CATALOGUE OF THE ' BOOKS BELONGING TO THE MEDICAL LIBRARY I N The Pennfylvania Holpital; TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED, THE .RULES To be obferved in the life of them. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY ZACHARIAH POULSON, JUNIOR, ON THE WEST SIDE OF FOURTH-STREET, BETWEEN MARKET-STREET AND ARCH-STREET. MDCCXC. RULES TO BE OBSERVED IN THE USE of the BOOKS, BELONGING TO The Pennfylvania Hofpital. I. r| "’HE Librarian (hall attend on every Fourth and I Seventh-day morning, from nine till eleven o’clock, to receive and lend out books. 11. Books {hall be lent to no perfon, but the Managers and Phyficians of the Hofpital, the Pupils of thofe Phyficians, and fuch Students of medicine who pay for the privilege, and have a certificate from the fitting Managers with their permiffion to attend. 111. The Librarian fliall keep a catalogue, in the library, of all books which now belong to the fame, or may be added hereafter; he fhall alfo label and number them, and replace them on the fhelves as they are brought in, firfl examining if they are free from da- mage. IV. If damaged the borrower fhall have them imme- diately replaced, or pay for the injury done, which if he neglecls to do he {hall have no more ufe of the books. V. A Folio may be lent out for four weeks, a Quarto for three weeks, Odtavos and Duodecimos for two weeks and no longer, unlefs the note is renewed. VI. A depofit (hall be left for every book lent, of at lead one-third more than the value, which the Libra- rian is to eftimate, and the borrower lhall give a pro- mi {Tory note, in which he {hall fpecify the depofit, and engage to return the book, undefaced, within a limited time; at the expiration of which he may renew his note, and take it again if no other perfon applies for the book; but if another perfon Ihould apply for the fame book, the new applicant {hall have the preference. Vlf. When a depofit is returned, a receipt {hall be given for it on the back of the note. VIII. No perfon lhall have more than two books out at one time. IX. Any perfon taking a book from the library, without giving a note, lhall return it, and not be allowed to take any more. X. One (hilling per week {hall be paid as a fine on every book which is kept beyond the time fpecified in the note, and if the borrower doth not return it in three months from the date of his note, it fhall be deemed to be loft, in which cafe the depofit fhall be forfeited; moreover the value of the book fhall be paid without delay, or another {hall be replaced in its room to the fatisfadtion of the fitting Managers and Phyficians, in default of which the borrower {hall for- ever forfeit his right in the ufe of the books. XL If the borrower of a fmgle book not belonging to a fet, fhould lofe it, he (hall forfeit his depofit; and if she borrower of one or more books belonging to a fet or fets, fhould lofe either of them, he (hall take all the remaining volumes of the fet fo broken and pay the full value thereof, befides forfeiting his depofit for the ufe of the library. XII. Notes, given are not to be returned, but can- celled by cutting off the figners’ names. XIII. All fines are to be appropriated to the ufe of the library. XIV. The Librarian {hall keep an account of the fines and forfeitures he receives, and pay the fame to the order of the fitting Managers. XV. In all cafes where doubts arife refpeCting a violation of the foregoing rules, the cafe fiiall be fubmit- tcd to the fitting Managers and Phyficians, whofe de- termination fhall be conclufive; but no fuch Manager or Phyfician fhall be allowed to judge in his own cafe. XVI. The following books are not to be lent out of the houfe, but any perfon having a right to the ufe of the library, may have accefs to them, under the Libra- rian’s infpeCtion, at the hours appointed for him to attend: Albinus’s tables; Smellie’s plates; Hunter’s gravid uterus; Monro’s nervous fyflem; Monro on filhes; Motherby’s medical dictionary. A CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS BELONGING TO THE MEDICAL LIBRARY I N The Pennsylvania Hospital FOLIO. 1 rp ABLES of the fkeleton and muicles of the human J_ body. By Bernard Siegfried Albinus. Tranflated from the Latin. London, 1749. 2 Monro on the ftrufture and fun&ions of the nervous fyftem; illuftrated with tables. Edinburgh, 1783. 3 Monro on the ftruchire and phyfiology of fifties, explained and compared with thofe of man and other animals; illuftrated with figures. Edinburgh, 1785. 4 Bernardi Siegfried Albini explicatio tabularum anatomicarum Bartholomew Euftachii. Leidas Batavorum, 1744. The gift of Do3or John Redman, 8 • 5 Aretaei Cappadocis de Caufis et Signls Acutorum et Diuturno- rum Morborum Libri Quatuor. Lugduni Batavorum, 1735 The gift of Dehor ah Morris. 6 Frederici Hoffmanni opera omnia, in fex tomos dillributa. Geneva1, 1748. The gift of Deborah Morris. Cum lupplc- mento in duas partes diftributo. 1749. 7 Kidoria plantarum. AuCtore Johanne Raio. 2 vols. Lon- dini, 1686. 8 Obfervationum medicarum, rararum, novarum, admirabilium & monftrofarurn Volumen, Tomis Septem de loto Homine inftitutum. Francofurti, 1609. The gift of Deborah Morris. 9 Petri Forefti opera omnia. Francofurti, 1634. The gift of Deborah Morris. 10 A new medical dictionary; or general repofitory of phyfic. By G. Motherby, M. D. Second edition. London, 1785. 11 The anatomy of the human gravid uterus; exhibited in figures. By William Hunter. Birmingham, 1774. 12 A fet of anatomical tables; with explanations, and an abridg- ment of the practice of midwifery. By William Smellie, M. D. Second edition. London, 1761. A defcription of all the Imrfae mucofse of the human body; with tables. By Alexander Monro, M. D. Edinburgh, 1788. U A R T O. i feats and caufes of difeafes inveftigated by anatomy, X Tranflated from the Latin of John Baptifi; Morgagni, by Benjamin Alexander, M. D. 3 vols. London, £769. 11 A methodical fynopfis of mineral waters. By John Rutty, J M. D. London, 1757. 4 A new and general fyftem of phyfic, In theory and practice. By William Smith, M. D. London, 1749. 5 An experimental hiftory of the materia medica, or of the natu- ral and artificial fubfiances made ufe of In medicine. By William Lewis, M. B. F. R. S. London, 1761. 6 A dictionary of chemiftry. Tranflated from the French ; with plates, notes and additions by the tranflator. 2 vols. London, 1771. 7 Philofophical commerce of arts. By W. Lewis, M, B, and F. R. S. London, 1765. 8 The medical works of Richard Mead, M. D, London, 1762. g Elements of chcmifiry; being the annual lectures of Herman Boerhaave, M. D. Tranflated by Timothy Dallowe, M. D. 2 vols. in one. London, 1735. jo The chemical works of Cafpar Neuman, M. D. with large additions by William Lewis, M. B, London, 1 759. it B. S. Albini Academicarum Annotalionum libri feptem. 3 vols. Leidse. Apud J. & H. Verbeek. Bibliopolas, 1654. 13 The works of Robert Whytt, M. D. Publilhed by his fon. Edinburgh, 1768. 13 Alt erti v Haller opera minora emendata, au£ta, et renovata. 3 vols. Laufannos, 1763. 14 Eleraenta phyfiologias corporis humani. Auctore Alberto v Flaller. 8 vols. Laufannte, 1757. 15 Jo. Baptifta Morgagni P. P. P. P. de fedibus, et caufis mor- horum per anatomen indagatis, libri quinque. 4 vols. Neapoli, 1762. 16 Gerardi van Swieten, M. D. commentaria in Hermann! Boer- haavii aphorifmos de cognofcendis et curandis morbis. 5 vols. Lugduni Batavorum, 1742. 17 The works of Alexander Monro, M. D. Publlfhed by his fon, with the life of the author. Edinburgh, 1781. 18 A methodical introduction to the theory and praftice of phy- fie. By David Macbride, M. D. London, 1772. 19 The hillory and prefent ftate of electricity; with original ex- periments. By Jofeph Prieftley, L. L. D. F. R. S. Fourth edition. London, 1775. 20 Tranfadlions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1788 21 Obfervations on the difeafes of the army. By John Pringle. Fifth edition, corrected. London, 1765. 22 LeClures on the materia medica, as delivered by William Cul- len, M. D. America, 1775-. 23 A treatife of the materia medica. By William Cullen, M. D. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1789. 24 The anatomy of the abforbing veflels of the human body. By William Cruiklhank. London, 1786. 25 Medical commentaries. By William Hunter, M. D. Part firft Second edition. London, 1777. 26 Two introductory ledlures, delivered by William Hunter; to which are added, fome papers relating to Dodlor Hunter’s intended plan for eftabliihing a mufeum in London, for the improvement of anatomy, furgery & phyfic. London, 1784. 27 A treatife on the venereal difeafe. By John Hunter. Lon- don, 1786. 28 The natural hiftory of the human teeth; explaining their llrudlure, ufc, formation, growth, and difeafes; with cop- per-plates. By John Hunter, F. R. S. London, 1771. 29 Hillory of the origin of medicine; an oration delivered at the anniverfary meeting of the Medical Society of London, January 19, 1778; to which are fince added, various hifto- rical illuft rations. By John Coakley Lettfom, M. D. London, 1778, 30 The hiftory and prefent ftate of difeoveries relating to vifion, light and colours By jofeph Prieftley, L. L. D. F. R. S. London, 1772. 31 A general fyftem of furgery. Tranfiated from the Latin of Dr. Laurence Heifter. London, 1743. 32 Gerardi B Van Swieten commentaria in Hermannl Boerhaavii aphonimos. Vols. 1 and 3. Lugduni Batavorum, 1753. The gift of Deborah Morris. . , 33 Laurcntii Bellini Florcntini in Academia Pifana anatomes pro- fe/foris celeberrimi opera omnia. Venetiis, 1732. The gift of Deborah Morris. 34 Praxeos medicse tnmi tres, novis obfervationibus a Felice Pla- tero, M D. Editio quarta. Bafilise, 1736. The g'lfi of Deborah Morris. 35 Opera omnia Georgii Baglivi. Lugduni, 1745* The gift of . Deborah Morris, 36 The compleat hetbal; or the botanical inftitutions of M. Tournefort. 2 vols. London, 1719 and 1730. The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s Legatees. 37 Gregorii Horftii fenioris opera medica. Gouda, 1661. 38 Axchibaldi Pitcarnii Scoti opufcula medica. Roterodami, 1714. The gift of Deborah Morris. 39 D. Hieronymi Fabricii ab Aquapendente, medicina pradica. Parifiis, 1634. The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s Legatees. 40 The lord Bacon’s relation of the fweating ficknefs examined; in a reply to George Thompfon. By Henry Stubbe. Lon- don, 1671. The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s Legatees. 4T Ccelius Aurelianus de morbis acutis et chronicis. Amfteloda- xni, 1722. The gift of Deborah Morris. 42 Nicolai Pifonis medici Lotharingi de cognofcendis et curandis prsecipue internis human! corporis morbis. Libri tres. 2 vols. Lugduni Batavorum, 1736. The gift of Deborah Morris, 43 Prafticas medicinse liber quartus. Auftore Daniele Sennerto, M. D. Anno 1632. The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s [legatees, 44 A compleat difeourfe of wounds. By John Brown. Lon- don, 1678. 45 Profper Alpinus de prssfagienda vita et morte iEgrotantium. Lugduni Batovorum, 1733. The gift of Deborah Morris. 46 Thefaurus medicinse pradticse, fludio & opera Thomas Burnet. London, 1673. The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s Legatees. 47 Johannes De Gorter ds perfpiratione infenfibili. Lugduni Batavorum, 1736. 48 A new fyftem of midwifery, In four parts; with copper- plates. By Robert Johnfon, M. D. London, 1769. 49 An account and method of cure of the Bronchocele or Derby- Rock. By Thomas Proffer. Third edition. London, 1782. 50 Obfervations on certain parts of the animal ceconomy. By John Hunter. London, 1786. 51 A. fermon, preached at Chrift church, Middlefcx, for the benefit of the Humane Society. By the Reverend Robert Pool Finch, D. D. With a prefatory addrefs, and an appendix, containing fome feled accounts of recovery in various cafes of fufpended animation. London, 1788. 52 53 54 & 55 Some account of the Pennfylvania Hofpital, from its rife to the fifth day of May, 1761; with an alphabetical lift of the contributors, and of legacies which have been bequeathed for the promotion and fupport thereof, from its fir ft rife to that time. Philadelphia, 1761. OCTAVO. j TV/TEDICAL and philofophical commentaries. By a XVJL fociety of phyficians in Edinburgh. 10 vols. Lon- don, 1774. 1 Medical and philofophical commentaries. 2 vols. London, 1788. 2 Medical communications. London, 1784. 3 Medical obfervations and inquiries. By a fociety of phyfi- cians in London. 6 vols. London, 1771. 4 Medical tranfadlions. Publifhed by the college of phyficians in London 3 vols viz. 1, 2, 3. London. j Medical Regiller for the year 1783. London. 6 Medical Mufeum, or feledt cafes, experiments, enquiries and difeoveries in medicine, pharmacy, anatomy, botany, che- miftry, furgery, phyfiology, &c. 3 vols. Second edition. London, 1781. 7 Eftays and obfervations, phyfical and literary, read before the philofophical fociety in Edinburgh, and publifhed by them. 3 vols. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1771. 8 Thefaurus medicus five difputationum in academia Edinenfi ad rem medicam pertinentium a collegio inftituto ad hoc ufque tempus, deledlus. A Gulielmo Smellio, S. P. E. S. habitus. 4 vols. Edinburgi, 1778. 9 Synopfis nofologias methodlcoe, exibens clarifs Virorum Sau- vagefii, Linnsei, Vogelii, Sagari et Macbrldli, fyftemata nofologica; edidit fuumque proprium fyftema nofologicum adjecit Gulielmus Cullen. Editio quarta. 2 vols. in one. Edinburgi, 1785. 10 Inftitutions of medicine. Part firft, phyfiology. By William Cullen, M, D. Third edition. Edinburgh, 1785. 11 Firft lines of the pradtife of phyfic. By William Cullen, M. D. A new edition. 4 vols. Edinburgh, I 786. 12 Clinical experiments, hiftories and dilfedlions. By Francis Home, M. D. Third edition. London, 1783. 13 A fyftem of furgery. By Benjamin Bell. 6 vols. Edin- burgh. 14 A fyftem of furgery. By Benjamin Bell. 4 vols. Edin- burgh, 1786. *5 The anatomy of the human body. By Samuel Foart Sim- mons, M. D. F. R. S. vol. i. London, 1780, *t6 The chirurgical works of Percival Pott, F. R. S. A new edition. 3 vols. London, 1783. 17 An enquiry into the prefent ftate of medical furgery, includ- ing the analogy betwixt external and internal diforders; and the infeparability of thefe branches of the fame pro- feflion. By Thomas Kirkland, M. D. 2 vols. London, 17 86. 18 Elements of the theory and practice of phyfic and furgery. By John Aitken, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1783. 191 Confultations on mod of the diforders that require the & V alfifiance of furgery. By Henry Francis Le Dran, direc- -20 j tor of the royal academy of furgery at Paris. Trans- lated by Alexander Reid. London, 1766. 21 Cafes and remarks in furgery; to which is fubjoined an ap- pendix, containing the method of curing the bronchocelc in Coventry. By B. VVilmer, furgeon. London, 1779. 