THE PHARMACOPOEIA OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ass®. BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETIES AND COLLEGES BOSTON: PRINTED BY WELLS AND LILLY. FOR CHARLES EWER, NO. 51, CORNHILL. Dec. 1820. DISTRICT OP MASSACHUSETTS, TO WIT: BE it remembered, that on the fifteenth day of December, A.D. 1820, in the Forty-fifth year of tlie Independence of the United States of America, Charles Ewer and Timothy Bedlingtoa tis adjice Aquae rosae fluiduncias duas ; Et assidue move donec refrixerint. OINTMENTS. 247 OINTMENTS. Ointments are prepared from lard or oil rendered of the con- sistence of butter by the addition of suet, wax, or spermaceti, so as to suspend the dry powders and more ponderous articles, with which they are frequently incorporated As they are to be applied to the skin, they should be soft or fluid at the tempe- rature of the body. The following formulae are calculated for a temperature not exceeding 60° Fahr. In a higher tempe- rature more suet or wax may be added. OINTMENT OF NITROUS ACID. Take of Lard, one pound. Nitrous acid, six fluidrachms. Mix the acid gradually with the melted lard, and diligently beat the mixture as it cools. OINTMENT OF ROSEWATER. Take of Oil of almonds, two fluidounces. Spermaceti, half an ounce. White wax, one drachm. Melt the whole in a water bath, stirring it frequently ; when melted, add of' Rose water, two fluidounces; And stir the mixture continually till it is cold. 248 UNGUENTA. UNGUENTUM CANTHARIDUM. R. Cantharidum in pulverem tritarum uncias duas. Aquae distillatae fluiduncias octo. Cerati resinosi uncias octo. Aquam cum cantharidibus decoque ad dimidiam et cola ; li- quori colato commisce ceratum, dein vaporet ad idoneam crassi- tudinem- UNGUENTUM CUPRI SUBACETATIS. R. Unguenti simplicis partes quindecim. Cupri subacetatis praeparati in pulverem triti partem unam. Unguento liquefacto adjice cuprum, et assidue move donec refrixerint. UNGUENTUM GALLARUM. R. Gallarum in pulverem tritarum drachmam unam. Adipis drachmas septem. Adipi igne lento emollito pulverem adjice, et misce. UNGUENTUM HYDRARGYRI R. Hydrargyri purificati ; Adipis, utriusque pondere partes tres.- Sevi partem unam. Tere hydrargyrum diligenter in mortario cum pauxillo adi- pis donec evanescant globuli* dein adde reliquum adipis et sevi, bene interim omnia conterens. * Globuli citius evanescent si hydrargyrus cum pauxillo unguenti jam antea parati seu adipis rancidi, seu terebinthinae teretur. OINTMENTS. OINTMENT OF CANTHARIDES. Take of Cantharides in powder, two ounces. Distilled water, eight fluidounces. Resin cerate, eight ounces. Boil the water with the cantharides to half its quantity, and stra:n Mix the cerate into the strained liquor, and evaporate to a proper consistence. OINTMENT OF THE SUBACETATE OF COPPER. Take of Simple ointment, fifteen parts. Prepared subacetate of copper in powder, one part. Melt the ointment, then add the copper, and mix them to- gether. OINTMENT OF GALLS. Take of Galls in powder, one drachm. Lard, seven drachms. Mix the powdered galls with the lard previously melted. MERCURIAL OINTMENT. Take of Purified mercury ; Lard, each three parts by weight. Suet, one part. Rub the quicksilver carefully in a mortar with a small portion of the lard,* until the globules disappear ; then add the remain- der of the lard and the suet, rubbing them well together. * Employing a small portion of old ointment, of rancid lard, or of turpentine greatly expedites the process. 