CONJECTURAL INQUIRY INTO THE RELATIVE INFLUENCE OF THE MIND AND STOMACH: AN INAUGURAL DISSERTATION. BY ELIAS MARKS, OF CHARLESTON, SOUTH-CAROLINA. *• There Is such a reciprocal connexion and consent between the particular Thoughts and Affections of the Mind and the Body, that a change in one will always produce a change in the other ” Boirhaaye. NEW-YORK: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY VAN WINKLE & WILEY. 1815. AN INAUGURAL DISSERTATION; BEING A CONJECTURAL INQUIRY INTO THE RELATIVE INFLUENCE OF THE MIND AND STOMACH: SUBMITTED TO THE PUBLIC EXAMINATION OF THE trustees of the college of physicians and surgeons. IN THE STATE OF NEW-TORN, SAMUEL BARD, M. D. PRESIDENT, < FOR The Degree of Doctor of Medicine, On the 2d