< ,\ f **} ■f ... ^^ ..j *• \v v^ * « «.• | 7o 1 ■/$ | 75 | 74 | 77 | 78 | 76 | 76 | 77 \ 76 | 77 M. 75 | 100 V. 78 p76 In five minutes, pulse somewhat fuller; thirty, slight flushing , in forty, pulse weak and soft; seventy, pulse much fuller. From these experiments, it appears, that the first effect of the Uva Ursi is slightly stimu- lant, but that the pulse soon begins to fall, and re- r 19 ] mains below its natural standard, both in fre- quency and fullness, for a considerable time. In this respect, our plant bears some analogy to Di- gitalis ; but between them there is still a vast dif- ference ; the Digitalis and most other medicines allowed to be powerful, exert an action on some particular part of the general system. The Uva Ursi, on the contrary, has no very considerable effect on the pulse ; it increases neither secre- tion nor excretion ; and, in fact, we might sup- pose it entirely inert,* were it not that we have, from many practitioners, the most positive proof to the contrary, from its efficacy in lithiasis, nephritis, gonorrhoea, and other diseases, which are next to be more particularly mentioned. &. III. OF THE USE OF UVA URSI IN DISEASES. BY what accident, and at what period, some unknown person first discovered the powers of this important medicine, would be difficult to say; nor shall we stop to inquire, whether this be the ***»y srxtpvyn of Galen, or the <$***? §£« of Dioscorides. It is sufficient for us to know, that the celebrated De Haen, of Vienna, was the first physician who has published any thing very valu- able on the subject. It was he who first directed the attention of the medical world to the use of the Uva Ursi in calculous affections. This was about the year 1756 ; since which time it has never been entirely forgotten, but too much neg- * I have known it to induce an uneasy tightness, with a sense c? weight, at the chest : "but this was in a gouty patient, who is liable to be similarly affected by the Peruvian bark. The fact may serve to point out some afSnity between the two medicines. B. S. Barton. [ 20 ] lected, though some of the German, Spanish and Italian physicians have praised it in very unqua- lified terms. In the United States it has become much better known as a medicine, since the suc- cessful practice of Doctor Barton induced him to recommend it very confidently to his class. The Doctor says, " this plant, from my own experi- ence, I can recommend to you as a most valuable medicine : it ought to be in the hands of every physician : I have used it with great advantage in old gonorrhoea. But its greatest virtue is that of a medicine in nephritis."* Dr. Ferriar, of Man- chester in England, cured twelve cases of this complaint out of sixteen, by giving it with mild cathartics. He used it in doses from five to ten grains, with half a grain of opium; larger doses, says the Doctor, produrefj^nansca and vo- miting ; but the preceding experiments show that it may be taken in a much larger quantity, without producing any disagreeable effect. Hence we suppose, that the nausea produced in Doctor Ferriar's cases, resulted from the combination of opium. The following cases and facts may tend to con- firm the efficacy of the Uva Ursi, in different diseases :—- Case I. E. B. aged nineteen, affected with gonorr- hoea of three weeks standing, was let blood and had a cathartic, was afterwards ordered a strong * Barton's Lectures on Materia Medica. [ 21 ] infusion of the leaves of Uva Ursi, in the quan- tity of one pint a day, which was continued about fifteen days, when the discharge ceased, nor did it again recur, II, P. M. aged forty, with gonorrhoea of four weeks continuance, was immediately put upon the use of the infusion : at the end of ten days, the medicine was discontinued, -and the patient completely cured. During the use of the medi- cine, he lost about twelve ounces of blood. III. M. B. aged forty-two. with gonorrhoea, took daily for about four weeks, half a pint of the in- fusion, and was cured without the assistance of any other medicine, IV. S. H. nineteen years of age, with gonorr- hoea, was ordered the infusion in the dose of four ounces, three times a day, for about two weeks, which had the effect of stopping the dis- charge, and the patient completely relieved. V. A, M. aged twenty-four, had a gonorrhoea for three weeks, and on application for relief, [ 22 J had a cathartic administered immediately, and then a strong infusion ordered to be taken in the quantity of one pint, daily, until the running ceased, which was on the 20th day. VI. E. A. aged eighteen, with a recent gonorr- hoea, otherwise in good health, was let blood and took a gentle cathartic; afterwards drank daily from half a pint to a pint of the infusion ; the same was used by way of injection; in two weeks the patient was entirely cured.