* jmmk. THE /ft/ HISTORY SOUTH-CAROLINA, ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT IN 1670, ^^^^^^^(p ' TO THE YEAR 1808. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. BY DAVID RAMSAY, M. D. " The Muse of history ha» been so much in love with Mars, that she has seldom conversed with Minerva." Henry. CHARLESTON: C. PUBLISHED BY DAVID LOKGWORTH, FOR THE AUTHOR-. 1809. *b*V •. .. A tight hundred and nine, and in the thirty-third year of the independence of the Uni- ted States of America, Doctor David Ramsay of the said district, has deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author, in the words following, to wit: " The history of South-Carolina from its first settlement in 1670 to the year 1808, by David Ramsay, M. D. " The Muse of history has Iteen so much in love with Mars, that she has seldom conversed 7 tit A Minerva. Henry." In conformity to tWaet of the Congress of the United States entitled " an act for the en- couragement of leanihig, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned," and also to an act enti- tled " an act supplementary to an act entitled an act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, ■during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts ol de- signing, en graving, and etching historical and other prints." THOMAS HALL, Clerk of the dtitria ofSouth-CaroUn*. TO THE YOUTH OF CAROLINA, WHOSE ANCESTORS, COLLECTED FROM VARIOUS NATIONS OF THE OLD WORLD, HAVE COALESCED INTO ONE IN THE NEW j AND WHO, AFTER TWO REVOLUTIONS, IN LESS THAN ONE CENTURY, HAVING ACQUIRED LIBERTY AND INDEPENDENCE, MADE A PRUDENT USE OF THESE INESTIMABLE BLESSINGS, BY ESTABLISHING, ON THE BASIS OF REASON AND THE RIGHTS OF MAN, A SOLID, EFFICIENT, AND WELL BALANCED GOVERNMENT J WHOSE OBJECT IS PUBLIC GOOD, WHOSE END IS PUBLIC HAPPINESS J BY WHICH INDUSTRY HAS BEEN ENCOURAGED, AGRICULTURE EXTENDED, LITERATURE CHERISHED, RELIGION PROTECTED AND iUSTICE CHEAPLY AND CONVENIENTLY ADMINISTERED TO A RAPIDLY INCREASING POPULATION ; IN HOPES THAT THE DESCENDANTS OF SUCH SIRES WILL LEARN, FROM THEIR EXAMPLE, TO LOVE THEIR COUNTRY AND CHERISH ITS INTERESTS J THE FOLLOWING HISTORY is AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED , BY THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS VOLUME I. Page Preface, .... . . vii Civil history of South-Carolina. Chap. I. Population, .... ) II. Proprietary government from its commence- ment in 1670, till its abolition in 1719, . 27 III. The revolution in 1719 from proprietary to royal government, . . . 57 IV. Royal government from 1720 to 1776, . 95 Military history from 1670 to 1776. V. Sect. 1. Contests with Spaniards, . . 126 2. Contests with indians, . . 148 3. Military operations against pirates, . 198 VI. The settlement of the back country, . 207 The Civil and Military history of South-Carolina from a british province to an independent state. VII. Sect. 1. Of introductory events, and taking of arms, . . . .219 2. Of the extinction of royal authority and of the royalists, . . . 249 3. Of the formation of a regular constitu- tion, . ... 261 4. Of the attack of the fort on Sullivan's island by sir Peter Parker and sir Hen- ry Clinton, and the invasion of the che- rokees by colonel Williamson, . 268 5. Of independence, and the alliance with France, . . . .285 % vi CONTENTS. FACE Sect. 6. Campaign of 1779, . . .294 7. Campaign of 1780—fall of Charlestown, 318 8. Campaign of 1781, . . .390 9. Marion's brigade, . • . 399 10. Campaign of 1781 continued, . 415 11. Campaign of 1782, . . . 436 12. Revolutionary Miscellaneous history, 441 PREFACE. 1 he growing importance of the United States ex- cites an increasing curiosity to be acquainted with their early history. Of their wars, and of their late revolution much has been written, but a develope- ment of the causes which in less than two centuries have raised them from poverty to riches—from ig- norance to knowledge—from weakness to power— from a handful of people to a mighty multitude— from rude woodsmen to polished citizens—from co- lonies guided by the leading strings of a distant isl- and to a well regulated self-governed community, has not been sufficiently the subject of attention. It is a work of too much magnitude to be incorpo- rated in a general history of the whole, and cannot be done to purpose otherwise than by local histories of particular provinces or states. Much useful knowledge on these subjects is already lost, and more is fast hastening to oblivion. A considerable portion of it can now only be recovered by a recur- rence to tradition ; for records of many events wor- thy of being transmitted to posterity have either never been made, or if made have been destroyed. Every day that minute local histories of these states are deferred is an injury to posterity, for by means thereof more of that knowledge which ought to be transmitted to them will be irrecoverably lost viii PREFACE. These views were so forcibly impressed on the au- thor of the following work, that he began many years ago to collect materials for writing a detailed history of the state in which providence had cast his lot. In vain did he expect complete information from public records. On many interesting subjects they were silent—the most early were illegible—- others were lost in the hurricanes or fires which at several successive periods have desolated Charles- ton. Much of what escaped from these calamities was destroyed in the invasions of the state by the british in 1779 and 1780. Of what remained every practicable use was made, but to remedy their de- fects application was made to the only repositories of facts on which reliance could be placed. This was the recollection of old citizens and especially of such as were the descendants of the first settlers. To them in the year 1798 he addressed a circular letter and queries on a variety of subjects connected with the history of Carolina*. These were sent to well informed persons in every part of the state, and afterwards printed in the news papers. In conse- * Sir, Having made some progress in collecting materials for a general History of South-Carolina from its first settle- ment, I beg the favor of you to furnish me, in Charleston, with information on any subjects that may properly be incorporated in such a work ; and, in particular, with answers to all or any of the following inquiries, at least as far as they respect the vicini- ty of your residence. If you should not have leisure for this PREFACE. IX quence thereof much useful information has been received. purpose, I request that you would put them in the hands of some suitable person, who may be willing to collect and trans. mit the wished-for information. I am, your most obedient humble servant, Charleston, November 19,1798. DAVID RAMSAY. The time when the settlement of your parish or county be- gan ? the date of the oldest grants of land; and the place from which the first settlers migrated, with some account of the most remarkable of them ? The indian name of your parish or county ? what tribes of indians formerly occupied it ? notice of their monuments and relics which may remain ? if they have disappeared, when and by what means ? if still in your settlement, or the vicinity, what is their present state, condition, and number ? Biographical anecdotes of persons in your settlement, who have been distinguished for their ingenuity, enterprise, lite- rature, talents civil or military ? Topographical descriptions of your parish or county, or its vicinity—its mountains, rivers, ponds, animals, useful and rare vegetable productions : stones, especially such as may be useful for mills, lime, architecture, pavements, or for other purposes ; remarkable falls, caverns, minerals, sands, clays, chalk, flint, marble, pitcoal, pigments, medicinal or poisonous substances, their uses and antidotes 1 The former and present state of cultivation—what changes has it undergone ? an account of the first introduction of rice, indigo, &c. Your ideas of further improvements, either as to the introduction of new staples or the improvement of the old, or with respect to roads, bridges, canals, opening the navigation of the rivers or boatable waters ? An estimate of the expenses and profits of a well-cultivated field, of any given dimensions, say 20 acres, in tobacco, cotton, rice, wheat, or corn, with the average price of land ? The distinction of soils, with a notice of the productions to which they are respectively best adapted—a notice of the diffe- rent kinds of useful timber—the proportion between cleared and uncleared land—and of the proportions between the num- ber of inhabitants and number of acres ? What are the natural advantages in your vicinity for the erection of mills, and for other labor-saving machinery—for catching and curing fish, and for raising stock ? Singular instances of longevity and fecundity ? observations -\ PREFACE. All the early histories which treat of Carolina were attentively perused, but from thern little of consequence could be obtained. Dr. Hewat's his- torical account of the rise and progress of the colo- nies of South-Carolina and Georgia, was read with much more advantage—on it greater reliance was placed—and of it more use has been made, than of all the histories which had preceded. To him every Carolinian ought to be obliged for preserving many useful facts which otherwise would belore this day have been forgotten. His valuable work was writ- ten shortly before the american revolution when tradition went further back and was more recent than at present. Much of the information contain- ed therein is said to have been derived from lieute- nant governor William Bull who had been a public officer since 1740, and who was the son of lieute- on the weather, epidemic and other diseases, and the influence of the climate or of particular situations, employments, or ali- ments ; and especially the effects of spirituous liquors on the human constitution ? Is your population, distinguishing white from black, increasing, decreasing, or stationary ; and the causes and evidences thereof? \Y hat manufactures are carried on ? how have they been affected by the independence of these states, and by the estab- lishment of the federal constitution ; and your thoughts on the further improvements of them ? what public libraries have you ? what encouragement is given to schools and colleges ? and what has been done, or is doing, to advance literature or diffuse knowledge ? What churches are' there in your parish or county ? how long they have they been erected ? how are they supplied with preachers ? how are they attended on days of public wor- ship ? what has been done, or is doing, to promote morality and religion among the people ? The date, extent, consequences, and other circumstances of freshes, whirlwinds, hurricanes, or other remarkable events, which have taken place, as far back as can be recollected, in •, o:r county or parish ? PREFACE. XJ uant-governor Bull, and the grandson of Stephen Bull, who had held public offices in succession from the very first settlement of the colony. For the 34 eventful years of revolutionary war and civil im- provements which have intervened since Dr. Hewat wrote and the year 1808, the author has been a co- temporary witness of all, and an actor in several of the scenes which are the ground-work of the history ©f South-Carolina in that interesting period. Chalmer's political annals of the united colonies also afforded many statements of which use has been made. His knowledge was derived from an authen- tic source, the plantation office. In dates and early matters of fact, where he differed from other writers, his authority has been considered as paramount; but in matters of opinion, his assertions have been received with large allowance for the principles and feelings of a man who, in consequence of his adhe- rence to the king of Great-Britain, was not permitted to continue an inhabitant of the United States du- ring their revolutionary struggle for independence. Governor Drayton's view of South-Carolina affords more interesting detailed views of the interior econo- my of the state than had ever been given. His official station and duties as governor, opened to him sources of information inaccessible to all preceding writers. Much original matter previously unnoticed is con- tained in his valuable work, and of it use has been made in the following pages. After the proposals had been issued for publish Xli PUEFACi. ing the history of South-Carolina, and the greater part of it had been written, aflood of local intelligence, in answer to the preceding queries, poured in on the author. Much of this came too late to be incorpo- rated in its proper place; it was too valuable to be suppressed, and was therefore introduced in the ap- pendix in the form of statistical accounts. To his many correspondents the author returns the warm- est acknowledgments for their valuable communi- cations, which will be noticed in their proper place. To the reverend Donald M'Leod he is under very particular obligations for his minute, accurate, and satisfactory account of Edistoe island, and he begs leave to recommend it to others as a model worthy of imitation. If one or more persons in the diffe- rent districts or other portions of the state, will take the trouble of furnishing statements on the plan of Mr. M'Leod, the author pledges himself, if his life is spared, to connect the whole in one view, and give it to the public as a statistical account of South-Ca- rolina. If this proposal should be carried into effect a collection of facts useful to philosophers, legisla- tors, physicians, and divines, would be brought to licrht. The interior economy of the state, which is now the least known of any one in the union, would become the most known. South-Carolina would rise in the esteem of the citizens of other states, many of whom, from not knowing better, load it with reproaches it does not deserve; and deny it much of that credit to which it is justly entitled. DAVID RAMSAY. Charleston, December 31st, 1808. CIVIL HISTORY SOUTH^CASOLINA. CHAPTER I. Population. Columbus, by the discovery of America, intro- duced the old world to an acquaintance with the new. No sooner was the existence of a western continent known to the maritime powers of Europe, than they eagerly rushed forth to seize a portion of it for themselves. Though that part of the ameri- can coast which stretches from the 36th degree of north latitude to St. Augustine, was claimed by Spain, England, and France, yet they all for a long time neglected it. Nearly two centuries passed away subsequent to its discovery, before any perma- nent settlement was established in the tract of coun- try which is now called Carolina and Georgia. That germ of civilized population which took root, flourished, and spread in South-Carolina, was first planted at or near Port-Royal, in 1670, by a few VOL. I. $ CIVIL HISTORY. emigrants from England, under the direction of Wil- liam Sayle, the first governor of the province. Dis- satisfied with that situation, they removed, in 1671, to the western banks of Ashley river, and there laid the foundations of old Charlestown, on a plantation now belonging to Elias Lynch Horry. This site Avas injudiciously chosen, for it could not be ap- proached by vessels of large burden, and was there- fore abandoned. A second removal took place to Oyster-Point, formed by the confluence of the ri- vers Ashley and Cooper. There, in the year 1680* the foundation of the present city of Charleston was laid, and in one year thirty houses were built. Neither the number of these first settlers, nor their names, with the exception of William Sayle and Joseph West, have reached posterity. They could not, however, have been many; for all of them, to- gether with provisions, arms, and utensils requisite for their support, defence, and comfort, in a country inhabited only by savages, were brought from Eng- land to Carolina in two vessels. To increase the population, was a primary object. There is no evi- dence of any plan to procure settlers of any uniform description, either as to politics or religion, farther than that a decided preference was given to protes- tants. The emigrants were a medley of different * A monument in the circular church, erected to the memo- ry of Robert Tradd, states, " that he was the first male child born in Charlestown," and " that he died on the 30th of March, 1731, in the 52d year of his age." Though the precise ti'ne of his birth is not mentioned, the whole accords with other his- toric evidence, that Charlestown began, to be built in 1680. POPULATION. 3 nations and principles. From England the colony received both Roundheads and Cavaliers, the friends of the parliament, and the adherents to the royal family. The servants of the crown, from motives of policy, encouraged the emigration of the former; and grants of land were freely bestowed on the lat- ter, as a reward of their loyalty. Liberty of con- science, which was allowed to every one by the charter, proved a great encouragement to emigra- tion. The settlement commenced at a period when conformity to the church of England was urged with so high a hand, as to bear hard on many good men. In the reign of Charles the second and James the second, and till the revolution, which was eighteen years subsequent to the settlement of the province, dissenters labored under many grievances. They felt much, and feared more; for, in common with many others, they entertained serious apprehensions of a popish successor to the crown of England. Men of this description, from a laudable jealousy of the rights of conscience, rejoiced in the prospect of securing religious liberty, though at the expense of exchanging the endearments of home, and cultivated society, for the wilds of America. Such cheerfully embraced the offers of the proprietors; and from them Carolina received a considerable number of its earliest settlers. The inducements to emigration were so many and so various, that every year brought new adventurers to the province. The friends of the proprietors were allured to it by the prospect of obtaining land- ed states at an easy rate. Others took refuge in it 4 CIVIL HISTORY. from the frowns of fortune, and the rigor of credi- tors. Young men reduced to misery by folly and excess, embarked for the new settlement, where they had leisure to reform, and where necessity taught them the unknown virtues of prudence and temper- ance. Restless spirits, fond of roving, were gratifi- ed by emigration, and found in a new country abun- dant scope for enterprise and adventure. Besides individual emigrants, the colonv frequent- ly received groupes of settlers, from their attach- ment to particular leaders—some common calami- ty—or general impulse. The first of these was a small colony from Barbadoes, which arrived in 1671, under the auspices of Sir John Yeamans, who had obtained a large grant of land from the proprietors. With these were introduced the first, and, for a considerable time, the only slaves that were in Carolina. Shortly after the colony received a valuable addi- tion to its strength, from the dutch settlement of Nova-Belgia. This in 1674 was conquered by Eng- land, and thereupon acquired the name of New- York. Alter their subjugation, many of the dutch colonists, dissatisfied Avith their new masters, deter- mined to emigrate. The proprietors of Carolina offered them lands, and sent two ships for their ac- commodation, which conveyed a considerable num- ber of them to Charlestown. Stephen Bull, surveyor general of the colony, had instructions to mark out lands on the south-west side of Ashley river for their accommodation. They drew lots for their pro- perty, and formed a town which was called James- POPULATION'. 5 town. This was the first colony of dutch settlers in Carolina. Their industry surmounted incredible hardships, and their success induced many from an- cient Belgia afterwards to follow them to the west- ern world. The inhabitants of Jamestown, finding their situation too narrow, spread themselves over the country, and the town was deserted. In 1679, king Charles II. ordered two small ves- sels to be provided at his expense, to transport to Carolina several foreign protestants, who proposed to raise wine, oil, silk, and other productions of the soutK. Though they did not succeed in enriching the country with these valuable commodities, their descendants form a part of the present inhabitants. The revocation of the edict of Nantz, fifteen years subsequent to the settlement of Carolina, con- tributed much to its population. In it, soon after that event, were transplanted from France the stocks from which have v sprung the respectable families of Bonneau, Bounetheau, Bordeaux, Benoist, Boiseau, Bocquet, Bacot, Chevalier, Cordes, Couterier, Chas- taignier, Dupre, Delysle, Dubose, Dubois, De- veaux, Dutarque, De la Consiliere, De Leiseline, Douxsaint, Du Pont, Du Bourdieu, D'Harriette, Faucheraud, Foissin, Faysoux, Gaillard, Gendron, Gignilliat, Guerardj Godin, Girardeau, Guerin, Gourdine, Horry, Huger, Jeannerette, Legare, Lau- rens, La Roche, Lenud, Lansac, Marion, Mazyck, Manigault*, Mcllichamp, Mouzon, Michau, Neuf- * A letter written in french by Judith Manigault, the wife of Peter Manigault, who were the founders of the worthy fa- mily of that name, may give some-faint idca.of the sufferings of 6 CIVIL HISTORY. ville, Prioleau*, Peronneau, Perdriau, Porcher, Postell, Peyre, Poyas, Ravenel, Royer, Simons, Sa- razin, St. Julien, Serre, Trezevant. these frcnch protestant refugees. This lady, when about twen- ty years old, embarked in 1685 for Carolina, by the way of Lon- don. After her arrival, she wrote to her brother a letter, giving an account of her adventures. This letter translated into eng- lish, is as follows :—" Since you desire it, I will give you an ac- count of our quitting France, and of our arrival in Carolina. Dur- ing eight months, we had suffered from the contributions and the quartering of the soldiers, with many other inconveniences. We therefore resolved on quitting France by night, leaving the sol- diers in their beds, and abandoning the house with its furniture. We contrived to hide ourselves at Romans, in Dauphigny, for ten days, while a search was made after us ; but our hostess being faithful, did not betray us when questioned if she had seen us. From thence we passed to Lyons—from thence to Dijon—from which place, as well as from Langres, my eldest brother wrote to you; but I know not if either of the letters reached you. He informed you that we were quitting France. He went to Madame de Choiseul's, which was of no avail as she was dead, and her son-in-law had the command of every thing: moreover, he gave us to understand that he perceived our intention of quitting France, and if we asked any favors from him, he * The rev. Elias Prioleau, the founder of the eminently re- spectable family of that name in Carolina, migrated thither soon after the revocation of the edict of Nantz, and brought with him from France a considerable part of his protestant con- gregation. He was the grandson of Anthoine Prioli, who was elected doge of Venice in the year 1618. Many of his nume- rous descendants, who were born and constantly resided in or near Charleston, have approached or exceeded their 70th year: and several have survived, or now survive their 80th. POPULATION. / These, and several other french protestants, in consequence of the revocation of the edict of Nantz, repaired to Carolina, and became useful in- habitants. Many of their descendants have been, would inform against us. We therefore made the best of our way for Metz, in Lorraine, where we embarked on the river Moselle, in order to go to Treves—from thence we passed to Cochieim, and to Coblentz—from thence to Cologne, where we quitted the Rhine, to go by land to Wesel, where we met with an host, who spoke a little french, and who informed us we were only thirty leagues from Lunenburg. We knew that you were in winter quarters there, by a letter of yours, receiv- ed fifteen days before our departure from France, which men- tioned that you should winter there. Our deceased mother and myself earnestly besought my eldest brother to go that way with us ; or, leaving us with her, to pay you a visit alone. It was in the depth of winter: but he would not hear of it, hav- ing Carolina so much in hi6 head that he dreaded losing any opportunity of going thither. Oh, what grief the losing so fine an opportunity of seeing you at least once more, has caus- ed me ! How have I regretted seeing a brother show so little feeling, and how often have I reproached him with it! but he was our master, and we were constrained to do as he pleased. We passed on to Holland, to go from thence to England. I do not recollect exactly the year, whether '84 or 85, but it was that in which king Charles of England died, (Feb. 1685.) We re- mained in London three months, waiting for a passage to Caro- lina. Having embarked, we were sadly off: the spotted fever made its appearance on board our vessel, of which disease ma- ny died, and among them our aged mother. Nine months elapsed before our arrival in Carolina. We touched at two ports—one a Portuguese, and the other an island called Ber- muda, belonging to the english, to refit our vessel, which had b§en much injured in a storm. Our captain having commit- 8 CIVIL HISTORY. and are, respectable and distinguished citizens*. They generally at first established themselves on Santee river ; and from them that part of the coun- try in old maps was called French Santee. ted some misdemeanor, was put in prison, and the vessel seiz- ed. Our money was all spent, and it was with great difficulty we procured a passage in another vessel. After our arrival in Carolina, we suffered every kind of evil. In about eighteen months our elder brother, unaccustomed to the hard labor we were obliged to undergo, died of a fever. Since leaving France we had experienced every kind of affliction—disease- pestilence—famine—poverty—hard labor. I have been for six months together without tasting bread, working the ground like a slave ; and I have even passed three or four years without always having it when I wanted it. God has done great things for us, in enabling us to bear up under so many trials. I should never have done, were I to attempt to detail to you all our ad- ventures : Let it suffice that God has had compassion on me, and changed my fate to a more happy one, for which glory be unto him." The writer of the above letter died in 1711, se- ven years after she had given birth to Gabriel Manigault, who in a long and useful life accumulated a fortune bo large, as ena- bled him to aid the asylum of his persecuted parents with a loan of S 220,000, for carrying on its revolutionary struggle for liberty and independence. This was done at an early period of the contest, when no man was certain whether it would termi- nate in a revolution or a rebellion. * Three of the nine presidents of the old congress which conducted the United States through the revolutionary war, were descendants of french protestant refugees, who had mi- grated to America in consequence of the revocation of the edict of Nantz. The persons alluded to were Henry Laurens, of South-Carolina; John Jay, of New-York; and Elias Boudi- not, of New-Jersey. I POPULATION. Cj Besides the french refugees who came directly from France, there was a considerable number which, after a short residence in the northern countries of Europe and of America, particularly New-York, re- paired to Carolina", as a climate more similar to the * one from which they had been driven, than the bleaker regions to which they had first resorted. Thus Carolina became a general rendezvous of french protestants, as had been originally contem- plated -by one of their distinguished leaders, shortly after the discovery of America *. In the year 1696, Carolina received a small ac- cession of inhabitants, by the arrival of a congrega- tional church from Dorchester in Massachusetts, who, with their minister, the rev. Joseph Lord, * As early as .the year 1562 admiral Coligny, a zealous hu- guenot, formed a project for founding an asylum for french protestants in America. He succeeded so far as to effect a settlement under the direction of John Ribault somewhere on the coast of Carolina, most probably on or near the island of St. Helena. These french seitlers not being well supported, be- came discontented; and afterwards the whole of them put to sea, with a scanty stock of provisions. Pinched with hunger, they killed one of their number, who consented to be made a victim to save his comrades. The survivors were taken up by an english ship, and carried into England. Two years after, or in 1564, M. Rene Laudonniere, with a considerable rein- forcement, arrived at-the river of "May on the same coast after it had been abandoned. This second groupe of french protes- tants was killed by Pedro Melendez a Spanish officer, who had received orders from his king to drive the huguenots out of the country, and to settle it with good catholics. In execution ©f this order lie hung several of the french settlers, and sus- VOL. I. C 10 CIVIL HISTORY. settled in a body near the head of Ashley river, about twenty-two miles from Charlestown. In the year 1712 the assembly passed a law di- recting the public receiver to pay, out of the treasury, fourteen pounds current money to the owners or importers of each healthy male british servant, not a criminal, betwixt the age of twelve and thirty years. No considerable groupes of settlers are known to have emigrated to South-Carolina, between \696 and 1730, but the province continued to advance in population from the arrival of many individuals. It in particular received k considerable accession of inhabitants from Georgia, at the first settlement of that colony. The colonists there were prphibited the use of spirituous liquors, and were not suffered pendcd over them a label signifying, " I do not do this as to frenchmen, but as to lutherans." The Spanish conquerors took the stand of the vanquished french, and fortified it, But their cruelty was retaliated by Dominique De Gourges, who soon after sailed from France with a considerable force. On his ar- rival he successfully attacked the Spanish settlement, and after killing many in action, he hung the survivors on the same trees on which his countrymen had been previously hung, and with a searing iron impressed on a tablet of wood this inscription, " I do not do this as to Spaniards, but as to robbers and murder- el's." The victors, after razing the forts and destroying the settlement, returned to France. The country, thus abandoned by both french and Spaniards, remained in the undisturbed pos- session of the indians for more than a hundred years. Soon after the end of that period, it was taken possession of by the english, and under their auspices became an asylum for french protestants, as it had been originally intended by admiral Coligny. POPULATION. 11 to own slaVes. Several of them soon found that Carolina Mould suit them better. In a few years after the royal purchase of the province in 1729, vi- gorous measures, which shall be hereafter relatsd, were adopted by government for filling the country with inhabitants. Contracts were made—bounties offered—free lands assigned—and other induce- ments held out to allure settlers. The door was thrown open to protestants of all nations. Besides the distressed subjects of the british dominions, mul- titudes of the poor and unfortunate closed with these offers; and emigrated from Switzerland, Holland, and Germany. Between the years 1730 and 1750, a great addition was made to the strength of the pro- vince from these sources ; Orangeburg, Congaree, and Wateree, received a large proportion of the ger- man emigrants. Numbers of palatines arrived every year. The vessels which brought them over usually returned with a load of rice, and made pro- fitable voyages. After some time the king of Prus- sia suddenly put a stop to this intercourse, by refu- sing to the emigrating palatines a passage through his dominions. Williamsburg township was the ren- dezvous of the irish. The swiss took their stand on the north-east banks of the river Savannah. Soon after the suppression of the rebellions of 1715 and 1745, in Scotland, many of the vanquished Highlan- ders were transported to, or voluntarily sought an asylum in South-Carolina. In the course of eighty years, or about the middle of the 18th century, the most valuable lands in the low country were taken up; and settlements were 12 CIVTL HISTORY. gradually progressing westwardly on favorite spots in the middle and upper country. The extinction of indian claims by a cession of territory to the king, was necessary to the safety of the advancing set- tlers. This was obtained in 1755. In that year, governor Glen met the cherokee warriors in their own country, and held a treaty with them. After the usual ceremonies were ended, the governor-made a speech to the assembled warriors in the name of his king; representing his great power, wealth, and goodness, and his particular regard for his children the Cherokees. He reminded them of the happiness they had long enjoyed by living under his protection ; and added, that he had many presents to make them and expected they would surrender a share of their territories in return. He informed them of the ■wicked designs of the french, and hoped they would permit none of them to enter their towns. He de- manded lands to build two forts in their country, to protect them against their enemies, and to be a retreat to their friends and allies, who furnished them with arms, ammunition, hatchets, clothes, and every thing that they wanted. WThen the governor had finished his speech, Chu- lochcullak arose, and in answer spoke to the follow- ing effect. " What I now speak, our father the great king should hear. We are brothers to the people of Carolina; one house covers us all." Then taking a boy by the hand, he presented him to the governor saying, " we, our wives, and our children, are all children of the great king George; I have firought this child, that when he grows up he may POPULATION. 13 remember our agreement on this day, and tell it to the next generation, that it may be known for ever." Then opening his bag of earth, and laying the same at the governor's feet, he said : " We freely surren- der a part of our lands to the great king. The french want our possessions, but we will defend them while one of our nation shall remain alive." Then delivering the governor a string of wampum, in con- firmation of what he said, he added ; " My speech is at an end—it is the voice of the cherokee nation. I hope the governor will send it to the king, that it may be kept for ever." At this congress, a prodigious extent of territory was ceded to the king of England. Deeds of con- veyance were drawn up, and formally executed, by the head men of the cherokees in the name of the whole nation. It contained not only much rich land, but an air and climate more healthy than in the mari- time parts. It exhibited many pleasant and roman- tic scenes, formed by an intermixture of beautiful hills—fruitful vallies—rugged rocks—clear streams, and pleasant waterfalls. The acquisition, at that time, was of importance to Carolina; for it remov- ed the savages at a greater distance from the settle- ments, and allowed the inhabitants liberty to extend backwards in proportion as their numbers increased. After the cession of these lands, governor Glen built a fort about three hundred miles from Charles- town. This was afterwards called fort Prince George, and was situated on the banks of the river Savannah, and within gun shot of an indian town cal- led Keowee. About an hundred and seventy miles 14 CIVIL HISTORY. farther down a second strong hold, called fort Moore, was constructed in a beautiful commanding situa- tion, on the banks of the same river. In the year following a third fort was erected, called fort Lou- don, among the upper cherokees, situated on Te- nessee river, upwards of five hundred miles from Charlestown. At the time governor Glen was procuring addi- tional territory for South-Carolina, the events of war were furnishing inhabitants for its cultivation. The province of Nova-Scotia was originally settled by the french, under the name of Acadie. When the province was surrendered to the english, by the trea- ty of Utrecht, it was stipulated for the inhabitants that they should be permitted to hold their lands on condition of taking the oath of allegiance to their ne$ sovereign. With this condition they refused to com- ply, without annexing to it as a qualification that they should not be called upon to bear arms in de- fence of the province. Though this qualification to their oaths of alle- giance, which was acceded to by the commanding officer of the british forces, was afterwards disallow- ed by the crown, yet the french inhabitants of Nova- Scotia continued to consider themselves as neutrals. Their love of, France, however, would not permit them to conform their conduct to the character they had assumed. In all the contests between the two nations, respecting the possession of their country, ' or the boundaries of Nova-Scotia, their conduct was influenced rather by their wishes than their duty, and about three hundred of them were cantured in POPULATION. 15 the year 1755, with the french garrison of Beau Se- jour, fighting against the english. In the obstinate conflict which was then commenc- ing between France and England for american ter- ritory, the continuance of these acadian neutrals in Nova-Scotia was thought dangerous. To expel them from the country, leaving them at liberty to choose their place of residence, would be to reinforce the french in Canada. A council was held for the purpose of deciding on the destinies of these unfor- tunate people; and the severe policy was adopted of removing them from their homes, and dispersing them among the other british colonies. This harsh measure was immediately put into execution. About 1500 of them were sent to Charlestown. Some of these exiles have risen to wealth and distinction in Carolina, though it was not originally their country either by birth or choice; but most of them in a short time after peace, left the country. They were, in general, a hard-working people. Among them were several industrious fishermen, who plentifully supplied the market with fish. Soon after the conclusion of the treaty, between governor Glen and the indians, the settlers began to stretch backward, and occupied lands above an hun- dred and fifty miles from the shores of the atlantic. New emigrants from Ireland, Germany, and the northern colonies, obtained grants in these interior parts; and introduced the cultivation of wheat, hemp, flax, and tobacco, for which the soil answer- ed better than in the low-lands near the sea. Their cattle, sheep, hogs, and horses, multiplied rapidly1: \6! CIVIL HISTORY. having a country of vast extent to range over, they found plenty of provisions in almost every season. New settlers were invited to these hilly and more healthy parts, where they labored with greater safe- ty than among the swamps. By degrees, public roads were made, and they conveyed their produce in waggons to the capital, where they found an ex- cellent market for all their productions. The lands thus obtained by treaty form the present districts of Edgefield, Abbeville, Laurens0 Newberry, Union, Spartanburg, York, Chester, Fairfield, and Richland. Their value, in a few years after their cession, was enhanced by the peace of Paris, in 1763; for the stipulations therein con- tained gave security to the frontiers, and settled all disputes about the boundaries of the english colonies. By the cession of Florida it removed troublesome neighbors, and left the savages so much in the pow- er of the english as to deter them from future hos- tilities. The population of the newly acquired ter- ritory, from that period, increased with unusual ra- pidity. The assembly, desirous of strengthening their frontier, wisely appropriated a large fund for bounties to foreign protestants, and such industrious poor people of Britain and Ireland, as should resort to the province within three years and settle on the inland 'parts. Two townships, each containing 4S,000 acres, were laid out to be divided among emigrants, allowing one hundred acres for every man, and fifty for every woman and child, that should come and settle in them. The face of the country in those interior parts, is variable and beau- POPULATION. 17 tiful. The air mild and wholesome, and the soil ex- ceedingly fertile. The salubrity of the climate, con- nected with the provincial bounty, and the fertility of the soil, induced great numbers to fix themselves in these western regions. About the same time, a remarkable affair happen- ed in Germany, by which South-Carolina received a considerable acquisition. One Stumpel, who had been an officer in the king of Prussia's service, be- ing reduced at the peace, applied to the british mi- nistry for a tract of land in America; and having got some encouragement returned to Germany, where, by deceitful promises, he seduced between five and six hundred ignorant people from their na- tive country. When these poor palatines arrived in England, Stumpel, finding himself unable to perform his promises, fled, leaving thein without money or friends, exposed in the open field, and ready to pe- rish through want. Wrhile they were in this starv- ing condition, a humane clergyman took compas- sion on them, and published their deplorable case in a newspaper. He pleaded for the mercy and protection of government, until an opportunity mipht offer of transporting them to some of the bri- tish colonies. A bounty of three hundred pountls was allowed them. Tents were ordered for the ac- commodation of such as had been permitted to come ashore, and money was sent for the relief of those that were confined on board. The public spi- rited citizens of London chose a committee to raise money for the relief of these poor palatines. In a, few days these nnfortunate strangers, from the vol. i. D 18 CIVIL HISTORY. depth of indigence and distress, were raised to com.. fortable circumstances. The committee, finding the money received more than sufficient to relieve their present distress, applied to the king to know his roy- al pleasure with respect to the future disposal of the german protestants. His majesty, sensible that his colony of South-Carolina had not its proportion of white inhabitants, signified his desire of transporting them to that province. Accordingly two ships of two hundred tons each were provided for their accommodation, and provi- sions of all kinds laid in for the voyage. An hun- dred and fifty stand of arms were given to them for their defence after their arrival in America. Every thing being ready for their embarkation, the pala- tines broke up their camp and proceeded to the ships, attended by several of their benefactors, of whom they took their leave with songs of praise to God in their mouths and tears of gratitude in their eyes. In the month of April, 1764, they arrived at Charlestown, and presented a letter from the lords commissioners for trade and plantations to governor Boone; acquainting him that his majesty had been pleased to take the poor palatines under his royal care and protection; and, as many of them were versed in the culture of silk and vines, had ordered that a settlement be provided for them in Carolina, in a situation most proper for these purposes. The assembly voted five hundred pounds sterling to be distributed among them. That they might be set- tled in a hody, one of the two townships was allot- POPULATION. 19. ted for them and divided in the most equitable man- ner into small tracts, for the accommodation of each family, and all possible assistance was given to- wards promoting their speedy and comfortable set- tlement. In the same year Carolina received 212 settlers from France. Soon after the peace of Paris, the rev. Mr. Gibert, a pupular preacher, prevailed on a number of persecuted protestant families to seek an asylum in South-Carolina. On his solicitation, the government of England encouraged the project, and furnished the means of transportation. Mr. Gibert repaired to England, and directed the movements of the refugees. They found it necessary to leave France privately, at different times, and in small numbers. After leaving their native country, they rendezvoused at Plymouth, and sailing from that port arrived in Charlestown in April, 1764. They were received by the Carolinians with great kindness and hospitality. They, generally, retired to spend the approaching summer in Beaufort. But in the month of October following they returned to Charlestown. and set out for the back country, having lost but one of their number since their landing. The pro- vince furnished them with the means of conveyance to Long Cane. Vacant lands were laid out for their use; and they received warrants for the quan- tities of land granted to them respectively, by the bounty of the provincial assembly. On their arri- val at the place assigned them, they gave it the name of New-Bourdeaux, after the capital of the province from which most of them had emigrated. They have l20 CIVIL HISTORY. been distinguished for their industry and good mo- rals. The climate has agreed so well with them, that they have generally enjoyed good health, and several of them have survived their 80th year. The manufacture of silk is still continued among them. The nephew of the original projector of the settlement is one of the present representatives of Abbeville district, in the state legislature. This was the third groupe of settlers Carolina received from France. Besides foreign protestants, several persons from England and Scotland resorted to Carolina after the peace of 1763. But of all other countries, none has furnished the province with so many inhabitants as Ireland. Scarce a ship sailed from any of its ports for Charlestown that was not crowded with men, women, and children. The bounty allowed to new settlers, induced numbers of these people to resort to Carolina. The merchants finding this bounty equivalent to the expenses of the passage, persuaded the people to embark. Many causes may be assigned for this spirit of emigration from Ire- land, but domestic oppression was the most power- ful and prevalent. Nor were these the only sources from which an increase Of population was at this time derived. Notwithstanding the vast extent of territory con- tained in the provinces of Virginia and Pennsylva- nia, a scarcity of improvable lands began to be felt in these colonies, and poor people could not find vacant spots in them equal to their expectations. In Carolina the case was difterent; for there large POPULATION. 21 tracts of the best lands lay waste. This induced many of the northern colonists to migrate to the south. About this time above a thousand families with their effects, in the space of one year, resorted to South-Carolina, driving their cattle, hogs, and, horses over land before them. Lands were allotted them in its western woods, which soon became the most populous parts of the province. The frontiers were not only strengthened and secured by new set- tlers, but the old ones began to stretch backward, and the demand for lands in the interior parts every year increased. From the time in which America was secured by the peace of 1763, and particularly for the twelve subsequent years, the province made rapid progress in agriculture, numbers, and wealth. In the revolutionary war, which commenced in 1775, little addition was made either to the popula- tion or settlements in South-Carolina. But this was amply compensated by the multitudes from Europe and the more northern parts of America, which pour- ed into the state, shortly after the peace of 1763. The two new western districts now called Pendleton and G reenville, which were obtained by treaty founded on conquest from the cherokee indians in 1777, filled so rapidly with inhabitants, that in the year 1800 they alone contained upwards of 30,000 in- habitants; which exceeded the population of the whole province in the 64th year from its first set- tlement. Hitherto Carolina had been an asylum to those who fled from tyranny and persecution—to the ex- ile__the weary and heavy laden—the wretched and CIVIL HISTORY. unfortunate—and to those who were bowed down with poverty and oppression. A new variety of hu- man misery was lately presented for the exercise of its hospitality. The insecurity of life, liberty, and property, in revolutionary France, and the indis- criminate massacre of frenchmen in St. Domingo, drove several hundreds in the last years of the 18th century to the shores of Carolina. They were kind- ly received; and, such as Avere in need, received a temporary accommodation at the expense of the pub- lic. Most of them fixed their residence in or near Charleston. These were the last groupe of settlers the state received from foreign countries. The new states and territories to the southward and westward, draw to them so many of the inhabitants of South-Carolina, that emigration from it at present nearly balances mi- gration to it. Its future population must in a great measure depend on the natural increase of its own inhabitants. So much of the soil is unimproved, or so imperfectly cultivated, that the introduction and extension of a proper system of husbandry will af- ford support to ten times the number of its present inhabitants. So many and so various have been the sources from which Carolina has derived her population, that a considerable period must elapse, before the people amalgamate into a mass possessing an uni- form national character. This event daily draws nearer; for each successive generation drops a part of the peculiarities of its immediate predecessors. The influence of climate and government will have POPULATION. 23 a similar effect. The different languages and dia- lects, introduced by the settlers from different coun- tries, are gradually giving place to the english. So much similarity prevails among the descendants of the early emigrants from the old world, that stran- gers cannot ascertain the original country of the an- cestors of the present race. If comparisons among the different nations which have contributed to the population of Carolina were proper it might be added, that the scotch, and dutch, were the most useful emigrants. They both brought with them, and generally retained in an eminent de- gree, the virtues of industry and economy so pecu- liarly necessary in a new country. To the former South-Carolina is indebted for much of its early literature. A great proportion of- its physicians, clergymen, lawyers, and schoolmasters, were from North-Britain. The scotch, had also the address frequently to advance themselves by marriage. The instances of their increasing the property thus ac- quired, are many—of their dissipating it very few. Emigrants from all countries on application readi- ly obtained grants of land; either by private agree- ment from the proprietors, or from officers appoint- ed by them, and acting under their instructions. The fees of office were not unreasonable. The price first fixed by the proprietors, was at the rate of <£20 sterling for a thousand acres, and an annual quit- rent of one shilling for every hundred acres. W'hen a warrant for taking up land was obtained the per- son, in whose favor it was granted, had to choose 24 CIVIL HISTORY. where it should be located. It was then surveyed and marked. Plats and grants were also signed, recorded, and delivered to the purchasers. This was the common mode of obtaining landed estates in Ca- rolina, and the tenure was a freehold. They who could not advance the purchase money, obtained their lands on condition of their paying one penny annual rent for every acre. The first settlers, hav- ing the first choice of lands, had great advantages; and many of their descendants now enjoy large and valuable estates, purchased by their ancestors for in- considerable sums. This mode of settlement by in- discriminate location, dispersed the inhabitants over the country without union or system. The settlers generally preferred the sea coast—the margins of rivers-—and other fertile grounds ; and gradually lo- cated themselves westwardly on the good land, 'leaving the bad untouched. For the first eighty years, they had advanced very little beyond an equal number of miles; but in the following fifty, they- stretched to the alleghany mountains nearly three hundred miles from the ocean. While the people of New-England extended their settlements exclusively by townships, presenting a compact front to the in- dians, and coextending the means of instruction in religion and learning with their population, South- Carolina, in common with the other southern pro- vinces proceeding on the former plan, deprived her inhabitants of the many advantages connected with compact settlements. These evils are now done away; for, since the revolution, nearly all the vacant POPULATION. 25 iand in the state has been taken up. They who have been obliged to content themselves with t.ie long neglected poor lands, have the consolation that what they lost one way is made up in another : lor it is found, that the high and dry pine land is by far the most healthv. VOL. i. CIVIL HISTORY OF SOUTH-CARQLINA. CHAPTER II. Proprietary government, from its commencement in 1670, till its abolition in 1719- In the course of the 130 years, in which South- Carolina increased from a handful of adventurers to 345,591 inhabitants, the government was changed first, from proprietary to regal; and secondly, from regal to representative. The first continued forty- nine years, the second fifty-seven; and the third, af- ter a lapse of thirty-two years, is now in the bloom and vigor of youth, promising a long duration. Near the end of the 15th century the king of England, according to currently received opinions, obtained a property in the soil of North America, from the circumstance that Cabot, one of his sub- jects, was the first christian who sailed along the coast. Property thus easily acquired, was with equal facility given away. Charles the second, soon after his restoration to the throne of his ancestors, granted to Edward earl of Clarendon, George duke of Albemarle, William lord Craven. John lord ^8 CIVIL HISTORY. Berkeley, Anthony lord Ashley, sir George Carte ret, sir William Berkely, and sir John Colleton, all the lands lying between the 31st and 36th degree of north latitude. In two years more he enlarged the grant from the 29th degree of north latitude to 36s 30', and from these points on the sea coast westward- ly in parallel lines to the pacific ocean. Of this immense region the king constituted them absolute lords and proprietors, with the reservation of the do- minion of the country to himself and successors. These extensive limits underwent many changes from the resumption of royal charters—treaties, particularly those of 1763 and 1783—royal instruc- tions to governors—boundary lines run, and settle- ments made by authorized commissioners—state cession to congress—conquests from, and treaties with indians. The present situation and limits of South-Caroli- na, are as follows. It is situated in North America; between thirty-two and thirty five degrees eight min- utes, and six degrees ten minutes west longitude, from Washington, the seat of government of the United States of America. North-Carolina stretches along its northern and north-eastern frontier. Tenessec along its north-western, and Georgia along its south- ern frontier; and the atlantic ocean bounds its eastern limits. South-Carolina is bounded northwardly, by a line commencing at a cedar stake marked with nine notches on the shore of the atlantic ocean, near the mouth of Little river, then pursuing by many traver- ses a course w est north west, until it arrives at the PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT, 1670--1719- 29 iork of Catanba river—thence due west until it ar- rives at a point of intersection in the Apalachean mountains. From thence, due south until it strikes Chatuga, the most northern branch or stream of Tugoloo river. Thence along the said river Tugo- loo to its confluence with the river Keowee. Thence along the river Savannah, until it intersects the afelan- tic ocean by its most northern mouth. Thence north-eastwardly, along the atlantic ocean including the islands, until it intersects the northern boundary near the entrance of Little river. These bounda- ries include an area somewhat triangular, of about twenty four thousand and eighty square miles; where- of nine thousand five hundred and seventy lie above the falls of the rivers, and fourteen thousand five hundred and ten, are between the falls and the atlan- tic ocean. King Charles the second also gave to the lords proprietors of Carolina, authority to enact, with the assent of the freemen of the colony, any laws they should judge necessary—to erect courts/of judica- ture—and to appoint judges, magistrates, and offi- cers—to erect forts, castles, cities, and towns—to make war, and in case of necessity, to exercise mar- tial, law—to build harbors—make ports—and enjoy customs and subsidies, imposed with the consent of the freemen, on goods loaded and unloaded. The king also granted to the proprietors authority to al- low indulgences and dispensations in religious af- fairs, and that no person to whom such liberty should be granted was to be molested for any difference of speculative opinions with respect to religion, provid- ed he did not disturb the peace of the community. 30 CIVIL HISTORY. The preamble of this grant states, " That the grantees being excited with a laudable and pious zeal for the propagation of the gospel, begged a cer- tain country in the parts of America, not yet culti- vated and planted, or only inhabited by some bkr- barous people who had no knowledge of God." In- vested with these ample powers, the proprietors formed a joint stock for the transportation of set- tlers to their projected colony. To induce adventu- rers, they declared, " That all persons settling on Charles-river, to the southward of Cape Fear, shall have power to fortify its banks, taking the oath of allegiance to the king, and submitting to the govern- ment of the proprietors: that the emigrants may present to them thirteen persons, in order that they may appoint a governor and council of six for three years : that an assembly, composed of the governor, the council, and delegates of the freemen, should be called as soon as the circumstances of the colony would allow, w ith power to make laws which should be neither contrary to the laws of England, nor of any validity after the publication of the dissent of the proprietors: that every person, should enjoy the most perfect freedom in religion : that during five years every freeman should be allowed one hundred acres of lands and fifty for every servant, paying only one halfpenny an acre : that the same freedom from customs which had been conferred by the royal charter, should be allowed to every one." Such were the original conditions on which Carolina was planted. And thus it was established upon the broad foundation of a regular system of freedom. both civil and religious. PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT, 1 670--1719. 31 The proprietors, anxious to improve their proper- ty, with the aid of the celebrated John Locke, framed a constitution and laws for the government of their colony. These were in substance as fol- lows : " The eldest of the eight proprietors was al ways to be palatine, and at his decease was to be succeeded by the eldest of the seven survivors. This palatine was to sit as president of the palatine's court, of which he and three more of the proprietors made a quorum, and had the management and ex- ecution of the powers of their charter. This court was to stand in room of the king, and give their as- sent or dissent to all laws made .by the legislature of the colony. The palatine was to have power tQ nominate and appoint the governor, who, after ob- taining the royal approbation, became his repre- sentative in Carolina. Each of the seven proprie- tors was to have the privilege of appointing a depu- ty to sit as his representative in parliament, and to act agreeably to his instructions. Besides a go- vernor, two other branches, somewhat similar to the old Saxon constitution, were to be established; an upper and lower house of assembly: which three branches were to be called a parliament, and to constitute the legislature of the country. The par- liament was to be chosen every two years. No act of the legislature was to have any force unless rati- fied in open parliament during the same session, and even then to continue no longer in force than the next biennial parliament, unless in the mean time it be ratified by the hands and seals of the palatine, and three proprietors. The upper house was to con- 32 CIVIL HISTORY. sist of the seven deputies, seven of the oldest land- graves and cassiques, and seven chosen by the as- sembly. As in the other provinces, the lower house was to be composed of the representatives from the different counties and towns. Several officers were also to be appointed, such as an admiral, a secretary, a chief justice, a surveyor, a treasurer, a marshal, and register; and besides these each county was to have a sheriff, and four justices of the peace. Three classes of nobility were to be established, called ba- rons, cassiques, and landgraves ; the first to possess twelve, the second twenty-four, and the third forty- eight thousand acres of land, and their possessions were to be unalienable. Military officers were also to be nominated; and all inhabitants, from sixteen to sixty years of age, as in the times of feudal govern- ment, when regularly summoned, were*to appear under arms, and in time of war to take the field. With respect to religion, three terms of communion were fixed. First, to believe that there is a God. Secondly, that he is to be worshipped. And thirdly, that it is law ful and the duty of every man when called upon by those in authority, to bear witness to the truth. Without acknowledging which7 no man was permitted to be a freeman, or to have any es- tate or habitation in Carolina. But persecution for observing different modes and ways of worship, was expressly forbidden; and every man was to be left full liberty of conscience, and mig';t worship God in that manner which he thought most conformable to the divine will and revealed word. Notwithstanding these preparations, several year* / PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT, 1670--1719- 33 elapsed before the proprietors of Carolina made any serious efforts towards its settlement. In 1667 they fitted out a ship, gave the command of it to captain William Sayle, and sent him out to bring them some account of the country. He sailed along the coast of Carolina, where he observed several large naviga- ble rivers emptying themselves into the ocean; and a flat country covered with woods. He attempted to go ashore in his boat, but observing some savages on the banks of the rivers he desisted. Having ex- plored the coast and the mouths of the rivers, he re- turned to England. His report to the proprietors was favorable. He praised their possessions, and encouraged them to engage with vigor in the execution of their project. Thus encouraged, they began to make preparations for sending a colony to commence a settlement. Two ships were procured ; on board of which a num- ber of adventurers embarked w ith provisions, arms, and utensils requisite for building and cultivation. William Sayle, who had visited the country, was appointed the first governor of it; and received a commission, bearing date July 26th 1669. The expenses of this first embarkation amounted to twelve thousand pounds sterling. The settlers must have been few in number, and no wrays adequate to the undertaking*. The country now called Caro- * We have the authority of John Archdale, governor of South-Carolina in 1695,that the number of hostile indians was eonsiderably lessened about the time this settlement took place. In the second page of his description of South-Carolina, printed in 1707, in London, he observed, " That in the first settlement of Carolina, the hand of God was eminently seen in thinning vol. I. F 4 34 CIVIL HISTORY. lina, on which they settled, was then an immense hunting ground filled with wild animals ; overgrown with forests—partly covered with swamps—and roamed over, rather than inhabited, by a great num- ber of savage tribes, subsistingt on the chase and often at war with each other. Governor Sayle first landed at or near Beaufort, early in 1670, but soon moved northwardly and took possession of some high ground on the western banks of Ashley river, near its mouth; and there laid the foundations of old Charlestown. This was also abandoned; and in 1680 Oyster Point, at the con- fluence of Ashley and Cooper rivers, was fixed up- on as the seat of government, and head-quarters of the settlement. Soon after his arrival governor Sayle died, and was succeeded by Joseph West; and he by sir John Yeamans, who left the colony, and was succeeded by Joseph West on a second appoint-1 ment. These changes took place in the short space of four years. The people, who had hitherto lived under a species of military government, began about this time to form a legislature for establishing civil regulations. In the year 1674 the freemen of Ca- the indians to make room for the english. As for example ; in Carolina in which were seated two potent nations, called the westoes and savannahs, which contained many thousands, who broke out into an unusual civil war; and thereby reduced them- selves into a small number: and the westoes, the more cruel of the two, were at the last forced quite out of thui province; and the savannahs continued good friends and useful neighbors to the english. But again it at other times pleased Almighty God to send unusual sicknesses amongst them, as the small-pox, &c to lessen their numbers ; so that the english, in comparison to the Spaniards, have but little indian blood to answer for." » PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT, 1670—1719- 35 rolina, meeting by summons at old Charlestown, elected representatives for the government of the colony. There was now the governor, and upper and loweriiouse of assembly; and these three branch- es took the name of parliament. Of the laws pas- sed by them nothing is known. The first law which has been found on record in the office of the secreta- ry of the province, is dated May 26th, 1682 ; eight years subsequent to the first meeting of the first parliament in Carolina. Many were the difficulties Avith which these settlers had to contend. , They were obliged to stand in a constant posture of de- fence. While one party was employed in raising their little habitations, another was always kept under arms to watch the indians. While they gathered oysters with one hand for subsistence, they were obliged to carry guns in the other for self-defence. The only fresh provisions they could procure were fish from the river, or what game they could kill with their guns. They raised their scanty crops not only with the sweat of their brows, but at the risk of their lives. Except a few negroes, whom sir John Yeamans and his followers brought with them from Barbadoes, there were no laborers but europeans. Till the trees were felled, and the grounds cleared, domestic animals could afford to the planters no assistance. White men, exposed to the heat of the climate and the terrors of surround- ing savages, had alone to encounter the hardships of clearing and cultivating the ground. Provisions, when raised, were exposed to the plundering parties of indians. One day often robbed a planter of the dear-bought fruits of a whole year's toil. European 36 eiviL HISTORY. grains, with whicn were made the first experiments of planting, proved suitable neither to soil nor cli- mate. Spots of barren and sandy land, which were first and most easily cleared, poorly rewarded the toil of the cultivator. It was difficult for the pro- prietors to furnish a regular supply of provisions. All the horrors of a famine were anticipated. The people feeling much, and fearing more, threatened to compel the governor to abandon the settlement*. One sloop was dispatched to Virginia, and another to Barbadoes to bring provisions. Before their re- turn a supply arrived from England, together with some new settlers, which reanimated the expiring hopes of the colonists. It might have been expected that these adventu- rers, who were all embarked on the same design, would be animated by one spirit and zealous to maintain harmony, and peace, among themselves; for they had all the same hardships to encounter, and the same enemies to fear; yet the reverse took place. The most numerous party in the country were dis- senters from the established church of England. A number of cavaliers having received ample grants of lands, brought over their families and effects and also settled in Carolina. The cavaliers were highly favored by the proprietors, and respected as men of honor, loyalty, and fidelity. They met with great encouragement, and were generally preferred to of- * A similar measure had been carried into effect by some french settlers, « ho had located themselves on the coast of Ca- rolina, about 120 years before. Their settlement was abandon- ed in less than two years after its commencement, and was never renewed. .-.-/ PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT, 1670--1719- 37 flees of trust and authority. The puritans, on the other hand, viewed them with jealous eyes; and having suffered from them in England, could not bear to see the smallest atom of power committed to them in Carolina. Hence the seeds of strife and di- vision which had been imported into the colony, began not only to spring, but to grow rank. No common dangers nor difficulties could obliterate the prejudices and animosities which the first settlers had contracted in England. The odious terms ol distinction which had prevailed in the mother coun- try, were rev ived and propagated among the people of the infant colony. While one party was attached to the church of England the other, which had fled from the rigor of ecclesiastical power, was jealous above all things of their religious liberties and could bear no encroachment on them. The same scenes of debate and contention which had taken place in England, for some time before and after the restoration of Charles the second, were acted over a^airi on the little theatre of Carolina; but without bloodshed or legal persecution. Another source of difficulty arose to govern- ment from the different manners of the colonists. Several of the first emigrants, unaccustomed to rural labors and frugal simplicity, were pampered citi zens ; whose wants luxury had increased and ren- dered impatient of fatigue. By such, the sober lives and rigid morals of the puritans were made the ob- jects of ridicule. The puritans on the other hand, exasperated against their scorners, violently opposed their influence among the people. Hence arose dif- ficulties in framing laws—in distributing justice— 38 CIVIL HISTORY. and in maintaining public order. Governor West was at no small pains to restrain these dissentions; but having a council composed of cavaliers, was un- able to calm the tumult. In spite of his authority, the puritans and cavaliers continued to insult and oppose each other. In consequence of their fierce contentions, the colony was distracted with domestic differences, and poorly prepared for defence against external enemies. Disputes between the proprietors and settlers, were also of an early origin. In most measures for the immediate support of the colony, they for some time cordially concurred; but this was of short duration. The same scenes which for more than 5000 years had taken place in the old world, began to open in this settlement of the new. Those who govern and those who are governed, think they can never gain too much on each other. The existence of a court and country party, results from the nature of man ; and is found more or less in every government. The first contest, between the proprietors and the settlers, was respecting advances for the encourage- ment of the settlers. The former for some time gra- tuitously supplied the latter with provisions, clothes, and farming utensils. The proprietors afterwards annually sent out similar supplies to be exchanged with the colonists for the productions of their labor, or sold to them at a small advance on the original cost. After expending upwards of 18,000 sterling, in this manner, for the encouragement of the settle- ment, they wished to hold their hands and to leave the settlers to depend on their own exertions. The difficulties attendant on the first stage of cultivation PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT, 1670—1719- 39 furnished the inhabitants with apologies for solicit- ing a continuation of the customary supplies, and a farther extension of time to pay for them. The economy of the proprietors and the necessities of the settlers, could not easily be compromised. The one thought they had already done too much; the other that they had not received enough. To the latter, requesting a supply of cattle to be sent out to them, the proprietors replied, as a reason for their refusal, " That they wished not to encourage graziers but planters." It is from this epoch that we may date the pros- perity of Carolina; because she was then taught a lesson, which it is of the greatest importance for eve- ry individual and every state to know, " That she must altogether depend on her own exertions." Two parties arose; one in support of the preroga- tive and authority of the proprietors, the other in defence of the rights and liberties of the people. The former contended that the laws -received from England respecting government, ought to be impli- citly observed. The latter kept in view their local circumstances; and maintained that the freemen of the colony were under obligations to observe them only so far as they were consistent with the interests of individuals, and the prosperity of the settlement. In this situation no governor could long support his power among a number of bold adventurers, who were impatient of every restraint which had the least tendency to obstruct their favorite views. Whenever he attempted to interpose his feeble au- thority, they insulted his person and complained of his administration till he was removed from office. 