} X *»*«.»--v-£y>ii\%V ANATOMICAL CABINET, BELONGING TO R. D. MTJSSEY, M. D. Professor of Surgery in the Medical College of Ohio. PRINTED FOR THE USE OP PUPILS. /„ 1/ ','Kl/J.t -' tj4tl I u /r <>r ,%V^\ v >VS ^, \ v\ CATALOGUE OP XCTSETIM:. FRACTURES. Cranium and Face. 1. Fracture and ulceration of the cranium and cerv. vertebrae, by fall. Pat. lived 40 days. 2. Ditto with regeneration of bone after trephining by Desault. 3. " and depression from sabre cut with cure. 4. " of the bones of the face from sabre blow, cure. g" « « " gun shot, cure. 6! " with depression and enlarged frontal sinus. >7# « « of parietal bone. 8.' " of the frontal bone, gun shot. Of the Vertebrae. 1. Fracture of the sixth cervical. 2 " second and fourth ditto. See No. 1 cran. tract. 3.' Fracture, with adventitious joint of the arch of the fourth lumbar, 4. " with loss of the post, arch of the atlas. Of Ribs. 1. & 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 7. in two places. 21. and 22, with ulceration. 23. comminuted with agglutination of two ribs. Of Clavicle. 1. and 2, 3. 4. much displaced; adherent to scapula. Of Humerus. 1. and 2, with large callus. 3. and 4, with ulceration. 5. and 7, very oblique. 6. with hypertrophy. 8. with anchylosis of elbow-joint. 9 « and fract. of olec. process- 4 10. of the neck, with adven. joint. II. of the inter, condyle with lig. union. 12. of the anat. neck, with slender bony union. 13. oblique with hypertrophy. 14. with adven. joint. Pat. was able to bear heavy burdens. 15. comminuted, of a small animal, fragments at a distance, with bony union. Of the Bones of the Fore Arm- 1. of rad. and ulna. No. 2, of ulna. 3. comminuted of the infer, extrem. of rad. Of Metacarpal Bones. 1. of fore finger. No. 2, of mid. finger. Of Phalanges. 1. of the first bone of the thumb. Of Femur. WITHIN CAPS. LIG. 1. and 3, with bony union. 2. and 4, healthy femurs, corresponding to Nos. 1 and 3. 5. no union, partial absorption of neck. 6. " entire " " 7. at junction of head and neck. Adven. joint. 8. near the head, strong lig. union. Absorption of neck. 9. partial, with depression of head, bony consolidation. 10. " outward rotation, bony union, fragments never entirely separated. 11. 12 and 13, neck driven into cancel, tissue, division of troc. maj 14. " " " " with bony vege-- tation. 15. '* with comminution of troc. maj. no union. 16-