THE CHARTER AND BY-LAWS OF THE NEW-YORK DISPENSARY. INSTITUTED 1790 “J was sick, and ye visited me.s NEW-YORK; TJIINTED BY VAN WINKLE AND WILEY- Corner of Will an,& New-stroets# 1814. PREFACE. The poor, 'when confined by sickness, have a peculiar claim upoa the benevolence of those whose circumstances enable them to admin- ister to their wants. For their relief many institutions have been established in this city- While the JSew-York Hospital, the Alms-House, and the Lying-in Hospital, receive those who are among the most destitute, and are de- prived of eveiy domestic accommodation, the Dispensary provides assistance for that description of poor, who when deprived by disease of the earnings of their daily labour, are also deprived of the means of procuring the medical assistance necessary for their relief. The mechanic who cannot, without great inconvenience, leave his family to reside in a Hospital, the mother who cannot be separated from her children, the tender infant who requires the constant care and assistance of a fond parent, those who labour under chronic disea- ses, and are thence not objects of the Hospital, are the peculiar objects of this charity. The benefits arising from an institution of this sort, by which the poor are relieved at their own habitations, require no illustration. Its utility in this city has been long experienced and acknowledged; but the number of our inhabitants having considerably increased since the first institution of the Dispensary, and the objects of its charity having multiplied in proportion, the trustees have found it necessary to enlarge the establishment. For this purpose they have divided the city into six districts, and have appointed a physician to each, whose duty it is to give constant attention to the poor, who are the objects of the Dispensary. To secure to the sick the benefits of additional advice, they have appointed six consulting physicians, who will be called on by the at- tending physicians in all difficult or dangerous cases. The directors of the kine pock institution having transferred their duties to the Dispensary", it is also a primary object of the trustees of this institution to diffuse the benefits of vaccine inoculation among the poor. That the duties of this department may be executed id such a man- ner as will be most beneficial to the community, they have made it the duty of the physicians to attend at the Dispensary in rotation for the purpose of vaccinating such poor as may be recommended by the subscribers. The regulations which have been adopted relative to this depart- ment, and tire alterations which have been made in the mode of con- ducting the ordinary business of the Dispensary, will be seen in the by- laws, which are herewith published for the information of the con- tributors. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THE NEW-YORK DISPENSARY. PASSED THE EIGHTH OF APRIL, 1795-. Whereas it is represented to the Legislature, that John Rodgers, John Henry Livings- ton, Abraham Beach, John Watts, Matthew Clarkson, Jacob Morton, Moses Rogers* John Charleton, Samuel Osgood, Liwrence Embree, John Cozine, John Broome, and James Watson, and their associates, inhabitants of the city of New-York, have become contributors to a Dispensary, for the purpose of relieving such sick, poor and indigent persons, as are unable to procure medical aid: And whereas it is further represented, that the said contributors will, by being incorporated, be enabled to carry their benevolent intentions into more extensive effect: Therefore, Be it enacted by the People of the Slate of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That the said John Rodgers, John Henry Livingston, Abraham Beach, John Watts, Matthew Clarkson, Jacob Morton, Moses Rogers, John Charleton, Samuel Osgood, Law- rence Embree, John Cozine, John Broome, and James Watson, together with their asso- ciates, being contributors to the said dispensary, and such other persons as shall hereafter become members of the corporation thereby erected, shall be, and are hereby ordained, constituted and declared to be one body corporate and politic, in fact and in name, by the name of “ the trustees of thh new-yoke dispensary ;” and that by that name, they and their successors, forever hereafter, shall and may have succession, and may by the said name be persons capable in the law to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be defended, in all courts