u s C < cc: ! 5^ < Cc_ <<:a ,::cX ;o? c ^«^Cc C V ■- ■■^^*-i'- SS , -a-C-C<^.ci < c _c <^<^ ^ C~fe"c r/r ^*C>5^C^c<: cTCTJa. C'C "<1 « _< cc" ^^ <: cc c -a. C ^C - c<< c C "< c c cc cc c c c c c c c xc , c: cc a -<| C CCC cc.v£=* C cac^cxc Cc -C ,.. c£c C*c ^ C • * " cxc. -<^ ccc ^ ^ c. v.. *'C' «C i' CC 4T^ «C 4 apparatus in a healthful condition, the better to derive, through the use of our senses, the full and perfect enjoyment of life from every surrounding object presented to them. In a vitiated state of the mouth, where the secretions are loaded with disease, and impregnated with noxious matter, the off spring of uncleanliness, the general feelings are annoyed to such a degree, that the indi- vidual is often in a manner deranged. In that state, can the palate convey the proper sensation of taste? Can the olfactory nerves receive the free impression of pleasing odours, or the ear be duly acted on by sound ? Thus, a want of cleanliness counteracts the harmony of the system, by which the growth of a child is unprosperous, and the senses do not receive that full evolution which they would have made, if not thus restrained. Since in childhood the first sufferings begin, in childhood also the foundation of a 35 good or bad constitution is laid. Hence, as these sufferings are in part unavoidable, it is at this stage of life, in particular, that art, as the assistant of nature, (when too slow in her operations) should interfere as far as possible to alleviate them. It is also at this critical time that the greatest attention should be paid to the state of the gums, to mark the protrusion of the Teeth, as well as the after change; for it is only by knowing the steps and order of their progress that proper aid can be given to the efforts of nature during the years of childhood. So important is the interference of art at this time, that to judge properly of its effect, let us compare two children from the time of dentition, or immediately after the pro- trusion of the front Teeth; in one of whom a proper attention has been paid to theis cleanliness, and the other where it is ne- glected. The first evidently enjoys the greatest advantage for securing comfort and health, his organs will receive the supplier 36 of nourishment, duly prepared; his system will not only be thriving, but the deve- lopment of natural attributes and bodily strength, will gradually proceed to maturity. He will possess sound health and an active frame, his mind unfolding with equal ra- pidity and perfection as his body. No disorder of the mouth will communi- cate its distress to the other parts, and ex- cite sympathetic anguish. His mind, vigorous and active, will apply with ardour to every study and pursuit suit- able to his years. His disposition will be pleasant and cheerful, for he has had no malady to contort his temper, or distress his frame. Contrast this happy picture with that of a child where the Teeth and Gums are dis- eased from a want of cleanliness. The causes of pain and irritation are ever present, and are increased by the in- fluence of the tartar, which gradually accu- mulates on the Teeth, producing inflamma- 37 tion of the gums, and even an absorption and destruction of the alveolar processes, which all provident nature intended for the security of those instruments. The consequences of this are, occasional severe fits of Tooth-ach, swelled face, and other marks of indisposition, which by the least cold lay him aside for weeks and months, putting a stop to every study and pursuit. The body, instead of being gradually in- creased and duly nourished, as in the other instance, is here puny and diminutive; nay, even rickety, deformed, and unsightly, upon too many occasions. The mind, instead of being active and vigorous, is fretful, peevish. and not alive to external impressions, owing to continual irritation and pain. The most critical years of life, which are intended to form the mind, are lost in a struggle to get the better of indisposition, brought on by neglect, and nourished and rendered permanent by the same cause; for 38 it is an incontrovertible fact, that no child, with bad Teeth is ever healthy; and as this fact has been abundantly verified, in my ex- perience, the same cause will prove a cer- tain excitement of whatever constitutional disease the system may be naturally predis- posed to. Thus, diseases, which might have been dormant without this baneful cause, are always ready to appear in children whose Teeth are bad, and to the disgrace of their nurses, neglected ; for little in a habit predisposed will excite the action of inbred disease. " In concluding this letter (on the Treat- ment of Children, says Dr. Ewell) I feel some pain at the apprehension that I have not said enough to induce a strict adherence to the practices recommended. I knew them to be so judicious, that I felt as if argument were useless. The subject is those, of whom our Christ declared, ' of such is the kingdom of heaven!' Ladies, if you feel as mothers, if you have souls to partake of the heaven of doing good to innocence in pain, you will not require long 39 arguments to adopt practices promoting the health of children. I ask, I pray you, if I have not urged sufficiently to induce you to do it; then, as a favour, as a kind compli- ance, in return for the wish I have to serve, immediately prescribe." Thus the proper treatment of the Teeth, when properly considered, forms the foun- dation of happiness; First, as the prime si;-- zthener of the constitution; Secondly, as X grand means of extending the growth: and, Thirdly, as the sure foundation of health and harmony in the system. By care of the Teeth, and thereby avoiding frequent illnesses, directly or indirectly arising from the neglect of them, we are enabled to un- dertake those pursuits fitted to our age and genius. We may thus economise time, and apply life to every beneficial purpose. The possession of carious Teeth, besides its effects on the temper and growth of childhood, is liable to produce very serious evils at a more advanced period of life, by giving to the air inhaled a putrid taint or 40 impregnation, which being conveyed into the lungs, diminishes the benefits of its otherwise healthful office. Indeed, it may be regarded as an esta- blished fact, that it is only by the influence of the living principle that the human frame is prevented from yielding to the powers of a chymical agency constantly acting on it, as on inanimate substances. But there are certain parts to which this living principle does not so strongly extend, and here the laws of Chymistry take full effect; the part being subjected to all these changes which heat and stagnation produce, and thus ex- citing a fermentation in the matter subjected to their operation, as is strongly marked in the Teeth, which are, as we have seen, beyond the reach of the circulation, since they are exposed to accumulations from what we eat and drink; and the particles of the matter so accumulated are highly disposed to morbid changes, deleterious to the healthful state of these organs. 