^ /y" Mr. Porters Dijqwrfe BEFORE THEtHUMAtfjTsC^ETY, It ■< J±S*:. DEi HUMAr) E &&€ HET Y COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, ATS.THi.ia. SEMI-ANNUAL MfETI JUNE 8, l8oZ, Br ELIFHALET PORTER, |L ; ASTOR OF THE FIRST CHJJRCH IN ROXBU«(?. "S'* BOSTON; Printed by HOSEA.:SP||&GUE^N of that teacher, who fpak<^ ajnevcr man fy-i^fcnd ^^iJP&er it eminently^-! was, " ili'c't he w^ntJouftdfl^gDod." ^^ focieties iijfritutcd for t^t purpofe of$!^[ religious knowledg^H exteMing the light oft \,-mM 9 tianity to thofe who fit in darknefs, and in the region of the fhadow of death ? The fon of Gcd appeared on earth, that he might bo thcjight of of the world; and gave ic in command to his difciples, to publifh the gof- pel to every nation and kindred, and people and tongue. Is legal provifion almoft every where made for the fupport of the poor and helplefs ? and are there many voluntary affociations formed, and funds eftablifhed by private individuals for the fame purpofe ? You need not be informed who has pre-eminently encouraged thefe works of benevolence and mercy. You know who it was that had compaffion on the hungry multi- tude, and would not fuffer them to^depart till they were filled, left they moul4^%jjP?fcfce #ay. You know by whomjf was decided, that to teed the hun- gry, to give die thiifty drink,^nd to cjRathe the^naked, are dee^c* charity, which; ifdc#eiunto the leafl of hij bre%en, w£ be coiindejedj^ done unto himfelf. ftavejhofpitals, infirmaries, and difpenfaries been fbujde^jbr the ggpt»on, or relief, of the maimed, the fid^and inflrm r Jfhcy ^uight be expected in coun- try th*pfofef§ the religion of Jesus Christ, whofe J^jpJp|.aiid power were fo iil^ftripully difplayed '^ jraN^ft to tha%Snd' Mfe^^ deaf'fpeech t(jSSgib, and in healing^! ^nanner of difeafes. L ]j5mi|)^wiftt^iich^j^|br tii-ir objeft fueh %s are lmScjL fi]M»nind, cannot beSf- *p!eafing to hln^whoTq ofHJ^paffionated tins unhap- jmjkfeription of men. Tlje^iuft be highly approv- cT^lSiii in whom the maiifcs, rufhin- frantic fro^i w /0 the midfl of the tombs, found a friend and benefactor*, who reftored them to the light and comforts of rcafon, and to a capacity for thofe of virtue and religion. Eftablifhments defigned to facilitate the recovery of thofe, who, by the arts of feduction, and folicitations of vice, have been deprived of their innocence, reputa- tion and peace, difplay a charity congenial with his, who came, not to call the righteous, but finners, to re- pentance. Well regulated afylums, or inflitutions for the pro- tect: Dn, fupport and virtuous education of orphan chil- dren, and fuch as are thrown friendlefs on the world, would commaifcl our approbation, all hough they had nor received > a^fim&ioiiVrom the more than parental tendjrnefs, manifested for little children byjthc faviour of the worid. Withou?)inquiring whether they were the fruits of vo i