r€ si w--' ■ ■i hi.) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WASHINGTON, D.C. Bl9574 3695�3 W *# *V ~> % / ^' sV v 4 V*-Jfc O V MEDItA '^■•■-v^ ADVICE \' -*\ T O SEAMEN;1 WITH DIRECTIONS F O R A MEDICINE CHEST. ^$gHg&^g&®&S&8$S8M?* '■■v V £ W - L 0 N D 0 N : Printed *y SAMUEL GREEN* M,BC^XCV, [*J [#3 [#1 [«] [•] MM [#] 1*1 [*} C*3 H. MEDICAL ADVICE T O SEAMEN; Vf l T H DIRECTIONS FOR A ■II Ml *\.\»\ II r SEAFARING people are that clafs of mankind who are fuppcifed to. be in perfed health when they en- rol themfelves for any particular voyage or cruifc j not- withstanding their hardinefs, they are liable to many and numerous excruciating" maladies, during the profe- cution of their refpedive voyages to different parts of the world : Whatever, therefore has a tendency to meliorate, or render comfortable the fituation of the fick on board of vcfiels, muft be an acquifition truly important and ufeful to all navigators. I fhall -there- fore, by way of prefacer to the diredions for a fea medicine chefr, offer foiiW general outlines on the ap- pearance and management of the principal difeafes which occur to feamen in different voyages and places. It has been a common pradice to put up nirdicine 'chefts, with diredions conu&ning the dofes and viriLes-. •• i... . / jh article only. This cannot be of much fervice To the people, unlefs the mafter or prefcriber has a pre- vious knowledge of difeafes, or is a perfon of judgment fufficient to difcern the charader of the difeafe, and thereby judge what particular indication is beft fuited remove it. Many fick people at fea have fuffered much, and had their complaint prolonged, in confequence of a too frequent, and often oppofitc repetition of medicines ; this is in confequence of the fimilarity there is in the fymptoms of many difeafes, which, in their refpedive natures, arc diametrically oppofite, and which, without jfome general rule or guide, no man can make a necef- fary diftindion. The Ihort fyftem which I here pre- fent, will be brief and concife ; at the fame time con- taining an flluftration of circumftances, neceflary to mark the general charaderiftic, on which molt of the difeafes incident to feamen, depend. Whereby the mafter may know,on what grounds to prefcribe his me- dicines, and how he may judge of their effeds, and con- dud his applications through all the variety of fymp- toms that occur, in general difeafes. Sailors are very apt to be carelefs of their health, efpecially while in port, and expofe themfelves to every intemperance that can poflibly produce the occafional caufes of difeafes. It is therefore incumbent on the mafter to watch his people clofely, while under his care; and when fick, to make faithful inveftigation yefpeding their condud and habits, during a number of days before the arrival p£ the difeafe. ALL ^ ALL GENERAL DISEASES ARE DIVIDED INTO FOUR ORDERS, viz ;— FEVERS, INFLAMMATIONS, FLUXES, and DISEASES of WEAKNESS. ORDER I. F E V E R S. Fevers, comprehend all thofe difeafes which are attended with the following fymptoms; viz. the patient complains firft of a dull pain in the back and limbs, weaknefs of the joints, efpecially of the knees, a heavy pain, load, and difagreeable fenfations at the ftomach, with a natural averfion to move about or exercife; a yawning, ftretchlng, &c. fucceeded by flight cold chills, flying through the body, head ach, ficknefs at the ftomach, the eye looks dull and heavy, fometimes very red and prominent, a&the cold chill advances the (kin is pale and (hrivelled j thefe fymptoms are next fucceeded by heats throughout the body, with the ap- pearance of enlarged veins, quick, hard and laborious pulfe, ftriking from 70 to 100 ftrokes in a minute, fometimes \ fometimes the puHe feels frnall, quick a.n$ trembling ; ficknefs at the ftornach* fometirnes. occappos violent vo- mitings, and fometimes purgings ; the patient is uneafy and reftlefs, but complains of no particular pain except in the head, which fometimes occafions deliriums, a wiic!,,ef>, and incoherent fpeakjrig, pulling and hauling the bed cloaths, &c. Tliefe fymptoms continue 6 or 8 hoursj when they abate a little, but return again to- wn.is night with their former violence, and continue to obferve thefe periods until the 9th, nth, 14th, and fometimes run on to the 