41 The same matter introduced into the stomach, which thus acts on the Teeth, would be harmless to that organ;—the con- stant motion of its contents, their admix- ture with a variety of fluids, changing their relations and powers, and the strong influ- ence of the living principle on this viscus, are counteracting circumstances which pre- vent all injury and accumulation here. Thus we see it is not by any failure of the natural qualities of the Teeth that their premature decay is occasioned. This ma- lady is alone to be attributed to the situa- tion in which they are placed, whereby they are exposed to the common fate of all matter under the influence of chymical powers, and which even their compact structure cannot resist, unless those accu- mulations be prevented, which finally con- stitute a corroding power they cannot of themselves oppose. From these facts we may venture to assert, that soundness of constitution and 6 42 duration of life, greatly depend upon the healthy condition of the mouth. All these facts are important reasons then, for an early attention to the Teeth, and the natural organs connected with them, for it is principally in childhood that the means of preserving them perfect can fully succeed before the evil commences. The preservation of the Teeth and Gums, therefore, is one of the first objects to be studied for insuring health and strength. As they form by nature, a complete arch, the removal of a Tooth destroys the even- ness of the gum and the alveoli, diminishing the strength of the jaw, and proportionally reducing the perfection of voice and articu- lation. If the great distinctive attribute of man be the faculty of speech, that speech can never be complete or perfect, without two arches of Teeth to modulate the sound, and give proper utterance to the words. Indeed, it is obvious to every one, that when the 43 Teeth are lost, the speech becomes imper- fect, and often scarcely intelligible. This circumstance makes them valuable beyond measure, to a public speaker, and their preservation ought to meet due atten- tion from those who wish to shine either in the Senate, at the Bar, or in the Pulpit. Without these instruments of utterance, the graces of eloquence are lost, and the power of impressing the mind, and con- vincing the understanding, if not taken away, is considerably diminished. It is the premature loss of this part of the human structure, that produces the leading mark of age, and occasions the contracted countenance, the wrinkles of the face, and those unseemly changes which youth and beauty ever wish to see placed at a dis- tance. This may be done in a certain degree, and the countenance exhibit the great lines of character that belong to it, by a proper attention to the cleanliness and regularity of 44 the Teeth. No face, however pleasing and prepossessing, can ever be complete in its attraction where the mouth is disfigured. However worthy of admiration by natural symmetry, or intelligence of character, a still and silent countenance may be, we at once lose the grateful impression, when a disclosure of bad Teeth is made by the influence of any excitement. The circumstance either attaches disgrace to the individual for present want of cleanli- liness, or to its parents, or nurse, for past neglect. Even the laugh, the test of good Rumour and openness which invites to cor- diality and confidence, fails to produce a reciprocal effect, where we are disgusted by a foul mouth. Nay, from, the very form, position, and cleanliness of the Teeth, so far as depends on the. individual himself, may be justly inferred his taste in other matters. Hence, in order to win that admiration which is the aatural wish of every one, the care of the 45 Teeth becomes an essential qualification, and ought to form an early branch of edu- cation, which cannot be too forcibly im- pressed on the minds of children. Independent of their soundness, as a necessary appendage of external symmetry, the Teeth are no less important, as has been stated, to the preservation of the general health. From their structure being highly sensible, and every where surrounded with parts of equal sensibility, they communicate every impression of their disease to the system at large. Thus, the first pains that undermine the constitution, and sow the seeds of irreparable mischief, may often be traced to the diseased state of the Teeth when unable to perform their natural functions. So conspicuous is this with all animals in a domesticated state, that the failure of their Teeth may be considered as the very break- ing up of their constitution. Unless fed on soft food, where the use of the Teeth is less 46 required, their lives cannot be protracted. In proof of the same fact, we may adduce the long lives of fowls, and other animals, having no Teeth are consequently not sub- ject to any disease of the Mouth; a strong corroboration of which, is also afforded by the long lives of some kinds of fish. Thus the lives of animals as well as man, seem by nature to be in a considerable de- gree regulated by the health and perma- nence of the Mouth. In the Teeth of all animals in a state of nature, we discover no diseased structure or deformity, and there- fore we must ascribe it in the human sub- ject to fortuitous, not constitutional or he^ reditary causes; for that they are less de- structible, than any other part of the frame is evident, since, in places where bodies have lain for centuries, Teeth are found entire and sound, while the other bones crumble to dust; a sufficient proof that disease is not naturally entailed upon their structure, but is. the effect of the constant 47 accumulation and action of offensive matter upon them, which operates by a putrid fer- mentation on those parts unnoticed, before the agonizing pain of a single Tooth calls our attention to those adjoining; when we are astonished, as much as we are grieved, to find many in a state of rapid decay. It may not be uninteresting in this place, to notice the opinions of former writers re- specting the cause of caries, or diseases of the Teeth, some of which have been highly detrimental to the interests of society, and have led to a supineness, and even neglect of this part of our frame, on no just or solid foundation. The first opinion I beg leave to mention, is that of Mr. Hunter: viz. that diseases of the Teeth are, in part, hereditary. In his work on the Natural History and Diseases of the Teeth, he thus expresses himself: (page 140.) « This decay of the Teeth does not seem to be so entirely the effect of accident a^ 48 might be imagined; it sometimes takes place in them by pairs, in which case, we may suppose it owing to an original cause, coming into action at its stated time, the corresponding Teeth being in pairs, with respect to the disease, as well as to situa- tion, shape, &c. " This disease has not hitherto been ac- counted for. If it had been always on the inside of the cavity, it might have been sup- posed to be owing to a deficiency of nourish- ment, from some fault in the vascular system; but as it begins most commonly externally, in a part where the Teeth, in their most sound state, receive little or no nourishment, we cannot refer it to that cause. " We may, therefore, reasonably suppose, that it is a disease arising originally in the Tooth itself."* The fallacy of this opinion must be appa- rent from the fact we have endeavoured to establish, viz. that the Teeth, in regard to the other parts of the system, may be con- sidered as extraneous bodies ; and, since * Natural History*of the Human Teeth ; by John Hunter. Lon don • printed 1800 49 they cannot exfoliate or release themselves from disease, so, in the same manner, the other parts of the system under disease cannot introduce into them the seeds of a constitutional malady. The next opinion I beg leave to notice, is that of Mr. Fox, which supposes a defect in their original formation, or that the Teeth do not possess sufficient stability and per- manence for their intended functions. Mr. Fox thus expresses himself. (Page 12.) " The proximate cause of Caries appears to be, an inflammation in the bone of the Crown of the Tooth, which, on account of its peculiar structure, terminates in morti- fication. " The chief predisposition to this disease, consists in a defective formation of either the enamel or bony part of the Teeth. " The great distress which usually ac- companies, and the inconvenience which always follows the loss of the Teeth, makes the discovery of some mode of prevention 6f caries very desirable. 7 .jO " This delightful secret, although it is pretended to in the advertisements of every Quack, we can only expect so acquire, when the philosopher's stone, and the grand pa- nacea have been obtained. " It is not in our power to alter the laws of Nature, or change the natural constitution of man, we can only obviate evils by attend- ing to the causes which produce them, and it is in this manner we can, in a very great measure, preserve the Teeth from disease."