lb UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON, D. C. B19574 ■ ■ 7 CONSTITUTION, BYE LAWS, AND REGULATIONS, OF THE Massachusetts Medical Society\ INCORPORATED, A. D. x;8l. WITH A LIST OF THE OFFICERS AND FELLOWS, JANUART 1,4,0. x8o4. v--^gRAHV>^/ CSatleffofon: Priktsd B?r SAMUEL ETHERIJDGE, XS4R TBS SgBARJt, 1804. -• i r+ EXTRACTS o» svtu parts of th« ACT o» INCORPORATION «b the MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY, passed a.d. 1781, and of the ADDITIONAL ACT, passed a. d. 1789, AS ARE MOW IN FORCE, TOGETHER WITH AN ACT PASSED MARCH 2, 1803. Commonwealth of Maffachufetts, In the •Tear of our Lord, 1781. AN ACT To incorporate certain PHYSICIANS by the name of the MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. .A.S Health is effentially neceffary to thehap- pinefsoffociety ; and as its prefervation or recovery is clofely connected with the knowledge of the animal economy, and of the properties and effects of medi- cines ; and as the benefit of medical inftitutions, formed on liberal principles, and encouraged by the patronage of the Law, is univerfally acknoAvledged : 1. Be it therefore enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That Nathaniel Walker Appleton, William Baylies, Benjamin Curtis, Samuel Danforth, Aaron Dexter, Shirley Erving, John Frink, Jofeph Gardner, Samuel Holten, Edward Auguftus Holyoke, Ebenezer Hunt, Charles Jarvis, Thomas Kaft, Giles Crouch Kellog, John Linn, James Lloyd, Jofeph 4 Extract of Laws, Sfc. Jofeph Orne, James Pecker, Oliver Prefcott, Charles Pynchon., {faacllaod, IfaacRand, jun. Micaijah Sawyer* John Spragve, fen. Charles Stockbridge, John Barnard Swett, Cotton Tufts, John Warrep, Thomas Wellh, Jofeph Whipple, William Whiting, be, and they here- by are, formed into, conftituted, and made a body poli- tic and corporate, by the name of THF* MASS A* CHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY ; and that they and their fucceffors, and fuch other perfons as fhaU ~be elected in the manner hereafter mentioned, fhall be and continue a Body Politic and Corporate by the fame name for ever. \ 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaidx That the Fellows of faid Society, may authorife and empower their Prefident or fome other officer to ad- minifter oaths, for the well ordering anci good govern- ment of faid Society. 3. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Fellows of faid Society fhall have one common feal, and power to break, change and renew the fame at their pleafure. 4. And be. it enacted by the authority aforesaid^ That they, the Fellows of faid Society may fue and be fued in all actions, real, perfbnal, or mixed, and profe- cute and defend the fame unto final judgment and exe- cution, by the name of The Maffachufetts Medical Society. 6. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Fellows of faid Society fhall have full .power and authority to make and estact fuch Rules and Bye Laws Extract of Laws, &fc. 5 Laws fbr the better government of faid Society as are not repugnant to the Laws of this Commonwealth, and to annex reafonable fines and penalties to the breach of them, not exceeding the fum of twenty pounds, to be filed for and recovered by faid Society, and to their own ufe, in any Court of Record within this Commonwealth proper to try the fame. 10. And be it further enacted, by the authority afore- said, That the Fellows of faid Society may and fhall for ever be deemed capable in law of having, holding, and taking in fee fimple, or any lefs eftate by gift, grant, or devife or otherwife, any land, tenement, or other eftate, real or perfonal, provided that the annual income of the whole real eftate that may be given, granted, or devifed to, or purchafed by the faid Society, fhall not exceed the fum of two hundred pounds, and the annual income or intercft of faid perfonal eftate fhall not exceed the fum of fix hundred pounds; all the fums mentioned in this Act to be valued in filver at fix fhil- lings and eight pence per ounce ; and the annual income or intereft of the faid real and perfonal eftate, together with the fines and penalties paid to faid Society, or re- covered by them, fliall be appropriated to fuch purpofes as are confiftent with the end and defign of the inftitu- tion of faid Society, and as the Fellows thereof fhall determine. A. D. 1789. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That it fhall be the duty of the faid Maffachufetts Medical Society, in order more effectually 6 Lxract of Laws, bV. effe&ually to .v.fwcr the defigns of their inftitution, from timeto (i.v.--- to defcribe and point out fuch a medical inftruction or education as they fliall judge requifite for Candidates for the pra&ice of Phyfic and Surgery, pre- vious io their examination before them, or their officers appointed for faid purpofe, refpecting their fkill in their i rofefiion, and fhall caufe the fame to be publifhed in three newfpapers in three different counties within thi* Commonwealth : And every Candidate examined and approved by the Prefident and Fellows of the faid So- ciety, or fuch of their Officers or Fellows as they fhall appoint, fliall be held tq pay fuch reafonable fees of office as fhall be eftablifhed by the faid Society, for the ex- amination of Candidates and letters teftimonial in favour of fuch as fliall be approbated; and the Treafurer of the faid Society for the time being, fhall have full power and authority to fue for and recover the fame, in any Court proper to try the fame. And be it further enacted, That from and after pafling this Act, whenever the officers appointed for examining Candidates for the pradice of Phyfic and Surgery, fhall obftinately and unreafonably refufe to examine fuch as may apply therefor, refpecting their fkill in their profef- fion, the officers fo refufmg, fhall be fubject to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds nor lefs than twenty pounds, to be fued for and recovered by the Candidate injured, and to his own ufe, in any Court within this Commonwealth proper to try the fame. Commonwealth Extract of Laws, £sV. 1 Commonwealth of Maffachufetts, In the Year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and three. AN ACT, in addition to an Act, intitlcd" An Act, to incorporate certain Physicians, by the name of the Massachusetts Medical Society." WHEREAS, the Aa, intitled " An Act, to incor- porate certain Phyficians, by the name of the Maffachu- fetts Medical Society'' has been found in its operation, infufficient to effect the important and defirable pur- pofes, for which it was defigned. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the Fellows for the time being, of the faid Massachusetts Medical Society, in any meeting or meetings, to be called and holden for the purpofe, before the next annual meeting, fhall have au- thority to elect into that Corporation, and to be Fellows thereof, fuch and fo many fuitable perfons, being Phyfi- cians or Surgeons, refident within this Commonwealth, as they fhall fee fit, any thing in this A61, to which this is in addition, to the contrary notwithstanding. Provid- ed that all perfons fo elected, fhall within one year after fuch election, fublbribe the bye laws of the faid Society, or otherwife declare in writing their afTent thereto, or fuch election fhall be void. Sec 2. And be it further enacted, That at the next annual meeting of the Fellows of the faid Society, and afterwards 8 Extract of Laws, fefc. afterwards at every annual meeting thereof, there fhall be chofen by ballot, in which any abfent member may vote by his proxy, dirly authorized in writing fo many Counfellors as the faid Society fhall from time to time judge neceflary and expedient> who fhall hold their offices for the year next enfuing their election, and until another election of Counfellors in their place ; and the Fellows at their annual meetings, whenever fuch a number fhall be prefent, as the regulations of the Society may require, may revife, alter, enlarge and re- peal the Bye Laws of the (aid Society, as the major part of the Fellows prefent may fee fit, and not other- wife. Sec 3. And be it further enacted, That the Coun- cilors of the faid Corporation, and their fuccefrbrs after them, fhall affemble and convene, three times in the year, at fuch times and places, as the bye laws of faid Corporation fliall hereafter direct: Provided that the firft meeting be within thirty days after the annual meeting of the faid Society; and the did Counfellors (hall