* Dr. Barton' informs his class, that he has found the Uva Ursi extremely useful in old go- norrhoeas, which have resisted the ordinary modes of treatment, and in gleets of long standing. He particularly relates a case of gonorrhoea, which had continued for a very considerable length of time, and which he found it impossible to ma- nage by injections : for the mildest astringent injections never failed to induce a very distress- ing hernia humoralis. He put his patient upon the use of the Uva Ursi, and had the satisfaction of finding him entirely cured at the end of a few days. The patient took very large quantities of the medicine. The Doctor likewise relates some pases of nephritis, and one case of Catarrhus Vesicae, in which.he had employed our medicine, with much advantage. His experience leads him to believe, that it is peculiarly adapted to those cases of nephritis which have a gouty original. - * The chief of the above cases of gonorrhoea, I received from Dr, Shaw, late of the Alms'-house, Philadelphia, fcr which I beg him to ac- , cspt my siii-;re thanks. L 23 ] Doctor W i s t a r informs me, that several cases have come under his observation, in which the common symptoms of stone in the bladder were completely removed by the Uva Ursi. In one of these instances, an elderly gentleman who had been accustomed to an active life, confined himself to a chamber, for the purpose of writ- ing, for three months, and at the end of this period, found himself affected with a frequent irritation to discharge urine, attended with great pain, and bearing down at the end of the dis- charge, and frequent uneasiness of the glans pe- nis, although there was no appearance of di- sease in that part. These symptoms were slight at their commencement, but gradually increased until they were extremely severe. They were entirely removed by the use of a strong infusion of Uva Ursi, in doses of two ounces four or five times a day. I am also informed, that the late Mr. Lee, of the Pennsylvania Hospital, cured a stricture of the urethra, after bougies and other remedies had been used without effect; by giving the patient fifteen grains of the Uva Ursi three times a day. j. IV. ITS USE IN THE ARTS. Having no»v finished what we had to say on the analysis of the Uva Ursi, and on its use in disease, &c. we shall conclude this part of our subject with a few words relative to its use in the arts. Dr. Lewis believes, that it may be used with advantage as a dye, but cannot be substi- I 24 ] tuted for the Aleppo galls in making ink. He ac- knowledges that the colour is sufficiently bl. ck, but says that the iron is not properly suspended, and that on paper it has the appearance of char- coal diffused in water. Possibly he used the fresh leaves; for we did not observe such a precipitate, when the dried leaves were employed. I have at- tempted to make an ink by a variety of proces- ses : It is not necessary to mention the different experiments, as it is not likely it will ever come into general use. The simple decoction of the dried leaves changed by the oxy-sulphate of iron, was found to answer as well as any : at the end of six or eight days, a very handsome black ink was pro- duced. SECTION II. OF THE PYROLA. VV HAT we have mentioned in the preceding part of this essay, is sufficient to show, that the Uva Ursi is a medicine of considerable efficacy in some diseases, though it produces but little perceptible effect on the healthy system. That the disease of lithiasis, in which it is especially useful, is one of the most distressing to which the human kind is subjected, will be rea- dily acknowledged; and, therefore, to relieve it by- whatever means becomes an object of the high- est importance. The Uva Ursi is not a medicine which is al- ways successful. The bark does not always cure an intermittent; and, on this account, we are frequently under the necessity of changing it for other articles, which, perhaps, in general, are less powerful. Sydenham succeeded with flowers of camomile and alum, when every thing else had failed. Cullen used the powder of galls in com- bination with sulphate of alumine, under simi- D [ 20 ] Iar circumstances. To be possessed of a variety of forces, respectively adapted to different con- stitutions ; or auxiliaries, which may be called to our assistance when others have failed, is al- ways a desirable thing. We shall, therefore, offer a very few expe- riments on a vegetable nearly allied by its bota- nical affinities to the Uva Ursi : This is the Py- rola, and mere especially that species called by Linnseus, P. Umbcllata. Concerning the use of this vegetable in calculous affections, we can say nothing from our own experience ; but it will appear from the sequel, that it is not destitute of activity, and as there is such a striking analogy subsist- ing between a medicine which we have found so often to relieve; and this, which we have not tried, it is presumable, that it may succeed when the other is ineffectual; as certain astringent and bitter articles do after the exhibition of bark in intermittents. The Pyrola is comprehended in the same natural orders with the Arbutus (the Bicornes of Linnaeus and Erica of Jussieu.) The habits of the two plants are so very similar, that a descrip- tion of the one gives not the most imperfect idea of the other. In the sexual system, the Pyrola also falls into the tenth class and first order ; or Decandria, Monogynia. The following is the abridged character of the genus : [ 27 ] Col. 5 phyllus. Petala 5. Stigma 3 fidum. Caps. 3 locularis, 3 valvis. Six species of Pyrola