A K ORDINANCE Providing for the raifing of a Sum of Money FOR SUPPLYING TH~ City of Philadelphia WITH WHOLESOME WATER. Printed by order of the Corporation of Philadelphia, —-Philadelphia .•— PRINTED BY ZACHARIAH POULSON, JUNIOR No. 106, Chefnut-Jireet. *799* An Ordinance providing for the raifing of a fu;n of money, on loan, for fupplying the city of Philadelphia with wholefome Water. W HE HE AS the fpeedy introdudion of a copious fupply cf vholehome water, is deemed effential to the health and prefervation of this city, and, from information communicated to the Seled and Common Councils, there«appears fufficient rea- fcn to believe an adequate fupply thereof can be in- troduced within the compafs of the prefent year, if the neceffary fum, or capital, for defraying the ex- pence can be obtai :cJ. And though there is reafon to hope, a liberal aid will be granted by the Legi- fiatuie, towards enabling the city to complete this important work:---Yet the fpeedy accomplifhment thereof appears to require the immediate exertions and re'buvces of the citizens of Pniladelphia, for pro- d re ing the benefits, contemplated thereby, within the courfe of the approaching fummer feafon:— Sedion I. Be ii therefore ordained and enaded ry the Citizens of Philadelphia, in Seled and Common Coun- cils ajjcmbltd, That the whole of the income of the corporate eft ites cf the Citizens of Philadelphia, and other adequate and fufficient proviflt.n which are within the means and pev/er o- the City Cor- poration, (excepting the f-rry and bridge at the weft end of High-ftreet) (hall be pledged, and the fame are (together with any aid the Commonwealth may be hereafter induced to grant) hereby pledged for the payment of the intereft, and for the redemp- tion of the principal, of a fum not exceeding, in the whole, 4 A 2,4-5 >f ( 4 ) whole, one hundred and fifty thoufand dollars, which any perfon or number of perfons, or bodies politic or corporate (with the patriotic view of pro- moting the health and fafety of the city) may and fhall advance, on loan, as a capital, to the amount of one hundred and fifty thoufand dollars as aforefaid, for the purpofe of obtaining the intro- dudion of a copious fupply of wholefome water into this city. Sedion II. And be it further ordained and enaded, That Edward Tilghman, Jared Ingerfoll, Stephen Girard, Jeffe Wain, Levi Hollingfworth, Leonard Jacoby, John Infkeep, Jacob Shoemaker, Jofeph Crukfhank, William Jones. Jonathan Robinfon, and Thomas Hafkins, be, and they are hereby, appointed Commiffioners to execute and perform the feveral duties hereinafter mentioned, that is to fay, They fhall and may, writh all convenient ex- pedition, procure one or more fuitable books, and therein enter as follows:— " We, whofe names are hereunto fubfcribed, do " promife to pay to the Mayor, Aldermen and Citi- " zens of Philadelphia, towards conflituting a Capi- " tal to defray the expence of introducing water for " the ufe of the Citizens of Philadelphia, the fum of " one hundred Dollars for every fhare of faid flock " fet oppofite to our refpedive names, and to pay the " fame, in fuch manner, proportions and times, as is " providedfor in an ordinance, entitled, " An ordi- " nance providing for the raifing of a fum of mo- " ney, on loan, for fupplying the city of Phila- 66 delphia with wholefome water." And the faid Commiffioners fhall thereupon, after giving due public notice, proceed in fuch manner, and at fuch places, as they may think it expedient, with all due diligence to open the faid book or books, and invite and receive the fubfcriptions of any per- fon or perfons, or bodies politic or corporate, who fhall ( 5 ) fliall offer to fubfcribe therein for any fhare, or number of fhares, until the faid book or books fhall have fubfcribed therein the number of fifteen hundred fhares and when the faid number of fhares fhall be fubfcribed, at any time within thirty days, to be computed from the opening of faid book or books, or if only fix hundred fhares are fubfcribed at the expiration of the faid thirty days, the faid Commiffioners fhall return, to the Mayor of this city a full and perfed lift of all the fubfcriptions to the faid Capital, with the number of fhares fub- fcribed, certified under their hands