affemble and convene at any other times as the bye laws of the laid corporation fliall hereafter direct; and whenever notified to convene by their prefiding officer ; and the meetings of the faid Counfellors fhall be held in the town of Bofton, or as near thereto as may be ; and at the faid firft meeting of the Counfellors, after die annual meeting of the faid Society, the faid Coun* fellors fhall proceed to appoint from among themfelvesa Prefident, and fuch other officers of the faid Corpora*! tion, as are and fhall be required in the rules and bye laws thereof, to be fo appointed ; likewife five examin- ers Extract of Laws, &te. 0 crs or cenfors for the examination of all perfons, who having been ft i dents i;i M 'dicine and Surgery, agree- ably to the regal itions of the f.iid SjcLty, ilnil offer thetnielves to be approved and licenfed, as pr^ctifing Phyficians and Sirgeons, and the faid Councilors at any of the three ftated meetings of the fame, and only at thene meetings, and after three months nomination of every candidate, and not otherwiic, by a major vote of thofe prefent, may ele& any faitable perfon or perfons, to be a Fellow or Fellows of the faid Society : Provid- ed, that all pracYifing Phyficians and Surgeons, refident within this Commonwealth, who fliall be fo elected, fliall within one year after fuch election fabferibe the bye laws of the faid Society, or otherwife declare in writing their affent to the fame, or fuch election ihall be void ; and all perfons not praaifms Phyficians or Surgeons or not refident within this Commonwealth, who ihall be fo elected, may be deemed honorary members of the faid Society ; and at any meeting of the faid Counfellors, they may fill any vacant office, and perform any other duties, as the bye laws of the faid Corporation fliall direct. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That for the pur- pofe of examining Candidates as aforefaid, three at leaft of the examiners or cenfors, who fliall be appointed as aforefaid, lha 1 be convened in the town of Bolton, on the Thurfday next preceding the annual meetings of the faid Society, and at fuch other times and places as the bye laws of find Society fliall dire&, and every candidate who upon examination lhall be approved by a majority of the faid examiners, fliall be entitled to letters tefti- B ITlOiiiCil 1© Extract of Laws, &c. monial of tl.eir approbation, and of their liccnfe, to fuch candidate, to become a practitioner in medicine or furgery, under the hands of the examiners, confenting thereto ; and to fuch letters teftimonial, the feal of the faid Corporation, fliall be affixed by the Prefident or Secretary, if any there fliall be, with the fignature of the fame ,- and every perfon who* fliall receive the faid letters teftimonial, and fuch alfb as hereafter may be admitted to the degree of Bachelor in Medicine at Harvard Uni- verfity, fliall be entitled to the ufe of the Libraries of the Society, under fuch reftrictions as the Counfellors may direct; and after three years approved practice in medi- cine and furgery, and being of good moral character, and not otherwife, fhall upon application and fubfcribing the bye laws as aforefaid, be admitted a member of the faid Corporation while a refident practitioner of medi- cine or furgery within this Commonwealth. Sec 5. And be it further enacted, That the faid Counfellors upon the application of any five members of the laid Society, may eftablifh within fuch Diftri&s and portions of this Commonwealth, as they fliall think expedient, fubordinate focieties, and meetings, to confift of the Fellows of the faid Corporation refiding within fuch diftricts refpectively,wherein the communication of cafes and experiments may be made, and the diffufion of knowledge in medicine and furgery may be encourag- ed and promoted ; and the Counfellors aforefaid, upon application from fuch fubordinate focieties may appoint five examiners or cenfors, within fuch diftricts, who fliall be authorized and empowered to examine fuch candidates for the practice of phyfic and furgery, as fliall Extract of Laws, fcfc. 11 fhall prefent themfelves for fuch examination. And every candidate who upon examination ihall be approv- ed by a majority of the examiners or