and places whatso- ever; and that they and their successors may have a common seal, and may change and alter the same at their pleasure; and that they and their successors, by their said name, shall forever hereafter be persons capable in the law, to purchase, take, hold, receive and enjoy to them and their successors, any real estate whatsoever, and all other heredita- ments, of whatsoever nature, kind, or quality they be, in fee simple, for term of life or lives: or in any other manner howsoever; and also any goods, chattels and personal es- tate whatsoever. Provided always, the yearly income of the said real and personal es- tate, and hereditaments, doth not at any time exceed the sum of twelve hundred pounds current money of New York. And that they and their successors, by the same name, shall have full power and authority to lease the said real estate and hereditaments, on. such terms as they shall judge most beneficial; and also to dispose of all such personal •state at their will and pleasure, as they shall judge most beneficial and advantageous to promote the humane purposes of the said corporation. And beil further enacted, That there shall be forever hereafter, thirteen trustees of the said corporation, who shall conduct and manage the affairs of the said corporation; that the said trustees shall be contributors to the said dispensary, actually resident in the said city of New York; and the first trustees of the said corporation, shall be John Rodgers J»hn Henry Livingston, Abraham Beach, John Watts, Matthew Qlarkgon, Jacob Morton, 6 Moses Rogers, John Charleton, Samuel Osgood, Lawrence Embree, John Cozine, John Broome, and James Watson, who shall hold their said offices until the second Monday in January next ensuing : and for keeping up the succession in the said offices, Be it further enacted, That on the said second Monday in January next ensuing, and yearly and every year forever thereafter, on the second Monday in January in every year, the members of the said corporation shall meet at some convenient place in the city of New-York, to be fixed by the by-laws of the said corporation, and thereby the majority of such of them as shall so meet, shall by ballot elect thirteen of their members to be trustees of the said corporation for the year ensuing, who shall immediately enter upon the said offices, and hold the same from the time of such election, for and during the space of one year, and until others shall be elected in their stead ; and in case any of the said persons elected to be trustees of the said corporation, or who shall thereafter be elected thereto, shall die, or remove out of the city of New-York, before the time of their appointed service shall expire, or shall refuse or neglect to act in, and execute the said office; then, and in every such case, the remaining trustees of the said corporation shall, within thirty days thereafter, by ballot, elect another or others of the members of the said corporation in the stead of him or them so dying or removing, refusing or neglecting to act; and that such person or persons as shall have the greatest number of votes at eve- ry such election, shall bold their said offices from the time of such election, until the se- cond Monday in January then next ensuing, and until other or others shall be chosen hi his or their stead. And he it further enacted, That the trustees of the said corporation shall regularly meet on the third Monday in every month, and at such other times as they may judge expedi- ent ; and that any seven or more of the said trustees, being so convened together, shall, forever hereafter, be a legal meeting of the said corporation; and that at any and every such legal meeting of any seven or more of the trustees of the said corporation, it shall hi lawful for them, or a majority of them, to make such by-laws, rules and regulation, for the management and disposal of the property and estate of the said corporation, and the government of the said Dispensary, and the same or any part of them, to alter, amend, or repeal from time to time, as they, or a major part of them so met, shall think proper: Provided, such by laws, rules and regulations be not repugnant to the constitution and laws of the United States, or of this state; and that at any such legal meeting of any se- ven or more of the said trustees of the said corporation, it shall and may be lawful for them, or the majority of them, so met as