> )7» ^11 n> HP- "7> oo iati D ^ 3L 2*-5 ;>■■>:> >^ 9 .*' L* ^/^^ ^ -_—--------------- ^ Surgeon General's Office <*M No. ■y V'» 4 Jr» <2' 9 ° 0 , 5$; *•-(» *lBfc. ., »i- -i'." <*3 H If^J^ii^^r. ... _. -v' '*• ir= J -^^* v.^yV'' BywS ^ilif* -^/**^ 1 «■ °YV A» **a -jVh£' _- ft/ -0> -srrjiv-M ^K^ AN ACT TO INCORPORATE MEDICAL SOCIETIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF REGULATING THE . S5LAGSTIOE OP PETSIC AHD STORES,; JfiT OHIO, TOGETHER WITH THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE WBiTSRAli SEKD29JUL StMREBanf • L ' - "' COLV-IBl'S: PRINTED BY OLMSTED, BAILHACHK AND CAMROJC. AN ACT, &c. AN A,OT, to incorporate Medical Societies for the purpose ofrcgulatirfg the practice of Physic and Surgery in this state. WHEREAS, well regulated Medical Societies have been found to conr- tribute to the diffusion of true medical science, and a correct know- ledge of the healing art:—Therefore, Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Ohio, That this state be, and the same is hereby divided into twenty Medical Districts, for the organization and establishment of Medical Societies, as follows: The counties of Hamilton and Clermont, shall constitute the first Medical District; Preble and Butler, the second; Warren and Green, the third; Miami, Dark, Shelby, Mercer, Allen, Vanwert, Paul- ding, Putnam, Williams and Henry, the fourth; Brown and Adams, the fifth; Highland and Clinton, the sixth; Montgomery and Clark, the se- venth; Champaign, Logan, Hardin, Hancock, Wood, Madison and Union, the eighth; Scioto, Jackson, Lawrence and Pike, the ninth; Ross, Pick- away, and Fayette, the tenth; Franklin, Delaware, Marion and Craw- ford, the eleventh; Gallia, Meigs, Athens and Washington, the twelfth; Hocking, Fairfield and Perry, the thirteenth; Richland, Lorain, Huron, Sandusky and Seneca, the fourteenth; Muskingum,Coshocton, Licking, Knox, Guernsey and Morgan, the fifteenth; Jefferson. Harrison, Bel- mont and Monroe, the sixteenth; Columbiana, Stark, Wayne and Tus- carawas, the seventeenth; Trumbull and Portage, the eighteenth; Me- dina and Cuyahoga, the nineteenth; and the counties of Ashtabula and Geauga, the twentieth Medical District. Sec. 2 That Samuel Ramsay, Jesse Smith, L. A. Hendrick, Josiah Lyman, John L. Richmond, Ebenezer Pearson, Joseph Ilagerman, John G Rodgersand William Wayland, and their associates shall form and constitute the first Medical Society of Ohio; Daniel Miliken, James Hughes, Jesse Paramore, George Brown, and Vandeveer, and then- associates shall constitute the second; Joseph Cantn, John Ross, David Morris, Benjamin Dubois, Joseph Johnson, Joshua Martin, John Vanharleneer, John Collet, Jehu John, James W. Lanier, John S Hal- ler and Geoige W. Stipp,and their associates shall constitute the third; Samuel Barrington, A.Colemm John G. Tel ford Jobn O Ferrall John Pratt and John Briggs, and their associates shall constitute the fourth; Thomas Dunham, Henry Foster Adam Wi ley, Alexander Campbell, Norton, Bayley, William B. Wilson and Jo- sephD. Keath, and their associates shall constitute he fifth; Jasper, Hand Jacob Kirby, Loami Rigdon, Turner Welch, Havillah Ba.rdsly "d Uriah Farquhar, and their associates shall constitute the sixth: 4 Job Haines, John Steel, Will.am Rl >g Sissin, an I their associates shall con- stiln'e fie eleventh; Chary Pernios, John Cotton, S. P. Hildreth, Mor- ris J^rn in, Columns Bieroe, Eh Seigter, Jacob ftettridge, Ebenezer B 'wen and George N". Gilbert, J\\«»il, imvs White, Ezra Clark, David P^rd-e, !)i;iiel Grersr, Jesse M. lorri-and Nathaniel Wait, and theic asioiites slnM constitute the thi-te-nth; Daniel Tilden, George An" de.s.a, Vil-TiG. filler. Janes Strong, Seldon Grave*,, Daniel Brainard, Joel LoUeraod Daniel T. Swaney,and their associates shall constitute the 'm.teentii; John Hamm, Robert Mitchell, Dudley W. Rhodes, C iivi i 'Jo.i.int, Robert Satlord. John J. Brice, William S. Richards, E.U'n-J Lie, Sun-iel Lee, G. B. M ixfield, William Clark, Henry H. E>'i,ii, ViVel C Thonioson, aul their associates shall constitute the fif'-riuth; Wiiliim [Iamilion, Pideg S. Mason, David Staunton, William L-'Vi', William Wood, Levi Brooks, M'Cune, Smith, Ho- ratio L. W io*ter, Benijinio Mare<, Anderson Judkins, Joel T. Martin, Dr. Cook, William R. Hemtnnn, Lieorge V. Dulfield, Martin Wilson, Dr. Dixon. Dr. S nith, and William Campbell, and their associates shall constitute the sixteenth; Andrew Gerow, Thomas Hartford,George Breysichi^r, ! for ice Potter, George M'Cook, Thomas Cummings, Tho- mas Pownseud, Wil'dam B. Blacky and ilezekiah Bis.