m iv&i mm NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Washington Founded 1836 U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Service 17 ri 7 EVIDENCES OF THE EFFICACY .OF Do&or Perkins's * Patent -Metallic Injlruments. &EW-L0NDON :--FROM S. GRSiN's PRESS* To the PUBLIC. SENSIBLE that every attempt at improve- ment in any of the ufeful arts, ever has, and probably ever will meet with oppofition, either from interefted or certain other motives, which in a greater or lefs de- gree influence the generality of mankind,—the fub- fcriber takes the liberty to cite a few among numerous cafes in which his method of removing pains, inflam- mations, and fpafmodic afFe&ions from the human body, has been attended with fuccefs.' The novelty and apparent fimplicity of this practice, may poflibly induce fome, before they have had recourfe to experi- ment, to queftion its efficacy and treat the fubjeft with ridicule. That the public may be more fatisfac- torily informed as to its utility and importance, he publifhes the following certificates and letters, as re- ceived from feveral of the mofl refpeclable characters, ELISHA PERKINS. Plainfield, January 2, 1797. ^ ^mssj§j§©jsm^s©?2miis2isis jsh mm® mmmmJ Extracts from Letters to the Author of the Metallic Discovery. frIERPONT EDWARDS, Efq. Diftria Attorney for the State of Connecticut. • ear sir, New-Haven, Ofto. 7, 1796. i SHOULD have written you laft week, had I then been able to afcertain certain fa€ts, the rumor of which I had heard. A Mrs. Beers, a near neighbor to me, the wife of Eber B«ers, and daughter of Capt. Samuel Huggins, of this town, had been, for fourteen weeks, exceedingly diftreffed with the Rheumatifm, to fuch a degree that for the fourteen weeks, previous to the 29th of laft month, fhe had not been able to walk acrofs her room even with crutches, fave only once, when fhe made out with the afliftance of crutches, to hobble part of the way acrofs her room.—On the 29th of September laft fhe procured a fet of your Metallic Subftances, and in lefs than an hour after fhe had be- enm to ufe them, in the manner directed by you, fhe ?ofe from her chair, and walked about her houfe, and on the next day fhe went abroad to her neighbors, having thrown afide her crutches. I have this day paid her a vifit, in company with her father, and Ti- mothy Jones, Efq. who lives in the ftreet where fhe refides and direftly oppofite to her refidence, and with Captain Abel Burrett, who is her next neighbor, and lives within eight yards of her door. I requefled her [ 4 ] to relate her cafe over in their pre fence, which me did, and thefe gentleman all, with one voice, fupport- ed, from their own knowledge, her flory. It is a duty which you owe yourfelf and the world to promulge this event. I am very refpe&fully, your obedient fervant, PIERPONT EDWARDS. N. B. She fays her fever has left her, her appetite has returned, and fhe is in a fair way to be reftoredi to perfect, health. CALVIN GODDARD, Efq. Piainfield, Sept. 25, 1796. DEAR SIR, " T _£ HAVE lately been eye witnefs to one opera- tion, with your Metallic Points, which appeared tome a little fingular. A rough, hardy laborer had a very bad Boil upon the outfide of his ancle—His leg was fwolien to the knee, and his foot to the toes, looked as though the fkin was ready to burft—The leg up to the hip he faid was in extreme pain, fo that he was deprived of fleep the night preceding, and the foot was in a high ftate of inflammation—I drew the Inftruments repeatedly up and down the leg, without any vilible effect or decreafe of pain, fo long that I was almoft difcouragcd—At length however the patient pulled off his coat and flung it afide—(It was one of thofe cold nights the beginning of this month)—His leg, was of a hidden wet with fweat— Indeed the fweat burft inftantaneoufly from all his. pores—The inflammation, upon the farface of the foot fubhded and the fwelling abated—the man de- clared himielf free from pain, went to bed and flepf. f 5 ] well, and I heard no further complaint. As I had never known of this fweating efFecT, I thought the cafe worth reporting to you.* I am, &c. CALVIN GODDARD." * This fweating is not unufal. JAMES GLOVER, Efq. Norwich, County of Tioga, State of New-York, Sept. 19, 1796. Sir, ---- XjLAVING lately purchafed a fet of your Pa- tent Inftruments to keep in my family, I have ufed them with great fuccefs on a perfon fcalded with boil- ing lye ; a man by the name of Welch, who was at work in my pot afh, when boiling down the lye, fome of it flew into one of his eyes, which foon became very much inflamed, and fwelled to fuch a degree, that he could not open it, and remained in that fnua- tion, for the fpace of three days, when after a few minutes operating with your Patent Inftruments, he was able to open it, and with two operations only, his eye was almoft entirely free from pain and inflam- mation, and in a fhort time was perfect.!y well, al- though fo badly fcalt he had almoft delpaired of itj ever recovering, &c. JAMES GLOVER. Mr. SAMUEL SATTERLEE. Williamftown, Nov. 3, 1^96. " T — J[ WAS called on in the evening by a gentle- man with a Cancer on his lip which caufed a fevcre inflammation in every part of his face ; I furniihed r «■ 1 him wim a fet of your Metallic Inftruments, until the morning following, when he returned fo enraptured with their effects, that he readily purchafed a fet. I am, &c. SAMUEL SATTERLEE. Mr. JOHN PUNCHARD. S i r, Salem, O&o. 19, 1796. HAVE operated repeatedly with ycur Me- tallic Points, and have fucceded in removing Rheu- matic pains, agues, pains in the bead, face, fide, and burns, to my aftonifhment, and to the aftonifhment of all pre fen t. I cured a man burnt with powder, in lefs than half an hour, with the Points, without any other application. JOHN PUNCHARD. BEZALEEL WOODWARD, Efq. Profeffor of Phi- loiophy and Mathematics, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New-Hampfhire, Sept. 19, 1796. S 1 r, .