cenfors aforefaid, ihall be entitled to letters teftimonial, in the fame man- ner, as is provided in the fourth fection of this A6t. And the members of fuch fubordinate focieties fhall be holden, to report to the Counfellors of the general So- ciety, all fuch cafes as may be lllected for their import- ance and utility, and the faid fubordinate focieties Ihall be fubject to the regulations of the general Society, in all matters wherein the general Society, Ihall be concern- ed ; and the faid fubordinate Societies may appoint their own officers, and eftablifli regulations for their particu- lar government, not repugnant to the bye laws of the general Society ; and fhall be capable to purchafe and receive by donation, Books, Philofophical, and Chirur- gical Inftruments, or other perfonal property, and may hold and difpofe of the fame exclulively, of any authori- ty of the general Society. Sec 6. And be it further enacted, That all matters and claufes, contained in the Act aforefaid, to incorpor- ate certain Phyficians, by the name of the Massachu- setts Medical Society, which are contrary to the purview of this Act, fliall be, and they hereby are repealed. Sec 7. And be it further enacted, That the Fellows of the faid Corporation, fhall not be liable to be enrolled or muftered in the militia of this Commonwealth. March 8, 1803. By the Governor Approved, CALEB STRONG. BYIj BYL LAWS, AND REGULATIONS, OF THI Maffachufetts Medical Society. CHAP. I. OF THE SOCIETY. MEETINGS. Sec 1. 1 HE Society fhall meet annually on the fu ft Wednefday in June, at fuch hour and place as the Prcfident may appoint, by fourteen days notice, in at leafl two public papers. tiurr. Sec 2. They fhall firft proceed by ballot to the election of the Council agreeably to the Act of Incor- poration, and next attend to a difcourfe or diflertation on fome medical fubjtct, by a perfon to be appointed for that purpofe ; alfo to fuch communications as the Coun- cil fhall think proper to make, and to any other propo- fitions which may be thought conducive to the benefit cf the Society, or the general intercfts of Medical Science. CERTIFICATE. Sec 3. Every perfon elected a Fellow fince the 8th March, 1803 ; all who were elected previous to that time, Chap. I. Of the Society. 13 time, and have not declared their acceptance ; and all who fhall be hereafter elected, fliall be notified by the Corresponding Secretary, and ovi having acknowledged his acceptance according to law, fhall be furnifhed by the Reconiing Secretary, with a printed certificate in the following form. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Tins may Certify, that A B, of C, in the County of D, was elected a IVilovv of the Iv.aflkchuf.tts Medical Society, on the day of A. D, and is entitled to all the honors and privileges of the So- ciety. In tvftimony whereof, I have hereunto fet my hand, and caufed the Seal of the Society to be affixed, at the day of A. D. 18 . Prtfident. Atteft, Rec. Secretary. ASSESSMENT. Sec 4. Each Fellow of the Society fhall annually pay one dollar to the funds ; and no one fliall vote by proxy, but by written authority from the perfon he may reprefent. DISFRANCHISEMENT. Sec 5. No Fellow having complied with the Laws and Regulations, fhall be disfranchifed, but by the Sc ciety at their annual meeting. CHAP. [ 14 3 CHAP. II. OF THE COUNCIL. MEETINGS. Sec 1. 1 HE meetings of the Council fliall be on the day following the annual meeting of the Society, and the firft Thurfdays in October and February, at fuch hour and place as the Prefident may appoint, by fourteen days notice, in at leaft two public papers. Special meetings may be called in like manner by the Prefident, on an application in writing, by five members of the Council. Nine members fliall conftitute a quorum. ELECTION OF FELLOWS. Sec 2. Candidates for admiffion into the Society, whether refident or honorary, fhall be nominated in writing to the Council, by one or more of the Fellows, and the Council fhall at every ftated meeting examine and act upon the lift of nominations ; but no perfon fhall be balloted for the fame meeting at which he is propofed. GENERAL DUTIES. Sec. 3. The Council fhall occaiionally propofe fub- jects for the attention of the Fellows ; fuch as the hiftory of Epidemics, correct accounts of births and deaths, diaries of the weather, £ec. to be communicated for the ufe of the Society. They ihall receive all communications, and feltct fuch as are proper to be read at the meetings of the Society ; cr if they judge moft eligible, prepare fummaries of the contents of fuch papers, and of the moft important facts, improve- ments or difcoveries that nan have been communicated. DISCOURSE. Chap. II. Of the Council. 