulate foreign articles that were suitable to the climate of Carolina, and to direct the atten- tion of the agriculturists of the state to useful ob- jects, and to reward such as improved the art. They imported and distributed some cuttings of vines and olives. The latter ansAvered well, but the vicinity of Charlestown proved too moist for the former. The society gave some considerable pecuniary aid to an adventurer undertaking to cultivate vines at Colum- bia, but their liberality Avas misapplied. Their efforts hitherto have been crippled from the want of funds. This defect has been lately done aAvay from the successful issue of a lottery, institu- tuted for the benefit of the institution. It is now clear of debt and possessed of forty-two acres of land in the vicinity of Charlestown, in which agri- cultural experiments are occasionally made. The society consists of forty members, Avhose annual subscription of tAventy-five dollars each, added to the proceeds of the late lottery, will enable them to pro- ceed with vigor in their original pursuits. From their future labors the public look with earnest expectation for illumination on various sub- jects, the improvement of which was the object of their incorporation.* * These expectations are in a train of being realized. The society have resolved upon a plan for advancing the agricuku- HISTORY, 1670—1808. 225 The agriculture of Carolina, though flourishing, is far short of its height. The art of manuring land is little understood, and less practised. The bulk of the planters, relying on the fertility of the soil, seldom planting any but what is good, and changing land when it begins to fail for that which is fresh, seldom give themselves much trouble to keep their fields in heart. Beds of compost are rare. Twenty years ago there Avas no fixed price in CharlestoAvn for manure, and it was often given to the first who offered to carry it off. The ral interests of the state. Part of this has been already men- tioned as connected Avith the culture of rice. In addition, they have resolved to offer medals— , For an efficacious and practical method of destroying the ca- terpillars which infest the cotton plant, or preventing thejr ra- vages : For the best and most practicable method of discharging stains from cotton and rendering it perfectly white : For the greatest quantity of sweet oil made from olives raised in the state: For the greatest quantity of oil obtained from ground nuts, and from the seed of sesamum or bene, of cotton, and of sun- flowers: Also for the greatest quantities of the levant senna, cassia senna, raised, cured, and brought to market in the state ; and ihe greatest quantity of rhubarb, rheum palmatum, castor oil, hops, and madder, all to be raised in the state: And To the person who shall first, Avithin the state, establish and keep a flock of sheep of the true marino breed : And For the greatest quantity of figs, the produce of the state, dried and brought to market. The society have also resolved to establish a nursery of the most useful and ornamental trees, shrubs, and plants, and to offer them for sale at moderate prices. VOL. 11. 2 (i 2 26 AGRICULTURAL late increase of gardens in the vicinity has increas- ed the demand and raised its price to something, but far less than it bears in other large cities. Cat- tle, sheep, and hogs experience little care and de- rive but a small portion of their comforts or food Irom the attention or the labors of their owners. For the most part they are left to provide for them selves from the bounties of nature. It is not uncom- mon for a planter, though possessing twenty or thirty milch cows, to enjoy fewercomforts from them than cottagers in other countries derive from two or three Avell looked after. Much good highland re- mains untouched for future laborers. Extensive marshes are yet in a state of nature, though no doubt exists of the practicability of reducing the most of them to a very useful stale. Only a small propor- tion of the margins of rivers and of other SAvamps have as yet been brought under cultivation. Im- mense forests of pine land have hitherto yielded lit- tle else than J umber. They might, with a little ma- nure,be made to produce corn, potatoes, turnips, and rye, in addition to kitchen garden vegetables. A nu- merous peasantry might be supported in them, though at present they are generally unproductive deserts. Pine lands are hoav the seat of health, and with pro- per management might be made the bulwark of the state; for they can be cultivated by white men, while the swamps and low grounds can be planted only by those Avho are black. A numerous population is maintained in Asia, and in the southern parts of Eu- rope, in climates resembling that of Carolina. Some observations on horticulture as a branch of agriculture will close this chapter. history, 1670—1808. 22/ The planters of Carolina have derived so great profits from the cultivation of rice, indigo, and cot- ion, that they have always too much neglected the culture of gardens. The high price of their staple commodities in every period has tempted them to sacrifice convenience to crops of a marketable qua- lity. There are numbers Avhose neglected gardens neither afford flowers to regale the senses, nor the vegetables necessary to the comfort of their families, though they annually receive considerable sums in money for their crops sent to market. To this there iiave been some illustrious exceptions of persons who cultivated gardens on a large scale both for use and pleasure. The first that can be recollected is Mrs. Lamboll, Avho, before the middle of the 18th cen- tury, improved the south west extremity of King- street, in a garden which was richly stored with flowers and other curiosities of nature in addition to all the common vegetables for family use. She was followed by Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Hopton, who cultivated extensive gardens in Meeting, George, and King streets, on lands now covered with bouses. The former reduced the knowledge she had acqui- red by long experience, and observation, to a regular system which was published after her death, Avith the title of the Gardener's Kalendar ; and to this day regulates the practice of gardens in and near Charlestown*. * Mrs. Martha Logan Avas the daughter of Robert Daniel, one of the last proprietary governors of South-Carolina. In the fifteenth year of her age she married George Logan, the son of colonel George Logan, who came from Aberdeen, in Scotland, and in the year 1690 settled in South-Carolina, and 223 AGRICULTURAL About the year 1755 Henry Laurens purchased a lot of four acres in Ansonborough, which is hoav called Laurens' square, and enriched it with every thing useful and ornamental that Carolina produ- ced or his extensive mercantile connexions enabled him to procure from remote parts of the world. Among a variety of other curious productions, he introduced olives, capers, limes, ginger, guinea grass, the alpine strawberry, bearing nine months in the year, red raspberrys, blue grapes ; and also direct- ly from the south of France, apples, pears, and plums of fine kinds, and vines which bore abun- dantly of the choice white eating grape called Chas- selats blancs. The whole was superintended with maternal care by Mrs. Elinor Laurens with the as- sistance of John Watson, a complete english gar- dener. Watson soon after formed a spacious gar- den for himself on the ground now occupied by Na- thaniel HeyAvard, and afterwards on a large lot of land stretching from King street to and over Meet- ing street. In the latter he erected the first Nurse- ry garden in Carolina. There every new and cu- rious plant that grew or had been naturalized in the country might be purchased. The botanic publi- cations of the day quote him as the introducer of several productions of Carolina to the public gar- dens in England. By an exchange of such articles, he rendered service to both countries and enriched there founded the respectable family of Logans, the sixth ge- neration of which is now living. Mrs. Logan was a great florist, and uncommonly fond of a garden. She was seventy years old when she wrote her treatise on gardening, and died in 1779, aged 77 years. history, 1670— 1808. 229 each with many of the curiosities of the other. These promising attempts at gardening were ail laid waste in the revolutionary Avar. Watson's garden was revived and continued by himself and descend- ants after the peace of 1783, but has since gone to ruin. Robert Squib followed John Watson, and in like manner did honor to Carolina by circulating its curious native productions. Of these he trans- mitted several to english botanists, which greAv and flourished. He is honorably mentioned in Curtis's Botanical Magazine " as not only Avell versed in plants, but indefatigable in discovering and collect- ing the more rare species of Carolina, and Avith which the gardens of England are likely soon to be enriched." He was also the author of a work enti- tled the Gardener's Kalendar, which Avas published in Charlestown. About the year 1786 the govern- ment of France sent out the celebrated traveller and botanist, Andre Michaux, who established a botanic garden ten miles from Charlestown into which he introduced a number of curious exotics in addition to a great variety of american produc- tions. This also has gone to ruin, though many of the articles growing therein have been transplanted and preserved elsewhere. There are now some valuable private gardens neai CharlestoAvn : one is situated in St. Andrews on the banks of Ashley river, and belongs to Charles Dray- ton. It is arranged Avith exquisite taste and con- tains an extensive collection of trees, shrubs, and flowers which are natives of the country. Among many other valuable exotics, a great number of viburnum tinus, and of gardenias, Avhich are perfect- 230 AGRICULTURAL ly naturalized to the soil, grow there with enchant- ing luxuriance ; but the principal object of the pro- prietor has been to make an elegant and concentra- ted display of the native botanic riches of Carolina, in which he has succeeded to the delight and admi- ration of all visitants. Another is in St. Paul's district and was original- ly formed by William Williamson, but now belongs to John Champneys. It contains tAventy-six acres, six of Avhich are in sheets of Avater and abound hi excellent fish ; ten acres in pleasure grounds, walks, and banks ; the remainder is used for horticultural and agricultural purposes. The pleasure grounds are planted with every species of flowering trees, shrubs, and flowers that this and the neighboring states can furnish; and also with similar curious productions of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Another part contains a great number of fruit trees; espe- cially piccan nut and pear trees, which are ripe in succession from the middle of May to the middle of October. Though all garden vegetables can be raised ear- lier in Carolina than in the northern states; yet till very lately cabbages, potatoes, onions, and such like articles were generally imported for domestic con- sumption. Some are even now imported. Within the last twenty years a spirit of horticulture has in- creased in the vicinity of Charlestown so as to sup- ply the market with a considerable variety and plen- ty of vegetables for domestic use ; but many of the inhabitants of the country still remain destitute of the comforts which even a moderate attention to gar- dens could not fail of procuring. Rich in staple HISTORY, 1670--1808. 231 commodities, minor objects are by many compara- tively neglected. A passion for floAvers has of late astonishingly in- creased. Many families in the capital, and several in the country, for some years past have been uncom- monly attentive to flower gardens. Those who can- not command convenient spots of ground have their piazzas, balconies, and windows richly adorned with the beauties of nature far beyond any thing that Avas known in the days of their infancy- COMMERCIAL HISTORY OF SOUTH-CAROLINA, From 1670—1808. CHAP. VI. Commerce is of noble origin in South-Carolina. Its first merchants were the lords proprietors of the province. Two vessels Avere very early and constant- ly employed by them to introduce settlers and every thing necessary either for their support or the culti- vation of the earth. These plied between Charles- town on one side, and Virginia, the british West In- dia islands, particularly Barbadoes, and Great-Bri- tain on the other. From the West India islands they imported rum and sugar, and in return carried thither staves and lumber. Sir John Yeamans, who was governor of the province in the second, third, and fourth year after its settlement, owned an estate in Barbadoes, and Avas very active in promoting this exchange of commodities between the two countries, with both of which he was particularly connected. From Great-Britain the Carolinians imported cloth- ing, provisions, plantation tools, and domestic ani- mals. To it they exported furs and peltry. Much COMMERCIAL HISTORY, 1670--1808. 233 of these were procured from the indians, which gave rise to a brisk trade between them and the settlers in the way of barter. This was the general course of commerce for the first 30 years after the settle- ment. About that time rice began to be an article of export. Mercantile profit Avas not the object of the lords proprietors. To encourage emigration to their pro- vince they advanced money to supply the settlers. Their increased number bid fair to increase the de- mand for the lands of the proprietors so as ultimate- ly to reimburse them for their advances. They pur- sued this policy till they had reason to complain of much going out and little coming in. The colonists, after a reasonable period of indulgence, Avere lelt to their own exertions; and the proprietors discontinu- ed their mercantile intercourse with the settlement. The trade of the province must have been inconsi- derable 'for at least 15 years, as that period had elapsed before any collector of duties for the port of CharlestoAvn Avas appointed ; and before the first le- gislative act respecting a pilot Avas passed. For 50 years, subsequent to the settlement, nothing certain is known either of the population in or the amount of exports from Carolina; but there is reason to be- lieve that rice began to be exported about the begin- ning of the 18th century. Anderson states that 264,488 barrels were exported to England from 1720 to 1729 ; and that 429,525 barrels were ex- ported between 1730 and 1739 inclusive. About the latter period the trade of the province was con- siderable both in imports and exports. The negroes vol. it. 2 II *"'* COMMERCIAL then amounted to about 40,000. They and all othe articles of importation must have been paid foi chiefly by the rice, naval stores, lumbeF, peltry, and furs exported from the country. To these first arti- cles of export Avere added indigo, from 1747—to- bacco, from 1782—and cotton, from 1792*. The aggregate value of exports was in such a course of progressive increase, that in the last year of the 18th century it amounted to 10,554,842 dollars, and in the first year of the 19th to 14,304,045 dollars. For the 106 years of the colonial existence of South-Carolina, all its trade centered in Great-Bri- tain and its dependencies ; with the exception of as much rice as under the special indulgence of an act of parliament Avas exported to the southward of eape Finisterre. This trade was carried on very much to the satisfaction and interest of Carolina. A considerable proportion of it Avas in the hands of native merchants, but more Ava3 carried on by emi- grants from Great-Britian and Ireland. Many of these invested their commercial gains in a planting interest, settled and raised up families in the pro- vince. Several of them passed through all the grades between clerks, or shopmen, and wealthy merchants or substantial planters, in the interval be- between their youth and the period of their attain- ing or soon after their passing the meridian of life. They did not consider Carolina as a place of exile * These periods mark the years when the exportation of these articles began to be considerable. Small quantities were exported before. In addition to these great articles of export, some minor ones might be added; such as indiancorn, coav- pease* beef, pork, leather, shingles, staves, Sec history, 1670—1808. 235 from the delights of Europe till they had amassed the means of enjoying life in their native lands, but took it for their home and acted with that liberality towards their adopted countrymen which might be expected from permanent inhabitants. Several of the present generation have derived their origin from merchants of this description. All the little commerce Avhich was carried on in the revolutionary war Avas forced against apparently insurmountable obstacles. The state had no ade- quate means for protecting its trade. Soon after the declaration of independence, some adventurous individuals began to send vessels to the dutch and french West India islands. It Avas early foreseen that the public would suffer most from the want of salt. To obviate this inconvenience eight gentlemen entered into a partnership to purchase six SAvift sail- ing vessels in Bermuda to be employed in importing that necessary article. They for a season supplied the wants of the people and continued this trade till their vessels were all taken. Commerce soon began to flow in new channels. The old merchants Avhose fortunes Avere easy, un- willing to risk their capital, generally retired from business. A new set who had little to lose by bold- ly venturing, served their country and rapidly ad- vanced their own interest. Various artifices Avere used to screen this contraband trade from legal sei- zure. Some vessels had captains of different na- tions, and registers of different ports; and were oc- casionally french, dutch, english or american pro- perty as the exigency of the case required. Not- withstanding all this subtilty many forfeitures were 236 COMMERCIAL incurred. The increasing demand for imported goods and the stoppage of all exportation to Great- Britain, put it so much in the power of adventurers to sell imported articles dear and to purchase country produce cheap, that in the years 1776 and 1777 the safe arrival of two vessels Avould indemnify them for the loss of one. For the encouragement of trade two insurance companies opened offices which greatly fonvardcd the extension of commerce. A direct trade to France was soon attempted, and french vessels in like manner found their way into the port of Charlestown. This intercourse in its commencement proved very unfortunate ; for out of sixteen vessels richly laden with the commodities of the country, four only arrived safe. This heavy Woav for a little time damped the spirit of enter- prize, but it soon revived. A considerable trade, though much inferior to what had been usual in times of peace, was carried on in this manner for the greatest part of the three first years of the contest when the operations of the british were chiefly confined to the northern states. It received severe shocks from repeated embargoes and the growing depreciation of the paper currency. To subserve military operations the sailing of ves- sels was several times interdicted. This sorely dis- tressed commerce, and prevented the country from obtaining supplies of foreign commodities. It also discouraged strangers from sending their vessels into american ports as their return, for reasons of state, was so frequently prevented. When in the course of the Avar the british turned their arms more immediately against Carolina, and HISTORY, 1670—1808. 237 Georgia, the trade that had been previously carri- ed on became inconsiderable. Nevertheless, as often as french fleets visited the coast or the absence of british armed vessels was satisfactorily ascertain- ed, the merchants of CharlestoAvn improved their opportunities and sometimes made successful voy- ages. With the fall of Charlestown all trade in be- half of americans wholly ceased. The transition from the greatest want of imported articles to the greatest plenty, was instantaneous. In the train of the victorious army Avas a number of merchants and an immensity of goods. The shelves which lor some time had been unoccupied, began once more to bend with the novel load of british manufactures. Such of the inhabitants as had credit or the com- mand of money, easily obtained a supply of all they wanted. The contrast between the 18 months which preceded, and the 18 months which followed the surrender of Charlestown was striking; but soon after the expiration of the latter period, com- merce again began to languish. Every day added to the probability that the late conquerors would not be able to keep the province. The americans in a few more months regained nearly all they had formerly lost, and the evacuation of Charlestown was resolv- ed upon by the british. The merchants who came with them were permitted to negociate for them- selves, and on the departure of the royal army ob- tained permission from the government of the state to remain under the protection of its laws. The impoverished inhabitants of South-Carolina now ex- perienced no other want but that of money, tor much of the merchandize in Charlestown was lot 238 COMMERCIAL behind at its evacuation by the british. As a sub- stitute for cash they stretched their credit to the ut- most, and contracted debts Avhich to several were ruinous and to all inconvenient. With the return of peace, the Carolinians count- ed on an extension of their commerce as being no longer fettered with a british monopoly. But they soon found that when they ceased to be british subjects, they lost the advantages attached to that political character; that as aliens they could not trade to the british West-India islands, with which, from the first settlement of the province, they had carried on a lucrative commerce. With the war several had lost their capital and others their cre- dit. Few Carolinians had resources left to enter into competition Avith the british merchants. In the hands of the latter the bulk of the trade of the country centered, and with them it has more or less continued ever since. It was not only from this circumstance, but from the superior advantages of trading with Great-Bri- tain, that the Carolinians have been commercially connected with Great-Britain nearly as much since the revolution as before. They have a right to trade with all the world, but find it their interest to trade principally with Britain. The ingenuity of her manufacturers—the long credit her merchants are in the habit of giving-the facility of making remittances to her as the purchaser of a great part of the native commodities of Carolina, have all concurred to cement a commercial connexion between the two countries. From the increased demand for the manufactures of Britain by the history, 1670—1808. 23$ increased inhabitants of Carolina, the latter, as a state, is much more profitable to the former than she ever Avas Avhen a province. Though the trade of South-Carolina to Germany has great- ly increased, and that to the Mediterranean, to France, Spain, United Netherlands, Madeira, and Russia, has also increased in the order in Avhich these countries are respectively mentioned; yet the surplus that remains for Great-Britain far exceeds all she ever derived from the same country as her colony. It may be confidently as- serted that the trade between the two countries for one single year of general peace, free from all in- terruption, Avould nOAv be of greater value to Great- Britain than all she derived from Carolina for the first half of her colonial existence; or the 53 years which were immediately subsequent to the settle- ment of the province. The merchants of Carolina do not seem fond of exploring new channels of commerce. There ne- ver was but one vessel fitted out in Charlestown for the East-Indies. No voyages round the Avorld, to the north-west coast of America, to neAv or re- mote countries, have originated there'; as far as can be recollected. The Avars that for several years before and after the commencement of the 19th century, raged in Europe, have been of great advantage ; and also a source of material injury to the commerce of Ca- rolina. In the first instance the privileges attaclir ed to neutral vessels, the extensive marine and en- terprising spirit of american navigators, have mad'c their flag the passport for the commodities of most 240 COMMERCIAL of the belligerent nations. Carolina, as being near to their colonies in the West-India islands and on the Main, came in for a large share of this carry- ing trade and derived great profits from it. This was called by England, " War in disguise ;" as it facilitated the transportation of commodities be- tween the french and Spanish colonies, and their respective mother countries, to effect which their own reduced marine Avas unequal. Orders, and counter decrees, decrees and counter orders, alter- nately retaliating not on each other, but on unof- fending third persons, folloAved each other in rapid succession, till neutrals were reduced to the alter- native of either abandoning the ocean or subject- ing themselves to almost certain capture by one or the other of the belligerents. The laAvs of nature and nations were disregarded. Both the hostile nations, England and France, so often and so gross- ly violated the rights of neutrals, that it is difficult to ascertain who was the first or the greatest ag- gressor. They both deserve the execrations of every friend to the rights of man, or of neutral commerce. The citizens of Carolina, conscious that they had given no just cause of offence to either, humbly hoped to be permitted to live in peace. But this boon was too great to be granted. Each of the nations at war endeavored to goad them into a quarrel with its respective adversary; and to compel them to do so each hostile nation interdicted them and all americans from trading with the other and all its dependencies : thereby shutting them out from nine tenths of the ports Avith Avhich, by the laAvs of nations, of nature, and history, 1670—1808. 241 of nature's god, they had a right to trade. That their innocent commerce might be saved from uni- versal seizure, under color of british orders of coun- cil, and french decrees, the ruling powers of the United States in December 1807, directed that the americans should retire within themselves from all commercial intercourse with foreigners. A coast- ing trade is all that throughout the year 1808 re- mained of an extensive commerce, which though not two centuries old had grown with such unexam- pled rapidity as to be the second in the world. That year, which will be long remembered for the privations and sufferings resulting from a general embargo, was an eventful one to the inhabitants of South-Carolina. Their foreign trade was in a mo- ment, and with little or no previous notice, com- pletely arrested. To vessels loaded and ready to sail clearances were denied. Such as having already cleared out, had began their voyages, were pursued, and when overtaken brought back. The price of produce instantly fell more than 100 per cent, or rather could not be sold from Avant of pur- chasers. The labors of the past year were render- ed unavailing to the relief of their owner though pressed with debt and threatened with executions. Factors, wharfingers, and others engaged in the transportation or sale of commodities, suddenly pas- sed over from the full tide of employment to listless inactivity. A general stagnation of business in the midst of that bustling period which is called the crop season, instantly took place. The distresses vol. 11. 2 I 242 COMMERCIAL HISTORY, 1670—1808. of individuals were both the causes and effects of the distresses of others. A chain of suffering encircled the community. All this Avas magnanimously borne by a great majority of the inhabitants. Their re- proaches fell not on the administrators of their own government, but on the authors of british orders and french decrees. The legislature of the state applauded the measures of the general government and their applause was re-echoed by the people. The discontents of a few evaporated in private mur- murings, and did not produce a single public ex- pression of disapprobation or impatience. While others contended that they suffered most from the embargo, the Carolinians Avith justice preferred their claim to the honor of bearing it best. History is confined to the relation of facts, and does not ex- tend to conjectures on contingent events, or it might be added that if the embargo bad been as faithfully observed and as patiently borne in every part of the union as it was in Carolina, the issue would pro- bably have been very different, and certainly more to the honor of the United States. OF THE ARTS SOUTH-CAROLINA, From 1670—1808. CHAP. VII. To procure food, clothing, shelter, and defence, are primary arts, at all times indispensable, but eminently so among the settlers in new countries or such as are inhabited only by savages. The first europeans who located themselves in Carolina must have derived their food from the waters and woods, except what they brought with them and the maize they obtained from the indians. Their clothing they must have imported, for the country afforded none other than the skins of beasts. The aborigines had no domestic animals, no stores of food artificially preser- ved, no cultivated fields or gardens from which they could supply the wants of the new comers. The embarkation of the latter in January was probably the result of design, that they might be in readiness to improve the approaching season of vegetation. Of their proceedings no records, nor even any tradi- tion has reached us further than that their governor, 244 OF THE ARTS William Sayle, set them a noble example of per- sonal industry. From the nature of man, we must suppose that their first care Avas to make some rude shelter to cover them, and their next to prepare the ground for planting. After they had committed to its bosom such seeds as they supposed likely to grow and be useful; it was natural for them to em- ploy their leisure time in fishing and hunting for their immediate support. They had no experience to guide them as to the nature of soils, and seeds or grains suitable to each other. Tradition has informed us that their first essays in planting were with highland grains on the high and sandy soil which was most easily cleared as being slightly co- vered with wood. We know that more than once they labored under serious apprehensions of famine, and threatened to compel their governor to abandon the country. Their agricultural efforts were for some time poorly rewarded, and much of their food, and all their clothing was imported. In the arts of fishing and hunting, they had advantages over the natives to Avhom fish-hooks and guns were unknown. The arts of the new coiners in destroy- ing the wild beasts Avere eminently conducive to their comfort. The flesh of some of them was ex- quisitely agreeable. The skins of all were service- able for domestic purposes. They were so common that hunters had no difficulty in finding game. From the indians the settlers must soon have learnt not only to plant maize, but to dress it in its various forms. This agreeable vegetable, added to fish, oysters, crabs, and shrimps, from the water ; and IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, 1670—1808. 245 deer and wild foAvl, obtained by their guns from the land, must have constituted no mean aliment. The rapid increase of domestic animals brought out by the first settlers must soon have multiplied animal food to a sufficiency for every useful purpose. To trace the progress of the necessary arts from such rude beginnings to their present improved state is no easy matter. As £12,000 Avere expended in equipments for the settlement, it is not improbable that tents Avere provided for the first and immediate shelter of the settlers on their disembarking. Whether they were or not, the accommodation must have been only temporary. With the indians, it is a prevailing opinion " that they are always at home, except when they are in a house." The rude Avigwams of such out of door people, generally formed of bark and the limbs of trees, without the aid of metal or of any instrument made of metal, must have afforded very imperfect models of architecture to the first settlers. Neither stones nor brick were within their grasp. But with the axes, saws, and other tools brought with them in a country abounding with tim- ber, they might, and doubtless did, construct cabins with such expedition as could not fail to impress the admiring savages with ideas of their superior skill. The first settlers were probably like the first romans, a " populus virorum," or chiefly males, for it is reasonable to suppose that the dangers and dif- ficulties of the enterprise Avould have generally de- terred the weaker sex from being parties in the ear- liest embarkations, 246 OF THE ARTS This mode of originating a settlement has con- tinued more or less ever since. There always have been in Carolina single men and sometimes families migrating from the earlier settlements and breaking ground on bare creation. The difficulties of such undertakings have been constantly lessening, but are always considerable. The time of commencing them is in March, or about the breaking up of the winter. The parties go with family and plantation utensils, a few bushels of corn, and some domestic animals. After fixing on a site, they build in two or three days a cabin with logs cut down and piled one upon another in the form of a square or a paral- lelogram. The floor is of earth, the roof is some- times of bark, but oftener of split logs. The light is received through the door and in some instances through a window of greased paper, or the bottom of a broken glass bottle. Experience, without the aid of philosophy, teaches them that fresh air is harmless ; and they are therefore not anxious to ex- clude it by stopping crevices between the logs. Though sometimes they attempt it by introducing clay between them, especially on the lower parts, or as high as their heads. Shelter being provided, their next care is to provide food. This is frequently ac- complished before the few bushels of corn brought with them are expended. To expedite vegetation, the large trees are deprived of their power to shade the ground by cutting a circle around their trunks. This deadens them by preventing the sap from as- cending The under wood is destroyed. Ihe ground, thus exposed to the action of the sun, is IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, 1670—1808. 247 roughly prepared for planting by ploughing or hoe- ing. To its virgin soil is committed seed corn in March, or early in April. In 90 or 100 days it is so far advanced as to afford a great deal of nourish- ment in the form of roasting ears. In six Aveeks more it is ripe. The increase on this new land is often great, and the grain will keep from one crop to another. Till it is so far' groAvn as to be fit for eating, the settler is supported by corn brought with him, or bought or borrowed from his neigh- bors ; and with such fresh game as he can kill, or such fresh fish as he can catch. The same process may be repeated each succeeding year, and with in- creasing advantages, and diminishing difficulties. Thus, in the short space of one summer, the settler is possessed of a fixed residence, and has shelter and provisions from his OAvn resources. His axe and gun in the mean time furnish him with the means of defence against indians, wild beasts, and robbers. Lightwood or the heart of dry pine logs affords a cheap substitute for candles. The same materials which can easily be procured, enable him to kindle an instantaneous fire for any domestic purpose. The surplus of his crop may be bartered for home- spun garments ; or if he is happily married, he may convert the wool of his sheep, the flax or cotton of his field into coarse clothing for domestic use. Thus a natural family is constituted, and in a very short time provided with the three gi'eat necessaries of life—shelter, food, and clothing. From such hum- ble beginnings hundreds of families in Carolina have been gradually raised to easy circumstances. 248 OF THE ARTS Such as aspired to nothing beyond this^style of liv- ings were among the least valuable citizens; for la- ziness, not contentment, bounded their ambition; such as by active exertions sought to obtain some- thing higher and better, were among the best citi- zens ; for while they advanced themsekcs they ad- vanced their country. Settlers of the latter descrip- tion are not long content with their cabins and light- wood torches. In a few years they construct either a frame house or one made of hewn logs. In either case it is floored with boards, and covered with oak, pine, or cypress shingles; and for the most part consists of tvro stories or floors, one above an- other, and is divided into two apartments. A dis- tinction takes place between the dwelling house and kitchen. Other grains besides corn are cultivated. Potatoes, cabbages, turnips, and garden vci^etables are raised, and the table is supplied with Avholesome and agreeable food. Apple or peach trees are plant- ed, and from them cider is obtained and whiskey distilled. If the latter is used in moderation, the proprietor makes his neighbors tributary to him, and commands their labor and resources to a cer- tain extent, in exchange for his liquor. He purcha- ses one or two slaves. He builds a barn and other out-houses. His children are put to school. He becomes a member of a church. Tea, coffee, and sugar are found on his table—his house is glazed and decently furnished. His fields well secured. His stock enlarged and care taken of it. Cattle, sheep, and hogs are occasionally slaughtered for the support of his family, and the surplus salted for fu- IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, 1670—1808. 249 ture use. Their skins are dressed and applied to sundry domestic purposes. Their butter supplies the place of oil in cookery, and their fat furnishes him with candles to the exclusion of lightwood torches. His credit is good with the merchant; but of this he makes a sparing use, dealing mostly for cash. Domestic manufactures are carried to such an extent that over and above clothing his fa- mily, some is left to barter for imported merchan- dize. Their plain native colors no longer satisfy his Avife and daughters. The Avoods are ransacked for dye-stuffs. Indigo, either tame or wild, enables them to give a beautiful blue to their homespun. Sweet leaf, hopea tinctoria, imparts an elegant yel- low color to the labor of their hands. Materials for impressing other colors, if desired, may be easily procured from the fields or Avoods*. Proceeding in * The art of dying ought to make a conspicuous figure among the arts of the Carolinians; for nature has blessed them Avith a profusion of materials for that purpose. To encourage their attention to this subject, the following facts are mention- ed : captain Feldcr, near Orangeburgh, procured a paste from the leaves of the sweet leaf, hopea linctoiia, and those of the yellow indigo, a species of cassia, for which he obtained one guinea per pound during the american revolutionary war. Unfortunately his process died with him. Doctor Bancroft, the ingenious author of experimental re- searches concerning the philosophy of permanent colors, in- formed the writer of this history that his patent for introducing into England several dye-stuffs gained for him 50001. per an- num for some of the last years of his patent. In the course of bis experiments, doctor Bancroft found that some materials for dying could be procured in the greatest abundance from the VOL. If. 2 K 250 Ob THE ART> this manner in the course of a moderate life, the industrious settler becomes an independent man in easy, and often comfortable, circumstances. If, on Avoods of Amerca, Avhich were of equal efficacy with others which commanded a high price in England. This was parti- cularly the case with the bark of the quercus tinctoria or black oak, Avhich is very common in Carolina. Of this he annually imported and sold as much as gained him the above sum. It may be of service to some persons residing in the country to be informed that Carolina affords, among many other dye- stuffs, the following materials for dying the colors to which they are respectively annexed: BLACK. Rhus toxicodendron, poison oak—the acrid juice of this small shrub imparts a durable black without any addition. Gall-berry bush grows in profusion on the margin of our bays, creeks, and ponds; the leaves and berries of it are employ- ed by hatters for giving a black to hats, as also by Aveavers for staining yarn. Lycopus europxus, water hoarhound, or gy/isyivort—the juice of this plant also gives a fixed black dye. Actea spicuta, herb Christopher, or baneberries—-the juice of the berries boiled with alum affords a fine black dye, or ink. Quercus Rubra, red oak, the capsules and bark of the oak afford a good fixture for brown or black dyes. Copperas or alum is commonly used for the mordant, or setting ingredients as they are vulgarly called. BLUES. Indigofera tinctoria, common indigo. Amorpha fruticosa, false indigo—these are Avell known dyes. Fraxinus excelsior, common ash tree—the inner bark is said to give a good blue color to cloth. Note.__P reparations of the cuprum,vitriolatum, or blue stone, are used in dying blues. YELLOW. Urtica dioica, common nettle—-the roots of this give a faint yel- low to cotton. IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, 1670--1808. 251 the other hand, his whiskey becomes too great a favorite, if habits of laziness increase, and labor is either neglected, or transferred to his slaves, every Rhamnus frangula, black berry, bearing alder—the bark tinges a dull yellow. Berberis vulgaris, barberry bush—the root giA'cs wool a beau- tiful yellow. Prunus chicasa, common plumb tree. Pyrus malus, apple tree—the barks of both these are used in dying yellow. Betula, birch tree—the leaves give a faint yellow. Seratula tinctoria, saw wort, and contaurea jacea, common knapvieed, give to wool a good yellow. Polygonum persicaria—spotted arsemart. Lysimachia vulgaris, yellow willow herb, or loose strife. Scabiosa succisa, or devil's bit—the leaves impart a yelloAV color. Hypericum perforatum, St. John's wort, the flowers. Calnendula officinalis, garden marygold, the petals or floAver leaves dried. Cuscuta americana, american dodder, or love vine, produces a bright though not permanent yellow ; it is however in great esteem. Hopea tinctoria, horse laurel, horse honey, sweet or yellow leaf, this shrub abounds in the country, and on James island—is greedily eaten by coavs and horses. The leaves are used for dying yellow. Helianthus Tuberosa, tuberose sun-flower, Jerusalem or ground artichoke—the petals of this plant are used for imparting a yel- low color to wool. Zanthoriza apiifolia, parsley leaved root, yellow root. Hydrastis canadensis, yellow root, hoth impart a beautiful yelloAV. BED. But feAV articles of this kind are known in South-Carolina. Carthamus tinctoria, bastard saffron, is used for cotton; it is said to impart a fine red color to silks—the blossoms only are used. oca * OF THE ARTS thing is reversed. Broken fences, neglected fields, dirty houses, famished slaves, squalid and unedu- cated children, point out a'melancholy rctrograda- tion in useful habits and pursuits. The erection of a distillery, and the purchase of slaves have a deci- sive influence on the future fortunes and characters of such settlers. They are blessings or curses, a? they are used or abused. Rumex allosa, common sorrel—the roots impart a faint red, but is not lasting. Gallium soreale, crosswort madder, and indeed the roots of several species of gallium impart a red color to wool. Sanginaria canadensis, puccoon, or bastard turmeric the roots impart a yellowish red color to wool. Cactus opuntia, prickly pear, imparts a beautiful red color. CRIMSON. Phytolacca discaudea, american night shade, or poke—the juice of poke berries boiled in rain water and set Avith alum, imparts to wool a beautiful crimson, and when fixed with lime- Avater, produces a yellow color. GREEN. Arundo phragmatis, common reed or cane, the leaves of Avhich impart to wool a fine green color. This color is principally obtained by first dying the stuffs yellow, and then dipping them in indigo dye. BROAVN, GOLD, AND OLIVE SHADES. Acer campestris, common mafile, the bark imparts to cotton or wool, a brownish purple, as does also the tops of the origa- num vulgare, or wild majoram. Quercus rubra, red oak, the inner bark of the tree produces an orange or reddish brown color with alum—set with cop- peras, a good black. Juglans nigra, black walnut, the bark of the tree and fruit im- parts to wool or cotton an excellent dark olive color. Humulus lupuli, common hops, the plant dyes a good brown. Agrimonia eupatorium, common agrimony, affords a tolerable gold color. IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, 1670—1808. 253 The buildings in Charlestown were generally mean, and mostly of Avood, before the great fire of 1740. Many of the neAv buildings erected in place of those which had been destroyed, were of brick, and generally more convenient and con- structed with more taste. Twenty or thirty spa- cious brick houses were built by some of the weal- thiest first settlers above 100 years ago, which still remain serviceable dwellings. These Avere all in the vicinity of Charlestown, and mostly on or near the banks of the Ashley #. Brick buildings have been increasing in Charlestown ever since the year 1740. In it there are a feAv of Bermudas stone, seven of clay; all the rest are of brick or wood. In Columbia, the college, the jail, the court-house, and the foundation of the state-house, and three or four private houses, are of brick and all the rest are of wood. In Beaufort their college and 15 dAvelling houses, the arsenal, the baptist church, and the barracks, are built of a composition of lime, oyster shells, sand, and water, commonly cal- led tappy. The episcopal and independent churches, and three dAvelling houses, are of brick. All the other buildings are of Avood. In Camden, Jackson- * In that vicinity and Colleton district, a great proportion of the first Avhite owners of the soil of Carolina located them- seh'es. At an election in St. Andrews in 1806, all the mana- gers and members elected were oAvners of plantations which had belonged to their respective ancestors above one hundred years. The managers were William Bull, and Thomas Chef- felle.----The members elected Avere Elias Lynch Horry, sena- tor, Daniel Elliot Huger, Christopher Fuller, and William Cat- tle, rcpresentatiA'es. OF THE ARTS borough, and the other towns, there are few or no brick dwellings. Of about 120 houses in George- town all are of wood, except ten or twelve. Of a thousand houses in the country, not more than two or three are built of brick, stone, or any other ma- terials than wood. Timber is every Avhere abun- dant and cheap. Bricks are made with considera- ble labor and expense. Though stones are com- mon in the upper districts, most of them require the hand of the artist to fit them for building. Brick and stone both require the cement of lime, which is procured with difficulty and expense in most parts of the state. Much of the ground in the vi- cinity of CharlestoAvn is suitable for bricks. These, when Avell burnt are very durable, and suit well with the climate ; and oyster shell lime may easily be procured. The first four story house in Charles- town Avas built in 1806. Within the last 18 years more lofty, elegant, and spacious brick buildings, both public and private, have been built in Charles- town, than in any preceding thirty or forty years. Within the same period, Bartholomew Carrol intro- duced a new mode of building Avith clay. Seven houses thus built in Charlestown have hitherto an- SAvered very well, and they are as elegant, comforta- ble, and as free from moisture and all other unto- ward accidents, as any brick houses, though they cost much less. They stood the hurricane of 1804, which exceeded every thing of the kind which had taken place since the year 1752: yet the example has not been followed by a single citizen. Some doubts were at first entertained of the safety of IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, 1670—1808. 255 building lofty spacious houses with these materials ; but the experience of 13 years proves that mode- rate sized clay houses, of two or even three stories, may be safely tenanted for that length of time : for aught that yet appears, they may be built as large and last as long as any other houses whatever. Wood in time yields to putrefaction, and may be destroyed by fire. Clay is incapable of the first, and instead of being destroyed by the latter, is only changed into brick*. The intrusion of water might involve dan- ger, but this may w'ith certainty be prevented. Nature has made such ample provision for feed- ing the inhabitants of South-Carolina, that little room was left for art. The sea, rivers, and ponds, abound with fish: the banks of salt-rivers, with oysters, prawns, shrimps, and crabs: the woods with game. Cattle and hogs multiply astonishingly, Avith little or no feeding or care. A fertile soil repays Avith large increase what is planted in it. A little industry in planting, fishing, or hunting, and a little foresight and care in preserving what Avas thus pro- cured from one season to another, readily supplies * In the Repertory of arts, Arol 6th, page 369, or the vol for 1797, there is a specification of a patent granted to Henry Walker " for his invention of a method by which houses and other buildings of any dimessions might be erected in one en- tire mass at much less expense, and which would be equally durable, and less liable to accidents by fire than ordinary build- ings." This is nothing but the application of fire, by means of flues to the different parts of a clay house constructed upon Mr. Carrol's plan. The projector proposes to make not only the walls, but the floors of different stories, the staircases and roof, one entire mar* 256 OF Tilt ARTS the wants of nature, as to aliment. With respect to drink, the country generally abounds with good wholesome water. In Charlestown and the sea- coast, it has a slight admixture of salt, which is apt to disagree with strangers ; but its disagreeable ef- fects are only .temporary and easily removed. The further we recede from the sea shore, the water be- comes cooler and better, and in the interior coun- try is equal to any in the world. Few people, in the simplest state of society, are content with this beverage of nature. Something more stimulant or pungent is generally coveted. Wine, porter, punch, lemonade, and cyder, are used by some; but the ha- bits of Carolinians are in favor of a mixture of ar- dent spirits and water, commonly called grog, for a common drink, when water is not deemed satisfacto- ry. This can be commanded almost every moment and in every place, and is for that reason preferred by most to fermented liquors, which are frequently ren- dered acid in warm weather. Hence breweries are rare, while distilleries are common. The art of pre- paring wholesome agreeable drinks by fermentation, which employs thousands in colder countries, is seldom practised in Charlestown, and still less in the country. . A Carolinian in one season requires the warm garments adapted to cold climates^in another those which are suitable for the f^^f^ torrid zone. Wool, cotton, and flax, and the kin of animals, furnish materials for both; but md* Lemev nts some from applying them to thepur- ooses^o which nature designed them, and the lev. o^ moneyhas the same effect on others who exhaust IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, 1670—1808. 25/ their energies in raising such articles as will sell in market for the greatest amount in money. Where slaves abound and the staple commodities are raised in the greatest plenty, the least attention is paid to the domestic manufacture of articles for clothing. If the crop succeeds and afterwards sells for a good price, there is money to buy clothing ; but if either fails, the reverse takes place, and no provision is made against the pinchings of a cold winter. The least wealthy are generally the most provident. The loom and the wheel are most steadily plied among the minor planters or fanners, Avho are content to follow the guidance of nature in making provisions for the supply of those wants she has imposed on all the human race. Among such, domestic manu- factures now are and for a long time have been car- ried on for almost every necessary family purpose. Tanners and shoemakers are common, who extract extensive accommodations for their fellow-citizens from the skins of animals both wild and tame, though seldom completely dressed. These defend the feet. Equal provision might be made for the head from the wool, the furs, the straw of rice and wheat, the strips of the willow bark, and the palmetto tree*; but these resources are neglected. There * Hats made of the palmetto are mentioned in Lawson's history of Carolina, written above an hundred years ago. They have been lately brought into more general use by the newly imported africans, Avho on discovering the tree in this country, of their own accord began to make hats of the inner laminae of its bark. It is probable from these circumstances, that both the tree and the art of making a covering of the head from it are common in Africa. Hats made of palmetto are uncommonly strong and durable. VOL. II. % L 258 OF THE ARTS are several hatters in the Avestern districts, but very few in the lower parts of the state. Wool, cotton, and flax, either combined or separate, are worked up into plain garments calculated for warmth, but are seldom made of so fine a texture as to be suitable for summer wear. Though domestic manufactures are daily increasing in quantity and improving in quality, and are carried on, especially in the interior parts of the state, to so considerable an extent that their aggregate value is very great, yet they are far short of a sufficiency for the supply of the inhabi- tants. The genius of the people leads them to agri- culture, and they seldom depart from it but when under the pressure of necessity. The time is dis- tant, and a great revolution must take place in the manners of the inhabitants, before they clothe them- selves completely from their own resources. Their workshops will probably long remain in Europe or the more northern states; but as the country abounds with the suitable materials they may, when- ever they please, become a manufacturing as well as an agricultural state*. * Since writing the above, while the public mind was in an impressible state from the privations of the general embargo of 1808, Dr. Shecut by a series of warm addresses to the people, printed in the city gazette, roused a spirit favorable to manufac- tures. After sundry town meetings an association was formed by the name of the Homespun company, which has been incor- porated. Shares in it are taken up payable by instalments, which, when fully paid, will furnish a capital of about g 30,000. A lot of land has been purchased and preparations are far ad- vanced for manufacturing coarse cloths and some have been actually completed. Its progress and success are ardently Avished for by the friends of American independence. IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, 1670—1808. 259 The arts of defence were at all times necessary to the Carolinians. The indians were sufficiently , numerous to have exterminated them. The Spaniards had been in possession of Cuba and Florida longer before the settlement of Carolina than the whole time which has elapsed since it commenced. That the few first settlers, far removed from any friendly aid, were preserved under such circumstances, must be referred to the kindness of providence; for they were unable to have resisted any judicious attack from either indians or Spaniards. What methods they adopted for self-defence are not precisely known The earliest recorded act for settling the militia was passed in 1682. The first settlers doubt- less brought arms with them, and it is reasonable to suppose, that from the moment of their debarkation some common defensive measures were adopted. From the year 1682 militia laws in succession have made it the duty of every freeman of competent age to be armed and enrolled for military purposes. These laws have always been substantially the same, being framed on the idea that every freeman is a soldier, and the whole body of the people an army liable to be called into actual service when public exigence requires it. With this force the province was exclusively defended for the first 90 years otits existence. In the year 1760 the regular troops of Great-Britain for the first time aided the mi- litia of the country against the cherokee Indians, then in connexion with France, at war with the province. On this source of defence, the state con- tinues to rely for security against all internal and external enemies. It is at present respectable; ana ^uu OF THE ARTb is divided into two divisions, each commanded by a major-general. These divisions comprehend nine brigades, thirty-nine regiments of infantry, eight re- giments and a squadron of cavalry, and one regi- ment and a battalion of artillery, besides artillery companies, which are attached to some of the regi- ments of infantry. The brigades are commanded by as many brigadier-generals, and the regiments are commanded by lieutenant-colonels. The governor is commander in chief of all the militia of the state, both by land and sea. This increases every year. At present it approaches to 40,000 men. The militia thus organized, are particularly under the direction of a brigade inspector, Avith the rank of major for each brigade; and of an adjutant-general holding the rank of lieutenant colonel, who superin- tends the whole, and reviews the militia regimentally throughout the state from year to year. The duties of the brigade inspectors are to attend the regi- mental and battalion meetings of the militia, com- posing their several brigades during the time of their being under arms, to inspect their arms, ammunition and accoutrements, superintend their exercise and manoeuvres. The duties of the adjutant general are to receive and distribute orders from the commander in chief to the several corps, to attend all public re- views when the commander in chief shall review the militia, to furnish blank forms of different returns, to receive from the several officers of the different corps throughout the state returns of the militia un- der their command, reporting the actual situation of their arms, accoutrements, and ammunition; their delinquencies, and every other thing which relates IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, 1670—1808. 26l to the general advancement of good order and dis- cipline. From all which returns he is to make pro- per abstracts, laying the same annually before the commander in chief of the state. The appoint- ment of these officers has much benefited the pub- lic service, as the militia throughout the state are disciplined by the same rules, and are taught to per- form the same manoeuvres. Much good has also resulted from the attendance of the governor at reviews. When in real service, the militia are en- titled to n ceive the same pay and rations, and arc subject to the same rules as the troops of the Uni- ted States, except that in case of courts-martial respecting them the court is to be draAvn from the militia of South-Carolina. A naval defence Avas early contemplated. In the year 1686 an act was passed for raising ,£'300 un- building gallies for the defence of the province. From the year 1682 taxes were common for de- fraying public expenses. How, or for what these expenses were incurred, does not appear; but doubt- less in part for defence. Charlestown was early fortified. The precise time is not known, but it is supposed to have been so between the year 1695 and 1704*. From an old map, furnished by doctor * The first mention of fortification in the laws is in 1695, when an act was passed for appropriating the proceeds of a duty on liquors imported, and on skins and furs exported,« to a fortification in Charlestown." The preamble to an act «to pre- vent the breaking down and destroying the fortifications in Charlestown," passed in 1704, states " that at great expense and labor Charlestown had been fortified Avith intrenchments and other works to make it defensible in this time of Avar." -uz OF THE AR'iJs Prioleau, as having long been in possession of hit ancient and respectable ancestors, it appears that the fortifications of Charlestown extended along East-Bay street from Granville's bastion, adjoining captain Messroon's house ; northwardly to Craven's bastion near the governor's bridge; and from these two bastions in converging lines to Meeting street so as to strike it on the north, near its junction Avith the present Cumberland street, and on the south, near to the site of the presbyterian church ; and from one of these points on Meeting street to the other. These limits enclosed almost the Avhole of Charlestown, Avhich tvas then improved, and Avere of difficult approach on the north and south sides, in consequence of two creeks, now obliterated, which then ran nearly parallel to them. On these lines were six bastions, and the outlet Avas by a draw-bridge near where the National bank now stands. To the southward, Avestward, and north- Avard of these lines were small farms. The bas- tions on East-Bay stood and were serviceable in the revolutionary war; but nothing of them now re- mains but their foundations. Carteret bastion, at the northAvest angle, and Colleton bastion at the southwest angle, and the lines between the bastions on the north, south, and west sides, have all been so completely destroyed that not a trace of them remains. A second set of lines to the northward and westward of the first have also been laid waste. It is probable that they were destroyed or fell to pieces between the years 1720 and 1740. Charles- town was in no danger from indians after the ya- IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, 1670—1808. 263 massee war which terminated shortly before 1720, and had but little to fear from the Spaniards after the settlement of Georgia in 1731. While the pro- vince belonged to the king of Great-Britain he was attentive to its defence. At different times he pre- sented to it sundry cannon for that purpose IV wards Cooper river the town was defended by a number of batteries, that no ships of an enemy could approach it without considerable hazard Besides these, the passage up to it was secured by fort John- son built on James island, about three miles below the'town This fort stands in a commanding situa- tion, within point blank shot of the channel, through which every ship in its way to and from Charlestown must pass. During the cherokee war in 1760 and 1761, a plan was also formed for fortifying the town towards the land with a horn work, built of tappy, flanked with batteries and redoubts at proper dis- tances, and extending from river to river; but alter a great sum of money was spent on this work peace bein* restored, the prosecution of it was discon- tinued. , From the expulsion of the yamassees in 1/15, tne province had little occasion for the arts of defence against the indians till after the middle of the 18th century, when that immense region which lies be- tween the western mountains and the river Missi- sippi was claimed and contended for both by France and England. To awe the indians and defend the inhabitants, slight forts were then built at proper distances over a great part of the western country as has been already related. The .era when the 264 Of the arts arts of defence were pre-eminently called into ex- ercise, was at the commencement of the american revolution. The old forts had generally gone to ruin. Fort Johnson was in the hands of an officer of the crown. A noble spirit of defence having taken possession of the Carolinians, they took pos- session of fort Johnson, and repaired it. They built an extensive fortification on Sullivan's island, and several new forts, which with old ones repaired nearly encircled Charlestown both on the land and water side. After the termination of the revolution- ary war the inhabitants, presuming on a continua- tion of peace, paid no attention to several of these forts. Others were sold, and their sites converted into private property. In the year 179$ when war between France and the United States Avas deemed probable, some of them were repaired ; but the dis- pute between the tAvo countries being compromi- sed, they were again suffered to go to ruin. In the present situation of affairs, when disputes exist be- tween this country and both Great-Britain and France, works of defence are once more put into a train of being rebuilt. The sites of all of the forts having been lately ceded to the United States, the arts of defence will hereafter be conducted by the war department of the national government.' It is hoped that such permanent works will ere long be erected as to make it extremely hazardous for any ordinary hostile naval force to enter the harbor of CharlestoAvn. Provision on a smaller scale for the defence of Beaufort and Georgetown is contempla- ted. On the yeomanry of the country reliance is IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, 1670—1808. 2,65 placed for defence against any land force that is likely to attack from that quarter. Ship building is connected ay ith the arts of a country and at all times ranks with its manufactures. For carrying on this noble art, the Carolinians have great advantages. Their live-oak, their cedars, and pines, furnish the best materials for the construction of serviceable and lasting ships. Their live-oak is equal: to any wood in the world, for the timbers of ships. It is of so solid a texture that, different from most other wood, it sinks in Avater. An ex- periment was made some years ago, of the compara- tive Aveight of english oak and Carolina live-oak. A few cubic inches of the latter Aveighed 18 pounds; but the same quantity of the former, no more than fifteen. Ships built of live-oak, have been known to last upwards of forty years, though employed m the destructive climate of the West-Indies, and in carrying sugars, than which nothing is more trying to their timbers. About the year 1740 the Carolinians began seri- ously to attend to ship building: five ship-yards were erected'; one in Charlestown, three in the vi- cinity, and one at Beaufort. In them twenty-four 9quare rigged vessels, besides sloops and schooners, were built between the years 1740 and 1779. At the commencement of the american revolution, when South-Carolina first adopted the idea of defend- ing herself against all hostile attempts to enforce the arbitrary claims of the british parliament, she had not possession of a single armed vessel. In this extre- mity, under the pressure of necessity Avhich could vol. n. 2 M 266 OF Tllh A Ill's brook no delay, it Avas agreed to arm merchantmen. A coasting schooner a\ as fitted out Avith sixteen guns, to which was given the name of the Defence. The Prosper, a merchant ship, Avas mounted with tAventy guns, and soon after another coasting schooner na- med the Comet was armed Avith sixteen guns. A galley called the Beaufort was built, and three small vessels Avere converted into gallies for the protec- tion of the inland navigation. Another coasting schooner was fitted out Avith ten guns, which was intended for the protection of Georgetown. In the progress of the dispute, after british seizures had in- duced the continental congress to authorize repri- sals, the Comet, the Defence, and the Beaufort gal- lies were converted into brigs; and, cruising on the high seas, brought in several prizes. The legisla- ture erected a navy board, and delegated to Edward Blake, Roger Smith, Josiah Smith, George Smith, Edward Darrell, Thomas Corbet, John Edwards, George Abbott Hall, and Thomas Savage, "authori- ty to superintend and direct the building, buying, or hiring of all vessels in the public service, and to di- rect the outfits of the same, and the furnishing them with necessary ordnance, victualling, provisions, and naval stores ; to fill vacancies in the navy or marine, and to draw warrants on the treasury for the sums of money necessary for the purposes aforesaid." These aentlemen took charge of the abovementioned pub- He vessels, and also built a frrig of fourteen guns, to Avhich they gave the name of the Hornet. This was the whole of the Carolina navy for the first four years of the revolutionary war. IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, 1670—1808. 267 In the year 1777 the continental frigate Ran- dolph, captain Biddle, put into Charlestown in dis- tress. After being refitted she sailed on a cruise, and in eight days returned with four rich prizes. This encouraged the state to attempt something in the same way with her little marine. The ship Ge- neral Moultrie, captain Sullivan, the brig Polly, captain Anthony, and brig Fair American, captain Morgan, belonging to private persons, were taken into public service on this occasion. They, m con- junction with the continental frigate Randolph, and the state brig Notre Dame, early in 1778 sailed on a cruise. They descried a vessel to the windward of Barbadoes, and engaged her in the night, pre- suming that she was a frigate ; but she proved to be ' the Yarmouth, a sixty-four gun ship. After an en- aacrement of seventeen minutes, the Randolph blew upnwith three hundred and fifteen souls on board, who all perished excepting four ; who, after tossing about for four days on a wreck, were ^covered and taken up by a passing vessel. Captain Biddle, who lost his life on this occasion, was prized by his coun- try as one of her very best naval officers Captain Joor a worthy, brave officer of the first South-Ca- rolina regiment, with fifty privates of that corps, actio* as marines on board the Randolph, all like- wise perished. The other vessels escaping from the Yarmouth, continued their cruise. They took se- venteen prizes, but only four of them arrived safe in a. friendly port. The great advantages resulting to the state from their little navy, and the manifold distress sustained by the trade for the want of protection, induced the 2€8 OK i'MK ARTS legislature to take methods for purchasing or build- ing three frigates. Alexander Gillon was appoint- ed commodore; John Joyner, William Robeson, and John M*Queen, were appointed captains. The commodities of the country Avere purchased and shipped on the public account, and the commodore was authorized to borrow money on tlie credit of the state. He, with his corps of officers, sailed in the year 1778 for Europe to prosecute the business on which he was sent. Various embarrassments from intercepted remittances and other causes prevented his completing the object of his mission. He ac- complished nothing more than to purchase on credit for the use of the state, a large quantity of clothing, and ammunition, and to hire a large frigate from the prince of Luxembourg, for 'the term of three years, on condition of allowing the prince one fourth of the prizes captured Avhile she cruised at the risk and ex- pense of South-Carolina. After innumerable diffi- culties were surmounted this frigate began to cruise, and in a short time captured several valuable prizes. Her commander had also the sole direction of the Spanish and american marine forces, Avhich in Mav 1782 reduced the Bahama islands under the croAvn of Spain. The fleet, consisting of 82 sail, which undertook this enterprize, was conducted by com- modore Gillon, from the Havanna, through the dan- gerous navigation of the Providence channel. Soon after the termination of this expedition the frigate arrived in Philadelphia. After being completely repaired at an immense expense, she put to sea from that port under the command of captain Joyner. On the second day after she left the capes of Dela- IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, 1670—1808. 269 ware, she w?as captured by three british frigates. In this spirited attempt to equip a navy, the expenses far exceeded the profits. It cost the state of South- Carolina upwards of two hundred thousand dol- lars. Since the termination of the revolution, ship buil- ding has been resumed and prosecuted Avith spirit in South-Carolina. In the year 1798 the frigate John Adams, carrying thirty-two guns, Avas built at Coch- ran's ship-yard by Paul Pritchard. The government of a country must be long settled, and the inhabitants much at their ease before the fine arts command their steady and continuing attention. This is doubtless the reason that they have made so little progress in South-Carolina, as scarcely to me- rit a place in its history. Sculpture, as an art, can- not be said to have any existence in the state ; and engraving is only in its infancy. Thomas Coram has merit as a self-taught engraver, and James Akin has obtained distinction in the same art, but notwithstanding has found it for his interest to seek the reward of his ingenuity elseAvhere than in the land of his nativity. There is some good music in Carolina; but almost all the eminent performers are foreigners, or the children of a few such as have do- mesticated themselves in the country. Many youths of both sexes discover talents for drawing, but few have either the leisure or opportu- nities requisite to raise them to distinguished emi- nence. Among female artists the first place is due to Miss Rosella Torrans and her sister Mrs. Eliza Cochran. In landscape painting they are exceeded by none. From their assiduity in continuing to dc- 270 OF THE ARTS vote a portion of their time almost daily to the stu- dy and practice of this polite accomplishment, their improvement must continue to advance. Thomas Coram, by an innate love of the art and great in- dustry, has far exceeded what could have been ex- pected from his slender opportunities for improve- ment. His picture of the presentation of children to the Saviour of the world, which he executed from a design of Benjamin West, and gave to the orphan house, is a work of extraordinary merit. It does great honor to the elegance of his taste, and the li- berality of his heart. Charles Fraser, who never was beyond the limits of the state, and has had his time engrossed by legal studies, has discovered so much taste and genius for painting, that nothing but leisure, travelling, and practice is wanting to elevate him to first rate distinction among the professors of that elegant art. Washington Alston has enjoyed advantages in'this line beyond any other Carolinian. From his enthusiastic attachment to the art, mani- fested by the sacrifices he has made to enable him to prosecute his studies—from his correct taste and persevering industry, the public anticipate with con- fidence that his talents Avill do honor both to himself and his country. Carolina, and indeed America, is deficient in that critical knowledge which is neces- sary to make such a nice discrimination of the com- parative merit of artists as would stimulate their exertions by judicious applause proportioned to their respective grades of eminence. It is also too young, and too poor in men of taste, talents, and Avealth, to reward her native sons for devoting their whole time to any of the fine arts. In this respect, IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, 1670—1808. 271 our infant country is very far behind the ancient and refined nations of Europe. It is no matter of wonder that West, Trumbull, and Copely, have sought for a reward of their talents elsewhere than in their native country. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF SOUTHBCAROLINJ\, CHAP. VIII. Of the interior of the soil of South-Carolina little is knoAvn. The cultivation of its surface has so ful- ly employed the energies, and so amply rewarded the labors of the inhabitants, that their inquiries seldom penetrated to any considerable depth beneath it. The superabundance of wood precluded all ne- cessity for ransacking the bowels of the earth for coal. This for the most part lies loAver than eighty feet, the greatest depth to which the soil of Caroli- na has ever yet been penetrated. In addition to the common agricultural operations on the face of the soil, it was occasionally penetrated for the inter- ment of the dead, for cellars, and the foundations of houses, for obtaining water, for carrying off super- fluous moisture by drains and ditches, and for the extension of inland navigation. From these sources we know that in Charlestown and near the sea- coast, water for the most part springs about six or eight feet from the surface—that if the digging is continued, it springs so abundantly that it is difficult NATURAL HISTORY, &C. 273 to penetrate much lower, and if that difficulty is conquered the water is too brackish for domestic use. We also knoAv that our descent from the sur- face of highland in the Ioav country is most general- ly through a sandy soil; but Avhen Ave penetrate through river swamps, Ave frequently meet with the trunks of large trees Avhich appear to have been buried for ages ; and that as far as these swamps have been penetrated, they consist of a rich blue clay in a black soft mould of inexhaustible fertility. In digging for domestic purposes, near the ocean, Ave have seldom penetrated more than ten or twelve feet. To go much deeper was generally reputed Avorse than labor lost, for it always introduced us to bad water. Mr. Longstreet conceived the idea that by penetrating forty or fifty feet he would get below the bad water, and find a plentiful supply of a purer fluid than the surface afforded. To bring this theory to the test of experience, he began in 1803 to dig in a vacant lot in Archdale street. For the first eleven feet nothing uncommon presented. The next stratum, eighteen inches, Avas a black marsh mud and sand. This suddenly changed to a yelloAV sand and clay, and continued so for twenty inches, then suddenly resumed the black appear-" ance and gradually changed to mud. Mr. Long- street next came to a bed of oyster, clam, and conch shells, many of Avhich Avere entire; this stratum ex- tended three feet. A yellow sand, intermixed with poAvdered shells was next presented, and continued for two feet. Between the twelfth and twentieth vol. n. 2 N J 274 NATLKAL 111ST0RV foot from the surface, muddy brackish water filled the well so fast as finally to overcome the most strenuous exertions to empty it. This chiefly ascen- ded from the bottom ; for effectual precautions were adopted to prevent any quantity of water from en- tering by the sides. In such a crisis, a mind of less energy than Mr. Longstreet's Avould have abandoned the project. Instead of this, he replaced a consi- derable portion of the earth in the Avell, and laying aside his spade, drove down a holloAv tube of three inches diameter in the cavity of which a machine for boring was introduced. These were made to penetrate through the earth to the depth of fifty-four feet. The soil between the 20th and 47th foot was a continued dry, stiff, black clay. It Avas of such a consistence as to bear the chissel or plane, and to be capable of being cut into any shape. Knives are sharpened by drawing them over its surface when made smooth. Another stratum of shells presented itself for the next two feet. The black clay then became less rigid, and soon terminated in sand with little resistance to the operator. On descending tw» or three feet the water rushed up the tube forty- eight feet, so as to be only six feet from the surface, and with such rapidity as to yield fifteen gallons in a minute. The joy of the projector on this event may be more easily conceived than expressed. This water, after exposure to the air for a few minutes, resembled common well-water in taste and appear- ance, and was nearly of the same temperature. It readily lathered with soap, and gave satisfactory evidence ©f its being softer than common pump-wa- OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 9,75 tei*. It was free from lime, iron, copper, lead, vi- triolic acid, or any acid ivhatever in a separate state; but contained a small proportion of common salt, ra- ther less than is to be found in common wells. From the result of this experiment, Mr. Long- street Avas sanguine in the belief that if he had been supported so as to carry down a circular close wall of forty feet diameter to the depth of sixty or seven- ty feet, he would have got below all bad water, and have commanded an inexhaustible reservoir of what was good; perhaps derived by subterranean com- munications from the upper country but certainly from a source sufficiently high to cause its ascent to the vicinity of the surface; and that this vrater perco- lated through the bowels of the earth would be free from impurities on its surface, and in quantities suf- ficient for the supply of Charlestown. After one thousand dollars had been expended, the further prosecution of the subject was dropped; but under an engagement to be resumed when adequate funds were provided for the purpose. The only advantage that has resulted from the experiment is a little more information of the interior of that portion of the state on which Charlestown is erected*. * It is submitted to the Avater company of CharlestoAvn Avhe- ther in case of their meeting Avith difficulty in procuring a suf- ficiency of Avater, it would not be worth while to make a fur- ther experiment on Mr. Longstreet's plan. That there are subterraneous streams of water running to the ocean from distant high lands is probable, and in some cases certain. In Modena in Italy, on digging into the earth, a column of water rushed above the surface. The same is said to have taken place lately in the city of Washington. As the land of this state a^end? about three feet every mile, if by accident an exjaeri- a'° NATURAL HISTORY ^ Another experiment Avas made nearly at the same time, but for Aery different purposes; Avhich demon- strates the possibility of enjoying health in Charles- town though in a subterraneous residence. On the night of the 9th of October 1802 William Withers, a horse dealer from Kentucky, descended through a grate into one of the covered arched drains that per- vade the streets of Charlestown and passed along the same till he Avas opposite to the South-Carolina bank. He then began operations to make a subter- raneous passage across from the drain to the vaults in which the cash of the bank Avas deposited. In prosecuting this business he passed ninety days and nights under ground and in a prone posture. For the first twenty-two days after his descent, the weath- er was so uncommonly warm as to be on an average nearly seventy-nine on Fahrenheit's thermometer. For the last sixty-eight days, the heat varied from seventy-four to thirty-three on the same instrument. In the first period yellow-fever, intermitting, and other fevers of warm seasons were common among the inhabitants. In the last period pleurisies, colds, and catarrhal complaints Avere in like manner fre-' menter on Mr. Longstreet's theory should strike a subterraneous stream, flowing from any distant western source, its ascent above the surface would be great, and might be made very use- ful. If it only eame from the distance of twenty or thirty miles, it might have an elevation sufficient to discharge water in the highest stories of ordinary houses in Charlestown. The first experiment, though made under great disadvantages, produ- ced an ascent of forty-eight feet. The project is founded on such plausiWe grounds as to merit further trials. Elkington's suc- cessful plan for draining lands is founded on principles that cor- roborate Longstreet's theory. OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 277 quent; yet all this time Withers enjoyed good health, with the exception of a feAv slight head-aches and pains in his bones, Avhich generally went off Avith perspiration in the course of his next repose. He had no blanket nor covering of any kind but his light ordinary apparel which he never put off. He was sometime exposed to serious danger from the springing of Avater, and his bed was earth which was often damp. His food was mostly bread, butter, and cheese; and, Avith the exception of one bottle of Avine, water was his only drink. Butter burning in a lamp afforded him light. Three days frequently passed without discharging the contents of his boAvels. , The enjoyment of so much health for so long a time under such circumstances, was, in addition to the excitement of his mind, probably owing to the absence of several of the causes of diseases. The heat of Avell Avater and of the earth a few feet below the surface is generally the same in all countries as the medium heat on an average of the different sea- sons in these countries respectively. This in Char- lestoAvn is sixty-five or at most sixty-six on Fahren- heit's thermometer. Withers must haA'e enjoyed a steady unvarying atmosphere of this temperature, Avhile the inhabitants above ground Avere panting un- der a heat of eighty, or distressed with the cold of thirty-three on the same instrument, and subject to all the changes of an atmosphere vibrating from one extreme to the other. The attempts at inland navigation in Carolina have extended our knowledge of the interior of its .oil The cuts which have been made across penin- 1011. ine cuu= brought to view such 5ula,, near the «*■coasj, g, ^ ^^ qrrit,e8t°heidel na in former times' an immense ^oSUes of thatspecesof wood grew Santee to ^op^er ^ ^ ferent strata of clay, mu , . rescmbiing soft ^ ^i: a t* o 6 inches deep entirely soap or jelly from about ^ Tb^T-S P Thf-^one metlithin digging 0f nme s o e l ^ day> and was gene ally cove J ^^ ^ ^ Slat, f/Ltllow the surface, there was a „d Savannah beg.nnmg a. Wapp ^.^ ^ bluff where it fa!.* 7^ha7aCgreatpartof this distance some attenuon and can affirm tha g F ( has been a cypress swamp. T^*«<«" P Wand six nules east of new cut, andI tbi cxamined them at KVeraITeTlVr V^ng^! ee^htmUcswestof new cu, tow tide and at M^ *«»8 P ^ high marsh ,and Mr George Kive.s own3_o examined three years MW S.tC- 4 .oga ef cypress, and be- ago and found many J .. f , , are sull grew- tow this place on the W^-w side-te ^ ^ i„g near the lugh lands W Mand , believe ..us « ^ <~^£o h gh marsh tods accessible ^ge wherever tt ^^gj^ . ««r Jh« *W ,„ly to the spring odes. ----&««« / ^. iaas. OS SOUTH-CAROLINA. 2/9 variety of strata, among which was a very fine white clay. There Avas a stratum of red clay resembling red ochre. In this part of the canal the workmen got doAvn to the natural bed of springs. In the course of this extended line of digging, were found trunks of trees 7 feet below the surface; also many oyster shells of uncommon size and bones of mon- strous animals, unlike to any which are now known to exist. The latter were found 8 or 9 feet under the ground and lying so near together as to make it pro- bable that they originally belonged to one and the same animal. Its size may be conjectured from its ribs, one of which when dug up Avas nearly six feet long; and from one of its jaw teeth which was eight inches and a quarter long, three inches and a half wide, and its root eleven inches and a half Ions. The depth of the tooth from its surface to its bottom was six inches and a half. The other parts of the skeleton were in a relative proportion. The necessity for digging wells in the interior country is much less than on the sea coast; for na- tural springs of water are more common as we ad- vance towards the western mountains. Where these fail, water cannot be generally procured Avithout dig- ging from fifteen to eighty feet. The intermediate soil is for the most part clay, but sometimes sand Along the sea coast, and for 100 miles AvestAvard, South-Carolina is generally low and flat: thence to its Avestern extremity it is diversified with hills rising higher and higher till they terminate in the Alleghany mountains, which are the partage ground of the -eastern and western waters. In the vallies between *0U NATLilAL HISTORY these hills, a black and deep loam is found. This has been found by abrasion from the hills, and from rotten trees and other vegetables whicli have been collecting for centuries. Carolina, lying on the east side of the partage ground between the eastern and Avestern Avaters, is considerably lower than the corresponding parts of the United States which are on its Avest side. Hence it follows that when the snows melt, or heavy rains fall on the mountains, much more of the Avater pro- ceeding from these sources is determined to the at- lantic ocean than to the river Missisippi; in conse- sequence of which Ave are often too wet while our western neighbors are too dry. There are some circumstances Avhich make it pro- bable that the Avhole of the low country in Carolina was once covered by the ocean. In the deepest descent into the ground, neither stones nor rocks obstruct cur progress; but every where sand, or beds of shells. Intermixed with these at some consider- able depth from the surface, petrified fish are some- times dug up. Oyster shells are found in great quantities at such a distance from the present limits of the sea shore, that it is highly improbable they were ever carried there from the places where they are now naturally produced. A remarkable instance occurs in a range of oyster shells extending from Nelson's ferry on the Santee river, sixty miles from the ocean in a south-west direction, passing through the intermediate country till it crosses the river Sa- vannah in Burke county, and continuing on to the Oconee river, in Georgia. The shells in this range OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 2S1 are uncommonly large, and are of a different kind from Avhat are now found near our shores. They are in such abundance as to afford ample resources for building and agriculture. On doctor Jamie- son's plantation six miles north-east from Orange- burgh, and about eighty miles from the atlantic ocean, ten hands can raise in a Aveek as many of these oyster shells from their bed, though seven feet beloAv the surface, as when burnt will yield twelve hundred bushels of lime. In digging for them there is nothing but common earth for the first seven feet. The soil for the next four feet is a whitish colored mass, intermixed with shells of the afore- said description. A blue hard substance resembling stone succeeds for the next three or four feet. Of this lime may be made, but of an inferior quality. Under this is sand, the depth of which is un- known. The sea-coast of Carolina is intersected by in- lets, creeks, and marshes. From their meanderings and junctions many islands are formed*. Some of * " I have been upon all the sea-islands and hunting islands from Sullivan's to Savannah river : some of them arc bedded on clay on the north side, some on the south ; whilst others, say St. Helena and Hiltonhead, have no clay at all. Their surfaces are nearly uniform. The vallies and rising grounds run north- east and south-west through their whole extent; and from their corresponding angles, indicate their formation under the water. The small islands lying between them and the hunting islands have the same form and figure. It is remarked by many, that all the small creeks running in and on each side of the sea- islands, have groAvn much wider than they were forty years VOL. TI. 2 0 282 NATURAL HISTORY these are increased on their western extremities by accretions, and diminished on their eastern border by the operation of the ocean dashing against them. ago, cutting down the bluffs from ten to forty feet. At Edisto island I was shoAvn by Mr. Joseph Jenkins a few years ago, a large live oak in the creek, now the abode of sheeps-head and other fishes, which he assured me Avas a shade to the school- house Avhen he Avas a boy. The hunting islands which skirt the sea-islands must be considered as new land, and appear to have been formed above Avater ; and though many of the sand- hills follow the direction of the coast, yet internally, and at their endings, they lie in all directions and must have received their figure from the prevailing winds. That the ocean now advances on the shore, I have no hesitation in believing; for the sea has Aery much narrowed the belt which is the barrier be- tween them ; and one of the islands opposite Edisto island is pierced through in some places. Nevertheless, these islands must have existed a long time, since there are liA-e oak and pine trees on some of them as large as any perhaps in the state. Hiltonhead has no island to skirt it; but yet it has the same belt of sand-hill land. This is also the case with Sim- mond's island, the north side is clay, and similar to St. John's island. On the south-west end of Edisto is a mound of shelte from fifteen to twenty feet high, and its base half an acre of land. It is called the Spanish mount; but as savages drew the better part of their subsistence from the sea, from the many banks of shells scattered about this point of land, I apprehend that there Avas a large settlement of indians in the vicinity, and- that this pile of shells may have been placed there by some re- gulations among themselves. On St. Helena are two mounds of human bones, the one fifteen, the other ten feet high. One covers a quarter of an acre, the other less. They are called " the indian burial place." I saw one of them opened when I was a lad, and Avell remember the red beads and broken earthen vessels among the bones, and these last lying in every direc- tion. The indians say that a great battle had been fought there long before the white people were heard of. This is what I heard from my family Avho were among the first settlers of OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 283 On such of these as are contiguous to the main, monuments of indian antiquities are occasionally found. Other islands are doubtless wholly of ma- rine origin, and are accumulations of recrements thrown up by the action of the atlantic waters. The main land, contiguous to these islands, is level with a surface of light black earth, on a stratum of sand. It is free from stones for 80 or 100 miles, and has a gradual ascent. This has been mathematically ascertained by Mr. Peraux to be three feet for every mile of the first eleven from Charlestown. The high lands in the low and middle parts of the state generally produce extensive forests of pine, but yield poor returns for what is planted in them. These pine barrens, as they are commonly called, have little or no underwood, and are occasionally intersected with veins of fertile land, producing va- luable timber. Swamps and bogs abound in the Ioav country Avhich empty their waters into some ri- ver or inlet communicating with the sea. Savan- nahs or plains without trees are also common, and some of them cover a considerable extent of surface. The margins of the rivers in Carolina are of inex- haustible fertility, and make excellent rice planta- tions. These are composed of a large proportion of dark blue clay, and near the sea are often cover- ed with rushes and salt water sedge, and extend this country ; my grand father, Richard Reynolds, being for a long time commander of the English garrison first established on Port-Royal island."----Extract of a letter from Benjamin Reynolds, esq. to the muthor, dated Wadmalaw, December 1, 1808. 284 NATURAL HISTORY themselves to the adjacent high pine lands. These swamps in their natural state abound with useful timber of various kinds, and when cleared, they re- ward their cultivators Avith plentiful crops, especial- ly in seasons that are exempt from freshets. In the intervals between the rivers there are often inland SAvamps, fresh water lakes, and great quantities of low level land which, after heavy rains, continue for a long time overfloAved. The remainder is dry, and for the most part sandy. The soil of South-Carolina is naturally, and for the purposes of taxation, politically divided into the following classes : 1. tide swamp; 2. inland swamp; 3. high river SAvamp, or low grounds commonly called second low grounds; 4. salt marsh; 5. oak find hickory high land ; 6. pine barren. The tide and inland swamps are peculiarly adapted to the culture of rice and hemp; the high river swamps to hemp, corn, and indigo. The salt marsh has hitherto been for the most part neglected, but there is reason to believe that it would amply repay the expense and labor of preparing it for cultivation. The oak and hickory high land is well calculated for corn and provisions, and also for indigo and cotton. The pine barren is the least productive species of our soil, but is the most healthy. A proportion of it is an indispensably necessary appendage to a swamp plantation. It is remarkable that ground of this last description, though comparatively barren affords nourishment to pine trees which maintain their verdure through winter, and administer more to the necessities and comforts of mankind than any OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 2A5 other trees whatever. This may perhaps in part be accounted for by the well known observation that much of the pine land of Carolina is only superfici- ally sandy; for by digging into it a few feet the soil in many places changes from sand to clay. The tide swamps are of so level a nature that fre- quently a few inches of water can cover them for agricultural purposes. These in the legislative va- luation of lands for taxation form the first grade of land in the state. The swamps above the influence of the tides are subject to freshets and therefore ha- zardous, but in other respects are of immense value. From this description of the Ioav country it is ap- parent thatthere must be a predominance of moisture, and from the co-operation of heat, there is a strong tendency to putrefaction. From the same causes and the presence of acid gases floating in the common atmosphere, metals are very subject to rust. This is particularly the case with iron which when expos- ed to the air loses in a short time all its brightness and much of its solidity. In the middle country sand-hills arise to a con- siderable height above the adjacent lands. Very little is to be seen growing upon them and that little is of a diminutive size. The soil produces scarcely any grass and is often so sandy that the footsteps of animals walking over it may be distinctly traced. On the low grounds between these hills, a rich mould is sometimes deposited and always fertilizes the soil. When rivers run through them, their mar- gins are very rich and yield large crops. In this middle country the high hills of Santee are situated. These arise two hundred feet aboA'e 286 NATURAL HISTORY the adjacent lands. Their soil is a mixture of sand, clay, and gravel, and produces highland grain and cotton in abundance. Their inhabitants enjoy the comforts of life together with health, pleasure, and profit, in a greater combination than is common in the southern states. Stones and rocks, hills and dales, begin to appear and long moss to disappear about the falls of the rivers. Loose stones on or near the surface are rarely so numerous as to be inconvenient or trouble- some. A stone wall or a stone house is seldom to be found in South-Carolina. Near the falls, the soil changes to a dark and fertile mould on a stratum of clay or marie. The water courses are rapid, and as they pass along emit a guggling sound never heard in the low country. The hills swell into more tow- ering heights and gradually form the base of moun- tains. These divide the state from Tenessee and the eastern waters from those which empty themselves into the Missisippi. The Avestern limits of Carolina so much resemble the apex of a triangle, the base of which is on the sea-coast, that only four of the 25 districts into which it is divided can be called mountainous. These are the districts of Pendleton, Greenville, Spartanburg, and York. In that part of the state 7 or 8 mountains run in regular direction. Among them the Table mountain in Pendleton district is the most distinguished. Its height exceeds 3000 feet, and 30 farms may be distinguished at any one view from its top by the unaided eye. Its side is an abrupt precipice of solid rock 300 yards deep, and nearly perpendicular. The valley underneath ap- OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 287 pears to be as much below the level as the top of the mountain tOAvers above it. This precipice is called the lovers leap. To those who are in the val- ley it looks like an immense wall stretching up to heaven. At its base lie whitening in the sun the bones of various animals who had incautiously ad- vanced too near its edge. Its summit is often sur- rounded with clouds. The gradual ascent of the country from the sea-coast to this western extremi- ty of the state, added to the height of this mountain, must place its top more than 4000 feet above the level of the Atlantic ocean: an eminence from which vessels crossing the bar of CharlestoAvn might be seen Avith the aid of such improved glasses as are noAv in use. Large masses of snow tumble from the side of this mountain in the Avinter season, the fall of which has been heard 7 miles. Its summit is the resort of deer and bears. The woods produce mast in abundance. Wild pigeons resort to it in such flocks as sometimes to break the limbs of the trees on Avhich they alight. The Oolenoy mountain is in the vicinity of the Table mountain. From it a cataract of water des- cends 6 or 700 feet. This forms the southern head branch of Saluda river. The summit of the Oconee mountain near the head Avaters of Keowee and Tugoloo rivers is 5 or 600 yards above the adjacent country. From it there is a most beautiful prospect of Georgia and of the cherokee mountains. The country between Oco- nee and Table mountain is generally Avild, but all the vallies are highly cultivated. Some of them have produced 100 bushels of corn to the acre. From £8$ NATURAL HISTOR* the numerous settlements in them, and the hoards ot children avIio rush from every cottage to gaze on tra- vellers it is apparently the most populous part of the state. When the country which is over-looked from these mountains is cultivated and adorned with villages and other embellishments, it will afford such brilliant prospects as may give full employment to the pencils of american artists. In this part of Carolina indians have resided for time immemorial. Here Avere situated their tOAvns, Eseneka, Keowee, Eustaste, Foxaway, Kulsage, Oustinare, Socony, Estatoe, Warachy, Noewee, Conorass, Tomasse, and Clieokee, besides many others whose names are noAv forgotten. In the midst of them near the east- ern bank of the Keowee river stood fort George in which a garrison was long continued for the protec- tion of that part of the state. But time has swept aAvay both the one and the other. A pellucid stream Avhich meanders among these mountains makes 2 falls of nearly 50 feet each; then calmly flowing about 200 yards it is precipitated upwards of 80 feet. This last descent is extremely beautiful. The rock over which it tumbles is in the form of a flight of short steps. At its summit it is about 12 feet broad but increases as it descends to .96. The protuberances, Avhich resemble steps, break the cur- rent into a thousand streams. These pour in every direction and cover their moss grown channels with foam. The original stream is small and turbulent. Although the Aveight of water is not great it is so dissipated as to produce a most beautiful effect. About 4 miles from general Pic ken's farm there is another cataract; to approach which it is necessa- OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 285 ry for visitants occasionally to leap, crawl, or climb. The mountains arise like walls on each side of the stream which is ehoaked by the stones and trees that for centuries have been falling into it. The catar- act is about 130 feet high, and some sheets of the stream fall without interruption from the top to the bottom. All the leaves around are in constant agitation from a perpetual current of air excited by this cataract, and causing a spray to be scattered like rain to a considerable distance. Another catar- act may be observed descending from the side of a mountain about six miles distant. This is great- er and more curious than the one just described. Paris's mountain is situated in Greenville district; from it the Table mountain, the Glassey, the Hog- back, the Tryon, and Kings mountain are distinctly visible. INIany farms are also to be seen from this beautiful eminence. The rocks on its southern side are adorned with the fragrant yellow honey-suckle. Reedy river is formed by the streams which flow from its surface. A spring impregnated Avith iron and sulphur issues from its side. This is said to cure ringAvorms and other diseases of the skin. The Glassey and Hogback mountains are situa- ted near the boundary line of Greenville and Spar- tanburg districts. Waters flow from them which form the sources of the Tyger and Pacolet rivers. These at their fountains are too cold to be freely drank in summer. On these mountains there are four or five snug level farms, Avith a rich soil and extensive apple and peach orchards. Cotton and sweet potatoes do not thrive thereon. The settle- V0L.II. 2 P 290 NATURAL HISTORY ments are all situated on the south side, for the north is unfit for cultivation on account of prodi- gious rocks, precipices and bleak cold winds. Every part, even the crevices of the rocks, is covered with trees and shrubs of some kind or other. The ches- nut trees are lofty, and furnish a quantity of excel- lent food for SAvine. In these mountains are several large caverns and IioIIoav rocks, shaped like houses, in Avhich droves of hogs shelter themselves in the great snow storms which occur frequently in Avinter. The crops of fruit, particularly of apples and pea- ches, never fail. The climate in these mountains is less subject to sudden changes, than in the plains beloAv. Vegetation is late, but uhen once fairly begun, is seldom destroyed by subsequent frosts. Neither arc there any marks of trees being struck with lightning, or bloAvn up by storms. It is sup- posed that the mountains break the clouds, and that the lightning falls below ; for there the effects of it are frequently visible. On the Hogback mountain there is a level farm of thirty or forty acres of the richest high land in South-Carolina. This is cover- ed with large lofty chesnut trees, with an under- growth of most luxuriant Avild pea-vines, very use- ful for fattening horses. These animals while there are free from flies. The ascent to this mountain is very steep for about tAvo miles; but with the ex- ception of thirty or forty yards, expert horsemen may ride all the way to its summit. The prospect from it towards the north and west, exhibits a con- tinued succession of mountains one ridge beyond another, as far as the eye can see. OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 291 From a spring on one of the small mountains, between the Hogback and the Tryon, Avater is con- veyed more than a thousand feet in a succession of Avooden troughs, to the yard of a dwelling house built by Mr. Logan. It empties into a large re- servoir from Avhich, when filled, it runs over, and soon mingles with the adjacent north Pacolet river, which is there a very small stream. Thus a great domestic convenience is enjoyed by a single moun- taineer, which has not yet been obtained by the opu- lent city of Charlestown. On King's mountain, in York district, the real limestone rock has been discovered. This has also lately been found in Spartanburg district. Before these discoveries the inhabitants had frequently to haul lime for domestic use upAvards of an hundred miles. Beautiful springs of water issue in plentiful streams from these mountains. They also for the most part produce a profusion of grass, and are clothed to their summits with tall timber. The in- termediate vallies are small, but of great fertility. Hence the pastoral life is more common than the agricultural. The soil of the Table mountain is ex- cellent ; that of the others is stony and less fertile. But chesnut, locust, pine, oak, and hickory trees grow on them. The champaign country which be- comes more level as it approaches the sea, affords an interminable vieAv finely contrasted with the wild irregularities of these immense heights which diver- sify the western extremity of Carolina. Only a small part of South-Carolina is favored with mountains, but every part of it. is intersected 292 NATURAL HISTORY Avith river?. Its side, which borders on the sea, is Avatered by the WaccamaAv, Pedee, Black river, Santee, Wandow, Cooper, Ashley, Stono, Edisto, Asheppo, Combakce, Coosaw, Broad, and Savan- nah rivers. Some of these have two mouths, other- have several heads or branches. The Santee, in particular, is formed by a junction of Congarce and Wateree rivers. The same stream, Avhich below is called Wateree, passes in the upper country by the name of the Catawba. Congarce is formed by a junction of Broad and Saluda rivers. Broad river unites in its stream three rivers, the Enorce, the Tyger, and the Pacolet, and afterwards becomes a component part of the Congaree; which last named river, uniting Avith the Wateree, takes the name of Santee. Most of these rivers have a margin of swamp ex- tending from half a mile to three miles. The short ones head in swamps, but the long ones in the mountains or other high grounds. They all run in a south-eastern direction from their heads to the sea, Avhich if extended, would cross the mountains and vallies in an acute angle to the south of east. Wac- camaw river takes its rise in North-Carolina, and empties into Georgetown bay. Broad, Coosaw, Port Royal, and other short rivers, are properly arms of the sea. Their waters are deep, and their navigation safe. Broad and Port Royal rivers can safely and conveniently accommodate a large navy. They insulate a great part of Beaufort district, and by their windings and junctions form islands.-— These generally are suitable to the culture of cotton or indigo. OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 293 Wando river empties itself into Cooper about three miles above CharlestoAvn. It is navigable for about twenty miles, and then heads in swamps. Cooper river rises in Biggen and other swamps, and is about one thousand four hundred yards broad, where it empties itself into Charlestown harbor. It is na- vigable by schooners and sloops to Watboo bridge, about fifty miles, and its eastern branch admits like vessels as far as Huger's bridge. Ashley river originates in the Cypress and other contiguous swamps, and, uniting with Cooper river at White Point, forms Charlestown harbor. Its na- vigation for sea vessels extends only a few miles, but for sloops and schooners as far as Bacon's bridge. Its Avidth opposite to Charlestown is about 2100 yards. Stono river rises in swamps not far distant from the ocean, into which it empties itself between Keywaw and Coffin land. Its navigation extends above Rantowle's and Wallace's bridge, but to no great distance. Asheppo river springs from swamps in the low country, and empties itself into St. Helena sound. Its navigation extends nearly the whole of its short course. Combakee river originates in Salt Catcher swamp. Its navigation for schooners and vessels, is about 30 miles. It empties itself into the atlantic ocean through St. Helena sound. Black river takes its rise in the middle country from the high hills of Santee. It winds between Santee river and Lynch's creek, and having formed a junction with the Pedee, their united waters are 294 NATURAL HISTORY emptied into Georgetown bay. Its navigation for schooners and sloops extends many miles up its stream, and for flat bottomed boats, flats and rafts, as far as its forks. Edisto river is too shallow to admit boats of hea- vy burden to any considerable distance. In a full riA'er the navigation of its northern branch is open as far as Orangeburgh, and its southern branch is also navigable some miles, until it is interrupted by islands and shoals. When the river is low, it is for- dable at Parker's ferry, about 35 miles from the sea. This river takes its rise in the middle country from the ridge of highland which lies between the Con- garee and Savannah rivers. These tAvo last men- tioned rivers, like all others which terminate in high lands, are subject to freshets. Savannah river is bold and deep, and its naviga- tion extends from the sea to Augusta for boats of seventy tons. At this place the falls of the river commence. Beyond it the navigation is continued for sixty miles to Vienna for boats of thirty tons or more. The navigation of Santee river extends from the sea to the fork of the Congaree and Wateree rivers, thence up the Wateree to Camden on one side, and up the Congaree to Granby on the other, for boats of seventy tons. At these places the falls and ra- pids of the rivers commence ; their upper branches are dispersed extensively over the country*. Some- * Broad river, one of the branches of the Congaree, is the northern and eastern boundary of Union district. The Enoree river is its western and southern boundary. Besides these two OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 295 times they are obstructed by rocks, but in general their current is gentle and deep. In light boats and full rivers several hogsheads of tobacco have been brought down their streams Avith safety. The Pedee also stretches from the sea towards the mountains, through the northern part of the state. Its free navigation extends from the sea to Greenville for boats of seventy tons, and from thence to Chatham for boats of lesser draught. Here the navigation is impeded by rocks and shalloAvs, al- though in full rivers boats of light burden descend with the stream from North-Carolina. These large rivers, by innumerable tributary streams, spread themselves throughout all the upper country. Some of their branches are Avider than the rivers themselves. KeoAvee, though two hundred yards wide for several miles above its confluence Avith the Tugoloo, is the narrowest of these two streams whose united waters take the name of Savannah river. Hence Avhen the accumulated waters of rain and shoav pour down their channels, the adjacent low lands and intervals are overflowed with destructive freshets. The natural advantages for mills and other labor- saving machinery, are great in most of the upper rivers, the Pacolet runs through its northern portion, and forms a confluence with Broad river at Pinckney Ville. Tyq;er ri- ver runs through its southern portion, and forms a confluence with Broad river at its south-eastern extremity. Fairforest creek, which from its size seems entitled to the appellauon of river, takes rise in Spartanburg, and after running 25 or 30 miles nearly through the center of Union, discharges itself into the north side of Tyger river. 296 NATURAL HISTORY districts, but especially in those at a moderate dis- tance from the mountains. The springs which gush from their sides after running sixty or seventy miles, become streams from one to three hundred yards wide. These have many shoals where they spread wider, and are so shallow as to be generally forda- ble. In the intermediate spaces, the water is on an average from eight to ten feet deep. At many of these shoals the falls are sufficient Avith the aid of a small dam to impel the most weighty machinery. At some of them the falls are so great and abrupt as to admit twenty feet Avheels upon the over-shot construction Avithout any, or at most very short races : at others the ledges of rocks extending across the river form a natural dam quite sufficient for the obstruction of as much Avater as is required for working one or two mills. The artist has little to do but to erect his house and machinery. These places generally afford a sufficiency of durable materials for erecting the necessary buildings. They also frequent- ly afford the rock out of Avhich the mill stones are cut. Smaller streams, called creeks, take their rise at the foot of the hills : these are from ten to fifteen miles in length, and generally contain such a quantity of Avater as, with the advantages of the falls which they afford, is sufficient to give activity to labor-savino- machines of the largest size. Many of the branches that take rise from the springs at the foot of the hills, after running two or three miles, aflord beautiful sites for the erection of similar works upon a smaller scale. Some of these are now improved for the purpose of cleaning cotton OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 297 with the savv-gin, and a feAv of them have also a pair of mill stones fitted up in the gin house which, without manual labor, serve for grinding a sufficien- cy of grain for a distillery and for domestic con- sumption. The common tides along the coasts of South-Ca- rolina rise from six to eight feet at neap tides, and from eight to ten feet at spring tides ; they are however much influenced by wind ; for a neap tide with a south-eastwardly wind is higher than a spring tide Avith a north-westwardly one. Along the coast the depth of sea-water is from two to five fathoms to a distance of some miles from the shore. In ge- neral the tides ascend our rivers as far as thirty or thirty-five miles in a direct line from the ocean. This however is to be understood only in those ri- vers whose streams are not impetuous; for in the Santee the tides do not flow more than fifteen miles in a direct line and the salts are so kept back by the column of fresh Avater, continually flowing doAvn that, except in times of great drought, they do not ascend further than two miles from the sea. When a drought prevails, they scarcely ever penetrate more than three or four miles in a direct line. The salts pro- ceed further up Georgetown-bay, and are sometimes injurious to agriculture fourteen miles or more from the sea. The Savannah river partakes also of the same influences, and nearly in the same extent with Santee river. FeAv lakes are to be found in South-Carolina: one hoAvever, situated in BarnAvell district, presents a beautiful sheet of Avater near a mile in circumfer- VOL. II. 2 Q Cy8 NATL'UAL HlS'iOKY cnce. Large rivers of this state present us witli several instances where their Avaters have broken through peninsulas and avoiii a short channel as Avide and as deep as the circuitous one which they before pursued. When the mouths of these old channels are partly stopped up, and the streams in them become sIoav, they are denominated lakes. Of such is Lowder's lake on Pedee river, over which the surrounding lands project elevations of near one hundred feet. Asbestos which is incombustible, though capable of being drawn into threads and formed into a re- semblance of cloth, is found near the head waters of Lynche's creek. Soap stones, steatites, rock chrystal, Avhite flint, fuller's earth, clays of various natures and of beauti- ful colors, potter's clay, isinglass, ochres, chalks, and marles, have all been found in different parts of the state. A quarry of gray stone, resembling free stone, which works well and splits easily, has been discovered at Beaver creek. The foundations of some of the locks of the Santee canal were formed of this stone. Rocks suitable for mill stones are common in the upper country. Good slate has been found near the sour- ces of Lynche's creek. Some fine clay was brought to Charlestown from the cherokee country about the year 1760; Avhich, being sent to England by doctor Garden, was returned in the form of a tea equipage equal to the finest imported from China, and was long used as such in his family. Iron ore is very common in the upper country, particularly in the mountainous districts, and of so OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 299 good a quality that it yields one fourth of its weight in excellent iron. In the cherokee mountains lead ore has been found in great abundance, and so rich as to produce two thirds of its crude Aveight in pure lead. Specimens of copper and of several other metals have been discovered, but no thorough investigation of them nor of the other hidden riches of the state has ever been made. It is the general opinion of the inhabitants that the true wealth of Carolina is to be derived from its surface by labor and industry. There are doubtless valuable medicinal springs in the state. Some are rising into fame and begin to be frequented, but their component parts and real virtues have not been hitherto ascertained Avith satis- factory precision. So much of South-Carolina is level that cascades are very rare, especially in the low country. There cannot be recollected a single instance of an over- shot mill within 100 miles of CharlestoAvn, though one might be advantageously worked at each end of the Santee canal. There are many such in the upper country, and a few beautiful natural Avater falls. One of these is the precipice across Reedy river at Greenville court house. The perpendicular fall is thirty-six feet, and exceeds the whole breadth of the stream. In dry seasons the river is *brdable on horseback, or at particular times may be safely walked over by stepping from one rock to another; but Avhen the water rises but two or three feet, any attempt to pass over it is hazardous in the extreme. The impetuosity of the current is such, that a per- son crossing, either by wading or riding, would be 300 NATL UAL HISTORY almost certainly thrown off his balance, precipitated down the fall and dashed against opposite rocks. From the Glassey, Table, and Oolenoy mountain^ streams of Avater, fifteen or twenty yards wide, tum- ble into the vallies beloAv, and in the whole of their passage dash upon and foam over rocks. Nothing in South-Carolina is equal to the CataAv- ba falls. They are situated above Rocky mount Hills confine the descending stream as it approaches to them. When it advances nearer it is further nar- rowed on both sides by high rocks piled up like Avails. The Catawba river, from a Avidth of 180 vards, is straitened into a channel about one third of that extent, and from this confinement is forced down into the narrowest part of the river called the Gulph. Thus pent upon all sides but one it rushes over large masses of stone, and is precipitated down the falls. Its troubled Avaters are dashed from rock to rock.»and foam from one shore to another; nor do they abate of their impetuosity till after they have been precipitated over twenty falls to a depth very little short of 100 feet. Below Rocky mount the agitated waters, after being expanded into a channel of 318 yards width, begin to subside but are not composed. A considerable time elapses before they regain their former tranquillity. The wildncss of the steep and rugged rocks—the gloomy horrors of the cliffs—the Avater falls which are heard pouring down in different places of the precipice, with sounds various in proportion to their respective distances and descents—the hoarse hol- low murmuring of the river running far below the summit of the rocks and of the adjacent surface of OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 301 the earth, are objects well calculated to excite emo- tions of wonder and admiration in the mind of spec- tators. The scenery is sufficiently grand and curious to attract the visits of the most distant inhabitants of Carolina. These falls greatly impede the water communica- tion between the upper and lower country. To open it is the object of an incorporated company. In their speedy and complete success every citizen, and especially the Santee canal company, has a great and decisive interest. These falls give such a command of water as points out Rocky mount and the vicinity to be a most eligible site for labor-saving machinery. Merchant mills, and machines for les- sening the expense and labor of carrying on manu- factures of every description, may there be cheaply kept in constant motion by a water poAver which might be extended to' every purpose of utility or convenience. It is situated in the heart of a fertile and thickly settled country, abounding with provi- sions and raw materials for manufactures, where lata and provisions are comparatively cheap, and where there is every prospect of a growing vent for all useful commodities among rapidly increasing in- habitants. The situation of Grimkeville at Rocky mount is not only fascinating for its beauty, but eminently calculated for the enjoyment of health and transaction of business. Its summit is considera- bly higher than the top of lofty trees in the vicinity, and it commands a most extensive view of the sur- rounding country. At its base a shad fishery might be carried on to great advantage and to any desirable 30l2 NATURAL HISTORY extent either for domestic consumption or exporta- tion. From the head Avaters of the CataAvba in the vi- cinity of MorgantOAvn, a turnpike road or a canal might be formed to the head Avaters of both the Kan- haway and Tenessee ; Avhich three rivers head near each other. Either, when accomplished, would fa- cilitate an intercourse between CharlestoAvn and the states of Kentucky and Tenessee on easier and bet- ter terms than it can be carried on between these western states and any other atlantic port in the union. Carolina partakes so much of the nature of a West-India climate that generally five or six and sometimes seven or eight months of the year pass without frost. It partakes so much of the climate of temperate cold countries that only three months of the year are always exempt from it. Frosts have been known as late as May and as early as Septem- ber. Except extraordinary seasons, the months of November, December, January, and February ne- ver pass without it. It sometimes terminates for the season with the month of February, and has been known to keep off as late as the 1 Sth of November*. * After the hurricane of September 1752, the season was so mild that all the fruit trees put out in blossom and the fruit of some ripened. There was no frost until Christmas day, when rare-ripe apples of the second crop Avere gathered fit to eat. Something of the same kind, though not to an equal degree, took place after the hurricane of 1804. On the 12th of Decem- ber of that year ripe mulberries, and ripe wild cherries, were gathered in the vicinity of Charlestown. Apples and pears jjrew to a large size, but did not reach maturity. OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 305 The period of vegetation comprehends in favorable years from seven to eight months. It commences in January or February and terminates in October or November; a term too short for ripening the most delicate fruits of southern latitudes. The su- gar-cane, ginger, bread-fruit, pine apple, banana, and coffee trees, cannot stand the severity of a Ca- rolina winter; though they grow well in summer. Gooseberries, currants, and cherries, cannot or rather have not been made to groAv to any purpose in the low country. Wild cherries are common in the woods ; but of garden cherries few or none, with ordinary care, bear fruit of any consequence; though the trees grow very well. Figs, apricots, nectarines, apples, peaches, pears, olives, and pomegranates, also almonds, pechan or illinois nut, though exotics, have been naturalized in Carolina to good purpose and stand all seasons. Orange trees are uninjured in ordinary winters, but the frosts of such as are un- commonly severe occasionally destroy their stems. Most of them groAv again from the roots with the return of the next warm season. These thrive best in the low country near the sea, and in the most southern parts of the state. Apples and peaches may and have been raised in small quantities and of a very good kind in and near Charlestown ; but in o-eneral they can only be cultivated to advantage in the middle or western parts of the state. Of all the variety of fruit none thrives better than pears, pome- granates, and Avater melons. The latter grow in Carolina to an enormous size, and are equal it not superior to any in the world. 304 NATURAL HISTORY Carolina cannot be called a good fruit country, yet some is furnished from the stores of nature in almost every month of the season Avhen it is most wanted. Blackberries, strawberries, apricots, and raspberries, are ripe in April and May. Plumbs, huckleberries, early pears, apples, peaches, together with figs and nectarines, follow. Water melons and musk melons continue from June to October. Po- megranates, late peaches, pears, apples, grapes, and winter plumbs, come in towards the termination of the hot weather. Haws, sloes, and fox-grapes, in October. Chinquapins, chesnuts, and persimons, still later. If to these refreshing and agreeable fruits we add the great variety of esculent vegetables, particularly asparagus, english peas, artichokes, irish potatoes, green corn, a variety of beans, squashes, pompions, okra, tomatoes, salads, beets, carrots, cabbages, and cucumbers, most of which are in sea- son for a great part of the summer, we will find abundant reason of thankfulness for the ample pro- vision made for the gratification and comfort of the heated thirsty inhabitants of our half West-India climate. Of the various articles of comfort which have been enumerated all except corn, potatoes, and caravan- saras or indian peas, are exotics introduced and naturalized by the care and attention of intelligent persons. Much has been done, but the field is open and invites to further experiments. Several of the finest countries of the world have a soil and climate like to that which we inhabit. As an independent people, we have access to all countries, and a mer- cantile intercourse Avith as many of them as we OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 505 choose. The productions of the countries bordering on the Mediterranean sea, of Persia, India, China, Japan, of the greatest part of Africa, and of South- America, might be successfully introduced into some parts of the state. Rice, indigo, and cotton, the three great sources of our wealth, all came from or grow in India ; which is but one of the many coun- tries resembling Carolina. Some commodities equal- ly or even more valuable* may be in reserve to re- ward the investigations of the present inhabitants. As this state enjoys many of the comforts of tro- pical countries, it is in like manner subject to some of the violent convulsions of nature which agitate these peculiar regions. From the fatal consequen- ces of earthquakes, Ave are happily exempt. A mo- mentary one that did no damage, is recollected by some of our old citizens as having taken place on the 19th of May 1754. Another is remembered by many still living, as having taken place about 2 o'clock in the morning of April 4th 1799. Though earthquakes in Carolina are harmless, thunder storms are not always so. When they take place, especially if in the night, their grandeur ex-' * A more remarkable species of cotton, naturally of a crim- son dolor in the pod, has been mentioned by different travel- lers as growing in Africa and principally in the Eyeo country. Mr. Clarkson states that a small specimen of it was brought to Great-Britain in the year 1786. He adds that " the value of this cotton would be great both to the importer and the manu- facturer of muslins; the former would immediately receive eight shillings for a pound of it, and the latter would gain con- siderably more by his ingenuity and taste. Bancroft on colors,/!. 68 55* 69. VOL. II. ' 2 R 306 NATURAL H1S10RY ceeds description. The frequent balls of fire burst- ing from cloud to cloud; the forked flashes darting between the clouds and the earth, and from the one to the other alternately, illuminate the Avhole sur- rounding atmosphere and form a magnificent and striking scene. The solemn sound of distant thun- der, followed by the vast explosion on the one hand, and the repercussive roar on the other, appear tre- mendously awful. The beasts of the field start from the thicket and gaze at the surrounding pros- pect Avith evident symptoms of terror and astonish- ment, and the Avinged tribes seek the shelter of the groves. Sometimes indeed these storms are of short duration, particularly Avhen they come attend- ed Avith brisk gales of wind; but Avhen that is not the case, they often last four or five hours. While the clouds are gathering the atmosphere, though be- fore serene, is suddenly obscured. To the inhabi- tants accustomed to view such appearances, and to experience their salutary effects in cooling the air and earth, the thunder storm produces more plea- surable than alarming sensations; but to strangers the " peal on peal, crushed, horrible, convulsing earth and heaven," is exceedingly solemn and terri- fying. As the flashes of lightning from the clouds commonly strike the highest objects, and the whole country is covered Avith woods, the fury of the storm for the most part falls upon the trees. Such storms sometimes occasion considerable damage particu- larly to the ships in the harbor; and sometimes they are attended with showers of hail which fall with such force as to beat down the corn in the OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 307 fields, and to break glass windows. Our elder citi- zens inform us, that thunder storms were in the days of their youth much more frequent and more inju- rious than they have been for the last thirty or forty years. This is remarkably the case in Charlestown, and is probably in part owing to the multiplication of electrical rods. Dr. Hewat, who wrote about 1775, asserts that he had known in Charlestown, " five houses, tAvo churches, and five ships struck with lightning during one thunder storm." Nothing comparable to this has occurred for many years past. It is nevertheless true, that during the summer there are few nights in Avhich lightning is not visible in some part of the horizon*. * On Tuesday morning, 12th November 1799, from a little af- ter midnight until day light, the firmament in Charlestown exhi- bited a singular but splendid phenomenon. Instead of a few solitary meteors sporting along the sky, which is not unfre- quent, they appeared in countless numbers darting incessantly in all directions. Some of them emitted a light so vivid that objects in a chamber not very dark were rendered visible. A similar phenomenon was observed at the same time at sea about 60 or 70 leagues from the bar. The like was seen at the same period as far to the south as 2(J degrees of north lati- tude, and 71 degrees of longitude. Accounts from Nassau in New-Providence, mentioned the same appearance to have been noticed there on the same morning. During the appearance of this uncommon phenomenon, the weather was very calm; yet the fears of some timid persons Avere so excited by the eoruscations of effulgent light darting in all directions, that they apprehended the day of judgment and conflagration of the world to be at hand. On August 2d 1806, about 7 o'clock, several thick clouds were gradually gathered in Charlestown, through which for more than an hour there was a superbly grand appearance of lightning OUO NATURAL HISTORY South-Carolina, by its proximity to the torrid zone, is exposed to the conflicts of elements in a greater degree than the northern states. To the southward the atmosphere is continually rarefied by excessive heat. A colder atmosphere from the northward, has a constant tendency to rush to the point of greatest heat and restore the equilibrium. To this warfare of elements may be ascribed the destructive Avhirlwinds which sometimes lay Avaste particular parts of Carolina. One of these took place May 4th 1761. It was seen between one and two o'clock P. M. coming from the south-west like a large column of smoke and vapor. When it had adanced to the vicinity of Charlestown, it was providentially opposed by another whirlwind from the north-east. The shock of their junction was so great as to alter the direction of the former, whereby a great part of but without thunder. About a quarter past 8 o'clock, a smart shower of rain came on accompanied with some lightning and thunder. This in a short time cleared away, though the clouds still continued to hover from the south-west to the north north- west : the moon, then in the fourth day of its last quarter, rose Avith great splendor, while the firmament to the eastward was studded with a number of brilliant stars. At half past 8 o'clock a very unusual phenomenon occurred; a lunar rainbow was very plainly to be seen. It had none of the brilliancy of the solar rainbow ; but was of a dark mud color. The arc was completely formed rising at the summit to about 40 degrees above the horizon. It continued perfect for about 10 or 13 minutes, and then began to disappear and in a few minutes va- nished. These uncommon phenomena Avere accurately ob- served and noted at the time of their appearance by Dr. Tuck- er Harris. OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 309 the town Avas left Avithout the range of its violence. It then passed down Ashley river with such rapid- ity and force, that in a few minutes it reached Re- bellion road where a fleet of loaded vessels lay; five of these Avere overset and so suddenly sunk, that the people in their cabins had not time to come on deck. Several others would have shared the same fate had not their masts given way. All those over which the whirlwind passed were laid on their sides. While many of the inhabitants unsuspicious of any danger sat at dinner, they were alarmed with an uncommon sound like the continual roaring of distant thunder. Looking round for its cause they saw a tremendous cloud advancing rapidly towards them with a circular motion, and large branches of trees hurled about in its vortex. Its diameter ap- peared to be about 300 yards, and its height 30 de- grees, while a thick vapor emitted from it ascended much higher. The quantity of materials which composed this impetuous column and its prodigious velocity, gave it such a surprising momentum as to plough Ashley river to the bottom and to lay the channel bare. Floods of Avater fell on those parts over Avhich it moved. As the Avind ceased soon af- ter the passage of the whiriAvind, the branches and leaves of trees Avhich had been hurried along with it began to fall, and for half an hour darkened the air in their descent. A thousand axmen, employed for a Avhole day in cutting doAvn trees, could not have done as much execution as was done by this whirlwind in one minute. Young and pliant trees by yielding to the storm escaped its fury, but those 310 NATURAL HISTORY which were more inflexible and firmly rooted were broken off and hurled away. Among such were some live oaks of nearly two feet diameter. Of these, though probably weighing more than two tons, no remains could afterwards be found except their roots which were never separated from the earth. The same tremendous column was seen at noon upwards of 30 miles south-Avest from Charles- town. In the vicinity of the latter it arrived 25 minutes after two P. M. In its rapid intermedi- ate course, exceeding fifteen miles an hour, it made an avenue of great width tearing up trees, houses, and every thing that came in its way. By 4 o'clock the wind was fallen—the sun shone out—the sky was serene—and every thing appeared so quiet, that a stranger just arriving could scarcely believe that so dreadful a scene had been recently exhibited if so many melancholy proofs of its reality did not obtrude themselves to his astonished view. Minor whirhvinds often proceed through the up- per country, sometimes in a width of half a mile, tearing up the largest trees in their way or twisting and shivering them to pieces. Storms of hail also take place whose effects have been destructive to different parts of the state. The hills on both sides of the Catawba river near Rocky mount, suffered severely from one which occurred some years ago. The discharge of hail stones was so heavy and large that the pine trees were com- pletely killed, and still exhibit a wild and avvful spectacle. Fields of wheat and other grain were beaten to pieces and destroyed. In April 1793, a 0F SOUTH-CAROLINA. 311 similar storm SAvept through part of Orangeburgh and Ninety-Six districts; and in 1797 one passed along the eastern side of Cooper river lasting about half an hour, and depositing on the ground hail stones three inches in circumference. The grain in the fields, and the vegetables in the gardens, were completely destroyed; and birds and poultry were killed. The commencement of the year 1800 was un- commonly cold, and several snow storms took place in the months of January and February: some of these covered the grounds of the loAver country six inches, and those of the upper country two or three feet deep. During this time a remarkable sleet fell in a vein of ten or fifteen miles wide from Broad river towards the Savannah. The cold and the sleet produced many long and heavy icicles ap- pendant on the trees. The icicles by their number and weight bent saplings to the ground; but the full grown trees Avhich did not bend were broken off in all directions and the ground for miles cover- ed with their ruins. The woods in that part of the state still present a wild and haggard appearance. When either floods of rain or of melted snoAv pour down the rivers of Carolina, the adjacent low lands and intervals are overflowed Avith freshets. As early as the year 1701 we are informed by Mr. Lawson in his history of Carolina of a great inun- dation Avhich about that time had rushed down San- tee river rising perpendicularly thirty-six feet. In January 1796 a similar one came down the same river. No bridge could withstand its fury. Trees 312 NATURAL HISTORY and houses were borne down by it? stream. A wooden bridge over Broad river a few miles above Columbia, and another about seven hundred feet long over the Congaree river at Gran by upwards of forty feet high above the common level of the river, and many of Avhose piers were fastened by iron bolts into solid rock at its bottom were SAvept aAvay. At Granby the tobacco Avare-house, together with one hundred and fifty hogsheads of tobacco, was des- troyed. The Camden tobacco ware-house on the banks of the Wateree river met the same fate. Dwelling houses, corn houses, cattle, horses, and hogs, Avere carried down by the violence of the cur- rent ; and vast beds of sand were fixed on fertile tracts of swamp land to their irreparable injury. The collected waters of almost all the rivers in the upper country at length formed a junction at the confluence of the Wateree and Congaree rivers and rushed on the country below with destructive velo- city. They rose at the rate of three inches an hour and continued to rise for some days. The current in a great degree swept directly down the swamp in a width in some places more than five miles from the high pine lands on either side. Great qnantities of provisions—thousands of bushels of indian corn— and many hundred barrels of rice were destroyed. Some of the negro houses of the lower plantations on Santee were torn up and carried by the torrent entirely out to sea. Rice plantations within a few miles of the ocean, and on the best pitch of tide, were overflowed for near a week; the water being from two to three feet above the rice field banks. OF SOUTH-CAROLIXA. 313 The force of the freshet was so strong that for some days the ebbing of the tides was scarcely perceiv- able. This great flood poured itself into Hell hole .swamp, and from thence entered the different bay^ which communicate with the eastern branch of Cooper river, passing over the high partage ground Avhich divides the Santee from Cooper river, to ascend which the Santee canal Avas undertaken. At the same time a similar flood swelled Savannah river, laying the town of Augusta in Georgia gener- ally two feet under water, and damaging goods therein to a large amount. It tore away an exten- sive bridge near eight hundred feet long belonging to. Wade Hampton which had been thrown over that river from South-Carolina, and carried destruc- tion before it down to the town of Savannah. The height of this freshet was supposed to be at Augus- ta from thirty-five to forty feet above the common level of the river. At Granby and Camden the height of the waters in the Congaree and Wateree rivers must have been nearly at the same elevation. Just above the confluence of North and South San- tee, the water was twenty-one feet above the com- mon level. The best lands in the state were mate- rially injured by this enormous freshet. It brought loss and distress to many individuals, and the well- earned prospects of a year's industry were either SAvept away or injured beyond the possibility of re- covery. Towards the termination of the hot season, blow- ing weather is common and in some measure neces- vol. n. 2 S 314 NATURAL HISTORY sary to restore the equilibrium between the heated air of the south and the cold air of the north. The autumnal equinox seldom passes in the vicinity of the torrid zone without some conflict of the elements more or less dangerous. In the 138 years which have taken place since the settlement of Carolina, several minor storms* have passed over without ex- citing any permanent public attention. But four having done extensive mischief are particularly re- * In a blank leaf of the church book of the independent church is the following note: " memorandum; There was a former register kept belonging to the meeting house and con- gregation, which by misfortune of the great hurricane that happened the 5th and 6th of September 1713, was lost; when the house where the late Mr. William Livingston deceased then lived, and in whose possession it was, at White Point in CharlestoAvn in this province, was washed and carried away by the overflowing of the sea." Of this hurricane nothing more is known. Since writing the above a very old manuscript written by the venerable Thomas Lamboll, who was born soon after Charlestown began to be built and died in 1775, has been put into the hands of the author by his daughter Mrs. Mary Lamboll Thomas, from which are collected the following par- ticulars of the above hurricane which are unnoticed by all his- torians. "1713. On September 5th came on the great hurri- cane which was attended Avith such an inundation from the sea and to such an unknown height that a great many lives were lost; all the vessels in Charlestown harbor, except one, were drove ashore. The new Look-out on Sullivan's island, of wood, built eight square and eighty feet high, blown down ; all the front wall and mud parapet before CharlestoAvn undermined and washed away, with the plat-forms and gun-carriages and other desolations sustained as never before happened to this town. To the northward of Charlestown the hurricane was r»ore violent, but at Port Royal it was not much felt." OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 315 membered, and have been called hurricanes; an appellation usually given to those convulsive storms in the West-India islands in which the fields of su- gar canes are destroyed and the canes torn up and hurried away in confusion. The first of these hur- ricanes was in 1700. The swelling sea rushed in upon Charlestown with amazing impetuosity, and obliged the inhabitants to fly for shelter to the se- cond stories of their houses. Happily few lives were lost in town, but a large vessel called the Ri- sing Sun, belonging to Glasgow and commanded by James Gibson, which had come from Darien with a part of the unfortunate scotch settlers, at the time of the storm rode at anchor off the bar. The hurri- cane drove this ship from her anchor and dashed her to pieces against the sand banks, and every person on board perished. Archibald Stobo a presbyterian clergyman, lieutenant Graham, and several more belonging to the ship, being on shore escaped the disaster. The men going next day in search of their unfortunate countrymen, found the corpses of the greatest part of them driven ashore on James's isl- and, where they spent a whole day in burying them. Of the second in 1728, very few particulars have been recorded. Newspapers which are now so common had then no existence in Carolina. Du- ring the summer of 1728, the weather was observed by the inhabitants of Charlestown to be uncommon- ly hot. A dreadful hurricane followed, occasioning an inundation which overflowed the town and the low lands, and did incredible damage to the fortifi- cations, houses, Avharves, shipping, and corn-fields. 316 NATURAL HISTORY The streets of Charlestown aa ere covered w ith boats, boards, staves ; and the inhabitants were obliged tc take refuge in the higher stories of their dwelling- houses. Twenty-three ships were diven ashore, most of Avhich Avere either greatly damaged or dash- ed to pieces. The Fox, and Garland, men of Avar. stationed there for the protection of trade, were the only ships that rode out the storm. This hurricane. though it levelled many thousand trees in the mari- time parts*, Avas scarcely perceived an hundred * One fact preserved by tradition in a particular family, ha» reached us, Avhich as an historical document, fixing the date ot this hurricane and pointing out the then situation of Charles- town, is Avorth mentioning. A considerable portion of that central thickly settled pu-. t of the city lying to the northward and eastward of the National bank, was at that time an orchard, just beginning to bear nectarines, apricots, pears, and other choice fruit. The same day destroyed this orchard, the pro- perty of John Laurens, and gave birth to his son James. These cotemporaneous events, on the 3d of September, old style, Avere too interesting to be forgotten by those particularly con* cerned. When the circumstance of an orchard so near the center of this city is compared with the present state of things, it cannot fail of exciting admiration at the vast increase of Charlestown in the short space of eighty years. The hurri- canes of 1700, 1713, 1728, 1752, and 1804, were all in Sep- tember, and between the 8th and 16th of that month. When allowance is made for the change of style, all of them appear to have taken place within eight days of each other in their re- spective years. Reducing the whole to the new style, or pre- sent mode of computing time, the earliest was in 1804, on the 8th of September, and the latest in 1700, nominally on the 5th, but really on the 16th of the same month The date of the hurricane of 1728, is by doctor Hewat erroneously fixed in August. It is 'fixed as above, on the 3d of September, old style; that author assigned no date for the hurricane of 1700. It is fixed as OF SOUTH-CAROLIXA. 317 miles from the shore. The hurricane of 1752 ex- cited the longest and greatest portion of public at- tention. The few surviving chroniclers Avho Avere witnesses of its devastation even now frequently take a mournful pleasure in reciting the particulars there- of to their listening grand-children and great grand- children. In the months of June, July, and August 1752, the Aveather in Charlestown was warmer than any of the inhabitants before or since have ever ex- perienced. The mercury in the shade often arose above, on the 5th of September, old style, on the folIoAving ground : John Lawson, Avho wrote an account of Carolina one hundred years ago states, that on the 28th of December 1700, he set out from Charlestown for North-Carolina. On the se- cond day of his journey he fell in Avith a Scotchman living near Sewee bay, on an island then called Dixe's island. The scotch- man treated his guest with oatmeal, and informed him " that he had obtained the oatmeal with several other effects, from the wreck of the Rising Sun, a scotch ship Avhich had been cast away near Charlestown bar on the 5th of the preceding Sep- tember." Fixing these dates with precision is of importance; for when exactly ascertained, they not only tend to diminish the period of terror which in the season of hurricanes disturbs the minds of many in Charlestown, but furnish data from past ex- perience for rational conjectures on the probable time of their taking place. The inhabitants of Suilivan's island, and of the sea-coast, should be attentive to all great changes of the Avea- thei between tne 1st and 16th of September, particularly after very hot summers, and especially Avhen an uncommon roaring is heard from the sea. It appears that hurricanes have gene- rally come earlier in the season. The two first in 1700 and 1713, were on September 16th ; that of 1728, was September 14th ; that of 1752, September 1 ith ; that of 1804, September 8th. It is therefore more probable that the next will be before than after the 8th ot September. 318 NATURAL HISTORY above ninety, and for nearly twenty successive dayi varied between that and 101. By such excessive heat the air becomes greatly rarefied, and a violent hurricane commonly follows and restores the ba- lance in the atmosphere. In such a case the wind usually proceeds from the north-east. These storm? indeed seldom happen except in seasons when there has been little thunder, when the weather has been long dry and hot. Accordingly on the 15th of Sep- tember 1752, a dreadful hurricane took place. In the night before, it Avas observed by the inhabitants of Charlestown that the Avind at north-east began to Woav hard and continued increasing in violence till next morning. Then the sky Avas suddenly overcast, and it began to drizzel and rain. This north-east wind blew Avith so much violence as to stem the gulph stream in its northern course and to throAv it on the shores. About 9 o'clock A. M. the flood came rolling in with great impetuosity, and in a little time rose ten feet above high water mark at the highest tides. The streets were almost instantly covered with boats, boards, wrecks of houses and ships. Before II, all the ships in the harbor were driven ashore; and sloops and schooners Avere dashing against the houses of Bay-street. The stores on the several wharves from Ropers on the south and Wragg's on the north of East Bay-street Avere all broken up and lodged in large heaps on the governor's bridge and the yards or open ground in its vicinity. When the gale came on there was a large ship at anchor at Sullivan's island road. When it was over that ship, no longer visible, was supposed to be" OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 319 foundered, but was shortly after found in Clouter's creek, about six miles north of Charlestown. Du- ring the gale she had drifted with her anchors ahead through the marsh opposite the city, called Shute's folly, and also passed over another piece of marsh land three miles higher up, called Drum isl- and, without the loss of any of her crew, masts, or yards. After taking out two schooner loads of her car^o, she was hove down at Hobcaw careening place. On examination it appeared that she had sustained no other damage than the loss of some of her sheathing plank, torn off by oyster shells. She was afterwards re-loaded and safely arrived at Lon- don after she had there been given over as lost. Another vessel was driven with her anchors ahead from off White-Point through the mouth of Vander- horst's creek. In passing, she carried a\vay the 60uth-Avest corner of the baptist new church, and af- terwards safely grounded on the west side of Meet- ing street. Her draft of water was from nine to ten feet. A ship with a cargo of palatines had anchored in Ashley river a day or two before the gale. She with her anchors was driven into the marsh near to James island, where, by continual rolling, the pas- sen iiers were tumbled from side to side. About twenty of them, by bruises and other injuries, lost their lives. The Hornet sloop of war with seven anchors ahead drifted almost on shore near to the place where Gadsden's wharf now stands. Her bowsprit and foremast were cut aAvay to prevent her foundering. She Avas the only vessel in the harbor 320 NATURAL HISTORY that rode out the storm. All others Avere Avreckcd, damaged, or driven on the wharves. The conster- nation Avhich seized the inhabitants, exceeds all de- scription. Finding themselves in the midst of a tem- pestuous sea, and expecting the tide to flow till one o'clock, they retired at eleven to the upper stories ot their houses, and contemplated a speedy termina- tion of their lives. At this critical time providence mercifully interposed and surprised them with a sudden and unexpected deliverance. Soon after eleven the wind shifted, in consequence of which the Avaters fell five feet in the space of ten minutes. By this happy change the gulph stream, no longer stem- med by the violent blast, had freedom to regain its usual course, and the town Avas saved from eminent danger. Had the gulph stream continued to flow in upon the town, its destruction would have been inevitable. Almost all the tiled and slated houses were uncovered; several persons were hurt, and some tvere drowned. The fortifications and wharves were almost entirely demolished—the provisions in the fields in the maritime parts were destroyed, and numbers of cattle and hogs perished in the Avaters. The pest-house on Sullivan's island, built of wood, with 14 persons in it, was carried several miles up Cooper river, and 9 of the 14 Avere droAvned*. * Several of these particulars are stated on the authority of Josiah Smith. This was the greatest and most destructive hurricane that has ever yet taken place in Carolina. The at- tention of the public being called to the subject of hurricanes by a very destructive one wliich took place in 1804, the medi- cal society wishing to perpetuate a minute account of both, di- ©F SOUTH-CAROLINA. 