---- J, HAVE made ufe of your pointed Metallic In- ftruments in various diforders and befides univer- faily abating and generally removing pains in the head, face, teeth, &c. by application of them, I have found them ufeful in the Salt Rheum. Only one op- portunity has prefented for an effectual trial—that has cured the patient by three applications, which being noitcd abicd. fundry perfons affe&cd with that- C 7 ] diforder, have been at my houfe this iveek to have the operation performed on them ; and the dilorder has abated on the full application, fo that the prefent profpedtis, that cures will be effected for them, by fur- ther ufe of the inftruments. A violent pain proceed- ing from a flrain in the foot, has by a few minutes application of the inftruments been removed fo as not to return. I have the honor to be, Sir, your moft obedient and humble few ant, BEZALEEL WOODWARD. Gen. ELIHU MARVIN, Member of the Conneaicut Medical Society. S i r, Norwich, Dec. 20, T796. OlNCE I have been in the ufe of your Patent Metallic Points, which is about four months, I have by way of experiment, made ufe of them in cafes of pains and inflammations of almoft every kind, and in fubjeas of all ages and defcriptions, and as might be expeaed, with various fuccefs. One faa however, I am fully convinced of, (in oppofition to former preju- dices) viz, That in a variety of circumftances a pro- per application of them is capable of operating a change in the human frame, which I can no more doubt, becaufe I cannot aflign a fatisfaftory philofo- phical reafon therefor, than I can doubt the operation of opium, becaufe the properties of that gum by which, and the modus operandi in which it produces fleep are to me wholly unknown. I am confident reafoning a priori would as foon eftablifh one fa6t as the other. Cafes in which the Points have in my praaice appeared fuccefsful, are fuch as burns, head- aches, agues in the face, ophthalmics, pains in the limbs, breaft and fides, and in cynanche tonfillaris, r. « 3 yet candor requires I fhould fay, fuccefs in thefe cafe? has not been univerfal. One cafe of cynanche tonfillaris, or common in- flammatory quinfey, I will relate to you ;—I vifited a yqpng man late in the afternoon, found him exercifed with all'the ufual fymptoms of that difeafe ; fuch as a general inflammatory diathefis, the tonfils fo tume- fiec| as to be nearly clofed together. His throat and neck/fexternally enlarged, a conftant difchargeby fpit- ting of a glairy mucus, and complaining of exceflive pain in the parts : By his account, thefe fymptoms had been increafing for about three or four days. His mother informed me he had not fwallowed any thing for thirty-fix hours, except three or four fpoons- ful of water, in which toafted bread had been foaked. I could not learn that any means had been ufed for his relief, except keeping within doors, and making fome external applications. I applied the Metallic Point externally in the ufual way ; very foon the fpitting fenfibly decreafed. After fome time he ob- ferved the pain was wholly gone on one fide, and much leffened on the other. I then direaed him to make trial how he could fwallow ; he took a tumbler of fweetened water, and drank it with little difficulty, and immediately ate about half a pint of cuftard. I then left him with direaions to repeat the operation occafionally ; and in the intervals to keep the throat covered with fome emollient poultice. On vifiting him the next day, I found him fitting at the fire, roaft- ing oyfters, and eating them without difficulty ; he obierved he was well. I made every inquiry, to dif- cover whether the fwelling had not burft, but could rot learn any thing from him which gave the leaft " e'un to think it had. I left him a dofe of purga- <• '-pllis, which he fwallowed without pain and in a i . :■ regained his ufual health. .'j of a pain in the fide, occafioned by tht C 9 1 patient, while unwell, being expofed to a cold damp atmofphere, attended with great interruption of loco- motion and difficult refpiration, was completely relie* Ved by a few minutes application of the Points. With every fentiment of efteem, I remain your fincerc freind, ELIHU MARVIN. Dr. SAMUEL WILLARD, Member of the Connec- ticut Medical Society. Stafford, Augufl 6, 1796. OlNCE I returned to Stafford, I have made trial with your Metallic Inftruments, with very happy fuccefs, in a cafe of an acute Rheumatifm, which had for along time baffled all the remedies to which I my- felf and two or three other phyficiams had advifed. The Wart which I burned down when at your houfe, gave me no trouble as to any fenfation of fire, after you operated on the