4-0 €IVIL HISTORY; . In the short space of four years, from 1682 till 1686, there were no less than five governors; Jo- seph Morton, Joseph West, Richard Kirle, Robert Quarry, and James Colleton. The last named, who was a landgrave, and brother to one of the proprie- tors as well as governor, determined to exert his au- thority in compelling the people to pay up their arrears of quit-rents; which, though very trifling, were burdensome; as not one acre out of a thousand, for which quit-rents were demanded, had hitherto yielded any profit. For this purpose governor Colleton wrote to the proprietors, requesting them to appoint such deputies as he knew to be most fa- vorably disposed towards their government, and would most readily assist him in the execution of his office. Hence the interest of the proprietors and that of the people were placed in opposite scales. The more rigorously the governor exerted his autho- rity, the more turbulent and riotous the people be- came. The little community was turned into a scene of confusion. Landgrave Colleton, mortified at the loss of pow- er, was not a little puzzled in determining w hat step to take. Gentle means, he perceived, would be vain and ineffectual. One expedient was suggested which he and his council flattered themselves might induce the people, through fear, to return to his standard and support the person who alone had au- thority to punish mutiny and sedition. This was to proclaim martial law, and try to maintain by force of arms the proprietary jurisdiction. Accordingly, without letting the people into his secret, he caused the militia to be drawn up as if some danger had PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT, 1670--1719- 41 threatened the country and publicly proclaimed mar- tial law at their head. His design, when disco- vered, served only to exasperate. The members of assembly met, and taking this measure under their deliberation, resolved, that it was an encroachment upon their liberties, and an unwarrantable exertion of power, at a time when the colony was in no dan- ger. The governor insisted on the articles of war, and tried to carry the martial law into execution ; but the disaffection was too general to admit of such a remedy. In the year 1690, at a meeting of the re- presentatives, a bill was brought in and passed for disabling landgrave James Colleton from holding any office or exercising any authority, civil or mili- tary, within the province. So exasperated were they against him, that nothing less than banishment could appease them ; and therefore they gave notice to him that in a limited time he must depart from the colony. During these public commotions Seth Sothell, pretending to be a proprietor by virtue of some re- gulations lately made in England, usurped the go- vernment of the colony. At first the people seemed disposed to acknowledge his authority; but after- wards finding him to be void of every principle of honor and honesty, they abandoned him. Such was the insatiable avarice of this usurper, that his popu- larity was of small duration. Every restraint of common justice and equity was trampled upon by him, and oppression extended her iron rod over the distracted colony. The fair traders from Barbadoes and Bermuda were seized as pirates, bv order of this governor, and confined until such fees as he was VOL. i. G ) 42 CIVIL HISTORY. pleased to enact were paid. Bribes from felons, and traitors, were accepted to favor their escape. Plant- ations were forcibly taken into possession, upon pre- tences the most frivolous—planters were compelled to give bonds for large sums of m&ney to procure from him liberty to remain in possession of their property. These, and many more acts of the like atrocious nature, were committed by this rapacious governor during the short time of his administra- tion. At length the people, weary of his imposi- tions and extortions, agreed to take him by force and ship him off for England. Then he humbly begged of them liberty to remain in the country, promising to .submit his conduct to the trial of the assembly at their first meeting. When the assembly met thirteen different charges were brought against him, and all supported by the strongest evidence; upon which, being found guilty, they compelled him to relinquish the government and country for ever. An account of his infamous conduct was drawn up and sent to the proprietors, which filled them with as- tonishment and indignation. He was ordered to England to answer the accusations brought against him, and was informed that his refusal would be taken as a further evidence and confirmation of his guilt. The law for disabling landgrave James Col- leton from holding any authority, civil or military, in Carolina, was repealed; and strict orders were sent out to the grand council to support the power and prerogative of the proprietors. But, to compose the minds of the people, they declared their detestation of such unwarrantable and wanton oppression and protested that no governor should ever be permitted to grow rich on their ruins. PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT, 1670--1719- 43 Hitherto South-Carolina had been a scene of con- tention ar.d misery. The fundamental constitution, which the proprietors thought the most excellent form of government upon earth, was disregarded. The governors were either ill qualified for their of- fice, or the instructions given them were injudicious. The inhabitants, far from living in friendship and harmony among themselves, had also been turbulent and ungovernable. The proprietary government was weak, unstable, and little respected. It did not ex- cite a sufficient interest for its own support. The title of landgraves were more burthensome than pro- fitable ; especially as they were only joined with large tracts of land, which from the want of labor- ers lay uncultivated. The money arising from the sale of lands and the quit-rents, was inconsiderable —hard to be collected—and by no means equal to the support of government. The proprietors were unwilling to involve their english estates for the im- provement of american property ; and on the whole, their government was ill supported. Another source of controversy between the propri- etors and the people, was the case of the french re- fugees. Many of these, exiled from their own coun- try towards the close of the 17th century, had set- tled in the province; particularly in Craven county*. They were an orderly, industrious, religious people. * South-Carolina, soon after its first settlement, was divided into four counties, Berkeley, Craven, Colleton, and Carteret. Berkeley county filled the space round the capital; Craven to the northward; and Colleton contained Port Royal, and the islands in its vicinity, to the distance of thirty miles. Carteret lay to the south-west. 44 CIVIL HISTORY. Several brought property w ith them which enabled them to buy land, and settle with greater advantages than many of the poorer english emigrants. While they were busy in clearing and cultivating their lands the english settlers began to revive national antipa- thies, against them, and to consider the French as aliens and foreigners; legally entitled to none of the privileges and advantages of natural born subjects. The proprietors took part with the refugees and instructed their governor, Philip Ludwell, who in 1692 had been appointed the successor of Seth Sothell, to allow the french settled in Craven coun- ty the same privileges and liberties with the english colonists ; but the people carried their jealousy so far that at the next election for members to serve in the assembly, Craven county, in which the french re- fugees lived, was not allowed a single representative. At this period the assembly of South-Carolina con- sisted of twenty members, all chosen in Charlestown. A farther cause of dissention respected the trial of pirates. The proprietors, mortified at the inef- ficacy of the laws in bringing these enemies of man- kind to justice, instructed governor Lee to change the form of drawing juries; and required that all pirates should be tried and punished by the laws of England, made for the suppression of piracy; but this innovation in the laws of the colony was op- posed by the people. There subsisted a constant struggle between the inhabitants and the officers of the proprietors. The former claimed great exemptions on account of their indigent circumstances. The latter were anxious to discharge the duties of their trust, and to comply PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT, 1670--1719- 45 with the instructions of their superiors. When quit- rents were demanded, some refused payment; others had nothing to offer. When actions were brought for their recovery, the planters murmured and were discontented at the terms of holding their lands. The fees of the courts and sheriffs were such, that in all actions of small value they exceeded the debt. To remedy this inconvenience the assembly made a law for empowering justices of the peace to hear, and finally to determine all causes not exceeding forty shillings sterling. This was agreeable to the people, but not to the officers of justice. Governor Ludwell proposed to the assembly to consider of a new form of a deed for holding lands by Avhich he encroached on the prerogative of the proprietors, incurred their displeasure, and was soon after re- moved from the government. To find another man equally well qualified for the trust, was a matter of no small difficulty. Thomas Smith, being in high estimation for his wisdom and probity, was deemed to be the most proper person to succeed Ludwell. Accordingly a patent was sent out creating him a landgrave*; and, together with it, * This patent, dated May 13th, 1691, after reciting the au- thority of the proprietors to constitute titles and honors in the province ; and to prefer men of merit, and to adorn such with titles and honors; and also stating the fundamental constitu- tions by which it was established—" that there should be land- graves and cassiques, who should be perpetual and hereditary nobles and peers of the province; and that Thomas Smith, a per- son of singular merit, would be very serviceable by1 his great prudence and industry ;" proceeds to constitute him landgrave, together with four baronies of 12,000 acres of land each: and 46 CIVIL HISTORY. a commission investing him with the government of the colony. Mr. Ludwell returned to Virginia happily relieved from a troublesome office; and land- grave Smith, in the year 1693, under all possible ad- vantages entered on it. He was previously ac- quainted with the state of the colony, and with the tempers and dispositions of the leading men in it. He knew that the interest of the proprietors, and the prosperity of the settlement were inseparably connected. He was disposed to allow the people, struggling under many hardships, every indulgence consistent with the duties of his trust. The government of the province still remained in a confused and turbulent state. Complaints from every quarter were made to the governor, who was neither able to quiet the minds of the people nor to afford them the relief they wanted. The french re- fugees were uneasy that there was no provincial law to secure their estates to the heirs of their body, or the next of kin; and feared that on the demise of the present possessors, their lands would escheat to the proprietors and their children become beggars. it farther declares, " that the said title and four baronies should for ever descend to his heirs, on paying an annual rent of a penny lawful money of England for each acre." If the proprietary government had continued, the title, honors, emoluments, and lands derived from this patent, would now be possessed by Thomas Smith, son of Henry, who is the lineal heir of the original Thomas Smith. Such have been the changes which in the course of a little more than a century have taken place, that this is the only known instance in which any one of Mr. Locke's Carolina nobility can trace back his pedigree to the original founder. i PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT, 1670--1719- 47 The english colonists also perplexed the governor with their complaints of hardships and grievances. At last landgrave Smith wrote to the proprietors that he despaired of ever uniting the people in in- terest and affection—that he and many more, weary of the fluctuating state of public affairs, had resolved to leave the province; and that he w as convinced nothing would bring the settlers to a state of tran- quillity and harmony; unless they sent out one of the proprietors with full powers to redress grievances, and settle differences in their colony. The proprietors resolved to try the expedient landgrave Smith had suggested, and sent out John Archdale, a man of considerable knowledge and discretion—a quaker and a proprietor. The arrival of this pious man occasioned no small joy among all the settlers. Private animosities and civil discords seemed for a while to lie buried in ob- livion. The governor soon found three interesting matters demanded his particular attention: to re- store harmony and peace among the colonists : to reconcile them to the jurisdiction and authority of the proprietors; and to regulate their policy and traffic w ith the indians. Such was the national an- tipathy of the english settlers to the french refugees, that Archdale found their total exclusion from all connexion with the legislature was absolutely neces- sary; and therefore issued writs of elections directing them only to Berkeley and Colleton counties. Ten members for the one and ten for the other^all english- men, were accordingly chosen by the freemen of the same nation. At their meeting the governor made a seasonable speech to both houses, acquainting 48 CIVIL HISTORY. them with the design of his appointment—his regard for the colony—and great desire of contributing to- wards its peace and prosperity. They in return presented affectionate addresses to him, and entered on public business Avith temper and moderation. Governor Archdale, by his great discretion, settled matters of general moment to the satisfaction of all excepting the french refugees. The price of lands, and the form of conveyances, were fixed by law. Three years rent was remitted to those who held land by grant, and four years to such as held them by survey without grant. It was agreed to take the ar- rears of quit-rents either in money or commodities at the option of the planters. Magistrates were ap- pointed for hearing causes between the settlers and indians, and finally determining all differences be- tween them. Public roads were ordered to be made, and Avater passages cut for the more easy convey- ance of produce to the market. Some former laws were altered, and such new statutes made as were judged requisite for the government and peace of the colony. Public affairs began to put on an agree- able aspect, and to promise fair towards the future welfare of the settlement. But as for the french re- fugees, the governor could do no more than to re- commend to the english freeholders to consider them in the most friendly point of light and to treat them with lenity and moderation. No man could entertain more benevolent senti- ments Avith respect to the savages, than governor Archdale. To protect them against insults, and establish a fair trade and friendly intercourse Avith them, Avere regulations Avhich humanity re- PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT, 1670--1719- 49 quired and sound policy dictated. But the rapa- cious spirit of individuals could be curbed by no authority. Many advantages were taken of the ig- norance of indians in the way of traffic. Several of the inhabitants, and some of'those Avho held high offices, were too deeply concerned in the abominable trade to be easily restrained from seizing their per- sons and selling them for slaves to the West-india planters. Governor Archdale having finished his negocia- tions in Carolina, made preparations for returning to Britain. Though the government, during his ad- ministration, had acquired considerable respect and stability, yet the differences among the people still remained. Former flames were rather smothered than extinguished, and were ready on the first stir- ring to break out and burn Avith increased violence. Before he embarked the council presented to him an address, to be transmitted to the proprietors, ex- pressing " the deep sense they had of their lordships paternal care for the colony, in the appointment of a man of- such abilities and integrity to the govern- ment, who had been so happily instrumental in es- tablishing its peace and security." They observed, •' that they had now no contending factions nor clashing interests among the people, excepting what respected the french refugees; who Avere unhappy at their not being allowed all the privileges and liber- ties of english subjects, particularly those of sitting in assembly and voting at the election of its members, which could not be granted them without losing the affections of the english settlers and involving the vol. i. H 50 CIVIL HISTORY. colony in civil broils—that governor Archdale, by the advice of his council, chose rather to refuse them these privileges than disoblige the bulk of the eng- lish settlers—that by his Avise conduct they ho- ped all misunderstandings between their lordships and the colonists Avere happily removed—that they would for the future cheerfully concur with them in every measure for the speedy population and im- provement of the country—that they were iioav levy- ing money for building fortifications to defend the province against foreign attacks, and that they would strive to maintain harmony and peace among them- selves." Governor Archdale received this address with peculiar satisfaction, and promised to present it to the proprietors. After his arrival in England he laid this address, together with a state of the country and the regula- tions he had established in it, before the proprietors; and showed them the necessity of abolishing many articles in the constitutions, and framing a new plan of government. Accordingly they began to compile neAV constitutions from his information. Forty-one different articles were drawn up, and sent out, by Robert Daniel, for the better government of the co- lony. But when governor Joseph Blake, successor of Archdale, laid these new laAvs before the assembly for their assent and approbation, they treated them as they had done the former constitutions; and in- stead of taking them under deliberation laid them aside. The national antipathies against the french re- fugees in process of time began to abate. In com- PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT, 1670--1719- 51 ir.on with others, they had defied the dangers of the desert and given ample proofs of their fidelity to the proprietors, and their zeal for the success of the colony. They had cleared little spots of land for raising the necessaries of life, and in some measure surmounted the difficulties of the first state of colo- nization. At this favorable juncture the refugees, by the advice of the governor and other friends, pe- titioned the legislature to be incorporated with the freemen of the colony and allowed the same privile- ges, and liberties, with those born of english parents. Accordingly an act passed in 1696 for making all aliens, them inhabitants, free—for enabling them to hold lands, and to claim the same as heirs to their ancestors, provided they either had petitioned, or should Avithin three months petition, governor Blake for these privileges and take the oath of allegiance to king William. This same laAv conferred liberty of conscience on all christians, with the exception of papists. With these conditions the refugees, who were all protestants, joyfully complied. The french and english settlers being made equal in rights, be- came united in interest and affection, and have ever since lived together in peace and harmony. This cause of domestic discord was scarcely done away, when another began to operate. In the year 1700 a new source of contention broke out between the upper and lower houses of assembly. Of the latter Nicholas Trott was made speaker, and warm- ly espousea1 the cause of the people in opposition to the interest of the proprietors. The governor and council claimed the privilege of nominating public j* CIVIL HISTORY. officers, particularly a receiver general, until the plea sure of the proprietors was known. The assembly, on the other hand, insisted that it belonged to them. This occasioned much altercation, and several mes- sages between the two houses. However, the upper house appointed their man. The loAver house re- solved that the person appointed by them was no public receiver, and that whoever should presume to pay money to him as such should be deemed an enemy to the country. Trott denied that they could be called an upper house as they differed, in the most essential circumstances, from the house of lords in England; and therefore induced the assembly to call them the proprietors' deputies, and to treat them with indignity and contempt, by limiting them to a day to pass their bills and to an hour to answer their messages. At that time Trott was eager in the pursuit of popularity; and by his uncommon abilities and address succeeded so far, that no man had equally engrossed the public favor and esteem, or carried matters w ith so high a hand in opposition to the proprietary counsellors. In the 14 years which followed governor Arch- dale's return to England, or from 1696 to 1710, there were four governors; Joseph Blake, James Moore, sir Nathaniel Johnson, and Edward Tynte. The principal events, in this period, were an unsuc- cessful invasion of St. Augustine by the Carolinians, and a successful defence of the province against an attack of the french and Spaniards; which shall be more particularly explained in their proper places. In governor Johnsons administration, which last- PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT, 16*70-—1719. 53 ed from 1702 to 1709, parties in church jmd state ran high, and there were great commotions among the people; but on the death of governor Tynte, in 1710, a civil Avar was on the point of breaking out. When Tynte died there remained only three deputies of the lords proprietors. Robert Gibbes, one of these three, was chosen and proclaimed governor; but by the sudden death of Mr. Turbevil, one of the three deputies, w ho in the morning of the elec- tion day had voted for colonel Broughton another of the three deputies, but upon adjournment to the afternoon changed his mind and \roted for Robert Gibbes, it was discovered that Robert Gibbes had obtained the said second vote of TurbeAdl by bribery. Colonel Broughton laid claim to the government, alleging Turbevil's primary and uncorrupted vote in his favor. Gibbes insisted on his right*, as ha- ving added his OAvn vote to Turbevil's and thereby obtained a majority; and in consequence thereof was proclaimed governor, and quietly settled in the administration. Each persisted in his claim. Many sided with Broughton, but more Avith Gibbes. Broughton drew together a number of armed men at his plantation, and proceeded to Charlestown. Gibbes having intelligence thereof, caused a general alarm to be fired and the militia to be raised. At the approach of Broughton's party to the Avails and * These particulars relative to the contest between Gibbes and Broughton for the office of governor are stated on the au- thority of an old manuscript in the hand-writing of the venera- ble Thomas Lamboll, a native of South-Carolina, who died in the year 1775, upwards of 80 years old. 54 CIVIL HISTORY. gates of Charlestown, Gibbes ordered the draw- bridge, standing near the intersection of Broad and Meeting-streets, to be hauled up. After a short par- ley, Broughton's party asked admittance; Gibbes from within the walls inquired why they came arm- ed in such a number, and if they would own him for their governor? they answered, that they heard there was an alarm and were come to make their appearance in Charlestown ; but would not own him, the said Gibbes, to be their governor. He of course denied them entrance; Avhereupon many of them gallopped round the Avails towards Craven's bastion, to get entrance there ; but being prevented, they soon returned to the drawbridge. By this time some of the inhabitants of the tOAvn, and many sailors appearing there in favor of Broughton, they proceeded to force a passage and let down the drawbridge. Gibbes's party opposed, but were not allowed to fire upon them. After blows and wounds were given and received, the sailors and men of Broughton's party prevailed so far as to lower down the draAvbridge over Avhich they entered and pro- ceeded to the watch-house in Broad-street. There, the two town companies of militia were posted un- der arms and with colors flying. WThen Brough- ton's party came near they halted, and one of them drew a paper out of his pocket, and began to read; but could not be heard, because of the noise made by the drums of the miljtia. Being balked they marched towards Granville's bastion, and ay ere es- corted by the seamen on foot who were ready for any mischief. As they passed the front of the mili- PROPRIETARY GOVERNMENT, 1670—1719. 55 tia, whose guns were presented and cocked, one of the sailors catching at the ensign, tore it off the staff. On this provocation some of the militia, Avithout ony orders, fired their pieces but nobody was hurt. Captain Brewton resolutely drew his sword, went up to the sailor which had committed the outrage, and demanded the torn ensign. Captain Evans, a con- siderable man of Broughton's party, alighted and obliged the sailor to return it. Broughton's party continued their march for some time, and then pro- claimed Broughton governor. After huzzaing, they approached the fort gate, and made a show of for- cing it; but observing captain PaAvley with his pistol cocked, and many other gentlemen with their guns presented and all forbidding them at their peril to attempt the gate, they retired to a tavern on the bay; before which they first caused their written pa- per or proclamation to be again read, and then dis- mounted. After much altercation, many reciprocal messages and ansAvers, and the mediation of several peace-makers, the controversy was referred to the de- cision of the lords proprietors; und it was agreed that colonel Gibbes should continue in the administration of government, until they determined Avhich of the two should be obeyed as governor. Their determination was in favor of neither. The proprietors appointed Charles Craven, who then held their commission as secretary, to be governor. He was proclaimed in form, and took upon him the administration. During his Government, the province was involved in two sharp contests with the indians. One in North- Carolina with the tuscaroras, and another much I 56 CIVIL "history. more distressing Avith the yamassees, Avhich were ably and successfully conducted by the governor, as shall be related in its proper place. On his depar- ture for England, in* 1716, he appointed Robert Daniel deputy-governor. In the year following, Robert Johnson, son of sir Nathaniel Johnson, suc- ceeded to the office of governor. He was the last who held that office under the authority of the pro- prietors. CIVIL HISTORY OF SOUTH-CAROLINA, CHAPTER III. The revolution in 1719 from proprietary to royal government. In the administration of Robert Johnson, a revo- lution from proprietary to a regal system of govern- ment Avas accomplished. The explosion took place in the year 1719 ; but the train of events which oc- casioned it was of prior origin. From the first set- tlement of the province, short had been the inter- vals of contention betAveen the proprietors and the people; but from the year 1715, various causes contributed to widen the breach and destroy all con- fidence betAveen them. One in particular, which had a decided influence, resulted from the war of 1715, betAveen South-Carolina and the yamassee indians. While this hard struggle was pending, the legislature made application to the proprietors for their pater- nal help ; but, being doubtful Avhether they w ould be inclined to involve their english estates in debt for supporting their property in Carolina, they instruct- ed their agent, in case of failure w ith them, to apply to the king for relief. The merchants entered cor<- vol. i. I 58 REVOLUTION OF 1719- dially into the measure for making application to the king, and perceived at once the many advantages Avhich Avould accrue to them from being taken under the immediate care and protection of the crown. It Avas alleged that ships of Avar would soon clear the coast of sea robbers, and give free scope to trade and navigation—that forces by land Avould over-aAve the warlike indians—prevent their inroads, and procure for the inhabitants peace and security. The people in general, Avere dissatisfied with living under a go- vernment unable to protect them. They therefore Avere very unanimous in the proposed application to the crown for royal protection. About the middle of the year 1715 the agent for Carolina Avaited on the proprietors, with a represent- ation of the calamities under which their colony la- bored from the ravages of indians and the depreda- tions of pirates. He acquainted them that the yp massees, by the influence of Spanish emissaries, had claimed the whole country as their ancient posses- sion; and had conspired with many other tribes to assert their right by force of arms, and therefore urged the necessity of sending immediate relief to the colony. But not being satisfied with their an- SAver, he petitioned the house of commons in behalf of the distressed Carolinians. The commons ad- dressed the king, praying tor his interposition and immediate assistance. The king referred the mat- ter to the lords commissioners of trade and planta- tions, The lords of trade made an objection that the province of Carolina was one of the proprietary governments; and were of opinion, that if the nation should be at the expense of protecting it, the go- REVOLUTION OF 1719. 59 vernment thereof ought to be vested in the crown. Upon which lord Carteret wrote a letter to the fol- loAving effect: " We, the proprietors of Carolina, are utterly unable to afford our colony suitable as- sistance in this conjuncture; and, unless his majesty Avill graciously please to interpose, Ave can foresee nothing but the utter destruction of his majesty's faithful subjects in those parts." The lords of trade asked lord Carteret, " What sum might be necessary for that service, and whether the government of the colony should not devolve on the crown if Great- Britain should agree to bear the expense of its de- fence ?" To which lord Carteret replied : " The proprietors submitted to his majesty w hat sum of money he should be pleased to grant for their as- sistance ; and in case the money advanced for this purpose should not in a' reasonable time be repaid, they humbly conceived that then his majesty would have an equitable right to take the government un- der his immediate care and protection." The same year a bill Avas brought into the house of commons in England, for the better regulation of the charter and proprietary governments in Ame- rica ; the chief design of which was' to reduce all charter and proprietary governments into regal ones. Men conversant in the history of past ages, particu- larly in that of the rise and progress of different states, had long foreseen the rapid increase of ame- rican colonies; and wisely judged that it would be for the interest of the kingdom to purchase them for the crown as soon as possible. One of the ostensible grounds on which the pro- prietors had obtained their charter, was the prospect \ 60 REVOLUTION OF 1719- of their propagating the gospel among the indians. Their total neglect of this duty, contrasted with the active policy of the Spaniards at St. Augustine, Avas considered by the inhabitants as a procuring cause of all their sufferings from the yamassee Avar. To answer the public exigencies growing out of that Avar, large emissions of paper money were deemed indis- pensable. While struggling amidst these hardships, the merchants of London complained to the proprie- tors of the increase of paper money as injurious to trade. In consequence of Avhich they directed the go- vernor to reduce it. These several matters formed a circle of embarrassment from Avhich the inhabitants saAv no prospect of extrication, but from throwing themselves on the croAvn for protection. They refer- red their war Avith the indians to the neglect of the proprietors in conciliating their affections. The proprietors, Avhen called upon to assist in repelling the attacks made by these neglected indians, de- clared themselves incompetent. On application for royal aid, they were told by ministers that it was un- reasonable to expect it while they were the tenants of the proprietors. Disappointed of aid from both, they had made exertions to defend themselves; but the proprietary governor, agreeably to his instruc- tions, thwarted their endeavours to equalise and lessen the expenses of the Avar by an emission of paper money. A dissatisfaction with the proprie- tors, and an eagerness to be under the immediate protection of the crow n, became universal. This Avas increased from another source. The yamassees being expelled from indian land the as- sembly passed tAvo acts to appropriate these lands, REVOLUTION OF 1719- 6l gained by conquest, for the use and encouragement ol such of his majesty's subjects as should come over and settle upon them. Extracts of these two acts being published in England, and Ireland, five hun- dred persons from Ireland transported themselves to Carolina to take the benefit of them. But the whole project was frustrated by the proprietors, who claimed these lands as their property and insisted on the right of disposing of them as they thought fit. Not long afterwards, to the utter ruin of the irish emigrants, and in breach of the provincial faith, these indian lands were surveyed by order of the proprietors for their own use, and laid out in large baronies. By this harsh usage the old settlers, ha- ving lost the protection ot the neAv comers, deserted their plantations and left the frontier open to the enemy. Many of the unfortunate irish emigrants, having spent the little money they broug.it with them, were reduced to misery and perished. The remainder removed to the northern colonies. The struggle between the proprietors and posses- sors of the soil became daily more serious. The pro- vincial assembly passed about this time some very popular laws. One for the better regulation of the indian trade, by Avhich commissioners were nomina- ted to carry it on and to apply the profit arising from it to the public benefit and defence. Another was for regulating elections; by which it was enacted " that every parish should send a certain number of representatives, not exceeding thirty-six in the whole, and that they should be ballotted for at the different parish churches." This, though much more conve- nient to the settlers than their former custom of 62 REVOLUTION OF 1719- electing all the members in Charlestown, was disa- greeable to - fx^e members of the council avIio per- ceived its tendency to lessen their influence at elec- tions. Chief justice Trott and William Rhelt, re- ceiver general, men of great abilities and influence, opposed both thes« bills. Though they could not prevent their passing in Carolina, they had influence enough Avith the proprietors to send them back re- pealed. The colonists were exasperated; and in severe language censured the proprietors as tyranni- cal, regardless of the convenience of the inhabitants, and unfeeling for their distresses. The yamassee indians, smarting under their re- cent defeat as shall be hereafter related, were san- guinary and vindictive. Being supplied with arms and ammunition from the Spaniards, they Avere so troublesome as to make it necessary for the assem- bly to maintain a company of rangers to protect their frontier settlers. Presents were necessary to preserve the friendship of other indian tribes. Three forts were also erected and garrisoned lor the de- fence, and at the cost of the province. These public expenses consumed the fruits of the planter's indus- try. The law appropriating the profits of the in- dian trade, for the public protection, had been re- pealed by the proprietors. Public credit aa as at so low an ebb, that no man was willing to trust his mov ney in the provincial treasury. None would risk their lives in defence of the colony without pay; and the province, oppressed with a load of debt, was utterly unable to furnish the necessary supplies. The people complained of the insufficiency of that government which could not protect them, and at REVOLUTION OF 1719. 63 the same time prevented the interposition of the croAvn for their relief. Governor Daniel joined them in their complaints ; and every one seemed ar- dently to wish for those advantages, Avhich other co- lonies enjoyed under the immediate care and pro- tection of a poAverful sovereign. Robert Johnson, who in 1717 succeeded Robert Daniel as governor, had instructions to reduce the paper currency. He recommended to the assembly to consider of Avays, and means, for sinking it. The indian war had occasioned a scarcity of provisions. Large emissions of paper money sunk its value. Both contributed to raise the price of. country com- modities. The merchants and money lenders were losers by these bills of credit; and the planters, who Avere generally in debt, gained by them. Hence great debates about paper money arose in the assem- bly, between the planting and mercantile interests. The governor had so much influence as to prevail Avith the assembly to pass a law for sinking and pay- ing off their bills of credit in three years, by a tax on lands and negroes. Their act for that purpose/ c-avre great satisfaction both to the proprietors and people concerned in trade. This compliance of the assembly Avith the govern- or's instructions, gave him some faint prospect of re- conciling them by degrees to the supreme jurisdiction of the proprietors : but his hopes Avere of short du- ration. The planters finding the tax act burdensome, began to complain and to contrive ways and means for eluding it by stamping more bills of credit. The proprietors having information of this, and also of a design formed by the assembly to set a price on 64 REVOLUTION OF 1719- country commodities and make them at such a price a good tender in laAv for the payment of all debts, enjoined their governor not to give his assent to any bill framed by the assembly, nor to render it of any force in the colony, before a copy thereof should be laid before them. About the same time the king, by his order in council, signified to the pro- prietors that they should repeal an act passed in Ca- rolina of pernicious consequence to the trade of the mother country; by Avhich u a duty of ten per cent. was .laid on all goods of british manufacture import- ed into that province." Accordingly this act, to- gether Avith that " for regulating elections," and an- other, " for declaring the right of the assembly to nominate a public receiver," Avere all repealed ; and sent to governor Johnson in a letter Avhich enjoined him instantly to dissolve the assembly, and call an- other to be chosen in Charlestown according to the ancient usage of the province. The proprietors con- sidered themselves as possessing not only power to put a negative on all laws made in the colony, but also to repeal such as they deemed pernicious. Governor Johnson, sensible of the evil conse- quences that A\-ould attend the immediate execution of these orders, convened his council to take their advice on Avhat Avas most proper to be done. When he communicated his orders and instructions from England, the majority of the council were astonish- ed. But as the assembly were at that time deliber- ating on the means of paying the provincial debt, it was agreed to postpone the dissolution of the house until the business before them should be finished. As the repeal of the duty law was occasioned by an REVOLUTION OF 1719- 65 order from the king in council, they resolved to ac- quaint the assembly immediately aa ith the royal dis- pleasure at that clause of the law which laid an im- post duty on all goods manufacture*! in Great-Bri- tain ; and to advise them to make a new act, leaving out the clause which had given offence. Though t great pains were taken to conceal the governor's in- structions, yet they were divulged and excited vio- lent resentments. The assembly entered into a warm debate about the proprietors' right of repeal- ing laAVS, passed with the assent of their deputies. Many alleged that the deputation given to them was like a power of attorney, sent to persons at a distance, authorizing them to act in their stead ; and insisted that, according to the charter, they were bound by their assent to acts as much as if the pro- prietors themselves had been present and confirmed them. Chief justice Trott Avas suspected of holding a private correspondence with the proprietors, to the prejudice of the Carolinians. On that and several other grounds he was the object of their hatred and resentment Richard Allein Whitaker, and other practitioners of the ilaw, charged him with base and iniquitous practices. No less than thirty-one arti- cles of complaint against him Avere presented to the assembly, setting forth among other things, " That he had contrived many ways to multiply and increase his fees—that he had contrived a fee for continuing causes from one term to another, and put off the hearing of them for years—that he took upon him to give ad\Tice in causes depending in his courts; and not only acted as counsellor in these cases, but vol. I. K 66 REVOLUTION OF 1719- had drawn deeds between party and party; some of which had been contested before him as chief jus- tice, and in determining of which he had shown great partiality—and lastly, complaining that the whole judicial poAver of the province Avas lodged in his hands; he being at the same time sole judge of the court of common pleas, king's bench, and vice admiralty, so that no prohibit! a could be lodged against the proceedings of these courts, othenvise than by his granting one against himself. He Avas at the same time a member of the council, and of consequence a judge of the court of chancery. These articles of complaint were well grounded, and the facts alleged Avere supported by strong evi- dence before the assembly. But as the judge held his commission from the proprietors, he denied that he w as accountable to the assembly for any part of his judicial conduct; and declared that he would answer no where but in England. The assembly, hoAvever, sent a message to the governor and coun- cil requesting that they Avould concur in represent- ing his conduct to the proprietors; and in praying them either to remove him from his seat in the courts of justice, or at least to confine him exclusive- ly to one jurisdiction; and to grant to the people a right of appealing from his judgments. The govern- br and council, convinced of the maladministration of the judge, agreed to join the commons in their re- presentation. But they thought it most prudent and respectful to send one of their counsellors to England Avith their memorial. Francis Yonge, a man of considerable,abilities, Avho had been present at all their debates, Avas pitched upon as well qualified for REVOLUTION OF 1719- 67 giving their lordships a faithful account of the Avhole matter. Accordingly he sailed for England, and arrived in London early in the year 1719. Soon after his arrival he Avaited on lord Carteret, the palatine; but his lordship referred him to the other proprietors for an answer to his representa- tion. When they met, Yonge delivered to them a letter from governor Johnson—the articles of com- plaint against chief justice Trott—and the joint ad- dress of the governor, council, and assembly, pray- ing to have him removed entirely from the bench or confined to a single jurisdiction. This memorial was far from being agreeable to the proprietors; some of them inferred from it that the people were industrious in searching for causes of dissatisfaction, Avith a vieAv to shake the proprie- tary authority. Others had received letters from Trott which intimated that Yonge, though an officer of the proprietors, had assisted the people in forming plausible pretences for that purpose. For three months Yonge attended the palatine's court, to ac- complish the ends of his appointment. After all he was given to understand, that the business on which he came was extremely disagreeable to them—that the trouble he had taken and the office he had accepted as agent for the people, Avere inconsistent Avith his du- ty as one of the deputies bound to act in conformity to their instructions. They declared their displeasure with the members of the council Avho had joined the lower house in their complaints against Trott—re- moved them from the board—appointed others in their place—and increased the number of members from seven to twelve. They told Yonge that he also 68 REVOLUTION OF 1719. ■would have been deprived of his seat but for the high respect they had for lord Carteret, the absent palatine, Avhose deputy he was. AV ith respect to chief justice Trott, they had too much confidence in his fidelity and capacity to remove him from his of- fice. On the contrary, they sent him a letter thank- ing him for his excellent speech in defence of their right ot repealing all laws made in the colony, toge- ther Avith a copy of the articles of complaint against him. At the same time they informed him that it Avas their opinion, and order, that he should with- draw from the council-board ay henever appeals from his judgments in the inferior courts were brought before the governor and council as a court of chan- cery. Such Avas the result of Yonge's negociation in Britain. The proprietors were displeased with him, and also with governor Johnson, for joining the other branches of the legislature in theiriate repre- sentation. By the return of Yonge they sent out their repeal of the late popular acts of the legisla- ture, their list of new counsellors, Avith* positive or- ders to the governor to publish immediately the re- peal of the late popular laws—to convene the new counsellors for the dispatch of business—to dissolve the assembly chosen according to the late act, and to cause a neAv assembly to be elected according to the old act which required all the electors to meet and vote in Charlestown. Governor Johnson on receiving these new orders and instructions, instantly foresaw the difficulty of executing them. Determined hoAvever to comply, he summoned his council of twelve whom the pro- REVOLUTION OF 1719. 69 prietors had lately nominated. These Avere William Bull—Ralph Izard—Nicholas Trott—Charles Hart —Samuel Wragg—Benjamin de la Consiliere—Pe- ter St. Julian—William Gibbon—Hugh Butler— Francis Yonge—Jacob Satur—and Jonathan Skrine. Some of these accepted the appointment, but others refused to serve. Alexander Skene, Thomas Brough- ton, and James Kinloch, members of the former board, being noAv left out of the new list of coun- sellors, were disgusted and joined the people. The present assembly was dissolved ; and writs were is- sued for electing another in CharlestOAvn, according to the ancient usage of the province. The general duty act, from the proceeds of which all public debts were defrayed, and the act respecting the freedom of election Avere repealed. In consequence of which public credit was destroyed, and the colonists were obliged to have recourse to the old inconve- nient manner of elections in CharlestOAvn. The act declaring the right of the commons to nominate a public receiver was also annulled, and declared to be contrary to the usage of Great-Britain. The gover- nor had instructions to refuse his assent to all laws respecting the trade and shipping of Great-Britain, Avhich any future assembly might pass, until they Avere first approved by the proprietors. The provincial debts incurred by the indian war, and the expedition against pirates not only remained unpaid, but no more bills of credit Avere alloAved to be stamped for answering the public demands. The colonists con- sidered the new council of twelve, instead of the o}d one of seven, as an innovation in the proprietary go- vernment; exceeding the chartered poAver granted \ 70 REVOLUTION OF 1719- their lordships, and subjecting them to a jurisdic- tion foreign to the constitution of the province. The complaints of the whole legislature against chief jus- tice Trott Avere not only disregarded, but he was privately caressed and publicly applauded. These grievances were rendered the more intolerable, from the circumstance that the suffering colonists could indulge no hopes of redress under the existing sys- tem of proprietary government. It may be thought somewhat astonishing, that the proprietors should have persisted in measures so disagreeable and so manifestly subversive of their authority. Many were the hardships from the cli- mate, and the danger from savages, with which the colonists had to struggle; yet their landlords, in- stead of rendering their circumstances easy and comfortable, seemed rather bent on doubling their distresses. The people could no longer regard them as indulgent fathers, but as tyrannical legisla- tors that imposed more on them than they were able to bear. It Avas the duty of the proprietors to lis- ten to their complaints, and redress their grievances. It was their interest to consult the internal security and population of their colony. But perhaps the troubles and miseries suffered by the colonists, ought to be ascribed to their lordships' shameful inatten- tion rather than to their tyrannical disposition. Lord Carteret the palatine held high offices of trust under the crown, which required all his time and care. Some of the proprietors were minors—others possessed estates in England, the improvement of Avhich engrossed their attention. Having reaped little or nothing from their american possessions, and REVOLUTION OF 1719- 71 finding them every year becoming more troublesome and expensive, they trusted the affairs of their colo- ny too much to a clerk or secretary who was no ways interested in their prosperity. Chief justice Trott, in whose integrity and fidelity the proprietors placed unlimited confidence, held of them many offices of trust and emolument. Being dependent on them for the tenure of his office, and the amount and payment of his salary, he strongly supported their power and prerogative. The proprietors de- pended on his influence, and eloquence, to make their favorite measures go down with the people. Trott vindicated their authority in gratitude for fa- vors received, and in the expectation of receiving more. A reciprocal chain of dependence and obli- gation was formed between them. This interested policy was carried too far. The chain broke. A new order of things took place. In consequence of which Trott's influence Avas completely destroyed, and the power of the proprietors for ever annihilated. About this time, a rupture having taken place be- tAveen the courts of Great-Britain and Spain, a pro- ject for attacking South-Carolina and the island of Providence Avas formed at the Havanna. Governor Johnson having received advice from England of this design, resolved to put the province in a posture of de- fence. For this purpose he summoned a meeting of council, and of such members of assembly as Avere in town, to inform them of the intelligence he had receiv- ed and to desire their advice and assistance in case of any sudden emergency. He told them of the shat- tered condition of the fortifications, and urged the necessity of speedy reparations. To meet the ex- 72 REVOLUTION OF 1/19- pense he proposed a voluntary subscription, and headed it with his own signature to a large amount as an example to others. The members of assembly replied, " that a subscription Avas needless, as the income of the duties would be sufficient to answer the purpose intended." The governor objected, " that the duty law had been repealed, and no other yet framed in its place." To Avhich the members of assembly answered, " they had resolved to pay no regard to these repeals, and that the public receiver had orders from them to sue every man that should refuse to pay as that law directed." Chief justice Trott told them, " if any action or suit should be brought into his courts on that law, he would give judgment for the defendant." The contest betAveen the parties became warm, and the conference broke up before any thing was determined upon for the public safety. The members of assembly resolved to hazard the loss of the province to the Spaniards, rather than yield to the council and acknowledge the right of the proprietors to repeal laws which had been regularly passed. Governor Johnson judging it prudent to be al- ways in the best posture of defence, called a meet- ing of the field officers of the militia—ordered them to review their regiments, and fixed a place of gene- ral rendezvous. At this meeting they received their orders with their usual submission, and cal- led together the different regiments on pretence of training the men. But before this time the mem- bers chosen to serve in assembly, though they had not met in their usual and regular way at Charles- tOAvn, had nevertheless held several private meet- REVOLUTION OF 1719. 73 ihgs in the country to concert measures for re- volting from their allegiance. They had drawn up an association for uniting the whole province in op- position to the proprietary government. This Avas proposed to the people at the public meeting of the militia, as an opportunity the most favorable for pro- curing a general subscription. The people, oppress- ed and discontented, eagerly embraced the proposal; and almost to a man subscribed this bond of union, in which they promised to stand by each other in defence of their rights, against the tyranny of the proprietors and their officers. The confederacy was formed Avith such secrecy, that before it reached the governor's ears nearly all the inhabitants had con- curred in it. The members of assembly, having formed their resolution to revolt and gone so far a^ to induce the people to support them, determined to proceed until they should bring themselves under the protection of the king. At the election in Charlestown Trott and Rhett, who formerly had extensive influence, were so un- popular that they could not bring one man into the house. Alexander Skene, lately excluded from the council, was elected a member of this new assembly, Avhich was chosen on purpose to oppose the civil offi- eers. Considering himself as ill used by the propri- etors, he became zealous and active in pulling down the tottering fabric of their government. He and several other members of assembly held frequent meetings to consider of their grievances, and the en- couragement they had received from Britain respect- ing the great end they had in view. They recalled voi,. t. L 74 REVOLUTION OF 1719- to mind what had passed in the house of peers du- ring the reign of queen Anne—how her majesty had then ordered her attorney, and solicitor general, to consider of the most effectual methods of proceeding against the charter. They knew also that a bill had been brought into the house of commons, for reduc- ing all charter and proprietary governments into re- gal ones. They had been informed that lord Carter- et, conscious of the inability of the proprietors to defend their province in the yamassee war, had pub- licly applied for assistance from the british govern- ment ; and that the lords of trade Avere of opinion, that the government of the province should belong to that power Avhich bore the expense of its protection. They had considered all these things, and flattered themselves with hopes, that the king would take the colony under his care as soon as they renounced allegiance to the proprietors. They had so thorough- ly convinced the people of the great happiness of the colonies which were under the immediate care and protection of the crown, that they desired no- thing more than to enjoy the same privileges. To these secret meetings, and transactions, gover- nor Johnson was an entire stranger until he receiv- ed a letter bearing date November 28th 1719, and signed by Alexander Skene, George Logan, and Wil- liam BlakeAvay; in which they informed him of the general association to throw off the proprietary government, and of the determination of the people to request his acceptance of the government from them in behalf of the king. They also gave it as their opin- ion that he might with honor accept the government REVOLUTION OF 1719- 75' thus offered, and advised him to do so. The gover- nor considered this letter, though fraught with the highest professions of personal respect, as an insult; but especially the advice contained therein, which he deemed derogatory both to his integrity and fidelity. The letter, how ever, served to give him notice of the association and the resolution of the people which it was his duty to defeat. For this purpose he hasten- ed to town—summoned his council—informed them of the association—and required their advice and assistance about the most effectual methods of breaking it up and supporting the proprietary go- vernment. The council, unable to determine what was best to be done, advised the governor to take no present notice of the proceedings, but to wait events. In the mean time the members of assembly were using their utmost diligence among the people to keep them firm to their purpose, having got almost every person, except the officers and particular friends of the proprietors, to sign the association. All agreed to support whatever their representatives should do for disengaging the colony from the yoke of the proprietors, and putting it under the govern- ment of the king. Having thus fortified themselves by the union of the inhabitants, the assembly met to take bolder and more decisive steps. Being appre- hensive that the governor would immediately dissolve them, they instantly came to the following resolu- tions. "Firstly: that the several krws * pretended to * The titles of the laws repealed by the proprietors, and ad- hered toby the Carolinians as unrepealed, were— 76 REVOLUTION OF 1719- be repealed are still in force, and could not be re- pealed but by the general assembly of the province : and that all public officers and others do pay due re- gard to the same accordingly. Secondly : that the ■writs w hereby the present representatives Avere elect- ed are illegal, because they are signed by such a council as the proprietors have not a power to ap- point; for this council consists of a greater number of members than that of the proprietors, which is contrary to the design and original intent of their charter. Thirdly: that the representatives cannot act as an assembly, but as a convention delegated by the people to prevent the utter ruin of the province till his majesty's pleasure be known." And lastly: " that the lords proprietors have by such proceed- ings unhinged the frame of their government and for- feited their rights to the same—and that an address be prepared to desire governor Johnson to take the government upon him in the king's name—and to continue the administration thereof until his majesty's pleasure be known." Agreeably to the last resolution an address was drawn up and signed by Arthur Middleton as presi- dent, and twenty-tAvo members of the convention, to be presented to Johnson. In the mean time the 1st. An act for declaring the rights of the house of commons^ for the time being, to nominate a public receiver. 2d. An act entitled an act for laying an impost on negroes., liquors, and other goods and merchandize, Sic. 3d. An act entitled an act to ascertain the form of electing members to represent the inhabitants in general assembly. • REVOLUTION OF 1719- 77 governor sent a message to the house acquainting them that he was ready, Avith his council, to receive and order them to choose a speaker. They came to the upper house in a body, and Arthur Middleton addressed him in the folloAving words. " I am or- dered by the representatives of the people, here pre- sent, to tell you that according to your honor's or- der we are come to Avait on you. I am further or- dered to acquaint you that Ave OAvn your honor as our governor, you being approved by the king ; and as there Avas once in this province a legal council re- presenting the proprietors as their deputies, which constitution being now altered, we do not look on the gentlemen present to be a legal council; so I am or- dered to tell you that the representatives of the peo- ple disown them as such, and Avill not act with them on any account." The governor, and council, struck with astonish- ment at the spirit of the convention and suspecting that they Avere supported by the people, were great- ly puzzled Avhile deliberating on the measures they should take to recall them to the obedience of legal authority. Some Avere for opposing violence to vi- olence; and thought the best Avay of bringing them back to their allegiance, Avould be to terrify them Avith threats and confiscations. Others were of opi- nion that the defection was too general, to admit of such a remedy, and that mild expostulations were more proper; and if such gentle means failed, the governor might then dissolve them and put an end to the dispute. But on the other hand dangers hung over the country; and the only fund for repairing 78 REVOLUTION OF 1719- the fortifications being lost by the repeal of the ge- neral act duty, it Avas necessary that money should be provided by some new law for public purposes. If the governor dissolved the house, how could the province be put in a posture of defence against a Spanish invasion Avith which it was threatened ? if he should suffer thdm to sit while they had resolved that the proprietors had forfeited their right to the government, and refused on any account to act Avith his council, he might be chargeable with a breach of his trust. The result of their deliberations was a message from the governor and council, desiring a conference Avith the house of assembly. To which they returned for answer, that " they would not re- ceive any message or paper from the governor, in conjunction with the gentlemen he was pleased to call his council." Finding them inflexible, and reso- lute, the governor was obliged to give way to the current; and therefore, in tAvo days afterwards, sent for them in his own name and delivered to them a long and elaborate speech, and furnished them with a Avritten copy of it. In this he soothed the popular leaders—expostulated and reasoned with them—re- monstrated against their measures—and attempted to alarm them and their followers with the consequen- ces of their conduct; but all in vain. The assembly was neither to be shaken by persuasion nor intimi- dated by threats. After a short pause, they return- ed with the following answer. " We have already acquainted you that Ave would not receive any mes- sage or paper from your honor, in conjunction with the gentlemen you are pleaded to call your council, REVOLUTION OF 1719. Jy therefore Ave must now repeat the same; and beg eave to tell you, that the paper you read and de Hvered to us we take no notice of nor shall we give any further answer to it but in Great-Britain." Immediately after they came with an address to the governor, avowing their resolution to cast off all obedience to the proprietary government; declaring him to be the most fit person to govern them—and intreating him to take upon him the government in the name of the king. This flattering address concluded in the following manner. " As the well- being and preservation of this province, depends greatly on your complying with our requests; so we flatter ourselves that you, who have expressed so tender a regard for it on all occasions and particu- larly in hazarding your person in an expedition against the pirates for its defence, we hope sir, that you will exert yourself at this time for its support ; and we promise your honor on our parts, the most- faithful assistance of persons duly sensible of your great goodness and big with the hopes and expecta- tion of his majesty's countenance and protection. And we farther beg leave to assure your honor, that we will in the most dutiful manner address his sa- cred majesty, king George, for the continuance of your government over us; under whom Ave doubt not to be a happy people." To this address the governor replied: " I am obliged to you for your good opinion of me ; but 1 hold my commission from the true and absolute lords and proprietors of this province, Avho recommended me to his majesty, and I have his approbation : it is 80 REVOLUTION OF 1719. by that commission and power I act, and I knoAV of no authority which can dispossess me of the same but that of those Avho invested me Avith it. In sub- ordination to them I shall always act, and, to my utmost, maintain their lordship's just power and prerogatives Avithout encroaching oh the people's rights. I do not expect or desire any favor from you, only that of seriously taking into consideration, the approaching danger of a foreign enemy and the, steps you are taking to involve yourselves, and this province, in anarchy and contusion." The representatives having now fully declared their intentions, and finding it impossible to win over the governor to a compliance with their measures, began to treat him with indifference and neglect. He on the other hand, perceiving that neither harsh nor gentle means could recall them to their alle- giance, issued a proclamation for dissolving the house. The representatives ordered his proclama- tion to be torn from* the marshal's hands. They met upon their OAvn authority, and chose colonel James Moore their governor, Avho Avas a man ex- cellently qualified for being a popular leader in pe- rilous adArentures. To governor Johnson he was ho ' friend ; having been by him removed from his com- mand of the militia, for Avarmly espousing the cause of the people. In every new enterprise he had been a volunteer; and in all his undertakings Avas reso- lute, steady, and inflexible. A day was fixed for proclaiming him, in the name of the king, governor of the province ; and orders were issued for direct- ing all officers, civil and military, to continue, in theirv REVOLUTION OF 1719- 81 different places and employments till they should hear further from the convention. Johnson some time before had appointed a day for a general revieAv of the provincial militia, and the convention fixed on the same day for publicly proclaiming Moore. The governor having intelli- gence of their design, sent orders to colonel Parris the commander of the militia to postpone the revieAv to a future day. Parris, though a zealous friend to the revolution, assured him his orders should be obey- ed. NotAvithstanding this assurance, on the day fixed when governor Johnson came to tOAvn, he found, to his surprise, the militia drawn up in the market- square, now the site of the national bank, colours flying at the forts and on board all the ships in the harbor; and great preparations making for the proclamation. Exasperated at the insults offered to his person and authority, he could not command his temper. Some he threatened to chastise for flying in the face of government, to Avhich they had sworn fide- lity; with others he coolly reasoned, and endeavored to recall them by representing the fatal consequence that Avould attend such rash proceedings. But ad- vancing to Parris, he asked him " how he durst ap- pear in arms contrary to his orders ?" and command- ed him in the king's name, instantly to disperse his men. Colonel Parris replied " he Avas obeying the orders of the convention." The governor in great rage Avalked up toAvards him, upon which Parris immediately commanded his militia to present their muskets at him, and ordered him " to stand off at his peril." The governor expected during this struggle that some friends, especially such as held vol. i. M 82 REVOLUTION OF 17 19- offices of profit and trust under the proprietors, Avould have supported him, or that the militia Avould have laid doAvn their arms at his command ; but he was disappointed ; for all either stood silent, or kept firm to the standard of the convention. Vain were the efforts of his single arm in opposition to so general a defection. Even Trott and Rhett in this extremity forsook him and kept at a distance, the silent and inactive spectators of their master's ruined authority. After this the members of convention, attended and escorted by the militia, publicly marched to the fort; and there proclaimed James Moore governor of the province in nftme of the king, which was fol- lowed by the loudest acclamations of the populace. Upon their return they proceeded to the election of twelve counsellors, after the manner of the royal provinces. Of these sir Hovenden Wralker vvas made president. The revolutioners had noAv their governor, council, and convention, and all of their own free election. In consequence of Avhich, the delegates published a declaration in which they jus- tified the measures they had adopted; and pledged themselves to support the new governor, and com- manded all officers, civil and military, to pay him all duty and obedience. After this declaration was solemnly published, Johnson retained but small hope of recalling the people to obey the proprietary authorities. Still, however, he flattered himself that the men who had usurped the government would not long remain in a state of union and peace. In this expectation he called together the civil officers of the proprietors, and ordered them to secure the public records, and REVOLUTION OF 1719- 83 shut up all offices against the revolutioners and their adherents. In the mean time, the delegates of the people Atere occupied in regulating public affairs. They took a dislike to the name of convention, as diffe- rent from that of the other regal governments in America, and voted themselves an assembly, and assumed the power of appointing all public officers. In place of Nicholas Trott they made Richard Ah- lein chief justice. Another person was appointed provincial secretary, in the room of Charles Hart But William Rhett and Francis Yonge secured to themselves the same offices they held from the pro- prietors. Colonel John Barnwell was chosen agent for the province and embarked for England with instructions and orders to apply to the king, and lay a state of their public proceedings before him, and to beseech his majesty to take the province under his immediate care and protection. A new duty law for raising money to defray the various expen- ses of government was passed. Orders were given for the immediate repairs of the fortifications at CharlestOAvn; and William Rhett was nominated inspector-general of the projected repairs. To their new governor they voted two thousand five hundred pounds, and to their chief justice eight hundred pounds current money, as yearly salaries. To their agent in England they transmitted one thousand pounds sterling. To defray these and the other expenses of government, an act was passed for lay- ing a tax on lands, and negroes, to raise thirty thou- sand pounds Carolina money, for the service of the current year. ?4 REVOLUTION OF 1719- When they began to levy the taxes imposed by this act, Johnson and some of his party refused to pay; giving for reason that the act Avas not made by lawful authority. On account of his par- ticular circumstances, Johnson Avas excused; but they resolved to compel every other person to sub- mit to their jurisdiction, and obey their laws. They seized the effects or negroes of such as refused— sold them at public auction—and applied the money for the payment of their taxes. Thus in spite of all opposition, they established themselves in the full possession of all the powers of government. In the mean time Johnson received certain advice that the Spaniards had sailed from the Havanna, with a fleet of fourteen ships and a force consisting of twelve hundred men, against South-Carolina and Providence; and it was uncertain which of the two they would first attack. At this time of imminent danger, the late governor endeavored to recall the people to subjection ; and sent to the convention a letter, in which he attempted to alarm them by re- presenting the dangerous consequences of military operations under unlawful authority; but they re- mained firm to their purpose, and, without taking any notice of the letter, continued to do business with Moore as they fad begun; and in concert with him, adopted measures for the public security. They proclaimed martial law, and ordered the inha- bitants of the province to CharlestOAvn for its de- fence. All the officers of the militia accepted their commissions from Moore, and engaged to stand by him against all foreign enemies. For two weeks the provincial militia were kept under arms at Charles- REVOLUTION OF 171$. 85 tOAvn, every day expecting the appearance of the Spanish fleet Avhich they were informed had sailed from the Havanna. The Spaniards resolved first to attack Providence, and then to proceed against Carolina; but by the conduct and courage of captain Rogers, at that time governor of the island, they were repulsed and soon after lost the greatest part of their fleet in a storm. The Spanish expedition having thus proved abor- tive, the Flamborough man of war commanded by captain Kildesley, returned from Providence island to her station at Charlestown. About the same time his majesty's ship Phoenix commanded by cap- tain Pierce, arrived from a cruize. The comman- ders of these two,men of Avar were caressed by both parties; but they publicly declared for Johnson, as the magistrate invested Avith legal authority. Charles Hart, secretary of the province, by orders from go- vernor Johnson and his council, had secreted and se- cured the public records so that the revolutioners could not obtain possession of them. The clergy refused to marry without a license from Johnson, as the only legal ordinary of the province. These and other inconveniences, from the unsettled state of things, rendered several of the people more cool in their affection for the popular government. At this juncture Johnson, Avith the assistance of the captains and creAvs of the ships of war, made his last and boldest effort for subjecting the colonists to his au- thority. He brought up the ships of war in front of Charlestown, and threatened its immediate destruc- tion, if the inhabitants any longer refused obedience to legal authority. But they having arms in their 36 REVOLUTION OF 1719. hands, and forts in their possession, defied his pow- er. They Avere neither to be won by flattery, nor terrified by threats to submit their necks any more to the proprietary yoke. Johnson feeling his impo- tence, made no more attempts for the recovery of his lost authority. In the mean time the agent for Carolina had pro- cured a hearing from the lords of the regency and council in England, the "king being at that time in Hanover; Avho gave it as their opinion that the pro- prietors had forfeited their charter, and ordered the attorney general to take out a scire facias against it. An act of parliament was passed in Britain for es- tablishing an agreement with seven of the eight pro- prietors for a surrender to the king of their right and interest not only in the government, but in the soil of the province. The purchase was made for 17,500 sterling. At the same time seven-eighths of the ar- rears of quit-rents due from the colonists to the pro- prietors, were purchased on behalf of the crown for c£5000. The remaining eighth share of the province and of the arrears of quit-rents were reserved out of the purchase by a clause in the act of parliament, for John lord Carteret. About the same time the province was subdivided by the name of North and South-Carolina. Upon a revieAv of these transactions, we may ob- serve; that although the conduct of the Carolinians. during this struggle, cannot be deemed conformable to the strict letter of Avritten law, yet necessity and self preservation justify their conduct; while all the Avorld must applaud their moderation, union, firm- ness, and wisdom. When the proprietors first ap- REVOLUTION OF 1719- S.7 plied to the king for a grant of this large territory, at that time occupied by heathens, they said they were excited thereto by their zeal for the propagation of the christian faith; yet they used no effectual en- deavors for that purpose. The society for the propagation of the gospel, in foreign parts, employed and supported missionaries for the conversion of the heathens ; but their best endeavors were inadequate to the extent of the Avork. The proprietors by their charter were empowered to build churches, and cha- pels, within the bounds of their province for divine worship; yet they left the burden of this entirely to the inhabitants, who received no encouragement or assistance towards its accomplishment except from the society incorporated for the propagation of the gospel. The proprietors were empowered by their charter to erect castles and forts for the protection and defence of the colony, but the people Avere obliged to raise all these at their own expense. By the charter his majesty saved to himself, his heirs and successors, the sovereign dominion of the pro- vince ; yet the proprietors assumed to themselves a despotic authority in repealing and abrogating laAvs made by the assembly, and ratified by their deputies in Carolina. They not only tyrannized over the colony, but employed and protected officers ten times more tyrannical than themselves. When the whole legislature complained of chief justice Trott, they paid no regard to their complaints and absolutely refused to remove him from the bench, or even to limit his jurisdiction. In times of imminent danger, when the colony applied to them for assistance, they were either unable or unwilling to bear the expense 38 REVOLUTION OF 1719. of its protection. When the assembly allotted the lands obtained by conquest from the yamassee in- dians for the encouragement of settlers to strength- en the provincial frontiers, the proprietors claimed the sole right of disposing of these lands, and frustra- ted a judicious plan for preserving public security. When the trade of the province was infested by pi- rates, the inhabitants could neither obtain a force suffi- cient to extirpate them, nor a confirmation of their laws made f r defraying the expense of such expedi- tions as the assembly had fitted out against them. The proprietors, at the request of the London mer- chants, had cried down the current money of the pro- vince stamped for ansAvering the public exigencies. The people saAv no end of their troubles. Pressing disstress dictated the necessity of some remedy. No expedient appeared to them so proper and effec- tual, as that of throAving themselves under the imme- diate care and protection of the crown of Great-Bri- tain. Disgusted Avith the feeble proprietary govern- ment they therefore, by one bold and irregular effort; entirely shook it off; and a revolution fruitful of hap- py consequences resulted to their great relief and unspeakable satisfaction. From the first settlement of the colony, one per- petual struggle subsisted between the proprietors of the province and the cultivators of its soil. A di- vision somewhat similar to that of the court and country parties in England early >sprung up in the settlement, and kept it in continual agitation. The people considered the proprietary claims of power as inconsistent w ith their rights; hence they became turbulent, and Arere seldom satisfied with their go- REVOLUTION OF 1719- 89 vernors in their public capacity, however esteemed and beloved as private men. The hands of govern- ment were always Aveak, and the instructions, and re- gulations, received from England Avere for the most part ill adapted to the local circumstances of the people and the first state of colonization. The great distance and complicated hardships of the Ca- rolinians all concurred to render their revolutionary measures not only excusable, but necessary. The revolution in England had exemplified and confirm- ed the doctrine of resistance, Avhen the executive ma- gistrate violates the fundamental laws and subverts the constitution of the nation. The proprietors had done acts which, in the opinion of the lords in re- gency, amounted to a forfeiture of their charter; and they had ordered a writ of scire facias to be taken out for repealing their patent and rendering the grant void. By these means all political connexion be- tween the proprietors and people of Carolina was entirely dissolved, and a new relation formed; the king having taken the province under his immediate care, and made it a part of the british empire. In the 49 years of the proprietary government of South-Carolina, there were c23 governors*. To this * These were as follows :—William Sayle, commissioned in England, 26th July, 1669. Joseph West, 28th August, 1671. Sir John Yeamans, 26th December, 1671. Joseph West, 2d time, 13th August, 1674. Joseph Morton, 26th September, 1682. Joseph West, 3d time, 6th September, 1684. Sir Richard Kirle, unknown. Colonel Robert Quarry, do. Joseph Morton, 2d time, 1685. James Colleton, 1686. Seth Sothell, 1690. PnUip Ludwell, 1692. Thomas Smith, 1693. Joseph BiaRe, 1694. John Archdale, 1695. Joseph Blake, 2d time, 1696. James Moore, 1700. Sir Nathaniel Johnson, 1703. VOL. T-. N 90 REVOLUTION OF 1719. office Joseph West was thrice appointed ; and Jo- seph Morton and Joseph Blake, each twice. Joseph West was the only one Avho served as long as eight years. James Colleton and Seth Sothell were dis- graced by the people, and Robert Johnson was de- posed by the same authority. Of the several proprietary governments in british America, few or none have answered. Too often have they been undertaken and carried on Avith the contracted views of land-jobbers. To propagate the gospel among the native heathens was generally the ostensible design; but to make money by the sale or rents of lands, rising in value from the introduction of settlers, av as for the most part the governing mo- tive of private proprietors. To obtain a great in- come, from a small expenditure, Avas the leading ob- ject of their policy. They were therefore slow in defending and protecting their tenants. The sub- jects of subjects, often fare Avorse than the subjects of kings. Between limited monarchy and representative government, there seems to be no middle ground for political happiness. In the course of the 18th century, South-Caroli- na underwent two revolutions; the last of which took place in 1776. Several of the actors in this are yet alive, and must be struck Avith the resemblance of the measures adopted by their predecessors and themselves for accomplishing these great and similar events. In both cases a well-intentioned people, alarmed for their rights, Avere roused to extraordi- Edward Tynte, December, 1709. Robert Gibbes, 1710. Charles Craven, 1712. Robert Daniel, 1716. Robert John- Son, 1717; deposed in December, 1719. .REVOLUTION OF 1719. 