* The incorrectness of this opinion, I ex- plained by the circumstance, that the Teeth in their structure, are more compact, than any other kind of bone, by their incasement in the enamel; and as a proof of this, they are found to survive all the other parts of the system, an evidence of their perma- nence, and non-liability to decay. A third opinion, equally erroneous, is that which supposes the Teeth are acted upon by changes of temperature. This is the * Natural History and Diseases of the Human Teeth, by Joseph Fox. London, printed 1814. 51 opinion of Mr. Hertz, as exemplified by the following quotation-—(Page 37.) " Heat, to a certain degree, is highly de- trimental to the vitality of the Teeth; hence we find that those animals who live chiefly on hot food, are most subject to carious Teeth. Increased circulation in the gums, whether the effect of mercury, or general fever of the system, is also very injurious to the Teeth; and hence caries of the Teeth, are a common consequence of salivation and inflammatory fever."* The opinion of Mr. Fuller may next be quoted, being much the same as that of Mr. Hunter, though differently expressed. He supposes that an organic mischief is origin- ally implanted, during their formation, and is finally the cause of their decay. Mr. Fuller thus expresses himself: (Page 48.) V " Caries, or decay of the Teeth, appears to be the only disease to which the Teeth themselves, strictly speaking, are subject. * Familiar Dissertation, on the Causes and Treatment of the Diseases of the Teeth : by J. P Hertz. London, printed 1815. 52 By caries, is understood, a rotting, or mould- ering away of the substance of a Tooth. Numerous causes have been assigned as the origin of decay in the Teeth—such as scurvy, heat of the stomach, heat of the mouth, nervous fever, acidity of the saliva, &c. none of which appear sufficiently to account for caries. " From the various causes assigned for it, we may suppose it is not properly or gene- rally understood; not from want of ability, in those who have treated on the subject, but, probably, from an idea, that it does not deserve so particular an investigation. This, however, may readily be seen to be a mis- take ; for, as caries frequently terminates only by extraction of the offending Tooth, and, as this is at all times a painful opera- tion, persons on whose minors reason has its proper influence, will more readily submit to a severe remedy, when they know it is the best the nature of the case will possibly admit; nor, indeed, can a rational or satis- factory practice be established, in any in- stance, without a complete knowledge of the subject, both in its natural history and 53 present state; and, so far as we are de- fective in either, so far we must submit to the dictates of chance, or, perhaps, be the humble dupes of empiricism. From the care- ful attention to circumstances, caries will be found not so much the effect of chance, as is generally imagined: it appears, almost universally, to be an organic mischief, im- planted during the formation of the Teeth."* Mr. De Chemant, in his work, candidly acknowledges his ignorance of the cause of caries, and thus very properly expresses himself on the subject: (Page 5.) " Of those parts which enter into the composition of a beautiful person, there can be no doubt, but that the first place belongs to the Teeth and the Eyes; and if these latter are denominated the mirror of the soul, the Teeth may be considered as the thermometer of health, and the principal ornament of the face. He who should be so happy as to discover an infallible means of always preserving them healthy and beau- tiful, would certainly make a discovery in- » Popular Essay on the Structure, Formation, and Management of the Teeth ■ by Mr. Fuller, London, printed 1815. 54 finitely more valuable to mankind, than that which is now offered to the public: then, the number of evils which precede, accom- pany, or follow, the loss of the natural Teeth, would disappear from the catalogue of complaints which afflict the human race. But, unhappily, all the researches that have been made on this subject, have hitherto remained fruitless, because, in the present state of our knowledge, we cannot foresee the disorganization of the Teeth."* Mr. Murphy only states the fact, and gives a history of its progress, in the follow- ing words: (Page 76.) " No medicine has yet been discovered, which will prevent caries of the Teeth, or which will effectually operate as a cure, nor is the cause from which it originates, posi- tively ascertained. " As caries is liable to commence on every part of a Tooth, except the fangs, it sometimes begins on parts of the Teeth which are difficult to get at, in order to * Advice to Mothers and Nurses, on the Prevention and Cure of (hose Diseases which attend the first Dentition: by N. De Chemant t-ondon. printed 1816 55. apply any thing to arrest its progress; such as on the sides of the necks, or on the sides of the bodies of such Teeth as are in close contact with a neighbouring Tooth. " The molares are much more subject to decay, than any of the other Teeth.'" Some other authors (for example, the Chevalier Ruspini and Son) ascribe caries to many causes, as expressed in the follow- ing quotations: (Page 55.) " Various are the species of caries; al- most every part of the Teeth is affected by it, and both internal and external causes produce it. A caries, may be divided into soft, superficial, deep, and dry: it attacks the root the neck, or the crown, of the Teeth. " The Caries that proceeds from internal causes, namely, the scurvy, &c. generally affects the root of the Tooth, often the in- ternal surface, sometimes the external, and even the inward cavity of the body."f * Natural History of the Human Teeth, with a Treatise on their Diseases, from Infancy to Old Age : by Joseph Murphy. London, printed 1811. t Treatise on the Teeth : by Barth Ruspini London, print- ed 1784. 56 " When we reflect on the important pui** poses which the Teeth are destined to serve in the animal economy, we cannot but regret their premature destruction, arising from various diseases in the Teeth and the adjoining parts, by which these useful agents are rendered unserviceable, or, perhaps, totally lost. Many of these diseases are pro- duced by the carelessness and inattention of the individual, and might be easily pre- vented; or when the disease has commen- ced, if proper assistance were called, in due time, it might be easily removed."* Mr. Wooffendale's opinion for the imper- fect appearances of the Teeth, is thus de- livered : " These indentures and yellow marks of the human Teeth are more common at this period, than formerly; to account for which, I have been at some pains, and, I believe, my endeavours have not been in vain, to ascertain a cause. " I have frequently seen these marks on both the first and second sets of Teeth, * Observations on the Teeth : by J. B. Ruspini. London, print- ed 1816.—(Page 3.) 57 which causes me to suspect such children have had the small pox twice."* Mr. Gerbeaux, of Paris, thus expresses his opinion : (Page 54.) " People who inhabit marshy, cold, and moist countries, have rarely fine Teeth. " If, to this unfavourable local situation, are superadded the use of the pipe and the habit of chewing tobacco, the Teeth com- monly become of a yellowish brown colour, deformed and shaking; the gums get dis- eased, and the toute ensemble of the mouth offers the most diagreeable appearance. " It ought, therefore, perhaps, to be re*- marked, that diseased Teeth, among many individuals, originate in an organic dispo- sition, which may be transmitted heredita- rily from fathers to their child ren."f However climate or temperature may act on the soft parts of the body, it can never produce any permanent change on the Teeth. Its influence can only extend to the surrounding parts, and may give rise * Observations on the Teeth : by Mr. Wooffendale. Printed 1783 t Observations on the most frequent Diseasos incidental to the Mouth, &c. he. &c. by Gerbeaux. Printed 1802. 