inflamed part ; I felt a fore- nefs for feveral days after, but the forenefs was no greater than would have arifen from the deftruaion of fo much of the fkin from any other caufe. It argues great folly to condemn any innovation or any new improvements in the arts and fciences, with- out due inveftigation, This is a kind of treatment however which you have already experienced, and which you muft expe£l ftill to experience." Iam3tfc. SAMUEL WILLARD, B C *° 1 JOHN VAUGHAN, M. D. State of Delaware. Chriftiana, July 14, 1796. Dear Sir, JL HAVE operated in a few cafes only with your Inftruments, for but few have offered fince I poffeffed them. One cafe of nervous or hyfteric head-ache— perfeaiy cured—a cafe of odantalgia relieved. The third a young man, who had fallen ten or fifteen feet on the edge of an open ended hogfhead. and received a confiderable contufion in the umbilical region, with tumefaaion. I bled him three times to little purpofe. But after about two minutes operation with the Inftruments, he exclaimed in extafy, " I am well—I am well—my pain is gone." The pain, how- ever returned in a lefs degree, but in thirty or forty minutes went off entirely, and he went to work as ufual. / am, &c. JOHN VAUGHAN. SAMUEL H. P. LEE, M. D. Member of the Con- neaicut Medical Society. Sir, New-London, Dec. 29, 1796. X HE following hiftory of cafes are among the number of which I have to inform you, were treated i'olely by the praaice of your Metallic Points. Case I. A boy eight years of age, being a convalefcent front a biliious remitting fever, was attacked with a fevere phlegmonic inflammation in one of his legs. On the fixth day of its fwelling I was called in for advice ; confiderable fluauation had made its appearance a- C » 3 bout his ancle, and the whole leg was fo tumefied that he could neither bear it to the floor nor lay it with eaie on a pillow or in a bed. The tendons of the foot and leg were contraaed, and he could not fleep for three nights, more than half an hour: He would frequently cry out as if a needle had been pricking his foot; had a febrile heat over his body, and loft his returning appetite. I applied the Metallics, and in fix minutes he declared he was much eafier. In two hours time, after a conftant ufe of the Inftruments he fell afleep, and did not awake or make any complaint until eight o'clock the next morning, when I vifited him and found the whole tumor fubfided nearly to its natural ftate, except the place where the fluauation appeared, which I conjeaured would foon burft ; however the Inftruments were continued, and all appearances of tumefaaion totally difappeared in four or five days without any pain or forenefs, except a little in the ancle. It is not improper to remark that during the five days before I faw it, the family had applied a few common poultices, and fome applications of vinegar*. fpirits, &c. On the fixth day they declared the in- flammation appeared to them greater than at any pre- ceding period, and more painful; that no other appli- catiom either external or internal was ufed but the Inftruments, from that time. Case II. A young woman aged 19, had a fponta- neous phlegmonic inflammation on the upper fide of the foot, attended with great pain and tumefaaion.—- On the ninth and tenth days, the Inftruments were ufed, previous to which nothing had been applied- The pain immediately mitigated, the fwelling fubfided confiderably, and in the night following imperceptibly burft. The Inftruments were continued; the wound discharged but very little, and in forty-eight hours from the time it burft, fhe walked in perfea eafe, and the foot was well in four days. [ i« ] Case III. My little child was fcalded with very hot tea, on the forehead, about three and an half in- ches in length, and three fourths of an inch in breadth, which raifed a vificle before I had time to get any thing to apply to it. The Metallic Points were folely ufed, and by three operations the whole rednefs dis- appeared ; the blifter broke, aud the liquor under it, formed itfelf into a fcabby fuiface. The next day the wound was perfeaiy circumfcribed to the part blifter- cd, and in three days the whole caft off and left the fecond fkin perfeaiy entire, without the fmalleft ap- pearance of luppuration or inflammation, and what is «xtraordinary, it never appeared to give the child the fmalleft pain, itching or fmarting, and in appear- ance was fo unlike a burn, that many enquiries were made what it was that grew on the child's head. Case IV. A lady fell from her horfe, and difloca- ted her ancle, which remained feveral hours before it was reduced, by which it became very much fwelled, inflamed and painful. Two or three operations with the Metallics relieved the pain, and in a day or two fhe walked the houfe, and had no further complaint. I have ufed the Metallics in many other inftances, wherein they appeared to have very falutary effeas, but as the ufe of them were accompanied with other remedies and applications, I forbear mentioning them in this place. / am, &c. SAMUEL H. P. LEE. Rev. Dr. MORSE, of Charlefton. Dear Sir, December g, 179&. A HAVE made a faithful trial of your Patent Metallic Points in a number of cafes—fuch as burns, pains in the head, teeth, face, sars, fide, bac k and r >3 ] limbs, arifing from colds, and in one or