250 UNGUENTA. UNGUENTUM HYDRARGYRI NITRATIS FORTIUS. R. Hydrargyri purificati partem unam. Acidi nitrici partes duas. Olei olivae partes novem. Adipis partes tres. Solve hydrargyrum in acido, dein liquorem cum adipe et oleo prius simul liquefactis et denuo frigescentibus strenue subige in mortario vitreo, ut fiat unguentum. UNGUENTUM HYDRARGYRI NITRATIS MITIUS. Paratur eodem modo ex adipe et oleo triplici. UNGUENTUM HYDRARGYRI NITRICO-OXIDI. R. Hydrargyri nitrico-oxidi partem unam. Adipis partes octo. Adipi liquefacto adjice oxidum et move donec refrixerint. UNGUENTUM HYDRARGYRI OXIDI CINEREI. R. Hydrargyri oxidi cinerei partem unam. Adipis partes tres. \dipi liquefacto adjice oxidum et misce. OINTMENTS 251 OINTMENT OF NITRATE OF MERCURY. Take of Purified mercury, by weight one part. Nitric acid, two parts. Olive oil, nine parts. Lard, three parts. Dissolve the mercury in the acid, then mix the liquor with the oil and lard previously melted together, and just beginning to grow stiff-. Stir them briskly together in a glass mortar, so as to form an ointment. MILDER OINTMENT OF NITRATE OF MERCURY. This is prepared in the same way, with three times the quan- tity of lard and oil. OINTMENT OF THE NITRIC OXIDE OF MER- CURY. Take of Nitric oxide of mercury, one part. Lard, eight parts. To the melted lard add the oxide, and mix them together until cool. OINTMENT OF GREY OXIDE OF MERCURY. Take of Grey oxide of mercury, one part. Lard, three parts. Mix the oxide with the lard, previously melted. 252 UNGUENTA. UNGUENTUM HYDRARGYRI SUBMURIATIS AM MONIATI. R. Hydrargyri submuriatis amraoniati drachmam unam. Adipis unciam unam cum semisse. Adipi lento igne liquefacto adjice submuriatem hydrargyri amrnoniatum et misce. UNGUENTUM PICIS LIQUIDAS R. Picis liquidae partes quinque. Cerae flavae partes duas. Liquefac simul et per linteum exprime. UNGUENTUM PLUMBI SUBCARBONATIS. R. Unguenti simplicis libram unam. Plumbi subcarbonatis uncias duas. Unguento lento igne emollito adjice plumbum et misce donec, refrixerint. UNGUENTUM SIMPLEX. R. Cerae albae partes duas. Olivae olei partes quinque. Liquefac simuliento igne, et assidue move donec refrixerint. OINTMENTS. 253 OINTMENT OF AMMONIATED SUBMURIATE OF MERCURY. Take of Ammoniated submuriate of mercury, one drachm. Lard, one ounce and a half. To the melted lard add the ammoniated submuriate of mer* cury, and mix. TAR OINTMENT Take of Tar, five parts. Yellow wax, two parts. Mix them together, and strain through linen. OINTMENT OF SUBCARBONATE OF LEAD. Take of Simple ointment, one pound. Subcarbonate of lead, two ounces. To the ointment previously softened add the lead, and stir them until cool. SIMPLE OINTMENT. Take of White wax, two parts. Olive oil, five parts. Melt them together and keep stirring until cool. 254 UNGUENTA. UNGUENTUM STRAMONII. R. Stramonii foliorum recentium concisorum libras quinque. Adipis libras quatuordecim. Coque lento igne donec folia friabilia fiant, tum per linteum adipem exprime, et singulis hujus libris ; adjice, Cerae flavae uncias duas Cera liquefacta, sinito gradatim concrescere ut faeces subsi- deant, quas ab unguento remove. UNGUENTUM SULPHURIS. R. Adipis partes quatuor. Sulphuris partem unam. Adipi liquefacto adjice sulphurem et misce. UNGUENTUM SULPHURIS COMPOSITUM. R Sulphuris unciam unam. Submuriatis hydrargyri ammoniati. Acidi benzoici, utriusque drachmam unam. Limonis olei fluidrachmam unam. Acidi sulphurici minima sexaginta. Potassae nitratis drachmas duas. Adipis libram dimidiam. Adipi liquefacto adjice caetera, et misce donec refrixerint. OINTMENTS. 255 OINTMENT OF THORN APPLE Take of Thornapple leaves, fresh gathered and sliced, five pounds. Lard, fourteen pounds. Let them simmer together over a gentle fire till the leaves become crisp and dry, then press out the lard through a linen cloth, and add to every pound of the compound, of Yellow wax, two ounces. When the wax is melted, let the whole be allowed to cool gradually, that the impurities may subside, which must be sepa- rated from the ointment. SULPHUR OINTMENT. Take of Hogs lard, four parts. Sulphur, one part. Mix the sulphur with the melted lard. COMPOUND SULPHUR OINTMENT. fake of Sulphur, one ounce. Ammoniated submuriate of mercury ; Benzoic acid, each one drachm. Oil oflemons, one fluidrachm. Sulphuric acid, sixty minims. Nitrate of potass, two drachms. Lard, half a pound. Melt the lard, then add the other articles, continually stirring until the whole is cold. VINA MEDICATA. UNGUENTUM VERATRI VIRTDIS. R. Veratri viridis in pulverem triti uncias duos. Adipis uncias octo. Limcnis olei minima viginti. Adipi liquefacto adjice pulverem et oleum, et misce, assidue movens