22 A treatife on the operations of furgery; with a defcription and reprefentation of the inftruments ufed in performing ' them. To which is prefixed, an introduction on the treat- ment of wounds, abfceifes, and ulcers. By Samuel Sharp. Tenth edition. London, 1782. 23 A treatife on the theory and management of ulcers; with a difiertation on white fwellings of the joints. To which is prefixed, an effay on the chirurgical treatment of inflam- mation and its confequences. By Benjamin Bell. Third edition. Edinburgh, 1784. 24 An introduction to the theory and practice of furgery. By William Deafe vol. 1. London, 1780. 25 An hiftorical flcetch of medicine and furgery from their origin to the prefent time. By W. Black, M. D. London, 1752. 26 Pratical obfervations on amputation, and the after-treatment; to which Is added, an account of the amputation above the ancle, with a flap. The whole illullrated by cafes. By Edward Alanfon. Second edition. 1782. 27 Experimental inquiries. Part the firft, containing an enquiry into the properties of the blood, with remarks on fome of its morbid appearances; and an appendix relating to the difcovery of the lymphatic fyllem in birds, filh, and the animals called amphibious. By William Hewfon, F. R. S. Third edition. London, 17 80. 2$ Medical and chlrurgical obfervations, as an appendix to a former publication. By Benjamin Gooch, furgeon. Lon- don. 29 Medical inflruCtions towards the prevention and cure of chronic difeafes peculiar to women. To which are added, prescriptions, or efficacious forms of medicine, in Engllih, adapted to each difeafe. By John Leake, M. D. Sixth edition. 2 vols. London, 1787. 30 Elements of natural hiftory and chemiflry, being the fecond edition of the elementary leClures on thofe fcicnces. By the author M. De Fourcroy. Trandated into Englilh. 4 vols. London 1788. 31 A treatife on medical and pharmaceutical chemiflry, and the materia medica. To which is added, an Engllfh tranflation of the pharmacopoeia of the royal college of phylicians of London. By Donald Monro, M. D. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1788. 32 Phyfical and chemical eflays; trandated from the original Latin of Sir Torbern Bergman, by Edmund Cullen, M. D. To which are added, notes and illuffrations, by the tranflator. 2 vols. London, 1784. 33 Elements of the branches of natural philofophy, connected with medicine. By J. Elliot, M. D. London, 1786. 34 The chemical effays of Charles William Scheele. Trandated from the tranfaCtions of the academy of fciences at Stock- holm. London, 1786. 35 Elements of mineralogy by Richard Kirwan, Efqulre, F. R. S. London, 1784. 36 Treatife of the venom of the viper, and other poifons; to which are annexed, obfervations on the primitive ftruCture of the animal body, different experiments on the repro- duction of the nerves, and a defeription of a new canal of the eye. With deferiptive plates. Trandated from the French of Felix Fontana. By Jofeph Skinner. 2 vols. London, 1787. 37 Firft lines of phyfiology. By Baron Albertus Haller, M. D. Trandated from the Latin, and printed under the infpec- tion of William Cullen, M. D. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1786. 38 A treatife, with a collection of cafes and obfervations, in mid- wifery. By William Smellie, M. D, Fourth edition. 3 vols. London, 1768. 39 An eflay on fevers; to which is added a diflertation on the malignant, ulcerous fore throat. By John Huxham, M. D. Third edition, London, 1757. 40 Practical eflays upon fevers, dropfies, the epilepfy, colic, dyfenteric fluxes; and the operation of Calomel. By Daniel Lyfons, M. D. Second edition. Bath, 1783. 41 An eflay on diforders of people of fafhion. By Mr. TiiTot, D. M. Tranflated from the French, by Francis Bacon Lee. London. 42 Advice to the people In general, with regard to their health. Tranflated from the French edition of Dr. Tilfot, by J. Kirkpatrick, M. D London, 1765. 43 A treatife on the fcurvy. By James Lind, M. D. Third edition. London, 1772. 44 Obfervations on the difeafes Incident to Teamen. By Gilbert Blane, M. D. F. R. S. London, x 785. 43 A Syftem of the practice of medicine from the Latin, of Dr. Hoffman, by the late William Lewis, M. B. F. R. S. Revifed and completed by Andrew Duncan, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1783. 46 Obfervations on hepatic difeafes, incidental to Europeans in the Eafl; Indies. By Stephen Mathews. London, 1783. 47 The works of John Fothergill, M. D. By John Coakley Lettfom. 3 vols. London, 1783. 48 Memoirs of the literary and philofophical fociety of Man- chefter. 2 vols. Warrington, 1785. 49 The London pra&lfe of phyflc, for young pradlitioncrs. Fourth edition. London, 1785. 50 Pharmacopoeia medico-chymica five thefaurus pharmacolo- gicus. Editio ultima. Authore Johanne Schrbdero, M. D. Lugduni Batavorum, 1672. 51 Thomas Banholini Cafp. Fil. anatomla ex Cafpari Bartholini parentis inftitutionibus, onmiumque recentiorum Sc pro- priis obfervationibus tertiam ad fanguinis circulationem reformata, cum iconibus novis accuratiflimis. Additur Sc huic poftremas editioni Thomas Bartholini appendix de Lafteis Thoracicis Sc Vafls Lymphaticis. Flagas-Comitis, 1666. Emmenologia; In qua fluxus muliebris menflrui, phacnomena period!, vitia, cum medendi mcthodo, ad rationes mecha- nicas exiguntur. Authore Joh. Friend, M. D. Editio tertia. Londini, 1720. The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s Le- gatees. 53 Pyrotechnical difcourfes. London, 1705. 54 De Morbis acutis infantum, cui acceffit liber obfervationes de morbis aliquot gravioribus medicas complectens. Editio tertia. Autore Gualtero Harris, M. D. Londini, 1720. 55 Materia medica; or a defcrlption of fimple medicines gene- rally ufed in phyfic; written by rnonfieur Toumefort, and tranflated into Englifh. Second edition. London, 1716. 56 Pharmacopeia Bateana; or Bate’s difpenfatory. By William Salmon, M. U. Third edition. London, 1706. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 57 A new pra&ice of phyfic. By Peter Shaw, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1726. The gift oj Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 58 A treadle of the venereal difeafe, originally in Latin, by John Aftrue; tranflated into Englifh by William Barrow- by, M. B. 2 vols. London, 1737. 59 A new Englilh difpenfatory, in four parts. By James Al- leyne, M. D. London, 1733. The gift of Lloyd Zachqry't Legatees. 60 Inllltutions in phyfic; colle&ed from the writings of the mod eminent phyficians. By J. Browne, M. D. London, 1714. The gift of Deborah Morris. 61 The aphorifms of Hippocrates, and the fentences of Celfus; with aphorifms upon the fmall pox, meafles, and other diflempers, not fo well known to former ages. By C. J. Sprengell, M. D. London, 1708. 62 Eight chirurgical treatifes. By Richard Wlfeman. Fifth edition. 2 vols. London, 1719. 63 The philofophical and mathematical elements of phyfic. By Archibald Pitcairn, M. D. London, 1718. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 64 Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Surgery at Paris. Tranflated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1750. 65 A treatife on the fmall pox. By Theophilus Lobb, M. D. Second edition. London, 1757. 66 The art of furgery. By Daniel Turner, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1723. The gift of IJoyd Zachary's Legatees. 67 Phthifiologia feu exercitationes de phthifi tribus libris com- prehenfae. Authore Richardo Morton, M. D. Londini, 1689. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 68 Emmenologia; in qua fluxus muliebris menftrui, phenomena periodi, vltia, cum medendi methodo, ad rationes mecha- nicas exiguntur. Authore Joh. Friend, M. D. Editio fecunda. Londini, 17x7- The gift of Deborah Morris* 6g Etmullerus abridged; or a compleat fyftem of the theory and practice of phyfic. Tranflated into Engliih. Lon- don, 1712, 70 Euodia; or a difconrfe on caufes and cures. By Edward Strother, M. D. London, 1718. 71 A phyfical eiTay on the fenfes. Tranflated from the French of M Le Cal. London, 1 75' c). 72 A treatife of the difeafes of the bones; with obfervations on the venereal and other diftempers; and figures reprefent- ing the dreffings, machines and inftruments. London, 1726. 73 Hippocrates upon air, water and fituation; upon epidemical difeafes; and upon prognoftics, in acute cafes efpecially; alfd, Thucydides’s account of the plague of Athens. Se- cond edition. London, 1752. 74 Pharmacopeia officinalis et extemporanea; or a compleat Engliih iifpenfatory; in two parts, theoretic and practical. By John Quincy, M. D. Fourteenth edition. London, 1769. 75 A differtation on the ufe of fea-water in the difeafes of the glands; particularly the fcurvy, jaundice, king’s-evil, le- profy, and the glandular confumption. Tranflated from the Latin of Richard Ruffe], M. D. with a tranflation of Dr. Speed’s commentary on fea-water; alfo an account of the nature, properties, and ufes of all the remarkable mi- neral waters in Great Britain; and of the foreign mineral waters of Pyrmont, Spa, and Seltzer. Fifth edition. London, 1769. Lexicon phyfico-medicum; or a new medicinal dictionary. By John Quincy, M. D. Eighth edition. London, 1767. 77 Obfervations on the air and epidemic difeafes, from the year 1728 to 1737 inclufive; with a fhort dllfertation on the Devonlhire cholic. Tranflated from the Latin of DoCtor Huxham. 2 vols. London, 1759. 78 Cafes in furgery; with introductions, operations, and re- marks; to which is added, an account of the preparation and effeCts of the agaric of the oak in flopping of bleed- ings, after fome of the moft capital operations. By Jo- fcph Warner, F. R. S. Third edition. London, 1760. 79 Chirurglcal obfervations and cafes; with plates. By William Bromfeild, 2 vols. London, 1773. 80 Experimental effays on medical and philofophical fubjeCts; with plates. By David Macbride, M. D. Second edition. London, 1767* di Elements of the theory and praXice of chemiftry. Tranf- lated from the French of M. Macquer. Second edition. 2 vcls. London, 1764. 82 Experiments upon the human bile ; and reflexions on the biliary fecretion. By James Maclurg, M. D. London, 1772. 83 Emmcnologia. Written in Latin, by Dr. John Friend; tranflated into Englilh, by Thomas Dale, M. D. Second edition. London, 1752. 84 Genera] medical principles and cautions. By Theophllus Lobb, M. D. Londoiij 1753. 85 The operations in furgery of Monfieur Le Dran. Tranflated by Mr. Gataker, lurgeon; with remarks, plates of the operations, and a fet of inftruraents, by Mr. Chefelden. Fourth edition. London, 1768. 36 The practice of phyfic, reduced to the ancient way of obfer- vations. Tranflated from the Latin of Geo. Baglivi, M. D. London, 1704. 87 Obfervalions on the dlfeafes of the army. By Sir John Prin- gle, baronet. Sixth edition. London, 1768. SB Alberti v Haller, primse lineas phyfiologiae. Edinburgi, 1767. S9 Obfervations on the nature, caufes, and cure of thofe dif- orders which have been commonly called nervous, hypo- condriac, or hyfleric. By Robert Whyte, M. D. F. R. S. Second edition. Edinburgh, 1765. 90 Synoptis mediclnse; or, a fummary view of the whole prac- tice of phyfic. With a treadle on all forts of poilbns. Fourth edition. 2 vols. London, 1761. 91 The chirurgical works of Percivall Pott, F, R. S. 4 vols. London, 1771. (Third vol. miffing.) 92 Inftitutes of experimental chemiftry; being an effay towards reducing that branch of natural phylofophy, to a regular fyftem. 2 vols. London, 1759. 93 The general practice of phyfic, extraXed chiefly from the writings of the moft celebrated phyficians. By R. Brookes, M. D. Sixth edition. 2 vols. London, 1771. 94 Synopfis Nofologiae Methodical in ufum Studioforum. A Gulielmo Cullen, M. D. Editio altera. Edinburgi, 1772. 95 Firft lines of the praXice of phyfic, for the ufe of ftudents, in the univerfity of Edinburgh. By William Cullen, M. D. and P. Second edition. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1781. cjd Medical tranfa&ions, publifhed by the college of phyficiaiw in London. London, 1772. 97 The commentaries upon the aphorifms of Dr. Herman Boer- haave. By Gerard Van Swieten, M. D. Tranflated into Englifh. Second edition. 18 vols. London, 1765, to 1 773- 98 An efiay on the vital and other Involuntary motions of ani- mals. By Robert Whytt, M. D. Edinburgh, 1751. 99 Caroli Linnsei fpecies plantarum. 2 vols. Holmise 1753. The gift of Deborah Morris. 100 EiTays and obfervatinns, phyfical and literary. R.ead before a fociety in Edinburgh. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1754. 101 A treatife on the eye, the manner and phenomena of vifion. By William Porterfield, M. D. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1759. 102 Boerhaave’s medical ccrrefpondence, containing the various fymptoms of chronical diftempers; with his pra&ice in the hofpital at Leyden. London, 1745. JO3 A method of ftudying phyfic. By Herman Boerhaave- Tranflated into Englifh. By Mr. Samber. London, 17x9. 104 A critical enquiry into the prefent flate of furgery. By Samuel Sharp, F. R. S. Fourth edition. London, 1761, 105 A new treatife of the difeafes of the eyes. By M. De St. Yves. Tranflated from the French by J. Stockton, M. D. Second edition. London, 1744. 106 The elaboratory laid open; or, the fecrets of modern che- miftry and pharmacy revealed. London, 1758. 107 Obfervations on the epidemical difeafes in Minorca. From the year 1744 to 1749. By George Cleghorn. Third edition. London, 1768. 108 A tourfe of anatomico-phyfiological lectures on the human ftruefure, and animal oeconomy. By Charles Nicholas Jenty, M. D. 3 vols. London, 1762. 109 A treatife on mineral waters. By Donald Monro, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1770. no Dr. Boerhaave’s academical leisures on the theory of phyfic. Third edition. 5 vols. London 1766. j1 j A mechanical account of Fevers. By Laurentius Bellini, M. D. Tranflated into Englifh. London, 1720. 112 An eifay concerning the nature of aliments, and the choice pi them. By John Arbuthnot, M. D. London, 1756. 113 An efiay on tlie uterine Haemorrhage, which precedes the delivery of the full-grown foetus; illuftrated with cafes. By Edward Rigby. Third edition. London, 1784. 114 The principles and pradice of midwifery. By Edward Fortes M. D. Compleated and corrected, by James Sims, M. D. London, 1781- 115 Six difcourfes delivered by Sir John Pringle, Bart, on occa- fion of fix annual alignments of Sir Godfrey Copley’s medal; with the author’s life. By Andrew Kippis, 1). D. F. R. S. and S. A. London, 1783. 116 An effay on the nature and cui'e of the phthifxs pulmonalis. With an appendix on the ufe and effe&s of frequent vo- mits. By Thomas Reid, M. D. F. R, S. Second edition. London, 1785. 