aforesaid, to nominate and appoint one of the said trustees of the said corporation to be their president, and one other to be treasurer, and any other competent person to be secretary of the said corporation, and also to ap. point so many physicians, surgeons, apothecaries, officers and servants, and with such compensations as to them shall seem meet; and, whenever they shall think proper, to discharge them or any of them, and to appoint other or others in their stead. And be it further enacted, That any male adult person, who shall contribute for the be1- uefit of this corporation the sum of five dollars, shall by virtue of such contribution, be- come a member thereof, and continue so to be, for the space of one year, from and after the time of his making such contribution; and any like person who shall contribute tea dollars for the like purpose, shall be a member thereof two years; and any like persoa who shall contribute any greater number of sums, of five dollars each, not exceeding nine as shall be equal to the number of sums of five dollars each, so by him contributed; and any like persoa, who shall contribute fifty dollars for the like purpose, shall be a member of said corporation for life; and every contributor of the value of five dollars or upwards, shall be entitled to have such number of patients ("being proper objects of this institution) on the Disjiensary list, and for such term of time as shall be prescribed by the by-laws of the corporation. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the trustees of the corporation hereby created, to exhibit annually between the first and last days of May in each year, to the chancellor of this state, a full and particular account ofallthe estate, both real and personal, then vested in the said corporation, and of the rent or income thereof, attestor! by the oath of the treasurer thereof, that the same is a true and perfect account, together with a particular and detailed account of all the moneys expended by the said corporation in the preceding year, specifying the several purposes to which ii has been applied; and if it shall appear to the said chancellor, that the amount of the said property, or the dis- posal of the same, is not agreeable to the true intent and meaning of this act, he shall re- port the same to the legislature at their next ensuing session. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be, and is hereby declared to be a public act, and shall be construed benignly and favourably, for every beneficial purpose herein intended. BY-LAWS. DUTIES OP THK TRUSTEES. 1. Any member who may be unable to attend any meeting of the board, shall send a written notice thereof to the place, at or before the hour of meeting. 2. It shall be the duty of each of the trustees to visit the Dispen- sary at least once in every month, and to report the state of the in- stitution at the regular meetings. 3. It shall be the duty of a committee of visitation, to be appointed at each monthly meeting, to visit the patients of the Dispensary, in company with the physicians, once in every month, and report at the meeting next ensuing the number and condition of the sick. PHYSICIANS AND APOTHECARY. There shall be six attending physicians, six consulting physicians, and an apothecary, annually elected by the trustees of the Dispensary. The city shall be divided into six districts; 1. Northern District, bounded on the east by Orange-street, ou the south by Duane and Pearl-streets, and on the west by the North River. 2. Southern District, bounded on the north by Chathara-street, on the east by Catharine street, on the south by the East River, and ou the west by Broadway and State-street. 3. Eastern District, bounded on the north by Bancker-street, on the east by the east river, on the s«uth by the east river, and on the west by Catharine-street. A. Western District, bounded on the north by Duane and Pearl- streets, on the east by Broadway and Chatham-street, on the south by Marketfield-street, and on the west by the North River, 5. North East District, bounded ou the north by Division-street, and extends as far as Orchard-street, on the east by the east river, on the south by Bancker-street, and on the west by a part of Catharine- street, and by Orchard-street. 6. Middle District, bounded on the east by Orchard-street, on the south by Chatham and Division-streets, and on the west by Orange-street. DOTIES or THE PHYSICIANS. 