321 In September 1804 after an interval of 52 years, another hurricane took place. This proceeded from a junction of two simultaneous gales of wind on the .ected Dr. Prioleau to collect and particularly state the material facts relative to these important events, and to modernize the cotemporary statements of the hurricane of 1752, which by a change of names and circumstances were no longer intelli- gible. This service he performed very much to the satisfac- tion of the society ; of it much use has been made in this his- toric statement. The result of his inquiries was recorded in the journal of the society. That part of it which relates to the hurricane of 1752, is nearly as follows : " As the hurricane of the year 1752 far, very far exceeded both in violence and de- vastation the one of 1804, it may be both useful and interesting to collect its history not only to enable us to make a compari- son between them, but to apprize us of the danger and destruc- tion to Avhich Ave may be subjected from eastwardly storms. By the politeness of our president, Dr. James Moultrie, I have been favored with a very^xcellent and minute account of the hur- ricane of 1752 written by his Avorthy and learned father Dr. John Moultrie ; from which, together with the information commu- nicated to me by my father who was in the city at the time, and has a perfect recollection of the occurrences, we shall be ena- bled to compile an accurate account. " As great changes have taken place in our city since that pe- riod by increased population, extension, change of property and other circumstances, and as the above account refers to build- ings which have long since been demolished and to places the names of which have been altered, it will become necessary in order to understand the extracts to make a partial reference to the situation of the city at that time. In doing which it is only necessary to observe, that the aspect of the city has been very much changed since the year 1752. The creeks which ran partly through the town have been obliterated, the low grounds have been filled, and even the most elevated spots have received additional height from the rubbish Avhich must neces- sarily accumulate in so populous a place. VOL. II. 2 T J-- -VAlURAL HISTORY coast. The one commenced at the Carribec islands and proceeded north-wrstwardly along the coast of Florida, Georgia, and South-Carolina. The other u The town was in a state of fortification. At White Point there Avas a considerable fort. A very strong brick wall, the curtain line, extended on the east side of East bay street from Roper's wharf to the governor's bridge, at each extremity of which there was a bastion. The wharves Avere few in number, the most northwardly of which is now owned by captain John Blake. With the exception of the low stores on the wharves, the vendue store which was opposite Tradd street, and the old guard-house where the exchange now stands, there Avas not an house on the east side of East bay street, nor Avas there land at that time on which one could be erected. The water washed the curtain line from one end to the other, except only in those places where the wharves projected from it. On the night of 14th September 1752, it was cloudy and boisterous. Friday September 15th, was extremely stormy in the morn- ing ; and the wind, blowing from the north-east, increased and continued with very little variation until eleven o'clock, A. M. Its violence was so great that no person could stand against it without support. About 9 o'clock A. M. when agreeably to Uic course of the tide it should have been low water, it was observed greatly to exceed the height of spring tides, and con- tinued rising until the wind, which blew from the north-east and east-north-east, shifted to the south and south-west. The mountainous sea which then raged in the harbor began to fall, and the water returned in a very surprising manner. But for this change of wind, it is probable that the Avhole town Avould have been laid in ruins, as the tide had, according to the usual routine, two hours to flow, and a foot more of Avater, would have inundated the highest spot. We cannot but shudder at the recital of the havoc it produced. Granville's bastion, situ- ated at the south-east .corner of East bay street, on the very spot which is now occupied by captain Messroon's house, was much shaken, the upper part of the wall beat in, the platform with the guns upon it floated partly over the Avail. The upper part of the curtain line, a solid wall at least four feet thick, Ava« OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 323 commenced at the north-east, and proceeded south- Avestwardly. These two gales after having separate- ly done much mischief met, and forming a junction beat in upon the bay, from Granville's bastion to Lloyd's Avharf, now Geyer's; and from the spot where Cochran's wharf noAv is to Craven's bastion, which is now occupied by a house of Mr. Pritchard's, near the south-east corner of the governor's bridge. " The ware-houses, scale-houses, and sheds upon the wharves, Avith all the goods in them, were swept away ; the solid parts of the wharves much levelled. All the floating materials of the Avharves, ware-houses, and their contents—naval stores, boards, timber, shingles, staves, canoes, small craft, and bar- rels, were washed up under the curtain line from Lloyd's Avharf, now Geyer's, to the place where Cochran's wharf now stands, and from thence to Craven's bastion, as the curtain line was beat in; the same confused mass was washed up against the houses on that part of the bay, to their great damage, and up into Queen street as far as Kinloch's court. All the vessels in the harbor, of every description, except the Hornet sloop of war, drove ashore. The small craft, except a few, were so torn to pieces, crushed, and blended with the materials of the wharves and ware-houses, as hardly to be discriminated. " A pilot boat drove up on the pavement, close to Mr. T. Smith's door, the house which Mr. Gardner afterwards lived in, opposite to Keith's wharf, in the parlour of which there was water to the depth of three feet. " Dr. Caw's house near to the corner of Lodge alley, was al- most torn to pieces. The remains of two or three large petti- augers before it, the stables and chair house next to it, and a great quantity of rafts of timber in the back yard of it, Avere all Avashed aAvay. " A Avooden house of Mrs. Wragg's, corner of Bay and Amen streets, her green house, together with Mrs. Scott's (where Mr. Winstanley iioav lives) out buildings, Avere entire- ly demolished. Mr. Scott saved himself by swimming from his house. The works of Craven's bastion, from the platform upwards, were all beat in, the platform torn up, and croAvded 324 NATURAL HISTORY in the latitude of CharlestoAvn or Beaufort effected still greater devastation. Their conflict Avas atten- ded with torrents of rains; it retarded the gulf into a. corner of the bastion, the guns dismounted and washed out of their carriages, the great gate burst open into the street, and the heavy doors have never since been found. " Captain Walker's sloop, loaded for Jamaica, drove through col. Pinckney's, now general Pinckney's, stables, into Robert Raper's, now Ancrum's yard, where she was crushed to picees and left her mast through the balcony door. " Captain Walker's pilot boat beat down the fine staircase leading to col Pinckney's house, now the general's, and made a small breach in the south-east corner of the house. Mr. Brown's house, corner of Bay and William's wharf, was so much shattered, as to be rendered almost unfit to be inhab- ited. " Col. Pinckney, who lived in the large white house at the cor- ner of Ellery street and French alley, abandoned it after there were several feet of water in it. He conveyed his family from thence to Mr. Seaman's, where Mr. Thomas Jones now lives, corner of Guignard and Charles streets, in a ship's yawl. All South bay was in ruins, many wooden houses were wrecked to pieces, and washed aAvay; and brick houses reduced to a heap) of rubbish. The piazzo of the house of Samuel Pero- neau in Meeting street, where Dr. Irvine now lives, the chair house, stables, and store-house, were all washed away. Mr. Fenwicke's coach house, on the spot where judge Hey ward now lives, Avas beat down, and a new chariot broke to pieces, and carried into King street, where Mr. Allston now lives. A new brick tenement, opposite to where major Ladson noAv lives, was beat down by the falling of a stack of chimnies upon it, and washed away almost to the foundation. A brick house where Mr. Bedon lived, in Church street, a few doors from gen. Washington's, was with the out houses reduced to a heap of rubbish. Mr. Bedon and family unfortunately remained too long in the house; for the whole family, consisting of twelve souls, perished in the water, except himself and a negro wench. He was driven to the upper end of Broad street, and was taken OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 323 stream, and of course accumulated so much water on the coast as to inundate a great part of the low lands of South-Carolina and Georgia. into the window of the house of Mr. Hext, who lived at the corner of Broad and Mazyck's street where Mr. John^ttuger now lives. The negro wench was driven on Cumming's point, and saved herself by clinging to a tree. The bodies of Mrs. Bedon, of one of her children, and of a dutch boy, were found in the parsonage pasture, where Mr. Ehrick noAv lives in St. Phi- lip's street. Mr. George Eveleigh's house, where Dr. Polony lately lived, was much shattered: the brick pillars before his house, together with the gate and pailing, Avere Avashed away. Mr. Tomplatt, who lived opposite, was drowned and washed into a stable on the lot where col. Morris lives in Meeting street. Mr. Screven's brick tenements, with their out build- ings, corner of Church street and Stoll's alley, was beat down. The new baptist church had both its ends beat in, the doors and windows broken to pieces. Many other houses in Church street continued, were destroyed. " A loaded brig came up the creek, which is noAv Water street, and was left in Church street, on the spot where Mr. Verree's house noAv stands. In general, all wooden fences and brick walls Avhich were much exposed, and high stacks of chimnies Avere blown down. All wooden houses above one story in height, Avere either beat down or shattered. Many gable ends of houses blown out. All tiled and slated houses without ex- ception, were more or less stripped of their covering; those on the bay, in a manner quite uncovered. When the front Avas stripped, the wind bloAving under the roof, burst the back part out in bulk. "All the south-west point of the town comprehended between Tradd and King streets Avas inundated. White point and south Bay were under water; it Avas two feet deep in Meeting street opposite major Ladson's. The tide flowing up the creek, Avhich has been filled up, and is now Water street, poured its water into Church street, as far as the corner of Tradd street. It flowed up the creek to Meeting street, through said street -oundSt. Michael's church into Broad street, as far down as the 326 NATURAL HISTORY For several days before the storm commenced, an uncommon roaring of the sea Avas distinctly heard especially by the residents on Sullivan's island. The corner of Church street, where the South-Carolina bank now stands, where it met the Avater Avhich flowed up from Last bay through Queen street into Church street. " The south end of the Bay, from capt. Messroon's to major Reid's, and the north end from Queen street to general Gads- den's, was completely inundated. The Avater was several feet in general Pinckney's house, and in other houses in that neigh- borhood. It floAved up the creek over which the governor's bridge is throAvn by the old magazine as far as Meeting street, Avhere Mr. John Splatt Cripps noAv lives. It was generally believed that one foot more of Avater Avould have covered the highest spot in Charlestown. " Sullivan's island Avas covered with water. Some people were hunting there; in all* fourteen souls. Of these, only five es- caped on part of the roof of the Pest house, Avhich was driven ashore near Hobcaw Point. " A great part of James island was under water: many houses thereon were beat down, and some people drowned. " The plantations on Keewah island were completely over- flowed. Mr. Wm. Matthews, his wife, and about forty-seven souls were miraculously saved on an old corn house which stood raised on posts from the ground. " The plantations between Pon Pon and Santee river had their negro houses and many of their out houses blown down. " An incredible number of trees were blown out by the roots ; and many of the finest pine trees which stood the gale render- ed unfit for timber, boards, &c. in consequence of the internal part of the tree being split, or of Avhat the workmen call heart- shaken. " The roads were blocked up by trees falling across them. The bridges were carried away, and as the canoes or boats were either crushed to pieces or driven ashore, all communication with the country Avas thereby cut off for some days. The wholeof this devastation was effected in the short space of six hours." I OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 327 tides Avere remarkable for high floods and for ebbs less low than usual. At 10 o'clock P. M. on the 7th of September 1804, a heavy gale of Avind from the north-east commenced which continued during the night. It moderated about 5 o'clock in the morning of the 8th, but at 7 it wore to the east and came on with redoubled force, and continued to increase until 12 o'clock when it blew with tremendous violence, dri- ving the spray of the sea across Charlestown Neck. The effect of this showed itself on the branches of tall pine trees fronting the east, blasting their leaves so that they appeared as if scorched with fire, and remained so for several weeks. In the afternoon it shifted round to the south-east, but did not in the least decrease until lfr o'clock in the evening; it still hoAvever blew hard until one o'clock of the morning of the ninth, accompanied at intervals with heavy showers of rain. The amount of property destroyed Avas immense; the Avhole of the wharves from general Gadsden's on Cooper river to the extent of South bay were greatly damaged. The heads and sides of most of them Avere shattered both by the violence of the Avaves and the beating of vessels against them. Very few vessels indeed escaped uninjured : many were totally lost, and more materially damaged. At seven o'clock on the morning of the 8th, which Avas the period of Ioav water, the tide was as high as it generally is at common high tides. It appeared that during the preceding ebb, little Ava- ter had left the rivers. At 12 o'clock it had risen °*° NATURAL HISTORY upwards of three feet higher than what is reckoned a high spring tide. This made a complete breach over the Avharves, and drove some small vessels on them. On Gadsden's wharf several stores were washed or blown down, and their contents of rice and cotton much damaged. The new street made to continue East Bay to White Point was destroyed. Through it the water passed up Water street as far as Meeting street, in which it was some inches deep opposite to the presbyterian church. On South Bay the Avhole of the bulwark made to withstand the encroachments of the tide was des- troyed. The house of Mr. William Veitch, built on made land, was washed away and a negro killed by the fall of its chimney. Most of the families in this street fled from their dwellings. In the city several houses which were covered with slate and pantile were partly unroofed. Many- trees and fences were blown down. At 12 o'clock on the 8th, which was the period of high water, the tide had risen three feet two inches higher than what is called a high spring tide. As usual it began to decrease, but at six o'clock, the time of low water, it had fallen only two feet. As so little water had been carried out by the ebb, and a new flood was coming in, it was apprehended that this tide would be much higher than the former. But owing to the shifting of the wind more to the southward, the wa- ter continued to fall during the last four hours of what in the common course of things would have been a flood tide. So that at one o'clock A. M. on the 9th, the period of high Avater, it Avas not as high OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 320 as it had been the preceding evening at the period of low water. On Sullivan's island the situation of several hundreds who had resorted thither for the benefit of the sea air, and to avoid the heat of the city, was distressing beyond description. The wes- tern part of the island Avas completely under water to the depth of several feet. Upwards of twenty houses were either bloAvn down, or their foundations undermined by the sea and completely washed aAvay. The inhabitants of these houses escaped by resorting to the Lazaretto barracks and other parts of the island not so immediately exposed. Many houses were occupied by Avomen and children alone who could not assist themselves and who, but for the prompt aid of several gentlemen, must inevitably have perished. The eastern part of the island Avas not completely covered. The inhabitants of that end had free communication with each other walk- ing dry shod along the narroAv ridge of sand which runs longitudinally through the island. It is the opinion of several who witnessed the scene, that in case the tide had continued to rise for half an hour longer, every house on the island must have fallen and the destruction of every person thereon would have been almost inevitable. Of many families, part were in Charlestown and part on Sullivan's isl- and. Between these two places, six miles apart, there was no possibility of any communication. The residents on the island and in the city were re- ciprocally anxious for each other. Personal safety for the present moment Avas no security for the next. vol. n. 2U 330 NATURAL HISTORY The inhabitants of the island could not tell whether they or their friends in the city fared Avorst. The latter feared that the former Avere overwhelmed and lost. In this painful state of suspense both remain- ed for several hours, not knoAving Avhat was the fate of their friends, and equally uncertain what was to be their OAvn. Fort Johnson Avas so injured as not to admit the mounting of a single cannon. The breast-work and pallisadoes of fort Pinckney were washed away. The gale was scarcely felt northwardly beyond Wilmington, North-Carolina. It commenced at Georgetown on the 8th of September between 3 and 4 o'clock A. M.; the wind was north-east, and blew with increasing violence until midnight. It then changed to south-east and abated but little of its fury before the evening of the 9th. The rain descended in torrents. The devastation increased as the storm proceeded southwardly. At Savannah the gale began on Saturday September 8th, and lasted seventeen hours. The water rose to eight or ten feet above the level of the common spring tides. Houses and stores were blown down by the Avind, and undermined by the water. Fences and trees were prostrated, ships and vessels were stranded and left high and dry on the wharves. Many ne- groes and others were drowned in consequence of the low islands on the coast being deeply overflow- ed. On Cockspur island fort Green was levelled— all the buildings destroyed—and thirteen lives lost. Muskets Avere scattered all over the island. Cases of canister shot were carried from one hundred to OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 331 two hundred feet, and a bar of lead of 300 pounds Avas likewise removed to a considerable distance. A cannon Aveighing 4,800 pounds is said to have been carried thirty or forty feet from its position. Broughton island Avas covered with water, and up- wards of seventy negroes, the property of William Brailsford, were drowned by the oversetting of a boat in which they attempted to escape from the isl- and to the main. The barn on the island being raised on made high land, stood the storm and in it the negroes would have been safe. At St. Simon's isl- and great damage was done. The crops were gen- erally covered Avith water, and several negroes Avere droAvned. The like happened on St. Catherines, and on the other islands on the coast. At Sunbury the bluff was reduced to a plane, and almost every chimney levelled to the ground. The rice swamps and Ioav lands within the reach of the tides were generally overflowed. The crops of rice and provisions Avere greatly injured, and in some places totally destroyed or washed away. The fields of cotton along the sea shore which pre- viously promised an abundant crop, were blasted and nearly destroyed by the violence of the wind and the spray of the sea. Destructive scenes similar to those which have been just described seldom occur; but something of an opposite nature takes place almost every year. There is an uncommon and frequent multiplication of fish under particular circumstances which de- serves to be noticed in the natural history of South- Carolina. In every plantation great care is taken 332 NATURAL HISTORY in making dams to preserve water for overfloAving the rice fields in summer; without which they will yield no crops. Soon after these ponds are made, the planters find them stocked with a variety of fishes. In what manner they breed or Avhence they come has been a subject of inquiry. Some think that their spawn is exhaled from the large lakes of fresh water in the continent, and being brought in thunder clouds, falls with the drops of rain into these reservoirs of water. Others imagine that it must have remained every where among the sand since the sea left these maritime parts of the conti- nent. Others are of opinion that young fish are brought by water fowls from one pond to another and dropt therein, by which means the new made pools receive a plentiful supply. Of these different solutions the first is most satisfactory. But whatever is the cause the effect is visible and notorious all over the country. When the ponds are stocked with fishes, it becomes an agreeable and common amuse- ment to catch them by angling or haAvling a seine through the pool. Of the aboriginal animals in South-Carolina, the followincj remain: Bear, panther, wild cat, wolf, beaver, gray fox, red deer, otter, wild rat, mouse, black squirrel, gray squirrel, flying squirrel, ground squirrel, rabbit, pole cat, mole, mink, opossum, racoon, lizard, scorpion, toad, bull frog, frog, green frog. The following have been imported and domesti- cated : The cow, horse, ass, hog, sheep, goat, dog, cat. OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 333 Of the birds of Carolina the following are the principal: Bald eagle, fishing hawk, pigeon haAvk, gray hawk, swallow tailed hawk, night hawk, turkey buzzard, car- rion crow, large owl, screech owl, Carolina cuckoo, perroquet, blue jay, purple jack daw, red winged star- ling or black bird, rice bird, large white bellied woodpecker, gold winged woodpecker, red bellied Avoodpecker, hairy woodpecker, yellow bellied wood- pecker, small spotted woodpecker, nut-hatch great and small, sanguillah, wild pigeon, turtle dove, ground dove, may bird, robin, thrush, Carolina bull- finch, large swamp sparrow, little sparrow, snow bird, mocking bird, blue grosbeak, purple finch, painted finch or nonpareil, blue linnet, chatterer, blue bird, crested fly catcher, black cap fly catcher, SAvamp red bird, highland red bird, summer red bird, crested tit mouse, yellow tit mouse, pine creeper, yellow throated creeper, humming bird, kingfisher, chattering plover or killdeer, whistling plover, hooping crane, blue heron, little white he- ron, crested bittern, cormorant, white curlew, brown curlew, oyster catcher, canada goose, small white brant goose, great gray brant goose, duck and mallard, canvas back duck found here every spring, gannet, large black duck, bull neck duck, round crested duck, summer duck, little brown duck, blue winged teal, green winged teal, Avhite faced teal, black cormorant, flamingo, water pelican, wild tur- key, pheasant or mountain partridge, small partridge or quail, wren, swallow, martin, whip-poor-Avill or 334 NATURAL HISTORY goat sucker, snipe, Avoodcock, marsh hen, indian pullet. Of these the geese, many species of ducks, the wild pigeon, the snow bird and some others are birds of passage, some ot them coming from north- ern and others from southern latitudes. Swallows appear commonly in the second week of March, and disappear the beginning of August. Martins come about the middle of April, and depart about the end of October or beginning of November. Small birds called king birds, show themselves about the first week in April, and retire the first week in Septem- ber. Many species of serpents, some of which are of deadly nature, are natural to this state, among which are: The rattle snake, water rattle snake, small rattle snake, water viper, black viper, copper belly snake, bluish green snake, hog nose snake, wampum snake, horn snake, thunder snake, black snake, little brown head snake, ribbon snake, chain snake, mogason water snake, coach Avhip snake, corn snake, green snake, glass snake, bull snake. Among our insects are : The earth worm, grub worm, snail, house bug, flea, wood worm, forty legs, wood louse, cicada, mantis or camel cricket, cockroach, cricket, beetle, fire fly, glow worm, butterfly, moth, ant, fig eater, humble bee, ground bee or yellow jacket, wasp, hornet, fly, musqueto, sand fly, spider, tick, potatoe louse. Alligators are in abundance in our brackish and OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 335 fresh tide waters. They grow to the length of twelve or fourteen feet, and are extremely destruc- tive to fish and other animals: they are said some- times to attack men. If so it is very rare and under very particular circumstances. In general they are more sluggish and cunning, than active and coura- geous. But they conceal themselves in or near the water and seize calves, hogs and colts in the act of drinking or eating, drag them under the stream and devour them piece meal. The fresh water fish are : Sturgeon, pike, trout, bream, roach or silver fish, mud fish, pearch, sucking fish or carp, herring*, cat fish, gar fish, rock fish, eel; and of the shell fish kind, the soft shelled turtle, terrebin, cray fish. The salt Avater fish are: Shark, porpus, drum, bass, sailors choice, cavalli, snapper, shad f, sheep head, crocus, whiting, porgy, black fish, soles, angel fish, mullet, herring, skip jack, yellow tail, ale wife. And the shell fish are some kinds of large and small sea turtle, oysters, crabs, shrimps, clams and muscles. So various is the climate of South-Carolina that • These fish in their passage from Europe to the south-wes- tern parts of the atlantic, and in their return back to the great fisheries in the northern and german seas, seldom fail to show themselves almost every March in considerable numbers in this state, particularly in Goosecreek, Pedee and Edisto rivers. t These fish in the month of February run up the fresh wa« ter rivers, particularly the Savannah, the Santee and its various heads, and in such numbers that in addition to a plentiful sup- ply for domestic use, many hundreds of barrels of them miglv be every year caught and salted for exportation. 336 NATURAL HISTORY the plants of Canada may be found on its mountains, and the more hardy tropical fruits on its south-eastern extremity. Since the revolution, its botanic riches have been examined and many specimens transpor- ted to the old world by six european botanists : Michaux and son—Beauvois—I. Fraser and son— and John Lyon. Among its numerous vegetable productions, the following, in addition to what have been introduced in preceding chapters, deserve par- ticular notice : TREES. Ash, fraxinus. Its wood is used in making ploughs, waggons, and carts, spokes of wheels, tool handles, and dairy utensils; and the bark in making baskets. Birch, betula alba, is used for baskets, and hoop- poles. Beech, fagus sylvatica, is made into sundry arti- cles of furniture; and is split into thin scales for band boxes. It also makes stocks for planes. Black cherry, cerasus virginiana—furniture is made of its wood. A decoction of the bark is useful in dys- pepsia, consumptions, intermittent fevers. Its gum is nearly equal to gum arabic; its fruit, by infusion in brandy, is a rich cordial. Black mulberry, morus nigra—its Avood makes furniture, and the fruit is pleasant and wholesome. Cypress tree, cupressus disticha, is the largest tree growing in the state, being sometimes thirty feet in circumference. Its wood is very durable, and yet easy to work. Large canoes, requiring 6 or 8 oars- men, are sometimes made from a single tree. They are sufficiently numerous in some single SAvamps to afford materials for building every house in a large OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 337 town. They afford plank and timber for ships, houses, and various other purposes ; also boards for pannel work, shingles for covering houses—tubs, churns, and other dairy utensils. Red cedar, juniperus virginiana, makes durable furniture, posts, and coffins. On the plantation of Thomas Drayton, in St. Andrews, an inscription on Avood of this species in 1706, indicates the grave of Stephen Fox. There is no tombstone in Charles- town equally old on which time has made so little impression. Chesnut, castanea vesca—a very durable wood. Many of the oldest houses in London are built of it. It is good for tubs or vats for liquor, and never shrinks after being once seasoned. It makes fence- rails, and ansAvers for several purposes of husband- ry. The fruit is used as food. Chinquapin, castanea pumela. Its fruit makes an agreeable article of light food. Posts made of the tree are very durable. Candleberry-myrtle, myrica cerifera, affords Avax for candles. A decoction of the bark is good for dropsies—-of the leaves for diarrhoeas—of the root for restraining uterine haemorrhages. Dogwood, cornus florida. The bark is a good substitute for peruvian bark in the cure of fevers and mortifications. Elder, sambucus canadensis. A decoction of the leaves has been found useful in dropsies—of the flow- ers in erysipelas, and other cutaneous diseases. Elm, ulmus americana and alata, keeps Avell in wa- ter—is useful for mill wheels, water pipes, and for the carved Avorks of architecture. It also yields materials vol. n. 2 X 338 NATURAL HISTORY for chair bottoms. The bark of one species of if can be made into ropes. The inner bark of another. the slippery-bark elm, ulmus pubescens, is com- monly and with advantage applied to fresh Avounds. An infusion of it is an useful mucilaginous drink in bowel complaints. Water in which it has been macerated, applied cold, acquires increased efficacy in cases of burns. Several kinds of holly : the ilex cassena, is a most powerful diuretic. Hickory nut, juglans alba. The nuts of this tree are pleasant food. Its wood makes excellent fuel. When small, it answers very well for hoop poles. The inner bark imparts either an olive or yellow color. Linden tree, tilia americana. The inner bark ma- cerated in water is a good application to burns. Locust tree, robinia, pseudo acacia, is a beautiful tree, and makes excellent fuel, timber, posts for fences, and is much used for trundles by ship- wrights. It is of quick growth, and cherishes the grass beneath its shade. Spring plum, prunus chicasa—reputed unwhole- some, but only accidentally so from swallowing the skin and stones—the juice is cooling and whole- seme. Winter plum, prunus hiemalis, affords an excel- lent preserve, and a rich cordial. Chamaerops palmetto. Palmetto tree grows only on lands adjacent to the sea. It is much used for facing wharves and other works under water, as it is not at all injured by worms. It affords excel- lent materials for the construction of forts ; for can- OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 339 non balls soon loose all their force in its spongy sub- stance. They penetrate but a little—make no ex- tended fractures, nor do they detach any dangerous splinters. The top of the tree yields a substance resembling cabbage, which may be used as such. The leaves of the chamaerops pumila make durable hats. There are more than twenty kinds of oak. Their acorns are useful as mast for hogs, and their galls as strong astringents. The wood of all is used for fu- el, and of some for posts, shingles, staves, and head- ing for barrels. Pot-ash is obtained from their ashes, Avhich when united with the wax of the can- dleberry-myrtle makes soap. Live oak, quercus virens, is a very heavy wood which cannot be split. It yields the best of timber for ships, and for various kinds of machinery. Quercus alba, white oak. The Avood of this tree is split into thin laminae for the purpose of making baskets, hoops, whip handles, &c. Red oak, quercus rubra. A decoction of the bark is useful in diarrhoeas and gangrene—the bark itself in tanning leather. Great black mountain oak, quercus tinctoria. Its bark is used for dying black. Persimon, diospyrus virginiana, is one of the strongest vegetable astringents, and much used in various cases where medicines of that class are indi- cated. By fermentation an agreeable beverage may be made from it. It also yields by distillation some- thing like brandy. The younger trees may be used as stocks for engrafting. Plane, platanus occidentalis. Sycamore tree. 540 NAT CRAI. H1ST0RA Flowering poplar or tulip tree, lirkxlendron tu- lipifera, are both very beautiful. The bark of the latter is used for the cure of intermittent fevers, and in cases of bad digestion and debility—by many it is deemed nearly equal to peruvian bark, and is much used by farriers. Acer rubrum, red maple—the bark contains much galic acid, and is used with copperas for giving a permanent black color. Furniture and gun stocks are made from its wood. Sugar maple, acer saccharinum—each tree yields in the proper season about 5lbs. of good sugar. Sugar tree, a nondescript species of acer—yields sugar of a superior quality, and more in quantity than the sugar maple. Papaw, annona trilaba—ropes are made from the fibres of its inner bark. Its fruit affords a delight- ful repast. Magnolia glauca—the bark is an agreeable bit- ter; used frequently and successfully in intermittents, and other diseases requiring tonic aromatic bitters. Pine tree, pitch pine, pinus taeda, produces pitch, tar, turpentine—and the heart of it when dry be- comes lightwood, which makes lasting posts. There is a species of pine in Carolina, as yet undescribed, growing on the summits of high mountains, Avhich yields a balsam much famed both as a dressing to wounds and for relieving internal diseases. Yellow pine, pinus palustris—of it are made planks, house-frames, spars, oars, boats, masts of vessels, ship timber, and lumber in all its various forms. Other pine trees yield fence rails, posts, OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 341 shingles, staves, and heading for barrels*. All of them make excellent fuel. * Pines are the most valuable trees Avhich groAv in Carolina. Judging of their ages by their rings, some of them have been cotemporary with the french, Spanish, and english settlements on the coast, and have flourished equally under the democracy of indians and the proprietary, royal, and representative govern- ments of whitemen. The resources of Carolina in lumber may be estimated from the following statements : There are within its limits two hundred thousand acres ; each of which on an average has growing on it 50 pine trees, and every one of these on an average, when brought in a marketable form to the sea ports, would sell for ten dollars. If to these are added the cypress and cedar trees, the oaks, ashes, poplars, maples, beeches, magnolias, palmettoes, and other common trees in Ca- rolina, which are used in furniture, building, as ship timber, and in various forms by different artists, the sylvan riches of the state will be found to exceed all calculation. So great is the eagerness to plant cotton, that forests containing immense quantities of useful Avood are yearly cut down and burnt with* out any other advantage than what is derived from the fer- tilizing quality of their ashes. This small residue of what might have been made ten times more valuable, is not improv- ed by being converted into pot-ash. Such are the temptations resulting from the high value of the new staple, cotton, that to extend its culture, other sources of wealth to an immense amount are annually sacrificed. In almost every case land which, by being cleared of Avood, is fitted for immediate plant- ing, sells for more than the same when fully timbered. There are about 30,000 cords of Avood consumed annually in Charles- town ; and much more cut down, burnt, and destroyed in the countiy. Notwithstanding all this waste, the day is far distant when Carolina, stript of its trees, Avill resemble the south of Europe, and some of the most populous settlements in the northern states, so far as to present an unshaded surface to the direct action of the sun. Great havoc for some time past has been made among the pine trees by insects which, by bo- ring inta their substance, destroy them. 342 NATURAL HISTORY MEDICINAL VEGETABLES. Acorus calamus, sweet calamus, is a useful bit- ter and an excellent carminative and stomachic. Amorpha fruticosa, wild indigo, is a strong styp- tic and restrains excessive discharges of blood. Several vegetables pass under the name of snake- root. The following are the most useful, and are stimulant, bitter, sudorific and antispasmodic:—1. Virginia aristolochia serpentaria. 2. Seneka, poly- gala, senega. 3. Heart asarum, arifolium ; and 4. button snake-root, agave virginica. The three first are used in febrile diseases, and Avith the aid of the lancet, blisters, and salts, are equal to the cure of most of the common inflammatory fevers. The last has been found a powerful auxiliary in cases of te- tanus and other spasmodic complaints ; and a tinc- ture of the root is also found most useful in cases of flatulent cholic. Asclepias decumbens, pleurisy root, is much used by the planters in the disease from which it is na- med—it is a very useful sudorific after proper eva- cuations ; and, combined with them, seldom fails of effecting a cure. Cassia marylandica, wild senna, not inferior to the senna of the shops. Convallaria polygonatum, Solomon's seal—an ex- cellent remedy for the scald head, and cutaneous eruptions. Chironia angularis, lesser centaury, is an excel- lent tonic and bitter in the low state of fevers when the body is prepared for medicines of that class. Eupatorium perforatum, hemp agrimony. Tho- OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 343 roughwort is an emetic sudorific and tonic medicine", and frequently removes diseases of the skin. Eupatorium pilosum, wild hoarhound, is good against fevers and old coughs arising from debility. The tame possesses the same virtues, but in an in- ferior degree. Oxalis acetosella, woodsorrel, with which the woods abound, makes with milk a grateful whey, cooling in fevers—and from it may be prepared an essential salt like that of lemons, for any purpose re- quiring a vegetable acid. Puccoon root, sanguinaria canadensis, is a deob- struent, and excellent in jaundice, old coughs, and bilious habits. Pyrola umbellata, winter green—useful in ne- phritic cases. Spieroea trifoliata, drop wort, commonly called Bowmen's root, or indian physic. The bark of the root is tonic and emetic. Zanthoryza apiifolia, parsley leaved yellow root. A pleasing bitter, not inferior to columbo. Spigelia marylandica, pink root. The experience of many years has established the efficacy of a decoction of the roots of this elegant plant as a safe and poAv- erful vermifuge. Dr. Barton is of opinion that it is also an excellent remedy in some febrile diseases of children, particularly in that species of remittent which often paves the Avay to dropsy of the brain. Ceanothus american us, red root—the bark of the root is a very strong astringent, and is much used in diarrhoeas. May apple, wild lemon, podophyllum peltatum. The root of this plant affords a certain and salutary 344 NATURAL HISTORY cathartic. Dr. Barton prefers it to jalap, because it is not so irritating and may be procured fresh and genuine in almost every part of the United States. Prickly ash, aralia spinosa—a Avatery infusion of the bark of the root is a certain emetic, and proves frequently cathartic. Its use is common in checking the progress of intermittents. Gentiana or gentian—several species are to be found in Carolina. Their roots are highly but agreeably bitter, and are employed in making bit- ters and in cases of dyspepsia. Laurus, sassafras—an infusion of the dried flow- ers is preferred by many to tea, and the bark of the root is used as an external application in gan- grene. Poke root weed, phytolacca decandra. The ten- der plant is an excellent substitute for spinach. A tincture of the berries is employed in chronic rheu- matisms, and a decoction of the root by farriers in cleaning fistulous ulcers. Sumach, rhus glabrum. An infusion of the ber- ries makes a drink cooling and acidulous, and proves gently cathartic. Michella repens, partridge berry. A decoction of this plant is esteemed a good emetic, and has gamed a very general use. Diuretic flagg, iris virginica. This plant pos- sesses considerable diuretic powers, a decoction of the root in the hands of several planters has per- formed cures in dropsical cases. Bucks eye, poor man's soap—esculus pavia. The root of this plant is employed in washing wool- lens, and from the fruit good starch may be plenti- OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 345 fully obtained. The fruit powdered and thrown in- to stagnant water, has the effect of intoxicating the fish. They rise to the surface and are readily taken by the hand. VEGETABLES REMARKABLE FOR THEIR BEAUTY, FRAGRANCE, OR CURIOUS STRUCTURE. The mantling vines of the trumpet flower, yellow jasmines, convolvolus, ipomea, glycine or Carolina kidney bean tree. The fragrant bay trees—the de- licate mellifluous smelling azalea—the beautiful and sweet honeysuckle—the cheerful clematis or travel- ler's, joy—the shewy hibiscus—the elegant fringe and snowdrop trees—the air-perfuming SAveet scent- ed shrubs—the rich and gay variety of wild asters and dAvarf sunflowers, with the wood-enlivening phlox—the iris—the curious water lily—the phila- delphus inodorus—the andromeda—the kalmia— the storax tree—the rhododendron—the spiroea— the viburnum with the humble but beautiful and SAveet mitchella repens—the wild straAvberries—the blackberry bush, and the huckleberry—the wild rose—the bartsia coccinea—wild lilies—vanilla or indian tobacco—asclepias of many sorts—wood anemones—the utricularia ceratophylfa or bladder snout. Sarracenia, dionea muscipula, and many others which either display their beauties to every traveller, or in more retired situations are waiting to reward the curiosity and industry of the student of nature. The woods furnish four native kinds of grape: the fox grape, summer, winter and muscadine grape; their luxuriant vines and sweet smelling vor.. 11. 2 Y 3i6 NATURAL HISTORY blossoms contribute greatly to the pleasantness of the country at an early season: their fruit is mode- rately grateful, and they furnish excellent natural stocks for engrafting imported grapes on. The cactus opuntia, or indian fig, is also a native of Carolina. Its growth is curious ; its fruit when thoroughly ripe agreeable: it furnishes also a good but not durable scarlet dye ; but it is likely to become an object of importance as furnishing food for the cochineal in- sect which may be found in vast numbers on its leaves in the months of April and May. FOREIGN TREES AND OTHER VEGETABLES NATU- RALIZED. The melia azedarach, or pride of India, intro- duced by Thomas Lamboll. It is of very quick growth : the wood makes furniture ; the berries are eaten by horses and birds ; and the roots are a pow- erful vermifuge. The stillingia sebifera, or tallow tree, Avas intro- duced from the East-Indies by Henry Laurens. Is a very beautiful tree, and perfectly free from insects. Its berries are said to yield in China an oil from which candles are made. They have not hitherto answered for that purpose in Carolina. Their leaves are green in mild winters ten or eleven months in the year. The weeping willow, salix babylonica. The plia- ble bark and branches of this maybe woven into baskets. Its whole appearance connected with its situation near water, disposes the mind to pensive contemplation. Lombardy poplar. Populus dilitata. Sterculia platanifolia. Introduced by AndreAv Michaux, and propogated by general Pinckney. OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 347 Pahna christi, or castor oil tree, is easily pro- pagated ; grows in abundance, and yields from 100 to 150 gallons of oil to the acre. Mr. Rudulph of Camden has planted .50 or 60 acres of it; from its berries he has obtained by expression large quanti- ties of cold drawn oil, which in equal doses opens the bowels as effectually as castor oil imported from the West-Indies. Sesamun indicum, bennfe oil nut. The seeds of this plant furnish an excellent oil for sallads, and every purpose for which olive oil is used; the grain parched makes a pleasant light food, and may be prepared as a substitute for chocolate, and an infu- sion of the leaves in Avater produces a gelatinous drink highly recommended in bowel complaints. The poppy, papaver somniferum, has been suc- cessfully cultivated near Charlestown; and good opium, equal to any imported, has been prepared from it, by Catharine Henry Laurens Ramsay. If the present enormous price of that drug, Avhich ex- ceeds its Aveight in silver, continues, the preparation of opium will be an object Avorthy of attention. Ca- rolina is indebted to the East-Indies for its rice, in- digo, and cotton. To these may be added, and originally from the same country, opium; which may be cultivated to any extent that is requisite. Hops, humulus lupulus, grow plentifully and re- quire little care. A growing fondness for beer may render a crop of this nearly as profitable as cotton, especially if the price and european demand for this article should, as many expect, be considerably di- minished. As a further recommendation of hops, it has been found by late experiments to be in se- 348 NATURAL HISTORY veral cases and some constitutions, a more unexcep- tionable anodyne than laudanum; Avhileat the same time infusions of it give tone to a debilitated sto- mach. The common and despised datura stramonium, or Jamestown weed, is a most powerful medicine in epilepsy and some of the most obstinate complaints to which human nature is liable : prepared in the form of an ointment, it has an anodyne effect Avhen it is applied to pains on or near the surface of the body : an application of the leaves frequently pro- duces the same result. ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS. The gardenia florida or cane jasmine—the vir- burnumtinus—the rosa ferox, sometimes called ro- sa multiflora, more commonly known by the name of the nondescript—the rosa sinensis, perpetual rose—rosa moschata, musk rose—the rosa muscosa, moss rose, and many other beautiful and formerly rare kinds of roses. The olea fragrans, the hydran- gea hortensis, double and single oleanders, altheas, cultivated myrtles of various descriptions, english jasmines and honeysuckles, several kinds of elegant mimosas, an abundance of hyacinths, narcissuses, daffodils, tonquills, ixias, ranunculuses, anemones, with a profusion of annuals of the most beautiful kind. Of fruit, SAveet and sour oranges are rais- ed, and, with some additional care citrons, lemons and limes, almonds and chesnuts; figs and pome- granates, red and yellow raspberries and grapes, but not in profusion. OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 349 VEGETABLES USED AS FOOD. Okra, melons, pompions, and squashes in many varieties, cucumbers, tanniers; irish and SAveet pota- toes, groundnuts used as food as a substitute for cocoa, and as a source of oil for domestic purposes. Indian potatoe, suckahoe truffles, lycoperdon tuber is found in great abundance in old fields one or two feet beneath the surface of the earth, attached to the decayed roots of the hickory. This subterranean production afforded the indians wholesome bread. The country abounds also in natural grasses of which the crab grass is undoubtedly the most valu- able. Canes make angling rods, and reeds for Avea- vers, and are excellent food for cattle. The com- mon salt marsh yields manure and also provender for horses, for whose use hundreds of bundles of it are almost daily sold in Charlestown market at an early period of the spring and through the summer. It is a wholesome auxiliary to green oats and crab grass. Long moss, tillandsia usneoides—This curious production marks the boundary between the upper and loAver country. In the first though most want- ed, as the winters are more severe, it does not grow naturally; and all endeavors to propagate it have been unsuccessful. In the latter it groAvs profusely as an appendage to trees, and gives to them the vene- rable appearance of long pendulous gray beards. In hard Avinters it is greedily eaten by cattle, and serves for food till the grass springs. When properly pre- pared it is used as a substitute for hair in stuffing matrasses. It is not lasting, hut in other respects answers very well. With the exception of doctor 350 NATURAL HISTORY Garden, no Carolinian is recollected as havingstudied botany scientifically or otherwise than for horticultu- ral purposes prior to the revolution; but since that event this delightful science has excited atten- tion which though daily increasing, is far short of what it deserves*. At the head of its present vota- * There are many medicinal plants the virtues of which have not been ascertained, nor can they properly be till they are made the subject of repeated experiments. To the candi- dates for medical degrees it is submitted whether any subjects for inaugural dissertations can have equal charms, or excite an equal interest as experimental investigations of some of the medicinal vegetables of the country. The virtues of several of these are now in a great measure lost to the community, because unknoAvn or imperfectly ascertained. To persons residing in the country the study of botany would beguile the time Avhich, from want of some useful pursuit, frequently hangs heavy on their hands—To the pious it affords a constant source of love and gratitude to the author of nature, for having done so much to benefit and please his creatures—To persons of taste and refinement, it affords a continual feast—To the stu- dious, by encouraging and rewarding rural excursions, it gives agreeable relaxation and Avholesomc exercise without Avasting any of their time; for by exchanging their retirement and books for the woods and the volume of nature, the improve- ment of the mind goes on, Avhile the body acquires new vigor; and to all it affords a never failing source of enjoyment and employment which smooths the brow of care, and gives a zest to life. Much has Carolina done for the encouragement of literature. One step more will justify her sons in claiming pre-eminent rank for generously patronising science. A botanical garden at Columbia of about twenty acres would cost but little, and under proper management could not fail to diffuse knoAvledge among the youth of the country of immense practical use, leading to discoveries that even in a pecuniary point of view, Avould probably repay with handsome interest the pittance ne- cessary for its support. OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. 351 ries are Stephen Elliott of Beaufort, Henry Middle- ton, general Pinckney, and Dr. Macbride of St. Stephens ; the latter of whom prosecutes this study with ardor and success in every relation, but most particularly as connected with the practice of phy- sic. It has also been successfully cultivated by Mrs. (general) Pinckney, who has formed an exten- sive hortus siccus or collection of dried specimens of the botanic riches of Carolina. Miss Maria Drayton of Drayton hall, and Miss Martha Henry Laurens Ramsay of Charlestown, are entitled to a distinguished place among its admirers and stu- dents. THE LITERARY HISTORY OF SOUTH-CAROLINA, From 1670—1808. CHAP. IX. The colonists of modern times have many advan- tages over those of antiquity, for they carry with them the civilization, arts, and refinements of the times in Avhich they lived and the countries from which they migrated. The settlement of Carolina commenced some considerable time after the disco- very of printing—the reformation of religion—and the restoration of learning. It was nearly coeval with the institution of the Royal society of London, and began at a time when Addison, Boyle, Boer- haave, BarroAv, Fenelon, Hale, Locke, Milton, New- ton, Rollin, Sydney, Sydenham, Sloan, Tillotson, Watts, and many other suns of intellect were living and enlightening the Avorld with the beams of know- ledge. Though few if any of the early settlers of the province Avere learned men, yet they brought Avith them general ideas of european literature. The HISTORY, 1670—1808. 361 ed well, but little fruit has yet been gathered, though there is reason to believe that when its funds are productive, and the world is composed to peace, it will realize the hopes of its friends. It has many natural advantages favorable to the proper educa- tion of youth. The multiplication of colleges did not answer the end. Instead of yielding any more to the partial wishes of sections of the state, the assembly, in the year 1801, took up the business on its proper ground and passed a law for building and endowing a col- lege at the seat of government by the name of the South-Carolina college, under the care of its high responsible officers, together with 13 others to be chosen every 4th year by the assembly. This mea- sure was strongly recommended by governor Dray- ton in his message to the legislature; and a report from comptroller Hamilton on the finances of the state proved its ability to meet the expense. The establishment of a state college was carried through with unexampled unanimity, all parties concurring therein, and ample funds appropriated from the pub- lic treasury for erecting all requisite buildings—for the purchase of a suitable library—of a complete apparatus for philosophical purposes—and for the annual support of a president, professors, and other teachers. The narroAv policy which prevailed under the royal government, of confining the choice even of teachers for the free-schools to one sect of christians, had been done aAvay by the constitution. In the true spirit of free representative government, per- vol. n. 3 A 362 LITERARY sons of every country and state, of every sect and party, were equally eligible to be teachers in this cherished seminary. The reverend Dr. Maxcey, who had Avith great reputation presided over Brown university in Rhode-Island, and Union college in the state of NeAv-York, Avas elected the first presi- dent. Under his auspices the college has flourish- ed to as great an extent as could reasonably be ex pected in the short period of its existence, Its present number of students is 87.—Two classes amounting to about forty have already graduated. If its pupils are not wanting to themselves they may be amply instructed in every language, art, and science, necessary to prepare them for the ser- vice of their country. This college, yet in its infan- cy, possesses a very select and extensive library and a philosophical apparatus not inferior to any on the continent. Education has also been fostered in South-Caro- lina by several societies as a part of a general plan of charity. The oldest of this class is the South- Carolina society which was formed about the year 1737. It pays the salary of a school-master and school- mistress for the education of children of both sexes. Since the commencement of their school, several hundreds of pupils have received the benefit of a plain education from its bounty. There is a suc- cession of scholars. None are received under eight years of age and none are retained beyond fourteen, and the girls not beyond twelve. The present num- ber is seventy-two, and that is steadily kept up; for history, 1670—1808. $63 as fast as any of the pupils are dismissed, their place is supplied by the admission of others. The present funds of this society amount to 137,000 dol- lars. Since its foundation twenty-seven decayed members, and the widows of sixty-four deceased members, have been annually supported; four hun- dred and forty children educated, and three hundred and seven of them clothed from its bounty. At pre- sent seventy-two children are educated by the socie- ty. These are either destitute orphans, or the off- spring of needy parents. One indigent member and sixteen widows of decayed members, are also at pre- sent maintained by the society. The Fellowship society, incorporated in 1769, was originally intended to cover under its sheltering Aving the deplorable maniac; and for that purpose appro- priated one half of its funds. With the other moiety it has followed the humane example of the last mentioned society, and bestows a gratuitous educa- tion on the children of misfortune. Twenty five children are now under a course of plain education on its bounty. The St Andrew's society have in like manner lately appropriated a portion of their funds for si- milar purposes, and twenty children are now educa- ted at their expense. The Winyaw indigo society Avas incorporated in 1756. The original design of the founders of this institution was of a patriotic and charitable nature. It had in view the improvement of the culture and manufacture of indigo, and the endowment of a free- school. The object of the society is now Avholly 364 LITERARY confined to the education of orphan children. Since its commencement there have been educated and supported upon its bounty betAvecn one and two hundred orphans. From the continual accession of new members, the funds are in a flourishing condi- tion, and enable the society to educate twenty chil- dren annually. The German friendly society, incorporated in 1791, gives a gratuitous education to about twenty children in succession. With these five last mentioned societies, education is only a collateral part of their general plan; but since the revolution societies, and academies, have been formed and incorporated at different periods in almost every part of the state; primarily for the en- couragement and support of schools. To these gene- rally have been given by the assembly the escheated and unsold confiscated property in their respective districts. The names of these as far as can be recol- lected are the Mount Zion society, incorporated in 1777; St. David's in 1778; the Minerva academy, fourteen miles beloAv Columbia, in which about fifty- six scholars are educated; the Camden Orphan so- ciety, in Avhich a few children are educated on cha- rity and about sixty who pay for their education. The trustees of this institution have purchased the large elegant mansion house of the late colonel Jo- seph Kershaw, for the use of the school and its tea- chers. The Clarendon Orphan society, incorporated in 1798; the trustees for establishing public schools in the district of Orangeburgh, incorporated also in 1798; the Mount Bethel academy; the Clermont HISTORY, 1670—1808. 365 society for the purpose of endowing a seminary of learning at Statesburgh; the friendly Cambridge so- ciety. Among the different sects of christians in South- Carolina, none have made earlier or greater exer- tions for promoting religious knowledge than the baptists. Their Charlestown association was form- ed in the year 1752, and then consisted only of four or five churches. Under their patronage collections soon began to be made to assist pious young men in obtaining an education for the gospel ministry. They assisted several. Of these, four or five arrived to considerable eminence. One in particular, doctof Stillman, shone as a distinguished luminary of the church in Boston. In the year 1755 several of the leading members of the association formed them- selves into a society by the name of " the society for improvement in christian knowledge," which pursu- ed the plan of educating pious young men for the ministry, but connected with it the formation of a select library and the discussion of useful theological subjects at a weekly meeting. Under the same pa- tronage a more extensive society Avas formed in 1792, and soon after incorporated by the name of " the general committee for the Charlestown baptist association fund." Besides donations and bequests, there are yearly collections made in the baptist churches for improving the funds of this society. Nine young men under its care have finished their studies preparatory for the ministry, and two more are far advanced in a similar course. The com- mittee have provided a respectable library for the S66 LITERARY use of the students Avhich is kept by the reverend Mr. Roberts, near Statesburgh, and some useful books have been distributed among indigent clergy- men. In the year 1802 a missionary scheme Avas formed by the Charlestown association which Avas placed under the direction of a special committee, and the reverend John Rooker was appointed mis- sionary to the catawba indians. A school was also opened among them, and a considerable number of the indian children have been taught to read and write, and a few the use of figures. The indians have treated the preacher and school-master with re- spect, and attended their instructions with apparent Seriousness. Some of them have become more en- lightened and civilized; but none have hitherto made any regular profession of Christianity*. The independents or congregationalists of Char- lestown, in 1802, formed a society for promoting the * It is truly honorable to the baptists that they have done so much for the interests of learning and religion, and particularly for the instruction of the indians; and it is lamentable that the state has done so little for the latter purpose. The catawba indians hare for a long time been friendly, and have lived among or rather have been surrounded by white people, and yet no one effort has been made by the state for the civilization and religious instruction of this tribe, nor of any of the indians. A century and a half has not passed away since these people were the sole possessors of the whole of this extensive and beautiful country: but these former lords of the soil have been driven from river to river—from forest to forest—rolled back nation upon nation, till they are fugitives, vagrants, and stran- gers in their own land. Carolinians! cherish the few that re- main, and prevent their cursing the day on which Avhite men landed in the country of their forefathers. history, 1670—1808. 367 interests of religion. They have amassed funds to the amount of 2000 dollars. From the interest of this capital—annual subscriptions and collections, they support a missionary to preach to and instruct the inhabitants in such parts of the state as are des- titute of the ordinary means of acquiring religious knoAvledge ; and among such they distribute bibles, and other books of practical religion. In 1804 a number of ladies in Charlestown formed themselves into " a society for distributing pious books and erecting country schools for the children of the poor." They appointed a committee consisting of Mrs. Hollinshead president, Mrs. Waring treasurer, and Miss Edwards secretary; Mrs. Gregorie, Mrs. M'Calla, and Mrs. Beach, to transact the business of the society. Each of these and some others cir- culated among their acquaintances papers soliciting charitable contributions. From the proceeds, amounting to more than 4000 dollars in the first four years after the institution of the society, they have been enabled to distribute a number of religious books and to establish and support a school near the head branches of Goosecreek in which 27 scho- lars are educated and partly maintained at their ex- pense. Within 25 miles of CharlestoAvn they found in one neighborhood 17 families containing 61 chil- dren, w ho were destitute of the means of instruction. This is now freely imparted to them by the society. The funds of the institution have been managed with such address that, over and above paying all current expenses, they have purchased 51 shares in the South-Carolina bank ; the dividends of Avhich 368 LITERAKV are appropriated as a perennial spring to Avater this and similar institutions Avhich they have resolved to extend and establish as far and as soon as their means will enable them. The late happy revolu- tion in South-Carolina Avas essentially aided by the patriotism o: its ladies. Exertions like the present, tend to make that revolution a real blessing; for knoAvledge and morality are the main pillars of our free and happy government. In Union district there is a grammar school situa- ted on Fair forest, and has about 20 grammar scholars. It is supported by a society under the name of the Philomathean society. This society have it under their patronage and direction, and promise a certain annual sum to the teacher Avhich they pay up by contribution if the tuition money fails ; independent of this they tax themselves with a certain sum per annum for the purpose of raising a fund for the erection of an academy. In Newberry district there are two very respect- able academies; they were originated and have been carried on with much spirit. Bethel academy is un- der the patronage of the methodist society, and is much indebted to the zeal and influence of the reve- rend Mr. Dorothy, deceased. It is situated in the center of a pleasant and Avealthy neighborhood, and as the gentlemen of the vicinage feel a zeal for the welfare of the academy they keep plentiful board- ing at a reasonable price. This academy sometimes has seventy or eighty students. It is generally filled by a respectable teacher. The Newberry academy was established by con- history, 1670—1808. 369 tributions, and is about one mile from Newberry court-house. For the better support of it they pro- cured leave of the legislature to raise a sum of mo- ney by lottery. It is very well supplied with a res- pectable teacher and a competent number of stu- dents. This institution is much indebted to the zeal and liberality of colonel Rutherford. In Spartanburg district there is one grammar school called the Minerva school, Avith about twen- ty grammar scholars. It is supported and patron- ized by a society under the name of the Philanthro- pic society. It it situated in a high healthy part of the country, and the neighborhood affords plentiful and good boarding at a reasonable price. It is sup- plied with a respectable teacher. Besides Avhat has been done by the state, and by religious sects and private societies for the ad- vancement of learning and the diffusion of religious knowledge among the inhabitants, there are several private schools, both in CharlestoAvn and the coun- try for teaching classical and mathematical learning. Among these one under the care of the reverend Dr. Waddel of Abbeville district deserves particular no- tice. In it from seventy to eighty students are in- structed in the latin, greek, and french languages, and such of the arts and sciences as are necessary to prepare a candidate for admission into the higher classes at the northern colleges*. The school-house * Dr. Smith, the learned president of Nassau-Hall, in New- Jersey, has repeatedly said, that he receives no scholars from any section of the United States who stand a better examination than the pupils of Dr. Waddel. vol. ir. 3 B 370 LITESAlti is a plain lqg building in the midst ot the woods in a hilly and healthy country, and too small to ac- commodate all the scholars in the hours of study. To obviate this inconvenience they are permitted and encouraged to build huts in the vicinity. These are the rough carpentry of the pupils, or construct- ed by workmen for about four dollars. In these, Avhen the weather is cold, and under the trees Avhen it is warm, the different classes study. To the com- mon school or recitation room they instantly repair Avhen called for by the name of the Homer, the Xenophon, the Cicero, the Horace, or Virgil class, or by the name of the author whose Avritings they are reading. In a moment they appear before their preceptor, and with order and decorum recite their lessons—are critically examined in grammar, and syntax—the construction of sentences—the forma- tion of verbs—the antiquities of Greece and Rome —the history and geography of the antients, illus- trative of the author whose works they recite; and are taught to relish his beauties, and enter into his spirit. Thus class succeeds to class without the formality of definite hours for study or recreation till all have recited. In the presence of the students assembled a solemn and appropriate prayer, im- ploring the Eternal in their behalf, begins and ends the exercises of each day. In this manner the classics are taught 190 miles from the sea-coast. The glowing periods of Cicero are read and admi- red. The melody and majesty of Homer delight the ear and charm the understanding in the very spot, and under the identical trees, which sixty years history, 1670—1808. 3*71 ago resounded with the war-whoop and horrid vei- lings of savage indians. Of the large number that attend this school, nine in ten are as studious as their health will permit, and as orderly in their conduct as their friends could wish. Far removed from the dissipation of cities, and among sober, industrious, and religious people, they must be studious or lose all character and be pointed at by the finger of scorn. If disposed to be idle or vicious, they can- not be so otherwise than by themselves; for the place will not furnish them Avith associates. Moni- tors are appointed to superintend each subdivision of the students ; and such as transgress the rules of the school are reported once in every AA-eek. Over them a court is held. They are allowed to justify or extenuate. A summary decision is made. Though corporal punishment is not wholly excluded it is rarely inflicted. The discipline of the institution respects the pride of youth, and is chiefly calculated to repress irregular conduct by attaching to it shame and dishonor. The sagacious preceptor quickly finds out the temper and disposition of each student, and is the first to discover aberrations from the straight line of propriety. By nipping mischief in the bud, he prevents its coming to any serious height. By patience in teaching, and minutely explaining what is difficult, he secures the affections of his pu- pils and smooths their labors; while at the same time judicious praise rouses ambition, and kindles in their breasts an ardent love for improvement, and an ea- gerness to deserve and gain applause*. * A clergyman of the same name Avith this illustrious fn- structor of youth in Abbeville, and his relative, died near Rich- 372 literary Though the state and indiA'idUals have done much to encourage education among the youth of Caroli- mond about the \ear 1806. It is remarkable that bolh these distinguished namesakes lived in similar situations iv mote from the public eye in country retirement. The merits of ihe Vir- ginia \\ addel were first brought before the public in a letter published in a Virginia newspaper in 1803, purportir.^ to be written by an english gentleman travelling in the United Stales, to a member of the british parliament; but generally ascribed to the celebrated William Wirt of Richmond. From this let- ter the following extract is taken : " It was one Sunday as 1 " travelled through the county of Orange, that my eye A\as " caught by a cluster of horses tied near a ruinous old wooden " house in the forest not far from the road side. I had no dif- " ficulty in understanding that this was a place of religious wor- " ship. Curiosity to hear the preacher of such a wilderness " was not the least of my motives for joining the congregation. " On entering I was struck with his preternatural appearance. " He was a tall and very spare old man ; his head which was " covered with a white linen cap; his shrivelled hands and " his voice were all shaking under the influence of a palsy, " and a few moments ascertained to me that he was perfectly ** blind. The first emotions which touched my breast, were " those of mingled pity and veneration. But ah! how soon " were all my feelings changed. The lips of Plato were ne- " ver more worthy of a prognostic swarm of bees, than were " the lips of this holy man. It was a day of the administration " of the sacrament, and his subject of course was the passion " of our Saviour. I had heard the subject handled a thousand " times: I had thought it exhausted long ago. Little did I " suppose that in the wild woods of America, I was to meet " with a man Avhose eloquence would give to this topic a new " and more sublime pathos than I had ever before witnessed. " As he descended from the pulpit to distribute the mystic " symbols there was a peculiar, a more than human solemnity u in his air and manner, which made my blood run cold and " my whole frame to shiver. He then dreAv a picture of the " sufferings of our Saviour—his trial before Pilate—his ascent history, 1670—1808. 373 na, the proportion of the rising generation which is pressing forward with such ardent zeal for know- " up Calvary—his crucifixion, and his death. I knew the " whole history, but never until then had I heard the circum- " stances so selected, so arranged, so colored. It was all " new, and I seemed ro have heard it for the first time in " my life. His enunciation Avas so deliberate that his voice " trembled on every syllable, and every heart in the assembly " trembled in unison. His peculiar phrases had that force " of description, that the original scene appeared to be at that " moment acting before our eyes. But when he came to touch « the patience, the forgiving meekness of our Saviour; when " he drew to the life his blessed eyes streaming in tears to « heaven ; his voice breathing to God a soft and gentle prayer « of pardon on his enemies—" Father forgive them, for they « know not Avhat they do"—the voice of the preacher, « which had all along faltered, grew fainter and fainter, until " his utterance became entirely obstructed by the force of his " feelings; he raised his handkerchief to his eyes, and burst " into a loud and irrepressible flood of grief. The effect is << inconceivable: the whole house resounded Avith the mingled « groans and sobs of the congregation. It was some time be- " fore the tumult had subsided, so far as to permit him to pro- " ceed. I began to be very uneasy for the situation of the " preacher. For I could not conceive how he would be able to " let his audience down from the height to which he had " wound them, Avithout impairing the solemnity and dignity » of his subject or perhaps shocking them by the abruptness " of the fall. But, no ; the descent was as beautiful and sub- " lime as the elevation had been rapid and enthusiastic. The " first sentence Avith which he broke the aAvful silence, Avas a « quotation from Rousseau : " Socrates died like a philoso- " pher, but Jesus Christ like a God." I despair of giving << you any idea of the effect produced by this short sentence, " unless you could perfectly conceive the whole manner of the " man, as well as the peculiar crisis in the discourse. Never - before did I completely understand what Demosthenes meant " by laying such stress on delivery. You are to bring before 374 LITERARY ledge, as bids fair to secure for them high seats in the temple of fame is lamentably small. In genius " you the venerable figure of the preacher; his blindness con- " stantly recalling to your recollection old Homer, Ossian, ami " Milton, and associating Avith his performance the melancho- " ly grandeur of their geniuses ; you are to imagine that yo\i c' hear his slow, solemn, well accented enunciation, and his " voice of affecting, trembling, melody ; you are to remember " the pitch of passion and enthusiasm to Avhich the congrega- " tion were raised; and then the few minuter, of portentous " death-like silence which reigned throughout the house ; the " preacher removing his white handkerchief from his aged " face, even yet wet from the recent torrent of his tears, and " slowly stretching forth the palsied hand which holds it, be- " gins the sentence: " Socrates died like a philosopher;" " then pausing, "raising his other hand, pressing them both " clasped together with warmth and energy to his breast, lift- " ing his " sightless balls " to heaven, and pouring his whole tl soul into his tremulous voice ; " but Jesus Christ like a " God." If he had been indeed, and in truth, an angel of light, *' the effect could scarcely have been more divine. Whatever " I had been able to conceive of the sublimity of Masillon, or " the force of Bourdaloue, had fallen far short of the power " Avhich I felt from the delivery of this simple sentence. The " blood which just before had rushed in a hurricane upon my " brain, and in the violence and agony of my feelings, had held ,( my whole system in suspense, now ran back into my heart " with a sensation which I cannot describe, a kind of shudder- " ing, delicious, horror. " If this description gives you the impression that this in- " comparable minister had any thing of shallow theatrical trick " in his manner it does him great injustice. I have never " seen in any other orator such an union of simplicity and " majesty. He has not a gesture an attitude or an accent to " which he does not seem forced by the sentiment which " he is expressing. His mind is too serious, too earnest, too so- " licitous, and, at the same time, too dignified to stoop to arti- " fice. Although as far removed from ostentation as a man (( can be, yet it is clear from the train, the style and substance HISTORY, 1670—1808. 