«el, and tlieir as- sociates snail constitute the seventeenth; John 13 Harmon, Henry Mar niug, John W. Scely, Tracy Brunson, William Heaton, Dr. Allen, Laic C Cowden, Isaac Swift and Israel Town, and their associates shall on^ti utethe eighteenth; David Long, N. II Manter, George W. Card. Bela B. Chirk, John M. Henderson and D.in. M'lutosh, and theii- associates >nall constitute the nineteenth; and Ashbel Dart, Orestes K. Ila.vley, N ithan B. Johnson, John W. Scott, John Emory, jun., Charles , Storm Ro*s md -Vndrew Merriman, and their associates shall co'is'itute the t■» entieth Me lical Society of Ohio: Provided however, That m ;)ert named, as aforesaid, in each of said districts, or in r.nse of hi- absence or inability, the jf ison next named, shall give at least three weeks previous notice, of such ineetmi; by advertisement, published in some newspaper in getem! circulate in said district. , . Sec 4 That when the persons named as aforesaid ant tueir asso- ciates,' to the number of five or more, shall have convened in the.r ,,ro- ner district, as provided in the preceding section, they -mil proceed u oVanize themselves into a Medical Society, by the name of heir nu- merical number, as described in the second section ot this act, ..y ele. t- ine a President, Vice President. Secretary, mid treasurer, and shall henceforth be a body politic and corporate, with perpetual Miction. and as M,:U shall have power to bold, by purchase or o herntM, . .,, estate real, personal or mixed; not exceeding the amount ot h»« t,ou- Jfndd'oH-ii'to make such by laws and reguhitions as « - expedient, for the good order and government of .aid ;,t e v, ro,ed the same be not inconsistent with the constitution a.d k n ■■ a^e. to create such offices, and direct the manner of tilling the ,ame, a» He* hMlconsider necessary; to i'x the compensation „l offices created ,v JhisHC "the by laws of said society; to make assessments upon t,K ™hv or appropriate the funds and property ot said society w ethe r the iamXi- frL the assessments upon the mem ers coutno ,01, ee, of admission or donations, for any scent he or I ler - J« j nected with the science ot medicine, a; to them shalk e^ ^ ^ , .utu^nrt- and to provide! ;rs conduct, and the filling of all vacancies '^^^^totDe^ed! name afores.ud. they shall ^e^^S «*■. «« ' •n all courts of jn-.icat.ire; and <1 all dev^ f^ h That i{ m„y alter and renewt he same^a > - J^ otthis act, ,ba.l the person named as alou »aici. in !'"\ rpiDectivft d:"r els, as pro- not meet and organize •heiu.tslw., u» the., re.pectiv 6 vided in this section, on the said last Tuesday of May next; it shall be lawful for them to meet and organize on the day following, and their proceedings then had, shall be as valid as if they had been had on the dny preceding. .Sec. 5. That there shall be elected in each of said societies, not less than three nor more than five censors, whose duty it shall be, care- fully and impartially to examine all students in physic and surgery, who may present themselves for that purpose; and to report in writing, t!;eir opinion of the qualifications of such student, to the President of their society; and the President, or in his absence or disqualification, the Vice President, shall thereupon give to each student, so examined, if said report shall so recommend, a license, under his hand and the seal of the society, countersigned by the secretary; which license shall authorize the person obtaining the same, to practice physic or surgery, or both, as shall be set forth in said license, in any part of this state; and the person obtaining su :h