1. The physicians shall attend at the Dispensary at a stated hour, upon every day of the year (Sundays excepted) to prescribe for those patients whose disorders do not confine them to their houses; but such patients whose cases render them unable to attend at the Dispensary shall be regularly visited at their respective places of abode. 2. Lying-in women are not properly objects of this institution, but in extraordinary cases of labour, or where medical aid may be necessary, either during the labour or after delivery, they shall be attended by the physicians of this institution. 3. Should indisposition, or any other reasonable cause prevent a physician from attending to the duties of the Dispensary, he shall immediately request the attendance of either of the other physicians of the institution. 4. It shall be the duty of the physicians to leave with the patients, particularly, plain written directions for taking such medicines as they may prescribe. 5. The attending physicians shall hold a consultation on every case that may require it, and may call upon the consulting physicians for their additional advice whenever they think proper. 6. Their pupils shall have the privilege of attending the patients with them, but are in no case whatever permitted to prescribe. 7. When any important operation is to be performed upon a patient of the Dispensary, one or more of the consulting physicians shall be called in consultation, and no operation shall be performed upon any such patient, except by the attending or consulting physicians of this institution. 8. All medicine purchased shall be directed by one of the attending physicians, he subscribing the order before the medicines are purcha- sed, and the druggist shall furnish no medicine without an order of one of the physicians of the institution. 9 In all cases it shall be the duty of the physicians to enter in the Register what has been the issue of the several complaints of the patients they may have attended. 10. The physicians of this institution shall furnish the trustees with a monthly account of the weather, and of the diseases which prevail i« their respective districts. 11. A salary of one hundred dollars shall he paid to each of the physicians of this institution. 10 i)tTISS OF TUE APOTHECARY. 1. The apothecary of this institution shall attend daily at the Dis- pensary from 9 to 1 a. m. and from 3 to 6 p. m. 2. He shall receive the recommendations which may be given to Ihe sick by the subscribers, and shall record the same. 3. He shall register in a book, kept for that purpose, the patients under care, the nature of the disease, the medicines prescribed, their time of admission, their place of abode, by whom recommended, and when discharged, whether cured, relieved, or dead. 4. He shall prepare and compound the medicines prescribed by the physicians; but no medicines shall be dispensed to patients without written directions from the physicians. 5. He shall keep an inventory of all the utensils, chirurgical in- struments, and all other property belonging to the said Dispensary, and shall be accountable for the same. C. He shall record the medicines purchased, with the quantities of each, and the time of receiving them; and no medicines shall be pur" chased without a written order of one of the physicians, which order shall be kept by the druggist, and presented with his accounts. 7. He shall not be allowed to pursue any private medical practice. 8. He shall keep a diary of the weather. 9, All medicines shall be purchased in their simple state, and compounded by him. 10, The salary of the Apothecary shall be two hundred and fifty dollars. KINE POCK DEPARTMENT. The Institution for the Kine Pock, having transferred the duties of their establishment to the Dispensary, the following regulations have been adopted relative to this department. 1, For the purpose of conducting the practice of the kine pock inoculation with success, and for supporting a constant supply of the genuine infection, it shall be the duty of the physicians in rotation to attend at the Dispensary at 12 o’clock on Tuesday and Friday of every week, to vaccinate such persons as may be recommended; and to take and preserve infection from such as may have been previously vaccinated. 2. If in case of indisposition, or any other reasonable cause, the phy- sician shall be unable to attend at the Dispensary, he shall request some other physician of the institution to attend to that service. 