375 they are not deficient, but perseverance in a lon<* continued close application to study is too often " of his thoughts, that he is not only a very polite scholar, but " a man of extensive and profound erudition. I was forcibly " struck with a short yet beautiful character which he drew of " our learned and amiable countryman, sir Robert Boyle ; he " spoke of him as if " his noble mind had even before death " divested herself of all influence from his frail tabernacle of " flesh," and called him, in his peculiarly emphatic and im- " pressive manner, " a pure intelligence, the link between men " and angels." " This man has been before my imagination almost ever " since ; a thousand times as I rode along I dropped the reins " of my bridle, stretched forth my hand, and tried to imitate " his quotation from Rousseau ; a thousand times I abandoned " the attempt in despair, and felt persuaded that his peculiar " manner and power, arose from an energy of soul, which na- " ture could give, but which no human being could justly copy. " In short, he seems to be altogether a being of a former age, " or of a totally different nature from the rest of men. Guess u my surprise Avhen on my arrival at Richmond, and mention- " ing the name of this man, I found not one person who had u ever before heard of James Waddel. Is it not strange that " such a genius as this, so accomplished a scholar, so divine an " orator,should be permitted to languish and die in obscurity with- " in 80 miles of the metropolis of Virginia! To me it is a conclu- " sive argument either lhat the Virginians have no taste for the " highest strains of the most sublime oratory, or that they are " destitute of a much more important quality, the love of genu- " ine and exalted religion. Indeed it is too clear my friend " that this soil abounds more in Aveeds of foreign birth, than in " good and salubrious fruits. Among others the noxious Aveed " of infidelity has struck a deep a fatal root, and spread its pes- " tilential branches far around. I fear that our eccentric and " fanciful countryman Godwin, has contributed not a little t« " water and cherish this pernicious exotic. There is a novelty, " a splendor, a boldness in his scheme of morals peculiarly fit- ** ted to captivate a youthful and an ardent mind." 376 LITERARY Avanting. Many of them will not learn greek at ali. Others learn it so superficially that it is soon forgot- ten. Very few can bring their knowledge of either the latin or greek classics to bear on any subject of com^ersation, or Avriting, seven years after they have done Avith school. H hat is thoroughly learnt can- not be so easily forgotten. A few with little or no classical education, by the help of superior natural poAvers and an iudustrious course of english read- ing, have made a distinguished figure in public life. Their success, like the large prizes in a lottery, in- spires false hopes in the breasts of others avIio have neither the talents nor industry of those whom thev affect to resemble. So much of the precious period of youth is frequently spent in doing nothing of any value or in frivolous amusements, that too little is left for completing a solid education in its proper season. Whether this is attained or not, the pur- suit of it oftener terminates under twenty, than con- tinues beyond that period, Several affect to be men, and some are really fathers Avhen they ought to be at school. Hoav far the youth of the upper country will merit exemption from these remarks, remains to be ascertained by time. There are already some promising appearances in their favor. Youths of great hopes are coming forward into public life from the Avestern woods. A general system of education has often been be- fore the assembly, but nothing has yet been deter- mined on the subject. In several extensive but thinly populated settlements, there are no schools; and children are advancing in years without being history, 1670—1808. 377 able to read. In a christian state, professing to believe that the bible is the Avord of God, it is no small reproach that there should be any so ignorant as to be incapable of reading it*. The assembly did not confine their patronage of literature merely to the erection of schools and col- leges, but encouraged the practical arts. The first laAv passed for that purpose was as early as 1691, in the 22d year after the settlement of the province. This Avas entitled " an act for the better encou- ragement of the making of engines for the propa- gating the staples of the colony." A laAv Avas pas- sed in 1707 " for encouraging the making potash and salt petre;" one in 17153 " for encouraging the building saw mills and other mechanic engines;" and two in 1725 "for the encouragement of making salt in the province." Peter Villepontaux, Francis Gracia, Charles LoAvndes, and Adam Pedington, be- tween the years 1732 and 1756, severally received legislative encouragement in favor of machines made * This reproach can noAv be more easily wiped off than heretofore ; for the ingenuity of Mr. Lancaster has lately con- trived and introduced into practice with success a new and easy method, by Avhich one man can at the same time teach a thousand persons to read. A school in New-York, and another in Philadelphia, have been lately set up on this plan and have been found to answer. A salary for the teacher, and a large house for the pupils, are all the items which involve any material ex- pense in executing Mr. Lancaster's system. WThen the as- sembly in this or some other mode shall have put it in the power of the poorest person to be taught the art of reading and writing, they will then have done a full orbed duty to all clas- ses of the people as far as their literary interests are concerned. vol. ir. 3 C ol 8 LITERAR\ ■or projected by them respectively for pounding, beat- ing, and cleaning rice. These and some other laws of a similar tendency passed while South-Caroli- na Avas a british province. On the establishment of independence, and peace, the business was takpn up in the proper style of a sovereign state. In 1784 a law was passed " for the encouragement of arts and sciences," by Avhich it Avas enacted, " that the au- thors or proprietors of books, and the inventors of useful machines, should have the exclusive benefit of their labors or inventions on certain restrictions for the term of fourteen years ; and renewable for a se- cond term of fourteen years if the authors or inven- tors were then living." This power was exercised by the state liberally for the' encouragement of ge- nius till it was voluntarily transferred to the United States in 17S8 for more general benefit. Except the provincial library, coeval with the 18th century, which has disappeared, the eldest establish- ment of that kind is the Charlestown library society, founded in 1748, and incorporated in 1754. It con- sisted originally of the following seventeen mem- bers : John Sinclair, John Cooper, Peter Timothy. James Grindlay, William BurroAvs, Morton Brails- ford, Charles Stevenson, John Xeufville, Thomas Sacheverell, Robert Brisbane, Samuel Brailsford, Paul Douxsaint, Thomas Middleton, Alexander Baron, Alexander M'Caulay, Patrick M'Kie, and William Logan; and has been ever since increasing in members, funds, and books. It at present pos- sesses 4,500 volumes, and consists of 230 mem- bers: its capital in bank shares and stock, 11,600 dollars j yearly income, 3,400 dollars; annual ex- HISTORY, penses, 1,500 dollars. It is deficient in ancient lite- rature*, but contains a very ample collection of ele- gant and costly works in botany, natural history, voyages, travels, civil history, biography, and mis- cellaneous literature. It also receives a regular annual supply from London of new and valuable publications. Similar respectable establishments have been made in Union, Newberry, Laurens, and Abbeville districts ; also in Camden, Georgetown, and Columbia ; but of recent datef. There are li- * On the 17th of January 1778, a very extensive fire took place in Charlestown, when this library, containing betwen six and seven thousand volumes, comprising a very valuable col- lection of ancient authors, with paintings, prints, a pair of ele- gant globes, mathematical and other instruments, and many specimens of natural history, was almost totally destroyed. Since the establishment of peace the attention of the society has been principally directed to the most valuable modern authors. A beginning has also been made towards the formation of a museum. Among the natural curiosities of Carolina there collected, are the heads of two deer with their branching horns so interlocked that they cannot be detached from each other. These were parts of two skeletons found in the Avoods of Beaufort district, lying in opposite directions. It is conjectu- red on probable grounds that in butting each other their respec- tive long diverging antlers became so entangled as to be inca- pable of separation. In this state of unnatural union they must either have starved or have been devoured by birds of prey. A spectator cannot avoid reflecting that duels between individuals, and wars between nations are often as causeless in their origin, and as ruinous in their consequence, as the fatal contest of these cervine combatants. t A library society might be instituted on the following plan in every neighborhood, Avhich at a small expense would afford to its members an opportunity of reading a considerable 1670—1808. 379 380 LITERARY braries forming at many of the court-houses, as cen- tral places of deposit for the districts, which are en- larging gradually, and extending a taste for reading. They are in the nature of circulating libraries among the proprietors. Many of the Avealthy planters have respectable libraries for their private use, and they are not back- ward in adding to them from time to time, especi- ally new and popular publications. The booksel- lers declare that the sale of books progressively in- creases except in times of general distress from some common calamity. They add further, that school- books, and such as treat of religion, are in the great- est demand. Mr. Davidson, the worthy and re- spectable librarian of the Charlestown library,Jadds, as a further evidence of an increasing taste for lite- rature in Carolina, that the number of books loaned out for reading has increased astonishingly in the period of eleven years, during which he has been charged with the care of the society's books. number of books : let any given number associate and each pay a certain sum to be agreed upon, and with that purchase books. When the books are procured let every subscriber choose and take home as many of them as he pleases, not ex- ceeding in price the amount of his subscription. The priority of choice to be in the alphabetical order of their names. In every fortnight, month, or other regular period to be agreed on, let all the books be returned, and a new distribution be made on the same principle ; but he who has had the first choice shall immediately thereupon be put at the foot of the list and have his next choice last; and so on successively, till the last in the alphabetical arrangement has the first choice. The books may then be sold, and the proceeds or a second sum advanced by the subscribers, may be applied to the purchase of a new collo tion to be distributed in rotation as before. HISTORY, 1670—1808. 381 So many are the readers in Carolina, compared with the books within their reach, that much of their knowledge in theology, moral philosophy, ancient history, manners, and customs, is derived from their bibles; and a great proportion of what they know respecting politics and government, the mo- dern improvements in arts and sciences, and the present state of the world, is derived from newspa- pers. The amount of knowledge collected from these two sources by some retired citizens, exceeds what strangers could expect. Having but little to read, they read that little well. Their bibles, when carefully studied and one part made to expound another by the help of marginal references, open an extensive view of the origin of the world, and the great revolutions it has undergone—of ancient na- tions, and particularly of the real state of human nature, in every clime and age. No history was ever better Avritten than that of the jews, by their own Moses. And there is more knoAvledge respecting the first half of the whole period that has elapsed since the creation of man to be obtained from the bible, than from any other source. In our popular government, where contending parties exert their utmost powers by eloquent appeals to the people to draAv them to their respective sides; and where ri- val editors, by the variety and importance of the contents of their papers, endeavor to extend their circulation, a flood of miscellaneous knowledge is transmitted through these daily vehicles of commu- nication. Newspapers began to be printed in South-Ca- rolina in or about 1730, by Lewis Timothy. — "82 LITERARY From that period to the present, Avith some short interruptions, a paper has been constantly printed by some of that family. His great grand son, Peter Timothy Marchant, is one of the present proprietors of the Courier. Robert Wells commenced a ga- zette in 1758, and continued it Avith great spirit for about sixteen years, and Avas folloAved by his son John Wells in the same line till 1782. Charles Crouch also began a public ncAvspaper in 1765 in defiance of the stamp act, and continued it till the revolution. None but weekly papers avctc printed in Charlestown, and none at all in the country prior to the establishment of independence. In 1783 Mr. John Miller, formerly editor of a paper in Lon- don, began a daily one in Carolina. Three daily and two weekly papers now issue from the presses of Charlestown. A newspaper is also printed in Camden, Columbia, in Pendleton district, and at Georgetown. The public gazettes, before the prin- ciples of the revolution began to agitate the ameri- can mind, were comparatively unimportant. Go- vernment being administered for the colonists, and not by them, they felt but little interest in its trans- actions. Very different is the case at present. From the concern that every man takes in public matters —from the arts of politicians, to lead or even to mis- lead the people connected with the spirit of free in- quiry, and the enlivening energy of representative government, knoAvledge has become a thriving plant among the Carolinians; and many of their minds have grown far beyond the standard of their fathers who died while they were subjects. In the course of the 106 years while South-Caro- HISTORY, 1670—1808. 383 lina was a colony, the whole number of persons born therein who obtained the honors of literary degrees in colleges or universities, as far as can be recollect- ed, is short of twenty ; but in the 32 years of her in- dependence, one hundred of her native sons have acquired that distinction. There was no grammar school in South-Carolina prior to 1730, except the free-school in Charlestown : from 1730 till 1776 there were not more than four or five, and all in or near Charlestown. Since the revolution there are, , from information, about 30 and they are daily in- creasing and extending into the remotest extremities of the state. The only Avell furnished book store in provincial South-Carolina, was one kept for about 25 years by Robert Wells, who contributed considerably to a taste for reading in Charlestown by the regular and early importation of all neAv and admired publica- tions in Great-Britain. Since the revolution there have been constantly from three to six book stores m Chariest©Avn. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY OF SOUTH-CAR OIi IN A. Virtues, rices, customs, and diversions, §c. of the inhabitants. CHAP. X I he love of liberty had taken deep root in the minds of Carolinians long before it Avas called into action by the revolution. The first settlers fled from tyranny and persecution. In such a situation truth occurred to them every moment and effectual- ly taught them the rights of man. Their situation and employment in a new country operated so as to enlarge and confirm the sentiments which their suf- ferings had first produced. The wilderness was to be cleared—habitations were to be built—the means of living were to be procured. This similarity of situa- tion and employment produced a similarity of state and condition, and inculcated the equality of rights. They soon found that to be wise, strong, industrious and healthy, was of much more importance than to be called dukes, earls, or marquisses. They grew up with a love of liberty, and every thing around them MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 385 confirmed their predilections for its blessings. Tavo of their early governors, Sir James Colleton and Seth Sothel, were taught by the assembly of the province to respect the rights of freemen. In the exercise of that great american right to resist tyran- ny and to abolish constitutions when hostile to their happiness, they threAv off the proprietary yoke. Animated by the same spirit, in little more than half a century after one revolution they engaged in an- other. They rescinded all connexion with Great- Britain, and risked their lives and properties in defence of independence. Great were the sacrifices to which they submitted in the revolutionary Avar; but on all occasions the love of liberty was their predominant passion. Nice calculations of the pro- bable consequences of their resisting Great-Britain ■while they Avere few in numbers—exposed to dan- gers from their own domestics and the numerous sa- vages on their frontiers, Avould have deterred them from engaging in the doubtful contest if immediate self interest had been the pole-star of their conduct. South-Carolina had few or no local grievances to complain of, and might at any time have obtained good terms on submission to the mother country; but the love of liberty carried her sons honorably and triumphantly through the Avar, and has ever since taught them to resist all real and supposed at- tempts to invade their rights. Though this disposition nourishes freedom, and is highly deserving of praise, yet it has sometimes been carried too far; especially since the revolution, and by the younger part of the community. The elder vol. n. 3D 386 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. citizens have successfully contended for the rights of men. Their sons, too little accustomed to the dis- cipline of a strict education, seem equally zealous for the rights of boys, and urge their claims so prac- tically that many of the merchants import from Eu- rope clerks trained to habits of obedience, rather than make vain attempts to subjugate the high mint! ed youths of Carolina. Their repugnance to sub jection is sometimes accompanied by many virtues, and affords a guarantee to the republican institutions of the country, but too often transcends the tempe- rate medium which as cheerfully submits to proper authority as it manfully opposes what is improper and degrading. Hospitality is another common virtue in Carolina. Inn-keepers complain that this is carried to such an extent that their business is scarcely worth following. The doors of the citizens are opened to all decent travellers, and shut against none. The abundance of provisions on plantations renders the exercise of this virtue not inconvenient, and the avidity of coun- try people for hearing news makes them rather seek than shun the calls of strangers. The state may be travelled over with very little expense by persons furnished with letters of introduction, or even with- out them by calling at the plantations of private gen- tlemen on or near the roads. Charity is carried rather to excess in Charlestown; for the bounty of the public is so freely bestowed and so easily obtained as to weaken the incitements to industry and sometimes to furnish facilities for indulging habits of vice. On this subject a reform is needed, and will probably soon take place. The MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 387 public charitable institutions of Charlestown cost its inhabitants annually more than 30,000 dollars; the payment of which is enforced by law in the form of a city tax. The calls on them for their private contributions to relieve indigence, to promote litera- ry, religious, charitable, and benevolent institutions, both in and out of the state, are frequently repeated and seldom or never without success. Tavo or three thousand dollars are often collected in a feAv weeks by courtly solicitors and carried off by them for purposes in the advancement of which the peo- ple of CharlestoAvn have no direct nor immediate in- terest. A sense of honor is general; but, like charity, is sometimes carried too far, and urges individuals to seek satisfaction or explanation for trifles which might Avith propriety pass unnoticed. The general result is however favorable to a respectful behavior of the citizens reciprocally to each other. The li- centiousness of the tongue and press is seldom in- dulged in Carolina by the lowest classes of people, and scarcely at all by any of decent standing in so- ciety. The correct conduct of the gentlemen in the state is imitated by all ranks. There is such a gen- eral respect for propriety of behavior, that rude at- tacks on the characters of individuals meet with no countenance. They are for the most part more in- jurious to their authors than their subjects. A keen sensibility on subjects of personal honor, carried to extremes, degenerates into a vice odious in its mo- tive, mischievous in its consequences, and particu- larly disgraceful to the state. Mistaken vieA\s of honor give rise to duels. These take place ©itener 388 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY in Carolina than in all the nine states north of Ma- ryland. Warm A\eather and its attendant increase of bile in the stomach has a physical tendency to produce an irritable temper. Hence it frequently happens, especially in summer, that many things are said or done thoughtlessly and Avithout any de- liberate intention of hurting the characters or Avound- ing the feelings of the persons to Avhom they relate. Genuine chivalry Avould either disregard such trifles, or seek for an explanation and readily accept of a slight one or such as might be made Avithout degra- dation. But it is too common for sudden gusts of passion under the imposing garb of honor to urge the offended party to demand too much, and the offender to concede too little. The christian doc- trine of the forgiveness of injuries being disregarded, pride and self-love become the motives of action, and make honorable reconciliation impossible; for they urge one party to refuse, what they urge the other to insist upon. To avoid the imputation of cowardice, the one demands reparation for an of- fence according to his own ideas of justice, and the other from the same motive and under the same in- fluence refuses it.—Each constitutes himself judge in his own case at a time when pride or passion hide both truth and justice from their minds. The laws of God and man being set aside, the important question of right or Avrong—of character and re- putation, is left to the decision of the best marks- man. That duellists, who nine times in ten can strike a dollar, should at the same distance either miss their antagonists altogether, or that part of them at which they levelled, must be referred to Avant of MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY." 389 self-possession. Conscious that they are doing wrong, their hands tremble and carry the bullets aside from their aim; otherwise the death of both parties would be much more common than it is. A few duels are recollected as having taken place before the revolutionary Avar, and were often fought with swords. During and since that period they have been much more frequent; and always with pistols. Their folly is equal to their guilt. They decide nothing. They neither prove the courage, the justice, nor the innocence of the parties. The greatest cowards may be urged on to fight duels, and the bravest men may, from a sense of duty to God and man, and from a conviction of their absurdity, refuse that gothic mode of settling disputes. They occasionally rid the Avorld of a fool, a madman, a gambler, a bully, or a blackguard : but sometimes deprive society of a worthy man, who, though pos- sessed of many virtues, has not courage enough to follow his own convictions of duty; and Avho is so afraid of the imputation of cowardice, that he acts the part of a coAvard ; for, induced by fear of the censure or ridicule of a misjudging world, he de- liberately does what his conscience condemns. It is to be regretted that among the many laws Avhich crowd the statute book of Carolina, there are none that are calculated to suppress the practice of duelling. According to the letter of the law, duel- lists may be prosecuted for murder; but the uni- form verdict of juries for more than 30 years has adjudged the offence to be manslaughter. The burning in the hand, which is the penalty of that of- fence, has in every instance been remitted. The tri- 390 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. al of a person Avho has killed his antagonist in a duel, is now little more than an investigation of the fairness of the procedure. If the rules of duelling have been observed, and no advantage taken, an ac- quittal as above stated is a matter of course. This defect in the policy of the state laws induced the Re- volution society, and the South-Carolina society of Cincinnati, in the year 1803, to appoint a committee from both societies to petition the legislature to pro- vide some adequate law to restrain this practice of duelling. The committee draughted a petition which, after being signed by more than 4000 persons, was presented to the legislature. They also by cir- cular letters requested the clergy to preach on the subject. This was generally complied with. The public mind Avas enlightened on the guilt and folly of the practice; but no other benefit resulted. The legislature did not act on the petition though the petitioners were numerous, and many of the grand juries had presented the want ot a proper law against duelling as a grievance. The committee of the two societies at the request of some members of the as- sembly, draughted a bill for the purpose intended. This was put in the hands of members of the legis- lature to be brought fonvard as the work of a com- mittee of their body. It contemplated the subject on new grounds and proposed a legal tribunal for deciding those points of honor which are the ordi- nary causes of duels, and imposed penalties affect- ing the honor, character, and civil privileges of the duellists, their seconds, aiders, and abettors. It did not not touch the life of the survivor, but sub- jected his estate to the obligation of providing for MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 391 the family of his deceased antagonist. In this busi- ness major-general Charles CotesAvorth Pinckney took the lead. His standing in society as an officer of high rank—his established reputation for courage and for exquisite sensibility on every subject con- nected with honor, gave great weight to his opinions: but all was unavailing. No law has yet been passed relative to duels; and the practice of killing men in single combat, and of acquitting the survivors, con- tinues. South-Carolina loses four or five of its citizens almost every year and sometimes embryo citizens; for lads have fought duels, who were too young to give their votes at elections or to make their wills. They dispose of their lives when they are not legally competent to dispose of their pro- perty. Drunkenness may be called an endemic vice of Carolina. The climate disposes to it, and the com- bined influence of religion and education, too often fail to restrain it. The free perspiration which takes place especially in summer, calls for a great proportion of liquid to replace the discharged fluid. Several persons are contented with the beverage of nature, and maintain good health and spirits without any artificial liquor whatever ; but a much greater number drink water only Avhen they can get nothing else. The most harmless substitute that has ever yet been found for that pure element is beer. This communicates strength while it quen- ches thirst, and in its most common forms does not readily intoxicate. Unfortunately for Carolinians cheap fermented liquors do not suit with their cli- mate, especially in the summer when they are most 39* MISCELLANEOUS HISTOKY. Avanted. Recourse is generally had to spirituous liquors; medical theories are made to bend to ap- petite. Accommodating professional men by their example and advice, recommend it as a corrector of the water. Such opinions are readily received and acted upon. % The general position being once admitted that the addition of rum, gin, brandy, or whisky, is an improvement of Avater, it is no easy matter to stop at the precise point of temperance. The reasoning powers are so far the dupes of sense, that a little more and a little stronger is taken with- out hesitation. Thirst makes the first drink a plen- tiful one : a few supplementary draughts complete the business of intoxication, and induce an oblivion of all cares. A repetition of the pleasing delusion takes place : an habit of ebriety is insensibly form- ed. To resist a growing fondness for liquor in its first stage is possible, but it requires much fortitude and perseverance. When the habit is completely formed, reason is dethroned : the reins are surren- dered to appetite, and the unhappy man is hurried on from bad to Avorse till he becomes a nuisance in society. All these temptations to intoxication are increas- ed by idleness. Men are so constituted as to be incapable of total stagnation. Something to stimu- late the senses, employ the body or occupy the mind, is a matter of absolute necessity. He whose vacant mind cannot amuse itself Avith reading, rea- soning, reflecting, or the reveries of imagination; Avhose inclination disrelishes and whose circumstan- ces elevate him above bodily labor, has only one avenue left to save himself from the painful, sensa- MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 393 tions of being without any employment for mind or body: that is, to rouse his senses by the poignan- cy of something that acts directly and strongly up- on them. This may be done by tobacco, opium, and some other irritating substances, but by nothing so readily or so conveniently as by ardent spirits. The draught which at first excited the senses, soon becomes inadequate. The quantity must therefore be increased. A pernicious habit is thus insensibly formed from having nothing to do. The hard laboring man is assailed by temptations of a different nature. Labor in warm weather ex- cites great thirst. The attending depression of spi- rits is supposed to require something cordial. The quantity of Avater which nature requires, dashed with only a common portion of ardent spirits, makes in the whole too much of the latter for health or comfort. Habits of intoxication in this manner groAv on persons of this description Avhile they are Avithout any apprehensions of their transgressing the rules of temperance. Thus a considerable propor- tion of the laborers who take up their abode in Ca- rolina, either lose their healths or their lives in the course of a feAv years. Dropsies, complaints of the liver, dyspepsia or bad digestion close the scene with people of this description. To these may be added the gentlemen who spend their afternoons and evenings OA'er their wine. By the help of semi-annual fits of the gout they some- times make out to live for several years, though they seldom go to bed sober. Their habits are ex- pensive, destructive of time, and inconsistent with close application to business; but their lives are not vol. ir. 3 E 394 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. ~o directly and immediately threatened as in the case of those Avho in shorter spaces drink equal quantities of spirituous liquors. Perplexity, from debt and other embarrassments or troubles, is in Carolina a common cause of ine- briation. This state of mind produces a physical effect which resembles the pressure of a bar across the breast. To remove that sensation, and to droAvn care, recourse is had to the oblivious draught. Being often repeated, it disqualifies the sufferer from manly exertions to extricate himself. Instead of more industry and economy, it too often happens that more ardent spirits are taken till the case be- comes hopeless. The too early introduction of young lads into company has an unhappy effect on their habits. They need not the stimulus of strong drink, and are often indifferent and sometimes averse to it; but when fashion leads the way, they have not fortitude enough to make a stand. They are apt to prefer social folly to singular Avisdom. To be occasion* ally drunk in sjood company, is considered by their young companions as a proof of spirit. As duels are sometimes fought against the grain in compli- ance with custom, so habits of intoxication are con- tracted by young men not from any self indulgence in the beginning but merely to please other people. \\ hen once contracted they are rarely laid aside. The good natured, pleasant, accommodating youth; dies a sot before he attains to middle age. When all the preceding classes are taken into vieAv, the number of strictly temperate people is far short of Avhat is generally supposed. On this sub- MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 395 ject medical men have much better opportunities of information than others. Let him that stands, take neediest he fall; for the temptations to drunkenness are so great and. so common, as partly resulting from the climate, that great self command, prudence and fortitude, and a strict discipline of the passions and appetites, are absolutely necessary to maintain the empire of reason over sense. A disposition to contract debts is one of the vi- ces of Carolinians. To this several local causes contribute. Agriculture is the employment of most, and is the original source of their Avealth. As crops are annual, out-goings must precede in-comings. To limit the former to means in hands would great- ly curtail the latter. Agriculture must be carried on by most planters partly on credit or carried on to little purpose. From the state of the country ma- ny annual debts are unavoidably contracted, and from the uncertainty of crops in a hazardous clir mate subject to storms, freshets, and hurricanes, must often remain unpaid at least for the ensuing season. When every thing is prosperous the pro- fits are great. One crop will often purchase the fee simple of the land on Avhich it is made. Two, three, or four, will in like manner pay for the ne- groes Avho make it. These are strong inducements to give and to take credit. In successful seasons neither the merchant nor the planter are disappoint- ed. But a melancholy reverse often takes place: un- seasonable frosts, insects, freshets, defects or excess of rain, and several other incidents, prevent the groAvth or maturation of the commodities of the country. When the crop is made and ready to be gathered, 396 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. storms often, and hurricanes sometimes, in a few hours blast the labors of a year. When all is housed, circumstances both at home and abroad, be- yond the control of the planters, frequently arise to reduce the price of country produce, and sometimes entirely to obstruct its sale. Planting in Carolina is like an annual lottery, in which on an average of several years there are many blanks and many pri- zes. A few of the latter are very large, but the greatest number do not much exceed the price of the ticket. In the great chain of credit the planter forms the first link. When his crop fails, the fail- ure involves multitudes in unavoidable breaches of contract, though they have no immediate connexion Avith agriculture. If rational prospects of crops were the only foun- dation of credit, the debts of individuals would be far short of what they generally are. To these must be added an immense sum founded on speculation. In Carolina, where the price of marketable articles is as variable as the weather, a boundless field is open- ed to exercise the ingenuity of men who from an exact knowledge of the present state of things and an attentive retrospect of the past, can form shreAvd conjectures of the future rise and fall of the market. Such men are called speculators. By lucky gues- ses a few of them make estates ; but many others, less fortunate, not only lose what they possessed but involve innocent creditors in their speculations. The transition from riches to poverty, from good credit to insolvency is sometimes rapid. In other cases it is slow, but the more slow the more exten- sive is the ultimate crash. Where there are banks MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 397 and money lenders, an artificial credit may be sup- ported for some time. The affairs of the declining debtor are known to none but himself, and even he from self-love and sanguine hopes is often deceived. In the meantime others, misled by appearances, con- tinue to trust him; while his substance is wasting away betAveen usurers and brokers, lawyers and sheriffs. The contiguity of the West-India islands to Char- lestown affords temptations to many mercantile ad- venturers ; which, as they may be commenced with- out solid capital, frequently prove ruinous to those concerned. The voyage is often begun and ended within sixty days, and the cargo furnished on the credit of a note for that period. When the specu- lation succeeds all is well. It pays expenses and yields a handsome profit; but orders or decrees from european sovereigns, storms, tempests, and sudden changes in the market price of commodities, not unfrequently blast the fairest prospects; and suddenly substitute a heavy load of debt and some- times complete ruin, where immense profits were in a train of being realised. Securityship is another source of debt. Bonds- men are required by the state from most of its pub- lic officers and frequently from private purchasers of property. A feAv years often make a material alteration both in the circumstances and character of the principal, which is neither known nor suspect- ed by his security. A safe act is at first contempla- ted, but time or unforeseen circumstances make it the reverse and involve an innocent man in the mis- 398 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. fortunes of his friend. The great advance in the price of articles sold on long credit, induces sellers to prefer that mode of selling ; and the profits made by purchasers occasionally exceeding the usual rate of interest, induce purchasers to take the bait. This sometimes proves harmless, but often injurious both to them and their securities. Speculators are the readiest to be extensively in- volved in the toils of debt; but the most cautious are sometimes unavoidably entangled. There are few countries in the world where the expenses of living, especially in a tolerably decent style, are high- er than in Charlestown. In such a place even a temporary failure of business produces serious con- sequences. With many the profits and the labors of the day supply its wants. Though the first, from sickness or other causes, should fail, the latter go on and can only be supplied by credit. In this man- ner cautious honest men are sometimes involved. Debt, like a millstone^weighs them down so that their future extrication is always difficult and often im- practicable. The plain furniture of a decent house for the accommodation of a new married pair bought on credit, sometimes involves embarrassments which last for years. So many debts are contracted from tliese various sources that few individuals are clear of them. Unembarrassed estates are rare, and their real value is seldom known till their owners die; especially Avhere mutual credits are given and accounts remain for years, as is too often the case, without a final settlement. The banks have intro- duced a germ of punctuality among that class of MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 39$ people who do business Avith them; but these are not one in fifty of the whole inhabitants. He that commences business of any kind, with the means and the inclination to give general credit, must be both cautious and fortunate or he will lose not only profits but capital. His customers will be nume- rous ; but their payments will be so tardy, irregular, and so often withheld, that no dependence can be placed on them. On these subjects a reform is beginning to take place. The necessity and advan- tages of punctuality are more generally known and its votaries increase. Credit is oftener withheld or more cautiously given than formerly. The necessi- ty for it in agriculture has given it a currency in other cases, and has carried it so far as to make debt very common, and punctual payments very rare. Insolvent debtors enjoy some peculiar privileges in Carolina. When taken into custody, if they give security for their keeping within prescribed bounds, they are indulged Avith ample limits comprehending in Charlestown a space equal to two or three squares. On petition and a surrender of all their property to their creditors they may after ten days notice re- gain their liberty. To prevent this catastrophe, some make equivalent private surrenders to trustees for the benefit of their creditors. In the first case they are discharged from the claims of all creditors who have sued. In the latter, from all Avho accept of the terms of assignment. There is no bankrupt laAv in Carol in a; nor nnv that bars a creditor who 400 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. has neither sued nor compromised with the debtor from demanding payment from his future earnings. When this catastrophe takes place, neAv measures are generally adopted. The failing merchant com- mences broker. The planter Avhose property is ta- ken from him becomes manager for some of his more fortunate agricultural acquaintances. In both cases they recommence business with a stock of ex- perience that may be of immense service in their future operations. By the aid of industry and so- briety they may do Avell and retrieve what they have lost; but if they are so far broken down with their misfortunes as to give themselves up to habits of in- dolence and intoxication, they are gone for ever; and the sooner they die the better it is likely to fare with their families. If the property should be kept toge- ther during the life of its embarrassed possessor, when he dies new scenes open. The whole amount of debts and credits is then brought to view. The estate is found to be insolvent to the surprise of many, and especially of the unsuspecting widow. All her energy becomes immediately necessary for her helpless family. In such extremities the female character in Carolina has shone with peculiar lustre. Two obvious and common resources are open to the surviving parent. She may keep a lodging house, or open a school. In these or some other modes of making a livelihood widows engage, and often with surprising success. Steady to their purpose they pursue the present object without being drawn aside by splendid probabilities of remote advantages. By their judicious management, estates have been re- MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 401 trieved—families raised—sons and daughters, know- ing that their prospects of paternal fortune are cut off, are educated strictly and early taught to depend on their own exertions for their future maintenance and advancement. From a mother's care they rise, by the fall of their father's, and are presented to their country fortified with virtuous habits and honorable principles. Such have been the consequences both good and bad of the disposition to contract debt which abounds in the state. A warm moist unelastic air fosters habits of indo- lence. The mountaineer delights in action; but repose has peculiar charms for the inhabitant of the plain. In Carolina there are inhabitants and por- tions of the state embracing both descriptions. The common custom of making almost daily long sittings at meals, and smoking segars, co-operate with the climate in diminishing incitements to activity and energy of character. There is a painful vacuum in the life of an unemployed man, doubtless designed by providence to stimulate him to industry. These kind intentions are frustrated by substituting useless frivolous amusements in place of serious business. The long protracted pleasures of the table, fascinate, beguile time, and make immense deductions from that portion of it Avhich the calls of families and so- ciety require for interesting purposes. The dryness of the mouth, caused by smoking, excites an artifi- cial thirst and that demands repeated supplies of liquid. Water is insipid and cannot be relished af- ter the stimulating poignancy of tobacco. Some- 4G£ MISCELLANEOUS HIS TORY. thing spirituous must be added. That disinclination! to labor which flows from the state of the atmos- phere is increased. When all the powers of human nature should be put in requisition to counteract the influence of climate, auxiliaries are called in to aug- ment its baneful tendency. A chain of causes, all tending to mischief, is formed. A waste of time, idleness, and intemperance result from late sittings and long smokings, and all concur to expend the energies of man ; born for nobler purposes. Of the many customs which are deemed harmless in Caro- lina, none are eventually more injurious and at the same time less suspected than these which have oc- casioned the preceding remarks. To encourage the raising and improving the breed of good horses, a race course Avas in the year 1754 established by private subscription about a mile from Charlestown. Very few blooded horses had been previously imported; but after course-racing was introduced, great numbers of well bred running horses and mares Avere brought from England. Eve- ry planter raised yearly one or more colts. In u short time no part of America, except Virginia, could produce so many fine horses, either for the course, saddle or draught, as South-Carolina. This state of things continued till the revolutionary war, and furnished excellent horses both for the british and american cavalry. It has been renewed since the peace of 1783, but not urged with the same zeal as before. The culture of cotton engrosses the Caro- linians, and they now purchase many of their horses from the inhabitants of Kentucky, Tenessee, and MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 40S ©ther states who raise them at little expense. Be- fore the year 1754 the best horses for the draught or saddle in Carolina were called the chickesaAV breed. These Avere originally introduced by the Spaniards into Florida, and in the course of time had astonishingly increased. Great numbers ranged wild in and near the Apalache, old field. Many of them were caught and tamed by the indians, and sold to the traders. They made use of them for pack horses to bring their peltry to market, and af- tenvards sold them in the low country. These horses in general were handsome, active, and hardy, but small; seldom exceeding thirteen hands and a half in height. The mares in particular, when cros- sed with english blooded horses, produced colts of great beauty, strength and swiftness. Before the year 1754 these chickesaAv horses were the favorite breed. Since that period a much better one has been introduced. After course-racing Avas estab- lished, it was one of the most fashionable diversions; and drew from all parts of the province and state to Charlestown, a greater number of spectators than any other amusement or business whatever. Far from being confined to the capital, it extended over the province. It excited and continues to excite among the people a great and lively interest. The jockey club is numerous and comprehends a great proportion of the gentlemen near Charlestown. The periodical races in the month of February form an annual epoch inferior only to the 4th of July. For two or three hours before their commencement the road leading to the course is so croAvded that access 404 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. to the city is very difficult. While the race is pend- ing, and for some time before and after, a solemn stillness reigns throughout the streets. These are for the most part deserted, and Charlestown is transferred to the race ground. When the contest commences, almost every spectator takes part v\ ith one or the other of the horses contending for the foremost place. The moment that point is settled the rattling of cash is heard in all directions. Thou- sands are lost or Avon in a moment. The same scene is repeated and the same tumult of the pas- sions is roused for four successive days. On the evening of the last but one a ball is given by the jockey club in the style of republicans. The bustle is gradually composed. The planters and factors make a convenience of their meeting to effect a set- tlement of accounts, and both by degrees resume the accustomed habits of tranquil life. Hunting, both as a business and a diversion, has always been useful and fashionable in Carolina. It contributed essentially to the support of the first set- tlers, and considerably to that of their successors in every period. It has also furnished the most valu- able materials for the early commerce of the coun- try, and has ever since added to the list of its ex- ports. The same arts which Avere daily employed by the inhabitants in hunting, taught them to be ex- pert, and always ready to defend themselves against enemies. The country, at its first settlement, was one continued forest abounding with wild beasts. To destroy them was both pleasant and profitable. This disposition has descended from lather to son MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 405 through the five or six generations which have in- tervened between the first and present settlers. To the inhabitants of cities it is matter of astonishment with Avhat ease they who reside in the country can force their Avay at full speed through the thickest recesses of the forest. Impediments apparently in- surmountable are readily got over. Dangers that seem to threaten life and limb—to tear riders from their horses, or horses from them, are escaped with- out injury. Hunting in some respects is war in miniature. The votaries of the one are in a good school of preparation for the other. This was am- ply experienced in the course of the american revo- lution. When Charlestown yielded to the conque- rors in 1780, the contest Avas re-commenced by the huntsmen of the country under the auspices of their gallant leaders Sumpter and Marion. The same arts, arms, and equipments Avhich had been used against wild beasts, were successfully employed against the invaders, and made all their movements in a Avoody country extremely dangerous. At present game af- fords the only trophies of hunters. In pursuing it they take great delight. Children are taught by their example, and early equipped for the chase with a dog, a gun, and a horse. Boys not more than ten years old can show with pride the deer they have killed. Exulting in their proAvess they give an earnest of what they can do if their country should call for their services. Hunting is a social diversion and is carried on by clubs. One of these exists in almost every district, especially in the low country. They meet once a 406 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. month or fortnight, and the members by turns pro- vide a dinner in a plain building erected for the pur- pose in some convenient central part, and called the club-house. They meet early in the day with their hounds, horses, and guns. Such as choose to take an active part in the sport, sally out in the rear of their dogs. As soon as a deer is discovered, the hounds in full cry commencothe chase. The woods re-echo Avith sounds more exhilarating to the party than any musical instrument. The hunters pursue. From their knowledge of the country and the habits of the deer, they know the precise course that will be taken. They gallop through the woods with a swift- ness sometimes exceeding that of the dogs and the deer. They take different stands, but all ahead of the game, and in the course Avhich they know he will take. As soon as the deer appears within gun shot, he is levelled at by the hunters in succession ; but most of them are such dexterous marksmen that he hardly ever escapes, and is often laid low by the first or second fire. Instances not unfrequently oc- cur where the shot takes effect, though discharged when the shooter and the stricken deer are both in motion; and the latter at full speed. The hunt sel- dom fails of success. When it is over, the parties return to the club-house with keen appetites and partake of the dinner provided for them in the woods. The remainder of the day is spent sociably. In the evening they divide the spoil and return home. The members die, but the clubs are immortal; so far that a constant succession is kept up, and has been so for near half a century and bids fair to continue. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 407 The sons take the place of their fathers, and two or three generations in succession have hunted over the same ground. Any decent stranger coming to re- side in the district, if he chooses, is proposed as a member and rarely rejected. Any such person be- ing accidently in the neighborhood or even travel- ling by is invited to visit the club. If agreeable to him he is furnished Avith equipments and partakes of the sport as well as of the feast. Politeness and hospitality are incorporated with these social clubs. Good humor and good neighborhood are promoted by them, and they furnish excellent marksmen Avhen Avanted for the service of their country. The vio- lence of the exercise is sometimes injurious. Dis- asters of a serious nature from accident or mistake occasionally take place. The cravings for food and drink, highly excited by the chase, are not always sa- tisfied without subsequent irregularities; but such occurrences are rare. Dancing was always a favorite diversion among the Carolinians. In it the young people excel. To acquire that ease and elegance which results from it much time is spent and considerable expense incur- red. It is regarded more as a means than an end, and is prized as a social salutary exercise contribu- ting to self-possession and the perfect command of one's limbs. These ends being obtained, the means by which they were acquired are dropt. The sprightly girl becomes a sober wife, and after some years, with a few exceptions seldom exercises be- yond her domestic circle the art to which she is greatly indebted for her graceful movements. *U5 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. To music also great attention is paid, but not with equal success. To excel in this accomplishment requires not only a natural talent, but sedulous at- tention and long practice. There are many in Ca- rolina Avho, possessing all these advantages, arrive at distinguished eminence; but more who after spend- ing considerable sums of money scarcely exceed mediocrity, and soon forget the smattering they had previously acquired. In addition to the amusements already described, ball-playing and rifle-shooting are added in the coun- try. Through the interior parts of the state, ball- alleys are common and much frequented by young men. Of rifle-shooting they arc also very fond. Instead of articles being sold at public auction they are often shot for at a small price each shot. The most expert marksman has the fir.st choice. They generally shoot at a mark about the size of a dol- lar. He Avho does not strike the center of it or its vicinity comes in for no part of the prize. It is common to give notice that on a certain day a beef is to be shot for, and that the best shot shall have the first choice of any piece of the carcass. It sometimes happens that tAvo or three Avin the whole; for though there have been 20 or 30 competitors, and all have hit the mark, yet as they did not strike its center they have no share of the prize. By such practices the inhabitants are trained to feats in shooting which will Avith difficulty be believed bv the inhabitants of cities. A good rifleman with a fair shot seldom misses a deer or a wild turkey at the distance of 150 yards, and is often equally suc- cessful in hitting either of them though in full speed. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 409 DRESS. There is no standand for dress in Carolina. The models of it are not originally american, but are copied from the fashions of London and Paris. Milliners and taylors have more influence in regu- lating it than the court at Washington. These keep up a regular correspondence Avith Europe, and import new dresses to Charlestown as soon as they are introduced in the capital of France or England. The ladies of Carolina dress Avith taste, but approxi- mate nearer to the french than english style. They often improve on imported fashions, but few of them have resolution enough to follow their own correct ideas in originating dresses entirely new without any reference to french or english models. The gentle- men are partial to blue, the product of their staple indigo, and most of them have at all times at least one coat of that color. About the year 1800 pan- taloons, which had been fashionable in England some centuries past, were generally Avorn in Caroli- na ; but in the lapse of the eight years which fol- lowed, they are generally laid aside and breeches are again in common use. The former are much more suitable to the climate than the latter, but considerations of this value will not have their pro- per weight till the country becomes original and in- dependent in the modes of dress as it is in matters of more consequence. The climate requires that suspenders, deep crowned hats Avith double bottoms, as Avell as loose flowing pantaloons, should be con- tinued ; but it rests with the fashion-makers in Eu- voi.. n. 3d liO MlSCfLLAXEOL.-. HI* TORY. rope to determine how long they shall be ussd m Carolina. COMPLEXION. Ot this nothing further can be said than that it inclines to a greater degree of salloAvness than is common in more northern latitudes. The climate is too variable and too subject to piercing w inds. and the extremes of heat and cold, especially the former, for the general production of that exquisite mixture of white and red which constitutes the highest grade of beauty. Nevertheless many of the inhabitants who live on healthy situations, enjoy the comforts of life in moderation, and are in such circumstances that they can guard their persons from the rude as- saults of the wind and weather, approximate to this most lovely and desirable complexion. On the other hand, the poor who live on mean fare, neg- lect personal cleanliness, are obliged to buffet with the winds and sun, and, especially if they inhabit swamps, have their neglected yearly fevers, and their annually increasing spleens, and at the same time are intemperate, their complexions are disgusting. These two extremes diverge from each other like the complexions of people who inhabit different zones. Between-them there are grades of approxi- mation to both Avhich increase or diminish with cir- cumstances. MANNERS AND CHARACTER. A propensity to indolence is common in Carolina as in other Avarm countries and seasons. The ex- ceptions to it are comparatively few. The caroli- MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY- 411 mans are not easily roused. When roused they are active and ardent but not persevering. These par- ticularities are in some degree connected with a va- riable climate, vibrating between the extremes of heat and cold and suddenly passing from one to the other. They are irritable in their tempers, have a very high sense of honor, and are disposed to guard it at every hazard. The female character appears to great advantage in Carolina. The Avomen are generally Avell edu- cated. Several of them have highly cultivated minds and refined manners. The name of the family al- ways depends on the sons; but its respectability, comfort, and domestic happiness, often on the daugh- ters. While young they enter into amusements with the vivacity natural to their age; but this vi- vacity is in general so Avell tempered by sweetness of disposition, and discretion, as leaves little room for anxiety to their parents with regard to their fu- ture conduct. No pursuit of pleasure interferes Avith duty to a father, or affectionate attention to a brother; so that the happiness as well as cheerful- ness of a family is increased in proportion to the number of daughters. When they become wives and mothers they are devoted to their families— they regard their husband's friends and relations as their OAvn. They follow no amusement incompati- ble Avith their new duty, but seek to " make well or- dered home man's best delight:" nor are there Avanting examples of those who, remaining single, perform admirably Avell the duties of daughters, sis- ters, and friends, and have been eminently useful in assisting to train up and educate their younger con- 11- MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. nexions. They are capable of enjoying prosperity with zest, and of bearing adversity with dignity. Their virtues were put to a severe trial in the ame- rican revolution, and the result Avas highly in their favor. They bore not only with fortitude but cheerfulness every privation, and submitted to every hardship which the most self-denying patriotism could require from them. When the war Avas ended and their husbands and fathers were by its ravages reduced in their circumstances, they aided by their economy and retirement from the world to repair the losses. It is not only on such great events they display their magnanimity and energy of character. Occasions too often occur in common life requiring similar exertions. In Carolina, where sickness and health, poverty and riches, frequently alternate in rapid succession, wiA'cs and daughters bear incredi- ble fatigues and privations with exemplary fortitude, and conform to existing circumstances with becom- ing dignity and accommodating propriety. When they are left widows, though with small means, large families, and great embarrassments, they, in many cases, extricate the estate Avith wonderful address and devote themselves to the education of their children. Speculating, intemperate, mismanaging husbands advance their families by dying and leav- ing to their widows the sole management of their embarrassed fortunes. In the loAver grades of life, Avhere there are no fortunes to repair, the industry and economy of the wife produces similar results eminently conducive to the advancement of the common interest. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 413 The state of society in Carolina is such that the subdivisions usual in other countries do not apply to its inhabitants. The relation of master and ser- vant scarcely exists among the aa hite people—that of landlord and tenant is also very rare, especially in the country. Domestic service is performed for the rich by slaves—for the poor by themselves. The valuable land is chiefly engrossed by the wealthy, and generally cultivated by the slaves of its OAvners. The poor land has been of so little account that it seldom commanded any rent that Avas worth accept- ance. The fee-simple of it might be purchased so low that industrious tenants soon became freehold- ers. The subdivision of the inhabitants which ap- plies best to Carolina is the fourfold one of plan- ters, farmers, cottagers, and squatters : each of these has an appropriate character. The planters have large incomes—live at their ease—enjoy much—suf- fer little—are high minded, and possess much of that dignity of character which constitutes an inde- pendent country gentleman-but seldom engage in arduous pursuits to the accomplishment of which much time, patience, and long continued exertions of mind or body are necessary—or if they engage in them, rarely persevere till the object is fully attained. The virtues of the farmers are less brilliant, but their vices are feAver than those of the planters. They are more active—depend more on their own exertions—are content with less—are more able to bear the frowns of fortune, and have greater inter- nal resources to meet extraordinary emergencies. They own few or no slaves. In the former case, 414 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. labor is performed jointly by whites and blacks; and the laborers of both colors are separated by very few lines of distinction. Cottagers hitherto have been in a state of depression. Having no slaves of their oavii—unwilling to Avork with those of other people, and unable to procure the place of overseers, many of them had no resource left but to engage in some slight business Avhich did not afford suitable constant employment. Without the incite- ment of profitable industry to stimulate their ex- ertions, they seldom extended their labors beyond the point which would supply their daily Avants in the plainest style of living. Much idleness and consequently vice was attached to their character. The necessaries of life are so easily obtained in Carolina that the man Avho aims at nothing more than a bare subsistence, must be often so far unem- ployed as to have ample leisure for the perpetration Of wickedness. Such was the former character of many belonging to this class. A considerable change for the better has lately taken place. To these people the culture of cotton holds out strong inducements to personal industry. It rewards their labors Avith a large share of the comforts of life without the degradation which must have often at- tached to them while laboring, not for themselves but as appendages to planters or large farmers and as fellow-laborers Avith their slaves. They now work their own lands—raise provisions and cotton with the help of their children, and daily acquire con- sequence in society. The loAvest grade of people, called squatters, have been at all times nuisances. Settling on any man's land—paying no rent—culti- MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY, 415 vating very little or no ground; they lived by their guns ostensibly in hunting, but often in shooting down the domestic animals of their industrious neighbors. In the vast tracts of poor land with which Carolina abounds, these people could easily make temporary settlements. These served as cen- ters, from which they made excursions and to which they brought both their game and their booty. In sundry places into which the methodists have penetrated, they have had influence on many of this class so far as to induce them to engage in regular active industry. In these circumstances the num- ber of squatters has diminished—of industrious cot- tagers or farmers increased. To such the long ne- glected pine Avoods of Carolina offer settlements Avhich many of them have embraced, and on which they are likely to receive the rewards of their refor- mation. FECUNDITY, POPULATION, AND LONGEVITY. Mrs. Easely, of Greenville district, now living, has been the mother of 34 live born children, though she never had twins but once. From 16 to 22 have been brought alive into the world by individual mothers in the low country ; but these instances are rare. A case or two is known where the same parents have raised and married 13 children. From 6 to 9 chil- dren are often raised in the Avestern districts. Twelve is the largest number of children now living from one pair in CharlestoAvn, and only two such can be recollected; but there are several Avho have from 8 to 11 alive ; and many from 4 to 7. Some Avomen have been mothers at 15, and a few grand-mother? 416 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. at 30. The number of children born is great; but the deaths in infancy are also great, though conside- rably less than was usual forty years ago. The first regular census of the inhabitants was ta- ken in 1790, Avhen the whole number of every des- cription amounted to 249,073. A second census was taken in 1800 amounting to 345,591, an increase of nearly 4 per cent, perann. or 96,518 in a period of ten years. In the last census the sexes approach- ed nearer to an equality of number than is usual; for the difference in the sum total of their respective numbers Avas only 5,577 or nearly 20 males to 19 fe- males, though the usual proportion is 13 or 14 of the former to 12 or 13 of the latter. It is further remarkable, that there is an excess of 384 females between the ages of 16 and 26 over males of cor- responding ages; though in all the other periods of human life noticed in the census the excess is on the side of the males. It appears that the relative ex- cess of males is constantly lessening till the age of sixteen, when the difference in point of numbers is only 299 in favor of the males. Between the age of 16 and 26 this small excess of males is lost, and the balance is on the other side; for in that class there is an excess of 384 females*. * It is probable that about the age of 21 the number of both sexes is equal or nearly so ; for five years after that period there is an excess of 384 females; and five years before it of 299 males. If the enumerations in the Census are correct, and the conclusion drawn from analogy and average is just, it follows, that in case marriages universally took place between the ci- tizens of the state at the age of 21 or between 21 and 22 on both sides, there Avould not be an unmarried person either male or female of that age in South-Carolina. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 41? Carolina has not been settled long enough to fur- nish data for making calculations on the longevity of its inhabitants. Some are still living who were born within 30 years after the first settlement, and when the whole population did not exceed seven thousand. The middle country Avas settled about 1736 and the upper country about 1751. In both some of the first natives are still alive, and several of the emigrants are much older than these settle- ments. The extent of the longevity to which the natives of these more healthy parts may attain, can- not be ascertained for forty, fifty, or sixty years to come. Many natives of the low country live to 60 with their faculties entire; several live to 70, a feAv survive from eighty to eighty-nine, beyond which no native but one, as far as can be recollected, has been known to live Avho made the low country his or her ordinary residence. Some emigrants from Germany, France, Ireland, Scotland, England, and the northern states have survived their 100th year and a few their 110th*. Their ages at the time of their arrival cannot always be ascertained ; but in ge neral it has been found to be oftener under 40 than above it. In some cases their residence in Caroli- na is known to have exceeded 70 years. The na- tives of lower Carolina who arrive at old age are few, and that portion of the state cannot in general be called healthy; but the climate is not the great - * Satisfactory evidence can be produced that at least one ne- gro born in Carolina has approached to the age of 120. Seve^ ral of them live to great ages, but the precise number of years is seldom known. VOL. II. 3 H 418 MISCELLANEOUS HISiORY. est enemy to the longevity of its inhabitants. In- temperance, particularly the immoderate use of ar- dent spirits, is a much greater one. It makes young men old before they reach their thirtieth year, and brings them with all the infirmities and decrepitude of age to premature graves, when under other cir- cumstances they Avould have been in the prime of life and usefulness. Few are sots before they are 20, and very few of that description reach fifty. Death from intemperance between these two periods diminishes the candidates for the honors of old age and increases the number of Avidows and orphans much faster, and to a greater extent, than the climate alone would have done. The latter in the most sickly spots is not inimical to health for more than four months out of twelve, but the former continues its destructive ravages all the year round. There are now living in South-Carolina, A.GED Mrs. Jackson, a widow lady at the high hills of Santee near captain Singleton's, a native of Virginia,............................ 110 Mary Miller, a native of Germany has resided near Orangeburgh 80 years,..............110 Peter Carson, near Greenville court-house, • • • • 107 Benjamin Busby, in Edgefield, ............ 104 Swore to his age 103, somet ime ago, to be ex- cused from duty as a juryman. Frederic Hoover, near Orangeburgh,........ 102 Rose Maples, 17 miles from Statesburgh, • • • • 102 Mary James, from Maryland, 70 years resident near Statesburgh,......................102 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 419 ACES William Atwood, in Abbeville married for the first time at 65, and has since had nine chil- dren,.................................100 Mrs. Elizabeth Lennox, in St. Bartholemews, • • 100 John Windall Hallman, Lexington,.......... 98 Thomas Lee, a resident in Abbeville for forty ................... 97 years,................... ^' Mrs. Ellis, in Newberry,.................. 9o Mrs. Lane, near Statesburgh, who on Sunday walks ten miles to church attended by her des- cendants to the 5th generation, • • •.........95 Mrs. Walter, near Dorchester,..............93 Mr. and Mrs. Nettles, ten miles from States- burgh, were born in Virginia in the same month of the same year, have been married 72 years, have 184 descendants, are healthy, cheerful, and good humored, have resided in Carolina 30 years, each of them is,........92 Mrs. Mary Ernst, born in Germany a resident in Charlestown 66 years,................92 Mrs. Dorothy Boomer, has resided in Charles- town 71 years,........................91 Amos Tims, 83, and his Avife,..............91 This couple have been married 66 years, and are exemplary for their piety, their warm and uninterrupted affection. Nelly Snyder, in Lexington; this woman has had 10 husbands,........................' ' ^° Mary Keller, a resident for 57 years near Orangeburgh,.................. y Mrs. Linguard, of Charlestown,............ 9c 420 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. Aero Mr. Hughes, in Newberry, rides 14 miles to church,.............................. 90 Mr. James Kelly, born in Ireland, resident for 30 years in Prince Williams,............ 89 Elizabeth Henry of CharlestoAvn, born in Ire- land, ................................ 86 Mrs. Lance of Charlestown,................ 88 IMrs. Boldric,. a native of Ireland, 50 years resi- dent in or near St. Mathew's parish, in per- fect health until the year 1807 Avhen her con- stitution received a shock from the influenza; or as stated by herself, from the timidity of a young practitioner, who counting her years in- stead of her pulse refused to bleed her, or lend his lancet that she might bleed herself. She still carefully attends to her domestic con- cerns and performs journies to Charlestown, • • 85 Mr. James Hemmingen of Abbeville, born in Scotland,............................ 85 Mr. John LeAvis Wingtxen of Charlestown, born in Germany, ......................... 85 Mrs. Mary Smyser, born in Germany, resident . in Charlestown 67 years,................ 84 Mrs. Roupell of Charlestown,............ 84 Sebastian Spinier, born in Switzerland, has lived 57 years in Charlestown,................ 81 Mr. John Horlbeck, born in Saxony, has' lived in Charlestown 44 years, and never took a dose of medicine,...................... 80 Mr. De Tollinere, a native of Nantz, has lived in Carolina 35 years, and for several years at # MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 421 AGED all seasons in St. Johns. He rides on horse- back, leaps over fences, and dances with the agility of youth,........................ 80 * Mrs. Sarah Smith, a descendant of governor Moore, has had 110 descendants, of whom 62 are alive, and all of whom Avere born and liv- ed in or near Charlestown. She has the per- fect use of all her senses, reads and works without spectacles, is cheerful, conversible, and superintends with care and diligence the concerns of a large household,............ 80 DIED IN SOUTH-CAROLINA SINCE 1797. Mr. Neighbours, of Laurens, died in 1798, ••••114 His wife,.............................109 Both pennsylvanians and had been married 80 years. Mrs. Neighbours when 105, broke her thigh in three places, which healed very kindly. Mrs. Newby, in Laurens,..................112 Mrs. Minnich, near Edisto river,........... 108 James Jaquet, a native of SAvitzerland, a resident in St. James, Santee, for 60 years,........105 Margaret Dickson, in Abbeville,............104 Andrew Rumny of Sandy Run, Lexington, • • • • 103 Patrick Smith, born in Ireland, a resident in Ca- rolina for 50 years, died in Fairfield in 1808,103 Rev. Jeremiah Ream, a preacher after he was 90 years old in Sumpter district,..........100 Mrs. Sheely,.........................• • • 95 * Elizabeth Jenkins,...................... 94 Abraham Jones,..........................94 4€2 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. A.OXD Peter Dickert, born in Germany,............93 Mrs. Morgan,............................91 Mrs. Paxton,............................91 Mrs. Hopton, a native of England, 70 years re- sident in Charlestown, except the loss of sight from a particular circumstance, retained the usn of her senses, and the exercise of her in- tellectual poAvers, which were uncommonly vi- gorous till within two or three years of her death,................................90 Thomas Sykes, a native of Ireland,..........90 Mrs. Sarah White, born in Ireland, had upwards of 100 descendants. After a residence of 40 years in the waxhaws, died in 1806,........90 *Mrs. Ann Anderson, of Charlestown,........ 89 *Miss Mary Bacot, of Charlestown,..........89 Peter Buyck,............................ 87 *Zachariah Villepontoux,.................. 87 Mrs. Haynesworth, high hills of Santee,...... 87 Mrs. M'Kewn, Dorchester,................ 87 William Ancrum, after a residence of 60 years in Charlestown,........................ 86 *Stephen Mazyck, of Goose-creek South-Caro- lina, ..................................85 Anna Barbara Dreher, of CharlestoAvn, born in Germany,............................ 85 Ursula Grabenstien, born in Germany,...... 85 Mrs Austin, born in Virginia, Avas the mother of 21 children, nearly all of whom lived to matu- rity, was healthy and strong through life, af- ter a residence of 45 years in Fairfield, died in 1802,.........................----- 84 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 423 AGED Mrs Williams of Charlestown was a grand-mo- ther at 30,......................v..... 84 *General Gadsden, Ralph Atmore, *Theodore Trezevant, *Eliz. Rivers, Margaret Buckle, *Ma- ry Barnwell, Christiana Dawson, Emanuel Abra- hams, *Ann Gray, Mary Tucker, *Catharine Cordes, Sarah Jones,* Sarah Butler, Ann Mor- gan, *Margaret Young, Margaret Woolf, *Ra- chel CaAv, Mrs. Ballantine, several of Avhom were above, but all had reached 80. THE FOLLOWING PERSONS DIED BEFORE 1797. Thomas Farling, was at the battle of the Boyne, and died in 1756 at Beaufort,............96 Peter Dickert, born in Germany,............93 Solomon Legare, born in France,............ 87 His daughter *Mary Ellis,................ 81 His son * Daniel Legare,........*-........ 81 Colonel Othniel Beale,.................... 85 Richard Dale Beaufort, •................... 