license, shall pay to the Treasurer of the society, where he obtains the same, a sum* not exceeding ten dol- lars, for the benefit of said society; the amount of which sum, and the time of payment, shall be regulated by the by-laws of the society; and each person having obtained a license as aforesaid , shall thereafter be a me.nber of any Medical Society in this state, where he shall reside: Provided however, That the censors shall not examine any student ia physic or surgery, for the purpose of his being licensed for the practice of eiiher, nr both those professions, unless such student shall produce tc them satisfactory evidence of his being of good moral reputation, and that he shall have regularly studied such profession with some reputa- ble practitioner or practitioners for the term of three years, unless such student shall have received a collegiate education, in which case he shall not be required to have studied but two years. Sec. 6. That each Medical Society shall hold a meeting on the last Tuesday of May annually, an.'J at such other times, as the by-laws may direct; that the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one other member, or any one or more of said officers, with other members sufficient to make the number of five, shall constitute a quo- rum, for holding elections, or transacting the ordinary business of said society; that the meeting of said society, subsequent to the day follow- ing the last Tuesday of May next, shall be held at au;h place, within the bounds of said district, as the by-laws shall di-rect; that all elections shall take place at the annual meetings, on the last Tuesday of May, and shall be by ballot; and a majority of votes given shall be necessary to a choice; and all officers so elected shall hold their offices for one year, and until their successors shall be elected and inducted intooflice, Sec. 7. That every physician and'surgeon, who may reside in this state, on the said last Tuesday of May next, who shall have received a license or diploma, or honorary degree, from any regularly organized Medical Society or College in this state, or elsewhere, or who can pro- duce satisfactory evidence, of having attended one course of medical lecture-, at some reputable institution, or who shall produce to any one 7 of said Medical Societies, satisfactory evidence of his having been repu- tably engaged in this state, in the practice of physic or surgery, for three year9 previous to the said last Tuesday of May next, shall on ap- plication be admitted a member of any Medical Society of this state, in the district in which he shall reside. Sec. 8. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of each of the said Medical Societies, to provide a book in which he shall make an entry of the organization, by laws, resolutions, rules and proceedings of said society, and shall enter therein the names of the members, the times of their admission, the names of the members expelled, and the times and causes of expulsion; also the annual reports of the Treasurer, of the state of the funds, and all such other matters as the society may direct; to which book, any member, at any time, shall have fret access; and the Secretary shall in the first week in June, annually, make out, certify, and lodge with the clerk of the court of common plea«. of the county in which the meeting of his society shall be held, a full and lair transcript of all the proceedings of said society, during the year pre- ceding, and shall pay to the said clerk, twenty five cents for tiling the same in his office, which it is hereby made his duty to do. Sec. 9. That the Treasurer of each society shall keep a fair and accurate account of all the moneys by hjm received and paid out, and of all the funds and property of said society; and shall repoil a full and ample statement thereof, to the said society, at each annual meet- ing on the last Tuesday ot May; and he shall, whenever requited by the society, give bond and security for the faithful discharge of the trust reposed in him, in manner and form as the by laus shall