91 nary exertions for securing them. They petitioned, in a legal channel, for a redress of their grievances ; but that being refused, they proceeded to bolder mea- sures. Before they took decisive steps from Avhich there was no honorable retreat; they both cemented their union by an association generally signed by the" inhabitants. The physical force of government in all countries rests Avith the governed; but from the Avantof union and concert, they often quietly submit to be ruled with a rod of iron or make such feeble inju- dicious efforts in the cause of liberty as incur the penalties of rebellion; instead of gaining the blessings of a change for the better. The case Avas otherwise in Carolina. In both revolutions, an honest people engaged by a solemn agreement to support each other in defence of their rights, and to yield obedi- ence to the leaders of their own appointment. When they had bound themselves by the tie of an associa- tion, they seized their arms—took the forts and ma- gazines into possession—and assumed the direction of the militia. A new government, without confusion or violence, virtually superseded the existing autho- rity of the proprietary governor in one case and of the king's representative in the other. The revolu- tioners in both respectfully asked their former go- vernors to join them; but from principles of honor and delicacy they declined. On their refusal they became private persons, and the people proceeded without them to organise every department of govern- ment by their own authority. The popular leaders in one case called themselves a convention of the people, and in the other a provincial congress; but in both, Avhen the revolution was completed, they 92 REVOLUTION OF 1719. voted themselves an assembly—passed laws in the usual manner—and by manifestoes, justified their conduct to the world. In these proceedings neither faction nor party had any hand. The general inter- ests of the great body of the settlers, were the pole star by which public measures were regulated. The people, guided neither by private vieAvs nor selfish ends and acting in unison, eventually found their labors croAvned Avith success ; and that each change of government produced for their country a meliora- tion of its circumstances. A whole generation pas- sed away, and a new one sprung up in the interval, between these two revolutions, though only fifty- seven years distant. No individual has been recog- nised as an actor in both. But the name of Middle- ton was conspicuous in the first, and more so in the last. Arthur Middleton was president of the con- vention of the people in 1719 ; his son, Henry Mid- dleton, president of the congress of the United Co- lonies in 1774; and his grand-son, Arthur Middle- ton, w as one of the subscribers to the famous declara- tion of independence in 1776, by which South-Caro- lina became a sovereign state. The proprietary government of Carolina may be termed its infancy. When it ceased in 1719, St. Stephen's w as the frontier of the province. Forts were erected there in St. John's, on colonel Glaze's land, near Dorchester, Dorchester, Wiltown, and other places about the same distance from the coast; and were necessary to defend the settlers from the Indians. The former rarely ventured fifty miles from the atlantic. The latter occupied what is now called* the upper and middle country of Carolina^ REVOLUTION OF 1719- 93 and Avere very troublesome neighbors. Their dis- tressing incursions occasionally penetrated as low as Goosecreek. Charlestown was not perfectly safe, for it was exposed to danger both from them and the Spaniards. As much of it as lies between the central market and Water-street, the bay and Meet- ing-street, was fortified both on the land and water side. Much of that part of it which lay to the west of Meeting-street, and the north and south of Broad- street, was either a forest, or laid out in farms, gar- dens, orange-groves, or orchards, with here or there a straggling house. Peltry or lumber, with a little rice, were the only exports of the province. The planters were better satisfied with a dollar per hun- dred for the last article, than they have been for years past with three. The coast was infested with pirates, and they made several captures near the bar of Charlestown. There w ere incessant contentions between the inhabitants and the proprietors; great dissentions between the episcopalians and dissenters, and for several years bitter animosities between the french refugees and english settlers. There was very little real money in the province. The plant- ers were clamorous for bills of credit, and the mer- chants and others very much opposed to their in- crease and protracted circulation. The police of the country was without energy. Demagogues en- deavoured to gain popularity by flattering the peo- ple, Avhile others Avere equally active in courting the favor of the proprietors, by personal attentions and by vindicating their claims. The real good of the people was a secondary object Avith both. 1 he go- t)4 REVOLUTION OF 1719- vernment was not administered for the benefit of the governed. The latter were dissatisfied, and by a judicious exertion of their inherent rights, obtain- ed a change for the better. \ CIVIL HISTORY OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. CHAPTER IV. Royal government from 1720 to 1776. The form of government conferred on Carolina when it became a royal province, was formed on the model of the british constitution. It consisted of a governor, a council, and assembly. To them the pow- er of making laws was committed. The king ap- pointed the governor, and delegated to him his con- stitutional poAvers. The council was appointed by the king to advise the governor, and to assist in le- gislation ; and was intended to represent the house of lords. The assembly, like the house of commons in Great-Britain, consisted of the representatives of the people; and was elected by them to be the guardians of their lives, liberties, and property, The governor convened, prorogued, and dissolved the assembly, and had a negative on the bills of both houses and the execution of the laws. He also had powers of chancery, admiralty, of supreme ordinary, and of appointing magistrates and militia officers. After bills receiAred his assent, they were sent to Great-Britain for royal approbation. But were obligatory as laws in the mean time, unless 96 ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720--1776. they wrere passed with a saving clause. The gover- nor received his instructions from England, and it was his duty to transmit authentic accounts of the state of his province ; that these instructions might be founded in truth and utility. This is a general sketch of the royal government given to the province of Carolina, in lieu of the proprietary system. The change soon appeared to be for the better. Early in 1721 general Francis Nicholson arrived in South-Carolina, Avith a royal commission to be go- vernor. He Avas generous, bold, and steady. Pos- sessing the firmness, integrity, and honor of a soldier, he Avas well qualified for discharging the duties of his exalted station. The people received him with uncommon demonstrations of joy. The voice of murmur and discontent, together with the fears of danger and oppression, were banished from the province. The people resolved to forget former animosities, and to bury past offences in eternal oblivion. The only contention Avas who should be the most zealous in promoting the union, peace, and prosperity of the settlement. They looked upon themselves as happily delivered from a confused and distracted state; and anticipated all the blessings of freedom and security. Soon after his arrival, governor Nicholson issued writs for the election of a new assembly. The pei- sons returned as members, entered with great tem- per and cheerfulness on the regulation of provincial affairs. They chose James Moore, their late popu- lar governor, to be speaker of the house; and their choice Avas confirmed by the king's representative. The first business they engaged in was to pass an ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720--1776. 97 act declaring, that they recognized and acknowledged his sacred majesty, king George, to be the rightiul sovereign of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, and of all the dominions and provinces belonging to the empire; and in particular his undoubted right to the province of Carolina. All actions and suits at laAv, commenced on account of the late administra- tion of James Moore by particular persons, were declared void; but all judicial proceedings under the same administration, were confirmed. These acts were judged proper and necessary for establishing harmony among the inhabitants. Nicholson had the address to unite all parties ; and by the wisdom and equity of his administration, to render the whole community happy under their neAv government and highly pleased with the change. Though he was bred a soldier, and was profane and passionate, yet he was not insensible of the great advantage of re- ligion to society and contributed not a little to its interest in Carolina. On his application to the so- ciety in England for propagating the gospel in fo- reign parts, they sent out teachers, money, and books, for the instruction of the inhabitants, and al- so supplied the province with clergymen; and gave each of them a yearly allowance, over and above the provincial salary. He also, Avith great zeal, urged the usefulness, and necessity, of provincial establish- ments for the promotion of literature. Governor Nicholson, Avho Avas well acquainted with the manners of savages, applied himself Avith great zeal to regulate indian affairs and to form treaties of friendship with the different tribes around the settlement. As most of the broils between the vol. i. O 98 royal government, 1720—1776. settlers and the Indians had been occasioned by the former taking unauthorized possession of lands claimed by the latter, to prevent future quarrels from that source, he sent a message to the chero- kees, a numerous and warlike nation, acquainting them that he had presents to make them and Avould meet them at the borders of their territories, to hold a general congress, to treat of mutual friendship and commerce. They rejoiced at a proposal which im- plied they Avere a free people, and immediately the chiefs of thirty-seven different towns set out to meet him. At this congress the governor gave them several presents—smoked the pipe of peace—and after- wards marked the boundaries of the lands between them and the english settlers. He also regulated all Aveights and measures, that justice might be done them in the way of trafic—appointed an agent to superintend their affairs, and proposed to nominate one warrior as commander in chief of the whole nation, before whom all complaints Avere to be made, and who was to acquaint the governor with every injury done them. After which the indians return- ed to their towns, highly pleased with their generous brother and new ally. The governor then proceed- ed to conclude a treaty of commerce and peace w ith the creeks, who were also at that time a numerous and formidable nation. He likewise appointed an agent to reside among them, whose business was to regulate indian affairs in a friendly and equitable manner, and he fixed on Savannah river as the boun- dary of their hunting lands beyond which no set- tlements were to extend. royal government, 1720—1776. 99 The policy respecting indians had hitherto pro- ceeded on the idea of peace and commerce with in- dependent neighbors, and seemed to have little more in view than a share in their superfluous lands and the tranquillity of the english settlements ; but about this time the projects of the french, for uniting Cana- da and Louisiana, began to be developed. They had extended themselves northwardly from the gulph of Mexico, and eastwardly from the upper parts of the river Missisippi, and had made many friends among the indians to the southward and westward of Caro- lina. To counteract the views of the french, Great- Britain wished to convert the indians, on her borders, into allies or subjects. Treaties of union and alli- ance with them were therefore deemed proper and necessary. For this,purpose sir Alexander Cum- ming Avas appointed and sent out to conclude a trea- ty of alliance with the cherokees. These indians oc- cupied the lands about the head of Savannah river, and backAvards among the Apalachian mountains. The country they claimed, as their hunting grounds, was of immense extent. The inhabitants of their different towns, were computed to amount to more than twenty thousand. Of these six thousand were warriors, fit on any emergency to take the field. An alliance with such a nation was an object of the highest consequence, both to Carolina and the mo- ther country; the latter of Avhich was now engaged for the defence, and protection, of the former. About the beginning of the year 1730, sir Alexan- der Cumming arrived in Carolina and made prepara- tions for his journey to the distant hills. When he reached Keowee, about 300 miles from Charles- 100 royal government, 1720—1776. town, the chiefs of the loAver towns met and receiv- ed him Avith marks of friendship and esteem. He immediately dispatched messengers to the middle, the valley, and overhill settlements ; and summoned a general meeting of all their chiefs to hold a con- gress with him at Nequasee. In the month of April the chief warriors of all the cherokee tow ns assem- bled at the place appointed. After the various in- dian ceremonies were over, sir Alexander made a speech to them; acquainting them by whose authori- ty he was sent, and representing the great power, and goodness, of his sovereign king George : how he and all his other subjects paid a cheerful obedience to his laws, and of course were protected by him from all harm: that he had come a great way to demand of Moytoy, and all the chieftains of the nation, to ac- knowledge themselves the subjects of his king and to promise obedience to his authority; and as he loved them, and was answerable to his sovereign for their good and peaceable behaviour, he hoped they would agree to what he should now require of them. Upon which the chiefs, falling on their knees, so- lemnly promised fidelity and obedience, calling upon all that Avas terrible to fall upon them if they violated their promise. Sir Alexander then, by their unani- mous consent, nominated Moytoy commander" and chief of the cherokee nation and enjoined all the warriors, of the difterent tribes, to acknowledge him as their king to whom they were to be accountable for their conduct. To this they also agreed, provid- ed Moytoy should be made ansAverable to sir Alex- ander for his behaviour to them. After Avhich, many presents Avere made to them, and the congress royal government, 1720—1776. 101 ended to the satisfaction of both parties. The crown Avas brought from Tenassee, their chief town, which, with five eagle tails and four scalps of their enemies, Moytoy presented to sir Alexander requesting him, on his arrival at Britain, to lay them at his majesty's feet. But sir Alexander proposed to Moytoy that he should depute some of their chiefs to accompany him to England, there to do homage in person to the great king. Six of them agreed and accompanied sir Alexander to Charlestow n where, being joined by another, they embarked for England. Being admitted into the presence of the king they, in the name of their nation, promised to continue for ever his majesty's faithful and obedient subjects. A treaty* was accordingly drawn up and signed by * The preamble to this treaty recites " That, whereas, the six chiefs, with the consent of the whole nation of cherokees, at a general meeting of their nation at Nequassee, Avere deputed by Moytoy, their chief warrior, to attend sir Alexander Gum- ming to Great-Britain, Avhere they had seen the great king George : and sir Alexander by authority from Moytoy and all the cherokees had laid the crown of their nation, with the scalps of their enemies and feathers of glory at his majesty's feet, as a pledge of their loyalty. And, whereas, the great king had commanded the lords commissioners of trade and plantations, to inform the indians that the english on all sides of the moun- tains, and lakes, were his people, their friends his friends, and their enemies his enemies—that he took it kindly the great na- tion of cherokees had sent them so far to brighten the chain of friendship between him and them, and between his people and their people ; that the chain of friendship between him and the cherokees is now like the sun Avhich shines both in Britain and also upon the great mountains where they live, and equally v. arms the hearts of indians and englishmen ; that as there is no spots or blackness in the sun, so neither is there any rust or foulness on this chain. And as the king has fastened one end 102 royal government, 1720—1776. Alured Popple, secretary to the lords commissioners of trade and plantations on one side, and by the to his breast, he desired them to carry the other end of the chain and fasten it to the breast of Moytoy of Telliquo, and to the breasts of all their old Avise men, their captains and people, ne- ver more to be made loose or broken. The great king and the cherokees being thus fastened toge- ther by a chain of friendship he has ordered, and it is agreed, that his children in Carolina do trade with the indians, and fur- nish them Avith all manner of goods they Avant, and to make haste to build houses and plant corn from Charlestown towards the towns of the cherokees behind the great mountains. Thai he desires the english and indians may live together as children of one family; that the cherokees be always ready to fight against any nation, whether white men or indians, who shall dare molest or hurt the english—that the nation of cherokees shall on their part, take care to keep the trading path clean—that there be no blood on the path where the english tread, even though they should be accompanied with other people Avith Avhom the cherokees may be at war. That the cherokees shall not suffer their people to trade with Avhite men of any other nation but the english, nor permit white men of any other nation to build any forts or cabins, or plant any corn among them upon lands which belong to the great king; and if any such attempt shall be made, the cherokees must acquaint the english governor there- with, and do whatever he directs in order to maintain and defend the great king's right to the country of Carolina. That if any negroes shall run away into the Avoods from their english mas- ters, the cherokees shall endeavor to apprehend them and bring them to the plantation from whence they run aAvay or to the governor, and for every slave so apprehended and brought back, the indian that brings him, shall receive a gun and a Avatchcoat; and if by any accident it shall happen that an eng- lishman shall kill a cherokee, the king or chief of the nation shall first complain to the english governor, and the man Avho did the harm shall be punished by the english laws as if he had killed an englishman ; and in like manner if any indian happens to kill an englishman, the indian shall be delivered up to the royal government, 1720—1776. 103 marks of the indian chiefs on the other. The che- rokees in consequence of this treaty, for many years governor to be punished by the same english laws as if he were an englishman." This was the substance of the first treaty between the king and the cherokees, every article of which was accompanied with presents. A speech was at the same time addressed to the indians in which they were informed " that these were the words of the great king Avhom they had seen ; and as a token that his heart was open and true to his children the cherokees, and to all their people, a belt was given the warriors which they were told the king desired them to keep and show to all their people, to their children, and children's children, to confirm what was now spoken, and to bind this agreement of peace and friendship between the english and cherokees as long as the rivers shall run, the mountains shall last, or the sun shall shine." In answer to which Skijagustah in name of the rest, made a speech to the following effect. " We are come hither from a mountainous place where nothing but darkness is to be found— but Ave are now in a place where there is light.—We look up- on you as if the great king were present—we love you as re- presenting the great king—we shall die in the same Avay of thinking—the crown of our nation is'different from that which the great king George wears, and from that we saw in the tow- er—but to us it is all one—the chain of friendship shall be car- ried to our people—we look upon the great king George as the sun. and as our father, and upon ourselves as his children. —For though Ave are red and you are Avhite, yet our hands and hearts are joined together.—When Ave shall have acquainted our people with what Ave have seen, our children from genera- tion to generation "will always remember it.—In war Ave shall always be one Avith you—the enemies of the great king shall be our enemies—his people and ours shall be one, and shall die together. We came hither naked and poor as the worms of the earth ; but you have every thing ; and we that have nothing must love you, and will never break the chain of friendship Which is between us.—This small rope we show you is all that 104 ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720—'1776. remained in a state of perfect friendship and peace with the colonists, w ho followed their various em- ployments in the neighborhood of these indians with- out the least terror or molestation. About the beginning of the year 1731 Robert Johnson, Avho had been proprietary governor of Ca- rolina, arrived with a commission investing him with a similar office in behalf of the croAvn. He brought back these indian chiefs, possessed with the highest ideas of the power and greatness of the english na- tion and pleased Avith the kind and generous treat- ment they had received. This new governor, from his knowledge of the province, Avas well qualified for his high office; and had a council to assist him, composed of the most influential inhabitants. Thomas Broughton was ap- pointed lieutenant-governor, and Robert Wright ehief justice. The other members of the council were William Bull, James Kinlock, Alexander Skene, John Femvicke, Arthur Middleton, Joseph Wragg, Francis Yonge, John Hamerton, and Thomas War- ing. Mr. Johnson had acted with great spirit in oppo- we have to bind our slaves Auth and it may be broken—but you have iron chains for yours—however, if we catch your slaves we will bind them as well as we can, and deliver them to our friends and take no pay for it.—Your white- people may very safely build houses near us ; we shall hurt nothing that belongs to them, for we are children of one father the great king, and shall live and die together." Then laying down his feathers upon the table he added : " This is our Avay of talking, which is the same thing to us as your letters in the book are to you, and to you beloved men Ave deliver these feathers in confirma- tion of all we have said.*' ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720--1776. 105 sing the Carolinians in 1719, Avhen they threAv off the proprietary government; but they had liberality enough to consider him as having acted solely from a sense of duty and honor. He was not only well received in his new office, but the assembly honored him after his death by erecting a handsome monu- ment to his memory in St. Philip's church, highly ap- plauding his administration. For the encouragement of the people, now con- nected with the mother country, several favors were granted them. The restraint upon rice, an en- numerated commodity, was partly taken off; and that it might arrive more seasonably and in better condition at market, the colonists were permitted to send it directly to any port southward of Cape Finis- terre. A bounty on hemp was also allowed by par- liament. The arrears of quit-rents, bought from the proprietors, were remitted by the liberality of the crown. For the benefit of trade their bills of credit were continued, and seventy-seven thousand pounds Avere stamped and issued by virtue of an act of the legislature called the appropriation law. Seventy pieces of cannon were sent out by the king; and the governor had instructions to build one fort at Port Royal, and another on the river Alatamaha. An in- dependent company of foot was allowed for their defence by land, and ships of war Avere stationed on the coast for the protection of trade. From these and several other benefits conferred on the colony it soon began to emerge from the depths of poverty, and rapidly rose to a state of ease and affluence. As a natural consequence of its domestic security the credit of the province, in England, increased. The vol. r. P 106 ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720--1776. merchants of London, Bristol/and Liverpool, turned their eyes to Carolina as p. new and promising channel of trade; and established houses in CharlestOAvn for conducting their business with the planters, and pour- ed in slaves for cultivating their lands, and manufac- tures for supplying their plantations, and furnished them with both on credit and at a cheap rate. With this increased force the lands were cleared and culti- vated Avith greater facility. The lands rose in value, and men of foresight and judgment began to look out and secure the rich spots for themselves. The produce of the province in a few years was doubled. From this period its exports kept pace with the im- ports, and secured its credit in England. Hitherto Carolina had made small progress in cultivation. The face of the country appeared like a desert with little spots here and there cleared. The colonists Avere slovenly farmers, owing to the vast quanties of lands and the easy and cheap terms of obtaining them. They were more indebted for a good crop to the natural richness of the soil, than to their own culture and management. They had abundance of the necessaries and several of the con- veniences of life. But their habitations were clumsy miserable wooden huts. CharlestOAvn at this time consisted of between nVe and six hundred houses, mostly built of timber and neither comfortable nor w ell constructed. Hencefonvard the province im- proved in building as well as in other respects. Ma- ny ingenious artificers and tradesmen of different kinds found encouragement in it and introduced a taste for brick buildings, and more neat and pleasant habitations. As the colony increased the face of the ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720—1776. 107 country exhibited an appearance of industry and plenty. For the farther security of Carolina, the settle- ment of a new colony between the rivers Alatama- ha and Savannah was, about the year 1732, projected in England. This large territory lay Avaste without any civilized inhabitants. The new province Avas called Georgia in honor of the king, Avho greatly encouraged the undertaking. While the security of Carolina against external enemies, by this settlement of Georgia, engaged the attention of the british government, the means of its internal improvement and population Avere not ne- glected. John Peter Pury, of Neufchatel in Switzerland, having formed a design of leaving his native country, paid a visit to Carolina in order to inform himself of the circumstances and situation of the province. After viewing the lands he returned to Britain. The government entered into a contract Avith him, and agreed to give lands and four hundred pounds ster- ling for every hundred effective men he should trans- port from Switzerland to Carolina. Pury having drawn up a flattering account of the soil and climate* and of the excellence and freedom of the provincial government, returned to SAvitzerland and published it among the people. Immediately one hundred and seventy switzers agreed to follow him, and were * This may be found in Anderson's history of commerce. It proceeds on the idea that countries lying in the 32d degree of North latitude, \the site of Palestine and of South-Carolina) are remarkable for their fertility ; the production of the most valuable commodities, and other good qualities. 10S ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1726--1776. transported to the fertile and delightful province as he described it. Not long afterwards two hundred more came and joined them. The governor, agree- ably to instructions, allowed forty thousand acres of lands for the use of the swiss settlement on the north- east side of Savannah river; and a town was marked out for their accommodation, which Avas called Pu- ry s burg, from the name of the principal promoter of the settlement. Mr. Bignion, a sw iss minister, whom t' ey had engaged to go with them, having received episcopal ordination from the bishop of London, set- tled among them for their religious instruction. The governor and council, happy in the acquisition of such a force, allotted to each of them his separate tract of land and gave every encouragement in their power to the people. The swiss emigrants began their labors with uncommon zeal and energy; high- ly elevated w ith the idea of possessing landed estates. But in a short time they felt the many inconvenien- ces attending a change of climate. Several of them sickened and died, and others found the hardships of the first state of colonization much greater than they expected. They became discontented. Smarting under the pressure of indigence and disappointment, they not only blamed Pury for deceiving them, but repented their leaving their nativ e country. According to a new plan, adopted in England, for the more speedy population and settlement of the province, the governor had instructions to mark out eleven townships in square plats on the sides of rivers consisting each of twenty thousand acres; and to divide the land within them into shares of fiftv acres for each man, woman, and child that ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720—1776'. 109 should come to occupy and improve them. Each township was to form a parish, and all the inhabi- tants Avere to have an equal right to the river. So soon as the parish should increase to the number of an hundred families they were to have a right to send two members, of their own election, to the assembly and to enjoy the same privileges as the other parishes already established. Each settler was to pay four shillings a year for every hundred acres of land, ex- cept the first ten years; during Avhich term they were to be rent free. Accordingly ten townships were marked out; two on river Alatamaha, two on Savannah, two on Santee, one on Pedee, one on Wacamaw, one on Wateree, and one on Black river. By this time accounts of the great privileges grant- ed by the crown for the encouragement of settlers in the province had been published through Britain and Ireland ; and many industrious people had resolved to take the benefit of the royal bounty. Multitudes of laborers and husbandmen in Ireland oppressed, by landlords and bishops, and unable to procure a comfortable subsistence for their families, embarked for Carolina. The first colony of irish people had lands granted to them; and about the year 1734 formed the settlement called Williamsburg township. But notwithstanding the bounty of the croAvn they remained for several years in low and distressing circumstances. The climate proved fatal to num- bers of them. In consequence of hard labor and scanty provisions at the commencement of the set- tlement a considerable number, debilitated in body and dejected in spirits, sickened and died. But as 110 ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720--1776. this toAvnship received frequent supplies from the same quarter, the irish settlers amidst every hardship increased in number. Having obtained credit with the merchants for negroes, they were re- lieAred from the severest part of their labor. By this aid, and their own, industry, spots of land were cleared which in a short period yielded them plenty of provisions and in time became fruitful estates. In proportion as Carolina flourished and extend- ed, the Spaniards of Florida became more trouble- some. At this time there Avere about forty thousand negroes in the province. Long had liberty and pro- tection been promised and proclaimed to them by the Spaniards at St. Augustine. At different times Spanish emissaries had been found secretly persua- ding them to fly from their masters to Florida, and several had made their escape to that settlement. Of these negro refugees, the governor of Florida formed a regiment, appointed officers from among themselves, alloAved them the same pay, and clothed them in the same uniform with the regular Spanish soldiers. The most sensible part of the slaves in Carolina, were not ignorant of this Spanish regiment; for Avhen they ran away, they constantly directed their course to that quarter. While Carolina Avas kept in a state of constant fear an insurrection, which alarmed the whole pro- vince, broke out in the heart of the settlement. In the year 1740 a number of negr6es having assembled together at Stono, surprized and killed two young men in a Avarehouse and then plundered it of guns and ammunition. Being thus provided with arms, they elected one of their number captain, put them- ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720--1776. 'Ill selves under his command, and marched towards the south-west with colors flying and drums beat- ing. They forcibly entered the house of Mr. God- frey, and having murdered him, his wife and children, they took all the arms he had in it, set fire to the house, and proceeded towards Jacksonborough. In their Avay they plundered and burnt every house, killed the white people, and compelled the negroes to join them. Governor Bull, returning to Charlestown from the southward met them, and observing them armed quickly rode out of their way. He crossed over to Johns island, and from thence came to Charlestown with the first intelligence. Mr. Golightly in like manner met the armed black insurgents, and rode out of their way; but went directly to the presbyterian church at Wiltow n, and gave the alarm. By a laAv of the province, all plan- ters were obliged to carry their arms to church. Mr. Golightly joined the armed men, thus providentially assembled, and proceeded Avith them directly from the church, to engage the negroes about 8 miles dis- tant. The Avomen were left trembling with fear, while the militia under the command of captain Bee, marched in quest of the negroes, Avho, by this time, had become formidable from the number that joined them. They had marched above fifteen miles, and spread desolation through all the plantations in their way. Having found rum in some houses and drank freely of it, they halted in an open field and began to sing and dance by way of triumph. Du- ring these rejoicings, the militia came up and sta- tioned themselves in different places to prevent their escape. The intoxication of several of the slaves, 112 ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720—1776. favored the assailants. One party advanced into the open field and attacked them*. Having killed some negroes, the remainder took to the woods, and were dispersed. Many ran back to their plantations, in hopes of escaping suspicion from the absence of their masters ; but the greater part were taken and tried. Such as had been compelled to join, contrary to their inclinations, Avere pardoned; but the leaders and first insurgents suffered death. All Carolina was struck with consternation by this insurrection, in Avhich about twenty persons were murdered, and had not the people in that quarter been armed and collected at church, it is probable many more would have suffered. It was commonly believ- ed, and not without reason, thatthe Spaniards by their secret influence and intrigues Avith slaves had insti- gated them to this massacre. To prevent farther at- tempts governor Bull sent an express to general Oglethorpe, Avith advice of the insurrection, desiring him to double his vigilance in Georgia and seize all straggling Spaniards and negroes. At the same time, a company of rangers Avere employed to patrole the * The militia attacked the negroes just as they had dined, and Avere preparing to move off. They had a few minutes be- fore fired the dwelling house at a plantation which his been ever since called " Battlefield." As soon as they discovered the white people, their black captain, named Cato, who had two loaded guns, immediately discharged one, and as he stooped to get the other, was shot down. After this, the survivors made but-little resistance, scattered, and endeavoured to escape. The fire in the house Avas extinguished, after burning a hole in the floor. This Avas suffered to remain open for many years, as a memorial of the transaction. ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720--1776. 113 ffontiers, and block up all passages by Avhich they might make their escape to Florida. About this time, November 18th 1740, nearly one half of Charlestown was consumed by fire. It began about tAvo o'clock P. M. and continued until eight. The houses being built of wood, and the wind blowing hard at north-Avest, the flames spread with astonishing rapidity. From the south side of Broad- street to Granville's Bastion, almost every house was at one time in flames except the north side of Broal- street and the north end of the bay; the trading part of the town, was nearly destroyed. The rum, pitch,,tar, turpentine, and gunpowder, in the different stores, served to spread the desolating element. A violent wind, carried the burning shingles to a great distance. While floating in the air they added to the horror of the scene, and falling on remote houses, excited new conflagrations rivalling the first. The cries of children, and the shrieks of Avomen, propa- gated a general alarm. The anxiety of each indivi- dual for his own connexions, prevented united" exer- tions for common safety ; Avhile flames bursting forth from different quarters at the same time, nearly in- duced despair of saving any part of the town. The fire continued to spread desolation, until the calm- ness of the evening closed the dreadful scene. Three hundred of the best buildings were consumed which, together with loss of goods and country commodi- ties, amounted to a prodigious sum. Few lives were lost, but the lamentations of ruined families were heard in every quarter. From a flourishing condi- tion, the town Avas reduced in the space of six hours to a most deplorable state. The inhabitants, Avhose vol. i. Q 114 ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1/20--1776. houses escaped the flames, kindly invited their unfor- tunate neighbors to them, so that two or three fami- lies were lodged in places built only for the accom-* modation of one. After the legislature met they agreed to make application to the british parliament for relief. It voted twenty thousand pounds sterling, to be distributed among the sufferers. This relief was seasonable and useful on the one side, and dis- played a generous and noble spirit on the other. Since the province was taken under the royal care, it was nursed and protected by a rich and powerful nation. Its government was stable, private property secure, and the privileges of the people extensive. The planters obtained lands from the king at a cheap rate. The mother country furnished laborers upon credit; each person had entire liberty to manage his affairs for his own profit and advantage, and hav- ing no tythes and very trifling taxes to pay, reaped almost the whole fruits of his industry. He obtain- ed british manufactures at an easy rate, and draw- backs Avere allowed on articles of foreign manufac- ture that they might be'brought cheaper to the ame- rican market. Frugal industrious planters, every three or four years, doubled their capital and their progress tOAvards independence and opulence was rapid. The plan of settling townships, especially as it was accompanied with the royal bounty, proved be- neficial in many respects. It encouraged multitudes of poor oppressed people in Ireland, Holland, and Germany, to emigrate; by which means the province received a number of useful settlers. As many of them came from manufacturing towns in Europe, it ROYAL government, 1720—1776. 115 might have been expected, that they Avould naturally have pursued the occupations to which they had been bred and in which their chief skill consisted ; but this Avas by no means the case, for, excepting a few that took up their residence in CharlestOAvn, they ap- plied themselves to grazing and agriculture. By rai- sing hemp, wheat, and corn, in the interior parts of the country ; and curing hams, bacon, and beef, they supplied the market Avith abundance of provisions. As every family of laborers was an acquisition to the country, for the encouragement of settlers to migrate thither and improve the vacant lands, a door was opened to protestants of every nation. Lands free from quit-rents for the first ten years were allotted to men, women, and children. With their bounty-money they purchased utensils for cul- tivation, and hogs and cows to begin their stock. The like bounty Avas allowed to all servants, after the expiration of the term of their servitude. From this period Carolina was found to be an excellent refuge to the poor, the unfortunate, and oppressed. The population and prosperity of her colonies, en- grossed the attention of the mother country. His majesty's bounty served to alleviate the hardships inseparable from the first years of cultivation; and landed property animated the emigrants to industry and perseverance. The different town- ships yearly increased in numbers. Every one, upon his arrival, obtained his grant of land and sat down on his freehold with no taxes, or very trifling ones, and enjoyed full liberty to hunt and fish, together with many other advantages and privileges he never 116* ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720—1770. kneAV in Europe. If they could not be called rich durincr their OAvn lives, by improving their little free- holds, they commonly left their children in easy cir- cumstances. Even in the first stage, being free and contented, their condition in many respects was pre- ferable to that of laborers in Europe. In all im- proved countries, Avhere commerce and manufacture have been long established and luxury prevails, the loAver classes are oppressed and miserable. In Ca- rolina, persons of that description though exposed to more troubles and hardships for a few years, had better opportunities than in Europe for advancing to an easy and independent state. Hence it happened that fcAv emigrants ever returned to their native coun- try ; oh the contrary, the success and prosperity of the most fortunate brought many adventurers and relations after them. Their love to their former friends, and their natural partiality for their country- , men, induced the old planters to receive the. new set- tlers joyfully and even to assist and relieve them. Each individual possessing his own property, a re- ciprocal independence produced mutual respect and beneficence. Such general harmony and industry reigned among them that the townships, from a de- solate wilderness, soon became fruitful fields. The vast quanties of unoccupied;land furnished the poor emigrants with many advantages. While they were encountering the hardships of the first years of cultivation, the inconveniences gradual- ly decreased in proportion to their improvements. The merchants being favored with credit from Bri- tain, were enabled to extend it to the inhabitants. ROYAL GOVERRMENT, 1720--1776. 117 The planters having established their characters for honesty and industry, obtained negroes to assist them in the harder tasks of clearing and cultivating the soil. Their wealth consisted in the increase of their slaves, stock, and improvements. Having abundance of Avaste land, they extended their culture in propor- tion to their capital. They lived almost entirely on the produce of their estates, and consequently spent but a small part of their annual income. The sur- plus was yearly added to the capital, and they en- larged their prospects in proportion to their wealth and strength. If there was a great demand at mar- ket for the commodities they raised, their progress became rapid beyond expectation. They labored and received increasing encouragement to persevere until they advanced to an easy and comfortable state. It has been observed on the other hand, that few of the settlers who brought much property with them succeeded as Avell as those who brought little or none. It was pre-eminently a good poor man's country. If the emigrant chose to follow his trade,'the high price of labor Avas no less encouraging. By the indulgence of the merchants, or by the security of a friend he obtained credit for a few negroes. He taught them his trade, and a few good tradesmen Avell employed were equal to a small estate. In a little time he acquired some money ; and, like several Others in the city whose yearly gain exceeded what is requisite for the support of themselves and fami- lies, put it out on interest. The legal interest of the province was ten per cent, till 1748, and eight per 118 ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720--1776. eent. from that year till 1777. This high rate indu- ced many who were unwilling to settle plantations, to choose this method of increasing their fortune. If the money lender followed his employment in the capital, or reserved in his hands a sufficiency for fa- mily use, and alloAved the interest to be added year- ly to the capital stock, his fortune soon became con- siderable. Several persons preferred this method of accumulating riches to that of cultivation ; especially those whom age or infirmity had rendered unfit for action and fatigue. Notwithstanding the extensive credit commonly allowed by the merchants, the number of borrowers always exceeded that of the lenders of money. Hav- ing vast extent of territory the planters were eager to obtain laborers, which raised the demand for mo- ney and kept up a high rate of interest. The inter est of money in every country is for the most part according to the demand, and the demand according to the profits made by the use of it. The profits must always be great where men can afford to take money at the rate of eight or ten per cent. In Ca- rolina laborers on good lands cleared their first cost and charges in a few years, and therefore the demand for money to procure them was great. The borrower of money obtained his landed estate from the crown. The quit-rents and taxes Avere in- considerable. Being both landlord and farmer he had perfect liberty to manage and improve his plan- tation as he pleased, and was accountable to none for the fruits of his industry. His estate furnished him Ayith game and fish, which he could kill and use at ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720--1776. 119 pleasure. In the woods his cattle, hogs, and horses grazed at their ease attended, perhaps, only by a ne- gro boy. He had calves, hogs, and poultry in abun- dance for the use of his family. He could turn his able laborers to the field, and exert all their energies in raising the staple commodities of the country. Having provision from domestic resources, he could apply his Avhole crop for the purposes of answering the demands of the merchant and money lender. He calculated that his annual produce would not only answer all demands, but bring an addition to his capi- tal, and enable him to clear and cultivate more land. In proportion as the merchants extended credit to the planters, and supplied them with laborers, the profits of their plantations increased. The lands which were cultivated in South-Caroli- na, for the first eighty years after the settlement of the province, Avere for the most part situated on or near navigable creeks or rivers. The planters who lived fifty miles from the capital Avere at little more expense, in sending their provisions and produce to its market than those who lived Avithin five miles of it. The town was supplied Avith plenty of provisions, and its neighborhood prevented from enjoying a mo- nopoly of its market. By this general and unlimit- ed competition, the price of provisions was kept low. While the money arising from them circulated equal- ly and universally through the country, it contribut- ed in return to its improvement. The r)lanters had not only Avater carriage to the market for their staple commodities; but, on their arrival, the merchant again committed them to the general tide of com- 120 ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720—1770. merce and received in return the valuable commodi- ties of every clime. The Carolinians all this time received projection , to trade—a ready market—draAvbacks—and boun- ties from the mother country. .The duties laid on many articles of foreign manufacture on their im- portation into Britain, were drawn back on their ex- portation to the colonies. .These drawbacks were al- ways in favor of the consumers, and supplied the pro- vincial markets, Avith foreign goods, nearly as cheap as if they had been immediately imported from the places where they Avere manufactured. Besides, up- on the arrival of such goods in the country, the plan- ters commonly had twelve months credit from the provincial merchant who was satisfied with payment once in the year from all his customers. To the consumers in Carolina, East-India goods, german manufactures, Spanish, Portugal, Madeira, and Fayal wines, came cheaper than to those in Great-Britain. Coal, salt, and other articles, brought by Avay of bal- last, have sometimes sold for less in Charlestown, than in London. The colonists were also allowed bounties on seve- ral articles of produce exported. For the encou- ragement of her colonies, Great-Britain laid high duties on such as were imported from foreign coun-^ tries and gave the colonists premiums on the same commodities. The bounties on naval stores, indigo, hemp, and raw silk, proved an encouragement to in- dustry, and all terminated in favor of the planters. The colonial merchants enjoyed perfect freedom in their trade Avith the West-Indies, where they found ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720—1776. 121 a convenient and most excellent market for indian corn, rice, lumber, and salt provisions. In return they had rum, sugar, coffee, and molasses cheaper than their fellow subjects in the mother country. Great-Britain laid the colonists under some re- straints with respect to their domestic manufactures and their trade to foreign ports'. Though this policy affected the more northern colonies, it was not pre- judicial to Carolina. It served to direct the views of the people to the culture of lands, which was more profitable both to themselves and the mother country. Though they had plenty of beaver skins, and a few hats Avere manufactured from them, yet the price of labor was so high, that the merchant could send the skins to England, import hats made of them, and undersell the manufacturers of Caroli- na. The province also furnished some wool and cotton, but before they could be made into cloth, they cost the consumers more money than the merchant demanded for the same goods imported. It afforded leather; but boots and shoes made from it, at home were of an inferior quality and often dearer than the same articles imported from Britain. In like manner with respect to many other commodities it was for the advantage of the province, as well as the mother country, to export the raw materials and import the goods manufactured. Cultivation was therefore the most profitable employment. It was the interest of such a flourishing colony, to be al- ways in debt to Great-Britain; for the more labor- ers were sent, the more rapidly the colony advanced in riches. If from an unfavorable season the plan- ters were rendered unable to pay for the siaves they vol. t. R 122 ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720--1776. had purchased the merchants generally indulged them for another year, and sometimes allow ed them to increase their debt by additional purchases. This was often found the most certain method of obtain- ing payment. In like manner, the merchant had in- dulgence from England the primary source of credit. By these forbearances the planter preserved, and often increased his capital; while the difference of interest between the mother country and the pro- vince, amounting at first to five and always to three per cent. Avas clear gain to the merchants. Such was the general course of prosperity with which the royal province of South-Carolina was blessed in the interval between the termination of the proprietary government in 1719, and the american revolution in 1776. No colony was ever better go- verned. The first and second Georges were nursing fathers to the province. They performed to it the full orbed duty of kings, and their paternal care was re- turned with the most ardent love and affection of their subjects in Carolina. The advantages were recipro- cal. The colonists enjoyed the protection of Great- Britain, and in return she had a monopoly of their trade. The mother country received great benefit from this intercourse, and the colony under her protecting care became great and happy. In South-Carolina an enemy to the hanoverian succession or to the british constitution, was scarcely known. The inhabitants were fond of british manners even to excess. They, for the most part, sent their children to England or Scotland for education; and spoke of these coun- tries under the endearing appellation of home. They were enthusiasts for the government under which ROYAL GOVERNMENT, 1720—1776. 123 they had grown up and flourished. All ranks and orders of men gloried in their connexion with the mother country, and in being subjects of the same king. The laws of the british parliament confining their trade for the benefit of the protecting parent state, were generally and cheerfully obeyed. Few countries have at any time exhibited so striking an instance of public and private prosperity, as appear- ed in South-Carolina between the years 1725 and 1775. The inhabitants of the province were in that half century increased seven fold. None Avere indi- gent, but the idle and unfortunate. Personal inde- pendence Avas fully Avithin the reach of every man who was healthy and industrious. All were secure in their persons and property. They were also con- tented with their colonial state, and wished not for the smallest change in their political constitution. In the midst of these enjoyments, and the most sincere attachment to the mother country, to their king and his government, the people of South-Ca- rolina, without any original design on their part, Avere step by step drawn into a defensive revolution- ary war, which involved them in every species of difficulty, and finally dissevered them from the pa- rent state. But before we proceed to relate these interesting events, some more early periods of the history of South-Carolina must be surveyed. THE MILITARY HISTORY OF SOUTH-CAROLINA, FROxM 1670 TO 1776. CHAPTER V. SECTION I. Contest with Spaniards. A i l the forms of government, hitherto of force in Carolina, agreed in this particular; that every sub- ject or citizen should also be a soldier. There was a nightly watch maintained in Charlestown ever since it was five years old, and, for the most part, by men hired for the purpose. But in all other times and situations the defence of the country rested solely on the militia, except in cases of great pres- sing and continued danger. The laws required every freeman of a suitable age, with a few necessary ex- emptions, to be enrolled as a member of some mili- tia company and to be equipped and trained for pub- lic service. The necessity of this was so evident, that till about the middle of the 18th century, the prac- 126 CONTEST WITH SPANIARDS. tice was common and the men aa ere enjoined by law to carry their arms to church *. The people could not brook a standing army in time of peace, but were required to be always ready to defend them- selves. This was indispensably necessary, in their peculiar situation. The province av as not only con- stantly exposed to internal danger; but its peace was early and repeatedly disturbed by Spaniards, in- dians, and pirates. Carolina, Avith the english, was the southern part of Virginia; w ith the Spaniards it was the northern part of Florida. Both claimed by virtue of prior discovery, but the title of the Span- iards Avas supposed to be strengthened by a grant of the territory from his holiness the pope. Though the validity of the title of either could not be support- ed, before an impartial tribunal, yet a century passed aAvay and much mischief was done before the con- troversy Avas compromised. The Spaniards consi- dering the settlement of Carolina as an encroachment on Florida, were not scrupulous about the means of inducing its relinquishment. They encouraged in- dented servants to leave their masters, and fly to St. Augustine for protection. They impressed the in- dians with unfavorable ideas of the english here- tics, and encouraged the former to obstruct the set- tlements of the latter. To these unneighborly acts * The province was saved from much impending distress and desolation by an armed congregation sallying forth from the presbyterian church at Wiltown in 1740, as has been rela- ted. The practice of going armed to church, was revived for a short time in the revolutionary war. For fifteen or twenty years before that event, and ever since, it has not been obsenr- ed; but a formal repeal of the law cannot be recollected. CONTEST WITH SPANIARDS. 127 were added occasional hostilities. In about three years after the first settlement of the province an armed party of Spaniards, from the garrison of St. Au- gustine, advanced as far as the island of St. Helena to dislodge or destroy the settlers. Fifty volunteers under the command of colonel Godfrey marched against the invaders, who, on his approach, evacuat- ed the island and retreated to i lorida. About the year 1082, lord Cardross led a small colony from Scotland which settled on Port Royal island. These claimed, by an agreement with the - proprietors, a co-ordinate authority with the governor and council at Charlestown; but their claims were over-ruled. The Spaniards sent an armed force in 17 S6, and dislodged these solitary scotch settlers and most of them returned to their native country *. These hostilities of the Spaniards were retaliated. In 1702, governor James Moore proposed to the assembly of Carolina an expedition against the Spanish settlement at St. Augustine. A majority of the assembly declared for the expedition, and two thousand pounds sterling were voted for the service. They agreed to raise six hundred provincial militia, an equal number of Indians were procured, and vessels impressed to carry the forces. Port Royal was fixed on as the place of rendezvous, and from it in September 1702 the governor at the head of his waniors embarked. * The governmental seal, used for this settlement, was car- ried to Scotland ; but, in the year 1793, it was politely returned by the earl of Buchan as an object of curiosity, and is now placed in the museum of the Charleston library. 128 CONTEST WITH SPANIARDS. In the plan of operations it had been agreed that colonel Daniel, with a detached party, should go by the inland passage and make a descent on the tOAvn from the land; while the governor, w ith the main bo- dy, sho dd proceed by sea and block up the harbor. Colonel Daniel accordingly advanced against the town, entered and plundered it, before the governor arrived. But the Spaniards having laid up provi- sions for four months in the castle, retired to it w ith their money and most valuable effects. Upon the arrival of governor Moore the place Avas invested with a force Avhich the Spaniards could not face, and therefore kept themselves shut up in their strong hold. The governor finding it impossible to dis- lodge them, without suitable artillery, dispatched colonel Daniel with a sloop to Jamaica to bring cannon, bombs, and mortars for attacking the cas- tle. In the mean time the appearance of two Spa- nish ships, one of twenty-two guns, and the other of sixteen, near the mouth of the harbor, induced the governor to raise the siege, abandon his ships and retreat to Carolina by land. The Spaniards in the garrison were not only relieved but the ships, provi- sions, and ammunition, belonging to the Carolinians, fell into their hands. Colonel Daniel, on his re- turn, standing in for the harbor of St. Augustine, found to his surprize the siege raised, and with dif- ficulty escaped from the enemy. The governor lost no more than two men in this expedition, yet it entailed on the colony a debt of six thousand pounds sterling which, at that period, was a grievous burden. The provincial assembly met to concert ways and means for discharging it. A bill CONTEST WITH SPANIARDS. 129 was brought in for stamping bills of credit, to an- swer the public exigence, which Avere to be sunk in three years by a duty on liquors, skins, and furs. This Avas the first paper money issued in the pro- vince and, for five or six years, it passed at the same value and rate with the sterling money of England. Thus Avar, debt, and paper money, Avere coeval in Carolina ; and connected as cause and effect in the order in which they are mentioned. Four years after the termination of Moore's ex- pedition against St. Augustine the Spaniards and french, then at war with Great-Britain, projected a combined attack on Charlestown; with a view of re- covering the province claimed by the Spaniards as a part of Florida. Sir Nathaniel Johnson, then go- vernor, had been a military man and Avas well qua- lified to conduct its defence. No sooner had he re- ceived intelligence of the designs of the enemy, than he set every one to work upon the fortifications, ap- pointed a number of gunners to each bastion, and diligently trained the men to the use of arms. A small fort, called Fort Johnson, was erected on James island and several cannon mounted thereon. Intrenchments were made on White Point, and other suitable places. A guard Avas stationed on Sullivan's Island, Avith orders to kindle a number of fires oppo- site the town equal to the number of ships they might see on the coast. Carolina was at this juncture, the southern fron- tier of the british empire in America; and though it had acquired some degree of strength, was in a fee- ble state to resist an enemy of force. From its si- tuation there was reason to apprehend that the S VOL. T. ^ 130 CONTEST AVITH SPANIARDS french and Spaniards would attack it, as it would be an easier conquest than the more populous northern settlements. Before this time a plan had been con- certed at the Havanna, for invading it. Monsieur Le Feboure, w ith a french frigate and four armed sloops, encouraged and assisted by the Spanish gover- nor of Cuba, sailed for Charlestown. To facilitate the conquest, Monsieur Le Feboure had directions to touch at St. Augustine and carry from it such a force as he judged adequate to the enterprise. Upon his arrival there he received intelligence of an epi- demical distemper, which raged at Charlestown and had destroyed a vast number of inhabitants. In- stead of discouraging, this animated him to proceed with greater expedition. He took on board a con- siderable number of forces and sailed for Charles*- town. The appearance of five separate smokes on Sullivan's Island, announced to the inhabitants that the same number of ships was observed on the coast. Sir Nathaniel Johnson being at his plantation, se- veral miles from town, lieut. col. Wm. Rhett, com- manding officer of the militia, immediately ordered the whole of the inhabitants to be put under arms. A messenger was dispatched with the news to the governor, and letters were sent to all the captains of the militia in the country ordering them to fire alarm cuns—raise their companies—and to march Avith all possible expedition to the assistance of Charles- tOAvn. In the evening the enemy's fleet came near to the bar; but, as the passage was intricate and dangerous, they hovered on the coast all night within sight of CONTEST WITH SPANIARDS. 13J land. Having come to an anchor, they employed their boats all the next day in sounding the south bar. This delay afforded time for the militia in the country to march to town. Governor Johnson, on his arrival, found the in- habitants in great consternation : but his presence, as a man of known bravery and military capacity, inspired them Avith confidence and resolution. He proclaimed martial law at the head of the militia__ issued the necessary orders for their conduct, and sent to the indian tribes in alliance with the colony to come immediately to his assistance. As a con- tagious distemper Avas said to rage in Charlestown, the governor judged it imprudent to expose his men unnecessarily to danger; and therefore held his head quarters about half a mile distant from the town. In the evening, a troop of horse commanded by captain George Logan, and two companies of foot under the command of major George Broughton, reached the capital and kept Avatch during the night. The next morning a company from James island, com- manded by captain Drake, another from Wands un- der captain Fenwicke, and five more commanded by captains Cantey, Lynch, Kearn, Longbois, and Sea- brook, joined the other militia. The principal force of the province Avith the governor at their head, was now assembled in and near CharlestOAvn. The day following the enemy's four ships and a galley came over the, bar, and stood directly for the town, having the advantages of a fair Avind and strong tide. When they had advanced so far up the river as to discover the fortifications, they cast anchor a little above Sullivan's island. The governor observ- 132 CONTEST WITH SPANIARD*. ing their approach towards the town, marched his men into it to receive them ; but finding they had stopt by the way, he had time to call a council of war; in which it Avas agreed to put some great guns on board of such ships as were in the harbor, and employ the sailors, in their own Avay, for the better defence of the town. William Rhett, a man of cou- rage and conduct, received a commission to be vice- admiral of this little fleet; and hoisted his flag on board the crown galley. The enemy sent up a flag of truce to the governor to summon him to surrender. George Evans who commanded Granville bastion received their mes- senger on his landing from the boat, and conducted him blindfolded into the fort, until the governor was in readiness to receive him. In the mean time hav- ing draw n up his men in such a manner as to make them appear to the greatest advantage, he admitted the french officer; and having first shown him one fort full of men conducted him by a different route to another, where the same men sent by a shorter way were drawn up before hand. Having given him a view of his strength, he demanded the purport of bis message ; the officer told, him that he was sent by Monsieur Le Feboure, admiral of the french fleet, to demand a surrender of the tow n and country and of their persons as prisoners of war; adding that his orders allowed him no more than one hour for an answer. Governor Johnson replied, " There was no occasion for one minute to answer that message ; that he held the town and country for the queen of England, and could depend on his men who would sooner die than surrender thenaselves prisoners of CONTEST WITH SPANIARDS. 115 Avar : that he Avas resolved to defend the place to the last drop of his blood ;" and informed the officer u that he might go Avhen he pleased and acquaint Monsieur Le Feboure with his resolution." The day following, a party of the enemy went ashore on James island and burnt some houses. Another party, consisting of an hundred and sixty men, landed on the opposite side of the river and burnt two vessels in Dearby's creek, and set fire to a store-Jiouse. Sir Nathaniel Johnson ordered cap- tain Drake and his company, with a small party of imlians to James island, to oppose the enemy on that side. Drake marched against them, but before he could bring up his men the indians, who ran through the woods with their usual impetuosity, had driven the invaders to their boats. At the same time ad- vice was brought to town, that the party who landed on Wands neck had killed a number of hogs and cat- tle and were feasting on the plunder. To prevent their farther progress into the country captain Can- tey, with one hundred chosen men, was ordered to pass the river privately in the night and watch their motions. Before break of day the captain came up and finding them in a state of security, surrounded and attacked them briskly. They were thrown into confusion and fled. Some were killed, others droAvn- ed in attempting to make their escape, and the re- mainder surrendered prisoners of Avar. The Carolinians, encouraged and animated by their success at land, determined to try their fortune by sea. Accordingly William Rhett set sail vvith his fleet of six small ships, and proceeded down the ri- ver to the place where the enemy rode at anchor; 1S4 CONTEST WITH SPANIARDS. but the french perceiving this fleet standing towards them weighed anchor and sailed over the bar. For some days nothing more was heard of them. The governor ordered captain Watson of the Sea Flow- er, out to sea to examine whether the coast w as clear. The captain returned without seeing the enemy ; but observing some men on shore, whom they had left behind, he took them on board and brought them to town. These men assured the governor that the french were gone. In consequence thereof orders wrere given for the cessation of martial law, and the inhabitants began to rejoice at their happy delive- rance. But before night advice was brought that a ship of force was seen in Sewee-Bay, and that a number of armed men had landed from her. Upon exami- nation of the prisoners the governor 'found that the french expected a ship of war with Monsieur Arbu- set, their general, and a reinforcement of two hun- dred men to their assistance. The governor ordered captain Fenwicke to pass the river and march against them by land, while Rhett w ith a dutch pri- vateer and an armed Bermuda sloop sailed round by sea to meet him at Sewee-Bay. Captain Fenwicke came up with the enemy and briskly charged them. Though advantageously posted, after a few vollies, they gave way and retreated to their ship. Rhett soon after came to Fenwicke's assistance, and the french ship struck without firing a shot. The vice- admiral returned to Charlestown with his prize and ninety prisoners. Thus ended Monsieur Le Feboure's invasion of Carolina; little to his own honor as a commander, CONTEST WITH SPANIARDS, \3$ and less to the credit and courage of his men. It is probable he expected to find the province in a weak and defenceless situation, and that the governor would instantly surrender on his appearance before the town. But he was deceived. Governor John- son Avas a man of approved courage and conduct. The militia undertook the various enterprises assign- ed to them w ith the spirit of men, and success crown- ed their endeavors. Out of eight hundred who came against the colony, near three hundred were killed and taken prisoners. Among the latter were Monsieur Arbuset, their commander in chief by land, with several sea-officers; who, together, offered ten thousand pieces of eight for their ransom. On the other hand, the loss sustained by the provincial mi- litia was incredibly small. The governor publicly thanked them for the unanimity and courage they had shown in repelling the invaders. The proprie- tors were so highly pleased Avith Johnson's good con- duct that they made him a present of a large tract of land by a special grant in terms the most flattering and honorable*. * This land and the original special grant are now in the pos- session of Joseph Manigault. This repelled invasion was ridi- culed in a humorous burlesque poem written above one hun- dred years ago in french by one of the garrison, probably a french refugee. The poet makes the gOArernor, in his answer to the invaders, requiring an immediate surrender of the town and country, to say as follows : " Que s'ils attaquoient notre camp, " lis y trouveroient bien mille hommes., " Qui ne se battroient pas de pommes. " Outre cinq cens Refugies " Que la France a repudies. 136 Contest with Spaniards. Though hostilities had been carried on by the Spaniards against Carolina, to reclaim it as a part of Florida, the boundaries between these provinces were neither clearly marked nor well understood; for they had never been settled by any public agreement be- tAveen England and Spain. To prevent negroes escaping to the' Spanish territories the Carolinians had built a fort on the forks of the river Alatamaha. and supported a small garrison in it. This gave of- fence to the governor of St. Augustine, who com- plained of it to the court of Madrid as an encroach- ment on the dominions of Spain. The Spanish am- bassador at London lodged the complaint before the court of Britain, and demanded that orders should be sent to demolish the fort. It was agreed that the governors in America on both sides should meet in an amicable manner, and adjust the respective boun- daries between the british and Spanish dominions in that quarter. Accordingly Don 1 rancisco Menan- dez and Don Joseph de Rabiero, in behalf of Spain, came to CharlestOAvn to hold a conference on the subject with the executive officers of the government. At their meeting Arthur Middleton, president of the council, demonstrated to the Spanish deputies that the fort, against which complaint had been made, was built within the bounds of the charter granted to the proprietors and that the pretensions of .Spain to the lands in question were groundless. At the " Et reduits presnue a l'Indigence, •' Qui ne i es^iroient que vengence, ;' Le qu'on leur feroil e jrouver, >' b'ils ozoient nous venir trouver," t CONTEST WITH SPANIARDS. 137 same time he told them that the fort, on the river Ala- tamaha, was erected for defending themselves and their property against the deprecations of indians living under the jurisdiction of Spain, jyir. Middleton then begged to know their reasons " for protecting felons and debtors that fled to them from Carolina, and for encouraging negroes to leave their masters and take refuge at St. Augustine, while peace subsisted between the two crowns." The deputies replied, " that the governor of Florida would deliver up all felons and debtors; but had express orders, for twenty years past, to detain all slaves who should fly to St. Augus- tine for liberty and protection." Air. Middleton de- clared that he looked on such orders as a breach of na- tional honor and faith, especially, as negroes Avere as much private property in Carolina as houses and lands." The deputies answered, " that the design of the king of Spain Avas not to injure any one, for he had ordered compensation to be made to the masters of such slaves in money; but that his humanity, and religion, enjoined him to issue such orders for the sake of converting slaves to the christian faith." The conference ended to the satisfaction of neither party, and matters remained as they were; but soon after the english fort, near the Alatamaha, Avas burn- ed to the ground; and the southern frontiers of Ca-, rolina Avere again left naked and defenceless. As no final agreement w ith respect to the limits of the two provinces had been concluded, the indians in alliance with Spain continued to harass the bri- tish settlements. Scalping parties of the yamassees frequently penetrated into Carolina—killed white voi. t. T , 138 MILITARY HlSlORV, 16*70--1?7(>. men and carried off every negro they could find. Though the owners of slaves had been allowed from the Spanish government a compensation in money for their losses, yet few of them ever received it. At length colonel Palmer resolved to make reprisals on the plunderers. For this purpose he gathered to- gether a party of militia and friendly indians, con- sisting of about three hundred men, and entered Florida with a resolution of spreading desolation throughout the province. He carried his arms as far as the gates of St. Augustine, and compelled the inhabitants to take refuge in their castle. Scarce a house or hut in the colony escaped the flames. He destroyed their provisions in the fields—-drove oft their cattle, hogs, and horses ; and left the floridans little property, except what was protected by the guns of their fort. By this expedition he demonstrated to the Spaniards their weakness ; and that the Carolini- ans, aa henever they pleased, could prevent the culti- vation and settlement of their province so as to ren- der the improvement of it impracticable on any other than peaceable terms Avith their neighbors. Soon after these events, the french in Louisiana, advanced nearer to Carolina. They erected a strong hold, called fort Alabama, on Mobile river; which was well situated for opening and carrying on a cor- respondence with the most powerful nations, contigu- ous to the southern british colonies. The Carolini- ans had good reason to be on their guard against the influence of these new and enterprising neighbors. The tribes of upper creeks, whose hunting lands ex- tended to the fort, were soon Avon over by promises and largesses to form an alliance with the french. CONTEST WITH SPANIARDS. 139 The cherokees lived at a greater distance yet by means of the creeks, and other emissaries, the french endeavored to bring them over to their interest. The river Missisippi, being navigable several hun- dred miles from its mouth, opened a communication with the chocktaws, chickesaAvs, and other nations residing near it. The french had, therefore, many convenient opportunities of seducing these indians from their alliance with Britain. The president of the council of Carolina employed captain Tobias Fitch among the creeks, and colonel George Chicken among the cherokees, to keep these tribes steady and firm to the british interest. These agents found no small difficulty in counteracting the influence of french policy. From this period the british and french settlers in America became competitors for poAver and influence over the indian nations. And the Carolinians Avere farther from peace and safety than ever. The french supplied these savages with tomahawks, muskets, and ammunition, by Avhich means they laid aside the bow and arrow, and be- came more dangerous and formidable enemies than they ever had been. By the settlement of Georgia, in 1733, Carolina ceased to be a frontier; but the Spaniards continued to seduce their negroes, and to do other injurious acts. War being declared in 1739, by Great-Bri- tain, against Spain an opportunity was given for at- tempting the reduction of the fort at St. Augustine which Avas considered as the only effectual mean of securing the two most southern provinces. General Oglethorpe of Georgia projected an expedition for that purpose. He communicated his design by let- 140 MILITARY HTSTORY, 1670--1770. ter to William Bull, lieutenant-governor of South- Carolina, and requested the aid of that province in the common cause. Bull laid the letter before the provincial assembly, recommending to raise a regi- ment and to give all possible assistance to the en- terprise. The assembly favored the proposal. General Oglethorpe urged the speedy execution ol his project with a view to surprise the tnemy be- fore they could receive a supply of provisions. He declared that no personal toil, or danger, should dis- courage his utmost exertions to free Carolina from such neighbors as instigated their slaves to massa- cre them and publicly protected them after such bloody attempts. To concert measures with the greater secrecy and expedition, he went to Charles- town and laid before the legislature an estimate of the force, arms, ammunition, and provisions w hich he judged requisite for the expedition. In consequence of which the assembly voted one hundred and twen- ty thousand pounds, Corolina money, for the ser- vice of the Avar. A regiment consisting of four hun- dred men was raised, partly in Virginia and partly in North and South-Carolina, and the command Avas given to colonel Yanderdussen. Indians were cal- led into service from the different tribes in alliance with Britain. Vincent Price, commander of the ships of w ar on that station, agreed to assist w ith a naval force, consisting of four ships of twenty gun- each and tAvo sloops. General Oglethorpe ap- pointed the mouth ol St. Johns river, on the Flori da shore, for the place of rendezvous. On the 9th of May, 1740, he passed over to Flo- rida with four hundred select men of his regimen*, CONTEST WITH SPANIARDS. 14! and a considerable party of indians ; and on the day following invested Diego, a small fort, about twen- ty-five miles from St. Augustine. This, after a short resistance, surrendered by capitulation. In it he left a garrison of sixty men, under the command of lieu- tenant Dunbar, and returned to the place of general rendezvous where he Avas joined bv colonel Vander- dussen Avith the Carolina regiment and a company of highlanders under the command of captain M'ln- tosh. By this time six Spanish half gallies with long brass nine-pounders, and two sloops loaded Avith pro- visions, had got into the harbor of St. Augustine. A few days afterwards the general marched ay ith his whole force, consisting of above two thousand men, regulars, provincials, and indians, to fort Moo- sa situated within two miles of St. Augustine. On his approach, the Spanish garrison evacuated this post and retired into the town. Notwithstanding the dispatch of the british army, the Spaniards had collected all the cattle in the neighboring woods, and drove them into the town; and the general found that more difficulty would at- tend the enterprise than he at first expected. The castle Avas built of soft stone, with four bastions; the curtain was sixty yards in length; the parapet nine feet thick; the rampart twenty feet high, case- mated underneath for lodgings, arched over, and made bomb proof. Fifty pieces of cannon Avere mounted, several of which were twenty-four poun- ders. The town Avas also intrenched with ten sali- ent angles, on each of which some small cannon were mounted. The garrison consisted of seven hundred regulars, tAve troops of horse, four compa- 142 MILITARY HISTORY, 1670—1776. nies of armed negroes, besides the militia of the province, and indians. The general perceived that an attempt to take the castle by storm would cost him dear, and therefore changed his plan of operations. With the assistance of the ships of Avar which v\cre lying at anchor off St. Augustine bar, he resolved to turn the siege into a blockade, to shut up every channel by which pro- visions could be conveyed to the garrison. For this purpose he left colonel Palmer with ninety-five high- landers and forty-two indians at fort Moosa, Avith or- ders to scour the woods and intercept all supplies of cattle from the country by land. He at the same time ordered him to encamp every night in a differ- ent place—to keep strict watch around his camp, and by all means to avoid coming to action. He sent colonel Vanderdussen Avith the Carolina regiment over a small creek, to take possession of a neck of land called Point Quartel, more than a mile distant from the castle, with orders to erect a battery upon it; Avhile he himself with his regiment, and the great- est part of the indians, embarked in boats and landed on the island of Anastatia. From this island the o-eneral resolved to bombard the tOAvn. Captain Pierce stationed his ships so that the Spaniards were cut off from all supplies by sea. Batteries were erected, and several cannon mounted on Anastatia island. General Oglethorpe then summoned the Spanish governor to surrender; but the Don sent him for answer " that he would be glad to shake hands Avith him in his castle." The opportunity of surprising the place being lost, Oglethorpe had no other method left but to attack it CONTEST AVITH SPANIARDS-. 