84 Rev. William Screven, ancestor of the numerous and respectable families of that name in Ca- rolina and Georgia, founder of Georgetown, and of the baptist churches in South-Carolina, after a residence of about 40 years died in 1713,................................ 84 *Damaris Elizabeth Ravenell,.............. 83 Elizabeth Ralsteisen, born in Germany,...... 82 Elias Ball, born in Devonshire, England, lived in the country, and had never been sick, • • • • 82 George Browneil, mentioned with respect by 434 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. AGED doctor Franklin as his teacher, many years a respectable teacher in Carolina,.......... 82 $3* The persons to whose names * is prefixed, were natives of, and generally residents in or near Charlestown. Several more might be added Avho are known to have attained the age of 80; and many pages might have been filled with the names of persons who had approached to or exceeded 70 CIVIL HISTORY OF SOUTH-CAEOLIIA, From the termination of the revolutionary war in 1783 to the year 1808. CHAP. XL The unexpected but successful struggle for inde- pendence unsettled every thing.. To bring order out of confusion was no easy matter. In the course of the revolution many things Avere done on the principle of sacrificing minor objects to the public safety, which admit of no justification and can only be palliated by the plea of necessity. The prohibi- tion of all exportation from the country was a mea- sure early enjoined by authority, and enforced by sound policy. This brought after it an obstruction of the regular course of justice; for hard would have been the fate of planters to be compelled to pay their debts when their country forbad the sale 01 their crops. The commencement of hostilities re- quired that troops should be raised, and that impo- vol. n. 3 I 426 CIVIL sed a necessity of emitting bills of credit for then maintenance. To support the credit of these bills, they were made a tender in payment of debts. As they Avere emitted without solid funds for their re- demption, they progressively depreciated. Many contracts made at different periods, payable in these bills, were yet to be fulfilled. Many debts contrac- ted prior to the war, Avere wholly and others par- tially cancelled by these bills. WThen the war was ended, and real money introduced, to do justice in every case between debtor and creditor was impos- sible. It was necessary for the legislature to fix some rule. This occupied their attention at then first meeting after the evacuation of Charlestown. As the least of all possible evils, they agreed on a scale of depreciation which fixed the value of the paper bills at different periods in a relative propor- tion to the commodities of the country, compared Avith their prices .anterior to the revolution. This scale began in April 1777 at ,£108 10* for ,£100, and ended May 10th 1780 at <£5,248 for £100, and credits were accordingly to be given for pay- ments on all subsisting contracts. Where the con- tract no longer subsisted, and the evidence of the debt had been destroyed on the receipt of nominal payment in depreciated bills, no redress could be obtained. This produced great inequality and in- justice. No remedy in the power of the legislature could be applied on a general scale Avithout pro- ducing greater injustice than it was intended to obviate*. The evils resulting from depreciation, * An interesting debate on this subject for some time occu- pied the public mind. It was discussed Avith great animation. history, 1783—1808. 427 and the best, though partial, rule of the legislature for lessening them, were soon followed by others of great- er magnitude. The revolution took place at a time when immense sums were due from the inhabitants of Carolina to the inhabitants of Great-Britain. The non-exportation agreement of the americans, and the restraining acts of the british parliament, both in the newspapers and in the legislature. By one party it was contended that the scale of depreciation should be applied to all debts, as well those which were cancelled by full pay- ment as those Avhich being wholly unpaid or only partially paid off" still subsisted. The monied and the landed interest took opposite sides, and some were doubtless influenced by private interest. Abstract justice favored the one, and political expe- dience the other. The moderate and impartial were swayed by the consideration of the impossibility of doing complete jus- tice to all; and that therefore the rule which departed least from it was to be preferred. Legal compulsion to make a second payment of a debt which had been once legally discharged, would be in their opinions often as much ex post facto injustice to the debtor as the first depreciated payment had been to the creditor. The general retrospect was considered as likely to involve an infinity of contention and litigation ; and that, instead of promoting universal and equal justice, Avould operate par- tially and occasion general distress to the bulk of the inhabitants who were not accurate in the practical art of book-keeping, and be of service only to a few who kept recorded memorandums of all their pecuniary transactions. The legislature therefore decided in favor of those who wished to confine the retrospec- tive operation of the law respecting payments made in depre- ciated money, to contracts still subsisting. Thus far and no farther they had a clear and certain rule by which the decision of courts might be regulated. There were doubtless many- cases in which this rule operated hardly on individuals ; but it was conceived that the extension of the retrospect to cancelled as well as to subsisting contracts, would have operated equallv hard on a greater number. 4£8 CIVIL both of which took place in the first period of the revolution, made remittances impossible. To this load of old debt was added an immense mass of what was new. When the Avar ended, the planters found desolate plantations and very few laborers. To repair the one and purchase the other, they were in some degree compelled to contract debts. Ur- ged by speculation, they did not always content themselves Avith moderate supplies for necessary purposes; but in too many cases embarrassed them- selves with pecuniary engagements for the discharge of which the most favorable seasons, largest crops, and highest prices for the same would have been scarcely sufficient. The merchants, knowing the A'a- lue of the staple commodities of Carolina, were very liberal of credit to the planters; but on terms of en- hanced price, as a security against losses and pro- tracted payments. Misfortunes love a train. When plentiful crops were necessary to support the credit of the country, a series of unfavorable seasons, and of desolating freshets, impaired its resources. The little of gold and silver that was in circulation soon found its way to Great-Britain. The people of Carolina had been but a short time in the possession of peace and independence when they were brought under a new species of depen- dence. So universally were they in debt beyond their ability to pay, that a rigid enforcement of the laws would have deprived them of their possessions and their personal liberty and still left them under incumbrances; for property, when brought to sale under execution, sold at so low a price as frequent- history, 1783—1808. 489 ly ruined the debtor without paying the creditor. A disposition to resist the laws became common. Assemblies were called oftener and earlier than the constitution or laws required. The good and evil of representative government became apparent. The assemblies Avere a correct representation of the people. They had common feelings, and their si- tuations were in most cases similar. These led to measures which procured temporary relief but at the expense of the permanent and extended inter- ests of the community. Laws were passed in which property of every kind Avas made a legal tender in the payment of debts though payable according to contract in gold or silver. Other laws installed the debt, so that of sums already due only a third, and afterwards only a fifth, Avas annually recoverable in the courts of law. Numbers were clamorous for large emissions of paper money armed with the sanction of a legal tender. This old resource in ca- ses of extremity, had been so overdone in the revo- lutionary war, that many doubted the possibility of attaching credit to any thing in the form of bills of credit. After some time an emission of £ 100,000 sterling secured by a mortgage of land, or a depo- sit of plate, was risked. The smallness of the sum, and the ample security of the fund on which it was emitted, together Avith the great want of some circu- lating medium, and an agreement of the merchants to receive it in payment at its nominal value, gave it credit and circulation. The effects of these laws, interfering betAveen debt- ors and creditors, were extensive. They destroyed public credit and confidence between man and man: 430 CIVIL injured the morals of the people, and in many in- stances ensured and aggravated the final ruin of the unfortunate debtors for Avhose temporary relief they were brought forward. The procrastination of pay- ment abated exertions to meet it with promptitude. In the mean time interest was accumulating, and the expenses of suits multiplied by the number of instalments. At no time before nor since, were the fortunes of attornies so rapidly or so easily made. At no period has an equal number of planters been involved in embarrassments from Avhich they were never extricated, or only extricated by more than ordinary sacrifices. The eight years of war in Carolina were follow- ed by eight years of disorganization, which produced such an amount of civil distress as diminished with some their respect for liberty and independence. Several apprehended that the same scenes which had taken place in England in the 17th century af- ter a long and bloody civil Avar, would be acted over again in America by a fickle people who had nei- ther the fortitude nor the wisdom to govern them- selves. Peace, and the most perfect liberty to make such laws and constitutions as the people pleased, had not hitherto brought in their train the blessings expected from them, but the power of ma- king such alterations in both as promised to pro- cure them were among the privileges of freemen. Peace and liberty were found inadequate to pro- mote public happiness without the aid of energetic government. The axe of reform was laid at the root of the political evils under which the country history, 1783—1808. 431 groaned. A constitution to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquilli- ty, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty, was wanting. To obtain such an one Carolina con^ curred with the other states to meet in a general convention, and appointed Henry Laurens, John Rutledge, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Pierce Butler, and Charles Pinckney to attend and act in her behalf. They agreed upon and submitted to the people a plan of general government; by which every legislative power necessary for national pur- poses was vested in a congress, consisting of two branches, a senate and house of representatives. The former to be chosen by the legislatures and the lat- ter by the people of the several states. And a su- preme executive officer with the name of president, was charged Avith the execution of the national laws and the care of the national interests. A supreme judiciary was also organized to decide all questions to the decision of which state judiciaries were im- proper. Thirteen independent states were formed into one nation as far as their common interests were concerned; and one uniform legislative, execu- tive and judicial power pervaded the whole. The individual states were left in full possession of every poAver for their interior government, but re- strained from coining money, emitting bills of cre- dit, making any thing but gold and silver a tender in payment of debts, passing any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts. This constitution Ava? submitted to a 432 civil convention of the people of South-Carolina consist- ing of 224 members, by Avhich it was accepted and ratified * on behalf of the state on the 23d day of May 1788. Their acceptance of a constitution which, among other clauses, contained the restrain- ing one which has been just recited Avas an act of great self-denial. To resign power in possession ih rarely done by individuals, but more rarely by col- lective bodies of men. The power thus given up by South-Carolina, Avas one she thought essential to her welfare, and had freely exercised for several prece- ding years. Such a relinquishment she would not have made at any period of the last five years; for in them she had passed no less than six acts interfer- * This acceptance and ratification was not Avithout opposi- tion. In addition to the common objections which had been ur- ged against the constitution; South-Carolina had some local reasons for refusing or at least delaying a final vote on the ques- tion. Doubts Avere entertained of the acceptance of the con- stitution by Virginia. To gain time till the determination of that leading state Avas known, a motion for postponement was brought forward. This after an animated debate was over-ru- led by a majority of 46. The rejection of it was considered as decisive in favor of the constitution. When the result of the vote was announced, an eA'ent unexampled in the annals of Ca- rolina took place. Strong and involuntary expressions of apt plause and joy burst forth from the numerous transported spec- tators. The minority loudly complained of disrespect—un- pleasant consequences were anticipated. The majority joined with the complaining members in clearing the house, and in the,most delicate manner soothed their feelings. In the true style of republicanism, the minority not only acquiesced but heartily joined in supporting the determination of the majority. The constitution went into operation with general consent, and has ever since been strictly observed. history, 1783 — 1808. 433 ring betAveen debtor and creditor, Avith the view of obtaining a respite for the former under particular circumstances of public distress. To tie up the hands of future legislatures so as to deprive them of a poAver of repeating similar acts on any emer- gency, Avas a display both of wisdom and magnani- mity. It Avould seem as if experience had convin- ced the state of its political errors, and induced a Avillingness to retrace its steps and relinquish a poAV- er Avhich had been improperly used. The new constitution being accepted by all the states except two, went into operation in 1789. Its beneficial effects Avere speedily and extensively felt. It Avas followed by a funding system Avhich, among other benefits, gave life and activity to a capital of four millions of comparatively useless paper in the form of indents, which had been issued as a pay- ment to the people of South-Carolina for their ser- vices and supplies in the revolutionary war. Pub- lic credit was re-animated. The OAvners of proper- ty and holders of money freely parted with both, well knoAving that no future law could impair the obligation of contracts. Money, in a feAv years, be- came plentiful. Three banks Avere established in CharlestoAvn with an aggregate capital approaching to two millions of dollars. Trade flourished—agri- culture was extended. The exports of the state be- tween 1791 and 1801 were more than trebled. Its shipping increased in a correspondent proportion. Landed estates rose in value—confidence between man and man, which for several years had been un- vol. u. 3 K 134 CIVIL known, was restored. In a short time public affairs were so much altered for the better, that the fable of the golden age seemed to be realized. For the two first elections of president, general Washiugton Avas unanimously elected. On his de- clining that arduous office, major Thomas Pinck- ney of South-Carolina, Avas brought forward in con- junction with John Adams of Massachusetts. The major Avas respectably supported by the votes of hi. native state, and 58 in addition from other states, but failed of complete success. In the folloAving election Avhich took place in 1800, general Charles Cotesworth Pinckney was brought forward as a can- didate in conjunction with John Adams. Both failed of success ; but general Pinckney had so many votes that if his native state had voted for him he would have been either president or vice-president; but contrary to general expectation, South-Carolina pre- ferred Aaron Burr. This vote resulted from the state of parties. The citizens were marshalled un- der two grand divisions, denominated federalists and republicans. The former charged the latter as be- ing under the influence of such levelling principles as tended to disorganization—the latter retorted by representing the former as friends to such an high toned system of government as approximated to monarchy, and both did injustice to the other. The republican electoral ticket prevailed. The electors knowing by Avhom and for what purposes they were chosen, and declaring they were influenced by mea- sures, and not by men, and at the same time pre- ferring the measures of the republicans to those of history, 1783—1808. 435 the federalists, unanimously laid aside private at- tachments and feelings for a beloved fellow-citizen and gave an unanimous vote for the tAvo republican candidates. This noble pair of brothers, the two Pinckneys, who, by the unsolicited voice of their fellow-citizens in distant portions of the union were successively brought to the threshold of the first of- fices in the United States, have since retired from public life, and devoted themselves to agriculture, the first and best employment of man. In each of the american states the seat of go- vernment Avas originally on or near the sea-coast; but in all of them whose territory reached to the western mountains, in proportion as their population increased in that direction, there has been an eager- ness to remove the seat of government so as to ap- proximate the geographical center of their territories. The people of the back country of South-Carolina having felt their weight and influence in the revolu- tionary war, soon after its termination brought for- Avard their claim to have a fixed seat of government more central than Charlestown. Every principle of republicanism supported their claim ; but six years passed away before the previous arrangements Avere completed so as to give it effect. Commissioners were appointed to select a proper site for the pro- jected new establishment. They fixed on Colum- bia, Avhich for beauty, health, and convenience claimed a preference. There the legislature con- vened for the first time in 1790, exactly 120 years af- ter the first english settlement in Carolina. It is re- markable that the reputed center of population aa as 436 civil just as many miles from the sea-coast as years had passed aAvay from the first year of settlement in South-Carolina. The interval of space Avas 120 miles—of time, 120 years. The fears and apprehensions of many people on the sea-coast for the consequences of this removal, were excessive. Truth and justice never hurt any individual or state. Since the removal, party di- vision betAveen the upper and loAver country has di- minished. The inhabitants of both, by being bet- ter acquainted, are become more like one people ; and entertain fewer jealousies or prejudices against each other. A disposition to compromise and ac- commodate took place in the breasts of both. Un- der the influence of these principles the convention of the people which, for the purpose of revising the constitution, met in Columbia a few months after the removal of the seat of government, ordained that the business of the treasury, of the secretary of state, of the surveyor general, should be conducted both in CharlestoAvn and Columbia ; and that the constitu- tional court or meeting of all the judges of the court of common pleas, in the nature of a court of appeals, should in like manner be held equally in the old and new seat of government. The meetings of the legis- lature at Columbia led to an establishment highly honorable and advantageous to South-Carolina. A central seat of government brought in its train a well endoAved central college. The latter could not have been obtained without the former. The pros- pect of cementing the internal peace and harmony of the country by educating in one seminary that history, 1783—1808. 437 portion of its youth which bids fair to direct its pub- lic affairs, promised so much good as united all par- ties in passing bills for granting 68,000 dollars to erect buildings, and an annual income of 6,000 to support professors and teachers in a college to be erected in Columbia, under the patronage and care of the state. Thus a Avise and great national mea- sure was carried into effect on general principles without the interference of party politics. The convention at Columbia which was coeval with the removal of the seat of government, in order to strengthen the principles of republicanism, enjoin- ed on the legislature as soon as might be convenient " to pass laAvs for the abolition of the rights of pri- mogeniture, and for giving an equitable distribution of the real estate of intestates." This arduous work was entered upon and a laAv passed for these pur- poses at the very next meeting of the assembly. The pride of man coveting to be long remembered, fondly anticipates a species of immortality by the transmission of his name to posterity. From the customs of the world, this is more certainly done in the male than female line. In old countries where the feudal system had long prevailed, the entailing of real estates on the eldest males in succession, Avas a common practice—this Avas transferred from Europe to America while the colonies Avere british provinces, and Avas by many thought an useful ap- pendage to royal government as favoring the dis- tinction of ranks in society. To republicanize the rising generation, the convention of the people of South-Carolina made it the duty of the constituted 438 CIVIL authorities to do aAvay this accompaniment of roy- alty as far as Avas compatible with liberty. While every individual was left free to dispose of his pro- perty by will, the laws interfered where there was no testamentary disposition so far as to divide the whole equally among all the descendants in equal degree Avithout any distinction of sex or age. This Avas an improvement on the existing system Avhich gave the lands exclusively to the eldest male, and was adopted as a prop to the principles of the new government. It Avas well calculated to correct the monstrous inequalities of property, between the chil- dren of the same parents, which had sometimes ta- ken place as contrary to natural justice as to the peace of families. It also promoted a circulation and diffusion of property, and aided the civil insti- tutions of the country founded on the equality of rights. The aristocracy which had attached itself to some of the old families in Carolina received a check ; but encouragement was given to enterprise in one sex, and to decent well ordered behavior in the other ; for the males and females, the elder and younger branches of the same family, had no pecu- liar advantages but such as they respectively ac- quired by their good conduct and personal ex- ertions. The establishment of energetic government pro- duced all the benefits expected from it. But while domestic events promised a long continuance of poli- tical happiness, the convulsions of the old world in- terrupted the pleasing prospects of the new. Caro- lina, enjoying peace, liberty, independence, and an history, 1783— 1808. 439 efficient government, hoped that by her severance from Europe she would be exempt from a participa- tion in its contentions. These hopes were of short duration. The war which was kindled between England and France near the close of the 18th cen- tury, extended its baleful influence across the Atlan- tic. The duties of neutrality were novel to the Ca- rolinians, and at first awkwardly performed. Gra- titude to one of the european belligerents for favors received in the american Avar, and a keen remem- brance of injuries inflicted at the same time by the other, induced several of the inhabitants to trans- gress the line of impartial neutrality. The ports of the state were opened to french privateers, and its government permitted them to arm and equip with- in its limits. Genet, the first minister of republican France to the United States, landed in Charlestown and was received by governor Moultrie and the in- habitants with an attachment approaching to enthu- siasm. The enlightened mind of president Wash- ington soon decided that an impartial neutral con- duct Avas the true line of conduct to be pursued by the United States. This Avas no sooner enjoined by the new national government, than South-Caro- lina retraced her steps and yielded obedience to the requisition; and her legislature firmly resisted an attempt of the french minister to arm her citizens in his country's cause against the Spanish american co- lonies. This decided conduct produced a tempo- rary calm and expectations were indulged that in- dependent, neutral, Carolina would be undisturbed. Experience soon proved the futility of hopes found- 440 CIVIL ed on the expectation of justice from the belligerent nations. To distress each other they both adopted coercive measures injurious to the rights ot unoffen- ding neutrals. The last years of the 18th and the first of the 19th century Avitnessed scenes of rapine and plunder of defenceless commerce, which Avould have disgraced the vandalism of remote antiquity. In the year 1807 these depredations were authori- zed by decrees of France and orders of council in England to such an excess, that congress found it necessary to impose an embargo as a measure of precaution to save american property, and of coer- cion to operate on the interests of the european bel ligerents. To this self-denying measure Carolina cheerfully submitted. No act of her government. no measures sanctioned by public meetings of her inhabitants, expressed the smallest tittle of dissatis- faction with the general government. Her inhabi- tants had been frequently taught in the school of ad- versity the policy of submitting to a present evil to obtain a future good. Her sufferings on this occa- sion Avere immense, but patiently borne. The le gislature of the state, instead of weakening the hands of the nation, declared their most thorough approba- tion of its measures; and recommended that the in- habitants should form associations to support the laAvs. This was effectually done. Individuals in a few instances violated the embargo ; but the public voice, without distinction of party, was in favor of its faithful execution ; and the energies of the state were directed to aid its complete execution. Though the prohibition of exporting the valuable history, 1783—1808. 441 commodities of the country reduced their price one half, yet the courts and the legislature firmly re- sisted all attempts to obstruct the legal course of justice in favor of debtors*. The forbearance of * To induce a suspension of legal proceedings for the re- covery of debts, two methods were adopted. The grand juries in some of the districts presented it as a grievance that the courts should carry on the usual legal proceedings for the sale of property under execution at a time when the laws forbad the exportation of their crops. At the beginning of the revolution the grand jury of Charlestown presented the late acts of the british parliament, hostile to the united colonies, as a grievance. This practice has been ever since continued, and grand juries exercise the privilege of freemen in expressing their sense of grievances from whatever quarter they may arise. Thus sanctioned by custom, in the year 1808 they Avished in some districts to influence the presiding judges of courts to suspend their functions as far as they aided compulsory processes against debtors. The judges reasoned on the loss of character which would result from the measure—the sacred obligation of their aaths—and of the existing constitutions both state and national; pointed out the impolicy of all interferences between debtor and creditor, .and the many evils which had resulted from the late in- stalment laws. Having thus prepared the minds of the pepple for a refusal, they paid no attention to the opinons of the jury but proceeded to hold the courts for the whole period authori- sed by law. When this failed, an attempt was made to obtain the passage o. > laAv for suspending legal proceedings against debtors on the p'ea of the embargo. An animated debate took place which lesulted in a vote carried by a large majority, " that le- gislative interference Avas not expedient." In consequence thereof the courts were kept open and justice administered throughout the whole perioc} of the embargo, upwards pf four- teen months, Avithout any impediment either from the cqurjts, the legislature, or the people. vol. n. 3 L 442 CIVIL the creditor part of the community generally afford- ed a shield to property bound by judgments and ex- ecutions, which, A\ithout violating the constitution, protected it more effectually than the instalment laws Avhich had been too easily passed in the period of disorganization preceding the establishing of ener gctic government in 1789- In the year 1808 when it was difficult to decide which Avas greatest the sufferings or the patience of the inhabitants, a general election took place for members of the state and general government and for the electors of a president. On this occasion general Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Avithout any agency either of himself, his friends, or native state. Avas brought forward as a candidate for the presir dency. His nomination and principal support came from the eastern section of the union. It was presumed that his talents, virtues, and popularity, aided by that prepossession which every state has more or less for its own natives, would have indu- ced the Carolinians to vote for their highly esteemed fellow-citizen in preference to every other candi- date. Great pains were taken to operate upon the feelings of the people distressed as they were by the privations of the embargo, to induce them to fa- favor a change of men as leading to a change of measures, but without any decisive effect on the election. The citizens being generally in favor of the administration broke through all personal at- tachments, and with their votes supported the can- didates whose political sentiments were known to he in unison with the ruling powers. James Ma- history, 1783—-1808. 443 dison had the unanimous electoral vote of the state, to be the successor of Thomas Jefferson, who had declined a re-election. While the minds of the citizens Avere sharpened by political contention, the great interests of the state were far from being overlooked. In the same year two measures were adopted of the greatest consequence to the interests of the community.- In all the changes of constitution which had taken place in South-Carolina, no obvious practical rule had been laid down and acted upon for apportion- ing the representation to the different electoral dis- tricts. For the first 50 years of the province, all elections for members of assembly, with one or two exceptions, were held in CharlestoAvn : for the next 50 they were all held in the low country. For the last 33, the elective franchise Avas extended over the state; but no principle was adopted as a perma- nent rule of apportionment. Many of the Avealthy descendants of the first settlers near the sea coast, preferred wealth and taxes as the regulators of re- presentation. The more numerous but less opu- lent yeomanry of the west Avere partial to numbers. Though the subject had been often discussed before provincial congresses, conventions, and legislative assemblies, they always evaded a decision. As a temporary expedient a definite number of repre- sentatives had been assigned to definite portions of territory in an arbitrary manner, without the gui- dance of any fixed principle. At length a law Avas passed in 1808 for altering the constitution in the mode prescribed in the body of that instrument, by 444 CIVIL which a principle of representation w as brought for- ward and agreed upon. This Avas substantially to apportion one half of the existing representation among the several districts in proportion to the number of their citizens, and the other half in pro- portion to the amount of the taxes paid by them respectively. Provision was made for taking a cen- sus of the inhabitants. This when completed, in connexion Avith the amount of taxable property in each elective district which can always be obtained from the fiscal officers of the state, will furnish data that at all times will make the apportionment of the representation a matter of arithmetical calculation. Thus by slow and successive steps the upper coun- try has obtained its full proportion of influence. For several years it had no representation whate- ver ; and afterwards a very inadequate one. Having passed through a long minority it has for some time past been of adult age, and by unanimous con- sent in 1808 entered upon its full share of the com- mon inheritance. The result has been, as might be expected, favorable to peace and harmony. The most prominent cause of jealousy and political dis- sension among the members of the state family, is done away. The citizens in all parts standing on equal ground, and in possession of equal rights founded on permanent principles, easily applicable both to the present and all future situations which are likely to result from the fluctuations of Avealth and numbers, can have no reasonable cause for any other contentions than who shall love and serve their common country best. In no preceding peri- history, 1783—1808. 445 od has there been so much reciprocal cordiality, and so much of a friendly disposition to accommo- date, to bear, and forbear, in the political collisions of different sections of the state. The same year gave maturity to a project for im- proving the constitution of the court of equity. That previously consisted of three judges : from the decision of any two of them there was no appeal other than to themselves on a rehearing of the cause. Theodore Gaillard and Henry William De Saus- sure were added to the equity bench, and any one of the five was empoAvered to hold a court and transact business; but with a reserved right to the parties of appealing from the decision of a single judge, to a full bench or a majority of all its mem- bers. Though political considerations weighed Avith the electors in filling up the legislative and ex- ecutive departments of government, they were laid aside in the choice of judges. The successful can- didates, though of different political sentiments, were preferred from a full conviction that they were above all influence from the contracted views of party. Talents and virtues were exclusively re- spected. Justice was considered as neither repub- lican nor federal; and its administration committed to clean hands and pure hearts, from whom it was expected that leaning to neither they would follow its divine attractions Avherever they might lead. BetAveen the evacuation of Charlestown by the british in 1783 and the year 1808, the difference in the condition of South-Carolina is immense. When the revolutionary contest ended the country was full 446 CIVIL of widows and orphans made so by the Avar, and a deadly hatred growing out of it continued to rage be- tween the tories and aa Higs. The possessions of the planters were laid Avaste, their laborers were carried off or greatly reduced by deaths and desertion. The morality of the inhabitants had been prostrated by laws violating private rights on the plea of political necessity—by the suspension of the courts of justice -—by that disregard for the institutions of religion which is a never-failing attendant on military ope- rations—by the destruction or dilapidation of churches and the consequent omission of public worship addressed to the deity. All this time the education of the rising generation was neglected, and the youth of the country had little other train- ing than Avhat they got in camps amidst the din of arms. In such a condition of public affairs, to re- produce a state of things favorable to social happi- ness, required all the energies of the well disposed inhabitants. They immediately set about the god- like work. Assemblies were called—the best prac- ticable laAvs were past—courts were re-established, and from them impartial justice Avas dispensed— churches were rebuilt—the public worship of the deity was resumed—the people were taught their duty by public instructors—schools were instituted and encouraged—the education of youth recommen- ced. By degrees the wounds inflicted by war on the morality and religion of the inhabitants began to heal. Their losses of property Avere made up from the returns of a fruitful soil, amply rewarding the la- bors of its cultivators. These promising appear- history, 1783—1808. 447 ances were strengthened by improvements on their civil institutions. In 1783 the bond of federal union Avas feeble and inadequate to the purposes of government. The state authorities were incompe- tent to their objects. There Avere only four courts in all the middle and back country. The seat of the legislature was at one extremity of the state, and more than 100 miles from its center. The repre^- sentation in the assembly Avas apportioned Avithout any fixed rule, and in an unequal manner. By de- grees all these inequalities and disabilities Avere done away. The powerless advisory system of the con- federation yielded to an efficient national govern- ment. The seat of legislation was made to approx- imate to the geographical center of the state. The seven courts Avere increased to twenty-five, and to all was given original, complete, and final jurisdic- tion. No man had to go more than twenty miles to attend court, and seldom so far to a place of public worship or an election. When he voted he had the satisfaction of knowing that his vote weigh- ed as much in regulating the affairs of the state as that of any other man. The extension of equal rights and privileges annihilated the murmurings of the people, and cemented the union of all parts of the state. Active upright judges, by their laborious investigation of facts and circumstances to come at truth—by their impartial distribution of justice and luminous charges to multiplied juries, taught the people to reverence truth and justice, and instruc- ted them in their legal and social duties ; and at the same time, by a steady line of conduct enforced their observance. The clergy co-operated with 44S CIVIL great effect in reforming the people. They carried the gospel into the remotest settlements, and made an honest use of the rewards and punishments of a future state to promote peace and order in the pre- sent. To these sources of moral improvement a powerful auxiliary was added by the introduction of cotton. The cultivation of the former great staples, particularly rice and indigo, required large capitals. They could not be raised to any considerable pur- pose but by negroes. In this state of things poor white men were of little account otherwise than as overseers. There were comparatively few of that intermediate and generally most virtuous class which is neither poor nor rich. By the introduction of the new staple the poor became of value, for they generally Avere or at least might be elevated to this middle grade of society. Land suitable for cotton was easily attained, and in tracts of every size either to purchase or rent. The cul- ture of it entailed no diseases; might be carried on profitably by individuals or white families without slaves, and afforded employment for children whose labor was of little or no account on rice or indigo plantations. The poor having the means of ac- quiring property without the degradation of work- ing with slaves, had new and strong incitements to industry. From the acquisition of property the transition was easy to that decent pride of charac- ter which secures from low vice, and stimulates to seek distinction by deserving it. As they became more easy in their circumstances, they became more orderly in their conduct. The vices whieh grew out of poverty and idleness were diminished. In history, 1783—1808. 449 estimating the value of cotton, its capacity to excite industry among the lower classes of people, and to fill the country with an independent industrious yeomanry, is of high importance. It has had a large share in moralizing the poor white people of the country. From the combined influence of these causes, the moral improvement of Carolina ever since the year 1783, has been in a constant state of progression; and particularly so since 1792, when cotton became a considerable article for exportation. On a review of the history of Carolina to this last happy period, there is abundant reason for gratitude to the supreme disposer of all events. A handful of english subjects 138 years ago took possession of Carolina when occupied by savages, covered with trees, swamps, and marshes, and claimed by the Spaniards in the vicinity as their property. That the settlement under these circumstances did not like several similar ones prove abortive, must be referred to the will of heaven. That it was pre- served through a long infancy Avithout any aid from the mother-country, against repeated incursions and attacks from combined and separate operations of the Spaniards, the french and indians, is to be ac- counted for in the same manner. The union and vigor of the revolutioners of 1719 when they broke the proprietary yoke, Avas more than could have been expected on the ordinary principles Avhich re- gulate the actions of men. The same observation holds more eminently true with respect to the revo- lution of 1776. The part which Carolina then act- ed, the vigor Avith which she engaged in the war, vol. ir. 3 M 450 civil history, 1783-—1808. and the final result of the unequal contest, are be- yond all human calculations. That the people in possession of complete sovereign power should, on the return of peace, at first act unwisely cannot ex- cite surprise; but that they should have the good sense to submit to establish by common consent self denying constitutions, and voluntarily impose on themselves the restraints of good government, is more than what the preceding history of man gave ground to expect. That there should be a concur- rence in so many causes for reproducing religion, learning, order, justice, industry, and other moral virtues from the prostrate state into which they Avere thrown by the revolution, is not solely the work of man. So great has been the melioration of Caro- lina in all these respects, and so far beyond what might be expected for men just entering on the threshold of sovereignty, that it must be referred to a superintending providence. Heretofore the history of revolutions has seldom been more than the exchange of one dynasty or despotism for an- other, or a stronger rivetting of the chains of the for- mer. In America the result has been very differ- ent. Foreign domination has been renounced not to aggrandize one or a few, but to substitute an efficient system of representative government in its place. This has been found to answer not only in theory, but in practice. Under it the people have been^s happy as could be expected from any or even the wisest political institutions. Young Caro- linians ! cherish the blood-bought inheritance derived from your fathers, and transmit it unimpaired to posterity. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF LITERARY MEN, AND OTHEH DISTINGUISHED CHARACTERS IN SOUTH-CAROLINA. LIONEL CHALMERS, M. D. WAS born about the year 1715 at Cambleton in the west of Scotland, and came very young to Caro- lina and there practised physic more than forty years. He first practised in Christ church, but soon removed to Charlestown. He was the author of several medical works which are particularized in the chapter of medical history, page 112. He never affected any mystery in his practice, but employed the knowledge he had acquired for the good of man- kind. He was the first writer who treated of the soil, climate, weather, and generally of the diseases of South-Carolina. He died in 1777, leaving be- hind him the character of a skilful humane physician and worthy honest man. 452 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. REV. RICHARD CLARKE, Minister of St. Phillips in CharlestoAvn, was more known as a theologian beyond the limits of America than any other inhabitant of Carolina. He was admired as a preacher both in Charlestown and London. His eloquence captivated persons of taste—his serious preaching and personal piety pro- cured for him the love and esteem of all good men. When he preached the church was crowded and the effects of it were visible in the reformed lives of ma- ny of his hearers, and the increased number of se- rious communicants. His sermons Avere often com- posed under the impressions of music of which he was passionately fond. From its soothing effects, and from the overflowing benevolence of his heart, Gods love to man, peace and good will among men, were the subjects on which he dwelt with peculiar delight. He gave on the week day a regular course of lectures on the epistle to the Hebrews which were much admired. So great at that time was the har- mony between ministers of different denominations in Charlestown, that Mr. Clarke agreed with Mr. Hutson, minister of the congregational or indepen- dent church, who was also in the habit of delivering a Aveek-day lecture, that the lecture of the one should be on Wednesday—of the other on friday, in order that each might hear the other, and that an oppor- tunity of attending both might also be afforded to such of their respective congregations as desired it. About this period both these worthy men were mem- bers of a religious and literary society composed, in REV. RICHARD CLARKE. 453 addition to themselves, of the rev. Mr. Zubly, minis- ter of the independent church in Christ church— the minister of the scotch presbyterian church, Mr. Christopher Gadsden, Mr. Gabriel Manigault, Mr. Henry and Mr. James Laurens, Mr. Ben. Smith, members of the episcopal church, Mr. Daniel Craw- ford, Mr. John Rattray, an eminent lawyer and learned man—the two last named Avere members of the presbyterian church—and of several others whose names are not now distinctly remembered. This society met once a month in the evening at the houses of the respective members. One of the cler- gymen opened the meeting with a short prayer, and they then discussed some literary or religious topic which had been previously agreed on, without how- ever being so strictly confined to it but that other matters not inconsistent Avith the intention of the meeting might be introduced. After several years residence in Charlestown Mr. Clarke, in the year 1759, left Carolina and was soon after appointed lecturer of Stoke Newington at St. James' Aldgate in London. Though that city abounded Avith first rate preachers, his eloquence and piety attracted a large share of public attention. He was so much esteemed and beloved in Charles- toAvn, that several of its inhabitants sent their chil- dren after him and put them under his care and in- struction at an academy which he opened near Lon- don. Soon after his return to England he commen- ced author, and at successive periods published six volumes and several pamphlets on theological sub- jects. In these much biblical, classical, and histo- rical knowledge was displayed. His letter to Dr. 454 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Ad nn Smith on his account of the death of David H nnc, was extensively read and much admired. Of his writings in explanation of scripture prophecies, the present generation will have an opportunity of judging ; for according to his commentaries the gen- eral conversion of the jews will take place between the present day and the year 1835. That these Avorks Avere written in Carolina is probable, for the substance of a considerable part of them was preach- ed in Charlestown. In the title page he calls him- self " late minister of St. Phillips Charlestown, South-Carolina." He lived to an extreme old age, and was through life esteemed for his fervent piety, great learning, and commanding eloquence. WILLIAM HENRY DRAYTON Was born in Carolina in 1742. He spent his youth and acquired his education in England. Soon after he came to manhood he returned to Carolina and there with inferior opportunities, but superior industry, prosecuted his studies. In it he acquired the greater part of that knowledge for which he was afterwards distinguished. He first began to write for the public about the year 1769. Under the sig- nature of Freeman he stated several legal and con- stitutional objections to an association, or rather the mode ot enforcing an association, for suspending the importation of british manufactures which was then generally signed by the inhabitants. This involved him in a political controversy in which he was op- posed by Christopher Gadsden and John Macken- WILLIAM HENRY DRAYTON. 455 zie. In the year 1774 he wrote a pamphlet under the signature of Freeman, which was addressed to the American congress. In this he stated the grie- vances of America, and drew up a bill of american rights. This was well received. It substantially chalked out the line of conduct adopted by congress then in session. He Avas elected a member of the provincial congress which sat in January 1775 ; and in the course of that year was advanced to the pre- sidency thereof. In the latter character he issued on the 9th of November 1775, the first order that was given in South-Carolina for firing on the british. The order Avas addressed to colonel William Moul- trie, and directed him " by every military operation to endeavor to oppose the passage of any british na- val armament that may attempt to pass fort John- son." This was before congress had decided on in- dependence, and in the then situation of Carolina was a bold decisive measure. Before the revolution, Mr. Drayton Avas one of the king's counsellors and one of his assistant judges for the province. The first of these offices he re- signed, and from the last he was dismissed by the officers of his britannic majesty. On the formation of a popular constitution he was reinstated by his countrymen in the corresponding offices of the state, and in the last advanced to the rank of chief jus- tice. In this latter capacity he gave a charge to the grand jury in April 1776, in Avhich he declared " that George the third, king of Great-Britain, had abdicated the government of South-Carolina, that he had no authority over the people of that colony and that they owed no obedience to him." This being 456 BIOGRAPHICAL SKLK hLS. anterior to the declaration of independence \vaa bold language. Several publications appeared from his pen, explaining the injuretl rights of his country and encouraging his felloAv-citizens to vindicate them. He has also left a manuscript history of the ameri- can revolution in three folio volumes, brought down to the end of the year 1778, which he intended to continue and publish. His country, pleased with his* zeal and talents, heaped offices upon him. He was appointed a member of congress in 1778 and 1779. Soon after he had taken his seat, british commissioners came to America with the hope of detaching the states from their alliance with France. Congress could not, consistently with national honor, enter on a discussion of the terms offered to them as an inducement to violate their faith plighted to France; but some individuals of their body ably proved the propriety of rejecting the british offers and adhering to independence and the alliance with France. William Henry Drayton entered largely into this discussion, and Avith gi'eat force of argu- ment and poignancy of wit, justified the measures adopted by his countrymen. This was the last of- fering made by his pen in favor of America ; for in the next year, and in the 37th of his age, he died in Philadelphia while attending his duty in congress. He was a statesman of great decision and energy, and one of the ablest political writers Carolina has produced. CHRISTOPHER GADSDEN. 457 CHRISTOPHER GADSDEN, Was born in CharlestoAvn in the year 1724. He was the son of Thomas Gadsden the king's collec- tor and a lieutenant in the british navy. Christo- pher Gadsden was sent by his father to England for his education, and there learned latin, greek, and french. He afterwards acquired a knowledge of hebrew and the oriental languages. At the age of 16 he returned to Carolina and was sent to Phila- delphia and placed in the counting house of Mr. Laurence. At the age of 21 he went to England. On his return to Carolina, as a passenger on board of a man of Avar, the purser died, and Mr. Gadsden was appointed in his place, and continued for tAvo years in that office ; then left the navy and followed merchandise, and afterwards planting and factorage. Whatever he undertook he pursued with all his might. The large wharf known by his name, which he be- gan and completed, is a work of greater magnitude than ever has yet been accomplished in Charlestown by any one man. Henry Laurens and he were co- temporaries ; and attached in their early youth to each other by the strongest ties of ardent friendship. They made a common cause to support and encou- rage each other in every virtuous pursuit, to shun every path of vice and folly, to leave company whenever it tended to licentiousness, and by act- ing in concert, to parry the charge of singularity so grating to young persons. By an honorable ob- servance of a few concerted rules, they mutually vol. 11. 3 N 458 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. strengthened virtuous habits, broke the force of many temptations, and acquired an energy of cha- racter which fitted them for acting a distinguished part in the trving scenes of a revolution through which it was the destiny of both to pass under si milar circumstances. Mr. Gadsden had naturally a strong love for in- dependence. He was born a republican. Under well ordered government lie was a good subject; but could not brook the encroachments of any man or body of men intrenching on his rights. Mr. Gadsden was for several years prior to the stamp act elected a representative of Charles- toAvn ; and during that period was always a very active and influential member in the commons house of assembly. There is no instance to be found in which private interest interfered with his public duty. In the year 1759, when governor Lyttelton made his expedition against the cherokees, there was not a single field-piece mounted in all Carolina. Mr. Gadsden by his influence obtained the passage of a law for raising a company of artillery. Of this he was appointed captain, and at the head of it accom- panied the governor into the indian country. This was the origin of what, after many changes and en- largements, is now called the ancient battalion of artillery. When the british began their projects for abridg- ing the privileges of the colonies, Mr. Gadsden A\as among the first to take fire. If he had lived in the days of king Charles, he would have been another CHRISTOPHER. GADSDEN. 450 Hampden. He descried independence when it Avas afar off, and early foresaw that such was the nature of man that America could never be governed with an exclusive or even a preferable view to her own interest Avhile the fountain of power was three thou- sand miles distant. He had correct ideas of the rights of man and of the representative system, long before Mr. Paine wrote on the subject. With such views he was among the foremost to resist the un- constitutional claims of Great-Britain. When the project of a general congress to give union and sys- tem to measures of defence Avas first before the commons house of assembly in 1765, he was indefa- tigable in making friends to the measure. His ta- lents for speaking did not exceed mediocrity, yet there was in him so much honest zeal, ardor, and energy, that he had no small share of the merit of bringing the house into that important measure. Be- ing appointed one of its members, he was the steady friend of his country's rights—put his foot on firm american ground, and from it no consideration could induce him to depart. When the scheme of revenue was renewed in 1767, he was one of the first and most zealous promoters of an association to suspend all importations of british manufactures, with a few exceptions, till a repeal of the new duties imposed on the colonies should be obtained—and was one of the last to recede from that self-denying modeof obtaining a redress of grievances. To the new-englanders lie Avas a steady friend, the constant correspondent of Sa- muel Adams, and great admirer of the zeal and princi- ples of the inhabitants of Boston. The news of the bill for shutting its port harrowed up his soul. He was 460 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. willing to do and suffer Avhatever Avas most likely to procure for its inhabitants the most speedy and com- plete relief. He had about that time completed the largest Avharf in CharlestoAvn Avhich Avas just begin- ning to yield an interest on an immense capital ex- pended in building it. His whole prospect of re- imbursement was founded on the continuance of trade, and especially on the exportation of rice. He nevertheless urged the adoption of a non-impor- tation and non-exportation agreement; and that the colonists should retire within themselves and live on their domestic resources till Great-Britain redres- sed their grievances, most heartily concurred in these measures Avhen adopted in the latter end of the year 1774 by congress, of which he was a member, and Avas uncommonly active in afterwards enforcing their strict execution, though feAv men lost more by them than he did. In June 1775, when the provincial congress determined to raise troops, Mr. Gadsden, though absent on public duty at Philadelphia, was without his consent or knowledge elected colonel of the first regiment. For personal courage he was in- ferior to no man. In knowledge of the military art he had several equals and some superiors ; but from the great confidence reposed in his patriotism and the popularity of his name, he was put at the head of the new military establishment. He left congress and repaired to the camp in Carolina, declaring that " wherever his country placed him, whether in the ci- vil or military department; and if in the latter, whe- ther as corporal or colonel, he would cheerfully serve to the utmost of his ability." In the next year he was promoted by congress to the rank of brigadier-ge- CHRISTOPHER GADSDEN. 46l neral. He commanded at fort Johnson when the fort on Sullivan's island was attacked ; and he was prepared to receive the enemy in their progress to Charlestown. The repulse of the british prevented his coming into action. Their retreat relieved South- Carolina from the pressure of war for two years. In this period Mr. Gadsden resigned his military command, but continued to serve in the assembly and the privy council, and was very active in pre- paring for and endeavoring to repel the successive invasions of the state by the british in 1779 and 1780. He was the friend of every vigorous mea- sure, and always ready to undertake the most la- borious duties and to put himself in the front of danger. When CharlestoAvn surrendered by capitu- lation, he Avas lieutenant-governor, and paroled as such, and honorably kept his engagement. For the three months which followed, he was undisturbed; but on the defeat of Gates in August 1780, the british resolved that he and several others who dis- covered no disposition to return to the condition of british subjects, should be sent out of the country. He Avas accordingly taken in his own house by a file of soldiers and put on board a vessel in the har- bor. He kneAv not why he was taken up, nor what Avas intended to be done with him, but supposed it Avas introductory to a trial for treason or rebellion, as the british gave out that the country Avas com- pletely conquered. He was soon joined by twenty- eight compatriots, who were also taken up on the same day. He drew from his pocket half a dollar, and turning to his associates with a cheerful coun- I'M BI00RAPHICA1 SKETCHES. tcnance assured them that was all the money he had at his command. The conquerors sent him and his companions to St. Augustine, then a british garri- son. On their landing, limits of some extent were offered to them on condition of their renewing the parole they had given in Charlestown, " to do no- thing injurious to the british interest." When this was tendered to general Gadsden, he replied " that he had already given one and honorably observed it; that in violation of his rights as a prisoner un- der a capitulation, he had been sent from Charles- toAvn, and that therefore he saAv no use in giving a second parole." The commanding officer replied, " he Avould enter into no arguments, but demanded an explicit answer whether he would or would not renew his parole." General Gadsden answered with that high minded republican spirit which misfor- tunes could not keep down, " I will not. In God I put my trust, and fear no consequences." He was instantly hurried off to the castle, and there con- fined for ten months in a small room, and in a state of complete separation from his fellow-prisoners, and in total ignorance of the advantages gained by his countrymen, but with most ample details of their defeats, and particularly of the sequestration of his estate with that of the other Carolina rebels. It is remarkable that Christopher Gadsden and Henry Laurens, whose virtuous juvenile friendship has been just related, were at the same time in close confine- ment ; One in the castle of St. Augustine, and the other in the tower of London. Mr. Gadsden im- proved his solitude by close application to study CHRISTOPHER GADSDEN. 463 and came out much more learned than he entered. In the course of 1781 the victories of general Greene procured an equivalent for the release of all the prisoners belonging to South-Carolina. Mr. Gadsden was discharged from close confinement and rejoined his fellpAV-prisoners. The reciprocal congratulations on the change of circumstances and on seeing each other after a ten months separation, though in the same garrison, may be more easily conceived than expressed. They Avere all convey- ed by water from St. Augustine to Philadelphia, and there delivered. On their arrival they Avere inform- ed for the first time of the happy turn american af- fairs had taken subsequent to Gates's defeat. Ge- neral Gadsden hastened back to Carolina to aid in recovering it from the british. He Avas elected a member of the assembly which met at Jacksonbo^ rough in 1782. On their meeting it became ne- cessary to choose a neAv governor. The suffrages of a majority were in the first instance in favor of Christopher Gadsden, who declined the office in a short speech to the following effect; " I have ser- ved you in a variety of stations Tor thirty years, and I Avould now cheerfully make one of a forlorn hope in an assault on the lines of Charlestown if it was probable that with the certain loss of my life vou would be reinstated in the possession of your capi- tal. What I can do for my country I am willing to do. My sentiments of the american cause, from the stamp act downwards, have never changed. I am still of opinion that it is the cause of liberty and of human nature. If my acceptance of the office BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. of governor Avould serve my country, though my ad- ministration Avould be attended with the loss of per- sonal credit and reputation, I would cheerfully un- dertake it. The present times require the vigor and activity of the prime of life; but I feel the increas- ing infirmities of age to such a degree that I am conscious I cannot serve you to advantage. I there- fore beg for your sakes, and for the sake of the public, that you would indulge me with the liberty of declining the arduous trust." He was indulged in his request; but though he declined the labo- rious office of governor, he continued to serve both in the assembly and council where, notwithstanding the long confinement he had suffered in the castle of St. Augustine and the immense loss of his pro- perty, he opposed the law which was brought in for confiscating the estates of the adherents to the british government, and zealously contended that sound policy required to forget and forgive. General Gadsden continued in the country throughout the year 1782, serving as one of the go- vernor's council. On the 14th of December 1782 he, Avith the american army and citizens, made their triumphant entry into Charlestown in the rear of the evacuating british. In the first moment of his return after an absence of more than two years, he had the pleasure of seeing the british fleet, upward of 300 sail, in the act of departing from the port, and the capital as well as the country restored to its proper owners. Mr. Gadsden henceforward devo- ted himself to private pursuits, but occasionally served in the assembly and with unspeakable de- CHRISTOPHER GADSDEN. 465 light in the iavo state conventions; the one for the ratification of the national constitution in 1788 and the other for revising the state constitution in 1790. From the first dawn of independence he Avas parti- cularly anxious for an efficient constitution, and considered nothing done while that remained undone. When difficulties arose or delays took place on this great subject, he Avas full of fears that the indepen- dent americans Avould form different confederacies ; or like their forefathers in England boAv their necks to the royal government: an event which he dreaded as one of the greatest political evils which could be- fall his country. He survived his 81st year, gene- rally enjoying good health, and at last died more from the consequences of an accidental fall than the weight of disease or decays of nature. At his death he was honored by the state Cincinnati and American Revolution Societies who requested the reverend Mr. Bowen to preach a funeral sermon on the occa- sion. Throughout life he was a strictly honest, vir- tuous, good man—a regular attendant on divine service in St. Phillips church and a steady commu- nicant in the same. In the high day of episcopal establishment he was friendly with and liberal to dissenters. When early in the revolution they pe- titioned the assembly for equal religious liberty, he brought forward their petition and advocated their claims as founded in reason, justice, and policy. He Avas the friend of good clergymen of all denomi- nations, and wished to promote peace among all sects and parties. His opinions of lawyers were not favorable. He considered their pleadings as gene- vol. 11. 3 O 466* BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. rally tending to obscure Avhat Avas plain and to make difficulties where there Avere none; and much more subservient to render their trade lucrative, than to advance justice. He adhered to that clause of Mr. Locke's fundamental constitution which makes it " a base and vile thing to plead for money or reward ;M and wished that the lawyers, Avhen necessary to jus- tice, should be provided with salaries at the public expense like the judges that they might be saved from the shame of hiring their tongues to the first who offered or gave the largest fee. Of physicians he thought very little. He considered temperance and exercise superior to all their prescriptions, and that in most cases they rendered them altogether unnecessary. In many things he was particular. His passions were strong and required all his reli- gion and philosophy to curb them. His patriotism was both disinterested and ardent. He declined all offiees of profit, and through life refused to take the compensations annexed by law to such offices of trust as were conferred on him. His character Avas impressed with the hardihood of antiquity; and he possessed an erect, firm, intrepid mind which was well calculated for buffeting with revolutionary storms. REV. COMMISSARY GARDEN, Was born in Scotland about the year 1685. Of his education and of the time of his arrival in Ca- rolina, nothing precise or certain is known , but from circumstances it is probable that he must have REV. COMMISSARY GARDEN. 467 arrived about the year 1720; for he died in 1756, at the age of seventy-one, after he had been thirty- four years rector of St. Phillips, Charlestown. Some years after his arrival, he was appointed commissa- ry of the bishop of London for the two Carolinas, Georgia, and Bahama islands. In the discharge of the duties of this high office he was strict and im- partial. Improper conduct on the part of clergy- men was immediately noticed, the delinquents 'brought to trial, and the canons of the church were enforced against them. His appearance as one of the visitors of the free-school in Charles- town was the sure precursor of a strict examina- tion. He did not permit the teachers, as they are very fond of doing, to point out the places for ex- amination. This business was managed by him as it ought to be, and was a real trial of what the pu- pils had learned. It was not confined to selected portions on which they had been previously pre- pared, but extended generally and promiscuously to all they had gone over. His visits and strict examinations produced good effect both on masters and scholars. In the discharge of family and cle- rical duties, commissary Garden was exemplary. He was attentive to the religious education of his children and servants, and it is mentioned in the " abstract of the proceedings of the society for pro- pagating the gospel," in South-Carolina, dated 1752, " that a flourishing school was taught in Charles- town by a negro of the society, under the inspection and direction of the Avorthy rector, Garden, by which means many poor negroes were taught to believe in God and in his son Jesus Christ." He kept up 468 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. strict discipline in his church—Avas careful whom he admitted as sponsors for children at the time of baptism—caused children Avho on account of sick- ness had been hastily baptised in private, in case of their recovery, to be presented for a public reception into the church—refused the communion to immoral persons, and admitted no young persons as commu- nicants till he Avas privately satisfied that they un- derstood the nature of the ordinance, and had those views of religion which are proper for communi- cants. In all cases he Avas a strict observer of rules and forms, and would not lightly depart from them. His particularities subjected him to remarks, but were the effect of a systematic line of conduct which he had prescribed for himself. He would not receive from persons he married one penny more or less than the law allowed, nor at any other time than that prescribed in the prayer-book. Nor would he marry any persons in lent, nor on the other fast days prescribed by the church; nor in any other manner than was strictly conformable to the book of common prayer. His charity was in like manner measured by rule. The exact tenth of his whole income was regularly given to the poor. In every thing he Avas methodical. He carefully di- gested his plans, and steadily adhered to them. Strict himself, according to the forms of his reli- gion, he required strictness from others. Under his pastoral care, a profession of religion was no slight matter. It imposed a necessity of circum- spect conduct regulated in all respects by the pre- scribed forms of the church. Though his literary talents Avere great, nothing more is known of him ALEXANDER GARDEN, M. B. 469 as an author, than that he preached and printed a sermon on these words, " They who have turned the world upside down, have come hither also:" in which he exposed the evil consequences of fanati- cism and innovation. ALEXANDER GARDEN, M. D. Was born in Scotland about the year 1728, and was the son of the reverend Alexander Garden of the parish of Birse, in the shire of Aberdeen, a cler- gyman of high respectability Avho, during the rebel- lion in the years 1745 and 1746, was distinguished by his exertions in favor of the family of Hanover; and still more so by his humane interposition in be- half of the followers of the house of Stuart, after their defeat at Culloden. Dr. Garden received his philosophical and classical education in the univer- sity of Aberdeen, at the Mareschal college there. He received his first medical education under the celebrated Dr. John Gregory, and studied also a twelvemonth in Edinburgh. He arrived in South- Carolina about the middle of the 18th century, and commenced the practice of physic in Prince Wil- liam's parish, in connexion Avith Dr. Rose. Here he began his botanic studies; but having lost his health, he was obliged to take a voyage to the north- ward for its recovery. In the year 1754 he went to NeAv-York, Avhere a professorship in the college recently formed in that city was offered to him, but he declined acceptance thereof. On his return he settled in Charlestown and continued to practice 470 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. physic there for about thirty years. In this period he amassed a handsome fortune, being deservedly in very high esteem, and extensively employed. He brought with him a haemoptoic constitution, but the complaint was suspended during his resilience in Carolina. He was well acquainted Avith the latin and greek classics—understood the french and italian languages, and was a considerable proficient in the knowledge of the belles lettres; in mathematics, phi- losophy, history and miscellaneous literature; but his attention, when the duties of his profession permit- ted any relaxation, was chiefly directed to the study of natural history, and particularly to that branch of it which is called botany. A list of his commu- nications on these subjects has been already given in the preceding chapter of medical history. Lin- naeus with Avhom he corresponded in latin, gave his name, Gardenia, to a most beautiful floAvering shrub; and often mentioned him Avith applause. He was also highly esteemed by the literati through- out Europe, with several of whom he corresponded. About the year 1772 he was elected a fellow of the royal society of London. Shortly after his return to Europe in 1783 he was appointed one of its council, and afterwards one of its vice-presidents. To extend his knowledge in natural history, doctor Garden accompanied James Glen, governor of South- Carolina, in the year 1755, when he penetrated in- into the indian country, and formed a treaty with the cherokees in their own mountains. In this expedi- tion doctor Garden discovered an earth which up- on a fair trial by the manufacturers at Worcester, in Great-Britain, was deemed equal to the finest por- ALEXANDER GARDEN, M. D. 471 celain that was ever imported from India. Unfor- tunately no precise knowledge can now be had of the spot Avhere this valuable earth Avas found. Hither- to no advantage has resulted from the discovery, though no doubt exists of its reality and importance. On doctor Garden's return to Europe, his consump- tive diathesis which had been long suspended, began to show itself. He endeavored to parry its attacks by travelling. This answered a valuable purpose, but failed in its primary object. He found that Avherever he went his literary fame had preceded him, and induced many to court his acquaintance. In France he was treated by men of science with the most pointed attention, and hailed as a brother. He met with a similar reception in Switzerland, and was particularly caressed by Lavater the author of an elaborate work on Physiognomy. In the course of his travels he tried the effects of breathing his native air, and of revisiting the haunts of his youth, hoping that the pleasing recollection of juvenile scenes Avould have a salutary influence in arresting the progress of his disease. He Avas received as a man who had done honor to his native land, and ex- tended its reputation as the soil of genius. He found that his venerable father, after reaching his 90th year, had lately died. Nought remained but to do honor to his memory. The son drew up a monumental inscription in elegant classical latin, commemorative of the virtues of the father. This is shown to strangers as honorable to both, and is respectfully mentioned in the statistical account of the parish edited by sir John Sinclair. 472 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Dr. Garden was highly pleased with the attentions he every where received in his travels, but all this time his disorder was advancing. Having made every exertion to preserve his life, he finally made up his mind to his situation; resolved to travel no more, and to meet his approaching fate in the bosom of his family. He accordingly settled at London and soon after expired in that city in the year 1792. The high reputation for literature to which he attained reflected honor both on his native and adopted country. In the first a good foundation was laid, especially in classical learning—in the latter the superstructure was raised. He came young to Ca- rolina and was then barely initiated in the favorite studies in Avhich he particularly excelled. He ac- quired most of his botanical knowledge in the woods of Carolina. He Avas fond of good company and particularly of refined female society, and to it he devoted a considerable portion of his time; but enough was reserved for mental improvement. He never complained of the climate as too hot for stu- dy. In it, though oppressed with professional bu- siness, he redeemed time enough to examine its na- tural riches and to co-extend its fame with his own. MAJOR JOHN JAMES, Was born in Ireland in 1732, and was the son of an officer who had served king William in his wars in Ireland against king James. This circumstance was the origin of the name of Williamsburg, which is now attached to one of the districts of Carolina. MAJOR JOHN JAMES. 