direct; and the said Treasurer, and the Secretary of each society, shall deliver to their successors in office, without neglect or delay, all the looks, pa- pers and records, and other propeity belonging to said society, wbich may te in their hands at the time of then going out of office. Sec 10 That every person, who may hereafter be licensed to practice physic or surgery, in this stale, shall deposite a copy of his license, with the clerk of the court of common pleas, in any county wherein he may reside; and until such copy shall be so deposited, he shall be liable to the penalties of this act, in the same manner he would be liable, if he had not obtained no such license; and he shall pay to the clerk with whom he shall file such copy, twenty-five cents for cling and preserving the same, which it is hereby made the duty ot such Clesrect0ll°' That no person other than the memr-ejs cf said Medical Societies, shall after the first day of July next, be peimitted to practice physic or sur-ery, in this state; and it any person not being a member Sf said societfes, shall practice physic or surgery. Le shall not be enti- ?led tthaid of the law, or courts of this state, in the collection of any debt or demand whatever, arising or acc.umg from such practice; but the same shall be considered null and void, and thall vitiate und destroy any bond, bill, note or contract whatever, ...to which the same *2na any wise be earned, changed or transferred; and such per,*. i ■ shall moi'c-er. forfeit and pay the sum ftf ten dollar*, for every viohf- lion if this act. oT\*nich he may be duly convicted, to he recovered in Rction of debt, with csts of -on, ,„ (ne r)ame ot the overseers of the poor, of the ii unship where, soch pnnalty shall be incurred, before any justice of the peace, in euch township, to be prosecuted by said over- seers, or any other person; and the justice before whom such conviction i' y be hid, shall pay the mouey thus collected, into the hands of the Treasurer of said Nv.nship. for the use of the poor thereof: Provided, That ifthe person so practising, shall not demand or receive any fee or reward for the same, he shall be exempt from the penalties of this p : Provided aho. That nothing hercm contained, shall extend to r ro'obit any person during his actual residence in any other of the Uni- ted Stares, and who by the laws of the state where he shall reside, is not prohibited from practising physic or surgery tbeiein, from practis- ing m this statc, when specially sentfoi to come into any part of it, and v minister and prescribe medicine, or perform any kind of surgical op- < ration tor the reliel of such, t« whese assistance he may be sent for See. i?. That the Medical Society aforesaid, shall not either direct- ly or indirectly, make any order, resolution or at rangement, defining ot fixing the amount ot compensation to be charted or received for any scnut* which may be rendered; or medicine furnished by any sur- geon or physician within this state; nor make any other order, resolu- tion or arrangement relating: to any such charge* or compensation Sec. 13. That each of the said Medical Societies are hereby au- thorized and required, at a regular meeting thereof, to be holden within seven months preceding the second Monday of December, A D 1827 to elect one delegate or proxy, to represent said society in a general representative convention, to be holden as hereinafter provided m-c 14. That the delegates and proxies elected as provided in the pre < sor section shall convene in the town of Columbus, «D the second Moni.aj „, December. ,n the year 1U27: And when they, or a majority •I thrm shall be so convened, they shall organize then sehes as i, gen- eral representative Convention of the Medical Societies of the state of Ohio by electing a President and Secretary, and such other officers as tin , may deem necessary, and when so organized, tfiey shall inoui.e into and determine the expediency of establishing 'a ,ene al JM,S Socety of the state ot Ohio, and may hold their sittings from! me t. ^e as the.r_dnt.es and conveniens may