15 DISCOURSE. Sec 4. The Council fhall at the meeting in October, appoint a fuitable perfon to read a difcourfe or diflerta- tion, on fuch medical fubject as the one fo elected fhall choofe, before the Society at their annual meeting ; and in cafe the perfon thus chofen fhould decline the fervice, the Prefident with five of the Council may appoint another in his ftead. DISTRICT SOCIETIES. Sec 5. The Council may eftablifh Diftrict Societies, upon the application of fuch Fellows of the Society, as are properly located, and may appoint Committees to examine their records and proceedings. PUBLICATIONS. Sec 6. The Council may felecl and publifli fuch papers and proceedings as they think proper, and fhall ufe their beft endeavours to extend the credit and ufeful- nefs of the Society, fo far as the funds will admit. FINES, tiff. Sec 7. The Council may occafionally adopt regula- tions to fupply the place of eftablifhed ftatutes, may levy fuch fines as are neceflary to carry the laws into effect, and fliall in all their proceedings adhere to the interefts ef the Inftitution. CHAP, [ 16 j CHAP. III.—OF OFFICERS. ELECTION. Sec 1. TldERE fliall be a Prefiden% VicePref- idenr, a correfpmding and a recording Secretary, a Treafurer, a Librarian and Cabinet keeper, and five Cenfors ; who fhall be elected by ballot, at the meet- ing of the Council in June ; they may for fufficient rea- fons refign their refpective offices, and be fubject to re- moval for negl.-ct or inattention, but mult continue till others are chofen in their ftead. PRESIDENT. Sec 2. The Prefident fliall regulate debates, ftate and put queftions, call for reports of Committees, pre- ferve decorum at the meetings of the Society and Coun- cil, enforce an obfervance of the Laws and Regula- tions, keep and ufe on proper occafions the fcal of the Society, adminifter fuch oaths as are conforma- ble to the Inftitution, have a cafting vote in all meetings of the Society and Council, and perform fuch other du- ties as are affigned him. VICE PRESIDENT. Sec 3. The Vice Prefident, in cafe of the death, refignation, difability or abfence of the Prefident, fliall hold and exercile all the powers in the 2d. Sec. until a new choice of Prefident; and in the abfence of the Prefident and Vice Prefident, the Senior Counfel- lor prefent fhall prcfide in the meetings of the Society and Council. CORRESPONDING Chap. III. Of Officers. 17 CORRESPONDING SECRETART. Sec 4. The Correfponding Secretary fhall have the charge and cuftody of all Letters and Communica- tions to the Society and Council; fhall caufe fuch pa- pers to be tranflated into Englifh, as are written in tmy other language ; prepare and tranfmit anfwers to Correfpondents, in fuch language and form as the Coun- cil may direct; fhall as foon as poffible notify and tranfmit a copy of the bye laws to every perfon elected a Fellow of the Society, and perform fuch other fervice as may be affigned him. RECORDING SECRETART. Sec 5. The Recording Secretary fhall have charge of the Laws and Records of the Society and Council. Shall notify and attend the meetings of the Society, Council and Cenfors, and keep a fair record of their proceedings refpectively, which fhall be read at the opening of the fucceeding meeting. He fhall receive nominations of candidates for Fellowfhip, and immedi- ately after an election, tranfmit information and a copy of the bye laws to the Correfponding Secretary. He fhall receive applications from fuch as prefent themfelves for examination ; notify the chairman of all Committees, furnifh neceflary papers, with the names of the Com- mittee, and perform any other fervices which are af. figned him. PROVISIONAL. Sec 6. If at any time either of the Secretaries fhould be abfent, the one attending fliall perform the fervices of both, but fhall as foon as poffible arrange and deliver over the papers of their refpective departments. 