143 at the distance in which he then stood. For this pur- pose he opened his batteries against the castle, and at the same time threw a number of shells into the town. The fire was returned with equal spirit both from the Spanish fort, and from six half gallies in the harbor; but so great was the distance, that though they continued the cannonade for several days, little execution was done on either side. In the mean time the Spanish commander, observ« ing the besiegers embarrassed, sent out a detachment against colonel Palmer which surprised him at fort Moosa; and Avhile his party Avas asleep, cut them almost entirely to pieces. A feAv that accidentally escaped, went over in a small boat to the Carolina regiment at Point Quartel. About the same time, the blockading vessel stationed at the Metanzas be- ing ordered off, some small vessels from the Havan- na with provisions and a reinforcement of men got into St. Augustine to the relief of the garrison. A party of creeks brought four Spanish prisoners to the general, who informed him that the garrison had re- ceived seven hundred men and a large supply of provisions. All prospects of starving the enemy being lost, the army began to despair of forcing the place to surrender. The Carolina troops, enfeebled by the heat—despairing of success—and fatigued by fruitless efforts, marched away in large bodies. The navy being short of provisions, and the usual season of hurricanes approaching, the commander judged it imprudent to hazard his majesty's ships by remaining longer on that coast. The general Avas sick of a fever—his regiment exhausted Avith fatigue and rendered unfit for action by disease. These M4 MILITARY HISTORY, 1()70--177'). combined disasters made it necessary to abandon the enterprise. Oglethorpe with extreme regret tell back to Frederica. On the 13th of August, the Ca- rolina regiment returned to Charlestown. Though not one of them had been killed by the enemy, their number was reduced 14 by disease and accidents. Thus ended the expedition against St. Augustine. to the great disappointment of both Georgia and Ca roiina. Many reflections were afterwards thrown out against general Oglethorpe, for his conduct du- rincr the Avhole enterprise. He, on the other hand. declared he had no confidence in the provincial* for that they refused obedience to his orders and at last abandoned his camp and retreated to Carolina. The place was so strongly fortified, both by nature and art, that probably the attempt must have failed though it had been conducted by the ablest officer, and executed by the best disciplined troops. The miscarriage was particularly injurious to Carolina having not only subjected the province to a great ex- pense, but also left it in a worse situation than it was before the attempt. * This invasion of Florida was soon retaliated. The Spaniards had not yet relinquished their claim to the southern extreme of the british colonies. They therefore prepared an armament to expel the english settlers from Georgia. There is reason to believe that if they had succeeded against that infant province, Carolina would have become the scene of their next operations. To accomplish these purpo- ses an armament was prepared at the Havanna : two thousand forces, commanded by'Don Antonio de Rodondo, embarked from that port under convoy CONTEST WITH SPANIARDS. 145 of a strong squadron and arrived at St. Augustine in May. Oglethorpe, on receiving intelligence of their arrival in Florida, sent advices of it to governor Glen of Carolina and made all possible preparations for a vigorous resistance. With his regiment, a few rangers, highlanders, and indians, he fixed his head quarters at Frederica and Avaited in expectation of a reinforcement from Carolina. About the last of June the Spanish fleet, amounting to thirty-two sail and carrying above three thousand men under the command of Don Manuel de Monteano, came to anchor off St. Simon's bar. After sounding the channel, the Don passed through Jekyl sound—re- ceived a fire from Oglethorpe at fort Simon's, and proceeded up the Alatamaha beyond the reach of his guns. There the enemy landed and erected a battery with twenty eighteen pounders mounted on it. Oglethorpe judging his situation at fort Simon's to be dangerous, spiked the guns—burst the bombs and cohorns—destroyed the stores—and retreated to Frederica. With a force amounting to little more than seven hundred men, exclusively of indians, he could not hope to act but on the defensive until the arrival of reinforcements from Carolina. Fie how- ever employed his indians, and occasionally his high- landers, in scouring the woods—harassing the out- posts of the enemy—and throwing impediments in their way. In the attempts of the Spanish to pene- trate through the woods and morasses to reach Frederica, several rencounters took place; in one of which they lost a captain and two lieutenants killed, and above one hundred of their men were taken prisoners. Oglethorpe, learning by an english pri- 146 MILITARY HISTORY, 1670--1776. soner who escaped from the Spanish camp that a difference subsisted betAveen the troops from Cuba and those from St. Augustine occasioning a separate encampment, resolved to attack the enemy while thus divided. He marched out in the nit royal governor, the treaties afterwards entered into with the indians by Sir Alexander Gumming, the set- tlement of Georgia, and the judicious measures res- pecting the indians adopted by general Oglethorpe, the governors of Georgia and of South-Carolina, toge- ther w ith the increasing strength of the white people, and the decreasing numbers of the indians, all con- curred in preserving peace with the savages, so far that for 40 years subsequent to the yamassee war in 1715, the peace of the province was preserved without any considerable or general interruption. In the year 1752 South Carolina was nearly in- volved in an indian war, but happily escaped. The creeks having quarrelled with the cherokees, took their revenge by killing a party of the latter near the gates of Charlestown. Some creek warriors had al- so scalped a british trader. For these and other out- rages, governor Glen demanded satisfaction at a pub- lic congress held for the purpose. The indians, by their orator Malatchee, apologised for their conduct in a speech that was deemed satisfactory, and peace was preserved. The war between France and England, which commenced in 1754 or 1755, induced both nations to court the friendship of the indians. The french were assiduous in connecting a chain of influence with the aborigines, from Canada to the mouth of the Missisippi. The british pursued a similar line of policy, but less extensive. Governor Glen held a CONTESTS WITH INDIANS. 167 treaty with the cherokees" in 1755, ostensibly to brighten the chain of friendship but really to obtain a cession of their lands and a liberty to erect forts on the western frontier, as a barrier against the french on the southrwest. Both were granted, as has already been related. In the progress of the Avar the french were defeat- ed in Canada, and compelled to abandon fort Du- quesne. After they had retreated from the latter down the Ohio, and the Missisippi, they had the address to involve the indians in a serious Avar with Carolina. By the reduction of fort Duquesne, the scene of action Avas changed from Pennsylvania and Virginia to Carolina; and the influence of the french soon appeared among the upper tribes of cherokees. An unfortunate quarrel with the virginians helped to forward their designs. In the successful expedition of 1758, against fort Duquesne, the cherokees had sent considerable parties of warriors to the assist- ance of the british army. While the savages Avere returning home from that expedition, through the back parts of Virginia, many of them having lost their horses took possession of such as came in their way. The virginians, instead of asserting their rights in a legal manner, resented the injury by force of arms and killed twelve or fourteen of these un- suspicious warriors. The cherokees, with reason, were highly provoked at such ungrateful usage; and when they came home, gave a highly colored account thereof to their nation. They became outrageous. Those who had lost friends and relations, resolved upon revenge. In vain did the chieftains interpose 168 MILITARY HISTORY, 16*70--1776. their authority. Nothing could restrain the fcrocit* of the young men. The emissaries of France among them added fuel to the flame, by declaring that the english intended to kill all the indian men and make slaves of their wives and children. They inflamed their resentments—stimulated them to bloodshed, and furnished them with arms and ammunition to revenge themselves. Parties of young w arriors took the field, ahd rushing down among the white inhabi- tants murdered and scalped all Avho came in their way. The commanding officer at fort Prince George dispatched a messenger to Charlestown, to inform go- vernor Lyttleton that the cherokees had commenced war. Orders were given to the commanders of the militia immediately to collect their men, and stand in a posture of defence. The militia of the country were directed to rendezvous at Congarees, where the crovernor resolved to join them and march to the relief of the frontier settlements. No sooner had the cherokees heard of these Avar- like preparations, than thirty-two of their chiefs set out for CharlestOAvn to settle all differences. Though they could not restrain some of their young men from acts of violence, yet the nation in general was in- clined to friendship and peace. As they arrived be- fore the governor had set out on the intended expe- dition, a council was called; and the chiefs being sent for governor Lyttleton, among other things, told them x" that he Avas well acquainted with all the acts of hostility of which their people had been guilty, and likewise those they intended against the english," CONTESTS AVITH INDIANS. 169 and enumerated some of them. Then he added " that he would soon be in their country, where he would let them know his demands and the satisfac- tion he required, Avhich he Avould certainly take if it Avas refused. As they had come to Charlestown to treat with him as friends, they should go home in safety and not a hair of their heads should be touched; but as he had many Avarriors in arms, in different parts of the province, he could not be an- swerable for Avhat might happen to them unless they marched with his army." After this speech was ended Occonostota, who was distinguished by the name of the great warrior of the cherokee nation, began to speak by Avay of reply ; but the governor having determined that nothing should prevent his military expedition, declared " he would hear no talk in vindication of his nation nor any proposals with regard to peace." This highly displeased the in- dians. In a few days after this conference the govern- or set out for Congarees, where he mustered about fourteen hundred men. To this place the cherokees marched Avith the army and Avere in appearance contented, but in reality burned Avith fury. WThen the army moved from the congarees, the chieftains were all made prisoners. To prevent their escaping as two had already done, a captain's guard Avas mounted over them. Being not only deprived of their liberty, but compelled to accompany an enemy going against their families and friends, they no lon- ger concealed the resentment raging in their breasts. Sullen looks and gloomy countenances showed that vol. t. Z* 170 MILITARY HISTORY, 1670—1776. they were stung to the heart by such treatment. Up- on the arrival of the army at fort Prince George, the indians were all shut up in a hut scarcely suflicient for the accommodation of six soldiers. The army being not only poorly armed and disci- plined, but also discontented and mutinous ; it Avas judged dangerous to proceed farther into the ene- my's country. The governor sent for Attakullakul- la, who Avas esteemed the Avisest man of the nation and the most steady friend oT the english, to meet him at fort Prince George. This summons Avas promptly obeyed. On the 17th December, 1759> they held a congress at Avhich the governor, in a long speech, stated to AttakuUakuUa the injuries done by the cherokees to the white people in violation of existing treaties—the power of the english—the weakness and many defeats of the french, and then concluded as follows :—(i These things I have men- tioned to shoAV you that the great king will not suffer his people to be destroyed Avithout satisfaction, and to let you know that the people of this province are determined to have it. What I say is with a mer- ciful intention. If I make war with you, you will suffer for your rashness; your men will be destroy- ed, and your women and children carried into cap- tivity. What few necessaries you now have will soon be exhausted, and you will get no more. But if you give the satisfaction I shall ask, trade will be again opened and all things go right. I have twice given you a list of the murderers. I will now tell you there are 24 men of your nation whom I demand to be delivered up to me to be put to death, or otherwise CONTESTS WITH INDIANS. 171 flisposed of as I shall think fit. Your people have killed that number of ours and more; therefore it is the least I will accept of. I shall give you till to- morrow to consider of it, and then I shall expect your answer. You knowr best the indians concerned. I expect the tAventy-four you deliver up, will be those who have committed the murders. To this long speech AttakuUakuUa replied in words to the following effect: " that he remember- ed the treaties mentioned, as he had a share in ma; king them. He oAvned the kindness of the province of South-Carolina, but complained much of'the bad treatment his countrymen had received in Virginia; which, he said, Avas the immediate cause of the pre- sent misunderstanding. That he had always been the Avarm friend of the english—that he Avould ever continue such, and Avould use all the influence he had to persuade his countrymen to give the governor the satisfaction he demanded; though he believed it neither would nor could be complied Avith, as they had no coercive, authority one over another. He desired the governor to release some of the head men.then confined in the fort to assist him, and ad- ded, " that he Avas pleased to hear of the success of his brothers the english ;" but could not. help men- tioning " that they showed more resentment against the cherokees than they did to other nations who had disobliged them. That he remembered some years ago several white people belonging to Carolina were killed by the choctaws, for whom no satisfaction had either been demanded or given." 172 MILITARY HISTORY, 1670--1776. Agreeably to the request of AttakuUakuUa, the governor released Occonostota, Fiftoethe chief man of keoAvee tOAvn, and the head Avarrior of estatoc, who next day delivered up two indians Avhom Mr. Lyttleton ordered to be put in irons. After which all the cherokees present, who knew their connexions to be weak, instantly fled ; so that it was impossible to complete the number demanded. AttakuUakuUa being then convinced that peace could not be ob- tained on the terms demanded by the governor, resolv- ed to go home and patiently Avait the event; but no sooner was Mr. Lyttleton made acquainted with his departure, than he dispatched a messenger after him to bring him back to his camp ; and immediately on his return began to treat of peace. Accordingly a treaty was draAvn up and signed by the governor, by AttakuUakuUa, another chief, and four of the con- fined warriors, who, together with a few others, there- upon obtained their liberty. By one article of this treaty it was agreed, "that twenty-six chieftains of the cherokees should be confined in the fort as hostages, until the same number of indians guilty of murder were delivered up to the commander in chief of the province. This was said to be done with their own consent; but as they were prisoners they could have no free choice. If they must remain confined, it was a matter of little moment under what denomination they were kept. One more indian was delivered up, for Avhom one of the hostages was released. The three indians, given up by their companions, were carried to Charlestown where they died in confine ment. CONTESTS WITH INDIANS. 173 After having concluded this treaty with the chero- kees, the governor returned to CharlestOAvn. Per- haps the indians who put their mark to these arti- cles of agreement did not understand them, or con- ceived themselves to be so far under restraint as not to be free agents in the transaction, and therefore not bound by it. Whether either of these or deli- berate perfidy Avas the case, cannot be ascertained ; but it is certain that feAv or none of the nation af- terwards paid the smallest regard to it. The treach- erous act of confining their chiefs, against whom no personal charge could be made and who had tra- velled several hundred miles to obtain peace, was strongly impressed on their minds. Instead of per- mitting them to return home " Avithout hurting a hair of their heads," as the governor promised in Charles- , town, they were confined in a miserable hut. It Avas said they were kept only as hostages until the number of criminals demanded was completed by their nation. It was also said to be done by the consent of the nation, as six of its chiefs had signed the articles of peace ; but when the relative situation of the parties, and all circumstances are considered, nothing less could have been expected than that these wild and independent warriors Avould violate the ar- ticles they had signed and retaliate for the confine- ment of their chiefs. Scarcely had governor Lyttleton concluded the treaty of fort Prince George Avhen the small-pox, which Avas raging in an adjacent indian town, broke out in his camp. As feAv of the army had gone through that distemper, the men were struck with ter- 174 MILITARY HISTORY, 1670—177 (>. ror and in great haste returned to the settlements ; cautiously avoiding all intercourse Avith one another and suffering much from hunger and fatigue by the way. The governor followed them, and arrived in CharlestOAvn on January 8th, 1760. This expedition cost the province ,£25,000 sterling. Though not a drop of blood had been spilt during the campaign, yet as articles of peace Avere signed, the governor as commander in chief Avas received like a conqueror Avith the greatest demonstrations of joy. These rejoicings on account of the peace were scarcely over, when iicavs arrived that fresh hostili- ties had been committed, and that the cherokees had killed fourteen men Avithin a mile of fort Prince George. The indians had contracted an invincible antipathy to captain Coytmore, the officer Avhom governor Lyttleton had left commander of that fort. The treatment they had received at Charlestown, but especially the imprisonment of their chiefs, con- verted their former desire of peace into the bitterest rage for war. Occonostota, a chieftain of great in- fluence, became an implacable enemy to Carolina and determined to repay treachery with treachery. With a strong party of cherokees he surrounded fort Prince George, and compelled the garrison to keep within their works; but finding that no impression could be made on the fort, he contrived the follow- ing stratagem for the relief of his countrymen con- fined in it. He placed a party of savages in a dark thicket by the river side and then sent anlndian woman, whom he knew to be always welcome at the fort, to inform CONTESTS WITH INDIANS. 17J the commander that he had something of conse- quence to communicate and would be glad to speak with him at the river side. Captain Coytmore im- prudently consented, and without any suspicions of danger Avalked down towards the river accompanied by lieutenants Bell and Foster. Occonostota ap- pearing on the opposite side, told him he Avas going to CharlestOAvn to procure a release of the prisoners and Avould be glad of a white man to accompany him as a safeguard. To cover his dark design he had a bridle in his hand, and added he would go and hunt for a horse. Coytmore replied that he should have a guard, and wished he might find a horse as the journey was ve*y long. Upon which, the indian turning about, SAvung the bridle thrice round his head as a signal to the savages placed in ambush, who in- stantly fired on the officers, shot the captain dead, and Avounded his two companions. In consequence of Avhich, orders were given to put the hostages in irons to prevent any further danger from them. When the soldiers were attempting to execute these orders, the indians stabbed one and Avounded two more of them ; upon which the garrison fell on the unfortunate hostages, and butchered all of them in a manner too shocking to relate. There Avere few men in the cherokee nation that did not lose a friend or a relation by this massacre, and therefore vvith one Aoice all immediately declar- ed for Avar. The leaders in every tOAvn seized the hatchet, telling their followers " that the spirits of their murdered brothers were hovering around them and calling out for vengeance on their enemies/' 176 MILITARY HISTORY, 1670-1776. From the different towns large parties of warriors took the field, painted in the most formidable man- ner and arrayed Avith their instruments of death. Burning with impatience to imbrue their hands in the blood of their enemies, they rushed down among innocent and defenceless families on the frontiers of Carolina; Avhere men, women and children, without distinction, fell a sacrifice to their merciless fury. Such as fled to the Avoods and escaped the scalping knife, perished Avith hunger; and those whom they made prisoners were carried into the wilderness where they suffered inexpressible hardships. Eve- ry day brought fresh accounts of their ravages and murders. But Avhile the back settlers impatiently looked to their governor for relief, the small pox raged to such a degree, on the sea coast, that few of the militia could be prevailed on to leave their dis- tressed families. In this extremity an express was sent to gen. Amherst the commander in chief of the british forces in America, acquainting him with the deplorable situation of the province and imploring his assistance. Accordingly a body of fine picked troops, consisting of six companies of the royal scots regiment, and six companies of the seventy-second, in which were included the grenadiers and light in- fantry companies of several regiments, was put under the command of colonel Montgomery and ordered immediately to Carolina. In the mean time William Henry Lyttleton bein^ appointed governor of Jamaica, the charge of the province devolved on Wm. Bull. Application was made to the neighboring provinces of North-Carolina CONTESTS WITH INDIANS. 177 and Virginia for relief. Seven troops of rangers were raised to protect the frontiers, and prevent the savages from penetrating further down among the set- tlements, and to co-operate with the regulars for car- rying offensive operations into the indian country. Before the end of April, 1760, colonel Montgo- mery landed in Carolina and encamped at Monk's corner. Great was the joy of the province upon the arrival of this gallant officer; but as the conquest of Canada was the grand object of that year's cam- paign in America, he had orders to strike a sudden blow for the relief of Carolina and instantly return to head quarters at Albany. Nothing was omitted that was judged necessary to fonvard the expedi- tion. Several gentlemen of fortune, excited by a laudable zeal for the safety of their country, formed themselves into a company of volunteers, and join d the army. The whole force of the province was col- lected and ordered to rendezvous at Congarees. A few weeks after his arrival colonel Montgome- ry marched to the congarees Avhere he was joined by the militia of the province, and immediately set out for the cherokee country. Having little time allowed him, his inarch was uncommonly expeditious. Af- ter reaching a place called twelve mile river he pro- ceeded with a party of his men in the night to sur- prise Estatoe, an indian town, about twenty miles from his camp. On his way there was another town called little Keowee. He ordered the light infantry to surround the latter, and to put every adult male indian, in it, to the sword. He then proceeded to Estatoe which he found nearly abandoned. Ihis town, Avhich consisted of at least two hundred houses, vol. i. 2 A 178 MILITARY HLSIORY, 16'70--1776. and Avas well provided Avith corn, hogs, poultry, and ammunition, he reduced to ashes. Sugar-town, and every other settlement in the lower nation, shared the same fate. The surprise to every one of them Avas nearly equal, and so sudden and unexpccU d, that the savages could scarcely save themselves, far less any little property they had. In these lower towns about sixty indians were killed and forty made prisoners, and the rest driven to seek for shel- ter among the mountains. Having finished his bu- siness among these lower settlements, with the small loss of three or four men, he marched to the relief of fort Prince George. Edmund Atkin, agent for in- dian affairs, dispatched two indian chiefs to the mid- dle settlements to inform the cherokees that by suing for peace they might obtain it as the former friends and allies of Britain. Colonel Montgomery, finding that the savages were not yet disposed to listen to any terms of accommodation, determined to carry the chastisement a little further. Dismal was the wilderness into which he entered, and many Avere the hardships and dangers he had to encounter from passing through dark thickets, rugged paths, and narrow defiles, in which a small body of men properly posted might harass the bravest ar- my. He also had numberless difficulties to sur- mount; particularly from rivers fordable only at one place, and overlooked by high banks on each side, where an enemy might attack with advantage, and retreat with safety. When he had advanced within five miles of Etchoe, the nearest town in the middle settlements, he found a low valley covered so thick with bushes that the soldiers could scarcely see three CONTESTS WITH INDIANS, 179 yards before them. Through this natural ambus- cade it was necessary for the army to march, though the nature of the place would not admit any number of men to act together. Captain Morison who commanded a company of rangers, well ac- quainted Avith the Avoods, Avas therefore ordered to advance and scour this thicket. He had scarcely entered it when a number of savages sprung from their place of concealment, killed the captain and Avounded several of his party. Upon which the light infantry and grenadiers advanced and charged the invisible enemy. A heavy fire then began on both sides, and for some time the soldiers could only discover the places where the savages Avere hid by the report of their guns. The woods resounded with indian Ararhoops and horrible yellings. Dur- ing the action, which lasted above an hour, colo- nel Montgomery had twenty, men killed and seventy- six Avounded. What number the enemy lost is un- certain, as it is a custom among them to carry their dead off the field. Upon viewing the ground, all Avere astonished to see Avith what judgment they had chosen it. Scarcely could the most experien- ced officer have fixed upon a spot more advanta- geous for attacking an enemy. This action terminated much in favor of the bri- tish army, but reduced it to such a situation as made it very imprudent to penetrate further into the Avoods. Orders Avere therefore given for a retreat Avhich Avas made with great regularity. A large train of wound- ed men was brought in safety above sixty miles through a hazardous country. Never did men en- dure greater hardships, with fewer complaints, than 180 MILITARY HISTORY, 1670—1776. this little army. Colonel Montgomery returned to the settlement, and in August embarked for New- York agreeably to his orders ; but left four compa- nies for covering the frontiers. In the mean time the distant garrison of fort Lou- don, consisting of two hundred men, was reduced to the dreadful alternative of perishing by hunger or submitting to the mercy of the enraged cherokees. The governor having information that the virginians had undertaken to relieve it, waited to hear the news of their having done so. But so remote was the tort from every settlement, and so difficult was it to march an army through the barren Avilderness where the various thickets were lined with enemies; and to carry at the same time sufficient supplies along with them, that the virginians had relinquished all thoughts of even making the attempt. Provisions being entirely exhausted at fort Loudon, the garrison was reduced to the most deplorable situation. For a Avhole month they had no other subsistence, but the flesh of lean horses and dogs, and a small supply of indian beans which some friendly cherokee women procured for them by stealth. In this extremity the commander called a council of war to consider what was proper to be done. The officers were all of opinion that it was impossible to hold out any lon- ger, and therefore agreed to surrender the fort to the cherokees on the best terms that could be obtained. For this purpose capt. Stuart procured leave to go to Chote, one of the principal towns in the neighbor- hood, where he obtained the following terms of capitulation which were signed by the commanding officer and two of the cherokee chiefs. " That the CONTESTS WITH INDIANS. 181 garrison of fort Loudon march out with their arms and drums, each soldier having as much powder and ball as their officer shall think necessary for their march, and all the baggoge they may choose to car- ry. That the garrison be permitted to march to Virginia or fort Prince George, and that a number of indians be appointed to escort them and hunt for provisions during the inarch. That such soldiers as are lame or sick be received into the indian towns, and kindly used until they recover, and then be al- lowed to return to fort Prince George. That the in- dians provide for the garrison as many horses as they conveniently can for their march, agreeing with the officers and soldiers for payment. That the fort, great guns, powder, ball, and spare arms, be deliver- ed to tiie indians Avithout fraud or further delay on the day appointed for the march of the troops." Agreeably to these terms the garrison delivered up the fort, and marched out with their arms, accom- panied by Occonostota the prince of Chote, and se- veral other indians ; and that day went fifteen miles on their Avay to fort Prince George. At night they encamped on a plain about two miles from Taliquo, an indian town, when all their attendants left them. During the night they remained unmolested; but next morning, about break of day a soldier, from an outpost, informed them that he saAv a number of in- dians, armed and painted in the most dreadful man- ner, creeping among the bushes and advancing to surround them. Scarcely had the officer time to or- der his men to stand to their arms, when the savages poured in upon them a heavy fire from different quarters accompanied with the most hideous yel- 185 MILITARY HISTORY, 1670—17/6. lings. Captain Paul Demcre, with three other offi- cers, and about twenty-six private men, fell at the first onset. Some fled into the Avoods, and were af- tenvards taken prisoners and confined. Captain Stuart and those that remained were seized, pinion- ed, and brought back to fort Loudon. As soon as AttakuUakuUa heard that his friend Stuart had es- caped, he hastened to the fort and purchased him from the indian that took hiin; giving him his rifle. clothes, and all he could command by way of ran- som. He then took possession of captain Demcre's house, where he kept his prisoner as one of his famil v and freely shared with him the little provisions his table afforded, until a fair opportunity should offer for rescuing him from their hands: but the soldiers were kept in a miserable state of captivity for some time, and then redeemed by the province at a great expense. While these prisoners Avere confined at fort Lou- don, Occonostota formed a design of attacking fort Prince George; and for this purpose dispatched a messenger to the settlements in the valley, request- ing all the warriors there to join him at Stickoey old town. By accident, a discovery was made of ten bags of powder, and of ball in proportion, which the officers had secretly buried in the fort to prevent their falling into the enemy's hands. This discovery had nearly proved fatal to captain Stuart, and would cer- tainly have cost him his life, if the interpreter had not assured the enemy that these warlike stores had been concealed Avithout his knowledge or consent. The indians having now abundance of ammunition, for the £cige. a council was called at Chote: to which CONTESTS WITH INDIANS. 18.'j the captain was brought and put in mind of the obli- gations he lay under to them for sparing his life. They also stated to him, that as they had resolved to carry six cannon and two cohorns with them against fort Prince George, to be managed by men under his command, he must go and write such letters to the commandant as they should dictate to him. They informed him at the same time that ft that offi- cer should refuse to surrender, they were determined to burn the prisoners one after another before his face, and try if he could hold out while he saAv his friends expiring in the flames. Captain Stuart was much alarmed at his situation, and from that mo- ment resolved to make his escape or perish in the attempt. He privately communicated his design to AttakuUakuUa, and told him how uneasy he Avas at the thoughts of being compelled to bear arms against his countrymen. The old warrior taking him by the hand, told him he was his friend. That he had al- ready given one proof of his regard, and intended soon to give another. Strong and uncultivated minds often carry their friendship, as well as their enmity, to an astonishing pitch. Among savages, family friendship is a national virtue; and they not unfre- quently surpass civilized men in the practice of its most self-denying, and noblest duties. AttakuUakuUa claimed captain Stuart as his pri- soner, and had resolved to deliver him from danger. Accordingly he gave out among his countrymen, that he intended to go a hunting for a few days and car- ry his prisoner along with him to eat venison. Hav- ing settled all matters they set out on their journey, accompanied by the warriors wife, his brother, and. IH4 MILITARY HISTORY, 1670--1776. two soldiers. For provisions they depended on what they might kill by the way. The distance to the frontier settlements was great, and the utmost expe- dition necessary to prevent any surprise from indians pursuing them. They travelled nine days and nights through a dreary wilderness, shaping their course for Virginia, by the light and guidance ot the heavenly bodies. On the tenth they arrived at the banks of Holstein river; where they fortunately tell in w ith a party of 300 men, sent out by colonel Bird for the relief of such soldiers as might make their escape that way from fort Loudon. It might now havebeen expected that the vindictive spirit of the savages would be satisfied, and that they would be disposed to listen to terms of accommoda- tion. But this w as not the case. They intended" their treacherous conduct at fort Loudon should serve as a satisfaction for the harsh treatment their relations had met with at fort Prince George. Dear- ly had the province paid for the imprisonment and massacre of the indian chiefs at that place. Sorely had the cherokees suffered, in retaliation, for the mur- ders they had committed to satisfy their vengounce for that imprisonment and the massacre of their chiefs. Their lower towns had all been destroyed by colonel Montgomery—The Avarriors in the mid- dle settlements had lost many friends and relations. Several frenchmen had crept in among the upper towns, and helped to foment their ill humor against Carolina. Lewis Latinac, a french officer, persuaded the indians that the english had nothing less in view than to exterminate them from the face of the earth; and furnishing them with arms, and ammunition, ur CONTESTS WITH INDIANS. 18£ ged them to war. At a great meeting of the nation he pulled out his hatchet, and striking it into a log of wood called out, " who is the man that will take this up for the king of France ?" Salone the young warrior of Estatoe instantly laid hold of it, and cried out " lam for war. The spirits of our brothers who have been slain, still call upon us to avenge their death. He is no better than a wo nin that refuses to follow me." Many others seized the to- mahawk and burned with impatience for the field. Lieutenant governor Bull, who well knew how lit- tle indians were to be trusted, kept the royal scots and militia on the frontiers in a posture of defence; and made application a second time to general Am- herst for assistance. Canada being now reduced, tiie commander in chief could the more easily spare a force adequate to the purpose intended. Lieutenant colonel James Grant, with a regiment from England and two companies of light infantry from New-York, received orders to embark for Carolina. Early in the year 1761 he landed at Charlestown, Avhere he took up his Avinter quarters until the proper season should approach for taking the field. In this campaign, the province exerted itself to the utmost. A provincial regiment was raised, and the command of it given to colonel Middleton*. Presents were provided for the indian allies, and se- * The other field officers Avere, Henry Laurens lieutenant- colonel, John Moultrie major. William Moultrie, Francis Ma- rion, Isaac Huger, Andrew Pickens, Owen Roberts, Adam M'- Donald, James M' Donald, and William Mason, served in this expedition and were there trained to further and greater ser- vices in the cause of their country. They all served in the re- vor... r. 2 U 186 MILITARY HISTORY, 1670--1776. veral of the chickesaws and cataAvbas engaged to co- operate with the white people against the cherokees. All possible preparations were quickly made for sup- plying the army with every thing necessary for the expedition. Great had been the expense which this quarrel with the cherokees had already occasioned. The Carolinians now flattered themselves that, by one resolute exertion, they would free the country from the calamities of war. As soon as the highlanders were in a condition to take the field, colonel Grant set out for the cherokee territories. After being joined *by the provincial regiment and indian allies, he mustered about i2o00 men. On the 27th of May 1761 he arrived at fort Prince George; and on the 7th of June began his march from it, carrying with him provisions for thirty days. A party of ninety indians and thirty woodsmen, painted like indians, under the command of captain Quintine Kennedy, had orders to advance in front and scour the woods. When near to the place where colonel Montgomery w as attacked the year before, the indian allies in front observed a large body of cherokees posted upon a hill on the right flank of the army. An alarm was given. Immediately the savages rushing down began to fire on the advanced imard, which being supported repulsed them; but they recovered their heights. Colonel Grant order- volutionary war, and in the course of it, the four first were pro- moted to the rank of general officers. Bellamy Crawford, John Huger, Joseph Lloyd, John Lloyd, and Thomas Savage, also served in this expedition; and afterwards in civil departments, \n and after the revolution. CONTESTS WITH INDIANS. 187 ed a party to march up the hills, and drive the ene- my from them. The engagement became general, and Avas fought on both sides with great bravery. 1 he situation of the troops was in several respects deplorable, fatigued by a tedious march in rainy weather—surrounded with woods so that they could not discern the enemy—galled by the scattering fire of savages who when pressed always fell back, but rallied again and again. No sooner was any advan- tage gained over them in one quarter than they ap- peared in another. While the attention of the com- mander was occupied in driving the enemy from their lurking place on the river's side, his rear was attacked; and so vigorous an effort made for the flour and cattle, that he was obliged to order a par- ty back to the relief of the rear-guard. From 8 o'clock in the morning until 11, the savages continued to keep up an irregular and incessant fire; sometimes from one place and sometimes from another, while the Avoods resounded with hideous warhoops frequently repeated but in different directions. At length the cherokees gave Avay and were pursued. What loss they sustained in this action is unknoAvn, but of co- lonel Grant's army there Avere between fifty and six- ty killed and wounded. Orders Avere given not to bury the slain, but to sink them in the river to pre- vent their being dug up from their graves and scalp- ed. To provide horses for those that AAere Avounded several bags of flour Avere throAvn into the river. After Avhich the army proceeded to Etchoe a large indian town which they reached about midnight, and next day reduced to ashes. Every other town in the middle'settlements shared the same fate. Their ma^ 188 MILITARY HISTORY, 16'70--17/1). gazines and cornfields Avere likewise destroyed; and the miserable savages with their families were driven to seek for shelter and provisions among the barren mountains. Colonel Grant continued thirty days in the heart of the cherokee territories. Upon his return to fort Prince George the feet and legs of many of his men were so mangled, and their strength and spirits so exhausted, that they were unable to march any fur- ther. He therefore encamped at that place to re- fresh his men, and Avait the resolutions of the chero- kees in consequence of the heavy chastisement which they had received. Besides the many advantages their country afforded for defence, it Avas supposed they had been assisted by french officers. The sa- vages supported their attack for some hours with considerable spirit; but being driven from their ad- vantageous posts they were disconcerted. Though the repulse was far from being decisive, yet after this engagement they returned no more to the charge, but remained the tame spectators of their towns in flames and their country laid desolate. It is no easy matter to describe the distress to which the savages Avere reduced by this severe cor- rection. Even in time of peace they are destitute of that foresight which provides for future events ; but in time of war, when their villages are burnt and their fields destroyed, they are reduced to extreme want. The hunters, furnished with ammunition, may make some small provision for themselves; but wo- men, children, and old men must perish from being deprived of the means of subsistence. Soon after colonel Grant's arrival at fort Prince CONTESTS AVITH INDIANS. 1 8.0 George AttakuUakuUa, attended by several chief- tains, came to his camp and expressed a desire of peace. They had suffered severely for breaking their alliance with Britain, and giving ear to the promises of fiance. Convinced at last of the weakness of the french, who were neither able to assist them in time of AA-ar nor to supply their wants in time of peace, they resolved to renounce all connexion with them. Accordingly terms of peace Avere drawn un and proposed. The different articles being read and interpreted AttakuUakuUa agreed to them all except one, by Avhich it w as demanded " that four chero- kee indians be delivered up to colonel Grant at fort Prince George to be put to death in the front of his camp; or that four green scalps be brought to him in the space of twelve nights." The warrior could not agree to this article, and therefore the colonel sent him to Charlestown to see whether the lieuten- ant-governor would consent to mitigate its rigor. Accordingly AttakuUakuUa, and the chieftains be- ing furnished Avith a safe-guard, set out for Charles- tOAvn to hold a conference Avith lieutenant-governor Bull, Avho, on their arrival, called a council to meet at Ashley ferry, and then spoke to the following effect. " AttakuUakuUa I am glad to see you, as I have always heard of your good behavior, and that you have been a good friend to the english. I take you by the hand, and not only you but all those Avith you, as a pledge for their security whilst under my protection. Colonel Grant acquaints me that you have applied for peace. I have therefore met with my beloved men to hear what you have to say, 190 MILITARY HIM'ORY, 1670—1776. and my ears are open for that purpose." A fire wa* kindled, the pipe of peace was lighted, and all smo- ked together for some time in great silence and so- lemnity. AttakuUakuUa then arose and addressed the lieu- tenant-governor and council to the following effect: " It is a great Avhile since I last saw your honor. I am glad to see you and all the beloved men pre- sent. I am come to you as a messenger from the whole nation. I have now seen you, smoked with you, and hope Ave shall live together as brothers. When I came to Keowce, colonel Grant sent me to you. You live at the water side and are in light, we are in darkness ; but hope all Avill yet be clear. I have been constantly going about doing good, and though 1 am tired, yet I am come to see Avhat can be done for my people Avho are in great distress." Here he produced the strings of wampum he had received from the different towns, denoting their ear- nest desire of peace, and added, " as to what has happened, I believe it has been ordered by our fa- ther above. We are of a different color from the white people. They are superior to us. But one God is father of all, and we hope w hat is past will be forgotten. God Almighty made all people. There is not a day but some are coming into and others going out of the world. The great king told me the path should never be crooked, but open for every one to pass and repass. As we all live in one land I hope Ave shall all love as one people." After which peace Avas formally ratified and confirmed. The former friendship of the parties being renew ed, CONTESTS WITH INDIANS. i91 both expressed their hope that it Avould last as long as the sun shines and the rivers run. Thus ended the war with the cherokees, Avhich had provred ruinous to them, and seriously distressful to South-Carolina, without being advantageous or ho- norable to the contending parties. Nothing was gained by either, and a great deal was lost by both. In the review of the whole, there is much to blame, and more to regret. The cherokees were the first aggressors by taking horses from the virginians ; but by killing them for that offence the balance of injury Avas on their side. They violated the laAvs of natural justice by retaliating on Carolinians for murders committed by virginians; but according to their code, the Avhites of both w ere identified as objects of retaliation. No pains had been taken to teach them better by their neighbors, who enjoyed the superior benefits of civilization and of Christianity. When the storm of war Avas ready to burst on their heads they sent their messenger of peace to apologise, ex- plain, and negociate for the unauthorised murders of their lawless young warriors; but they were not heard, nor even suffered to speak., Governor Lyt- ' tleton, uiiAvilling to be balked of his military expe- dition, marched Avith his army into their country with these messengers of peace in his train; ostensibly for their safety, and with a promise that a hair of their heads should not be hurt, but really as hostages for their countrymen ; and they were afterwards, without any personal fault, confined as such till twenty-four of their nation should be delivered up to expiate by their death for the murder of the Carolinians. If this- demand was ri^ht, it was of that too rigid kind which. 19C MILITARY HISTORY, 1670—1770. hardens into wrong. Compliance with it was im- possible; tor no such coercive power could be exer- cised over these wild and independent warriors, un- der their feeble system of loose government. A trea- ty was nevertheless made to that effect, but under circumstances that its observance could not be ex- pected. Treachery begat treachery, and murder pro- duced murder. The lives of these men who came originally as messengers of peace, though afterwards retained as hostages, were barbarously taken away without any fault of theirs ; other than their obeying the laws ot nature in resisting a military order for putting their persons in irons. A deadly hatred, and a desolating war was the consequence. Both ex- erted all their energies to inflict upon the opposite party the greatest possible amount of distress. The Avar, after incalculable mischief was done to both parties, ended in peace ; but the hatred of the che- rokees to Carolina continued to rankle in their hearts. In about fifteen years after it broke out, under the auspices of the same John Stuart before mentioned, to the great distress of Carolina in its re- volutionary Avar with Great-Britain, which shall be related hereafter. The treaty made by Sir Alexander Cumming with the cherokees in 1730, had preserved peace between them and Carolina for thirty years. It is highly pro- bable that moderation on the part of governor Lyt- tleton Avould have prevented its interruption to any oreat extent, and most certainly the horrid scenes which have just been reviewed. The assumption of a hi of a countryman or a foreigner, is alike to most of them; provided, by any artifice, it can be taken w ith impunity. The wars which raged in the close of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century, made lamentable inroads on moral principles. They filled the ameri- can seas Avith privateers and afterwards Avith pirates. These public robbers were received with too much indulgence in CharlestOAvn. They brought Avith them abundance of gold and silver, and by aid of these precious metals often found favor and escaped from justice. Proofs of their guilt could not easily be obtained, and the humanity of the laws Avould not suffer them to be punished on suspicion. Some were permitted to go at large without any restriction ; others to enter into recognizance, Avith security, for their good behavior till the governor should hear whether the proprietors wou^a grant them a general indemnity. The proprietors, wishing to crush them, instructed governor Ludwell to change the form of electing juries; and required that all pirates should be tried by the laws of England, made for the suppres- sion of piracy. Before these orders reached Caroli- na the pirates, by their money and free intercourse 200 MILITARY HISTORY, 1670--1776. with the people, had made so many friends that it Avas difficult to bring them to trial and more so to punish them. The courts of law became scenes ol altercation and confusion The gold and silver of pirates enlisted in their behalf the eloquence of the first gentlemen of the bar ; too many of whom held that every advantage, though at the expense of ho- nor, justice, public good, and even of truth, should be taken in favor of their clients. Hence it happen- ed that several of the pirates escaped,* purchased lands, and took up their residence in the colony. The authority of government was too feeble to check the evil, supported as it Avas by a tide of money, flowing into the country. At length the proprietors, to gratify the people, granted an indemnity to all the pirates with the exception of such as had committed depredations on the dominions of the great Mogul. The Carolinians, by the increasing culture of rice and other valuable commodities, became more vul- " These frustrations of justice added to the wealth and repu- tation of the lawyers, whose ingenuity had thrown a shield over guilt; but they inflicted a deep wound on the credit and inter- ests of Carolina. The subjects of his catholic majesty, who were the greatest sufferers by the pirates, not only complained of the Carolinians for skreening these enemies of the human race, but retaliated by instigating the indians to harass the en- dish settlers, and by tempting their negroes to leave their mas- ters and go to St. Augustine. The Spaniards apologized for their conduct by alleging that the inhabitants of Charlestown coun- tenanced and encouraged the pirates, by permitting them to carry into their port and spend in their town that Avealth which had been urjustly taken from Spanish mh jcr.ts in the adjacent gulph and ocean, which was the thoroughfare between old and new Sn-.iin. CONTESTS AVITH PIRATES- 201 nerable on the ocean, and of course more sensible of. the benefits of uninterrupted trade, and of the in- jury done to mankind by sea robbers. In the last year of the 17th century, the planters had raised more rice than they could find vessels to export. Forty-five persons from different nations, englishmen, frenchmen, portuguese, and indians, had manned a ship at the Havanna, and entered on a cruise of pi- racy. While they Avere on the coast of Carolina the people felt seA'erely the pernicious effects of that law- less trade which in former times they had indirectly encouraged. Several ships belonging to Charlestown were taken by those public robbers who sent the crews ashore, but kept the vessels as their prizes. At last, having quarrelled among themselves about the division of the spoil, the englishmen proving the weaker party were turned adrift in a long boat They landed at Sewee-Bay, and from thence travel- led over land to Charlestown, giving out that they had been shipwrecked, but fortunately reached the shore in their boat. Three masters of ships happened to be at Charlestown at the time, Avho had been taken by them and kneAV them. Upon their testimony the pirates were instantly taken up, tried and con- demned. Seven out of nine suffered death. Early in the 18th century, the island of Provi- dence became a receptacle for vagabonds and vil- lains of all nations. From this place of rendezvous a crew of desperate pirates had been accustomed to push out to sea, and in defiance of the laws of na- tions to obstruct navigation. The trade of Carolina, and that of the West-Indies, suffered greatly from their depredations. From the year 1717 to 1721, * 202 MILITARY HISTORY, 1670—1776. we have an account of between thirty and forty ves- sels which had been taken on that coast. For five years those lawless robbers reigned as the masters of the gulph of Florida, plundering and taking ships of every nation. North-Carolina had also become a refuge for pirates who carried their prizes into Cape Fear river or Providence, as best suited their conve- nience. Their success induced bold and rapacious spirits to join them, and in time they became so for- midable that considerable force was requisite to re- press them. Merchants and masters of vessels trading to Ame- rica and the West-Indies, having suffered much from the depredations of pirates, complained to the king in council of the heavy losses the trade of the nation had sustained from public robbers avIio had grown numerous and insolent. In consequence of which the king issued a proclamation, promising a pardon to all pirates who should surrender themselves in the space of twelve months, and at the same time or- dered to sea a force for suppressing them. As they had made the island of Providence their common place of residence, captain Woodes Rogers sailed against that island aa ith a few ships of Avar, and took possession of it for the crown. Exccf>t one Vane, v. ho with about ninety men made their escape in a sloop, all the pirates took the benefit of the king's procla- mation and surrendered. Captain Rogers having made himself master of the island, formed a council in it, and appointed officers, civil and military, for the better government of its inhabitants, and so ordered matters that for the future the trade of the West-In- dies was well protected. CONTESTS AVITII PIUATKS. 203 Though the pirates on the island of Providence were crushed, those of North-Carolina still remain- ed and were equally troublesome. Vane, who es- caped from captain Rogers, had taken tAvo ships bound from CharlestOAvn to London. A pirate sloop of ten guns, commanded by Steed Bonnett, and an- other commanded by Richard Worley, had taken pos- session of the mouth of Cape Fear river which place Avas noAv the principal refuge of the pirates. Their station there was so convenient for blocking up the harbor of Charlestown that the trade of the colony Avas greatly obstructed. No sooner had one crew left the coast than another appeared, so that scarce- ly one ship coming in or going out escaped them. To check their insolence governor Johnson fitted out a ship of force, gave the command of it to Wil- liam Rhett, and sent him to sea for the protection of trade. Rhett had scarcely got over the bar when Steed Bonnett spied hiin, and sensible of his inferiori- ty made for his refuge into Cape Fear river. Thi- ther Rhett followed hiin, took the sloop and brought the commander and about thirty men to Charlestown. Soon after this governor Johnson embarked and sailed in pursuit of the other sloop of six guns, com- manded by Richard Worley, which after a desperate engagement was also taken. The pirates fought till they were all killed or wounded except Worley and another man, who even then refused to surrender un- til they were dangerously wounded. The governor brought these two men, together with their sloop in- to CharlestOAvn, where they were instantly tried, con- demned, and executed, to prevent their dying ot their wounds. Steed Bonnett and his crew were also tried, 204 MILITARY HISTORY, 1670—1776. and condemned. With the exception of one man, all amounting nearly to forty, were hanged, and bu- ried on White-Point, below high water mark *. * Steed Bonnett, Avho suffered on this occasion, was said to have been a man of education and property, and to have pos- sessed the manners and accomplishments of a gentleman. He Avas addressed by the title of Major. He made his escape rom prison in women's clothes, but was retaken. After his condem- nation he wrote a letter to colonel Rhett, which has been pre- served, and by the politeness of judge Bee is in the hands of the" author. It was as follows : November 27th, 1718. Sir, My unhappy fate lays me under a necessity of troubling you with this letter, which I humbly beg you will be pleased to ex- cuse, and with a tenderness of heart compassionate the deplora- ble' circumstances I have been inadvertently led into; and though I can't presume to have the least expectations of your friendship for so miserable a man, yet I hope your good dispo- sition and kind humanity will move you to become an interces- sor Avith his honor the governor, that I may be indulged with a reprieve to stay execution of the severe sentence I have under- gone, till his majesty's pleasure be known concerning me. I have the misfortune of suffering in the opinion of the world for many crimes and injuries done to this government and others in a piratical manner; more than I hope, God the knoAver of all secrets, will lay to my charge ; and must intreat you to consider that I Avas a prisoner on board captain Edward Thatch, who, with several of captain Hornigold's company which he then belonged to, boarded and took my sloop from me at the island of Providence, confining me with him eleven months, in which time I was never concerned in, nor had any benefit or share by his actions, but on the contrary was a very great loser by him ; notAvithstanding 'tis unjustly by some be- lieved otherAvise and used as an aggravation of my offences ; hoAvever, I can't but confess my crimes and sins have been too many, for Avhich, 1 thank my gracious God for the blessing, I have the utmost abhorrence and aversion ; and although I am CONTESTS WITH PIRATES. 205 Governor Johnson, formerly a popular man, Avas noAv become more so by his bold and successful ex- become as it Avere a monster unto many, yet I intreat your cha- ritable opinion of my great contrition and godly sorrow for the errors of my past life, and am so far from entertaining the least thoughts of being, by any inducement in nature, drawn into the like evil and wicked courses, if I had the happiness of a longer life granted me in this world, that I shall always retain in mind, and endeavor to follow those excellent precepts of our holy Saviour—to love my neighbor as myself; and do unto all men whatsoever I would they should do unto me, living in perfect holy friendship and charity Avith all mankind. This I do as- sure you, sir, is the sincerity of my heart upon the word of a penitent christian, and my only desire of enjoying such a tran- sient being is, that it may for the future be consecrated to the service of my maker, and by a long and unfeigned repentance I may beseech Almighty God, of his infinite mercy, to pardon and remit all my sins, and enable me to live a holy religious life, and make satisfaction to all persons whom I have any ways injured. I don't doubt but the favor of your friendship and interest in the house of Commons may prevail on his honor to indulge me with a reprieve, if you'll be so charitable as to grant it me; which I presume to hope for not only in tender regard of so many men having already suffered, and of my hearty and sin- cere repentance Avith full purposes of amendment of life ; but in consideration of the securities and promises of favor I re- ceived from colonel Rhett, Avhich, together with the joy I con- ceived of having an opportunity safely to disengage myself from all such wicked people and inhumane actions, made me the sole instrument of persuading those people to deliver themselves and arms up, which took me near twenty-four hours time and trouble to do after the engagement was over, when I knew what the two sloops Avere that colonel Rhett commanded. By which means I saved the great effusion of blood which must infallibly have been spilt by those rash people, had they received colonel Rhett's company on board, and blown us all up as they threaten- ed, Avhich I found much difficulty to persuade them from doing". 206 MILITARY HISTORY, 1670—17 76. pedition against the pirates. The coast was now happily cleared, and no pirates afterwards ventured to sea in that quarter. These tAvo expeditions co>t the province upwards of ten thousand pounds ster- ling, a burden which at this juncture it Avas ill quali- fied to support. In addition to the Avars which have been stated Carolina, as an appendage to Great-Britain, Avas im- plicated in all her Avars. These occupied forty years of the 106 of its colonial existence. Its trade was so materially injured from frequent captures made by armed vessels of France, and Spain, that its sta- ple commodities were greatly reduced in price when- ever either of these nations were at Avar with Great- Britain. This unfortunately was the case more than one third of the Avhole period between the first set- tlement of South-Carolina, and its becoming an in- dependent state. This is what colonel Rhett and most of his officers on board can testify. I must confess the escape I attempted might justly increase and aggravate his honor and the government against me, for Airhich I ask his and their pardon, and should not in the least have offered it, had not nature, as I believe it will in any man under the same circumstances, prompted me to evade, if pos- sible, so horrid a sentence, by endeavoring to get to some pri- vate settlement and continue there till my friends could apply home for his majesty's gracious pardon. I am fearful I have been too tedious already; therefore, shall not further trouble you than once more to repeat my earn- est intreaty for your charitable favor, and to assure you that it will ever heartily devote me to your service, and oblige me al- ways gratefully to acknowledge myself, Sir, your most obliged, And unfortunate humble servant, STEED BONNETT. CHAPTER VI. i The settlement of the back country. Q settlements as early as 1736 had partially pro- gressed Avestward, from the sea coast, about eighty or ninety miles*. Between 1750 and 1760 two or three germs of settlement were planted 200 miles from CharlestOAvn by emigrants from Pennsylvania and Virginia, Avho had advanced from north to south and in front of the eastern settlers. Between the sea-coast settlements, and those to the Avestward, a considerable tract of country was for several years left in the undisturbed possession of the aborigines. These and several other circumstances, sanctioned an early distinction between the upper and lower country of South-Carolina. In 1750, * Two classes of people generally advanced in front of the regular settlers or cultivators of the soil. These Avere the oav- ners of cowpens, and traders with the indians. An uncultivat- ed country covered with canes and natural grasses, possessed many advantages for raising stock. These were greatest where the settlements were least. Central spots in which cattle might be occasionally rallied, and so far domesticated as to pre- vent their running wild, were sought for and improved. These were often located in front of the settlements, and were called cowpens. They did not interfere Avith the pursuits of the na- tives, and therefore seldom gave offence; though they were sometimes observed >vith jealousy as the precursors of settle- ment. Traders advanced Avithout ceremony into the heart of indian settlements. Speculative men have drawn comparisons be- tween saArage and civilized life, highly colored in favor of the 208 SETTLEMENT OF THE BACK COUNTRY. colonel Clark emigrated from Virginia and settled on Pacolet river. In the course of six years he Avas joined by eight or ten families from Pennsylvania, all of aa horn settled on or near Fair Forest creek, or the three forks of Tyger river. These constituted the whole Avhite population of that part of the province in 1755. In that year Braddock Avas defeated; and the frontiers of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Vir- ginia, Avere exposed to so much danger from the french at fort Duquesne on the Ohio, and the indians attached to them, that their inhabitants were strong- ly inclined to move southwardly. In the same year governor Glen made a treaty with the cherokee in- dians, by Avhich much of what is now called the up- per country Avas ceded to the king of Great-Britain. Both events allured settlers to the western parts of South-Carolina. former. Their theories have been acted upon ever since the discovery of America, by individuals who, turningjtheir backs up- on civilized society, have voluntarily chosen a residence among the indians. Of this description there were several who at an early day had settled among the indians at a great distance from the Avhite people. Anthony Park, one of the first settlers of the back country, who now lives in Newberry district, travelled in 1758 a few hundred miles amon^ the indians to the west of the Alleghany mountains. He found several white men, chiefly scotch or irish Avho said that they had lived as traders among the indians tAventy years ; a few from forty to fifty, and one six- ty years. One of these said that he had upwards of seventy children and grand-children in the nation. If these accounts are correct, the oldest of these traders must have taken up his abode among the indians 400 miles to the west of Charlestown before the close of the 17th century, when the white popula- tion of Carolina scarcely extended twenty miles from the sea eoast. I SETTLEMENT OF THE B^CK COUNTRY. 209 In the year 1756 Patrick Calhoun, with four families of his friends, settled on Long Cane in Ab- beville. On his arrival there were only two families of Avhite settlers, one named Gowdy the other Ed- wards, in that south-western extremity of the upper country. The progress of settlement which com- menced in or about 1750 Avas so very slow, for five years, that in the beginning of 1756, the whole number > of families scarcely exceeded twenty. In that and the three following yaars, there was a great influx of in- habitants from the middle provinces. Carolina, though nominally at Avar, really, enjoyed all the bles- sings of peace, while hostilities raged in the north- ern and middle provinces, and their frontiers Avere drenched in blood shed by the savage allies of France. The recent settlers in the upper country of Carolina, Avho had fled from indian massacres in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, in the three years that fol- lowed Braddock's defeat, found that in the year 1759 they were involved in calamities similar to those from which they had escaped. The reduction of fort Duquesne in 1758 gave the blessings of peace to the middle provinces, but entailed the miseries of war* on South-Carolina. The origin of cherokee * A feAv facts attested by an eye witness will give some faint idea of the sufferings of the frontier settlers. A young man was shot through the body and through the thigh, one of his arms was broke, and he was scalped. A tomahawk Avas stuck into his head. The muscles of his neck Avere so far divided that his chin lodged on his breast, and several arrows were shot into his body. In this condition after he had extracted the arrows, he walked .twenty miles before he could get any assis- tance. Another was found wounded in the Avoods where he CIO SETTLEMENT OF THE BACK COUNTRY. hostilities in 1759, has been explained in the last chapter. It is here only necessary to observe that its operations in that, and the two or three follow ing acts, stunted the growth of the upper country. Several flourishing settlements were broke up. Some took to forts, others abandoned the country, and no new settlers Avould venture into it. These calami- ties Avere done away by the peace of Paris in 17 63, and from that period the settlements recommenced with increasing vigor. The influx of inhabitants was greater than ever, and the population Avas advanced w ith gigantic strides. Unalloyed good is not the lot of man. The w ar w as ended, but the consequences of it continued. It had tainted the principles of many of the inhabitants, so as to endanger the peace and happiness of society. When settlements w ere broke up, industry was at an end. The prospects of reap- ing were so faint, that few had the resolution to sow. Those who took up their residence in forts had no- thing to do. Idleness is the parent of every vice. When they sallied out they found much propeit\ left behind by others who had quitted their homes. had lain nine days without bread or water, incapable of helping or even of moving himself. An attempt was made to move him but he instantly expired. When settlements were attacked by iiie indians, some Avould escape These would conceal or lose themselves in the woods. In this condition they have been known to wander two or three weeks, living on snafces and such articles of food as the woods afforded. Several who were scalped, and otherwise badly wounded, had the good fortune to recover ; though they received no aid from regular physicians or surgeons. Women and children were oftener the subjects of these barbarities than men, for the latter by resistance for the most part obtained the superior boon of being killed outright. SETTLEMENT OF THE BACK COUNTRY. 211 To make use of such derelict articles did not appear to them in the odious colors of theft. Cattle were killed—horses were sold—household furniture, and plantation tools were taken into possession in viola- tion of private rights. The wrong-doers lived easi- ly at the expense of the absentees, and acquired such vicious habits that when the Avar was over they des- pised labor and became pests of society. To steal was easier than to work. The former was car- ried on extensively, and the latter rarely attempt- ed. Among all kinds of theft none was so easy in execution, so difficult in detection, and at the same time so injurious in its consequences, as horse- stealing. On the labors of that useful animal, the cultivators of the soil depended for raising the pro- visions necessary for their support. A horse when grazing is as easily caught by a thief, as by his own- er ; and will as readily carry the one as the other to a distance where he might be sold or exchanged, to the serious injury of an helpless fami'y. Practices of this kind /became common, and were carried on by system and in concert with associates living re- mote from each other. The industrious part of the community Avere oppressed, and the support of their families endangered. These difficulties Avere increased from an ineffi- cient system of government. If the thieves were caught, they could not be brought to trial nearer than Charlestown. Till the year 1770, there were no courts of justice held beyond the limits of the capital. The only legal authority in this infancy of the back country was that of justices of the peace, authorised by the governor, Avho always resided near- i 212 SETTLEMENT OF TUT BACK COlVTIiV. the sea coast. With his scanty means of information. to select proper persons for that office was no easy matter. The greatest villains had generally the mosl money, and often the most friends. Instead of ex- erting their authority to suppress horsc-st< aling and other crimes, some of these justices were sharirs in the profits of this infamous business. Before such it Avas difficult to procure the commitment of crimi- nals. If the proofs of their guilt were too strong to be evaded, the expense of transporting them to Charlestow n was great; the chances of their escape many. When brought to trial, the non-attendance of witnesses from a distance of two hundred miles. and other circumstances were so improved by law yers to whom the horse thieves were both able and Avilling to give large fees, that prosecutions though for real crimes seldom terminated in conviction. The inhabitants groaned under these frustrations of justice. Despairing of redress in a legal channel, they took the law in their own hands. In the year 176*4 Thomas Woodward, Joseph Kirkland, Bar- naby Pope, and others of the best and most orderly inhabitants, held a consultation on what was best to be done. They drew up an instrument of writing which they and their associates generally subscribed. In it they bound themselves to make a common cause in immediately pursuing and arresting all horse thieves and other criminals. Such when caught were tried in a summary way by the neighbors, and if found guilty, Avere sentenced to receive a number of stripes on their bare backs, more or less in proportion to their misdeeds. They were then advised to leave the neighborhood and informed that it they returned, SETTLEMENT OF THE BACK COUNTRY. 213 their punishment would be doubled. This mode of proceeding Avas called regulation, and its authors and friends regulators. The horse thieves, their associ- ates, and other criminals, Avho from causes already mentioned Avere numerous, made a counter com- mon cause in supporting themselves against these regulators. Most of the inhabitants favored one or other of these parties. The one justified their pro- ceedings on the score of necessity and substantial, though irregular justice ; the other alleged the rights of britsh subjects to a legal trial by a court and jury. Though the former meant well, yet justice is of so delicate a nature that form as well as substance must be regarded. It is therefore probable, that in some cases, the proceedings of the regulators may have so far partaken of the infirmities of human nature as to furnish real grounds of complaint against them. Their adversaries made such high colored represen- tations of their conduct, that the civil authority in- terposed. Lord Charles Greville Montague, go- vernor of the province, adopted measures for their suppression. WTith this viewr he conferred a high commission on a man named Scouil, Avhose con- duct, character, and standing in society had render- ed him in the opinion of his neighbors, and espe- cially of the regulators, very unfit for the office. As if the.country had been in rebellion, Scouil erected something which Avas intended to be a royal standard; and afterwards called upon the regulators to answer for their transgressions of the law. In addition to many other acts of severity, he arrested two of their number and sent them under a guard to Charlestown where they were imprisoned. The rer <214 SETTLEMENT OF THE BACK COUNTRY gulators and the scouilites contending for the supe- riority, Avere arranged under their leaders and form- ed camps in opposition to each other. A civil war Avas on the point of commencing ; both were armed and prepared for the last extremity. Each party Avas ready to return a fire from their adversaries, but both dreaded the odium of beginning hostilities. Instead thereof a flag w as sent from one to the other —a capitulation ensued, in which both agreed to break up their camps—go home and respectively petition the governor for a redress of their grievan- ces. This was done and eventuated in the circuit court law, passed in the year 1769- The establish- ment of courts of justice at Ninety-Six, now Cam- bridge, at Orangeburgh, and Camden, removed that necessity which was an apology for the proceedings of the regulators. These gloried in having obtained their ends for bringing criminals to justice. Their exertions henceforward took a different direction; they applied to law and ceased to regulate. In less than two years they brought 32 horse thieves to tri- al, condemnation, and punishment under the autho- rity of the new and adjacent circuit courts. The cause of justice triumphed, and a wholesome exer- tion of judicial authority re-established order. The country enjoyed peace and prosperity for the five following years. At the end of that period new scenes of distress, connected with the revolution, opened on the inhabitants. The animosities be- tween these parties continued to rankle in their hearts, but were not called into action till the year 1775. When the revolution commenced the actors in these late scenes of contention took opposite sides; SETTLEMENT OF THE BACK COUNTRY. 