8 JH to inflammation* which would only affect the Teeth as a remote cause, and not ex- cite any primary action upon them. The last opinion to be animadverted upon, is that of Mr. BeW, in his recent work, as containing a doctrine dangerous in the extreme, as far as it regards the management of the Teeth; being that which considers the origin of their dis- eases, particularly caries, as arising from lateral pressure of the Teeth on each other. On this subject, he expresses himself as follows: (Page 22.) " In offering this portion of my opinion on the maladies incidental to the Teeth, I am well aware, that, by rending the veil from a treatment I have long contemplated in theory, and reduced to practice, with the happiest success, during many years, I tread on ground untrodden before, and offer a wide field for the contemplation of the philosopher, in the anatomy and patho- logy of these organs of mastication. All will be open to their investigation; and 59 should I, in the scale of their more pro- found inquiry, be 4 tried and found wanting in the balance,' the success of the practice will plead my apology for the crime of innovation; and, by having drawn wiser heads than my own to the consideration, 4 a good end may be gained to a bad be- ginning;' but should the theory, through their analization, like pure gold come forth from the furnace, neither wanting in weight nor value, my rejoiced spirit ' shall applaud to the very echo that shall applaud again,' the happy thought which led to the pro- mulgation. " To those who only casually glance at the Teeth primary or permanent, with healthy gums, fitly arranged in their several sockets, for the purposes of mastication, aided by the conviction of sight and feeling, that they are the hardest substances in our system, how inexplicable and irreconcilable to credibility must it appear, that these very hard substances, with their flinty coatings, date their destruction from completion, by lateral pressure against each other V' * Opinions on the Causes and Effects of Diseases in the Teeth and Gums : by Charles Bew. London, printed 1819. 60 This opinion or discovery, however im~> portant in the author's mind, who supposes that nature acts, with regard to the Teeth, in a different manner from what she does in any other part of the system, by extend- ing their growth beyond due bounds, is certainly incorrect: if this does not take place in the soft parts, capable of an easy extension, surely it is not likely to take place in the hardest. The doctrine is con- trary to the laws of the animal economy; and, wherever the circumstance appears, it may be considered as a deviation from the ordinary course of nature. Caries begins most frequently between the Teeth, because the accumulation of the morbid matter, where it is most readily detained and allowed to act, has full liberty to exert its influence, owing to its not being duly removed, or prevented from collecting and accreting. Mr. Bew, therefore, only mistakes the cause, though correct in regard to the most frequent seat of disease, in the greater number of instances. 61 Extract from the Medico Chirurgical Journal; or, London Medical and Surgical Review, April, 1820. " The importance which is now attach- ed by the public to dental pathology, is sufficiently evinced by the great segrega- tion from the body of the profession, and the concentration of talent and respecta- bility in this exclusive line of practice. "The general expression of public feeling would appear to indicate that division of labour in the medical, as well as in every other art, tends to accelerate its progress towards perfection. The senses of sight and hearing are now separately studied, and the diseases of them claimed by their respective cultivators; and it is highly pro- bable that, ere a century elapses, we shall have the stomach, the lungs, the liver, the kidneys, and the brain, each the foundation of a distinct professorship, at least in the metropolis and the larger cities of the em- pire. Yet, when we consider how intimate- ly the various internal organs are associa- ted in function, and how necessary it is, that the whole body should be carefully studied, in order to comprehend the struc- 62 ture and office of a part, we are induced to discountenance this system of exclusive organology, since we are confident that it opens a wide field for the exercise of that wretched practice oidemi charlatanism which is the disgrace, the bane, and almost the ruin of our science ! We have seen so much of this in our professional pilgrimage, especially in private practice, that we shall take an early opportunity of introducing some severe, but, we hope, just strictures on certain disingenuous manoeuvres, too often employed by men who ought to re- member the dignity of the science they profess. These remarks are not levelled against any particular class of practitioners, but against the trick of trade, wherever it exists, and by whomsoever practised. In short, we consider that a neglect of the almost divine precept conveyed in the motto of our Journal,* is the worst evil existing in the medical profession, and that which stands in the greatest need of reform. But more of this hereafter. " We believe with Mr. Bell, that the vital organization of the Teeth is a generally * "Nee tibi quid liceat sed quid fecisse decebit "Occurrat mentemque domat respectus bonesti." Claus, 63 received doctrine among those physiolo- gists who have paid most attention to the subject." " Yet, as we very frequently see caries in two contiguous Teeth, it is de- sirable that the circumstance should be accounted for." " Mr. Parmly, an ingenious and expert Dentist, of this metropolis, maintains, in his work and lectures on the Teeth, that ex- ternal agents are the principal causes of decay; and his apparatus for removing all impurities from their surface, we have found extremely useful, and can, therefore, recommend it." I trust it is now sufficiently evident, that the premature decay of the Teeth, is the consequence of uncleanliness, which acts upon them in the same manner as on other parts, by sapping and corroding the vital energy, and thereby causing them to moulder away. Where the Teeth are kept literally clean, no disease will ever be perceptible. Their structure will equally stand the summer's heat and winter's cold, the changes of 64 climate, the variation of diet, and even the diseases to which the other parts of the body may be subject from constitutional causes. The opinions I have now suggest- ed, on this important subject, are founded on practical experience. If, then, health can be improved and dis- ease averted, by means so easy and simple, if the growth of the body and the enjoyment of life and comfort can be so materially pro- moted in like manner; if the symmetry of the countenance, the improvement of the voice, and a more complete enunciation can also be effected by means so easily attain- able, who would not be tempted steadily to adopt this plan, thereby establishing in their highest perfection, a mind unfettered by constant sources of irritation, and a body impervious to those tortures, which, with all the vigour of electric shocks, are darted through the medium of the nervous system, from one disordered spot to the remotest part of the frame, distressing in childhood, mise- rable in youth, and agonising in manhood, 6,1 LECTURE THIRD. After the considerations which have been offered in the preceding pages, it may be interesting to know, that by judicious treat- ment, innumerable inconveniences attendant on dentition, may be obviated in the begin- ning of life, and imperfections remedied at a more advanced period, by the appropriate operations of a skilful and