are well known to bo- tanists. None of them, however, except the Ro- tundifolia, have as yet attracted the attention of physicians. All the species are natives of the United States, or at least of North-America, (if our umbellata is the same as the European, which there are some reasons to doubt.) As far as I know, the Pyrola maculata is the only species which is exclusively a native of our own coun- try. On this account, it seemed more entitled to our attention, and in this view I considered it till experiment convinced me to the contrary. And yet I may have been deceived ; the Dela- ware Indians, I have understood, call this spe- cies Poison Pippsissewa, in contra-distinction to; umbellata, which they call simply Pippsissewa. The word poison would seem to imply some- thing active, which, hitherto, we have not found in this species. The Umbellata is more nearly allied to the Uva Ursi, than either of the other species. It is called by different names in different places, such as winter-green, ground-holly, &c. The follow- ing description of the plant, is, perhaps, more comprehensive than what is to be met with in the common books of botany. PYROLA UMBELLATA. The root is long, creeping, sending off small ra- dicles or fibres, and is of a yellowish or herb- [ 28 ] aceous colour. When chewed, it has a strong, not unpleasant smell, and an agreeable, some- what aromatic and pungent, taste. The Stem. From the same root, there often arise several stems, which are nearly of the same colour as the root, but rather more green. The stem varies in height, from six to eight inches. The number of the leaves is very various. They are wedge-shaped, or narrowed towards the base, deeply sawed upon their edges, of a thick coriaceous consistence, and of a smooth and shining surface. Calyx. This is small, five-parted, and per- manent. Corolla. The petals are five in number, round- ish, concave, and spreading. They are white, or of a pale rose-colour, and have a most agree- able smell. Stamina. The filaments are ten, awl-shaped, and shorter than the corolla. The anthers are large, nodding, and two-horned upwards fbi- comes). Pistillum. The germ is roundish, angular, very viscous, and of a green colour. The style is permanent, and the stigma thickest. Pericarpium. This is a roundish, depressed, and pentagonal capsule, with the five cells gap- ing at the angles. Semina. The seeds are numerous and chaffy. [ 29 ] This species of Pyrola flowers, in Pennsyl- vania, and other middle parts of the United States, from the beginning to the middle, or twentieth of June, }. 1. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. ON repeating the experiments mentioned in No. I, when treating of the Uva Ursi, no differ- ence was observable in the distilled water, pos- sessing the same aroma, &c. The decoction struck a black colour with the sulphate of iron. There appears to be little or no difference in the quantity of astringency in the leaves, and in the stalks. I shall briefly relate a few of the experi- ments made, with a view of ascertaining the pro- portion of gum and resin contained in our vege- table. EXPERIMENT I. To half an ounce of the dried leaves of Py- rola Umbellata, finely powdered, I added alco- hol, and suffered them to stand for 24 hours, and at a moderate temperature, then filtered and evaporated to dryness. The residuum weighed 86 grains. C 30 ] EXPERIMENT II. By the addition of water to the matter re- maining on the filter after the above experiment, I obtained 19 grains of gum. EXPERIMENT III. To half an ounce of the same powder, as in the first experiment, I added water, and permit- ted it to stand the same length of time, and in the same degree of heat as before; the infusion was then filtered, and evaporated to dryness. The re- siduum weighed 48 grains. EXPERIMENT IV. From the remaining powder, by the addi- tion of alcohol, I procured 22 grains of resin. §. II. EXPERIMENTS ON THE HUMAN SYSTEM. THE experiments on the Umbellata, afford results not essentially different from the UvaUrsi; we shall briefly relate a few of them, together with two or three on the Maculata without fur- ther apology. [ 31 ] EXPERIMENT I. At half past ten o'clock, A. M. forty grains of the fresh leaves of the Pyrola Maculata, were given to William M. Walmsley. Pulse 80 strokes in a minute. Min. 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 35 | 40 [ 60 Puis. 80 | 80 | 80 f80T79 | 79 | 80 1 80 No increase either in fulness or force. EXPERIMENT II. Doctor A. Gregg, jun. took fifty-five grains of the same plant: The pulse during the whole experiment was neither increased in force, frequency or fullness ; nor was any other effect observable. Repetition afforded similar results. EXPERIMENT III. The same gentleman at half past one, took four grains of the fresh leaves of the Umbellata. Pulse 70. Mm. 5 | 10 | 15 I 20 Puis. 74 | »4 | S* | 75 At this time he took twenty grains more of the same : Min.25 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 | 55 1 60 | 65 1 70 1 75 | 90 | 105 | 120 Puls.76 | 79 1 76 1 74 1 71 | 71 | 70 | 65 | 00 1 0^ | 66 | 64 | 04 \ 00 In fifteen minutes felt a slight nausea at stomach; in twenty, after repeating the medi,- [ 32 ] cine, nausea stationary ; at one hundred, uneasy sensations in his bowels, and pulse somewhat weaker. EXPERIMENT IV. At 11 o'clock, A. M. he took twenty-five grains of the same plant. Pulse 72. Min. 