two inftances rheumatic pains have been relieved by them ; and in one inftance the painful effeas of the fling of a wafp were entirely removed. In fome cafes I have been unfuccefsful, particularly in a burn, where *oil had been previoufly applied, and in the tooth-ache, where the teeth were very defeaive. On the whole, I believe the difcovery to be a very ufe'ful one, I wifh it cordi- ally all imaginable fuccefs. / am, &c. JEDIDIAH MORSE. * In the transfer of the patent right, one of which ac- companies each jet of inftruments, are fpecifed, the fcvcral difeafes in which this treatment is ufeful,—the mode of op- eration, and the circumfances which prevent the general effects. It is there obferved,—" the efficacy of the means is prevented by all oily and greafy fubflances." It may not be reafonably prefumed that relief could be given to teeth which were very defeaive. Rev. WALTER KING. S i r, Norwich, Oao. 6, 1796. A HE fame and utility of your Patent Inftru- ments have become fubjeas of fo much notoriety and fpeculation, that almoft all pained people are deiirous of making trial of them. Their efficacy, within my knowledge, appears to be increafing. I am more and more confirmed in the benefit of the difcovery, and cannot think but they will continue as long as the pains of the human body fhall need them, / am, &c. WALTER ICING. C 14 ] Rev. Dr. ROBBINS, of Plymouth. Dear Sir, Sept. 24, 1796. OEVERAL perfons, fmce you left us, have experienced immediate relief, in various complaints, by the Metallic Points. I operated day before yefterday on a man's hand, which was prodigioufly fwelled and painful, by a wound he received on the back of it, which he ne- glefted and got cold in. It was much inflamed ; but was relieved by that fingle operation : The fwelling fubfided, and the inflammation went away, fo that he went direaiy to work on board his veffel. He told me the laft ni^ht it s>ave him no trouble.' I am, &c. CHANDLER ROBBINS. Rev. Dr. STILLMAN, of Bofton. Dear Sir, Oao. 6, 1796. FEEL myfelf much obliged to you for the important fervice you have, rendered to Mrs. Stillman's eyes, alter a,diftrefling inflammation of eight months. It, through too much exercife, or being expofed to very cold air, a degree of inflammation returns, it is removed in a few minutes again by the application of your Points. I have, in my walks among the fick, made ufe of them repeatedly with fuccefs ; and cannot but think they will be of important benefit to mankind. / am, &c. SAMUEL STILLMAN. [ *5 ] Rev. Mr. BRADFORD, of Rowley. Dear Sir, --- ODec. 2, 1796. N the 26th of Oaober laft, the wife of a cer- tain Mr. Lane, of Candia, fell from a horfe and hurt - the fmall of her back exceedingly. A phyfician was immediately called to her relief, who blooded her, and adminiftered to her fuch medicines as he judged proper. She was in the filth month of her pregnancy; her friends of courfe were exceedingly alarmed at her misfortune. The phyficians' means proving infufli- cient for the removal of her pains during feveral hours, I was called upon by the advice of her phyfician and her friends, to apply your Metallic Points to her.—• When I came to her lodgings, I found her fitting be- fore the fire in the greateft agony, having little or no ufe of her lower limbs, and not being able without the greateft difficulty, to raife her feet from the floor. By the help of her friends, fhe was laid on the bed, but was unable to turn herfelf by her own flrength. The Points were applied to the fmall of her back about ten minutes, and in fifteen minutes afterwards fhe turned herfelf in the bed, declaring herfelf free from pain. Soon after this, 1 propofed a fecond operation, and to leave her for the evening. This being over, fhe arofe from the bed, and walked feveral times acrofs the room, affirming that fhe was as free from pain as ever fhe was in all her life. That night fhe relied well, and with- out pain, and the next morning by funrife, mountied her horfe and rode thirty miles, fince which, I have heard nothing from her. This, together with a number of other inftances, convinces me of the great and important benefits deri- ved from a judicious application of your Metallic Inftruments. That they may have a general fpread thro' the earth, is the defire of Yours. &c. EBENERER BRADFORD. [ 16 ] QERTIFICATES* Gen. TYLER, and Mr. LORD. 1 JOHN TYLER, of Prefton, in the County of New-London, and ftate of Conneaicut, hereby certifiy, that on or about the 17th day of June laft, I was con- fined by a wound, which I had before that time receiv- ed bv cutting my right leg tranfverfely, in which I had taken cold ; and at that time the fore was in a high ftate of inflammation, and gave me great pain, to fuch a degree that I bad been obliged to keep my leg in a horizontal pofition, in a chair, the moft of that day, when Doa. Elifha Perkins, of Plainfield, called on me, and having operated on me a few minutes with his Pa- tent Metallic inftruments, the pain in my leg wholly ceafed, and the rcdnefs and inflammation of the wound entirely difappeared. I was free from pain that night, and indeed the pain and inflammation both ceafed from that operation, and never returned again. And I further certify, that my wife at that time was forely affhaed with rheumatic pains in her hip, which had been