*« «F **wr "r OrjODODCT)ODOD£>CCyOOC'£)001. Surgeon General's Office f=limaK!G ia U^¥$M& •Q/aaaaaa< * o a c QgQgQgQoxsQQgQOg^S AN ACT TO INCORPORATE MEDICAL SOCIETIES, FOR THE PURPOSE OP REGULATINQ THE PRACTICE OF PHYSIC AND SURGERY IN THIS STATE, PASSED THE 4TH OF APRIL, 1806: TOGETHER WITH THE OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW-YORK, INCORPORATED ON THE 1ST DAY OF JULY, 1806. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SOCIETr, NEW-YORK: >. ^.CM PRINTED BY JAMES CHEETHAM. 1806. AN ACT, To Incorporate Medical Societies, for the purpose of regulating the Practice of Physic and Surgery in this Slate, passed April 4th, 1806. WHEREAS well regulated medical focieties have been found to contribute to the diffufion of true fcience, and particularly the knowledge of the healing art : Therefore, Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New-York, rep- refented in Senate and AJfembly, That it fhall and may be lawful for the phyficians and furgeons, in the feveral coun- ties of this ftate, now authorifed by law to practife in their feveral profeffions, to meet together on the firft Tuefday of July next, at the place where the laft term of the court of common pleas next previous to fuch meeting was held in their refpective counties ; and the feveral phyficians and furgeons fo convened as aforefaid, or any part of them, being not lefs than five in number, fhall proceed to the choice of a prefident, vice-prefident, fecretary and treafur- 4 er, who {hall hold their offices for one year, and until oth- ers fhall be chofen in their places 5 and whenever the faid focieties fhall be fo organized as aforefaid, they are hereby declared to be bodies corporate and politic, in fact and in name, by the names of the medical fociety of the county where fuch focieties (hall refpectively be formed, and by that name fhall be in law capable of fuing and being fued, pleading and being impleaded, anfwering and being an- fwered unto, defending and being defended, in all courts and places, and in all matters and caufes whatfovever, and fhall and may have a common feal, and may alter and renew the fame at their pleafure. And be it further enacted, That there'fhall be a general me- dical fociety, to be compofed of one member from each of the county focieties in the ftate, elected by ballot at their annual meeting, who fhall meet together at the city of Al- bany, on the firft Tuefday of February next, and being fo met, not lefs than fifteen in number, may proceed by ballot to the choice of a prefident, vice-prefident, fecretary and treafurer, who fhall hold their offices for one year, and un- til others fhall be chofen in their places; and the faid foci- ety being fo organized as aforefaid, fhall be and they are hereby declared to be a body corporate and politic, in fact and in name, by the name of " The Medical Society of the State of New-York" and by that name fhall be in law capa- ble of fiaa? zndbeinc: fued, pleading and being impleaded. 3 anfwering and being anfwered unto, defending and being defended, in all courts and places, and in all matters and caufes whatfoever, and fhall and may have and ufe a com- mon feal, and may change and alter the fame at their plea- fure. And he it further enacted, that the medical fociety of the ftate of New-York, and alfo the medical focieties of the refpective counties, fhall and may agree upon and determine the times and places of their next meeting, and the time fo agreed upon fhall forever thereafter be the anniverfary day of holding their refpective meetings ; and it is hereby made the duty of the fecretary of each of the county medi- cal focieties, to lodge in the office of the clerk of their ref- pective counties, a copy of all the proceedings had at their firft meetings within twenty days after fuch meetings; and it fhall alfo be the duty of the fecretary of the medical foci- ety of the ftate of New-York, to lodge in the office of the fecretary of this ftate, a copy of their proceedings had at their firft general meeting •, and the faid clerks and fecreta- ry are hereby required to file the fame in their refpective offices, for which they fhall receive the fum of twelve and an half cents. And be it further enacted, That the medical focieties es- tablished as aforefaid, are hereby refpectively empowered io examine all ftudents who shall or may prefent themfelves 6 for that purpofe, and to give diplomas under the hand of the prefident and feal of fuch fociety before whom fuch ftudent fhall be examined, which diploma fhall be fufficient to empower the perfon fo obtaining the fame to practise phyfic or furgery, or both, as fhall be fet forth in faid di- ploma, in any part of this ftate, and the perfon receiving fuch diploma fhall, upon the reception of the fame, pay to the prefident of faid fociety, the fum of two dollars for the ufe of the faid society. And be it further enacted, That if any ftudent who fhall have prefented himfelf for examination before any of the medical