require: and if their deter mnation shall be m the affirmative, tU^hall r rocee „ ,„ form a co" ar*. TJD .C, / Wm>.for thp ™»'«nd government ot such gen- 9thm?!n K°C.,etV' »,ro*WinS'»*™» for theaniem n e„, of surh?on- st.tut.on and by laws, and prescribing the offices, and qualification" of afXV^r ^ Wh° PhaU C°n9titute *Uch ^ty And the te"n£ st office and the mode ot election, and manner of removal and filing vararr^, the duties of the officers and tbe.r compensation the Tool and manner ot raising revenue, and all other pro is.ons necessa.7 t. -lecucal .c.»t. Proved, The same shall be consistent wuh the 0 constitution and laws of this state; a copy of which con*'it lit ion r.n-i oo le of by-laws, sliad he dep>si>ei! in the < dice ot the Secretary of State, within thirty days from the rising of sain convention: lot it their de- teiminalion shall be in the negative, iheyshiil exercise no further power?, except to rec oivinend another convention, it they shall i>nn it advisable, to be holden at some subsequent p» -n< a!, at Mich tine and place as they shall direct; and if they shall so i> cc mmend, »uch subse- quent convention shall be e'ected and holden undei the diie< tin s and re-tiictions. and be clothed with the poweis contained in this ami the preceding section Sec. I >. That this act shall not be conctrucd or extended so as to subject any person to the penalties thereof, who shall have brer- \ :ac- tising as a physician or suigeon ** ithin this state. nt tl-.e tin < el .1« ta- king effect of the act, regulating the practice nt phvsic Hirlmitfiy within this slate, passed January 16, one thousand eight hi..died a.d twenty one . Sec. 10. That the General Medical Society of the Ftnte cl Chi^, when formed and organized in pursuance of tie innMitniirn ar.i code of by laws, so to he formed b\ the representative convention a-ah ,c- sai l" shall he a body politic and corporate, * ill. peipe tual succes-ior. by the name and syle aforesaid; and as such shall he entitled to .. reive. purchase and hold real or peroral state, to any amunit rot < X( e'edu g ten thousand dollars; and shall have power to .ievise and use a s.al, and the same to change at plea«uie. to sue and I e sued ... all rruit* <■ judicature, and shall pessess a visitorial power ever all the d.st.ict Medical Societies in the state; and shall have power to .cease the number of said district societies, and to change or alte, • th. .1 ■ bi.ui.ua- ries as convenience or necessity may requite; and shall p.™ ..be uni- form rules and regulations for said district soc.etu-. and en mte hem bv'reasonable fines and penalties: Pr vuhd. hovever 1 hat he said so- cieties shall in all things he subject to the laws ,nd -^ulat^tk General Assembly; and the corporate powers hcely granted, maj at any time be revised or revoked by the Legislature Sec. 17. That the act regulating the practne .,! phync and surgery wdhin this state, pass,,. January fifteenth eighteen■ nni.riml and iven- tv-one,beamt the same is hereby ,e,e.hd: Provided, hu^rcr. I I, t L right which the medical convention ot Ohio, or a„> person, shall have cquired under sa.d act. to any fee or nnney vet one or u^aid shall remain ami continue valid; and may be prosecuted the same as though said act were, not repealed. This act to take effect irom its P^£pH RirHARDSON, Sdeakerofthe House »f }:ej.resentam-er. ALLhN TKIVBLE, 1S»,pf!ft.er of the 6enate. February 26th. 1824. B re A."i ACT to nmend tlip ao«, entitled " \n act, to incorporate Medicn'FoeiHi*: i'..>r .he |ji;rpoM-oi rtj,ii.;ti!ii$. tm prailic. if . I ^ bio :n ic. '1. That i:,e cHMity of Holmes, be, and the same is hereby attached to the seventt enth Medical Di-lnct; Sec. 3. That it shall he lawful for the censors of each Medical District, orrtn> one ol '•aid censors, to grant a ; eimit to any applicant or appl; -uit-. in the interval of their regular meetings; and the permit so granted, shall entitle the person to practise l!h\sicand Surgery, until the next regular meeting of the censors in the district in which t e\ ii'av be located. :-ec. 4. Tiiat in ca-e the Medical Society in the fifth Medical Dis- tri< t,»hall not organize itself or. or before the first day e,f August t;< xt. agieeahiy to the . ct to which this is an an eudment, then and in that Case the said fitili .Medical District, composed of the counties of IWcwn imo A lan-s. shall be attached to the fust Medical District, and shall fi.