discriminating Dentist. The protrusion of the Teeth, or what is usually termed dentition, is an effort in which nature has many struggles for effect- ing the absorption of the investing mem- brane, the alveolar processes, and the gum, to make way for their passage, and establish 9 66 their final character. By these efforts, they sometimes advance too rapidly, which occa- sions a strong tension and pressure on the membrane and gum, and produces pain and irritation in the surrounding parts. In order to prevent these sufferings, the Gum should be daily rubbed with the finger and a little fine salt, for several weeks be- fore the Teeth appear, and as soon as they are perfected, the strictest attention should be paid to cleaning them with the apparatus which has been recommended in this work. But where these unpleasant circumstances have already taken place for want of due precaution, an early recourse to the lancet is the safest expedient, and the only one to be depended on, for removing every dis- tressing and dangerous symptom, with which dentition may be attended. It is further to be remembered, that dur- ing dentition a more than usual attention should be paid to the state of a child's sto- mach, and alimentary canal, the particulars 67 of which rest more with the Physician than the Dentist. Practice and experience will render easy of use, the apparatus I have devised, and which, without arrogating too much credit to myself, I may pronounce more effective than any which has yet been offered to the world; and its simplicity enhances its value. If constantly used, the accumulation of tartar is obviated, and the lodgment of all offen- sive matter prevented. Instead of this simple manual operation for the removal of tartar, many dentists have employed chymical solvents, without considering that in proportion as they re- move the tartar, they must, at the same time, act on the enamel itself; for since the tartar contains phosphate of lime, as well as the enamel, whatever tends to destroy the one in its more loose state, must also tend, if not to destroy, greatly to injure the texture of the other. Such means, there- fore, though apparently simple, are to \)e 68 strongly condemned, and no judicious prac- titioner will ever venture on the use of them. In the removal of tartar, the benefit to the Teeth arises chiefly from the particular situation it has occupied. If it collect in the interstices of the Teeth, or round their necks, it is here that it chiefly does mischief, by destroying the connexion between the Tooth and Gum, and finally occasioning the loss of the former. A quantity of tartar collected on the crown of a Tooth is unsightly, and spoils its natural character, although it does no injury to its texture; on the contrary, it forms a sort of protection to it: hence caries can never attack the crown of a Tooth so de- fended, but when this covering is removed, and the same neglect goes on as before, the Tooth is more prone to rapid decay than if the tartar had never been removed. This circumstance, which is undeniable, has been urged as a strong reason against the re- 69 moval of tartar; but it would certainly be a poor excuse foe allowing our bodies to be covered with filth, to maintain that it may tend to keep us warm. The best effects will always attend the removal of this noxious accretion, if once properly and carefully performed, and a system of cleanliness afterwards persevered in, will supersede any future necessity for the operation, and may be completely ef- fected by the constant use of the apparatus under consideration. I shall now proceed to consider another operation, which has been much abused, and is more general than any other among practical Dentists—I mean the extraction of Teeth, an operation which cannot fail justly to create some alarm when the circum- stances attending it are considered. We know that, in the hands of the most dex- terous operators, it has sometimes been at- tended with serious, nay, even fatal conse- quences; and therefore it should be avoided 70 wherever in our power, instead of being adopted, as too often happens, in the first in- stance. There is, perhaps, a greater share ot manual dexterity necessary in performing it than is generally imagined, to prevent frac- turing that portion of the socket where the fang is situated, and if the alveolar process is uncommonly firm, and does not yield to the force of the instrument directed against it, the fracture will extend a considerable way into the jaw, and the effects of it may injure the patient for life. The operation is sometimes followed by a most dangerous hemorrhage, which, in many cases, has de- fied every effort of the most experienced Surgeons. Nor is the profuse loss of blood the only frightful cause of death from the difficult extraction of a Tooth, for the fatal event has often been occasioned by nervous exhaustion from the operation, when no un- usual loss of blood has occurred. As these consequences can never be foreseen, and depend on the size, situation j 71 and form of the Tooth, the distribution of the blood vessels and nerves, and certain peculiarities in the habit of the patient, this operation of extracting should never be performed needlessly, or trusted to the hands of the rash and uninstructed. Indeed, I would limit its exercise either to the preventing or remedying irregularity in the arrangement of the permanent or second set of Teeth, and to some peculiar in- stances of disease in the Maxillary Sinus, or to Teeth having ulcerated fangs. In all other cases, it is objectionable, what- ever pain the patient may feel, and how- ever ready he may be to submit to such a measure. Whenever extraction becomes necessary, I have made it a rule to perform it in a different manner from that generally adopt- ed, so as to avoid the fracture of the socket, and thus evade any dangerous consequences that may attend it. In support of the justice of my argil* 72 merits against this operation, I will explain the common method of extracting with the instrument in general use. Previous to fixing the key, or claw, as it is termed, it is common to separate the connexion between the Tooth and Gum, with a common lancet; after which, the fulcrum of the instrument, resting upon the socket on one side, and its claw, em- bracing the Tooth, on the other, while one hand of the Operator keeps it in this situa- tion, his other hand, applied to the handle, turns it round, thus raising and drawing laterally the diseased Tooth, which makes part of the socket to give way. On the removal of the Tooth, the soft parts are brought together, attention to avoid the effects of cold is enjoined, and nature is allowed to repair the injury which the jaw or socket has sustained. The consequences which I have shown to follow this operation will, I hope, deter every person from submitting to it, unless 73 where it is pronounced eligible by a skilful Dentist. It forms, however, a chief part of the bu- siness of all the low and uneducated prac- titioners, more fitly ycleped Tooth Drawers, throughout the world; and the success of their practice is generally estimated by the number of Teeth displayed either in their windows or travelling boxes, for captivating Hie vulgar; many of these mouldering trea- sures having descended from generation to generation with the family talent for Tooth drawing, and being of course carefully cleared of the frightful portions of bone which have been torn with them, in one common mass, from the jaw of the sufferer, While no recopds are kept of the ulcerated Gums which long existed after these in- juries; nor of the numerous splinters of bone, which, far many months after, tor- mented the patient, by forcing their way through the soft parts of the mouth; nor of the sponginess and fungous excrescence? 