20th, and 24th day of the dif- eafe, before a folution terminates either in death or health. Thefe different periods of the difeafe'vary ac- cording to the climate, ftate of the patient's conftitu- tion, nature of the reigning difeafes of the place, and a variety of circumftinces which often iliorren or lengthen a fever : It is to be obfrrved that differenc people with different conftitutions will be differently affeded with the fame fever. Some are attacked with all the above mentioned (ymptqms, w. ifh violent vpmirings of black muter, and bleeding at the nofe, eyes and gums; others with the fame (aver, in the fagne place and veffel, have z\\\ thofe fymptoms mild, and a very clear head, with quiet ftomach and bowels ; others again are feised With violent heat and pains »a the hflad and bones, and con* untie in the greateft tortures two or three days, and dit fu-lden. Thefe laft circunfy&ances dapead on the man- ner of living ; to frequent inttatication, and being late out in night air fogs., lying on deck evenings j caroufing in hot, clofe houfes, and fuddenly going into the air; the nature of the prevailing ficknefs in port ; being in clofe, itill rivers, canals, marfhy places, &c. &c. Thefe are the general marks of contagious and epi- de:ni-J.d fevers, which fweep off fo many of our Arnefr ican fea:r.rn ; but fea.uen are liable to fevers from different cau^-s, as fuddyn colds, with ohftruded per- fpiration j 1 fpiration $ from a foul and weakened ftomach, baa £rovifiong, &c. tec. and many get fdvers from their own kcarelefihefs or negligence, as has been before mentioned ; but they are all cured much in the fame manner; va- rying the modes in proportion to the violent fymptoms of the fever prefent. METHOD of CURE. After, having examined the patient's conftitution, his habits of living, and the ftate of his .ftomach andl bowels 5 and whether thofe fymptoms mentioned above, are a&ualiy prefent, the judgment will didate what particular evacuation will be mOft proper. If the fick- nefs at ftomach, with vomiting of bile&is the moft pre- valent, it will be proper to give a vomit, No. i. and after the operation is finMJjgd, if the heat, thirft, quick pulfe, and fymptoms q£ fever continue to rage, blood . letting muft be had recowfe to, drawn freely, and re- peated as the fymptoms require, having regard to the robuft habit of the patient, &c. It is to be remem- v bered, that we cannof be too free with the lancet in > many climates, efpecially'.m the Weft-Indies, and in our fouthern ftates, among the fevers incident to thofe cli- mates ; after bleeding, a purge, No. 3. is to be given, and fhould it not operate largely, it muft be repeated again. Theft three general evacuations are only to be depended upon in the cure of fevers, aad muft be re- » peated as the fymptoms of fever and violence of the complaint indicate. For drink, the fever julep, No. 18. may be taken often, by mixing it with water, barley tea cold, beverage, lemonade water, or fifteen or twenty drops of No. 10. mixed with a pint of water, may be a f'» ) a drink conftantly? and is very proper in hot climates, where putrefadion is to be dreaded; crem. Tartar water, &c. The patient muft be kept cool, and fuffered to breathe pure air. If notwithstanding the exhibition of thefe general indications of vomiting, Heeding, purging, and cooling, the fever fhould run oft till it terminates in a putrid, diflblved ftate of the blood, which is known by an abate- ment of all pains or uneafinefs; a black, dry tongue, with a yellow ftreak acrofs the middle of it; ftinking breath, and weakening, clammy fwcats, hollow eyes, blood ftarting from the gums, nofe, bowels, and the recovery of his fenfesJ, you muft lay afide all thofe cool- ing medicines, and give freely of No. 4. No. 11. brandy, wine, and walh the patient freely in good fpirits and vinegar, keeping his cabin well ventilated, &c But in this ftage of the bufinefs it will be proper to have the advice of a phyfician. ORDER II. INFLAMMATIONS. Under this head are internet and external inflam^ mations : The internal are plenrtfyy quinfey, rheumatifm> gout, inflammation of the ftomach, bowels, kidnies, &c. &c. They are attended with the above fymptoms of fever, heat, quick and ftrong pulfe ; with a particular feated fevere pain in thofe parts, where