11 7 A treatife on the ftruma or fcrofula, commonly called the king’s evil. By Thomas White. Second edition. Lon- don, 1787. 118 Experimental inquiries ; part the third, containing a defcrip- tion of tlie red particles of the blood in the human fubjedf, and in other animals. With an account of the ftru&ure and offices of the lymphatic glands, of the thymus gland, and of the fpleen; being the remaining part of the obfervations and experiments of the late Mr. William Flewfon, F, R. S. By Magnus Falconar, furgeon. London, 1777. 119 Some obfervations relative to the influence of climate on vegetable and animal bodies. By Alexander Wilfon, M. D. London, 1780. 120 The prefent date of midwifery In Paris; with a theory of the caufe and mechanifm of labour. By A. Folver, man- midwife. London, 1770. 121 Elements of the pra&ice of phyfic. By George Fordyce, M. D. F. R. S. Fifth edition. London, 1784. J2 2 Obfervations on the changes of air, and the concomitant epidemical difeafes, in the Ifland of Barbadoes; with a treatife on the putrid bilious fever, commonly called the yellow fever. By William Hilary, M. D. Second edition. London, 17 66. 123 Obfervations medical and political, on the fmall pox, and the advantages and difad vantages of general inoculation, efpecially in cities; and on the mortality of mankind at every age, in city and country. By W. Black, M. D. Second edition. London, 1781. 124 An effay on the medical conflitution of Great Britain. By Charles Billet. London, 1762. Modern improvements in the pradllce of phyfic. By Henry- Manning, M. D. London, 1780. >26 A medical commentary on fixed air. By Matthew Dobfon, M. D. F. R. S. Third edition, with an appendix on the efficacy of the folution of fixed alkaline falls, faturated with fixable air, in the fione and gravel. By William Falconer, M. D. F. R. S. London, 1787. m 7 A new enquiry into the caufes, fymptoms and cure of putrid and inflammatory fevers; with an appendix on the heftic fever, and on the ulcerated and malignant fore throat. By William Fordyce, M. D. Fourth edition. London, 1777- S2B Elements of therapeutics. By Andrew Duncan, M. D. Edinburgh, 1770. 129 Georgical effays. By A. Hunter, M. D. F. R. S. York* 1777. ■3O A fyftem of anatomy from Monro, Winflow, Innes, and the lateft authors. Illuflrated with copper plates. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1784. >3l An account of the difeafes which were mod frequent in the Britifh military hofpitals in Germany, from January, 1761, to the return of the troops in March, 1763. With an effay on the means of preferring the health of foldiers, and conducing military hofpitals. By Donald Monro, M. D. London, 1764. 532 The works of the late Jofeph Elfe, F. R. S. Containing a treatife on the hydrocele, and other fubjeds in furgery. By George Vaux, furgeon. London, 1782. <3 A treatife on child-bed fevers, with two differtations, one oa the brain and nerves, the other on different kinds of irrita- bility-. By Thomas Kirkland, M. D. London, 1774. 134 Medical reports of the effects of tobacco, principally with regard to its diuretic quality, in the cure of dropfies, and dyfuries. By Thomas Fowler, M. D. London, 1785. 135 An effay upon nurfing and the management of children, from their birth to three years of age. By W. Cadogan. Tenth edition. London, 1772. .136 A dlffertation on the gout, and all chronic difeafes, by Wil- liam Cadogan. Eleventh edition. London, 1772. 137 A philofophical inquiry into the caufes of animal heat; with incidental obfervations on feveral phyfiological and chemi- cal quefllons, connected with the fubjeft. By P. Dugud Leflie, M. D. Loudon, 1778. 138 A treatlfe on the difeafes of the eye, and their remedies-; with the anatomy of the eye; the theory of vifion, and the feveral Ipecies of imperfedl fight. With plates. By- George Chandler, furgeon. London, 1780. .*39 Nofocomii Civici Pazmanniani annus medicus tertius, five obfervationum circa morbos acutos et chronicos ab Hen- rico Jofepho Collin, pars prima. Lugduni Batavorum, 1764. 140 A treadfe on the Hydrocele. By John Douglafs, furgeon. London, 1755. 141 A full and plain account of the gout. By Ferdo. Warner, L. L. D. London, 1772. 14.2 Outlines of the theory and practice of midwifery. By Alex- ander Hamilton. A new edition. Edinburgh, 1787. 143 Obfervations on the animal oeconomy, and on the caufes and cure of difeafes. By John Gardiner, M. D. Edinburgh, 1784. 144 The new pharmacopoeia of the royal college of phyficians of London. Tranflated into Englilh by Thomas Healde, M. D. F. R. S. Third edition. London, 1788. 145 The works of Thomas Sydenham, M. D. on acute and chronic difeafes; wherein their hillories and modes of cure as recited by him, are delivered with accuracy and per- fpiculty. By George Wallis, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1788. 146 An account of the methods purfued in the treatment of can- cerous and fchirrhous diforders, and other indurations. By J. O. Juftamond, F. R. S. London, 1780. 147 The prefent method of inoculating for the fmall-pox. By Thomas Dimfdale, M. D. Seventh edition. London, 1779- 148 Remarks on the opthalmy, pforophthalmy and purulent eye. with the cafe of a gutta ferena cured by electricity. By James Ware, furgeon. Second edition. London, 1787. 148 An account of the weather and difeafes of South Carolina. By Lionel Chalmers, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1776. xyo Experiments and obfervations on different kinds of air, and other branches of natural philofophy. By Jofeph Prieftley, L. L. D. F. R. S. Third edition. 6 vols. London, 1781. 171 Obfervations On difeafes incidental to feamcn. By Lewis Rouppe, M. D. Tranlkted from the Latin edition printed at Leyden. London, 17721 T521 Diflertations relative to the natural hiftory of animials and & > vegetables. Tranflated from the Italian of the Abbe 153 J Spallanzani. A new edition. 2 fets. 2 vols. each. London, 1789. 154 Experiments and obfervations on magnefia, quick lime, vari- ous abforbents, the comparative antifeptic powers of vege- table infufions prepared with lime, &c. and the fweetening properties of fixed air. By Thomas Henry, apothecary. London, 1773. 155 Obfervations on epidemical dlforders; with remarks on nervous and malignant fevers. By James Sims, M. D. Second edition. London, 1776. 156 The works of John Huxham, M. D. F. R. S. Tranflated from the Latin original. 2 vols. London, 1788. T57 Obfervations on the nature, kinds, caufes, and prevention of infanity, lunacy, or madnefs. By Thomas Arnold, M. I). 2 vols. Leicefter, 1782. 158 Medicinae praxeos fyftema, ex academiae Edinburgenae difl putationibus inauguralibus praecipue depromptum et fecun- durrt naturae ordinem digeftum. Curante Carolo Weblfer, M. D. 3 vols. Edinburgi, 1781. 159 The ufe of fea voyages in medicine, and particularly in a confumption; with obfervations on that difeafe. By Ebe- nezer Gilchrift, M. D. A new edition. London 1771. 160 Modern Improvements In the pradice of furgery. By Henry Manning, M. D. London, 1780- 161 A treatlfe on experience in phyfic. From the German of Dodor Zimmermann. 2 vols. London, 1782. 162 Obfervations on the internal ufe of the folanum or nightfhade. By Thomas Gataker, furgeon. London, 1757. 163 A treatife on medical fympathy, and on the balance and con- nedion of the extreme vcffels of the human body. By Scguia Henry Jackfon, M. D. Second edition. London, 1787. 164 An account of the tsenia, and the method of treating it. By Samuel Foart Simmons. Second edition. London, 1778. An enquiry into the nature and caufe of that fwelling in one or both of the lower extremities which fometimes happens to lying-in women. Together with an examination into the propriety of drawing the breafts of thole who do, and alfo of thofe who do not give fuck. By Charles White, Efquire, F. R. S. Warrington, 1784. 265 An eflay on the theory and pradice of medical eledricity. By Tiberius Cavallo, F, R, S. Second edition. London, 1781. 167 De Arthritide primogenia regulari differtatlo. AuClore Gu- iieimo Muigrave. Oxon, 1726 16 8’ 369 & 170, Myographise comparatse fpecimen; or a comparative de- feription of all the mpfcles in a man and in a quadruped. By James Douglafs, M. D. With an account of the blood velfels and nerves. A new edition. Edinburgh, 17 75* i A compendium of anatomy. Tranflated from the lafl edi- tion of Dr. Laurentius Heifter. With plates. London, 1721. 172 Pharmacopoeia collegil recfii medicorum Edinburgenfis. Edinburgi et Londini, 17H3. 173 Cafes in furgery, particularly of cancers, and diforders of the head from external violence. To which is added, an ac- count of the fibbens. By James Hill. Edinburgh, 1772. 174 A treadle on opium, founded upon practical obfeivations. By George Young, M. D. London, 1753. 175 A botanical dictionary, or elements of fy hematic and philo- fophical botany. By Collin Milne, L. L. D. Second edition. With plates. London, 1778. 376 Hippocratis opera omnia. Greece et Latine. 2 vols. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1665. The gift of Deborah Morris. 177 Obfervations on the jail, hofpital, or fhip fever. By Robert Robertfon, M. D. London, 1783. 178 Experiments and obfervations on animal heat and the inflam- mation of combultible bodies; being an attempt to relolve thefe phenomena into a general law of nature. By A. Crawford, M. D. F. R. S. Second edition. London, 1788. 179 A treatife on female, nervous, hyfterical, hypochondriacal, bilious, convulfive difeafes, apoplexy and palfy; with thoughts on madnefs, fuicide, &c. By William Rowley, M. D. London, 1788. 180 Experiments on the red and quill Peruvian bark; with ob- fervations on its hiltory, mode of operation and ufes, and on fome other fubjeCts connected with the phenomena and doctrines of vegetable altringents. By Ralph Irving. Edinburgh', 1785. 181 An elfay on laborious parturition; in which the divlfion of the fymphyfxs pubis is particularly confidered. By William Ofborn, M. D. London, 1783. 182 An efiay on the recovery of the apparently dead, By Charles Kite; to which is piefixed, Dr. Lettfom’s addrefs on the delivery of the medal. London, 1788. 183 Obfervations on the duties and offices of a phyfician, and on the method ot profecuting enquiries in philofophy. Lon- don, 1770. 784 A treadle of the materia medica. By William Cullen, M. D. 2 vols. Phhadelphia, *789. 185 Dr. Radchffe’s pradical difpenfatory. By Edward Strother, M D. Fourth edition. London, 1721. 186 The hiftory of phyfick, from the time of Galen to the be- ginning of the fixteenth century. By J. Friend, M. D. Third edition. London, 1726. ‘Thegift of Lloyd Zachary’s Legatees. 187 Criticon Febrium; or a critical effity on fevers. By Edward Strother, M. D, London, 1716. The gift of Lloyd Za- chary’s Legatees. 188 An “'fay of health and long life. By George Cheyne, M. D- F. R. S. Second edition. London, 1725. The gift of Samuel Coates. IS9 A mechanical account of the non-naturals; being a brief explication of the changes made in human bodies by air, diet, &c. By Jer. Wainwright, M. D. Second edition. London, 1708. 190 Gemmarum et lapidum hifloria. Autore Johanni Maire. Lugduni Batavorum, 1647. The gift of Lloyd Zacharyrs Legatees. 191 The works of Dodor Archibald Pitcairn; wherein are difco- vered the true foundation and principles of the art of phyfic. Done from the Latin original; with fome account of the author’s life. London, 17x5. 192 A moil excellent and learned work of chirurgerie. By Lan- franke of Mylayne. London, 1565. 193 A complete Englifli difpenfatory; in four parts By John Quincy, M. D. Third edition. London, 1720. The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s Legatees. 194 A difeourfe concerning gleets. By Daniel Turner. Lon- don, 1729. The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s Legatees. 195 A direiflory, phyfico-medical; compofed for the ufe and be- nefit of all fuch as defign to ftudy and pradife the art of phyfic. By Peter Paxton, M. D. London, 1707. The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s Legatees. 196 An effay concerning the knowledge and cure of moft difeafes aflMing human bodies. By P. Paxton, M. D. London, 1711. *97 A new theory of acute and flow continued fevers; with an effay concerning the improvements of the theory ot medi- cine. Third edition. London, 1722. The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s Legatees. 198 A compendious and new method of performing chirurgical operations fit for young furgeons; with directions how to manage the venereal difeale. By Edward Dunn, furgeon. London, 1724. 199 A complete body of chirurgical operations; containing the whole practice of furgery; with plates. By M. de la Vauguion, M. D. Second edition. Done into Englifh. London, 1707. 200 Differtatio epiltolaris ad fpeCtatiffimum doCtlffimumq; Virura Gulielmum Cole, M, D. de obfervationlbuj nuperis circa curationem variolarum confluentium nec non de affeCtlone hylterica, per Tho. Sydenham, M. D. Londini. The gift of Deborah Morris. 201 A. Corn. Celfi de medicina libri oCto. Lugduni Batavorum, 1746. The gift of Deborah Morris. 202 Jo Hartm. Degneri hiftoria medica de dyfenteria biliofo- contagiofa. TrajeCti ad Rhenum, 1738. The gijt of De- borah Morris. 203 Pharmacopoeia Leidenfis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1751. The gift of Deborah Morris. 204 A treadle on the puerperal fever; wherein the nature and caule of that difeafe, lb fatal to lying-in women, are re- preiented in a new point of view; illultrated by diffeCtions. By Nathaniel Hulme, M. D. London, 1772. 205 The inftitutions of medicinal pathology. By H. D. Gau- bius. Tran Hated from the Latin, by Charles Erlkine, furgeon. Edinburgh, 1778. 206 An enquiry into the human mind on the principles of com- mon fenfe. By Thomas Reid, D. D. Fourth edition. London, 1785. 207 Medical fketches, in two parts. By John Moore, M. D. London, 1786. 208 Medical cautions, chiefly for the confideration of invalids; with appendixes. By James Makittrick Adair, M. D. Second edition. Bath, 17 S7. 209 The connexion of life with refplratlon; or an experimental inquiry into the effects of fubmerfion, ftrangulation, and feveral kinds of noxious airs on living animals; with an account of the nature of the difeafe they produce; its dif- tindion from death itfelf; and the moil effedual means of cure. By Edmund Goodwyn, M. D. London, 1788. 210 Memoirs of the medical fociety of London. Inftituted in the year 1773. 2 vols. London, 1787 and 1789. 211 An elfay on the management and nurfing of children in the earlier periods of infancy, and on the treatment and rule of condud requifite for the mother during pregnancy and in lying-in. By William Mol's, furgeon. London, 1781, 212 A treatife on the management of pregnant and lying-in wo- men. By Charles White, F. R. S. London, 1773. 