18 Chap. III. Of Officers. COPIES, \$i. Sec 7. Attefted copies of papers and tranfactions may be fiirniflied by the Secretaries in their different ftations, with the confent of the Prefident, for which fuch fees may be demanded as the Council fhall eftab- Iilh. TREASURER. Sec 8. The Treafurer fhall give fecurity for the truft repofed in him, when the Council fhall judge re- quifite, and the funds of the Society will admit of a com- penfalion for his fervices. He fhall demand and re- ceive all moneys due to the Society, together with all bequefts and donations. He fliall, under the direction of the Council, purchafe, fell or leafe any eftate belong- ing to the Society, and execute the neceflary papers. He fliall in general have the care and management of the fifcal and pecuniary concerns of the Society, and !veep an accurate ftatement of all receipts and expendi- tures ; but no moneys fliall be paid but by an order from the Prefident, and the accounts fliall be examined and reported annually, by a Committee for that purpofe. LIBRARIAN. Sec 9. The Librarian and Cabinet keeper fhall have in his cuftody and charge, the Books, Mufeum Inftruments and Apparatus of the Society. He fhall keep an accurate regifter and arrange them in a proper manner; fhall make fuch difpofal of them, from time to time, as the Council may direct for the benefit of the Fellows, and make an annual ftatement of the bufinefs of his department to a Committee, who fliall report the fame to the Council. CENSORS" Chap. HI. Of Officers. 19 CENSORS' MEETINGS. Sec 10. The Cenfors fhall meet at fuch hour and place in the town of Bofton as the Prefident may ap- point, on the Thurfday next preceding the annual meet- ing of the Society; on the days following the .meetings of the Council in October and February, and on fpeciai occafions, when and where the Prefident by his written order may direct; for the examination of candidates for the practice of Phyfic and Surgery. Three fhall conftitute a quorum ; the Senior Cenfor fhall prefide; no member fhall be exempt from ferving in the office, except the Prefident and Vice Prefident, unlefs by a vote of the Council; and any Cenfor who fhall refufe or neglect to attend the meetings, m ithout a fatisflietory excufe to thofe who attend, fhall pay ten dollars, for the ufe of the Society. REQUISITES OF CANDIDATES. Sec. 11. No perfon fhall be admitted to a medical examination, but with the following qualifications. 1. He fhall have fuch an acquaintance with the Greek and Latin languages as are neceflary for a medical edu- cation, and with the principles of geometry and natural philofophy. 2. He fhall have ftudied three full years under the direction, and attended the practice of fome refpectable phyfician or phylicians ; during which time he fhall have read the moft approved authors in anato- my, physiology, chemistry, materia medica, surgery, and the theory and practice of physic. All which quali- fications, fhall be fatisfactorily certified by the phyfician or phyficians with whom he had ftudied ;, and fuch cer- tificate fhall be delivered by the Cenfors to the Record- ing Secretary to be filed. But an univerfity education, and 20 Chap. III. Of Officers. and an attendance on Medical Lectures, as they ar« taught in univerfities, are earneftly recommended to all defigned for the medical profeffion. CENSORS' DUTY. Sec 12. The Cenfors and Diftrict Cenfors fhall ex_, amine candidates in physiology, pathology, therapeutics^ and surgery. They fhall refpe£tively agree upon the mode of fuch examination, aud having approved a can- didate, fliall certify the fame to the Recording Secretary of the Society, who, en the receipt of ten dollars, to be paid to the Treafurer, for the ufe of the Society, fliaU record fuch certificate, and furnifh letters teftimonial, printed and completed in the following form. CERTIFICATE. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, We the fubferibers, Cenfors of the Maffachufetts Medical Society, duly appointed and authorized, have examined A B, of C, in the County of D, a candidate for the practice of phyfic and furgery, and having found him qualified, do approve and licenfe him as a practi, tiqner in medicine, agreeably to the law in that cafe made and provided. Dated at E, this day of A. B /-~\ FG. VEAI") HI. V KL. By virtue of the power in me veiled, I have hereunto affixed the feal of the Maffachufets Medical Society. QR. Prefident. Atteft, S T. Rec. Sec'y. CHAR { 21 ] CHAP. IV. OF DISTRICT SOCIETIES. MODE OF ESTABLISHMENT. Sec i. Applications for Diftria Societies Ihall be made in writing, ftating the extent of territory they are defigned to include, the number of Felloes of the Society within fuch limits aa are defirous of beqom. ing members, and the place where the meetings are propofed to be hekl. DUTT. Sec 2. Every Diftrict Society fliall tranfmit annu- ally to the Correfponding Secretary of the Society, a lift of their officers, and the originals, or copies of the com- munications on their files. CENSORS OF DISTRICTS. Sec 3. The Council may appoint Cenfors in fuch piftricts of the Commonwealth, to meet at fuph times and places, as in their judgment the intcrefts of medical Science may require ; but all candidates for examina- tion, having pafled their term of tuition, in the counties of Suffolk, Effex, Middlefex, Plymouth and Norfolk, (hall be examined by the Cenfors of the Society. RULE. Sec 4. No candidate fliall be examined by diftrict Cenfors, unlefs he was a regular ftudent, or has an eftab- ljfhed refidence within the limits of fuch, diftrict. -LETTERS 22 Chap. IV. Of District Societies* LETTERS TESTIMONIAL. S£c. 5. A certificate from the diftrict: Cenfors, found- ed on the provifions in Chap. III. Sections 11 and 12, fhall entitle the perfon by them approved, to letters tefti- monial, with their fignatures, in the form prefcribed. RULE. Sec. 6. Every Diftrict Society, fhall be furnifhedby the.Recording Secretary, with an attefted copy of the votes of the Council refpecting its eftablifliment; and fuch votes fhall be entered in their Records, preceding any other tranfactions. RULES [ 23 ] RULES AND ORDERS, TO SI OBSERVED AT MBftTINGS Of TIE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY, AND " COUNCIL. 1. 1 HE Prefident fhall not leave the chair, unlefs on fome urgent occafion, nor fpeak to any queftion with- out firft obtaining permiffion. 2. No member fhall fpeak in any debate, without rifing, and addreffing himfelf to the Prefident. 3. No member having fpoken once in any debate, fhall fpeak to the prevention of another, who has not fpoken, and manifefts a defire to fpeak. 4. Each member, as foon as he has done fpeaking fliall fet down. 5. No member fhall interrupt another while fpeaking, unlefs it be to call to order, or correct a miftake. 6. No member fhall fpeak to any matter after the queftion is put. 7. No motion fhall be confidered unlefs feconded. 8. No u Rules and Orders. 8. No member fhall nominate more than one perfori for the fame committee, provided the perfon by hirri nominated firft be chofen. 9. No vote fhall be reconfidered by a lefs number than were prefent at the paffing it. 10. No perfon fhall make any communications, re- fpecting the proceedings of the Society or Council, but finch as are proper to be known* LIST LIST OF FELLOWS. H B. Thore marked with an afteriflc are dead. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. Boston, * James Pecker, * Jofeph Gardner, Ifaac Rand, John Jeffries, Charles Jarvis, Lemuel Hay ward, * Samuel Adams, Thomas Kaft, David Townfend, John Warren, * Benjamin Curtis, William Euftis, * John Homans, Thomas Welfh, Aaron Dexter, * Nathaniel W. Appleton, Jofeph Whipple, * John Lynn, William Spooner, Abijah Cheever, John Fleet, u Boston, 26 List of Fellows. Boston, Salem, Newbury, Lynn, Gloucester, Salisbury, Haverhill, Andover, Beverly, Ifaac Rand, 3d. William Ingalls, Thomas Danforth, Samuel Brown, John G. Coffin, Samuel Hunt, jun. James Jackfon, Benjamin Shurtliff, John C. Howard, • John C. Warren. COUNTY OF ESSEX. Edward A. Holyoke, * Jofeph Orne, Benjamin L. Oliver, JohnD. Treadwell, Mofes Little, Thomas Piekman, Jofeph Ofgood. Charles Coffin, * John Flagg, James Gardner, William Coffin, Samuel Nye, James Brickett, Nathaniel Saltonftalt, * Jofeph Ofgood, Thomas Kitteridge, George Ofgood, Abiel Pearfon, Jofhua Fifher, Elifha Whitney, Danvc ±, Danvers, Newburyport, List of Fellows. Samuel Holten, * John Sprague, Micaijah Sawyer, * John B. Sweat, Nathaniel Bradftreet. 