the diforder fixes; at the fide in pleurify, throat in quinftes, &c. &c. All internal inflammations attended with fever, proceed from great and fudden colds, expofure to damp air when fwcated, t 9 ] fweated, and alfo drinking largely of cold water when warm, &c. &c. External inflammations are painful fwellings, with rednefs of the part, tending to encreafc to large tumors, and fuppuration. Internal inflammations are cured by blood-letting, purging with falts, No. 1. and powder, No. 3. drink- ing freely of barley and flaxfeed tea, crem. Tartar water, &c. External inflammations are cured by applying the mineral water, No. 16. and purging with falts and purging powder, No. 3. bleeding, and if the fwelling is fti.11 obftinate and increafes to maturate, poultices of indian meal, or bread and milk, muft be applied warm, and often repeated, till it is fit to J^e opened witfi a lancet. Such as Dyfentery, Chopra Morfais, Diarrbcea, or common'Loofenefs, &c. Dysentery or bloody JFnx, is cured by bleeding, if feverifb, purging with falts, No. %. fometimes taking a vomit, if fick at the ftomach; drinking freely of barley tea ; after the bowels are emptied, take twenty-five or thirty drops of No. 5. every night, and drink barley and toafted bread made into pafte, with rice plentifully faked. B „. Jfc-S- Cholera morbus is cured by immediately taking large draughts of chicken broth, and clyfters of the fame ; fometimes it will be proper to give a vomit, No. i. and if the vomiting and purging ftill continue, give thirty or forty drops of No. 5. A common loofenefs is often very falutary, therefore fnould never be flopped too fuddenly ; it may be cured by taking warm burnt brandy, with eighteen or twenty drops of No. 5. at going to bed. ORDER IV. DISEASES of WEAKNESS. Though thcyi%lqf4j^J&f quently occur at fea, yet many times feamen are""l%ble to lingering difeafes, which require fome of the miner's fkill; fuch as J"curvy, dropfical Jwettings, intermitting fevers, colics, rheuma- tifms without fever, jaundice, &C» Scurvy is cured by taking ten or fourteen drops of No. 10. in water, three times a^lay, eating fruit vege- tables, drinking lemonade, and if there are any fcurvy fores, and fpongy, they muft bj$ cut out with a lancet, and drefied with lint, and falve, No. 7. Dropfical fwellings are cured by fridion, taking bark, brandy, wine, and nourifhing diet; gentle ex- ercife, &c. Intermitting fever, commonly called fever and ague, is cured by taking a vomit, No. 1. and when the fever >s off, a tea fpoonful of bark every two hours, in randy, cVc. Colics [ " ] . N Colics are cured by taking clyfters, purging powders, ji No. 3. fomenting the belly with flannels wrung out of boiling water, and applied warm to the belly. Jaundice is cured by purging with No. 3. taking a pill of Caftile foap two or three times a day ; exercife; \ good diet, bitters, No. 11. bark, No. 4. brandy, \" wine, &c. Sudden maladies, as convulfion fits, fuppreflion of \ the urine, &c. often occur at fea ; the former requires thirty or forty drops of No. 5. every hour till relief; the latter, fomenting the belly and bladder, as in colic, drinking flaxfeed tea, crem. Tartar water, &c. &c. u Wounds ; fuch as cuts and bruifes, are to be treated with fome confiderable care : If an important part is cut deep, and large blood veffels are feparated, the bleeding muft be flopped by comprefling the hedges of the wound together, filling^twith lint, and if it bleeds much, cover it with lintJand -flour, and comprefs it clofe, letting the lint and flour remain on till the parts are united : It is befl: to few up an incifed wound, when it can be- dole. VENEREAL DISEASE. A simple gonorrhoea or running, without any taint £ in the blood, may be cured by taking a powder, No. 3. every other morning, till the patient has taken three ; by injecting fweet oil into the yard two or three times a day; this is highly recommende'. When the virus of the difeafc has entered the blood,. ,| and I 12 and occafioned fcaldings, fwellings, pains, &c. Sec. then the general cure is to be attempted : Let the patient firft be purged two or three times with falts, and pur- ging powders, No. 3. then begin and take a table fpoonful of No. 14. morning and evening. Let his diet be rather fpare, and to eat no falted or greafy