213 A treatife on the dyfentery; with a defeription of the epide- mic dyfentery that happened in Switzerland, in the year 1765. Tranflated from the German of John George Zimmerman, M. D. by C. R. Hopion, M. D. London, 1771. 214 The entire works of Dodor Thomas Sydenham; newly made Enghlh from the originals. By John Swan, M. D. Fourth edition. London, 1763. 215 Cafes in forgery; with remarks. Part the firft. By Charles White, F. R S, To which is added, an eflay on the ligature of arteries. By J. Alkin, furgeon. London, 1770. 216—1 An eflay on the malignant, ulcerated fore throat; con- taining refledlons on its caufes and fatal efteds in 1787- By William Rowley, M. D. London, 1788. —2 An account of the culture and ufe of the mangel wurtzel or root of fcarcity. Tranflated from the French of the Abbe de Commerell, by John Coakley Lettiom. Fourth edition. London, 1788. The gift of Doctor Thomas Parke. —3 Flora Caroliniana fecundum fyflema vegetabilium pcril- luftris Linnsei digefta. Audore Thoma Walter, Agri- cola. Londini, 1788. The gift of Dobtor Thomas Parke. 217 An eflay on the puerperal fever. By Thomas Denman, M. D. Third edition. London, 1785. 218—1 Medical commentaries. 2 Obfervations on the fulphur-water at Crofi near Darling- ton. By Robert Willan, M. D. London, 1782. —3 A treatife on the venereal difeafe. By Mr. John Hunter of London. Abridged by William Currie, F. C. P. P. Philadelphia, 1787. —4 An etfay on the evil confequences attending injudicious bleeding in pregnancy; with an addrefs in replication to the monthly reviewers. By George Wallis, M. D. Second edition. London, [7Bl. 219— I A treatife on child bed fevers, and on the methods of preventing them; with two differtations, the one on the brain and nerves; the other on the fympathy of the nerves, and on different kinds of irritability. By Thomas Kirkland, M. D. London, 1774. —2 Obfervations on the afthma, and on the hooping cough. By John Millar, M. D. London, 1769. 220— 1 An account of the fcarlet fever and fore throat, or fcar- latina anginofa; particularly as it appeared at Bir- mingham in the year 1778. By William Withering, M. D. London, 1779. —2 Medical reports of the effects of arfenic in the cure of agues, remitting fevers, and periodic head-achs. By Thomas Fowler, M. D. London, 1786 —3 A treatife on the infantile remittent fever. By William Butter, M. D. London, 1782. 221 x Reports of the Humane Society. Inllituted in the year 1774, for the recovery of perfons apparently drowned. Second edition, for the years 1785 and 1786. Lon- don. The gift of Doctor Thomas Parke. —2 Statutes of the Medical Society of London. Inllituted in the year 1773. The gift of Doctor Thomas Parke. 222—1 Window’s anatomy. (Title page loft.) 2 The anatomy of the brain. To which is annexed, a particular account of animal fundions and mafcular motion. By H. Ridley, M. D. London, 1695. 223 The elements of botany, being a tranflation of the philofo- phia botanica, and other treatifes of the celebrated Lin- das; with an appendix. By Hugh Rofe, apothecary. London, 1775* 224 Principles of anatomy and phyfiology. By John Aitken, M. D. 3 vols. London, 1786. 32 r A diflertation on milk. By Samuel Ferris, M. D. London, 1785. 226 A treatife of midwifery. By Alexander Hamilton, M. D. Edinburgh, 1785. 227 Differtatio rnedica inaugural?? de animo demiffo. Audlore Cafparo Wiftar, M. B. Edinburgh, 1786. The gift of the author, 328 Thoughts on hofpitals. By John Aikin, furgeon. With a letter to the author, by Thomas Percival, M. D. F. R. S. London, 1771- 229 The elements of medicine; or a tranflation of the elementa medicinas Brunonis. With large notes, illullrations and comments. By the author of the original work. 2 vols. London, 1788. DUODECIMO. 1 AN effay on comparative anatomy. Third edition. Alfo, the anatomy of the human nerves, and a defcription of the human ladeal lac and dud. By Alexander Monro, fenior, M. D. and P. A. Tenth edition. Edinburgh, 1782. 3 A radical core for a recent catarrhous cough; to which is ad- ded, a chapter on the vis vitae, accompanied with feme flric- tures on the treatment of compound tradures. By John Mudge, F. R. S. Second edition. London, 1779. 3 Outlines of the theory and cure of fever. By John Aitken. Edinburgh, 1781. 4 Compendium anatomicum, totam rem anatomicam breviflime compledens. Audore B. D. Laurentino Heillero, M. D. Editio nova. Edinburgh, 1777. 5 A manual of chemlftry; or a brief account of the operations of chemillry and their produds. Tranflated from the French of M. Beaumc. Second edition, with additions. Warrington, 1786. 6' 7 & 8 . A Ihort description of the human mufcles, chiefly as they appear on diffedlon, together with their leveral ufes, and the fynonyma of the bell authors. By John Innes. A new edition, greatly improved, by Alexander Monro, M. D. Edinburgh, 1784. 9 Chemical effays, by R. Watfon, D. D. F. R, S. Fourth edition. 5 vols. London, 1787. 10 Memoirs of Albert De Haller, M. D. By Thomas Henry. Warrington, 1783. 11 Medical effays and obfervations. Publiflied by a fociety in Edinburgh. Fifth edition. 6 vols. Edinburgh, 1771. 12 Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Surgery at Paris. Trans- lated from the original, by George Neale. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1759. 13 Hermann! Boerhaavii praelediones academicte in propias in- ftitutiones rei medicae edit Albertus Haller. Editio fe- cunda. 4 vols. Gottingas, 1740. The gift of Deborah Morris. 14 An effay on the virtues of lime water and foap in the cure of the done. Ly Robert Whytt, M. D. F. R. S. Third edition. Edinburgh, 1761. 15 Ophthalmlatria qua accurata & integra Oculorum male affeclo- rum indituitur medela. Autore Gui. Coward, M. D. London, X 706. The gift of Deborah Morris. 16 Myographiae comparatse fpecimen; or a comparative defcrip- tion of all the mufcles in a man, and in a quadrupede; to which is added, an account of the mufcles peculiar to a woman. By James Douglafs, M. D. Edinburgh, 1752. 17 A treatife on the effe#s and various preparations of lead; particularly of the extra# of Saturn for different chirurgi- cal dlforders Tranflated from the French of Mr. Goulard, by G. Arnaud. A new edition. London, 1773. r8 Zacuti Lufitani, medici & philofophi prasßantiffimi tomi IX. Amftelodami, 1642. The gift of Deborah Morris. 19 La phvfionomie humaine de Jean Baptiße Porta Neapolitan- A Rouen, 1655. 20 Hieronymi Davidis Gaubii de methodo concinnandi formulas medicamento.rum libellus. Editio quarta. Francofurti ad Mtenurn & Moguntiae, 1750. The gift of Deborah Morris. 21 Job. Jacobi Wepferi hiftoria cicutas aquaticas. Lugduni Bata- vorum, 1733. The gift of Deborah Morris. 22 Aphorifmi de cognofcendis et curandis morbis in ufum dodlri- nas domefticas digefti ab Hermanno Boerhaave. Lugduni Batavorum, 1737. The gift of Deborah Morris. 23 Phthifiologia; or a treatife of confumptions. By Richard Morton, M. D. London, 1694. 24 Medela medicina; a plea for the free nrofeffion, and a reno- vation of the art of phyfick. London, 1665. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 25 Nicolai Tulpil obfervationes mediae. Editio fexta. Lugduni Batavorum, 1739. The gift of Deborah Morris. 26 Novas hypothefeos ad explicanda febrium intermittentium fymptomata et typos excogitatae hypotvpolis. Authore Gulielmo Cole, M. D. Londini, 1693. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 27 A treatife of vapours, or hyfterick fits. By John Purcell, M. D. London, 1702. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 28 Mellificium chirurgias; or the marrow of chlrurgery. By James Cooke. London, 1676. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 29 Obfervationes medicae circa morborum acutorum hlftoriam et curatlonem. Authore Thoma Sydenham, M. D. Lon- dini, 1676. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 3°’ 6c 59. Diatribs dus medico-philofophics quarum prior agit de Fer- mentatione, five de motu inleftino particularum in quovis corpore altera de Febribus, five de motu earundem in fan- guine animalium. His acceffit dilfertatio epiftolica de urinis. Studio Thoms Willis. Londini, 163 9. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 31—i Practical thoughts on amputations, &c. By R. Mynors, furgeon. Birmingham, 1783. —2 A diifertation on the autumnal remitting fever. By Wil- liam Currie, F. C. P. P. Philadelphia, 1789. 32 A fhort anfvver to a book entitled, “ Tentamen medicinale.” London, 1705. 33 An alphabetical table of herbs and plants; alfo what planet governeth every one of them. By Nicholas Culpepper. 1653. The gift of Samuel Coates. 34 Medica omnia (qus haftcnus inveniri potuere,) ad chyli & fanguinis circulationem eleganter concinnata. Autore D. Johanne Wallso, D. M. Londini, 1660. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 35 Pharmacopoeia Bateana in llbros duos dlgefta. Cura et opera Thoms Fuller, M. D. Londini, 1719. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 36 Johannis Jacobi Waldfchmidt praxis medians ratlonalis fuc- cinda per cafus tradlta, et in appendice monitis medico- pradllcis necelfariis illuftrata. Pariliis, 1691. The gift of Deborah Morris. 37 A treadle on the gout, by Herman Bulfchoff, fenior; alfo, a treatife partly chirurgical, partly medical, containing fome obfervatlons and practices relating both to fome extraordi- nary cafes of women in travail, and to fome other uncom- mon cafes of dlfeafes in both fexes. By Henry Van Roon- huyfe, phylician In ordinary at Amfterdam. London, 1676. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 38 Traite de la gangrene, par M. Qnefnay, medecln confultant du roy. A Paris, 1749. The gift of Deborah Morris. 39 Traite de phyfique, par Jacque Rohault. Tom. premier. Quatrieme edition, reveiie et corrigee. A Lyon, 1681. 40 Tyroclnium chymicum recognition et audhim. Autore Joanne Begvino, Regis Eleemofynario. Parifiis, 1612. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 41 Colloquia chyrurgica; or the whole art of furgery. Second edition. London, 1710. 42 Difquifitio an atomic ade formato fostu. Authore Gualtero Needham, M. D. London, 1667. The gift of Lloyd Zachary1 s Legatees. 43 Suite du nouveau cours de chymie. The gift of Deborah Morris. 44 Pharmacopseia Collegii regalis, medicorum Londinenfis. Lon- dini, 1747* The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s Legatees. 45 Pharmacopoeia domeflica. By Thomas Fuller. M. D. Lon- dini, 1723. 46 Traftatus de corde, item de motu & colore fanguinis et chyli in eum tranfitu cui acceffit dilfertatio dc origine catarrhi. Autore Richardo Lower, M. D. Editio tenia. Amftelo- dami, 1671. The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s Legatees. 47 Idea univerfae medicinas pradticas. Autore Joh. Jonflono, M. D. Amdelodami, 1648. The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s Legatees. 48 Traite de phyfique par Jacques Rohauit. Troifxeme edition. Tom. fecond. A Paris, 1675. 49 Inftitutiones medicae, in ufus annuas exercitationis domefticos digeftas ab Hermanno Boerhaave. Editio tertia. Lugduni, Batavorum, 1720. The gift of Deborah Morris. 50 De morbo fcorbutico. Authore Severino Eugaleno. Doccu- mans, 1658. The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s Legatees. 51 A treatife of chirurgical operations; to which is annexed, a general idea of wounds. By Jofeph de la Charrier, Lon- don, 1695. 52 Lithotomia veficae; or an accurate defeription of the (lone in the bladder. By Guliclmus Fabritius Hildanus. London, 1640. 53 Pharmacopoeia collegii regalis medicorum Londinenfis. Lon- dini, 1747- The gift of Deborah Morris. 54 Cafpari Porta, medicina brevis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1688. 55 Chirurgus marinus; or the fea chirurgion. By John Moyle, fenior. London, 1693. 56 Morbus polyrhizos et polymorphous. A treatife of the feurvy. By Everard Maynwaringe, M. D. Second edition. Lon- don, 1666. The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s Legatees. 57 The treafury of drugs unlocked. By Jo. Jacob Berlu of Lon- don. Second edition. London, 1724. The gift of Lloyd Zachary’s Legatees. 58' & 63. Pathologio cerebri et nervofi generis fpeelmen, in qno agi- tur de morbis convulfivis, et de fcorbuto. Studio Thomas Willis. Editio quarta. Londini, 1678. 60 Pauli Ofiredi Medicines Dodloris, in librum aphorifmorum, Hippocratis commentaria aphoriftica, ad methodum analyti- cam redudla. 1606. 61 Queries relating to the pradtice of phyfic. By H. Chamberlen, London, 1694. 62 Praxis xnedica Boerhaaveana, being a compleat body of pre- fcriptions adapted to each fedtion of the practical aphorifms of Hermannus Boerhaave. To which is annexed, methodus prosfcribendi formulas. Secundum Archibaldium Pitcarni- um. London, 1716. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 64 Aphorifmi ex inftitutionibus medicis Sennerti, magna diligen- tia colledti, opera Joannis Joachimi Becheri, Mathematic! et Medicinae Dodloris. Francofurti, 1-663. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 65 Praxis Barbettiana cum notis et obfervationibus, Frederici Deckers, M. D. Amftelodami, 1678. The gift of Deborah Morris. 66 Joannis Pequeti Diepaei experimenta nova, anatomica, quibus incognicum hadlenus chyli receptaculum, et ab eo per tho- racem in ramos ufque fubclavios vafa ladlea deteguntur. Ejufdem diifertatio anatomica, de circulatione fanguinis et chyli raotu. Amftelsedami, 1661. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's legatees. 67 Schola Salernitana, five de confervanda valetudine prascepta metrlca. Autore Joanne de Medio Lano, hadlenus ignoto. Roterodami, 1649. The gift of Lloyd Zachary's Legatees. 68 Gulielmi Harvei, Dodl. et Profefs. Regii, exercitatio anato- mica de motu cordis et fanguinis, accelfxt diifertatio de cor- de Dodl. Jacobi de Back. Roterodami, 1648. 69 A treatife on the putrid and remitting marfh fever, which raged at Bengal in the year 1762. Tranflated from the Latin of a dilfertation on that fubjedt. By James Lind, M. D. Edinburgh, 1776. CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS WHICH HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE MEDICAL LIBRARY I N The Pennfylvania Holpital, SINCE THE YEAR M DCC XC. FOLIO. 14 yj'ICHAELIS ETMULLERI, Phil. &M. D. Theore- JLVJL tico-pradtica; opera medica; corredHoraque cum indi- cibus locupletiflimis ftudio et cura Johannis C. Wheft- phali, M. D. See. 3 vols. Francofurti, 1696. 15 Halleri leones anatomicse quibus prsecipuas partes corporis hu- man! continentur. Gottingas, 1743. 16 Lancifii primariam medicine pradticas cathedram moderantis opera varla in unum congefta. 2 vols. in one. Venetiis, 1739- 17 A medicinal didlionary, with a hiftory of drugs. With plates. By R. James, M. D. 3 vols. London, 1743. 