10 74 of the cheek, or jaw-bones, which have dragged down youth and vigour to a pre- mature grave, constituting sacrifices to ig- norance and brutality, and warnings of the dangers of impatience. This picture, which is by no means heightened, will, I hope, impress the impor- tance and necessity of early attention to preserving the Teeth and Gums in their ori- ginal and healthy condition, that the danger of their loss, by extraction, may be avoided ; and that all the painful circumstances pre- ceding this event, may not be an inducement to submit, without reflection, to so harsh and severe a measure. Having shown that I consider the extrac- tion of Teeth eligible to a very limited extent only, from the dangerous consequen- ces attending it, I have now to speak of an operation, intended to supersede extraction, which may be termed mending or capping carious Teeth—an operation which I have found uniformly successful; and it must be 75 consolatory to know, that diseased or ca- rious Teeth may be completely repaired and retained by judicious treatment. The operation is performed with such ex- actness as entirely to escape detection.— Thus, the same Teeth which another prac- titioner would have removed, are, by my plan, rendered useful and ornamental through life, and the several diseases prevented which arise from imperfect mastication. This ope- ration I conceived at first would only be successful in a few cases; but much expe- rience enables me now to perform it with complete success, in situations where it did not then appear practicable. It is of con- sequence, however, that as soon as a Tooth is discovered to be carious, this remedy should be resorted to without delay. The progress of decay will thus be immediately checked, and all the accompanying symp- toms of pain, irritation, and tainted breath, suspended. Previous to performing it, how- ever, if an inflammatory state of the Gums 76 prevail, it should be allowed to subside^ and it may, in the mean time, be lessened or removed by an application to the cavity of the Tooth of some powerful aromatic and sedative combination. To such perfection have I carried the mode of operating, in these cases, that even where the whole crown of a Tooth is entirely gone, the deficiency may be supplied, in a permanent manner, without employing the common means, either of metallic matter, or of ligature, as is usual with Dentists. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. If the Teeth are of importance to our health and attributes, at every period of life, their premature loss demands a remedy, since the expression of the countenance is thereby changed, the process of mastication rendered imperfect, and distinct enunciatiori entirely obviated. The mouth is not the '77 only feature of "which the Symmetry is de- stroyed by loss of the Teeth; for all the others participate in the failure of support which these organs furnished. The margins of the Gums become flattened, ahd the roof of the mouth daily less arched. The nose loses its support; the fall beneath the fore- head is lengthened ; the upper jaw and cheek form a concavity; the lower jaw is draWn Upwards, and the lips inwards. The principal muscles of the face having their fibres placed hearty at right angles with the mouth, occasion the two latter altera- tions, Whilst wrinkles are contracted over the whole countenance, in various direc- tions, by the remaining muscles, owing -en- tirely to the want of that support which the Teeth afforded. The necessity for, and the advantage of. Artificial Teeth, is, therefore, So obvious, as to stand in need 01 no further argument. My present •object will be, to show that my peculiar mode of supplying this defect 78 is preferable to any at present known or practised, in point of appearance, personal convenience, and real service. The substance of which they are formed, is of the most durable texture, and such as may be depended on for not changing colour, so that their natural character is maintained to the last. On no part of the dental art has so much ingenuity and real labour been bestowed, without complete success, as on this; and its perfection con- sists in the Teeth being exactly adapted to the mouth, and worn at the same time with perfect convenience to the individual. The chief difficulty of Dentists has hi- therto existed in their mode of supporting Artificial Teeth, which has been by means of ligatures, or springs, attached to the natural Teeth, or, by a pivot, to the fang of a lost Tooth. Ligatures are sure to loosen the adjacent Teeth, and the pivot soon wears away the fang. Thus, the artificial crown becoming 79 loose, it drops out, and, besides inconve- nience to the possessor, often gives rise to very ludicrous occurrences. Further: this awkward contrivance, by allowing a lodgment of particles of food, occasions the breath to receive a taint unpleasant to the individual, as well as those who are near him. For these rea- sons, I have, for many years, abandoned this objectionable practice, and am able to secure Artificial Teeth, without any un- pleasant expedients. The method is en- tirely new, and every one who witnesses its advantages, will acknowledge the merits of it. When the Teeth in each jaw are nearly all lost, it is necessary that an artificial socket should be formed for their insertion, by taking a mould of their risings and de- pressions, and every point along the surface of the jaw. If accurately fitted, speech and masti- cation will be properly exercised, and no m sort of inconvenience experienced by the wearer. Where, however, from irregularity of the jaw, surfaces are not adapted minutely to each other, it may be supported by springs, to which habit soon reconciles the wearer, the parts acquiring, with time, a decrease of sensibility, and no uneasiness is felt. Artificial Teeth have been objected to chiefly on account of their colour differing r from, that of the human Teeth; but this has been caused, in a great measure, by the unfitness of the substances from which they have been formed. The material generally preferred has been the Tooth of the Hip- popotamus, which possesses durability and fine enamel, but too much whiteness for the natural character of the human Teeth. These, however, are preferable, but a strong popular prejudice prevails against the use of them, from an idea that various diseases may be introduced into the system by such means. To obviate objections ©f this kind. 81 I have had recourse to a safe and durable substitute, equal, by its several advantages, to the human Teeth, in those of certain Quadrupeds smaller than the Hippopota- mus, and possessing, at the same time, a finer enamel. A successful practice of many years sets the superiority of this method beyond a doubt, and its value will be best appre- ciated by comparison with the practice commonly adopted. Besides the substances alluded to, Arti- ficial Teeth have been formed of what has been termed " Mineral Paste," which is a substance similar to fine porcelain; and it is impossible, in this place, that I can pass unnoticed the very extraordinary degree of perfection to which this curious art has lately been brought, by the merits and ex- ertions of Mons. Maury, of Paris, who has succeeded in imitating nature with an ex- actness of which no language can convey an adequate idea. 11 82 An operation, long since devised by the late Mr. Hunter, is now entirely laid aside. namely, that of transplanting human Teeth. It consists in extracting the diseased Tooth, and substituting another in its place. The operation is extremely limited, being con- fined to only the front Teeth, or those hav- ing single fangs. With a view to success, the Tooth to be substituted must be instantly transferred from the mouth of the individual who sub- mits to the sacrifice, to its intended situation, and there properly fixed until it acquires a firm position in the socket. The failure of this operation in the greater number of cases, has occasioned it to be laid aside, as the adhesion of the Tooth, in its proper situation, depends on a variety of minute circumstances; for example, the substituted Tooth