donec refrixerint. Eodem modo paratur unguentum veratri albi. UNGUENTUM ZINCI OXIDI IMPURI. R. Adipis partes quinque. Zinci oxidi impuri praeparati partem unam Adipi liquefacto adjice oxidum et assidue move donec re- frixerint. i VINA MEDICATA. VINUM ALOES. Ii. Aloes socotrinae in pulverem tritae unciam unam. Cardamomi contusi; Zingiberis contusi, utriusque drachmam unam. Vini octantes duos. Macera per dies decem, subinde agitans, et cola. MEDICATED WINES. OINTMENT OF AMERICAN HELLEBORE Take of American hellebore in powder, two ounces. Lard, eight ounces. Oii of lemons, twenty minims. To the lard previously melted add the oil and powder, con* tinually stirring until cool. In the same manner the ointment may be prepared of the white hellebore. / OINTMENT OF IMPURE OXIDE OF ZINC. Take of Lard, five parts. Prepared impure oxide of zinc, one part. To the melted lard add the zinc, and mix them together until cool. MEDICATED WINES. WINE OF ALOES. Take of Socotrine aloes, in powder, one ounce. Cardamom, bruised; Ginger, each one drachm. Wine, two pints. Macerate for ten days, stirring occasionally, and afterwards strain. 258 VINA MEDICATA. VINUM ANTIMONII TARTARIZATI. R. Antimonii tartarizati scrupulos duos. Aqua? distillatae bullientis fluiduncias quatuor. Vini fluiduncias sex. Antimonium tartarizatum in aqua distillata bulliente liqua tum vinum adjice. VINUM COLCHICI. R. Colchici recentis partem unam. Vini partes duas. Macera per dies decem, et cola. VINUM FERRI. R. Ferri ductilis consecti uncias quatuor. Vini octantes quatuor. Ferrum vini octantibus duobus sparsum, donec rubigine coo- pertum fuerit, aeri expone ; dein reliquum vini adde. Macera per dies decem, subinde agitans, et cola. VINUM GENTIANAE COMPOSITUM. R. Gentianae unciam dimidiam. Cinchonse unciam unam. Aurantii corticis drachmas duas. Canellfe drachmam unam. Alcoholis diluti fluiduncias quatuor, Vini octantes duos cum semisse. Radici atque corticibus concisis et contusis affunde primum alcohol dilutum, et post horas viginti quatuor adde vinum; tum macera per dies decem, et cola. MEDICATED WINES. WINE OF TARTARIZED ANTIMONY. Take of Tartarized antimony, two scruples. Boiling distilled water, four fluidounces. Wine, six fluidounces. Dissolve the tartarized antimony in the boiling distilled wa- ter ; then add the wine. WINE OF MEADOW SAFFRON. Take of Fresh meadow saffron, one part. Wine, two parts. Macerate for ten days, and strain. WINE OF IRON. Take of Iron Wire cut in pieces, four ounces. Wine, four pints. Sprinkle the wire with two pints of the wine, and expose it to the air until it be covered with rust; then add the rest of the wine ; macerate for ten days, with occasional agitation, and filter. COMPOUND WINE OF GENTIAN. Take of Gentian, half an ounce. Peruvian bark, one ounce. Orange peel, two drachms. Canella, one drachm. Diluted alcohol, four fluidounces. Wine, two pints and a half. First pour the diluted alcohol on the root and barks, sliced and bruised, and, after twenty-four hours, add the wine ; then macerate for ten days, and strain. 260 VINA MEDICATA. VINUM IPECACUANHA. R. Ipecacuanhae contusae uncias duas. Vini octantes duos. Macera per dies decem, et per chartam cola VINUM OPII. R. Opii uncias duas. Cinnamomi contusi ; Caryophylli contusi, utriusque drachmam unam Vini octantem unum. Macera per dies decem, et cola. VINUM RHEI. R. Rhei concisi uncias duas. Canellae contusae drachmam unam. Alcoholis diluti fluiduncias duas. Vini octantem unum. Macera per dies decem, et per chartam cola. VINUM TABACI. R. Tabaci unciam unam. Vini octantem unum. Macera per dies decem, et per chartam cola. VINUM VERATRI ALBI. 1$. Veratri albi uncias quatuor. Vini octantem unum. Macera per dies decem, et per chartam cola. MEDICATED WINES. 