-rn that time together with the counties of Hamilton and Clermont, he Known and ii-iinguis! cd as the first Medical J hstnct. Sec. .r>. That the counties of locking and Knox, be, and are hereby erected into a separate Medical District to be Known and distil guisl.cd ■-,■• the twenty tir-t Mo<'.cd Pis'n«l in the state of Ohio; Knd that G. V. .M.ixfie:d. L 1.. I,ee. J>din .1. I:i ice. N> ah Harris, Timothy 1'nrr and W. S. It-chants, and tleir associates, be, and they aie bei eby constituted a Medical So-itty within said disiiict. to be den. minuted the twenty- fii-t Me-.ical Society of (d.10. to he governed in all respects as Medical Societies are h\ the pionsiot s of the fic.t. to which this is an amend- ment, to held iheir first meeting on the last Tuesday of M?.y icxt. at the town of Mount Vernon, in Kiox county; nnd the fiist peson named as afoie-aid and in case of his ab.-ence or inability, the p* ism m xt named, shall give at least three weeks prevh us notice of jsiu h m>etmici- e«'S for the purpose of i-gulatin-thu practice of Physic and ui.it, in this state. Sec. I. Be it enacted by the General Astern*th, 18th, 20th, and 2'2d districts, form the seconc class. On motion, the following comrnitiees w»re then appointed: • Drs. Planner, Dunlavy and M'Neill, were appointed a committee on the Constitution. Drs Dickson, Bissel and Brice, were appointed to prepare and re port a code of bv laws, for the government of this Society. Drs Parsons,"Martin and Coleman, were appointed a committee to prepare and report uniform Rules and Regulations for the government of the District Societies. KLTeT'Phat the Recording Secretary be authorized to devise and procure a seal for the u*e of me Society. „„mm:» P Drs. Martin, Manning, Bush and Dunlavy, were appointed a commit- tee to exam.ne the statute regulating the practice ot physic and surge- ry and report what amendments, if any, they oeem """"^ ** *£ yDrs. Dunlavy, Dickson and Coleman, were appointed a committee on New Medical Districts. . On motion of Dr. Dunlavy. the committee on New Donets ,.a« 11 instructed to lnrpi.e into the expediency of forming the counties of Preble and Dirk into a new .Medical District. The President lai I before the Society a memorial from Dr J"hn Co i\e Bennett, an i <. dhers, ulativeto a petition to (oiimess on the subject ofappiiiatinsf eener.il and state vaccine agents; >\uich was re- ferred to a select committee consisting ol Drs. Planner, Martin and Coleman. A oetition of John Pierce and ethers, rehired to this Society ly the Lciri-lature, praying for a new district, to be formed out of the counties ol M irion. Crawford and Seneca, was presented, and referred to the committee on Xew Districts. On motion of Dr. Hisstl, the cnmmi"ee on New Distrh is was in- structed to impiire into the expediency of*forming a new district, to be t iken from toe Nth and 1 ?th districts. January 7 —The committee on the By laws made a report; The committee on the Rubs and Regulations for the government of the district Societies, made a report; The committee on the law regulating the practice of physic and sur- gery, made a report; n. he o >:nrni;tee on New Di-tricts reported a resolution for creating a new district, to be composed of the counties of Wayne, Holmes and Richland, part? of the Nth and 17th districts, to be known by the name of the 23d district; and further, that it is inexpedient to forma n'ew district, to be composed ot the counties of Marion, Crawford and Sene- ca, as prayed for in tie petition referred to the committee on that sub- ject; and also, that it is inexpedient to create a new district, to be com- posed of the counties of Preble and Dark: W'hich several reports were laid on the (able. The report of the committee on the By laws, and