38 FOLIO 18 Muotomia reformata; or an anatomical treadle on the muf- cles of the human body; with figures after the life. By William Cowper, Surgeon and F. R. S. To which is pre- fixed, an introduction concerning mufcular motion. Lon- don, 1724. 19 Vaforum lymphaticorum corporis, humani hidoria et ichno- graphia. Autore Paulo Mafcagni, in regio fenarum lycco publico, anatomes profeifore. Senis, 1787. 20 Fanus extra uterum hidoria, cum induitionibus quafiioni- bufque aliquot fubnexis, accedunt porro tabuloe explana- trices, cum tabulis itidem linearibus fubddiarise illudrationis ergo fuper-additis. Auctore Henrico Krohn, M. D. Lon- don, 1791. 21 The anatomy of the human gravid uterus, exhibited in figures. By William Hunter. In Latin and Englifh. Birmingham, 1774- (QUARTO. 56 The philofophy of natural hidory. By William Smellie, mem- ber ot the antiquarian and royal focieties of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 1790. 57 A general fyftem of chemidry, taken chiefly from the Ger- man of M. Wiegleb. By C. R. Hopfon, M. D. London, 1789. 58 Halleri ftudium medicum. tom. 2. Amftelodami, 1751- 59 1 The works of the late William Stark, M. D. confiding of clinical and anatomical obfervations; with experi- ments, dietetical and ffatical. Revifed and publifhed from his original M. S. by James Carmichael Smith, M. D. E. R. S. phydeian extraordinary to his majedy. London, 1757. —2 Surgical trails. By the late J. O. Judamond; containing outlines of the hiftory of furgery; an effay on inflam- mation and abicefs; a diflertation on the effect of mo- tion and refl; obfervations on counter drokes; the methods of treating cancerous difeafes. Collected and interl'perfed with notes, by William Koulfton. Lon- don, 1789. A R T O. 39 6d The hiftory of epidemics, by Hippocrates; in feven bool. :. Tranflated into Englifli from the Greek, with notes and obfervations, and a preliminary diflertacion on the nature and caufe of infedion, by Samuel Farr, M. D. F. R. S. London, 1780. 61 Medical botany; containing fyftematic and general defcriptiors, with plates of all the medicinal plants. By William Wood- ville, M. D. of the royal college of Phyficians. Vol. 1. London, 1790. 62 The works of John Fotherglll, M. D. member of the royal college of pLyficlans, and fellow of the royal fociely of London; w'ith fome account of his life, by J. C. Lettfom. London, 1784. The gift of Dodor Lettfom. 63 Hiftory of the origin of medicine: An oration, delivered at the anniverfary meeting of the medical fociety of London, . January 19, 1778: to which are fmce added, various hifto- rical iiluftrations. By J. C. Lettfom, M. D. London, 1778. The gift of f. C. Lettfom. 64 A fyftem of chemiftry; comprehending the hiftory, theory and practice of the fcience, according to the lateft difeo- veries and improvements. Extruded from the American edition of the Encyclopaedia. Philadelphia, 1791* 65 Gulielmi Harveii opera omnia: a collegio medicorum Lon- dinenll edita: 1766. 66 Bibliotheca chirurgica, qua ferinta ad artem chirurgicam faci- entia a rerum iniciis recenfentur. Audore Alberto van Plaller. Tom. 2. Bernae. i 7 74. 67 Surgical trads. By the late J. O. Juftamond, F. R. S. Sur- geon to the Weftmlnfter hofpital; with notes and obferva- tions, by William Houlfton. London, 1789. 68 A treatife on the plague; with an appendix. By P. Ruftell, M. D. F. R. S. formerly phyfician to the Britifli fadory, Aleppo. London, 1791. 69 A treatife on the nature and properties of air and other per- manently elaftic fluids. By Tiberius Cavallo, F. R. S. and member of the royal academy of Naples. London, 1781. 70 Ledures on the materia medica. Publiflied from the manu- feript of Dr. Charles Alfton. By John Hope, M, D. pro- felfor of medicine and botany in the univerflty of Edin- burgh. 2 vols. London, 1770. 71 A complete treatife on the origin, theory and cure of the* lues venerea and obftrudions in the urethra. By Jelfe Font London, 1792. 40 A R T O. 72 Medical botany; containing fyftematic and general delcrip- tions, with colored plates of all the medicinal plants. By William Woodville, M. D. of the royal college of phyfi- cians, London. 2 vols. London, 1790. 73 Mifcellaneous experiments and remarks on electricity, the air- pump, and barometer. By A. Brook. Norwich, 1789. 74 Medical pamphlets—Vol. I.—l Diflertation on the properties of pus; which gained the prize-medal, given by the Lyceum Medicum Londinenfe for the year 1778. By Everard Home, F. R. S. and one of the prefidents of the Lyceum Med. London, 1788. —2 An eflay on the epidemic difeafes of lying-in women. By John Clarke, licentiate in midwifery, See. London, 1788. —3 A diflertation on the procefs of nature in the filling up of cavities, healing of wounds, and reftoring parts which have been deftroyed in the human body; which obtained the prize-medal, given by the Lyceum Medicum Lon- dinenfe for the year 1789. By James Moore, member of the furgeons’ company of London. London, 1789^ 74—Vol. ll. 1 A defeription of the different difeafes of the hu- man body; to which is added, an arrangement of the medicines and preparations in the London pharmacopoeia, according to their refpeCtive virtues: Being the ift. vph of the Franklmian improvement of medicine, See. By George Edwards, M. I), author of “ The aggrandifement of Great Britain, &c.” London. .—2 A leCture on mufcular motion, read at the royal fociety on the thirteenth and twentieth of November, 1788- By Gilbert Blane, M. D. F. R. S. London. 74—Vol. ill.— 1 The deferiptions and characters of the different difeafes of the human body; to which is added, an ar- rangement of the medicines in the London pharmacopoeia, according to their refpeCtive virtues: Being the ift. vol. of the Franklinian improvement. By George Edwards, M. D. London. —2 The anatomy of the abfoibing veflels of the human body. Second edition enlarged, by William Cruikfhank. Lon- don, 1790. 74—Vol. IV.— 1 Reflections on Dr. Smith’s practice in difeafes of debility, fhewing the propriety of arranging them by their effects upon the conifitution, and therefore confiftently with the method of cure. By a difciple of nature. Lon- don, 1791. A R T O. 2 An efiay on the retroverfion of the uterus, with cafes and obfervations. By William Cockell, ox I ontcna»ft, M. D. London, 1785. Verfes on the beneficial effetfs of inoculation; which ob- tained a prize in the year 1773. By the rev. W. Lipf- comb, A. M. Publilhed by Mr. J. Palmer. London, 1793* 4. A fafe and eafy remedy for the ftone, gravel, fcurvy, gout, &c. alfo for worms in the human body; with cafes. By Nathaniel Hulme, M. D. Second edition. London, 1778. —-5 The cafe of a boy who had been miftaken for a girl, with three views of the parts, before and after the operation and cure. By Thomas Brand, furgeon. London, 1787. f 6 An eifay towards a definition of animal vitality; read at the theatre, Guy’s hofpital, January 26th. 1793. By • John Thelwall. 'London, 1793. —7 Annual oration, delivered March Bth. 1790, before the medical fociety, Bolt-court, Fleet-ftreet, London. By George Wallis. London, 1790. —8 The effefts of motion and reft, and the feveral modes of application in furgery, together with the various effeiis of counter ftrokes on the human body, and the method of relieving them. By M. David, furgeon. Tranllated from the French by J. O. Juftamond, F. R. S. Lon- don, 1790. 75 Elementa chemias, quse docuit in fcholis Hermannus Boer- haave. Tomis 2. Lugdun. 1732. 76 The natural, experimental, and medical hiftory of the mine- ral waters of Derbyftiire, Lincolnfhire and Yorkfhire, par- ticularly thofe of Scarborough. By Thomas Short, M. D. of Sheffield. London, 1734. 77 Memoirs fur les hopitaux de Paris, par M. Tenon, profelTcur royal, &c. avec figures en taille-douce. A Paris, 1778. 78 Bibliotheca medians pradicae, quse feripta medica a rerum initiis ad annum 1775, recenfentur. Auflore A. von Haller, domino, &c. prasfide focietat. &c. 4 tomis. Bafilias, 1776. f 9 & 80 Obfervations on the prevailing difeafes in Great Britain, to- gether with a review of thofe of former periods, and in other parts. By John Millar, D. M. London, 1770. 42 qjCf A R T O. 81 Confpedus chemise theoretico-pradicae in forma tabularum reprefentatus in quibus phyfica, prsefertim fubterranea 8c corporum naturalium principia, &c. e dogmatibus Becheri & Stahlii potiffimum explicantur, &c. Audore Joanne Junchero, profef. pub. ordin. 1730. 7 tornis. 82 Pauli Gottlieb Werlhofii cautiones medicae de limitandis laudi- bus et vituperiis morborum & remediorum. Hannov. 1734. 83 Eight anatomical tables of the human body; containing the principal parts of the fkeletons and mufcles reprefented in the large tables of Albinus, with concife explanations, by John Innis. Edinburgh, 1776. 84 Obfervations fur la phyfique, fur I’hiftoire naturelle & fur les arts & metiers avec des planches en taille douce dedie a Mgr. Lc Compte D’Artos, par M. PAbbe Rozier, Cheva- lier de I’eglife do Lyon, de I’acadamie, &c. 42 tom.. 1773 jufqu’a 1792. A Paris. Bj—i The hlftory of the abforbent fyftem, part the firft; con- taining the chyiography or defcription of the human ladeal veffels, with the different methods of diicovering, injeding and preparing them, and the inftruments; with figures. By John Sheldon, furgeon, F. R. S. London, 1784. —2 A colledion of engravings tending to illuftrate the gene- ration and parturition of animals and the human fpecies. By Thomas Denman, M. D. London, 1787. Part firft and fecond. 86 A compendious fyftem of anatomy; cxtraded from the Ame- rican edition of the Encyclopaedia. Philadelphia, 1790. 87 A treatife on the fcience of mufcular adion. With plates. By John Pugh, anatomift. London, 17^4. OCTAVO 43 OCTAVO. 23° rT~I HE firfl: principles of chemiftry. By William Nichol- I fon. London, 1790. 231 An effay on difeafes incidental to Europeans in hot climates, with the method of preventing their fatal confequences. By James Lind. To which is added, an appendix con- cerning intermittent fevers. Second edition enlarged. London, 1771. 232 The works, theological, medical, political and mifcellaneous, of John Jebb, M. D. F. R. S. With memoirs of the life of the author. By John Difney, D. D. F. S. A. 3 vols. London, 1787. 233 Practical obfervations on venereal complaints. By F. Swe- diaur, M. D. Third edition. To which are added, an account of a new venereal difeafe which has lately appeared in Canada, and a pharmacopceia Syphilitica. Edinburgh, 1788. 234 The difeafes of children and their remedies. By Nicholas Rofen Van Rofentein, tirft phyfician to his Swedifh majefty, and knight of the polar ftar. TranOated into Englifh, by Andrew Sparman, M. D. London, 1776. 235 Experiments and obfervations on quilled and red Peruvian bark, to which is added, an appendix on the cinchona caribboea. By Thomas Skeete, M. D. London, 1786. 236 The new Edinburgh difpenfatory, containing an addition of thofe formula; from the beft foreign pharmacopadas, which are held in higheft efteem in other parts of Europe; beinr an improvement of the new difpenfatory. By Dr. Lewis. Second edition. With plates. Edinburgh, 1791. 237 The prefent practice of furgery. By Robert White, M. D. and practitioner in furgery. Bury St. Edmunds. 238 An enquiry into the fmall-pox, medical and political. By Robert Walker, M. D. Fellow of the royal college of furgeons, Edinburgh. London, 1790. 239 Hortus Kewenfis, or a catalogue of the plants cultivated in the royal botanic garden at Kew. By William Alton, gardener to his majefly. 3 vols. London, 1790. 44 60T A V O 240 Hlftofical and biographical {ketches of the progrefs of beta'-. Ny in England, from its origin to the introduction of the Linnsean fyftem. By Richard Pulteney, M. D. F. R. S. 2 vols. London, 1790. 241 The prognoftics and prorrhetics of Hippocrates. By John Moffat, M. D. tranflator of Aretaeus. London, 1788. 242 An enquiry into the date of medicine on the principles of induCtive philofophy; with an appendix containing practical cafes and obfervations. By Robert Jones, M. D. Edin- burgh, 1781. 243 Cafes of infanity, epilepfy, See. By William Perfect, fur- geon of Well Mailing in Kent. Second edition. London. 244 Elements of therapeutics. By Andrew Duncan, M. D. of the royal college of phyfxcians at Edinburgh. Edinburgh, lll°' 245 Cafes in midwifery. By William PerfeCt, furgeon of Weft Mailing in Kent. 2 vols. Rochefter. 246 Aretaeus; confiding of eight books on the caufes, fymptoms and cure of acute and chronic difeafes. Tranflated from the original Greek. By John Moffat, M- D. London. 247 A treatife on one hundred and eighteen difeafes of the eyes and eye-lids. By William Rowley, M. D. member of the univerfity of Oxford, &c. London, 1790. 248 Linnx amoenitates academics feu differtationcs phyfics, medics botanies colleCtas & auCtoe cum tabulis ameis. Cu- rante Schrebero. 10 vols. Erlangs, 1787. 249 Elementa botanica, Nat. Jos. de Necker, botan. Serenif- fimi eleCtoris Bavaro Palatini; hilloriograph, &c. 3 vols, Neowedae ad Rhenum, 1790. 250 Memoirs of the medical fociety of London, inftituted in the year 1773. 3 vols. 251 Obfervations on the typhus fever. By D. Campbell, M. D. and clinical obfervations on the ufe of opium in low' fevers. By Martin Wall, M. D. Oxford, 1786. 252 The anatomical inftruClor. By Thomas Pole, member of the corporation of furgeons in London. London, 1790. 253 A treatife on tropical difeafes, on military operations and on the climate of the Weft Indies. By Benjamin Mofeley, M. D. Second edition. London, 1789. OCTAVO, 45 £54 An account of the fox glove and its ufe. By William Wither- ing, M. D. And remarks on the hydrophobia. By R. Hamilton, M. D. London, 1785. 255 Memoirs of John Fothergill, M. D. &c. By John Coakley Lettfom, M. D. Fourth edition. London, 1786. Pre- Jenled by Dr. Lettfom. 256 The ftrft principles of chemiftry. By William Nichollbn. London, 1790. 257 A fyftem of furgery, extracted from the works of Benjamin Bell of Edinburgh. By Nicholas B. Waters, M. D. With notes and copperplates. Philadelphia, 1791. 258 The analytical review, or hiftory of literature, domeflic and foreign, on an enlarged plan, from May, 1788, to April, 1793, inclufive. 15 vols. London. 23'9 A treatife on medical and pharmaceutical chemiftry and the materia medica; to which is added, an Englifh tranflation of the London pharmacopoeia for 1788. In 3 vols. By Donald Monro, M. D. London, 1788. 260 A fhort appendix to Dr. D. Monro’s treatife on medical and pharmaceutical chemiftry, &c. London, 1789. Making a fourth volume to the other three above mentioned. 261 Elements of chemiftry. By M. I. A. Chaptal. Tranflated from the French. 3 vols. London, 1791. 262 The chirurgical works of Perclvall Pott, F. R. S. A new edition, to which is added, a Ihort account of the author. By James Earle, Efquire. 3 vols. London, 1790. 263 A fyftem of midwifery. Tranflated from the French of Baudelccque. By John Heath. 