261 WINE OF IPECACUANHA. Take of Ipecacuanha bruised, two ounces. Wine, two pints. Macerate for ten days, and strain. WINE OF OPIUM. CALLED SYDENHAM'S LAUDANUM fake of Opium, two ounces. Cinnamon, bruised ; Cloves bruised, each one drachm. Wine, one pint. Macerate for ten days, and strain. WINE OF RHUBARB. Take of Rhubarb sliced, two ounces. Canella bruised, one drachm. Diluted alcohol, two fluidounces. Wine, one pint. Macerate for ten days, and filter through papei;. WINE OF TOBACCO. Take of Tobacco, one ounce. Wine, one pint. Macerate for ten days, and filter. WINE OF WHITE HELLEBORE, Take of White hellebore, four ounces. Wine, one pint. Macerate for ten days, and filter. 262 ZINCUM. ZINCUM. ZINCI ACETAS. B. Zinci sulphatis drachmam unam, in aquae distillatae fluidunciis decem soluti. Plumbi acetatis scrupulos quatuor, in aquae distillatae fluidunciis decem soluti. Misce liquores ut plumbi sulphas praecipitetur. Transfunde liquidum limpidum supernatans et vaporando crystallos elice. ZINCI CARBONAS IMPURUS PRJEPARATUS. R. Zinci carbonatis impuri quantumvis. Ure ; tum contere. Deinde fiat pulvis subtilissimus eodem modo, quo calcis carbonatem praeparari praecipimus. ZINCI OXIDUM. Crucibulum amplum in furno prunis instructo ita collocetur ut hujus ostium versus paulo inclinet, et, cum illius fundus me- diocriter canduerit, injiciatur zinci frustulum cujus pondus sit circiter unius drachmae. Zincum brevi accendetur, et simul in floccos albos convertetur, qui subinde a metalli superficie spa- thula ferrea retrahendi sunt, ut combustio ejus perfectius ab- solvatur ; et tandem, cessante flamma, oxidum zinci e crucibulo auferendum est. Alio zinci frustulo tunc projecto, operatio iteretur, et, quoties opus fuerit, repetatur. Deinde oxidum zinci praeparetur ut carbonas calcis. ZINC 263 7,me. ACETATE OF ZINC. Take of Sulphate of zinc, one drachm, dissolved in ten fluid- ounces of distilled water. Acetate of lead, four scruples, dissolved in ten fluid- ounces of distilled water. Mix the solutions and a sulphate of lead will be precipitat- ed. Decant the clear supernatant liquid, evaporate and crys- tallize. PREPARED IMPURE CARBONATE OF ZINC. CALLED PREPARED CALAMINE. Take of Impure carbonate of zinc, any quantity. Burn and break it small ; then let it be brought into the state of a very fine powder, in the same manner that carbonate ot lime is prepared. FORMERLY FLOWERS OF ZINC. OXIDE OF ZINC. Let a large crucible be placed in a furnace filled with live coals, so as to be somewhat inclined towards its mouth ; and when the bottom of the crucible is moderately red, throw into it a small piece of zinc, about the weight of a drachm. The zinc soon inflames, and is, at the same time, converted into white flakes, which are to be from time to time removed from the surface of the metal with an iron spatula, that the combus- tion may be more complete ; and at last, when the zinc ceases to flame, the oxide of zinc is to be taken out of the crucible. Having then put in another piece of zinc, the operation is to be repeated, and may be repeated as often as is necessary. Last- ly the oxide of zinc is to be prepared in the same way as the carbonate of lime. LATIN INDEX. OF NAMES AND SYNONYMS. APage cetum distillation . . 62 opii . . 60 purificatum . 62 scillae . 60 Acidum benzoicum . 62 earbonicum . . 64 citricum . . ib. prussicum . . 66 sulphuricum dilutum 64 Either sulphuricus . 66 Alcohol ammoniatum . 72 dilutura . . 70 Alumen exsiccatum . . 70 Ammoniae acetas liquidus 72 carbonas . 74 et ferri murias . 134 hydrosulphuretum 74 Antimonii murias . . 76 ———- oxidum . . 78 oxidum vitrificatum ib. oxidum vitrificatum cum cera . ib. sulphuretura praecipita- tum . . 80 suphuretum praepara- tum . . ib. Antimonium tartarizatum ib. Aqua acidi carbonici . . 82 ammoniae . . 72 ammoniae carbonatis . 74 aurantii corticis . 84 calcis . . .92 cinnamomi . . 84 distil lata . . ib. magnesiae . . 82 menthae piperitae . ib. menthae viridis . 84 potassae . . 82 & 83 rosarum . . 84 sodae . . .82 Argenti nitras . . 86 Arsenicum . . . ib. Auri murias • . . 88 Barytae murias . . ib. Basilicon, i vide ceratum resinosum) Bismnthi subnitras . . 90 Calcis carbonas praeparatus 92 Cantharidum ceratum . 94 Ceratum arsenici . . ib. Page Ceratum cantharidum . 94 juniperi virginiani ib. plumbi subacetatis liquidi 96 plumbi subcarbonatis com- positum . 96 resinosum . . ib. resinosum compositum 98 sabinae . . ib. simplex . . 