focieties of the feveral counties of this ftate, fhall think himfelf aggrieved by the decifion of fuch fociety, it fhall be lawful for fuch ftudent to prefent himfelf for exam- ination to the medical fociety of the ftate of New-York ; and if, in the opinion of fuch fociety, the ftudent fo apply- ing is well qualified for the practice of phyfic or furgery, or both, as the cafe may be, the prefident of faid fociety fhall, under his hand and feal of fuch fociety, give to the faid applicant a diploma agreeable to fuch decifion, the faid ap- plicant paying therefor to the faid prefident the fum of two dollars. And be it further enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful for the feveral medical focieties fo eftablifhed as aforefaid, at their annual meetings to appoint not lefs than three nor 7 more than five cenfbrs, to continue in office for one year, and until others are chofen, whofe duty it fhall be care- fully and impartially to examine all ftudents who fhall prefent themfelves for that purpofe, and report their opin- ion in writing to the prefident of faid fociety. And be it further enacted, That from and after the firft day of September next, no perfon fhall commence the practice of phyfic or furgery within any of the counties of this ftate, until he fhall have paffed an examination and received a diploma from one of the medical focieties to be eftablifhed as aforefaid ; and if any perfon fhall fo practife without having obtaned a diploma for that purpofe, he fhall forever thereafter be difqualified from collecting any debtor debts incurred by fuch practice in any court of this ftate. And be it further enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful for the medical focieties of the refpective counties in this ftate, which fhall be eftablifhed by virtue of this act, and alfo the medical fociety of the ftate of New-York, to pur- chafe and hold any eftate real and perfonal for the ufe of the faid refpective focieties ; Provided fuch eftate as well real as perfonal, which the county focieties are hereby res- pectively authorifed to hold, fhall not exceed the fum of one thoufand dollars; and that the eftate as well real as perfonal, which the medical fociety of the ftate of New- 8 York is hereby authorifed to hold, fhall not exceed fire thoufand dollars. And he it further enacted, That it fhall be lawful for the refpective focieties to be eftablifhed by virtue of this act, to make fuch bye-laws, rules and regulations relative to the affairs, concerns and property of faid focieties, relative to the admiffion and expulfion of members; relative to fuch donations or contributions as they or a majority of the members at their annual meeting fhall think fit or pro- per : Provided that fuch bye-laws, rules and regulations made by the fociety of the ftate of New-York, be not contrary to nor inconfiftent with the conftitution and laws of this ftate, or of the United States, and that the bye-laws, rules and regulations of the refpective county focieties fhall not be repugnant to the bye-laws, rules and regulations of the medical fociety^of the ftate of New-York, nor contrary to nor inconfiftent with the conftitution and laws of this ftate, or of the United States. And be it further enacted, That the treafurer of each fo- ciety eftablifhed as aforefaid, fhall receive and be accounta- ble for all monies that fhall come into his hands by virtue of any of the bye-laws of fuch fociety, and alfo for all mo- nies that fhall come into the hands of the prefident thereof for the admiffion of members or licenfing ftudents, which monies the faid prefident is hereby required to pay over to 9 the faid treafurer, who fhall account therefor to the focie- ty at their annual meetings ;—and no monies fhall be drawr from the treafurer unlefs fuch fums and for fuch purpofes as fhall be agreed upon by a majority of the fociety at their annual meeting, and by a warrant for that purpofe figned by the prefident. And be it further enacted, That it fhall be the duty of the fecretary of each of the medical focieties, to be eftablifhed by virtue of this act, to provide a book, in which he fhall make an entry of all the refolutions and proceedings which may be had from time to time, and alfo the name of each and every member of faid fociety, and the time of his ad- miffion ; arid alfo the annual reports relative to the ftate of the treafury, and all fuch other things as a majority of the fociety fhall think proper, to which book any member of the fociety may at any time have recourfe, and the fame, toge- ther with all books, papers and records which may be in the hands of the fecretary and be the property of the fociety, fhall be delivered to his fucceffor in office. And be it further enaEled, That it fhall be lawful for eac^ of the medical focieties to be eftablifhed by virt ^ t^s a£t, to caufe to be raifed and collected fror^ e. . c tne members of the fociety a fum not exceeding rjr i yur& m any one year, for the purpofe of procuring - medtCal libra- ry and apparatus, and for the encouragerr c ufeful dif- 10 coveries in chemiftry, botany and fuch oth?r improvements as the majority of the fociety fhall think proper. And be it further enabled. That nothing in this a£t contain- ed fhall be conftrued to prevent any perfon coming from any other ftate or country fro n pra£tifing phyfic or furge- ry within this (late, fuch perfon being duly authorized to practife by the laws of fuch ft.