3. The Physician shall keep a register at the Dispensary of ail the patients vaccinated, containing their name, number, age, place of resi- dence, by whom recommended, the source of the infection wherewith they are vaccinated, the date of the vaccination, the progress of the dis- ease, and tire result of the inoculation for small pox, if that should be performed, with such other remarks as may appear necessary. 4. The apothecary shall keep under the superintendence of the physicians, another book called the infection hook, in which shall be entered the names of those physicians who may obtain infection from this establishment, the day when they were supplied, and the number of the person from whom the infection was taken; and also the cash received for the same. 5. Every subscriber to the Dispensary shall be entitled to recom- mend persons for vaccination, iu the same manner as they are privileged In regard to other patients. 6. Every physician, being a subscriber to the Dispensary, shall be entitled, besides his privilege of recommending patients, to receive infection from this establishment. DUTIES OF THE TREASURER. The treasurer of the Dispensaiy, for the time being, shall keep a true and just account of all money received and paid by him f and he shall render such account to the trustees, to be audited and adjusted as often as they shall require. Every person who shall pay to the support of the Dispensary the sum of five dollars annually, shall be entitled to have two patients on the list of the Dispensary at one time, for the term of one year ; and for every two dollars and a half which shall be annually paid by any contributor, over and above five dollars per annum, such contributor shall be entitled to have one other patient on the Dispensary list; and every person who has contributed, or shall contribute fifty dollars to the Dispensary, and thereby become a member for life, shall be en- titled also to have two patients on the said list, at one time, during his life. PRIVILEGES OF SUBSCRIBERS. -ATTENDANCE AND DUTIES OF PATIENTS. 1. No person shall be admitted to the benefits of the New-York Dispensary without a certificate in writing signed by one of the con- tributors to the said Dispensary that such person is a proper object to be relieved; and further, that every person, having obtained such cer- tificate, shall bring or send the same to the Dispensary within the space 12 of two weeks from the date thereof, otherwise the said certificate shall not be received. 2. All and every of the patients shall conform to the directions and prescriptions of the physicians of the Dispensary, in regard to medi- cine, diet, and other matters necessary to their recovery; and shall take care of, cleanse, and return to the Dispensary, all phials, gallipots and utensils delivered to them, as soon as they have done with the same; and in case of neglect or disobedience, shall no longer be en- titled to the benefits of the Dispensary, unless a satisfactory excuse be made to the committee of visitation for such delinquency. 3. If any of the out patients shall continue absent from the Dispensa- ry for the space of two weeks, he or she, being so absent, shall be con- sidered as discharged, unless a reason shall be given by such absen patient, as in the judgment of one of the members of the said Monthly Committee, for the time being, shall be deemed satisfactory. Receipts and Expenditures for Hie year 1813. City Dispensary in account with Andrew Morris, Treasurer—lBl4. Dr. dis. ctf. To cash paid at sundry times, -- - ------- -- -- - 1,443 42 Balance due Dispensary, 203 59 1647 01 Ck. By amount of cash received from the Ist of January, 1813, to the 31st of December following, - ------------ 1525 By balance, - 122 Ol 1647 01 The committee appointed to examine the treasurer’s accounts, do certify that there is this day, the 31st of December, due by the treasurer to the City Dispensary, two hundred and three dollars and fifty nine cents. (Signed) JOHN WATTS, DAVID HOSACK, BENJAMIN W. ROGERS, Committee, Patients admitted during the year 1813 2,110: Of whom—l9ss were discharged, cured. 23 sent to the hospital. 6 sent to the alms house. 17 Relieved. 29 Died. 9 Eloped. 5 discharged as disorderly. 6 removed to the country. CO remain under attendance. 