473 The elder James, Avith his family and several of his neighbors, migrated to that district in 1733, made the first settlement there, and in honor of king Wil- liam gave his name to a village laid out on the east bank of Black river. The village is now called King's tree, from a white or short leafed pine which in ©Id royal grants was reserved for the use of the king; and the name of Williamsburg has been transferred to the district. To it major James, Avhen an infant, was brought by his parents. His first, recollections were those of a stockade fort, and of Avar between the new settlers and the natives. The former were often reduced to great straits in procuring the ne- cessaries of life and in defending themselves against the indians. In this then frontier settlement major James, Mr. James Bradley, and other compatriots in the revolution, were trained up to defend and love their country. Their opportunities for acqui- ring liberal educations were slender, but for obtain- ing religious instruction were very ample. They were brought up under the eye and pastoral care of the rev. John Rae> a presbyterian minister Avho ac- companied his congregation in their migration from Ireland to Carolina. When the revolution commen- ced in 1775, major James had acquired a considera- ble portion both of reputation and property. He was a captain of militia under George the 3d. Dis- approving of the measures of the british government he resigned his royal commission, but was soon after reinstated by a popular vote. In the year 1776 he marched with his company to the defence of Char- YOL. II. 3 P 4/'i BIOGRAPHICAL iKLTLtli::"- lestOAvn. In the year 177.9 he Avas with general Moultrie on his retreat before general Prevost, and commanded 120 riflemen in the skirmish at Tulifin- ny. When Charlestown was besieged in 1780, ma- jor James marched to its defence, but governoi John Rutledge ordered him back to embody the country militia. The town having fallen, he wa^ employed by his countrymen to wait on the con- querors and to inquire of them what terms they would give. On finding that nothing short of un- conditional submission and a resumption of the characters and duties of british subjects would be accepted, he abruptly broke off all negociation as has been already related; and rejoining his friends formed the stamina of the distinguished corps known in the latter periods of the revolutionary war by the name of Marion's brigade. His conduct as one of the confidential officers of general Marion in the hard struggle which followed has been already nar- rated. In the course of this cruel and desultory warfare, major James was reduced from easy cir- cumstances to poverty. All his moveable property was carried off, and every house on his plantation burnt: but he bore up under these misfortunes and devoted not only all his possessions but life itself for the good of his country. After Greene as comman- der in chief had superseded Marion, major James continued to serve under the former and fought with him at the battle of Eutaw. The corps with which he served consisted mostly of riflemen, and were each furnished with 24 rounds of cartridges. Ma- ny of them expended the whole and most of them SIR NATHANIEL JOHNSON. 475 £0 of these in firing on the enemy. As they were in the habit of taking aim, their shot seldom failed of doing execution. Shortly, after this action major James and general Marion Avere both elected mem- bers of the state legislature. Before the general had rejoined his brigade it was unexpectedly attacked, and after retreating Avas pursued by a party of the british commanded by colonel Thompson now count Rumford. In this retreat major James being moun- ted Avas nearly overtaken by two british dragoons, but kept them from cutting him down by a judicious use of his pistols, and escaped by leaping a chasm in a bridge of 20 feet width. The dragoons did not follow.—The major being out of their reach rallied his men, brought them back to the charge, and stop- ped the progress of the enemy. When the war was nearly over he resigned his commission, and like an- other Cincinnatus returned to his farm and devoted the remainder of his days to the improvement of his property and the education of his children. In the year 1791 he died Avith the composure and fortitude' of a christian hero. SIR NATHANIEL JOHNSON Was governor of South-Carolina for 7 or 8 of the first years of the 18th century. He had been bred a soldier, and Avas also a member of the house of commons. From the year 1686 to 1689 he had been governor of Nevis, St. Christophers, Montser- 476 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. rat, and Antigua, commonly called the lecwnrd isl- ands. Soon after the termination of his govern- ment in 1689, he became a private inhabitant of South-Carolina. Being fond of projects his atten- tion Avas turned to that province, as being in a lati- tude favorable to his vieAvs. He Avas particularly al- lured by the hope of making silk, and commenced a settlement for that purpose. In this he succeeded so far as to make considerable quantities of that commodity. His example encouraged others to en- gage in the same business. His experiments were made on a plantation Avhich to this day is called Silk Hope. A project for making salt also engaged his attention. To the settlement on SeAvee-bay, where his experiments were made Avith this view, he gave the name of Salt Ponds. The result is not known. He also attempted the culture of grapes and is said to have succeeded in making Avine, but in small quantities. Soon after his arrival in Caro- lina, rice was introduced. He made many trials of the several kinds of rice, and of the soils most suit- able for it; and incurred considerable expense in building mills and other machinery necessary for preparing the grain for use or market. His expe- riments and example had a considerable influence in determining the planters of these days to engage in the culture of this neAv commodity. These enter- prizes and his military education gave him exten- sive popularity and induced the proprietors to offer him the government of the province. But as he was suspected of not being well affected to the revolu- tion of 1688 in England, queen Anne would not SIR NATHANIEL JOHNSON. 477 give her approbation but on the conditions of his giving security for observing the laws of trade and navigation; and such instructions as should be sent out to him by her majesty. These conditions were complied with. As governor he Avas active and in- telligent. His influence over the assembly Avas great. Of this he made a proper use by urging the completion of the fortifications of Charlestown and its harbor. The fort on the east end of James island Avas called by his name. To defray the expenses of these works, heavy taxes Avere necessary and of course his popularity Avas for some time diminished; but time and posterity have done him ample justice. Soon after these fortifications Avere completed, their utility Avas demonstrated. The province was inva- ded by 800 frenchmen, and the recent fortifications Avere instrumental in discouraging the invading ar- my, though within the bar, from making an attack on the town. The result, highly honorable to the go- vernor, and the notice taken of him by the proprie- tors for his good conduct on this occasion have been related. While sir Nathaniel Johnson Avas successful in fortifying and defending the town and harbor, he Avas equally so in procuring a legal establishment of the episcopal church. His influence Avas exerted in favor of this measure. It Avas carried by great ad- dress and management through the legislature by a single vote, and at a time Avhen a majority of the people Avere dissenters and opposed to it. The governor concurring in the common creed of the times that an established religion Avas necessary to 478 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHED the support of civil government, and believing that the best interests of the province would be promo- ted by endoAving the episcopal church, he exerted all his influence Avith the assembly am! people to pro- cure its advancement to public support and legal pre-eminence. The result was in several respects ansAverable to his expectations. It was the means of introducing about 100 episcopal clergymen into the country, who were men of regular education and useful in their profession, who generally became set- tlers and left families. It also contributed to the introduction of a number of bibles and other books on religious subjects, which either formed parochial libraries or were given away by missionaries of the english society for propagating the gospel. The establishment also procured an influx of several hundred pounds sterling annually into the country for the maintenance of episcopal clergymen, in aid of their provincial legal salary. The annual allow- ance of from <£30 to 50 to several of that de- scription was continued down to the revolution. For these benefits resulting from the establishment, the country was in a great measure indebted to go- vernor Johnson. The assembly was sensible that his continuance in office was so essential to the con- tinuance of the establishment, that they made a most extraordinary provision against the contingen- cy of his death or removal from office. This is ex- pressed in the preamble of an aet passed in his ad- ministration in the following words : " whereas the Church of England has of late been so happily esta- blished among us, fearing that by the succession of SIR NATHANIEL JOHNSON. 479 a new governor this church may be either under- mined or wholly subverted ; to prevent which cala- mity felling upon us be it enacted, that this present assembly shall continue to sit two years, and for the term of eighteen months after the change of go- vernment, or the succession of another in his time." The salaries of governors were at this early pe- riod low, and did not exceed two hundred pounds sterling ; but they found out an indirect method of increasing them by a monopoly, or a profitable management of the trade with the indians. Gover- nor Johnson consented to a law for a different ar- rangement of this business, by commissioners ap- pointed by the assembly, on terms that were injuri- ous to his private interest, but in their consequences highly beneficial to the province. His administra- tion lasted for six or seven years, and was highly- reputable to himself and eminently conducive to the improvement of Carolina. He Avas nevertheless in the year 1709 superseded by colonel Edward Tynte.. It probably was the policy of the proprietors to make frequent changes of their governors; for it does not appear that any fault was found Avith John- son. Of his subsequent life nothing is known*. His son Robert Johnson succeeded to the same of- * It is probable that he lived a retired private life in Carolina, Bar he died there in 1713, and Avas buried on his Silk Hope plantation. From respect to his memory, his grave Avas sur- rounded by a brick Avail by Gabriel Manigault, Avho purchased the plantation many years after the death of sir Nathaniel Johnson. 480 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. fice about eight years after, in which period there had been four intermediate governors. It has been the lot of governor sir Nathaniel Johnson in common Avith several other of the distin- guished personages in Carolina, to have their names extinct though their blood still survives in the fe- male line. His daughter married the great great grand father of the present Philip P. Broughton. His tA\o grand daughters married; one, Ralph Izard, the other Benjamin Stead; but no person of the name of Johnson is known now to exist who can trace back his family to the illustrious governor sir Nathaniel Johnson. JOHN LINING, M. D. Was born in Scotland in 1708, and arrived in Corolina when he was about 22 years old. For nearly 30 years he successfully practised physic in Charlestown, and was reckoned one of its most skilful physicians. His fame Avas much more ex- tensive than his practice. The latter was necessari- ly confined to the vicinity of his residence, but his medical writings Avhich have been particularly men- tioned in the preceding chapter of medical history, page 111; his statical experiments and meteoro- logical observations which Avere published in the transactions of the Royal society of London, pro- cured for him a large portion of fame in Europe. His statical experiments are the only ones that have HENRY LAURENS. 481 ever been made to any extent in America, and his meteorological observations, commencing as early as 1738, were the first made in Carolina; and as far as is known, the first made in the british co- lonies, now United States, which have been publish- ed. He was also the first experimenter in Carolina on electricity, and ranked high among the early lite- rati of the new world. He died in 1760, with a distinguished reputation as a physician and a phi- losopher, after he had extended the literary fame «f }m adopted country to distant regions. HENRY LAURENS, Was born in Charlestown in 1724. His ances- tors were french protestant refugees, who had left France soon after the revocation of the edict of Nantz. They first settled in NeAv-York, but after- wards removed to Charlestown. His education was superintended at first by Mr. Howe, and afterwards by Mr. Corbett, the same Avho after instructing Peter Manigault, William Drayton, and some other excel- lent classical scholars in Carolina, returned to Eng- land and became high bailiff of Westminster. Being designed for a merchant Henry Laurens was early in life put under the care of Thomas Smith merchant, •f Charlestown, and afterwards of Mr. Crokatt of London, who had returned to Europe after having ac- quired a considerable estate in Charlestown. Under these instructors Henry Laurens wafi regularly bred, to vol. T*. 3 Q, 48'J BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH K*. merchandise, and acquired those habits of order, sys- tem, and method in business for Avhich he was through life remarkable. On his return from London he enter- ed into partnership with Mr. Austin an established merchant of Charlestown, and engaged in trade with spirit; but at the same time with caution and judg- ment. His scrupulous attention to punctuality not on- ly in the discharge of pecuniary engagements, but in being where and in doing what he had promised was almost romantic. He suffered nothing to interfere Avith his own engagements, and highly disrelished all breaches of punctuality on the part of others. He was an excellent model for a young man to form himself upon, and was largely trusted in that way by parents who wished their sons to be brought up strictly and in habits of doing business with accura- cy. To have served in his counting house was no small recommendation. He worked hard himself and made all around him do the same. He requir- ed less sleep than most men, and devoted a great part of the night to the ordinary mercantile pursuits of the day. For the dispatch of business he was never exceeded, perhaps never equalled, in Charles- toAvn. He was a very early riser, and devoted the morning to his counting house, and frequently had the business of the day not only arranged but done when others were beginning to deliberate on the ex- pediency of leaving their beds. His letters were generally written in the retired hours of the night and morning. In them his ideas Avere always expressed in strong and precise language which forcibly con- veyed his meaning without a possibility of being HENRY LAURENS. 483 misunderstood. Whether friendship, business, or amusement was the subject, his epistolary style Avas excellent and well worthy of imitation. He had an exact knowledge of human nature, and, in his own mercantile language, soon found out the par of exchange of every man with Avhom he trans- acted business. His eye Avas uncommonly penetra- ting, and the correct opinions he frequently formed of the real characters of men from their looks would, if known to Lavater, have confirmed that philoso- pher in his theory of physiognomy. Such diligence and such knowledge of men and of business could not fail of success. It is no small evidence of this, and at the same time characteristic of the period in Avhich Mr Laurens was engaged in trade between 1747 and 1770, that at the Avinding up of his part- nership concerns, which had embraced transactions to the amount of many millions of pounds of the then currency, he offered to his partner to take all outstanding debts as cash at a discount of five per cent, on their gross amount. His talents for conversation were great. He could adapt himself to the young and the old, the gay and the grave, to the man of business and the votaries of pleasure. He reproved without offend- ing, and gave advice Avithout appearing to dictate. Mr Laurens' love of justice was extreme. He would never draw a bill of exchange till he had a Avritten acknoAvledgment from the person on whom he drew that he Avas indebted to the amount drawn for. He cheerfully partook of diversions in their proper time and place; but had at all periods of his 484 BI0011APHICAL SKETCHES. life so deep rooted an aversion to gaming, that ke never played at cards or any other game but for amusement; unless on some very rare occasions, when in company Avith those to whom play was without zest except something was risked, he so far conformed to their humor as to play for money on a very moderate scale, and in case of loss he promptly paid, but uniformly refused to receive what he won, esteeming it Avrong to take any man's money Avith- out giving an equivalent. In two or three instances he yielded to the fash- ionable folly of accepting a challenge to decide a controversy by single combat. In every such case he received the fire of his adversary but Avould not return it. He once had a suit at law with the judge of the court of vice-admiralty, in which he resisted the claims of the royal government which by some recent regulations were hostile to american rights. Mr. Laurens being cast tendered to the judge, sir Egerton Leigh, his legal fees to a considerable sum. The judge declined to receive them. Mr. Laurens conceiving that he had no right to retain what Avas legally due from him, gave the Same precise amount to the South-Carolina society to be expended by them in charity. On another occasion a sum of money came into his hands in some official character Avhich had not been claimed. Under an impression that the money thus unclaimed Avas not his, he transfer- red it to the South-Carolina society to be used by them as a fund of charity till the owner called for it. No such call was then expected or has \et been HENRY LAURENS. 485 brought forward, though the deposit was made forty years ago. Mr. Laurens once persuaded a favorite slave to give a reluctant consent to receive the small-pox by inoculation, who in consequence thereof died. To comfort the deceased for the issue of an unfortunate experiment urged upon him, assurances were given to him in his dying moments that his children should be emancipated. This was accordingly done. In the performance of his religious duties Mr. Laurens Avas strict and exemplary. The emergency was great Avhich kept him from church either fore- noon or afternoon, and very great indeed which kept him from his regular monthly communion. With the bible he was intimately acquainted. Its doc- trines he firmly believed, its precepts and history he admired, and was much in the habit of quoting and applying portions of it to present occurrences. He not only read the scriptures diligently to his family, but made all his children read them also. His family bible contained in his own hand-writing several of his remarks on passing providences. He used to observe that many passages of admired au- thors were borrowed either in matter or manner from sacred writ, and in support of this opinion of- ten quoted among other examples, " God tempers the wind to the back of the shorn lamb" of Sterne, as an imitation of " he stayeth his rough wind in the day of the east wind" of the prophet Isaiah; and the interesting " lovely young Lavinia" of Thomson as a portrait of the bible Ruth by a modern hand, with a little alteration in the drapery. He frequent- 486 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. ly recommended the writings of Solomon as giving an excellent insight into human nature, and as aphor- isms the observance of which Avould make men both wise and happy. Mr. Laurens having amassed a fortune far ex- ceeding what Avas then common in America ; and having lately lost his wife gave up business, and in 1771 went to Europe to superintend the education of his sons. Soon after he had made arrangements for bringing them fonvard to the greatest advan- tage, the disputes began which finally severed the colonies from the parent state. He was one of the thirty-nine natives of America avIio in 1774 peti- tioned the british parliament not to pass the Boston port-bill. His utmost exertions were made to prevent the war; but finding that nothing short of the most degrading submission on the part of the colonies would prevent it, he determined to return to Caroli- na and take part Avith his countrymen. Great inter- est was used to dissuade him from executing this resolution, and ample offers were made to indemni- fy him for all losses that might result from his re- maining in England. To his mercantile friend, Mr. Oswald, one of the subsequent negotiators of peace, urging his stay, he replied from Falmouth when on the point of embarking for Charlestown, as folloAvs : " I shall never forget your friendly attention to my interest; but I dare not return. Your ministers are deaf to information, and seem bent on provo- king unnecessary contest. I thin^k I have acted the part of a faithful subject. I now go resolved still to labor for peace ; at the same time determined in HENRY LAURENS. 487 the last event to stand or fall with my country." On his leaving England he assured the numerous friends he left behind, that America would not submit to the claims of the british parliament: on his landing in Charlestown in December 1774, he assured his american friends that Britain would not yield to their demands and that war was inevitable. His infor- mation was much relied on, and vigorous prepara- tions for defence Avere made very early in 1775 by the Carolinians. The circumstance of his leavmg England at this crisis to take part with his country- men in their approaching arduous conflict, rivetted him in their esteem. They conferred many offices upon him. In the interval betAveen the suspension of royal and the establishment of representative go- vernment, the executive department of the latter sys- tem, while in embryo, was administered by him as president of the council of safety; with a full im- pression that both his fortune and life were staked on the result. His countrymen soon found that the well known activity of the merchant was transfer- red to the statesman, and that the public business was promptly and accurately dispatched. Soon af- ter the establishment of a regular constitution in South-Carolina in 1776 he was elected a member of congress, and shortly after he had taken his seat, was appointed president of that body. Two vo- lumes of his official public letters as president re- main in the archives of the old congress. These are monuments of his talent for Avriting letters—of his industry and attention to the duties of his station. In that period the british commissioners arrived 48* BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. with the vain hope of inducing the americans t« re- scind their alliance with France, and to resume the character of free british subjects. One of them, go- vernor Johnson, had private letters of introduction to Mr. Laurens. These were forwarded and brought on a correspondence long since made public, which was honorable to the american character. In De- cember 1778 Mr. Laurens resigned the chair of congress and thereupon received their thanks "for his conduct in the chair and in the execution of public business." He returned his grateful acknow- ledgments for the honor done him, which he ob- served " would be of service to his children." Iw the year following he was appointed minister pleni- potentiary from the United States to Holland. In his way thither he was captured and carried to En- gland, and tliere committed a prisoner to the tower of London on 9ii3picion of treason; and was offici- ally mentioned by sir Joseph York as " styling him- self president of the pretended congress." The commitment Avas accompanied Avith orders " to con fine him a close prisoner—-to be locked up every night—to be in the custody of two warders—not to suffer him to be out of their sight one moment, day or night—to allow him no liberty of speaking to any person, nor to permit any person to speak to him— to deprive him of the use of pea and ink—to suffer no letter to be brought to him, nor any to go from him." Mr. Laurens was then fifty-six years old, and severely afflicted with the gout and other infir- mities. In this situation he aa as conducted to apart- ments in the tower, and was shut up in trio small HENRY LAURENS. 489 rooms Avhich together made about twenty feet square, with a warder for his constant companion, and a fixed bayonet under his Avindow; Avithout any friend to converse with, and Avithout any prospect or even the means of correspondence. Being de- barred the use of pen and ink, he procured pencils which proved an useful substitute. After a month's confinement he was permitted to walk out on li- mited ground, but a warder Avith a sword in his hand folloAved close behind. This indulgence was occasionally taken for about three Aveeks, Avhen lord George Gordon vrho was also a prisoner in the tOAv- er unluckily met and asked Mr. Laurens to walk with him. Mr. Laurens declined the offer, and instantly returned to his apartment; Governor Gore caught at this transgression of orders, and locked him up for thirty-seven days, though the at- tending warder exculpated him from all blame. About this time an old friend and mercantile cor- respondent having solicited the secretaries of state for Mr. Laurens's enlargement on parole, and ha- ving offered his whole fortune as security for his good conduct, sent him the following message : "Their lordships say if you will point out any thing for the benefit of Great-Britain in the present dis- pute with the colonies, you will be enlarged." This proposition filled him with indignation, and provo- ked a sharp reply. The same friend soon after visited Mr. Laurens, and being left alone with him addressed him as follows : " I converse with you this morning, not vol. n. 3 R 490 BIOGRAPHICAL .SKETCHES. particularly as your friend but as the friend ol Great-Britain. I have certain propositions to make for obtaining your liberty, Avhich I advise you should take time to consider." Mr. Laurens desired to know what they were, and added " that an honest man required no time to give an ansAver in a case where his honor Avas concerned." " If," said he, " the secretaries of state will enlarge me upon pa- role, I will strictly conform to my engagement to do nothing directly or indirectly to the hurt of this kingdom. I will return to America, or remain in any part of England which may be assigned, and surrender myself when demanded." It Avas answer- ed, " no sir, you must stay in London among your friends. The ministers will often have occasion to send for and consult you : you can write two or three lines to the ministers and barely say you are sorry for what is past. A pardon Avill be granted. Eve- ry man has been wrong at some time or other of his life, and should not be ashamed to acknoAvledge it." Mr. Laurens replied, " I will never subscribe to my own infamy and to the dishonor of my children." Though Mr. Laurens was not allowed to see his Own friends, pains were taken to furnish him with such newspapers from America as announced the successes of the british in South-Carolina after the surrender of its capital in 1780—that the inhabi- tants had given up the contest, and generally taken british protection; and that the estates of Henry Laurens, and of the other obstinate rebels who still adhered to the ruined cause of independence, were under sequestration by the british conquerors. To HENRY LAURENS. 491 such communications Mr. Laurens steadily replied, " none of these things move me." In the year 1781 lieutenant colonel John Laurens, the eldest son of Henry Laurens, arrived in France as the special minister of congress. The father was requested to write to the son to withdraw himself from the court of France, and assurances were given that it would operate in his favor. To these requests he replied, " my son is of age, and has a will of his own, if I should write to him in the terms you request it would have no effect; he would on- ly conclude that confinement and persuasion had softened me. I know him to be a man of honor. He loves me dearly and would lay down his life to save mine, but I am sure he would not sacrifice his honor to save my life: and I applaud him." Mr. Laurens pencilled an address to the secreta- ries of state for the use of pen and ink to draw a bill of exchange on a merchant in London who was in his debt, for money to answer his immediate exigen- cies. This was delivered to their lordships, but they returned no answer though no provision was made for the support of their prisoner. Mr. Lau- rens was thus left to languish in confinement under many infirmities and without the means of applying his own resources on the spot for his immediate sup- port. As soon as Mr. Laurens had completed a year in the toAver, he was called upon to pay <£97 10s. ster- ling to two warders for attending on him. To which he replied, " I will not 'pay the warders whom I 492 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHFS. never employed and whose attendance I shall be glad to dispense with." Three Aveeks after, the secretaries of state consen- ted that Mr. Laurens should have the use of pen and ink for the purpose of drawing a bill of ex- change ; but they were taken aAA ay the moment that business Avas done. As the year 1781 drew near a close, Mr. Lau- rens' sufferings in the tower became generally knoAvn, and excited compassion in his favor and odium against the authors of his confinement. It had been also found by the inefficacy of many attempts that no concessions could be obtained from him. It was therefore resolved to release him, but difficulties arose about the mode. Mr. Laurens Avould not con- sent to any act Avhich implied that he was a british subject; and he had been committed as such on charge of high treason. Ministers to extricate them- selves from this difficulty, at length proposed to take bail for his appearance at the court of king's bench. When the words of the recognizance " Our sove- reign lord the king" Avere read to Mr. Laurens, he replied in open court, " not my sovereign;" and with this declaration he, with Mr. Oswald and Mr. An- derson as his securities, entered into an obligation for his appearance at the courts of king's bench the next Easter term, and for not departing thence with- out leave of the court. Mr. Laurens was immedi- ately released. When the time of his appearance at court drew near he Avas not only discharged from all obligations to attend, but was requested by lord Shelburne to go to the continent in subserviency to HENRY LAURENS. 493 a scheme for making peace with America. Mr. Laurens Avas startled at the idea of being released Avithout any equivalent, as he had uniformly held himself to be a prisoner of Avar. From a high sense of personal independence, and unwillingness to be brought under an apparent obligation, he replied, " That he durst not accept himself as a gift; and that as congress had once offered lieutenant-general Burgoyne for him, he had no doubt of their noAv giving lieutenant-general earl Cornwallis for the same purpose." The contrast between this close confinement in the tower for more than 14 months, and the active life to which Mr. Laurens had been accustomed, so far undermined his constitution that he never after- wards enjoyed good health. Soon after his release he received a commission from congress to be one of their ministers for negociating a peace with Great- Britain. He repaired to Paris ; and there in con- junction with Dr. Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay, signed the preliminaries of peace on the 30th of November 1782; by which the independence of the United States was acknowledged. Mr. Laurens soon after returned to Carolina. His countrymen, well pleased with his conduct, stood ready to honor him with every mark of distinction in their power to confer; but he declined all solicitations to suffer himself to be elected either governor, member of congress, or of the state legislature. When the pro- ject of a general convention was under considera- tion for revising the federal bond of union, he was Avithout his permission elected one of its members ; but declined serving. He retired from all public 494 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. business, and amused himself with agricultural ex- periments, and promoting the happiness of his children, domestics*, friends, and neighbors. His health Avhich had long been delicate, gradually de- clined; and on the 8th of December 1792, near the close of his 69th year, he expired. His will con- cluded with these Avords—" I solemnly enjoin it on my son as an indispensable duty, that as soon as he conveniently can after my decease he cause my body to be Avrapped in twelve yards of tow cloth, and burnt until it be entirely consumed, and then col- lecting my bones, deposit them Avherever he may think proper." This request was fulfilled. JOHN LAURENS, Sox of Henry Laurens, Avas born in CharlestoAvn in 1755. His early education was conducted by Benjamin Lord, reverend Messieurs Himeli, and Panton. In youth he discovered that energy of character which distinguished him through life. When a lad, though laboring under a fever, on the cry of fire he leaped from his bed, hastened to * Mr. Laurens' treatment of his domestics was highly com- mendable. He was strict in making th m do their proper bu- siness, and enforced among them the observance of decency, order, and morality; but amply supplied their Avantt, and free- ly contributed to their comforts. Fe\* laborers in any country had more of the enjoyments of life than the cultivators of his grounds. They accordingly lived long, and their natural in- crease was great. To their religious instructions he was also attentive. JOHN LAURENS. 495 the scene of danger, and was in a few minutes on the top of the exposed houses risking his life to arrest the progress of the flames. This is the more worthy of notice, for precisely in the same way, and under a similar, but higher impulse of ardent patriotism, he lost his life in the year 1782. At the age of sixteen he was taken to Europe by his father, and there put under the best means of instruction in Geneva; and aftenvards in London. In the course of his youthful studies he united the plodding diligence of the mere scholar and the refinement of the gentleman. By a judicious distribution of his time, and doing with his might whatever he engaged in, he acquired as much solid useful learning as could be expected from one, who, immuring himself in the walls of a college, renoun- ced society; and at the same time as many accom- plishments as are usually attained by those who, neglecting all study, aim at nothing more than the exterior polish of an elegant education. In classical learning, the french and italian languages, mathe- matics, philosophy, geography, history, and the or- dinary circle of sciences, he Avas an adept; and also excelled in drawing, dancing, fencing, riding, and all the graces and refined manners of a man of fashion. He was entered a student of law at the temple in 1774, and was daily improving in legal knoAvledge till the disputes between Great-Britain and her co- lonies arrested his attention. He soon found that the claims of the mother country struck at the root of liberty in the colonies, and that she perseveringly resolved to enforce these claims at every hazard. Fain would he have come out to join his country- 496 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. men in arms at the commencement of the contest; but the peremptory order of his father enjoined his continuance in England, to prosecute his studies and finish his education. As a dutiful son he obeyed these orders; but as a patriot burning with desire to defend his country, he dismissed Coke, Littelton, and all the tribe of jurists, and substituted in their place Vauban, Folard, and other writers on war. He also availed himself of the excellent opportuni- ties which London affords of acquiring practical knoAvledge in the manual exercise, of tactics, and the mechanism of war. Thus instructed, as soon as he was a freeman of legal age he quitted England for France, and by a circuitous voyage in neutral vessels, and at a considerable risk made his way good in the year 1777 to Charlestown. Independ- ence had been declared—the american army was raised, officered, and in the field. He who by his attainments in general science, and particularly in the military art, deserved high rank, had no ordinary door left open to serve his country but by entering in the loAvest grade of an army abounding with officers. Gen. Washington, ever attentive to merit, instantly took him into his family as a supernumerary aid-de- camp. Shortly after this appointment he had an op- portunity of indulging his military ardor. He fought and Avas wounded in the battle of German town, Oc- tober 4th 1777. He continued in general Wash- ington's family in the middle states till the british had retreated from Philadelphia to New-York ; and was engaged in the battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778. After this, the war being transferred more northwardly, he Avas indulged in attaching himself JOHN LAURENS. 497 to the army on Rhode-island Avhere the most active operations were expected soon to take place. There he was intrusted with the command of some light troops. The bravery and good conduct which he displayed on this occasion was honored by congress. On the 5th of November 1778 they resolved " that John Laurens esquire, aid-de-camp to general Wash- ington, be presented with a continental commission of lieutenant-colonel in testimony of the sense which congress entertain of his patriotic and spirited ser- vices as a volunteer in the american army; and of his brave conduct in several actions, particularly in that of Rhode-Island on the 29th of August last; and that general Washington be directed whenever an opportunity shall offer to give lieutenant-colonel Laurens command agreeable to his rank." On the next day a letter from lieutenant-colonel Laurens Avas read in congress, expressing " his gratitude for the unexpected honor which congress Avere pleased to confer on him by the resolution passed the day before ; and the high satisfaction it would have af- forded him could he have accepted it without injur- ing the rights of the officers" in the line of the army, and doing an evident injustice to his colleagues in the family of the commander in chief—that having been a spectator of the convulsions occasioned in the army by disputes of rank, he held the tranquil- lity of it too dear to be instrumental in disturbing it, and therefore entreated congress to suppress the resolve of yesterday, ordering him a commission of lieutenant-colonel, and to accept his sincere thanks for the intended honor." In this relinquishment vol. tt. 3 S *9<' BIOGRAPHICAL Sk ETCHES. there was a victory gained by patriotism over sell- love. Lieutenant-colonel i^aurens loved military fame and rank ; but he loved his country more, and sacrificed the former to preserve the peace and pro- mote the interest of the latter. In the next year the british directed their milita- ry operations chiefly against the most southern states. Lieutenant-colonel John Laurens was in duced by double motives to repair to Carolina.. The post of danger was always the object of his preference. Flis native state was become the thea- tre of Avar. To its aid he repaired, and in May 1779, with a party of light troops, had a skirmish with the british at Tulifinny. In endeavoring to obstruct their progress towards Charlestown, he, re- ceived a wound. This Avas no sooner cured than he rejoined the army and was engaged in the un- successful attack on Savannah on the 9th of Octo- ber of the same year. To prepare for the defence of CharlestoAvn, the reduction of Avhich Avas knoAvn to be contemplated by the british, was the next ob- ject of attention among the americans. To this co- lonel Laurens devoted all the energies of his active mind. In the progress of the siege Avhich commen- ced in 1780, the success of defensive operations be- came doubtful. Councils of wrar were frequent— several of the citizens were known to wish for a surrender as a tennination of their toils and dan- gers. In these councils, and on proper occasions, colonel Laurens advocated the abandonment of the front lines and to retire to new ones to be erected Avithin the old ones and to rL=k an assault. When these spirited measures were opposed on the sug- JOHN LAURENS. 499 gestion that the inhabitants preferred a capitulation, he declared that he would direct his sword to the heart of the first citizen Avho would urge a capitu- lation against the opinion of the commander in chief. When his superior officers, convinced of the ineffi- cacy of further resistance, Avere disposed to surren- der on terms of capitulation, he yielded to the ne- cessity of the case and became a prisoner of Avar. This reverse of fortune opened a new door for ser- ving his country in a higher line than he ever yet had done. He was soon exchanged and reinstated in a capacity for acting. In expediting his ex- change, congress had the ulterior view of sending him as a special minister to Paris that he might urge the necessity of a vigorous co-operation on the part of France with the United States against Great- Britain. When this was proposed to colonel Lau- rens, he recommended and urged that colonel Alex- ander Hamilton should be employed in preference to himself. Congress adhered to their first choice. Colonel Laurens sailed for France in the latter end of 1780; and there in conjunction with Dr. Frank- lin, and count De Vergennes, and marquis De Cas- tries, arranged the plan of the campaign for 1781; which eventuated in the surrender of lord Cornwal- lis, and finally in a termination of the Avar. Within six months from the day colonel Laurens left Ame- rica, he returned to it and brought with him the concerted plan of combined operations. Ardent to rejoin the army, he was indulged with making a verbal report of his negotiations to congress ; and in three days set out to resume his place as one of the aids of general Washington. The american and 500 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. french array about this time commenced the siege of Yorktown. In the course of it colonel Laurens, as second in command Avith his fellow aid, colonel Hamilton, assisted in storming and taking an ad- vanced british redoubt Avhich expedited the surren- der of lord CornAvallis. The articles of capitulation Avere arranged by colonel Laurens on behalf of the americans. Charlestown and a part of South-Ca- rolina still remained in the power of the british. Colonel Laurens thought nothing done while any thing remained undone. He therefore on the sur- render of lord Cornwallis repaired to South-Caroli- na to assist in recovering the state. Before he en- tered on active military duty, he obeyed the call of his country to serve as a representative to the state legislature, Avhich Avas convened in January 1782, at Jacksonborough, within 35 miles of Charlestown, Avhich Avas at that time a british garrison. His elo- quence was then put in requisition for the public ser- vice. He was the advocate of every energetic mea- sure of defence and offence, but declined all civil honors ; preferring to serve his country in the field. His legislative duty being over, he joined the south- ern army commanded by general Greene. In the course of the summer of 1782 he caught a common fever and was sick in bed ay hen an expedition was undertaken against a party of the british which had gone .to Combakee to carry off rice. Colonel Lau- rens rose from his sick bed and joined his country- men. While leading an advanced party, he receiv- ed a shot Avhich on the 27th of August 1782, at the close of the war, put an end to his valuable life in the 27th year of his age. His many virtues have GABRIEL MANIGAULT. 501 been ever since the subject of eulogy, and his ear- ly fall of national lamentation. The fourth of July seldom passes without a tribute to his memory. GABRIEL MANIGAULT Was born in the year 1704. Both his parents were french protestant refugees who, in consequence of the revocation of the edict of Nantz in 1685, de- termined to leave France. Their marriage took place in Charlestown about the year 1699- Their son Gabriel was born and resided there the whole of his life, which Avas 77 years, Avith the exception of a voyage to the West-Indies. The prominent traits in his character Avere integrity and benevolence. His regard to justice was almost romantic. His charity Avas always exercised whenever an opportu- nity offered. He generally had pensioners who re- cei ed his bounty at stated periods. At his death he left to the South-Carolina society of Charlestown a legacy of <£5000 sterling, from the interest of which the society has been enabled to add very con- siderably to the number of children educated on its bounty. In his transactions as a merchant he was candid, fair, and honorable. All his contracts were performed with such exactness and punctuality that , the same confidence was placed in his word as on his bond. He had many solicitations to engage in the slave trade which was pre-eminently lucrative, but he declined all agency in transferring the sub- jects of that trade from the land of their nativity to a foreign country. He was nevertheless no advo- 502 BIOGRAPHICAL skEICHLS. ente for emancipating those which were already in Carolina. He Avas a planter as well as a merchant and OAvned negroes. These Avere treated Avith great humanity. This was well known to his friends and neighbors, and by an accidental circumstance has become indirectly a matter of record. The great proof of the good treatment of negroes is their natu- ral increase. In an examination in the year 1790 before a committee of the house of commons in England appointed to ascertain the treatment of slaves in the british colonies, it Avas given in evi- dence by John Savage that in 38 years the slaves of Gabriel Manigault had increased in the low coun- try of Carolina from 86 to 270 without any aid from purchases, other than replacing 12 or 14 old slaves Avith the same number of young ones. Mr. Manigault Avas treasurer of the province and faithfully discharged the duties thereof in and after the year 1740, when all the intricate accounts of the unfortunate expedition against St. Augustine were the subject of fiscal examination. He Avas also for some time a representative of Charlestown in the provincial house pf commons. Though he never courted popularity he was so much a favorite that in a contested election the mechanics Avalked in procession to the place of voting, and by their unanimous ballot turned the election in his fa- vor. No man could engage with more ardor in public undertakings than he did. His name was generally to be found on the lists of those Avho were charged with the executions of such projects. In the attempts to introduce the making of silk and Avine in Carolina he Avas very active. He Avas for many GABRIEL MANIGAULT. 503 years vice-president of the Library society, the go- vernor being president; and he felt so interested in the success of that institution, that he leased to them, free of expense for 21 years, the upper rooms of two adjoining tenements belonging to him Avhich were throAvn into one, and formed a spacious apart- ment for their books and another for the librarian. In the discharge of his religious duties Mr. Ma- nigault Avas irn^t exemplary. Being descended from french parents, he Avas by birth a member of the french calvinistic church in CharlestoAvn of which he was always a most zealous supporter. He was nevertheless a steady communicant and a re- gular attendant both forenoon and afternoon on di- vine service in St. Phillips church. At the breaking out of the american Avar he Avas above the age of man ; of course no personal assis- tance could be expected from him by his fellotv-ci- tizens: but his pecuniary aid was not Avanting, and he showed his attachment to and confidence in the neAv government by loaning to the state of South-Carolina 220,000 dollars. When general Prevost made an incursion into South Carolina, and appeared before the lines of Charlestown in May .1779, Mr. Manigault Avas past 75; notwithstanding Avhich he determined that the place of his nativity should not fall Avithout some exertion, however fee- ble, on his part. He equipped himself as a soldier, caused his grandson, Joseph Manigault, then only 15, to do the same; and taking him by the hand to the lines in the face of the enemy from whom an at- tack was every moment expected, offered their ser- vices in defence of the city. In two years after this 504 BIOGRAPHICAL SKE'l CHI.S. demonstration of attachment to the land of his ua- tivity and the asylum of his persecuted parents, he departed this life. In the course of more than fifty years devoted to commercial pursuits, he honestly acquired a fortune very little if any thing short of half a million of dollars ; though he had given away considerable sums in charity and liberality. His house and table were always open to his friends, and the civilities of hospitality Avere by him liberally and extensively bestOAved on strangers. PETER MANIGAULT, The only child of Gabriel Manigault, was boru in Charlestown in 1731. At 16 he Avas placed Avith Mr. Corbett; and in t\AO years after accompanied him to England, where he lived with him some time, and afterwards took chambers in the inner temple of which he Avas a member. He was admitted a barrister in England, after having pursued his studies Avith unusual application. He returned to Carolina in 1754, and commenced the practice of law; but after a few years declined it. Though he had re- tired from the bar his professional advice Avas al- ways at the service of the necessitous. Many Avere the instances of his assisting those Avho could not pay for it elseAvhere. He became early in life a member of the commons house of assembly ; and by his eloquence and attention to business acquired in a short time a large share of influence. In opposing the stamp act and the other assumptions of power THOMAS REESE, D. D. 505 by the british parliament over the colonies he took a decided part. His zeal, and patriotism Avere so Avell received by his countrymen, that in 1766 he was advanced to the office of speaker of the house, and as such signed every law that was passed subse- quent to his election as speaker, and previous to the revolution Avhich took place nine years after. In this eventful period when the seeds of the revolution were sown, he so ably advocated the claims of his country that no doubt can exist that he would have been a distinguished revolutionary patriot, if his life had been spared. He died in 1773, the very year when the bostonians destroyed the dutied tea, which deed gave occasion to those acts of the british parliament Avhich caused the american revolution. By his early death at the age of 42, he was exempted from all the buffetings of the revolutionary storm, to the raising of which he had largely contributed. He was an elegant classical scholar, an eloquent public speaker, and possessed an inexhaustible fund of wit. Many of his repartees and other effusions of a bril- liant imagination, are still remembered and often quoted by the few companions of his social hours who still survive. THOMAS REESE, D. D. Was born in Pennsylvania in 1742. When young he came with his parents to North-Carolina, and commenced his classical studies in Mecklen- vol. ii. 3 T 506 BIOGRAPHICAL SKi TCHF..V burg county with the Rev. Dr. Joseph Alexander and Mr. Benedict, who Avere at the head of a gram- mar school in that county, Avhich Avas then the only one within the distance of 100 miles. He finished his education at Princeton college, and graduated therein 1768. After a proper course of theological studies, he commenced preacher, and settled in the church of Salem, on Black river in South-Carolina. During a 20 years residence there, he pursued his studies with an ardor and diligence that has never been exceeded in Carolina. He amassed a large fund of useful knoAvledge in divinity, moral philoso- phy, and other branches of science auxiliary to the formation of a complete theologian. He there be- gan and completed his admired essay on the influ- ence of religion in civil society. He pursued his argument through a variety of relations, and demon- strated from reason and history that all human in- stitutions are in their oAvn nature, and have ever been found in practice insufficient for preserving peace and order among mankind, Avithout the sanc- tions of religion. The execution of the work Avould have been reputable to the pen of Warburton ; but coming from the Avoods of Carolina, and an unknown writer, it fell still-born from the press in Charles- town. Its fate would probably have been different if it had come from the east side of the atlantic, and made its appearance with the name of some euro- pean divine. It is preserved in Carey's american museum, and will be an honorable testimony to pos- terity of the literature of Carolina in 1788. It procured for the author the well merited degree of COL. WILLIAM RHETT. 507 D. D. from Princeton college; Avhich, as far as can be recollected, is the first instance in Avhich that de- gree had ever been conferred on a Carolinian. Dr. Reese continued to write; but not able to bear the expense of publishing for public benefit, printed no- thing further. Two of his sermons Avere neverthe- less published, but neither by him nor for him, in the collection called the American preacher. Cir- cular letters about the year 1790 were written by the editor Mr. Austin to the clergy of all denomina- tions in the United States, requesting them to fur- nish at least tAvo sermons annually, that a selection might be made from time to time, and published as a specimen of pulpit eloquence in the United States. To the four volumes of this miscellany printed in New-Jersey, Dr. Reese appears as the only contri- butor to the soutrnvard of Virginia. Dr. Reese pursued his studies with an intenseness that injured his health. For his recovery he was in- duced to accept an invitation to the pastoral care of a congregation in Pendleton district. There he ex- pired in 1796, leaving behind him the character of a distinguished scholar and an eminently pious man. COL. WILLIAM RHETT, Was born in London, in the year 1666, and came to Carolina in 1694, with his Avife and one child. They had six children born in CharlestoAvn, and one of them when Mrs. Rhett was in her fif- tieth year. About ten years after col. Rhett's ar- 508 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. rival, a pressing call was made on him for the de- fence of his adopted country. He was then colo- nel of the militia; but it Avas determined, as has been alreadv related, that he should attack the in- vading french and Spanish forces before they came up to the town. Governor Johnson appointed him vice admiral of a fleet consisting of six small mer- chant ships then in the harbor, on Avhich some great guns were hastily mounted. With this force he pro- ceeded towards the bar to engage the invaders Avhich lay at anchor Avithin it. On his approach they put out to sea. In a feAv days information Avas recei- ved that a ship of force Avas seen in Sewee bay, and that a number of men had landed from her. A party of the militia Avas ordered to attack those who had landed, and admiral Rhett to go round by water and attack the ship from which they had landed. Both succeeded. The ship, Avithout firing a gun, struck, and was was brought into Charlestown with about ninety prisoners. This was to Rhett a blood- less victory; but in the year 1718 he was called to execute a much more difficult enterprise. The pi- rates Avere then so bold and troublesome that the port of Charlestown was in a great measure block- aded. They took possession of the mouth of Cape Fear river, made a refuge of it, and from it came in succession, to take vessels on their approach to the bar of Charlestown. Governor Johnson fitted out a ship of force, gave the command of it to colonel Rhett, and sent him to sea for the protection of trade. On his approaching the bar Steed Bonnett, who commanded a piratical sloop in the vicinity, fled COL. WILLIAM RHETT. 509 to Cape Fear river. Thither Rhett followed, and after a severe engagement in which he was Avound- ed, took the sloop, its commander, and crew, and brought them to Charlestown. Such signal servi- ces increased the popularity of Rhett. He was a man of cool determined courage, and Avell qualifi- ed to command either by land or water. He Avas collector of the port, and also receiver general. When the revolution from proprietary to regal go- vernment took place in 1719, Rhett had the address to keep so far in with both parties as to retain all his places. The revolutioners added tAvo neAv offi- ces to those he formerly held. They appointed him lieutenant general of the militia, and inspector ge- neral of the Avorks for repairing the fortifications. He was afterwards appointed governor of the Ba- hamas, but before he entered on the duties of that office he died, in 1722, of an apoplexy. Men of his decided courage and conduct, Avere eminently useful in the first period of colonization. His son married chief justice Trott's daughter. Though the fathers of this pair were the most distinguished Carolinians of their day, the names of both are ex- tinct, except that the name of Rhett is still retained as an appendage to another. There are many de- scendants of Rhett in North and South-Carolina and England; but all, as far as is known, in the female line. To him the Carolinians are much in- debted'. The services he rendered them were great on many occasions; but particularly in repelling the invasion of 1704, and breaking up the pirates in 1718. The plate now used for the communion 510 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. service in St. Phillips, Avas a present from colonel Rhett. JOHN RUTLEDGE Was born in the year 1739, and was the son of Dr. John Rutledge who, aa ith his brother Andrew, both natives of Ireland, arrived in Carolina about the year 1735, and there practised, the one laAv and the other physic. Dr. Rutledge married Miss Hext, who in the 15th year of her age gave birth to the subject of this memoir. At a very early pe- riod she was left a widow, and added one to the many examples of illustrious matrons Avho, devoting their whole attention to their orphan offspring, have brought forward distinguished ornaments of human nature. The early education of John Rutledge Avas con- ducted by David Rhind, an excellent classical scho- lar, and one of the most successful of the early in- structors of youth in Carolina. After he had made considerable progress in the latin and greek classics, he entered on the study of law with James Parsons, and Avas afterwards entered a student in the temple, and- proceeding barrister, came out to Charlestown and commenced the practice of law in. 1761. One of the first causes in which he engaged was an ac- tion for breach of a promise of marriage. The subject was interesting, and gave an excellent op- portunity for displaying his talents. It was im- JOHN RUTLEDGE. 511 proved, and his eloquence astonished all who heard him. Instead of rising by degrees to the head of his profession, he burst forth at once the able lawyer and accomplished orator. Business flowed in upon him. He was employed in the most difficult cau- ses, and retained with the largest fees that were usually giA7en. The client in whose service he en- gaged, was supposed to be in a fair way of gaining his cause. He was but a short time in practice, when that cloud began to lower Avhich, in the course of ten or twelve years, burst forth in a revolutiona- ry storm. In the year 1764 governor Boone re- fused to administer to Christopher Gadsden the oaths which the laAv required every person returned as a member in the commons house of assembly to take before he entered on his legislative functions. This kindled the indignation of the house as being an interference with their constitutional privileges as the sole judges of the qualifications of their own members. In rousing the assembly and the people to resist all interferences of the royal governors, in deciding who should, or Avho should not be members of the commons house of assembly, John Rutledge kindled a spark Avhich has never since been extin- guished. This controversy Avas scarcely ended when the memorable stamp act Avas passed. The british co- lonies Avere then detached from each other and had never acted in concert. A proposition Avas made by the assembly of Massachusetts to the different provincial assemblies for appointing committees 512 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. from each to meet in congress as a rallying point ot union. To this novel project many objections Avere made; some doubted its legality—others its expe- dience, and most its efficiency. To remove objec- tions—to conciliate opposition, and to gain the hear- ty concurrence of the assemblv and the people, Avas no easy matter. In accomplishing these objects, the abilities of John Rutledge Avere successfully exerted. Objections vanished—prejudices gave A\ay before his eloquence. The public mind was illuminated, and a more correct mode of thinking took place. A vote for appointing deputies to a continental con- gress was carried in South-Carolina at an early day, and before it had been agreed to by the neighbor- ing states. Christopher Gadsden, Thomas Lynch, and John Rutledge, were appointed. The last Avas the youngest, and had very lately began to tread the threshold of manhood. When this first congress met in New-York in 176.5, the members of the dis- tant provinces were surprised at the eloquence of the young member from Carolina. In the means of education that province Avas far behind those to the northward. Of it little more was known or be- lieved than that it produced rice and indigo, and contained a large proportion of slaves, and a hand- ful of free men, and that most of the latter were strangers to vigorous health—all self-indulgent, and none accustomed to active exertions either of mind or body. From such a province nothing great was expected. A respectable committee of its assembly and the distinguished abilities of one of them who was among the youngest members of the congress, JOHN RUTLEDGE. .513 produced at this first general meeting of the colo- nies more favorable ideas of South-Carolina than had hitherto prevailed. After the repeal of the stamp act, John Rutledge was for some years no further engaged in politics than as a laAvyer and a member of the provincial le- gislature. In both capacities he Avas admired as a public speaker. His ideas were clear and strong— his utterance rapid but distinct—his voice, action, and energetic manner of speaking, forcibly impressed his sentiments on the minds and hearts of all Avho heard him. At reply he Avas quick—instantly com- prehended the force of an objection—and saAV at once the best mode of weakening or repelling it. He successfully used both argument and wit for in- validating the observations of his adversary : b*y the former he destroyed or weakened their force ; by the latter he placed them in so ludicrous a point of light that it often convinced, and scarcely ever failed of conciliating and pleasing his hearers. Many were the triumphs of his eloquence at the bar and in the legislature; and in the former case probably more than strict impartial justice Avould sanction; for judges and juries, counsel and audience, hung on his accents. In or after the year 1774 a new and more exten- sive field was opened before him. When news of the Boston port-bill reached Charlestown, a general meeting of the inhabitants was called by expresses sent over the state. After the proceedings of the british parliament were stated to this convention of the province, sundry propositions were offered for vol. n. 3 U 514 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. consideration. To the appointment of delegates for a general congress, no objection w as made. But this Avas followed by propositions for instructing them how far they might go in pledging the province to support the bostonians. Such a discordance of opinion was discovered as filled the minds of the friends of liberty with apprehensions that the meet- ing would prove abortive. In this crisis John Rut- ledge, in a most eloquent speech, advocated a motion Avhich he brought forward to give no instructions whatever; but to invest the men of their choice with full authority to concur in any measure they thought best; and to pledge the people of South- Carolina to abide by whatever they Avould agree to. He demonstrated that any thing less than plenary discretion to this extent would be unequal to the crisis. To those who, after stating the dangers of such extensive powers, begged to be informed what must be done in case the delegates made a bad use of their unlimited authority to pledge the state to any extent, a laconic answer was returned : " Hang them." An impression was made on the multitude. Their minds were subdued by the decision of the proposed measure, and the energy with which it was supported. On that day and by this vote the revo- lution Avas virtually accomplished. By it the people of Carolina determined to be free, deliberately in- vested five men of their choice as their representa- tives with full powers to act for them and to take charge of their political interests. Royal govern- ment received a mortal wound and the representa- tive system was planted in its stead. The former JOHN RUTLEDGE. 515 lingered for a few months and then expired. The latter instantly took root, and has ever since conti- nued to grow and flourish. An election immediate- ly followed. The mover of this spirited resolution, his brother Edward Rutledge, Christopher Gadsden, Thomas Lynch, and Henry Middleton Avere elect- ed. Furnished with such ample powers they took their seats in Congress under great advantages, and by their conduct justified the confidence reposed in them. John Rutledge was continued by successive elections a member of congress till the year 1776. He returned to CharlestoAvn in the beginning of that year, and was elected president and commander in chief of Carolina in conformity to a constitution es- tablished by the people on the 26th of March 1776. His duties henceforward were executive. He em- ployed himself diligently in arranging the new go- vernment, and particularly in preparing for the de- fence of the state against an expected invasion by the british. Their attack on Sullivan's island has been already related. On this occasion John Rut- ledge rendered his country important service. Ge- neral Lee, who commanded the continental troops, pronounced Sullivan's island to be a " slaughter pen" and either gave orders or was disposed to give orders for its evacuation. The zeal of the state, and the energy of its chief magistrate, prevented this measure. Carolina had raised troops before con- gress had declared independence. These remained subject to the authority of the state, and were at this early period not immediately under the com- mand of the officers of Congress. To prevent the 516 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHL: evacuation of the fort on Sullivan's island John Rutledge, shortly before the commencement of the action on the 28th of June 1776, wrote the folloAv- ing laconic note to general Moultrie who command- ed on the island. " General l^ee Avishes you to eAacuate the fort. You will not Avithout an order from me. I Avould sooner cut off my hand than write one. J. Rutledge." The successful issue of the defence has been al- ready related. The consequences which would pro- bably have followed from the evacuation of the fort, may in some measure be conjectured from the events of 1780; when the british, grown wiser, passed the same fort Avithout engaging it. John Rutledge continued in the office of presi- dent till March 1778, Avhen he resigned. The oc- casion and reasons of his resignation are matters of general history. This did not diminish his popu- larity. Of this the legislature gave the strongest proof; for the next election he was reinstated in the executive authority of the state, but under a new constitution and with the name of governor substi- tuted in the place of president. He had scarcely entered on the duties of this office, when the coun- try was invaded by the british general Prevost. The exertions made by governor Rutledge to repel this invasion—to defend CharlestoAvn in the years 1779, 1780—to procure the aid of congress and of the ad- jacent states—to drive back the tide of british con- quest—to recover the state—and to revive its sus- pended legislative and judicial powers, have all been particularly related in their proper places. On JOHN RUTLEDGE. 517 the termination of his executive duties in 1782, he was elected and served as a member of congress till 1783. In this period he was called upon to per- form an extraordinary duty. The surrender of lord CornAvallis in October 1781 seemed to paralyze the exertions of the states. Thinking the Avar and all danger to be over, they no longer acted with suita- ble vigor. Congress fearing that this languor Avould encourage Great-Britain to recommence the war, sent deputations of their members to rouse the states to a sense of their danger and duty. On the 22d of May 1782, John Rutledge and George Cly- mer were sent in this character and instructed " to make such representation to the several states south- ward of Philadelphia as were best adapted to their respective circumstances and the present situations of public affairs, and as might induce them to carry the requisitions of congress into effect with the great- est dispatch." They Avere permitted to make a per- sonal address to the Virginia assembly. In the exe- cution of this duty John Rutledge drew such a pic- ture of the United States, and of the danger to which they were exposed by the backwardness of the parti- cular states to comply with the requisitions of con- gress, as produced a very happy effect. The ad- dresser acquitted himself with so much ability that the virginians, who, not Avithout reason, are proud of their statesmen and orators, began to doubt Avhether their Patrick Henry or the Carolina Rutledge was the most accomplished public speaker: Soon after the termination of Mr. Rutledge's congressional duties he Avas appointed minister pie- 518 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. nipotentiary from the United States to Holland, but declined to serve. In the year 1784 he Avas elected a judge of the court of chancery in South-Carolina. The events of the late Avar had greatly increased the necessity for such a court. John Rutledge draughted the bill for organizing it on a new plan, and in it introduced several of the provisions which have been already mentioned as improvements on the english court of the same name. Mr. Rutledge's public duties hith- erto had been either legislative or executive. They were hencefonvard judicial. If comparisons were proper it might be added that he Avas most at home in the latter. His knowledge of the law Avas pro- found; but the talent which pre-eminently fitted him for dispensing justice was a comprehensive mind, which could at once take into view all the bearings and relations of a complicated case. When the facts were all fairly before him, he promptly knew Avhat justice required. The pleadings of lawyers gratifi- ed their clients, but rarely cast any light on the subject which had not already presented itself to his own view. Their declamations and addresses to the passions Avere lost on him. Truth and justice were the pole-stars by Avhich his decisions were re- gulated. He speedily resolved the most intricate cases—pursued general principles through their va- rious modifications till they led to the fountain of justice. His decrees were so luminous, and the grounds of them so clearly expressed, that the de- feated party was generally satisfied. EDAVARD RUTLEDGE. 519 In the year 1787 he was called upon to assist in framing a national constitution in lieu of the adviso- ry system of the confederation. In arranging the provisions of that bond of union, and in persuadinc his countrymen to accept it, he was eminently use- ful. As soon as it was in operation, he Avas designa- ted by president Washington as first associate judge of the supreme court of the United States. In this office he served till 1791, when he Avas elected chief justice of South-Carolina. He was afterwards ap- pointed chief justice of the United States. Thus for more than 30 years, Avith few and short intervals, he served his country in one or other of the depart- ments of government; and in all with fidelity and ability. In the friendly competitions of the states for the comparative merits of their respective states- men and orators, while Massachusetts boasts of her John Adams—Connecticut of her Ellsworth—New- York of her Jay—Pennsylvania of her Wilson— DelaAvare of her Bayard—Virginia of her Henry— South-Carolina rests her claims on the talents and eloquence of John Rutledge. This illustrious man closed his variegated career in the year 1800. EDWARD RUTLEDGE, The son of Dr. John Rutledge, was born about the year 1750. He received his classical education in Charles- town under David Smith, A. M. of New-Jersey college, who was an able instructor in the learned 520 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. languages. On finishing his classical education he studied law with his elder brother John Rutledge. In a due course of time he Avas entered a student in the temple, and proceeding barrister returned to Charlestown and commenced the practice of law in 1773. The high character of John Rutledge raised the expectations of the public that his brother would support the reputation of the name and family ; nor were they disappointed. His eloquence Avas great, but not precisely in the same line with his brother's. Demosthenes seemed to be the model of the one, Cicero of the other. The eloquence of the elder like a torrent bore down all opposition, and contro- led the passions of the hearers—that of the younger was soothing, persuasive, and made willing pro- selytes. In the practice of law, Edward Rutledge Avas directed by the most upright and generous prin- ciples. To advance his personal interest was a se- condary object; to do good—to promote peace—to heal breaches—to advance justice, was a primary one. His powers of persuasion were not to be pur- chased to shield oppression or to support iniquity. Where he thought his client had justice on his side, he would go all lengths in vindicating his claims; but would not support any man, however liberal, in pro- secuting unfounded claims or resisting those that were substantially just. He abhorred the princi- ple that an advocate should take all advantages for his client, and gain w hatever he could for him, Avhe- ther right or wrong; or on the other hand, to assist him w'ith all the quirks and quibbles which ingenui- ty can contrive, or the forms of law permit for de- feating or delaying the claims of substantial justice. EDAVARD RUTLEDGE. 521 Such honorable principles, connected with such splendid talents, procured for him the love and es- teem of all good men. In the second year after E(hvard Rutledge commenced practice, he was cal- led to represent his country in the congress which met at Philadelphia in September 1774. He and John Jay of New-York Avere nearly of an age, and the two youngest members of that honorable body. In this station Mr. Edward Rutledge continued for nearly three years. Throughout that period he was one of the most influential members. He had much of the esteem and confidence of Washington, and was often requested by him to bring forward parti- cular measures, for the adoption of which the gene- ral was anxious. Edward Rutledge has the honor of being one of the four members who signed the declaration of in- dependence in behalf of South-Carolina. His pro- tracted absence from home, and continued attention to public business was no small sacrifice. His ta- lents and popularity would have commanded the first practice at the bar; but he loved his country too Avell to be influenced by pecuniary considera- tions to neglect its interests. In the year 1779 he was again appointed member of congress; but on his way thither Avas seized with an obstinate tedious fever Avhich prevented his proceeding to the seat of their deliberation. In addition to his civil employ- ments Edward Rutledge held a commission in the militia, and regularly rose through all grades of rank in the Charlestown battalion of artillery to the rank of its lieutenant-colonel. In the year 1779, when vol. n. 3 X 522 BIOGRAPHICAI sketches. the british Avere defeated and driven from Port-roy- al island, he as captain commanded a company of artillerists which earned its full share of the glory of that victory. In the year 1780 he became a prisoner of Avar, and as such Avas sent to St. Augustine Avhere he Avas confined for eleven months ; and on his exchange, delivered above eight hundred miles from his home and friends. He embraced the first opportunity of returning to Carolina; but could not approach CharlestoAvn, for it Avas a british garrison. He Avas elected and served in the Jacksonborough assembly in 1782, and afterwards in the privy council of the state; and in both rendered essential service to his country, but was obliged to lead a desultory life till the evacuation of Charlestown in December 178C. When that event took place he returned to his pro- per home alter an exile of nearly three years. He had set out with the most brilliant professional pros- pects ; but the revolution deprived him for 8 of the best years of his life from reaping the reAvard justly due to the studies of his youth. For the 17 suc- ceeding years he followed his profession, and at the same time served in the legislature. Though a pri- vate member, he by his persuasive eloquence di- rected most of the important measures adopted in that period for the improvement of the country. Many Avere the points Avhich his eloquence either carried through or defeated in the legislature. For the good obtained and the evil prevented, his me- mory Avill be long respected by his countrymen. His persuasive eloquence will in like manner be held up as a model for young public speakers to "EDWARD RUTLEDGE. 