215 and the names of scouilites and regulators were in- sensibly exchanged for the appellation of tories and whigs, or the friends of the old and new order of things. Many of the former were called scouilites, and probably had co-operated Avith Scouil in oppos- ing the regulators; but the name Avas applied to others as a term of reproach on the alleged similari- ty of their principles as being both abettors of royal government, in opposition to the struggles of the peo- ple for justice and liberty. The tories or scouilites, for the opposers of revolutionary measures were called by both names, insisted that the king had laid no new burdens or taxes on the people and that therefore their opposition to royal government was groundless. The act, as it respected Carolina, was true; but the conclusion drawn from it did not fol- low. No new burdens had been laid on the inhabi- tants of the province, but the most grievous had been laid on Massachusetts in pursuance of principles which equally applied to Carolina and struck at the foundation of ail her boasted rights. This train of reasoning was too refined for selfish individuals w ho had not energy enough to encounter a present evil to obtain a future good. Respectable Avell in- formed persons were sent by the council of safety to explain the nature of the controversy to these mis- judging people, and to induce their co-operation with their fellow citizens in the common cause of american liberty. Partial success followed their ex- planations, and atreaty of neutrality was granted to the disaffected. But the old grudge still subsisted, and they continued to thwart the measures of congress. The friends of the revolution marched an army in- 216 SETTLEMENT OF THE BACK COUNTRV. to their settlements. Opposition Avas subdued with little or no bloodshed, and a temporary calm suc- ceeded. But many of the disheartened royalist* abandoned their plantations, and went either to the province of Florida, or among the indians. In both cases they w ere tools in the hands of the british and ready to co-operate with thein against their country- men Avho favored revolutionary measures. They lent their aid to a project for attacking the western settlements of South-Carolina, at the moment Char- lestown Avas to be invaded by a powerful fleet and army. Thev performed their part. I'nder the di- rection of Britain, and in concert with indians dressed and painted like them, they began to murder the Avhite settlers nearly on the same day Sullivan's island was attacked by the british. Measures of discrimination had been proposed among themselves to restrain the indians from disturbing the tories, but they were unavailing. Both classes of white people fell by a common massacre. The repulse of the bri- tish in their attack on fort Moultrie disconcerted the tories and indians, and gave the whigs leisure to chastise them both. This was done with spirit and effect by an army commanded by colonel Williamson. A calm succeeded for three or four years, but guards were kept on the frontiers and the inhabitants lived in terror; for they were apprehensive of a renewed attack. After the fall of Charlestown in 1780, every thing was reversed. The british, the tories, and in- dians, had the upper hand. Robbery, desolation, and murder, became common and continued till the revolutionary Avar was ended. Many were kil- kci__several fled—the country was filled with wi- SETTLEMENT OF THE BACK COUNTRY. 217 dows and orphans—and adult male population Avas sensibly diminished. From the first settlement of the upper country till the peace of 1783, a succession of disasters had stunted its growth. The years 1756, 1757, and 1758, were attended with no uncommon calamity. The same may be said of the years betAveen 1770 and \775, but Avith these exceptions ; the upper country was for nearly twenty years of the first thirty of its existence kept in a constant state of disturbance either by the indians or tories, and the contentions between regulators and scouilites. Under all these disadvantages it greAv astonishingly. Prior to the revolution it had received such an increase of in- habitants, as essentially contributed to the support of that bold measure; but since the year 1783, the improvement of that part of the state has exceeded all calculation. In the course of the revolutionary Avar the cherokees, having taken part with the ene- mies of the state, were so completely defeated that in 1777 they ceded to South-Carolina all their lands to the eastward of the Unacaye mountains. In the year 1784 a land office was opened tor the sale of this land. The price fixed was ten dollars per hun- dred acres, payable in debts due from the state. This low price, the fertility of the soil, and the healthiness of its climate, allured settlers to this newly acquired mountainous territory in such abundance that its population advanced with unexampled rapidity. The extention of the limits of South-Carolina—the in- creasing population both of its old and new western territory, has within the last twenty-five years eleva- ted the upper country from a low condition to be the vol. t.. 2 F —18 SETTLEMENT OF THE BACK COUNTRY. most influential portion of the state. The base of South-Carolina on the sea coast beloAv the tails- of the rivers, when compared w ith its apex above the falls, is nearly as three to two ; yet its principal strength rests with the smaller section. The latter increases in Avealth, population, and improvement of every kind, much more rapidly than the former. What the flat sea coast has slowly attained to in 138 years, is now Avithin the grasp of the hilly upper country; though very little more than half a century has passed since the first germs of civilized popula- tion were planted in its Avestern woods. THE CIVIL AND MILITARY HISTORY OF THE REVOLUTION OF SOUTH-CAROLINA, FROM A BRITISH PROVINCE TO AN INDEPENDENT STATE. CHAPTER VII. SECTION I. Of introductory events and taking of arm*. In the year 1763, when the peace of Taris had strengthened the british interest in North America by the addition of the contiguous french and Spanish colonies, many thought the english american empire was established on a permanent footing. Subse- quent events proved the fallacy of these specula- tions. Perhaps some may allege that the removal of hostile neighbors inspired the colonists with pro- jects of independence. This opinion is also un- founded, especially in South-Carolina. Happy in her connexion with Britain she wished for no change. Between her and the mother country there was no collision of interests, and there never had been any serious complaints of either against the other. Com- merce and manufactures Avere die favorite pursuits CCO REVOLUTIONARY HIMORV, 1775—1783. of Great-Britain, and agriculture of Carolina. Xo instance can be produced where the relative connex- ]on, between a colony and its parent state, was more likely to last. In none was there a stronger bond of union from a reciprocity of benefits, or a fainter prospect of contention from the interference of their respective pursuits. The colony consumed an im- mensity of british manufactures, which she could neither make for herself nor purchase elsewhere on equal terms, and lor the payment of which she had ample means in her valuable native commodities. The exchange of one for the other, was a basis of, profitable commerce. Carolina, satisfied with her political condition, did not covet independence. It Avas forced upon her as the only means of extrica- tion from the grasp of tyranny, exerted to enforce novel claims of the mother country, subversive of li- berty and happiness. These claims were brought forward soon alter the peace of Paris; and dissipated all the hopes Avhich were fondly indulged, that Great-Britain Avould maintain a pre-eminent rank in America. At this inauspicious period the scheme of a revenue to be laid by the british parliament, and collected in the colonies without the consent of their local legislatures, was introduced. The british mi- nistry were prompted to this innovation by the im- mense load of national debt, incurred during the Avar which in that year had terminated. They con- ceived that every part of their dominions should pay a proportion of the public debt and that the parlia- ment of Great-Britain, as the supreme poAver, was constitutionally invested Avith a right to lay taxes on INTRODUCTORY EVENTS. 221 every part of the empire. This doctrine, so plausi- ble in itself, and so conformable to the letter of the british constitution when the whole dominions were represented in one assembly, was reprobated in the colonies as subversive of their rights and contrary to the spirit of the same government when the em- pire became so far extended as to have many distinct representative assemblies. The colonists conceived that the chief excellence of the british constitution consisted in the right of the people to grant or with- hold taxes, and in their having a share in the enact- ing ot the laws by which they were to be governed. In the mother country it was asserted to be essen- tial to the unity of the empire, that the british par- liament should havre a right of taxation over every part of their extended dominions. In the colonies it was believed that taxation and representation were inseparable, and that they could neither be free nor happy if their property could be taken from them without their consent. The patriots in the american assemblies insisted that it was essential to liberty and happiness, that the people should be tax- ed by those only who were chosen by themselves and had a common interest with them. Mr. Locke's celebrated position " that no man has a right to that which another has a right to take from him," was often quoted as a proof that british taxation virtual- ly annihilated american property. Every thing in South-Carolina contributed to nou- rish a spirit of liberty and independence. Its settle- ment was nearly coeval Avith the revolution in Eng- land; and many of its inhabitants had imbibed a £22 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775__1785. large portion of that spirit, avhich brought one tvrant to the block and expelled another from his domin- ions. Every inhabitant was, or easily im«lit be a freeholder. Settled on lands ot his own, he was both farmer and landlord. Having no superiors to Avhom he was obliged to look up, and producing all the necessaries of lite from his own grounds, he soon became independent. The first statute that roused general and united op- position to british taxation was the memorable stamp act, passed in the year 1765. By this it was enacted, that the instruments of writing which are in daily use amongst a commercial people should be void in law unless they were executed on stamped paper, or parchment, charged with a duty imposed by the british parliament. A less extensive tax might have passed unobserved by the unsuspecting colonists ; but the stamp act was so intimately connected with all public and private business that an united vigor- ous opposition to it was judged indispensably neces- sary. To concert an uniform line of conduct to be adopted by the different colonies on this trying oc- casion, a congress of deputies from each province was recommended. This first step, towards conti- nental union, was adopted in South-Carolina before it had been agreed to by any colony to the south- ward of New-England. The example of this pro- vince had a considerable influence in recommending the measures to others who were more tardy in their concurrence. The colonies on this occasion not only presented petitions, but entered into associa- tions against importing british manufactures till the INTRODUCTORY EVENTS. 22S stamp act should be repealed. On the 18th of March 1766, that favorite point was obtained. This concession had the effect of inspiring the ame- ricans w ith high ideas of the necessity of their trade to Great Britain. The experiment of taxation was renewed in the year 1767, but in a more artful man- ner. Small duties were imposed on glass, paper, tea, and painter's colors. The colonists again petition- ed and associated to import no more british manufac- tures. In consequence of which, all the duties Avere taken off excepting three pence a pound on tea. Unwilling to contend w ith the mother country about paper claims, and at the same time determined to pay no taxes but such as were imposed by their own le- gislatures, the colonists associated to import no more tea; but relaxed in all their other resolutions, and renewed their commercial intercourse with Great- Britain. ' The tax on tea was in a great measure rendered a barren branch of revenue, by the american reso- lution of importing none on w hich the parliamentary duty was charged. In the year 1773 a scheme was adopted by the East-India company, to export large quantities of that commodity to be sold on their account in the several capitals of the british co- lonies. This measure tended directly to contravene the american resolutions. The colonists reasoned with themselves, that as the duty and the price of the commodity were inseparably blended if the tea was sold, every purchaser Avould pay a tax imposed by the british parliament as part of the purchase money. .Jealous of the designs of the mother conn- 224 REVOLUTIONAEY HISTORY, 1775--1 7S.*). try, and determined never to submit to british taxa- tion, they every where entered into combinations to obstruct the sales of the tea sent out by the Fast- India company. The cargoes sent to South-Caroli- na Avere stored, the consignees being restrained from exposing it to sale. In other provinces the landing of it being forbidden, the captains were obliged to return without discharging their cargoes. In Bos- ton, a feAv men in disguise threAv into the river all that had been exported to that city by the East- India company. This trespass on private property pro- voked the british parliament to take legislative ven- geance on that devoted town. An act was immedi- ately passed by which the port thereof was virtually blocked up by being legally precluded from shipping or landing any goods, wares, or merchandise. Other acts directed by the same policy speedily followed. One of them was entitled, " an act for the better regulating the government of Massachusetts." The object of this was essentially to alter the charter of the province. By it the whole executive government was taken out of the hands of the people, and the nomination of all officers vested in the king or hie governor. Soon after followed an act in which it was provided that if any person was indicted for murder, or for any other capital offence commit- ted in aiding magistracy, that the governor might send the person so indicted to another colony or to Great-Britain to be tried. These proceedings, no less contrary to the british "constitution than to the chartered rights of the colonies, were considered as the beginning of a new svstem ot colonial govern- INTRODUCTORY EVENTS. 225 ment by which the provinces Avere to be reduced to a much greater degree of dependence on the mother country than they had ever experienced. A general confederacy to aid the province of Massachusetts in opposing the executions of these unconstitutional acts very soon took place. The proceedings of parliament were no sooner known in Boston, than the inhabitants Avere thrown into the greatest consternation. Sundry tOAvn meet- ings Avere called to deliberate on the alarming state of public affairs. At one of them, viz, on May 13 1774, the folloAving vote Avas passed : " That it is the opinion of this town, that if the other colonies come into a joint resolution to stop all importation from Great-Britain and exportation to Great-Britain and the West-Indies till the act for blocking up this harbor be repealed the same will prove the salvation of North America and her li- berties. On the other hand, if they continue their exports and imports, there is high reason to fear that fraud, power, and the most odious oppression, will rise triumphant over justice, right, social happiness, and freedom. And, moreover, that this vote be trans- mitted by the moderator to all our sister colonies in the name and behalf of this town." A copy of this vote was immediately forwarded to the other provinces. Upon its arrival in South-Ca- rolina, it was presented to a number of the principal gentlemen in CharlestOAvn. They Avere of opinion that the principles of policy and self-preservation made it necessary to support the people of Boston; but the mode pointed out Avas a matter of too much VOL. 7. 2 G 226 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775__17S3. consequence to be adopted Avithout the General con- sent of the people. It Avas therefore determined to request a meeting of the inhabitants. That this might be as general as possible, circular letters were sent by express to every parish and district Avithin the province. In consequence of this invitation a very great number, some of whom were from almost every part of South-Carolina, met on the 6th of Ju- ly 1774 at CharlestOAvn. The proceedings of the parliament against the town of Boston, and province of Massachusetts, were distinctly related to this con- vention of the people. On which, without one dissent- ing voice, they adopted resolutions declaratory of their rights for supporting the people of Boston by voluntary contribution and for organising commit- tees. They also adopted the following appropriate resolutions : " That the late act for shutting up the port of Boston, and the other late acts relative to Boston and the province of Massachusetts, are cal- culated to deprive many thousand americans of their rights, properties, and privileges; in a most cruel, oppressive, and unconstitutional manner—are .most dangerous precedents; and though levelled im- mediately at the people of Boston, very manifestly and glaringly show, if the inhabitants of that town are intimidated into a mean submission to said acts, that the like are designed for all the colonies; when not even the shadow of liberty to his person, or of security to his property, Avill be left to any of his majesty's subjects residing on the american con- tinent. INTRODUCTORY EVENTS. 227 " Resolved, therefore, that the soundest principles of true policy and self-preservation make it abso- lutely necessary for the inhabitants of all the colo- nies in America to assist and support the people of Boston, by all lawful ways in their power, and to leave no justifiable means untried to procure a re- peal of those acts immediately relative to them, and also all others affecting the constitutional rights and liberties of America in general: as the best means to effect this desirable end, " Resolved, that Henry Middleton, John Rut- ledge, Christopher Gadsden, Thomas Lynch, and Edward Rutleclge, esquires, be^ and they are hereby appointed deputies on the part and behalf of this colony to meet the deputies of the several colonies in North-America in general congress ; to consider the act lately passed, and bills depending in parlia- ment, with regard to the port of Boston and province of Massachusetts; w hich act and bills, in the pre- cedent and consequence, affect the whole continent —also the grievances under which America labors, by reason of the several acts of parliament that im- pose taxes or duties for raising a revenue : Avith full poAver and authority, in behalf of us and our consti- tuents, to concert, agree to, and effectually to pro- secute such legal measures by which we for our- selves, and them, most solemnly engage to abide, as in the opinion of the said deputies, and of the de- puties so to be assembled, shall be most likely to obtain a repeal of the said acts, and a redress of these grievances." 228 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775 — 1782. This convention of the people, and these resolu- tions, laid the foundation of all the subsequent pro- ceedings ; which ultimately terminated in a revolu- tion*. The deputies appointed on this occasion, in a little time, sailed for Philadelphia; and were soon joined by others invested with similar powers by the several provinces. In this manner, by the general consent of the people and the universal alarm for theiryliberties, a new representative body with powers to bind all the american provinces was speedily constituted. The continental congress having, on the 26th of October 1774, finished their deliberations, the South-Carolina members returned home, and gave an account of their proceedings. The most im- * Every atom of political power now exercised in and over the people and state of South-Carolina, is a ramification derived from what was granted by the last of these resolutions. The people, by virtue of their inherent right to resist the illegal oppression of their rulers, delegated full powers to five men of their own choice to take care of their political interests and promised to abide by what they might resolve upon. Power thus liberally granted was faithfully and judiciously used. The germ of re- presentative government, then planted, has grown up to the tree of liberty and happiness, under the shade of Avhich the people of South-Carolina enjoy as great a proportion of social blessings as in any country or age has fallen to the lot of man. On this memorable day, the aged declared their willingness to sa- crifice the remnant of their days rather than submit to the op- pressive acts of Britain. The young, with greater ardor, en- gaged to resist to the last extremity ; and if they should survive all prospect of successful resistance, that they would retire from civilized society and take up their abode with the savages of the wilderness. INTRODUCTORY EVENTS. 229 portant of which were as follows : a state of ame- rican claims, particularly of their exelusive right to tax themselves and to regulate their internal polity: a petition to the king stating their grievances and praying a repeal of thirteen acts of parliament which imposed taxes on them, or interfered in their inter- nal government; and an association to suspend im- portations of british goods, and the exportation of american produce, till these grievances were re- dressed. They also addressed the people of Great- Britain, and the inhabitants of the colonies. With great energy of language they justified their pro- ceedings to both, and endeavored to dissuade the former from aiding any attempt on their liberties; and the latter from a tame relinquishment of them. To give efficacy to the measures adopted by the de- puties at Philadelphia it was determined, by the general committee in CharlestOAvn, to convene a pro- vincial congress by electing representatives from every parish and district in South-Carolina and to submit the proceedings of the continental congress to their judgment. As the measures about to be adopted depended entirely on the consent of the people, a very large representation was thought ad- viseable. The constitutional assembly consisted on- ly of forty-nine members ; but this new representa- tive body consisted of 184. The members of the constitutional assembly were universally members of the congress, but with this difference, that in the latter capacity they could neither be prorogued nor dissolved by the royal governor. This first provin- cial congress met on the 11th January, 1775, and took 230 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. under consideration the proceedings of the conti- nental congress at Philadelphia in the close of the preceding year. Without one dissenting voice they gave public thanks to their late deputies to the con- tinental congress, approved their proceedings, re- solved to carry them into execution, and reappoint- ed the same delegates to the next continental con- gress. Lest the selfishness of individuals might break through the public resolutions, committees of inspection and observation Avere appointed Avhose bu- siness it Avas to see that they were universally obeyed. This same body also passed an unanimous resolution; that in their opinion no action for any debt should be commenced or proceeded in, Avithout the permis- sion of the committee where the defendant resided, and that the committee should give permission for bringing suits Avhere the debtors refused to renew their obligations or to give reasonable security, or were justly suspected of intentions to leave the province or to defraud their creditors. They also re- commended to all the inhabitants to be diligent and attentive in learning the use of arms, and at the same time recommended to them so set apart the 17th day of February 1775 as a day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer, before Almighty God; devoutly to peti- tion him " to inspire the king Avith true wisdom to defend the people of North America in their just title to freedom, and to avert from them the calami- ties of civil Avar;" and requested the several ministers of the gospel throughout the colony to prepare and deliver suitable discourses on the solemn occasion. These recommendations for arming and praying INTRODUCTORY EVENTS. 231 were carried into effect with equal zeal. A military spirit pervaded the whole country, and Charlestown soon had the appearance of a garrison town. Volun- teer companies Avere formed, and almost daily ex- ercised. Children, in imitation of their superiors, were often to be seen going through the manual ex- ercise Avith something in the resemblance of a g\m. In these times that tried men's souls, the epithets of aristocrat and democrat Avere never heard. The poor wished for the countenance and influence of the rich. The wise and distinguished feAv, sought for the strength of the many. Wealth and wisdom, nerves and numbers, „ were put in .requisition for the public service. Each depended on the other, and all knew that their uni- ted vigorous exertions were indispensably necessary. Joining foot to foot, and hand to hand, they, with one mind, presented the whole body of the people a solid phalanx opposing their energies and resources to the introduction of arbitrary poAver. The first of February 1775 Avas the day fixed by the continental congress, after which no british goods should be imported. Notwithstanding the solemnity with which the resolutions had been adopted, sever- al vessels loaded with british goods arrived in the harbor after that period. It was doubtless presu- med by many that an association, so contrary to the immediate interest and convenience of such great numbers, would be either violated or evaded. But, to their great surprise, they found the resolutions so well observed that a single article could not be land- ed; and that they must either throw overboard, or send back their cargoes. 232 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 177J —1783. In this manner, Avhile the form of the old govern- ment subsisted, a new and independent authority was virtually established. It was so universally the sense of the people that the public good require! a compliance Avith the resolutions of congress that any man, who discovered an anxiety about the con- tinuance of trade and business, Avas considered as a selfish individual; preferring private interest to the good of his country. LTnder the influence of these principles the intemperate zeal of the populace transported them, frequently, so far beyond the limits of moderation as to apply singular punishments to particular persons who contravened the general sense of the community. This was the third time that a scheme of non-im- portation had been adopted. From its success on two former occasions, and an apprehension that the trade of America was necessary to the inhabitants of Great-Britain, it was generally hoped the obnoxious acts would soon be repealed. An appeal to arms, in- dependence, and an alliance with France, were events at this period neither intended nor expected. A bloodless self-denying opposition was all that South- Carolina designed; and was all the sacrifice, which, as she supposed, Avould be required at her hands. During the first three months of the year 1775, hopes were entertained that Great-Britain Avould follow the same line of policy which before had led her to repeal the stamp-act. On the 19th of April 1775, a packet from London reached Charlestown ; but with intelligence subversive of the pleasing hopes INTRODUCTORY EVENTS. 233 of a speedy accommodation*. On that same day hostilities were commenced at Lexington, in the Massachusetts, by a detachment from the royal ar- my at Boston, against the inhabitants of that pro- vince. A particular account of that bloody scene was soon brought to the general committee in Charlestown. No event during the war seemed so universally to interest the minds of the people. All were struck with the new face of things, and viewed the contest in a much more serious light. Fi\ m every appearance Great-Britain, instead of redress- ing american grievances, was determined to dragoon the colonists into submission. The spirit of freedom, * This was obtained in the following manner. A secret committee had been appointed, who agreed to watch the arrival of the british packet, and to take possession of the mail. When it arrived, it was peremptorily demanded by William Henry Drayton, John Neufville, and Thomas Corbett, the members of that committee. The post-master refused, and protested, but these three gentlemen took charge of the mail and carried it off to the general committee. The private letters were re- turned unopened to the post-office, but public dispatches from the british government to the governors of Virginia, the two - Carolinas, Georgia, and East-Florida, were opened and read. These furnished abundant evidence of the determination of1 England to coerce America by a military force. About th ; same time a letter from governor Wright of Georgia, to gene- ral Gage commander of the king's army then in Boston, was intercepted by the secret committee. It contained a request to general Gage to send a detachment of his. majesty's forces to awe the people of Georgia. The secret committee took, out this letter and put another in its place, with an imitation of Wright's signature subscribed, in which general Gage was informed " that there was no occasion for sending any troops to Georgia as the people, convinced of their error, AYere come again to order." VOL. T. 2 H ■234 REVOLUTIONARY II HI OftY, 1775—'1783. beating high in every breast, could not brook the idea ; while reason, more temperate in her decisions, suggested to the people their insufficiency to make effectual opposition. They were fully apprised of the power of Britain—they knew that her fleets covered the ocean, and that her flag had waved in triumph through the four quarters of the globe.—They knew that they were exposed on their western frontiers to the irruptions of savage tribes, whose common rule of Avarfare is promiscuous carnage—and they were not ignorant that their slaves might be worked up- on, by the insidious offer of freedom, to slay their masters in the peaceful hour of domestic security. The province, thrbugh its Avhole extent on the sea coast, Avhich is nearly two hundred miles, Avas ac- cessible to the fleets and armies of Great-Britain. For defence it possessed but a few fortifications, too inconsiderable for particular notice, and even these were held by the officers of the king. The royal governor was commander in chief of the mili- tia ; and all the officers, being of his appointment, held their commissions during his pleasure. The in- habitants were quite defenceless—without arms— 'thout ammunition—without clothing—without atiips—without money—without officers skilled in the art of war. The stores of the merchants afforded no supplies, as the importation of arms had been restrained by the resolutions of congress. That Great-Britain would commence hostilities, was not imagined—that America should have recourse to arms was not originally intended. Twelve hundred Stand of muskett were in the royal magazine, but INTRODUCTORY EVENTS. . 235 they could not be obtained without the commission of an OA-ert act of treason. However, this alarming crisis of public affairs stripped treason of its wonted terrors.—All statutes of allegiance were considered as repealed on the plains of Lexington, and the laAvs of self-preservation left to operate in full force.— Accordingly, on the night after intelligence of actual hostilities was received, a number of the principal gentlemen in Charlestown concerted a plan to take possession of the arms and accoutrements in the roy- al arsenal which they instantly carried into execu- tion. They removed them that night from the ar- senal, and afterwards distributed them among the men enlisted in the public service. Lieutenant-go- vernor Bull immediately offered a reward, of one hun- dred pounds sterling, to any person Avho should dis- cover the persons concerned in this business ; but such as had the power had not the inclination, while the few who had the inclination were afraid to incur the risk of informing. Hitherto the opposition to Great-Britain had been entirely conducted on commercial principles ; but as she turned a deaf ear to the petitions and remon- strances of the colonists, and resolved to enforce their obedience, they now found themselves w ith no alternative left but a mean submission or a manly and virtuous resistance.' Though the colonists to the southward of Boston were not immediate suffer- ers, yet they were sensible that a foundation was laid tor every species ot future oppression. The news-papers and other publications, through all the colonies, were filled with arguments and declama- tions to the following effect: " It a british parlia- 236 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. ment, in which we are unrepresented, has a right to shut up our ports, to tax us at pleasure, to abolish our charters, and to bind us in all cases whatsoever, we are tenants at will depending on the good hu- mor of our fellow-subjects for all our possesions." In this neAv state of matters, the provincial con- gress was immediately summoned by the general committee to meet in twenty-three days at Charles- town. So great was the zeal of the inhabitants, and so general the alarm throughout the province, that one hundred and seventy two members met on the day appointed ; and proceeded with such assiduity, that they finished a great deal of important business in a short session of twenty-two days. Great were the objects which came before this assembly. Hitherto the only sacrifices demanded at the shrine of liberty, AAere a suspension of trade and business; but now the important question was agitated, whether it was better to " live slaves or die freemen." On the second day of their meeting it was unani- mously resolved, that an association was necessary. The following one was drawn up and signed by their president Henry Laurens, and all the members pre- sent; and afterwards very generally by the inhabi- tants. It was also offered to lieutenant-governor William Bull w ho was a native of the province, and had a large estate in it; but he refused to add his name. " The actual commencement of hostilities against this cqntinent by the british troops, in the bloody scene on the 19th of April last, near Boston—the in- crease of arbitrary impositions from a wicked and INTRODUCTORY EVENTS. 237 despotic ministry—and the dread of insurrections in the colonies—are causes sufficient to drive an op- pressed people to the use of arms. We, therefore, the subscribers, inhabitants of South-Carolina, hold- ing ourselves bound by that most sacred of all obli- gations—the duty of good citizens towards an in- jured country, and thoroughly convinced that, under our present distressed circumstances, we shall be justified before God and man in resisting force by force—do unite ourselves under every tie of religion and honor, and associate as a band in her defence against every foe—hereby solemnly engaging that, whenever our continental or provincial councils shall decree it necessary, we Avill go forth and be ready to sacrifice our lives and fortunes to secure her freedom and safety. This obligation to continue in full force until a reconciliation shall take place betAveen Great- Britain and America, upon constitutional principles __an event which we most ardently desire. And we will hold all those persons* inimical to the liberty of the colonies who shall refuse to subscribe this as- sociation." Within three days after it was resolved to raise two regiments of foot, and a regiment of rangers, and to put the town and province in a respectable posture of defence. These resolutions were delibe- rately agreed to, after counting the cost. The lan- guage of the times was, " we will freely give up half, or even the whole of our estates for the security of our liberties." To defray these expenses bills of cre- dit were struck, which, Avithout being a tender in law and though funded on nothing but the consent and enthusiasm of the people, retained their credit *38 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. undiminished for eighteen months, and answered everv purpose of a circulating medium. So great Avas the military ardor among the gen- tlemen of the province, that the candidates for com- missions in the proposed regiments were four time* as numerous as could be employed; and in their num- ber were many of the first families and fortune. In making a selection among the numerous candidates that offered, care Avas taken to choose men ol influ- ence, decision, and spirit, residing in different parts of the province so as to unite all its energi-s in the common cause. Four or five had the recommenda- tion of having served in the war of 175b, but the other candidates were preferred solely on the ground of their possessing the natural qualifications requi- site for making good officers in addition to their holding an influential rank among their fellow ci- tizens. . In this manner, in a feAv weeks after the Lexing- ton battle, the popular leaders became possessed of an army and treasury at their command. '1 he mili- tia officers also, having resigned their commissions under the royal governor, were, by their own consent, subjected to the orders of the provincial congress. The following gentlemen were chosen a council of safety : Henry Laurens, Charles Finckney, Rawlins Lowndes, Thomas Ferguson, Allies Brewton, Ar- thur Middleton, 1 nomas Heyward, junior, Thomas Bee John Huger, James Parsons, William Henry Drayton, Benjamin Elliott, and William Williamson To this council the provincial congress delegated authority to certify commissions*,to suspend officers, * This phraseology was used as a defence against the charge INTRODUCTORY EVENTS. 239 and to order courts-martial for their trial; to have the direction, regulation, maintenance, and ordering of the army ; and of all military establishments and arrangements, and to draw on the treasury for the demands of the public service. During the sitting of this congress, Avhich had in so many instances invaded the royal prerogative, lord v'v illiam Campbell, governor of the province, arrived and was received wiih all the demonstra- tions of joy usual on similar occasions. The pro- vincial congress waited on hiin with an address, in which they observed : " We declare that no love of innovation, no desire of altering the constitution of government, no lust ot independence, has had the least influence upon our counsels ; but alarmed and roused by along succession of arbitrary proceedings by w icked administrations, impressed with the great- est apprehension of instigated insurrections, and deeply affected by the commencement of hostilities by the british troops against this continent, solely for the preservation and in defence of our lives, li- berties, and properties, we have been impelled to as- sociate and to take up arms. " We only desire the secure enjoyment of our in- valuable rights, and we wish for nothing more ar- of treason and rebellion. They did not grant commissions, but barely certified that such had been granted by the provincial congress. At this period they, and other popular leaders, con- sidered themselves as acting Avith ropes about their necks ; and well knew that want of success Avould make that a rebellion, which otherwise might be a revolution. They all knew the consequences of the battle at Culloden: 240 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. dently than a speedy reconciliation with our mother- countrv, upon constitutional principles. " Conscious of the justice of our cause, and the integrity of our views, we readily profess our loyal attachment to our sovereign, his crown and dignity ; and, trusting the event to providence, we prefer death to slavery. " These things we have thought it our duty to de- clare that your excellency, and through you our august sovereign, our fellow-subjects, and the whole world, may clearly understand that our taking up arms is the result of dire necessity and in compli- ance Avith the first law of nature. " We intreat and trust, that your excellency will make such a representation of the state of this colo- ny, and of our true motives, as to assure his ma- jesty ; that in the midst of all our complicated dis- tresses, he has no subjects in his wide extended do- minions who more sincerely desire to testify their loyalty and affection or who would be more willing to devote their lives and fortunes in his real ser- vice. To this address lord William Campbell answer- ed, that he knew of no representatives of the people of this province except those constitutionally con- vened in the general assembly; and was incompe- tent to judge of the disputes which at present unhap- pily subsisted between Great-Britain and the ame- rican colonies; and that no representation should ever be made by him but what was strictly consistent with truth and vvith an earnest endeavor to promote the real happiness and prosperity of the province. INTRODUCTORY EVENTS. 241 Opposition having been carried much further by this congress than was originally intended at the time of their election, they resolved to give the people a fresh opportunity to express their unbiassed judg- ment on the state of public affairs. They therefore determined, that their own existence as a body should expire on the 6th of August following • and that a new election should he held on the two suc- ceeding days for a new provincial congress. On the 22d of June 1775 they adjourned, having first de- legated a great part of their authority to the council of safety and the general committee; the former of which w as in the nature of an executive, and the lat- ter of a legislative authority. It was particularly recommended to the general committee to take ef- fectual methods to have the association signed throughout the province, and to demand from Lie non-subscribers the reasons of their refusal.. . Fx- cepting in that part of the country included betw een the Broad and Saluda rivers, the non-subscribers were comparatively feAv. In Charlestown, where the general committee sat, their number amounted to about forty. The greatest part of these were of- ficers,Jiving on salaries, paid by his britannic majes- ty. They and others in the same predicament were advertised as inimical to the liberties of America, and all intercourse betAveen them and the associators was interdicted. An oath of neutrality Avas required of all, to which some agreed. Those who refused were disarmed; and a few, who would not enter into any engagements for the public security, were confined to their houses and plantations. vol. i. 2 I 242 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. The people having concurred Avith the views of congress in a military opposition, various plans were suggested for the defence of the province. Some thought it necessary to obstruct the bar, by sinking vessels so as to exclude the approach of ships of war. Others proposed abandoning the town, and making their stand in the country. Many measure- ments Avere made and much expense incurred to accomplish the first, but it was at last abandoned as impracticable. Nevertheless, a spirited resolution was adopted to defend the town to the last ex- tremity. At the time all these military preparations were making, the Avhole quantity of powder in the pro- vince did not exceed three thousand pounds. The people not originally designing a military opposition, no care was taken to provide stores; but now, re- duced to the alternative of fighting or submitting, extraordinary methods were taken to obtain a sup- Ply- Twelve persons, authorised by the council of safe- ty, sailed from Charlestow n, and by surprise board- ed a vessel near the bar of St. Augustine, though twelve british grenadiers were on board. They took out fifteen thousand pounds of powder, for which they gave a bill of exchange to the captain, and ha- vin» secured a safe retreat to themselves, by spiking the guns of the powder vessel, set sail for Carolina. Apprehending that they should be pursued, they steered for Beaufort. From that place they came by the inland navigation, and delivered their prize to the council of safety, whilst their pursuers were look- ing for them at the bar of Charlestown. This sea- INTRODUCTORY EVENTS. 243 sonable.supply enabled the people of South-Caro- lina to oblige their suffering brethren in Massachu- setts ; who, though immediately exposed to the british army, were in a great measure destitute of that necessary article of defence. Though the po- pular leaders had determined on a military opposi- tion, yet fort Johnson on James island, which com- manded the harbor of Charlestown, continued in possession of the king's servants for more than three months after these resolutions were adopted. The Tamar sloop of Avar, and Cherokee armed vessel of eighteen guns, belonging to his britannic majesty, lay in Rebellion road opposite to Sullivan's island ; but the royal officers, either from an apprehension that indiscriminate violence could not be justified, or from a contempt of the popular party, attempted no- thing vigorous or decisive. About the middle of September 1775, the gene- ral committee became possessed of intelligence, ob- tained by artifice, directly from lord William Camp- bell, " that troops would soon be sent out to all the colonies." On the next evening it was resolved, " that proper measures ought to be immediately ta- ken to prevent fort Johnson being made use of to the prejudice of the colony." Colonel Motte, with a party of the new raised provincials, w as appointed to execute this first military enterprise under the au- thority of the council of safety. Before he landed on the island the fort was dismantled, the guns dis- mounted, and the people belonging to it retired on board the Cherokee and Tamar. On the follow- ing night captain Heyward, with thirty-five of the 244 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. CharlestOAvn artillery, landed at the fort; and not- withstanding an incessant rain, they had imte guns ready for action before the dawning of day. The officers of the men of war, then in the harbor, dis- covered a strong inclination to fire upon the fort; but, for prudent reasons, desisted from the attempt. The popular leaders issued orders forbidding the king's victuallers to supply the men of war with pro- visions and water, otherwise than from day to day. Atter sundry letters and messages had passed on this subject, captain Thornborough, of the sloop Tamar, gave public notice, " that if his majesty's agents in Charlestown were not permitted regularly, and with- out molestation, to supply the king's ships, Tamar and Cherokee, with such provisions as he thought necessary to demand, he would not from that day, so tar as it w as in his power, suffer any vessel to en- ter the harbor of Charlestown, or depart from it." The new provincial congress met, agreeably to their original appointment, on the 1st of November 17?5. On that day, captain Thornborough sent his menacing letter to the chairman of the general com- mittee. This congress had been chosen subsequent to the late resolution for raising troops, and resisting Great-Britain. The royal servants presumed that the people at large would not justify these invasions of their master's prerogative; and, as they had late- ly had an opportunity given by a general and free election to express their real opinions on the state of the province, that the new congress would reverse the determinations of the former. To the great sur- prise of the king's officers the new provincial con- fess, instead of receding from the resolutions of their INTRODUCTORY EVENTS. 245 predecessors, took methods to Avard off the injuries that might arise from the execution of the menaces ol captain Thornborough. They sent out two arm- ed pilot boats with orders to cruise near the bar, and to caution all vessels destined for Charlestown to steer for some other port. The late congress in June had agreed to arm the colony ; but many still shuddered at the idea of hos- tile operations against their former friends and lellow- subjects. It was at length, after much debating, resolved by the new congress, ontheyth of Novem- ber 1775, to direct the american officer command- ing at fort Johnson, " by every military operation to endeavor to oppose the passage of any british na- val armaneni that might attempt to pass." Though the tort had been in the possession of the council of saety for near two months, yet a variety of motives restrained them from issuing orders to fire on the king's ships. When this resolution was adopted, they communicated it to captain Thornborough, commander of the Tamar sloop of war. An open passage to the tOAvn, Avithout approach- ing fort Johnson, was still practicable for the small royal armed vessels Tamar and Cherokee. It Avas therefore, at the same time, resolved to obstruct the passage through Hog-Island channel. Captain Tufts Avas ordered to cover and protect the sinking of a number of hulks in that narroAv strait. While he was engaged in this business on board a coast- ing schooner, which wa£ armed for the security of the town and called the Defence, the Tamar and Cherokee vvarped in the night of November 12, 1775, within gun shot of him and began a heavy 246 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775__IJS.'v cannonade. The inhabitants were alarmed, expect- ing that the town, in its defenceless state, Avould be fired upon ; but about sunrise both vessels dropped down to their moorings in Rebellion road, without having done any material injury either to the schoo- ner or to any of her crew. The schooner Defence returned a few shot, but they Avere equally ineffectu- al. This was the commencement of hostilities in South-Carolina. On the evening of the same day, on which this attack was made, the provincial congress impressed for the public service the ship Prosper; and ap- pointed a committee to fit and arm her as a frigate of Avar. On the day following they voted that a regiment of artillery should be raised, to consist of three companies with one hundred men in each. A vote was taken about the same time tor a new coun- cil of safety. Ten of the former thirteen were re- elected, and Henry Middleton, David Oliphant, and Thomas Savage, added in the room of three others. Their powers were enlarged so far as to authorise them " to do all such matters and things relative to the strengthening, securing, and defending the colo- ny as should by them be judged expedient and ne- cessary." Agreeably to the menaces of captain Thornbo- rough, the king's ships in the road seized all the ves- sels within their reach which were either coming to Charlestown or going from it. These seizures com- menced several weeks prior to the act of parliament for confiscating american property. After these unauthorised seizures of private pro- perty had been continued about six weeks, the coun- INTRODUCTORY EVENTS. 247 cil of safety took measures to drive the royal armed yessels out of the road of Charlestown*. Colonel Moultrie, with a party, took possession of Haddrells point and mounted a few pieces of heavy artillery on some slight works. A few well directed shot from this post induced the commanders of the Che- rokee and Tamar to put out to sea. Fhe harbor and road being clear, the council of safety proceed- ed in their plans of defence. They completed the fortifications at Haddrell's point, and at fort John- son—continued a chain of fortifications in front of the town, both to the eastward and southward—and erected a new fort on James island to the west- ward of fort Johnson, and a very strong one on Sul- livan's island. The militia were diligently trained ; the provincial troops were disciplined, and every pre- paration made to defend the colony. In addition to the four regiments ordered to be raised in the year 1775, two regiments of riflemen were voted in February 1776. * An opinion generally prevailed that these small royal arm- ed vessels could at any time destroy Charlestown by firing into it. As often as they bent their sails, an 'alarm was communi- cated that they were about to commence a bombardment. The inhabitants were for several months kept in daily painful ex- pectation of such an event. 248 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. SECTION II. Of the extinction of royal authority, and of the royalists. Ihe legal representatives met twice in the consti- tutional assembly, after the general meeting of the in- habitants on July 6', 1774. In their first session, alter that event, it was privately determined to give the sanction of their branch of the legislature to the reso- lutions adopted by the inhabitants atthcir late conven- tion, though they were well aware that any vote for that purpose would induce the royal governor to exert his prerogative for their dissolution. After finishing the necessary public business, the speaker of the house. summoned a meeting of the members at a very ear- ly hour. A motion, previously prepared, was read and agreed to without any debate; which gave the sanction of the assembly to the resolutions adopted by the people at their late general meeting in July. The same words were used by the people in their general meeting, and by the legal representatives in the constitutional assembly; and the same persons were members of both bodies. Lieutenant-governor Bull endeavored to dissolve them while they were ratifying this resolution, but the business was com- pleted before a council could be convened. His majesty's justices made their last circuit in the spring of 1775. On this occasion William Hen- ry Dravton, one of the a^si^tant iudges, and the only- one Avho aa as born in America, in his charge to the EXTINCTION OF ROYAL AUTHORITY. £4Q grand-jury inculcated the same sentiments which were patronized by the popular leaders. Soon after, he was elected president ot the provincial congress, and devoted his great abilities with uncommon zeal to the support of the measures adopted by his native country. Before the next circuit his col- leagues, having refused to sign the association, were disarmed and advertised as inimical to the liberties of America. Not long after he was appointed chief justice by the voice of his country. Throughout the year 1775, and the first months of the year 1776, the popular assemblies by words avowed their allegiance to the king of Great-Bri- tain. Even while they Avere arming themselves they endeavored to reconcile this conduct with their al- legiance, alleging it was only in self-defence against ministerial tyranny and not for purposes hosile to the king of Great-Britain. After the provincial con- gress had raised regular troops lord William Camp- bell gave commissions to the officers of volunteer companies of militia, which were formed and trained on the recommendation of the popular leaders. His lordship also convened an assembly, and transacted public business with officers in the new provincial regiments who were also members of the constitu- tional legislature; but he dissolved them on the 15th of September 1775, and never afterwards issued Avrits for a new election. For three months after his arrival he was unmolested, though indefatigable in secretly fomenting opposition to the popular mea- sures. About the middle of September captain Adam M'Donald had the address to get himself in- troduced to his lordship under the feigned name of vol. r. 2 K 250 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775__1783. Dick Williams, a supposed confidential messenger from the back country royalists to the governor. In this assumed character he was informed that his lord- ship had, on the day before, received a letter from the king of Great-Britain; setting forth, " that his majesty was determined speedily to send out troops to execute his schemes from one end of the conti- nent to the other." With a view of encouraging the royalists, the governor gave an exaggerated ac- count of the pOAver of Britain and of her fixed re- solution to compel the submission of America. He interspersed his discourse with the severest reflec- tions on the new-fangled congresses and committees. This conversation being speedily reported to the gen- eral committee they sent a deputation from their body, of Avhich captain M' Donald was one, to de- mand a communication of his lordship's late dis- patches from England and a perusal of his corres*- pondence with the back country. All these requisi- tions being peremptorily refused, it was moved in the committee to take the governor into immediate custody; but the proposition was rejected by a con- siderable majority. His lordship, mortified at the deception which had been passed upon him and distrustful of his personal safety in Charlestow n, took the province seal with him, and retired on board the Tamar sloop of war. In about a fortnight after, the o-eneral committee sent a deputation from their body with an address, inviting his return to Charlestown; in which they assured him, that while, agreeably to his own repeated declarations, he should take no ac- tive part against the good people of the colony, in the present arduous struggle tor the preservation of EXTINCTION OF ROYAL AUTHORITY. 251 their liberties, they should, to the utmost of their pouer, secure to his excellency that safety and res- pect for his person and character which the inhabi- tants of Carolina had ever w ished to show to the re- presentative of their sovereign. But his lordship thought it most prudent to continue on board. Legislative, executive, and judicial poAvers Avere insensibly transferred from their usual channels to a provincial congress, council of safety, and subordi- nate committees. The inhabitants, generally alarm- ed for their liberties, took sundry steps for their pre- servation. From their own impulse they met and chose their representatives in committees and con- gresses. The power of these bodies was undefined ; but by common consent it w as comprised in the old roman maxim: " To take care that the common- wealth should receive no damage." The ardor of the people, and their jealousy of the designs of Great-Britain, gave the force ot laws to their deter- minations. The voice of an approving country gave efficacy to the proceedings ol the committees. Ihey supported the provincial congress; which, in its turn, gave an active energy to the resolutions of the con- tinental congress. In this manner, without annihilating the forms of the ancient regal constitution, a new government was in a short time introduced by the general con- sent of the people. Though this new establishment was effected by the voice of a great majority—great in number, and in weight and in influence greater still; yet, it was not wholly without opposition. Among the inhabit- ants of the back country, which had not been settled 252 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1773-^1783. more than twenty years, many were uninformed or misinformed. In some neighborhoods their affec- tions Avere estranged from each other by local hosti- lities and party divisions; which, a few years before, had been urged to the extremes of reciprocal hatred and violence, as has been related. There were also among them a considerable num- ber who had settled on lands granted by the bounty of government. These had brought from Europe the monarchical ideas of their holding their posses- sions at the king's pleasure. They were therefore easily made to believe, that the immediate loss of their freeholds would be the probable consequence Of their acceding to the american measures. Among a people who had so many reasons to love and fear their king, and ay ho Avere happy under his government, it was no difficult matter lor lord Wil- liam Campbell to gain votaries to support the royal interest. His lordship was unremitting in his endeavors to persuade these uninformed back settlers, that the power of Britain could never be effectually resisted by"the feeble american colonies—That the whole dispute was about a trifling tax on tea which, as they were not in the general habit of using, could not to them be interesting. It was frequently insinuated that the gentlemen on the sea coast, in order to ob- tain their tea tree from tax, were adopting measures which would involve the back country in the want of salt and imported necessaries; and that the expen- ses of the new raised regiments would be infinitely more than the trifling taxes imposed by the british parliament.. EXTINCTION OF ROYAL AUTHORITY. 258 The people generally felt themselves secure in their persons and property. It was therefore easy to offer arguments against renouncing present com- forts, to ward off future evils. The popular leaders could rfot urge the inhabitants to the dangers and expenses of war, otherwise than on speculation to prevent the more alarming consequences which would probably take place at a future time, if the proceedings of the british parliament, against Bos- ton and the province of Massachusetts, were suffer- ed to pass into precedent. Distant evils weigh so little in the estimation of the multitude, that great scope was given to those who wished to head a party for submitting to the demands of Great-Britain. Though there were some royalists in every part of the province the only settlement in which they out- numbered the friends of congress, was in the fork be- tween Broad and Saluda rivers. When it was deter- mined to raise troops, the inhabitants of that part of the province could not be persuaded that the measure was necessary. Feeling themselves happy and free from present oppression they were averse from be- lieving that any designs, inimical to american liber- ty, had been adopted by the british government. In- stead of signing the association they signed papers, at their general musters, declaring their unwilling- ness to concur in the measures recommended by' congress. The council of safety sent William Hen- ry Drayton, and William Tennent, into their settle- ment, to explain to them the nature of the dispute and to bring them over to a co-operation with the other inhabitants. They had several public meet- ings, and much eloquence was exerted to induce 254 revoiutionary history, 1775__1783. them to sign the association. Some were convinced and subscribed that bond of union ; but the greater number could not be persuaded that there was any necessity for congresses, committees, or a military establishment. Suspicion began to exert her mis- chievous influence. The friends of the old govern- ment doubted the authenticity of all pamphlets, and newspapers, which ascribed to the british troops in Boston, or to the british government, any designs injurious to the rights of the colonists. They be- lieved the whole to be an imposition. The friends of congress suspected the leading men of the royal- ists to be in the pay of governor Campbell. Reports were circulated by one party, that a plan was laid to seize the commissioners sent by the council of safety; by the other, that the third provincial regi- ment was brought up to compel the inhabitants to sign the association. Motives and designs were re- ciprocally attributed to each other of the most un- generous nature and mischievous tendency. The royalists embodied for reasons similar to those which had induced the other inhabitants to arm themselves against Great-Britain. They suspected their adver- saries of an intention to dragoon them into a compli- ance w ith the measures of congress; and they, in their turn, were suspected of a design to commence hostilities against the associators tor disturbing the established royal government. Camps were tormed in opposition to each other, and great pains were taken to increase their respective numbers. Mode- rate men employed their good offices to prevent bloodshed. After some days, the leaders on both sides met in conference. Several explications having EXTINCTION OF ROYAL AUTHORITY. 255 taken place a treaty was reciprocally agreed to; by which it was stipulated, that the royalists should re- main in a state of neutrality. Both parties retired to their homes, and a temporary calm succeeded. Mr. Robert Cunningham, who had been a principal leader among the royalists, continued to encourage opposition to the popular measures; and declared that he did not consider himself as bound by the treaty. This declaration was construed as an evi- dence of a fixed intention to disturb the peace, by another insurrection. To prevent any thing of that kind he was apprehended, brought to town, and committed to gaol. Patrick Cunningham instantly armed a party of his friends, and pursued with the expectation of rescuing his brother. The party col- lected on this occasion seized a thousand pounds of powder, which was at that juncture passing through their settlement. This Avas public property, and had been sent by the council of safety as a present to the cherokee indians. To inflame the minds of the peo- ple, some designing men among the royalists propa- gated a report that the powder Avas sent to the in- dians accompanied with instructions to kill every man who should refuse to sign the association. 1 his charge, entirely false in itself, Avas not believed by any of the well-informed inhabitants ; nevertheless it answered the purposes of party among some of the ignorant multitude. Great pains were also taken to exasperate the inhabitants against the council of safety, for furnishing the indians with poAvder at a time when the white people could not be supplied with that necessary article. 25G REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 177J--1783. Major Williamson, Avho commanded the militia in favor of congress, went in quest of the p-irty which had taken the public powder, but was soon obliged to retreat before their superior numbers. The royalists, irritated by the capture of Cunning- ham, and flushed with success in seizing the powder, were at this time more numerous than at any other period. Major Williamson was reduced to the ne- cessity of retreating into a stockade fort, in which he and his party were confined without any water, till after three days by digging they obtained a scanty supply. The royalists possessed themselves of the gaol of Ninety-Six and from that station fired into the fort, but very little execution was done. Af- ter some days the assailants hoisted a flag, and pro- posed a truce. Reciprocal permission was given to forward expresses from the royalists to the governor, and from major Williamson to the council of safety. Both parties once more dispersed, and retired to their homes. Domestic division at this time was particularly to be dreaded. An invasion from Great-Lritain wag soon expected. A british fleet and army in front, and disaffected inhabitants in rear, threatened de- struction to the friends of congress. Lord William Campbell had uniformly recommended to the royal- ists to remain quiet till the arrival of a british force. This advice, so well calculated to distract the views of the popular leaders, had been providentially lrus- trated. Similar reasons ot poiicy, to those which in- duced the royal governor to recommend inaction to the royalists, operated with the council of safety to crush their intestine foes before that force should EXTINCTION OF ROYAL AUTHORITY. 257 arrive. It was therefore judged necessary, for the public safety, to march an army into their settle- ments before that event should take place. To re- move prejudices, a declaration was circulated through- out their settlements stating the views and designs of congress—the necessity of the measures they had adopted, and the wisdom and policy of co-operating with them in defence of their common country. The provincial congress enforced their measures with an army sufficiently numerous to intimidate opposition. They sent a large body of militia and new raised regulars, under the command of colonels Richardson and Thomson. They Avere also joined by nine hundred men from North-Carolina. In a little time congress had an army of two or three thousand men uneler their direction, with instructions " to apprehend the leaders of the party which had seized the powder, and to do all other things neces- sary to suppress the present and prevent future in- surrections." Colonel Richardson proceeded in the execution of these orders with great moderation and propriety. A demand was made that the persons who had seized the powder should be delivered up to the justice of their country. Assurances were publicly given that no injury should be done to inof- fensive persons, who would remain quietly on their plantations. The leaders of the royalists found great difficulty in persuading their followers to embody. They were cut off from all communication Avith governor Campbell. Unconnected with their bre- thren, in other parts, there Avas no union in their vol. i. 2 L 458 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. measures. They Avere ' a rope of sand' without or- der and subordination, and without that enthusiasm which inspired the friends of congress. Their lea- ders Avere destitute of political knoAvledge and with- out military experience. The unanimity of the whigs, and the great numbers which, from all sides, invaded the settlements of the royalists, disheartened them from facing their adversaries in the field of bat- tle. They saw resistance to be vain, and that the new government had much greater energy than they had supposed. The whigs acted by system, and in concert with their brethren in the adjacent states, and were directed by a council of safety composed of the wisest men in the province. They easily car- ried every point—seized the leader* of the royalists, and dispersed their followers. This decided supe- riority gave confidence to the popular leaders, and greatly strengthened their hands. The vanquished royalists retired to their plantations ; but on all oc- casions discovered as much obstinacy in opposing their countrymen, as their countrymen did firmness in opposing Great-Britain. Several of them, and of others who were averse from fighting, retired over the mountains, where, remote from the noise and bustle of war, they enjoyed that independence_for which so many were contending. In the year 1778 when every inhabitant was called on to take an oath of allegiance to the state, many of them voluntarily abandoned their country for East-Florida. In the same year, when the alliance between 1 ranee and the United States of America was published, others of them nominally joined the congress. After the r EXTINCTION OF ROYAL AUTHORITY. 25? reduction of Savannah, a considerable party rose a second time in favor of royal government; but they were completely routed on their way to the british encampments in Georgia. They afterwards remain- ed quiet till the british obtained possession of Charles- town. Excepting these ill-concerted insurrections no public body in the province, prior to the british con- quests in the year 1780, gave avowed evidence of their disapprobation of the popular measures. Seve- ral in private, no doubt, complained ; but they con- tented themselves with secret murmurings. The number of slaves Avithin the province, and of indians on its Avestern frontier, together, with the large ex- tent of unprotected sea-coast, were, in the opinion of some worthy men, insuperable obstacles to suc- cess in contending with Great-Britain. Several, influenced by reasoning of this sort, Avould rather have tamely submitted to the encroachments of the mother country than risked the vengeance of her arms. The selfish, among the merchants and planters whose gains Avere lessened by the cessation of trade, wished for the return of business ; but the main body of both classes most heartily concurred with the popular measures. A great majority of the people determined to sacrifice ease, pleasure, and fortune; and to risk life itself, to obtain permanent security for american rights. They believed their liberties to be in danger. Roused Avith this appre- hension, they Avere animated to the most self-denying exertions. Beside their superiority in numbers, 260 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. there Avas an animation in the friends of Congress which Avas generally Avanting in the advocates for royal government. Men of ardor for the most part sided Avith the former; but the latter Avere chiefly composed of the ignorant, the selfish, and the timid. Vigorous decisive measures characterized the popu- lar party; while their opposers either acted without system, or from timid counsels which were feebly executed. No revolution was ever effected with greater unanimity, or with more order and regularity. The leading men in every part of the province, w ith very few exceptions, from the first moments of the con- test, exerted themselves in the cause of their coun- try. Their abilities and influence gave union and system to the proceedings of the people. A few persons in the colony hated republican governments; and some ignorant people were induced to believe that the whole was an artful deception, imposed up- on them for interested purposes, by the gentlemen of fortune and ambition on the sea coast. But among the independent enlightened freemen of the province, who loved liberty and had spirit to risk life and fortune in its support, there were very few to be found Avho took part with the royalists. INDEPENDENT CONSTITUTION. 26) SECTION III. Of the formation of a regular Constitution. X ill the year 1776 the opposition to Great Bri- tain was conducted on such temporary principles, that tfie repeal of a feAv acts of parliament would have immediately produced a reinstatement of bri- tish government—a dissolution of the american ar- my—and a recommencement of the mercantile in- tercourse between the two countries. The refusal of Great-Britain to redress the grievances of the co- lonies, suggested to some bold spirits early in 1776 the necessity of going much greater lengths than Avas originally intended. A few penetrating minds foresaw that the love of dominion in the parent state, and the unconquerable love of liberty in America, would for ever obstruct a cordial reconciliation ; but the bulk of the people still flattered themselves with the fond hopes of a re-union. Public affairs were in confusion for Avant of a regular constitution. The impropriety of holding courts of justice under the authority of a soA'ereign' against whom all the colony was in arms, struck every thinking person. The impossibility of govern- ing a large community by the ties of honor, Avithout the authority of laAv, Avas equally apparent. But notwithstanding the pressing weight of all these con- siderations, the formation of an independent consti- tution had so much the appearance of an eternal 262 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—17*3. separation from a country, by a reconciliation with which many yet hoped for a return of ancient hap- piness, that a great part of the provincial congress opposed the necessary measure. At the very time when they were suspended on this important debate an express arrived from Savannah, Avith an act of parliament passed December 21, 1775 ; confiscating american property, and throwing all the colonists out of his majesty's protection. This turned the scale—silenced all the moderate men who were advocates for a reconciliation—and produced a ma- jority for an independent constitution. In less than an hour, after that act was read in the provincial congress, an order was issued to seize for the pub- lic "the Port-Henderson, a Jamaica vessel loaded with sugar, which had put into Charlestown on her way to London; though she had the day before ob- tained leave to pass the forts, and would have sailed the same afternoon on her intended voyage. A law of the national parliament, which had thrown the colonies out of his majesty's protection, convinced the most lukewarm that America, legally discharged from her allegiance to the king of Great- Britain, must now take care of herself. So strong was the attachment of many to Great- Britain, which they fondly called the mother-coun- try that though they assented to the establishment of an independent constitution; yet.it was carried, themselves, and regulate their oavo internal polity. To obtain a repeal of thirteen acts of parliament. which infringed upon these claims, they petition- ed the king of Great-Britain, and associated to sus- pend all trade till this repeal should be obtained. The success that had followed two former attempts of this kind, flattered them that their present wishes would soon be fully gratified. They therefore very generally came into the measure, without foreseeing all the consequences, and without intending any thing further than such a commercial opposition as Avould interest the Avest-indians and british mer- chants in their behalf. The refusal of this first pe- tition, and the -subsequent commencement of hostili- ties on the part of Great-Britain, produced in the colonists a determination to oppose force to force. A military opposition was therefore adopted about the middle of the year 1775, but without a design of effecting a separation from Great-Britain. At this second stage of the quarrel the congress pre- pared a second petition, praying for the repeal of the obnoxious acts. To give weight to this renew- ed application to the throne, and to rouse the peo- ple of England to a sense of the probable consequen- ces of their persisting in the Avar, they formed a temporary army, and published to the world their resolution of defending their liberties at every ha- zard. Still nothing further was intended than a re- dress of orievances. The rejection of this second ' petition—the determination to w age Avar in full form against the colonists—and the act of parliament INDEPENDENCE AND FRENCH ALLIANCE. 