3 vols. London, 1790. 264 An eftay towards a fyftem of mineralogy. By Axel Frederick Cronftedt. Tranflated from the original Swedilh. By Guftav. Von Engeftrom. Second edition greatly enlarged and improved, by John Hyacinth de Magellan. 2 vols. London, 1788. 265 EiTays, medical, philofophical and experimental. By Tho- mas Percivall, M. D. F. R. S. &c. Fourth edition, re- viled and enlarged. 2 vols. Warrington, 1788. 266 Practical obfervalions on the child-bed fevers, alfo, on uterine haemorrhages and convulfions. By John Leake, M. D- Member of the college of phyficians, London, &c. Lon- don, 1784. 46 OCTAVO 367 Outlines of the theory and practice of midwifery. By Alexander Hamilton, M. D. F. R S. Edinburgh, Pro- feffor of midwifery in the univerfity and fellow of the royal college of phyficians, Edinburgh. Third edition. Lon- don, 1791. 268 A comparative view of the mortality of the human fpecies at ullages; illuftrated with charts and tables. By William Black, M. D. one of the royal college of phyficians in London, &c. London, 1788. 269 Speculations on the mode and appearances of impregnation in the human female. By a phyfician. Edinburgh, 1789. 270 The pharmacopoeia of the royal college of phyficians of London. Tranflated into Englifh by the late Thomas Healde. Fifth edition, revifed and adapted to the laft irnprored edition 6f the college, by John Latham, M. D. feliow of the royal college of phyficians, &c. London, 1791. '7l Method of chemical nomenclature; propofed by MefTrs. De Moiveau, Lavoifier, Bertholet and De Fourcroy. To which is added, a new fyftem of chemical characters adapted to the nomenclature, by Mefirs. Haifenfratz and Adet. Tranflated by James St. John, M. D. London, 178 S. 272 A treatife on the cataraCt; with cafes. By M. De Wenzel, junior, baron of the holy Roman empire, &c. Tranflated from the French, with additional remarks, by James Ware, furgeon. London, 1791. 273 An account of the nature and medicinal virtues of the prin- cipal mineral waters of Great Britain and Ireland; with an appendix, containing a defeription of Dr. Nooth’s ap- paratus, &c. By John Elliot, M. D. London, 1781. 274 An account of the various fyftems of medicine, from Hip- pocratcs to the prefent time; particularly collected from the works of John Brown, M. D. &c. By Francis Car- ter, M. D. 2 vols. in one. London, 1788. 275 Obfervations on the difeafes of the army in Jamaica, and on the beft means of preferring the health of Europeans in that climate. By John Hunter, M. D. F. R. S. &c. London, 1788. 276 An introduction to the practice of midwifery. By Thomas Denman, M. D. Vol. 1. London, 1788. OCTAVO 47 277 Surgical trails; containing a treatife upon ulcers of the legs, See. Second edition. With obfervations on the diforders of the eye and on gangrene. By Michael Underwood, M. D. London, 1788. 278 A comparative view of the phlogidic and antiphlogiftic theo- ries; with inductions. To which is annexed, an analyfis of the human calculus. By William Higgins. Second edition. London, 1791. 279 Obfervations on fevers, efpecially thofe of the continued type; and on the fcarlet fever attended with ulcerated fore throat. By John Clarke, M. D. fellow of the royal col- lege t)f phyficians, Edinburgh. London, 1792. 280 An cflay on fevers, wherein their theoretic genera, fpecies, and various denominations are reduced under their cha- j-aCteridie .genus. By Robert Robertfon, M. D. phyfician to the royal hofpital, Greenwich. London, 1790. 281 The indruments of medicine; or the philofophical diged and practice of phyfic. By George Hoggart Toulmin, M. D. London, 1789. 282 A djflertation on fufpended refpiration from drowning, hang- ing and fuffocation. By Edward Coleman, furgeon. Lou- don, 1791. 283 Firft lines of the theory and practice of philofophical che- midry. By John Berkenhout, M. D. London, 1788. 284 An effay on the feurvy; with fomc obfervations on fevers, See. By Frederick Thomfon, furgeon in the royal navy. London, 1 790. 285 Eflays on medical fubjeCts; with an introduction relating to the ufe of hemlock and corrofive fublimate, and the applica* tion of cauftic medicines in cancerous diforders. By Tho- mas Gataker, furgeon. London, 1764. 286 Principles of furgery for the ufe of chirurgical dudents. Part the fird. By John Pearfon, furgeon to the Lock hofpital and to the public difpenfary. London, 1788. 287 An eflay on phlogidon and the conditution of acids. A new edition. By R. Kirwan, Efquire. To which are added, notes and additional remarks, by tire author. London, 1789. 288 Medical advice to the inhabitants of warm climates. By Robert Thomas, furgeon, late of the idand of Nevis. London, 1790. OCTAVO. 289 Human ofteogeny explained in two lectures. By Robert Nefbitt, M. D. F. R. S. London, 1736. 290 An eflay on the Bath waters. By William Falconer of Bath, M. D. London, 1772. 291 A practical treatifs upon dentition or the breeding of teeth in children. By Jofeph Hurlock, furgeon. London, 1742. 292 The hiftory of health and the art of proferving it. By James Mackenzie, M. D. Third edition. To which is added, a Ihort account of inoculation for the fmall-pox. Edin- burgh, 1760. 293 Solitude confidered with refpeCt to its influence upon the mind and the heart. Written originally in German by M. Zimmermann, aulic counfellor, &c. Tranflated from the French of J. B. Mercicr. London, x 79x. 294 Vol I.—l A treatife of diluents, and an enquiry into the dif- eafes of the fluids of the human body; with dilution practically applied to particular difeafes. By Tho- mas Jamefon, furgeon. London, 1788. —2 An eflay on the rupture called hydrocele, explaining the anatomy of the parts affeCted, with objections to the inciflon, feton, &c. By Bepjamin Flumpage, furgeon, &c. London, 1788. •—3 Obfcrvations on animal life and apparent death from ac- cidental fufpenfion of the function of the lungs, with remarks on the Brunoniaa fyftem of medicine. By John Franks. London, 1 790. —4 Cafes of Infanity, the epilepfy, hypochondriacal affeCtion, hyfteric pafllon and nervous diforders. By William Perfect, furgeon. Second edition. London. 294 Vol. ll.—l An eflay on crookednefs or diflortions of the fpine; fliewing the infufflclency of the modes made ufe of for relief in thefe cafes, with new methods of cure, and fome hints for the prevention of thefe affections, &c. With plates. By Philip Jones. London, 1788, —3 A vindication of the opinions and faCts contained in a treatife on the glandular difeafe of Barbadoes. By James Flendy. D. M. Member, —4 Obfervations on, gangrenes and mortifications, accompa- nied with or occafioned by convulfive fpafms. By Charles White, Efquire, F. R. S. Warrington, 1790. —5 Thoughts upon preferring the health of the poor; Ad- drefled to the inhabitants of the town of Manchefter. By the Reverend Sir William Clerke, Bart, reCtor of Bury, &c. London, 1790. —6 Bath waters, a conjectural idea of their nature and qualities, in three letters to . To which is added, putridity and infection, imputed to fevers. By A. W. M. D. Reg. Colleg. Med. Edin. Soc. Bath, 1788. .—7 Utility of electricity illuftrated in a feries of cafes, tend- ing to prove the fuperiority of vibrations to every other mode of applying the eleCtric fluid. By Francis Lowndes, medical electrician, &c. London, 1791. —8 An eflay on the prefervation of the health of perfons employed in agriculture. By William Falconer, M. D. &c. Bath, 1789. 294 Vol. Vl. lAn eflay on the bite of a mad dog; with obfer- vations on John Hunter’s treatment of Mailer R ; alfo, two cafes fuccefsfully treated. By Jcfl'e Foot, fur- geon. London, 1788. 2 A treatife on the difeafe commonly called angina peCloris. By William Butter, M. D. London, 1791- —3 Obfervations on the plague. By Wfilliam Henderfon, M. D. London, 1789. -—4 Eflay on the fraCture of the patella or knee-pan, contain- ing a new and efficacious method of treating that accident; with obfervations on the fraCture oi the olecranon. By John Sheldon, F. R. S. London, 1789. —5 Treatife on cancers. By Henry Fearon. London, 1755. 6 Of the hydrocele. A cafe of Hernia vefic. urinar. See. By T. Keate, furgeon. London, 1788. 294 Vol. VII.— 1 A treatife on diluents and the operation of fluids upon the human body, wherein mineral and com- mon waters are confidered. By Thomas Jamefon, fur- geon. London, 1788. OCTAVO. —2 Primary particles of bodies enquired into, and found to be earth, water, air, fire and froft. By John Gib- fon, M. D. London, 1772. —3 Obfervations upon the new opinions of John Hunter, in his late treatife on the venereal difeafe, ending with the fubjedl of gonorrhaea, &c. to be continued. By Jelfe Foot, furgeon. London, 1786. .—4 Eflay on the vitality of the blood. By James Corrie, M. D. London, 1791. —5 A treatife on the diagnofis and prognofis of difeafes; part the firth With an account of internal phleg- monous Inflammation. By Philip Parry Price. Lorn don, 1791. 294 Vol. VIIL—I The caufes of the great number of deaths among children and adults, in putrid fcarlet fevers, Sec. explained. By William Rowley, M. D. London. —2 A Angular cafe of the re-produdion of the fphimfler ani and three other cafes annexed; with remedies, See. By Richard Griffith. London, 1792. —3 A method of conftrudting vapor-baths at a fmall expenfe; with a defign of a hot vapor-bath. By James Play- fair, architect. London, 1793. —4 Practical dilfertations on nervous complaints and other difeafes, See. By Mr. Neale. London, 178 S. —5 Obfervations on the different methods of radically curing the hydrocele, and of cutting for the (lone. By Wil- liam Deafe, furgeon. Dublin, 1782. 294 Vol. IX—l On the properties of matter, the principles of chemiftry, and the nature and conftrudion of terlform fluids or gafes. By E. Peart, M. D. Gainfborounh, 1792. —2 Obfervations on animal life and apparent death, from fufpenfion of the .function of the lungs; with remarks on the Brunonlan fyftem of medicine. By John Franks. London, 1790. ■—3 An appendix to a treatife on the hydrocele, containing additional proofs of the efficacy of inje&ion for the cure of that difeafe. By James Earle, Efquire, and furgeon. London, 1793. ■—4 Practical obfervations on the operation for the done. By James Earle, Efquire, and furgeon. London, 1793. 52 OCTAVO. —5 Darwin’s experiments, eftabliihing a criterion between xnucaginous and purulent matter, and an account of the retrograde motions of the abforbent veflels. Litch- field, 1780. 294 Vol. X.— 1 Account of the gaol fever, as it appeared at Carlifle in 1781. By John Heyfham, M. D. 'London, 1782. —2 A critical enquiry into the treatment of the difeafes of the urethra; with an improved method of cure. By Jefie Foot. London. —3 Medical reports of the effects of tobacco, in the cure of dropfies and dyfuries. By Thomas Fowler, M. D. Second edition. London, 1788. ~4 Experimental inquiry into the properties of opium, and its effeds on living fubjeds, which gained the Harveian prize. By John Leigh, M. D. Edinburgh, 1786. —5 Chirurgical eflays on the cure of ruptures, and the bad confequences of referring patients to trufs-makers. By T. Brand, furgeon. Second edition. London, 1785- 294 Vol. Xl. 1 An eflay on the evil confequences attending injudicious bleeding in pregnancy, with a reply to the monthly reviewers. By George Wallis, M. D. Second edition. London, 1781. —2 A treatlfe on the regular, irregular, atonic and flying gout, with the excellent effeds of the muriatic acid in that difordcr. By William Rowley, M. D. London, 1792. .—3 An enquiry into the remote caufe of urinary gravel. By Alexander Philip Wilfon, M. D. Edinburgh, 1792. 4. Obfervations on the nature and method of cure of the phthifis pulmonalis, from the materials of the late William White, M. D. F. A. S. Now pubiilhed by A. Hunter, M. D. York, 1792. 294 Vol. XII.—I Pradical obfervations on cancerous complaints on fimilar difeafes, and on certain operations in cancerous cafes. By John Pearfon. London, 1793. —2 Pradical eflays on the management of pregnancy and labor, and on the difeafes of lying-in women. By John Clarke, M. D. London, 1793. 294 Vol. XIII.—I Treatife upon the herb tobacco, pointing out its deleterious, pernicious quality. By a gentleman of the Univerfity of Cambridge. London. OCTAVO 53 A letter to Erafmus Darwin, M. D. on a new method of treating pulmonary confumption, and fome other difeafes hitherto found incurable. By Thomas Bed- does, M. D. Briftol. 3 An effay for a nofological and comparative view of the cynAnche maligna, fcarlatina anginofa. Second edi- tion; with a fupplement, containing an account of the fcbris aphthofa. By William L. Perkins, M. D. London, 1790. —4 Obfervations on cold bathing. By William Simplon. Leeds. —5 A treatife on the real caufe and cure of infinity, in which the nature and diftjndions of this difeafe are fully explained. By Andrew Harper. London, 1789. *94 Vol. XIV.—I A plan for preventing the fatal effeds from the bite of a mad dog; with cafes. By Jeffe Foot, furgeon. London, 1793. —2 A letter addreffed to Dr. Prieftley, Meffrs. Cavendifh, Kirwan, Lavoifxer, &c. endeavoring to prove, that their newly adopted opinions are fallacious. By Ro- bert Harrington, M. D. London, 17S8. —3 The ceoonomy of health, or a medical effay containing new and familiar inftrudions for the attainment of health, happinefs, and longevity. By Andrew Har- per, late Surgeon, &c. —4 Pradical obfervations- on cancerous complaints, fimilar difeafes and operations in cancerous cafes By John Pearfon, furgeon of the Lock hofpical, See. London, *793- —5 An effay on the eryfipelatous fore throat; to which is rub- joined an account of a cafe of hemiplegia. By Tho- mas Reeve, furgeon. Bury St. Edmunds, 1789. 294 Vol, XV.—l An inaugural differtation, containing an inquiry into the exiftence of the living principle and caufes of animal life. By Matthias E. Sawyer. Philadelphia, I 793. Prefented by the author. —2 An ejfay on the true nature and due method of treating the gout. Written for the ufe of Richard Tennifon. By George Cheyne, M. D. London, 1753- -—3 Thoughts on the effeds of the application and abftradion of ftimuli on the human body; with a view to explain the nature and cure of Typhus. By James Wood, M. D. London, 1793. 54 OCTAVO, —4 Surgical and phyfiological effays. By John Abernetheyy profeflbr cf anatomy, &c. London, 1793. —5 Weldon’s difTcrent modes of puncturing the bladder. —6 An inquiry into the nature and caufes of ficknefs in fliips of war; flowing the error of its being chiefly afcribed to maratime diet, &c. With a review of Sir John Prin- gle’s difeourfe on preferving the health of mariners. By William Rcnvvirk, furgeon. London, 1792. 294V01. XVi.