523 form themselves upon. Though Mr. Edward Rut- ledge from the year 1783 had AvithdraAvn from the public life on a national scale, he was never absent from the public service. He was too much ab- sorbed in his country's Avelfare to look Avith indiffer- ence on the course of her public affairs. He kept up a constant correspondence with bjs friends, and par- ticularly his nephew John Rutledge, in congress. His opinions were much respected and had great in- fluence with a neAv set of members Avho took up the same national concerns in their progress Avhich he had directed in their origin. He wanted no offices from the government, but ardently wished to see its national interests judiciously managed for public good. In moderating those collisions Avhich in Ca- rolina too often produce duels, Mr. EdAvard Rut- ledge had great address. His opinions as a man of honor were appreciated by all parties, and being impartial, seldom failed of bringing round those ex- planations which Avithout degrading were satisfactorv. As a lawyer and a gentleman he was justly entitled to the honorable appellation of a peace-maker. He- was eminently the friend of the distressed, and thought nothing too much for their accommodation and re- lief. The talents of few Avere estimated equally high. The virtues of none attracted a greater pro- portion of public love and esteem. In the last year of his life he was elected governor of the state, and died in January 1800 when in the discharge of the duties of that exalted station. 524 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHED REV. JOSIAH SMITH, A. M. Was born in Charlestown in 1704. He avrs the grandson of Thomas Smith Avho has already been mentioned as landgra\e and governor of the pro- vince, and the son of George Smith who died at the age 01 79, and the father of Josiah Smith the present cashier of the branch ot the national bank in Charles- town, who, in the 7 8th year ot his age, ably per- forms the laborious duties of that office requiring a clear head and an accurate knowledge of business and accounts. Of these three successive genera- tions, all born in Charlestown, the subject of this memoir was the youngest, though he attained to the age of 77. The deceased Josiah Smith was the first native of Carolina who obtained a degree from a college ; and he with three others, lieutenant governor William Bull, Dr. John Moultrie, and Rev. John Osgood of Dorchester, were all the natives who obtained that honor for the first ninety years which followed the settlement of South-Carolina. Shortly after the year 1725 when Mr. Smith graduated in Cambridge college near Boston, he commenced preacher. He and the Rev. John Osgood were the only natives of the province, as far as can be recollected, who were ordained ministers prior to the american revolution. Mr. Smith was a public preacher for 50 years, and an author for 45. He was the only native Carolini- an who was a theological author prior to the ame- REV. JOSIAH SMITH, A. M. 525 aican Avar *. Air. Smith was a respectable preacher, a learned divine, and a writer of considerable re- putation. His ministerial functions were at diffe- rent periods performed in Bermuda, at Cainhoy, and in CharlestoAvn. About the year 1729 he maintained a learned disputation Avith the Rev. Mr. Fisher, on the right of private judgment. When the Rev. George Whitfield Avas forbidden to preach in the episcopal churches Mr. Smith opened to him his church, then called the white meeting or inde- pendent congregational church, and declared to the Avorld his decided approbation of the character and doctrines of Mr. Whitfield in a sermon which he afterwards printed from the Avords " I also will show my opinion.y He published an octavo volume of sermons in 1752, and several single ones on particular occa- sions ; all of which were well received and are still highly esteemed. In the year 1749 he received a stroke of the palsy, from which he never recovered so far as to be able to articulate distinctly. He nevertheless continued to compose and print sermons. His delight Avas so much in preaching, that he begged as a favor that he might be permitted to deliver a sermon once in every month in his late church. This was conceded,- and his friends gave him a patient hearing though the palsy had so far affected his tongue that they * The Rev. Mr. Quincy a native of Boston, and an assistant minister of St. Philips, Charlestown, published a volume of sermons about the year 1750. 5 26 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Ls. understood but little of what he said. He avus 7 £ years old when independence Avas declared. His age and infirmities put it out of his power to render his country any active service; but his heart and his prayers were Avith the friends of America in every period of the revolution. When Charlestown sur- rendered he became a prisoner of war, and was paroled as such. He discovered no disposition to become a british subject, but honorably observed his parole. In the year 1781, in the 77th year of his age, he with the family of his son Josiah Smith, then a prisoner in St. Augustine, Avere all ordered away from CharlestoAvn and landed in Philadelphia. Shortly after he died there. In the Avorst of times Mr. Smith repeatedly expressed a cheerful hope that he would live to see the troubles of America ended. This was so far realized that he survived for a short time the surrender of lord (,'ornwallis. His venerable age, distinguished eminence in the church as a man of learning and piety, his steady patriotism and personal sufferings in the cause of liberty, excited a general sympathy in his behalf. Though he died a stranger in a strange land, he was particularly honored. The presbyterians of Phila- delphia directed that his body should be buried within the walls of their Arch-street church, and betAveen the remains of his two friends the reverend Gilbert Tennent, and Dr. Samuel Finley late presi- dent of Princeton college. REV. WILLIAM TENNENT, A.M. 52'" THE REV. WILLIAM TENNENT, A. M. Was born in NeAv-Jersey in the year 1740, and educated at the college of Princeton while the re- verend Aaron Burr Avas its president. His ances- tors were distinguished for their learning and piety, and ranked high among the earliest promoters of re- ligion and literature in the middle states. After he had preached some time in Connecticut he was invited to the pastoral charge of the independent church in Charlestown, and arrived there in 1772. As a man of learning, eloquence, and piety, he Avas in high estimation. While gliding on through life, deAoted to study and the discharge of his clerical duties, the american revolution commenced. He Avas possessed of too much vigor of mind to be in- different to this great event. It so thoroughly ab- sorbed all his capacities as to give a new direction to his pursuits. He speedily comprehended in pros- pect the important changes it was likely to produce, and engaged in the support of it with all his ener- gies. Ardent zeal and distinguished talents made him so popular, that, contrary to the habits and cus- toms of the people, they with general consent elect- ed him a member of the provincial congress. In the revolutionary crisis, Avhen the dearest interests of the country Avere at stake, many things Avere done Avhich ought not to be drawn into precedent in sea- sons of ordinary tranquillity. Such Avas the urgen- cy of public affairs that committees and congresses of the people, then their only legislators, aa ere on 528 BIOGRAPHICAL SKLTCHES. pressing emergencies in the habit of meeting on Sundays for the dispatch of public business. In the different hours of the same day Mr. Tennent was occasionally heard both in his church and the state- house, addressing different audiences with equal ani- mation on their spiritual and temporal interests. He rarely introduced politics in the pulpit; but from the strain of his preaching and praying it Avas evident that his Avhole soul was in the revolution ; and that he considered success in it as intimately connected with the cause of religion, liberty, and human hap- piness. He wrote sundry anonymous pieces in the neAvspapers, stirring up the people to a proper sense of their duty and interest while their liberties were endangered ; but printed nothing aa ith his name, ex- cept two sermons and a speech delivered in the le- gislature of South-Carolina on the justice and policy of putting all religious denominations on an equal footing. In the year 1775 the adherents to royal government in the back country armed themselves and Avent so far in their opposition to the friends of the revolution, that serious consequences were ap- prehended. In this crisis the council of safety sent William Tennent in conjunction Avith William Hen- ry Drayton to explain to these misled people the na- ture of the dispute, and to bring them over to a co- operation with the other inhabitants. They had public meetings with them in different places. At these the commissioners of the council of safety made several animated addresses to the disaffected. In this public manner, and in private interviews with their leaders, Mr. Tennent's influence and elo- REV. WILLIAM TENNENT, A. M. 529 quence, in conjunction with his able co-adjutor, Avere exerted to good purpose in preserving peace and ma- king friends to the new order of things. Born and educated in a province where there ne- ver had been any church establishment, and strongly impressed with the rights of all men to free and equal religious liberty, he could not consent to re- ceive toleration as a legal boon from those whose natural rights were not superior to his own. He drew up an argumentative petition in favor of equal religious liberty—united the different denominations of dissenters in its support—and procured to it the signature of many thousands. When this petition was made the subject of legislative consideration, he delivered an eloquent and well-reasoned speech in its support. This was well received and carried conviction to the breasts of many that establish- ments of particular sects of religion were at all times partial, oppressive, and impolitic ; but particularly so in a revolutionary struggle when the exertions of all were indispensable to the support of civil liberty. To many well-informed liberal persons his argu- ments were unnecessary; but to others whose minds were less expanded they were very useful, and con- tributed to carry through with general consent a re- form of the ancient system. His valuable life was terminated in the 37th year of his age at the high hills of Santee, while discharging a filial duty in bringing his aged and lately widowed mother from New-Jersey to Carolina. vol. IT. 3 Y y3Q J5..0GRAPHICAL Siv ETCHES. NICHOLAS TROTT, L. L. D. Cajie to Carolina very near the end of the 17 lis century. He was an englishman by birth, and had been governor of the Bahama islands. Nothing u known of his prior history. From the early and •Iccid.-d lead he took in all business it may be fair- ly presumed that his abilities and information weir 4at He is first noticed as speaker of the house m or about the year 1700. He then took an active part against the proprietors in a dispute whethe. the governor and council or the house of assembly. had the right of appointing public officers, 'lhis was brought to issue in consequence of an appoint- ment of a receiver-general made by the governor and council. The assembly claiming the right o* appointing that oflicer refused to acknowledge the one appointed by the upper house, and resolved " that the person appointed by them was no receiv- er and that whosoever paid money to him should be deemed an enemy to the country." Trott support- ed the claims of the assembly. Three years alter, or in 1703, his name appears in the list of counsel- lor* It is probable that the proprietors so far res- pected his talents as to be desirous of attaching bun to their interest. He was henceforward a great favorite with them. They conferred many offices upon him; and as long as their government lasted he was by far the most influential man.m the pro- vince. In this flattering state of public affairs he ~\n*v«d the proceedings of the proprietors in a new NICHOLAS TROTT, L. L. B. -^* aiid more favorable light. He apprehended less danger from their power, and was less anxious to curtail it than in the first years of his career, when he made usoof the shoulders of the people as a lad- der to popularity. In the progress of the province several new disputes arose which have been noticed in the general history. In all these Trott took part with the proprietors, not only against the claims of the assembly, but against the principles which he himself had urged in the year 1700 when he was speaker of the house. In knowledge of the law he was profound. Two of his charges to the jury on the trial of the pirates in 1718, one in manuscript, the other printed in the state trials, have been preserved. In them his extensive erudition is so amply display- ed in quotations from a variety of authors, and in the latin, greek, and hebrew languages, that some modern judges and juries would be puzzled to un- derstand them. Such are the changes that have taken place in less than a century, that what was then called learning would now be denominated pe- dantry. 'Another change is also remarkable : of the twenty-four criminals on his calendar for the ses- sions to be holden at Charlestown in October 1715, two were charged with blasphemy. No such crime is now brought into court. Expressions or sentiments similar to what were then the subjects of legal investigation are now only punished with gene- ral contempt and abhorrence. So great was Mr. Trott's ascendency about 1718 that it could not be shaken by the combined influ- ence of the governor, council., assembly, and peo- 532 BH GRAPHICAL SKETCHES. pie; though they had justice on their side. Nothing less than a revolution could have reduced him to the common level. The enormity of the one Avas a con- curring cause of the other. The downfall of Mr. Trott's power, and of the proprietary system, have been already related. Af- ter that event his great abilities gave him weight, though unconnected Avith the ruling poAvcrs. For nearly forty years he Avas among the most influen- tial men in Carolina. For the first half of that pe- riod he had ample support from government. In the last he had none from that quarter ; but his abi- lities carried him through without its aid. They Avere so great as Avould have raised him to distinc- tion in all times and under every constitution. The name of the man Avho long bore so great sway is now only known in the records of history—the vo- lume of laAvs which he compiled, and by a street in Charlestown called after him. His blood exists in the female line, and very extensively in the nume- rous descendants of admiral sir Thomas Frankland; but the name of Trott is extinct in Carolina, though it was the theatre in which the great power and in- fluence of this illustrious man was most eminently displayed. Mr. Trott died about the year 1740. WILLIAM WRAGG, Was born about the year 1714. He was the son of Samuel Wragg, and the great grandson of Dugue of Montpelier in France; whose grand- AVILLIAM WRAGG. 533 daughter Mary Dubose was his mother. His an- cestors Avere among the first settlers of Carolina, and, in the maternal line among the french protes- tants who found an asylum in the new world from the persecutions inflicted by Louis the 14th of France on his subjects for their religion. Mr. Wragg when very young and with his father, on board a vessel bound from Charlestown to England, was taken by Blackbeard the pirate immediately after passing the bar, but was soon released. His education commenced at Westminster school and was completed at one of the english universities. He Avas called to the bar in England and married there. Mr. Wragg's paternal ancestors Avere from En- gland. Samuel Wragg, his father, purchased in the year 1717 Ashley barony from Maurice Ash- ley. This has descended to his grand-daughter, the wife of William Loughton Smith. In the period of Mr. Wragg's life, which Avas pre- vious to the american revolution, he had the ap-, plause of his countrymen as a man of integrity—of liberal education, and of distinguished talents. He was for a considerable time elected a member of the commons house of assembly. In that character he took a decided line of opposition to governor Lyt- telton respecting his agency with the cherokees in the year 1759. The history of the war, which then took place betAveen South-Carolina and these unfor- tunate Indians, has been given in its proper place. The present generation at the distance of nearly half a century on an impartial retrospect of the sub- J34 BIOGRAPHICAL SKKlCHLs. ject, must decide against the governor as having provoked hostilities when they might have been ho- norably avoided. In conducting the opposition to the governor, Mr. Wragg displayed the talents of an accomplished orator*. His eloquence and pa- thetic addresses are distinctly remembered by some of his cotemporaries who still survi\e. Mr. Wragg's abilities were not only admired in his native province, but commanded the attention of the mother country. In the year 1753 he Avas ad- vanced to the rank of one of his majesty's council; and about sixteen years after, without any solicita- tion on> his part, the office of chief justice of the province Avas offered and even pressed upon him by the secretary of state by the express order of George the third. Mr. Wragg's reasons for declining this honorable and lucrative office are a proof of his dis- interestedness and delicacy. He had openly and for reasons publicly given, refused to sign the asso- ciation entered into by the people of South-Carolina in 1769 to suspend the importation or purchase of * Some idea may be formed of Mr. Wragg's mode of public speaking and of its effect, by the folloAving paragraph ex- tracted from a piece Avritten by the late general Gadsden, one of Mr. Wragg's political adversaries in 1769. " Mr. Wragg hath here most certainly waded out of his depth, and justifies a com- mon observation, that a man had better speak a hundred ridicu- lous things than write one : to gild those of the first kind, an insinuating address, accompanied with an engaging, well-direct- ed, glancing smile, and above all an easy flow of sweetly sound- ing words, delivered in, a TWm-like stand, from a conspicuous well chosen situation, have often done wonders : we have seen these so fascinate and confound the hearers and spectators, as to cause the greatest absurdities to pass over unnoticed." WILLIAM WRAGG. 535 british manufactures till certain impositions of the british parliament on the colonies were done away. After he had adopted this decisive line of conduct, the commission of chief justice was sent out to him without his knoAvledge. He returned it, giving for reason that no man should say that " the hope of preferment had influenced his preceding conduct." The events of his life subsequent to the com* mencement of the american revolution furnish a melancholy proof how quick the transition may be from popularity to the reverse, and that without any moral guilt. When the Carolinians, breaking through all the ties which had bound them to Great-Britain, resolved to emancipate themselves from colonial de- pendence, they would have rejoiced to have had William Wragg for their co-adjutor. They respec- ted and loved him for his many virtues, and depen- ded on him as a countryman. They knew his rank— his influence—talents, and eloquence. Their expec- tations of his co-operation were not realized. Be- ing under the peculiar obligation of an oath of fidelity to the king as one of his council, and belie- ving, as he said, that the popular measures adopted were hostile to the interests of the country, he re- fused to sign the association and to take the oaths which were imposed by the favorers of the new or* der of things. Of his sincerity—the upright tenor of his life, and the ties of birth, family, and fortune, which all attached him to Carolina, preclude every ground of suspicion*. When called upon, he gave * In Mr. Wragg's publications in 1769, signed Willi an; Wragg, Planter, wherein he assigns his reasons for notconcrr* 536 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. reasons for his refusal. These, though they would have justified him in a court of law, Avere not satis- factory to the friends of the revolution. From the different views they respectively took of the same subject, one party was justified for refusing Avhat the other Avas justified in demanding. Mr. Wragg claimed the rights and privileges of a british sub- ject, and these Avere evidently in his favor *. The ring in the non-importation resolutions of that day, he evinced his sincere and decided opposition to every thing which had the appearance of forcing men's avills into measures not sanc- tioned by law. " God forbid, he exclaims, that I, descended from ancestors who severely suffered by the persecutions of Louis the 14th for exercising a liberty of conscience, should ever adopt that rancour and spirit in the civil affairs of life, which they upon religious considerations, esteeming to be the worst of tyranny, flew from to this country. Where is the reason, the justice, the charity, in locking up my property with endeavors to force a compliance or starve me ? had I no other resources than what a plantation afforded, I Avould endure every thing ra- ther than have the freedom of my will or understanding limited or directed by the humors or capricious proscriptions of men not having authority. I have ever been studious to preserve the peace of society; voluntarily I will never violate it; I never concerned myself Avith the resolutions further than to declare. agreeebly to my present opinion, that they did not appear to me to be such as were calculated to produce, but would be de- structive of the end proposed; let me add that I have not for- gotten, and therefore am not ashamed of acknoAvledging, that I dare oiot oppose acts of parliament made not for the purpose o! raising a revenue, but to regulate the commerce of Great-Bri- tain and her dominions, and falling Avithin those very rules laid down by lord Chatham and others, who alloAv only of the partial supremacy of parliament over the colonies." * It appears from the publications of those days that the asso- ciators never dreamt of independence. General Gadsden, one •f the moat zealous of them, furnishes a strong proof of this. In WILLIAM WRAGG. 537 popular leaders having resolved to break their con- nexion with Great-Britain, proceeded on the idea that all prior rights, laws, and constitutions, mere- ly of british origin, must yield to the necessity of the case—that self-preservation was the first laAv of na- ture—and that he Avho was not for them must be against them. Conceiving that the crisis Avas too urgent for the admission of any neutrality, they de- termined that all Avho would not co-operate with them in their revolutionary projects must quit the country. They had the power to enforce their determinations, and believed that their country's good required that they should be enforced. Wil- liam Wragg was therefore obliged to leave his native land because he would not renounce the al- legiance under which he Avas born—by which he had been protected—and under which he was hap- py. He took no guilt to himself as being conscious that he had committed no offence against his God, his king, or his country; further than not seeing as the majority of his countrymen saAV, and not believ- ing as they believed, he conscientiously refused to take part with them in measures which he disap- proved. The Carolinians on the other hand Avere so far from feeling remorse, that they considered them- selves entitled to the praise of generosity for per- 1769 he observes in one of his publications in favor of the as- sociation, as follows : « To say that America is aiming at inde- pendence is so far from being true that the sons of British-Ame- rica Avould think that to be independent of Great-Britain would be the greatest misfortune that could befall them excepting that of losing their rights and liberties." VOL. II. 3 Z 538 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. mitting those who chose to side with Great-Britain to go thither, carrying all their property Avith them. Such is the consequence of revolutions, that one party often thinks it their duty to inflict what the other thinks it their duty to suffer; and both have the applause of their OAvn consciences. In this case the issue Avas melancholy. William Wragg left his country and family Avith the sensibili- ties of a fond husband and affectionate father, and at the same time with the feelings of a persecuted man, and Avas shipwrecked in a violent storm in Sep- tember 1777, on the coast of Holland, on his way to England. His infant son, though in the same ship, was saved*. A monument erected to his memory in Westminster abbey exhibits the melancholy scene of his last moments. * Those who knew Mr. Wragg were surprised that he should perish when most of the other persons on board were saved. He was with the other passengers in the vessel's round house after she had struck. Perceiving that the crew Avanted assistance, he left this situation and advanced to the middle of the deck, when a wave passing over the vessel, threw him down. He held by a rope ; but could never regain the use of his feet. He continued in this situation till he Avas so bruized and ex- hausted, that he expired within a few yards of the round house. The vessel afterwards went to pieces, and fortunately a part of the deck attached to the round house floated ashore with it, which preserved most of the other passengers. Mr. David Rhind was lost at the same time. APPENDIX. N°. I. A STATISTICAL ACCOUNT OF EDISTO ISLAND), FROM THE COMMUNICATIONS OF THE REV. DO- NALD McLEOD AND DR. AULD--THE MEDICAL PART FROM THE LATTER. Situation—Extent—Soil. EdISTO island is situate about 40 miles to the south-west of Charlestown. It is bounded by the Atlantic ocean on the south-east, by the Edisto rivers in their respective bearings on the north and south, and on the north-west by Dahaw river, which connects the Avaters of south Edisto or Pon Pon ,river with those of the north inlet. The alluvions of these rivers may have had the same agency in the formation of this island that those of the Nile and Missisippi have had in'the forma- tion of the Delta and New-Orleans. Indented by a variety of creeks, it is extremely irregular in its dimensions. It is so nearly intersected in two places that at the periods of high spring tides the Avaters of north and south Edisto rivers inter- mix and form it into three separate islands. It is 12 miles long, and in the Avidest part between 4 and 5 miles broad. It con- tains 28,811 acres, or 122 acres for every white person, and 540 APPENDIX. nearly 11 for every slave, and a fraction more than ten acres for every inhabitant. It is so generally level as to exhibit few inequalities of surface. The more elevated parts consist of a light, sandy, soil. The Ioav grounds or bottoms are of a stiff, clayey quality. It contains a less proportion of barren land, and is more generally fertile than any of the adjacent islands. About three fourths of it are cleared. Fire Avood and fencing timber arc on some plantations scarce, and Avith difficulty pro- cured. Time of settlement—production?;—rice—indigo—cotton. This island Avas settled about the beginning of the last century* and principally by emigrants from Scotland and Wales. All the grants are dated either the last years of the 17th or first years of the 18th century. The fisst settlers directed their industry to the culture of rice. The quantity of rice-land is inconsiderable, and of inferior quality. In favorable years 300 barrels have been sent to market. These rice grounds have been latterly com-ertcd into corn, and in some instances into cotton lands, to the great emolument of the proprietors. The Edisto lands being ill adapted to the growth of rice, the islanders turned their attention at an early period to the culture of the indigo plant. In the preparation of the dye extracted from this Aveed, they made considerable proficiency. The Edisto indigo was in greater demand, and sold at a higher rate, than any other manufactured in the state. In favorable yeara 330 casks of 160 lbs. have been sent to market. It is observa- ble that the lands that Avere found best adapted to the produc- tion of indigo are the least adapted to the growth of cotton. This, if not invariably, holds generally true. The demand for the Carolina indigo having greatly decreas- ed, the prices became so reduced as to render it no longer ex- pedient to plant it as art object of agricultural pursuit. In this dilemma the islanders in the year 1796 had recourse, Avith seeming reluctance and great doubts of the result, to the cot- ton plant. The success Avhich has attended their efforts has been great. An active field hand can cultivate from four acres to four and an half of cotton land, exclusive of one acre and an half of corn and ground provisions. In a favorable year a planter on an extended scale has made 270 weight to the acre EDISTO ISLAND. 541 But in a period of eleven years, his crops have averaged only 137 pounds to the acre. There are lots of land, owing either. to peculiar local advantages, favorable seasons, or superior management, Avhich have produced the enormous amount of 435 pounds to the acre. But in no instance have any of the planters made more than g 490 to the hand. The general re- sult of crops is from g 170 to 260 dollars to the hand. The green seed cotton is a distinct variety of the same genus of plants. Its flower, leaf, and stalk are evidently different. The pod contains more sections or divisions and a greater number of seeds. The wool is shorter, and adheres more te- naciously to the seed. It is supposed that it possesses peculiar advantages that recommend it to the attention of the planter. It requires a shorter summer to bring it to maturity, is not so liable to be damaged by the inclemency of the seasons, and is more prolific. It is better adapted to weak and exhausted lands, and the avooI improves from the combined influence of a milder climate and sea air. But the experiments that have hitherto been made on Edisto island do not Avarrant the con- clusion that it will ever be introduced into general cultivation to the exclusion of the black seed cotton plant. In favorable years more than 750,000 pounds of net cotton wool are grown. This at its common price, tAvo shillings sterling per pound, yields an annual income of g 321,300 ; a sum which is equal to g 11 for eA'ery acre on the island, and would afford g 110 to every inhabitant, or g 1360 for every white person, or g 8683 for each married pair of its white population. Price of land—of laborers—of provisions. The price of land varies from g 30 to g 60 the acre. The quantity of arable land bears rather a restricted proportion to the number of cultivators, and hence scarcely any portion of it can be procured on lease. The feAv portions that are disposed of in fhis manner command a steady rent of g 6. 44 the acre. As every planter employs his oAvn cultivators it is not easy to ascertain the price of labor. Active young fellows have been hired out for from g 110 to g 128 for the year, and prime young wenches from g 64 to g 85. Carpenters can earn g 1. 50 the day exclusive of their maintenance. The proximity of Charlestown to this island sensibly affects 542 APPENDIX. and regulates the price of provisions. It has often happened that many articles have been purchased at a cheaper rate in the city market than they could be bought for on the island. Corn for several years has never been less than a dollar the bushel. It has sold as high as six shillings and even as high as two dollars the bushel. Steers of three years old as they run in the pasture, sell current at 18 dollars. Calves at g 8 ; Iambs at g S ; turkeys at g 2 the pair ; ducks at g 1 the pair. and common fowls at half a dollar the pair. Fish. The creeks, rivers, and seas, which indent and surround the island, furnish at different and appropriate seasons of the year, a great variety of excellent fish—as the larger drum, the small black drum, bass, rock-fish, shecp-hcad, cavallie, bon- netta, salmon-trout, yellow-fin-trout, whiting and mullet in great profusion, black-fish, yellow-tail, ale-wife, croaker, plaice, floun- der, skate, pike, shad, and cat-fish, and many others suitable for the table. Porpoises and sharks frequent the creeks, and surrounding waters. Some of the latter are seen and caught of an enormous size. They arc considered as just objects of terror by the negroes. And yet although the fishermen con- tinue hours together waist deep in Avater, and have often the misfortune of hooking them, they escape with impunity. Of shell-fish the turtle is sometimesto be met with, but not in any considerable number or variety. Tarapin, land, stone, and sea crabs, muscles, clams, conchs, shrimps, are common and abundant; and the oysters of the creeks that intersect the sea bays below described are equal in flavor, perhaps, to any found on the american shores. Population—white inhabitants—slaves—their number—value- increase—and treatment.. A census of the island taken at this time, 1808, would rate the Avhite population at 236 inhabitants. Of these 111 are males, and 135 females. Of the males 37 are married, 4 are widoAvers, 9 natives of Europe, and 2 of the middle states ; of the females 37 are married, 12 are widows, and all are either natives of the island or the adjacent parts of the state. The births are to the deaths annually as 13 to 11. Nevertheless, the EDISTO ISLAND. 543 Avhite population decreases in consequence of the numbers who leave the island. In more temperate climates it is observed that the males are to the females in their nativities as 13 to 12. The law which governs this ratio does not obtain here. Of the issue now living of 38 families, the females are to the males as 72 to 47, or 2 to 1 nearly. If the physical influence of climate can be supposed to have any agency in producing this disparity and preponderance in favor of the more amiable sex, it should in- crease with the decrease of the latitude, and come to a max- imum in the tropical regions. If the narratives of the abyssi- nian and other travellers can be relied on, something of the kind takes place. In these narratives it is asserted that in some parts of Asia and Africa, the females are to the males in a high- er proportion than two to one. From the return made to the tax-collector of the district fur the year 1807, it appears that the black population of the island exceeds by a few infants and newly bought africans, 2609 slaves. If sold in gangs or families, these slaves average one with another g 430. An active young fellow sold detached from his family, readily commands from 7 to 800 dollars ; and young Avenches in proportion. There is a disposition in the islanders to treat this patient and laborious race with indulgence, and to meliorate their condition. They are never strictly restrained, or stinted in their alloAvance. The instruction commonly given to those who distribute out their weekly portions is, " let them never want, but do not suffer them to Avaste." Exclusive of hats, shoes, salt, tobacco, pipes, and other occasional consider- ations, every grown negro is annually furnished Avith two suits of clothes, or 12 yards, partly plains and partly oznaburgs, or some adequate substitute, for their summer and Avinter wear. The boatmen are generally provided with surtouts of the fear- nought description, and greater attention than formerly begins of late to be paid to their accommodation and comfort, in a more enlarged and improved construction of their dwelling.-.. Some of the planters ha\re it in contemplation to furnish them Avith regular rations of beef or some other animal food, particu- larly during those stages of the year in which they are most exposed to greater and more constant exertions of labor. If this laudable design v/erc carried into general execution, it 544 APPEXDIX. would render them more able and willing to encounter the fa- tigues of the field, at those periods Avhen laboring under the re- laxing and exhausting influence of an almost vertical sun. Ex- clusive of considerations of humanity, it would be a pledge and assurance that their daily tasks would be not only completed, but more effectually done and in a style of better execution. A circumstance that Avould amply compensate even in point of interest, any expenses consequent on such an indulgence. Their vacant hours they are at liberty to spend as their discre- tion or caprice may dictate; end the fruits of their private in- dustry they are permitted to dispose of, without the least inter- ference or control. In cases of difficulty or danger, recourse is always had to the aid of a physician. In ordinary cases the planters prescribe with competent skill and success; for so extensively conversant are they Avith sickness, that they may- all be considered as good practical quacks. That the negroes are in general treated with becoming indulgence and humanity, no better evidence can be adduced than their rapid increase by natural population. In a period of nineteen years 47 slaves have increased to 90. That is, the original stock, after supplying the vacancies produced by deaths, has acquired an accession to their number of 43, or nearly doubled themselves in the above specified period. It is believed that similar and more favorable instances are not uncommon on the island. They derive some advantages from their insular position, Avhich they could not have obtained in the interior parts of the state. Their proxi- mity to and frequent intercourse by Avater Avith Charlestown, afford them an opportunity of carrying to market their poultry, corn, ground provisions, and Avhatever else they may have to dispose of. And being settled either on or in the vicinity of creeks and rivers, they can supply themselves Avith fish and oysters in quantities proportionate to their exertions. These advantages operate as a stimulus to their industry, and tend to multiply their comforts. If the observation that the fishing villages of Britain and the eastern parts of New-England abound in children be well founded, a fish diet may be supposed to in- fluence the principle of fecundity, and may help to account for their rapid increase by natural population. The island negroes appear to be more intelligent and speak better than their bre- thren of the main. Their frequent intercourse Avith the city EDISTO ISLAND. 545 and the easier access they have to the white population may have created this difference. They furnish many examples of ingenuity, private industry, fidelity and honesty. They are very susceptible of religious impressions, and repair to the churches in their best attire, and conduct themselves in a grave and or- derly manner. The more aged inhabitants observe that al- though they are treated with more lenity and indulgence, and in every respect fare better than they did 40 years ago; yet they do not appear to be happier in proportion. If dancing, frolic, and dissipation be a sure indication of happiness, the ob- servation is well founded. At the period alluded to in their voyages to the city they Avere wont to beguile the time and the toil of rowing with songs and extravagant vociferations, and were accustomed to devote their holidays to dancing, dissipa- tion and irregularities often to the prejudice of their health and destruction of their lives. These practices they have in a great measure abandoned, not from a sense of additional mise- ry, but from an impression they have acquired that they are in- compatible with a religious frame of mind. An impartial reviewer of these cultivators, and their condi- tion on this island, Avould pronounce them in a state approach- ing nearer to competency and comfort than falls to the lot of the bulk of laborers in the greatest part of the world. Climate—diseases—causes and cure—sea shore, ilfc. The climate of Edisto may be considered as sickly. In the course of 15 years, a number greater than three fourths of the inhabitants have died. Some families in that period are extinct, and in all of them death has been once or twice, and in some three or four times an unAvelcome visitor. Two funerals have occurred in a day, but the instances are rare. And two instan- ces can be adduced of two funerals in a family in one day. From the commencement of the sickly season of 1798, to the corresponding period of the succeeding year, 37 persons died. A great mortality for the population, and greater in proportion than that produced by the malignant fever which recently in- fested the cities of Philadelphia and New-York. The deaths on Edisto island, on an average of 16 years prior to the year VOL. IT. 4 A 546 APPENDIX. 1803, were annually 11 or nearly one death for every 22 of th« Avhite inhabitants. It is some relief to this representation to reflect that the ex- perience of the last feAv years supports the opinion that a sum- mer residence on the sea bays, connected with a moderate at- tention to regularity and exposure, secures the inhabitants from the autumnal fevers incident to the climate. These sea bays are accumulations of sand, shells, and other marine recrements thrown up by the action of the atlantic waters. They extend in an irregular line from north to south Edisto rivers, and front the ocean. They are intersected at intervals by shallow creeks, and afford a scanty nourishment to the palmetto, pines, cedars, scrubby oaks and some dwarfish and diminutive plants. They seem to constitute a barrier betAveen the sea and the island. It has been observed that some time before and since the last hur- ricane, the tides have made considerable advances on these shores. Should they continue their approaches and process of attrition, these accumulations of sand will at no very distant pe- riod be effectually Avashed away *. * That the atlantic waters have encroached upon the whole line of this coast, is a fact notorious and confessed. On the more prominent parts of it which are most exposed to their action as in the vicinity of Cape Hatteras, they have made considerable invasions and threaten to extend and maintain their conquests. The more aged islanders refer to the site of a tree now covered at half flood under whose shade they have often reposed and refreshed themselves in their fishing excursions and macarooning parties t>f pleasure. In the course of these few last years, the summer houses have in some instances been removed from the approaches of the surf to places of greater security, and palmettoes and live oaks have been washed down which, if an opinion can be form- ed from their slow growth, size, and other appearances, must have flourished and stood the war of elements for more than a century. The approaches of the tides are supposed to receive a satisfactory so- lution in the agency of the prevailing easterly winds, which, acting on the gulf stream at right angles to the direction of its course, protrude before them its waters and accumulate them on these shores. To counteract the attritions which are slowly but effectually wear- ing away the sea bays, there are accretions daily making to the north and north-western parts of the island. These accretions consist in the first instance of roots, trunks, and branches of trees and other floating substances brought down by Pon Pon, and its tributary streams fro» EDISTO ISLAND. 547 Bilious fevers and dysenteries are the diseases which chiefly ■prevail in the summer and autumnal seasons. In the winter »nd spring those of more local inflammation, such as pneumonic, hepatic and rheumatic affections. The autumnal diseases run more or less high in proportion as the rains set in more or less early. The symptoms which mark the bilious fevers of this island are head ache, precordial oppression, sickness of sto- mach, and vomiting. The mildness or obstinacy of the winter diseases, may always be predicted by the force Avhich character- ized those of the preceding autumn. It has not unfrequently happened in the season next after severe autumnal fevers, that pleurisies have refused to yield to other than mercurial medi- cines. The mortality of this island has hitherto been great. But it is hoped that it will be less so in future. A residence on the sea bays has lately been found to lessen the frequency and violence of the most destructive fevers. When they at- tack they are oftener subdued by medicines early and judicious- ly applied. Their nature is now better understood. The suc- cess Avhich of late years has attended the physicians in cases of early application, has in a great measure disarmed the bilious fevers of summer and autumn of a considerable portion of their terrors. In the year 1798 the deaths from fever amount- ed to 24, very nearly an eighth of the Avhole number of inhabi- tants. Of those who died, 17 were children under five years of age, and 7 Avere adults. The year 1803 Avas equally sickly, yet the deaths from fever amounted to no more than seven: of these 3 were children. The remedies which have been found to be most successful in the cure of these formidable autumnal fevers, are early, large and repeated bleedings, assisted by active mercurial purges, and emetic and nauseating medicines when the irritability of the stomach did not forbid. Blisters have been the back and upland country. These floating substances being repel- led into still water become stationary, and settling according to the laws of gravity are permanently fixed. The vast quantities of vegetable, mould, and earthly particles which the river water holds in a state of mixture, operate as a cement to consolidate these heterogeneous mas- ses of various substances and ultimately form them into rice and corn lands consisting on the surface of a fine black sediment or mould of in- exhaustible fertility. 548 APPENDIX found to do harm if applied before the 3d day, but after that pe- riod astonishing effects are produced by them, Avhen they have been applied during the remission of fever, and at such time as that their stimulating effects will be greatest about the com- mencement of the succeeding paroxysm. In this manner the febrile series is completely broken, and the patient recovers without the application of any other means. Doctor Rush's " blistering point," should never be out of sight Avhen blisters are applied in autumnal fevers. Cool air and cold water art also very useful remedies. Exposure to the former, and the exhibition of the latter are strongly recommended Avhen the feelings of the patient are not in opposition to them. The wa- ter is given as drink by way of clyster, and applied to the sur- face cither by ablution or affusion. Vegetable acids, and sugar haAre been generally found to be hurtful. In their decomposi- tion in the stomach, they evolve much gaseous and acid matter, Avhich not only debilitate this viscus, but by the painful disten- tions jnd eructations which they excite, exhaust the patient without producing a corresponding effect upon his disease. The pcruvian bark is still considered by some as a remedy of powerful efficacy in the cure of autumnal fever. In mild forms of this disease it may generally succeed; and in such forms some years back it most frequently appeared. But from some cause or other, the nature of these fevers has undergone a great change. Much to be pitied is the patient noAv whose bilious fever is attempted to be cured by pcruvian bark. This disease in its present form is no trifler. When it makes its vi- sit, it does it with a front and power so commanding as to dis- dain to be expelled by so feeble an opponent. Instead of ex- pulsion by the bark, the fever derives additional strength from it and a fatal termination has in this way been but too often the melancholy consequence. The effects of bark in remitting fe- vers even when it has been given in cases of convalescence, and when the patient has been previously well depleted, are so very questionable that it may even in these cases be generally laid aside. When the fever has been subdued by the method already pointed out, it has been found safest to trust the final recovery to regimen. The year 1802 will long be remembered on this island for EDISTO ISLAND. 549 the ravages produced by the dysentery. Some of the most respectable characters became the victims of this dreadful dis- temper as well as a great number of negroes. Since the year 1803 but few cases of dysentery have occurred ; and these Avere wholly confined to the blacks, and were all cured. But it was necessary to bleed once, and in some cases twice very largely. After bleeding, calomel Avas given at night and castor oil in the morning ; after which the cure Avas trusted to a saturated so- lution of soda in the acetous acid. Castor oil was frequently repeated through the progress of the cure ; and in some instan- ces it was found necessary to purge with salts. To relieve pain when it was excruciating, opiates were sometimes given, but the constipation they produced was more injurious than their anodyne effects were beneficial. The occasional exhibition of small doses of calomel, and the above saturated solution, were of the greatest benefit. On this last medicine a principal reliance was placed, and it seldom disappointed the most sanguine expectations. If it is inquired Avhy Edisto is so sickly as it is represented to be, it may be replied that heat and moisture combined in ex- cess are agents of dissolution : that the dissolution of vege- table and animal substances generates putrescent effluvia ; and that these effluvia, acting upon the system, induce diseases which often destroy life. It has been stated that Edisto island is a formation of the al- luvions brought down from the back or upland country, by the rivers which form and surround it. These rivers are incessant- ly conveying to the ocean immense quantities of fresh water, which being specifically lighter than sea water, floats upon the surface. But meeting, in the course of its progress to the bars of the two great inlets, with the re-action of the tides, and the prevailing winds of an easterly bearing, it is repelled, co- vers the marshes, and fills the ponds. At the retrocession of the tides a quantity of this brackish water is left behind. This becoming stationary, generates noxious miasmata, which filling the atmosphere Avith their deleterious vapors prove injurious to health and destructive of life. The peculiar local position of Edisto exposes its inhabitants to a moist and morbid atmosphere. It is surrounded Avith vast bodies of salt, brackish and fresh water, which are in a constant state of copious evaporation. It is so uniformly flat that few 550 APPENDIX. portions of its surface are elevated so high as seven feet above a high spring tide. This low level surface being extensively surrounded Avith and deeply immersed in Avater, is favorable to the production of vapors and exhalations, and tends to consti- tute that peculiar modification of a moist and morbid atmos- phere which obtains in Avarm climates. Hence the origin of these autumnal fevers, so incident to this and the lower parts of the state. This representation is supported by facts and experience. It holds invariably true, that dry summers and falls arc healthy ; and those of a differ- ent description, abounding in rains and freshets, are the sure precursors of general sickness. The marshes that border various parts of the island arc of considerable extent; but being regularly covered and agitated by the tides, are kept in a state of comparative purity. There are marshes of a different description and more limited extent, but far more injurious in their effects. Of these a body of 150 acres is situated towards the center, and probably an equal quantity in other parts of the island. Into these marshes high spring tides occasionally penetrate. They may be considered as receptacles of stagnant rain and brackish water ; of decayed vegetables and putrid animal substances. From this extensive surface of putrescent matters it may well be supposed that gases of a most deleterious quality are incessantly evolving, which sensibly affect the mass of surrounding air and render it morbid. To those who approach these marshes at certain periods of the year, particularly a little after sunrise and before his set- ting, the exhalations proceeding from them are most offen- sive ; and those who are settled in their vicinity are generally more sickly than those living in more favorable situations. The Avater used on Edisto island for domestic purposes is not so pure as the health of its inhabitants requires. If the recei- ved theory of the formation of springs be correct, they cannot exist in a surface so low and little diversified by elevated and prominent parts ; and hence spring water is seldom to be met with. That made use of for culinary and other purposes, is generally of a hard or brackish quality, and is obtained by sink- ing wells. These wells are not always sunk and constructed with adequate care and judgment. They are often left exposed to the influence of the sun, air, and rain; various extraneous EDISTO ISLAND. 551 substances are permitted to enter them, which affect the color7 taste, and general purity of their Avaters. No consistent at- tempt has hitherto been made to procure cistern Avater. The success of the experiments recently made in Charlestown, en- grosses attention; and may at some future day lead to a general introduction of the Avater-cistern system. In these causes combined may the sickliness of Edisto be found and accounted for. Attentively considered, it will excite no surprise that the island should be sickly. The wonder is that the inhabitants enjoy such degrees of health as commonly fall to their share. This must in a great measure be referred to the influence of habit which more or less accommodates the human frame to every situation. All the lower grounds and even the more obnoxious marshes are susceptible of draining, and capable of being made subser- » vient to the purposes of the agriculturist. But the process of draining requires time, labor, and expense j and not being im- mediately remunerated, it is reluctantly undertaken. In his progress from rudeness to refinement, man adverts in the first instance to such labors only as are most necessary and essential to his existence. The comforts, the conveniences, and elegan- cies of life, are slowly acquired. The construction of roads, bridges, drains, and canals are effected by an improved state of society, possessing enterprize, extended knowledge, and general science. These islanders are fast approaching to this state. Education. The present race of inhabitants having been brought up ei- ther immediately before the commencement or during the pro- gress of the revolutionary Avar, suffered considerably in their education. Sensible of the advantages of early instruction and extended knowledge, and fortune concurring with their incli- nations, their offspring and descendants will be more liberally educated. Of this it is a favorable indication and flattering as- surance that two teachers are employed at a salary of g 1000 each, teaching the elementary parts of an english or classical education. Nine boys are absent at schools in different parts: one is studying at the medical schools of Philadelphia—two at Princeton, and two going to Yale or Princeton college, destinec for the learned professions. 552 APPENDIX. The girls are educated cither under the paternal roof, or arc- sent promiscuously with the boys to school until a certain age, when they are sent to the city boarding schools to acquire such instruction and accomplishments as tl:c:ic institutions are sup- posed capable of conferring. The project of an academy with extensive funds has often been a subject of conversation; but although no scheme has been digested or adopted to realize their ideas, they have libe- rally contributed to the support of other colleges. The reve- rend president Smith of Princeton, and the reverend Mr. Cof- fin, received in the year 1803 from these islanders more than §1200 to rebuild and support the New-Jersey and Tenessee colleges. Stores. The island has, time immemorial, employed a small capital in a retail store. The parties concerned have in some instances succeeded to the acquisition of fortunes. Two stores have been recently established, and those concerned have a fair prospect of succeeding in their undertakings. The various articles of merchandize that are disposed of in the city stores are sold in quantities proportionate to the Avants of the inhabi- tants. Sales to the amount of g50,000 might be annually made, and if judiciously conducted, secure from any risk of bad debts. Sheep. Although the island produces cotton in abundance, and might furnish avooI in adequate quantities, no attempts have been made to carry on any domestic or public manufacture. The islanders are alike strangers to the application of the loom and the ordinary process of knitting. Their sheep, which are of the ordinary breed, are permitted to range at large, and they engross the care of the planter no further than he can make them subservient to the purposes of furnishing lamb for his table. The requisite attention paid to washing, penning, and regular shearing, would improve both the breed, the quality, and quantity of their wool. The island is favorable to their increase and multiplication. Secure from the ravages of wolves and foxes, they might be multiplied to any desirable extent; and yet scarcely eight hundred fleeces are shorn annually; and EDISTO ISLAND. 553 these are either suffered to waste or sold for a trifle to the up- holsterer. Public institutions. The absence of a public market is supplied by a number of neighbors, generally eight or four connecting themselves into a society, and taking in rotation appropriate pieces of such ani- mals as are usually slaughtered. Two hundred steers, 75 calves, 120 lambs, are supposed to be annually slaughtered in these associations or markets. The island does not afford a shoemaker or a blacksmith; and yet artisans of this description, of moderate resources and competent industry could be employed to great advantage to themselves and the community. It does not appear that any establishment similar to that of a tavern Avas ever attempted on the island. Strangers and visit- ers are received and hospitably entertained in private families, and are sent about on horseback or in carriages, as their cir- cumstances or exigencies may require. To afford the means of maintaining a regular intercourse Avith the adjacent main, and the contiguous island of YVadmalawfl two ferries Avere established about fifty years since, by legisla- tive authority. But such was the unfrequency of the inter- course, that these ferry establishments have been discontinued ; and there appears no disposition in the present generation to revive them. Those that have occasion to come on or go off, usually transport themselves, or have recourse to their more opulent friends and neighbors, who may be situated in places favorably for their transportation. The islanders carry on their intercourse with Charlestown by water. In transporting themselves and the productions of their plantations, they make use of boats made after the canoe mo- del. These boats are built of cypress and other durable mate- rials ; they are well adapted to the purposes of inland naviga- tion, but ill calculated for encountering heavy seas. They are of various dimensions and unequal prices ; from ten hundred weight to six tons, and from one hundred to a thousand dol- lars. There are five or six workmen advantageously employed in constructing and repairing these boats. All the, efforts of VOL. Tf. 4 B :)54 APPENDIX. their art are directed to combine elegance of shape with light- ness of draught, and capacity for burden. The institution of a public convivial club is common to thi9 and to the contiguous islands, and various parts of the state. The Free and Easy has continued its semi-monthly meeting* for a period of thirty-five years without intermission ; the mem- bers in rotation provide dinner. Strangers, by a standing rule, are considered as guests. The landlord of the day or entertain- ing member has the privilege of inviting his friends. This in- stitution affords the planters an opportunity of repairing to a de- fined and central place to transact their private and public busi- ness ; to consider and digest their schemes of planting ; and to hear and discuss the news and politics of the day. These pub- lic dinners have usually coat the providing members 50 dollars. Estimated at the Ioav rate of 25 dollars, they cost the members 600 dollars yearly. Had these annual sums been improved at compound interest, from the first establishment of the club t« the present time, they would have amounted to 88,748 dollars, yielding an annual interest of 6,212 dollars. A sum one half of which would be fully adequate to defray the expense of drain- ing the island and destroying a principal source of the diseases of its inhabitants, or of supporting other establishments calcu- lated to improve the condition of man indefinitely with the flow of ages. On the 29th April 1794, a lodge of the ancient York masons was instituted for the first time on the island. During the no- velty of the institution, it consisted of about 30, but is now con- fined to 18 members. Their ordinary meetings are monthly ; and they are regularly attended. They have a fund consisting of 1,480 dollars, and are governed by a master, and such officers as are peculiar to that mystic fraternity. Amusements. There is nothing peculiarly characteristic in the amusements of these islanders. They are similar to those Avhich obtain in Various parts of the state. The sports of the field engross a part of their vacant hours. The range, the crowded settle- ments, and cleared state of the island, render it unfavorable t» the pursuits of the hunter; and deer, finding no copse to cover fhem, may be said to be no longer inhabitants. Should any EDISTO ISLANB. 55$ stragglers rashly venture to stroll on from the neighboring main and surrounding inlets, they are instantly hunted down. Similar causes may have operated to drive and scare away those migratory and aquatic birds Avhich, at the early pe- riod of its settlement, were known annually to frequent the island in great variety and numbers. The culture of rice be- ing abandoned, and a considerable part of the lower grounds drained, they are deprived of their favorite grain, or an ade- quate supply of seeds and insects. Being averse to the haunts of men, they instinctively retire to those parts of the state where they can feed more privately, plentifully, and securely. It has been said that horse-racing is the amusement of an idle and luxurious people. This epithet is not as yet descrip- tively applicable to these islanders. If in opulent and easy cir- cumstances, the personal superintendence of the ir plantations, which they seldom wholly trust to the management of an over- seer, however skilful or faithful, engages their thoughts and fills up the greater part of their time. They rarely suffer amusements of any kind to divert them from the proper pur- suits of life. Various attempts have been made to form a jockey club and introduce annual races; these attempts have hitherto failed of any consistent success. Local circumstances are adverse to such exhibitions on a large scale. So great are the natural advantages of water conveyances, and so limited and circumscribed is the extent of the insular territory, that saddle and draught horses of a superior breed are not Avanted. In a state of society so peculiarly situated they are unnecessary. It is not compatible Avith the economical habits of these industri-. ous islanders which converts every thing to use to keep fine horses at considerable trouble and expense to be paraded occa- sionally as objects of show and admiration. The appearance of their cavalry has often excited and called forth thesneers and gibes of their brethren of the main ; but these they are ever ready to repel by extolling the superior elegance, swiftness, and accom- modations of their roAv and sailing-boats. It is not to be under- stood that they have no predilection for the amusements and delights of the turf. If not animated by that impassioned ar- dor which characterizes many of their fellow-citizens, yet in the occasional racings of their sober and hardy nags, they enjoy .all the real pleasure of that species of amusement exempt from 556 APPENDIX. that care and agitation of spirits, that trouble and expense, and those habits of dissipation which are often its consequent evils. Dancing it is said was more a favorite amusement before than since the revolution. Dancing parties are confined to the temperate seasons of the year. They are neither so frequent nor so eagerly pursued as they arc reported to be in other parts of the state. The planters occasionally relax themselves at the games of coit, hand and trap-balls; but the recreation which engrosses more of their time and attention than any other, is that of fishing. In the arts of the fisherman they arc dexterous and successful proficients. They fabricate their own lines and nets. In tliese fabrications they display taste and in- genuity ; and this is the only species of manufacture, if such it can be called, that is practised among them. Of superstition some traces arc discoverable. There are in- dividuals who will not commence a journey nor begin any new work on friday. This day is considered as inauspicious in cases of nativities. The moon is supposed to extend a sensible in- fluence to the operations of nature, to the growth and the de- cay of vegetables and animals : and hence the processes of sow- ing and planting are connected with the phasis of the full ; and animals destined to be cured and reserved for domestic use arc slaughtered on those of the new moon and flux of the tide. They believe in the reality of spectres and apparitions. Sup- posed facts of the re-appearance of departed friends are related and by some implicitly credited. Private register worthy of imitation. From the 12th of March 1 792, to the 8th of October 1808, Joseph James Murray has kept a record of deaths, births, mar- riages, and other miscellaneous event9 which took place on Edisto island. Such register, if kept by at least one person in every district or neighborhood, Avould in time present to the view of the physician—the legislator—the politician and philo- sopher, a valuable collection of facts of great importance to the best interests of society. From Mr. Murray's register, it ap- pears that in the course of 16 years there Avere among jthc Avhite inhabitants of Edisto island 66 marriages—212 births, and 177 deaths—75 of which Avere children under 5 years of age, and 15 about the age of 10; the rest Avere adults, 6 of EDISTO ISLAND. 551 Which Avere strangers—11 deaths were accidental, and one was a case of suicide, live of the above deaths were from con- sumptions : there was also a case of natural small pox of extra- ordinary origin. Upwards of a year before the birth of the child, which was the subject of this disease, its parents had their other children inoculated for the small pox. One of them was an infant and occupied the cradle. That one died and all the others recovered. The bed clothes Avere washed and deposited in a drawer: but it seems that they retained so much of the contagion, as to communicate the disease Avhich was clearly marked, though not fatal to the infant Avhose case is the subject of these observations. This child had never been off the island; on which, neither at the time of infection nor for a long time after, Avas there a single case of small pox. From the same register it appears that of 74 negro children which Mr. Murray has had born upon his plantation in the above period of 16 years, 53 are alive, 33 of which are females. The plantations of the Rev. Mr. M'Cleod, of Messrs. Ephraim Mikell, James Clark, William Edings, Daniel Townscnd, Wil- liam Seabrook, William C. Meggett, Dr. Chisolm, Gabriel Seabrook, Normon M'Leod and others, furnish similar exam- ples of increase. There is noAv a sufficient number of blacks for all the purposes of cultivation ; and kindness with proper at- tention to their food, clothing, and habitations, will increase their number. Longevity. The island does not furnish any remarkable instances of lon- gevity. Seventy-six, seventy-three and sixty-eight are the re- spective ages of the three oldest inhabitants now living. The two former instances are of widows who have been for some years in a state of incurable infirmity. The latter instance is of a man who has been thrice married, Avho retains the free use and exercise of his mental faculties, and enters Avith interest in- to the business and the amusements of the day. Being inured to habits of activity and regularity, he is an early riser, and spends more of his time in the sun, than perhaps any other in- dividual on the island. From his appearance and general health, he seems capable of living and enjoying life for many years to come. All three are natives of the island or state. 558 APPENDIX. Ecclesiastical state. In their ideas of church government the inhabitants of Edista are either presbyterians or episcopalians. Those of the former denomination are the most numerous. The date of the first organization of their church cannot Avith precision be ascertain- ed. Its records, if any such existed in a connected or detailed form, were lost or destroyed during the conflicts of the revolu- tion. From such detached papers as are preserved, it appears that Henry Bower obtained in 1705 a grant of 300 acres from the then lords proprietors. This same tract of 300 acres the said Heory Bower conveyed in 1717 to certain persons therein named in trust for the benefit of a presbyterian minister on Edisto island. In the preamble of a deed of gift dated in 1732, conveying from " Joseph Russel, W. Filings, Paul Hamilton, W. Bird, James Lardant, Timothy Hcndrick, and W. Whippy," certain negro slaves therein named, it is stated that " whereas a pres- byterian congregation is collected upon the island of Edisto." This deed of gift stipulates that the negro slaves therein named and their issue be employed on the above tract of 300 acres church lands, "for the perpetual"maintenance out of their yearly labor of a presbyterian minister, who owns the holy scriptures for his only rule of faith and practice, and who, agree- ably to the holy scriptures of the Old and New Testament shall own the Westminster Confession of Faith with the larger and shorter catechisms as a test of his orthodoxy, and that before the church session for the time being, before his settlement there as the rightful minister of the aforesaid church or con- gregation." About this period a valuable donation of land was made to the church by " Mr. W'aills." The quantity is not specified nor can the location of the tract be now traced: all that can be collected on this subject is that " Mr. Paul Hamil- ton" conveyed in 1737 an equivalent for it of 2500 pounds cur- rency, to certain trustees. The deed of conveyance provides, that of the yearly interest thereupon accruing, such part as the majority of the said trustees shall think reasonable shall be ap- plied to tiie proper use and behoof of the presbyterian minister who is or shall from time to time be regularly called and set- tled as the pastor of the presbyterian congregation assembled or to be assembled for divine Avorship in the presbyterian meeting bouse built on the said island." EDISTO ISLAND. 359 From a schedule of the church property taken in 1755, it ap- pears that some time prior to that date the following persons contributed the sums or donations subjoined to their respective names, viz. " Paul Hamilton 322/. 10*. and two silver tank- ards for sacramental purposes; James Lardant, 300/.; Wm. Cummings 94/. 12*.; James Clark 100/.; Mrs. Mary Bee 100/ ; Mrs. Mary Russel 100/. of the then currency." The temporalties of the church were originally vested in & trustees. The monied part of the fund having considerably in- creased with the lapse of time it was deemed safest and most for the interest of the church to petition for incorporauon. This Was obtained in 1792. The funds of the church in 1807 consisted of g 23,370 30 cts. in bonds bearing interest; and 84/. 10*. annual rent, exclusive of 40 acres connected with the parsonage, and reserved for the use of the incumbent. It is worthy of observation that there is no exclusive property in the pews of this church. They were until a recent period ©pen to any worshipper that might repair to the church for the purposes of devotion and instruction. Some inconvenience was supposed to result from the practice of sitting promiscuously as caprice or fancy might dictate. To remove it a small rent was at- tached to the pews, and this small pew-rent is the only tax which the members of this church pay to the support of religion. It re- dounds to their credit that when the parsonage was recently destroyed by fire they readily subscribed 700/. in sums propor- donate to their respective incomes for the building another. The period of the first organization of this church was betwee* 17S2 and 1737. Of its ministers no memorials are preserved that merit a particular detail. The first was the Rev. John M'Leod a na- tive of North-Britain. He came it is believed as chaplain at- tached to a corps of highlanders under general Oglethorpe, stationed in Georgia. He was succeeded by the Rev Mr. Henderson, a native likewise of North-Britain ; and he by the Rev. Thomas Cooly a native of England. The Rev. Mr. Do- nald M'Leod the present incumbent, was ordained minister ot the church in 1794. The episcopalians of Edisto were originally connected m worship and discipline with the parish church of John s islanrf, 5(70 APPENDIX. and had divine service performed for them on Edisto ij!«unl at occasional intervals. Being liable to various disappointments in their expectations of divine service, they were led to sepa- rate from that church. In effecting their separation thty bud. In 1774, by subscription, a neat and commodious chapel; and some time after created a permanent fund for the support of their ministers. The zeal and liberality displayed by them on these occasions considering the paucity of their numbers, reflects great credit on the parties concerned. The following persons contributed in sterling money the sums subjoined to their re- spective names, viz. Christopher Jenkins 204)/. Daniel Jenkins 150/. Ralph Bailey 150/. Jos. Jenkins 150/. John Seabrook 150/. Benjamin Seabrook 125/. John Jenkins 120/. Isaac Jenkins 125/. John lianahan 100/. Thomas B Seabrook 100/. Leighton Wilson 100/. William Hannahan 100/. Archibald Calder 100/. William C. Meggottc 100/. Nathaniel Adami 70/ Joseph Fickling 70/. James Fickling70/. Paul Grimbal 50/. Jeremiah Fickling 50/. Samuel Hckling 50/. Daniel Jenkins jun. Jos. B. Seabrook 50/. Henry Bailey 50/. Jos. Fickling 30 /. In 1807 the fund amounted to 15,003 dollars. The Rev. Messrs. Lewis, Bowen, Sykes, Connor, and Matthews officiated in succession in this church. For the last ten years it has been vacant, except such occasional supplies as the epis- copal clergy of Charlestown and their itinerant brethren could afford to give. A congregation of baptists existed on this island at an early period of its settlement. The members of that denomination are either extinct or removed. The site of their church in Avhich divine service Avas for the last time performed in 1774 is now in a state of forest. The glebe consisting of about 70 acres, partly in a state of nature and partly cultivated, yields a revenue of about 70 dollars yearly. This rent is regularly transmitted to certain persons at the Euhaws of the baptist per- suasion. The intelligent traveller Avho has passed through the eastern states will have discovered a disposition in the enlightened citi- zens of that section of the union to sneer at the infidelity of their southern brethren. These islanders are not liable to any such imputation. They may challenge the public to produce a similar instance of a canntry district of so limited a popula- EDISTO ISLAND. 561 tion, creating by the voluntary donations of individuals perma- nent funds producing 3,276 dollars annually for the support of religion. Manners and character. The inhabitants of Edisto may be justly represented as an industrious description of planters. In their intercourse with each other and the world they are friendly and hospitable, and disposed to act on fair and honorable terms. They have been early and long distinguished for supporting religion and its in- stitutions. And such is the liberality of these islanders, that the episcopalians and presbyterians Avorship in the same church- es in the spirit of harmony and true charity. Although some of the settlements are eight miles removed from the appointed places of Avorship there is hardly an individual absent on Sun- day. During the performance of divine service they conduct themselves with becoming reverence and attention. Husbandry. The system of husbandry that obtains on this island is the simplest that can be imagined. Every act of tillage is effected by the application of the hoe. To apply this implement of the gardener to all the operations of agriculture conducted in a large Avay, is to render it subservient to purposes for which it was never intended. Although the art of ploughing can be traced to the most re- mote antiquity, and it more effectually contributes to relieve ihe immediate and pressing wants of man, and multiply the sources of national wealth than any other, yet these islanders have made no proficiency in it. This fact, detached from a knowledge of their general character, would lead strangers to suppose them in the first stages of civilization. It could hard- ly be believed that a race of men descended from a nation of people who understood and practised the useful arts, could sub- sist themselves for more than a century by agriculture, and yet continue strangers to the use and instrumentality of the plough. The fact is notorious that the island cannot produce a specimen of this useful engine of the agriculturist. The planters appear to have an unconquerable aversion to its use. They conceive u that the operation of ploughing would injure their light lands, A'OL. IT. 4 G 56« APPENDIX. and render them more subject to flow ;" but they arc in a mistake. The plough, properly guided and applied, can be made to operate or cut at any assignable depth, from two and a half to six or eight inches. If the objection should apply to the more elevated and lighter lands, it cannot with any force to the flat or stiff clayey bottoms. To prepare these for corn or cotton beds is a difficult, labori- ous and tedious process. It is significantly said to be " a killing work for the negroes"—for it exposes them to long and severe exertions of muscular strength. It is objected that the operation of ploughing injures the cot- ton plant in its tender state. It is confessed that the fact is in part true ; but this Avill not support the inference deduced from it. Cold winds, frosts, and worms, often injure the cotton plant and stint its growth in the first stages of its vegetation. But no one is induced by these considerations to discontinue his planting enterprises. These casualties arc to be expected. Every judicious planter prepares against them. He leaves u superfluous number of plants until his crop has acquired a suf- ficient degree of maturity to encounter and outlive such dan- gers. The plough has been extensively and successfully intro- duced into the culture of cotton in various parts of the state, these injuries notwithstanding; and what these men have done, ether men may do by similar exertions of skill, care, and labor. The introduction of the plough into general use would pro- duce manifold advantages. Suffice it to state briefly, that its agency would relieve the cultivators from the pressure and en- durance of that toil which now exhausts their spirits, wastes their strength, and shortens their days, and would conduce to the general comfort and extension of their lives : that it would enable the planter to employ his capital more advantageously; for he could plant more and cultivate it better. It Avould ena- ble him to send his crop to market at an earlier period, and in better condition, so as to ensure it a current sale, and a liberal price. The agency of the plough Avould create for the planters a great deal of leisure time, which might be advantageously employed in manuring, draining, fencing, repairing and build- ing ; in combining ornament with schemes of improvement, and rendering every thing snug and comfortable around them. EDISTO ISLAND. 