the report of the committee on the Rules and Regulations for the government of the district Societies, were severally cm. si lered in committee of4the whole. The .Recording Sprietary laid be re 'he Society, a communication from Samuel E. Mitch.!!, M. D. Presid ot of the General Convention, for revising the United States Pharmacopcecia. notifying the General Medical Society of the state of Ohio, to appoint thiee delegates to rep- resent the Sorietv in a General Medical Convention, to be held in the city ot Washington, in January, 1830. On motion, Resolved, That it is not expedient to appoint delegates at this time. The committee on the Constitution reporied several amendments, which were considered in committee of the whole. The report of the committee on the law regulating the practice of physic and surgery, was cons;dered, and recommitted to a select com- mi'tee, consisting of Drs, Martin, Dunlavy and Parsons, with mstruc- ;ion* to report a memorial to Use Legislature, on this subject. The committee to whom was referred the memorial of John Cook Bennett and others, reported on that subject, expressive of their sense of its importance, as related \i a general vaccine agent, yet doubted the lo r.fc(»«sity of slate ngcnts; the consideration e.f which report wa? defer- red foi i iie pve-i-nt sosinn. Jxnnini 8—The report of the committee on the Rules and Regula- tion* f.r the government of Distiicl Som-iie-: the report of the com- mittee on the Constitution; and the report of the committee on the Ev liws; were severatU taken up and considered. The repoit of the committee on New Districts, was taken up aud agreed to by the Society. Ji.iiary 9.—The Society then took up the report of the committee •fthe .viiole, in the Constiiniion, and agreed to the several amend- ments thereto; and the Constitution, so amended,, was adopted as the Coostitu'ion of this Society. The Society then t >ok 'up the report of tlje committee of tie who'e, on the By-laws; which was agreed to, and adopted as a code of b) laws lor the government of this Society. T!ie Society t'»en took up the report of the committee of the whole. on the Rules and Regulations for the government of ihe District to:i eties; which being agreed to, was adopted. Drs. Dunlavy, Dicits<>n and Thompson, were appointed a committee to recommend a li-t of book.stohe read by students, previous to exam- ination; to report at the nex» stated meeting of this Society. On motion, the President of this Society was appointed to deliver w dissertation on some medical subject, at the close of the not suited meeting. * On motion, Resolved, That seven hundred copies of the statute wgulating the practice of physic and surgery, together with the pioreedings of this Society, be published; that thirty copies be forwarded to each Distiict Society, and that the President he authorized to draw upon the T:eas urer. for the sura required to defray the expense thereof Drs. Dunlavy. Bosh and Parsons were appointed a committee ef Revision and Publication. The com nittee ii.stmcted to report a memorial to the Ee-islaiuif, made the following report; which, on being considered, was indefinite- ly postponed: J v y MEMORIAL. TO THE HONORABLE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OP OHIO: The memorial of the General Medical Society of the state of Ohio humbly represents to your honorable body: That, ,n the opinion ot the members of this Society, it Would, in a more effectual manner, pro- mote the objects intended by the Legislature, ,n en.et.np the law regu- lating the practice of physic and surgery so to amend the law, as to eonferthe power of judging of the qualifications ot candidates, and of grW ng houses, in one or more Boards of Censors, appointed by this Sociely who shall assemble annually, in such place or places :« may be fbund convenient. 16 ;'cur memorial,s(« have found, that under the present provisions of the statute, there is no uniform standard of quahfjcutiors reqni.f y o ^r^^- }.-C.:«. ' •• ]v'-- '* fi-Jftf i*firf * *■? - # AV„*#© .' *_ / Z'Jr '«!>*>> ^z /3^> > * >^»^^ 3^ >»i>* >7> *>-