must be rather smaller than the one extracted. The extractibn also must be so carefully made, as not to produce any ma- terial injury to the socket; and, lastly, both 83 parties must be of a healthy constitution, that the process of healing or adhesion may readily take place. Hence, after undergoing this painful operation, and submitting to the penance of a fluid regimen for some weeks, it has too often proved unsuccessful, and cases are notorious, in which, after it has been considered successful, very grievous diseases have been introduced into the system. Experience has now fully proved, that the duration of these Teeth is limited to a very few years. In favour of the operation, how- ever, Mr. Hunter has adduced a variety of arguments to show, that disease cannot be inoculated into the system by such means; but facts are not wanting to prove the re- verse, and any explanation on the principle of common irritation, to account for its nu- merous varied and even fatal consequences, cannot do away the just and well grounded prejudice that attaches to this practice. It was, notwithstanding, an ingenious spe- culation on the part of Mr. Hunter, and 84 showed what the powers of the system are capable of doing in the reparation of disor- ganized parts. OF IRREGULARITY OF THE TEETH. In the preceding pages, it has been my strong recommendation, that particular at- tention should be paid to the period of shed- ding the Teeth, or that when the first set begin to give way, and the second come forward to fill their places. The want of this attention is the great cause why irre- gularities of the Teeth, and consequent de- formity of the mouth, are apt to take place; a, circumstance which may always be pre- vented, if parents were sufficiently informed on the subject. The regular inspection of the Dentist, at the critical period of shedding, will save this inconvenience, and its disgusting ap- pearance. Until deformity is conspicuous from this cause, it is seldom that profes- 85 sional aid is called, and this is frequently delayed so long that it is a matter of diffi- culty, and even more commonly of impos- sibility, to rectify the fault. To give examples of these irregularities, we may observe, that, where the permanent Teeth are large, and the growth of the jaw does not proceed in a corresponding pro- portion, they are found to crowd and over- lap each other. It is then observable, that the central incisores of the upper jaw are often so pressed forward, and show such prominence, as to render the mouth of the person more like that of a quadruped in shape than that of the highest subject of animal nature. Wherever the space of the jaw appears too much confined, and does not allow a regular arrangement of the Teeth, one or more ought to be removed to give room for their expansion. This should be done before the fangs are formed, and one or more of the bicuspides may, with incal- culable advantage, become a sacrifice on 8ti this occasion. When the bicuspides are removed, the front Teeth must be forced, in a gradual manner, into their natural si- tuation. If early attended to, the occasional pressure of the thumb and finger will be sufficient to place them properly; and all instruments to produce a continued pres- sure, as recommended by Mr. Fox, and others, should be avoided. Wherever supernumerary Teeth exist, they cause an irregular cavity, by confining the space of the jaw. Such Teeth are of a deformed shape, and protrude generally in the upper jaw. If within, they show themselves in front, and if without, near the molares; being always conspicuous, and making a disagreeable appearance, they should, as soon as possible, be extracted. A species of irregularity may be properly noticed in this place, being one that most frequently occurs to disfigure the character of the Teeth ; namely, that of one being longer than the other, or where they pre- 87 sent ragged edges. In this way, the front Teeth are often so irregular as to resemble the edge of a saw. The consequence of this species of irre- gularity is, much irritation and even inflam- mation of those parts which come in con- tact with their serrated edges; and the defect should be remedied by the Dentist, since it is easily done, without any un- pleasant sensation; and I have materially improved the instruments which are appli- cable to such purposes. This operation is highly useful to the preservation of the Teeth, by its prevent- ing any further cracking or separation of the enamel, besides its improving their shape. A prejudice has long prevailed against the operation, from an idea that the removal of part of the enamel is followed by a decay of the Teeth; but such will never take place, provided the cavity re- mains untouched, even if a large portion of the Tooth be removed ; and the truth of 88 this assertion is evident, where the enamel suffers from accident, or is removed by filing, in order to take away a carious part. Nay, it is a practice with many of the Eastern nations, to file away considerable parts of Teeth, in order to give them a particular shape; and wherever they do not interfere with the cavity of a Tooth, its health and soundness are unimpaired. In fact, the prejudice against this operation arises more from the unpleasant manner in which it is commonly done, than from dan* ger of its consequences. By a method, peculiar to myself, I have the satisfaction to state, that no one has experienced either inconvenience or pain from it. OF FRACTURES OF THE TEETH. As the Teeth stand in a prominent and exposed situation, they are as liable to injury by accident as bones in other parts of the body. They are frequently driven 89 out by pugilistic exercises, by boys in their quarrels, by balls in the field of battle, and various other causes. Convulsive attacks, the grinding our Teeth in unsound sleep, and even mastication, will produce partial fracture, where they are not in the best condition; the extent of the injury must, of course, regulate the treatment. Where the fracture only affects the point of a Tooth, a file will soon smooth the surface, and render it uniform. The management of more serious acci- dents must be regulated by their nature and extent: and the ingenuity of the Den- tist will be shown in repairing the defects, without any unseemly appearance or injury to the speech; upon which circumstances the perfection of his art will depend. OF CRACKS OF THE ENAMEL. This disease seems to arise from the too frequent and violent action of the rutting 12 ■ 90 edges of the Teeth upon each other, and is confined principally to the incisores. The loss of the back Teeth is in a great measure the occasion of it, by rendering the act of mastication to depend chiefly on the incisores. The appearance they thus assume is something like caries, but it is caused only by the enamel parting from the bone, and extends no farther than the outer surface, being neither attended with inflam- mation, or any degree of softness. The remedy here is to cut away the dis- figured part, and leave the edges somewhat rounded. The Teeth, like other kinds of bone, are at times apt to waste away by exposure. This waste begins by attacking the enamel, where a small portion appears as if scooped out or filed away. This, for want of a more definite term, is called the denuding process. As it increases, the bone is laid bare, and the Tooth becomes discoloured, taking on a brownish hue, and appearing still smooth 91 and polished, in which state it will often continue for years. By this process some Teeth have the anterior part of their enamel entirely removed, and the bony part remains prominent, but still without any exposure of the natural cavity. At the same time, how- ever, in consequence of their wanting a part of their natural investment, the Teeth be- come tender in their sensation, and are in- fluenced by every change of atmospheric temperature. From my own experience, I have been led to believe, that this disease, with very few exceptions, is produced by the use of lotions and other applications, of which acids form a principal part, and the opinion may be regarded as one which gives considerable weight to my perfect convic- tion, that the most simple plan of treating the Teeth, in their natural state, is the most eligible; or, in other words, that benefit is alone to be expected from a strict and rigid observance of cleanliness. 