upon her a number of years, and had affeaed her to fuch a degree as to render that fide fhorter than the other, and to make her unable at that time to raife herfelf from her chair without the greateft difficulty, or to walk acrofs the room without leaning on her ftaff, and with that fupport, not without the greateft inconvenience ; and Doa. Perkins operated upon her a few minutes, when fhe declared herfelf free from pain, and immediately rofe from her chair, with- out any affiftance or apparent difficulty, and walked feveral times acrofs the room without her ftaff, or any other fupport, and has continued to this time able to walk in that manner; not having complained of, or been troubled with pain in the nigbt, (of which fhe C »7 ] had much complained before ;) and has truly been to all appearance, a different perfon, as to the ufe of her limbs, from the time of that operation, from what fhe had been for years before. JOHN TYLER. Preflon, July 29, 1796. I the fubfcriber was prefent at the time of the above operation, and fully concur in the above ftatement of faas by Gen. Tyler. JAMES LORD. Col. JONATHAN GLOVER. A HIS certifies, That I vifited Dr. Elifha Per- kins about the 20th of September laft, with a violent chronic pain in one of my feet, which the Doaorby applying his Traaors removed immediately. Upon my return to Marblehead, I felt a pain as ufual, in my other foot, but which, on applying the Inftruments which I purchafedof the Doctor, was removed diredly. I alfo applied them to Capt. Fettyplece's knee and foot, which were forely afflifited with pain, and reliev- ed him immediately. Several others I relieved of pains ; particularly a pain in a lady's arm, and the pleurify in a lady's fide. JONATHAN GLOVER. Bofton, Oaober 5, 1796. Mr. CONSTANT FREEMAN, Mailer of the Alms- Houfc, Bofton. r '|-i ____. A HIS certifies, That Dodor Elifha Perkins, of Plainlield. Conneaicut. vifited the Poor-Houfeof this C C >8 3 Metropolis, about three weeks ago, and performed operations on feveral patients, with his celebrated Me- tallic Points ; among whom he performed his opera- tion on one John Patterfon : He had been in this Poor-LIoufe for fix months with the Rheumatifm—> Two months of which he was confined to his bed—• Four months he had hobbled about with crutches, when Dr. Perkins performed the operation ; flnce which he has thrown afide his crutches, and walks only with a ftaff, which he ufes, not for the ftheuma- tiim. for he has nonr, but merely for a fupyeort, as his thigh bone was then and ftill remains difl'M-attd. Nancy Biake was alfo cured, by the Doaor, of the Rheumatifin in the fmall of her back, which had con- ftant7y r.ftlided her for more than three years. It has n-.u yec returned. 7 irryleH cured Benjamin Rofs of the Rheumatifin in the lmail of his back and hip. This was ten days aoo ; ft has not yet returned. Lewis Dumeth, a Frenchman, was operated upon by the Doctor, for the Rheumatifm in his lower extre- mities, which had confined him to hit bed and crutch- es for months • but no fooner was he operated upon, than he threw afide his crutches-—walked about the houfe—has walked about the town fince, and has had aio return of the Rheumatifm in cither leg. CONSTANT FREEMAN* Bofton, O&ober 5, 17^^. Mr. EDWARD HILL. 1 EDWARD HILL, of Dorchefter, in the coun- ty of Norfolk, and ftate of Maffachufetts, hereby cer- tify, that I have been affli&ed with the Rheumatifm and Gout at times, for nine years paft, and at length to fuch a degree as to be unable to walk. But upoh I '9 1 the application of Doaor Elifha Perkins's Patent Me- tallic Inftruments, I was in the courfe of two days to recovered as to be able to walk without anv pmn. EDWARD HILL. We the fubferibers were knowing to the faas as fbove ftated. NATHAN WEBB. RALPH POPE. Bofton, Sept. 23, 1796. Mr. NATHAN PIERCE. Matter of the Alms-Houfe, Newburyport. Newburyport, Oao. 28, 1796. A HIS certifies that Doaor Perkins vifited the Alms-Houfe in this town yefterday, and performed operations with his Metallic Inftruments on three per- sons, viz. One woman and two men, who have been grievoufly aflliaed with the rheumatifm, and from the beft obleivations Thave been able to make, in a fhort time, they all appear to be much relieved of their com- plaints. NATHAN PIERCE. &fr. NATHAN GLOVER & Mr. AMOS SIMONS. A NATHAN GLOVER, of PlainfieM, in the •ounty of Windham and ftate of Connecticut, certify, that for feven years paft,I have been frequently vifited with fevere turns of the Quinft-y, which (notwith- standing the application of internal and external C ?o ] means, adminiftered by the moft fkilful neighboring phyficians) have never left me within eight or ten days. About the firft of July, 1796, I was again feverely attacked by this difeafe, and in about twenty-four hours, my throat became very much fwelled and in- flamed, and extremely painful. I was at this time vifited by Doa. Perkins, who operated on the difear fed part, with his Patent Metallic Inftruments. The pains after two or three operations, wholly left me, and the inflammation entirely difappeared ; the fweliing did not maturate and break as it had ufually done, but in about twenty-four hours wholly fubfided, and my throat became perfeaiy well. The turns of the Quihfey which I have heretofore had, though not more fevere in their firft attacks than this, have never left me fhort of the term of eight or ten days ; whereas this continued but two : And I have no doubt but it would have lafted as long as the others, had not Doa. Perkins operated with his Inftru- ments. I believe the cure to be effeaed wholly by his means. NATHAN GLOVER. Plainhcld, Augvfl 9, 1796. I the fuhferiber was reliding at the houfe of Mr. Glover, and was prefent at the above operation, and perfeaiy agree with him in his ftatement of fafts.