NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland FOUR •i*l . ATTESTATIONS, GRANTED TO. BODO OTTO, WITNESSING His being Br^d, Approved, Received, and Acknow- ledged a regular SURGEON. mmhpiiu ii niwt i hi—lkww^—wvMmtm Tranflated. from the German. 4- •■•'■ !->vwf*aR r.«#»if PHILADELPHlAv 3 Printed ty # £ N M. r Jlf / L L E R, in Second-Street. M BCC LXllIv CANDID READER, COUNTING myfelf the leaft of all Practitioners in Phyfic and Surgery, it is not from Oftentation, or a vain Endeavour to make myfelf valued above the reft of my Brethren, that I have got the following Documents Tranflated and Printed. In many Englifh Families, where I have the Honour to practife* I have not only been advifed, but urgently prefied to do it, for the fol- lowing Two Reafons: Firft, In order to let the Public know that I am no Interloper, who by chance has pickt up a Receipt how to prepare a Plafter, or to ferve fome Drops, let it be to fome or to no Purpof^ : But, that I have had the regular Education of a Surgeon. That, after the Expiration of mine Apprenticeihip, I have ferved as Surgeon's Man under feveral Matters abroad, and at Hamburg attended the Lazaretto, where there is a Conflux of both internal and external Ailments. And having after- wards, at the Univerfity of Gottingen, frequented the Phyficalj Ana- tomical, and Botanical Lectures of Mvo eminent Profeffors, I was at Liineburg received a Member ot the College of Surgeons, and had the Care of the Prifoners in the Fortrefs, and the Invalides quartered in the Town ; People among whom a Surgeon has abundant Oppor- tunities to become a Proficient both in the Theory and Practice of his Art* *. "" Secondly, That fince I am a Stranger in this Part of the World, Magiftrates may be convinced^ that I have, enjayexLin .Europe-the Protection of Perfons of Dignity, and that both my Conduct: and Talents have been approved by them. So that, confequently, J'may make bold]in. America, not to claim but to beg the Favour of the Public in Generalt and the Patronage of Perfons of Diftinction in Particular; aiTuring every one in his Station, that it (hall be my unwearif4.Endeavour to merit the Name of Their faithful and devoted bumble Servant, BODO OTTO: WHEREA S Bono Otto, a Native of Hanover, who, accord- ing to his Indenture produced before us, has ferved a regular Apprenticeihip of Three Years to Mr. John Albrecht Klarchen, Mem- ber of the College of Surgeons at Hildesheim, concerning which he has alfp fhewn a proper Teftimony; And has afterwards been Surgeon to a Company of Cavalry in the Re'giment of Lieutenant General Bottmar, in which Service he behaved to everyone's Satisfaction, as his Difcharge witnefleth; Arid has likewife with feveral Matters here at Liineburg, at Hamburg, &C. practifed the Art of Surgery: And being now defirous to be received a Member of the College of Surgeons in this City ; Therefore we, the Phyficians whofe Names are hereunto fubfcribed, :with the'AfTiitance of three Surgeons of the College, viz. Mr. Francis Julius Pfejffer, Mr. N. Buncke, and Mr. Philip Gerhard Dopking, undertaking, according to the King's Order, his Examination, on the 13th Day of June, 1736, the faid Candidate having previously declared his Intention to remain by the Art of Sur- gery, and to improve himfelf therein, have queftioned him on the Ofteology, Splanchnology, the Circulation of the Blood, Bleeding, and the necefTary Precautions with regard to it, as well concern- ing the Cure of an Artery accididentally touched, as aifo the Know- ledge about the Gangraena and. the Sphacelus, -and-ihe-jwdpet^Re- medies for their Cure; likewife concerning Wounds and their Ac- cidents ; and laftly about the Inftruments, and the external Reme- dies to be applied by Surgeons; alf according to the Tenour of the original Writings thereof, kept in our Oiiice of Records: Leaving, for the prefent, the rdt of his Examination , reflecting Luxation::;, Fractures, &c. to the College of Surgeons here. Now.Q^he abovefaid Candidate Bono Otto having honourably aniwercd to his Examination, we, together, have, in Witntfs of the Truth, granted him this authentic Atieftalion, corroborated by our A a , Hand:-; Hands and Seals, to the End, that thereupon (performing well the reft his Art) he may be received a Member of the College ol Sur- geons at this Place, and be intruded with a Surgeon's Office. Done at Liineburg, in the LefTer Secretary's Office, at the City Hall, on the 13th Day of June, 1736. B. A. Nottelmann, Dr. H. C. Cruger, M. D. Civit. Luneb. Proto-Phyfic. & Civ. Luneb. Phyf. Ord. (L.S.) (L.S.) (L.S.) Francis Julius Pfeiffer, Surgeon to the Regency of the City. (L. S.) Jacob Buncke, Provincial Surgeon. (L.S.) Philip Gerhard Dopking, Surgeon. No. 2: N . 2. WHEREAS Bodo Otto, of the College of Surgeons of this City, has intimated to me, that he has lately fold his Office, agd confequently can no longer attend or cure the Invalides quartered in this Place, being obliged to prepare for his Removal to his new Poft on the Hartzj and has therefore requeued an Atteftation refpecting his good Behaviour and affiduous Attendance to his Duty. Now, *he faid Bodo Otto having, at all times, and by all Acci- dents that have occurred, fhewn himfelf as an honeft, experienced and faithful Surgeon, both to the Pnfoners in the Fortrefs Kalkberg at this Place, as alfo to the Invalides quartered here; I, readily comply- ing with his Requeft, do by thefe Prefents atteft his abovefaid Qualifi- cations, and recommend him in the beft manner to every one's Fa- vour. Liineburg, November the Firft, in the Year 1748. (US.) P. A. De R I O N, Lieutenant Colonel of a Company of Invalides belonging to His Ma- jefty the King of Great Britain, and Elector of Brunfwik-Lune- burg. No. 3. •N6 3, Mr Bono Otto, Surgeon of the College of this City, having requefted of me an Atteftation about his Skill and Experience in Surgery; I think it incumbent on me to teftify by thefe-Prefen% that he did not only well anfwer to his Examination before the late Mr. Nortelmann, firft Phyfician to the City, and me, in 1736, and ■ hat thereupon he was received a Member of the College of Surgeons, and p. rmiitcd to keep a Surgeon's Office: But that alio, flnce that Time to this Day, he has fufficiently (hewn his Ability in Surgery, in many particular and difficult Cafes; having but lately made a fuccefsful Amputation of a Leg, and happily and well cured the Wound. Jn Witnefs of the above Atteftation, I have hereunto fct my Hand and Seal. Done at Luneburg, the zcth Day of November, 1747. (L, S. Dr. Henry Christian Kruger, Phyfician to the City. \o. 4. N?4- Wrote on Stampt Paper. Done at Schartzfels, on the 31ft Day of January, 1750. HIS Britannic Majefty's Privy Counfellors-for the Regency of the Electorate of Brunfwick-Liineburg, having appointed Bodo Otto, after due Inquiry into his Ability and Skill, Chief Surgeon of this Bailiwick; and he having firft heard the Warning againft Per- jury, the following Oath was adminiftred unto him: " You fhall «< vow and fwear an Oath unto GOD and by his holy Word, that you 11 will always, in undertaking Chirurgical Cures, as alfo in Sections " and Infpections, make known and indicate the true Circumftances, " to the beft of your Knowledge and Underftanding, and that you *' will not failfo to do, for the fake of any Reward, Favour, Hatred, " Friendship or Enmity, or for any thing elfe that might be devifed *' by the Senfes of Man. So http you GOD and his holy Word. " Done as above. ^; 4... In Fidem Jacob Muller, High Bailiff. <**£fcd All leaves deacidified, covered with silk tis- sue. Bound in \ Oasis. Hand-sewn headbands, all-rag ends. English hand-made paper sides, vellum corners. Carolyn Horton & Assoc. 430 West 22 Street New York, NY 10011 December 1972. fJ^edj^^ Jl70 o n$