100 saponis . . 98 zinci carbonatis impuri 100 Collyrium plumbi acetatis ib. plumbi acetatis et opii ib. zinci acetatis . 102 zinci sulpbatis . ib. Confectio aromatica . ib. aurantii corticis 104 cassias . . ib. seammoniae . ib. sennas . . 106 Conserva, (vide confectio) Creta, (vide calcis carbonas) Cupri ammoniaretum . ib. ammoniareti liquor 108 subacetas praeparatum ib. sulpbatis liquor . . ib. Decoctum araliae nudicaulis 110 cinchonae . . ib. colombae compositum ib. dulcamarae . ib. guaiaci . . 112 — hordei . . ib. hordei compositum ib. — lichenis . .114 mezerei . ib. ■ sarsaparillae . ib. sarsaparillae composi- tum . . ib. scillae . . 116 senegae . . ib. veratri . . ib. Diachylon, (vide emplastrum plumbi) Klectuarium, (vide confectio) Elixir proprietatis . 219 paregoricum . . 223 sacrum . . 237 salutis . . . 241 — vitrioli . . 243 Emplastrum aramoniaci 118 266 LATIN INDEX. Page Emplastrum assafcetidae . 118 ferri . . ib. hydrargyri . 120 meloes vesicatorii (vide ceratura can- tharidum) plumbi . 120 plumbi subcarbonatis compositum 122 resinosum . ib. resin, cantharidum ib. Emulsio, (vide mistura) Extractum aconiti . . 124 anthemidis . 126 • belladonna: . 124 cinchonae . 128 -— colocynthidis comp. ib. conii . . 124 gentianae , . 126 haematoxyli . ib. hellebori nigri . ib. hyoscyami . ib. jalapae . .130 juglandis . 128 podophylli . 130 quassias . 128 ■ sambuci . . 130 stramonii . 126 Ferri acetas . . . 132 carbonas praecipitatus ib. carbonas praeparatus ib. limatura purificata . 134 oxidum rubrum . ib. phosphas . . ib. - tartras . . 136 Flores benzoini, (vide acid, beuz.) Hepar sulphuris, (vide sulphure- tum potassae) Hiera-picra, (vide pulvis aloes cum canella) Hydrargyri nitrico-oxidum 138 oxidum cinereum ib. • oxymurias . ib. submurias . 140 submit, ammouiatus 142 subsulphas flavus ib. sulphuretum nigrum ib. sulphuretum rubrum 144 Hydrargyrum purificatum 140 Infusum angusturae . . ib. anthemidis . ib. armoraciae , .146 cascarillae . ib. cinchonae . . ib. cinchonae cum aqua calcis ib. Pap» Infusum cinchonas cum magnesia 148 cinchonae cum succo li- inonum . . ib. colombae . . ib. digitalis . . ib. eupatorii • . 150 gentianas compositum ib. lini . . ib. quassias . . ib. quass. cum sulph. zinci 152 rosae compositum ib. sennae compositum ib. sennae et tamarindi ib. — serpentariae . 154 spigeliae . . ib. tabaci . . ib. ulmi . . . ib. valerianae . 156 Laudanum . . . 237 Linimentum ammoniae . 156 ammoniae et antimo- nii tartarizati . 156 • aquae calcis . 158 camphoratum ib. cantharidum . ib. saponis camphoratum ib. saponis et opii 160 — tabaci . ib. terebinthinae comp. ib. Liquor barytae . . 90 calcis muriatis . 92 cupri sulphatis . 108 ferri alkalini . . 136 hydrargyri oxy muriatis 140 potassae arseniatis . 86 potassae subcarbonatis 192 Lytta, (vide cantharides) Magnesia . . .160 Mel despumatum . . 162 scillae acetatum . . ib. scillae compositum . ib. Meloe vesicat. (vide cantharides) Mistura ammoniaci . 164 amygdalae . . ib. ammoniaci et ahtimonii ib. calcis carbonatis . ib. camphorae . . 166 ferri composita . ib. magnesia: . . ib. moschi . . 168 zinci sulphatis . ib. Murias hydrargyri, (vide hydrar- gyri oxymurias) Oleum anisi . . . 168 aethereura . . 68 LATIN INDEX. 267 Page Oleum cheuopodii . . 168 cunil* . . 170 fceniculi . . ib. gaultheri* . . ib. juniperi . . ib. lavandul* . . ib. menth* piperit* . ib. menth* viridis . ib. monard* . . ib. origani . . ib. pimeut* . . ib. rorismarini . ib. sassafras . .172 succini . . ib. succini oxidatum . ib. Oxymel scillae, (vide mei scillae) Pilulae aloetic* . .174 aloes et colocynthidis ib. aloes et myrrh* . ib. aloes cura myrrha et gua- iaco . .176 antimoniales composit* ib. arsenici . . ib. assafcetid* . . ib. - assafcetid* composit* 178 auri muriatis . ib. cochi* . 174 colocynthidis ex. compos, ib. ferri sulphatis . ib. ferri sulphatis composit* 180 gambogi* et scammoni* ib. hydrargyri . . ib. hydr. oxymuriatis . ib. hydr. submuriatis . 182 jalap* composit* . ib. myrrh* et ferri . ib. opii . . . ib. — picis . . 