- AMOS SIMONS. Capt. JOSHUA BOTTUM. I JOSHUA BOTTUM, of Plainfield, in the county of Windham and ftate of Conneaicut, certify, that I have ben troubled with a rheumatic pain in my arm for four months, which was often extremely diftrciimg. Having heard much of the furprifing ef- I « 3 ficacy of Dr. Perkins's Patent Inftrumests, but being myfelf an unbeliever in this method of removing pains, in confequence of the fuggeftions of his ene- mies, I negleaed ufing his means, until on or about the 15th of July, when I myfelf operated on my pain- ed arm about fix minutes, and to my utter furprize, the pain entirely ceafed, and has never returned. I have every realon to believe that a radical cure was effeaed by that one operation. JOSHUA BOTTUM. Plainfield, Auguft 5, 1796. v Mr. and Mrs. SNOW. A ELIZABETH SNOW, of Plainfield, in the ftate of Conneaicut, certify, that in the month of June, 1795, I was forely affliaed with pains in the ancles, which had fettled there after a fevere fit of ficknefs, and had troubled me to fuch a degree that I became very weak and emaciated. In this unhappy fituation I continued about three months, until in the month and year above-mentioned, I applied to Doaor Elifha Perkins, who vifited me and operated on the pained part of my ancles, with his Metallic Inftru- ments. Immediately the pain ceafed and has never fince returned. I am perfuaded a radical cure was at that time effected. ELIZABETH SNOW. Plainfield, Auguft 3, 1796. I the fubferiber, fully concur with my wife, in the above ftatement of faas, ABRAHAM SNOW.'. [ « J Caft. CYRUS SPAULDING. A CYRUS SPAULDING, of Plainfield, in the ftate of Conneaicut, certify, that from the rr.onth of May, to the month of July, 1795, I was ia a debilita- ted ftate, and was afflicted with almoft a conftant pain acrofs the fmall of my back, which at times was very fevere. In the month of July, I applied to Doftor Elifha Perkins, for phyfical aid : He propofed remov- ing my pain with his Metallic Inftruments, without any internal application. As I was far from having any faith in fuch apparently fimple means, I treated them with ridicule. However, I contented to his operating on the affeaed part ; when in a few minutes, to ray great aftonifhment, the pain wholly left me, and has never fince returned. CYRUS SPAULDING. Plainfield, Auguft to, 1796. Rev. JOEL BENEDICT. A JOEL BENEDICT, of Plainfield, certify, that I was prefent at the time that Capt, Cyrus Spudding was eafed of pain by Doa. Perkins, as certifitc1 above; and that I have alfo myfelf feveral times removed pain* of different kinds by his Patent Metallic 1-:^ruments. Cures performed in this way appear to nae a. real, and no more liable to a relapfe, than thofe by any other means. The cure of an accidental fcald I have my- felf experienced. The pain was relieved in a few mi- minutes, the forenefs loon left it and the cure wag entire. I am perfuaded that the invention is import- ant, and will be of great benefit to mankind. JOEL BENEDICT, Paftor of a church in Plainfield. Auguft 10, 1796. C *3 1 Rev. LEVI HART. T — -L HIS may certify that the fubfcriber has hecn a witnefs to the fuccefsful application of Doaor Per- kins's patent Metallic Inftruments, in the removal of rheumatic pains and head-aches j and in repeated inftanccs he has feen exquifite pain, occafioned by contufions, removed in a few moments, by the ap- plication of the Inftruments. From pcrfonal obfervation, and the information of others, he is fully fatisfied of the utility and impor- tance of the difcovery for the relief of human diftrefs in various complaints. LEVI HART. Prefton, Nor. 4, 1796. ■ ■■ - - — Mf a—tm—in^—» Rev. SOLOMON MORGAN. A HEREBY certify whom it may concern, that I have had opportunity.of making ufe of Dr. Elifha Perkins's Tractors, in cafes of pain in the head, and turns, and have fucceeded to the relief of the patients ; and from what I have heard from others, I believe that faid Traaors are ufeful to the removing of many of the pains to which we are fubjea, and think that a more general ufe of them, may be for the benefit of* jnankind. SOLOMON MORGAN. Paftor of the firft church in Canterbury. Auguft 10, 1796. Riv. MICAIAH PORTER. 1 MICAIAH PORTER, of Voluntown, in the •ounty of Windham and ftate of Conneaicut, certify, ♦feat I have myielf made repeated experiments witk t n ] Doaor Perkins's Metallic Inftruments, for removing pains and inflammations ; that I have almoft invaria- bly fucceeded to my own aftonifhment, in curing head aches, teeth aches, rheumatifras and burns : In other complaints, I have not had opportunity for tri- al : But I am fully convinced, from my owa experi- ment, and from what I have known of others, that this method of removing pains and inflammations from human bodies, is a very important difcovery, and that it muft contribute very much to alleviate the diilreffes and infirmities to which our frail bodies arc fo liable. MICAIAH PORTER, Paftor of the firft church in Voluntown, Auguft 9, 1796. Rev. Dr. BARNARD, of Salem. 