563 The repugnance that is expressed to the use of the plough, finds an easy solution in the influence of habit. Accustomed to conduct their husbandry in a certain way, they feel a reluctance to depart from that routine of management which has been found successful. It is a work of time and difficulty to per- suade the generality of men to relinquish the systems of their fathers. All that seems requisite to overcome prejudice, is the ap- plication of a few Avell trained horses—some specimens of the best plough models—an intelligent and persevering plough- man. Experiments so conducted could not fail to produce the most satisfactory results ; they would force conviction, and bring the art of ploughing into general use Manures. The cotton crops on Edisto yield annuaHy about 30,000 bushels of cotton seed or a little more than one bushel for every acre on the island. The seed contains a considerable portion of essential oil which, if extracted and properly prepared, might be employed to useful purposes. Without extraction it makes an excellent manure. Exclusive of a small proportion reser- ved for the reproduction of the cotton plant, this seed is either suffered to waste, scattered as a manure over the fields, or gi- ven in its crude or boiled state as provender to milch cows, for which it ansAvers very well, The creeks and marshes abound in inexhaustible stores of the most stimulating manures. The small experiments made have produced the most satisfactory results: and yet no at- tempts have been made on a large scale to keep the same field in a constant state of culture or rotation of crops. The pro- cess adopted to enrich their lands is by natural fallows. A field that has not been too much exhausted by long and fre- quent culture, acquires sufficient strength from decayed vege- tables and the action of the elements to produce a crop after an interval of one or two years rest. Ground and standing provisions. Under this description come first and principally the yam or sweet potatoes, which are more extensively cultivated on Edisto island than perhaps in any other part of the.state. They are a most valuable root, and deserve more of the attention of the od4 APPENDIX. planter as an article of provision, than is commonly paid their An acre manured as a cow-pen or otherwise, lias produced ;\nd may be made at any time to produce 300 bushels of 80 weight each, or 24,000 Aveight to the acre in the crude or raAv state. As they lose but little in the customary process of dressing, this result may be considered as accurate ; and hence we have an acre producing 24,000 pounds of solid food. Estimating five pounds as sufficient not only to support a man, but to keep him in health and fit for labor; Ave have 4800 persons led from one acre for one day, or 13 persons during the course ot the year. These roots contribute extensively to the subsistence and comforts of the cultivators. They constitute an essential article of their sustenance often for six and sometimes for nine months of the year. They are exceedingly partial to their use, and prefer them for a constancy to any other article of provi- sion. They require little preparation, and are palatable, and in- vigorating. It has been said that every substance is more or less nutritious in proportion to the quantity of oleaginous and saccharine matter it contains. This is conspicuously seen in these saccharine or sweet potatoes. The moment they are in- troduced into general use on the plantation, the cultivators of all ages and sexes become more lively and active, and imp. ->ve in general health and appearance. If fermented by artificial means, these potatoes are capable of yielding an ardent spirit. The quality of this spirit might be improved by subjecting it to a more accurate process of distillation, and storing it till age had evaporated its more ardent and fiery particles. Irish potatoes are not planted in any quantity or extent. They are chiefly cultivated for the table. The negroes are averse to their use, and can hardly be prevailed upon to receive them as a substitute for their corn rations. There is something in the climate, soil, or manner of cultivating them, that renders them less palatable, dry and mealy, than those imported from the eastern states and british isles. Ground-nuts are sui generis. Superficially considered they would seem to be the roots, and not &:, they really are the seeds of the plant vegetating to maturity under ground. . They are planted in small patches chiefly by the negroes for market. They thrive best in light sandy soils. They produce 80 bushels to the acre. They are palatable but oleaginous and heating. EDISTO ISLAND. 565 They constitute it is said an ingredient in the manufacture of the imported and domestic chocolate. They are commonly sold for 5 shillings sterling the bushel; but in 1768 the same quantity sold so Ioav as 8 pence sterling. Standing provisions consist chiefly of that variety of the maize Avhich is distinguished by the name of flint-corn. An acre produces from 15 to 25 bushels: the quantity grown is not very considerable. In ordinary years it is barely adequate to the consumption of the island. It rarely happens that a super- fluity is made to send to market: but such is the provident disposition of some of the planters, that they often keep on hand a supply of corn sufficient for the consumption of tAvo years. The corn blades are carefully cured and preserved as a substi- tute for hay ; for which purpose they are admirably Avell adapt- ed. The intervals between the corn hills are generally plant- ed with cow-pease, but not often to any advantage. The season of harvesting them coincides with that of picking cotton ; they are therefore suffered to waste to rescue from immediate de- struction the more valuable production of the cotton fields. The culture of the english or small grains, with the excep- tion of small patches of oats and rye, is never attempted. The islanders are equally strangers to the culture of artificial gras- ses, and the method of making hay from natural meadoAVs. They are unacquainted with the plough, the harrow, the scythe, rake, reaping hooks, waggons, sledges, and such like implements which are necessary to carry on farming. One- horse carts are in general use. Gardening. Although that branch of husbandry which may be denomina- ted horticulture affords an agreeable employment and adds con- siderably to the scale of domestic comforts, yet the arts of the gardener are not much understood or practised. The island cannot produce any thing to which a farmer of the middle or eastern states would attach the idea of an orchard. The quan- tity of fruit-trees is neither remarkable for their number nor variety. This does not proceed from any opposition of soil or climate. The first settlers had flourishing orchards, and were esteemed good gardeners. It proceeds from a disposi- tion in their descendants to consider every act of husbandry as 566 APPENDIX. of minor importance that docs not afford them tho means of profitable exchange. The proximity of the island to Charlestown affords the plan- ters an opportunity of disposing of the various productions of their plantations. But they do not in every case make the most of their situation and advantages. The soil is favorable to the culture of turnip or green crops. These crops might be advantageously applied to feeding and fattening for market their superfluous stock; an enterprise that Avould prove a fruitful source of emolument to those engaged in it. Domestic economy. In no country place are the arts of the milliner and mantua- maker more generally practised than they arc by the female part of this insular community. And such is the economy or industry of the generality of house-keepers, that soap and can- dles are manufactured in quantities proportionate to the con- sumption of their families. There is not a professed baker on the island, but the art of baking is Avell understood and prac- tised. Loaf or wheaten bread or some adequate substitute is every where presented. A department in the nature of a dairy on a limited scale is connected with every family. Milk is preserved in its various forms. Butter made in this private way is of a good quality, but the cheese does not deserve the same degree of praise. The products of the dairy are consum- ed in the family circle, or on the island. If any part be sent to market it is in small quantities. Of the success that attends the attempts made to raise poultry, it is no unfavorable speci- men to state, that from four to five hundred fowls, about one hundred turkies, as many ducks, and forty geese have been reared ; and from 70 to 80 dozen eggs have been sent to mar- ket by individual families in the course of the year. Hints for improvement. If any effectual plan could be adopted for rendering Edisto island healthy, its inhabitants Avould enjoy a much greater pro- portion of the gopd things of this life than ordinarily fall to the lot of man. Much good might confidently be expected from draining its low grounds. Experience proves that in all coun- tries where this has been properly done, an abatement of EDISTO ISLAND. 567 summer and autumnal fevers has invariably followed* ; and on the contrary, that healthy places have become sickly when from neglect or otherwise they have been suffered to degene- rate into receptacles of filth and putrefaction. The marshes in the interior parts should be first reclaimed and the good work never discontinued till the whole island, as far as it is reclaim- able, presented a dry or at least an improved wholesome sur- face. Till this was accomplished, trees of quick groAvth should be planted between the mansions of the planters and the adja- cent low grounds. Much might be done for the improvement of the island wa- ter. That which descends from the heavens in form of rain, if collected and preserved in cisterns, would be infinitely bet- ter than the water that is in daily use. The latter might be cleansed of much of its impurities by being boiled—purified with charcoalfj or filtered through filtering stones, sand, or otherwise}. In one or other of these methods the inhabitants * Of this many instances might be given ; but the following one may suffice : " Before the above drain was cut, the families who lived near the stagnant water were subject in the spring and end of autumn to intermitting fevers of very long continuance, from 23 to 33, and some- times to S9 days. Whole families were to be seen in such distress at the same time that no one could assist the others. They depended on the kind ministration of their neighbors for the supply of their necessi- ties. Often has the poor's fund been employed to pay women to wait upon such distressed families. Since these stagnant waters were com- pletely drained, those diseases and the sad train of complaints connec- ted with them, have happily been unknown ; meanwhile it is suppo- sable that the same happy effects must flow from the same causes in every part of the country, and should prove an irresistible motive to draining."—Statistical actount of Leuchars in the county of Fife in pages 585 and 587 of the 18th vol. of tir John Sinclair's statistical accounts of Scotland. f Charcoal dust is of great utility in preserving and purifying water. It must be pounded very fine, and the powder must be kept clean and as iree as possible from dust, smoke, or other impurities. About three drams of charcoal dust will preserve four ounces of common river water, or will purify it when actually stinking ; but if a little acid be added, a much smaller quantity of charcoal will do. * Fresh water may be extracted from salt by the following simple process: A common hogshead is provided with a false bottom about three or four inches above the true one. The false bottom is per- 5o'S APPENDIX. of Edisto island might at a moderate expense procure for do- mestic purposes a sufficiency of wholesome and agreeable water. forated with a number of holes, and over them is placed a filter of flannel. The barrel is then nearly filled wiih the finest sand beat down very hard. A tube communicating with the space between the two bottoms is extended to a convenient height above the top of the barrel. The sea water is poured into this tube, and pressing every way according to its altitudes, it endeavors to force its way through the •and to the top of the barrel, from whence by this mode of filtration it ia drawn off fresh and fit for use. Any other filter will do as well as flannel, provided it stops the sand and admits the water. The salina particles being heavier, and perhaps differently formed, meet with ob- structions from the aand, and are left behind. In the same manner im- pure water may be cleansed from foreign admixtures, which being ge- nerally heavy, cannot readily be made to ascend. Filtration is the process by whicli nature prepares water for domes- tic use. Where gravel and sand are in plenty, art can imitate the ope- rations of nature for that purpose. Any contrivance for percolating water through clean sand or gravel will detach some of its impurities ; but the detachment is much more effectual and somplete by an as ■ sending than a descending process. A pressure from above by an elevated head of water, forcing the lowest part of the column upward* through a proper filtering medium, cannot fail of producing pure water ; for its impurities, being specifically heavier, are left behind. Many machines have been contrived on these principles and with this view. The model of an excellent one may be seen in page 177 of the first volume of the commercial and agricultural magazine for 1799. It oc- cupies very little room—is of simple construction—easily cleansed, and yields a constant stream of pure water which in every 24 hours amounts to 300 gallons. The following plan may be carried into effect by every planter, which though cheap and simple, would be adequate to the supply of bis own family. A small cask, open at both ends, is placed within a larger cask, wanting a head. Clean sand and gravel is put into both, so that the level of the sand within the inner cask, room being left to pour in water, be higher than the bed of sand in the intermediate space be- twixt the two casks. A cock ia fixed in the outer cask above the sand, at a level, somewhat lower than the surface of the materials in the inner cask. The water poured in at the top of the inner cask, sinks through the mass of sand, and passing also through that in the outer, ascends and is discharged at the cock when wanted. As the surface of the sand in the inner cask becomes loaded with impurities—remove it, and add clean fresh sand. ( 569 ) N°. II. A statistical account of St. Stephens district, drawn up principally from the communications of John Palmer, esq. ST. STEPHENS district, situate about 50 miles to the north- west of Charlestown, is bounded by the river Santee on the north, and on its other sides by St. Johns and St. James San- tee. It was originally a part of St. James Santee, and Avas di- vided from it about the year 1740. The upper and lower part ef the parish was distinguished by the names of French and Eng- lish Santee. What is now St. Stephens was called English Santee. What is at present St. James, was formerly called French Santee, from the circumstance that the first settlers were french refugees who had fled from persecution after the revo- cation of the edict of Nantz. Among them was Philip Gen- dron who left one son, John Gcndron, born in Carolina, who •ommanded a company of the Charlestown militia. This was the only military force ordered from the capital against the in- dians in the yamassee war of 1715. He was sent to the indian land, noAv Prince Williams, and was in all the severe actions finight against the indians until a peace took place. At the time of his death, which was about the year 1754, he Avas the eldest colonel of militia in the then province, and was general- ly called brigadier Gendron. Of indians—'their antiquities and wars. Persons now living, remember that there were about 30 in- dians, a remnant of the Pedee and Cape Fair tribes, that lived in the parishes of St. Stephens and St. Johns. King Johnny was •heir chief. There was another man among them of the same tribe, who Avas called prince. Governor Lyttelton gave him a commission of captain general and commander in chief of the tAvo tribes which superseded Johnny. The latter took um- brage at the promotion of the former and attempted to kill him. There Avere some shots exchanged but no mischief done. The neighbors interfered and made peace ; but there never was sfc vol. ii. 4 D 57 cn they killed an indian, lie gave them no provi- sions. They soon acquired a habit of feeding on the flesh of indians when dead, and of attacking them when alive. Agriculture—-freshets. The inhabitants of St. Stephens began to cultivate indigo about the year 1754 ; and cultivated it with success, particularly in Santee river swamp, until tire year 1784. In the beginning of the latter year, St. Stephens was one of the most thriving parishes in the state, and in point of size was the richest. The parish then had about five thousand negroes in it, but at present does not contain half that number. The Avhite population has also diminished in a similar proportion. In 1776, 77, 78, the militia company mustered 100 men under arms ; but there arc not now above 40 exclusive of alarm men. There are at pre- sent many waste old fields both on the high-lands along the edge of the river swamp and in the swamp, which 30 years ago Avere in the highest state of cultivation, and produced luxuri- ant crops of corn, indigo, and rice. This melancholy reverse is the effect of freshets. These lands are uncommonly fertile, and Avere successfully cultivated till the year 1784. From that year till 1796 very little Avas made near the Santee. Many of the planters, discouraged by a rapid succession of freshets, aban- doned the plantations subject to their baneful influence. Since the year 1796 these freshets have diminished in frequency and height; and the planters have successfully recommenced the culture of corn and rice, and engaged in that of cotton. The ground is found to ansAver for the latter, and extraordinary crops have been lately made. To account for the uncommon frequency of freshets through a period of 12 years is very difficult. No record of any thing similar since the year 1701 has reached us. In that year we are informed by John Lavvson, that a flood came down the ri- ver Santee which raised it 36 feet. That none of equal mag- nitude has occurred in the 83 years which followed, is probable from the silence of records and tradition. Within that period 57- APPEN'DIX. the upper country had been settled and its lands cleared. From its being more generally cultivated, some inferred that the fall- ing rain met with fewer obstructions in passing off from the high land to the nearest rivers; and that these, with their en- larged streams uniting in the Santee, precipitated over its banks a much larger body of water than it ever could have received from above, Avhile the upper country w as covered with leaves, logs, trees, brush, and other impediments to the free passage of rain and nulled snow. This doubtless may have hud some in- fluence, but is not equal to the effect ; for in that case the pro- gressive clearing of the upper country would have produced a correspondent and accumulating increase of water in the rivers below, and a greater frequency of freshets, which is the reverse of facts especially since the year 1796. Others suppose that the freshets arc the consequences of extreme wet or warm sea- sons in the upper country, which, from the increase of rain and of melted snow, pour down torrents on the subjacent plains. The alternation of a scries of wet and dry years is not without precedent. The cause is not precisely known, but the melan- choly effects arc obvious. K c ligion—lit eratu re—Pin eville. St. Stephens has a large brick church built in 1769 and a wooden chapel. There is no clergyman at present, but the teacher of the Pineville academy performs divine service every Sunday. There have been four clergymen in the parish since the peace of 1783. First, the rev. Mr. John Hurt—the second the rev. Mr. Farrel—the third the rev. Mr. O'Farrel—the fourth the rev. Mr. Connor. The first was from Virginia, and the other three from Ireland. Pineville in St. Stephens is a retreat for health in the summer and autumn. It. began to be settled in 1794, and is about 52 miles to the north-west of Char- lestown. It is situated on a lc\el piece of pine land about five miles to the south of the Santee, and two miles from the swan p; which is three miles deep to the river. Fineville contains 22 dwelling houses with an academy for teaching the latin and english languages. The master has a salary of twelve hun- dred dollars per annum, and a house found. The school is confined to thirty scholars, rates of schooling g50 per annum for subscribers' children, and S60 for non-subscribers; to be paid half yearly in advance. The Pineville academy is incpr- ST. STEPHENS DISTRICT. 573 porated and under the superintendance of five trustees. The tutor is permitted to take boarders not to exceed sixteen, but is restrained from demanding more than glOO per annum for boarding. There are also two private schools in the same place for the tuition of the smaller class of children. The white population of Pineville is 150 ; the greater part of them under the age of sixteen. The number of blacks is about 300. The Avater is all from wells from 14 to 18 feet deep. It is very ex- cellent, cold, and soft, being filtered through Avhite gravel and sand. There is a quarry of stone on a piece of high land about a mile from Pineville. It is a hard brown stone very heavy and has the appearance of iron ore. Colonel Senf used some of the same kind of stone, procured near this quarry, for part of the locks of the Santee canal. Nothing like it has yet been found in the low country of Carolina. Amusements—healt'h. Dances commence in September, and there are generally from two to three in a week in the season of residence in Pine- ville. They are given by the inhabitants nearly in rotation, Avith little ceremony and expense, but with great decorum and propriety ; and never continue later than eleven o'clock. Pineville has been generally healthy. There are in it but few cases of fevers, and these are chiefly in the month of July. Seldom any regular intermittents originate there. Those a* ho expose themselves in visiting their plantations, occasionally suffer in consequence of their imprudence. There was a fever in the summer of 1808 which proved fatal to six negroes in Pineville, and eleven on the adjoining plantation ; but scarcely affected Avhite people. . The symptoms of this feA'er were a a violent head-ache and pain in the back—the pulse was low. The tongue was of a brown or deep red color, and when put out trembled much. A great weakness and dilirium generally at- tended. The most successful mode of treatment was to give in the first instance one or two emetics and afterwards camphor, nitre and small snake-root. When the patient Avas very low, wine freely given seemed to be of the greatest service. Bark was injurious. Fcav old negroes took the disease. 574 .iPPLXDIX. Longevity and fecundity. Two of the natives and resident inhabitants arc between six- ty and seventy. Of the ninety years Avhich Edward Thomas lived, more than one half were spent in St. Stephens. The dis- trict is not remarkable for the longevity of its inhabitants, but there have been of late a few prolific marriages. Five, six, seven, and eight children have been raised in some families Avithin the last 30 years. Munure—-fish—uock—r.-i!d beasts—trees—nanufacturc*. The planters begin to be careful of their manure and to be sensible of the utility of improving their lands. The best and the most durable manure is derived from herding cattle in pens. This increases the fertility of the land fourfold. Cotton seed is also much used. A pint of it put around or in a corn hole adds greatly to the crop. Santee river is well stored Avith fish, particularly the trout and the bream. There are also cat-fish, roud-fish, rock-fish, and sturgeon. The inland creeks and ponds produce trout, perch, and bream. The stocks of cattle belonging to individuals rarely exceed 150. They decrease in rold Avinters, but increase in such as arc mild. Few own more than*50 bead of sheep. These are often destroyed by wolves. Hogs are also often killed by bears. The swamps of Santee afford favorable retreats to these and other wild beasts. There are on an average from 100 to 150 pine trees on an acre of ground. Their ages vary, but in general they live about 200 years. If we may judge by their surrounding rings, a few approach their 400th year. Domestic manufactures begin to increase. Some of the planters clothe their negroes Avith homespun, and also manufacture coarse cloth from inferior cotton for the envelopc- ment of that commodity. Storms. The parish of St. Stephens, in proportion to its distance from the sea, had its full share of the calamities resulting from the hurricane of 1804. From minor storms it has frequently suf- fered. One of the most remarkable and injurious was on the 6th of June 1801. A cloud appeared to the north-west with thunder. Shortly after a storm came up Avith great violence, but Avithout rain. The cloud had a rcunchs like fire, and the ST. STEPHENS DISTRICT. 575 dry dust thrown up Avas dreadful. The Avind prostrated the fences. The growing cotton was materially injured. Its co- lor was changed to brown. The tops were Avithered and black- ened. In St. Matthews the storm was equally violent and blasted the corn and peas. The peach and plumb leaves had an adust black appearance. The weeds and grass were also very much injured. During the storm the wind appeared to have a heat like the blast of fire at a distance. The mercury from being up at 96 degrees at one o'clock, fell in less than five hours to 76, Eminent men. Colonel Maham, a native of St. Stephens parish descended from SAviss ancestors who had settled there early in the 18th century, made a distinguished figure in the revolutionary Avar. He was possessed of considerable natural talents as a military man At the taking of fort Watson on Scot's lake, general Marion gave him the sole direction in carrying on the ap- proaches and erection of a battery for over-shooting the british fort At the taking of the fort at Motte's above Belleville, gen- eral Marion gave to him the sole direction in carrying on the approaches. Both these enterprises were crowned with com- plete success. Major Pinckney, Avho examined the works af- ter the surrender of the fort, declared that they had been erec- ted with as much correctness as if they had been planned by the most experienced engineer. The british thought so well of him that they made him an offer of a regiment if he Avould join them. Colonel Maham also behaved very gallantly in sundry skirmishes, and particularly at Watboo and Quinby bridges. St. Stephens has given birth to John Gaillard senator, and Robert Marion representative of Charlestown district in the congress of the United States, and also to Theodore Gail- lard late speaker of the house of representatives of the state, and at present one of the judges of the court of equity. Sufferings from the revolutionary war. St. Stephens was not the scene of any important action, John Palmer, sen. and Joseph Palmer, the first sixty-six and £he last fifty years old, Avere taken prisoners in May 1781, out 576 APPENDIX. ef the house of the former by a party of tories—carried to the british post at Biggin church, and both confined for three days in the family vault of the Colleton's. The reason assigned by the captors was that John Palmer, sen. had two son* perform- ing military duty with general Marion. >T. III. A statistical view of Pendleton district, chiefly from the communications of Edward Darrel Smith, M. D. Xeim'.-—ti'.ua.'io':—settlemen '—aborigines—-face of the country— i-ivcrs-wild beasts. PENDLETON DISTRICT was so named in compliment to Henry Pendleton, a native of Virginia, and one of the judges of the court of common picas in South-Carolina. It forms the south- Avcst extremity of the state, and was obtained from the indians by treaty in 1777, founded on their conquest in the preceding year ; but the settlement of it was deferred till the termination of the revolutionary war in 1783. Its first white settlers mi- grated principally from the districts of Abbeville and York, in South-Carolina ; and from North-Carolina and Virginia. Among the most remarkable of them were general Pickens and general Anderson, now living, and colonel Cleveland, de- ceased, who bore a command in the engagement at King's Mountain in October 1780. He was remarkable for his great bulk, being said to weigh more than four hundred pounds, and for not having been able to lie down for some years previous ts his death. The country was formerly occupied by the Cherokee indians who had a considerable town about thirty miles above the con- fluence of Tugcloo and Keowee rivers, noAv knoAvn by the name of Seneka. There are no settlements of indians remain- ing on the eastern side of the mountains. The last of them removed from a small town on Cane creek about the year 1798. PENDLETON DISTRICT. 577 Two or three stragglers still live in that neighborhood, residing among the whites, and procuring game for them. Their near- est considerable settlement at this time is on the Avestern side of the mountains, about sixty miles from Pendleton court- house. They have lately made some advances towards civili- zation. Many of them have separate farms which they culti- vate Avith the plough, some of them to a considerable extent. They are also beginning to make homespun for themselves. They raise large stocks of cattle which they frequently drive to Augusta. They still however retain their fondness for spiritu- ous liquors. Travellers amongst them meet with a hospitable reception. These indians are well acquainted with the value of money, and when transacting business are not easily im- posed upon. The country is generally uneven and becomes gradually more hilly as it approaches to the mountains. These are said to be a part of the great Blue Ridge, or Back Bone of the Uni- ted States, and are quite uncultivated. The narrow vallies which run between them are very fertile and covered Avith canes which afford excellent winter pasturage. The cattle which range among them attain to a considerable size, and make very fine beef without ever having tasted a grain of corn. The most level and valuable lands are situated upon the water courses and in their vicinity The country is generally avcU watered by some large rivers and numerous small streams which are never known to fail. Among the larger rivers may be mentioned Seneka or Keowee, Tugeloo, Rocky river, Little river, Twelve mile. Near the mountains the streams are so limpid that stones can be seen at the depth of five or six feet below the surface. The wild animals are much the same as those in the lower country, with the addition of bears, and some panthers in the vicinity of the mountains. Vegetable productions—stones—caverns—-fells—shoals—clays. Among the useful vegetable productions may be mentioned all kinds of snake root, and the pink root. This latter is so abundant in the mountains and their vicinity as to form an ar- ticle of exportation. From twenty to thirty pounds of it may he gathered in a day by a single person. The gentian root and VOL. II. 4 E 57* APPENDIX. ginseng arc common in many parts of the district. There is a v I table plant commonly known by the name of earth-gall. This has great celebrity for its efficacy in curing persons bitten by venomous animals. The root is bruised and one or two ta- ble spoonfuls of the expressed juice is mixed with milk and poured down the patient's throat. This soon excites violent vomiting and profuse perspiration, which leaves the patient in a -.tate of great hingour, but entirely relieved from the effects of the poison. Stones have been found which answer for mills equallv avcU with those that arc imported ; but there is no one who makes it a business to prepare them for use. There are some very large stones which are used by the tanners for grinding bark, and also thin flat ones of a considerable length and breadth which make a tolerable smooth health, and would no doubt answer Avell for pavements. There are large quan- tities of a coarse stone which stands the action of fire, and of which rough durable buildings are constiuctcd ; but none are known which partake of the nature of marble. T.ierc is a remarkable fall on Conneross creek at Kilpatrick's mill, where a large sheet of water has a perpendicular fall of about ten feet over a ledge of rocks. There is a remarkable cavern on the Same rreck large enough to contain several persons. It for- merly served as a retreat for thieves. There is no other mine- ral yet known but iron, the ore of which is found in several parts of the district. A great deal of white sand is found upon the poor ridges ; and large quantities of blue and yellow clay near the small streams of water; of them good bricks are made, and they would doubtless answer for pottery. '1 he country abounds with large rocks which in some places ob- struct the navigation of the water courses, and form a natural pavement for crossing them. One of the most remarkable shoals, known by the name of Portman's, is in Keowee or Sene- ka river. These shoals are about four miles in length, and have been lately made navigable. Agriculture—meadows—cotton—indigo—hemp—tobacco—rice- fax—wheat, and other small grains. The cultivation of the ground is chiefly carried on by the plough, and has not undergone any material changes. \V ithin PENDLETON DISTRICT. 579 a few years past many persons have turned their attention to the improvement of meadow lands of which there is an abun- dance. They cultivate a very fine native grass known by the name of red grass, which is perennial and affords a large quantity of good hay. Cotton is the present staple for market, but the summer is frequently too short for its complete matu- ration. Indigo was formerly cultivated to some extent, and is still planted in small patches as a domestic dye. Tobacco in some years yielded very well; but from its reduced price it is now rarely cultivated for sale. Some few persons have culti- vated hemp, and in suitable grounds the product was conside- rable ; but it has been relinquished for more profitable crops. Small patches of rice have been planted for several years in different parts of the country, but no person has yet attempted to cultivate it to any extent. From late experiments it ap- pears that the lands which can be constantly watered will, un- der proper management, produce as much rice as those in the lower country, and that it will be a much more certain crop than cotton. I lax, rye, wheat, oats, and barley are also cultivated vyith advantage. Roads—bridges—inland navigation. The roads are not so much improved as they might be. They are generally too narrow, and also more numerous than can be kept in good repair. There are but few bridges and those not very durable, being all constructed of Avood although there are large quantities of stone in the vicinity. The public atten- tion has been lately turned to opening the navigation of rivers. During the summer of 1808 a very important work of that kind has been accomplished. Keowee or Seneka river has been rendered navigable for more than twenty miles above its mouth. Though the expeRseof this undertaking was less than seven hundred dollars, yet it has answered so Avell that boats carrying ten thousand weight can be safely navigated down to Augusta. There are several smaller streams which might be cleared out so as greatly to facilitate the internal intercourse. The principal obstructions are large trees which have fallen into the water. Their general depth however would admit none but fkt bottomed boats except in cases of high freshets. 5'<0 A1TLXD1X. J-...J4d.Si.s—profits—liauirds of agriculturists—price of land-'— and nature qf soil. Where the soil and seasons are of the most favorable kind. twenty acres of corn can be easily and well cultivated by one good ploughman and two hocrs; and the product would pro- bably be forty bushels to the acre. The average price of com may be estimated at half a dollar for the bushel, and thus three laborers would make from twenty acres four hundred dollars. A similar force might cultivate fifteen acres in cotton. The product of this would give about four hundred and eighty dol- lars. These arc the two staples of the country : but it is to be remarked that corn is less liable to be affected by unfavorable seasons than cotton, and is also more easily prepared for mar- ket. In backward springs the river grounds are infested by a black worm, resembling the common grub, which destroys all vegetation until they become dormant on the approach of sum- mer. None of these worms are found in the high ground. I1 a market for rice, equal to that of Charlestown or Savannah, could be found at Augusta, it is probable that more money could be made by the cultivation of this article than either of the preceding. In many situations there are small fields with a command of water which when put into proper order would yield three barrels to the acre. Three workers could easily cultivate twelve acres which would produce thirty-six barrels, and this quantity at the usual prices Avould yield between six and seven hundred dollars. Loav grounds may be valued in general from twenty to forty dollars for the acre, and high grounds from fifty cents to five dollars. The soil may be di- vided into high and Ioav grounds, and these again subdivided. The high grounds consist of a rich clay soil with some black mould, best adapted for com, wheat, tobacco, &c.—a gray soil consisting of a gray sand and some clay and mould best suited for cotton—and a white sandy soil which is very poor and scarcely ever cultivated. The low grounds differ according to their situation upon large or small water courses. The large streams generally have their low grounds composed of black mould Avith very little clay, sometimes of mould and gray sand, v;hich answer well for cotton. The soil on the smaller streams :s composed of clay with a small quantity of mould. They all produce corn very abundantly and < tand drought much longer PENDLETON DISTRICT. 58"! titan the richest high grounds. With proper management they are said to be inexhaustible. Timber—quantity of improved land. The natural growth of the low grounds is walnut, poplar, white oak, elm, ash, beech, birch, elder, chesnut, &c. High ground of the first quality has nearly the same productions, with hickory, pines, and the other species of oaks. The second quality bears a larger quantity of pine, with some hickory and oak, and the third scrub oak and pine with a few post and Spanish oaks. All the kinds of oaks may he used for different purposes excepting the scrub oak, which is good for nothing but fire-wood. Good shingles are made of the heart of pine, and still better of yellow poplar. Excellent furniture is made of walnut and birch. There is not a fourth of the land in the district that is cleared, and not more than one half that is ac- counted fit for cultivation. Labor-saving machinery—fisheries—and stock. In almost all parts of the district there are natural advantages for the erection of mills and other labor-saving machinery; but as yet only a few saw and grist-mills, and some cotton-gin.s are worked by water. A fulling mill was erected some years since on the waters of Cane creek, and was in operation for a little while ; but has been idle for some time past for want of a proper person to conduct the business. Great quantities of fish are caught by means of traps both in winter and summer. The most productive fishery is in the latter end of the spring when shad come up the rivers to spawn. Iu the vicinity of the mountains stock may be raised with advantage, as there are large pastures of the wild pea vine and green canes ; but ir, ether parts of the district the range is indifferent. Climate—diseases—distilled ardent spirits. During the winter the weather is not so variable as on the sea-coast, nor is the degree of cold much greater, although frost occurs later in the spring and earlier in the fall. There are perhaps about three weeks difference between this climate and that of Charlestown. In the summer the days are sometimes very warm, butthe nights are generally cool. The greatest quan- tity of rainfalls during the winter, ecwsiewng at times conside- 582 APPENDIX. rablc freshets. Sleet and hail storms are not uncommon, and sometimes occur so late in the spring as to do great damage to cotton and corn. Occasionally there are a few sporadic eases of intermittent fever attended sometimes Avith and sometimes Avithout ague. When neglected or improperly treated they are often protracted, and materially injure the constitution. Dysentery is the most epidemic disease and is generally most prevalent in July, August, and September ; although it occurs at all seasons of the year. It is seldom mortal except to chil- dren and aged persons. Its fatal issue is frequently the result of injudicious treatment. In the winter the usual inflammato- ry diseases of cold climates prevail more or less. Upon the whole this district may be considered as healthy as most parts of the United States. The intemperate use of spirituous li- quors produces the same baneful effects here as in other coun- tries, although perhaps not so quickly nor to so great an ex- tent as in more enervating climates and in subjects who are not obliged to labor for subsistence. From the inattention of distillers in the preparation of home-made spirituous liquors a quantity of verdigris is frequently formed which is afterwards dissolved in the liquor, and thus an additional potent poison ia conveyed into the system. Emigrations and immigrations—population—manufactures. Although there are frequent emigrations beyond the moun- tains, the immigrations into the district are supposed to balance the account. Population increases from the following causes : The people generally marry young, lead lives of steady indus- try, and live upon plain wholesome food in a healthy country. As an evidence of this there is scarcely a house to be found without several children. Ihe black population increases every year. More slaves are born than die. The surplus of crops is generally vested in the purchase of negroes. Several of the more recent emigrants bring negroes with them. In the census of 1800 the negroes were one in eleven of the whole population, but in 1790 they Avere one in nine. In the first period, the white population was 8734 ; in the last. 17828 : an increase of more than two for one in the course of ten years. In the same period the black population had increased so much that it only wanted 374 to be three for one. Domestic manu- PENDLETON DISTRICT. 583 factures are carried to an extent which goes far in supplying the wants of individual families, but few or none are carried on for sale or to any considerable amount but those of iron. Of this metal there are several works in various parts of the district and an abundance of ore for their supply. These manufactures are as yet chiefly confined to the making of bar-iron, plough- shares, and farming utensils. The bar-iron can be sold equal- ly cheap with any that is imported and is said to be as good if not better in quality. Most of the common plantation tools are made by blacksmiths in the country. Several persons in the district make very good rifle-guns for sale, and in some places small manufactories of gun-powder are carried on. The nu- merous streams and convenient falls which are found every where offer great advantages for conducting all manufactories wherein the impelling power of water is needed \ but to im- prove them capital and enterprise are necessary. The first is Avholly wanting, and the last very deficient. Education—newspaper, isfc. As yet education is but at a low ebb, and very little know- ledge is diffused throughout the country. There is but one classical academy in the district, and that has been established within a few years. This academy is under the direction of an able teacher, Mr. Edwin Reese, and superintended by trustees of competent abilities It is situated within a short distance of the court-house, in a very salubrious spot, and has a fine view of the great blue ridge. The price of boarding is sixty dollars, and of tuition twenty dollars by the year. Several english schools are found in different places, but they are not always provided with sufficient teachers. Among the attempts to dif- fuse knowledge may be mentioned a weekly newspaper which is very well conducted and printed at the village of Pendleton by Mr. Miller. It is a fact worthy of record, that in a frontier district 3 > years ago possessed by indians, the publication of a newspaper has commenced and is carried on in a manner wor- t'.y of patronage. The yearly subscription is two dollars and a half. Ecclesiastical st-ate. The prevailing religious denominations are baptists, metho- dists. and presbyterians. There are several churches in differ- ent parts, but they are not all supplied Avith regular pastors. .384 APPENDIX. Freshet. This district is generally free from freshets. None but the :-rmarkable one of January 1796 has been known to do any mis* rliicf of consequence. This materially injured the river grounds. Almost every plantation suffered from it more or less, (ire.it quantities of sand were taken up by the waters and deposited in such thick layers upon the surface as to prove very injurious to the soil. In some places large holes were made in the ground eight or ten feet deep. The current prices of the following articles in Pendleton in common years are, indian corn, 50 cents per bushel—wheat, 75 do. do.—oats, 50 do. do.—corn blades, 75 per cwt>—hay, 50 do-. do.—beef, 4 do. per pound—pork, 5 do. do. N°. IV. A statistical account of Orangeburgh district, chief- ly from the communications of Dr. Jamieson and Dr. Shccut. THE first settlers of Orangeburgh district were germans who arrived in Charlestown in 1735. From the third year of their settlement they had the benefit of religious instruction from the reverend John Gissendanner. One of his children, born in 1742, is still alive. The first child that he christened was born in 1739, and is also alive. This reverend gentleman continued to officiate among these immigrants for twenty-two years after they located themselves in Orangeburgh, and his register is now extant. Three or four individuals had previ- ously settled CoAv-pens in advance north-westerly of the low country white settlers. These and the cherokee and catawba indians were all the inhabitants who had preceded these ger- mans. Of the aborigines nothing worth relating is known. The district of Orangeburgh is situate on the north-east side of north Edisto river, 79 miles north-north-west of Charlestown. A considerable proportion of the district consists of pine lands. These are divided into two kinds, pine and pine barren ORANGEBURGH DISTRICT. 585 land. Of the first there are different grades. In the vicinity of most rivers, creeks, and swamps, are found in abundance mag- nolia, beech, willow, ash, elm, oaks, birch, walnut, and hickory trees. In the swamps there are large groupes of cypress, lob- lolly bay, sweet bay, maple, and tupelo trees and poplars of an immense height and circumference. From the margins of the SAvamps the lands are gradually elevated, and the more distant the less valuable. The best pine lands yield with good hus- bandry considerable crops of corn, cotton, wheat, and the smal- ler grains ; and the swampy parts yield rice. The pine bar- ren lands are so called from the sandy nature of the soil. In their natural state their timber alone gives them value ; but by manuring they may be made to yield^from eight to twelve bushels of corn to the acre. On this land the industrious ger- mans make a decent living ; but to the idle they afford little more than high, dry, and healthy sites for habitations. The early settlers attended first to provisions and after- Wards planted indigo for market. At present cotton engrosses most attention : but some persons continue to plant indigo, although given up in other parts of the state. The average quantity of indigo made to the acre depends greatly on the season and land. Dr. Jamieson has made 56 lb. of prime indi- go to the acre, and sold it in Charlestown for g 1 each pound ; and the land of which it was made would not sell for more than fifty cents the acre, provided it had been separate from the other part of the same tract. Common pine land will produce 40 lbs. of indigo to the acre, and is more suitable for that arti- cle than for cotton. Land, when naturally good, has produced of the latter from 500 to 1000 lbs. in the seed, per acre. Ordi- nary land well manured Avill turn out nearly as much. Where the land can be watered rice will produce from 60 to CO bushels per acre. This in its rough state often sells in the vicinity from SI to SI. 25 cents per bushel. The district affords some valuable orchards, particularly of peaches. This fruit accords Avell with a sandy soil. Some old settled farmers have large orchards of peaches, apples, and plums, which produce fruit in good seasons sufficient for do- mestic use, and a considerable surplus for market. From them are made brandy, cider, and vinegar. vol. n. 4 F ;m> APPENDIX. The planters of this district improve their lands by manuring corn-hills every spring cither with cotton seed or SAvamp mud, thrown up in pens in the fall season to remain during the win- ter. This, especially when improved by mixing with it cottott seed, st; ble manure, or decayed vegetables, greatly increases the fertility of the soil. Wheat on well manured land has pro- duced 34 bushels to the acre. Rye or oats much more. Few planters have any idea of the great advantages that may be derive;! from these swamps and bogs. At no very distant day their value will be properly appreciated. The high lands in this district have sold from 50 cents to ?^ dollars per acre. Great part of it abounds with good mill scats. Several saw mills have been and many more might be erected, and all find profitable employment, provided a canal was opened between Edisto and Ashley rivers. Tins would double the value of land in the vicinity of the former. There are grist mills which can manufacture wheat flour of an excellent qua- lity. The district abounds with stock ; but from their number and from the increased population there are only a few particular spots in which cattle can maintain themselves through the win- ter. Sheep live and thrive in the barren lands, and arc more productive than any other kind of stock in proportion to their value and the little care they require. The population of the district has increased so rapidly that old settlers consider it to have doubled within the last twenty years. Some large families are raised, and health is generally enjoyed by those who live two or three miles distant from low moist grounds. There arc several persons now living above seventy. A few approach 90 or 100 ; and three or four are known who have sunived a complete century. The blessing of health is in this district best enjoyed by those Avho reside on high open pine lands. Stagnant ponds, bays, river swamps, and mill seats arc generallyjthe pests ana scourge of country settlements. Inhabitants in their vicinity are almost. annually visited Avith fevers. While the whole marginal ex- tent of rivers is groanmg under these afflictions the pine land settlers are scarcely othenvise affected than Avith common colds and slight attacks of intermittents. An industrious and economical man with his wife, possessed ORANGEBURGH DISTRICT. 587 of the same qualities, may procure jn a short time a comfortable living, though he possesses nothing on his arrival. He niay procure a small tract of land on a credit, and in one winter he may cut down and lop off the trees and underwood of eight or ten acres of ground. His neighbors are ever ready to lend him a helping hand ; and Avhen he has all in readiness, on signify- ing his intention, thirty or forty able bodied men, white and black, assemble on the ground early in the day and Avith hand- spikes they lift into piles the huge logs, while the children drag away the brush and boughs into heaps. When the light of day retires they kindle a blaze Avhich soon enlightens the dark space around, and reduces to cinders in a few hours what else might have been the Avork of months. When the land is thus prepared and previously fenced and grubbed, it is broken up A\itha shear plough, and the roots distributed in piles to dry and consume ; after Avhich it is again ploughed and chequered for planting. One man with a good horse will tend from ten to fifteen acres of land in corn, peas, and potatoes, and make provision enough to support his family through the ensuing year. The only difficulty occurs in the first settlement; but this is generally remedied by the hospitality for which the planters are remarkable. Honest industry always finds friendly assistance among them. Pine lands, when judiciously managed, in a few years become equally productive, if not more so, than the generality of oak lands. They Avho plant oak and swamp lands depend so much on the present goodness and strength of the soil that they con- tinue to crowd crop upon crop, impoverishing annually the na- tural goodness thereof Avithout regard to its improvement, Avhile they who are possessed of pine land, from a knowledge of its general poorness, are induced to supply by art and indus- try what is natural to the other. The germans obtain crops from poor pine lands equal in quantity, according to acres and hands, with most farmers on oak lands. The average crops of indian com from lands of this quality are from ten to twenty- five bushels to the acre. A method hitherto commonly cm- ployed by weak handed planters is to select various eligible levels on a tract of pine land. These are converted into fields in the following manner : the large trees are girted, that is, a ring is cut through the bark to the wood ; by the next spring (hey all die and cease to draw from the surrounding earth any 5S* APPENDIX. of its nourishing properties. The smaller trees are then cleared away and burnt up. The ground, broken up with grubbing hoes and the plough vuthout any other preparation, is sown with wheat or rye. Nature finishes the great Avork of these plantations ; for every hard Avind brings down more or less of the deadened trees, and fire consumes the whole. Thus in a series of years a large plantation is obtained with very lit- tle labor. Although this is deemed one of the laziest methods of obtaining cleared lands, it is not without use. In time it oc- casions a change of the timber. After the pine trees are thus girted they die ; but if the land is suffered to remain a few \ ears without cultivation there springs up an equivalent of oak and hickory in place of the pines which become extinct: a very acceptable acquisition to the pine land farmer. Almost every planter carries on domestic manufactures to a considerable extent, and many clothe their families with cotton, and Avith a cotton warp filled in with wool which they prefer to white plains. There are planters who own sixty or seventy slaves, and clothe them all from their own resources. They arc making great improvement every year both in spinning and wening. The inhabitants generally arc becoming more disposed to encourage schools and arc more desirous of giving liberal educations to t>:cir children than they used to be. Since the methodists have become numerous there is less of that indolence and distress which was common before. Preach- ing houses are established at almost every five or ten miles, ac- cording to population ; and these are well supplied with itine- rant preachers. The success attending this plan has been great. There was a presbyterian meeting house erected on Cattle's creek in 1778, and called the Frederician church, after Andrew Frederick, who was its principal founder. Another of the same denomination was built at Turkey hill. There are two others of the same denomination in Lewisburgh and one epis- copal church. There are four baptist and about fourteen methodist church- es. The latter are attended regularly by the circuit riders, and often by their local preachers. Both methodists and bap lists increase. BEAUFORT. 589 The presbyterians have supplies only from the upper coun- try and the North-Carolina presbytery. From the want of preachers of their own denomination, the descendants of the old stock are falling in either with the baptists or methodists, according to the neighborhood in which they live. The population, Avealth, industry, morals, learning, and re- ligion of the district has astonishingly improved, especially since the year 1790. N°. V. A statistical account of Beaufort, chiefly from the communications of Dr. Finley. IN Beaufort Avas established the first english settlement in South-Carolina, and not far from it the french and Spaniards commenced a settlement soon after the middle of the sixteenth century as has been already related. Why the english aban- doned this site for the banks of the Ashley, has never been explained. The former has evidently natural advantages over the latter. It is probable that the present proprietors of Char- lestown and the vicinity are indebted to the Spaniards for the advantages that have resulted from the change : for to be more out of their Avay doubtless had some influence in the dereliction of Beaufort. ' Whether any of the first settlers remained is un- certain, but it is probable they did not. No evidence of settle- ment prior to 1700 is noAv extant. In that year is the date of the birth of the first child which is recorded in the parish regis- ter. The first lots in Beaufort Avere granted in i717. The episcopal church was built about the year 1720. From that time to the present there have been fourteen incumbents, all of whom were europeans except the rev. Galen Hicks and the rev. Matthew Tate. In the year 1761, when the episcopal es- tablishment was in full force, the vestry and church-wardens, in their letter to their correspondent in England requesting his aid in procuring for them a minister, gave it as their opinion, " that a gentleman of a studious turn and regular deportment who would maintain the authority of the church without being ■v.istere or rigid to dissenters, of which there ay ere many, 590 APPENDIX. Avould suit better than one of a contrary disposition." There arc in Beaufort also a baptist church built in 1792, and an in- dependent church built in 1804. All these churches arc sup- plied with ministers of excellent characters and regular educa- tion. The members Avho attend divine service at present i» these different churches, far exceed what was common or what could be accommodated prior to 1792, and among all of them gteat respect is paid to religious institutions. A library society was instituted in 1802, which contains be- tween 6 and 700 volumes. Therc'is also a college, a grammar school, and three other schools for boys, one for young ladies, and three for young children. At these several schools there arc about 200 scholars. The college funds, when brought int* action, will amount to sixty or seventy thousand dollars. Beaufort is remarkable for the health and longevity of its in- habitants. The complexions of the people arc a proof of the former—the parish register of the latter. The records of the church state the interment of sixteen persons whose ages ave- rage more than 75. Three arc now living whose ages ave- rage 79. A causeway and ferry has been lately completed which ren- ders the communication between the island and the main safe and convenient. In 1795 a company of one hundred persons was incorporated for the purpose, but after expending much money and labor in trying to effect the object for near ten years they gave up the completion of it to the deceased William Elliot, who soon finished the Avork. The former company began the causeway on the island side, and made it of pine logs filled in with mud, but the worms below and the influence of the weather above was continually rendering their work nuga- tory. There were too many persons to consult—their delibe- rations were slow, and their efforts feeble. William Elliot at length undertook it and began with the causeway on the main side which he finished entirely of fascines : and he had begun to face the old pine logwork in the same manner when his valu- able life was terminated Avith the universal regret of the whole community. There is now an excellent rope ferry. The length of the causeways, for there is one on each side, and of the ferry exceeds a mile. The ferry is somewhat narrower than the one over Ashley river. The celerity with Ayhich this GEORGETOWN. 59 i Avork Avas finished by Mr. Elliot proves that in public works one head is better than many, and that causeways may be made in Carolina more easily and with less expense than has been commonly supposed. N°. VI. A statistical account of Georgetown, chiefly from the communications of Dr. Levy Myers, Dr. Blythe, and Samuel Smith. THE ground on which Georgetown stands was originally granted to Mr. Perry the ancestor of the present family of Kin- lochs. It was through mistake granted a second time to the rev. William Screven the first baptist minister in South-Caro- lina, and one of the first settlers in the province. Mr. Screven early in the 18th century laid off the place in lots and assigned one for the use of the episcopalians, one for the baptists, and one for the presbyterians. After this had been done, Mr. Cle- land, who had married the daughter of Mr. Perry, claimed and recovered the land by A'irtue of his elder grant, but in the year 1737 confirmed Mr. Screven's sales of lots in consideration of the receipt of a small additional price paid by each proprietor. A tradition prevails that about the year 1700 a large vessel supposed to be the Rising Sun, with 346 passengers on board, came without a pilot up Sampit creek to the place where Georgetown now stands, but finding no inhabitants there but indians, the captain made for CharlestoAvn. On his arriving near the bar, he was boarded by a pilot who told him that his vessel could not enter the harbor Avithout lightening. The captain being in distress, sent his long boat with the rev. Mr. Stobo and some others to solicit assistance. Before the boat returned a hurricane took place in Avhich the A'essel and every soul on board Avere lost. Tradition states further that the same hurricane broke open the north inlet, and that previously there had been only one inlet from the sea to Winyaw bay. The tradition, as far as respects the loss of the ship, the hurricane, 5£)g APPENDIX. and the preservation of the rev. Mr. Stobo, is supported by well known historic documents. The other particulars, that a ves- sel came over Georgetown bar without a pilot which could not eross Charlestown bar with one, if true, is very remarkable. It is rendered probable from the circumstance that the bar of Georgetown has from that time to the present been constant- ly growing worse. Elizabeth Commander, the grandmother of Samuel Smith, who resided on Black river 14 miles from Georgetown, survi- ved her 88th year, and brought up ten children to be men and women, the greatest part of whom attained to the age of 70 and upwards ; and her eldest son Samuel to 94, at which ad- vanced period he was a strong, robust old man, and his eye- sight good. There have been many instances of longevity in the county between Little Pedee and Cat-fish creek, about 60 miles north of Georgetown, Six very old men died there since the year 1800. One of them named James Ford died in or near 1804, at the age of 100. The others are, James Munnu- lyn, Moses Martin, Buckingham Keen, Michael Mixon, and William Watson, Avho all died upwards of eighty. James Munnulyn served in the office of constable at 86—walked 50 miles to serve a process, and returned home again in less than three days. Georgetown contains about 120 dwelling houses in which there are between six and seven hundred white inhabitants; the negroes are in the proportion of two to one. The public buildings are a gaol, court-house, and three places of religious Avorship ; one for the episcopalians, one for the baptists, and one for the methodists. There are two institutions of a public nature, the Winyaw Indigo Society, and a Library Society, of Avhich notice has been taken in the preceding history. The diseases of Georgetown bear a striking similarity to those of Charlestown. Fever and agues or simple tertians were about 1790 common, and might be said to be endemial; but since the population of the place has increased, and the lands in its neighborhood have been cleared and put under cul- tivation, fever and agues seldom occur. The fever most com- mon is the bilious remittent or double tertian, approximating to that of a continued form. CLAREMONT DISTRICT. 593 In 1807, when the influenza prevailed in Georgetown, seve- ral of the aged inhabitants died of it. Of five such, two of whom were natives, the others foreigners who had resided there upwards of 40 years, the aggregate of their ages avera- ged 71 years for the life of each individual. Georgetown is well situated for trade ; it is in the neighbor- hood of very fertile lands, and an extensive back country de- pends on it for imports and exports. Some improvements in its harbor and an extension of inland navigation would give it much more importance than it has ever possessed. By the census of 1808 the number of families in Georgetown is 141—of white inhabitants 624. In the twelve years imme- diately preceding 1808, there were 399 deaths or nearly on an average 33 in each year, or one in 19 of the whole white popu- lation. Of these 399 deceased persons eight were between 60 and 70—four between 70 and 80—four between 80 and 90 : the eldest 87. Four were strangers and twenty had not been residents above two years. Nine were drowned. The great- est number of deaths was in October and September. The least in January, February, March, and December. Mrs. Morgan died in 1805 aged 90. She was born in Vir- ginia, but had resided for 28 years in Darlington district about 60 miles from Georgetown. At the time of her death, 244 of her descendants were living. She wrote a good hand and taught reading, writing, and arithmetic at the age of 70—was healthy and active till Avithin a short time of her death. N°. VII. A statistical account of Claremont district, chiefly from the communications of chancellor James and the Rev. Dr. Furman. THE high hills of Santee are singular objects of curiosity, as being not more than 80 or 90 miles from the ocean, and ra- ther belonging to the low than the upper countiy of Carolina. They lie in a ridge from 3 to 5 miles wide, have their course from the river Santee in a direction generally between north andl vol. n. 4 G 59* APPENDIX. north-east, and wich the adjacent country bear one common name. They are probably at their greatest elevation 300 feet above the level of the river, and afford prospects from 20 to 30 miles in extent. Excepting a narrow strip along the river, the lower part of the hills is a bed of barren sand. Below them lies a body of good land. The best on the hills is situated from about 10 miles bcIoAv Statesburgh to 7 above it. But this extent is con- siderably diversified in respect of quality. The good lands arc almost all cultivated and yield plentiful crops of corn and cotton. The plough is much used. Negro boys and girls from 10 years old and upwards are trained to guide it. Cotton seed is the principal manure. The trees most common are oaks, hickory, and pines. Some of the latter, from the rings Avhich surround them, are supposed to be above 200 years old. Flowering trees and shrubs are in great abund- ance. Among these are the locust, the dogwood, the maple, the crabtrce, the hawthorn, the honeysuckle, the calico flower, the Avild rose, and the sweet shrub; the pinkroot,; several kinds of snakeroot, angelica, and wild saffron. Most fruits are advantageously raised on the Santee hills ; but the cherry, the peach, and the apple, arc supposed to ac- quire there a superior flavor. Kitchen gardens and the culti- vation of exotics, have of late engrossed much attention. Wells for procuring water have been dug as deep as 80 feet. From an inspection in a few cases, of the interior of the soil thus brought to view, the strata appear, 1. a slight brick co- lored or black mould mixed Avith sand—2. red clay—3# white or blue marl—4. coarse yellow sand with white pebbles—5. black mud wkh a sulphurous smell, containing in it soft round black pebbles. The Avater of these wells is not so good as that of the springs. The latter are abundant and excellent. Two of them near Statesburgh are supposed to be impregnated with iron and sulphur. The Wateree river four miles from Statesburgh is navigable at most seasons by the Santee canal boats. It might be made much more useful by4the junction of the small lakes on the side next to Statesburgh. The Wateree swamp for more than 20 miles in length, and for more than 4 miles in Avidth, is almost in a state of nature. It produces canes and forest trees of a CLAREMONT DISTRICT. 595 prodigious size. Of the latter the Avhite and red oak, the sweet gum, the cotton tree and sycamore are the most remarkable. From a dread of freshets these low grounds have been ne- glected. They Avould prove an inexhaustible mine of wealth if by any means they were secured against inundations. Their mud makes excellent manure. There are several considerable streams which issue from the sides of the Santee hills. These are of force sufficient to be the impelling power of several mills which are erected upon them, and they afford facilities for labor-saving machinery of several kinds. About the year 1750 a colony emigrated from Virginia, and settled the high hills of Santee. The preceding settlers were very inconsiderable. But the tide of immigra- tion from the north was so strong that before the revolution these hills were among the most populous parts of the pro- vince. For six miles round Statesburgh country seats are now to be seen within a half mile of each other, which in appear- ance Avould do credit to a city. Most of these have been built or improved since "1798. About that time it began to be fa- shionable for the wealthy inhabitants near Georgetown to have at least a summer residence on the hills of Santee. Statesburgh as a village was begun in 1733 by a company, of which general Sumpter was the most influential member. Here, or rather in the vicinity, refined society may be enjoyed in great perfection. It contains ten or twelve dwelling hou- ses, four or five stores, and an episcopal church. There is also a circulating library which is increasing. Near to it an acade- my of great reputation is kept by the reverend Mr. Roberts. Several pupils educated by him have entered the sophomore, and some the junior class in the South-Carolina college. There are two baptist churches in the neighborhood. These and the episcopal church are Avell attended; and there is among the inhabitants generally a growing respect for religious insti- tutions. In this particular they are much altered for the bet- ter Avithin the last 20 years. The baptist church was first for- med about the year 1770 by the reA'erend Joseph Reese, and their house of worship was built on a lot given by doctor Jo- seph Howard. The reverend doctor Furman now of Charles- town Avas their first settled minister and continued Avith them from 1774 to 1787. Since 1798 they have been under the pas- ioralcare of the rev. Mr. Roberts. 596 APPENpiX. The settlers from Virginia were generally episcopalians. They have had the following preachers in succession—The reverend Messrs. Woodmason, Walker, Davis, Richards, Tate, and Ischudi. The climate of the Santee hills three or four miles back from the Wateree swamp has been found by experiment to be salubrious. Neither stagnant waters nor musquetoes are found there. Though the neighborhood of Statesburgh is very popu- lous, yet only four deaths have occurred in 1807 and 1808. The mercury in the thermometer has not been known to be higher than the 94th or 95th degree, and even then the nights were cool and pleasant. Few places are blest with a better climate. Large families of children are raised. Four persons are now living within 20 miles of Statesburgh, two of whom are 100 years old and two above 90, and some of them can count up- wards of 100 descendants. It is worthy of observation, that on the most elevated parts of the hills the cold does not make that impression which it does on the adjacent level or low country. Vegetation there is ear- lier by a week or fortnight, than it is on lands of the latter description, though not a mile distant. The same difference is observable in the progress of cold in autumn. Vegetables are alive and thriving on the hills when those in the low lands are entirely killed. The fruit on the hills is also generally unin- jured from the frost in the spring. N°. VIII. A statistical account of Camden, chiefly from the communications of the Rev. Dr. Furman. CAMDEN was first settled by a colony of quakers from Ire- land about the year 1750. The principal of these emigrants vrere kobert Milhouse and Samuel Wyley, sensible and res- pectable men. A mill or mills were erected by them on Pine- tree creek, which runs just below Camden, and from which the settlement was called Pinetree. The quakers were sufficiently numerous to form a congregation. They erected a place of worship which remained till the american war. Milhouse died CAMDEN. 597 about the year 1755, but left children; and his posterity still exist about Edisto and the Cypress. Wyley lived several years longer; and has left a daughter Mrs. Lang, a respectable lady living in Camden. He also left three sons. About the year 1760 colonel Hershaw opened a store at Mr. Wyley's in Camden. Being prosperous in business he laid out the place in lots, and in honor of lord Camden gave it his name. He proceeded to build stores and mills and to make other im- provements. John Chesnut Avas a copartner with colonel Her- shaw, having previously served his time Avith him. A consi- derable quantity of good flour was manufactured at the Camden mills and a brewery was erected, which for some years pro- mised to be useful. A pottery was also erected by an English- man of the name of Bartlam. Various handicraftmen found profitable employment, and Camden continued to thrive till it was checked by the war. The quakers as a society decreased continually from the time Camden began to thrive as a village, and are now become extinct. A place of worship was built here for the presbyterians some years before the Avar; but it was burnt by the british. Camden languished for a considerable time after the peace. It now appears to be in a flourishing state. It was incorporated in 1791 and has ever since had a regular city police. There are about 150 dwelling houses in it. About the year 1802 a church was built by the presbyterians, in which the rev. Mr. Flinn lately preached. The scheme of building it was begun by the late Mrs. Alexander, wife of Dr. Isaac Alexander, who gave 200/. sterling towards it. About the year 1800 the methodists erected a church in Camden 40 feet by 30. They are now increasing its size by making it double the former length. The baptists have obtained a handsome sub- scription for building a church. Mr. Lloyd Champion has gi- ven them a suitable lot for its site. For several years immediately after the war Mr. Logue, an aged presbyterian minister from Ireland, preached statedly a part of his time in Camden. Mr. Adams, a young gentleman of the congregational church from Massachusetts, preached there, and also had the charge of the Orphan society's academy. Camden is one of the largest inland cities in Carolina, and bids fair to become a considerable place of trade and business. It has an easy and quick communication with Charlestown through the Santee canal—has the support of an extensive back 598 APPENDIX. country in both Carolinas—possesses many advantages for the erection of labor-saving machinery in its vicinity—and ample materials of the best kind for boat and ship building. Its other advantages, the devastations it underwent in the revolutionary war, and the severe actions that were fought in its vicinity, have all been related in their proper places. N°. IX. A general view of the upper country, chiefly from the communications of Mr. Anthony Park and Dr. Davis. IN the year 1750, Avhen the settlement of the upper country began, there were so many buffaloes, which have long since disappeared, that three or four men with their dogs could kill from ten to twenty in a day. Wild turkies were also in the greatest plenty. Deer were so numerous that a rifleman with a little powder and shot could easily kill four or five in a day. A comr