184 rhei composit* . ib. scill* . . ib. Sod* subcarbonatis . . ib. Plumbi acetas . . 186 subacetas liquidus . ib. Pondera et raensur* . 58 Potassa . . . 186 calce . 190 Potass* acetas . . 188 •— car bonas . . 190 subcarbonas . .192 sulphas . . ib. ■ - supercarbonas . 194 tartras . . ib. Pulvis aloes cum canella . 196 ■ ■ ■ — aromaticus . . ib. ——— calcis carbonatis compos. 196 Page Pulvis doveri . 198 ipecac, et cupri sulphatis 196 ipecac, et opii . 196 jalap* compositus . ib. scammonii compositus ib. stanni . . . 204 stanni amalgamate 204 antimonialis . . 76 Saccharum saturni, (vide plumbi acetas) Spiritus aetheris nitriosi . 70 aetheris sulphurici . 68 aetheris sulphurici comp. ib. juniperi compositus 202 mindereri, (vide ammoniae acetas liquidas) lavandul* . . ib. rorismarini . . ib. Spongia usta . . 204 S odae car bonas . .198 murias exsiccatus . 200 phosphas . . ib. subcarbonas exsiccatus 202 Succus inspissatus, (vide extractum) Sulphuretum potass* . . 206 sod* . . ib. Syrupus aceti . . . ib. allii . . ib. • aurantii corticis . 208 colchici . . ib. — rhamni . . ib. rhei . . 210 rhei aromaticus . ib. rhei cum senna . ib. sarsaparill* . . ib. sarsaparill* et guaiaci 212 scillae . . . 214 seneg* . . ib. — simplex . . ib. tolutarii . . ib. zingiberis . .216 Tartras potass* et sod* . 194 ——— antimonii, (vide anti. tar.) Tinctura acetatis ferri . 228 acidi sulphurici . 242 — aloes , . 218 aloes et myrrh* . ib. ammoniata aromatica 220 angustur* , ib. assafcetid* . . ib. camphor* . ib. camphor* opiata . 222 cantharidum . ib. capsici . . ib. ———• capsici et cantharidum ib. 268 LATIN INDEX. Page Tinctura cardamomi . 224 castorei . . ib. catechu . . ib. cinchonas . ib. cinchonae composita 226 • cinnamomi . . ib. colombae . . ib. digitalis . . ib gentianae . 228 guaiaci . . 230 guaiaci ammouiata ib. — hellebori nigri . ib. hu muli . . ib. hyosciami . . 232 jalapae . . ib. kino . . ib. lavandulae . ib. lobelias . . 234 menthae piperitas ib. menthae viridis . ib. moschi . ib. muriatis ferri . 228 myrrhs . . 234 opii . . . 236 quassix . . ib. — rhei . . . ib. — rhei et aloes . ib. rhei et gentianae . 238 rhei dulcis . ib. sanguinariae . ib. — saponis et opii . ib. — sennas aromatica 240 — sennae composita ib. — serpentariae . 242 strammonii . . ib. — tolutani . 244 Valerianas . . ib. valerianae amraoniata ib. — veratri viridis 244 Page Trochisci calcis carbonatis 21G glycyrrhizae cuna opio ib. magnesiae . 218 Unguentum acidi nitrosi 246 aquae rosae . ib. cantharidum 248 citrinum, (vide ung. nit. hydrargyri) cupri subacetatis ib. gallarum . ib. hydrargyri ib. hydrargyri nit. for. 250 hydrargyri nit. mit. ib. hydrargyri nit,-oxidi ib. hydrargyri ox. cine. ib. hydrargyri sub. am 252 picis liquidx ib. plumbi subcarbonatis ib. resinosum, (vide ceratum) simplex . ib. stramonii . 254 sulphuris . ib. sulph. compositum ib. -—— veratri viridis 256 zinci oxidi impuri ib. Vinum aloes . . ib. antimonii tartarizati 258 colchici . . ib. ferri . . ib. gentianae compositum ib. ipeeacuanbae . 260 opii . . . ib. rliei . • ib. tabaci . . ib. veratri albi . ib. JZinci acetas . . 262 carbonas impurus praepar. ib. oxidum . • ib. ib. 254 ib. ENGLISH INDEX A Page CETATED honey of squill 103 Acetate of potass - 199 of iron - - 133 of lead - 197 of zinc - - 263 Adhesive plaster - 123 Almond mixture - - 165 Aloetic pills - - 175 Ammoniacum mixture - 165 plaster - 119 Ammouiated alcohol - 73 aromatic tincture 221 submuriate of mere. 143 tinct. of guaiacum 231 tinct. of valerian 245 Ammoniaret of copper 107 Aniirnonial powder - 77 Aromatic confection - 103 powder - 197 tincture of senna 241 syrup of rhubarb 211 Arsenical solution - 87 Assafcetida pills - - 177 plaster - 119 Benzoic acid - - 63 Black suiphuret of mercury 143 drop - 61 Blistering cerate, (see cerate of cantharides.) liniment, (see lin. of can.) tincture, (see tinct. of cayenne pepper and canth.) Blue pills - - 181 Burnt sponge - 205 Calomel - 141 Camphor mixture - 167 Camphorated liniment - 159 soap liniment ib. Carbonate of ammonia - 75 of potass - 191 of soda - - 199 Carbonic acid - 65 acid water - 83 Cerate of arsenic - 95 of cantharides - ib. of impure carb. of zinc 101 of red cedar - 95 with subacetate of lead 97 —_— of subcarbonate of lead 97 ! Page I Chalk mixture,(see mixture of car- bonate of lime) Cinnamon water - 85 Cinnabar - - 145 Citric acid - 65 Citron oint. (see ointment of ni- trate of mercury) Clarified honey ’ - 163 Collyrium of acetate cf lead 101 of acetate of zinc 103 of opium and ac. of lead 101 of sulphate of zinc 103 Compound antimonial pills 177 assafcetida pills 179 — powder of carb. of lime 197 — decoction of barley 113 decoction of columbo 111 decoction of sarsaparil. 