— 1 Obfcrvations concerning the hiftory and cure of the plague. By William Henderfon, M. D. Lon- don, 1789. —2 Confiderations on bilious difeafes and foroe particular af- fedions of the liver and gall bladder. Second edition. By John Andree, M. D. London, 1790. —3 The oeconomy of health, how to attain to long life, &c. By A. Harper, late lurgeon. .—4 An hiflorical invefligation into the firfl; appearance of the venereal difeafe in Europe, with remarks on its particu- lar nature. By M. Sanchez, dodor of the faculty of medicine of Paris. Trauflated from the Trench by Jofeph Skinner, furgeon. London, 1790. .—5 Oblervations on the different methods of treating the ve- nereal difeafe. By William Deafe, furgeon, &c. Dub- lin, 1779. —6 A commentary on the dyfentery; tranflated from Dr. Akenflde. By John Ryan M. D. London, 1767. 294 Vol. XVII.—I An inaugural dlflertation on the chemical pro- perties of atmofpheric air. By William R. Cozens, of New Jerley. Philadelphia, 1791* Prcfcnted by the author. 2 Tentamen medicum inaugurate, queedam de afphyxia ab aeris dephlogifticati, privatione oriunda, tradens. Gu- llelmus Stokes, A. B. Virginienlis. Philadelphiae, 1793. Prefntcd by the author. —3 An inaugural diflertation; being an attempt to difprove the dodrine of the putrifadion of the blood of living animals. By Adam Seybert of Philadelphia. Phila- delphia, 1793. Prcjented by the author. —4 An inaugural phyfiological differtation on the catamenia; to which are fubjoined obfcrvations on ailieno’ rhoca. By James Weftwood Wallace of Virginia. Philadelphia, 1793. Prefmled by the author. OCTAVO 55 ■—s An inaugural diflertation on the fcarlet fever attended with an ulcerated fore throat. By Matthias Williamfon of New Jerfey. Philadelphia, 1793. Prefented by the author. 294 Vol. XVIII.—I The importance and method of cultivating and curing rhubarb in Britain for medical ufes; with an appendix. By Sir William Fordyce, M. D. F. R. S. London 1792. —2 A treatife on the medical properties of mercury. By John Howard, furgeon. London, 1782. —3 The annual report of the royal humane fociety for the anniverfary felfival, 1793. By W. Hawes, M. D. re- gifter. —4 A diffiertation on the properties and efficacy of the Lifbon diet drink in the cure of the venereal difeafe, the fcur- vey, &c. By John Leake, M. D. The fourth edition. London. 294 Vol. XIX.— 1 Do&or Zimmermann’s converfations with the late king ot Pruffia, when he attended him in his lad illnefs. Tranflated from the laft edition. London, 1791. Philofophical obfervations on the fenfes of villon and hearing and on harmonic founds; alfo, an effiiy on combullion and animal heat. By J. Elliot London, 1780. —3 Experiments and obfervations on a new fpccies of bark, Ihewing its great efficacy in very fmall dofes, &c. By Richard Kentifli, D. M. &c. London, 1784. 295 A treatife on the venereal difeafe. By John Hunter. Phila- delphia, 1791. 296 A compendious fyftem of anatomy, extracted from the American edition of the Encyclopaedia. Philadelphia, 1792* 297 An hillorical account of the climates and difeafes of the United States of America, and of the remedies and me- thods of treatment, &c. By William Currie, fellow of the college of phyficians of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1792. 298 Difto. The gift of the author. 299 Medical inquiries and obfervations. By Benjamin Rufh, M- E). Profeffior of chemiftry in tire univerfity of Penn- fylvania. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1789 and 1793. 300 The ait of preventing difeafes and refloring health. By George Wallis, M. D. See. London, 1793. O C T A V G. 3d Obferyations on the nature and,cure of calculus, fea fcurvy, cojifumptlon, catarrh and fever. By Thomas Beddoes, M. D. London, 1793. 302 A view of the difeafes of the army, in Great Britain, America and the Weft Indies, from the beginning of the late war to the prefent time. By Thomas D. Relde, furgeon to the firft battalion of the firft regiment of foot. London, 1793. 303 Qbfervations on the difeafes which prevail in long voyages to hot countiies, particularly to the Indies; and as they appear in Great Britain. By John Clark, M. D. &c. 2 vols. Second edition. London, 1 792. 304 TranfadHons of a fociety for the improvement of medical and chirurgical knowledge. With plates. London, 1793. 305 A treatife on gonorrhaea vlrulenta and lues venerea. By Benjamin Bell. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1793. 306 A treatife on the fevers of Jamaica, with fome obfervations on the intermitting fever of America, and an appendix, containing fome hints on the means of preferring the health of foldiers in hot climates. By Robert Jackfon, M. D. London, 1791. 307 Inftitutiones ph) fiologicas, A. D. Jo. Frid. Blumenbachio. Prof. med. 01 din. fociet. See. memb. Gottingas, 1786. 308 A treatife on the fevers of Jamaica, with fome obfervations on the intermitting fever of America, and an appendix, containing fome hints on the means of preferring the health of foldiers in hot climates. By Robert Jackfon, M. D. London, 1791. 309 Memoirs of the firft forty-five years of James Lackington’s life. Written by hlmfelf. London, 1792. 310 Commentarii de rebus in feientia natural! et medicina geftis. Lipfiae, 1752. In 14 volumes. 311 A tranfiation of Dr. Boerhaave’s academical ledlures on the theory of phyfic; with explanatory comments, &c. 6 vols. Third edition, corrected. London, 1766. 312 Firft lines of the practice of phyfic. By William Cullen, M. D. late profeffor, See. 4 vols. With notes. By John Rotheram. Edinburgh, 1791- 343 A fyftern of anatomy and phyfiology, with the comparative anatomy of animals, compiled from the lateft and belt au- thors. 3 vols. With copperplates, &c. Edinburgh, 1791. OCTAVO. 57 314 The chirurgical works of Benjamin Good;, furgeon. 3 vols. London, 1792. 315 An expofition of the principles of anatomy and phyfiology, with the pneledllones anatomies of Ferdinand Leber. Tranflated by Walter Vaughan, M. D. Phyficiaa, Sec. 2 vols. London, 1791. 316 A treaiife on gonorrhsa virulenta and lues venerea. By Benjamin Bell. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1793. 317 Confpetflus Medlcinae theoretics ad ufum academicum autcre Jacobo Gregory, M. D. Prof. See. 2 vols. A new edi- tion. Edinburgh, 1790. 318 Duties of a regimental furgeon. By R. Hamilton, M. D. 2 vols. London. 319 Obfervations on jail, hofpital, or fhip fever, from the fourth of April, 1776, to the thirtieth of April, 1789, made in various parts of Europe and America. By Robert Ro- bertfon, M. D. Phyfician, Sec. London, 1789. 320 Elements of natural hlftory ami chemillry. By M. Four- croy. Tranflated from the lafl Paris edition. 3 vols. London, 1790. 321 Diflertationcs inaugurales. 2 vols. Edinburgh. 322 Obfervations on the afthma and on the hooping cough. By John Millar, M. D. London, 1769; alfo, cafes in fur gery, with remarks, by Charles White, F. R. S. To which is added, an eflay on the ligature of arteries, by J. Aikin. London, 1770. 323 The art of preventing difeafes and reftoring health. By George Wallis, M. D. London, 1793. 324 An eflay on difeafes Incidental to Europeans in hot climates. By James Lind, M. D. F. R. S. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1783. •.* 72—1 A diflertation on the influence of the paflrons upon diforders of the body By William Falconer, M. D. F. R. S. To.which the Folhergillian medal wTas adjudged. Se- cond .edition. London, 1791. —2 A tfeatile-on the putrid and remitting fever which raged at Bengal in 1762. By James Lind, M? D. Edinburgh. 73 Defcriptlon of a portable chefl; of. chemiftry, or complete colledlion of chemical teds. By I. F. A. Gottling, profef- for of chemidty at Jena in Saxony. Tranflated from the original German. London, 1791. 74 Obfervations on fcrophulous affe&ions, on fchirrus, cancer and rachitis; with remarks, by Robert Hamilton, M. D. Lon- don, 1791. 75 A treatife on the difeafes of children; with general dire&ions for the management of children from the birth. By Michael Underwood, M. U. 2 vols. London, 1789. • 76 Experiments and obfervations to inveftigate, by chemical analyfis, the medicinal properties of mineral waters of Spa and Aix la Chappelle in Germany, Sec. By John Alh, M. D. fellow of the royal college of phyficians, Sec. Lon- don, 1788. 62 DUODECIMO. 77 An cffay on the dropfy and its different fpedes. By Donaldf Monro, M. D. Second edition. London, 1756. 78 The poetical works of John Armftrong, M. D. containing the art of prefervlng health, &c. Perth, 1792. 79 The medical pocket book, containing a fhort but plain account oi the fymptoms, eaufes and method of cure of the difeafes incident to the human body, &.c. By John Elliot, M. D- Third edition. London, 1791. 80 An inaugural differtation on the chemical and medical pro- perties of the perfimmon tree and the analyfis of aftringent vegetables. By James Wcodhoufe, A. M. Philadelphia, i 792. Pref anted by the author. Si Vol. I.— 1 General directions for the piefervation of health, intended for the benefit of the fettlers at Sierra Leone. By John Bell, M. D. London, 1791. —2 Short directions for the management of infants. By T. Mantell, furgeon. London, 1787. 81 Vol. ll.—l Thoughts on the cancer of the breaft. By. G. Bell, furgeon. Birmingham, 1788. —2 Elements of medical jurhprudence. —3 Account of Drs. Parfons, Huck, Colignon and Sir Alex- ander Dick. From the medical commentaries. —4 Obfervations on hernia*; with cafes. By W. Wilmer, furgeon. London, 1788. —5 An effay on generation. By I. F. Blumenbach, M. D. Aulic counfellor. Tranflated from the German. London- -82 Chemifches journal fuer die freunde der naturlehre, arzney- gelahrtheit, haulhaltungfkunft und manufaCturen. Exr'.- worfen von D. Lorenz Crell. 2 bonde. Lemgo, 1778. 83 Obfervations on fcrophulous affections; with remarks on fchirrus, cancer and rachitis. By R. Hamilton, M. D. London, 1791. 84 A difquifition of the ftone and gravel; with ftriCtures on the gout when combined with thofe diforders. By S. Perry, furgeon. Seventh edition London, 1785. 85 Difcourfes on a fober and temperate life. By Lewis Cornaro. London, 1779. 86 Obfervations fur la phyfique fur I’hiftolre naturelle & fur les arts; avec des planches en taille douce. Par M. I’Abbe Rozier de Pacademie royale des fciences, &c. 6 vols. From 1771 to 1772. A Paris. RULES AGREED TOBY THE MANAGERS and PHYSICIANS O F The Pennfylvania Hoipital, For the Prefervation of the valuable Paintings and Callings prefented by the late Dcxflor John Fothergill, of London; ALSO, For the anatomical Preparations bought of the heir of the late Doflor Abraham Chovet; and for i'uch others as may here- after he added to the prefent Colledion, by Purchafe, or the Gift of Friends, to the faid Hofpital. I. A LL the anatomical preparations which now are in the houfe, and thofe which hereafter may be added, lhall be annexed to the Medical Library; and the expenfes of encreafmg and preferving as well this colleftion as the Library, fhali be paid out of the Me- dical Fund. 11. The Medical Fund, to be applied to the above ufes, (hall confift of all monies received in difcharge of the fines incurred by thofe who detain books for a longer period than is allowed by the rules;—for the privilege granted to medical pupils of attending the practice of the houfe;—for exhibiting the anatomical preparations, and permilfion to attend the leftures given thereon,— and for certificates fold. 64 Rules refpecling the Anatomical Mufeum. 111. hrom and after the firft day of the Eighth month, J794j (until otherwife direfted) a ticket for a finglc feafon, or any part of a feafon, fhall be three pounds, and a ticker for a perpetual privilege, fhall be fix pounds; v. hich fhall entitle the purchafer to the ufe of the books, fnbje# to the rules of the Library, to attend the practice o: the Hofpital, agreeably to its rules, and all the lefhires on the anatomical preparations, which are given for the infimftion of medical pupils, but no others, without an evprcfs invitation from the Lecturing Phyfician; neither ! any medical pupil have accefs to the anatomical ro * is, unlefs a Manager, the Treafurer, or fome one be Hofpital Phyficians, in company with the Refident apothecary, i$ prefent with him. IV. The fame privileges, under the limitations con- t Jncd in the preceding rule, fhall be extended to the apprentices of the Hofpital Phyficians, for the time be- ing, but no longer, unlefs they purchafe a ticket. V. Every perfon, but thofe who are excepted in thefe rules, fhall pay feven fhillings and fix-pence for every time they view the anatomical mufeum, and fifteen f :.!Hngs for attending each lecture which may generoufly be given by any one of the Hofpital Phyficians to enlarge the Medical Fund; but all the anatomical pupils who do not attend the Hofpital, fhall be admitted for feven fhillings and fix-pence, as often, during the courfe, as the Anatomical ProfcfTors think necefiary. VI. No other perfons but the Hofpital Phyficians, fhall, at any tine, lefture therein, unlefs they make a fpecial contra# with the Attending Managers and Phyfi- cians, in which cafe, the Managers and Treafurer, the Hofpital Phyficians and their pupils, the Refident Apo- thecaries, and the pupils of the houfe, fhall be admitted to attend. VII. To benefit the Hofpital, and more fully to qua- lify the apprentices to fulfil their duty therein, fuch of Rules ref petting the Anatomical Mufeum. 65 them as condud themfelves in a proper manner, fhall be allowed to attend, gratis, as well the ledurcs in the Hof- pital, as every other medical ledure given by the Hofpital Phyficians to their refpedive pupils, during the time of their apprenticefhip to the inftitution, but no lot>ger. VIII. A general demonftration of the anatomical mu. fcum, for the benefit and inftrudion of the pupils who have the privilege of attending the Hofpital, fhall be made, at leaf! once in every winter, by the Anatomical Profeflbrs, or fome of the other Phyficians of the In- ftitution. IX. The Managers, Treafurer, or any of the Phyfi- dans, may, at all times, invite any of the following pcrfons to view the anatomical rooms gratis, viz. The Governor and Members of the General Affem- bly of Pennfylvania; The Judges of the Supreme Court;. The State Attorney; The Contributors to the Pennfylvania Hofpital of- ten pounds; The regular phyficians of this or any other country. And any or cither of the Hofpital Phyficians may, if they think proper, give a gratuitous ledure, at any time, to any of the gentlemen mentioned in this rule; and to fuch ledure the medical pupils are not to be admitted, unlefs invited by the phyficians, or fome one of them. X. No anatomical preparations fhall ever be lent or taken out of the houfe, unlefs it becomes necefifary to preferve them from deftrudion by fire. XI. All prefcnrs to the mufeum (hall be reported to the Managers and recorded in their minutes. XII. A catalogue (hall be prefented to the College of Phyficians, one to the Library Company of Philadelphia, one to the Loganian Library, and the remainder are to be 66 Rules refpecling the Anatomical Mufemu fold to the Managers and Phyficians, the medical pupils., and fuch other perfons as may apply for them, at twenty- five cents each. XIII. It lhali be the duty of the Attending Phyficians, or fome one of them, to report to the Sitting Managers, on the Seventh day next preceding the lafl Second day in every month, the condition in which they find the ana- tomical mufeura. Extracted from the minutes of the Board of Managers, fhe 2*] th. of the Firfi month, 1794. JO SI AH HE WES, Prefident. SAMUEL COATES, Secretary. DESCRIPTION or THE ANATOMICAL MUSEUM The Pennfylvania Hofpital. Imitations of the internal Parts of the Human Body, in wax, by the late Dr. Chovet. No. I. Reprefents the figure of a man, completely differed, placed in a fupine pofition, on a table, exhibiting all the blood- vefiels injefted, and all the vifcera in the cavities of the thorax, and abdomen in their natural fituation, fo contrived that each vifcus may be feparately examined.