293 putting the whole of them out of the king's protec- tion ; gave birth to a third and unforeseen measure —the declaration of independence. Without this they must either have submitted with their grievan- ces unredressed, or carried on a war under the ap- pellation of subjects in arms against their acknoAv- ledged sovereign, in which case no foreign power could have openly assisted them. After this mea- sure was adopted, a federal union might have taken place between Great-Britain and America. Instead of proposing any thing of this kind, Great-Britain carried on the war for the campaigns of 1776 and 1777, professedly with a view to reduce them to un- conditional submission, and offered nothing to the United States before April 1778, which they could with safety accept. After a treaty had been con- cluded between France and America, Great-Britain sent out commissioners to offer congress more than a repeal of the acts which Avere at first the source of the dispute. By this conduct she virtually ac- knowledged she had been hitherto in the wrong, and also gave the United States an opportunity of evin- cing to their new ally, the sincerity of their engage- ments. From this time forward commenced the fourth period of the contest. The colonies were not only lost to Great-Britain, but their whole Aveight was thrown into the opposite scale of France. Though the continental congress, in conducting the opposition to the mother country, did little more than give an efficient operation to the Avishes of their constituents ; yet the british commissioners flattered themselves that an application to the local legisla- 294 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. tures, and the people at large, would be more suc- cessful. They therefore next addressed themselves to the individual states, and denounced the extremi- ties of war on those Avho continued to prefer the al- liance Avith France to a re-union with Great-Britain. This did not produce the intimidation expected from it, nor were their proposals more favorably received by the local legislatures, or the people, than they had been by the continental congress. When the flag arrived with their overtures separately address- ed to the governor, the assembly, the military, the clergy, and the people of South-Carolina, it was de- tained in the road near the harbor of Charlestow n, till president Lowndes convened his council, and the heads or leading men of the different orders of the inhabitants, to whom they were addressed. As soon as the letters of the british commissioners were read to the gentlemen convened on this occasion, an unan- imous resolution was adopted to order the flag-ves sel immediately to depart the state. This was ac- companied with a reprimand for attempting to vio- late the constitution of the country, by offering to negociate with the state in its separate capacity. SECTION VI. Campaign of \779- Soon after the british commissioners were convin- ced of the inefficacy of negociation to effect a re-un- ion of the colonies with Great-Britain, the war re- commenced, but entirely on a new system. Hither- CAMPAIGN OF 1779- 295 to the conquest of America had been attempted by proceeding from north to south ; but that order was from this period inverted. The northern states in their turn obtained a diminution of their calamities, while South-Carolina, and the adjacent settlements became the principal theatre of offensive operations. The reduction of Savannah in December 1778 by colonel Campbell, and the rapid extension of british conquests over Georgia, were among the first conse- quences of this neAv plan of warfare. South-Caroli- na was thereby made a frontier; the proximity of the enemy called for redoubled exertions to be prepared for every event. At the request of the delegates from South-Caro- lina, congress appointed major general Lincoln to take the command of all their forces to the south- ward. This officer was second in command in the campaign of 1777, when general Burgoyne and his army surrendered to general Gates. He brought to the southward great reputation, and there, though under many disadvantages, acquired the further ho- nor of checking the british conquests, and preserv- ing the state for upAvards of fifteen months against a superior enemy. His plans were well formed ; but his little army, mostly consisting of militia, was not able to contend with superior numbers and the discipline of british regular troops. The continen- tals under his command did not exceed six hundred men, and all the rest of his force was made up of draughts from the inhabitants of the country, chang- ed every second or third month. Upon advice received of the intentions of the 296 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. british to invade the southern states, president LoAvndes, in order to keep as great a force as possi- ble in the country, laid on a general embargo, and prohibited the sailing of vessels from any port of the state. He also ordered " the proprietors of neat cattle, sheep and hogs, on the sea-islands and other parts immediately exposed to the incursions of the enemy, to remove them off the said islands or ex- posed places, that the british might be prevented from obtaining a supply of provisions." And also addressed the legislature in an animated speech of Avhich the following is a part. " Our inveterate and obdurate enemy being foiled in the northern states, and by the valor and good conduct of the inhabit- ants compelled to abandon their hopes of conquest there, have turned their arms more immediately against these southern states, in hopes of better suc- cess. They are noAv in possession of Savannah, the capital of Georgia, from whence, if not prevented, an easy transition may be made into this country. This situation of danger, gentlemen, calls for your most serious consideration. Our whole force and strength should be exerted to stop the progress of the enemy." These spirited sentiments Avere re- echoed by the house of representatives in an address, of Avhich the following is a part. " That our cru- el and ambitious enemies should turn their arms against these southern states is a circumstance not unexpected. But this last nefarious struggle of our desponding foes will, Ave trust, under the assistance of divine providence, in the end tend more to shoAv their impotent malice, than the wisdom of their CAMPAIGN OF 1779. 297 counsels or the valor of their arms ; for that same spirit which once animated our countrymen to drive them disgraced from our coasts, will again be exert- ed to effect the like happy consequences. We con- ceive ourselves bound by all the difference there is tAveen the horrors of slavery and the blessings of li- berty, to use every means in our poAver to expel them from our country." General Lincoln established his first post at Pu- rysburgh, a small village on the northern banks of the river Savannah. A large proportion of the mi- litia of the state of South-Carolina was draughted, put under the command of colonel Richardson, and marched for the american head-quarters. Their numbers were considerable, but they had not yet learned the implicit obedience necessary for military operations. Accustomed to activity on their farms, they could not bear the languors of an encampment. Having grown up in habits of freedom and indepen- dence on their freeholds, they reluctantly submitted to martial discipline. The royal army at Savannah, being reinforced by troops from St. Augustine, its commanders formed a scheme erf extending a part of their forces into South- Carolina. Major Gardiner, with two hundred men, was detached to take possession of Port-Royal isl- and. Soon after he landed general Moultrie, at the head of an equal number of men in which there Avere only nine regular soldiers, attacked and drove him off the island. This advantage was principally gained by two field pieces which were Avell served by vol. t. 2 Q J.(J8 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. a party of the CharlestOAvn militia artillery, under the command of the captains Hey ward and Rut- ledge. The british lost almost all their officers, and several prisoners were taken by a small party of Port-Royal militia commanded by captain Barn- well. The americans had eight men killed, and twenty-two Avounded. Among the former lieuten- ant Benjamin Wilkins was the theme of universal lamentation. His country regretted the fall of a worthy man, and an excellent officer. A numerous young family sustained a loss which to them was ir- reparable. This success of the americans checked the british, and for the present prevented their attempting any enterprise against South-Carolina ; but they extend- ed themselves over a great part of Georgia. Their next object was to strengthen themselves by the ad- dition of the tories. Emissaries were employed to encourage them to a general insurrection. Several hundreds of them accordingly embodied and march- ed along the western frontiers of the state. Colonel Pickins, with about three hundred men, immediate- ly followed and came up with them near Kettle- creek ; Avhere an action took place Avhich lasted three quarters of an hour. The tories gave way, and were totally routed. Colonel Pickins had nine men killed, and several wounded. The royalists had about forty killed; in Avhich number Avas their leader a .o- nel Boyd, who had been secretly employed by briti.-.h authority to collect and head these insurgents. By this action the british were totally disconcerted. '1 ».e tories were dispersed all over the coui'd y. Some CAMPAIGN OF 1779- 299 ran to North-Carolina, some wandered not knoAving whither. Many went to their homes, and cast them- selves on the mercy of the new government. Soon after this defeat, the british retreated from Augusta towards Savannah; and for the remainder of that season the whole upper country, of both South-Ca- rolina and Georgia, enjoyed domestic security. The insurgents on this occasion Avere the subjects of the state of South-Carolina, and OAved obedience to its laws. They Avere therefore tried in a regular maimer, by a jury, under the direction of the courts of justice appointed by the republican government. Seventy of them Avere condemned to die by the laAvs of the state, enacted since the abolition of royal go- vernment ; but the sentence of the court was execu- ted only on five of their principals, and all the rest were pardoned. This second unsuccessful insurrection damped the spirit of the tories. Their plans were ill laid, and worse executed. They had no men of ability capa- ble of giving union to their force. They were dis- appointed in their expectations of aid from the royal army, and had the mortification to see a few of their ringleaders executed for treason and rebellion against the state. As the british extended their posts up the river Savannah on the south side, general Lincoln fixed encampments at Black Swamp and opposite to Au- gusta. From these posts he crossed the river at Augusta and at Zubly's ferry in two divisions, with the view of limiting the british to the sea coast of Georgia. In the execution of this design general 300 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. Ash, with fifteen hundred North-Carolina militin, and a few Georgia continentals, crossed the >a\an- nah river on the 28th of February 1779; and im- mediately marched down the country as far as Briar creek. At this place, on the fourth day after his crossing, he was surprised at three o'clock in the af- ternoon by lieutenant-colonel Prevost. This de- tachment of the royal army, having crossed Briar creek fifteen miles above general Ash's encamp- ment, came unexpectedly on his rear. The ameri- can militia, completely surprised, Avere thrown into confusion and fled at the first fire. Several were killed, and a consielerable number taken. None had any chance of escaping but by crossing the river, in attempting w hich many were drowned ; of those Avho got over safe, a great part returned home. The few continentals, about 60 under colonel Elbert, fought with the greatest bravery; but the survivors of them, with their gallant leader, were at last compelled to surrender. The whole that remained and rejoined the american camp, did not exceed four hundred and fifty men. This event deprived general Lincoln of one fourth of his numbers, and opened a communica- tion between the british, the indians, and the tories of South and North-Carolina. Unexperienced in the art of war, the americans were frequently subject to those reverses of fortune which usually attend young soldiers. Unacquainted with military stratagems, deficient in discipline, and not thoroughly broken to habits of implicit obedi- ence, they were often surprised; and had to learn, by repeated misfortunes, the neccessity of subordi- CAMPAIGN OF 1779- 301 nation and the advantages of discipline. Their numbers in the field, to those who are acquainted with european wars, must appear inconsiderable ; but such is the difference of the state of society, and of the population in the old and new world, that in America a few hundreds decided objects of equal magnitude with those which, in european states, would have called into the field many thousands. The prize contended for Avas nothing less than the sovereignty of three millions of people, and five hundred millions of acres of land ; and yet, from the remote situation of the invading power and the thin population of the invaded states, this moment- ous question was materially affected by the con- sequences of battles in Avhich only a few hundreds engaged. The series of disasters which had followed the american arms, since the landing of the british in Georgia, occasioned among the inhabitants of South- Carolina many Avell-founded apprehensions for their safety. The assembly of the state, desirous of ma- king a vigorous opposition to the extension of the british conquests, passed a very severe militia-laAv. Hitherto the penalties for disobedience of orders were inconsiderable; but as the defence of the coun- try in a great measure depended on the exertions of its inhabitants, much heavier fines were imposed on those who either neglected to turn out or who misbehaved or disobeyed orders. Every effort was made to strengthen the continental army. Addi- tional bounties, and greater emoluments were pn> mised as inducements to encourage the recruiting 302 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775__1783. service. The extent and variety of militarv opera- tions in the open country pointed out the advantages of cavalry; a regiment of dragoons Avas therefore raised and put under the command of colonel Da- niel Horry. In this time of general alarm John Rutledge, by the almost unanimous voice of his countrymen, was called to the chair of government. To him and his council Avas delegated, by the legislature, power " to do every thing that appeared to him and them ne- cessary for the public good." In execution of this trust he assembled a body of militia. This corps, kept in constant readiness to march whithersoever public service might require, was stationed near the centre of the state at Orangeburgh. From this mili- tia camp, colonel Simmons was detached with a thou- sand men to reinforce general Moultrie at Black- Swamp. The original plan of penetrating into Georgia was resumed. Lincoln inarched with the main army up the Savannah river that he might give confidence to the country, and lead into Georgia a body of militia encamped in South-Carolina under the command of general Williamson. A small force Avas left at Black-Swamp and Purysburgh for the purpose of defending Carolina, Avhile offensive oper- ations were about to be commenced in Georgia. General Prevost availed himself of the critical time, Avhen the american army was one hundred and fifty miles up the Savannah river, and crossed over^nto Carolina from Abercorn to Purysburgh Avith two thousand men. In addition to this number of regu- lar troops a party of indians, whose friendship the CAMPAIGN OF 1779- 303 british had previously secured, Avere associated with the royal army. Lieutenant-colonel Macintosh, who commanded a few continentals at Purysburgh, not be- ing able to oppose this force, made a timely retreat. It was part of Prevost's plan to attack Moultrie 'at Black-Swamp, to effect which he made a forced march the first night after he landed on the Carolina side; but he Avas three hours too late. Moultrie had changed his quarters, and being joined by Mackin- tosh's party took post at Tulifinny bridge, to prevent the incursion of the british into the state and to keep between them and its capital. General Lincoln, on receiving information of these movements, detached colonel Harris Avith two hundred and fifty of his best light troops, for Charlestown ; but crossed the river Savannah near Augusta with the main army, and marched for three days down the country towards the capital of Georgia. He was induced to pursue his original intention from an idea that Prevost meant nothing more than to divert him from his in- tended operations in Georgia, by a feint of attempt- ing the capital of South-Carolina; and because his marching doAvn on the south side of the river Savan- nah would occasion very little additional delay in repairing to the defence of Charlestown. Prevost proceeded in his march by the main road, near the sea coast, without opposition as far as Coosawhat- chie bridge. Lieutenant-colonel John Laurens, Avith eighteen continentals and a much larger number of militia, was detached to dispute this difficult pass. That gallant officer persevered till he was wounded and had lost one half of his continentals. The bri- 304 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—-1783. tish fired in security under the cover of houses oh the opposite bank, and had the advantage of a field- piece. On this, the hr.-t time of their being in dan- ger, the american militia could not be persuaded to stand their ground. A retreat took place, and was conducted by captain Shubrick, over a long cause- way, in the face of a superior foe. As the british army advanced into the countrv they committed many outrages and depredations. The day before the skirmish, just mentioned, they burnt all the buildings on major Butler's plantation at the Eutaws. The day after, they burned the Episcopal church in prince William's parish and general Bull's house at Sheldon. The position of general Moultrie at Tulifinny Avas by no means a safe one, for the british might easily have crossed above him and got in his rear. A general retreat of his A\hole force towards Charles- town was therefore thought adviseable. This was conducted with great propriety, though under many disadvantages. Moultrie had no cavalry to check the advancing foe; and, instead of receiving reinforce- ments from the inhabitants as he marched through the country, many of the militia left him and w cnt home. Their families and property lay directly in the route of the invading army. Several, after pro- viding for their Avives and children, rejoined Moul- trie in Charlestown; but the greater number sought security by staying on their plantations. The re- treating americans destroyed all the bridges in their rear; but there was scarce any other interruption thrown in the way of the bricish in their march CAMPAIGN OF 1779. 305 through the country. The absence of the main ar- my under Lincoln, the retreat of Moultrie, the plun- dering and devastations of the invaders, and above all the dread of the royal auxiliaries, the indian savages, Avhose constant practice is to murder women and chil- dren, diffused a general panic among the inhabitants; and induced many of them to apply to the british for their protection. NeAv converts to the royal stan- dard endeavored to ingratiate themselves Avith their protectors by representing the capital as an easy con- quest. This flattering prospect induced general Prevost, contrary to his original intention, to pursue his march. Governor Rutledge, Avith the militia lately encamped at Orangeburg, had set out to join Moultrie at Tulifinny bridge ; but, on the second day of their march, advice was received of Moultrie's re- treat, and that Prevost was pushing towards Char- lestown. This intelligence determined the governor to march with all the force under his command to the defence of the capital. When Prevost crossed the Savannah river, Char- lestOAvn Neck was almost wholly defenceless. An invasion on the land side, by an army marching through the country, was an event so unexpected that no proper provision had been made against it. The british did not continue their march with the same rapidity with which it was begun, but halted two or three days when they had advanced more than half the distance. In this short interval lieute- nant-governor Bee, and the gentlemen of the council, made the greatest exertions to fortify the town on the land side. All the houses in the suburbs were vol. i. 2 R 306 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. burnt. Lines, and an abbatis, were in a feAv days carried from Ashley to Cooper rivers. Cannon were mounted at proper intervals across the whole extent of Charlestown Neck. The militia in the vicinity were summoned to the defence of Charlestown, and they generally obeyed. Public affairs now appeared in a verv singular situa- tion. Lincoln was marching unmolested towards the capital of Georgia, while Prevost was advancing with as little interruption toAvards the capital of South-Carolina. The hurry and confusion that pre- vailed in the state, and particularly in Charlestown, exceeds all description. The whole country see med to be in motion. In the north the militia Avere push- ing for the capital. In the south no less than five armies were at the same time, but for very different purposes, marching through the state. General Moultrie, with a force originally 1200 but daily di- minishing, was retreating before general Prevost at the head of a british army of 2000 men. General Lincoln, with an american army of 4000 men having recrossed Savannah river, was in the rear of Prevost pursuing him with hasty strides to save Charlestown. While governor Rutledge with 600 militia men and colonel Harris with a detachment of 250 continental troops, were both hastening, the one from Orange- burg and the other from the vicinity of Augusta, to get in front of Prevost; and either to reinforce Moul- trie or defend the capital, as circumstances might re- quire. Moultrie, Rutledge, and Harris, with their respective commands all reached Charlestown on the 9th and 10th of May ; the last having marched nearly forty miles a day for four days successively. CAMPAIGN OF 1779- 307 Their arrival, together with that of the militia from the northern parts of the state, gave hopes of a suc- cessful defence. On the 11th 900 of the british army, their main bo- dy and baggage being left on the south side of Ashley river, crossed the ferry; and in a few hours appeared before the lines. On the day that they marched doAvn Charlestown Neck, the infantry of an american le- gionary corps crossed Cooper river and landed in CharlestOAvn. This Avas commanded by brigadier general count Pulaski, a polander of high birth. The men under his command had scarcely arrived two hours when he led them out, and engaged the british cavalry Avith so much resolution that the se- cond in command, colonel Kowatch, and most of his infantry Avere killed or Avounded. The survivors with difficulty effected their retreat. Pulaski had several successful personal rencounters Avith indivi- duals of the british cavalry, and on all occasions dis- covered the greatest intrepidity. The gallant exam- ple of this distinguished partizan, courting danger on every occasion, had a considerable influence in dispelling the general panic and in, introducing mi- litary sentiments into the minds of men Avho had heretofore been peaceable citizens. The british advanced to Watson's about a mile from the lines. As they w ere unfurnished for a siege, and had nothing to depend on but the chance of a sudden assault, this was therefore so confidently ex- pected that the Avhole garrison continued standing to their arms all night. That it might not be made by surprise, tar barrels were lighted up in front; of the works. When it was dark, some fancied they saw 308 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. the enemy near the lines ; a false alarm Avas instant- ly communicated and a general discharge of cannon, field-pieces, and musketry took place. By this un- fortunate mistake major Benjamin Huger, a brave officer, an able statesman, and a highly distinguished citizen, Avas killed by his countrymen. He was Avith- out the lines on duty w ith a party, twelve of whom were either killed or Avounded. It Avas presumed by the garrison that Lincoln with the army under his command was in close pursuit of Prevost, but his present situation was unknown to every person with- in the lines. To gain time in such circumstances was a matter of great consequence. A message Avas sent to the british commander requesting to be in- formed on Avhat terms he Avas disposed to grant a capitulation, to which he returned an answer offering " peace and protection ;" and to such as declined ac- ceptance of the same, "that they might be received as prisoners of war, and their fate be decided by that of the rest of the colonies." On the 12th general Prevost was informed that his proposal w as so dishonorable to the garrison, that it could not be agreed to; and an interview between officers from both armies was requested to confer on terms. At this interview the officers from the garrison were instructed to propose " A neutrality during the war between Great-Britain and America; and that the question whether the state shall belong to Great-Britain or remain one of the United States, be determined by the treaty of peace between these powers." This proposition being made to lieutenant-colonel Prevost, acting as a com- missioner in behalf of general Prevost, he answered " that they did not come in a legislative capacity." CAMPAIGN OF 1779- 309 On a second interview lieutenant-colonel Prevost ended the conference by saying, " That as the gar- rison was in arms they must surrender prisoners of war." This being refused, preparations Avere made for sustaining an immediate assault. The inhabi- tants, as Avell as the regular troops, were determined to stand to the lines and defend their country. The next morning, the 13th, at day light, to the great joy of the whole garrison, it Avas resounded along the lines " the enemy is gone." It is probable they be- gan their retreat immediately after the termination of the conference; and were restrained from making the threatened assault by intelligence derived from an intercepted letter from Lincoln, about fifty miles distant, to Moultrie in Charlestown, which was da- ted May 10th and concluded thus : " Pray stimulate your people to every exertion for the defence of the town until the troops here can arrive. Our men are full of spirits. I think they will do honor to themselves, and render service to the public. Do not give up, nor suffer the people to despair." Count Pulaski, with his cavalry, pursued the bri- tish, but they had crossed Ashley river before he came to it. Expresses were sent to general Lincoln to in- form him of the retreat of the enemy ; and a thou- sand men were ordered to hold themselves in imme- diate readiness to go out to his aid. To avoid being between two fires the british filed off* from the main road by which they came and took post on James is- land, and the other islands on the sea coast. While they were encamped on James island their motions were constantly watched from the steeple of St. Michael's church, by Peter Timothy, and minutely 310 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. reported to the commanding officer. The british collected a number of boats and seemed to be ma- king preparations to invade the town on its Avatcr side. The inhabitants expecting an attack every night were kept in a constant state of alarm, and the little army Avas subdivided into a number of small guards, posted round the town, to prevent a surprise. While the british were encamped on James i.-l and, about seventy or eighty of the americans were posted nearly opposite to them at the plantation of Mr. Mathews on John's island. On the 20th of May a party of the troops commanded by general Prevost crossed over the narroAv river which sepa- rates the two islands, surprised the out centinel of the americans, and extorted from him the counter- sign. Possessed of this criterion, they advanced in security to the second centinel and bayonetted him before he could give any alarm. Without being dis- covered they then surrounded the house of Mr. Mathews, rushed in on the unprepared americans and put several of them, though they made no re- sistance, to the bayonet. Among the rest Mr. Ro- bert Barnwell, a young gentleman Avho adorned a very respectable family by his many virtues, good understanding, and sweetness of manners, received no less than seventeen wounds ; but he had the good fortune to recover from them all, and still lives an ornament to his country. The british having com- pleted this business, burned the house of Mr. Ma- thews. The british and american armies encamped with- in thirty miles of CharlestOAvn, watching each other's CAMPAIGN OF 1779- 311 motions till the 20th of June, Avhen an attack was made on part of the british army intrenched at Stono ferry. A feint was to have been made from James island, Avith a body of militia from Charles- tOAvn, at the same time that general Lincoln began the attack from the main ; but from mismanagement, and a delay in providing boats, the militia from Charlestown did not reach their place of destination till several hours after the action. The american army consisted of about twelve hundred men. The british force consisted of six or seven hundred men. They had three redoubts, with a line of communi- cation, and field pieces very advantageously posted in the intervals, and the whole secured with an ab- batis. That they might be harassed or lulled into security, for several nights preceding the action they were alarmed by small parties. When the real at- tack Avas made, two companies of the seventy-first regiment sallied out to support the pickets. Lieu- tenant-colonel Henderson ordered his light-infantry to charge them, on Avhich they instantly retreated. Only nine of their number got safe Avithin their lines. All the men at the british field pieces, be- tween their redoubts were either killed or Avounded. The attack was continued for an hour and twenty minutes, and the assailants had manifestly the advan- tage ; yet the appearance of a reinforcement, to pre- vent which the feint from James island was intended, made a retreat necessary. The loss of the americans on this occasion in kil- led and wounded was about one hundred and fifty. Among the former was the gallant colonel Roberts; whose superior abilities as an artillery officer, com- 312 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. manded the approbation of his countrymen and rendered his early fall the subject of universal re- gret. Soon after this attack the american militia, im- patient of absence from their plantations, generally returned to their homes. About the same time the british left the islands in the vicinity of Charlestown, retreating from one to another till they arrived at Port-Royal and Savannah. The sea-coast of South- Carolina, to the southward of CharlestOAvn, is so chequered with islands and intersected with creeks and marshes as to make the movements of an army extremely difficult. The british were much better provided Avith boats than the americans, and there- fore could retire with expedition and safety. Va- rious projects Avere attempted to enable general Lincoln to pursue them. Boats on wheel-carriages, constructed so as to suit the variegated face of the country, were proposed ; but before any thing of this sort could be completed, the british had retreated to places of security. This incursion into South-Carolina, and subse- quent retreat, contributed very little to the advance- ment of the royal cause ; but it added much to the wealth of the officers, soldiers, and followers of the british army, and still more to the distresses of the inhabitants. The forces under the command of general Prevost marched through the richest settle- ments of the state, where are the fewest white inha- bitants in proportion to the number of slaves. The hapless africans, allured with hopes of freedom, forsook their owners and repaired in great numbers to the royal army. They endeavored to recom- CAMPAIGN OF 1779- 313 mend themselves to their neAv masters, by discover- ing where their owners had concealed their proper- ty, and were assisting in carrying it off. All subor- dination being destroyed they became insolent, and rapacious, and in some instances exceeded the bri- tish in their plunderings and devastations. Collect- ed in great crowds, near the royal army, they Avere seized with the camp-fever in such numbers that they could not be accommodated either w ith proper lodgings or attendance. The british carried out of the state, it is supposed, about three thousand slaves ; many of whom were shipped from Georgia and East- Florida, and sold in the West-Indies. When the british retreated they had accumulated so much plunder, that they had not the means of removing the whole of it. The vicinity of the american army made them avoid the main land and go off in great precipitation from one island to another. Many of the horses Avhich they had collected from the .inha- bitants were lost in ineffectual attempts to transport them over the rivers and marshes. For Avant of a sufficient number of boats, a considerable part of the negroes were left behind. They had been so tho- roughly impressed by the british with the expecta- tions of the severest treatment, and even of certain death from their owners, in case of their returning home, that in order to get off with the retreating army they would sometimes fasten themselves to the sides of the boats. To prevent this dangerous practice the fingers of some of them were chopped off, and soldiers were posted Avith cutlasses and bayo- nets to oblige them to keep at a proper distance. vol. i. 2 S 314 revolutionary history, 1775—17^3. Many of them, laboring under diseases, afraid to return home, forsaken by their new masters, and destitute of the necessaries of life, perished in the woods. Those Avho got off with the army were col- lected on Otter island, Avhere the camp-fever con- tinued to rage. Without medicine, attendance, or the comforts proper for the sick, some hundreds of them expired. Their dead bodies, as they lay ex- posed in the woods, were devoured by beasts and birds ; and to this day the island is strewed with their bones. The british carried with them several rice- barrels full of plate, and household furniture in large quantities, which they had taken from the in- habitants. They had spread over a considerable extent of country, and small parties visited almost every house, stripping it of whatever was most valu- able, and rifling the inhabitants of their money, rings, jewels, and other personal ornaments. The reposi- tories of the dead were in several places opened, and the grave itself searched for hidden treasure*. Fea- ther-beds were ripped open for the sake of the tick- ing. Windows, china-ware, looking-glasses, and pictures were dashed to pieces. Not only the lar- ger domestic animals were cruelly and wantonly shot down, but the licentiousness of the soldiery ex- tended so far that, in several places, nothing within their reach, however small and insignificant, was suffered to live. The gardens which had been im- * Several of the first settlers of Carolina laid off spots of ground on their plantations for the interment oi their v'-jud, when there were no or very few public church yards. These private cemeteries are still used by their descendants and others for the same purpose. CAMPAIGN OF 1779- 315 proved with great care, and ornamented with many foreign productions, were laid Avaste and their nicest curiosities destroyed. The houses of the planters were seldom burnt, but in every other way the de- structions and depredations committed by the british were enormous. Soon after the affair at Stono, on the 20th of June, the continental forces under the command of gene- ral Lincoln retired to Sheldon. Both armies remain- ed in their respective encampments till the arrival of a french fleet on the coast roused the whole country to immediate activity. After the conquest of Grenada, in the summer of 1779, count D'Estaing with the force under his command retired to Cape-Francois. Thence he sailed for the american continent and arrived early in September with a fleet consisting of twenty sail of the line, iavo of fifty guns, and eleven frigates. As soon as his arrival on the coast Avas known general Lincoln, with the army under his command, march- ed for Savannah; and orders were issued for the militia of South-Carolina and Georgia to rendez- vous immediately near the same place. The british were equally diligent in preparing for their defence. Lieutenant-colonel Cruger, who had a small com- mand at Sunbury, and lieutenant-colonel Maitland, who was in force at Beaufort, were ordered to repair to Savannah. Count D'Estaing made repeated de- clarations, that he could not remain more than fifteen days on shore. Nevertheless, the fall of Savannah was considered as certain. It was generally believT- ed that in a few days the british would be stripped of all then' southern possessions. Flushed with 310 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, J 7 75__17^-; these romantic hopes, the militia turned out with a readiness that far surpassed their exertions in the preceding campaign. Every aid was given from Charlestown, by sending small vessels to assist the french in their landing; but as the large ships of count D'Estaing could not come near the shore, this was not effected till the 12th of September. On the 16th, Savannah was summoned to surrender. The garrison requested twenty-four hours to consider of an answer. This request was made with a view of gaining time for the detachment at Beaufort, com- manded by lieutenant-colonel Maitland, to join the royal army in Savannah. An enterprise was under- taken to prevent this junction, but it proved un- successful. Lieutenant-colonel Maitland pus in el through by Dawfuskies, dragged his boats through a gut, and joined Prevost before the time granted for preparing an answer to D'Estaing's summons had elapsed. The arrival of such a reinforcement, and especially of the brave lieutenant-colonel Mait- land, determined the garrison to risk an assault. The french and americans, who formed a junction the evening after, were therefore reduced to the ne- cessity of storming or of besieging the garrison. On the evening of the 23d they broke ground. On the 4th of October the besiegers opened with nine mor- tars, thirty-seven pieces of cannon from the lanel- side and sixteen from the Avater. These continued to play with short intervals for four or five days, but Avithout any considerable effect. It w as determined to make an assault. This mea- sure was forced on D'Estaing by his marine-officers, who had remonstrated against his continuing to risk CAMPAIGN OF 1779- 317 so valuable a fleet in its present unrepaired condi- tion on such a dangerous coast in the hurricane sea- son, and at so great a distance from the shore that it might be surprised by a british fleet. In a few days the lines ot the besiegers might have been car- ried into the works of the besieged ; but under these critical circumstances no further delay could be ad- mitted. To assault or to raise the siege was the only alternative. Prudence Avould have dictated the latter; but a sense of honor determined to adopt the former. The morning of the 9th of October was fixed upon for the attack. Two feints were made Avith the country militia; and a real attack on the Spring-Hill battery with 2500 french troops. 600 continentals, and 350 of the Charlestown militia, led by count D'Estaing and general Lincoln. They marched up to the lines with great boldness ; but a heavy and well directed fire from the batteries, anel a cross-fire from the gallies did such execution as threw the front of the column into confusion. A general retreat of the assailants took place after they had stood the enemy's fire for fifty-five minutes. Count D'Estaing received two Avounds ; 637 of his troops, and 257 continentals Avere killed or wounel- ed : of the 350 Charlestown militia, Avho Avercin the hottest of the fire, six Avere Avounded and captain Shepherd killed. The force of the garrison was be- tween two and three thousand, of which about one hundred and fifty Avere militia. The damage sus- tained by the besieged Avas trifling as they fired un- der cover, and few of the assailants fired at all. Im- mediately after this unsuccessful assault, the miiitia 318 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. almost universally went to their homes. Count D'Estaing reimbarked his troops, artillery and bag- gage, and left the continent; and general Lincoln's army marched to Charlestown. Thus ended the campaign of 1779, Avithout any thing decisive on either side. After one year, in which the british had overrun the state of Georgia for one hundred and fifty miles from the coast and had penetrated as far as the lines of Charlestown, they were reduced to their original limits in Savan- nah. All their schemes of co-operation w ith the to- ries had failed, and the spirits of that class of the inhabitants, by repeated disappointments, were tho- roughly broken. The arrival of the french fleet pro- tracted the execution of a plan formed for turning the force of the Avar against the southern states. The want of success in the attack on Savannah induced the british commander in New-York, soon after count D'Estaing's departure, to resume it. SECTION VII. Campaign of 1780. No sooner Avas the departure of the french fleet from the coast of America known at New-York, than sir Henry Clinton set on foot a grand expedition against Charlestown. The campaigns of 1778 and 1779 to the northAvard, had produced nothing of importance. But he regaled himself with flattering prospects of more easy conquests among the weaker states. The almost uninterrupted march of general CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 319 Prevost through the richest parts of South-Carolina to the gates of the capital; the conduct of the plan- ters who, on that occasion, Avere more attentive to secure their property by submission, than to defend it by resistance, tog ther Avith the recent successful defence of Savannah, all invited the british arms t® the southward. Unfortunately for Carolina, the most formidable attack Avas made on her capital, at a time when she was least able to defend it. In 1776 a vote of her new government stamped a value on her bills of credit, Avhich in 1780 could not be affixed to twenty times as much of the same nominal currency. At this important juncture, when the public service needed the largest supplies, the paper bills of credit were of the least value. To a want of money Avas ad- ded a want of men. The militia were exhausted Avith an uninterrupted continuance of hard duty. The winter, to others a time of repose, had been to them a season for most active exertions. The dread of the small-pox which, after seventeen years ab- sence, was known to be in Charlestown, discouraged many from repairing to the defence of the capital. The six continental regiments, on the South-Carolina establishment, in the year 1777, consisted of 2400 men ; but in the year 1780 they were so much redu*> ced by death, desertion, battles, and the expiration of their terms of service, that they did not exceed 800. Government had neither the policy to forgive nor the courage to punish the numbers who, in the preceding campaign, deserting their country's cause, had repaired for protection to the royal standard of 320 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775__1783. general Prevost. They who stayed at home and submitted, generally saved some part of their proper- ty. They who continued with the american army Avere plundered of every thing that could be carried away, and deprived of the remainder as far as w as possible by wanton destruction. After events of this kind, it Avas no easy matter to call forth the militia from their homes to the defence of Charles- town. The repulse at Savannah, impressed the inhabitants with high ideas of the poAver of Bri- tain. The impossibility of a retreat from an invested town, created in many an aversion from lines and ramparts. The presence of sir Henry Clinton who, as commander in chief, could order Avhat reinforcements he pleased, and who would naturally wish by something brilliant to efface the remembrance of his defeat in 1776, concurred with the causes already mentioned to dispirit the country. The North-Carolina and Virginia continentals, amounting to 1500 men, and also two frigates, a twenty gun ship, and a sloop of war, were ordered from the northward for the de- fence of CharlestOAvn. This was all the aid that could be expected from congress. The resolution Avas nevertheless unanimously taken, in a full house of assembly, to defend the tOAvn to the last ex- tremity. The royal army, destined for the reduction of Charlestown, embarked at NeAv-York on the 26th of December 1779. They had a tedious and difficult passage, in which they sustained great damage. This.- Avith their touching at Savannah, made it as CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 321 late as the 11th of February 1780, before they land- ed at the distance of thirty miles from Charlestown. The assembly, then sitting, immediately broke up, and delegateel, " till ten days after their next session, to the governor John Rutledge, and such of his council as he could conveniently consult, a power to do every thing necessary for the public good, except the taking away the life of a citizen Avithout a legal trial." Invested with this authority, he immediately ordered the miiitia to rendezvous. Though the ne- cessity w as great, few obeyed the pressing call. A proclamation was soon after issued, " requiring such of the militia as were regularly draughted, and all the inhabitants and owners of property in the town, to repair to the american standard, and join the gar- rison immediately, under pain of confiscation." This severe, though necessary measure, produced very little effect. Had sir Henry Clinton pushed imme- diately for the town, he might have possessed himself of it in four days after his landing; but that cautious commander adopted the slow method of a regular investiture. At VVappoo, on James island, he formed a depot and erected fortifications both on that island and on the main, opposite to the southern and wes- tern extremities of the town. On the 29th of March he passed Ashley river, and the third day after broke ground at the distance of eleven hundred yards, and at successive periods erected five batteries on Char- lestown Neck. The garrison was equally assiduous in preparing for their defence. The works that had been thrown up in the spring of the year 17/9, were vol. i. 2 I 322 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. strengthened and extended. Lines of defence and redoubts Avere continued across Charlestown Neck from Cooper to Ashley river. In front of the lines Avas a strong abbatis, and a Avet ditch picketted on the nearest side. Between the abbatis and the lines deep holes were dug at short distances from each other. The lines were made particularly strong on the right and left, and so constructed as to rake the wet ditch in almost its whole extent. In the centre a strong citadel was erected. Works were thrown up on all sides of the town where a landing Avas practicable. The continentals, with the Charles- tOAvn battalion of artillery, manned the lines in front of the british on the Neck between Ashley and Cooper rivers. The works on South-Bay and other parts of the town, not immediately exposed to dan- ger, were defended by the militia. The marine force of the state had been increased by converting four schooners into gallies, and by the armed ships Bricole and Truite, which for that purpose had been lately purchased from the french. The inferior num- bers of the garrison forbad any attempts to oppose sir Henry Clinton before his landing on the main. Immediately after which lieutenant-colonel John Laurens, with a corps of light-infantry, briskly at- tacked his advanced guards. In this skirmish, cap- tain Bowman was killed, major Hyrne and seven privates wounded. Though the lines were no more than field-works, yet sir Henry treated them with the respectful homage of three parallels, and made his advances with the greatest circumspection. From the third to the tenth of April, the first parallel was CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 333 completed, and immediately after the town was sum- moned to surrender. On the 12th the batteries were opened, and an almost incessant fire kept up. A british fleet, commanded by admiral Arbuthnot consisting of the Renown of fifty guns, the Romulus and Roebuck each of forty-four, the Richmond, Le Blonde, Raleigh, Virginia, each of thirty-two guns, and the Sandwich armed ship, crossed the bar in front of Rebellion road on the 20th of March, and anchored in Five Fathom Hole. The force opposed to this was the Bricole of forty-four guns, the Provi- dence and Boston, each of thirty-two, the Queen of France of twenty-eight, L'Avanture and the Truite, each of twenty-six, the Ranger and brig General Lincoln, each of twenty, and the brig Notre Dame of sixteen guns. The first object of commodore Whipple, who commanded the american naval force, was to prevent admiral Arbuthnot from crossing the bar; but on the near approach of the british fleet he retreated to fort Moultrie, and in a few days after to Charlestown. The crews and guns of all his vessels, except the Ranger, were put on shore to reinforce the batteries. On the ninth of April admiral Ar- buthnot weighed anchor at Five Fathom Hole, and taking advantage of a strong southerly wind, and floAving tide, passed fort Moultrie without stopping to engage it. Colonel Pinckney, who commanded on Sullivan's island, with three hundred men, kept up a brisk and severe fire on the ships in their pas- sage. Twenty-seven seamen w ere killed or wound- ed. The Richmond's fore-topmast was shot away, and the ships in general sustained damage. The 324 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. Acetus transport ran aground near Haddrcll's point. Captain Gadsden, detached with two field-pieces, fired into her with such effect that the crew set her on fire, and retreated in boats to the other vessels. The royal fleet came to anchor, in about two hours, near the remains of fort Johnson on James island, within long shot of the town batteries. To prevent their running up Cooper river, from Avhich they might have enfiladed the lines, was the next object. With this intention eleven vessels had been sunk in the channel opposite to the Exchange. The Ranger frigate and two gallies were stationed to the north- ward of it, to co-operate with the batteries on shore in defending these obstructions, and to attack any armed vessels that might force a passage through Hog-Island channel Though the greatest exertions had been made by the gentlemen in power to reinforce the garrison, and to strengthen the lines, yet their endeavors were not seconded by the people. No more country militia could be brought into the town, and very few could be persuaded to embody in the country. Seven hundred continentals, commanded by general Woodford, who had marched five hundred miles .in twenty-eight days, arrived in Charlestown on the 10th of April. This was the only reinforcement the o-arrison received during the siege, though the com- munication between the town and country was open until the middle of April. The fire of the besiegers soon discovered itself to be much superior to that of the besieged. Ihe former had the advantage of twenty-one mortars CAMPAIGN OF 17*V. 325 and royals ; the latter only of two. While the lines of approach advanced with such rapidity, that the second parallel, at the distance of three hundred yards, was completed on the 20th, the lines ot the besieged in many places sustained great da- mage. On the 14th the american cavalry, as shall be more particularly hereafter related, was surprised at Monk's Corner, and totally routed. The british immediately extended themselves to the eastward of Cooper river, and took post Avith two hundred and fifty cavalry, and five hundred infantry, in the vici- nity of Wappetaw. On the 16th general Lincoln called a council of officers, who Avere of opinion that the weak state of the garrison made it improper to detach a number sufficient to attack this separate corps. The only practicable route of an evacuation was to the right of the town. To deter Lincoln from attempting this change of position, the british continued to extend and increase their force in that quarter. On the 20th and 21st a council of officers was again called to deliberate on the important sub- ject of an evacuation. They were of opinion, " that it was unadvisable, because of the opposition made to it by the civil authority and the inhabitants, and be- cause, even if they should succeed in defeating a large body ot the enemy posted in their way, they had not a sufficiency of boats to cross the Santee before they might be overtaken by the whole british army." The council of war recommended a capitulation with the besiegers as the most eligible mode of ef- fecting the desired evacuation. In this it was pro- posed that the security of the inhabitants, and a safe 326 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—7183. unmolested retreat for the garrison, with baggage and field-pieces to the north-east of Charlestown, should be granted on the part of sir Henry Clinton, as an equivalent for the quiet possession of the town, its fortifications and dependencies. These terms Avere instantly rejected, and from that time the dispi-' rited garrison made a languid resistance. The inferior numbers of the besieged forbad re- peated sallies. The only one made during the siege was on the 24th of April, soon after the rejection of the offered terms of capitulation. This was con- ducted by lieutenant-colonel Henderson, who led out two hundred men, and attacked the advanced working-party of the british, killed several, and took eleven prisoners. In this affair captain Moultrie, of the South-Carolina line, was killed. The only plan now left for an evacuation, was to withdraw privately under cover of the night. A council of war held on the 26th pronounced this measure im- practicable with the present numbers of the garri- son. While general Lincoln was pressed with these difficulties, the british flag was seen flying on fort Moultrie. After the ships had passed Sullivan's island, colonel Pinckney, Avith one hundred and fifty of the men under his command, was withdrawn from that post to reinforce the besieged army in Charles- town. The feeble remainder of that garrison, most- ly militia, on the 6th of May surrendered without firing a gun, to captain Hudson of the british navy. On the next day sir Henry Clinton began a corres- pondence, and renewed his former terms. At this time all the flesh-provisions of the garrison were not CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 32/ sufficient to furnish rations for the space of a week. There was no prospect either of reinforcements, or of supplies from the country. The engineers gave it as their opinion that the lines could not be defended ten days longer, and that they might at any time be carried by assault in ten minutes. The same obsta- cles in the way of an evacuation still existed with increased force. General Lincoln Avas disposed to close Avith the terms offered, as far as they respected his army; but some demur was made in behalf of the citizens. Sir Henry Clinton insisted on their being all prisoners on parole. He also evaded any determinate answer to the article which request- ed leave for those who did not choose to submit to the british government, to sell their estates and leave the province. The royalists in the state having had this indulgence at all times since the abolition of re- gal government, it was hoped that on a proper re- presentation of these matters, in a free conference, the generosity of the besiegers would soften their demands. This conference Avas asked by general Lincoln, without directly refusing what was offered. Contrary to the expectation of the besieged, an an- swer was returned that hostilities should recommence at eight o'clock. When that hour arrived the most vigorous onset of the besiegers was immediately ex- pected by the garrison. But instead of this neither army fired a gun for some time. Both seemed to dread the consequences of an assault, and to w ish for a continuance of the truce, and a reconsideration of the proposed articles. At nine P. M. firing com- menced from the garrison, and was kept up on both 028 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. sides for several hours Avith unusual briskness, and did more execution than had taken place in the same length of time since the commencement of the siege. Shells and carcasses Avere throw n incessantly into al- most all parts of the tOAvn. Several houses were burnt, and many more were with difficulty saved. By this.time the british had completed their third parallel. Besides the cannon and mortars which played on the garrison at a distance of less than a hundred yards, rifles were fired by the hessian jagers w ith such effect, that very few escaped who showed themselves above the lines. On the 11th the british crossed the wet ditch by sap, and advanced within twenty-five yards of the lines of the besieged. On this day petitions were presented from a great ma- jority of the inhabitants, and of the country militia, praying general Lincoln to accede to the terms offer- ed by sir Henry Clinton. Under tfiese circum- stances Lincoln found it necessary to assent to the articles as proposed without any conference or ex- planation. This Avas the first instance in the american war of an attempt to defend a town ; and the unsuccessful event, with its consequences, makes it probable that if this method had been generally adopted the independence of America could not have been so easily supported. Much censure Avas undeservedly cast on general Lincoln for risking his army within the lines. Though the contrary plan was undoubtedly the best in gene- ral, yet he had particular reasons to justify his de- viation from the example of the illustrious com- CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 329 mander in chief of the american army. The rein- forcements promised him were fully sufficient for the security of the town. The congress and the go- vernments of North and South-Carol in a gave him ground to count upon nine thousand nine hundred men. From a variety of causes, some of which have been already stated, this paper army, includ- ing the militia of both Carolinas, was very little more than one third of that number. Notwith- standing this unfortunate termination of his com- mand in the southern district, great praise is due to general Lincoln for his judicious and spirited con- duct, in baffling, for three months, the greatly supe- rior force of sir Henry Clinton and admiral Arbuth- not. Though Charlestown and the southern army were lost yet, by their long protracted defence, the british plans were not only retarded, but deranged; and North-Carolina, as will hereafter be made evi- dent, was saved for the remainder of the year 1780. The return of prisoners transmitted by sir Henry Clinton on the surrender of Charlestown, was very large. It comprehended every adult freeman of the town, between two and three thousand sailors who had been taken from the shipping and put into the batteries, and the militia of both Carolinas then in garrison. These swelled the number to upAvards of 5000, and afforded ample materials for a splendid account of the importance of the conquest; but the real number of the privates of the continental army was 1977, and of these 500 were in the hospitals. The number of captive officers was also great. Dn- vol. i. 2 U 330 revolutionary history, 1775—1783. ring the thirty davs of the siege, onlv twenty ameri- can soldiers deserted. The militia and sailors Avere stationed in those batteries which were not much ex- posed, and therefore they suffered very little. Of the continentals who manned the lines in front of the besiegers eighty-nine vvere killed, and one hundred and thirty-eight wounded ; among the former were colonel Parker, an officer who had often distinguish- ed himself by his gallantry and good conduct, and captain Peyton, both of the Virginia line; Philip Neyle, aid-de-camp to general Moultrie; captains Mitchel and Templeton, and lieutenant Gilbank. The Charlestown militia artillery, who were station- ed at the lines and did equal duty with the conti- nentals, had three men killed; adjutant Warham and seven privates wounded ; about twenty of the inhabi- tants who remained in their houses were killed by random-shot in the town. Upwards of thirty houses were burnt, and many others greatly damaged. After the british took possession of the tOAvn the arms taken from the army and inhabitants, amount- ing to five thousand, were lodged in a laboratory near a large quantity of cartridges and of loose pow- der. By the imprudence of the guaid, in snapping the guns and pistols, this powder took fire, bleAv up the house, dispersed the burning fragments of it, which set fire to and destroyed the workhouse, the gaol, and the old barracks. The british guard, con- sisting of fifty men, stationed at this place, was de- stroyed and their mangled bodies dashed by the vio- lent explosion against the neighboring houses in Archdale-street. Several persons in the vicinity CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 331 shared the same fate. Many of the fire-arms were loaded ; they, with the cartridges going off, sent the instruments of death in all directions. Upwards of a hundred persons lost their lives on this oc- casion. In the tedious and difficult Avinter passage of the royal army from New-York to Charlestown, che hor- ses destined to mount the british cavalry Avere lost. Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton, after he landed, in a little time obtained a fresh supply and began the career of his victories. Soon after he had procured horses to mount his cavalry, he joined a body of about a thousand men Avho had marched through the country from Savannah under the command of general Patterson. On the 18th of March 1780,, a detachment from his corps surprised a party of ame- rican militia, about eighty in number, at Saltcatcher bridge, killed and wounded several of them and dis- persed the remainder. Five days after lieutenant- colonel Tarleton with his legion fell in with another small party of mounted militia, near Ponpon, who immediately retreated. In the pursuit three Avere killed, one wounded, and four taken prisoners. His next rencounter was on the 27th Avith lieutenant-co- lonel Washington, at the head of his regular corps of horse, between the ferry on Ashley river and Ran- towle's bridge on Stono. The americans had the advantage, took seven prisoners and drove back the cavalry of the british legion; but for want of infan- try durst not pursue them. At the beginning of the siege general Lincoln ordered the regular cavalry, amounting to three hundred men, to keep the field; 332 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. and the country militia were ordered to act as infan- try in their support. The militia, on various preten- ces, refused to attach themselves to the cavalry. This important body of horse, which was intended to cover the country, and keep open a communication between it and the town, was surprised on the 14th of April at Monk's Corner by a strong party of bri- tish led by lieutenant-colonels Tarleton and Web- ster. A negro-slave for a sum of money conducted the british from Goose creek, in the night, through unfrequented paths. About twenty-five of the ame- ricans were killed or taken. They who escaped were obliged for several days to conceal themselves in the swamps. Upwards of thirty horses were lost, and became a seasonable supply to the british who were but badly/ mounted. After this catastrophe all armed parties of americans, for some time, abandon- ed that part of the state which lies to the southward of Santee. Soon after this surprise colonel Anthony Walton White arrived, and took the command of the remains of the cavalry. At the head of this corps, mounted a second time with great difficulty, he crossed to the southward of the Santee and, on the 6th of May 1780, came up with a small british party, took them prisoners and conducted them to Lanneau's ferry. Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton, with a party of horse, was dispatched to the ferry and arrived there in a few minutes after the american cavalry and instant- ty charged them with a superior force. From the want of boats, and of infantry, a retreat was imprac- ticable and resistance unavailing. A rout took CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 333 place. Major Call and seven others escaped on horseback by urging their Avay through the advan- cing british cavalry. Lieutenant-colonel Washington, major Jameson, and five or six privates, saved them- selves by swimming across the Santee. About thir- ty were killed, wounded, or taken. The remainder got off by concealing themselves in the swamps. The british prisoners, who were in a boat crossing the river, being called upon by their friends to come back, rose on their guard and were released. After the landing of the british in 1780, depreda- tions similar to those already described recommen- ced. As the reduction of Carolina was then confi- dently expected, they did not commit such Avanton wastes as general Prevost's army; but it is hard to tell which exceeded the other in plundering. As the royal army of 1780 was much more numerous, and extended over the country on all sides of Charles- town, and had the convenience evf a large fleet on the coast to carry off their spoil, they made much greater collections of bulky articles. They possess- ed themselves in particular of indigo to the value of many thousand dollars. From mistaken policy, the merchants and others had stored the greater part of their commodities without the lines, and very often on or near the water. These collections very gen- erally fell into the hands of the conquerors. The british on this occasion plundered by system, form- ed a general stock and appointed commissaries of captures. Spoil collected this way Avas disposed of for the benefit of the royal army. The quantity brought to market Avas so great that though it sold 334 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. uncommonly low, yet the dividend of a major-general was upwards of four thousand british guineas. The private plunder of individuals, on their separate ac- count, was often more than their proportion of the public stock. Over and above what was sold in Caro- lina, several vessels were sent abre>ad to market, load- ed w ith rich spoil taken from the inhabitants. Up- wards of two thousand plundered negroes were ship- ped off at one embarkation. Several private gentle- men lost in the invasions of 1779 and 1780, from five hundred to two thousand dollars worth of plate, and other property in proportion. The slaves a se- cond time flocked to the british army and, being crowded together, were visited by the camp-teyer. The small-pox, which had not been in the province for seventeen years, broke out among them, and spread rapidly. From these two diseases, and the impossibility of their being provided with proper ac- commodations and attendance in the british encamp- ments, great numbers of them died and were left unburied in the woods. Never did any people more mistake their true in- terest than the inhabitants of South-Carolina, in per- mitting the british to obtain foothold in their country. Exhausted with the fatigues and impoverished by the consequences of a war into which they had been gradually drawn, without any intention originally of pushing it so far, some flattered themselves that the reduction of Charlestown would terminate their suf- ferings ; but that event proved to them the com- mencement of still greater evils. CAMPAIGN OP 1780. 33 KV.VOL! T10NARY H I SI ORY, 1 77 5--1783. arms in support of royal government. All paroles given to prisoners not taken by capitulation, and who were not in confinement at the surrender of Charlestown, were declared on the third of June 1780 by the commander in chief" to be null and void after the twentieth of the same month ; and the holders of them were called upon to resume the character of british subjects, and to take an active part in forwarding military operations or to be con- sidered and treated as rebels against his majesty's government." This extraordinary step Avas taken without any pretence of violation of parole on the part of the prisoners. With this proclamation, and the enrolment of the militia, commenced the declen- sion of british authority. Many had applied for paroles, and protection, from the fond expectation that they should be indulged Avith a residence on their estates and be at full liberty to prosecute their private business. Numbers Avho from motives of fear or convenience had submitted, still retained an affection for their american brethren; and shuddered at the thought of taking arms against them. A great number, considering themselves released from their parole by the proclamation, conceived that they had a right to arm against the british ; and were induced so to do from the royal menace, that they who did not enrol themselves as british subjects must expect to be treated as enemies. A greater number found it convenient to exchange their paroles for protec- tion. To sacrifice all, and leave the country, requir- ed a degree of fortitude that is the lot of few. To take protection, and to enrol themselves as militia under the royal standard, were events wholly unex- CAMPAIGN OF 17'8. 34 i pected when they submitted as prisoners of war. They conceived themselves reduced to a very hard alternative. They submitted, but their subsequent conduct made it probable that this was done, in ma- ny cases, with a secret reservation of breaking the compulsory tie when a proper opportunity should present itself. If this severe alternative had never been imposed, and if the people had been indulged in the quiet possession of their property and domes- tie ease, it would have been difficult for congress to have made adequate exertions for rescuing the state out of the hands of the british. But from a concur- rence ot causes, about this time, there was formed a strong party disposed to do and suffer more for the expulsion of their new7 masters than they could be persuaded to do six months before to prevent the country from falling into their hands. The situation of the inhabitants of the town was different from that of the country. As they had a right, by the capitulation, to remain at their homes on parole they were excepted from the alternative offered by the proclamation of the third of June; other methods were therefore used to compel them to become british subjects. Immediately after the surrender of Charlestown a few persons, attached to the british government, prepared an address to the general and admiral congratulating them on their conquest. This was signed by two hundred and ten of the inhabitants ; the greater part of whom had been in arms against the british during the siege, and among whom were a few who had been leaders in the popular government. In answer to their ad- dress they were promised the privileges and protec- 342 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775— 17S3. lion of british subjects, on subscribing a test of their allegiance and of their willingness to support the royal cause. These addressers, who thus decided- ly took part with the british, immediately made an invidious distinction betAveen subjects and prisoners and became the instigators of every severity against those who chose to remain on parole. As thev had revolted from the cause of America, that they might be kept in countenance they labored to draw others into the same predicament. This example of ex- changing • paroles for protection was soon followed by many of their fellow-citizens. Those of them who owned estates in the country, had no security by capitulation for any property out of the lines un- less they became subjects. This induced persons so circumstanced to join their conquerors. To ob- lige them universally to return to their allegiance there was a succession of proclamations, each abridg- ing the privileges of prisoners. Subjects were al- lowed to sue for their debts before the british board of police, but prisoners were denied all benefit of that court. Though they were liable to suits they had no security for the payment of their debts, but the honor of their debtors. The paroles granted to prisoners, after the surrender of the town, were much more limited than might have been expected. The citizens of the town were restrained from going out of the lines, or on the water, without special permis- sion. This, when applied for, was sometimes wan- tonly refused ; and on other occasions might be ob- tained for money. Ineffectual attempts were made to obtain more generous limits, but no extension was granted; and they who seemed averse Irom signing CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 343 the offered paroles were informed that, in case of an absolute rsfusal, they must expect close confine- ment. These shackles sat very uneasy on free ci- tizens Avho had heretofore been accustomed to the ful- lest enjoyment of personal liberty ; but no relaxation could be obtained on any other condition than that of professing a return to their allegiance. The con- querors, in the most perfect confidence of keeping the province and of extending their conquests, va- lued themselves much upon their generosity in be- ing willing to receive as british subjects the citizens whom they viewed in the light of vanquished rebels. Under the influence of this opinion they laughed at the folly, and resented the ingratitude and impu- dence of those Avho chose to remain in the characr ter of prisoners. Such persons met with every dis- couragement, and at the same time the door of re- admission to the privileges of subjects Avas thrown wide open. This made some martyrs, but more hy- pocrites. A numerous class of people Avere reduced to the alternative of starving or suing for protection. Those inhabitants of Charlestown, who were of the Hebrew nation, and others who were shopkeepers, were, while prisoners, encouraged to make purcha- ses from the british merchants Avho came with the conquering army; and after they had contracted large debts of this kind, were precluded by proclamation from selling the goods they had purchased unless they assumed the name and character of british sub- jects. Mechanics and others were allowed, for some months after the surrender, to follow their res- pective occupations; but, as they could not compel payment for their services, repeated losses soon con- 344 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. a inced them of the convenience of british protection. Great numbers in all communities are wholly indif- ferent Avhat form of government they live under. They can turn with the times, and submit with fa- cility to the present ruling power whatsoever it may- be. The low state of american affairs in the summer of 1780 induced a belief among many of the inhabi- tants that congress, from necessity, had abandoned the idea of contending for the southern states. The resolutions of that body, disavowing this imputation, were carefully concealed from the prisoners. Many believing that South-Carolina would finally remain a british province, and being determined to save their estates under every form of government, con- cluded that the sooner they submitted the less they would lose. The negroes and other property of in- dividuals had been seized by the british during the siege. Prisoners on parole had no chance of repos- sessing themselves of any part of this plunder. though subjects were allowed to put in their claim, and were sometimes successful. A party always attached to royal government, though they had con- formed to the laws of the state, rejoiced in the revo- lution, and sincerely returned to their allegiance; but their number was inconsiderable in comparison with the multitude who were obliged by necessity, or in- duced by convenience, to accept of british protec- tion. The inhabitants of the country, for the most part, lay more at the unconditional mercy of the conquer- ors than the citizens of the capital. Those who re- fused to give up their paroles, and did not flee out of the country, were generally removed from their CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 345 families and confined to some of the islands on the sea coast; while their property became the spoil and plunder of a rapacious army. In this trying situa- tion, the various ruling passions of individuals ap- peared without disguise. Some men of the largest fortunes and who had been promoted to exalted stations, both civil and military, relinquished the service of the state for present ease and convenience. A few of this character, who were entirely out of the way of personal danger, and in the full enjoy- ment of the privileges of freemen, voluntarily return- ed and bowed their necks to the conquerors. In direct contradiction to the whole tenor of their past conduct, they attempted to apologize for their in- consistency by declaring that they had never aimed at independence, and were always averse from an al- liance with France. The mischievous effects of ne- gro-slavery were, at this time, abundantly apparent. Several who had lived in ease and affluence from the produce of their lands, cultivated by the labor of slaves, had not fortitude enough to dare to be poor. Sentiments of honor, and love of their coun- try, made them wish to preserve a consistency of conduct by refusing submission to british govern- ment; but the impossibility of supporting themselves by their own exertions, counteracted every generous resolution. The conflict of contrary passions, and the distress of the times, drove several to the exces- sive use of spirituous liquors, which proved the source of diseases and often destroyed life. Though numbers broke through the solemn ties by which they had voluntarily bound themselves to vol. I. 2 Y 346 revolutionary history, 1775—1783. support the cause of America, illustrious sacrifices were made at the shrine of liberty ; several submit- ted to a disstressing exile, or a more intolerable con- finement. The proprietors of some of the best es- tates in South-Carolina suffered them to remain in the power and possession of the conquerors, rather than stain their honor by deserting their country. The rich staked their fortunes; but in the humble walks of obscurity were found several of the mid- dling and poorer class of citizens, who may be truly said to have staked their lives on the cause of Ame- rica ; for they renounced the comforts subservient to health in warm climates, and contented themselves with a scanty portion of the plainest necessaries of life in preference to joining the enemies of indepen- dence. In this crisis of danger to the liberties of America, the ladies of South-Carolina conducted themselves with more than spartan magnanimity. They gloried in the appellation of rebel ladies ; and though they withstood repeated solicitations to grace public entertainments, with their presence, yet they crowded on board prison-ships, and other places of confinement, to solace their suffering countrymen. While the conquerors were regaling themselves at concerts and assemblies, they could obtain very few of the fair sex to associate with them; but no sooner was an american officer introduced as a prisoner, than his company was sought for and his person treated Avith every possible mark of attention and respect. On other occasions the ladies in a great measure retired from the public eye, wept over the distresses of their country, and gave every proof of CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 347 the warmest attachment to its suffering cause. In the height of the british conquests, when poverty and ruin seemed the unavoidable portion of every adhe- rent to the independence of America, the ladies in general discovered more firmness than the men. Many of them, like guardian angels, preserved their husbands from falling in the hour of temptation when interest and convenience had almost gotten the better of honor and patriotism. Among the num- bers Avho were banished from their families, and Avhose property Avas seized by the conquerors, many examples could be produced of ladies cheerfully parting with their sons, husbands, and brothers, ex- horting them to fortitude and perseverance, and repeatedly entreating them never to suffer family attachments to interfere with the duty they owed to their country. When, in the progress of the war, they were also comprehended under a general sen- tence of banishment with equal resolution they part- ed with their native country and the many endear- ments of home—followed their husbands into prison- ships and distant lands where, though they had long been in the habit of giving, they were reduced to the necessity of receiving charity. They renounced the present gratifications of wealth, and the future prospects of fortunes for their growing offspring— adopted every scheme of economy, and, though born in affluence; and, habituated to attendance, betook themselves to labor. Whilst the conquerors were indefatigable in their endeavors to strengthen the party for royal govern- ment by the addition of new subjects, the americans .548 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 17/0--1783. were not inattentive to their interests. During the siege of Charlestown, general Lincoln in the most pressing manner, requested governor Rutledge, with his council, to go out of town; on the idea that the civil authority of the state would be exerted to much greater advantage in the country than in the besieg- ed metropolis. On the 12th of April 1780 he left Charlestown. Every exertion was made by him to embody the country militia, and to bring them for- ward for the relief of the besie-ged capital. Failing in this, he attempted to make a stand to the north ot the Santee. The reduction of the town, with the army enclosed, occasioned such a general panic among the militia that they could not be persuaded to second his views. Governor Rutledge in a lit- tle time retired to the northward, where he was more successful in his negotiations with North-Carolina, Virginia, and congress. Soon after he returned to South-Carolina, and gave vigor, union, and force to the inhabitants in their exertions against british go- vernment. During the siege expresses were sent by general Lincoln to congress, the states of North-Carolina and Virginia, representing the unpromising appear- ance of affairs in South-Carolina. In consequence of these several requisitions, congress determined that a considerable detachment from their main army should be immediately marched to the southward. The state of North-Carolina, also, ordered a large body of their militia to take the field, and to be re- lieved every three months. These stamina of a se- cond southern army were originally designed to CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 349 compel the british to raise the siege of CharlestOAvn; but being too late for that, they became a respectable check to the extension of their conquests. As the british advanced to the upper country of South-Carolina, a considerable number of the de- tcrmincd friends of independence retreated before them and took refuge in North-Carolina. In thi:- class was colonel Sumpter; a gentleman who had formerly commanded one of the continental regi- ments, and who was known to possess a great share of bravery and other military talents. In a very little time after he had forsaken his home, a detach- ment-of the british turned his Avife and family out of doors, burned the house and every thing that was in it. A party of these exiles from South-Carolina, AvhoJiad convened in North-Carolina, made choice of Colonel Sumpter to be their leader. At the head of this little band of freemen he soon returned to his own state, and took the field against the victori- ous british. He made this gallant effort at a time when the inhabitants had generally abandoned the idea of supporting their own independence, and when he had every difficulty to encounter. The state was no longer in a condition to pay, clothe, or feed the troops who had enrolled themselves un- der his command. His followers were, in a great measure, unfurnished with arms and ammunition; and they had no magazines from which they might draw a supply. The iron tools, on the neighboring farms, were worked up for their use by common blacksmiths into rude weapons of Avar. They sup- plied themselves, in part, with bullets by melting the 350 RLVOLUTION AllV lllSTORA, 17 70--1/85. pewter Avith Avhich they Avere furnished by private housekeepers. They sometimes came to battle when they had not three rounds a man ; and some were obliged to keep at a distance, till, by the fall of others, they were supplied with arms. When they proved victorious they were obliged to rifle the dead and wounded of their arms and ammunition to equty them for their next engagement. At the head of these volunteers colonel Sumpter penetrated into South-Carolina, and recommenced a military op- position to the british after it had been suspended for about six weeks. This unlooked-for impediment to the extension of british conquests roused all the passions which disappointed ambition can inspire. The late conquerors having in their official dis- patches asserted, " that the inhabitants from every quarter had repaired to the detachments of the royal army, and to the garrison of Charlestow n, to declare their allegiance to the king and to offer their servi- ces in arms in support of his government—that in many instances they had brought in as prisoners their former oppressors or leaders—and that there were few men in South-Carolina that were not either their prisoners or in arms with them;" and now, finding armed parties suddenly appearing in favor of inde- pendence, were filled with indignation. Their suc- cesses had flattered them wit;h hopes of distinguished rank among the conquerors of America; but these unexpected hostilities made them fear, that their names would be enrolled among those who, by pompous details of british victories, and exaggerated pictures of american sufferings, had deceived the CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 351 people of England into a continued support of an expensive and ruinous war. Forgetting their expe- rience in the northern states, they had believed the submission of the inhabitants to be sincere ; making no allowance for that propensity in human nature which leads mankind, when in the power of others, to frame their intelligence with more attention to what is agreeable than to what is true; the british for some time conceived that they had little to fear on the south, side of Virginia. When experience con- vinced them of the fallacy of their hopes, they Avere transported with rage against the inhabitants. With- out taking any share of the blame to themselves for their policy in constraining men to an involuntary submission, they charged them Avith studied dupli- city and treachery. Lenient measures Avere laid aside for those which Avere dictated by the spirit of revenge. Nor Avere opportunities long wanting for the indulgence of this malignant passion. Lord RaAvdon, whose temper was soured by disappoint- ment and whose breast Avas agitated with rage against the new subjects for their unmeaning submis- sions, on the first rumor of an advancing american army, called on the inhabitants in and near Camden to take up arms against their approaching country- men ; and confined in the common gaol those Avho refused. In the midst of summer, upwards of one hundred and sixty persons were shut up in one pri- son ; and twenty or thirty of them, though citizens of the most respectable characters, were loaded with irons. Mr. James Bradley, Mr. Strother, colonel Few, Mr. Kershaw, captain Boy kin, colonel Alex- 352 REVOLUTIONARY HISIORY, 1775--178.'). ander, Mr. Irvin, colonel Winn, colonel Hunter, and captain John Chesnut, were in the number of those who Avere subjected to these indignities. The friends of independence having once more taken the field in South-Carolina, a fiarty of the corps commanded by colonel Sumpter, consisting of 133 men, on the 12th of July 1780 engaged at Wil- liams' plantation, in the upper parts of South-Caroli- na, with a detachment of the british troops and a large body of tories commanded by captain Muck. They were posted in a lane, both ends of which were en- tered at the same time by the americans. In this unfavorable position they were speedily routed and dispersed. Colonel Ferguson of the british militia, captain Huck, and several others Avere killed. This was the first advantage gained over the royal forces since their landing in the beginning of the year. At the very moment this unexpected attack was made, a number of women were on their knees vainly so- liciting captain Huck for his mercy in behalf of the ir families and property. During his command he had distressed the inhabitants by every species of in- sult and injury. He had also shocked them with his profanity. In a very particular manner he dis- played his enmity to the presbyterians, by burning the library, and dwelling-house, of their clergyman the rev. Mr. Simpson; and all bibles which con- tained the scots translation of the psalms. These proceedings, no less impolitic than impious, inspired the numerous devout people of that district with an unusual animation. A warm love for independence bleneled itself with a religious fervor—and these two CAMPAIGN OF 1780. en - en passions reciprocally added strength to each other. The inhabitants of that part of the state generally ar- ranged themselves under the command of colonel Sumpter, and opposed the british w ith the enthusi- asm of men called upon to defend not only their ci- vil liberties but their holy religion. The effects of this ardor were very sensibly felt. Colonel Sumpter was soon reinforced to the number of six hundred men. At the head of this party, on the 30th of July 1780, he made a spirited but unsuccessful attack on the british post at Rocky-Mount. Without de- lay he marched in quest of other british detachments, and in eight days after successfully attacked one of their posts at the Hanging Rock, in Avhich was a considerable force of regulars and tories. The prince of Wales's regiment which defended this place was nearly annihilated ; and a large body of tories which had advanced from North-Carolina under co- lonel Brian, Avas completely routed and dispersed. It had been for some time known that an ameri- can army Avas marching from the northward for the relief of their southern brethren. The panic occa- sioned by the fall of CharlestOAvn was daily abating. The Avhig militia, on the extremities of the state formed themselves into small parties under leaders of their own choice ; and sometimes attacked detach- ments of the british army, but much more frequent- ly those of their own countrymen Avho Avere turning out as a royal militia. These american parties sever- • ally acted from the impulse of their own minds. They set themselves in opposition to the british vol. r. . 