and feais, and fhall pay to the Treafurer of the city all monies they fhall have received by virtue thereof, and if the number of fhares, fo returned and certified, fhall be lefs than fifteen hundred, but fhall amount to fix hundred fhares, the books fhall be kept open for further fubfcriptions, at fuch times and places as ihe Commiifioners may hereafter appoint, of which times and places they fhall give due and public no- dee. Sedion IIT. And be it further ordained and enaded, That the payments to be made by the fubfcribers on each fhare of the aforefaid Capital, fhall be in man- ner and time as follows, that is to fay, Ten dollars to be paid to the Commiffioners at the time of fub- fcription, and the refidue to the Treafurer of the city, to wit, thirty dollars at the expiration of two months from the time of fubfcription, thirty dol- lars at the expiration of four months from the time of fubfcription, and thirty dollars at the expiration of fix months from the time of fubfcription; and, on the completion of the laft payment, certificates, figned by the Mayor, and counterfigned by the City Treafurer. fhall be delivered to the fubfcribers refpedively, for each fhare, or number of fhares, by them fubfcribed, which certificates fhall entitle each fubfcriber, or his legal attorney or affigns, to receive an intereft thereon at the rate of fix per cent. ( 6 ) oent. per annum, fo be paid, half yearly, by tn.. Treafurer of the city, and fhall be feverally tranf- ferable by the fubfcribers, or their legal attorney or affigns, by indorfement thereon, at the office, and in the prefence, of the Treafurer for the time being. And that if any fuofcriber to any fhare or (hares, of the aforefaicl Capital, fhall fail or negled to m?he good any payment within thirty days, from and sftcr the ref:'.-,clive times as herein before re- quired, every fuch fubfcriber, fo failing and negled- ing, fnali forfeit ail the fuin or funis which may hare been previcuily paid, and the fame fhall be applied to the vfe ;::,a benefit of the city, as an aid for defraying the expences of introducing a fupply of water. SedionlV. And be itfurther ordained and enaded, That fo foon as a copious fupply of water fhall be introduced into the ftreets of the city, and be ready for diftribu-ion, under fuch general'and equal re- gulations, as fitting to the occafion, may hereafter be eftablifhed, it fhall, at the cenduks emptying into the ftreets, be for the free ufe of ail perfons, and every fubfcriber to the faid Capital (hall be entitled, in the firft inftar.ee, to a preference of fupply to one dwelling houfe for each fhare fo fubfcribed, to be taken from the ft-reet pipes or conduits, fubjed to the general legulation aforefaid, and fhall enjoy the ufe -end convenience of faid fupply for the full term of three years, free of any charge of water rem:. Sedion V. And be it further ordained and enaded, That all rents or other emoluments which may arife frcn the ufe and application of faid water, fhall, in the firft inftance, be applied for defraying the expences of fuperintendance, and of repairs and improvements of neceffary works for the better ac- commodation and fupply of the city with water, in the fecond inftance, to the redemption of the afore- faid (7 ) faid capital flock, and thereafter, for any further improvements to the city of Philadelphia, or in aid and alleviation of taxes on its inhabitants. Sedion VI. And be ii further ordained and enaded, That on the receipt and payment of all monies, which fhall arife on the fubfcriptions to the capital- ftock as aforefaid, the Treafurer of this city fhall be entitled to a commiffion, at the rate of fifty cents for every hundred dollars fo received and aid, and no more; and,the faid Treafurer fhall eep all monies, arifing therefrom, in the Bank of Pennfylvania, and fhall alfo keep an account of the receipts and payments thereon, and thereout, diftind from all other monies coming into, and paffing through, his hand from any other fource whatever. Enaded into an Ordinance, at Philadelphia, on this feventh day of February, in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ninety- nine. Kearny Wharton, Prefident of the Common Council. Francis Gurney, Prefident of the Seled Council. I L. S. &l