—Copied from a dead fubjeft fix feet in length. No. 11. Reprefents the body of a pregnant woman with the abdomen and uterus opened, in order to fhew the true lituation of the foetus in utero with the membranes inclofing it, the placenta and the funis umbilicalis.—Copied from a fubjeft that died before delivery, within a month of her full time. No. 111. Reprefents a child dilfedted, fo as to exhibit the brain, with the nerves throughout the body, with the arteries and veins. No. IV. Reprefents the female organs of generation, in their adult ftate.—Copied from nature. No. V. An Imitation of the bull; of a man of full fize, delay- ing the mufcles of the head and face the parotid glands, falivary dufts and blood-velfels. The fcull appears removed to fhew the brain inverted with its meninges, and, alfo, its inteftinal convolu- tions when they are removed. The brain may be taken from the fcull to view its inferior furface or bafis. No. VI. A full grown foetus. 68 Defeription of the Anatomical Mufeum. No VII. Reprefents a gravid uterus extracted from a fubjedlv who die-d in labor near her full time, laid open to fliew the foetus in the pofition for delivery. No. VIII. Is the accurate imitation of a new born child that expired foon after birth, with the placenta and umbilical chord, injected; the abdomen laid open to demonftrate the manner in which the foetus in utero is fupported alive-. Preparations of different parts of the human fubjedl, irl fpirit of nvine, by the late Di\ Chovet. I. and 11. No. . Difeafed lungs. No. 111. Ditto, rnjefted. No. IV. Difeafed liver. No. V. Difeafed lungs. No. VI. Integuments of the cranium* No. VII. Dura mater. No. VIII. An injected ear with another uninje&ed, for com- parifon. No. IX. A child’s face. No. X. Part of a child’s face injefted. No. XII. The tongue and lower jaw, &c. to exhibit the ftruc- tures of the fauces. No. XI. A calf’s nofe opened to fhow the olfaftory nerves. No. XIII. A tongue injefted. No. XIV. Part of the lower jaw, to demonftrate the fecond fet of teeth. No. XV. An uterus with a difeafed ovarium. No. XVI. A full grown foetus, inje&ed by the umbilical vein- XVII. and XVIII. . No. Small foetus. No. XIX. An injefled kidney. No. XX. An uncommon kidney. No. XXI. A difeafed kidney inje&ed and macerated; No. XXII. Ividnies, heart, &c, Defcription of the Anatomical Mufeum. 69 No. XXIII. A heart opened to Ihow the cavities. No. XXIV. Part of a large vein, Ihowing the valves. No. XXV. Part of the artery of an ox differed, fo as to exhi- bit the different coats. No. XXVI. A portion of the cuticle. No. XXVII. The cutis and cuticle. No. XXVIII. Skin and cellular membrane feparated. No. XXIX. A portion df fkin of full thicknefs. No. XXX. Palm of a child’s hand injedled.' No. XXXI. A portion of the foie of the foot. No. XXXII. A difeafed prollate gland with the mufcular coat 6f the bladder much thickened. No. XXXIII. A difeafed bladder. No. XXXIV. Lower part of the redtum. XXXV. and .XXXVI. Portions of the large inteftines opened to 10W t^le^r internal furface. ■Kj °‘ XXXVII. and XXXVIII. No. Parts of inteflines injedled. No. XXXIX. Ditto exhibiting the valvulse conniventes. No. XL. Part of an inteftlne injedled. No. XLI. Part of the mefentery. No. XLI I. Stomach of a child injedled. No. XL 11. Bones of the fore arm of a child to exhibit the perlofteum. No. XLIV. An arm partly diffedled to fhow the mufcles. Dried preparations, by the late Dr. Chovet. No. I. An adult fubjedl with the arteries and veins injedled, and mufcles preferved. No. 11. A young fubjedl Injedled. No. 111. A child with the arteries injedled and nerves diffedled, for demonllration. No. IV. A preparation of a child exhibiting arteries Injedled and nerves, with fome of the vifeera injedled. 70 Defcription of the Anatomical Mufeum. No. V. The fkeleton of an adult. No. VI. Ditto of a foetus. No, VII The bones of the lower extremity, with an exoftofis of the os femoris. No VIII. An arm injeded. No. IX. The bones that compofe the articulation of the hume- rus, with the ligaments. No. X. Scapula to Ihow the periofteum. No. XL Spine of a child, with the nerves that proceed from it. No. XII. Pelvis of foetus, with the arteries and veins injeded. No. XIIL Trachea of a child. No. XIV. Female organs of generation in-their natural fituation in the pelvis. No. XV. Organs of generation of a child* No. XVI. Onto girl. No. XVIII. Organs of generation of a boy, with the kidneys, and arteries injeded. No. XVII. Uterus injeded. No. XIX. Penis and bladder of a man in their natural fituation with refped to the pelvis. No. XX. A penis opened, laterally, to fhow the internal caver- nous itrudure. No. XXL Ditto, with fedions in different places. No. XXII. A human bladder. No. XXIII. Stomach and all the inteftines of a chilcl. No. XXIV. Small inteftines, with the mefentery injeded. No. XXV. and XX'VJ. Part of the fmall inteftines of a child, with the merentery. No. XXVII. Part of the caecum and colon, with a fedion to fhow the valve. No. XXVIII. Part of the duodenum, with its dud. No. XXIX. Portion of inteltine exhibiting the valvuhe conni- venoes. No. XXX. Ditto of the fmall inteftines. No. XXXI. Stomach and colon injeded. No. XXXII. Stomach injeded. Defeription of the Anatomical Mufeum, No. XXXIII. Diaphragm. No. XXXIV. Diaphragm and liver. No. XXXV. An injedted Kidney. No. XXXVI. A difeafed fpleen injedted. No. XXXVII. An injedted kidney. No. 'XXXVIII.' ) XXXIX.,I | and I . XL. . Difeafed lungs injedted. No. XLII. The heart and lungs of a foetus in their natural fituation in the thorax. No. XL I. Lungs with their blood-veffels injedted No. XLIII. Heart of a child injedted. No. XLIV. Incomplete preparation of the heart. ‘ XLV. ' XLVI. i and XLVII.. No. Different preparations of the heart to fliow its internal cavities. No. XLVIII. Heart moulded in wax to fliow the ventricles. No. XLIX. A portion of injedted artery, with accompanying •vein. No. L. An eye with all Its mufcles. No. LI. An imitation of the eye. No. LI I. A preparation of the ear. No. LIII. All the bones of the ear. No. LIV. Tranfverfe fedtion of the cranium, with the mufcles, arteries and nerves of the neck. No. LV. and LVI. '^ie divided by a longitudinal fedtion to exhibit the dura mater and its proceffes. No. LVIT. Part of a fcull, with the bafis of the brain in wax. No. LVIII. Scull of a man. No. LIX. Ditto of a boy. No. LX. Ditto of an infant. No. LX I. Several feparate bones of the cranium. No. LXII. Articulation of the hip. No. LXIII. A portion oi injected Hun. 72 Defcripiion of the Anatomical Mufeum. \To which have been added the following, prepared and prefented by different perfom:— Part of a fkeleton. A young fubjedl inje&ed. An Injefted heart. Ditto, uncommonly large. Prefented by Dr. Parle. Cajiings of Gypfum, prefented by the late Dr. Fothergill, of London. No T. Reprefents the abdomen of a pregnant woman about nine months advanced. No. 11. Reprefents the fame fubjedl with the abdomen opened, to exhibit the fxtuation of the gravid uterus, with fome of the other vifcera. No. 111. The fame fubjeft, with the anterior parts of the tho- rax, abdomen and uterus removed, to Ihow the fituation of the fcetus in utero, with the umbilical chord and part of the invefting membranes, and alfo the heart (the perricardium being removed) and part of the lungs, liver, ftomach, &c. The paintings in crayons are eighteen in number; they reprefent the ftru&ure of the human body inter- nally and externally, and alfo the gravid uterus and foetus in utero. A N INDEX OF THE Names of Authors and Editors IN THE CATALOGUES of BOOKS, Printed in 1790 and 1794. A B Abernethey 54. Adair 27, 49. Aikin 28, 30, 57, 59. Aitkin 14, 29, 31, 58. Aiton 43. Akenfide 54. Alanfon 14. Albinus 7, 9, 42. Alexander 9. Alleyne 17. Alpinus 11. Alfton 39. Andree 34.. Andrews 60. Arbuthnot 20. Aretasus 8, 44. Armftrong 62. Arnaud 32. Arnold 24. Afli 62. Aftruc 17. Aureliauus i'r„ Bacon xi, 16. Back 14, 33. Baglivus ii, 19. Balfour 59. Barrowby 17. Bartholinus 16. Bates 17. Baudelocque 45. Beaume 31. Becherus 35. Beddoes 53, 56, 58. Begvinus 33. Bell 13, 14, 45, 56, £7, 6z. Bellini 20. Bergman 15. Berkenhout 47, Berlu 34. Bertholet 46. BifTet 21. Black 14, 21, 46. Blane 16, 40. Blunaenbach 56, 62., 74 Index of Names, Boerhaave 9, 20, 31, 32, 34, 35> 4r> 56- Brand 41, 52. Bromfield 18. Brook 40. Biookes 19. Brown 11, 30, 46, 59- Browne 17. Burnet 11. Bufchoff 33. Butter 29, 50. Crulkfhank 10, 40. Cullen 10, 13, 15, 19, 26, 56? 58. Crlpepper 33. Currie 29, 33, 55. Cutbulh 61. D Dale 19. Dallowe 9. Darwin 52. David 41. Deafe 14, 51, 54, 60. Deckers 35. Degnerus 27. Denman 28, 42, 46. Dick 62. Diepjeus 35. Dimfdale 23. Difney 43. Dobfon 22, 57, Douglafs 23, 25, 32, 49? Dran 14, 19. Duncan 16, 22, 44, 59. Dunn 27. C Cadogan 22. Campbell 44. Carter 46. Cat 18. Cavallo 24? 39.- Celfus 17, 27. Chalmers 23. Chamberlen 35. Chandler 23. Chaptall 45. Charrier 34. Chefelden 19. Cheyne 26, 53. Clare 59, 61. Clarke 40, 47, 52, 56. Cleghorn 20. Clerke 50. Cockell 41. Cole 32. Coleman 47. Colignon 62. Collin 23. Commerell 28. Cooke 32. Cornaro 62. Corrie 51. Coward 32. Cowper 38. Cozens 54. Crawford 25. Crell 62. Cronftedt 45. E Earle 45, 51. Fdwards 40. Elliott 15, 46, 55, 62. Elfe 22. Engeftrom 45. Erfkine 27. Etmuller 18, 37. Eugalenus 34. Eullachius 7. F Fabricius 11. Falconar 21, 22, 48, 50, 57? 61. Farr 39, 59. Index of Names, 75 Fearon 50. Ferriar 60. Ferris 29. Finch 12. Florentinus 11. Flemyng 57. Folver 21. Fontana 15. Foot 39, 50, 51, 52, 53. Ford 61. Fordyce2i, 22, 50, 55, 58. Forell 8. Foller 21, 59. Fothergill 16, 39, 45, 49. Fourcroy 15, 46, 57. Fowler 22, 29, 52. Fox 58. Franks 48, 51. Friend 16. 17, 19, 26. Fuller 33, 34. Harris 17, Harvey 35, 39, 59. Haffenfratz 46. Hawes 55. Healde 23, 46. Heath 45. v Heiftcr 10, 25, 31, 60. Henderfon 50,'54. Hendy 48. Henry 24, 31. Hewfon 14, 21. Heyffiam 52. Higgins 47. Hilary 21. Hildanus 34. Hill 25. Hippocrates 17, 18, 25, 39, 44. Hoffman 8, 16* Home 13, 40. Hope 39. Hopfon 28, 38. HorlHus 11. Houhlon 38, 39. Howard 55. Huck 62. Hulme 27, 41. Humpage 48. Hunter 8, 10, 11, 22, 29, 38, 46, 52, 55. Hurlock 48. Hyacinth 45. Huxham 16, 18, 24. G Gardiner 23> 59- Garnett 49. Gataker 19, 24, 47. Gaubuis 27, 32. Gerdlellone 48. Gilchrift 24, 60. Gibfon 5 1. Gooch 15, 57. Goodwyn 28. Goiter 11. Gottling 61. Goulard 32. Gregory 57, 61, Griffith 51. I Innis 22, 31, 42 Irving 25. H Haller 9, 15, 19, 31, 37, 38, 39> 4i- Hamilton 23, 30, 45, 46, 57, 60, 61, 62. Harper 53, 54. Harrington 53. J Jackfon 24, 56. James 37. famelon 48. yo. Jebb 43. Jenty 20. Index of Names. John 46. Johnfon 11. Johnftone 34. Jones 44, 48. Juncherus 42. Juftamond 23, 38, 39, 41. Maclurg 19. Macquer ig. Maire 26. Manning 22, 24, 57, 60, Mantell 62. Mareard 49. Mafcagni 38. Mathews 16. May 49. Maynwaringe 34. Mead g. Mercier 48. Millar 29, 41, 57. Milne 25. Moffat 44, 58. Monro 7, 8, 10, 15, 20, 22* 3X» 45 > 62- Moore 27, 40, 58. Morgagni g. Morton 17, 32. Morveau 46. Mofeley 44, 58. Mofs 28. Motherby 8. Moyle 34. Mudge 31. Munro 59. Mufgrave 25. Mynors 33. K Keate 50. Kentilh 49, 55. Kippis 21. Kite 26. Kirkland 14, 22, 29, 58. Kirkpatrick 16. Kirwan 15, 47. Krohn 38. L Lackington 56. Lancifuis 37. Lanfranke 26. Lanus 35. Latham 46. Lavoiher 46. Lawrence 60. Leake 15, 45, 55, 60. Lee 16. Leigh 52. Leflie 22. Lettfom 10, 16, 26, 28, 39, 45 Lewis 9, 16, 43. Linnaeus 13, 20, 44. Lind 16, 35, 43, 57, 6r. Lipfcomb 41. Lobb 17, 19. Lower 34. Lowndes 50. Lufitanus 32. Lyfons 16. N Neale 31, 51. Necker 44. Needham 34. Nelbitt 48. Neuman 9. Nlcholfon 43, 45 Nooth 46. o M Offredus 35. Olborn 25, 58- Tacbride 10, 13, 18. rckenzie 48. Index of Names. 77 P Robertfon 25, 47, 57. Rohault 33, 34. Roonhuyle 33. Rofe 29. Rofentein 43, 60. Rotheram 56. Rouppe 23, 59. Rowley 25, 28, 44, 51, 52*.,. Rozier 42, 62. Rufh 55, 61. Ruff-1 18, 39. Rutty 9. Ryan 49, 54. Palmer 41. Parfons 62. Paxton 26, 27. Pazmannianus 23. Pearfon 47, 52, 53* Peart 49, 51. Percival 30, 45. Perfedt 44, 48. Perkins 53. Perry 62. Pifo 11. Pitcarn 11, 17, 26, 35. . Pitt 49. Platerus ir. Playfair 51. Pole 44. Porta 32, 34. Porterfield 20. Pott 14, 19, 45. Prieftley jo, 23. Price 51. Pringle 10, 19, 2l» Prolfer 11. Pugh 42. Pulteney 44, Purcell 32. s Sagarus 13. Salmon 17. Samber 20. Sanchez 54. Sauvage 13. Sawyer 53. Scheele 15. Schreberus 44, Schroderus 16. Sennertus 11, 35* Seybert 54. Sharp 14, 20. Shaw 17. Sheldon 42, 50. Short 41. Simmons 14, 24. Simpfon 53. Sims 21, 24, 59. Skeete 43, 59. Skinner 15, 54. Smellie 8, 13, 15, 38* Smith 9, 38, 40. Spallanzani 24. Speed 18. Sparman 43, 60. Sprengell 17. Stark 38. Stockton 20. Stokes 54. Strothfr 18. -?Y>. CL Quincy iB, 26. Quefnay 33. R Radcliffe 26. Ray 8. Reeve J3. Reid 14, 2 r, 27* Reide 56, 58. Renwick 54. Richter 60. Ridley 29. Rigby 21, 49. Riollav 78 Index of Names. Swainfton 58. Swan 28. Swediaur 43. Swieten 9, 10, 20. Sydenham 23, 27, 28, 32. Walter 28. Ware 23, 46, 59'; Warner 18, 23. Waters 45. Watfon 31. Webfter 24. Weldon 54. Wenzel 46. Wepfer 32. Werlhofius 42. Wheftphalus 37. White 21, 24, 28, 43, 50, SI- Whytt 9, 19, 20, 31. Wiegleb 38. Willan 28. Williamfon 55* Willis 33, 34. Wilmer 14, 62. Wilfon 21, 52. Window 22, 29. Wiieman 17. Wiftar 30. Withering 29, 45. Withers 59. Wood 53. Woodhoufe 62. Woodville 39, 40. T Tenon 41. Thelwall 41. Thomas 47. Thorafon 47, 60. Thucydides 18. Tilfot 16. Toulmin 47. Tournefort 11, 17. Tulpius 32. Turner 17, 26. u Underwood 47, 61. V Valll 58. Vaughan 57. Vanguion 27. Vaux 22. Vogel 13. X w Wade 57. Wainwright 26. Waldfchmidt 33. Walker 43. Wall 44. Walkens 33. Wallace 54. Wallis 23, 29, 41, 52, 55, 57. Y Young 25, 60. Yves 20. Z Zimmerman 24, 28, 48, 55. ‘PRINTED BY ZACHARIAH POULSON, JUNIOR/