2 Z 354 REVOLurrjvary history, 1775—1783. Avithout the knowledge of each others motions, and Avithout any preconcerted general plan. Colonel Williams, of the district of Ninety-Six, in particular, was indefatigable in collecting and animating the friends of congress in that settlement. With the^e he (frequently harassed the conquerors. On the eighteenth of August 1780 he attacked a consider- able party of british, and torie3, at Musgrove's mills, on the Enoree river. Colonel Innis, of the South- Carolina royalists, was wounded; and the Avhole of his party obliged to retire. During the siege of Charlestown fourteen hundred continental troops, consisting of the Delaware and Maryland line, commanded by major-general Baron De-Kalb, Avere by congress ordered to the south- ward. They marched from head-quarters at Mor- ristOAvn, in New-Jersey, on the sixteenth of April 1780, embarked at the head of Elk in May, and landed soon after at Petersburg in Virginia; and from thence proceeded by land towards South-Caro- lina. The country was thinly inhabited and poorly cultivated. The last year's crop was nearly expen- ded, and the present one was not sufficiently ripe. The troops subsisted principally on lean cattle col- lected in the Avoods. The officers were so distressed for the Avant of flour that they made use of hair-pow- der to thicken their soup, but soon found a more savory substitute in green corn. Peaches Avere also used, and became a seasonable supply. The whole army Avas sometimes supplied tor twenty- four hours in this Avay without eitUer meat or flour. CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 355 A considerable number of the militia of North- Carolina had taken the field, and had agreed to ren- dezvous at Anson court-house on the twentieth of July, that they might be in readiness to co-operate with the continental army. On the approach of the americans major M'Arthur, Avho commanded on the Peedee, called in his detachments and marched directly to join the main body of the royal army at Camden. On the day that the british relinquished this part of the country the inhabitants, distressed by their depredations and disgusted with their con- duct, generally took arms. Lord Nairne, and one hundred and six british invalids, going jdown the Peedee, were made prisoners by a party of the ame- ricans commanded by major Thomas, who had late- ly been received as loyal subjects. A large boat coming up from George-Town, Avell stored with supplies for major M'Arthur's party, Avas seized for the use of the american army. All the neAv made british militia-officers, excepting colonel Mills, were made prisoners by their own men. For some time past the people were daily growing more and more dissatisfied with the british. Tired of war, they had submitted to their government with the flattering expectation of bettering their condition; but they soon found their mistake. The protection they re- ceived, as the recompense of their submissions, was wholly inadequate to the purpose of securing their property. When the british first took possession of the country, they considered themselves as having a right to seize on the property of rebels. Their com- missaries, and quartermasters, took provisions and 356 revolutionary himory, 1775__1783. all other things wanted by the army, where ever the, were to be found. Though articles taken this v.ay were all charged to the british government, yet very feAv of the persons from whom they were taken ever received any satisfaction. After the state hud generally submitted, the same practice was continu- ed. The rapacity of the common men, the indi- gence and avarice of many of the officers, and the gains of the commissaries and quartermasters, all concurred to forbid any check to this lucrative mode of procuring supplies. They found it much more profitable to loo^k on the inhabitants in the light of rebels, whose property was forfeited, than as reclaimed subjects ay ho were reinstated in the protection of government. When they applied in the latter character to claim their rights, and to re- monstrate against british depredations, they much oftener received insults than redress. People Avho had received this kind of treatment, and Avho be- lieved that allegiance and protection were recipro- cal, conceived themselves released from their late engagements and at full liberty to rejoin the ame- ricans. Though the inhabitants of Charlestown had not the same opportunity of shoAving their resentment a-ainst their conquerors, yet many of the new-made subjects and the prisoners were very soon disgusted with their conduct. Every ungenerous construc- tion was put on an ambiguous capitulation, to the disadvantage of the citizens; and their rights founded thereon were, in several instances, most injuriously violated. Continental officers were stripped ot their CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 35/ property, on the pretence that they were soldiers. and had no right to claim under the character of citizens. Ihe conquerors deprived the inhabitants of their canoes by an illiberal construction of the article which gave them the shipping in the harbor. Many slaves, anel a great deal of property, though secured by the capitulation, were carried off by sir Flenry Clinton's army in June 1780. Immediately after the surrender, five hundred negroes Avere or- dered to be put on board the ships lor pioneers to the royal forces in New-York. These were taken a\ here ever they could be found, and no satisfaction was made to their owners. The common soldiers, from their sufferings and services during the siege, conceived themselves entitled to a licensed plunder of the tOAvn. That their murmurings might be sooth- ed, the officers connived at their reimbursing them- selves for their fatigues and dangers at the expense of the citizens. Almost every private house had one or more of the officers, or privates, of the royal army quartered upon them. In providing for their ac- commodation very little attention was paid to the convenience of families. The insolence and disor- derly conduct of persons thus forced upon the citi- zens, were in many instances intolerable to freemen heretofore accustomed to be masters in their own houses. To induce a people who had tasted of the sweets of independence to return to the condition of subjects, their minds and affections, as well as their armies, ought to have been conquered. This more delicate and difficult task Avas rarely attempt- ed. The officers, privates, and followers of the roy- 358 REVOLUTIONARY history, 1775—1785. al army, Avere generally more intent on amassing fortunes by plunder and rapine than on promoting a re-union of the dissevered members of the empire. The general complexion of the officers serving in the royal army against America, Avas very different from what had been usual in better times. In former Avars dignity, honor, and generosity were invariably- annexed to the military character. Though the old officers of the british regiments in America were for the most part gentlemen, and eminently possessed these virtues, yet several vacancies both at the com- mencement and in the progress of the american war had been filled up by a new set greatly inferior in education and good breeding. Several new corps had been raised in America, in which commissions had been promissed by public advertisement to any person who would recruit a given number of men. They who possessed most of that low cunning, which is necessary to wheedle the vulgar, were of course most successful in procuring these commis- sions. From an army abounding with such unwor- thy characters, and stationed among a people whom they hated as rebels, and from the plunder of whom they hoped to make fortunes, it was not reasonable to expect that winning behavior which was necessa- ry to conciliate the affections of the revolted states. The royal officers, instead of soothing the inhabitants into good humor, often aggravated intolerable in- juries by more intolerable insults: they did more to re-establish the independence of the state than could have been effected by the armies of congress, had the conquerors guided themselves by maxim'- CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 359 of sound policy. The high spirited citizens of Caro- lina could not brook these oppressions and insults, but most ardently wished to rid the country of the insulting oppressors. From motives of this kind, and a prevailing attachment to the cause of their country, many broke through all ties to join the ad- vancing american army and more most cordially Avisheel them success. Major-general Baron De-Kalb commanded the continentals sent from the northward till the 27th of July, when major-general Gates arrived with the orders of congress to take the command. Great were the expectations of the public from this illus- trious officer. The cloud that had for some time overshadowed american affairs began to disperse. Nothing short of the speedy expulsion of the british from the state came up to the wishes and hopes of the friends of independence. While the american army advanced towards Camden, colonel Sumpter was to the westward of the Wateree, and daily aug- menting his corps from the revolting inhabitants who enrolled themselves under his standard. On receiving intelligence that an escort of clothing, ammunition and other stores for the garrison at Camden, was on the road from Charlestown, and that the whole must pass the W'ateree ferry under cover of a small re- doubt which the british occupied on the south side of the river, he formed a successful plan for reduc- ing the redoubt and capturing the convoy. On the 15th of August general Stevens, with a brigade of Virginia militia, joined general Gates. The Avhole of the american army now amounted to three thou- 360 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. sand six hundred and sixty three; of which about nine hundred were continental infantry, and seventy cavalry. The arrival of this force being quite unexpected, lord Cornwallis was distant from the scene of action. No sooner was he informed of the approach of gene- ral Gates, than he prepared to join his army at Camden. He arrived, and superseded lord Raw- don in command on the ]4th. His inferior force, consisting of about 1700 infantry anel 500 cavalry, would have justified a retreat; but, considering that no probable event of an action could be more inju- rious to the royal interest than that measure, he chose to stake his fortune in a contest with the con- queror of Burgoyne. On the night of the fifteenth he marched out with his whole force to attack the americans ; and at the same hour general Gates put his army in motion, with a determination to take an eligible position between Sanders' creek and Green Swamp about eight miles from Camden. The ad- vanced parties of both met about midnight, and a firing commenced. In this skirmish colonel Por- terneld, a very gallant officer of the state of Virginia, received a mortal wound. After some time both parties retreated to their main bodies, and the whole lay on their arms. In the morning a severe and general engagement took place. The american ar- my was formed in the following manner: the se- cond Maryland brigade, commanded by brigadier- general Gist, on the right of the line, flanked by a morass; the North-Carolina militia, commanded by major-general Caswell, in the centre; and the Vir- CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 36* ginia militia, commanded by brigadier-general Ste- vens, on the left, flanked by the North-Carolina militia light infantry and a morass. The artillery Avas posted in the interstices of brigades, and on the most advantageous grounds. Major-general baron De-Kalb commanded on the right of the line, and brigadier-general Srnallwood commanded the first Maryland brigade, which was posted as a corps-de- reserve two or three hundred yards in the rear. In this position the troops remained till dawn of day. As soon as the british appeared about two hundred yards in front of the North-Carolina troops, the ar- tillery was ordered to fire, and brigadier general Ste- vens to attack the column which was displayed to the right. That gallant officer advanced with his brigade of militia in excellent order within fifty pa- ces of the enemy, who were also advancing, and then called out to his men, " my brave fellows, you have bayonets as well as they, we'll charge them." At that moment the british infantry charged with a cheer, and the virginians, throwing down their arms, retreated with the utmost precipitation. The mili- tia of North-Carolina followed the unworthy exam- ple, except a few of general Gregory's brigade, Avho paused a very little longer. A part of colonel Dix- on's regiment fired two or three rounds, but the greater part of the whole militia fled Avithout firing a single shot. The whole left wing and centre be- ing gone, the continentals who formed the right wing, and the corps of reserve, engaged about the same time, and gave the british an unexpected check. The second brigade, consisting of Maryland and vol. 1. 3 A 362 revolutionary history, 1775—1783. DelaAvare troops, gained ground, and had taken no less than fifty prisoners. The first brigade being considerably out-flanked, Avere obliged to retire ; but they rallied again, and Avith great spirit renewed the fight. This expedient was repeated two or three times. The british directed their whole force against these two devoted corps, and a tremendous fire of musketry Avas continued on both sides with great steadiness. At length lord Cornwallis observing that there was no cavalry opposed to him, poured in his dragoons and eneled the contest. Never did men behave better than the continentals in the w hole of this action ; but all attempts to rally the militia were ineffectual. Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton's le- gion charged them as they broke, and pursued them as they Avere fleeing. Without having it in their power to defend themselves, they fell in great num- bers under the legionary sabres. Major-general baron De-Kalb, an illustrious ger- man in the service of France, Avho had generously engaged in the support of the american indepen- dence, and who exerted himself with great bravery to prevent the defeat of the day, received eleven wounds, of which, though he received the most par- ticular assistance from the british, he in a short time expired. Lieutenant-colonel Du-Buysson, aid- de-camp to baron De-Kalb, embraced his wound- ed general, announced his rank and nation to the surrounding, foe, and begged that they would spare his life. While he generously exposed himself to save his friend, he received sundry- dangerous Avounds, and was taken prisoner. Brigadier-gene- ral Rutherford, a valuable officer of the most ex- CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 363 tensive influence over the North-Carolina militia, surrendered to a party of the british legion, one of whom, after his submission, cut him in several pla- ces. Of the South-Carolina line, that brave and distinguished officer major Thomas Pinckney, ac- ting as aid-de-camp to major-general Gates, had his leg shattered by a musket-ball, and fell into the hands of the conquerors. The americans lost eight field-pieces, the whole of their artillery, upwards of 200 waggons, and the greatest part of their baggage. The loss of the bri- tish, in killed and wounded, was about 300. The royal army fought with great bravery ; but their success was in a great measure owing to the preci- pitate flight of the militia, and the superiority of their cavalry. The militia composed so great a part of the ame- rican army that general Gates, when he saAv them leave the field, lost all hopes of victory, and retired in order to rally a sufficient number to cover the retreat of the continentals, but the further the mili- tia fled the more they were dispersed. Finding no- thing could be done, he continued his retreat into N orth-Carolina. On his way he Avas soon overta- ken by an officer from colonel Sumpter, who report- ed that the colonel had fully succeeded in his enter- prise against the british post at the ferry, had cap- tured the garrison, and intercepted the escort with the stores ; but no advantage could be taken of this event, as the successful party of americans was on the opposite side of the river. A few of the Virginia militia were halted at Hillsborough ; but in a little time their tour of service was out, and they were dis- 364 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1785. charged. The North-Carolina militia went diffe- rent ways, as their hopes led or their fears drove them. Almost all the american officers were sepa- rated from their commands. Every corps Avas bro- ken in action, and dispersed through the woods. Major Anderson, of the third Maryland regiment, Avas the only infantry-officer who kept together any number of men. The retreat of the heavy baggage Avas delayed till the morning of the action, and the greatest part of it fell into the hands of the british, or was plundered in the retreat. The pursuit was rapid for more than twenty miles ; even at the dis- tance of forty miles, teams Avere cut out of the wag- gons, and numbers promoted their flight on horse- back. The road by which they fled Avas strewed with arms and baggage, which in their hurry and trepidation they had abandoned, and covered with the sick, the Avounded and the dead. On the 17th and 18th of August brigadiers Small- wood and Gist, and several other officers, arrived at Charlotte. At this place also had rendezvoused up- wards of 100 regular infantry of different corps be- sides colonel Armand's cavalry and a small partizan corps of horse, which took the field on this occasion under the command of major Davie. Some pro- visions having been collected there, proved a most seasonable refreshment. The drooping spirits of the officers began to revive, and hopes were enter- tained that a respectable force might soon again be . assembled from the country militia, and from the addition of colonel Sumpter's victorious detachment. All these prospects were soon obscured, by intelli- gence that arrived on the 19th of the complete dis- CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 36^ persion of that corps. On hearing of general Gates' defeat, colonel Sumpter began to retreat up the south side of the Wateree, with his prisoners and captured stores. Lord Cornwallis dispatched lieu- tenant-colonel Tarleton, with his legion and a detach- ment ot infantry, to pursue hiin. This* Avas done with so much celerity and address, that he was overtaken on the 18th at lisliing Creek. Ihe bri- tish horse rode into their camp before they w ere pre- pared tor defence. The americans having been tor four days without sleep or provisions, were more obedient to the calls ot nature than attentive to her first law—self-preservation. Colonel Sumpter had taken every prudent precaution to prevent a surprise, but his videttes were so fatigued, that they neglect- ed their duty. With great difficulty he got a feAv of them to make a short stand, but the greater part of his corps fled to the river or the woods. The bri- tish prisoners, about 300, were all retaken and con- ducted to Camden. Colonel Sumpter lost all his artillery, and his whole detachment was either killed, captured, or dispersed. Every hope of making a stand at Charlotte being extinguished, a resolution Avas soon taken for re- treating to Salisbury. A circumstantial detail of this would complete the picture of distress. The officers suffered much for want of horses to carry off their Avounded companions. The citizens of that part of the north state were reduced to great difficul- ties in removing their families and effects. It was expected that every day would bring intelligence of lord Cornwallis pursuing his fugitive enemies. The inhabitants generally meant to flee before the ap- 366 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1/83. proaching conquerors. The confusion that took place among all orders is more easily conceived than expressed. The loss of CharlestOAvn, and the capture of an army within its lines, had reduced american affairs in South-Carolina low; but the complete rout of a second army, procured with great difficulty for the recovery of the state, sunk them much lower, and filled the friends of independence with fearful anx- iety for the future fate of their country. The british were unusually elated, and again flat- tered themselves, that all opposition in South-Caro- lina was effectually subdued. Though their victory was complete, and there was no army to oppose them, yet the extreme heat of the weather, and sick- liness of the season, restrained them for some time from pursuing their conquests. Much was to be donC in the interior police of the country. To crush that spirit of opposition to british government, which discovered itself on the approach of an american army, engaged the attention of lord Cornwallis. By the complete dispersion of the continental for- ces the country was in the power of the conquerors. The expectation of aid from the northward was now less probable than immediately after the reduction of Charlestown. Several of the revolted subjects had fallen as prisoners into the hands of the british, and^ the property of others lay at their mercy. This si-' tuation of public affairs pointed out the present mo- ment of triumph, as a most favorable conjuncture for breaking the spirits of those who were attached to the cause of independence. To prevent their future CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 3$7 co-operation with the forces of congress, a severer policy was henceforward adopted. Unfortunately for the inhabitants this was taken up on grounds which involved thousands in distress, and not a few in the loss of life. The british con- ceived themselves in possession of the rights of sovereignty over a conquered country, and that therefore the efforts of the citizens to assert their independence were chargeable with the complicated guilt of ingratitude, treason, and rebellion. Influen- ced by these opinions, and transported with indigna- tion against the inhabitants, they violated rights Avhich are held sacred between independent hostile nations. In almost every district their progress was marked with blood, and with deeds scr atrocious as reflected disgrace on their arms. Nor were these barbarities perpetrated in a sudden sally of rage, or by officers of Ioav rank. Major Wemys, of the sixty- third regiment of his britannic majesty's army, de- liberately hung Mr. Adam Cusack in Cheraw dis- trict, who had neither taken parole as a prisoner, nor protection as a british subject, though charged Avith no other crime than refusing to transport some bri- tish officers over a ferry, and shooting at them across a- river. The immediate authors of executions pleaded no less authority than that of earl Cornwal- lis, for deliberately shedding the blood of their fel- low-men. In a few days after the defeat of general Gates, his lordship stained his military fame by the following letter, addressed to the commandant of the british garrison at Ninety-Six: " I have given orders that all the inhabitants of this province, who have subscribed and have taken 368 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. part in this revolt, should de punished with the greatest rigor; and also those who will not turn out, that they may be imprisoned, and their whole pro- perty taken from them or destroyed. I have like- wise ordered, that compensation should be made out of their estates to the persons who have been injured or oppressed by them. I have ordered in the most positive manner, that every militiaman, who has borne arms with us and afterwards joined the ene- my, shall be immediately hanged. I desire you will take the most vigorous measures to punish the rebels in the district in which you command, and that you obey in the strictest manner the directions I have given in this letter relative to the inhabitants of this country. (Signed) Cornavallis." Similar orders were addressed to the commanders of different posts, and executed with the same spirit with Avhich they were dictated. At or near Camden, Samuel Andrews, Richard Tucker, John Miles, Jo- siah Gayle, Eleazer Smith, with some others whose names are unknown, were taken out of gaol and hung Avithout any ceremony. Some were indulged with a hearing before a court-martial, but the evidences against them were not examined on oath, and slaves were both permitted and encouraged to accuse their masters. Not only at Camden, but in other parts of South-Carolina, and at Augusta in Georgia, the same bloody tragedies were acted, and several of the inhabitants fell sacrifices to this new mode of Avar- fare. CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 369 The Avarm zeal of earl Cornwallis to annex the states of America to the british empire, prompted iiim to measures not only derogatory to his charac- ter but inconsistent with the claims of humanity. The prisoners on parole had an undoubted right to take arms ; for, by proclamation, after the 20th of the preceding June, as has been stated, they were released from every engagement to their conquerors. Of those it may be affirmed, that they were murder- ed in cold blood. The case of those who had taken british protection is somewhat different. His lord- ship could allege, in vindication of his severity to them, an ap^c^. ~ru:e of right; but it was of that too rigid kind which hardens into wrong. These men were under the tie of an oath to support american independence; but had been overcome by the temptation of saving,their property to make an in- voluntary submission to the royal conquerors. By a combination of circumstances they were in such a situation that they could not do otherwise, Avithout risking the support of their families. Experience soon taught them the inefficacy of these protections. These men naturally reasoned thus : " that as the contract was first violated on the part of the con- querors, it could not be so highly criminal for them to recede from it." They had also submitted on the idea that they should not be called on to fight against the americans ; but finding themselves com- pelled to take up arms, and under the necessity of violating their engagements either to their country- men or their, conquerors, they chose to adhere to the vol. r. 3B 370 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1783. former. To treat men thus circumstanced with the sanguinary severity of deserters and traitors might he politic, but the impartial world must regret that the unavoidable horrors of war should be aggravated by such deliberate effusions of human blood? Notwithstanding the decisive superiority of the british arms in the summer of 1780, several of the citizens, respectable for their numbers but more so for their weight and influence, continued firm to the cause of independence. It was no less mortifying to lord Cornwallis than unfriendly to his future schemes, that these remained within the british lines in the character of prisoners. Though they were restrained by their paroles from doing any thing in- jurious to the interest of his britannic majesty ; yet the silent example of men, who Avere revered by their fellow-citizens, had a powerful influence in restrain- ing many from exchanging their paroles as prisoners for the protection and privileges of british subjects. To remove every bias of this sort, and to enforce a general submission to royal government, lord Corn- wallis, soon after his victory at Camden, gave orders to send out of the province a number of the princi- pal citizens prisoners on parole in Charlestown. On the 27th of August Christopher Gadsden, lieu- tenant-governor of the state, Edward Blake, John Budd, Robert Cochran, John Edwards, Thomas Fer- guson, George Flagg, William Hasel Gibbs, William flail, Thomas Hall, Thomas Heyward, junior, Isaac Holmes, Richard Hutson, William Johnson, rev. John Lewis, William Livingston, John Loveday, Richard Lushington, William Massey, Edward M4- OAMPAIGN OF 1780. 371 Cready, Alexander Moultrie, John Mouatt, John Neutville, Edward North, Joseph Parker, John Er- nest Poyas, David Ramsay, Jacob Read, Hugh Rut- ledge, Edward Rutledge, John Sansum, Thomas Sa- vage, Thomas Singleton, Josiah Smith, James Ham- den Thompson, Peter Timothy, John Todd, and Anthony Toomer, were taken up early in the morn- ing out of their houses and beds by armed parties and brought to the Exchange; from whence, when collected together, they were removed on board the Sandwich gua rd-ship, and in a few days transported to St. Augustine. The manner in which this order was executed was not less painful to the feelings of gentlemen, than the order itself was injurious to the rights of prisoners entitled to the benefits of a capitu- lation. Guards were left at their respective houses. The private papers of some of them were examined. Reports were immediately circulated to their disad- vantage, and every circumstance managed so as to induce a general belief that they Avere all appre- hended for violating their paroles, and for concert- ing a scheme for burning the town and massacre- ing the loyal subjects. On the very first day of their confinement they remonstrated to lieutenant- colonel Balfour, the commandant of CharlestOAvn, asserting their innocence, and challenging their ac- cusers to appear face to face with their charges against them. To this no answer was directly obtained; but a message from the commandant, delivered officially by major Benson, acknowledged that this extraordi- nary step had been taken " from motives of policy.''' 372 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--17*3. The british endeavored to justify this removal by alleging the right of the victors to remove prisoners whithersoever they please, Avithout regarding their convenience. Few such instances can be produced in the modern history of any civilized nation Avith Avhom it is an established rule to construe capitu- lations, Avhere ambiguous, in favor of the vanquish- ed. The conquerors, in their great zeal to make subjects, forgot the rights of prisoners. To express his indignation at this ungenerous treatment, lieute- nant governor Gadsden refused to accept an offered parole in St. Augustine; and with the greatest forti- tude bore a close confinement in the castle of that place for forty-two weeks, rather than give a second one to a power which had plainly violated the en- gagement contained in the first. The other gentle- men, avIio reneAved their paroles in St. Augustine, had the liberty of the tOAvn ; but were treated with indignities unsuitable to their former rank and con- dition. Cut off from all communication with their countrymen, they could receive no intelligence of public affairs but through british channels. In this forlorn situation, they were informed of several de- cisive battles, which were represented as haying completely annihilated every prospect of american independence; and they were taught to expect the fate of vanquished rebels. They also heard from high authority, that the blood of the brave but un- fortunate Andre would be required at their hands. They were told that lieutenant-colonel Glazier, com mandant of the garrison in St. Augustine, had an- nounced his fixed resolution instantly to hang up CAMPAIGN OF 1780. ' 373 six of them, if the exasperated americans should exe- cute their threats of putting to death colonel Brown, of the East-Florida rangers. To all these indigni- ties and dangers they submitted, without an appli- cation from a single individual of their number for british protection. From the time that the citizens before mentioned Avere sent off from Charlestow n, St. Augustine was made use of to frighten prisoners to petition for the privileges of subjects. They who delayed their sub- mission were repeatedly threatened Avith banishment from their families and estates. To convince the inhabitants that the conquerors were seriously re- solved to banish all who refused to become subjects an additional number, Avho still remained prisoners on parole, was shipped off on the 15th of November following. Their names were as follows : Joseph Bee, Richard Beresford, John Berwick, Daniel Bor- deaux, Benjamin Cudworth, Henry Crouch, John Splatt Cripps, Edward Darrell, Daniel Dessaussure, George A. Hall, Thomas Grimball, Noble Wimber- ley Jones, William Lee, William Logan, Arthur Middleton, Christopher Peters, Benjamin Postell, Samuel Prioleau, Philip Smith, Benjamin Waller, James Wakefield, Edward Weyman, Morton Wil- kinson. In addition to these citizens of South-Ca- rolina, most of whom Avere entitled to the benefits of the capitulation of Charlestown, general Rutherford and colonel Isaacs of the state of North-Carolina, who had been taken near Camden in August 1780, were at the same time shipped off for St. Augustine. The only charge exhibited against them as the rea- 374 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. son of their exile Avas that " they discovered no dis- position to return to their allegiance and would, if they could, overturn the british government." Lord Cornwallis did not stop here; but being determined to use every method to compel the re-establi»hment of british government, as well by rewarding its friends as punishing its opposers, his lordship pro- ceeded to the sequestration of all estates belonging to the decided friends of America. In the execution of this business John Cruden was appointed to take possession of the estates of particular persons desig- nated in warrants issued by earl Cornwallis and lieutenant-colonel Balfour. In the year 1778, when the then recent capture of general Burgoyne's army, and the alliance with France inspired all ranks of men in Carolina with confidence in the final establishment of their inde- pendence, the legislature of that state gave to all the friends of royal government their free choice; of either joining them, or going where they pleased with their families and property. In the year 1780, when the british arms had the ascendant, the con- querors gave no alternative, but either to join them, and to fight against their countrymen and conscien- ces, or to be banished under every restriction of prisoners of war. Instead of being allowed to car- ry their estates with them they, whose property made it worth while, were stripped of every thing; and all, Avhether their estates were sequestered or not, were deprived of the privileges of recovering their debts, and of selling or removing their property without the permission of the conquerors. An ad- CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 375 herent to independence was now considered as one who courted exile, poverty, and ruin. The tempta- tion was too great to be resisted by those who were attached to their interest and ease. Numbers Avho formerly professed great zeal in the support of their country, and who continued their adherence to the cause of America after the surrender of Charles- town, yielded to these temptations and became bri- tish subjects. To discourage the other states from any further attempts in behalf of Carolina an ad- dress to lord Cornwallis was drawn up, in Avhich the subscrib rs " congratulated him for his glorious vic- tory at Camden ; and expressed their indignation at congress for disturbing the citizens of Carolina, who were represented as having broken off from the un- ion, and re-united themselves to the british empire.'' Though every method was used to obtain signers to this address, yet no more than 164 could be procur- ed. NotAvithstanding these discouragements, the g< ni :s of America rose superior to them all. At no time did her sons appear to greater advantage, than Avhen they were depressed by successive misfortunes. They seemed to gain strength from their losses : and, instead of giving way to the pressure of calamities, to oppose them with more determined resolution. Hitherto the british arms to the southward have been attended with almost uninterrupted success. The royal standards we have seen overspreading all the country, penetrating into every quarter, and tri- umphing over all opposition. Their defeats at the Hanging-Rock and at Williams's, in the upper parts of South-Carolina, made but little impression on an 376 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. army grown familiar with victories. Checks indeed they Avere, but nothing more; and the only checks they had sustained since their landing in the state. The british ministry, by this flattering posture of af- fairs, Avere once more intoxicated with the delusive hopes of subjugating America. NeAv plans were. formed, and great expectations indulged of speedily re uniting the dissevered members of the empire. The rashness of general Burgoyne, and the languor of sir William Howe, Avere assigned as the only causes of that shame and disappointment which had already v disgraced five successive campaigns. It was now- asserted with a confidence bordering on presump- tion that such troops as fought at Camden, put un- der such a commander as lord Cornwallis, would soon extirpate rebellion so effectually as to leave no vestige of it in America. The british ministry and army, by an impious confidence in their own wisdom and prowess, Avere duly prepared to give, in their approaching downfal, an useful lesson to the world. The disaster of the army under general Gates overspread at first the face of american affairs with a dismal gloom. But the day of prosperity to the United States began, as will appear in the seque^, from that moment to dawn. Their prospects bright- ened up while those of their enemies were obscured by disgrace, broken by defeat, and at last covered Avith ruin. Elated with their victory the conquerors 86" REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 177.*)—1785. a stockade-fort round his house in which he had collected 112 of the men under his command. The appearance of the force, commanded by Washing- ton, produced an immediate surrender of this whole party. A pine log enforced the propriety and ne- cessity of their speedy unresisting submission. This harmless timber, elevated a few feet from the surface of the earth by its branches which stuck in the ground, was moulded by the imagination of the gar- rison into artillery, completely equipped with all tin; apparatus of death. Sumpter, soon after the dispersion of his force on the 18th of August 1780, collected a corps of vo- lunteers. About thirty of his party re-joined him immediately after that event. In three days more one hundred of the whig-citizens in the vicinity, on his requisition, rendezvoused at Sugar creek and put themselves under his command. With these and other occasional reinforcements, though for three months there was no continental army in the state, he constantly kept the field in support of american independence. He varied his position from time to time about Enoree, Broad and Tyger rivers, and had frequent skirmishes with his adver- saries. Having mounted his followers, he infested the british with frequent incursions, beat up their quarters, intercepted their convoys, and so haras- sed them with successive alarms, that their move- ments could not be made but with caution and dif- ficulty. On the 12th of November 1780 he was attacked at Broad river by major Wcyms, command- ing a corps of infantry and dragoons. In this ac- tion the british Avere defeated, and their command- CAMPAIGN OF 17S0. 387 mg officer taken prisoner. Though major Weyms had personally superintended the execution of Mr. Adam Cusack, after ordering him to be hung; and though in his pocket was found a memorandum of several houses burned by his command, yet he re- ceived every indulgence from his conquerors. On the twentieth of the same month general Sumpter was attacked at Black Stocks, near Tyger river, by lieutenant-colonel Tarleton at the head of a consi- derable party. The action Avas severe and obsti- nate. The killed and Avounded of the british Avas considerable. Among the former were major Mo- ney, lieutenants Gibson and Cope. The americans lost very few, but general Sumpter received a wound which, for several months, interrupted his gallant enterprises in behalf of the state. His zeal and ac- tivity in animating the american militia when they were discouraged by repeated defeats, and the bra- very and good conduct he displayed in sundry at- tacks on the british detachments, procured him the applause of his countrymen and the thanks of Con- gress. The continental army which had been collected at Hillsborough, after their dispersion on the 16th of August, moved doAvn to Charlotte in the latter end of the year 1780. Congress authorised general Washington to appoint an officer to take the com- mand in the southern district. He nominated major general Greene to this important trust. This illustri- ous officer was universally acknowledged to possess great military talents, particularly a penetrating judg- ment, and a decisive enterprising spirit. Great were the difficulties he had to encounter. The principal 388 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY', 1775__1783. part of his standing-force consisted of the few con- tinentals who had escaped from the defeat near Cam- den on the 16th of August 1780. Six days after Greene took the command, the returns of the southern army were nine hundred and seventy con- tinentals, and one thousand and thirteen militia. The continentals Avere Avithout pay, and almost with- out clothing. All sources of supply from Charles- town were shut up, and no imported article could be obtained but from a distance of near two hun- dred miles. Though the american force was small, yet the procuring of provisions for its support Avas a matter of the greatest difficulty. The paper cur- rency Avas so depreciated, that it Avas wholly unequal to the purchase of necessaries for the suffering sol- diers. Real money could not be procured. Though Greene Avas authorised to dispose of a few bills, drawn by Congress on their minister at the court of France, on a credit given him by that court, yet, such Avas the situation of the country, that very little relief could be obtained from this quarter; and the greatest part of the bills were returned un- sold. The only resource left for supplying the ame- rican army, was by impressment. The country had been so completely ravaged, that all which could be obtained even in that Avay, in the vicinity of the ar- my, was far short of a sufficiency. To supply the army, and please the inhabitants, was equally neces- sary. To seize upon their property and preserve their kind affections Avas a most delicate point, and yet of the utmost moment, as it furnished the army with provisions without impairing the disposition of the inhabitants to co-operate with the continental CAMPAIGN OF 1780. 389 troops in recovering the country. This grand ob- ject called for the unjted efforts of both. That the business of impressment might be conducted in the least offensive manner, it Avas transferred from the military to the civil officers of the state. This Avas not only more effectual, but it also prevented two other evils of dangerous consequence—the corrup- ' tion of the discipline of the army—and the misap- plication of property impressed for the public ser- vice. With an inconsiderable army, miserably provided, general Greene took the field against a superior bri- tish regular force, which had marched in triumph two hundred miles from the sea-coast; and was flushed with successive victories through a whole campaign. To face an host of difficulties the ame- rican general had the justice of his cause, his oavo valor and good conduct, a \rery respectable cavalry, and the Maryland and DelaAvare continentals Avho had served upAvards of four years; and who, for their numbers, were equal to any troops in the Avorld. Many of the inhabitants w ho, from necessity, had submitted to the british government most cordially AATshed him good speed; but the unsuccessful at- tempt of Gates to recover t}ie country made the cautious and timid, for some time, very slow in re- pairing to the standard of liberty. Soon after Greene took the command, he divided his force and sent a detachment, under general Morgan, to the Avestern extremities of South-Caro- lina; and marched on the twentieth of December with the main body to Hicks' creek, on the north side of the Peedee, opposite to Cheraw hill. This 390 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 17 75—1783. division of the little american army into two parts, so remote from each other that they could not co- operate, was risking much ; but the necessity of the case gave no alternative. The continental army was too inconsiderable to make successful opposition to the superior numbers of lord Cornwallis, without the most powerful co-operation of the militia of the country. To give them an opportunity of cm- bodying it was necessary to cover both extremities of the state. SECTION VIII. Campaign of 1781. After the general submission of the militia, in the year 1780, a revolution took place highly favorable to the interests of America. The residence of the british army, instead of increasing the real friends to royal government, diminished their number and added new vigor to the opposite party. In the dis- trict of Ninety-Six moderate measures were at first adopted by the british commanders, but the effects of this Avere frustrated by the royalists. A great part of those who called themselA-es the king's friends had been at all times a banditti, to Avhom rapine and violence were familiar. On the restoration of royal government these men preferred their claim to its particular notice. The conquerors Avere so far im- posed on by them, that they promoted some of them who were of the most infamous characters. Men of such base minds and meicenary principles, regard- CAMPAIGN OF 1781. 391 less of the capitulation, gratified their private re- sentments and their rage for plunder to the great distress of the new made subjects, and the greater injury of the royal interest. Violences of this kind made some men break their engagements to the bri- tish, and join the americans. Their revolt occasion- ed suspicions to the prejudice of others who had no intention of following their example. Fears, jea- lousies and distrust, haunted the minds of the con- querors. All confidence Avas at an end. Severe measures were next tried, but with a Avorse effect. Lieutenant-colonel Balfour, an haughty and imperi- ous officer who commanded in that district, was more calculated, by his insolence and overbearing conduct to alienate the inhabitants from a govern- ment already beloved, than to reconcile them to one which Avas generally disliked. By an unw arrantable stretch of his authority he issued a proclamation by which it Avas declared, " that every man who was not in his house by a certain day should be subject to a military execution." The british had a post in Ninety-Six for thirteen months, during which time the country was filled with rapine, violence, and murder. Applications were made daily for redress; yet in that whole period there Avas not a single in- stance Avherein punishment Avas inflicted either on the soldiery or tories. The people soon found that there Avas no security for their lives, liberties, or property, under the military government of british officers, which subjected them to the depredations of a malicious mercenary banditti; falsely calling themselves the friends of royal government. The peaceable citizens were reduced to that uncommon 392 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775 — 1783. distress, in which they had more to tear from op- pression than resistance ; they therefore most ar- dently AA-ished for the appearance of an american force. Under these favorable circumstances Greene detached Morgan to take a position m the western extremity of the state. On his arrival the latter dis- patched lieutenant-colonel Washington, Avith his own regiment and two hundred militia-horse, to attack a body of tories Avho Avere plundering the whig in- habitants. Washington came up with them near Hammond's store-house, and charged them; on which they all fled without making any resistance. Many were killed or Avounded, and about forty taken pri- soners. On the next day Washington detached cornet James Simons, with a command of eleven regulars and twenty-five militia, to pursue the fugitives and to surprise a fort a few miles distant, in which gene- ral Cunningham commanded about one hundred and fifty british militia. This fort was strongly picquet- ted in every direction; and, besides plunder taken from the whig inhabitants, was Avell-stored with fo- rage, grain, and provisions for the use of the british army. As soon as the americans were discovered, general Cunningham and all his men abandoned the fort. Cornet Simons stationed his detachment, and, advancing with a flag, demanded their surrender. Cunningham requested time to consult his officers, and five minutes were given hirn for that purpose. In that short space the whole party of tories ran off", and dispersed themselves through the woods. Si- mons, after destroying the fort and all the provi- CAMPAIGN OF 1781. 393 sions in it which he could not carry away, rejoined Washington without any molestation. These successes, the appearance of an american army, a sincere attachment to the cause of indepen- dence, and the impolitic conduct of the british, in- duced several persons to resume their arms and to act in concert with the detachment of continentals. Lord Cornwallis wished to drive Morgan from this station, and to deter the inhabitants from joining him. Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton, at the head of a thousand regulars, was ordered to execute this busi- ness. The british had two field-pieces, and the su- periority of numbers in the proportion of five to four, and particularly of cavalry in the proportion of three to one. Besides this inequality of force, two thirds of the troops under Morgan were militia. With these fair prospects of success Tarleton, on the 17th of January 1781, engaged Morgan Avith the ex- pectation of driving him out of the country. The lat- ter drew up his men in two lines. The whole of the southern militia, Avith one hundred and ninety from North-Carolina, Avere put under the command of colonel Pickens. These formed the first line, and Avere advanced a few hundred yards before the se- cond, with orders to form on the right of the second when forced to retire. The second line consisted of the light-infantry, under lieutenant colonel Howard, and a small corps of Virginia militia riflemen. Lieu- tenant-colonel Washington with his cavalry, and forty-five militia-men mounted and equipped Avith swords, were drawn up at some distance in the rear of the whole. The americans were formed before the vol. i. 3 E 394 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. british appeared in sight. Tarleton halted, and form- ed his men, when at the distance of about two hun- dred and fifty yards from the front line of Morgan's detachment. As soon as the british had formed they began to advance Avith a shout, and poured in an in- cessant fire of musketry. Colonel Pickens directed the militia under his command not to fire till the bri tish Avere within forty or fifty yards. This order, though executed with great firmness and success, was not sufficient to repel the advancing foe. The american militia w^re obliged to retire, but \v6re soon rallied by their officers. The british advanced ra- pidly and engaged the second line Avhich, after a most obstinate conflict, was compelled to retreat to the cavalry. In this crisis of the battle Washington made a successful charge upon Tarleton who was cutting down the militia. Lieutenant-colonel How- ard, almost at the same moment, rallied the conti- nental troops and charged with fixed bayonets. The example Avas instantly followed by the militia. Nothing could exceed the astonishment and confu- sion of the british, occasioned by these unexpected charges. Their advance fell back upon their rear, and communicated a panic to the Avhole. In this- moment of confusion Howard called to them " to lay down their arms," and promised them good quarters. Upwards of five hundred accepted the offer, and surrendered. The first battalion of the / seventy-first regiment, and two british light-infantry companies laid down their arms to the american mi- litia. Previous to this general surrender three hun- dred of the corps commanded by Tarleton had been killed, wounded or taken. Eight hundred stand of CAMPAIGN OF 1781. 39ji arms, two field-pieces, and thirty-five baggage-wagr gons also fell into the hands of the americans. Washington pursued the british cavalry for several miles, but a great part of them escaped. The ame- ricans had only twelve men killed, and sixty wound- ed. General Morgan, whose grea t abilities Avere dis- covered by the judicious disposition of his force and Avhose activity was conspicuous through every part of the action, obtained the universal applause of his countrymen. And there never was a commander better supported than he Avas by the officers and men of his detachment. The glory and importance of this action resounded from one end of the continent to the other. It re-animated the desponding friends of America, and seemed to be like a resurrection from the dead to the southern states- Morgan's good conduct, on this memorable day, Avas honored by congress with a gold medal. That illustrious assembly, on this occasion, presented also a medal of silver to lieutenant-colonel Washington ; another to lieutenant colonel Howard, a sword to colonel Pickens, a brevet majority to Edward Giles the general's aid-de-camp, and a captaincy, to baron Glasback who had lately joined the light-infantry as a volunteer. The british legion, hitherto triumphant in a variety of skirmishes, on this occasion lost their laurels; though they were supported by the se- venth regiment, one battalion of the seventy first, and two companies of light-infantry. Lieutenant- colonel Tarleton had hitherto acquired distinguish- ed reputation, but he was greatly indebted for his military fame to good fortune and accident. In all 396 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775— 1785. his previous engagements he either had the advan- tage of surprising an incautious enemy—of attacking them when panic-struck after recent defeats__or of being opposed to undisciplined militia, lie had ga- thered no laurels by hard fighting against an equal force. His repulse on this occasion did more essen- tial injury to the british interest than was compen- sated by all his victories. Tarleton's defeat was the first link in a grand chain of causes which finally drew down ruin, both in North and South-Carolina, on the royal interest. The series of victories which had followed the bri- tish arms in the first nine months of the year 1780, had been considered by the sanguine royalists as decisive w ith respect to the most southern colonies. and had led to the formation of extensive plans for the year 1781. These were defensive with respect to South-Carolina and Georgia, which were consi- dered as conquered countries, but offensive against North-Carolina and Virginia. To favor the sub? jugation of these two latter states the british com- manders stationed troops in both. The tories under the protection of the royal army, were encouraged to rise simultaneously. With their aid, and that of his army, lord Cornwallis expected to destroy the american forces commanded by general Greene; or at least to drive them out of the country. As his lordship advanced from south to north, it was ex- pected the tories with a portion of regulars would keep all quiet in his rear. North Carolina was scarcely considered in any other light than as the road to Virginia. A junction with the royal force? CAMPAIGN OF 1781. 397 stationed in the last named state, in the front of lord Cornwallis, was expected at so early a day as to give time lor prosecuting further operations against Maryland and Pennsylvania. The expectations of some went so far as to count upon a junction with the royal army in New-York, and the subjugation ot every state to the southward of Hudson's river, before the close of the campaign. The year 1781 commenced with the prospect of accomplishing most, if not all of these objects. These sanguine hopes were founded on the reduction of Savannah and CharlestOAvn—the subjugation of Georgia and South-Carolina—the rout of general Gates's army— the failure of the american paper currency—the general distress of the country—and the inability of congress to carry on the war from the want of the means necessary for that purpose. In this distress- ed state of american affairs, success little short of a termination of the war in favor of Great-Britain, was expected from a vigorous campaign conducted with energy and advancing from south to north. The defeat of Ferguson at King's mountain in Oc- tober 1780, and of Tarleton at the Cow Pens in Jan- uary 1781, precipitated the projected system of ope- rations. To recover the prisoners taken at the Cow Pens, the royal army was instantly put in motion. A military race commenced between the pursuing british and fleeing americans. North-Carolina was therefore prematurely invaded before the tories Avere prepared for joining the royalists. Rising Avithout order or system, they were separately subdued. General Greene by rapid movements saved his pri- soners, but was compelled to retreat into Virginia. 398 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775__1785. By avoiding engagements he preserved his army till he was joined by so many of his countrymen as enabled him to recross into North-Carolina, and to risk a general action at Guilford. This, though called a victory by the british, operated against them like a defeat. Lord Cornwallis was reduced to the alternative of retracing his footsteps to South-Caroli- na, or advancing to Virginia, while the country be- hind him was left open to the enterprising general Greene at the head of a respectable force. The two armies, one of which for some weeks had been chasing the other, now turned back to back. Lord Cornwallis advanced northwardly and seated him- self in York-Town Virginia; where, in October fol- lowing, he was reduced to the necessity of surrender- ing his whole army prisoners of war; Greene southwardly to Carolina, and in the course of the campaign, recovered the country from its late con- querors. This was facilitated by the previous en- terprises or* generals Sumpter and Marion. These distinguished partizans, though surrounded with enemies, kept the field and animated the whig in- habitants of South-Carolina to deeds of valor; while the two main armies were in North-Carolina and Virginia. Though the continental army was driven over Dan river, Marion and Sumpter did not des- pair of the commonwealth. Having mounted their followers, their motions w ere rapid and their attacks unexpected. With their light troops they intercept- ed the british convoys of provisions—infested their out-posts—beat up their quarters, and harassed their detachments with such frequent alarms that they Marion's brigade, 399 were obliged to be always on their guard. In the Avestern extremity of the state, Sumpter was power- fully supported by colonels Niel, Lacey, Hill, Winn, Bratton, Brandon, and others; each of whom held militia commissions and had many friends. In the north-eastern extremity Marion received, in like manner, great assistance from the active exertions of colonels Peter Horry and Hugh Horry, lieutenant- colonel John Baxter, colonel James Postell, major John Postell, and major John James. The inhabitants, either as affection or vicinity in- duced them, arranged themselves under some of these militia officers, and performed many gallant enterprises*. SECTION. IX. Marion's brigade. M aRION and his brigade were so distinguished, and at the same time so detached in their operations, as to merit and require particular notice, * The author would gladly have recorded these events mi- nutely if the particulars were either known by him, or had been communicated to him. The information received of the corps commanded by Sumpter is very general and of course deficient, though exertions were made to procure it in detail. He has been more successful in his applications to the friends of the deceased general Marion, and with gratitude acknowledges the obligations he is under to captain John Palmer, and to the hon- orable William James, esq. for interesting information respect- ing that distinguished officer and his brigade. 400 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1785. General Francis Marion was bom at Winvaw in 1755. His grandfather was a native of Languedoc, and one of the many protestants who tied from France to Carolina to avoid persecution on the ac- count of religion. He left thirteen children, the el- dest of Avhoin was the father of the general. Fran- cis Marion, when only sixteen years of age, m ide choice of a sea-fariug life. On his first voyage to the West-Indies he was shipwrecked. The crew, consisting of six persons, took to the open boat with- out water or provisions, except a dog who jumped into the boat from the sinking vessel. They were six days in the boat before they made land, having nothing to eat in that time but the dog whom tl ey devoured raw. Two of the crew perished. Fran- cis Marion with three others reached land. This disaster, and the entreaties of his mother induced hiin to quit the sea. In Littleton's expedition against the indians in 1759, he went as a volunteer in his brother's militia troop of horse. In Grant's expedition to the indian country in 1761, he served as a lieutenant under captain William Moultrie. On the formation of a regular army in 1775, to de- fend his native province against Great-Britain, he was appointed a captain in the second South-Caro- lina regiment and had gradually risen to the rank of colonel before Charlestown fell. Fortunately for his country he had fractured his leg and retired from the garrison, which prevented his being made a prisoner of war. After the surrender, he retreat- ed to North-Carolina. On the approach of general Gates he advanced with a small party through the marion's brigade. 401 country towards the Santee. On his arrival there he found a number of his countrymen ready and willing to put themselves under his command, to which he had been appointed by general Gates. This corps afterwards acquired the name of Ma- rion's brigade. Its origin was as singular as its ex- ploits were honorable. In the month of June 1780 a british captain, named Ardesoif, arrived at Georgetown and pub- lished a proclamation, inviting the people to come in, swear allegiance to king George, and take pro- tection. Many of the inhabitants of Georgetown submitted. But there remained a portion of that district, stretching from the Santee to the Peedee, containing the whole of the present Williamsburg and part of Marion district, to which the british arms had not penetrated. The inhabitants of it were ge- nerally of irish extraction, and very little disposed to submission. At this crisis there was a meeting of this people to deliberate on their situation. Major John James, who had heretofore commanded them in the field, and represented them in the state legis- lature, was selected as the person who should go down to captain Ardesoif and know from him upon what terms they would be allowed to submit. Ac- cordingly he proceeded to Georgetow n in the plain garb of a country planter, and was introduced to the captain at his lodgings. After narrating the nature of his mission the captain, surprised that such an embassy should be sent to him, answered " that their submission must vol. i. 3 F 402 revolutionary history, 1775—1783. be unconditional." - To an inquiry «whether they would be allow ed to stay at home upon their planta- tions in peace and quiet," he replied, «though you have rebelled against his majesty he offers you*a free pardon, of which you were undeserving, for you ought all to have been hanged. As he offers you a free pardon you must take up arms in support of his cause." To major James suggesting J' that the people he came to represent would not submit on such terms," the captain, irritated at his republican language, particularly at the word * represent,' re- plied, " you damned rebel! if you speak in such language, I will immediately order you to be hang- ed up to the yard arm." Major James perceiving what turn matters were likely to take, and not brook- ing this harsh language, suddenly seized the chair on which he vvas seated, brandished it in the face of the captain, made his way good through the back door of the house, mounted his horse, and made his es- cape into the country. This circumstance which appears now so trivial, gave rise to Marion's brigade. When the w hole adventure was related at a meeting of the inhabitants of Williamsburg, it was unani- mously determined that they would again take up arms in defence of their country and not against it. Major James was desired to command them as heretofore, and they arranged themselves under their revolutionary captains, William M'Cottry, Henry Movvzon, and John James, junior. The small band thus resolved on further resistance was about two hundred men. Shortly after colonel Hugh Giles joined them with two companies, Thorn- Marion's brigade. 403 ly's and Witherspoon's. On this accession of force a consultation was held; and it was agreed to dis- patch a messenger to general Gates, who about this time had arrived on the confines of the state, request- ing him to send them a commander. Shortly after these events colonel Tarleton crossed the Santee at Lenud's ferry, and hearing of the late proceedings in Williamsburg, approached at the head of some ca- valry to surprise the party of major James ; but cap- tain M'Cottry, as soon as he received notice of his movements, marched his company of fifty men to give him battle. Tarleton was posted at King's Tree bridge, on Black river; and M'Cottry ap- proached him at midnight; but by means of the wife of the only loyalist in that part of the country, Tarleton gained intelligence of M'Cottry's move- ments, and marched away a few hours before the lat- ter arrived. M'Cottry pursued him, but without ef- fect. In this rout Tarleton burnt the house of captain Mowzon and took Mr. James Bradley* prisoner. * This gentleman was taken prisoner by stratagem. Colonel Tarleton came to his house and passed himself for colonel Washington of the american army. Bradley made much of his guest, and without suspicion freely communicated to him the plans and views of himself and other Carolinians for co-operat- ing with their countrymen against the british. When the in* terview and its hospitalities were ended, Tarleton requested Bradley to accompany him as a guide to a neighboring place. This service was cheerfully performed. On their arrival, Tarleton's party appeared in full vieAv, and took charge of Brad- ley as a prisoner. The host thus taken by order of his late guest was sent to Camden gaol, and there confined in irons 404 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. In the mean time lieutenant-colonel Hugh I lorry- arrived from GeorgetOAvn Avith a small partv, and took command of the force already raised by major James, and on all occasions very much animated the men by his gallantry and persevering patriotism. The messenger however had been dispatched to Gates, and on the first or second of August general Francis Marion arrived to the great joy of all the friends of America. He was accompanied by colonel Peter Horry, major John Vanderhorst, captains Lew- is Ogier, and James Thems, and captain John Mil- ton of Georgia. In a few days alter taking the com- mand, general Marion led his men across the Peedee at Post's ferry, to disperse a large party of tories commanded by major Gainey collect d between great and little Peedee. He surprised them in their camp; killed one of their captains and several pri- vates. Two of his own party were wounded. Ma- He Avas frequently carted to the gallows to witness the execu- tion of his countrymen as rebels, and Avas told to prepare for a similar fate as his time Avas next. On such occasions, and Avhen interrogated at co.urts-martial, he made no other reply than that " I am ready and Avilling to die in the cause of my country ; but remember, if 1 am hanged, I have many friends in general Marion's brigade, and my death will occasion a se- vere retaliation." Either aAved by his virtues or apprehensive of the consequences, his captors did not execute their threats. His life Avas spared, but he was kept in irons as long as the bri- tish had possession of the upper country. He bore the marks of these rugged instruments of confinement till the day of his death, and Avould occasionally show them to his young friends, Avith a request " that if the good of their country required the sacrifice, they would suffer imprisonment and death in its eii\ise." Marion's brigade. 405 jor James was detached at the head of a volunteer troop ot horse to attack their horse. He came up with them, charged and drove them into little Peedee swamp. Marion returned to Post's ferry and threw up a redoubt on the east bank of Peedee to awe the tories, still numerous in that neighborhood. While thus employed he heard of the defeat of Gates, at Camden, August loth 1780. Without communi- cating the intelligence, he immediately marched for Kelson's ferry on the Santee, in the hope of inter- cepting some of the prisoners on their way to Charles- town. Near Nelson's he was informed of a party on their way down, and found by his scouts that the british had stopped at the house on the main road on the east side of Santee. The general waited till near day light next morning, and then divided his men into two divisions. A small party under colonel Hugh Horry* was directed to gain possession of the road at the entrance of the swamp, and the main body led by himself was by a circuitous rout to at- tack the british in the rear. Colonel Horry in ta- king his position, had advanced in the dark too near to a sentinel who fired upon him. In a moment he with his little party rushed up to the house, found the british arms piled before the door and seized up- on them. Thus by a party of sixteen american mi- litia w as a british guard ot thirty-two men taken, and one hundred and fifty prisoners released. Colonel Horry had one man wounded. However, the news * Tins gallant officer Avas the bosom friend of general Ma- rion. Wherever the latter was personally engaged in action, the former was to be seen at his side. 406 revolutionary history, 1775—17RS. of the defeat of Gates, Avhich now became public, damped ail joy for the complete success of this well conducted attack. On the same day general Marion marched back for his old position on the Peedee. On the way many of his militia, and, with the exception of two, the Avhole of the regulars re- leased from the enemy, deserted. But by the exer- tions of the general and his officers, the spirits of the drooping began to revive. About the 14th of Sep- tember 1780, Avhen Marion had under his com- mand only 150 men, he heard ot the approach of major Weyms from the King's Free at the head of a british regiment and Harrison's regiment ot tories. Major James was instantly dispatched at the head of a party of volunteers to reconnoitre, and with orders to count the enemy. On his return a council of war was called. The british force was reported to be double that of Marion's. Gainey's party of tories in the rear had always been estimated at 500 men. Under these discouraging circumstances the line of march Avas directed back towards Lynch's creek. This w as a most trying occasion. Men Avere called upon to leave their property and their families at the discretion of an irritated relentless enemy. About half of Marion's party left him; colonels Peter and Hugh Horry, colonels John Envin and John Baxter, major John Vanderhorst, major John James, major Benson,.and about sixty others continued with their general. Captain James, Avith ten chosen men, was left to succor the distressed and to convey intelli- Marion's brigade. 