2UO 13 TnuUes of the Nen-York Dispensary elected frt the year 1814. MATTHEW CLARKSON, President. LEON ARD BLEECKER, DUNCAN P. CAMPBELL, ISAAC S. DOUGLAS, DR. DAVID HOSACK, AUGUSTINE H. LAWRENCE, EDMUND H, PENEDLETON, BENJAMIN W. ROGERS, EBENEZEB STEVENS, JOHN WATTS, DR. HUGH WILLIAMSON, FRANCIS B. WINTHROB, Jan. ANDREW MORRIS, Treasurer. PETER S. TOWNSEND, Secretary. DR. POST, DR. MOORE, DR. HOSACK, DR. SEAMAN. DR. J. A. SMITH, DR. JOHN WATTS. Consulting Physicians. Attending Physicians. DR. FAYETTE COOPER, DR. BENJAMIN R. ROBSON, DR. C, W. EDDY, DR. GUY C. BAYLEY, DR. JOHN C. CHEESMAN, DR. J. W. S. M‘KNIGHT. BENJAMIN P. AYDELOTT, Apothecary. DEVISE. Should any person be willing to make a devise of any sum of money to this institution, the following form of a donation is inserted for their direction. Item. I give tend bequeath to the Trustees of the Nov-York Dis- pensary, the sum of L. current money of the State of Nerv-York, to be by them applied to the humane purposes of that in- stitution. SUBSCRIBERS TO THE NEW-YORK DISPENSARY. A Atkinson, John, Aator, John I. Aspinwall John. Anthon, George C. Abbott, Robert, Jua. Adams, John, B. Bayard, William. Bleecker, Anthony L. Rleecker, Jjeouard, Bleecker, James, Bleecker, Anthony, Baehr, Christian, Broome, John, Barrow, Thomas, Barnwall, George, Babcock, Cortland, BrinckedioT P. & A. Buckley, Thomas, Baehr. Daniel, Burrall, Jonathan, Birch, Dr. .1 E. R. Burrowc.Dr. Samuel, Bruce, Dr. Archibald, Buchannan, Thomas, Brinckerhoff, Abraham, Bowne, John L. Bowne. Robert, Bowne, Walter, Ecacb, Rev. Dr. Boyd, James. Jim. Bowne. Robert H. Hell, Abraham, Bruen, Matthias, Blackwell, Joseph, Barker, Abraham, Beekman. Dr. Stephen, Bayard, William, Jna. C. Clarkson, Matthew, Clarkson, David M. Clarkson, Streatfield, Coles. John B. Campbell, Samuel. Campbell, Duncan P. Clinton, Dewitt, Corp, Samuel, Clark. Jun. Dr. John, Cargill. David, Corporation of the City, Carow, Isaac, Cairns, William, Cadle. Thomas, Clendening, John, Colt, Roswell L. Caldwell John £. Clough, J- B. POLS. 5 Carfcerry, Thomas, 5 Catlin, Dynde, 5 6 . B. 5 Denning, William, S Dash, John R. Dubois, Cornelius, Durian, Peier, 5 Dunham, David, 3 Disbrow, John, 5 Duryee, Richard, 5 Dunlap, Alexander 5 Duif, A. D. 5 Diederi-ks, J. F. 3 Dodj.e, David L. 5 Da >.s, George, 5 Dickey Robert, 5 Delapiasne. J. F. 5 3 Edgar, William, 5 Bills, John, 3 Kddy, Thomas, 5 Ely, Theodore, 5 Edgar, Jua. Wm. 5 F 5 Farmer, Thomas, 5 Few. William, ft Franklin, John, 5 Franklin, Matthew, ft Francis, Dr. John W. ft Fleming, John B. 5 Farquhar, Charles W. 5 Fish, W. f> . G< 5 Gracie, Archibald, 5 Glover, John I. Gosman; George, Gectney, Samuel, 5 Grant. John, 3 Grinnell, Cornelius, Jun. 5 Gosman, George W. Hunter, John. do;,a; »ol»- 5 Hyer, Cornelius, 4 6 Hendricks, Harman, 4 Hamereley, L. C. & T. 6 Haggerty, John. » 5 Homan, Ebenezer S. 5 5 Hone, Samuel, 4 5 Hamilton, A. * 5 Hogan. Michael, ft 6 Hartsborne, Wm. * 6 Kicks, Samuel, 4 6 Howard, Rheaa, 4 $ Heard, James, 4 4 Hoyt, G. 5 6 Hone, Pnilip, 4 5 Hamerely, Dr. Wm. 4 5 Kone, John, 4 * 5 J. Jones, Joshua, 4 Jacobs, Philip, 4 4 Jauncey, William, !» 5 Jones, Uev. Cave, 4 4 Joses, DavidS. 4 5 Jones, Samuel, Jun. 4 5 Jenkins, Sylvanus V. 4 K. * Kemble, Peter, 4 5 Kane, John, 4 5 Kane, Elias, 4 5 Kearney, John W. 4 5 Keese, John D. 6 5 King, Henry, 4 ft Kearney, Robert, 4 5 Kearney, Philip, 4 Kearney, Archibald K. S Kevan, Andrew & William, 5 5 ft L. 5 Ludlow, Daniel, 4 ft Ludlow, Gulian, ft 5 Livingston, Rev. J. H. ft 6 Livingston, John R. ft ft Lawrence, Richard R. ft S Lawrence, Isaac, 4 5 Ludlow. Charles, 5 ft Leake, John G. 4 5 Lynch, Dominick, 4 Le Roy, Herman, 4 Lorillard, George, 4 5 Lorillard, Jacob, 4 ft Lydia, David, 5 ft Lespenard, Leonard, 5 6 I'evoix, Charles, S 6 Elisha, 5 ft Lawrence, John I. 5 ft Ljvingston, Brockholst, 5 ft Lawrence, John B. ft 15 Le Roy. Jacob, Lloyd felagland, Little, Jonathan, Lorillard, Petsr, Lawrence, Richard M. Lawrence, Wm. Lawrence, Cornelius, Livingston, Wm A. Loomis, Lebbeus, Lynch, D. Jun. Lea, Sarah, Le Roy, Herman, Jun. Le Roy, Robert, Livingston, Daniel, Low, John, M. M‘Adams,Mrs. Ann, Mason, Rev, John M. M'Cormick, Daniel, Moore, Rev. Benjamin, Munro, Peter Jay, M‘Vickar, John, Moses, Isaac, Miller, Rev. Dr. Samuel, M‘Evers,-James, Morris, Andrew. Moore, Dr. William, Mesier, Peter A. M'Vickar, .Nathaniel, M‘Comb, Alexander, Murrav, John 13. Marselius. Theodore, Morton, Jacob, Myer, Casper, Mason, John, Mason, Robert, Jun. Marx, Asher, Mintura, Nathaniel G. Minturn, Wm. Mint urn, Jonas, Munn, Stephen B. Meyer, Theodore, M'Farlane, Henry, M'Adam, John & Co, 1 March