92 WEARING OF THE TEETH. Though the Teeth, from their natural structure, are much stronger and more com- pact than any other kind of bone, yet, from their exercise in mastication, and the fric- tion which occurs from other movements, to say nothing of the chymical influence of food, they experience considerable mecha- nical alterations, and, in part, are literally worn away, as is particularly instanced when the cutting edges of the incisores of the upper jaw meet the corresponding ones of the under jawr, instead of overlapping them as they ought to do. Where the back Teeth are decayed or lost, this process sometimes takes place to such an extent, that the whole crown of each Tooth is worn away; and where the mischief is not so extensive, the Teeth are rendered morbidly sensible, and at times give much pain, which, however, is gradu- 93 ally lessened as ossific matter becomes de- posited in the natural cavities. If the deposition of indurating matter take place favourably, the Tooth acquires a firmness of structure nearly equal to that of the enamel, and hence, after the age of fifty, any further decay rarely happens. OF DISEASES OF THE GUMS. From the connexion between the Tooth and Gum, no affection of the one can oc- cur without communicating its influence to the other. Hence decayed Teeth, irritating and in- flaming the vessels of the Gums, occasion a preternatural organization, constituting ex- crescences or tumours of various sizes. To remedy this evil, the irritating edges of the Tooth must be taken away, and the fang repaired, in doing which, the slight hemorrhage which occurs reduces the Gum, and arrests its fungous growth. Still, how- 94 ever, disease of this nature sometimes oc- curs without any evident cause, when it be- comes necessary to pay strict attention to the general health. Where a soft vascular growth is conspicuous, such tumours are removed either by the knife or ligature. The latter is the safest practice, as not en- dangering so great a loss of blood as may take place by the former. Another species of tumour at times affects the Gums, which is always the consequence of a diseased jaw-bone, and may be dis- tinguished by a particular softness and dis- position to bleed. The removal of the diseased portion of bone is here the only remedy, and if connected with a carious state of the fangs of a Tooth, the extrac- tion of them will be the first step towards the cure, which should be followed by such applications as may promote an exfoliation of the disordered portion of bone. 95 OF ARTIFICIAL PALATES. A misfortune formerly very frequent, and which requires the art of the Dentist, is an opening between the mouth and nose by the loss of the palate. This loss equally affects articulation and the use of nutriment. A thin plate of gold or silver, adapted with extreme nicety to the opening, and secured by a piece of sponge connected with it, is the best remedy for this inconvenience. Artificial Palates have been so improved of late, as to fit without the use of a sponge; but wherever there is a necessity for such a contrivance, it ought to be frequently re- moved, for the purpose of being cleaned with the utmost nicety. OF LIGATURES. Whenever a tooth becomes loose, it has been usual to give it an artificial support by 96 ligature, until nature shall have completed the process of its adhesion to the connect- ing parts. An accumulation of tartar, an absorption of the alveolar processes, and various acci- dents, may give rise to diseases of this kind. In adjusting a ligature, much caution is required not to reduce the adjoining Teeth, over which it is passed, to the same state of looseness, and thus increase the evil. It is fit to observe that, in many cases, the success of this practice is very doubtful, and therefore should be seldom employed. At all events, let an experienced Dentist be consulted. During the application of ligatures for accidental looseness, the patient should be kept on a fluid regimen until the process of adhesion be completed. But, for many years, I have laid aside the use of ligatures altogether, and employed a method infinitely preferable, by its safety. l*s~A y - /■ . -; - a /?•' **^ *>S 97 DISEASE OF THE MAXILLARY SINUS. The inflammation of the upper jaw, from diseased Teeth, or other causes, often ex- tends to the investing membrane, lining the maxillary sinus. The marks of this inflam- mation of the membrane are, a deep throb- bing pain, situated, as it were, at the roots of the upper molares. As it proceeds, the eye, nose, and ear become affected, and as suppuration advances, the cavity is filled with matter, which commonly destroys the neighbouring bone. In mild cases of this kind, the matter, though formed, will often continue long confined without much perceptible injury ; although latent mischief, of a serious na- ture, may be appehended from its absorp- tion, when in a putrescent state. The disease is often difficult to ascertain, but when this is done, the discharge of the matter is the first step to be taken; for 13 98 which purpose, the molaris, or grinding Tooth, lying immediately under the maxil- lary cavity, must be extracted, and a small trochar passed through the socket into the Sinus. This passage should be kept open for some time, and injections thrown up until the discharge ceases altogether. There are other causes of disease in the Maxillary Sinus, which belong strictly to the province of Surgery. Having now concluded my brief sketch of the various objects which constitute the study, the duties, the practice, and the qualifications of a Dentist, who, by due attention to the whole, may bring credit to himself by the alleviation of pain and suf- fering, (for, certainly, that mysterious laby- rinth of nature, the Nervous System, has few points so frequently assailed by pain and its attendant grievances, as those which branch into the Teeth,) I humbly beg leave to observe, that the motive by which I have been actuated was solely a wish to 99 be useful, by informing the sufferer that considerable relief may be in store for him when his case seems hopeless, and by awaking the apathy of parents from inat- tention, to what they suspect not in in- fancy, may become a source of calamity in manhood- MR. PARMLY, being desirous that his peculiar treatment of the Teeth, his operations and general views of the subject, should become as widely diflfused as possible, for the common benefit of Society, under- takes to qualify gentlemen of liberal education for practice, as Dentists, on the following terms : For practice in London,..........$1000 In any other City of Great Britain or America,..................700 For foreign practice,.........» . • • 500 I These terms apply solely to a finished course of instruction, including every particular of the Art with which he is acquainted. • MR. PARMLY's PATENT APPARATUS FOR CLEANING THE TEETH, ALLUDED TO IN THIS WORK, COMPREHENDS, 1. A Brush, which cleans, at once, the upper, the outer, and the inner surfaces of the Teeth. 2. A Polisher, for removing extraneous matter from the enamel or bone, without injury—the composition of which is pecu- liarly his own. 3. Prepared Silk, for cleaning the in- terstices and the necks of the Teeth, where the lodgment of the smallest quantity of impure matter irritates the gums, taints the breath, and is the chief cause of caries and other diseases. 4. Glasses for examining the inner sur- faces of the Teeth; with trifling conveniens, ces, which it is not necessary to enumerate. 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