407 gence*. The next morning Marion arrived at his redoubt; and at sunset the same evening turned to- wards North-Carolina, and soon reached the eastern bank of Drowning creek in that state. Major James obtained leave to return at the head of a few volun- teers ; and general Marion continued on to the White marsh, near the source of the Waccamaw. In a lit- tle time the major returned with intelligence of the depredations and house burnings committed by Weyms. Many of Marion's party were reduced from easy circumstances to poverty. After a few days more of repose, the general re- turned by forced marches towards South-Carolina. When near to Lynch's creek he was informed that a party of tories, much more numerous than his own, lay at Black Mingo, fifteen miles below. Every voice was for the general to lead on his men to an at- tack ; and they were gratified. The tories lay at Shepherd's ferry on the south side of that creek. To approach them Marion was obliged to cross the creek at a bridge one mile above the ferry. As soon as the front files of his advance had struck the bridge, with their horses' feet, an alarm gun was fired by the enemy and they were advantageously posted to receive him. A sharp conflict ensued. In an interval of platoons Marion was heard to call out, " advance cavalry and charge pn the left." Instantly the tories broke and ran for * He continued in the vicinity of the british encampments and to '1 •<; upon stragglers from it as long as his powder and ball lasted. 408 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. Black Mingo Swamp. The parties had been enga- ged for a considerable time so near to each other that the wads of their guns struck em each side, and both fired balls and buckshot. Neither hail bayonets, or they would have been used. Captain Logan, and one private of Marion's party were killed ; but of those engaged nearly one half were wounded. Tavo gallant officers, captain Mowzon and his lieutenant Joseph Scott, Avere rendered unfit tor further service. The tories had five killed, and a considerable number wounded. Several of these had lately been companions in arms with Marion's party, but from mistaken views had changed sides. The general without delay marched into Williamsburg. In a short time his party was four hundred strong. Thus reinforced the general proceeded up Lynch's creek, to chastise the tories who had assisted Weyms. On his march he obtained information that colonel Tynes Avas collecting a large body of tories in the fork ot Black river, distant about thirty miles. The general instantly proceeded towards them ; crossing the north branch of Black river, he came up with Tvnes—surprised and completely defeated him without the loss of a man. When Marion approach- ed, the first party of tories was playing cards; and captain Gaskens one ot the plundering companions of Weyms, was killed with a card in his hand. Seve- ral other tories were killed and wounded. In all these marches Marion and his men lay in the open air w ith little covering, and w ith little other food than sweet potatoes and meat mostly Avithout salt. Though it Avas in the unhealthy season of autumn, Marion's brigade. 40$ yet sickness seldom occurred. The general fared worse than his men ; for his baggage having caught fire by accident he had literally but half a blanket to cover him from the dews of the night, and but half a hat to shelter him from the rays of the sun. Soon after the defeat of Tynes, general Marion took a position on Snow's island. This is situated at the eonflux of the Peedee and Lynch's creek, is of a triangular form, and is bounded by Peedee on the north-east—by Lynch's creek on the north—and by Clark's creek, a branch of the latter, on the west and south. Here, by having the command of the rivers, he could be abundantly supplied with provisions, and his post was inaccessible except by water. Major John Postell was stationed to guard the lower part of the river Peedee. While there captain James De Peyster of the royal army, av ith c29 grenadiers, hav- ing taken post in the house of the major's facher, the major posted his small command of 28 militia-men in such positions as commanded its doors and demand- ed their surrender. This being refused, he set fire to an out-house and was proceeding to burn that in which they were posted ; and nothing but the imme- diate submission of tht Avhole party restrained him from sacrificing his father's valuable property to gain an advantage for his country. From Snow's island during the winter next after the fall of CharlestOAvn, general Marion sent out his scouts in all directions. In January 1/81 he sent two small detachments of militia dragoons, un- < der the command of major Postell and captain Pos- vol. r. 3 Q 410 revolutionary history, 1775—'1783. tell, to cross the Santee. The former destroyed a great quantity of valuable stores at Manigault's ter- ry ; the latter did the same at another place in the vicinity. Thence he marched to Keithfield near Monk's Corner, where he destroyed fourteen Ava<*- gons loaded with soldiers' clothing and baggage; besides several other valuable stores, and took forty prisoners chiefly british regulars, and effected the whole Avithout any loss. In the course of these de- sultory operations, Marion killed and captured a number of the british and their tory friends more than double of his own force. In the course of the contest, a new race of young warriors had sprung up. The general was desirous of employing them, and to give some repose to those who bad served from the beginning. Among these the brothers, the Postells, were all active and enter- prising. Major Benson commanded the cavalry; under him was John Thompson Green ; under them Avere Daniel Conyers and James M'Cauley; who on every occasion signalized themselves. Captain M'- Cottry commanded a company of riflemen*. Where ever his name was repeated it struck terror into the hearts of the enemy. The warfare was various and bloody. Lieutenant Roger Gordon, of Marion's par- ty being on a scout upon Lynch's creek, stopped at a house for refreshments. \Vrhile there, the house Avas beset and fired by a captain Butler and a party of tories greatly superior in number. Gordon's * No man Avas more beloved by his men than M'Cottry ; his active services brought upon him a complication of disorders which shortened his life. Marion's brigade. 411 party surrendered upon a promise of quarters, but alter laying down their arms, Butler fell upon them and butchered them in cold blood. In consequence of this massacre " no quarters for tories," was the cry with Marion's men when going into action. Still however the regular british for- ces were treated with lenity, and agreeably to the generally received rules of war, when they laid down their arms. The pruning hook was converted into a spear; and the saw, under the hands of a common blacksmith, became a terrible sabre. Powder and ball were much wanted. On account of the small stock of both, the orders often were to give the bri- tish one or two fires and to retreat. Those fires were always well directed and did great execution. Marion so effectually thwarted the schemes of the british against South-Carolina, that to drive him out of the country was with them a favorite object. The house burnings and devastations perpetrated by Weyms and the tories under his direction, had not produced that intimidation and disposition to submit which had been vainly expected from men who dis- regarded property vvhen put in competition with li- berty. A new and well concerted attempt to de- stroy, or disperse, the brigade which had given so much trouble to the late conquerors Avas made early in 1781. Colonel Watson moved down from Camden along the Santee, and colonel Doyle crossing Lynch's s creek marched down on the east side of it. The 5 point of their intended junction Avas supposed to be at Snow's island. General Marion heard first of the approach of Watson, and marched from Snow's 412 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—'1785. island with almost the whole of his force to meet him. At TaAvcaw swamp, nearly opposite to the mouth of the present Santee canal on the east side of the river, he laid the first ambuscade for Watson. General Marion had then but very little ammunition, not more than twenty rounds to each man. His orders were to give two fires and retreat; and they were executed by colonel Peter Horry with great effect. Watson made good the passage ot the swamp, and sent major Harrison with a corps of tory cavalry and some british in pursuit of Horry. This had been foreseen by the cautious Marion; and captain Daniel Conyers, at the head of a party of cavalry, was placed in a second ambuscade. As soon as the tories and british came up Conyers, in a spirited and well-directed charge, killed with his own hands the officer who led on the opposite charge. Conyers men followed his gallant example. Many of Harrison's party were killed, and the remainder made their escape to the main body of the british. Such work required little powder and ball. Gene- ral Marion continued to harass Watson on his march, by pulling up bridges and opposing him in like manner at every difficult pass until they had reached near the low er bridge on Black river, seven miles below King's tree. Here Watson made a feint ot marching down the road to Georgetown. Marion being too weak to detach a party to the bridge, had taken an advantageous post on that road ; when Watson wheeling suddenly about gained possession of the bridge on the west side. This was an impor- tant pass on the road leading into the heart of Wil- liamsburg and to Snow's island. The river on thc> marion's brigade. 413 west runs under a high bluff; the grounds on the op- posite side are low and the river, though generally forelable, was then raised by a swell nearly up to the summit ot the opposite shore. Watson still hesita- ted about passing. General Marion, informed of Watson's movement, without delay approached the river, plunged into it on horseback and called to his men to follow. They did so. The Avhole party reached the opposite shore in safety, and marclied forward to occupy the east end of the bridge. Marion detached major James with forty musqueteers, and thirty riflemen under M'Cottry to burn the bridge. The riflemen were posted to advantage on the river bank; but as soon as their friends had gained possession of the east end of the bridge and had applied fascines to it, Watson opened the fire of his artillery upon them ; but it w as unavailing. The west bank of the river was so much elevated above the east that before his field- " pieces could be brought to bear upon the americans, his artillerists were exposed to the fire of the riflemen who deliberately picked them off as they advanced to the summit of the hill. In the mean time major James's party had fired the bridge. Thus were Marion's friends saved from similar plunderings and conflagrations Avith those they had suffered under Weyms. The practice of Watson was to burn all the houses of Marion's men that were in the line of his march. Watson was so much intimidated by this affair, that he immediately quitted the lower bridge and proceeded by forced marches for Georgetown. Gen- eral Marion repassed black river and hung alternate- 414 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. ly on the rear, the flanks, or the front of the enemy, until they had reached Sainpit brietge nine miles Horn Georgetown. There M'Cottry gave them a parting fire from his riflemen. During these transactions Watson commanded five hundred men, and Marion not half that number. The loss of the british is un- known; that of Marion but one man. The three officers and all the men employed by the general at the lower briuge were inhabitants, whose plantations and families would have been ex- posed to the enemy had they made good their pas- sage. From Sampit bridge Marion marched directly for Snow's island. There he heard ot the approach of Doyle, who had driven colonel Lrwin from the isl- and, and taken possession of the pass of Lynch's creek at Witherspoon's ferry. When M'Cottry, ad- vancing in front, arrived at Witherspoon's on the south bank of the creek, the british on the north were scuttling the ferry boat. He approached soft- ly to the edge of the water and gave them an unex- pected fire. A short conflict took place between ill- directed musquetry whose balls hit the tops ot the trees on the opposite side, and riflemen whose well- directed aim seldom failed of doing execution at every fire. Doyle fell back to Camden. In addition to these skirmishes Marion made two descents on Georgetown. In the first he came un- expectedly on a body of tories whom he charged and dispersed after their captain and several of their men were killed. In this affair captain Marion, brother of the present member of congress from Charlestown district, Avas killed, and it was believed after he had been taken prisoner. campaign of 1781. 415' Marion's second descent Avas more successful- With a party of militia he inarched to Georgetown and began regular approaches against the british post in that place. On the first night after his men had broken ground, their adversaries evacuated their works and retreated to Charlestown. Shortly after one Manson, an inhabitant of South-Carolina, who had joined the british, appeared in an armed vessel and demanded permission to land his men in the town. This being refused, he sent a few of them ashore and set fire to it. Upwards of forty houses were speedily reduced to ashes. After the return of general Greene to Carolina in 1781, Marion acted under his orders; and the ex- ploits of his brigade, no longer acting by itself, make a part of the general history ot the revolutionary war. SECTION X. Campaign of 1781 continued. It was no sooner known in South-Carolina that lord Cornwallis had left the state in pursuit of the ame- rican army, than general Sumpter, Avho had just re- covered from his wound, collected a force to pene- trate into the heart of the country ; as Avell with the design of distracting the views of the british, as of en- couraging the friends of independence. Early in Fe- bruary 1781 he crossed the Congaree, and appeared in force before fort Granby and destroyed its maga- zines. Lord Rawdon advanced from Camden for 416 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1785. the relief of the post, on which general Sumpter re- treated ; but immediately appeared before another british post near colonel Thompson's. On the se- cond day after this excursion, he attacked nd de- feated an escort convoying some waggons and stores from CharlestOAvn to Camden. Thirteen of the bri- tish detachment were killed, and sixty-six were ta- ken prisoners. The captured stores were sent in boats down the Congaree ; but on their passage they were retaken. - Sumpter, with three hundred and fifty horsemen, swam across the Santee and proceed- ed to fort Watson at Wright's Bluff; but on lord Rawdon's marching from Camden tor its relief, he- retired to Black-river. On his return he was attack- ed near Camden by major 1 razer, at the head ot a considerable force of british regulars and militia. The major lost twenty ot his men, and was obliged to retreat. Sumpter having, by this excursion, sa- tisfied the friends of independence in the centre of the state that their cause was not desperate, retired in safety to the borders of North-Carolina. Hither- to all his enterprises had been effected by volun- teers from the militia ; but the long continued ser- vices in the field which Avere required, pointed out the propriety of a more permanent corps. He there- fore, in March 1781, enlisted three small regiments of regular state troops to be employed in constant service for the space of ten months. With these, and the returning continental army, the war re-com- menced in South-Carolina with new vigor and was carried on with more regularity. General Greene, having determined to return to South-Carolina, sent orders to general Pickens to CAMPAIGN OF 1781. 417 collect the militia of his brigade and to prevent sup- plies from going to the british garrisons at Ninety- Six and Augusta. Lieutenant-colonel Lee, with his legion and part of the second Maryland brigade, was ordered to advance before the continental troops to co-operate with general Marion. About the time that these preparations were ma- king to renew the war in South-Carolina, seventy-six exiles, who had been compelled to seek refuge with general Marion on the north side of Santee, re-cros- sed that river with the bold design of revisiting their own settlements. Some of them were from the mi- litia on the sea-coast of Carolina, to the southward of Charlestown, and others from Georgia. The first commanded by colonel Harden, the latter by colo- nel Baker. On their way they fell in with about twenty-five of the royal militia, at Four Holes, and captured the whole of them. The privates were paroled, and their officers carried off. As they marched through the country, parties were sent to the houses of the officers of the royal militia, some of whom were taken, and others fled to Charlestown. Colonel Harden had two or three successful skir- mishes with detachments of the british; but his ca- pital manoeuvre was the surprise of fort Balfour, at Pokataligo. By his address and good management in this enterprise three british colonels of militia, Fenwick, Lechmere, and Kelsal, with thirty-two re- gular dragoons and fifty-six privates of the royal militia, surrendered on the 12th of April 1781 to this handful of returning exiles, without any loss Qn 3 11 VOL. I. 418 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775 — 17bS. their part. Colonel Harden had his party consider ably increased by daily accessions of the people in habiting the southern sea-coast of Carolina. With their aid he prosecuted, in that part of the state, the same successful plan of opposition to the british which Avas begun much earlier in the north-western and north-eastern extremities under the auspicies of his gallant co-aeljutors Sumpter and Marion. General Greene marched Avith the main army from Deep River, in North-Carolina, towards Cam- den. The british were no less alarmed than sur- prised when they heard that lieutenant-colonel Lee- had penetrated through the country, and in eight days effected a junction Avith general Marion near the Santee, and that the main body of the americans encamped on the 19th of April before Camden. To secure the provisions that grow on the fertile banks of the Santee and Congaree rivers, the british had erected a chain of posts in their vicinity. One of the most important of these was on an eminence, known by the name of Wright's Bluff, and called fort Watson. This Avas closely invested, on the 15th of April 1781, by about eighty militia-men under general Marion, and by the continentals command- ed by lieutenant-colonel Lee. Neither party had any other means of annoyance or defence but mus- ketry. Though the ground on which the fort stood was an indian mount, thirty or forty feet high, yet the besiegers under the direction of colonel Maham erected in a few days, on an unusual plan, a Avork much higher. From this eminence the american riflemen fired into the fort with such execution that CAMPAIGN OF 1781. 419 Ihe besieged durst not show themselves. On the twenty-third the garrison, consisting of one hundred and fourteen men, surrendered by capitulation. . Camden, before which the main army was en- camped, is a village situated on a plain covered on the south and east sides by the Wateree and a creek Avhich empties itself into that river. On the western and northern by six strong redoubts. It was de- fended by lord Rawdon with about nine hundred men. The american army, consisting of about se- ven hundred continentals, was unequal to the task of carrying this post by storm or of completely invest- ing it. The general therefore took a good position at Hobkirk's hill, about a mile distant, in expecta- tion of favorable events and with a view of alluring the garrison out of their lines. Lord Rawdon arm- ed his musicians, drummers, and every thing that « could carry a firelock, and with great spirit.sallied on the twenty-fifth. An engagement ensued. Victory for some time very evidently inclined to the side of the americans; but in the progress of the action the fortune of the day was changed, and the british kept the field. Lieutenant-colonel Washington was ordered to turn the right flank of the british, and to charge in their rear. Wrhile he executed this order he Avas so confident of the success of the main arm}-, that he divided his men into small parties, and made them take such positions as he thought most eligible for intercepting the fugitives on their retreat to Cam- den. At one time he had in his possession upwards of two hundred; but he relinquished the greatest part of them on seeing the american army retreat. 420 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—-1783. On this unexpected reverse of fortune he paroled the officers on the field of battle—collected his men —Avheeled round—and made his retreat good, with the loss of three men, and at the same time brought off near fifty prisoners. The killed, Avounded, and missing of the americans was about two hundred. The british had one officer killed, and eleven taken prisoners. General Greene retreated in good order, With his artillery and baggage, to Gun Swamp, about five miles from the place of action. In the even- ing after this action lieutenant-colonel Washington marched with fifty men of the cavalry within a mile of the british army, and after sending forward a small party, concealed his principal force in the woods. As soon as the advanced small party was discover- ed major Coffin, at the head of about forty of the irish volunteers, pursued them a considerable dis- tance. After the british party had passed the ame- rican cavalry, which was concealed, the latter rush- ed from the woods and charged them so briskly in the rear, that they lost upAvards of twenty of their number. Very soon after the action, on the 25th of April, general Greene, knowing that the british garrison could not subsist long in Camden Avithout fresh supplies from Charlestown or the country, detached a reinforcement to general Marion on the road to Nelson's ferry; and on the third of May crossed the Wateree, and took occasionally such positions as would most effectually prevent succors from going into the town from that quarter. On the seventh of May lord Rawdon received a considerable reinforce- CAMPAIGN OF 1781. 421 ment by the arrival of the detachment under lieute- nant colonel Watson. With this increase of force he attempted, on the day folloAving, to compel gene- ral Greene to another action; but soon found that this was impracticable. Failing in his design, he return- ed to Camden; and on the tenth burned the gaol, mills, many private houses and a great deal of his own baggage—evacuated the post—and retired with his whole army to the south of the Santee ; leaving about thirty of his own sick and wounded, and as many of the americans, who, on the tAventy-fifth of April, had fallen into his hands. Lord Rawdon dis- covered as great prudence in this evacuation of Cam- den as he had shown bravery in its defence. The fall of fort Watson broke the chain of communica- tion with Charlestown, and the positions of the ame- rican army intercepted all supplies from the coun- try. The return of general Greene to the southward being unexpected, the stores of the garrison Avere not provided for a siege. Lord Rawdon had the honor of saving his men though he lost the post, the coun- try, and the confidence of the tories. He offered every assistance in his poAver to the friends of british government who Avould accompany him ; but it was a hard alternative to the new-made subjects to be obliged to abandon their property, or to be left at the mercy of their exasperated countrymen. Seve- ral families nevertheless accompanied his lordship. These were cruelly neglected after their arrival in Charlestown. They built themselves huts Avithout the works. Their settlement Avas called Rawdon ToAvn ; wdiich, from its poverty and Avretchedness, became a term of reproach. Many Avomen and 422 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1/75—-1783. children, who lived comfortably on their farms near Camden, soon died of want in these their neAv habi- tations. This evacuation animated the friends of congress, and gave a very general alarm to the british. The former had been called upon for their personal ser- vices, to assist in regaining the country, but were disheartened by the repulse of general Greene from before Camden; but, from the moment that lord Rawdon evacuated that post their numbers daily increased, and the british posts fell in quick succes- sion. On the day after the evacuation of Camden the garrison of Orangeburgh, consisting of seventy british militia and twelve regulars, surrendered to general Sumpter. The next day fort Motte capitu- lated. After the surrender of fort Watson, general Marion and lieutenant-colonel Lee crossed the San- tee and moved up to this post, Avhich lies above the Fork on the south side of the Congaree, where they arrived on the eighth of May. The approaches were carried on so rapidly, that a house in the cen- tre of the fort was set on fire the fourth day after they began the entrenchments; and the garrison, Avhich consisted of 165 men, commanded by lieu- tenant M'Pherson, Avas compelled, after a brave defence, to surrender at discretion. On this occa- sion Mrs. Motte displayed an eminent example of disinterested patriotism. The british had built their Avorks round her dwelling-house, on which she re- moved to a neighbouring hut. When she was in- formed that firing the house was the easiest mode of reducing the garrison, she presented the besie- aers with a quiver of african arrows to be employ CAMPAIGN of 1781. 433 ed for that purpose. Skewers armed with combus- tible materials were also used, and with more effect. Success soon crowned these experiments, and her joy was inexpressible that the reduction of the post was expedited, though at the expense of her pro- perty. Two days after this surrender, the british evacuated their post at Nelson's ferry—blew up their fortifications—and destroyed a great part of their stores. The day following fort Granby, near Friday's ferry about thirty miles to the westward of fort Motte, surrendered by capitulation. Very ad- vantageous terms Avere given by the assailants in consequence of information that lord Rawdon was marching to its relief. This was a post of more consequence than the others, and might have been better defended; but the offer of security to the baggage of the garrison, in which was included an immense quantity of plunder, hastened the surren- der. For some time before it had been greatly ha- rassed by colonel Taylor's regiment of militia, and had also been invested by general Sumpter. On the night of the fourteenth of May lieutenant-co- lonel Lee erected a battery within six hundred yards of its out-Avorks, on which he mounted a six-pound- er. After the third discharge from this field-piece, major Maxwell capitulated. His force consisted of three hundred and fifty-two men, a great part of whom were royal militia. While these operations were carrying on against the small posts, general Greene proceeded with the main army to Ninety-Six. This place being of great consequence was defended by a considerable force. Lieutenant-colonel Cruger conducted the defence 424 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—1785. with great bravery and judgment. Major Green, in particular, acquired distinguished reputation by his spirited and judicious conduct in defending the redoubt against Avhich the americans made their prin- cipal efforts. On the left of the besiegers was a work erected in the form of a star; on the right was a strong stock- ade-fort, Avith two block-houses in it. The town, flanked by these two works, was also piquetted with strong piquets, and surrounded with a ditch, and a bank near the height of a common parapet. There were also several flushes in different parts of the town, and all the Avorks communicated with each other by covered ways. On the twenty-third of May 1781, the main body of the american army en- camped in a wood within half a mile of Ninety-Six; and on that night, threw up two flushes within one hundred and fifty yards of the star fort. The next morning the enemy made a sally, and being support- ed by the artillery and musketry from the parapet of the star redoubt, drove the besiegers from them. The next night two strong block batteries were erected at the distance of three hundred and fifty yards, which were opened in the morning. Another battery twenty feet high, erected within two hundred and twenty yards, was finished in a few days; and soon afterwards another of the same height Avas erected within one hundred yards of the main fort. Approaches were gradually carried on against the redoubt on the left. Colonel Koziusco, a young gentleman of distinction from Poland, superintend- ed the operations of the besiegers, and by his as- siduity, though the ground was hard and the situa- CAMPAIGN OF 1781, 425 tion unfavorable, a third parallel within thirty yards of the ditch was completed on May 14th; and a rifle-battery, upwards of thirty feet high, erected at the same distance. On the seventeenth the abbatis was turned, and two trenches and a mine were ex- tended so as to be within six feet of the ditch. Few sieges afford greater instances of perseverance and intrepidity, than were exhibited on this occasion by the besiegers and besieged. Riflemen were employ- ed on both sides, Avho immediately levelled at every person who appeared in sight and very seldom mis- sed their object. Various success attended the con- flicts between the several covering parties of the workmen, and those who repeatedly sallied from the garrison. On the third of June, twelve days after the com- mencement of this siege, a fleet arrived at Charles- town from Ireland having on board the third, nine- teenth, and thirtieth regiments of his britannic ma- jesty, a detachment from the guards, and a consi- derable body of recruits, the Avhole Commanded by lieutenant-colonel Gould. Earl CornAvallis had given permission to the commanders of the british forces in South-Carolina, to detain these reinforce- ments if they conceived that the service of his bri- tannic majesty required it; otherwise they were to be sent forward to join his lordship. On the 7th of June 1781 lord Rawdon marched from Charles- town, Avith these newly arrived troops, for the re- lief of the garrison at Ninety-Six. Great Avere the difficulties they had to encounter in rapidly march- ing under the rage of a burning sun through the Vol. i. 3 1 4£6 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. whole extent of South-Carolina; but much greater was their astonishment at being informed, that their services in the field were necessary to oppose the vet unsubdued rebels in the province. They had been airtu-ed with hopes that nothing remained for them to do, but to sit down as settlers on the forfeited lands of a conquered country. The american army had advanced their approach- es very near that critical point, after which further resistance on the part of the garrison Avould have been temerity. At this interesting moment intelli- gence was received, that lord Rawdon Avas near at hand with a reinforcement of about two thousand men. An american lady, Avho had lately married an officer then in the british garrison of N inety-Six, had been bribed by a large sum of money to convey a letter to lieutenant-colonel Cruger with the wel- come news of their approach. Attempts had been made to retard their inarch, but Avithout the desired effect. Their vicinity made it necessary either to raise the siege, or attempt the reduction of the place by a coup-de-main.' The last was*agreed upon, and the necessary dispositions made on the 18th of June. Lieutenant-colonel Lee, with his legion infantry, and captain Kirkwood's light-infantry, made the at- tack on the right. Lieutenant-colonel Campbell, with the first Maryland and first Virginia regiments, were to have stormed the star redoubt, the ditch of which Avas eight or nine feet deep, the parapet eleven or twelve feet high, and raised with sand bags near three feet more. The forlorn hopes were led on by lieutenants Duval and Sheldon, and were followed by a party with hooks and entrenching- CAMPAIGN OF 1781. 42L7 tools to pull down tjie sand-bags and reduce the parapet. Had this been effected, the besieged could not have annoyed the assailants without ex- posing themselves to the american marksmen. The artillery soon made sufficient breaches on the forti- fied redoubt on the right, for the infantry under the command of lieutenant-colonel Lee to assault the garrison. It was therefore abandoned, and they took possession without loss. On the left the ut- most exertions of resolution and fortitude were dis- played, but failed of success. The parties led by Duval and Sheldon entered the ditch, and, though galled by an incessant fire, made every effort to get down the sand-bags. Both these gallant officers were Avounded, and not more than one in six of their party escaped. The near approach of lord Rawdon, and the uncertainty of final success, induced gene- ral Greene to raise the siege and to retreat over the Saluda; after having lost about one hundred and fifty men. Truly distressing was the situation of the ameri- ean army: when in the grasp of victory, to be ob- liged to expose themselves to the dangers of an ha zardous assault, and afterwards to abandon the siege: when they Avere nearly masters of the whole coun- try, to be compelled to retreat to its extremity : af- ter subduing the greatest part of the force lately op posed to them, to be under the necessity of encoun- tering still greater reinforcements, when their remote situation precluded them from the hope of receiving a single recruit. In this gloomy situation there were not wanting persons who advised general 428 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--17 85. Greene to leave the state, and retire with his re- maining force to Virginia. To arguments and sug- gestions of this kind he nobly replied, " I w ill reco- ver the country, or die in the attempt." This dis- tinguished officer, whose genius was most vigorous in those perilous extremities when feeble mind6 abandon themselves to despair, adopted the only resource now left him, of avoiding an engagement till the british force should be divided. Lord Rawdon, who by rapid marches was very near Ninety-Six at the time of the assault, pursued general Greene as far as the Enoree; but finding it impossible to overtake the light retreating american army, and supposing that they had gone to North- Carolina or Virginia, his lordship consoled himself with the imaginary advantage of having driven the rebels out of the country.- On this occasion general Pickens exhibited an illustrious instance of republi- can virtue. When the retreat was ordered, the general's family and private property was sent off with the baggage of the army. This precaution, though wished for by all, and justified on every principle of prudence, gave an alarm to many who either had not the same means of transportation, or who could not have attended to it without deserting the american army. To encourage the men to stay in the camp, and their families to remain on their plantations, general Pickens ordered his family and property back again to his house Avithin twenty miles, of the british garrison. His example saved the country in the vicinity from depopulation, and the army under general Greene from sustaining a great CAMPAIGN OF 1781. 429 diminution of their numbers by the desertion of the militia to take care of their families. The arrival of the british reinforcement, and the subsequent retreat from Ninety-Six, induced a gene- ral apprehension, that the british would soon re-es- tablish the posts they had lost to the southward of Santee. The destination of the main army under lord Cornwallis having been for some time known, the british commanders in South-Carolina had con- tracted their boundaries to that extent of country which is in a great measure inclosed by the Santee, the Congaree, and the Edisto. Within these rivers lord Rawdon intended to confine his future opera- tions, and to canton his forces in the most eligible positions. His lordship, taking it for granted that the americans had abandoned South-Carolina re- solved, upon his return from pursuing general Greene, to divide his army, with the intention of fixing a detachment at the Congaree; but he soon found that his adversaries were not disposed to give up the prize for which they hail so long contended. Greene, on hearing that lord Rawdon had marched with a part of his force to Congaree, faced about to give him battle. Lord Rawdon, no less surprised than alarmed at this unexpected movement of his lately retreating foe, abandoned the Congaree in tw o days after his arrival there and retreated expe- ditiously to Orangeburgh. In this position he was secured on one side with a river, and on the other with strong buildings little inferior to redoubts. Greene pursued—encamped within five miles of this post—and offered him battle. His lordship, 430 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. secure in his strong hold, Avould not venture out; and general Greene Avas too Aveak to attack him in his Avorks Avith any prospect of success. In the course of these movements, on the second of July, captain Eggleston, of Lee's legion, fell in with for- ty-nine british horse, near the Saluda, and took for- ty-eight of them prisoners. W hilst the american army lay near Orangeburgh advice Avas received that lieutenant-colonel Cruger had evacuated Nine- ty-Six, and was marching Avith the troops of that garrison through the forks of Edisto to join lord Rawdon at Orangeburgh. As the north fork of Edisto is not passable by an army, Avithout boats, for thirty miles above or below the british encamp- ments, general Greene could not throw himself be- tween with any prospect of preventing the junction; he therefore retired to the high hills of Santee, and lord Rawdon and lieutenant-colonel Cruger the day after made a junction. The evacuation of Camden having been effected by striking at the posts below it, the same manoeuvre was now attempted to induce the british to leave Orangeburgh. With this view, on the day that the main american army retired from before that post, generals Sumpter and Mari- on, with their brigades and the legion cavalry, Avere detached to Monk's Corner and Dorchester. They moved down by different roads, and in three days commenced their operations. Lieutenant-colonel Lee took all the Avaggons and waggon-horses be- lomdnu' to a convoy ot provisions. Colonel W ade Hampton charged a party ot british dragoons witmn five miles of Charlestown. He also took hity pri- CAMPAIGN OF 1781. 431 soners at Strawberry ferry, and burned four vessels loaded with valuable stores for the british army. General Sumpter appeared before the garrison at Biggin's church, which consisted of five hundred in- Do ' _ . fantry and upwards of one hundred cavalry. Lieu- tenant-colonel Coates, who commanded there, after having repulsed the advanced party of general Sumpter on the next evening destroyed his stores and retreated towards Charlestown. He was close- ly pursued by lieutenant-colonel Lee with the legion, and lieutenant colonel Hampton with the state ca- Yalry. The legion came up with them near Shu- brick's plantation, took their rear guard and all their baggage. Captain Armstrong, of Lee's le- gion, at the head only of five men, charged through a considerable part of their lines and escaped with the loss of two men. Generals Sumpter and Mari- on, after some hours, came up with the main body; but by this time the british had secured themselves by taking an advantageous post in a range of houses. An attack was however made, and continued with spirit till upwards of forty were killed or Avounded by the fire from the houses. The british lost in these different engagements one hundred and forty prison- ers, besides several killed and wounded, all the bag- gage of the nineteenth regiment, and above one hun- dred horses and several waggons. Thus was the Avar carried on. While the british kept their forces compact, they could not cover the country, and the american general had the precaution to avoid fighting. When they divided their army, their detachments were separately and successfully 432 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1783. attacked. While they Avere in force in the upper country, light parties of americans were annoying their small posts in the low country near Charles- town. The people soon found that the late con- querors were not able to afford them their promised protection. The spirit of revolt became general and the british interest daily declined. Soon after these events lord Rawdon, driven from almost the whole of his posts—baffled in all his schemes—and overwhelmed with vexation, sail- ed for Europe. In the course of his command he aggravated the unavoidable calamities of war by many acts of severity, Avhich admit of no other apo- logy than that they were supposed to be useful to the interest of his royal master. About the same time that generals Sumpter and Marion Avere detached to the lower parts of the state, the main american army retired to the high hills of Santee and the british returned to their former sta- tion near the junction of the WTateree and the Con- garee. Greene, in a little time, began to concert measures to force them a second time from these posts. Though the two armies were within fifteen miles of each other on a right line, yet, as two rivers intervened and boats could not be procured, the american army was obliged to take a circuit of se- venty miles with the view of more conveniently cros- sing the Wateree and the Congaree. Soon after their crossing these rivers, the continental army was joined by the state troops and several corps of mi- litia. The whole american force, thus collected, proceeded the next morning to attack the british ar- CAMPAIGN OF 1781. 433 my commanded by lieutenant-colonel Stewart. On the approach of the americans the british had re- tired from the congarees about forty miles nearer Charlestown, and taken post at the EutaAV Springs. Greene drew up his little force, consisting of about two thousand men, in two lines. The front con- sisted of the militia from North and South-Carolina, and was commanded by generals Marion and Pick- ens, and by colonel De Malmedy. The second con- sisted of the continental troops from North-Caroli- na, Virginia, and Maryland, and was led on by ge- neral Sumner, lieutenant-colonel Campbell, and co- lonel Williams. Lieutenant-colonel Lee, Avith his legion, covered the right flank; lieutenant-colonel Henderson, with the state troops, covered the left. Lieutenant-colonel Washington, with his cavalry, and captain Kirkwood with the Delaware troops, formed a corps of reserve. As the americans ad- vanced to the attack, they fell in with two advan- ced parties of the british, three or four miles ahead of their main army. These, being briskly charg- ed by the legion and state troops, soon retired. The front line continued to fire and advance on the british till the action became general, and till they, in their turn, were obliged to give way. They Avere Avell supported by general Sumner's North-Carolina brigade of continentals, though they had been under discipline only for a few weeks, and were chiefly composed of militia-men who had been transferred to the continental service to make reparation for their precipitate flight in former vol. j. 3 K 1-34 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775--1785. actions. In the hottest of the engagement, when great execution Avas doing on both sides, colonel Williams and lieutenant-colonel Campbell, with the Maryland and Virginia continentals, were order- ed by general Greene to charge with trailed arms. Nothing could surpass the intrepidity of both officers and men on this occasion—they rushed on, in good order,, through a heavy cannonade and a shower of musketry, with such unshaken resolution that they bore down all before them. The state-troops of South-Carolina were deprived of their gallant leader, lieutenant-colonel Henderson, who was wounded very early in the action; but they were nevertheless boldly led on by the second in command, lieutenant- colonel Hampton, to a, very spirited and successful charge ; in which they took upwards of a hundred prisoners. Lieutenant-colonel Washington brought up the corps-de-reserve on the left, and charged so briskly with his cavalry and captain Kirkwood's light-infantry, as gave them no time to rally or form. The british were closely pursued, and upAvards of five hundred prisoners were taken. On their retreat they took their posts in a strong brick house and in impenetrable shrubs ana! a picquetted garden. From these advantageous positions they renewed the ac- tion—Lieutenant-colonel Washington made every possible exertion to dislodge them from the thickets, but failed in the attempt; had his horse shot under him—was wounded and taken prisoner. Four six- pounders were ordered up before the house from which the british Avere firing under cover. These pieces finally fell into their hands, and the americans CAMPAIGN OF 1781. 435 retired out of the reach of their fire. They left a strong picquet on the field of battle, and retreated to the nearest Avater in their rear. In the evening of the next day lieutenant-colonel Stewart destroyed a great quantity of his stores, abandoned the EutaAv, and moved towards Charlestown, leaving upwards of seventy of his Avounded, and a thousand stand of arms. He Avas pursued for several miles but Avith- out effect. The loss of the british amounted to up- Avards of eleven hundred men. That of the ameri- cans Avas about five hundred, in which number were sixty officers. Among the killed of Greene's army, the brave lieutenant-colonel Campbell of the Vir- ginia line was the theme of universal lamentation. While Avith great firmness he was leading on his bri- gade to that charge which determined the fate of the day, he received a mortal wound. After his fall he inquired who gave way; and being informed the bri- tish were fleeing in all quarters, he added, ' I die con- tented,' and immediately expired. Congress honored general Greene, for his deci- sive conduct in this action, with a british standard and a golden medal; and they also voted their thanks to the different corps and their commanders. After the action at the Eutaws the americans re- tired to their former position on the high hills of Santee, and the british took post in the vicinity of Monk's Corner. While they lay there a small party of american cavalry, commanded by colonel Maham, took upwards of eighty prisoners within sight of their main army. The british no more acted with their usual vigor. On the slightest appearance of danger,- 436 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775__1785. they discovered a disposition to flee scarcely inferior to what was exhibited the year before by the ameri- can militia. SECTION. XL Campaign of 1782. 1 hough the army under Greene was too weak to risk another general action, yet it became necessary, in the close of the year 1781, to move into the Ioav- er country to cover the collection of provisions for subsistence through the winter. In about two months after the action at EutaAv, the main body of the american army Avas put in motion under colonel Williams. Greene, with two hundred horse and two hundred infantry, advanced by private roads and appeared near Dorchester so unexpectedly and with such confidence as induced the british to be- lieve that the Avhole army was close in his rear. This manoeuvre had the intended effect. They abandoned their out-posts, and retired with their whole force to the quarterhouse on Charlestown Neck. By this means all the rice between Edisto and Ashley rivers Avas saved to the americans. The defence of the country was given up and the conquerors,Avho had lately carried their arms to the ex- tremities of the state, seldom aimed at any thing more than to secure themselves in Charlestown Neck, and to keep a communication with the sea islands on which they had collected great numbers of cattle. CAMPAIGN OF 1782. 437 Yet they made some excursions Avith cavalry. One of the most important was in February 1782. W7hile general Marion Avas attending his duty as a member of the legislature, at Jacksonborough, his brigade was surprised near the Santee by a party of british horse commanded by that spirited and judicious of- ficer lieutenant-colonel Thomson (now count Rum- ford.) Major Benson, an american officer highly esteemed by his countrymen, Mr. Thomas Brough- ton, a young gentleman of an ancient family in South-Carolina, and some others Avere killed. The' remainder of the brigade then in-camp Avas for some time dispersed. In a few days the british retired Avithin their lines, and the militia re-assembled. In the summer of 1782 the british announced their intention of evacuating Charlestown. They. offered to pay for rice and other provisions that should be delivered to them before their departure, and at the same time threatened that if it Avas with- held it should be taken by force Avithout compensa- tion. The british offers to purchase being refused, they sent out parties to seize provisions near the different landings and to bring them by Avater to Charlestown. One of the most considerable parties on this service was sent to Combakee ferry, where they arrived on the 25th of August 1782. Brigadier- general Gist, with about three hundred cavalry and infantry of the continental army, Avas detached to oppose them. He succeeded so far as to capture one of their schooners, and in a great degree to frustrate their designs. Lieutenant-colonel John Laurens, though he had been confined for several days, on hearing of the expedition rose from his bed 438 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 1775—-1783. and followed general Gist. When the british and american detachments approached Avithin a few miles of each other, lieutenant-colonel Laurens, be- ing in advance with a small party of regulars and militia, engaged with a much superior force in ex- pectation of support from the main body in his rear. In the midst of his gallant exertions, this all-accom- plished youth received a mortal Avound. Nature had adorned him with a profusion of her choicest gifts, to which a well conducted education had add- ed its most useful as well as its most elegant im- provements. Though his fortune and family entitled him to pre-eminence, yet he was the warm friend of republican equality. Generous and liberal, his heart expanded with genuine philanthropy. Zealous for the rights of humanity he contended that per- sonal liberty was the birth-right of every human be- ing, hoAvever diversified by country, color, or capa- city. His insinuating address Avon the hearts of all his acquaintances: his sincerity and virtue se- cured their lasting esteem. Acting from the most honorable principles—uniting the bravery and other talents of a great officer with the knowledge of a complete scholar, and the engaging manners of a well bred gentleman, he was the idol of his country —the glory of the army—and an ornament of hu- man nature. His abilities shone in the legislature and in the cabinet, as Avell as in the field, and were equal to the highest stations. His admiring coun- try, sensible of his rising merit, stood prepared to confer on him her most distinguished honors. Cut / down in the midst of all these prospects, he has left mankind to deplore the calamities of war, which in CAMPAIGN OF 1782. 43$ the twenty-seventh year of his life deprived society of so invaluable a citizen. Throughout the year 1782, the american army acted chiefly on the defensive. A short time before the evacuation an attempt was made against a british detachment on James island. In this unsuccessful enterprise captain Wilmot, a brave and Avorthy offi- cer of the Maryland line, lost his life. This Avas the last drop of blood shed in the american war. After general Greene movred from the high hills of Santee into the low country near Charlestown, a scene of inactivity succeeded different from the busy operations of the late campaign. He Avas unable to attempt any thing against the british within their lines, and they declined risking any general action without them. While the american soldiers lay encamped in this inactive situation, their tattered rags were so com- pletely worn out, that seven hundred of them were as naked as they were born excepting a small slip of cloth about their waists ; and they were nearly as destitute of meat as of clothing. In this condition they lay for three months within four hours march of the british garrison in Charlestown, which con- tained in it more regular troops than there were con- tinentals in the american army. Though they had abundant reason to complain, yet, while they were every day marching and almost every Aveek fighting, they were in gOod health, good spirits, and good hu- mor ; but when their enemy Avas confined within their fortifications, and they were inactive, they be- came sickly and discontented, and a feAv began to be mutinous. Their long arrears of pay, the defi- 440 REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, 17 75—17 85. ciency of their clothing, and their want of many com- forts, were forgotten whilst constant action employ- ed their minds and bodies ; but Avhen an interruption of hostilities gave them leisure to brood over their calamities, these evils were presented to their ima- ginations in aggravated colors. A plan Avas serious- ly laid to deliver their gallant and victorious leader into the hands of the british ; but the whole design was happily discovered and prevented from being carried into execution. To the honor of the conti- nental army it may with justice be added, that, not- withstanding the pressure of their many sufferings, the whole number concerned in this plot did not ex- ceed twelve. In the course of the year 1782 John Mathews, esquire, governor of South-Carolina, concerted mea- sures Avith some of the citizens in Charlestown, Avho wished to make their peace with their countrymen, for sending out of the british lines necessary clothing for the almost naked continentals. When their dis- tresses had nearly arrived to that point beyond which human nature can bear no more, Mr. Joshua LockAvood, under the direction of governor Mathews, brought out of Charlestown a large quantity of the articles which were most needed in the american camp. This seasonable supply, though much short of their due, quieted the minds of the suffering sol- diers. Tranquillity and good order w ere restored in the camp, and duty Avas cheerfully performed. It is impossible to do justice to that invincible fortitude which was displayed by both officers and men in the campaigns of 1780 and 1781. They encountered REVOLUTIONARY MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 441 fatigues Avhich, if particularly related, would appear almost incredible. They had scenes of suffering to bear up under, of which citizens in the peaceable walks of private life can form no adequate idea. Without pay, almost Avithout clothing, and often with but a scanty portion of the plainest provisions, they were exposed to the scorching heat of the day, and the baleful vapors of the night. When sinking under the fatigues of repeated successions of forced marches, they were destitute of every comfort suit- able to their situation. But to all these accumula- ted hardships the greatest part of them submitted with patience and magnanimity, which reflected ho- nor on human nature, and which was never exceed- ed by any army in the world. SECTION XII. Revolutionary miscellaneous history. Ihe reduction of Charlestown in May 1780, was followed by the establishment of a military govern- ment. A commandant was appointed to superin- tend the affairs of the province. His powers were as undefined as those of the american committees which took place in the early stages of the dispute between Great-Britain and America, while the royal governments were suspended and before the popu- lar establishments were reduced to system. To soften the rigid and forbidding aspect of this new vol. i. 3 h 44'2 REVOLUTIONARY • mode of administration, and as far as possible to temper it with the resemblance of civil authority, a board of police for the summary determination of disputes Avas instituted. Under the direction of James Simpson, intendant of the board, a table Avas drawn up, ascertaining the depreciation of the paper currency at different periods; from which the friends of royal government, Avho had sustained losses by paper payments, were induced to hope for reimburse- ment. This measure, though just in itself, was pro- ductive of unexpected and serious consequences fatal to the reviving fondness for the royal interest. Among the new-made british subjects, many Avere found who had been great gainers by the depreciation of the american bills of credit. These, by the proposition of a second payment of their old debts, were filled with astonishment. From the circumstances of the country a compliance with it was, to the most opu- lent, extremely inconvenient; and to multitudes ab- solutely impracticable. The paper currency, before the reduction of Charlestown, had supplanted the use of gold and silver and banished them from cir- culation. The ravages of war had desolated the country, and deprived the inhabitants of the means of payment. Creditors became clamorous for their long arrears of interest, and debtors had either lost their property or could not exchange it for one half of its value. Many suits were commenced, and great numbers ruined. The distresses of the re- claimed subjeccs, within the british lines, were m many instances greater than thost of their unsubdu- ed countrymen who had forsaken all in the cause MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 443 of liberty. After the americans had recovered pos- session of a considerable part of the state, it was presumed that the proceedings of the board of police Avould be reversed. This redoubled their difficul- ties. Creditors became more pressing, and at the same time the doubtfulness of british titles induced a depreciation of real property not far behind that of the american paper currency. Fear and interest had brought many of their new subjects to the bri- tish standard; but, inconsequence of the plans they adopted, in a little time both these powerful motives of human actions drew in an opposite direction. The americans pursued a different line ol conduct. In every period of the contest they sacrificed the few creditors to the many debtors. The true whigs who suffered on this score, consoled themselves with the idea that their country's good required it, and that this was the price of their independence. A disposition to suffer in behalf of the royal interest was#not so visible among the professed adherents to british government. That immediate justice might be done to a few, great distress was brought on many and the cause of his britannic majesty injur- ed beyond reparation. Several commandants were successively appointed to superintend the affairs of the town. Among these lieutenant-colonel N is bit Balfour had the greatest share of administration. This gentleman display- ed in the exercise of this new office all the frivolous self-importance, and all the disgusting insolence, which are natural to little minds when puffed up by sudden elevation. By the subversion of every trace of the popular government, without any pro- 444 REVOIUTIONAR\ per civil establishment in its place, he, with a few coadjutors, assumed and exercised legislative judi- cial, and executive powers over citizens in the same manner as over the common soldiery under their command. A series of proclamations was issued by his authority, which militated as well against the principles of the british constitution, as those of justice, equity, and humanity. For slight offences, and on partial and insufficient information, citizens were confined by his orders ; and that often without any trial. The place allotted for securing them, being the middle part of the cellar, under the Exchange, was called the Provost. Ihe dampness of this unwhole- some spot, together with the want of a fire-place, caused among the unhappy sufferers some deaths and much sickness. In it the american state-pri- soner, and the british telon shared the same fate. The former, though tor the most part charged with nothing more than an active execution ot the laws of the state, or having spoken words disrespectful or injurious to the british officers or government, or of corresponding with the americans, suffered indig- nities and distresses in common with those who were accused of crimes tending to subvert the peace and existence of society. It has already been observed, that on the arrival of the british in South-Carolina, the inhabitants were encouraged to stay on their plantations with the prospect ot neutrality; and that, in a little time, these delusive hopes vanished. Instead of drawing off the people gradually from an attachment to their late constitution, the conquerors were so far mista- MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 445 ken as to suppose that men could instantly be trans- formed from obstinate revolters to zealous royalists. In a short time after their submission they were cal- led upon to promise that, by force of arms, they would oppose men who were their friends and neighbors, and by whose sides they had lately fought. In effecting a revolution from the regal to the republican government, a very different policy- was pursued. The popular leadtrs proceeded gra- dually. The common people were not shocked by any propositions too repugnant to their ancient pre- judices, or too remote from established opinions. Though the leading men in the councils of America were far from being adepts in the maxims of refined policy yet they were led, by a providential concur- rence of circumstances, to carry on their operations in a manner which contributed more to their success than if every step they took had been prescribed by the most consummate art. When they first began to oppose the claims of Great-Britain, they Avere far from intending that separation which they afterwards effected; and would have trembled with horror at the thoughts of that which at last they gloried in accom- plishing. Strange and undesigned consequences fol- lowed in the gradual succession of causes and ef- fects. In coniuting the extravagant opinion of tax- ation without representation, the americans were in- sensibly led to inquire into the nature of civil li- berty, and ot their connexion with Great-Britain. From a denial of the british right of taxation, the way was opened lor an investigation of the restric- tions on their commerce and ot the disadvantages of their subordinate station. A direct renunciation 446 REVOLUTIONARY of the mother country, in the first instance, would have drawn on the americans the Avhole weight of her vengeance, and would probably have disunited the colonists ; but, as this was far from the thoughts of the popular leaders, they continued to profess, and w ith sincerity, great respect for their king and his government, till step .by step they came to erect the standard of independence. The sentiments of a great majority of the people coincided Avith the re- solutions of their leaders. Nothing was recom- mended but what was in unison with the prevailing opinions. A prudent respect was paid to ancient prejudices, and nothing new was imposed till the public mind was gradually reconciled to its favor- able reception. The first popular assemblies con- ducted their opposition on legal grounds, and in a manner compatible with their allegiance. It was the acknowledged right of the subjects to meet to- gether, and petition lor a redress of their grievances. Their committees and congresses, their resolutions of non-importation and non-exportation contained nothing unconstitutional. The association which Avas the first band of popular union in South-Caro- lina, was sanctioned by no other penalty but that of withholding all intercourse with those who should re- fuse to concur with the same measures. The distinction of whig and tory took its rise in the year 1775. Both parties in the interior country were then embodied, and were obliged to impress provisions for their respective support. The advocates for congress prevailing, they paid for arti- cles consumed in their camps ; but as no funds were provided for discharging the expenses incurred oy MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 447 the royalists, all that was consumed by them was considered as a robbery. This laid the foundation of a piratical war between Avhigs and tories, which was productive of great distress and deluged the coun- try with blood. In the interval between the insur- rection of 1775 and the year 1780, the whigs were occasionally plundered by parties who had attempt- ed insurrections in favor of royal government. But all that was done prior to the surrender of Charles- town was trifling when compared to what followed. After that event political hatred raged with uncom- mon fury, and the calamities of civil war desolated the state. The ties of nature were in several in- stances dissolved and that reciprocal good-will, and confidence, which hold mankind together in society, was in a great degree extinguished. Countrymen, neighbors, friends, and brothers took different sides and ranged themselves under the opposing standards of the contending factions. In every little precinct, more especially in the interior parts of the state, king's-men and congress-men were names of distinc- tion. The passions on both sides were kept in per- petual agitation, and wrought up to a degree of fury, which rendered individuals regardless not only of the laws of war but of the principles of humanity. While the british had the ascendency, their parti- zans gave full scope to their interested and malicious passions. People of the worst characters emerged from their hiding places in swamps, called them- selves king's-men, and began to appropriate to their own use whatsoever came in their way. Every act of cruelty and injustice was sanctified, provided the actor called himself a friend to the king and the suf- 44S REVOLL ITOXARY ferer Avas denominated a rebel. Of those who Avere well-disposed to the claims of America, there w after fought bravely under general Marion, and the whole conducted themselves peaceably. Regularity, order and government took place of reciprocal de- predations and hostilities. On the proposed evacuation of Charlestown, the merchants who came with the british were in a dis- agreeable predicament. They had entered into ex- tensive commercial engagements in the short inter- val of the british sway. Those of their debtors who were without the lines, were not subject to their juris- diction ; those w ho were within Avere unable to pay. It was supposed that ail transfers of property, by the authority of the board of police, would be null and void on the departure of the british from the state. Environed with difficulties, and threatened with bankruptcy, if they should leave the state along with the garrison, they applied to general Leslie for leave to negociate for themselves. A deputation of their body Avaited on governor MatheAvs, and obtain- ed from him permission to reside in South-Carolina for eighteen months after the evacuation, with the full liberty of disposing of their stock of goods on hand, and of collecting the debts already due to them. This indulgence Avas extended to a longer term by the legislature at their next meeting, before 472 REVOLUTIONARY any information arrived that the preliminary articles of peace were signed. When the evacuation of Charlestown drew nigh. it was apprehended by the inhabitants, that the bri- tish army, on its departure, Avould carry off with them some thousands of negroes which were within their lines. To prevent this, governor Mathews wrote a letter to general Leslie, dated August 17th 1782, in which he informed him, " that if the property of the citizens of South-Carolina was carried oft' from its owners by the british army, he should seize on the debts due to the british merchants—and to the confiscated estates—and the claims on those estates by marriage settlements—which three articles were not included in the confiscation act." This conditional resolution operated as a check on some, so as to restrain their avidity for plunder, and in- duced general Leslie to propose a negociation for securing the property of both parties. After sun- dry conversations, the commissioners on both sides, . on the 10th of October 1782, ratified a compact on this subject, by which it was agreed with a few ex- ceptions, that all the slaves of the citizens of South- Carolina then in the power of the british general Leslie, should be restored to their former owners, and that the faith of the state should be pledged that no further confiscation or sequestration of property belonging or pledged to royalists should take place, that all such should be at full liberty to sue for, re- cover and dispose of their property in the same man- ner as citizens—that the slaves so returned should not be punished by the state; and that it should be recommended to their masters to forgive them—that MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 473 Edward Blake and Roger Parker Saunders should be permitted, on their parole of honor, to reside in Charlestown to assist in the execution of the article respecting the delivery of negroes to the citizens. In consequence of this agreement governor Ma- thews gave a commission and a flag to Thomas Fer- guson, and Thomas Waring, to reside near the british lines, with instructions to receive such negroes as should be delivered from the garrison. Edward Blake and Roger Parker Saunder3 had also a com- mission and a flag given them to reside in Charles- tOAvn, and forward the delivery of the negroes to the gentlemen Avho were Avaiting to receive them without the garrison. Governor Mathews requested the citizens of the state to attend for the purpose of re- ceiving their negroes, and earnestly entreated that they Avould forgive them for having deserted their service and joined the british.- Great were the ex- pectations of the suffering inhabitants that they Avould soon obtain re-possession of their property; but these delusive hopes Avere of short duration. Notwithstanding the solemnity Avith which the com- pact had been ratified, it Avas so far evaded as to be in a great measure ineffectual for the end proposed. Edward Blake and Roger Parker Saunders, hav- ing waited on general Leslie, were permitted to ex- amine the fleet bound to St. Augustine ; but Avere not suffered to examine any vessel that wore the king's pendant. Instead of an examination the Avord of the commanding officer to restore all the slaves that were on board, in violation of the compact, was of- fered as an equivalent. In their search of the Augus- voh. t< ?, P . 474 REVOLUTIONARY tine fleet, they found and claimed one hundred and thirty-six negroes. When they attended to receive them on shore, they were surprised to find no more than seventy-three landed for delivery. They then claimed this small residue, of the original number, to be forwarded to the other commissioners without the lines ; but they were informed by general Leslie, that no negroes Avould be delivered till three soldiers were restored that had been taken by a party of ge- neral Greene's army. This Avas the unsuccessful termination of a bene- volent scheme originally calculated for mitigating the calamities of war. Motives of humanity, together with the sacred obligation of the provisional articles of peace, restrained the state from extending its confiscation laws. Instead of adding to the list of the unhappy sufferers on that score, the successive assemblies diminished their number. The prospects of gain from the sale of plunder- ed negroes were too seducing to be resisted by the officers, privates, and followers of the british army. On their departure from CharlestOAvn upAvards of eight hundred slaves, who had been employed in the engineer department, were shipped off for the WTest- Indies. It Avas said, and believed, that these were taken by the direction and sold for the benefit of lieutenant-colonel Moncrieff. The slaves carried off by the chief engineer were but a small part of the whole taken aAvay at the evacuation, but their number is very inconsiderable Avhen compared with the thou- sands that were lost from the first to the last of the war. l\ has been computed by good judges, that MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 475 between the years 1775 and 1783, the state of South- Carolina lost twenty-five thousand negroes. The evacuation, though officially announced by general Leslie on the 7th of August as a measure soon to be adopted, did not take place till the 14th of December 1782. On that and the succeeding days the british Avent on board their shipping, and the tOAvn Avas entered by governor Mathews and the american army Avithout any confusion or disorder. Those who remained in Charlestown felt themselves happy in being delivered from the severities of a gar- rison life. The exiled citizens experienced sensa- tions more easily conceived than expressed, on re- turning to their houses and estates. To crown their other blessings provisional articles of peace Avere soon announced to have been signed at Paris, on the 13th of November 1782, by which the king of Great-Britain acknowledged " the United States of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode-Island, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylva- nia, DelaAvare, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia, to be free, sovereign and independent states; that he treated with them as such; and for himself, his heirs, and successors, re- linquished all claims to the government, proprietary or territorial rights of the same." The patriot exult- ed in the acknoAvledged independence of his country. The soldier rejoiced that the toils of war were ended, and the objects of it fully obtained. The farmer re- doubled his industry, from the pleasing conviction that the produce of his labor would be secured to him without any danger from british bayonets or ameri- can impress-warrants. Cheerfulness and good hu*- 476 REVOLUTIONARY mor took possession of minds that, during 7 years, had been continually occupied with anxiety and distress. The army Avas soon after disbanded. Such at that time Avas the situation ot the finances of the United States, that congress Avas scarcely able to discharge to that virtuous army, Avhich Avitii the price of their blood had secured their independence, as much of the arrears of many years pay as was suf- ficient to defray their expenses in returning to their respective habitations. The laurels they had dearly earned, the applause of their countrymen which they had eminently obtained, and the plaudits of their consciences which they honestly possessed, were al- most the only rewards they carried home at the ter- mination of a war in which many had injured their constitutions, and all had diminished their fortunes. Sympathizing with the distresses of their countrymen —sensible of their inability to pay them their stipu- lated due—and confiding in their justice to make them future retribution, they cheerfully relinquished the uniform of the military for the plain garb of the citizen. The private soldier exchanged his bayonet and firelock for the implements of husbandry, and betook himself to rural occupations. Subalterns, captains, field and general officers returned w ith plea- sure to their ancient civil employments. The citizens, instead of repining at their losses, generally set themselves to repair them by diligence and economy. The continental officers who had served in the state, and whose bravery and exertions had rendered them conspicuous, Avere so well receiv- ed by the ladies, that several of them had their gal- lantry rewarded by the possession of some of the MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 477 finest women and greatest fortunes in South-Caroli- na. The unfortunate adherents to royal government were treated by those in power with moderation and lenity. The legislature permitted the greater part of the exiles to return. These were divided into three classes. Thirty-one were fully restored to their pro- perty and citizenship, thirty-three Avere disqualified from holding any place of trust Avithin the state for the space of seven years, and they, with sixty-two others, were relieved from total confiscation on the condition of their paying twelve per cent, on the equi- table value of their property. Though the state la- bored under an immense load of public debt, con- tracted during the war, it generously restored confis- cated property in its actual possession to an amount very little short of half a million of pounds sterling. Though the war was ended, some address was ne- cessary to compose the minds of the people. Some of those who under every discouragement had steadily adhered to the cause of independence, took to themselves the appellation of the virtuous fevy, and looked down with contempt on such of their fellow-citizens as had conformed their allegiance to existing circumstances. A disposition to proscribe and banish persons of the latter discription showed itself under the auspices of self-constituted commit- tees; but the weight of government and the influence of the best informed citizens, was successfully exer- ted to counteract it. The hard duty of subduing private feelings and of forgetting personal injuries, and insults, for the public good, was yet to be per- formed. Edanus Burke, an irish gentleman, who, with the gallantry characteristic of his nation, came 478 REVOLUTIONARY MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. from the West Indies at the commencement of the revolution as a volunteer to fight for american liber- ty ; generously undertook to advocate the cause of those who, in the hour of danger, had by a change of allegiance sought protection from the present con- queror. In a well Avritten pamphlet he demonstra- ted from history that such changes were common, and that by the laAvs of nature and reason, allegiance and protection Avere reciprocal; and that the former ceased where the latter either was not or from cir- cumstances could not be given. He advocated the policy of a general amnesty, and of forgetting all that had taken place in the fervor of the revolutiona- ry Avar. These sentiments ably advocated by Mr. Burke, and promptly supported by the constituted authorities and the most enlightened patriots, gra- dually prevailed. Political distinctions ceased. By forbearance, moderation, and good sense, the appel- lations of congress-men and king's-men were soon forgotten, and both joined heartily in promoting the interests of their common country. END OF VOLUME I. / I