1 CERTIFY that on or about the firft of No- vember laft, a lady of between fixty and feventy years of age, vifiting at my houfe, had one of her fingers fo contraaed for feven years, that fhe could not open it without the affiftance of the other hand. On my operating on it with Doaor Perkins's Metallic Points, the difficulty was removed fo that fhe opened it as her other fingers. I have had direa information from her three weeks fince the operation, and her fin- ger continued well. I further certify that at the fame time I cured a whitlow on one of her thumbs, with °ne operation. From what I have done, feen and heard, I am fully fatisfied that the difcovery is impor- tant to the healing art. THOMAS BARNARD. Dec. 6, 1796. C «s 3 Rev. Mr. SPAULDING, of Salem. A HIS may certify, that the fubfcriber, in his vifits among his people, has ufed Doaor Perkins's Metallic Points, to relieve pains and inflammations of various kinds, and has fucceeded to his aftonifh- ment : They have feldom failed to relieve the head- ach, teeth-ach, ague in the face, inflammation "of the eyes, cramp, cholic, rheumatifm, pains in the brealt and fide, biles, fcalds and burns : Sometimes there has been a perfea cure from one operation. A lad who had been confined three days with high fymptoms of a fever, very hot and full of pain, by an operation of the Points, defigned to relieve his head ; his face turn- ed pale and cold, his fever and pain immediately left him, and in a few days he was out of doors ; the year before, at the fame feafon, he was taken with the fame fymptoms, and lay extremely fick forty days. The efficacy of the Metallic Points has gained great credi; in this town. JOSHUA SPALDING. Dec. 5, 1796. Rev. CALEB BRADLEY, and Dr. JAMES GOSS, V V E the fubfcribers, of Gloucefter, in the county of Effex, and ftate of Maffachufetts, certifv that we this day faw Doaor Perkins's Patent Metallic Points applied with fuccefs on a child of Mr. fames Smith, fifteen months old, which had been about an hour befote the application very feverely fcalded, by falling into boiling fat, with one hand and arm ; on. wiiich large blifters were raifed. After a few minute D t * 3 operation, the recfnefs and fire almoft wholly difap* peared, and the child apneafed to be eafed of pain. JAMES OOSS, Phyfician. CALEB BRADLEY, Preacher of the Gofpel; Gloucefter, Oao. 19, 1796. Rev. JOSEPH DANA. ____ HE following is a tranfcript of minutes, tat*, ken by the Rev. Mr. Dana, of Ipfwich, containing a number (though not the whole) of cafes in that town, where the fubjeas have received very fenfible and im- mediate relief from Dr. Perkins's Metallic Points— from the 21ft to the 24th of October', 1796. Capt. D. R. Old rheumatic pain and inflamed eye ; Capt. E K. An inflamed painful leg ; Capt. T. H. Fixed pain in the breaft, of long ftanding ; Capt. N. K. Pain in the back; Mifs H. Old rheumatic pain ; Mr W. D. Old ftrain in the fhoulder, attended with ftiffnefs and pain ; Mr. J. 9. Strained hand with painj Wife of Capt. A. S. Rheumatifm of long ftanding * Mr. J. S. Violent head-ach ; Mr. D. The fame ; Mr. E. Swollen inflamed bruife ; Mr. S. Teeth-ach ; Mn, N. L. do. Mrs. M. J. Diftrefs at her breaft; Mifs H, ]. Inflamed eye ; Mr. J. W. Pain in the fide ; Mrs. W. Violent head-ach ; Mr. W. A. Foot bruifed an4 fwollen; Mrs. A. Swelling in the neck ; Mifs A. B. Pain in the fhoulders and breaft ; Wife of Major C. S. Pain in her limbs, &c. Mr. B. Old rheumatifm j Capt. D. G. Rheumatifm; Mrs. T. do. Rev. ELHANAN WINCHESTER. A CERTIFY that on the 21ft of March, 1796, I faw Doa. Perkins' method of cure by pointed Me- t *7 3 j&llic Inftruments, tried with fuccefs, -upon feveral patients in the poor-houfe or bettering houle in Phi- ladelphia; efpecially upon a man who was unable to lift his right hand to his head, as was tried before hand, but who after a few minutes operation, was able to remove it at pleafure, and in my fight, put it with eafe on the top of his head and back of his neck, and jn all direaions. Nearly the fame effea took place upon a woman ; and all that I faw treated, proieffed that their pains ceafed after being treated a fhort time : And feveral came voluntarily, and in my hearing, thanked the Doaor for cures he had performed on them about eight weeks before, in removing pains from them, which they declared had not fince returned. So that from what I faw with mine own eyes, and what I have heard, I have great hopes that this method will great- ly tend to alleviate the miferies of mankind. ELHANAN WINCHESTER. Philadelphia, April 4, 1796. Doctor JAREB DYER, Member of the Medical Society of the State of Con- neaicut, and Surgeon to the 21ft Regiment. A CERTIFY, that for feven years paft, I have been troubled with almoft a conftant rheumatic pain in my fhoulder. For the two laft years it has gradu- ally increafed till it became very diftreffing. and has been attended with a ftiffnefs, to fuch a degree that I could not raife my hand to the top of my head with- out great difficulty. On or about the 18th June iaft, myfelf operated on my fhoulder when it was in ex- treme pain, with Doaor Perkins's Patent Traaors — The pain, to my great furprife, wholly left me with- in fix minutes, and my fhoulder was foon freed lions [ *8 ] its former ftifnefs, fo that I could move that arm and fhoulder with the fame eafe, that I could the other.