115 extract of colocynth 192 infusion of gentian 151 i 0f roses 153 of senna ib. r- liniment of turpentine 161 mixture of iron 167 plaster of sub. of lead 123 pills of jalap - 183 of rhubarb 185 of sulphate of iron 179 powder of jalap 199 of scammony ib. resin cerate - 99 — spirit of juniper 203 of sulphuric ether 69 — sulphur ointment 255 tincture of peruv. bark 227 of senna 241 wine of gentian 259 Confection of cassia - 105 of orange peel ib. of roses - - ib. of scammony ib. of senna - 107 Conserve of roses - 105 Crocus of antimony - 79 Corrosive sublimate - 139 Decoction of barley - 113 of bitter sweet 111 of false sarsaparilla ib. ———— of guaiacum * 113 270 ENGLISH INDEX. Page Decoction of Iceland moss 115 ofinezereon - ib. of Peruvian bark 111 of sarsaparilla 115 of seneca snakeroot 117 of squill - ib. • of white hellebore ib. Diuretic salt - - 189 Diluted alcohol - 71 sulphuric acid - 65 Distilled water - 85 vinegar - - 63 Dovers powder - 199 Dried alum - - 71 muriate of soda - 201 subcarbonate of soda 203 Electuaries, (see confections) Elixir of vitriol - 243 Emulsions, (see mixtures) Ethereal oil - - 69 Ethiop’s mineral - 143 Extract of aconite - 125 of black hellebore 127 of butternut - 129 of chamomile - 127 of deadly nightshade 125 of elder - 131 of gentian - 127 of hemlock - 125 of henbane - 127 of jalap - 131 of logwood - 127 of may apple - 131 of peruvian bark - 129 of thornapple - 127 of quassia - - 129 Flowers of zinc - 263 Glass of antimony - - 78 Goulard’s cerate - 97 extract - - 187 Grey oxide of mercury - 139 Hoffman’s anodyne liquor - 69 Hydrosulphuret of ammonia 75 James’ powder - 77 Infusion of augustura - 145 of chamomile - ib. - of Carolina pink 155 of cascarilla - 147 of columbo - 149 of flaxseed - 151 of foxglove - 149 of horseradish - 147 of peruvian bark ib. of p. bark with lemon juicel49 ofp. bark with lime water 147 Faga Infusion of p. bark with magnesia 149 of quassia - 151 ofquas. with sulph.ofzincl53 of senna and tamarind ib. of slippery elm 155 of thoroughwort 151 of tobacco * 155 of valerian - 157 of Virginia snakeroot 155 Inspissated juices, (see extracts) Laudanum - - 237 Lead plaster - - 121 Lenitive electuary - 107 Lime water - 93 Liniment of ammonia - 157 of ammon. with tart. ant. ib. of cantharides - 159 of lime water ib. of soap and opium 161 of subacetate of lead 187 Liquid acetate of ammonia 73 Lisbon diet drink - 115 Litharge plaster, (see lead plaster) Lunar caustic - 87 Magnesia - - 161 mixture - 167 water - - 83 Mercurial ointments - 249 pills - - 181 plaster - 121 Milder ointment of nitrate ofmer. 251 Mixture of aminouiacuin and ant. 165 of carbonate of lime ib. Muriate of ammonia and iron 135 of antimony - 77 of baryta - 89 of gold - - ib. Musk mixture - 169 Myrrh mixture - - 167 Nitrate of silver - 87 Nitric oxide of mercury - 139 Oil of amber - - 173 — of anise - 169 — of fennel «- - 171 — ofjuniper * - ib. — of lavender - ib. — of mouarda - - ib. — of origanum - ib. — of partridge berry - ib. — of pennyroyal - ib. — of peppermint - - ib. — of pimento - ib. — of rosemary - - ib. — of sassafras - 173 —- of spearmint - - 171 ENGLISH INDEX. 