\te or country, having a di- ploma from a regular medical fociety, nor to compel any ftudent who may have commenced his flud:es previous to the firft day of January, one thoufara! eight hundred and five, to be examined by fuch fociety and licenfed in manner aforefaid, if fuch ftudent fliall choofe to ftudy four years and be licenfed in the manner now prefcribed by law: Provided, however, That none of the focieties eftablifhed as aforefaid, fhall proceed to the examination of any ftudent in order to licenfe him for the practice, until fuch ftudent fhall have produced fatisfactory teftimony that he had regu- larly ftud'ed phyfic or furgery, or both, as the cafe may be, with one or more reputable practitioner or practitioners for the term of ti;ree years. And be it further enacted, That it fhall be in the power of the legiflature to alter, modify or repeal this act, when- ever they fhall deem it neceffary or expedient. And be it further enacted, That the act, entitled « on act to regulate the practice of phyfic and furgery in tins ftate," 11 be and the fame is hereby repealed from and after the firft day oi September next. And be it further enacted, That if there fhould not be a fufficient number of phyficians and furgeons in any of the counties of this ftate to form themfelves into a medical fo- ciety by virtue of this act, it fhall be lawful for fuch phy- ficians and furgeons to affociate with the phyficians and fur- geons of an adjoining county for the purpofes hereby con- templated. And be it further enacted, That if the phyficians and fur- geons of any fount y or coundes of this ftate fhould not meet and organize themfelves at fuch time and place as- is requir- ed by this act, it fhall be lawful for them to meet at fuch other time as a majority of them fhall tKnk proper, and t.eir proceedings fliall be as valid as if fuch meeting had been at the fame time provided for bydiis act. And he it further enacted, T*at this act fliall be and here- by is> declared to be a pubi*- act. OF THB MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW-YORK. The following gentlerren have been chofen Charter Officers of the Medical Society of the county of New-York, according to t^e act of the Legiflature for their incorpo- ration. Prefident, Dr. NICHOLAS ROMAYNE. Vice-Prefident, Dr. JAMES TILLARY. Delegate to the State Society, The Hon. Dr. SAMUEL L. MITCHILL. Cenfors, Dr. JOHN R. B. RODGERS, Dr. WRIGHT POST, Dr. WILLIAM HAMERSLEY, Dr. JAMES S. STRINGHAM, Dr. DAVID HOSACK. Treafurer, Dr. VALENTINE SEAMAN, Secretary, Dr. ARCHIBALD BRUCE. BYE-LAWS, ENACTED AT THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY MEETING OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW-YORK. CHAPTER I. Of the Meetings of the Society. Sect. 1. The Anniverfary meeting of this Society fhall be held on the firft Monday in July, in every year, and the Quarterly meetings fhall be on the firft Monday in Oc- tober, January, and April, in every year. Sect. 2. Extraordinary meetings of this Society may be called by the Prefident, or in his abfence by the Vice- Prefident, at a requeft in writing, figned by twenty mem- bers, which meetings fhall be previoufly advertifed for at IS ieaft ten days, by the fecretary, in two newfpapers publish- ed in the City of New-York. Sect. 3. The Society may adjourn from day to day, af- ter their Anniverfary, Quarterly or Extraordinary meetings. Sect. 4. Twenty-five members fhall be a quorum to conftitute the Society at their ftated or extraordinary meet- ings and may then proceed to bufinefs. Sect. 5. In the abfence of the Prefident, Vice-Prefident, Cenfors and Treafurer, the fenior member on the Roll fhall prefide. Sect. 6. In cafe of any peftilential difeafe prevailing in the city of New-York, no member fhall be obliged to at- tend any ftated or extraordinary meeting of the Society. Sect. 7. The Prefident, and other officers of the Socle. ty, fhall conftitute a Comitia Minora to meet on the laft Wednefday in every month. Sect. 8. The Prefident fhall be empowered to call an extraordinary meeting of the Comitia Minora, whenever he fhall deem it neceffary. Sect. 9. The Journal of the proceedings of the Comi- tia, Minora fhall be kept by the Secretary of this Society 17 which fhall be laid before the Society at their Stated and Extraordinary meetings. Sect. 10 The Comitia Minora may make rules and re- gulations for themselves, not inconfiftent with the charter and bye-laws of this corporation. Sect. 11. The Prefident or Vice-Prefident, together with three cenfors, may conftitute