-— The pain has but once returned and then very lightly, in confequence of fevere exercife : It was immediate- ly removed by applying the traaors. I further certify, that I have been affliaed with a pain in my head for twenty years paft. It has ufually ' come on in the fore part of the day, and continued ten or twelve hours. Has often been very diftreffing. About the time of the above operation, I applied the inftruments to my head, when in fevere pain. I was in a few minutes eafed, and the pain has not yet re- turned. For three years before this operation, I do not think I have been three weeks at a time free from this complaint. From what I have experienced, and heard of the efficacy of Doaor Perkins's Inftruments, I doubt not but they will prove of great utility to man- kind. JAREB DYER, Phyfician.* Canterbury, April 11, 1796. Doctor T. BACKUS, Member of the Medical Society, of the State of Conneaicut. A THE fubferiber was called on the 4th inftant, to attend a patient, by the name of James Crawfon, who for the term of nearly five years, has been fre- quently troubled with a fpecies ot epileptic fits. When I firft faw him, he had experienced in the courfe of the day, about twelve, each of which ufually held him nearly fifteen minutes. At the commencement of one of them, I took from him about fourteen oun- ces of blood ; but difcovering no happy effea, I ap- plied Doaor Perkins's patent Metallic Inftruments eo his right leg, in which he ufually experienced the C =9 ] firft attack of his fits. The whole leg immediately be* came limber and free from fpafms, and he foon re- vived without fuffering a general convulfion. About twenty minutes after, I being out of his room, was in- formed that the fymptoms of another fit appeared, and before I could operate on him, he was univerfally convulfed with an entire lofs of reafon. I then appli- ed the inftruments to his right leg, fix or eight ftrokes, when the fpafms immediately ceafed, and he recover- ed his reafon. In a fhort time, he was feized with another, which was removed very much in the man- ner of the laft, the inftruments not being applied until a general convulfion had taken place. I then lea ted myfelf on his bed, that I might be enabled to apply the means more feafonably. Here I very fpon difco- vered the fymptoms again, but by applying the inftru- ments, the fymptoms immediately diiappeared. Se- veral others at intervals, commenced with their ufual fymptoms, by fo contraaing and cramping the right leg, that the utmoft exertions of two men were fcarce- ly able to ftraighten it, each of which were in lefs than, a minute, removed by five or fix ftrokes of the inflru- ments, before they had extended to the other parts of the body, the leg almoft inftantaneoufly becoming per- feaiy lax. By the requeft of a number of gentlemen, who were then prefent, when the fymptoms of one appeared, I ceafed to operate, that we might determine whether the above operations had prevented the general con- vulfions, which before the applications of the inftru- ments, had always fucceeded the firft attack in his leg. Immediately he fell into a fevere fit, which appeared in one univerfal fpafm. In this fituation, I fuffered him to continue a few minutes, when by applying the inftruments to his leg again, in lefs than one minute he was entirely free frqm any kind of fpafm, and im- mediately recovered his reafon. I ftill continued by his fide, and prevented feveral other general attacks t so 3 by operating with the inftruments at the beginning of the fymptoms. About one hour and an half after the, firft operation, the fits entirely fubfided. He became very eafy and experienced none of thofe difagreeable fenfations, which he ever had after former attacks of this kind. He informs that he had ufually been afflic- ted with thefe fits except at a few intervals, about twenty four hours from the time they firft commenced, and it is prefumed the application of the Metallic In- ftruments, not only fhortened the fits, but leffened their number, and at this time they continued not more than nine or ten hours from their firft commence- ment, and about an hour and an half after the firft ap- plication of the inftruments. He further obferves, that he has discovered none of that debility which had univerfally fucceeded his former attacks, and con- tinues to this day enjoying better health than ufual. THOMAS BACKUS, Phyfician. We the fubfcribers were prefent at the above ope- rations and fully agree with Doaor Backus, in his flatementoffaas/ CHARLES MILLER, ]OHN LESTER, PHINEHAS KINDAL, JOHN PIKE, RECOMPENCE HALY. Plainfield, Augvjl 9, 1796. Doctor EBENEZER ROBINSON. A HEREBY certify, that I have been acquainted with Doaor Perkins's method of removing pains and inflammations by pointed Metallic Inftruments, for near a year : That I have frequently operated myfelf, and have generally had fuccefs in removing pains and inflammations of various kinds ; among which, are pains of the head, bums, and rheuraatifms,—that I C 3« 1 have full confidence in the efficacy of the means, an