pro- vifions; drink brandy and gin only ; and purge every fourth day till he is well, &c. Buboes, or fwellings in the groin, muft be carried away in their beginning, if pofiible ; rub on them at going to bed, the ointment, No. $. taking care not to get any cold, &c. ME DI- t '3 ] MEDICINES. No. I. VOMITS. Take one of thefe powders, and difTolve it in fix table fpoonfuls of cold water, then take four fpoonfuls down, and wait fifteen minutes ; if it does not then operate, take one fpoonful every fifteen minutes, till it does ; then work it off with warm water, and after the operation is over, take fifteen drops of No. 5. in fome toafl ; water. No. II. SALTS. Dose a table fpoonful to three dhTolvcd in water. _ .. &-' No. III. PURGING POWDERS. Take one of the^ mixed inmolafies or fyrup, drinking gruel only till it operates. No. IV. PERUVIAN BARK. Dose a tea fpoonful every two hours, in warm '/ water, wine, gin, or molaffes : Care muft be taken not to administer this in the paroxyfms of a fever. No. V. LAUDANUM. Dose from twenty-five to fixty drops, as the emergency of the cafe may require ; this med- icine is proper to procure fleep, reft and eafe from pains, to ftop l^ofenefs of the bowels, and good in cafes as before dire&ui. 1 No. [ *4 J No. VI. SMELLING DROPS. To be ufed and taken five or eight drops in water, when faint, in fevers, every three or four hours. No. VII. HEALING SALVE. To heal and digeft wounds or ulcers, having care to extirpate all proud fungus fiefti, by the ufe of No. ij. No. VIII. MERCURIAL OINTMENT To be rubbed in the groin, &c. as directed in venereal clifeafe ; good to kill lice, Sec. No. IX. TURLINGTON BALSAM. See the printed directions. No. X. fiLI^XIR VITRIOL. Dose from eight to ^fifteen drops three times a day ; befides its ufesTnentioned before, it is good to create an impaired appetite, ftrength- ening to the fyftem, &c. , No. XI. B I TT E R S. Two large table fpoonfuls of this put into a quart of good fpirit or brandy, make an excel- lent bitter; which is good to take after a fever, or to prevent the catching of fevers in fickly places ; to Strengthen the ftomach and bowels ; good in jaundice, dropfy, and all difeafes of weakness, &c. ;v No. XII. ENGLISH B ARLET. See fevers. A No. No. XIII. SPANISH FLIE S. Blisters are indicated in pleurifies; deliri- ums in fevers, after bleeding, and many other difeafes. Take a piece of leather, cloth, or brown paper, and fpread a plaifter with No. 7. and ftrew it over with thefe flies, and prefs it into the plaifter till it is covered, then rub the part with vinegar and apply the plaifter, and when it has railed a blifter, let it out, and keep on the plaifter till it has done running; after- wards drefs it with a thin plaifter of No. 7. No. XIV. VENEREAL POWDERS. When you wifh to cure the difeafe as before mentioned, take one of thefe powders and put it into one quart of brandy, or wine, and when dif- folved, take as before directed. -^ZV. B. Be care- ful that thefe powders (JSpHot get mi {placed, or taken inftead of vomit^No. 1. Death would be a confequence. /t/tT.tf'f'nt*, No. XV. cdEM. TARTAR. See fevers. |f No. XVI. MINERAL WATER, Is made thus : Take a half pint of pure wa- ter and drop of this into it. Shaking the water Until it becomes neltly as white as milk, then > ufe it as before dire^flfe No. XVII PRECIPITATE. To eat proud fiefti, 6cc. No. XVIII. FEiVER JULEP. Take one pint oi^fvater &nd put into it a powder, ?EiVE onvatc 4. [ i6 ] powder, No. i. and take a table fpoonful every two hours ; this is an excellent julep in the1 bil- , ious inflammatory fevers of the hot climates. AuEiori. S. I^RJL E E, v P HTSIGIAN. • A k ■ Medical Advicb in Phyfic and Sur- gery, particularly in the Venereal Difeafe, with good attendance, may be had of die fubferiber at Jiis houfe, oppofite Union* Bank, and Prin«p(g|pfTice: Where al^ are fold wholefale and retail, Drugs and Medicines, Surgeon's Inftruments, &q. Medicine Chefts for fea and families, put ' up with care and precifion, by t SAMUEL KI^EE, m. d. and APOTHEjDARY. New-London, (Connc&icxi,) '795. i er^vA j 'TV 20 eX-<^ /^rvt^ Aslant* '1l^s w? A N -iM medial & v ' -77* Ai^imi F.I.. 4 >*^4sL*4j C^^^C>< 0.0 *& ff. t-/ 4n WZ. mo LfSIm, m liilsF &M fflBl^ II s^s #tf P<; .■•>;.?.' I'& .!■■<*: :•<•■;) H$ ■y\-i: ■.H», MEDICAL TIBRARV