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 40J50 | 60 J 70 | 80 | 90 Puis. 06 | 66 | 64 | 62 | 62 | 60 | 60 | 62 | 60 | 57 | 60 In ten, pulse fuller ; in seventy, pulse weak, and flowing with some dizziness in the head. experiment v. At 9, A. M. he took thirty grains. Pulse 76. Min. 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 [ 40 | 50 | 60 1 70 I 80 I 90 j 105 | 115 Puis. 70 | 7b | ,8 | HU | oO j 8U | To | ,v | ■ O | u \ IS | VZ | 70 | 70 In twenty minutes, pulse fuller and harder ; in forty, a slight head-ache. These experiments, as they were made up- on persons in health, or not affected with nephri- tic complaints, afford us no assistance in forming our judgment concerning its efficacy in diseases, especially of that kind ; nor can we collect from books, anv information on the subject. But that the plant is possessed of some activity may be fairly inferred; and we shall here subjoin a few observations relative to its use in other diseases, where its exhibition was attended with great ad- vantage. L 33 ] During the revolutionary war, when it fre- quently became necesary to substitute some of our own productions for almost every article of the Materia Medica that we had been accustom- ed to receive from foreign countries, the Pyrola Was used, with considerable effect, as a substi- tute for the bark, and other tonics. In the camp fever,* as I am informed, it was a common re- medy, and effected cures in many instances, where but little or no other medicine was admi- nistered. It is said to have acted very powerfully in inducing sweating. In Pertussis, or Whooping Cough, it is thought to be a very valuable medicine ; and if we may judge from its exhibition in a few cases, the opinion is well founded. As a remedy for gonorrhoea, were I per- mitted to judge from one case, in which the de- coction was used by way of injection, I should think it highly worthy of further trial. The pa- tient had laboured under gonorrhoea for some time, and the common injections were used with- out affording much relief; but on injecting the decoction, the discharge was lessened in a very short time. These cases still more certainly evince the powers of the Pyrola Umbellata ; and, there- fore, as it is so nearly allied to the Uva Ursi, we shall presume to suggest the proprietv of giving it a trial in lithiasis, when the Uva Ursi has fail- ed, or cannot be procured. Doctor Barton was informed by a respectable physician in East New- * This was a genuine malignant typhus. E [ ^ ] Jersey, that the Pyrola, of which I am speaking, was employed, with manifest advantage, " in the same cases" in which Uva Ursi has been found so useful. As an external application, we are told, it has fiequently been found beneficial in cases of sprains, bruises, &c. From an intelligent friend I have received the following information: Miss R......, a young lady, was very much bruised by some horses running over her : the bruises were immediately bathed with a strong decoction of the Pippsissewa in vinegar, and by the next morning the blackness was removed, and the skin had recovered its natural appear- ance. I am likewise informed,* that, during an at- tack of rheumatism, which he suffered, he was advised to apply the Pippsissewa. Accordingly, the bruised leaves, moistened with brandy, were laid on the affected part: this was in the even- ing, and by the next morning, complete vesica- tion was produced ; though, with very little alle- viation of the disease. Led by this fact, I was induced to apply a portion of the bruised leaves of the P. Maculata, wet occasionally with vinegar to one arm; at the same time and under similar circumstances, \ applied the P. Umbellata to my other arm. The former, however, I found to be as inert when • By Mr. G. Abbot, of this city. [ 35 j used in this way, as when internally given : the latter on the contrary produced a great deal of inflammation, which continued for six or eight days, accompanied with an intolerable itching in the part, and succeeded by desquamation. This was considerably different from the vesication produced by cantharides ; for, besides that the cuticle was very little raised with water, the in- flammation extended to a much greater distance round the part, and the next day the blister was circumscribed with an eruption, which continued to increase for some time, having very much the appearance of a ring-worm. Since making the above experiment, I have learned,* that several of our Indian tribes are in the habit of usi g another species of Pyrola, the P. Rotundifolia, for the purpose of inducing vesi- cation. I cannot conclude these pages, without acknowledging how much I am indebted to my ingenious friends Dr. Amos Gregg, jun. and Mr. Thomas Walmsley, my fellow graduate, for the kind assistance I have received from them in conducting several of the preceding experiments. * See Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol 3, page 105. THE END. Mta-.His't. MUl7e. I?03 <:•! « A 9M 'i^Sai # *% J ■ -.•' ,*