271 Page Oil of wormseed - 169 Ointment of American hellebore 257 of ammo. sub. of mere. 253 j — of cantharides 249 — of gal Is - - ib. — of grey oxide of mere. 251 of impure oxide of zinc 257 of nitrate of mercury 251 — of the nitric ox. ofmer. ib. ■ — of nitrous acid 247 of rose water - ib. of the subac. of copper 249 of subcarbonate of lead 253 of thornapple - 255 Opiated tincture of camphor 223 Opodeldoc - - 159 Oxide of antimony - 79 of zinc - - 263 Oxidated oil of amber - 173 Oxymel of squill - 163 Oxymuriate of mercury - 139 Paregoric elixir - 223 Peppermint water - 85 Pills of aloes and colocynth 175 of aloes and myrrh ib. of aloes, myrrh and guaicura 177 of arsenic - ib. of com. ex. of colocynth 179 of gamboge and scammonv 181 of muriate of gold 179 of myrrh and iron 183 of opium - ib. of oxymuriate of mercury 181 of squill - 185 of subcarbonate of soda ib. of submuriate of mercury 183 of sulphate of iron 179 Phosphate of iron - 135 ofsoda - 201 Plaster of cantharides, (see cerate) of iron - 121 Potass - 187 with lime - 191 water - 83 Powder of aloes and cane!la 197 of the amalgam of tin 205 of ipecac, and sulph. cop. 197 of ipecacuanha and opium 199 of tin - - 205 Precipitated carbonate of iron 133 sulphuret of antirn. 81 Prepared carbonate of iron 133 of zinc 93 impure carbon, of zinc 263 — - subacetate of copper 109 Page Prepared snlpburet of antimony 81 Prussic acid - - 67 Purified fdings of iron - 135 mercury - - 141 vinegar - 63 Red oxide of iron - - 135 precipitate - 139 sulphuret of mercury * 145 Resin cerate 97 plaster - - 123 with cantharides ib. Rochelle salt - - 195 Rose water - 85 Rust of iron - - 133 Salt of tartar - - 193 Savin cerate - - 99 Seltzer water - 83 Simple cerate - - 101 ointment - 253 syrup - - 215 Soap cerate - - 99 Soda water - - 83 Soluble tartar - 195 Solution of alkaline iron 137 of ammoniaret of copper 109 of muriate of baryta 91 of lime 93 of oxymuriate ofmercuryl41 of potass - - 189 of subcarbonate of potass 193 of sulphate of copper 109 Spearmint water - - 85 Spirit of lavender - 203 of mindererus - 73 of nitrous ether 71 of rosemary - - 203 of sulphuric ether 69 Strengthening plaster - 121 Subcarbonate of potass - 193 Submuriate of mercury - 141 Subnitrate of bismuth 91 Sugar of lead - - 187 Sulphate of potass - 193 of zinc mixture - 169 Sulphur ointment - 255 Sulphuric ether - - 67 Sulphuret of potass - 207 of soda - - if). Supercarbonate of potass 19/, Sweet tincture of rhubarb 239 Syrup of balsam of tolu - 215 of buckthorn - 209 of garlic - - 207 of ginger - 217 of meadow saffron - 209 272 ENGLISH INDEX. Page Syrup of orange peel - 209 of rhubarb - 211 with senna ib. of sarsaparilla - 213 and guaiacum ib. ofsnakeroot - 215 of squill - - ib. of vinegar - 207 Tar ointment - - 253 pills - - 165 Tartar emetic - - 81 Tartarized antimony - ib. Tartrate of iron - - 137 of potass - 196 and soda ib. Tincture of acetate of iron 229 of aloes - 219 and myrrh ib. of angustura - 221 of assafcetida - ib. of bloodroot - 239 of black hellebore 231 of camphor - 221 of cantharides 223 of cardamom - 225 of castor - ib. of catechu - ib. of Cayenne pepper 223 of C. pep. and cautha. ib. of cinnamon - 227 of columbo - ib. of foxglove - ib. of gentian - 229 of green hellebore 245 of guaiacum - 231 of henbane - 233 of hop - - 231 of jalap - 233 of muriate of iron 229 of kino - 233 of lavender - ib of musk - 235 of myrrh - ib. of opium - 237 Page Tincture of peppermint - 236 of peruvian bark 226 of quassia - 237 of rhubarb - ib. and aloes ib. and gentian 239 of soap and opium ib. of spearmint - 235 of sulphuric acid 243 of tabasco - 235 of tolu - 245 of thornapple 243 of valerian - 245 of Virginia snakeroot 243 Tobacco liniment - - 161 Troches of carbonate of lime 217 of liquorice and opium ib. of magnesia - 219 Turpeth mineral - 143 Turner’s cerate - - 101 Warner’s gout cordial - 241 Water of ammonia - 73 of carbonate of ammonia 75 of orange peel - 85 White precipitate - 143 mixture - - 165 Wine of aloes - 257 of tartarized antimony 259 of ipecacuanha - 261 of iron • - 259 of meadow saffron ib. of opium - - 261 of rhubarb - ib. of white hellebore ib. of tobacco - - ib. Yellow subsulphate of mercury 143 Vesicating plast. (see cerate of can.) Vinegar of opium - 61 of squill - ib. Volatile linim. (see linim. of am.) salt, (see carbon, of amm.) Vitrified oxide of antimony 79 ox. of antimony with wax ib. Vitriolated tartar - 193