27 COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. Charlestown, Watertown, Medford, Cambridge, Concord, Reading, Groton, Sherburne, Weston, Pepperel, Jofiah Bartlett, Marfhall Spring, * Simon Tufts, John Brooks, *Ifaac Rand, * William Kneeland, * Edward Wyer, William Gamage, Timothy L. Jennifon, * John Cummings, Ifaac Hurd, John Hay, Oliver Prefcott, Oliver Prefcott, jun. Tapley Wyeth, Amos Bancroft, John Walton. COUNTY OF YORK. York, * John Swett, JCittery, * Daniel Peirce, Berwick, Richard Hazleton. COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE. Spring feld, * Charles Pynchon, Chauncey Brewer, North 28 List of Fellc North Hampton, Ebeneze* .nt, Charles I egars, Hadley, * Giles C. Keilog, Deerfield, William S. Williams, South Hadley, Elifha Dwight, Montague, Henry Wells, Belchertown, Martin Phelps, Worthington, Ezra Starkweather, West Springfield, John Vanhorn. COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH. Plymouth, James Thatcher, Nathaniel Hayward, Hingham, * Jofhua Barker, Daniel Shute, Thomas Thaxter, Scituatc, Charles Stockbridge, Cufliing Otis, Bridgwater, Noah Fearing, Hector Orr, Simeon Dunbar, Pembroke, Gad Hitchcock, jun. COUNTY OF BRISTOL. Taunton, David Cobb, Fofter Swift, Norton, Lewis le Prilette, Dighton, William Baylies, George Ware. COUNTY OF BARNSTABLE. Barnstable, * Abner Herfey, Samuel Savage, Sandwich, j List, of Fellow*. 29 Sandwich, Nathaniel Freeman, Jonathan Leonard. COUNTY OF DUKEs COUNTY. Chilmark, Matthew Mahew. COUNTY OF NANTUCKET. Nantucket, Roland Gilfton. COUNTY OF WORCESTER. Lancaster, Ifrael Atherton, Brookfield, Francis Foxcraft, Worcester, Thaddeus M'Carty, Oliver Fifk, John Greene, Rutland, John Frink, JohnFrink, jun. Uxbridge, Samuel Willard, Dudley, John E. Eaton, , Sturbridgc, Thomas Babbit. \ COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND. North Yarmouth, David Jones, Ammi Ruhamah Mitchel, Falmouth, Jeremiah Barker, Portland, Nathaniel Coffin, Aaron Kinfman. COUNTY OF LINCOLN. Georgetown, Thomas Rice, Wiscasset, Samuel Adams. COUNTY 30 List of Fellows. COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE. Stockbridge, Eraftus Sargent, Pittsfield, Timothy Childs, Great Barrington, * William Whiting, Williamston, Remember Sheldon, Richmond, Hugo Burghard, Lenox, Eldad Lewis. COUNTY OF NORFOLK. Roxbury, Thomas Williams, John Bartlett, Charles Windfhip, Weymouth, Cotton Tufts, Dedham, Nathaniel Ames, Milton, Amos Holbrook, Wrentham, James Mann. COUNTY OF KENNEBECK. Hallowell, Daniel Coney, Waterville, Mofes Appleton. HONORARY MEMBERS. * Jofliua Brackett, Portsmouth, N. H, * Hall Jackfon, Ammi Ruhamah Cutter, Menaffah Cutler, Hamilton, Mass. John Feron, Paris. # John Morgan, Philadelphia, Penn. Benjamin Rufh, William Shippen, Adam Kuhn, List of Fellows am* Counsellors. John Jones, New York. * Charles M'Knight, * Ebenezer Crofby, Blias Willard, Albany. William Paine, Salem, Mas. * Ebenezer Beardfley, New Haven, Con. Lemuel Hopkins, Hartford. John Orfborne, Middleton. John C. Lettfom, London, G. B. Pardon Bowen, Providence, R. I. * Ifaac Center, Newport. COUNSELLORS. Suffolk. Ifaac Rand, John Jeffries, Charles Jarvis, Lemuel Hayward, Thomas Kaft, John Warren, William Euftis, Thomas Welfli, Aaron Dexter, Jofeph Whipple, William Spooner, John Fleet, Thomas Danforth. Essex. Edward A. Holyoke, Micaijah Sawyer, Jofeph Fifhcr, Thomas Kitteridge, Benjamin L. Oliver. Middlesex. Marfhall Spring, Jofiah Bartlett, John Brooks, Ifaac Hurd. Hampshire. Ebenezer Hunt, Henry Wells. Maine. Daniel Coney, Nathaniel Coffin. Bristol. William Baylies, Plymouth. 32 List of Counsellors and Officers. Plymouth. James Thatcher, Gad Hitchcock. Barnstable and Nan- tucket. Samuel Savage. Worcester. Ifracl Atherton, Oliver Fifk, Thomas Babbit. Berkshire. Eraftus Sargeant. Norfolk. Cotton Tufts, Amos Holbrook, John Bartlett. OFFICERS. President, Ifaac Rand. » Vice President, John Warren. Censors, Lemuel Hay ward, Thomas Welfh, Aaron Dexter, Jofiah Bartlett, Jofeph Whipple. Treasurer, Thomas Kaft. Corresponding Secretary, Jofeph Whipple. Recording Secretary, Thomas Danforth. Librarian and Cabinet Keeper, John Fleet, Md..Hist. wz wo l?Of c.l