a meeting of1 the comitia minora. CHAPTER II. Order ofBufinefs. Sect. 1. At every ftated and extraordinary meeting of this society, the roll fhall be called by the fecretary after the prefident fhall have declared the fociety conftituted. Minutes of the laft meeting fhall be read. rl he motions and other unfinifhed bufinefs of the laft meeting fhall be concluded. Miscellaneous bufinefs. The laft roll called. Society adjourned. c IS CHAPTER III. Duties of the Prefident. Sect. 1. It fliall be the duty of the prefident" to prefide at all n;eetings of the fociety and to preferve order and de- corum in the fame. Sect. £\ The prefident fhall perform the duties prefcrib- ed to him by law, and the bye-laws and refolutions of the society. Sect. 3. The prefident fhall nominate and appoint all committees for tranfacting the bufinefs of the fociety, un- lefs otherwife appointed by fpecial refoiution. Sect. 4. He fliall take the sense of the society on every motion made and feconded. He fhall alfo have a calling vote in all tranfactions where the votes of the fociety are equally divided. CHAPTER IV. Duties of the Vice-Prefdent. Sect. 1. The vice-prefident, in the abfence of the pre- fident, fhall prefide, and perform all the duties of the pre- fident. CHAPTER V. Duties of the Cenfors. Sect. 1. The cenfors fliall perform all the duties pres- cribed by law, the bye-laws, and refolutions of the society. Sect. 2. In the absence of the prefident and vice-prefi- dent, the senior censor on the lift fliall prefide at the meet- ings of the fociety. CHAPTER VI. Duties of the Secretary. Sect. 1. The seeretary fhall perform all the duties of his office, as directed bylaw, the bye-laws and the refolu- lutions of the fociety. CHAPTER VII. Duties of the Treafurer. Sect. 1. The treafurer fhall perform al! the duties oS his office, as directed by law, the bye-laws, and refolu- tions of the fociety. 20 CHAPTER VIIL Duties of the Delegate. Sect. 1. The Delegate fhall perform all the duties prefcribed by law. Sect. 2. He fhall fupport the honor and dignity of this fociety. Sect. 3. He fhall obey all orders, and refolutions of this fociety, which may be proper and confiftent with his appointment. CHAPTER IX. Ordinary Members. Sect. 1. The ordinary members fliall confift only of phyficians and furgeons, as ftated in the law for incorpo- rating this fociety. Sect. 2. No perfon fliall be a candidate after the firft of September, unlefs he be a phyfician or furgeon, accord- ing to the prefent or future laws of the ftate. Sect. 3. Any phyfician or furgeon who fhall become a 21 member of this fociety after the firft of September, 1806, and fha.ll abandon his profeffion, and purfue feme other calling, fhall be confidered as having vacated his feat in this fociety. Sect. 4. All members of this fociety fliall leave evidence with the fecretary, of their having regillered their diplo- mas or hcenfes to practife phyfic and furgery according to law, to be depofited in the archives of the fociety, and fhcil fign the bye-laws on or before the firft of September, 1806. Sect. 5. Every member who figns the bye-laws and regulations of this fociety fliall defignate in L.itin or Eng- lifh the county, Rate or country of his birth, and the me- dical rank or ftation now or formerly held by him. Sect. 6 Every member fliall obferve order and deco- rum in the fociety, and fhall pay proper refpe£t to the prc- fiue.it and other officers, as well as to their fellow members. S ct. 7. It is confidered the duty of every member of this fociety to fupport the honor and dignity of the medical profeffion, and to execute the duties of it with juftice and propriety. 22 CHAPTER X. Admiffion of new members. Sect. 1. No phyfician or furgeon can be admitted a me,.nber of thL fociety, unlefs he has attained the age of 22 years. Sect. 2. Every candidate fhall be propofed at one ftat- ed meeting, and ballotted for at the next, and if he fhall have a majority of votes of the members prefent at fuch ftated meeting, he shall become a member of this fociety. CHAPTER XL Honorary Memhers. S>?.ct. 1. The Governor and chancellor of the state, and the Mayor of the City of New-York for the time being, ehall be, ex officio, honorary members of this society, and shall have all the privileges of ordinary members except that they shall not vote at elections. CHAPTER XII. Licenses for Practice. Sect. 1. All perfons who are to be licenfed for the prac- 23 tice of phyfic and furgery. fhall be recommended by the comitia minora, at one of the ftated meetings of the fociety, and shall subject themselves to such ceremonies as the Coaa- itia Minora shall approve and direct. CHAPTER XIII. Fines a:id Contributions. Sect- 1. A member shall be fined 25 cents for every roll call from which he fhall have been abfent. Sect. 2. The annual contributions of each member of this fociety fhall be fixed at 3 dollars, to be collected by the Treafurer after every anniverfary meeting. 170 him* \H! -irv 1 ; 4x ■: W>~ i 4_ ft" **: V#-